-^mm ■A :'^:^y^''--^: .\',\\'.y,',sy- iii« mmmm yoim T. MMEf/M-. ^ y/y^: -mm . . . i I > « > » . I . • « I » » t D. C. Class ^ Book A cL I ^ K. C Class Book ^C "T^ - / ^ Class. ary ION, Book. PRESENTED BY 0-6 - Jv it .- - ^d. VL American ^tatc^mcn EDITED BY JOHN T. MORSE, JR. SEmmtan J>tatcsfmm JOHN QUINCY ADAMS J3A JOHN T.^ MORSE, JR. »i BOSTON HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street STJe Eiijersilie prcgg, CambriUffe 1892 »A ^•^ ^>' Copyright, 1882, By JOHN T. MORSE, Jit AU rights reserved. » * » • « 2%e Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A Printed by H. 0. Houghton & Company. r CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PASS Youth and Diplomacy 1 CHAPTER n. Secretary of State and President , . . 102 CHAPTER IIL In the House op Representatives .... 226 tLS'S'S. JOHN QUIFOY ADAMS. CHAPTER I. YOUTH AND DIPLOMACY. On July 11, 1767, in the North Parish of Braintree, since set off as the town of Quincy, in Massachusetts, was born John Quincy Adams. Two streams of as good blood as flowed in the colony mingled in the veins of the infant. If heredity counts for anything he began life with an excellent chance of becoming famous — non sine dis animosus infans. He was called after his great-grandfather on the mother's side, John Quincy, a man of local note who had borne in his day a distinguished part in pro- vincial affairs. Such a naming was a simple and natural occurrence enough, but Mr. Adams afterward moralized upon it in his character- istic way : — " The incident which gave rise to this circumstance is not without its moral to my heart. He was dying when I was baptized ; and his daughter, my grand- mother, present at my birth, requested that I might receive his name. The fact, recorded by my father 1 2 JORN QUINCY ADAMS. at the time, has connected with that portion of my name a charm of mingled sensibility and devotion. It was filial tenderness that gave the name. It was the name of one passing from earth to immortality. These have been among the strongest links of my attachment to the name of Quincy, and have been to me through life a perpetual admonition to do nothmg unworthy of it." Fate, which had made such good preparation for him before his birth, was not less kind in arranging the circumstances of his early train- ing and development. His father was deeply engaged in the patriot cause, and the first matters borne in upon his opening intelligence concerned the public discontent and resistance to tyranny. He was but seven years old when he clambered with his mother to the top of one of the high hills in the neighborhood of his home to listen to the sounds of conflict upon Bunker's Hill, and to watch the flaming ruin of Charlestown. Profound was the impression made upon him by the spectacle, and it was intensified by many an hour spent afterward ipon the same spot during the siege and bom- bardment of Boston. Then John Adams went as a delegate to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and his wife and children were left for twelve months, as John Quincy Adama says, — it is to be hoped with a little exaggerai JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 3 fcion of the barbarity of British troops toward women and babes, — " liable every hour of the day and of the night to be butchered in cold blood, or taken and carried into Boston as hos- tages, by any foraging or marauding detach- ment." Later, when the British had evacu- ated Boston, the boy, barely nine years old, became " post-rider " between the city and the farm, a distance of eleven miles each way, in order to bring all the latest news to his mother. Not much regular schooling was to be got amid such surroundings of times and events, but the lad had a natural aptitude or affinity for knowledge which stood him in better stead than could any dame of a village school. The follow- ing letter to his father is worth preserving : — Braintree, June the 2d, 1777. Dear Sir, — I love to receive letters very well, much better than I love to write them. I make but a poor figure at composition, my head is much too fickle, my thoughts are running after birds* eggs, play and trifles till I get vexed with myself. I have but \ust entered the 3d volume of Smollett, tho' I had designed to have got it half through by this time. I have determined this week to be more diligent, as Mr. Thaxter will be absent at 3ourt and I Cannot pursue my other Studies. T have Set myself a Stent and determine to read the 3d volume Half out. If { can but keep my resolution I will write again at the i JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. end of the week and give a better account of myself. I wish, Sir, you would give me some instructions with regard to my time, and advise me how to pro- portion my Studies and my Play, in writing, and I will keep them by me and endeavor to follow them. I am, dear Sir, with a present determination of grow- ing better. Yours. P. S. Sir, if you will be so good as to favor me with a Blank book, I will transcribe the most re- markable occurrences I mett with in my reading, which will serve to fix them upon my mind. Not long after the writing of this model epistle, the simple village life was interrupted by an unexpected change. John Adams was sent on a diplomatic journey to Paris, and on February 13, 1778, embarked in the frigate Boston. John Quincy Adams, then eleven years old, accompanied his father and thus made bis first acquaintance with the foreign lands where so many of his coming years were to be passed. This initial visit, however, was brief ; and he was hardly well established at school when events caused his father to start for home. Unfortunately this return trip was a needless loss of time, since within three months of their Betting foot upon American shores the two travellers were again on their stormy way back across the Atlantic in a leaky ship, which had tc land them at the nearest port in Spain. On# JOHN QUINC7 ADAMS. 5 more quotation must be given from a letter writ ken just after the first arrival in France : — Passt, September the 27th, 1778 Honored Mamma, — My Pappa enjoins it u] on me to keep a Journal, or a L^ary of the Events that happen to me, and of objects that I see, and of Characters that I converse with from day to day ; and altho' I am Convinced of the utility, importance and necessity of this Exercise, yet I have not patience and perseverance enough to do it so Constantly as I ought. My Pappa, who takes a great deal of pains to put me in the right way, has also advised me to Preserve Copies of all my letters, and has given me a Convenient Blank Book for this end ; and altho' I shall have the mortification a few years hence to read a great deal of my Childish nonsense, yet I shall have the Pleasure and advantage of Remarking the several steps by which I shall have advanced in taste, judgment and knowledge. A Journal Book and a let- ter Book of a Lad of Eleven yeax-s old Can not be expected to Contain much of Science, Literature, arts, wisdom, or wit, yet it may serve to perpetuate many observations that I may make, and may hereafter help me to recollect both persons and things that would other ways escape my memory. He continues with resolutions '* to be more thoughtful and industrious for the future," and reflects with pleasure upon the prospect that his scheme '' will be a sure means of improve- ment to myself, and enable me to be more 6 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. entertaining to you." What gratification must this letter from one who was quite justified ir signing himself her "dutiful and affectionate son " have brought to the Puritan bosom of the good mother at home ! If the plan for the diary- was not pursued during the first short flitting abroad, it can hardly be laid at the door of the " lad of eleven years " as a serious fault. He did in fact begin it when setting out on the aforementioned second trip to Europe, calling it A Journal by J. Q. A., From America to Spain. Vol. I. Begun Friday, 12 of November, 1779. The spark of life in the great undertaking flickered in a somewhat feeble and irregular way for many years thereafter, but apparently gained strength by degrees until in 1795, as Mr. C. F. Adams tells us, " what may be denominated the diary proper begins," a very- vigorous work in more senses than one. Con- tinued with astonishing persistency and faith- fulness until within a few days of the writer's ileath, the latest entry is of the 4th of January, 1848. Mr. Adams achieved many successes during his life as the result of conscious effort, lut the greatest success of all he achieved al- iC^ether unconsciously. He left a portrait ol JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 7 himself more full, correct, vivid, and picturesque than has ever been bequeathed to posterity by Rny other personage of the past ages. Any mistakes which may be made in estimating his mental or moral attributes must be charored to the dullness or prejudice of the judge, who could certainly not ask for better or more abundant evidence. Few of us know our most intimate friends better than any of us may know Mr. Adams, if we will but take the trouble. Even the brief extracts already given from his correspondence show us the boy ; it only concerns us to get them into the proper \\(Ait for seeinsj them accuratelv. If a lad of seven, nine, or eleven years of age should write Buch solemn little effusions amid the surround- ings and influences of the present day, he would probably be set down justly enough as either an offensive young prig or a prematurely de- veloped hypocrite. But the precocious Adams had only a little of the prig and nothing of the hypocrite in his nature. Being the out- come of many generations of simple, devout, intelligent Puritan ancestors, living in a com- munitv which loved virtue and souMit knowl- edge, all inherited and all present influences combined to make him, as it may be put in a iingle word, sensible. He had inevitably a nental boyhood and youth, but morally he \?a8 8 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. never either a child or a lad; all his leading traits of character were as strongly marked when he was seven as when he was seventy, and at an age when most young people simply win love or cause annoyance, he was preferring wisdom to mischief, and actually in his earliest years was attracting a certain respect. These few but bold and striking touches which paint the boy are changed for an infin- itely more elaborate and complex presentation from the time when the Diary begins. Even as abridged in the printing, this immense work ranks among the half-dozen longest diaries to be found in any library, and it is unquestion- ably by far the most valuable. Henceforth we are to travel along its broad route to the end ; we shall see in it both the great and the small among public men halting onward in a way very ditferent from that in which they march along the stately pages of the historian, and we shall find many side-lights, by no means color- less, thrown upon the persons and events of the procession. The persistence, fulness, and faith- fulness with which it was kept throughout so busy a life, are marvellous, but are also highly characteristic of the most persevering and in diistrious of men. That it has been preserved is cause not only f Dr thankfulness but for some lurprise also. For if its contents bad bee» JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 9 fimown, it is certain that all tlie public men of nearly two generations who figure in it would have combined into one vast and irresistible conspiracy to obtain and destroy it. There was always a superfluity of gall in the diarist's ink. Sooner or later every man of any note in the United States was mentioned in his pages, and there is scarcely one of them, who, if he could have read what was said of him, would not have preferred the ignominy of omission. Aa one turns the leaves he feels as though he were walking through a graveyard of slaughtered reputations wherein not many headstones show a few words of measured commendation. It is only the greatness and goodness of Mr. Adams himself which relieve the univei'sal atmosphere of sadness far more depressing than the mel- ancholy which pervades the novels of George Eliot. The reader who wishes to retain any comfortable degree of belief in his fellow-men will turn to the wall all the portraits in the gallery except only the inimitable one of the writer himselQ- For it would be altogether too discouraging to think that so wide an experi- ence of men as Mr. Adams enjoyed through his long varied and active life, must lead to such an unpleasant array of human faces as those which are scattered along these twelve big octavos. Fortunately at present we have to do with only 10 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. one of these likenesses, and tliat one we are able to admire while knowing also that it is beyond question accurate. One after another every trait of Mr. Adams comes out; we shall see that he was a man of a very high and noble character veined with some very notable and disagreeable blemishes ; his aspirations wer< honorable, even the lowest of them being more than simply respectable ; he had an avowed ambition but it was of that pure kind which led him to render true and distinguished serv ices to his countrymen ; he was not only a zealous patriot but a profound believer in the sound and practicable tenets of the liberal political creed of the United States; he had one of the most honest and independent natures that was ever given to man ; personal integrity of course goes without saying, but he had the rarer gift of an elevated and rigid political hon- esty such as has been unfrequently seen in any age or any nation ; in times of severe trial this quality was even cruelly tested, but we shall never see it fail ; he was as courageous as if he had been a fanatic ; indeed, for a long part of his life to maintain a single-handed fight m support of a despised or unpopular opinion seemed his natural function and almost exclu- sive calling; he was thoroughly conscientious fcnd never knowingly did wrong, nor evea jonN uuJNcr adams. 11 Bouglit to persuade himself that wi-ong was right ; well read in literature and of wide and v^aried information in nearly all matters of knowledge, he was more especially remarkable for his acquirements in the domain of politics, where indeed they were vast and ever growing; he had a clear and generally a cool head, and was nearly always able to do full justice to himself and to his cause ; he had an indom- itable will, unconquerable persistence, and in- 6nite laboriousness. Such were the qualities which made him a great statesman ; but un- fortunately we must behold a hardly less strik- ing reverse to the picture, in the faults and shortcomings which made him so unpopular in his lifetime that posterity is only just beginning to forget the prejudices of his contemporaries and to render concerning him the judgment which he deserves. Never did a man of pure fe and just })ur poses have fewer friends or hiore enemies than John Quincy Adams. His nature, said to have been very affectionate in his family relations, was in its aspect outside of that small circle singularly cold and repellent. If he could ever have gathered even a small personal following his character and abilities ivould have insured him a bHlliant and pro- onged success ; but, for a man of his calibre ind influence, we shall see him as one of the 12 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. most lonely and desolate of the great men ol history ; histinct led the public men of his time to range themselves against him rather than with him, and we shall find them fighting beside him only when irresistibly compelled to do so by policy or strong convictions. As he had little sympathy with those with whom he was brought in contact, so he was very unchar- itable in his judgment of them ; and thus hav- ing really a low opinion of so many of them he could indulge his vindictive rancor without stint ; his invective, always powerful, will some- times startle us by its venom, and we shall be pained to see him apt to make enemies for a good cause by making them for himself. This has been, perhaps, too long a lingering upon the threshold. But Mr. Adams's career in public life stretched over so long a period that to write a full historical memoir of him within the limited space of this volume is im- possible. All that can be attempted is to pre- sent a sketch of the man with a few of his more X)rominent surroundings against a very meagre and insufficient background of the history of the times. So it may be permissible to begin with a general outline of his figure, to be filled in, shaded, and colored as we proceed. At best our task is much more difficult of satisfactory achievement than an historical biography a the "ustomnry elaborate order. / y JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. !» During his second visit to Europe, our mature J^oungster — if the word may be used of Mr. Adams even in his earhest years — began to Bee a good deal of the world and to mingle in very distinguished society. For a brief period he got a little schooling, first at Paris, next at Amsterdam, and then at Leyden; altogether the amount was insignificant, since he was not quite fourteen years old when he actually found himself engaged in a diplomatic career. Francis Dana, afterward Chief Justice of Mas- jachusetts, was then accredited as an envoy to Russia from the United States, and he took Mr. Adams with him as his private secretary. Not much came of the mission, but it was a valuable experience for a lad of his years. Upon his re- turn he spent six months in travel and then he rejoined his father in Paris, where that gentle- man was engaged witli FrankHn and Jefferson in negotiating the final treaty of peace between the revolted colonies and the mother country. The boy " was at once enlisted in the service as an additional secretary, and gave his help to the preparation of the papers necessary to the completion of that instrument which dispersed all possible doubt of the Independence of his Country." On April 26, 1785, arrived the packet ship Le Courier de L' Orient, bringing a letter from 14 JOHN QUINCT ADAMS. Mr. Gerry containing news of the appointment of John Adams as Minister to St. James's. This unforeseen occarrence made it necessary for the younger Adams to determine his own career, which apparently he was left to do for himself. He was indeed a singular young man, not un- worthy of such confidence ! The glimpses which we get of him during this stay abroad, show hira as the associate upon terms of equality with grown men of marked ability and exercising important functions. He preferred diplomacy to dissipation, statesmen to mistresses, and in the midst of all the temptations of the gayest capital in the world, the chariness with which he sprinkled his wild oats amid the alluring gardens chiefly devoted to the culture of those cereals, might well have brought a blush to the cheeks of some among his elders, at least if the tongue of slander wags not with gross untruth concerning the colleagues of John Adams. But he was not in Europe to amuse himself, though at an age when amusement is natural and a tinge of sinfulness is so often pardoned ; he was there with the definite and persistent purpose of steady improvement and acquisition. At his age most young men play the cards which a kind fortune puts into their hands, with the reckless intent only of immediate gain, bu/ from the earliest moment when he began the JOHN QUJNCr ADAMS. 15 game of life Adams coolly and wisely husbanded every card which came into his hand, with a steady view to probable future contingencies, and with the resolve to win in the long run. So now the resolution which he took in the present question illustrated the clearness of his mind and the strength of his character. To go with his father to England would be to enjoy a life precisely fitted to his natural and acquired tastes, to mingle with the men who were making history, to be cognizant of the weightiest of public affairs, to profit by all that the grandest city in the world had to show. It was easy to be not only allured by the pros- pect but also to be deceived by its apparent advantages. Adams, however, had the sense and courage to turn his back on it, and to go home to tlie meagre shores and small society of iVew England, there to become a boy again, to enter Harvard College, and come under all its at that time rigid and petty regulations. It almost seems a mistake, but it was not. Already he was too ripe and too wise to blunder. He him- BCif gives us his characteristic and suflBcient reasons : — " Were I now to go with my father probably my immediate satisfaction might be greater than it will be in returning to America. After having been iravelling for those seven years almost and all ovei 16 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Europe, and having been in the world and among company for three ; to return to spend one or two years in the pale of a college, subjected to all the rules which I have so long been freed from ; and afterwards not expect (however good an opinion I may have of myself) to bring myself into notice under three or four years more, if ever ! It is really a prospect somewhat discouraging for a youth of my ambition, (for I have ambition though I hope its ob- ject is laudable). But still ' Oh ! how wretched • Is that poor man, that hangs on Princes' favors/ or on those of any body else. I am determined that so long as I shall be able to get my own living in an honorable manner, I will depend upon no one. My father has been so much taken up all his lifetime with the interests of the public, that his own fortune has suffered by it : so that his children will have to provide for themselves, which I shall never be able to do if I loiter away my precious time in Europe and shun going home until I am forced to it. With an ordinary share of common sense, which I hope I enjoy, at least in America I can live independent and free ; and rather than live otherwise I would wish to die before <^he time when I shall be left at my own discretion. I have before me a striking example of the distressing and humiliating situation a person ia reduced to by adopting a different line of conduct, and I am determined not to fall into the same error.'' It ia needless to comment upon such spiri* JOHN QUJNCY ADAMS. 17 and sense, or upon such just appreciation of what was feasible, wise, and right for him, as a New Englander whose surroundings and pros- pects were widely different from those of the society about him. He must have been strongly imbued by nature with the instincts of his birth place to have formed, after a seven years' ab- sence at his impressible age, so correct a judg- ment of the necessities and possibilities of his own career in relationship to the people and ideas of his own country. Home accordingly he came, and by assiduity prepared himself in a very short time to enter the junior class at Harvard College, whence he was graduated in high standing in 1787. From there he went to Newburyport, then a thriving and active seaport enriched by tho noble trade of privateering in addition to more regular maritime business, and entered as a law student the office of Theophilus Parsons, afterwards the Chief Justice of Massachusetts. On July 15, 1790, being twenty-three years old, he was admitted to practise. Immediately afterward he established himself in Boston, where for a time he felt strangely solitary. Clients of course iid not oesiege his doors in the first year, and he appears tc have waited rather stubbornly than cheerfully for more act- ive days. These came in good time, and during 2 18 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. the second, third, and fourth years, his business grew apace to encouraging dimensions. He was, however, doing other work than that of the law, and much more important in its bearing upon his future career. He could not keep his thoughts, nor indeed his hands, from public affairs. When, in 1791, Thomas Paine produced the " Rights of Man," Thomas Jefferson acting as midwife to usher the bant- ling before the people of the United States, Adams's indignation was fired, and he pub- lished anonymously a series of refuting pa- pers over the signature of Publicola. These attracted much attention, not only at home but also abroad, and were by many attributed to John Adams. Two years later, during the excitement aroused by the reception and sub- sequent outrageous behavior here of the French minister, Genet, Mr. Adams again published in the Boston " Centinel " some papers over the signature of Marcellus, discussing with much ability the then new and perplexing question of the neutrality which should be observed by thia country in European wars. These were fol- lowed by more, over the signature of Colum- bus, and afterward by still more in the name of Barnevelt, all strongly reprobating the course :>f the crazy-headed foreigner. The writer was not permitted to remain long unknown. It if JOHN ilUlNCY ADAMS 19 not certain, but it is highly probable, that to these articles was due the nomination which Mr. Adams received shortly afterward from President Washington, as Minister Resident at the Hague. This nomination was sent in to the Senate, May 29, 1794, and was unanimously confirmed on the following day. It may be imagined that the change from the moderate practice of his Boston law office to a European court, of which he so well knew the charms, was not distasteful to him. There are pas- sHg(^s in his Diary which indicate that he bad been chafing with irrepressible impatience " in tlmt state of useless and disgraceful insignifi eancy," to which, as it seemed to him, he was rel- egated, so tliat at the age of twenty-five, when " many of the characters who were born for the benefit of their fellow creatures, have rendered themselves conspicuous among their contempo- raries, ... I still find myself as obscure, as un- known to the world, as the most indolent or the most stupid of human beings." Entertaining Buch a restless ambition, he of course accepted the proffered office, though not without some expression of unexplained doubt. October 31. 1794, found him at the Hague, after, a voyage of considerable peril in a leaky ship, commanded "►y a blundering captain. He was a young dip- lomat, indeed ; it was on his twenty-seventh Sirthday that he received his commission. 2U JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. The minister made his advent upon a ta* multooiis scene. All Europe was getting under arms in the long and desperate struggle with France. Scarcely had he presented his cre- dentials to the Stadtholder ere tnat dignitary was obliged to flee before the conquering stand- ards of the French. Pichegru marched into the capital city of the Low Countries, hung out tlie tri-color and established the " Batavian Republic " as the ally of France. The diplo- matic representatives of most of the European powers forthwith left, and Mr. Adams was strongly moved to do the same, though for reasons different from those which actuated his compeers. He was not, like them, placed \n an unpleasant position by the new condition of affairs, but on the contrary he was very cor- dially treated by the French and their Dutch partisans, and was obliged to fall back upon his native prudence to resist their compromising overtures and dangerous friendship. Without givir.g offence he yet kept clear of entangle- ments, and showed a degree of wisdom and skill which many older and more experienced Americans failed to evince, either abroad or at home, during these exciting years. But he appeared to be left without occupation in the altered condition of affairs, and therefore was considering the propriety of returning, when ad JOHN QUINCY ADAMti. 21 7ices from home induced him to stay. Wash- ington especially wrote that he must not think of retiring, and prophesied that he would soon be " found at the head of the diplomatic corps, be the government administered by whomsoever the people may choose." He remained, there- fore, at the Hague, a shrewd and close observer of the exciting events occurring around him. industriously pursuing an extensive course of study and reading, making useful acquaint- ances, acquiring familiarity with foreign lan- guages, with the usages of diplomacy, and the habits of distinguished society. He had little public business to transact, it is true ; but at least his time was well spent for his own im- provement. An episode in his life at the Hague was hia visit to England, where he was directed to ex- change ratifications of the treaty lately nego- tiated by Mr. Jay. But a series of vexatioua delays, apparently maliciously contrived, de- tained him so long that upon his arrival he found this specific task already accomplished b}'^ Mr. Deas. He was probably not disap- pointed that his name thus escaped connection with engagements so odious to a large part of bhe nation. H3 had, however, some further business of an informal chai'acter to transact n^ith Lord Grenville, and in endeavoring to 22 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. conduct it found himself rather awkwardly placed. He was not minister to the Court oi St. James, having been only vaguely authorized to discuss certain arrangements in a tentative way, without the power to enter into any de finitive agreement. But the English Cabinet strongly disliking Mr. Deas, who in the ab sence of Mr. Pinckney represented for the time the United States, and much preferring to negotiate with Mr. Adams, sought by many indirect and artful subterfuges to thrust upon him the character of a regularly accredited minister. He had much ado to avoid, without offence, the assumption of functions to which he had no title, but which were with designing courtesy forced upon him. His cool and mod- erate temper, however, carried him successfully ilirough the whole business, alike in its social and its diplomatic aspect. Another negotiation, of a private nature also, he brought to a successful issue during these few months in London. He made the acquaintance of Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughter of Joshua Johnson, then American Consul at London, and niece of that Governor Johnson of Maryland who had signed the Declaration of Independence and was afterwards placed on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United >tates. To this lady he became engaged; ana JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 23 returning not long afterward he was married to her on July 26, 1797. It was a thoroughly happy and, for him, a life-long union. President Washington, toward the close of his second term, transferred Mr. Adams to the Court of Portugal. But before his departure thither his destination was changed. Some de- gree of embarrassment was felt about this time concerning his further continuance in public office, by reason of his father's accession to the Presidency. He wrote to his mother a manly and spirited letter, rebuking her for carelessly dropping an expression indicative of a fear that he might look for some favor at his father's hands. He could neither solicit nor expect any- thing, he justly said, and he was pained that his mother should not know him better than to entertain any apprehension of his feeling other- wise. It was a perplexing position in which the two were placed. It would be a great hard- ihip to cut short the son's career because of the success of the father, yet the reproach of nepo- tism could not be lightly encountered, even with the backing of clear consciences. Washington lame kindly to the aid of his doubting suc- :essor, and in a letter highly complimentary to Mr. John Quincy Adams strongly urged that well-merited promotion ought not to be kept h-om him, foretelling for him a distinguished 24 JOHN QUIIvvi ADAMS. future ill the diplomatic service. These repre- sentations prevailed ; and the President's only action as concerned his son consisted in chang- ing his destination from Portugal to Prussia, both missions being at that time of the same grade, though that to Prussia was then estab- lished for the first time by the making and con- firming of this nomination. To Berlin, accordingly, Mr. Adams proceeded in November, 1797, and had the somewhat cruel experience of being " questioned at the gates by a dapper lieutenant, who did not know, until one of his private soldiers explained to him, who the United States of America were." Overcom- ing this unusual obstacle to a ministerial ad- vent, and succeeding, after many months, in get- ting through all the introductory formalities, he found not much more to be done at Berlin thaa there had been at the Hague. But such useful work as was open to him he accomplished in the shape of a treaty of amity and commerce be- tween Prussia and the United States. This having been duly ratified by both the powers, his further stay seemed so useless that he wrote home suggesting his readiness to return ; and while awaiting a reply he travelled through some portions of Europe which he had not before Been. His recall was one of the last acts of his Eathei s administration, made, says Mr. Seward JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. "Zb * that Mr. Jefferson might have no embarrass- ment in that direction," but quite as probably dictated by a vindictive desire to show how wide was the gulf of animosity which had opened be- tween the family of the disappointed ex-Presi- dent and his triumphant rival. Mr. Adams, immediately upon his arrival at home, prepared to return to the practice of his profession. It was not altogether an agreeable transition from an embassy at the courts of Eu- rope to a law ojSice in Boston, with the neces- sity of furbishing up long disused knowledge, and a second time patiently awaiting the influx of clients. But he faced it with his stubborn temper and practical sense. The slender prom- ise which he was able to discern in the political outlook could not fail to disappoint him, since liis native predilections were unquestionably and strongly in favor of a public career. During his absence party animosities had been develop- ing rapidly. The first great party victory since the organization of the government had just been won, after a very bitter struggle, by the Re- publicans or Democrats, as they were then in- diiferently called, whos*^ exuoerant delight found its full counterpart in the angry despondency of the Federalists. That irascible old gentle- uan, the elder Adams, having experienced a rery Waterloo defeat in the contest for the Prea 26 JOHN aUlNCY ADAMS. Idency, had ridden away from the capital, actu- ally in a wild rage, on the night of the 3d of March, 1801, to avoid the humiliating pageant of Mr. Jefferson's inauguration. Yet far more fierce than this natural party warfare was the internal dissension which rent the Federal party in twain. Those cracks upon the surface and subterraneous rumblings, which the experienced observer could for some time have noted, had opened with terrible uproar into a gaping chasm, when John Adams, still in the Presi- dency, suddenly announced his determination to send a mission to France at a crisis when nearly all his party were looking for war. Perhaps this step was, as his admirers claim, an act of pure and disinterested statesmanship. Cer- tainly its result was fortunate for the country at large. But for John Adams it was ruinous. At the moment when he made the bold move, he doubtless expected to be followed by his party. Extreme was his disappointment and boundless his wrath, when he found that he had at his back only a fraction, not improbably less than half, of that party. He learned with in- finite chagrin that he had only a divided empire with a private individual ; that it was not safe for him, the President of the United States, tc originate any important measure without first consulting a lawyer quietly engasjed in th« JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 21 practice of his profession in New York; that, In sliort, at least a moiety, in which were to be found the most intelligent members, of the great Federal party, when in search of guidance, turned their faces toward Alexander Hamil- ton rather than toward John Adams. These Ilamiltonians by no means relished the French mission, so that from this time forth a schism of intense bitterness kept the Federal party asun • der, and John Adams hated Alexander Hamil- ton with a vigor not surpassed in the annals of human antipathies. His rage was not assuaged by the conduct of this dreaded foe in the presi- dential campaign ; and the defeated candidate always preferred to charge his failure to Ham- ilton's machinations rather than to the real will of the people. This, however, was unfair ; it was perfectly obvious that a majority of the nation had embraced Jeffersonian tenets, and that Federalism was moribund. To this condition of affairs John Quincy Adams returned. Fortunately he had been com- pelled to bear no part in the embroilments of the past, and his sagacity must have led him, while listening with filial sympathy to the inter- pretations placed upon events by his incensed parent, yet to make liberal allowance for the dis- torting effects of *Am old gentleman's rage. Still "t was in the main only ratural for him to re- 28 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. gard himself as a Federalist of the Adams fac* tioii. His proclivities had always been with that party. In Massachusetts the educated and well- to-do classes were almost unanimously of that way of thinking. The select coterie of gentle- men in the State, who in those times bore an ac- tive and influential part in politics, were nearly all Hamiltonians, but the adherents of President Adams were numerically strong. Nor was the younger Adams himself long left without his private grievance against Mr. Jefferson, who promptly used the authority vested in him by a new statute to remove Mr. Adams from the po sition of commissioner in bankruptcy, to which, at the time of his resuming business, he had been appointed by the judge of the district court. Long afterward Jefferson sought to escape the odium of this apparently malicious and, for those days, unusual action, by a very Jefferson- ian explanation, tolerably satisfactory to those persons who believed it. On April 5, 1802, Mr. Adams was chosen by the Federalists of Boston to represent them in the State Senate. The office was at that time still sought by men of the best ability and position, and though it was hardly a step up- ward on the political ladder for one who had I'epresented the nation in foreign parts for eight vears, vet Mr. Adams was well content to ao JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 2V» cept it. At least it reopened the door of p/> litical life, and moreover one of his steadfa*/ maxims was never to refuse any function whir ft the people sought to impose upon him. It is worth noting, for its bearing upon controver- sies soon to be encountered in this narrative, that forty-eight hours had not elapsed after Mr. Adams had taken his seat before he ventured upon a display of independence which caused much irritation to his Federalist associates. He had the hardihood to propose that the Federalist majority in the legislature should permit the Republican minority to enjoy a proportional representation in the council. ''It was the first act of my legislative life," he wrote many years afterward, " and it marked the principle by which my whole public life has been governed from that day to this. My proposal was unsuc- t?essful, and perhaps it forfeited whatever con- fidence might have been otherwise bestowed upon me as a party follower." Indeed, all his life long Mr. Adams was never submissive to the party whip, but voted upon every question precisely according to his opinion of its merits, without the slightest regard to the political company in which for the time being he might find himself. A compeer of his in the United States Senate once said of him, that he regarded «very public measure which came up as he BO JOHN QUINC7 ADAMS. would a proposition in Euclid, abstracted from any party considerations. Tliese frequent dere- lictions of his were at first forgiven with a magnanimity really very creditable, so long as it lasted, especially to the Hamiltonians in the Federal party ; and so liberal was tliis forbear- ance that when in February, 1803, the legis- lature had to elect a Senator to the United States Senate, he was chosen upon the fourth ballot by 86 votes out of 171. This was the more gratifying to him and the more handsome on the part of the an ti- Adams men in the party, because the place was eagerly sought by Tim- othy Pickering, an old man who had strong claims growing out of an almost life-long and verv ejB&cient service in their ranks, and who was moreover a most staunch adherent of Gen- eral Hamilton. So in October, 1803, we find Mr. Adams on his way to Washington, the raw and unattract- ive village which then constituted the national capital, wherein there was not, as the pious New Englander instantly noted, a church of any denomination ; but those who were relig- iously disposed were obliged to attend services " usually performed on Sundays at the Treasury Ofiice and at the Capitol." With what antici- Rations Mr. Adams's mind was filled during hi« murney to this embryotic city his Diary doei JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 81 not tell ; but if they were in any degree cheer- ful or sanguine they were destined to cruel disappointment. He was now probably to ap- preciate for the first time the fierce vigor of the hostility which his father had excited. In Massachusetts social connections and friendships probably mitigated the open display of rancor to which in Washington full sway was given. It was not only the Republican majority who Bhowed feelings which in them were at least fair if they were strong, but the Federal minority were maliciously pleased to find in the son of the ill-starred John Adams a victim on whom to vent that spleen and abuse which were so provokingly ineffective against the solid work- ing niMJority of their opponents in Congress. The Republicans trampled upon the Federalists, and the Federalists trampled on John Quincy Adams. He spoke seldom, and certainly did not weary the Senators, yet whenever he rose to his feet he was sure of a cold, too often almost an insulting, reception. By no chance or possibility could anything which he said or suggested please his prejudiced auditors. The worst augury for any measure was his support ; anv motion which ne m^ide was sure to be voted down, though not unfrr'quently substantially the same matter being afterward moved by lomebody else would be readily carried. That 32 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. cordiality, assistance, and sense of fellowshij which Senators from the same State customarily expect and obtain from each other could not be enjoyed by him. For shortly after his arrival in Washington, Mr. Pickering had been chosen to fill a vacancy in the other Massachusetts senatorsLip, and appeared upon the scene as a most unwelcome colleague. For a time, indeed, an outward semblance of political comradeship was maintained between them, but it would have been folly for an Adams to put faith in a Pickering, and perhaps vice versa. This position of his, as the unpopular member of an un- popular minority, could not be misunderstood, and many allusions to it occur in his Diary. One day he notes a motion rejected ; another day, that he has " nothing to do but to make fruitless opposition ; " he constantly recites that he has voted with a small minority, and at least once he himself composed the whole of that minority; soon after his arrival he says that an amendment proposed by him " will certainly not pass ; and, indeed, I have already Been enough to ascertain that no amendments of my proposing will obtain in the Senate aa now filled " ; again, " I presented my three resolutions, which raised a storm as violent as I expected " ; and on the same day he writes ' I have no doubt of incurring much censure JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 33 and obloquy for this measure ; " a day or two later he speaks of certain persons " who hate me rather more than they love any prhiciple ; '* when he expressed an opinion in favor of ratify- ing a treaty with the Creeks, he remarks quite philosophically, that he believes it "surprised almost every member of the Senate, and dis- satisfied almost all ; " when he wanted a com- mittee raised he did not move it himself, but suggested the idea to another Senator, for " I knew that if I moved it a spirit of jealousy would immediately be raised against doing any- thing." Writing once of some resolutions which he intended to propose, he says that they are "another feather again j perate and fearful canse barked, but I either a coward o| find a committee, making its report notified of its meeting. It would be idle to suppose that any man could be sufficiently callous not to feel keenly Buch treatment. Mr. Adams was far from callous and he felt it deeply. But he was not crushed or discouraged by it, as weaker spirits would have been, nor betrayed into any acts of foolish Jinger which must have recoiled upon himself. In him warm feelings were found in singular 3 34 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. combination with a cool head. An unyielding temper and an obstinate courage, an invincible confidence in his own judgment, and a stern conscienticmsness carried him through these earlier years of severe trial as they had after- wards to carry him through many more. " Tjie qualities of mind most peculiarly called for,'* he reflects in the Diary, " are firmness, per- severance, patience, coolness, and forbearance. The prospect is not promising ; yet the part to act may be as honorably performed as if success could attend it/' He understood the situation perfectly and met it with a better Bkill than that of the veteran politician. By a long and tedious but sure process he forced his way to steadily increasing influence, and by the close of his fourth year we find him taking a part in the business of the Senate which may be fairly called prominent and important. He was conquering success. But if Mr. Adams's unpopularity was partly due to the fact that he was the son of his fa- ther, it was also largely attributable not only to his unconciliatory manners but to more sub- stantial habits of mind and character. It ia probably impossible for any public man, really independent in his political action, to lead a very comfortable life amid the struggles of party Under the disadvantages involved in this habit JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. .^5 Mr. Adams labored to a remarkable degree. Since parties were first organized in tiiis Re- public no American statesman has ever ap- proached him in persistent freedom of thought, speech, and action. He was regarded as a Federalist, but his Federalism was subject to many modifications; the members of that party never were sure of his adherence, and felt bound to him by no very strong ties of polit- ical fellowship. Towards the close of his sen- atorial term he recorded, in reminiscence, that he had more often voted with the administra- tion than with the opposition. The first matter of importance concerning which he was obliged to act, was the acquisi- tion of Louisiana and its admission as a state of the Union. The Federalists were bitterly op- posed to this measure, regarding it as an undue strengthening of the South and of the slavery influence, to the destruction of the fair balance of power between the two great sections of the country. It was not then the moral aspect of the slavery element which stirred the northern temper, but only the antagonism of interests between the commercial cities of the North and the agricultural communities of the South. In the discussions and votes which took place in tills business Mr. Adams was in favor of the purchitse, but denied with much emphasis the 36 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. constitutionality of the process by which the purchased territory was brought into the fel lowship of States. This imperfect allegiance to the party gave more offence than satisfac' tion, and he found himself soundly berated in leading Federalist newspapers in New Eng- land, and angrily threatened with expulsion from the party. But in the famous impeach- ment of Judge Chase, which aroused very Btrong feelings, Mr. Adams was fortunately able to vote for acquittal. He regarded this measure, as well as the impeachment of Judge Pickering at the preceding session as parts of an elaborate scheme on the part of the Presi- dent for degrading the national judiciary and rendering it subservient to the legislative branch of the government. So many, how- ever, even of Mr. Jefferson's staunch adherents revolted against his requisitions on this occa- sion, and he himself so far lost heart before the final vote was taken, that several Repub- licans voted with the Federalists, and Mr. Ad- ams could hardly claim much credit with his party for standing by them in this emergency. It takes a long while for such a man to se- cure respect, and great ability for him ever to achieve influence. In time, however, Mr. Ad- ams saw gratifying indications that he was acv quiring both, and in February, 1806, we fina kim writing : — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 37 " This is the third session I have sat in Congress. I came in as a member of a very small minority, and during the two former sessions almost uniformly avoided to take a lead ; any other course would have been dishonest or ridiculous. On the very few and unimportant objects which I did undertake, I met at first with universal opposition. The last session my influence rose a little, at the present it has hith- erto been apparently rising." He was so far a cool and clear-headed judge, even in his own case, that this encouraging es- timate may be accepted as correct upon his sole authority witliout other evidence. But the fair prospect was overcast almost in its dawn- ing, and a period of supreme trial and of ap- parently irretrievable ruin was at hand. Topics were coming forward for discussion concerning which no American could be indif- ferent, and no man of Mr. Adams's spirit could be silent. The policy of Great Britain towards this country, and the manner in which it was to be met, stirred piofoiind feelings and opened Buch fierce dissensions as it is now difficult to appreciate. For a brief time Mr. Adams was to be a prominent actor before the people. It is fortunately needless to repeat, as it must ever be painful to remember, the familiar and too humiliating tale of the part which France ind England were permitted fcr so many years S8 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. fco play in our national politics, when our par- ties were not divided upon American questions, but wholly by their sympathies with one or other of these contending European powers. Under Washington the English party had, with infinite difficulty, been able to prevent their ad- versaries from fairly enlisting the United States as active partisans of France, in spite of the fact that most insulting treatment was received from that country. Under John Adams the same so-called British faction had been baulked in their hope of precipitating a war with the French. Now in Mr. Jefferson's second admin- istration, the French party having won the as- cendant, the new phase of the same long strug- gle presented the question, whether or not we should be drawn into a war with Great Britain. Grave as must have been the disasters of such a war in 1806, grave as they were when the war actually came six years later, yet it is impossi- ble to recall the provocations which were in- flicted upon us without almost regretting that prudence was not cast to the winds and any woes encountered in preference to unresisting submission to such insolent outrages. Our gorge rises at the narration three quarters of a :entury after the acts were done. Mr. Adams took his position early and boldly In February, 1806, he introduced into the Sen JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 39 ate certain resolutions strongly condemnatory of the right, claimed and vigorously exercised by the British, of seizing neutral vessels employed in conducting with the enemies of Great Brit- ain any trade which had been customarily pro- hibited by that enemy in time of peace. This doctrine was designed to shut out American merchants from certain privileges in trading with French colonies, which had been accorded only since France had become involved in war with Great Britain. The principle was utterly illegal and extremely injurious. Mr. Adams, in his first resolution, stigmatized it "as an un- provoked aggression upon the property of the citizens of these United States, a violation of *^their neutral rights, and an encvoachment upon their national independence." By his second resolution, the President was requested to de- mand and insist upon the restoration of proj> erty seized under this pretext, and upon indem- nification for property already confiscated. By a rare good fortune, Mr. Adams had the pleasure of seeing his propositions carried, only slightly modified by the omission of the words " to in- sist." But they were carried, of course, by Re- publican votes, and they by no means advanced their mover in the favor of the Federalist party. Strange as it may seem, that party, of which many of the foremost supDorters were engaged 40 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. in the very commerce which Great Britain aimed to suppress and destroy, seemed not to be so much incensed against her as against their own government. The theory of the party was, substantially, that England had been driven into these measures by the friendly tone of our government towards France, and by her own stringent and overruling necessities. The cure was not to be sought in resistance, not even in indignation and remonstrance addressed to that power, but rather in cementing an alli- ance with her, and even, if need should be, in taking active part in her holy cause. The feel- ing seemed to be that we merited the chastise- ment because we had not allied ourselves with the chastiser. These singular notions of the Federalists, however, were by no means the no- tions of Mr. John Quincy Adams, as we shall Boon see. On April 18, 1806, the Non -importation Act received the approval of the President. It was the first measure indicative of resentment or re- taliation which was taken by our government. When it was upon its passage it encountered the vigorous resistance of the Federalists, but received the support of Mr. Adams. On May 16, 1806, the British government made another long stride in the course of lawless oppression »f neutrals, which phrase, as commerce the* JOHN QUINCr ADAMS. 41 was, signified little else than Americans. A proclamation was issued declaring the whole coast of the European continent, from Brest to the mouth of the Elbe, to be under blockade. In fact, of course, the coast was not blockaded, and the proclamation was a falsehood, an un- justifiable effort to make words do the work of war-ships. The doctrine which it was thus en- deavored to establish had never been admitted into international law, has ever since been re- pudiated by universal consent of all nations, and is intrinsically preposterous. The British, however, designed to make it effective, and set to work in earnest to confiscate all vessels and cargoes captured on their way from any neutral nation to any port within the proscribed dis- trict. On November 21, next following, Napo- leon retaliated by the Berlin decree, so called, declaring the entire British Isles to be under blockade, and forbidding any vessel which had been in any English port after publication of his decree to enter any port in the dominions under his control. In January, 1807, England made the next move by an order, likewise in contravention of international law, forbidding to neutrals all commerce between ports of the enemies of Great Britain. On November 11, 1807, the famous British Order in Council was issued, declarmg neutral vessels and cargoes 42 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. bound to any port or colony of any country with which England was then at war, and which was closed to English ships, to be liable to capture and confiscation. A few days later November 25, 1807, another Order established a rate of duties to be paid in England upon all neutral merchandise which should be permitted to be carried in neutral bottoms to countries at war with that power. December 17, 1807, Napoleon retorted by the Milan decree, which declared denationalized and subject to capture and condemnation every vessel, to whatsoever nation belonging, which should have submitted to search by an English ship, or should be on a voyage to England, or should have paid any tax to the English government. All these regula- tions, though purporting to be aimed at neutrals generally, in fact bore almost exclusively upon the United States, who alone were undertak- ing to conduct any neutral commerce worthy of mention. As Mr. Adams afterwards remarked, the effect of these illegal proclamations and un- justifiable novel doctrines "placed the com- merce and shipping of the United States, with regard to all Europe and European colonies (Sweden alone excepted), in nearly the same state as it would have been, if, on that same 11th of November, England and France had both declared war against the United Statea JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 43 The merchants of this country might as well have burned their ships as have submitted to these deci'ees. All this while the impressment of American seamen by British ships of war was being vigor- ously prosecuted. This is one of those outrages 80 long ago laid away among the mouldering tombs in the historical grave-yard that few per- sons now appreciate its enormity, or the extent to which it was carried. Those who will be at the pains to ascertain the truth in the matter will feel that the bloodiest, most costly, and most disastrous war would have been better than tame endurance of treatment so brutal and unjustifiable that it finds no parallel even in the long and dark list of wrongs which Great Britain has been wont to inflict upon all the weaker or the uncivilized peoples with whom she has been brought or has gratuitously forced herself into unwelcome contact. It was not an occasional act of high-handed arrogance that was done ; there were not only a few unfortu- nate victims, of whom a large proportion might be of unascertained nationality. It was an or- ganized system worked upon a very large scale. Every American seaman felt it necessary to have a certificate of citizenship, accompanied by a description of his features and of all the marks upon his person, as Mr. Adams said, 44 JOHN aUINCY ADAMS. "like the advertisement for a runaway negro slave." Nor was even this protection by any means sure to be always efficient. The num- ber of undoubted American citizens who were seized rose in a few years actually to many thousands. They were often taken without so much as a false pretence to right ; but with the acknowledgment that they were Americans, they were seized upon the plea of a necessity for their services in the British ship. Some American vessels were left so denuded of sea- men that they were lost at sea for want of hands to man them ; the destruction of lives as well as property, unquestionably thus caused, was im- mense. When after the lapse of a long time and of infinite negotiation the American citi- zenship of some individual was clearly shown, still the chances of his return were small ; some false and ignoble subterfuge was resorted to ; he was not to be found ; the name did not occur on the rolls of the navy ; he had died, or been discharged, or had deserted, or had been shot. The more illegal the act committed by any British officer the more sure he was of reward, cill it seemed that the impressment of American citizens was an even surer road to promotion than valor in an engagement with the enemy Such were the substantial wrongs inflicted b^ Groat Britain ; nor were any pains taken tc JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 46 sloak their character ; on the contrary, they were done with more than British insolence and offensiveness, and were accompanied with insults which alone constituted sufficient prov- ocation to war. To all this, for a long time, nothing but empty and utterly futile protests were opposed by this country. The affair of the Chesapeake, indeed, threatened for a brief moment to bring things to a crisis. That ves- sel, an American frigate, commanded by Com- modore Barron, sailed on June 22, 1807, from Hampton Roads. Tlie Leopard, a British fifty- gun ship, followed her, and before she was out of sight of land, hailed her and demanded the delivery of four men, of whom three at least were surely native Americ^ms. Barron refused the demand, though his sliip was wholly unpre- pared for action. Thereupon the Englishman opened his broadsides, killed three men and wounded sixteen, boarded the Chesapeake and took off the four sailors. They were carried to Halifax and tried by court-martial for deser- tion : one of them was hanged ; one died in con- finement, and five years elapsed before the other two were returned to the Chesapeake in Boston harbor. This wound was sufficiently deep td arouse a real spirit of resentment and revenge, and England went so fat as to dispatch Mr Rose to this country upon a pretended mission 46 JOHN QUINC7 ADAMS. of peace, though the fraudulent character of hia errand was sufficiently indicated by the fact that within a few hours after his departure the first of the above named Orders in Council wag issued but had not been communicated to him. As Mr. Adams indignantly said, " tlie same pen- ful of ink which signed his instructions might have been used also to sign these illegal orders." Admiral Berkeley, the commander of the Leop- ard, received the punishment which he might justly have expected if precedent was to count for anything in the naval service of Great Britain, — he was promoted. It is hardly worth while to endeavor to measure the comparative wrongfulness of the conduct of England and of France. The be- havior of each was utterly unjustifiable ; though England by committing the first extreme breach of international law gave to France the excuse of retaliation. There was, however, vast dif- ference in the practical effect of the British and French decrees. The former wrought serious injury, falling little short of total destruction, to American shipping and commerce ; the lat- ter were only in a much less degree hurtful. The immense naval power of England, and the channels in which our trade naturally flowed combined to make her destructive capacity a? to\^ards us very great. It was the outrages in JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 47 flicted by her which brought the merchants of the United States face to face with ruin ; they suffered not very greatly at the hands of Na- poleon. Neither could the villainous process of impressment be conducted by Frenchmen. France gave us cause for war, but England seemed resolved to drive us into it. As British aggressions grew steadily and rap- idly more intolerable, Mr. Adams found himself straining farther and farther away from those Federalist moorings at which, it must be con- fessed, he had long swung very precariously. The constituency which lie represented w'as in- deed in a quandary so embarrassing as hardly to be capable of maintaining any consistent policy. Tlie New England of that day was a trading community, of which the industry and capital were almost exclusively centred in ship-owning and commerce. The merchants, almost to a man, had long been the most Anglican of Fed- eralists in their political sympathies. Now they found themselves suffering utterly ruinous treat- ment at the hands of those whom they had loved overmuch. They were being ruthlessly destroyed by their friends, to whom they had been, so to speak, almost disloyally loyal. They law their business annihilated, their property Beized, and yet could not give utterance to re- leiitment, or counsel resistance, without such a 18 JOHN aUINCY ADAMS. « humiliating devouring of all their own princi- ples and sentiments as they could by no possi- bility bring themselves to endure. There was but one road open to them, and that was the ignoble one of casting themselves wholly into the arms of England, of rewarding her blows with caresses, of submitting to be fairly scourged into a servile alliance with her. It is not sur- prising that the independent temper of Mr. Adams revolted at the position which his party seemed not reluctant to assume at this juncture. Yet not very much better seemed for a time the policy of the administration. Jefferson was far from being a man for troubled seasons, which called for high spirit and executive en- ergy. His flotillas of gunboats and like idle and silly fantasies only excited Mr. Adams's disgust. In fact, there was upon all sides a strong dread of a war with England, not always openly expressed, but now perfectly visible, aris- ing with some from regard for that country, in others prompted by fear of her power. Alone among public men Mr. Adams, while earnestly hoping to escape war, was not willing to seek that escape by unlimited weakness and un- bounded submission to lawless injury. On November 17, 1807, Mr. Adams, whc oever in his life allowed fear to become a mo- tive, wrote, with obvious contempt and indig JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 49 nation: ''I observe among the members great embarrassment, alarm, anxiety, and confusion of mind, but no preparation for any measure of vigor, and an obvious strong disposition to yield all that Great Britain may require, to pre- serve peace, under a thin external show of dig- nity and bravery." This tame and vacillating spirit roused his ire, and as it was chiefly mani- fested by his own party it alienated him from them farther tlian ever. Yet his wrath was so far held in reasonable check by his discretion that he would still have liked to avoid the peril- ous conclusion of arms, and tliough his impulse was to fight, yet he could not but recognize that the sensible course was to be content, for the time at least, with a manifestation of resent- ment, and the most vigorous acts short of wai which the government could be induced to un- dertake. On thid sentiment were based his in- troduction of the aforementioned resohitions, his willingness to support the administration, and his vote for the Non-importation Act in spite of a dislike for it as a very imperfectly satisfactory measure. But it was not alone his naturally in- dependent temper which led him thus to feel so differently from other members cf his party. In ilurope he had had opportunities of formmg a ^udgment more accurate than was possible for >aost Americans concerning the sentiments and 60 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. policy of England towards this country. Not only had he been present at the negotiations resulting in the treaty of peace, but he had also afterwards been for several months engaged in the personal discussion of commercial questions with the British minister of foreign affairs. From all that he had thus seen and heard he had reached the conviction, unquestionably cor- rect, that the British were not only resolved to adopt a selfish course towards the United States, which might have been expected, but that they were consistently pursuing the further distinct design of crippling and destroying American commerce, to the utmost degree which their own extensive trade and great naval authority and power rendered possible. So long as he held this firm belief, it was inevitable that he should be at issue with the Federalists in all matters concerning our policy towards Great Britain. The ill-will naturally engendered in him by this conviction was increased to profound in- dignation when illiberal measures were suc- ceeded by insults, by substantial wrongs in di- rect contravention of law, and by acts properly to be described as of real hostility. For Mr. Adams was by nature not only independent, but resentful and combative. When, soon after the attack of the Leopard upon the Chesapeake, h« heard the transaction " openly justified at noon JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 51 day," by a prominent Federalist,^ '' in a public insurance office upon the exchange at Boston,' his temper rose. " This," he afterward wrote, "this was the cause . . . which alienated me from that day and forever from the councils of the Federal party." When the new^s of that outrage reached Boston, Mr. Adams was there, and desired that the leading Federalists in the city should at once " take the lead in pro- moting a strong and clear expression of the sentiments of the people, and in an open and free-hearted manner, setting aside all party feel- ings, declare their determination at that crisis to support the government of their country." But unfortunately these gentlemen were by no means prepared for any such action, and fool- ishly left it for the friends of the administration to give the first utterance to a feeling which it is hard to excuse any American for not enter- taining beneath such provocation. It was the Jefferson ians, accordingly, who convened " an informal meeting of the citizens of Boston and the neighboring towns," at which Mr. Adams was present, and by which he was put upon a committee to draw and report resolutions. These resolutions pledged a cheerful coopera- tion " in any measures, however serious," which he government might deem necessary and a ^ Mr. Johu Lowell 52 JOHN QUINCY AD AM is. support of the same with '' lives and fortunes." The Federalists^ learning too late that their backwardness at this crisis was a blunder, caused a town meeting to be called at Fanueil Hall a few days later. This also Mr. Adams attended, and again was put on the committee to draft resolutious, which were only a little less strong than those of the earlier assemblage. But though many of the Federalists thus tar- dily and reluctantly fell in with the popular sentiment, they were for the most part heartily incensed against Mr. Adams. They threatened him that he should " have his head taken off for apostasy," and gave him to understand that he *' should no longer be considered as having any communion with the party." If he had not already quite left them, they now turned him out from their communit}^ But such abusive treatment was ill adapted to influence a man of his temper. Martyrdom, which in time he came to relish, had not now any ter- rors for him ; and he would have lost as many heads as ever grew on Hydra, ere he would hfwe yielded on a point of principle. y His spirit was soon to be demonstrated. Congress was convened in extra session on October 26, 1807. The administration brought forward the bill establishing an embargo. The measure may now be pronounced a blunder, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 53 fcnd its proposal created a howl of rage and ansruish from the commercial states, who saw in it only their utter ruin. Ah^eady a strong sectional feeling had been developed between the planters of the South and the merchants of the North and East, and the latter now united in tlie cry that their quarter was to be ruined by the ignorant policy of this Virginian Pres- ident. Terrible then was tlieir wrath, when t\\Qj actually saw a Massachusetts Senator boldly give his vote for wliat they deemed the most odious and wicked bill which had ever been present- ed in the halls of Congress. Nay, more, they learned with horror that Mr. Adams had even been a member of tlie committee whicli reported the bill, and that he had joined in the report. Henceforth tlie Federal party W'as to be like a hive of enraged hornets about the devoted ren- egade. No abuse whicli they could heap upon him seemed nearly adequate to the occasion. They despised him ; they loathed him ; they said and believed that he was false, selfish, designing, ri traitor, an apostate, that he had run away trom a failing cause, that he had sold himself. The language of contumely was exhausted in vain efforts to describe his baseness. Not even *^et has the echo of the hard names which he ;vas called quite died away in the land ; and here are still families in New England with 54 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. tvhom his dishonest tergiversation remains a traditional belief. Never was any man more unjustly aspersed. It is impossible to view all the evidence dis- passionately without not only acquitting Mr. Adams but greatly admiring his courage, hia constancy, his independence. Whether the em- bargo was a wise and efficient or a futile and useless measure, has little to do with the ques- tion of his conduct. The emergency called for strong action. The Federalists suggested only a temporizing submission, or that we should avert the terrible wrath of England by crawling be- neath her lashes into political and commercial servitude. Mr. Jefferson thought the embargo would do, that it would aid him in his negotia- tions with England sufficiently to enable him to bring her to terms ; he had before thought the same of the Non-importation Act. Mr. Adams felt, properly enough, concerning both these schemes, that they were insufficient and in many respects objectionable ; but that to give the administration hearty support in the most vigorous measures which it was willing to un- dertake, was better than to aid an opposition utterly nerveless and servile and altogether devoid of so much as the desire for efficient action. It was no time to stay with the partj of weakness ; it was right to strengthen rathe? JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 55 than to hamper a man so pacific and spiritless as Mr. Jefferson ; to show a readiness to forward even his imperfect expedients ; to display a united and indignant, if not quite a hostile front to Great Britain, rather than to exhibit a tame and friendly feeling towards her. It was for these reasons, which liad already controlled his action concerning the non-importation bill, that Mr. Adams joined in reporting the em- bargo bill and voted for it. He never pre- tended that he himself had any especial fancy for either of these measures, or that he regarded them as the best that could be devised under the circumstances. On the contrary, he hoped that the passage of the embargo would allow of the repeal of its predecessor. That he expected Bome good from it, and that it did some little good cannot be denied. It did save a great deal of American property, both shipping and mer- chandise, from seizure and condemnation ; and if it cut off the income it at least saved much of the principal of our merchants. If only the bill had been promptly repealed so soon as this protective purpose liad been achieved, without awaiting further and altogether impossible ben- efits to accrue from it as an offensive measure, ^ might perhaps have left a better memory be- hind it. Unfortunately no one can deny that it Iras continued much too long. Mr. Adams saw 56 * JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. khis error and dreaded the consequences. Aftei he had left Congress and had gone back to pri- vate Hfe, he exerted all the influence which he had with the Republican members of Congress to secure its repeal and the substitution of the Non-intercourse Act, an exchange which was in time accomplished, though much too tardily. Nay, much more than this, Mr. Adams stands forth almost alone as the advocate of threaten- ing if not of actually belligerent measures. He expressed his belief that " our internal re- sources [were] competent to the establishment and maintenance of a naval force, public and private, if not fully adequate to the protection and defence of our commerce, at least suflBcient to induce a retreat from hostilities, and to deter from a renewal of them by either of the war- ring parties ; " and he insisted that " a system to that effect might be formed, ultimately far more economical, and certainly more energetic," than the embargo. But his " resolution met no en- couragement." He found that it was the em- bargo or nothing, and he thought the embargo was a little better than nothing, as probably it was. All the arguments which Mr. Adams ad- Vvxnced were far from satisfying his constituents in those days of wild political excitement, and ^hey quickly found the means of intimating theii JOHN QUI NOT ADAMS. 57 nnappeasable displeasure in a way certainly not open to misapprehension. Mr. Adams's term of service in the Senate was to expire on March 3, 1809. On June 2 and 3, 1808, anticipating by many months the customary time for filling the coming vacancy, the legislature of Massachusetts proceeded to choose James Lloyd, junior, his successor. The votes were, in the Senate 21 for Mr. Lloyd, 17 for Mr. Adams; in the House 248 for Mr. Lloyd, and 213 for Mr. Adams. A more insulting method of administering a re- buke could not have been devised. At the same time, in further expression of disapprobation, resolutions strongly condemnatory of the em- bargo were passed. Mr. Adams was not the man to stay where he was not wanted, and on June 8 he sent in his letter of resignation. On the next day Mr. Lloyd was chosen to serve for the bal- ance of his term. Thus John Quincy Adams changed sides. The son of John Adams lost the senatorship for persistently supporting the administration of Thomas Jefferson. It was indeed a singular spectacle ! In 1803 he had been sent to the Senate of the United States by Federalists as a Federalist; in 1808 he had abjured them and they had repudiated him in 1809, as we are Boon to see, he received a foreign appointment (rem the Republican President Madison, and 58 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. was confirmed by a Republican Senate. Many t)f Mr. Adams's acts, many of his traits, have been harshly criticised, but for no act that he ever did or ever was charged with doing has he been so harshly assailed as for this journey from one camp to the other. The gentlemen of wealth, position, and influence in Eastern Massachusetts, almost to a man, turned against him with virulence ; many of their descend- ants still cherish the ancestral prejudice ; and it may yet be a long while before the last mut- terings of this deep-rooted antipathy die away. But that they will die away in time cannot be doubted. Praise will succeed to blame. Truth must prevail in a case where such abundant evidence is accessible ; and the truth is that Mr. Adams's conduct was not ignoble, mean, and traitorous, but honorable, courageous, and dis- interested. Those who singled him out for assault, though deaf to his arguments, might even then have reflected that within a few years a large proportion of the whole nation had changed in their opinions as he had now at last changed in his, so that the party which under Washington hardly had an existence and under John Adams was not, until the last moment, seriously feared, now showed an enor- mous majority throughout the whole country Even in Massachusetts, the intrenched cam) JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 59 of the Federalists, one half of the population were now Republicans. But that change of political sentiment which in the individual voter is often admired as evidence of independent thought, is stigmatized in those more prominent in politics as tergiversation and apostasy. It may be admitted tbat there are sound reasons for holding party leaders to a more rigid allegiance to party policy than is expected of the rank and file ; yet certainly at those periods when substantially new measures and new doctrines come to the front, the old party names lose whatever sacred ness may at other times be in them, and the political fellowships of the past may properly be reformed. Novel problems cannot always find old comrades still united in opinions. Precisely such was the case with John Quincy Adams and the Federalists. The earlier Federalist creed related to one set Q^^js^ues, the later Federalist creed to quite ^nother set ; the earlier creed was sound and deserving of support ; the later creed was not BO. It is easy to see, as one looks backward upon history, that every great and successful party has its mission, that it wins its success through the substantial righteousness of that mission, and that it owes its downfall to as- Buming an erroneous attitude towards some lubsequent matter wnich becomes in turi;i of 60 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. predominating importance. Sometimes, though rarely, a party remains on the right side through two or even more successive issues of profound consequence to the nation. The Federalist mis- sion was to establish the Constitution of the United States as a vigorous, efficient, and prac- tical system of government, to prove its sound- ness, safety, and efficacy, and to defend it from the undermining assaults of those who dis- trusted it and would have reduced it to imbe- cility. Supplementary and cognate to this was the further task of giving the young nation and the new system a chance to get fairly started in life before being subjected to the strain of war and European entanglements. To this end it was necessary to hold in check the Jeffersonian or French party, who sought to embroil us in a foreign quarrel. These two functions of the Federalist party were quite in accord ; they in volved the organizing and domestic instinct against the disorganizing and meddlesome ; the strengthening against the enfeebling process ; practical thinking against fanciful theories. For- tunately the able men had been generally of the sound persuasion, and by powerful exertions had carried the day and accomplished their allotted tasks so thoroughly that all subsequent genera* fcions of Americans have been reaping the ben- efit of their labors. But by the time that John JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 61 Adams had concluded his administration the great Federalist work had been sufficiently done. Those who still believe that there is an over- ruling Providence in the affairs of men and na- tions, may well point to the history of this period in support of their tlieory. Republican- ism was not able to triumph till Federalism had fulfilled all its proper duty and was on the point of going wrong. During this earlier period John Quincy Adams had been a Federalist by conviction as well as by education. Nor was there any obvious reason for him to change his political faith with the change of party success, brought about as that was before its necessity was apparent but by the sure and inscrutable wisdom so marvellously inclosed in the great popular instinct. It was not patent, when Mr. Jefferson succeeded Mr. Adams, tliat Federalism was soon to become an unsound political creed — unsound, not be- cause it had been defeated, but because it had done its work, and in the new emergency was destined to blunder. During Mr. Jefferson's first administration no questions of novel im- port arose. But they were not far distant, and Boon were presented by the British aggres- sions. A grave crisis was created by this sys- tem of organized destruction of property and wholesale stealing of citizens, now suddenly 52 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, practised with such terrible energy. What waa to be done ? What had the two great parties to advise concerning the policy of the country in this hour of peril ? Unfortunately for the Federalists old predilections w^ere allowed now to govern their present action. Excusably An- glican in the by-gone days of Genet's mission, they now remained still Anglican, when to be Anglican was to be emphatically un-American. As one reads the history of 1807 and 1808 it is impossible not to feel almost a sense of personal gratitude to John Quincy Adams that he dared to step out from his meek-spirited party and do all that circumstances rendered possible to promote resistance to insults and wrongs intol- erable. In truth, he was always a man of high temper, and eminently a patriotic citizen of the United States. Unlike too many even of the best among his countrymen in those early years of the Republic, he had no foreign sympathies whatsoever ; he was neither French nor English, but wholly, exclusively, and warmly American. He had no second love ; the United States filled his public heart and monopolized his po- litical affections. When he was abroad he es- tablished neither affiliations nor antipathies, and when he was at home he drifted with no party whose course was governed by foreign magnets. It needs only that thl3 characteristic JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 63 ihould be fully understood in order that his conduct in 1808 should be not alone vindicated but greatly admired. At that time it was said, and it lias been since repeated, that he was allured by the loaves and fishes which the Republicans could distribute, while the Federalists could cast to him only meagre and uncertain crusts. Circumstances gave to the accusation such a superficial plau- sibility that it was believed by many honest men under the influence of political preju- dice. But such a charge, alleged concerning a single act in a long public career, is to be scanned with suspicion. Disproof by demon- stration is impossible ; but it is fair to seek for the character of the act in a study of the char- acter of the actor, as illustrated by the rest of his career. Thus seeking we shall see that, if any traits can be surely predicated of any man, independence, courage, and honesty may be predicated of Mr. Adams. His long public life had many periods of trial, yet this is the sole occasion when it is so much as possible seri- ously to question the purity of his motives — I )r the story of his intrigue with Mr. Clay to Becure the Presidency was never really be- lieved by any one except General Jackson, and Ibe beliefs of General Jackson are of little con- i^quence. From the earliest "^o the latest day 54 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. of his public life, he was never a party man. lie is entitled to the justification to be derived from this life-long habit, when, in 1807-8, he voted against the wishes of those who had hoped to hold him in the bonds of partisan alliance. In point of fact, so far from these acts being a yielding to selfish and calculating temptation, they called for great courage and strength of mind ; instead of being tergiversa- tion, they were a triumph in a severe ordeal. Mr. Adams was not so dull as to underrate, nor so void of good feeling as to be careless of, the storm of obloquy which he had to encounter, not only in such shape as is customary in like instances of a change of sides in politics, but, in his pres- ent case, of a peculiarly painful kind. He was to seem unfaithful, not only to a party, but to the bitter feud of a father whom he dearly loved and greatly respected ; he was to be reviled by the neighbors and friends who constituted his natural social circle in Boston ; he was to alien- ate himself from the rich, the cultivated, the influential gentlemen of his neighborhood, his comrades, who would almost universally con- demn his conduct. He was to lose his position as Senator, and probably to destroy all hopes of •^urther political success so far as it depended apon the good-will of the people of his own State. In this he was at least giving up a cer JOHN QUINCE ADAMS. 65 tainty in exchange for what even his enemies must admit to have been only an expectation. But in fact it is now evident that there was not upon his part even an expectation. At the first siorns of the views which he was likelv to hold, that contemptible but influential Republi- can, Giles, of Virginia, also one or two others of the same party, sought to approach him with insinuating suggestions. But Mr. Adams met these advances in a manner frigid and repellent even beyond his wont, and far from seeking to conciliate these emissaries, and to make a bar- gain, or even establisli a tacit understanding for his own benefit, he held them far aloof, and sim- ply stated that he wished and expected nothing from the Administration. His mind was made up, his opinion was formed ; no bribe was needed to secure his vote. Not thus do men sell them- selves in politics. The Republicans were fairly notified that he was going to do just as he chose ; and Mr. Jefferson, the arch-enemy of all Adamses, had no occasion to forego his feud to win this recruit from that family. Mr. Adams's Diary shows unmistakably that he was acting rigidly upon principle, that he believed himself to be injuring or even destro}'- ing his political j^rospects, and that in so do- ing he taxed his moral courage severely. The whole tone of the Diary, apart from, those few i6 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. distinct statements which hostile critics might view with distrust, is despondent, often bitter, but defiant and stubborn. If in later life he ever anticipated the possible publication of these private pages, yet he could hardly have done BO at this early day. Among certain general reflections at the close of the year 1808, he writes : '' On most of the great national ques- tions now under discussion, my sense of duty leads me to support the Administration, and I find myself, of course, in opposition to the Fed- eralists in general. But I have no communica- tion with the President, other than that in the regular order of business in the Senate. In this state of things my situation calls in a peculiar manner for prudence ; my political prospects are declining, and, as my term of service draws near its close, I am constantly approaching to the certainty of being restored to the situation of a private citizen. For this event, however, I hope to have my mind sufiiciently prepared." In July, 1808, the Republicans of the Con- gressional District wished to send him to the House of Representatives, but to the gentle- man who waited upon him with this proposal he returned a decided negative. Other consid- erations apart, he would not interfere with the reelection of his friend, Mr. Quincy. Certain remarks, written when his senatoria JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 67 Lerm was far advanced, when he had lost the confidence of the Federalists without obtaming that of the Republicans, may be of interest at this point. He wrote, October 30, 1807 : " I employed the whole evening in looking over the Journal of the Senate, since I have been one of its members. Of the very little business which I have commenced during the four ses- sions, at least three fourths has failed, with cir- cumstances of peculiar mortification. The very few instances in which I have succeeded, have been always after an opposition of great obsti- nacy, often ludicrously contrasting with the insignificance of the object in pursuit. More than one instance has occurred where the same thing which I have assiduously labored in vain to effect has been afterwards accomplished by others, witliout tlie least resistance ; more than once, where the pleasure of disappointing me has seemed to be the prominent principle of decision. Of the preparatory business, matured in committees, I have had a share, gradually in- creasing through the four sessions, but always as a subordinate member. The merely latori- ous duties have been readily assigned to me, and 'e. It is too much on the defensi'^e, and too exces- H2 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. f / sive in the caution to say nothing irritating. I have Beldom been able to prevail upon my colleagues to insert anything in the style of retort upon the harsh and reproachful matter which we receive." Many little passages-at-arms in the confer- ences are recited which amply bear out these remarks as regards both parties. Perhaps, however, it should be admitted that the Amer- icans made up for the self-restraint which they practised in conference, by the disagreements and bickerings in which they indulged when consulting among themselves. Mr. Gallatin's serene temper and cool head were hardly taxed to keep the peace among his excited colleagues. Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay were especially prone to suspicions and to outbursts of anger. Mr. Adams often and candidly admits as much of himself, apparently not without good reason. At first the onerous task of drafting the nu- merous documents which the Commission had to present devolved upon him, a labor for which he was well fitted in all respects save, perhaps, a tendency to prolixity. He did not, however, succeed in satisfying his comrades, and the criticisms to which they subjected his composition galled his self-esteem severely, so much so that ere long he altogether relin- quished this function, which was thereafte? performed chiefly by Mr. Gallatin. As early JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 83 as August 21, Mr. Adams says, not without evident bitterness, that though they all were agreed on the general view of the subject, yet in his " exposition of it, one objects to the form, another to the substance, of almost every par- agraph." Mr. Gallatin would strike out every- thing possibly offensive to the Englishmen ; Mr. Clay would draw his pen through every figurative expression ; Mr. Russell, not content with agreeing to all the objections of both the others, would further amend the construction of every sentence ; and finally Mr. Bayard would insist upon writing all over again in his own languao^e. All this nettled Mr. Adams ex- ceedingly. On September 24 he again writes that it was agreed to adopt an article which he had drawn, "though with objections to almost every word " which he had used. " This," he says, ''is a severity with which I alone am treated in our discussions by all my colleagues, ymost everything written by any of the rest is rejected, or agreed to with very little criti- /sm, verbal or substantial. But every line that I write passes a gauntlet of objections by '/ / every one of my colleagues, v^hich finally is '"^ sues, for the most part, in the rejection of it all." He reflects, with a somewhat forced ait of self-discipline, that this must indicate some laultiness in his composition which he must try 84 JOHN QUINC7 ADAMS. to correct ; but in fact it is sufficiently evident that he was seldom persuaded that his papers were improved. Amid all this we see in the Diary many exhibitions of vexation. One day he acknowledges, " I cannot always restrain the irritability of my temper ; " another day he in- formed his colleagues, '' with too much warmth, that they might be assured I was as determined as they were ; " again he reflects, " I, too, must not forget to keep a constant guard upon my temper, for the time is evidently approaching when it will be wanted." Mr. Gallatin alone seems not to have exasperated him ; Mr. Clay and he were constantly in discussion, and often pretty hotly. Instead of coming nearer to- gether, as time went on, these two fell farther apart. What Mr. Clay thought of Mr. Adams may probably be inferred from what we know that Mr. Adams thought of Mr. Clay. " Mr. Clay is losing his temper, and growing peevish and fractious," he writes, on October 31; and constantly he repeats the like complaint. The truth is, that the precise New Englander and the impetuous Westerner were kept asunder not only by local interests but by habits and modes of thought utterly dissimilar. Some amusing glimpses of their private life illustrate this difference. Mr. Adams worked hard ano diligently, allowing himself little leisure fo' JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 85 pleasure ; but Mr. Clay, without actually neg- lecting his duties, yet managed to find ample time for enj(\yment. More than once Mr. Ad- ams notes tliiit, as he rose about five o'clock in the morning to light his own fire and begin the labors of the day by candle-light, he heard the parties breaking up and leaving Mr. Clay's rooms across the entry, where they had been playing cards all niglit long. In these little touches one sees the distinctive characters of the men well portrayed. The very extravagance of the British de- mands at least saved the Americans from per- plexity. Mr. Clay, indeed, cherished an " in- conceivable idea" that the Englishmen would " finish by receding from the groimd they had taken;" but meantime there could be no differ- ence of opinion concerning the impossibility of meeting them upon that ground. Mr. Adams, never lacking in courage, actually wished to argue with them that it would be for the in- terests of Great Britain not less than of the United States if Canada should be ceded to the latter power. Unfortunately his colleagues would not support nim in this audacious policy, the humor of which is delicious. It would have been infinitely droL to see how the B?'itish Com- missioners would have haixed such a proposition, by way of appropriate termination of a contiict 86 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. in which the forces of their nation had cap- tured and ransacked the capital city of the Americans ! On August 21 the Englishmen invited the Americans to dinner on the following Saturday. '* The chance is," wrote Mr. Adams, " that be- fore that time the whole negotiation will be at an end." The banquet, however, did come off, and a few more succeeded it ; feasts not marked by any great geniality or warmth, except per- haps occasionally warmth of discussion. So sure were the Americans that they were about to break off the negotiations that Mr. Adams be- gan to consider by what route he should return to St. Petersburg ; and they declined to renew the tenvire of their quarters for more than a few days longer. Like alarms were of frequent oc- currence, even almost to the very day of agree- ment. On September 15, at a dinner given by the American Commissioners, Lord Gambiei asked Mr. Adams whether he would return im- mediately to St. Petersburg. '' Yes," replied Mr. Adams, " that is, if you send us away." His lordship " replied with assurances how deeply he lamented it, and with a hope that we should one day be friends again." On the same occasion Mr. Goulburn said that probably the last note of the Americans would " terminat« 'he business," and that they " must fight it out.' JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 87 Fighting it out was a much less painful prospect tor Great Britain just at that juncture than for the United States, as the Americans realized with profound anxiety. " We so fondly cling to the vain hope of peace, that every new proof of its impossibility operates upon us as a dis- appointment," wrote Mr. Adams. No amount of pride could altogether conceal the fact that the American Commissioners represented the worsted party, and though they never openly said so even among themselves, yet indirectly they were obliged to recognize the truth. On November 10 we find Mr. Adams proposing to make concessions not permitted by their instruc- tions, because, as he said ; — '' I felt so sure that [the home government] would now gladly take the state before the war as the gen- eral basis of the peace, that I was prepared to take on me the responsibility of trespassing upon their instructions thus far. Not only so, but I would at this moment cheerfully give my life for a peace on this basis. If peace was possible, it would be on no other. 1 had indeed no hope that the proposal would be accepted." Mr. Clay thought that the British would laugh at this : '' They would say. Ay, ay ! pretty ^ellows you, to think of getting out of the war as well as you got into it." This was not con- soling for the representatives of that side which 88 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. had declared war for the purpose of curing grievances and vindicating alleged rights. But that Mr. Adams correctly read the wishes of the government was proved within a very few days by the receipt of express authority from home '' to conclude the peace on the basis of the firg. The relationship between the mothei JOHN QUINCT ADAMS. 101 country and the quondam colonies, especially at that juncture, was such as to render social life intolerably trying to an under-paid Ameri- can minister. Mr. Adams remained in England until June 15, 1817, when he sailed from Cowes, closing forever his long and honorable diplomatic ca- reer, and bidding his last farewell to Europe. He returned home to take the post of Secretary of State in the cabinet of James Monroe, then lately inaugurated as President of the United States. CHAPTER II. •• SECRETARY OF STATE AND PRESIDENT. From the capitals of Russia and Great Biit- lin to the capital of the United States was a striking change. Washington, in its early struggle for existence, was so unattractive a spot, that foreigners must have been at a loss to discover the principle which had governed the selection. It combined all the ugliness with all the discomfort of an unprosperous frontier settlement on an ill- chosen site. What must European diplomats have thought of a capital city where snakes two feet long invaded gen- tlemen's drawing-rooms, and a carriage, bring- ing home the guests from a ball, could be upset by the impenetrable depth of quagmire at the very door of a foreign minister's residence. A description of the city given by Mr. Mills, a Representative from Massachusetts, in 1815, ia pathetic in its unutterable horror : — " It is impossible," he writes, " for me to describe to you my feelings on entering this miserable desert, -his scene of desolation and horror. . . . My antic* oations were almost infinitely short of the reality, ani hardly more importance than were the Jac« •bites in England after their last hopes had 106 JOHN QuINCY ADAMS, been quenched by the failure of the Rebellion of '45. The Federalist faith, like Jacobitism, lingered in a few neighborhoods, and was main- tained by a few old families, who managed to associate it with a sense of their own pride and lignity; but as an effective opposition or in- fluential party organization, it was effete, and no successor was rising out of its ruins. In a broad way, therefore, there was political har- mony to a very remarkable degree. But among individuals there was by no means a prevailing good feeling. Not held to- gether by the pressure exerted by the antago- nism of a strong hostile force, the prominent men of the Cabinet and in Congress were busily employed in promoting their own indi- vidual interests. Having no gi-eat issues with which to identify themselves, and upon which they could openly and honorably contend for the approval of the nation, their only means for securing their respective private ends lay in secretly overreaching and supplanting each other. Infinite skill was exerted by each to inveigle his rival into an unpopular position or a compromising light. By a series of prece- dents Mr. Adams, as Secretary of State, ap- peared most prominent as a candidate for the succession to the Presidency. But Mr. Craw- lord, in the Treasury Department, had beer JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 107 very near obtaining the nomination instead of Monroe, and he was firmly resolved to secure it so soon as Mr. Monroe's eight years should have elapsed. He, therefore, finding much leisure left upon his hands by the not very exacting: business of his office, devoted his in- genuity to devising schemes for injuring the prestige of Mr. Adams. Mr. Clay also had been greatly disappointed that he had not been summoned to be Secretary of State, and so made heir apparent. His personal enmity was naturally towards Mr. Monroe, his political enmity necessarily also included Mr. Adams, whose appointment he had privately sought to prevent. He therefore at once set himself as- siduously to oppose and thwart the Administra- tion, and to make it unsuccessful and unpopu- lar. That Clay was in the main and upon all weighty questions an honest statesman and a real patriot must be admitted, but just at this period no national crisis called his nobler qual- ities into action, and his course was largely in- fluenced by selfish considerations. It was not long before Mr. Calhoun also entered the lists, though in a manner less discreditable to him- self, personally, than were the resources of Crawford and Clay. The daily narrations and 3omments of Mr. Adams display and explain m a manner highly instructive, if not altogether 108 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. agreeable, the ambitions and the manoeuvres, the hollow alliances and unworthy intrigues, not only of these three, but also of many other estimable gentlemen then in political life. The difference between those days and our own seems not so great as the laudatores temporu acti are wont to proclaim it. The elaborate machinery which has since been constructed was then unknown ; rivals relied chiefly upon their own astuteness and the aid of a few per- sonal friends and adherents for carrying on con- tests and attaining ends which are now sought by vastly more complex methods. What the stage-coach of that period was to the railroads of to-day, or what the hand-loom was to our great cotton mills, such also was the political intriguing of cabinet ministers, senators, and representatives, to our present party ma- chinery, liut the temper was no better, honor was no keener, the sense of public duty was little more disinterested then than now. One finds no serious traces of vulgar financial dis- honesty recorded in these pages, in which Mr. Adams has handed down the political life of the second and third decades of our century with a photographic accuracy. But one does not see a much higher level of faithfulness to ideal standards in political life than now exists. As has been said, it so happened that in Mr JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 109 Monroe's administration the heaviest burden of labor and responsibility rested upon Mr. Adams; the most important and most perplexing ques- tions fell within his department. Domestic breaches had been healed, but foreign breaches gaped with threatening jaws. War with Spain seemed imminent. Her South American col- onies were then waging their contest for inde- pendence, and naturally looked to the late suc- cessful rebels of the northern continent for acts of neighborly sympathy and good fellowship. Their efforts to obtain official recognition and the exchange of ministers with the United States were eager and persistent. Privateers fitted out at Baltimore gave the State Depart- ment scarcely less cause for anxiety than the shipbuilders of Liverpool gave to the English Cabinet in 1863-64. These perplexities, as is well known, caused the passage of the first " Neutralitv Act," w^iich first formulated and has since served to establish the principle of international obligation in such matters, and has been the basis of all subsequent legislation upon the subject not only in this country but also in Great Britain. The European powers, impelled by a natural flistaste for rebellion by coionists. and also be- lieving that Spain would in time prevail over >> Mr. Adams began again and succeeded in making, without further interruption, a carefu JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 145 recital of his talk with Mr. Bagot. While he was speaking Mr. Canning grew cooler, and ex- pressed some surprise at what he heard,. But in a few moments the conversation again became warm and personal. Mr. Adams remarked that heretofore he had thrown off some of the "cau tious reserve " which might have been "strictly regular" between them, and that " ' so long as his (Canning's) professions had beep Bupported by his conduct ' — Here Mr. Canning again stopped me by repeating with great vehemence, ' My conduct ! I am responsible for my conduct only to my government ! ' " Mr. Adams replied, substantially, that he could respect the rights of j\Ir. Canning and maintain his own, and that he thought the best mode of treating this topic in future would be by writing. Mr. Canning then expressed him- self as " ' willing to forget all that had now passed.' I told him that I neither asked nor promised him to forget. . . . He asked again if he was to understand me as refusing to confer with him further on the subject. I said, ' No.' ' Would I appoint a time for tliat purpose ? ' I said, ' Now, if he pleased. . . . But as he appeared to be under some excitement, perhaps he might prefer some otner time, in which case I would readily receive him to-morrow at one o'clock ; ' upon which he rose and took leave, saying be would come at that time." 10 146 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. The next day, accordingly, this genial pair Bgain encountered. Mr. Adams noted at first in Mr. Canning's manner " an effort at coohiess, but no appearance of cheerfuhiess or good humor. I saw there was no relaxation of the tone he had yesterday assumed, and felt that none would on my part be suitable." They went over quietly enough some of the ground traversed the day before, Mr. Adams again ex- plaining the impropriety of Mr. Canning ques- tioning him concerning remarks made in de- bate in Congress. It was, he said, as if Mr. Rush, hearing in the House of Commons some- thing said about sending troops to the Shet- land Islands, should proceed to question Lord Castlereagh about it. " ' Have you,' said Mr. Canning, ' any claim to the Shetland Islands ? ' ' Have you any claim,* said I, ' to the mouth of Columbia River ? ' ' Why, do you not blow,' replied he, ' that we have a claim ? ' ' I do not know,'' said I, ' wliat you claim nor what you do not claim. You claim India ; you claim Africa ; you claim ' — ' Perhaps,' said he, ' a piece of the moon. ' No,' said I, ' I have not heard that you claim exoiu sively any part of the moon ; but there is not a spot on this habitable globe that I could affirm you do no* claim ! ' " The conversation continued with alternations of lull and storm, Mr. Canning at times becoming JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 147 ivarm and incensed and interrupting Mr. Ad- ams, who retorted with a dogged asperity which must have been extremely irritating. Mr. Ad- ams said that he did " not expect to be plied with captious questions " to obtain indirectly that which had been directly denied. Mr. Can- ning, '' exceedingly irritated," complained of the word "captious." Mr. Adams retaliated by reciting offensive language used by Mr. Canning, who in turn replied that he had been speaking only in self-defence. Mr. Canning found occasion to make again his peculiarly rasping remark that he should always strive to show towards Mr. Adams the deference due to his " more advanced years." After another very uncomfortable passage, Mr. Adams said that the behavior of Mr. Canninsr in makino; the observations of members of Congress a basis of official interrogations was a pretension the more necessary to be resisted because this " ' was not the first time it had been raised by a British minister here.' He asked, with great emo- tion, who that minister was. I answered, ' INIr. Jack- son.' ' And you got rid of him ! ' said Mr. Canning, in a tone of violent passion — 'and you got rid of him ! — and you got rid of him ! ' This repetition of the sa-Tie words, always in the same tone, was with oauses of a few seconds between each of them, as if lor a reply. I said : ' Sir, my reference to the pre- 148 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. tension of Mr. Jackson was not ' — Here Mr. Canning interrupted me by saying : * If you think that by reference to Mr. Jackson I am to be intimi- dated from the performance of my duty you will find yourself greatly mistaken.' 'I had not, sir,' said T, ' the most distant intention of intimidating you from the performance of your duty ; nor was it with the intention of alluding to any subsequent occurrences of his mission ; but ' — Mr. Canning interrupted me again by saying, still in a tone of high exaspera- tion, — ' Let me tell you, sir, that your reference to the case of Mr. Jackson is exceedingly offensive.'' ' I do not know,' said I, ' whether I shall be able to finish what I intended to say, under such continual interruptions.' " Mr. Canning thereupon intimated by a bow his willingness to listen, and Mr. Adams reiterated what in a more fragmentary way he bad already said. Mr. Canning then made a formal speech, mentioning bis desire " to cultivate harmony and smooth down all remnants of asperity be- tween the two countries," again gracefully re- ferred to the deference which he should at all times pay to Mr. Adams's age, and closed by declaring, with a significant emphasis, that he would " never forget the respect due from hinr iO the American Government.^^ Mr. Adama bowed in silence and the stormy interview ended. A day or two afterward the disputants met by accident, and Mr. Canning showed sucb JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 149 ligns of resentment that there passed between them a *' bare salutation." In the condition of our relations with Great Britain at the time of these interviews any needless ill-feeling was strongly to be depre- cated. But Mr. Adams's temperament was Buch that he always saw the greater chance of success in strong and spirited conduct ; nor could he endure that the dignity of the Repub- lic, any more than its safety, should take detri- ment in his hands. Moreover he understood Englishmen better perhaps than they have ever been understood by any other of the pub- lic men of the United States, and he handled and subdued them with a temper and skill highly agreeable to contemplate. The Pres- ident supported him fully throughout the mat- ter, and the discomfiture and wrath of Mr. Canning never became even indirectly a cause of regret to the country. As the years allotted to Monroe passed on, the manoeuvring among the candidates for the Buccession to the Presidency grew in activity. There were several possible presidents in the field, and during the '' era of good feeling " many an aspiring politician had his brief period of mild expectancy followed in most cases only too surely by a hopeless relegation to obscurity. Tlere were, however, four whose anticipations 150 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. rested upon a substantial basis. William H Crawford, Secretary of the Treasury, had been tlie rival of Monroe for nomination by the Con- gressional caucus, and had then developed suf- ficient strength to make him justly sanguine that he might stand next to Monroe in the suc- cession as he apparently did in the esteem of their common party. Mr. Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives, had such expecta- tions as might fairly grow out of his brilliant reputation, poAverful influence in Congress, and great personal popularity. Mr. Adams was pointed out not only by his deserts but also by his position in the Cabinet, it having been the custom heretofore to promote the Secretary of State to the Presidency. It was not until the time of election was near at hand that the strength of General Jackson, founded of course upon the effect of his military prestige upon the masses of the people, began to appear to the other competitors a formidable element in the great rivalry. For a while Mr. Calhoun might have been regarded as a fifth, since he had al- ready become the great chief of the South ; but this cause of his strength was likewise his weak- ness, since it was felt that the North was fairly entitled to present the next candidate. Tha others, who at one time and another had aspi tationo, like De Witt Clinton and Tompkina JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 151 were never reall}^ formidable, and may be dis- regarded as insignificant threads in the complex political snarl which must be unravelled. As a study of the dark side of political Bociety during this period Mr. Adams's Diary is profoundly interesting. He writes with a charming absence of reserve. If he thinks there is rascality at work, he sets down the names of the knaves and expounds their various villainies of act and motive with delightfully outspoken frankness. All his life he was some- what prone, it must be confessed, to depreciate the moral characters of others, and to suspect unworthy designs in the methods or ends of those who crossed his path. It was the not unnatural result of his own rigid resolve to be honest. Refraining with the stern conscientiousness, which was in the composition of his Puritan blood, from every act, whether in public or in private life, which seemed to him in the least degree tinged witli immorality, he found a sort of compensation for the restraints and discom- forts of his own austerity in judging severely the less punctilious world around him. Whatever other faults he had, it is unquestionable that his uprightness was as consistent and unvarying as can be reached by human nature. Yet his temptations were made the greater and thf toore cruel by the beliefs constantly borne in 152 JOHN aUINCY ADAMS. apon him that his rivals did not accept for theii own govfrnance in the contest the same rules by which he was pledged to himself to abide. Jealousy enhanced suspicion, and suspicion in turn pricked jealousy. It is necessary, there- fore, to be somewhat upon our guard in accept- ing his estimates of men and acts at this period ; though the broad general impression to be gath- ered from his treatment of his rivals, even in these confidentipJ pages, is favorable at least to his justice of disposition and honesty of inten- tion. At the outset Mr. Clay excited Mr. Adams's most lively resentment. The policy which Beemed most promising to that gentleman lay in antagonism to the Administration, whereas, in the absence of substantial party issues, there Beemed, at least to members of that Administra- tion, to be no proper grounds for such antago- nism. When, therefore, Mr. Clay found or de- vised such grounds, the. President and his Cabinet, vexed and harassed by the opposition of so influential a man, not unnaturally attrib- uted his tactics to selfish and, in a political sense, corrupt motives. Thus Mr. Adams stigmatized his opposition to the Florida treaty as prompted by no just objection to its stipulations, but by a malicious wish to bring discredit upon the nego Kator. Probably the charge was true, and M» \ JOE.N QUINCY ADAMS. 153 \ ■ Clay's honesty in;) apposing an admirable treaty can only be vindicated at the expense of his un- derstanding, — an 6- :planation certainly not to be accepted. But wl.en Mr. Adams attributed to the same motive of embarrassing the Admin- istration Mr. Clay's energetic endeavors to force a recognition of the insurgent states of South America, he exaggerated the inimical element in his rival's motives. It was the business of the President and Cabinet, and preeminently of the Secretary of State, to see to it that the country should not move too fast in this very nice and perilous matter of recognizing the in- dependence of rebels. Mr. Adams was the re- Bponsible minister, and liad to hold the reins; Mr. Clay, outside the officiiil vehicle, cracked the lash probably a little more loudly than he would have done had he been on the coach-box. It may be assumed that in ad"v oca^.ing his vari- ous motions looking to the appohitment of min- isters to the new states and io other acts of recognition, he felt his eloquence rather fiied than dampened by the thought of how much trouble he was making for Mr. Adams; but that he was at the same time espousing' the cause to which he sincerely wished well is piobably true. His ardent temper was stirred- by this strug- gle for independence, and his rhetoi'ical nature tould not resist the opportunities for fervid and 154 -fOEN aulNCY AD J MS. Drilliant oratory presented by this struggle for freedom against mediaeval despotism. Real con- victions were sometimes diluted with rodomon- tade, and a true feeling was to some extent stim- ulated by the desire to embarrass a rival. ' Entire freedom from prejudice would have been too nmch to expec* from Mr. Adams ; but his criticisms of Clay are seldom marked by any serious accusations or really bitter explosions of ill-temper. Early in his term of office he writes that Mr. Clay has "already mounted his South American great horse," and that his " project is that in which John Randolph failed, to con trol or overthrow the Executive by swaying the House of Representiitives." Again he says that " Clay is as rancGrously benevolent as John Randolph." The stiug of these remarks lay rather in the comparison with Randolph than in their direct a^llegations. In January, 1819, Adams notes tliat Clay has " redoubled his ran- cor against me,/" and gives himself " free swing to assault me i. . . both in his public speeches and by secret; machinations, without scruple or delicacy." The diarist gloomily adds, that "all public business in Congress now connects itself with intrigides, and there is great danger that the whole JGoVernment will degenerate into h struggle oi cabals." He was rather inclined to Ruch pesshmistic vaticinations ; but it must be JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 155 confessed that lie spoke with too much reason on this occasion. In the absence of a suflBcient supply of important public questions to absorb the energies of the men in public life, the petty game of personal politics was playing with un- usual zeal. As time went on, however, and the South American questions were removed from the arena, Adams's ill-feeling towards Clay be- came greatly mitigated. Clay's assaults and opposition also gradually dwindled away ; go- betweens carried to and fro disclaimers, made by the principals, of personal ill-will towards each other; and before the time of election was actually imminent something as near the en^ tente cordiale was established as could be rea- sonably expected to exist between competitors very unlike both in moral and mental consti- tution.^ Mr. Adams's unbounded indignation and pro- found contempt were reserved for Mr. Craw- ford, partly, it may be . suspected by the cynic- ally minded, because Crawford for a long time seemed to be by far the most formidable rival, but partly also because Crawford was in fact unable to resist the temptation to use ignoble means for attaining an end which he coveted too keenly for his own honor. It was only by de- 1 For a deliberate estimate )f Tlay's character ^ee Mr Idams's Diary, ^ 325. 156 JOHN QUINCr ADAMS. grees that Adams began to suspect the under hand methods and malicious practices of Craw- ford ; but as conviction was gradually brought home to him his native tendency towards sus- picion was enhanced to an extreme degree. He then came to recognize in Crawford a wholly selfish and scheming politician, who had the baseness to retain his seat in Mr. Monroe's Cab- inet with the secret persistent object of giving the most fatal advice in his power. From that time forth he saw in every suggestion made by the Secretary of the Treasury only an insidijus intent to lead the Administration, and especially the Department of State, into difficulty, failure, and disrepute. He notes, evidently with per- fect belief, that for this purpose Crawford was even covertly busy with the Spanish ambassador to prevent an accommodation of our differences with Spain. '' Oh, the windings of the human heart ! " he exclaims ; " possibly Crawford is not himself conscious of his real motives for this conduct." Even the slender measure of charity involved in this last sentence rapidly evaporated from the poisoned atmosphere of his mind. He mentions that Crawford has killed a man in a duel ; that he leaves unanswered a pamphlet " supported by documents " exhibiting him " in the most odious light, as sacrificing every prin- tiple to his ambition." Because Calhoun would JOHN aUINCY ADAMS. 157 not support him for the Presidency, Crawford stimulated a series of attacks upon the War De- partment. He was the " instigator and animat- ing spirit of the whole movement both in Con- gress and at Richmond against Jackson and the Administration." He was ''a worm preying upon the vitals of the Administration in its own body." He " solemnly deposed in a court of justice that which is not true," for the purpose of bringing discredit upon the testimony given by Mr. Adams in the same cause. But Mr. Adams says of this that he cannot bring him- self to believe that Crawford has been guilty of wilful falsehood, though convicted of inaccuracy by his own words; for "ambition debauches memory itself." A little later he would have been less merciful. In some vexatious and diffi- cult commercial negotiations which Mr. Adams was conducting with France, Crawford is "afraid of [the result] being too favorable." To form a just opinion of the man thus un- pleasantly sketched is difficult. For nearly eight years Mr. Adams was brought into close and constant relations w^ith him, and as a result formed a very low opinion of his character and by no means a high estimate of his abilities. Even after making a liberal allowance for the prejudice naturally supervening from their rivalry there is left a residuum of condemnation 158 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. abundantly suflBcient to ruin a more vigoroua reputation than Crawford has left behind him. Apparently Mr. Calhoun, though a fellow Southerner, thought no better of the ambitious Georgian than did Mr. Adams, to whom one day he remarked that Crawford was " a very singular instance of a man of such character rising to the eminence he now occupies ; that there has not been in the history of the Union another man with abilities so ordinary, with ser- vices so slender, and so thoroughly corrupt, who had contrived to make himself a candidate for the Presidency." Nor was this a solitary ex- pression of the feelings of the distinguished South Carolinian. Mr. E. H. Mills, Senator from Massachusetts, and a dispassionate observer, speaks of Craw- ford with scant favor as " coarse, rough, uned- ucated, of a pretty strong mind, a great in- triguer, and determined to make himself Pres- ident." He adds: "Adams, Jackson, and Calhoun all think well of each other, and are united at least in one thing — to wit, a most thorough dread and abhorrence of Crawford." Yet Crawford was for many years not only never without eager expectations of his own, which narrowly missed realization and might aot have missed it had not his health broken down a few months too soon, but he had a largi JOHN QVINCY ADAMS. 159 following, strong friends, and an extensive in- fluence. But if he really had great ability he had not the good fortune of an opportunity to show it ; and he lives in history rather as a man from whom much was expected than as a man who achieved much. One faculty, however, not of the best, but serviceable, he had in a rare de- gree ; he thoroughly understood all the artifices of politics ; he knew how to interest and organ- ize partisans, to obtain newspaper support, and generally to extend and direct his following after that fashion which soon afterward began to be fully developed by the younger school of our public men. He was the avant courier of a bad system, of which the first crude manifesta- tions were received with well-merited disrelish by the worthier among his contemporaries. It is the more easy to believe that Adams's distrust of Crawford was a sincere convic- tion, when we consider his behavior towards another dangerous rival, General Jackson. In view of the new phase which the relationship between these two men was soon to take on, Adams's hearty championship of Jackson for several years prior to 1825 deserves mention. The Secretary stood gallantly by the General at A crisis in Jackson's life when he greatly needed A Euch strong official backing, and in an hour of 'loixtreme need Adams aloue in the Cabinet of 160 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Monroe lent an assistance which Jackson after- wards too readily forgot. Seldom has a govern- ment been brought by the undue ;eal of its ser- vants into a quandary more perplexing than that into which the reckless military hero brought the Administration of President Monroe. Turned loose in the regions of Florida, checked only by an uncertain and disputed boundary line running through half-explored forests, confronted by a hated foe whose strength he could well afford to despise, General Jackson, in a war properly waged only against Indians, ran a wild and lawless, but very vigorous and effective, career in Spanish possessions. He hung a couple of British subjects with as scant trial and meagre shrift as if he had been a mediaeval free-lance ; he marched upon Spanish towns and peremp- torily forced the blue-blooded commanders to capitulate in the most humiliating manner ; afterwards, when the Spanish territory had be- come American, in his civil capacity as Gov- ernor, he flung the Spanish Commissioner into jail. He treated instructions, laws, and estab- lished usages as teasing cobwebs which any spirited public servant was in duty bound to break ; then he quietly stated his willingness to iet the country take the benefit of his irregular proceedings and make him the scapegoat or martyr if such should be needed. How to treal JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 161 this too successful chieftain was no simple prob- lem. He had done what he ought not to have done, yet everybody in the country was heartily glad that he bad done it. He ought not to have hung Arbutlinot and Ambrister, nor to have Beized Peusacola, nor later on to have imprisoned Callava; yet the general efficiency of his pro- cedure fully accorded with the secret disposition of the country. It was, however, not easy to estabUsh the propriety of his trenchant doings upon any acknowledged principles of law, and during the long period through which these dis- turbing feats extended, Jackson was left in painful solitude by those who felt obliged to judge his actions by rule rather than by sym- pathy. The President was concerned lest his Administration should be brought into indefen- sible embarrassment ; Calhoun was personally dis[)leased because the instructions issued from his department had been exceeded ; Crawford eagerly sought to make the most of such admir- able opportunities for destroying the prestige of one who might grow into a dangerous rival ; Clay, who hated a military hero, indulged in a series of fierce denunciations in the House of Representatives ; Mr. Adams alone stood gal- antly by the man who had dared to take vigor- .lus measures upon his own sole responsibility. His career touched a kindred chord in Adams'fl 162 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. own independent and courageous character, ana perhaps for the only time in his life the Secre- tary of State became almost sophistical in the arguments by which he endeavored to sustain the impetuous warrior against an adverse Cab- inet. The authority given to Jackson to cross the Spanish frontier in pursuit of the Indian en- emy was justified as being only defensive war- fare ; then ''all the rest," argued Adams, " even to the order for taking the Fort of Barrancas by storm, was incidental, deriving its character from the object, which was not hostility to Spain, but the termination of the Indian war." Through long and anxious sessions Adams stood fast in opposing " the unanimous opinions " of the President, Crawford, Calhoun, and Wirt. Their policy seemed to him a little ignoble and wholly blundering, because, he said, "it is weakness and a confession of weakness. The disclaimer of power in the executive is of dangerous ex- ample and of evil consequences. There is in- justice to the ofl&cer in disavowing him, when in principle he is strictly justifiable." This be- havior upon Mr. Adams's part was the more generous and disinterested because the earlier among these doings of Jackson incensed Don Onis extremely and were near bringing about the entire disruption of that important negotia- fcioi with Spain upon which Mr. Adams had sc JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 163 nmcli at stake. But few civilians have had a Btronger dash of the fighting element than had Mr. Adams, and this impelled him irresistibly to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jackson in Buch an emergency, regardless of possible con- sequences to himself. He preferred to insist that the hanging: of Arbuthnot and Ambrister was according to the laws of war and to main- tain that position in the teeth of Stratford Canning rather than to disavow it and render apology and reparation. So three years later when Jackson was again in trouble by reason of his arrest of Callava, he still found a staunch advocate in Adams, who, having made an argu- ment for the defence which would have done credit to a subtle-minded barrister, concluded by adopting the sentiment of Hume concerning the execution of Don Pantaleon de Sa by Oliver Cromwell, — if the laws of nations had been violated, "it was by a signal act of justice de- serving universal approbation." Later still, on January 8, 1824, being the anniversary of the ♦victory of New Orleans, as if to make a con- spicuous declaration of his opinions in favor of Jackson, Mr. Adams gave a great ball in his honor, '* at which about cne thousand persons attended." ^ 1 Senator Mills says of thi3 g"-and ball: "Eight large woois were oi)en and literally filled to overflowing. There 164 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He was in favor of offering to the General the position of minister to Mexico ; and before Jackson had developed into a rival of himself for the Presidency, he exerted himself to secure the Vice-Presidency for him. Thus by argu- ment and by influence in the Cabinet, in many a private interview, and in the world of society, also by wise counsel when occasion offered, Mr. Adams for many years made himself the note- worthy and indeed the only powerful friend of General Jackson. Nor up to the last moment, and when Jackson had become his most danger- ous competitor, is there any derogatory passage concerning him in the Diary. As the period of election drew nigh, interest in it absorbed everything else; indeed during the last year of Monroe's Administration public affairs were so quiescent and the public business so seldom transcended the simplest routine, that there was little else than the next Presidency to be thought or talked of. The rival ship for this, as has been said, was based not upon conflict- ing theories concerning public affairs, but solely upon individual preference for one or another must have been at least a thousand people there ; and so far SIS Mr. Adams was concerned it certainly evinced a great deal of tasie, elegance, and good sense. . . . Many stayed till twelve and one. ... It i'^ the universa' opinion that nothing has evei equalled this party here either in brilliancy of preparation oj elegance of the company." JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 165 df four men no one of whom at that moment represented any great principle in antagonism to any of the others. Under no circumstances could the temptation to petty intrigue and mali- cious tale-bearing be greater than when votes were to be gained or lost solely by personal pre- dilection. In such a contest Adams was severely handicapped as against the showy prestige of the victorious soldier, the popularity of the brilliant orator, and the artfulness of the most dexterous political manager then in public life. Long prior to this stage Adams had established his rule of conduct in the campaign. So early as March, 1818, he was asked one day by Mr. Ev- erett whether he was " determined to do noth- ing with a view to promote his future election to the Presidency as the successor of Mr. Monroe," and he had replied that he " should do abso- lutely nothing." To this resolution he sturdily adhered. Not a breach of it was ever brought home to him, or indeed — save in one instance Boon to be noticed — seriously charged against him. There is not in the Diary the faintest trace of any act which might be so much as questionable or susceptible of defence only by casuistry. That he should have perpetuated evidence of any 'iagrant misdoing certainly sould not be expected ; but in a record kept \\i\\ the fulness and frankness of this Diary we 166 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. should read between the lines and detect as it were in its general flavor, any taint of disingen- uousness or concealment ; we should discern moral unwholesomeness in its atmosphere. A thoughtless sentence would slip from the pen, a sophistical argument would be formulated for self -comfort, some acquaintance, interview, or arrangement would slide upon some un- guarded page indicative of undisclosed matters. But there is absolutely nothing of this sort. There is no tinge of bad color ; all is clear as crystal. Not an editor, nor a member of Con- gress, nor a local politician, not even a private individual, was intimidated or conciliated. On the contrary it often happened that those who made advances, at least sometimes stimulated by honest friendship, got rebuffs instead of encouragement. Even after the contest was known to have been transferred to the House of Representatives, when Washington was act- ually buzzing with the ceaseless whisperings of many secret conclaves, when the air was thick with rumors of what this one had said and that one had done, when, as Webster said, there were those who pretended to foretell how a rep- resentative would vote from the way in which he put on his hat, when of course stories of intrigue and corruption poisoned the honest oreeze, and when the streets seemed traversed JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 167 Dnly by the busy tread of the go-betweens, the influential friends, the wire-pullers of the vari- ous contestants, — still amid all this noisy ex- citement and extreme temptation Mr. Adams held himself almost wholly aloof, wrapped in the cloak of his rigid integrity. His proud honesty was only not quite repellent; he sometimes al- lowed himself to answer questions courteously, and for a brief period held in check his strong natural propensity to give offence and make en- emies. This was the uttermost length that he could go towards political corruption. He be- came for a few weeks tolerably civil of speech, which after all was much for him to do and doubtless cost liim no insignificant effort. Since the days of Washington he alone presents the singular spectacle of a candidate for the Pres- idency deliberately taking the position, and in a long canipaign really never flinching from it: ••' that, if the people wish me to be President I shall not refuse the office ; but I ask nothing from any man or from any body of men.'* Yet though he declined to be a courtier of popular favor he did not conceal from himself or from others the chagrin which he would feel \f there should be a manifestation of popular disfavor. Before the popular election he stated chat if it should go against him he should con- itrue it as the verdict of the people that they 168 JOHN QUINCY ADAM8. were dissatisfied with liis services as a public man, and be should then retire to private life, no longer expecting or accepting public func- tions. He did not regard politics as a struggle in which, if he should now be beaten in one en- counter, he would return to another in the hope of better success in time. His notion was that the people had had ample opportunity during his incumbency in appointive offices to measure his ability and understand his character, and that the action of tlie people in electing or not electing him to the Presidency would be an in- dication that they were satisfied or dissatisfied with him. In the latter event he had nothing more to seek. Politics did not constitute a pro- fession or career in which he felt entitled to persist in seeking personal success as he might in the law or in business. Neither did the cir- cumstances of the time place him in the position of an advocate of any great principle which he might feel it his duty to represent and to fight for against any number of reverses. No such element was present at this time in national af- fairs. He construed the question before the people simjDly as concerning their opinion of him. He was much too proud to solicit and much too honest to scheme for a favorable ex- pression. It was a singular and a lofty attitude even if a trifle egotistical and not altogether JOHN aUINCY ADAMS. 169 animpeachable by argument. It conld not di- minish but rather it intensified liis interest in a contest whicli he chose to regard not simply as a struggle for a glittering prize but as a judg- ment upon the services which he had been for a lifetime rendering to his countrymen. How profoundly his whole nature was moved by the position in which, he stood is evident, often almost painfulh% in the Diary. Any at- tempt to conceal his feeling would be idle, and he makes no such attempt. He repeats all the rumors which come to his ears ; he tells the stories about Crawford's illness ; he records his own temptations ; he tries hard to nerve himself to bear defeat philosophically by constantly pre- dicting it; indeed, he photographs his wliole ex- istence for many weeks ; and however eagerly any person may aspire to the Presidency of the United States there is little in the picture to make one long for the preliminary position of candidate for that honor. It is too much like the stake and the flames through which the martyr passed to eternal beatitude, with the difference as against the candidate that he has by no means the martyr's certainty of reward. In those days of slow communication it w^as vot until December, 1824, that it became ever}^- wrhere known that there had been no election of I President by the people. When the electoral 170 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. college met the result of tlieir ballots was as follows: — General Jackson led with . . 99 votes. Adams followed with .... 84 " Crawford had 41 " Clay had 37 " Total 261 votes. Mr. Calhoun was elected Vice-President by the handsome number of 182 votes. This condition of the election had been quite generally anticipated ; yet Mr. Adams's friends were not without some feeling of disappoint- ment. They had expected for him a fair sup- port at the South, whereas he in fact received seventy-seven out of his eighty-four votes from New York and New England ; Maryland gave him three, Louisiana gave him two, Delaware and Illinois gave him one each. When the electoral body was known to be reduced within the narrow limits of the House of Representatives, intrigue was rather stim- ulated than diminished by the definitenesa which became possible for it. Mr. Clay, who could not come before the House, found him- self transmuted from a candidate to a President- maker ; for it was admitted by all that his great personal influence in Congress would almost undoubtedly confer success upon the aspiran JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 171 whom he should favor. Apparently his predi- lections were at least possibly in favor of Craw- ford; but Crawford's health had been for many months very bad ; he had had a severe paralytic stroke, and when acting as Secretary of the Treasury he had been unable to sign his name, BO that a stamp or die had been used; his speech was scarcely intelligible ; and when Mr. Clay visited him in the retirement in which his friends now kept him, the fact could not be concealed that he was for the time at least a wreck. Mr. Clay therefore had to decide for nimself, his followers, and the country whether Mr. Adams or General Jackson should be the next President of the United States. A cruel attempt was made in this crisis either to destroy his influence by blackening his character, or to intimidate him, through fear of losing his rep- utation for integrity, into voting for Jackson. An anonymous letter charged that the friends of Clay had hinted that, "like the Swiss, they would fight for those who pay best ; " that they had offered to elect Jackson if he would agree to make Clay Secretary of State, and that upon his indignant refusal to make such a bargain ^he same proposition had been made to Mr. .Vdams, who was found less scrupulous and had promptly formed the ''unholy coalition." This