Class '°Pli4-i r?a2- Book c K2 COPyRIGHT DEPOSnV ^ SPEECH OF CHARLES DICKENS DELIVERED AT GORE HOUSE, KENSINGTON MAY 10, 1851 SPEECH OF CHARLES DICKENS ^^ DELIVERED AT GORE HOUSE, KENSINGTON. MAY 10. 1851 PRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT EXCLUSIVELY FOR MEMBERS OF THE BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY BOSTON. MDCDIX e® Copyrighted 1909, by THE BIBWOPHII^E SOCIETY AU Jits: his Reserved ©CI,A?5ISfl3 ^' The original MS. of the '^Dickens Speech" is owned by one of our members, Mr. Edmund D. Brooks, of Minneapolis. He has kindly prepared an introductory note and loaned the MS. to The Bibliophile Society to be printed for the members. The cost of issuing this pamphlet has been charged into general expense, and no direct charge is made to members therefor. The Council ■--.i FOREWORD The text of tMs Speech, as printed in the National Edition of Dickens's Works, pub- lished by Chapman and Hall, vol. 38, page 390, contains about eleven hundred words, while the original manuscript, now printed in full for the first time, contains nearly two thousand words. Aside from the new matter, the MS. di:ffers from the printed form in many essen- tial details, suggesting the conclusion that the After-dinner Speech of Dickens in pro- posing the toast "Lord Ashley and the Board of Health" was originally written out with much care, spoken extempore, and the speech as printed was taken from the reporter's account with no reference to the MS., which was probably not then available for printing. Throughout the printed speech the third person is used, as, '*0f what avail is it to send missionaries to the miserable man con- demned to work in a foetid court, with every sense bestowed upon him for his health and happiness turned into a torment, with every month of his life adding to the heap of evil under which he is condemned to exist"?" [5] The MS. is in the first person, as follows : ^'What avails it to send a Missionary to me, a miserable man or woman living In a foetid court where every sense bestowed upon me for my delight becomes a torment, and every minute of my life is a new mire added to the heap under which I lie degraded?" The MS. also contains many courteous phrases and humorous allusions, character- istic of the great novelist, which are entirely omitted in the printed version. And the new material furnished gives an interesting glimpse of the sanitary struggles with which modern London has wrestled. As is well known, Dickens felt a keen interest in any reform likely to benefit the condition of the poor, and was consequently the ardent champion of the various plans for the betterment of the sanitation of Lon- don, which began about 1840, and continued during his lifetime. The MS., consisting of fourteen closely written 8vo pages entirely in the handwrit- ing of Dickens, is superbly bound, by San- gorski and Sutcliffe, of London, in full dark green crushed levant, gold-tooled sides, leather joints, and silk fly-leaves. Edmund D. Brooks [6] A SPEECH DELIVERED AT GORE HOUSE, KENSINGTON, MAY 10, 1851 BY CHARLES DICKENS My Lord and Gentlemen: — I am placed in that peculiarly advan- tageous position for speaking, that I must either turn from the chairman or from the company. But, as the company includes that best and brightest part of all company, whose presence (I presume) we are sup- posed not to recognize on these occasions as we never address them — and, as I have abundant experience of the innate courtesy and politeness of my noble friend — I shall take the course which I am sure will be most agreeable to him, and turn to this assembly in general. Indeed, gentlemen, I have but a few words to say, either on the needfulness of Sanitary Reform, or on the consequent usefulness of the Metropolitan Sanitary Association. [7] That no one can estimate the amount of mischief which is grown in dirt ; that no one can say, here it stops, or there it stops, either in its physical or its moral results, when both begin in the cradle and are not at rest in the obscene grave, is now as certain as it is that the air from Gin Lane will be carried, when the wind is Easterly, into May Fair, and that if you once have a vigorous pesti- lence raging furiously in Saint Giles's, no mortal list of Lady Patronesses can keep it out of Almack's. Twelve or fifteen years ago, some of the first valuable reports of Mr. Chadwick and of Dr. Southwood Smith, strengthening and much enlarging my previous imperfect knowledge of this truth, made me, in my sphere, earnest in the Sanitary Cause. And I can honestly declare tonight that all the use I have since made of my eyes or nose, that all the information I have since been able to acquire through any of my senses, has strengthened me in the conviction that Searching Sanitary Reform must precede all other social remedies, and that even Edu- cation and Religion can do nothing where they are most needed, until the way is paved for their ministration by Cleanliness and [8] Decency. Am I singular in this opinion? You will remember the speech made this night by the Right Reverend Prelate, which no true Sanitary Reformer can have heard without emotion. What avails it to send a Missionary to me, a miserable man or woman living in a foetid Court where every sense bestowed upon me for my delight becomes a torment, and every minute of my life is new mire added to the heap under which I lie degraded? To what natural feeling within me is he to address himself? What ancient chord within me can he hope to touch? Is it my remembrance of my children? Is it a remembrance of distortion and decay, scrofula and fever? Would he address himself to my hopes of immortality? I am so surrounded by material filth that my Soul can not rise to the contemplation of an immaterial existence! Or, if I be a miser- able child, born and nurtured in the same wretched place, and tempted, in these better times, to the Ragged School, what can the few hours' teaching that I get there do for me, against the noxious, constant, ever-re- newed lesson of my whole existence? But give me my first glimpse of Heaven through a little of its light and air — give me water [9] — help me to be clean — lighten this heavy atmosphere in which my spirit droops and I become the indifferent and callous creature that you see me — gently and kindly take the body of my dead relation out of the small room where I grow to be so familiar with the awful change that even its sanctity is lost to me — and, Teacher, then I'll hear, you know how willingly, of Him whose thoughts were so much with the Poor, and who had compassion for all human sorrow! I am now, gentlemen, to propose to you as a toast a public Body without whose effi- cient aid this preparation so much to be desired, for Christianity at home, cannot be effected ; and by whom, if we earnestly desire such preparation, we must stand, giving them all the support it is in our power to render. I mean, the Board of Health. We have a transparent instance very near at hand of the mysterious arrangement that no great thing can possibly be done without a certain amount of nonsense being talked about it in the way of objection. Much as our respected friend the Ex-unprotected Female was confounded, at that family dinner party where we last heard of her by some alarming conversation respecting the [10] sparrows in Mr. Paxton's gutters, and the casks of gunpowder sent to the Great Expos- ition under the semblance of coffee, so, I dare say, it has been the fortune of most of us to hear the Board of Health discussed in various congenial circles. I have never been able to make out distinctly more than two objections to it: the first is expressed in a long word which I seem to remember to have heard pronounced with a sort of violent relish on two or three previous occasions — Centralization. Now, gentlemen, in the year before last, in the time of the cholera, you had an excel- lent opportunity of judging between this Centralization on the one hand, and what I may be permitted to call Vestrylization on the other. You may recollect the Reports of the Board of Health on the subject of cholera, and you may recollect the Reports of the discussions on the same subject at some vestry meetings. I have the honor — of which I am very sensible — to be one of the constituent body of the amazing Vestry of Marylebone ; and if you chance to remem- ber (as you very likely do) what the Board of Health did in Glasgow and other places, and what my vestry said, you will probably [11] agree with me that between tMs so-called Centralization, and tMs Vestrylization, the former is by far the best thing to stand by in an emergency. My vestry even took the high ground of denying the existence of cholera in an unusual degree. And although that denial had no greater effect upon the disease than my vestry's denial of the exist- ence of Jacob's Island had upon the Earth about Bermondsey, the circumstance may be suggestive to you in considering what Vestrylization is, when a few noisy little landlords interested in the maintenance of abuses, struggle to the foremost ranks ; and what the so-called Centralization is when it is a combination of active business habits, sound medical knowledge, and a zealous sjmipathy with the sufferings of the people. But, gentlemen, there is, as I have said, another objection to the Board of Health. It is conveyed in the shorter and less alarm- ing word — delay. Now, I need not suggest to you that it would surely be unreasonable to object to a first-rate chronometer, that it wouldn't go — when its owner wouldn't wind it up. Yet I cannot help thinking, I must plainly avow, that the Board of Health is in the parallel position of being excellently [12] adapted for going, and being very willing and anxious to go, but not being able to go, because its lawful master has fallen into a gentle slumber, and forgotten to set it a-go- ing. As a component particle of this asso- ciation wMch my Noble friend in the chair considers useful as a gentle stimulus to gov- ernments, I must take leave to say that I do not, and can not, consider the Board of Health responsible for delay in sanitary reforms. Lord Robert Grosvenor referred just now to Lord Castlereagh's favorite adage that you must never hallo until you are out of the Wood. It occurred to me that with a very slight addition that would be an excellent adage for all Sanitary Reform- ers : to-wit, that you must never hallo until you are out of the Woods — and Forests. If I may venture to make the remark under the presiding of my Noble friend, whom we were all so glad to see, and would all have been so happy to retain in those leafy regions, I would say that since the remote period when 'Hhe noble savage" ran wild there, some other Nobles — not savages by any means, but gentlemen of high accom- plishments and worth — have gone a little wild in the same districts and wandered [13] rather more languidly out of the direct path than is quite good for the public. You will of course understand that in saying this, I merely express my own individual misgiv- ings, but I will tell you why I entertain them. Considering the Report of the Board of Health on Intramural Interments to be one of the most remarkable social documents ever issued under any Government, and an honor to the country and the time, I cannot but believe that the Board of Health would have advanced a little quicker in the carry- ing out of the measure founded upon it but for some stoppage in the way above them which we don't clearly see. Re- membering the vigor and perspicuity with which they have indicated to us the chief Sanitary evils it is essential to remove, I cannot hold them responsible for the prolonged existence of those evils. As with omission, so with commission. Remembering how clearly they shewed us the advantages of a continuous sup- ply of soft water, and how they pointed out to us an abundant source of supply, I cannot cast upon them the blame of a measure which gives us only hard water. Remembering how they dwelt upon the [14] necessity of a combination of water-works, I cannot charge them with the injury of perpetuated separation. Remembering how they demonstrated to us that disease must lurk in houses founded over cesspools or built upon foundations saturated with cess- pool matter, I cannot hold them responsible for the maintenance of a system of drainage which does not remove these ills. And therefore, gentlemen, both for the good they have done, and for the good they may be fairly assumed to have had the will to do, but not the power, I commend the Board of Health to you as especially deserving and requiring the sympathy, the encouragement, and the support of the Metropolitan Sani- tary Association. I shall beg, in conclusion, to couple with the toast the name of a Noble Lord, one of its members, whose Earnestness in all good works no man can doubt, and who always has the courage steadily to face the worst and commonest of all cants ; that is to say, the cant about the cant of philanthropy and benevolence. I propose to you. Lord Ash- ley and the Board of Health. [15] The following is printed from the origi- nal MS., in the handwriting of Dickens, to whicJi is appended a note signed hy Mark Lemon, the editor of ^' Punch'' at that time. The MS. is now in the collection of Mr. Bixby: DREADFUL HARDSHIPS Endured by the Shipwrecked Crew of the London Chief for Want of Water In the deplorable condition cast away upon that desolate & frightful region called the Suburbs, the aspect of which might well appal the stoutest heart, our sufferings for want of water are scarcely to be imagined. Cleanliness, either in our persons or our huts or clothing, was totally impossible. All the water, if it may be called such, that we had was an intermittent and irregular leakage of liquid filth (into a small foul butt) tainted with every description of poisonous and putrescent matter, swarming with marine monsters, loathsome to the sight, odious to the taste, offensive to the smell. To aggra- vate our sufferings, a savage of a hostile tribe made his appearance among us regu- [16] larly once a quarter, derided our complaints and cruelly tomahawked some of our mis- erable companions. The name of the wretch was Waw Taw-Rate Col Lee Taw. How often did our thoughts revert to our dear civilized land and its freedom from such intolerable evils. — Journal of the surviving sufferers, (The only contribution of Charles Dick- ens to Punch, M. Lemon.) [17] HOY 29 190<:i irOPY HP TO C^T 0«V. NOV 80 1909 LBFe '10 ;/# Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: March 2009 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATIO^ 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111