LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDD574Tmfl mm ^ilii^^ .4 o. .4 c. ^ ■\''_, >, X. - V\^ "j"- ■; ' r * .A^-V r^)' <. " C /^: •<^ .n' *°o \,^^ // ,■^. ^^'V ' >^„ c^ ?i°. wMS^** • -.^ '5. « *P fvV o " AG '% S?» ,"^'/^ T. '^ -V-^. ' « t*5«^. No _c,- ,r. ^s' .^i, ,S vTv ■« f*^ '^f V <>**»- c> » J^ V' ■' , 1?. .^ . ■• _ -f' " -. f^^.^ . ' . 0^ y '^ov" ol 0^ ^^-v V ^ ' .^' o \- ''\li-- -3^^- • ' .0^^ '^'^ 5.°-^^ V * \ 1 "O 4"" /> N Tv-Jf 45 — ^v — '-% ^1 IS TOWNAND COUNTY \ M A P O P l'^' 2 r Ik, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TO¥IS. MAINE. Explanations : — The figures im- mediately following the town denote the correspondiiti! number of said town on map. C'olunm second de- notes the number of tlie county on the map. Third column of figures gives the population of the town ac- cording to the Census of 1840. Coun- ty Towns in SMALL CAPITALS. Abbots County Acton 13 do Addison 5 do Alfred 10 do Alna 5 do Alexander 24 do Albion 8 do Albany 9 do Amity 3 do Amherst 17 do Andover 25 do Anson 9 do Appleton 5 do Arrowsic do Argy le do Athens 13 do Atkinson do Auburu do Aurora do AuonsTA do Avon 9 do Baldwin 3 do Bath 1 do Barnard do Baring do Baileyville do Bangor do Beddingtou 9 do Belgrade 12 do Bethel 13 do Berlin 10... do Berwick 4 do Belfast do Belmont 8 do Biddeford 8 do Bingham do BluehiU 4 do Bloomfleid 2 do Blanchard do Bootlibay do Bowerbank do Bowdoin do Bowdoinham 2 do Bridgton 9 do Brunswick 13 do Bristol 20 do Bremen 21 do Brooks viUo 2 du Brownfit^Ul 2 do Brighton 14 do Bradford do Bradley do Brewer l.") di. Brooks Ki Id BrcwiiVille 10 do 1 11.. . 661 1.. .1398 7.. .1052 1.. .1408 3.. . 989 7.. . 513 4.. .1624 8.. . 691 6.. '.'m 8.. . .559 10.. .1941 5.. . 891 3.. 12.. . .527 10.. 11.. . 704 2.. 6.. . 149 4.. .5314 9.. . 827 2.. . 947 3.. .5143 11.. . 1.53 7.. . 376 7.. . 329 12.. .8634 7.. . 164 4.. .1748 a.. .1994 9.. . 442 1.. .1698 0.. .4194 5.. .1378 1.. .2574 10.. . 751 6.. .1891 10.. .1093 11.. . 270 3.. .2631 11.. . 165 3.. .2073 3.. .2402 2.. .1987 2.. .4259 3 , .2946 3.. . 837 (■) , . 1246 a,. . 1360 10 . 803 12,. .1001 12,. . 395 12 . 1736 h.. . 910 11.. . 556 Buxton 18 County 1....2687 Bucksport 6 do' 6. . . .3015 Bucktield'7 do 8. . . . 1629 Burlington do 12.... 350 Burnham do 5.... 609 Byron do 8.... 219 Cape Elizabeth do 2.... 1666 Casline 1 do 6.... 1188 Casco do 2 Calais 23 do 7. . . .2934 Canton do 8.... 919 Cambridge do 10 461 Canaan 3 do 10. . . .1397 Carmel 6 do 12. . . . 521 Camden 1 do 5.... 3005 Carthage 4 do 9 522 Centreville do 7 China 7 do 4. . . .2675 Charlotte 21 do 7. ... 666 Charleston do 12. . . . 1269 Cherryfield3 do 7. ...1003 Chesterville 2 do 9 .... 1098 Chester do 12. . . . 277 Clinton do 4. ...2124 Cornish do 1....1263 Colmubia 7 1'.o 7. ... 843 Cooper .do 7 657 Concord 11 do 10.... 577 Cornville7 do 10. ...1140 Corinna 18 do 12.... 1702 Corinth 20 do 12. . . .1318 Crawford 25 do 7. ... 300 Cranbury Isles do 6 238 Cumberland20 do 2. ...1616 dishing 19 do 3.... 791 Cutler do 7 657 Danville 11 do 2.... 1294 Deer Isle do 6.... 2841 Dennysville 17 do 7.... 378 Denmark 3 do 8.... 1143 Dedham do 6 455 Detroit ...; do 10.... 372 Dexter ^ do 12. . . .1464 Di.vficld 20 do 8. . . .1166 Dixmont 1 do 12.... 1498 Dover do 11. ...1597 Diesden4 do 3.... 1647 Durham 12 do 2.... 1836 Eastbrook 15 do 6.... 155 Eastport 19 do 7. . . .2876 Edmunds 16 do 7.... 259 Edgecomb 9 do 3. . . . 1238 Edingburg do 12 52 Eden 8 do 6.... 1054 Eddington 16 do 12. ... 595 EUiotsville do U.... 60 Elliot 2 do 1....188y Ellsworth do 6. . . 2267 Emoden 10 do 10.. . 983 E;ifipld 19 do 12.... 346 Etaa 5 do 12.... 4445 E.xeter 19 do 12. . . .2052 Falmouth 18 do 2. . . .2071 F.ayrttp 17 do 4. ...1016 Fairli-ld 1 do ll)....2198 Farmington County 9.. Foxcraft do 11. . Freeport 14 do 2. . Friendship 18 do 3.. Franklin 12 6.. Fr>"eburg 11 do 8. . Frankfort 18 do 5 . Freedom do 5. . Freeman 12 do 9.. Gardiner 4 do 4.. Garland do 12.. Georgetown 23 do 3. . Gillead 12 do 8.. Glenburn 11 do 12.. Gorham do 2.. Gouldsboro23 do 6.. Gray do 2.. (Jreene do 4., Greenfield 19 do 6., Greenwood 10 do 8. . Greenbush 17 do 12., Greenville 9 do 11. , (freely do 11., Guilford 4 do II., Harpsvvell 15 do 2. Harrison 8 do 2. Hancock 1] do 6. Harringtons do 7., Hallowell3 do 4., Hartford 17 do 8., Harmony do 10. , HartlandS do 10. Hampden 3 do 12. Hebron 15 do 8., Hermon 7 do 12. Hiram 1 do 8. Hollis 19 do 1. Howland do 12. , Hope 2 do 5. Hoi'LTON 13 do 13. Hodgdon do 13. Industry do 9. Isleboro do 5. Jackson 17 do 5., .lav 1 do 9. Jeff.r-on 12 do 3. Joiie.sboro 6 do 7. .lonesport 4 do 7. Kennebunk 7 do 1. Kennebunk Port do 1. Kittery 1 do 1. Kirkland21 do 12. Kingfieldl5 do 9., Kilmarnock II do II. Kingsbury do 11.. Knox 12 do 5. Lagrange do 12.. EehMion do 1.. Lewiston do 3.. Leeds do 4. . Lexington do 10.. Lee do 12.. Levant 10 do 12.. Limerick do 1.. Limington 17 do 1.. .2613 . 928 .2666 . 725 . 503 .1536 .3603 .1153 . 838 .5044 .1065 .1357 . 313 .. 664 ,.3003 ..1196 .1740 ..1406 .. 223 .. 836 .. 260 .. 128 .1448 .1243 . 760 .1525 .4668 .1472 .1096 .1028 .2663 . 945 .1045 .1232 .2363 . 312 .1770 .159T . 665 . 135 . 778 . 652 .1750 .2214 . 392 . 576 .2323 .2770 .2435 .3050 . 671 . 319 . 227 . 89T . 336 .2273 .1801 .1736 . 564 . 724 .1760 .1509 .2211 LIST OF TOWNS MAINE. Lisbon 8 County 3 1531 Litchfield do 4.... 2293 Livermore 18 do 8 2745 Lincoln do 12. ...1129 Liberty 6 do 5. . . .8985 Lincolnville 3 do 5.... 2048 Linneus 4 do 13 311 Lovell do 8.... 941 Lowell do 12.... 205 Lubec 18 do 7.... 2307 Lyman 11 do 1....1478 Mariaville 16 do 6. ... 275 Machias do 7. . . . 1351 .M.icliias Port do 7. ... 834 Mison do 8.... 153 Marion 15 do 7.... 231 Madrid do 9.... 368 Madison 8 do 10. . . .1701 Masardis do 13. . . . 140 Mayfiuld 16 do 10.... 148 Matt:iniiscontis do 12 97 Maxfield do 12.... 185 Mechisses do 7.... 1395 Medymembs do 7 Mexico do 8 447 Mercer do 10. . . . 1432 Minot do 2.... 35.50 Milford do 12.... 474 Milo do 11.... 756 Mount Desert 10 do 6.... 1889 Monmouth 1 do 4. ...1882 Monroe do 5. ...1602 MontvUle 10 do 5.... 2154 Monson 5 do 11 548 Moscow 15 do 10. . . . 562 Mt. Vernon 14 do 4. ...1475 Naples6 do 2.... 758 NewfieldlS do 1....1354 New Gloucester 21 . . .do 2. . . . 1946 Newcastle do 3. ...1713 Newry23 do 8.... 463 New Portland do 10.... 1620 Newburgh 2 do 12. ... 963 Newport do 12. ...1138 NewSharon do 9. ...1829 New Limeric 5 do 13 123 New Vineyard 8 ... .do 9. ... 927 North Berwick 5 do 1 1447 North Yarmouth 16. .do 2. . . .2824 Nobleboro do 3.... 2210 NorthfieldlO do 7.... 232 Norway 8 do 8.... 1786 Northport 4 do 5. ...1207 NoRRiDowocK do 10 1865 Oldtowu 13 do 12.... 2345 Orland do 6.... 1418 Orneville do 11 Orono 12 do 12. . . . 1530 Orrington 14 do 12.... 1580 Orient 2 do 13 Otisfield 7 do 2. ...1307 Otis 14 do 6 88 Oxford 14 do 8.... 1024 Parsonfieldl6 do 1....2442 Patricktown 11 do 3 Paris do 8.... 24.54 Palmyra 6 do 10. . . . 1500 Passadumkeag do 12 394 Patten County 12.. Palermo 9 do 5.. Parkman 1 do 11.. Penobscot do 6.. Pembroke do 7.. Perry 20 do 7.. Peru 19 do 8.. Phillips 11 do 9.. Phipsburg22 do 3.. PittstonS do 4.. Pittsfield4 do 10.. Plymouth4 do 12.. Poland 1 do 2.. Portland do 2.. Pownal do 2. . Porter do 8.. Princeton 26 do 7. . Prospect 19 do 5.. Raymond 5 do 2. . Readfield 16 do 4.. Richmond 3 do 3.. Ripley 24 do 10.. Robbinston22 do 7.. Rome do 4.. Roxbury26 do 8.. Rumrord22 do 8.. Saco9 do 1.. Sanford 12 do 1.. Salem 14 do 9., Sangerville 2 do 11., Scarborough 1 do "2. , Sebago 2 do 2. , Seaville9 do 6., Sedgwick 3 do 6. Sebasticook do 4.. Searsmont 7 do 5. Sebec do 11 . Shapleigh 14 do 1. Shirley 7 do 11. Sidney 13 do 4. Skowhkgan do 10. Smyrna do 13. Smithfield do 10. South Berwick 3 do 1. Solon 12 do 10. Springfield do 12. Standish2 do 2. St. George 1 do 3. Steuben 1 do 7. Stow do 8. Stoiiehaui do 8. Starks do 10. St. Albans do 10 Stetson 9 do 12. Strong do 9. Sullivan 22 do 6. Surry 5 do 6. Sumner 16 do 8. Sweeden 5 do 8. Swanville do 5. Temple do 9. Thomaston 19 do 3. Thorndike 15 do 5. Tnwnsend do 3. Topsham 1 do 3. Tripsfield28 do 7. Trenton 7 do 6. Troy 16 do 5. ,.1594 ,.1205 ,.1474 ..1050 ,.1008 ,.1002 .1312 .1657 ,.2460 . 951 ,. 843 ,.2360 ,15218 ,.1200 ,.1133 ,. 157 ,.3492 ..2032 ,.2037 ..1604 .. 591 .. 822 . 987 .. 227 ..1444 ..4408 . .2233 .. 561 ..1197 ..2173 .. 707 .. 129 ..1922 . 137 .1116 .1510 . 190 .2190 .1584 . 184 . 789 .2134 .1139 . 546 .2198 .2094 . 884 . 376 . 313 .1559 .1064 . 616 .1109 . 650 . 857 .1269 . 670 . 919 . 955 .6227 .1883 . 188 .1061 .1376 Trescott 13 do 7 793 Turner do 8 2479 Union do 3 1784 Unity 14 do 5. ...1467 Vassalboro9 do 4 2951 Vienna 15 do 4.... 891 Vinalhaven do 5.... 1950 Waterboro do 1 1944 WaldoborolS do 3.... 3661 Wales do 4.... 656 Warren 16... do 3.... 2228 Washington 13 do 3 1600 VValtham do 6.... 232 Waterville 10 do 4.... 2939 Wayne 2 do 4. ...1201 Watertord6 do 8. ...1381 Waldo 11 do 5.... 721 Wells 6 do 1....2978 Westbrook do 2.... 4116 Westport do 3.... 655 Webster do 3.... 113? Wesley 12 do 7. ... 255 Wellington do II.... 722 WeldS do 9. ...2198 Weston 1 do 13.... 249 Whitefield 10 do 3. . . .2142 Whiting 14 do 7.... 460 Windham 19 do 2. . . .2303 WiscAssET do 3. ...2314 Windsor 6 do 4. ...1789 Winslow do 4 1722 Winthrop do 4. ...1915 Wilton 3 do 9.... 2198 Wilson do 11.... 70 Williamsburg 12 do 11.... 131 Woolwich 6 do 3.... 1416 Woodstock21 do 8.... 819 York do 1....3ni NAMES OF PLACES ON THE COAST, As denoted by corresponding figures on the Map. York Harbor, 1. Fletcher's Neck, 2. Cape Elizabeth, 3. Portland Light, 4. Casco Bay, 5. Kennebec River, 6. Musconegus Bay, 7. Manhegin Island, 8. Penobscot Bay, 9. I. Au Haut, 10. Frenchman's Bay, 11. Goldsboro Harbor, 12. Petit Meuare, 13. Narraquagus Bay, 14. Pleasant River Bay, 15. Englishman's Bay, 16. Machias Bay, 17. Cross Island, 18. Grand Menan Isle, 19. Campobello Island, 20. St. Andrew's, 21. Passamaquoddy Bay, 22. NEW HAMPSHIRE. S^" The figure following the Town, shows the number of the Town on the Map — the second col- umn gives the Population of 1840. BELKNAP. Alton, 2 2,002 Barnstead, 1 ] ,945 Centre Harbor, 6 584 Gilford 2,072 GiLMANTON 3,485 Meredith, 4 3,S44 New Hampton, 5 1,812 Sanboruton, 3 2,745 CARROLL. Albany, 11 406 Brookiield, 1 5.53 Chatham, 13 523 Conway, 12 1,811 Eaton, 10 1,710 Effingham, 5 1,195 Freedom, 6 926 Moultonborough, 7 1,7.'52 OssiPEE 2,170 Sandwich, 8 : 2,625 Tamworth, 9 1,716 Tuftonborough, 4 1,281 Wakefield, 3 1,596 Wolf borough, 2 1,918 CHESHIRE. Alstead, 20 1,454 1 Chesterfield, 8 1,765 Dublin, 11 1,075 FitzwiUiam, 3 1,3G6 Gilsum, 17 656 Hinsdale, 7 1,141 Jaflrey, 6 1,411 Kbene 2611 Marlborouu'h, 10 831 Marlow, 21 626 Nelson, 16 835 Richmond, 2 1,165 Rindge, 4 1,161 Roxbury, 12 286 Stoddard, 19 1 006 Sullivan, 15 496 Surry, 14 481 Swanzey, 9 1,755 Troy, 5 683 Walpole, 18 2,015 Westmoreland, 13 1,546 Winchester, 1 2,065 coos. Bartlett, 24 700 Berlin, 10 116 Cambridge, 15 5 Carroll, 1 218 Clarlisville, 22 88 Colelirook, 19 743 Columbia, 20 620 Dwiton, 4 664 Dixville, 23 4 Uumnier, 14 57 Errul, 17 1U4 Gorham, 8 156 Jackson, 2 584 Ji'Iterson, 5 575, 9 Lancaster 1,316 Milan, 12 ;186 Millsfiild, 18 12 Nortlmiiiberland, 25 299 Pitt-liurg 315 Randolph, 6 1 15 Stark, 13 349 Stratford, 16 441 Shelburne, 7 350 Stewartstovvn, 21 630 Success, 11 Whitefield, 3 751 Weutworth's Locution, 26 25 GRAFTON. j Alexandria, 3 1,284 . Bath, 30 1,.591 Benton 413 Bethlehem 779 Bridgwater, 11 747 Bristol 1,153 Campton, 19 1,513 Canaan, 10 1,576 Danbury, 2 800 Dame's Gore 54 I Dorchester, 15 769 Ellsworth, 21 300 Enfiild, 7 1.514 lY.nconia, 29 523 1 Grafton, 4 1,201 Groton, 14 870 H mover, 9 2,613 Haverhill 2,675 Hebron, 12 508 Hill, 1 999 Holdemess, 13 1,528 Landaff; 28 957 Lebanon, 8 1,754 Lisbon, 31 1,682 Lincoln, 27 76 LitUeton, 33 1,778 Lyman, 32 1,496 Lyme, 16 1,785 Orange, 5 463 Orford, 20 1,757 Piermont, 25 1,057 Plymouth 1.282 Riimnev, 18 1. HI Thornton, 22 1,045 Warren, 24 938 Waterville, 23 63 Wentworth, 17 1,119 Woodstock, 26 472 hillsborough. Amherst 1,565 Antrim 1,22,') Bedford, 16 1,549 Bennington Brookline, 3 652 Deering, 23 1,124 Fr:incestown, 21 1,308 Gotistown, 22 2,366 Greenfield, 19 834 Hancock, 20 1,:)45 Hillshoroutih, 26 1,808 Hollis, 4 1,333 Hudson, 5 1,144 Litchfield, 27 481 Lyndeborough, 14 1 033 M aichester, 17 3,235 M son, 2 1,275 Merrimack, 12 1,113 Milford,ll 1,455 Mount \ ernon, 15 720 Nashua, 6 3,600 Nashville, 7 2,454 New Ipswich, 1 1,578 New Bosion, 18 1,570 Pelliani, 28 1,003 Peterborough, 13 2,163 Sh'.ron, 8 251 Temple, 9 576 Weare, 24 2,375 Wiiton, 10 1,033 Windsor, 25 177 MERRIMACK. Allenstown, 8 4.55 Andover, 19 1,169 Bradford, 6 1,331 Bow, 3 1,001 Boscawen, 14 1,965 Canterbury, 13 1,643 Chichester, 10 1,028 Concord 4,903 Dunbarton, 1 950 Epsom, 9 1,205 Franklin, 18 1,281 Henniker, 5 1,715 Hooksett, 2 1,175 Hopkinton, 4 2,454 Loudon, 12 1,640 Newbury, 16 816 New London. 22 1,019 Northfield, 21 1,413 Pembroke, 7 1,336 Piltsfield, 11 1,719 Salisbury, 17 1,332 Sutton, 23 1,361 Warner, 15 2,159 Wilmot, 20 1,212 ROCKINGHAM. Atkinson, 3 567 Auburn 869 Brentwood, 19 888 Candia,28 1,430 Chester, 16 1.304 D-nville, 17 538 Deerfield, 29 1,953 Derry, 14 2,034 East Kingston, 11 551 Epping,21 1,234 Exeter 2,925 Gosport 115 GrtenUmd. 23 726 Hanipstead, 13 890 Hampton, 9 1,320 Hampton Falls, 8 656 Kensington, 10 647 Kingston, 12 1,032 Londonderry, 15 1,556 New Castle, 25 742 Nevvington, 26 543 New Market 21 2,746 Newtown, 5 541 North Hampton, 31 885 Northwood, 30 1,182 m, 27 1,193 Plaistow, 4 626 Poplin, 18 428 Portsmouth 7,887 Raymond, 20 989 Rye, 24 1,205 Salem, 1 1,408 Sandown 525 Seabrook,7 1,392 South Hampton, 6 462 Slratham, 22 875 Windham, 2 926 STRAFFORD. Barrington, 4 •1,845 Dover 6,458 Lurli. m, 2 1,498 Farmirgton, 8 1,380 Lee, 1 906 Madbury, 3 489 Middleton, 11 483 Milton, 9 1,322 iNew Durham, 10 1,032 Rochester, 6 2,431 Somersworth, 7 3,283 Straltord, 5 2,021 SULLIVAN. Acworth, 2 1,450 Charlestown, 5 1,722 CI;iremont, 8 3,217 Cornish, 11 1,726 Croydon, 10 957 (,o hen, 7 779 Grantham, 13 1,0o4 Laiigdon, 1 615 Limpster, 3 94i Newport 1,958 PIrtinfield, 12 1,552 Springfield, 14 1,252 Unity, 6 1,218 Washington, 4 1,103 Wendell, 9 795 MASSACHUSETTS. t[^° The fignre following the Town, shows the number of the Town on the Map — the second col- unin gives the Population of 1840. barn6tabi.k. Barnstable 4,303 Brewster, 8 1,522 Chatham, 7 '-',334 Dennis, 5 2,942 Eastham, 10 955 Falmouth, 1 2,589 Harwich, 6 2,930 Marshpee District, 2 300 Orleans, 9 1,974 Provincetown 2 122 Sandwich, 3 3,719 Truro, 12 1,920 Wellfieet. 11 2,377 Yarmouth, 4 2,554 BERKSHIRE. Adams, 25 3,703 Alford, 8 481 Becket, 13 1,342 Boston Corner, 27 Cheshire, 20 985 Clarksburg, 29 370 Dalton, 18 1,2.55 Egremont, 7 1,038 Florida, 30 441 G. Barrington, 6 2,704 Hancock, 22 9-2 Hinsdale, 17 957 Lanesborough, 21 1.140 Lee, 11 2,428 Lenox, 1,304 Mount Washington, 12 438 New Ashford, 26 227 New Marlborough, 3 1,682 Otis, 5 1,177 Peru, 16 576 Pittsfiold, 19 3,761 Richmond, 15 1,097 Sandisfield, 1 1.464 Savoy, 24 915 Sheffield, 2 2,322 Stockbridge, 10 1,992 Tyringhani, 4 1,477 Washington, 14 989 W. Stockbridge, 9 1,449 Williamstown, 28 2,153 Windsor, 23 90U BRISTOL. Attleborough, 12 3,584 Berkley, 10 886 Dartmouth, 2 4.142 Dighton,9 1,378 Easton, 14 2,074 Fairh.iveu, 3 3 952 Fall River, 16 6.738 Freetown, 4 1,772 Mansfield, 13 1,:W2 New Bedford 12.087 Norton, 15 1,545 Pawtucket, 8 2,184 Raynham, 11 1.329 RelKiboth, 17 2,169 Stfkonk, 7 1,986 Suninset, 5 1,005 Swanzey, 6 1,489 Tai^nton 7,645 VVestport, 1 2,820 DUKES. Chilmark, 1 702 Edg.irtowu. 3 1.736 Tisbury, 2 1,520 Ameshnry. 23 2,471 Anddver, 13 5,207 Beverly, 5 4 689 Boxford, 15 641 Bradlord, 20 2,225 Danvers,4 5,020 Essex, 9 1,453 Georgetown, 16 1,540 Gloucester, 7 6,363 Hiiniilton, 11 817 Haverhill, 22 4,337 Ipswich 3,001 Lynn, 1 3,975 Lynnfield, 25 701 Manchester, 6 1,356 Marblehe^d, 3 5,575 Melliuen, 21 2,251 Middleton, 12 657 Newbury, 18 3,789 Newburyport 7,161 Rockport, 8 2,647 Rowley, 17 1,203 Salem 15,083 Salisburv, 24 2,740 Sau^us, 2 1,098 Topstield, 14 1,067 VVenham, 10 690 West Newbury, 19 1,560 FRANKLIN. Ashfield, 16 1,610 Bernard nou, 18 992 Buckland, 8 1,084 Charlemont, 22 1,127 Colraine, 21 1.971 Conway, 5 1,410 Deerfield, 9 1,912 Erviiig. 16 309 Gill, 17 798 Gree.nfield 1.758 Havvley, 7 978 Heath, 25 897 Leverett, 2 875 Leyden, 19 632 Monroe, 24 282 .KUB, 10 1,267 N( w Salem, 12 1,305 Nonhticid, 15 1,673 Orange, 13 1,502 Kowe, 23 7U3 Shclburne, 20 1,022 Sliutesbury, 1 987 Suiidirl;ind, 3 720 Warwick, 14 1,071 Wendell, 11 875 VVhalely, 4 1,069 HAMPDEN. Blandford, 9 1,423 Brimfii'ld, 17 1,419 Che.,ler, 11 1,627 Granville, 7 1,414 Hollund, 1 423 Longuieadu w, 5 1,270 Ludlow, 15 1,267 Monson, 3 2,151 Montgomery, 12 740 Palmer, 16 2,139 Russell, 10 956 Southwick, 6 1,210 Springfield 10,986 Tolland, 8 627 Wales, 2 686 Wesltield, 13 3,524 West Springfield, 14 3,626 Wilbraham, 4 1,864 HAMPSHIRE. Amherst, JO 2,551 Belchertown, 1 2,554 Chesterfii-ld, 17 1,132 I Cummington, 22 1,239 Easthampton, 5 717 Enfield, 11 976 Goshen, 21 556 Grauby, 3 971 Greenwich, 12 824 Hadley,9 1,816 Hatfield, 15 932 Middlefield, 19 1,715 Northampton 3,750 Norwich, 7 750 Peltiam, 14 956 Plainfield, 20 905 Prescott, 13 780 South Hadley, 4 1,458 Southampton, 6 1.159 Ware, 2 1,180 Westhampton, 8 759 Williamsburg, 16 1.308 Worlhington, 18 1,198 MIDDLESEX. Acton, 33 1,121 Ashby, 37 1,246 Ashland, 42 Bedford, 22 929 Billerica, 27 1,632 Boxborough, 23 426 Brighton, 8 1,425 Burlington, 21 510 Cambridge 8,409 Carlisle, 26 556 Charlestown, 9 11,483 Chelmsford, 31 1.697 Concord 1,784 Dracut, 41 2,188 Dunstable, 39 603 Framiiigham, 4 3,034 Groton, 34 2,136 Hollistoii, 1 1,782 Hopkinton, 2 1,245 Le.\ington, 16. . . 1,642 Lincoln, 14 686 Littleton, 25 937 Lowell. 20.816 Maiden, 18 2.514 -Marlborough, 6 2,098 .Medford, 17 2,478 Nalic, 5 1,285 Newton, 7 3,351 Pepperell, 38 1,571 Reading, 29 2,193 Sherburne, 3 995 Shirley, 35 957 South Reading, 30 1,517 Stoneh ,m, 19 1,017 Slow, 24 1230 Sudbury, 12 1,45^ Somerville, Tewksbury, 31 906 Townsend, 36 1,992 Tyngsborough, 40 870 VValtham, 11 2,504 VVatertown, 10 1,810 Wayl.nd,13 998 West Cambridge, 15 1,363 Westford, 32 1,436 Weston, 43 1,092 Wilmington, 28 859 Woburn, 20 2,990 NANTUCKET. Nantucket 9,051 NORFOLK. Bellingham, 3 1,055 Braintree, 13 2,168 Brookline, 20 1,265 Canton, 10 1,995 Cohasset, 21 1,470 Dedham 3,291 Dorchester, 16 4,875 LIST OF TOWNS MASSACHUSETTS. Dover, 17 520 Foxborough, 2 1,298 Franklin, 4 1.717 Medfield, 8 8H3 Me4way, 7 2.04:! Milt(in, 15 \m-2 Needham, 18 1 4K-' auincy, 14 1.48G Randolph, 11 3,213 Roxbury, 19 !l.0f^9 Sharon, 5 1.076 Stoughton, 6 2.142 Walpole, 9 1.4'Jl Weymouth, 12 3.738 Wreatham, 1 2,015 PLYMOUTH. Abington, 10 3.214 Bridgewater, 6 2,131 Carver, 3 9<.l.') Duxbury, 13 2,7il8 East Bridgewater, 8 l.'JM Halifax, 15 734 Hanover, 16 1,48;:' Hanson, 11 1 04(1 Hinghain, 19 3 .5 Washington. U 1.3S9 Town on the M!i|> — the st'ci>nd c^l- RichmonU. 6 1.064 W»st Fjiiriee, 7 894 timn give* the Pi>paU-»iion of 1S40. Shelburae, 4 1.0»* VVilUamstowB, 13 1.630 County Towns in smiL cjlpitaLs. Sx. George. S 131 ^ I'nderhiU, 14 1.441 oklkaxs. ADPISON. Westford. 13 1.331 Williston. 8. 1,354' Albany. 3 930 E--noo. 4. Bruwingtcm. 8 486 Chariesti>u. 7 78S Coventrv. 11 786 Addi-son. H 1,^9| -A ver\-"s l«w» 78 Bnstol. 16 1.233 BridfK^f t. 6 1.4.^ AverUl. 15. U Corn wall. 7 1.163 BUxHiilieM. 10 179^burv. 2. 1 131 Kerri>burgh. 19 1.735 Brunswick. 8. 130 Derby. 15 1.681 GrHn\-Ule, 10 >t5 Brishton, 16 137 Glover. 3 1.119 Goshen. 1 6ai C! 14 37S Greensboro'. 1 883 Hancxrk. 2 435 Concord. 1 1.024 Holland. 14. 60S Lincoln. 17 770 Kxsihavea. 3 79 1rasbvr6B 979 Leicester. 3 602 bVrdinand. 7 J»v. 18. 3W MiPPLKBCRT 3.161 Grsinby. 4 106 Lowell, 9L 431 Mooktou. 21 1,310 GriLDBiLi 470 MorgMn. 13 •69 Newhaven. 13 1 jtUJ Lemiu^too. 13 Idl , Newport. 16 591 Psinton. 14 670 Lewis, 12 Sitlem. 13 999 Ript .n,9 357 Lunenbttr«h.2 L13U nri>y. 17 83C Starksbofo". 20 IjJKJ .Mjvidstone, 6 271 Westfield 379 Shore h-trn. 5w 1.673; .Niwtoo, 17 Westuiore. 6. IS *ilis burv, ? 942 : K.-« ndooi. 9 I Coven try Go*e 19 Verseanes. 18. 1.017 Vic«ory,3 140 Winlock. 11 36 ritlam>. Wevbnd^. 11 797 VVsdth,-«m. 15 aS3 Wliitin«,4 660 rSAKXIOX. •KNXUISTO!(. 'Benson. 18 \MA Brandon. 23 219* Avery's Gore. Sk 35 Csistleton. 15 1799 Baker-lield. 4 1 206 Chineuden. 21 M4 .Arlington. 8 1.035 Berkshire. 13 1.818 Clarend-Mi. 10 1>» Bknmnstos 3.429 Enosburgh. 8 2.032 Ditnbv. 1 1J39 Di^rset. 14 1.433 Fnirtiu. 1 1919 Ftvirhaven, 16 633 Glasieubur*-. 6 53 Kjiirfield. 6k 2.448 Hubb^rd-too. 19 "19 LacJsrvve.'l2 343 FWtcber. i 1.014 Ira. 12 439 MiNCHisTcii. 1.590 Kniaklin, 13 1.410 Mei dou, 13 545 Peru. 13v 578 t«?.irgia. 2 2106 .VJiddletown. 8 1067 r " i.l. 3 1.613 Higt«aie, 11 2.292 .Mount Holly. 4. 1JS9 ->>rv>'. 1 767 Mouuy>a»ery. 7 548 Mount Tab<.)r.3 . 13 - :e. 10... S5\A,-^N>ro'. 4.. Sh.ittsbur.-. 7.. 8^.--^>rd.'2L... "»nd. 9. rd, 5... .:. 11... .1.0»l KichlbrU.14 914 Orwell. 25 IJ04 .AuiANS 2.702 Pawlet.2 1.748 . . 120 Swtiaton. 9 2.312 Pittsf rd. 20. 1.9?! .1.883 Sheldon. 10 1.7»» Pittsneld. 4i 651 ..66S .-•07 ..457 ..576 CALKDOMA. Bwnet. 4 2,000 Bndl«rnU«. 18 30 Bartie.'l6 997 Csbtu. 6 1.440 Pa> viu.« 2.633 1 Belvidere. 10 Gc«hen Got*, by Ptaia^l 4T68 Sherborne. 14. 4W .\lba]gb.4 1.344 Shrew >burv. 9 \SM GraadUe, 2 7*1 Sudbury. 24 799 He La Mott. 3 435 TiuuK^uth, 6. TW NoKTH Hero 716 WalUnafbrd. 5 ICN South Uen\ 1 6W i We>« Havea. 17 774 Weils. 7 749 UlJIOlVX. I WASHIXOTOS. 307' 1.791)! Baurre. 8 il36 ,4... Goshen Gvw, by WiOileB. 8 142 YAt'x. 9 702 Beflin,7 Grotoo. 1 ftft= Flai->re. 2 476 Calx is. 11... Harvlwick. 9 1.354 H\dipajik 1.0^ l>U3bury. 13 Harris Ikxe '- Rirbv. 11 Lynd«^H». 12 1 - Newark. 17 - Peacham. 3. 1 - Rves-tte. 2 1 . .■ Shetfield.14 .-. Si. Johnsbury, ift. l.eJNi Sutti.>n. 13 l.OCSt W.-aden. 7 9131 1.386 1.799 ..889 ..1.410 Fa\-s5oo. 5. 635 .,.223 Marshaeld. 1ft. 1.159 ..1,502 MidJIesei. 12 1.279 , 1.371 1 MosTFKUSi 3,725 193 Mocetown. 6 USB a 610 WnnKie 1.098 SJt Northfield.3 a.»13 Plainfield. 9 889 0KAX6K. RosbOTV. 1 781 Wittsn^li4 1-9"' NVai^rfonl,3. .1.388; Brsdfivd. 91 1655 Warren. 2. Whe«KMrk. IX 681 BruDtie«. 1 1.23S Watertiunr. 14 ek>)»kael Woodbury. 16 caiTTKtvK!!. t'BivsKA 1 95» ! Worreswr. 15. Corinth. 19. 1*70 BrKU!t»TO,x 4271 F!»irtee.6L 6+4 ww»«lu». Buels Gore 181 Newfcarr. 16. 2.379' Bolti^o. 7 4TOiORuige.'l4 ,^ *4 Acto*. 2L Colchester. 11 1.7391 RiuMK>lph. 2 2.678 .Athens. 18 CJwxioite. 3 IjSaO Slraflbtd.4. 1.761 Bralileboro'. 5. Kssei.lO U8M Thetfiwd. 5 2.lHi5 EnvtOine. 13 Hu-no«UH». I 914 TbfslMdn. 1&. 1743 Oovw. ItX H»»?slKir', 24 1.216 | Ponifret, 15 1,774 Marlboro'. 6. I 027 Windsor. I Rcadins, 10 1.363 NiwFANK 1,403 Rochester, 19 1,396 Putnev. 12 l.4j!2 Andover. 1 87S Rovalton. 20 1,917 Rookii'ipham. 20 2 3,10 Btim ml. 16 1.774 ' Sh.aron. 21 1,371 Somerset, 11 262 B.iltimore, 5 155 | :*ux-kbriilj:o, 17 1.419 Slratton, 16 341 Bethel. 1? 1.8t>6 ' Sjmiisfield. 3 2,625 Townshciid, 14 1.345 BriiineHater. 13 1 36;i Weatherslied. 4 2,0iS Vernon, 4 705 CHvendish. a 1.427 ! Weston. 6 1 032 Wardsboro*. 15 1.IOO Chester. 2 2.305 | Windsor, 9 2.744 Westminster, 19 1,546 Hiirtland. 12 2.343 UVoodstock 3,315 RHODE ISLAND d^ The fignre following the^ skwport. Town, shows the number of the I Town on the Map — the second col- Jamestown, 1 365 nmn gives the Population of 1^40. i Little C<)mpton, 4 1.327 Cotintv Towns In small capitals. ' Middletown. 2 891 ! Newport 8,333 BRISTOL. New Shoreham 1,069 Portsmouth, 3. 1.706 Barrinston. 2 549 Tiverton, 5 3,183 Bristol 3 490 Warren, 1 2,438 PROVIDKSCK. Btirrilville. 7 1.9ft2 CoTentry. 9 3,433 Cranston. 3 2.902 East Greenwich 1 509 , Cumberland. 9 5.224 Warw ick, 3 6.?26 i Foster. 1 2,181 1 West Greenwich, 1 1,416 1 Gloucester, 6 2.308! .Tohnston, 4 2.477 North Providence, 5 4,207 Providence City 23J72 Scituate. 2 '. 4.090 Suilthfield.8 9^ WASHINGTON. Charlestown. 2 933 Exeter, 5 1,7TB Hopkinton, 4 1,796 Nonh Kinsston, 6 2,909 Richmond. 3 1.361 SofTH Kingston 3,718 Westerley, 1 1,912 CONNECTICUT. in^ The figure followine the Pown, sho\v<< the number of the Pnwn on the M^ip ; — the second ;olunin gives the Popiiluion of 1840. younly Towns in small caps. FAIRFIELD. ?ri(iseport Citv 3,294 ?riil2eport. 9.. l.^Tfi Jrooktiria, 17 125.5 lANBrRY 4,.'5n3 )arien. 3 1,080 ''airfield 3fi.54 Jrei-nu ich, 1 3,921 iuntin-iton, 14 1 328 Honroe. 13 1 3.5.5 'few r^n im, 4 2.217 few Fiirfi.-I(1.18 95fi S'ewtowi. 16 3,189 forwilk, 5 3,8B9 ledding, 11 1,()7.5 lidgpticld, 12 2.474 iherrnm, 19 938 ?ti\mtird, 2 3,.516 Stratfnrd, 1.5 1,808 rrumhnll, 10 1205 Vesto.i, 8 2.561 Vest Port. 6 1,802 Villon, 7 2.U57 H-IRTFORD. Uon, 11 i.noi $erli.i.2 3411 $loonifipl.I. 14 986 iristol, 9 2 109 Jurlington. 10 1,202 'antoi. 12 1.7.35 5ast Hertford. 7 2 389 last Wind-or 16 3 600 ■Infield. 17 2,648 ^arniinL'ton. 8 2,041 Jh^tenbury. 4. . . .•. 3,077 5ninl.v, 19 2.609 lartfo'rd City 9,468 lanford 3,325 l.-irtliind, 20 1060 Harchester, 6 1,695 rfi.rlborough, 5 713 lockv Hill ?inisbiirv, 13 1,895 5outhinglon, 1 1.887 Suffield, 18- 2.669 rVethersfield, 3 3,824 iVindsor, 15 2,283 l-ITCHFIELD. Barkhini'ted, 17 1, Bethlem. 8, 21 2, Colebrook, 19 1, Corn well, 13 1, Hoshen, 14 1, Harwinton, 6 1. Kent, 10 1 Litchfield 4, New Hnrtford, 16 1, New Milford. 1 3, Norfolk. 20 1, Plymouth, 5 2, Roxburv, 2 Salisbury, 22 2. Sharon. 12 2, Torrinirton, 15 1, VVirren, 11 Washington, 9 1 VV itertown, 4 1 Wir.chp-;>ersniilhs ' 62 65 ..1130 . . [204 77 130 .. 204 67 65 c 257 '287 257,287 2571287 257316 |287 257316 2621297 272 .. . 130 •7 130 204 204 131 78 131 204 135 203 79 135 ..il35 . . i 135 99 204 ..1136 1136 136 . 204 136 209 99 136 79 137 204 79 139 80 139 .. 140 .. 206 234 311 287 316 287 287 28'7 316 287 287 272 288 258 2581286 316 2.59 291 234i2.-.9 291 ..I ..I .. 249^259 291 2341259 291 2721 .. 180 .. 204 99 . .i 99 140 309 ..260 286 CONTENTS. op., Tiii,& She 't Iron Workers ord:i;;e and Duck Miinul' oril :i ri(t Line Maiiuf onl, (J nip and Tassel Triiimi's (irk C'utUTs orn I'l^inters ollon Balling Manufacturers., ot. & Wool. .Machinery (see Mu oitoii Curd Manufacturers .... otion Dealers (see p. 206) .itlon Goods Mf. (see Statistics) ..tton WarpMf. (see Statistics) ouilsellors 1 lUn ter Cases ouit- rockerj' Ware urlid Hair, Manuf. (see p. 204). u, led Hair, Di^alers uniers (see p. 192) utli ry Minutacturers Basiu'rrea n Artists agiuiruan Case Manuf entists ie .-^i ikers and Lttier Cutters. istilli-r- of Rose W^ ter iviilers and Compasses 'oor. S ish, and Blind Dealers . . loor. Sash, and Blind Manuf. . . rapers and Tailors 'rug hikI Medicine Dealers 'rum Maauficturers ry Good-i, Retiil 'ry Goods, Wholesale ry Good-:, Groceries &. Variety 'yers. Silk & Fancy (see p. 205) 'ye Woods, Dealers 'ye Wood, Manufacturer* iarthen Ware Manul'acturcrs . dye Tools (see pp. 11)3, 204, 20.1) li'Cirici ins lecirotyper Iliptic JSpiings iigint; Builders^see Michinists) npineers (see p. 204) ingiiie Ho-e ngravers &. Copperplate Print's Ingravers (see p. 20.'>) Ijigravers lor Calico Printers. . . i.ssence xpresses 'ancy Goods.De ilers (see Jewel an-. Manufacturers ealhiT Dealers e.ilhrr Du-ter.s ealher M inuf icturcrs elloes. Tree Nails and .\ugurs. email? Employment Office lie Cutters lie Manufacturers inding Stores ire .■\|iparatus ire lirick De lers ire Engine Builders (see p. 205) ire Kinilling ireworks ish Dealers ishing Tackle ish Flickers lannels (see Woollen Goods) . lat Roof Compositioners lavoring E.\tracts lour Manufacturers lour and Grain Dealers oreign Exchange Bankers ork Manufacturers iiunilers. Brass minder'*. Iron ounders. Stereotype reestone Manufacturers rench Shirts ringe and Tassel Dealers ringe, Tassel and Silk Manuf.. ruit, Foreign and Domestic. . .. ruit and Confectionery ruit and Vegetables ur Dealers ? ^ ^ 249 2701313 255 283 274 317 2.58 288 21)1) ■,'<) 191) 2411 -.'li;) :)!■,' 142 23-1 Jiil) 2'.»- 149|... 149 {23'; 204 ... 204 2(ie l«>6 131 149 65 ... 62| 85 6.5 84 62 77 63 86 70 99 143 234 142 14512.34 1491249 149 249 150 204 204 2041... 1.501 . . . 151 ... 151 '238 124,231 160 239 195 . . . 151 ... 151 [1.52 152 i(i0l292 26: 258 272 261 '2tU 261 261 273 201 296 316 296 296 262,296 2.57 286 ■263 299 311 262 . ...296 262 ... F'urnaces, Blnst Furnaces and Ranges I'urnilure Dealers Furniture Manufacturers Furriers Galvanic Batteries Gardeners Gas Manufacturers Gents' Furnishing Stores Giliiing and Silvf ring (Jinil)let Manufacturers Glass Cutters I ; lass Engraving Mass Knob Dealers Glass ManiifMClnrers I. lazed, and .M irlile Card Boards. <;|olie M a nufac Hirers Gloves and Milti'ns, Manuf. Glue M ■niifacluriTs (.see p. 205) Gold Bealerv (see p. 205) (Jold Pen Manuf ti'rain Dealers Green Hou-es Grind'g Lac, Dye, Coal & Marble (iriiiding Salt (Grinding Drugs <;roceries (juni Substitute (.'un Cotton Gur,powder, Dealers I iun .Maiiut'acturers i.Uiisniilhs (~ee p. 20.5) Guns, Pistols &. Sport. -Apparatus liutta Percha Goods Gymnasiums liames, Manuf Handles Hair Dressers Hair Work Hammer Manuf ccturers Harness, Saddle and Trunk Mf.. Hardware, Dealers Hardware Manufacturers Harnesses, Weavers Hat Block Manuf. Hat, ( lap, and Fur Dealers Hat, Cap, and Sleel Slide Manuf. Hat Manuf ■cturers Hay Dealers Hinge Manufacturers Hoe Manufacturers HoUow Ware HomiBopathic Physicians Hooks and Eyes Hops, Dealers Ilor.e Power Manuf. Horse Rake Manuf. (see Rakes) Horticulturists Hosiery and (Jloves Hotel Keepers House Furnishing Articles.. Hydropathic Establi.shments Ice Dealers (see p. 204) India and French Goods India Rubber Goods India Rubbers, Manuf. Ink Manuf. (see p. 205) Inkstand Manuf. Inn Kee|)ers ln?|)ector and Cutter of R.R. Iron Inspectors Institutions for Savings Institutions of Learning Instruments Insurance .Agents Insurance Companies Intaglis Letters and Figures. Iron and Steel Dealers Iron Fence Builders Iron Founders (see p. 205) .. Iron, Manuf. Iron Spri;,g Wire Ivory Black. Manuf .(apinned Ware, Manuf .lewelry. Dealers .lewellirs, Manufacturing. . . .loinrrs' Tools Judiciary 67 60 66 ..152 85 1.52 85 152 ..,152 237 262 237 262 204 79 153 ..il54 ...154 . . . 204 ...154 85 154 99 ... ...204 ...154 ...154 ...!l54 85 154 . . . 204 . . . 204 ...204 . . . 2<14 95,196 . . . 272 ...,204 . . . 205 85 154 ,..154 , . . 1204 ,..,154 ...154 85 155 ,..1155 85' 92 155 85 156 <>9 . . '204 85: 15' 85 158 , . . 158 86 1.58 ...158 ,..159 99 159 90 182 ...159 ...159 . .. 159 99 159 ...159 ,..:159 90 182 ,.. 206 . . 159 100 212 96 208 .. 159 691101 160 70 100 210 69 316 272 259 297 i97 272 248 270 238 238 262 262 238 262 238 263 2;i8 203 238 239 263 316 296 297 297 297 297 297 297 316 298 297 298 ...257 239 272 . . . 263 244 268 249 244(268 299 299 316 316 307 299 299 307 249 273 318 250,273:309 66 63 65 227 272 2<.)9 250 273 318 86 160;239;2«i3;299 . .. 160 ..I272i... 86 1601239 263 299 ..1300 272 300 1239 .. 206 ... . . 249 . . . 99 204 . . . 95 195 2481270 314 ..[.., 160 249 203 300 . . 99 ... I . ..'... 300 68 101 212 251274 317 CONTENTS. 15 ^ ^1^ ^ 0; d ^ &; ^ I's < 160 239 264 316 300 70 87 207 250 205 .. . 273 304 58 103 160 206 163 206 149 163 204 IKevs North River Flagging Stone .. on4 - . ... Ki;t and Bucket Mf. (see p. 206; '99 60 100 I7n ... 268 304 301 170 .. . 205 .. 170 .. 170 .. Oakum (see p. 206) Oars, Dealers Oil & Candles Oilcloth Manuf. '! 305 301 Ladder Mnnuf (see p 205) 70 272 316 163 163 Oil Dealers Oil Manuf. Omnibus Builders Opticians 87 88 170 .. 170 .. 204 .. 170 .. 170 249 171 '.'. 191 242 204 .. 266 272 264 301 Lamps and Burning Fluid 67 317 204 163 103 210 163 163 163 249 272 Ovsters Packers of Fish Pail Manufacturers Painted Carjiets and Oil Cloths. Painted Window Shades 62 62 64 66 65 76 66 69 53 55 70 67 67 70 66 70 266 ''"'^ UW 86 241 iii 272 264 36! 301 • • 88 m 2421266 8(^,171 '>4''iofiK 305 99 Painters. House, Sign and Fancy Paints, Manufacturers 305 Letter Copying and Seal Presses 206 164 164 203 88 88 88 88 206 .. 173 .. 173 .. 173 .. 173 .. 173 .. 174 242 174 .. 1741 .. 174| .. I74I .. 204' .. 204 .. ..249 204! .. 267 267 267 267 267 305 Palm Leaf Hats, Dealers Palm Leaf Mattresses Paper Stock 63 66 86 70 241 264 260 30 i ■• 305 164 164 %5 Liquors and Wines 67 100 24i 241 264 264 301 30 i 301 Paper Rulers Paper Warehouses Parasols and Sunshades Patent Agency Patent Extension Tables Patent Leather Patent Medicines Patent Printing Machinery- Patent Ship Blocks 164 164 204 165 ies •• Livery Stable Keepers 66 86 249 264 302 302 302 298 99 86 99 305 Look. Glass & Pic. Fr's (s. p. 205) Loom Harnesses (see p. 302) . . . 67 70 Loom Pickers 206 Pattern Makers. 90 99 88 88 90 90 86 99 174! .. 174 .. ..249 114; .. 1741 '.'. 174 242 174 242 267 272 267 Ofi7 Looms 302 Pavers Pearl Ashes, Manufacturers Pencils, Manufacturers Pereliginous Acid Perfumery Periodical Dealers Pewter Ware Manuf. Physicians and Surgeons 204 165 ■ * Lumber Dealers 52 52 64 64 70 86 86 87 87 241 264 302 Lumber Manuf. Plachinery (see Maciiinists) . . . Machinists 166 166 241 241 205 265 302 302 ?05 Magnetic Instruments 305 Mahogany 167 167 206 167 167 204 167 168 168 168 i68 105 123 23119.17 "86 ManuC. Establishm'ts (see p. 220) Mirble Manuf. 72 66 106 87 2.53 241 277 265 265 320 303 303 Piano Forte Manuf. (see p. 205). Picture Frame Manuf. . 179 249 165 .. ..243 204 .. 179 .. 170 264 267 267 268 272 267 307 30? Marine Railways Pig Iron Manuf. Pile Drivers pilots '.''.' Pistol Manuf. plane Manuf. (see p. 204) planing .Machines Planing .Mills Plaster Dealers Plaster Image Makers Platers, Brass and Silver Marine Shells Market Men 66 70 90 265 303 Mast-i and Spars 307 Mntch Ml nut", (see p. 204) 249 303 300 Match Sticks 99 wifi! . Mathemitical Instruments 99 87 272 2t)6 272 99 179i .. 179 .. 179' .. lSR24fi Mat Manuf. ** Medals, Coins and Curiosities.. 904 311 Medical Schools 210 168 168 204 206 206 90il7Q243 307 Mercantile Agency Plumbers Plume Manufacturers Pocket Books 99 90 179i .. 206 .. 179 249 206 .. .. 249 Merchants, Importers (see p. 70) Mercury Gilders 65 93 266 310 317 Metallic Letters Portable Vapor Bath Chairs Portrait Painters Potters Metallic Webbing 307 Met-al Dealers 70 MeuU Roolers 204 ';'04 Powder Flasks Powder Deal's & Mf. (see p. 205) Printers' Ink, Dealers Printers' Blankets (see Statistics) Printing Cloths (see Statistics) . Percussion Cap Manuf Prison Statistics 67 72 7i 66 60 71 ..206' .. 991279 243 •• 180| .. 317 317 Millinery and Fancy Goods Military Goods 63 87 169 169 169 204 204 203 206 169 241 266 303 99 241 ■ • 180 . . 105 2i5 25i Mineral Teeth 70 307 318 Miniature Case Manuf 69 99 249 272 316 Produce Dealers Provision Dealers Moore's Essence of Life 90 180 2441265 • . '206 . . 1 88 '182 242 '267 90 182 244:268 105015251' 303 Morocco Dealers Pru^sian Blue Publications, Agents Public House Keepers . 303 305 307 Mortice and Tenoning Machines. 70 99 87 99 Musical Instruments 160 249 169 ... 269 . - - 266 266 304 304 Public Institutions Music-il Instruments, Manuf.... Public Schools ..'. 105,215 251 ..205 .. . 1B«;24I 318 .Music Publishers Pulpit Builders Pump Manuf. (see p. 24.")) Quartz .Manufacturers Railroads Rake Manuf 66 Mustard and Pepper Sauce 204 170 170 300 >Hils, Dealers 99 Nails, Manuf. 040 oik Naturalization Office 204' - - - 92185 245 '. '. ..I ' .. .. ..\\eh ..268 304 1701 204I t>n!; Razor Strop- Reed and Harness Manuf. 309 Neu/^unri rnrH:iUB (^r. • CONTENTS. 1 . 1^ •^ «. c "71 1 ^ aj *frigerators ..205 .. 92 185 245 272 268 268 269 273 269 2(i9 269 :i69 3i7 3i7 309 317 309 3|)9 309 3i6 310 310 317 3i6 304 3i6 317 310 ■m sio 310 3ii 311 285 3i7 3io 311 311 311 3ii 3ii 317 28,5 311 36i 3i7 318 318 320 311 Steel Squares 246 esfciurants Steelyards Manufttcturers 311 estoratives of Oil Paiutiiigs. . . iggers 205 185 206 185 185 205 1815 186 186 205 186 189 206 249 245 249 245 245 245 25 i 2^0 Steeple Clock Manufacturers. . . Steering .Apparatus .99 205 189 205 189 189 193 189 189 116 189 190 190 ivets Stencil Cutting nlling Mills ope Maiiuf. (see p. 205) ule, Rod & Scale Mf. (s. p. 206) uidle Tree Manuf ... 59 99 Stocking Weavers, (see p. 206) . 249 246 ...311 269 311 Stone Ware Manufacturers 70 62 99 93 93 Stoves and Grates, Manufac lit Duck Manufacturers 246 249 ... sii 256 285 75 ail Makers Stucco Workers, (see page 204). Sugar Refiners alainander Safes (see p. 206). . 317 311 alt Stores Suspenders 70 Suspender Buckles 206 190 190 190 205 192 193 awing and Planing 240 246 Tailors 61 61 93 94 269 311 99!l8G 99| .. ..206 80 186 100 206 aw Setts Tailors' Shears 66 70 57 94 247 24^7 269 270 273 313 crews, Manuf (see p. 272) culptors 317 186 186 193 ythe Manuf. 67 70 70 67 59 70 60 69 60 56 63 70 93 272 ythe Snath Manuf. 93 i 186 Theoldfrical Schools, (seeAcad.) 'I'liimhle Manufacturers ■70 209 ythe Stone Manuf 93 93 186 186 186 170 205 186 317 247 eed Growers 205 193 Bed Stores sraph's & Melodeons(see p. 205) ?wing Silk Manuf Thread Manufacturers 270 313 Tin, Cop. & Sheet iron Workers 62 95 193 194 149 247 248 237 249 270 iia laker Societies 100, 102 ISfi Tools, Manuf. (see p. 163, 204-5) 63 370 ... 314 314 liip Bread 93 93 76 187 187 187 188 lln hip Builders 205 70 194 195 171 195 195 195 248 iip>miths 314 84 8(3 99 art .Manuf Twine & Line Manf. (see. p205) 66 70 260 270 301 311 hoe Manuf hoe Peg Manuf 93,188 249 1 .. < nibrellas and Parasols 317 vie Tools (see p. 205) 249 249 24G 249 246 249 249 249 24i 272 269 269 269 272 264 270 17 270 314 look Manufacturers hovel and Spade Manuf. 93 99 93 99 93 93 99 188 188 188 205 188 188 188 188 188 188 170 188 20.5 116 United States Government 17 17 17 195 195 17 17 lovel Handle Manufacturers... hower Bath Manuf icturers Varnish Manuf. (see p. 20,')) ■70 70 314 luttle Manufacturer* Vice Manufacturers 205 205 206 195 205 Ik Dealers Ik Manufacturers 67 65 "90 248 270 317 314 Iver Ware 270 70 Watch Tools 196 196 ate Quarriers »ap and Candle* Wate," Cure Establishments 317 )ap Stone Manufacturers Water Wheels 70 '66 51 i('6 206 Ida Manuf icturers Weavers' Reeds, Manufacturers Webbing and Tape Manuf West India Goods and Groceries )fa, Couch, and Chnir Manuf.. jectacles — Manufacturers jerm Oil Manufacturers 70 70 69 70 66 65 99 75 95 196 202 202 202 202 163 248 270 314 100 96 Dinning Cylinders Wheelwrights and Carriage Mfs 59 248 dint Manufacturers lool Manufactiu-ers 272 264 Window Glass, (.see p. 205) '6'7 ioo 100 203 164 301 able Keepers 861164 .. 188 .. 188 05 18Q Winnowing Mill Manufacturers. lir Builders 203 129 203 195 203 203 203 206 204 272 316 Wood Dealers 65 96 84 96 96 9»i 96 100 284 270 249!... 249 249... 249 272 ...272 6H 101:212 71:105 215 71 10.1 91 ^ 251 ^^4 3i'l 251 251 253 277 Wi.ikIp]] Ware Manut icturers. . Wool Carders & Clotli Dressers Woollen <;ouds Mf (see Statist.) Wool Dealers 66 263 66 65 3Ki 316 atistics of Manufacturing Go's ■72 . . . Il89 106 220 316 316 205 206 ir)6 earn Engines, (see Machinists) 249 100 eel Pens 206 Yellow Ochre 249 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. PPESIDENT, JAMES K. POLK, Tennessee. Salary, $25,000. VICE-PRESIDENT, GEO. M. IJALLAi*. Pennsylvania. Salary, $.5,000. NATIONAL CABINET. Secretary of State, .James Buchanan, Pa., Sal. $6,000 Secretary of Treasury, Robert J. Walker, Miss., 6,000 Secretary of War, William L. Marcy, N. York, 6,000 Secretary of the J^avy, John Y. Mason, Virginia, TERM EXPIRE.S. TERM EXPIRES. Arkansas. \ Pennsylvania. Solon Borland* 1849 ; Simon C.imeron* I849 VVni. K. Sebastian* 1853 Daniel Sturgeon* 1851 Connecticut. John M. Nlles* Roger S. Baldwin Delaware, John M. Clayton Rhode Island. Postmaster Oeneral, Cave Johnson, Tennessee, Attorney Oeneral, Isaac Toucey, Connecticut, 6,000 6,000 4,000 JUDICIARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Supreme Court. Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney, Baltimore, Md. ; appointed in 1836. Salary, $5,000 Associated Justices. John McLean, Cincinnati.Ohio ; appointed in 18i29. Salary, $4,500 J. M. Wayne, S.ivannah, Ga. ; appointed in 1835, 4,500 Peter V. Daniel. Richmond, Va.; appointed in I'-Ml, 4,500 John JIcKinlev, Florenco, Ala.; appointed in 1837, 4,500 John Catron, Nashville, Tenn.; appointed in 1837. 4,500 Samuel Nelson, Cooper«town, N. Y.; appointed in 184.5. 4,500 Levi Woodliury, Portsmouth, N. H. ; appointed in 1845. 4,500 Robert C. Grier. Pittsburg, Pa. ; appointed in 1846, 4,500 Attorney- Oeneral, Isaac Tou- cey ; appointed in 1847, 4,000 Reporter, B. O. Howard ; ap- pointed in 1847, 1,000 Clerk of the Court, William T. Carroll. The Supreme Court is held in the city of Washington, annually, on the first Monday in December. MEMBERS OF THE THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Assembled Monday, Dec. 4, 1848. Whigs, without mark ; Democrats, marked thus * ; Free Sellers, F. S. ; Natives, marked N. ; Anti-Rent- ers, A. R. Tlie Senate. George M. Dallis, President AsBURY Dickens. Secretary. Lewis M. Machen, Chief Clerk. Robert Beale, Scrgeant-at-.'Vrms. TERM EXPIRES Alabama. William R. King* Benjamin Fitzpatrick* 2 Presley Spruance Florida, James D. Wesccitt, Jr.* David L. Yulee* Oeorgia. Herschell V. Johnson* John Mc P. Berrien Illinois, Sidney Breese* Stephen A. Douglass* Indiana, Edw. A. Hannegan* Jesse D. Bright* Iowa, Vacancy Vacancy Kentucky. Thomas Metcalfe Joseph R. Underwood I^ouisiana. Henry Johnson Solomon W. Downs* Maine. Hamlin* James W. Bradbury* Massachusetts, Daniel Webster John Davis Maryland, .lames A. Pierce Ruverdy Johnson Missouri, David R. Atchison* Thomas H. Benton* Michigan. Thomas Fitzgerald* Alpheus Felch* Mississippi, Jefferson Davis* Henry Stuart Foote* JVejc Hampshire. Charles G. Atherton* John P. Hale, F. S. J^ew York. John A. Dix, F. S. Daniel S. Dickinson* JVew Jersey. William L. Dayton Jacob W. Miller JVorth Carolina. George E. Badger Willie P. Mangum 1849 1851 Albert C. Greene John H. Clarke IKSl lEM 1851 1853 South Carolina. A. P. Butler* John C. Calhoun* 1849 1853 1849 1851 1849 Tennessee. Hopkins L. Turney* J-~ t K .tt . •: a o — — :i II 1, i( ;i 5< — — o t i m « -a- o o £ , 53 It^xc. ^-^^r:■^:^l^x^OJ*^^■ 5» mi .-; .-^ n ;:<:.-: n .-: S ?:? ■ ■ o i~ X o -• Ji ro '.■: K> oo ; »:y I ——■—• — — — ococ:^c;xxt^t^:c oot?'^ SI ^ — ocsxt^;^^-; 7^ — *^ I ■v'3'c«3« a ^»t~ixos= §0 H r^ c^ ;^ c^ ^ ^ ■''' "^ ■'*' "^ ■^ "^ "^ "^ "^ ^^ '''^ '•^ ^^ ^^ '■^ ''^ r5rt«rtnS!?"^^^"''5"^''=^S"S.aD3!0— ■ >— < — sir;«-*o»t-xcJ3— •— Jo— ""-simct ->= —.—.5) _ _ — . 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Ci = r~sst~ — - C 3, S: I— — — OCCO-. 05XXXt~ ntot-xa. = — 2J£22:!22 — £S^-i''iM*lpi^^!^^ MEMORANDUM FOR FEBRUARY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 NEW-ENGLAND ALMANAC. wwhSS — ■O'f -laoo CO E <» 00 OO 05 (N P_XtO"S<-^ 32 a- -* ^.* -* ^* — L. ri ^ 1.-5 1.1 1.1 ^ i,-^ ^^ j_ ^ «; ;j, iO I* " .p -r o ^ C tf» c< ® ^ 2 n^ "* * ■'^ y- — I '-•: o o ui u^ f^ ut »n O X c; — s» CI -v ;£ 1-- X o — ; i~ X o -H ji c^ I ©55 I = X t -"'——•—' t-i f- CI ci il &> S w iO '.C » :C '.C 'J 'O 'O !C «0 CO ! C ;? Si ft '5 :?: S! 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Ui 7 52 8 56 9 50 10 34 11 15 11 50 ev.24 1 1 31 2 5 2 41 3 22 4 10 5 4 6 9 7 in It 10 19 11 11 morn 4 55 1 42 2 31 3 21 4 9 5 3 5 7 10 COS 2 19 2 49 3 19 3 53 Rises 8 6 8 54 9 38 10 19 10 56 11 30 morn 2 34 1 5 1 39 2 15 2 57 3 44 Sets. 8 37 9 28 10 12 10 49 11 23 11 54 morn 23 53 1 23 S?ts H.M 7 28 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 31 7 31 7 32 7 33 7 33 7 34 7 34 7 35 7 35 7 3() 7 36 7 36 7 37 7 37 7 37 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 7 38 2 PS D. H. M. 5 5 41 E. 13 5 38 E. 20 9 33 M. 27 5 58 M. ■Sis 4 47 5 51 6 45 7 29 8 10 8 45 9 19 9 55 10 26 11 11 36 ev.l7 1 5 1 59 3 4 4 13 5 17 6 16 7 14 8 6 8 59 9 .5(1 10 37 11 26 16 1 4 1 58 3 4 .. -ai^ 2 211 2 50 3 21 3 54 Kises 8 4 8 52 9 37 10 17 10 .55 11 29 morn 2 33 1 6 1 39 2 16 2 58 3 46 Sets. 8 35 9 27 10 11 10 49 U 23 U 54 24 53 1 24 © .-^ets H.M 7 26 7 26 7 27 7 28 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 30 7 31 7 31 7 32 7 32 7 33 7 33 7 34 7 34 7 34 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 36 7 36 7 36 7 36 7 36 7 36 7 3() 7 36 7 36 D. H. M. 5 5 35 E. 13 5 32 E. 20 9 27 M. 27 5 .52 M. Hish Wat. H. M. 7 38 8 42 9 3() 10 20 11 1 11 36 ev. 10 46 1 17 1 51 2 27 3 8 3 .6 4 .^0 5 .5 7 4 8 8 9 7 10 5 10 57 11 50 morn 41 1 28 2 17 3 7 3 55 4 49 5 51 6 56 ml 2 20 2 50 3 22 3 55 Rises 8 3 8 51 9 36 10 16 10 .54 11 28 morn 1 33 1 6 1 40 2 17 2 59 3 47 Sets. 8 34 9 -26 10 10 10 48 11 22 11 .54 morn '24 54 1 25 vT 1 .i"in>n'.Dt^f^x«>«r:M'^'^-r-f-rTr-r.r-.j'-r'r CO H m < S B. CQ Z Full Moon . . . Third auarter . . New Moon . . . I'irst (iuarter . . ^^"^ I <;Ih' -* P l| >« ^ 50 b1 c^ g 2 «5 ,„■ =5 00 10 O CO a; •-<(;»co«;:;x3iO = o — -• =oo->'7>«vjxxo!00 = ---h =0 — -h 55^^ 1 SJgiJiiiSSSsisSSii.i.ssSH^S^SSSSi^^-;;;^^^ 2 Si a:a.B r^ i^ re r^ r; lO — . r^ — -^ :?* X t^ r^ f :; 1-5 t^ = x ce r?> »ri m^ ifl 10 t^XOiO — — >0— cff»lO-.Ot~XC-. 0-« gO— -"OCTTM-inr-OJ X3 — IT»MC«5:i:XO!01 = £ — — 5 = = — l 2o«-< rt ^ T# c» M >o 200(N-*r~ C >n =2 2 S "5' '5 s X s< 10 X X -»• -r X i-: 'XM - r-: ri X Cj fM - ce x -r < - = i--; -r 11 = = xoo = — >' = — — •S»««-*100t-X£ — — cO-<&to«m-9'intot~(» oca ir: = c; et ■/ = X rt •* t^ X " - ■ ce ^ "T •r — re 10 ^ -r i-'^ i.-^ i.-i - = r^ cs inn >n !^:' ■ . n n -a-C— ■i-reocjtr -j-tNi/tOJinstoCn •9' — o (^ X re oj ^ ~ !.•: c: Oi t^ >o lO(Dl^l^XXO = = "5> >-i(Nce-riflf~t^X»0-H-< So_el'« ggi2S p2;t:;g3'"S'^?c-5?Si3?}3'^55;Ss5SSSS?5°'S -H(Nc-:r:^xxosoo — — =00 — s»m!/Jxxo>ooo^-- Sow^ K — 1 .- — -M T. -: - ~ 1-: j: .; 1- X 1 3-. =■ — -M -M CTT "O tc r^ X C! = — — (N eo f 4) ~ a > a s S t~ to m to t-xo>o — T-i >— 1 — otNr^'j'ireot^xsjc— Jo— •(?»&> ce-fl-iomt^oo »^ p^ .^1 .« y r^ te -H 10 :o X ^^ — 10 ce t^ t^ >o V ^H re •** 10 '.^ t^ - ce .— « ^ — ejreregxxcnoo— '— 1 ioo— i(NmK!xxo>Oi = o — •- So-hi-i !» a 1 „ t- ,, (^ ,, ,, ,- „ ^ (^ t-. t- r- 1- t- 1- f~ t- 1- r- 1~ t- 1~ t- 1- 1- 1- 1- «~ 1- >- H < a n 8 Jill w go H-** S 5| >; s- » t1 c^ i* -Jl e- ♦* 4=- o^« t.,f.5c.;^^.^Ti'-»'-o'>«u?oio>-~in>oin>nintotot050»tDccmto-,0!050 '^§^ 00000 = 00 = 000 = 000000030000000000 1849. JULY. ©2o to — t- fy tc = xj t- = 2> -^ ;5 ;c 5 =-; £ ^ ^ X 1;: '_■■ i2 — 5 s c; =^ ;5 ^ gj 2J 1 ''llffllllltf lllllf IflflT'll ' I^IS£r^ l^&££r^ l^&^£rg S^^5£.^ 1^ 1 .„. .^,_^c.-ro = .~coo■. = -2iu-2'££:i2S5;:4iSi?.!^i^.?^7^S,'?^c- !) MEMORANDUM FOR JULY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 NEW-ENGLAND ALMANAC. I" m d fit O SO «p' -< Oi -< o Q " ;: 22 ffj fer' ^ 5: I S m ?! ° R 2 2 *; !;; t ;:^ "o sa =' =^ ■= ^ :«- -■ *{; C^ ;^ O C: O — — ou C^ &^ — c aj— 0000 S I Si2i^[iJ'Sn^^•^°2'5^^"■**'^''C|^•^^iO'— i^'c^'^^ct-xair^'— e * ^ -» "* '^ u^ in 10 10 V :iom»c»nioio>n» HSSa Ba-X — ^ — . qj fO C^ K '^ O -^ C* C^ 10 O Gi : '^ o ic -H c y. — c^ ' )■»•« -1^ 10 00 m OlC^gt^QOODO". 0:00— ' So'-l(N«»5-<»'Xt~00a0O-. 00— '-H Sc^»»« &tZ _ c. I- tc ».-: -r c» — ' o X t^ tc ■»r « «-H o Gc t^ »c c^ c» o c. t^ L- Tf c» c c- 1^ o ^-^^•^^^^^^^-^-^-^-^-^^^^h»^^^- t^ !c to ^ '^ so «o '.rD 'O :o '.c :c — ^ o '^ : •* X c. w — I' : ;o t- cr> i= — - :t;XfflO — C^ S' X' O Oi c» Jg — CB O O = ^: c 5( M' tM_ L- 5» -J. (j» c» ■^ o o ■» c C) — T e» ■* 5» — o — ©*(?»c^^i^ot^X05O— So — — c^wc^-^u^cor^xOT KB c^ c* a^ M -^ — -^ — o cc fc, — — G* -g i^ c» to CI tc c» ••r C c> — — c^n^r^xxcicioo— * -o — c*«'rXt^xxc. 00 — — £c — cim ©1^ aooL'5'»rr^cioa>QDto»C'^c*i-HaiODt-i ■CM ; CJit^tCfM — CiXtC' .-■'S a H r: ^ a o 5 is >g «o t- r- o E -'xoo aw— xg ^ I O C: C^ O t^ O -^ X r^ t^ — CD CI *' CI O X X C^ UO CC ' o ceno — — xroci CO — "f — 10 CI ic CO — 10 ■ CI ■» 10 ^ CO 01 ' ■* CI C CO C» — CI CO I tot^xxc;o5oc;— > — rHco'^iotot^xoioo — ci -o — cicotj-io^o I i; t: ?: rr a; c c Lo i~ — ^- 1^ „ — ci e> X — ■^ — lOCOC— -^ — -H CI -^lOC^ to CI lOCO •fJ'uffO — — t^xxcicsco- So — ciCO-vXl^XXOlOiO — — ~o — CICO :^ I to to -<»■ CO — O CI X (O »o -^ CI — O X t^ L ■CI— OXOlOCOCIOXI^tOt* lOtor^xc^o^cico-^Lotot^xoiOCico-riotoi-xcr. o — cico^iotD O to O »C i-O ri — —— — — — — — CI CI CI CI c< c« c» Tf TJ- -V^ f »0 to LO 10 10 « »0 »0 to 10 10 10 to to LO LO 10 >0 LO 10 to to LO 10 »o »o g O — — -^ a — aooo rj CO — X to '~ — — c< 6f - ^ X: I — O CO — X — CI — to CO I 000 — _ - - ~ to Oi X X f CI — toco .-«■ — I-CS I 000— mO — — dCOt ■COCOCO — CiJ-. --T'^-J*tO — O — CICIOS-^CO ■ to — cc-rcociw — to^; — toco— — ci-^tt •LOt^XOlO— SoO — CICICOTl<10tOt-XO> I XX ycor^oci-rt^coco =o^c» — to-^ to to X c> X X c: CI — CO o :ci o— Tf — -T — ioco C — — — — tfi^tocitocitoco '-^ i-coc» — ^h dcoj^'^^T^^-cioo^ So — cir;-*ast~xxo-. 00 — — §<=■-"?»" ©; 'IS '«B tOTCO — OO-Xt^tO-l-CO — OOlt^tCfCOCIOC-. t^tO-J-CO- CiXtOlOCO ^- — < '— iototototototo'»fTf-»i''^*3 t^t^i^i^t-i-t^t^t^i^r^i^t^totctoto to to totototototototototototo I t^Xr: 350— 'CICO-t< ■II ^ p ll ^ — 1 c. (^ p to r; ci— C "to'^ci-HiO'^cc O— • 2OO— ClCO'S-'fl'tOtO X to r^ CO to o: w to to t,o CO X o o 1-- - < r- 10 CI — o> t~ I o -o — -o o -r 1^ 01 — CO CO 3; CO CI — c. c^ f — t- 'i^oi- cccog- to to to to to to to to to to - - t~c-Tr-oc>^o cod- to'^coci toeod lorj— -vd T-^cococceocodddd — — — --000 ooooc 00 00000 oococoooooooooocooo 00 EH 0-. t~0'*r^iooCTi-fH^to — to CI CI — ■f tr — dci t;- too-ri- — -^tOO; — CO — ClClCO^dX — COCOCI — Ot^tOt •r-t-O! rr- S E- Cf '/} ■'V'n I "^■'^'^^^^'^^^'''Sii rtotct^xr^o — cico-riooi MEMORANDUM FOR AUGUST 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 NEW-ENGLAND ALMANAC. il D. H. M. 2 .50 E. 9 2 27 E. 16 11 34 M. 24 6 56 M. H.W. p-tl'd H.M. 9 56 10 36 11 12 11 46 ev.20 56 1 33 2 13 2 57 3 52 5 2 6 29 7 55 9 3 9 57 10 44 11 24 morn 1 36 1 12 1 46 2 19 2 57 3 44 4 48 6 11 7 30 8 38 9 25 4 1 Rises 7 14 7 44 8 15 8 48 9 26 10 7 10 55 11 50 morn 52 1 58 3 7 4 17 Sets 6 50 7 20 7 50 8 21 8 55 9 33 10 14 11 1 11 52 morn 47 1 46 2 48 3 53 KX 1 cDcDcDcDcDcDcDcDcDcocDcDcDcDcDCDcDcDcDcDininininm>nmmm»n y. S I cOTrcc^-xoiOi— iroTpincot--xo-HC'(rt-^cDi-xai--C'»cC'*cDi'-x (£).-^ oic>c»c-»c*D)coMcococneoMc>^-**'^-^'^'^Tj--rTt"r»n»ntniniom»n tfX 1 ininintnininininminininininininininininoininioininininmin u D. H. M. 2 28 E. 9 2 5 E. 16 11 12 M. 24 6 34 M. »x 4 2 Rises 7 14 7 45 8 16 8 49 9 27 10 8 10 57 U 52 morn 53 1 59 3 8 4 18 Sets 6 51 7 20 7 51 8 22 8 56 9 34 10 16 11 2 11 53 morn 48 1 47 2 49 3 54 £.3; 1 SSSzISSSSSJ' — C-. i-ioco — CiOoto-a-oioooaSTroi- oit->oco — gj-J"^; COCOC0CO5tC»C)ft»«» — — — — — lOlOlOlflWV'^-^^Tj. KX 1 OCOO'.0:OCCtO?CCOOtOtDOO«OCDCD«OCO«00»iOlOtOUOUOiOUOir5u^ ■/ ^ 1 T uo e^ 1^ 00 c: — o» ?t ^ uo :c x CI o — c» CO "O cc t^ X o: — c> CO ^ CO r^ 00 lj)r_*^ .oioioiSioif5 OiX 1 i/^»iO»A>fOio«oi/^io>iOLOio>otfOin»f^»flt/^iio»JOiot^iiouo>oo»oi/^>o»oi.o 2 A O S ^ :8 o S5 D. H. M. 2 32 E. 9 2 9 E. 16 11 16 M. 24 6 38 M. H.W P'sth H.M. 10 26 11 6 11 42 ev. 16 50 1 26 2 3 2 43 3 27 4 22 5 32 6 59 8 25 9 33 10 27 11 14 11 54 morn 31 1 6 1 42 2 16 2 49 3 27 4 14 5 18 6 41 8 0, 9 81 9 551 ./ ^ o .• -T 110 X c> c 0-1 — CS c 00 CO o» o V — 01 CO Lo c X c t~ r~ c (N — e) CO (^■^•& o — -r- iraco— mCin — oc0cot~t-xo!0!o — — §o — ctco 55 1 -jojext^ioco — oxco'i'si — ait-uocoo»oxcoT).c> — ost^iocooj ©a!- cococo(MtM(;»o-»snLOuow^uoiouo © Ri's H.M 5 25 5 26 5 27 5 28 5 30 5 31 5 32 5 33 5 34 5 35 5 36 5 37 5 .38 5 39 5 40 5 42 5 43 5 44 5 45 5 46 5 47 5 48 5 .50 5 51 5 52 5 53 5 54 5 55 5 56 5 58 09 CS o D. H. M. 2 34 E. 9 2 11 E. 16 11 18 M. 24 6 40 M. Wat. H.M. 10 41 11 21 11 57 1 5 1 41 2 18 2 ,58 3 42 4 37 5 47 7 14 8 40 9 48 10 42 11 29 morn 9 46 1 21 1 57 2 31 3 4 3 42 4 29 5 33 6 56 8 15 9 23 10 10 KB 4 6 Rise; 7 14 7 45 8 18 8 53 9 31 10 14 U 3 11 58 morn 1 2 5 3 13 4 21 Sets 6 52 7 22 7 54 8 27 9 2 9 40 10 22 11 9 11 59 morn 54 1 .52 2 53 3 57 Ri's Sets H.M H.M 5 26 6 33 5 27 6 31 5 28 6 29 5 29 6 28 5 30 6 26 5 31 6 24 5 33 6 22 5 34 6 21 5 35 6 19 5 36 6 17 5 37 6 15 5 38 6 14 5 39 6 12 5 40 6 10 5 41 6 8 5 42 6 7 5 43 6 5 5 44 6 3 5 45 6 1 5 46 6 5 47 5 58 5 48 5 56 5 50 5 54 5 51 5 52 5 .52 5 51 5 53 5 49 5 54 5 47 5 .55 5 45 5 56 5 44 5 57 5 42 D. H. M. 2 32 E. 9 2 9 E. 16 11 16 M. 24 6 38 M. High Wit. H.M. 7 36 8 16 8 52 9 26 10 10 36 11 13 11 .53 ev.37 1 32 2 42 4 9 5 35 6 43 7 37 8 24 9 4 9 41 10 16 10 52 11 26 11 59 morn 37 1 24 2 28 3 51 5 10 6 18 7 5 D Sets H.M. 4 8 Rises 7 13 7 4() 8 19 8 54 9 32 10 16 11 5 12 morn 1 1 2 7 3 14 4 22 Sets 6 52 7 23 7 .55 8 28 9 3 9 42 10 24 11 11 morn 1 56 1 54 2 54 3 57 ■':2 1 2i2£:£:!£;?;f^"='^f''coo» = xcoicco — oxco-* Saturday Mond.iy Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturd.ay zn ■\i -n 1 '^<^"-*""°'~<»°'2-2«22Si:22§5;5iS?Soi?J:lS§JS |( MEMORANDUM FOR SEPTEMBER, 9 10 11 12 13 ir 15 16 lY 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 38 NEW-ENGLAND ALMANAC. s 9 D. H. M. 2 1 5 M. 8 8 16 E. 16 45 M. 24 2 36 M. 31 19 E. 10 5 10 42 11 18 11 55 ev.32 1 11 1 55 2 42 3 40 4 50 6 21 7 47 8 51 9 39 10 22 10 59 11 33 morn 10 43 1 14 1 48 2 26 3 9 4 2 5 21 6 43 7 52 8 47 9 32 10 11 ai23 mjgtot-ooGooo-. ^ociMTPCOiototoi-ooxoo-i Zo^etm-^-^ ^ K 1 lO to to CO to (O o to *.o to :o '.o 'JD «r ys ca ta -js -js '.o -n f.-^ rp ^f. fO '^ T -p 'P t 'O Vermont. MONTPELIER. S ^ ■''* c^ ■'* t^ «= ■w >o m -^ o Sel. H.M. 5 1 Rises 6 49 7 25 8 7 8 54 9 47 10 47 11 50 morn 57 2 5 3 13 4 19 Sets 5 49 6 20 6 54 7 30 8 10 8 54 9 43 10 36 11 32 morn 32 1 35 2 40 3 47 4 57 Rises 73E 1 lOtotoioiotoiotoiotooioioioiotoioioioioioioiO'^'^rf'^-^TrTj'-rf" toS! 1 OiO<5*CO-^tOt>XOSO'?»COfiOI--xaJ— "CJC^iOtOt^OiO— "CO-TT'Ot'-X « cj-iTfcJ Trc»«r-c»o-HC» icoiC ■«>rt-j)._nom«ioV;ot-H-q< 2^S ^'"< — '^"■'"'"oooojoo— ioo«r^clo»«'ro^~ooolOO 5 2 Rises 6 51 7 28 8 10 8 58 9 51 10 51 11 54 morn 1 1 2 8 3 15 4 20 Sets 5 52 6 23 6 57 7 34 8 14 8 59 9 47 10 40 11 36 morn 35 1 37 2 41 3 48 4 57 Rises CO K 1 10 lO 10 1- 10 10 >0 to 10 10 »0 10 10 to LO to to to >o to to to to to ■^ ■^ -^ Tp -^ -^ » "S 1 IT. 1— 1 c* CO to to t^ X c- -^ c* ro rf to (-, ,x Ci !?» r: -t" 10 (^ X oi c» CO -I- :o (gj -^ S 10 -• '-^ " -1 -« — " « G* c» -:( c» G» c* o» c* CO CO CO CO CO cdS ! lototototototototototototototototototototo to-o totototototototo HI a O 53 o 00 o s» o 5&S 0^ >o^^^c»C':'^iot^xo:o— '— 1 c^^^^^^f^'^'-^t^oco-oo 02 a '■' " ^ C» rt c^ to c CI Oi in —; M :;' n- yj 1- to -^ Oi CI X c 1^ X CI X r- '^ miomri loioioi. -ici^'0Ci40m— 1 M'-^c^Ccccs^-S'ioai i«gtot-aoo)0)0-H |-i(Mn^t/. .ctotot~xoiao-H |o— c»m-*g S)-^-\^ -1 — — "^ — 1 -^ « -■ -lOi ::> e< ff( c< Cf CI CI r: rr: m n QdS 1 i.-;cOtOtOtO d H ai o t~ o et o High Wat. H.M. 7 45 8 22 8 58 9 35 10 12 10 51 11 35 .■v.2'i 1 20 2 30 4 1 5 27 6 31 7 19 8 2 8 39 9 15 9 50 10 23 10 54 11 28 morn 6 49 1 42 3 1 4 23 5 32 6 27 7 12 7 51 MX '• . •"; = "=• "2 '2 ^ ="'' ° '-^ ;:3 « !2 X3 ° !;;£".■;; 3 2 ~- SS S -2 £ '; ?, tn Sko t~ (x> a> Si ^■^ 2_cij^.^cDirttot-t^a)OJOio-- ;o-hc»«^|3 © Sets H.M 5 40 5 39 5 37 5 35 5 34 5 32 5 30 5 29 5 27 5 25 5 24 5 22 5 211 5 19 5 17 3 16 5 14 5 13 5 11 5 10 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 4 5 2 5 1 4 59 4 58 4 57 4 55 4 54 "(2 s 1 1.0 ■« to to to to to to -.o to to to to to to -o to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 4 . 1 5^ HJot-oiN-H 10 36 11 13 11 49 ev.26 1 3 1 42 2 26 3 13 4 11 5 21 6 52 8 18 9 22 10 10 10 53 11 30 morn 6 41 1 14 1 45 2 19 2 57 3 40 4 33 5 52 7 14 8 23 9 18 10 3 10 42 5 3 Rises 6 53 7 32 8 15 9 3 9 57 10 36 11 59 morn 1 5 2 11 3 17 4 21 Sets 5 54 6 26 7 1 7 38 8 20 9 4 9 .53 10 45 11 41 morn 39 1 40 2 43 3 49 4 56 Rises tx-s 1 — C-. 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C4 ft O 5 o S o » pa « a a •^ 9 |i a ^ 3« n o 0-. o Oi o — ' c?> - c) ;;» C0 1- « c ^ ^ -i — . -i j, c< — i -i " g ^.-t . » ~. ,^ — |occet-t~t-t~i-i-toto t^i:;^i;!:;!:;22222§?s^?7?J^!?;?;?;S . -f- —i — 5 -^ ~» 'T* CO T IC »* X l^ )— ^ "^ 55 c» c5 e* c» !N S o< 5i CO CO « ?-; H rt CO CO CO CO e hsws S'cOQO O O ■ -Hto«^oTf3<;tcOT|.uoto'Mo-i>t^ccs»o-- gO -ioeOTrie-^-xit^ - ^ , ==>o-.o.^222£22222^2S225tSSSS!?.?SS5555S?*SS m— I -r-rf- - -1* -r -r T -r ■ lO ■£! -J 1^ t- C- 2 2 X 2 5 S 2 ©:= S?»~»4iSi5ol'S<;J§?"iSrtSnJo«««Mnrococococococo?:coro ~^ ^ lOOCO^-i'^OCl^C CI ^ LO IC -^ ^ c» — iCOO-H2» HO^-Hf^l'^tCO'^OCOt^OOOiO-^ > iO in r-l >jj 0» O S» O" ^fflill5S^^^^^^2S2pS2^22J2|2S§iS5" i^^S '^;a ■=ot-Qocr.o2o-^c*cOTi.oto!»'0-^t-(XOJ2;-|o-i(j, jgtot- T ; — ~T~i^^i:. — -j> j^t j^» .*» At :->■» r^r^»ccfOC5CC"t"^^"^^— '■— *' "JU "Xi ~- ~ ^ r^ ?* I^S?; SSigiS5?55}g'6!S5S85?5"SSSo;5 — 0-»=OT>.lOOt-X010--H-H|oo-l-iOCOCO-*OOt-050)0-H> ~ ^m-ox O'0i-5»c»-x^t-c- = -£«22£2s;^nS'^ ii^ct 2e o xo'Hfjico'^iC'-OLZJotor^xaio-H ;50-Hcr( CO-* so:5«o^- © «_• Mi^^^^-.^-^-^ «il (JJCO-^iOCOt-XOSO— 'CIS ■( S c ; en 35 o o r; -^ -- ' 01 (^1 « Ci rf> cJl O! 51 5» 0» S ?i Si 0< ro CO 70 CO CO CO « CO CO mshs ■a t~ &) ■* -a" H^f — -^ CO — < ^ O ~ ' COCSX^COCOOCOO^CO — 0*C0OC5O35ii0--;2*3IS Sc^oi-i ■ -iio-.StS?»-^ScoS^;5So( E •ra^coo< 0D31O-I >-H-HCOT(>l/OOr-t-XC50>0 = ^ goO-lO^CO'J'UO^t-XlO) ^-"-^ oa5-.5.-: = »^^ S git;^ Z ^2 5;lS;S= i2^ I~X0!O-H 2o-IIHCO'*-J5 2» ot s< »• i» 5» S <5> ct 3» 3t CO ri CO CO CO CO CO r: .-o . . CO rj :^ «.? ';d^ '^t~a03lO 2o— <0-»CO'>'UOOCCO ■c ~-~i I = I,-; ; wSaS O' o ■* o» o; ci = * UO ^ 3 ~» ■* — C5 »0 *J -^H'^co-r— <0^-^0'-0^*; „,,,., . J o t~ o,. - ,=, ^ bt ^ " o S S "" r:^ i r-) (^^ ff'5 fo (TO r^ ro CO n CO CO CO -S eofi§5??§5»S-igr-l'iOXCOO;XX3-5'-H2 ftcoco;:;?o^coco«ScoS-S -o- « -^ >,-3 5- >. I,}lil ,l.-tlll 4=llllll»ll Jlrf'l S»i*-aS^!^ c?r^^3^3 CojI^StsS =?^B5.::-r: S ? ^-=>; 3-13 =S'23-i2 S|'S225 .,, ^^^-^.. „-,^H£d5 SH^h^!^ SEH^Hfa'B a l^> MEMORANDUM FOR DECEMBER, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY MAINE. Counsellors and Attor- neys at Lia^v^. Baker, Joseph Augusta. Bronson & Woart Chandler, B. F. Child, James L. Ingraham, Edward T. Lancaster, S. Morrill, Lott M. North, James W. Nichols, A. R. Potter, John Titcomb, Samuel, Jr. Vose, R. H. Williams, Joseph H. Williams, Reuel Libby, Artemas Albion. Appleton. Nathan Dane Alfred. Allen, Wm. C. Haskell, Wm. Anson. Webster, John H. Hanly, John Appleton. Greene, Charles Athens. Hutchinson, E. Abbott, William Bangor. Appleton, J. &. M. L. Blake, S. H. Brown, C. P. Bartlett, I. D. Wakefield, A. G. McGaw, Jacob Hill, John B. Moody, George B. Dinsmore, Samuel P. Fessenden, Wm. Godfrey, John E. Hobbs, Frederic Hathaway &. Peters IngersoU, G. W. Jewett & Crosby Knowles. Abner Kent & Cutting Kelley & McCrillis Morison. H. G. O. Moor, W. B. S. Paine, Albert W. Paine, Wm. Preston, Warren Poor, Henry V. Rawson, E. G. Rowe. James S. Sanborn, Abraham Stetson, Charles Waterhouse, I. & A. Haines, S. L., Kendnskeag Bridse Prentiss & Rawson do do Randall & Booker Bath. Sawyer & Gilbert Smith, Jacob Tallman & Sewall Fn-e, Wm. Bethel. Drinkwater, A. F. Blue Hill. Hinkley, B. W. Thornton, Thomas G. Jr. Biildeford. Abbott, Nehemiah Belfast. Angler, John F. H. Alden & Crosby Lowney, Nathaniel M. Johnson, .Mfred VV. Heath, Solynian Felch, I. N. Loring, Nathaniel Williamson, Joseph Russell, Joseph W. Bowdoinham Wells, Wm. S. Bradford. Barrows, Wm. G. Brunswick. Kendrick, Daniel Robbins, Augustus C. Weld, Charles E. ff'est Buxton. Littletield, N. S. Bridgton. Andrews, Sullivan C. Buckfield. Bennett, Wm. B. Brown, Samuel F. Woodman, Theodore C. Bucksport. Bradbury & Walker Calais. Granger & Dyer Fuller, T. L. D. Pike. Frederic A. Tyler, Daniel Fletcher, A. China. Washburn, Z. Blake, M. C. Camden. Codman, William H. Talbott, Nathaniel T. Johnson, Levi Canaan. Mason, George M. Abbott, Charles J. Castine. Holden, Aaron Casco. Briggs, A. H. Carmel. Carvey, Enoch B. Chernjfie/d. Burbank, C. & S. Moulton, J. Tilden Freeman, W. & W Jr. Ayer, Caleb R. Cornish. Jameson & Mclntire Lincoln, J. T. Pulsifer, Josiah D. Columbia. Crosby, Josiah Dexfr. McCallan, Samuel Randall, J. & L Diifield. Marble & Washburn Hunton, J. G. Dizmont. Wilco.v, George W. Brown, Joseph D. Dover. Chandler, Charles P. Granger, David T. Eastport. Hayden, Aaron Rawson, S. S. Lowell, J. A. & S. Fl. East .Machias. Talbot, George F. Flagg, Ednuind W. East Corinth. Bowman, Joseph East ynssalboro\ Battles, Wm. East TAomaston. Cochran, John C. Lowell, Farwell & Lowell Merrill, A. Hovey, Edwin S. Stevens, H. Deane, Joseph A Ellsworth. Herbert, George Rice, Joseph S. Robinson, Thomaus Wiswell, Arno Hodsdon, Johii L. Eieter. Trafton, John Fart Fnirjie/d. Belcher, Samuel h'uriniiia-ton. Belcher, H. & H. Cutler, John L. Goodnow, Robert Belcher, Richard Freeport. Mitchell, J. W. & E. W. Hall, James Freedom. Holmes, James S. Foxcraft. Weymouth, James M. Dickinson, J. G. Frankfort. Hubbard, N. H. Bradley, A. R. Fryeburg. Chase, S. H. Allen, Frederick Gardiner. Bachelder, George W. Oardiner. Clay, Lorenzo Evans, George Plummer, Sedgwick L. Whitmore, N. M. Danforth & Woods Dana, John Winchesti^r Oorham. Pierce, Josiah O'Donnell, .lames Gray. Straw, David R. Guilford. Baker. Henry K. Hallowell. Clark, Wm. H. Emmons, Wm. Gilman. Sf.muel K. Paine, Henry W. Hill, Joshua Hampden Hamlin, H. Mudgett, B. F. Boyd, Cleopas Harmony. Brown, Enoch E. Hartland. Merrick, Levi J. Blake, Harrison Harrison. Chisholm, Alexander F. Hollis. Hodgden, John Houlton. Tabor, Isaac W. Bourne, Edward E. Kenncbunk. Dane, Joseph, Jr. Sewall, Wm. B. Emery, Wm. EebaJion. Roberts, Charles P. Levant. Davis, Charles Chase, Geo. W. Lewiston Falls. Foster, James O. L. Goodenow, John Little & Morrill Burnham, John lAncoln. Field, Henry C. Knowlton, John W. IJberty. Mc ."Arthur, Arthur Limington. Lord, Caleb B. Limerick. Moore, Luther S. Hammons, David Eovel. Pike, Charles E. Machias. Thacher, Peter Walker & O'Brien Porter, R. R. & C. W. Dunn, Peter, Jr. Mercer. Everett, C. A. Milo. Bennett, Wm. B., Mechanics' Falls Minot. Goodwin, John M. Bell, James Monson. Flint, Ephraim Thacher, George Monroe. Davis, John P. JVaples. Hussey, John JVewcastte. Coffin, John R. Bradbury, Wm. JVew Gloucester. Currier, O. L. JWw Sharon. Dyer, H. E. Vergin, Wm. VV. J^orway. Converse, J. H. JVobleboroug'h. ."Abbott, John S. A''0rrids(in, Amos BltLe HUl. Holt. F. A. Holt, J. Hopkins, William Peters. P. Stevens, John Wescott, Joseph Couban, Abner Bowdozn. Grant, E. Starbird, Moses Adams, J. C. & Co. Bowdoinham. Berry, Joseph & Son Butterfield, Robert Coom<, J. C. Carr, J. & Son Lunt & FuUei Macomber, N. H. Quinn, Charles P. Sampson, Henry Sampson, James Atkinson & Fletcher Bradford. Davis & Kingsbury Wilson, H. S. & Co. Hall, A. Brewer. Holyoke, C. & K. Libby, J. Ladd, O. K. Parker, F. I. Sargent & Goodwin Thurston, Samuel Alley, Edward T. South Bridgton. Wight, David Andrews, Samuel Bridgton, Davis, Alvin Nelson, A. M. Stone, D. Cram, L. ^"orth Bridgton. Farnsworth, George S. Boardman, Alexander Brunswick. Gushing, John S. Collins & Coburn Earle, George Harmon, William Harmon, Benjamin Rogers, John T. Stan wood, A. L. Sweet, J. H. Jenks, E. A. Brownville. Huxtbrd, James Brooks. Thorndike, F. & Co. Bean, S. B. & E. B. Brownfield. Tyler & Gibson Tyler, Daniel Foster, Lecmard Brighton. Jones, Daniel L. Lane, Peter Wyman, Charles Dow, Oliver Buxton. Eaton, John Gilman & Bryant Hobson & Fulls Hobson, J. Hobson, Isaac Hanson, S. & A. W. Lord, George W. Lewis, Jonathan C. Milliken, S. 1. • Meserve, Samuel Palmer, C. Cluiiiiby, John Sawyer, William, Jr. Barnard & Hill Bucksport. Bradley, G. L. & Co. Darling, Joseph O. B. Skinner, Solomon Atvvood, E. & Co. Buckfield. Loring & Jewett Avery, P. Milltown, Calais. Duren, W. Dutch, J. P. Laden, S. Stickney, Robert C. Burn ham, N. R. Cottie, Charles Calais. Deming, William Grant, James Hall, James S. & Co. Kelley, Lewis C. Lowell, Levi S. Perkins, J. C. Perkins, Charles H. & Co. Sawyer, Thomas Todd & Wait Todd & Wiley Veasey, Joshua Barnes, Amos West Camden. Gurney, E. Trafton, Jacob Young, C. & A. Barrows, C. Ooose River. Camden. Carlton &. Norwood Carlton, William Carlton, Elbridge E. Martin, Alexander Shepard, J. Sweetland, Austin Talbot, David Adams, S. G. Camden. Annis, T. & M. Curtis, J. H. Estabrook, Joseph H., Jr. Jones, Joseph Norwood, John W. R. Pendleton, George Seward, James Stetson, Joseph C. Packard, Alexander Cambridge. Newhall, H. C. Canaan. Richardson, David Tuttle, E. & W. Tuttle, Hiram Eastman, Moses Casco. Dingley, William Lombard, James Mayberry, Potter Watkins, Otis Adams, Samuel A. Castine, Cate, Charles A. Emerson, George H. Hooper, Joshua, Jr. Jarvis, & John H., Jr. Perkins, John & Co. Stearns, Joseph H. Tilden & Co. Wetherell, William & Co. Elbridge, Allen Carmel. Fuller, David Herrick, Alford Hinckley & Mayo Carlton, Isaac &. Co. Columbia. Craudon, Joseph Nelson. Thomas Wass, William, Jr Holden, Amasa Charleston. Pierce, George A. Adams, N. Chcrryjield Burnham, William & Si.ns Campbell, A. & C. Doyle, Thomas Howe, Nathan & Son Hall & Lewis Jordan, S. P. Nichols, W. & Son Shawe, Robert G. Shawe, Samuel Willey & Jacobs Baker, B. F. Ciyrnriille. Case, E. A. Wing, W. G, Cochran, C. Dexter, Henry K. Herrick, Joseph C. Hooper, James K. Corinth. Parker, A. & Co. O'Brian, John Cornish. O'Brian, William L. Pike, Horace A. Owen, S. Chijia, Healy, W. H. Allen & Shawe Corinna. Moore, Robert & Go. Humphrey, M. L. Cumberland. Mounttbrt, Greenleaf Poland, Charles Spear, David Buckman, F. Lyford & Patten Pentley & Cobb Danville. Wood, John M. & Co. Curtis & Flint Damariscotta Day, A. J. Hitchcock, W. & Co. Hussey, Alvan Merrill, Chnrles H. Shiw, E. W. &Co. Sherm in, I. L. Stetson, E. W. Furgerson, B. F. Deer Isle. FuUar, Thomas S. Green, Sullivan HaskeU, William 48 NEW— ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Pressey, J. Deer Isle. Stogue, H. B. & I. .\ Farming-ton. Lawrence, John Gray. Spofford, P. Small, S. Mayberry, William Whitmore, Samuel Titcnmb, John Small, WUliam, Jr. Flye. tfewall Denmark. WhitUer, T. G. Harris, Nathaniel Greene. Newbegin, E. H. Whittier, W. Parker, A. Tenney, T. J. & Gibson, George Vaughan, Daniel Foiirnft. Gore & Scammon, Greenville. Allen, J. & T. W. Dennysville. Arey, James Franlifurt. Whilcomb, F. E. Kilby, John Atwood, B. & Son Clark, Abial GuuldsboTO. Frye, E. Detro't. Chick, James B. Huicliiugs, Samuel B. Frye, S. Chick, E. Jr. Stone & Stewart Wethem, D. Y. & Co. Dean, F. & F. T. Soule, H. M. Brown, D. Dexter. Haley, James & Co. Harris & Woodbury Guilford. Chandler, Josiah Feruald, E. & Co. Warren, Asa Cutter, Otis Kaler, Otis Butler, E. K. Hallowell Eaton, William Low, I. W. Bachelder, Charles G. Fulsoni, N. B. MerrUl, J. Beeman, John French, A. S. Parker, George W. Coolidge, Merritt Libby, John A. Perkins, Daniel, Jr. Day &, Co. Martin, Jesse Rankin, J. F. Hubbard, J. McCrillis, P. Treat, Jonathan Leigh, Thomas Blagge, Samuel Dizmont. Treat, W. & Co. Melvin, B. F. Butman, F. A. Treat, Robert Norris, T. A. Chase, Edmund Treat, Upton & Adam*! Moocres, T. Rollins & Hamilton JV. Dizmont. Wiswell, Lyman Pahuer, A. F. RolUns, Benjamin F. Dodge, Robinson & Co. Freedom. Reed, W. T. Cox, Thomas J. Elliot, Robert Strickland, Charles H. Chase, Charles F. Lampson & Blethen Stickuey, William Dillingham & White Ranlet, George Sherburne, James Stanley, J. N. Winslow, John Smith, E. Bartlett & Vaughan Dover. Brown, John W. Franklin. Shaw, Nathan Drake & Thompson West, John & Co. Tobey, H. Eames, Rlanley Bachelder & WUey f ryeburg. Woodbridge & Banlis Hopkins, N. Bushwell, Henry Woodbridge, J. A. Kimball, Charles E. Eastman, Phillip Whittier, S. C. Lehman & Hellier Howe, E. Arey, David Hampden. Lowell, W. W. Huchins, H. D. E. Babcock, A. P. Stacy & Paine Shirley & Mansfield Curtis, J. W. & Co. Sawyer & Woodbury Weeks, E. Curtis, Thomas R. Hoyt, William G. Durham. Bailey, Seth, Jr. Freeport. Holt, S. R. Merrill, John Bliss,' Samuel Jones, S. Strout, James Collins, John Nourse, John Warren, E. L. Cole & Lutkln Nason, A. Andrews, E. H. Eastport. Gerrish, George Phipps, Samuel Burgin, E. H. & Co. Griffin, Jonathan Rogers, Allen, Jr. Bass, John W. Gore & Hoi brook Smith, William Buckman, Charles Nye, Nathan Sweetser, Jacob Clark & Power Relsey, Joel Smith, L. S. Dyer & Jones Soule, Robert Thayer, Joseph French, John Byram, E. G. Eaton, Joseph Harpswell Gunnison & Co. Bonian, Baxter G.irJiner. Garcelon, Washington Houghton, P. Bailey, E. Lawson, Joseph Hobbs, George Bradstreet, H. P. Merryman, Jacob ^ OdeU, D. I. Clay, R. Merritt & Dresser Paine & Sons Clapp, Charles B. Orr & Jack Pettengill & Peabody Chadwick, N. K. Blake, t'rancis Harrison. Mow & Co. Crowell, Henry L. Foster, George F. Shackford & Bibber Dennis, John Hancock, M. Stevens & Peabody Esmond, B. & Co. Pierce, Thomas T. Ferguson, Timothy Elliot. Esmond, B. Sampson & Woodbur)' Knowlton, James Forsyth, E. Warren, Johnson Banks, W. C. & Co. Ellsworth. Grant, William Fuller &L Ireland Hartlavd Black, A. B. & Co. Dutton, F. A. & Co. Harvey, Paul L. Lincoln, Josiah, Jr. Johnson, Daniel S. Mooie & Haskell Dutton, S. & H. A. Maker, M. Richardson, Stephen Hale, J. M. & M. Stewart, A. C. Nash, Stihiian W. E Harrington Jones, T. W. & T. D. Stone, John Wallace, James Jordan, J. R. Stone, John, Jr. Bartlett, F. W. Harmony Jordan, Benjamin Tobey, Benjamin, Jr. Bartlett &. Roundy Mayhew, William & Co. Tarbox, Stephen W. Hutchius, James Otis, A. Trott, Frenian Tucker, Smith & Co. Peters, Charles Townsend, T. W. Eaton, Josiah G. Herman Peck, Austin J. Wilson, Cyrus Hewes, U. W. & J. Tlsdale, Seth Hayes, L. D. Oarland. Hubbard, John P, Hiram Whiting, S. & H. K. Oak, L. & L. & Co Spring, A. Whitney & Brown Reynolds, Charles Athean, John Hope Woodard & Dunn Clement, J. H. J^Torth Oorham. True, Edward Gammon, Joshua Exeter. Clement, Daniel B. Bradburj-, Samuel Holh.s. Hill, Francis W. Emery, Jameson & Co. Oorh am. Dunn, iMoses Walker, John Harmon, I. Dyer, Richard Boody, George W. Falmouth. Leighton, I. W. Earle, WUliam Colby, Joseph Pluuuner, Joseph M. Lane, S. P. Cram, G. Parker, J. J. Miller, N. J. Merrill, S. L & G. P. Robie & Ridlon Rumery, J. Noyes, John Waterhouse, G. Usher, I. L. Abbott, WiUiamT. Farmingtnn. Whipple & Carter Round, S. K. & S. J. .Jrfferguii. Beale, Daniel Hilborn & Co. Oreenwood. Jack.son, S. W. Belcher, F. F. Houghton, Samuel Cousens, John Boardman & Cutler Patch & Coburn Cousens, John h'cunebunk. Croswell, Thomas Venill, George Downing, William Gould & Butler Blake, George Gray. Dresser, Charles HLscock, Richard Hall, Daniel Furbush, Isaac Perkins, John W. Hancock, T. & J. Hardy, Enoch MAINE. 49 Hamilton, A. & Co. Kennebunk. Lord, James Osborne, S imuel L. Thompson, William L. Warren, Alexander Wallingt'ord, George W. Walker, Andrew Bryant, Setli E. Kennebunk Port. Bourne, Oliver Cousens, C. Cousens, James Emmons & Littlefield Gould & Moody Jetferds, D. P. Lugues, A. S. Oakes, Bradford Perkins, S. Perkins, Joseph K. Perkins, E. & Son Smith & Stone Towne, J. Ward, D. & S. & Co. Page & Nye Kendall's Mills. Purington,' J. &. E. A. Palmer, B. F. Gurish, Robert F. Kittery. Hayes, A. A. Pearson, Benjamin Seward, Josepli Shacktbrd, E. F. Walker, A. W. Lane, Franklin II. Knox. Hitchborn, John Kilmarnock. Fall, I. C. & Co. Lebanon. Cushman, Abiel JLee. Gerrish, H. H. & Co. Ambrose, Geo. H. & Co. \ Lewiston \ Falls. Blair fe Lyford Cobb & Rice Dingley & Kimball Herrick & Little Lowell, James Roak, Jacob Reynolds, N. & Son Thompson, H. Arnold, Jesse Liberty. Atkinson & Knowlton Upham, J. Brown, John C. & Co. Levant. Garland, E. Tilton & Hersey Bowler & Ayer Lincoln. Foss, P. Fish, Jacob Fuller & Remick Howe, W. R. Plumley, David S. Merrill, J. C. & C. Taylor, T. & Co. Whittier, Joseph A. Bibber, Jacob Lisbon. Bibber, Warren Booker, James Davis, J. M. Gerrish, J. Tibbets, John G. CoUemer, E. LincolnvilU. Decrow, I. Jr. Davis & Howe Frohock, Thomas, Jr. Hale, C. H. Perry, James Thomas & Huston Chandler, Cutler E. Livermore. Cutler, J. N. Kimball, Asa, Jr. Pettengill, C. Pettengill, E. Andrews, S. S. Lovell. Bachelder & Wiley Farington, J. S. Hutchings, William Kimball, E. G. Walker, James Larrabee & Johnson S. Limington. Frost, J. W. Limington. Small, George Cobb, S. M. Limerick. McRussic, Nahura Sanborn, John Sanborn, E. E. 4 Wiggin, Lott Dow, John SnoU & Diasmore Wuston, Thomas H. Crocker, W. A. Conaut, E. S. Douworth, Patric E. Foster, C. W. Gates, Charles Harris, George Harris, Peter F. Marston, J. Pennell, W. E. Pope, S. W. & Co. Parlin, Amos F. Pearson, Edmund Small, Simviel Sargent, John D. Sevey, D. W. & L. Talbot, Petor & Sons Talbot, P. S. I. & Co. Wilson, F. A. H ill, D ivis & Co. Huckins & Dudley S])e?icer & Clark Reed, Lewis iiurr, Martin L. Clark, 1). Buckram, J. & J. A. Limerick. Lyman. Madison. Machias. Machias Port. Machias. Machias. Machias Port. Machias. Machias Port. Milford. Mexico. Mercer. Mechanics' falls, Minot. West Minot. Minot. Monroe. Montville. Monson. Briggs & Co. Bridgh im, G. D. Bridghim, Calvin fciugs. Joseph Pittston. ' Bnxikiiigs. D. &. J. CoUmru. Sjinmel S. CiKifier. William Clark. A. H. &. H. T. Chirk. U B. Fletcher. Jacob G. Stevens. C. & G. W. Turner. W. D. Blazo. E. Porter. Chase, I. C. Herriuian. H. W. Pike. M. Dickev. Amos S. Prospect. Fletcher. C. S. it O. Grant, G. .\*. Prospect. Hichliorn &. Griffin .S. Prospect. Mudgert, Luther .N*. Prospect. Mudgett. Rutus L. Shute. L. F. S. Prospect. Staples. Peleg Bridgman. GeDige, Jr. Poland. Bray. Moses Cousens & Lane Freeman. Joseph Haskell. AVilliam & Moses Rounds. Francis L. Ailams. Moses. Prebble-st, Portland. B«bson. Z. -234 Congress-st, Blauchiird &: Cahoon, 1S7 Fore-st Brow n. J. B. &. Co. Fore-st, Baker. E. W. & Co. lt>l Fore-st Banks. E. 17(5 >UddIe-st, Colunan in Kimball, i67 Congress-st, CuC; Fore-st. Cram, O. E. "l? Market Stjuare. CriKkett & Merrill, Market Sijuare. Dearbi. E. 4^? Portland-st. Dow. H. A. Portland-su" Dtma, D. & AV. S. IVntral UTiarf. Dole. A. T. liXiMiddle-sL Dunn & OslHn. T. H. Fore-sU FUes. Thomas & Co. 51 Ponland-sL Fr>e. D. W. tV" Green-st. Fox. Daniel. Jr. 75 Middle-st. Green. Daniel. 10 Market-Square. Gixild. Joseph. 374 Coi;gress-st. Haskell. Samuel i231 Congress-st. Hutchins. L. S. Congress-st, Ha- Market Square. I Purington, .\. L. -JSti Congress-st I Rolte. B. & C. P. e87 Congress-st Ri>gers. Charles, &. John T. 1 Long , Wharf. RandaU, R. S. & Co. 10 Com. VTh. Reynolds. L. O. Congress-st | Reynolds. Z. & Co. 368 Congress-st . Ricker, .\rthiu S. 67 Fore-stT i Ross. Nathaniel. Consress-st Shaw. Ruel. -289 Conaress-st i Slickney, H. R. 171 Fore-st I SavUle. James, 16. 17 Com. \%'harf. i Smith & Hersev. 8 Market House. | Small. A. M. 186 Congress-st Sjnnonds. Joseph. 40 Portland-st ' Saw yer. F. 275 Congress-st I Shaw 4c True. 185 Fore-st Shaw . Thos. & W. H. -205 Fore-st Shaw , Hanson & Co. i96 Cong.-st Shurilefl", .\. 24 .Market Sqnare . Shaw. A. & Co. '20 Market Square. Shaw, Philip. 16 M;irket Square. True, William. '26 Consress-street Whittier. S. & C. Fore-st Wilson. William L. 380 Congress-st Gore. Asa W. Raymond. Jordan. Anson Phinney. Stephen Strout L. D. Tompson. J. .M. Tukey 4. Plmumer Daris. Lewis Readfield. Fillebrown. J. B. ljiml>ert John Smith. John. Jr. Spencer. F. .\ver)-. John W. &. Co. Richmond. Colby. Elias Uinsiow. A. E. llinsluw, Samuel Hatch &. Stew;irt Hatham Si. Brown Houdleite. ('. ti. Co. Stewart John B. ."^ W. H. Southard. T. J. &. Co. Southard. J. A. Toothaker. S;inmel Thomas, George H. Xewell. Cyrus Robbinston. Vose. Waiter Bolster. Otis Rumford. Graham. Joshua Blaisdell, Abner Saco. Chadwick. J. Curtis. Joseph Dav. Albert A. Peering. J. M. & J. G. Gilpatric, John Gurney. S. Lewis, John MUliken, Daniel Miller. John P. Xuitor. Charles I' ice. Henry J. Smith. William H. Bennett H. H. Spring- f'ale, Sanfvrd. Emery. Siimuel B. Emery & Chadbourne Sanford, Frost Georse A. Loni. S. Ai Co. .MerrUl. John & Co. Gilman. Moses San^frrUle. Herrins. A. H. Lane. Beuj.uma Lowell, Stephen Sangn-ciile. Parsons, P. C. .Ajnold. Samuel D. Sco^c^tJran. Coburii. Harvey & Co. Fletcher, Coburu &. Co. Fuller. Albert McChellan. Edw ard k. Co. McChellan, WUUam .\eU. E. H. Robinson. I. ^Vhite & >iorris Grant S. Scarborough. Larrabee. John L. ilorris. Charles J. Richards, Thomas Williams. Henry -Maxey, N. R. &,'Co. SearsmonL P;;ttee. Sumner Craia. Charles C. SearsporL Ellis. A. H. Fow ler & C;irver GUkey. PhUip. Jr. Leach, .-Andrew Mossman. J. W. & M. N. Merlthew. J. & Son Ross. McGilver> & Co. Sweetser, J. Shirley & BUthen Tow I, .Mathews &. Co. Carlton, D. B, SeJg-wick. Dodge, Jacob Dyer. Moses Seiago. Fich. Luther Ftilton. E. Morrill, E. Porter. J. W. True & Kllsbur>' ^Vin^ate, Wilhiun Larapson & Wyman Sebec. Palmer. Caleb O. \Valker. .\. W. Phillips. M. Shirley. .\llen. J. Shaplt'y. Bodw ell. E. & E. W. SAapley. Bovntou, Samuel S. ^Vel.v. \\ . G. Perr> . A. B. Smith 4i l>)"er Blair. John Standish. Bradbury, T. M. Chadboilrne, W. T. & H. M. Dennett. G. Davis. William H. Hobson. A. Lord. Tobias Philbrick & Thomes Fogg. 1. Sf. George Fish. Joseph Gilman. 1. M. Harrmgton. John Long. Joseph Martin. Richard Stevens Ac Buckman Teel. John Teel. Nathaniel Watts, John Leighton. H. Stubend Leiahton. Warren Howe. Jicob Sumner Lttng &. Shorey Surry Mil liken & Flagg MAINE. 61 Ray, I. Surry. Atwood & Levensaler Tkomaston. Chapman & Flint Call, John P. Fuller, J. A. Fales, M. Jones, James Keeg:in, Patrick L-iiiond & O'Brian Linnel & Counce Levensaler, B. T. O'Brian, Watts & Co. Robins, Oliver Redlon & Jordan Rice, Ciitland & Co. Singer, W. & S. S. Snow, William W. Sprigue, JohnO. Stetson, L. C. Tyler, P. Andrews, M. C. &0. S. E. Tho'sCn. Achorn, Michael Achorn, J. Bird, John W. Brown, W. S. Bird, Judson Banlett & Blackington Cobl), Thomas Cole & Lovejoy Fuller, W. O. Fales, O. B. Farnsworth, W. A. Farwell, N. A. Gay, E. &. W. Hovey, I. T. Harding, F., Jr., & Son HovLy, N. S. Hewett, Joseph Hitch, S. N. Holmes, Charles Hall, Ephraim Harding, N. M. Hall, E. Jameson & Perry Kimball, I. K. Kimball, A. H. Libby, Samuel Litchlield & Kimball Lothrop, B. W. & Co. Pdlsbury, Samuel Perry, E. Perry, I. J. Pill rbury, George W. Pitts, Lowell Robinson, Warren Snow, C. & A. Thomas, Robert T. Wing, WilUam H. Walker, P. M. Butler, A. B. & Co. S. Thomaston. McLoon & Dean Pierce & Marstin Thorndike, George &. Co. Hammond, Josiah Thorndike. Newbegin, Geo. W. fVest Trenton. Blake, John Turner. Bray, Stephen Chase, Isaac Dennett, William & Co. Topsham. Lowell, S. S. Merrill, Obed Tebbets, I. P. Dingley, Nelson Unity. Kelley, Henry Siiell, Thomas Williams, E. D. Whitehouse, Hiram Fossett, George Union. Hill &Lenfest Haynes, S. Payson, J. W. & N. D. Young, C. Butterlield, L. Vassalboro. Crowell &Prescott Fiye, Edward A. Frye, 'i'homas Howl and & Robinson Southvvick & Hopkins Dow, Wm. C. & Co. WaterviUe. Doolittle, Sanmel & Co. Dyer, William E tev & Kimball Getchell, W. W. Howard, R. WaterviUe. Kimball, T, G. & Co. Low, O. H. & Co. Marston, Joseph Manley, B. P. Percival, S. & J. Paine, O. Dorr, R. M. Smith, E. L. Stevens, A. P. Thayer, C. H. Williams, Judson Williams, Johnson & Son Hatch, W. H. West WaterviUe. Kimball, Samuel Thayer, George H. Gilmore, A. Wayne. Hunter, W. Nelson, Charles Allen, Joseph Waterboro. Downs, Joseph Leavitt, James Brev\er, W. Waldoboro. Brewer & Bomheimer Brewer, Edward Barnard, W. H. Clark, Joseph Cook, James Castner, 1. Eiigley, Geo. Genthner, Thomas Groton, J. R. Hovey, James Haskell, B. B. Hovey, Alfred Kennedy, Henry E. Kaler, George Levensaler, J. A. Manning, William H. Miller, J. K. & O. Miller, Robert Orff, Benjamin Ortf, R. Reed, Isaac & Co. Robinson, Edward Rawson, M. M. Schwartz & Castner Sides, John Trowbridge, James Vannah, Genthner & Co. Wallace, William H. Wolty, Isaac Winchenback, K. &. D. Winchenback, Jacob Brackett, James Warren. Dillingham, Bernard McCallumfe Fuller Wetherbee, S. B. Chaplin, Nelson Waterford. Holt, John Robinson, O'Neal W. Rand, John B. & G. W. Robinson, B. S. Dummer, Nathaniel Weld. Fuller, R. B. Holt, Hiram Gushing, Samuel Webster. Garcelon, P. M. Bourne, William WeUs. Donnell, Francis Hatch, Seth Hobbs, Warwick Littlelield, Walter Littlefield, George Brackett, S. B. Westbrook. Bishop, George Cram, Andrew Cloudman, W. & D. Edwards, B. M. Field, Josiah Haskell, John Hawes, Martin Hulcliinson, E. Holden, Wm. P. & Co. Kenney, William & Son Larrabee, William L. McLellan, John Nason, C. D. Patridge, Joseph Uuinby, Aaron & Co. Rackletr, Chandler, Jr. Randall, Isaac RandaU, J. F. Robinson, A. G. Westbrook. Thurlow, Cyrus Valentine & Edwards Wilson, George Warren & King Marston, I. S. WhitneyvUle. Miller, J. M. Palmer, W. A, Simpson, Talbot & Co. Styles, Charles C. Blair, Joshua Wilton. Calden, W. & Co. Gage, George Gould, J. F. W. Pease, G. L. Walker, M. R. Woodman, E. W. & Co. VV'ood, Samuel S. Bacon & Burton Windham. Doughiey, C. H. Freeman, Samuel Hunt, Moses Hawkes, A. Hanson, Jonathan Houghton, Henry Marston, Jacob Pope, I. & Co. Cornish, C. C. Winslote. Bishop, C. & Co. Winthrop. Bishop, Ransom Chandler, Samuel Cushman & Belcher Stanley & Prince Stanley, David Brown, E. & S. Wilson. Brooks, John Wiscassett. Clark, Joseph K. Houghton, W. I. Johnson, Alexander, Jr. Lennox, P. & Son Neal, Barker Perkins, E. A. Saunders, Richard Stacey, William Stone, Daniel Young, W. R. A-, Stetson & Co. Exchange-st Edgely, T. W. Washington-street Eddy, J. Exchange-street Foss, Joseph B. 15 Broad-street Farrar, Isaac, 25 Broad-street Folsom, N. Mercantile Block Foster & Haywood, 69 Broad-st. Frost, Oliver & Co. Exchange-street Fogg & Hersey, 7 Exchange-street Goddard, John, Exchange-street Giddings, Moses, Veazie's Wharf Haskins, Romulus, Exchange-street Howard & Brown, Exchange-street Howard, Sidney K. E.xchange-street Hathorn. B. F. Iluckins & Dudley, Exchange-street Hancock, L. Exchange-street Jones & Gilman, Exchange-street .lenkins, James, Exchange-street Kittridge, N. Exchange-street Lumbert, E. R. Exchange -street Morrison, D. & R. S. 11 Mer. Block Marston, Geo. F. Mercantile Block Norcross & Trask, Exchange-street Pierce, W. T. & H. & Co. 7 Mer. Bl'k Porterfield & Shibles, 33 Broad-street Pickering, Geo. W. 46 W. Sq. Pearson, Simon T. Kenduskeag Br. Paulk, Ephraim, Broad-street Parsons, S. &Co. 13 Exchange-street Paine & Hodgkins, Exchange-street Pearson, Fletcher & Co. Exchange-st Roberts, A. M. Exchange-street Stockwell, D. R. Exchange-street Strickland, S. P. & H. Exchange-st. Tavlor, Abner & Co. 58 W. Mar. Sq. Th'issell, Emery & Co. Exchange-st. Upton, E. A. 2 Mercantile Square Woodman, L. C. Kenduskeag Bridge Woodbury & Rollins, Kendusk. Br. Bea ma n &. Perry Belfast. Hunt, Warren Kimball & Miller Lane, Daniel, Jr. Palmer, H. N. Stevens, S. S. Parker, Samuel Harding, Joseph Berry, Joseph & Son Bowdoinham. Bloomfield. (Vest Baldwin.. Gage, C. Sumner, Chester B. Augusta. Appleton. Davis & Kingsbury Jenks, E. A. Brown, Francis Brown, Luke Brigham, Jefferson Chaplin, Osborne Nel'on, A. M. Walker, Benjamin Over, J. A. Hall, A. S. & Co. Holyoke, C. & R. Ladd, O. K. Bradford. Brownville. Bridgton. Brewer. 53 Parker, F. I. Brewer. Thurston, Samuel Berry, Stephen Buxton. Davis, Frederic Hobson, A. L. H'est Buxton. Hobson, Joseph Lord, George W. Palmer, Richnrd, Buxton. Sawyer, William, Jr. Bailey, David Cambridge. Paciiard, Alexander D. Newhall, H. C. Canaan. Tuttle, Hiram Chamberlin, George W. Carmd. Fuller, John Tilton, Alonzo Bernard, Abel Calais. Burnham, N. R. Barnard, D. B. Cottie, Charles Duren, W. Graham & Lovejoy Hall, James S. & Co. Kelley, Lewis C. King, J. D. & Son Lowell, Levi S. Perkins, James Pike & Swan Stickney, R. C. Stickney, John Todd, VVilliam, Jr. Todd & Wait Dexter, Henry K. East Corinth. Merrill, Adams H. Parker, A. & Co. Adams, N. Cherryfield. Burnham, William & Sons Campbell & Co. Doyle, Thomas Hall & Lewis Jordan, S. P. Nichols, W. & Son Nichols, J. O. & Co. Willey & Jacobs Copeland, Calvin Dexter. Gordon, Amos Jumper, Charles Silver, Samuel C. Silver, Thomas Fr)'e, S. Detroit. Frj'c, E. Butman, F. A. Dizmont. Rovve, Alexander Durham. French, John Kastpurt. Jones, T. W. & T. D. Ellsworth. Jordan, J. R. Laiigdon, Alfred Peters, Charles Hanscomb, Wm. L. Elliot. Hanscomb, Samuel Treat, John & Edward Enfield. Whiltier, W. Farmington Falls. Locke, Stephen & Co. Pranklin. Arev, James Frankfort. Cusiiing, T. Wiswell, Lyman Bakers &. Co. Oardiner. Clay & Dinsmore Clay, James A. & Co. Gay, Seth Hessletine, William B. Hildreth, M. Hooker, W. O. &. Co. Palmer, D. C. Perry, Lincoln Shaw & Cook Sheldon & Berr>- Steward, Sargent & Co. Thompson, R. &, Co. Wingfc Bate'; Harris & Woodbury Ouilford. Warren, Asa Blake. Francis Harrison. Johnson, Warren Soule, Seth Harmony. Moore, James Hartland. Perkins, R. F.& Walker S.Hallowell. Reed & Pa^e Curtis, J. W. & Co. Hampden. Hathorn, B. F. Brown & Lewis Hayi)'.ren. Bliss, Hinmi H'aldoboro. Ludwig, W. Waldoboro. Daggett, E. A. Moulton, Cha,se Wells. Curtis, B. W. Libby, Alvin Cushman, S. B. Wiscassett. Kenedy, D. R. Williams, John M. Mclntire, Edgar A. York. Eastman, Caleb Putnam, J. S. Phmimer, Wilham Jordan, Cyrus Bartlett, Z. W. Baldwin, Dexter j Currier, George L. Boynton, James C Colbv, George W. ; Weld, George I Wilson, Timothy Brooks, S. Allen, L. Hill, Luke i Berry, John N. Hall, Edwin Goodman, James I Fessenden, H. C. Greeley, A. J. Blanchard, Samuel W, Beal, Z. Simerton, Putnam Parker, James Larrabee, Seth S. Russell, Edmund Shepard, David Heard, John S. Raymond. Rnmford. Heailfield. Richmond. Sanford. Spring Vale, Sanford. Saco. Searsmont. Searsport. Sedgwick. Scorboro. Sebngo. Sebec. Skowhegan. Dealers in Drng's and Medicines. Those who are both Druggists and Jipothecaries, are marked thus *. Craig. W. S.* Jlugusta Dillingham & Titcomb* Fuller, Eben* Ladd, J. E. & Co.* Cot'ren & Blachford Wilkinson, John Bath Fuller, J. A.* Keep, J. M.* Stockbridge, T. Gilman* Curtis & Perkins,* 4 Kenduskeag Bridge Bangor. Emerson, Albert,* 4 Smith's Block Fulsom, Nathan B.* 5 Hannnond-st. Guild, A. P.* Exchange-st. Ladd, Geo. W.* foot of Hammond-st. I Sargent, G. F.* 22 W. Market Sq. Ingraham, J. S.* 6 Main-st. Poor, William O.* Belfast. Gordon. Daniel Biddeford. ] Hill, Luke , Pearson, George W. 65 Philbrick, S. R.* JVoriA Berwick. Richards, L, Bowdoinham. Fitield, Horace P. Bucksport. Baker, William* Brunswick. At wood, E. & Co. BuckHeld FVlage. Todd & Wiley* Calais. Emerson, H.* Castine. Wheeler, C. C. Canaan. Washlmrn, O. H. C/tiaa. Dana, Edmund J.* Damariscatta. Davis, J. D. Danville. P'ulsom, N. B. Dezter. Byraen, S. R.* Eastport. Mowes, Charles P.* Pare her & Goi iking* Gilinan, Noah* Johnson, C* Branch, C. P.* Ford, E. .1* Mnrtoii, B. Smith, Henrv* Perkias, A. t.* Page, S. & Co * S 'Iden, H. .1. k. Co.* Wales. B.* Currier, Thomas* Kennehunk Port. Wallingford, Geo. W. Kenncbunk. Bryant, Seth E. Rowe & Crockett* Lewiston Falls. Butler, E. P. & Co. Oruno. Barker, (i.* Pittston. Becket, C E.* 187 Con?.-st. PorU'd. Bartlett, L. J.* 20 Market Square. Carter, A. & Son,* Middle-st. Corry, Charles F.* 1.50 Fore-st. Durgin, Josh. & Co.* 143 Middle-st. Gale, Steven,* 69 Middle-st. Hav, H. H. ' 13 Market Square. Keiley & Co.* Middle-st. Mason, Edward,* 1.51 Middle-st. Smith, Charles B.* 384 Congress-st. Sturtevant & Bartels,* 398Cong,-st. Stevens, Benj.,* Exchange Building. Thayer, Geo. A.* Fore-st. Wilson, Charles A. Congress-st. Ellsworth. Frankfort. Oardiner, Hallowell. Sanborn, Cileb South Berwick. Manning, W. A. Woodbury, C. East Corinth. Smith, J. M. Oardiner. Morton, B. Sweet, C. M. 'Kennebunk. Far, G. W. Lewiston Falls. Gage, William Limerick. Thing, Ira Mexico. Richards, .\. A. Milo. Drake, A. T. Minot. Carter, W. H.29 Spring-st. Portland. Hearsay, Augustus, 126 Exch.-st. Ru2g, L. N. 19 1-2 Congress-st. Young, W. E. Phillips. Todd, Samuel A. Ripteii. Curtis, John Searsport. Harden, Jonathan Skowhegan. Colby, Benjamin Saco. Brooks & Bangs Dun--more, Moses Smithfield, Alden, Edward Union. Gould, W. Wilton. Coburu, Stephen S. Waterford. Dealers in Botanic me- dicines. Fox, E. T. 7 E. Market Sq. Bangor. Alden, Silas, 27 Maiii-st. Campbell, 3. D. Main-st. Todd & Wiley Calais. Morton, B. Oardiner. Hearsay, A. 120 Exch.-st. Portland. Mason, Seth, 169 Middle-st. Dorr, R. M. fVatcrville. Clergymen. Bacon, Henry* Berry, John N. Goodall, S. L.* White & Norris, Dyer, Isaac Rice, C itland & Co. Snow, William W. Tyler, P. Slocomb, R. T.* Blaisdell, R. S.* Kimball, I. K. Macomber, C. A. Frye, Thomas Fuller, R. B. Wood, Sanmel S. Low, I. H. & Co.* To denote the different denomina- tions, the following abbreviation; will be used ; (C.) Congregational ists; (P.) Presbyterian ; (U.) Uni Saco. tarian ; (C. B.) Calvinistic Baptist I (F. B.) Free Will Baptist; (Ch.) I Christian ; (Uv.) ITniversalist ; Skowhegan. (M.) Methodist ; (E.) Episcopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Thomaston. E. Thomaston. Vassalboro. fVeld. East Wilton. Waterville. Surg^eon Dentists. Strout, D. B. .Auburn. Barrett, Araasa, 38 Main-st. Bangor. Jordan, C. A. 52 Main-st. Straw, Leonard S. 12 Main-st. Straw, S. B. 12 Main-st. Keep, J. M. Bath. Tnissell, J. W. Belfast. Knight, J. P. Biddeford. Hayden, G. H, Calai.'!. Webber, J. B. Oardiner. Boynton, H.J. 144 Middle-st. Porf'd. Bacon, Elbridge, corner of Temple & Congress-streets, Coffin, Charles R. comer of Temple & Congress-streets. Heald.J. 14.5 Middle-st. Shaw, S. P. 124 Exchange-st. Parsons, Edwin, 5 Fore-st. Young, J. F. 119 Exchange-st. Macomber, H. N. Saco. Burbank, D ivid Waterville. Kilburn, E. H. Botanic Pbysicians. Woods, Chandler .\nderson, Samuel Abbott. Bath. Rogers, J. K. (M.) Mbntt. Merrill, Stephen (C.) Acton. Stone, (M.) Ltttletield, Nathaniel (C. B.) Orr, John (C.) Alfred. Hillman, A. P. (^I.) Loring, H. S. (C.) Amherst. Tracey, Jonathan (F. B.) Auburn. Govveil. William (F. B.) RickiT. George (C. B.) Milchell, Thomas G. (C.) Hutchinson. Joseph (C. B.) Blake, Henry (M.) Bangor. Caldwell. Sanmel (C. B.) George, Nathan D. (M.) Hedge, F. H. (IT.) Maltbv, John (C.) Nve, H. R. (Uv.) Porter, Charles G. (C. B.) Sullivan, Thomas O. (R. C.) Brooks, E. G. (Uv.) Bath. Gray, Edwin, (C. B.) Fisk. .lohn O. (C.) Palmer, Ray (C.) Richmond, Paul C, (M.) Cutler, Edward (C.) Belfast. Fletcher, N. C. (Uv.) Ricker, Joseph (C. B.) Allen, Benj. (C.) South Berwick. McDonold, W. (M.) Richardson, John (C. B.) Jackson, Daniel (F. B.) Lord, Thomas (C.) Biddeford. Farrington, William T. (M.) Witham, Lewis H. (F. B.) Page, Caleb F. (C.) Bridgton. Fessenden, Joseph P. (C.) Harris, Leonard W. (C.) Turner, Sidney (C.) Bingham. Stone, H. J. (C.) Bluehill. Banlett, Daniel (C. B.) Frost, Charles (C.) Bluehill. Hathaway, G. W. (C.) Bloomfield, Wood, N. Milton (C. B.) Felch, A. (C. B.) Bowdoinham. Knapp, Horace (Uv.) White, Henry (C.) Bradford. Sewall, Wm. S. (C.) Brownville. Gerry, David (C.) Brownjield. Murisill, J. K. (C.) Brewer. Mirrick, E. (C. B.) Brookville. Ellis, Manning (C.) Strout, Alvah (F. B.) Bradford. Walker, J. R. (C.) Bucksport. Perry, John C. (M.) Bartlett. Joseph (C.) Buxton. Dexter, Henry V. (C. B.) Calais. Stone, E. (U.) Pratt, George (M.) Castine. Sewall, Daniel (C.) Chapman, Nathaniel (C.) Camden. Stickney, George W. (C. B.) Parkinson, R. (C.) Cape Elizabeth. Whitney, E. H. (Un. Ch. Carmel. Johnson, John (C. B.) Cherryficld. Jaques, Parker (M.) Cornish. Emery, James O. (M.) E. Corinth. Bartlett, Charles P. (C. B.) Copeland, David (M.) Cumberland. Clough, John (M.) Drummond, James (C.) Danville. Knox, George (C. B.) Hanscomb, Moses (C. B.) Kingsbury-, S. A. (B.) Damariscotta. Tenney, T. J. (Uv.) Denmark. Adams, Jonathan (C.) Deer Isle. Carpenter, E. G. (C.) Dexter. Cilley, W. S. (Uv.) Mack, Jeremiah (C. B.) Pillsbury, C. D. (M.) Hill, Israel (C.) Dixmont. Beale, S. H. (M.) JV. Dixmont. Cobb, Allen H. (M.) Durham. Elliot, John (C.) Knowlton, Isaac (Uv.) Miller, John (F. B.) Waterhouse, Daniel (M.) Brooks, W. (C. B.) Eastport. Parker, Henry E. (C.) Baker, John (C.) Elliot. B\Tne, Martin (C. B.) Ellsworth. Tenney, Sewall (C.) Nye, Josh. (Union Ch.) Fairfield. Dane, Charles (C.) Falmouth. Wild, John (C.) Miller, Charles (C. B.) Farmington. Rogers, Isaac (C.) Hayes, S. H. (C.) Foxcraft. Parker, W. (C.) Sargent, S. G. (C. B.) Chase, Lyman (C. B.) Freeport. Parsons, E. G. (C.) E iton, H. (M.) FVyeburg. Hurd, Carlton (O.) Thuir, P. B. (C.) Garland. Adams, John R. (C.) Oorham. Abbott, Howard (M.) Fisk, Albert W. Hobbs, A. W. (F. B.) Libby, Charles O. (F. B.) Lincoln, Allen (C.) Oray. Lancaster, David (C. B.) Nason, Charles (M.) Dorr, Richard H. (M.) JV. Oorham,. Cuinmitigs, S. S. (M.) Trask. E. G. (C. B.) Guilford. Cole. J. (U.) Halloweli. Field, (C. B.) Hobart, John (M.) Thurston, Eli (C.) Bradbury, H. J. (Uv.) Hampden. Hopkins, M. R. (M.) Tappan, Benjamin (C.) Kellogg, E. (C.) Harpswell. Pinkham, E. (C. B.) Bailey, Dtidley, (C. B.) Hartland. Wilson, Wra. (M.) Harmony. Colby, E. K. Qii.) Harrison. Chute, A. P. (C.) (C. n.) Kennebunk. Boyd, John i Cressey, George W. Eddv, H. (C. fi.) Kennebunk Port. Halch, G. (M.) 66 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Fpm;ild, Mark (C. B.) Kittery. Kiijih ill, Reuben (C.) Houp.r, Noah (C. B.) Lebanon. Frieiiiaii, Charles (C.) Limerick. Tripp, L. P. (C. B.) French, W. K.{Vv.)Leiciston Falls. Hiirradeu, F. A. (Uv.) Levant. GaiiiMion, J. H. (C.) Limington. Joril.ui, Larkin (C. B.) Fisk, J. (O.) Lisbon. L. u is, John F. (C. B.) Jiniriuvs, Allen (C. B.) Machias. J.ckion, O. (C.) rrrli.ini, John (C) Madison. Emerson, Silas )M.) jMinot. .SumMiorsi.les, R. W. (M.) Wheek-r, Austin (F. B.) Kejidrick, Daniel (C.) fVest Minot. Jones, Elijah (0.) Bradford, L. (C. B.) Monson. llsley, 11. (C.) Brown, John (F. B.) Mt. Desert. Wascott, Asa (M.) Stone, Jesse (M.) Mcwfield. Allen, E. (.Free Ch.) JV. J^cinbarg. Prince, N. A. (C.) JVeic Oloucester. Watson, Woodman H. (C. B.) Havves, J. T. (C.) JVeuj Sharon. Talbott, James (C. B.) Packard, Charles (C.) J^orwuy. auimliy, E. F. (Uv.) I Merrill, James (C. B.) JVorridgewock. Peet, Josiah (C.) j Merrill, Isaac (U.) S. M'orridgewock. Durhorow, S. (P.) Oidtown. Greenough, John R. (C. B.) Johnson, Otis H. (Vv.) Merrill, S. H. (C.) Hifi-rins, David (M.) Fowler, E. W. (M.) Burnham, J. (Uv.) Orland. HiL'sins, P. (M.) Oruno. Leonard, Heary C. (Uv.) Perry, John A. (C.) Lnll, Joseph (M.) Otisfield. Riihirdson, James P. (C.) Walker, Joseph (C.) Paris. Stinchfield, R. H. (M.) Ryan, James (F. B.) Parsonfield. t'ovell, M. (F. B.) PitUton. Soule, F. A. (.M.) Stratton, James H. (C.) Gould, Stephen (C.) Poland. Lilihy, James (F. B.) Merrill, Zenas (C.) Beecher, Luther F. (C. B.) Portland. Carruthers, John J. (C.) ChickeriMg, J. W. (C.) Shaw, E. (M.) Streeter, Russell (Uv.) Mchols, I. Pratt, J. (E.) Holiart, Noah (M.) Pownal. Jordan, William V. (C.) Rice, James (M.) Phinney, C. (F. B.) Raymond. Barnard, P. F. (C.) Rickmond. Merriman, F. (C. B.) Williams, N. M. (C. B.) Saco. Bunker, B. B. (Uv.) Nichols, John T. (U.) Mun^er, Charles (M.) Dwijiht, Edward (C.) Hannnond, C. (E.) Goss, Jacob (C.) Sanford. Bradbury, A. R.(F.B.) I ^^^;§^;«- Peacock, John (C. B.) Clark, A. (C. B.) Sangerville. Hussey, Charles (U.) Oakes, W. (C. B.) Manson, Benj. S. (C. B.) Scarburo. Smith, William (C. B.) Thurston, S. (C.) Searsport. Holt, Knox (C. B.) Scars niont. Tyler, Daniel (C. B.) Sebago. Carey, Calvin L. (C. B.) Sedgwick. Merrill, John (C.) Johnson, C. H. A. (M.) Sebec. Barnard, A. F. (AL) Skoichegan. Morton, A. (C.) Hodgdon, F. (Free Church) Stetson. Gerry, Edwin (U.) Standish. Hobson, Andrew (F. B.) Rand, William W. (C.) Watson, R. Y. (C. B.) Sullivan. Wood, I. W. (M.) Allen, L. B. (C. B.) Thomaston. .Small, Daniel (C. B.) Washburn, Job (C. B.) Woodhull, Richard (C.) Clark, Sumner (C.) Unity. Haines, Harvey (C. B.) Union. Herrim:in. W. H. (Uv.) Dodge, John (C.) IValdoboro. Starinann, John (Lutheran) Walker, O.B.(C.B.) Gardner, Calvin (U.) Waterville. Bursess, F. W. (C. B.) Thurston, (C.) Nott, (C. B.) Star, C. (C. B.) Wayne. Colby, Joseph (M.) S. Waterford. Douglas, John A. (C.) Cushing, James L. [C] fVells. Howe, Benjamin [C] Himes, Palmer, [C. B.] Small, Carlton [F. B.] Chapman, Calvin fC.J Westbrook. Gilni.m, Josiah [Uv.] Whittier, James [Uv.] Allen, Charles F. [M.] Harriman, Libby [C. B.] Smith, Joseph [C] Wilton. Badger, W. [C. B.] Warren, William [C] Windham. S(mle, Charles [C] .Merrill. H. A. [C] Gooldsmith, Nathaniel [Uv.] Hobbs, A. W. [C. B.] Davis, Franklin [C.l Winthrop. Granger, A. H. [C. B.] Huse, Jonathan [C] Thurston, David [C] Boviiton, Alden [C] Wiscassclt. Baikam, U. [C] Ashby, John L. [C] York. Holman, Morris [C] Bartlett, Thomas [Christian] Sleeper, S. Belfast. Wiggin &. Forbes Snow, C.f Moore, D. H.f Emery, O. P.f Raynes, Francis Kitr, G. & Co. Clement, A. W. P.f Perkins, J.f Dinsmore, Abner,t Hollis, Davidt Williams, Jacobf Holt, T. A. Holt, Jonah Staples, Anthony Wheelock, Tirnolhyt .Atkinson & Fletcher Wilson, H. S. & Co. Brown & Merrill Chase, M., Jr.f Thorndike, F. & Co. Varney, M. & J. A.j Webb, James JVorth Bridgton. Collins & Cdbuni Brunswick. Dunning, Joseph F. Elliot, Daniel Brunswick. Knox, S. & Co. Barnard & Hill Bucksport. Bradley, G. L. & Co. Darling, Joseph O. B. Taylor, Johnf Buckfield Village. Buzton. J^orth Berwick, South Berwick, Belmont, B iddeford. Bingham. Bluehill. Bowdoinham. Bridgton. Bradford. Brownnille. Brooks. West Buzton. Calais. Milltown, Calais. Carmel. Dealers in Boots and Slioes. Those marked thus t> are also Man- ufacturers. Nash, W. & Son Addison. Hanunorul, E. L. Lombard, J., Jr. Abbott. Hemmingway, Dan'l C.f Acton. Moody, James L. Appleton. Weed & Arnold Henuningway, John Kimball, George A. Athens. Doe, Edmund, t Augusta. Morton, C. B.j Haskell & Co. Deering &l Sewall [Wholesale and Retail] Adams, De.\ter,f E,vch.-st. Bangor. Boardman & Johnson, 9 Mark. Sq. Baldwin & Hunt.t [Lasts and Shoe Findings] 55 West Market Square Flagg, Win. H. 7 Kendu keag Br. Godfrey, E. W. 17 .Main-street Hemmingway, C.T. West Mark. Sq. Little, Henry & Co.f 2 Smith's Blk. Merrill, Francis. 74 Broad-street Reynold.s, Sam'l.t 27 W. Market Sq. Sanborn &, Crowell,t State-street I Wood, Dan'l P., cr. Main and Ham- mond-street Whittier, Franklin.f State-street Hatch, Davist Bath. ! Jewelt, Insley, [Wholesale and Re- I tail] ) Lake, Jefierson Farrin, J. F. Fisher, L. S.f Pattee, William S. Reed, Samuel D. Darling, W. P. [Wholesale and Re- 1 tail] Belfast. Davis, Joseph! Foss & Sherman Wood, William Barnard, Abel Avery, P. Nevens, .loelf Owen, S.t Kid Shoes .Allen & Shaw Corinna. Chadbourne, Joseph W.f Cornish. Chick, Samuel C.f Parker, A. & Co. East Corinth. Hussey, A. Damariscotta. Huntress &Gouldt { i^^'^'*"" ™'''. ' ) Danville. Libby, John A. Dezter. Chandler, Josiah Martin, Jesse Dunham, Levif Dixmont. Judkins, Williamt Detroit. Manly, Eams, Dover. Thompson, J. L. & C. W.f Hopkins, N. Eveleth, James H.j Day, L. Rice & Son Bass, John W. Brooks, Benjamin Bennett, Levif Durham. Eastport. Ellsworth. Exeter. Kendall's Mills, Fairfield. Hill, Francis W. Buck & Eatont \ Snow, W. B. Pratt, E. G. Blunt, Joseiihf Maynard, H. B. Merrill, A. Somersett Mills, Fairfield. Fairbanks, I. W. Farmington. Weeman, Harrisf Kenniston, Thoma; Sargent, I. C.f Burke, .M.f Co.\, James A.'f Webb, John Stanford, J. & B.f Clark, S. T. &. Co. Libby, Edniundt Frink & Smith Royal, Tyler Hill, B. S. & Co. Lawrence, John Henderson, William Morrill, A. H. Nason, J. F.f Slickney, Paul Tow le, John Hinnian, Williamf Walker & Ingallsf Duiiton, .\bner, Jr.f Knight, Edward Bradford, John H.f Smith, B. B. M. Freeport. Fryeburg. Oarland. Oorham. JVorth Oorham. Oouidsboro. Oray. Hallowell. Hartland. Harrison. Hope. Hollis. Haul ton. 57 Cook & Lewi-t Littletiekl, Samuel, Jr.f Raynes, R. C.f Ricker, Samuel Lebanon. Gorhaiii, D. & S. S.f Lewiston Falfs. Holland & Irishf Emery, Isaacf Chick, Nathanf Greene, Horace I.f Wiggin, LotT Mitchell, Isaac L.f Foss, P. Folsoin, Israeli Whittier, Johnf Longfellow, Nathan Seavey, D. W. & L. East Machias Hill, Danielt MariavUle. Clark, D. Mercer. Fender«)n, Williamt Smith, Jeremiah Thompson, Johnf Fairbanks, Geo. S. M'orth Monmouth Kennebunk. ' Colder, Williamf fVaterville. Limerick. Limington. Lincoln. Madison. Machias. Maxwell, VVilliamt Rhodes, John A.f Kaler, Edwardf Waldoboro. Leight, Danielf Leighton, J. M. JVaterborougk. Calley, John F.f [Kid Shoe] Wing, Chas. A. & B. F.t tVinthrop. Tufts & Fossf Stevens, J.t Watson, Benjamin &. Sonj Weld. Hawkes, A. iVind/iam. Caffrey, J. P. Simouds, J. Watson, H. J. Lowell, W. Waterville, Wilton. IViscassetU Tanners & Curriers & Dealers in Leatlier. Those who are Dealers only marked thus X Manufacturers & Deal- ers in Cabinet Furni- ture. Wells, Moses, Water-st. Hale, J. iM. & Co. Knowlton, B ivid, Oak-st. Rogers, Thomas Fanning, Charles O. Amherst. Smith & Bunker Jlnson. Morton, C. B4 Augusta. Plaisted & Church Beale, Lorenzo,+ 2 Sm. Blk. Bangor, I Sanborne & Crowe, { Stsite-st. Augusta. I Stone, Daniel}; Granite Block Alfred. Anson. King, E. G. JVewport. i Wing, Stephen Witherell, J.S.&Co.f JVorr(du-f«j'A:. , Adams, B. F. Kendusk. Br. Bangor. Hall, S. S. J^orway. , Merser\ey & Wood, 36 Merc. Block. Mixter, L.f I Dole, A. & E. & Co. Hammond-st. Blake, Newell Oldtown. 1 Shaw & Merrill, 60 Main-st. Pierce, E. B. & Burton, John j Nash & Foster, Haiimiond-st. Sawtelle, N. H. (Perkins, C. & Co. Belfast. Hubbard, Phillipf Palmyra. Parks, T. C. & B. F. S. Berwick. Flint,Greenville i Libby & Beal Wheeler, C. W.t Dodge, R. L. Brunswick. Henderson, Edward A. Parsonfeld. Eibtll, John Morrill, John! Shurtlell'& Mellen Paris Bassett, James Passadumkeag Soper, W. R. & J. E.T Plymouth TwitcheU, Johnt Whitney, C. T. Burrill, Wm. 83 Middle-st. Portland. B irstow, Hiram Cole & Tuttle Buckjield Village. Kilburn, Wni. T. Bridgton. Bean, S. B. & E. B. Brownjield. Reniick, Daniel & Co. Bucksport. Sweet, Daniel East Corinth. Moore, Robert & Co. Corinna. Chase & Thurston, 1:26 Middle-st. Doe, E. H. Calais. Abbott, A. li!9 Middle-street Holmes, Jonathan Canaan. Baker, Josiah,| 85 Middle-street Atkins, Joseph L. Davis, John J. Middle-street Clapp &, Hilton D amarriscotta. Hay, Joseph, 88 Middle-street Flanders, R. Dexter. Hannaford, Greley, Jr., &. Co. 170 Grant, A. K. P. Denmark. Middle-street j Osgood, William Durham. Flagg, Benj. cr. Exchange &. Fore-st. ! Chapman, W. W. Eastpurt. Tukesbury, J. & Co. 155 Forest. Jelli>on, Whitney Eilsicurth. Plumnier, Moses P. Blake, Increase Farmington. Sawyer & Baker,t 39'2 Congress-st. Osgood, N. & P. Fairfield. Stevens, William B.f 190 Congress- Stotell, John Frankfort. street DiUinghani, C. Freeport. Prescott, Mark H. 150 Exchange-st. Cunningham, B. F. Freedom. Smith, J. T.f 60 Union-street Jones, Joshua & Co Gardiner. Sargent, H. E. 94 Middle-street Nash & Nudd Hanson, L. D. & Co.f [Shoe Find- 0>good. E. Gray. ings] 179 Middle-street ■Dunn, John HaliowcU. Thayer & Hussey, 81 .Middle-treet Wulk.T, Charles E. Harrison. Hodsdon, John P.f J^tw Portland. Prescott, (J. Hartiand. Ciiiinn, Andrew [Kid Shoe Manuf'r] Lindsey, Stillman Harmony. Wells, Samuel H.f 1 Walker, Andrew Kennebunk. Plaisted & Co.f Phillips' Village. \ Judkins. Paiil Young, Wm. A. Brown, D. F. & Co. Chase, M., Jr.J Lane, Alvin Peaslee, Amos Buzzell, Abel H. Billings, Horace Davis, Joseph Wardwell, L. D. Getchell & Prescott Weed, Samuel Littletield, William Emerson, Samuel Hoalcy, W. H. Wyman, E. Buckman, Arthur Dodge, RobinsonI Ranlet, George,J Plaisted, George Hopkins, M.J Jarvis, E. Hill, B. S. & Co. Page, John Smith, B. B. Barrows, George W. Rate, Oliver JV. Berwick. Bethel, Brooks, Bridgton, Buxton, Bucksport, Canaan. Carmel, Castine. China. Dexter, Falmouth. Freedom, Gardiner, Oouldsboro. Hartiand, Houlton, Harrison, Kennebunk. Gorham, D. & S. P. Lewiston Falls. King, A. S.f TaUman, H.f Cleaves, Ebenezer Goodhue, E. S. Livhigston, Luther D. Perkins, William Sweetser, C Tibbetts, J. C. Parsley, G. D. & M. JDame, William A. Richmond, i Raynes, Jonathan Saco. I Swanzey, S. R. I Moore, Dennis Croswell, Andrew, Jr, Whittier & KimbuU IPressey & Barrows I Woods, Joseph, Jr. Sangerville. Bobbins, K. Kittery. Lewiston Falls. Limerick. Lovell. Mercer. Jforway. M". Yarmouth. S. M'orridgwuck. Parsonjield. West Poland. Phillips' Village. Pittslon. I More, A. JVew Port/and. Corey, Walter, 53-54 Ex.-st. Portl'd. So/on. Clark, George, 101 Federal-st. Smithficld. Haskell, Willi ;m, 233-235 Con g.-st. Starks. \ Rich, Samuel S. 138 Exchange-st. St. Albans. ' Todd & Beckett, 136 Middle-st. Stetson. Wardwell, J., Jr. Rumford. Thomaston. ' Shannon, T. I. Saco. Lathrcjp, B. W. & Co. E. Thomaston. , Fernald, James Dodge, S. B.f j Tuttle, Robert Skowhegan. Dunham, T. D. Vassalboro. ' French, Theodore Thomaston. Estes, Joseph ' Starrett, Charles, & Co. Dane, Fr.inklin-f East Vassalboro. Sawyer & Colson E. Thomaston. Densmore. T. & A. M. Burpee, N. A. & S. H. Neal & Woodman fVestbrook. Hovey, Isaac Union. Chick, A. & Co.f fVatcrvUlc. Atwell & French Waldoboro. I Hunt, W. & A. Liberty. Eastman, Ezra Limerick, Emery, IsaacJ Winslow, A. Limington, HoUand, H. A. Lisbon, Twomhly, A. Madison, Case, S. H. & Co. MariavUle. Prdsted &, Church Mercer, Fend(!rson, William Freeman, A. Minot. Bridgham, Calvin West Minot, King, E. G.f JVewport. Smith, Mark P. JVorway. Baker, Jiremiah JVorth Yarmouth. Hannaford, Greley, Jr. & Co.J 170 Middle-st. Portland, Gr;'ve<, Wm. & Son, 29 Union-st. Tuk. -bur)-, J. & Co.J 155 Fore-st. Merrill. John Parsonjield. Morrison, Benjamin Bassett, James Passadumkeag. Clark, John R. J\rew Portland. Dutton, S. Phillip's Village, Marston, TheodoreJ King, A. S.t Vaughan, Jno. SpringVale, Sanford. 1 Lougee, I. S. Bennett, H. H. Sanford. \ Valentine, L. Boynton, Daniel Shapleigh. ^ Dill, Seward Coimrn, Harvey & Co.f Skowhegan. \ Fitield, F. Morse & White Wyman, Asa Cook, Josiahf Frohock, D. R. Burr, I-uther N. Foss, Daniel P.f Watson, Henry D.-f Merow, A ndrewf Saco, St. Albans. Solon. Unity, Union, Vassalboro, I Beatty, James Foss & Nutt Hezeltine, Joseph Snell, Thomas Banks, James Biu-ton, C. Pishon, H. Southwick & Hopkins Lincoln & Simmons Dane, Franklin East Vassalboro, Smith, Joseph Waterville. Winslow, A. West Waterville. Watson, Benjamin, & Son Weld. Gooch, William Wells. Morrill, Rufus Westbrook, Clark, E. M. Winthrup. Saddle^ Harness A: Trunk Manufaclurers. Hapgood, Charles C. JInson. Jones, 1$. &. W. JVortk Jinson. Childs, John F. Water-st. iugaata. Parker & Tu'.tle, \V;iter-st. Morse, J. H. State-street. Siiwyer, Asa, E.\chiinge-st. Bangor. Adams, Benjamin, & Son, York-st. Chase, Winslow & Co. Main-st. Whitton, T. J. & Co. Harlow-st. Norwood, Joshua, Exchange-st. Skerry, Henry N. 8 Main-st. Williams, John, Hammond-st. Barker, Benjamin F. Belfast. Pike, Noah South Berwick. Hiird, James Hillman, George G. Bowdninham. Pond, John Biddefurd. Wilder, Edwin E. Bridgton. Haywood, P. E. Buckxport. Sawyer & Robbins Catais. Getchell & Prescott Canaan. Hunt, S. & T. H. Castinr. Edmunds, E. East Corinth. Weston, P. C. Mitrlifll, S. B. Diimont. 'I'ukcy, George Durham. Sawyer, S. H. KUswurth. Ilsley, J. H. Prescott, H. G. Kxeter. Proctor, H. Fotcraft. Green, Henry, Jr. Fierport. Evans, John Frijiburg. Sager, Robert Oardincr. Snow, Nathaniel Gardner, William Page, Charles A. Hallowell. Sager, Henry Oilman, John McFarland, Da^d Hart/and. Walker, Palmer Kennebunk. Larrabec, James Wood, Lyman Lewiston Falls. Ltirraliee, E. I. Limington. 'I'orrey, Roswell Limerick. PliiMimer, C. & Co. Lincoln. Mnore, G. Madison. I'hiiiimer, H. N. Mercer. Brickett, E. Mechanic Falls, Minot. Baker, E. C. Minot. Nason, Samuel N. Jfewport. Tucker, Benjamin J^orway. Danforth, David J^orridgwock. Moulton, .Joseph Oldtown. Clark, James T. Paris. Gammon & Farrar Phillips. Butler, C. J^ew Portland. Bailev, J. &. W. 121 Fed.-st. Portl'd. Manstleld, J. W. 177 Middle-st. Rounds, John. Middle-st. Proctor, Charles Sangerville. Morris, Charles J. Scarborough. lUirrill, Win. P. Searsport. lUidiic, B. F. Skowhegan, Dinsmore, J. P. Rumery, William G. Saco. Hewes, Tracy Moody, William Carll & Greenhalgh E. Thomaston. Cochran, E. H. & G. W. Weeks, .\. C. Waldoboro. Boulter, N. L. V. Waterville. McFarland, I. S. Keith, S. Butterlield, WUliam Westbrook. Justices of tbe Peace. Bangor. Bath. JV. Berwick, S. Berwick. JV. Berwick. Bluehill. Bloovifield. Bingham. Brighton. Brooksville. Buxton. W. Buxton. Cambridge. Canaan. Castine. Carviel. Cornville. Allen, William C. Ilerrick, Benjamin J. Trafton, William Bardvvell. Horace Greene, Charles Ware, John Tobev, James S. McAllister, Asa i'nlf. Isaac T. Silshv, Benjamin Webster, John H. .Alfred. .^cton. Athens. Amherst. Anson. Getchell, G. C. Anson. Williams, Ruel Augusta. Nichols, A. R. MorriU, Lot M. North, James W. Blake, S. H. Preston, Warren, Main-st. Hobbs, Frederic ■ Rowe, James S. Smith, Jacob Butler, H. A. Hubbard, John Prince, Joseph Herrick, G. C. Hobbs, Sheldon Holt, Josiah Weston, E. Coburn, Abner Dascomb, James B Goodrich, Simon Smith, Benjamin Rowell, William Ev:ins, Daniel Jones, Daniel Wasson, John Redman, John R. Hill, Peter Went«nrth, Robert Wentworth, Daniel Lord, George W. Dow, Oliver Rami, Robert Palmer, David L. Weld, Charles E. M. Iloojier, Isaac S. Rogers, Luther Richardson, David Barrett, Joseph B. Jarvis, William Tilden, Charles K. Chamberlin, George W. Parson, John McDaniels, B. Jameson, John Mclntire, James O. Moore, Robert Fisher, Paul M. Spotford, P. Greene, W. S. Boynton, E. A, Frye, L. Hunton, J. G. Wilcox, George W. Butman, F. A. Dodge, T. C. Jennison, T. L. Dean, Joseph A. Goodman, James Hammond, George A. Fogg, William West. John Bowers, H. Pnrir.gton, J. McFaddon, E. W. Lyon, Alpheus Chadwick, A. S. Evans, George Shaw, Nathan Soule, H. M. Kimball, John Pattee, James, Jr. Phillips, L. D. Folsom, Peter Stewart, M. W. Hobson, Joseph, Jr. Davis, Lot Dane, Joseph, Jr. Kennebunk Port Herrick, Joshua Walker, Oliver Sewall, William B, Simpson, Charles Dixon, Thomas Wood, F. A. Boynton, Joseph Leonard, E. W. Burbank, Abner Barker, L. Mc Arthur, Arthur Carll, P. Strout, S. Small, James L. Mitchell, Isaac Cornish. Corinna. Deer Isle. Detroit. Dixmont. JV. Dixm,ont. Ellsworth. Elliot. Franklin. Fairfield. Oardincr. Ooldsboro, Harmon. Harmony. Hollis. Kittery. Lebanon. Lexington. Limerick. Limington. Small, Henry Dudley, Benjamin Smith, M. J. Roberts, James Cfcadbourne, N. B. Pierce, Jesse Jillson, Reuben Barr, Martin L. Dunn, Peter, Jr. Ingalls, Hannibal Whittier, Joseph Johnson, Elijah D. Somers, Daniel Richardson, William S. Gilmore, Charles D, Thomas, B. B. Butler, Henry Pillsbury, Edward George, Noah R. Wood, Mark Adams. Samuel C. Davis, Joseph B. Spooner, Ward Knowles, Asa A. Rawson, George B, Hodsdon, John P. Sawyer, William French, James Titcomb, William Jones, Thomas Allen, Wilham Clark, Asa Farnsworth, D. Mann, A. Angler Gould, William Stilson, A. Stone, Daniel Butman, Samuel Sweat, Moses Wadleigh, James Morrill, John Barrett, Nathaniel Weeks, James W. Whitney, George Getchell, N. H. Daveis, C. S. Ex. Building Portland. Daveis, Edward H., Ex. Building. Codman, R. A. L. 130 Middle-st. Carter, Henry Barnes, Nathan Todd, Samuel Ripley. Stone, Jesse Hall, Jacob Paine, John T. Sanford. Tompson, Samuel Thing, Samuel S. Sp. Vale, Sanford. Low, Asa Limington. layman. Madison. Mariaville, Mercer. Mt. Desert. J^'twburs J^'ewport. JVcwfield. JVew Portland. JVorridgwoc k. S. JVorridgwock, Palmyra. Plymouth. Parsoiifield, East Pittsfield. Hubbard, John Hall, Alfred Lewis, William Bodwell, Elisha Dodge, Jacob Leavitt, James T. Brown, William M. E. Moore, John W. Stewart. David B. Whitney, John Garcelon, H. Jarvis, L. Jarvis, Edward S. Emory, H. Barker, Lewis Shepley, H. Allen, E. G. Smith, L. J. Burr, Luther N, Frohock, D. R. Tuttle, Job N. Haines, William Bunker, John Gould, Albert P. Shapleigh. Sedgwick. Skowhegan. Solon. Surry. Sullivan. Stetson. Starks, Smithfield. Trenton. Thomaston, Hamlin. Ben jamin R. Waterborough. Lindscy. Charles R. Wells. IMarsliall, Nathaniel G. York, Chase, Edmund Brooks, S. O. Brooks, Jeremiah SIlip Builderfc. Junes, William, Water-st. ^t.g^tta. Barker, William Rand:ill, Isaac H. Crooker, C. & W. D. Ba h. Rogers, William M. & Son Houghton, Levi, & Sons Trutant & Drumoud Trufaiit, Gilbert Henries, John Sprague, Peleg Patten, George F. & J. Rideout, Johnson Clark & Sewali Larrabee &. Allen Harvvood, Thomas P. Hall & Co. Burgen, James Belfast. Holt, E. G. Holmes, Ezra Woodcock, Hartwell Patterson, John L. Sweetser, S tiuuel L. Pahner, L. R. Carter, Paul Jones Hall, John G. Lancaster, V'aleuliue R. Stevenson, E. Carter, Henry E. Patterson, S. Carter, Columbus P. Pierce, J. & Co. White & Connor Perkins, E. & E. Biddeford. Holt, E. A. Bluehill. Holt, Jonah Stevens, John Westcott, Joseph Stevens, George Coombs, J. C. Bomdoinham. Sampson, James Sampson, Henry Carr, J. & Sun Lunt & Fuller Berry, Joseph, & Son Scotield, George Brunswick. Buck, Joseph L. & Co. Bucksport. Ginn, WiUiam R. & Suns Turner, George Cape Elizabeth. Jones, Joseph Camden. Adams, S. G. Merick, Augustus D. Hodgman, Thomas B. Stetson, Joseph C. Carlton & Norwood Ooose Riv. Cam. Carlton, Elbridge Cranden, Joseph Columbia. Jarvis, W. & J. H. Jr. Castiat. Noyes, J. & J. H. Curtis &, Flint Damarriscotta. Day, Houston & Co. Kilby, John Dennysville. Allen, J. & G. W. Haskell, Thomas Deer Isle. Haskell, William Han-comb, Wm. L. Elliott. Skilliiigs, E-, John W. Eaton, E., Eagle House, Searsport. . Knight, Luther B. Douty, Daniel, Traveller's j Randall, W. Home, Sedgwick. Connell, Peter Pitch, Wm., Sebago House, Sebago. Shehan, S. R., Lewis, William, Stage House, I Deane, E. Skowhegan. \ Paddleford, Seth Benjamin, W. & E. j Ham, J. E. & Co. Boies, John P., Maine Temp. Hotel. | McCoom, Wm. Savage, E. Solon. , Goodhue, Geo. F. BiUT, Hiram Springfield. Thompson, Joseph S., Tem- perance House, Standish. Mansfield, F. Phinney, S., Stand. House. Randall, A.. LakeHouse, E. Standish Davis, William, South Stand- ish Hou^e, Garcelon, H. Gilbert, Hiram Sweeden. Herrick, Benj., Surry House, Surry. Berry, John & William, East Thomaston Hotel, E. Thomaston. Cobb, E., Knox House, Thomaston. Boyles, Edward, Brick Hotel, Fuller, S. H., Owl's Head House, Brownfield Bridgton J^orth Bridgton. Brunswick. Calais, Cherryfield Damarriscotta Durham Eastport Reed, James York, E. S. Felch, J. H. Richardson, Thomas J McDemiot, John Harris, William Holmes, Thomas Somerby, William Kelley, William Neagl, J. Chrystall, John M. Elder, Silas Marble, B. Frost, Peter B. Kelley, Thomas H Sibley, O. Gould, Jesse Dalton, P. A. Reilley, E. Lumbert, 1. T. Doniiell, M. O. Irvin, John Da\is, James W. Hilton, Charles E. ..^nson, .Athens. Carmel. Cornish. Corinna. JVorth Dizmont. Ellsworth. * Fryeburg. Hartland. Mollis. Kennebvnk Port. Morway tillage. J^ewport. JVewJield. S. J^orridgwuck. S. Paris. Phillips Village. Pittston. Sedgwick. Hurry. Winthrop. Holbrook & Clark Partridge, Charles H Williamson, Robert Rust, M. Sykes, T. Lord, Augustine Clark, John W. South Standish. ! Wescott, M. M. St. Jllbans. Spring, William G. Whitton, Simon Sykes, George F. Gould & Reed Mason, J. W. Thomas, H. G. O. Whitney, James H. Hi.xon, A. F. Collett, Jacob F. Ready ITIade Clotbin^ & Gentlemen's Furnish- ing' Goods. Caldwell & Co. Water-st. .Augusta. El/swurth.\ Bosworth, R. 1. & J. I. Farmington.] Hunt, J. Kenduskeag Br. Bangor. Fozcraft.\ Wall, P. 1 East Market Square. Frankfort. , Smith, Joseph R. 5 Harlow-st. Grinnell, C. B. 8 Smith's Block. Merrill, G. P. Bath. Smith, William H. StJirbird, George B. Belfast. Haynes, S. Smith, E. G. Griswold, G. G. Ellis, Daniel, Perry, John W. Farnsworth & Brooks Perkins, J. C. Boies, Gilman F. Bradford, A. Purington, J. & C. A. Jaques, J. O. Brown, William & Co, Buckram, J. & J. A. Dewolf, Charles H Oardiner. Oorham. Hallowell. Harrison. Hiram. Kennebvnk. /..ewiston Falls. Limerick. JUonson. Oldtown. Orono, JVorth Berwick. Biddeford. Brunswick Calais. Eastport. Fairfield, Gardiner. Macliias. jVinot. Oldtdwn. Grithn, E.. Lincoln Hotel, Tupsham. Pines, Daniel Top.'ifield. 1 Beckett & Ingraham, Middle-street Cobb,'F. Union.] Portland., Fxcnnglon.l.Y. SiMxAAXe-sX. Portl'd. Seavey,'.Iohn L. Unity. Cook & Ayres, 63 Exchange-street Butler, Alfred, 179 Fore-st. Snow, i., Stage House, Fassalboro. [ Downes, Chas. G. Exch. Building , Haskell, A. 162 Fore-st. Keith, Howard C. East Vassalboro. Dyer, C. 115 Middle-street j Dresser, A. M. 160 Fore-st. Jewett, F. S. Waterford, '• Fernald, James C. % Middle-street Waterhouse, Samuel & Son. l)orr,Wm., Parker House. Waterville. I Knight, William H. True, Samuel, 168 Fore-sU 62 NEW-KNGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Hall, John, 167 Fore-st. Bartgor. Siiiilh & True, 163 Fore-st. Dresser, U. 25 & 29 Exchange-st. Hrtley, J. K. & C'n. F.xchtinge-st. Dresser, Robert, 154 Fore-st. Kniipp, John, Fore-st. Lewis, .1. T. 112 Fore-st. Woods & Starbird, Fore-st. Boothb:iy, Charles W. Saco. Prescott, H. A. Emery, S. B. Spring Vale, Sanford. Robinson, G. I. Tliomaston. Manufacturers Ai Deal- ers iM Xiu, Copper, Sheet Irou AVare, &■ Stoves. Hesselton, William G. Anson. Williams, J. C. Buckley, C. S. Water-st. Augusta. Lombard, Thomas Thompson, J. A. Korcross, E. D. Mead, Lewis P. & Co. Bitlures, Arno A. Wood, Henry A. & Co. 1, 2, 3 Broad- street Bangor. Pittman & Burhank, 11 Wall-st. Joiiiiscin, iN'ath. HO & «2 Main-sU Mills, P. B. Exchange-st. Lciahton. A. & Co. Exch.-st. Mitchell, Williams & Co. East Mar- ket Square. Noyes, Albert & Co. 17-19 Cent.-st. Call, Henry, 14 ('entral-st. Hiiskins, B. 6 Central-st. Mitchell & Low Batk. Hill, Jonathan Walker, Willard Hubbard, H. P. t D. Brunswick. Abbot, William F. Belfast. Horsey & Wilder Noyes, A. N. Gilpitrick &. Davis South Berioick. Birdin, Benjamin Bethel Hill. Fisher, Willard Blue Hill. Edwards, Joseph Biddcford. Young, Benjamin Calais. Cook, U. & O. Casco. Knight, E. G. Camden. Merrill, T. Damariscotta. Sumner, William B. & Co. Dover. Hirikley, John Eastport. Hinkley, Joshua Stockbridge, E. H. Ellsworth. Ladd, Samuel Farmington. Lake, W. Holmes, William Frankfort. Weeman, James P, Freeport. Jiirkson, E. Gardiner. Weslon & McCurdy Mayberrv, Daniel Harrison. Prescott,'W. R. & Co. Hallowell. Merrill, Ambrose Getchell &. Hodge Kennebunk. Hilliard, Lewis P. Larnibee, T. (J. Kennebunk Port. Davis, Joseph Lewiston Falls. Palmer & Lunt Levant. Farr, Martin M. Limerick. Chandler & Young Machias. Vining, David Minot. Goodnovv, William E. Jforway. Higgins, Thomas Haynes, Nathaniel JV. Yarmouth. Hum|)hrfy, William R. Knight, Isaiah South Paris. Martin, Stephen Parsonfield. Bnckett, Moses R. Hammond, Thomas, Jr. & Co. 18 Exchange-st. Portland. Tolman, Thomas & Son, corner of Middle &• Federal-sts. Hartshorn, O. S. & Co. Clark, Ezra, 27 Union-st. Pennell, Edward, 169 Fore-st. Payson, Henry M. 21 Exchange-st. Arey, Zenos C. 31 Exchange-st. Vosmus, John Redfield. Stevens, T. L. Saco. Lowell & Edwards Saco. Day, A. & J. W. Sp. Vale, Sanford. Emery & Thompson Dean, A. Sedgwick. Drew, Francis Skowhegan. Cook, Josiah Solon. French, S. W. Thomastou. Liscomb, N. Furbush, Joseph E. Thomaston. Wise, J. P. Winslow, J. T. Ifestbrook. Buckley, O. & Son Stevens, Alfred Goodrich, W. B. Dunham, Rufus Leach & Riggs Brackett, S. Saccarappa, IVcstbrook. Fo Sharon. Fitz, E. B. M'orway. Blossom, A. JVorway Village. Babcock, Geo. H. Congress-street Portland. Jordan, D. Congress-street Emerson, Stephen, 105 Federal-st. auiney, H. G. [Fancy Painter] 112 Fore-street Gammon, E. D. 33 Union-street Haley & Gidilings Ihley & Rolfe, Portland Pier Hamilton, Jason, Sp''g Vale, Sanford. S))eir, Edward P. Thomaston. Keith &. Owen East Thoninston. Burpee, M. A. & S. H. Goss & Hill Watereille. Iron Founders. Lambard, Allen Augusta. Hinkley & Egery Bangor. Rice & Dennis, Harlow-street Muzzy, Franklin &. Co. Central-st Gushee, S. F. Oardiner. Emery & Jiilson Kennebunk. Aiken, J.* (Wholesale) HaUowell. Kimball, IJ. S. Mech. Falls, MinoU Smith & Rubin on* 90, 92 Middle- i Moore, William u^"''"''c-j . . o. „■ ,., ^'"'"'''"^- '■ >Iil«s, William J^ewport. Howe, Edward,* 84 Middle-street |, Leonard H. Porter Hamilton, A. & Co.* Saco. Stiples, .fames i'oreU Portland. Hidden, bainuel Bolton, Thomas Gleason, Isaac | auint, John JV. M^ew Portland. fales, U. B. East Thomaston. Ciitts, Samuel i Judkins, Robert F. _^ , i Stewart, John B. Dealers in Millinery and U. erinir, J. R. Fancy Goods. I Leimd, Henry ^ , , ,, „ „, Hobby & Parkman Farbanks, N. E. Water-st. jiugusta. Holbrook Samuel Fisher, S. Water-street Chandler' John C. White & KimbaU Williams J. Slayton, W. E. Jewett, Gilman & Co Chandler, C. H. & G. Warren, Isaiah Holmes & Robbins Libhy, Robert H. Flagg, John H. Littlefield, Ilhamer Palmer & Lunt Brown & Co. Bean & Emery Hersey & Brothers Orcutt, Edwin, Centre-st. Nash, Jcnephas, 172, 174 Fore-street Staples & Bartol, 10 York-street Crawford, Genrge Thomaston. Ingraham & .Milliken, E. Tko'stun. Drake & J.m.-s Union. Kimliall, Jacob WcstbrooU. Babb, S. S. & J. W. HavUand &. Webber Waterville. Manufacturers of Shovel Handles. Belfast. Biddeford. Calais. Deiter. Foxcraft. Fryeburg. Gardiner. Harrison. Hallnwell. Kennebunk. I^evavt, JVorway. JVewfleld. Paris. Portland Smith & Getchell Wyman & Johnson Lane, Peter Bartlett & Roundy Hartwell & Smith J}nson. Bloomfield. Brighton. Harmony. Milo. Fletcher, G. A. JV. JVew Portland. Bartlett, Wm. & Co. Johnson 2d, Holman St. Mbans Dealers in Carpets. Those marked thus *, deal in Fea- thers also. Hatch, Thompson & Co.* 40 Main- street Baniror. White, Thos. & Co. 2 Main-street Bath. Brunswick. Biddeford. Damarisciitta. Oardiner. Noble, A. T. Water-street Perley, J. G. Water-street Newhall, Susan, 42 Main-st. Bangor. Reid, M. R. [Manufacturer Bonnets] 44 Main-street Warren, Geo. A. & Co. [Wholesale] 48 Main-street Dennison, Mary C. 68 Main-street Ingraham, R. Main-street iMellen, M. 60 Main-street Cate, N. Main-street Dennison, J. 68 Main-street Jordan, R. 23 Main-street Hodge & H irriiuan Shepard, L. F, Vaughan, Pardow & Co. Richmond, Saco. Sedgwick, Solon. St. Mbans. Stetson. Union. Wool Carders and Clotb Dressers. Tow/ie, M. B. Swi^etser, Harriet Cobbey, E. & F. Lampson, S. Bo irdman, A. F. .\very, Olive Bi.xby, George Pendleton, E. O. Mill-st. Chase & Hill Brigham, Jefferson Morse, Andrew, Jr. Merrick, Moses Remick, Hiram Bath. I Purves, A. Belfast. Weed, Adam .Athens. Bloomfield. Bridgton. Brighton. Canaan. Cornish. West Cumberland. Freedom. Stinchfield, J. & B. Hnrtland. f .L r, • , R'rtlett, O. Harmony. South Berwick. McGrath, Kimball D. Hiram. Bridgton. Wyman, Charles Milo. Brunswick. Parsons, George & Son TTest Minot. Camden. Bartlett, Wm. & Co. JV. jV. Portl'd. Frothingham, M. & M. Cumberland. Spooner Ward Jr. .\twood, H. & J. Johnson, T. E. Davis, L. C. ('lark, T. O. Bodfish, L. Whitney, J. E. Gilbert, S. Liiwry, F. & S. Parsons, S. Bl ike. A. Allen, C. C Durham. Spooner, L. Frankfort. Fli„t, Darius D. Farmington. Barker, Joseph Oardiner. Foss, Moses Sangerville. Searsmont. St. Jllbans. Coopers. Oorham. JVorth Oorham. HaUowell. Bnrker, William .Augusta. Smith, William P. Bath. fo K A nny,AA, . ;J^'"^*"'«- Perkins, Robert, Jr. Bangor. Leach, A. 99 Middle-st. Portland. LansiU, A. P. Broad-st Larrabee, A. 39 Middle-street ; McCorr'ison, .S. B. Exchange-st. tiarlaiid, Jacob Colby, Ambrose, Uniou-street Mathews, W Mitchell, William Bird, C. Hutchinson, O. E. Lowell, Sarah Cloudman, W. W. ] Bradley, E. F. Saccarappa, Westbrook. Waterville. Book Binders. Harttord, John E. [Blank Book Man- ufacturer] Jlugusta. Dennison, B. G. Brunswick. Sawyer, Reuben Bath. Stanwood, William Bangor. Bugliee, David Spaulding, C. HaUowell. Jones, J. G. Kennebunk. Lefavor, N. W. 68 Exch.-st. Portl'd. Saco. Carlton, William Camden. I Davis, Stephen Carmel. Chase, Gilbert Cornish. Dow &. Libby Durham. -Morrill, John S. Herman. H iley, N. Kennebunk. Kinby, J. J^Tewport. Siwyer & McLellan Portland. Flood, Luther Brooks, J. & J. S. Dyer & Barstow, Central Wharf. Sawyer, J. A. Long Wharf. Fickett, James H. Chase & Cashing Wood, Charles B. Stetson. Huff, Daniel R, Starks. inanufacturers of Edare Tools. Kellev, D. Boirdman, .\. F. Hooper & Banks* Clapp & Hilton Chadwick, N. K. Bailey, E.* Kimball, David Avery, Stephen Higgins, J. & A Bailey, R. G. Emery, H. Ru-i-ell, John Wethea, D. Y. White, Chandler Foster. Albert W. G amnion, E. & Co. Fletcher, A. H. Morrill, John J. Richardson, G. E. .Amherst. JVorth Jlnson. Manufacturers & Deal- ers in Liime. Camden. West Camden. HaUowell. Talbot, Davis Shepard, J. Sweetland, Austin Martin, Ale.\ander Gurney, E. Young, C. & A. ,, „ I Trafion, Jacob M. Harlow-street Whittier, S. C. „....„,„... ., . r. .f '"'?"■>■■ i Forsaith, G., Com. Wharf, Portland. JVortA Bridgwater. Bennett, Rufus S. Thomaston. Buxton. St ickpole & Robbins Camhridgr. H.vey, L T. E. Thomaston. Detroit. Fuller, William A. Dixmont. Libby, S.imuel Fairfield. Perry, E. Oorham. Perry, I. J. Harmony. Harding, F. .Jr. Hart/and. .\ndrews, M. C. & O. S Hiram. , Walker, P. M. 64 NEW-ENGLAND . MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Hewett, Joseph Achorn, J. Brown, William S. Thomas, Robert P. Bird, Judson Jameson & Perrj- Gray, E. & W. Cole & 1,-ivejny Pitts, Lowrll Butler, li. fc Cn. 'I'horndike, George & Co, Dealers in Hardware. Alfred. Augusta, Chadbonrn & Clark Mead, Lewis P. & Co. Ctlures, Arno A. Biollett, l'\ & I., 2 Exchange-street, Bangor, Schwartz, Michael, Exchange-st. Cram, Levi & Co. West Market Sq. Mos^iiian, D. & Co. 47, 48 West Mar- ket t?qn;ire. Dearborn, J. 12 West Market Sq. Kend.ill & Richardson Bath, Hyde, Ziiia & Co. 22 Front-st. Pierce, J. &. Co. Belfast. Field, Charles D. Knowlton, L. A. Angler, Oakes Hazeltine, Benjamin K. Thomastan. Holmes, Charles W. (A) Bath. Davis, George & Co. I Bailey. B. C. Magolin & Clapp Dyer, J. A. Galvin, T. P. Tyler, W. H. Smith, Noah & Son Clark, S. B. Swan, F. & F. K. Prescott, J. N. Warren, Samuel (A) G.ay, Seth Wing & Bates Wilson, T. A. Hobbs, Thaxter & Co. Union-st. Bailey, Henry & Co. (A) E.\change- street. Morse, J. C. 26 Congress-st. Read, Rul'us, Fore-st. A'arnum, P. F. 200 Fore-st. Dana, D. & W. S. Central Wharf. Trask, Samuel, 19 Long Wharf. McLaughlin, James, 15, 16 Long Wharf. Cram, N. O. & C. H. 45 Long Wh. Bailey, Henry, (A) E.vchange-st. Bailey, A. Puringtoii, John, 176 Fore-st. Paine, E & T. (A) 180 Fore-st. Little, William T. 126-128 Exch.-st. York &. Yea ton Brewer, Calais. Gardiner. Mnchias. 49-51-53 Portland. B.iiley, J. S. E.xchange-st. Portland. Hyde, Lord & Duren, 61 Exch.-st. Colesworthy S. H. 67 Exchauge-st. Robinson, Augustus, 51 Exch.-st. Andrews, K. C. Exchange Building. Stallard, Thomas, Exchaiige-st. Bearce & Rackletf, Middle-st. j Dyer, Isaac tskowhegan. ' Purkins & St;iples Saco. Cowan, L. O. ' Gooriale, S. L. Pa rkt r,Clement, Jr. Sp, Vale, Sanford. Prince, C. Thomaston. I Wakefield, J. East Thomaston. Macomber, C. A. I'rye, Thomas Crooker, J. M. Matthews, C. R. Crowell, L. Shurtleti; J. B. Chandler, Samuel Vassalboro. WatervUle. fVinthrop, Nason, Benjamin South Berwick. 1 Stickney, Henr>- R. 171 Fore-st. Jewett, W. D. & Co. Brown & Morrill Wilinot & Lowell Foster, S. H. &. Co Lord, Charles Pendleton, George Day & Hitchcock French, A. S. Odell, D. I. Warren, 1. Woods, Seth Day, H. F. & Co. Brooks & Hathaway, (Importer^) HalloweU, Cousins. Enoch Kennebunk Port. Blake, Newell Oldtown. Dill, Seward Phillips Village. ' Gauhert, Allen Walker, Cook & Co. 175 Middle- ' Slanwood, Daniel C. street, Portland. ~ Emery & Waterhouse, 157 Middle- street, Crockett & Capen, (Importers) 147 Middle-st. Evans, Daniel (Importer) 147 Mid die-street. auiricy, H. S. (A) 1 12 Fore-st. Brownville. \ Williams & Clapp, 140-142 Fore-st. Cn^a/s. j Patten, Edward M. (A) 14-16 Ex- change-st. Lane, Thomas K. (A) .Saco. Camden. I Moses, Thomas G. Damariscotta. Hall. Ephraim East Thnmaston. Dexter. M.icomber, C. A. (A) Eastport. Fuller, S. H. Fryeburg. Robinson, Edward Thomaston. Gardiner. , SmuU, George (A) fVcstbrook. Dealers in Books and Stationary. Is Augusta. Goddard, H. W. Twombley & Smith Saco. Smith, J. W. Goodwin, James D. Foss, L. B. Merrill, John & Co. Kimball, John Sanford. Ellis, A. H. Searsport. Hewett, Joseph East Thomaston, Kimball, I. K. Fales, O. B. Andrews, M. C. &. O. S. Singer, W. t S. Nourse, H. & Co. fVaterville. Dow, William C. & Co. SproHl & Austin Warren. Kelley, E. W. Winlhrop. Commission Mercbants. Those marked (A) are Auctioneers. .lores & Co. (A> Augusta. Bradbury & Sweetser Fenno, Edward, Water-st. Collins, R. Anson. Bucbfe, I). 2 Kendusk. Br. Bangor. Lewis, Wm. 3 Sniith's Block. Stanwoid W. F. 3 Kenduskeag Br. Smith, George R. 14 West Mar. Sq. Bath, Hyde, Henry Jenks & Allen Sawyer, Rruben Washburn, H. G. O. Belfast. Poor, William O. Johnson, William Brunswick. Davis, Nathaniel Thompson, J. G. South Berwick. Washburn, G. & C. F. Calais. Garland, Charles H. Wheeler, C. C. Canaan, Washburn, O. H. China. Gliddon, K. B. Damariscotta. Davis, J. D. I.ewis. Falls, Danville. Nourse, Benjamin Ellsworth, Beckford, John Eastport. Perkins, John W. Farmington. Glazier, F. Gardiner. Palmer. William Atwood, George M. Spaulding. C. HalloweU. Masters, Snrith & Co. Remiok, Daniel Kennebunk. Johnes, J. G. D.ivis, Joseph T.ewiston Falls. Benson, Seth, Exchange-st. Crosby, James, Exchange-st. Head, H. A. (A) 31 Mercantile Sq Goss & ITpham, (A) 6 Broad-st. Panlk, Ephraim. Broad-st. Blake. Wm. A. 2 Broad-st. Prescott & Cutter, (A) 3 Main-st Bangor, i West, J. D. Limerick. Owen, David, Jr. (A) I Robinson, M. Mechanic Falls, Minoi. 1 Pearson, Edmund Machias. ! Donworth. Patrick E. Francis, C. L. J\rorway Village. Blunt & Turner J'forridgwock. Walton, Benjamin Paris Little. H. J. & Co. 53 Ex.-st. Portl'd. Bath, Sanborn & Carter, 55 Exchange-st. Machinists. Daley, Kennedy & Co. Augusta. Goss, L. & Co. Hinkley & Eger>', Exch.-st. Bangor. Rice & Dennis, Harlow-st. Muzzy, Franklin & Co. Central-st. Moulton, George & Co. Bath, Williams, J. Biddeford. Thomas, S. P. & Co. Ellsworth. Holmes & Bobbins Gardiner. Perry, Joseph L. Gammon, E. & Co. Gorham. Libby, Robert H. Harrison. Freeman, Daniel & Co. Portland, Crockett & Blaisdell, Fore-st Brown, Benjamin, 264 Fore-st. Stiiples & Bartol, 10 York-st. Woodman, M. H. & Co. York-st. Sparrow, Thomas J. 13 Union-st. Drake & Jones Union. Nason, Rufus fTaterville. Marston & Huse Warren. Pump & Block Makers. T.aylor, J. C. 73 Broad-st. Bangor. Small, Jonathan Bath Ingalls, Joseph N. Davis, Oliver Kennebunk Port. Perkins, Stephen Peavey, Joseph , Oldtown. Bryant, S. Central Wharf PorUand. Cammett & Connor, Portland Pier. Metcalf, William Thomaston. Filmer, George East Thomaston. Harrington, Francis Medcalf & Woodbridge Manufacturers Sc Deal" ers in Confectionary. Bowdich. Horace Augusta. Vinton & Porter. 30 Main-st. Bangor. Brown, Joseph. Ilammond-st. Webster, B. D. & G. W. Ham'd.-st. Howe, Joseph E. HalloweU, Herrinian. H. W. Porter. Robinson, David Portland. Davis, Wm. S. 5, 7 Exchange-st Stanley, Rufus, 273 Congress-sU Hellyer & Richardson Parker, C. Jr. Spring Vale, Sanford. Dealers in Paints and Oils. Cofren & Blackford Augusta. Fuller, Eben Craig, W. S. Dillingham & Titcomb Ladd, J. E. & Co. Chndboume & Clark .Alfred. Inpraham, J. S. 6 Main-st. Bangor. Curtis & Perkins Emerson, Albert, 4 Smith's Block. 65 Guild, A. P. Exchange-st Bangor. Ladd, G. W. loot of Hammoiid-st. Howes, S. A. Belfast. Seaton & Stockpole South Berwick. Hooper &. Banks Biddeford. Sewall, S. Batk. Arnold & Rogers Gilman &. Bryant West Buxton. Lord, George \V. Hanson, S. &, A. VV. Buxton. Davis, Abner Bridgton. Farnsworth, G. S. North Bridgton. Foster, S. H. & Co. Calais. Adams, S. G. Camden. Knight, E. G. Young, C. & A. fVest Camden. Dana, E. J. Damariscotta. Blagge, Samuel Dixmont Chase, Charles F. Dixjield. Stanley, J. N. Dillingham & White Mowe & Co. Eastport. Kaler, Otis fVankfort. Belcher, F. F. Farmington. Croswell, Thomas Clapp, Chas. B. Onr diner, Emerson, Jameson & Co. Oorham. Pearson, Benjamin Kittery. Warren, Alexander Kennebunk. Gould & Moody Kennebunk Pmt Cousins, James Oakes, Bradford Ambrose, G. H. & Co. Lewislon Falls Cobb & Rice Rowe & Crockett Chandler, Jason S. JVew Sharon Proctor, A. JI. Nason, Charles P. JVewport Storer, Smith & Co. JV. Yarmouth. Thoits & iVewell Dill, Seward Phillips' Village. Cr(isl)y & Hoyt Church, Charles, Jr. Tarbox, W. Hay, H. H. Portland. Dnrgin, Joshua & Co. 143 Middle-st. Wilson, Charles (). Mason, Edward, Middle-street Kelley, Joseph L. & Co. Middle-st. Carter, A. & Son, 149 .Middle-street Foss, L. B. Saco. Good lie, S. L. Goodwill, J imes D. Jlossman, J. W. & M. N. Searsport. Porter, J. W. Sebago. Burpee, N. A. & S. H. E. Tho'ston. M.icomber, Charles A. Howland &, Robinson Vassalboro. Nourse. H. & Co. Waterville. Holt, Hiram fVdd. Pease, G. L. East Wilton. Book Sc Job Printers. Smith, S. P. 13 W. Mar. Sq. Bangor. Masters, Smith & Co. Hallowell. Davis, A. B. & Brown, C. W. J^orwari Village. Fitz, E. B. Millett, G. W. Paris. Thurstin & Co. 68 Ex.-st. Portland. Noyes, William Saco. Starrett, David J. Thomaston. Porter, John East Thomaston. Paper Manufacturers. Richards & Hoskins Oardinrr. Danforth, D. D. J^forway. Day, Lyon & Co.l97 Forest-st. PVVd. (Mills, at Saccarappa.) Emerson & Co. Westbrook. Fork r?Ianu£acturers. Lewis, D. Crocker & Bartlett Wyman &. Varney Hallowell. Fozcraft. Skowhegan. Flour manufacturers. Mnrse, Andrew, Jr. Brighton. Clark, Nathan Cambridge. Leightoii, Robt. West Cumberland. 0,-good, N. Fairfield. Vaughan, Wm. M. Gardiner. Piriium, Milton Harmony. Foster, A. C. Lewiston Falls. Dinsmore, B. T. Madison. Morrison, Gushing East J\Iad)son. Parsons, J. &, Son West Minot. Dwinell & Perkins, Mechanic Falls Poland. Neil & Titcomb Skowhegan. Robinson, S. & Co. Importing Merchants. Jones, C. 15 Long Wharf Portland. Warren, Geo. Long Wharf Chudwick, Samuel, 24 Long Wharf Chase & Hamilton, Long Wharf Porter, S. W. 20 Lung Wharf Bl mchard, N. Custom Hduse Wharf VV;irren, T., & Woodbuiy, Wm. W., 134 Fore-street Winslow & Little, Cus. House Wh'f Dealers in Watches, Jew^elry A; Fancy Goods. Blodgett, C. A. Water-st .Bugusta. Swan, B. & M. M. Wingate, F. Rowse, Edward Steward, Benj tmin JVorth Anson. Fitts, Geo. 24 W. Mar. Sq. Bangor. Stevens, John, M .in-street Lowell, John, 1 Kenduskeag Bridge Hale, Charles, Main-street Heath, Willard B. Kenduskeag Br. Titcomb, Albert, Kenduskeag Br. Tompkins, J. S. 21 Main-street Donnell, H. C. Bath. Hayden, Jno. (Nautical Instruments^ Marston, T. H. G. Baker, Edward Belfast. AUard, Isaac, Jr. Chase, Timothy Hervey, C. Cushing, James South Berwick. Twombly & Smith Biddeford. Johnson, Albert PettepgiU, Charles Brunswick. Carey, James Wiluiot & Lowell Calais. Weymouth, A. H. Lord, Charles Sanbor:), James Cherryfeld. Martin, M. P. Damariscotta. Hall.A.W. Lewiston Falls, Danville. Sinith, Z. Ellsworth. Btckford, John Eastport. Sav.ige, Daniel Eastport. Sianley, George R. Farmington. Cotfin, C.B. &Co. Swift, Charles Gardiner. Davis, E. Pope, Robert Hallowell. Dole, E. G. Stevens, Phineas Kennebunk. Hopkins, J. R. Lincoln. Donwonh, Patrick E. Machias. Cushinan, Wm. A. JSTorway Village. Hariow, Wilhnm Portland. Grueby, Geo. H. 133 Middle-street Appleton, J. J. &. Co. 131 Middle-st. Gilman, Nathaniel J. 128 Middle-st. Pearson, Henry S. 13 Exchange-st. Gerrish, Oliver, 74 Exchange-street Banks & Hatch, 72 Exchange-street Lowell & Senter, 64 Exchanpe-st. Churchill, W. F. Skowhegan. Wood, Nathaniel G. Saco. Johnson & Wilson Grant, Joseph P. Twombly & Smith Moulton, Edward S. Pike, Humphrey Lucy, D. E. Spring Vale, Sanford. I Blood, Wm. H. Thomaston. I W,ikeni;kl, J. East Thomaston, Starr & Blood ; Crooker, J. M. Watereillt. j Wingate, C. J. I Currier, T. D. Waldoboro, Dealers in China, Glass) and Crockery VTare* Partridge, Reub. (Importer) Augusta, Pierce, J. D. Godfrey, E. D. 50 Main-st. Bangor. Treadwell, Thos. H. 14 Market Sq. Gates, Sanmel D. 11 Water-street Neally, George R, South Berwick. Heath, 1. W. Balk. Bosworth, John Brown & Morrill Brownvillt, H irmou, William Brunswick. E irle, George Harmon, Benjamin Cushing, John S. Shaw, F. China, Porter, Henry C. Gardiner. Norris, T. A. Hallowell. Mirton, P. Cousin i, .lames Kennebunk Port. Blake, Newell Oidtown, Steele & Hayes (Importers) 1 10 Mid- dle-street Portland. Ellsworth, N. & Son (Importers) 118 Middle-street Lufkin &. Thayer, 54 Union-street Smith, J. W. Saeo. Twombly & Smith King, C)rus Westbrook. Bakers. Moody, E. C. & Co. Water-street A ugusta, Phillips & Witheriy, Ex.-st Bangor. Brown, Joseph, Hammond-street. Greenleaf, C. T. Bath. Mayhew, William & Co. Ellsworth. .Means, M. & J. B. Hallowell. Kent, Reuben, Fore-st. Portland. Bl ike, Charles, 230 Congress-slreet Moody, E. G. Saco. Clirk, Charles East Thomaston, Studley, George Starch Manufacturers* Churchill & Osborne JV. Anson, Clongh, E. & Co. Bethei. Atwood. E. & L. & Co. Biickjield. Rider, R. East Madison, Hopkins, Calvin & Co Mexico. Bartlett, J. H. & Co. .X. J^. Portland. Curtis, Luther JVew Sharon, Fletcher, Cobum & Co. Skowhegan. Robinson, S. & Co. Felket, Valentine &. Co. Starka. Greenwood. G. S. Weld, Robbijis, H. & Co. Wilton. Bass, John & S. Dealers in Wool & TFool Skins. Thompson, J. A. Augusta, Hill, H. 10 Central-street Bangor. Eiiicr) . B. F. & J. A. Batk. C:'le, A. G. Buckfield Village. Merrill. John Durham. Williiims, John & Ezra Falmouth, Hubbard, E. Halluwell. Whittier, S. C. Cro-by & Hoyt Phillips' Village. Mirston, Theodore Hart, H. B. & H. M. Portland-street Portland, Hanker>on, A. H. JVea? Portland. Lo!g & Shorey Surry. McChellan, E. & Co. Skowhegan. McChellan, Wm. 66 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Dealers in Fruit and Confectionary. Pond & Tompkins, Kenduskeag Bridge Bangor. Goodhue, Ira, Wall-street Bowles, Thomas Bat/t. Snow, J. H. Ricker, S. W. South Berwick. FounUiin, Joseph Biddeford. Gurney, U. & Co. Tyler, Joseph Dover. Bovvers, Henry Ellsworth. Allen, Wm. 13 Exchange-st. Portl'd. Moullon, Geo. W. 25 Exchange-st. Cole, Rolf & Co. 47 Exchange-st. Hudson, George, Jr. 337 Congress-st. Gurney, Seth Saco. Atkinson, Nathan Alden, William Long, John East Thomaston. Mossman, James Perkins, C. A. fVestbrook. Marshall, E. fVaterville. Wing, Allen Dealers in Paper Hang- ings. Stanwood, Daniel C. Augusta. Doe, William M. Guild, A. P. Exchange-st Bangor. Longfellow & Wiley, Broad-street Smith, George R. 14 W. Market Sq. Ladd, George W. Hammond-street. Hyde, Henry Bath. Jenks & Allen Johnson, Wm. Brunswick. Owen, Phillip & Co. Davis, Nathaniel Woods, Williams Calais. Burgin, E. H. & Co. Eastport. Buckman, Charles Remick, Daniel Kennebunk. Perkins, Joseph Kennebunk Port. Lugues, A. S. Fitz, E. B. J^orway Village. Little, H. I. & Co. 58 Exchange-st. Portland. Hayden, Chas. H. (Importer, whole- sale) 2 Montreal Block Stallard, Thomas, Exchange-street Gammon, E. D. 33 Union-street Colesworthy, S. H. 69 Exchange-st. Perkins & Staples Saco. Shapleigh & Oilman Spr. V. Sanfd. Macomber, C. A. East Thomaston. Matthews, C. K. fVaterville. Dealers in Iron & Steel. Mead, Lewis P. & Co. Augtista. Dole, John T. 8 Broad-st. Bangor. Mossman, D. & Co. 47, 48 West M irket Square Cram, Levi & Co. W. Market Sq. Hinkley & Egery, Exchange-street Hyde, J. Bath. Hazeltine, Prescott Belfast. Angier, Oakes Davis, Alvin Bridgton. Wilmot & I>oweIl Calais. Woods, Seth (Importers) Gardiner. Brooks & Hathaway (Importers) Hallowell. Stickney, William Sargent, R. R. & J. W. Kennebunk. Perkins, E. &. Son Kennebunk Port. .\mbrose. Goo. H. & Co. Lew. Falls. Blanchard, Sam'l, Fore-st. Portland. Brooks, I. C. (Imp.) 9, 10, 11 I,. Wh'f Edmond & Corey, (Imp.) 7, 8 North Side, Long Wharf Duran, Willlfini, Long Wharf Andrews, M. C.&O. S. E. Tho'ston. Williams, J. fVaterville. Noursr. H. & Co. Dow, William C. &, Co. Coffin, I. H. fViscassett. Lenox, P. &. Son illarble Manufacturers. PuUen, G. &Co. Water-st. Augusta. Baker & Bradbury, Harl.-st. Bangor. Cook, Charles M. Bath. Hunt & Jewett Bridgton. Sawyer & Robbins Calais. Estes, Joseph JV. Oorham. Smith, Samuel Hallowell. Smith, H. R. Lewiston Falls. Thompson, J. R- Fed.-st. Portland. Robbins, Wm. H. Standish. Cleaves, John ■Saco. Stevens & Smith Skowhegan. Dwight & Leaveusaler Thomaston. Dealers in \¥ooden Ware. Parker & Frost, 3 Exch.-st. Bangor. Cushing, John S. Brunswick. King, C. P. & Co. (Wholesale Manu- facturers) Frankfort. Robinson, J. W. (Wholesale) 201 Fore-street, Portland. Smith, E. L. fVaterville. Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Mead, Lewis P. &. Co. Augusta. Garfield & Hilton (Manufacturers) Brown, Porter & Co. Bangor. Newhall, H. C. Canaan. Tuttle, E. & W. Chase, Charles F. Dizjield. Stevens & Peabody Eastport. Dyer & Jones Morton, P. Hallowell De Wolf, Isaac & Co. (Manuf.) 230 Fore-st. Portland. Porter, J. W. Sebago. Neil, E. H. Skowhegan. Holt, Hiram fVeld. Kelley, E. W. JVinthrop. Chair Manufacturers. Inspectors of Fish. Smith, Wm. P. Bath Chase & Cushing Portland, Proctor, Jeremiah, Com. Wharf. Manufacturers of Rakes Clark, James M. fVcst Baldwin. HORSE RAKES. Allen, A. H. & Co. Buckfield. Severance, Charles Fairfield. Bartlett & Roberts Harmony. Pattern Makers. Holmes & Robbins Gardiner. Carlton, Enoch Portland. Freeman, D. & Co. Sparrow, Thomas J. Manufacturers of Sliip Wheels. De Wolf, Isaac & Co. 23 Fore-street, Portland, Freeman, D. & Co. Sparrow, Thomas J. Union-st Wilder, James M. Cummings, B. F. Corey, Walter JV. Anson. Freedom. Gorhaiit. Chain Manufacturers. Dyer, Elbridge Bachelder, Joseph Solon. fVaterville. Plough Manufacturers. Gafield & Hilton Holmes, William Warren Isaiah Stinson, F. & W. Churchill, .losiuh Augusta. Frankfort. Fnjeburg. Gray. Harrison . Richards, Sabuon T.ewiston Falls. Hobbs & Evans J^orway Village. Hersey & Brothers S. Paris. Manufacturers of Horse Power. Prescott, John D. Exeter. Fairbanks, Joseph JV. Monmouth, Benjamin & Davis fViuthrop. Gun Smiths. Leland, M. L. Augusta. Wrisley, L. H. J^'orway. Whyley, John, 46 Union-st. Portl'd. Manufacturers of Coun- ter & Platform Scales. Vinall, George Yallabee, R. W. Bangor. Manufacturers of W^ool" len Cioods. Cross & Clough Bethel. Abbot, Amos & Co. Dexter. Foss, Obed, & Durrell, B. E. H. Wetherbee, Jonathan (Flannels) Copeland, Calvin (Flannels) Farrar & Cutler (Flannels) Crocket, Charles & Co. (Flannels) Eustis, Charles L. Dixfield. Brown, Stephen P. Dover. Mayo, Bush & Hale Foxcraft. Tucker, J. N. & Co. Gardiner. Cushing, Joseph J\4ilo. Gleason, W. Union. Pope, Isaiah fVindham. Dealers in Provisions. Low, John, Kenduskeag Br. Bangor. Ames & Goodwin, Market House. McLaughlin & Rice, Kenduskeag Market. Smith & Jones, Kendusk. Market. Carey, Simon Gardiner. Ring, A. S. McKenney, W. S. PorUand, Morse, Daniel, 3 Market House. Winslow, J. N. 4 City Market. Keyes & Little, 6 City Market. Sawyer & Richardson, 1 City Mar. Osgoud, A. A. 8 City Market. Weeks, J. F. & Co. 69 Fore-st. Dearborn, B. 159 Fore-st. Milliken, Charles Pittston, Small, William & G. W. Saco. Weymouth & Deering Tukesbury & Hill Kenney, William & Son fVestbrook. liivery Stable Keepers. Ellis, Nehemiah Augusta, Morrill, Henry, York-st. Bangor. Danforth, Isaac, Central-st. Shaw & Billings Jewett, J. M. Bridgton. Sturges, Ambrose Cherryfield. Mason & Jordan Ellsworth. Gilson, Calvin, 178Mid.-st. Portland Webster, Charles, Prebble-st. Sager, Charles, 85 Federal-st. Odion, C. E. Free-st. Cleaves, H. &. J. Sctcu, 67 Robblns, Hudson East Tlwmaston. Pendleton, E. W. Berry, John &• William Cigrar Manufacturers. Wilson, Charles O. Portland. Saegell, Wni. (Snuff.) 166 Middle- street. Sweet«er, John Scnrborovgh. Perry & Fowler East Thoviaston. Plane Manufacturers. Bradford, Joseph, 41 Union-street, Portland. Hersey, J. L.B. 13 Uuion-st liine and T^vine Manu- facturers. KimbMll, Libby & Co. Hollis. Roberts, A. & H. B. Congress-street, Portland, Manufacturers of Web- bing" aud. Tape. Stanton, Thomas L. JV. Monmouth King, Samuel Manufacturers of Elip- tic Spring's. Bisbee, C. D. Jforway Village. Williams, James, Jr. Readfield. Manufacturers of liook- ing- Glass and Picture Frames. Haskell, Wm. S. Augusta Dakln, Daniel Bangor. Plummer, D. G. 4 United States Ho- tel. Portland. Carpet Manufacturers. Oorham Emer>', D. C. & Co. McKenney, David H. Ink Manufacturers, Talcott. David, 54 Main-st. Portla'd. Keith, Howard C. E. Vassalboro Masons. Hovey. John Hallmoell. Files, W. P. & Co. 51 Portland- ;t. Portland. Sugar Box Manufac- turers. Dyer. Isaac East Baldwin Wright, D. O. Milltoion, Calais. Lord, Tobias Standish. Clark, H. & F. Wiscassett Po^vder Manufacturers. Manufacturers of Oil Cloth. Lewis, Alfred Sampson, Alden Hallowell. Manufacturers of "Wasli- ing Machines. Welch, G. W. D. Webber, Otis L. Corinna. Ellsworth. ScytUe Manufacturers. Hale & Stevens Dunn, R. B. Waterville. South JVayne. Bisbsbee, Allen & Co. Whipple, Oliver M. Buckjield. Oorham, Hoe Manufacturers. Andrews, W. & Co. Buckfield nil. Crnoker & Biirtlett Foxcraft. Spear & Billings JV. Monmouth. Hale & Stevens W. Waterville. Lamps and Burning" Fluid. Richards. J. S. Bangor. Grant, T. F. 94 K*h.-st. Portland. Ijiquor Dealers. (wholesale.) Wills, Wm. S., Water-st. Augusta. Flint, Amos & Co. Mechanics Block, Bangor. Manufacturers of Brit- tannia Ware. Porter, Freeman Westbrook. Dunham, Bufus, Stevens' Plains Comb Manufacturers. Bedell, J. (Fancy Comb) Westbrook. Stevens, H. W. Woodford & Cheney Silk and Fancy ©yersi. Pbinney & Co. Water-st. Augusta. Leonard, J. M. Franklin-st. Bangor. Foster, Benj. D. 3 Port.-st. Portland. Crockett & Co. Exchange-st. Crockett & Co. Main-st. Saco. Sheriffs and their Depu- ties. A.R0ST00K. Dayll, Malachl, Sheriff of the Coun ty, Houlton. Packard, Thomas P. CUMBERLAND. Smith. Wendell P.. Sheriff of the County, Portland. Whittier, Isaac F. Sibago. Porter, Babour B. JV. Yarmouth. FRANKLIN. Dagget, Samuel, Sheriff of the County, JVt?o Vineyard. Belcher, Hiram Farmington. Howard, Darius Phillips. Sherbiu-ne, Joseph Scales, Enoch Wilton. Calden, Albon Tinker, Richard, Sheriff of the County, Ellsworth, Wardwell, B. Bucksport. Newbegin, G. W. W. Trenton. KENNEBEC. Bechelder, James R., Sheriff of the County, Readfield. Norris, J. B. Augusta. Dickey, W. Gardiner. Marshall, Enoch Newman, Thomas Hallowell. Wliittier, Moses Readfield. Nudd, Joseph Waterville. Stanley, J. R. Winthrop. Cunningham, Thomas, Sheriff of the County, Wiscassett, Nichols, N. Bath. Millay, .Jeremiah Bowdoinham. Orover, Benjamin Bowdoin. Philbrook, George Damariscotta. Young, A. Tliomaston. Sylvester, C. A. East Thomaston, Payson, Jesse Union. Cole, Abraham Waldoboro. OXFORD Robinson, O'Neill W., Sheriff of the County, Waterford. [Chapman, Gilman Wyman, Merrill Fryeburg. Warren, John Hiram. Culler, A. Lovell. Thayer, Asa JVorway. Keazar, Charles Porter. Rawson, Samuel F. Paris. Gerry, John C. Waterford. PENOBSCOT. Strickland, Hastings, Sheriff of the County, Bangor. Wilson, J. H. Farnum, H. B. Bicknell, A. H., Market Sq. Miles, Samuel Corinna. Goodwin J. Dexter Gardner, Ira Dixmont. Pnttee, John S. Enfield. Avery, I. Exeter. Mudgett, S. E. Hampden. Morgan, Henry Oldtown. PISCATAQUIS. Oakes, William, Jr., Sheriff of the County, Sangerville, Dow, Noah Milo. SOMERSET. Pike, Moses H., Sheriff of the Coun ■ ty, JVorridgwock. Bunker, Daniel Anson. Moore, Albert Hale. Andrew Athens. Mclntire. Washington Bingham. Hnskell, Peleg C. Hartland. Greenlenf, Seth Mercer. Baker, B. F. JVorridgwock. Stevens, H., JVorth JVrw Portland. Bulls, Joshua J^'eic Portland. Ctishing, H. Hkowhegan. Va mum, William Solon. Cox, Israel, Sheriff of the County, Searsport. Arnold. Ambrose Appleton. H;iyford, A. Belfast. Porter, Benjamin J. Camden. WASHINGTON. Nichols, James, Sheriff of the Coun- ty, Calais. Church, Albert Cherryfield. Harmon, L. D. Machias. 68 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Chadbourne, Israel, Sherift" of the County, Jilfred. Claik, William L. Walliugford, G. C. South Berwick. Nowell. Mark JVortA Berwick. I'aul, Josiah Bolter, Will. T. Buxton. Haley, A. Chadbourne, George Cornish. Emery, J. Elliot. Dixon, Thomas Kittery. Holmes, T. Limington. Joy, James Lord, John Lebanon. Townsend, Wm. Limerick. Ayer, Lewis J^ewfield. Bickford, G. Parsonfield. Morrill, John Lane, Thos. R. Saco. Lord, Samuel Sanford. Littletield, Daniel HQl, Daniel L. IVells. Probate Officers. AROOSTOOK. S. G. Tuck, Judge, Houlton. Eze'l P. I'ierce, Keg. do CUMBERLAND. Salary. $ltiO Josiah Pierce, Judge, Gorham. 500 Chris. C.Tobie, Keg. Westbiuok. 900 List of SJate Officers* Maine. Oct. 7, 1848. Salary. J. W. Dana, Fr>'eburg, Gov. $1500 E. B. French, Augusta, Secre- tary of State. Moses McDonald, Limerick, Treasurer. A. Redington, Augusta, Adju- tant General. S im'l Cony, Orono, Land Agt. Benj. Carr, Thoiiiaston, War- den of the StitL- Prison. James Bates, Augusta, Super- intendent of Insane Hospital. 900 900 20O 1000 700 800 FRANKLIN. M. Sherburne, Judge, Phillips. J. D. Prescott, Reg. Faruur.gton. Parker Tuck, Judge, Sedgwick. J. D. Richards, Reg. Ellsworth. KENNEBEC. 150 200 200 300 Dan'l Williams, Judge, Augusta. 300 F. Davis, Jr. Reg. do 550 Nathaniel Groton, Judge, Bath. 350 A. Blaney, Reg. Bristol. 500 JUDICIARY. Ether Shepley, Cortland.Chief Justice Sup. Juil. Court. li John S. Teniiey, iN'orridgwock, AssdciMte Justice Jud. Court. 1800 S imu.-l Wells, Portland, do 1800 Joseph How.ird, do do 1800 John Shepley. S:i«o, Reporter of Heci^ioiis of S. J. Court. 1000 S. H. Blake, B;ingor, Attorney (;eneral. 1000 Oan'l Goodenow, Alfred, Judge of District Court, Western District. 1200 Richard D. Rice, Augusta, Judge of Dis. Court, Middle District. 1200 Frederick H. Allen, Bangor, Judge of Dis. Court, Eastern District. 1200 Nicholas Emery, Portland, and Al- pheus Lyon, Wutorville, Bank Commissioners. Luther Fitch, Portland, Judge of Mu :icip:il Court, Portland. Gu-t. G. Cushm in, Bangor, Judge of MuiiicipHl Ccurt, Bangor. Jacob Smith, Bath, Judge of Muni- cipal Court, Bath. Caleb R. Ayer, President of the Se- nate. Dan'l T. Pike, Secretary of the Se- nate. Hugh D. McLellan, Speaker of the House. Samuel Belcher, Clerk of the House. At Augusta, 2d Tuesday of May, and 1st Tuesday of October. At Wi^casset, 1st Tuesday of May. and on Wednesday next after SJd Monday of September. At Paris, 4th Tuesday of May, and 2d Tuesday of October. PENOBSCOT. At Bangor, 4th Tuesday next af- ter 4th Tuesday of May, and 4th Tuesday of October. PISCATAQUIS. At Dover, 3d Tuesday next after 4th Tuesday of May. Job Prince, Judge, Turner. 200 Geo. F. Emery, Reg. Paris. 350 PISCATAQUIS. Eph. Packard, Judge, Bl.i nchard. Lyman, Lee, Reg. FoxcrafL Courts in ITIaine. Circuit Court of the United States. At Portland, May 1st, and Octo- ber 1st. PENOBSCOT. E. G. Rawson. Judge, Bangor. 275 J. Williams, Reg. do 550 135 District Court of the United States. 165 At Portland, 1st Tuesday of Feb- niary and December. At Bangor, 4th Tuesday of June. At Wiscasset, 1st Tuesday of September. C. Greene, Judge, Athens. 200 T. C. Jones, Reg. Norridgwock. 500 WASHINGTON. J. C. Talbot, Judge, E. M^ichias. 300 A. G. Lane, Reg. Machias. 400 J. Miller, Judge, Lincolnville. 2.50 C. Palmer, Reg. Bella.- 1. 300 William C. Allen, Judge, Alfred. 400 Wm. Hammond, Reg. Elliot. 625 At Norridgwock, 2d Tuesday next after 4th Tuesday of May, and Wed- nesday next after 2d Monday of Sep- tember. At Belfast, 8th Tuesday next after 4th Tue^^day of Mtiy, and 2d Tues- day of December. WASHINGTON AND AROOSTOOK. At Machias, 6th Tuesday next af- ter 4th Tuesday of May. At Alfred, Tuesday next but two before last Tuesday of April, and 3d Tuesday of September. DISTRICT COURT. fVestem District. At Alfred, 2d Monday of Febru- ary, last Monday of May, and 3d Monday of October. CUMBERLAND. At Portland, 1st Tuesday of March, 3d Tuesday of June, and 1st Tues- day of October. STATE COURTS IN MAINE. Supreme Judicial Court. CUMBERLAND. At Portland, Tuesday next but one before last Tuesday of April, and 2d Tuesday of November. FRANKLIN. At Famiington, Tuesday next af- ter 4th Tuesday of May. At Ellsworth, 7th Tuesday next af- ter 4th Tuesday of May. At Paris, 2d Tuesday of .Tune, and 2d Tuesday of November. At Farmington, last Monday of March, and last Monday of Septem- ber. Middle District. LINCOLN. At Wiscasset, 4th Tuesday of February, 4th Tuesday of June, and 4th Tuesday of October. KENNEBEC. At Augusta, 1st Tuesday of April, I August, and December. 69 SOMERSET. At Norridgwock, 2d Tuesday of January, 1st Tuesday of May, and 2d Tuesday of October. At Belfast, 2d Tuesday of Febru- ary', and 4th Tuesday of August. Eastern District. PISCATAQUIS. At Dover. last Tue--day of March, and 2d Tuesday of November. PENOBSCOT. f At Bangor; 1st Tuesday of Janu- ary, 4th Tuesday of May, and 1st Tuesday of October. HANCOCK. At Ellsvi'orth, 2<1 Tues. of April, and 4th Tuesday of October. WASHINGTON. At Machla5, last Tuesday of Feb- Tuaxy, and 3d Tuesday of Septem- ber. AROOSTOOK. At Houlton, 2d Tuesday of Febru- ary, and 1st Tuesday of September, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURTS. At Alfred, Tuesday next before last Monday of May, and 2d Tues- day of October. CnMBERLAND. and 3d Tuesday of December. and Au^nist, and 2d Tuesday of De- cember. At Belfast, 3d Tuesday of April and August. FRANKLIN. At Fannington, last Tuesday of April and Decenjber. PISCATAQUIS. At Dover, 1st Tuesday of April and December. AROOSTOOK. At Houlton, 3d Tuesday of Janu- nry, and 1st Tuesday of July. Brokers. Thompson, T. B. (Real Estate) Bangor. Warren, H. (Stock and Exchange) Larrabee, S. (Stock and Exchange) Wood, WilUam H. (Stock and Ex- change) Portland. Gooch, Daniel Hall, George Kennebunk Fort. Academies. Alfred Academy, incorporated in 1829 ; John Waterman, Preceptor. Berwick Academy, incorporated 1791 ; capital, $8,000 ; average num- ber of scholars, 60. A. F. Payson, Principal ; Wm. F. Lane, Assistant. Blooniheld Academy, incorptirated in 1807; capital, $4,000; 140 schol- ars. Joseph W. VVeston, Principal ; Marj' Weston, Assistant. North Bridgton Academy, Moses Soule, Preceptor. Blue Hill Academy, incorporated in 1803 ; capital, $6,000. Horace SUs- by. Teacher. Charleston Academy. David True, Principal. East Corinth Academy. Alexan- der Gamble, Principal. Elliot Academy, incorporated in 1840. William T. Lane, Principal. Foxcraft Academy. Thomas Sash, Principal. Fryeburg Academy. L. PacKarti Principal. Gorham Academy and Female Seminary. Edvv. P. Weston, Princi- Brown, J. J. (Stock and Exchange) ;pal ; Mrs. Mattocks, Principal of Fe- 136 Exchange-street Win^low, Albert, 19 Exchange-st. York &. Yeaton (Ship) Webster, E. (Insm-ance) Long Wh'f Insurance Ag:ents. Wilkins, John (New England Mu- tual Life Insurance, Protection Fire In;-iu'ance) Bangor. Pluminer, B., Jr. (Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.) Bonian, Hollis (General Land and Insurance Agent) Gushing. John S. (Atlantic, Colum- bia, Ilockinf:hiin, and Mammoth Mutual Fire Insurance Compa- nies Brunswick. At Portland, 1st Tuesday of June, [ Smith, Noah, Jr. (^fltna and Col- umbus Insurance Cos. Calais. Cousins, Enoch (Rockingham Mu- tual Fire Insurance Co.) KennebVc. Churchill, J. C. (Protection, Maine, and JEt-.Va Insurance Cos. 45 Ex- change-street Portland. Carter, C. S. (Camden and Protec- tion Fire Insurance Cos.) 45 Ex- change-street Stackpole, C. A. (National Fund Loan Life Assurance Co., London) Custom Hou-e Wharf Neal, John, General Life Assurance Agent for Maine, 32 Exchange- street At Wiscasset, 2d Tuesday of Jan- uar>', 2d Tuesday of May, and 1st Monday of September. KENNEBEC. At Augusta, last Tuesday of Ap- ril, 2d Tuesday of August, and last Tuesday of December. SOMERSET. At Norridgwock, 1st Tuesday of March and October. At Ellsworth, 2d Tuesday of April, and 4th Tuesday of October, WASHINGTON. At Machias, 1st Wednesday next after 1st Tuesday of March, and 1st Wednesday next after 3d Tuesday of September. At Paris, 2d Tuesday of May, and 1st Tuesday of September. PENOBSCOT. At Bangor. 1st Tuesday of April Pot and Pearl Asli Man- ufacturer«>. Bean, Newell (Inspector) 9 Wall- street Bavgor. Snow, Willinm B. Fnirjield. Moore & Haskell Hart'and. Bartlett & Roundy Harmony. Gooding (Inspector) Portland. Pease, G. S. East Wilton. Carriag^e Smiths. Wyman & Folsom, Water-street Augusta. Huntington, Uriel, Water-st. Wingate, John Bangor. SIlip Smitlis. Devernux. S. B. Castine, Bridges, Jolin male Department ; Edw. P. Roby, CI issicHl Teacher ; Elizabeth K. Banks, Music Teacher. Whole num- ber of impils, 250: males, 112; fe- males, 138. High School. Madison, K. Mabry, Teaciier Hiram. Hamden Academy. Joseph Bart- lett, Teacher. Lewiston Falls Academy. Alvin Boody, Principal Danville. Lee Normal Academy. W. B. Snell, Principal. Limerick Academy, incorporated in 1809; capital, $1,800. Ebenezer Jordan, Principal. Moi mouth Academy. W. B. Snell, Prihcipal. North Anson Academy, incorpo- rated in 1823 ; capital. $3,000. Wm. M. Bickntll, Principal. Newport Academy, incorporated in 1844. E. G. Smith, Principal. Oxliird Normal Institute. E. P. Hinds, Principal. Parsor.field Seminary, Incorporated in 1833 ; ciipital, $2,000. Geo. Rick- er. Principal. Readlield Academy. H. P. Tony, Principal. Somerset Academy, incorporated in 1846; capital, $4,000. Samuel H. Bickfcrd, Principal Athens. St. Albans Academy, incorporated in 1832; capital, $6,000. William M. Baker, Principal Uartland. Vassalboro Academy. J. Drum- mond. Principal. Washington Academy. Joseph Dow, Principal Machias, Warren Academy. Calvin Buck- ford, Principal. Wiscasset Academy. F. A. Saw- yer, Principal fVaidoboro. Miscellaneous. Axe Manufacturers, Stimson, T. & W., Gray. Bobbin Manufacturers, Baldwin, J. & E., Biddeford. Boat Oars Manufacturer, An- drews, Dexter, Bangor. Bridge Builder, Bigby, John, Old- town. 70 NEW-ENGLAND MEllCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Brush Manufacturer, Neal, U. H., I Agent for Sherwood's Magnetic Ma- Veneers, Kinil)all, Philip, (Manu- Saco. chines, 384 Congress-street, Portland, factiirers,) North Yarmouth. Belting, Barbour, J. & C. J., Port- land. Bands, Barbour, J. & C. J., Port- land. Brass and Silver Platers, Vinall, George, Bangor. Emerson, E., Congress-street, Port- land. Civil Engineers, Greene, George, Brunsvvicii. Appleton, Edward, VVaterville. Coach Makers, Morse, B. F. & Co., water-street, Augusta. Collector, Bass, Hiriim, Collector of Notes and Drafts, Camden. Canal Boating, Jigcnt, Potter, Jas. W., Harrison. Cutlers, Mark, Gabriel G. &. G., E.xchange-street, Portland. Chain Cables, Edmund & Corey, 7, 8 N. Side, Long VVii'f, Portland, Candle Manufacturer, Dow, Hi- ram H. Portland-street, I'ortliud. Cotton Batting Manufacturers, Richardson & Libby, VVestbrook. Drawing and Fancy Painting, Brown, Samuel, August i. Drum Manufacturer, Blake, In- crease, Farmington. Earthen fVare Manufacturer, Kitt son, Richard, Bridgton. Fruit Trees, Dealers in, Henry, Little, & Co. Smith's Block, Bangor. File Manufacturers, CoUett, F. & J.i Bangor. Olue Manufacturers, Hyde, \V. & K., VVestbrook. Hunter's Pulmonary Bfilsatn, Cur- tis &. Perkins, 4 Kenduskeag Bridge, Bangor. Hardy's Bitters, Miiiufictured by R. Hardy, Exchange-street, Ban- gor. Hammer Manufacturers, Boulter, N. L. v., VVaterville. Handy &, Welherell, South Nor- ridgwock. Hair Worker, Robinson, T., United Sutes Hotel, Portland. Halls to let for public lectures, by Holmes, Chas. E;iit Thouiaslon. India Rubber Belting, Foster, S. H. &. Co., Agents for Goodyear's Bands and Belting, Calais. Junk Dealer, Webster &. Sampson, Commercial Wharf, Portland. Lamp Black Manufacturer, Han- cock, John, Stiiiidish. Liniment, Leighton, D. J., inanu facturer of Indian Liniment, VVater- ville. Metal Dealers, Winchester &, Daniels 208 Fore-street, Portland. Magnetic Machines, Smith, C. B., ' Mineral Teeth Manufacturer, Bur- I bank, David, VVaterville. Musical Instruments, Robinson, Augustus, (Dealer,) 51 Exchange- street, Portland. Wendenburg, W. (Dealer,) Au- gusta. Clark, Benjamin, manufacturer, Harri.son. Mast and Spar Manufacturers, Wilds &. Tapley, Kennebuuk Port Piano Fortes, Stiinwood, Daniel. (Ag'l tiir Chickering's Piano Fortes,) .■Vuta. E iwards, Calvin, (Manufacturer,) Middle-street, Portland. CI irk, George, (Manufacturer,) 101 Federal-street. Patent Ship Blocks. Alden H. & Co. Manufacturers of Basselt &. Wa- terman's Patent Ship Blocks, Cam- den. Plaster Manufacturers, Randall, Robert S. &. Co. 10 Central Wharf, Portland. Pocket Book Manufacturers, Sweetser, J. B. & Co. Westbrook. Packet Agents, Perkins, R. F., & Walker, Sanmel, Agents for Despatch Line, Hiillowell. Dunn, R. B. Union Line, Hallowell. Screw Cutter, Hobson, J. F. Har- low-street, Bangor. Suw Manufacturer, Swartz, Mi- chael, Exchange-street, Bangor. Spectacles, Tompkins, .1. S. Manu- fiicturer of Gold and Silver Specta- cles, 21 Main-street, Bangor. Seraphines. Williams, Rufus, Man- uficturer of Seraphines and Organs, South Berwick. Scythe Snath Manufacturer, Carr, U., Dexter. Sitipping Merchants, Wheeler & Co. Eistport. Shingle Machines, Perry, Josepli L. M.uiufaclurer of Shingle Machines and Turning Lathes, Gardiner. Stone fV.'ire Manufacturer, Thomp- son, Robert, Gardiner. Spikes, Bartlett & Page, Manufac- turers of Railroad Spikes, Gardiner. Spoons, Banks & Hatch, Manufac- turers of Silver .Spoons, 72 Exchange- street, Portland. Stereotypcrs, Thurston & Co. 66 E.vchange-street, Portland. Ship Carver, Chapman A. Union- street, Portland. Sperm Oil Manufacturers, Robin- son & Hyde, 17 Exchange-street, Portland. Trenail Machines, Mitchell, N. O, (Manuficturer,) Gardiner. Thrashing Machines, Whitman, Luther & Co. (Manufacturers,) Win- throp. yice Manufacturer, Fisher M., Martin, Wm., ,Ir., Manufacturers of Patent Chain Vices, Newport. Water Wheels, Tuttle, E. & W, Manufacturers of Patent Water Wheels, Canaan. Osgood, Hudson, Water Wheel Manufacturers, Fairfield. Weavers' Harness, Thomas, Sam. T. M.tnufactiu-er of Patent Harness for Cotton Mills, Saccarappa, West- brook. Insurance Companies. East and South Thomaston Insu- rance Co., East Thomaston. Knott Crockett, President; C. R. Mallard, Secretary. Capital, $.50,000; shares, .500; par, 100. Take both tire and marine risks. Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Gorham Corner. D iniel C. Emery, President ; Jonah Pierce, Secretary. Amount of pro- perty insured. $1,.500,000; number of policies, 4,000. GeorfiO's Insur.mce Co., Thomas- ton. VV. Singer, President ; George Prince, Secretary. Capital, $1)0,000; nunil)er of shares, 600 ; par, 100. Kennebec Mutual Insurance Co., Oar.'liiier. Edward Swan, President; Homes Tuppir, Secretary. Maine Mutual Fire Insurance Co., tiorham Conier. C. Hodsdon, Presi- dent ; John Waterman, S"cretary. .Amount of property insured, $2,260- 000; number of policies, 4000. Ocean Insurance Co., Portlind. Philip Greely, President; H. B. Wright, Secr'y. Capital, $100,000; number of shares, 100 ; par, 100. Penobscot Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Bangor. Jo-iah Towle, Presi- dent; B. Plummer, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Chartered in 1836; policies in force, 3,8.59 ; amount of risk, .$2,840,775; amount of pre- mium note;, $128,364; total amount of losses, $21,000. Newspapers. Bangor Daily Whig and Courier. Smith & Sayward, Pubhsher<, Ken duskeag Bridge Bangor. Bangor Gazette. N. Walker & Co., Publishers Bangor, Cold Water Fountain. H. Jewett & Co., Publishers Gardiner. Christian Mirror. Asa Cummings, Publisher Portland. Daily Mercury. William Bartlett, Pulilisher Bangor. Democratic Clarion. M. Little- field. Publisher Skowhegan. Eastern Argus. Sanborn & Hoi- den. Publishers Portland. Eastern Mail. E. Maxham, Pub- lisher Wnterville, Gospel Banner. Homin &. Man ley. Publishers Jiugusta. Hancock County Democrat Ellsworth. Kennebec Journal. Severance & Dorr, Publishers .Augusta. Lime Rock Gazette. John Por- ter, Publisher East Thomaston. Mann's Family Physician. A. An- gler Mann, Publisher JsTorridirwock. Maine Democrat. Alpheus A. Hanscomb, Publisher Saco. Oxford Democrat. Geo. W. Mil- lett. Publisher P^rig. Portland Pleasure Boat. Jeremiah MAINE. 71 Hacker, Publisher, Portland. One dollar per annum. Molto, "Truth over Error ; Victory, or Death.' ' Portland Advertiser. W. E. Ed- wards & Co., Publishers Portland. Portland Transcript. Eras. Gould, Publisher, Middle-street Portland. Saco Union. L. O. Cowan, Pub- lisher Sacu. The Brunswick and Topsham Ad- vocate. Hampdon & Stanwood, Pub- lishers Brunswick. The Democrat. Published by William Thompson Bangor. The Norvvriy Advertiser. A. B. Davis & C. \V. Brown, Publishers JVorway Village. Temperance Star and Thomaston Recorder. David J. Stairett, Pub- lisher Thomaston. Washingtonian Journal. A. Shir- ley & Son, PubUshers Portland. Statistics of Maine State Prison. Thomaston, April 1, 1848. Warden, Benjamin Carr. Deputy, George W. Wormell. Chaplain, Job Washburn. Physician, David Rose. Clerk, A. Perkins. Inspectors, Benjamin Buxton, Ste- phen C. Barrows, and George H. Starr. Current Expenses for the year 1846 .... $2,254,07 Credit do 1,058.68 Balance against Depart. 1,195,39 Whole number of Admissions since July 2d, 1824 ... 909 Discharged on expiration of sen- tence .... 666 Pardoned .... 139 Died .... 27 Escaped, and not taken . 7 Present number ... 69 Committed for rape . . 2 Assault, with intent to kill . 1 Larceny .... 49 Arson 4 Burglary .... 4 Adultery .... 2 Passing counterfeit money 1 Murder, and sentence commuted 1 Murder, and under sentence of de.'ith 2 Murder in the second degree 2 Forgery 1 Polygamy .... 1 Receiving stolen goods , . 1 Terms of Sentence. — Ten for one year, (en for two years, six for three years, seven for four years, thirteen for five years, two for six years, one for seven years, three for ten years, one for twelve years, eleven for life, and two under sentence of death. Employed as follows : Lime quar- ry, 13 ; shoemaking, 30 ; tailoring, 3 ; washing, 2 ; cooking, 2 ; smiths- shop, 7 ; wheelright-shop, 6. In hospital, sick, 4 ; lumpers, 1 ; wait- ers, 2. Expresses. Carpenter & Co.'s Kennebec and Boston Express, Fenno's Book Store, Augusta, and Railroad Exchange, 7 Court Square, Boston. Hodgman & Co.'s Bangor and Bos- ton Express, 3 Smith's Block, Ban- gor, and Railroad Exchange, 7 Court Square, Boston. Jerome & Co.'s Express, 1 Kendus- keag Bridge, Bangor. Longley & Co., Agents, 7 State-street, Boston. Longley & Co.'s Portland, Saco, and Boston Daily Express, Olfice, 78 Exchange-street, Portland, 7 State- street, Boston. BANKS OF MAINE. NAME. Androscoeain Bank Aufiiista Hank Bangor, Bank of Belfast Bank Biddeford Bank Brunswick Bank Calais Bank Canal Bink Casco Bank Central Bank ConiniiTcial Bank Cnniherlaiid, Bank of. . Eastern Bank FrHnklin Bank Freeman's Bank Frontier B ink Oardincr Hank Granite Hank Kendu-ikeag Bank Lime Rork Bank Linniln Hank Manuf icturtr' Hank.. Manf. & Traders' Bank Mariners' H:ink Mcdomak Bank Megunticook Bank Mercantile Bank Merchants' Bank Northern Hank Sagadahock Bank Skowhegan Bank South Berwick Bank. . Thomaston Bank Ticonic Bank Westbniok, Bank of. . . York Bank LOCATION. Topshani Augusta Haiigor Belfist Hiddeford Brunswick Calais Portland Portland Hallowell Bath Portland B ingor Giirdiner .Vugusta Eastijort Gardiner .\ugusta H:ingor East Thomaston Bath Saco Portland Wiscisset Waldoboro (^anulen Bangor Portland Hallowell Bath Bloomfield South Berwick. . Thomaston Wiiterville Westbrook Saco PRESIDENTS. Charles Thompson I'homas W. f uiith t^amuel Veazie Thomas Marshall. VVm. P. Haines Richard T. Dunlap G. Downe.s Charles E. Barrett. Eliplial.t Gn-ely.. C'llvin Spauldiiig. . W. I). Sewall Win. Moulton A. M. Roberts John Otis Benjamin Davis. . . Samuel Wheeler. . Samuel C. Grant. . W. A. Brooks G. W. Pickering... Knott Crockett George F. Patten. . Josiah Calef J. Richardson Henry (^lark .Iam(!s Hovey Joseph Jones Samuel l'';irrir. . . . William Woddliury Franklin (Uazier . . T. n. Robinson . . . William Allen W. A.Hayes Richard Robinson. Timothy Boutelle. Samuel Jordan Jonathan King CASHIERS. John Cobiirn.... George W. Allen VVm. S. Dennet . N. H. Bradbury. Seth S. Fairfield. A. C. Bobbins... Joseph A. Lee. . J. B.Scott John Chute .Artemas Leonard Thomas Agry. . . Samuel Small... W. H. Mills Hiram Stevens.. Daniel Pike C. H. liayden... .Joseph Adams.. Silas Leonard. .. T. S. Dodd E. M. Perry John Shaw T.W.Shannon.. E. Gould S. P. Baker George Allen.. . . Hiram Bass John S. Bicker. . Reuben Mitchell I. Nutter. . D. F. Baker S. Philbrick. C. E. Norton J. D. Barnard... A. Perkins A.G.Forbes... H. S. Thatcher Every day. Every day. Every diy. Every day. Every day. Every diiy. Every day. Thursday . I'riday .... Every day. Every day. Monday . . . Every day. Monday . . . Every day. Wednesday Mond.ay . . . Every day Every d.iy. Every day. Every day. Every day. Tuesday.. . Every day. Friday Every day. Every day. Tuesday . . . Every day. Every day. Monday . . . Monday . . . Every day. Monday . . . Every day. Every day. CAP. 50,000 110,000 100,(!00 r>o,ooo loo.oool oo.oooj .50,000 4011,000 3l)oitoo .50.000 .50 000 100,000 100.000 .50,000 .50,000 7.5,0001 lOO.IHIo' 75,000 100 000 iooooo I'J,)1I00 100,000 75,000 50000 50,000 49,000 .50.000 150 000 75,000 .50,000 75,0tK) 100,000 50,000 ■ 7,500 50,000 75,000 SH. 500 1100 1000 100 100 100 1000 750 4000 :iooo H.50 500 •J.51M) KHIO 5(M1 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 l-i.50 1000 1,500 UK) 80 UK) 100 .59 100 40 100 100 100 100 75 100 iOO 100 100 50 1000 ','0(H) 7.50 500 750 2000 750 50 75 100 100 100 50 1000 " 5 >^ '- ■* c :? p^ - n g 2. 2. ^ S> ■" -^ '^ s» p- 3= 6 J--**- 3 C O S t; • CfQ jq NQiq :; c O • a Q ^ n (*i n H I-I: SS: Sera ^-— jqiq r/^WK • • CO- <• — e-■ ?: : : ?: ■?• =^5: §: : : 5: -<: : =•: a . -p; M ^ _5 ^. = = : Jlnvunl Jliniiunt of to 5/1 ^t 00; 000 D3 ^ t D3 U 03 ^ 2r' ;^ £00 Jlnnual CSSM ; Jimount — £- — Consumed. C;iW»0^tA0ltt».tnOOi-» O '- J O C w s c 5 C "p X ooooioc^cox? JVo. Spm- I— tOWi— ■— W' • I— co^ I X 01 ^ 1 »S O O (O «3 • = O ; I I I ! : : I Threads ::::::: \ to inch, ^ I JVo. Males cj »s M g fe g ^ I Employed. 1 ^ I Females d o H J— I I— I a NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Ag:ricultural Implem'ts CtUTier, A. B. & J. C. 107, i09 Main- street Concord. Perkins, J. Dover. Richards, Seth &. Co. JVewport. Apothecaries. Sawyer, M. C. & Co. Bristol. Ladd, VV. M. Broad-st. Claremont. Brown, L. Allison & Gault, 14 Main-st. Concord. Bobbins, E. H. Main-street Smith, J. H. 10 Centnil-st. Dover. Lathrop, Daniel & Co. Franklin Sq. Tufts, C. A. 48 Washington-street Smith & Swa-;ey, Central Sq. Wheeler, J. \V. & Son, Pleasant-st. Saben, Charles Fitiwilliam. Perkins, J. D. Hill, Thomas P. Hanover. Willard, Joseph Keene. BLxby, John Hall, A. & T. Kendrick, Geo. S. Lebanon. Cragin, P. Crosby's Bl'k Manchester. Tucker, A. 0. 4 City Hall Perr>-, J. A. Elm-st. Skelton, C. P. 3 Granite Block White & Hill, cr. Main and Factory- street Jfashua. Russell, E. S, Main-street Jameson, Hugh J^ashville. Bennett, George A. J^ew Market. Burnham & Co. 19, 20 Congress- street Portsmouth. Preslnn, Wm. R. 2 Cor.gress Block Hutchins, B. 4 Market-street Kuuball, David, 36 Market-street Thatcher, J. H. 1 Market-street Nason & Dearborn, High-street Oreat Falls. .Sommersworth. Billings, S. J. & Co. Main-street Noble, Mark, Central Building Kimball, E. P. Troy, Seaver, A. & Son Walpole, Crosby, Edward Axe Manufacturers. Gray, L. S. R. Portland-st. Dover. Gould, John, Washington-street Sawyer, George Epping. Gould, S. Exeter. Smith & Emerson Hanover. Duren & Hay ward Keene. Worthen, Jacob W., Elm-street Manchester. Brigham & Pratt, 26 Manchester-st. Emerson, Stephen, cor. Main and Water-street M'ashua. Upton, J. P. Rjiilroad Sq. JVashville. Barri, B. 12 Jetferson-st. Portsm'th. Plummer & Sons. State-st. Nutter & Furnald, 60 Water-st. Perry & Plummer, 19 Fleet-st. Bedstead Manufactu- rers. Pratt, Isaac B. ..Antrim. Abbott & Bucminster Perley & Cleaves, State-st. Concord. Locke, S. H. Iron Works Falls, Freedom. Carter, J. H. East Jaffrey. Knight, R. Milford. Nutting & Long JVewport. Perkins, Levi Ossipee. Moulton, John Martin & Morse Pembroke. Stevens & Fallansbee Wendell. Deland, Wm. South Wolfboro. Beer Manufacturers. Bond, Dudley Y. Claremont. Langley, Timothy Exeter. Lane, Nelson, Main-st. J^ashua. Bit and Au^ur Manu' facturers. Graves, Caleb S. Factory Village, Chesterfield. Atherton & Goodrich Adams, Ezekiel Adams, Harvey Thayer, Nelson Hopkinton, Lancaster, Richmond. Bakers. Bymmes, E. 85 Main-st, Concord. Smith, Perley Lyman. Blank Book Manufac- turers. Severance, A. K. Paper Mill Village, Alstead. WeUington, Edmund Currier & Hall, Maln-st. Concord. Williams, C. Central-st. Dover. Marshall, Joseph, Central Building Manchester. Kimball & Harriman, 52 Elm-st. Gill, Chas. Main-st. JVashua, Bailey, J. E. 8 Daniel-st. PnrtsmVh. Boat Builders. Gove, Charles C. Hampton Falls. Green, M. &. S. head of Green-street Portsmouth. Green, Jacob Seabrook. Chase, Enoch Chase, Joseph Johnson, Stephen Bobbin Manufacturers. Buss, Rodney Acwortk. Putnam, Abram Danb-ury. Cass, J. B. (Spools) Epsom. Hall, J. C. (Spools) Epsom. Churk, P. S. Francestown. Moore & Dickey Hillsborough. Flint & Clement Tuttle & Bobbins Greenwood, Asa Marlboro. Priest, L. W. (Spools) Hinsdale. Chamberlin, J. L. Mason Village. Drew, J. & J. G. (Shutlles and Spools) Milton. Baldwin, J. (Shuttles) JVashua. Keith, Samuel JVewport. Booth, Royal Cram, B. L.& Co. (Spools) Pittsfield. Coffin, Silas (Spools) Rindge. Caswell & Carpenter Surry. Hoyt & Stevens Warner. Nicholas & Jones Washington. Putnam, E. & Co. Wilton. Shelden, William Furber, Eli N. South Wolfboro. Bonnet Manufacturers ', and Dealers. Hills, J. G. Franklin Sq. Dover. Ballou, A. Brackett, G. W. Exeter. Gilmore, E. R. Keene. McDougall, Wm. Meredith Bridge. Campbell, John Marshall, G. Main-street Kn.ihna. Hillls, E. W. 23 Market-st Portsm'th. 76 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTOIiV. Book Binders. Severance, A. K., Paper Mill Vil- lage Mislead. Wrilington, Edmund Roliy, Luther Miiii-st. Concord. Williiiii-i, Charles Duoer. Grint, I'r.uicis Exeter. Dohie, John A. Umiuver. TilcJen, George Keene. Kiiiihill & Harriman Manchi-ster. Bailey, J. E. 8 Uaniel-st. Fortsm't/i. Book and Job Printers. Severance, A. K., Paper Mill Vil- 1-ige, .^Istead. Youiis &. Walker Ctaremont. Weber J. Trijip, E. B. ISG Miin-st. Concord. Merrill & Silsby, M lin-street McFiirltiid, Aw Durham. Marston, David Jfew Market. Kaowles, Charles H. Me -erve, John S. Lane, Charles South JVew Market. Goodwin, James M. JVewtown, Whittier, Robert Uoyt &. CuiTier Ware, Elijah Gilbert, Porley Brown. James L. Willard, E. Brown, Moses, Water Village Carr, J. C. 14 1-2 Market-street, Portsmouth, Bragdon, C, Market-st. 1 Hill & Carr, 34 Market-st. Stavers, John, 19 Market-st. (;rernleaf & Clement, Salisbury. Bafiley, John Webster, VV. Greenoiigh, John Lane, John P. Eaton, James Burleigh, Thomas Dearborn, Lewis, Market-street, Orrat Falls, .Summersworth. Smile. J. A., Market-st. Stickpole. Joseph, Market-st. Preble, S. W. Front-st. Salmon Falls. Browii, J. & Co. South Hampton, JVorthu mberland. Ossipee. Sanbornton. San down. Stiiidicich. Moulton, Beiij imin iairhunk, Cyrus Marshall & Capron Maynard, A. K. Mill.r, Jarcd Emerson, Day t;ardner, C. Y. .Vldrich, Muriel Eames, Luther Jones, Lane & Co. Jackon & Crowell Pickering, Daniel Edgerly, Benjamin N. S, Stratham. Troy. Walpole. Warner. Wendell. Whitcjield. Wilmot. Wilton. Windham Wolf borough. Boots and Slioes. INCLUDING ONLY DEALERS. David, John O. Amherst. Peverly, James, Main-st. Concord. Sylvester, S. G., 130 Main-st. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 11 Gage, Benjamin, Main-st. Concord. Evans, Samuel, 94 Main-st. Locke, F. T., 131 Main-st. Sanborn, Gustavus Deerfield. Rogers &. Brewster, 20 Central street Dover. Lawrence, Wm. F. Epping. Dearborn & Tirrell Ezeter. Worcester, Moses Hudson. Foster, John Keene. Blake, John T. Kensington. Gile, F. VV. LitUeton. Trask, A. S. 48 Elm-st. Manchester. Murch, E. W. & Co. 34 EIni-st. VViggin, J. S. 5 Central Bi'k, Elm-st. French, C. W. 5 Patten's Block, Thayer, Uavid, 14 Central Building Young, Nathan, 9 Merriniac Block Norcross, H. Joy's Building Heath, A. P. & Co. Factory-street, j^askua. Adams, Mark, 16 Factory-st. Blaisdell. J. VV. Rochester. Welch, Charles W. High-street, Or eat Falls, Sommerswort/i. Thayer, E. H. High-st. Hutchins, J. L. Corner Washington and Orange-st. Cragin, S. B. fValpole. Severance, John Winchester. Botanic Medicines. DEALERS. Slocum, C. C. Main-st. Claremont. Smith, Henry, Corner of Franklin and Third st. Dover. Leach, William, Meridith Bridge.. Warner, O. P. Pittsfidd. Burnhani, J. & Co. 19 and 3U Con gress-st. Portsmouth. Gilbert, S. 18 Exchange Building tiuimby, Dan. O. F. Sommersworth. Stacy, Abel. Elm-street. Box Manufacturers. Bowker, L. & E. Fitzwilliam. Mason &. Perry (Boot and Shoe) Harrisville. Snow, James (Square) Hinsdale. Jones, H. M. (Bail) Loring & JVewton (Ball) Mower, G. (Boot and Shoe,) Jaffrey. Fuller, Isaac ( Bail) Marlborough. Page, Samuel (Nest) Rindge. Lane & Ballou (Bail) Swanzey. Bond, W. A. & C. B. (Pill) Drewsville, fValpole. Rust, H. L. (Shoe) South IVolfboro'. Atwood, Sylvanus Andover. Fellows, Alvin (Sleigh) Moody, J. M. (Sleigh) Sullivan, Henry C. Auburn. Pierce, J. U. Barrington. Clement, Jeremiah Bath. Peebles, S. H. Swiftwater Dergiii, Samuel M. Boscawen. T< rry, S. Barber, Nathaniel Canaan. Hayes, C. B. Candia. Batchelder, Thomas L^ritchet, Moses Hirlovv, Jehial Charlestown. Putnam, N. P. Putiuim, Ephraim Adinis, Samuel S. Chester. Niles, Thomas East Chester. Uoys, Henry Claremont. Titcomb, John, Main-st. Concord. Gall, E. & D. Speller, Nathan G. West Parish E istiiian, C. West P. irish Merrill, Albert Conway. Mttle, Hiram Cornish. Gould, Henry liussell, Oliver Dalton. Gragg, Alexander Deeriiig. Pluimner, U. C. Derrij. Brown, C. Dover. Everett, L. Carr, John P. Enfield. Head. Orrin Exeter. Fitiwilliam. Franklin. Freedom. Brass Founders and Cop- per :!>iuitlis. Cooper, J. D. Concord. Hartshorn, Tufts & Co. Elm-street, Mnnchester. Gerrish, Samuel & Co. 16 Bow-street Portsmouth. Carpets. Dutton, David S. Claremont. Page, W. H. Concord. Smith, A. C. Dover. Piper, S. H. & S. F. Exeter. Briggs & Kimball Keene. Wilson & Weston, Elm-street Manchester. Beasom, W. D. & Co. Corner Main and Factory-st. J^ashua. Reed & Slader, Factory-st. Haley, S. A. & B. F. JVeio Market. Carriag'e Makers. Richardson, F. L. (Sleigh) Alstead. Hayes, D. & S. W. Alton. Line, G. G. M.lcher, James Sart'ord, Joseph C. Siiiith, Wm. O. Juli in, Luke Woodbridge, Odlin Cirter. E. & C. Kiiiibill, H. Clement, Joseph W. Tovvle, Uriah Meserve, N. L. Bennett, Charles Gilman, H. Lake Village Oifford. Farrar, D. Qilmanton. Ross, Thomas Gale, A. L. Varney, Cyrus Jones, Richard Jones, Cyrus Burrows, F. P. [ Johnson, Beuj. Factory Village j Hearth, J. F. Moore, Orrin Goffstown. P.ilcli. Rodney Greenfield. Gould, John I Bartli'tt, E. Hamstead. I Mt rrill, Simon George, Dudley George, Warren Atwood, Ira Iloit. Hazen Haynes, F. A. Hanover. Lee, Ebenezer Iluibert, S. M. Haverhill. Nichols, J. L. Olivarlan Village Whitman. Willard, JV'tA Haverhill. Powers, S. R. Marlow. Calif, Jonathan Marlborough. Ladd, Newell Meridilh. Pre.-,cott, E. B. Lake Village Kenney, George, (Sleigh) Milford. Brackett, John Milton. Sp.-iukling, S. J\i'ashua. Fuller, Norman, Main-st. Vincent & Woodward, Elm-st. Eaton & Young J^'ashville. Flanders, J. E. ' JVew Boston. Fowles, John C. M'ewbury. Marshall, Wm. S. JVew Ipswich, I'letcher, R. Dunbar, W. H. J^ewport. Palmer, Austin Oxford. Moullon, Mark Ossipec. Smith, Allred S. Pelham. Fite, Joel Pembroke. Greenwood, Edward Peterborough. Ed^ell & Davis Piermont. Tilton, N. C, & Co. Ptttsficld. Walker, Haskell, Plninficld. Bitchelder, C. G. Plymonth. Beck, A. M. & A. G. 80 St.te-st. Porlsmouth. Edgerly, J. H. Rochester. Jetiers, Gilbert Kimball, Adams B. Rumney. Smart, John Merrill, Arthur L. Hall, Jacob Smith, Benj. F. Sanbornton. Wilcox, George Surry. Tewksbury, A. M. Stewartstown. Hart &. Marshal Sutton. Putney, Daniel, (Sleigh) Aldrich. Isaac Troy. Knight, Winthrop Whitehouse, D. P. Tuftonhorough. Carter, Charles Wakefield. French, Francis (Sleigh) Watpole. Hitchcock, H. A. (Sleigh) H;irriman, H. H. Warner. Gould, James Weare. Melvin, Oscar Dean, Abiather Westmoreland. Moulton, C. A. Winchester. Cbair Manufacturers. « itchelder, P. C. Con lilt, Elias B ildwiii, Ebenezer, jr. Farley, L. W. Ilanscomb, Charles Edvv:ird< & Miller (-'illcy, Benjamin Marshall, James M. Chase, Amos, Cl-irk, S. P. Chase, E. B. Dufoe, Edward Eaton, J. C. (Sleigh) Thompson, Ira W. Greenough, B. L. Frii'.k, Harvey Merrill. Jis. W. Mnss, Lovi B iker, Wm. M. Smith, Perley Woodward, Foster Hill. Hollis. .Jaffrey. Keene. Kingston. East Kingston. Lancaster. Lebanon. Stafford, H. B. Swift Baker, Joseph C. Spiller &. Chandler Swain, Henry G. Bixby, Daniel Elmore, Alexander Chamberhn, L. Briggs, E. & W. S. Kidder & Winchester Piirlridge, H. & Co. Hey wood & Comee Taylor, Frederic Nutting, James Beal, R. C. & R. Randell, Charles G. Pierce, Stephen C. Atwood & Thayer Deland, Wm. S, Lempster. Littleton. Loudon Village. Loudon. Lymnn. Lyndeborough. Water, Bath. Boscawen, Cotebrook. Dover. FVancestown, Hinsdale. Jaffrey Keene, Lebanon. Marlow. J\"elson, JtTew Ipswich, OrforcL Swanzey. Warn er, Winchester. Wolfeboro ugh. M'Crillis, A. Hanover-street Ma7ichester. China; Glass, & Crockery "Ware. Page, W. H. Main-st. Concord. Hill, Barry & Co. Elm-st. Mnnchester, Herrick, N. 4 Patten's Block Folsom & Hoyt, 1 Central Building Ollutt, C. P. & C. 31 Elm-street Goodwin, J. B. 44 Elm-street Cogin, John, Main-street JVashua., Ryder, John Portsmouth. Cig-ar Manufacturers. Bricket, Moses JVew Ipswich, Thiiyer, Stephen Locke, John T. South JVew Market, Sanborn, Jeremiah Portsmouth. 78 KEW-ENGLAXD MERCANTILE UNIOX DIRECTORY. Clerg-ymen. To denote the different denomina- tinns, the following abhrevintions will be used; (C.) t'oiigregational- ists; (P.) Presbyterian; (U.) Uni- tarian ; (C. B.) Cjilvinistic Baptist ; (F. B.) Free Will Baptist; (Ch.) Christiin ; (Uv.) Universalist ; (M.) Methodist; (E.) Episcopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Wri-iht, E. S. (C.) Acwortk. E istrnan, L. L. (M.) Aleiandria. Cros-;ett, R. (C.) Mstead. Perkins, J. M. (C.) Arnold, S. S. (C.) Barber, J. (Uv.) Pinkhnm, John (F.B.) Mton. Buzzell, H. D. (F. B.) Cogswell, F. (Ch.) Allenstown. D LVis, .1. G. (C.) Amherst. Peirson, Ira (C. B.) Howard, Nathan (C.) Andover. Kidder, Abijah (Ch.) Knowles, E. G. (F. B.) Deirbcirn, Reuben (M.) Whiton, John M. (P.) Antrim. Page, Jesse (C.) Atkinson. Holmos, James (C.) Auburn. George, Enos (C.) Barnstead. Garland, David (F. B.) Wells, T. (C.) Barrington. Sherburne, S. (F. B.) Wheeler, Samuel (F. B.) Bartlett. Cleaveland, Edward (C.) Bath. Lovejoy, C. H. (M.) Bath ($■ Lyman. Savage, Thomas (P.) Bedford. Upton, John (C. B.) Elliot, S. L. (C. B.) Bennington. Manson, A. (C.) Bryant, George W. (M.) Benton. Esty, Isaac (C.) Bethlehem. PoUv, Moses (Ch.) Boscawen. Tracy, Caleb B. (C.) Bu.vton, Edward (C.) Leriied, J. H. (C. B.) Bow. Swain. A. N. (C. B.) (Joodhue, Daniel (C.) Bradford. Holmes, (F. B.) Boutwell, J. (C.) Brentwood. Morton, Daniel O. (C.) Bristol. McCurdy, C. L. (M.) Brown, Amos (F. B.) Goodwin, D. (C.) Brookline. Lovejoy, Wm. W. (C. B.) Campton. Shedd, Charles (C.) Richardson, C. W. (C.) Canaan. Tyler, Job C. (F. B.) Hiirtvvell, H. H. (M.) Murdock, Wm. (C.) Candia. Caverno, A. (F. B.) Harper, J. M (F. B.) Canterbury. Moody, HovVHrd (C.) Patrick, William (C.) Clough, Jeremiah (F. B.) Clough, Joseph (F. B.) Chase, Williim P. (F. B.) Harriman, J. (Ch.) Benson, Almon (C.) Centre Harbor. Johnson, J. G. (M.) Richards, J. De F. (C.) Charleston. Chrosby, J. (U.) Newhall, R. (M.) JVorth Charleston. Perkins, J. (M.) Armsby, Lauren (C.) Chester. Eaton, H. (C. B.) Patten, W. A. (C.) Chesterfield. Holman, Calvin (M.) VVilley, Charles (C.) Chichester. Swain, VV. (F. B.) Lawrence, B. F. (C.) Claremont. Chase, Carlton (E.) Smith, Henry S. (E.) Wright, T. G. (C. B.) WUlis, L. (Uv.) Cromack, J. (M.) Hill, Joseph B. (C.) Colebrook. Bean, B. (C. B.) Rogers, D. (Ch.) Columbia. Spencer. J. W. (M.) Marble, N. E. (E.) Concord. Tennoy, A. P. (C.) Concord. Bouton, Nathaniel (C.) Noyes, D. J. (C.) Fifield, W. (C.) Cummings. E. E. (C. B.) Kimball, John (F. B.) Barron, T. (Uv.) Cressey, E. R. (C. B.) Conway. Long, L. A. (F. B.) Wright, Daniel G. (E.) Cornish. Spaulding, A. (C.) Foster, N. P. (C. B.) Cromack, J. C. (M.) Davis, Joel (C.) Croyden. Marsh, Joseph (C.) Dalton. Brewster, B. D. (M.) Pulsifer, Daniel (C.) Danbury. Culver, Lyman (C. B.) Dearborn, Reuben (M.) Gale, J. N. (C.) Deerfield. Burt, E. (C.) Deerins- Parker, E. L. (C.) Derry. Day, P. B. (C.) Barrows, F. Q. (M.) Jassamine, G. W. (F. B.) Dorchester. Barrows, Homer (C.) Dover. Smith, A. D. (F. B.) Eastman, C. A. (F. B.) Ayer, Oliver (C. B.) Hutchins, (F. B.) Tilden, W. P. (Uv.) Horton, Wm. (E.) Smith, C. N. (M.) Kendall, H. A. (C.) Dublin. Leonard. Levi W. (U.) Cooper, W. (C. B.) Putnam, John M. (C.) Tobey, A. (C.) Smith, W.W. (C. B.) Lake, E. H. (Uv.) Brown, A. R. (Ch.) Runnells, John (F. B.) Butler, Oliver (F. B.) Watson, E. (F. B.) Burge, B. (C.) Ladd, N. (M.) Scott, Elisha (M.) Corser, Enoch (C.) Manson, A. C. (M.) Ramsay, G. P. (F. B.) Putnam, Rufus A. (C.) Hitchcock, R. S. (C.) Dexter, Snnmel D. (C.) Peaslee, Ebenezer (M.) Willey, B. G. (C.) Bodge, J. J. (F. B.) Nutt^-r, J. H. (Ch.) .ler.kins, A., Jr. (C.) Brown, J. L. (M.) WillMrd, C. M. (C. B.) Worth, E. (C. B.) Blake, Chas. E. (F. B.) McGee, J. (C.) Wait, O. J. (Ch.) Knight, Isaac (C.) Frost, D. S. (F. B.) Stewart, J. D. (F. B.) Lancaster, Dan'l (C.) Child, Rufus (C.) Slason.W. N. (C. B.) Clark, Peter (F. B.) Ham, Ezra (F. B.) Fernald, S. P. (F. B.) Moody, David (F. B.) Gillingham, .Tohn (Ch.) Emerson, J. C. (M.) Tisdtile, James (C.) Tenney, Amos S. (M.) Willey, Isaac (C.) French, D. P. ^C B.) Perkins, Jared (M.) Manning, A.(C.) George S. (Ch.) Phelps, J. (Uv.) Chase, Wm. P. (F. B.) Warner, Wm. (F. B.) Smith, D. P. (C.) Emerson, Noah (C.) Holt, E. (C.) Furber, Franklin (M.) Bartley, J. M. C. (C.) Kelley, John (C.) Dunbarton. Durham. E. Kingston. Eaton. Effingham. Enfield. Eppivg. Epsom- Exeter. Fishersville. Pranconia. Prancestown. Franklin. Gilford. Oilsum. Ooffstown. Qoshen. Orafton. Orantham. Greenfield. Greenland. Eldridge, E. D. (C.) Hampton. Burbank, S. (F. B.) Nutter, Henry (M.) Lincoln, Sum. (U.) Hampton Falls. Jones, Z. (C. B.) Burgess, Archibald (C.) Hancock. Tandy, L. (C. B.) Richards, John (C.) Hanover. Kiriiball, David (C.) Lord, Nathan (C.) Haddock, C. B. (C.) Shurtletr, KosweU (C.) Br(jwn, S. G. (C.) Osgood, A. M. (M.) Delano, Samuel (C.) Haverhill, Searle, M. C. (C.) Wheeler, Abel (F. B.) .Moulton, F. (F. B.) Hadley, Kimball (M.) Conant, Liba (C.) Hebron. Smith, J. G. (M.) Searle, R. T. (C.) Hcnniker. Palmer, Joseph (.M.) Lebosquet, John (C.) Hill. Ropes, Benj. (F. B.) Page, K. R. (C.) Hillsborough. Cummings, Jacob (C.) Powers, Levi (C. B.) Gerould, Moses (C.) Hinsdale. Streeter, H. S. (C. B.) Culver, Newell (M.) Thompson, Sam. (F. B.) Holderness Welier, Horace (F. B.) Holman, Sullivan (M.) Deming, D. P. (C. B.) Hollis. Lawrence, John (C.) HuokseU Adams, Ezekiel (M.) Jennison, Edwin (C.) Hopkinton. English, John (M.) Page, Wm. (C.) Hudson. Lord, J. (C. B.) Hall, Jonathan (M.) Leonard, Tenney (C.) Jeffrey. Bailey, E. K. (C. B.) Clark, Stillman (Uv.) Man.son, Mark (F. B.) Bedel, A. (C. B.) - - (C.) .Jackson. Jefferson. Keene. Barstow, Z. S Livemiore, A. A. (U.) Robbins, Gilbert (C. B.) Caldwell, J. (U.) Kensington. Blodgett, J. C. (Ch.) Smith, John (C.) Kingston, Svveatland, Ira A. (M.) Burnard, S. C. (C.) Lancaster. Hill, Henry, Jr. (M.) Cogswell, Geo. W. (F. B.) Landaff. Aspenwall, N. W. (M.) Wood, John (C.) Langdon. Mason, L. B. (Uv.) Lebanon. Coke, Phineas (C.) Clark, Geo. W. H. (M.) Chesley, Israel (Ch.) Lee. Sawyer, Daniel (C.) Lempster. Chase, N. L. (M.) Pettingill, John (F. B.) Lisbon. Dearborn, Geo. S. (M.) l\)rter, Wm. H. (P.) Litchfield. Carpenter, E. J. (C ) Littleton. Pillsbury, S. (C. B.) Londonderry. Brainerd, T. G. (P.) Norris, J. (F. B.) Loudon. Jones, P. T. (C.) Lovejoy, C. H. (M.) Lyman. Cuttiiig, G. W. (C. B.) Lyme. Tenney, E. (C.) Claggett, E. B. (C.) Lyndeborough. Hutchinson, G. W. (Ch.) Wallace, C. W. (C.) Manchester Dexter, H. M. (C.) Taplin, H. N. (M.) Kelley, Samuel (M.) Moore, W. H. (E.) Lincoln, T. O. (C. B.) Morrill, J. C. (C. B.) Fuller, A. B. (U.) Cilley, D. P. (F. B.) Lyman, Giles (C.) Marlborough. Dearborn, S. (C. B.) Allen, J. C. (M.) Evans, Warren F. (M.) Marlow. Harrington, , (C.) Mason. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 79 Woodbury, John (C. B.) Mason. Young, John K. (C.) Meredith. Cook, Samuel (C. B.) Leach, Giles (C.) Sinclair, John L. (F. B.) Allen, Stephen G. (C.) Merrimack. Tillman, Samuel H. (C.) Kii.g^bnry, L. (C. B.) Milan. Speicer, J. VV. (M.) Kimball, L. P. (C.) Milford. Ste.irns, O. i ). (C. B.) Whitwell. H. A. (U.) Doldt, James (C.) Milton. Davis, Jacob (Ch.) Rogers, D. M. (M.) Smith, B. (C.) Mount Vernon. Dodge, Josh. (C.) Moultonborough. Johnson, J. G. (M.) Richards, Austin (C.) J^ashua. Swain, L. (C) Brown, L. C. (Uv.) Pratt, D. D. (C. B.) JVashville. Patton, M. (M.) Bulfinch, S. G. (U.) Drew, Henrj- (M.) Frencli, Daniel L. (C.) J^l'elson. Pomroy, J. (C.) Sawyer, C. (C. B.) Gage, David (C. B.) JVew Boston. Kellogg, S. M. (P.) Emery, Ainos (F. B.) JVewbury. Rowe, Jonathan (F. B.) Berry, N. (F. B.) JV'ejo Durham. Glines, Josiah (F. B.) Dodge, E. (C. B.) JVcjc Hampton. Perkins, T. (F. B.) Hoyt, Sanuiel (M.) Jfewington. Nutter, James [M.] Lee, Samuel [C] JVew Ipswich. Hayes, J. fM.] Carpenter, M. [C.B.J J^ew London. Hersey, Peter M. [Ch.] Cogswell, E. C. [C] JVezo Market. Marston, David [F. B.] Pike, James [M.] Hewes, F. A. [M.] So. J^ew Market. Woods, John [C] M'ewport. Giftbrd, Wm. M. [C. B.] Lee, Daniel [M.] Smith, Nathaniel B. [F. B.] Philbrook, Abel [C. B.] ^Tewton. Peaslee, E. [M.] Tibbetts, Cyrus [Ch.] Adams, E. [M.J .'N'orthfeld. French, J. [C.J J^orth Hampton. Baker, J. R. [M.] JSTortliumberland. McCutcheon, J. [F. B.] Norris, Win. [C. B.J JVorthwood. Johnson, W. D. [F. B.] Cogswell, E. C. [^C.] Sargent, Alvin [F. B.] Orange. Wells, Dennis [M.J Orford. Campbell, Daniel (C.) Clark, William (C.) Spencer, T. R. (Uv.) Wood, (C.) Ossipee. Chick, .John (F. B.) Walker, John (F. B.) Cooley, J. (F. B.) Knowles, E. G. (F. B.) Sanborn, (F. B.) Foster, E. B. (C.) Felham. Durgin, John M. (F. B.) Burnham, A. (C.) Pembroke. Folsom A. (M.) Laml), Henry J. (C.) Peterborough. Chick, J. M. (Ch.) Tilton, Rufus Davis, Increase S. (C.) Piermont. Wells, M. H. (C.) Fittsfield. Colburn, J. M. (C. B.) True, E. (F. B.) Knowles, John (F. B.) Blanch;: rd. Amos (C.) Plainficld. Scales, Jacob (C.) Miles, S. W. (C. B.) Wheeler, Benj. (C. B.) Plaistow. Jewett, Wm. R. (C.) Plymouth. Leavitt, R. (F. B.) Smith, J. G. (M.) Nelson, W. (M.) Holman, Sullivan (M.) Gordon, L. H. (M.) Poplin. Marsh, John (P. B.) Clark, R. W. (C.) Portsmouth. Lamson, Wm. (C. B.) Burroughs, Charles (E.) Peabody, Andrew P. (U.) Averill, (Ch.) Fletcher, (Uv.) Thurston, James (M.) Page, J. C. (C.) Raymond. Foss, Thomas (F. B.) Hoyt, F. S. (M.) Davis, Edwin (Uv.) Richmond. Burnham, A. W. (C.) Rindge. Guernsey, J. W. (M^ Farewell, John E. (C.) Rochester. Hutchinson, Stephen (F. B.) Thompson, O. (Friend) Rogers, D. M. (M.) Bond, Phineas (Ch.) Rumney. Oatis, J. T. (C.) Rye. Mosher, E. E. (Ch.) Allen, J. C. (M.) Babcock, D. H. (C.) Salem. Burr, C. C. (M.) Adams, James (M.) JV. Salem. Carswell, E. H. (C.) Salisbury. Hoyt, B. R. (M.) Bodwell, A. (C.) Sanbomton. Curtice, Corban (C.) Barron, O. (Ch.) Cross, Wm. D. (M.) Mason, L. (F. B.) Nason, (Ch.) Kidder, Amos (M.) Rogers, G. W. T. (M.) Sandotcn. Holmes, Otis (C.) Sandwich. Wetherbee, Josiah (F. B.) Tasker, (F. B.) Hewes, William (M.) Abbot, S. T. (C.) Scabrook. Huntley, L W. (M.) Richardson, H. (C.) Shelburne. Hooper, N. (C. B.) Great Falls, Sommersworth. McCallum, J. T. (C.) Brooks, N. (F. B.) Adams, E. (M.) Spaulding, S. J. (C.) Salmon Falls Morse, Josiah (C.) Stewartstown. Howe, M. A. (M.) Chase, J. K. (C. B.) South Hampton Springfield. Stodard Cross, Jesse (F. B.) Robinson, Isaac (C.)Jii Boynton, P. (M.) ^ Place, E. (F. B.) Strafford. Newman, W. J. (C.) Stratham. Wedgewood, J. M. (C. B.) Piper, Noah (Ch.) Merrill, Asa [F. B.J Adams, J. F. [M.] Norton, T. S. [C] Sullivan. Greenwood, Charles [M.J Surry. Stinson, Robert [Uv.] Sutton. Seav.ey, [F. B.J Newhall, . [C. B.] Rockwood, Elisha [C] Swaniey. Mason, Davis G. (C. B.] Johnson, J. G. [M.J Tamworth. Leavitt, D. F. [F. B.] Merrill, Wm. S. [F. B.] Blake, J. [C.J Follctt, Walter, [C] Temple. Laws, S. [Uv.] Gale, W. P. [C.J Thornton. Morgan, Smith [F. B.J Smith, J. [M.] Townsend, Luther [C] Troy. Piper, A. M. [C. B.] Bean, S. F. [V. B.] Tuftonborovgh Barber, Daniel W. [M.J Heath, Abel [M.] Unity. Lndd, M. [M.J Barker, Nathaniel [C] Wakefield. Barber, Daniel W. [M.] Barstow, E. H. [C] Walpole. Eastman, Stephen, [M.] Derrick, J. S. [C. B.] Warner. Fuller, R. W. [C.J Clark, G. W. H. [M.] Harriman, Walter [Uv.] Scarrilt, J. A. [M.] Warren. Griswold, J. F. [C] Washington. Wright, N. R. [Uv] Chapman, Nathan [C. B.J Kinnc, t<. (;.[('. B.J Weare. Ha>(l.n, Km us [F. IJ.J Hoojier, Wm. [Cv.J Bartlett, J. O. D. [F. B.J Wendell. Davis, I. S. [C] Went worth. Newall, [Uv.] Rogers, S. [C.j Westmoreland. Winchester, M. [Ch.] Marsh, Joseph [C.J Whiteficld. Morse, John [F. B.J Brewster, B. D. [M.J Jones, N. [F. B.J Wilmot. Richardson, C. H. [F. B.J Howard, Nathan [C.J Whitwell, W. A. [Uv.J Wilton. Whitney, Charles [C] Tonkin, H. [C. B.] Ford, J. W. [Uv.J Winchester. Humphrey, John P. [C] Culver, Newell [M.J Thayer, Loren, [P.] Windham. Hall, J. [C.J Wolfeborough. Coffin, Stephen, [F.B.J Lucas, Wm. K. [F. B.] Colby, J. T. G. [Ch.] Thompson, Wm. [Ch.] Dickson, Benjamin [Ch.] Cooms, Stephen [C. B.] Woodstock. Russell, G. W. [F. B.] Clothingr & Gentlemen's Furnishing Ooods. Peters, F. R., Paper Mill Village Alstead. Lincoln, J. G. 142 Main-st. Concord. Evans, N., Jr., 158 Main-st. Winkley &. Edmunds, 172 Main-st. Ross, John T., Main-street Lovering, Thomas & S. Exeter, Evans, N. Franklin. Smith, O. M. Hookset. Woolson, E. S. & Son Littleton. Batchelder, N. S. Loudon. Hager & Whitcomb Keene. Gilmore, G. M. Currier, D. W. Elni-st. Manchester, Wallace, William, Elm-st. Manning, B. F., Elm-street Graves, David, Elm-street McCain, D. & Co., Elm-street Noyes & Gilman, Meredith Village Barron, J. B., do do Wells, William, Meredith Bridge Folsom, Albert G. do do Chapman, H. J., Main-st. J^ashua, Tuttle & Co. 7 Central Building JVashville. Ingraham, C. L. Fittsfield. Stover, D. L. 9 Congress-street Portsmouth. Brooks & Co. 112 Market-street Sanborn, Charles B., Great Falls Somersworth, Bagley, O. J., Great Falls Commission Mercbants. Harris, A. & W. H. Keene Gleason, C. B. & Co. (Auctioneers) Manchester Tolman. Thomas, Main-st. M'ashua. Sise, Edward F. & Co. Portsmouth. Bartlett, James P. (Auctioneer) Robinson, Charles, 16 Bow -street Confectioners. Bond, Dudley Y. Claremont. Monroe, J. & C, Maine-st. Concord. Symmes, Ebcnezer, 85 Main-street Rollins, E. H., Main-sUeet Kibling, G. W. Hanover, I Boynton, W. E. 21 Elm-street I Manchester Kempton, J. C, Main-st. JVashville. 80 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Staples, D. B. &. C. H., Daniel-street Portsmouth. Harriman, C. C. Warner. Ckesierjield. Coopers. Brookline. Tucker & Stiles Gi!^ou, VVm. Brooks, I,. Rockwood, Andrew VVliitney, S. S. Centre Harbor. Iloyt, .lereini;ih Colcbrook. VVliitaker, Ch^irles S. JV. C»nio:iy. Eistmui, L. II. & Co. Conway. Kicliardsoii, Benjamiu Huiiiplirey, Moses Croyden. KemplOM, E. R. Tewkslmry, Joseph Danville. Uuiinl)y, A;'.ron Diuinond, Orrin Collins, Jonathan Bailey, VVilliuni S-irfieiit, Samuel Philhrick, Josiah Richards, Oliver Eaton. Proctor, Isaac Franklin. Shannon, J. P. Hamstead. Little, N. H. Clough, C. P. Hollis. Poole, B. F. Spaulding, S. A. SpaulUing, S. Proctor, S. & T. Colburn, E. Sanderson, J. \V. Hardy, Auios Poole, J. L. Sleeper, George L. Moultonboro. Flanders, Ezckiel S. McGregory & Gilniore JV. Newport. King, W. VV. jXcwport. Pearson, Albert G. Pembroke. Hanscomb, Oliver, 110 Market-street Portsmouth. Lowd, David, 109 Market-st. Hall & Varrell, Pier Wharf Robertson, M. D. Warner. Page & Colcord Wendell. Cotton Batting;. Wright, Imla Antrim. Lewis & Garland Franklin. Lynch, Wallace Mason. Barstow, William M. Ossipee. Counsellors A: Attorneys at l.avv. Lovell, Aldis Alstead. Wait, Albert L. Athertoa, Charles H. Amherst. Wallace, Andrew Buttertield, Samuel Andover. Woodbury, Luke Antrim. Kelly, John Atkinson. Winkley, B F. Bamstead. Rogers, (Charles R. Goodall, Ira Bath. Patterson, Isaac Carlton, John L. Hibbard, Harry Livermore, Arthur, J Bowman, .lonas B. Bedford. Parker, John Hadley, Amos Bow. Tappan, Weare Bradford. Tappan, M. W. Bar'.lett, l-'rederic Bristol. Kurnes, George B. Thompson, F. S. Campton. Kittredge, Jona. Canaan. Weeks, VVm. P. Thompson, J. Central Harbor. Cushing& Hubbard, fE. L. Cushing, Henry Hubbard, Jr.] Charlestown. Olcott, George Hubbard, Henry Pillsburv, David Chester. Bell, Charles H. Claremont, Colebrook. Columbia. Concord. Carleton, H. Dudley, A. P. Dudley, W. L. G ites, J. M. Leiand, Thomas Freeman & h'uller [P. C. Freeman, S. VV. Fuller] Snow, Alpheus F. Prentiss, John J. VVilliam-on, A. B. Leiand, Charles Fletcher, H. A. Flint, L. F. .Vlihurin, E. H. Kimbai, Sanmel .\. Whipple, John Perley, Ira Stevens, Lyman D. Peaslee & George, \C. H. Peaslee, J. H. George] Hutchius, Hamilton. Mie.ot, George Fowler, Asa E iton, Ephraira Prescott, VVm. C. Badger, S. C. Fletcher, Arthur Dana, Sylvester, Jr. Ain worth, Calvin Pierce & Minot (Franklin Pierce, Jo-iiah Minot.) Cutler, Z ira Eastman, Joel Chandler, S. L. Chase, Hirvey Morse, S imuel Xorris, \V. T. St. CI ir, Ira Butler, Josiah Cilley, Horatio G. Porter, John Thorn, James Gregg, Joseph A. Gregg, David A. Freeman. Asa Christie, Daniel M. Sawyer, Thomas E. White, John H. Hale, Jolin P. Woodman, Chas Smith, John H. Guppy, B. F. Kiiigman, J. W. VVooilman, John S. Park'^r, Samuel H. Wiggin, John H. Weiitvvorth. George T. Soule, Charles E. Freeman, F. A. St,ark, Caleb Richardsim, J. A. Dearborn, Joseph VVestgate. N. VV. Plunimer, Wm. Jr. McMurphy, James Steele, Jonathan Conway. Cornish. Croyden. Dan bury. Deer field. Derry. Dover. W, Dunbarton. Durham. EJingham. Enficid. Epping. Epsom. Stickney & Tuck, (Wm. W. Stick- ney, Amos Tuck,) Exeter. Marston, Oilman Shapleigh, James H. French, Henry F. Wells, John S. Tncke, E. F. Eldridge, Melhurn F. Gordon, Nathaniel Wood, Alva Sweet, S. P. Eastman, N. Farmington. Eastman, G. N. Parker, A. A. Fitiwilliam. Butler, N. FishersviUe. Woodman & Wheeler, (A. Wood- man, S. M. Wheeler.) Smith, L. Brown, Titus Francestown. Hazeltine, J. W. Hadley, R. H. Franklin. Nesmith &, Pike, (G. W. Nesmith, Austin Pike.) Emerson, Benjamin Qilmanton. Rogers, B. A. Vaughan, O. A. J. I Steele, David Ooffstown. Cass, Jesse Oraflon. Blaisdell, Daniel Hanover. Duncan, Wm. H. Brewster, A. O. Sloan, David Haverhill. Thompson, Charles E. Dickey, David Sleeper, Jonas D. Morrison, Charles R. Morris, Lewis R. Bryant. John S. Chapman, George W. Hill. Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsbirrough. Hurrows, Joseph Holdernees, Farley, Benjamin M. Hollis. Chase, Horace Hopkinton. Perkins, Hamilton E. Henderson, Phiueas Keene, Parker, Elijah Chamberlain, Levi Elliot, J. Henry Wheelock, George A. Bellows, A. H. Farrar, Edward Fisk, F. S. Wheeler, Wm. P. Foster, Wm. L. Webster, C. C. St anyan, John E. Kingston, Williams, J. W. LancasUir. Stephenson, Turner Farrar, Wm. Cooper, S. W. Cossit. George A. Whidden, B. F. Bentoa, Jacob Roby, John S. Burns, Wm. Blaisdell, Elijah Lebanon. Cragin & Towle, (A. H. Cr.^gin, G. S. Towle.) Bellows, H. & W. J. Littleton. Carlton, Edmund Bri?ham, Harry Rand, Charles W Stevens, H. B. I.oudon. Freeman, E., Jr. JSlarlow. Bell, S mmel D. Manchester. Clark, Daniel Morrison, G. W. McWilkins, James K. Foster, Hermon Currier, Moody Clark, Wm. C. Barstow, George Cross, D !vid Cilley, B. P. Potter, C. E. Porter & Flanders, (J. Porter, G. JL Flanders.) Goodale, Lewis French, G. A. Wilson, A. Norris, A. F. L. Fitch, J. L. Winnek, John Lylbrd, Stephen C. Meredith. Lovell, Warren Stevens, George W. Elkins, Jeremiah Parker, J. U. Merrimack. Parker, Edward Livermore & Bailey, (S. K. Liver- more, L. D. Ba.iley,) Muford. Emerson, Samuel Moultonboruugh. Sawyer & Stevens, (Geo. Y. S ; wyer, A. F. Stevens) jXashau. Fletcher, Charles B. Sawyer, Aaron W. Whittemore, B. B. Eldridge, A. F. Bell, John J. Atherton, Charles G. Nashville. Eiiierson, Benjamin F. Hughes, A. P. Steele, David New Durham. Preston, John Nrw Ipswich. Flanders, W. P. New London. Everett, George W. Small, Wm. B. New Market. Chapman, James M. Edes, Amasa Newport. Metcalf, Ralph Wheeler, Samuel M. JSTewport. Cate, Asa P. J\'orUijLcld. Dearborn, N. J^ortliwood. Britton, A. G. Orford. Rogtrs, John Mason, Thomas B. Sawyer, Luther P. Ossipee. Carter, Sanborn B. Morris, E. S Pembroke. Steele, S. P. Peterbttrorgh. Walker, James Norris, Moses, Jr. Pittsfield. Butler, Chnrles H. Flanders, Charles Plainjield, Thompson, VV. C. Plymouth. Leverelt, Wni. Freeman, P. R. Portsmouth. Claggett, \Vm. Bartlett, Ichnbod Cushman, Samuel Cutler, Charles W. Haven, Alfred W. Hacketl, VVm. H. Y. Emery, James \V. Smith, J ;mes Odell, Lory Hatch, Albert R. Rollins, W. H. Claggett, I. Bartlett Jenness, John S., Jr. Woodman, J. H. Rochester. Kimball, Richard & W. A. Parsons, D. J. Quincy, Josiah Rumney. Bartlett. G. C. Salem. Pettiiigill, T. H. Salisbury. Colby, B. M. Sanbornton Bridge. Odeli, Fletcher Shelburne. Jordan, I. G., Great Falls Somersworth. Burleigh, J. A., Great Falls Wells, N ithaniel. Great Falls Clark, Samuel, Great Falls Marston & Eastman, [W. A. Mars- ton, R. Eastman, J (Jreat Falls Jones & JlcCrillis, [Cyrus Jones, Alonzo McCrilli^.j Great Falls James, \V. H., Great Falls Hall, Obed Tamworth. Howe, Joseph E. Thurtiton. Chapman, Luther Troy. Sawyer, VVm. fVakefield. Copp, Am;isa Hobbs, Josiah H. Vose, Frederic Walpole. Lane, F. F. Chase, Heiirj' B. Warner. Danforth, Josiah fVeare. Herbert, Samuel tVenttcurth. Sargent, J. E. Bennett, Azahel fVivchester, McGaw, Isaac Hindham. Orne, Henry H. Wolfeborough. Batchelder, Zachariah Farrar, Joseph Dagruerrean Artists. Kimball. Will. 142Main-st. Concord. Cressy & Emerson Dover. Drake, J. L. Effingham. Cone, D. D. Fishersville. Everett, Lorenzo C. FitzwiUiam. Allen, C. Keene. Atwood, N. C. Brown, Frank A., Museum Buildings Manchester. Wilson, Allen, 16 Merrimack Block Stevens, Ephnim, 3 Patten's Block Lane, VV. N., Main-st. J^ashua. Langdell, John, Main st. Ham, Francis VV., Congress Hall Portsmouth. Dentists. Alexander, Alvah Bedford. Kelly, J. R. Bristol. Albee, H. G., Factory Village Chesterfield. Kidder, F. T. Claremont. 6 Willard, M. T. Concord. Lovejoy, J., Main-st. Dover. Stackpole, P. A., Central-st. Folsom, JV. L. Paul, J. H. Pitch & Smith Exeter. Johnson, VVm. L. White, H. D. FishersriiU. Chase, Albert Hanover. Stratlon, S. F. Keene. Mowe, A. M. Lebanon. Carlton, O. M., Museum Building Manchester, Robertson, Abraham, 3 Patten's Building Palmer, D.S. 37 Elm-st. Parker, VV. M. 2 Union Building, Elm-st. Darracott, WilUam Milford. Locke, L. F., Main-st. JVashua. Ball, J., cor. Main and Factory-sts. Tubbs, E. M. Peterborough. Ryder, E. S. 12Fleet-st. Portsmouth. Baker, Samuel, 32 Market-*t. Brewster, G. G. Severance, A., Great Falls Somersworth. Hill, Josiah, High-st., Great Falls Door, Sash, and Blind manufacturers. Twomblv, James ..^Ito-n. Bailey, E. M. & J. C. Bradford. Bailey, Ensign BroolUine, Sirjent, J. H. & Co. Chesterfield. Dunl.ip & Seavev Concord. Houston & Walker Ovffstown. Austm & Carr Johnson, J. M. Hancock. Harris, Chas. C. P. Harriscille. Jones, H. M. Hinsdale. Pre- colt, Austin Jaffrey. Norcross & Co. Keene. Wilson, Joseph Goodwin, Alphens Lebanon. Sturtevant & Amsden Baldwin & Stevens Manchester. Horr & HaU Kimball, George Mason. Anderson, Jas. S. Meredith Bridge. Putnam, Levi Milford. Wilson, S. N., & Co. 11 Waler-st. JVashua. Gordon, J. S., & Co. JVeic Hampton. Field, Albert G. Warren, Anson JVewport. Griffin, J; nies R. Pelham. Whitney, Nathan Peterborough. Burl' r & RusstU Rindge. Pickering, Timothy Richmond. Co' nibs, J. H. Sanbornton. Marvin &, Hanmiond, Westport Swcnsey. Knight, Winthrop TVoy. Fisher, Joseph, Drewsville Walpole. Thoriuiike, Thomas VV. Weare. Thayer, Win. VV. Winchester. Johnson, Chandler Drug's and Medicineti. Long,J.W.,Meredith Vil'se Littleton. iMoulton, J. C. Meredilh Bridge Oxford. Peterborough. Plymouth. Rochester. Sandwich. Salisbury. Ed.son, P. P. Patterson, T. N. Whitney, S. S. Nnyes, John W. Mc'Daniel, G., Main Foster, Henry B. Parker, J. S. Merrill, C. A. & H. Gilman, N. Levering, James M. Johnson & Gage Sargent, James F. Merrill & Dnnlap W^orcester, Moses Campbell, Wallace Kent, Richard P. .\llen & Cummings Hodsman, F. Thayer, Henry L. Jindorer. Bristol. Centre Harbor. Chester. it. Concord. Exeter. Franklin. Hudson, Henniker. Lancaster. J.isbon. LUUeton. Mugridge, Sam'l do Hosmer, J., Main-st. Willard. Stedman Steele, Henry Little, J. C. & Co. Russell & Webster Wall, John, 12 Market-street Portsmouth. Hanson, D. Hoyt, Daniel Greeiiough & Clement Webster, J. P. Davis, S. E. Whitefield. Dry Goods. Greenleaf & Clement, Wholesale, Jlndover. Wethcrbee, Isaac F., Wholesale, CharlcstoKn, C-irpenter, C. D. ClnremonU I'.everly, James, Main-st Concord, Xewhall, H. A. do Eastbrook, W. W. do West, J. C. 298 do Ilutchins, Geo. .Wholesale, Main-st. Tredick, Wm.. Franklin Sq. Dover, Adams, N. D. 4 Central-street Wendell, O. E. 7 do do Wendell, Geo. W. do do Bickfcrd, John E. 9 do do Otis, A. H. 14 do do Hale & Bickford, 15 do do Dov\ns, John G. 17 do do Prihner, T. L 18 do do Towler&. Plummer, Central Square Dame & Dennett, 2 Marston's Build- ing Fisher & Woodman, Tetherley's Block Brown, Franklin Andrews. E. &. VV., Central Square Piper, S. H. & S. F., Wholesale, Exeter, Connor, Charle.s Ha zelton, James Fishersville. White. S. F. Keene. Gill, F. VV. Littleton. Houghton, F. A., Museum Building Mfvchester. Norcross, H., .Toy's Block, Elm-st. Brown, J. H. 15 Merrimack Block Wilson & Weston, Elm-st. Sampson & Sargent do Jackson, L. & A., Union Building Marsh, D. & G. 2 City Hall Building Cfchraii &. Luke, Elm-st. Ferren, E. 12 Union Building Kidder, John & Co., Wholesale, Smith, Herman, 29 Elm-street Lecke & Perr)-, 51 do Carr, John S. 77 do Wiiite, B. F. & Co. 92 do Thyng. J. P. 78 do Mcbougill, W^m., Meredith Bridge Gove, Richard do do Folsom, J. B., Main-st. JVo^Aua. Whe;:t, J. A. do HiU, E. P. do Hosmer, J. do Beasom, W. D. & Co., or. Main and Factory-street Reed, A. G. & Co. 22 Factory-sL Anderson, W. S. & Co. 21 do Kimball, Alvah, 19 do Dodge, E.P. 17 Factory-stree Adams, Mark, 16 do Merrill & Barr, 25 do Reed & Slader do Upton, Mary, Chestnut-st. Converse, H. F., Main-st. JVashviUe. Upton &. Knowles, Canal-street Emery, E. H., New Market Puller, .\lbert & Co. Peterbort. Warland, T. Frederic Pittsfield. HeLderson, Geo. 3 Daniel-street Portsmouth. Webster, John, 6 Daniel-strret Slavers, Andrew, 37 Market-st. Jones, Wm. & Sons, 29 do Tower, J. H. & Co. do 82 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Haven, Washington, 17 Market-st. Portsmouth. Bigelow, Henry A. 15 do Leighton, VVm. J. 13 do Nowell, A. F. 11 do Simes, Stephen H. 7 do Dsley, W. N. cr. Market and Daniel- Tredick, Thomas, 21 Market-st. Stewiirt, C. F., Sahnon Falls Somersworth. Emerson & Co. 16 Front-st. Sahnon FaUs Tibbett.L.C.,Gr. Falls Shapleigh, T. 8., Wholesale, Great FaUs Shainwald, N. &Co., High-st., Great Falls Lord & Stevens, Wholesale, Great Falls Janavin, R., Wholesale, Great Falls Chick & Wendell, Wholsale, Great FaUs Dry Goods, Groceries, and Variety. Warner, N. & D. J. Acworth. Ballon, Horace Aleiandria. B:\cheldpr, Daniel Allenstown. Humphrey, A., Paper Mill Village Alstead. Campbell, Tufts & Co. Robertson, Lawson Rust & Webster Ramsey, James Barker, Dudley Alton. Jones, James N. Smith, Emerson & Co. Emerson, W. G. C. West Alton. Gilnian, Stephen Boilston, Fletcher & Co. Amherst. Stevens, D. F. Dane, Nathan Moore, John Hamblin, Walcott Andover. Greenough, F. W. Scribuer, B. F. & Co. Pecker & Scribner Griffin, Hiram Antrim. McKean, Charles Woodbury, L. & G. B. Dow & Richards Atkinson. Bartlett, Aaron Melvin, h. &, Co. Auburn. Webster, S. & Shn Siiiilh. B. C. riainfield. Fliiiidi-rs, Cii;irles B(viii & Fideld Winkley. A. WiiiSHtc. Btjiijaniin Bryant, I). (;eorge, Jumes, Tucker's Depot Plaistoio. C^lark, I-:as-slreet lodgdon, John, 40 Congress-street larllett, L. D., Sanbornton Bridge luiaiby, E. F., Great Falls Sumersworth. Furniture Manufactu- rers. Avery, John E. Johnson, Thomas Sanborn, Keubcn Burt, H. Rogers, John Emerson, Haines, Milo E. Killani, Joseph W. Atwood & Thayer Sandwich. Stewnrtstown. HakefieLd. Widpole. IVarner. Weare. IVeiitworth. tVilton. IVinciiester. Furniture and Feathers Dealers. layes, D. & S. VV. Mton. ;haniberlain, Wni., Boscawen Pl'ns. 'iticld. Joseph Path. .|a::lls, G. W. Bristol. Mhcrtoii, William Cunaan. ;ilcbri-t, Alexander Candia. A'ihoM, Nahum Charlestown. 3riggs, J. G., Main-sU ClaremuiU. Jaiier, H. 3 do -laskell, Otis Stevens, Franklin Chester. West & Wallace, Main-street Concord. Hill. Daniel A. 198 do Pfricy & Cleaves, State-st. 3t:iiiton, E. & Co. Conway. Dunb;ir, Ansel Curnish. P ckanl, S. W. Uiiiili ir, Freeman Croydon. Ru^-i'll, Oliver Dalton. Ki-hi-r, L. F. Tap|ian, S., Washington-st. Dover. Hum, J. K. Eaton. Johnson, David F. Enfield. Minor, L. N. H m, Francis Exeter. Wiggin, Animi R. C'hiip"'^"' ^- ^- ^■ Allen, J. J., Jr. Fitzwillinm. Bivliy, Daniel Fravcestown. CillfV, J. H. Franklin. Tonic, Uriah Fntilum. Bildwin, E. M. Hancock. Richards, L. H. Haiwvcr. Hook, Samuel Haverhill. Adams, S. Carlton, M. Mead, John S. fftH- Small, John, Jr. Hillsborough. Gilmore, James Chamberlain, L. East Jaffrey. Briggs. E. & W. S. Keeve. Kidder & Winchester Ireeman, O. E. J.ancastcr. Ptrkms. J. M. J^ebanon. Buswell, J. O. Parker, Isaac Lisbon. Parker, Israel, Sugar Hill M'^'rrill & Longer Littleton. liOck, John Loudon f^illnge. Conant, J. Lyme. Bixbv, S. Newell. John Lyndeborough. Sawtelle, M-.son Htlage. M ill'rd, Eph. Meredith Bridge. Knight, R. Milford. Josselyn, Levi Harris, W. D., Water-st. J^ashua. Moore, John W., Elm street Heald, O. & A., Factory Village M'elson. Fairbanks, Joel JVcw Boston. H irris, Willard J^ewport. Moulton, Mark Ossipee. Stearns, J. Petcrhurough. Bunker, Lewis Pilt.'sfield. Spaulding, Calvin Plainfield. Morell, Daniel, Meriden Spaulding, John, do Coleard, Chas. J. 60 M!irket-h- Ic) .^'JSllville. Rowell S. (Depot Store) .N'cwtown. Day, Wm. (Wholesale) 55 M..iket- st. Portsmouth. Lord, Aug. (Wholesale) Market-st. Nowell, James, do do Robinson, C. (Wholesale) BoW-st Gunsmitl&s. Marsten, E., Main-st. Concord. Woodward. Oilman Ketne. Smith, Perley Lyman. Fogg, Gihuan B., Wells' Building Manchester. Hair-Dressers. Hardware. McDaniel, G., Main-st. Concord. Hill, James B., do Porter & Rolfe, (importer^) Hale, W., Jr., Washingtou-.^t. Dover. Bennett, John S. Perkins. Jeremy Peaslee, Henry W. Gilmanton. Cobb, S. W. Hanover. Elliot, J. B. Ketne. Adriance. W., F.lm-st. Manchester. Fogg, Willis P. 3 City Hall H.irriman, John, 15 i-ld. Merrill, John B. Hhu-^iar. Adams, Harvey l.aiicn.-iter Worster, J. O. Milunt. Emerson, Joseph Rainney. Irou Founders. Beckwith & Emerson, Paper Mill Village Jtlstead. Hartshorn, Lawrence & Co. Jlmherst. Heywood, Simeon Claremont. Emerson, George W. Ford, VV. P. & T. H., Warren-street Concord. Paul, Nathaniel, Agt., Dover Iron Foundry, Dooer. Sanborn, S. T. Eicter. Ames, A. & F. Fis/iersvi/le. Rowell, J. H. Franklin. Cole, Davis & Co., Lake Village Oi/ford. Cook, John L., Ollvarian Village Haverhill. Merrill, Pliny Hinsdale. Broun. H. E., (Eagle Iron Foundry,) Davis, Aaron Kecne. Tenbrook, Booth &. Durant Lebanon. \ Kilburn & Merrill r.ittlrton. \ Putnam &. Chase Mil ford. Williams, S. & C. J\~asliiia. Hilton, Geo. O., Agent for New Mar- ket Iron Foundry JVric Market. Smith, John Petr.rbm-oufrh. Drake, P. & Co., Mechanics'-strein Portsmouth. Haselton, Ira, 2 Rock-st. Burleigh, M. C, Main-st., G. Falls, Somersworth. Griffin, Wm. E. & Co., Silmon F.tlls Warren & Graham Slcwartstnwn. Ball, D. IVest Winchester. Emery, Gilmore S. fVolfeborough. Iron and Steel. Porter & Rolf, Main-st. Concord. McAlister&Saff)rd, Dopot Store Adriance, John P. & Co. 94 Ehii-st. Manchester. Pliny, J. D. Meredith Bridge. French, Sanborn & Co. Lyman, .lolin P. (Importer,) Portsmouth. Spiulding & Parrot, Mnrket-st. Tibbets, J. M. & E. A. II & 12 Mar- ket-sl., Great Falls, .Somersworth. L.cad Pipe l^Ianufac- turers. Clough, MosesT.,W.Parish Concord. BIy, James Lebanon. Childs, A. Peterboro. liivery Stables. Goodnow, W. E. .Amherst. Walker, Bradley Bristol. White, H. & D. S. Claremont. Putnam, P. H. Wheeler, S. Dunklee & Whicher Concord. Dudley, Peter Dow &. Norton Chandler &. Foster Prescott, James & Co. Miller, Robert C. Dover. Churchill, Alfred Han.son, John P. Kinibiill & Thompson Houston, Carter Enfield. Towle, C. D. Ezeter. Foss, John Blake. A. P. Goodwin. R. F. Putney, David N. FitzwIUiam Leighton, Thomas Franklin. Allen, S. & J. B.' Hanover. Currier, J. G. Heywood & Parks Hinsdale. Barrett, Daniel A. .\utting, A. East .Jeffrey. French, Stilman Keene. I'utnim, M. Huntington, E. Lebanon. Pusher, George B. Hill, Wni., Hii never Sq. Manchester. Junes, S. & Co., Manchester-sl. Sawyer, Joel, Mason Village Mason. Campbell, Henry Mugridge, Sam'I. Meredith Bridge. Little, J. E. Mirbell, D. K. Milford. Wright, S. F., Main-st. JVasAwa. ('olburn & McTerson Hall, Jacob, Main-st. Conant, Joel H., High-st. Fox, J. J. (Railroad Stable,) JtTashville. Fox. J. T. Peabodv, J. J^ew Ipswich. Clark, J. P. Edwards, E. P. Washburne, George Peterboro'. Thompson & Swallow Rowe, Charles H., State-street Portsmouth. Jones, \. H., Vaughanst. Somerby, S., Congress-st. Jenness & Co. do Johnson, Joshua, Hanover-st. Pluniiner, Charles E. Hindge. Pliilbrick, Jason Sanbornton. Gerish, Newell Bolster. Jimes P. TVoy. Hastings & Mayo Winchester. .\lexander, I. P. Line and T^rine Manu- facturers. Badger Stephen Crane, Lyman Exeter. J^ashua. Liooking'-Glass and Pic- ture Frame Manufac- turers. Sylvester, S. G. Concord. Emery, William Loudon Village. & Bragg Mt. yernon. Carter, Henry S., Water-st. JVashua. Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers. Cass, Joseph Jlleinndria. Livermore, C. G., Paper Mill Village Al.itead. Wentworth, J. B. Mton. Wentworth, Ichabod Kimball, Wm. K. McDuffee, James Clark, John Auburn. Howe, D. M. & F. Adams, John B. & Co. Collins, J. H. Barnstead. Bickford, Daniel Burt &. Gray Bennington. Andrew, J. &■ S. Bradford. Moore & Dalloff Bristol. Bartlett, L. Pike, Joseph & Robert H., Brookfield. Pike, Rob'-rt, Jr. Hubbard, David Brookline. Shattuck, Alpheus Ruckwood, Andrew & Levi Biovvn, Joseph Campton. Mack, S. P. Charlestown. .Melvin, Thomas J. Chester. Randall, L. W. Claremont. Parsims, Hezekiah Cotebrook. Kidder, Ahiel C. Edmund, Chamberlain Abbot & Thom Conway. Sumners D. H. & J. B. & Co. Dal ton. Thompson & Reed Danbury. Watson &. Mosley (iilman, Sanmel &. Son Page. Aaron Danville. Page, John Cook, J. S. Webster, Asahel Eastman, B. Derrti. Taylor, G. H. Taylor, J. B. Hale, S. W. Dublin. Woodard, Cyrus Needham, J. Blake, Lewis, North Depot, Enfield. Conant, Geo. W. & Co. Lawrence, Gorden Epping. ('hapman. D. B. & L. Ex-eter. Sibley, Kelley & Smith Lo\eriiig, E. O. Barker, John Farmington. Gerish, Gage & Co. Fishersville. Collins, J. T. Fitzwilliam. Towle, Amos, Jr. Freedom. Cole, Davis & Co.. Lake Vill.ise Oi/ford. Kimball, J. Gihnintnn. Greer, Pattee & Co. W. Ooffstown. Brown & Dunlap Ooffstown. l'..or& Wells Greeiilield Steam Mill Co., Richard- son. Charles, Agent Greenfield, Kidder, John Oroton. Ware, J. M. Hampton Fails. Neal, John T. Colby, E. Hampstead. Ilciit, Moses like, Frederic Kibling, G. W. Hanover. Mason & Perry Harrisville. Cook, John L. Haverhill. Marcy, Joshua & Son Hillsboro'. (Jleason, Merrill & Hale Hinsdale. Emer-on, Edward Hollis. Brown, Thomas Runnels, Ebenezer Shedd. E. Moore & Hardy Marshall, John Hooksett. Hill & Leach Head, Samuel & Son Goldsmith. Thomas (iartiild, James M. Fisk, Ephraim, Jr., Contoocook Vil- lage Hopkinton. Brown, Burnham & Barnard Hale, B. O. East .Tnffrey. Prescott, John A. Jaffrey. Bascom, .'\lonzo Salisbury Manufacturing Co. Kingston. Whicher, Samuel Landuff. Noyes, ,Iohn Twichell, Eli Lempster. Hutchins & Co. Lisbon. Allen & Cummings Goodall, J. & Son Chase &. McCiuestion Litchfield. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 87 Holt, Hamilton Loudon Village. Webstor, M. K. & Co. Lyme. Balch, Samuel W. Curtis, E. C. Lyndeboro. Gibbs & G:irdner Manchester. Baldwin & Sttvens Judkiiis, Gecirge F. W.idkngh, >iathan B. Meredith. Pike, Tliomas Middleton. Conant, B. P. Milford. Averell, C ilvin Tyler, C. Berry, James Milton. Jevvett, Asa Jewett, David Twoiiibly, James M. Chase, F. & F., Pearl-st. JVashua. Ayer, John & James JVashville. Gage, Ira JVew Boston. Crombie, N. C. Cochran, A. Gragg, Joseph Richardson, P. Dickey, Elias Warren, J. B. Philbrook, H. Dodge, Samuel Mooney, J. B. JV*ew Durham. Downing, Samuel Bellows, Charles J^orthumberland. Rich, Jacob Sargent, J. F. Orange. Wingate, John Ossipee. Smith, Levi Howe, J. & S. Peterborough. Cram, B. L. & Co. Pittsfietd. Barker & Adams Portsmouth. Dodge, James, 9 Pier Wharf Bodge, Wm. & Co., Wator-st. Jenness, Geo. VV., Union Wharf. Fernald, Wm., Jr. & Co., Market-st. Cotton, Leonard, Pleasant-st. Converse, Joshua Rindge. Stowe, Benjamin Ramsdell, James Chase, Simon Rochester. Whitney & Kel.ey Rumney. Seavey & Fay Rye. Jenness, J. D. French, Jonathan Sandown, Clark, Nathaniel Pingrey, Stephen Salisbury. Gookin, C. & D. C. Comins & Fay Sharon. Jenness, B. H. Strafford. Goodnow, C. Sullivan. Caswell & Carpenter Surry. Whitcomb, Benjamin Swaniey. Stratton, John Chamberlain, John, Westport Mason & Hall Holt, Abial Temple. Forrester, Joseph M. Troy. Forester, Joseph Lawrence, Horatio Buzzell, Jonathan, Union Village Wakefield. Fisher, David, Drewsville Walpole. Gould, Enoch Warner. Bean, Wm. H. Laws, Ebenezer Washington. Carr, Moses II. East Washington. Judkins, Jonathan Wentwurth. McGregory & Goodall Whitefield. Wells, James Clark, Morris Brown, David Gordon & Goodall Carlton & Goodall Johnson, Samuel R. Burns, Calvin Caperon & Ale.xander Winchester. Knowlton, Gideon Windsor. Chase, Joseph Wilmot. Phelps. John, Jr. Pickering, Dan'l Wolfboro Bridge. Rust, Henry B., South Wolfboro. Rust, George Macbinists. Heald, Paul Mkinson. Dodge, E. B. Bath. Lovejoy & Kelley Bristol, Russell & Lund, 19 Main-street Concord. Angler, Samuel, West Parish Derby, James Eieter. Pearsons, John, Iron Works Falls Freedom. Wilson, .M. & T. O. Harrisoille. Tolman. C. S. Hinsdale. Newhall, Cyrus Fish, Adams East.Jaffrey. F ly, J. A. & Co. Keene. Wilsim & Metcalf 'I'enbrook, Booth & Durant Lebanon. Simons & Ticknor Buck, M. & J. H. Kilburne & Merrill Littleton. Paddlei; .rd, P. & P. J. (Inventor) Buss, Charles Marlborough. Thurston, F. R. Kimball, S unuel. Mason Village Hoten & Wliitney JSTashua. Baldwin, Jospphus • iage, John H. Douglas-; & Kockvvood Hall, Elbridge (Inventor) .Morrison &. Felt Peterborough. SIdnner, E. (Inventor) Sandwich. Fitts, G. W. South Hampton. Chase, Amos Weare. Chase, John W. Conant, John W., Oil Mill Village Cooper, H. W. & W. J. Winchester. Fairbanks, S. & Son W. Winchester. Marble IXIauufacturers. Dunklee, Chester Claremont. Stodard, Curtis Day, J. F. & Co. 200 Main-st. Concord. Farley, Nathan do Phelps & Learned Dublin. Kend.ill, Stephen, Main-st. Dover. Eastman, Timothy G. Exeter. Parker, John Hull & Sanborn Meredith Bridge, Divis, Moses, Main-st. JSTashville. Jenkins, Elijah Piermont. Rowe & Hodge Plymouth. Treat, Allen Portsmouth. Day, L. D. Rochester. Cumniings, D. A. Sanbornton. Emerj- & Adams, Great Falls Somersworth. Mattress Makers. Smith, S. Derry. Titcomb, Edward West Windham. Tolman, Thomas, Main-st. J^Cashua. Millinery and. Fancy Goods. Warner, E. D. Claremont. Hazeltine, James, Main-st. Concord. Lake, E. J. & F. A., Main-street Odlin, E.T. Exeter. Osborne, Sarah D. Lowell, Lydia R. Hazletoii, James Fishersville, Clark, E. Keene, Joy, N. S., Museum Building Manchester, Brown, J. H. 15 Merrimack Block Page & Collins, 13 Central Building Smith, Herman, 29 Elm-street Flanders, R., 47 do Jackson & Page, 25 do Shaw, B. H. Milford Ridgway, Charles T. Kashua, Tuck & Atwood, 26 Factory-street Barnes, Adeline, Chestnut-street Webster, H. A., Main-st. Carlton, P. G. JVew Market. Moore, Sarah W. Peterborough. Knowlton & Neal, Pittsfield. Trickey, Olive M. 22 Market-street Portsmouth. Allen, Mrs. Wm., Great Falls Somersworth. Young, S. H. & P. A., High-street Sumerswortk. Daniels, H. L do Mayall, M. S., Elm-street VV'atkins, D. W. Walpole. Tomer, Julia Winchester. Musical Instruments. - Taylor, David Claremont. Dyer, David JsTein Hampton. Hadley, D. P. (RepaUer) Manchester, Newspapers. Belkn.ap Gazette ; Caleb P. Smith, Publisher Meredith Bridge, Ciieshire Republican and Farmer; H. A. Bill, Publisher Keene. Congregational Journal; Benning W. Sanborn, Publisher Concord. Coos County Democrat ; James M. Ri.x, Publisher Lincaster. Dover E.iquirer; George Wadleigh, Publisher Dover. Dover Gazette ; J. T. Gibbs, Pub- lisher E.\eter News Letter ; Smith, Hall & Clark, Publishers Exeter. Farmers' Cabinet; R. Boilston, Pub- lisher Jtmherst. Farmers' Monthly Visiter ; John F. Brown, Publisher Concord, Granite State Whig; Towl(! & Cra- gin. Publishers Lebanon, Independent Democrat and Free- man ; J. E. Hood &, Co. Publish- ers Concord. Manchester American ; Keach & Seaver, Publishers Manchester. Morning Star; William Burr, Pub- lisher Dover. Milford Weekly Mirror; Woodbury & Bradford, Publishers Milford. National Eagle ; Young & Walker, Publishers Claremont. New-Hampshire Argus ; Carlton t Harvey, Publishers J^ewport, New-Hampshire Gazette and Re- publican Union ; W. P. Hill, Pub- lisher Portsmouth. New-Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette; Buttertield & Hill, Pub- lishers Concord, New-Hampshire Statesman ; Geo. O. Odlin & Co., Publishers New-Hampshire Sentinel ; J. W. Prentiss, Publisher Keene. New-Hampshire Telegraph ; Albin Beard, Publisher JVashville. Nashua Gazette and Hillsb irough County Democrat; B. B. & F. P. Whitlemore, Publishers J^ashua. Oases ; Murray & Kimball, Publish- ers Parents' Monitor ; David Kimball, Publisher Hanover. Peterborough Messenger ; S. P. Brown, Publisher Peterboroua-h. Philanthropist ; B. Cook, Publisher Keene. Portsmouth .lournal; Charles W. Brewster, Publisher Portsmouth. Religious E.xaminer ; A. G. Cum- mings, Publi-her Bradford. Rockiiighani Messenger; Mclntire & Whittem. Publishers Portsmouth. S.iturday Messenger ; Chase & Gage, Publishers Manchester. Thursday Sketcher ; J. B. Wood, Jr., & Brothers, Publishers, Great Falls Somersworth. Transcript; Charles H. Wingate, Publisher World's Inde.K; A. K. Severance, Publisher, Pap. Mill Vil. Msteod Organ Builders. Austin & Dearborn, Main-street Concord Prescott, A. & Son, 12 Main-street NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Foster, Joseph Boar(liii;in & Dutton Mt. Vernon. Laforcst, S. O. Nutter. .1. 1). J^asliville. Barton &. Cold) (Piano Fortes) Portsmouth. Palm Leaf Hats. Keene. \ Carter, Charles Chester. Holdernc-is. Ijondondcrry. JVew Ipswich. Truy. Melvin, Thomas J. Cleniint, R. A. Plutiiiiior &. V.-.x'^e Anderson, John A. Hurd, Gcorce Isaacs, E. M. Hiirlliiul, William R, Farrrtr, David W. Frost &. N'ourse Newton &. Rogers (Wholesale) J\rashviUe and Sanl/ornton Br Painters. HOUSE, SIGN, AND FANCY. Hayes, D. & P. W. .^Huf. Bissell & Mchols Amherst. French. Chirles S. Bnriistead. Startbrd, H. li.. Hwift Water Hath. Bedford. Bristol. Can aim. Chester. C aremont. Concord. Richardson, Albert Brown, Jacob Benson, James Bur-well, H. Cowdry, John Kingman, S. Avery, John Warner. Westmoreland. Winchester. South Woifborough. Pail Manufacturers. Fitiwilliam. Hinsdale. Keene. Cornish. En Held. Kxeter. Francestoten. Freedom. Oiimanton. Harrisville. Haverhill. East offrey. hi cue. Lancaster. J^ebunun. Tufts, D. »., Westville Martin, Asa Hamilton, M. Bushnell, Jonathan Judevine, Henry Savory, A. C, M 'in-st. Holt, VVm., Thompson-st. Turner, Oliver, Main-st. Damon, Bonjnmin, do Coffin, John S. Damon, (ico. N., Pchool-st Packard, P. W. Dodpe, I. & C, Centerville Smith, Charles C. Butterfield, Wm. Ward, Scwell Farrar, I). Harris, Lovoll Harris, I'lmrles C. P. Carleton. M. Morton, I. J. Taylor, (kMirge Freema:i. Orvill E. Thompson, Ir.i W. Kendrick, E. B. Howe. E. A. Lock, John Ijoudon Village. Runt, John M. (Fresco ) JManchester., J. C. 6, 7 Americ in Build- ing Jlanchi'ster. Reed, C. A. 2.3 Hanover-sirtpi Sawtell, William Jilason Villa/rc. Lanca.ster & Holt Milford. Bradlti , C. E. (jourU'y, A.I-.. Main-st. JVashua. Rockwc 0(1. .1. & A. J., Water-st. Atwood. H., Chestnut-st. Rhodes, J. H., cr. Per.rl and Elm-sts. Dunkh^e. C. H. do do Gaskiii, Wm., Elm-st, Blaisdell, n. Willcy & Cooloy Cliirk. F,. W. Thayer, Charles N, Pierce, H. Tilton, i\. C. &Co. Kainie, J. E. Spinney, John R., Market-street Portsmouth. Tripp. Elisha. Stnte-street Locke & Rard. 12 12 Penhallow-st. Lake, John, Penhallow-st. Smith Hl Pvvazey, 18 Penhallow-st. Vnrrell. Wm.. I'enhallow-st. Butford, il. 2 Chestnut-st. Bruce, Lewis A., M:irket-st. Bullord, .Mari'i'llus, 2 Chestnut st. Palmer, R. L., Fleet-st. FogR, S. N. Sandwich. Wingate, Daniel, Jr., High-st., Great Falls Homersworth. Southard, Gilliert How ker, J. &. Co. Howe, A. & J. Emery, J. S. (Joodi.ow, F. & E. Wilson & Metcalf Whitcondi &. Collister J\larlhorough. 'J':iylor & Bill Richmond. Jewctt, Howe & Cole Hindge. Holnian, Frank. (Buckets) Swnnsey. Bartlett. S. (Buckets) Westport • 'much. C. & L. do Ke:.d. Abel W. r iffe, Beiij-imin II wkiris.'o. & Co. Troy. (':irpcnter & CooUdge Watson, F. M. Warner. Whitcher, James, Oil Mill VillMge Weare. Kingman. M. & Co. Winchester. Bull, D. & A. W. L. West Winchester. Holies, Robinson, (Buckets) fTfl/te^cM. ! Claremont Mnnuf:ioturirg Company, Walpole. I (Printing and Wrappiuf.' Paper) Claremont. * 1 Eastman, W. K. & Sons, (Wrapping Paper and Sir; w Board) Conway. Moses, C. C. P. (Printing Paper) Dover. Perkins, J. M. (Cards and Paper) Exeter. FlMgg & Brothers, (coarse and tine Paper) Peabody & Daniel, (Printing Paper) Franklin. Shepard, Jos. W. (Wrapi>ing Pnper and Straw Boards) Holderness. Merrill, J. M. M. (Wrapping Paper and Boards) Hoyt. Geo. (Straw Boards) Mitchell, G. W. (Straw Boards) Paints^ Oils and Glass. French, Chas. S. Bamstead. Savory, .\. G., Main-st. Concord. McAllister &. Satl'ord, (Depot Store) Johnson, D. F., Centerville Enfield. Folsom, Charles Exeter. Dort, George D. Keene. /"^driance, W., Elm-st. Manchester. Wadleigh, J. C. (Wholesale), Anieri- n Block G lie & Co. Meredith Bridge. H.iyes, Luther Milton. Banks, Thomas G. JVashua. Jones, B. L., Railroad Depot J^ashville. Rennett, John S. JVew Market. Perkins, A. A. Ossipee. Kainie. J. E. Pittsfield. Bailey, Thomas D. & Co. 3 Congress- street Portsmouth. Wendell, A. Q,. 3 Market-street Mishvtlle. J^cw Market. Peterborough. Pittsfield. Robbins, John A., High-street, Great French, John Periodicals— Dealers. Merrill, R.ufns, Main-st. Concord. Langly, Timothy Exeter. Teni.ey. P. W. JVcw Market. Morse, Joseph P. Portsmouth. Smith, D. P. 26 Daniel-st. Physicians. Parker, Bonj. C. Jicworth. Brooks, Lyman Carlton. Stephen Cumniings, A. I. Chase, Ira S. .Alexandria. Bliss. Abner .mislead. Prouty, Ira F. Porter, W. B., Paper Mill Village Morrison, John Alton, Dorman, Nathaniel Lougee, I. V\'. Spaulding, Matthias Amherst. Fitch, Francis P. Moore, George W. Elkins, T. Andover. Weymouth. H. E. Stickney, Jeremiah Bnrnham, Lrael H<.vey, Isaac B. Plummer, Nathaniel Mudgett, Simeon Elkins, J. P. Grover, Wm. Fernald, John S. Woodbury, Robert McDaniel, David, Jr. Waterhouse, Wm. An trim. Atkinson. Auburn. Bartlett. Bamstead. BarHngten. Falls Wyman, A. G. Somersworth. Waipolf Fapt-r Hang'Ing's. Lane, E. J. 49 Washington-street Dover. Folsom, Chas. E. Exeter. Cobb, S. W. Hanover Diirt, Geo. D. Keene. ilarriman, John, Stark Building Manchester. Taylor, John, 2 Marichester-st. Bn;ks, Thos. G.. Main-st. JVashua. Murray, Timothy JV>?r Market. Shores, J. F., Congress-Block Portsmouth. Janovin, Rufus, Great Falls Somersworth. Wyman, W. G. Walpole. Paper Manufacturers. F. Colburn, S. D Morrison, Mose: Ross, J. S. Woodbury, Peter P, i* iiker, II. Clinton Walker, J. D. Parsons, J. B. Clark, 1. S. M. Webster. E. K. Kniery. Sttpiiun Cuirie, T. II. A ley, N. H. Ames, Jason H. Hubbard. Geo. H. Dalton, Joseph Eaton, Jacob S. Sawyer, M. C. Ayer, F. B. Hiirris. David Sanborn, Jesse A. I'oss, B. W. Jones, Henry N. Wheat, Ira Lane, Isaiah P.gc, R. H. H.-irjier, J. M. Corbet, Thomas RIake & Chander, Paper Mill Vil- l^ige A I stead. Flagg, John W. (Letter, Printing and Wripping Paper) Bennington. H-'ll & Butler, (Letter, Printing ai.d 1 Weeks. Lorain F. Wra|)ping Paper) I Smart. Wm. H. Baker, J(>hn B. (Sand Paper) Saunders, J. Pierce, W. H. (Sand Paper) 'Webber, Samuel Stevens, Willard B. (Sand Paper) i Whitlemore, J. P. Bath. Bedford. Bennington, Bethlehem. Boscawen. Bradford. Brcnticood, Bristol. Brookline. Campion. Candia Canterbury Centre Harbor. Charlestown. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 89 Kittredge, Rufus Chester. Sanborn, Geo. W. Gilford. Carpenter, H. Chesterfield. .Munsey, George W. French, John .Sanborn, Thomas M. Sirgent, Samuel Chichester, Wiaht, Nahuiu Gilmanton. Siiinders, O. S. Fiench, OUs Richiirds, Josiah Claremont. (.'ould, Joseph C.ilby, E. L. Hurd, E. F. Gleason, R. L. Spencer, George E. Jarvis, S. G. Hammond, George W Oilsum. Talles, Xathaniel Webster, K. D. Ladd, Wni. M. Little, Daniel Ooffstown. Avolk, C. Carr, Alonzo F. Lumbard, Lyman Cotebrook. Mclntire, H. G. Ooshen. Harris, Augustus Smiley, James R. Oraflon. Snow, Lewis Columbia. Sayles, Willard Baldwin, W. G. Concord. Ramsey, John Greenfield. Hayne^s, Timothy Burt, James S. Tripp, B. H. Odell, George Greenland. Atwo(Ml, Moses Clough, G. C. Moore, E. G. Concord. Knight, James Hampstead. Prescott, Wm. Eastman, J. C. Chadbourne, Thomas Lawrence. Ebenezer, Hampton. Carter, Ezra Lord, A. B. Ga^e, C. P. Jewett, H. A. Carter, Moses Wood, J. A. Hancock. Stone, H. O. Stickney, James M. Fletcher, M. R. Crosby, Dixi Hanover. Farley, Luther Peaslee, E. R. Chandler, Jereiniih Conway. Olcott, Charles H. Thompson, Jonathan R. Hill, Thomas P. Foster, A. P. Cornish. Bartlett, Ezra Haverhill. Blanchard, John S. Morgan, Hiram Boardnian. Elijah Spaulding. S. Hall, Lyman Leonard, H.B. Marsh, Delvan D. Cray den. Kichardson, Bernice Barton, W. B;irtlett. Benjamin D. Hebron. Hall, A. C. Dalton. Gaylord. Wm. A. Henniker. Stone, Wm. P. Danbunj. Straw, Jacob Brown, S. • Deerficld. .Sanborn, Nathan Gale, J. N. Fellows, Rufus Hill. Frye, D. F. Deering-. Hatdi, Elisha Hillsborough. F irrar, George Dcrry. Preston, Thomas Wallace, Thomas Burnham, Abel C. Moore, N. J. McLd. Sweet. Dixi Lorn, Nathaniel Dover. Bovdcn. Frederic Hin.^d'Ue. Martin, Noah Wright, Sanmel Holdtrness. Smith, Joseph H. Dana, J. A. Fenuer, Albert G. Hale, Wm. Hollis. Crowen, James W. Scripture, Oliver Woodhouse, Geo. W. H irdv, Noah Smith, Dryden Colby, D. L. Folsom, N. L. Gage, Horace Hooksett. Bickford. A. Russell, Stackpole, Paul A. Wells, Thomas J. Hopkinton. Hill, Levi G. Tyler, Cyril C. Horn, Jeremiah Currier, Stephen Thompson, Robert Rogers, Alexander Lathrop, J. E. Emery, James Hudson. Paul, J. H. Kenne, A, Jaffrey. Pray, T. J. W. Perkins, Roderic R. Heald, Asa Dub/ in. Dinsnioor, D miel Jorl^on. Porter, R. N. Twitchell, Amos AW„r. Stearns, Isaric DunbarUin. Adams, Charles G. Flander<, Thomas Durham. Smith, Dudley Pike. John G. Twitchell, George B Hobbs. Daniel S. F.aton. Ad ims, Daniel Clark, David \V. EfingUam. Carpenter, A. S. Dearborn. Asahel Brown, Jonathan Kensington. Sanders, Oriu Williams, Jacob Clough, John Enfield. Gale, Ezra B. Kingston. Batchelder. Nnthaniel Epping. Bassett. Thomas Eastman. Joseph Bartlett, Levi S. Peaboilv, L. W. Epsom. Barney, John W. Lancaster. PiTrv, VVin. G. Exeter. Stickney, Jacob E. Miles, Mason M. Dinsiiioiir, F. Bradlev, Thomas E. Lvman, L. Pitch. J. M. Smith, J. R. J. ail da ff. Perry, Wm. Graves, L. J. L-n>g.lnn. Swett, Samuel B. Exeter. .'lubb ird. Bi'njamin T Lebanon. Odlin, George G.illup, Bec.jamin Parker. D. T. Fnrmington. Plastridge, Caleb Pray, S^mu'^l, Jr. Pummer, Lee. Ham, Abner Abel, Truman I^empster. Cummings, Sd ;s F.'f'.wi.'liam. Butler, J. N. Cromble, James Frnncrstuicn. Hibhard. Moses Lisbon. Crombie, J. H. Burns, Wm. JJttliton. Campbill, Wm. J. Moore, .Vdam Colby, J. C. Fr'inrovJa. Tuttle, C. M. Wilson, Job FraiiLni. Flinders. D. Londonderry. Kiiiuht, L. M. Bntchelder, D. H. Kellev, S. B. Tenriey, R. P. .1. Loudon. TopUii; Calvin Freedom. Hoskins, Samuel layman. Lyme Hamilton, C. B. Dickey, Abraham O, Smalley, Adoniram Herrick, L Lyndeboro'. Colburn, Z., Jr., Coiicord-s"ireet Jllanchester. Babb, James, 3 Stark Cor|)oratioii. Tukesbiiry, M. G. J. 62 E!m--t. Brnwn, Thomas. Amherst-st. Wells, Charles, 2 Union Building Crosby, Josiah, corner Ehn and Mer- rimack-streets Crosby, T. R., Patten's Building Manchester, Hill, Moses, Hanover st. Gale, Amos G., Merrimack Building Elliot, J. S., Hanover-st. Brown, Wm. W., cor. Pine and Mer- rimack-streets Gregg, James A., cor. Elm and Han- over-streets Gates, Jeremiah, Brown and Put- ney's Building Burton, Sylvanus, 2 Patten's Block .\twood, A. H., Museum Building Buck, Wm. D., Barnes' and Putney's Block Gregg, James A. Dewit, cor. Elm & Hanover-streets Gray, Wm., Riddle's Building Morse, David S. 37 Elm-st. Caletf, Jonathan S., Joy's Building Elliot, J. S., Hanover-st. Gray, Wm., Granite Block Davis, E. H. Wheat, Thomas, Granite Block Seavey, S., Vine-st. Batchelder, James Hatch, Reuben Baker, Isaac Johnson, Willis Marshall, Thomas H, Ambrose, John Merrill, Robert E. Smith, Jeremiah Doe, Daniel S. Sleeper, Francis O. Pearley, John L. Kiiowles, J. K. Smart, Wm. H. Eaton, Harrison Twitchell, O. M. Wiirren, Moses R. Stickney, S. S. Fuller, Robert Hutchinson, Jonas Eldridge, H. Drew, Stephen Swinerton, John L. Smith, Jesse K. Hale, D. F. Shannon, Thomas Moultouborough. Mason, Wm. II. H. Kittredge, J. JVashun. Wilkins L. W., corner Main and Factory-streets. Colburn, E. Spaulding, E. Magroon, Wm. V. JVashville. Graves, J. H. Graves, J. G. JVclson. Marlborough. Mnrlow. Mtsoh. Meredith. Merrimack. .Milan. Mi.idUtoii. Mil ford. Milton. Mt. Vernon, J^eic Boston. JVew Durham. Ji^nc Hampton. Rand, Nehemiah Newell, O. P. Dantorth, J. VVhipple, Robert Winn, Alex. Dana, Simeon -Ayer, Otis Cochran, Thomas H. J^eic Ipswich. Kittredge, Edward F. Jones, F. Bickford, H. C. Xcw London. Tndl, Phineas JV7k' Market, Sanborn, J. R. j Kittredge, George W. Folsom, Wm. Woodward, S. B. Chase, Nithan B. Sweat, John L. Hatch, Mason Boyd, Alexander .Vr.wport. 90 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIKECTORY. S.inl)i)rn, Thomas A'ewport. Woodman, Benj. E. Strafford. II.iMiwr, W. H. (;,iic .1. G. Bartlett, Josiah Stratham. J^Tewtown. Davis, Diamond Sutton. Wocidlniry, M. R. J\rortlifield. Lane, Robert HuIjI)-;, M. L. JVorth Hampton. 1 Allen, J. H. Itriiu n, ira J^orthiimberland. Baxter, Henry Swanzey. i filirr, John JVortliwood. Jennison, John Swanzey. Tiittle, Thomas Adams, Willard Htiik. Ahi.nson Orford. Wilkinson, Ebenezer Tamworth. Mo-Corii, Willard Huntress, Joseph M irsum, D. G. Kingsbury, Nathaniel Temple. MMulton, Alvah Ossipee. Smith, Wm. A. Thornton. (iiiiil, Nathaniel Whitney, Charles W. Troy. Mdultim, G. A. Miller, Luke Giiisveiior, L. H. Pelham. Chapman, J. C. Tuflonborough. IJ.itchelder, Amos Dow, Enoch C. Fill Imry. John PhUips, Butler H. Pembroke. Goss, Oliver Coburn, Nelson Unity. Sentcr, M. D. Swasey, Charles L. Wakefield. Fi.llnii>h(;e, W. Peterborough. Jenness, Ebenezer Cutter, Daniel B. Morse, Ebenezer Walpole. Smith, All.crt Kittredge, Jesseniah Smiley, David Smith, (ieorge S. Gillman, Z. Piermont. Eaton, Leonard Warner. Berry, Charles T. Tenney, R. P. J. Pittsfieli. Whidden, Parson French, David C. Warren. Martin, Sylvanus Plainfield. Little, Jesse Baker, Oliver McUuestion, D. Washington. B iker, .1. W. H. Newton, Austin Kelly, Nathaniel Plaistow. Tibbetts, Henry Weare. liarnes, Rohert Plymouth. Page, L. W. Rojiers, Samuel Peterson, James LonK, Samuel Tibbetts, H. B. Wendell. Boanlman, J. H. Portsmouth. Whipple, A. A. Wentworth. Cheever, Charles A. Hoit, Peter L. Dwicht, Josiah Dunbi.r, G. F. Westmoreland. Kittredfie, Rufus Simmons, Barton Oliver, N. W. Winch, Albert WhUefield. Vinton, Harvey Mason, H. Nelson fVilmot. Burnham, J. Alexander, John L. Winchester. Coues, Samuel F. Wheaton, Christopher C. Curtis, Weston, Ira Windham. Brewster, G. G. Tibb tts, T. J. Wolfborough. Frve, Peter G. Raymond. Hall, Jeremiah F. French, S. P. Richmond. Warren, Charles Aliell. !•:. Darwin Rindge. Blaisdell, Josiah Sanborn, Woodstock. (Jarlaiiil, .1. C Rochester. Farrinsitdii, .lames Pliysicians— Botanic. FarritiKton, James , Jr. Pray, Samuel Durkee, Austin .^ndover. Pray, J. VV. Kelley. J. R. Bristol. Hall, A. C. Rumney. Keith, Bethuel Dover. Little, Samuel Smith, Henry SiiiiiKon, Daniel Gillingham, John Oihnantnn. Doe. Daniel Durkee, T. G. Hilt. Parsons, John W. Rye. Thompson, Benjamin IJsbon. Parsons, Warren Marti ,, Littleton. Merrill, J. H. Salem. Hanson, T. M., Hanover-st. Wilson, Thomas W. Salisbury. Manchester. Baker, John Collins, D. O., Stark Block Robinson, Abraham H. Paine, Thomas Carr, John Sanbomton. Lindsey, J. H. Ladd, Nathaniel Evans,' P. P., Chestnut-street Abbott, James B. Towle. J. R., Hanover-street Tibbetts, C. C. Guilford, E. G., Hanover-street French, Abram South Sandown. Wilmarth, A. T. Mason. Webster. Parker, Carter, Nathaniel P. Jfashua. White, Charles Sandwich. Ellis, Arnold JVvwbury. Hoyt, Moses Mooney, J. P. JVew Hampton. Norris, James Gibson, Stiltman J\''ew Ipswich. Sweatt, Tliomas J. Badger, P. O. Peterborough. Dearborn, Edward Seabrook. Goodrich, Horace Plymouth. Dearborn. Jonathan Warren, O. P. P'ittsfield. Brown, Sewall Laighton, Wm. Portsmouth. Ryan, Samuel Sharon. Burnham, J., 20 Congress-street lloue, Oliver B. Shelburne. Howe, Aaron M. .Sandicich. McCrillis, J., G. Falls Somersworth. Vining, Winchester. Hanson, J. C, G reat Falls Yeaton E. G. do do Smith, Wni. G. do do Piano Fortes— manu£ac> Elliott, Chas. F. do do turers. WinKate, S. do do Parker, A. do do Gav, T. D. Haverhill. Berry, J. M. do do Barton & Cobb, 57 M irket-treet Pratt, Edw. H. do do Portsmouth. Russell, R. do do Ploug^h ITIanufacturers. Beck with &. Emerson, Paper Mill Village Jilstead. Doe. Alfred Concord. Robinson, J. L. Cole, Davis &. Co., Lake Village Oil ford. Richardson, Cyrus Greenfield Brown, H. E. (Eagle Iron Founcbry) Hinsdale. Davis, Aaron Keene. Kilburn &, Merrill Littleton. Prescott, E. B., Lake Village Meredith. Hall & Hutchinson MilJ'ord. Tarbell, Wm. F. Jesse, Crosby, (Dealer) J'/'ashville. Griffin, Wm. &. Co., Salmon Falls Snmersworth. Davis, Elisha East Wilton. Pot and Pearl Asbes. Colby, Ethan Colebrook. Hibbard, James Wells & Young, (Potash,) Sugar Hill l^isbon. Brown, J. B. & Co. JVorthumberland. Cushman, Ebenzr. (Potash) Warren. Potters. Tyler, John E., Salmon Falls Nichols, Joseph Springfield. Morse, Josiah Stewartstown. Fleeman, Josiah Stoddard. Hopkins, John Platform Scalcs—JTIanu' facturers. Concord Morrill, Benjamin Worster, J. & G. Boscnwen. Milton. Hazelton, Joseph Clark, Daniel Russell, Eben Dublin. Dodge, Samuel Exeter. Wright, Abner S. Marlborough. Provisions— Dealers. Cowles, Henry C. Claremont. Estabrook, G. G. & Co., Main-street Concord. Flanders, C. C, Main-street Pierson, J. Exeter. Merrill & Abbott Fishersville. Farrar, Daniel M. Fitiwiliiam. Dewey, J. L. Hanover. Bartlett, D. A., Elm-st. Manchester. Calif. John, City H.iU Jewell.>i)h, 24 Elm-street Jiidkins, John, (Fish Market,) Man- chester-street Morgan, S. & I. P. JVasAun. Bailey, J. J^Tashville. Short, VA'ni. Currier, J. B. (Spring Market) Portsmouth. Holmes, Joseph, (Spring Market) Wiggin, S. P., corner of Bow and Market-streets Harrington, F., (Fish Market),Water- street Public Houses— Keepers. Martin, Thomas Jlllenstown. Kent, Isaac, Paper Mill Vil. Jilstead. Smith, Emerson & Co., Belknap Ho- tel Alton. Shejierd, C, U. S. Hotel Jtmherst. Hardy, E. Moulton, S. S., Franklin House Andover. Durgin, J. S., Kearsarge House Edson, J. Holmes, J. W. Barnstead. Haime, Samuel Foss, E. O. Barrington. Stillings, N. T. Bartlett. Connor, James, Bartlett Hou^e Carlton, Edwin, Bath Hotel Bath. Hey wood, Clark, Sw it't Water Gordon, Ira, Upper ^'illage auimby, B. B., Westville Bedford. Leavitt, J. B., Piscata<)UOg Village. 1 Carter, Henry S.,WashiiKton House I Bennington. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. II Clark, J. M. Bethlehem. Johnson, Bela Palmer, Henry Ambrose, S. A. Boscawen. Stewart &. Cressey, Hermitage House Bradford. Murrell, Levi, Bradford Hotel Baxter, M. E. Bradford Corner. Hovt, A. P. Bridgewater. Webster, Waller Preston, J. P., Washington House Bristol. Prescott, J. L., Bri tol House Pike, Dudley Brookflc/d. Bills, Smith Brookline. Blair, J. C. Campton. Sanborn, V. J. Mitchell, T. W. Cobb, Gilford. Granite Hotel Canaan. Downing, E. P. & Co., Canaan Hotel Whipple. Wiu. W., Canaan Depot Hill, Dudley Canterbury. Tultle, R. Carroll. Fabian, Horace, Mount Washington House White Mountains . Coe, John, Senter House, Centre Harbor. Robinson, Richard, Eagle Hotel Charlcstown. McCrea, William, Cheshire Bridge Chesterton. Peverly, James C. Dunsmore, John Quigg, A. G., Central House Chester. Stevens, Franklin Harvey, Rufus Chesterfield. Mead, Elias Pierce, E. P., Wheeler, A. Burt, Samuel, Jr., Factory Village Haynes, George P. J^Torth Chichester. Ambrose, T. A.. Tremont House Claremont. Ku-k, Thomas, Claremont Hotel White, H. H., Sullivan House Dean, Horace, Cupola House fVcst Claremont. Maynard, Daniel F. Fuller, Caleb Columbia. Walker, Wm., Eagle Cotfee H.u-e Ciincord. Herbert, Albert, Merrimack Hou^e Nevens, J. L.. Main street Carter & Priest, 84 do Gass, John, American House Pierce, A. C. Phoenix House Poor. Daniel. Columbian Hotel Brown, E. W., West Parish Mason, William, Coiivviy Hotel JVorth Conway. Thompson, Samuel W., ivearsaige House Eastman, Daniel, Washington House Eastman, Stephen C, Conway. Hill. John. Piquawket Houe Chase, Henry Cornish. We>tgate, Divid Hall, iV'athan Croyden. Cushman. W. G. Dalton. Fuller, Thomas Smith. James Danbury. Mack & Wheeler Deerfield. Robinson, T. S. South Deerfield. Butler, C, Lagrange House Brown, J. B. S. Deerfield. Ellsworth & McKean Ueering. Alcock, Madis House Dwincll. Charles, Sun Tavrrn S|ioff()rd, James Kingston. Goodrich. Joseph. Franklin House Bartlett, Jonathan South Kingston. Howe, George, Temperance House Lancaster. Wentworth, William G. American House Cady, J. C, Coos Hotel Bidwell, E. Langdon. Pierce, G. D., Lebanon House Lebanon. Hatch, Horace, Lafayette Hotel Barnes, S. II. &, C. W. East Lebanon. Hoit, Alfred Lee. Tuttle, Thomas Nichols, Troop Lempster. Spaulding, D. R. Tuttle, Simon, Lincoln. Knight, Benjamin Hollister.O. S., Coffee House Lisbon. Elliott. J. B. Eikins, E. B. Hall, A., Lisbon Hotel * Eames, James H., Granite Hotel Littleton. Angler, J. H. & J. N., Union Hotel Cross, F. A. fVest Littleton. Wheeler, George A. Higgins. W. J. White, Reuben Londonderry. Grain, James Coolidge, L. Loudon. Mason, Albert J^orth Lyman. Hadley, Stephen, Mclndoe's Falls Newcomb, J. M. Lyme. Holt, John M. Perkins, Thomas Grant, Erastus Farnsworth. D. Lyndeborougk. Langdfll, M. D. Tarbell. J. H. Shad, Nelson Gilman, G. W., City Hotel, cor. Elm and Lowell-sts. Manchester. Finney, G. W., Elm-st. Hou-e. Mitchell. Joseph, American House, JManchester-st. Shepherd, Wm., Manchester House Jones, Edmund, Ashwelot House Marlow. Howard. Benjamin Marlborough. Maynard, A., Marlboro' Hotel Campbell, Henry Mason. Young, Eleazer, Railroad House Meredith Bridge. Tilton, John, Winipiseogee Coffee House Morrison, A. L., Franklin House Her.ry, Charles, Cerro Gordo House Holt, J. B. Merrimack. Ncvans, John Wright. Moors, Houg'n, Thurston's Ferry Horn, S. P., Columbian House Middleton. French, Charles, Middleton Hotel Home, J. H. Milan. Farnsworth, Thomas T., Milford Coflee House Milford. Emerson, J. H. Edgerly, John S. Milton. Hart, Samuel S., Milton Mills Cloutman, T. Mf. Vernon. Brown, John Moultonborough. Bean, David S. Nichols, H. T. & Co. JVashua. Ad^ims, Wm., Pearl-street House Longley, Artemas, Nashua House Little, George J. South JVashua. Bristol, O., Indian Head Hotel A'ashville. Whittemore, Stephen, Centrid House Whipple, John JVew Boston. Blackway, Lyman J^ewbury. Cilley, Moses Fogg. Calvin JVew Hampton. Moore, William Peabody, J., Stage UonseJV.Ipswich. Guild, Charles F. A"ew London. Furhur, Isaac JVew Market. Sanborn, John R. Ranlet, G. P. Tuttle, Benjamin B. Pike, L. M., Franklin House South jVVk Market. (;iidilpn, Milton JVewport, Silvtr, John, Eagle Hotel Flanders. Havid JVewtown. Hobbs, John, Lafayette House JVorth Hampton 32 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Frcese, B. J., Northwood Hotel J^Tortkwood. Denierilt, IJ. J. Kiitler, .liirnes H. Jfottiiigham. ■;.rlt.)n, Rufus Orford. \l;iMM, John, Temperance House Verrill, Moe Pittsfield. iVatsiin, Enoch duller, P. Plainfield. •'iticld, I'erley, Meriden kloirisDii, Josepii Plymouth. )sL'on(l, C. O. iuriihiiu, D. R., Pemipewasset Ho..-e. Walker, Chirles W., Market-street Hou>e, 114 M^rket-st. PurLim'tk. Brown, Wm. H., Seaman's Home, M irket-st. D,'(ni<-hon, M., Mariner's House, U;iniel-st. Hailley & Jenness, Piscataqua House Pleasant-st. ^ohurii, Samuel A., Rockingham House, Stnte-st. 8ar;rib-e, Willis, Franklin House, Cun!;res<-st. Viinn, Divid D. Randolph. fl ives B. Ho("lL'(ion, R. Viiller. H. VV. W. Richmovd. Richardson, E. B., Langdon House, Ruihestcr. Dodg(?, .1. F., Rochester Hotel lones, Salmon - Rumney. Soodwin, Aaron H idley, J. M., American House Mor-e, .loshua, Graiii;e State Hotel I'hillirick. .1. C, South Beach, Rye. l<- nu'ss. Job, Jenness Beach Mi-scr, John A. Sa/em. M.'sscr. Divid ~inilh, Xathan Salisbury. 11 Mth. William P. I'hillirick, Josiah Savbnmton. riltoii, James P., Belknap House Judliiiis, Aaron, Clark's Corner Hoit, Be; jamin Sandown. Ciould, Ezra, Sandwich Hotel Sandicich. Burleigh, Thomas, Temperance House Green, Ceorge Shelburne. Durban k. Barker Sias, Aaron, Mechanic's, High-st. Great Falls SomerK worth. Stiples, A., G.Falls House, Mtin-st. Goodwin, Thomas J. .S. Hampton. Mi'lcndy, C. H. Springfield. Adams, D. N. NilMin, Mark, States Gore McClure, Manly, Bo.\ Tavern Stoddard. Towne. John Walker, Edward, StralTord Hotel Strafford. Custis, William Stratford. Beach, h. C. llollirook, E. Surry. Ilollirook. Francis Kei:(lrick, William Sutton. Harvey, Joseph Hewes, Wm., Mount Csesar Hou^^e, Swnniey. Beckwith, Lawson, Factory Village Whitney, George Temple. Cross, H. N. Thornton. Sniliorn, Joseph Wri'.'ht, S. Troy. Peavoy, John Tuftonborongh. Beard, John Unity. Jenness, Isaac fVakefield. Wiggins, E. B. Hall, J. G., Union Village Ue Wolf, Elisha, Walpole House fValpole. Hall, Ezra Wheeler, Alfred, Drewsville B.iiley, J. E., Warner Hotel iVarner. Watson, E. Whitcher, L. C. Warren. Little, Jonathan Train, Charles Washington. Bailey, Nathan, Temperance Hotel Weare. DiUoff, Asa Wcntworth. Burnhani, J. P. Cohn, S. Westnioreland. Hall, J., Jr. Crane, E., Emmet House Gove. E. B. Whitefield. Crawford, T. J., Notch House White JHountain. Philbrick, Porter Wilmot. Center, T. C, Forest Hotel Wilton Wilkins, J. Haven, J. I. O., Winchester Hotel Winchester. Fallett, A. & E., West Winchester Hotel Morse, Kimball Windham. Libby, George W., Libby's Hotel Wolf borough. Jewett, J., Franklin House South Wolf borough. Veasey, Henrj' Diatnond's Corner. Rak:es— Manufacturers. Bowkes, I,. & E. Fitzwilliam. Barrett, Edward H. Franklin. Phelps, G. S. Miirlow. Fletcher, David M'ewport. P.age & Wakefield Haven, Benj. F. Kempton, Ephraim Chsipin, Henry Plumtner, C. C. Rumnev. Jefts & Co. Stoddard. Taylor, Jacob Carpenter & Coolidge Troy. Restaurants^ &c, Jones, A. G. Bristol. Langley, H. 112 Main-st. Concord. Brown, Ira, do Clark, S. C. 102 do Brown, John, do Thayer, E.. Franklin-street Dover. Freeman, E., do Freeman, Franklin, Central Square Adams, Aaron Ezeter. Green, J. FVanklin. Wilder & Carlton Keene. Day, S., Jr. Williams, George W. Kinsman, Willis Lebanon. Follansbee, William, Elm-street Manrhester. Farley, A. W., corner of Elm and Starft-streets Bolton, James, corner of Elm and Washington-Streets Cever, Varrell & Co., corner of Elm and Washington-streets Adams, J., Union Building, Wash- ington-street Gates, A., Elm-street Perkins, Samuel, 13 Elm-stroet Mory, Wm. S. & H., corner of Elm and Hanover-streets Heath & Ware, corner of Elm and Manchester streets Burke, N. W. Mllford. Osgood, S. J. Meredith Bridge. Burke, George E. M'ashna. Burknap, George in, J., Jr., 18 Factorj'-strcet Dimick, John, corner of Main and VVali'r-streets M'ashua, Kendall, Leonard JVashviiie, Pollard, D. Whitcomb, B. Portsmoath, Tucker, .Allred Canney, Benjamin R., Great Falls Somersworth. Woodman, J. E., Markel-st., Great Falls Watkius, D. W. Walpole. Saddlc^Hamess &, Trunk JUauut'acturers. Russell, James P.irsons, A. E. Morrison, Wm. Dow, O. J. Wait, Thomas Fowler, (). F. Tabor, Luther A. Hollon, David Dart, T. Greeley, Samuel Covell, John VV. Amherst, Jindover, Bath. Bedford. Bradford. Bristol. Canaan, Chartestown, Claremont, Colebrook. Hill, James R., Main-street Concord. Crockett, Wm. do Symonds, D.ivid, do Fesseiiden, Hosea, do Emerson, John, do Adams. Asa Cough, John M. Wendell, Daniel H. 23 Central-street Dover, Thompson, S. W. 3 Henderson BIk. Hayes, Geo. W., Main-st Stearns, Thomas A. Smith, I, P. Wood, A. B., Centerville Shute, Henry <;oburn, John A. Everett, Peletiah M Carter, D. G. Hodge, Samuel B. Buuertield, Oliver Stevens, J. B. Barber, Franklin Heath, Horace G. Mason, Ephraim C. Mace, S. B. Conway. Cornish, Dublin, Enfield. Exeter, Fishersuille. Fitzwilliam. Fraucestowlu Franconia. Franklin, Freedom, Hancock, Hanover. Brown, L. B. West, VV. M. I'oster, Caleb Sinclair, H. B. E ito'i, Peter Everett, Daniel E. .Snow, George R. Ticknor. J. G. Sowits, William Ames &. Tilden Smith, Allen W'liiicomb, Horace Bowen, K. J. Sliailies, A. D. Stevens, Truman Breck, J. P. Mixer, (i. T. 43 Elm-st. Greeley, S. P. 85 do Smith, Gurden Dearborn, John Meredith Village. Densmoor, D. J. Meredith Bridge. Chase, Mark Lancaster & Holt Mil ford. Brown, Rufus, Factory-st. J^Tashua. Dodge, L. W., Main-st. JVashville. Fuller, Norman, Main-st. Prescott, P. W., Depot Building Cochran, Levi JVew Boston. Brown, Oliver JVew Hampton. Wesson. C.L. jYew Jpswich. Meservc, J S. JSTew Market. Lund, Oliver & Son JVewport, Wheeler, Edmund Blake, Willard T. J^orthumherl and. East Hanover. Haverhill. Henniker. Hill. Hinsdale, Holderneaa. Keene, Lancaster. Lebanon. Littleton. Lyme. Manchester. Mar low. Conant, H. H. Childs. A. Philbrick, R. N. Ilou-ton, Beck, A. M. & A. J., Orford. Peterborough. Pittsfield. Plymouth. W Stito-streel; Portsmouth. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 93 Sweetser, Washington, Congrfss-st. Portsmouth. Lowd, Andrew, 18 do do Horn, Luther P. Rochester. Gould, John Sanbornton. Felt, G. S. Sandwich. Carter, A. H., High-st., Grerit Falls Somerswortli. Newell, J., S;ilmon Falls Hall, Joseph Wakefield. Allen, Henry fVatpole. Martin, Levi Davis, G. Warner. Godfrey, James H. Wentworth. Cole, A. Westmoreland. Burnap, Calvin Winchester. Sytbe ITIanufacturers. Perkins, Messer, Colby & Co. Lebanon. Redington, H. C. & Co. Littleton. Philhps, Messer, Colby & Co. JVew London. Larned &. Sibley JVewport. Sytbe Snatli Itlauufac- turers. Barrett, Edward H. FranUlin. Stearns, L., Meriden Village Plainfield. Akin, Samuel, Jr. Warner. Seraphine and ITIelodeon JTEauui'acturers. Eaton, C. W. Bristol. Austin & Dearborn, Main-st. Concord. Prescott. A. & Son, 132 Main-street Dyer, David ^Cylinder St'rnph.) JVciO Hampton. Seiwing' Silk Manufac- turers. Dunklee, Harvey Gieason, Amos & Co. Henniker. J^ewport. Sbip Builders. Johnson, John Raynes, George Hampton . Portsmouth, Shippings Hercbants. Bheafe, Samuel, Market-«treet Portsmouth. Coues & Goodwin, Market-st. Rice, Robert do Sise, E. F. & Co. do Ladd, Alexander do Jones, W. &. Son do Coffin, Horatio do Tappan, C. S. do Ladd, H. H. do Penhallow, T. W., Pier Wharf Tredick, J. M., State-street Salter, H. P., Pier Wharf Barnes, Lewis, do Pierce, J. W., Market Square Walker, Horton D., Deer-st. Rollins, Ichabod Ship €bandlers. Tarlton, James M. 84. 85 Market-st. Portsmovth, Cutter, Ralph C, Market-street Sboe-peg^ Manufacturers Brett, Samuel G., Factory Village Oilmanton Houston, David Hopkinton Smith, William Marlow. Baldwin, S. K. Meredith Bridge. Wilder, Mark Peterborough. Bartlett, S. Westport Swamey. Sibley, Amos Troy. Sbook Manufacturers. .Alton. Freedom. Thing, M. P. Jones, J. M. Tiiurston, Miles Towie, Elias Towle, Amos, Jr. Lord, John N. Cooper, Gilnian & Co. Wolfborough Bridge. Silver Ware Manufac- turers and Dealers. B liley, E. E. & Co. Claremont. Hill, Ivory, 224 Main-st. Concord. Mirtin & Niciiols Enfield. Dutton & Pratt, (Dealers) Fishersville. Parker, A., Wells' Building Manchester. McDoug.ill, Wm. Meredith Bridge. Keed, A. G. &. Co. 22 Factory-street J^ashua. Merrill & Barr, (Dealers) 25 Factory- street Gray, Robert, 7 Congress-street Portsmouth. Abbot, John W. 10 Market Sq. t'lark, Josepli H., corner of Market and Daniel-st. Starcb Manufacturers. Kidder, F. T. Jicworth. Jei.kins, Huntress & Co. Barnstead. Sinclair. J. G. &Co. Clark, Wni. & Co. Campton. MLrriil, S. W. Colebrook. Harvey, Samuel Columbia. McMeivin, John, JVorth Conway. Reusfcll, fJlivir Daltun. BloduHll, A. & Co. Dorchester. Gransey &. Parker Franconia. Pre^colt, Oliver & Co. E. Jaffrey. Fi k, Fre^ieiic Lancaster. Web-t-jr & Peavey Landuff. Alilrich & Jesseman Huicliin-on & Co. Lisbon. Allen & Cuinmings Wells &. Young, Sugar Hill Gile, John Littleton. Webster. M. K. & Co. Lyme. Fox &. Burnap Marluw. Brown, J. B. JVorthumberland. Tillitson & Cushman Orford. Woodman & Pl. .Market, Beard, Charles R. JSTewport, Thompson, Jabez Bellows, E. F. JVorthumberland. Kent, Thomas Orford. Hodsdon, Joseph Ossipee. Ricker, J. (Belt Leather) Brown, James L. Brown, Moses, Water Village Doe, Benjamin Pembroke. Tilton, Levi Pittsjield. I'easlee, Jonathan Peaslee, Jacob Brown, Jeremiah Page, John .McQuestion, Alvah Plymouth. Goodrich, Moses H. Portsmouth, Cole, Wm. G. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 96 Bassett, Wm. Hapgood, George D. Horn & Hall Hayes & Bodge Bradley, Moses Kimball, Uavid Perkins, Jason JMorri.;on, Kbenezer Eaton, Joshua Hoag, George M. Marston, Elisha Cutler, F. O. Towne, Gardner Moulton, Benjamin Wilson, Asa E. Whitney, Samuel Gay, Gardner B. Stratton &. Co. Smith, Timothy W. Wright & Foster Bicklbrd, Thomas C, Union VilKige IVakeJield. Kimball, J., Center Maynard, J. P., Drewsville Walpole. Richmond. Evans, A. F. &. J. O. Piermont. Hindge. Kimball, Lewis Rochester. Brown, Lowell Pittsjield. Jones, N. 61 Merchant's Row Portsmouth. Moulton, Wm. P. 12 Daniel-street Orlando, Yeaton, 16 do do Badger, Albert J. 9 do do Morrison, Jonathan, 15 do do Meader & Glidden Rochester. Bean, James R. FoUansby, P. M., Sanborntnn Bridge Saiibornton. Skinner, E. Sandwich. Lord, Frederic A., Great Falls Somersworth. Gilpatric & Davis, Great Falls Severance & Hooper fValpole. Hanson, S. Otis fVeare. Cowdry, John Westmorelnnd. VVoeks, K. & L. F. tVinchester. Adams, J. F. Ramney. Hiuisbary. Sanborntoii. Handown. Sandwich. Stoddard. Stoddard. Stratham. tiuliivan. Surry. .Sutton. Swanzey. Temple. Troy. Robertson, M. D, Train, Henry Moulton, J. B. Keyser & Haynes Kelly, li. D. Currier, Samuel Warren, Dexter Aldrlch, Moriel Alexander, L. H. Jones, Otis Foster, Benjamin T, Wa fVashington. H^eare. Wendell. IVentworth. Westmoreland. Whitefield. Winchester. Wiimot. Wilton. Watches and Je^i^elry. Dergin, E. .Svdover. Smith, A. J. Bristol. Taber, Luther A. Canaan. Woodbury, W. O. C. Claremont. Warner, E D. Lathe, George R. Bailey, E. E. & Co. Carter, Jacob, Main-st. Brown, Seth E. Main-street TVest India Goods and Groceries. Edson, P. P. Jindover. West, J. B. & Brothers Bristol. Stebbins, J. C. Chartestown. Danforth, A. H. Claremont. Allison & Gault, 140 Main-street Concord, McAllaster & Safford (Wholesale) Depot Store, (H. McAllaster, Wiu. B. Satford) Foster, Henry B., Main-street Webster. A. do Odiin, W. do Hardy, Wm. P., cr. Main and Plea sant-sts. Gass, J. P., Main-st. Sanborn, Gustavus Deerfield. Jlorse, Thos. G., Franklin-st. Dover, Gerish, Benjamin, Main-st. Morrill, Edward, Franklin Square Stevens & Jewett, do do Hughes, Peter do do Clark, R. E., Franklin Sq. Rogers & Brewster, 20 Central-st, Delany, John, Franklin Squire Borden, H., Main-st. Bartlett &, Mathes, cr. Belknap and Portland-st. Waldron, Charles H., cr. Main and Belknap-st. Concord. ' Bums, J. & Son, Main-st. (Wholesale) 224 i Neal, F. O. & Co., 12 do Alden, Wm. H., Washington-street Pickering, Daniel, Wolf boro' Bridge Husband, J. ZJerrj,. Moulton, S. S. do do Wolf borough. .Dtown & Barnaby, 12 Central-street { Leavitt & Sv\eet, Franklin Square Varney, Moses Tin, Plate, & Sbeet Iron Workers. Dover. Nutter, E. H., cr. Main and Wash- ington-sts. Tibbetts, Oliver, Central Square Eaton. Epping. Exeter. Kenneson, R. S. Spratt, J. M. Slade & Dickinson, Paper Mill Vil- , Quimby, David lage Alstead. Brown, .loseph Hartshorn, Lawrence &■ Co. Bovnton, J. W. Amherst. \ Perkins, J. D. Bristol. \Y\i\\ex, Rufus Canaan. Foster, -S. B. Claremont. j Nichols, Wm. C. I Holton, Charles D. jTowIe, Henry Concord. Knowlton, F. P. 107 &. 109 Richards, George H. I Wilson, Norman Dover. \ Gerould, S. A. & Son 'Allen, Charles B. Exeter. \ Buswell, C. L. Fishersville. Hodfiman, F. Fttzwilliam. Franklin. Hanover. Haverhill. Henniker. Hillsborough. Keene. Wait, A. J. Pressey, Albert Gould, Hail Kimball, T. D. Robinson, D. F. Hall, Eben, Main-st. Currier, A. B. &, J. C. Main-street Whitney, Horace &. Co. Littletield, James Getchell, Joshua Anisden, H. H. Newman, Harris P. Rowell, J. H. Wainwright, Albert Brown, R. N. Winship, J. C. & A. Newman, James Norwood, Will. A. Caswell, W. B. & S. Whitcomb &. Barnes Barnes, L. D. Tenbrook, Booth & Durant Lebanon Gustin, John Smith, H. B. Littleton Brown, Geo. 7, 8 Union Building Manchester. Hartshorn, Tufts & Co., 6, 7 Central Building Kennedy & Humes, 33 Elm-street Beals, Ira, Jr., 28 Elm-street Sanders, S. W., Meredith Bridge Meredith. Powers, Nathaniel & Son Milford. Goodrich, Reuben J\l'ashua. Lear, N. C. &, Co. J^ashville. Andrews, C. G. Boynton, Stark & Co. JVcw Ipswich. Sanders, N. & J. Bennett, John S. jVcio Market. Fishersville. Fttzwilliam. Francestown. Franklin. Hancock. Hanover. Haverhill. Hopkinton. Keene. Lancaster. Moore, John, 2 Elm-street Lancaster. Lebanon. Littleton. Central Building, Manchester. Ladd, H. H., Union Building, Elm-st. Dana, Daniel R., 67 Elm-st. Kennistoii, J. L. 56 do Elliot, W. H., 74 do McDougal, Wm. (Manulacturers") Meredith Bridge Meredith. Hamlet, H. P. Milford. Shattuck, E. Mount Vernon. Bingham, B. D., Main-st. JVashua. (joddard, A. M., Main-street Ridgway, Charles T. Moore, Robert, Main-st. JVashville. Ames, Martin JVew Ipswich. Knight, E. J^ew Market. Woodbury, Amos O. J\l'ewport. Smiley, David Peterborough. Dunyon, Augustine, cor. Congress and High-street Portsmouth. Gaines, George, 5 Market Square Ham, H. H., 3 Exchange-street Ham, S., 25 Congress-st. Cole, James C. Rochester. Gale, A. G., Sanbornton Bridge Sa7ibornton. Wakefield, Albert, Great Falls Somersworth. Cole, S. B., Great Falls Richards, Seth JVewport. Butler, Charles W., Salmon Falls Denieritt, Joseph & Co. JVottingham. Powers, J. A. Winchester. C ildvvell, S. H. Peterborough. Mitchell, Charles F. I , Hodgdoii, .lohn J., Central Square Nesmith, John, Washington-street Hanscomb, Warren do do Banlield, Joshua, Central-street Hill, N. R. do do Perkins, W. A., Silver-street Hanson, J. T. do do Wiggin, Charles W. & Co., Franklin Square Locke, B. L. Epsom. (^'utler, Rufus E. Exeter. Folsoin, Charles E. Ranlet, Daniel Clark, N. A. Elliot, E. Boardman, Joseph Piper, Simeon F. Merrill, Caleb (Wholesale) Franklin, Spaulding, Solomon (Wholesale) West, J. B. & Brothers Hanover. Cobb, S. W. Douglass, J. A. Garland, James M. Hooksett, Lewis, Isaac Smith, Daniel G. Jackson. Watson, A. P. East Jaffrey. Ballou, W. D. Keene. Bates, J. Keene. Barnes, L. D. Lancaster, Davenport, Horace Littleton. Eanies, J. H. White, Reuben Londonderry. Martin, John A., Mclndoe's Falls layman. Kidder, John S. & Co. (wholesale) 36 Elm-st. Manchester. Bartlett, E. W., Merrimack Block Stevens, J. A. & H. 11 Merrimack Block Moore, John H. & Co. (wholesale) Depot Store Hill, Barry & Co., Elm-st. Herrick, N. 4 Patten's Block Folsom & Hoyt, 1 Central Building Tompkins, Isaac, Museum Building Patten, Z. do do O-good, Page & Co., Joy's Block Prescott, G. P. do do Working Man's Protective Union Di vision. No. 61 Merrimack Block. Hardy, E. O. & O. 1 Stark Building Seavey, Frederic, 8 Elm-st. Porter & Searl, 41 Elm-st. Tilton, A. & Co. 1 City Hall. Eastman, Wm., Union Buiidlug 96 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Edgerton & Howard, City Hull Manchester. Batcheldi-r, L,. P., Agent for the Working Main's Protective Union Division, No. 44 Elin-st. F.irley, A. & Co., Patten's Building Daniels, Rowe &- Co., 34 Hanover street Burtleit. Lewis, 5 Hanover-st. N Moulton, Jon ithan A'. MuiUtonboro'. Fox & Noyes, 3 Factory-street jVashua. Parkinso:), Henry, Main-str,'et Nutt, Chvrles n. do do Moiinie, Fruiklin, 17 Factory-st. Emery, C ileb &. Co., corner Pearl and Elm-streets Emerson, Steptien, Agent for the Working Alan's Protective Uni' n McKerin, A. & x\. (wholesale) 3 De- pot Building jYashviUe. Gage, Timothy & Son (wholesale) Perham, G. VV. (wholesale) Reed & Lov.'ji:y (wholesale) Winch Francis & Co. (wliolesale) M lin-st. Hadley, .Moses F. (wholesale) Main- Kendric'k & Tuttle Joiies, B. L. Janeson. Hugh Caldwell, I). & G. L., Canal-st Rollins, C. VV. & Co Jenness, A. G. Uaseltine, Warren Salem. Cressey, J. R., Salmon Fidls Humersworth. Martin, John, Great Falls Somerstcorth. Jiimes &. Perkins, Washington -st. Tiljbett, J. M. & E. A., Market-st. Hanson & Blaisden, do Fish & tjtratton Hwanietj. Watkins, D. VV. IValpoU. Wright, Foster Westmureland. Whips— Manufacturers Melendy & D;ivid Duulbfth, J. E., llain-st. Rochester, i Kelley, M. G. &. J. H Rye. I Taylor, Thomas McMelvin, John Coburn, E. t^niith, S. Cass, Joseph B. Foster, Samuel Roby, Joseph Moody, Joseph Haynes, Hiram C. Huichinson, Dexter Howiand, Joshua Bard &. Gordon PufUr & Caffin Dayton, .lames Smith, Levi Barton, Wm. M. I'rescott, James C Amherst. Concord. Tarlton, Thorn Oliver, Thomas E. Treat, Theodore Twomlily, Ezekiel Thayer, Stephen Creighlon &. Chapman Wood Dealers. Spinney, Daniel H., 3 Green-st. I'ortsvwiith. Barker & Adams Goiikin & Tullock, (Wood and Coal) Goodrich, J. 1)., 14 VVater-sl. Jenness, Geo. VV., (Wood and Lime,) , Union VVhi;rf Cotton, Leonard, 17 Pleasant-st. Rogers, F. W., Deer-st. W^oodcii Ware— Manu- facturers. Currier, A. B. & J. C. 107, 109 Main- Canoiin. Conway, J\'orth Cunwiy. Corv t.ih, jjirrij. Epsunt, Jagrnj. Lai'cnslcr. Loudon, L,yvian. Mtlfurd. Milton. J^ew Hampton. J^'ewport. Orford, Ossipve. Suncook Pembroke, I' cttr borough . Piemiont. Plainfietd. Hanbornton. Sandwich. Salisbury. Troy. street Concord. Handy, Geo. Dublin. Chapin, Elisha FilzwiUiani. Suiioiids, G. VV. J^ewcastle. Prescott, John A. j Carter, J. H. ! Carter, Luke 1 Twitched, Eli Xeu) Ipswich. Putney, Nathan II llulmiin, Franklin JVea) Market. Hemmingway, C. C. & L. (Clothes Branscomb, A. I Pins) Lock, John T. South J^ew Market. I Crigin, Moses Harvey, Joseph (wholesale) 96 Mar- Cobb, Luther ket-st. Portsmouth Jaffrey. hempster. Marlburouffh. Marlow. Kindiall, E. B. D n . i "' "^^u tees : Hon. Win. C. Bradley, Miss Clara A. Brown, Preceptress, , ,ig,. j_ ^.,„,i, y^^^. -j,,„„„ ^ and Teacher ol French, It;ihan, ^,^11;^.^,^ Rev Drawing, and Painting. Hiram T, Merrill, Teacher of ( )rgan and Piano Music. Sol. M. Wilson, Teacher of Elocution. Lewis M. Cutcheon, M. D., Lecturer on Phy-'iology. Daniel C. Colby, Lecturer on Chemistry. J. Frank Bailey, Teacher of Pen- manship, The year is divided into four temis,— the winter and spring terms, often weeks e-ich, and the summer and fall terms, of twelve weeks each. People's Literary Institute and Qymnasinm, Pembroke, JV". H. Di- rectors : Col. Aaron Whittemore, Jr., President ; Wm. Haseltine, ,Ir., Esq., Uorre ponding Secretary ; Maj. Geo. Wm. A. Whitwell, Jiic.pb Kriapp, A. M., Horace Hall, E~q., Thomas Bellows, Esq. Exec- utive ( onimitieu : Thomas G.Wells, J. H. Tracy, George C. Grant, Esq; Jesseniah Kittredge, M. D.. Secre- tary ; l-'rederick Vf)se, Esq., Treasu- rer. Fisher M. Rice, Prhicipal. The year is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. Wenfworth Jicademy, Wcntworth. S. J. I'arr, Principal. Wolfborough and Tuftovborovgh .Academy, Holfburo' Bridge. Rev. J. Hall, President ; Zachariah Batch- elder, Secretary and Treasurer. Am- brose Smith, Principal. The year is divided into four terms VV. Doe, Recordii g Secrotiry ; Capt. of eleven weeks. Incorporated 16-28. Jacob Sawyer, Treasurer; William Parker, Esq. Mr. Eleazer M.Wilson, Haverhill Seminary, Haverhill. Charles P. Haywood, Esq., Sterling Trustees: Rev. Samuel Delano, Pre- Sargent.Esq., Matthew Guult, Esq., sident; Phineas Spalding, M. D., Cogswell Dudley, Eq., Mr. Asa Secretary-; Hon. John Page, Ira Morrill, Mr. Jonathan Hamlet, Mr. Goodall, Esq., Joseph Sawyer, Esq., Joseph Kidder, Mr. Moses Martin, David Sloan, Esq., Abel K. Merrill, Mr. Ruel L. Cram. Instructors: H. S. B^iker, Esq.. James Bell, Esq., Ldw.'rd S. Lippitt, B. A., Principal Prudential Couuiiittee : Samuel De- lano, John Page, and Phineas Spal- ding. Teachers: Rev. Heman Rood, and Teacher of Latin, Greek, Philosophy, Chemistry, Intel- l(!ctual Science, &c. ; Miss L. H. Freeman, Female Principal and Teacher of History, Geology, Physi- ology, &c. ; Miss A. Towle and }thss C. Spalding, Teachers of Music ; Miss M. J. C. Rood,Te;'cher of Draw- ing. The year is divided into three terms, two of fifteen weeks each, and one of eleven weeks. The spring and summer tenn commences the second Wednesday ia March, and continues fifteen weeks ; the sum- mer and fall term begins on the tliird Wednesday of August ; the winter term is eleven weeks, and begins on the second Wednesday in December. Literary Institutions in. JVe-iv Hampsliire. Darismouth College, Hanover.— Rev. Nathan Lord, D. I)., President; Daniel Blaisdell, Esq., Tren surer. Faculty: Rev. Nathan Lord,D. D., President. Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, D. D., Pro- fessor Emeritus of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy. , Phillips Professor of Theology. Hon. Joel Parker, L. L. D., Profes- sor of Medical Jurisprudence. Rev. Charles Brickelt Haddock, D. D., Professor of Intellectual Philoso phy and Political Economy. Di-\i Crosby, M. D., Professor of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children. Edward Elisha Phelps, M. D., Pro- fessor of Mnteria Medica and Thera- peutics, and Lecturer on Medical Botany. Alpheus Crosby, A. M., Professor of the Greek Language and Litera- ture. Ira Young, A. M., Appleton Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy, and Professor of Astronomy. Oliver Payson Hubbard, M. D., Hall Frofessor of Mineralogy and Geology, and Professor of Chemistry and Pliarm-cy. Joseph Roby, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic, and of Pathological Anatomy. Samuel Gilman Brown, A. M., Evans Professor of Ordory and Belles-lettres. E(lv\ in David Sanborn. A. M., Pro- fessor of the Larin^ Langua<7e and Liter ture. Stephen Chase, .\. M., Professor of Mathem .tics. Edmund Randolph Pe.aslee, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiolo- gy- Rev. Charles Brickett Haddock, D, D., Librarian. Asa Weeks, A. B., Preceptor of Moors' Charity fcliool. Medical Stupents 52 Un d: rgradu'ites . Senior SopHisTKRS 38 Junior Pophisters 50 Sophomores 51 Freshmen 52 Partial Course 2 Total 245 Calendar. Fall term begins Friday morning, .lULU-t 25, 1848. Fall ex- amiiiaii-n, Nov. 13-16, 1848. Fall term ends Thur day night, Nov. 16, 1848. Vicition of seven weeks. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 99 Winter term begins Friday morn- ing, January 5, 1849. Spring term begins Friday morning, FebriMry 23, 1849. Spring term ends Thiirsdiy night, May 10, 1849. Vacation of two weelfs. Piimiiier term begins Friday morn- ing, Miy'io. Sunimer examination, July i6-'21. Examination foradini.s- sion to College, Tuesday, July 24. Anniversaries of Societies, Wednes- day July 25. Commencement, last Thursday in July, July 26. Vacation of four Weeks. Examination for admission to Col- lege Wednesday and Thursday, Au- gust 22, 23. Fall term begins Friday morning, August 24. Students, circumstances make it necessary for them to take .schools in the Winter, are permitted to be absent fourteen weeks from the close of the Fall term. Calendar. Medical Lectures begin Thursday, Nov. 3, 1848. Medical e.xaminations and conunencement, Nov. 7-9. Close of the term Nov. 9. Examination for degrees Tuesday, May 9, 1849. Ex'inination for de- grees, Tuesday July 25. Medical lectures begin Thursday, August 2. JWw Hampshire Historical Soci- ety, Concord. Incorporated June 13th 182.3. Samuel D. Bell, Presi- dent, Manchester; Levi Chamber- lain, tirst Vice-President, Keene ; Ja- red W. Williams, second Vice-Presi- dent, Lancaster; Reverend Edmund Worth, Recording Secretary, Con- cord ; Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, Cor- responding Secretary, Concord ; E. S. Towle, Treasurer, Concord ; Jo- seph B. VValker, Librarian, Concord. The Library and Cabinet of this So- ciety are located in the Hall over the Merrimack County Bank at Con- cord. Covcord Society of J^atural His- tory. Concord. Wm. Prescott, M. D., President, Concord ; Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, and Col. Wm. Kent, Vice- Presidents; B. H. Tripp, M. D., Sec- retary. Methodist General Biblical Insti- tute, Concord, JV>)o Hampshire. — Board of Instruction ■ Rev. Elijah Hedding, D. D., President ; Rev. John Denipsier, D. D., Rev. Osman C. Ba- ker, A. M., Rev. Charles Adams, A. M., Professors. Miscellaneons. ..American Emery Manufacturer, WiUard B. Stevens, Bennington. .Architects, Samuel Twombly, G. Falls, Somersworth. A. O. Colby, 16 Merrimack Block, Elm-street, Manchester. Jirtificial Less, B. French Palmer, manufacturer, Meredith Bridge. Bar and Draft Iron, Pliny Mer- rill, manufacturer, Hmsdale. Bass Viols, A. Prescott & Son, manufacturers, 132 Main-street, Con- cord. Blocks and .', David auigg, A. G. Carlton, Harvey Dudley, William L. Carpenter, David M. Roby, Henry Fuller, S. W. Freeman, P. C. Williamson, A. B. Terrill, Gideon Wi^wall, Joseph Fletcher, H. A. Flint, L. T. Bedell, Hazen Hutchinson, Hamilton Pierce, Franklin Mlnot, Josiah Albany. Alexandria . Bedford. Bow. Bradford. Brentwood Bridgewater. Bristol. Brookjield. Brookline. Campton. Canaan. Candia. Canterbury. Carroll. Centre Harbor. Charlestown. Chesterfield. Chichesten. Claremont. Clarksville. Cutler, Zemh Eastman, Joel Chase, Harvey Powers, Orlando Morse, Samuel Wheeler, Paul J. Sumner, J. B. Taylor, Asa Norris, W. T. Bean, John Ciuimby, Aaron Tewksbury, Josirh Butler, Josiah St. Clair, Ira Goodale, Robert Tubbs, Russell Porter, John Thorn, James Freeman, Asa Hale, John P. Kingmin, J. W. Folsom, Wintliop Youngman, Jabez Heald, Asa Smith, J. K. Home, Ezra Lovejoy, William Stark, Caleb Stinson, John Richardson, J. A. Smith, Valentine Sanborn, Charles Sanborn, James M. Flanders, Sanmel Hunt, Joseph R. Dearborn, Joshua Drake, Thomas P. Avery, Stephen Moulton, Jonathan Merrill, Thomas Westgate, N. W. Plunier, Wm., Jr. Plumer, J. C. Locke, Benjamin L. Kno.v, Robert Akers, Samuel Dunn, William French, Henry F. Marston, Gilman Tuck, Amos Eastman, N. Dame, Jeremiah Parker, A. A. Stone, David Brown, Titus Hazeltine, J. W. Colby, John C. Putnam, Philemon >ioyes. Parker Nesmith, G. W. Pike, A. F. Mason, E. C. Towle, Elias Bell, James Lane, Charles Emerson, Benjamin Rogers, B. A. Vaughan, O.A.J. Butler, Allen Hanmiond, Geo. VV . Carr, Jesse Stsele, David Burbank, John D. Peabody, John T. Chase, Virgil Booth, Oliver Cass, Jesse Kilton, James M. Buswell, Oliver B. Newton, Charltv L. Whittemore, Wm. Whitti'more, A. Odell, (ieorge Pierce, Joshua W. Holden, Milton Pike, Jonathan K. Eastman, Josiah C. Hoyt, Moses I^amprey, Vn Tappan, Edmund Crane. Nehemiah P. Leavitt, Thomas Conway. Cornish. Croyden Dalton. iJanbury. Danville. Detrfield. Deering. Derrg. Dover. Dorchester. Dublin. Duminer. Dunbarton Durham. East Kingston. Eaton. Effingham. Ellsworth. Enfield. Epping. Epsom. Errol Exeter. Farmington, Fitzwilliam. Francestown. Franconia. Franklin. Freedom. Gilford. Oihiianton. Oil sum. Goffstown. Gorham. Gushcn. Graf 'on . Grantham. OrPKvfi<:l(L Grcrnland. Ornton. Hnmstiad Hampton Havipton Falls 104 iJEW- ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT, Bradford, Thatcher Hancock. Whilcoinb, John Brewster, A. O. Hanover. Duncan, William H. Blaisdell, Daniel Dickey, David Haverhill. Sloan, David Thompson, Charles E. Berry, \ulli miel S. Hebron. VVoodwiirth, G. Browii, Moses Henniker. Woods, Imri Cliapman, George W. Hill. Mosley, Franklin Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsborough. Steele, David Boyden, Frederic Hinsdale. Slate, OI)ed Burroughs, Joseph Holdcrness. Shepird, Joseph Fairlcy, Benjamin M. Hollis. Tenney, Ralph E. Head, Samuel Hooksett. Mitchell, Wm. H. Chase, Horace Hopkinton. Perkins, Hamilton E. Robinson, Noah Hudson. Wason, Thomas B. Cutter, Benjimiu Jaffrey. Melville, J. M. Meserve, George P. Jackson. Trickey, Joshua Parsons, Edward Jefferson. Reed, Benjamin Hale, Salma Keene. Wheelock, George A. Wheeler, William P. Blake, .John T. Kensington. Shaw, Samuel Peaslee, Luther D. Kingston. Spotford, James Rix, James M. Lancaster. Cooper, S. W. . Clark, Daniel Landaff. Merrill, Moses Edgerton, Samuel Langdon, Garfield, Samuel Blaisdell, Elijah Lebanon. Cragin, A. H. Towle, George S. Bartletl, Josiah Lee. Hoitt, G. W. Smith, David M. Lempster. Smith, Alvah Hanson, Stephen Lincoln. Tuttle, John W. E. Parker, James Lisbon. Young, ISela Center, Samuel Litchfield. White, John Bellows, Henry A. Littleton. Bingham, Harry Anderson, Jcilin N. Londonderry. Mack, Robert Batcheldcr, Nathaniel Loudon. Stevens, H. B. Duncan, Horace Lyman. Nelson, Benjamin Churchill, David C. Lyme. Hewes, Sylvanus Herrick, Israel Lyndeborovgh. Stiles, David Hayes, Cliarles Madbury. Dergin, Walter Potter, C. E. Manchester. Flanders, George M. Cilley, B. P. French, G. A. Wakefield, James Marlborough. Ward, Reuben Barker, William A. Marlow. Holbrook, Albert M. Marshall, Thomas H. Mason. Wright, William Elkins, Jeremiah Meredith. LyI'ord, Stephen C. Lovell, Warren Parker, J. U. Merrimack. Parker, E. P. Davis, David Middleton. Scates, Alvah Horn, James H. Milan. Wheeler, Peter Milan. Bailey, L. D. Milford. Livermore, S. K. Drew, Stephen Milton. : Wentworth, Ichabod H. Baker, Daniel W. Mount Vernon. Bruce, J. 1 Emerson, Samuel Moultonborough. ; True, Enoch ' Sawyer, A. W. JiTashua. Spalding, Isaac 1 Stevens, A. F. 1 Hughes, A. P. JVashville. Emerson, B. F. ! Griffin, Samuel M'elson. '. N'ims, Ruel Dickey, Ellas JVew Boston. Fairfield, Benjamin l>oiige, Jonathan P. JVetcbury. Ellis, Arnold Ven nard, 2d. Wni. JVeuiinglon. Boody, Joseph JVew Durham. Steele, David Simpson, H. Y. JVew Hampton. Taylor, N. M. dickering, James JVewington. [•ickering, Winthrop Farrar, Ephraini H. JVew Ipswich. Preston, John Colby, Anthony JVew London. ^'landers, Walter P. t'reighton, J. B. JVew Market. «mall, Wm. B. Kdes, Amasa JVewport. Metcalf Ralph Currier, Elijah R. JVewton. Gale, J. G. Gate, Asa P. JVorthfield. Wadleigh, Peter finbbs, Moses L. JVorth Hampton. Hohbs, Thomas Bellows, Charles JVorthumberland. ' Hall, Henry Dearborn, N. JVorthwood. Harvey, John Bartlett, Bradbury Nottingham. Cilley, Joseph Andrew, Samuel Orange. Smith, M. M. Britton, A. G. Orford. Wilcox, Leonard Carter, S. B. Ossipee. Sawyer, L. D. Gibson, Jesse Pelham. Richardson, S. M. Kent, Moody Pembroke. Whittemore, Aaron Steele, S. P. Peterborough Walker. James Sawyer, Joseph Piermont. Stevens, Edmund Butlers, Charles H. Pittsfield. Norris, Moses Flanders, Charles Plainfield. Bryant, Joht» George, Benjamin Plaistow. Peaslee, Reuben Leverett, Wm. Plymouth. Thompson, W. C. Chas,.. Daniel B. Poplin. liolnnsnn. I'lrli'V Bartlett, Ichabod Portsmouth. Cushman. Samuel Gray, James Randolph. Low, Justus Brown, John Raymond. Blake, Joseph Newell, Benj. Richmond. Weeks, Jarvis Converse, Joshua Rindgc. Sherwin, Stephen B Kimball, Wm. A. Rochester, Parsons, D. J. Kingsbury. Seth Roibury. Warilswortb. Seth Burns, Samuel Rumney. Quiiicy, .losiah Parsons, John W. Rye. Parsons, T. J. Bartlett, G. C. Salem. Holbrook, A. M. Greeley, Moses Salisbury. Townsend, John Silisbury. Clement, Zenas ti(tnburnton. Tillon, Samuel Hoit, Josiah Sandown. Pillsbury, Samuel Furber, Jeremiah Sandwich, Hoit, Daniel Green, Jacob Seabrook, Philbrick, John Nay, Samuel Sharon. Russell, Benjamin Hurbank, Barker Sheiburne. ( idell, Fletcher Mirston, Winthrop A. Somersicorik. Jones, Cyrus Doe, Joseph Brown, Abel South Hampton. Goodwin, Thomas J. Nichols, Joseph Springfield. Sanborn, Richard Potter, Aaron Stark. Pike, Harwood Drew, Benjamin Smith, Witi. Copeland, Asa Reed, Isaiah Hill, W. L. Otis, Job Johnson, M. D. Marshall, Joshua Scammon, John Wiggin, Josiah B. Locke, Samuel Osgood, Roswell Holbrook, Francis Robinson, Jonathan Harvey, Jonathan Wadleigh, Benjamin Bailey, Amos Carpenter, Elijah Hall, Obed Remick, Enoch Heald, Martin Wheeler, N. Dow, Joseph E. Thornton, Wm. Hawley, Abel I'eavey, John Chapman, Luther Farrar, Daniel W. Huntoon, Harvey Redfield, Wyllys Copp, Amasa Hobbs, Josiah Sawyer, Wm. Lane, F. F. Vose, Frederic Chase, Henry B. Harris, Harrison G. French, David C. Weeks, E. R. Healy, Jo-eph Jones, Sinum W. Danforth, Noah Foss, Moses Bailey, Amos W. Iladley, John L. Knowlton, M. F. Perkins, Nathaniel Mctiuestion, Wm. D. Sargent, J. Everett Baker, Lurkin Hoskins, Timothy Gove, John M. Warner, Simeon Cross, John Stearns, Josiah Burton, Jonathan Batchelder, Daniel Bennett, A. H. Chapin, Horace McGaw, Isaac Morrison, Christopher Curtis, D ivid Sweet, Henry B. B itchelder, Zachariah Rust, Henry B. Rust, Thomas Demeritt, Jacob B. Fo.\, Benj imin Stewartstown, Strafford. Stratford. Surry, Sutton. Stcanzey. Tamworth. Temple. Thornton, Tuftonbnrough. Troy. Unity. Wakefield. H'alpole. IVarner. Warren. li ash ington. Waterville, H'/stwurcland. Hhitefield. H'ilmot. Windsor, Wotfboro'. NEW-HAMPSHIKE. 105 state Prison. Salary. fVarden.—Jy.mes Moore, $8U0 Deputy fVardeiL—hymsin A. Walker. Chaplain.— Rev. E. Smith. Physician. — William Prescott. Concord, May 31. 1848. — In prison, 77. M lies 74, and females 3 ; whites 75, and colored 2. Crimea ■»/ Cniivicts now in Prison. — Ste.iling, 24; Burglary, 2; Horse- stealing, 6 ; Murder, 3 ; Rape, 4 ; at- tempted Rape. 4 ; Arson, 1 ; Barn- burning, 5 ; House-burning, 1 ; House- breaking, 15 ; Store-breaking, 2 ; Schoolhouse-brcaking, 1 ; Shooting, 1 ; Manslaughter, 7; and Murdon in the second degree, 1. Terms of Sentence. — Three for one year, six for two years, seventeen for three years, five for four years, nine for five years, three for six years, seven for seven years, one for eight years, one for nine years, six for ten years, one for eleven years, two for fourteen years, three for fifteen years, three for twenty years, and ten for life. Employed as follows ; — Smith's shop, 21; Shoe-shop, 24; Cabinet- shop, 20; Cooks, 2; Washing and Mending, 2; Lumper and Gardiner, 2; Hall Sweeper, 1 ; old and infirm, 2 ; and Sewing (females), 2. Asylum for the Insane^ Concord. Superintendant. — A nd. McFarland. Trustees.'— W. Plumer, Jr., Pre- sident. James Farrington. William Plumer, A. S. Berry, Israel Hunt, Jr., VVarren Lovell, and Joseph B. Walker. Whole number admitted since the establishment of the insti- tution, 546 Whole number who have re- covered, 179 Remaining in the Asylum, Jime 4th, 1848,— males 57, and females 52. Admitted during the year, 92. Occupation of patients during the year. — Farmers, 36 ; Laborers, 6 ; Student, 1 ; Blacksmith, 1 ; Tanner, 1 ; Engraver, 1 ; Merchant, 1 ; and other employments, 4. ToUil males, 51. Total females, 41. Of which 33 were Housekeepers. 6 Operatives, 1 School Teacher, and 1 Tailoress. Civil Condition. — Married. 27; un- married, 55 ; and widowed, 10. Common Scbools. Returns have been received to the 20th May, 1848, from 2,132 Districts being complete returns, with the ex- ception of thirteen towns not re- ported. Number of Scholars in Win- ter Schools . . . 73,840 Average attendance in Win- ter Schools, . . . 58,058 Number of Scholars in Sum- mer Schools, . . . 59,237 Average Attendance in Sum- mer Schools, . . . 406,11 Average length of Summer Schools, 8 3-5 weeks. Average length of Winter Schools, 9 1-2 weeks. Average monthly wages of male teachers, exclusive of board, $13 56. Average monthly wages of female teachers, exclu-iive of board, $5 59. Number of male teachers employ- ed in Winter Schools, 1,350. Number of female teachers em- ployed in Winter Schools, 767. Am'nt of money raised for Schools, Amount contributed, in board and fuel. Income of Local Fund, Am'nt of Litery. Fund, Am'nt raised for Teach- ers' Institute, Whole amount raised for Schools, during the year, . $126,608 77 5,285 10 5,401 73 9,449 22 The whole sum raised is nearly fifty thousand dollars more than re- quired by law. BANKS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. NAME. Ashuelot Bank Belknap County Bank. . . Cheshire Bank Connecticut River Bank. Derry Bank Dover Bank Granite Bank Great Falls Bank Lancaster Bank Leba non. Bank of Manchester Bank Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' & Traders'BU Merrimack County Bank. New Ipswicli Bank Nashua Bank Piscataqui Exchange Bk Rochester Bank Rockingham Bank Stratford Bank Winchester Bank LOCATION. Keene Meredith Keene Charlestown. . Derry Dover E.xeter Somers worth. Lane ister Lebanon Manchester .. . Concord Portsuioulh .. . Concord New Ipswich, Nashua Portsmouth . . . Rochester Portsmouth. . . Dover Winchester. . PRESIDENTS. .Samuel Dinsmore.. VVarren Lovell John Elliot Henry Hubbard .\lanson Tucker .. . .loseph H. Smith.. . James Bell John A. Burleigh.. Royal Joyslin Robert Kimball J. U.Parker Joseph M. Harper.. Richard Jenness.. . Francis N. J. M. Melvill Isihc Spalding W. H. Y. Hackett.. Simon Chase J. M. Tredick William Woodman John H. Fuller. . . . CASHIERS. DIS. DAY T. H. Leveret. . J. T. Coffin Z. Newell George Olcott... James Thom . . . Andrew Pierce. James Burley. . D. H.Bulium... (Jeorge A. Cossitt J. H. Kendrick. N. Parker George Minot.. James F. Shore E. S. Tovvle George Barrett., .lohn M. Hunt... Samuel Lord.... John McDuffee.. J. S. Pickering... Asa A. Tufts.... Wra. B. Hale.... Wed'sday Wed'^dav Wed'sday Monday .. Wed'sday. Monday . . Tu. & Th. Monday . . Monday . . Monday . . Monday . . Every day Monday . . Monday . . Monday . . Monday . . Every day CAP. SH. P.V 100 000 100,00(1 100,0l)(l 90 01 Ml 1(10.(1111) •JOO 011(1 KHMJOll lUO OOU 50,00(1 100,(100 150,0011 100,000 110,0(10 80,0(10 1(10,0(1(1 KlOdllll 'j(i(U»;i(i 1(1(1. (i:i(l 143,0(10 lOO.OUU 100,000 1000 loo l.JO 1(11 III KlOO louo louo 1000 1100 liiO 10(1(1 1000 ■JOO, Kllti lOUU 1000 1000 1000 (500 100 100 50 100 50 100 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS, NEW HAMPSHIRE. o ai -Mil — J- :f^>! cT S3 ^' X 5 ►-, O 01 " 3 3 .:?5 >S-: -^.s; OS : 5 2-0. ?'o . f5 .-: - m 3 »r/i;^§ |-|.."' props p g' o f= o ii o s ii'-'S o ^ JSg OTigO P P o 8! C r ^3 o 5 e:. c = E =• =: 3 o- ; ct 3 3 P S ^ S =^ = .35 3 5- tt 3 t-C 5 3": S K!3 ' 5 »T3 ft 2 3 3 ^ JLSK C - — i TO s: A J ^- •3 c noocjw a. o 3 R =i r fj n* S 3 o 2 =■ 3 3 s; O i. 2. 3 i. £. ,5? ^ 2.= £-5 jipC£.£.2-? ^ O D. " ft P 3 ft ft CI- - ^ - -o" 25-tH c: C = C 4. y t ^- •- f- k' ii' '- — 3 'ir T: K) oi >s c: GL C Oi O "c c c o C' c o o c 00 c CO-1 C.J O ii -.S -1 O = C '■!- O 3 O" o O OtiC: Q. C C- & ,s I— ta H^ ts 1— ►- ■— w to 10 cj _ ti oocooooc = 33333 = 333 00c (fc. rfi. ^ H- t— w-- :*; »— CI ^ (£ "B-^ W I— tn -Jtn-l«^Oiii(ii— CO>-J(iOTO«itS«00 o o o c o c c ocoooooccoo )CUtS>t>.C;iUU<)SUUiS>bffl(X^>C>' O K) .-.- ,- ^ JV-u. of 05 O W H- 1— ' iO (^ ^ h- o ^ ^ W ^^ V»iV« iV/* i o 00 tT in 00 CI c ot (i o (i in 0-. >9 •^ptiimei OOOOiOit-OOCOOtOOOO C ^eaCi 00 IS Oi ^ 01 Oi <0 05(XC-.Oit».- 0~1 M C:_it^ OC;^ 1-1 1— t. 1—1— h-1— to -1—1—00 t-5 !O-.J*0O*.O0DCO0Ci:jJ0i0*-0)- OOiJliOOlC wu>t-.o it^O ►- . ^ woo l ODOiJit>.intOJ.J>.a i 00 00 O Kl I J-'"""^" ■ o>«e;iW5Cctowc-. tsojintooDooitotoooojk I •'""'««. l.fe.ttWiOlCC10i;i500DC»-IOOOO*i.O- tnrf-.i;i iJ ga CD -J -J M,^.t;tinOiCiainenSoo!Sinta I .^g^" a'fs NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. I— t ffi xn Pk < % K I— I PQ O P^ H <5 .Sflia^ (N-*!0 ;C< to . • to QD(» oiflno^ c Ct C « lO • o •- «»/»/(/• -" 3 mil 1 g g § § ^ g § S? : = o lO 00 iC o o o §B§Sg| § o :o >< • o •CO c ^ Q B^ ■% ._„^(J, i-< • o .^ •COCO Q m ."' a) (-) o s ^ > ; « < '. S «'^ ;si i£ « :3 ■ 'J. ^' .!-;. ■_ : v: '/• 6 ■ '■ 0) -5^ Pi ■ o :E-i 5 i il o o • c il s c b _c "c 1! ' 1 • a ^ :■£■£ :cs|,; <;o he: CCi-i E^. K^l^WCt,;/ .CL, S; o£^ : _• ^ • J3 _o c S • : c :; 1 .2 ^ • < 2: =11 s. ■^ f*" r o cc :6 < ley, Eli C. Thayer, Henry Cambridge Port. Orne, C. H. & J. S. Studley, Joseph Ramsay. A. H. & Co. Cambridge. Kettell, & Co. 151 Main-street Charlestown. Kidder, Samuel & Co. 71 Main-st, Hovey, Wm. 205 Main-st. Crafts, Elias, Jr. 154 do Walker, Joseph C. 39 Chelsea-st. Gage, S. M. & Co. 7 Elm-st. Taylor, T. H., Exchange-st. Chicopce. no NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIKECTOKV. Proctor, Sylvester, Jr., Main-street Dancers. Shed, Jo'^eph, Main-st. Pope, Hor itio G., New Mills Dixon, Geo. Dedham. Atkinson, Josiah, Neponset Dorchester. Hill, Aaron M. East Douglas. P..rker, John M. G., Centralville Dracut. Richmond, H. I., Main-st. Fairhaven. Anthony, J. M., Main-street Fall River. Lane, James B. Fitckbury. Huimeweli, E., 85 Front-street Oloucester. Reynold:*, Joseph House, 15. J. & J. U. Oreat Barrington. Whitney, Fred. T. Rred &. Seymour Howl; lid. R. Hovy. Daniel Nichols, Thayer, Ebenezer Nichols, J. R. Suticin, Eben Miisdii, (Jeorge R. ^iiiilh, Horatio Wilson, Nathaniel Sargent, S. & Son Hooker, Fayette Worlhington, Robert Lenox. Manchester, J. S. 135 Central-street Doiceii. Tower, Louis N. 79 Central-street Ayer, J. C, 84 do do Carloion & Hovey, Merrimack st. Maynard, J. 192 do Scribner, J. W., corner of Merrimack and Hanover-streets Hilli ird, E. M., Merrimack-street Kid tices' Court) R(ji;ers, Wm. 4 Coiut street lUissell, Charles Theodore & T. H. & Bigelow, 23 and 30 Braze r's Building Russell, J. D. 5 Court street Russell, Wm. G. 35 do Sanger & Phillips, 27 Mass. Block Sartrent, Horace B. 44 do do Sargent, H. J., Joy's Building Sargent, Lucius M. 40 State street Sawyer, Benj. F. 9 Court Sq. Sawyer and Farrar, 20 Court street ScuUder, Henry A. 1 Devonshire st. Searle, Geo. W. 21 Mass. Block Sewall, Samuel E. 46 Washington St. Sheppard, John H. 20 Cuuit st. Shipley, Horatio, 21 Court Sq. Simmons, Chas. F., Barker's Build- ing, South Boston. Simmons, D. A. 20 Court st. Boston. Smith, E. & G. A. 20 do do Smith, H. E. 10 do do Smith, Henry Welles, 22 Old State House Sohier fc Lovell, 40 State street Sohier, Wm. D. & Wm. 40 State St. Sohier & Welch, 19 Court st. Sparhawk, G. 4 do Spooner, Allen C. 23 do Stanton & Smith, 10 do Story, Isaac, Jr. 10 do Story, Jacob, Jr. 19 Old State House Strong, W. C. 20 Court street Sumner, Bradford, 20 do Sumner, Charles, 4 do Tasker, J. T. 21 Court Sq. Thomas, C. G. 20 Court st. Thcirndike, Larkin, Sumner, near Havre Kast Boston. Thorndike, J. W. 20 Court st. Boston. Tilton, Warren, 46 do Tolman, T. City Build. 21 Court Sq. Upham, F. W. 20 Mass. Block Walsh, W. J. 37 Court Sq. Ward, Samuel D. 10 Court st. Ware, Henry, 21 Court Sq. Warren, Henry, 11 Court st. Washburn, A. C. 1 Devonshire st. Washburn, Fred. L. 30 .Mass. Block. Washburn, W. R. P. 21 Court Sq. Wason, Milton, 20 Court st. Watts, F. O., Gray's Building, 30 Court street Webster, Daniel, Court cor. Tremont street Webster, F., Court cor. Tremont St. Welch, J. W. 5 Mass. Block Wellington, Hiram, 10 Court st. West, A, L. 47 do Wheelock, P. S. 35 do White, Jonathan, 47 do Whiting, Wm. 35 do Whitman, Geo. H. 9 State street Whitman, Wm. H., Gray's Building, 30 Court street. Willard, Joseph, 20 Court St. Willey & Hutchins, 5 Court Sq. Williams, J. M. & J. O. 30 Court st. Willis, Horatio M., Registry Probate Office Wilmot, Geo. D. 20 Court st. Winthrop, R. C. 11 do Withington, O. W. 35 do Wood, W. H. 35 do Woodbury. C. L. 20 Mass. Block Woodman, Horatio, 26 Railroad Ex. Latham, Wm. Bridgewater. Grigg, Geo. Brooktine. Marrett, L. East Cambridge. Buttuck, Ephraim Ladd, J. S. Sawyer, Franklin Cambridgeport. Chamberlain & Jacobs Cambridgcp't Livennore, G. W. Whitney, B. W. Cambridge. Noyes, Sam. B. Canton. Ames, Ellis Porter, E. H. CharUmont. Dana &. Cobb, Main St. Chartestowii. Willard, Paul Warren & Farrar, (G. W. Warren— Geo. F. Farrar,) 5 Chelsea st. Sawyer, Wm. 3 Chelsea st. Austin, Arthur W. Allen, M. B., Main St. Austin, Henry D. Wolcott, John C. Filley, H. D. Bancroft, D. Boies, R. P. Cheshire. Chester Factory. Chesterjield. Chicopee Falls. Coleraine. Concord. Conway. Ijalton. Wells, John, 7 Merchants' Row Chicopee Walker, George Ladd, Chas. R. Lanlair, Wm. Drury, John Brooks, Geo. M. Hoar, E. Rockvvood Brooks, Nathan Keyes, John S. Clark, Albert liennelt, Chas. F. Northend, Wm. D., Allen's Block Danvers. Abbott, Alfred A., Main st. Proctor, J. VV., Washington st. King, John, Centre st. iJedhum. Richardson, J. Wilkinson, E. Cleveland, 1. .Arms, Pliny Deerfield. Churchill, Aseph Dorchester. Loud, Sanmel Hoberts, A. East Bridgewater. Young, Welcome Thaxter, Leavllt Edgartoicn. Clark, E. Enfield. Ford, James, 1 and 2 Pocassett Build ing Fall River. Tovvie, G. W., Section G, Granite Block Batlelle & Williams, Letter A, Gra- nite Block Lapham, L. 13 Pocassett Building Perkins, Daniel, corner of Main and Bedford sts. Lindsey, John do do Aklen, Cyrus do do Holmes it Andros, Section E, Gra- nite Block Whitney & Norcross Fitchburg. Torre y & Wood Mason, Charles Ware, T. K. Train & Estey Framingham. Adams, Josiah Snow, C H. B. Oardner. Nash, Lanson, Front st. Gloucester. Cooly, James OranviUe. Emerson, Chas. N. Qt. Barrington. Davis, Devens & Davis Oreenfield. (Jrennell &. .Aiken Griswold, Whitney Brainard, Almon Alvord, D. W. Newcomb, H. G. Newconib, Richard E, Marcy, Laban F.irluy, George F. Russell, Bradford Marsh, Jotiji J. Taggart, William Dunham, James H. Prittredge, Alfred Minot. Stephen Lincoln, S. Hingham. Smith, N. J. Bullard, E. Holliston. Swan, Samuel Hubbardston. Haskell, George Ipswich. Dame, John T. Lancaster. Withington, G. R. M. Stevens, Chas. G., CUntonville Filley, Wra. T. Lanesborongh. Oreenwich. Oroton. Haverhill. Weed, Daniel Lawrence. Newton, C. G. Wright, Thomas Saunders, Daniel, Jr. Boardman, Beiijamin Clark, David J. Wright, Thomas Couch. Joseph Harmon, N. W.. Essex street Stevens & Clark, Bank Building B irtlett, E., cor. Oak and Lawrence street Sturgis, Franklin Lee, Porter & Chamberlin Brown, Lorenzo D. Cook, J. F. Bishop, H. W. Lenox. Tucker, G. J. Tucker, Wm. Fletcher, Joel W. Leominster: Tirrell, John C, Spaulding's Build- ing, Central st. J^owell. Ladd, Jona, Spaulding's Buildojg Dean & Dinsinoor, Central st. Abbot &, Brown do Richardson, D. S. &, W A. do Brown &. Alger do Webster, V\ m. P. 48 do Morse, I. S. do Lapham, Rufus do Kaowles & Mead do Beard &. Gunnison do Adams &. Abbot, Central st. Robinson & Blaisdell do Caverly & Waldrou do Caverly, R. B. 56 do Leavitt, E. S. do Sweetser & Poor, 28 Merrimack st. Butler & Farr do Wentworth, T., Shenuan, E. F. Blood, Benjamin F., Wentworth's Building Hopkinson & Ames, cor. Merrimack and Kirk streets Smith, W. & W. F., Wells' Block Parker, F. Knowles & Mead Stickney, J. C. Lynn. Newhall, T. B., North Common st Newhall, James R., Union street Mudge, B. F., Broad street Stevens, W. S Lewis, Charles Fayben, William Farwell, Richard Webster, Daniel Bishop, J. P. Bartlett, Abner Perry, S. B. Lovering, Warren Tenny, John Ward, Eliab Robinson, Everett Eddy, Z. Hoi brook, Leander Scannnel, John S. Randall, A. G. Miles, C. R. Sallord, N. F. Hartwell, J. Bunker, Charles Bunker, James M. Whitman, Charle Bacon. J. W. Cortin, T. G. Mackie, Adam Perkins, J. R. Elliott &. Kasson Ciilby, H. G. O. Dearborn, J. F. Cliltiird & Brigham Wells, Nathaniel Gerrish, Joseph G. Kinsman, H. W., State street Breton, E. L. L. do do Stone, Eben F. .Marlin, S. W. Kinsman, H. W. Turner, Augustus Partridge, N. S. Clark, Samuel Maiden. JUiirblehead. Marlboro, Mnrshjield. Mfdfi.eld. Medford. Medway. Methucn, Middleborongk. Milford. Mil bury. Milton. Montague. J^'antacket. K. A'atick. J^ew Bedford. JVewburyport. JVew Marlboro'. JVewton. J^orthboro' . MASSACHUSETTS. 113 Mattoon, Charles JiTortlifield. \ Baker & Delano J^orthampton. Gorham, William O. Huntington, C. P. Allen, VVm. Jr. Smith, Charles F. Hodges, H. I. Emory, S. Orange. Grennell, J. S. Doane, John Orleans. Filley, Lester Otis. Wilcox, Marshall Bowman, Charle> D. Oxford. Fleming, S. L. Palmer Depot. Torrey, Calvin Wallace, F. T. Samsworth, C. B. Pawtucket. Lawrence, A. L. Pepper ell. Witherell, C. K. Petersham. Weed, Jared Page, P. S. Pittsfield. Rockwell & Colt Briggs, H. S. Kellogg, E. H. Gold, F. A. Spear, Wm.H. Plymouth. Morton, Wm. S. Qmncy. Prescott, A. Randulph. Berry, N. C. Prescott, A. A. Reading. Judd, C. P. Manning, Joseph B. Rockport. Payson, Thomas E. Rowley. Clarke, John J. 69 Washington st. Roxbury. Gaston, Wm. 64 do Hilliard, Francis, 64 do Harrington, Joseph, Centre street near Washington Simmons, D. A. 64 Washington st. Woodside, J. F. 64 do Chevers, G. F., Washington street Salem. Phillips, Stephen C. Rodgers, Augustus D. Barstow, Benj;imin, 159 Essex street Roberts, David do Wheatland, George do Brown, Neliemiah do ConoUv, H. L. 224 do Tiord, Nath'l J. 194 do Holbrook, Aniory, 182 do Williams & Story 29 Wa-shing^on st. Lord, Otis P. 29 do Huntington, A. 24 1-2 do Perkins, J. C. 24 1-2 do King, J. G. 235 Essex street Waters, J. G. do Webb, S. P. 140 Essex street. Strickland, L. K. Sandisfield. Fessenden, C. B. H. Sandwich. Nye, S. P. Fogg, E. South Scituate. Barnard, R. F. Sheffield. Palmer, Billings, Ensign, E. F. Gerrish, James Shirleii. Botham, F. W. & Son Southbridge. Barlow, Merrill Bowdoin, Wm. South Hadley Falls. Potter, O. P. South Rending. Thompson, W., Main st. Springfield. Morris, Henry do Morton, J. H. do Morris, Geo. B. do Bangs, Allen do Phelps, Ansel do Willard, Justice, Court House Beach, E. D., cor. of State and Main streets Hooker, Josiah, Main st. Seamans, O. A., opposite the Ar mory Crooks, James W. do do Chapman, Ashman & Norton, Elm street Bond, E. W., Elm st. Stebbins, Jas. do Heywood, Charles, 6 Main st. Newcomb, Joseph W., Burt's Block Vose, Henry, Foot's Block Field, J. E. Stockbridge. Gushing, A. L. Stoughton. ' Whiting, Edward State. Hyde, Benjamin D. Sturbridge. Davis, George Tat't, H. W. Sunderland. Morton &, Bennett, (Nathaniel Mor- ton — C. H. Bennett) Taunton. Williams, Sidney Williams, Henry Pratt & Deanes, (Geo. W. Deanes — H. Pratt) Breck, Samuel Presburg, Benj. F., Main st. Holmes, Charles Topsfield. Worcester, F. A. Townsend. B;inning, John Tyringham. Boynton, Lucian C. Vzbridge. Deane, Francis, Jr. Garner, A. Wales. Rulter, Josiah, Main St. IValtham. Moore, Arad Devens, Arthur L. Ware. Spaulding, Samuel T. Miller, Seth, Jr. Wareham. Squier, George L. Warren' Bigelow, F. W. Watertowii. B'^niis, J. W. Somberly, G. A. Wayland. Rogers, Edward Webster. Packard, Austin W. Bridgewater. Clark, James West Cambridge. Russell, James Leonard, Norman T. Westfield. Baise, Patrick Bliir, William Whitman, Wm. W. Bates & Gilbert, (Wm.G. Bates, Ed- ward B. Gilbert) Westfield. Abbott, John W. P. fVestport. Todd, J. Westminster. Fisk, Isaac Weston. Bigelow, Alpheus Taft, Henry W. W. Stockbridge. King-^ley & Hall Weymguth. White, A. H. Williamsburgh. Dewey, D. N. Williamstown. Tyler, B. O. fVinchendon. Nelson & Converse Woburn. Dewey, Francis H. 202 Main street Worcester. Bartlett, William O. 1% Main st. Allen, Chas. 196 do Chapin, Henry, 130 do Williams & Wetherbee, 190 do Hall, Franklin, 2 Waldo Block Stone, H. D., Central Exchange Maxwell, William B. 3 Central Ex. Goodrich, Jesse W. do Dana, J. A. 6 do Bridge, A. L. 7 do Williams, W. A. 7 do Matthews, L H. do Parker, G. do Richardson, Geo. W. 6 Brinley Hall Hill, J. H. 6 do do Clarke, Edward, 205 Main st. Thomas. B. F., Brinley Hall Bacon, Peter C, Central E.fchange Barton, Ira M. do do Davis, Isaac, Main street Bigelow, A. 22 Front st. Davis. C. B. 202 Main street Goddard, S.B.LI 33 do Burnside, S. M. 190 do Warner, Samuel, Jr. Wrentkam. Everett, M. Reed, John Yarmouth. Auctioneers. Allen, James M. 36 Milk st. Boston. Andrews, Wm., 4th st., near Turn- pike Baker, T. M. 90 Ann st. Bavley, S. K. 31 Federal st. Beal, Samuel H. 71 Pearl st. Beck, Gideon, 22 & 24 Federal st. Bracket, A. 17 Doane st. Brown, Stephen & Sons, 40 State st. Buckley & Bancroft, Beach st. cor. Lincoln Clark & Hatch, 10 Water st. Boston. Cobb, Henry, 7 & 9 Fulton st. Coolidge & Haskell, 29 & 31 Water street. Forbush, .lonathan, 2 and 4 Black stone street Gibbons, Wm. Vassall, India street, opposite Custom House Goddard & Adams, 67 Pearl st. Hall & Evans, 19 & 21 Kilby st. Harris, Horatio & Co. 18 India st. Hart, S. Rowland, 6 State St. Hersey, Daniel & Co. 27 and 29 Ex- change-street Holt & Stockbridge, 24 Broomfield st. King, D. P. 82 Washington st. Leonard & Cunningham, 37 Tre- mont Row Lewis, Marshall A. 31 Washington street Loriiig, Abbott & Porter, 25 and 27 Water street Meredith, H. & Co. 17 Congress st. Mitchell & Slater, 5 Market Square Murdock, Wm. C. 34 Fulton street (leather) Nash, Abner P. 93 & 95 Fulton sU Norton, B. H. 1.54 Washington st. Osgood & Frost, 12 Central st. Pearrnain & Hall, 17 Mi^rchaiits' Row Phillips & Sau)p.son, 110 Washing- ton street Raymond, Samuel, 31 & 33 Broad st Reed, Wm. B. 42 Federal st. Rich, T. P. 45 & 47 Pearl st. Riddle, Ertuard, 65 Union st Riddle, J. L. 36 Milk st Riley & Strain, 25 Union st. SchafTer, C. H. 6 Market Square Skeele, E. A. 33 Congress st Slatter & Mitchell, 7 Ann st Thompson, N. A., Old State House Towne, Hunt & Co. 22 Milk st. Tucker, Wales & Co. 45 Fulton st. Tyler, John, 9 Central Wharf Tyler, John, Jr. 9 do do \Vebb, T. C. & Co. 77 & 79 Fulton Weed, O. H. & Co. 88 Court st. White, Ferdinand E. 22 Long Wf. Whitney, Prentiss.39 Washington st. Whitwells & Seaver. 5 Morton Block Woodman, George, 18 Central st. Baker, E. F. & Co. 118 Washington street Rorbury. Howe, Abraham F., Centre st, cor. Washington Read & Bronsdon, 50 Washington street, cor. Eustis Awl Manufacturer. Woodward, Thomas, Jr. South Reading. Axe IWanufacturers. Douglass Axe Manufacturing Co., Warren Hunt Agent Douglass. Leonard, Nathaniel Sharon. Pratt J. Shelburne Falls. Wheeler, Asa Warwick. Axletree ITIanufactur's. Willis, Loring JiTorton Pomeroy, L. & Sons Pittsfield. Morton, Finney & Co. Plymouth. Keith, Isaac West Sandmich. Bakers. Warner, Wm. H. Jforth .Adams. Albert, J. M., Canton st Boston. Austin, T. & Co. 17 Commercial st Beaman, E. T. 66 Cambridge st Becker, Wm. 73 Charter st Blood, Ai, 7 U. S. Hotel, Lincoln st Bond, Thos. D. (crackers), 12 Canal 114 NEW- ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Budd, N. Jr. 8 Green st. Boston. Burke, Richard, Orleans St., corner of Webster Crafts. Jacob, Dorchester su opposite Bolton Daniels, E. T.. Colony St., near Swan Dolan, M. E. 218 Aimst. Grant, S.iinuel N. 3% Washington st. Gibbs, Lvnian, 134 Court st. Gorhani & hie, 18 Sudbury st. Gould & Willard, 50 Myrtle Hewes, J. F. & Co., 191 Hanover and 6 Prince Howard, Samuel, 54 Myrtle st Kelt. James, 505 Washington st. Kurtz, John E. 57 Warren st. Lacy, Hugh, 178 Ann st. Lander John, Broadway, near Turn- pike Maynard, Jesse, 67 Warren St. Maynard, L. 99 Broad st McConhie & Richardson, 8 Brighton Mitchell, J. B. 34 S. Margin sf. IHonroe & Conner, 90 W. Cedar St. and 3 Temple st. Morrell, Nathaniel, 57 Hudson st. Newmarch, Joseph, 52 Cambridge st. Newniarch, S., Broadway and 288 Washington st. Norton & Heldenbrand, 52 Pleasant street Ordway, J. M. 194 Hanover st., and 48 Beach st. Ormsby, Hugh, rear of Sunmer st. East Boston. Parmelee, Asaph, 795 Washington St. Boston. Parmelee, Gilbert, Northampton st., corner of Washington Paul, John F., Canton St., corner of Savin Pike, Jona., Poplar st. near Spring Pike, Thomas H. 104 Cambridge st. Pitman, Thos. S., Sumner st. East Boston. Ray & Coolidge, 796 Washington st. Boston. Richardson, J. D., Fourth st., cor. A. Rickseker, Samuel, 59 Temple st. Robinson, Wm., Ann st., corner of Clark Sawtell, Amos, 8 West Centre st. Shipley, S. G., Union st. near Hano- ver Smith, J. B. 2 Wheeler's Court Spring, E., Gouch St., corner of Mer- rimack Spring, J.& A. 16 East st. Stephenson, J. E. 32 North Margin St., and 72 Salem st. Stone, E. 42 Prince st. Taylor, T. & J., 134 Pleasant St. Wattson, Thomas & Sons, Fort Hill Wharf, and 25 Commercial st. Weld, J. &. Co. (ship bread), 95 Broad st. Weller, J., Lucas Place Withrow, Simon, 13 Hollis st. Wright, Samuel, Leveret st., corner of Cotling Wyeth, Nahum S., Oneida St., corner of Albany Conant, J. A., Cambridge street East Cambridge. Kennedy, Artemus Cambridgeport. Wentworth, Edwin Canton. Fitcham, Edwin A. 16 Hendly st. Charicstown. Davenport, Edwin, 12 Hendly st. Bailey, J. S. 39 Bow st. Ladd & Bates, Centre st. Chicopee. Slimpson, Floyd & Co., Lowell st. iJanvers. Hall, Wm. J^Torth Danvers. Hewins. N. A. IJcdham. Cos & Pavner, Upper Mills Dorchester. Hlldreth, Sam., Commercial Point Bhepard, O. &, Co., Hancock st. Stone, James Ward, Samuel L., Union street Fairhaven. Buttrick, Jonathan, Main st. Chase & Ripley, 12 and 14 Anawan street Fall River. Johnston, J. S., Front street Oloucester. French, T. Kingston. Holden, Nathaniel & Co. Lyman. Fuller, David, E.\chauge st. Dennis, Benjamin Marblehead. Perry, J. H. Medficld. Westgate, D. V. & Co. JVantucket. Rand, Nathaniel Watson & Winchester JVew Bedford. Danforth, Jacob J. Closson, Wm. Ross & White Smith, S. M. Ilorton, S. G. JVev) bury port. J^orthampton. Pitt.^field. Provincetown. Quincy. Brigham, M. F. & J. A. 21 Washing- ton St., near Eustis Roxbury. Estabrook, Charles, foot of Factory street Estabrook, S. R., rear of 86 Washing- ton St., near Clock Dial Frost & Tillson, 40 Washington St., near Eustis Gorham & Ide, Factory st, near Orange James, B. F. (crackers), 90 Washing- ton St., near Clock Dial McCarthy, Lawrence, Tremont St., corner of Cunard Nash, C. W., Eustis st,, corner of Zeigler Reed, Wm. N., Ruggles St., near Tre- mont. (brown bread) Ropes, B. H., 98 Washington St., near Sunmer Scott, E. G., Warren street, corner of Union Presjon, John, Jr., 53 Sunmer street Sa/em. Goss & Stone B;ill, Wm. 22 Central street Pratt, Leonard, 36 Peter st. Sturtevant, Warner C, Main street Springfield. Blake & Dutton, near Railroad Depot Hatch, Benjamin C, Main street Taunton. Smith & Walker Pettee, Jesse P. Pierce, Benjamin Bond, Albert Carter & Converse fVare. West Cambridge. Westun. Wilmington. Woburn Walton, J. B. & Co., Southbridge street Worcester. Rice, Benjamin P., Central street Sniith, Sidney, Exchange street Goddard, John Battling Houses. American House, 42 Hanover street Boston. Blodgett, C, rear of Marlborough Hotel Blodgett, Henry, Eastern Exchange Hotel. E. R. R. Wharf Braman's, opposite foot of Chestnut street Cragie's Bridge, C. Bruce May, Henrj' B. (Medicated), 1 Cam- bridge street Miles, M. M. (Medicated), 12 Frank lin St. Tremont House, J. Braman U. S. Hotel, Beach St., corner of Lin- coln Warren Bridge, W. F. Veazie Western Avenue. T. Morey .Satlord, Joseph F., Market street Springfield. Morrey, John, Foster street Worcester. Batting: and "Wickingp manufacturers. Fuller, E. G. Holland. Galen, O. JVeedham. Putnam, Daniel Orange. Bailey, W. J^forth Seituate. Joslyn, Henry South Hadley. Bemis, D. & L. (Wadding) Spencer. Dunham, H. G. Wales. Blake, A. & G. G. Wrenthaw.. Bedstead manufac- turers- Guild, G. H. 4 R. R. Block, Lincoln street Boston. Pratt, Isaac B. 91 Endicott street Russell &. Baker, 72 Commercial st. Lyons, Lucius Coleraine. Copeland, Alfred Chester Village. Morse, Curtis G. South Dedham. Colburn & Baker West Dedham. Allen, John P., (Sideboards) Manchester Woodbury, Larkin, (Sideboards) Tracy, J. S. JV'orth Sunderland. Crane, W., New Boston Sandisfield. Kingsley, Joseph Westhampton. Beer— Small and Root. Barry & Pierce, rear of 682 V\'ashing- ton street Boston. Barney, S. & S., Curve street, near Tyler Beard, Luke, Howard Athenaeum Rice & Plummer, 748 Washington st. Sawtell, I. B. 796 do Simonds, John, 756 do Bell Founders. Baker, John, Jr., agent for Holbrook's Foundry, 8 Long Wharf Boston, Hooper, H. N. & Co. 24 Commercial St., and Causeway st. corner of Nashua Holbrook, Geo. H. Medwny. Bell IIang°er8. Currier, T. J. 17 Wilson Lane Boston. Fuller, S. W. 8 Devonshire street Glynn, John, Hawley Place, rear of 170 Washington street Harrington, George E. 11 Devonshire street Haynes, S. S. 8 Court Avenue Mason & Patten, 10 Washington st. Wilton, A. 378 1-2 do Bitts and Augurs. Towne, Chaffee & Co. Sturbridge. Smith, Snell & Co. Black liead Manufac- turers. Monroe, Francis, (Pencils) Concord. Fay, A. G. (Pencils) Oliver, Edw. H., Grove st. Worcester. Blacking' Manufac- turers. Richards & Adams Quincy Torrey, T. Weymouth. Stockbridge & Richardson Whately. MASSACHUSETTS. 115 Blacksmitbs. Adams, G. W. & and Co., Causeway street, cor. Friend Boston. Adams. Hammond & Co., Cross st. cor. Fulton Bacon, L. 24 Friend st. Bradley, J., Beach st. cor. Cove Bryant, .7. R. 30 Causeway st. Bunten & Eaton, junction' Haverhill and Charlestown sts. Coffin, G. S. & A. 58 Brattle st. Cronan, Dennis, Turnpike, near 5th street Cummings, C. W., Cambridge street, near the Bridge Cunningham, B., Dorchester street, corner 2d Daniels, Ebenezer, 8 Hawley st. Doughty, J., Dover street near the Bridge Eaton, Joseph (spring maker). Beach St. corner Cove Farmer, .1. P., Suffolk street, near Roxbury Foss & Irvin, Sumner st. E. Boston. Freeman, Moses H., Andover «trect Boston. Fuller, J. S., Lewis st. E. Boston. Gill, Samuel W. 86 Portland street Boston. Googins, Mark, Sumner street East Boston. Green & Davis, 1st St., near Tiu-n- pike Boston. Heitz, D. 702 Washington st. Hooker, David S., Decatur street East Boston. Howe, John, Jr., Sumner st. Jennings, A. H. & Son, Charlestown St. corner Beverly Boston. Lakin, S., Broad st. opposite Pren- tice's Wharf Leach, Levi, Liverpool Wharf Lewis, Joel W., rear 276 Commer- cial St. Little, N. 79 Endicot st. Lord.S. S., Jr., F. street, comer Bolton Low & Bramhall, 18 Water st. Luf kin, N., Sumner st. E. Boston. McNamara, Geo., Harrison Av. cor. Orange «t. Boston. Mellen, William, Harrison Avenue Nu!e, J., Richuuind st. Nutting, C, Harrison Avenue, cor. Orange Lane Parker, Eber, 73 Sea st. Patch, Sidney, 42 Merrimack st. Penn & Fernald, 9 Canal st. Pillsbury, Stephen, 2d st. cor. E Riley, Patrick, A st. near 5th Safford, Daniel & Co. 36 Devonshire street Sawyer, W. W., Beverly st. Sawyer & Thompson, do Shepard, Wm., Charlestown street, cor. Medtbrd Shute, Nenry M. 9 West st. Sim. Wm. 54 Causeway st. Smith, George W., Sea street, near Furnace Thonipsim & French, Tremont Ro;id Trcadwell, Wm. H. H. M., Foter Place Tuttle, John, 15 1-2 Sudbury street, cor. Ad;ims Twitchell & Libbv, 28 Cruise way st. Underbill & Leighton, 17 HaverhiU street Weeman, Ebenezer, 16 Merrimack street Welch & Briggs, Causeway st. cor. Lancaster Bergen, Richard, Proctor street Rnzbury. Caldwell & Hardacker, Tremont st. Card, James, Union st. near Warren Chenery, J. W., Warren street, near Grove Hall Childs, Abner, South st. near Centre Corbett, Geo. W., South st., Jamaica Plain Dickson, A., Green st. Roxbury. Hankey, Stiles & Co., Washington St. near Parker Hartshorn, Chas. P., Spring street IVest Roxbury. Hayes, Timothy, Cabot street Roxbury. Hobbs, R. L., Pearl street, (Spring Maker) Mayall, Miles, Williams' Place, rear 37 Washington street Mitten, Thomas, Plymouth st. Newman, A. W., Eutis street, comer Mall Poole, Samuel, Seaver st. Richards, L. D., Turnpike, near South street Robinson, Dexter, Felton Place Stubbs, S., Ear^t st. near Eaton Smith, P. B., Centre street, near Rail- road Smith, J. T., Washington street, cor. Vernon Weeks & Brock, Washington street, opposite Centre Weekes, Richard, Centre street, near Railroad Whittemore, A. E., Du;!ley st cor. Warren Boarding Houses. Atkins, John, 7 Winter st. Boston. Atwell, Ann, 787 Washington st. Baker, N. 148 Hanover st. Baldwin, Mar}', 5 Channing st. Barnes, Samuel, 56 Federal st. near Channing Bascom, T. Mrs. 14 Morton Place Batchelder, S:illy, 5 Bumstead Place Beck, Mary, 536 Washington st. Becker, C, Suffolk street, opposite Cherry Bctts, Daniel, 27 Atkinson st. Bigelow, H. 6 Avery st. Bingham, A. 414 Washington street, (French) Bird, Thomas M. 27 Boylston st. Blake, Sarih, 17 Lynde st. Blanchard, David, 8 Bulfinch Place Boston, H,inn:ih, 2 Oliver st. Brfigg, E. G. 252 Washington st. Brigham, James M. 3 Bumstead Place Brownell, N. T. 24 Pearl street, near Pearl Place Brown, George, 374 Commercial st. Brown, J. K. 1 Commercial Court Burrill, Seth, 14 Lowell st. Butler, M. 16 Williams st. Carlisle, Sarih, 4 Kneeland st. Cormier, J. H. 252 Hanover st. Corse. William, 9 Province House Court Cram. Elizabeth, 11 Albany st Crosby, H. 49 Portland st Cutter, Ruth, 21 Soraer.'^et st Daggett, Milton, 1 Suffolk Place Delany, Wm. 222 Hanover st. Dillingham. E. A. 5 Lowell st. Dow, Charlotte, 26 Purchase st. Drinkwater, Nathaniel, 229 Hanover street Farwell, E. P. 12 Pitts st. Flagg, S. M. 6 & 8 Billerica St. Fletcher, A. K. 36 Friend st. Fletcher, S. 1 Otis Place Foster, Robert, 52 Leveret st. Frost, Joseph, 12 Hanover st. Furber, Gee. Y. 7 Washington Sq. Furnass, J. 12 Newton Place Gannett, Miry, 3d st. near Dorchester Goodwin, E. C. 10 AUston st. Gowing, Nancy, .508 Washington st. Graves, Horace, 19 Thacher st. Grithn, George, 31 Brattle st. Gustus, J. Frederic, Garden st. ct. Hall, Isaac, Jr. 2 Central Court Hall, Sally, 3 Winter Place Hardy, J. 30 Pojtland st. Harlow, 1. 151 Court st. Hari)er, J. 86 Hanover st. Boston. Harrington, E. 1 Chauncy place Harvey, Sarah E. 30 Pearl street, cor. High Herrick, L. Y. 20 Piu-chase st. Holmes, E. 15 Morton Place Howard, Francis, 2 Bennet st. Howe, R. B. 74 Temple st. Huckins, Stephen, 445 Washington street Hunt, Charlotte, 18 Billerica st. Jackson, Jane, 21 Franklin Place Johnson, E. 447 Washington st. Johnson, J. 48 Lowell st. Johnson, M. 18 Winter st. Jones, Louisa, 5 Mason st. Kent, Lewis, 35 Beach St. Kittridge, Abigail, 33 Brattle st. Kitt'^on, Thomas, 87 High St. Ladd, D. P. 39 Cooper st. Lekain, Elizabeth, 40 Summer st. Martin, Andrew, 11 Pitts st. Mason, Joseph, 5 Morton st. Mastin, B. P. Mrs. 37 Portland St. May, Catherine, 161 Court st. May. Orra, 12 Sullivan Place M.ay, P.iniclia, SCamliridge st. Mel/.ard, tieorge, 123 Purchase St. Norri-i, John, 18 Franklin Place Parker, Caroline, 204 Hanover st. Peirce, Richard, 15 Brattle St. Perkins, C. M. 51 Summer st. Perry, C. M. 10 Ash st. Perry, Elizabeth, 17 Cross St. Phillips, Mary. 16 South Russell st. Pike, Moses, 11 Washington Square Pitman, Nancy, 2 Morton place Plimpton, Alicp, 445 Washington St. Poor, Henry, 58 Eliot st. Potter, Heiiry G. 49 Atkinson st. Powers, Eliza H. 18 Bowdoin st. Prescott, Jane M. 47 Mt. Vernon st, Randall, H. 9 Nashua st. Reed, A. 27 Howard st. Reed, Lucy, 19 Hancock st. Reed, Maria, 7 Province House Ct. Rice, B. 2 Wall st. Rice, E. 13 Gouch st. Rich, H. F. 26 Ann st. Ripley, Wm. Z. 24 Franklin Place Bobbins, Abigail, 3 Jackson Place Rogers, l,yilia, 58 Federal st. Savage, John, 137 Purchase st. Sawin, D. A. 196 Tremont st. Schell, Karl, ((lerman) 76 Eliot st. Shattuck, Abel B. 11 Channing st. Sirovich, Luigi, 410 Commercial st. (Italian) Snelling, A. H. Mrs. 37 Salem st. Spink, W. 51 Federal st. Stewart A. 42 Portland st. Stone, Abby, 30 Federal st. Stone, W. C. 12 Province House Ct. Taft, Samuel J. 17 Franklin Place Tileston, Wm. H. 8 Williams St. Walton, R. 14 Gouch st. Ware, Rhoda, 10 Harrison Avenue Webb, Jeru- A. 24 Wilson Lane Long, J.F., Court street, cor. Tremont Low, H., Devonshire st. cor. Water McAdams, Brothers, 120 Washing- ton street Meston, J. J. 6 Water street Nourse & Remick, 14 Water street Roberts, J. G. & Co. 8 Water street corner Devonshire Simmonds, J. R. 22 School street Stimpson, C. 106 Washington street Tilden & Gane, 27 CornhiU ITlman, Wm. 1 Franklin Avenue Warner, Geo. 10 1-2 Wilson Lane Waterman, J. H. over 362 Washing- ton street Watson, J. 77 Cornhill Williams, G. VV. G. 122 Washington street McDonald, Hugh Cambridge. Stacy, John Concord, Adams, R. & J. 28 South Maine st Fall River. Fraprie, George W. 41 S. Main st Spalter, John H. Oroton. Gill, D. L. Hingham. Heard, David Holliston. Stanley, J. G. J.enoz. •\llen, Jonathan, 81 Merrimack st J^owell. Simonds, Saml. B. 71 Merrimack st Reed, A. E., comer Merrimack street and John Merrill & Heywood, 36 Central st Howard, Luther, 49 Market street Eynn. Breare, Thomas Marblehead. Howe, W., Water st JVezc Bedford. Parsons, I. F. 105 Union street Taber, Augustus Crofoot, H. T. 3 Pleasant street J^cwbiiniport. Parsons, A. L. Pittsfield. Gill, Caleb & Co. Qiiincy. Bicknell, J. T. & Co. 60 Washington street Rutbury Trout, H. J. M. 92 Washington st Perley, J. Jr. 191 Essex st Salem. Brown, H. A. Maine st Springfield. Wesby, J. S. 124 Main street Worcester. Allen, Wm. Main street Booksellers, Publisbers^ and Stationers. Lossham, G. A. South Adams, Tibbetts, A. H. (Period.) Amesbury. Nims, H. B. Amherst. Hardwell, H. Andover. Newman, Mark Hinkley, O. M. Barnstable. Felton, John Barre. Adams, George, 95 1-2 Washington street Boston. Beane, J. V. & Co. 21 Cornhill Bowles, L. C. HI Washington St. Bradbury & Guild,120 Washingt'n st. Briggs, George VV. 403 do Burnham & Brothers (Antique) 60 Cornhill Carter, O. C. B. 16 Devonshire street Carter, T. H. 1 1-2 Water street Clapp, Eben. Jr. 184 Washington sU Clapp, Otis, 23 School street Coolidge & Wiley, 12 Water street, cor. Devonshire Cottrell, Geo. W. & Co. 64 Cornhill Crocker &. Brewster, 47 Washington street Crosby & Nichols, 111 Washington street Damrell & Moore, Devonshire street, adjoining Exchange Hotel Davis, Robert S. 120 Washington St. Donahoe, Patrick (Catholic) Spring Lane Dow, James B. 141 Washington st. Drake, S. G. (.-Vntiquarian) 62 1-2 Cornhill. Fowle, Wm. B. 138 1-2 Washington street Francis, Joseph H. 128 Washington street French, James, 78 Washington st. Gill. Caleb & Co., Broadwiiy, cor. C street Gleason, F., Court street, cor. Tre- mont Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 59 Wash- ington street Greene, B. H., 124 Washington St. Hayden, Caleb C. 35 Cornhill Hill, John P. 17 and 19 do Hill, Wm. H & Co. 32 do Hiller, Thomas, 123 Hanover street Ilotchkiss & Co. 13 Court street Jenks, Palmer & Co. 131 Washing- ton street Jewett, John P. & Co. 23 CornhiU MASSACHUSETTS. Ill Jones, Justin, 82 VVashingtnn-street Boston. King, David P. 82 do do Light, George W. 3 Comliill Little & Brown, 112 Washington st. Loring, Benj. & Co. 122 Slate street Marsh, Bela, 25 CorahiU Marvin, T. R. 24 Congress street Mass. S. S. Dep., C. C. Dean, 13 Cornhill Mooney, Patrick, (Cath.) 27 Frank- lin street Munroe & Francis, Devonshire st. cor. Spring Lane Munroe, J. & Co. 134 Washington st. Mussey, B. B.&Co.29Cor]ihill. New England S. S. Depository, 79 Cornhill Otis, Broaders & Co. 154 Washing- ton street Parker, Samuel H. 115 Washington Pierce, C. H. 3 Cornhill Perkins, Benjamin & Co. 100 Wash- ington street Perkins, Oliver L. 62 Cornhill Phillips & Sampson, 110 Washing- ton street Pierce, Joshua V. 107 Hanover st. Rand, G. C. & Co. 3 Cornhill Redding &. Co 8 Sttte street Reynolds, Wm. J. & Co. 20 Cornhill Sadlier, D. & J. 72 Federal street Saxton, F. S. 19 St ite street Simpkins, S. G. 124 Washington st Skinner, H. B. 60 1-2 Cornhill Stimpson, Charles, 106 Washington street Strung & Brodhead, 1 Cornhill Sunday School (Am.) Depository, W. B. Tappan, 9 Cornhill Tappan, Whittemore & Mason, 114 Washington street Tewksbury, W. P. 362 Washington Ticknor, W. D. & Co. 135 Washing- ton street Tompkins, Abel, 38 Cornhill Tract (Am.) Rooms, Seth Bliss, 28 Cornhill Usher, James M. 37 Cornhill Waite, Charles, 54 Cornhill Walker, Thos. O. 68 do Whipple, M. J. 35 do White & Potter, 15 State street Whittemore, Thomas, 37 CornhiU Wiley, Thomas, Jr., 20 Stite street Wilkins, Carter & Co. 16 Water st. Pearson, J. D. Cambridge Port. Munroe, James & Co. Cambridge. Nichols, George Patterson, C. 170 Main street Charlestown. Emmons, Charles P. 47 and 49 Main street Deming, G.S. Chicopee Falls. Lane, C. V., Cabot street Chicopee. St icy, John Concord. Dodge, Sylvanus, 2 Allen's Building Daiivcrs. Coolidge, Chas., High st. Dedham. Ferry, E. Easl/iampton. Pope & Chase, North Main street Fall River. Adams, R. & J. 28 South Main st Earl, Benjamin, 7 Granice Block Sheply, Stephen, Miiin st. FitchOurg. Boynton &. Mar-hall Framingham. Smith, Chas. 132 and 133 Front st. Oloucester. Williams, Wm., Front st. Dewey, T. Oreat Harrington. Merriam, Lewis Oreenjield, Phelps, A. Spallon, John H. Orvtoti. Gill, D. L. Heard, David Nollislon. Grant, Franklin Lawrence. Dow, John C. Stanley, J. G. Lenox. Davis, John Lexington. March, Uliver, Central st. Lowell. Williams, H.L. 71 Central st. Lowell Sargeant, B. C. 39 do Cambridge, W. G. 32 do Simonds, Sanmel B. 11 Merrimack st. Waldron, W. 11. 61 do Merrill & Heywood, 23 Central st. Dayton, N. L. 32 Merrimack st. Bixby, D. & Co. 142 do Allen, Jonathan, 81 do Barney, Miltun, 35 and 37 do Frazer, Wm. 59 Market st. Lynn. Oliver, Chas. A. 5 Exchange st. Butters, J. A. C. 8 d,i Clooa, W. F. Marblchead. Breare, R. Richardson, Alpheus Met/men. Packard, Timothy Monson. Macy, Andrew Al. JVaiUucket. Mitchell, Edward Taber, Charles JSTew Bedford. Waterman, N. Howe, Wm., Water street Greene, Charles S. 87 Purchase st. Ray, J. C. 19 do Taber, Augustus, 2 do Bourne & Lewis, 60 do Nelson, Nathan, 63 Willi mi st. Whipple, Charles, 2 State st. J^cwburyport. Blanchard & Sargent, 3 Market' Sq. Call, A. A., Market st. Tilton, John G., State St. Butler, J. H. JVorthampton. Rich, T. G., Merchants' Row Bowles, John Palmer Depot. Pepper, S. F. Thorndike Palmer. S indys, Edwin Pittsjield. Werden, E. Allen, P. & Sons Bishop, Wm. Plymouth. Gill, Caleb & Co. (^uincy. Weston, J. Reading. Bickiiell, J. T. & Co. 60 Washington street Roxbury Trout H. J. M. (Cu-cul iting Library),' 92 Washington street Jewett, John P. & Co., Essex street Salem. Whipple, Henrj', 190 Essex street Creamer, George, 140 do Ives, W. & S. B. 232 do Putnam, Francis, 186 1-2 do Hutcliiuson, H. W. & Co., Main st. Springfield. Merriam, Chapin & Co., Main st. Woodward (2d), James, 10 Main st. Tauntoii. Monroe, Francis S. 2 Main st. Duab ir, S. (). do Williams, V. S., Main st. fVaXtham. Emmons, S. B. Jordun, A. Pepper, S. F. Ware. Demoiid, Lewis Learned, S. D. Watertovm. Ives, Matthew IVestfield. Smith, H. B. Robinson, T. S. & Co. fVilliumstown. I'owle, George W. Woburn. (irout, J., Jr., 239 Main st. Worceater. Wesby, J. S. 124 do L izell, W. 205 do Howland, S. A. 143 do Tucker it Ru;-'gles, 100 Main st. Hutchinson, A. & Co., 69 do Livermore, Edward, do Boot Counter Makers. Briesler, G. M. 12 1-2 Clinton st. Boston. Hall, A. J. 40 Fulton st. Hall, J., Jr., 38 North Market st. Boot Crimpers. Read, J. M.. 3 Shoe and Leather st., (nnchinery) Pn.<;tun. Singer, John, rear of 47 Congress st. Turk, J. 18 Exchange st. Boot and Shoe Dealers. Bartlett, Theodore Phelps, J. Ewen, Henry Dike, Samuel Roundy, John P. Bartlett, V. .\orth Adams. Jlndover. Barnstable. Beverly. Blackstone. BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER DEALERS. Wholesale. Alden, John, Jr., &. Co. 31 Shoe and Leather st. Boston. Ager, Solomon, 78 Pearl st. Allen, Harris & Potter, 61 and 63 Pearl st. Alley, Tapley & Co. 18 Blackstone St. AthertOD, J. & W. 39 Central st. Alherton, S. & Co. 25 Broad St., and 39 Central st. Baker, B. F. 75 Pearl st. BatcheUer, T. & E. 72 Pearl St. Belcher, L. & W. S. 35 Central St. Beale & Pratt, 93 Fulton st. Blake & Bailey, 55 Pearl st. Blanchard, L. 12 Clinton st. Bowker, L. H. 21 and 23 Shoe and Leather st. Boyd, J. & S. 12 Elm st. Bragg, A. & Co. 25 Fulton st. Brooks, Franklin, 27 North Market tt. Brooks &, Saunders, 19 Fulton st. Bryant, Seth, 76 Pearl st. Bucknam & Converse, 33 North Mar- ket St. Bucknam, J. C. & Co. 52 Fulton St. Burrage, Wm. & Co. 56 do Butters & Ager, 21 and 23 Shoe and Leather st. Buttrick & Cobb, 21 Elm st. Capen, Wm. 29 Broad st. Chase, Kimball & Co., 5 and 7 Doane st. Childs, Hills & Rising, 4 Broad st. Cobb, Henry, 7 and 9 Fulton .st. Cunningham, S. D. 10 Railroad Bl'k, Lincoln st. Curtis, Abner, 36 South Market St. Daniels, J. P. 60 Fulton st. Davenport, S. D. 43 Shoe and Lea- ther St. Dow, B. F. 7 do do Dowley, Levi .K. & Co. 57 and 59 Pearl st. Downs & Ball, 36 Kilby St., and 5 Central st. Dunbar, A. F. & G. C. 23 Fulton st. Dunbar, W.H. 23 do Durant, Henry (commission), 3 do Emerson, Cochrane &. Co. G8 and 70 Pearl st. Eldridge, E. 13 Elm st. Fairbanks, Drury & Co. 34 Broad st Faxon, Nathaniel &. Co. 53 North Market st. Boston, Fay, F. L. 51 Fulton st. Field, E. & I. 63 do. Field, Pearson H. & Co. 172 Wash- ington st Flint Charles P. 5 Fulton St. Forbush, J. 2 and 4 Blackstone st Forbush, J. E. 9 and 11 Shoe and Leather st Frost & Co. 10 Blackstone st Frothingham, P. 54 Fulton st Gay, Eben F. 43 Merchants' Row Gilmore, llarwood & Co. 77 Pearl st Goddard & Adams, 67 do Godfrey, Benj'm D. & Co. 20 Kings- ton st Godfrey & Mayhew, 12 Elm st Gould, T. R. 71 Fulton st. Guild, C. & Co. 16 Blackstone st Guild, S. & J. & Co. 40 N. Market st. Harrt, John, 27 Central st, Isaac, 65 Fulton St. Holibs, R. G. 65 do Hoi brook, V. 25 do * Hood, George, 38 do Hosum & Bailey, 39 Shoe and Lea- ther st 118 NEW- ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Hunt & Cheney. 3 Shoe and Leather Biixton, Stephen, 5 Lewis street Strong, J. 477 Washington st Boston street Boston. ' East Boston. ' Svvett, Silas, 372 do Hunt, Moses & Co. 5 Market Sq. Hutchins, James R. 29 Hanover st. Jones F. & N. 74 Pearl st. Jones, 1. II. 02 Fulton st. Keen & Kennedy, 64 do Carlton, D. F. 297 Washington st. I Taylor, Julius, Brondway, near C st Boston. Thompson, Chas. O. & Co. 74 and 78 Clapp, F., Jr. 46 Cambridge st. Ckuient, Theodore, 54 Hanover St. Cohurn, Charles, 55 Court st. Keith, C. E. &. Co. 39 Shoe and Lea- Co.\, C. & M. 171 Washington st. ther St. Kimball, D. B. 39 do do Kimball, J. B. & Co. 75 Pearl st. Lamb, C. C. 74 Watei st. Lear, P. 37 Merchants' Row Leeds, Henry, 10 Ann st. Lindsley, J. C. 24 Central .st Littlefield, J. 59 FulUm st. Mann, Seth. 53 do Manny & Weld, 72 Pearl st. Massey, S. D. 81 and 83 Fulton st. Mitchell & Hale, 19 do Morrison, Diniel, 19 do Murdock, Win. C. 34 do Nash, French & Co. 42 Fulton st. Nash, W. & Co. 19 do Newhall, Cheever & Co. 6 Central st. Newhall, George, 6 do Otis, B. F. & Co. 81 Fulton st. Page, Frederick A. 12 1-2 Clinton st. Perkins, W. R. 4 Blackstone street, (Spring Soles) Poland & Converse, 36 N. Market st. Porter, Charles, 11 & 13 Central st. Potter, E. 83 Fulton st. Raddin, Thomas, Jr., 30 Broad st. Raymond, Sam'l, 31 & .33 do Rhodes, T. AI. 55 Fukon st. Rich, T. P. 45 & 47 Pearl st. Robinson, Robert L. 20 Central st. Robinson, W. C. 57 Fulton st. Rogers, John H. 11 Tremont Row Russell, Levi F. 6 Blackstone st. Spaulding. B. P. & Co. 53 Pe;irl st. Stetson, C. 23 Broad & 41 Central st. Stoddard, A. 32 North Market st. Stone. J. S. 13 Shoe & Le.itlier st. Strong, A. &. Co. 30 & 32 Central st Tapley, Amos P. & Co. 15 & 17 Cen- tral St. Thayer, E. B. 2] Central street Thayer, Geo. L. 40 do do Tirrell, J. & A. 8 Blackstone st. Tirrell, Minot, 5 Ferry st. Tucker, James, Jr. 50 Pearl st. Tucker, Wales, & Co. 45 Fulton st. -Turner, John, Turnpike cor. Broad- way Wales, Thomas C. 19 Broad st. cor. Central Webb, T. C. & Co. 79 Fulton st. Webster & Co. 39 North Mirket st. Webster, Charles W. 12 Elm st. Wheeler. James H. & Co. 6 and 8 Central st. Whitney, Joseph & Co. 41 Pearl st. Whitney, J. A. & E. 71 Fidton st. Whitney, J. P. 36 Centril st. Whitlcmore, Thos., Jr. 21 Fulton St. Wyman, Abel, 46 Fulton st. Crocker, Joseph, 3 Fleet st. Cumraiskey, M. 48 Merrimac St. Daggett, Henry L. 202 Washington st. Dsmon, S. G. 77 Blackstone st. Drake, James M. 61 Commercial st. Dunham, J. J. & Co. 116 Court st. Dyke, William, Union st. opposite Marshall E.\ter, Thomas A. T., Change Av. Belcher, 647 1-2 Washington St. Bell, Theo. H. 155 do Bejiari, J. 531 do Blanchard, Leonard, 12 Clinton St. Blaney, D. H., Maverick S(iuare, cor. | Sherburne, John, 9 Lewis street Summer st. East Boston. Brackett, R. 187 Hanover st. | Sibley, Solomon, 7 Court st. Boston. Brett & Rice, 10 School st. '■ Simonds, George. Canton st Brettel, M. 6 U. S. Hotel 1 Simonds, Wm. 57 Cambridge st Brigham, J. W. 125 Court st. ! Spence, Wm. P. 182 Hanover st Brooks, J. N. 130 Hanover st. : Strong, Geo. O. 619 Washington st Walter & Roth, Merchants' Block Full River. French, Richard C, Wholesale, 10 Main & 1 Pleasant street French, Stephen L., South Main st Adams, John W. 88 Annawan st Smith, A., Main street Fitchburg. Merrill, L. A. Oeorgetoion. Smith, Chas. 133 & 134 Front street Gloucester, Parsons Gorham, 24 & 25 Front st Haskell, J. W. 76 Front street Sprague, P. T. Orecnfield. Ortt, John Noyes, .lames. Shoes Haverhill. .Montgomery & Co. Johnson, L. & Co. Fuller, John S., Shoes Fuller, Nathan, Shoes Whiltier, A.G., Shoes Robl)ins & Brooks L,avirence. Lentell, John Footman & Currier Simons, Solomon Stone, Edw. 92 Central st Lowell. Lyon, L. D. 106 Central street Wright, N. M. Jr. 112 Central street Brown, A. & Co. 114 do Wright, H. 51 do McLanathan, S., Shoe, 56 Merrimack street Emery, Wm. E. 62 Merrunack street MASSACHUSETTS. 119 Mdrble/iead. Marshjidd. Milton. J^antucket. Whiteley, Joseph, 39 Merrimack st Jjowell. Berrj-, Alfred, Ladies' Boots, 86 Mer- rimack street McLnnath;in, Henry L. S. 102 Merri- mack street Critcliett, N., Merrimack street DIs, Joel H. 148 do Samson, VVm. Jr. 184 do Merrill, D. do Reed, John, 228 do Swan, Daniel, 95 do Cram, J. T., Ladies' Shocj, 23 Merri- mack street Fox, Wm., Ladies' Shoes, 19 Merri- mack street Boardiiian, S. A., 18 Merrimack st Racon, Ranselear, 17 do Boardiiian, Geo. F. 7 do Moore & Cheney, Midddlesex street Blake, J. H. do Burrows, E. 65 Market street Lynn. Rhodes, Edwin Disfey, Benj. D. Phillips, J. Foss, 'I'homas Rogers, A. & A. Johnson, J. W. Ives, E. D. Main street Wood, David Catchart, E. H. Orange street Freeman & Childs, 95 Union street JVeio Bedford. Lawton, C. 89 Purchase street Ray, J. C. 79 do Logan, Wm. B. 80 do Prouty & May, 42 do Bryant & Dennison, 14 do DevoU, Pardon, 26 do Ewer, Paul, Wholesale, 11 South Water street Keith, L. B. 150 Union street Smith, VVm. & Co. 3 Cheapside Bourne, Nelson, 19 do Swain, Oliver, 82 Main street Jenny, Francis, 16 Third street Matthews, Win. 106 do Raymond, S. E., Purchase street Colby, R. C. Water st J^ewburyport. Pingrey, Daniel, State street Jordon, S. State st Peabody, C. Jr. & Co. Pleasant st Converse, D. 18 Merchants' Row J'forthampton. Slate, Erastus Sacket, Rufus Howard, W. S. Holmes, S. B. Bailev & Smith Smith, J. L. Young, L. Randall, John Adams, E. B. Eustis street, corner Dudley Roibury. AUendorf, Adam, 58 Washington st Bird, Chas. G, 93 do Bigelow, J., Rubbers, 77 do Childs, Geo. 94 Washington street, opposite Water Colburn, Phineas, Tremont st. near Rugg Davis, Chas. H. Washington street opposite Norfolk House Field & Gould, head of Dudley st Gridley, Oliver L. & Co. 67 Washing- ton, Winth. Bank Building Perkins, N. W., Ladies' Shoes, 78 Washington street Stroiis, George, 101 Washington st Webber. Wm. 124 Washington street opposite Vernon Odell, Benj. G. 34 North st Salem. Willoughby, C. D. South Salem. Basson & Glover, 4 Lafayette st Rhodes, C. 46 Derby street Barlow, John, 149 Essex street Pittsfield. Plymouth. Provincetown. Keith & Sturtevant Sandwich Gaylord. John, South Hadiey Falls Elmer, Rufus, Main st Springfield Kendall, Joel, 11 do Sphinney, W. N. 2 Hampden Hall Elmer, Willard, 5 State street Elmer, Nelson L., .\gawain Block Stewart, Austin, Springtield Hill Kludge, Isaac Jr, 4 Massasoit Row Seaver, Nathan B., Main street Taunton. Hoard, N. S. & C. M, Gilbert, fl. & Co. (wholesale and re- tail), 4 Main st Crane, Elisha C, 31 Main st Shattuck, George E. Elliott, Samuel Tyngsborough. Stevens, N. E. Warwick. RusseU, J. & W. E. Wheeler & Marsh Watertown. Iresou, J. & Son IVebster. Rice, A. W. Smith, Samuel C. fVestfield. Taliiiadge, E. G. Nash, Prince E. Weymouth. Thompson, L., Jr. fFuburn. Bo wen, E. H. (wholesale), 210 Main street Worcester. Bovven, George, 208 Main st Bemis, Edward. 223 do Fuller, Jos. D. 219 do Parsons, H. E. (wholesale), 119 Main street Waldo, Winter & Co. 89 Main st Otis, B. B. & Co, (wholesale ), 20 and 22 Main st Longlev, Chas,W, & Co. (wholesale), 144 Main st Thompson, OIney F. (wholesale), 170 Main st Ayres, Wm. W. (Ladies'), 255 Main street Swain, C. P. (Ladies'), Market st Chapin, I. S. 61 Main st Parker, Elisha South Yarmouth. Baker, M. C. Jenkins, E. Richardson, J. 213 Decoane. F. 273 Perley, John, 252 Buswell, Eben, 238 Palmer, C. & Co. 216 do do do do do Gomes, Joseph, Front street Boot and Shoe Manufac- turers. Cleverly, Joseph Mington. Ford, James, Jr. Freeman, Joseph B. Raymond, H. A. Ford, E. Wales, S. R. & W. S. (Boots) Shaw, Philander Curtis, Leander Beal, Benjamin Reed, W. & Cn. East Abington. Beal & Thomp-'on Bigelow. James F. Poole, M. H. Shaw, Sumner Curtis, Abner Dill, Joseph Beal, Nathaniel Pollard, Isaac Jenkins, Geo. W. Lane, Jenkins Vaughan, Joseph Vaughan, Stetson Nash, Joshua L. Dunham, Henry Noyes, Ira, (Boots) East jJbington. Hunt, Thomas J. Whitmarsh, Joshua Fa.xon, L. & Cn. Thaxter & Gushing King, Joshua Loud, Alden Fullerton, Jas. R. South Jlbington. Norton, Samuel Blake, S.. Jr. Vining, S., (Brogans) Gurney. John Gurney & Dyer. (^Brngans) Gurney, Leander P. I^oster, Hector Fletcher, John Acton. Dean, D. South Adams. Butler, A. P. & Co. J^Torth Adams, Olds, Alfred Rogers, EdwiiL, (dealers) Hill, S. F. Rogers, Ingraham & Co. CoUins, Herman dlford, Pettingill, Wm. P. (Ladies' Shoes) Amesbury, Perkins, George, (Ladies' Shoes) Jones, Wm., (Shoes) Kellogg, C Hubbard, Elijah Barnard, Gilliert Jordan, R. B. Sanderson, Asa Samson, H. R. Amherst Andover. JVorth Andover. Ashfield. Ashby. Tilton & Hartson, (Boots) Ashland. Kendall, Otis Athol. Jones & Simonds Lewis & Lee, (Kid Shoes) Stetson, Thomas, Jr. Barnstable. Rice, John W. Barre. Barnard, Joshua, Jr. Becket. Butterfield, J. Bedford, Chamberlain & Billings Gleason, Lewis P. (Shoes) Freeman, James M. Bellingham. Colburn, Dwight, (Boots) Chilson, Paul Wheeler, E. T. (Shoes) Berlin. Barnard, Lewis H. do Roundy, N. Beverly. Tuttle, O. Herrick, Joshua, (Shoes) Dickinson, Sam. JVorth Blandford. Wilson, Theodore Blandford. Adams, Joseph K. 7 Pinckney street Boston. Anderson, H. M. 6 Theatre Alley Augustus, John, 5 Franklin Avenue Babb, G. W. 38 Allen st Baker, Abel, 1 Water st Bangs, A.. Jr., 248 Comnitircial st Barnard, George L. 3 Spring Lane Barrett, Thomas, 9 Bedford st. Bartholmesz, G. 545 Washington st Bassett, J., Sumner st East Boston. Bates, Joel N., RusseU st.. cor. Vine Boston. Becker, Wm., FrankUn Place, corner of Havvley st Bigelow, Parker, 1.55 Endicott st Bisbee, R. & Co. 29 School st Blake, Wm. 6 Bedford st Blanchard, Nathaniel, West Cedar St. near Pinckney Brackett, R. 187 Hanover st Brettell, M. 6 U. S. Hotel BuUard, James, 115 Cambridge st Carroll, Thomas, 76 Essex st Coburn, James F., Jr., 13 Salem St. Colby, Moses L. 62 1-2 Myrtle st. Collier, Wm., Sulfolk St. near South Williams Cominin, Andrew, 14 Avery st Converse. B. M. 69 Cornhill Cook, Henry, 6 Friend st Crocker, Jo.seph, 3 Fleet st Crockett, G. B. 119 Court st Cummiskey, M. 48 Merrimack st Dean, Laomi, Lancaster st Devlin, J. 4 Kingston st Donnegan, T. & W. 105 Ann st Donaley, F. 564 Washington st Eckert, Valentine, Sumner st., comer of South Edwards, A. 67 Leveret st Ellms, A., Turnpike, near Fourth sf Emerson, G. & Son, Broadway, near D street Field, George, 30 Sudbury st FIvnn, John, 103 Broad st Forbes, Wm. 109 Charles st Foster, Robert, 23 Leveret st Fowle, J. 19 Atkinson st Goldthwait, Jos. G. rear 4 Brattle Sq. Griggs, J. B., Harrison Avenue, op- posite Bennet st Gunning, E. C. 4 Avery st Hager, J., Boylston st. corner Lowell Place 120 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Hall, Eben. Webster st Boston. Hancock, Daniel, Pitts street, near Merrimack Harlow, Ivory, Meridian st Harrington, Solomon, 48 Congress st Hasent'us, VV., Poplar st. ne:ir Spring Hasertiighs, Francis, 2 Bridge st Hey wood. I). 1 Chestnut Place Hill, J. 9U Eiidicot st Holden, Mnrtin, 10 Devonshire st Holman, J. S., opposite 99 Summerst Holmes, I. S. 222 Washington st Howe, Marcus, 8 Beacli st Hoyt, David K. 4 Belknap st Jenkins, \Vm. 664 Washington st Jeser, F. A., Northampton st Karcher, Christian, Broadway, near D street Kolp, P. C. 74 Federal st Lane, Silas, Church st. cor. S. Cedar Larrabee, John, Broadway, n. C st Leach & Atwood, 46 Devonshire st Learned, Grant, 5 1-2 Bronitickl st Leear, Henry, 559 Washington st Loheed, J., South st. near Beach Lynch, Charles, 144 Ann st Marchant, J. F., Sumner street, cor. London Marden, David, 105 1-2 Salem st Martin, B. 10 Williams st Martis, A. 76 Cambridge st McCarthy, John, 34 Congress st McConelogiie, J. 378 1-2 Washington street McDoug.ill, James, opposite 57 War- ren street Mclntire, D. 50 Cambridge st Mertz, Thomas, Eliot st. near Wash- ington Miereng, Joseph, Kneeland st. cor. Hudson Mitchell, A. 3 Kneeland st Muiller, Dennis, 474 Washington st Mullen, John, Turnpike, corner Sil- ver street Murphj', John, Sumner st Murphy, J. 127 Sea st Myers, F., Sudbury st. cor. Portland Nagel, P. 16 N. Centre st Netz, J. 212 Ann st Norton, T., Nortolk Avenue O'Brien, Thomas, 2d st. near Dor- chester Odenwald, G. A. 22 & 24 Derne st O'Hara, Michael, 49 Eliot st O'Neill, Matthew, Sumner st. near Havre East Boston. Parshley, J. S., Broadway, near Turn- pike Boston. Payne, Elias, 15 Water st Penniman & Fiske, Water street cor. Devonshire Perkins, Wm.20 Salem st Pogue, .1. 82 Prince st Power, James, 67 Pleasant st Ranlett & Bullard, Broadway, cor- ner A street Remmes, T., Harrison Avenue, near Asylum Richardson, James, 92 Tremont st Eoffe, M. 296 Washington st Ruby, C. 85 1-2 Eliot st Russ, Daniel, R. R. Block, Lincoln st Schayer, John, 38 Congress st Schmidt, John C, Theatre Alley Schwoerer, L. 18 Howard st Seaverns, Henry, 1 Chapman Place Shirley, Abner, opposite 72 Charles street Simonds, George, Canton st Simonds, L. 36 Portland st Sinnott, Wm. 220 Ann st Slocum, A. G. 6 12 Brighton st Small, Frederick, 6 Bedford st Smith, Geo. P., Purchase street, cor. Pearl Smith, James, 2 North End Block S/iiith. Thomas, 81 Cambridge st Standish, W., Sea st. cor. Beach Stone, J. A., Federal street corner Purchase Sturgis, J., Green st. cor. Lynde Swain, S., Broadway, near Dorches- ter street Boston. Tomlinson, Jas. 532 Washington st Townsend, Geo. W. 5 North End Block Turner, James, Tremont street, near Warren Tyler, Asa, 192 Tremont st Vinal, P., Carver st. near Pleasant Wade, A., rear 204 Washington st Waitt, Isaac B. 5 School st Wallace, J. 65 Eliot st White, Chas. G. 685 Washington st Wright. G. B. 172 Ann st Bodwell, N., over 198 Washington street, Ladies' Gaiters Boston. Brown, A., rear 204 Washington street. Ladies' Shoes Haskell, J. C, 204 Washington St., Ladies' Shoes Hills, Jos. ,72 Tremont, Ladies' Shoes Knott, James & Son, near 25 Brom- field street, Ladies' Shoes Knott, Rob., 16 School st, L. Shoes Osborn, J. J. & Son, 4 Bedford St., Ladies' Shoes Shirley, Abner, 72 Charles street. Ladies' Shoes Atwood, George East Bradford, Lucy, William S.ivory, George, Shoe Parker, Stephen, Shoe Grilfin, Walter, Shoe Page, Paul, Shoe V'eazie, S., Boot Braintree. H.iyw.ird, Charles, Boot Stoddard, Ancel, Boot S. Braintree. Thayer, E. F. E., Boot Braintree. .■\rnold, S. S., Boot Arnold, John B. Niles, Dniel H. Hollis, John A., Boot Hulbrook, James S., Boot Arnold, Joseph A. South Braintree. Hoi brook, Joel E., Boot Potter, E. & Co. do Stoddard, Judson Dyer & Bradford Sears, Joseph E. Ifest Brewster. Mitchell & Hale Bridgewater. Willis, Nathan Kmg, P. C. & Co. Briggs, Thomas C. Kimball & Robinson Brookfield. Barnard, VV. Brookiine. Emerson, J. D. Tolman, C. W. Thayer, S. T. Whitcomb, Elliot Buck/and. Cutler, Silas Burlington Reed, Eno< East Cambridge. Johnson, S. J., North 3d street Morey, William Cambridge Port. Clark, Chandler Charlemont. Martin, Newhall, 113 Main street Charlestown. Mayhew, T. T. & D. 149 1-2 Main st Knight & PcHir, 98 do Everett, H. 94 do Gardner, Franklin, 92 do Poor, Charles, 76 do Miller, Charles, 74 do Barnard, John, corner Harvard and Main streets Cnmmi'igs, Raymond, Ladies' Shoes, cor. Main & Harvard streets Thayer, Davis Charlton. Sibley, Hiram Jforth Charlton. Mayo, Richard Chatham. Buck, Jonathan Lindsey, Nathaniel Chelmsford. Smith, Sherman B. Chicopee Falls. Hubbard, A. Robbins, J. S., Exchange st Chicopee. Hitchcock, W. L. & J. W., Exchange street Hastings, Jonas Concord. Tolman. Elisha Kelsey, A, A. Joy, Franklin R. Cummingtnn. Dane, Francis, Shoes (^wholesale) Lowell street Danvers. Morrison, Joseph &. Co., Shoes, Main street Danvers. Phillips & Peabody, Shoes, 5 Allen's Block Daniels, David, Shoes, Main st Fuller, Edward, do do Potter, Charles, Shoes, Foster st Walker, Franklin, Boots, Central st Noyes, Francis, Majile street JVorth Danvers. Silvester, Nathaniel, Maple st Perley, Frederick, Shoes Boardman & Gould, Shoes, Locuslst Putnam, M. & Black, Shoes Putnam, Samuel do Trask, Elbridge do Putnam, Stephen do Boardman, Nathaniel do Putnam, Aarou do Putnam, I. H. do Pope, Ira P. do Putnam, Geo. A. do Flint, Joseph P. do Putnam, H. F. do Emerson, D miel do Butler, J. C. do Knights, .Allen do Allen, A. G. do Silvester, Joshua do Putnam, Elias & Co. do Corning, Phineas, Shoes, New Mills IJaiirers. Friend, Isaac P., Shoes, New Mills Barker, Wm., Jr. J^Torth Dartmouth. Bates, Wm. D. South Deerfield. Underwood, M S. South Dennis. Fowle, Henry L., Neponset Dorchester. Lucas, J., Jr. Nichols, Richard Sias, E. & J. Carben, B. A. Dudley. Holmes, John Duibury. Bryant, Seth East Bridgewater Bates, Henry G. Edson, Henry Keith, Robert Hathaway, Joseph L, .Jones, Samuel D. Rice, E. H. Easthampton. Makely, Wm. JVorth Egrrmont. Stuart, Talmon, Main sl.Edgartown. Randall, A. Enfield. Goldsmith, E. K. Essex. Sargent, Wm. H. Perkins, 3d, Ezra Gilford, S. 11. Fairhaven. Cook, G. D. lOGr.inite Block, Market Square Fall River. French, Job B. 26 Merchants' Block, North Main street Graves, Gardner, South Main st Smith, Thomas B. 72 Annawan st Cook, B. & Co. 13 Pleasant st French, Asa P. Edwards, Watson Falmouth. Micks, John Smith, A., Main st. Fitchbvry. Currier, Jas. M., Shoe Framingham. Washburn, Tliomas Little & Noyes Oeorgetown. Nelson & Hood Perry, J. Piatt. John L., Shoe Cooker, John P. Stratton, Samuel Oill. Perkins, Dean, 2 Union Hill Gloucester. Evans, Wm. Great Barringtun. Selkirk, W. Ives, Martin F. Haskins, .\. P. Greenfield. Cr igin, E. Oroton. Robbins. .\sa Blake, Wm. Madley. Boice, G. A. JVorth Hudley. Lyon, Brian II •tifnx. Mason, James liincock. Everett, George Josselyn, S. Hanover. Blanchard, Chris. (Siioes) JVorth Hanover. MASSACHUSETTS. 121 Studley, John B. J^orlh Hanover. Cleverly, C. S. Drew, C. Hansun. Soper, Jeremiah Nickersoii, Phineas Hanson Port. Underwood, Sidney Elliott, Samuel, (Shoes) East Haverhill. Whittier, Georpc, (Shoes) Haverhill. Dresser, T. N. (Bro};iins) Huaking, C. D. (Shoes) Hobson, Daniel, do Fitts, Joseph do Kimball, Albert do Bradley & Tyler do Currier, G.C.& Co. do Woodman, B. P. & Co. (Shoes) Whittier, Leonard, do Bennett, N. P. do Corning & Davis, do George & Little, do Emerson, Moses E. do Sawyer, Samuel C. do Blanchard, J. Burr & Marsh Hingham. French, Edward South Hingham. Nasih, French & Co. Abbott, David H. Snow, Charles Hinsdale. Leland, John P. (Boot) HuUiston. Daniels, Geo. D. do O'Brien, Huiih, do Coburn, N. P. do Hopkinton. Davenport & Gibbs Bowker & Mansfield Parkhurst, Willurd Sawj'er, Henry J. Bowker, H. King, Enos Hills, Albert H. Ipswich. Waite, J. & Son Wellington & Daniels Bancroft, T., New Boston Lancaster. Haws, M. D. (Kid Shoes), Cliuton- ville Humphrey, Reuben Lanesborough. White, S. V. iMwrence. Henderson, E. M. South Lee. Holdeu, William Lenox. Stevens, Darius Nash, O. Lexington. Wright, Geo. 88 Central st Lowell. Farr & Whitney, 1-23 Central st Mills & Pluiunier, fiO Merrimack st Wright, A. C. & Co. 84 do Bascom, Wni. 110 do Palmer, .Tohn A. 188 do Emerson, M .s^s, 120 do Leavitt, Win. H. 170 do Emerson, George, 262 do Palmer, Asa Lynnficld. Moulton, Benjamin Whittredge, W. & G. Mansfield, M. (Ladies' Shoes) Lynn. Bubier, H. M. & Co. (Shoes) Breed, Henry A. do Newell & Bachelder, 54 Market st Oliver, W. B. & J. (Ladies' Shoes), 4 Market street Nevvhall, Harrison (Ladies' Shoes), 6 North Common st Spinney, John (Shoes), 22 North Common st Phelps, Albert, 43 North Common street Bancroft, Thomas F. (Ladies' Shoes), 4.5 North Cciiiimon st Kitnball, Nailian. North Common st Ellis, David (Shoes), do Gale, Samuel (Ladies' Shoes), 14 Market st Baker, E. (Gents' Gaiters and Ladies' Shoes), Market st Wooldrrdge, John (Ladies' Shoes), 33 Market st Graves, James, 35 Market st Oliver, Steplien. Jr., Ladies' Shoes, 26 South Conmion st Spinney, W. N., Shoes, South Com- mon street Burrill, Chas. E., Shoes, South Com- mon street Richardson, T. P., Shoes, 22 South Common st Lynn. NewhaU, T/Ucian, Shoes, 30 South Common st Hayden & Downing, Shoes, South Common st Robinson, Christop'r, Ladies' Shoes, 40 South Common st Newhall, Paul & Sons, Ladies' Shoes, 41 & 42 South Common st Webster, Wm., India Rubber Shoes, South Common st Taylor, David, Ladies' Shoes, South Common st Piuinton, B., Shoes Newhall, Elbridge, Shoes Ireson & Johnson, do, South Common st Bowler, Thomas, Shoes, South Com- mon st Johnson, John B., Shoes, South Com- mon st Breed, Isaiah, Shoes, 19 Exchange st Fuller, J. M., Shoes, Willow st Sampson, John A., Exchange st Keene, Geo. W., Ladies' Shoes, 4 Ex- change st Green, Samuel A., Shoes, 18 Ex- change st Cobb, Isaac B., Shoes, 22 Exchange treet Sattwill, G., Shoes, 2 Broad st Breed, Moses, do, 4 do Breed, Nathan, do, 6 do Sargent & Breed, Gents' Gaiters and Ladies' Shoes, 2 Broad st Newhall, Jos. P., Shoes, 24 Broad st Chase, James B. do, 16 do Brown, N. do, 18 do Pratt, John, do, 24 do Pratt, .M. C, do, 23 do Mower, ,\mos, do, 31 do Stacy, Thomas, do, 27 do Swain, J. H„ do, do Chase, N.ithan D., do, 56 do Chase, VVm. A., Ladies', 62 do Chase, John B., Shoes, 47 do Ing alls, Albert, do, 36 do Cliase, Josiah, Shoes, 2 Washington street Burrill, Alanson, Shoes, Newhall st Wheeler, W. H. & Co., Shoes S rtrom, Chas, 1 St;ite st Pingrey, Daniel do Danielson, C, H., Shoe Hilliard, Timothy Poole, John, State st Hager, Walter Xewtun Low r Falls. Reed & Danforth do do do Guild, J. J\'ewto)i Corner. Adams, Warren JK'nrthbriitge. Marshall, P. JVort/i Bridg-ewuter. Copeland & Hartwell White, G. Cary, B., Jr., Shoe Dunbar & Ford French, Wm., Jr. & Co. Hebard, W. H. H. Reynolds, Benjamin F. Stoddard, Children^' Shoes Packard, Edward S., Brogaas Howard, Henry Howard, David Curtis, Lsaac F. Whitney & Haskell, Calf and Kid Dewing & Edmonds JV. Broiikfie.d. Batcheller, T. & E. Billings, Wm. C. J^nrthfield. Slate, Erastus JVurtkainpton. Knight, L, E. Sackel, Rufus Gates, C. & S. Orange. Sparrow, Jesse, Jr. Orleans. Davis, E., Shoe Oxford. Gay, T. T. do Southwick, Samuel. Shoe Davis, C, Jr. do Carbin, L. B. do Fleming, Joseph Palmer Depot. Converse, Chancy Moores, George Thorndike Palmer. Little, J. B. Sweet, Wm. Pawtucket. Howe, H. H. Pax.tuH. Larkin & Bigelow Pierce, Otis Davis, D. G. Mattuck, P. Prpperell. Brooks, Phineas Petersliam. Drake & Co. Weller, John Pittafield. Hungerford, R. Howard & Cooley Brown, John Irving & Bayard May, Thomas Plymouth. Colib, H., Jr. Hutchinson & Brooks Princeton. Kiiowles, J. P. Provincetown Nash, Wm. Quincy. Wild, N. A„ Thick Boots Curtis, Noah Hardwick, Henry Whicher, John D. Curtis, Benjannn While, Nathan H. Curtis, William Hardwick, W. P. & J. M. i Curtis, C. & L. Quincy. Curtis, A. & Co., Fine Boots Bigelow, Jabez Marsh, Charles & Co. Unilerwood, W. S. Nightingale, J. B. French, Luther, Shoe E. Randolph. French, Calvin do White, T. Whitcomb, L. S., Shoe Faxon, D. do Adams, John do Parker, David Randolph. Leeds, James Belcher. John, Jr. Belcher, Henry Wentworth, W., Boot .■Vlibot, William Wiles, Isaac Niles, Jacob Thayer, J. E. Blanchard, David East Randolph. White, Jonathan, Shoes Hayden, Elijah Hnllirook, C. S., Shoe French, Thadeus French, Isaac N. Derby, A. & S. Viiiing, S. A. Belcher. Elisha, Shoe Holbrook, E, N. do Whitcomb, Lewis Lincoln, Ephraim, Shoe White, Thos. J. & Co. do White, Jairus Wild, L. F. Wales, Erastus Alden, John Randolph. Alden, Hiram French, Sidney, Jr. Clark, M.ilthew liurri'll & Miguire Thayer &. Jennings Howard, D.iniel Payne, D. L. Howard & French Thayer, L. F. Pendcrgrass, Orlando Whitcomb, A. W. Perkins, W. R, Reading.. Foster' Stephen, Shoe Halden, Abiel do Richardson, Henrj' Brown & Mills Rockport. Pool, Alfred C. Pool & Farr Todd, Nathan Adams, E. B., Eustis street, corner Dudley Rorbury. Barrows, James B., Ruggles st. near Tremont Brooks, John, 2d, 35 Washington st Brooks, Wm. 35 Washington st. near Eustis Barnard, J., Centre st. cor. Thomas Brown, Asa, Washington st. oppo- site Norfolk House Coverly, E. C, Tremont street, cor. Washington Curtis, Nahura, Cabot street, comer Sudbury Davis, Wm. J., Railroad Crossing, Forest Hill Donnally, Michael, Warren st. cor. Union Hooper, Isaac D., Green st., Jamaica Plain Jordan, C, Spring st. W. Roxbury. Jordan, Sylvanus, Dudley st. oppo- site City Hall Roxbury. Jordan, R. C. 128 Washington street, opposite Vernon Lang, A., Webber st Lilley, Andrew, Cabot st near Sud- bury McCarty, P., Davis st Pevear, Daniel S., Dudley St. near Greenville Pevear, Chas. B., Warren st. near Dudley Prescott, Joseph O., Turnpike, cor. Forest Hill Perkins, N. W. 78 Washington st Roxbury, Tucker, Seth, Tremont street, near Washington Wood, E. R. 29 Washington st Knight, W. 5 North st Salem, Furguson, T. B. 4 Union st Dalton, E. M. 96 Essex st McCloy, Robert, 112 do Brown, John A. 31 Washington st Dalton, Joseph & Son, near Depot Lake, C. H. 110 Derby st Henderson, S., Jr. 9 1-2 St. Peter st Hay, John, 35 Brown st Averell & Low, 78 Boston st Peahody & Ashby, Ladies' Shoes. 178 Essex st Southward, T. W. 189 Essex st Brown, J. &. Co. Salisbury. Mellen, Washington Sandi.^field. Waldron, L. D. & Co. Saugus. Newhall, J. W., Shoe Calley, Jacob do Atherton, A. S. do Jackson, P. do Daniels, A. C. Scituate. Hersey, Caleb Gay, George W., Boot Sharon. Winship &. Johnson, Boot Richards, L. A. Hixon, A. G. & C. D. do Turner, Isaac Shrffield. Bardwell, Apolas Shelburne Falls. Bardwell, B. B. Bliss, Augustus Shrewsbury. Winter, J. H. SluUeshur'y. La Croix, Edward, Ladies Shoe Southbridge. Hawks, D. A., Ladies' Shoes Maynard, T. South Hndley. Pendleton, R. C. Chapman, S. Southampton. Stowe, John, Shoe South Reading. Hawkes, Adam Sweetser, A. N. & A. G. Willy, B. B. & Son Walton, Edward H, Emerson, Thomas, Shoe White, John do Abbott, B. F. do Grout, Bush & Co., Boots Spencer. Jimes, A. T. & E. do Denny, Charles E. do <>rcen, J. do Hixon & Dewey.Main st. SpringHeld. S|ilinney, W. N. 2 Hampden Hall Elmer, Nelson L., Agawam Block. Townsly & Ball, Fine, Main st Rindge, Isaac Jr., 4 Massasoit Row Dimbar, M, C, French Boots, Main st Ferre, Horrace, State st Line, J., Curtisville Stockhridgt. Miller, Marcus Sprague, D. L., Shoe Stoneham. Rowe, Allen & Son, Sh Sweetser, Warren do Hay, Ira & Co. do Richardson, Alpha do Emerson, D. F. do Howard, Amos do Cowdsey, George do Green, George do Dyke, Lyman & Co. do Williams, A. B. do Hill & Drake, Boot Stoughton. Savles, S. &, Brothers, Boot Beales, J. & Co. .Vtherton, J. & Wm, do Packard, Francis do Capen, N., Boot JVorth Stoughtvn. Norton, Nathaniel, Boot Goldlhwait, Joseph do Belcher, L. & W. do I Littlelield, C, Boot East Stoughton Littletield, D. do Smith, .Albert, do Blanchard, J. & H. Goldlhwait, L., Boot Tucker, Ebeneiser Smith & Bates Sturbridge. Rider, Enoch Sudbu7-i/. Burrill, E. MASSACHUSETTS, 123 Tovvnsend, A., Mainst Taunton. Tisdale, S. Jr., Weir Bridge Spring, Benjamin do Luce, LeandtT fVest Tisbury. Branscomb, O. P., Holmes' Hole Crovvell, Jeremiah do Luce, Timoihy Herrick, Charles Topsfield. Wright, John Bixby, E. S. Lane, Thomas L. Perkins, R. D. Shepard, Samuel Hall, John B. IVest Townsend. Heath, L. B. Tyrmgharn. Willard, W. W. Wood, C. G. Uzbridse. Whiting, Premiss, Boots Keith, Joseph C. do Boyce, J. C. & Co. fVales. Mann, John, Boots South fValpolc. Whitney, Joseph, Main st fValt/iam. Warren, Rufus do Clark, Charles do Baker, George F. do Whitlow, J. S. do Cutler, Isaac do Maynard, Josiah, do Lad. Shoes Gale, Jonathan P. Ware. Bliss, Levi Hutchinson & Brooks Cogswell, A. Wareham. Morgan, Q. M. IVarwick. Williams, E. Watertown. Davis, E., Shoe Webster. Harwood, E. C. & Co., Shoe Hall, Lot Wellfieet. Fish. A. B. Higgins, Bartlett Brooks, T. D. Wendell. Perkins, Edward, 2d Wenham. Gould, A. (St Son Newton, Utis, Youths' Boots Westborough. Edson, Melvin C, Shoes West Bridgewater. Tisdale, Josiah Hersey, Stillman W. Copeland, P. L. Fales & Brown, Boot W. Brookjield. Giddings, Chandler Ramsdell, Thos. West Cambridge. Trask, M. C, Ladies' Shoes Lewis B. F. & Co. Westfield. Avery, Solomon Durgin, Samuel, Shoes W. J^ewbury. Hosnier & Bailey, do Durgin, James do Gilman, Edward G. Westport. Chamberlin, John West Stockbridge. Tirrell, E. G. Weyinoath. Nash, Stephen W., Boot Beals, Pratt &. Co., Shoes Nash, C. do Jones, J. do Raymond, A., Shoes E. Weymouth. Shaw, Oliver B. Fogg, J. S. South Weymouth. Thomas, E. Vining & Tirrell Tirrell & B ites Holbrook, A. East Weymouth. Humphrey, Albert Tirrell & Bailey South Wninuatk. Nye & Hunt Nash, Prince E. Clap(), Adoram Newton, Lincoln, Shoe Stetson, Amos Warren Richards, Elias, Boot Thayer, Chapin Hunt, Richard A. Cushing, S. P. Kingman, E. C. Briggs & Loud Humphrey, Ebenezer, Shoe Cushing, Harvey do Pratt, Elisha, Shoe JV'. Weymouth. Torrey, L. do Torrey, James do Newton, Henry, Shoe Dizer, M. C. do Lovell, D. &. M. do E. Weymouth. Burrell, G. Vining, Perez & Co. S. Weymouth. Shaw, Nathaniel & Co. Stowell, Noah & Son Rice, Chauncy, Haydensville Witlinmsburg. Noyes, Niles WiUiamstouni. Noyes, M. Cook, Noah Eolierts, G. Bingham, E. Thompson, L. Jr. Woburn. Cragin, F. K., Gaiters Choate & Flanders, Ladies' Boots and Shoes Field, John &. Son, Ladies' Boots and Shoes Nichols, Wing & Co., Shoe Parker, Edmund do Flanders, D. F. do Mitten, William South Woburn. Corbett, Otis, Boots, 222 Main st Southwick, E. & Co. 216 Main st. Hubbard, D. B. 192 do Bowman, A. 6 Front st Walker, Jos. Jr. 7 Main st Munyan, Jona. 207 do Stone, Timothy S., Southbridge St. Rice & McFarland, 89 Front st Bliss, Cyrus, Main st B:irker, Wm„ Lincoln Square White, C. & F. 205 Main st French, F. 205 Main -t Wilion, D. 205 do Pond, Cook & Co. Wrentham. Hallett, Nathan Tarmoutli Port. Boot Tree Manufactu- rers. Whittemore, A. D., Last Oreat Barrington. Selkirk. W., Last Hale & Sessions, Patent Metalic, Haywood's Building Worcester. Botanic Medicines. Abbott, J. & B. F. (Thompsonian) 140 Hanover st Boston. Chapman, J. W., Cambridge street, corner of Temple Clark, Wm. (Thomp.; 80 Carver st Hall, J. P. I Belknap st Harris, B. N. 15 Lincoln st Humphrey, H., F(mrth st near B Jackson, .Joseph, 102 Court st Jenkins, Solon, 250 Broad st Johnson, Wm. rear 47 Hanover st Kelly, J. C. 54 Tremont st Lord, Wm. E. 27 ftleridian st E. B. McKendry, B. 52 Merrimack st Pike, J. T. Gilman, 79 & 81 Black- stone street Spear, J. S. 570 Washington street, corner of Asylum Taylor, T. K. 3 Hanover st West. J. H. 139 do Wilson, B. O. & G. C. (Wholesale) 18 Central street Perkins & Thompson, Merrimack st I^owell. Dowse, John, 149 Central st Lawrence, George JVantucket. Watrous, Andrew Palmer Depot. Harlow, David Plymouth. Williams, V. S., Main st Waltham. Emmons, S. B. do Rice, J. 2d., Main st Worcester. Botanic Physicians. Jenkins, Jacob Jindover. Abbott, J. & B. F. 140 Hanover st Boston. Chapman, J. W., C.-iinbridge street, corner of Temple Clark, W. (Thomp.) 80 & 82 Car- ver street Boston, Clark, J. J. 51 1-2 Hanover st Cummings, Henry, Robinson Alley Harris, B. N. 15 Lincoln st Humphrey, H. Fourth st near B Jackson, Joseph, 102 Court st Kelly, J. C. 54 Tremont st Leach, Wm. 15 Minot st Lord, Wm. E. 27 Meridian st E. B. Lunt, M. D. 139 Hanover st Magoon, N. S. (Thorn.) 61 Salem st Ma.son, John, 114 Court st Pike, J. T. Gilman, 79 & 81 Black- stone street Skinner, H. B. 60 1-2 Cornhill Snow, A. 103 Pinckney st Spear, J. S. 570 Washington street, corner of Asylum Taylor, T. K. 3 Hanover st Wright, N, Cambridge Port. Wright, W. E. Cheever & Renwick, 149 Main st Charlestown, Cheever, John, 129 Main st Brigham, Hubbard H. Fitchburg, AUIrich, J. M. cor. Main street and FrankUn Fall River. Wing, Zera Hinsdale. Lake, Hiram BoUiston. Ames, Joseph N, Ipswich. Ordway, A. Lawrence. Jeimess, L. W. & Co. Merrimack st Lowell. Hamilton, J. & R. L., Central st Melvin, J. B. 286 Merrimack st Melvin, Joshua, cor. Pearl street and Middlesex Russell, J. (Indian Doctor) Methuen. Underwood, W. E. Middlefield. Calkins, M. Munson. Cobb, Anson Monligue. Learning, P^S. J^ew Bedford. Packer, H. T. Rawson, Charles Hough, Henry C. Pattee, W. S. Allen, E. A. Martin, E. F. J^ewburyport. O'jford. Proviiicetotcn. Quiiicy. Randolph. Rockpurt Morgan, C. B. 56 Harbor st S. Salem. Quimby, Elisha, 18 Marlboro st (Jardner, H. F., State st Sprivgjield. Skinner. E. N., Main st Andrews, J. S. Ballou, E. Vining, T. D. Davis, Daniel Bassett, Aaron Chapman, Carlos •Sterling. West Townsend. Ware. Webster. Wendell. Westfield. Goulett, A.D. 227 Main st Worcester, Prevost, L. L. J. 227 Main street Worcester. Barnard, F. 79 Main street Newton & Hooker, corner of Front st and Carlton Schuyler, Peter (Root) Siunmer st Box Manufacturers. Averj-, John C, Band and Fancy, 11 Washington street Boston. Byron, Calvin, Band and Fancy, 4 Diamond Block Campbell, John, Band and Fancy, 69 Hanover street Deckman, C. C, Band and Fancy, 18 Haverhill street Goodrich, Silas, Band and Fancy, rear 25 Court street Smith, F. O., Band and Fancy, 102 Blackstone street Worthley, Mark, Band and Fancy, 185 Washington street Butler, P., Pencil Point, Buckland. Thayer, Wm., Shaving Pearson, Henry, Band and Fancy Cambridge. Loomis, L. B., Cheese, Cheshire. Roberts, Isaac W., Shoe and Hat Danvers. Mace & Sawyer, Shoe 124 NEW-EXGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Cummings, B., Shoe Dartmouth. Brown &. Eaton, Trunk and Box East Bridgfwater. Payson, Joseph & Son, Boiuiet Foxborough. Cashing, N. W., Trunk Bodies Hanson. ; Cobb & dishing Blood, Wni., Cheese Hawley. Sherwin, Wni., Pill and Sand Vincent, John, Shaving Belyea & Howe, Coarje Lavcnstcr. Sears, Freemnn, Band Prcscott. Belcher. K. & G., Shoe Randnlph. Oliver, Wm. M., East street opposite Eaton Rozbury. Reed. Augustine Swett ! Merrill, J. J., Parker st. n. Rugu'les | Smith, E. G. Samlisfirld. Dix, Joseph O. South Reading. I Hill, O. G.. Shaving IfiUianisbura-. \ Campbell. Wm., Band Worcester. < Haven, H. G., Fancy 1 Brass Foutid«>rs a.ud CoppersaiitUs. Brj'an, R.J. 33 Blackstone st. Bn.non. Cody, Edvv., Albany st. cor. Curve Francis, Dtmiel. Suuuiu'r st. E. B. Gooding & (iavett, 12 Ilawki'is st Hooper, N. H. &. Co. 24 Coniraorcial stri!Ct j Locke & Cordwell, Barrett st. near Fulton Morse & Fl"tcher. 24 Water st I Fierpont, W. A., Harrison Avenue corner Bl ike's Court | Rfivere Copi»r Co. 97 State st | Robinson. G. W. & Co. Richmond st Sinclair, Thos. 296 Commercial st | Bush, O. H., Bedford st Fall River. I Webb, Josiah W. Fairhaven.\ Dana, David, Jackson st. hoioell Swain, Jinies F. JVantacket Field, B. & C. M. Gillbrd & Topham, Howard's Wharf J\rew Bedford. Richmond, A. D. & Co. Jackman & Goss. Copper, Salem. Waters, John & Son J^nrth Salem. Bruce, George, Harrison Avenue Springfield. Dale, Ijombard, Lyman street Hankerson, Wm., Copper Sawyer & Parady Taunton. Wheeler, Wm. A. Worcester. Fitch & Jones Brewers. Boston Beer Co., office 47 and 49 Broad street Boston. Cook, Isaac, 25 Central st Kent, John, (Canal) 89 Water st Treniont Brewery. George O. Froth- ingham. West Castle & 69 Broad street Donihue, O. M., State st Lowell. Cook, ha c. PMrker -t. near Ru2gles. (otiice21 Broad st. Boston) fioiftury. Heckinger, J., rear Hcmston Place Kramer & Roselle, Washington st. ne.-ir Tremont Hooker, John, East State street Springfield. Brittania Ware manu- facturers. Trask, Israel Smith, Eben Gleason, Roswell Putnam, James H. Bev erly. Dorchester. JUaldtn. Brokers. Ship. Brown, Vernon, 5 Merchants' Ex. Boston. Brace & Cheney, 9 India st Cabot, Edward, 3 Merchants' Ex. Boston. Deshon, James, 23 India st Dow, John R. & Co. 132 Stite st Foster, Talbot & Co. 48 India st Frothingham, N. F. 25 Long Wharf Hamlen, Nathaniel, 92 Sliite .^t Haviland & Emmons, 7 Long Wharf Judson & Co. 4 India st Mayhew, Nathaniel, 70 State st Savage, Charles T. 17 India st Sillovva.y. J. 5 <'i>mrnerciMl st Tilden, T. & Co. i;i4 Slate st Warren, F. M. & Co. 1 lity Wharf Wells & Snelling, 134 State st White, .\mbrose H. 70 do Winsor, Nathaniel, Jr. 109 do BROKERS. Merchandise. Aspinwall, Augustus, 68 Broad st Boston. B(md, George W. 78 State st Bradford, Wm. B. 13 Broad st Harris, John S. 32 India st H.irt, S. Rowland. 6 State st Hartshorn, J. 109 Milk. St., Cotton & Wool Haviland & Emmons, 7 Long Wharf Haynes, Chas. 9 State st McLellan, W. H. 9 India st Packard & Freeman, 50 Kilby street. Cotton Phillips, J., Jr. 34 Doane street, cor- ner Broad Sawyer, Wm. B. 129 State St., Metals and Hemp Searle, George, 56 Water st S.aver, George, 43 Water st.. Cotton Sullivan, J. W. 23 Long Wharf Turell, U. 92 State st Waketield, C. 15 Commercial st Weld, Aaron D. 127 State st Williams, A. 4 Central Wharf Williams, Robert, 4 do BROKERS. Drug. Barrett, Samuel, 92 State st. Boston. Hovey, Abij ih W. 46 Federal st Letferts, L. 3 1-2 Commercial st Stevens, Wm. H., Old Custom House BROKERS. Insurance. DeWolf, E 63 Commercial street Boston. Hales, Page & Richardson, 5 Mer- chants' Exchange Tyler, J. S. & W. C, SufTold Building Taylor, VV. H. JVe/c Bedford. BROKERS. Specie. Ambrose, G. 34 1-2 State st Boston. Blaisdell. T. K. 4 Brattle Square Burnett, Wellington, 72 State st Dodd, J. M. 72 State st Gooding & Co. 3 Exchange st M.-rrill, J. 16 Brattle Square Osborn, Wyman, 12 State st. Randall, O.G. 59 do Torrey & Smith, 10 Brattle Square Wallace, A. 11 do do BROKERS. Money. Coffin, Langdcm, 5 Congress Square Boston. Collins, J. 32 Blackstone st Drury, Andn^w J. 5 Franklin .-\v. Evans, Thomas, 6 Salem st Ev.ins, Hale, 10 do Ferdinand. J. F. .")6 Blackstone st Gale, J. C. 4 Friend st Goodrich, (ieo. K. 13 Brittle Squ.are Merrill, J. 16 do Streeter, O. 13 do Torrey & Smith, 10 do Wallace, A. 11 do BROKERS. Real Estate. Adams, Seaver, 5 Exchange street Boston. Alexander, H. F., Broadway, near B street Atkins, John, Paris st. cor. Meridian Baxter, A. G. 5 Exchange st Beal, Madison, 5 do Blaisdell, T. K. 4 Brattle Sq. Brackett, A. 17 Doane st Brackett, DeWitt C, over 24 Wilson Lane Braynard, J. H. 1 Thorndike Build. Brett, C. & D. 5 Devonshire st Chapin, B. T. 17 Doane st Clapp, J. B. &. Son, Portland st. cor. Sudbury Coffin, Laiigdon, 5 Congress Square Coverly, S. 5 Exchange st Dawes, Henry, 5 1-2 Exchange st Diamond, Joseph, 8 Congress st Dowse, Samuel F. 1 Thorndike Building Dunbar, J. D. 5 Exchange st Eaton, Ebeuezer, 5 do Eaton, Lemuel P. 5 do Ford, J. E. 25 Doane st Gale, J. C. 4 Friend st Gould, J. G. 5 Devonshire st Greenwood, Ira, 2 Congress Square Hall, Adin, 3 Exchange st Hammond, J. 15 Congress st Hart & Wadleigh. 27"old St. House Hawkes, T. B. 10 Exchange st Haynes, Charles, 9 State st Howard, T. M. 24 Congress st Jackson, F., Frazer's Building, 21 State street Jackson, G. S. 9 State st Josselyn, J. H. 72 do Kenfield, E. 18 School st Kline, A. P. 3 Mass. Block Knights, H. L. 9 State st Lerow, L. 26 do Mason, John, 9 do May, Wm. B. 3 do Maynard, J. W. 5 Congress st McDonough, T. C. 6 Devonshire st Mclntire, Chas. 5 Exchange st Meacham, Geo. 9 State st Merrill, A. 7 Brattle Square Monroe, N. 3 State st Xorris, H. A. 9 do Peirce & Port'-r, 679 Washington st Randall. O.G. 59 State st Rice, Samui'l, 9 do Ridgway, John W. 9 do Rogers, Harvey, Maverick Square Rogers, J. G. 21 Court Square Sargent, Gilman, 9 State st Severy, M. & Co. 5 Devonshire st Shattuck, Wm. 5 Exchange st Smith, L. W. 23 Old State House Spear, John I. 3 State st Stoddrd, L. T. 21 do Swift, E. T. 23 Old State House Veazie, Joseph A. 78 State st Wallace, A. 11 Brattle Square Whittemore, B. F. 24 State st Brown Sti'phen D. Cambridge Port. Parker, Perley, Centerville Dracut. Felt, Jonathan P. 158 Essex street SaJem. BROKERS. Stock and Exchange, Adams, Ashur, 5 Exchange st Boston. .A^dams, J. H., Jr., rear of 48 State st Adams, Seaver, 5 Exchangi' st Ambrose, Goodhue, 34 1-2 Slate st Andrews, Henry, rear B^iston Bank Bancroft, E. P. 3 Niles' Building Bolles, Matthew, State St., corner of Merchants' Row Broadhead, D. D. 27 Stale st Brown, B., Jr., 50 do Brown, Joseph M. 92 do Brown, Stephen & Sons. 40 State st Center, John, 1 Niles' Building Clark, J. W. & Co. 24 State st MASSACHUSETTS. 125 Dana, Aaron, 2 Thorndike Bnilding Boston. Dana, George E. 22 Merchants' Ex- change Davenport, Benjamin, 15 Congress st Davis, J. Amory, 28 State st Degnxnd, P. P. F. 29 do Dexter, E. A. 28 do Dodd, J. M. 72 do Evans, Franklin, 4 Devonshire st Farley, Robert, 24 State st Ferris, J. Alexander, 2 Change Av. Fisk, J. N. 11 Draper's Building Foote, L. 5 Exchange st Foster, George, 1 Niles' Building Gilbert & Sons, 36 State st Gooding & Co. 3 Exchange st Hall, Andrew, 5 1-2 do Hastings, A. 10 Tliorndike Building Hayward, C. L. 3 Merchants' Ex- change Head & Perkins, 45 State st Healy, Mark, 66 do Henshaw, Samuel & Son, 4 Mer- chants' Exchange Hinckley, Noah & Co. 10 Exchange Homer, VV. H. 31 Court st Inches, Charles, Brazer's Building, Devonshire st Jennings, Levi, 26 Exchange st Johnson, Benj. 4 Joy's Building Keith, VVm. VV. 24 State st Lee & Higginson, 47 do Libbey, J. (.^loney), 3 Exchange st Lobdell, Tliomas J. 3 Merchants' E.xchange May, John W. 90 St.-\te st Mead, Samuel O. 2 Niles' Building Mitchell, James H. 92 State st Munroe, Edmund, 28 do Osborn, A. K. 24 do Perry, John, Jr., 28 do Perkins, T. Henry, 29 do Pickering, H. W. 48 do Plummer, Enoch do Pratt, George W. 48 State st Randall, Otis G. 59 do Rice, Henry, 48 do Richardson, R. 17 Doane st Sewall, Thomas R. 59 State st Sheafe, C. C, rear of 48 do Soley, J. J. 48 do Stoddard, L. T. 21 do Sturtevant, Wm. 2 Change Avenue Teuney, B. F. 78 State st Thacher, G. M., over Massachusetts Bank Thayer, John E. & Brother, 28 SUxte street ' Torrey, Charles, 3 Merchants' Ex- change Tyler, J. S. & W, C, Suffolk Building Wetherbee Brcithers, 29 State st Wheeler, Joseph, 2 Change Avenue Wildes &. Green, 2 Congress Square Williams, Eliphalet, 28 SUite st Williams, G. B. 63 do Williams, S. G. 63 do Willis & Co. 25 do Winslow, Benj., rear Boston Bank Wood & Fiilebrown, 7 E.xchange st Wyman, George D. 3 Niles' Building Broom (Corn) makers. Shipman, John Hndleij Shipman, Wtn. S. Cook, Zcnos Cook, James, Jr. Smith, Wm. D. & C. Wheeler, Charles Dickinson, Simeon Reynolds, T. & F. Hooker, Sidney Hooktr, Emory Wall is, Addi Billings, Alonzo JVortU HaiUey Smith, Thaddeus Russell, Calvin Hurd, Thomas Hurd, Horatio Brigham, Abel Hillard, Cornelius Clark, Edmund C. Hiffard, Willard Smith, Stephen C. Jones, A. S. Mosher, Solomon Marsh, C. S. Boggs, T. Bliss, W. C. Sanderson, Alvin Bardwell, Elijah, Jr. Brown, Josiah Curtis, Lucius Brigham, Cephas Fish, Rodolphus Wood, H. JVortA Hadley. I Car Manufacturers. Mansfield, Warren South Braintree Davenport &. Bridges Cambridge Port, Davenport, Bridges & Co. Fitchburff. Wason, T. & C, East of R. R. Depot Springfield. Springfield Car and Engine Company Nettleton & Bartlett, East of R. R. Depot Bradley & Rice Worcester Hatfield. ■■pPTflTH Montague. Sunderland. Whately. Brusb Manufacturers and Dealers. Adams, John J. 90 Washington st Boston. Cvirran, Thomas, 28 Exchange st Doane, Heman S. 19 do Harvey & Burtons, 15 do Skilton, George, 19 do Stratton, Sherriff & Co. 22 do Harvey & Burtons East Cavibridge. Chapman, Geo. W. Chicopee. Briskett, James B. Haverhill. Fellows, Chas., Franklin st Lowell. Stoddard, B. G. J\rorth Bridgewater. Stone, Willard, Brush Block Orange. Jones, Albert, Corn Brush Springfield. Outton Manufacturers and Dealers. Burnham, Welton & Co. 72 Congress street Boston. Foster, D. J. 34 Milk st Horton, L. B. 34 do Snow, E. L., Sewed Buttons Kasthampton. Willis ton, S. & C, Importers Ware, Abner, Butttou Moulds Ooshen. Putney, E., Button Moulds Chandler, D. & Co. Longmeadow. Critchlow, Alfred J^orthampton. Burdick & Co. fVilliamsburg. Hill, O. G., Button Moulds May, Marcus do do Calico Printer. Daily, John Watertown. Cap Makers, (Cloth and Fur.) Bornstein, J. 15 Elm st Boston. Fishblatt, John, 56 Wavhingtim st. and 45 Milk st Fri^bee, Lyman P., rear of 41 Wash- ington st Gould, 1.31 1-2 Elm st Greenough, Jameson & Co 50 and 52 Water st Hopkinson & Dimond, 81 Hanover st Howes & Hendley, 69 do Klous, S. 6 Old State House Ray, James, over 30 Elm st Saroni, A. S. II do Spitz, Peter, 4 Washington st Taylor, George M. 5 do Woodman & Osgood, 72 Court st Turner, James R. 59 Main st Chnrlestown. Emerson, E. L. J^cwburyport. Cards. Damrell & Moore, 16 Devonshire st Boston. Gay, Aaron R. 130 State st Haskell, Andrew W. 4 Washington street Holmon, Oliver, 124 State st Mann, Samuel C. 25 Cornhill Perkins, D. L. & J. L. 16 E. Orange street Perkins, E. L. (O. Holman Agent), 124 State st Storrs, Amariah, 25 Cornhill, (Fancy Papers) CARDS, (cotton AKD WOOLLEN.) AVoods & Brotliers Enfield. Smith, Walker & Co. Wliittemore, John H. Leicester. Denny, Henry A. White & Denny Upham, B. & Co. Bi CO & Denny Miirdock, Joshtia, Jr. Sargent, Joseph D. & Co. Lamb, Josiah CI. & Co. Soutbgate & Smith Woodcock, Knight & Co. Murdock, J. & J. White & Puffer, (see advertisement,) Market st Lowell. Sliepard, Thomas J. Springfield. Stetson, E. & Son Walpole. Whittcmore, G. & H. West Cambridge. U|)ham, George Worcester. Earl, T. K., Washington Square Warner, Earle, 92 Front st Carpenters Sc Builders. Olds, James & Brother South .Adams. Root, Charles S. Mhol. Ewer, James K., Hyanis Barnstable, Loring, Edward Doty, James Bernardston. Abbott & Tyler, 96 1-2 Portland st Boston. Ailams, Joel M. 13 Hawley st .■\llon, Francis F., Tyler st. near Oak Ames, Azel & J., Richmond st. cor. of Hancock Ames, H. & S., Harrison Avenue Annable, Davis, Charlestown st .Ayer, Thomas, Causeway st. oppo- site Merrimck B:i!!lry. P. H., River st. cor. of Mount Vernon Bailev, Edwin, Webster st., E. B. Barker, C. & G., Beverly st Bartlett, H. 4 Haverhill st Bartlett, Theodore, 7 Hawley st Basford, D. H., rear of 3 Hanover st Bassett, R. B. 166 Harrison Avenue Batchelder & Whitney, Johnson's Block, Connnercial st Bites, Hiram, Harrison Avenue, near Beach st Bates, J., rear of 53 Broad st Bates & Kelsey, Causeway st. oppo- site Nash Bates, N. N., Broad st. cor. of Pearl Boles, Warren, Sudbury st. corner of Portland 126 NEW-ENGLAND MEKCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Bonney, T.., East Castle st Boston. Boniiey, P. 66 Friend st Bourn & Leavitt.Liiiie st. corner of River Bovyer, Duvid, Causeway st. corner of Lancaster Bowers, Alonzo, Causeway st. cor- ner of Lan(!Hster Bowker, Dex'.er. Smith Place Bowker, D. !H) Endicott st Bowkor, Edmund, rent of 135 Ann st Bowker, Geo. W., Albany St. corner of Curve Bradford, Thomas, Harrison Avenue, near Dover st Brown, J. E. & N. & Co., Piedmont st Brown, Josrih, 122 Endicot st Brown, S. J.. Harvard Place Buck, Silas B. 2 Andover st Burhinks, A. L., Church st. Burcki-s, Lewis M. 90 Endicot st Burlei-rh & Lang, Cove st. corner of Bench Burnhim, Arthur, 113 Chambers st Burr, Theophilus, 17 Blossom st Burr, T., Jr., 17 do Cnrr &. Emerson, 96 Portland st Case, P. \V., rear 37.5 Washington st Chamberlain, David, Tyler st. near Oik Chase, Chauncy, Hobbs' Wharf Clark, D. W., Fuller st. near Church Cortin, Aaron, Tremont Road Coffin, P., Harrison Avenue Colhns, Benjamin, Meridian st Collins, M., rear of 21 Union st Collins, Walter R., over 11 Marshall street Cook & Goodwin, 7 Merrimack st Copeland, Thos., Harrison Avenue, corner of Blake's Court Corthell, Hosea, 91 Portland st Crehore, Wm., Tremont Road Crooker, H. B., 102 Tyler st Cudworth, S. S., Nashua St. corner of Causeway Cuiinini;h:im, G. H., 18 Atkinson st. Cushing & Bailey, 273 Broad st Cushing & lloby, Haverhill st. corner of Beverly Damon, Calvin, 3 Eliot st Davenport, .John, 16 Hawley st Davis, Charles, 1 Chapman Place Davies, Daniel, Limo st Dennison, James, Wet Swift, W. A., Harvard Place Tarr & Hall, Creek Square Thaxter, E., Tvler street n. Harvard Thayer & Lini'kin, Piper's Wharf Tilden, N. H., D. st corner 6th Tobey, Joseph, E st cor. 3d Totman &. Bowker, 72 Pinckney st MASSACHUSETTS. 127 Townsend, T., Avery st Boston. Travers & Davis, 13 Causeway st Tripp, TiiiKithy >•;. 10 Haverhill st Turner, Job A. 122 Leveret st Turner, J., Tyler st near Oak Vennevar & Lund, opp. 208 Com- mercial street Vaughn, Samuel, Harrison Av Ventress, M., 3d st near Dorchester Virgin & Kenney, 46 Pearl st near Broad Waterman, Thos., Fulton st corner Richmond Webber, Aaron D. 13 Lindall st Weeks & Crooker, Broadway near Dorchester Welch, Jas. M., Albany st cor. Curve West, Warren, opp. 23 Kneeland st Wheeler & Parker, Charles st foot of Pinckney, Whetter &. Bovj'er, Lancaster st White & Child, Tyler st near Oak Whiting, O. R., Blackstone st opp. Hayniarket Square Whitney, N. 19 Blossom st. Whittemore, Joshua, 14 Carver st Whittier, Isaac, 81 Endicot st Wilder, Lewis & Son, I'ayette st Willcutt & Murdock, Clark street corner Ann Willcutt, John, rear 45 Congress st Williams, C. C, 2d near D Willou!;hby, W. opp. 44 S. Margin st Wood, M. 2 North Grove st Wood, Mr)ses, Jr., Harvard Place Leach, Franklin, Bridgewnter. Allen & Small, Brookline. Bradley, B. Stoddard & Parks Stone, Elisha Emery, John Chatham. Wetherbee, Ephraiin C. Concord. Tilton & Clary Conway. Braley, John S. South Dartmouth. Sisson, David, Russell's Mills Wilson, R. S. Dedham. Sturgis, Benjamin West Dennis. Crowell, Sylvanus Pope, J. & A., Lower Mills Dorchester. Alden, Samuel G. & B. R. East Bridgewater. Smith, .Sylvanus Eastham. Lewis, Ellis EdgarLown. Pease, Daniel H. Dexter, R. W. Fairhaven. Higgins, Nathaniel Wilbur, Bradford, Washington st Alden, John James, Samuel L. & Co. 51 Ferry st Fa/t River. Hatch, Timothy East Falmouth. Bearse, Charles C. Thomas, Stillman Orcenjield. Avery, James Root, J. B. Oreenwich. Moody, James H. South Harwich. Tripp, G. H. Parker, Benjamin Hingham. Bailey, H. &, Co. Lawrence. Haskell & Cowdrey Leaminstcr. Pearce & Eaton J\Iiddlcboro\ Swain, 2d, A., Ship Carpenter J^iiutucket. Easton & Thompson Sprague, Charles L. Briggs, Job, Ship J'liner Hussey, Charles, Chester st Fisher, S. & A. Coffin, Wm. N. Merchant, Frederick Lyon, Wm., Newton Lower Palls JVeedham. Lewis Samuel, 94 North Water st JVew Bedford. Vincent, Ambrose, 57 Summer st Swift, Thomas P. 195 County st Jenney, Warren, Thomas st Foster, Ebenezer L., Maxtield st Vinal, John F. 66 Water st AUen S. 72 Sixth st Pierce, Otis M. 43 North Sixth st Ward, A. 32 Mechanics' Lane JVew Bedford. Durfey, Wm. 33 do do Pierce & White, 53 Foster st Cushing, John K. 49 Pleasant st Sherman & Robinson. S. Orange st Allni & VVilliston, Leonard's Wharf Clark, Ezra, 43 Foster st Potter, Warren S. 72 Washington st Wicks, P. 55 First st Greene, A. A. & Co. 38 Russell st Gilford, Wm. 29 Spring st Girtiird, Braddock, Summer st. Maxtield & Tripp, Fourth st Brown, S. R. 26 Spring st Jenney, Franklin, 75 North st Walker, H., cor. Maxtield and Hill- m;in streets Smith & Jenkins, 93 Middle st Cook & Chase, 16 Elm st Hathaway, L. & B. 14 Elm st B^.les, William, 149 North Water st Earnal, Wm. &. Co. 143 do do Hathaway & Booth, 150 do do Francis, Bowman Smith, Sylvanus, Orleans Porter & Carter Otis Crittenden, Hanson Spt-ar & Bagby Thompson, D. L. PhiUipston Crocker & Holley Pruvincetoion Knowles, R. Smith, John Moulton, E. Klindolph Adams, Wm. D., Warren st. near Dudley Roxbury. Allen, R. S. Perkins st Armstrong, Benjamin, Centre st. Ja- maica Plain Ayers, Otis, Boston Avenue,Jamaica Plain Brown, Lewis, Perkins st Caswell, M. P., Tremont street, near Washington Cate, J., .■\dams st Chamberlin, A., Short st Clark, William D., Warren st. near Dudley Crossman & Laighton, Norfolk st. near Highland Curtis, George, Washington st. oppo- site Centre Curtis, William, Dudley street, near Warren Dean, Enos W., Water street, near Williams Draper, C. R., Green st. near Centre Ebert, Geo. M., I'remont st. corner Houston Place Fo.-s, Charles, Fellows st Folsom, A. W. &, H. A., Tremont st Glidden, D. W., Oak st. cor. Mount Pleasant Hanson, J. L. 123 Washington st Hunt, James, Oxford st Hubbard, Dudley, Water street, near Rucgles Humphris, E., Jr., Union st Josselyn, J. H., Jr. & Co. 36 Wash- ington St. near Eustis Litllefield, O. H., Pearl st Litchtield, C, Eustis st. cor. Plym'th Litchfield, S. do do do Lord & Lewis, Water st Mall ion, Benjamin, Tremont St. near Washington Melvin &. Page, Dudley st O'Rourke, Thomas, Dudley st. near Warren Parker, Robert W., Walnut st. cor. Warren Perr>' & Marston, East street, corner Yeoman Pike, A. G., Dale st Randall, N. H., Water street, corner .\ulmrn Richardson & Robbing, Eustis street, cor. Zeigler Rumrill, Wm. & Co., Warren street, cor. VValnut Russell, True, Dudley street, near Warren Smith, Francis, Sudbury street, near Tremont Roxbury. Spurr, Samuel, Dedham Turnpike, near Toll Gate Stockman, John, Oxford st Sweat, Thatcher, Water street, near Ruggles Thayer, H., Spring st. W. Roxbury. Thurston, John N., Vernon st. or. Washington Roxbury. Varney, L. H., Centre st. Jamaica Plain Wallingford, S. S., Warren st. near Dudley Weymouth, Wm., below Cunard & Coventry streets White, Edward, Green st Wilbur, Francis, Edinboro' st Williams, Tillson, Northampton st Withington A. M., High st Harrington, Luther South Roylston. Allen, S. Sandisfield. Weeks, J. S. Shutesbury. Haskins, John Alden, James M. S. Hadley Falls. Ferry, Henry, Main st Springfield. Sanborn, Simon, Union st Morrison, E. H., Harrison Avenue Mayo, A. Lynian st Whitman, James S. Stockbridge. Goodrich, Horrace Lincoln, Henry Rathburn, Nathan B. Bliss, Joshua S. Shepard &Crary Westfield. Britiiian, Leander Westport. Graves, Franklin Whately. Merritield & Hapgood, Union street Worcester, Wetherell, J. W., Union st Tower, H. N., Mechanics' st Curby, Wm., Front st Farris, Allen South Yarmouth. Carpetiug-s. Ames & Perry, 36 Hanover st Boston. Ballard & Prince, 7 & 9 Bronifield si Bales & Goldthwait, 45 Washington street Brewer, G. Alexander, 28 Court st Brooks, W. P. B. 66 Blackstone st Choate, E. & Co. 58 Hanover st Clark, Jonathan, 313 Washington st Doggett, John & Co. 234 do Fiticld, D. & Co. 5 and 6 Holmes' Block. Haymarket Square Ft>vvle, Parker & Sons, 164 Wash- ing street Irish, F. O. 46 Hanover st Knight, Menasseh, 237 Washington street Lawrence, Samuel C. 55 Washing- ton street Lewis, A. (painted), 11 Milk st Martin, P. & G. 85 Hanover st Pettes, H. & Co. 224 Washington st Pray, John H. 51 do Stevens, E. C. 239 do Svveetser, Benj. 23 Tremont Row Taber & Willard, 84 Washington st Tenney, W. P. 102 Hanover street, corner of Blackstone Goodhue, T. P. & I. N. (Upholstery), 41 Central st Lowell. Little & Allen, 7 Purchase st JVew Bedford. Ellis, Thomas (wholesale,) 54 Pur- chase st Fenn & Carter Pittsfield. Reed, Edgar H., Main st Taunton. Adam, Willard, Main st fValtham. Chamberlain, H. H. 162 & 164 Main street Worcester. Carpet Manufacturers. Adams, James Canton. Pulsifer, Q. & J. (Painted Carpets), Salem 128 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Carriag'e and Coacb jUcpots. Bayley, S. K., Federal st Boston. Hale, W. E. H H;iverhill st Howe, E. L. 7 and 9 Merrimack st Lynde, N. 13 Haverliill st Riddle, Edward, 32 and 34 and 65 to 73 Union st Carria.g'e Builders and Wheel wrig-hts. Cobbett, Lewis East Abington. Pierce, Morton B. Bryant, John South Abington. Thayer, E. Jforth Adams. Brayton, D. A. Brown. R. D. Field, Russel South Adams. Nye, G. & L. Alford. Smith, George Russell, Emerson Amherst. Foster &. Bujtt Andover. Elmer, Wm. H. Ashfield. Hitchcock, C. L. Askbi]. Hammond, Elnathan Ashland. Crocker, B. F. & J., Hyanis Barnstable. Crocker, E. H. IVcst Barnstable. Jones, Silas F. Woodbury, Oliver G. Rice, Oliver J^Torth Becket. Filer, H. T. Belclurtowu. Shumway, Harrison Griggs, S. D. & Co. Cowles, J. & Sous Pepper, Simeon Thayer (id), Willard Bellingham. Wallis, C. N. Beverly. Gushing, .lohn T. Currier, Robert English, I'hillip Baker, Francis, 69 Cambridge st Boston, Bartlett, F. E. 24 Friend st Bowes, Michael, Turnpike, near Second st Bradshaw, Geo. H., Charlestown st. corner of Beverly Brainard. E. H., Turnpike Briggs, Elbridge G. 21 East st Buckley, John, Sununers St., E. B. Deturbee, P. 13 Medlord st Hayden, Ambrose, Harrison Avenue, near Dover st Lakin, S., Broad st. opposite Prentice Wharf Lunt, Andrew & Co. 81 and 90 Endi- cot st McCue, James, opposite 86 Fulton st Metcalf, HoUis, Turnpike, near First street Norris, I. B. Beverly st Parker, Wra. 14 Boylston st Plageman, Henry, Harrison Avenue, corner of East Castle st Reed, Reuben, 43 Portland st Richardson, Nathan, 90 do Russell, J. W. 25 Causeway st Singler, John, Dover st., near Wash- ington Stone, M. P. & J. L., Decatur st Stone, W. P., Beverly st Ward &, Spaulding. Beverly & Rich- mond streets, near Fulton Williams, Robert, Turnpike, opposite Fifth st Turner, Thomas, do do Blood, S. D., Broadway, corner of Third st Boyden, Daniel, Harrison Avenue, corner of Orange Lane Brigham, Charles L. 20 Hawley st Coles, E. G. 4 Beverly st Farrell, H., Second st. near D Florance & Co., opposite 46 Charles street Goddard, Thomas, 80 Federal st flail, James, 2 Adams st Brimfield. Brookline. : Hovey, Henry A. 53 Eliot st Boston. Hyde, Albert, Second St. corner of E Mallon, Kendall, rear of 715 Wash- ington st Mixwell & Stoddard, rear of 46 Hanover st Mitchell & C.ipen,9 Westst R lyiier, John & Co. 19 Sudbury st Roberts, Andrew J. 50 Charlestown st Slade & Whiton, Hawley st Sp tiding, C. & Co. 58 Tremont st M.insfield, Warren South Braintree. Mallard, George Brewster. Forbes, Willard {Vest Bridgewater. Wentworth, Horace, Scotland Village Fisher, B. A. Brighton. Stone, Charles Jones, A. Bashfield, A. & W. Ingalls, James M. Lyon, Jeremiah Trowbridije & Murry Wright, H.trris Buck/and. Dickson, Wni. East Cambridge. .Vlunroe, Enoch Martin, W. H. Cambridge Port. Gallagher, Michael Chapman, E. A. &. F. A. Cambridge. Tucker. Ebenezer Randall, Geo. W. Hingman, E. A. Canton. Wiswall, Timothy Whitman, James Charlemont. Cutter, John, Main st Charlestoion. Sargent, S. S., Cambridge st Deckson, Oliver do Phipps, B. 232 Union st Frothinghaui, Richird, Main st Mead, Frederick. Water st Watts, Richard, 19 Hendly st Bryant, John, Jr., Austin st Hunnewell, Thos. (wheel-maker). Chambers st Hittenger & Cooke (ice wagons), Chambers st Ward, Benj. & Charles Chatham. Whittemore, James JVorth Chelmsford. Proctor, C. & A. Chelmsford. Brown, D. B. Cheshire. Strong, W. H. Chester Factory. Clough, Jo.seph Chicopee Falls. Frost &, Robertson Chicopee. Gilmore, Wm. F., Sumner st Gove, S. P. Cohasset. Carey, W. W. Colcraine. Hosmer, G. &. E. Concord. Hill, Wm. A. Thayer, Isaac F. Whiting, Wm. Poland, OUver, Washington st Danvers. Waldron, E. T., New Mills Brown, Amos J^orth Danvers. Osgood, T. Osgood, B. H. Stall, Sanmel South Dartmouth. Simons, Allen S. J^Tvrth Dartmouth. Macomber, Daniel, Russell's Mills Dartmouth. Crocker, A. H. West Dcdham. Bird, Charles, Centre st Dedham. Mcintosh, E. Smith, Henry Haselton, Nathaniel South Deerfield. Billings, Ira Smalley, Samuel West Dennis. Thatcher, Joseph Tucker, Wm., Lower Mills Dorchester. Bowles, C, Neponset Brown. B. H. Upham, Charles A. Hammond, Wm. Tucker, W. Cross, T. W. Bennett, G. B., Lower Mills Balkam, C. Swan, Wm. G. Upham. Charles Dorr, Nathan Dvubury. Jones, John East Bridgewater. Lucas, M. M. E. Bridgewater. Stilwall, E. C. Harding, Henry Kasthunt. Harding, Prince S. Delzell, David South F.gremont. Kelsey. James JVorth F.gremont. Shaw, Geo. L. Enfield. Gage, Caleb S. Kssex. Simon, Robt. M., Main st Fairhaven. Eames, Asa, 14 2d st Fall River, Eaton, Albert G. 14 2d st Hatch, Ezra Falmouth. Benson, Seth S. East Falmouth. Foi.borougk, Framingham. Franklin. Oeorgetown. out. Gloucester. Or eat Burrington, Greenjield. Oreenwieh. Oroton. Hnncock, Harwich. Hivcrhill. Holliston. Jp.^ioich. Young, W. H. Sherman, Seth Richardson, H. F. A. Bemis, Henry Royce, Robert Currier, Joseph Battles, J, D. Perkins, Edw., Wheel Loring, A. I. Nexon, J. D. Field, R. E. Phillips, S. Trask, D. Vaughan, M. P., Village Mason, Aaron Carr, Ephraim Stewart, Johial Marston, Zenas Bean, Ira G. Jones, Henry E. Hodgkins, John Trip]), James M., Wheels Kingstim. Sawyer, Silas & Son, New Boston V^illage Lancaster. Isbell, A. L., Sleighs Lee. Hurbert, S. & A. & Co., Sleighs Couch, F. & P. do Miles, Richard, Sleighs Ijeno%, Beals, John East Lexington. Brigham, Wm. Tucker, Chas. R. Newhall, Francis Lincoln. Day &. Converse, 137 Central st LowM. Eaton, J. B., Dntton st Low & Skiller, Middlesex st Brabrook, J. A. 17 Market st Kittredge, J. G. do Harding, Sanrael Lynnfield, Reed, jas. S.. S. Common st Lynn. Ploof, John, Wheel, Front st Kent, Samuel Cutter, Artemas Maiden, Simmons, Isaac B. jMattnpoiseti. Warren, Cyrus Medway. Torrey, Geo. B., Rockville Pond, Lyman P. West Mcdway. Pierce, Elisha Middle-borough. Shurtleff, Lathrop Harlow, Jas. H., Dealer Wood, Edw. Huntington, John E. Haskins, John Clapp, Avery Couch, R. N. Mitchell, Robert Fisher, Leonard, Wheelwright Pulsifer, John, do jVeedham. White, Wm. G. 84 Purchase st JV«M Bedford. Doty, Wm. P. 77 William stree"t Nye, Levi, 11 Mechanics' Lane Doty & Cory, 20 Fourth st Brownell, Geo. L. 49 Third st Still, Wm. N. 244 st Delano, Henry A. J^'ew Braintree. Sargent, Moses, Belleville .Vcwbury. Haynes, (Jilman J\''ewbiirypuit. Haynes, Hamilton Bulklery, A. P. J^ew Marlboro. Stone, Joseph, West .Wewton. Read & Lane, JVorth Bridgewater. Richmond, Ruel Reed, S. JVorth Brookfield. Davis, L., South st JVorthampton. Wood, E. T. Hodgers, Royal B. Johnson, Honce Rodgers, Samuel Milford. Millbury. Monson. Montague. Monterey. JVantucket. JVorton. Orange. Orlcav ■'. MASSACHUSETTS. 129 Freeman, Abner Orleans. Jackson, Ezra Otis. Baldwin, J. F. Palmer. Smith, N. Palmer Depot. Everett, G. VV. & Co. Pawtucket. Underwood, Chas. Paxton. Cheney, E. Petersham. Bosworth, G. Hapgood, C. Goddard, Daniel Clapp, J. & Son Pittsfield. Stevens, Amos Plainfield. Fuller, George Plymouth. Drew, A. L. Barnes, Ellis, Jr. Tirrell, Chas. P. Quincy. Brodrick, Thomas H. Randolph. Jacobs, Wm. Kingman. A. Reading. Pickiier, .\. Richmond. Holcomb, S. Rowe. Whittier, Moses T. Rowley. Burrell, Isaac S., Dudley street near Warren Roxbnry. Btirrell, Benj., Warren st Chamberlin, Ebenezer, Eustice st opp. Plymouth Carruth, A., Washington street cor. Vernon D'lvenpurt, A. & Co.. Pearl st Farley, Henry W., East st Robinson & Adams, Felion Place Anderson, A. C, Warren street near Grove Hall Chamberlin, Eben., Eustis street opp. Plymouth Dudley, Eben., Dedham Turnpike n. South street Hall, Leonard, Washington street n. Parker Nash, Jacob L., Walnut street near Seaver Shepherd, Wm., Green st Sampson, S., Highland street comer Centre Cheney, E. Jr. Royalston. Morse, Nathaniel P. 56 Washington street Saiem. Hunt, John D. 50 Washington st Barker & Upham, 31 Liberty st Stocker, J. W., Church st Norih. Samuel, Boston st Wadleigh, Jonathan Salisbury. Patten, George H. Coffin, John Burgess & Jones Sandwich. Waters, Samuel JVest Scituate. Holden, Geo. A. East Shejfietd. Crippen, F. B. Sheffield. Foote, Miles M., Ashleyville Foster, D. P. Shelburne Falls. Salisbury, James C. Sherburne. Pinchard & Rawson Somerville. Benton, J. B. &, Co. S.Hndley Falls. Clark, Oliver N. Southampton. Bush, D. A., Main st Springfield Smith, D.ivid, Park st Childs, Charles, Sandford st Loomis, J. & W. do Slate, John C, Pleasant st Taykir & Crane, South Main st Tucker, John Wateriown. White, Warren Sparrow, Reuben C. fVellJleet. Hadley, Franklin fVenham. Lowell, E. West Boylston. Warren, G. W. Howard, Isaac, (wheels) West Bridgewater. Copeland, A., J. (wheels) Buckman, S. C. West Cambridge, Brown, Wm. R. Westfield. Fowler, Charles C. Raddock, Thomas West JVewbury. Berry, Enoch Jones, M. & J. Weston. White, H., Jr. Westport. Thompson, J. T. Snow, Otis GilEird, George H. Clark, Anson K., Ireland West Springfield. Gilmore, P. N. Caswell, Wm. Kruni, Sylvanus Dorr, H. P. Bodge, Ellis, .■\dams, Edward Lvman, A. E. B'lrdwell, Wm. E, Ely, Henrj- L. Smith, Dennis Flinn, Edward Parker, J. F. & J. Johnson, John, Jr. Parker. Oliver H. Page, T. W. Breck, M. T., School st Farrington, B. Hallett, E., Jr. 'I'hatcher, Watson West Stockbridge. East Weymouth. S. WUbraham. Williamsburg. Williamstown. White, R. Gitlbrd, D. C. Worcester. Wrentham. Yarmouth Port. Yarmouth. S. Yarmouth. Hinckley, L. T. Tvu-ner, Frederick Elhs, G. W. Blood. Otis Bachellor, James Haynes, H. & M. Arnold, Edwin Aldrich, Sumner Mason, J.imes H., Market st French, L., Weir Bridge Ashley, A. W. do Le.ach, T. K. Herrick, Benjamin Shaw & Brothers Cay, Albert C. Nason, Charles PoUeys, Francis Shepard, Ephraim Winslow, George E. Ba-sett, Henry Wheeler, E. 9 Stockbridge. Stoneham. Sturbridge. Sudbury. Taunton. Topsfield. Wales. . Walpnie. Walpole. Warwick. Carriag;e Smitbs. Bradley, Wm., Beach st. near Cove Boston. Daniels, Ebenezer, 8 Hawley st Hall, James, 2 Adams st Lilley, ThonAs, Spring Maker, 89 Portland street Ma.xwell &. Stoddard, Charlestown St. and rear 46 Hanover Mellen, Wm., Harrison Avenue Patterson, E. S. 253 Broad st I'illsliury, S. 2d st. cor. E TreadweU, Wm. H. H. M., Foster Place Tutile, John, 15 1-2 Sudbury st Wild.r, M irtin, 11 Hawley Place Wilkinson, Joseph W., Causeway st 'luck, Uarnsun J). Concord. Mack, Jamts Jforth Dancers. Delano, George Dorchester. Benson, David H. Sandwich. Junes, Watson F. Terry. Isaac, Spring st Fairkaven. Sniead, Julius Greenfield. Steljbi:is, Samuel Pool, Elias C Hanson. Bryant, Alb^^rt W. East Lexington. Folger, Charles A., South Wharf jYantucket. Coleman, James B. South Wharf Coleman, Josiah do do Folger, Geo. B. 2d do do Sherman, Freeman do do Gardner, Fred'k C. do do Sisson, Job, Jr., Mechanics' Lane M'cw Bedford. Hamlin, Thomas, Mechanics' Lane Bruwnell, Joseph, 34 Spring st Russell, Lewis, Walnut st Temple, Lewis, Walnut street Read & Line jVorth Bridgewater. Bradford, Waldo Hodgkins, Joseph Prescott. Hobbs, R. L., Pc irl st Rozbury. Robinson, D., Felton Place Smith, J. T., Washington street, cor. Vernon Whittemore, A. E., Dudley st. cor. Warren Rozbury. Leach, Lemuel Shutesbury. Avery, John, Main st Springfield. Carpenter, Wm. H., Weir Bridge Taunton. Ellis, B. Walpole. Matthews, B. M. Yarmouth Port. Carriag^e Trimmings- manufacturer. Crane, J. E., Three Rivers Palmer. Carvers. Ornamental. Brown, Wm. H., Sumner street, op- posite Liverpool Boston. Cushing, Levi L., rear 11 Brighton st Gleason, S. W. & Son, 82 Commer- cial street Harvey, Thomas, 475 Washington st Hobbs & Pratt, 10 Dock Square Hobbs, Wm. J. 36 Devonshire st Mason, J. W. 46 Conjmercial st Park, Thomas D. 2 Devonshire st Sampson, Charles A. L., Haverhill St. cor. Charlestown Winsor & Brother, 12 N. Market st CARVERS. Ship. Fowle, Isaac & Co. 260 Commercial street Boston. Gleason, S. W. & Son, 82 Commer- cial street Mason, John W. 46 Commercial st Winsor & Brother, 12 N. Market st Cement Dealers. Bass, S. G. 58 Long wharf Boston. Davis & Cushing, Atkins' wharf Dickson, J. A. 36Cornhill st.,EnglJsh Hoppin, John, Charles st. near the Bridge Hoxie, T. W. & Co. 46 Long wharf Low, John, 83 Charles st Tucker, Stephen, Haverhill st. near the Bridge Wetherbee, J. & Co., Causeway st Wright, E., Jr. 11 T. wharf YuuDg, C. & Co., Brown's wharf Stanley, Samuel S. 11 Front st Salem. Flagging & Co., North River st Chair Dealers and Painters. Bryant, S. 52 Commercial st Boston, Forsyth, G. 32 do Gates, J. W. & Co. 30 do Gates, M. L. 28 do Gilbert & Chapman, 112 Fulton st Haley, J. J. 92 & 96 do Haley, Wm. P. 28 N. Market st Haskell, Wm. O. 66 Commercial st Hennessey, Edward, 21 & 23 Brattle street Heywood & Games, 26 Commercial street Hills, H. S. 50 Commercial st Kendall, E. & S. 3 Adams st Nash. T. S. & A. 108 Fulton st Neagle. W. & G. B. 73 Commercial st Pierce, F. & J. & Co. 36 do Ranney, D. S. 40 do Safll>rd, Hiram, 4 N. Market st Saue. Lewis, 91 st Sami)von & Keen, 135 Fulton st Scotcliler& Wilco.x, 116 do Shattuck, Wm. G. 80 Commercial fH Wadsworth, Geo. P. 89 do Watson, J. .55 Blackstone st Wright, E. 17 Commercial st 130 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Chair OTanufacturers. Corey, Burrett, Kittiney & Co. jis/tburnham. Piper, J. 11., Cane Seat Rocking Glassier, Jotin C. Lee, Andrew, Mahogany. 195 Main slryct Charlestown. Rol)inson & Fifield, Sofas, Soutii of the Square Wetherbee.Warren B. Chester. Lyons Lucius Coleraine. Heywood & Comee, Fitchbury. Pratt & Davis, Cane Seat, Newton Lane Hej-wood & Wood Gardner. Collistt-r, Rugg & Co. Greenwood, Walter South Gardner. Greenwood &. Wright Sawin, John, School Chairs Pierce, S. M. Howe, S. S., Otiice Chairs Glazier, Thomas E. Bush, Charles W. & Co. Perley, Asa Miles & Lyons Wood, Warren Walcutt, Samuel Greenwood, E. R Oreenfield, Hopkinton. Hiibbardsto wn. Gardner, E. H. 10 Exchange •^t Lynn. Tappan, Geo., Importer, 113 Union st J^ew Bedford. Maxfield & Caleb, 130 Union st Allen, J. A. P. 121 do Bennett, Sauil., Wholesale, 41 Pur- chase st Harden, J. M. JVewburyport. Everelt, C, Upper Falls jVcwtoii. Thayer, A. Jr. PawtuckeU Baker, John, 111 Washington street near P. O. Rujcbury. Bird, C, Warren st cor. Washington Heywood, Chindler South Amherst. Y^unce. S. Sn. G. B., Washington st Lauriat, Lewis A. 3 Camden st Boston. Little, Wm. B. & Co. 104 Hanover st Macy, John F. 3 T,owell Court Mellen, G. W. F. 8 Hitchborn Block Palmer, J. K. 41 12 Salem st Preston. J. P. 18 Kilby st Stevens, Scriah, 3d st cor. G Davies, H. V. & Co. Mew Bedford. Children's "Wagons. Dickinson, Enos, '.Jd Dickinson, Lucius Thayer, Silas H. Dickenson, S. & E. Ring, E. & T., Worthington Hadley. China, Glass, & Crockery Ware. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS. Pease, George, Mahogany Maiden. Long & Marble, Rocking Chairs Manchester Danforth, Jeremiah, Chair Sofas I Allen, H. P. Snow, Albert E. Dodge, Cyrus, Mahogany & Walnut Venard & Bingham do do Hoy, W. L. do do Johnson, William Whitmore & Bruce S. Boylston. Upton, Wilcox & ('o. Kimball, James, wholesale dealers, 109 Essex st Salcin. Conant, Lyman Shelbiime. Lee, Horace, Market st Springfield. Fitch, J. W. Haughton, James Lynds, John Newhall, Timothy Stuart, Benj. & Sons Burpee, Edward Burghardt, Frederick, Curtisville Waltham. Warwick. Westminster. Prouty, James B. Parker &. Jennison Greenwood, Thomas A Potter, John, Sofa Frames Fales, Joel G. Parmenter & Powers Partridge, J. & M. Colman & Follett Lancson, Isaac, Main st Bellis, Matthew H. Lincoln, Joth im Brown, Russell Whitney, J. M. Kendall, E. & G. Coolidge, Charles Wyman, Francis Kilbourne & Demming Williamstown Chemical Refiners. CAMPHOR AND SALTPETRE. Henshaw, Chas. 15 Custom House street Boston. Henshaw, Edmands, & Co. 36 India street Holden, A. M. 2d st near F Chemical Workers. Bradlee, D. F. & Son, 130 Washing- ton street Boston. Comerford, P. & Co., rear 795 Wash- ington st Holden, E. S., Lewis st E. B. Richardson, A. A. Morth Adams. Andrews, Alpheus C. 136 Hanover street Boston. Andrews, E. G; 162 Hanover st Atkins &, Stedman, 13 Merchant's Row Baker & Bacon, 332 Washington st Brisgs, Enos, 52 Chatham st Briggs, Robert, 42 & 44 Central st Brigfis & Wheeler, 71 Broad st Brovifn, A. J. & Co. 54 & 56 Federal st But[n;in. E. 443 Washington st Cash, Wm. E. 262 Washington st CoUaniore, J. Jr. & Co. 98 Washing- ton stieet Eaton, B. Jr. 39 Federal st Elliott, Walter M., Maverick Square Ellis, Geo. 25 Doane st Flint, Ezra M. 135 Court st French, Wells & Co. 123 Milk st Gage, Benj. W. 144 Washington st Gridley, Gay & Co. 40 & 42 Broad st Hastings, J. 3. & Son, 25 Doane st Hinrichs & Co. 11 Kilby st.Bohemian Homer, Wm. F. & Co. 33 Union st Hopkins, Solomon, 37 Broad st Howe, B. Miles, 47 Hanover st Stockbridge. 1 Jarves, G. D. & Cormerais, Granite Sunderland. Block, Feder:U street Templeton. ' Johnson, L. 147 Hanover st Kelley, Edw. 346 Washington st Lord, F. M. & J. H. Jr. 49 Pearl st Lord, J. H. 51 Pearl st Mtson, Ephriini B 6 & 7 Hanover st Matthews, W. Jr. 507 Washington st Mellen, M. & Co. 20 Merchant's Row iVorcross, Otis & Co. 23 S. Market st Pierce, Sam'l B. & f"o. 51 Broad st opp. Norfolk House Hunting, Reuben, head of Dudley st Marsh, Chas. 55 & 57 Washington st Rand & Cogswell, Eustice st n. Elm Seaver, Wm. Treiiiont street near Ruggles WilUams, H. H., Guild's Building Bowditch, Wm. A. 221 Essex street Salem. Hatfield, Wm. 1 Hampden Hall Sprinfield. Hamilton, John, Importers Reed, Edgar H., Wholesale, Main St. Oliver, F. P., Main st Worcester. Brown, A. J. & Co., Importers, 48 Main st Chocolate Manufac turers. Sterling. Baker, W. Dorchester. Chase, H. & Son Lynn. Berry, N. Webb &. Twombly Milton. Raddin, George W. Saugus. Chronometers. Bliss & Creighton, Manufacturers, 7 Congress street Boston, Bond, Wm. & Sons, 26 Congress st Porter, George E., Manufacturer, 7 Congress st Willard, Simon, Jr., 9 Congress st Cig-ar and Snuff Stores. Brewer, Clark & Son, 14 S. Market street Boston. Brown, D. S., 48 Chatham st Carruth, G. T. & Co., 41 Hanover st Clark, Jno. 50 N. M irket st Dunlap. G., Theatre Alley Greenwood & Granger, Tobacco, 9 Market Square Jones & Farley, 88 State st Marden, D. H. 151 Washington st Pope &. Waldron. 108 Washington st Mohrniann, C. 29 Court st Morgan, Thomas, Cigars, 10 Central Wharf Polion, J. P. 16 Congress st Richardson, G. B. & Co. 1 Market Square Richardson, L. G., Importer, 86 State Slnde, H. & Co., Order Box, 3 Long Wharf Whiston, F. G., 69 Broad st Riley, A. 284 Washington Sargent, Bodvvell, 52 Chatham st Simpson &, Caldwell, 51 Broad st Sumner, W. R. & A. H. 137 Wash- ington st Taylor & Waldron, 59 Broad st Wiggin, C. E., Hanover street cor. Marshall Daniels, Wm. C. Cambridge Port. Little, G.W. 77 Main st Charlestown. Crosby, Henry, 33 Main st Bullens, Amaziah, Exchange st Chicopee. Bancroft, Thos., Main st Danvers. Gage, O. A. &. Co., Importers, 19 Market st Fall Rioer. Davis, Jas. & Brother Gloucester. Allen, S. Loring, John T., Variety Jjowrence. Mansur, Stephen, 110 Central street ; Greenwood & Granger, 9 Lowell. I Squ:!re Lesner, B. F. 85 Central st Weaver & Dwinell, Importers, 8 Merrimack st Wood, A. H. 43 Merrimack st Parker, John H., Glass and Brittania Ware, Wholesale, 30 Prescott st Cigar manufacturers. Those marked S. also manvfacture Snuff. Bird, Martin, 232 Hanover st Boston. Clark, John, 50 N. Market st Galeano, Antonio, 1 Lindall st ' Market Legg, Wm. A. 47 Pearl st n. Broad Sedgely & Robinson, 3 Lewis st Sullivan, J. W., Broadway cor. A Tabour, Wm., Merrimack street cor. Lancaster Thompson, John, 19 May st MASSACHUSETTS. 131 Hammond, N., S. East Cambridge. Douglass, R., S. Cambrtdjre Port. Howlett, E. T. Green, A. Howlett, Wm. Fretch, Wm. S., S., 169 Main st Charlestown. Gillet, Ozias, Court st Uedham. Waddiugton, S., 33 Second st Fall River. Tillinghast, C. W., 3 Pleasant st Jones, John Oloucestcr. Greenieaf, L. Uinghaiii. Pratt & Burnham Kingston. Bigelow, T. S. 118 Oak st Lawrence. Karrar, Jas. heiington. Whiting, 11. A., Central st Lumell. Slocum, E. \j. Mattapoisett. Kussell, Wm. M., S. J^aiitucket. TUden, Niles, 28 N. Second st JVew Bedford. Merrill, Wm. W., S., 5 Merrimack st JVewburyport. French, H.V. & Co. JV. Bridgewater. Smith, John, 132 Derby st Salem. Battis & Brown, 86 do Skinner, Richard & Son 30 &. 32 Marlboro st Copp, J. M., S. Sang us. Sweetser, C. & Sons, S. Raddin, Chas., S. Raddin, H. A., S. Bond, C. M. Copp, John H, Parker, 2d, Wm., S. Fisk, Francis, *. Brown, Wm. Southwick. Kind, D. W. Kneil, J. & T., S. JVestJield. Harrison, H. & Co. Noble, 2d, Jas. Raymond, A. West Springfield. Root & Smith Wheelock, A. 253 1-2 Main st tVorcester. Ciutis, Jas. M. &, Co. 273 Main st Civil Eng'ineers and. Surveyors. Ashbnmer, S., Niles' Building Boston. Binney, Amos R., Suffolk Building Boyden, Uriah A. 7 Joy's do Briggs, Robtrt, Jr. 43 Mass. do Brown & Hastings, 50 do do Darracott, Franklin, 66 State st Dennisou, Wm. 21 Joy's Building Dexter, Geo. M. 11 1-2 Tremont Row Eddy, R. H. 22 SUite st Fuller, S. P. 37 ('ourt Square Granger, David A. 17 O. S. House & Broadway, S. B. Hibbard, Wm. C, 48 Mass. Block Inches, M. B. 34 State st Laurie, Jas. 22 Railroad Exchange Lincoln, Ezra, Jr. 4 Court st Nott, Samuel, State st cor. Exchange "Parrott, Wm. P. 34 State street Sewall, Saml. 10 Dock Squiire Wadsworth, Alex. Suti'olk Building Ingalls, Seth H. 7 Water st. JVew Bedford. Whitney, Charles, Land Surveyor, Guild's Building Roxbury. Onion, Henry, 64 Washington st Clerg'yineii. To denote the difierent denomina- tions, the Ibllowing abbrevintions will be used ; (C.) Congregational- ists ; (P.) Presbyterian ; (V.) Uni- tarian ; (C. B.) C:ilvinistic Baptist; (F. B.) Free Will Baptist; (Ch.) Christian ; (Uv.) Universalist; (M.) Methv)dist; (E.) Episcopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Pierce, Willard (C.) JV. Mington. Walker, H. D. do JE. Jlbingtan. Ward, Jas. W. do Peltee, Joseph, (New Jerusalem Ch.) E. Abington. Whittier, James (Uv.) Powers, Dennis (C.) S. Abington. Stubbert, Wm. F. (C. B.) Woodbury, James T. (C.) Acton. Richardson, H. (C. B.) Dana, J. J. (C.) South Adams. Mason, H. W. (Uv.) Love, H. P. (C. B.) JVortA Adams. Crawford, R. B. Crande, M. (C.) Alford. Morduugli, J. (C.) Amesbury Mills. Sawyer, Isaac (C. B.) Lstes, D. Gordon (St. James's Ch.) Colton, A. M. (C.) Amherst. Ball, Mason (C. B.) Belden, Pomeroy (C.) E. Amherst. Hitchcock, Edward (C.) President of College Cook, George (C.) JV. Amherst. Cook, Phineas do Clark, Jonas M. (M.) Taylor, John (C.) Andover. Waterman, Heny (E.) Loriag, Bailey W?C^ Briggs, W. E. (C.) Davis, E. do Ashburnham. Clark, D. do Askfield. Egleston, A. B. (C. B.) Stone, (E.) Dixon, J. (M.) Wood, C. W. (C.) Ashby. Doggett, T. P. (U.) Mills, Charles F. (C.) Ashland. Bronson, Benjamin F. (C. B.) Chipman, R. M. (C.) Athol. Clark, Snmuel (U.) Crane, T. (C.) Atlleborough. Lovell, N. G. (C. B.) JV. .dttleboruugh. Thayer, Alonzo (C.) fV. Barnstable. Pollard, Andrew (C. B.) Hyanis Berlin. Bernardston. Beverly. Pope, R. S. (Uv.) do Bullard, A. (C.) Barre. Bond, H. F. (U.) Gate, G. W. (C. B.) Stevenson, R. V. (Uv.) Hyde, L. (C.) Bccket. Sikes, C. do Bedford. Clancy, J. do Belchcrtown. Curtis, Moses (C. B.) Massey, Joseph T. (C. B.) Bellingham. Adams, Henry (C.) Kendall, Chas do Bridge, A. M. (U.) Perkins, O. (Uv.) Abbott, Joseph (C.) Dole, G. T. do Tannelt, Allen do Flanders, C. II. (C. B.) Chandler, J. (U.) Thayer, C. T. do Washburn, Ira (Uv.) Stearns, J. G. D. (C.) Billerica. Putnam, Benjamin (C. B.) Proctor, George W. (Uv.) Thurston, James (U.) Burdett, M. {C.) Blackstone. Peck, B. D. (F. B.) Hannalord, J. L. (M.) Hinsdale, Charles J. (C.) Blandford. W:ird, William (M.) Sherman, D. do JV. Blandford. Merriam, A. (C. B.) Boitoii Edles, R. S. (U.) Adams, Neheniiah, 4 Boylston Place (C.) Boston Alvord, J. W., Broadway, near E street (C.) Ballou, Ho,ea, 24 Myrtle st (Uv.) Baiitield, J. 8 Poplar st Banvard, Joseph, 14 Tyler st. (C.B.) Barnard, Charles F. 5 Warren st (U.) Barrett, Samuel, 40 Chambers st do B irtol, Cyrus A. 17 Chest.;Ut st do Beeclier, Edward, 13 Hull st (C.) Bigelow, Andrew, 3 Hancock st (U.) Bl .gden.Geo. W.QCent'l Court (C.) Bl likie, Alex. 5 rsiewbern Place Bosvvorth, G. W., Broadway, near Dorchester st. (C. B.) Boiu-ne, George W., Sailor's Homo house 3 Gridley st Boston, Boyle, I. 18 Harvard st Briggs, Charles, 111 Washington 8t Channing, W. H. 83 Mt. Vernon st Church, Pharcellus, Crescent Place Clark, Thomas M. 4 Kingston st Clarke, J. Freeman, 58 Pinckney street (Uv.) Cleverly, A. P., Mt. Vernon st. cor. Beach (U.) Clinch, Joseph H., Broadway, near F street (E.) Cobb, Sylvanus, Webster st (Uv.) Colver, Nathaniel, 2 Province House Court (C. B.) Cook, T. D. 4ih st. near E, between E & F (Uv.) Coolidge. J. I. T., Beach st. opposite Edinboro' (U.) Croswcll, Wm. 7 Crescent PI. (E.) Cruft, Samuel B., Suffolk st. opposite Blackstone Squ ire (U.) Degen, H. E., South Boston Denison, Chas. W. 1 Arch Place Eastburn, Manton, 128 Trem. st. (E.) Eaton, Asa, 40 Pinckney st Edmunds, Edward, 2 Erie st. (Ch.) Fairchild, J. H. 4th st. near Erie (C.) Fitzpatrick, John B. 23 Federal st. (R. C.) Bishop Fitzsinimons, T. 4th st. near Turn- pike (R. C.) Fox, T. B. 5 Warren st. (C.) Frothingham, Nathaniel L. 34 Sum- mer St. (C.) Frost, George W., Dcdham st Gannett, Ezra S.4 Bumstead PI. (C.) Gray, Frederick T. 59 Hancock st llardey, Richard B. 23 Federal street (R. C.) Haskins, Geo. E. 222 Ann st. (R. C.) Hatch, Wm. H. 6 Clark st Hemstead, H. E., East Boston Higgins, Samuel H. 62 Tremont st Himes, Joshua V. 8 Chardon st Hitchcock, R. S., Central Square, E. B. (C.) Holland, F. W. 60 Pleasant st Howe, Wm. 11 Chambers st (C.B.) Huntington F. D., at Roxbury (C.) Jenks, Wm. 1 Crescent Place King, D. S. SCornhill Kirk, Edw. N. 6 Montgomery PI. (C.) Li[ipitt, G. W., Bay st. near Dorches- ter (C.) Livermore, L. J., Webster st. E. B. Lothrop, Samuel K. 42 Court street, near Tremont (U.) Lowell, Chas. 10 Staniford st. (C.) Lynch, T., rear Chmch st Northamp- ton (R. C.) Manahan, Ambrose, 23 Federal st (R. C.) Mason, Chas. 6 Louisburg Square McCalloin, Chas., Maverick st. E. B. McMahon, John B., Moon st Miner, A. A. 28 Green st Motte, Mellish I. 1 East Castle st Neale, Rollin H. 6 Crescent PI. (C. B ) O'Brien, N. J. A. 23 Federal st. (R. C.) Oviatt, Geo. A., Suffolk street, cor. Rutland (C.) Parker, Theodore, 1 Exeter PI. (C.) Parkman, Francis, 1 Bowdoin Sq. do Peabody, E. -J'.l Somerset street do Pierce, B. K. 3 Cornliill, and at Rox- bury (M.) Pierce, T. C. 47 Marion st Plumb, D. H. 37 Lowell st. (Uv.) Pollard F. W. 48 Poplar st. (E.) Randall, Geo. M. 195 Harrison Ave- nue (E.) Rice, Wm. 72 Poplar st Richards, George (C.) Robinson, J. P. 29 Charles st (E.) Robbins, Chandler (C.) Boston. Rojers, Wm. M., at Dorchester (C.) Sadler, L. L. 97 Leveret st Siinford, Miles, Princeton st. E. B. Schmidt, Frederick, 792 Washington itreet 132 Sharp, Daniel, 12 W. Cedar st. (C. B.) , ■^ Boston. Smith, Amos, 12 Eliot st (C.) Smith, M. Hale, 42 Boylston .t (C.) Snowden, Samuel, 5 southac ^t (M.) Stow B., Bowdoin street, opposite Buifinch Place (C. B O Stowe, Phineas, 8 Baldwin Place Street^r, Sebastian, 198 Hanover street (Uv.) Tappan, Wm. B. 9 CornhiU Taylor. E. T., Prince St. cor. Garden Court (M.) Vinton, A. H. 6 Temp e P ace (E.) Vinton, A. H. 6 Temple Place (E.) Waterbury, Jared B. 55 do (y.) Waterston, Robt.C. 11 Esse.x st. (C.) Wells, E. M. P. 34 Purchase st. (E ) Winkley, Sam'l H. 4 Minot st (C.) Winslow, Hubbard, Bacon Hill Woart, John, 4 Snowhill (.E.) Worcester, Thomas, 9 Louisburg Square (New Jerusalem) Wormser, Bernard, 8 Pleasant s ct Youna, Alexander. 48 teummer st (C.) Farnsworth. Jas. D. (C.) B"^''"'"'' • Munroe, Nathan (C.) ^^''%'"-'',- Park, Calvin E. do IVest Bradford. Perry.Gardiner B. do East Bradford. Morse, B. (M.) . Storrs, R. S. (C.) Bramtree. Newell, F. K. do Brewster. Damon, F. (C. B.) Brigham, David (C.) Bridgewater. Eaymond, Stetson do Bradford.Claudius do Kodman, Thomas P. (N. J.) Warland, William (E.) Swazy, A. (C.) Whitney, S. A. (U.) Hntchins, Samuel (C.) Green, W. B. (U.) Lewis, Joseph W. (M.) Haven, Joseph (C.) ShaUer, H. (C. B.) Pierce, John (U.) Cushman, S. (M.) Smith, A. B. (C) Sanderson, P. P. (C. B.) Garland, David (O Mellen, W. R. G. (Uv.) East Cambridge IngersoU. G. G. (U) Perkins. F. T. (C.) Daugherty, U. (R. C.) Leverett, Wm. (C. B.) Shepard, James (M.) Ware, John F. W. (U.) Cambridge Port. Parker, Joseph W. (C. B) Stearns, W. A. (C.) Stickney. Wm. L. (E.) Lovejoy, Joseph C. (C.) Muzzy, Artemus B. (U.) Collyer, Isaac J. P. cM.) Lane, B. I. (C. B.) Newell, William (U.) Allen. John (C) Hopkins, Nicholas (E.) Hammond, W. B. (C.) Mellen, Charles (Uv.) Banister, S. W. (C.) Gay, E. (C.) Smith, J. D. (C.) Hartley, (C B.) Manning, E. A. (M.) Wilder, M. H. (C.) Ellis, George H. (U.) Baffour, Walter (Uv.) King, T. S. do McGrath, M. (R. C.) Child, Wm. C. (C. B.) Greenleaf, P. H. (E.) Blain, J. (C. B. Buddington, Wm. J. (C.) NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIBECTORY. Clark, B. F. (C.) J^'orth Chelmsford. Parkhurst, John (C. B.) Chelmsford. Stone, Richard (Uv.) B..omer, J. C. (C. B) , ^, , . Mason, Almond W. (Uv.) Cheshire. ei:irk. (C. B.) lM;.rk P. K. (C.) Chester Village. M ircy, 1. (M.) Chester Factory. Kingsley, Silas (C. B.) Warner, Oliver (C.) Chesterfield. Bardwell, William (M.) Bestor, F. (C. B.) Greely, Stephen S. N. (C.) Chicopee Falls. Kellen, Robert (M.) Bellamy. R- K. (C. B.) Clark, Eli B. (C.) Clapp, S. G. do Warren, J. G. (C. B.) Porter, James (M.) Nightingale, Crawford (U.) Croswell, Andrew (E.) I Strain, James A. (R. C.) i Osgood. Joseph (U.) i Reed, Frederick A. (C.) 1 Dimock. A. V. (C. 8.-) ! BrtMiman, William (M.) M ithews, Wm. A. (C.) , Frost, B. (U.) Hirris, Samuel (C) jciark, T. J. do Chapman. J. D. (C.) (Jilford, Earl (Uv.) Baldwin, Joseph B. (C.) fVest Cumming-ton Chicopee, Cohasset. Coleraine. Concord. Conway. Cummington. Dalton Brighton. Brookfield. Brookline. Buckland. Burlington. Dana Danvers. Cn mbridge. Canton. Carlisle. Carver. Charlemont. Charlestown. Sears, O. M. (C.) Benedict, Timothy (M.) Keep, J. (C.) Lock. Joseph (Uv.) Field, Thomas P. (C.) Appleton, Frank P. (U.) Prince, John (Uv.) Stockman, Edward A. (M.) J^orth Danvers. 1 Tolman, Richard (C.) Mandell, William A. (C.) .South Dartmouth Lentell, (C B.) Grant, Elihu (M.) Goodwin, Joshua (Ch'n) Duffie, C. (C.) South Dedham. Webster, C. H. (Uv.) Lamson, Alvan (U.) Dedham. Burgess, Ebenezer (C.) Parkhurst, J. W. (C. B.) Bibcock, Samuel B. (E.) Tyler, Josiah (C) South Deerfield. Lyman, Geo. do Mi)ore, John T. (U.) Deerfield. Seymour, Henry (C.) Frary, (C. B.) Tate, John (M.) East Dennis Maynard, Lyman {C.)Korth Dennis. Morris, Edward (M.) Dow, I. M. H. (M.) West Dennis. Pcttingall, John U. (C.) Manning, L. W. (Uv.) South Dennis- Coane. Wm. (M.) Dighton. Tuckerman, O. P. (C. B.) Noble, E. W. (C.) Eastham. Williston, Payson (C.) Easthampton, Bement. Wm. do Ely. William do Bingham, Hiram do Lyinm, Solomon do Clapp, Erastus do Pomeroy, Samuel (C. B.) Egremont. Hall. J. G. (C.) H:„a.m, (M.) Upliam, Fred, do Edgartown. Gooduow, S. B. (C.) , McEwen, R. do Enfield. Dadman. J. W. (M.) Foster, Andrew B. (C.) Erving. Crowell, Robert do Essex. Baker, Henry H. (Uv.) Wo(jding, Geo. W. (M.) Fairhaven. Roberts, Jacob (C.) Poor, Daniel W. (C.) Daws, Thomas (U.) Baylis, Henry (M.) Fowler, Orin (C.) FM River. Washburn, Samuel (C.) Hotchkiss, V. R. (C. B.) Bronson, Asa do Longfellow, Samuel (U.) Dean, W. W. (Uv.) Murphy, Edward (R. C.) Patten, D. (M.) Russell, P. R. (Ch.) Margrille, Charles (Ch.) Hooker, H. B. {C.) Falmouth. Kenny, P. T. (M.) Hyde, S. S. (C.) East Falmouth. Cobb, A.^ do J^ortk Falmouth. FUrhburg. Fozborough. Franklin. Gardn-r. Oill. Oloucester Ooshen. Oranby. Dorchester. Benton, J. A Guernsey, J. do ,Folsom, N. (U.) Frost, G, W. (M.) Clark, Nelson (C.) Leonard, William (M) Tucker, Elijah W. (C.) Charlton Chatham. Codmtin, John (C.) Bailey. Steph. do Dyer, David do Pike, Richard (U.) Hall. Nath'l do Richards, H. (C. B.) Shailer, D. T. do Rice. C. D. (C.) Snow, S. P. (M.) Sanger, Ralph (U.) Adams Geo. W. (C.) Merrill, Joseph (C.) Bates. Joshua (C.) Merrill, David K. (M.) Brigham, Levi (C.) Moore, Josiah (U.) Dunham, Isaac (M.) Talbot, M. I. do Whitman, Nathaniel (C.) East Bridgewater \ Sanford. B. (C.) ; Hayward, T. B. (N. J.) 1 Eldredge, (M.) Douglas. Dover. Dracut. Dudley. Dunstable. Duzbury. Bullard, E. W. (C.) Trask, Geo. do Savage, E. (C. B.) Havves, E. M. (Uv.) Lincoln, Calvin (U.) Poor, Daniel J. (C.) Ripley, Silas (C. B.) Tarbox, Increase N. (C.)Framingham Aldrich, Jotham (C. B.) Northrop, B. G. (C.) Saxonville Mandell. E. J. (Uv.) Framingham. Field, Chester (M.) Southworth, T. D. (C.) Hixon, Asa (C.) Paine, J.C. (C.) Clifl, B. H. (C. B.) Stone, W. B. (C.) Miller, WilliMiii (C.) Wait, Josiah R. (U.) Lamson, Willi im (C. B.) iMavo, A. D. (Uv.) Nichols, M.P. (C.) Clark, William S. (M.> Smith, Daniel D. (Uv.) Boardman, William (C.) Bates, James (C.) Felton, George D. (C. B.) Oranville. Cooley, T. M. (C.) Smith, Henry B. (C.) Turner. J. W. (C.) Gt. Barrington. Stillwell, William (M.) Andrews, E. B. (C.) Partridge, Geo. do Greenfield. M.ircy. Thomas (M.) SlrongTitus, (E.) Blodsett. Edward P. (C.) Greenwich. Smith, Joseph C. (U.) Oroton. Phelps, Dudley (C^ Holmes, Lewis (B.) Woodbridge, John (C.) Hadley. .\yers, R. do I'.eman, W. H. (C.) JVorth Hadley. S:i nford, Enoch, do Halifax. Kelley, Geo.W. do Hamilton. Cutter, Samuel (E.) Hanover. Rockwood. Samuel L. (C.) Hanson. Carr, Samuel J. (B.) Mann, Asa (C.) King. Benjamin (M.) Smith, Benton (U.) Cibson, John A. (M.) Woodard, A. A. (M.) Stone. Cyrus (C.) Woodbury, Isaac (C. B.) Haverhill. Hosford, B. F. (C.) ; Frain, A. S. (C. B.) Hardwick. Harwich. MASSACHUSETTS. 133 Hinsdale, Holden. Holland. HoUistuii. Hopkinton. Ipswich. Kingston. Richardson, Jas., Jr. (C.) Haverhill. Eastman, John (C.) Hawley. Richardson, Joseph (Uv.) Hingham, Steams, Oliver (U.) Howe, S. (B.) Preston, M. M. (Uv.) Dyer, E. W. (C.) Spllstree, Thomas (M.) Taylor, Edward (C.) Gilbert, (M.) Paine, W. P. (C.) Tilton, J. (C. B.) Ober, Benjamin (C.) Stone, T. D. P. (C.) Nichols, John (Uv.) Twombly, John H. (M.) Webster, John C. (C.) Gallen, A. (E.) Hill, G. F. (Uv.) Hubbardston. Bradford, D. B. (C.) Kimball, David B. (C.) Fitts, Daniel do Gushing, Stephen (M.) Peckham, Jo-eph (C.) Heely, Thomas E. (C. B.) Pope, Augustus R. (Uv.) Corwing, VV. H. (C.) Clintonville. Bowers, C. M. (C. B.) Packard, Charles (C.) Bartol, G. M. (U.) Whittemore, Benjamin (Uv.) Ambler, I. B. (C. B.) L,anesborough. Gilbert, A. A. (C.) Shaw, S. B. (E.) Davis, J. E. (F. B.) Lawrence. Whitney, L. (C.) Richardson, J. G. (C. B.) Barrows, L. D. (M.) Packard, George (E.) Clark, G. H. (Uv.; Harrington, H. F. (U.) Smith, Ralph (C.) Ward, J. P. (M.) Nelson, John (C.) Hinkley, Frederic (U.) Clark, W. C. (M.) Fool, G. F. (M.) Neill, Henry (C.) Hubbard, Charles (C.) Withington, Hiram Dunham, L. B. C. (M.) Newton, Ba.\ter (C. B.) Eastman, David (C.) Dorr.Theodore H. (U.) E. Lexington. Randolph, W. B. (Uv.) Leland, Ira (C. B.) Jackson, Wm. 1'. (C.) Lincoln. White, Wm. H. {V .) Littleton. Tupper, Martin (C.) Longmeaduw. Edson, Theodore (E.) Lowell. Eddy, Daniel C. (C. B.) Child, William (C.) Clark, Uriah (Uv.) Trnll, Chas. K. (M.) Biu-nap, U. C. (C.) Miles, Henry A. (U.) Lowell. Porter, Lemuel (C. B.) Person, Ira do McDermot, James T. (R. C.) Crudden, Peter do Sanborn, Jacob (M.) Pattee, Edw. S. do Brewster, W. H. [M.] Lowell. Curtis, Silas (F. B ) Hanks, Stedman W. (C.) Blanchard, .\mos do Town, D. W. do Smith, H. G. (Uv.) Barrv, Wm. (Pilgrim Church.) Hall,' William (C.) Ludlow. Tuck, J. W. do Mudge, Z. A. (M.) Cadwell, do Washburn, Jas. B. [M.] Lynnfield. Green, Henry S. [C] Cook, Parsons do Lynn. Moore, John fUv.] Sanford, M. do Usher, J. M. do Lincoln, Warren [Ch] Shackford, Chas. H. fU.] Thayer, Lorenzo [M.J Lee. Leicester. Lenox. Leominster. Leverett. Merrill. .4ibram D. do Lynn. Clark, John do Hallam, I. W. fE J Smith, C. B. [C. B.] Maiden. Dennison, James [M.J P.irsons, W. R. do Adams, John G. fUv.] Gri-swold, F. A. [E.] Blanchard, J. F. do Mansfield. Kinsley, William H. [U.] Blake, M. [C] Allen, John [C. B.] Russell, J. W. [C. H.] Taylor, O. A. [C.J Manchester. Russell, P. R. [Ch.J Lawrence, A. [C.J Marblehead. Bartlett, John [U.J Ballard, Edward [E.] Smith, John [M.J Robinson, Breare [Uv.J Davis, B. H. do Marlborough. Ogden, D. L. [C.J Algier, Horatio [U.J Bates, J. [.M.J Farnham, Luther [C.J Marshfield. Tappan, Dan. D. do Bradley, John P. [.M.] Gould, John B. [E.J Leonard, George [U.J Crocker, E. R. [Uv.J Mattapoisett. Riibin-on, Charles [U.J Medfield. Kiciimoiid. Thomas [C.J Pliillips, Daniel W. [C. B.J Danforth, G. do Medford. Stetson, Caleb [U.J Barker, A. U. [C.J Warner, A. do Ball.iu (2d), Hosea [M.J Tucker, T. W. do Haskins, Ralph (E.J Medford. Sant'ord, David [C.J Medway. Ide, Jacob do Bailey, Luther do Harding, Sewall do Jenkins, Samuel [U.J Tillotson, O. H. do Methuen. Phillips, John C. [C] Graves, Joseph M. [C:. B.J, Nelson, Ebenezer do Middleborovgh. Todd, Benjamin [M.J Briggs, Ebenezer [C. B.J Andem, James do Putnam. Israel W. [C.J Bragg, J. K. do Colby, Phillip do Storrs, John do Clark, Edward do Middlefield. Church, Volney [B.J Long, David [C.J Milford. Griggs, L. do Milbury. Beach, Nath'l do Holman, S. do Brownson, S. J. [C. B.] Ainsworth, C. W. [M.J Morrison, John H. fU.] Milton. Cozzins, [C] Lesley, Peter do Elyj Alfred do Monson. Billings, James [M.J Kittredge, Charles B. [C.J .Merrill. James H. do Montagup- Howe, Samuel do Munterfy. Lovejoy, John [M.J JVantuckct. Trakey, E. D. do Knapp, William H. [C.J Hunt, Samuel do JVatick. Walton, Amos [M.J Gannett, Thomas [LT.] Dall, C. H. A. do J^eedham. Newcomb, H. [C.J Holmes, Sylvester fC.J JVew Bedford. Weiss, John do Prentiss, Geo. L. do Burt, Daniel do Eldridge, A. do Brown, Jonathan [Ch.J Currier, John H. do Morton, A. G. do Babcock, Rufus [C. B.J Howe, Moses do Horton, S. J. [Rector Grace Church.] Fillmore, Daniel [M.J JV. Bedford. Butler, J. I). do Cady, Jonathan do Fisk, John [C.J JVew Braivtree. Fiske, D. F. do J^ewbury. Dimmick, L. do JVewburyport. Campbell, R. [C.J Stearns, Jonathan F. Higginson, F. W. [U.J [E.] Washburn, Edward Eaton, H. A. [Uv.J Fiske, D. P. [Ch.] Cameron, Patrick [R. C.J Medbury, N. [C. B.J Benedict, do JVeio Marlborough, Fitch, Chester [C.J Gilbert, Lyman do West JVewton. Webster, Moses [M.J J^ewton. Teulon, Wm. F. [Uv.J Baury, Alfred L. [E.J Leavitt, Wm. S. [C.J Allen, Joseph [U^J JVorthborough. Houghton, Wm. A. [C] Farrar, Charles [C. B.J Couch, Paul [C.J JVorth Bridgewater, Goddard, Warren [N. J.J Otheman, Edward [E.J Huntington, Daniel [C.J Everett; Oliver [U.J Jones, W. [C.J Coller, H. [M.J Smith, E. Y. [C.J Day, George E. [C] Ellis, Rufus, [U.J Burroughs, Henry, Jr. [E.J Crane, D. M. [C. B.J Mowr>-, Jas. [.VI.J Barrows, Wm. Jr. [C.J Miller, Jno. R. (C.) Taylor, Wm (.M.) Sweet, A. H. (C. B.) Wright, E. B. (C.) Bardwell, H. (C.) Gridley, J. S. J. (M.) Bayles, Charles (U.) White, Jacob (C.) Branch, Nicholas (C. B.) Barden, Stillman (Uv.) Hugh, Gibson (C.) Clark, B. F. (M.) Parker, (B.) Wilson, Thomas (C.) Cross, T. C. K. do Cobley, N. E. (M.) Thomdike, Palmer. J\'ortkJield. ^Northampton. JVorton. JNorwich, Oxford. Orange. Orleans. Otis. Palmer. Depot. Chapin, (M.) Blodgett, C. (C.) Pliipps, W. (C.) Page, A. C. do Bigelow. (M.) Smith, P. (C.) King, John D. (M.) Babbidge, Chas. (U.) .Vndrews, David (C.) Knight, Joseph do Wilis, M. W. (U.) Clark. Solomon (C.) Perkins, A. E. P. (C.) Todd, John do Hunt. Thomas do .Miner, B. (B.) Phillips, (M.) Chapman, (E.) Gaylo!i. A. 1-. 114 State st Peabody, VVm. S. 13 Commercial st Pearce, S. H. & Co. 57 Congress st Pearmain & Hall. 17 Merchant's Row Pearson, J. H. & Co. 75 Long wf Perham, Sewall & Co. 4 Liberty Sq Perry, J.tcobs & Co. 10 S. Market st Peters, E. D. & Co. 12 Central wf Phillips, Jas. Jr. 34 Doane street cor. Broad Pickering, Arthur, 15 & 16 Lewis wf Plummer, Farnham, 19 & 20 Com- mercial wharf Pottle &. Brothers, 31 India st Powers, Herman, 61 Kilbv st Priest & Ayling, 92 & 94 Water st Priest J. L. 14 Central wf Proctor, Josiah C. & Co. 22 Commer- cial wharf Guincy, Thos. D. 25 Commercial st Raymond, Sam'l, 31 & 33 Broad st Raymond, Z. L. & Co. 11 S. Market st Reed, E. H. 28 Long wharf Reed & Wainwriglit, 17 Central wf Reed. Lyman & ( o 103 State st Reggio & Newell. 31 Central wharf Reynolds, W. B. & Co. 33 & 34 Com- mercial wharf Rice, Aaron & Co. 4 Central wf Rice & Thaxter, 27 Long wharf Richardson, A. & Co. 19 Central wf Richard-ion, Barrage & Co. 3 Sewall Block Richardson, Joseph, 17 Long wf Richardson, P. 8 R. R. Block, Lincoln street Rivers, J. H. 5 Commercial st Rogers, J. W. 70 State st Salisbury, Thos. L. 31 India st Sampson & Tapp:in,25 & 26 Lewis wf Sargent, J. T. VV. 7 Thorndike Build Saunders, 1. 17 Doane st Savage, Wni. 6 Tiiorndike Building Sawyer, Jas. 8 Chatham st Sawyer, Wm. B. 129 State st Sayles & Fiske, 16 Long wharf Scudder, C. &, Co. 33 & 35 Pearl st Scudder, [1. & Co. 17 Commercial wf Sears, Josiiua, 14 Long wharf Seccomb, Birtlett &Co. 31 Commer cial wharf Sharp, Daniel, Jr. & Co. 39 Commer cial wharf Sharp, S. J. 92 State st Shaw, Geo. VV. 115 Milk st Shaw, Jno. W. & Co. 115 Milk st Skinner, \V. H. 68 Commercial st SiUoway, J. 5 do Smith, Benj. A. 32 India st Smith, Chas. 6 Central wharf Smith, N. Proctor, Old Cus. House Smith, S. 5 Chatham Row Snow, Nathaniel, 76 State st Spooner, Wm. B. 79 Pearl st Stearns, C. J. 7 India wharf Stearns & Bayley, 18 S. Market st Boston. Steele, Anderson & Stanfleld, 8 & 10 Pearl st Stetson, Gushing, 27 India wharf Stevens, Edw. L. 18 Central do Stickney, H. & I. 12 Chatham st Stoddard, David, 6 S. Market st Stone, H. L. 103 St:i test Sullivan, J. VV. 23 Lorg wharf Surette, Louis A. 12 City do 'I'appan, J. G. 92 State st Tenny, Marshall, 4 Central wharf Thatcher & Billings, 20 Long do Thatcher & Sears, 31 do do Thayer, C. R. 17 Centr il do Thayer, C. & N. 32 India st Tliaver & Bates, 14 N. Market st Thayer, Hollis & Co. 24 India wf Thonuus, Wm. & Co. 79 State st Thompson, B. L. 18 City wharf Thompson & Davidson, 28 Iiulia wf Thvving. S. C. & Co. 8 Kilby si Tilden. T. & Co. 134 State st Tilton Benj. 7 Central st Tilton, S. & Co. 30 Commercial wf Tinkham, S. & Co. 17 Broad st Tovvne, Hunt & Co. 22 Milk st Townsend, I. P. &. Co. 23 Commer- cial wh irf Tnicy & Russell, 59 &. 60 Commercial wharf Trenik-tt, Thos. 28 Foster's wharf Tucker, Wm. 37 Central do Twoinbly & Lamson, 13 & 14 Cus- tom House st Tyler, John, Jl., 9 Central wharf Tyler, John, Ji.. it. 9 do do Cpham, Crane &, Co 90 State st Vila, Jospph, 75 Kilby st Vila, J. & Co. 1 Bath st n. Congress Wade, J. 29 Long wharf Waketicld, C. 15 Conimorcial st Walker & Brother. 81 State st Walker, Wildes P. 5 Long wharf W.ird, C. T. 136 State st Warren, H. A. 115 Milk st W.iternian, F 92 State st Weld, Aaron D. 127 State st Weld & Minot, 136 do Weld, VVm. F. & Co. 30 Central wf Wells & Snelling, 134 State st Wellington, F. E., (Jermin and Eng- lish hardware, 86 Water st Welch, Sam'l, 133 State st Wheelwright, A. 20 India st Winston, Francis G. 69 Broad st White, F. E. 22 Long wharf White, H. J. 67 Kilby st Whiting, James & Co. 86 State st Whitney, B. D. 17 Custom House st Whitney, Wm. 13 Liberty Square Whittemore, Elbridge, 32 Broad st Whittomore, Geo. & Co. 32 Long wf Whittemore, W. & F. H. & Co. 32 Broad st Whittier & Swr.zey, 34 Long wharf Whitwells & Se aver, 5 Morton Bl'k Wiggin, Jas. S. 29 India st Wilkins, Chas. & Co. 33 Long wf Wilkinson, J. H. 63 Commercial st Williams E. & Co. 23 Long wharf Winslow, I. & Sons, 15 & 16 Lewis wharf Winslow, Edward, 5 Broad st Win-low, P. T. 46 India st Winsor, Nathan'l Jr. 109 State 3t Woodman, Geo. 18 Central st Woodward, Abijah, 9 Doane st Wyraan & Arklay, 46 & 48 Pearl st Zipcy &. Wyman, 16 Howe's wharf DOMESTIC COMMISStON MERCHANTS. Almy, Patterson & Co. 85 Milk st Blackburn. Geo. & Co. 33 do Bush & Wildes, 24 Milk st Bradley. Chas. Philliiis' Building Chace, Motley & Mills 81 Milk st Clark, Sweet & Co. 18 do Colby, Gardner, 3 Sewall Block Denny, Rice & Gardiner, 56 Milk st Dodge & Tucker, 16 Pearl st Boston, Edmands, J. W. 62 Milk st Eldredge, Oliver &. Co. 15 Federal st Everett & Faulkner, 38 Milk st Fisher, Freeman & Son, 44 Milk st opp. Federal Frothingham, S. Jr. & Co. 89 and 91 Milk st Goodnow, Peter, 29 Cpntral st Hastings, Walter, Milk st corner of Federal Howe, J. C. & Co. 21 Pearl st Johnson, Sewall &, Co. 103 .Milk st Kimball, Daniel & Co. 20 do Lawrence, A. & A. & I'o., Lawrence Block, Milk st Lawrence, Stone &. Co. 2 Old South Block Lord, Thomas & Co. 83 Kilby st Mackintire, Lawrie & Co. 44 Water street Mason & Lawrence, 13 .Milk st .Mills, Jas. K. & Co. 2 Morton Block Nelson, Geo. S. 33 Milk st Paige, J. VV. & Co. Ill Milk st Parker, Wilder & Parker. 2 Pearl xt Poor. Benj. & Co., Lawrence Block, Federal st Read & Chadwick, 2 Bowdoin Block, Milk street Richardson, Bnrrage & Co. 9 Morton Block Sayles, Merriam & Brewer, 25 Fede- ral street Schouler, Newton & Barbour, 17 Pearl st Seaver & Knowlton, 60 Milk st Simpson, M. H. 31 Pearl st Skinner, Francis & Co. 61 Milk st Steele, Anderson & Stanfleld, 8 Pearl street Stodder, Chas. 75 Kilby st Vila, Joseph, 75 do Upham, Appleton & Co. 15 and 19 Pearl st Waterston, Pray & Co. 27 Federal st Wright & Whitman, 97 Milk st FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Harnden & Co. 41 Broad st Kimball, Otis, 15 Long wharf COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Those marked A. are Axiclionccrs. Leavitt, Joseph, A. Canton. Clough, Daniel P., A.. Maple st .N'orth Dancers. Shute, Charles H., A., Main st Edgartoicn. Jennings, E. VV., A., Main st. Remingkon, Hale, Drugs and Chemi- cals, 27 Main st Fall River. Tha.xter, Samuel L., A., 18 Market S(iuare Bro«n & Durfee, Steamboat wharf .Mitchell, Richard, 31 Bedford st Harris, A. & VV. H. & Co. Fitchhiirg. Dolliver, W. P., A. 89 and 90 Front street Gloucester, Joslyn, W. D., A. Lawrence. Tyler, George, A. Bartlett, Bailey, A. Patch. E. B., A. T.owell. Shapleigh & Farrington, A. 2, 3, 4 .Sc 5 Conmiercial Sq. Mixer, Pitmau,485 Mechanics' Build. Hooker, L. H. & L. VV., cor. Lowell and Dutton streets Hardy, Thomas, A., Middle st Kelley, Henry A. J^antucket, Crosby, Matthew (ioodwin, B. W. Macy, Gorham, A. Swain, David C, Main st Read & Webb JVew) Bedford. Baylies, J. & Co., A. VV iterman, N., A. 50 Union st Snell, Sylvester, A. 65 do MASSACHUSETTS. 139 Ricketson, Jos. 2d, 5 Commercial wf. Bosto7t. Bartlett, I. H. & Son Howiird, Benjaiuiii B. JVew Bedford. Ki*, Josi.ih B., ^. 11 & 12 North Water st Ricketson, B., Centre st Cushiiian, Chas. D. & Co. Wood, ,1. B. & Co. 8 Commercial wf. Haskell & Randall Perry, Daniel, 9 and 11 Orange at Baker & Trussell, Taber's wharf Greene, David R. & Co. do do Hamlin & Perkins, cor. Centre and Orange streets Taber, Henrj- & Co., Central st Pope & Mirgan, Roch's Square Grennell, Win. P. Rodman, Win. R. Allen, Gideon, Hazzard's wharf Swift &. Allen, Middle st Parker, John A. Paine, W. 19 William st Merrell, E. 5 Merrell's Block Currier, Amus S. 8 Greenley's wharf J^ewburyport. Cook, Moody D., Water st Morrill, S. G. & Co. Tappan, Joseph, Jr. Doten, S. H., Lumber Plymouth. Sanhorn, John D. Rockport. Nichols, George, A. 42 Washington street Saiem. Johnson, S. S., A. 14 Front st Shepard, I. D., A. 34 do Dodge, E. & Co., Pierce's wharf Phipps &, Richardson, A., Fountain Row Springfield. Taylor, W. R., A., Main st Perkins &, Brown, wool Confectioners. Bense, Peter, Tremont street, near Pleasant Boston. Bradshaw, Jesse, 9 Marshall st Carpenter, Ann, Mrs. 284 Wasliing- ton street Castell, Edward, 599 Washington st Castell, Wm. G. 174 Hanover st Clark & Co. 4 Tremont Temple Copeland, C. 87 Court st Copeland, Joseph W. 43 Court st Foster, M. 3 Portland st Harris, Samuel, Broadway, cor. C st Haven, Abncr, 11 School st Henss, Charles, 115 Court st Homer, T. K., Broadwav, near D st Howland, .M. 6 Fraiiklin st Kelley, P. H. 8 Lewis st. E. B. Kemp. W. M. 9G 1-2 Commercial st Keyes, D. B. 184 Hanover street Boston. Lecompte, Francis, 191 Washington St. and 10 Tremoat House Marjoram, W. W. 13 Marshall st Mayer, Philip J. 27 Tremont Row McDonald, Agnes, 147 Court st McDonald, Rebecca, 359 Washing- ton street Nason, E. 2 Bromfleld st Nichols, L. 2 Derby Rarge Peverly, Rebecca, 178 Washington street Richardson, Jas. 549 Washington st Roper. John B. 672 do Seiberlieh, L. 423 do Still, John, Broadway, near C st Tileston, H. Mrs. 49 Hanover st Tilton, S. A. 11 Winter st Vinton, Geo. W. 343 Washington st Ware, Wm. 2 U. S. Hotel Building Webster, Albert, 3 Brattle st Wedger, John B. HI Hanover st Wells, William, 353 Washington st Wheeler, James B. 479 do Douglas, Royal Cambridge Port. Ramsey & Bailey Cambridge. Cassell, Wm. C. 110 Main street Charlestown. ChUds, Geo. H. 68 Main st Hill, James B., Neponset Village Dorchester, Noyes, Wm. H., Front street Gloucester. Southworth, C. Oreat Barriiigton. House, B. J. & J. U. Bates, G. A. Greenfield. French, A. B. 37 Central st Lowell. Miles, Joseph, 94 Merrimack st Proctor & Rhodes, 51 South Common street Jajuii. Rogers, Franklin Marblehcad. Ward, Jonathan Montague. Kelly, J. S. 8 Purchase street JiTew Bedford. Tilden, Robert, 14 Cheapside Co{;geshaU, Josiah, Second st Sullings, Wm. 87 Purchase st Lucas, N. C. 190 do Payson, Samuel T. J^ewburyport. Daiiforth, Jacob I., wholesale iiusso, George \V. Hutchins, T. B., King street jYorthampton. Chapman & Garfield Palmer Dipot. Henlz, F. W., Dudley st. cor. Kenil- worth Roibury. Ropes, B. H. 98 Washington st. near Sumner Williams, Wm. H. 66 Washington st. opposite Po>t Office Simon, John, 160 Esse.x st Salem. Rodgers, S. F. 272 do Simons, Kibbee & Co., Main st Springfield. Kibbee, Horace, Fountain Row Dayton & Clapp, 151 Main st iVorcester. Arnold. Win. 223 M.ain st Livermore, Reuben, Mechanics' st Constables. Adams, Francis M. 110 Court st Bostoji. .\ndrews, Joseph W. 3 Franklin Av. Baker, Wm. P. 21 Court Square Baldwin, Josiah, 1 Franklin Av. Clapp, Derastus, City Hall Clough, Willard, 97 Tremont st Cooledge, Geo. J. 3 Franklin Av. Cooledge, I. A., Court Square, under Court Elouse Dexter, George J., Court Square Easterbrook, Wm. 10 do do Ellis, M. 131 1-2 Ann st Glover, Elisha V. 1 Franklin Av. Harrington, J. C. 131 1-2 Ann st Ho ea, Richard, 75 Charier st Hunkins, James, rear 27 South st J(nies, E. J. 3 Frai.klin Av. Kimball, Isaac B. 4th st Luwton, J. T. 7 Mass. Block Leighton, Jos. W. 11 Court Square Loring, Wm. 1 Franklin .\v. Munroe, Wm. 7 Mass. Block Neale, A. F. 3 Franklin Av. Patterson, David, 13 Court Sijuare Pierce, James, 3 Franklin Av. Prescott, Jonathan, 83 Cambridge st Rice, Edwin, 10 Court Squ re Ryder, Thos. P. 13 do do Sanborn, Erastus W. 1 Court Av. Sawin, Charles, 8 Court Sq. Shute, Ebenezer, 6 Leveret ('curt Smith, Charles, Court Square Smith, Thos. M. do do Stratton, Jonas, Court House Tallaiit, Jacob C. 3 Franklin Av. Taylor, Henry, 1 Court Avenue Trescott, Ebenezer, Broadway, near E street Vialle, Samuel S. 2 Franklin Av. Whipple, Jonathan,? Mass. Block Whitwell, Wm., under Court House Contractors for Building: Dexter, George M. 11 1-2 Tremont Row Boston. Emery &. Brown, 6 Devonshire st Boston. Russell, B. G., Pleasant street, cor. Marion Stone, P. A., Charlestown st Wellmau, J. W. 11 Joy's Building Coopers. Those marked with a * are also Pack- ers of FisA. Foskett, Joel JVorth Adams. Goodwin, R., Water st Beverly. Abbot, Ber.j., Medford st. Boston. ♦Abrahams, B. 1 and 2 T wharf Bonian & Darrow, 114 Milk st *Brown, J. & Co., Spear's wharf *C arlton, John K. 1 Lewis wharf Cate, Samuel, 81 Commercial st *Churchill, Oils. 55 Long wharf Clapp & Goddard, Richmond street, near Fulton Clark, S. C, Harris' wharf Daniels, Wm. 78 Harrison Avenue Hedrick, Uriah, Ripley's wharf Hinckley, E. 52 Commercial st ♦Howard, Wm. S. 13 T. wharf Kelley, Levi, 121 Milk st *Lane, J. 54 Commercial st Lang, J. & Son, 57 India wf (gaugers^ Lovetl &. Harrold, 97 Water street and 32 Broad Lovett & Rogers, Battery wharf Luzarder and Close, 207 Broad st Marshall, John Jr., 96 Fulton street, E. side Mills, J. L. & Son, Commercial street near Bartlett's wharf Miller, Moses, New st. E. B. iSason, A., Lewis wharf *Ober, John P., head Union wharf Perkins, Ezra, 5th st. near Sea Pitman, J. H. 27 N. Market st Rhoades & Beck, Broad st. near In- dia wharf •Richards, Joseph, Harris' wharf Ripley, Robert, Ripley's wharf Sanger & Ball, Custom House st Sawyer, H . A., E. Railroad wharf, cor. Commercial st Sawyer, J. P., Bartlett's wharf *Tuttle, J. & Co., Tuttle's wf. E. B Urann, Joseph, 336 Commercial st Vannevar, Ale.x. Jr. 21 Long wharf Warner, J. E., Lewis wh irf Waters, W. S. 9 & 10 Fulton st Wells, J. Ill Commercial st Knight, C. R., Cambridge st Charlestown. MuUett, G. Chatham. Burnham, Wm. 3d Essex. Pease, John C, Water street Fairhavev. Hammond, David, Water st Delano, E. & S. Hatch, Franklin, Union wharf Ricketts, James Eldridge, S. H. Chase, B., Hogsheads Fall River. Hcredeen, Sandford, Wood's H(!le Falmouth. Kinsman, Jeremiah, Jr. Fitchburg. Snow, Caleb G. Harwich. Sweet, Henry Mnrbleliead. Homedian, Benjamin J^'an/ucket. Myrick, Charles G. 143 North WaU-r street JVew Bedford. Howland, N. 143 North Water st Crowell, Seth 143 do do BIy, Isaac, 88 North Second st Haynes, Dyer & Co. 12 Maxtield st Southack, Henrj-, 1 Middle st Wilcox, John, N. Water st Gilfljrd, Abner, Howland's wharf Jenney, Edwin & Co., \. W: ter st Chase. Ichabod, Hazzard's wharf Delano &Case, Fi\vn st Boston. Bariiicott, Geo. F., Sudlmry st. oppo- site Hawkins i Cariienter, .\lfred, 8 Rovve's wharf | Carter, John H. 12 M irt. Locke &. Cordwell, B irrett st Loriiis, .\. B. & S. H. 76 Harrison Avenue Loriii-,', John G. & Co. 40 Merrimack street Pieper, Peter, Pum|)s, l:$ Brattle st Rice & Jenkins, Merrimack st, cor. Travers Strtitor. Herman, .57 Union st Tompkins, i. S. 21 do Tiukeniian, \V. F. 37 Bhickstone street W:iters & Co., Sumner St. E. B. Waters, Ebeiiezer, 81 Endicotst Austin, .\ll)ert Alaltapoisctt. Hiinneman Us. Co., Copper Founders, near BosTon line Roiburij. Bowers & Pratt, Coiiper Founders, Lowell st Cordag^e and Duck Man- ufacturers. Corliss, Benjamin H. Oloucester. Babson, Wm. 21 Front st Pettingell, C. D. & Co., Patent Cord- age Chapin & Fryer Oreat BnT-rington. Reading, David &. Co. S. Hin^rhnm. Pitman, John Marblelwad. Bassett, James N. jYnntiicket. Tucker, Chas. R. & Co., wharf JVfio Bedford. Bryant & Perry, 19 Hammond st Pope &. Morgan, Roch's Square Dunbar, I. & Co. 9 Perkins' Block Rohbins Cordage Co. Plymouth. Churchill, S. S, & Co. Plymouth Cordage Co. Boynton, E. Rockport. Chisholm, Thomas, Patent Cordage, 12 Pleasant st Salem Mann, G. R. &. W. R. Sharon Cord and L turers. Smith, D. & A. Enfield. Hartwell, David R. Mansfield. Leon.ird. N. W. & Co. Plymouth. Boyden, W. &. E. (^carpet warp) South IValpole. Whitman, .V. B. (twine and carpet warp) IVestficld. Curled Hair ITIanufac- turers. English, Wm. G. Wilson, John Dennis, John Beverly. Curriers. .\rmstrong, James, 40 Fulton st Boston. ■Armstrong, Joseph, 93 Fulton st Brooks, George, 49 do Buckinan, J. C. & Co. 52 do Buttrick & Oihb, 21 Em st llapp. Henry B. 62 Fulton st Clark, E. 17 Ferry st <'lirt"ord, G. 57 Fulton st Conilron, John L. 28 Charlestown street DurroU. Moses T. 5 Ferry st Ewers, John. 93 Fulton st Field, E. & I. 63 do Foley, B. 73 do FoWom, E. J.65 do Folsom, Peter W. 67 do Howe. (Icorge, 5 Market Square Hunter. E. G.66 Fulton st Raulback, Thomas M. 27 Pulton st Lawler & MuUane, 33 Ferry st Manning, Uriah & Son, 69 Fulton st Boston. Maxwell. Charles, 38 North Market street Merrill, (ieorge. 62 Fulton st Morey, David W. 62 do Nye, Thomas, 93 do Read. A. 11.20 Elm st Thompson, B. F. &. Son, 31 Shoe and Leather st Turk, J. 18 E.tchange st Walilmeyer, B. 85 Fulton st Wall, James, 29 Ferry st Ward, .Vrlemas. 34 North Market st Webster &. Co. 39 North Market sU and 26 Charlestown Wesicott, Stephen & Son, 44 Fulton street White, Isaac D. 38 North Market st Williams, Ebenezer, 9 Ferry st Williams, Stephen, 34 North Market street Winn, J. B. & Co., Fulton st. corner of Shoe and Lenther vVilson & Lery, 65 Fulton st Byron, Joseph, Byron Court Roihury. Colburn, Wm., Eustis st Etilon, Will., Davis st (Juild, S. & J. & Co., Bartlett street; also Tremont Tannery, opposite Depot; store 40 North Market sU, Boston Kennedy, Donald, W.irren st, near Rockland .\Ia.\well, Charles, Proctor st .Moriarty, John, Tremont st. corner of Texas Avenue Southark. (Jeorge. Eaton st Watts. Will.. Davis -t While. Isaac D , Lowell st Williams, Stephen, Bartlett st Winslow, Reuben, Eustis St. near Washington Young, Lolt, Eustis st. near Wash- ington [For Curriers out of Boston, see 'Tanners and Curriers." Cutlery Manufacturers. Bishop, Wm. 40 Congress st Boston. Finialey, H. 18 School st Hunt, N. & Co. 128 Washington st Weddell. A. 15 llawley st Smith, W. & E. H. Dalton. Russell, J. Oreenfield. White, H. H. & Co. (Shoe Knife) Man.sfield. Peeler, David Montague. Lamson, Goodnow & Co. Shelburne Falls. Sharon Knife Manuficlory, J. M. Sanger, Agent — Shoe Knives Sharoiu Towne, L. D., Litches Mills f^'orcester. Dag'uerrean Artists. (Carlton, G. C. Jimesbnry. Barrows, James, 3791-2 Washington street Boston. Campbell, B. F. 69 Hanover st Cannon, J. 99 Court st Cathan. L. H. 20 Washington st Charter, S. R. Miss, 8 Tremont Tem- ple Chase, E. B. & L. G. 247 Washing- ton street Davis, J. J. P. 34 Tremont Row Foss, Plummer, 190 Washington st Hale, L. H.&Co. 109 do Hayward, G. W. 425 1-2 do Holmes, A. ISTiemont Row Lerow & Co. 91 W.ishington st Lovering. R. F. 34 Tremont Row Lougee, D. G. 257 Washington st Moore & Co. 59 Court st MASSACHUSETTS. 141 North, Wm. C. 142 Washington st Boston. Pettee, Joseph, 113 do Plumlie, Richard. 75 Court st Rice & Heard, 32 Joy's Building Shew, Wni. 123 Wa^hingt(>n st South worth &. Havves, 5 l-2Treuiont Row Whipple, J. A. 96 Washington st White, Asa, 36 do Winslow, Abraham, Howard st. cor. of Court Woodward, Wm., Maverick Square, E. B. Welber, Wm. Canton. Thayer, J. 1 Chelsea st Charlestown. Swift, Ripley Chicopee. Swasey & Chapin, 6 Exchange st Simpson, A. J. 28 Merrimack st Lowell. Gilchrist, Geo. C. 82 Merrimack st Hawes, S. P. 112 do Pearson & Grove, 128 do Hoyt, Samuel, 31 do Hastings, S. H. 146 do Smith, M. 110 Union street JV«?c Bedford. Hawes, C. E. & Co., Liberty Hall Fales, Chas. 22 Cheapside Morrill & Smith, Market st mouth J^ewhuryport. Pike & Arbuckle, 4 Mcrcliants' Row JVorthampton. Peters, M. B. Filtsfield. Buel, E. W. Masury, Sam., Essex st. Salem. Bowdoin, D. W. 208 Essex st White, F. & Co., Main street 6'p ringfield. Cooley, O. H. Mason, L. Taunton. Williams & Co., Warren Block, Pearl street IVorcester. Williams, L. 82 Main st Adams, Geo. 142 do Van Alstein, A. W. 9 Brinley Hall Dentists. Kayner, D. P. South Adams. Sanborn, Eastman Jlndnoer. Moules, C. R. Barre. Knigh, W. Beverly. Ayliiig & Howard, 34 School st Boston. Ball, A. 3 Kneeland st Ball, Fitch & Smilie, 34 Tremont Row Barnard, C. F. 1 Montgomery Place Bemis, Samuel A. 32 School st Blaisdell, Alvah, Bulfiuch st. corner of ( ;ourt Blake, D. S., Court st. cor. Bulfinch Blake, E. 38 Tremont Row Bramhall, S. 1 Lagrange Place Clarke, John D. 274 Washington st Clough, J. 9 Tremont Temple Codman, Benj. S. 484 Washington st Codman, Willird W., opposite 12 Boylston st Cutter, R. 186 Washington st Dana, Francis, 2 Bumstead Place Dixon, Rufus E. 22 Winter st Draper, D. 286 Washinglon st Eastham, Chas. 83 Tremont Row Emery, H. A. 10 Tremont Temple Fiske, E. W. 276 Washington st Fitch, L. M. 34 Tremont Row Flagg, Josiah F. 31 Winter st Grandin & Dudley, 238 Washington street Gray, Thos. 25 Winter st Greenwood, E. L. 18 West st Guild, Albert, 58 Hanover st. corner of Portland Gunn, J. 115 Court st. Hanson, M. P. 38 Tremont Row Harris, B. N. 15 Lincoln st Harwood, D. 25 Summer st Haskell, L. P. 38 Tremont Row Hayden, G. G. 23 Tremont Row Boston. nine, Clermont E. 2 Albany st Hitchcock, D. K. 127 Court st Hoyt, A. L. 1 Park st Hunt, John E. 121 Court st Keep, N. C. 74 Boylston st. corner of Carver Kendall, S. H. 20 Winter st Leach, E. G. 6 & 7 Tremont Temple Leseur, J. A. 19 Winter st Locke, , 379 1-2 Washington st Luther, H. G. 485 do Martin, Henry J. 12 West st Mayo, U. K. 39 Hanover st Morton, W. T. G., over 19 Tremont Row Neilson, James C. 31 Winter st Nichols, Wm. 1 1-2 Tremont Row Nolen, Spencer, Jr. 11 West Parker, D. M. 25 Summer st Parsons, T. W. 16 Winter st Patten, John R. 2 Albany st Peabody, Nathaniel, 13 West st Prescott, Benj. T. 14 Howard st Preston, A. F. 18 Bedford st Randall, C. W. 95 Tremont st Robbins, R. L. 4 Portland st Sabine, J. 5 Franklin st Smilie, E. R. 34 Tremont Row Standish, J. O. 13 Porter st Stearns, S. F., Howard st. cor. Court Stocking, S. 266 Washington st Thresher, J. M. 132 Court st Tucker, J. &. E. G. 4 Hamilton Place Weymouth, A. L. 425 Washington street Whitechurch, Chas. 3 1-2 Tremont Row Wilson, D. P. 1 Park street, under church Wasliburn, Nahum Bridgewater. Bacches, Geo. P. Cambridge Port. Hawkes, D. B. Ckarlemont. Wetherbee, Isaac J. 44 Main st Charlestown. Rogers, Z. 51 Main st. Whitner, H. W. 54 Main st Phipps, Wm. S. 84 do Lawrence, J. W. Chicopee Falls. Jones, G. W., Cabot st Chicopee. Morgan. R., Exchange st Edwards, A. Concord. Clark, R. Conway. Hayes, E. D., Main st Dmivers. Curtis, G. H. South Egrcmunt. Northam, John W. Enfield. Fairbanks, G. D., Section C, Grai.ile Block FiUl River. Ledoyt, Beal, 3 Pleasant st Palmer, T. Fitchburg. Blood, T. S. Downs, Wm. C. Foxborough. Cowles, H., Saxonville Frnmingham. Davis, A. Oloucester. Brown, R. East Oranville. Lacy, Z. Oreat Barrington. Beals, J. Oreenjield. Martin, T. M. Haverhill. White, Edward Y. Littleton. Abbott, S. 15 Central st Lowell. Vinal, W. D. 21 do Ladd, C. B. 21 do Lawrence, S. 24 do Mansfield, Geo. 16 do Cook, J. W., corner of Merrimack and Central streets Gladwin, S. F. 90 Merrimack st Ru-sell & Doane, 118 do Clark, U. G. 122 do Lawrence, Ambrose, 27 do Knowles, , Wells' Block, Merri- mack st Hewes. C, Wells' Block, Merrimack street Dickinson, D. D. Medway. Littlefield. J. Milton. Metcalf JohrvT. Jfantucket. Plant, E. 110 Union st JVew Bedford. Mura, Jas. C. 22 Cheapside Ward, E. G., corner of Union and Sixth streets Kennison, G. W., State st Jfewburypurt. Smith, M. G., State st Smith, J. W. J\rorthnvipton. Wilson & Clough Piltsfield. Webber, C. 82 Washington st. corner of Felton Place Roxhury. Webster, G. H. 117 Washington st Batchelder, J. H., Essex st Salem. Harris, J. T. 22 Washington st Robinson, J. A. 20 do Bowdoin, W. F. 28 Essex st Morse, S. Shelbume Falls. White, Geo. H. 2 Fountain Row Springfield. Searle, F. 2 Fountain Row Perkins, C, Main st Woolworth &. Co., Main st Uickerman, D. S., Main st Taunton. Slierman, N., Main st South JValtham. Field, F., Wellington's Building Clark, E. L. Wi-.'itfield. Taylor, John West J\'i:wbury. Nutting, J. E. West Stoc/.bndge. Perry, Ira East Weymouth. Miller & Newton, 142 Main st Worcester. Bishops, H. F. 156 Main st Harris, O. F. 158 do Mead, L. G. 153 do Die Sinkers and Letter Cutters. Gill, S. W. 86 Portland st Boston Hall, Jas. 10 IJock Square Maciin, B., Bookbinder's stamps, 4 Court Avenue Mitchell, F. N. 13 Tremont Road Smith, W. H. 1 Court Avenue, over 87 Washington st Distillers of Rum. Barnard, John M. & Co., Ad.ims st Boston. Bowman, S. 28 Long wharf Dyer, John, Indiana st Felton, John, rear 66 Prince st Felton, L. & Son, 6 Long wharf and 5th st French, W. E., Essex st Heard & Welch, Ivers' Counting Room, 1 Long wliarf Hinvland, H. & Z. C. 1 Long wf Trull, Brothers & Co. 30 Merrimack street Trull, John & Co., Adams st Lawrence, Daniel Medford. Door^ Sash, and Blind Manufacturers. Darling & Shellman, JV. Adams. Pratt, Marcus Cowles, James M. Belchertown. Bailey & Jenkins, 613 Washington street Boston. Boles, Levi & Co., Deacon st and Haymarket Square Hall, John, 15 Blackstone st Langmaid &. Stimson, 6 Haverhill st Richardson, S. S. 26 Charlestown st Wilson, S. F., Merrimack st corner Causeway Wood, David H. 3 Merrimack st Brackett, C. Brighton. Griswold, Nowton Buckland. Osborn, D. Cambridge Port. Thompson & Williams Co/iraine. Fuller & Phelps JJcinvers. I Stone, Daniel Dana. I Whitney, F. I Doubelday, J. Reed & WiK>d E. Bridgewater. Nash &. Daniels Hadley. Rockwell, G. R. Lanesborough. 1 Frederic, W. Hudson Leominster 142 NKVV-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTOKY. Clark, Geo. W., Dealer, Pre^c..t• st J.oicdl. Burnap, Ethan, Dealer, Kelly, Win. cor. Duttou st & B'letcher Rai.d & Place Fifield & Peabody Aid -ii & Whitney I^udlow. C'haiiipUa & Harris Little, (ieo., Front st f.ynn. Hitch, I-rael JVortA Mnm/i field. Wiitt, W. H. Mrdford. White, Nathan WcstM-iliciv. Hodgers, Royal B. JVurton. Plti/liiistun. Pitlsfidd. Wattrtuwn. West Springfield, if i-'U nwiUk. Dunn, John Stevens, A. D. Sawyer, Joseph Prie-t, D'vid H. White, Henry Burriell, Jonathan P.ickiiell & White Fiive, John O. Ricf, Jorug's and ITIedicines— Dealers. Brown, John J. Andover. Swift, J. 8 Main st Princf', L. R. Beverly. Strickland, G. W. Cady, j(.)hn Blackstone. Baker, Barnard & Co. 9 Cus. House street Boston. Barnes, John, 8 Ann st Bates & Randall, 50& 51 Chatham st Bird, J. A. & W. & Co. 53 do Bisrclow, Josiah & Co. 11 India st Briffus & Robinson, 27 Commercial st Brewers, Stevens & Cashing, 90 VV.ishingloii st Brinley. E. & Co. 3 & 4 south side of Faneuil Hall Brown & Lamson, 44 India st Browne. C. Allen, II &, 12 Commer- cial street Carruth, Whittier & Co. 4 Long wf Carter, Colcord & Preston, Hanover street cor. Portland Chapin & Whiton, 15 & 16 Commer- ciil st CrocUer & Badger, 49 Blackstone st Culler, Dav & Co. 1 India st Denny. Edward & Co. 80 Milk street cor. Kilby Eliot, J. F. 32 Commercial st Fletcher & Appleton. 2 India st Fowle, Seth W. 138 Washington st H.ill, J. P. & Co. 1 Union st Hensliaw, Edmands & Co. 36 India street Hollis, Thomas, 30 Union st Hovpy, Hill & Candler, 28 S. Market street Hunnevvell, J. L. & Co. 8 Commer cial wharf Jackson, Eben, Jr. 75 Hanover st King. E. & F. & Co. 26 India st cor. Milk Little, Wm. B. &Co. 104 Hanover st Maynard & Noyes, II Merchants' Row Miller, E. F. & W.D., Havmarket Sq Philbrick & Trafton, IGO Washington street Pratt, Rogers & Co. 107 State st Rand.iU, Batcheller & Co 31 India st Reed & Cutler. 54 Chatham st Ross &, Poor, 19 Treiiioiit Row Russell, T. J. & G. C. 17 Merchants' Row Stevens, Trott & Darling, 16 India st Stimpson & Reed, 26 Merchants' Row Stone & Simpson, 1 Long wf Wadsv, cirth &. JVye, 116 State st ' White, Sam'l C. 24 Washington Sq. Boston, Worcester, Scott, D. Jr. & Co. 201 Main st Wheeler, Lewis, 33 India st Whitney, Wm. F. 56 Chatham st Wight, Eben. 7 Cu-tom House st Wilson, Fairbank & Co. 45 Hanover street Fletcher, Nathan Bradford. Brooks, Daniel H. Brookline. Jones, S. S. C. Rogers, Chas. B. 31 Main st. Charlestown. Bragg, I. S. & Co. CAicopee. Bridgnian & Kent Smith, W., Exchange st Brewer, Darius & Son, Lower Mills Dorchester. Russell, John, 8 Granite Block Fall River. Brown, P. S. 6 Granite Block Burt, .fas. D. 11 S. Main st Chase, Edw. S. 23 do Wilbur, A. C. 68 do Whilaker, J. 24 Ferry st Taylor, E. S. Fitchburg. Spaulding, N. S., Saxonville Framivn. Dry Goods. Jennison, Wm. Ashland, Houghton, Alvin Athol. Daggett, H. N. & H. M. At.tleboro\ Choate, H. Beverly. DRY GOODS. Importers. I See Domestic Com. Merchants.] Andrews, C, Silk Goods, 68 Kilby st Boston, Baker, E. & Co. 4 Bowdoin Block Biichelder, John, 30 Charlestown st Barry it Brother, 24 Pearl st. Cruft Block Blake, Patterson & Co. 75 Milk st. Blanchard, Converse & Co. 2 Fed- eral st Booth, Baker & Bradish, 51 Milk st. cor. Atkinson Dunbar, I. J. Oevru-itoicn. Burr & Pollock, 51 Milk st Pyncheon, Geo. Ot. Barrmirton. , Chace, Daniel K. 69 do Chace, Gamaliel W. Harwich. Gihon, John & Co. 73 do Htint, C'. & L. Hingkam. Hemsley & Cropper, 34 do Coburn, Stephen Ipswich. ' Homer, Sidney, 65 Congress st Kendall, Carpenter & Co. 1 and 3 Pearl street Lane, Lamson & Co. 47 Water st Little, \iAe\i & Co., Milk street, cor. Congress Milton, Cushman & Co. 4 Old South Block Pearce, S. H. & Co. 57 Congress st Phipps, W. & S. 4i Co. 6 Old South Block Rnylance & Briggs, 44 Federal st Stoddard, Charles &. J. S. Lovering, 50 Milk street Tarbell. T. & Co. .55 and 57 Water st Wainwright, B. G. 3 Federal st White, Charles A. & Co. 8 Morton Block Whiton & March, 79 Kilby st Wilkinson, Stetson &. Co. 10 Morton Block Williams, John, 46 Milk st. Federal Wyman & Arklay, 46 & 48 Pearl st Bancroft, L. F., Clintonville I^ancaster. Burgess, S. G. Lawrence. Eastman, C. S., cor. Central st and Merrimack iMwell. Staniels. Edw.L., cor. Central stand Merrim ick Lummus, G., N. Common st Jyynn. Otis, Thos. 40 South Water st JVe!0 Bedford. Hunter & Thornton, Wholesale, 138 Union st Thornton. J. K. & E. Colby & Clark, 97 Purchase st Clark, W. F. 74 do Gerrish, W. L., Wholesale, 84 Pur chase st Potter, W. B. cor. County street and Kempton Stow, S. V. 10 Third st cor. Bedford Tompkins, D. cor. Middle street and Second Sturtevant, Samuel Mattapoisett. Barstow, R. L. Barber, John Mason Southworth, N. Hodge, Chas. M. State st J^cwburyport. Ball, J. J\rorthboro\ Cobb, Tyler JVorth Bridgewater. Hill, J. & E. JVorth Brookfield. Parsons, S. C. Starkweather, W. Clark, A. B. Cushman, J. B. Peck & Collins Sandys, Edwin Cole, 1. S. Hayden, Mrs. E. J^'orthampton. Palmer Depot. Pawtucket. Pittsfield. Juincjf. Pinkham, Charles H. 288 Essex Salem, Webster, Stephen Salisbury. Bigelow, E. & Co., wholesale. Main street Springfield. Brewer, H. & J., wholesale. Main st Dean, M. B., Patent Medicine Depot, Main street Segur, Gideon C, Main st Monroe, Francis I. 2 Main st Taunton. Dunbar, S. O. Goodrich & Miner Ware. Crocker, P. S. Wareham. Cobb, Wm. Warwick. Prince, L. R. Wenham. Russell, James H. W. Cambridge. Clarke, A. B. Westfield. Woburn IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. [See also Silk Goods.] Allen, E. & Co. 2 Sewall Block Boston. Allen, Frederick D. 42 Milk st Ammidown, Bowman & Co. 23 and 27 Pearl street Anderson & Sargent, 30 and 32 Kil- by street Arnolil, Charles & Co. 17 Federal st Baldwin, E. & E. 9 Milk st Bartlett. Daniel, 14 Central st Bates, George W. & Co. 52 Milk St. opposite Federal Beebe, James M. & Co. 88 and 90 Hanover street Blake, Patterson & Co. 75 Milk st Blanchard, Converse & Co. 2 Fed- eral street Blanchard, F. H. & Co. II Milk st. Ribbons, &c. Blanchard. Wm. E. 5 Milk st Blodget, J. W. & Co. 26, 28 and 30 Bramtiall, Fairbanks & Co. 3 Old South Block Brewster, John & Co. 63, 65, and 67 Water street Brigham, John & Co. 1 Sewall Bl'k. Brittan, S. A. & Co. 53 Alilk st. cor. Federal Brown & Dix, 29 Pearl st Cooper, E. & Son Harrington, C. A. & E., wholesale, i Brown & Eustis, 154 Washington st 50 Main st Worcester. I Brown, W. A. Jr. & Co. 95 Milk st MASSACHUSETTS. 143 Burr & Pollock, 51 Milk st Boston. Carter, Riinkin & Cotting, 39 Milk st ChHiiir)nev, Edward W. 32 do Chase, Ki'inbull & Co. 16 Killiy st Clement, !^alisbllrv & Co. 58 Milk st Cragiu, Greeiileat'& Co. 87 do Curti*. Pre^^ton & Co., Milk St. cor. Kilhy Darnih. Murse & Co. 13 Milk st Davis, b. C. 28 do Deane & Davis, 24 Kilby st Doihou, .1. \. &. Co. 81 do Dutton, Richardson & Co. 29 and 31 Fedenil st Eayrs, Joseph H. 9 Milk st Ehrlich, Moses. 28 do Fales & Dana, 71 Water st. and 65 Kilby Farnsworth & Shaw, 65 Milk st Fearing, A. C. 16 Morton Place Feely, P. 42 Congress st Fosdick, John, 83 Kilby st French, Abner & Co. 67 Milk st Gannett, Bulch & Co. 50 do Hale, Rice & Aninry, 71 do Hale, T. P. 69 Water st Hall, 01n)sted & Co., Milk st. corner Federal Haskell & Howland, 249 Washing- ton street Halhorne, Jacob H. 5 Milk st Haiighton, Savvye4& Co., Milk St. cor. Congress Hill, Geo. & Co. 327 Washington st Hobart. Albert, 18 Pearl st Hobart & Briggs, 67 Congress st Holbrook, Henry J. 47 Milk st Holbrook, Carter & Co. 36, 38 and 40 Pearl street Hovey, C. F. & Co. 13 Winter st Howe, Wni. A. & Co. 52 1-2 Milk st Jenness, Gage & Co. 1 and 3 Liberty Square Jewett & PrescoU, 1 Old S. Block Jewett, ilcGilvray & Co. 51 and 53 Water street Jewett, Tebbetts & Co. 44 Milk st Jones, HiU& Co. 3 Bowdoin Block Jones, F. A. & Co. 1 Treniont Row Lambert, Ed/nands & Co. 99 Milk st Lambert & Co. 12 and 14 Pearl st Lincoln, M. S. & Co. 33 Water st Little, Spear & Co. 89 Kilby st Lord, Wiii. C. 57 do Lowden, Cu iiiiig & Co. 69 Kilby st Lowrv, Wni. 38 and 40 Water st Lyford, Billings & Co. 20 Pearl st Mann, John, Treniont st. opposite Hanover Mann, William H. & Co., French Goods, 1 Bowdoin Block, Milk st Manning, Glover & Co., Domestics, 1, 9 and 10 Faneuil Hall Morse, Samuel F. & Co. 37 Milk st Nichols, C. C. 7 Kilby st Nichols, Pierce & Co. 46 Milk st Norris, S. H. &, Co. 55 do Paige, David & Co. 53 Milk st. cor. Atkinson Paine Ac Wheelock, Milk St. corner of Con!;ress Palmer, tiage & Co. 32 Pearl st Parker & Hanilen. 49 Water st Parsons, Samuel & Co. 21 and 23 Federal st Pearl & Smith. 62 Hanover st Perkins, Doe & Co. 79 Milk st Plimpton, J. W. & Co. 34 do Poor, B. & (_ () 2 Federal st Poor, Henry, 77 Kilby st Rawson, Brigham & Pratt, 35 Milk street Reed, Muzzey & Co. 5 Pearl st Richardson & Childs, 102 Hanover street Shepherd, John, 28 Kilby st Shorey t Co. 168 Washington st Skeele, Edwin A. 33 Congress st Smith. Sumner & Co. 5 Bowdoin Block Stacey & Brother, 34 Hanover st Stevens, Grenville, 34 Kilby st Stone & Page, 60 Kilby st Boston. Stone, Robert, Jr. & Co. 4 and 6 Pearl st Stowe, Freeman, 59 and 61 Water st Sumner, Brewer & Co. 83 Milk st Talbot, Birchard & Co. 72 Kilby st Tenney, Brothers, (silk goods,) 4 Milk st Tenney & Ballister, 70 Kilby st Thacher, Bascom & Co. 4 Morton Block Wade, Nathaniel, 9 Milk st Warren, C. & Co. 26 Milk st corner of Devonshire Warren, Geo. W. & Co. 192 Wash- ington st Washbnrn, A., Jr., Milk-street Block, 40 Milk st Washburn, Nichols & Co. 85 Kilby street Waterston, Pray & Co. 27 Federal st Webster, H. A. & Co. 70 Congress st Wetherell, H. B. & H. W. 203 Wash- ington st Wetherell, Stone & Wood, 63 Milk st White, Andem & Co. 48 do White, Charles A. & Co. 9 Morton Block White, H. J. 67 Kilby st Whiting, Charles A. 59 Kilby st Whitnev & Fenno, 93 Milk st Wight, Reed & Co. 52 Milk st. oppo- site Pearl Wilkinson, Stetson & Co. 10 Morton Block Williams, John S. 46 Milk st Wiliianjson & Smith, 26 Kilby st Winslow, Adams & Co. 40 .Milk st Woodbury, Henry, 28 Kilby st Wyman, Jas. K. 28 do Dry Goods— Retailers. . Adams, C. B. 112 Hanover st Adams, C. J. & Co., Broadway, near C street Allan, Geo. W.. Canton st Allen, H., Broadway, corner of Dor- chester st Allen, Williim H., (French goods), 216 Washington st Ames & Bickford, 36 Hanover st Andrews, John S., Sunmer st. comer of Paris. E. B. Atkins. Thomas G. 143 Washington street Badger, D. B. 151 Broad st Bagley & Stuart. 66 Hanover st Baker & Bruce, 321 Washington st Baldwin, S. M. & Brother, 6 Tremont Row Barney. M. S. 204 Hanover st Bartlett, Brothers, 503 Washington st Bartlett, John W. 128 Hanover st Bill, E. D. 9 Tremont Row Bendix, John, 525 Washington st Besent & Hudson, 287 do Bliss, Henry P. 12 Tremont Row Bodwell, M. R., Leveret st. corner of Vernon Bond, T. D. 415 Washington st Bowers, Chas. 46 Hanover st Bowers, F. H. 72 do Bowers, H. M. 132 do Brackett, S. E. 227 Washington st Brett, Wm. F. (wholesale), 60 1-2 and 62 Federal st Brown & Lamkin, 123 Court st Brownell, Gilbert & Co. 255 Wash- ington st Burbank, Geo. G., Broadway, corner of B st Capen, A. 155 Court st Carpenter, H., Jr. 196 Hanover st Chipman, G. W. 82, 84 and 86 Hano- V6r street Christian, T.& A. 391 Washington st Cobb, Fred. W. 409 do Coleman, Lewis, 379 do Collins, E. K. & Co. 64 1-2 Hanover street Cooper, Edw. 78 Pleasant st Boston. Damon, McAliaster & Co. 10 Hano- ver st Daniell, J. N. & Co. 201 Washington street Davenport, M. A. 226 Hanover st Davis, Horatio E. & Co. 281 Wash- ington street Davis, N. T. 135 Hanover st Dickinson, G. D. 99 Cambridge st Doherty, H. & Co. 341 Washington st Dully, Janus, Batterj march st Dyer, S. D. 150 Hanover st Ellis, A. P. 369 Washington st Evans, B. S. 56 Hanover st Fen ton, Heori H. (French Goods), 212 Washington st Fisher, S. & Co. 421 Washington st Foote, C. R. 121 Court st Fo.x, B. 86 1-2 Eliot st Gallagher. P. 5 Tremont Row Gammon, W. H. 491 Washington st Gavett, George B. 581 do Gay, Thomas, 166 Ann st Gould, F. A. 188 Hanover st Graves & Stevens, 105 do Green & Carr, 44 do Greenwood, J. M. 361 W.ishington st Hanimatt, A. 585 Washington st Harris, Wm. G. 13 Leveret st Haskell & Howland, 249 Washing- ton street Haynes, Marj', 651 do Henrj-, Martha C. 132 Purchase st Hill, Geo. & Co. 327 Washington st Hill, Lincoln & Geer, 333 do Holbrook, C. 93 Hanover st Holden, L. P. &. Co. 219 Washington street Hooper & Pond, Hanover st. corner of Friend Holmes, G. 413 Washington st Horn, B. F. 505 do Houghton & Burditt, 345 do Hovey, C. F. & Co. 13 Winter st Howe, J. 405 1-2 Washington st Huston, H. 337 do Ide, G. L., Green St. cor. of Staniford Jarves, J. L. 50 Hanover st Jewett & Prescott, 1 Old South Block Jones, F. A. & Co. 1 Tremont Row Jordon, Eben D. 146 Hanover st Jordon, Wm. L., Broadway, comer ol B street Keyes, Z. W. 70 Hanover st Kiiisley, Ann, (French Goods,) 174 Washington st Kirkpatrick, John, Broadway near Turnpike Knight, Manasseh, 237 Washington street Lawrence, Geo. D. 202 Hanover st Lepean, John, opposite 3 Commer- cial street Libby, M. & S. H. 190 Hanover st Libbey & Kendall, 206 and 208 Hano- ver street Lucas, Edmund D. 407 Washington street Mackintosh, S. T. 170 Hanover st Jlann, J. H. (Ribbons), 264 Washing- ton street Marsh, B. L. & Co. 168 Hanover st McConologue, M. 136 Ann st Messinger, C. 427 Washington st Messinger, E. F. 395 do Middleton, Tho-. 349 do Metcalf, D. E. 431 do Molineux, Jas. 487 do Molineux, R. W. 39 do Morse, E. G. 51 Cambridge st Nay & McClure, 3 Tremont Row Nelson, R. Turnpike cor 4th st Noyes, U. W. & Co. 48 Hanover st Partridge, Harney P. 78 Federal st Pea body, E. 236 VVashington st Pearl & Smith, 62 Hanover st cor. Friend Perr>-, N. W. 2 Tremont Row Peterson & Mcintosh, Misses, 149 Court st 144 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. PoUird, S. N., Central Square, E. B. Pratt, Solouiou, 158 Hanover st Boston. Richardson & Childs, 102 Hanover st Ritchie, S. & Co. 6 Suuiiiier st E. B. Rdjiers, .1. S. 509 Washington st Rogers, n. F. (i05 do SMll'iird &. (Jeffrov, 52 Hanover st Shillal)er,J. G. 61 Court st Siminonds, Joseph, 55 Cambridge st Smith, J. 50 1-2 Hanover st Snow, Jude & Co. 64 Hanover st Sperry. Henry, 1 Miiverick Square Sticey & Brother, 34 Hanover st SteKon, H..pkins& Co. 183 Wash- ington st Stonns, W. R. 315 Washington st T.iylor, A. H. 6 Mavericlt Square Tilden, W. H. & Co., Broadway cor- ner of E st Tilton, Saumel, 647 Washington st Tolmin, Eliot, Tremont Row opp. Hinovcr st Trunihull, Wm., Bro.%dway n. B Trefelhen, Nath'l, 32 Prince st Tucker & Brothers, 211 Washington street Tufts, Gardner G. 34 School st Turnbull, G. & Co. 241 Washington street Vanstane, W. 685 1-2 Washington st Warren, Geo. W. & Co. 192 Wash- ington st Warren, Vurnum. 92 Hanovor st Wells, Sarah, 58 W. Ced ir st Wheelock, Dwight, 37 Hanover st Whitm in, S., 5ih st cor. (". Wilkins, John, 38 Hanover st Wright & Wallis, 399 Washington st Hitchljorn, Geo. Brighton. Kelly & Spring Wheeler, Jonathan E. Cambridge. Cokly, T., Gose st Jordon, C. & Co., Cambridge st Green, C. O. & Co do Murdock, .^sa Cambridge Port. Bruce & Gregory Morse, Calvin Thurston, John C. Watriss, Wm. Cambridge. Read, John & Co. Bates & Saunders Patch, J. K. Charlemont. Francis, D. S. 85 Main street Charlestown. Phipps, S. G. 202 Main st Heath, A. H. 84 do Fosdick, Wm. 50 do Flagg, John P. 46 do Skilton, J. 36 & 38 do Wheeler & Cloggett, Exchange st Chicopee. Gillet, Alfred S. 7 Exchange st Williams, S. F. 1 Exchange Block, Exchange st Jenks, Liberty, Exchmge st Cutler, Lewis, corner Exchange st. and Perkins Culbertson, John H. Concord. Cutler, Wm., Main st Danvers. Daniels, R. S. do Field, William, Centre st Dedham. Damon, N. do Richards, Mason, High st Con:iends' Good-) 16 Purchase st Baker. W. L. 2 1-2 Purchase st Hammett, Nathan, 4 do Drew, Rufus W. 1 Cheapside st Landers, Thomas C. 20 do Hammett, Albert, 22 Cheapside JVejz) Bedford. Pedro & King, 137 South Water st Chase, F. P. & T. J. 1.58 Purchase st Field, Wm. P. 29 Middle st Collins, B. W. 25 Purchase st Plummer, Richard, 10 Cornhill, State street J^rwbiiryport, Palmer, W. W. 14 State st Davenport, M. 10 do Richardson, Ira, 6 do Hardy, David, corner Water and Charles streets Griffin, E. 25 Pleasant st Brown, Charles M. 4 Pleasant st Sweetser, S. & Sons, 5 Liberty st Dodge, Dana, Pleasant st Tappan & Bassett do Ellis, Wm. R. 14 do Caldwell, James, State st Hardy, Edward T. 8 do Stevens, S. & Son, 5 do Ingalls, O. P. 6 do Billings, Albert, Upper Falls J^cwton. Stoddard, Lathrop & Co. JVorthampton. Hawks & Llttlefield Lincoln, L. R. Dickinson, G. P., Main st Longley & Miles, wholesale Palmer Depot. Bates, W. & Co. Pawtiicket. Plunket & Halbert Pitt.tfield. Davis, H. G. Alderman & Gooding Pliimouth. Barnes, S. Hart, Jason, wholesale Tufts, Richard Rucliport. H.irris, James Brooks, Samuel H. Bacon & Atwood, 73 Washington st. opposite Clock Dial Ruzbury. Bacon, W. & A. 85 Washington st. opposite Clock Dial Davis, Chas. 11 Washington street opfKisite Norfolk House Dexter, Samuel, 71 Washington st Winthrop Bank Building Draper, Wm. W. fVest Roxbury. MASSACHUSETTS. 145 Field & Gould, head Dudley st Rozbury. Frost, Geo. 68 Washington st James, George & Co., Centre street, near Green, Jamaica Plain Lemist & Kellogg, 84 Washington st. near Clock Dial Pettes, Geo. W. 1 Guild's Building Austin & Work Royalslon. Bcmis & Jones South Royalston. Dix, Asa C. 240 Essex st Salem. Jackson, S. P. 242 do Hentield & Gilley, Broadcloth, 12 Front street Paine, J. A. 153 Essex st Goldthwait & Luscomb, 153 Essex st Downing, Thomas & Co. do Goldthwait, M. Jr. & Co. 223 do Plumnier, Miss R. 310 do McKeiizie & Wellington, 188 1-2 do Choate, Francis, 222 do Shepard, J. B. & S. D. 152 do Gavett & Co. 192 do Webster, Daniel Salisbury. Flanders, Susan Ballard, M:irtha Saugus. Rand, Joshua Somerville. Potter & Cady, Main st Springfield. Taylor & Palmer do Willard, Woods & Rollins, 4 Hamp- den Hall Gay, Daniel, 3 State st Rockwood & Hopkins, 7 State st Pratt, A., near the Depot, Main st Lee & Strickland, wholesale. Main st Bailey, Sanuiel do do Thayer & Taylor do 3 Burt's Bk. Rice, Ja mes do 4 do Lord & Field do 3 Union H. Wilson & Co. do Main st Reed, John, 54 Main st Taunton. Babbitt, (Jeo. H. do Godfrey, Chas. do Perkins, C. do Woodward, S. do Hodges, Reed do Tisdale, S. Jr., Weir Bridge Burtt, J. O., Main st Runnels, Jabez S. Crane, A. B. Uphnm & Clark, Main st Waltham. Bigelovv & Newell Adams, Willard Maynard, Josiah Jordan, A. Wheeler & March Watertown. Rogers &. Sanger Ingraham. Wm. H. McNeil, Alexander Webster. Holbrook, Giles fVellfleet. Rice, C. A. Fearing, Israel South Weymouth. Heywood, J. M. Winchenden. Wyman, N. Jr. Woburn. Fowle, John, 2d Maynard, Geo. C. 198 Main st Worcester. Hackett, William, 194 Main st Jouvet, John H. 86 do Hall & Thompson, wholesale, 134 Main st Hardon, B. L. & Co., wholesale, 146 Main st Bryant, George P., wholesale, 154 Main st Newcomb, C. J., wholesale, 160 Main street Dayton, G. M. 155 Main st Stebhins, O. F. & Co., wholesale, 178 Main st Stowe. Martin, Main st Chamberlain, H. H. 162 and 164 Main st Upton, C. A. & Co. 140 Main st Crowell, Sylvanus West Yarmouth. Dry Goods, Groceries, &. Variety. Field, H. N. & W. Ford, James, Jr. Abington. Freeman, Joseph B. Abington. Curtis, Leander Ellis, Samuel East Abington. Curtis, Abner Dill, Joseph Real, Nathaniel Torrey, Harvey Whitmarsh, Z. N. Nash, B. T. & Co. Whitmarsh, James Faxon, L. & Co. King & Nash Norton, Samuel Estes, Rufus P. & Co. Dyer, Nathaniel L. Holden, R. Acton. Burbeck & Fuller Mosman, Ephraim Tuttle, James Tarbox & Cook South Adams. Arnold, S. L. & S. H. .Adams, Washington &. Co. Wood & Sales Richardson, David Smith & Burton Morse, Millard Johnson & Wheeler Burton, A. Husband, Edward Richardson, A. W. JVoWA Adam.-i. Knbinson, J. Q,. & Son G^iligan, M. G. Brolly, Daniel Cady & Brothers Rice. BIy & Co. Martin, W. Grwes, Theodore Mills & Smith Collins, S. Gallup M. & Son Potter, J. M. & Co. McLellan, R. W. Thayer, M. Turner, C. B. South wick, E. Dimonds, D. Blackinton, S. Vandeusen, M. R. Alford. French, David Amesbury. Squires & Jones Stacy & Babson Jones, William Amesbury Mills. Young, Benjamin Robinson, F. JsTorth Amherst. Draper, L. L. Kellogg, Wm. .Jr. Amherst. Sweetser & Cutler Pierce & Whitney, 1 Phoenix Row Holland, Seneca, 7 & 8 do do Hastings, J. & H., East st Hayward, Chas. F. South Amherst. Derby, John ^ndover. Abbott, H. W. Higgins & Abbott W. M.P. Unicm Store Swift, Nathaniel Abbott, Albert Osgood J, Ashburnham. Corey, Barrett, Kittiney & Co. Winchester, Charles Rockwood. George Warner. Alvin Ashfield. Walker & Crafts Hall, Samuel W. Bement, Joseph Williams, John Cook, Richard Bement, Jasper Rockwood, Howard & Gibson Adams, Nathaniel Fairbanks, G. W. Ashland. Wiggins, S. W. Bassett, Chickering &. Co. Athol. Thorpe & C(v. Jones, T. & Son (Moulding, James J. Hayward, A. AtUeborongh. Hale & Riley Wales & Conant Barnstable. Bacon, Eben Whitman, Isaac W. Barnstable. Parker, Seth, Jr. W. Barnstable. Baker, Timothy & Son, Hyanus Toby, F. C. Hallett, A. W. & Son Scudder, Frederick Scudder, Josiah, Jr., Oysterville Scudder, Erastus Barnstable. Crosby, W. & Son, Centreville Kelley, J. & Son do Marston, Wm., Marston Mills Hinckley, W. B. do do Jenkins, Gorham k. Co. Barre. Woods & Co. Nichols & Carter Wardsworth & Allen Phelps, Benj. .Vorth Becket. Geer, Wm. M. Baird. Kendall West Becket. Bacon, Albert Bedford. Styles, Thomas -Munroe, Jonas Bririgman, Calvin Belchertown. Bridgman, Wright Filer, George Longley, H. A. & Co. Crooks, Jeremiah BelUngham. Craig, E. C. Hastings, R. S. & Co. Berlin, Moore, S. Newton, John F. Ferry, Aretus Bemardston Howe, Alvan Newcomb, Z. C. Clark, Augustus N. Beverly. Endicott, William Tuck, John, 2d Franklin, J. R. &, Co. Billeriea. Baldwin, John, Jr. Parker, C. E. &. N. Wilder, C. C. Blackstone. Sager, J. H. Brown, W. &. Co. Root, Norton & Co. JVorth Blandford. Shepard & Wilson Gibbs, George C. Shurtleft; David Robinson, Z. & Co. Gibbs, W. H. & O. F. Holman, Abraham & Co. Bolton Vosburgh, A. I. Boston Comer. Bigelow, L. W. Boiborough. Jenkins, Samuel W. Boxford. Heywood, John B. East Buylston. Perkins, Oliver Braintree. Higgins & Co. East Brewster. Mayo, Albert Mayo, Jeremiah Myrick, Nathaniel Winslow. Nathan Sears, Joseph E. West Brewster. Sears, Elijah B. Perkins &, Hobart Bridgeioater. Holmes, Lewis & Co. Morton & Hoxcy, Scotland Perry, Ezra & Co. Brimfield, Newton, John Sigourney, William Converse, W. B. Howe, Francis Broohfield. Warren, N. East Brookfield. Maynard, E. Buckland. Cushman, Solomon Gleasfjn, George Burlington, Richardson, FrankUn Hyde, Edward Cambridge Port. Capen, E. Canton. Tucker, A. E. Leonard, R. F. Shnmway, F. P. Tucker, Robert Makendry, John Everett, L. Shumway, Franklin P. Crane, Friend Ellis, B. & Co. Carver. Rider, Charles Sea bury, William S. Harlow, N. C. May hew, F. L. Clarenumt. Tyler & Avery Bodman, L., Jr. 146 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Bishop, Robert L. Clarenwnt. Santbrd & 'I'ucker Chan tun. Sibley, Hiram JVm-th Chariiun. Hall, Daniel S. Marble, John P. Howes, David Chatham. Taylor, Washington Howes, Benjamin Howes, Elisha Mayo, Josiah ^ Hardy, Josiah, Jr. Howes, Collins Gould, James Harding, Stephen Nickerson, Silas Nickerson, Youth Taylor, N. C. Emery, Samuel Nickerson, Joshua, Jr. JVorth Chatham. Ryder, T. Eldridge, Kimball JVest Chatham. Eldridge, Hiram T. & Co. Parkhurst, S. S. Chelmsford. Webster. E. F. Brown, R. C. Cheshire. Cole, R. M. Dean, J. B. Jenks, E. Dincock, Hannum & Co. Chester Village. WUliams, J. B. & Co. Monson & Clark Shepard & Barber Chester. , Root, L. M. & A. C. Chester Factory. Cook, John J. & Co. J^ortk Chester. Clapp, Utley Chesterfield. Edwards, O. & Sons Bryant. Benjamin Davis, P. C. Chicopee Falls. Adams, F. A. L. Shacktbrd & Taylor Wells, Jerome, 11 Merchants' Row Chicopee, Malony, Hugh, Exchange st Jenkins, Jacob, do Roche, R. W. Flanders, William Chilmark. WiUis, E. Cahasset. Snow, E., Jr. Whittington, Alfred Stoddard, Zenas Stutson, Morgan Pratt, Thomas White, R. Coleraine. Davis, Charles B. Concord. Page, O. L. Hildreth, George W. Campbell, W. C. Conway. Shepard, Anson Whitney, James S. Dawes & Brown Cummington. Orcutt, N. F. Packard, L. M. Mitchell, C. W. West Cummington. Nelson, J. D. & Co. Bennett, Charles F. Dalton. Crane &. Co. Carson, David & Sons Fhnt, Austin Braman, G. G. Dana. Stone, J. E. Russell & Johnson Johnson, G. N. Danly, Dale & Co., Lowell st Uanvers. Bntchelder. O. F., Main st Merrill, R. W., do Iiambert & Morrill, do (Jritiin, E. A., New Mills Warren, A. W. & Co., New Mills Perley, A. P. & Co., Maple st J^Torth Danvers. Perley, Fred,, Locust and Cedir sts Ellis, Wm. S. Dartmouth. Potter, Wm. South Dartmouth. Sanford & Sherman Tucker, Ahner R. Thomas, T. & Co. Howland & Whaylon JiTorth Dartmouth. Cnminings, John Tucker, Charlps, Russell's Mills JVorth Dartmouth. Seabury, O. H., Russell's Mills Gay, Ebenezor F. South Dedham. Crocker, A. H. IVest Dedham. Gay, Ellis Boydea, Benjamin, Mill Village Pease, Luman South Deerfield, Cowing & I'ark Ware, Edwin Deerfield. Abercrombie, Ira Sear.;, Barnabas H. East Dennis. Sears, O. Howes, Jnmes Clark, Thatcher Howes, James JVorth Dennis. Chapman & Howes Howes, Samuel Howes, Shubael Baker, Nathan West Dennis. Baker, John Nicholson, Eleazar & Co. South Dennis. Baker & Downs Dennis. Gleason, Roswell, Lower Mill Dorchester. Howe, Charles Temple, H., River st Chase. (Jardner East Douglas. Metcalf & Baleom Rogerson, Roliert Heath, Samuel WV Bemis, Phineas Dudley. Hancock, William Haskell, Christopher Alden C2d ), John Duibury. Bradtiird & S impson SanipsipM. Kniiwles & Co. Shaw, Miaot C East Bridgewater. Conant, John A. Orr, H. O. A. Carpenter, C. A. Young, S. A. & Co. Jenkins, John W. Terrell, WiUiam Allen, S. B. Churchill, Levi Smith, Stephen Eastham. Knowles, E. E. Horton, A. M. Ferry, E. Easthampton. Bartholomew, Harris Brown & Bates South Egremont. Bills, N. K. Lester & Dewey JVorth Egremxint. •Austin, L. Lawrence, George, Main st Edgartown. Coffin, Jared W., Main .si Baylies, Fred., Main st Baylies, John A. do North, Jonathan Bryant & Richards Enfield. Jones, J. S. Field & Leland Alexander, F. & L. L. F.rving. Blackmer, D. Bardwell & Thayer, Grant's Corner, Dexter, John Essex.. Burnham, Geo W. Whitwell, F. R. Fairhaven. Gibbs &, Jenny, L^^nion st Wilcox, A. P & Co., Centre st Church, N.ithan, Water st Pope, Lewis S. Collins, David Proctor, Chas. head Union wf Damon, Tucker, Main st Church, Lemuel Hall, A. 96 S. Main st Fall River. Albro, Jas. D., Washington st Byrna & Udell, 76 & 78 Annawan st Baxter, Caleb & Co. 68 do Snow, C. B. 91 & 93 do Craig & Brownell, cor. Pleasant st and Second Holmes, B. Jr. & Co. Falmouth. Bourne, S. J. Gould, E. & C(\. Davis, Frederick Dillingham, S. West Falmouth. Fitchburg, Foxborough. Gardner. S. Gardner, Georgetown, Gill. Granby. East Granville. Boyce, Gilbert West Falmouth. Lawrence, Ancel Robinson, John East Falmouth. Jones, Cyrus Packard, Eliphalst Ide, Charles Stockwell, S. H. Heywood & Comee Oehore & Smith Carpenter, N. Hyde & Kingsbury Deput Carpenter, Edson Alden, Charles H. Wheeler & Co. Framingham. Wlieeler.T.FL & Co. 5. Framingham. Fiske, C, Saxonville, Framingham. Ingraiiam, .Augustus Bassett & Hastings Franklin City. Russeque, A. A. & Co. Franklin, Baker, D. P. Stewart, C. W. Rockwood, Asa & Sou Nye, C. D. Snow, C. B. Hevwood & Wood Bra'dford, L. H. & Co. Stimson, Mirick Garter, Moses Stickney, J. P. Smith, C. C. Bates, E. A. Friend, J. S. & Co. 3 Union Hill Gloucester, Williams, Hinkley Goshen. Saunders, E. & Brother Grafton. Fisher, W. A. & Co., Farnumville, Webster. George Wright & Morse Dickinson, H. E. Thayer, A. E. Brown & Cooley Barlow & King Seymour, E. Curtis & Ccwley We.H Granville. Berkshire Manu. Co. G.Barrington. Buel & Co. Pyncheon, Geo. Durand & Hollister Dresser, Julius, Van Densenville Munson & Peabody do Van Deusen, J. do Selkirk, W., Housatonicville Taylor, C. & C. J. Strong & Ripley Greenfield, Root, C. & S. B. Elliot, Wm. Allen, S. & Sons Stonehill & Co. Wood & Cushman, Facton- Village. Smith, Thos. Greenwich., Smith & Hodgkin Haskell, In. Village, Crosby & Wood Groton. Shattuck, W. & G. Boutwell, Geo. S. Potter & Garish Montague, S. S. Hadley. Vinton, George Purler, J. B. Leonora, D. M. JVorth Hadley. Thompson, Z. Jr. Halifax. Inglee, Edwin Poll, Caleb Laphani, Henry Hancock. Tracy, Henry Davis, James Cleverly, C. S. Hanover. Blanchard. E. N. Wilder, J. W. Mitchell, T. S. JVorth Hmson. Soper Jeremiah Hanson. Delano, F. W. & Co. Harwich. Makepeace, A. Small, David H. West Harwich. Rogers, John A. Foster, Nathan Chase, Job Eldrea, B. F. East Harwich. Brooks, Olied, Jr. Snow, Laban Jr. E. Harwich Port, Eldridge, Benj. W. Doane, Valentine MASSACHUSETTS. 147 Burgess, Ensign E. Harwich Port. Nickerson, Abner South Harwich. Nickerson, J. P. & Co. Brown, Josiah Hatfield. Atwood, Daniel East Haverhill. Ames, Ezra C. Piirter, Ebenezer George & Little Longley, Calvin S. Hawlcy. Ward, L. M. Heath. Lane, Chas. B. W. Hingham. Lincoln, Geo. Jr. Colriton, Royal Bassett, Daniel Jr. Hersey, Zadock Hunt, C. & L. Burr, F. & Co. Jacob, D. & L. Hersey, J. Jr. &Co. Abbott, David H. Whitcornb, Edwin B. S. Hingham. Kittredge, C. J. & Co. Hinsdale. EUary, Thos. Emmons, M. & N. Nash, E. T. Knowlton, Chas. L. Hidden. Davis, Avery Kiiiny, Elisiia HMami. Fuller, C. P. W. Metci If, Stephen Hollistoii. Daniels & Johnson Houghton, L. M. Thompson & Barber Hopkinton. Cobiirn & Johnson Mellen, C. N. & Co. Smith, John Phips, Benj. Phelps & Warren Hubdardston . Clark, S. Abijah Bennett, W. Jr. Bennett, Asa Willett, Geo. Ipswich. Lord, Asa Cogswell, Daniel Jewett, I. K. Cobb, Philander Kingston. Bobbins, Charles Holmes, Horace Faunce & Emerson Collanore, Horace L. Daman, J. W. & C. S. Keith, Henry K. &. Co. Phelps, J. W. Lancaster. Thurston, W. S. Whitcomb, O. Thurston, John G.,N. Boston Village Davis, Hollis do do Bancroft, L. F., Clintonville Pierce, A. H. do Burditt, A. P. do Smith, G. P. Kendall, Geo. H. do Werden, VVm. B. L.ane.' Beach & Royce Sturges, O. East Lee. Smith, Lyman Sargent, ,iohn Leicester. Rice & Fairbanks Hurd, Samuel Cook, Samuel Lenox. Richardson, H. W. Walker & Davis Allen, Geo. W. Leominster. Gates, E. Pierce, J. G. A. Hatch, E. M. & Co. J^orth Lcverett. Billings, Smith & Co. E. Lexington. Adams, Amos Carpenter, Abel Leyden. Shaltnck, S. L. Rice, Henry Lincoln. Edmonds, Benjamin Littleton. Smith, Warren Kimball, Wm. White, Wm. Longmeadow. Callender, Geo. W. Longmeadow. Calkins, A. H. Springfield Manufacturing Co. Ludlow, Jenks, H. P., Jenksville Spinney, Charles Lynnfield. Porter, Oliver Lynn. Sprague & French Maiden. Robinson & Shaw Mansfield. Shepard, Isaac R. Burnham & Gentlee Manchester. Adams & Dodge Johnson, John Marblehead. Loring, Hollis Marlborough. Buckliii &. Cutting Lambert, Bigelow & Co. Manson & Bingham, Tellonville Wood, Wm. H. do Bourne & Harlow Marshfield. Conant, Rufus L. Ames, W. & C. JV. Marshfield. Damon, James L. Coleman, John, Cotuit Port Marshpee. Phinney, Elijah, Cotuit Port Childs, Daniel do do Rodgers, Henry W. do do Mendell, John Mattapoisett. Harlow & Lebarron King, Caleb, Jr. Sturtevant, D. Rodgers, Luther, Jr. Tilden, Henry Fiske, Isaac Mcdfield. Barney, J. & T. L. Mason, Andrew B. Medford. Blanchard, Gilbert Porter, Geo. W. Harding, A. S. & Co. Mrdway. Nichols & Co. East Mcdwny. Fuller, Simeon H'est Mcdway. Pond, Nathan C. Cheever, David A. Blake, E. B. Blake, E. B., Rockville Aldrich & Brother Mendon. Carleton, G. Methuen. Howe, J. S. Waldo & Co. Gutterson, B. G. Tucker, Sidney Middleborovgh. Tinkham & Peckens Washlnirn, Wood & Co. Sampson & Co. Clark, Robert C. Smith, Chandler R. Boise, Smith & Root Middlefield. Church, U. & Sons Hunt, Hiram Milford. Crocker, Wm. Hayward, W. A. Pope & Brierly Millbury. Goddard & Rice Cram, B. F. & Co. Johnson, Wm. R. Hill, Wm. R., Wilkinsonville Babcock, Josiah Milton. Gordon, David W. Locke, Geo. H. Converse, W. B. Monson. Norcross, Albert Newton & Co. Rogers & Williams Chenery & Root Montague. Delano, E. L. Ward, John Langdon, W. C. Monterey. Union Co. Rewey, Zadock Sanford, F. C. J^^'antvchet. Seward, J. M. & Son J\ratick. Clark & Winch Clark, Edward South JVatick. Fuller, E. jVeedham. Hoogs, G. W., Newton Lower Falls Morse, Henry fVest JVeedham. Revere, Geo. B. Johnson, R. C. & C. R. 25 S. Water street JVew Bedford. Brownell, Isaac, corner County and Kempton sts Hathaway, B. G. 109 Third st Read, Edwin JVew Braintree. Jackman, Joseph, Belleville JVewbury. Sheldon & Norton JVew Marlboro'. Sage & Pettebone Bradford & Callender Orcutt, Hiram JVew Salem. Dexter, F. D. JVorth Salem, Wheeler, C. W., Cooley Ville Richards, David Mead. John IVest JVewton. Barney, J. & T. L., Upper Falls Putman, Franklin Lamed, James, Lower Falls JVewton Corner. Cole & Locke Bacon, George W. Rice & Co. Barnes, George Gale, Cyrus, Jr. Plummer, E. Thompson & Bates Batchelder, Joel Southworth, Edward JVorth Bridgcwater. Howard, W. P. & Co. Cobb, David Fames, Daniel Robinson, H. W. Adams, Wm. F. Clark & Knight Osgood, Charles Murdock, B. B. Morgan, E. North, Benjamin Hill, S. L. Howard, L. Sumner, Seth Williams, Asa Taylor, S. Goddard (2d), Jonas Warrick, P. Goddard & Ward Pomroy & Bigelow Sparrow, Seth, Jr. Crosby, Leander Crosby, D. H. Young, Jonathan Edson, Eliphalet, Jr. Hurd, Davis Seymour, H. Morton, S. C. Gibbs, C. B. Ormsbee, Erastus Rockdale Manufacturing Company Allen, A. & Brothers, (wholesale) Palmer Depot. Munger & Mtirdock, (wholesale) Packard, W. N., Thorndike Palmer. Collins, G. Kendall & Talcott Shearer, S. I). & Co., Bonville Brown, A., Three Rivers Shnmway, Asa do Atwood, S. do Harrington, S. D. & L, Ward, Thomas Wheeler & Crossett Eaton, C. D. Collamer, Horace Br>'ant, M. & Co. Salmond, Peter Shepard, Calvin Cobb, Joseph Loring, John & Co. Tucker, J. A. Tarbell, L. Nash, Oliver Miller & Rogers Wetherell, Field & Hawes Goulding, Jason Phillipston, Lee &. Bassett Morey & White Chapin, A. B. & Co. West, J. C. & Brother Willis, G. S. &S. A. Chapin, A. B. Bliss, N. Warriner, James Peck, J. & E. Pomeroy, L. & Sons Stearns, D. & H. Gilbert, W. C. Plainfield. JVorthborough, JVorthbridge. JVorth Brookfield, JVorthfield. JVorthampton, JVortoH. JVorwich. Orange, Orleans. East Orleans. Otis. East Otis. Oxford. Paxton. Pelham. Pembroke. Pepperetl, Peru. Petersham, Pittsfield. 148 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Clark, Levi Plainfield. Campbell, L. Brainhiill, George Plymouth. Robbins, Josiah Spooner, Nathaniel Lindsey, Stacy Prescott. Hunt, Horace Thomas, Alpheus Gregory, D. H. & Co. Princeton. Goodnow, E. A. Folger, G. F. Smith, Atkins & Co. Prtwincetuioi. Rider, Stephen Cook (2d), P. Nickerson, S. L. Hillard, Johnson & Co. Cook, Chandler &, Co. Lancy, Benjamin, Jr. Freeman, Elisha Nickerson, Charles Nickerson, John Nickerson, Eldridge Cook, E. R. Thatcher, R. L. Ryder, Godfrey Small, Jesse Small, Daniel Cook, Parker Crowell, David Snow, John Adams, John Whitney, J. Quincy. Newcomb, Georg:e Hardwick, F. Brighaui, Josiah & ©o. Baxter, Daniel & Co. Abercrombie & Beat Packard, Elisha Briesler, J. & Co. Lewis, I. W. Randolph. Turner, R. W. Lincoln, E. W. Packard, H. H. Keith, James Pratt, Thomas Readivn-. Frost, Jonathan Foster, Stephen Murvel (2d), Wm. & Son Rehoboth. Williams, E. K. & E. Richmond. Gott, Addison Rockport. Drury, J. C. Roite. Blackington, Oliver Rowley. Morrison, Samuel Prime, Daniel A. Estabrook, Joseph Royalston. Bullock, B. Albee, H. W. South Royalston. Bemis & Jones Symonds, E. B. 24 Summer st Salem. Symonds, B. R. 109 North st Prime, Thomas, 115 do JV'orth Salem. Symonds, Thomas, North street Symonds, Sanmel, Jr. do Symonds, W. H. &c Co. 4 Franklin Place Kimball, Eben D. South Salem. Foster, I. P. 109 Derby street Griffiths, E. A., Harbor street Kimball, John Salisbury. Norton, J. H., New Boston Sandisfield. Williams & Bosworth Hull, George Durfee, Hiram Sandwich. Lapham, W. F. Loring, William Giddings, George Hinkley &. Stetson Forsyth & Stone HoUway, A. Burgess, Charles Crowell, Paul Ellis, James S. Collins, P. Bowker & White Hersty, Caleb Jacobs, Edward Gilbert, E. B. Nash, John K. Torrey, George H. Clapp, Henry Jf'est Sandicich. South Scituate Allen, George M. South Scituate. Prouty, Jenkins &. Co. Scituate Harbor. Blanchard, C. Gray, Anthony JVorth Scituate. Litchfield, William H. Bdiley, J. V'inot, Dexter Peirce, Foster Bailey, Hannah W. Litchfield, E. Hixon, Charles Sharon. Turner, Calvin Dickerman & Maxhan Mansfield & Root Sheffield. Whitney, J. B. Shelburne Falls. Lamson, Goodnow &Co. Clark, G. Sherburne. Clark, A. & Son Longley, S. Shirley Village. Barrett & Whitney Gardner, M. T. Maynard & Hall Shrewsbury. Green, C. O. Hemenway, J. P. Shutesbury. Hamilton Harrison Fitts, Edvv. Jr., Lock's Village Dexter, Fay & Sons Southborough. Ammidon, L. & Co. Southbridge. Vinton, Geo. A. Anunidon, Oliver Newell, N. F., Globe Village McKinsley & Co. Edwards, J. Jr. & Co. Goodman &. Bardwell S. Hadley Falls. Dickenson, D. O. Firman & Co. Burnham, J. S. Hadley- Dickenson, H. &. E. Judd, Asa Southampton. heldon, Jnmes K. Gardner & Hartshorn S. Reading Mansfield, Edw. Forward & Co. Southwick. Shartletf, C. Grout, J. N. & Co. Spencer. IJemis, D. &. L. Bemis, Lewis & Co. Bond, Geo. T. Springfield Hill. Maynard, H. Sterling. Pearson, A. F. Buttrick, J. S. & Co. Hosmer, J. B. Stockbridge. Burrell, H. M., Curtisville, Sheldon, N. & Co., Glendale Williiuns, D. R. Hosford, W. H. Shaw, C.H. Stockbridge Iron Co. Hill, John & Co. Stoncham. Beales, J. & Co. Stoughton. Fak's, Martin Tucker, W. JV". Stoughton. Smith, Isaac T. E. Stoughton. Blanchard, N. Robinson, Winthrop Stowe. Charles & Smith Sturbridge. Smith & Bates Merrick, A. M. Rodgers, S. R. Sudbury. Hunt, C. & E. & Co. Stone, Ephraim Warner, S. S. Sunderland Gleason, J. B. Holman, A. R. Sutton Putnam & Baker Woodbur)', S. J. Dary, Henry Taunton. Lee & Lincoln Templeton Davis & Ray Preston, Henry E. Tewksbury. Gray, Wra. H. Luce, J. W. Tisbury. Crocker, W. t Co., Holmes' Hole Barrows, T. & Co., Holmes' Hole Bradley, Thomas Smith, Lucius Tolland. Barrett, C. B. W. Townsend Blood, Joseph Howe, Albert Brooks, John & Co. S. TYuro. Truro. J\r. Truro. Tyngsborough. Tyringham. Uxbridge. Wales. IValpole. S. IValpole. Rich, Atwood Rich, Nehemiah Whove, Joseph Smith, John Rider, Samuel Kenny, John Paine, Solomon & Co. Paine, Elkanah, 2d, & Co. Wilder, Josiah Dyer, Samuel Knowles, Joshua Jr. Small, Francis Smith, David D. Marcy, J. Abbott, Chas. H. Fargo, Samuel Seymour, Wm. Mowry, R. D. Taft, R. & J. Warren, C. Boyce, J. C. & Co. Fosket, James Stovvell & Rogers Hartshorn, J. G. & C. D. Clapp, Edmund Hartshorn, W. & N. Ellis, J. Boyden, Jeremiah Cutter, Albert Stratton, Thomas D., Main st IValtham. Crowell, J. & J. P. Ware. Lane &. Sanford Newbourer, S. & Brother Jessup, Albert R. Converse, D. & Co. Billings, D. P. Ferring, Benjannn Spr:igue, C. C. Gibbs, Alvin Burrows, A. & Co. Brett, Z. F. Everett, J. L. & Co. Savory, Weston & Kenny Sproot, Jas. R Sessions, W. H. & Co. Hitchcock, J. F. & Co. Blair, A. & S. E. Moore, John Richardson, S. B. & Co. Taylor, A. A. & Co. Bartlett. J. W. Ballou & Davis Sindley & Broad White, L. B. Bent, Jas. M. Damon, Charles R. Upham & Crosby Shumway, F. Tucker, Chas. Davis, Z. & Co. Arnold & Lester .Manning, Henry Rawson, Rufus Dixon, John & Son Cole, ColUns S. Rich, Benjamin lliggins, Enoch Holbrook, Benjamin Atwood, C. N. Knowles, Dyer & Co. Harding, Stephen A. Higgins, Samuel Chittenden, Otis Brooks, Otis Putnam, Danforth Wendell Depot, Putnam, B. C. & J. A. Wenham. Warner, George G. Westborough. Fayerweather & Griggs Vinton, Otis F. Winter & Houghton West Boylston, Holt, Henry F. Sawyer & Baldwin Boker & Williams W. Bridgewater, Alger, Martin Bates, H. West Brookfield. Newell, Allen Giddings, Chandler Fish & Howland Prescott & Proctor West Cambridge. Allen, Alonzo Westfield. Arnold, E. Wareham. Warren Warwick. Washington. Waterford. Watertown. Wayland. Webster. J\r. Webster. .E. Webster. WellfieeU Wendell. MASSACHUSETTS. 149 Alden, Caleb JVisfJidd. Carson, David B. Thomas, C. C. Johnson, Philo Rand, J. R. & Sons Cowles, Martin Chadwick, A. G. Fletcher & Co. Fletcher, S. & S. D. Westford. Fish & Lyman Westhamptun. Chapman, Anson Whitman, J. M. Westminster. Bradbury, W. S. Whitney, H. G. Church, C. A. & Co. fVestport. Anthony, John L. Brownell, G. E. & E. P. Cory, Alexander Mayhew, Thos. W. & Co. Crafts, C. & Co., Ireland West Springfield. Chapin, C. & J. Conklin, John J. Weston, E. Smith, H. Jr. & Co. Marsh, Charles Whitman, Wynian Root & Smith Buel, Sheldon & Co. fVest Stockbridge. MiUigan, Thomas Kellogg, M. R. Benson, John & Co. Shaw, Nathan Ellis, Thomas Weymouth. Wright, Charles A. S. Weymouth. Rodgers, John G. Wright, E. S. & Co. Humphrey, Albert East Weymouth. Chipman, W. H. Humphrey, Ebenezer Cushing, Hervey Torrey, L. J^orth Weymouth. Newton, Henry Dizer, M. C. East Weymouth. Loud, H. & C. Lovell, D. & M. Burrell, G. Stowell, Noah South Weymouth. Wood, H. Whatdy. Lesure, Samuel Sanderson, Wm. W. S[)elman, Wm. P. South Wilbraham. Spelraan, T. C. Leech, S. Wright & Burt Sigourney, Wilbraham Boardman, J. M. Williamsburg. Boardmau, Lewis & Co. James, E. Thayer, W. & W. E. Taft, C. R. & Co. Williamstown. Cole, H. L Mather, B. F. Whitman, Seyinour Sanderson, Edwin Allen & Eldridge S. Williamstown. Carter, Wm. H. Wilmington. Howe, T. Watson, J. & Son Winchendon. Hand & Robbiiis Converse, Chapin Windsor. Buckman & Thompson Woburn. Converse, M. L. Taylor, A. & Co. South Woburn. Cole & Clapp H'orthingtun. Brewster, S. & E. H. Hewitt, D. K. Ward, William Cook, D. A. & Co. Wrentham. Aldrich, Artemas Hallett, N. T. Yarmouth Port. Crocker, Daniel Thacher, P. Knowles, James Dunbar, Frederick Yarmouth. Sears, Barnabas South Yarmouth. Matthews, Freeman Dyers. WOOL, SILK, AND FANCY. Barrett & Brothers, 140 Washington street Boston. Hall, C. S. 70 Cornhill Moore, H. A., Court st. cor. Hanover Roxbury Dye House, 43 Brattle st Woburn Dye House, A. B. Balcom, 19 Howard st Moulton, Wm. & Son, 142 Main st Charlestown. Hall, C. S., Gray st Phelps, Timothy, Centre st Dedham. Connell, Patrick O. Fall River. Storey, James, Pleasant st Cochran, John Maiden. Baldwin, C. & W. Cartland, Nathan P. JVantucket. Roles, Samuel, Jr. JVorth Salem. Bitner, John, Bristol Co. Dye House Taunton. Gray, S., Walpole Bleachery Walpole. McCarver, John Watertown. Dixon, G. & R. East Webster. Whitteinore, John South Woburn. Adams, Henry, Grove st Worcester. Adams, H. B. 6 Central st Dye Wood Dealers. Talbot, C. P. & Co., wholesale Lowell. Russell, T. J. & G., Manufacturers West Cambridge. Earthen W^are Manufac- turers. Reed, Joseph Danvers. Osliorne, Richard Bradford, Stephen Kingston. Tolman, H., Jr. & Co. W. Sterling. Hewes, A. & Sons Weston. Edg^c Tool Manufac- turers. Dickinson, Porter, East st Jlmherst. Hannum, C. W. Chester Village. Grithn, Edmond East Bridgewater. Bobbins, W. Oreat Barrington. I'oby, E. P. Tobey, P. G. Mattapoisett. Wilherby, Thomas H. Milbury. Potter, Leonard JVew Marlboro'. Hanmion, Moses JVoruich. Howes, Lewis JVorth Sandwich. Show & Brother Wales. Baker, B. K. Williamsburg. Hitchcock, Herman Brooks &. Kellogg Williamstown. Eng'ine Hose. Boyd, J. & Sons, 27 Merchants' Row Boston. Shelton & Cheever, 7 Washington st Eng^ravers. Allen, B. F., wood, Haskins' Build- ing Boston. .\ndrews, J., historical, 66 State st Archer, James, 410 Washington st Bolton, J. B. 12.1 do Boynton, G. W. 160 do Brown, Nathan, wood, 27 School st Brown, S. E., Wood. 120 Wash, st tiulTord, J. H. & Co. 204 do ("handler, J. G.. wood, 116 do Crosman, J. C. wood, 13 Franklin st De.irborn, Nathaniel, 104 Washing- ton street Dceley, C. 31 Court st I Glover, D. L. 113 Washington st I Boston. Fenno, Charles H., over 87 Wash- ] ington st j Fowie, Edward A. 52 Mass. Block Glover, Lloyd, 113 Washington st Haskell, Thomas, Jr. 70 Cornhill Hitchcock, D. C, wood, 5 1-2 Joy's Building Hobbs, Nathan, 16 Washington st House, Tim'y, historical, 204 Wash- ington street Johnston, D. C, artist, 5 1-2 Tremont Row Kurtz, Henry, wood, 210 Wash, st Marsh, Henry, do 113 do Meadows, C. 128 do Morse & Tuttle, 70 do New England Bank Note Co., Isaac Cary, Agent, 204 Washington st Nichols, Henry, wood, 210 do Pelton, Oliver, 39 State st Smith, George G. 186 Washington st Swett, C. A. 251 do Tappan & Bradford, 221 do Toppan, Carpenter & Co. 66 State st Warren, A. C. 39 State st Watts, James W. 52 Mass. Block Webster, D. C. 4 Court Avenue Worcester, F. E. 152 Washington st Wright & Mallory, wood, 80 do Phelps, E., Main st J^'orthampton. Loomis, James M. Springfield. Chubbuck, Thomas Lowe, Robert, Main st Worcester. Fancy Goods. ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN. [See "Combs,'" &c.] [^Those with an * are Importers and Wholesale Dealers.^ Baker, Stephen Beverly. Masury, George *Abbott, J. E. 222 Washington st Boston. *Ahrenfeldt, Charles, 14 Kilby st *Ashton, Elisha V. & Co. 117 Wash- ington street *Bates & Jordon. 129 Washington st Bellamy, N. 139 Court st *Bellamy, Wm. 21 Tremont Row Benient, C. 7 Ann st Boynton & Woodford, 50 Washing- ton street *Bray, C. F. & Co. 36 Cornhill Brewer, H. A. 57 Hanover st Brown, Wm. 125 do Burnhani, E. J. Mrs. 80 do Ca'sar, Eli, 117 Broad st Calif nder, H. G. 7 School st *Chapman, G. H., Jr. & Co. 74 State trt'et Cotton, N. D. 13 Tremont Row Dyer, E. E. 141 Washington st "Fay, T. G. & Co. (cuUery,) 1 and 3 Kilby street Greene, R. 50 Belknap street Glynn & Greenleaf, 342 Washington ireet Hall, Thomas, 248 do Herman, S. 166 do *Hinrichs & Co. 11 Kilby st Holnian, G. C. 15 and 17 do Hopkins, C. 151 Hanover st Hood, T. 13 Ann st Hovey, James G. 149 Washington st Hunt, Hiram, near City wharf Hunt, James G., head of City wharf Jacobs, E. 12 Kilby street Kimball, John, 180 Washington st *Kelley &. Levin, 5 Kilhy street *Kramer, M. & Co. 48 Cornhill *Leupold, Wm. H. 46 Federal st Litchfield, C. L., Washington st. cor. of Pleasant *Messer, W. W. & Co. 27 Kilby st Milliken, J. J. 368 Washington st 150 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Mills & Forristttll, 8 Market Square Boston. Penrson, I. E. & Co. 64 Union st Peck, Anson, 6 Essex st Pickering, L. Mrs., Miiverick st. near Maverick t^niiare, E. B. Pratt, E. C. 25 Kilby street ♦Preston & Merrill, 18 and 20 Kilby Reed, Thomas C. 43 South street Snow, J. F. ] L.v\ is street •Spring, I. H. 52Kill)y street Stockwell, E. R. :'0 1-2 CanilHulge st Thompson. .lohn, 553 Washington st •Wadleigh & Putnam, 9 Kilby st •Webster, Wni. 17 Doane st •Weeks, J. II. & Co. 133 Washing- ton street Willcott, M try, 117 Hanover st Weld, Sarah, Derne st. cor. Temple Wells, Abigail, 57 Leveret st Woodford, O. F. 309 Washington st Pratt, Joseph Cambridge. Port. Wilbur, William Cnntun. Locke, Jonathan, 180 Main st Cliiirlestown. Bemis, Nancy, 142 Main st Harris, J. T. 80 do Winchell, Roland Oucopcc. Collins, A. C. Chicopee Falls. Randall, M. Merrill, Levi, Maple st J^Turth Danvers. Russell, John, 8 Granite Block Fall River. Brown, P. S. 6 Granite Block Burtt, James D. 11 South Main st Chase, Edward S. 23 do Grinnell, Daniel, Granite Block Stiles, James T. (wholesale) Fi tchourrr. Wingate, M. & P. Haverhill. Cole, William •''«';• Wilhams, H. L., Central st Luwill. Maynard, C. J. W. 70 Merrimack st Crary, N. A. 67 do Marry, Nathan B. 3 do Osgood, Charles P. 3 Bridge st Wiswell, M. 8 John st Cooper, Harriet, 6 do Davis, Sarah G. Kantucket. Easton, Abiel H. Green, S. A. 98 William st JVfW Bedford. Mentz, John. 103 Purchase st Dennis. Jas. W. 64 do Green, Lydia B. 43 do Paul, C. (worsted) Smith, E. W. 19 State st Newbunjport. Johnson, H. G. Putnam, A. D., Pleasant st Moury & Perry Pawtucket. Chase, H. T. & Co. Hickenson, W. Ellis, Bartlett Plyviouth. Smith, D. F. Provincetown. Hayden, Mrs. E. Quincy. Brooks, John, 95 Washington st Boxhurij. Bngbee, Joseph, (Boots and Shoes,) Yeoman street Dean, Sarah, 89 Washington street. Dean's Block Moore, E. A. 86 Washington st. near Clock Dial Pulsifer, Rebecca H., Tremont street, near Ruggles Stodder. A. 38 Washington st. near Clock Dial Sherry, Francis, Jr. 184 Essex street Salem. Potter, S. C. 250 Essex street Walsh, Elizabeth .Salisbury. Firmin, H. G., State st Sprincrjirld. Briggs, Henry IVest Bridgewater. Fcatbers— Sealers. Allen & Real, 3 and 4 Holmes' Bl'k., Haymarket Square Boston. Austin, David, 2 and 3 Union st ■* Boston. Bean, James A. 64 1-2 Hanover st Brabrook, G. T. 38 and 39 Blackstone street Brooks, A. B. 102 Summer st Brooks, W. P. B. 66 Blackstone st Croome & Hixon, 166 Washington Doe & Hazleton, 55 and 59 Cornhill Farnsworth, John, 7 Canal st Fessenden & Haskell, 35 and 37 Federal street FUigg, Sumner, (curled hair,) 4 Union Hallett, James H. 16 Dock Square Holden & Blanchard, 83 & 85 Hano- ver street Kittredge & Blakes, Brattle st. and Cornhill Manning, Glover & Co. 1 F. Hall Mellen & Hopkins, 38 Union st. and 4 Ann st Ro-Jers, John & Son, 2 Salem st Russell & Allen, 1 and 2 Dock Square Sales Room of the Blind, 20 Brom- field street Simpson, D. P. 72 Blackstone st Simpson, John K. & Co. 1 Ann st Finding Stores. fVrmstrong, John, 32 Clinton street Boston. Child, William C. 23 Elm st Favor. H. S. 1 Blackstone st Hall, James, 10 Dock Square Johnson, Daniel, 5 Blackstone st Milchell. W. & Co. 43 and 44 North M'lrket street Nichols, L. W. 3 Blackstone st Penniman & Co. 9 do Rus ell, Levi F. 6 do Til-ein, J. & Co. 23 North Market st White, A. L. & Co. 1 Blackstone st Wales, Thos. C. 19 Broad st. corner of Central Fire Engines— Builders. Howard & Davis, 34 Water street Boston. Hunneman & Co. 20 Union st Thayer. S. & E. 145 Harrison Av., opposite Curve st Fisli. FRESH FISH. Cobb & Smith Barnstable. Allarton & Bell, 663 Washington st Boston. Atwood, Lewis, 89 Charles st Atwood, E., Pleasant st cor. S.Codrir Atwood, R. & Co., Tremont st near Pleasant Bacon. John, 20 School st Beane, Monroe. 8 Bedt'ord .st Bell, Henry. Prince st cor. Margaret Blanchard, S.. Beach st cor. Oxford Brown, P. & B. A., 4th street near Turnpike Burgess & Talbot, Merrimac Market Cobb, M., 70 Atkinson st Cobb & I,ombard, 28 Derne st Cook, Elisha, Lewis st n. Webster Doane, H. 449 Commercial st Greeiiough, Wm. H. 19 Atkinson st Hatch. J. H. L. 118 Leveret st Holbrook, Smiths & Co., Commercial wharf Johnson, G. L. 25 Broomfield st Jones, Allen H. 144 Court st Lombard, Daniel, 94 Chambers st McClannan, J., Lewis wf Mellen, Thos. & Co., head Philadel- phia Packet Pier Newcomb, S. & L., Cambridge st cor. Bulolph iJosiu/i. Rich, S. 92 Federal st Rich, S., Boylston Market Rich, Thos. & Sam'l, Fleet st near Hanover Rich & Wendell, 2 Green st Sancry, J. 6 Boylston st Stevens, M. E., Elliot st cor. Carver Wheeler. C. Jr. 548 Washington st SALT AND PICKLED FISH. Abrahams, Benj. 1 T wharf Barnes, B. Jr. 42 Long do Buitcrfield, S. 23 1-2 Long wf Churchill, Otis, 35 do Churchill, Wm. 30 do tUiirk & Jones, Broad st cor. Ft. Hill wharf Green, J. W. 6 T wharf Flint, H. W. 27 & 42 Long wf Lane, Jonathan, 54 Commercial st Leavitt, B. & J. M., Philadelphia Packet Pier Locke, Chas. A. 20 City wharf Mann, N. P. 44 Long wharf Mansfield, C. H. & Co. 29 Long wf Nickerson, Eben. & Co. 39 do Ober, J. P., head Union wharf Pruden, I. R. 16 1-2 Long do Snow & Rich, head City do Whitney, S. & Co. 38 Long wf Wilkms, C. & Co. 33 do FRESH FISH. Dulfee, R. & Co., Market Building Fall Rivet Hale, D. & J. 14 Greenleaf wf J^cwburypcr', Dill. John S., Federal st Sylvester, Abiel Ryder, (iodfrey Provincetown. Couant, S. Cobb & Rich, Washington st. Cen- tral Market Roxbury. Emerson, Win. 59 Washington st Freeman, B., Centre st. Jam. Plain Wiswell, S., Washington st, opposite Warren Wright, David, 21 Front st Salmn. Salsby, C.D.H., Main st Springfield. ( ilcott & Co. do Fisliing: Tackle. Bradford, Martin L. 142 Washington street Boston. Eaton. J. 44 Washington st Frost, J. W. 182 do Thompson, Waldo, Swamscot, Lynn. Flour & Grain Dealers. Ford, D. A. Abington. Greenleaf, A. & Co. (wholesale) Beverly, Comstock, A. Blackstone. Apthorp & Co., 3 S. Market st I Bost.nn.\ Balch, W. P. Jr. 14 & 15 City wf Bancroft, Geo. M. 74 Utica st Bangs & Co. 15 Long wharf Bigelow, E. 32 Commercial st Blanchard, Henry, 6 Canal st. & 14 Merrim ick Blanchard & Wright, 75 Commer cial st Blanchard, W. 21 and 22 Lewis wf Bowdlear, S. G. & Co. 17 Long wf Bradshaw. Andrew, 2 & 3 City wf Brigham, E. D. & Co., Agent Boston Steam Flour Co. 1 Long wf Brown, Wm. A. & Co. 9 & 10 Lewis wharf Bryant & Clark, Beverly street cor. Causeway Call, Moses H. 40 Commercial st MASSACHUSETTS. 151 Carter & Davis, Charlestown st cor. Stillinan Boston. Chadbourne &. Darling, 61 Commer- cial St Chickering, Horatio & Co. 22 Com- mercial st Converse, C. C. 33 Eastern R. R. vvf Davenport, Geo. 5 Commercial st cor. Chathiim Fay, Dexter & Sons, 41 India st Fisher, Mark, 40 Long wharf Foster & Doane, 19 City wf George & Shackford, 27 Long wf Hardy, Isaac & Co. 43 Commercial st Hicks & Dana, 13 Long wf Howes, Baker & Co. 67 Commercial street Humphrey, David, 22 Long wf Humphrey, Wm. & Co. 45 Long wf Jackson, S. S. & Co. 22 do Libbey, W. & I. B. 71 Commercial wharf Lincoln & Beal, 57 Commercial st Mathes, Chas. L., Haverhill st Morse, E. 37 Commercial st Paddock & Co. 19 do Pearson, A. L. 3 do Plumer & Co. 5 City wharf Reed, A. &. A. S. 13 Railroad Block Robinson, S. 7 City wharf Rogers & Standish, 34 &. 36 E. Rail- road wharf Sayles in. Fish, 16 Long w^harf Scudder, Chipman & Co. 1 & 2 City wharf Scudder, Harvey & Co. 17 & 18 Com- mercial w harf Seccomb, Bartlttt & Co. 31 Commer- cial wharf Snow & Rich, head City wharf Slaniels, C. 31 Commercial do Swifl, J. J. 17 Long wf Tilton, S. & Co. 30 Commercial wf Vinal.N. 51 Commercial st, & Vinal's wharf opposite Charter st Vinal, R. A. & Brother, 11 and 12 Lewis wharf Wade, Geo. 13 Long wharf Weld, Jus. & Co. 95 Broad st Wells & Libby, 21 Long wharf Williams, E.& Co.23 Long wf Wood & Cook, 12 do Wright, W. A., Sea st n. the Bridge Davis, Hersey Cambridge Port. Mason & Brooks Tufts, N. &. G., Main st Charlestown. Wessan & Gray, Boston Avenue Marsh, R. G. & Co. Cliicopee. Taylor, West & Co., Springfield st Warren, Jonas, New Mills, Danvers. Whilmore, D. D. & J. Noyes &. Field Dorchester. Kenedy, J. F., Neponset Village Moore & Balcom E. JUoua-lass. Irish, O. S., Main st Fairliacen. Harris, A. & W. H. & Co. Fitchbarg. Carleton, Ira &, Co. Daniels, S. O. S. Framingham. Barber, C. H. Whiton, Moses, Hingham. Corner, Josiah, Merrimack street Lowell. Ray, D. M., Market street Crosby, H. 14 do do Winnek, Jas. C. Medford. Adams, Jas. H. JVantucket. Russell, Daniel & Son Macomber, Perry G., Union st M'ew Bedford. Shaw & Whittredge, Union st Crane, Levi L., Orange st Wood, John & Son, Water st J^'ewburijport. Gunnison, W. & Son Sumner & Svvasey Jossleyn & Keith JV. Bridgewater. Rust, Theo., Exchange Row J^orthampton. Sanford, Emery Oifurd. Hildreth, Dexter JV. Oxford. llu, iii:ston, Albert Smith, Kufus Hall. S. H. Palmer Depot. Chapin, A. P. & Co. Muiiger &. Murdock Sawyer, Silas Phillipston. Lane, John Pittsfield. Loring, Thos. Plymouth. Barnes, Levi Sherman, E. C. (wholesale) Souther, E. B. Quincy. Bowker, D. R. B. & Co., Fish st Salem. Ropes, R. W. & Co. 11 W;iter st Brooks, Augustus T. 117 Derby st Harding, G. C. Sandisfeld. Bangs, John, Sanford st Springfield. Freeman, Edmund, Lyman st Parker & Harris, (wholesale) 5 Union House Whitniore, D. D. & J. Sunderland. Wilmarth, L. J., Main st Taunton. Bosworth, A. J., Weir Bridge Briggs, A. do do Paull, A. (wholesale) do Manning, Samuel (Vest Townsend. Ellis & Howard, (wholesale) fVareham. Holmes, R. G. fVestborough. Crossman, J. H. fV. Bridgewater. Russell, Josiah H. JV. Cambridge. Gifford, E. B. IVesiport. Loud, J. & Co. fVeymouth Bliss, H. &. Co. 183 Main street IVorcester. Sjirague, Lee & Co. (wholesale) 42 Main st Harris, A. & W. H. Draper, Clark & Co. (wholesale) 103, 105, and 107 Front st Braman, Otis, (wholesale) 13 Wash- ington Square Wilson & Flint, 84 Main st Sutton, T. & J., Mechanics st Matthews, D. S. Yarmouth. Baker, Silas Foreigrn Excbauges and Bankers. Brown, Brothers & Co. 63 State st Boston. Curtis, T. B. 63 State st Davis, J. A., (Exchange,) 28 State st Ward, T. W. 28 State st Fork ITIanufacturers. Root, Daniel Belchertown. Sibley & Co. Greenwich tillage. Butterfield, H. & M. Gaylord, L., N. Boston, Lancaster. Gates, W. R. Lee. Partridge, Henry Medfirrd. Spooner, Lucius Petersham. Hopkins, S. & S. F. IT. Cambridge. Hopkins, J. F. & S. F. Free Stone Manufactu- rers. Dwelly, A. & Co. E. Long Meadow. McGregory & Pease Crooks, H. J. Kilby S. & O. Kilby, Sydney Taylor, Alfred Fringe anA Tassels- Dealers. Baker, J. & Sons, 8 Water street Boston. Johnson, J. G. 163 Washington st Lacoste & Gtfigon, 196 do Lawson & Harrington, 285 do Lincoln & Leavitt, 51 Cornhill Tilt, B. B. & Co. 267 Washington st Fringe, Tassel, and Silk manufacturers. Bainard & Wall, Tremont st, near Boston Line Roxbury. Johnson, J. G., Williams' Place Tilt, B. B. & Co., Tremont street cor. Coventry Fruit— ForeigTi and Do- mestic. Ball, J. G. 45 Congress st Boston. Butterfield, John M. 625 Washington street Childs, E. D. 23 Elm st Childs, N. 5 Dock Square Cottin, N. R. 24 Merchants' Row Conant, J. F. 3Faneuil Hall Cram & W^ilson, 424 Washington st Davis, H. 80 Leveret st Flanders, S. B. 52 Brattle st Ford, E. B. 4 Bromfield st Gibbens, D. L. & Son, 218 Washing- ton street Gilmore, A. W., Merchants' Row, cor. Market Square Greenwood, Wm. A. 31 Washington street Hail, Isaac, 2 Boylston st Howes, E. 465 Washington .t McGeoch, Alex., 11 Market Square Paine &. Newcomb, 77 Wa.shingtou street Reed & Kenny, 21 Merchants' Row Richardson, G. B. & Co. 1 Mnrket Square Rogers, H. P. 6 Chatham st Shaw, Earl. 7 Merchants' Row Stone & Anderson, 3 Market Sq. Taylor, N. D. V. 15 Merchants' Row Tyler, J. C. & Co. 46 and 47 Chut ham street Webster. Wm. P. 2 Merchants' Row Wilson, Henry F. 1 Dock Square Fruit & Confectionery. Masury, George Osborn, Albert W., Exchange st Chicopee. Nicholas & Whitaker, 30 Annawan street Fall River. Winters, Joseph, Annawan st Lloyd, Geo. A. Lawrence. Stone, Salmon. Central st Lowell. Fox, Wm. 19 Merrimack st Carter, John C. do Hoyt, Samuel, 31 do Whithead, Darius, 3 John st Pearson & Co., Foreign Fruit, 5 Sav- ings Bank Building Bunker, Chas. L. JVantucket. Hooper, L. .\. Folger, George R. Hawe^, Jonathan JVew Bedford, Cobb, C. 85 Purchase st Carver, John, 57 William st Anthony, Benj. 66 do Pearson, Levi, Water st JVewbunjport. Clement & Isaac, W^■\te^ st McKusker, John, Market Square Wheeler, Moses B. do do Musso, J. H., State st Bosworth. H. C. Pittsfield. Hall, John T. Plymouth. Willnrd, H. M. D. Provincetown. Crocker, Samuel P. 203 Essex st Salem. Prevaux, John Salisbury. Washburn, B. A. Taunton. Wilson, J., Fniit Dooley, John, Main st 152 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Martin & Blake, corner of Water and Weir streets Taunton. Brown, S.iinuel, Main st WashlHirn, James M. fVare/iam. Fruit and Veg'etables. Fish, George L. 8 Marliet Buililing Fall Hine.r. Underbill, Ransom, 4 Market Build. Fisher & Brings, 10 & I'J do do Downing, U. R., City Marliet Lowell. Wait, J. G. Twist, Francis A. Spaulding. Parker, William, 10 Union st .-Vtm Bedford. Potter, Isaac R. 1 City Market Davis &. Bordurtha Pittsfield. Rose, J., Stalls 3 & 6 Market House tialem. Fur Dealers. Bacon, Thomas C. & Co. Ann street, cor. Union Boston. Bates, Martin & Sons, 26 Elm st Brown, E. 12 Ann st Coverly, Edward & Son, 7 Union st. Hatters' Goods Dimick, C. 19 Wash, st., up stairs Dodd, Horace, 10'2 Milk st Dodd, Timothy, lO'i do Emmes, S. & Co. 10 Elm st Greenough, Jameson & Co. 50 and 5'2 Water street Kendrick & Webster, 33 and 34 EUn street Locke. I'. .-V. 15 Dock Square Osborne, Stephen, 26 Bratlle Squ ire Sherburne, Joseph M. 24 V.U\\ »t Shute, Wm. M. 173 Washington .st Furnaces and Rang^es. Blaney, Benjamin, 4 Water st Boston. Bryent & Herman, 61 Congress st Chilson, G. 51 and 53 Hlackstone st Dunklee, B. VV.40&41 do Pond, Moses & Co. 28 and 30 Mer- chants' Row Boston. Prouty, D. & Co. 19 .\. Market st Stimpson, H. & F., Congress st. cor. Water Whileley, Edward, 22 Water st Whiteley & Gallup, 22 do MUler, Henry W. 46 Main st Worcester. Furriers. Ale.xander. H. S. 11 Cornhill Boston. Bornstein. J. 15 Elm st Fishblatt, John, 56 Washington st. and 45 Milk Klous, S. 27 Court st Lovell, T. 52 Washington st Norton, Jacob, 17 Wilson Lane . Pasolt, T. C. 356 Washington st Poppendicks, E. 357 do Saroni, A. S. 11 Elm st Streck, Jo>^eph, 68 Court st iiewis, Saiijuel fVest Cambridge. Blanchard, John East Lexington. Hanscomb, James Furniture Dealers. Allen & Beal, 3 & 4 Holmes' Block, Hayinarket Squtire Boston. Andrews, Wm. 4th st. near A Atkins & Greeley, 12 Lewis st. E. B. Austin. David, 2 and 3 Union street, Lindley's Patent Bedsteads Bacall & Woodward, 387 Wash, st Barker, Alexander V\^. 19 and 21 Bromfield street Barry & Gridley,33 Exchange st Boston. Beal, Samuel, 31 Hanover st Beal, Wm. L. 47 Cornhill Bean, James A. 64 1-2 Hanover st Bird, Geo. 44 Merrimack st Blanchard, J. W. 6 and 8 Federal st Bogue, E., Sea st. near Summer Brabrook, Geo. T. 38 and 39 Black- stone street BraliroDk, E. H. 50 and 52 Black- slone street Brooks, .v. B. 102 Summer st Brooks, W. I'. B. 6(5 Blackslone st Buckley & Bancroft, Beach st. cor. Lincoln Caldwell. H. P. 14 .\tkinson st (laryl & Cushman, 7 Hichborn Bl'k Colby, M. & Co. 483 Washington st Crooiiie & Hixon, 166 do Cutter. S. & H. &, Co. 7 and 8 Holmes' Block, Haymarket Sq. Daniels & Whipple, 11 Charlestown Divis & Noble, 14 Canal Block, Blackstone Doe & H izleton, 55 ;uid 59 Cornhill Evans, A. 15 Merrimack st Farnsworlh, John, 7 Canal st Fessenden & Haskell, 35 and 37 Fed eral street Fitield, D. & Co. 5 Holmes' Block Hennessy, Edvv. 21 and 23 Brattle st Holden & Blanchard, 83 Hanover st Hopkins, Chas. 39 and 41 Cornhill Hubbard, J. C. 583 Washington st Hull & Smith, 2 Canal Block, Black- stone st Jenkins, W. C, Broadway, corner Turnpike Kendall, E. C. 4 Canal Block Kittredge At Blakes, Cornhill & Brat- tle streets Meade &. Palmer, Washington street, cor. Kneeland Mellen, Moses, 38 Union, and 4 .\nn street Metcair, N. & Co. Merrimack st. cor. Portland Mounttord, N. B. 172 Hanover st Packard, P. F., Union st. opposite Union Block Parker, Henry F. 32 Blackstone st Parsons, C. W. 250 Hanover st Perkins, John, 404 Washington st Pierce, Jonathan, 51 Cornhill Pruden, G. W. & Son. 39 Hanover st (iuigley, James, Washington st. cor. Beach Roberts & Mesick. 71 Cambridge st Rogers, Geo. M. 73 L'^nion st Rogers, Jolin & Son, 2 Salem st Russell & ,\llen. 2 Dock Square Russell & Baker, 72 Commercial, & 129 Fulton st Sargent, Isaac, 64 Leveret st Shales & Stoddard, 431 Washington street Shearer, L. B. 75 & 83 Blackstone st Sinip-am, D. P. 72 do Sm illwood, Thos. 1 Railroad Block, Lincoln si Smith, J., Hawlev st Strout, T. S. & Co. 541 Washington street Whitten, 1., Fleet street, opposite Garden Court Whitton & Gale, 58 Cambridge st Witherell, Benj. 55 Blackstone st Kernal, James Cambridge. W^hitney, Bracket & Co. Carter, Fosdick & Co., Charlestown Square Charlestown. Merick. H. Viles, Wm. A. Walcott & Holden Concord. Westgate t Borden, 62 South Main ; street Fall River. Borden & Almy, 5 and 7 Anna wan st Willis, Sidney D. Fitchliurg. Boynton, William Oenrgetown. Elbry, Benjamin Oloucester. DoUiver. E. S. L. (Feathers,) Front st Oloucester. Grover, Chas. E., Spring st Girdler & Ingersol Haverhill. White, L. S. Hopkinton WUlard, J. W., Clintonville Lancaster, Bean & Whittier, (Feathers and Mattresses) .\dams & North, (Carpets and Fea- thers, wholesale,) 108 Central st Lowell. Weaver & Brothers, (see advertise- ment,) corner of Central and Mer- rimack streets Newcomb & Hilton, 66 1-2 Market st J^ijn a. Harding, A. S. & Co. Medway. Pollard, Edward Methaen. Wilson, E. T. JSTantucket. Folger. Frederick .Ma.\tield, Caleb, 110 Main st JVew Bedford. Ellis, Thomas, 55 Purchase st Howard, William H. Otiwell, Wm. 62 WiUiam st Nye, T. 45 and 47 Purchase st Dana, Dexter, 9 State st JSTewburyport. Bassett, Nathaniel G., Market Sq. Seidenburg, Henry, State st Howard & Clark jVurth Bridgewater. Camque & Allen Pawtucket. Baker, Philander Brown, S. P. & Co. Plymouth. Thurston, Winthrop Pockport. Bird, C, W;irren st. cor. of Wash- ington street Roiborough. Foster & Leonard, 83 Washington St. opposite Dial Rea(l & Bronsdon, 50 Washington st corner of Eustis Goss, Ezekiel, 212 Essex st Salem. Berry, L. S. 24 Washington st Wallis, Joseph, (wholesale,) 205 1-2 Essex st Jewett, John, (Feathers,) 259 and 261 Essex street Manning & Sargent, (Feathers,) 286 Essex street May, C. W^. 274 Essex street Crocker, N. L. 4 and 5 Main st Springfield. Crossett & Kirkham Dewey, George Washburn, William, 89 Main st Taunton. Wood & Washburn Peaks, James D., Holmes' Hole Tisbury. DeWitt, W. rVare. Blanchard. I. S. IVfiimouth. .\llon, C. W. ilvburn. ( Hiver, C. W. 137 Main st Worcester. Noyes & Kimball, 157 Main st Partridge & Taber, do Furniture IHanufac turcrs. Willey & King Abington. Stetson, S. South AdoTns. Ingraham & .'Vdams JVorth Adams. Dewey & Isbell Workman, D. Marsh, M. Amherst. Strickland. Wm. G. .\bbott, H. & Co. Andover. Wilder, J. P. (washstands) Ashburnham. Howes, Cyrus Ashfield. Snow, John H. Athol. Spooner, Grover Barre. Carter, Jacob Belchertown. Cole & Dodge Beverly. .Ml ird, J. M. 22 Lincoln st Boston. Babbs, John, (antique,) 14 Railroad Block Bacall & Woodward, 387 Washing- ton street MASSACHUSETTS. 153 Barnes, D. C. 57 1-2 Court st Boston. Bean, J. M., rear of 81 Endicut st Blanchard, Simon T. 117 Cambridge street Bouve, Ephraim, Richmond st. near Fulton Briggs, C. C. & J. 507 Washington st Briggs, Seth, 5 Province st Burbank, Wm. T. 4 Albany Block, Albany st Caigley, James, 8 Beach st Canterbury, L., Orange Lane Case, Albert B. 378 1-2 Washington street Croome & HLxon, 166 Washington Crosby, Chas. W. 2 Boylston st Daley, John, Dedham st Daniels & VVhipple, (pine furniture,) 11 Charlestown st Delano, A. C, (pine furniture,) Se- cond St. corner of A Delano, G. H. (pine furniture,) Har- rison Avenue Doherty, Patrick, 91 Endicot st Durant, J. 364 Washington st Eggleston, F. F., Second st Flacke, E., Harrison Avenue, corner of Orange Lane Flanders, E. F., Merrimack st. near Causeway st Flint, L. 63 Blackstone st Ham, C. W. 57 Portland st Hancock, Henry K. 667 Washington street Hirth, D. J. 16 Sudbury st Hortinan, J. C. H. 19 Blossom st Hubb'.rd, J. C. (chairs and settees.) 583 Washington st Kendall, Wm. 90 Harrison Avenue Loud, George W. 104 Court st Malmstrnni. C. 177 Cainljridge st Mathews, W. T. 6 Merrimack st Mellish, Wm. E. 51 Cambridge st Noyes, I. J. Charlestown st. corner of Cross Packard, S. 595 Washington st Parsons, Wm. A. 7 Charlestown st Pettingiil, Aaron, Broadway, near D street Pierce, John W. 81 Endicot st Roberts, John, 14 Water st Ross, Joseph L., corner of Hawkins and Ivers streets Ruggles, Daniel, 101 Charles st. cor- ner of Chestnut Ruggles, Levi, 101 Charles st. cor. of Chestnut Sayer, Matthias, Graphic Court Sherman, Charles, Broadway, near Dorchester st Sherman, Jacob, Athens st. near E Smith, Stephen, 44 Cornhill Stevens, G. W. 515 Washington st Thaxter, Warren, 32 Sea st Treadwell, J. 29 1-2 Atkinson st Treadwell, Samuel, Lewis st. E. B. White, Benjamin F., Sea st. near Furnace Willis, R. B. 3 Adams st Wirislow, John, 7 Greenough Av. Wiiislow & Fhinder , Merrimack st. corner of Portland Parker, P. Brimfield. Nutter, G. F. East Cambridge. Hancock, Horace A. Cambridge Port. Lawrence, Foster & Co. 99 Main st Charlestown. Holmes, P. B. (sofas and couches,) corner of Water st. and Old Bridge Avenue Delano, J., Chelsea st Martin, Mo^es Chatham. Brown, D. B. Cheshire. Fay, Wm. Chester Factory. Strong, E., cor. of Main and Spring- field streets Chica/tee. Jackson, Thomas Colrrnine. Lyon, David Cvnwny. Little, E. L. Dallun. Eustis, Ebenezer, Grove st Danvers. Russell & Baker Ded/iaiii. Rhodes, L. S. (tables only) South, Dedham. Webb, M. E. (tables) Morse, S. Lincoln, C. H. (cribs and couches) Everett (2d), W. (tables) Ruggles, E. H. R. (tables). Lower Mills Dorchester. Goodwin & Clark, D. & C. & S., Lower Mills Ruggles, Samuel, Neponset French, Daniel East Bridgewater. Sanford, Stephen Egremoiit. Tinkham, Samuel Enfield. Clark, H. B. Er'ving. Shaw, John, Main st Fairhaven. Giftbrd, Russell, 37 Second st Fall River. Peck & Denham, 11 Bedford st Fales, E. Copeland Fuzburough. Childs, Otis Framingham. Baker, Bradford & Baker South Oardiner. Ellery, Benjamin Oloucester. Langsdortf, F. O. Barrington. Hitchcock, Augustus Ma.\tield, George Miles & Lyon Ed-^on, Noah Baker, Joseph KandHll, J. D. Ripley & Newhall Clark, Daniel Newman, Mark Jenkins, Wm. Upton & Co., Middle st Lovejov, Noah do Woodbury, Seth D. 6 Market st hynn Kelham & Litz .Allen & Decker Boardman, S. O. Allen & Ames Tappan, Samuel H. Flint, David Nelson, Thos. Nelson, Thoniiis Heyer, Walter G. Trefethen, Leonard Adams, Stephen Oreevfield. Hadlctj. Harwich. Haverhill. Hingham. Ipswich. l^ee. Lowell. Manchester. Marblehead. Mattapoisctt. Mi(lf„rd. fV. Jlediniy. Jledway. Jileth uen. Middleboro\ Milton. Wood, Daniel Dale, E. Soule, George Tucker, Lewis Clapp, Lewis Myers, John White, Alfred O. Monson. Wh-ill, Wni. M'tcdham. Maxfield, Caleb, 130 Main st JV(«; Bedford. Ellis, Watson, 53 S. Water st Russell, P., Merrimack st .Xitcburyport. Safford, Samuel, Middle st Poor, Nathan do Seidenburg, Henry, State st Walker, VVm. F. fV. Kewton. Wall, Geo. F. JVewton Corner. Kingman, J. W. JV". Bridgewater. Kingman, Davis Smith, S. M. .Viirthaiiiplan. Moody, Marcus T. 2 E.xrhange Row Longley & Loomis Paliiur Dejiot. Browing, Silas Peirrshnm. Goodrich, M. G. Pitlsfield. Barnes, A. & Son French, W. M. Qnitiry. Houghton, Ralph Raml.ilp/i. Brown, Moses A. Heading. Harnden, Sylvester Kingman, Henry Badger, George Kingman, Josiah A. Eatim, E. & E. B. (Bureaus) Ruggles, Samuel Kingman, F. Sanborn, T. D. Brown, H. A. (Bureaus and Secreta- ries) Choate, A. & Co. (Cliairs) Rockport. Sandford & Leach(Chairs)/Joc4port, Adams, Natli'l, 2d, (Coffins,) Bartletl st cor. Washington. Roxbury. Davidson, Hollister, Water street n. Cabot Evans, J. H., Washington street n. Boston Line Lawson & Harrington, (Manufactory) Tremont st Perry, L. M., (Sofa and Chair Manu- factory) Elm Place Patten, .Asa, Cedar st cor. Dedham Turnpike ; Order box, 24 Coruhill, Boston Riker, N. H., Cedar st Roskell, J. &, G. 6 Washington st n. Boston Line Sancry, F. (Chairs) Cabot st Taylor & Newell, 132 Washington st near City Hotel White & Quimby, (Sofa Manufac- tory) Washington st cor. Tremont Verry, Nath'l, 2(1, Salem. Whipple & Fellows, 199 Essex st Henderson & Kimball .Appleton, Nath'l, 80 Derby st Hilton, Aaron S. Salisbury. Manslield, Jessee A. New Boston Sandisjicld, Clark, J. M. Allyne, Samuel H. Sandicich. Crippen, Silas, Ashley^'Ule Sheffield. Tolmnn,C.C.& Co. Shelburne Falls. Baker, Jacob Shutesbury. Feider, L. C, Main st Springfield. Crossett & Kirkham Dingman, J. S. Stockbridge. Washburn, A. G., Main st Taunton. Uickerman & Co., do Upham, Joshua C. Templeton. Lamson, Isaac, Main st Waltham. Washburn. C. F. Warehiim. Hastings, David Warwick. Ball, David Bent, Luther fVatertown. Richardson, Geo. B. IVendell. Grant, John Westfield. Douglass, Chas. F. Kendall, E. & G. Westminster. Shattuck, Aniassa Williamstown. Noyes & Kimball Worcester. Oliver, C. W. Partridge & Taber Edson, E. Yarmouth Port. Gentlemen's Furuislting' Stores and Ready Made Clothing'. Adams, George T. 87 Hanover street Boston. .\dams. Thomas, 354 Washington st Bates, S. M. 2 Milk St., Shirt manu- facturer Bovvcn & Brother, 97 Wash, st Brown & Lamkin, 123 Court st Ciilrow & Co., Hanover st. cor. Elm Carter, Nathaniel, 31 Washington st Chaffin, John C, Washington st. cor. State Dallinger, Wm. 9 H.anover st Durant, A. 311 Washington st Dyer, A. M. 57 Court st Elliot, M. P. 11 and 13 Washington st Ellis, Bartlett, 36 do Gove, Charles J. 54 Hanover st (ir.ifton & Co. 85 Washington st Gushee, F. A. 263 do Hawley, F. A. & Co. 6 Elm st Henderson, F. A. 2 Court st Kimball & Fisk, 28 Washington st Locke, F. B. 179 do Macomber, James B. 87 do Merrill, L M. 116 do linens Merriam & Baker, 2 Milk st Lyon & Powers, 58 Washington st Plummer & .•Vllen, 18 do Rice, J. P. 80 do Saxton. W. R. 206 do Sibley, Solomon, 7 Court st 154 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. TiUson, Chandler & Co. 9 Milk st Boston. Webb, S. S. 1 Diamond Block, Han- over sU-et-t Wrifjht, J. H & Cu. 38 Washington street Thomas, John C. 82 Main st Charlestown. Wentworth, W. E. Chicopee. Rollo. W. E., near cor. of Dwight & Exchiinse streets Tukesbury, 50 Central st Lowell. Putnam, A. &. Co. 2 American House Block Putnam & Haywood, 80 Central st Merrill. J. 69 do Gilbert &Taft, 33 do Braver, Win. P., cor. Central and Market st Harlow, John R. 53 Central st Farrington, Horace 57 do Hatch, S. W. 59 do Morse, Jonathan Ghnes, Albert, 10 Merrimack ^l Knapp, U. &. Wetherby S. 30 Merri- mack st Farrington, Daniel, 150 Merrimack st Elliutt, H. do Palmer. John A. 1S8 do Gorden, JcjIim, 49 do Evans, J. F., Middlesex st Harney, G. B. & Co., cor. of Market and Liberty streets hynn. Valpsey, J. H. 59 South Common st Chase, Frederick W. JVantucket. Price, Geo. R. & Co. Geary, Wm. H. Alley, E. H. Swain, Josiih C. Davenport, Cornelius, 128 Union st JVew Bedford. Hall. Wm. 131 Union st Foster & Smith, Water st J^ewburxjport. Campbell, George Ballon, J. W. &. C. N. Nelson, John B. Jackson, E. Jr. & Co., Main st Waltham. Bates, D. C. 72 Washington st. oppo- site Post Oliice Rozbury. Dean, A. J. 99 Washington st Dudley, David, 74 do Morse, Cyrus E. 105 Washington st. opposite Summer Oilding and Silvering-. Davis, Daniel, Jr. 428 Washington st Boston, M;irtin, V. 32 Washington st McGirr, Francis, 2 Water st Rogirs, Augustus, over 87 Washing- ton street Holcomb, E. M., Main st Springfield. Glass Cutters. Mitchell & Riley, Andover street Boston. Ranagan, P. 15 Hawley st Loughran, Thos., 2d street cor. A Glass Knob Dealers. Boston Lock and Knob Co., over 32 Washington st Boston. Jones & F:irwell, 37 Exchange st Robinson, G. W. & Co. 4 Richmond street Robinson, E. 4 Washington st Glass ITIanufactories. American Glass Manufactory, P. F. Slane, 2d st. office 13 Doane Boston. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co.. Gran- ite Block, Federal st Boston. Cains, Thomas, 2d St., warehouse 51 Pearl street Jarves, G. D. & Cormerais, 1st street, Otftce Granite Block, Federal st Lord, Joseph H. 51 Pearl st New England Glass Co., Bittery- march, between 121 and 123 Milk street Preston, John A., Batterymarch st Smith & Co. 3 Haverhill st., Dealers United States Glass Co. Falmouth. Glue irianufacturcrs. Barber, A. J. Bellinffliam. Anderson, J. M Marblehead. Brown, Thomas, 2d Moton & Winslow JVeedham. Kingsbury, Lemuel Mills, John Mills, Matthias Fisher, Reuben Warwick, Gold Beaters. Bacon, C, rear 35 Washington st Boston. Comerford, P. & Co.. rear Northamp- ton street Drew, Joseph L., rear 39 Wash, st .McGirr, Francis S., rear 45 do McGirr, F. 2 Water st Gold Pen Manufac- turers. Bard &. Brother, 1 Court Avenue Boston. Crossett & Brown, 141 Washington street Wiluiarth & Brother. 56 Washing- ton St. and 21 Cornhill Wells, Hyde & Co., Hayden's Pen, Haydeuville IViliiamsburgh, Grain Dealers. Balch, W. P. Jr. 14 and 15 City wf Boston. Bigelow, E. 32 and 33 Commercial st Blanchard, W. 21 and 22 Lewis wf Bryant &, Clarke, Beverly st. corner Causeway Carter & D.ivis, Charlestown st. cor. tillnian Chase, C. 99 Lowell st Chadbourn & Darling, 61 Commer- cial street Child, D. W., Harrison Avenue, cor. Dover street Clark, Moses, Harrison Avenue, near Dover street Converse, C. C. 33 Eastern Railroad wharf Edgerly, J. S. & Co. 3 and 4 Commer- cial wharf Ellis, George & Co. 37 Long wf Foster &. Doane, 19 City wf Glover, J. Jr. 82 Sea st Godfrey, George, Turnpike, near the Bridge Hagar, G. W. & J. B., Philadelphia Packet Pier Hardy, Isaac & Co. 43 Commercial st Howes, Baker & Co. 67 do Kingsbury, Thomas N., Russia wf Lincoln & Be'il, 57 Commercial st Lnckwdod, Rhodes G., Baltimore Packet Pier Mathes. Charles L. 1 Haverhill st Mullin, Frederick B., Foster's wf Munroe, Edwin, Jr. 118 Coni'l. st Munroe, Otis, 41 do Rogers & Standish, 34 and 36 Eastern Railroad wharf Scudder, Chipman & Co. 1 &, 2 City wharf Boston, Simmons, Benj., Charles st cor. Cam- bridge Staniels, C. 31 Conmiercial st Vinal, N., Commercial st. opposite Charter Vinal, R. A. & Brother, 11 and 12 Lewis wharf Vinal, S. J. 51 Commercial st Wright, Wm. A. St. C. L., Sea street, near the Bridge Downes, Ephraim, 11 Washington st near Boston line Rozbury. Faunce, Calvin B., Treniont st. near Washington Houghton, Joseph, Tremont st. near Ruggles Litchfield, V. E., East St., Flour White & Quimby, Tremont st. cor. Washington Grindstones. Lombard & Hall, 13 Lewis wharf Boston, O'Donnel, James, opposite 10 Haver- hill street Sprague &. Soule, T wharf Gunsiuitbs. Bishop, Henr>- H., over 32 Exchinge street Boston, Bishoji, Wm. 40 Congress st Colman, H. 11 Water st Dewerson, R. C st. cor. Silver Hapgood, J. 30 Washington st Lovell, J. P. 27 Dock Sq., up stairs Wilmot, N. N., Change Avenue Jordan, L. South ..Idams. Babeock, Moses, 39 Charlestow^i Sq. Charlestown. Pratt, Alvan Concord, Richardson, O. A., Middle st Lowell. H(ibbs, P. Mmlerey. (;root, Henry Pittsjield. Miller, W. D. Merritt, Allen East Randolph. Hall, E. L., S,. Main st Spring-field. Haynes, Joshua H'attkam, Ware, Orlando Worcester. Guns, Pistols, &. Sport- ing' Apparatus. Dwight, H. D. Belchertown. Eatun, J. 44 Washington st Boston, Eaton, J. & Co., Coptube mule spin- ning, 44 Washington st Hapiiood, J. 30 Washington st Lovell. J. P. 27 Dock Square, up stairs Lane & Read, 6 Market Square Sargent & Smith jVewburyport. Allen & Thuiber Worcester. Ware, J. S. 125 Main st Gj^ninasiums. D'Orsey, A., Franklin st cor. Haw- ley Boston, Kay, T. B. 8 Winter st Handles. Howes, S., Syfhe Nibs Buckland, Stetson. Levi, do do Ward, J. P., Broom Pratt, Luther do Cranson, J. do Th.iycr & Bement Davis, Asa Bisbee, Uzal, Broom, Brush, Hoe and Fork IV. Cu mining ton. Elder & Williams, Broom MASSACHUSETTS. 155 Stone, Luther, Broom Goshen. Dresser, Fr;incis, Broom and Hoe Dresser, Moses, Broom Ranney & Gage, do Blood, William, do Hawley. Sherwin, Wm., Chisel Ripley, J. &. E., Lock's Village Hhuttsbary. Hair Dressers. Alley, Wm. H. 32 Merrimack st and 8 Warren Square Boston. Ambush, Wni. E., Stillman st corner Charlestown Avorj', Peter, 41 1-2 Federal st Ayres, Ira, 150 Court st Bartemus, Wm., Canton street near Suffolk Basford, S. P., Devonshire st n. Milk Bassett, Benj. P., Endicot n. Cross Bense, H., Suffolk st n. Canton Berry, W. H. 4 Lewis st, E. B. Bixby, Chas. P. 22 FraTiklin st Boardwine, Geo. H. 4 Lowell st Bogle, Wm. 277 Washington st Brown, John N. !S Cambridge st Brown, R., 2d, 80 Commercial st Brown, Wm. 101 do Bugbee, Edw., 601 Washington st Burns, E. 130 Purchase st Burr, Lemuel, 65 Court st Carles, P. 6 N. Square Cassell, & Martin, Merrimack st cor. Portland Cassar, Eli, 117 Broad st Castell, VVm. H., Tremont street n. Warren Clark, A. F. 14 School st Clark, M. A., Cross st n. Fulton Chemin, F., Turnpike, n. Broadway Collins, Thos. 21 Devonshire st Cram, J. W. 379 1-2 Washington st Creamer, A., Court st. cor. Howard Creech, A. A. 6 Court Square Creech, S. W. 50 Court st Dalton, Geo., Sumner st E. B. Delancy, W^m., Kneeland st Deming, E. C. 56 Br.Utle st Dudley, Wm. 4 Congress st Edwards, J. S. 435 Commercial st Emerson, W.W. 46 Jlerchant's Row Gardner, H. A. under Aujer. House Gilliard & West, 10 Federal st Gray, Edw. J., Washington st cor. Dover Gray, J. B., Bmad st n. Summer Grush, J. H. 177 Hanover st Gwinn &- Fuller, 12 Congress st Hadley, C. J., Merchants' Row, cor. Clinton Hadley, Samuel B. 14 Boylston st Hand, P. 115 Ann st Henderson, H. 34 Causeway st Henderson, W. O., Bowdoin Square, 5 Revere House Hill, VVm. 478 Washington st Hilton, J. T. 32 Brattle st Hnwiird, A. G. 20 Hcward st Howard, E. A., Beach st under West em Exchange Howard, E. F. 130 Washington st Howard, Peter .M., 82 Cambridge st Jackson, Edw. 94 Eliot st Jacoby, M. 3 Bromiield st Johnson, William H. 10 Merrimack Market Keyon, J. M. & Co., Congress Square Kimball, N. R. 62 Bluckstone st King, H. F. M., Clinton st cor. Black- stone Kitchen & Henderson, 41 Congress st Larose, R. 204 Hanover st Lawrence, Geo. C. 13 School st Lawless, Jas. 91 1-2 Hanover st Lewis, A. V. 62 1-2 Leveret st Locke, A. C. 69 Merrimack st Marshall, J. L. 4 Change Avenue Markers, G. 252 Commercial st Mason, H. 184 Harrison Avenue Mason & Brother, 35 Elm st Boston. Mason & Co. 9 Tremont House Maxwell, C, Eastern R. Road wf Miiyo, Philip, 34 Sea st McCrea, J. B. 14 Doane st Mesick, Robert, Chapel Place Minton, H. 17 Lindall st Mooney, S. S. 222 Washington st Morrison M., Turnpike near 1st st Nassau & Stodder, 28 Congress st Nourse, F. J. 93 Broad st Powell, C, Chambers st cor. Poplar Putnam, G., South st n. Kneeland Reeves & Dwyer, 14 Brattle Square Revaleon, C. F. 24 Blackstone st Revaleon, j. D. 115 Blackstone st, Haymarket Square Rose, Chas. 142 Hanover st Sabin, Wm. 8 Bitler^'march st Shiloh, Wm. H., Be.ich st cor. Lin- coln, and 456 Washington st Smith, L. F. 7 Devonshire st Snjith, J. F. 115 Cambridge st Smith, Thomas, 21 1-2 Union st Sparrell, George P. 32 Bromfield st Spitz, Julius, 154 Washington st Steamburgh, T. W., Turnpike near Broadway Stratton, J. H. 364 Commercial st Telford, J. T 662 Washington st Uart, John, Causeway street corner Charlestown Waters, T. S., 4lh st cor. Turnpike Wells, G. R. 3R6 Washington st We. New Boston Lancaster. Stearns, A. (Carriage Trimmer,) Clin- tonviUe Webster, W. E. South Lee. Priest, Roswell Spencer. Edmnnd Lenox. Smith, S. W. (Chaise) Lexington. McLanathan, S. (trunk and valise dealer.) Merrimack st I^owell. Elmery, Wm. E. (trunk and valise,) 62 Merrimack st Berry, Alfred, (trunk and valise.) 86 Merrimack st Lowell. Allen, Otis L. (trunk and valise,) 68 Merrimack st Packard & Leonard, (trunk and va- lise,) 126 Merrimack st Burgess, J. (liarness,) 12 Commercial Square Brabrook, J. A. (harness,) 17 Market street Sission, Robert, (chaise and harness) Lynn. Dodge, T. (chaise and harness) Maiden. Thayer, W^m. S. (chaise and hur- ness) Marlborough. Howe, John, (trunks) Medford. Hi.xon, Elias H. Medway. Dimond. M. P., Rockville Varniim, Corliss Methuen. Lazell, Thomas Middleboruugh. Bacon, Daniel Milford. Smith, Benjamin Munson. Bigelow, .\. VV. Monterey. Coleman, Q.. JVautuctcet. Ray, Alexander Colli n & Jenks Willis, H. P. 126 Union st JVe«j Bedford. Tirrell, E 5 North Second st Kempton & Makenzie, 66 Main st Gray, Henry, Fourth st Allen, Thomas, 5 Purchase st Sargent, Moses, (chaise) J^ewbury. Lord, T. H. & A. W. (de.ilers in up- holstery and trunks) J\rewburyport. Ash, George, Liberty st Seward, J. B., Pleasant st Lakeman, Daniel, Green st Bry^int, S. W., Cooleyville JVew Salem. Jonas, Smith J^Tewton Corner. Le.ivitt, A. M. JVorth Bridgewater. A I kins, B. F. JVortkfield. Thayer, S. D. Morthampton. H.incock, E. H.tsiiiigs, C W. Orange. Taylor, Z. Orleans. Keith, James Palmer Depot. Mace, John Pepperell. Butler, M. Pittsfield. Raymond, N. Streeter, S. & Co. Plainfield. Jackson, VV. H. Plymouth. Hathaway, Edward Lowe, Riilpli Quincy. Kellogg, Theodore VVilkins, J. P. D. Randolph. Cartwright, Walter Carltoii, N. Reading. Haniford, Daniel Rockport. Adams, James E., Felton Place Roibury. Brooks, Benjamin, 12 Washington st Brooks, Kendall, 33 VVashingUm st. opposite Eustis Brown, E., Washington street, cor. Vernon Carleton, Hiram, Eustis St. opiX)site Mall Goodman, Wm. J., Pearl st Hovey, Elbridge A., Warren st. cor. Dudley Spencer, John, Washington street, opposite Norfolk House Watson, Nathan, Warren st. near Washington Whalley, F. S., Eustis street, near Zeigler, Collar Maker Williams, J. E. & G. H., Centre st. cor. Gri'en, Jamaica Plain AdMms, J. E., Felton Place Brown, E., Washington street, cor. Vernon Carli'ton, H., Eustis st. opp. Mall Goodman, Wm. J., Pearl st Hovey, E. A., Warren street, corner Dudley Price, E. N. 10 Nonnan st Salem. Coombs, D. S. 74 North st Connell, Martin, 7 Peters st Bennett, C. F. 9 Church st Salem. Tuttle, Henry G. 3tj Boston st Chipman, John do Bennett, Geo. W. 321 Essex st Freeman, Alanson, New Boston Sandisjield. Childs, Braddock R. Sandioic/i. Corwins, E. & I. Southbridge. Burnham. George W. South Hadley. Stearns, Charles R. Hitchcock, E. Southampton. Mygatt & May, State st Springfield. Amadon, E. T., Main st Twing, H. E., Springfield Hill Hubbard & Lyman, Main st Montague, VV. E., State st Ervvin, James D. Sterling. Bristol, E. H. Stockbridge. Stone, Henry B. Slowe. Aldrich, Sumner, Harness Taunton. Washburn, Phllo do Weir st Cocliran, Silas do Topsfield. Hoblis, VVilliam, Harness & Chaise, Main st . IValtham. Fiske, E. W., Harness and Chaise, Main street Farwell, Wm., Harness and Collar, Main street French, Harrison Wore. Pratt, E. H. Crocker, Walton Wareham. AdlinglOM, Thomas, Chaise and Har- ness IVayldnd. Gilford, J. H. tVenham. Clark, Wm. (Vest Cambridge. Talmadge, E. G. IVestfitld. Holcomb, W. C. Bristol, A. L. West Stockbridge. Park, Chas. Weymouth. Criunp, James A. Whately. Stevens, Henry Williamsburg. Alford, G. VV. Davenport, E. C. Felton, M. B. Parker, Samuel P. Williamstown. Winchendon. Woburn. Cushman, Hiram, 10 Front st Worcester. Parsons, R. 89 Main st Allen, W. E., under American Tem- perance House Hutchinson, B. E. 166 Main street Whiting, Wm. C, West st Netf, Joseph, 2 Mechanics' st King, J. L. 21 Washington Square White, John Wrentham. Lovell, E. Yarmoutli Port. Hallett, Benjamin Hatch, F. Farris, D. Russell S. Yarmouth Port. Hardware— Dealers, Herrick, Sanuiel D. Beverly. Allen & Noble, 10 Washington st Boston. Barnes, Thomas P. 28 Dock Square B iri.cs, Wm. H. 5 Union st Bellamy, W. 21 Tremont Row Blanchard, Wm. & Co. 3 Dock Sq. Bognian, G. E. 7 do Bridl'urd, ,Martin L. 142 Washing- ton street Brooks, Chas. & Co. 6 Dock Square Brown, B. B., Turnpike, near Broad way Brown & Pike, 554 Washington st cor. Indiana Butler, James, 13 Dock Sq. Cnllender & West, 8 Washington st Charlton, Thomas, 78 Slate st Clark & Reed, 3 Union Block Condit, D. S. & Brother, 42 Union st Cutler & Robinson, Dcnnestic, 54 Kilby and 68 Water st Dalton & Ingersoll, 4 Union st Dodge, S. H. 106 State St., Mechanics' Tools Doggett, N. B. & N. A. 408 Wash- ington street Domett, Sewall & Co., Cutlery, 48 Kilby street Boston. Eaton, Joseph B. & Co. 2 Union st Elliott, Walter M., Maverick Sq. Eustis, Win. T. & Co. 42 & 44 Pearl street Fairbanks, H. P., Saddlery, 56 Pearl street Fairbanks, H. W., Saddlerj-, 23 KU- by street Flint & Carter, 37 Union st Frost, Walter I. 182 Washington st Fulierton & Raymond, 119 Milk st Gardnerfc Thayer, 8 Liberty Sq. Gray, George H. & Co. Milk st. cor. Atkinson, Manufacturers' Agents Greenough, W. & Co. 14 Merchants' Row Hall, Richard, 11 Kilby st Haven, Geo. W. 451 Washington st Hewes, John B. 157 do Hill, Thomas, Jr. 4th st. near B Holbrook, Brothers, CO Milk st Holland, Wm. A. 15 Dock Sq. Homer & Co. 24 Merchants' Row Homer, C. W. & S. J. M. 34 Union st Homer, F. H. P. 562 Washington st Horton, Cordis & Co. 84 Milk st Hosmer, Zelotes, 82 Milk st Jacobs, Elisha, Cutlery, 9 Kilby st. cor. Doane Jaszynsky, L. 11 Kilbv st Johnson, A. J. 11 and '12 Dock Sq. Johonnot, A. E. 25 Merchants' Row Lane &, Read, 6 M.irket Sq. Leupold, Wm. H. 46 & 48 Federal st Lewis, H. H. 130 Court st Lewis, J. Jr. 11 Union st Lincoln, Henry E. 336 Washington st Lincoln, Joseph, Jr. 6 Union st Living, Ruliert G. 15 do Loring, C. G. & Co. 10 Merchants' Row Loring, Fiske & Co. 58 Pearl st Lovett & Wellington, 9 Merchants' Row Mansfield, T. 30 Washington st. near Dock Square May, Samuel & Co. 1 Broad st Mead, Wm. W. 5 Union Block Mitchell, N. & Sons, 10 Kilby st Morss, A. S. 101 Commercial st Newell, .Montgomery, 83 State st OUphant & Co. 37 and 39 Pearl st.. Manufacturers' Agents Palmer, A. C. 8 Union st Parker, Jonathan, 3 do Pickering, Loring, Maverick st near Paris, E. B. Pond, J. W. 34 Merchants' Row Proctor & Butler. 89 State st Saunders, Charles H. 14 Union st Saunders & Gaffield, 21 Dock Sq. Saunders, W. A. 29 Merchants' Row Scudder, Charles & Co. 33 and 35 Pearl st Smith, Franklin W. 32 Dock Square Thorn, Brown & Co. 64 Milk st Tuckerman, Gustavus, 83 State st Van Wart, Son & Co., Birmingham, Eng., G. H. Gray & Co. Agents, 57 Milk street Vinal, Otis, 20 Dock Sq. Warren, M. C. 9 do WeUington, F. E. 86 Water st.. Com- mission West, J. & Co. 5 Dock Sq. Whiting & Brother, 31 Union st Wilkinson, Andrew J. 2 Washing- ton street Chamberlain, Daniel U. Cambridge Port, Staiy, J. M. R. Osgood, Nathaniel Todd, Benj. P. Cambridge. Adams, James, Importer, 57 Main st Ckarlestown, Edes, Rohert B. Jr. &. Co., Importers, 86 .Main st BrewiT, Darius & Son, Lower Mill Dorchester. Stoddard, Noah Fair haven. MASSACHUSETTS. Hersey, J. S., Middle st fhirhaven. Tripp, Hervey, Water st Bradford, M. O. Stillwell, D. & Son, 2 North Main st Fall River. Cotton, John S. 1 North Main, and 1 Bedford st Willard & M:i.son, 12 Granite Block Tolinan & Proctor, Dealers in Iron and Steel, Nails, Vices, Anvils, Washers, and Wood Pumps Fitchburg. Litch & Sawtell, Importers Garfield & Bullock, opposite Fitch- burg Hotel Lebosquet, B. B. Haverhill. Appleton, J. A. & G. Gushing, David, 2d Pond & Thayer, HolHston. Cole & Giile, 32 Essex st Lawrence. Viles & Reed East Lexinirton. Mansur, Stephen, 110 Central st Lowell. Burbank & Chase, Importers, 5 Cen- tral street Watson, A. 25 Central st Rogers, Jno., Injporter, Savings Bank Building Breed, T. N. (manufacturer), 4 E.x- change Building Lynn. Myrick, N. H. & F. F., 27 Union st Atsatt, J. F. & E. S. Mattapoisett. Smith, C. F. Medford. JVantucket. (Importer), 55 JVVm Bedford King, Caleb Barker, Wm. 9. Bassett, James N. Swaim, Wm. C. Macy, George VV. Collins, Jam^s H Union st „ „^„,, „,„. Sullings & Kingman, (Importers,) 23 Union st Tabor, F. & J. C. & Co. (Importers), 111 Union st Tallman, Wm., Jr. 91 Union st Richie, E. S. (Importer), 6 1-2 North Water st Palmer, M. B. & Co. 28 Central st Childs, S. 93 Purchase st Snow & Purrington, Howland's wf Hudson, Chas. II., Market Square J^eteburyport. Boardman, Samuel, 6 East Row, Market Square Hale, Moses, (cutlery,) 21 State st Lord, T. H. & A. W., Market Square Chesley, Merrill & Co. Tappan, Amos, corner of Essex and State streets Bassett, N. G., Market st Wills, John N., Market Square Trundy, T. J. J^Turthampton. Arnold, W. F., Main st Goodridge, R. Palmer Depot. Messcr, Nathaniel Pittsfield. Bird, C, Warren St. corner of Wash ington Roibury. Brown, J. P. 2 Guild's Building Marsh, Charles, 55 and 57 Washing- ton street Seaver, Wm., Treraont st. corner of Ruggles Brooks, Asa, (wholesale,) 120 Esse.x street Salem Chase, Wm. 206 Essex st Hale, J. & H. (Importers), 215 Essex street Simonds, S. C. & E. A. 32 Front st Adams & Richardson, (Importers,) 207 Essex st Chase, Wm. H. (Importer), 186 Es- sex street Ropes, Timothy, 214 Essex st Church, J. Sheffield. Brewer, James D. (Importer), Main st Springfield. Adams & Richards, (Importers,) Aga- wam Block Call, Amos, (Manufacturer,) South Main st Foot, Homer & Co. (Importers), Main street 157 I Pease, Geo. F., Main st Springfield Bnnton, E. S. Stockbrid" s' Worcester. Bates, 1. K. 197 Main st Miller, Henry W. 46 Main st Kinnicutt & Co. (Importers) 162 Main st Hats, Caps, and Furs. Lapham, G. A. South Mams. Wildman, Wm. S. Furgerson, Wm. J^orth .Hdams. Gallisham, G. K. W. .andover. Carlton, Isaac Ames, Abel Belchertovm. Lamson, Wm. Bmerly. Aborn, S. O. 95 Washington st , . Boston. Adams, Geo. T. 87 Hanover st Adams, Thomas, 354 Washington st Bacon, Thos. C. & Co., Ann st. corner of Union Bartlett & Harlow, 79 Cambridge st Bates, Martin & Sous, 26 and 27 Elm street Bennett, Wm. 7 Market Square Betteley, G. W. 138 Hanover st Bornstein, J. 15 Elm st Brown, Elbridge, 12 Ann st Bruce & Co. 30 Dock Square Carter, Nathaniel, 31 Washington ^t Chapman, J. &, Co. 7 and 8 Fanui 1 HhII Clark & Linscott, 1 North Market st Clarke, Thomas, 46 North Market st Colbiu-n, H. 2 City wharf, on Com- mercial st Colburn, Jeremiah, 60 Washington st Colby, Amos, 10 Commercial st Colman, N. H. 51 North Market st Cook, Wm. T. 15 Court st Cotter, Wm. I Ann st Cutter, £. G. & Co. 9, 10, 11 Fanuiel Cutter, E. W. 5 and 9 Elm st Dallinger, Wm. 9 Hanover st Daniels, John, opposite 77 Commer cial street Dolan. M. F. 26 and 28 Dock Square Durant, A. 311 Washington st Easter, Samuel, 18 Washington st Eaton, I. A., Commercial st. corner ol Lewis Egan, John, 11 Commercial st Elliott, W. P. 11 and 13 Washington st Emerson, C. H. 299 do Emme.s, Samuel & Co. 10 Elm st Fisk, Wm., corner of Blackstone and Hanover streets Frisbee, L. P., rear of 39 and 41 Washington st Gould, T. &, Co. 18 Union st Gould, Levi, 521 Washington st Greenough, Jameson & Co. 50 and 52 Water st Higgins, Peter, 1 City wharf Hilbourn, P. O. 9 Elm st Holt, Willard, 49 North Market st Horn, Henry, 10 Turnpike, near Broadway Huckins, C. A. 49 Court st Kendrick & Webster, 33 and 34 Elm street Kelley, W. F. A. 7 Dock Square Klous, S. 27 Court st Kuhlman, Henry, 95 Commercial st Leavitt, H. H. 91 Court st 158 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Locke, P. A. 14 Dock Square Bostore. I Lovejoy/Oeo. 4 Clinton st Lovejoy, Win. R. & Sons, 77 Com- mercial St , , T, Miisc.a, C. B. 41 Merchants Row Murray P. & W. 46 and 48 Ann st Murtagii, D. 1114 do Murt .gh, P. 378 Washington st Newell, Wm. & Co. 03 Kilby st Nichols & Jacobs, 4 Market Square, and 5 Ann st Olnev, Stephen VV. 29 Washin<;ton st Osb<.rnc, Stephen, 26 Brattle Square Peck, T. R. & Co. 23 and 2o VVash- in"ton street Pollard & B-irry, 54 Washington st Porter, Edw. P. 3 Washington st. cor. of Dock Square Pratt, S. K. .'50 Merchants' Row Prnctor, S. B. 52 Hanover st Rhoades, S. & A. H., Washington st. 1 corner of Court ■ „, , Ridlo) T. H. 5 it 6 Diamond Block Ryder,' Crocker & Co. 497 Washing- ton street Saroni, A. S. 11 Elm st Shaw & Edmmds, 2 Mercantile wt. Slierhurne, .lohn, 9 Lewis st. E. B. Sherburne, Joseph M. 24 Elm st Shute, Wm. M. 173 Washington st Spear, George M. 18 1-2 Commercial street Stone, J. & Co. 37 Court st Taylor, Charles, 163 Washington st Towie, Lyman & Co., Hanover st. corner of Elm „ , . Washburn & Co. 87 W.ashington st Wheeler,S. B.7and8U. S. Hotel Whiton, F. 67 H mover st Win^ate, John, 169 Hanover st Woodman, I. F. 47 North Market st Woodman & Osgood, 72 Court st Gleason, Hiram Cambridge Port Smith, J. C. Turner, Henry, Charlestown Square CharLestoicn. Thomas, John C. 84 Main st Ctitier, N. 8 Merchants' Row Chicopee. Par>hley, S. H., Exchange st Burtt W. A. 11 North Mam st Fall River. Gihbs, R. S. & Co., South Main st Collins, John, 40 do do Shepard, Phineas, 21 Pleasant st Ellwell, Andrew, 18 Front st Gloucester. Haskell, J. W. 16 Front st Stacy, Samuel A. do Tappan, J. S. . v>. iooii:tm»vci a,, ...itmi., *. ... — — rioueh S , Covered Hats, 4 India wf Vinal & Rice, Causeway st Cook, Wm. T. 15 Court st Fell, Charles, 4th st near C. | Greenough, J.i meson & Co. 50 & 5- I Water st Haslam, J. R. 31 Exchange st Higgins, Peter, 1 City wf ! Horn, 11 10 Turnpike n. Broadway I Kefie, M. 4th st n. Turnpike Lothrop, I. 35 Elm st Lovejoy, Geo. H., Covered Hats, 4 Clinton st McKenna, J. 16 Turnpike Peck, T. R. & Co. 25 Washington st Perkins, H. H.27 Dock Square Ridlon, T. H. 5 and 6 Diamond Bl'k Ryder, Crocker & Co. 497 Washing- ion street Sherburne & Bursley, 3 Wilson Lane Sherburne, J. 9 Lewis st, E. B. Sloan, S. W. rear 35 Washington st Smith, H. & <"o. East Orange st Smith, J. 21 Union st Taylor, Chas. 103 Washington st Wales, Amasa, 1 Franklin Av Washburn & Co. 87 Washington st Willard, G. 35 Washington st Wingate, John, 169 Hanover st Woodman, Edwin, 6 Haverhill st Woodman & Osgooil, 72 Court st Y(mng, C. & Co.. Brown's wharf Downes, E. 11 Washington st. near Boston Line Rojbury. Houghton, Joseph, Tremont st. near Ruggles Litchfield, V. E., East street, near Adam s Hoe Manufacturers. Booth & Upton Morse, L. Gates, W. R. Nutting, Lucius Tower, Henry Fales, Otis Gilford, Edward S. Claremont. Foxboro'. Lee. South Leverett. Mil/ bury. Templeton. Westport, Hollo^v Tl^are. Bowers & Pratt, 107 Milk st Boston. Cutler & Robinson, 54 Kilby st FuUertoii & Raymond, 119 Milk st Harvey, Page & Co. 1 and 2 South Market street Nutter, R. 20 Broad st MASSACHUSETTS. 159 Homfleopatliic Phy- sicians. Bufrbee, Aurin Charlton. Foster, C/iicopee. Sawyer, B. E. Concord. Page, French Lowell. Fleming, L. D. 109 Elm street J\rew Bedford. Roche, M. B., Fifth st SwHzey, G. W., State st Springfield. Warner, G. E., Foot's Block Hops— Dealers. Blanchard, W. 21 Lewis wharf Boston. Blanchard & Wright, 75 and 76 Com mercial st Pratt, Isaac. Jr. 110 Milk st Skinner, Wni. H. 68 Commercial st Thompson, B. L. 16 City wharf Horticulturists. Gregor)', Joseph Marblehead. Bowdich. Azel. Eustis st Roxbury. Weller, VVm., Warren st Merriam. Beiij. Jr. O'Connor, M., Highland Greenhouse, Edinboro' st Walker, Samuel, Eustis st.. Trees & Shrubbery Welds, S., Heath st. cor. Cross Bliss, B. K., Main st Springfield. Jaques, Geo. P., Trees & Shrubbery, Main st fVorcester. Hosiery and Gloves. Andrews, Alfred A. & Co. 161 Wash- ington st Boston. Bates, Geo. W. & Co. 52 Milk street, opposite Federal Bell, E. D. 9 Tremont Row Caldwell & Lovett, 385 Wash, st Clarke & Plimpton, 269 do Driggs & Ripley, 10 Hanover st Everett, E. D. 68 do Ilolbrook, Charles C. 305 Wash, st Howe, J. 405 1-2 do King, C. E. 245 do Morey, J. E. 7 Tremont Row, Manu- ficturer Shnrey & Co. 168 Washington st Smith, H. & Son, 150 do Tufts, Quincy, 105 do Warren, C. & Co. 36 Milk street, cor. Devonshire, manufacturer Warren, Varnum. 92 Hanover st Brown, J. W. 98 Merrimack street Lowell. Buntin, John, Yarn and Thread J^ewbnrypnrt. Keith, Amos R. 174 Esse.x st Salem. Chamberlain, R. H. 236 do Clark & Sandford, 4 Merchants' Row H'orcester. Hepvood, D. 188 Main st Clark, Wni. H. & Co. 178 Main st Phelps, Russell, manufacturer House Fumisbing' Ar- ticles. Ballard & Stearns, 16 Bromfield st Boston. Robinson, Daniel, 94 Court st Lincoln, H. E. 336 Washington st Waterman, N. 85 Cornhill st Ice Dealers. Gage, Hittinger & Co. 72 State st Boston, Hill, John, 103 F. H. Market Russell, J. 46 do India and Frenclt Coeds. Atwood, P. G. Mayo, Noili Andrews, C, Importer, chambers 68 Paine, Natlian Kilby st Boston. Oliver, Ber.j. Pearce, S. II. & Co. 57 st Wellfleet. Sojith IVellfleet. J\'orth IVcllfieet. India Rubber Goods. Cheever & McBurney, 2 Liberty Sq Boston. Fitton, Jas. 12 Bromfield st Hale, A., Broadway n. E st Haskins, John, 94 Washington st Holmes, Wm. 25 Tremont Row Miller, John, India Rubber Cloth, South Main st Springfield. India Rubbers. Breeden, A. 28 Central st Boston Downs & Ball, 36 Kilby st, and 5 Central Hayward Rubber Co. 22 Central st Jackson, J. G. 26 Central st Peirce, J. 36Kilbyst Peirce, S. B. 22 Central st Day, H. H. Great Barrington Ink. Curtis, E. S. 66 Broad st Boston Maynard & Noyes, 11 Merchants' Row Mellen, G. W. F. 5 Hitchborn Block Inspectors. BEEF AND PORK. Pitman, Jno. H. 27 N. Market st Boston, Wells, Jno. B., Ins. General, 38 Com- mercial st STEAMBOATS. Hall, Sam'l, Havre st, E. B. BOXLKRS AND STEAM ENGINES. Yelland, Wm. H., Chelsea. BUTTER AND LARD. Brown, Francis, 3 Dislill-hoiise Sq. Counting-Room, 10 Blackstone st Abrahams, B., T. wharf Brown, James & Co., Spear's wf Churchill, Otis, 55 Long wf n. T Churchill, Wm. & Co. 30 Long wf Hedrick, Uriah, Ripley's wf Howard, Wm. S. 13 T wf Little, E. H., Ins. Gen., 28 Conjmer- cial street Lovett, Ale.t., Battery wf Mann, N. P. 44 Long wf Miller, Moses, Miller's wf. E. B. Nickerson, E. 39 Long wf n. T Ober, J. P., head Union wf Pruden, I. R. 16 1-2 Long wt Richards, Joseph, Harris' wf Tuttle, J. & Co., Tutlle's wf E. B. Baker, Isaiah Harteich. Doane, E. G. Harwich Port Humphrey, Leavitt Hingham. Lane, R. & C, Dealers Whiton, L. P., Dealers Nye. John do Cahoon, David K., Dealer, Market .st Taunton. Lambard, David TYuro. Lambard. Lewis Rich, A. & Co. Wade, Geo. 13 Long wf Boston. Davis, Ebenezer, 41 State st Pearce, Samuel, Sullblk Building, Change Avenue Pearson, Chas. 41 State st OIL AND SPIRITS. Cleaves, N., Successors to J. W. Harris, 30 India st Cutter, C. C, Fish, 91 Fulton st Hussey, Joseph, 7 Central wf Vinson, T. M., Spirits, 42 India st SOLE LEATHER. Howe, Samuel, Ins. Gen., 27 North Market st POT AND PEARL ASBB9. Townsend, S. D., Causeway st near Medford TOBACCO. Dodd, John, 39 India st Instruments. MATHEMATICAL. Temple, J. H. 51 Court st Boston. Widditield, D. B. & Co. 148 Wash- ington st Baker, David, JVew Bedford. Billings, J. M., Litche's Mills PVorcester. MATHEMATICAL AND NAUTICAL. Breed, Aaron, 106 Broad st Boston. Hevves, E. J. 107 Commercial st Kinfr, Chas. G. 7 Broad st Lincoln, F. W. Jr. 62 Commercial st Thaxter, S. & Son, 125 State st NAUTICAL. Swain, Samuel Jfantucket. Kelly, E. & J. 'I'abej, Clias. JVew Bedford. Keliew, John Emery, Samuel, 12 Water st Salem. PHILOSOPHICAL. Chamberlain, N. B. 9 School st Boston. Davis, D. Jr. 428 Washington st Drake, O. P. 182 do Hnddleston, J. S. F., Barometer and Thermometer, 96 Washington st Satiord & Williams, 36 do Wightman, J. M. 33 Cornhill ELECTRO MAGNETIC. Davis, Daniel Jr. 428 Washington st. Wightman, J. M. 33 Cornhill SURGICAL. Gerrish, W. L. 84 Purchase st I JVcw Bedford. I Boehmer, F. Shelburne Falls. 160 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Insurance Agents. Hayes, T. M. 3 Main st Haverhill. Smith, N. J. Hinsdale. Rice, George, Life, Health and Fire, Main st Springfield. Stearns. Henry, Main st Williams, Sidney Taunton. Mills, Philip E. Long, Claudius B., Warren Block IVorcestcr. Boardman, Benj., Haverhill ins. Co. Lawrence. Josselyn, W. D., Gen. Ins. Agent Tillinghast, J. S. do do do ^^ew Bedford. James Tlios. S., Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. Barmard, Geo. F. Iron and Steel Sealers. Brayton, W. E. JVorth Adams. Allen, S. G. 31 Central st., Tin PI ite Boston. Allen, Samuel P. 11 Broad street. Tin Plate Ballord, A. & Co. 43 Fulton st Bullard, Lewis, 51 Killjy st Chadboiirn &. Gilman, 41 and 43 Fulton street Coffin, W. E. & Co. 105 State st Crane & Ta<;gard, 16 Long wharf Curtis, Leavens & Co. 106 State st Eaton, Wm. J. 7 India wharf Edmond, James, ii Jlarket Square Ellis & Meriam, 36 India st Emnion-:, S., Malleable, 107 Stalest Fuller, Ui)liert, Fulton st, cor. Cross Fullerton & Raymond, Wm. Jessop & Sons' Steel, 119 Milk st Gay & Stratton, 115 and 117 Milk st Gould, .Jacob S. &C0.8 Faneuil Hall and 8 Gerrish Block Gray, Geo. H. & Co. 57 Milk st Harvey, Page &. Co. 1 and 2 South Market street Lamson. Nathaniel, 36 Broad st Lang, Wm. B. (Sanderson, Brothers & Co.'s Steel,) 9 Liberty Sq. May, Samuel & Co. 1 Broad st., Tin Plate Morse, B. E., American Pig Iron, 34 Central street Naylor & Co. 59 Milk St., Steel Man- ufacturers. Newell, J. Jr. 65 Broad st Phillips & Moseley, 66 Broad st Priest & Ayling, 92 Water st., Amer- ican Pig, Bar, and Boiler Iron Richardson & Edmonds, 2'2 Broad st Richards, G. H. & H. 109 State st Richardson, J. & Brothers, 2 Central wharf Thomas, Wm. & Co. 79 State st Thompson & Lapham, .50 Broad st Wilson, Hawksworth, Moss & Elli- son, 82 Milk St. Allen's, S. Sons Greenfield. Kelly, Henry A. JVantucket. Crosby, Matthew J. Watkins, Win., Centre street JVew Bedford. Ashly, Wm. Jr. JVewburyport. Mumford, G. & Co., Mill street Pawtucket. Foot, Homer & Co., Importers, Main street Springfield. Pratt, J. & Biarle, Washington Sq. Worcester. Richardson & Loring, 73 Main st Iron Fence Builders. Adams, Geo. W. & Co., Causeway St. cor. Friend Boston. Bryant, Joseph R. 30 Causeway st Bunten & Eaton, Junction of Haver- hill and Charlestown sts Safford, D. & Co. 36 Devonshire st Weeman, E. 16 Merrimack st. near Causeway Boston. Welch & Briggs, Causeway, St. cor. Lancaster Iron Founders. Hunton, James & Co. JV. Adams. Hoir & Nadean Alhol. Moultun, O. & W. M. jE. Brookfield. Bowers & Pratt, 107 Milk >t Boston. Easton Iron Foundry. Lincoln Drake, 58 Pearl st, and 107 State Fulton Iron Foundry Co., Turnpike, S. B., oliice 43 and 45 Broad at Kinsley, Lyman, 106 State st South Boston Iron Co. 2 Central wf. and Foundry st S. B. Taunton Iron Foundry, H. T. Butler, 32 Union st Walpole Iron Foundry, H. A. HU- dreth. agent, 33 Broad st Weio Bedford. Hodgkins, J. F., Pleasant st JVewburyport. Moulton, Joseph, Spoons and Beads Ammidon & Son, Spectacles Southbridge. Eldridge, B., Market st Springfield. Huntoon, Lemuel, Silver Spoons, Market st Handerson, L. H., Spoons, Knives, &c., 12 Central st Worcester, Junk. Sealers. .\very, G. W. 138 Fulton st Boston. Barry, P. 3.56 Commercial st Callahan, J. 301 do Coburn, S. D. 38 Cross st Colcord & Russell, 3 Richmond st Dasey, John &. Co.. Sargent's wf Ennick, Wm. 124 Endicotst Hawes, N. P. 60 Sea st Hill, Cyrus & Co. 205 Broad st Kent, E. T. & Co. 18 Haverhill st Locke, J. H. & Co. 29 Ferry st Lyon, M., Sumner st, E. B. Miwke, Jno., head of Battery wf McDavitt, D. 406 Commercial st McKenny, A., Lincoln's wharf McNamara, P. 5 Charlestown st Mears, I. W. 5 Causeway st Miller & Holman, Commercial st op. Lewis wharf Newcomb, Lewis, 117 Broad st Nickerson & Putnam, 1 Arch wf Peirce, Ira, 304 Commercial st Perry & Worsters, Broad st cor. of India wharf Tale & Goodwin JVewburyport. Davis, B. & Son, 4 Ferry wf Justices. Whitman, Jared Hobart. Benj. Heywood, Stephen Chapin, Robejrt Bowerman, S. W. Millard, Geo. Robinson, B. F. Fitch. Reuben G. Pickett, R. S. Adams. JV. Adams. MASSACHUSETTS. 161 Colby, Joshna B.igley, Lowell Kellogg, James Boltvvood, — Johnson, Wm. Jr. Stevens, Wm. Jewett, Joseph Parker, Geo. G. Waight, F. VV. Welhngton, Luke Bement. J'is[)er Bassett, Henry Leland. Samuel Ellis, Wm. F. Stevens, Isaac Field, Charles Briggs, Alkaniah May^ Elisha G. Drurj', Thomas Emerson, Wm. Marston, Nymphus Marston, Geo. Aldrich, P. Emory Br)'ant, N. F. Bryant, W. A. Perkins, (J. O. Carter, M. P. Bacon, Reuben ChamberlHin, P. W. Doolittle, Mark Lawrence, Myron Scainmell, J C. Wright, Eliab Burt. Chus. D. Crane, W. S. Brigham, Thomas Sawyer, Asa Ferry, Aretus Burk, John E. Rantoul, Robert Stevens, Thomas Preston, Marshall Stearns, Sewall Benson, Jared Wilder, Abel Gibbs, Lyman Boyes, E. Holman, Amory Houghton. Thomas Hartwell, S. Heywood, Samuel Low, Solomon Sawyer, George W. Davenport, Nathaniel Moore, William H. Balch, Wm. S. Ladd, Nathaniel Thayer, Minot French, Asa Copeland, George Foster, Freeman Hale, Artemus Ames, Horace Heard, Charles Warren, William Lincoln. Asa Knight, Ebenezer Hayden, Otis Abbott, Lewis Aspinwall, A. Godd.ird. Benjamin Porter, Jphn Howes, Ezra Blanchard, X. Shedd, Abner Maretl. L. Channing, E. T. Ames, Ellis French, Thomas Barrett. Benjamin Healt, Calvin Barrows, William Pnitt, Lewis Maxwell, A. P. Bates, Stephen Willard, Paul Farrar, (George W. Clarke, Henry Hammond, Levi Ryder, Thatcher .Adams, Benjamin Reed, Joseph Mmesbury. Amherst. Andover. Ashlrurnham. Ashhy. Ashfield. Asfiland. Atkol. Attleboro'. Auburn. Barnstable. Barre. Becket. Bedford. Bclchrrtown. Belliiirrham. Berkley. Berlin. Bernardston. Beverly. Billerica. Blackstone. Blar.dford. Bolton. Boxborougk. Bozford. Baylston. Bradford. Braintree. Brewster. Bridgricater. Brighton. Brimjield. Bronkfield. Brookline. Buckland. Burlington. Ca mbridge. Canton. Carlisle. Carver. Chart emnnt. Charlr.itomn. Charlton. Chnthnm. Cheimsford. n Fay, Francis B. Low, John Wilcott, J. C. Richmop.d, J. M. Willitms, J. B. Copeland, M. Bancroft, D. Edwards, Oliver Wells, John Cadwell, P. SkitT, Stephen Bliss, Stephen Clark, Salah Doane, J. C. Bates, Levi N. Lanfair, William Thompson, Charles Hoar, E. R. Keyes, John S. Whitney, James S. B irtlett, Phineas Mitchell, Eli^ha Packard, Eliphalet Chamberlain, John Ferry, H. .•\msden, Russell Johnson, Nathaniel Northend, Wm. D. Abbott, Alfred A. Girti.rd, J. Slocum, Elihu Cleveland, Ira Ellis, William Saxton, J. A. Ware, Samuel Baker, Samuel Berry, James Babbitt, Crocker Chase, Caleb Churchill, Asaph Loud, S. P. Brown, Enoch Warren, Humes Sherman, B. Parker, Perley Webster, William P, Barnes, Moses Eddy, John Cununiugs, Josiah Park hurst. Henry Sprague, Seth Weston, G. B. Harris, Wm. Hobart, Aaron Clark, Myrick Collins, Jesse Dunbar, M. C. Lathrop, Howard WiUiston, Samuel Clark, Luther, Jr. Newman, Samuel Th ixter, Leavitt Fellows, Daniel Clirk, R. Pope, Ichabod Alexander. F. Smith, Elisha Perkins, Ezra, Jr. Choate, David Spooner, N. S. Tri|ip, Joseph Towle, G. W. Lapham, L. Fish, Thomas Swift, Elijah Mason, Charles Wood, Nathaniel Whitcomb, Israel Bird, Warren Train, Charles R. Brewer. Rufns Adams, Peter Daniels, A. E. Burt, Benjamin Hathaway, E. P. Wood, Asaph Bradford, L. H. Dole, Paul Jones, J. P. Darling, E. S. Nash. Lonson Lane, Gideon Chesterfield. Chicopee. Chilmark. Clarksburg. Cohasset. Clin way. Cummin gton. Dedham. Deerfield. Dennis. DightoH. Douglas. Dover. Dracut. Dudley. Duxbury. East Bridgewater. Easton. Ensthampton. Egremnnt. Edgartuwn. Evfield. Erving. Stone, Luther Goshen. White, Benjamin Adams, Otis Orafton Allen, Samuel Taylor, Levi Oranbp. Belcher, William Cooley, James Oranville. Emerson, Charles N. Great Barringtun. Seely, Isaac, Jr. Alvurd, D. VV. Greenfield. Davis, Wendell T. Grennell, George Fitchbiirg. Florida. Foxborough. Framiiigham. South Gardner. Oe.irge'own. Gill. G'oucesltr. Warner, John Norlham, John Farley, George F. Park, John G. Dickinson, S. Porter, Moses Thompson, J. P. Morton, Cyrus Doty, Leonard Gardner, Thos. J. Mann, Benjamin Smith, Joshua Mixter, Jason Paige, Stephen W. Brainard, Emor)' Gardner, Jerome Baker, Richard, Jr. Brooks, < ibed Longley, Alpheus Marsh, John J. Taggart, Wm. Longley, Thomas Longley, Edmund Gale, Luther Buck, Winslow Lincoln, Solomon Cushing, Henry Smith, N.J. C idy, John Chalfin, Charles Damon, Samuel Wallace, John BuUard, Elias John.son, Abner Phipps, Augustus Davenport, S, D. Swan, Samuel Bennett, Wm. Jr. Kimball, Charles Haskell, George Cushman, Samuel Gray, John Dime, John T. Carlton, Albert S. Filley, Wm. T. Shaw, Henry Boardman, Benjamin Starrow, Charles S. Sturgis, Franklin Bartlelt, Hubbard Denny, Nathaniel P Flint, A. Bishop, H. W. Tucker, Wm. Sedgwick, Charles Leonard, Burrage Field, Zebina Field, Alden C. Hatch, E. M. Robinson, Jacob, Jr. Chandler, Wm. Colton, F. W. Baker, C. W. Fiske, Elijah Dix, Benjamin Bolles, Daniel White, Wm. Newell, Simeon Robinson, John P. Smith, Henry W. Stickney, Samuel W. Sweetser, Theodore H Whipple, O. M. Jenks, E. C. Sikes, Theodore Bard, .\aron Newhall, Asa T. Hewis, Joshua Stickney, J. C. Greenwich. Groton, Hadley, Halifax, Hancock. Hanover. Hanson. Hardwick. Hatfield. Haverhill. Hawley. Heath. Hingham. Hinsdale. Holden. Holland, HoUiston. Hupkinton. Hubbardstim. Ipswich. Kingston Lancaster J^anesboTough, J^aiBrence, Leominster, LeveretU Lexington, Leyden. Lincoln, Littleton. Longmeadov, Lowell. LudJott. Lunenburg. LynnfUld. Lynn. 162 JJEW-KNOLANU MERCANTILE UNION DIKECTORY. Newhall, J:iiiu-3 /,;/««. Stevens. W. S. .Vanlcn. Lewi<, Charles Pratl, Solomon .\l,iii.^jii.d. Hodjies. Elijah Hooper, Jo.>e()li MuHchc.cotl, Oliver Haskell, Eli Felton. Amory JVetc Brnintree. Tidd. HoUis Atkinson. Jacob .Wwbury. Little. Josiah Cook, John J\i'eicburi/port. Frothiagham, J. P. Norton, Seth jVew .Marlborough. Smith, Levi L. Hardins. Alpheus .Veir Salttn. Fay. Emerson Ward. Andrew J^'cicton. Jackson. Wm. Clark. Saumel Fay. John F. Cadwell. El)enezer Taylor. John Aines. Franklin Bryant, Geo. W. Adams, Wiu. Gilbert, Daniel Mattoon, Charles Allen. Zebulon Gorham, Wm. O. Huntington. C. P. Baker, Osmyn Wheaton, Laban Cobb. Daniel S. Harwood. Francis Taylor. Horice Allen. James Crawt'ord. Wm. Emery, Stephen Whipple, John R. Doane. John Freeman. Nathaniel Filley, Lester Seymour, Henr>' Bowman. Charles Brown, Jasper J\'orthborough jYorthbridgc. JV. Bridgewater. J^orth Brookfield. Xorthfield. J^'ortAampton. J\~vrton. O^ikham. Oraiiire. Orleans. Otin. Oxford. Torre y. Calvin liarnes, Moses (.'base, Simpson Cushm.m, .V^iollos l>ay, James (loild.ird, Tyler Kinsman, Cyrus Parmenter, John Kryant, Al iruu Collamore, Horace Bellows, C. W. Lawrence, .\. F. Haskell, Ebenevier Weed, Jared llapgiKHl, Seth liouiding, Jason Powers, Ciliver H issett, C. C. Kellogg, E. H. Gold, F. A. Clark, Elijah Snell, Ebeiiezer (iilbert, Gustavus Thomiis, John B. Bryant, Zenas Ellis, Josiah T. Hunt, Horace Mnzie, Stacy Kussell, Ciiarles Brooks, Alphonso Kider, Godt'rey Thatcher, Rul'us L. Morton. Wm. S. Whitney, John Prescolt, -Varoa Turner, Royal Bullock, Samuel Hall, Amos Weston, John Foster, Stephen Bliss, Asaph L. Blanding, James Bacon, Win. Gates, Samuel Whipple. Wm. Haskell. James Barstow, R. L. Perkins, Noah C. Taylor. Wm. Dole, Lewis H. Hilliard, Francis Harrington. Joseph Bacheider, Stephen Davis. J. Bishop. James Parks. Rowland Brooks. Horace Hastliruok. Stilliiian Phillips, Stephen C. Waters, Joseph G. Brown, Henr)- M. t:iark, Thoniiis I. Strickland, L. K. Beach. E. Fessenden, C. B. H. Pope. Elislia Newhall. B. F. nmihani. Bradish Collaniore. John Turner. John B. Gardner. Johnson Mason, John Drake, Asahe! H. Hewins, Elijah Ensign. E. F. Barnard. R. F. Bardwell, J. B. Tabor. S. J. W. Clark. Alpheus Butler. Jeremiah Parker, Jauies O. Brown, Zenas Harrington, A. Howe. Nathan Sm.Hlledge. J. L. Heiimienway. Hardin Slade, John B. Allen. .Alfred Tuft*. Edmund Fay, Dexter Newton. Will rd Botham, F. W. PiUmer. Bacon, Daniel F. S.nitkbridge. llowdoin. Wm. SouUi Hadteif. Pawtucnet. l.amb. .Vlonzo Edward-i. E Soulhamptou. Paiton. Lyman, S iiiiuol V\ iley, B. B. South Reading. F(!^Aaw., Sniilh, .Noah I Forward. J. M. isoulhwick. Ptmbroke. It ildwiii, William Upeiicer. I'apen. Daniel Ptppemii. Asbmuii. George Springfield. Morris. Henry Peru. Bli>s. llichard Iratt, Joel Sterling. Houghton, Saiuuel PhiUtpstoii. Field, J. E. Stockbridge. '^ Lane, J. Dike, Cieorge W. Stoneham. Piit^eld. Buckman. Edward Pierce. Jesse Stougliton. Plainfield. Fiench. Charles A. H de, Elijah Stoice. Plymouth. ■ Walcott, Joel Davis, George Sturbridge. Plyiiipton.i Holbrtwk, Erasmus Cutler, C. G. Sudbury. Prescott.\'Va.i'U Horace W. "iunderlaiui. Hubbard, .\shley Princeton. Sibley, J. L. Sutton. I Clarke, Edward Provincetuicn.\ .\ustiii, George Swanzey. ' Barney. Mason Qui'ncy. ' Breck. Samuel Taunton. Williams. Henry Raudolph. Morton, Nathaniel Lee, Samuel Tempieton. Riiynham. Stone, Leonard Thompson, Samuel Tewksbury. Reading. Clark, Jonathan ■Jkilf, Stephen Ti.ihury. Rehobot/i. Slocum. Joseph D. Tolland. B itclielder, J. W. T'psjield. Worcester. F. .\. 'J'ownstnd. Sherwin, Levi Rockport. Davis. Solomon TVuro. Hinckley, .\llen Rochester. Farwell. John 7)fng.'rV\'ri''hireton st Fenton. Henri H. 2*">4 do Heathe & Downe. 30 Hanover st Holhrook. C. C, 305 Washineton st Houiihton, Geo. W. 6 Hanover st Houghton. S. S. 175 Tremont st Howard. N. Jr.. 56 1-2 Hanover st Merrill. C. T. Devorrshire st. n. Milk Middleton. Tho^ 349 Washington st Nett; \V. J.,Adams House. 369Wash- ington st Oliver. Ehenezer. 78 1-2 Hanover st Oudkerk. X. 9 Milk st. up stairs Parnienter. H. 291 Washington st Phillips. Edwin. 251 do Remick & Co. 170 Hanover St. (Fan- cy Good) Viies &, .Munroe. 275 Washington st Wright &. Wallis. 399 do L.anip makers. Carleton, Wm. 12 Beach st. Boston. (Joodingfc Gavett. 12 Hawkins st HMrriiigton, E. S. 40 Congress .st Hooper, II. N. &. Co. 24 Coml. st Horn. Edwin B. 8 Hanover st Jarves, G. D. & Cormerais, Federal St. near Milk Puffer, Alvin D. 15 Hawley st Shaw. W. F. 270 Washington st Smith & Tarbell, 19 do Liamp Dealers. Adams & Farnsworth, 67 Washing- ton st Collamore, J. Jr. & Co. 98 do Dodge, E. P. 200 Tnniont st Foster. <;eo. B. 29 Tremont Row French, Well- & Co. 123 Milk st (iage. Henj. W. 144 Washington st Harrington. E. S. 40 Congress st Harris & Stanwood, 253 Washing- ton st Horn, Edwin B. 8 Hanover st Jarves, G. D. & Cormerais, Federal St. near Milk Jones, Ball, & Poor, 123 Washing- ton st Palmer & Bachelders, 91 do Porter. H. (Burning Fluid) 2 Court Square Shaw. W. F. 270 Washington st Smith & Tarl)ell. (Camphene and Chemical Oil Lamps) 19 Wash ington st Sumner, W. R. & A. H. 137 do Woodbury, I. D. (Burning Fluid) 60 Court St. and Tremont Shaeklord. E. G. (Burning Fluid) 60 Central st Lowell. Dearden, Wm. (Burning Fluid) 107 Merriojack st Brewer & Wright, (Burning Fluid) 216 Main st Worcester. Last makers. Kimball, John, 43 Tremont Row Boston. Stevens & Collins, 21 Blackstone st anil 7 Albany Block, Albany st Wight & Gilson, 30 Fulton st Brown & Sanger Danvers. Goodwin, A. F. Jyynn. Goodwin. Samuel Co.\, Samuel & Son (Boot Trees) Maiden. I>aundries. Chelsea Laundry, S. Sibley Chelsea. Fall River Laundry, Geo. J. Prentice. 1 1 Pocassett st Fall River. Sprint'tield Laundry, Chaduick & Pulnier.Wi^rthington st Springfield. Hampden Laundry, SaU'ord &. Ferre, South Main st Lead Pipe 6c Sliect L.ead. LeRoy, T. O. & Co. 33 Broad st Boston. Pieper, Peter. 13 Br.Utle st Proctor & Butler. 89 State st Stearns. Geo. L., Water st. cor. Con- gress White. A. 10 Market Square, and 109 Ann street Root. Hiram Deerfield. Pmith. Elias Oreenwieh. Bird. Calvin, Washington st. cor. Warren Hoxlrury. Boston Lead Works, Northampton st Ellis. J. T. & Co., Swett st Howard, R. 36 Washington st. near B. Line W^hite Lead manufac" turers. Carrnth, F. S. ,16 Custom House st Boston. Chandler, Howard & Co. 27 Cen- tral wharf Ward. Joseph W. 36 India st Dedhani Lead Co. Dedham. Leatlier Dealers. (.See Boot, Shoe, and Leather Deal- ers.) Bond. Hen. 15 Blackstone st Boston. Brooks, Franklin. 27 N. Market st Brooks &. S:'.ur;ders, 19 Fulton st Bucknam, John C. & Co. 52 do Biiitrick & Cobb, 21 Elm st Clatlin, Lee, 17 Shoe and Leather sf Clfirtin, Wm. 17 do do Comins, Linus B. 22 Dock Square Coriant. A. P. 7 Blackstone st t'ummiiigs. John Jr. 3 do Dyar, Smith, 73 Fulton st Field, E. & 1. 61 and 63 Fulton st Folsom, E. J. 21 Fulton st Folsom, P. W. 67 do Godfrey, B. D. & Co. 20 Kingston st Goldthwait, H. 25 and 27 Shoe and Leather st Gove. John G. 75 Fulton st Guild. C. & Co. 16 Blackstone st Guild. S. & J. &. Co. 40 N. Market st Hall. Daniel, 25 Shoe and Leather st Hodgdon, George C. 14 Blackstone st Hunt, Moses & Co. 5 Market Square Jones, J. M. 72 Pearl st Lear, Peter, 37 Merchants' Row Lillie. Tlios. E.& Co. 24 Exchange st Littlelield. James, 59 Fulton st Manning, Uriah & Son. 69 do Ma^sey, S. D. 83 Fullon st McCoiinell. R. 12 Elm st Mitchell, Wm. & Co. 43 and 44 N. Market St. Moseley, Poor & Co. 84 Ann st Nash, P. 93 and 95 Fulton st Newhnll. F. S. & Co. 15 &. 17 do Peniiiman & Co. 9 Blackstone st Read, A. H. 20 Elm st Sawyer, W. 79 lulton st Spaulding & Bryant, 19 Blackstone st Suickpole, R. M. 47 Fulton st Stroni!, A. & Co. 30& 32 Central st Thompson, A. 31 Shoe & Leather st Thoni|i-on, Abijah&Co. 7 Shoe and Leather st Tlionipson, B. F. & Son, 29 and 31 Shoe and Leather st '1 illson, J. & Co. 23 N. Market st Underbill, O. H. 49 Fulton st W.ird, A. 34 N. Market st Webb. T. C. & Co. 77 & 79 Fulton st Webster & Co. 39 N. Market st Wcslcott, S. & Son. 44 Fulton st White, 1. D. 38 N. Market st WhitleMiore, Thos. Jr. 21 Fulton st Winn, J. B. &.Co. 1 Shoe and Leath- er street Woodman, C. T. 4 Fulton st Tults, Daniel, Main st Charlestovm. Suuiiders, O., Foster st Danvera. French, Job B. 26 Merchants' Block Fall River. Persons. G., Front st Oloucesttr. Spr.igue. P. T. Onenfietd. Dix, Beiij. P. Oraton. Hoytfc Harding HaoerhUl. John-on, L. & Co. Woodman. B. P. & Co. Wtiitlier, Leonard Brundridge, C. V. N. 3 Prescott st Lowell. Bixby, T., Linings and Findings, 2 Middle st Newhall, F. S. & H., leather and Goat Skins Lynn. Boyce, W. S., Shoe Stocks and Last- ings, 22 Broad st NEW-ENGLAND MEKCANTIiE UNION DIRECTORY. 164 , , ^ CO ,Gas.e«, Lotan & Co.. Canal st cor. I-av|tt Thos., Turnpike street ne« Eaton, Leonard &Co^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^_ Merrimack Boston. Broadway. GcUVey & M.yo . ^;^/;;/-f ^ Ife '';'is'& Whe" '' "canal Block (Jilberl, H. & Co. 4 M;m st / ;«""'«. Meu "^ * ^, .^1 j,.^j,.„i st B ,wen, K.H. 2.0 do M "rcester. MUU^rd, ^^^B-^JJ;;^^^ ^^ ,,^„y ,, cl'w Cl'asicliiS ;lo I •^■'-. '^l-- ^3-» Oo.nmerc..l .t )tis i .Si^.1. P.*. Co., Wholesale, t"inilii:gs, 26!1 Mam st SU)ne, T. S., South bridge st Leonard, Nelieniiah, 56 Leveret st Lord, .1. P. 97 Hanover st Lord, NahUMi, 172 do L iveioy, Philip, Mason st Lovejoy, Reuben, 534 Wash, st u uh;, ^'i»"-'. "" - ~- . 1 .,«n.j H,'iii 4th St. near D I^ibraries. — Circulating. \shlv, Mary, 124Charles st Bosfon Boston Circulating Lib. Ill Wash Burnhani & Brothers, 60 ( ornh.U Call.-ndrr, H. G. 7 School st Forei"n (^rculiiting Library, tj. l. Peabody. 13 West st Moore, C. 446 Washington st N. End Circulating Library, 1 ■ Hillcr, 123 H mover st Tompkins, I). A. 127 Hanover st Walker, Thos. O. 68 Cornhill Liime and Sand. Meri im, Charles, Exchange CotTee H.iut Curtis. J. & Son, < urtis' wf Sea st DMvis, John, Lime, Kiiiley s wharl Dr>ke, Tisdale. 42Seast Earle, Wm., Lune, Fulton st. comer Richmond , „ . , Godfrey, G., Turnpike n the Bridge He Ih. F. A., Harrison Av. above the Bridge „ , . n- . Hersev. C. Eistern Packet Pier, Commercial st Hoppin, John, 21 Charles st Hoxie, T. W. & Co. 46 Long wf Piper, Solomon & Co. 30 Sea st Roby. Dexter & Co., Causeway st n the Bridge Vinal & Rice, Causeway st Young. C. & Co., Brown's wf Ellis J T. & Co, Swett st, Roxhury Point Roibiiry Putnam, A.& A. W., Mason's Stock foot Davis st cor. Swett L.inens, Flannels, etc. Weld, .\. H. 6 d" Welliiian, G. P. & Co. 7o Broad st WelU, (iowen &. Co. 28 India st White, William V. &. Co. 24 and 25 lir.ittle Sipiare , , . Williams, J. a & M. 33 S. Market st Willis, S. B. a Clinton st Knapp, C. C. 17 VVashington S,ua. |>^^^^ a ^^^J^^^^^ Davis, J., Wholesale, 15 Washington | VVjlUau^.^J. 4^Ii;'-ver^st ^^ Wriuhtington & Uiedel, 53 Eliot and 103 Tremont streets Squire LiltUogrrapfecrs. BuflTord, J. H. &Co. 204 Washington street Boston. Cook. Chas. 20 Joy's Builduig Scott, J. W. A. 16 Tr<-mont Temple Sharp & Peirce.251 Washington st Sharp, W. 20 Kingston st Tappan & Bradford, 221 Washing- ton street ^ . ;- ,j Hosliird, B., Main st Sprtngfield. r,ivery Stable Keepers. Baker & Bruce, 321 Washington st Boston Brownell, Gilbert & Co. 2.55 Wash ington st ... Daniell & Co. 201 Washington st Jacobs.B. & E. & Co, Linens House- McKenny, Samuel H. Jibington. Arnold, John South Mams. McElwin &. Kimball M'orth Adams. Crosby, G., Centreville, Barnstable. Hallett, Lot Jr., Hyannis Ellsworth, Samuel Barre. Swan, Baxter Adams, D. J., Lancaster st Boston. Aiken, R. 62 South st Batchelder, H. 11. 5 N. Russell st Bixliy,S.C., Hacks & Cabs. 1 Fleet st Bolkcom, A. T. & Co.. Paris st L. B. B^'^|';;,/,,,hen IVest Mcdu,ay. Banchor, J. 3 Chatham st Boston. D.S, E. H.. Cambridge st -mer Adan.^J^hOr- _,,^,^„^. Boardman, E. A. 20 Congress st. p ':f"r_" r s Sudbury st corner Fuller, Wm. Briahim L. & Son. 7 Congress Sq Lastman, i-.. n., y vi7i,i,o Ans. Carruth D J 6 & 7 Gerrish Block, Friend „; . ' •'•"'*- Fi>.|er Isaac. Devonshire st Blackstonest j a r^„„,i Fnlloti 1 F & Co., r. 2 Bowdoin Sq Chamberlain. G. ^^ . 7 and 8 Canal | F^J^^X^-"-^;,^, ^.'.^nn Place Clidord & Fernald.404 Commercial st Gragg ^ ^^;^:^ ^ cor. Cove Harwood & Dodge, opp. 19 Atkin- son street Hawley. H. H. 19 Hanover st Healey & Spaulding. 106 Tremont st Hinkson, Samuel, 8 Lancaster st Jones, I. H., East Orange st - ;• ■ ."V „ p F,,cpv .t Kur. L.H,. Washington st "PP^-'e , «-;jf„; ^tes^T^^^^ White, Anson Truesdell, L. E. Norcross, A. Kingsley, Henry D. „ ^ . Gibbs, Joshua. 3d, 8 and 9 Fourth st J\rew Bedford. Thomas, James, Parker House Chase & Hathaway, 52 Elm st Richards, Silas, 54 do Gray P. 22 South Second st Hayes, E.248 Purchase st Shaw, Wm. Jr. J^ewburyport MASSACHUSETTS. 165 Clark, Peleg B., Purchase st JVem Bedford. Reminfrton, E., South Second st Brownell, Win. 24 Fourth st Packard, S.. Fourth st Wood, Asahel, Main street JVort/iamptun. Twilchell, S. E. Orange. Higjjiiis, Simeon Orleans. Dewey & Bradley Palmer Depot. Merrick & Co. Converse, John M. Sheldon, H. V. Tliorndike Palmer. Gilihs, Hir:ini Petersham. Rockwell & Fowler Pittsjield. Brown, N. G. Burlingli^im, S. .1. Gardner, G. Plymouth. Lucas, Stephen Jones, G. J. Quiiicy. Rowe & Dustin Hayden, Elijah East Randolph. Howard, Lucius Randolph. Franklin, lienj., Sumner street, near Washington, also Eustis Rozbury. Freeman, A., Centre street, Jamaica Plain Mathes, A. R. 125 Washington st. cor. Vernon Mathes, Wm. J., Washington street, op|iosite Norfolk House Seaver, Joseph, Centre st. Jamaica Plain Boyter st Paiiie & Dennis, Thos. st Bar es & Wood, Mechanics' st Striig & Sweetser, Foster st Wail, .\. J. & S D., Green st DeVVitt, E. F.. Front st Day. J. & Co., Front st Haskell, Henry, rear of Court House LiOck!<>initlis. Bailey, Hart, 18 Water st Boston. Barpcry, Tlios. 704 Washington st Bell & Winsor, 5 Marshall st Bishop, Henr\ H. 32 Exchange st Bishop, Wm.'40 Coiii/ress st Bvram, R. J. 3:t BlacksUme st Cotiin, (J. S. & A. 58 Ikattle st Colnnn, Hei.ry. 11 Water st Edwards & Flolman, 51 Congress st Franci-. A. J. (broiizer). 42 School st Hall, VVni. 27 Dock Square HnyTie;. S. S. 8 (''urt .\ venue Hobbs. Wm. 2fi Charlestowji st Jones &. Faruell, 37 Exchange st Marlin, D. A. (curtain fixtures), 24 Water st Morse, E. R. 5 Union st Robinson, E. 4 Washington st Robii,sim, G. W. & Co. 4 Richmond street Sears, .Tohn A. 108 Court st Boston. Thaxter, Davis, 4 Harrison Avenue Wilton, A. B. 378 1-2 Washington st Wilton, Wm. B. 137 Sea st Bates, Moses, Jr. (locks, latches, knobs, springs and fastenings) East Bridgewater. Hooper, John Lawrence. Young & Harvey, 14 Bowker Block SiUem. Call, Amos, (patent knob, witli niglii lock and latch attached,) South Main st Springfield. Talbot, Lemuel, Weir Bridge Taunton. Washburn, H. L. (mortice locks) West Bridgewater. Looking Glass) Picture Frames^ &, Gilders. Arnnud & Cooudis, 17 1-2 Tremont Row Boston. B 'Ich. Wm. Y. 10 Tremont Row Barllett, Elmer, 36 Union st Childs, Alfred A. 35 Washington st Curtis, S;imuel, 15 and 17 do Haskell, A. C. & Co. 43 Cornhill Lincoln, Warren. 20 Washington st Lloyd, Chas. B. 66 Court st Rogers, S. 18 Court st Ross & Hatchman, 403 Washington street Sowle & Shaw, 50 Cornhill, (up stairs) W.ird, Joseph, 52 Cornhill Williams, Dudley, 234 Washington st FINE FRAME MAKERS, Fessenden, C. P., Blackstone st. op- posite Haymarket Sq. Boston. Gerald, Wm. L. 18 Haverhill st Turner, Azro, 50 Merrimack st Burnet & Delvin, Middle st Charlcstown. Dyer, W. H. 20 Central st Lowell. Sowle & Shaw, 115 Purchase st JVew Bedford. Dana, De.\ter, (looking glasses,; 9 Stale st J^ewburyport. Shaw, X. H. Salem. Flower, C. & Co., New Boston S/indisfield. Whitcomb, Charles M. fVinchendon. IjUiiiber Dealers. Hinckley, Josiah Barnstable. Cobb & Smith Pick ird, Thomas Beverly. Black & Co., Francis' wharf, 60 Sea street Boston. Bosworth, H. & J. S., foot of Allen st Boynton, Wm. F., Boston wharf. First street Brooks, William B., Second st cor- ner of C Bullard, Calvin, Sea street, opposite Sunmer st Clay, H. T. & Co.. Tirrell's wharf, Harrison Avenue Cooper, J. & W., Minot st. corner of Andover Cowdiri. Robert. Albiny st. opposite Rochester Cushing, H. D., South Rnilroad whf. Gushing, S B.. Bartleh's wbirf Ealon & Dupree, 2 Boston v\ harf, First street Emery & Brown. Harrison Avenue. above the bridge Evans, Hor.itio, .Xlbaiiy st. opposite f)oi!, A., I'ir t ^1. I. ot ot 1 Swett & Bailey. Boston wf.. First st Thurston. C.vleb, Fcundry si. rear of Fourth, near the la.dge Tirrill, W. & ()., Harrison Avenue, near Blake's Court Vinal &. Rice, Causeway st. opposite Friend Warren, Moses & Co., Anilnver st VVcsi, Wm. B. & Co., Marginal st. E. B. Wood, A., Son & Co., oppo.sile 50 (h tries st Wri-ht, E., Jr. 11 T wharf Copeland & Kidder, (pitch pine lum- ber.) 33 India st Boston. Cowdin, Robert, Albany st. opposite Rochester Polling, Geo., Beach st. cor. of t'ove (.'uild, Aaron, Lincoln st. cor. Orange Kendall, Wm. B. (storage), 10 Ferry street Joies, Henry & Co., Clifton's wharf, E. B. Ross, Joseph L., Hawkins st. corner of Ivers Young, C. & Co., Brown's wharf Fuller & Baker Brighton. Heed, A. W. & D. (ash, oak and walnut) East Brookfield. Warren, Moses & Co. Eiist Cambridge. Hall, J. & Sons Hastings, Oliver Fogg & Hersey Cambridge Port, Hurrage & Gale Greenleaf, T. & Co., Main st Charlcstown. Johnson, (Jeorge, do lleywood & Cane'i, (steam suw-mill, oti'ce 26 Commercial st,, Boston) Thopiip-oii. Benj. & Co. Bo\ nton & Douuhty, wharf, head of Ch.irlestown Bridge You/ig & White. Bynny's wharf H -tch. John B., foot of Tuft st Murdock & Swift, (planing, -rawing and box unking.) Washii gton st Willis. David *.\,'s wf Blood & Sweet J^orth Chelmsford. Thayer. Clark & Co. (sawing and pi ini'g mill) Clarksburg. Gardner. L.&. E. (Vesi Cummington. Bisbee, Uziel 166 NEW ENTrl. VNTl MEKCANTII.E TNIOX DIRECTORY. Elder & Williams fV, Cummin^ton. Putnam, Calvia, A'ew Mills Danvcrs. Rolieits, Isaac W. do Sawyer, Asa do Cuiiiiiiiiigs, Benj., Russell's Mills Dartmouth. Howes, James JVorth Dennis. CurlU. Pre-tiiii & Co., (.'oiiuiiercial Point and Nepon-et JJuichester. Chamberlain, W. U. & Co. Pope, A. &. W. Robinson, J. H., Com iierci il Puint Brown & E'lton Eas? Rriilircioater. Joiei & Clarks East Haviptun. Clapp & Lyman Ward, Kimball & Hanks Enfield. Fletcher, James Alexander, V. &. L. L. Ereina-. Higgiiis, iVathaiii'l Fairlinven. Fish & HuttlestoM, Union wh.irf Wilber & Br ulford, Washington st Alden, John Hull, John & Co., Ferry •street Fail River. Vining, J. H., Ferry st Mund ly. Win., Steamboit wharf French, Asa P. Rockwood, Asa & Son Franklin. Estey, Edward S. Oremiwich. Bailey, E. & Son Smith, S. & R. Hadley. Smith & Grander JVorth Hadley. Doane, Valentine Harwich Port. Ellis, Dexter Hatfield. Billings, S. P. Montgomery & Co. Hnvprhill. Gushing, David, 2d Hingham. Hersey, Ebed Piirish, G. & E. H. Hinsdale. Sawyer, Luke Hubbardston. Refid, Alexander Kingston. Sargent, Dana (Linie) Lawrence. Walker, Geo. Lenox. Johnson, B. Fletcher & Ayer Lowell. Brooks & Tyler Fiske, Win., Dutton st Bridge, J. P. & C. W., Western Av. Howard, H. Patch, Joshua & Co. Lynn. Tufts, Samuel, 25 Front st Smith, S. & G. W. Manchester. Appleton, Thomas Marblehead. Martin, Samuel Cannon, E. Mattapoisett. Blanchard, Andrew jVedfnrd. Whitney, S. D. Milton. Todd, R. M. Swain, C. B. Xantucket. Macy, Peleg, South wharf Lawrence, Joseph B. Paine, Samuel S., Hazzard's wharf JW»c Bedford. Kempton, H. A. .'53 Pleasant st Leonard & Green. Leonard's wf French, Rodney, 203 Rodmm's wf Davenport, Dudley, 33 S. Water st Richmond, J. C. 62 do Pierce, David R. 132 N. Second st Granger & Bartlett JVewburyport. Granger, George T. Pearson, W. M. & J. L. Granger. Geo. F., Market Square Mill, S. L. Bensonville JVor(A(!m/iha & Co. Bridgewntcr. Welch, Jos. W. Cambridge Port. H.'irtwell, J. Charlemont. Clusson, Martin Charlestown. Brown, R, P. South F.gremont. Goodrich, Chester VVarren, E., South Main st Fall River. Tibbie, Hiram Kingston. Slurges, T. & E. Lee. Barrett, S. & J. Lenox. Nichols, David, Dutton st Lowell. Warren, Theodore, Middlesex st Sturges, Josiah JVautvcket. T.iylor, John JV>?« Bedford. Allen, Joseph, Jr., North Second st Manchester, Bryant &<;ooding (stone cutters,) cor. of North and ilill >ts Kinney, C. M. JVurlhumptun, Hi'pkins, Thomas A. Onrans. Volk, John Pitt.tjit'ld. Holmes, Tribbell & Co. PiymoutU. Jackson, Nathaniel, St. Peter st Salem. Sturgis, John & Co. Sandwich. Gilbert, Luther Sheffield. hears & Graves Shears (2d), Samuel Tomlinson, A. & F., Main st Springfield. Keep, George, Lyman st Woods, H. Sunderland. Hathaway, J. A. C. Taunton. Winslow, George R. & Son fVure. Rankin, William fVestfield. Bidwell, Hiram (Vest Stockbridge. Fuary, Andrew, (building marl)le) Darling, Charles, (manufacturer and dealer) Freedley, J. K. do do Milligan, Thomas do do Lewis, J. &. Co., Market st Worcester. Kinney, Benj. H. Fisher, Jabez M. Yarmouth. Marine Railxvays. Morse, Stephen, North wharf Kdgartown. Robinson & Swift Falmouth. Fisher & Holmes Jfantucket. Market Men. Boylston, Faneuil Hall and Western Railroad Markets. PROVISIONS. Atwood, F. A. 31 F. H. Boston. Baldwin. B. D. 11 do Bird, C. 65 and 67 do Bird, '1. & Co. 38 and 40 F. H. Brown, A. F. 6 do Brown, Geo. N. 5 Bovl^ton Brown, S. P. 20 W. R. R. Market Conant & Gross, 62 and 04 F. H. Converse, Benj. 13 Boylston Davis, Henn^ T. 78 F. H. Davis, Wm. & Son, 26 do Davis, A. 16 W. R. R. Market Drury, C. S. 3 F. H. Dunbar, C. S. & D. A. 10 and 12 F. H. Dyer & Bramhall, 2 and 4 F. H. Dyer & Glover, 7 do Ellis, Geo. 12 Boylston Ellis, J. S. 30 F. H. Elli.s, W. 21 do Fisher & Chapin, 74 and 76 F.H. Fletcher, J. V. 66 and 68 do Flint & Richards, 28 do Gay, Lewis H. 13 do Hall, David, 2 and 4 Boylston Hall, Thomas, 1 do Heustis & Heald, 46 F. H. Hiscock. S. 9 do Holden & Bullard, 49 and 51 do Horn, J. 19 do Jameson, H. 10 Boylston King, Geo. W. 3 do Krogman, S. B. 8 F. H. Learnard, S. S. 50 and 52 F. H. Learned, A., Jr. 14 do Lock wood & Page, 34 do Locke, S. & H. 42 and 44 do Melvin, Wm. 16 do Merrill, Lewis F. 70 and 72 do 166 NKW-ENOLASU MERCANTILE UNION UlUECTOUY. Morse 4 JorU«ii, 6 Roylston Hostun. Ntnvcoiiili, .Ih<. 5. W. R. K. NlHrkot Payso'i, John F. ";> F. II. Pearson, John, ;">ti ilo Twk, O. 9 ISoyls'on I'omu-v, t*. S. Jt lirother, H «iul 10 \V. k. K. Market Potl.r,;unl & Co, (il Hud li3 V. II. 04 Corn- do ilo do do do d do do Pnlt, .Vndrcw, 45 Piilsifor, D'vid & (V 77 Rico, Kiiicrv. ,'>;i Rice, l.f, & \V. & Co. «> 4, 71 RoLitiiiis, Josluisi, 4t< Rolil>ins, N'liliiiii, Jr. 33 und 36 Rolnnsim, DrrtMi, 30 Rus-.,.||, Jesse, I Sjindorson, J. I!. 58 Seaverns & S indtrsou, 14 liiiylstou S<|uirt>, James O. •X) F. II Se|ih, "JO do Stuiirt', M V. 18 do Suiimer. K. & J. II. 37 ;ind 3») do Sviiionds, r. W. 7 W. K. U. M:irk.l' Hardin \VHles, t:,5 F. II. Walker, Kdward, 54 ili) Wellingion, tleorge, 7 Boylsion Withiiijilon. Josiah, t* do Whittcniore & l>avis, :i7 F. H. Wilkins, C, S. II Hovlslon Williams, M. 15 V. II. Wiiislow & Skillon, •>4 do Worthlev, D. 41 ii 43 (\o >\\hhI, \Vm. 4 & \V. K. U. Market ITIUNt uutl Spur :TIaiiu> j (^Imse, Theodor*), 48 Sutte st i;o«tMi. fad lire rw. (^lionery &. i.\>. 18 Long wl" 1 Clark, B. C, & Co. (53 und I .Mien. v.. ."S Commercinl street, und mercial \vt' Snmner, F. isl lloston Colib. Matthew, 4 Central \vt" .Xsiihuvnll, S., Commercial st. near (.'odimui, S. 7 liiiiia wl' ll.inover CiHlmaii, W. C. 4l- Central wf Hlaiiclmrd. Itenj. (•.. Otis's wf Cooliilpe, J. T. 10 I iiion wl Firjiald. V. W. & B. 1,., .New street, I'nckiT & Sliiryis, 01 Com'l wt" Milli'r's whurl' Cunningham, .\. & C. 17 Kowe's wf Harris, Isnnc & Co., Commercial st. l'uiinin};ham. Brothers, 40Cenl'l wf near CheUea Ferry (."uaninjihams & Cohb, Uilt liriNtd St. Piiieon & I'.Hil, Commercial street, i>|ipoMte head of Rowe"; near I'nion wharf und Sumner st. K 11. I'vluiclianl, BeMJ. G. C/iarUgtoiPtt. Ilutchins, P., I'nion wf fJiirAiircH. Hatch. Joseph M. FiilmnutJi. Croshy, Jesse .Yaiitucket. Bliss i. Carday, School street Yric Beil/vrJ, Tilcomh & Tjimt ■«mith, Tewis John .Wirbun/fiurt, Proviiireluirn. H'eilflect. Uatrb :TIanufac\urori>. FBl'lT AND VKUKTABLl:S, Adams & nirlH>r, ^0 F. 11. Bell, A. 10 liovlston Brij-as. \V. P. 17 do Butlerrifld.Wiiin & Pitls,i)3& l»j Bn)oks & lliiand. 11K> do Con-v. Charles K. 8y do Curtis & Co. KM and llW do Davis, Binjimin B. 83 do Davis & Sherman. V W. R. R. Market Goweu & Richardson, 85 F. II. Hall & (;rav, 87 do Hill, James! Jr. 107 and lOi) do Hill, John, 103 du LiH-ke & Sawver, 101 do lA)nj: Jfe Ctle, '91 do Moody. VVm. ifcJ do Port«'r & Sinuiions. 9t> do Rand. 1. & L. &; Co. 84 do Rami & Scott, 108 and 110 do Snnds & Crtifls, 88 and iK) do Slack, Lewis, 18 Boylston Tombs, .M. &, Co. 97 ami 99 F. H. Weld & Mackintosh, 105 do Wellinston & Reed, 15 Bovlston Whitins. nana & Co, 98 &.' 100 F. H. Williams. A. D. 10-,> do BVTIKR AND CUIfESC. Aldrich, .\. *J F. H. BostoH. Chanil>t>rlin & Uove, (cellar), 1 F. H. Byam. F.zekiel Smith & Snow Searl, Jesse C/telm.ifor,l. SvuthamptoH inatcU SlirkK. Chanil)erlin & Kimliall, 80 Daniels, .\. & \V, ^cellar), 9 Dean, Henry, 79Mnd 81 Emerson, F.dwanl. 47 Follett, n. ^cella^\ -,> and 3 Ilolden, John .-V. & Co. 'ii Hovey, \Vm. B. &. C F4.t:-\ :fc: F. H I. und. Frnicisfe Sons 1. l.ane. F.. do do Want. Alvin F.llis. n. Willard. .Xlonr.o Foster, l.eonuni llaston, FUis Ha(ii;iHid, L. W. jJtAal. lint lIauufactiiror<«. I.yinan. P. norcheattT. Peirce, George C. (sheep sluns> S.ueiH. .lloroaulile Af^cucicM. Cleveland, W. .\. 8 MerchanU' ¥l\. BoiCoH. Gordon, Geo. W. "ia Kilby st Kimball, James W. 50 Water st ^Tlerchaiitsi. PrincipaLy gMp oirnen. and import- er!! i,/ curfntg of Jiussia, HontA .iimrriiaii. Vaicutta, CunUm. Ku- rvpeait, and H'est India Goods, iSc, Anpleton. Williniu & Co. 35 and 30 Lewis wharf Cnaniniihain, Ja.-., Kustern Stouiu- bout wf Curtis & Gre«>aouah, 48 Central wf I'urtis & Peabody,' jtl India st Curtis, Thoma-, 15 Central wf Daiioii, P. R. 34 do 1) v, Joseph, -1 India wf l)i.\t.i, F. t;.48 do l)i\on. Thos. & Son. 41 India wf Divwell. J. J. 50 .'^lale st l>ra(H>r. Omiel. Broad st Kv.ins, AMWd, 13 do Farley, Uol)cri, -.'4 Stale si Fay, Wui C. 49 Indi.i wf i'enno. James \V. 54 Central wf i'lel.l. lle.ij, F. JcCo.5^ do Forbes, John .M. 48 Slate st Forbes, R. B. 48 do Foster, John II. K Co. 50 CentntI wf Fr iiicis, Kbene/cr, 00 Slute st (Jardner, John L. AlCo, 5 LiU mmercial wf llooiier, Rolil. I'. iio (.'eiiirii wf Howes ii, CMwell. 35CotniiierciaIwf lluckms, Jume 35 do llunufwell, James, "'5 Commerc'l wf Hunting & 'I'utls. 49 L.dia >l Hyde, Wui. A. 49 tnili i wf la.-i^'i & Goddard, 30 Central wf Liaer-oll, James & Co. 33 do Jellison, Zachariah, 18 do Jones, Henrv H. 47 do do .\ikins & Frt>eman. it> India wf do .\tkinson, Rollins At Co. 51 Central do wharf do .Wisliu. F.dward, M India wf do i Austin, Samuel. 34 ilo do Bacon, 1). C. 47 (,'omiiien-ial wf (Butter and Bacon, D. (.;. Ac W. B.47 do Bacon, J. V. & Son, 40 Central wf Boston. I Kent. Win. V. .8 Long wf Humphr<'\ . BartKit & Co. 57 and 59 Bangs, Benj. 3*) and 40 Lewis w f Faiieuirilall Hunter. Win, (.cellar). 4 F. H. Sherwin. J. tU) do I'aies &. Co. 55 Commercial » f Whitlemore & Davis, (cellar), 5 F. H. Belkiiap. John. 15 Congnss st Hiiiney. C. J. F. 74 Water ^t nsu. Boardiuan. Win. H. 37 India wf Bovnton. Fdmuiul, 48 do Baker &. Shattuck. I'Jtj, 128 & 130 F. Hrainhall Al Howe. 9 T w f Hall Brooks P. C. Jr. 34 Ceiunil wf Covell. Reuben. 121 and 123 F. H. Brown. Gt\>rso. 70 Suite st HolbriK>k & -Newcomb, IC^l & 131 do Bryajit &. Stiir^iis, 1 Commercial wf .Newcomb & .ViwikhI, 114, 110 &. 118 bnllard, l.t>e & Co. S> India wf Fmeuil Hall Burgess, Benj, Jfe Sons, 28 do W ulker At D;ivis, 113 and 117 F, B. C. pen, F. W. 05 Comiueiciul wf hettell. Geo. .V. 41 Cialial wf Kitln-dge, J. At Co. 34 Commercial st Kulin, Geo. Ii. 40 Suiie st Leeds, Jas. 18 Long wf Le,ds, T. C. 18 do Lincoln. R. At Co. 25 wf Lodge, Jas l>7 Commercial wf LiHlge, J. E. 1)7 ilo Lomlmrd, .\. C. 31 L'wis wf Bangs, F.Ik At Sou, 40 Commercial st Lombard* Wliilmoie, 19 Lewis Wl B.ites, Kdward l\ At Co. 19 India wf Loring, Klisha '1'. 53 InUi.i wf Lvm.ui, Geo. T. 32 do .Mack y. R, C. 10 I'nion wf .M.i::uiin. T. At Sou. Oti State st .M lyo. John M. At Co. 5 li.dia wf .McGaw, J. .\. 8 Lewis wf Mcl.eilen. l,-;i«c. 18 Central wf .Means & Clark. 14 do .Melledge. J. P. 2t) Fo.-ter-s wf .Merritl. Jerome. 3 Long wf Mii.ol At HooiR-r. 40 liulia wf Minot, J. O. B. 8 Lone wf .Moutat;ue,\V.H. &. G.L. 5 Congress st MASSACULSEITS. 169 Morse, Beiij. E. 34 Ccnlral wf lioKlon. Nichols, Th:idili-us 19 Ontrul wl Nickersoii, F. &. Co. 1 1 C'oiiimerc'l wC Odin, Geo. 09 Broad st Oxnard, U. P. 53 Couuiiercial wl Parker, Daniel P. 40 Suite st P.irkinan, P. M. 32 India wf P;irrott, Wni. F. 45 Central wf Pay8oii„(\. I.. 114 Stale st Pearson, .1. II. & Co. 75 Long wf Peirce, H. A. i'i Coninierciai wf Perkin> & llitrcins 3l^ Central wf Perkins, VVni. 49 Commercial wf Phelps, Abel, 18 Long wf Philips, James .Ir. 34 Uoane st Pratt, Ceo. 46 India wf Pratt, Geo. L. 46 India wf Prescott, Charles H. 48 India wf Rea, Will. A. 49 Central wf Regpio &. Newell, 31 do Ropes, Will. & Co. 36 India wf Bampson &. Tappan,- 25 and 23 Lewis wf Sanford, Sfimuel, 3 India wf SanfordWin. H., Counting Room, 3 India wf Savage. Wm. 5 Thorndike Building Scudder, H. & Co. 1 Mercantile wl Seccoiiib, Taylor &. Co. 31 and 3i2 Coiiiiiiercial wf Bhaw, R. (i. & Co. 52 Comnierc'l wf Sharp, I). Jr. & Co. 52 do Shellon, I'hilo S. 44 India wf Simpso!), M. H.31 Pearl st Spooner, I). N. 34 Central wf Sprague, P. & Co. 13 Comiiiercial wf Storer, R. B 47 India wi Sturgis, H. P. 56 Stale st Tenny, Miirshall, 4 Central wf Thatcher & Billings, 20 Long wf Thatcher, Isaac, 31 Long wf Thompson, B. L. 16 City wf Thwuig, S. C. & Co. 8 Killiy st Torrey, Samuel. 15 Congress st Tracy & Russell, 59 and 60 Commer- cial street Train, E. &. Co. 37 and :J8 Lewis wf Tremlett, Thos. 28 Foster's wf Tudor, Fred'k 20 Court st Wainwright&Tappaii. 29Central wf Wales, T. B. & Co. Wales' wf Walker & Brother, HI State st . Weld. Wm. F. & Co. 30 Ceiiiml wf Welch, (;. W. 63 and 65 E.tsterii Rail Road wf Welch, J. 63 and 65 East. R. wf Welles, B. 27 Merchants' Exchange Wells, Chas. 20 Union wf Weston, E. &. Sons, 37 Commerc'l wf Wheeler, Jos. P. 48 Central wf W'heelwright, E. 30 Coninierciai st White, B. C. 47 Central wf White, B. F. 5 Morton Block Wigglesworlh, Edward, 16 India wf Wigglesworth, 'I'hos. 16 do Wiggle.sworlh, Thos. Jr. 16 do Williams. H. P. 21 Union st Winsor, Henry. 9 Commercial wf Worthiiigton.W.&. Co. 20 Central wf Zipcy &. Wjman, 16 Rowe's wf BIilliiier5' and Fancy French, H. B. & A. I). .6 mesbury. Dunhiir, C. Canton. Saunders. G. W. Tucker, Betsy Wait, A. Chicopee Falls. Hulcliins, H., E.vchange »i Chicopce. Wait, A. do Weiherbee. J. M. (Bleacher and Presser) Exchange st Williams, Mary Durchester. Nye, J nie^. Main st h'lirh'ircv. Patridge. J. V\ . Fitclthur/r. Filley, C. Or.enjnid. Bickford, Marv Sloi.ehiil & Co. Suiiiu, J..i:c P. HuccrhiU. Hanerhill. Jj:.iwick. I^aiBreiice. Fort.oi<, S. B. VVoiks, S. H, Lord, A. P. Newman, S. A. Whall, S. (Variety) Randall, Wm. F. Stokes, N. Damon, Henry Kast I.e/in/rlon. Roliinson, F. W. (wholesale; lOtJen- tral street J^owell. Packard &. Leonard, 126 Merrimack st Webster, C. (wholesale) 25 do Cram, A. I). 23 do llerrick, S. C. Mrthuen. Dean, Joshua Middleboruug/i. Soule, Mrs. Geo. H. Sporgs & Tucker Milton. Swift, Judith Kempton, Mary T. 28 Purchase st JVew Bedfurd. Baker, F. E. 4 Cheapside st Blake, Sarah. 7 do Leonard. L. 10 do Rogers, John, 11 do Green, F. H. 12 do Briggs, A. S. 21 do Tabor. Abba, 113 Bt Kettell, J. W., State st jVtujAiirypure. Moody, Sarah, do Richardson, M. do Washburn, J. JVurth Bridgewater. Smith, Miss M. JVurl/iampton. < isborne, S. &. C. W'ilson, Geo., Merchants' Row Blodgelt, M. M. Palmer Depot. Fullon & Ham Pitlxji.ld. Brnmmelt. H. (^umnj. Harris, Josephus Bandvlpti. Short, Joseph, 210 Essex st Salem. Perry, Mrs. A. 254 do Morrill, P., & Walker, M. M., Misses 248 Essex st Patten &. Lamprey,Misses Salisbury. Smith, Mrs. E. A. .S'. Hadley Falls. Trenbath, Mrs. G. Z., Fountain Row Spriiigjield. Mann, Chas. A., Main st Hubbard, Mrs. E. M. 5 Hampden Hall I'omeroy, Miss R., Stale st Wilcox, O. W. 8 Stalest (-'olton, Irinda, Sprinirfidd Hill. Dolbeare, Mr^. S. S., Foots' Block Briggs, H. 24 Mainst TauvUm. Copeland. E. do Clark, A. IVare. Crowell, Hannah B. fVanlmm. (Chapman, Lewis fVcstJieid. Flint, .Au-lin, Main st Worce.strr. Williams, Martin R. (wholesale) 121 Main st Fellon, Mrs. 88 Main st Black, H. M.& M. C. 13 Main st Jenks, L. A. 149 do Upton, Isaac 11. (wholesale) Waldo Block Goodale, Eunice, 97 Main st Bellows, K. 57 do Winchester, S. 49 do Rand, Jas. S. 90 do jTIilitary Goodsi H ker J. B. (caps) 12 C< urt st Boston. Cunningham, H. (upholsterer) 3 Milk street Foster, Geo. B 29Treinont Row Jones, Ball & Poor, 121) Washington street Roul.-tone, E. A. G. 9 Hanover ^t 16» ITfill^vrig-Iits. Holmes & Dunbar Dedham. Spoffcrd, Uriah G. Ksser. Ewer. Zen^'S Falmoutk. Manly, W. R. Qreenwicti. Y.y-Ti tt. Horatio Hinsdaie. Bike. S. W. Pcpperell. Gibbs, Wm. Prescott. inorocco licatber Deal- erM. Alley, Tapley &. Co. 18 Black.stone st Boston. Bassett, C. 44 N. Market st Bracken, J. II Exchange st Bracken, R. 38 N. Market st Fernald, W. K.42 do (upstairs) Hall, (;. S., Fulton st cor. Shoe and Leather Hartshorn. J. Jr. 13 Fulton st Hunt & Culler, 29 N. Market st Lihr, P. A. 21 Devonshire st Li Hie, Thos. E. & Co. 24 Exchaiigost iVewhall. F. S. & Co. 15 &. 17 Fullon street Oliver, J. E. 39 N. Markets! Packer, C. &. Co. 27 do Packer, (;eo. 10 Blackslone st R.ynolds & Waiit, 34 N. Market st i^euall, Moses B, 7 Blackslone st Soiiilier, Joseph, 61 Fulton st Sweett Cutler & Robinson, Kilby .street, cor. Water Ellis & Meriam, 35 India st Fullerton & Raymond, 119 Milk st Gould. J. S. & Co. 8 Faneuil Hall BuildinK Harvey. Pasre & Co. 1 and 2 South Market st Messinsror & Co. 22 Broad st Old Culoiiv Iron Co. 79 State st P irker Mills Co. 26 Broad st Ruisteiul. C. & Co. 25 Foster's wf Thomas. Wm. & Co. 79 State st Tfibey. J. B. 9 City wf Weymouth Iron Co. 110 Milk st Naval Stores. Bates & Randall, 51 Chatham st Boston. Clark & Jones. Fort Hill wf Copeland & Kiddi-r, 33 India st Hensli iw. Chas. 15 Cu-itom House st Kittredjre, Jeremiah & Co. 34 Com- mercial st Simmons, Thomas, 7 India st Notaries Public. Lawrence, Myron Belchertown. Adams, Charles B. F. 27 State st Bonton. Bigelow, J. P. 46 State st Bigelow, Prescott, 46 do Clark, Henry, 24 do Currier, Reiij. H.2 Xew Court House Dexter, Thomas A. 28 State st Ewer, Charles, 33 Spring st. Hayward. Chas. 59 State st Jenks, S. H. 17 do Monmciinery, Hugh, Turnpike, near Fourth st Parker, M. S. 13 Brazer's Building Tyler, J. S. 2 SulTolk Build., Change ■\ venue Heard. Charles Brighton. Kelly, John Clark, Epaphras Enfield. Saville, Wm. Gloucester. Emerson, Charles N. Great Barrington. Ripley. Franklin Greenfield. Weeii. Diniel Lawrence. Pierce, Wm. Miirtin, IVathan C. Milton. Whitman, Charles K. J^Tantucket. Mitchell. S:imuel Taylor, W. H. J^ew Bedford. Coiigdon, B nj. F. JWw Bedford Co ik, Ji^hn JVewburyport. rrothiiigham, .lo-eph A. Bacon, Wm. 69 Washington st Roxbury. Russell, James, Chestnut st Simmons, David A. 64 Wash, st Whiting. Wm., Guild's Building C irltoii, Oliver Salem. Clontinan. Joseph .Miller, Ephraira Purichard. John Ru-sfll. ,lohn Thoriidike, Larkin Waters, Joseph G, VVel)l), Stephen P. Willi ,ms, .lohn S. Williams, Daniel R. Stockbridge. Prcsbury, Benjamin F., Main st T^anntnn. Holtnes, John Tisbury. Du.\h Mne. George Tisbitry. Taft, Henry. W. fVest Stockbridge. Nurseries. Bond, Thomas JVorth Brookfield. Cb indler. George F. Lancaster. .Messer. Haren Mrthxien. f'r^po, Henry H. JVew Bedford. Washburn, .lohn Plymouth. I:iques, George Worcester. Oars—Dealors. Barker & Page, 35 Eastern Railroad wharf Boston. Gardner, S. H.. Eastern Railroad wf Winsor & S- R. 29 India st Hanaford, James W. 38 S. Market st Jones, C. L. & Co. 4 do Jones, Thomas, 72 Atkinson st Lane, Charles & Co. 22 South Mar- ket street Mears, Granville, 99 Water st Palmer, George W. 45 Pearl st. near Broad Ward & Boott, 90 Milk st Phillips, E. B. (fish oil— dealers) Lynn. Opticians. Goldsmith, Wm. 300 Washington st Boston. Paine, C. M. 238 Washington st Prince, Abraham, 295 1-2 do Raymond, F. C. 229 do Thaxter & Brother, 162 do Widdilield, D. B. & Co. 148 do Paine, Geo. 2 Walnut st fVorcester. Org^an Builders. Appleton & Warren, 123 Cambridge street Boston Hook, E. & G. G. 1 Second st Simmons & Mclntire, Causeway st Org'ans, Srrapliincs and itielodeous. Holbrook & Wall .East Medway. Holbrook, G. H. .\lley, Joseph, Brown's wharf J^ncburyporL Kent, Josh, (organs and melodeons) Nichols, M. O. (reed organs) IVest JVewton. Emerson, Thos. J. do do Packard, C. H. (reed organs and .se- raphines) JVorth Bridgewater MASSACHUSETTS. 171 Packard, Foss & Co. (reed organs and seraphines). Plain Vilhige jVor/A Bridgcmater, Pierce, Samuel, (organs and (lipe mar.uficturers) Reading. Jenmnder, A. & Brothers, StMtc ^-t Springjicld. Smith & Crant Townsend. John'^on, Wni. A. (church md i)ar- lor) IVestfield. Clark, Edwin H. fVest. Stockbridge. Farley & Pearson, (whule-ale and i-etail) fVorcestcr. Jewett, N. B. & Co. 82 Main st Packers of Fisli. Loveland. T. O. & Co. Chatham. Hardy, Josiah, .Ir. Sparrow, Reed & Lewis Bates John, (inspector) Cohasset. Lawrence, Josiah do Snow, E., Jr. do Whittinfiton, Alfred, (inspector) Hall, Henry K. do Tower, Thomas do Wilcot, James do Parker, John do Howes, James, (inspector and dealer) J\'urth Dennis. Cowell, VVm. (deputy inspector) Harbor, George, (inspector) Plymijuth. Union Whart" Company Inspector Prooincetuwn. Atwood, John, Jr. Wyinan &. Cook, (inspectors) Scituate Harbor. Hawes & Taylor Yarmouth Port. Fails and Tubs— Manu- facturers. Tenney & Lawrence Jlshburnham. Burr & White Jishby. Allen & Lawrence Dexter, E. .4«/jo^ Bancroft, Amasa South Oardiicr. Ballard & James OiU Wilder, C. & A. South Hingham Hobert, Tliomas, (tubs) Whitney, M. B. IVarwick. Delvel, C. W. Putman, F. Wendell Depot. Painters— House, Sign «& Fancy. Gilson, Lorenzo East JUington. Dutcher, L I. South Jidams. Cole & Ford JVortA .fidams. Ellis, Nathan Andover. Bobbins, I., Osterville Barnstable. Edwards, Richard L. Beverly. Remmonds. John Edwards, William Foster, A. & N. H. Adams, J., Athens street, near E Boston. Babb, N. P. 3 Carney Place Baker, R. & Son, 410 Washington st Btilconi & Williams, 72 Pinckney st Barnard & Sprague, Turnpike, near Fourth st Barry, VVm. 16 Hawley st Bates, John, 3 Province st Bates, S. D. 57 1-2 Court st Bates, Wm. A. 39 Eastern Railroad wharf • Batson, J. P., Broadway, near st Booth, E. H. 57 Portland st Brown, John G.. 24 Wilson Lane Bruce, J. L., Commercial whart Bruce, J. N. 8 Salem st Bugbee, Charles, Tremont Road Burgess, Chas. S. 1 Hawley st Butts, G. & Son, Marginal st. E. B. Buzzell. Jidin T. 40 Congress st Cabot, H. 86 Blackstone si Cass, C. C. 91 Water st Boston. Cassell, E. D. 60 1-2 Cornhill Cassell, Gideon, 33 Friend st Cas-idy, (Jf'o. W. 52 Cambridge st Child ., F. E 27 Dock Sq. CI irk. B. M. & Co. 71 Broad st., and 2 Lewis St. Cor. of Conmiercial Clarke. Wm., 10 Railroad Block. Lin- coln st Cloutman, J. S. 190 Washington st Cook, James M. & Co, 5 Atkinson st Crispin, Win. C. 9 Hawley st Currier, Lewis, rear of 3 Hanover st Currier, S. a. & J- M., rear of 3 Hanover st Cushing. Wm., 62 1-2 Myrtle st Denton & Wight, over 26 School st Dexter, H. N., Fayette Court Dodge, J. H. 105 1-2 Commercial st Ellis, Samuel & Co., Stunner street, E. B. Everbeck, John, 95 Water st Fernald, Eli, 7 Albany st Fitield. C. S., Newbury Place, corner of Washington st Follett, J. H. (grainer), 63 Blackstone French & Nye, rear of 1 Howard st Frost, H. 24 Congress st iJibson, K. 168 Tremont st Gill, J. B., Curve st. cor. of Hudson Golding, Wm. B., Devonshire st.near Milk Goodwin, W. F. & E. S., Bromfield St. opposite Bromfield House Graffam, S. W. 16 Federal st Green, John, Jr. 659 Washington st Griffith, E. R., Avery st Halloran, Nicholas, 612 Washington street Haniblin & Kelley, London st. E. B. Hamblin, Eli. Meridian st Hand, Wm., Lenox st Harriman, J. 91 Water st Hastings, Cyrus, Hawley st Haven, Calvin W. 8 Essex st Hayes, Wm. 294 Commercial st Henderson, C. & Son, 31 Hanover st Hayward & Freeborn, 51 Cambridge St. and City Market Hiller, Benj. H. 1 India whf. Homer, Albert, 08 Court st Homer, F. H. P. 562 Washington st Hooper & Stevens, 48 1-2 Mount Vernon st Hopps, Charles, Sudbury st. corner of .\dams Horn, C. F. 7 Market Square, Change Avenue Ilsley, Hosea, 54 Commercial st Jacobs & Desmond, 3 Rowe's whf Jenkins, Henry, Arch wharf, 216 Broad st Jenkins, Solon, 250 Broad st. head of Holbrook & Dillon's Dry Dock Jenkins, Joshua, Broadway, near B street Jennings, John J. 18 School st Johns, Wm. M. 1 Winter st Kauffer. John T., Sulfolk st. corner of Canton Kiliredge, J. D. 4 Bennet st Knox, Charles H. 121 Milk st Leeds & Ricki^r, 97 Hanover st Lon^ley, A. C. 112 Cambridge st Magce, John A. 16 Leveret st Martin, J. S. 1 Hawley Place Martin, R. S. 8 Province st Massy. Hugh, 59 Endicot st McDonald, John, Broadway, near Dorchester st McLane, L. 7 Albany st McMath, John, 12 Causeway st McPher-^on, W. J. & W., Derby Range Court Morris, T. D. over 153 Washington st Morton, E. G.20 Kingston st Morton & Sharp, 29 1-2 Atkinson st Muhlig, J. M. 210 1-2 Broad st Newell & Hathaway, Kneeland st n. Washington I Nichols & Miller, over 31 Congress st Noyes, C. E. 92 Harrison Avenue Boston. Noyes, E. L. rear 375 Washington st Noyes, Win. A. 14 Lewis st, E. B. Orcutl, J. P. 44 N. M irket st Osborn, John H. 24 Water st Osgood, John B. .50 Merrimack st P.iine, A. ('., Washington st n. Dover Park, C. R. 301 Washington st Park, J. B. Sea st. fnoi Summer Park, Wm. A. 10 (Jarden st Peabody. W. H. 66 Harrison Av Phillips J. L. .54 Warren st Polai d. () & N. 13 Hawley st Pond & Clark. 16 Sudbury st Porter, O. 63 Blackstone st Puiichard. Thos. 209 Hanover st Redding, Chas. 98 Court st Richards & Noyes, 42 School st Ricker, E". P.. 66 Cambridge st Robinson & Roberts 12 Green st Robinson, R. T., Richmond st comer Hanover Rogers, J. W. H. 75 Union st Rolland, John H. 17 Blossom st Rose & Ropes, 54 Federal st near Channing Sargent & Rowin. 3 Dix Place Sargent, Wm. 91 Portland st Sawyer & Hopkins, 96 Federal st Schell, L. 702 Washington st Sexton, J. M. Federal st c. Purchase Smith, C. A. 11 Kingston st Snow & Clark, 8 Devonshire st Staflbrd, C. F. 14 Carver st Stewart, H. L. & Co. 71 Pleasant st Stiles, C. W. 51 Cambridge st Stone, N.75 Union st Street, J., Tremont st n. Pleasant Thaxter, Jacob, 4 Harrison Avenue Thomas, John, 165 Hanover st Todd, B. D. 21 Union st Tompkins, Wm. O. 21 Union ^t Townsend, C. B. rear 48 Congress st Tucker. W. A. 303 Commercial st Tyler, F. L. 1 Pleasant st Vinal, Ezra, 112 Ccminwrcial st Vo*e Edw.A. head Marine Railway Waitt, G. P. 378 1-2 Washington .st Ware, Daniel L. 69 1-2 Cambridge st Warren, L. 103 Hanover st Wetherbee. D. 1 1-2 Spring Lane Wharton & Locke, Washington st cor. Pleasant Whitcher, J. & J. P., Turnpike near 2d street Whitney & Gritfin, V2 Cambridge st Wills. Henry, opp. 10 West st. Woodbury, T. S., Haverhill st cor. Charles town Yendell, Geo. 17 Lindall st COACH AND CHAISE PAlNTERg. Beadles, James, 24 Friend st Boston. Brainard, A. H., A st. near Second Braiiiard, E. H., Turnpike Briesler. Geo.. Bunistead Court Coles, E. G., Beverly st Frothingham. Abner P. 9 West st Goodwin, G. K. 90 Portland st Phelps, Jerome, Harrison Av., and 2 Orange st Salmon, John, Jr., Hawley st Williams, T. A. 53 Eliot st MARINE PAINTERS. Drew, C. 18 Court st Scott, John W. A. 16 Tremont st n. Temple MINIATVRB PAINTERS. Clark, Alvan, 15 Tremont Row Livermore, M. S. Mrs. 38 do Russell. M. B. 21 Schot.l st Staigg, R. M. 4 Amory Hall ORNAMENTAL. SION, AND STANDARD PAINTERS. Blakemore, W. 10 Theatre Alley Blanchard, G. H. (shades) 30 Brom- 1 field street : Burt, Jas. (sign) 12 Water st 172 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Dearborn, S. H. 1 Harvard Place i Boston. Druinmonrt & Co. 505 Washington st Hayes Hi. Ci>.(tr:insparent shades) -293 Washington st Horn, C. F. 7 Market Sqnare, Change Avenne Llovd, D. (shades) 284 Washington st Phillips, N. M. 21 Cornhill Savory, T. C, Court street, Hasltin's Buildings Smith & Moore, 32 Washington st Soinerby, F. T. .50 Cornhill Soinerliy & Wolcott, 5 Water st Weston, W. (marbler) 14 Lewis st Whytal, Thos. (i. (sign and window shades) 120 Washington st PORTRAIT PAINTERS. Alexander, Francis, 34 Trpinont Row Badger, Thos. 7 Federal Court Badger, Tho>. H. 7 do Ball, T. (:irtist) 17 1-2 Tremont Row Brackrtt, W. .M. 8 1-2 do Bond, C. V. 3 Ainory Hill Clark, A. 15 Tremont Row Crockett, S. L. 3 .\mory Hall Edwards, Tho-i. 38 Troniont Row Fisher, A. (landni:i.gue. Paddock & Whippy JVan/u'c/ict. Paddock, John & Co. Walker, Nathan, Water st Smith, Wm. P, do Long, Obed do Ray, Benj., Orange st Long & Meader, North wf Coffin, Wm. H., Washington st Freeman, Dexter & Co. 21 Llninn st .Yew Bedford. Underwt)od, Charles W. 16 Commer- cial wf Bradford &. Russell, Orange st Russell, Wm. W., Commercial wf Tobey & Maxfield, Central st Potter, Hillman & Co. 72 N. Water st Hill, Asa, 92 do Covell, Benj. B., Middle st Sanford, Thomas, 62 Elm st DeWolf, - — 105 Third st Sturtevant, Wm. H. 26 Spring st Parker, Wm. C. 49 Second st Wade & Bates, 147 North Market st Dunham & Wood, Water st Scotchler, James, 33 William st W.irren, J. Manchester, A. P. 93 Middle st Cutter, Thomas H. 6 Merrim ick st JVeicbaryport, Creasey, J. C. Burrill, John & Co. Burbank. G. A., Liberty st Lord, Philip do Johnson & Woods, 6 Inn st Huse, Charles L. 3 Middle st Sears, Chas. O., Cooley ViU JVem Saleia. Martin, A. G. IVest jYewtojt, Sargent, S. A. JVortA Bridgewater. Skinner, Wm. E. Whitcomb, D. B. J^Torthampton. Messinger, J. O. jVorton. Mead, G. H. Pittsficld. Morton, H. M. Plymouth. Tribbell, Gideon Savery, Wm. &. Co. Cook, Caleb Prooiiicetown. I.itchtield, W. & L. qaincy. Churchill, T. Mersey, E. B. Brown, J. L. Randolph. Buck, N. Thayer, Simeon O. .\yers, B. F., Warren st. cor. Dudley Roxbury. Brownell, U. T., Water street, near Ruggles Cross, D. I., Tremont st. cor. Hous- ton Place Davis, G. B. 139 Washington street, opposite City Hotel Davenport, Jas., Pearl st. (coach and carriige) Dove, John, 61 Washington st Dove, Wm. 61 Wash. st. near P. O. Eagan, John. Pearl st Erskine, John, Euslis st. cor. Flm Lang, Charles E., Card's Building, Tremont st Nason, L. H., Centre st. Jam. Plain MASSACHUSETTS. 173 Mypr«, H. J. V., Vernon street, near Washington Rurhury. Robinson & Adams, Feltou Place, (carriage) Saunders & Fillebrown, 103 Wash- ington street Snow. Edw.ird, (gl:izier), Walk Hill, near Tollgate Station Warner & Robbins, Eneaf Hat ITIanu* facturers. Jenkins, Gorham & Co. 55 Pearl st Boston. Lee, Harding & Jones, 73 Pearl st Morse, I!. M. & Co. 9 S. Market st Pen-in, A. W. & S. C. 53 Kilby st Rand & Ellis, 135 Milk st Reed, Kenney &, Co. 19 and 21 Mer- chants" Row Rice & Wason, 69 Pearl st Woods, Field & Co. 32 do Johnson, .'\pollus Dana. Amsilen. Seth W Brown, James S. Town, Oren Greenwich. Tolman & Sautle Petersham. Rodgers, Jesse Palm Loaf Mattress Manufacturers. Blnnch^'rd. liOrin Woods, John East ..Amherst. Barre. Twitchell, A. W. Jenkins, Gorham & Co. Woods & Co. Jithol. Barre. Paper Stock. Ranks. G. W. 93 Water st Boston. Bird, S. J. 15 Lindall st L .wton, Geo. & Co., hcjd of Gray's wharf Stearns, A. F. 56 Brattle st Merry, Joseph Millbury. Weston, P. R. 19 Water st Salem. Greenleaf & Co., Harrison Avenue Springfield. Paper Hang'ing's. * Denotes the Manufacturers. Trask. Israel Beverly. Allen, Zenas, 31 School st Boston. .Alkins & Stedman. 13 Merch. Row *Barrey & Bicelow, 41 Federal st Breed, H. A. 431 Washington st Bndd, Nathaniel, 414 do Bumstead, E. W. & Co. 113 do *Bumstead, Josi;,h F. 134 do Cook, Chas. Edward, 220 do *Eaton, Wm. G. 70 Congress st Ford. John V., (^amden st Foster, J. H. &. Son, 156 Washing- ton street French. Wells & Co. 123 Milk st »Grant, Charles E. 12 Union st *(;recory, Sam'l H. & Co. 25 Court st Oridley, Gay & Co. 40 & 42 Broad st Havden, Chas. H. 175 Wash, st *Ha-zleton, Cowdin & Company, 44 Charlestown st Iloiiier, Wm. F. & Co. 33 Union st Hunt, D. W., Lewis st. E. B. *Ilunter, Thouns, 42 Congress st *Locke & Richardson, 10 Merri- mack street Mellen, .M. & Co. 20 Merchants' Row *Merriam. Otis, 4 Union Block *.Merriil, J. S 86 Blackstone st Norcross, Otis & Co. 23 and 24 South Market st Noyes, Wm. A. 14 Lewis st. E. B. Pierce. Samuel B. & Co. 51 Broad st *Rider. N. .M. Jr. 542 Washington st ^Thomson & Walker. 5 Merrimack st Wheeler, Reuben, Turnpike near Broadway Wiggin, C. E., Hanover street, comer Marshall Daniels. Wm. C. Cambridge Port. •Pearson, Henry Worcester, J. A. D. & Co. 43 Mainst Charlestown, Stillton, Josiah, Merrimack st Lowell. Kittridge. J., Prescott st Oliver, Charles A. 5 E.xchange st Ijynn, Hathaway. S. & S. P. Marblehead. Pike, J. T. 5 Pleas't st M'ewburyport. 1V4 NEW-KNGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. *Baxler & Kiiiiber, Yeoman st. neir East lioztiury. •Eaton, W. G., Ruggles street, near Washington, otiice 71) Congress st. Boston •Eato.i, D. S. 108 Washington street, cur. W.irren •Mayal, J, 36 Washington st Kye, H. & ¥., Holmes' Hole Tisbury. Allen & Dewitt Hare. Page, H. P. Waterlown. *Laiiipson & Newton, Foster st IVorcester. Brown, A. I. & Co. (Importers) 148 Alain st Paper Manufacturers. Roberts, S. &. Co. (straw, board, and wrapping paper, 20,000 reams) Mirtli Jimliorst. Cu^linian, E. & J. (straw and blue and while board paper,) $00,000 worth per Annum Shepard, Calvin (printing paper) Jiskland. Gibbs, W. H. & O. F. (wrapping pa- per) M'ort/t Blandfurd. Lee, J. K. It'est Brewster. Morse &. Mansfield (prialing paper) Cantun. Allies, J. & D. (writing paper) Ciucvpee. Chamberlain, Henry (writing paper) Uaiton. Crane & Co. (writing paper) Carson, David Ik. Sojj (writing paper) Mann, Siiniuel ('. (marble and fancy color'd paper, ei.aiiieled cards, &c.) JJvdIiain. Tileston & HoUingsworth Durtk'r. Lyon, Jesse &. Son (press, board, bon- net, printing p; per, &c.) Fitclibarg. Whitney & Bogert (shoe paper) Crocker, S. S. & Co. (news, book, & hanging paper) Smith & Brown (writing paper) Granby. Hoar, .I.N. (wrapping pa per) Oroiun. Harlwell, J. K. do do Owrn & Hurlhnt (cap and letter pa- per) Lee. Mill>, L. L. (wrapping paper) Wliyte & Hnrlliurt (printing paper) Thatcher & IngiTsoll (colored paper) Benton & (Jartii-ld (cap, letter, and blank book piper) Heath, Urtoi; (wrapping paper) May, E. & S. (hanging paper) Sedgwick, Sabin & Co. (printing piper) Greenwood, Joseph Leominster. Crehore, Edward Mann, John (.wrapping paper) Middlrfield. Cranes & M.artin (piper hangings and wrapping piper) Midd/etun Shepard, Calvin (.printing paper) Millbury. McDowel, R. C. Jlonterey. Farlel's, Benjamin (book paper) New- ton Lower Falls J^ecdham. Rice &- Curtis (printing paper) New- ton Lower Falls Rice &. Cartield (printing paper) Newton Lower F.ills Wales & Mills (printing paper) New- ton Lower Falls Longfellow, A. (paper hangings) Newton Lower Falls Newell, Benjamin (wrapping paper) Perkins, John (paper hangings) l;iil and 141 Union st J^"ew Bedford. Crehore, Lemuel, Lower Falls J\rev;tuii. Curtis, A. C. & W. Face, P. C. (wrapping paper). Mill River JVVw Marlborough. Wheeler, Warren & Co. (cap and letter paper), Mill River Carriel, John, (wrapping paper,) Mill River JV". Marlborough. Bond, C. D. (printing and wrajjping paper) Pepper ell. Harvey, I. R. (printing paper) Deane & Co. (tine paper) Mansfield & Root, (cap and letter paper) Sheffir/d. Hulliiigsworth, J. M. & L. (wrapping paper) Shirley f'illnge. Goodman Pajier Manufacturing Co. (printing paper), Sam. Judd, Pre.-i- dent, and J. W. Goodman, Agent; Capital, $10,000—100 shares— i;ar value, $100 South HndUy. Ingraliani, Janie.s, (wrapping' paper; Taunton Paper Manufacturing Co., C, R. Ransom, Agent; Capital, $:i5,000 — 70 shares — par value, $500 Taunton. Robinson & Bliss, (printing paper) Heath & Bass, (wrapping pa|;cr) Tyringhnm. Campbell, F. &, G. (vvrappini; paper) HaJpolc. May, Wm. H'alcrlown. Wilder, W. (all kinds) Westminster. Sonthworth Manufacturing Ci rnpa- ny, (writing paper) W. Springjieid. Barnes &. Conistock, (wrapping pa- per) Sonthworth Manufacturing Co., W. Soulhviorth, Prest., and E. South- worth, Agent; Capital, $30,000— 300 shares — |)ar value, $100; manu- factures $60,000 worth of writing paper annually Paper Rulers. Haines, R. P. 21 Cornhill Boston. Hill, Wm. H. & Co. 32 Cornhill Jaquith, M. & A. 6 Water st Mc Adams, Brothers, 120 Wash, st Paper "Warehouses. Austin, Edward, 23 Water st Boston. Bird, S. J. 15 Lindall st Charier, John, 82 Blackstone st Crane, L. otiice 3a Devonshire st Crehore, E do do Curtis, A. V. & W. office 35 do Emerson, A. 33 Devonshire st. corner of Spring Lane French, Jas. 78 Washington st Grant, Daniel & Co. 10 Union st Groom, Thomas, 32 State st HoUingsworth, J. M. & L. 14 Water Jones & Wheelwright, 110 State st Massey, S. U. 83 Fulton st Nortons & Yale, 12 Water st Parker, Wm. T. 116 State st. (up stairs) Taft &. VVheelock, 8 Water st Wilder & Co. 94 State st VV ilkins, Carter & Co. 16 Water st Parasols and Sunshades idealt rs. Allen, Otis L. (Hairwork), 68 Merri- mack st Lowell. Mcl.anathan, H. L. S. 102 Merri- mack st Shepard, B. H. Conk, Wm. S. (manufacturers of um-, parasols, &c.). 2 North Se- cond st JVeto Bedford. Patent Agency. Eddy, R. H. 22 State st Boston. Fay, E. W. 86 State st Lincoln, E. 4 Court st Patterii TTIakers. Armsby, W. IH Hawley st Boston. Drew. Luther. 6 Water st Prince, N. S. 19 Hawley st Rusvell & Pollard, rear of 17 Hawley street Tower, S. G., Haverhill st. corner of Charlestown Wilson, John, Harvard Place Holmes, Horace N. E. JV. Jldams. Tabor & Toby, 48 North Second st J\rew Bedford, Pav^ers. Davis, Jonathan, 44 Chambers st Boston, Fawcett, Samuel H. 3 Spring st Goodnow, Jores, 7 Blossom-st. Court Gore, Asa, 8 East-st. Place Boston. (iore, Haskell, 4 Newbern Court Gore, John, 8 E^st-st. Place Litch, S. VV. 107 Chambers st Perfumery. Preston &. Merrill, 18 Kilby st Boston. Pynchcn, James I,. 10 Eiiot st Ross &. Poor, 19 Treuiont Row Periodical Depots. Russell, E. A. 8 Main st Jlndover. Ho-mer, T. B. Bedford. Wark, S. Cambridge Port. Brown, £. F. 4 Merchants' Row Chicopee. Davis, John VV. 5 John st Lowell, Hoyt, S. F. 15 Purchase st JW(C Bedford, Robinson, William I'isk, (iefirge W. JVorthntnpton. Bessey, Marshall, R. R. st Springfield. Brockett, Wm. B., Main and Sand- ford streets Ingraham, Austin .S. Hiidliy Falls. Gray, John, Jr. 199 Main st H'orccster, Physicians &: Surgreons. Thaxter, Ezf'kiel Jihington. Chapin, Alo:i/.o East Abington. Underwood, James M. Chase, Albion P. South Abington, Miles, John M. Acton, (^owdrey, Harris Babbitt. S. South Adams. Barker. John L. Lawrence. George C. Taylor, Thomas JVorth Adams. Hawkes. E. S. Tyler, Wm. H. Phillips, H. P. Babbitt, N. S. Hodges, Isaac Tilton, James A. Amesbury Mills. Carey, Milan G. Gale, J. B. Fish, Seth Amherst, Gridley, T. J. Smith, B. F. Brewster. John M. Knight, F. M. Jersdorfi', D. .9ndover. Johnson, Samuel VVardwell. Daniel Strong, Simeon Indover. Kittridge, Joseph J^orth Andover, Cutler, W. H. A.tUburiiham, Miller, A. Knowlton, Charles Ashficld. Hitchcock & French Ashby. Harris, J. C. Ashland, Barrett, Wm. M. MASSACHUSETTS. 1V5 JVort/t Becket. Bedford. Belchertown. Beliingham. Brrlin. Bernardston. Beverlii. Billerica. Blackstone. JVorth Blandford. Blandford. Bolton. Colony, G. D. .^thol. Hoyt, (Jeorge H lich, Joseph JltUeborougk. Maccdlum, H. E., Jlarston .Mills Barnstable. Knox, T. P., Hyanis Doiin, G. H., do Ritche, S., Jr. Jenkins, Freeman H. West Barnstable. Jackson, Thomas P. Wilhur, H. B. Barre. Bites, Joseph N. Russell, W. L. Pratt, Henry Bell, Williiin O. Freelniui, J. C. Cogswell, Francis Adams, Abel B. Allen, L. S. Thompson, Horatio Nelson, George Hartshorn, Edward Carpe liter. E. VV. Brooks, John Hfid(l('.-k, Charles Kittriilijr. Ingalls Kittricliie, Ingajls, Jr, Boyden, Myatt C. Torry, Augustus Torry, .loseph Howe, Zadock Hill, Joseph F. Wilder, A. Potter, Allen Kimball, VV. M. Champlin, H. C. Webb, S. P. Wright, S. P. Vincent, C. H. Parker, Amos Abbe, Alanson, Boylston street, cor. Lowell Place Boston. Abbot, S. L. 16 Winter st Adams, Edwin, 23 Oxford st Adams, Zabdiel B. 157 Tremont street Ainsworth, F. S. 11 Howard st Alexander, A., Broadway near C Alley, J. B. 19 Winter st Andrews, Aaron, 10 1-2 New Prince street Appleton, Benjamin B. 1 Hayward Place Ayer, James, 109 Hanover st Ball, Stephen, 5 Bumsti>ad Place Barnard, Charles F. 1 Montgomery Place Bartlett, Geo. 1 Chardon st Bethuiie, Geo. A. 129 Tremont st Bigelow, G. F. 425 Washington st Bigelow, Henry Jacob, 5 Chauncy Place Bigelow, Jacob, Sumner st. opposite Hawley Birnstill, J. 538 Washington st Blake, E. VV. 28 Harrison Av. Bowditch, Henry 1 8 Otis Place Brewer, Thomas M. 10 Rowe st Briggs, W. A., Bedford street, corner VVashington Bronson, C. P. 18 Winter st Brown, Buckiiiinster, 24 Bulfinch st. cor. AINton Brown, U. 7 Brattle st Brown, John B. 65 Belknap st Bryant, Henry, 16 Franklin Place Buck, Ephraiin, 100 Salem st Buckingham, C. E. 3 Beach st Bumstead, E. D. G. 22 Bowdoin st Bumstead, S. E. D. 22 do Cabot, Saumel, Jr. 17 Winter st Calef. J. S., Broadway, cor. C st Calkins, elms. W. 147 Pleasant st Chaiininc, Walter, 178 Tremont st Chinning, William F. 83 Mt. Ver- non street Chickering. Jesse, 491 Wash, st Clark, F. B. 55 Leveret st Clark, Henry G. 184 Hanover st Clark, Luther, 77 Pinckney st , Clarke, Edward H. 2 Harrison Av. Boston. I Cleveland, C. D. 45 do Co.ile, Win. Edw. 17 Cambridge st Colhn, W. S. 115 Court st Coit, Daniel T. 12 High street, near iSummer Coles, L. B. 54 Essex st Cooper, William H., Howard St. cor. Court Cornell, Wm. M. 9 Kneeland st Cox, .A. D. 136 Hanover st Crane, P. M., Maverick street, corner Meridian Cross, J. B. 19 Temple Place (med. elec.) Dale, Wm. J. 3 Cambridge st Davenport, E. J. (oculist) 28 Winter street Diiby, Geo. 1 Montgomery Place Dickinson, Cha<. .M. 633 Wash, st IJix, John H. (oeulist) 175 Tremont st Dixon, Robert E. 22 Winter st Douglass, Peter G. 40 Salem st Downes, Nath'l. 489 VVashington st Drew, E. sex st Geist, C. F. 43 Bedford st Germaine, T. H. 21 Richmond st Cilbert, Daniel, 64 Allen st Gilman, Benj. F. 61 Federal st Girardin, L. 244 Washington st Glover, Lewis J. 3 Pleasant st Gordon, Charles, 6 West st Gordon, F. A. 12 Winter st Gould, A. A. 15 Westst Gray, F. H. 5 Hancock st Gray, Thom is, Jr. 25 Winter st Greene, Moses C, Merrimack st. cor. Prospect Gregerson, J^s. B. 33 Hancock st Gregg, Samuel, 5 Howard st Hagar, Jo-eph, 157 Hanover st Hale, Enoch, 3 Avon Place Hall, Edw. 489 VVashington st Hancock, Wm. E. 30 Beacon st Hanaford, Wm. G. 3 Bowdoin Sq. Hanson, M. P. 38 Tremont Row Harlow, James F. 47 Cambridge st Hartnett, .M. K., Pearl st. corner Pur- chase Harwood, Daniel, 25 Summer st H.iwes, Win. 37 Common st Hayden, John C. 131 Tremont st Hayward, Geo. 16 Pemberlon Sq. Hayward, Geo. Jr. 7 Winter st Heaton, Geo. 2 Exeter Place Hewett, S. C. 25 Rowe st Hey wood, C. F. 3 Ch irdon st Hill, Kimball, Beach st. cor. Harrison A v. at Fou itain House Hinckley, J. W. 7 Meridian st Hinckley, Rufus L., Maverick Sq. Hobbs, Alvah, Sutiolk st. n. Canton Hoft'iaidahl, ('has. F. 9 Somerset st Holmes. ( ). W. 8 .Montgomery Place Holbrook, C. (;. 6,53 Washington st Homans, John, 158 Tremont st Hooper, R. VV. 44 Summer st How.iru, Nathaniel, B street, near Broadway I Hubbard, Geo. 56 1-2 Hanover st I Humphrey, H.4th st. between A & B Hyudman, Jas. 47 Atkinson st I Inches, H. B. 320 Washington st Boston. Ingalls, Wm. 17 Bedford st Ingalls, Wm. Jr. 17 do Jack>on, C. T. 31 Somerset st Jackson, James, 6 Pemberton Sq. Jackson, J. B. S. 6 Bedford Pl:xe JeiiVies, John, 9 Franklin st Jones, Geo. S. 81 Charles st Jones, J. S. 10 Southac st Kelley, J. C. 54 Tremont st Kennedy, T. J. VV., Green St. corner Staniford Kittredge, E. A. (water cure,) 14 Montgomery Place Kneeland, Sam'l, Jr. 22 Crescent PI. Lane, J. F. W. 1 Bennet st Lane, Jonas U. 4 Montgomery Place Lawrence, W. R. 136 Tremont st Lee. Henry S. 8 Hayward Place Lewis, Winslow, Jr. 80 Boylston st Lodge, G. H. 2 Bedford street, and 744 Washington Lord, Wm. E., Meridian st. E. B. Ludwig, Warren, 38 Causeway st Lyman, George H., opposite 14 Boyl- ston street Malcolm, Alex'r B. 22 Richmond st Marston, E. 202 Harrison Avenue Martin, Henry J. 12 West st Martin, Joseph L. 12 Boylston st (ho- mcBupalhic) Merrill, .Jesse, 3 Lewis st, E. B. Merrill, Levi, 103 Hudson st McGowin, D. S., Turnpike, corner Broadway McGo'.van, John J. 56 Kneeland st McLellan, F. M. 1 Cambridge st Mifflin, Chas. 80 Beacon st Mignault, Pierre B. 2 Williams st Miles, Mason M. 12 Franklin st Minot, Francis, 120 Charles st Molloy, P. E. 45 Federal st Moore, Edward, B. 133 Hanover st .Vloore, M. A. 32 High st Morland, W. W. 18 Howdoin st Morrill, S.imuel, Federal street, cor. Channing Newell, R. W. 6 Staniford st i;)din, John, Jr. 88 Tremont st O'Donnell, C. B., Broadway, near B street Oliver, F. E., cor. Cambridge and Staniford sts Osgood, David, 1 Rowe st Oti-;, G. W. Jr., School street, comer Province Paige, .\. 21 Bedf. st. (electropathic) Palmer, E. D. G. 3 1-2 Portland st Palmer, Ezra, Jr. 1 Tremont Place Palmer, J. K. 41 1-2 Salem st Parcher, Sewell F., Maverick Sq. Parker, D. M. 25 Summer st Parker, Thomas I. 7 Mason st Parker. VV. Thornton, Broadway, n. Dorchester Parkman, Geo. 8 Walnut st Parkman, Samuel, 7 West st Parks, Geo. B. 156 Tremont st Parks, Luther, Jr., Suffolk st. oppo- site Blackstone Sq. Peabody, N. 13 West st Perry, M. S. 16 Rowe st Phelps, Abner, 82 Tremont st Phelps, Chas. A. 82 do Philbrick, S. R. 45 High st Phinney. E. O. 127 Hanover st I'hipps, James M., Carver street, cor. Eliot Pratt, J. 38 Harrison Av. Prescott, B. T. 14 Howard st Putnam, Chas. G. 41 Sununer st Randtill, B. P. F. 95 Trenmnt st Read, Wm. 585 Washington st Reedy, Maurice O'Keefe, 60 Atkin- son st Renton, Peter, 14 Bedford st R°ynnlds. Edw. Jr. 29 Winter st Richardson, A. P. 36 Green st Richardson, S. O. 15 Hanover st Russell, Geo. 2Lynde st Russell, Le Baron, 1 Otis Place 176 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Salter, Richard H. 1 Staniford st Bos tor. Shattuck. G. C, Staniford, corner of Cii 111 bridge st Shattuck. G. C. Jr. 1.5 Cambridge st Shurtlt'lf, Nnthanicl B. 2 Beacon st Skinner. H. B. «) 12 Cornhill Small, Ehenczer. 1 Central Court Small, .1. (oculist) 128 Hanover st. Smilie, E. R. 16 Prosiiect st Smith. J. V. C. 12 Bowdoin st. and 21 Court Square .Smith, T. H., Richmond st. corner of Salem Snow, A. 103 Pinckney st Snow, Asa B. 20 Harrison Avenue Southard, A.. Fourth st. cor. of B Spear. J. S. 570 Washington st Spence. John, Jr., Baldwin Place Stacy, H. 36 Essex st Stedman, C. H., Boston Lunatic Hos- pital Stevens, Calvin, 20 Winter st Stevens, Ehenezer, Broadway, near B street Stevens, J. E. 2 Howard st Stevens, John A., Broadway, near B street Stevens, N. C. 6 Brookline st Stone. H. Osgood, 9 Kingston st Stone, James VV. 6 Bowdoin Sq. Storer, D. H. 14 Winter st Strong, Woodhridgc, 5 Cambridge st Suinnsr, K. A. 4 Alden st Taft. .\. C. 47,') Wa>hington st Tarbell. J. A. 7 Cresci?nt Place Taylor. Custavus. 42 Green st Thayer. Di.vid, 36 O.xford st Thayi r. W. H. 12 Esse.\ st Thomson. G. N. 286 Washington st ThurMon. Horace. 697 do Tobie. 1. W. 28S^ilenist Tower. George, 707 Washington st Townsend, Solomon D. 18 Somerset street To« nsend. W. E. 2 Bowdoin st Tral'ton. C. T. 45 High st ITpham. J. B. 41 E~sex st Ward. Henry A. 3 South st Ware, Charles E. 6 Allston st Ware. Francis D. 2 Lowell st Ware, John. 6 Allston st Warren, John C. 2 Park st Warren, J. M. 6 do Warren, J. W., Jr. 10 Channing st Watson, A. A. 25 Harrison Avenue, corner of Beach st Weld, M. W., Court street, near Hanover Wesselhoet\. Wni. 18 Bedford st Wevniouth, A. L. 6 Wall st Whipple, S. S. 172 Harrison Av. Whitney. W. J. High st. corner of Federal Willard. F. A. 9 Allston st. and 8 Allen st Williams, Henry W. (oculist), 20 Temple Place Winship. Chtis. W. 1 Qnincy Place Wright. T. S.. comer of South and B^sex streets York. J. H.4 Broadway Spotford. Jeremiah F.. Bradford. Cogswell. George Bradford. Gould. S. H. Breit.itrr. Pratt, Calvin B. Bridgeirater. Alden. Sanuiel Whittimore. James M. Brighton. Bnymui. Isaac G. Kiiishl. Ebenezer Brimfield. Lincoln. Asa Gilmore, Henry Brookjield. Fivk. Dnriel Dexter. Wm. P. Brookline. Wild. E. A. Wild. Charles Trow. N. G. Buckland. Hooker. Anson Eait Cambridge. Clark. Moses Taylor. John P. Becker, A. C. Cambridge Port. AUen, C. H. Chaplin, C. F. Cambridge Port. Chaplin, D. Wellington, W.W. Landry, A. Wynian, M. Cambridge. Howe, E. Tafts, C. S. Canton. Abbott, E. Marsh, Austin Carlisle. Barrows, William Carver. Hawkes, D. B. Charlemont. Bates, Stephen Potter. M. F. Hurd, J. S. 73 Main st Charlestoicn. Beuiis. J. W. 93 do Hayes. Jacob. 103 do Thompson. A. R. 106 Main st Lyon, Henry, 127 do Whitney, .Augustus, 162 do Bniun, E. E. 15 Bow st Cutler, George, corner of Elm and Bartlett streets Seahury, Benj. 45 High st Stearns, Thos. J. 9 do Porter. Isaac Charlton. Lamb. D. CMrpenti'r, Elijah W. Chatham. Clifturd. n.miel P. .Iimrs, Kri'ilorick Edwards, Nathan B. .,V. Chelmsford. B irtlett, John C. Chehnsford. Howard, Levi Holland, C. J. Chester Village. Smith, J. W. Di Wnlf. T. K. Chester. Lucas, H. S.. Chester Factory Stle. .Alexander .\'<>rili funis. Webster. Joseph tfest Dennis. Gooch. Wm. B. Sampson. Ira Dighton. Miller, E. D., Washington st Dorchester. Thaxter, Robert, Winter st Spooner, J. P., Neponset Village .Atkinson. J. do do Gushing. Benjamin Dracvt, Dudley. Dunstab/e. Duxbitrij. East Bri'lgewater. Kastham. F.aslhampton. EtIgartoujH. Enfield. J.irvis. Edward Dorchester. Lainell, J, E. East Douglas. White, David P. Wood, E. Bradley, Peleg Bradley, W. H. Thurston, Nathaniel Hildreth, Israel Knight, Samuel P. Eames, Auibrose Spaulding, Miles Porter, John Wilde, James Orr, Hector Orr. Samuel A. Millet. .\sa Phillips. John Clark, .Atherton Pierce, John Gage, J. T E. Lucas. I. H., Water st Winslow, J. W. Smith, N. .■\. Lamson. Josiah Essex. Crary. W. H. -A., Section A.,(.ranite Block E'ttI River. Hathawav, B. W., Granite Block Wilbur. A. C. Dwelly, Jerome, 13 S. Main st Fifield, M. 22 .\nnawam st Learned. E. T., Granite Block Hooker, Foster, N. Main st Hathaway, B. W. Willard, flenr>- Glazier, Amery, 87 N. Main st Cornish, Aaron FalmovtA. Rogers, Moses Bassett, M. f. Huntley, O. L., cor. Main st. and Me- chanics FiUhburg. Boutell & Norcross, (T. R. Boutelle, J. Norcross,) cor. Maine street and Grove Robinson, C. Blood, T. S. Pillsbury, Levi Mann, Benj. Fozborougi. Foster, J. W. Hoyt, Enos Framingham. Whitney. Simon Osgood, J. W., Saxonville Mann, Jonathan Franklin. Atwood, 3. Parker, David Gardner. Harriman, H. C. Clark, M. P. Qporgetovm. Smith, I. P. Gloucester. Reynolds, Joseph, Fr< nt .-^t Smith, D. D. Pierce, Daniel Goshen. Field, G. A., Faninnisville, Grafton. Ravvson, Levi Monroe, A. Lee B^icon Oranby. WrighU E. Holcomb, Abinson Hollenbroke. E. R McAllister, George McAllister, Chas. Lee, J. Edwards Parks. Wm.H. Bell, Wm. C. Pickett, N. B. Stone, Alpheus F. Dean, J. Chamberlain. Levi Bancroft. Amos B. Stearns. George Lester, Wm. Bonney, Franklin Fairfield, C. D. Norton, Cyrus Creasey. Oliver S. Forbes, Joseph Barker, Bowen Uanney. Lafayette Dodge, Franklin Stone, Joseph Peck, A. S. Wadleigh, John B. Flint, Kendall Longley. Rufus Taylor, Granville. O Harrington, Greenfield. Greenwich. Orotou. Hadleif. A". Nadley. HutifoL. H imilton. Hnvorrr. Hanson. Hnrilvick. Harwich. Hatfield. HarerhiiL MASSACHI'SETIS. Ill Fisk, R. T. W. Hi'gham. Stephenson, Ezra Underwood, Jonas Kittridge, Benj. T. Hinsdale. Robbing. Augustus Holden. D ivis, David Dean, D. B. HMnnd. Fiske, Timothy HoLliston. Burnup, Sewall G. Scainniell, S. S. Hophinton. Martin, O. Phelps, M'«es Hubbardston. Billings, D. F. Wildes, A. H. IpsioUh. Brown, Charles H. Manning, Thomas Hall, A. B. Kingston. Nicliols, P. L. Lincoln, Henry J^ancnsti-r. Carter & Thompson CuniMiings, W. Burdf tt, Geo. VV., Clintonville Morse, G. M. Norton, H. J. Lanesbnrnugh. Lamb, Wm. D. JMwrence. Blanchrird, A. D. Dana, David Curtis, J. S., Common st Morse, .iulms H. Allen, E. B. March, Chas. S.inborn, Geo. W. I^aicrence. Harris, .leronie Ayer, Washington Judson, Adariuh South Lee. Guiteaur, Coriilon Bartlftt, Hubliud Welch, Asa G. Flint, Edward Leicester. Whiicomb, Chas. W. Miller, S.ibin Lenox. Wurthington, Robert Pierce, G. W. Leominster. Field, C. C. Tewksbury, C. Rice, David Leverett. Currier, Wm. J. Leiington. Chapin, Henry Lincoln. EUiot, J. G. Littleton. Chapman, Thos. L. Longmeadow. Strickland, R. Pillsbury, J. D. 21 Central st Lowell. Gonlet, A. 27 do Colman. J. S. 118 Merrimack st Churchill, G. W. 122 do Fitch, V. H. 122 do Burbank, Oscar, 122 do Wells, David, 128 do Mason, Augustus, 128 do Batchelder, C. do Fitzenion, Thomas do Sanborn, E. K. J62 do Kimball, (iilman, 162 do Brown, A. H. 162 do Batchelder, Calvin do Boynton, A. R. 27 do Kidder, W. do Simpson, S. L. F. 10 E. do Gale, Geo. W. Spauldiiig, Joel, 5 Wells' Block Mann, C\.rus S. 9 do Green, Jno. O., Savings Bk. Build. Morrell, Fred. 11 Middle st Person. J. W., Middlesex st Burnham, W. do Ames, Seth C. do Whittemire, J., Market st Toothaker, Charles, 4 Hurd st Allen, Nathan, 12 do Huntington, E. 14 do Graves.John W. 16 do Perham, Olis, 22 do Dickey, Hanover do Shackford, Rufus do Jewett, P., Kirk st Caswell, Klijah Ludlow. Alden, W. B. Sn)ilh, 11. .M.T. Miller. W. B. Mannini;, Peter Lunenburg. King. K< D. HariiKui W. I.. 70 Market st Lynn. Eastman. E. P. 10 Broad st Lynn. Weeks, C. M. 10 do Newhall, A. T., Olive st ' Gould, Abriin, Boston st Kittrc;dge, Eilward A. Perley, Daniel 1 Fre.ich, Nathan .Maiden. Gould. Daniel Gould, Levi .Yorth Maiden. Parker, Moses Perry, Wm. F. Mansfield. Story, Asa Manchester. Story, \. B. Gile, Daniel Marblchead. Briggs, James C. Briggs, Calvin Flagg, Chandler Blaisdell, C. Baker, John Marlboro'. Barnes, Edward F. Paine, Isaac Marshfield. Blanchard. Henry B. Sparrow, Wm. E. Mattapoisett. Gallup. J. S. Medfield. Swan, Daniel M'dford. Fuller, Milton Bemis, Charles N. Knight, Wra. fVestMedwny. Brown, Artemas Medioay. Salisbury, S. Metcalf, John G. Mnidon. Hu-e, S. jMcthiirn. Gale, S. M. King, George Middleboro'. Briggs, Ebenezer Wells, Wm. R. Sturtevant, George Warren, Joseph Middlefield. Phelps E. S. Middleion. Fay, Allen C. Milfurd. Fletcher, F. Corlew, Joseph E. Millbury. D ivis, H. G. Spaulding, L. Holms, C. C. Millon. Cady, Henry Munson. Smith, Alvin McKinstrey, Oliver Wright, George Montague. Bradford, D. Turner. A. H. Monterey. Ruggles, Nathaniel JVanlucket. Feari.ig, EUsha P., Centre st Parkinson, J. C, Fair st Hoyt, John J^'atick. Novse, Josiah JVeedham. Brown, M. 34 Union st J^ew Bedford. Jennings, J. H., Union st Spooner, Paul. Spring st Bartlett, Lyman Folsom, Levi, cor. Purchase &. Mid- dle sts Reed, Alexander, 197 Union st Mackie, Andrew, 60 Purchase st Hardy, Benj. F. 87 William st Shiverick, Clement F. 134i Union st Whittredge, Wm. C, cor. of County and Elm sts Bartlett, Lyman, cor. of William and County sts Gordon, Wm. A. 94 William st Mayhew, J., corner of Third and School sts Gordon, Wm. A., cor. William and Eighth sts Miner, Julius F. JVe?c Braintree. Grosvenor, E. P., Belleville Jfewbury. Perkins, Henry C, Essex st J^ewburyport. Spofford, Richard S., Fair st Johnson, Jonathan G., Spring st Wyman, Samuel W., Orange st Plummer, Daniel T., Lime st Kelly, E. G., High st .\tkinson, J.. Sirona st \ Cro s, Enoch, Middle st , Perkins, John Kea Marlborough. I Rising, Julius A. Brown, J. H. West JVewton. Teulon, William F„ Upper Falls JVetoton. H'lrbom, .\. D., Up. Falh ^Tewton. Nichols, Ezra, Lower Falls Warren, Edward do do Bigelow, Henry J^Tewtnn Corner. Joh'ison, J. J. jVortltboro'. Birnes, Henry CI irk, R. R. J^'.'rthbridge. Robinson, E. Bryant, Horatio JV. Brida-cwater. Borden, A. K. Kingman, Abel W. Wade. Edmund R. Mead, M. S. Korthfield. Hall, Philip Stratton, E. Thompson, D. & J. JVorthampton. Barrett, B. Hall, C. A. Woodward, S. B. Walker, C. Dennison, E. Hopkins, Peleg F. JVorton. Rounds, Benj. M. Barrows, Ira Elder, Wm. JVorwich. Adams, Charles Oakham. Eaton, A. J. B irton, Edward Orange. Lee, Geo. H. B'rton, Parley Seabury, Benj. F. Orleans. Wil on. Timothy Beard, Wm. Otis. Spelman, H. K. Paine, S. C. Oxford. Holman, David King, Aaron Palmer. White, A. J. Palmer Depot, Burke, C. W. Thomas, J. B., Thomdike Palmer. Hartvvell, Wm., Bonville Davis, A., Three Rivers Carpenter, B. Pawtucket Albee, F. T. Wheeler, E. M. Paiton. Taylor, Israel H. Pelham. Collamore, F. Pembroke. Walton, John Pepperell, Parker. C. E. Cutler, N. Davis, Kendall Kittredge, John Peru. Taylor, Samuel Petersham. Parkhurst, Wm. Linilsey, Daniel Hodges, Jeremiah Stone, James Phillipston. Wilson, N. J. Pittsfield. Brewster, Oliver Brewster, John Childs,H. H. Cady, F. A. Coit, B. B. Pierce, Enoch Root, O. S. Shaw, Samuel Plainfield. Jackson, .\. Plymouth. Warren, Winslow Gordon, Timothy Hattard, Benjamin -Merritt, Samuel Pattredge, W. Princeton. Brooks, A. Stone, J. Provincetoan. Paine, S. P. Whitney, Isaiah Lathrop, J. Bugbee, W. B. Quinea. Woodard, E. Stetson, James Goodnoe, L. E. Wood, T. E. Randolph. Wales, E. Wales, B. L. Howard, F. Alden. E. Huntington, Geo. W. ReatUnr. Wakefield, H. P. Sanborn, Joseph Mansfield, Joseph D. Blanding, A. O. Rehobotk. Jennings, Ebenezer Richmond. 178 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Manning, John Rochport. Haskell, Benjamin Gould, lliiinphrey Rotcc. Proctor, Charles Rowley. Herbert, Richard Adams, John Q.., Washington st. cor. Lowell Roxbury. Bartlett, H., Bartlett st. cor. Dedham Turnpike Cotting, Benjamin E., Bartlett st. cor. Dudley Cuuimiiigs, K. L, Behnont st Darling, Elijah, Davis st Draper, A. W., Spring street fVest Roxbury. Faulkner, George, Centre st. Jamaica Plain Roxbury. Flint, J. S., Dudley street, opposite Market Foster, Chas. F., Elm st Gleason, Ezra VV., at Norfolk House Harris, L. M., Centre street, Jamaica Plain Martin, H. A., Eustis st. cor. Sumner Morse, H. G., Zeigler st. n. Warren Robhins, P. G. 163 Washington st. cor. Williams Rogers, Samuel, 12 Linden Park Stewart, E. (iiied. office) Centre st. cor. Highland Av. Streeter, Joseph H., Kenilworth st. near Dudley Train, Horace D. 116 Washington st. near Vernon Wales, Thomas B., Elliot street, cor. l^homas Weld, C. M., Centre st. near Elliot, Jamaica Plain Whitniore, Geo. H., Washington St. opposite Norfolk House Windship, C. M., Dudley street, near Warren Batchelor, S. Royalston. Willis, J. P. Hawes, Frederick, Essex st. Salem. Mack, William, Essex st Pierson, Al)el L. Johnson, Samuel, 4 Brown st Cox, Bpiijamin, Jr. I'isk, Joseph E 11 Washington st PitTMin, Edward B. Holvok", I'Mward A. Farnnin, Josrph. -,""1.") Essex st Hubbard, Oliver. '21!) E>spx st Colby, l1 st howeU. Lincoln st PenhaUowVB. H. 28 Merrimack st Davis, John, 8 Market Square rennauow, o. «• ^^^^^^ ^_ ^^^^^ Hubbard, 10 INIeichants' Row PUlsbury &- Burgess, 9 Commercial Square TUden, Henry, 20 North Water st JVeic Bedford. Gilman, John, Phoenix Buildings Memhuryport. Metcalf, J. & L. 2 Court Jforthampton. Axdell, W^. D fiUsjield. Montague, C Cox, John, over Central Market, op- posite Guild's Building Hoibury. Ewer, W. B. & Co. 61 Washington st Andreu & Tannatt, Main st Sp' ingfield Taylor, H. S., Main st Wood, John M., Main st Ellis, David, & Co. 10 Market Square Emerson, H. 8 Market Square Emerson & Fitz, 8i Market Square Ewings, W. W. 87 N. Market st Gilmore, A. W., Merchants' Row, cor. M irket Square Goodnough, Jacob N. 52 Federal st., near Channing H Itch, W. & Co. 4 .Albany Block Hemmenvv ly, Luke, 12 Long wharf llendley&Emer on,'-28 N. Market st Heu-^ti-, Warren, 50 N. .Market st Hobbs, Wm. J. C. 46 Kneeland st Holden, Freeman, 5 R. R. Block, Lin- ccJn st Humphrey, Bartlett, & Co. 13 ^orth Market st HaiirJ.wVD.; School st. Taunton. Jackson, S. S. & Co. 22 Long wharf Cu Ing^ Gerrish, 10 Central E*- -lohnson, Alfred, 14 Elm st .>,„„L H'orcester. Jones & Farley, 88 State st ^ Vi7 I Th n Milton 188 Main st Joy, Charles F. 7 Chatham Row f fncJln & Hi k °x"'B.ani !n Block Kilham, C. A. & Co. 33 Commercial st nX Btni J 1 1 & I'i 0.ntral Ex. Kimball, Charles, 1 Merchants' Row Dodgp, Bi-i J- J- ','*.„ ,, Lawrence & Bradbury, 8 R. R. Blo'k, Howland, H. J., 199 Main st PRINTERS.— COPVERPLATE. Andrew-, Rober^ 110 W.islungton street Boston. Butford, J. H. & Co. 204 Wash'n st Gary, Isaac, 204 Washington st Damrell & Moore, Devoir hire St., adjoining Exchange Hotel Dearborn, Nathaniel, 104 Wash n st Dearborn, N.S. 1 W .ter st Deeley, C, 31 Court st Freeborn, James, .)r. 8 W iter it Holland, T. R. 12 School st Russell, David, 138.^ W ishington st Savory, William H, Court st., Has- kin's Building Stevens, Luther, 186 Washington st Wilson, W. W. 23 Court st Tileston, H. S., Haydenville Williamsburg. Beaman, A. C. 196 Main st Lawrence & Bradbury, 8 R. R. Blo'k, Lincoln st . . ,,, „ Loring, Fiske, & Co. 12 & 14 W. B. R. Market Lovejoy, E. F. 127 State st Lowell & Hinckley, 64 Utica st Morrison, Samuel J. 6 Market Square Moulton, N. H. 50 Brittle st Mower & R;ind:ill, 30i Merrimack st Noyes, Mo., High st opp. Quiticy Place Lovejoy, R. 597 Washington st Lucas, L. 629 Wa»hiiigU)n st McAleer. Peter, 76 Prince st Mahan, Jas. Merrimack st cor. Pitts Manning, J., Sea st cor. Summer Merriam, Jos. W. 9 Atkinson st Merrill, J. N. & Co. 138 Pleasant st Mills, B. T., Pleasant st cor. Tremont Morse, Perley, Jr. 8 Pinckney st Mower & Rand:ill. 30^ Merrimack st Munroe, Jas. 200 Hanover st Murray, John, 54 Essex st Murray, S. B., Causeway cor. Bille- lica street Murray, R. F. 16 Leveret st Myers, J. H., Leveret st c. Brighton Noyes, G-. i\". & Co. Broadway n. B. Parker, E 130 Ann st Patten, J. 44 Eliot si Piercy, H. C. 197 Hanover st Potter, A. B. 57 Brighton st Pulsifer, T. P. 104 S ilera st Reed, C.T. 101 Ch rles st c. Chestnut Reed, W. C. 51 & 53 W. Cedar st Rhoades, S. H. 227 Hanover st Richardson, J. U. 4th st cor.'A Rich, Richard, Central Square, E. B. Ripley, W. H. Suli'olk st c. Dedhaiii Robinson, N. 20 Merrimack st Rollins, Benj. 112 Salem st Rogers, A. C, Curve st cor. Hudson Royce & Shedd, Carver st c. Eliot Sabine & Folsom, 72 Salem st Sanderson, J., Portland st c. Sudbury Sanderson, L. 214 Hanover st Seaverns, A. & Co. 26 School st Shattuck, M. J. Beach st c. Albany Slater & Co. Maverick Sq. E. B. Smio Bedford. Davenport, Richard, 6 Cily Market Brett & Giftbrd, 4 City Market JVew Bedford, Mills, James R. 2 City Market Whiting C. & Son, 3 do Wood, Sti-phen, 5 do Parker, J. VV. & I. P. 7 do D ivis, Nicholas, 8 do Packard, Howard & Co. 99 Middle st Heath & Weaver, cor. Russell and Third sis Davis, Benjamin, corner Russell and Third sis Perreym in. B. 2 Second st Crapo, H. R. 167 South Water st Swift, Wm. 149 Purcha-,e st Little, Samuel, 177^ do How-land, J. !)., corner Second and School sts Teuney, R. & D. S., Market House J^Tewburyport. Adams, Richard, Market House Carter, Jeremiah do Colman, Daniel do Cary, J. & D. E. do Mooney, A. W. (wholesale) Akernian, Joseph, 2 Liberty st Gilman, S. K. 5 Inn st Denton &, Bourne, Lower Falls JVewton, Field, C. C. J^orth Bridgewater. Thayer, Justin, 6 Granite Row J^'urtkampton, Palmer Depot. Plymouth, Pruvincetown. Hockport, Lawrence, S. R. Olney, Z. Holmes, A. & Co. Nelson, Elisha Conant, S. (fish) Blatchford, E. .Marshall. J. VV. & Co. Beal, Wilder, Tremont st cor. Cunard Roxbury. Fuller, Wm. D. 2 Yeoman st Day, E. 50 Wash. st. cor. Eustis Emerson, V\m. 59 Washington St. n. Post Office Fulton. J. K.. Davis st. cor. East Henrichs, J. T., Tremont street, near Factory Littletield, G., Tremont Place Mcintosh, W. H. & A. S., Central Market, opposite Guild's Building and Oak cor. Dedham Turnpike Mead. J. D., Tremont Market, Tre- mont St. near Ruggles .\ewton, Antipus, 120 Wash, st Nute. Enoch, South street, cor. Walk Hill O'Brenner, Owen, Parker street, near Brooks Palmer, Wm. H., Warren st. near Washington Pierce, G. W. & H. W., Dudley Market Rand & Whicher, Eustis st. cor. Elm lieed, J. C. & Co., Centre St. Jamaica Plain Stone, Nathan, Tremont street, near Washington Williams, Joseph, Centre street, Ja- m tica Plain Wiswall, Samnel, 103 Washington St. opposite Warren Smith, Robert J^orth Salem. VViggin, Levi, 91 Essex st VVlifeler, B. S. 1 and 2 Market House Elliot, Isaac, 3 and 4 do Reed, John, 7. 8. 9, 10 & 11 do Wheeler, Asa, 12, 13 & 14 do Craig, S. 15 do Merrill, A. W. 16 do Sawyer, Asa, 17 and 18 do Gardner, O. S. 14 Newbury st Daniels, S. 38 Mariboro' st Houghton, E. R., near Railroad Depot Springfield. Stowell, E. T. & Co., Main st Bliss & Ells. Elin st Caffran & Fay, Main st Dunham & Bates do Crawford & Son do White, .\. & Co. Taunton, Leonard, P. & Brother, Market st 182 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. White, W. L. & Co., Weir Bridge Taunton. Stanley Whittier & Co., Main st IValthnm. Locke & Pattee West Cambridge. CuiiJiiiinas. E. Woburn. Hiirvej , 'i'hos. C. Whitv, VVm. Gates, (has. 3 City Hnll Worcester. Converse, Joseph do Gate* & Stowell, 54 Miiin st Sprague, Lee &. Co. (wholesale) 42 Main st Draper, Clark & Co. (wholesale) 103 105 and 107 Front st Brainan, Otis, (wholesale) 13 Wash- ington Sq. Goes, John G. (tish market) 17 Ex- change st Bugliee & Stebbens, 15 Exchange st Hunter, J. L, Exchange street Prentice, Henry, 45 Front st Publications— Agents for. Barnard, Moses H. 47 Cambridge st Boston. Davis, W. R. 16 State st Flinn, C. E. 473 Washington st Hillcr, Joseph M. 141 Hanover st Hiller, Thos. 123 do Hotchkiss & Co. 13 Court st Redding &. Co. 8 State st Safford, E., Maverick Square Saxton, F. S. 19 State st Tower, Luke B. 137 Hanover st Wheeler, G., Boston and Maine R. R. Depot Wiley, Thomas, Jr. 20 State st Public Houses— Keepers. King, Benjamin Abin^tnn. Tuttle, Daniel, Centre House Jlctuii. Richmond, Z. H., Lafayette House South ^Idams. Smith, O. C, South Adams House BaiU y, E., Berkshire do Tremain, C. S., Nt Soulhworth, C, Mercli.ints' Row, cor. Clinton st Sperry, M., Blackstone st. cor. Clinton Stevens, A. J. 1 R. R. Block, Lincoln street Stone, Wm. 94 Fulton st Thompson, George, 25 Exchange st Todd, Thomas, Pleasant st. op. Eliot Wade & Atkinson, 9 Wilson Lane Webster, D. G., under City^otel, Brattle st Wright, John, 16 Exchange st Dustin, J. Brookline. (iardner. John W. East Cambridge. Root & Bradley Chester Factory. Hillings, S. Chicopee Falls. Fisher, L. W. Dedham. Reed, A. E. Greenfield, Allen, Asa, 83 Union st JVt'u; Bedford. Leonard. A. Jforth Bridgewater, Felton, W. H. JVorthampton, Stevens, Josiah, 2 Merchants' Row Stevens, J. Elliott, T. E., Exchange Row Hastings, Minot Oravge, ftlurdock, E. B. Palmer Depot, Field, J. Pittsfield, Reed, Nathan Bristol, B.irnes & Co. Willey, J. H. Qaincy, Crane, Seth Th.iyer, L. F. Ru.ndolph. Shaw, Samuel B. Marks, J. & Son, 277 Essex st. Salem. Snow, Reuben, opp. R. R. Depot Springfield. Ward & Havkell, opp. R. K. Depot Drake & White Stoughton. Ferro, M. 8 Front st Worcester. Peirce, James R. 257 Main st Gales, Daniel, under Central Hotel Thurston, D. C, under Worcester Bank Temple, G. D. 147i Main st Priest, J. G. 9 Main st Spurr & Lewis, 269 Main st Rig'g'ers. Albert, J. 260 Commercial st Boston. Brewster, W. M., Cunningham's wf., East Boston Cariies, E. & Co., Croos st. cor. Fulton Clinkard & Fenlee, Conunercial whf. Fishburn, James, 183 Conmier'l st Handy, P. 5W4 Commercial st Low, Fr.incis, & Son, Union wharf and Sumner St., E. B. McClennan, Geo., Arch st whf. McClennan, J. J. & C. S. 22 India wf. White, James A. 15 Foster's whf. Ratliff, Robert JVantucket, Chase, James F. King, James, Parker's whf. JVew Bedford. .lenney, Luther, North Water st Homer, George, Rodman's wf Baker, Amos, Rodman's wf Phillips, George Salcfn. Rolling- Mills. Fisher, R. H. Greenfield. Washburn. Moen & Co., Uuinsiga- mond Village Worcester. Rope Manufacturers. Chuich, George, Worthington st Springfield. Slater, Lutlier Worcester, NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Saddlery Mardirare. Fairl);inks, Henry P. 5C Pe:irl st Boston, Fairliinks, H. W. 23 Kilhy st Loriiif! & Griiupiier, 38 do MilchcU, N. & Sdiis, lU do Tiylor &, Harris, 13 do B;irry,.lo>eph,(Maiif.!?!ilver& Brass) iilU Main St Charlcstown. Howard &. Brothers, (Impnrters) State st Springjleid. Walker, Appleton, 67 Main st H'orcester. Sail Maker««. Batchelder, George Beverly. Aiken ic Amerige, 1 Coninierci .1 wf Huston. Alden, Robert T. 108 Commercial st Aiiiet^, Jiici.b, 42 India st Blrike, Aathaniel, 21 Commercial st Blaney & Miirtin, b Long wf Biiisliind & Leach, Arch wharf, 216 Broad st Bollciii, Wm. Jr. 47 Eastern R. R. wf Boss, Isaac, 7 Lt/wis st Bromade, Abram, &. Son, 53 Long wf Child & Crocker, 2 North Market st Child, John, over 12 Commercial st Crocker & Otis, 11 Commercial wf Dev 'reux, J. N. 11 Eastern R. R. wf IJorrill, Theodore, 1 Foster's wf Gair, John, Liverpool wf Harding, J. M. 6 T. wf Haydeii, T. T. Ill) Commercial st Hooloa, Jalton. Averv, Isaac Gt. Barrington. Kellogg. A. W. Grant, Russell Hancock. Hall. Lyman, Jr. I.anesboro., Abiel L,ee. Iv.M. C. Mansier, John G. Monterey. MASSACHUSETTS. 187 Palmer, Charles D. J\r. Marlborough I) ly, M'ses Wright. Charles Bi)svv.irlli, E. Little, Ralpli Jr. F.iiii, Jjaiuei B. Jont!s, Will. Bulkley, J. K. Parish, C. C. PitUJield. Sanilisfield. Hheffield. Stockbridae. West Stockhridge. tVilUamstowii. iVasUington. Hartwell, loseph Parish, Charles C. Ware. Worthington. MIDDLESEX. Chandler, Samuel, Sheriff of the County I^ezington. Fiske, Nathan Cambridge Port. f'uiiiner. Thomas C/tarlestoicn. I'richard, .Moses Concord. BRISTOL. Parker, Levi East Cambridge. Wheeler, Eliphalet Framingham. Danforth, Horatio L., Sheriff of the Lewis, Wm. C. County Rich;ii(is, George B. Burt, Dean Mosher, Lemuel Dean, Edward W. Greene, Chester W. Baylies, John Gordon, VVdliam Porter, Jacob L. Withereil, H. B. Sherman, Robert Morse, Ellas A., Woodward, James. Francis, Isaac Taunton. Phipps, Wm. A. Jitt.leburo. Butterfield, Joseph Berkley. V'arnum, J. B. Dartmoutk. Smith, Adolphus Kaston. Povvf-rs, (has. Fall River. Heard, Horace JVeec Bedford. . Thompson, Albert Orott Hopkinton. Lowell. West Jifeicton. Townseud. Wayland. Woburn. NA.NTUCKKT. J^orton. Paiotucket. , Starl)uck, Elisha, Sheriff of the Coun- Taunton.' ty JVantucket. Gardner, Uriah Westport. 1 NORFOLK. Pease, Isaiah D., Sheriff of the County EdgartowH. Endicntt, Chas Mann, J. N. E., Sheriff of the County Dedham. Canton. Sbip Bread. Austin, T. & Co. 18 Commercial st Boston, Wattson, T. & Sons, Ft. Hill wf Weld, James & Co. 95 Broad st Ship Builders. Matthews, Mashow & Co. Houth Dartmouth. Matthews, Josiah Matthews, Joshua Thatcher & Matthews Strong, E. Essex. Hiirdy, Thomas Strong, Andrew Storry, Abel James & McKenzie Burkham, Luke Burnham, Oliver Burnham, Jurfmiah Burnham, Aaron, 2d Courtney, Benjamin Parkhurst, Chas. Burnham, Ebenezer Menihew, Phineas E. Fairhaven. Morse, J. B. Fish & Huttleson, Union wf Waterman & Barstow Hanover. Lumbert, Thomas L. Luce, Jonathan, Jr. Ctiilmark. Tisbury. East Medway Randolph. Sprague, Joseph E., Sheriff of the County, 384 Essex st. Halem. Merril, J. B, Bridges, Moody Torr, Andrew Thompson, Otis Brown, John Howe, Jacob Andrews, Tlieodore Merritt, Chas. Bowden, Sam. 2nd. Greenleaf, George Akerman John Smith, Gorham Brown, iS'ehemiah FRANKLIN Jones, Nathan l>ubois, Alexander .'\dani^, ThomuS Binney. Silas Farriiigton, Bradford S. Wrentham. PLYMOUTH. Reed, Samuel H., Sheriff of the County Bennett, Anson Potter, Samuel Magee, Thomas Fnnk, Henry Wells, Solomon C. Andrews, Wilsoii i^ew Saiein. Lesure, Ansel Orange. Jlmesbury J\forth Jindooer. Harlnw, Branch, Sheriff of the Coun- Uanoers. ty JUiddleboro'. Oeorgetown. Kingman, P. D. Bridgewater. Gloucester. Chamberlain, Joseph HavirhiU. East Bridgewater, Ipswich. HiT^ey, E. hingham. Lynn. Cushman, Spencer Kingston. Marblehead. • Jackson, Joseph Middleboro'. J\i'ewburyp(jrt. Ki. gman, Beiij. JV. Bridgewater. Perkins, John Plymouth. Rowley. Weston, C. Salem. Hall, Diniel Rochester. Hiskell, George W. Clapp, Nathaniel South Scituate. Bartlett. S. West Scituate. Tobey, M. S. F. Wareham. Read, John M. West Bridgewater. Oreenfield. jishjieid. I suFFOl Charlentont. CoUr line. Evcreloth, Joseph, Oreenfield. I County .Montague. \ Andrews, Gustavus Holmes, Joseph P.irson, N. H. Curtis, James O. Roibury. ! Ewell, Henry Weymouth. Hayden & Cudworth Taylor, John Taster, Turner J. Laphum, Samuel Fuller, George Curtis, Paul Stetson, J. Dew, Wm. Jones, F. P. Kenniston, Jonathan &. Son Salisbury. Turner, Otis & Co. Scituate Harbor. Sheriff of the Boston. Rice, Caleb, Sheriff of the County Springfield, Brown, James Knox, Charles W. Cooley, Tim. M. 2d. Converse, Elisha Jr. Gorham, Joseph W. Cutler, Nathaniel Adams, E. Bingham, Chas. K. Lincoln, John W., Sheriff of the Worcester Mhol. Bar Chicopee Falls. Westfield. WORCESTER, Brinifield. Chester. Oranville. j County Palmer. Partridge, John H. Springfield. Cliff ird, Luther Chicopee. j Duell, George S. Balcom, Sumner Harwood, Kilburn Baker, Lovell, Jr. Rind, Nathaniel Gates, Whiting Hinkley, Samuel L., Sheriff of the | Smith, Samuel Jiforthampton. ; Willird, Cephas Belchertown. Amidown, Ajidrevv F. Southbridge Che.'iter. Trunmn, Charles Chestcrfie.d. Whipple, John W, JJeirfteld. Hosmcr, Joshua Enfield. Ci|.ro.,, Win. C. JVorthaniptun. I) ly, Jonathan Rord, Phi eas W. South Hadtcy. Junes, George Kingston. Mattapoisett. Medford Plymouth, (^uincy. Ship Chandlers. HAMPSHIRE. County Longley, Henry A. Knox, Chas. VV. Stet^on, William L. Clay, George Church, Rulus Wright, Ansel Wright, George F. Miller, Joel Adams, Edward, Jr. 43 India st Boston. Baker & Hall, 39 Commercial st Baker, J. & Co. 49 do B.rnes, D. W. & S.H.4do Blanchard. Sherman & Co. 42 East- ern Railroad wf Boyntoii & ISliUer, 5 Eastern Rail road wharf Brown & Dyer, 59 Commercial st Farwell & Stevens, 109 Commercial street Greene, Otis, 7 India st Coliurn, Daniel J. Gregerson & Sumner, 10 Com'l wf Freeman, Watson Haraden, Geo., Sumner st. cor. Liv- Pratt, Jabez eri>ool, E. B. „ „ „ Tarbell, Silas P. Howland, Hinckley & Co. 45 tom- Rugg, Erastus mercial st Miller & Hatch, 2 Commercial wf .Mckerson, Joseph, 46 and 47 Com- mercial st Norton, Dillaway & Co. 4 Lewis wf Parsons, Osgood'& Co. 6 Com'l wf Ryder & Co. 13 City wf Searle & Co. 51 India st Brookfield. Snow & Lombard, 83 Commercial st Douglas. Tayfor & P.-arson, 54 do Fttckburg. T.'nney & Uico, 6 Central wf Orafton. Thayer & Merrill, 65 Commercial st Lancaster. \Tre:it & Peiice, 113 do Leominster. Whiton, Train &. Co. 1 City wf Oxford. Winsor & Soule, 14 Com'l wf Petersham. M.icy, (ieo. W. JVantucket. Nye, Nathaniel H. JVckj Bedford. Sturbridge. Parker, Jacob, 15 Centre st Sutton. Watkins, Wm. do Templet on. Tabor, F. & J. C. Ill Union st Uxhridge. Knapp, Charles, Water st Web-^ter. JVewburyport. Westminster. Wills, John N., Market Sq. Worcester, i Boardman, Samuel, 6 East Row NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Sliip Smitbs. Fatchelder, Israel Beverly. Basselt & Veazie, Constitution wf. Boston. Bridge VVni. 239 Broad st. Chandler & Smith, Marine Railway and Summer. Godliold, G. A. & Son. Battery wf. Howe. ,Iolin,,I. Sumner, E. B. Jenkins, Horatio 'ii>2 Coml. wf. Lenian, Joliri, nenr 218 Broad st. Lulkin, Nathaniel, Sumner, E. B. Perkins, James, Lincoln's wf. lllmar, Wni., Sumner, cor. Lewis & 214 Commercial st. BrigKS. H. S., Dnrtvwuth. Cu>hnian, Ohed South IJarlmouth. <;idiiril & Eldridfie Falmuuth Menehew, P. E. Fairhinu-ii. Haskell, Benjamin Glvuctstir. Smith, Gilbert Hnrtcich Port. Durl'ee, J. & T. jVrie htdfurtl. Butts & Smitii, H;iZ!rd's wf. Dean &. I nsr^s, Merrill's wf Adims, Nathan Provuicetown. We-lford. R. C. Ward & Alexander Verrv, Nathaniel Sa/em. Stoddard, I). & B. South Salem. Blood, I., Weir Bridge Taunton. Sherman, William D. Westport. Shoe Peg's— Manufac- turers. Oakes .ithol. Hitchcock, Ethan Hawley. Cushing, Laban South Hingham. Shoe Tools— ITIanufac- turers. Howard & Fisher J^ortli Bridgewater. M- nn, J. R. ftii'rritt, Allen East Randolph. Mirritt, Washington fVeymnuth. Merritt, A. &. Son South Weymouth. Shovel and Spade iVlanu" facturers. Ames, O. & Sons Canton. W.ishburn, Philand. Middleborough. Eddy, N. & W. S. Pi'irce & Wood Ames, Oliver & Sons West Bridgewater. Shower Baths— ITIann- facturers. B'dcer, L. V. 8 Fulton pi. (Niagara Bath Co.) Boston. Butler, Wm. R. 23 School st. (Jreen, Orion, 3 Albany block Haskell, Wm. O. (56 Commercial st. Shuttle manufacturers. Blackington, Willard & Son Jittleborough. Learitt, B. & Co., (Bobbins & Spools) Chicopee. Fiske, George W., (Bobbins & Spools) Button st I^owell. Chase, A. D. & Co. Sutton. Marble, Ezra S. (Handles) Worcester Shuttle Co., S. Pratt, ~ Agt. 14 Front st. Worcester. Silver & Brass Platers. Plympton, William Bflchertown. Eaton. Timothy & Co. 9 Hawley st Holt, J. & J. E. 44 Union st IJnruh & Havens, Bromfield st Vialle. D. 86 Blackstone st Boston.' Brevtnn. Wm. A. Taunton. Dtmglass & Doak, Greenwich. Blunt. David Pittsjield. Howard & Brothers Springfield. Walker, Appleton, 67 Main st Worcester. Silversmiths. Clark. M. B., Harvard pi. Boston. Farrington & Hunnewell, 4 Cotu't avenue Haddock. Henry. 5 Court av. Halstrick, J. 40'Bromfield st Harding, Newell, 12 Court sq. Laforme, V. li Spring lane Pear & Bacall, 5 Averv Rich, Obadiah 69 W'aih. & 7 Chap- man pi. Rogers, Augustus, over 87 Wash. Stanwood, J. E. 20 Hawley Whiton, Ebed 6 Court Av. Woodward & Grosjean, 13 Court sq. Soap manufacturers. Pike, Nathan JViirth .Sdams. Pike, Willard (Soap &. Candles) Jindover. Hildreth, D. & P. (Soap & Candles) Beverly. Dunbar, J. 4th st near C Boston. Earl, Thomas, Turnpike, near 5th Jones, C. L. & Co. 4 S. Market Learned, Henry, 2d, near F Chapin, H. M. (Soap & Candles) 13 Lf>ng w f. ' Fi- Point Rorhury Merrill, J. .1., Pirker st n. Ruggles Parkpr, A. C, Tremont st White & Qninihv, (water power) Tremont st n. Washington Stencil Ciittinff. Dearborn, N. 104 Washington si Boston. Gill, S. W 86 Porthnd st Hall, .las. 10 Hock Squire Smith, W. H. over 87 Washington st Stone Cutters &: Dealers. Cole, .T., Broad st opp. Prentice's wf Boston. Fleming, .Tohn. 86 Friend st Gi«en, M & T. & Co., opp. 126 Har- rison Avenue Griggs & Forbes, (collar stones) Causeway st Boston. Loomis & Baldwin, (tlagging) Piper's wharf Meany, E. F., Tyler 3t n. Harvard Pray, A., Benson's wf 168 Sea st Richards & Munn, Sea st, near the Bridge Warren, Henry, 9 Haverhill st Wetherbee, J. & Co., Causeway st Woods, M. & Co. 65 Charles st Sanborn, A. C. & Co. £. Cambridge. Whicher, J. B. & Co. Milton. Shelden, O. E. & Co. iMoshier, A. J. & Co. Kellcy & Seward Newconib & Chapin Quincy. Hardwick, Charles & Co. JNewconib, James Richards, .Mann & Co. Wood, Henry Beale, Ezra Barker & Wright .lewett, E. Owens, Rowland Field. P. & Co. Bachelor, James Nightingale, Moses Fl.inders, H. H. Hoi lis, Thomas Seward, G. W. Rowe, J. P. Rodgers, O. T. & Co. Dudley, R. F. & Co. Knn.x, D. M. C. Will.ird, Solouion Granite Railway Co. Fernal, Preston & Co. Rockport. Stimpson, Eames & Co. Cdborn, B. Ballou, Frederick Kiiowlton, H. H. Knowlton, Addison & Co. Torry, William Park, L. W. Springfield. Woodward, David, Green st Worcester. Stone "Ware lYIanufac- turers. Orcutt, Guilford & Co. Ashfield. Tolman & Wright West Sterling. Edmunds, Barnabus &, Co., Moulton street Charlestown. Standis, Wright & Co., Weir Bridge Taunton. StoTes & Grates—lTIanu- facturers. Barker & Binney, (cambooses,) 165 Commercial st Boston. Bates, L. S. 42 Congress st Baxter, Wni. S. 46 do Binney, John & Co. (, 7 Rowe's wharf Blackmer & Eveleth, 5 R. R. Block, Lincoln st Boyd & Shepard, 6 Water st Bruwnell. Asa C. 25 and 27 Black- stone st Bryent & Herman, 61 Congress st Butler, llciiry T. & Co. 32 Union st Butler, Win. R.25SchrK)l st Carpenter, .^. (cambooses), 8 Rowe's wharf Carpenter, Cyrus, 28 Union st Cate, E. M. & Co. 104 Summer st Chapin, E. S. & Co. 35 Congress st Chilson, G. 51 and 53 Black.stone st Coburn, S. D. & E. R. 38 & 4(1 Cross street Cutler & Robinson, 54 Kilby st. cor. of Water Dearborn, John M. 25 Devonshire st Dickson, J. P. 64 Union st. corner of .Merrinnck Dodd & Wilson, 4 Derby Range Dodd, John W. 49 Congress st Dunklee, B. W. 40 and 41 Blackstone street Folsom, S. M. 35 Blackstone st Boston. Greenman, Josiah, 22 Union st Goodrich &, Mallary, 15 and 16 Ger- risli Block Hartshorn & Ames, 98 Blackstone st Headway, Jame^, 587 Washington st Hewelt & Westcolt, 15 Marshall st Hunt, J. S. 195 Hanover st Huse, Joseph, 27 Union st Jones, Lewis & Son, 36 Union st Leavitt, C. F. 16 do Lincoln, Alex. 8 Market Square Morse, Harvey M. 13 Lewis st. E. Bi Morandi, F. 164 Hanover st Nutter, Richard, 20 Broad st Oliver, Wm. B. 19 Union st Osgood, (Jove & Co. 21 Congress st Perry, Wm. 501 Washington st Pond, Moses & Co. 28 Merchants' Row Prouty, David & Co. 19 N. Market st Read, J. M. 3 Shoe and Leather st Rogers, W. H. 4 U. S. Hotel Ross, Isaac, 9i Milk st Rotch, Wm. 29 Union st Sargent, Jos. (cambooses), 10 Clinton street Starbuck, N. & Son, 22 Union st Stimpson, H. &. F., Congress st. cor. of Water Stodder, J. W. T. 626 Washington st Story, J. W., E st. cor. of Broadway Watson, S. N. & Co. 43 & 45 Black- stone st White, W. & W. K. 40 School st Whiteley, Edward, 22 Water st Winchester, I. T. 65 Blackstone st Andrews, John Cambridge. Ellis, B. & Co. (manuf<.) Cnrver. H ilh iw;iy, Wui. L. do IJighton. Stacy, John H., Front st Gloucester. Woodbury, Slory & Co. Ipswich. Sawyer, Elijah, New Boston f^ancaster. Boynton, N. A. & T. J., Clintonville Brickett, W. H. & C. (house furnish- ing goods) Lawrenct. Bennett & Marshall, Common st Butler, John Q.. A. 46 Central st Lowell. Adams, , 112 Merrimack st Curbing & Mack, Market street, (see advertisement) Thompson, M. E. Medway. Chase, Frederick C, Union st J^antucket. Palmer, M. B. & Co. 28 Central st Aew Bedford. Chamberlin, Silas, Market S()uare J^ewburyport. Kelsey, John B., Pleasant st Hale, Jacob, Merrimack st Chamberlin, Gillm., Market st Frothingham, N. & T. H. 29 and 31 Front >.t Salem. Peck & Co. 7 Main st Springfield. Pease, George F. do Wilcox, William L. 2, 3, and 4 Mar- ket street Clough, Isaac S. & Co. Waltham. Lewis & Van Dawson Wrslfield, Moore, .1. We.^t Stockliridge. Williston, (Jordon, 2 Mechanics st Worcester, Straw- Cutters—KIann- facturers. Stevens. Silas Brookfield. Tower, Henry Millbarii. Hovey, C. &. Co. 35 Sumner st Worcester. Stucco Workers. James, Wm. E., Deacon st Boston. Kelley, P. & T., opposite 42 Bedford street Kettelle, Samuel. 114 Pleasant st Tolman, S. P., rear of 22 Kingston st 190 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIKECTORY. Sug'ar Refineries. Boston Sugar Refinery, .losiah Stick- ney and I. Schotield, Jr., Agents, 1 (,'oniniereiiil wharf Boston. White, S., Gouchst Surgical Instrument Makers. Fininley, H. 18 School st Boston. Hunt, N. 128 Washington st I'lielps J. W. 176 Treniont St. and 63 Ciiurt st Weddell, A. 15 Hawley st Tacks and Brads— Man- ufacturers. Randall, A. South Braintree Keith Zenas & Scott. (Tacks) East Bridgewater. Keith, Zebina Dyer, Charles Hanover. S.iliiiond, Samuel Hiiwl.Mid, Luther Hanson. liu sell, Thomas, (Tacks) Kingston. Sdule, Henry, (Tacks and Fine Cut- lery) Reed, Edwin, (Tack") Walker, Charles, (Cut Tacks) Marshfield. Reed, Horatio, (Tacks) J^Torth Scituate. Chamberliin, JonathMn (Brads and Sparrowbills) Carterville Stockbridge. Mason, L. G. (Brads) Union st (Vorcester. Tailors. McRaith, James Abington, Hinilley. George JVvrt/i .idams. Rich Tdson, E. W. Jindover. T I Ulan, Hugh Burclimore, J. J^Torth Jindover. II .llett, A., Hyannis Barnstable. Hopkins, A. A. B. Belchertown. Slate, C. R. Bernardstun. Hile, Z. O. Beverly. Smithies, John JVorth Blandford. Bronson, H. Hohn, Philip Brewster. Butlerfield, Wm. H. Brimfield. Scanlan, John Cambridge Port. Scanlan, James Rulledge, Barnard Canton. Niles, W. E. Cknrlemont. Alberty, R. B. 10 Charlestown Sq. Ckarlestown. Young, David G. Chatham. Furber, Geo. D. Chelmsford. Meehan, Dennis Cheshire. Tinker, Win. S. Chester Village. Samuels & Browning Blair, L. A. Chester Factory. Wilcutt, Harrison Elmer. A. L. Chesterfield. Ellis, A. Chtcupee Falls. Barnes, M. H. Mahoney, John D., School street Chicupee, Smith, G. W. ' Conway. Ealon, Thomas E. Cumminglon. White, W. H. Thompson, G. B. Main st. Danvers. Tucker, Abner R. South Dartmouth. Gifford, Perry JVorth Dartmouth. McCann, West Dedham. Lynch, J. Dolan, J. Pierce, Charles A. South Deerfitd. Patch, David F. Dorchester. Kennedy, Robert Duxbury. Stewart, James G. E. Bridgewater. Jones, Jarvis South Egremont. Coffin, J. D., Water st Edgartown. Adlington, Francis Leonard, D. M. Enfield. Cook, Silas D. Stevens, Israel Pramingham. Cooper, Nathaniel, Saxonville Robinson, Wm. K., Franklin City Pranidin. Legate, Wm. M. South Gardner. Osgood, Stephen Georgetown. Blodgelt, S. C. Stickney, James H.T7 Front st Gloucester. Stearns, H. H. Granby. Hopkins, L. Ot. Barrington. Lewis, T. B., Factory Village Greenfield. Blanchard, Samuel Groton. Hewes, W. F. Jewett, E. Hadley. tJooch, S. D. Hingham. Rollet, Franz Hinsdale. Dibble, Moses Barrt)ws, Theodore Davis, Charles F. Holliston. Ruggles, Charles Lancaster. Rice, A. C, Clintonville Bailey, A. H. I^ee. Davis, Wm. L. Dickinson, N. A. East Leverett. Jenness, J. Medfield. Hughes, Robert, Rockville, Medway. Grant, S. Williams, F. J. Montague. Stearns, J. H. Smith, John, Third st Xew Bedford. Bean, Henry Burbank, Samuel Mattapoisett. Knight, Frederick, State st JVewburyport. Pierce, B., jr. 3 State st Spiller, Henry Cranston, A. JVew Marlborough. Burnham. Ezra H. JVewton Corner. O'Neill, Edw'd, JVorth Bridgewater. Hoi 11 wood. P. F. Bumpus, E. B. McRaith, James Cisco, George JVorthampton. Crosby, J. M., Thorndike Palmer. Boylston, J. C. Whipple, A. F. Peppcrell. Fisk, Amos Pittsficld. Latham, S. D. Plamfield. Becktord, J. M. Quincy. Casey, J. Randolph. Dugan, James Colby, J. S. Salisbury. Colbert, J. W. Sandisfield. Allen, Joshua N. Sandwich. Hinckley, Freeman Richard", E. Sharon. Utter. William Shejjield. Crosby. W. J. Barber, W. S. Hndley Falls. Knight, D. R. Southampton. Buckingham, J. P. Southwick. Heiisler, Conrad Springfield. Pilling, Benjamin Stockbridge. Waters, N. A. Leonard, Z. A. Sunderland. Faulds, Robert J., Market st Taunton. Needham, J. F. Wales. Gardner, James A. Simmons, N. S. fVnre. Rumioll, Geo. W. Warwick. Holton, Ciuartus Wendell. Hill, Wm. West Ca7nb> iilge. Tryon, Isaac C. Wcstfield. Gales, H. C. Taylor, Wm. Westport. Patrick, Morrison, Ireland West Springfield. Chapman, L. B. Adlington, F. M. Weymouth. Role, Join Hyde, M. South Weymouth. I'av lor, L. C. East Wrymuulh. Taylor, John Wilbraham. Mi'Crae, C. WiUiam.s, Erastus L. Butler, C. B. Brown, BaiUy C. Coltoii, Joseph &. Co. Kimberly, Thompson Cowles, Erastus Mernck, L. MtGinley, John Millett, Wm. P. Miller, 1). P. Hammond, J. W. Saiiipvon, Wm. Smiili, A. E. Ger.stle, John J. 'luck & Batclielder Lord, Wm. Bales, E. D. & Co. Albce, Joseph A. & Co. 3 Di; mond Block Boston. Alien & Starbird, 5 Market Sq. south side l''aneuil Hall Almy, G. W. 52 N. Market st Appleton, Samuel B. 56 Wash, st Ariiiingion, H. E. 136 do Babson, Deacon & Lemoyne, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Faneuil Hall Building Barnes, Martin, 181 Ann st Barrtll, J. A. & Co. 53 Com'l st l!ayl(\, C. T., Broad st. opposite Pur- chase, (Sailor's Houie Clothing Store) Berry, VV' m. C, Ann St. cor. Black stone BlaisdiU, Wm. H. 73 and 75 Ann st Bhixome, Joseph. 30 Green st Boriislt ill, 1. 468 Washington st Bonistein. J. & Brother, 414 do lirookliouse, John H. 113 do Brown, L;iwreiice & Stickney, Old Sl.ite Hou-e Burgess, John, 44 Bromfield st Call &, Tultle, 121 Washii.gton st Calro\v & Co., Hanover st. cor. Elui Cariies, Henry, 68 (;ourt st Carver, David, 20 Wasliington st Cass, A. J. L. 72 Cambridge st Chapin, Orris T. 1^ Treniont Row Chadwick. Wm., Hanover st. corner Riclimoud Clapp, Seth E. 59 Court st Clark, J. CI. A. & Co. 8 Congress Sq. Clark, S. H. 1 India wf cor. Broad st Clement & Wetherbee, 47 Ann st Collier, David J. 47 Congress st Connell, M. &. Co. 5J Merrimack st Cook, Ju-liji E. 123 Wash, st Coyle, V\ ui. 4 Richmond st Curtis, Jidiii, Jr. 6 Ann st Dale, S. 24 do Doblin, A. 536 Washington st Dorr, L. R. 61 Commercial st Dougla>s, li.nrj, 13 Water st Driscoll, C. &. Co. 14 Court st Diidlej, A. A. i\i.,j miction of Union aid Bl. cUstone sis Earle, John, Jr. & Co. 139 Washing Ion street Eaton, Ezra, 81 Commercial st Eaton, Ezra O. 213 Ann st Ellison, Andrew. 19 Brattle st I'earii.g & Whitney, 33 Washington St. and 5 llichborn Block Field. Boiij. 1. 109 Waslin gton st Fisk a. Cu. l.iiig, y6 e, Oliver South Dedham Nissvell, Joseph, Lower Mills Dorchester. Henfield, John East Douglas. Mecorney, H. Shaw, Minot C. East Bridgemater. Allen, S. B. Preston, L. Easthampton. Sayer, J. F. V. W. Edgartomn. Bailey & Fisher, Water st Menlhew, James Jr. Fairhaven. Church & Aliiiy, Main st Sisson &. Weaver, 14 Granite Block Market Sq. Fall River. Strobridge, VV. C. &. J. M. 5 Granite Block Brightman, W. H. 28 Merchants Bl. Bliss, James L. 8 Pocassett House Cibbs, R. S. & Co. 1 & 2 Pocassett House, South Main st. Mc Uuilty, R. G. 70 Annawam st. Hithaway, E. 66 North Main st Burgess, E. G. Falmouth. (Jross, D. & Co. Filckburg. Leverett &. Co., opposite i'.tohburg Hotel TuriK'r, Willard P., Foxborough. Buflingaiue. R. A. Bassetl & Hastings, Franklin City Franklin, Dean, S. L. Elvvell, Andr. 18 Front Oloucester. Gardner, Charles 63 do Cook, Sam. K. 75 do White, Homer Ritchie, William G. Rust &. Clark Thayer & Jones Kingsby, E. W. Piuiiimer, Chs. Fletcher, Edmund Woodward, C.& CD. Kimball, Gilbert Pearson, H. A. Snider, I. B. Todd, John Corbett, I. K. Harvey, C. H. Flynn, John B. Jordan, Robert Wade, John W, Ornnby. Bairington. Greenjield. Hingham. Uubbardston. Ipswich, Kingston. Riley, Philip H., New Boston Village Dancaster, Field, C. W., ClintonvUle Showell, Alfred Lawrence. Bean, L. O. Sanborn & Kelly Bliike &. Keyes Hull, Stephen Riley, John Nason, S. f. Gillispie, John Leonard & Warner Lee. Peek, J. N. Mann, Elias Leominster. Carter, Charles Munroe, H. A. Lexington. Drew & Goldsmith, 26 Central st. Louieli. Lewis & Baise, 34 Central st. Smith & Lancaster, 22 do Mc Evoy, Hugh 58 do De n, H. C, Wymans E.\change Burbank & Chase, 5 Central st. Bennett, W. S. 11 do Ba.xter, H. J. 29 do York, A. F., East Merrimack st Dean, Barnes do Evans, Ransom, Middlesex st Colburn, Augustus 14 Merrimack Williams, J. & J., North Common st. Lynn. Smith, Richard R. 7 Exchange st Burbeck & Boardnian, W^ashington St. Marblehead. Conway, John, Washington : Gardner, J. Hiirvey, Geo. Cushing, John Birnes, John G. Nichols & Co. Ropes, Joseph .Vtkinson, John B. Ha-kins, Edmond Webb & Dyer Hudson, VV. H. Denecke, Theodore C, Congdon, James C. Tniiimerbays, Wm. .'Vllen, Avery T., Main st Barnard, C. Jr. do Spooner, Seth C. 70 Union st JVew Bedford Thurston, E. H. 76 Union st. Seaburj-, O. & E. W. 86 do Kelly, H. C. & Co. 106 do St,r. J. T. &Co. 97 do Kenney, John 91 do Pope, Thomas Jr. 36 North Water Hicks & Chapman, 25 do Hemiian, Henry 19 do Brown, H. P. & Co. do Tobey & Doane, 91 Purchase st Davis & Allen 82 do Smith, John Wm. A. 6 Third st King, Francis A. 11 do Chase, T. P. & T. J. l.iS Purchase st N«ls(Mi, John B. Water st JVewburyport, Cook, Rufus iJrerley, Nathaniel 9^ State st Currier, Wm. 61 Stile c. Essex st Barniim, J. G. 3 State st Stevens, Isaac, cor. Center & W^ater Poole, Charles, Pleasant st Smart, James T., Water st do Medford. West Medway. Med way. East Medway. Methuen. Middleboro. MiUford. Millbury. Monson. J^antucket. 192 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Taylor, James, Upper Falls JVewton. Bartlelt, A. W. JVorth Brookfie.ld. 8trattoii, W. JVorthJield. Clapp, S. S. &, Co. 6 Merchants Row J^Torthamptuii. Kinsley, Daniel Kellogg, David Reed, JiiiiiBS, 5 Granite Row Wells, Geo. do Merrick & Parker Orange. Hodgkins, F. R. Otis. P'reiMiian & Davis Orford. Biilev. L. A. Palmer Deput. Earlier. J. D. Loiigley, C. P. M linger, H. W. & Co. Oilliiiur, .L M., Bonville Palmer. Weliher, A., Three Rivers Bniinan, J. W., Front st Pawtucket. Watrts-!, Chas. H. Pittsjield. Golden, C. B. Dunham, J. H. Hodgkins, Joseph W. Small, D. F. Provincetown. Russell, John (^uincy. Dinegan, John Gray, Ira Reading. Swift, E. G. Roclsb<>rne, Franklin do Smiih, Richard do Little, J. It. do Upton, Franklin do Goodrich, Bei j. do Gillion. John V\^ do Holmes, 'J', (currier) do Hodgkins, J. S. do do Lord. John, (currier,) Central st Poor, Nathan do do Poor, Henry, (tanner) do Monroe, Isaac, (tanner,) Central st Roberts, David do Poor, Joseph, Jr. (tanner) do Hardy, Isa.ic, Jr. do do Frost, Caleb do do HMbi'isoa, iNathan do Pierce David, (tanner) Central st TJanvera. Harris, Samuel do do Osborne, D. W. do do Pender &. Brown, (cnrriers,) 3 Grove Welch, T. W. (currier) 5 Grove st I'odle, Leonard, Grove st Pluiumer, H. (currier) Grove gt Fernald, S. do Sjiring st Leroyd, John A. JV. Danvera. Merrill, Joseph, (currier) New Mills Perry, Jacob F. (tanner) Fowler, Sam'l P. do New Mills Fowler, Augustus do Clieever, Geo. P. (tanner) do Webb, Putnam (currier) do Harriinan, J. P. do do Black, N. &, M. (kid bindings, linings, &.C.) New Mills Potter, Luther JV. Dartmouth. Tbompson, Robert S. Dedham. Smith &. Winslow Day, Joseph (factory leather) Billings, S. D. S. Deerfield. Van Rimple, J. (currier) Dorchester, Adams, Seth (currier) Young, Calvin do Clapp, Wm. (tanner) Humphreys, H. do House, Enos do Shoals & Son East Hampton. .Mellen, John Fnfield. ("arey. Edward French, A. P. Fall River. Chase, Edmund &. Son, 52 Bcdibrd st Morse, Nathaniel Oeorgetown. Stratton, Samuel Oill. Rosseter, Mark O. Barrivgton. Kilboiirn, Levi Peabddy, John Oruton. Dickinson, S. & E. Hadtty. White, Josejih JV. Hanson. Nickerson, Elkanah Harwich. Jerters, Wm. (currier) Haverhill. Butters, H. A. do Kimball, E. (morocco dresser) S.iwyer, Milton (tanner) Hawley. Rugg, Joel Heath. Ijoriiig, Alfred 5. Hinghanu Stodder, Laban Sawyer, Aaron Hinsdale. Stutson, Wm. Kingston. Cushman, Samuel Lowry, F. N. South Lee. Davis, Edwin J.enox. Babcock, Burrldge&Co. Leominster. (iraves, L. M. Leverett. Fitts, Robert East Ijeverett. Bridge, .\. E. (currier) E. Lexington. Everts, E. & S. Longmeadow. Dwight, Oliver Newhall, F.S. & H. (morocco) Lynn. liusspll, J. I,, (currier) Market st Oliver, A. (morocco) 10 do Kelly &. Drown, (morocco) do Lovejoy, E. (kid and morocco) 19 and 21 Market st Long, C. M. (currier) Market st Roberts, Pevere & Co. (kid and mo- rocco) Market st Carroll, E. (morucco) Front st B irry. D. du Miinroe st lilaiiey. S. &C. ijo Harrison Ct, Taplty, A.&C. do Front st 'I'aylnr, L. (currier) Maiden. Woods, L. do .Mrdicay. Ijuerson. O. 2<1. (currier) Jirtliuen. (;o(lfrey& Mayo do Jh/ford. Cliilds, E. N. jViifhiiry. Adams, James & Co. Milinn. Sumner, Jabez Whitney, M. &. Co. (boot Unings) 'I'liby, Stephen Monson. Davis, John Montague. Clapp, Zcnas Cushman & Hinkley JVeir Bedford. Sheldon, O. &. M. E. JVew Marlborough. Osgood, Geo. JVeto .Salem. Smith, A. K. JVortA JVfw Salev). Parsons, A. C. J^'ortlifield MASSACHUSETTS. 193 Clark, Asa Petersham. Bryant & Artemas S.indorson, 0. Phillipston. Siinonds, Warren Osborne & Deane Pittsfield. Lath 1 in, R. A. (sole) Plainfield. Riclimoiid, U. Plymouth. Plumber & Whiting Quincy. Williams F. Dunbar, A. W. Rodgers, Clift Beaton, C. & S. Richmond. Scott, Thomas Rome. Jewett, George Rowley. Cressey, John Cressey, Nathaniel Guild, S. & J. & Co., Bartlett st and Tremont Rozbury. Meriam, A. S., Boylston st Whitt^, Isaac D., Lowell st Winslow, R., Eustis st n. Wash. Billings, Jos. H. (morocco dressers) Spring st, West Rnxbury Hunt & Cutter, (morocco dressers) m Washington st n. Eustis Monroe, Jas. M. (morocco dresser) Vernon st n. Washington. Packer, G. (morocco dresser) Wash- ington st cor. Tremont Brewster, 1. A. (currier) JV. Salem. Conrey, J. H. do Carlton, F. (tanner) Aanable, Ephraim (currier) Porter, Benj. P. Sanborn, J. (currier) Evans, .\lvah A. (currier) Salem. Lord, Jas. (tanner) 96 Federal st Cartliy, Michael Conaway, H. (currier) Nichoh, Dan'l F. (tanner) Varney, \Vm. & Co. Porter & Frye, (tanners) Walden, J. F. (currier) Boston st Higbee, L. do 55 do Hughes, John, do 59 do Cullitoii, John, do do Turner, C W. (tanner) Goodhue st Turner, Calvin, do do Looby, Thomas, (currier) do Nichols, Thomas, do do Osgood, N. W. (t inner) do Haski^ll, Daniel C. (currier) do Higbee, Charles, (tanner) do Band, Lewis, do do Poor, William, do do Nichols, Samuel, do do Putnam, J. & Low, do do Frye, Joseph, do do Hanson, E. A. do do Pitman, Samuel, (currier) 2 do Putman, Jacob, Boston st Varney, W. D. & S. 2 Boston st Thorndike, W. D. (currier) Boston st Gould & iVlcGeary, do 45 do Noah, Samuel, Jr. do 34 do HarringUm, L. B. do do Hodgdon, G. C. do 32 do Pitman, N. do 24 do Tuttle, Nathaniel do 21 do Weston, Charles, May st Fowler, Harrison B. Salisbury. Burt, F. H., N. Boston, Sandisfield. Burt, Orlo Hardy, Geo. W. (morocco and kid) Sangus. Baker &Cudworth, (tanners) Savoy. Kellogg, J. T. Sheffield. B.irdwell, Apolas Shelburne Falls. IJardwell, Alonzo, (tanner) South Hadley Falls. Chamberlain A. (harness and belt leather) Miller, A. D. (harness and belt) South Hadley. Snow, Spencer Howe, Chauiicy Springfield. Root, James O. Stockbrldge. Tidd & Bloomer, (currier) Sloneham. Buckman, Stephen, do Fletcher &. Newhall, (curriers) Stoice. Allen, Liberty, (tanner) Sturbridge. 13 Snow, Daniel, Templeton. Trull, Herbert Tew/csbury. Tinker, E. & W. Tolland. Wheeler, A. F. West Townsend. Orr, John, (morocco) Tolman, John fVare. Stevens, C. C. Warwick. Stevens, N. E. Snow, Watson M. Westjield. Kellogg, Lorenzo Smith, Daniel McNeil, Alexander Rice, M. Westhampton. Furbush, Joseph Westminster. Hobbs & Hager Weston. Leach, E. W. Weymouth. Frary, Dexter Whateiy. West, Strong (upper leather) ^Suuth Wilbraham. Bodinan, Erastus (upper leather) Williamsburg. Bartlett, Liberty Wiltiamstown. Morse, Isaac Winchendon. Winn, J. B. & Co. Woburu. Parks, Leonard W. Ingcrson, (Jeo. L. (currier) , Tidil, Charles do Ciininiing^, John Cumniings, Cyrus (patent leather) Bond & 'i'idd (curriers) Tidd, Wni. (currier) Thompson, A. & Co. (tanners) Thompson, B. F. & Son S. Woburn. .VIedberry, A. B. Worthington. Tea Dealers. Dane, Dana & Co. 12 North Market street Boston. Hill, Chamberlain & Co. 11 Cent'l wl' Jones & Curtis, 54 Broad st McGregor, James & Co. 7 Central wf Redding & Co. 198 Washington st and 78 Hanover Stoddard, David, 6 S. Market st Telescope Manufac- turers. Holcomb, Amasa Southwick. Allen, B. J. (telescopes and lenses) Main st Springfie'd. Thread and Tarn. Webber, John P. Beverly. [Boston. Andrews, A. A. & Co. 161 Wash, st Burr, Heman M. Jr. 225 Boston. Cass, F. W. 429 do Clapp, VVm. & Co. 307 do Clark, Uriel, 291 do Dyer, S. 1). 150 Hanover st Everett, E. D.68 do Greenwood, J. M. 361 Washington st Holden, L. P. & Co. 219 do King, C. E. 245 do Langley, J. T. 8 Tremont Row Metcalf, D. E. 431 Washington st Pey-^er. F. M. (worsteds) 181 do Shorey & Co. (jobbers) 168 do Smith, John W. 231 do Tolman, Joseph A. 4 Tremont Row Ware, Jas. 223 Washington st Thread lUanufacturers. Coombs, C. C. Attleborough. Tilson, I. F. Canton. Southworth, J. & A. Ware, B. B. (white and colored) Franklin. Fisher, Clark Wilson, James B. Medway. Mason, Orion Thayer, A. P. Wett Medjcay. Thread Manufacturing Company Pawtucket. Soutiiworth, C. & A. Stoughton. Lawrence, .\. Walpole. Boulell, James Wrcntham. Daniels, Adam Newcomb, Chas. & Co. (twine, cords, yarn, &.c.) Kingston. Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron^ &. i^tove Manufacturers. French, P. & Co. Abingtm. Henderson, Rowell & Co. Acton. Wilbur, S. A. South Adams. Decker & Holden J\rorth Adams. Brown & Waterbury Hadskin, Wm. Littlefiild & Sawyer imesbury. Moat igiie, J. W. Amherst. Reed, Wm. G. Andover. Morse, Jas. E. Athol. Thompson, A. Attleboro'. Beise, Geo. H., Hyannis Barnstable. Spencer, J. H. Barre. VVhite, Thomas Richardson, J. W. Belchertown. Lunt, B. S. Beverly. Benson, S. H. Blackstone. Acres, George T., Sargent's wf Boston Austin, J. 236 Aim st Biimey, John & Co. 7 Rowe's wf Blaney, A. 113 Cambridge st Brown, George, 11 Marshall st Carpenter, Alfred, 8 Rowe's wf Caswell, Geo. W. 4th si. cor. D Cate, E. M. & Co. 104 Summer st Chipm in, Thos. G. 4 Boylston st Divine, John, 30 Prince st Emnion.s, Joshua, 26 School st (/all agher & Oliver, Turnpike, oppo- site Silver st Hall. Timothy, N. Centre street, ne« Ann Harrison, J. J. 93 Water st Hendiey, James, 587 Wash, st Hunt, J. L. 195 Hanover st Jones, L. & Son, 36 Union Liiiibord, Wm. 117 Coumiercial st Lincoln, Ale.v. 8 Market Sq. iMorandi, Francis. 164 Hanover st Morse, H. M., Lewis st. E. B. Oliver, VV. B. 19 Union st Perry, VVm. 501 Washington st Peterson, \. 54 Essex street, and 271 Washii-jton Price, Edw ird (planished) Wash. st. cor. Dover Robinson, Daniel, 94 Court st Rogers, W. H. 4 U. S. Hotel Ross, Isaac, 9i Milk st Soule &. Ricliards, 15 Lewis st, E. B. Stodder, J. W. T. 625 Wash, st Story, Joseph W., E st. cor. Broa^ way Swan, D. 22 Merriuiiick st Th lyer, Warren, 5 Kneeland st Waterman, N. 83 and 85 Cornhill Wilbur, Samuel, 68 Cambridge st Dillingham & Huckius Brewster. Homer, Francis D. Bridgewater. Sampscm, Joshua Brighton, Parks, F. B. Brookline, Bailey &. Cole, Cambridge st East Cambridgt. Kelley, Daniel Cambridge Port. Hawkes, Levi E.aton & Haley Merritield & Donnell Cambridgt. Marden, C. W. Canton. Trask, Isaac P. 123 Main st Charlestown, Edmonds, William M. 3 City Hall, Cliarlestown Sq. Robertson, John, cor. of Front and First sts Starks, Robinson & Co. 34 Chelsea st Harrison, Geo. N. 24 do Rogers, Sullivan Chatham. Brown, Allen Chester Villagt. Bliss, C. S. Chicopee Fail*. 194 NEW-ESGLAXD MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY, Pease, Charles M., Exchange st C/ucopee. Bliss, Wni. G., Exchange st Bates, Samuel Cohassett. Dean & Parks Concord. Merrick & Cloyes Conwaii. Wiley Army, Alain st Danvers. BatcheUUT, J.ll., NewMills Ropes Joseph VV. J^Turth Danrers. Fairbanks, .). iVest Dedliam. Shutiiway, E. Dedliam. Smith, VVni. JVest Uenius. Hayiies, Ceo., Lower Mills Dorchester. Tilestone, Charles, Lower MUls Bacon &. Baird, Neponset Gleason, R Wood, Brightman &. Co. J\rew Bedford. Tripp, Stephen A. & Co., 11 North Water st Wiag, William G. & Co., 15 North Water st ChiUls, S. 93 Purchase st Freeman, Marcus L. (Dealer) Almy, Jumes, 1-2 Market sq. Richards,!!!, A. B. Lui.d, J. P. Smith, C. F. & Co. Mattapoisett. Sumner, Charles Stone, E. F. Clark, Willard Colenuin, Robert Draper, A. L. Bisbee, .1. B., Middle East Dovglas. Duzbury. Edgartoicii. Enfield. st Fairhaven. Brown, Wm. E., Water st Bisbee, .lonathan Battey, VVui. E. 31 South Main st Fall River. Chase, Wm. 3.5 North Main st Hood, F. B. 32 Soulh iMam st Cunningham & Root, 39 Pleasant st Litch & Sawtull FUchburg. Holt, Ira Rowell, A. & Co. Framivgham. Frost, James L , S.ixonville Boynton, Willi;im (stove-) Oeorgctown. Cartwright, J. do Woodbury, Story & Co. (stoves) OLoucester. Stevens, George, Froc.t st Strong, SaiiCord Enst Oranvi''^ Patterson, B. W. (stoves) Great Bar ,ft.on. Jones, Mitchell & C". '<' - >«) Greenfield. Wiley, Robert l;^.r:^j Small, J. C A'''«fA Harwich. Loriiig. E.n'S Ningham. CuiTier, A. N. HoUiston. Clark, Jonas Huhhardstun. Savvver, Elijah (Stone Dealer) New BoVton Village Lancnster. Boynton, N. A. & T. J., Clintonville Smith, S. & A. A. 155 Oak st Lawrence. Dana, J. H. & Co. (Coppersmiths) Bennett & Marshall, 4-J Common st Phelps, (;. II. I-ee. Nichols, B. S. Deominster. Forbs, Henry East Leiington. Bangs, I. W.&D.. Central st J.uwell. Littlelield, D. G. HG Mirriniack st Foot, James L. 5&^ do Langley & Whitten (De",lers) East Merrimack st. Parker, John H. (Dealer) Mace, Aloi!7,() M., Middle st Bangs, 1. & VV. D., Middlesex st Paur, John N. & Co. 48 North Com- mon st Dynn. Brown, Edward Rust, Sanmel, 29 Front st. Holden, Timothy Maiden. Pratt, Joseph Putnam, James H. jjjifris Jifarblehead. Davis.Thomas A. Goddard & Hoisuigton Mcdfield. Willis, Geo E. Medford. Thomson, M. E. Medicay. Walker, A. J. Brooks, Joseph M. Mrthuen. Doane, George H. Middlehurough. Weed, Daniel Middletun. Kellev, Elisha Milllinn/. Barton, N. P. Mmison. May, Frederick C. JVantuclcet. Mitchell & Austin Hussey, John ,\. Chase, Frederick C, Union st Hussey, Christi pher. Federal st Goodwin, Henry, Main st Deiean, Eugene, Broadway JVewburyport. Morse, Rufus K., Water st Dodge, Samuel, Essex st Sargent, 11., Water st Brown, J. O. W. do Pierce. F. A. do Balch, John H. do Stover, Geo. do Kelsey, John B., Pleiisant st. Hale, J!ic<)b, 8 Merrimack st Aldrich, 1. IVest JVcwton. Stites, William, Newton Corner Smith & Hervey J^orth Bridgewater. Bennett, G. Northampton. Lee, S. W., Main st Felton, A. H., Court st Arnold, W. A., Main st Washburn, Enoch Orange. Snow, Calvin Orleans. (iarric, (Jilliert Otis. Ti.ylor, Amos S. Oxford. Bailey, J. S. Palmer Depot. Filield! S. & M. S. (Wholesale) Pawtucket. Andrews, Collins Petersham. Butler & Sears Pittsfieid. Backus, W. G. Gullow, D. Butler & Sears Peck, Jabez & Son W!ishburn, John Plymouth. Drew, Wm. R. Holmes, Hiram Provincetown. Snow, N. A. B.iwly, A. F. Fellows, E. S. Qmncy. Holmes, Ciiarles Welcome, Silloway & Co. Randolph. Bailett, J. Hockport. Bird, Calvin, Warren cor. Wash. Roxbury. Kent, Geo. N., 79 Washington st Holmes, Jos. 12(i Washington st. op- posite Veriion Tolman, John, Centre, Jam. Plain Fuller, William G., 43 Washington street Salem. liortoii, J., 26 Lawrence Place Ropes, John S. Ik. Co., 17 & 19 Front Preston, Jon-'than, 12 Central st Pease, S. 128 1 lerbv st Chipman, A. M. & E. M 347 Essex Cliipni: n, Kichanl M. 356 do Littlefield, J. & D. Salisbury. Foster, Josiah Sandwich. Burbank, William I Snow, B. Scitunte Harbor. Brooks & Mills Sonth Hadley Falls. i Woodruti; W. B., Main st ' Springfield. Welsh, Henry, Main st. I Wilcox, W. L. 2, 3 & 4 Miirket st Pepper, G. C. Springfield Hill. Sawyer, Henry Sterling. Van Dusen, Mason Stockbridge. Cox, Enoch Sturbridge. I Briggs & Francis Taunton. Hutchinson, Win., Main st Eddy, Saben, Weir Bridge Ingell, W. H. & G. do Whitcomb, David Templeton. Elliott & Clark fyest Toicnsend. (ill, John M. Truru. 1 Wing, Charles Uxbndge. Carroll & Garside South Walpole. I Warner, John .'\., Mam st Waltham. 1 Sticknev, Rufiis I Pepper & Welhcrell Ware. Doane, Calvin Wareham. White, W. & Co. Warren. Stiles, William Watrrtuwn. SpriuUling. Eraslus S. Webster. sparrow, Reuben Wcllfleet. Higgins & Stulibs Boynton & Dickinson Westborough. Merriam & Bailey West Boylston. Mendum, A. W., West Cambridge. Ch; piiian, Asahel Westfield. Taller, Gilbert Parker, J., Ireland fV. Springfield, Woodrutf; C. H. West Stockbridge. Freieiniuth George A. Wit/mouth. lr.-nch, P. & Co. East II . iimnuth. Cook, J. Williamstincn. Caswell, W. It ine/imdnn. Trull, Eldridge H uburii. Hilton & Dodge, cor. Main st. and Pea rl Worcester. Cbirk & Pheljis. 65 Front st Oliver, James L, 112 Main st lAicas, Wm., Central st Russell, J. D. 47 Front st Hallet, Henry Yarmouth PorU Crocker, B. W. Tobacco. Bemis & Robertson, 3 and 4 Lewis vvf Boston. Bickford, John, Broad st. coi. Cus- tom House Brown, D. S. 48 Chatham st Clark, John, 50 N. Market st Dodd, James E. 39 India st Dodd, John, 39 India st Dodd, J(!hn A. 39 India st Parker, Ebenezer, 10 City wf Tilton, S. & Co. 30 Commercial wf Whiston, F. G. 69 Broad st Wiggin, R. P. 21 India st House, E. (Wholesale Cigar, Snuff, and Tobacco) Water st Jfcwburyport. Truckmen. Ball, J. W., East, packet pier. Com- mercial st Boston. Bancroft, Aaron, Central st. cor. In- dia Bancroft, Thomas & Co., Central st. cor. India Buttrick & Co. 17 Broad st and 20 Commercial wf Cheney, Ward & Co, Kilby Conant, Nathan, 13 India st Cooley, Azariah, 36 Broad st Coy, H. C. & A. 36 S. Market st Doolittle & Peiinell, 5 Broad st liownes, Simeon E., Long wf Dunbar, P. &. Co. 17 Custom H. st Fisher, D. 89 State st Fisher. P., 116 State st Ford, B. 46 Long wf Forrislall, Ezra, 112 Milk s ( George, T. C. 3 S. Market st Gile, John, 5 T. wf Griffin, Abner C, Causeway st. opp. Nashua Jaques, James, Causeway st. cor. of Central Jones, Isaac, 7 Custom House st Kellum, Brown & Co. 50 Kilby st Luders. J. & Co. 14 Lewis wf Miles. Oliver, 57 Broad st .Miles, Waller, 57 Broad st Miiore, Abra'm M., & Co. 57 Broad street Moore, B. P. 4 Clinton st Moore, Wm., Cli;irlestown st Na^oii & Foster, Medt'ord st O'tdnnor, Tiniotliy, 065 Wash'n st Paige, Charles E. 42 India st P;itch & White, 7 Custom H. st Prescott, John C. 5 iliwid st Roberts & Plai^ted, 7 Bioad st Robinson, J.imes, 21 Ctimmercial wf and 27 Long wf MASSACHUSETTS. 195 Slinonds, Montraville, Long wf Boston. Simonds, Thos. E. 306 Commercial street Smith, Lewis, 6 Commercial wf Wheelock, S. A. 29 Long wf Wliite, H. K. 4 Foster's wf Truss Manufacturers. Bartlett, A. F. 221 Washington st Boston. Beath, Lydia, (Ladies') 36 Warren st Foster, J. F. 467 Washington st Foster, Mrs. (Ladies') do Phelps, J. W. 75 Court st Starit, Lewis Springfield. Cutting, Abraham, 227 Marliet st fVorcester, Turners. Ayling, C. H. 8 Beach st Boston. Bradford, F. A. 17 Harvard Place Brown, W. B. Anduver st Jones, Asa, Grolon st Moore. Isaac, rear 17 Hawley st Ross, J. L., Ivers st. cor. Hawkins Scliauffler, F. G. & Co. 555 Wash, st Stevens, G. W. 515 Washington st Trafton, Joel H., A st. cor. 2d Watson &. Bisbee, Causeway st. cor. Friend Fowle, A. S. & J. W. (Brass) Har- vard Av. cor. Curve st Putfer, A. D. (Brass) 15 Hawley st Nightingale, W. H. & G. E. Lower Alills Dorchester. Norcross, Wm. Smith, Edwin Copeland & Hussey, Pleasant st Fall River. Bullock, Laban Fitchbu.rg. Kempton, Ezra, 83 Purchase st JVew Bedford. Swift, James, 66 William st Goodrich, Caleb Pittsfield. Tr;icy, J. S. JVorth Sunderland. Witt, A. Litche's Mill fVorcester. Beal, Samuel, 31 Hanover st Boston. | Heineman, B., Court st. cor. of Hano- Beal, Wm. L. (importers), 47 Corn- ver Boston. hill Hews, A., Jr. & Co. 165 Washington Bosson, J. D. 225 Commercial st | street Croonie & HLxon, 166 Washington st: Hinckley, Henry H. 1 N. Market st Twine Manufacturers. Shepard, J. S. Canton. Vose, Thos. B. Hood, Samuel Dorchester, Whitmore, P. D. Great Barrington. Eaton, J. L. I^udlow. Bssson, R. H. Marblehead. G«isha, Tileston's whf Witherby, J. 470 Commercial st. cor. of Foster Wood, Alexander, 109 Salem st Wood. Caleb, 104 Broad st Woodw.ird, E. Gilnian, Friend St. cor. of Travers Woodw orth & Tower, 192 Harrison Avenue Wnrkingmen's Commercial Union, 22 Kingston st Workingmen's Protective Union, — Stores : Division ISo. 1, Warren st. under Universalist church No. 3. C St. cor. of Fourth No. 5, 15 Merrimack st No. 34, Maverick Sq. E. B. Wright, .lames, 159 Hanover do Cambridge Port Stearns, Charles H. 410 Commercial j Gale, Jacob street I Johnson, F. Stearns, Elijah, Salem st cur. Prince Pies-.ey, E. G. Stearns, Z., Kneeland st cor. .\lbany ' Parker'. BiMij. Stephenson & Blanchard, 55 Charles j Spott()rd & Page street I Hudson, George Stevens & Temple, Commercial st .Vtwood. Moses P. opp. Railway Stewart, C, Nashua & Minot st Stodder, Wm. P., Minot st corner Andover Stone, H., New Prince st cor. \. .sq. Stuart, .'\rthur, 430 Washington st Swasey, G. B. & Co. 88 Prince st Sylvester, Nathaniel, 13 R. R. block, Lii;cohi Tasker, E. 234 Hanover st Tebbetts, .\llen C, Meridian st cor. Lexington Tent & Baird, 93 Essex st Thomas, Charles A. 330 W.ishing- ton st Thompson, John L. 450 Conuuercial street Thompson, S. N., Washington st. cor. ."Vrnold Thorndike, E. A. & Co. 785 Wash- ington St. Tileston, John, 2d, near Dorchester Tilton, S., Jr., Dedham st. cor. of SulTolk Tombs, Jona. H., Turnpike, cor. of Fourth st Trull, S. & Co. Causeway st. cor. of Dowel I Tute, Nicholas, 2 Belmont st Upham, Thos. 433 Wa.shington st Virgin, G.W.. Jr. 705 do Vose. Chas. H., Charlestovvn st. cor. of Medlt)rd Vose, James W. 272 Washington st Wallis & Co. 691 do Walsh. James, 141 Broad st Walsh, Richard, Turnpike, corner of Silver st Boston. Ward, A. L. & Ct). Essex st. cur. of Harrison .\\. Ware. H. G. 66 Cambridge st Waters, Chas. 81 Endicot st Wav, N. O. 581 Washinnton ot Websti-r. D. H. 37 Atkinson st Welch, Elbridge G.25 Charter st Welch, John, Broadway, near D st Wellington, A. A 23 Dock Sq. Wellington, Charles, Fourth st. cor. of D st Wescott, Edward, lOG Sea st I Wesselmann, George, 659 Washing- ! Barker, Chas. .\. 190 do ton st 1 Abbott, Sam. & Co. 136 Main st Brudford. East Bradford. Parker, Peter Parker, Amos Savory, George Collins &. Bourne Brighton, Allen, W. C. Siratton, N. Hunt, Thomas Dawse, (ieorge S. Guild. J. A. Brook/ine. Seam:ns, A. W. &. J. M. Thayer, Seth, .\. H. East Cambridge. H ig.irty, Dennis Welcli, Francis Pahner, John, Gose st Hovey, H. N. do Perkins & Cunmiings Himnewell, Wm., Cambridge st Wardsworth, Ira, Rupp, George Stone & Lathe Munroe, Wm. W. Holmes, J. & Co. Wood, Charles & Co, Cliilds & James Hov.y, J. D. Cook, .Aaron & Co. Sprinsr, W. S. Mason, W. R. Goodhue, C. H. Lovejoy, Charles Wood & Hall .Marshall, J. N. Sawtell & Atwell Stiles, Lucius Barker, Aiti mas Munroe, Varnum Sawtell, .\udrtw, 11 Chnrlestown Sq. Charlestoicn. Downing, Learned, Main st Wyman, T. B., Jr. 134 do Gibson & Curtis, 141 do Flanders, Asa, 185 Albie. G. B. M ackinlire, James Hutchinson, Harmon, 282 Main st Johnson, Samuel T., cor. of Bunker bill and Mrdford -ts Slickney. Wm. 226 Main st Hall, Mo-es B. 198 do Cambridge. Carlisle. do do do Tyler,, 132 Mail: st. and 34 Warren ( harUstown. Bowman. D. & Z. 62 RItiin st Hill, Henry &, S. I'renlis, ,58 Main st Cutter, T. M., cor. of Water and Main streets Dowi er, E. 38 Water st Johnson, J., Jr. 2G Htndley st Adams, Geo. W. 41 Chelsea st Decoster, A. R. 26 Bunker HiU st Trout, Wm., cor. of Bunker Hill and Concord streets Bettinsbell, Jas. 52 Annawam st Lindsey & Brothers Bullard, C, W. Central st Wiiislow, F. B., N. Main st Dyer, David, 25 Pleasant st Siiaw, Edwin, 20 do Bliss, Hiram, 16 do Mitchell, R. 31 Bedford st Boen, A. do Winsluw, B. F. do Chase, J. E. do Bourne & Fish Falmouth. Butler, J. & K. Lewis, Peter, Baldwin & Hunt, 1 Granite Row Fitchburg. Wallace, Waldo Strattun & Carpenter, Fozborough. Dunbar, I. J. Oeorgetown. Garland, G., Front st Gloucester. Mansfield, J. & Son, Front st Babsiin, William, 21 do Elwell, Henry, 30 do S iville, George, 73 do Story, C. & Son, 72 do Grovcr, Geo., Spring st Parkburst, David .Merchant, A.&Co. Friend, G. Woodbury, John, Front st Davis, J. fit Brother, 23 Front st Hadley, Hamillun. Hanover. (Vest Harwich.. East Haverhill. Dulliver, W. P. 89 & 90 Front st (xluucester, Flint, E. S., Front st Crane, .A. S. Great Barrington. Becivworth, R. J. Waite, T. & Co. Greenfield. Reed, A. E. Reed &L Seymour Kellogg, V. .\. Porter, Dudley ConanI, John Torrey & Blood Baker, Richard Kelley, Oliver HaU, u. H. Currier & Taylor Fats, Di.iiel F. Emery, David Wcb.vier & Bowley Davis, John Burnll, Nathan Coburn, a. M. Smiley, Willi;iiu Hoyt, James B. Gardner, Calvin Gardner, Solomon Liiie, Q,. French, Edward Hersey, Seth S. Sprague, B. T. Reading, David & Co. B.irnes, L. J. &. 1. Day, Alvin Pond & Thayer Morse, H. A. Working Men's Protective Union Hingham. S. Hingham. Hinsdale, HoUiston, Dodge, .\lanning Ipswich, tiuimby, James Hilcomb, D. L. Waite, J. & Son Coburn, Stephen Cogswell, Ebenezer Russell, A. Kingston. Gilbert & Burt L,awrence. Loring, L. & F. C. Clark at H;irdy, 14 Merchants' Row Bridgeman, VV. H. 114 Oak st Drew, C. S. & Co. 74 Common st M(jrse, John H. Cole & Gale Vaiideusen, G. J. L,ee. Fish, Wm. S. Sturges, 8. D. East Lee. Robbins, James B. Leicester. Young, Wm. H. Leominster. Smith, Wm. H. East Lexington. Viles &. Reed Lexington. P irker, Jonathan S. Morse, Rufus Lincoln. Dudley, D. & Co., Central st Lowell. C;)lburn, G. W. & Co. Whiiehouse, Chisam & Co. 90 Cen- tral street Holden, B. F. & Co. 98 Central st Nichol,, Wm. Jr. 116 & 118 do Watson, Benjamin, 125 do Coburn, Frankhn, 40 do Plimpton, J. D., cor. Merrimack and VVorthen st Page, Simon, Merrimack st Wurthen, E. B. 180 do Lilley& Cheney. 230 do Locke it Clitford, (tea and coffee, wholesale) 224 Merrimack st Tapley, Joseph, cor. Merrimack and Prescott sts Reynolds & Co., Merrimack st Brown & Ames, do E iton &. Jewett, do Page, Samuel, cor. Merrimack st and Tilden Jenness, Jacob, E. Merrimack st. Russ, Charles B. do Thompson, .■Vlvin, do Morrill, C. K., cor. Merrimack st and John Elliott, Geo. P. 6 & 7 Bank Building Waugh &. Nealley, cor. Lowell st & Worthen Goddard, Benjamin, Middlesex st Fisher, W. A. do Kenney & White do JV. Maiden. Manchester. Marblehead. \ Webster, A. Middlesex st Lowell. 1' rye & Young, Market st Bancroft, S. do j Darit & Howes do I Whittredge, W. & G. Lynnfield. I Wiley, Jacob Hallowell, T. Lynn. Oliver, Stephen, 35 N. Common st ' Selman, Joseph, 42 do Newh;ill, H. B. 55 do Moultoii, Joseph Jr. Cbirk 6l Stim,on, 1 Market st Tilton, Daniel, 49 S. Common st Cog>well, Wm. 57 do Breed, Joseph Wiley, Caleb Breed, Daniel N., Market st Gardner, E. H. 10 E.tcliange st Murick, N. A. & F. F. 27 Union st Hutchinson, A. F. 34 do Ingalls, N., cor. Essex st & Chestnut Felt, W. F. B. cor. North st &. Essex Ramsdell, Oliver Vickary, Joseph Thompson, Waldo, Swamscot st Bnckitt, W. D. do Alley, Daniel, 4 Summer st Tilton, Wm. 16 Front st Green & Nichols Maiden. Holden, N. W. Wait, Thos. Jr. Howard, Caleb Wells, Henry B. Emerson, Geo. & Co. Patten, L. H. & Co. West, Isaac Sparhawk, J. Jr. Knight, Wm. M. Knight, Geo. & Co. Hawks, Wm. Jr. LeMaster, George Sparhawk, Samuel Haskell, Thomas Pitman, Henry F. Green, J. Greaves, A. E. Morse, Levi, Jr. Paine, Henry Goldwaith, Aloses Hathaway, S. & S. P. Manning, Samuel & Son Snow, 1st, Thomas Reynolds, M. H. Thrasher, John Goodwin, 2d, S. & Co. Snow, James H. Gilley, W.& J. Simpson & Cloutman Haskell, Wm. Adams, Conway Bowler, Win. Pitman, John, Jr. Siurtevant, Samuel Bastow, Richard Hadley, D. H. Hyde, James B irker, Wm. S. Working Man's Protective Union, Division No. 54 Ellsworth, George W. Thatcher & Walcrm .u Middlcboro' . Thomas, Amos Thomas, 11. Edil^-, N. & W. S. Perkins, Elijah Merriam, H. P. & Co. Averill, E. P. & Co. Wilkins, E. & C. Co(pk, B. B. Cutting, T. Winter, Lewis Fenner. Wm. B. Dun-ll, Henry G. & Co, Ward, J. S. Stearns, J. C. .\dam-, Amos Swain, John P. Adams & Parker M:icy, Joseph P. 1 Strait vvhaif Colburn, Francis, Main st Myrick, A. M. do Cartwright, Alex, do Alattapoisett, Medford. Middleton. Milford. Miibury. Milton. Montague. JVantucket. 200 NEW-KNGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Garfield, Jonas, Union st J^aittucket. Lawtou, Jumes M. 185 Purchase st Carder, Timothy, Main st Wailt, 8 Union Block Ct Chase, Frederick A., Union st Nickerson, f'ranklm, M lin st Clelaiid, J. & J. W. Houth J^atick. Pullen, R. K. jYeedham. Thoiuuson & Co. 36 South J\rcw Bedford. Paine, S. 9 do do Cushnitn, E. 5 do do Harford, Jos. & Co. 10 do do Wood, Porter & Browni-1. S. Water st 3 and 5 Orange and 118 Union Ashley & Baruaby, 1, 3 and 7 Thud Snell, Sylvester, 65 Union st Groves, rhllip, 63 do Brownell, J. 37 do EasUlian, K. K. 19 *'o Nye & WardeU, 11 do Gushee, Horace, 1'2 «t 14 do Wilcox, T. B. a2 il" Barrows & Cory 30 do Wood, Potter «t Brownell, 3 and 5 Orange st . , <■ Ingalls &. Lucas, 9 Coiiuuercuil wt Howe, G. G. Bryant «l Perry, 19 Hamilton st Nye, iN'athamel H. 83 N. Waters! Baker & Fussell, 1 Taher's wt Thoaip-ion, E. & Son, 7 do Chfford & Thompson, 15 Orange st Nye, E. 101 Purchase st Brownell & Asliley, 97 Purchase st Macombtr & Alcudell, 100 do Swift &. Allen, Middle st Paine, W. 91 VV^illiam st Collins & White, 15 Sixth st Baker, Joseph, Keinpion st Bell, Enoch G. do Isaacs, Will. do Jones, Thomas do Merchant, Henry C. Kemplon st Webl), Jas. Jr. 113 do Richardson, Joseph, 180 County st — .„,, „. ,,. „ Hall, iNatliau B., corner Cou.ity and . Munson, D ivid May field sts I Cook, C. C JV. Bedford. Rice, John, 220 do .■ 1:0 1\. < uiiMniiii'-i c«. \^W\n Ruxbary. Seaver, William, Tremoiit st corner RuKsles StJiiUon, John L., Treniont st opp. Ctiaard Tebbetts, Enoch, Eustis st c. East (Variety) Trowbridge, A., Warr. st cor. Wash- ington Union Store, Division No. 2, G. W. Newell, Warr. st near Washington Wilson, John, Trtmont st cor. Clay Williams, (Jeo., Davis st Williams. Henry M., 3 Guild'.^ Build. Payne, Samuel, 12 Mill st Salem. Libbv, Joseph, 14 do Webster, Peter E. 121 Essex st Calef, John, 26 Washington st Chamberlin, John, 3 do Chamberlin, 3. & Son, 26 Front st Clarke & Noyse, 6 do Pierce, John B. do Stevens, Wm. 13 and l'> Derby st Roberts, Ezekiel, 25 Lafayette st Brooks, N. H. 26 Water st Howiird, John C, 135 Derby st Wright, Peter E. do Tutis. Samuel C. 47 do Goodhue, Win. P. 44 do Markoe, Pliilip, 39 do Gray, Wm. B. 16 Er.glish st Brooks, Luke, 4 St. Peter st Harvey, Temple, 36 do Barton, Wm. 68 Brown st Burbeck, Aaron, 13 Church st Palfrey, Thos. 2 Federal st Chandler, J. D. 36 do Stickney, M. A. 106 Boston st Mann, James B. do Verry, John, 22 do Grant, John, 18 do Battis &. Brown, 86 Derby st Shaw, J. N. 5 Boston st Crush &. Savory, 159 and 161 Essex Fogg, F. A. 391 Essex st Fowler & Kingsbury Salisbury. Fifield, N. & Sons Merrill, E. Pabner, S. D. Bailey, Moses Allen, Wm. Carruthers & Brown Marston & Bartley Sandwich. W. M. P. Union, Division 23 Marshall, Benj. F. Saugus. Jackson, Peter Raddin, George W. Newhall, George Scott, Fraixis Scott, Andrew Demlng, E. S. East Sheffield. Tall. A. & O., AshleyviUe Strong, T. B. Andrews, J. E. Ensign & Jones Little, Lucius Wells, Charles Shelbume Falls. Merrill & Dole Paul, Daniel Shellmme. Faraswurth, Samuel Shirley. Lyons, Thomas Shrew.ihury. Winter, J. H. Shiileshury. Marrett, D. .\. & S. IL Sonieraille. Thomas. II. B. i'. Wm. .S. ffadley Falls. Braiiiard, Robert A. Wiley, Benj. & Son S. Reading. W. .\I. P. Union, Division 57 Thonjpsoii, John A. Hale, James H. & Co., Main st Springjield. Rowland & Holman, Miin st Payne, B. F. 4 do I Daniels. Samuel do , Salisbury, C. & H. do ! Stearns, Theodore ilu Dane, R., cor. .Main anu Worthing- 1 ton streets W. M. P. Union, Divis. 51, M .rkut si Cooley, S. F. &. D. S., State st j Callender, Wm. State st .^prinirjield. Cate, Nathaniel, Springfield Hill Harrison, G. W. do do Graves, S. P. do do Bags & Cutler, 6 St ite st Pilsbury, (Jilbert, Main st W. M. P. Union. Division 14, Main st Hubb ird & Ib^nry, Missasoit Row Emerson & Ri|)lev, 6 do do Gunn, E. & Co., Stite st Davis, L. A. D., Curtisville Stockbridrre. Dike, Geo. W. Sloneham. Conant, Geo. J. Stuwe. Rice & Bates Brooks, Silas J. Goodman, A. & Co. .Sudbury. Thompson, Nahum Smith, Jesse B., .Main st Taunton. Seabury, John W. Peirce, C. R., Main st Leou'ird, Geo. do Reed, Win. do Leonard, E. B. do Woodard, Calvin do Atwood. Geo. B. & Co., Main st Shaw, Nathan R., Broadway Small, D. S. & H. C, Main st Leonard, Job M., Bank Row Elmer, D. Galligan, Edward, cor. of Main and Market streets Woodward, Calvin, Westminster st Canity, Hugh do Biiggs, A., Weir Bridge Presbury, Seth do Thompson, George, Weir Bridge Atwood & Deane, do Brown, J. C, Summer st .Matterson, Ransom Foster, Enoch Tewksbury. Kitteredge, Henry A. Gorham & Hilhnan East Tisbury. Luce, Wm. C, Holmes' Hole Weeks, Wm. do do Holmes, John, do do Adams. B. P. Topsfield. KiuibjiU & Gould Adams, Diinel Townsend. Walcott, H. Elliott, Samuel Tyngsborough. Pope & Whitney, Main st IValtham. Priest. Jonas H. do Richardson, Charles do Hall, Charles do Stearns, John P. do Pratt, E. H. & Co. fVare. Ilyland, L. Swift. Ephraim fV^reliam. Coff. Wm. fVarwirk. Dihiile & Johnson Washington. Noble, F. P. Robinson, E. & W. IVatcrtown. Xoyi's, S.uiiuel Hi'-ird. Newell Wnylnnd. Wood, D. .\. Webster. Adams, J. Q,. Union Wharf Co. Wellflect. Higgins Samuel, Jr. Grossman, J. H. West Bridgewntcr. Proctor, Mo-es West Cambridge. Hussell, T. J. & G. C. Hardy, S. Shepard, James H. Chandler, Silas Westjield. (."handler. C. Greenwood, Alpheus Prescott, Asa Westford. Prescott, Luther Ropers, Samuel, Jr. West JVeu>bury. Carr, John C. Durgin, Samuel lla-um & Bailey Dnrgln, J.iiiies Uutling, Geo. W. Weston. Citllird, C. B. Westport. Brownell. F. W. Brownell, Frederick S. Westport. liiddings & Co., Ireland West Springfield. Fuary. J. M. West Stockbridgc. Hunt, R. B. Thompson, R. B Baker, Ht-nry Griffin, E. L. Davis, B. T. Tirrell, E G. Nash, Wm. G. Bliss, L. B. Morton. Dennis Talmadge, H. S. Wevton. E. W. & Co Wooilliury, Wm. VVilsoM, Edward A. Bmibee, Amos Trull. Elbridge Converse, Josiah Bridge, James Usher & Adams Weymoiith, South Weymouth, Wilbratiam, Williamsburg. Williamstown, Winchendon. Woburn. South Woburn. Ayres, Horace, 220 Main street Brewer & Wright. 216 do Boardman, Charles, 4 Front st Harringlon & Gleason, 2 do Howe, Edwin J. 99 Main st Spring, L. 2d., 297 do Dexter, W. H. 2U Southbridge st Thayer, A., Exchange st Baylies, A. 55 M.ain st Morell, H. 45 do Keyes, D. 0. (Working Man's Pro- tective Union, Division No. 12) 51 Main st I Flagg. Levi B., School st Wilson & Flint, 84 Main st Thayer, C, Southbridge st Spiulding, Gilbert do Brosiiilen, John, Front st Edwards, R. C, Washington Sq. B irton, J. H. & Co.. Park st Working Man's Protective Union, Di\ ision 42, No. 5 Front st Myrick, Isaac Yarmouth Port. Matthews, D. South Yarmouth Port. Baker, Silas WHOLESALE. Adams, Edward J. 43 India st Boston. Atkins, Weld & Co. 37 and 38 South Market st Avery, Henry & Co. 1 Com'l wf Babcock & Coolidge, 21 S. Market st B.irtlett, Levi & Co. 7 Long wf Batchelder & Mann, 128 State st Baxter & Howe, 10 T wf Bonner & Kilborn, Eastern Railroad wf. cor. Commercial Bennett, J. H. & Co. 88 Com'l st Bishop, C. C, Turnpike cor. 2d st Blai, chard, J. & Son, 15 Elm st Bliss, James & Co., Russia wf Bowin in & Eaton, 28 & 47 Long wf Boy/iton & .Miller, 5 East. R. R. wf Briggs, Guild & Co. 8 Long wf Briu'ham, Jones & Co. 26 Long wf Brow n, F. W. & Co. Bruce, Calvin, 5 Chatham st Butler, Nowell & Co. 11 Canal Bl'k Carruth, U. J. 3 and 4 Gerrish Block Carter, J. W. & Brother, 17 Water st Clatlin & Saville, 8 S. Market st Cliirk & Jones, Broad st. corner Fort Hill wf Clift'ord & Fernald, 404 Com'l st Coburn & Tyler. 26 Foster's wf Conant, J. F. 3 Faneuil Hall Cotton. Isaac, 3 India wf Crockett, Peters & Co. 12 Central wf Crowell, Brooks & Co. 38 Com'l wf Cummings & Long, 29 Elm st Gushing & Clapp, 29 Com'l st Dana, Farrar &, Hyde, 44 Broad st Danlorth, I. & Son, 18 S. Market st Denton, Wm. 37 Central st Dexter, Harrington & Co., Fulton st :or. Richmond Dix & Freeman, 3 Long wf Dudley, J. H. & Co. 14 Broad st Duncklee, J. & J. 14 do Ei.stman &, King, 143 Milk st Elli-, Ebenezer. 100 State st Fay, Dexter &. Sons, 41 ludiast 202 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. I'lflcliiT, II. r. & (.'o. 3 Merchants' Row Boston. F()>t(;i-, M'lttliiis S. 34 IJlackslone st t'Dstor 6l Tnylor. 137 Milk st. (spiriU Hiul wine) I'ou Ic & Flotcher, 1 Lewis wf • Jiiidner & Baitlelt, 13 S. Market st li.'issrtt, Lot:iii &. Co., Canal St. cor. Meriiiimck Giiiiiore, A. W. 34 Merchants' Row Ciiiiiiorc & Cla|)p, 3 Merchants' Row (lip >^tairs) (;i'iv(r, .1. li. & Co. 106 Milk st CicMidiiow, .1. I). & G.*! S. Market st iiiiare Mall, Myrick & Co. 35 Com'l st Hall, .S. VV. 79 do llaii.-oii, .lohn U. 1 Museum Building 'rreniniit st II lyu.uil & Mor^e, 11 Foster's wf llayuard. ()s{;,,od it Co. I'J Long wf IliniiMii. iH'o. .1. 43 India st llilrlicock, Cobb & VVirislow, 10 In- ili.i street llodires 6l Kuimons, 32 S, Market st llod'.;kiiis, (;. L. 108 and 110 Fulton Howe, Francis &. Co. 24 Loiifl wf llutn|)l\rey, Barllett & Co. 13 North M-:rkel st llunlin;.' & TuCi , 40 India st lliird, llulehins & Cm. OS. MirUet st llvde &, :!.') Ferrv st .I-inies Millon. .") C-nal liloek Kidder it Co. 17 and lf< N. .Marketst Lani;, Win. It) .S. M .rkel st J.,evvi^ &. CI .pp, IH Ceelral wf lioriMf; Al \Viiirli.',irr.^8&..d si Maiisur, S iMiuul, 20 S. Market st Mannin}: & .Slanwood, lii Cee.t'l wf Mason, Brooks &. Co. 2.^> N. Market st Mayo & iirown. 69 and 70 Com'l st Morriam, S. & \V. &l Co. 39 and 40 South M:irki't st Miller & Hatch, 2 Conmiercial wf Morse K. M. & Co. 9 S. M.arket st Na-h, Cal lender & Co. 2 Lonj; wf Nickcrson &. Co. 12 Commeicial wf Norris & Lincoln, JU State st Parker, S. T. & Co. 59 and 61 Black- stone st I'arker, \Vin., Broad street, opposite Howe's wi' Patten, J.iiiies & Co. 40 S. Market st IVcker, R. E. & Co. 136 Stale st I'eirce, Silas & Co. 22 Elm st Peirce & Bacon, 34 Lon^' wf Predion, Klislia & Co. 6 Lor\}; wf Proctor, Hire & Co. 118 Stale st Rand & Ellis, 135 Milk st Raymond, E. &, Co. 2 ami 9 F. Hall Rich'.nls, VV. D. 11 Railroad Block, Lincoln st Richardson. C. B. & Co. 1 Mark't Sq Robinson & Holbrook, 3 Canal Bl'k Ryder & Co. 13 City wf Seamans &. Jones, 5 &, 6 Holmes' B'k Searle & Co. 51 India st Sears, Joshua, 14 Lonj; wf Shapleiiih & Kelsey, 19 and 20 India Smith, C. S. & J. <;. 19 Ferry st Sprague, Soule & Co. 7 'I' wf Stearns, Wm. & Co. 9 Chatham st Stedinan, VV. M. & Co. 3 Central wf Stevens, Troll & Darling, 16 India st Stone & Bradford, 132 St ite st Stone, Wm. 98 FuUon st Stralton & Ayrcs, 50 Central st Synnnes, Eaton & Co. 5 T wf Tab.. 11. (;. H. 96 Water st T.irbril & Rice, 5 &, 6 N. Market st Tliarh.r ,y Sears. 31 Loiif; wf Tliayer &, .Merrill, 65 Conimercial st Tbomp-oii, Itenj. 25 S. .Marketst Thwin;;, Win. & Co. 14 Central st Tiar-v, i;. VV. 25 S. Marketst - Walker, Wil.les P. 5 Lotig wf Ware & Demond, 32 do W.ison, Pierce & Co. 7 Cliatham st Webb it Low, 97 Conmierciul st Weld, D. & Co. 36 S. Market st ' Elwell, D. 33 Constitution wf Boston. Bostoru Wellington, A. A. 23 Dock Sq | Frederick. J. & Co., Fisk's wf. Easu Welliiian, Geo. F. & Co. 75 Broad st Sleainboat wf Wells, Gowen &. Co. 28 India st Hersey, A. C. 67 Commercial wf Whiton, Meserve & Co. 24 Broad st Hersey, Henry, Bartlett's wf Wiggin & Morse, 101 State st i Holmes, Ulivi r, 27 Foster's wf Wilder, M. P. Jr. &. Co. 30 India st Homer, E. Jr. Battery wf Kidder, Daniel T. 13 Roue's wf Miller, James. II Commercial st Parker, David, 14 t ily wl Pearce, Geo. VV. 30 Union wf and 12 Pear on, J. H. & Co. 75 Long wf I Reddiiig, E. H., E. Bosiun wf. Lewis Williams, Bird & Co. 22 do Winsor &. Souie, 14 Coimnercial wf Woodbury, E. 5 H,i\ market .Sq VVoor!«. Baker. F. C9 Cambridge st Boston. Barllett, F. E. 24 Friend st Bowes, M., 'i'urnpike near 2d st Bradshaw, (Jeo. II., Charleslown st cor. Beverly Brainard, E. II., Turnpike Briggs, E. G.21 East st Buckley, J., Sumner st, E. B. Deliirbe, P. 13 Medford st llayden. A.. Ih.rvard Av.n. Dover st Lakin, S., Broad st IhUIki'. II Siiikoit, I'li-t sd-ii't. nt'ir A. (■A.IIN riiblr.1. ColU.ii. Hill & Co, Will. »arm>y. 17 IliiVfililll slr.'Kt. ^Ill.lllUl'll'lUh'ISl, l(k'> StlllC !tllX. IIM'lly wimrt'. f'lir ."//(/mriiftiji, I'.. A. «;. Ituiil- stoiic, II llinuivor nI ("Aiiir tiHil Seltff .MitHuJ'iicturrr. I J. ('. Iliililmrtl, .%H;I Wtisliliiuum si. ^\rfltol^k.^'. .litiiuK*;. Ilt>v<'>, Mil I W'u.OiliiKtoii Hi i'MiiHHrii Strrr/i. lliMiiy Itolilii.toii, A Siniiij! Lttiic. Fliil Hoc/ l\>mi>ositii>Hi IK. I.iitlitir llnriii'!), iiriirr Ih>\, 7 SiiiIk ki. rA(n.;.(i/i.«/.«, I! (iiiv., 17 iriiiik I'. I'rosliy, U Monlliimk «l llii I'l.ui.. «'. McrillU'ld, Ml lliiii.ivi'i .-.ini'l. fV.ii-i.rdijf Kxtnieli', Mtnufintui^ er of. Jiiliii li. I.oiivlll, l(it^ Ciiiii (hoi;>J,itr .M,i„uJ,iilHrii:i. llo«t>- | lirlil'dH »ln>|it kiali riiiiM' & Sun, -ij l.niiit wllurC, I W, lliikcr, ;KSM,iikcl ^t. h'louriii^MiU. Kiiiriy & llniwii, IIiiitImoii Avdiiiio I'irji lYirr. Siimi'l T, lOilwiiriU; | onlir liiiv, I'ast Itllic,. ; u.Niili.iuo, in hYiHih Shirts. V. A. Ilrwliis, Siiillniiy SI. I Joy's lluililiii): ('(.vfcr/i Hui.'itff I'orllniiil s|. \V. .1. .^liulc, SI I Oiinlfiti^ri). Will. IKI.oni, 7 lUul j liii-il ,-lrci'l .l.iiui'N Miiuiiliv, Willliiiiiti SI Hmk Cii.*.- .Miikrr. Ilmirv Wil j l»iiiiiol li. lliiym's, (Ji.lil »l Hour K Unl, (l-ta \Vu>hi:i>>l(>ii SI. OUliu h'Hjirin'iHj.'. riniu'ls Ooiiis, (W/iir.1/rv. liolioil Hull. :itKI Wasliliicum st ' Uliihr .MiiHufoeturfr. (iilliiilll Jos ("(•M(A.Wn Av. sclyii, I* VViisliliinUm I. I (hrrii UoHff. Will. Mil 'iill.m^h, i\>H,iio.'otiiDi.i. J. Wiiiivii, :ii s. iiosiuii lu'iii roiiit Srluuii si. S. Kiiiiiioiis, 107 Sliu> si. OriniltHif Corn. Iloiij. Sliiiiiunis, 1 Cliiirlcs si I'lir. ('iiiiilirlilK« iofnicr Holln. limliiii & Co, IT] l'',iii( sllM'l, Uriiiiling l>^i>. Coal, MiirMii. K. KliiK^'loy. !> Ituu>l|ilt si Oriitiliiiaf Sail. 'rimrlu'i& So.irs, :il t.iiiiK wl.Hiul 0(1 si Sfiiff.i, A'l'. llfiiNliiiw, l''.>Tiiiiiiiil.s Jt Co. M liidlii St OuHiiowiler. (J. U. Nowlmll, 8(i Sliito siri'ct Chiirlos Smith, () IViitrnl \vl" iril .V^HUt'iuliirfr.i. Win, it> \ Co, 50 .Norlli M.irKol CoHHtir I'.i.NT.v. .1. A. Ihif.lics, 7 lliiiviinl IM.iO'. i'oHHti-fi Jsi'nfi>ituiii'r .iilvrrtimiiiff iiHil vS'H/'ri/iftiiM .V^'fiicy. V. H. I'lillliiT, 8 roii;;rt»s stivi'l. Curlfit Hair, Alloii* H.-il, IIm> iiiHi'ki'l Sqii'iro, lloliiios llluck. Omh t'otton. Kl. I.. Iliaitloiil.a^'l, I'uriril Hair Al.iHuj'oflurcrg. J. U'.* WiisliliiKloii .si l"n|«'ii * Son, lll4 'l') li'r slivol. Di.itilirr of Hone H'lilfr. ,Kihn 1.. I.( str<(Hir.«, HIiiiilx, is, SuiUniry -fl , ooinrr ol' roi'llaiul. yij;luun, 17 llavi-riail sUft>t. Ktcitriiiaa. W. A. OixnII. 77 Cornhill. Klrctrotitiifr. J. Wil<-i>\. 4'.'f< W»slilii}:ion sinu'l. ^'Mi'lMrrr.■^ and MaHtlf(icturrr» of nroui-hl Iron rul>f!<. XValwoilh & NHson, 'J"J Dovoushlrti stix'ol. Feathtr nustrr.i. J. J. Ail:iins,!X.) Waslilii):toii sln>ol. h\rothrr .VnHufiitiirrr. Mn. Jano >Vlu>«'UH-h, ;UV> \Vaslilii|!ton sinH>t, h'rmolf F.mployiHi-Ht Ofiif. 'Vtv- inonl 'IVinpIt'. GmIIo IWckn Oooils. I'lias. Stoil dor, 75 Kllliy st //,if Itloik .Maiiuj'oitory. t>ial HI iiiomi, (i(i lltiri'isou .\v. /i'i< Co. (I'lyiiipton nraiicli K. It. Co.* 1!, W. VoMor, 'rroasuior, oU'li'o imi Washtngilou st /M.«)'nfor i/ i'li* . Towiisiiid, I'aiisow.i} si, cm. Mo.lloid l.iiiijrl~i.i.^ or JMiia. Con. II. UllK kIos, :il Clllon .st .iiN l.nilhrr. l.lniis It. Coniliis, \M Hook St|uaro (n\t stairs^ ./ii/m«»ci',«. Will. lHakoiinin<, HI Tlioaliv ,\lli'Y. W. li, lloiniol, 7 llnrvanl I'l.u-o l.ailiirr ami l^intrrii .W(i*ir. Joli' KVHII.S, (illl Wiishiii)!loii st Laril anil Tiil'ow J/tiHi^Virhiry. J. W. Cralls, tiold »l noar .\ anil Twine Mi:HH,fartorp. W. N. Tylor, Dovor si cor. ll.irrUon Av. l.ohslir nriiot. v.. ti J Wooks, Siiiniior St. K, II. (.wliolosalo) l.otrHff .MaHMj'uctHrem. & Co. U) WatorkI Marhinr and Hanil ('(in/ MaH% fiiilori/. W, Wlilllonioro A; Co. 30 N. Miii'kol si .Miifrnrliial liistrumrnl.t. Daniel Havls, Jr. -IVKj WiisUiiiKtiiii st MuhiHrri/and Tools for It orkinj^ l.ralhrr. N\osos llnnt & Co, ft ,Mar kol Sqimio .1/(1 »K/iicf wrrr iif" Ki/nii'. l''liiiioy, 84 Klackslono si Marine Shells. Stuffed liird.i. Ih- srits, .\'t. S. Knniions, 1117 Slalo st Milehrs. S ■I'liay.-r, 111 llavorlilU llyani jd I'oarson, 7li Inlon si .Measurer of .Marble. Natlmnlol llryant, :U llovor st Meda/s. I'oins and ( uriositieg. I). I''.. Ctonx, x'i Croon st .Veiheal t'lertrici.ta A- (ialraHtst. ,\ S. Hinilox , Coniral Courl, cortior \N'asliliiKlon st .Wcnuri/ Oildrr. V. l.alornio, li S|irlii|i l.iiiio .Metal Hoofers Wlioolor \ I'l.r- kor, Cliarlos'si. loot l'liickiM//irc, 47 Kodoriil, iioiirl) opposilo Williams St., 'riiom- as |{o\V(>an .\'etJi- 'l^ineMannfartoni. .Ainor- Iciiii Co.. Wlllliiiii Stowo, mioiit, iO Commort'lal strt'ot .Vorth Hirer h'!:i.{^i'i»),' Stone, l.iHi- ml J(i llaldwlii. I'lpor's wi Will, t;. Sloplioiis, Cnivo st OinnihHS Huilders. S II. UIivnI, lh>ui)l\vay, noar Mount Washlniltuu llonso. M. Kondall, r< I'atent /'ciMfini" .Moehinn-i). S. I' ltu)i)!los, KVJ W ashli'ijlon st nie Drirrrs and Hoistiut,' /*j Stvini. Itiicholilor ,% Whlliioy, John son's lllock, Conimtige Company, Northanipdia and I'lymoutli streets. Ini-i)r|)iirale(l ; capital, .'J;7.'>.0I)0; Inilld iiig, lire proof tliroii'jliout. Ollice, :t:< anil 3ti Pearl sir.'et, Boston ; Jidin W.'l.licr, aural ; John Wehlier, jun., siipcriiitondenl. Average nundier of per-ons employed, 130; steam puw er, 75 horses. JVorfolk Lahoralory, Dedham Turnpike near (;reen slrect ; <;. W. E. Mellon ; ollice, Ultclil.orn Block, .\n\\ street, Boston. Oakum Manufactory. William Montgomery, East street. Piano I'ortc Manufactory. C. W. Baker &. Co., Pearl street. Pile Drivers and Movers oflluild- ings. Shuliael Bills, Jesse Bills, Ruggleg street near Parker Porter's llurning Fluid. David Dudley, 74 Washington street Real Estate Jlgcncy OJJice for Williams' Farm, East street. Refrigerator Manufactory. A. PaltiMj, Cedar street corner of Ded- ham Turnpike. Order hox, 24 Corn liill, Boston. Rule, Rod, and Scale Maker. W. II. Rook, rear ol 37 Washington St., Kuslis. Silk Manufacturer. J. (i. Adams, Tremont street corner of Court. Slocking Weaver. Saml. Sutton, Jr., He nil street near Washington. Twine, Line, and Manilla Mat Manufacturers. J. C I loud, Tre- monl street corner of Eranklia Place. A. Hood, Caliot street ojtji. t.'unard. Window Glass. Wm. Dove, 61 Wa-hington st. near Post Ollice. yitriot Manufactory. Roxbury Point ; odice, 27 .South Market street, Boston. liacon. E. Ilovey &. (>'o. (manu- facturer), Cambridge Port. liar Iron. Hanson Iron Works, (manufacturer*), Morth Hanson. liass and Tenor fiols. Samuel Brooks, (manuf.), Ashburnliani. Bellows. K, Jenkins, (manufiu;- turer), Dorchester. 206 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Belting. Josiih Gates, (manu- facturer), Lowell. Cambric. William F. Holbrook, (manufacturer), Manstield. Chnrcnal. Ciiaffee, Budd & Co. North Bei-kett. Copper. Crocker. Brothers & Co. (maiiut':icturers), Taunton. Cord, Gimp, and Tassel Trim- miiifrs. J. IS;;ker& Sons, (iuanuf;ic- turers), South Hingham. Cum Pldnters. Subins & McGre- g'lry, (ni nuifacturers), Bachelder's Patent, Sturbridge. Cotton Waste and Batting. Jas, aid Francis Ray, (dealers) Frank- lin. Didders and Conipa-ises. Steph. C. Heiuis, (manuf^icturer), Spring- field. Dying of .^kins. George Charap- ney, Kjitick. FJiptic .Springs. L. French, Pep- perell. .lason Mor^e, Taunton, (man- ufacturer.-). Fe//oes, Bridge, Tree JVails, and .^hgurs. Joseph Adams &l Sons, Hadley. Files. H. & A. Chambers, (man- ufacturers), Buckland. Fish Kitts. .Tared Stowell. (man- ufacturer). Sciuth Weymouth. Glim Copal. .1. Hunt, (manufac- turer), Salem. India Rubber Goods. Stanley & Co., (dealers), Beverly. Inspector and Cntter of R. R. Iron. J. (bidden, Charlestown. Iron Spring fVire. I. Washburn & Co., \Vorcester. Kelts. Joseph Arrington, (manu- facturer), South Salem. Knobs. A Ivan Cheney, (manu- facturer). South Woburn. Letter Copying and Seal Presses. George C. Taft, (manufacturer), Worcester. Doom Pickers. William Gooding, (manufacturer and dealer in belting), Lowell. Mft'illic Letters. Chas. L. Bab- bett, (manufacturer), Taunton. Metallic fi'ebhing and Fancy Elas- tic Cords. J. Miller & Co., (manu- facturers), Springfield. Moore's Essence of Life. Elijah E. Haywood, Hadley. Mustard. Jno. P. Webb, Beverly. Oakum. C. Livingston & Co., (manufacturers), Tewksbury. Paints. Seth Russell, (manufac- turer). New Bedford. Painted Window Shades. J. A. D. Worcester & Co., (manufacturers), Charlestown. Pinning Machines. Ball & Rice, (manufic'.urer), Daniels' Patent, Worcester. S. B. Schenck, (manufactn er), Mansfield. Portable yapor Baths. L. B. Larkin, (manufacturer), Wrenthaui. Powder Flasks. John J. Batty & Co., Springfield. Prussian Blue. Henry V. Davis &. Co., 15 , North Water street. New Bedford. Ricets. Mills & Co., (manufac- turers), Plymouth. Rules and Scales. Jo.seph Watts, ' (manufacturer), 6 Winthrop street, I Charlestown. I Sailor's Belts and Scabbards. Newell Townsley, (manufacturer), Buckland. Saic Wrench. C. Foster & Fox, (manufxiurers). Coos' Patent, 206 Main street, Worcester. Screws. Russell, Bartlett & Co., (manufacturers), Worthington. Steam Cocks. John M. Colton, Worthington street, Springlield. Steel Pens. J. P. Snow, (manu- facturer), East Hampton. Stockings. J. Turner & Co., (man- ufactiu-eis), Neeriham. Stone Tools and Salamander Safes. Richardson & Chalk, (manufactur- ers), Charlestown. Snspender Buckles. D. Chandler & Co., (manufacturers), Longmea- dow. Wagon Shafts. Ignatius Perkins, Coleraine. Walking Canes. Herman L. Day, Ashfield. Washing Machines. John Wil- marth &. Co., (manufacturers), Leo- nard's wharf, JNew Bedford. Water Wheels. Stephen Daven- port, Manufacturer of Percussion and Wheels. Fitchburg. Wheels. A. W. & D. Reed, (man- ufacturers), East Brookfield. Wrenches. S. Merick, (manufac- turer), Springfield. Wrought Brass Ferrules. .■An- trim White, (manufacturer), Barre. ITfauufacturing Com* pauies. American Co., George Hill, treasu- rer, 4 Bowdoin Block. Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Wm. Amory, 65 State st Appleton Co., T. G. Cary, treasurer, &^ Treniont Row Atlantic Cotton Mills, Wm. Gray, 30 Court St Ballard Vale (Flannel and Worsted) Manufacturing Co. 33 Milk St., J. Marland, Agent Bellville White Lead Co., office 33 Broad st.. D. C. Van Arnam Belvidere Manufacturing Comp., E. Baker & Co. 4 Bowdoin Block Boott Cotton Mills, J. A. Lowell, 3 Oliver st Boston Chain Cable Works, Colton, Hill & Co. 105 State st Boston Duck Co. Wright & Whit- man, 97 Milk st Boston Gas Light Co., office 102 Wasington St., G. Darracott, Agent Boston Hemp Manufacturing Co., A. G. Brown, 66 Conmiercial st Boston Iron Co., Wm. Appleton & Co. 36 Lew is wharf Boston Japanned Leather Co., S. P. Blake, Agent, 7 Central st Boston Lead Co., F. S. Carrulh, Agent, 16 Custom House st Boston Locomotive Works, D. F. Child, Treasurer, Harrison Av., near the bridge Boston Manufacturing Co., J. Pick- ering Putnam, Treasurer, 3 Oliver street Boston Marine Railway, H. Hall, llj Tremont Row- Boston and Roxbury Mill Corpora- tion, S. Nicholson, Treasurer, 7 Niles' Building Boston and Sandwich Glass Comp., counting-room. Federal st., D. Jar- ves. Agent Boston Steam Flour Mill Co., Lom- bard's whf. E. B. ; counting-room, 1 Long whf., E. D. Brigham & Co. Agents Boston Steam Putty Mills, T. H. Car- rulh & Co 4 Long wharf Boston Sugar Refinery, office, I Com mercial wharf Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry James M. Shute. Spring Lane Boston Water Power Co. S. Nicol- son. Treasurer, 7 Niles' Building Boston Whiting Company, Carruth & Whittier, 4 Long wharf Bridgewater Iron ManufacturingCo., N. Stetson, Agent. 110 Milk st Cascade Mill Co., Wm. B. Callenrier, Jr., 22 Chatham st Chelmsford Co., W. Hastings, agent, Milk St. corner of Federal Clinton Company, J. S. Amory, 65 State st Columbian Ma rufacturing Company, Wright & Whiuuan, 97 Milk st Cordage Maiiuf .during Co.. Sewall, Day & Co. 20 Commercial st Cordis Co., Wright & Whitman, 97 Milk st Douglass Axe Manufacturing Co., Geo. Rogers, 19 B.itterymarch st East Boston Iron and Gas. (;o., S. Curtis, Treasurer, 15 & 17 Wash ington st East Boston Wharf Co., J. B. Jones, Treasurer. Lewis st. E. B. Essex Company, C. S. Storrow, 47 State st Essex Printing Co., J. Means, Agent, 55 Kilby st Fulton Iron Foundry Company, G. C. Thicher, 45 Broad st Glendon Rollins Mill, C. Jack.son, Jr., Treasurer. 5 Liberty Square Great Falls Jl.inufacturing Co., John Clark, 47 State st Hamilton Manufacturing Co., T. G. Cary. 85 Tremont Row Hamilton Woollen Co., John Gard- ner, 40 State st Hancock Free Bridse Corporation, I. Livermore, President, 61 State st Jackson Comp., A. & A. Lawrence, Agents, Milk st. ; J. S. Amory, Treasurer. 65 State st Kennebec Co., F. Cabot, Treasurer, 10 Broad st Laconis Manufacturing Co., 61 State St., Wm. Dwight MASSACHUSETTS. 207 Lake Superior Copper Co., 92 State st Lancaster Mills, J. S. Aiuory, 65 !*late St Lawrence Manufacturing Co., Henry Hall, lliTreinont How Liiisei-p, J. T. Steven- son, Hi Trenioiit Row Lowell M.uuu'iicuiring Co., Israel VVIiiuity, 8i Trenioiit Row Manciicst.r ilint Works, J. C. Howe & Co., Agents, i\ Pearl st Massachusetts Cotton Mills, J. A, Lowell, 3 Oliver st Massachusetts Iron Co., foot of I St.; office 9 Congress st Merrimack Manufacturing Co., E. Chadwick, Hi Treniont Row Merrimack (N. H.) Mills, L. Liver- more, Treasurer, 61 State st MiiitUese.v iron Co., A. i-'ullertou, 119 Milk st Nashua Manufacturing Co., Uphani, A|)pleUin & Co., 15 I'earl st. ; J. S. Amory, Treasurer, 65 State st jN'ew Engl.ind Car Co., Tim. Farrar, Tre^'.surer, 99 State st New England Class Co., J.N.Howe, Agent, Batti-rymarch st., between liil and 1-23 Milk st New Engl ind Starch Co., W. & F. H. Whittemore, 32 Broad st New England Steam and Cas Pipe Co., R. Reed, Agent, 28 Charles- town st New England Worsted Co., M. H. Siinpsiin, 31 Pearl st Norliilk Lead Co., Upham, Crane & Co., .\gents, 99 State st Northampton WnuUen Manufictur- ing Co., E. H. Robbins, 46 Kilby st Norway Plains Co., F. Cabot, Trea- surer, 10 Broad st Ogden Mills, Tenney &. Cowles, 5 Sewall Block Old Colony Iron Co., Wm. Thomas & Co. 79 State st Otis Co.,VVright & Whitman, 97 Milk Palmer Co., Wright & Whitm lu, 97 Milk st Parker Mills, N. Stetson, Agent, 110 Milk st Plymouth Cordage Co., A. D. Hatch, Agent, 17 Doane st Portsmouth Steam Co., D. H. Tread- well, Treasurer, 4 Bowdoin Block Prescott Manufacturing Co., J. A. Lowell, Oliver street Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimack river, John T.Morse, 47 State street Revere Copper Co., J. Davis, Jr. treasurer, 97 Stat(^ st Robbins Cord.ige Co., P. Sprague & Co. agents, 13 Commercial wf Rockbottnm Manufacturing Comp., Chas. Bradley, PhilUps' Building Ro.xbury Color and Chemical Co., L. Fearing, 70 Slate st Roxbury Rubber Factor^-, J. Has- «ins, 25 Tremont Row Saco Water Power Co., 61 State St., Wm. Dwicht Salishury .Manufacturing Co., John W. Treadwell, treas., 54 Pearl st Salmon Falls Manufacturing Comp., Amos A. Lawrence, treas. 13 Milk South Boston Iron Co., Cyrus Alger & Co. 2 Central wf St.irk Mills, Ch;)S. Amory, 65 State st Surt'olk Lead Works, 4th st near D, Joseph W. Ward, treas. 36 India Suffolk Manufacturing Co., Henry Hall, llA Tremont Row Sylvic Gas Light Co.'s Shop, Second st near A Thorndike Co., Wright b. Whitman, 97 Milk st Tremont Iron Co., N. Stetson, agent, 110 Milk st Tremont Mills, Henry Hall, lli Tre- mont Row Weymouth Iron Co., Nahum Stet- son, 110 Mllkst York Manufacturing Co., Pliny Cut- ler, 8 Kilby st MANUFACTORIES — ROXBURY. American Factory for the manufac- ture of Carpeting, on Simmons st. Joseph Crawshaw, agent ; Henry Pettes & Co. proprietors Boston Belting Co., Orange st. ; India Rubber Goods. Dennis C. Gately, superintendent Boston Refined Starch Co., Orange street ; James Huckins, agent, 35 Commercial wf Boston Hemp Co., Mill Dam ; A. G. Brown, agent, 63 Com'l st. Boston Boston Lead Co., Northampton st Daniel P.Upton, superintendent; F. S. Carruth, agent, 13 Custom House St. Boston Boston and Providence Railroad Ma- chine Shop, near Boston line, north from Tremont street, for the stor- ing, building and repairing of the cars; George S. Griggs, superin- tendent Boston Japan Leather Co., Eu'tis st. cor. Plymouth ; Wm. I). Seaver, superintendent. S. P. Blake, treas. and agent 7 Central st. Boston Candle Manuf ictoi-y, Joseph Morrill, Jr., High st near Orange Card Maiinf'ctory, Dale street. E. Lamson Perkins, proprietor; office in Boston, 124 Slate street, O. Hol- man, agent Carpet Manufactory, Water st. near Washington, Laban S. Beecher Chemical Works, Dedham Turnpike near Green st. for the manufacture of Epsom Salts, Soda, Saltpetre, &c., F. Fearing & Co. ; agent in Boston, L. Fearing, 70 State st Clock and Balance Manufactory, East street. Howard & Davis, office 34 Water st. Boston Cotton B.itting Manufactory, Henry M. Mcintosh, Steam Povver Fac- tory, Orange street, near India Rubber Works Day's Rope Walk, Parker st. ; Sewall Day &, Co. ; office in Boston, 20 Commercial st Dorr Hosiery Manuf icturing Comp., Orange st foot of High Fringe, Tassel and Trimming Manu- factory, J. G. Johnson, Williams' Place Roxbury Color and Chemical Com- pany, Centre st near Railroad J. M. Ordway, superintendent ; Lin- coln Fearing, agent, 70 State street, Boston Norfolk Lead Co., Water street ; E. Crane, agent ; office 99 State street, Boston Patent Leather Manufactory, Wil- liams' Place ; Linus B. Comins, 22 Dock Square, Boston Roxbury Finishing Company, Fac- tory- on Sinunons street ; E. Baker & Co. proprietors, 4 Bowdoin Bl'k, Boston ; Walter McKinley, super- intendent Roxbur)' Iron Foundry, Lowell st. ; Bowers & Pratt ; office in Boston, 107 Milk st Ro.xbury India Rubber Factory, Sim- nnins street: J. Haskins, sui)erin- tendent and a,ient ; oliice and store in Boston, 2 Liberty Square Silk and Trimming Manufactory, Tremont St. near Boston line ; B. B. Tilt & Co. ; office in Boston, 147 Washington st Turpentine and Rosin Manufactory> Roxbury Point, office, India streeti Boston ; Thomas Simmons Weekly Transcript, Henry Chic- kering. North Adams Hampshire &. Franklin Express, Homer A. Cook, Amherst BOSTON — DAILIES. Advertiser, Nathan Hale, 6 Con- gress, $8 per ann. Atlas, Schouler & Brewer, 5 Old State House, State, ^ per ann. Bee, Bradbiu-y, Harnon & Co., 7 State, 3 pi-r aim. Chronotype, Elizur Wright, editor; White, Potter & Wright, publishers, 15 State, 3 per ann. Courier, E. B. Foster & Co., 10 Con2re^s, 8 per ann. Herald, S. K. Head, 19 State, 3 per ann. Journal, Sleeper & Rogers, 12 State. 6 per ann. Mail, John N. Bradley, 14 & 16 Stne, 3 per ann. Post, Reals & Greene, 21 Water, 8 per ann. Republican, Wilson, Damrell & Co., 15 State, 5 per ann. Signal, Farwell & Co., 32 Con- gress, 3 per ann. Times, Roberts & Garfield, 3 per ann., and 1 cent each. Transcript, Epes Sargent, editor, Dutton & W'entworth, proprietors and publishers, 37 Congress, 4 per ann. Traveller, Henry Flanders & Co., Old State House, F. Andrews & George Punchard, editors, 5 per ann. SEMI-WEEKLIES. Advertiser, Nathan Hale, 6 Con- gress, 4 per ann. Atlas, Schouler & Brewer, 5 Old State House, State, 4 per ann. Courier, E. B. Foster & Co., 10 Congress, 4 per ann. Journal, Sleeper & Rogers; 12 State, 4 per ann. Path-Finder & Business Intelli- gencer, George R. Holbrook & Co., 5 Washington, 1.50 per ann. Press and Post. Beals & Greene, 21 Water, 4 per ann. Republican, Wilson, Damrell &c Co., 15 Slate, 2.50 per ann. Shipping List, Learned, Thomp- son & Co.. 86 State, 6 per ann. Traveller, Henry Flanders & Co., 8 Old State House, F. Andrews & George Punchard, editors, 4 p. ann. WEEKLIES. Advent Herald, Rev. J. V. Himes, Chardon, 2 per ann. American Cabinet, H. Mason & Co., editors & publishers, 22 School, $2 per ann. Literature. American Union, R. B. Fitts & Co., Newspaper Exchange, 22 School, Literary. AthenKum, Bradbury & Guild, 120 Washington, 2 per ann. Atlas, Schouler & Brewer, 5 Old State Houtig,uor, Horace Senver, edi- tor; J. P. Mendum, 35 Wasiiington, 2 per ann. .ioiirnal. Sleeper & Rodgers, 12 St.ile, 2 per ann. I.ilierator, William Lloyd Garrison, 21 Cornhill, weekly, 2 per ann. Mail, John N. Bradley, 14 and 16 State, 1 per ann. Massachusetts Ploughman, W. & W. J. Biickuiinster, Quincy Hall, 2 per ann. Agricultural. Medictl and Surgical Journal, J. V. C. Smith, 184 Wash., 3 per ann. New England Farmer, S. W.Cole, editor, Joel Nurse, publisher, Cluincy Hall, 1 per ann. Odd Fellow, Cochran, Cole & Co., 66 Cornhill, 2 per ann. Olive Branch, Rev. Thomas F. Norris, 5 Washington, 2 per ann. Orphans' Advocate and Social Monitor, A. & E. C. FeUows, Tre- mont corner Common. Pilot. Patrick Donahoe, 1 Spring Lane, 2,.50 per ann. Puritan, Woodbridge, Raynolds & Co., 22 .School, 2 per ann. Recorder, Martin Moore, 122 Wash- ington, 2 per ann. Reporter, E. D. Moore, editor and publisher, 22 .School, I per ann. Republican, Wilson, Damrell & Co., 15 State, 1,50 per ann. Sheet Anchor and Light Ship, Leariieil, Tomp-on, & Co ,86 State. State-man, Beales & Green, 21 Water, 2 per ann. Signa I, Farwell & Co., 32 Congress, 2 per ann. Saturday Rambler, Wm. Simonds &. Co., 12 School, 2 per ann. Star Spangled Banner, J. Jones, 82 Washington, 2 per ann. South Boston Gazette, A.J.Wright, 3 Water, 1 per ann. Sunday School Journal, W. B. Tappaii, y (Cornhill. Symbol, Jordan & Co., 22 School, 2 per ann. Thursday Messenger. Clapp & Co.. 9 Old State House, 2 per ana. Traveller, Henry Fl mders & Co., 8 Old State House, F. Andrews &. George Punchard, editors, 2 per ann. Trumiiet and Universalist Maga- zine, Rev. T. Whittemore, 37 Corn- hill, 2 per ann. Uncle Sam, Geo. H. Williams, 52 Washington, 2 per ann. Union Jack, J.Jones, 82 Washing- ton, 2 per ann. Vindicator, P. Sullivan, Ij Spring Lane, 2.50 per ann. Washingtonian, J. F. Coles, &. S. Cobb, Jr., editors, 22 School, 2 per annum. Weekly Messenger, Nathan Hale, 6 Congress, 2 per ann. Yankee Bl.ide, Matthews, Stev- ens & Co., 1,381 Wash., 2 per ann. Youth's Companion, Nathaniel Willis, 11 Cornhill, 2 per ann. Zion's Herald and VVesleyan Jour- nal, Rev. Abel Stevens, otlice, over 7 Cornhill. 2 per ann. Cambridge Chronicle, John Ford, publisher, Cambridge Port. Bunker Hill Aurora & Boston Mirror, W. W. Wheildon, 25 Charles- town St., Charlestown. Middlesex Freeman. D. Adams, publisher, Charlestown. Cabotville Mirror, Henry Russell, editor and propriettpr, Chicopee. Chicopee Telegraph, J. C. Stoe- ver, editor and proprietor, Chicopee. Middlesex Freeman, Daniel H. Adams, publisher, Concord. Danvers Courier, Geo. R. Carleton. editor, Danvers. Norfolk Democrat, E. G. Robin- son, publisher, Dedham. Vineyard Gazette, E. Marchant, editor and proprietor, Edg.irtown. Fall River Monitor, Henry Pratt, publisher, J. Ford, editor, F;.ll River. Massachussetts Observer, VVui. Cogswell, publisher, Gloucester. The Telegraph, Jos. K. Rodgers, publisher Berkshire Cimrier, J. D. Cushing, publisher, fJreat Barrington. Franklin Democrat, S. O. Lamb, publisher, Greenfield. (iazette & Courier, C. J. J. Inger- soll. publisher, (Jreenfield. Life in Lowell, J. C. Palmer, 44 Central st. Lowell. Lowell Daily Journal & Courier, James Atkinson, Lowell. Lowell Gazette, William Living- ston, Lowell. Lowell Patriot & Republican, F. A. Hildreth, Lowell. Lowell Tri-Weekly Advertiser, T. A. Hildreth, Lowell. Lowell Weekly Journal & Cou- rier. James Atkinson, Lowell. Vox Populi Daily, S. J. Vamey, 21 State St., Lowell. I^ynn Forum, J.J. Bowler, Lynn. Lynn News, J. F. Kimball, Lynn. Pioneer & Herald of Liberty, H. Robinson, Lynn. Mirblehe.d .Mercury, Robinson Brear, .\I .rl>lehe:td. Mirror, John .Morrison, pr iprieter, Nantucket. New Bedford Mercury, Benjamin Lindsey, New Beilford. Whaleman Shipping List, G. H. Lindsey, New Bedford. Christian Herald, published by the Eastern Chri-^tian Publishing .Asso- ciation, Newburyport. Daily &. Semi-Weekly Herald, Morse & Brewster Newburyport Advertiser, Hiise & , Br igdon Watchtower, .lohn Coombs .Northampton Courier, Wm. Tyler, Nortli.-impton. I Hamp>hire Gazette, W. A. Haw- ley. Old Colony Memorial, James Thurber, Publisher, Plymouth. Plymouth Rock, Samuel Baldwin, publisher Berkshire Culturist, S. Reed & Co., publishers, Pittsfield. Massachussetts Eagle, Charles Montague, publisher, Pittsfield. Pitts-tield Sun, P. Allen & Son, publishers Quincy Patriot, John A. Green, publisher, Gluincy. Essex County Mercury, C. Foot & Wm. Brown, publishers, Salem. Salem Advertiser, Eben N. Wal- ton, publisher. Central st Salem. Salem Gazette, C. Foot & Wra. Brown, pubUshers, 191 Es.-ex street Salem Ob-erver, Ives &. George W. Pease, publishers, 130 Essex st Salem Register, John Chapin & Chas. W. Palfrey, 125 Essex st Sandwich Ob.server, Geo. Phiney, publisher. Sandwich. Daily Republican, Samuel Bowler, publisher, cor. Main & Elm streets Springfield. Hamprlen Post, D. T. Ashley Springlield Gazette, Wm. Stowe American Whig, J. W. Hall, pub- lisher. School St., Taunton. Bristol County Democrat, Eduiimd Anthony, Main st Taunton Daily Gazette, E. An- thony, publisher. Main st The Dew Drop, B. W. Williams, publisher, Taunton. Waltham Mirror, H. B. Stickney & Ed. W. Williams, publ. Waltham. Village Gazette, W. A. Hemming & G. M. Trisk, publishers. Ware. Weslfield Standard, William W. Whitman, proprietor, Westfield. Christian Citizen. Ellihu Burritt, publisher. 196 .Main St., Worcester, Daily Spy, John Milton Earl, pub- lisher, 188 'Main st Daily Telegr.iph, Julius L. Clark, publisher, 10 Exchange Massachusetts Spy, John Milton Earle. publisher, 188 Main st Nation.'l ^Egis, Lincoln & Hickcox, publishers, Butinan block. Main st New England Botanic Medical & Surgical Journ 1, Dr. Newton, publ. Worcester Palladium, J. S. C, Knowlton, publ., 9 Central Exch. Yarmouth Register, W. 1. Fisher & Charles F. Swift, publishers, Yarmouth Port. Scliools aud Acadcmiesa Jibington Union Jicademy. — W. N. Stone, Principal, Abington. ^delphian Jicademy. — S. L. & I<. F. C. Loomis, Principals, N. Bridge- water. .ImfiPrst Academy. — John S. Spen- cer, A. B.. Principal. .1 ,ne T. Humphrey, Preceptress. Number of scholars for the year 1847, 112. Berlin Boarding' Scliooi. — Josiah Bride. Principal. Beverly jicademy. — Licorponited in 1835. I. Leafaver. Teacher. Bradford jicademy. — Incorporated in 1804. Capital, .Sl.i.OOO. Abigail C. Hessleton, Priiicipal. Schol:irs,i50. Deerfield Jicademy. — C. M, Crit- tenden, Principal. Drary Academy. — Alpheus Smith, President; John Arnold, Secretary; Lyman Thompson, Principal. North Adams. MASSACHUSETTS. 209 Kast Bridgewater Academy. — W. Allen, Princip:ii. East Orannille Academy. — Rev. T. M. Cooley, President; E. Seymour, Secretary. Enfflis/i Classical School. — E. D. B inj;s, Priiicip il, Court st., Spring- field. Framingham Academy. — Incorpo- rated ill 1798. Capital, $5,000. John Hastings, Principal. Hopkins Academy. — Henry K. Ed- son, Principal; Miss Joanna Stan- ivood. Preceptress. Hadley. Ipswich ./Jcarfemj/.— Incorporated in 18-28. John P. Cowles, Principal. Ladies'' School. — Caroline A. Ray- mond, Teacher. West Townsend. Lee Academy. — S. A. Hall, Princi- pal. Ijcicester Academy. — Jos. Clark, Principal. Lenoz Academy. — J. Lyman, Prin- cipal. Mount Pleasant Boarding School (for Boys).— Rev. J. A. Nash, A. M., Principal ; E. W. Stoddard, Teacher of Music ; Jas. W. R lynor. Teacher of Mathematics. Latin and Greek ; H. C. Nash, Assisfint Teacher. Am- herst. Mount Hoi yoke Female Seminary. — Capit il, .SiiO.OUO. Miss Mary Lyon, Principal; Miss -Mary C. ivliitnian, Associ ite Principtl. Nu.nber of scholars for 1847 8. J35. South Had- ley. Minson Academy. — Charles Ham- mond, M. A., Pd cipil, and Teacher ill the Classical Department ; VVm. C. Dickinson, B. A., Teacher of the English Department ; Miss Martha C. Dickenson, Teacher of the Female Department; S. Gittin- Bucknall, Teacher of Music. JVew Salem Academy. — J. SUicy, A. M., Principal; Terissi Giles, Pre- ceptress. jVicho/s Academy. — Alden South- worth, Principal. Dudley. Pierce Academy. — Incorporated in 1831. John W. I. Jenks, Principal ; S irah E. Smith, Preceptress. Mid- d ebrouih. Phillips Academy. — Incorporated in 1780. Samuel H. Taylor. Princi- pal. Andover. Putnam Free School. — Incorporated in 1838. Capital, $50,000. Wm. Wells, A. M., Principal; Luther Dame. Assistant. Newburyport. Pine Orove Seminary. — Sidney Brooks, Principal. Sheffield Academy. — J. H. Sawyer, Principal. Shclburne Falls Academy. — Incor- porated, March, 1847. Endowed, $10,000. Number of students, 100. Emory Lyon, M. D., Principal ; H. A. Pratt, .\. iVl., .Associate Principal; Mrs. Mary C. B. Lyon, Preceptress, and Teacher of Music ; J. B. Bardwell, Secretary. Shelburne Falls. [For particulars, see Advertising Regis- ter.] State JVormal School. — C. Pierce, Principil. West Newton. Townsend Female SeminoTy. — In- corporated in 1836. Hon. Isaac Da- vis, President; Hannah P. Dodge, Principal. fVestminster Academy. — John E. Gott, Principnl. fVesl JVeedham Academy. — Wnv H. Adams, Principal. fVcsleyan Academy. — Rev. Mines Raymond. A. M., Principil. and T acher of Mental and Moral Science; Win. H. Bussell, A. M., Teacher of .\ncient and .Modern Languages ; Isaac T. Goodnow, A. M., Teacher of Natural Science ; Oliver Marcy, A. 14 I B., Teacher of Mathematics ; Orange Judd, A. B., Teacher of Natural Science. Isabella Hill, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornainrntil Branches ; Mrs. Eliza G. lirewer, 'J'e icherof Muic ; Airs. Elizabeth E. Marcy, Te iclier of French and Bo- tany. Wilbraham. fVheaton Female Seminary. In- corporated in 1834. Elizabeth A. Cate, Principal ; Susan A. Whitwell, Instructress of Music. Norton. IVilliston Seminary. L. Wright, I M.A , Principal Teacher of Latin and Greek; E. A. Hubbard, M.A.. ■ Teacher of N itural Philosophy, .As- [ tronoiny, and Geometry ; Wm. How- land, B.A., Teacher of Latin, Greek, and English Grammar; Hanson L. Read. B..\., Teacher of Latin, Arith- metic, and Geography ; William S. j Clark, B..\., Teacher of Chemistry, Physiology, Mineralogy, and Natu- ral History. Gertrude M. Chandler, Preceptress, Teacher of French and Botany ; C. Mattoon Alvord, Teach- er of Penmanship ; E. S. Iloadley, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Number of Scholars, 481. East Hampton. fVilliams' Academy. E. W. B. Canning, Principal. Stockbridge. ffilliamstowu Academy. Y. Har- leton. Principal. Stockbridge. Winchendon Academy. A. W. Merriam, Principal. Stockbridge. Young iMdies' School. Miss C. E. Fenn, Principal. Stockbridge. Colle^^es in IV. Eng-land. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Founded in 1794. Leonard Woods, Jr., D.D., Pre,sident ; Instructors, 8 ; Alumni, 971 ; Minister^ 155 ; Stu- dents, 125 ; Volumes in Libraries, 25,450; Commencement first Wed- nesday in September ; Annual Ex- penses of Instruction, $24 ; Room, Rent, and other College E.xpenses, .$22 ; Board, 39 weeks, $.58,50 ; Wood, Light, and Washing, $35. Wateruille College, Waterville, Maine. Founded in 1820. David N. Sheldon, D.D., President ; Instruc- tors, 6 ; Alumni, 237 ; Ministers, 59 ; Students, 75 ; Volumes in Library, 7000 ; Commencement, second Wed- ne-d ^y in Au;;u^I. Dartmouth College., Hanover, N. H. Founded in 171)9. Nathan Lord, D.D., Pres. ; Instnictors, 9 ; Alumni, 2517; Ministers, 600; Students, 201 ; Volumes in Library, 16,500 ; Com- mencement, last Thursday in July ; .Annual E.xpense of Instruction, $27; Room, Rent, and other College E.x- penses, $13 24 ; Board, 38 weeks, from $50 to 60 ; Lights, Wood, and W.ishing. $10. University of Vermont, Bnrling- ton, Vt. Founded in 1791. VVorth- ington Smith, D.D., President: In- structors, 6; .Alumni, 463; Minis- ters, 76; Students, 97; Volumes in Library, 10.000 ; Commencement, first Wednesday in August. jiliddlebury College, Midillebury, Vt. Founded in 1800. B. Labaree, D.D., Pres. ; Instnictors, 7 ; Alumni, 852; Ministers, 300; Students, 60 ; Volumes in Library, 7,050 ; Com- mencement fourth Wednesday in July. JV'orwich University, Norwich, Vt. Fou ided in 1834. Henry S. Whea- ton, Pres. ; Instructors,?; Alumni, 107 ; Ministers, not known ; Stu- dents, 88 ; Volumes in Library. 1000 ; Commencement, second Thursday in July, Hirvard University, Cambridge, Mass. F- rary. 21,000. 210 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Divinity School, Harvard Univer- sity. (C(mgre<;atioii I UniUirians). Caml). dge, Mass. Kslablished in 1816. Professors, 2. Students in 1848. 23. Voluiiios !•. Library, 3000. Theological Jnatitution. (Calviii- istic Baptist) Xcwtoii, Mass. K;- tablished in 182.i. Professors, 3. Stu- dents in 1848, 33. Volumes in Lib- rary, 5500. Theological Department. Yale College. (Congregational) i\e\v Ha- ven. Conisecticut. Established in 1822. Prolessors, 4. Students in 1848, 35. Volumes in Library, 9000. Theological Institution of Connec- ticut. (Congregational) East Wind- sor. Established i:: 1834. Professors, 3. Students in 1848, 17. Volumes in Library, 5000. liaw Schools. Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. 3 Professors, and 95 Students. Yale College, JVew Haven, Ct. 3 Professors, and 41 Students. Medical Schools. Maine Medical School. Bruns- wick, Maine. Founded in 1820. Professors, 4. Students, 81. Lectures commence February 15th. JWio Hampshire Medical School, Hanover. jV. H. Founded in 1797. Professors, 6. Students, 50. Lec- tures commence 2d Thursday in August. Castleton Medical College, Castle- ton, Vermont. Founded in 1818. Professors, 7. Student<, 104. Lec- tures commence 4th Thursday in August. Vermont Medical College, Wood- stock, Vermont. Founded in 1835. Professors, 7. Students, 96. Lec- tures commence 1st Thursday in March. Medical School, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Ms. Founded in 1782. Professors, 6 .- Indents, 165. Lectures commence 1st Wednesday in Novrmber. Berkshire Medical School, Pitts- field, Mass. Founded in 1823. Pro- fessors, 5. Students, 153. Lectures commence 1st Thursday in Sept. Medical Institution, Yale College. Jfew Haven Ct. Founded in 1810. Professors, 6. Students, 85. Lectures commence 6 weeks after the third Thursday in August. Insurance Companies. [marine, fire, life and health.] Merrimack Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co., jindover. Samuel Mer- rill, President ; Samuel Gray, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Essex County Health Insurance Co., Beverly. Capital, $50,000. J. Safford, PresidCiit ; Charles Davis, Secretary ; R. G. Ben net. Treasurer. .American Insurance Co. J. 1. Bow- ditch, President. 54 Sutte st. Boston. America}! Life Insnrunce Co. B. Silliman, President, 4 St ite st. Boston. Boston Insurance Co. Leni. Pope, President, 62 State st. Boylston Fire and Marine Insu- rance Co. Francis Bacon, President, 45 State st. Coasters' Mutual Marine Insu- rance Co. John Williams, G8 State street. Connecticut Mutual Life Insu- rance Co. E. B. Pratt, President, Merchants' Exchange. Essex County Insurance Co. Oli- ver Brewster, President, 4 State st. Equitable Safety Marine ($- Fire Insurance C'o., John Clark, Mer- chants' E.\change. Firemen's Insurance Co. Thos. C. .Vmory, 75 State st. Franklin Insurance Co. F. Welch, President, 44 State st. Hartford Insurance Co. J. H. Ward &, Co., Agents, 4 Devonshire street. Hope Insurance Co. Sam. Quincy, President, 46 State st. Long Pond Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Charles A. Wells, President, 13 State St. I Manufacturers' Insurance Co, C. W. Cartvvcight, President, 59 State ! Massachusetts' Health Insurance Co. Thos. Tarbell, President, 4 Mu- seum Building. Massachusetts' Hospital Life In- surance Co. Peter C. Brooks, Presi- dent, 50 State st. Massachusetts' Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. Charles Wells, President, 31 State St. Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. .\. W. Thaxter, President, 27 State st. Mercantile Marine Insurance Co. Nathaniel Merriam, President, 58 State St. Merchants' Insurance Co. Jos. Balch, President, 38 State st. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. R. L. Patterson, President, 17 State St. J^Tational Insurance Co. Samuel VV. Swett, President, 66 State st. JVeptune Insurance Co. C. Curtis, President, 64 State st. JVew England Health Insurance Co. Joel W. White. President, 15 State St. Boston. JVew England Mutual Life Insu- rance Co. Willard Phillips, Presi- dent, 28 State st. JVew England Mutual Marine In- surance Co. Joseph H. Adams, Ex change Building. JVew York Life Insurance and Trust Co. P. Bigelow, Agent, 46 StJite St. JVorfolk County Health Insurance Co. Sher'n Leland, President, Mer- chants' Exchange. People's Equitable Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Albert I'ield. Presi- dent, 4 Slate St. People's Mutual Insurance Co. Jos. Southwick, President. 8 U. Stale House. Real Estate Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. Willard Sears, President, 81 Washington st. South Mutual Fire Insurance Co. James Barker, President, cor. Fourth and Turnpike streets. State Mutual Fire Insurance Co. E. Harriiigton, President, 21 State street. State Mutual Life Assurance Co. Nathaniel Ford, President, 21 State street. Suffolk Insurance Co. P. W. Hay- w.ird. President, State st. cor. Con- gress. Tremont Insurance Co. John G. Nazro. Preident, 43 State st. United States Health Insurance Co. James Clark, President, 17 State St. United States Insurance Co. R. B. Williams, President. 52 State st. Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Enoch Hobart. President, 10 (). State House. Warren Insurance Co. J. L Diminock, President, Merchants' Ex- change. Washington Insurance Co. Thos. Lamb, President, 42 Suite St. Brewster Insurance Co., Brews- ter. Capital, $20,000; 21)0 shares, par value $100 ; Jeremiah Mayo, Pre- sident. Citizens' Mutual Insurance Co., Brighton. Edward Spirhawk, Pre- sident; Charles Spicy, Secretjiry. Cambridge Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. Cambridge Port. Robert I'uUer, President; H. M. Chamberlain, Se- cretary and Treasurer. Cohasset Mutual Fire Insurancs Co., Cohasset. J. C. Doane, Presi- dent ; Henry J. Turner, Secretary. Middlesex Mutual Insurance Co., Concord. Daniel Shattuck, Presi- dent ; N. Brooks, Secretary and Trea- surer. JVorfolk Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Dedham. James Richardson, President ; 1. Cleveland, Secretary ; Martin Marsh, Treasurer. Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Fitchburg. Nathaniel Wood, President; I. Phillips, Secretarj'. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., Georgetown. lncor|X)rated, 1844. D. Wright, President; Wm. Boynton, Secretary and Treasurer. Gloucester Marine Insurance Co., Gloucester. CapiMl, $50,000; 500 shares, par value $100; Gsorge H. Rodgers, President; Alfred Presson, Secretary. Franklin Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Greenfield. H. G. Newcomb, President; A. Brainard, Secretary. Haverhill Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Haverhil'. A. Kittridge, Presi- dent ; T. M. Hayes, Secretary. Haverhill Health Insurance Co.., Haverhill. Capital, $50,000; 2,000 shares, par value $25 ; Caleb Hersey, President; G. .Ames, Actuary. Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Hingham. Solomon Lincoln, President; Uufus Lane, Treasiurer ; David Harding, Secretary. Lawrence Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Lawrence. Daniel Weed. I'resi- dent; Charles Stark Newell, Secre- tary. Lowell Traders' and Mechanics' Mutual Insurance Co., Lowell, T. Hoi.kmson, President; James Dins- moor, Secret iry. Lowell Health Insnrunce Q?., Lowell. Capita, 50.000; 2,000 shares, value $25; Llislia Huntington, President ; 1'. Parker, Secretary and Tre asur r. Howard Fire Insurance Co., Lo- well. $.'>U,UOU: shares. 500; $100 par value. Oliver M. Whipple, Presi- dent; T.Parker, SecreUTy &. Trea- surer. Lynn Mechanics' Fire and Marine Insurance Comp., Lynn. $50,000; shares, 500. $100 par value. M. C. Pratt, President ; Amos Rhodes, Se- cretary. Commercial Insurance Co.. Aan- tucket. Cap. $7.i.0U0. H. Bernard, President; A. J. .Morton. Secretary. Mutual Marine Insurance Co., JVew Bedford. .\. Barker, President; Wm. H. Taylor, Secretary. Whaling Insurance Co., JVew Bed- ford, (ieo. Howln.d Jr., President; B. Wood, Secretary. Bedford Commercial Insurance Co.. JVew Bedford. James Howland, 2d, President; U. R. Crocker, Secre- tary. Cap. $.')0.000. Pacific Insurance Co., JVew Bed- ford. J. Perrv, President ; L. Lum- bard, SecreUiry. Cap. $100,000. MASSACHUSETTS. 211 Mechanics' Insurance Co., Jfeic Bedford. Andrew Rohinsun, Pre- sident; Joseph Shiverick, Si'cretiry. Cap. $100,000. 1000 shares. $100 par Viilue. Bristol County Mutual Fire In- surance Co., JVew Bedford, Henry H. Cnpo, President; Juseph i^. Til- liugha-Nt. Secretary & Treasurer. Berkshire Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Pittsfield. Xathnn Willis, Pre- sident ; James Buel, Secretary. Old Colony Insurance Co., Ply- mouth. Cap. ^.W 000. Ezra Finney, President ; Allen Uanf'orth, Sec. Equitable Marine Insurance Co., Provincetown. Cap. $50,000. 500 shares. $100 par value. Thomas Niclterson, President ; Enos Nicker- son, Secretary and Treasurer. Union Insurance Co., Province- town. Cap. $75,000. 750 shares. $100 par value. E. S. Smith, Pre- sident ; David Fairbanks, Sec. Holyoke Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Salem. John S. Williams, Pre- sident ; John T. Burnham, Sec. Oriental Insurance Co., Salem. Cap. $200,000. -2000 shares. $100 par value. i\. Endicott, President; N. Pierce Jr., Secretary. Essex Fire and Marine Insurance Co, Salem. Cap. $100,000. 1000 shares. $100 par value. James B. Briggs. President ; C. F. W. Brown, Secretary. Mechanics' and Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Stockbridge. , C. M. Orren, President; J. E. Field, Secretary; J. D. Adams, Treasurer, i Peoples' Equitable Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Taunton. Albert Field, President; Philip E. Hill, Secretary. Merchants' Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co., lOi Main St., fVorcester. Isaac Davis, President ; C. L. Put- nam. Secretary. IVorcPster Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. Office Court House, IVorcester. F. W. Paine, President ; A. Chase, Secretary. Man ufactnrer.'s' Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co., IVorcester. Jas. Shepard, President ; Samuel Allen, Sec. Peoples' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. 176 Main St., IVorcester. E. H. Heminway, President; O.Harring- ton, Secretary. State Mutual hife Insurance Co., 104 Main st., Worcester. John Da- vis. President ; C. Harris, Secretary. IVorcester Health Insurance Co., Brinly Row, Worcester. Charles Hartshorn, President ; O. Harrington, Secretary. Chatham Insurance Co., Yar- mouth. Nathaniel Snow, President and Treasurer. Expresses. Abington, Ms., Ford & Co*. 21 Elm St.; Abington, S., Keith, Cellar 6 F. Hall Market Albany, N. Y., Thompson & Co. 8 Court street Ameshury. Ms., Batchelder, 7 Rail- road Exchange Andover, Ms., G. Foster, 8 Court st Athol, do BIgelow, 45 Brattle st Aueusta. Me., Carpenter & Co. Rail- road E.x. ; Child & Co. 7 Stale st Ashby, Ms.. Bigelow, 45 Brattle st Baldwinville. Ms., Bigelow. 45 do Barnstable, Ms., Witherell & Co., R. R. Exchange Bangor, Me., Jerome & Co. 7 State street; Hodgman & Co. R. R. Ex. Bath. Me., Carpenter & Co. Railroad Ex. ; Child & Co. 7 State st Belfast, Me., Jerom ■ & Co. 7 St itest.; Hodgman &. Co. Railroad Ex. Berlin &. Bolton, Ms., Sawyer, U Elm Bucksport, .Me , Jerome & Co. 7 State St. ; Hodgman & Co. Railroad Ex. Bedford, .Ms., Manning, 11 Elm St.; Corey, 7 Elm Beverly, Ms., Davi;. Railroad E.v. Buylsion, VV., Ms., Pope, City Hotel Bradford, JIs., Rcdlins, 7 State st Braintree, S., Ms., Melius, cellar 6 Mirket; Lindlield, 11 Elm Br.-tileboro', Vt., White, Quincy H. ; Bigelow, 45 Brattle st. ; Leonard, 8 Court ; Porter, Railroad Ex. Bridgewater. Ms., Witherells, R. R, Ex.; Bridgewater, N., Hancock, 11 Elm street Brighton, Ms., Tainter, 5 Market Sq. and Railroad Ex. Burlington, Vt., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st ; Cheney & Co. Railroad Ex. Boston Express, Pollard, Railroad Ex. Carlisle, Ms., Corey, 7 Elm st Chelsea, Ms.. Hobbs, Railroad Ex. & 4 Gerri^h Block Chatham. Ms., Witherell & Co. Rail- road E.vchange Charlestown, N. H., Porter, R. R. Ex. Calais, Me., Carey & Co. do Cambridge, Ms., Smith, Railroad Ex ; Buck, 43 Brattle ; C. Stratton, 43 Brattle ; Sawin & Co. R. R. Ex. Cambridgeport. Wait, 43 Brattle st : Burnell, 43 Brattle Camden, Me., Jerome k. Co. Rail road Ex : Hodgman &. Co. Rail- road Exchange Canadas, B. Prov.. Cheney & Co. Riiilroad E.vchange ; Thompson & Co. 8 Court st Cape Cod, Ms., Witherells Railroad Ex ; City Express, Pollard, Rail- road Ex; Southvvick, 7 State st Concord, N. H., Cheney & Co. Rail road Ex. Cohasset, Ms., Beals, City Hotel Concord, Ms., Adams do Dorchester, Ms., Swan, Railroad Ex. Danvers, Ms., Townsend, Railroad Ex ; Town, 1 Fulton st Dedham, Ms., O. Capen, 14 and 16 State st Dennis, Ms., Witherell & Co. Rail- Mad Ex. Duxbury, Ms., Beals, Railroad Ex. Dover, N. H., Niles, 8 Court st Easton, Ms.. Tilden, 158 Wash, st Eastport, Me., Gunnison & Co. Rail road Ex. Exeter. .\. H., Odlin, 8 Court st Essex, Ms., Proctor & Haskel, City Hotel Fall River, Ms., R. B. Kinsley, 7 State street Falmouth, Ms., Witherell & Comp., Railroad Ex. Feltonville, Ms., Pope, City Hotel Filchburg, Ms., Bigelow, 43 Brattle Frimingham, Ms., Leonard, 8 Court street : B mister, 7 Elm st Frankfort, Me., Hodgmaa & Co. R. R. Exchange Frankfort, Me., Jercmie & Co. 7 State Franklin, Ms., Law & Houghton, 43 Brattle st Gardiner. Me., Carpenter & Co. Rail- road Exchange Georgetown, Ms., Spolford, 8 Court Gloucester, Ms., Merchant's. City Hotel ; Winchester, R. R. Ex. Grafton, Ms.. Leonard, 8 Court st Great Falls. N. H., Marshal, 8 Court street ; Wood, 7 State st Greentield, Ms., Robbins, Railroad Ex ; T. Wait, City Hotel Groton, Ms., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st ; Corey, 7 Elm st Hingham, Ms., Sales, Liverpool wf Hallowell, Me., Carpenter, R. R. Ex. Hampton, N. H., Walker & Jackson, Railroad Exchange Hartford, Ct., Thompson & Comp., 8 Court street Haverhill, Ms., Hilliard, City Hotel ; Bradley, 8 Court st Haverhill, N. H., Cheney & Co. R. R. Exchange Holliston, Ms., J. C. Harrington, 11 Elm street Hopkinton, Ms., Leonard, 8 Court st Ipswich, Ms., Forbes, Railroad Ex : G. Willett, 7 Stalest Jamaica Plain, Ms., Stiles & Comp., Railroad Exchange Jeftrey, Ms., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st Kennebuak, Me., Child & Comp., 7 Stalest; Hills & Co. 7 State st ; Longley & Co. Railroad Ex. Keene, N. H., Bigelow, 45 Br iltle st ; Porter, Kail road Ex. Kingston, Ms., Beals, Railroad Ex ; Bradford & Gardner, Railroad Ex ; Rich, 7 Stale st Lawrence, Ms.. Abbott & Comp., 8 Court st ; Stevens & Robinson, R. R. Exchange Lebanon, N. H., Cheney &. Co. Rail- road Exchange Lexington, Ms., Corey, 7 Elm street; Manning, 11 Elm st Lonsdale, Ms., Balkcotn, R. R. Ex. Lowell, Ms., Sargent, 7 State street ; Tuck & Co. Railroad Ex. Lynn, Ms.. Hilton, 29 Merch.Row & 7 Stale st ; S. B. Pratt, R. R. Ex. Ludlow, Ms., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st Jlendon, Ms., Clement, 45 do Manchester, Ms., Proctor & Haskel, City Hotel Manchester, N. H., Cheney & Co. Railroad E.x. Marblehe ad, Ms., Paine, 7 State st Mason Village, Ms., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st ; Porter, Railroad E.x. Medway, Ms., Law & Houghlon, 45 Brattle st ; Medway, E., Davis, 158 Washington st Medford, Ms., Butters, 29 Elm st Melhuen, Ms., Stevens & Robinson, Railroad Ex. Millbury. Ms., Leonard, 8 Court st Milford, Ms., Clement, 45 Brattle st ; Mill<)rd &. Mendon, Harrington, 11 Elm street Milton, Ms., Hobart, Drew's Hotel, Union st Middleboro', Ms., Witherells, Rail- road Exchange Nantucket. Ms., Hatch, Gray & Co. Railroad Ex. Nashua, N. H.. Porter, Raikoad Ex. Nashville, N. H., Porter do Needham. Ms., Leonard, 8 Court st New Bedford, Ms., Drake & Co. 7 State st; Hatch, Gray & Co. Rail- road E.vchange Newburyporl, Ms., Forbes, R. R. Ex. Newbury, VV., Ms., Rollins, 7 Slate strr.t; Spoli'ord, 8 Court st Northboro', Ms., Rice, 45 Brattle st N. Haven, Ct., "Thompson, 8 Court st New Ipswich, N. H., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st ; Porter, Railroad Ex. New Market, N. H., Dearborn & Co. 8 Court st New York, Adams &. Co. 9 Court st ; Gay. Kinsley & Co. 7 State st ; Harnden & Co. 8 Court st Newport, R. I., R. B. Kinsley, 11 State st New London, Ct., Adams & Corap. 9 Court st Newton, Ms., Leonard, 8 Court st ; Newion Corner, Tainter, Railroad Exchange ; Newton U. F.,Lothrop, 29 Elm st N. Berwick, Me., Child & Co, 7 State st ; Loniiley & Co. Railroad Ex Pawtucket. R. I., Earle, do Pepperell, M^., Bigelow, 45 Brattle st Peterboro' Ms., Porter, Railroad Ex- change Pembroke, Ms., Church, 9 Elm st 312 NEW-ENGL.\ND MERCAXriLE UNION DIRECTORY. rortranil. Me., Child & To. 7 Suite st ; Longley &. Co. RHilroad Kx. PlyiiHUitli, Ms., Rich, 7 State street; Brmilbril it Ci.iidiier. RailroaU Hx Portsiiuiiith, N. H., Wsilker & Jack- son, Railroad Ex. Providence. R. 1., Earl, Riilroad Ex. Uuincy, Ms., .\l)l)i>t, 7 Elm st Randolph, Ms., l,ong. Ciiy Hotel : Randolph, E., S. \Vhit>,', under 5J i\. M.rket st Reiuling, N. and \V., Ms., Lovejoy, 8 Court st Roxl.ury, Ms., C. Covorly, R. R. Ex. Roxhury &. Boston, Brown, 7 State South Boston, Luca.s, 7 do S. Berwick, Me., Thompson, 27 State street ; Wtxid, 7 Stale st Saco, Me., Child & Co. 7 State st ; Longley & Co. Railroud Ex. Salem, Ms., Arrinplon, City Hotel ; Haraden 7 State ; l^ow, R. R. Ex. &. 11 Elm st ; Simmons, City Hotel Salmon Falls, Ms., Ttiouiption, 20 State st ; Wood, 20 State st Salisbury, Ms., Butcheider, R. R. Ex. Sandwich do VYitherells do Saugus do Lincoln do Sa.xonville do Banister, 7 Elm st Shrewsbury, Ms., Rice, 45 Urattle st Slatersville do Balch, IMWiish. st Springtield do 'I'hompson &. Co. 8 Court st Sell. Lancaster Institution for Savirfgs /..ancaster, Middlesex ln^titution for Savings Newton Instilution for Savings JiTeicton. Northampton Institution for Savings JVorthnmpton. Newbury Port Listitution for Savings jYeicburij Fort. Nantucket Institution for Savings jYantucket New Bedford Institution for Savings jVeic Hedford, Plymouth Institution for Savings Plymouth. Quincy Institution for Savings i^uincy. Ro.vbury Institution for Savings Hoibury. Salem Institution for Savings Salem. Salisbury and .\niesbury Institution for Savings .iinesbury Springfield Institution for Savings Sprinf;jield. Scituate Institution for Savings Scituate. Weymouth &. Braintree Institution lor Savings tVeymoutA. Wareham Institution for Savings fVareham. Worcester County Institution for Savings Worcester. The first of September 1847, the number of deptrsitors to all the banks was 68.312. Total amount depo- sited, $11,680,812 74. Annual divi- dend for the last tive years a fraction over 5J per cent. Annual Expenses of all the Institutions, $;t4,490 11. State Government. Salary. Ceorge N. Brlggs, Pitufield, Governor $2500 John Reed, Yarmouth, Lieut. (Itivernor, f4 per day Win. B. Calhoun, Secretary of State 16U0 Jos. Barrett, Concortl, Treas. and Keceivertieiieral ItKW Ceo. H. Devereux, Salem, Ad- jutant (Jeneral and Keeper of Military Stores 1500 Wm. Tufts, 1st Clerk in Sec- retary of State's Otfice 1200 Joseph Foster, 1st Clerk in Treasurer's Office 1300 Barnas Sears, Newton, Sec. of the Board of Education 1500 Judiciary. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Salary. Lemuel Shaw, Boston, Chief Justice $3,.'j00 S. S. Wilde, Boston, Justice 3,000 Chas. A. Dewey, Northamp- ton, Justice 3,000 Theron Metcalf, Boston, Just. 3,000 Uichard Fletcher, do do 3,000 Luther, S. Cushing, Boston, RefHirtir 300 Chas. R. Train, Framingham, District Att'y, North Dist. 1,000 John H. cnitliird. New Bed- ford. District -Att'y. Southern District 1,000 Ezra Wilkinson, Boston, Dis- trict .\ttorney. Middle Dist. 800 Wm. Porter, Jr., Lee, Dist. At- torney, Western District 800 Asnhel Huntington. Salem, District Att'y, Eastern Dist. 800 Saniuel D. Parker, Boston, At- torney Sull'olk County 2,000 Aaio Terms. SUFFOLK AND NANTCCKKT. Boston, 1st Tuesday of March. BERKSHIRE. Lenox, Second Tuesday of Sep- tember. BAMPSHtRK, FRANKLIN, & HAMPDEN. Northampton, on Monday next pre- ceding 4th Tuesday of September. WORCESTER. Worcester, 1st Tuesday next after 4th Tuesday of September MIDDLESEX. Cambridge, on the 3d Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Taunton and Plymouth alternate- ly ; beginning at Taunton for the Connties of Bristol. Plymouth, Barn- stable, and Dukes County, on the 4th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. I Dedham, ,'>th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September MASSACHUSETTS. 213 Salem, 6th Tuesday after 4th Tuesday of SeptLUilter. Terms for the Trial of Jury Cases. BARNSTABLE AND DUKE8. Barnstable, 9th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday cif March. BERKSHIRE. Lenox, 10th Tuesday next after 1st Tuesday of March. Taunton, 7th Tuesday next after 1st Tuesday r)f March. New Bedford, 2d Tuesday of Nov. Ipswich, 8th Tuesday after the 1st Tuesday of March. Greenfield, Gth Tuesday after 1st Tuesday of M irch, and 2d Tuesday of September. HAMPDEN. Springfield. 8th Tuesday after the 1st Tuesday of March, and 1st Tues- day of September. HAMPSHIRE. NorthampU)n, 7th Tuesday next after 1st Tuesday of March. MIDDLESEX. Lowell, 2d Tue-day of April. NANTUCKET. Nantucket, Ul Tuesday of July. NORFOLK. Dedham, 3d Tuesday of Februar)'. PLYMOUTH. Plymouth, 10th Tuesday next after 1st Tuesday of March. Boston, 7th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. WORCESTER. Worcester. 6th Tuesday after 1st Tuesday of March. COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS. Salary. Dan'l Wells, Hreenfield, Chief Justice $2,100 lEdwrird Mr-Men, Wayland, As- siici lie .lu'tice 1.800 Horatio Ityinpton. Stockbridge, ' Associate Justice 1,800 '5ems. on Wednesday next after 2d Tuesday of January, April, July and October. 650 j November. Newburyport, last Tuesday in March, June, September, and De- 1 cember. 800 Haverhill, 3d Tuesday in April 2,000 and October. Gloucester, 3d Tuesday in May and November. Lynn, Wednesdays following first 600' Tuesday in January iind July. 1,500 1 Marblehead, Wednesdays follow- ing 1st Tuesday in April and October. Andover, 2d Tuesday in February and August. Lawrence, 2d Tuesday of June and December. Greenfield, 1st Tuesday of Novem- ber, 2d Tuesday of February, March, May and October, 3d Tuesday of December, and 4th Tuesday of Au- gust. Conway, 1st Tuesday of February, and 3d Tuesday of July. ('harlemont, 3d Tuesday of May and October. Wendell, last Tuesday of April, and 3d Tuesday of September. Warwick, Wednesday ne.xt after last Tuesday of .April, and 3d Tues- day of September. HAMPDEN. Springfield, 1st Tuesday of Janu- ary, February, March, April, May, July, September, November, and De- cember. Westfield, 2d Tuesday of March and December, and first Tuesday of June and October. Monson, 2d Tuesday of June. Palermo, 2dTue6day of September. HAMPSHIRE. Northampton, 1st Tuesday of etich month. Amherst, 2d Tuesday of January, August, and .April. Belchertown, 2d Tuesday of May, , October and Februarv. Medway, 3d Tuesday of February, June and October. PLYMOUTH. At Probate Office in Plymouth, 3d Monday of January, February, and May, 2d Monday of .April and Au- gust, 1st Mimday of December. Scituate, 1st Tuesday of March and June, and last Tuesday of Au gust and November. East Hridgewater, 1st Tuesday of April, July, and October. Middleborough, 1st Tuesday of May, and 1st Tuesday of August and November. Rochester, Wednesday next after Ist Tuesday of May, and Wednes- day next after 1st Tuesday of Nov. Every Monday in each month, ex^ cept the first and last Monday in June, every Monday in July, and the first Monday of August, September, October, November, and December. WORCESTER. At Probate Office, in Court House, in V\^)rcester, first Tuesday of every month. West Brookfield, 2d Tuesday of May and October. Lancaster, 3d Tuesday of May am October. Fitchburg. Wednesday next aflel 3d Tuesday in May and October. Templeton, Thursday next aftel 3d Tuesday of May and October. Mendon, 4th Tuesday in May. Uxbridge. 4th Tuesday in October. Barre, Iriday next after 3d Tues- day of May and October. ; CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I UNITED STATES. | Salary.\ Levi Woodbury, Portsmouth, N. H. Associate Judge, $4,500 Peleg Sprague, District Judge, 2,5(X) Robert Rantoul, Jr., District , Attorney, Chas. L. Woodbuiy, and Geo. Minol, Report, olthe Court. James B. Rulib, Clerk. Ebjuezwr Tie>ci)it, Crier. Is lac O. Barnes. Marshal. Fred. Warren, Bostun, Win. Gordon, New Bedford, and Jo.siah B. Freucii, Lowell, JJeputy M irshalls. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Peleg Sprague, Di^lrict Judge. Selh E. Sprague, Clerk. This Court has lour terms anuu il- ly, viz.: — On the third Tuesday in March ; the fourth Tuesd ly in June ; the second Tuesday in September ; and the first Tuesday in December. Public Schools. There is raised annually in the State by ta.\:ition, about si.x hundred and sixty-three thou-and dollars for the support of Public Schools. Teh surplus revenue is also appropriated for the use of schools, ,i mounting annually to near eit;ht thousMiid dol- lars, to which we may add coatnlm- tions in board and IulI, to ihi; amount of more tli m thirty thou- sand dollars. Number of children in the State between the ages of four and si.vteen years, 210,200; avenge attendance on school, 130,- 500 ; no. of public schools, 3538 ; male teachers, 2,437 ; female teachers, 5,238. In addition to the above more than 12,000 attend private schools. Average wages per month, including board for male teachers, about $32 ; female teachers, $13. State Lrunatic Hospital, Worcester. George Chandler, M.D.. Superin- tendant. Number of rooms for the use of patients, 351 ; average num- ber of patients for the year, 1847, 378 ; discharged during the year, 183 ; males, 98; females, 85; 103 of this number have recovered ; 23 im- proved ; 36 incurable and harmless ; 21 incurable and dangerous, and 30 deaths. Receipts for the year, $45,- 662 92. Expenses, $39,444 45. State Prison, Cbarlcs- totvu. Sept. 30th, 1847. Whole number of prisoners, 288 ; received during the year, 123; discharged, 88. Of this number 218 were committed for theft; 11 for malicious otfences against property ; 12 for adultery ; 5 for rape ; 7 for arson ; 1 for perjury ; 3 for escapes ; 31 for ass:iults, mur- ders, &.C. Of this number, 94 are confined for two years or less ; 4 for eighteen years ; 1 for thirty-five years, and 18 for life, .\verage num- ber of convicts during tiie year. 262. Deaths none. Expenses, $32,271 71. Receipts, $32,397 97. Railroads. Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad. From Bangor to ( )ldtown. Length, 12 miles ; cost $350,000. Berkshire Railroad. Completed in 1841. Length, 21 miles ; capital paid in, $600,000 ; total income in MASSACHUSETTS. 215 1847, $42,000 ; dividend for 1847, 7 amount of div. since completed, 54 per cent. per cent. Boston and howell Railroad. Completed in 1835. Length, 25J miles; capital paid in, $1,800,000; div. in 1847, 8 prct. ; whole amount do., 87^ pr ct. The Woburn branch two miles long, belongs to this road. Boston and Maine Railroad. Completed in 1843. Length, 7293 miles ; capital paid in, $2,601,391 ; div, 9 per cent. ; total amount do. since road commenced, 63 per cent. Boston and Providence Railroad. Completed in 1835. Length 41 miles; cost, $2,520,000 ; div. in 1847, 7^ per cent. ; total amount do. since road commenced, 89 per cent. The Ded- ham branch 2 2-5 miles belong to this road. I Boston and fVorcester Railroad. Completed in 1835. Length, 44-62 miles; cot, $3,500,000. Dividends, 1847, 10 per cent. ; total amount of div. since commencement of road, 85 per cent. The Brookline Branch, 1'6 miles, the Newton, Lower Falls, Branch, 2-5 miles, the Saxonviile Branch, 4 miles, the Millhury Branch, 3i miles, and the Milfoid Branch, 12 miles, belong to this road. Connecticut River Railroad. Com- pleted in 1846. Length, 35-90 miles. Capital paid in $800,900 ; dividends for 1847, 7 per cent. ; total amount of div. since completed, 13 per cent. Eastern Railroad, JV. H. Length, 168 miles. Eastern Railroad. Completed in 1840. Length, 38-15 miles. Total capital paid in, $2,2,50,000 ; div. for 1847, 8 per cent. ; total amount of div. since the commencement of the road, 59^ per cent. The Marblehead Branch. 3 miles, the Gloucester Branch, 12 miles, and the Salisbury Branch, 3 miles, belong to this road. Fall River Railroad. Completed in 1846. Length, 41-80 miles. Capi- tal paid in, $1,050,000 ; div. for 1847, 3 percent. ; total amouitof div. since the road commenced, 3 per cent. Fitchburg- Railroad. Completed in 1845. Length, 49-30 miles. Capi- tal paid in, $2,-235,900 ; div. for 1847, 9 per cent. ; total div. since the com- mencement of the road, 28 per cent. The Fresh Pond and Watertown Branch, 5 miles, belongs to this road. Hartford and J^ew Haven Rail- road. Length, 38 miles. Cost of construction, $1,100,000. Hartford and Springfield Rail- road. Length, 25 miles. Cost of con- struction, $540,000. J\rashua and Concord Railroad. Length, 35 miles. Cost of construc- tion, $1,042718. JVashua and howell Railroad. Completed in 1838. Length, 14-25 miles. Capital paid in, $500,000 , div. for 1847, 10 per cent.; total amount of div. since completed, 89^ per cent Jfew Bedford and Taunton Rail- road. (Completed in 1840. Length, 20-13 miles. Capital paid in, $400,000 ; div. for 1847, 8 per cent.; total JVorthern Railroad. Length 70 miles; cost of construction $2 590,000. JVurwich and Worcester Railroad. Coinpl.-ted in 1839: length 66 miles. Capital paid in, $1,653,.')00. Total income tor 1847, $-.^(4,895. Total ex- penses for 1847, $141,432. Surplus on hand, $258,805. Old Colony Railroad. Com- pleted in 1845 ; length 37i miles ; capital p,iid in $1,199,300; dividend for the year 1847, 7i per cent. ; total amount of div. since the road com- menced 13J per cent. Pittsfield and JVorth Jidams Rail- road. Completed in 1846 ; length 1 18,65 miles ; capital paid in $443,000 ; total income for 1847, $25,974; total ! expenditure do $17,798. j Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth Railroad. Length 52 miles ; cost of construction $1,271,824. Providence and Stonington Rail- road. Length 48 miles ; cost of con struction $2,614,404. Stoughton Branch Railroad. Com- pleted in 1845; length 5 miles : capi- tal paid in $85,600 ; dividend 1847. 3 per cent. ; whole amount of dividend since commenced 10^ per cent. Taunton Branch Railroad. Com- pleted in 1836 ; length 1 1 miles ; capi- tal paid in $250,000 ; dividend 1847, 8 per cent. ; total amount div. since construction 77^ per cent. fVestern Railroad. Completed in 1842; length, including the .\lbany and West Stockbridge Railroad of 38y miles, 156 miles ; capital paid in $4,000,000; total income in 1847, $1,325,336; expenses do $676,699, div. for 1847, 8 per cent. ; whole amount of div. since commenced 22 per cent. liisies of Railroads in Progress of Coustruca tiou in New Cug'land. October 1st, 1848. Atlantic and St. iMwrence Rail- road. Length 156 miles, extending from Portland to Canada line ; open- ed 13 miles to North Yarmouth, Me., and will be opened to Mechanic's Falls, 37 miles, the coming winter. A branch c)f this road, from Mechan- ic's Falls to Buckfield, has already been commenced. Kennebec. Bath and Portland Rail- road. Now in process of construc- tion from Portland to Augusta ; length CO miles. This road has a branch from Brunswick to B.ith. Jlndroscoggin and Kennebec Rail- road. Is now in progress of con- struction from Augusta to Lewiston Falls ; length 30 miles, to connect with the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Road. Concord and Montreal Railroad. From Concord, N. H., thriiui:h Ply- mouth and Hav»rhill to intersect with one of the Montreal roads. Open to Meredith Bridge, 27 miles : whole length 69 miles. 216 NEW-ENGLAND MEECANTILE UNION DIEECTORT. Cheshire Railroad. From South Ashburnham, Mass., by way of Keene, N. H. to Bellows Falls, Ver- mont ; whole length 50 miles ; open to Keene, 32 miles. Connecticut and Passumsic River Railroad. From Harlford, Vermont, to Ihe State line at Derby, where it will connect v\ith the St. Lawrence and Canada Road ; opened to New- bury, Vermont, 40 miles ; whole length 114 miles. Fitchburg and Worcester Rail- road. This road is mostly graded. Length, 1'2 miles. Grand Junction and Union Rail road. Length, 6 miles. RunninK from deep water at Ea--t Boston to the Worcester Railroad in Brighton. ImwcM and Lawrence Railroad. Now opened. Length, 12 miles. Manchester and J^awrence Rail- road. From Manchester, N. H. to Lawrence, Mass. Length, 23} miles. J^ew London and fVillimantic Rail- road. From New London, Ct., by way of VVillimantic to Palmer Depot, Mass. Length, 68 miles. JV'cio- York and M'ew- Haven Rail- road. From Williams Bridge 14 miles, from New-York on the Har- lem Road to New Haven, length, 140 miles. Now opened. JVor/o/A County Railroad. From the Boston and Providence Road within 10 miles of Boston, to Black- stone, Mass. Peterboro^ and Shirley Railroad. From the Fitchburg Railroad at Gro- toi>, Mass. to Peterboro, N.H. Length, 30 miles, fipened to West Towns- end 12 miles. Portsmouth and Concord Railroad. From Port-mouth to Concord, N. H. Length, 40 miles. Rutland Railroad. From Bellows Falls to Middlebury, Vt. Length, 117 miles. A br.mch from this road is [projected from Rutlai.d by way of Caslleton Ui Whitehall, N. Y. South Shore Railroad. From duincy on the Old Colony Road, to Du.\bury. Length, 22 miles. Stony Brook Railroad. From Groton, Mass. on the Filchburg road to Lowell, Mass. Length, 13'16 mi. Sullivan Railroad. From Bellows Falls to Hartford, Vt.. uniting the Cheshire and Northern roads. Length, 25 miles. Vermont Central Railroad. From Harlford to Montpelier, thence to Burlington, Vt. Length, 115 miles. Opened to Roxbury, Vt., 45 miles. Vermont and Massachusetts Rail- road. From Fitchburg, Mass. to Brattleboro, Vt. Whole length, 70 miles. Opened to Montague, Mass., 48 miles. Worcester and JVashua Railroad. Length, 45-55 miles. Recently opened. MASSACHUSETTS. 21Y m H H m < H O O •IVA I SSS < SOOOOO ■ O O O O O OO O O O O Q O O p ^_ooo^S -ct-"^ — — — — — — » — wOOO I c o o • c — ^ o c o o ; S c; s s c, o^ o_ . 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'. ■.5 ■ y ! ; '. la S. = "0 S - = 5 3 =: ;•:•••• ^ •':;■ "o • : • ■ • • ^c c : : : • • :'5 ; • • "2,0 ill = 2 • 35-2 i ^ 3 HI -5 ;;:!::: : :;:;;;;:; :a :::: :a : : ..;;.. .0 . :::;;>•: t K : ® '.•:; i"^ : • s < 2 0) ; • s^ : = c Sip S \6%\p -^ :a :^d^ :!^&. !^iyiiil:liyiiiii; 3 : w' ill 3 — > 2o = ^— -■-JrCrtC-lr:flJOa3o^;4J^a;=:^;<»a50fl^o^^-^:i VERMONT. Agrents— Insurance. Smith, 6. W., Agent for Vermont M. F. I. Co. Chelsea. Hager, J. (Fire) Middlehury. Riiler, Herman (Fire) JVcw Haven. Tuclter, J. L. Dinsmore, Oliver W. Worthley, \. E. Staples, M. S. Stone, Lyman Waterbiiry. Sherman, C. P. Sherman, Avery, Mill Vill ige Lancaster, Moses G. do Henry, Oren Lower Waterford. Hammonil, E. J. Bru,h & Edwards Lathrop, W. Smith, Martin Mitchell, J. Collins & Smith (Joldsmith, J. W. Desrochers, F. & B. Perkinsville Clark, N. Grant, S. V. Buzzell. J. Grow, Edward 2d Adams, E. .Vdams, J. Green, William H. Miller, Daniel Danforth, David Gilmore, U. H. Waketield & Sterling Abbot, Zenas Felker, Jesse B. Carley, Cyrus W. Jacksonville Whitingham. Jilson, David Jr. Hosley. De.\ter Martin, Milton Burdick, William Whitney, J. M. Parson, John Haynes, Robinson Norton, .\. & L. Jones, Jason D. Barrett, S. C. Hawley, Charles H. Watriss, Charles F. Benton, E. Hastings, Zenas Fl.igg, A. VV. Freeman, Vegelt, J. Gillingham & Wyatt Blaisdell, Stephen Logan, E. South Woodstock. Bigelow, E. G. Kimball, B. H. Roxbury. RoyaltoH. West Rutland. Rutland. Ryegate. Salisbury. Sliaftsbury. South Shaftsbury. Sharon. Sheffield. Shelburne. Sheldon. Shoreham. St. Jilbajis. St. .Albans' Bay. Starksboro. St. .Johnsbury. Warren. Wa.fhiiigtoi\. Waterville. Weathersfield. West f'airlee. Westfird. Westhuceii. Westminster. Weston. Weybridge. Wheelock. do do Williamstown. Williston. Wilmington. Windham. Winds t T Wolcott. Woodstock. Book Binders. Henry, Lewis Brattle6oro\ Salisbury, G. H. Adkins, Charles South Burlington. Henry, Franklin, Bellows Falls Rockingham. Haskell & Palmer Woodstock 230 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Booksellers & Stationers Smillie, James Eddy, Alinon East Kingsley, Henry Salisbury, Geo. H. Steen. Joseph Hiintinstcm. S. Edwirds C. B. Goodrich, Chauncy Ward. Wm. Wottoii, Josiah Clirk. [.. \V^ HiKRr, Joiia Walton. E. P. & Sons Ea-tmin & forth Stodd ird & (iookia P.irter, F. W. Whitina, E. B. Roberts, J. E. & G. W. Merritiold, Preston Haskell &, Palmer Barnet. Bennington. Brandon. Brattleboro'. Burlington. Castleton. I^yndon. Middlebary. JHontpelier. Rutland. Springfield. St. Jlibans. Vergennes. Windsor. Woodstock. Boot and Shoe Dealers. Morris, E. Bethel. Cutler, Geo. & Co. Brattleboro' . Adams, F. P. (commission dealer) Kast Oailford. Lyman, John Jericho. Weeks, J. M. & Co. Lyndon. Locke, Wm. Boot and Shoe Manufac- turers. Fitz, Walter (shoe) Albany. Stoness, Robert Alburgh. Child, C. & M. Bakersfidd. Bruce, Seth Barnard. Lawrence, Carleton, Passumsic Barnet. Shorey. M. do Mi^son, Edward do Sh iw, James D. & Wm. Johnson, Josiah A. Gleison, W. &.T. W. Pe-(body, Ch irles, Mclndoes Falls Stone. L. (shoes) Barre. Slorse, Nathan H. Luc:is, L. Woodman, J. L. (shoes) Barton. Hunt, D. R. do Brown. Edwin do Stevens, Jason D. Bennington. Whitney, R. H. East Bennington. French. J. A. Squires, Alson (shoes) Adams, G. C. Benson. Morse. E. Stetson. H C. Smith. O. J. East Berkshire. Holmes, N. W. (shoes) West Berkshire. Rmdill, E. P. Chamberlain, Nath'I East Bethel. Foster, M. C, (shoes) Handv G. W. Bradford. Davis', S imuel E. Thayer. H. G. Braintree. Bnzgs. R. Draper, A. Brandon. Manley, A. Parmenter & Mott Benson, Ira Bond, H.J. Frost, Willard Brattleboro'. Cutler, George & Co. Simonds, P. Frost, Chas. C Flint, John Bridgewater. Spicer, Theodore M. Marsh, Z. A. Downing, Loyal Bristol. Bissonnett & Thomas Perkins, Joseph East Brookfield. Mason, A. Clough, Moses M. Morgan, Frederick Brookline. Gilbert, Harvey (shoes) I BrotJJnington. Colburn, Ora (shoes) Burke. Taggard, .Archibald Martin, W. N. Burlington. B itchelder, R. Piatt, J. H. McLane, J. B. Rodden, H. Martin, J. H.irrick, J. Cabot. Kent, A. Calais. Armstrong, Martin Cambridge. Shoff, Horace Canaan. Vltrrill, E. & Son Castleton. Lovel.ind, Alvin Underwood, T. J. Clark, A. W., Proctorsville Cavendish. Taylor, Kendall Craigue, S. A. Pierce, N. B. Tyler, James P. East Chariestown. Skinner. J. Raymond, Volney P. Fuller, Daniel Hitton, J. Charlotte. Wheeler, E. H. Goodwin, A. A. Chelsea. Grow, Peter Fish, Farnum Hall, E. Roberts, W. (-'ook, B. A. Chester. Chase, Elmore Concord Corner. Chase, Chas. West Concord. Green, R. Corinth. Merrill, S. H. Locke, H. Green, E. G. Brooks, Childs Coventry. Bliss, S. G. Craftsbury. Bushway, B. Durkee, B. Hood, S. L. Bridges, E. South Craftsbury. Brown, B. Danby. Scott, Job Wells, E. Xorth Danville. VVilley, O. F. Danville. Weeks, C. F. Gilson, Benjamin, (wholesale dealer) Lane, N. South Danville. Williams, Charles Derby. True, Person Grow, John M. Brown, Daniel Collins, Milton Dorset. Corse, S. Enosburg. Powers, D. W. Lucia, A. Enosburg Falls. Nichols, Israel Esser. Dorwin, L. Fairfax. Parker, F. D. Read, C. R. Fairfield. Kirk, L. Wright, L. Crawley, M. Fair haven. Lamson, B. Fayston Church, W. E. Ferrinsburgh. Webb, A. B. & Son J^Torth Ferrinsburgh. Gallup, N. Franklin. Randall, M. French, Grin Olover. Goodwin, M. Lincoln, Pratt Orafton. Wier, John Hutchins, J. N. Oreensboro\ Darling, Wm. Oroton. Hunt & Taggart (thick boots) Ouilford. Rohbins, J. G. Hancock. Martin, Samuel C. Porter, John Hardwick. Chaplin, H. S. South Hardwick. Andrews, B. F. Way. T. English, Eli Hartland. Gove, Levi (wholesale and retail) Osgood, H. D. Bordo, Levi Highgatc. Baldwin, F. W. Hinesburg P ige & Noyes Hydcpark. Daggett, N. Jr. Irasburgh Howe, Caleb Jamaica Howe, Jerry Fi^h, David, Jericho Corner ! 'Iiesiinore, J. W., Johnson Pillsbury, Merrill do (iibson, Ichabod S. Londonderry. Walker, George n.tvis, C. JV, Londonderry. Howe, E. Ludlow. Dny, Amos Lunenburg, Elliott, John G. Browning, Charles Lyndon. Brown, J. W. Prime, R., Jr. Kimball, Wm., Factory Point Manchester. Wallace, Zebina Marlbor.'ugh. Plaist -d, E. B. Middlebury. Il.irvey, L. Luce, A. Middlesex. Whitney, E. L. Milton. Hog in, John F. O. Hollis, Geo. P. Monktonborough. •lami-s, Levi Montgomery. Samson, A. S. VVilder, J. A. Montpelier 'Earner, George Harvey. N. ' »odge, E. E. Weeks, W. W. lUmnison, E. Stevens, H. Heath, M. P. Moreton. George, Wm. Morristown. liur ett, J. C. Stebbiiis, B. Weston, S., Jr. Mount Holly. .\yer. N. M'twbury. Hitch & Dike, Wells River Ryan, Jonas VVard. Calvin, (kid shoes,) Fayette- ville JVeu-fane. Ray. James, Fayetteville Lincoln, O. L., Williamsville Brown, George J^ew Haven. Walker, Henry S. Gregory, J. J^ewport. Sitiilley, Joseph J^orthfield. Staples, P. W. Grow, G. O. &. Co. Fish, J. B. Hdlcomb, Nathaniel J^orth Hero. Wright, S. S. Clark, G. W. JVorwich. Clark, E. N. & Co. Brigham, J. T. Tracy. C. ('hiibb, .\aron East Orange. Squire, H. Orwell. Stedman, J. Robinson, T. C. Pawlet. Sanborn &. Strowbridge Peacham. Phillips, J. Simonds, O. P. Peru, Hatch, O. Pitt.'ifield. Gorham, J. Pittsford, Powell, Jonathan Le--ter. E. Dimklre, J. W. Kidder & Dana Plainfield Grovey, B. Plymouth. Chamberlain, D. Pomfrct. Murdock, S. S. South Pomfret. .\twood, Alfred Dushuttle & Son West Poultney. Kellogg. E. S. Scott, Stephen East Poultney. Whitney, S. Lamb, Rus.sell Putney. Shattuck, James M. Cone, Warren L. East Randolph. Orcutt, J. Tinker, J. H. Randolph. Partridge, Dijvid Tucker, .lasper E. Goss & Bannister West Randolph. Thomas, Aaron B., Felchville Reading. Hathorn, V. VERMONT. 231 Spaulding, L. South Reading Carpenter, J. & S. P. hickford. Melleii, Ebeiiezer Richmond. Mayiiard &. Sp lulding TiirbdX, Roswell Wriglit, John M. Rochester. RichiiKind, J. B. Uarl, .1. S. AmsUeii, J., Sextons River Rockingham. Frost, Benjjimin do Edson, Leonard P., Bellows Falls Guild, R. do Grant, 'Jilbert Brown, J. M. Edwards, B. Roxbury. Staples, S. P. Spaulding, M. Rindii 11, Henry D. Royaiton. Henry, O. Butteriield, A. fVest Rutland. Holbrook, S. H. Dyer, A. Rutland. King & Henry Browii &. Chamberlain Bartlett, James, Jr. Rhodes, George Ryegate. Howe, M. G. aharon. Wetcali', I'eletiah Gleason, J. Sheffield. McCouiiell, William Curry, Gec/rge Shelburne Falls. Lambert, Thomas Shelburne. Haig, \Vm. Sheldon. Hapgood, L. H. Wescoit, S. Westcott. Larabie, Benjamin Bowman, J. P., Cuttingsvilie Shrewsbury. Burke & Boynton JV. Springfield. Cook, Selden Springfield. Sherman, George D. Davis, Benjamin St. Albans. Jacque^^, George A. Pasell, Bildad Brainerd, Lyman Burt, Joseph Arsiniiult, Philip St. Albans Bay. Hyde, Luthi r A. Warren & Wentworth Starksbury. Huntly, Moses St. Juhnsbury. Williamson, H. H. Hallett & Fuller Harrington, Potter &, Stanford Barney, George C. St. .Johnsbury Plain. Whiltemore, D. Siunnons, A., Gaysville Stockbndge. Blanchard, Solomon Partridge, Asa Thomas, Isaac J. Stowe. Sheldoa, David Marshall & Dutton Thomas, Henry Hedges, E. W. South Strafford. Blaisdell, J. Spider, S. C. Strafford. Joy, C. W. Sutton. Blake, C. Jr. Powers, David Arseneault, B. F., Swanton Falls Swinburn, Samuel, Union Village Thetford. Currier, B. C. Topsham. Tabor, J. P. Abbott George B. fVest Tupshnm. Parkhurst, W. West Towmend. Smart, \Vm. T Crane. Charles, (shoes) South Troy. Clough, A. C. do JVorfA Troy. Severance, E. Tunbridge. Emery, Seaver Thorn, L. C. & Co Vergenncs. Keeler. Charles D. Grant. F. B. Vershire. Gordon, S. Hadley, George Waitsfield. Hall, Ansonf Dumas, Morris Barnard, Linus Flint & Hodgden TFalden. Post, G. H. fVallingford. Davidson, Josiah R. West fVardsborough. Whitman, Nelson JVorth Wardsborough. Urimhall, E. Derry, J. G. j Slockor, Marshall ] Roberts, J. M. Washington. Hates, E. W. Waterbury. Ileaton, Timothy Demerritt, Albert, Mill Village Fry, John, (kid shoes) iMWer Waterford. Towle. Wm. B. (shoes) Taggard, Robert, do Ide, Joseph do Streeter, Samuel, do Taylor, O., I'erkinsville, Weathersfield. Demiry, S. J., Perkinsville, Sheldon, G. W. Coburn, J. W. Fairlee. Bennet, L. H. Reed, (!alviii, (shoes) Westfield. Haniblin, B. W. Westminster. Davis, John P. Holt, Nathan Weston. Dean, A. Ross, E. Sullaway. L. (shoe) Wheelock. Dean, iNoali, do Thomas, Reuben C, Jacksonville. Whitingham. Walker, O. S. Williamstoicn. Keyes, E. Wilmington. Chamberlain, S. E. (shoe) Porter, Hiram L. Windhall. Howard, Willis B. Windham. Sniilh, Asa Man-field, J. & R. Windsor. Stiles & Wilier Hawley, Zebina Wheeler, G.F. Wolcott. Eaton, Joel Woodstock . Clapp, John (jigent) Woodstock. Smith, Samuel ISotanic Pliysicians. Hinds, W. Addison. Wilcox, Silas E. Bennington. Henderson, James £. Bethel. Goolett, G. L. Bradford. Rodgers, J. L. Ross, V. Brandon. Ed son, M. F. Cannady, Josiah Canaan. Lewis, Calvin W. Concord. Buckminsler, Prescott Brush, A. G. Fairfax. Clark, Ebenezer Halifax. Plumb, E. S. W. Halifax. Spear, S. S. Hard-wick. Harding, John Hartland. Hodge, Ira Hinrsburgh. Morse, A. Hydepark. Arnold, J. JV. Londonderry. Burton, P. Ludlow. Ross, J. G. Middlebiiry. Johnson, Wm, Mi/ton. Taplin, N. B. Peacham. Lamb, E. C. Pittsfield. Hall, H. W. Poultney. Chasf, L., Cnrabridge Port, Rockingham. Wiley. D. F., Bellows Falls, Brown, Samuel P. St. Johnsbury. Sias, J. S. Bagley, Geo. K. W. Topsham. Martin, M. Weston. Alger, I. S. Williston. Lord, Charles Wilmington. Hammond, A. H. Woodstock. Buckman, Isaiah S. Woodstock, Box ITIanufacturers. Mason, Andrew (cheese boxes) Richmond. Derby & Knowlton W. Wardsboro' ■ White, Farnum (covered bucket) Wardsboro'. Higgins & Lawton (band iiox) Wocley, Oliirich Westford. Ora!«s Found'.'rs. Rurnham, J. & Son, Brattleboro'. Hopkins, W. Walker, L. Middleburg. Billings, i\. Windsor. Car mCanufacturers. Warren, D. & Co. Robbins &. Lawrence Brandon, Windsor, Carpenters and House Joiners. Gouslin, Octave Alburgh Springs. Niles, Carlos Can tield, Orlando Arlington. Gillillan, Jas. Barnet, Peeler, Aaron E. Bennington. Kellogg. Raymond M. Benson. Cowee, Wm. Ordway, Benj. P. Bradford. Jidinson, Curtis Wetherbee, A. L. Brandon. Rice, P. Fuller, Wm. Daniels, Jacob Bristol. Case, Eastman Bean, J. E. Brookficld. Patterson, Wm. Smith, A. Stoddard, Clifton C. Burke. Chittendon & Merritt Burlington. Rice, T. N. Patee, S. & W. Atkins, J. Cabot. Brown, J. Farr, R. Spaulding, J. & J. C, Proctorsville, Cavendish. Morrison, Calvin, Proctorsville, Eastman, Alfred do Hesleton, David do Weeden, Benj. W. Parkhurst, C. Garvin, Henry H. Charlotte. Perigo, Harvey Chelsea. Wilson, Wm. Libby, Samuel E., Winooski Falls, Colchester Greenleaf, Wm, P. Noyes, Asa Stalbird, Benj., Concord Comer, W. Concord. P^^rker. Life Y. Bliss, Alden E. Joslin, Winchester Beale, Chauncey Sloggett, Thomas Smith, R. Corinth. Percival, Franklin Coventry, Mitchell, A. Craftsbury. Hatch, E. Morrill, Amos C. S. Danville, Skinner, Nathan B. Derby, Knapp, Ward, Derby Line, Derby, Field, Sol. W. Derby. McA Hester, J. C, Enosburg Upper Falls Anderson, C, Enosburg Up. Falls, Wheeler, L. H., Enosburg Falls, Cooper, B. do do Holmes & Stearns Fairfax, Kingsbury, L. JV. Fairfax. Little, A. H. Fairfield. (Joodwin, Warren Fairhavrn. Jones, Increase Miller. D. Ferrinsburgh Miller, J. Miller, S. Miller, Sheldon Blodget, Sumner Olover, Sherwin, Stephen Orafton. 232 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTOKY. Allen, A. G. Oranville. Lamt), Allien & Zebra Brown, Wm. Oroton. tiitfen, Geo. Hardwick. Richard-ion, L. Hartford. Pratt, Moses Hart/and. Harrington, James Highgate. Wiile, N. D. Uika, Amos Hinesburgh. Pear.'SDUS, T. Irasburgh. Bliss, Lemuel, Jericho Corners, lull, Riihert Johnson. liixhy, liUther i-^ii'iw, Lfland Lunenburg. Fiilsoiii, Smith Lyndon ftlc(;aliVy, J. Williams, R. Lyndon. York, Calvin Marshfield. FlaKg, Wm. Middlebury. Bolton, S. R. Morton, Cynts Carpenter, Gideon Skill' Ale.xis Monkton Borough. Gl;tss, E. H. Monkton Ridge. Fuller, JohnD. Mmiilcird, Stephen M. CloHfih, Robert W., Wells' River, J^fewbury. Allen. J., FayetteviUe, JVewfanc. Cowles, Oliver D. JVew Haven. Russell, David Huntington, Joseph Dunham, H. JSTorthfield. Hop.son, Win. H. J^Torwich. Pribhie, O. Orwell. Burnham, Silas S. Peac/iam. Neal, E. W. fVest PouUney. Davison, A. East Randolph. Wells, Ezra Burt, George W. Wilbur, Thomas Randolph. liigelow, Levi West Randolph. Fish. L. B. Mcllen, R. B. Richmond. Henry, W. B. Rochester. Stone, Wm., B. Falls Rockingham. Wightman, J. G. Fuller, L. K. Davis, Daniel A. Royalton. Cady, E. H. Henrv, W. B. Bailey, Wm. W. Rutland. Brown, J. Ryegate. Thayer, L. Shelburne. Lamb, James M Shorcham. Whitcomb, H Springfield. Saflbnl, Henry Wait, Oliver C Si. Albans. Greene, Abel *t. Albans Bay. I.ovell, N. I'.nnch, J. Kimball, T. L. Parker, L. Y. St. .'ohnsbury. Parks, Thomas J. F.irr, Zelotes Stevens, Isaac Towne, Emei-y Stowe. Luce, Samuel S, Lord, John S. Cobb, James B. Sawyer, J. Strafford. Vanduzee & Sias Swanton Falls. Kaanan, Charles Knowlton, H. K. Thetford. Much more, J. T. Worthley. Thos. D. fVest Topsham. Daniels, E. T. Vergennes. Young, B. F. Yimng, P. R. Grandy, G. H. Gage, S. J. Martin, W. Rice, Ziba Waitsfield. Warren, J. H. Wallingford. Baldwin, E. F. Wardsboro'. Dixey, J. M. Washington. Atkins, H. & W. L. Wnterbury. Sprika, Joseph & Co., Mill Village Potter, J. W. Waterville. Orne, R. S. Westfield. Robbins, J. Weston. Brown, Leonard, Jacksonville Whituigham. Poor, S, Williamitown. Barber, Henry F. Williston, Stone, James Windsor. Balicock, E. G. Adams, Abel Whiting, Alinon Hager, Jason Woodstock. Carriag'e ITIanufacturers Derby, Isaac (sleigh) Alburgh Springs. Darby, Leonard M. (sleigh) Mclntire, M. (horse rake & sleigh) Andover. Perkins, Daniel S. Barnard. ("hamberlain, Alonzo Thaver, S. W. Bree'de, S. M. & Co., Mclndoes Falls Stimpson & Bl.ike Barton. Watson, W. J. JVorth Bennington. Ogden, IJharles Griswold &. Goodrich (sleigh) Benson. Paul, D. East Bethel. Butler, G. L. Bradford. Packard, Harvey Braintrce. Walker, A. E. Jr. Brandon. Stebbins, Adolphus (sleighs) Brattleboro'. Bemis, L. K. & Sons Miller, Asii (sleigh) Farnsworlh, E. Duiishee, John (sleigh) Bristol. Edwards, Eli Marshall. Langdon East Brookfield. Blodgett, Loring (sleigh) Brodeur, M. Burlington Pattridge, George (sleigh) Markham, P. P. do Gray, Mead & Co do Buckingham, Thomas Dyer, Lucius Cabot. Lathrop, William, Jeffersonville Cambridge. Stevens, J. C. Castleton. Heath, F. S. Ludden. R., Hydeville Dibble & Barlow, Proctorsville Cavendish. Bracket, James H. do Vincent, Stephen Chelsea. Bolles, Emery Chester. Wells, M. Y. Concord Corner. Sibley, Horace East Corinth. Woods, F. Derby. Prouty, L. Essex. Hfiwley, R. H. Fairfax. Jenne, N. Fairhaven. Kimpton. Jasper H. ff^est Georgia. Skeliy. Wm. Georgia. French, Lyman Grafton. Anisden, Hubbard Dennison, C. H. & B., Green River Guilford. Barnes, Z. Hancock. Fogc, (ieo. W. Hartford. Ilulibard, W. T. Htnesburg. Barnes & Rand Irasburgh. Stiow, Edward C. Jericho. Adams, O. G. &. E. Ludlow. Miller, J. D. Lyndon Corner. Allen, Ira Middlebury. Hodues, H. C. (sleigh) W. Milton. Smith. Burrill Monkton Borough. Cadwell, Darius Montpelier. Taplin, H. N. (sleigh) Town, S. L. & Co. Foster, Calvin Moretown. Gale, Leonard, Wells River J^ewbury. White, Levi (sleigh) J^ew Haven. Turner. Alvin do Flint, Samuel B. Buss, Nathaniel M. JVorthfield. Collins, Hollis Ma.xham. George W. Ladd, Hollis S. (sleigh) Peacham. Forrest, J. Pittsjield. Pittsford, Plainfield. Whitiker & Fi,h Woolsou, Levi Betcham, Harrison Scott, Joseph (ileigh) Fauiice, J. V. South PomfreL Williamson, E. M. & Sun Richards, S. (sleigh) East Poultney. Mclntire, Nelson do Pownal. Lincoln, L. & A. do Brown, Wm. Hutchins, B. D. (Sleigh) Putney. Odiurne, Daniel (Sleigh) East Randolph. Buswell, Homer Partridge, Oraaiel (Sleigh) Randolph. Bass, Chester A. Reed, Isaac (Sleigh) Maxhani, Wm. (Sleigh) Wheeler, L. (Sleigh) Hadgett, Elijah (Sleigh) Perrin, Samuel Jr. West Randolph. Fay, Truman (Sleigh) Richmond. Joyner &, Ballou (Sleigh) (;reeley. Albert T. Rochester. Johnsoji, John L., Sextons River Rockingham. Tuthill, D. M. do Hanks & Earle, (Sleigh) Sextona River Ruggles, Samuel Roxbury, Mu/izey & Keith Sharon. Roe &. (;ri.svvold (Sleigh) Shoreham. Story &. Foster, Cuttingsville Shrewsbury, Dixby, M. JVortA Springfield, Harlow, L. W. Blaisdell, Jonathan M. St. Albans. Jewer, William H. Ferguson, George & Co. Starksboro. Harkness, G. Jr. (Sleigh) Kimball, John H. Stockbridge. Seaver, Alexis (Sleigh) Stowe. Rand, J. W. (Sleigh) Walker & C^^dy (Sleigh) Alger, Jolin A. South Strafford. Wiggins, Charles Strafford. Billiard, G. Swanton, Rounds, Erastus B. (Sleigh) Bullard, G. H. (Sleigh) Closson, J. G. Thetford. Bosworth, O. J. Union Village Sloane & Tyler Kimball, J. H. West Townsend. French. Lyman E. East do Farran, M. Tunbridge. Woodward. John H. Livingston, J. (Sleigh) UnderhilL Sherman, H. (Sleigh) Bragg, Sii'iilien A. Vergennes. Paradee, Jo:-eph Dean, John (Sleigh) Walden. Thayir, Asa 1). jV^rtA fVardsboro. VVelN, Hc.ry W. Waterbury. Woodm.'.n, D. D., Mill Village Richard-Min, Charles Waterford. Grout, Jj'soii, Perkinsville Weathersfield. Norton, Elias (Sleigh) Wcsthaven. Allen, (;rorge G. Westminster. Bailey, John R. Weston. French, Josiali, Jacksonville Whitingham. Goodenow, Joseph R. Capron, Lyman Williamstown. Tileston, William Windsor. Day, George S. Woodstock. Tribon, Jonas G. Parsons, Galen Witt, William Witt, J. Cbair iTlanufacturers. Batchelder, N. H. East Arlington. French, Norman Barton. Howe, A. Brookfield. Drew, C. W. Burlington Hale, Thos. W. Chester. Hatch, E. Craftsbury. Hoyt, Wm A. Danville. VERMONT. 233 Halbert, J. R. Gleasdn &. Johnson Hosuier, Josiah Snow, B. B. Nichols & Wheeler MidiUtbury. Adams, A. S. Middlesez. Ohiistead, Isaac H. South jWicbury. Kidder, T. & Co., Fayetteville J^'ewfane. Nichols, M. L. ^Torwich. Child, H. S. Pittsfield. Spencer, L. East liandulph. Partridge, Orwell Handuiph. Kingsley, Win. Rochester. Tuthill, D. M. Sextons River Ruckinirham. Conant, Wm. Bellows Falls Buck & Curtis Rutland. Nichols, Clark J^orth Springjidd. Lockwood, E. Martin, D. Church, A. St. Albans. Clergymen. To denote the different denomina- tions, the t'ollowing abbreviations will be used ; (C.) Congregational- ists ; (P.) Presbyterian ; (V.) Uni- tarian ; (C. B.) Calvinislic Bapti^it; (F. B.) Free Will Baptist; (Ch.) Christian; (Uv.) Ui.ivers:ilist ; (M.) Melh()di^t; {iL.) Kj-iscopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Fairfax. \ Hopkins, John H. Burlington. Jamaica. Robinson, S. N. (C.) Cabot. ./o//H«»n. Twichell, Z. (M.) I.uneiiburfr/t. (Jnincer, Calvin C. (C.) Cambridge. Ford, S. S. (.M.) Bryant, John C. (C. B.) Steele, Jos. (C.) Castleton. Wellman, J., Proctorsville Cavendish. Angler, Aaron (M.) Barber, William N.(Uv.) Hi'ndrick, Ariel (C. B.) Howard, J. T. (C.) fV. Charlestown. ninfiham, Joel (C.) Charlotte. Driver, Joseph M. (C. B.) Hubbard, Thos. S. (C.) Chelsea. Sawyi-r, Reuben (C. B.) Chester. Stone, S. M. (C.) Forbes, Darius (.Uv.) Taylor, C. (V.) Chittenden. Jones, Ezra do Clarendon. Buckham, Jas.(C.). Winooski Falls ColchestT. Russell, John (F. B.), Concord Cor- ner Sanborn, R. S. (Uv.) Concord. Bo« les, N. (F. B.) Corinth. Cuniiiiings, S. do .M,;rliii, Solon (C) Gray, A. R. do Coventry. Hall, S. R. do Craftsbury. Kni>;lil, E. (.C.) Wilson, R. Z. (P.-» Chamberlain, S. (M.) South Craftsbury Addison. Albany. Andover. Arlington. Bakersfield. Barre. Barton. Miller, M. D. (C. B.> Abbot, Benjamin (C.) Hovey, H. i\. (C. B.) Crain, H. K. (F. B.) Smith, E. H. (C. B.) Wadieigh. F. A. (E.) Campbell, (M.) Smith, H. S. (M.) Warren, Da'.-.iel (C.) Livingston, William (U.) Barnard. Selden, Calvin (C.) Smith, V. W. (C. B.) Passumsic Burnet. Goodwillie, Thomas (P.) Hubbard, A. O. (C.) Royce, Anilrew (C.) Pearson, Ora (C.) Dexter, S. E. (.M.) Smith, Justice A. (C. B.) ji'orth Bennington. Hand, Charles R. (C.) Loomis, Aretus (C.) East Bennington. Wilkins, C. R. (M.) Henry, W. (C. B.) Kent, Cephas (C.) Benson. Hyde, Azariah (C.) Robinson, R. H. (,M.) Sayles, Ezf-kielH. (E.) E. Berkshire. Bailey, P. (C.) East Berkshire. Hazen, Austin (C.) Berlin. Ames, Lyman U. (Ch.) East Bethel. Kingman, Matthew (C.) Mason, P. (M.) Bradford. Thomas, C. A. (C. B.) Brandon. Ingraham, (.C.) Bailey, A. (E.) Chandler, Joeph (C.) fVest Brattleboro. Lee, John S. (TT.) IVest Brattleborough. McEwen, James F. (C.) Clapp, A. H. do Foster, C. (C. B.) Moor, Clark R. (U.) Olmstead, P. W. (C.) Hodges, Cyrus W. (C B.) Hoff, Elisha (M.) Wild, Daniel (C.) Brookjield. Kingsbury, Samuel (C. B.) Brookline. Scales, Wm. (C.) Brownington. Clarke, John do Burke. Cook, S. S. (M.) Godding. Rufus (F. B.) Parker, H. \. Burlington. Worcester, John H. (C.) Danby, JV. Danville. Danville. Derby. Dorset Bridport. Bristol. Walker, John (C.) Merrill, S. M. (M.) George, N. K. (F. B.) Perry, David (C.) Dow, John G. (M.) Merriani, Wilson (C. B.) Greene, J. R. do C.K.per, A. L. (M.) Woi.ley, H. J. do Hudson, Cyrus (C.) Ranney, Darwin H. (Union) Dover. (_)wen, Linas (Union) fVest Dover. Houghton, Chas. (M.) Dummerston. Foster, B. F. (C.) Robmson, M. (C.) Enosburg. Brown, Zina H. (M.) fVest Enosburg. Eaton, Bennett (M.) Ladd, D. M. (F. B.) Enosburg Falls. Kimball, E. (M.) KimbiU, F. C. (M.) Cook, John L. do Sands, J.din D. (C) Pier. Orris (M.) Dunn, Lewis (C. B.) Butler, E. do Ri^ynolds. T. (C.) White, do Fassett, J. (M.) ^ Samson, A. J. (C.) Shaw, John B. do French, L. S. do White, A. (M.) Cotfran, J. (F. B.) Ren.slow, Geo. W. (C.) Cabin, Alvah (C. B.) Walker, Jason F. (M.) Squire, S. W. W. (Uv.) Willmarth, Lsaac M. (C. B.) Orafton. Wooster, John (C.) Oranby. Chapin, W. A. do Oreensborough. Ray, William P. (M.) Smith, James do Ouildhall. Pratt, John B. (Christ's Church) Guilford. Graves, Alpheus (C.) W. Halifax. Fish, Samuel (C. B.) Halifax. Underwood, Joseph (C.) J^orth Hardwick. Dudley, John (C.) Hartford. .Merrill, Josiah do Claggett, Wm .do ff Hartford. Sqnier, Eleazer H. (C.) Hartland. Batcholder, C. R. (E.) Highgate. Kellogg, E. W. (C.) Cutting, H. (Uv.) 1 Hoyt, Otto S. (C.) Hinesburg. Manchester. Manchester. Marlborough. Marshjield. Middlebury. Middletown. Milton. Movkton. Montgomery. Montpelier. Morristown. Essex. Fairfax . JVortA Fairfax. Fairfield. Fuirhaven. Franklin. Oeorgia. Olover. Gnves, William P. (M.) Hine.ilurg. Hart, J. S. do Hydcpurk. Smith, Levi (C.B.) Ira. Johnson, James (C.) Jrasburg. Granger, Pliny (M.) Clark, Norman (C. B.) Jamaica. Wilder, Job (C), Jericho Corner Wheeler, Francis B. (C.) Jericho. Deane, Artemas, Jr. do Johnson. Smith, H. H. (M.) Pope, Zibra (C. B.) Lincoln. Perham, Sylvester (Ch.) Pierce, S. (C. B.) S. Londonderry. Sherwin, Lucius (C. B.) Pettingill, Erastus (M,) JVorth Londonderry, Sanderson, Henry H. (C.) Ludtow. Skinner, J. O. (Uv.) Burroughs, Baxter (C. B.) Stearns, J. M. (C.) Lunenburg. Whitney, Jonathan (M.) Thayer, Wm. W. (C.) Lyndon. Tabor, L. H. (Uv.) Woodman, J. (F. B.) Blackaler, Henry (E.) Anderson, James (C.) Wickham, Joseph D Adams, Moses (M.) Patten, Abel (C.) Davis, George O. Merrill, T. A. (C.) Coe, Samuel do Janes, Lester (M.) Dwire, R. O. (C. B.) Atwater, W. W. (M.) Gridley, C. H. do Paine, S. Lord, Wm. H. (C.) Manser, George (E.) Robinson, S. (C.) Hall, J. P. (C. B.) Campbell, Geo. W. (C.) Mewbury. Butler, James D., Wells River Adams, Darwin (C), Fayetteville J\rewfane. Warren, Otis (Uv.) Hartvvell, Foster (B.), Pondville Hurlbert, Samuel (C.) JVfw Haven. Rider, S. B., Jr. (C. B.) J^ewport. Killiy, E. R. (C.) Benton, J. H. do Emerson, E. B. (C.) Chamberlain, P. (C. B.) Cushman, R. S. (C.) Warren, H. S. P. (C. B.) Bonney, E. H. (C.) Fan-. A. A. (M.) Merrill, David (C.) Clark, J. B. do Walker, Chns. do Kingsley. Washington (C. B.) Baldwin, Thos. (C.) Plymouth. Stover, Peter R. (M.) fV. Poultney. Hoiison, Oliver (E.) E. Poultney. Foster, Amos (C.) Putney. Moulton, Fred. (C. B.) E. Randolph. Bailev, Geo. W. (Uv.) Bulte'rfielil, Geo. (C.) Randolph. Sp;!rhawk, Saml. (C.) fV. Randolph. Wheeler, Leonard, (Ch.) Forrester. J. (Uv.) Reading, Hansinger, A. H. (M.) Richford. Bliss, Zenas (C.) Guernsey, G. (Uv.) Riggs, Thos. (C.) Hayden, L. (C. B.) Sexton's River, Rockingham, Barber, A. D. (C.) Sexton's River, Clapp, J. (Immanuel) Bellows Falls, Kemphill, J. (Uv.) Drake, C. B. (C.) Royalton. Watkins, R. A. Rupert. Walker, Aldee W. Rutland. Rockwood, Joseph M. (C. B.) Hicks, John A. (E.) Pringle, — (P.) Be-ittie, James M. (P.) I McArthur, James (P.) ! Hill, Robert (P.) I Barrows, G. W. (C.) I Bailey, L. (C. B.) i Smith, M. (Uv.) JsTorthfield. JVorwich. Orwell. Panton, Pawlet. Peacham. Pittsfield. Pittsford. Richmond. Rochester. Ryegate, Salisbury. Shaftsbury. 234 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Adams, John (C.) Sharon. Fitch, J. A. (E.) aheldun. Taylor, P. (C.) Haven, R. {Uv.) Shoreham. Goodhue. Josiah F. (C.) Cudworth, N. (C. B.) Springfield. Taylor, Lathroi) (C.) Ballou, \V. P. (L'v.) Smith, W. (C; St. Albans. Fay, C. J. (E.) Gre^g, O. (M.) Hamilton, Geo. A. (R. C.) Cady, C. B. (C.) Si. Albans Bay Ferguson, David Starksboro'. Tucker. Joshua (F. B.) Batty, Joel (Friend) Slone, Jas. P. (C.) St. Juhnsbury. Healy. J. \V. (V.) Pond. Wni. B. (C.) Case, Rufus (C.) E. St. Juhnsbury. Lampson, HoUis (Uv.) Stowe. Carlton. Hiram (C.) Culler, A. H. (('.) Strafford. Packer, David (,M.) Sutton Ricliard'on. Rockwell (F. B.; Cross, David (F. ]i.) Hill, Mark do Dormant. Eben (C.) Sicanton. Crispy, L. (C. B.) Doruiand. Eben (C.) Swanton Falls, White, J. D. (.M.) do do Chickering, L. (C. B.) Port Mills, Thetford. Parker, Chas. (C.) Tinmouth. CUtToid, Alden (C. B.) fV. Tnpgkam. Cunimings, E. J. (C.) E. Toicnsend. Fletcher, Horace (.€. B.) Piper, C. W. (C.) S. Troy. Stowe, Geo. (C.) JV. Troy. Smith, Ebenezer (C.) Tunbridge. Henderson, Moses (F. B.) Parnialee. Simeon (C.) Underhill. Leavitt,H. F. (C.) Vergennes. Thayer, Foster (E.) Willis, J. H. Vernon. Hall, Thomas (C.) Fershire. Duren, Chas. (C.) Waitsfield. Marsh, S. (C.) Walden. Mitchell. Wm. C. WaJlingford. (^ro\\ ley, Joseph (C. B.) fVcst IVardsboro'. Bingham, W. (C ) jV. Hurdsboru'. Tenny, S imuel G. (C.) Pease, Aaron G. (C.) H'aterbury. Warriner, F. (C.) Lower tVatcrford. Gleed. John ((.".) WaterviUe. Page. E. G. (M.) Cantield, T. H.(C.) Weathersfield. Hopkins, Oliver (E.) Wells. Aldrich. Smith (M.) Wcstfield. Hills, James D. (C.) Field. Moses (C. B.) iVesthaven. Stevens, .\lfrid (C) fVestminster. Gilbert, Wm. H. (C.) Loveland. Samuel (C.) Weston. Smith. Rufus, (C. B.) Flanders, J. E. (¥. B.) Wheelock. Lamb, A. (C. B.) Whitingkam. Ballou, H. F. (Uv.) Payne, E. C. (L'v.) Williamstown. Taylor, Eli W. (C.) Gregory, John (Uv.) fVtlliston. Bingham. Luther G. (C.) Kidder, Wm. J. (M.) Wilmington. Bailey, J. W. (Uv.) Nott, Asahel (C.) WinhM. Arms. S. R. (C.) Windham. Green, Charles H. (C. B.) Butler, Franklin (C.) Windsor. Hutchinson. Elijah (C. B.) Saltmarsh, Seth (U.) Marsh. Seth (.C.) Wolcott. Herrick, M. A. (P. E.) Woodstock. Reed. Daniel M. (Uv.) Kidder, Moses (Ch.) Spencer, Moses (M.) Wright, W^orthington (C.) iClotluu$i^.— Ready 9Iade. Burlington. Backus & Reed l'eterst>n, George Locke, William King, Harvey (iaUor, John B. ChUds A. B. & Co. Lyndon. JUontpelier. St. Jilbans. Wilmington. Comb manufacturers. Boyden, Wm. E. Guilford. Melondy, Clark Tilton &. Kendall Ludlow. Adams, A. W. Couinussion Merchants. Catlin, H. W. (flour and grain) Burti7igton. Sherwood, Isaac (auctioneer) Peck, J. &. J. H. & Co. (nails, iron, glass, &c.) Br.idley & Canfield Walker, Smilh & Co. (W. L Goods, nails, &c.) French & Baxter, Derby Line. Beck« ith, Z. (auction) Middtebury. Hitchcock. .\. & C. (lirwarding) Leonard's wharf Orville. Nichols. Burton & Co. St. .Albans Bay. ("hnpin. R. (forwarding) Vergennes. Pile, Leonard H. WUtiston. Reed, D. & Co. Windsor. Coopers. .\ldrich, Sylvanus Barre. Farnsworth, Luther, (powder kegs) East Bennington. Nash, L. J. Dow, H. Craft sbury. Stewart, Hiram South Londonderry. Gibson, Isaac W. jV. Londonderry. Edsoii, Eli, Jr. .Marshfield. Haven, S. E. East Middlebury. Russell, W. Mt. Holly. Dunklec, T. Pittsford. Huiler, L. Beading. S.vwtelle, John, Bellows Falls Rockingham. Wheeler, SnUMnon Boyalton. Dunklee, Thadd-jus Rutland. Whitley. It. Salisbury. .Mead, .\. Shoreham. Hunt, J. \. Palmer &. Vance Porter. H. Thetford. Lamed, D. West Fairlee. Covell, Calvin, Gravel Brook Williston. Russell, R. M. Woodstock. I$ag°uerrean Artists. Parker. T. M. Stevens, J. W. Perry. E. Hyde, F. W. Flint, A. Burlington. Craftsbury, Danville. Fairfield. JUontpelier, Dentists. Forbush, C. P. Walbridge, J. N. H. Spnildins. Reuben Farwell, J. A. Putnam. A. D. Hendee. F. J. Ambler. N. H. S:i.\ton. O. H. Lewis. James Nichols, Chas. C. Smith, A. C. W. I Austin, Sehre. Jr. Harris, Nathaniel Ni'wion, M: rcellus Kilb()iui.e, R. Barre E. Bennington Brattleboro' Burlington. Castleton, Chelsea. Middlebury. JMontpetier. Harwood, E. W. N. Pittsford. Blake, S. M., Bellows Falls Rockingham, Lyman, D. L. Royuiton. Coe, F. W. Vergennes. Eddy, E. O. WalUngford. Streeter. Charles E. Wilmington. Chase, Henry S. Woodstock. Soor^ Sash^ and Blind JTIanufacturers. Dow. Isaac, Jr. Brandon. Godfrey, T. Chelsea. Chase, E. W., Winooski Falls Colchester, Hurd, Jacob Cooentry. French, Samuel F. Douglass, ii >hn JV. Ferrinsburgh. Taylor, Chas. JL Ward. Jonathan Hardwick. Cobb, Thomas Hartland. Goddard, Bliss South Londonderry, Harding. John Lowell. Patch. P.. Fayetteville .Xewfane, Perry. John W. do Braman, A. S., Falls Village J^orthfield. Gold. Sherman Weeks, Hiel B. Ptacham. Rickard, C. G. South Pomfret, Wood. B. F. Reading. Stone, William, Bellows Palls Rockingham, Haynes, J. M. St. Albans Bay, Ramsey, Chas. F. St. Johnsbary, .Morris, L. Chase. S. B. West Townsend, Mores. S. K. WalUngford. Brown. Leonard, Jacksonville Whitingham. Burke, Elisha Woodstock. King, E. Drug: and ITIedicine Dealers. Ross, V. Brandon. Dutton & Clark Brattleboro'. Dav. .\lbert H. & Brother Williston & Tvler Parmelee, Geo. W. Bristol. Peck, Theodore .\. Burlington, Perkins & Nichols Castleton, Hadley, Joseph Chester. Hatch. Wm. B., Wiaooski Falls Colchester, Butler, T. C. Derby Line. Bra -h, Silas W. Fairfax. Plumb k. Hitchcock (wholesale) West Halifax. Lvman. John Jericho. Hicks. E. J. St. Jilbans. Bingham, J. C. St. Johnsbury. Hammond, A. H. (Botanic) Woodstock. Dry Goods. Dwinal. A. E. Brattleboro'. Peterson, George Burlington. Wilcox & Nash Morillo. Noyes & Co. Petteiigill & Rowell Ludlow. Locke. Wm. Lyndon, Moody, S. Middlehurii. Wiley, Wm. L. & G. R., Se.xtoiis River Rockingham. Csgood, E. R. & Co. Dana. Chas. Jr. Woodstock :jrj' Goods, Groceries^ Sc Variety. Brown, W. S. Addison Barnes. Hyder Hayden. W'm. Albany. Morgan & Macomber Aiburgh Springs. \ VERMONT. 235 Gordon, Benjamin Alburgh. Hill:iken, John A. Davis, S. J. Darby &, Brayton IVest Alburgh. Sowles, Wm. L. Olena, Lewis Howard, Henry C. Andover, Manning, J. B. Hills, ('. & Sons Arlington. I'eniming, M. C. Billings & Co. East Arlington. Davis, Marvin Athens. Hooker & Houghton Bakersficld. Smith, E. Arniington &. Ponieroy Belknap, Seymour Barnard. Bosworlh, S. Parks, L. P. Passumsic Barnet. Kendall, Q.. E. Warden, H. West Barnet. Harvey & Abbott Harvey & Eastman Dntton, A., Mclndoes Falls Johnson, H. do do Keith, D. W. Barre. French, J.G. French & Walker Smith, H. Pettengill, L. & A. M. Strong & Jewett Barton. Mansfield, M. Eaton & Drew Robinson & Chittenden JVorth Bennington. Estes, Truman Hawks & Co. Scott, M. K. & S. S. Robinson, A. & Co. Patchin, H. Cool & Blacknier Thatcher, C. & Son East Bennington. Fenton, L. & Park Wills & Fairbanks Patchin, Lyman Godfrey, S. L. Jr. Walker & Harrington Benton, George, Walbridge Village Benson. Barber, D. R. Joy, Luther Clapp, William East Berkshire. Rublee, W. S. Chatl'ee, Joseph PVest Berkshire. Tyler, Major Barton, A. W. Stowe, L. Sylvester, Merrick East Bethel. Johnson & CoUamer Bethel. Blodget, S. C. Francis, George Hathaway, J. Smith, Jacob Bosworth, B. F. Dickey, S. Bradford. Ladd & Tenney Pritchard, G. & E. Preston & Kezers Dan forth, C. E. & Co. Low, Asa Vance, T. A. Braintree. Bass, A. & H. A. Blake, R. & Co. Noyes, U. W. Brandon. •Ross, Ephraim Bliss, E. J. Mahew, E. P. (R. R.Store) Ketchum, B. Button, 1. & Son Collins, D. &, A. Higgins, J. E. Sprague, N. F. Jr Dutlo;i & Clark Brattleboro. Pratt, Orlen &. Co. Duncklee, Admatha Woodcock, N. &. Co. Wheeler & Pratt Day, Albert H. & Brother Goodhue, C. & Co. Hall, G. C. Townsley & Sons (Wholesale) Clement, Ebenezer Bridgewater. Raymond, Charles S. Oix & Atherton Seurl, (!. & Co. Bridport. Fletcher, F. P. Dyke & Ryder Luman, Manson & Co. Bristol. Spaulding, Henry Gale, Henry S. Holley, Winter H. Cleveland, Aaron Brookficld. Edson, Abbot & Co. Merrill, C. B. Brownington. Denison, L. & O. A. Burke. Newell & Trull Newell & Bacon Tute & Dexter Beckwith, Daniel Pope, S. M. Burlington. Doolittle, P. Lyman, E. & E. Hawley, Jacob C. Curtis, H. W. Stamford, C. F. & Co. Walker, S. Catlin &. Spears F.-y, E. J. Warner, George L. Murphy & Spear Smith, Wjlkins & Landon Bixby, J. D. & Co. Herrick. S. L. Hurlbut, William Kern, Daniel Howard, S. E. Mills, J. W. Lovell, S. W. & Co. Moore, H. L. & J. B. Hatch, J. Farrar, E. L. Cole, R. Cabot. Babcock & Tnissell Carter & Brown Berry, E. & Co. Kent, A. Calais. Hicks & Cole East Calais. Griswold, W. & H., Jeffersonville Cambridge. Reynolds, Harry do Turner, J. W. Hopkins, C. S. & Co. Wadswiirth, David Morrell & Green Canaan. Cooley, Wm. Parker, Ferrand CasUeton. Adams &, Adams Dyer, B. J. Mouhon, W. & C. Root & Tomlinson Goodwin, J. D. Smith & Hill, Proctorsville Cavendish. Clement & Atherton, Proctorsville D.ivis, G. F. & Co. Robbins & White Webster, Daniel &. Co. tVest Charlestown. Stone & Wright Charlotte. Baldwin, Wm. S. Lyon & Alexander Dickinson, Joshua Chelsea. Bacon, John B. Dickinson, Wm. F. Cook, B. A. Chester. Fitch & Stewart Fullertun, F. E. Rogers, Isa;ic D.ina. J. C. Sherwin, H. H. & S Slierwin & Richardson Hitchcock, Henry, Clarendon Springs. Walker, Lewis M. Gaskill &. Weeks Clarendon. Munsoi), J. S., Winooski Falls, Colchester. House, Thos. S., Winooski Falls, Woods, G. P. do do Laclare, Francis do do Herrick & Spaulding do do Barlow, S. do do Rhoades &. Bishop du do La Fountain, M., Winooski Falls Colchester. La Fountain, Chas. do do Weaver, J AV. & Son do do Judevine, Harvey Concord Corner. Darling, John G. Goodall & Hill W. Concord. Blake, Nathan E. Corinth. Merrill, J. Taplin & Avery Corinth. Cook, Theodore Cook, D. R. Lewis, C. M. & Co. Cornwall. Bingham, I. Haskell, B. F. Cleveland, E. & Co. Coventry. Walworth. D. P. Paddock, W. E. Craftsbary. Simpson & Smith Newman, Wm. S. Craftsbury. Scott, A. Hilliard, Miner Danby Four Corners. Jacobs, D. E. Smith, Seneca Vail, Isaac J. & P. G. Danby. Sperry. W. M. Lapham, E. & J. B. Fish, J. M. & Brothers Lapham & Vails Vail, Sias &, Co. JV. Danville. Dana, Weeks & Stanton Danville. Vail, Denning & Co. Babcock, H. C. Fuller, J. C. Harris & Kelley Derby. Bingham, J. Haskell, Baxter & Co., Derby Line, Spaulding, Jones & Gates do do Foster & Co. do do Gilmaii & Holmes do do Cobb, Rollins & Co. do do Cutting, C. S. JV. Derby. Reed, H. S. Dorset. Gray, Clark Draper, Harman & Co. E. Dorset. Perry, P. F. Dover. .lones &, Stetson fV. Dover. Knight, Asa Dummcrstun. Birchard, R. E. Dummerston. Belding, Samuel Eden. Smith, J. H., Up. Falls, Eno.'^burg. Dean. J. M. W. Enosburg. Herrick, L. H. Kendall, S. & Sons Enosburg Falls. Tyler, Geo. R. Essex. P'urguson & Blodgett Halbert, F. Fairfax. Soule, A. J. Alfred. S. D. Soule, J. & Co. Fairfield. Barlow & Keyes Allen, A. & I. C. Fairhaven. Davey & Cushman Kelsey, J. N. B.-iiley & McLean Fairlee. Allen & Wheeler JV. Ferrinsburg. Cart)enter, M. W. Wicker, C. W. Sart'ord, O. E. Fletcher. Green, A. Franklin. Adams, John Warner, Wm. H. W. Georgia. Loomis, L. A. Janes, Lorenzo Georgia Simonds, E. B. & J. Glover. Ellis & McLellan Blanchard, S. S. Barrett, Ceo M. Orafton Burgess, Hyman Griswold, D. E. Grand Isle. Brown, John W. Sawyer, J. A. & Co. Greensboro'. Welch — & D. Groton. Jiiichannan, M.&Co. Low. Ephraim Hubbard. (;eorge Guildhall, Blodgett, Milo B. Woods, Morse Cutting, H. S., Green River, Guilford. Henry, R. K. & F. Halifax. Hitchcock, W. J. & S. J. If. Halifax. 236 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Ilint. Royal Hant.ock. Crosby, O. &, Son Niirdwick. Delano, L. H. &. Son JV. Hardrcick. re.mnck, S. M. S. Hardwick. Aikci, S. A. Hulioii &. Judevine i 'I'iiikhMin, Charles Hartford. Diinick &. Brag? | I>yniaii, GiM>rge Steele, S. G. & J. lirooks, Justin C. [ French, Moses i Steele, S. G. & J. H^- Hartford. I St ickcir, E. M. Hnrtland. Williird, Simeon & Co. | Ricliardson, P. U. Herrick, A. P. Highgate. Keyes, S. W. & S. S. Green & Best, (wholesale) Weller, Green D. Hinesburgh. Douglass, VVm. J. Baliluin, V. W. &. Son Hull, Marcus Vieie, VV. B. Ferguson, Alex. Huntington. Carpenter, Orange Noyes, L. H. Hydepark. Keeler, N. P. & Co. Worthiiigton, G.Jr.fc Co. Irasburgh. Holcomb, Jesse Ule La Mott. Williams, J. & I. Jamaica. Birchard, Livermore & Co. (Jakes, (Jeorge B. Jericho Corners. Field & Beach HIackman, H. C, & Lane Jericho. Vilas, II. M. Johnsun. Merriam & Co. Morse & Knight Martin, J. V. Landgrave. Burn ham, Oliver W. Lincoln. Smith, Josiah Chapman, Eraslus VV. Pierce, A. & J. L. S. Londonderry. Aldrich, Niles JV. Londonderry. Gray. David B. Albee & Wait Smith, VVm. S. Lowell. Green, D. L. Ludlow. Pettigrew, Andrew Jr. Adams, She|>herd SpauUling, Wm. .\. French, Nath. W. Ltinenburgh. Howe, Stephen Fuller & Co. Lyndon. Kittridge & Colby Weeks, J. M. & Co. Bemis &. Denison Hoyt, John M. & Co. Roberts, Cyrus A. Manchester. Landon & Sargent, Factory Point Wilson, Gilman do do Clark & Douglass, (wholesale,) Fac- tory Point Hoyt &. Burton Burrell & Andrews Orvis, L. C. Cone, Jesse Marlborough Putnam, E. D. & Co. Marshfield. Cook, J. East Middlcbury. Day,'M. K. &.Co. Fuller, R. L. Wainwright. J. Sheldon, H. A. Wood, J. Longvvorlhy, H. & Co. Francis, P. P. Nash &. (Joodrich Beckwith, '/. Johnson, Walter S. Slade, J. M. Vallette, E. Johnson & Holden Middlesex. Sunderlin, E. S. &. E. Middletown. Vail, E. & C. W. Burgess, L. & Co. Milton. Ayers & Clark Boardman, Samuel, Lower Falls Sanderson &• Boardman fV. Milton. Adams, John Smith, Tim'y C. Monklon Borough Spoi>ney, William M. Kiagsley, Milo W., Monkton Ridge P Imer, Wm. M. Monkton. Who.'ler, C. H. Montgomery. Howes, J. W. Scott. George W. Montpelier. King, Harvey, (wholesale) - Burbank, Silas l.cHiinis & Camp Spiuldiug, Charles Riker, George P. Suirrs & Langdon, State st Ellis Wilder & Co. (wholesale) Cross, L. & A. A. Keith & Barker King, N. C. JVorth Montpelier Muses & Rich H inuiett, R.& M. Barnhaiu, :\. G. French & Stevens .\oyes, V. P. Waterman & Wales Miller, A. 11. & Co. Keyes, F. & H. Eastm m, Samuel Chadwick. J. M. Johnson, David Steele, M. M.. Wells River Shedd, W. R. & Co. Buchanan, J. & Co. Bircham & Sawyer, Fayetteville J^ewfane. Willi ims, W. L. Williams, Wm. W., Williamsville Miller & Ward Charter, James, Pondville Ruscoe, Alfred P. JVcm Haven. Smith, Harrison Lane, H. B. Newport. Hobart. A. & A. ^rorllijield. Carpenter, Carlos, Falls Village White, J. & S Morctown. Murristown. Mount Holly JVewbury. J\rorth Hero J^orwich. East Orange. Orange. Orwell. Denny, Joseph Edson, George S. Pierce, N. W. Keeler, Abner Morgan, H. & O. Currier & Booth Partridge, Lewis S. ( )lds, F. L. & E. W. Merrill, John Fitield, Orange Collins & Wright Hitchcock, A. &. Co. Shelden, Allen Pawlet. Strong, Martin D. Pawlet Manufacturing Co. VVhiddon & Wickhain Martin, John M. &. Co. Peacham. Brown & Weeks Watts, Isaac Hapgood, Jackson Peru. Gay & Brown Pittsfield. Preston, L. Simonds, H. Pittsford. Winslow, S. D. Rockwood, Lyman Hook, L. H. Plainfield. Whittlesey, D. Tyson, Isaac Plymouth. Wheeler, Sumner Snow, N. Pomfret. Cliamberlain, South Pumfret. Beeman, J. D. Poultncy. Hooker & Clark iVest PouUney. Shaw, J. C. Bliss, A. East Poultney. Freeman, Peter Noyes & Harris Potter & Barker Pownal. Potter & Wright Whipple, Spencer & Co. Ayers, H. Potter & Wright Grout, Isaac Putney. Chandler, P. R. & Co. Holden, R. East Randolph. Glidden, John Brooks, N. P. McClure, William F. Fargo, J. C. Randolph. Miles,' J., Jr. Samson, A. C. & Co. }V. Randolph. Hobard & Dubois Mann, S. B. Pfest Randolph. Mann, M., Jr. Brown, W., Felchville Reading- Keyes, O. A. Kendall, L. Morse, Wm. S. A. South Reading. Butler, G. R. Richford. ('arpenter, J. & S. P. Sears, A. W. Green, Ezra B. Richmond. Kennedy, J. Cu^hman & Morgan Rochester. Briggs &. Pierce Gushing, David F., Cambridge Port Rockingham. Smith, Charles, Sext(^n's River Esterbrook, R. do do Leach & Warner VVentworth, A. & M. (wholesale), Bellows Falls Harris, Norman, Bellows Falls Osgood & Minard, (wholesale) Spaulding, B. Eddy, L. S. Smith & Burton, Burtonville 1 Spaulding, J. M. Roxbury. Skinner & Blodgett Royalton. Nevens, E. P. Fay & Brooks itichardson, P. B. Tarbell, D., Jr. (;oddard, N. O. & Co. East Rupert. Satford, E. B. I^est Rupert. Morgan, D., Jr. & Co. fVest Rutland. Gilmore, J. L. Clement & Liscomb Porter, James Rutland. Ripley & Bailey Dyer, A. & Co. Bell, Daniel P. Robbins, O. L. Hodges &. Owen Biurt, C. Barrett & Son Cowes, George Ryegate. Harris, H. Salisbury. Waterhouse, L. N. Smith, Wm. Sandgate. Douglass, N. R Shaftsbury. Houghton, C. E. & J. C. South Shaftsbury. Dexter & Walbridge Sharon. Abbott & Brown Downer, W. Ingalls, C. L. Sheffield. Harvey & Kinneston Taylor, VV. D. Shelburne Falls. Simons, John Shelburne. Keith & Saxe Sheldon. Stufflehean, J. H. Shoreham Village. Shoreham. Carlisle & Burr Weed, Jacob Atwood, E. S. Abbot & Brown Wright, Kent Simonds, J. Rich, D. & J. Janes & Dow, Cuttingsville Brown & Gleason Clark, Zenus South Hero. Griswold, D. C. J^orth Springfield. Burke & Boynton White, J. Springfield. Bundy, Brown & Co. Cook, Selden Burke, R. & U. Chase, Jonathan Porter, Dana & Co. Hicks, E. J. St. Albans. Seymour, H. P. Saxe, C. J. & J. Adams, Orange Darrow, J. F. Brainerd, L. R. &. A. O. Sowles, H. B. Farrar, G. H. SalTord, C. F. Beardsley, M. W. Jones, E. L. St. Albans' Bay. Rawson, A. Y. & Co. VERMONT. 237 Ladd, C. J. & Co. St. Albans' Bay. | Houghton & Stafford Stamford. Flint, Jonas St. Jo/insbury. Bacon, John Morrill, Calvin Goodall & Gould Hall, E. & Co. St. Johnsbury Plains. Jewett, E. & Co. Fay, R. L. Stockbridge. Gay, Herrick Morgan, J. & Son Camp, Asa R. Stuwe. Camp, H. S. Camp, Albert Bennett & Robinson Washburn, Randolph Barrett & Dow Strafford. Russ, Tracy & Co. Hatch & Sanborn (wholesale) Wallace, J. M. Sudbury. Sawyer, J. C. Bradley, Gilbert Sunder/and. Blake, J. & Son Sutton. Blake, Joseph & Wni. H. Swaiiton. Green, G. Farrar, A. S. Fisk & Vail Swanton Falls. Sanborn &, Catlin Farrar, H. B. Howe, Thomas F. Thetford. Barnes, Hiram Walker, M. J., Union Village Walker, Lyman Jenks & Slade Russ, Frary & Co. George, A., Port Mills Pratt, J. do Sawyer, A. W. Tinmouth. Tabor, L. A. & I. Jr. Topsliam. Wallace, Geo. A. IVest Topsham. Sawyer, F. D. &, E. IVest Townsend. Cook, Thomas, Jr. Johnson & Wetherbee E.Townsend. Cheney, N. Cathan, Emery Corey & Grant South Troy. Curtis, Mark Culver, J. M. Rowell, A. Judson JVorth Troy. Sturtevant & Chapman Tunbridge. Foster, J. Hoyt, Horace L. Dana, B. F. & Co. Howe, H. J. Underhill. Cakes, H. & J. Sawyer & Bradley Wire's, Martin, Union Village Bates, Calvin M. Walker, O. Vergennes. Weedham, N. G. Parker, G. & W. T. Huntington, F. Strong, F.C. Thorn, L. C. & Co. Morgan & Bowman Collins, P. W. Eells, E. C. & Co. Pemperton, George Whitehead, M. Vernon. Dvvight, P. & Co. Vershire. Keyes, H. T. Phelps, James, T. fVaitsfield. Skinner, C. Richard-on, J. M. Edwards, L. F. Walden. _Foster, E. G. Spencer, H. & Co. IVallingford. Round, N. Martindale, E. Harris, Howard Townsend, Samuel, Jr. Laphani & V:\ils S. fVallingford. Il;irri^, Daniel fVrst IVardshoro' Plymiiton, Ensmus JV. IVardshoro'. Converse & Higgins Rice, J.& H. Cardcll, J. & G. W. IVarren. Thurber & Bowles U'nsliington. (Jiilc, J. H. Slimpson fc Arms II atcrbitry. Hntchins, S. C. Cristy, James Goss & Delano IVaterbury. Barritt & Smith, Mill Village Cutting & Silsby Lower PVaterfurd. Parks, M. K. Waterford. Uutchkiss, J. M. fVaterville. Herren, John &. Son Fairbanks & Cull Dunbar, J., Upper Falls IVeathersfield. Hapgood, Elbridge, agent Dana, Snell & Co., Perkinsville Nichols, J. F. Lewis, Levi Wells. Allen & G rover Bird & Balls Slayton, J. B. W. Fairlee. Winslow, O. Westfield. Grant, S. N. Westford. Nichols, James Wood, H. P. Barker & Lord Westminster. White & Clark Weston. Wiley, P. N. Foster, Asa B. Sprague, Sibis L. Weybridge. Twitchell, U. D. Bradley, S. H. Wheelock. Benson, L F. Whiting. Russegue, D. M. Sumner & Bowen, Jacksonville, Whitingham. Brown, Martin, Jacksonville, Green, Eli Ballon, M. Jr. Goodenow, Shoreham Ainsworth, C. & R. Williamslown. Carpenter, D. Hulbert & Hodges Williston. Childs, A. F. & L. W. Wilmington. Gorham, W. & Co. Fitch & Stone Sargent & Boyd Chi ids, F. Bond, Richard Winhall. Harris, Wm. & Son Windkam. Pierce, E. & J. Hatch & Tuxbury Windsor. VVardner, H. VVardner, S. & Son Hubbard & White Stearns, Daniel Wardner, George Shedd & Worcester TerriU & Ferrin Wolcott. Judevine & Co. Woodbury. Stearns, A. Woodstock. Bryant & Slade Hayden, E. S. Chapiiviii, George B. Lull, Z. & Co. Marsh, D. Ransom, D. S. Woodstock. Bailey, O. Edge Tools Makers. Lathrop, Wm., Jeffersonville, Cambridge. Locke, Oren Chester. Smith, J. C. Morristown. Holt, W. S., Wells' River, JVewbury. Brooks & Brothers JVcw Haven. Jones, Daniel E. Randolph. Porter, Hammond S. Thetford. Eng'ineers. Lyon, Wm. H. Gilbert, Wm. B. Furniture Dealers. Dvvinal. A. E. Brattlehoro'. White, George H. Bristol Whitney & Peet Paul, P. M. Oroton Caldwell, A. W. Johnson Furniture manufac- turers. Carpenter, C. Bakersfield, Smith & Gilbert, Pasumsic, Barnct. Dewey, C, Mclndoes' Falls, Surdam & Welch JV. Bennington. Culver, H. & F. Scott, S. S. Bennington. i\'orU)n, Alanson E. Bennington. Brown, Samuel H. Kublee, Milton W. Bennington. Shaw, A. P. Bradford. Tilson, E. Jr. Braintree. Edson, Willard Warriner, C. H. (tools) Blanchard, Wm. Jr. Van Doom, A. & Sons Brattlehoro''. Wells, William Brookjield. Howe, A. Wilder, Foster Jay, Dean Burke. Harvey, Ira Scott, George Burlington. Nichols, Samuel Russell, Henry Cabot. Wait, George Castleton. Winslow, Samuel Cavendish, Tinker, N.S. Cheisea. Wells, M. Y. Concord t orner. Mussy, John W. Coventry. French, A. R. & A. Craftsburij. Randall, Asa J^orth JjanvMc. Choate, Samuel P. Uanciilc. Tinker, John Derby. Farrar, S., Upper Falls, Enosburgh. Weld, M. F. do ilo Fletcher, J. B. & Co. Holmes & Stearns Fairfax. Palmer, A. JVorth Ferrinsburgh. Douglass, John Currier, (,'harles Franklin. Dwinnell, Joseph H. Gtorgia. Slierwiii, Jonathan Grufion. Farnuin, Aaron JV. HarJwick. Pratt, Jlo^es Harttand. Hayes, George P. Kiiowle^, Nathan H. Hinesburgk. B iHle:!, William Whfolock, John B ir.ics & Rand Irasburgh. (ioodale, J. W. .Jamaica. Field, Anson Jericho Corners. Dixon, Horace A. Jericho. Robinson, H. W. Johnson. Adams, t). G. & E. Ludluw. Snow, D. F. Luncnburgh, Carr, M. W. Chandler, W. & J. N. \Veb~ier, A. S. l^yndon. Howker, U. Adams, U. Whitaker, Wm. Middlebury, Parker, Nahuni Nichols & Wheeler lUiriiell, iNalhan Milton. Smith, Burrill Monkton Borough. VViiod, John Montpelier, Foster, Calvin Moretoicn. Gilbert, Daniel Morristown. McDole, Wm. JVewbury. Kidder, T. & Co., Fayetteville, JVewfane. Maxham, George W. J^orthfield. Ensworth, •;. W. JVorwich. Bennett, H. Pcacham. VVhiltlevey. Calvin B. Plainfield. Gale, (;ardner Washburn, C. Pomfret. Richardson, James (organs) West Poaltney. Morse, J. H. Scott, J. O. Perry & Knight Putney. Spencer, L. East Randolph. Partridge, Oramel Randolph. Reed, l^aac West Randolph. Wood, B. F. Reading. Jewell, Joshua Richmond. (ireeii, I. Richardson, Benjamin Richmond Chatiee, J. W. 238 NEW EXGLAXD MI^ilCANTILE UNION DIRFICTORY. Conant, Wm., Bellows Falls, Rockinsham. Buck & Curtis Rutland. Hiiliiian. D. Salisbury. Chambers, John Sharon. Hawkins, Horace E. Springfield. Pierce & Aliirich Livingston. Horice Si. Albans. Armingtoo. Ira Sf. Juhnsbury. Hancock, Joseph Uphani, John A. Stowe. Stewart. M. C. Hubb ird, J. B. S. Strafford. Spencer, Lewis G. McNeal, Daniel Sutton. Smith. E. T. Crocker, J. Thetford. Johnson. G. W., Port Mills, Coombs, O. F. IV. Townsend. Hawley & Hurlburt Vergennes. Wilson, Samuel Dumas, '2d, Julian Waitsfield. Green, D. G. fVallingford. Wyiiian. Timothy jV. Wardsboro' . Atherton, .Alpha .A.. fVaterbury. Atkins, H. & W. L. Furby, Robert, Wattrford. Richardson. Charles Wilson, J.. Perkinsville, ffeathersfield. Beach. S. G. tVesiford. Cree. Jelferson Wheelock. WiUey, David Cree, L. Sholes, Carlos H., Jacksonville, imtingham. Gilson, Nathaniel ffilliamstouin. Benson, Chester fVinhall. Fisher, I. M. Windsor. Kendall. Caleb P. Knight, Cheever, Woodstock. Lake, J. S. Woodstock. Fork Manufacturers. Van Omnm, J. & Co. Brookfield. Adams. Rufus & Sons Redlield, J., FayeltevUle, J^'ewfane. Whipple. .A. Shaftsbury. Ely, George W. S(. Johnsbury. Batchelder & Sons Wallingford. Glass Manufacturers. Smith, Wilkins & Landon, (cylinder window glass) Burlington. Gun Manufacturers. Sampson, Truman East Bennington. Pike, Samuel (Rifles and Sportin? Pistols) Brattleboro''. Robbins & Lawrence (U. S. Rifles) Windsor. Lull. M. D. E. & A. G. (Target and Sporting Rifles and Pistols) Woodstock. Gun Smiths. Barrows. A. Castleton. Hammond. E. R. West Derby. Bowen, B. B. Bethel. Scott, Sylvester Bristol. Varney. D. M. Burlington. Hatch. W. Hall. E. jViddlebury. Leonard, Artemas, Sextons' River Rockingham. Hair Dressers. Hardware.— 13 i-alers. HarrinsTton, G. D. East Bennington. Tii\vn>ley & Son Brattleboro'. Strong, DooUttle & Co. Burlington. Hagar & .Arthur Taylor, S. W. French & Baxter Derby Line. Mason, A. H. Highgate. Thayer & Graves (Manufacturers) East Ouilford. Hyde, Dodge & Co. Montpelier. Bixby. Wm. R. Vergennes. Warren, F. H. Windsor. Br>'ant & Slade Woodstock. Harness, Saddle itTrunk Manufacturers. .Ames, George W. Oakes, S. Stevens. Phineas Johnson. George S. Gale, Hiram Ellis, G. .Slburgh. Bakersfield. Bamet. Barre. Barton. Harris. A. H. Burlington. Tivlor. James L. Hail. E. Chelsea. Ri>in?. A. R. MiddJe6ury. I>usti^>. G. W. & A. Sniiih. P. G. Montpelier. Th un-. John St. Albans. Guuthier, L. V. yergennes. Fassett, B. S. J^'orth Bennington. Hicks. John Adams, Richard East Bennington. St;icy. J. Stone, J. R. Jewell, J. C. Cushing. Dana Barker, Wm. Barber, M. O. Chadwick, S. Roseter, J, Daniels, Hubbard .Miller, Nathan Hill, H. Kingsburw J. B. CornwelU R. D. Walton. J. H. Peaslee, S. H. Dorr, C. & H. Skinner. S. S. Cook. U. Cabot. Foot. Orange Cambridge. Carlton. S imuel Canaan- Burl. B. W. Coftlcton. Aiigevine. J., Hydeville C ibb. S. .M. East Charle.itown. Hatch, Amos S. Chelsea. Siiiionds. L. Chester. Whitcomi). .A. Arnold, J., Winooski Falls Colchester. Benson East Berkshire. West Berkshire. Bethel. Bradford. Braintree. Brandon. Brattleboro'. Bristol. Brookfield. Burlington. Chapman. John Keenan. E. F. Bagley, William IVrsons. Luther Wheeler. L. Cook, Geo. W. Allen, J. G. West. A. Stint'ord. John Jr. M'-rse. Wilson Brush. J. N. Re id. C. R. Colton, D. B. East Corinth. Corinth. Corentry. Craftsbury. Danville. Derby. Essex. Fnirfax. Fairfield. Fairharen. Billings, .A. W. .Vorth Ferrinsbargh. Georgia. Glover. JVorth Hardirick. Smith Hardicick. Popple, Ch'.rles Stone, Levi H. Smith. E. Chaplin. H. S. Dininiick. .A. G. Dutton, Reulien Hartford. Cadv, P S. & Co. HarUand H.ntch, G. M. Thompson. E. C. Highgate. Goodrich & Dormnn Gibhs, S. W. & Co. Hinesbury. Allen, John Dutlon, Thomas Hyd/'park. Dow, -A. M. Irn.iburgh. Rood, Orlin Jericho Corner. Grow, L. H. Johnsoti. Syiumes, Wra. (Carriage Trimmer) I^udlow. Hill. Chas. Lyndon. Hoyt, L. D. Lyndon Corner. Diife. M. Manchester. Hill, Calvin Middlebury. Phimey, M. Middlebury. McDonald, J. Gorham, G. F. Hoag, James Monkton Ridge, Johnson & Knapp Montpelier. Putnam, Holden Sawyer, Wm. M. M. W. Moretown. Miles, John Morristouin. Buxton, John JVeicbuj-y. Kennedy. Henrj" B., Wells River Hoyt, William S. JVeic Haven. Gould. Joseph JVorthfield, Brown, A. D. Richardson & Cady Stowell, W. H ick, C. B. Henry, J. J. Brainard. L. F. Brown, O. Page, N. C. Sherman. Olcott Cone. Warren L. Hdtch, James Richardson. Henry A. Pennock. N. L. Hobart. E. West Randolph Pratt, William Jacobs, .Alonzo K. Richmond. Stowe, Nathan Rochester. Newton, Aaron A., Sextons' River Rockinghatn, Verder. Daniel. Bellows Falls Fish, Benjamin E. Clark, Asahel Hall &. Dorrance Bhss, Ira F. Lyman. Ziba Hiwley, Henry Sherman & Shuttuck Little, J. W., RichvUle Washburn, George Fuller, Wm. WiUiams, Isaiah T. Locke, R. S. Green, N. W. St. Albans' Bay. Howe. Chas. St. Johnsbury. Harrin;;ton. Potter & Stanford Uowaing, R. H. , M:irtin, Hii^ekiah Alien, David T. Stowe. Rollins. William Strafford. tills. R. Sutton. Mui:zer, George, Swanton Falls Cordiss, A. Thetford. Coburn. J, Port Mills Welton, J. Ortcell. Patclet. Peacham. Pittsford. Plat afield. West PuuJtney. East Randolph. Randolph. Royalton. R utland. Sharon. Sheldon. Shoreham, Springfield. St. Albans. West Townsend, East Toiensend. South Troy. Tunbridge. Vergennes. Waitsfield. Wallingford. Washington. Waterbury. Page. Levi W. Field, Bradford McKnight. T. Brown. James Shedd, George F. Big<'low, Charles E. Nicholson, .A. W, Kni'-ry. I. Howe, Oramel Stevens «£. Bailey Lower Wuterford. Wheeler, E. M. -Alvord, Samuel, Perkinsville Weathersfield. Field, Lorenzo Westminster. Howard, C. Weston, French, Josiah, Jacksonville Whttingham. Beckett, Wm. South Wiltiamstown. almond, .A. B. Williston. Carrington, J. F. Windsor, Eaton &• Fairbanks Woodstock. Richmond, L. & Co. Hat, Cap & Fur Dealers. Cushman, John East Bennington. Hvde & Hardie Brattleborough. Spur. W. C. & Co. Seymour. C. .A. Burlington. Mallory & Reed Stetson, J. I!uel. G. Castleton. Morgtin, Samuel Johnson. Burnham. W. T. Montpelier. Colhns, S. K. (.^hipping furs) VERMONT. 239 Cadwell, Wm. VV. ("oiik, Israel rhipm:in, John Reynolds, R. C. Movtpelier. Rutland. Springfield. St. jildans. Hatters. Chester- Coventry , Craftsbury. Derby Line. John son. Middlebiiry. Peacham. fVest Poultney. Davis, Asa Cowles, S. F. Co« les, L. White & Stowe Muraan, Samuel Seymour, J. S. t'owles, T. & J. O, McLean, R. C. Rogers, .1. (cwps) PonJ, William, Bellows Falls Rockingham. Davis, Josiah fVestminstcr. Tracy, L., Jr. (caps and gloves) Windsor. Anderson, Dexter fVoodstock. Hoe manufacturers. Bosworth, J. Vanarnura, J. & Co. Whipple, A. Ely, (Jeorge W. Lovewell, Nathan Downry, Russel Hubbard, Moses Church, J. Dexter & Ramsdell Knight, Cheever Berlin. Brookfield. Shaftsbury. S. Johnsbury. St. Jilbans. Starksboro. St. Johnsbury. Swanton. Wardsboro. Woodstock. Iron and. Steel Dealers. Hyde, Dodge & Co. Montpelier. Goodrich & Graham, (wagon bolts) West Rutland. Iron Founders. Grovef, C W. East Bennington. Strickland, H. Bradford. Conant, C. W. & J. A. Brandon. Salisbury & Co. Brattleborough. Le Roy, Salisbury & Co. Russell, Taber & Co. Bristol. Wheeler, Rollin Burlington. Langdon, S. H. Castleton. Murray, Lorenzo, Winooski Falls Colchester. Chase, John D. West Concord. Wooley, L. H. & Co. Derby Line. Allen & Co., Furnace East Dorset. Draper, Harmon & Co. Pier, O. & Co. Fairfax. Kempfield & Shepardson L.thrtm, A. &Co. Hartford. Patrick, Rufus Hinesburgh. Pearson & Barnabee Irasburgh. For, Joseph Cobb, Zenas Barnum, E. D, Worse, Heman Jones, Laban Miner, James Duncan, Joseph Bo\ den, Asa Huntley, Nathaniel Holmes, Benjamin Walter, Horace L. Russell, Hosl'ord Pratt, John T. Smith, John C mp, -■Vbel Bailey, G. W. Barber, Horatio N. Sampson, Dennis Bryant, Amasa Page, Samuel Hunt, Joseph Farnsworth, James Sniitlx, Jacob Barber, Joel Allen, Alanson Howard, Harvey Hosford, Stephen Gilmore, Alexander Bruce, Eli Gregg, John C. Booth, Jared B. Barnes, James Kingsley, John Jr. Bailey, Ebenezer Chase, Peter Temple, Nahum Hinckley, Ira Hotchkiss, Cyrus Hughs, Asa G. Houghton, David Dwinell, Joseph Hardy, Charles C. Brown, Francis Capen, Nathan Patch, Jacob, Taylor, Thaddeus Wier, John Hartshorn, Henry Appleton, Ashley L«dd, Lewis Griswold, David E. Eaton, Anmsa Ball, Joseph P. Cutler, Nathan Hill, Samuel Hall, Isaac N. Darling, John Heywood, Wm. Jr. Dodge, John Hager, Elisha Henry, Rufus K. Barnes, Zerah Chandler, Gardner Sinclair, Simeon Aiken, D. VV. Hazen, Daniel Charlotte. Chelsea. Chester. Chittenden. Clarendon. Clarendon, Colchester, Concord. Corinth. Cornieall. Coventry, Craftsbury. Danby, Danville. Derby, Dorset, Dover, Dammerston, Duzbury, East Haven. Eden. Elmore. Enosburgh. Essex. Fairfax. i, Fairfield Fairhaven. Fairlee. H. Fayston. Ferrisburgh. Fletcher. Franklin, Oeorgia, Olc.stenbury, Olover. Ooshen, Ooshen's Oore. Orafton, Oranby. Orand Isle. Orandville, Oreensboro'. Oroton. Ouildhall. Halifax. Hancock. Hardwick. Hartford. 24 NEW-ENGLAND MEKCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Udall, James Uonnison, Daniel M:'.rcy, Sciuire Jenison, Israel Saxe, John G. Byinpoii, Stephen Miles, Nathaniel Robinson, Jusiah Davis, Aaron Fligg, James Dickernian, Perry Ambler, James Ferguson, Alexander NojCK, Lucius 11. Smilh, Harlow 1'. I'lsh, i;us,,ell HcirringUin, Piiilander Jameson, Thouuis Cooper, Jesse Tobias, James Hall, Ransom Gooflale, TLiiiothy Waterman, VVm. L. Williams, Wni. Brown, Annul Spaulding, Hosea Bishop, Rut'us Dow, Andrew Taylor, C. B. Church, James Raaney, Sullivan VV'illey, David Martin, James Messer, James S. Wright, William Blodgetl, Abdiel Harris, Stephen Jr. Burnhani, U. W. Hoag, Enos P. Stowell, Luther Dodge, Ezra Sanborn, Daniel Colburn, Ziba Manning, Wm. K. Fletcher, Asa Chandler, Myron S. Benton, Reuben C. Cahoon, George C. Kimball, Lucius Folensby, Putney Hyde, Ira D. rettibone, John S. Wheaton, James Tucser, Ebeiiezer Snow, Willard Hollister, Hor ice GkK)dwin, Henry Richardson, Ru("us> Pearson, James K. Seymour, Horatio Wainwright, Edward Holden, Horace Blodgett, Ashley Paul, Eliakim Buxton, Luther Davis, Jacob Fairchild, M. Finney, Johnson Palmer, Wm. M. Hamilton, Rulus Bailey, Daniel H. Boyden, Darius Colby, Stoddard B. Howe, Uriah Harris, Daniel Corey, S. S. Aibee, Simeon VVillard, Samuel A. Wheeler, Truman t^rowley, John Frot, Franklin L. Buflum, Caleb Burton, Joseph T. Packer. Austin Day, Abiier Hale, Oschar C. Grout, Samuel Bherwin, Sylvanus Whitney, Timothy H. Hoyt, Jona Biitiuni, Ellas Lane, Seyuiour Hartford. Hartland. Highgate, Uinesburgh. Holland. Hubbardton. Huntington. Hydepark. Ira. M. Irasburgh. Isle La Alott. Jamaica. Jay. Jericho. Johnson. Kirby. Landgrove. Leicester. Lemington. Lincoln. Londonderry. Lowell. Ladlouo. Lunenburgh. I^yndon. Maidstone. Manchester. Marlboro' . Marshjicld. Mendon. Middlebury. Middlesex.. Middletown. Milton. Monkton. Montgomery. Montpelier. Moretown. Morgan. Morristown. Mt. Holly. Mt. Tabor. J^ewark. JVewbury. JVewfane. JVeio Haven. JVewport, Kendall, G. W. Cady, Calvin Mayo, Thomas F. Mooney, Asa Kingsley, F. G. Seaver, Calvin Hulchinson, Edwin Carpenter, Luther Dickey, John Botlum, Roswell, Jr. Catliii, Albert L. Shepherd, Samuel .\danis, Edrick Hanks, Uliver Harmon, George W. Stevens, Alanson Jlerrill, Schuyler Batchelder, Ira K. Burton, Aaron Holt, Er,astus Josselin, Calvin Kellogg, S imuel H. Barnes, Jallrey Perkins, Amherst Kidder, Ezra Wilder, Calvin Marsh, Jared Tinkham, Isaiah Itugbee, Stephen Neal, H. G. Bailey, Anion Brunall. Richmond Lilly, Daniel Crawford, David \ Washburn, Asa I Flint, Martin Tillson, Willard Kendall, Luther Buck, Charles Hicks, Jacob Pearson, Benjamin B. Woodrutl', Jesse Dwyer, Calvin P. Brownson, Russell Carpenter, D. M. Chipman, George Hendrick, Samuel Webber, Sunmer A. Chatfee, J. W. Baxter, Horace Smith, Benj imin, Jr. Samson, Charles Edwards, Benjamin, Jr Bingham, Harry Dunham, Harrison Burton, Nathan Hastings, Joseph Page, Wm. Haskell, Ralph Park, Archibald Morrill, Andrew, J. Blake, Samuel Hopkinson, Noyes Gibson, J. Prout, John Randall, Walter Thomas, J. N. B. Kately, Lysander Day, Roswell Mattison, Henry Brownson, W. S. C. Baldwin, John C. Smith, Israel Davis, Moses Iiigalls, Chauncy L. Higbee, Isaac Root, Elij.ih Brown, Amasa Marsh, F. M. Esterbrooks, R. Richardson, Rufus, Jr. Bascom, Elisha Wright, Charles K. Buekmanster, J. Crosby, C. H. Rice, Hazelton Snow, Levi, Jr. Cf)rbin, David Keeler, John T. Porter, S. W. Safford, N. B. Brainard, J. H. Jifewport. JSTtn-thfield. JVvrth Hero. JVorwich. Orange. Orwell. Panton. Pawlet. Peacham. Peru. Pittsjield. Pittsford. Plainjield. Plymouth. Pomfret. PouUney. Povonal. Putney. Randolph, Reading. Readsboro'. Rich ford. Richmond. Ripton. Rochester. Rockingham. Roxbury. Royalton. Rupert. Rutland. Ryegate. Salem. Salisbury. Sandgate. Scarsburgh. Shaftsbury. Sharon. Sheffield. Shelburne. Sheldon. Sherburne. Shoreham. Shrewsbury. Somerset. South Hero. Springfield. St. Mbans. Nason, John Stroud. Ira Barber, Tmmthy Bushnell, ira Kimb ill. Henry C. Vilas, Moses Kenfield, Asaph Lutkwood, Reuben Smith, Colonel Kitireilge, Moses Starks, Cliarles E.iUin, Samuel Everett, David Raymond, Asahel Burke, A. C. Morrill, Stephen Barrett. Charles Scott, Richard Parsons, Amos Hall, John Sawyer, John C. Kinney, Joel Graves, E. .\. Stoddard, Luther Putnam, M. Ferris, V. S. Warner, Allen Sweatt, Win. Bartholomew, J. P. Noble, Obadiah Cook, B. (ieorge, Edmund Kodgers, Wm. Huntington, E. Shattuck, Edmund Billings, Wm. Rowell, A. Judson Weymouth, George King, Nathaniel, Jr. Martin, Peter Sawyer, Daniel G. Woodbridge, E. D. Barton, A. Howe, Ebeuezer. Jr. Franklin, Joseph E. Church, Jacob Spear, Nathan Keyes, Thomas Houston, Isaac K. Turner, Ichabod FuUerton, Calvin Fargo, J. C. Gould, John Farrington, Edward Bucklin, Rufus Molden, David Barton, John D. Rose, Newton Wood, Joeph Woodburn. John Curtis, Joseph .\. Rising, A ron Colby, John Pope, Ralph Janes, Henry F. Bates, E. W. Ide, Joseph Gould. Joseph A McFarlaiid. t). Freeman, J. D. Uphani, Joshua Chamberlain, .Vlvah Lewis, David B. Rovve, James J. Corey, James Cargill, John Robinson, David Kimball, Wm. Coburn, Chester Richardson, Henry Wales, Dan forth (ioodhue, Joseph Downs, David Hitchcock, Almon Bradley, Wm. C. Goodhue, Ira (iihiian, Peter Kibbee, John M. Lovejoy, Henry Smith, Stephen Hayward, Edwin Dodge, Sardis 241 Brddley, Sewall Firtg^, (Jeiirge Baldwin. VVni. H. Urovvii, Ira Biilluu, Hosea F. Gillet, Waters Bass, Joel, Jr. Williams, Al)el S. Chittenden, Truman French, Win. H. Sliatter, O. L. Dix, J. fl. Kddy, Silas Butterlield, Jesse F. Wdod, Joseph White, Elijah Everett, Horace Woosler, Alfred Ferrin, W. G. Penn(icl<, D. G. Burnham, S. C. t hipman. Stephen Fool, Alonzo Alverson, Wm. Hutchinson, Titns Churchill. Nathan T. I^eavitt, George W. Brown, Milton Wheelock Whiting. fVhitivgham. fVilliamatoion. Wit lis ton. Wilmington, Windhall. Windham, Windsor. Wolcott. Woodbury. Woodford. Woodstock. Worcester. L.ead Pipe^ and Pump JUanufacturers. Newcomb, W. Estey, Jacob Britton, G. W. Burnham, John & Son Gould, Wm. Seaver, S., Proctorsville Reed, Silas Sherwin, Stephen Randall, S. R. (dealer) Holmes. John Clark, J. K. (hydraulic Blake, Carlos Warreif, F. H. Steams, A. Brown, Albert G. Barnard. Brattieboro', Cavendish. Fairlee. Orafton. Springfield. rams) Topsham. Vergennes. Windsor. Woodstock. lieatber Dealers. Loomis, E. C. (shoe findings) Burlington. Baldwin, Wm. S. Charlotte. Lincoln, Pratt Orafton. Lock, Wm. Lyndon. Keith & Peck Montpelier. Stedman, J. Orwell. Kidder & Dana Plainfield. Liime ITIanufacturers. Gibbs, Isaac Middiebury. Chittendon & Sons Percival, H. H. St. Mlbans Bay. Morse & Knight Williamstown. liinseed Oil ITIanufac- turers. Rockwood, J. East Bennington. Stimpson, S. South Craftsbury. Flanegan & Tobin Middiebury. Stiles, Enos Middlesex, Williams, Wm. H., Willianisville, J^ewfane, WaJdo, Charles E, Randolph. Liivery Stables. Wood, Truman E. Bennington. Adams, R. M. Burlington. Dorr, G. & H. Parsons, C. F. Learned, Jarvis W. Rutland. Dyer, A. Rutland, Fuller, Wm. St. Albans. Conger, G. P. liamber Dealers and ITIannfacturers. Chase, Hill &, Co. W. Concord. Lapham &. Vails Danby. Davis, G. &. N. W. Derby, Case, Noble Essex. Pier, O. & Co. Fairfax. Adams, John Franklin. Hotchkiss, Cyrus W. Georgia. Keyes, S. W. &. S. S. Highgate, Adams, Benj. & Co. Hinesburgh, Hoadley, Enoch Marsh, James Jericho, Mitchell, Wm. & A. Lincoln. Nichols &. Wheeler Middiebury. Burgess, S. Milton Falls. Clark, Joseph Milton. Palmer, Wm. M. Monkton. Hutchins, Moore b. Co., (dealers) Wells' River ji'ewbury. Rider, Hiram JVew Haven, fay, '2d, Nathan Richmond. Whitcomb & Howe Richmond, Tracy & Houston Starksboro' . Stearns & Morrison Prior, Henry Atwood, Cyrus Butler, Ezra P. Stowe. Raymond, S. Towne &. Daniels Meigs, Edwin S. Swanton Falls. Green, Roberts & Chase, (dealers) Fergennes, Miller, E. Wiltiston. Covell, C, (lath) Oravel Brook. Macbinists. Twing, Joshua Barre. Macomber, A. S. (lathes, &c.) E. Bennington. Boynton, J. & C. G. (woollen ma- chinery) Grover, C. W. Woodward, J. B. Bradford. Strickland, H. Hines, Newman & Hunt (paper ma- chinery) Brattieboro'. Reeve & Stcen .Southgate, B. F. Bridgewater. Arnold, Uriah F. Bristol. Russell, Taller & Co. Wheeler, Rollin Burlington. Bancroft, N. W. Calais. Edwards &. White, Winooski Falls, Colchester. Latham, A. & Co. Hartford. Murray & Patrick Hinesburgh. Hoadley. Enoch Pratt & Brown Ludlow, Wainwright, Alonzo A. (furnace and muchine shop) Middiebury. Aldrich, R. R. S. J^ewbury. Belknap & Steele W. Randolph. Mason, A. & Jewell, J. Richmond. Walker, L. Vaughan, J. Rutland. Davidson, Parks & Woolsom. (cloth shearing machines) Springfield. Ira & Leonard Starksboro'. Paddock, J. C. & J. H. St. Johnsbury, Barrett, Martin Strafford. Ross, Wm. (horse power threshing machines) Vergennes, Daniels, E. T. Hammond, Joseph W, Wardsboro'. .Stovvell, David Waterbury, Bobbins &. Lawrence Windsor. Whitney, A. W. (tin and sheet iron workers' machines) Woodstock. Daniels, Renben (cloth shearing ma- chines. Lull, M. D. E. & A. G. .tlarble manufacturers. Barrows & Edg;uton Brandon, Hyatt, J. McDonald & Estey Brattieboro'. Brown, Charles H. Burlington. Sherman, Smith Castleton. Jackman &, Sherman (wholesale dealers) Hyde, Fuller &. Hyde, (quarriers, manufacturers, and wholesale dealers) Squier, R. Chelsea. Taylor, Orin Clarendon Springs. Taylor, Varnum Clark &. Green (manufacturers and wholesale dealers) Rogers, Stimson, Hopkins & Co. Danby Borough. Fish. J. M. & Brothers Dauby. Kelly, Wm. W. Vail, A. R. & Co. Kelley, A. & A. Haskins, Johnson & Co. , Griffith, G. &. G, Griffith, Seth Pettee, John & Co. E. Dorset. Allen & Adams, (quarriers and wholesale dealers) Fairhaven. Hawkins, Elijah Hartland. Hill, Ira (quarrier of black polishing and blue hearth stone marble; Isle La Mott. Reynolds, Martin (quarrier of black polishing m.irble) Fisk, S. & Co. (quarriers of blue hearth stone, light and dark grey, and variegated niirble) White, Aiiron J^Torth Londonderry. Wilson, Gilman (Dealer in Marble) Manchester. Briggs, Alfred (Dealer) Burrell & Andrews Goss & Billings Montpelier. Knapp, A. E. Poultney. Belknap & Edson West Randolph. Dyer. E. South Reading. Morgan, D. J. & Co. (au.rriers) West Rutland, Porter, James (Dealer) Rutland. Ripley &. Barnes (Dealers) Grennell, .^bel H. Sprins^field. Perry-, Calvin At. Jilbans. Deniick, B. M. St. Johnsbury. B;irney, George Swanton. Van Duzee, Ira A. Farrar, H. B. Rice, L. N. Swanton Fallt. Beckley, C. C. Weathersfieid. Wilder, John Weston. Billings, D. G. Windsor. Blish, E. H. Woodstock, Masons. Dexter, Asahel Bradford, Pease, I. H. Enosburgh Fallt. Bnell, Orange (Stone Mason) Essex. Webb, C. Franklin. Willard, Hosea Vergennet Willard, Simeon WilJ^rd, Deuison Rodgers, Samuel Douglass, C. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Hinckley, Mrs. E. Brattieboro' Rhodes, Oliver (Manufacturer) Merritt, Mrs. S. Burlington. Taylor, Ann D., WUliamsville J^ewfane. Woodman, Miss A. L. Waterbury Ballon, Mrs. E. H. Whitingham. Cimmiings, Miss L. M. Windsor. Churchill, Isaac Woodstock, Millnrritrbts. Canfield, Enos, Jr. Arlington. Smalley, Julius Barren (5otr, Luther Barre. Southgate, B. F. Bridgewater. Carter, E. Benson, i Arnold, Uriah F. Bristol. 242. NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Libby, Samuel E. Winooski Falls Colchester. Greenleaf, Win. F., Winooski Falls Chase, John D. West Concord. Fairchild, Truman Derby. Goodwin, Charles West Oui/ford. Reed, John, Green River Halifax. Latham, A. & Co. (Builders of Steam, Water, Saw & Grist Mills) Hartford. Houdley, Enoch Hinesburgh. Whitman, John T. South Londonderry. Austin, Wm. R., Wells River JVewbury. Burt, Geo. W. East Randolph. Straw & Morrison Stowe. Blake, Mark F. Sutton. Newton, Silas W. Swanton Falls. Benedict, Miron fVaitsfield. Hammond, Jos. IVest H'ardsboro. Adams, Abel Windsor. Fail manufacturers. Whitney, Cross &, Co. E. Highsate. Hutchins & Stiles Montgomery. Lincoln, C. L., Williamsville J^Tewfane. Braley, C. Westfield. Painters and Glaziers. Batchelder, Daniel P. Barre. Gibbs, Evan Benson. Nelson, Wm. S. Bradford. Baker, E. C. Brattteboro'. White, George H. Bristol. Whitney & B Russell & Spaulding Burlington. Haynes, C. McDougall, R. Mills & Fuller Slocum & Lovvry Means & Scott Macoy, H. N. Cambridge. Miller, Gilbert West Derby. Hawley, R. H. Fairfax. Fales, F. Hancock. Glffio, George Hardwick. Mears, A. S. Jericho Corners. Stearns, A. D. Middlebury. McDonald, J. Sherman, Nathan P. Perrigo, H. J. Smith, Nathan Monkton Ridge. Buss, L. W. J^etcbury. Tinkham, William J\rorthfield. Morrill, D. JVorwich. Ware, S. P. Randolph. Johnson, Geo. F., Bellows Falls Rockingham. Gaylord, N. do Taylor, W. Jun. do Stoddard, J. West Rutland. Douglass, J. B. Springfield. Church, Ira A. 6't. Jilhans. Rancore, Joseph St. Albans Bay. Smith, Edmund Starksboro'. Farnham, Aaron St. Johnsbury. Pierce, Melwin Swanton Falls. Larsdill, Emerson McRay, J., Union ViUage Thetford. Dovvnes, G. W. Topsham. Gray, B. F. Vergennes. Dart & Beldiiig Streeter, J. & J. C. Westfield. Corning, John L. Williston. Ingalls, C. & E. H. Windsor. Boynton, Thomas Ayers, Ira Paper Manufacturers. Orr, A. & W. JVorth Bennington Benton & Fuller East do Low, Asa (Book Paper) Bradford. Cutler, James J., Hubbels' Falls Essex. Graves, Abraham (Manufactures annually 10,000 Reams, employs 5 .Males, 15 Females) Fairharen. Cutting, H. S., (ireen River Ouilford. Flanegan, Parker & Co. Middlebury. Burgess & Squires Milton Falls. Walton, E. P. &Sons Montpelier. White, H. K., Wells' River .Vewbury. Robertson, G. & J. (Wrapping and Hanging Paper) Putney. Robertson, Wm. (Wrapping Paper, Pasteboard, &c.) Orr, A. W. South Shaftsbury. Periodical Ag'ents. Kimball, Charles (Charts & School Books) Montpelier. Stearns, Paul W. (Maps) Felchville Reading. Pliysicians. Bill, D. Albany. Butler, Albert C. Alburgh. Chandler, C. W. Andoner. Mozley, Luther Arlington. Houghton, O. T. Bakersfield. Perley, M. Woodward, R. C. M. Patterson, J. H. East Barnard. Swift, Thomas Brewer, Francis B. Barnet. Tuttle, S. Paine, Ezra, Mclndoes Falls Carpenter, A. B. Barre. Paddock, Lyman Bigelow, A. E. Masta, Joseph A. Barton. Damon, George Pierce, Aaron May, Horace JVortA Bennington. Bruce, Richard R. Bigelow, W. Swift, H. Swift, N. Houghton, Chas. E. Bennington. Brigham, J. W. Stewart, T. H. Duckerman, Wm. A. Cooley, B. P. Benson. Ransom, Seth Perry, C. S. Butler, S. S. East Berkshire. Hulliert, C. M. Abells, I. H. Ellsworth, Wm. H. W. Berkshire. Cushman, L. L. Ellsworth, W. E. Searle, S. S. Smith, f'rrin Berlin. Bnidford, Philander D. Bethel. Page, Alfred Carpenter, W. S. Bradford. Poole, J. Craig. S. Richard, B. F. Merriam, I. F. Brandon. Hale, J. W. Vail, E. Dana, A. G. Backus, Charles Spaulding, Reuben Brattteboro' . Arms, Willard Dickernian, John L. Wesselhoeft, Robert Grace, C. W. (hydropathic) Higgins, Francis J. Kittridge, Thomas B. CI rk, Charles W. Bridgewater. Pierce, Wm. C. Furbur, Z. W. Rice, Joel Bridport. Gale, George S. Wheeler, F. P. Bristol. Hathaway, F. B. Maltbie, C. B. Smith, J. Bradley Brookfield. Smith, S. n. Welden, H. G. Skinner, J. F. Brownington. Redding, Walter Burke, H ill, Charles H. Burlington. Ward, N. Aiwater, Wm. Raymond, J. A. Ward, G. Perkins, J. M. Wallace. M. P. Cabot. Doe, John Deming, E. S. Calais. Brush, Solomon Cambridge. Cummings, A. P. Canaan, Northrop, Josiah N. Castleton. Hibbard, L. W. Woodward, J. D. Goldsmith, M. Castleton. Perkins, Joseph Stiles, A. W., Hydeville Williams, Edward H., Proctors ville Cavendish. Harlow, J. M. Robinson, Elijah E. Charlestown. Gibson, A. T. Stone, Joel Charlotte. Morse, James R. Chelsea, McClure, J. F. Lowell, .\bram Chester. Barrett, T. T. Whitney, L. B. Robbins, James Edson, P. Bowen, Silas Clarendon. Spencer, Calvin Griswold, Samuel Richardson, Wm. H., Winooski Falls Colchester. Horton, Geo. W. Palmer, Horace H. Concord. Dustin, D. East Corinth. Taplin, N. Corinth. Carpenter, Cyrus Gillett, H. H. Porter, M. O. Cornwall, Eells, O. J. Blanchard, D. W. Coventry. Kendall, S. S. Brewster. E. Craftsbury. Dustin, D. Locke, G. J., Four Comers Danby. Whipple, E. O. Glysson, Thomas JV. Danville. Ayer, Royal M. Danville. Collins, Samuel Woodward, Calvin W. Ale.xander, Eldad Hinman, Geo. A. Derby. Patch, Lewis Richmond, Lemuel Derbp Line. Mason, Sylvester Dorset. Shuraway, Walter Fisher, C, Dover, Estabrook, Jedediab Walker, Sewall Dummerston. Knapp, Isaac N. Randall, David Eden. Atwell, Wm. C. Eaton, Horace Ennsburgh. Eaton, Rollin West Enosburgh. Pi.xley, A. Enosburgh Falls. Sawin, Marcus Essex. Farnsworth, J. H. Fairfax. Pier, Orris Soule, R. JVorth Fairfax. Keyes, C. W. Fairfield. Babcock, M. N. Wakefield, Thos. E. Fairhaven. Cram, J. Ferrinsburgh. Converse, A. H. JV. Ferrinsburgh. Persons, H. Fletcher, Burleson, C. N. Franklin. Smith, I. R. Glover. Bridgman, B. H. Orafton. Putnum. Sumner Orcensbnro'. Heath, S. B. Oroton, Darling, J. B. Watson, Henry L Ouildhall. Stevens, B. W. Ouilford. Miller, Ebenezer Halifax, Taylor, C. R. Hardwick. Sanborn, J. South Hardwick. Brown, (1. B. Hartford VERMONT. 243 Dow, Hiram West Hartford. Whitcomb, H. H. Emmons, Lewis Hart/and. Baxter, Henry Highgate. Searle, Oscar S. Lookinland, John D. Knowles, Nathan H. Hinesburgk. Taggart, Hugh Goodyear, Daniel Miles, John VV. Miles, John F. Hunton, Ariel Hydepark. Metcalf, Ira Case, C. L. frasburgh. Tucker, S. Holton, Joel Jamaica. Howe, George Jericho Corners. Bliss, Dennison Wnrner, B. Y. Hamilton, J. Jericho. Meigs, John Johnson, Barber. A. P. Mason, T. Kent, L. M. Lincoln. Taber, Benjamin Collins, J. South Londonderry. Barker. Ephraim JV. Londonderry. Jones, D. Ludlow. Vincent. George Lunenburgh. Cushman, T. T. Chase, George C. Lyndon. Newall, S. Denison, C. O. Sanborn, B. Darling, C. B. Tuttle, George, Factory Point ■Manchester. Mecham, D. H. Cook, J. Phelps, Asa Marshfield. Russell, W. P. Middlebury. Billings, Joseph East Middlebury. Harris, Nathaniel Tudor, Edward Allen, Charles L. Bass, Z. Bass, William M. Clark, C. C. P. Hayes, A. H. Middlesex. Thomas, O.F. Middletown. Paul, E. Haynes, Sylvanus Fairchilds, Benjamin Milton. Onion, Daniel H. West Milton. Ballou, Philip C. Monkton. Cole, Thomas Smith, Ira Monkton Borough. Stone, George E. do Ridge. Fuller, B. VV. Montgomery. Spaulding, James Montuelier. Adams, F. W. Clark, Charles Burnham, T. P. Kingsley, L. Moretown. Power, Horace Morristown. Tinker, James Putnam, D. W. Crowley, J. Jilount Molly. Stevens, John JSTewbury. Carter, William Henry Thacher, Enoch, Wells River Dirling Daniel, do do Warren, John P., Fayetteville JiTewfane. Edminster, P. H. Blakesley, Caleb F., Willinnisvllle Hall. Adam M'ew Haven. Smith, Horatio & Son Warner, Erasmus D. Hassleton, Levi Morrill, Lewis JVewport. Case, E. S. M. Porter, Benjamin J^Tortlifield. Claggptt, Clil'ton Thayer. Samuel W. Whitney, Gary J^orth Hero. Haynes, Ehsha Converse, S. Jforwich. Davis, Ira Davis, M. M. Lewis, Lyman Gale, N. Orwell. Tousley, Norman Panton. Houghton. A. S. Pawlet, Sargent, Warren B. Hannnon, Oliver Farr, Asahel Peacham. Hatch, E. Peru. Page, George Pittsford. Drury, E H. Conant, E. Plainfield. Bates, D. Scott, Charles A. Plymouth. Russ, K. South Pomfret. Bliss, George West Poultney. Miller, William H. McLeod, William East Poultney. Porter, E. Kendrick, A. Morgan, B. F. Pownal. Campbell, John Putney. Allen. David Carpenter. Walter East Randolph. Pember, J. K. Randolph. Smith, John Kendrick, Asahel West Randolph. VVoudworth, J. M. Clark, Kipley, FelchvUle Reading. Aldrich, Levi Huse, John Richford. De Francis, E. C. Ninmis, Reuben Richmond. Phelps, Josiah H. Rochester. Huntington, WiUiam M. Huntington, Daniel Severance, R. A., Sextons River Rockingham. Martin, J. A., Bellows Falls Nichols, Samuel, do Crossett, C. R. Brown. H. L. Royalton. Lyman, D. L. Denison, Joseph A. Shelden, Henry West Rupert. gheldon, Lorenzo West Rutland. Page, T. J. Rutland. Porter, H. Cook, Orel, Jr. Porter, C. Perry, Eli Ryegate. Dyer, O. G. Salisbury. Johnson, Freeborn Shaftsbury. Gibson, B. R. Sharon. Taylor, J. Shelburne. Sprague, E. H. Hyde, G. B. Sheldon. Brown, A. M. Page, David E. Shoreham. Hitchcock, William A. Kendrick, Ariel M'orth Springfield. Knight, E. A. Springfield. Sawyer, Langdon Chase, L. Ballou, N. H. St. .Albans. Chandler, John L. Hyde, J. H. St. Albans Bay. Hall, E. D. Danforth, A. N. Stanford. DIckerman, Jerry St. Johnsbury. Brock way. Harrison Wheeler, Geo. C. E. Bancroft, J. P. Jewett, Calvin Gibbs, L., Gaysville Stockbridge. Fay, Timothy P. Pierce, A. Strnfford. Stiles, J. N. South Strnfford. Horlon, C. W. Sudbury. Carpenter, W. W. Sutton. Ganes, Lewis Swanton. Saxe, Arthur W., Swanton Falls Hinckley, Israel, Union Village Thetford. Worcester, E. C. Niles, H. H., Port Mills Clark, Theophilus Timnouth. Noble, George Downes, C. S. Topsham. McNiece. Isaac Bill, E. M. West Topsham. Ranney, W. R. East Townsend. Clarke, Charles Corey, H. South Troy. Orcutt, H. C. Moore, Levi C. (HomoBpathic) J^orth Troy. Chandler, Charles B. Tunbridge. Maxwell, P. Vergennes. Stone, D. C. Bradford, Austin Sprague, Alvah Barstow, Noyes Vernon. Tyler, B. O. Vershire. Baldwin, D. M. Smith, Orange Waitsfield. Josselyn, David C. Fox, W. C. Wallingford. Fox, Jolin Reed, Charles L. Holden, David Billings, S. K. West Wardsborough. Billings, D. K. J\rorth do Bradley, N. W. Washington. Arms, Charles Waterbury. Cleveland, H. Fales, Horace Drew, Oliver W. Bugbee, Ralph Lower Waterford. Bugbee, Ralph J. Rowell, R. F. Waterford. Kidder, S. Waterville. Flagg, S. S. Haynes, B. H. Wells. Wunson, J. Annis, A. W. Westfield. Haynes, Thomas Westford. Earle, Silas Campbell, Daniel Westminster. Safford, Pliny Shaw, H. Weston. H Colburn, W. ! Gaines, Asa (Hydeville house) Hyde, Z. F. (;Stage house) Proctors- I ville Cavendish. Warren, Oliver East Charlestown. I Martin, C. C. Charlotte. JGirtord, E. D. Duran, George , Baldwin, O. J. (Centre hotel) ] Dickinson, B. F. (Washington hotel) Chelsea, Graves, G. W. (Orange Co. hotel) j Deming, R. A. (American house) ! Chester. Ingraham, E. (Union house) McLaughlin, Thomas (Clarendon house) Clarendon Springs. Thrall, Reuben R. (Union Hall) Tuttle,J.S. (Green Mountain house) GaskiU, Joseph (Temperance house) I Clarendon. I Hall, C. B. Grossman, Calvin Cheney, G. Fletcher, Cotton, Winooski Falls Colchester. Merrill, A. J. do Sfinton. A. B. (Winooski Falls h se) Howiird, A. S. Concord Corner. Downing, Wm. D. West Concord. Stevens, J. B. (Village house) East Corinth. Willis, M. Corinth. Thomas, Henry Coventry. Knight, E., Orleans house Craftsbiiry Hastings, W. I. Hidden, A. W. S. Craftsbury Chase, Ephraim Danby. Barrett, Levi Kelsey. J.. Eagle hotel Danville. Evans. Horace, Caledonia Temper- ance house Cnrpenter.C. Derby. B;ites, Roswell Winn, Timothy Derby Line. Sinclair, J. G. H^- Derby. Hodges, J. H. Dorset. Curtis, Daniel E. Dorset. Snow, Wm. H., West Dover hotel, W, Dover. Emerson, G. W., Emerson's hotel, W. Dummerston. AUyn, Luther Dummerston. l.yman. Richard Duxbury. Matthews. Philo A. Eden. ! Stanton, H., Stanton's hotel, Essex. Nichols, Israel Barney, Ira ■ Brush, Silas W. Fairfax. Farns worth, Ira Isham, N. W. Fairfield. Brown, J. Stanard, J. D. Fairhaven. Powers, G. W. Fairlee. j Collins, Mrs. Aurelia, Temperance house Ferringsburgh. I Guindon, Nicholas, Temp, house j Martin, J. & C. JV. Ferringsburgh. Manson, Orin Franklin. Bliss, Albert Georgia. Shepard. R, S. Carter, Wm. Jr. Glover. , Phillips, C. Goshen. Ayres, John Grafton. Stevens, Josiah N. Greensboro'. Marshall, McLane Oroton. Woods, Morse Guildhall. Jacobs, D. E. Guilford. Conaii-t, N. Guilford. Nelson, M. E., Green River house, Green River Reed, John, Rail Road house. Green River Halifax. Surk, James L., Temp, house S. Halifax. Hackett, John Hancock. Dunham, Solomon, Mt. Vernon house Warner, Alpha, Stage and Temper- 1 ance house JV. Hardwick. Thompson, N. M., White River hotel Hartford. Rowell, Chris. C. W. Hartford. Gilson. Mrs. M. Hirtland. Merritt, Lewis, Pavillion Ikui ,e Minor, Wm.. Queechf e house JV". Hartland. Jenison, C. R. &• H. Highgate. Stinehour, H. Burrett, Andrew, Burrett's hotel Hinesburgh. Walker, A. Hubbardston. Wood, Truman J. Huntington. Matthews, W. Hydepark. Perkins. J. Dutton, Thomas Kelsey, H. S. Fuller, John Knowlton, J. E. Barney, Albert Barllett. Elias Allen, O. Warner, Selah I Crampton, — Allen, Almond C Aldrich, Benson Dudley, Peter Huntley, J. T.G. Watson, Wm. S. Woodruff, E. Irasburgh. Jamaica. Jericho Corner. Jericho. Johnson. Landgrave, Leicester, Lincoln. S. Londonderry. JV. Londonderry. Lyndon Corner. Lyndon. Briggs, A^ Factor/ Point,JV/a7icAf«fer Underlip, Martin, American hotel, Manchester st Straigh, A. B., Union house, Man- chester street Snow, L. W. Putnam, Jacob Carpenter, J. L. Mussey. E. Rufus, Richardson Damon, S. P., Vermont hotel, JUiddiebury. Middlebury. Marlboro^ Marshfield. Mendon, Middlesex. Middletown, Milton. Moore, H. Griswold, Jehiel Hastings, C. Andrews, Samuel Ward, S. Adams, Proctor Bites, M. B. Monkton Borough. 1 Kelton, O. L. Montgomery. Dariing, H. P. Montpelier. Kimball. P., Eagle hotel Boutwell, Levi, Union house Strong, E. G., Temperance hotel Coltrill. M., Pavillion Shepherd. J. Dewey, Julius Y. Sawyer, Joseph West, A. G. Town, E. Huntoon, D. F. Johnson, A. Sleeper, Lauren M. Stevens, Tappan, Spring hotel J^ewbury. Austin, Elijah, Newbury house Slack, H. F., American house. Wells River Sawyer & Chaplin, Wells River house Osgood, Wm. H., Windham County house, Fayetteville JVejc/ane. Perry, W. C, Vermont hotel Hall. Samuel, Williamsville, Cadwell, E. L, Townhill house JVew Haven. Moretovm. Morristown. Mt. Holly. yewark. VERMONT. 245 Stowe, L. W, JVeifl Haven. Page, P., Magog hotel JVewport. Wright, H. N. Nye, H., Falls Village J^TorthJield. Webb, E. A., Northfield house Brown, Isaac \V. Gilmaii, Chester Wright, Benj. JV. Hero. Buriihain, J. T., Union house jVoricich. Partridge, Mrs. Mary, Temp, house Lane, L. Oravge. Boynton, J. W. Orwell. Wheeler, A. A. Peacham. Bruce, Samuel Gibson, Reuel Peru. Messenger, Amherst Child, P., Pittslield hotel Pittsfield. Rand, B. Pittsford. June, Milo Bancroft, N. Plainfield. Pollard, R. P., Notch house Plymouth. Winslow, Gardner Pom fret. Austin, J. W. Poultney. Beeman, J. D., Beeman's hotel Pember, Abner E. Poultney. Whipple Andrew J. PowiiaL. Glover, G. W. Wright. Josiah Perry, Russell Putney. Bloclt, J., Stage house Kingsley, L. E. Randolph. Perno, A. B., Green Mountain house Randolph. Bates, J. W. W. Randolph. Dow, H., Felchville house Reading. Sears, A. Richford. Goodrich, Daniel Richmond. Jones, B. R. Wells, L. Freeman, W. S., Farmer's hotel Jones, R. E. Richmond. Church, A. J., Green Mountain house Ripton. Tupper, R. H. Rochester. Cheney, H. Goss, P. L. Evans, N. D., Carabridgeport house Rockingham. Dickinson, C, Saxton's River hotel Hyde, Russel, Bellows Falls hotel Smalley, D. Wright, A. W., Burtonsville Spaulding, M., Sum't house Roxb'ry. Wales, Samuel Titus, A. W. Royalton. Currier, J. M., Royalton house Pierce, P. Jenks, George Rupert. Harris, John C. IVest Rutland. Learned, Jarvis Dyer, A., Village tavern Rutland. Putnam &. Bryant, Franklin hotel Huntoon, Josiah Morrill, A. J. Ryegate. Howard, R. T. Salisbury. Pray, N. Howard, E. Tuttle, Mrs. Sandgate. Cole, D. G. Shaftsbury. Matterson, Wm. South do Tucker, Alvan Sharon. Morrill, J. Jr. Brown, B. B., United States hotel Roberts, J. Gray, A. Isham, George B. Shelburne. Darwin, M. T. Sheldon. Hill, E. Shoreham. Davis, A., United States hotel Alden, P. G., Cuttingsville Union House Shrewsbury. Gregory, Isaac JVorth Springfield. Grlswold, Joel, Temperance house Mason, H. H., Black River hotel Springfield. Barlow, Samuel H. St. Jiibans. Me;ich, W. S. St. Albans Bay. LaM-ll. Ralph Campbell, Thos. H., St. Albans hotel Daulorth, Mrs. 1 Taft, R. C. Starksboro'. Houghtoi, W. Stamford. i French, Samuel St. Johnsbury. Aldrich, Geo. Curtis, Hull, St. Johnsbury hotel Gay, Daniel Stockbridge. Gilson, S. Morgan, H. D. Duncan, Moses L. Stowe. Raymoiid, N. R., Union hall ~ ~ Strafford. Stratton. Sudbury. Sunderland. Sutton. Swanton. Swanton FaHs. Thetford. Smith, F St. Clair, E. Wyni m, Truman Hyde, F. K. Graves, E. H. Hutchinson, Wm. Way, W. H. Evans, J. & J. a. Shaw, S. S. Barney, Ward Bullard, Nelson Cunimings, E. Hall, David, Union house Swift, P. M. Lewis, Z. Tinmouth. Jenness, S. West Topsham. Sawyer, F. D. & E. W. Townsend. Blanden, John, Travellers' home Taggart, James, Union hall East Townsend. Johnson, E., Pavillion South Troy. Elkins, Curtis JVore rakes) Danville. Perkins & Fisher (horse rake-;; Denison, C. H. &, B. (hor^e rakes) Green River Ouilford. Meleudy, Harvey (hand rakes) Hnrtland. Chandler, W. & J. N. Lunenburgh. Sanborn, S. C. (horse rakes) Morristown. Warner, .\. Mt. Holly. Aldrich, R. R. (horse rakes) J^'ewbury. Robinson, Nathaniel (horse rakes) Pawlet. Ralph, E. (large hand rakes) Plymouth. Perrin, O. (horse rakes) South Pomfret. Parker, Warren-(horse rakes) Putney. Kimball, Geo. & Son (horse rakes) SpringfietcL Morrison, P. &. N. Starksboro'. Hyde, H. Strafford. Mears, Roswell Swanton. Miller, Austin Woodstock. Restaurants. Mitchell, H. H. Burlington. White, H. S. Fuller, D. L. Memphis. Willird. J. P. Vergennes. Chandler, S. F. & A. T. Windsor. Fisher & Persons Sand. Paper. Locke, L. E., Sextous River Rockingham. Adams & Cutter Springfield. Sytbe Manufacturers. Bosworth, J. Berlin. Farrum, Philip Tunbridge. Sargent, Carlos Warren. Rixford, L. & L. P. East Highgate. Sytbe Snath Manufac- turers. Baker, V. Rice, Martin Brookjleld. Seraphines & Melodeons. Eastman, Alvah Jones & Burdett Barre. Brattleborough. 246 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Nye, E. D. & E. G. Nutting, Wm. J. WUliams, B. S. E. Silver and Brass Plates. Tunbridge. Underhill. Bartlett & Fisher Holton, Erastus A. Cole, Zacheus Reading. Westminster. Morse, Alpheus Chubb, C. Stebbins & Co. Hines, H. B. Smith & Bryant Pettingill, J. & E. Allen, Alanson, (manufacturer of Forbes, F. T. roofing slate) Fairhaven. I Benjamin, Phineas S, Slate Quarriers, JV. Montpelier. i Hall, Benjamin Randolph. ' Fellows, Slerrill Tower, J. M. & T. W. Choate, John Cakes, H. & J. Hutchings & Wade fVaterbury. Parker, Erastus, Mill Village Cutting, H. Lower Waterford. fVaterville. West Fairlee, Westjield. Westford. ' Weston. Dyer, Wm. Williamstown. Goodrich, — Wilmington. Sloan, Hugh Walcott. ; Orney, J. Davis, W. Springfield. Hale, John P. St. Johnsbury Plains. Green & Geer Vergennes. Husted, J. B. White, Warren, Jacksonville Whitinaham. Webster, Wm. L. Munger & Br>'ant Windsor. Woodstock. Tailors. Alburgh. Wilson,~Nelson, (manufacturer) ; Towne, J. & Sons East Ouilford. Woodbury. Steel Squares— Manufac- turers. Jforth Bennington. Hawks &. Co. Herman, B. Corkins, Draper & Co, Bangs, R. W. Starcli Manufacturers. Stoves— Dealers. Taft & Nichols Graves & Root Morris, E. McLean, John Blake, Nathan Skinner & Foss Carpenter, E. C. Middlebury. : Wilco.v, A. & H. J. Hubbard, Erastus Montpelier. Sweet, .\. A. Hooker & Houghton Bakersfield. Wood, Z. & C. R. Keith, Leonard Barre. Matthews, F. L. Morristown. Welling, E. M. JVort/i Bennington. Williams, Wm. Peac/iam. Jewell Pierce &. Co. Bolton. Belknap & Steele West Rnndoiph. Burke. Wiley, R. W., B. Falls Rockingham East Arlington. Bakersfield. Batty, I, Oregan, T, Sutherland, George Barnet. Bradbury, George, Mclndoes Falls Loomis, Chauncy Barre. Hetlierington, James Barton Cockson, J. JVorth Bennington Benson Barre. East Bennington. Bethel. ! Fagan, M. L. Cabot. Bdwker, Octavius East Corintfi. Reily, T. I). Lyndon. Davis, A. C. Smith & Denison Beckwith, Daniel Cutting. Israel Cabot. Kent &. Co. Calais. Griswold, W. & H., Jelfersonville Cambridge. Reynolds, Harry, do Merrill &. Fletcher Canaan. Clark &. Webster W. Charlestown. Fuller, Moses East do Rich, C, Richville Whelden, B. Eastman, Seth P. Hubbard & White Hatch, C. Blake, L. L. Phelps, Wm. Rourke, P. O. Mole, William Hart, E. Adams, Wm. ( )rr. J. Tryon, J. Shorehnm. Mrigoon, E. Springfield. Ellerhy, William SJ. Albans. Wilkiiis, David East Berkshire. Bethel. Bradford. Brandon. Brattleboro'. Burke. Burlington, Cabot. Cambridge. Castleton. Goodall & Hill West Concord. Taplin, G. & C. East Corinth. Cleveland, E. Coventry. Paddock & Allen Craftsburij. Leonard, M. & E. West Dover. Hinds, E., Jr. & Co. Eden. Melvin, D. Fuller, Austin West Enosburgh. Cockson, Uriah Kendall & Scrsis Enosbvrgh. Golden, B. Halbert, F. Fairfax. ! Scott & Horton Soule, J. & Co. Fairfield. Franks, F. Wateruian, Blaisdell & Co. 1 King, John H. Oreensborough. . Chase & Crandall Hull, Marcus Hinesburgh. i Doucet, H. J. Ferguson, Alexander Huntington. \ llpham, Zenas^M. Noyes, L. H. Webster, Harrison Jericho. ' Mitchell, J. Clapp, John T. Beniis, Charles Ford, Milton Hurlbut, S. B. Oakes, George B., Jericho Corner Tarboll, H. VV. Windbor. Benton, G. H., Proctorsville Cavendish. 1 O'Conner, Peter Siddons, W. P. East Charlestown. Clough, H. L. Chelsea. Cone, C. Chester. Macomber, A. S. East Bennington. Rayiiientfin, S. [1. Dennison, C. H. & B., Guilford ; Weymouth, W. S. Oreen River, i Walsh, Thomas, Winooski Falls Straw Cutters— Manu- facturers. Jenks & Sladel Thetford. Tailors and Drapers. East Bennington. Brandon. Brattleborough. Fletcher, D. Vezey, J. M. Couledge, Wm. S. Burton, Orvill Norris, J. C. Livright, Wm. Casavant, J., Upper Falls Colchester. Coventry. Craftsbury. Derby. Derby Line. Enosburgh. Essex. Fairfield. Fairhaven. Waterman, J. Leland, Charles Harding, John D, Pitkin, Stephen Sibley, L. & H. Parcher, Robert Waterman & Cady Denison, Davis & Stodard Palmer, W. Bristol. Miller, .\lexander Brookfield. Hyde, F. VV. Hydepark. ] Rathburn, N. G. & Co. Burlington. ' Isham, D. C. "' ' ■■ " Mcliuinney. M. ! Sutlitf. Richard Castleton. Ward. Chapman JV*. Ferrinsburgh. Chelsea. McSdriey, Wm. Franklin. Craftsbury. j Martin. J. Glover. Hall, Wm. Greensboro'. Cobleigh, John Guildhall. Danville. Seaver, C. Jr. West Halifax. Fairhaven. Shipman, Charles South Hardwick. Johnson. Thoujpson. Geo. A. Lowell. Williams, Moses C, Four Corners J)anl Marshfield. Boles, Joseph East jVuntpelier. McNamare, R. Morristown. [ Kidder, J. M. I Cone, Mark JVewark. I McKeaned, James Eastman, Samuel Merrill, John Durkee, Norman Sherman & Pitkin Hall & Wing Barney, T. C. Cushrnan & Morgan Carlisle & Bun- Weed, Jacob Pierce & Jewell Morrill, Calvin Camp, Asa R. Butler, Ezra P. Camp, Smith & Town Town & Daniels Blake, J. & Son Fletcher, Z. (.'. Cory, T. H. &. Co. Curtis & Co. J^Tcwbttry. Johnson. Walter S East Orange. Sharpley. D. L. Pittsfield. Wood & Wilts Plainfield. Riker, R. R. I Meader & Quimby, Wells River Richmond. \ J^eithiiry Rochester. Hoyt, Charles G. Yew Hai:en. Sheldon. \ Jenks, Nonnan Pawlet. I Millan, G. H. Pittsfield. \ Smith, E. W. Starksborough. Kimball, E. F., Bellows Falls , Webster, Asa •St. Johnsbury. Rockingham. Barnet, Thomas Grafton. Smith, Pliny B. Hartford. Hunt, M. Middlebury. Bissonnett, Lewis Dawson, Andrew Middlesex. Baverstock, R. S. Montpelier. Livingston, L. D. Solomon, O. L. Weeks, Nathan P. McLane, James McCary, Owen Tracy & Green Stowe. Stewart, W., Jr. Bellows Falls do Jewett & Gate: Smith, Juliu- P Graves, L. M. Connnt, Cli rle Thetford. Xewmin, J. South Troy Sanders, Allred W., Cuttingsville B. do Royal ton. Rutland. Shoreham. LTndervvood, Edwin Brown, G. M. McMullen, F. Solan, D. Leclair, Francis Ames, Albert S. Luce. H. W. Shrewsbury, i Gates, C. S. Hartland. Highgate. Hinesburgh. Hydepark. Irasburgh. Ja maica. Jericho. Jericho Corner. .Johnson. Ludlow. Lyndon. Middlebury. Milton Falls. Milton, Monkton Ridge. Mon tpelier, Morristown. VERMONT. 247 Knight, P. J\rewbury. Dunklee, Jacob, Jr., Fayetteville JVewfane. May, Warren E., WUliamsville Chase, W. P. JVorthfield. Cochran, Stephen Mattoon, E. VV. JVorwich. Press, J. Orwell. Bushie & Martin Pawlet. Drake, R. R. Pittsford. Blair, David Coady, Wm. Plainfield. Wright, A. G. Poultney. Davis, Thomas West do Ehiier, R. Putney. Clough, James Randolph. Keef, Charles Richnwnd. Hoskins, S. G. Rochester. Hudson, Chas. P., Cambridge Port Rochingham. Williston, R. Q,., Sextons River Williston, J. Cornel, J. C. Royalton. WoUaston, C. TVest Rutland. McMahon, Thomas Rutland. Q.uilty, John Wright, David Rycgate. Soper, Charles Salisbury. Lee, John SItaron. CoUan, P. Sheldon. Chase, C. R. Springfield. Watson, John S. St. Jilbajiis. Watson, E. T. Yonger, George Black, Samuel Starksboro\ Hill, J. M. St. Johnsbury. Jackson, William, Gaysville Stockbridge. Sanborn, T. T. South Strafford. Murphy, James Siranton. Ormsby. Wm. H. (Vest Townsend. Norris, N. B. South Troy. Perry, Walter Vergennes. Bailey, Andrew fVaitsfield. Livingston, J. D. Wallingford. Northup, O. F. Kidder, D. West Wardsboro'. Hodgkins, Geo. Jforth do Conner, M.O, Waterbury. Dana, R. S. Wormwood, William, Mill Village Hoyt, John Q.. Lower fVaterford. AUien, O. L. Waterville. Blake, C. C, Perkinsville Weathersfield. McEvoy, M. Westford. Shay, Matthew Weston. Farnum, Joseph W., Jacksonville Whitingham. Stevens, D. W. Deming, T. B. Wilmington. Howard, R. Windsor. Watt, John E. Winn, Thales B. Woodstock. Myers, Michael Tanners and Curriers. Fitz, J. .Albany. Child, C. & M. Bakersfield. Jaques, Amos Barnard. White, Owen T., Passumsic Barnet. Shaw, James D. & Wm. Stevens, ."^olomon Gleason, John C. Dodge & VV'ood Barre. Johonnotts & Blanchard Adams, E. Jr. (tanner) East Bennington. Squire, Newell Adams, Gordon C. Benson. Babcock, E. West Berkshire. Frizzell, Ebenezer Berlin. Durkee, Aimon Bethel. Watson, O. H. Bradford. Handy, G. W. Maynard, T. B. Braintree. Bond, H. J. Brandon. Goodhews, Chapin & Co. Brattlcboro\ Beal, Benjamin Taylor, Wm, Bridgewater. Edson, Abbott & Co. Brookfield. Jenks, John S. Burke. Johonnotts & Blanchard Burlington. Fisher, M. O. Cabot. Bennet, Smith Calais. Dwinal, D. East do Warner, John Cambridge. Fletcher & Jacobs Canaan. Spaulding, J. Castleton. GJlson, Josiah, Proctorsville Cavendish. Adams, Samuel L. Smith, A. & L N Wheeler, E. H. Richmond- Rochester. Rutland, Ryegate. Sharon. Sheldon. Shorekam. Somerset. Springfield. Chandler, O. H. Allen, Sidney FuUom, Charles Onion, Horace Spaulding, G. P. Cooke, Theodore Merrill, Samuel H Hurbert, B. F. Weeks, Wm. E. Charlestown. Charlotte. Chelsea. Coventry. South Craftsbury. Danby. Bancroft, Aniasa Scott, Job Bingham, John M. Derby. Dorwin, L. Fairfax. Read, C. R. Fairfield. Howard, H. &. H. Fairhaven. Webb, A. B. & Son JVorth Ferrinsburgh. Gallup, N. Franklin. Williams, Truman West Oenrgia. Nye, L. H. & Co. Olover. Hunt & Taggard Ouilford. Scott, Jonas Halifax. Stearns, Marshal S. & Co. West Halifax Porter, John Cummings, Isaac Tuttle, Samuel A Low, W. W. Warren & Blanchard Baldwin, F. W. Bansier, Wm. Howard, E. Newell & Howe Reed, C. D. Fish, David Hardwick. JVorth do South Hardwick. West Hartford. Hartland. Hinesburgh. Hubbardton. Irasburgh. Jamaica. .Tericho Comer. Ransom, Silas & Chambers Jericho. Whiting, Dexter Johnson. Dodge, Justus Van Note, George Landgrave. Bush, Lewis C. JAncoln. Walker, Ephraim S. Londonderry. Buxton, Nathan Downer, Thomas Lunenburgh. Stockbridge, Tully Weeks, J. M. & Co. Lyndon Corner. Pike, John Lyndon. Clark, M. & Sons, Factory Point Manchester. Goodwin, H. W. Marshfietd. Enos, H. L. East Middlebury. Kneeland, Henry Middlesex. Holbrook, Orra Milton. Hollis, Geo. P. Monkton Borough. Keith, Peck & Co. Montpelier. Burnett, J. C. Morristown. Eddy, Geo. Stone & Derby Mt Holley. Keyes, F. & N. M'ewbury. Shedd, W. R. Wells' River Chapman, John B. do Lincoln, O. L., Williamsville JVevjfane. Walker, Henry S., East Mills JVew Haven. Palmer, James JVorthfield. Morris, Sylvester JVorwich. Sargent, A. Peacham. Brown, S. A. Pittsfield. Gale, Sullivan B. Plainfield. Scott, Stephen 2d East Poultney. Whitney, S. Cone, Warren L. East Randolph. Poor, Enoch Hobart, A. & A. Jr. West do Rrfbinson, Marvin South Reading. Carpenter, J. & S. P. Richford. Mellen, Ebenezer Richmond. Maynard & Spaulding Guernsey, N. Graves, Geo. Moore & Gibson Keith, Joseph Eldrid, S. N. Goodsil, B. F. Larrabee, Benjamin Sanford, O. Atwood, Thomas Reed, Samuel D. Amsden, Emery M. Eioward, HoUis Foster, S. A. St. .Johnsbury . Harrington, Potter & Stanf(jrd Partridge, Asa Stockbridge. Dutton, Marvin Stowe. Hazeltine, W. B. & J. 5. Strafford. Powers, David Sutton. Babcock, Eben. W., Swanton Falls Ransted, Roger Thetford. Currier, B. C. Topsham. Watson, O. H. West do Howard, C. East Townsend. Parkhurst, L. M. JVorth do Putnam & Lamson Tunbridge. Smith, Jacob Vergennes. Keeler, Charles Kelloy, A. B. Vershire. Stoddard, William Waitsfield. Bradford, E. W. & Co. Wallingford. Reed, D. JVorth Wardsboro', Kidder, H. W. & H. P. Wells, William Waterbury. Palmer, Alexand. Lower Wuterford. Ide, Joseph (Tanner) Cross, H., (Currier) Howard, Hollis. Kimball, P. Chase, C. E. & A. K. Wilder, Jolin Richardson, J. H. R. Matthesson, Charles Jr. Starr, Parley Jr., Jacksonville Whitingham. Pool, George Murray, A. B. Uphani, Zenas H. McCullough, John Pierce, Alpheus Warren, Amos W. Perkins, Ch. T. (Tanner) South do Taylor, A. do do McKenzie, J. (Tanner) do da Teleg^rapbs. Harrington, G. D. (Operator at junc- tion of Troy, Canada, Connecticut & Vermont Go's) F,. Bennington. Rice, T. W. (Operator) Castleton. G(K)dwin, M. B. (Operator at the junction of the Troy and Canada lines) Manchester. Spencer, George P. (Operator at the unction of the Troy and Canada lines) St. Albans. Tbreshingr Rlacbines — Manufacturers. Randall, Asa JVorth Danville. Randall & Thompson (Pitt's Patent) Randall Thomas do Dole, Stephen Danville. Clark, G. H. Peacham. Newell, E. S. Storeham. Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturers.^ Morse, Dean & Co. Bakersfield. Taft & Nichols Barre. Tilden, L. Walbridge, H. Barton. Chapin, .lames H. Bennington. Haywood & Millard White, J. Carpenter, R. Weathersfield. West Fairlee. Westminster. Weston. Wheelock. Williamstown. Williston. Windham. Windsor. Woodstock, 248 NKW-KNGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Graves & Root East Bennington. Ward, Jonathan, (wood and iron) Winship, J. C. & A. Bradford. Hardwick Morrell, Wesley Brandon. Esterbrook, J. H. & W. H. Dickinson, A. Bullock & Steen Bostwick &. Evarts Blinn, Koy Shedd, J. A. Morillo, Noyes & Co. Brown & Jiickson Lincoln, Harvey Allen & Miller Sherwiii, H. H. & S. Cowdrey, Hervey Paddock, James A. Boynton, David Joslyn, Hubbard Davis, G. & N. Hunt, S. B. & L. B. Jr. Brattleboro'' , Burlington. Castleton. Eastman, Alvah Chelsea. Graves, William Chester. ' Badley, H. P. Levi, Jacob Coventry. ; Handy, J. A. Craft.«bury. I Hatch, P. B. Dnnbury. \ Brackett, H. D. Derby J.ine. R.inger, B. H'est iJerby. Grovenor, E. R Fairfax. IVIiller, G. S ir. Halifax. Hartford. Highgate. Uinesbvrgh. L,ineoln, J^yndon, Middlebury, Middlesex. Milton. Montpelier. Carpenter, M. W. JV. Ferrinsburir/i. ; Rand: Holmes, Henry Page &. Noyes Riddle, A. Peten!;ill &. Rowell Skinner & Foss Applebee, Jehiel Wilcox, A. t H. J. Sanderson, S. (Eave Troughs) Milton Prentiss, Samuel (Eave Troughs) Oruftun. I Haskell JHydepurk. Johnson. I.udlow. I^yndon Corner. Lyndon. Middlebury. Montpelier. Hubbard, Erastus Sweet, A. A. Wood, Z. & C. R. Matthews, F. L. Squier, John Partridge, Lewis S. Williams, Wm. Pray & Lewis Belknap & Edson Wiley, Wm. L. &. G., Sexton's River Rockingham. Osgood, E. R. & Co., Sexton's River Wiley, R. W., Bellow's Falls J^orwich Peacham. West Poultney. West Randolph Wells, S Judd, Ethan Rich, C, Richville, Wheldon, B. Smith, G. G. & W. C. Eastman, Selh P. Looniis, W. R. & C. L. Herrick, Nathan Sanborn & Catlin Swanton Falls. Bellamy & Brintnall E. Toicnsend. Blake, Carlos Vergennes. Stow, D. Staliitrd, A. P. Wallingford. Graves, Cecil Waterbury. Hammond, J., Perkinsville, fVeathersfield. Kimball, H. 1. Bowker, P. H. &Co. Cushman, Adams Warren, F. H. Severance & Batman Hatch, Philo ■ Hatch, Henry Brown, Albert G. Royalton. Rutland. Shorehum. Springfield. St. Albans. Stowe. IVestun IVilminglon. Windsor. Woodstock. Plumb, Sandford Fuller, D. G. Newell, E. S." (wood and iron") Mason, A. H. Shoreham. Goodrich & Dorman Famsworth, Augustus (bedsteads) Iri>h, Nelson Jacksonville Whitingham. Eldridge, A. W. ■ Applebee, Jehiel Sheldon, H. L. Watchmakers and Fletcher, F. C, Je^vellers. Rising, A. R. Dustin, G. W. & A. Barre. Campbell, John Jr. Barton. Churchill, Josiah E. Bennington. A-hley, H. A. Bruce, Honce Bradford. Hutchins, Drson Brandon. Peck & Lewis (wholesale) Brattleborough. Hubbard, Erastus Riker, F. R. Bridport. Holnies, E. C. Brookfield. Hyde, Dodge & Cw. Burlington. Ashby, Wm. G. M'eiebury. j Whitcomb, L. T„ Wells River I Randall, C. A. Pittsford. Gregg, J. H. Plainfietd. Murdock, L. S. South do I McLean, R. C. West Poultney. Dunham, A. D., Cambridge Port Rockingham. Lock, L. E., Sextons River Vender, Daniel, Bellows Falls Enosburgh. Gage, M. C. Royalton Orotov. Carpenter, Cyrel Rutland. Johnson. < Fisher, Daniel C. l.yndon. i Conger, G. P. St. Jllbant Middlebury. { Hagar, Amos, (wholesale) Milton. Jacques, George A. Montpelier. Brackett, S. & Co. Gallar, John B. I Tracy, Z. St. Albans Bay Starksboro' J. R. M. Brinsmade & Brothers (importers) Freeman, L. Preston, L. W. Castleton. Rice, T. W. Clark, R., Proctorsville. Cavendish. Grow, Foster Chelsea Jacobs, B. E. Danby Four Corners. Uanville. Perry, E. Eaton, M. Paul. P. M. Scott, C. W. Brown, L. R. Morristown. \ Dyer, J. JVewbury. Collon &, Ward Abbott, Samuel Witherell &, Mead Town, I. S, Holton, H.. Wells River, JVewbury. Pierce, Henry Wilkins, Asa West Poultney. Aniadon, L„ Bellows Falls Rockingham. Bennett, H. W. Paster. F. W. Huntington, C. H. Hunting, A. H. Branch, J. P'olleti, M. M. White &. Clark Tucl & Ellis Bailey, R. H. Murdock, J. H. Randall, N. Russell & Clark AVest India Goods and Groceries. Rutland. Springfield. St. Albans. Vergennes. West Fairlee. Weston. Windsor. Woodstock. Tobacconists. Kinsman, J. A. &. Co. Murphy & Spear Burlington. Trnsses— Manufacturers Adams, F. P. East Guilford. Houghton & Adams Springfield. Mason, H. H. Turners of Wood. Wells, Wm. (bedstead posts, &c.) Brookfield, Bean, J. (fork handles) Abbott, A. L. (hoe and fork handles) Barnard. Barre. East Bennington. French, Lewis S. Thomas, A. F. Godfrey, J. P. Sibley, S.M. Dewey, H. P. White, George A. Benson, Ira Woodcock, F. &. L. T. Morse, George A. Cutler, Jonas Frost, J. W. Hopkins, W. Parmelee, George W. Blacknian, Dwight Dewey, A. S. Peck, J. & J. H. & Co. (wholesale) Vaughan, W. Hunter, Wm. Carleton, L. P. Walker, Smith & Co. Whitney, S. Parker, A., Proctorsville, Cavendish Stearns, George D. Chelsea. Hood, Amos R. Hatch, Wm. B., Winooski Falls Bradford. Brandon. Brattleboro' . Bristol. Burlington. Taft, Lee Holcomb, Lysander L. Downing, R. H. Newton, Carlos Fuller, Charles Brooks, A. A. Lewis, Z. Rose, Newton Hawkins, H. Z. Bruce, Alfred Crosset, J. C. Stocker & Patrick Reed, D. & Co. (wholesale) Rice, B. W. St. Johns bury Stockbridge Stowe .Swanton Tinmouth Vergennes Wallingford. Waterbury Windsor, Wbeelfrrig-bts. Barnes, C. & C. S. Bakersfield Blodgett, Uriel Burbank, Moses Barnet, Clement, C. & E. B. Rouse, H. R. E. Bennington. Weston, D. & I. E. Bethel. Chadwick, L. Braintree. Wood, D. Brandon. Reed, Levi Bridgewater. Btiiiis, John S. J. Burke. Branch, A. Castleton, Barrfiws, A. Dunbar, A. Craftsbury. Mitchell, A. Hovey, A. L. South Craftsbury. Harris, Timothy V. Danville. Holt, T. Derby. Dutton, Winslow Dummcrston. Bancroft, T. West Enosburgh. Fassett, Herman Kendall, N. Enosburgh Falls. Kempfield & Shepardson Fairfax. Bullis, A. P. Lord, S. Fnyston. Beacli. Burr Ferrinsburgh. Knowles & Miles JV. do Colchestrr. \ Adams, Abel Granville. Scott, Job Danby. Cutler & Howard Oreensborough. Cutler, H. D. Danville. Simons, Rufus West Hartford, French & Baxter (wholesale) | Bayley, Asahel Hartland. Derby Line. ' Burgett, Arro Davis, Timothy Enosburgh Falls'. Richardson, H. D. Dorset. Mason & Jenison Highgate. Stone, E. (bedstead posts) Halifax. , Emerson, G. W. W. Dummerston. iTohy. C. B. Hydepark, VERMONT. 249 Griswold, W. B. Hydepark. Uosmer, Marshull W. Johnson. Fisher, R. F. JVorth, I^ondonderry . Capron, VVni. Marslificld. Rice, JVahuni jyioiitpelier. Sanborn, S. C. Morristown. BIcDale, William M'ewbury. Pwtt, Asa, Fayetteville JVewfane. Richardson, A. W. Norwich. Abbey, E. Orwell. Richardson, Otis Pawlet. Morse, Asa South Reading. Haiiimoiid, H. H. Reading. Powell, J. G. Ricltford. Eager, 0. Salisbury. Carr, P. M. Sharon. rv'ash, C. &. A. Shelburne. Rice & Fairchild Sheldon. Royce, Wm., Cuttingsville Shrewsbury. Chipman, Jatnes Springfield. French, Asa L. St. Johiisbnry. Carroll, A. S. Stockbridge. BuUard, Daniel Swunton. Dickey & Wilson Topshmn. Smith, D. W. (sleighs) W. Topsham. Jones, A. R. E. Tuwnsend. Liverinore, Levi IValden. Kelly, Hurry tValUngford. Hilliard, J. B. McAllister, G. W. Washington. Hill, Sylvester IVestfield. Bancroft, Nathaniel Windsor. Whitney, Alinon Thompson, J. L. Wolcott. Towne, Asaph Woodbury. Mellish, George Woodstock. Slay ton, Wm. H. H. S. do Stirtwell, Thomas J. JVorth Troy. Thompson, Seabury & Co. (cassi meres). Mill Village Waterbury. Lewis, B. Wells. Halburt, H. Westford. Choate, Wm. (cassimeres) Wheelock. 'Wool Carders and Clotli Uressers. Holmes, L. Cobb, T. C. Deming, Asahel Smith, Philip Barney, Ilenian Parkhurst, Luke Richards, Jacob Bean, Daniel Stinson, E. Scott, Job Fish & Smith Shepardson, A. Smith. Isaac B. Cutler & Howard Headley, Enoch Brown. Isaac Atwood & S.irtwell Townseiid, J. Weston &. Thomas Welsh, J. Brown, E. W. ..Albany. Barton. West Berkshire. Burke. Burlington. Cavendish. E. CAarlestown. Coventry, Craftsbury. Danby. West Derby. Fairfax,. Olooer. Oreensborough. Htnesburgh. L,unenbu.rgh. S. JVewbury. Sheffield. Stowe. Tupsham. Waterville. Woollen Goods. Dodge, Norris, (cassimeres) East Jlrtington. Wills & Fairbanks E. Bennington. Murray &. Patrick Uinesburgh. R(K)t, A. & J. Huntington. Denver, Robert Jericho Corner. Biirney, Horatio B. & Son, (flannels) Jericho. Harris, J. W. & Sons, (broad cloth,) Factory Point Manchester. Gray, Henry Middleiown. Pearl, Z. A. jMilton Falls. Phair, Edward J^ew Haven. Parker & Gould, (flannels) J^'orthficld. Lombard & Wilcox, (gray cloths) Pawlet. Blakely, R. (gray cloths) Stevens, Jona. do Beem;in. J. D. do Ponltney. Brown, Ethan & Co. Pownal. Barney, 'P. C. Richmond. Hill, Pe:ir|py Starksborough. Piatt, James Swanton Fans. miscellaneous. J}gricvJ,tural Implements. Daniel Tail & Son, (manulact.), Woodstock. Jirtist. Charles H. Gale, East Bennington. Jiie Helves. Ebenezer W^liite, (manufacturer), Williston. Batting. Adams & Randall, (ma- nufacturers), Springfield. Bobbins &■ Spools. Henry Hyren, (nianuf.) Perkinsville, WeatherstieM. Curtis & Norris, (manufacturers), Peacham. Bonnets <$- Straw Goods. Farring- ton, P. M., (manuf.), Montpelier. Buttons. Thay-er & Graves, (ma- nufacturers), East Guilford. Cards. F. A. & G. W. Porter & Co. (manufacture Machine Cards), Springfield. Confectioner, Robert McCoUum, Burlington. Crockery Ware. Lyman Fenton & Co., (manurs). East Bennington. Cutlers. John Demeritt, Mont- pelier. Distillery. Thomas Cole (Oil & \ Essence), Monkton. [ Dyers, Silk S- Woollen. G. Sans- field, Burlington. Engravers <$- Sculptors. J. H. Hill, Burlington. G. P. Spencer, St. Johnsbury. Furnaces. Calvin Gilson, Blast ; Furnace manufacturer, Bennington. Hames. L. it W. Pease, (manu- facturers), Charlotte. Perkins & Fisher, (manufxtur- er.s), Danville. Hydropathic Establishment. Dr. Wesselhoefts, Propr'tor, Brattleboro. Ivory Black. Henry Hyren, (ma nuf.). Perkinsville, Weathersfield. Jewelry. Brinsmaid &. Brothers, (manufacturers), Burlington. Lasts. Abner Towne, (manufac- turer). Woodbury. Pericins &. Fisher, Danville. Locks. Smith & Davis, (manu- faciurtrs of Smith's Patent Bank Lock-s), Springfield. Matches. D. & F. Smith, (manu- facturers), St. Johnsbury. Musical Instruments. J. Wood- bury, (Dealer). Brattleboro'. JVails. Davey & Cushman, (Cut Nail manufacturers), Fairhaven. JVuptha. E. E. Rice, (manufac- 1 turer of Honey of White Naptha), Richford. Organs. Dutton & Plumb, (ma- nufacturers of Church and Parlor Organs), West Halifax. Ox Yokes. J. Cheney, (manufac- turer), Sharon. Patent Medicines. Curtis & Smith, Proprietors of Brinckerh()rt''s Health Restorative, and Dealers in Patent Medicines, St. Albans. Pearlash. H. T. Keyes, (manufac turer), Vershire. Piano Fortes. J. Munson, (mann facturer), Burlington. Platform Scales. E. & T. Fair- banks & Co., (manufacturers), St. Johnsbury. Pocket Books. Chas. Chase & Co,j (manufacturers), Woodstock. Portrait Painter. H. Bundy, Springfield. Rules. E. A. Steams & Co., (manufacturers). Box Wood and Ivory. Shoe Pegs. Emory Wood, (man- ufacturer), Brattleboro'. Perkins & Fisher, (manufacturers), Danville. Shovels. A Barrows, (manufac- turer), Salisbury. Silk. S. Montague, (dealer), sew- ing silk, Chelsea. Slate Pencils. John Brown St Sons, (manufacturers), Rutland. Soap Stone. Smith & Perry, (man- ufacturers). Sexton's River, Rock- ingham. Spinning Wheels. Jas. Ramsey, (manuf icturer patent wheel heads), St. Johnsbury. Steam Engines. Jno. Gore, (man- ufacturer), Brattleboro'. Stone Ware. Julius Norton, (man- ufaclurer). East Bennington. Toys and Fancy Ooods. H. W. Hatch, (dealer), East Bennington. Wadding Manufacturers, B. Golden, East Bennington. M. BiKith, (colored). Wooden Ware Manufacturers. S. M. West, East Arlington. Charles Stores, (measures), New Haven. Wool Dealers. L. & A. A. Cross Montpelier. S. Evarts, Agent for the Kinder- hook Wool Co., Shoreham. Yellow Ochre. E. Adams, Jr., (manufacturer). East Bennington. Institutions for Saving^s. Bellows Falls Institution for Savings. Nathaniel Fullerton, Pres.; James H. Williams, Treas.; Wm. F. HaU, Sec'y. Bellows Falls. Black River Institution for Savings, D. A. Heald, Treas.; Proclorsville, Cavcndis&, 250 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTOKY. Br.ittlpboro' Institution for Savings. N. B. Willi^ton. Pres.; L. G. Mead, Actuary. Business dnys, Wed- nesdiiys. Brattleburo'. Burlinatiiii Institution lor Savings. Jnlin M. Pomeroy, Pre;.; J. VV. Hickock. Treas. Business days, U'ediiOMlays. Burlington. Windsor Institution for Savines. Sliubael Wardner. Pres. : Siinuel H. Price, Treas. ; .\. G. Hatcli, Sec. Business days, Mondays. Windsor. Insurance Companies. Windham County Mutual Fire In- surance Co. Henry Claris, Presi- dent ; Marshall Newton, Secretary and Treasurer, Newf ine. Windsor County .Mutual Fire In- surance Co. John Wright, President; Lyndon \. .Marsh, Secretary and Treasurer. Woodstock. Vermont Mutual Fire hisura/ice Co. Daniel Baldwin. President ; Jas. T. Thompson, Treas.; Joshua T.Vail, Secretary, Montpelier. Neirspapers. .\merican .\dvocate, L. J. Mclndoe, publisher, .\ewbury. i Aurora of tlie Valley, L.J. Mclndoe, pulili^her, Newbury. j Burliiiiton Courier, E. A. Stanbury, pulilisher, Burlington. I Burlington Free Press, C. W. D. Clark, publisher, Burlington. ; Northern Gala.\y. Justus Cobb, pub- lisher. Middlebury. ] North Star. N. H. Eaton, publisher, Danville. Rutland Herald, G. H. Beanian, pub- lisher, Rutland. School Journal, Bishop & Tracy, putilishers, Windsor. St. .\lli ins Messenger, E. B. Whiting, publisher, St. .\lli ins. State Banner, B. G. &, J. I. C. Cook, Bennington. Spirit of the .\ge. E. M. Brown, puln Usher. Wood-tock. The t'aledoiiian. A. G. Chadwick. publisher. St; Johnsbury Plains. The Nonpareil, (Jeorge Partridge, publisher, Randolph. The Verinoiiter, E. W. Plaisdell, Jr. publisher. Vergennes. Universali-t Watchniar, Eli Ballou, publisher, .Montpelier. Vermont -Agriculturist, Bishop & Tracy publishi'rs, Windsor. Veriuont Chronicle, Bishop & Tracy, publishers, Windsor. Vermont Journal. Thos. Hale, pub- lisher, Windsor. Vermont Patriot, Eastman & Dan- lortli. inililishers. Montpeher. Vermont Whig, William C. Conant, publisher, Brandon Yeoman's Record, E. Rawson, pub- lisher, Irasburgh. Academies. Bakersfield .Academical Institu- tion. J. S. Spaulding, C. C. Bisbee. E. D. Shattuck, Principals. No. of scholars for the year, 3ol. Bakers- fieUl. Bakersfield .icademy and Literary Association. H. J. MtMire. Principal ; Miss M. C. Clement, Preceptress. Whole number of students, 151. Ba- kers (ield. Bennington Seminary. PS. Brad- ley, Princi|Kil : Mi*s S M. Hamood, Preceptress. Bennington. Black River Academy. Incorpo- ' rated 1834. C. B. Smith, Principal ; .Austin -Adams, .Associate Principal ; Horatio P. M lynard. Assistant ; Os- car H. Bradley, Teacher of Penman- ship ; Miss Sarah P. Wilder. Precep- ; tress. Whole number of students, 300. Ludlow. I Bradford .icademy. W. C. Bel- cher, Principal ; J. S Belcher and Miss -Mary L. Poole, Assistants. Bradford. Brattleboro' .icademy. Roswell Harris, Preceptor. West Brattleboro'. Bristol Higk School. E. J. Ray- mond, Principal. Bristol. Bristol Rhetorical Institute. Hen- ry F. Day, President ; Rollin Dushee, Secretary. Bristol. Burlington High School. J. F. Benedict,' Principal; J. W. Marsh, S. W. Hitch, J. H. Hills, .Assistants. Btulington. Burlington Female Seminary. Founded in 1834. John K.Converse, Principal. .Average number of stu- i dents per term, 8(5. Burlington. 1 Burr Seminary. Jose|ih D. VA'ick- ham. Principal ; William Burnhaui, Principal of English Department. Manchester. Caledonian Grammar School. -Al- 1 tred Rix, Principal ; Lydia G. Bailey, Preceptress. Peacham. Castleton Seminary. Edward J. H.illock. Principal. Teacher of Monil Philosophy and English Literature : Warren W. U'inche-ter, Teacher of the Classics ; Wm. Pea^e. Teacher of -Music ; E. L. Carr, Lecturer on Chemistry, Geology, Physiology and Natural Pliilosophy; James Hope, Teacher of Drawing and Painting ; -Miss Sophia C. Hayden, Governess ; .Mrs. Catharine M. Winchester, Tea- cher of M themalics ; Nancy J. Jef- fries, Teacher of I'rench ; Miss Mary Shattuck. Teacher of Primary Dtp. 193 students. Castleton. Chester Academy. Incorporated 1817. Thomas T. Berrett. President ; O. Hutchinson, Sec. Chester. Corinth .Academical Institute. In- corporated in 1840. Chester M.Pres- cutt. Principal ; .Andriw Jackson George, Teacher of Music. Corinth. Craftshury Academy. Incorpo- rated 1*23. C . S. Smith, Principal. Craflsbury. Derby Academy. Incorporated 1845. .Austin Norcross, Principal. Derby. I Franklin County Grammar School. jC. H. Hayden, Principal. St. .Albans. ' Hinesburgh Academy. Ira O. Miller, Principal. .Miss Clarissa Stacy, Preceptress. Hinesburgh. Lamotle County Grammar School. Incorporated in 163() ; L. O. Stearns, Principal. John>on. Lnngdon .Academy. E. H. Blan- chard. Principal. Langdon Corner. Melrose Seminary. John Lee. Principal ; Mis. .Alnnri B. Lee, Pre- 1 ceptress. West Brattleboro'. JVewbury Seminary. Joseph — Principal ; C. W. Cushing, and James E. Latimer, Assistants; Miss P. M. Dyer, Preceptress ; -Miss F. C. Chase, Miss Laura M. Stevens, As- sistants. IN'ewbury. J^ormal School &• Teachers' Insti- tute. Adison Brown,Teacher audCo. Superintendant. Brattleboro'. Orange County Grammar School, R. M. -Manley, Principal : MarshaU Carpenter, and -Miss Ellen Griswold, Assistants. Randolph. Orleans County Grammar SchooL VVm. Scales, Precept Brownington. Peoples' Academy. O. Pitkin, Pre- ceptor. Morristown. Phillips Academy. C. G. Bnm- h;yu, Principal ; J. S. Domnt, J. M. Laughlin, -AssistanU ; Miss Mary E. Burnham, Preceptress ; Miss Mary E. Brainard, -Assistant. Danville. Royalttm .Academy. J. R. Herrick, Principal. Royalum. Sextons' Hirer Seminary. Daniel KelloL'g, President ; R. A. Livermore, Secrttiry; L. F. Ward, Principal; Miss M.i'ria Ward, Preceptress. Sex tons' River. Shelbume High School. lr3.Bevo\l, Principal. Shelbume. Si. John.ibury Academy. James K. Colby, Principal ; Miss E. S. C. and Emma Taylor. St. Johnsbury. Swanton English and Classical School. H. R. Stebbing, Principal. Swanton. Thetford Academy. Hiram Or- cutt. Principal; Mrs. Sarah -A. Or- cutt. Preceptress. Thetford. Townsend Academy. M. Lyford, Principal ; Plinv F. Walker, -Assis- tant ; -Miss -Adeline R. Cobb, Precep- tress ; Miss Clirinda O. Binghaui, .Assistant. East Townsend. Troy Conference Academy. In- corpur led in 1834. Rev. John New man. Principal ; Or-.n Faville, Rus sell L. Mason, Samuel L. Hecker, Assistants; Miss Sarah -Allen. Pre- ceptress. .AveKige number of stu- dents, 150 per term. Vergennes High School. B. -Allen, Principal. Vergennes. Vermont Literary and Scientific Insti'ute. E. Walker, Principal ; Miss Frances F. Ramsey, Precep- tress ; Miss Adeline -A. Baldwin, Teacher of Music ; Miss Caroline Bond, Teacher of the Primary De partment. Brandon. Washington County Grammar School. T. D. Strong, Preceptor ; .Miss Laura Strong, Preceptress. Montpelier. Wesleyan Seminary. Harvey E. Wood, Principal ; Henry S. Noyes, .Assistant; Miss Jane Johnson. Pre- ceptress ; Miss Mary E. White, .As- sociate Teacher; Caroline M. Rob- inson, Teacher of Music. Spring- field. Wiiliston Academy. Patrick H. Santiird. Principal. VVilliston. Windsor Female Seminary. Mrs. M. G. Clark, Principal. Windsor. Young I.,ndies' Boarding School. David Conkling, Priiicip.d. Ea.*t Benningtoii. 251 Sheriffs and Bailiffs. ADmsON. D. S. Church, Sheriff Middlebury. Asa Chapman, High Bailiff BENNINGTON. Jasper Viall, Sheriff Dorset. Aaron Denio, High Bailiff CALKDONIA. Hiram Perkins, Sheriff IVaJden. Andrew McMillan, High Bailiff CHITTENDEN. Edwin D. Mason, Sheriff Milton. J. W. Haynes, High Bailiff ESSEX'. Geo. VV. Gates, Sheriff Lunenburgli. Juel B. English, High Bailiff FRANKLIN. Orson Carpenter, Sheriff Richard A. Shattuck, High Bailiff GRAND ISLE. Biiel Landon, Sheriff Seneca H. Pike, High Bailiff LAMOILE. Geo. W. Bailey, Sheriff Elmore. Geo. Riiymond, High Bailiff ORANGE. O. H. Watson, Sheriff Orange. Ira Kidder, High Bailiff ORLEANS. H. Hastings, Sheriff Irasburgk. Silas Sears, High Bailiff RUTLAND. Jacob Edgerton, Sheriff Rutland. Moses Hawks. High Bailiff WASHINGTON. Ira xMcLfmd, Sheriff Woodbury. Ezra Kidder, High Bailiff WINDHAM. Tiin'y H. Hall, Sheriff fVestminster. Abner T. Johnson, High Bailiff WINDSOR. Gilman Henry, Sheriff Woodstock. Joseph Churchill, High Bailiff Sta.te Governiuent. CarlosCoolidge.Windsor, Gov. $750 and $250 additional as Su- perintendent of Common Schools and Commissioner for the Deaf, Blind and Insane. Robert Pierpoint, Rutland, Lt. Gov. and Pres. of the Senate $4 a day. Geo. Howes, Montpelier.Treas. 400 James McM.Shaftor, Hnrling- ton. Secretary of Stale 275 George F. Houghton, St. Al- bans, Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs 200 Silas H. Hodges, Rutland, Au- ditor of Accounts 150 De Witt C. Cb.rke, Burling- ton, Secrctjiry of the Senate 250 W^illiam C. Kittredge, Fair Haven, Speaker of the H'se Herrand F. Merrill, Montpe lier. Clerk of the House 400 C. N. Carpenter, Montpelier, State Librarian 100 Hiram Harlow, Windsor, Su- perintendent of St. Prison 500 F. W. Hopkins, Rutland, Ad- jutant and Inspector Gen. 150 C. B. Adams, Middlcboro' Stat« Geologist Tho's Kidder, Windsor, Chap- lain of State Prison 400 Caleb B. Huntington, Middle- town, Commissioner of the Insane Luther Cross, Montpelier, Ser- geant at Arms D. W. C. Clarke, Burlington, Quarter Master General Supreme Court. Salary. Steph.Royce, Berkshire, Ciief Judge $1375 Salary. $1375 1375 1375 1375 Isaac F. Redfield, Randolph Associate Judge Milo L. Bennett, Burlington Associate Judge Hiland Hall, Bennington, As- sociate Judge Chas. Davis, Danville, Ass. J Peter T. Washburn, Wood- stock, Reporter Terms. ADDtSON. Middletown, 4th Tuesday after the 4lh Tuesday in December. BENNINGTON. Beimington and Manchester, al- tern itely on the 8th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. CALEDONIA. Danville, 18th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. CHITTENDEN. Burlington, 4th Tuesday in Dec. ESSE.\. Guildhall, 19th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. FRANKLIN. St. Albans, 2il Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. GRAND ISLE. North Hero, 4lh Thursday after the 4th Tuesday in December. LAMOILE. Hydepark, 16ih Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. ORANGE. Chelsea, 13th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. ORLEANS. Irasburgh, 17th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. RUTLAND. Rutland, 6th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. WASHINGTON. Montpelier. 15th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. WINDHAM. Nevvfiine, 9th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. WINDSOR. Woodstock, 10th Tuesday after the 4th Tuesday in December. COUNTY COURTS. Clerks of the Supreme and County Courts. ADDISON. George S. Swift Middlebury. CALEDONIA. Samuel B. Mattc.cks Danville. CHITTENDEN. Edward .\. Stansliury Burlington. Will. H. H.artshorn Ouildhall. FRANKLIN. .Joseph H. Brainerd St. j9lbans. GRAND ISLE. Joel Allen JVorth Hero. LAMOILE. Pliilo G. Camp Hydepark. ORANGE. Calvin Blodgett Chelsea. ORLEANS. Henry M. Bates Irasburgh. RUTLAND. Frederick W. Hopkins Rutland. WASHINGTON. Shubael Wheeler Montpelier. WINDHAM. Marshall Miller Fayctteville. WINDSOR. Norman Williams Woodstock. ADDISON. Middlebury, second Tuesday in June and December. BENNINGTON. Bennington, first Tuesday in De- cember. Manchester, second Tues- day in June. CALEDONIA. Danville, first Tuesday in June and December. CHITTENDEN. Burlington, last Tuesday but one in March, and first Tuesday after the fourth Tuesday in September. ESSEX. Guildhall, third Tuesday in May, and third Tuesday in December. FRANKLIN. St., second Tuesday in April and September. GRAND ISLE. North Hero, first Tuesday after the fourth Tuesday in April, and the fourth Tuesday in September. LAMOILE. Hydepark, third Tuesday of June and December. ORANGE. Chelsea, third Tuesday in June and December. ORLEANS. Irasburgh, fourth Tuesday in June and December. RUTLAND. Rutland, second Tuesday of April and September. WASHINGTON. Montpelier, fourth Tuesday in May, and third Tuesday in Novem- ber. WINDHAM. Newfane, fourth Tuesday in April, and fjurth Tuesday in September. WTNDSOR. Woodstock, fourth Tuesday in May, and last Tuesday in November. The judiciary powers of the State are vested in a Supreme Court, con- sisting of six judges. Each County Court is composed of one judge of the Supreme Court, and two assist- ant judges for each county. All of the judges and justices are chosen annually by the legislature. Public Institutions. Common Schools. — In the State there are 2,276 school districts ; and 79.757 children between the ages of 4 and 18 years. Public moneys raised for schools, $71,177 27,— ave- aging $1 18 to each scholar. In 1845, the school fund was abolished, to pay the State debt. Ft rmoni Jisylum for the Insane. — Wm. H. Rockwell, M. D., Superin- tei (lent. The buildings are now en- larged to accommodate 300 patients. V\'liole number admitted since the opening of the institution, about 1,100; of these, more than 42 per cent, have recovered. Died, about 8 per cent, of the whole number ad- mitted. Terms of admission, $2 00 per week for the first six months, and $1 50 afterwards. Where insanity is connected with epilepsy or paralysis, $2 50 will be charged. Patients not received for a less term than three months. Patients from other States received on the same terms. State Prison, Windsor. — Hiram Harlow, Superintendent ; Thomas Kidder. Chaplain. Average number of convicts, about 75. Annual ex- penditure, about $5,500. Annual income, nearly $4,000. 252 H O avd 1 : K s OS 1 O : S 5 i, 5 i 1 £. r; 5. K 5, 5 5 5^. 5 5 o o ss CI if «oS»H^^o«oi^i?5oioi-^o?^iH«oiJ^iJ5; ^■o T3 "a "O ■o q5 a; u 3^ _ . w cd ~ ^ ^ :> si . ^<:o £-5-5== S E"cdcj S 5iS5^.£^ t.-C u: £ > "S -- ^ ^5 5 = 0! K ^v- — -s .• . .OS .-r-c.s .= ««►> ZHSaKca<'^a-«E--3i:c:J> 0.O _ s » : 3 £ " ?i= ??— ys S " "£ £■ 5 J= c ^ji «.:; Mca, CO - 02 "s^ o c J *^ J£ '^ : = C =C 0) S oj ji;. j « i s It ; 503 <-2 ! E £ £ — B-— w. 5 -• - J c = =2 = is 5 i^- <;a3ffieeceeag:oci6.&.SSzcccgxx>> NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. 253 S := TC O O Q O 3 oto to-* o r> o— .-Hrt ta— . ^r»» •o«-r -c^Tr— •of*iocoeoaio«>!0 s<^ •^muimo'Vtoao ootos-ttooosooooto CI !0 lO C>5 f- 3J Ct U 5( 00 I- — < > TT* O O O X; O ■ J Tl^ O ^ O X 3 • -H 00 00 -js -o 1! '?^ 55 ^» — « -wio lo -HtO I'o o o'o'^o'o o'p'o* go : 2'o'= S£'$£'Sa o_ o ; = = = o_ = o = o o 254 ■S3ivnr gmoo'j sajpuids go 55 • ic m c* -^ ro X' X' ■^u^ooicoooiooso 5^ -O ^•VW •O«0KC'^«^P305'^r:'H'' l^f^!J<*^*O^f-iC«»-'0*-^lO-^T— ^— . 20=cccocco:c;c£c ■a-=T3 7g §2i ■cc -o-^-a iO Q -^ C^ 1/3 CD lO to kflC* C C B C C CS lO ©< O OS c S = c c ;05 -3^ K lU K S e ? .5 o S : i St. 66fc.o6: .5 .5 S S .S " s 1 >..5 m = K = = = ce j3 J= » 'C ~ 'C 1 3 BJj . "S . Qi Zi a -^ c 5H • °,vi ^ = - »* 0) 0) u :4 5 ? = - O--— 3 ;^i .2 5-1-^33= :s.2 :|'?l=-g||||5||||s5 Si o « RHODE ISLAND. Apotbecaries. Deartn, John W. 20 State street Bristol. Briggs & Dniry, 106 Hope street Martin, L. A. 134 do Stockbridge, Horatio, Woonsocket Cumberland. Helnie, James, do Crocker, Uriah B., Valley Falls Bovven, C. II., Chepachet Gloucester. Taylor, R. .1., Thames st JVewport. Johnson, C, do Cotton, Charles, 162 do Hazard, C. (J. 172 do Hazard, R. R., Washington Square Spencer, Abiel, Bridge st Green, Samuel, Main street. Paw- tucket JV. Providence. Adie, A. F. 23 Westminster st Providence. Chapin & Thurber, 31 Westminst. st Wadsworth, J. A. 43 and 45 North Main st Clark, Edward T. 59 North Main st Holmes & Torrey, 201 and 203 North Main st Harrington, C. C, corner of Ship and Eddy streets Dyer, L'harles, Jr. 82 and 84 West- minster st Glyn, M. 7 Richmond st Balch, J. & Sun. 44 South Main st Green, Dut\ . 177 High st Miller, C'(.ri';elius, 183 High st Eddy, Thomas W. 195 do Sunmer, 0.237 Broad st Snow, C. A. W. 167 do Mason. Earle P. 135 do Arnold, Wm. R. 46 do Robinson. J. VV. 233 Westminster st Morse, Ambrose, 142 Westminster st Bailev, S. 187 South Main st Bailey, B. 1). 46 Wirk.nden st Burrin^ton, H. H. 12."> Hicb st Arnold, Wm. R. 46 Broad st Lee, Horace .M. 170 North Main st Potter, F. 194 South do Torey, M. E. 201 and 203 N. do Addison, R. 257 Westminster st Fuller, G. W., Central Falls Smithfield. Bullock. Otis Warren. Moore, T. P. Palmer, N. S. & Co. Westerly. Arcliitects. Stone, L. M. E., Waterman's Block, Woonsocket Cumberland. Ladd, S. J., Pawtucket JVorth Providence. Talhnan & Bucklin, 112 Dyer st Providence. Green, John H. 51 John st Warren, O. S., corner of Pine st Warren, R. 27 Page st Attorneys & Counsellors a.t Law. Bullock, Nathaniel, Bradford street Bristol. Bullock, J. R., Hope st Howe, John, Mount Hope Blake, Joseph M., Union st Kennedy, Archibald, Woonsocket Cumberland. Borden, B. E., Woonsocket Robinson, C. do Steer, Thomas, do Bovven, Wm. G. East Oreenwich. Winsor, Joseph Brown, George H., Chepachet Oloucester. Randolph, Richard K. Middletown. Pierce & Turner, Thames street J^J'eicport. Perry, C. G. Gilpin, 'Vm., Union Bank Building Cranston, H. Y. & Son, Washington Square Sherman, Sylvester G., Wickford J^Tort/i Kingston. King, Thomas K., Pawtucket A'ortli Providence. Weldon, John H. Knowles, William, 7 Whipple's Law Building Providence. Rivers, George, 8 Whipple's Law Building Ames &. Payne, 10 College st Scott, Philip C. 10 do Clark, J. M. 10 do Hopkins, Francis E. 33 Westminster street Mathewson. R. 41 do Eames, Benjamin T. 41 do Knowles, John P., corner of West- minster and Broad streets Carpenter, Thomas F. 3 Broad st fiwight, G. Z. 29 Market Square Holden, Charles, Jr. 29 do Sayles & Durfee, 4 Mallett's Build'g iGreen, R. W. 11 and 12 do Angell, J. K. 7 do Warren, J. F. 242i High st Manchester, H. A. 12 Broad st (Tillinghast & Bradley, Union Build. il/;pham, B. N. 12 Broad st ' Ashley, Samuel, 12 do Bowen, Henry L. 16 College st Burgess & Hayes, 4 do Convers, B. 29 Market Square Curry, Samuel, 4 College st Eaton, L. C. 29 Market Square Green & Potter, 10 College st Han, Charles, 4 do Hazard & Jenckes, 4 do Hoppin, W. W. 19 Westminster st Metcalfe, E. 10 College st Peckham, L. W. 4 do Pabodie, Wm. J. 4 do Pearce, E. IJ. 10 do Pitman, J. T. 12 South Main st Potter, Wm. H. 10 College st Randall, Dexter, 47 North Main st Richmond, VV. E. 49 Westminster st Salisbury, Levi, 4 College st Updike, W. W. 49 VV estminster st Westcott, W. S. 4 College st Whipple, John, 10 do Potter, E. R. S. Kingston. Updike, W. Sheffield, Wm. P., Fall River, Tiverton. Bosworth, .Alfred, Main st, Warren, Randall, Samuel Cross, John H. Westerly. Auctioneers. Bayley, W. H. S. Bristol. Hixon,A., Woonsocket, Cumberland. Patte, H. N. JVorth Providence, Almy, T., 8 Canal st Providence. Blackman & Co., 60 Broad st Dike, A. B. 5 Washington Building Dockray, W. P. 60 Broad st Dyer, B. B. 72 Westminster st Gardner, M. R. 65 S. Main st Hartshorn, S. 9 College st Jackson, G. W. 1 S. Water st Nichols, E. A. 42 Canal st Wentworth &. Co. 56 Westminster st Bakers. Simonds, John P., 97 Thames st Bristol. Green, N. S., Thames st Darling, Riley E. Oreenwich. Boss, Isaac S., Thames st JVewport. Gofi", Daniel, do Sayer, Geo. W. do Clark, A. W., Spring st Franklin, T. & R., Broad st Gray, Wm., Second st Wreden, W. & H., Pawtucket, JV. Providence. Barbour, G., rear Atwells' Avenue Providence. Dexter, Levi C. 152 & J54 S. Alain st Ebbons, E. S. 253 Broad st Hall, Oliver D. 227 do Bottell & Willard, 138 N. Mainst Clark & Rice, 39 Cranston st Campbell, Geo. 174 Broad st Gibson, E. 125 N. Main st Harris, D. M. rear 259 High st Hull, Thomas C. 1 Mill st Knight, E. A., Jay st Osborne, O. P. 8 Angel st Osborn, D., 18 Hewes st White, W. H. 278 S. Main st Pi'ck, Noah L. & Co., Beenon Smithfield. Sanders, H.&E. (ship bread). Baker street Warren. Sanders, Edwin, Market st Bowen, Joseph W. Westerly. Blacking- ITIanufactu> rers. Davenport, J, C, Spring st JVereport. Leach, Edwin, Pawtucket, Jforth Providence, Blank Book ]TIanufac> turers. Mclntire, J., agent, 4 Tyler's Build- ing, Pawtucket, JV. Providence. Wilkinson, H. N. 2 Tyler's Building Gladding & Proud, 21 Westminster * street Providence Akerman, Chas., Union Buildings Boat Builders. Halt, Joseph, (spar) Thames street Bristol. Weatherhead, A. Cumberland. Carkill, E. W. Thompson, G. O. & James Whipple, Joseph Grant, Willard 256 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION UIRECTORT. Thompson, Daniel A. Cuinberland. Miller, Joha Peck, Alfred C'ovell it Smith, Long wf J^ewport. Barlow, Lewis, Marsh st Albro, James G., Long wf Barlow. F. N. do Elilred, Job S. do Souiliwick, Pitts do Biflow, Moses do Souihwick, Benj. do B li-k r, John B. do Caswell, Lewis B. do tiouiliwick, Joseph do cjouthwick, Josiah do Southwick, Wm. D. do H.iri, James N. do Alger, Nicholas do Alien, Wm. F., India Point Providence. Appleton, B. 100 S. Water st Carr, C. A. 350 South Main st Hiscox, Pardon, South Water st IVarren. Bonnet and Stra^v^ Goods — ^tlanufacturers. Blake &. Thompson, Woonsocket Cumt/erland. Cook, Elias S. 3 Waterman's block, Woonsocket French, Ira, 132 Thames st JVewp&rt. Mann, G. W. '231 Westminster st Providence. Fenner, M. S. 43 Arcade Holman, JJ. E. 99 Westminster st Mes>enger, E. 72 Arcade liobbins, K. 242 South Main st Rhodes, Sarah M. U9 Arcade Bynj I, B. 48 Transit st Wetherell, O. 56 Broad st Book Binders* Wilkinson, H. N. 2 Tyler's Building, Pawtucket J^ort/i Providence. Akeriuan, Charles, 4 Union Build- ings Providence. Hoot, J. W. 49 Westminster st Stillwell, A. H. I Market Sq. WilcoXyJ. 5 do V'oung, M. B. 24 Westminster st Booksellers and Pub- lishers. Gladding & Proud, 21 Westminster street Providence. Stillwell, A. H. I Market Square Wilcox, I. 5 do Winsor & Perrin, 140 Westminster st VV^eeden & Peck, cor. of College and South Main st Whiting, G. H. 3 Westminster st Robinson, M., Howard's Block Rowe & Co. 25 Market Square Booksellers and Sta- tioners. Stephens, A. G. 116 Hope st Bristol. Aldrich, C. E., Woonsocket Cumberland. Perkins, Josiah llarber, John H., Thames street J^ewport. Smith, Mary C. do II .minett, Chas. E. Jr. 116 do H'tniniond, James, 142 do .\lclntire, J. agent, 4 Tyler's Building, Pawtucket J^orih Providence. Wilkinson, H. N. 2 Tyler's Building Burrett, Charles, 3 Westminster st Providence. Gladding &. Proud, 21 do Robinson, Martin, Howard's Block, Westminster st Winsor & Perrin, 140 Westinin'iter st Providence. Sailwell, A. H. 1 Market Square Wilcox, Isaac, 5 do Weeden &. Peck, 2 South Main st Coggeshull, Wm. 48 Westminster st Whiting, G. H. 3 do Rowe &. Co. 25 Market Square Mallery, S. S., Central Falls Smithfield. Gardner, James Warren. Boot and iShoe Dealers. Wilson, P. G. 19 State st Bristol. Adams, John, 37 State st Bisbee & Ballou, Woonsocket Cumberland. Steer, M. S. do Johnson, O. K. do Smith, J. F. do Slocomb, B. A. do Spencer, Thomas L. E. Oreenwich. Hall, A. A. Beed, M. H. 92 Thames st J^ewport. Marsh, Benj. 110 do Allman, B. H. 112 do Potter, John N. 130 do Seabury, S. Mumford. 134 Thames st Normm, George H. 172 do \ldrade, James, cor. of Thames and Brewer streets Davis, I). B., Washington Square Alger, W., Farewell st Lake, Israel F., North Broad st Brown, Wni., Wickford Jforth Kingston. Lefavour, Edward, 35 Main st. Paw- tucket J^orth Providence. Sweet, John B. (wholesale) 98 West- minster st Providence. Hullg, John, 27 Canal st Hoswell & Brickley, 258 and 260 S. Main st Keller, J. W. 17 South Main st Mason, O. & Co. (wholesale) 10 N. Main st Arnold, Caleb, 30 N. Main st Armstrong, R. A. 47 Westminster st Brogam, P. J. 184 North Main st Corwin, P. 324 do do Congdon, W. 182 South do Davis, B. P. 62 Westminster st Foote, S. 120 do French, J. B. 148 North Main st Fish, D. 164 South do Lynch, P. 68 North do Prescott, C. W. 33^ John st Whiting, L. 107 Westminster st Sayles, J. 107 North Main st Talbot, G. H. 289 Westminster st Tilton, H. G. O. 271 High st Jones, John D. &. Brother (whole- sale) 83 Westminster st Steere, Enoch, 49 North Main st Green & Arnold (wholesale) 14 N. M.tin st Rice & Congdon (wholesale) 16 N. Main st Cook, L. & Co. 89 North Main st Calder, W. H. 213 do do Newell & Daniels (wholesale) 1 S. Water st Lindsey, Benj. W. 17 Arcade Low, Wm. H. &. Co. 215 Westmin- st6r street Kinsley, S. C. & Co. (wholesale) 76 Westminster st Freeborn, C. S. 62 South Main st Shute, C. C. 10 Market Sq. Baker, Ezra, 55 South Main st Howard, A. C. 179 High st Brown, A. J_lll Broad st Arnold & Knight (wholesale) 4 Broad st Cobb, Charles A. 1 1 1 Westminster st Pierce, C. A. & Co. 115 do Pierce, Thomas, Jr. 117 do Buffington & Eddy, 141 do Stedman, D. M. C. S. Kingston. Tilley A. S., Miller st fVarren. Drown, N., Water st Warrtn. Driscol, John F., Main st Atwooil, B. W., Lippit Waneiek, Boot and Shoe I?Ianu> t'acturers. Mason, M., 29 State st Bristol. Tecl, Win. H. (Ladies' Shoes) 149 Hope st Sayles, C, Pascoag, Burrilville. Johnson, Benedict Coventry. Harvey, H. R. Cook &. Knapp, (wholesale Boot makers) Cumberland, Clark, J. J., Woonsocket Ball, A. do Thayer, Hiram do Bucklin, V. B., Valley Falls Jones, William W. do Cole, Joseph do Frissell, George, Chepachet Gloucester. Sweet, J., Locusville hopkinton, Sheffield, Benjamin T. J\J iddletown. Reynolds, G. B. 145 Thames st J^eivport. Burdick, Clark H., Thames st JV'orth Providence. Johnson, R. & Son, Rockville .\ldt'rnian, John, 22 Union st ProvideTiee, Young, Cyrus, 27 Sabin st Eddy, Richard, 138 Eddy st Chafee, H., corner of Eddy & Ship st Healey, M. 110 Eddy st He .ley, J. 59 do Hill & IJreen (French Boots) 132 We-^tmiiister st .\nthony, J. W., 9 Richmond st Peckhain, J. 82 High st Coggeshall, C. 44 do Hubbard, Daniel T. 239 High st Branch, John, 475 High st .Enable, J. 23 Broad st Whitney, A. B. 183 Broad st Barnes, James, 104 do Slocomb, J.|T. 154 Westminster st Clark, John, 1 Orange st Fish, Daniel, 162 & 164 S. Main st Ames, E. 84 N. Main st Arnold, C. 30 do Bosworth, L. 135 High st Brown, A. J. Ill Broad st Bennett, Seth S. 211 S. Main st Brickley, H. 43J do Congdon, W. 182 do Colby, S. C. 181 Hope st Cushman, A., Butlers' wharf Davis, B. L. 104 Broad st Downing, M. 316 S. Main st Gregg, (J. 84 Richmond st Hosw.-ll & Brickley, 238 S. Main st Humphrey, J. 11 Orange st Hubbard, L. B. 372 N. Main st Healey, M. 110 Eddy st Howard, A. C. 179 High st Keeiiif;an, H., Pawtuxet Avenue Killer, J. W. 17 S. Main st Logel, J. 29 High st Wilmarth, W. 318 N. Main st Wilson, H. 234 do Whiting, A. 255 Broad st Vose, J. 33 S. Main st Vaughan, G. 281 Broad st Sherman, P. 69 Fountain st Smith, P. 178 Atwells' Avenue Smith, W. 448 N. Main st Slayner, E. 22 Wickenden st Sweet, W., OIneyville Reed, (ieo. 103i Wickenden st Reid, J. B. 130 N. Main st Repholtz, M. 73 Broad st Pearsons, W. 183 Pine st Newton. .\. C. 71 Dean st Nye, C. B., OIneyville Mayer, A. 144 Broad st Motschman, J. M. 178 Broad st Mason, J. R. 135 S. Main st Loughheed, J. 84 Richmond st Bates, James W., Brands' Iron Works Richmond RHODE ISLAND. 257 Chaniberlin, H., North Scituato Hcitaate. Darling, John, Globe Village Giffiirtl, S. S.. Central Falls Smith, John S., SlatersviHe Andrews, H., Water st fVarren. Bennett, J. B., Fhen. Vill. Warwick. Rovvand, David do do Botanic Medicines. Gooding, J. 172 Hope st . Bristol. Adauis, E. H., VVoonsocket Cumberland. Murphy, Frederick, 186 Thames st J^Tewport. Davis, Chas. E., 38 Main St., Paw- tucket J^'orth Providence. Davis, John C. 33 ClilTurd st Providence. Baker, David P., 209 Westminster st Handy, W. 17 High st Webster, Ste|)hen, 42 High st Tripp, John, 183 Westminster st Crowninshield, E. 170 Westminst. st Burr, N. M., Water st fVarren. Botanic Physicians. Simmons. William S., Church st . Bristol. Joshin. Benjamin, Pascoag Burrilville. Adams, E. H., Woonsocket Cumberland. Harkness, do Murphy, Frederic S., JVeicport. Wood, T. W. Davi^. Chas. E., 38 Main St., Paw- tucket JVorth Providence. Boardiiian, S. 57Main st Providence. Bowen, B. T. lOi Orange st Buker, D. P. 1U9 Westminster & 136 Friendship st Davis, G. W., corner of Clifford and Eddy st Stowe, S.imuel, 165 Atwells' Av. Tripp, J. S. 183 Westminster st Webster, Stephen, 17 High st Stillman, W. H. fVesterly. Box Manufacturers. Cushman, E., Shamrock st Providence. Dean, W. B. 54 Grunge st Tallman & Bucklin, Eddy st Johnson, Clark & Co., 99 Eddy st Mason, Nathan, 31 Potter st Newell & Co. fVoonsncket. Brass Founders. Bush, Geo. A. 115 Thames st Bristol. Chafee, N. W., Thames st Xeicport. Lyon, Joseph M. do Lyon, Joseph do Franklin Foundry and Machine Co., C. Babcock, agent Providence. Manchester, A. H., Pawtucket Av Macomber, W. F., Meid'a wf I'ravidence. j Brayton, W. D., Pawtu.xet Warwick. jUriifk :?Saiiut'at-turt>r»i. Narragansett Brick Co. Barrin/rlun. N. F. Potter, agent, 20 Long w l' Providence. Warren Brick Co. fVarren. Bre\rers. Hill, W. & Son, Brewer st JVewport. Holmes, Otis, 30 Jackson street cor. Fountain Providence. Read, R., cor. Richmond st &. Pine Brick and liime Dealers. Manchester, Jacob, 83 Dorrance st Providence. Jenckes, Daniel C. 48 S. Water st Bradford, Henry W. 53 do Fisher, W. A. cor. Charles st and Martin 17 Brittannia Ware Manu- facturers. Calder, W. 206 and 210 N. Main st Providence. Hamlin, S. E. 113 N. Main st Brokers. COTTON AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Abbot, T. J. 10 S. Water st Providence. Clark, N. 20 S. Water st Chase & Lewis, 41 Westminster st Johnson, O. 13 E.xchaiige st Jack-on. R. & G. 1 S. Water >l Olnf y, C. C. i'., E.vchange st Peckham, J. C. 3 Market Sq EXCHANGE. Luke, Sylvester, Woonsocket, Cumberland. Aldrich, Henry. Woonsocket, Case, P. 15 Market Sq. Providence. Curpinter, H. G. 15 Market Sq Cruut, A. L. 24 S. Main st D ilrymple, C. 63 N. Main st Gould, Rufiis, 26 S. Main st Payne, D. &, Co. 5 Washington Build. Providence. .Staples, Samuel Jr. 1 S. Main st Swan, H. S. 17 S. Main st Thurber, J. 4 Canal st Wheeler, B. W., cor. Union Build'g REAL ESTATE. Dike, Albyn V. 5 Washington Build. Providence. Nichols, E. A. 42 Canal st ISrooul Manufacturers. Smith & Fuller, 210 High st Providence, Ross, C. 132 High st Brusb Manufacturers. Thayer, C. W., Woonsocket, Cumberland. Curtis, T. & Co. 58 Broad st Providence. Butt ninge Manufac- turers. Coggeshall, N. & Co. Bristol. N. E. Screw Co., L. Kendall, agent, 67 Eddy st. (Yearly amount 312 tons ; employ 50 men.) Providence. American Butt Co., 11. C. Pabodie, agent, 348 Broad street. (Yearly amount, 104,000 doz. ; employ 40 men.) Eagle Butt Co., O. Hicks, agent. Carpenter st Carpetingrs— Dealers. Coe, M., Woonsocket, Cumberland. Darling & Thayer Coe, Enor Cumberland. Cozzens, Wm. C. & Co., 72 Thames street J\'ewpart. La wton, F. & Brothers, 74 Th; nies st Nickerson & Nicholas, 27 Manches- ter Block, Mill St., Pawtucket, JVortfi Pruiiidence. I Miller & Green, 8 Mill st 'Trcscoll, L. E. 11 Main st & 1 Mill Steere, Robert & Bro. 11 V\'estmin- ster street Providence. Williams, Geo. E. & Co., (wholesale) cor. Westminster st and E.xchange Building Green, W. H.73 Westminster st Arnold, C. B., (wholesale) 88 and 90 Westminster st Barstow, Wm. & Co., (importers) 107 Westminster st Morse, N. P. & Co. 81 Westminster st Carriag'e Manufacturers Easterbrooks, Benj. T. Bristol. Wardwell, N. I. 75 State st Sals bury, M. S., Pascoag, Burrilville. Clark, Isaac W. Coventry. Paine, Wm. F. Cumberland. Buxton, Lvman E., Woonsocket GaskiU, Libbens do Elliott. David do Havvkins,W.,Chepachet, Gloucester. Gretn, Win. M. (x- Co. Hvpkinton. Brownell, Charles Little Cumpton. Gifford, Noah Pearson, J., Broad st JVewport. H thaway, A. Jr., Collins st Wilson, James H., Main .'\ venue Dyer, A.iron F., Long wf Westcott, George H.. Pawtucket J^'orLh Providence. Smith, Marvin Rockville, Grayson, Richard Huichins, Wm. 67 Exchange Place Providence. Cheves, J. M., Atwell's Avenue Sandford, Joseph, 98 Eddy st Arnold &. Crandall, 53 do Read. Oluey, 10 Richmond st Bickwilh, i. L. 21 Dorrance st Aldrich, A. W. 39 Orange st Brennen, M. 276 S. Main st Burrows, P. 12 Charles st CorneU, Be.ij. 252 Benetitst Chace, Caleb, 515 N. Main st Green, A. 101 Benefit st Green. J 4 Arsenal st Green. J. II. 99 Canal st Oswill, B.. Bursess st Pearce. F. P. 348 S. INlain st Scott &. S:'.i,ford, 77 Eddy st Weeks, II. 19Crinstonst White, F. 155 Wickenden st Heatou, Brainard, Central Falls Smithjield. Angell, A. J., Lime Rock Whipple &. Toby do Whipple, Ephraim, tleorgiaville Sawyer, Austin Angell, Pardon, Greenville Armstrong, Nathaniel C. South Kingston. Simmons, Jonathan R., Market st Warren. Simmons, E. Douglas, Davis, Natick Warwick. Culver, J. A. & E., Centreville Culver, J. A. & E., Crompton MUls Potter, James, Jr., Lippitt Carriage Smiths. Aldrich, A. W. 41 Pine st Providence.^ Dingley, W. H., rear of 98 Eddy st Green (2d), Duty, 101 Benefit st Luiinnus, (Jeorge A., corner of South. Main and Bridge streets Miller, J. 210 High st Pearce, N. 50 Dorrance st Smith &. Reed, 10 Richmond st 258 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Cbina^ Glass Ac Crockery^ Ware — Dealers. Gooding, J. M. 120 Hope st Bristol. Elliott, Nathaniel, Woonsocket Cumberland. Aldrich, C. E., Woonsocket Baldwin, Pond & Co. (importers), Woonsocket Sherman, VViUiim & Co., Thames st jVrwport. Hazard, C. T., Washington Square Sabin, H. Jr. & Brother, (wholesale,) 9 Westminster st Providence. Pratt, Elliott & Tiliinghast, (import- ers,) 79 Westminster st Whitaker, Thomas & Son, (import- ers,) 51 and 53 North Main st Comstock &. Hutchins, (importers,) 29 South Main st Cig^ars— ]tlanufacturers. Hardun, E. P., Woonsocket Cumberland. De Blols, Henry D., East Thames st JVewport. Seatle, R., Charles st Seatle, \Vm. H., Thames st Sweetland, William, Pavvtucket JVorth Providence. Haswell, I. C, Agent, Mill st Horton, Josoi)h Seatle, Immanuel, 12 Richmond st Providence. Arnold, Elias, 187 Friendship st Curtis, Wright, 79 South Main st Lindsey, Samuel D. 43 Wickenden st Brown, S. & F. 41 Westminster st Billings, S. 22 Sabin st Thurber, W. K. 44 Car|)enter st Curtis. F. E. 93 Broad st Haznrd, L. 6 Long wharf Tanner, Wm. G. 132 High st Howard, Wm. A. & Co. 147 High st Huiitoon, W. S. & Co. m N. Main st Loga, .Inhn L. 38 Broad st Rider, W. B. 2 Broad st Scamans, (i. W., Carpenter st Stephens, N. 98 South st Johnson, Edmund Y., Market st fVarren. Barney, John H., Market st Sparks, E. ('., do Barney, W. C, Phoenix Village fVaricick. Civil EnjSfinecrs. Stone, L. M. E., Woonsocket Cumberland. AtwateT, Scubarth & Haines, 12 S. Main st Providence. Gushing &. Walling, 25 Westminster street Clerg-ymen. To denote the different denomina- tions, the following abbreviations will be used : (C) Congregational- ists ; (P.) Presbyterian ; (U.) Uni- tfirian ; (C. B.) Calvinistic Baptist; (F. B.) Free Will Baptist ; (Ch.) Christian; (Uv.) Univers.-.Iist ; (M.) Methodist; (E.) Episcopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Shepard, Thomas (C), Bradford st Bristol Cooke, James W. (E.) do Bigelow, John F. (C. B.), State st Livsey, Richard (M.), Constitution st Kelton, George W. (Ch. B.) do Lord, D. H. (F. B.). Paskoag Burrilville. D«vi on. \. D. do do Week.s, James B. (M.) do Shelden, Albert (C. B.) Coventry. Harrington, Paul do Burlingame, do Ch.iplin, (leorge do Johnson, B. do Uikcman, Robert (C.) Wakefield, Leonard (M.) Cumberland. Steward, Henry G. (C. B.) Talbot, Bailies (E.), Woonsocket Hill, L. D. (C. B.) do Titus, C. H. (M.) do Boydeii, John, Jr. (Uv.) Woonsocket Providence. O'Reilly, Charles (R. C.) do Byram, B. P. (C. B.) Valley Falls Noble, Charles (M ), .'^mold's Mills Houghton, Horatio M. (M.) East Oreenwich. Crane, Silas A. (E.) Hedding, Benjamin F. (C. B.) Baker, John H. (C. B.)' Swinerton, Asa U. (M.) Johnson, Benedict (C. B.) Exeter. Hopkins, Henry (F. B.) Foster. Green, Burlingame, M. W. (F. B.), Chepa- chet Gloucester. Otis, A. F. (C), Chepachet Wells, Thomas V. (C. B.) Hopkinton. Lewis, Charles C. do Coon, Daniel (Seventh-day B.) (Jriswold, S. S. do Burdick, Alfree do Wilbur, John (Friend) Austin, Stanton (M.) Beane, Sam'l (C.) Little Crompton. Donkersly, Richard (M.) Taylor, James (Ch.) Middletown. Bradley, Jonathan (C. B.) JVewpart. Brewer, D. K. (E.) Brooks, Charles T. (C.) Choules, J. O. (C. B.) Dudley, J. L. (C.) Fitton, J. (R. C.) Helme, E. (C. B.) Lewi.s, C. M. (C. B.) Otheman, B. (M.) Runnels, John (C. B.) Smith, Joseph (C. B.) Watsdn, B. (E.) Allen, Joseph W. (C. B.) JVort/i Kingston. Hammond, James (F. B.) Green, Rev. Mr. do Tillinghast, Rev. Mr. (C. B.) Rouse, J, H. (E.) Wickford Chaplin, A.J. (C. B.) do Bradford, S. S. (C. B.) Pawtucket J\rortk Providence. Rounds, Di.niel (C. B.) Taft, George (E.) Damon, Calvin (Uv.) Childs, (E.) Rockville Sweet, Stephen i.C. B.) Bradford, Z. (C. B.) 144 Pine st Providence. Cook, James M. (irv.) 190 Pine st Thcmipson, J. S. (Seamens' Bethel) 18 Sheldon st Fassett, Orin R. (Second Advent) Richards, Samuel (C. B.) Carrol st Crocker, N. B. (St. Paul's Church) 43 College st Tyler, Wm. (R. C.) 17 Fenner st Wiley, Wm. do 27 State st Peck, Francis (St. Andrew's Church) 76 High street Eames, James H. (St. Stephen's Church) 2,5 .\rnold st Jameson, T. C. (C. B.) 174 Hope st Osgood, Samuel (U ) 5 Benevolent st M ison, C. C. (M.) 3 Olney st Smith, Levin (.M.) Clnyton st Cleveland, J. P. (C.) 5 Matthewson st Tilinoud. Levi (M.) Verrinder, Wm. (C. B.) foot Broad- way Allen, R. W. (M.) 77 Clifford st Granger, James, N. (B.) 38 Angell st Waterman, T. T. (C.) 109 Power st Smith, Francis (C. B.) 12 Randall st Providence. B irney, Levi F. do 219 Friendship Willis, S. B. (C. B.) corner of Chest- nut and Bassett st Bacon, Henry (Uv.) 78 Friendship st Hall, Edward B. (U.> 35 Charles- field street Latham, .\lanson (M.) Bridgham st Scott, Edward (F. B.) 54 Pond st Stone, Edwin M. (U.) 50 Benefit st Henshaw, J. P. K. (Grace Church) Snow st Breed. Wm. J. (C.) Broad st Prentice, J. (New Jerusalem Church) 49 Washington st Wise, Daniel (M.) 22 Sheldon st Leavitt, J (C.) Aborn st Asher, J. (C. B.) 83 Benevolent st Davis, Joseph B. (C. B.) 51 Dexter st Kenyon, Hilman (C. B.) Brand's Iron Works Richmond. Relyea, Benj. J. (C.) Scituate JVoriA Scicuate. Steer, Martin J. (F. B.) .\llen, Reuben do Davis, James M. (C.) Globe Village Smithjield Potter, (C.) Central Falls McGear, D. L. (C. B.) Taylor, T. A. ((.'.) Slatersville Burgess, I. J. (C. B.) Lime Rock Watson, E. F. (E.) Lonsdale Hewes, C. W. (C. B ) do Phillips, Mowry do Georgiaville Penney, Samuel, Jr. (E.) Manville .Mann, Joel (C.) South Kingston. Carpenter. J. M. (E.) Coggeshall, Wilson (B.) Lock, E. J. (C. B ) Tustin, J. P. do Warren. Townsend, P. (M.) Huhaway. G. W. (E.) Tobey, Salmon (C. B.) Pawtuxet IVarwick. Hardman, Thomas (M.) Apponaug VVari:er, (C. B.) Nalick Fifield, Moses (M.) Centreville, Geo. do do Willard, Geo. A. (C. B.) do Slocomb, Daniel do do Bennett, C. E. (E.) Crompton Mills Willard, Geo. A. (C. B.) do P|:ice, William do do Emerson, Warren (M.) Lippitt Thomas, S. A. (C. B.) do Brayton, Jonathan (C. B.) do Sti vger, Williim do do Vail, Thomas U. (E.) Westerly. Dennison, F. (C. B.) Taylor, John (Ch.) Whitman, A. L. (C.) Bentley, L. D. (M.) Moore, Isaac (7th Day B.) (Jreen, Caleb (F. B.) W. Oreenwich TilUnghast, John (C. B.) Clocks — .tianufacturers. Wilbour, Job B. Washington Square JVewport Nichols, Walter, Thames st Miller, Pardon, 47 North Main st Providence Herr, Wm. Jr. 189 Westminster st Brown, Joseph R. 115 S. Main st Wales, Samuel H. 6 Market Sq. Babbitt, H. VV. 69 South Main st Lyman, G. E. 135 High st Corey, P. 259 do Dana, Payton, 177 Westminster st .Matlhewson, J. 172 do Babcock, Geo. W. 126 do .'Vnthony, L. D. 27 N. Main st Baker, (Jeorge, 61 do Cooper, T., (llneyville Daggett, T. 70 Point st Potter, J. O. & J. R. 15 N. Main st Richmond, F. 51 Westminster st Taber, S. & Co. 105 do RHODE ISLAND. 259 Clothing— Ready ITIade. Keath &. Heath, Woonsocket Cumberland. Gladding & Miller do Brdwn, John E. do Jenckes & Teston do Union Hall of FHshion, Woonsocket Bnlloii, Henry G. do Bodlish, Wm. East Oreenwich. GKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Cozzens, John H. 152 Thames st JVewport. United States Clothing Store, 166 Thames st Fowler & Mason, Thames st Oregon Clothing Store, by Haminett, J. M. & S. 210 Thames .-t Thomas. A. M., VVickford JVortli Kingston. Wright & Luther (wholes ilc) 6 W.ishington Building Providence. Doherty & McCaucliin (wholesale) 7 Washington Building Kimball, J. L. (wholesale) 7 West- minster st Handy &. Herrick (wholesale) 29 Westminster st Work, J. H. 7 and 9 North Main st Whiting, Kehoe & Galloup, agents, (wholesale) 1 Westminster st. and 1 and 2 Washington Building Lewis, R. G. & Co. (wholesale) 4 Washington Building Hasz:.rd. T. G. & W. R. 42 West- minster st Robinson, H. G., comer North Main St. and Market Square Keesing & Kesner, 8 South Main st Bunker Hill Clothing House, 10 S'th Main st Martin & Baker, 14 & 16 S. Main st Levy, Mark, 18 do Hay.ird, James, 65 do United States Clothing Ware House (« holesale). Cushing & Sherman, 4 & 6 South Main st Gladding, J. E. 150 Broad st Keesirgit Kosner. .Vlechanics'Cloth- ing store, l.W Westminster st Lowell, J. W, 98 South Water st Blandii;g & Potter, New- York Cloth- ing -tcjre, 100 South Water st Chedel, J. A. 123 do Francis, A. 142 do Nichols & McCall, 77 do Gurnett, G. (wholes.) 25S'lhMain st Grossman & Goff, 27 High st Hedlev, I. 32 Canal st Holroyd, W. 39 South Main st Holden, T. 28 do Lewison, L. 31 do Levey, M. 18 South Main st Nathan, John, 143 Westminster st Tillinghast, J. 231 South .Main st Tripp, J. S. 203 High st Tillev, W. J. 158 South Main st Work, J. H. 7 & 9 North do Bench & Newhall, 102 S. Water st Coal Dealers. Perry, G.W., Constitution st Bristol. Usher, A. T. & T. J. 67 Thames st Gilford, Ephraim, do Pearse & De Wolf, do Halliday, Baker & Jones, Woon- socket Cumberland. May, John F. East Oreenwich. Pierc", STiisliurv & Co. Omad, TliomasH., Thames st J^fewport. Seatle & Oman, Langley's whnrf Devens. Chas. Jr., Devens' wharf Peckham, F. B. Sherman, John W. Thornton, J. S. & Co.. 43 Pleasant st Pawtucket, JVort/i Providence. Bailey & Mason, 9 South Water st (Importers) Providence. Aborn, William H. 20 Pine st City Coal Yard, Thomas Pearse, 48 Uyer st Jackson, Clark & Co,, corner of Dyer & Central st Halliday & Baker, corner of Dor- rance & Dyer st Dorrance Street Coal Yard, H. G. Tucker, .\gent, corner of Dorrance & Dyer st Peck, (ieo. B. 20 Smith st Muml'ord, J. H., Agent, 112 South Water st Pierce, C. B.. 160 South Water st Pike, A. & J. 315 South Main st Salisbury, S. S. 305 do Bullock, I. J., 4 Steeple st Gorton, N., Peck's wharf Harris, Caleb dr) Hodges, C, Dorrance wharf Mathewson, H. C, Foot of Ship st Wright. A. (Lackawana Coal) 12 South Miiin street Whelden. S. Randall st Brown & Luther. Miller st. Warren. Child, Jf)hn T., Foot of Miller st Collins & Driscol, Water st Smith, H., State st Coal Miner^j. Blackstone Coal Mining Co., E. N. Clark, Agent ; yearly amount 6000 Tons ; employ 35 men. Valley Falls Cumberland. Roger Williams Coal Mining Co. E. N. Clark, Agent ; employ 10 men ; Valley Falls Coffee and Spice ITIanu- facturers. Bovee & Whitman, 25 Broad st Providence. Huntoon, Wm. F. 135 Wickenden st Coffin \rare Rooms. Barnes, Alfred, W^oonsocket Cutnberland. Nichols & Metcalf, 89 Pine st Providence. Rawson, S. & J. 168 Broad st Blike, Judson, 9 President st Briggs, W. C. 123 High st Brooks, W., Pine st Weaver, J. 6 Mathewson st Wallace, P. 4 St.ite st Cleaveland & Brother, 91 North Main street Swartz, G. T. 51 Pine st Miller, N. 258 N. Main st Millard, W. C. 11 William st Hopkins, J. G. & Son, 292 Benefit st Fletcher, Amos, 132 High st Comb inanufacturers. Whitney, Josiah JVorth Scituate. Claften, O. 32 North Main st Providence. Whitaker, J. 40 Canal st Commission ITIercliants. Bayley, W. H. S, 11 Bradford st Bristol. Munroe, J. & W. 176 Thames st JVewport. Bowen, Geo, & Co., Stevens' wharf Patte, H. N. 18 .Mill st., Pawtucket JVorth Providence. Brown, John D. 10 E.vchange st Providence. Randall, Dexter 2d, 5 Exchange st Bailey & Mason, 9 South Water st Providence, Manton & Hallett, 10 & 11 South Water street Manton &. Fisher, 12 South Water st Marchant& Hastings, 13 S. Water st Taft, O. & Co., 14 do Lewis, Dexter B. 6 Exchange st Brownell & Co., 11 do Johnson, Oliver, 13 do Brown, W. W. 1 West Water st Knight, BB. & Co. 13 & 14 do Peckham, J. C. & Co. 3 Market sq. Dockray, W. L. 60 Broad st Mason, John H. & Son, 32 West- minster st H.izard, W. R. 20 Westminster st Almy, T. 8 Canal st Nichols, E. A. 28 Canal st Robinson, W. A. & Co. 24 South Water st Chapin, Royal, 34 & 35 S. Water st Cole, H. W. 40 do Mowry, Chas. C. 41 do Rathbone & Gardner, 62, 63, 64 & 65 S. Water st Sisson, Daniel & Co. 70 & 71 South Water street True, Samuel & Co. 88 S. Water st Lamed, H. M. 15 do Arnold, Stephen 6 Leonard st Bates, V. J. & Co., 53 South .Main st Borden & Bowen, 20 South Water st Burnjughs, R. S. 35 Canal st Chapin, W. & G. 70 South Water st Evans 4l Seagraves, 13 do Eddy &. Elliott, 23 do Harkncss & Stead, 42 Broad st Hill, Carpenter & Co. 6 S. Water st Joslin, W. 91 do Jackson, R. & G. 1 do Jenckes, D. C. 48 do Lippitt, H. & R. 5 do Muiton & Fisher, 12 do Church, N. 20 South Main st Olney, C. C. P. 13 E.\change st Stallbrd & Lathrop, 7 S. Water st Willard, Branch & Co., 79 & 81. Canal street Driscol, S. .\., Water st fVarren Confectioners. Briggs &. Simmons (perfumer>') Bristol. Garland, Geo. T., Woonsocket, Cumberland, Benyon, C. W. 90 S. Main st Providence, Bostwick. J. M. 147 Westminster st Wright, P lul B. 199 do Leveck, E. D. & Co. 41 N. Main st Andrews, A. 159 N. Main st Bragan, J. 189 \. Main st Brayt(m, H, 216 Broad st Crowdick, W. 158 N. Main st Doran, P. 139 do Gibson, E. 127 do Jenckes, J. rear 159 High st Luther, J. J. 61 S. Main st Middletnn. J. S. 175 High st McAnerny, J. 99 N. Main st Smith, J. 121 Westminster st Coopers. Seabury & Sandford, Thames st Bristol. Hines, Thomas, Tanner st Jfewport. L.angley, John S., Langley's wf .\ilman, Wm. H. Stevens' wf Eathforth, Samuel, 7 William st Providence Harwood, G. S. 78 Wickenden .st Sherman, P. S. rear 98 S. Water st Randall, J. 21 Peck's wf Munroe, Allen, Shamrock st Slater, S., Slatesville, Smithjield, Beckner, J. J., Luther st IVarrrn, Johnson, R. B., Johnson st Ingraham, John 260 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTTLK UNION DIRECTORY. iFarnhain, H. H. 81 Chest.nit st Prvvidence Caiaer & Phimps. 14G S. st Icouswe.i^ H. D.^ We.tnn.ster st Coppersmiths. Manchester, A. H. 106 st Becklur.1, H. D. rear 22 Lxchange st Hoyl, VV. H.rear22 uo Luther, E. 109 S. Water st CorAsige Manufacturers. Tew J & J., Beach st JVewport. Tille'y, «. VV. & Co., tor. Catharine street anil Belleon Tilley, W. T., cor. Warren st and Tanner ^ », ■ . Wheaton, Charles & Co., Main st fVarren. Cotton & Cotton Goods- Dealers. Stafford & Lathrop, 7 S. Water st Providence. Manton & Fisher, 12 S. Water st Marchant & Hastings, 13 do Talt, O. &. Co. 14 ti" King VVm. J. & Co. 8 Union Build. Peckliam, J. C. & Co. 3 Market Sq Smith, S. S. 35 '^o Femier, C. G. S.'i "o AutKony, U. 11 Broad st Viiiil. VVni. 11 Broad st Mason, .1. H. & Son, 32 Westmin rs Lockwood, A. D. & Co. 18 s.V\ jiter st Beckwilh, A. N. 22 on, 29 and 31 N. Main st Spooner & Driper, 22 RETAIL. do Bristol. Allen, S. J., State st Burgess, J. N. 183 Hope st Allyn, John H. 14 State st Holmes, T. G. 112 Hope st Burgess, F. A. 114 do Briggs, W. n. 108 do Dimond, D. do Arnold, Olney & Co., Woonsocket Cumberland, Currier, John, Jr., Woonsocket Craig, E. B., Main st do Coe, Martin do Smith, E. D. do Coe, Emor do Darling fc^Thayer do Roberts, John P. East Oreenwtch. Slocomb, Ebenezer Congdoa, A. J. . , , Swinburne, D. T. 122 Swinburne's Block jVeioport I'armenter, H. & A. 107 Thames^ st Hammett, James H. 8a do Sessions, Harvey. 81 and 83 do Sherman, Win. & Co. 67 & 69 Cozzeiis, Wm. C & Co. i~ Ltiwton, F. & Brothers, /4 Pawtucket Jv . rruv,Mn,.c. -- " - ; • - - -g ^--t.D.I>.&Co. (steam P'-"'g ^,^e- -^^j;,;,Vn», mill), Pawtucket Luther & Barney, Union Mill Providence Vt^t^SS'^'i'l^oL.i Pnu^m Albert . aS'w. W & Son, (dealers) 131 Thomas, A. M., W.ckft^rd do do do :^nerman, a. .». ■" ■J" Langley & Norman. 104 & 106 do Hammond, Jani-is, 142 do Barber, 1). H. 1>.H «» Mumfurd, James. 16j do do Sweet,D.D. & Co. (dealers) Gaspee st Gardner, B. W. & Son, 45 Fountain st Clark, Peleg fVesterly. Drui^s, Medicines, and Dye Stuffs. Hai- ly, James Johnston. Ma iiniond, Geo., Wickford JV*. Kingston. Johnson, OUver, 13 Exchange st Providence. Dingley, C. F. 67 Cranston st Burrii.gton, H. H. 121 High st Gro-venor & Chase, 48 Broad st Arnold, W. R. 46 Broad st Adie A. F. 23 Westminster st Bilch J &. ^on, 44 South Main st Chapi'n & Thurber, 31 Westminster street Clarke, E. T. 59 North Main st Dyer C Jr. 84 Westminster st Eddy, T. W. 195 High st Green. I). 177 do Kelly, J., ^>l"eyville Wadworth, J. A. 43 and 45 North Main st . . . Robinson, J. W. 235 Westminster st Miller, C. li^3High st Manlon & Hallett, 10 S. Water st Mason, E. P. 135 Broad st Brown, G. H. & Co., Miller st I Warren. 'Snell, William B. Davol, WilUam H. 3 Market st Dentists. Small, M. W., Woonsocket Cumberland. Hall, E. S., Woonsocket Horton, A. do Angell, — do ,, , Berry, R. P., Church st Xewporl. Gallup, L. F. Giirdner, B. E., Pawtucket, Dry Goods. WHOLESALE. JVorth Kingston. Allen, George W. T. Nickerson & Nicholas, 27 Manches- ter's Block, Mill •street, Pawtucket J^Tortk Providence. Miller & Green, 8 Mill st Tre-^cott, L. E. 11 Main street, and 1 Mill st Folsom, George T., Main st Williams & Howe, (wholesale.) 16 Westminster st Providence. Gavitt & Brother, (wholesale,) 13 Westminster st Barton, Henry & Co. 59 Westminster street , Green, W. H. 73 do AruKtrong, Richard A. (wholesale), 28 North Main st Martin, S. G. 197 Main st Aldrich & Perrv, iS Arcade Pierce, Caleb S. 20 do (Jiaham, James, 18 do Klilredge, J. & S. 14 do Ware &. Fisher, 12 do Uussell, Wm. 10 do Richard, R. B. & Co. 6 do Williams, E. 4 do Cole, J. M. 3 do D ivis, David, 5 do Hearns, E. 7 do Ca B. ^^^ ^_ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^. Providence. I^-P- ^.^^'-'X'cl'fr'l ' iMason. Edward, 46 Arcade RHODE ISLAND. 261 Cooper, M. W. 33 Westminster st Providence. Cole, S. D. 19 Arcade Dovvling, M. 43 India st Horton, T. 91 Westminster st Pratt, H. .1. & Co. Proctor, W. R.. Olneyville Waterman, J. &. Co. do Whitman, Budlong & Co. 8 Arcade Littletield, (jeorge L., Central Falls Smit/ifield. Burr & Smith, Water st Warren. Barton, A. Jr., corner of Main and Market streets Wheaton & Eddy, cor. of Miller and Union streets Turner, T. G., Water st Brayton, G. W., Church st Stone, Benoui, Phoenix Village IVarwick. Dry Goods, CJroceries & Variety, Wardwell, Henry, (import.) 13 State street Bristol. Pierce, James, 103 Thames st Smith, James, 110 High st Taylor, Wni. B. 75 Thames st 1111 Pierce, (ieorge C. High st Tilley, Benj. Jr. 25 Bradford st Phelps, Charles H. 27 do Walling, Whipple, Pascoag BurrilviUe. Knight, Wm., Pascoag Ward, S. P. do Mowry, Daniel S. do Sayles, L. do Barber, J. S. do Bufium, F. Stanton, George A. Charlestuwn Cross, Joseph & George W. Ward, Samuel Emmons, Oliver F. Coventry. Gavitt, J. A. Johnson, Gideon L. Horton & Briggs James, Joseph Stone, James Cranston. Beatie, Robert Olney, Jeremiah Pierce, Jeremiah Arnold, Remington, Pavvtuxet Slocomb, Samuel do Cook, H. & Co. Cumberland. Cook, Edmund L. Craig, E. B., Mechanics' Corner, Woon.socket Raynolds, G. H., Valley Falls Sherman, N. K. & Co. do Holmes, H., Arnold's Mills Mason, Otis, Diamond Hill Plain Travk & Clark do do do Bardine, P. East Oreenwich. Higgins, John Tillinghast, Gardner Exeter. Eddy, .\. A„ Chepachet Gloucester. Armstrong, J. & Son do Eddy & Smith do Kimball, H(.r:(ce do Thurston & Noyes Hopkinton. Wells, Henry M. Segar, J. D. & W. F., Hope Valley Cnmmings, F. P. Johnston. Simmons, James F., Simmonsville Tompkins, Nath'l Little Compton. Brown, William A. Church, E. P. Sealuiry. Benjamin Brown, Christopher & Son Bailey, (ieorg'^ •'. Handy. C. (i., Thames st M'ewport. Freeborn, M. & Co., Broad st Hopkins. S., l,ong wf Pierce, Samuel, VVickford J^'orth Kingston. Reynolds, Horatio N. do Nichol, (Jeorge B. do Rodman. Robert BellviUe Company. Bcllville Potter & W.uXe, Koda-ill" J^Turth Providence. Lyman, H. B. JVorth Providence. Gilbert, C. D. & G. C, Allendale Westcotl, Joseph Hedley, Isaac, 32 and 33 Canal st Providence. Smith, S. & D. Lpwi>, J. H. &Co. Wilco.\ &. Ch;implin Crandill, C. N. Pcjiilh-ion & Brothers Westerly- Davis & Cady, 59 and 61 Chestnut st Tho!ii|i>on, J. Jr. VV'estcott, Caleb, 31 Friendship st Pratt, Job L. 129 do James, Samuel, 46 Chestnut st Gould, Wm. 77 Pine st Manchester, A. S. 97 Friendship st Waterman, John & Co. 465 High st Proctor, Walter R. 483 do Handy, Isaac, 33 Canal st Clark, Ch.trles &. Co., Clark's Mills Richmond. Knowles, M. G., Shannock Mills Hazard, Rowland G., Carolina Mills Pierce, Thomas A. do do Olney & Green, Brands' Iron Works Phillips, E. B. do do do Sheldon, B. B & C. do do do Colwell, VVm. R. & Co., Scituate JVorth Scituate. Ballou. W. S. Fisk. Harley Phillips, David, Fiskville Patterson & Warren do Emons, Henry W. do Gould & Ramsdell do .VIadttcott, J. do Parker & Knight. Clarkville ."^prague, A. & W., Natick Baker, Oliver do Rhode.-s C. & W., Natick Harris, Stephen, Greenville Lewi-;, Jacob, Centreville Warwick Manufacturing Co., Cen- treville Wood, J. J., Crompton Mills Tiftany, John do Tiffany, Jonathan do Holden, Thomas do Crompton Co. do Lippitt Manufacturing Co., Lippitt Collins, H. & E., Phoenix Village Brown &. Stone do do M;(y. i;iiick. .Ariiold, Joseph H. Spencer, William B. Kenyon, John H. Jenckes. Jolin II. Dixon, Nathan F. M'esterly. Cross, (ieorgi- D. Cross, John H. Knichl, J. W. . Haz^ird, James M. West Greenwich Cotrell, Jesse H.ill, Thurston lloxsie, Benjamin Whitford, Gideon B. Barrington. Bristol. 1 Burrilville. Charlestown. Coventry. Eretcr. Smith, Henry Martin, Beijamin Bishop, James Throop. William Bayley, William H. Bennett, M. T. Peckham, John Mowrv, Daniel S. Salisbury. M irtin S. Stanton, Samuel Clarke, Josliua Taylor, Job Griffin, Joseph H. Cook. William M. Stone, A -a , , Borden, B. E., Woonsocket Cumber/and. Bailey. Wm. East Grrenwich. Wbitlord. Isaac S. Slocumli, Jeremiah S. Green, Isaac SheUleii. James Peckh^in, Timothy R Slone, Willi m Wiilker, E. Hawkins, Ezra, Chepachet Gloucester Slocomb, Charles A. Barber, Joseph T. Brown, Je.<-^e Lewis, Nathan R. Richardson, William Wilbor. Otis J.Mle Compton Brow nell,' Oliver C. Coggeshall. Geo. C, Gilpin, Willi'.m Bobbins, C. E.^ Denham, U. C. Peckham, Josiah S. - . ._ -^ Sherman, Sylvesfjr G. X.Kingston Chtppell, Francis I, rned, George Ch implin, Isaac C. King, Thomas R. Weeden, J. H. Xorth Providence. L,apidaries. Boyce, James, 101 Broad st ' Providence. Mason & Son, 85 Pine st Foster. JJopkinton. Leather iDealers. Slocomb, B. A., Woonsocket^^^^^^^ K-J^rgeL.&Job,Che^>chet Jones, John D. & Brother, 83 minsterst ^. Pr^vidcue^. Green & Arnold, 14 North Mam st Rice & ('(mgdon, 16 do Bush, Edwin A. 3 Market Square Irons, W. 120 Hiah *t „. , ^, Anthony, A. & Co, 4()7 High st Arnold &Ki.iuht. 4 Bro-.d st Rose & Howlet, 47 Centra st Mete If, Joel & Son. Cliares st Metcalf, J. G. & Co. 9 S. Mam st Bush. R. VV.. S. M irket Square Cha^e, W. & C'o. 5 Exchange st Miller,' J. & Son, Charles st Miller G 8 Harrison st Neweil & Daniels, 1 S. Water st Walker, E. W.. OlneyviUe Johnston Middleton. J^eioport. .M'eiD Shiireham. t,ime jrianufacturcrs. Wright, Orrin, (yearly amount 10,000 casks,) I-ime Rock «"" f>^'^- Harris Lime Rock Co Samue I. Harris Agent, (yearly amount 20,000 casks,) Lime Rock Dexter Lime Rock Co.. Sam. Clark, Ag't, (yearly amount, 8,000 casks,) Lune Rock ILivory Stablrs. Warren, Nalhin. 27 State st Bristol Chadwick, John, do Pierce, Mason W , Thames st Brown, George, Hope >t Sayles & Potter, Pascoag Burrilville. Stone, Dexter G. Coventry. Whitford, Ambrose N. i Mason, Olnev. Woonsocket I Cumberlana Cook, Alburtus, Valley Falls ! Titus, Hiram I Havens, Lovett . 'Tillinghast, S. L. East Oreevvtci. Reynolds, Thomas A. '■ Dinsmore, Thomas, Green street .Yeieport. ' Haz rd, Edward A., Washington sq. Tem.ant, Win. C. Touro st i Shaw, James, Broad st Babcock, E., Wickfoid, JV, Kingston. Irons, Ama>a, Rockville JV, Providence, lidlings, James, 19 Exchange Place Providence. Waite, S. E. 40 Exchange Place Aldrich. A. K. & A. W. .^:> Exch.Pl. S ber,SamuelT. 7 Trinity St Sherburne, Jan.. s, 22 Shepard st Baxter & Co,, 48 Eddy st Bullock, Samiul, 133 South Mam st Mathewsoii, I). A. & Co. 62 High st. Allen, E. 204 Hope st Aldrich, A., Ohieyville B-.ker & Sheldon, b Winter st Bean, J.(nMr) Mmul. Hotel Child-. C, [I. :W Orange st Copelandfc Sea graves, 124 Benefitst Ellis, Charles, 14 Feiiner st Ingraham, E. R,, Washington hotel Jenckes, N.C, 9 Mill st Lvon, A., Olnevville . Kelton, O. H. & Co. (rear) National house Morgan, J. Jr. 2 Sheldon st Mowry, Nel o., H. (rear) Manufac- turers' hottl Moffit, O., Siig^r Lane Niles P S. 172 Weslminster st ^warl/. G,T. 49 Pine st Smith E A 10 & 12 BurriU st ISmilh! J.74Noith Main st Sherburn. H., Kin' ^i, „. , . Wilhour,C, & Co. U4Highst VVhelden, S.. R- ""'■','' '*'„,, „„ 1 Aldrich, Stephen Globe Village^^^^_ Baxter, Ansel Central Falls Bennett. Ise Wolf ^ do Brown, LoremMi, W oonswket, " ' Cumberland RHODE ISLAND. 265 Hawkins, Christopher E.Oreenwich. Pierce, Salisbury & Co. Finch & Engs, 131 and 133 Thames street J^Tewport. Baniinitt, Geo. A. &. Henry H., Thames st Peciiliiim & Bull Reynolds, Isaac, Wickford JVorth Kingston. Thornton, J. S. &. Co. 43 Pleasant st Pawtucket JVortA Providence. Oldfield, John, 347 South Main and 73 Cinnl st Providence. Union Planing Co., Stephen C. Kinyon, Agent, Foot of Sabin st Kinyoi., Stephen C. 68 Miithewson st YeoniJin-., H. P., Butlers' wf Dailv & < )rii]sbee, 79 Dyer st Tallniiin & Bucklin, 112 do Burrows, Burgess &. Co. 11 Cran- ston street Burrows, J. &, Son, 137 High st Codding & Angell, 313 do Foster, Tolbert & Co. (Commission) 40 South Water st Gurney, Austin, 78 South Water st Billings & Barstow, 146 do Pike, A. & .1. 315 South Main st Turner, Wni. H., India st Fisher, W. A., corner of Charles and Martin st Slocuui, H. W. 22 P.cks' wf Atwood, C. VV. 4U9 Broad st Baker, C. C. 66 .Snulli Water st Dawley, B. H. 100 High st Gorton, N., Pecks' wharf Hill, H. (.Hardwood and Mah;igony) 10 Planet st Ide, J. A. (rear) 100 South Water st Mowry, W. G. R. 3t Palmer, Nathan H. 43 Main st., Paw- tucket JVorth Providence. Rowe &. Co., 25 Market square Providence. Pliysicians Sc Surgreons. Holmes, Jahez, Hope st Bristol. Briggs, L. W., State st -Martin, L. A., Hope st Holmes, Silas, do Drury, Samuel S., Church st Albi-e, Altbrd. Pascoag, Burrilville. Charlestown. Coventry. Cranston. Cumberland. Paper manufacturers. Angell, Nathan Smithfield. Waterman, R. 63 Canal st Providence. Paper IIang:ing°s. i Aldrich, C. E., Woonsocket Cumberland. Hamniett, Chas. E. Jr. 116 Thames street J\rewport. Miller & Green, 8 Mill st., Pawtucket : JVorl.h Providence, j Arnold, C. B. 88 & 90 Westminster st: Providence. ' Cushing, Henry & Co. 116 West- minster st Barstow, W. 109 Westminster st Cole, Luther &. Co., Washington st iVarren. Salisbury, J. Sen., Church st Patent ITIcdicine I?Ianu» facturers. Davis, Perry & Son (Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer) 74 High st Providence. Andrews. Daniel, 265 High st Arnold, Seth, Globe Village Smitlififld. GriHia, Joseph Kenyon, Job P. Tilliiighast, Alien Goodwin, Chas. OIney, Jeremiah W. Knapp, E. Harkness, H., Woonsocket Weston, R. S. do Slockbridge, Horatio do .■Vllen, Hiram do Warren, J. E., Arnold ' Mills B<'lcher, Caleb do Greene, Daniel H. E. Oreenwich. Wheeler, Lucius M. Eldredge, James H. .■\ldrich, Henry Exeter. Mowry, Samuel, Chepachet Gloucester. Smith, J. J., Chepachet Potter, Allen do Perry, George H. Hopkinton. Collins, John W. Kenyon, Joseph D. Richardson, Wm. Johnston. Rowen, Israel M. Palmer, Horatio A. lAltle Compton. Peckham, James A. Butler, S. W. J^Tewport. Cotton, Charles C. Dunn, T. C. King, David Turner, .1. V. Turner. H. E. Turner, O. C. Watson, Daniel Shaw, Wm. G., Wickford jYorth Kingston. Shaw, Wm. A. Church, George H. Cleveland, H., Pawtucket JVorth Providence. VVilber, W. H. Clapp, Sylvanus Miller. Rockville Allen, Wm. H. 136 N. Main st Providence, Angell, G. M. 155 do Arniiiigton, H. 84 Wickenden st .Arnold. S. A. 247 Westminster st Addison, Robert, 257 do Brown, do Br.iwnell, R. 180 do Cole, Jeremiah, OIney ville C ipron, George. 126 Benefit st Clitfird, I.ewi< W. 106 S. Main st Ci'llins, (icorge L. 48 do DeHonneville. 41 College st Ely, J. W. C. 172 Benelit st F.ibyan, C. W. 29i S. Main st Providence. Fearing. J. W. 45 High st Hathaway, E. V. 8 Orange st Ha zard, .Vliiert A. 97 High st Holmes, David, 201 N. Main st Harrington, Christopher C. cor. Ship and Eddy streets Hunting, A. 138 Broad st Kelly, J. C. ( .nalytical) 21 Mathevir- soa street Le Prohon, E P. 188 Westminster st Miller, Lewis L. 10 Orange st M luran, Joseph, 38 S. Main st .Miller, N. 10 Or nge st I'ar.soiis, Usher, 19 President st Parsons, Chas. W. 23 do Potter, T.G. 287 High st Prat, H. P. 126 Benefit street Rivi;rs, H. W. 4 North Court st. and 149 .North Main Robiiiso.i, J. VV., cor. Westminster and Eddy sts Riclimojid, J. W. 116 S. Main st Slack, David B. 46 Jenkins st Sumner, Ossian, 237 Broad st Smith, D. S. C. H. 182 do Tobey, S. B. 110 Benevolent st Utiey, Leander, 57 Chestnut st Wheaton, F. L. 15 Meeting st Wheaton, L. 91 and 93 Benefit st Wiggin, Ch ice. 142 Broad st Wiggin, J. .M. 3 Richmond st' Weaver, S. A. 105 High st Wilco.x, H., Carolina Mills Richmond. Palmer, L. A.. Brands' Iron Works -Anthony, Israel do do do Anthony, Edwin do do do Newhall, Thomas H., N. Scitua'.e Scituate. Fisher, Charles H. Roberts, James E. Wilher, Thomas Fowler, E., Globe Village Smithfield. Briggs, Bonney, VV. P., Central Falls Austin, H. Whitney, J O. Knight, E. C, Slatersville StiUman, A. W., Lime Rock Cook, W., Lonsdale Stanley, S. A., Valley Falls Nutting, Thomas, Georgiaville Leonard, J. P., Manville Stanley, G. W. do Haz ird, T. A. South Kingston, Johnson, P. Hazard, W. H. Rose, J. Bullock, Otis fVarren, Moore, T. P. Gushee, A., Child st Needham, John G., Pavvtuxet Warwick King, A. P., Apponaug Andros, James S., Natick Cooper, Otis Briggs, Greenville Matteson, H. N., Centreville Hubbard, Henry do .Andrews, Thos. C, Crompton Mills Hulibard. Wm. A. do do Mc(;regory, John, Lippitt Hibbard, Samuel do Pierce. John G. Westerly. Weeden, John E. Thurston, Wm. T. Lewis, Pilots. Burrouehs, J. 57 John st Providence. Hunt, J. S., Fox Point Plane ITIakers. Manchester, P. H. 102 Broad st Providence. Battey. 1. S- 112 Dyer st Barrus, N. L. Warren 268 NEW-ENGl.AND MEliCANTlLK UNION UIHECTOHT. Planing Mills. Gardner, Joseph S., Long wharf Bristol. Cole & Miliken Cravstun. Lawton, Thoiiipkins & Bosworth Union Phming Co., Stephen C. Kin- yon, agent, foot of Sabin st Providence. TnUman & Bucltlin, 112 Dyer st Mason's Planing Mill, Thdnias J. Spragup, 31 Potter st Turner, Wui. H. India st Dean, VV. B., Dorraiice st Potter, James B. M. South K'vgston. Pike, liavid, Lippitt tVarwick. Clark, Peleg Westerli). Printers. Bayley, W. H. S. Bristol. Foss, Samuel S., Woonsocket Cumberland. Eastman, S. S., Newport Cranston, Win. H. Barher, John H. &. Son Potter, R. W., Pawmcket JV t'aclurers. Gardner, Joseph L. (Hills' Patent Circular Blocks) Bristol. Hildreth, Asa, Stevens' wharf JVewport, Sanford, Peleg, Langleys' wharf Coleman, W. & Sous, 104, 105 and 106 South Water st Providence. Hoar, Samuel &. A. C. Warren. Keed. & Harness r?Iana> facturers. Kendricks, J.. Woonsocket Cumberland. Brett, Kingman, Mill st., Pawtucket JSTurth Providence. Hicks, D.& Co. do Pawtucket Reed .Vlanuf ictiiring Co., Brown &. Horr, Proprietors Humphrey, Wm. S. & Co., 23 Market square Providence. Gowdey, J. A. & Son, 8 Steeple st Harris, Wm. J. 24 Westminster st 8ail Makers. .Mger, Jonathan, 78 Thames st Bristol. Gladding, Daniel & Son, Norris' wf Freeborn &. Dennis, Devens' vvf A'ewport. Townsend, E. J., Stevens' wf Dow & Hobart, 84 Scmlh Water st Providence. Smith & Cranston, corner S. Water and James streets Craiidall, H. E. 12 India st Tillinghast & Swarts, 38 Pecks' wl Gladding &. Goff Warren. Screw Manufacturers. New England Screw Co. (Wood Screws, yearly amount 750,000 Gross) Henry L. Kendall, agent, 67 Eddy st Providence. RHODE ISLAND. 269 Eagle Screw Co. (Screw and Wire, ; Arnold, D. & Co. 28 Westminster st employ 200 men) Wni. G. Angell, Prueidence. agent, Stevens st Providence. Belcher, J. 121 & 123 Broad st Mead, h. P. & Co. 32 & 34 Broad st Weeden, E. H. 218 High st Sythe i^Ia.uufacturers< Iniman, James Btirrilville. MansJield & Lamb (yearly amount 6000 Dozen, value i$60,00U) Sla- tersville Siiiit/ifield. Sbippingr Ag'ents. Chedel, J. A. 123 South Water st Providence. Nichols & McCall, 77 do Lowell, J. W. 48 do Sbip Builders. Crandall, Amos Bristol. Crandall, Win. H. & Son, Long wf J\rewport. Barstow, C, Point st Providence. Davis & Child, foot South Water st Boswell, Samuel, foot EVm st Sanders, John A. & Edward South Kingston. Chase & Davis fVarren. Greenwood, Silas Westerly. Sbip Chandlers. Bowen, Geo. & Co., Stevens' wharf JVewport. Lewis & Crowell, 66 S. Water st Providence. French, Chas. A. & Co., 69 South Water st Earl, William, 132 South Water st Eddy, Benjamin, 73 do Silversmiths. Gorham, J. & Son, 10 & 12 Canal st Providence. Kerr, Wm. J. 189 Westminster st Spindle ITIakers. Hopkins, Augustus, (58,000 annually & employs 30 males) Burrilville. Harris, Albiert W. JV. Scituate. Soap and Candle Man- ufacturers. Spooner, W. B. (oil soap) Thames st Bristol. Ward, Silas, Sherman st JVewport. Northam, John D., Thimes st Merriam, T. P. (chemic il olive soap.) Annual amount, 2,510 tons; em- ploy 8 males, and 6 Fem iles. Providence. KendUl. H. L. & Co., (solar spi!rin candles), cor. Page & Friendship st Jackson, S. R. & Co. 16 Byron st Page, Jas., 18 Charles st Mason, S. N., Bernon Smitfijield. Sanders, H., Company st fVarren. Stove Dealers. Addllngton, A. 229 N. Main st Providence. Watson, S. J. 61 Broad st Whelden, Chas. 96 Broad st Coggeshall & Barstow, 40 Broad st Snow, Wm. M. & Co. 36 do Arnold & Butts, 14 do Reed, Orin A. 50 Canal st Eastman. J. S. 177 S. Main st Tailors. Wyatt, B., 7 State st Bristol. Lisconib, Alex. Q,. 81 Thames st Chaffee, Z., Thames st Pitman, John A. 5 Bradford st Holladay, R., Pascoag Burrilville. Simmons, Wm. H. Coventry. Malcom, Hugh Cranston. Weaver, Silas East Oreenwic/i. Strong, R., Chepachet Oloucester. Sisson, G. B., Hope Valley Hopkinton. Gill, William. Thames st JiTewport. Bouuhey, M. do Barber, John, do Sw;Hn, Wm. J., Long wharf Cozzens, Wra. E., Wickford JV. Kingston. Richmond, — ., Centre Mill Village .V. Providence, Blanchard. E. A., Carolina Mills, Rickmond. Nalais, M., Brand's Iron W.rks Davidson, R., Bernon Smitlijield. .McBeath, N., Loasdale Ch implin, G. N. South Kingston. Pcckham, Wm. R., VVakcfielil Boweii, A. .Ir., Warren .st Warren. Peck, !. L., Water st IMuaroe, J. H., Water st Vanriper, W., Natick Warwick. iVorthup, C. T., Crompton Mills Fuller, Ebenezer, Lippitt Lewis, Stillman Westerly. Pendleton, Wm. D. Brown, H. A. & Co. Tailors and Drapers. Allen, S. J., State st Bristol. Pierce. Mason W. Jr. 127 Hope st Pierce, Geo. H. 5 State st Phillips, D. Burrilville. Johnson & Wood Coventry Keach & Heath, WtKinsocket, Cumberland. Downing, Jeremiah, Woonsocket (Sladding & Miller do Brown, John E. do .leiickes & Ti'ston do I'nion Hall of Fishion do R'allou. Henry G. do Jones, Saujui'l A., Valley Falls Edwards, S im'l C. do Bodfish, Wm. Ea^-t Oreevwich. Fidlcr. H. Briggs, Nichols Clark, J. S. .Johnston. Swinburne, D. T. 1 & 2 Swinburne's Block jYewpurt. H immet. J. M., Thames st Sherm in. J. M. (agent) 93 Thames st Gimld. I). J. & N. H. 70 do llor w>'ll, Junes. 82 do Brown & Mumfinl. 126 do Phillips, Jinies, 140 do Swa 1. W. B. & E. J. 170 do Langley & .N'orman, 104 & 106 do Allen, Geo. W. T., Wickford JVorth Kingston. Wilson & Springer, 10 Mill st, Paw- tucket jV. Providence. Pierce, Nathaniel Ch ise, N. S., Mill st Wiibour & Humphrey, Mill st Doherty &. Mel : luchin, 7 Washing- ton Buildina Providence. Work, J. II. 7 and 9 N. Main st Bradford & Shelden, 19 do I H..l(ien, T. R. Jr. 37 do jTobey, Thos. W. 95 do I Whipple, A. G. 124 do Lewis. R. G. & Co. 4 Washington Building Providence Thomas & Co. 6 Union Building Dolan, Edw. 52 Westminster st .lolls, John F. 8 Market Square Hicks, Alfred, 11 do Robinson, H. G., cor. N. Main st and Market Square Handy, C. 17 and 18 Market Sq Martin & Baker, 14 & 16 S. Main st Tripp, John T. 203 High st Crossman, C. G. 279 do Barnes, Thomas, 120 Westminster st Keeslnix & Kesner. 151 do Remington, Wm. B. 187 do Tilley, Wm. J. 158 S. .Main st .Martin, Moulton & Co. 9 Arcade Amsl/ury, J. 144 N. -Main st Arnold, A. 21 do Ale.\arider, C. 197 High st U irker, VV. C. 120 VVickenden st Barnes, T. 20 Union st Cory, C. F. 44 Arcade Cushiag & Sherman, 4 S. Main si Foley, T. VV. 95 N. M.iin st Gladding J. E. 150 Broad st Gurnett, G. 25 S. Mainst Gardner, J. 75 Richmond st Hancock, J., cor. Broad st& Longwf Holroyd, VV. 39 S. Main st Hollou- ty, J. OlneyviUe H.zird, VV. R. 16 Union st Heath, J. 297 .N. .Main st Henry, C. VV. 12 S. .Main st Henly, G. H. 12 do Judge, P. & R. 24 High st Tracy, L. 121 N. .Main st Northup, T. G. 1 Hopkins st Tyler, E. M. 62 .-Vrc ide Nathan, J. 179 Westminster st Tucker, G. T. 12 Broad st Purkis R. Jr. 4 Crawford st Stone, B. 144 .N. M tin st Prentice, John, 33 Westminster st Studley, .\. B. 250 S. Main st Brown, Wm. H. 1 Jackson's Court Woodmansee, Abner N., Brands' Iron Works Richmond. Davis & Martin, North Scituate Scituate, Reilly, John, Central Falls Smithfield, Horton, J. G. do Dana, Henry W., Slatersville Davis, Thomas .4., Greenville Babbitt, Wm. VV., Valley Falls Robinson, S. & Son, Wakelield South Kingston, Salisbury. M. L., South Water st Warren, Bowen & Freeborn do VV^aruer, Frederick .V., Natick Warwick, Green, C. J., Greenville H.izard, Oliver S., Crompton Mills Snow, Wm. H., Lippitt Briggs, J. T., Phceiiii Village Tanners and Curriers. Day, D. L. (currier) Woonsocket Cumberland, Chipman, Nathan F., Locustville Hopkinton, Palmer, B., Collins st JVcujport, Bush, John, Thames st D ,vis, J. & Co. (belt and lace leath er) Pawtucket J^orth Providence, Fairbroth?r, liCwis (f ictory leather) Rose, S. .M. (currier) 5 E.vch. Place Providence, Walker, E. W. (factory leather) 467 High st .Miller, John (currier) 210 High st Mete ilf Joel it Son (currier-) Chas street Bush, R. W. & Co. (curriers) 5 Mar ket Square Luther, J.. Child st Warren. Wells, Wm. D. Westerly 270 NEW-ENGI-AND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Teachers of IHusic. White, Jason, 55 Arnold street Providence. Swift, Hiram, 157 Westminster st Marshall, VV. F., Charles st Barney, H. E. 52 William st Wilson, A. M., North Main st Aadler, C. A., corner of Dorrance and Pine sts Tea Agencies. Davis, S. C, Woonsocket Cumberland. Rovve, H. & Co. 25 Market Square Providence. Fletcher, Harding, Sleeper & Co. 38 Westminster st Thread Spool Manufac- turers. Cushman, Robert Cumberland. Jackson, William, 93 Eddy st Providence. Kimball, J. &. Co., Central Falls Smithfield. Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron AVorkers, Sc Deal- ers in Stoves. Gladding, John, Thames a.t Bristol. Babcdck, Cyrus, 59 do GorhMHi, Amos T., State st Shaver, J. W. & Co., Woonsocket Cumberland. Gates, C. C. 1 Waterman's Block Holder, Wm. J. Whitaker, P. \V. Br '(lli-y, A. E. Rast Greenwich. Squires, Wade & Eddy, Chepachet Oloucester. Bliss, Wm. H. 117 Thames street JVewport. Melville, Wm. L. 78 do Marsh. Nicholas W. 120 do lirownell, Wm. 195 do Wall, Daniel, Wickford JVortU Kingston. Crowell, Henrj', Pawtucket J^orth Providence. Read, .John B., Main st F.amcs, James, 58 Westminster st Providence. Lawton, W. F., cor. North Main and Steeple st Read, ( ). A., cor. Canal and Steeple Hcuvland, John A. 67 S. Main st t;.idy. D.vid, 161 High st Wili)or, Joseph C. 185 Broad st Howhuid, Henry A, 75 do Bflcher, Wm. 97 do Jant^s, A. R. 101 do Howlaiid, T. G. 203 We^lminster st Andrews. John, 161 N. Main st Brig^x, Samuel A. ,59 S. Main st Miller, J. C. 185 Broad st Oman, J. W. Jr. 70 Smith st Allen, John, Brands' Iron Works Richmond. White, Thomas E., North Scitu ite Scituate, Squires, Wade & Eddy, Greenville Smithjietd. Eddy, John B. & Co., Wakefield South Kingston. Smith, James, Jr., South Main st fVtirren. Tibbetts, T. B. (wholesale) Water st Chapman, Elisha, Natick Warwick. Kno.v, Robert, Centreville Reynolds, Geo. do Lewis, A. & Co., PhocnLx Village Bradford, M. do do Smith, S. & D. fVcsterly. Barber & Porter Tools— Manufacturers. Providence Tool Co. (tools of all kinds ; employ 75 men) William Field, agent, 29 Wickenden st Providence. Battey, I. S. 112 Dyer st Smith, Stephen H. (joiners' tools) Smitkfield. Turners. Bliss, R. & Co., Pawtucket JV. Providence. Cleaveland & Brother, 17 Mill st Goodwin & Allen, 33 Dorrance st Young & Co., Dyer st TJutbrella and Parasol Manufacturers. Ince, Joseph, 67 Westminster st Providence. Armstrong, R. A, 28 N. Main st Henery, S. 14 Wickenden st Riley, J, 232 N. Main st Thurston, E. 249 Broad st Upholsterers. Millard, W. C. 18 William st Providence. Norton, B. A. & Co. 81 Westminster Colson, C. H. 232 do Clark, A. 70 N. Main st Vaughn, J. P. 9 Burrill st Watches and Jeiwelry— Dealers. Gooding, J. M. 120 Hope st Bristol. Gooding, Josephus, 121 Hope st Vottier, Alfred, Woonsocket Cumberland. Farrington, B. S. do Hawkins, O., Chepachet Oloucester. Nichols, William S. 94 Thames st J^ewport. NichoU, Walter, do Tisdale, B. H. 138 do Mumford, C. H. J 46 do Freeborn, Noel, Wickford JVort/j Kingston. Warren, David B. 5 Mill St., Paw- tucket JVorth Providence. Miller. Barton, 3 Mill st Richmond, Franklin, 51 VVestminster street Providence. Potter, J. C. & J. R. (Importers) 15 North Main st Miller, Pardon, 47 North Main st Larrabee, G. B. 39 do Baker, Geo. 61 do Anthony, S. D, (Importer) 27 North Main st Walls, Samuel H, 6 Market square B ibhitt, H, W. 69 South Main st Mumford, B. G. 103 Hrond st (ioodhue, D. T. 77 Westminster st .Vnthony, S. D. 89 do Taber, Samuel, 105 do Chirk, Geo. G. 123 do Osborn, Wm. (wholes.) 74 do Potter, J. O. & J. R. 15 N. M .in st Miller, E. F. 35 Westminster st Pray, H. W., N. Scituate Scituate. Braman. E., Church st Warren. Perry, Thomas Westerly. Watch Oil Manufac- turers. Nichols, Walter, Thames st J^'ewport. Tisdale, B. H. do "West India Goods and Groceries. WHOLESALE. Usher, A. T. & T. J. (Importers) 67 Thames st Bristol. Easterbrooks, C. 54 Thames st Barnes & Norris (Imjxjrters) do Kathburn, A. &. Co. (Depot store) Woonsocket Cumberland. Newton, E. F. & J. R. 186 and 188 Thames st JVfwport. Barker, Samuel, 163 Thames st Saycr, Joshua, Sayers' wharf Barber & Boone, Market .sq. Sherman, C. & Co. do Hollow.-iy, David S. do Hall. Milton do Crowninshield, A. & W., Mill street, Pawtucket Knrth Providence. Winsor, James W., corner of E.x- change Building and Exchange Pi'ico Providence, Phetteplace & Seagrave, 15 Excb. st G.irdiner, William, 7 do Randall. Dexter (2d) .0 do Wheaton & J.ick-on, 1 Broad st Bnffington. G. W. & A. S. 2 Exch. PI. Work & Whitlord, 3 do Lincoln & Randall, 9 Exchange st Knighl, B. B. & Co., 13 and 14 West Water st Providence. Foster, S. & W. 31 Market square Wardwi'll & Foster, 33 do Shel.lcn, T. 9 Broad st Hathaway, S. 13 do Taylor. B. F. 31 do VVarilwell, J. 100 do Padelliird, Seth. 26 Westminster st Hazard, W. R. 20 do Baker & Wesson, 18 do Sweet, Joseph W. 31 S. Water st. Nichols, J. C. & B. 52 Broad st Spencer, William, 30 do Johnson, C. 13 Exchange street Hudson, H. G. 16 and 18 Broad st <;iffi)rd, Epnraim, I State st Biistol. Wilcox, John, 9 do Diman, James, 191 do Gladding, J Jr. Thames st Bradford, Wm. (2d) do Pearse, A. S. 116 do E.isterbrodk-^. Benj. J. Thames st Wardvvell, Benj. Ill do l)icituate. Sayles, Daniel, Bernon Smithjield. Gage, 1. C, Central Falls Morse, M. do Goodin;:, Henry do Trowliridge, Horace, Central Falls Pinkerton, T. Passniore, John, Brfinch Village Lindsey. W. S., Lime Rock Wehb, Stanley JV". Kingston. Phinney, E. P.. Main st IVarren. Runimiiigton, Wni. A., Main st Brou n, (J. H. & Co., Miller st Johnson, R. B., N. Water st Driscol, 8. A., Water st (j irdner, (;eo. T. do Mason, Stephen, N. do Smith, James, S. Main st Allen. John J., Water st Burr, N. M. do Child, J. B., Baker st Churchill, A., Market st Martin, S. Jr. do Davol, Wm. H. 3 do Bosworth, P. do Child, Ezra O., Child st Smith, J. do Remington, Wm., Pawtuxet IVarwick, Andrews, R. G., Centreville Holden, Cyrus, Cromptor. Mills Atwood, John, Phoenix Village Parkerson, W. & A. Westerly. W^ood Dealers. Usher, A. T. & T. J., Thames st Bristol. Giffbrd, Ephraim Oman, Thomas H., Thames st Jv'ewport. Seatle & Oman, Lapgley's wharf Hunt, Benj.imin G. Holloway, David S., Market Square Peckham, F. B. Sherman, John W. Wardwell, J. 100 Broad street Providence. Wilson, D. 96 S. Water st Donch & Newell do Mowrey, D. A., Canal st Lewis &. Crowell, 66 S. Water st Evans, Rowland, 78 Canal st Wooden Ware— Dealers. Bradford, W. B. & Son, 38 and 40 N. Main st Providence. Dole, Win. A. 71 S. Main st Providcnci Greenwood, W. & Co. 35, 36 and 37 Canal st Brndford, N. & L. & Hall (whole salt) 56 & 57 S. Water st Smith &. Fuller, 270 High st Wool Carders and Cloth Dressers. Sanders, Peleg Hopkinton. Smith, Applebey Umillifield. Wells, Amos South Kiuffston. Jamus, John AVool Dealers. Chapin, Royal, 34 &. 35 S. Water st Providence. \nlhony. A., Olneyville Chase, Wm. 5 E.vchange Place I! ills. Carpenter & Co. 6 South Wa- ter street Evans & Seagraves. 13 S. Water st Seagraves, E. & J. 33 do ITIiscellaneous. Jicrricultural Tools and Seed Store. W. B. Br.idford & Son, 38 and 40 N. Main street, Pro\idence. Arrs and Hoes. Leonard Mason, manufacturer, Burrilville Axletrees. Joseph Scott & Co., corner of Chfford and Eddy sts Bobbins. John Ellis, manufac- turer, Woonsocket, Cumberland Bench Screws. R. Bliss & Comp., manufacturers, Pawtucket, N. Provi- dence Chain and Chain Cables. Benja- min Prie.^t, manufacturer, Cranston Chairs. Benjamin Parker, manu- facturer, Warren Chcevers' Patent Fire Kindling. Cheever & Co., nranufacturers. East Greenwich Chemicals. Thomas P. Shepard, manufacturer (consume annually 300 Ions sulphur; employ 12 men) Pro- vidence Coffee Mills. Jfihn Luther, manu- facturer, Warren Corsets. A. & J. Barbour, manu- ficturers, Malhewson st. Providence Distiller. D. Sessions, 44 India street. Providence Designer. O. Asten, designer for calico printing, 12 Broad street. Pro- vidence Drawing. F. C. Seldon's Drawing School, 24 Westminster street. Pro- vidence Engine Hose. Burr & Shaw, manufacturers, 46 Westminster St. Providence Fountain Starch Co. J. S. Crosby, agent, Cranston Gas Fitting. S. Hudson, (J. E. Hudson, agent) 99 Eddy street. Pro- vidence I Glazed and Marble Card Boards. Bliss, Potter it Co., manufacturers, P.iwtuckiit Gum Substitute. Joseph Martin, manufacturer, 95 and 97 Eddy street, Providence House Mats and Sleigh Robes. T. P. Merriam, manufacturer, Aborn st. Providence Jntaglis Letters and Figures. Cluveland & Olney, manufacturers. Providence Iron Doors and Fence. Ingalls & Cu-liiiig, manufacturers. Peck's wf., Providence Japanned Ware. S. P. Crines & Co., iiianuf xturers, 227 Friendship treet, Providence Lamp Black. W. A.Potter, man- ufacturer, Wickford, N. Kingston iMmps and Burning Fluid. W. H.Stiirr, 106 Westminster street, Pro- vidence Lasts. C. Smith, manufacturer, 3 Market Square, Providence Mathematical Instruments. W. Hand)lia, manufacturer. 131 South Water street, Providence Pi'religinous Jicid. E. Young, Wicklijrd, North Kingston Ploughs. Fuller & Harrington, manufacturers, 257 High street. Pro- vidence Providence Oas Company. Capital $80,000 ; A. D. Smith, President ; T. P. Shepard, Secretary ; E. Walcott, Treasurer ; 5 Benches of Retorts ; Pipe l.iid 4 miles; consume 350 chal- drons of coal annually ; employ 6 men Shuttles. O. P. Richardson & Co., manuf 's, Pawtucket, N. Providence Stucco Worker. D. J. Daly, 114 Dyer street, Providence Tea Packers. Sleeper, G. W. & Co. 54 Wcslujinster st.. Providence Temples. John Hammoi,d, man- ufacturer. Westerly Tin Plate, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead Pipe. Dutee, Arnold & Co., dealers, 28 Westm'r st., Providence Tobacconist. F. E. Curtis, 93 Broad street, Providence Whaling Crafts. R. G, Cooley, manufacturer, Warren Willow Baskets. Chas. Gilber' manuf'.cturer, 96 South Main streew Providence Wire and Rivets. H. H. Luthf manufacturer, Warren Wood Carver. J. R. Swan, 1 Dyer street. Providence Writing Jicademy. M. S. Pail Teacher, 33 Westminster street, Pr vidence I^isiirancc Ag'encics. JEtna Insurance Co., Hartford ; John H. Ormsbee, agent, 9 Market ;quare. Providence. RHODE ISLAND. 273 Connecticut Mutual lAfe Insur- ance Co.. i). M. Jenkins, ageiil, H9 Wa.hiiigtou si., Providence. Cuntributionskip Insurance Co., JVew-York; Geo. E. Arnold, agent, 10 South VVater st., Providence. Essex County Htaltk Insurance Co.. Mass. ; (J. L. Dwifiht, agent, 29 Market squire. Providence. Hertford Insurance Co., Hart- fiird ; .lames Y. Smith, agent, South Water St., I'rovidence. Pelican Mutual Insurance Co., Orray, Tat't & Co., 11 South VVater streot, I'rovidence. Protection Insurance Co., Hart- ford ; l>aac Brown, agent, 14 South Water st.. Providence. JV.Y. Life Insurance^ Trust Co., JVew York ; Allen O. Peck, agent, Providence. State Mutual I^ife Insurance Co., Worcester. Muss.; (i. L,. D wight, agent, "29 Market sq.. Providence. JVatwnal Loan Fund L,ife .assur- ance Society, London ; F. E. Hoppin, agent. Providence. Providence Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., Eli Pond, Jr., agent, Woon- socket. Edward W. Lawton, agent, New- port. Insurance Offices. American Insurance Co., 12 South Main street, Providence. Capital, $150,000. Allen O. Peck, President ; W. Humphrey, Secretary. Manufacturers' Mutual Fire In- surance Co., 9 .Market squ are, Provi dence. Samuel Nightingale, Presi- dent; John 11. Ormsbee, Sec. Mutual Insurance Co., Aborn's Block, Providence. William Wil- kinson, Treasurer ; Geo. Lamed, Secretary. Marine Newport. New-England Diadem and Rhode Island Temperance Pledge, (^week- ly), 1. .\msbiiry, Jr., publihers, 9 Market Square, Providence. Newport Daily Herald, S. S. East- man, publisher, Thames st, New- port. Newport Daily News, Wm. H.Cran- ston, publisher, Thames st., New- port. Newport Mercury, (weekly), J. H. Barlier & Son, jiublishers, 'I'hames street, Newport. Northern Star, (weekly), C. Randall, pulilisher, Warren. Providence Journal, (daily, semi- weekly, and weekly), Knowles & Anthony, publishers ; Henry B. Anthony, editor, 5 Washington Buildings, Providence. Republican Herald, (semi-weekly and weekly), Wm. Simonds, pub- lisher, 12 Market Sq., Providence. Woonsocket Patriot, (weekly), S. S. Foss, Publisher, Main St., Woon- socket. Institutions for SaTing"* Savings Bank. Pres., James Dennis; Treasurer, George Mumford JVorth Providence. Providence Institution for Savings. Pres., Benj. Hoppin ; Sec'y., Geo. B. Jastrani ; Treas., Henry Cushing Providence, Woonsocket Institution for Savings. Pres., John Osborne ; Treas., Wm. Metcalf. Present amount invested $63,800. Woonsocket. Expresses. Davol's Express to Warren daily ; B. W.Wheeler, Agt., Union Build- ings, Providence Drake's Express to Taunton, New Bedford and Nantucket, daily; of- fice 22 We tminster st., Providence Earle's Express to Boston, semi daily, 22 Westminster st.. Providence Ewin's Express, for New York, Bal- timore, Philadelphia, Washington and Wilmington, 4 Exchange st Providence Gove's City Express, 4 Exchange st Providence Harnden & Co.'s Express to New York, Liverpool, London & Paris, daily, corner Union Buildings, Providence Jenck's Pawtucket Express, Manu- facturers Hotel, Providence Ross' Express to Worcester, semi daily, 22 Westminster st.. Provi- dence Warren, Bristol, and Newport Ex- press, daily, corner Union Build- ings, Providence Rhode Island Ma^metic Telegraph Companies. Pres., James Y. Smith ; Supt., John W.Lane; Assistant Operator, Geo. W. Skinner; Capital $16,000 ; No. of shares, 800; par value, $20. Wires extend from New Bedford by Fall River, Taunton, Pawtuck- et, and from Worcester by Ux- bridge, and Woonsocket to Provi- dence. Providence, chief station 274 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT. State Government. Salary. $400 Elisha Harris, Coventry, Go- venor, . . - - Edward W. Lawton, New- port, Lieutenant Governor, 200 Henry Bovven, Providence, Secretary of State, fees and 750 Stephen ('Mhoone, Newport, General Treasurer, - Joseph M. Blake, Bristol, At- torney-General, Hei.ry Barnard, Providence, Commi-^sioner of Public Schools, - - - - 1,500 Thomas J. Stead, Providence, Major-General of Militia, - Sylvester G. Sherman, N. Kings- ton, Speaker of the House. The Senate consists of the Govern- or, Lieutenant-Governor, and one Senator from each of the thirty towns in the State. The House of Representatives con- sists of sixty nine members. I Judiciary. SUPREME COURT. I Salary. 'Richard W. Greene, Provi- dence, Chief Justice, entries and . - . . - $900 Levi Haile, Warren, Associate Justice, entries and - - 550 VVm. R. Staples, Providence, Associate Justice, entries and - - - - 550 George A. Brayton, Warwick, Associate Justice, entries and 550 CLERKS. Bristol. — Wm. Throop. Kent. — Joseph A. Tillinghast. JVewport. — William Gilpin. Pri)vide?ice. — Wi'lter Paine, Jr. Washington. — Powell Helme. Terms. Providence. — The Third Monday of March, and third Monday of Sep- tember. J^ewport. — First Monday in March, and fourth Monday in August. Kent. — East Greenwich, fourth Mon- day in April, and the Monday next preceding the last Monday of Oct. Bristol. — Second Monday in March, and the Second Monday in Sep- tember. Washington. — South Kingston, on the tirst Monday in February, and the second Monday in Augxist COURT OF COMMON PLEAa CLERKS. ^^Bristol. — Massadore T. Bennett Kent. — Jeremiah S. Slocum. \j\rewport. — Daniel C Henham. ^Providence. — John W. Smith. Washington. — John G. Clark, Jf' Terms. Providence. — The fourth Monday of May, and first Monday of Decem- ber. J^Tewport. — Third Mond.iy of May, and fourth Monday of November. Kent. — East Greenwich, third Mon- day of August, and the third Mon- day of February. Bristol. — First Monday in June, and the third Monday in November. Washington. — South Kingston, se- cond Monday in May, and the first Monday in November. RHODE ISLAND. 2Y5 :n w Q O (/} w H P H O < fa ai X w' O -3 S a, a. cd 1? 276 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIUECTOKY. I— ( w Q O p^ -^ H O :^ P H O o f- cr. o e» • rt fft 00 c -to ■pV3J.1{X O !C o o to I- -i .j5 sajpuidg ^9 28 M CTj r^ ec s« 'JO '^ o -o O X) O O f o au»o:o*cOTr3L:o'^co iJ. ot^-i n J; ai c-rc = oi/^s02 = 1/5 X -f = c£ ** X ^ — " »-* i^ o r: rs r^ rt" o» oT V o CO — ' -T ■?!' •;» 5< — ' oi — ' — ' — ' c = c = = t^ Oi -leiio -lo".T i^ c: '^ - a is « « sj . f» » -Wii^ -^ . ■* C<5 o ;o '.o t; It ' -r — -fl- ■s — X'^-"00 t^LTSS— JOCT'OT'O c '/i o o I III ■3 -o -r " - oj c aj *-• ■ 3 0; = "=■5 5 ? sff» — st-iocimoooMooioioi".^ O — IC — CCM— « — »r5«(Mi--0;-i .0 O 5 — >0_= rt t-;iC MO C:_X_— i< O X — •^ — cfsi-^ — to'o ^'i-^t^" O I c c o ©* t^ X X o — -H ■V — 0» 5??|ip.iii,il £!=>o'' = oooo— . CO O O r;» to O O O :2 ^1 •^ ,^- — ' to 5* O — "^ o — « J s - = : o. - S c = . IB C C S 2 00 — — -u^OO. '£ r" r/j CO O tC ; ti c — Cj o _ u 'tc *^ -^ ^ : J3 S C S tJ m C S ' " ,0 "^ ci 5 : S = c ^ ■ « 0) X >u = = ^ ^ 3 -a -^ -^ ^=^ sis o r S >'-S a b-^ = -i >-^S' : J= C 3.C C S. -=■5 >'=o ■ = --•■ = = = s — ■=.— c c c o be . a; of £ ■ ; = = = a) o = :^^a^ a.oa- w-^tti = ^55 03 . . c c c -- -5^3 . , _-Sx:''=- c = - ,B&;S-=Jii=S=- ^ .S tt! » aj Qj' « - S .5 ."" c a- c 1) ic€-c S c c « ffl « i c-o c > 5 > P X RHODE ISLAXD. 277 • ^-aotorrt^icsoo O ©I 1" »/^ T lO t^ (O— < — — — o> in = CO I. «i C: — O » i Soo c eo-cc •CO — OOffit-OOOO .-.-1— . t^-* J l?t C! — o >o o I— I -lOOt^-i in i~ • t~ ■* r-go — ooooo — oo — . CO -< —1 — ■ 00 (?) c: o< -* m . CO (5 CO '^ to : I I M •OQ tC O • r: .— cj :^ lO = • n — ■ — O) n ■ 55-1- ssjpuid^- SO — "-r o t~ • o3sc>oi"co-^-r'7* o • Oi (^ ^ p^?* t^ r^ CO o t- ; ^— '^„"^" — Tto'co' 5 C C D C o o o o-j o ,00 -^ O CO O V OTr:Dt^tOO'J3-^aO to !0 o o o => OT*0005310iaO'?»^t-J*CDX » IC— CO O CO 'X> t^ t^ C* «D T III I I II I 00 O 00 O O Ci c^ o •^ CD KO CD CD CO to in oop-tocoaco^— '^ool — co(jtco(j«5>(MC»cococoo^^ion| 4 — O S p 5) — to — > 00 51 "!• — < -f s^o-^o— «.rio o m in — oiaS ©t — SJ!-!* O 'H to O! o o 2ft in 00 X O O -T -rXOO'J'OO-tOQOOOO to to o = X = o -. o = ,o 00 ?) : — < m in X X 70 o i^ o in Tt ;» — ' 1 — ' -"' CO — •' ©* — J — ' ©i CO cJ Tf* 1 -1 tfi OOCCCCOC "C ■Tin -t in -tf ; -ic §2 §; ^ g 5 g I i;*i 3020='= to' co' p " o ^ in p cr o X c-- — ' o m CO -^ r^ o o *' 5i CO in <^ Ta-c-a-c-a-p-c-c-tr-c-c-p-c-s 000000000: 0000 OOpOOOOOOClCOOO co' o' p o f' o ■?> d o r-'cio"p d X to o c» CO o OS c> o X in o o o — cooo— itDco— »in p,— " cj^in in co ""' CO — .' ! ^'^ c = - - ; >. a; S S S — ' 2Y8 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DxRECrOUT. Q < in l-H Q O H % K I— H CQ < H W O I— I H -^ •«uaD^ S9}puidg Dec oa so .>.>,>>>. >^ >. 005=000 c 00 o o o o c o o o 00 o o o' o' o o' o' to o o to o o to — t^ »0 ^ C^ M r-l Tt« 3! Ml ■d'5 ^1E^ "^ r^ -^ CO t^ 5 G* O C « C O O '?» ^ »o "^r CO — ' 10 c< Q '^ O^ w lO lO « M c?< 55 CO CI ; •+ -H LO ; 2 2 2 3 B 2 O OOOiO UJ o i^ ""' «> a >« -c-a "Ots-aTS §00000 00000 o o o o o o cc rt t^ 5< c* S cs. :^i. — _ C J= J5 ,5 O j3 r T 'C '_ yj X! r^ O X C- t- D. ^■i ^^ tj "r" s. ai — ^ -^ p^ .s ^ o ^ :> — " o .a a £ "• S <;4s — ioc>3Xuo-fXio„-3!r3f:-'^:ocox' 05i>C»Ot^&»(D00C0-*OO^U0 ^U^ ^^ — .CO— ««o :SS "I s •S -r-M ■ • ■0 1- • • :3 ss:; o5»S50to— 'Otosjo— 'On;« c<— to :^ ifs X 1^ 5» to ■T I) 0> — H O — -= -=-3 = =-3 -a or* s 3 ~ c X o ■;: OS e i c ■3> rt ■ >;=:=?.- 3 a) jjsas?t .2 S ■: o c c SSS SZ3MCua.a-i.£i.ft-a.s-aisiB!QiPsiBJ« si Bi :i ai ai .-/3 73 X '/) ^-3.= J !E Tj X OJ RHODE ISLAND. 279 • 0» -tOOOJ i c. T 00 'it • s» o ; — nSin -fm siipatdg 50 o irt 0* n • 1/3 lo o O O O -^ 'X) = — X o n 36 — • t~ lO -1" 1 c ; 3 5 2 g :*^ o o o o •if -a ^ -3-3-a ;^ >,>,>. cr o = o o o o 2 00 = = 3'— ;"»■'=■■ ' = § = -° ! ~- ^. — . = i O = 00 = »n ro u^ 10 ■?* ■fl" ■o ) [^ _ -). -) fo »oao 5< ;o c cc = -^ yi: -^ ■^ -= — tc o '.O I I I I I O 'JD C* 01 = ^ ir: io ifi o o o -H ai iN o c^ n (?» s< m « > — > = t- c» 00 = •^ -n-H -^ J4 • o = = = = ■^>■^t•r = = = = = ?^ • = = = = = iOOi-7»= = = = v-'D3i ^ :5 : 5555 = 55555 = _ ' iO I 15 -l""'vlO M O »« "» = ^^ o|^ m ,n ^ t^ '^ Ot ^^ QO '5- .in • .oo2<2;S'^= 00 = 00 .^t^r; = t-'»o =0 = e» :^ ■ J3 o.; 5 o 5 >6-3 00 t^ 4i .5 ^ * ■= .5 .5 z .5 .S - . )r^-r[ca.ft.a.0Ja^>>>> ^^ 280 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIllErTORT. < w c o H I— I CQ -i1 H o :^ I— ( H U <^ ;^ C I» 3MIO joiv: 00'/ 5) lO lO r^ -^ l-l ■ c o o o c o 5 5 3 5 = o o rt mo - o ; — 1^ o c: OS r- o a) u ?^ ^ = 1 ■a-o ^ rt — lff< -H — -. «-"<>» — •—-H ! C — X-T — •Kj- OO •«© "^ O OO500O-5-0O O O O w — c» o o o O tS O -^ O -V G* ^* '-O ;0 « c c c c = o o o o u*: »o Q 5' J. "2 3 O 3 O -lei^ — — O 00 '?( 00 CX) — « O G» r-H r; •.£ 3 Jt =: : ■^ Tf O t3 -^ J3 p O --i: "J xc —• r. rit i-~ —"^ L'S o o -.o o oo ■^ rt r^ ce«o^oo»aooo!005» « — I (N 0» « 3« (N !OSS« --^OO S lO O 3 X 3 3 - 3 0= X t^ X c* 1/5 «: 'O •--; -» G» i^ o in ts oi " >..* S r: «> >> .I llil^ O C I o o s-sis Hcoo-t "^ t: i; tc '> !r M o o c o-a c ~ ' : SI tx 5 ) 2 12; CO g O !K 05 H 6k r =. S i". i •= 5 J' :i — c fc. *- ;: 103: . 4) C .S • :^ ^ ^ r^ M ^ r/i £ h i^ M M a X £ ^ fa g;' m i5 M CO X ^ TO a -g r/i ^ r/i ^ ry5 ^ g i^ ^ r/i m ^ o g ^ Cll< 6.5 O 3 3, 1 e^Jii £ >J W-3 ^-■ <;=Qcscacau; .So : r ^ = I -a 4 O S ^ g ^ H ai £ .e S/^^H 2 £ "*! = ia d El||-3illi|o||1|'£sl||^ NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE TNION DIRECTORy. 281 282 RHODE ISLAND. •avA HVd m o c oo o o o : O = o = — 1(7 Oi ih o o" o o o O 00 to c. ^ o » to o o c o c o o c c o e \^ in i . mat > — —in'-i Si c: S_ •5 in c^ -C 2 >;■= = .-e - =J= s B O' ItS J'P-s'-S Sj£ s^ _ . ii ,^ c « ''. ii V 5j S V » : >< a c - * - »- qq c « d [» ei S H a: ^ o 2 O J -; H KJ si ^ yj Z ^ g ^ Q S-c-c c"3 ■J"3 t; s^c j= 3 2 2 js — ^ 0.2 j: x: x 3.2 2j3 2:2 Zft,Sa.!BZa2a-ai«;aiZ;e-ft.Tj?>pu> i'O 3 13 -a ■ a) c 2 ■- ■- "^ £"8 S ^ i = e ^ j= _g c ;5 .||^ = 233a=3 5|2;S i-i -. M ^ « M 4> ' -., CO "" S _ ^.gg^££aja)C6i.aj2S Bi x ^Z X E- r^ : CO sjCl, coa - j3^ C SC » O CONNECTICUT. Agricultural Ware Houses. WiUiams, H. & T. 30 Terry street Hartford. Boyce, J. W. 271 Main st Tuttle, S. & Son, 267 Main st Gardner & Smith, 13 Water st Jforwich. Morjran & Morse Sumers. Todd, Wm., Long Ridge Stamford. Marshall & Cook, do Anchors. Adams, Samuel (Mill Irons) JVorth Canaan. Dayton, Henry South Olastenbury. A|»otIiecaries and Drug:- grists. Dyer, William B. 4 Wall st Bridgeport. Lord, Thomas (wholesale & retail) 114 Main st Shelborn, N. J. (wholesale &. retail) Main st Thompson & Brother (wholesale & retail) 81 Water st Horton, John (wholesale & retail) fi Wall st Humphrey, G. J^orth Canaan. Huilbut &. Kellogg Colchester. Crouch, A. B. Smith, .1. Edward, West Cnrnwall. Stevens, Wm. P. Danbury. Benedict, Henry Tomlinson, S. P. & J. B., Birming- ham Derby. Davis, James, Humphreysville Abbott, Humphreysville Manning, F. M., Mystic Bridge Oroton. Goodwin, Henry A. 193 Main st Hartford. Covin, C. L. 18 State st Braddock, John, 306 North Main st Wells, ("has. P. 178 Main st Allyn, William H. 201 do Bodwell. George, 78 do Lee & Butler, 144 do Welsh, G. M. 88 State st Kies & Crandall, West Killingly. Brewster, Win. A. Buel. Samuel Litchfield. Beckwith, J. G. Lewis, A. S. Hubbard & Howes, Main st Middletown. Dyer & Co., Main st Stilluian. A. C. Aew Canaan, Smith, D. & Co., corner of Church and Chapel st J^ew Haven. Whittehey, C B. (wholesale & re- tail) 1,58" Chapel :st Cowles, Lumaii (wholesale & retail) 157 Chapel st Noyes, Samuel, 97 Chapel st Myers, E. (wholesale & retail) 6 Ex- change Place Dow, L. K. 44 Chapel st Boothe, Nathaniel, 52 State st Gorham, P. C. (wholesale & retail) corner of Chapel and Church st'ts (Importer of Chemicals and Che- mical Apparatus) JVciO Haoen. Beers, J P. 37 Chapel st Wood, A. F. 2 Church st Olmstead, James, Broadway st Parker, Lyman, Fair Haven .\llen, F. L. J^ew London. B ixter & Smth Sterne, William, Bank st Thompson, R. A. G. Bissell, W. E. J^orwalk. Weed, John A. Devotion, John L., Water and Com- merce streets JVorwich. Tyler, Wm. S., Water st Lee & Osgood, 127 Main st Osgood, Chas. & Co. 31 Shetucket st Elton & Co. Ward & Leech, Central wf Segur, G. C, Depot, Pomfret. Bulkley & Clapp Salisbury. Lnckwood, Samuel, Jr. Stamford. Palmer, F. Stonington. Beardsley, P. B., Wolcottville Torrington. Comings & Cogswell, Rockville Vernon Leavenworth, E. Waterbury. Taylor, John W. Westport. Moulton, E. L., WiUimantic. Satford, J. Bristol, W. C. Woodbury. Architects. Spaulding, James, Franklin st J{'orwich. Myers & Bailey, Ferry st Attorneys & Counsellors at liaw. Goodwin, Hiram, Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Smith, J. E., New Britain Berlin. Nash, Henry, do Bellamy, J. H. Bethlehem. Warner, G. W., corner of Water and State streets Bridgeport. Noble, Wm. H., corner of Water and State streets Sturgis, Isaac M., cor. of Water and State streets Morris, Dwight, Wall st Abernethey, Elisha S. 64 Water st Ives, Francis, 62 Water st Huggins, Henry T., and Beardsley, S. B Loomis, James C. Bnrrall, Wm. P. Goodwin, Edwin Bristol. Newell, Samuel P. Smith, Bryant Brookfield. Fuller, I'riel Brooklyn. Tyler, Daniel P. Welch, Jonathan A. Church, Leman Granger, M. T. Hosford, S. C. Elmore, John R. Peet, Geo. W. Burrall, Wm. M. J\rorth Canaan, South Canaan. Canaan. Parmelee, Linus, Middle Haddam Chatham. Doolittle. Tilton E. Cheshire Kelsey, Wm. Peters, Nathaniel Lord, .A. W. Colchester. Park, .Appleton R, Peters, S. A. Clark, Asahel Columbia. Baldwin, Birdsey West Cornwall, Norton, Jonathan T. Wheaton, George Blackman, Daniel Danbury, Booth, David B. Burnhani, A. A. Rogers, T. D. Taylor, Edward Taylor, Wm. F. White, Nelson L. Gray, Joseph A. Darien, Page, Edward O. Downs, William E., Birmingham Derby. Wooster. William B., Birmingham Mason, H. B., Humphreysville Carpenter, Elisha East ford. Culver. Moses East Haddam. Palmer, John C. Brockway, John H. Ellington. Works, Alfred J., Thompsonville Enfield. Osborne, Thomas B. Fairfield. Hooker, John Farmivgton. Cowles, Thomas Merrick, Geo. South Ola.stenbury. Brewster, Nelson Goshen, Bates, Anson Granby. Holcomb, E. Higley, Silas Landon, E. R. Ouilford. Smith, Ralph D. Clark, Smith Haddam. Cleaveland. C. F. Hampton. Manning, Benning, 196J Main st Hartford, Goodman, Edward, Main st Holcomb & Walkley, (James H. Hol- comb, James C. Walkley,) Ex- change Building Perkins & Seymour, (Thos. E. Per kins, J. W. Seymour) Ely, William D., Waverly Buildings Ch.apman & Drake, 6 State St. Bulkley & Perkins, 45 State st. Robinson, D. F. 10 State st Mitchell, Walter, Central Row Terry, Seth, Central Row Williams, O. E., Central Row Hungerford, Wm. 1 Central Row Case, S. N., Main st Hubbard. Richard D. I96i Main st Toucey & Pardee, .Main st Fellows, Francis, 162 Main st Wells, ?^. 162 do Brownell. Henry H. do Bnxvnell, C. D. do Cone, Wm. K. do Cornwall, Horace do Dixon, James do Oudley, Lewis do Erving, R. A. do Goodman, Edward do Hinman, Royal R. do Howard, Chauncy do Huntington, Samuel H. do 284 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Johnson, Nathan, Mai.: st Hartford. Jfew London. do do do West Hartford. Harwinton. Htbrun. Kent. West KiUingly. Mann, Beniiing Matson, Win. N. Niles, John M. Parsons, Francis, 201 J Parsons, Samuel H. Shepard, Charles Smith, Eraslus Trumbull, Joseph Phelps, J. J. Catlin, Aliijah (iilberl, Ralph Perr)-, N. P. Kellogg, Theodore Fuller, Uufus, Jr. Pray, Wui. H. Backus, Thomas Converse, Abiel Woodruff, George C HoUister, G. U. Beeman, F. D. Seymour, O. C. Bacon, Francis Todd, O. A. G. Bacon, Asa Smith, Truman Beers, Seth P. Church, Samuel Chadwick, Daniel, Jr, McCurdy, C. J. Wallace, John S., Hadlyme JVeio Milford. Jfewtovin. Norfolk. J^urwalk. LiUhfield. Lyme. Meriden. Middletown. Monroe, ^augatuck. Stone, A. E. Madison. Sherman, Henry Manchester. Phelps Ralph R. Wright, D. R. Andrews, Benajah Whittlesey, Charles Warner, L. F. Barnes, Jonathan Mather, Thomas G. Phelps, Noah A. Spencer, Elihu Tyler, Charles C. Beardslee, C. H. Kellogg, Stiphen W. Peters, Nahum LMml>ert, John B. J^ew Canaan. Mills, Roger U. JVbi" Hartford. Andrews, Horace, 14 Exch.JV.//aj)en. Baldwin, Roger S. 17 do Beach, John, 18 do i Bennett, Thomas, 99 Church st Bissell, Clark, Law Building | Blackman, Alfred. 1 Mitchell's Build. Bristoll, Wm. B. 9 Bradley's Build'g Clarke, S uauel J., Jr., 21 Exchange Clarke, Wilson H. 12 Exchange Cowdrey, N. A. 1 Tow nsend Block Dutton, H. 3 Mitchell's Building Elliott, William H., Jr., 37 Church st. Flagg, Henry C. 52 East Water st Fo.ster & Nettleton, Dwight's Build'g HollistiT, John C, Mitchell's Iluild'g Ingersoll, Charles A. 16 Exchange Ingersoll, Charles R. 2 Mitchell's B. Ives, Charles. 8 Street's Building Jacobs, Abel B. 144 Chaiiel st Kimherly. Dennis, 18 Exchange Larned, J. G. E., Brewster's Build'g Lewis, Henrj- G., State llou>e Lindley, George, 75 Chajiel st Mix, Silas, 7 Phoenix Building 0«born, Robert H. 8 Mllchill's B. Peak, D. J. 2 Brewster's Building Peak. Lucius G.. 4 do Rice, John S. 4 Mitchell's Building Robinson, Charles, 2 Street's B. Shelton & Andrew, Exchange Stoddard, Jonathan, 9 do Stoddard, William, 13 do Terry, Alfred H. Tuthill, C. H. Harrison, Henry B. Davis, Lemuel L. Crump, William JVnc London Chapman, Nathaniel A. Wright. David \. Godd.ird, George W. Merriam, J. R. Gurley, Jacob B. Learned, Ebenezer Belcher, Nathan Willey, Hiram Lippilt, Andrew C. Mather, John P. C. Bristol, Louis Stone, Aaron E. Harrioii, J. B. Sanford, David C. Orton, S. D. Beers, David B. Belden, David H. 'Treat, Amos S. Peck, Wm. K. I Butler, Thomas B. I Carter, Joseph M. Cowles, Geo. R. Robinson, Thomas Ferry, H. S. Davenport, Geo. A. ."Vdann, John T., Main st Xorwich. Brewer, Wm. L., over Thames Bank Cleveland & Hovey, Uncas Hall Building Foster, La Fayette S., Main st Goddard, Levi H., du Hill, George Judson, Philo M. 129 Main st Lathrop, F. M., Buswell Building Law, William H. Learned, Ebenezer, Jr„ Main st Mecch, G. \., Main st Morgan, Roswell Morgan, S.vmuel 3. P irk, John D., Main st Perkins, E. 125 do Perkins, George, do R.ickwell, John A., Main st Stediiian, James Strong, Henry Wait, John T. Wattles, Oliver P. Williams, Joseph Young, David, 143 Main st Dyer, W., Central Village Plainfield. Penrose, John J. Eaton, Joseph Johnson, Elisha Plymouth. Graves, A. B. Holbr,.ok, John K. Pomfret Johnson, Harrison, Depot Halsey, Jeremiah Preston Warner, D. J. Salisbury I .Vverill, Roger Ingham, Samuel, Essex Plielps, James Suirkey, S. W. 1 Orr, James Parsons, Daniel Stoddard, E. S. Jr. Sterling, Ansel Smith, Richard Sedgwick, Charles F. Plulps, H. F. Woodruff, Samuel H.. TaridviUe Wright, F. L. Somers. Kibbe, W: Iter I'uller, Solomon, Jr. Hinman, Edward Southbnry l.owrey, Romeo Soutliamptun Willey, Asa, Furnace Hollow Stafford. Hyde, A. P. Hubbard, George I'l.iiiroy, Heiijamin F. lirown, Elias, Mystic Sabin, Charles do Philleo, C. W. Hovey, Frederick Graves, Thomas E. Larned, (Jeorge Davis, Simon Mason, Amasa. Pomfret Depot Storrs, Z. A. Tolland. Stearns, Elisha Waldo, Lorenzo Willey, Calvin Loomis, Dwight, Rockville Vernon. Chitenden, Frederick Washington. Buell, Norton J. Waterbury. Webster, J. W. Kendrick. Jolm ' Kingsbury, Frederick 1 Chapman, N. A. Waterford Hidbrook, Curtis Wutertovm. Wright, David A. Westbrook. Chamberlain. S. W. WestporL Swift, Eliphalet Wells, Martin Wtathersfield. Hitchcock, Roland, Winsted Wincheaur. Kelsey, William, Winsted Hall, G. Phelps, C. B. Woodbury. Cotliren, William Lyon, Judson M. West Woodstock. Williams, John F. Stoddard, G. S. F. S. Woodstock, McClellan, John Saybrook Sharon Simsbury. Slonington. Suffield. Thompson. Axe Manufacturers. Collins Company, Collinsville Canton, Clarke, Wooster, HumphreysviUe Derby. Linsley, Edward A. JV. Branford. Morgan & Morse Somers. Smith, Sidney, Staffordville Stafford. Bradley, G. W. Weston. Bradley, Abram Baldwin, Josiah B. 99 Water street, Bridgeport. Judd, Charles, 26 .'\syluiii strort Hartford. Hunt, Edwin, 6 do Brown & Drake, 132^ Main st Hartford. Stillinan, Allnn S. 193^ do Putnam, Augustus, Main street MidiUetuwn. Gladding, Henry, Dwight's Buildings JVfw Haven. Kenipton & Downs, 50 Chapel st Fellows & Starr JVew London. Selleck, A. J^orwalk. Booksellers and Pub- lishers. Bobbins, H. E. & Co., 16 Temple st Hartford. .'^umner & Goodman, 192 Main st Woodford, D. R. & Co. 170 do Houe &, Brown, 132^ do Brockett, Fuller & Co. 219 do Durrie & Peck, 70 Chapel street JVew Haven. Babcock, S. 121 do Maltby, A. H. 67 do Booksellers and Sta- tioners. Sanford & Cornwall, (wholesale) Main st Bridgeport. Baldwin, Samuel W., Wall st Oakley, W. 136 State st Worthington, O. Colchester. Hurlbut & Kellogg, Wooster, E. & Co., Birmingham, Derby. Brown & Parsons, (wholesale) 182 Main -t Hartford. Parsons, H. S. & Co., 6 Central Row Hunt, Edwin, 6 Asylum st lielkiiap & Hamersley, 180 Main st Benton, Henry, 262 do Bachus & Dnwe, West Killingly. Brewster. Wm. A. Bildwin, W. F. & G., Litchfield. Hinman, F. E. West Meriden. Sumner. J. A., Main St., Middletown. Clark, \V. R. & Co., Main st Sillimaii, S. C, JVcjc Canaan. Day & Filch, 98 Chapel street A'ew Haven. Heitma'in, A. C. 116 do B:issutt& Bradley. 115 do Pease, Thonics H. 83 do Steliliiiis, William, corner Church and Oown streets Bolles & Williams, Main street JVczc London. Selleck, A. Morwalk. Bissell, W. E. Robinson, Thomas, Main st.JVorKiicA. Edwards, I.. & E. do Porter, Ep:phras, do Hoyt, Roswell, Stamford. Palmer. F. A. Stonington. Williams, Franklin, Gardiner, Jaines, Wolcotville, Torrington. Taylor, J. W. Westport. Weaver, Wm. L., Willimantic, Windham. Boot and Slioe Dealers. Edwards, B. (wholesale) Main st Bridgeport. Conrad & Hopkins, Wall st Seeley, S. 73 Water st St. Ledger, William, Hodges, Samuel, (wholesale) State st Curtis, R. 67 Water st Ayres, Wm. W. 15 State st Black, Alexander, Agt. 2 State st Hubbard, David, Juu'r. 107 Main st Holt, John. Colchester. .lenning:. E. C. Hull, Wm., Huniphreysville Derby. Canfield & Downes, Birmii'gham, Wood, A., Thompsonville, Enfield. I Freeman, H. & H. & Co., (wholesale) ' 94 State, and 20 Asylum streets, i Hartford. i Winship, Thomas, 172 Main st 'Goudwia, Juhn H. & Co., (whole- sale) 154 Main st Olmsted & Eosworth, 137 Main st Hills, Rising & Childs, (wholesale) 60 State st t Grant, J. P. & Ensign. 46 Stite st Chamberliin & King, 270 N. Main st Richmlson, WiUiam H.,242 do Gabriel, A. L. 2:12 do Miller, W. H. (wholesale) 226 do Goodman, L. B. 160 do Hatfield, J, Agent, 152 do Delliber, Jociih, 150 do Goddard, L. 291 do Wilcox, Lewis, Harwinton. Bigelow, J. D. West Killingly. Chamberlain, J. P. & Co. Meafoy, L. O. Litchfield. Brockway, J. S. & Co. Lyme. Lindsley, Noah West Meriden, Stearns, E. & L. Middletown. Newton, C. W., Main st Parshley, A. R. Merwin. Jolm W. Milfurd. Piatt. Joshua Bristol & Hall, 82 Chapel st JVew Haven. Howarth. J. H. 123 do Frisbie, E. H. 35 Church st Bristol, Hiram, Chapel st Howarth, A. 19 State st Dickerman, T. P. 14 Broadway st Wilcox, J. & A., Fair Haven Baldwin, A. do H.itchkiss, J.G., Westville Smith, A. D. & Co. (wholesale and retail) Smiths' Block JVewJ.ondon. .Mu(lg(\ Oliver A., State st Smith, J. A. Lester, J. H. (wholesale) Ireson, J. & Sons, (wholesale) 115 .Main st JViirwich, Jones, G. A. (wholesale) 111 Main st Goodwill. R. (wholesale) 120 do Ridgeway, T. J. 140 do Whitteniore, Edward C. Portland. Dowd, G. & Co. Saybrook. Woiid, Lorenzo Stonington. Babcock, Henry, Westerly Smith, L. F., Mystic .Allen, Reuben Tolland. Bishop, Joseph, Johnson, S. W., Rockville Vernon, Weston & Co. Willington. Lee, Sam., Willimantic, Windham. Si'ooi and Sboe Manu- facturers. Filch, A. H. J]ndover. Richmond, Preston & Co., Westford Jishford. Parsons, H. A., Worthington, Berlin. Lee. Marvin, do Dowd, John L. do P.ige, Harvey Brandford. Flnbbi^ll, Elisha Bridgeport Baldwin, S. D., Bank st Conrad &. Hopkins, Wall st Keeler, I. &. Son Brookfield Odell, A. Foot, Thurnam S. Parker, RosweU Holt, John Colchester. Jennings, E. C. Barney. John Colebrook. Barniim, E. P. West Cornwall. Sanford, E. S. Hickok, .Almon Wilson, Charles S. Anderson, .\lbert Scofield, Wm. R. Darien. Weed. Ebenezer Peck, G. M., Birmingham Derby. Wilciason, S. G. do Shelly. R. H. Durham. Parmelee, P. & Son 286 NEW-ENGI.AND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT. Durham. Camp, Joseph P. I'liisoris, C. M. Ri>l)inson, Andrew o. Buinham, H. B. Eastford. Bradley, E. H. Easton. Bennett, B. Mixter, Emerson Ellington. Terry, H., Thompsonville Enfield. Bennett, H. & A. Fairfield. Williams & Down, Soutliport Howe, Ira, Plainville Farmington. Leach & Carter, do Kelley, William Ooshen. Bierce, A. Beach, H. H. Minor & Close (Morocco Shoes) Stanwick Greenwich. Banks, John (Morocco Shoe;;) Finch, William Chamberlain, Leonard Guilford. Field, K. M. JVorth Guilford. Wills, Isaac, 82 State st Hartford. lirown, O. P. 63 do Willey & Roberts, 71 State st Burt & Kelly, 63 Suite st Coats, Thomas E. Kent. Cloak, Samuel Litchfield. Brockway, J. S. & Co. Lyme. Dowd, M. L. Madison. Wilcox, J. S. Ladd, Jesse, Green Manchester. Slafter, E. Mansfield. Butler, John Meriden. Stevens, Morris (Vest Meriden. Johnson, H. & W., Main st Middlelouin. Ward, Wm. N. Bacon, J. Merwin, Joseph (Lady's Shoes) Milford. Piatt, Jonah 2d, (Lady's Shoes) Baldwin, L. F. do Stow & Baldwin do Cornwall, Thomas do Smith, Davis do Glenny. S. B. do Bull, William H. do Davison, Leonard do Bristol. J. K. do Tibbals, Chas. do Uunin, Merrit do Ford, Clark do Johnson, I. S. J^augatuck. Benedict & Bradley JVe«j Canaan. Jones, R. T. Hoyt & Jennings (Lady's Shoes) Ayres, J. E. Benedict, R. S. & Co. Lambert, J. & Co. Carter, Thomas Armstrong, G. W. Baker, Anthony JV'ew Hartford. Raymond, Riley Barnes, Reuben, 58 Church st JVeio Haven. Mix & Warner, 56 Church st Frisbie, William, 47 do Tyler, Morris, 74 Chapel st Bristol & Hall (wholesale and retail) 82 Chapel st Bradley, B. 110 Chapel st Smith, B. 133 do Puderf'ord, J.. 63 do Fish, E. W. 37 Church st Whiting, George K. 41 Church st Foote, Joel B. 67 do Hotchkiss, J. G., Westville Smith. J. A. JVfW London. Colvert. John, (Lady's Shoes) Noble, E. M., Gaylord's Bridge JVew Milford. Kellogg, N. do A\>eU. E. do Boothe, G. & C. M. Noble, E. & Son Fairman, Chas. JVewtown. Butler, O. B. J^orfolk. Chedsey J.G. JVorth Brandford. Bnidley, B. JVorth Haven. Smith, C. J\rorwalk. Hvatt, Stephen Durant, Hiram South JsTorwalk. Chapman, F. C , Bath st J^orwich. Smith, Lucius Orange. Parker, Timothy Portland. Winton, Geo. H. Reading. Tucker, Floyd Canfield, Leman & Sons Banning, A. H., Deep River Saybrook. Sizer, Richard H., Essex Redfield, J. C, Essex Woodrort', John Sharon. Smith, Henry Stamford. Adams, Sands liOckvvood, Ezra Todd, Geo. W., Long Ridge Scofield, Frederick B. (Lady's Shoes) Long Ridge Phillips, George, Long Ridge Lewis. B. F., Mystic Stonington. ' Booth & Judson Stratford. Beers, L. Jr. & Co. l);iyt(in, Rcibert Allen, Reuben Tolland. Bishop, Joseph, agent Clark, L. W. Trumbull. Kairweather, D. B. ' Danniiig, G. B. ! Wnlker & Sessions Union. (Merrick, Marcy Johnson, S. \V., Rockville Vernon. Marsh. H. F., do Hihbard, C. do Dutton, S. H. (Lady's Shoes) fVallingford. Culver, Benjamin Scurritt & Mall tVaterbunj. Trumbull, L. L. Buell &. Beecher Keeler, Lew is S. Westport. T.nylor, E. W. Taylor, Dan liikeman, William E. Weston, O. & Co. Willington. Dunning, Wm. Wilton. Benedict, F. R. Hartshorn, Z. C, Willimantic, Wind), am. Sheflield, Lewis, do Ellis & Barlow West Woodstock. Carpenter, A. Kotanic Physicians. Bradley, Ichabod L. Mshford. Sperry, L. L., New Britain, Berlin. Warren, T. H. Bloomfield. Kellogg, Israel L. Bridgeport. Langdon, G. N. Bristol. Pelton, A. S. Clinton. Stevens, Sylvester Danbury. Yale, J. D. A., Humphreysville Derby. Dickinson, Lorenzo East Haddam. Cook, H. E. Flink, Alvin East Hartford. Haughton, E. D., Thompsonville Enfield. Howe, J. C, PortersvlUe Groton Bradley, H.J. Guilford Steers." S. N. 318 Main st Hartford .lohnson, J. W. 312 N. Main st Cook, M. S. 208 do Sperry, I. J. 128 do Fisk, D. D. West Killingly. Fisk, Chas. L. Jaques, C. W., Buckland Corner Manchester. Burr, E. Midd/etown. Sprague, Selden, 33 Orange st JVew Haven. Sperry, T. S. 33 Elm st. Merrill, M. JVew London. Lete, I. P. Lyman, O. B., Franklin square JVorioich. Cook, John T., Greenville Jaques, A. J., Central Village Plainfield. Davis, S. F. Plymouth. Fenn, Aaron W. Roxhury, Curtis, Stephen Stratford, Eaton, J. C. Tolland. Bobbins, R. H. Waterbury. JelTrey, J. P. Archer, H. A. Weathersfield. Steele, H. B., Winsted Winchester. Otis, William K. Windham. Box manufacturers. Hamilton, E. K. (Button and Paper) Unionville Farmington. Birdsey, Edwin (Sand) Meriden. White. H. L. Middletown. Gladding, Henry (Bjind and Fancy) Dwights' Building JVew Haven. i Dickinson &. John on (Cheese) I JVorfolk. ' Ring, Abel (Cigar) Sujfield. Birge & Mather (Cigar) I Punderson, David (Cheese) I Washington. ' Braunfels, Alphonse (Plain and I Fancy Paper) Waterbury. ' Dayton, Frederick (Daguerrian) Watertovm Beecher, Anson (Cheese) Bacon & Weed (Cheese) Brass Clock manufac- turers. Boardman, Chauncey Bristol. Brewster, Ingraham Smith & Goodrich Brown, J. C. Manross, Elisha Terry & Andrews Birge, John Piatt, A. S. Jewell, Jerome & Co. (Town Clocks) Piatt & Blood Dunbar. Jr;cobs & Warner Burdick. M. H. Hooker &L Goodenouah Winston. A. L. & W. Byington. L. & Co. Potter. H. J. Sawyer, C. & H. S. Colebrook. Jerotne, Chauncey, St. John st JVew Haven, Morse, Miles (Movements) Plymouth. Beach & Byington Clark, Gilbert & Co., Winsted Winchester Brass Founders. Hart. J. T., Kensington Berlin, Russell, Erwin, New Britain Landers, G. M. do Smith. Wm. H. do Gladdins, Jesse do Veiu-ell. C. do Peck & Walter do North & Stanley do Squire. Parsons & Co. Brandford. Wheeler, E. & Co., Cannon st Bridgeport. Nichols, Beers & Co. Honker & Goodenongh Bristol. Langdon, Edward Steel. Geo.. Plainville Farmington. Chapman, Randall & Co., Porters- ville Groton. Curtiss, Henry West Meriden. Baldwin, H. L. & L. Middletown. Flower. Artemus Albertson, Douglass & Co. JVew London. Rlakeslee, James JVewtown. Wilson. Increase Na'^h & Hoyt South JVoriealk. Stillman, J. P. & Co., Westerly Stojiington, Brass Manufacturers. Brass and Battery Co., Anson G. Phelps, (Roll Brass, Battery and Copper Kettles and Boilers) Ber- mingham and Ansonia Derby. CONNECTICUT. 287 Brown & Elton (Roll, Sheet and Platers' Brass, Brass and Copper Wire, German Silver, Brass and Copper Tubing) JVaUrbury. Scovill, J. M. L. & W. H. (Sheet and Platers' Brass, German Silver, Silver Plated Metal, Daguerreotype Plates fee.) fVatei bvry. Britannia TVare Manu- facturers. Morgan, Henry Oroton. Lewis, Isaac C. Meriden. Lyman, William W. Frary, James A. West Meriden. Benham, Morris Camp, Wm. E. Middletown. Derby, Thomas S. & Son Ward, H. B. Wallingford. Munson, John, YalesvUle Brokers. Pinney, Sidney,(stock and exchange) 6 State street, Hartford. Wadsworth, S. (stock and real es- tate) 3 Dwight's Buildings JVfiC Haven. Reynolds, William A. (real estate) Chapel street Camp, G. (Exchange) 51 Church st Broom Manufacturers. Thompson, Alexander, 35 Morgan st Hartford. Crane, Geo., 37 Morgan street Buckle Manufacturers. Kelsey, Geo. R. (suspender) JVorth Middletown, Ellis, G. O. & W. E. (suspender) Abemethy, John,(pantaloon springs) Button Manufacturers. Brown, G. C, (pearl) Broad Brook East Windsor. Griswold, H. (bone) West Meriden. Bemis, A. (bone) Middletown. Scovill, Ozro, (metallic) JVaugatuck. Smith, As:ihel, (bone) Isbell, R. H. & R. G. (brocade twist, mohair and cloth) Piatt, L. L. (horn) J^Tewtown. Piatt, Ciu-tis &. Co. (wood) Piatt, William, (horn) Fowler. Maltby, (wood and bone) Northford JVort/i Brandford. Maltby, Samuel, Northford Isbell, Alonzo, & Co. (cloth covered) JVorwalk. Payne, Stephen H. Prospect. Russell, R. R. Wadham, Geo. D. (gilt) Wolcotville, Torrinirton. Pomeroy, E. M. (patentee and agent for manufacture of Pomeroy's Pa- tent Paper Buttons.) Wallingford. Pritchard, L. (metallic gilt) Waterbtiry. Piatt, A. & Co. (metallic strap and suspender) Waterbury. Scovills & Co. (gilt and plated) Lane &. Hitchcock, (gilt and plated) Brown, W. & A. do Watervillo Manuf. Co. do Leavenworth, Mark, (covered) Brunson, Sherman, (gilt and plated) Hitchcock, Wni. R. & Co. (flexible sh.'.nk covered) Hayden, F. & Son, (gilt) tCnbwles, A. W. (wood moulds) Westbrook. Parker, N. & Co. (covered) Woodbury, CarAxle Manufacturers. Canfleld & Robbins, Falls Village, Canaan, ."^mes, Horatio, Falls Village Salisbury. Snow, Oliver & Co. Meriden. Car Manufacturers. Shepard, L. C. & Co. Water st Bridgeport, Norwich Car Manuf. Co. J^urwich. Carpeuters Sc Builders. Tiffany, James, Barkhamsted. Butler, Simeon Tiffany, Elij.ah Harris, William, Pleasant Valley Hawley & Smith, Water street Bridgeport. Beardsley & Daskam, Knapp st King, L. A. JVurtli Canaan. (Jillett, Henry M. Richardson, Gilbert Rood, Lewis A. Gardner, James M. West Cornwall. Hotchkiss, Clark & Co., Birmingham Derby, Lindley & Johnson, Ansonia Gallup, J. J. Oroton, Piatt, C. F., Bantum Falls, Litehjicld. Bailey, L. E. Middletown. Reach, Jason C. JVew Hartford. Hotchkiss, C. U. Thompson & Strong, 33 Orange st J\/'ew Haven. Harpin & Lum, 9 Greene st Peck & Baldwin, 178 Chapel st Winship, James, corner Wall and Church streets Osborn, Charles H. 13 St. John st Thompson, Charles, 50 Crown st Hemingway. Jas. T., Brown st Bishop & Waters JVew London. Crandall &. Avery Avery, Hamilton Chester, Melville Harris & Rodgers Randall, J. G. & P. B., Bridgewater, JVew Milford. Beckworth, Luke JVorfo/k. Allen & Pierce JVorwalk. Kellogg, Henry Myers & Bailey, Ferry st., JVorwich. Fanning & Willoughby, Wharf Bridge Spaulding, Jedediah Avery, Nathan P., Greenville Hyde, Harlan, do Leavenworth, J. M. Roxbury. Skiff, Miles H., East Ellsworth Sharon. Fox, Ellsworth Stamford. Dixon, Thomas P. Adams, Nathaniel E. Wilmot, David Teller, Smith W:ityme. Manchester Green. Morely, David Bliss, E. A. Perry. N. D. Cone, M. &. K. Lyman, Benjamin Manchester. Lyman, Salmon Manwarring, Samuel C. Marlborough. Russell, J. W. Meriden. Newton, N. K. Middlcbury. Tucker, Wm. R. (wagon wheels) Crandall & Cornwell, Washington st Aliddletown. Halsey & Cheney Beach, D. & C.).' Milford. Ferris. J. S. Penrteld. L. &. W. & A. Monroe. Burr, John, Bakerville J^ew Hartford. Hoadley, George, (coaches,) Church street jVeuj Haven. SUirr, Robert H. & Co. (coaches,) East .street Bartholomew, P. H. (coaches,) Cha- pel street Collis & Lawrence do do Bradley, Isaac, (coaches,) Trumbull street Bradley, F. A.. Grand st Curtis, Judson, (coaches), Leonard st Storer, Richard do East st Mix, George C, Artisan st Gilbert, S. & J. (i., Temple st Day, Zeli>tes, li!tj York st Lee. Edwin, 141 do Cromwell. Henry, (coaches,) Garden street Cooke. Thomas & Co. 37 Orange st Wilcoxson, D. 15 and 16 York st Thomas, Amos, (coach.) Walley st Rogers, Churchill, Fair Haven JVeic London, Keables, John Keables, Wm F. Marvin, W. H., Gaylord's Bridge JVeic Milford. Bennett & Buckingham Buckingham, Harvey, Northville Prindle, Wm. B. J^ewtown. Corning. John Blakesley, Zopher Jforth Haven. Miner, Wm. D. J^orth Stonington. Lamb, Henry Korwalk. Quiiitard &. Smith South JVorwalk Cox, John U., Franklin st JVorwich. Cox, George H. do Keables, Francis JVorwich Town Russell, S. R.. Orange. Wells, James Plymouth. Cooley & Bridley Shelton, Augustus Canada, Samuel Povtfret Landing Sanford. E. A. Reading Bartram & Wil.son Abbott, Thadileus M. Bostwick, Judson French, Edw rd C. E.erett, .\bel C, Ellsworth Buckl.y, Joseph C. do Can-, George Simsbury, Carr. Rodney Weed, Julius Holcomb, P. J., Tariftville Morgan &. Morse Somers. Hubbard & Tyler, Somer.sville Downs, Benjamin P. Southbury. Candee, F. B. Stoughton, George, Wapping South tVindsor. Foster, Eleazer, Wapping West, Wm. D. Stafford. Strickland, L. A. IVest Stafford. Riblet, Charles Stamford. Larkin, J. & Co., Westerly Stonington. Curtis, Charles Stratford. Gurluim, Charles R. Curtis & Remington Suffield. Remington, Stephen Austin, Edward Case, J. W. West Suffield. Baldwin, Andrew B. Thompson. Tucker, O. W., Pomfret Depot lirace, W. W. Tolland. Robertson, Daniel, Wolcottville Torrington. Alvord, Nelson, Wolcottville Curtis. Daniel Trumbull. Munson, M. C. fVallingford. Wood, George Warren. Abernethy, Wait Washington. Frost, N. Smith &, Hatch, (sleighs) JVeiB Preston. Bronson, O. H. Waterbury. Johnson, Jarvis Parsons, Charles Watertown. Piatt & Rockwell tVestport. Moirison, Edward WiUington. Cole, Nichols & Co. Welton. Safford, Addison, Williniantic Windham. Jackson, W., Williniantic Albrow, Job, Scotland Allen, Stephen Jr. Woodbury. Bradley, J. L. Woodbridge. Dean, L. M. JVorlh Woodstock. Ridgefield. | S ige&Morlo., (Importers) 70 Strite st Kendall. S. 1'. it Co. (Iiu) ortera) 135 iMaiii street Hartford. Whitlelsey & Co., 112 Chapel st j\'ew Haven. Huggins, E. E. 1:15 Chaii. 1 st Whillelsey, H. .\. 63 State st Eggleston, J. W. J\rew J^ondon. H.ivens, R. M. (Importer and whole- sale Dealer) Shetucket street JVorwich. Cooley, Charles I. (Importer and wholesale Dealer) Shetucket st Saybrook. Sharon. Cement IVIauuCacturcrs. Moore, B. & Son, Kensington Berlin. Barnes, L. &. Co. Stonington. Chair manufacturers. Alvord, A. & A., Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Porter, George Brookfield Still River Manufacturing Co. (15,000 annually) Colebrouk. Allen, J. T. 270 North Main street Hartford. Augur, William, 42 Orange st JVeia Haven. Bulkley, Edward, 66 Orange street Gavitt, G. W. & A., Westerly Stonington. Denison, R. A. Cig'ar ITIauufacturers & Dealers. Daniels, J. M. Bethlem, Inslee, John H., Ware House Point East Windsor, Whipple, Wm., Ware House Point Chase, Chas. A. do Messenger, W. H. (Tobacco Dealer) 98 St!ite street Hartford. Fuller, Wm. B. & Co. (Tobacco and Snutf ) 66 Commerce street Holt. M. P. (Tobacco and Si.ull") 257 Main street Hulltish, E. B. 18 Fleet street JVcw Haven. Gallagher, James (wholesale) 85 Chapel st Buckman, J. & R. S. (Snulf )./Vi)ra)(i/&. Tobias, J. P. (Snutf) Stamford. Loomis & Hale (wholesale Dealers) Suffield. Bissell, Harvey (wholesale Dealer) Sikes. F. A, (wholesale Dealer) Austin, Samuel Austin. Moses S. Kent, Henry P. Endress, Henry Mather, Charles Reid, Samuel N. Loomis, Aaron West Suffield. Loomis, John W. Stienmetz, Daniel Woodbury, Clerg'ynien. To denote the different denomina- tions, the following abbreviations will be used : (C.) Congregational- ists ; (P.) Presbyterian ; (U.) Uni- tarian ; (C. B.) Calvinistic Baptist; (F. B.) Free Will Baptist; (Ch.) Christian; (Uv.) Universalist; (M.) Metliodist ; (E.) Episcopa- lian ; (R. C.) Catholic. Miller, Alpha (C.) .^ndover. Mi.vter, George (C. B.) Pea body. Chs. (C.) Ashford, Adams, Ch. (C.) Westford Monger. W.ishington (C. B.) Skinner, Ezekiel (C. B.) Westford Grant. Joel (t.) Avon. Huhbell, Stephen (C.) East Avon, Atwell, Geo. B. (C.B.) Pleasant Val- ley Barkhamsted, Hazen, Pteadiiian (C.) Barber, Luther H. do Kellogg, (i\!.) Woodworth, Wm. W. (C.) Worth- ington Berlin, Robbins, Royal (C.) Kensington Rockwell, Samuel (C.) New Britain do do Sherman, Chas. S. do Pattison, Wm. P. (B) Ru-hmore. Stephen (M.) Belden. M. (C.) Harrison, Fodie (C.) Covell, Joseph S. (E.) Whitr.ev, Niles (B.) liaymond. A. C. ((\) Edmonds, J. N. (M.i Porter. James (2d) Bridgeport. ' Warner, Ransom (E.) Lewis, Edward, Birmingham Derby. Mathewson, P. (C. B.) Wells & Goodwin (wholesale) 62 Uichard. Wm. M. (C.) Stale st Hartford. 1 ( eoff, B. G. (C. B.) Cliina^ Glass A: Crockery Ware Dealers. Bethany. Bethlem. Bloomfictd. CONNECTICUT. 289 Oilhpi-t Timothy P. (C.) Branford. Miller i-'iedehck, Jr. (E.) >\'heat, Abijiih C. (C. B.) Brown, Genrae (M.) Bridgeport. C'cit, G. S. (E.) Ballon. Mose.s (Uv.) Lviich, Michael (R. C) Reid, VViUi;im (C. B.) Page. B. S. J. (C) Hewett, Nalhiniel (C.) Seeley, R. S. (C.) Bristol. Evans, S. .1. (E.) ChilteiKieii, Charles (M.) Lewis, L. (B.) Noble, FI. D. (E.) Brookjield. Curtis, D. C. (C.) Bridle, Win. (C. B.) Tillitson. Georse J. (C.) Brooklyn. Ferris, Jacob (Ch.) Camp, Riverius (E.) LiKunis, Ebenezer (C. B.) Smith, A. N. (C.) Burlinston. Francis, D. D. (C.) Xorth Canaan. Atwell, VVm. (E.) Keeler, R. W. (M.) Soutk do Goodwin, Harley (C.) Learned, R. C. do Canterbury. McLean, CoUinsville Canton. ToplitT, C. H. (C. B.) Viets, A. P. do Burt, Jairus (C.) Dickinson, Erastus (C.) Chaplin. Russell, Samuel (C.) East Hampton Chatham. Woodward, F. B. (E.) Middle Had- dam Houghton, James C. Park, Albert F. (M.) March, Daniel (C.) Cheshire. Paddock, Seth B. (E.) Cheseborough, Amos (C.) Chester. Boughton, .Newell (C. B.) Huntington, E. S. (C.) Clinton. Davenport, Z. (M.) Bill F. W. (M.) Colchester. Arnold, J. R. (C.) Jewett, S. D. do Brocket, Pierpoint (C. B.) Looinis, Aretus G. (C.) Colebrook. Benedict, Thomas (C. B.) Wheeler, S. S. do Maynard, J. L. (C.) Cornwall. Andrews, Warren (C.) McAllister, (M.) Cornwall Bridge. Gates, Alfred (C. B.) Sheffield, John F. (M) S. Coventry. Calhoun, George A. (C.) Atwater, Lucius (C. B.) Danbury. Perkins, Aaron do Jessup. Robert (M.) Bronson, White Wm. (E.) Elliott, Timothy (Uv.) Stone, R. S. (C.) Dunning. E. D. (C.) Bethel Purvis, John (E.) Ferry, Philander (M.I Perry, Levi (M.) Kinney, E. D. (C.) Darien. Gothard, Wm. W. (M.) Birmingham Jhrby. Stearns, Chas. (M.) Humphreysville Yugou, Thomas T. (E.) Birmingham Putnam, C. S. do Walker, Wm. F., Huniphreysville Dennison, Wm. (C. B.) do Dickinson, Chas. (C.) Birmingham Curtis, Wm. B. (,C.) Huniphreysville Searles, Jolm E. (M.) Durham. RichMrdson, M. (C.) Mershon, J. R. (C) Smith, David (P.) Simnionds, Wm. S. (M.) Eastford. Williams, Francis (C.) Putney, R. O. (C. B.) Gear, Alpheus (E.) East Haddam. Parsons. Isaac (C.) Miner, Nath'l do Loper, \. do W 'k.>man, Levi H. (C. B.) ForbusU, Henry (M.) 19 Spring, Samuel (C.) East Hartford. Richardson, N. S. (E.) East Haven. Havens, D. W. (C.) Wightinan, P. G. (C. B.) E. Lyme. Wightman, Fred'k do ridley, Frederick (C.) Letfingwell, M. (M.) Abbott, Ira do Easton. Gardner, Jacob (C. B.) Prentice, Charles (C.) Bates, Henry H. (P.) Ware House Piiint East Windsor. Lyon, Edward A. (M.) Ware House Point Clerc, Francis J. (E.) Broad Brook Atwater, Horace C. (M.) Atwater, Shubael (C.) Andrews, Sani'l J. do Brockway, D. M. do Ellington. Eu'gleston, N. H. do Harvey. Joseph (P.) Thompsonville Enfield. Robbins, Francis L. (C.) At w iter. Lyman H. do Merwin, S. J. M. do Southport Perry, James (M.) do Corawall. N.E.(E.) do Fox, H Mirv J. (M.) Farmingtnn. Porter, Noah (C.) .N'ott. S imuel do Franklin. Dunh.iin, Ella(E.') Smith, J ■mes .\. (C.) Olastenhury. Deshon, Giles (E.) S. Olastenbury. Jones, Warren (C.) Blood, M. W. (M.) Reynolds, R. K. (M.) Goshen. Perrin, L. S. (C.) Sanborn. Pliny (C.) Oranby. Linsley, Joel Oreenwich. Bisself, S. B. S. do Munson, Fred'k do Round Hill Rich, A. B. do Stanwick Yarinu'ton, Benj. M. (E.) Hill, Horace do Gorse, Charles (M.) Terry, Calvin (C.) Oriswold. Shipman, T. L. (C.) Jewett City Cooke, B. (C. B.) do Blake, Ebenezer (M.) do Avery, J. B. (C.) Oroton Bank. Allen, N. F. (C. B.) Knapp, H. K. do. Portersville Oroton. Bailey, Backus (C. B.) do Walker, Wm. do Mystic .■\very, D-ivid do Noank Hall, Edwin E. (C.) Ouilford. Root, David do Weed, H. N. (M.) Goldsmith, A. 6. (C. B.) Bennett. L. T. (E.) Baldwin, David (E.) Ambler, John L. (C.) JV. Ouilford. Cook, Elisha W. do Haddam. Lewis, N. C. (M.) Shailer. Simon (C. B-) Field, David D. (C.) Higgernum Adams, R. V. (M.) do Warren, Israel P. (C.) Hamden. Everett. C. W. (E.) Bradley, David (C. B.) Putnam, Austin (C.) liurnham, .Alfred (Ch.) Hampton. Woodruff, Richard (C.) Bushnell, H. (C.) Hartford. Clarke, Walter (C.) Patton, Wm. W. (C.) Robins, G. (C. B.) Chauncey, Peter S. (E.) Coxe, C. A. do Mills, Rufus K. (M.) Brady, John (R. C.) Soule, H. B. (Uv.) Howell, J. (Advent) Harrington, Joseph (U.) Gates, Aaron (C.) West Hartland. Day, Hiram do Scott, Nelson do Bushnell, Asa (M.) Bentley, Charles (C.) Harwinton. Donlittle, E. J. do Hebron. Wilkie, Walter (M.) Hitchcock, S. G. (E.) Hebron. Todd, Charles do Huntington. Anderson, Wm. W. (C.) Kent. Atwell, Wm. (E.) Greenslit, G. W. (Ch.) Killingly. Baldwin, John D. (C.) JJ". Killingly. Wheeler, L. W. (C. B.) E.Killingly. Willi ims, Daniel (F. B.) Day, Isaac C. (C.) S. Killingly. Rice, T. O. do W. Killingly. Livesey, John (M.) Clark, F. do wift, Ephraim G. (C.) Killingworth. Adams, C. R. (M.) Nichols, J. C. (C.) Lebanon. .'Vvery, .lohn do Brown, Joshua R. (C.) Wildman, Nathan Tuttle, Timothy (C.) Ledyard. Peckham, S. H. (C. B.) Nelson, Levi (C.) Lisbon. Nichols, Geo. W., Northfield, Litchfield. Fuller, Samuel, D. D. (E.) Berry, J. D. (E.) Swan, B. L. (C.) Henson, D.ivid (M.) Parnielee, D.ivid L. (C.) S. Farms Brainard, 1). S. do Lyme. Damon, Joseph (C. B.) Burr, M. (<;'.) Torry, R. do J^orth Madison. Shepard, Simuel N. (C.) Northrop, B. F. (C.) Manchester. Phelps, Benj. C. (M.) Liveruiore. .A. R. (C.) Mansfield. Aberson, Roger (M.) Lovell, A. S. (C. B.) Bell, (C.) Marlborough, McGonegal, (M.) Stevens, A. A. (C.) Meriden. Miller, H. (C. B.) Wheaton. N. S. (E.) Nash, Albert (M.) Perkins, Geo. W. (C.) fV. Meriden. Prudden, G. P. do Middlebury. Sizer, F. W. (M.) Lewis, Z. N. do Middletown. Moore, James D. (C.) Leach, B. N. (C. B.) Hepburn, Jas. do Wright, James L. (C. B.) Crane, John R. (C.) Stone, Andrew L. (C.) Houu'h, Lent S. do Goodwin, F. J. (E.) Holdrich, Joseph (M.) Abel, T. P. (Uv.) Brady, John, Jr. (R. C.) Brace, Jonathan (C.) Milford. Train, Asa W. do Hare. (Jeorge S. (M.) Carter, J. S. (E.) Wright, David (C. B.) Gardner, R. D. (C.) Monroe. Betts. John H. (E.) .Mallory, James (C. B. Harrow, .Allen do Montville. Gates, C. W. do Weaver, L. P. (E.) Uncasville Salter, J. W. (C.) Sterrj', D. C. do Teele, Albert K. (C.) JVaugatuck. Rogers, Robert C. (E.) Smith. Theophilus (C.) JV. Canaan. Short, D. H. (E.) Marshall, Joseph D. Morgan, H. H. (C.) JVew Fairfield. Yale, Cyrus do JVew Hartford. Leadbetter, Alexander (C.) Bacon, Leonard (C.) JVew Haven. Dutton, S. W. S. do Eustis, Wm. T. do Fitch, E. T. do Love. William D. (C.) Strong, Edward do Phelps, S. D. (C. B.) Thompson, W. do Smith, C. B. do Beardsley, E. E. (E.) Cooke, Samuel do Croswell, Harry do 290 NEW-KNGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT. Pitkin, Thomas (E.) JVeic Haven. Smith, Friend W. (M.) Floy, James do Cleveland, E. E. (.P.) Ketcham, F. (C. B.) Hardy, J. (M.) O'Reilly, I'hilip (R. C.) Mallory, Chas. T. (M.) Fairhaven Vibbert, Win. E. (E.) do Hart, Burditt (C.) do Townsend, Henry (E.) Westville PiUbury, Beiij. (M.) do McEweii, Abel (C.) JVeio London. Edwards, Tryon do Hallam, Robert (E.) Alderman, M. P. (M.) Griffing, Leonard do Brady, John, Jr. (R. C.) Greenwood, John (C.) JVew Milford. Huntington, Enoch (E.) Howard, (C. B.) Kilburn, James (C.) Bridgewater, Atwater, Jason (C.) M'cwtown. Hill, Horace (E.) Nickerson, L. D. (M.) Eidridge, Joseph (C.) J^orfolk. Bush, Charles do Greenville Wood, George I. do M. Branford. Baldwin, David (E.) Clarke, (Iciiry S. (C.) Potter, Charles W. (C. B.) JM'urth Haven. Niles, William \V. (E.) Morris, M. N. (C.) JV. Stonington. Miller, D. H. (C. B.) Barber, Thos. do SheflTield, John (M.) ChapUn, J. C. (C. B.) J^orwalk. Hall, Edwin (C.) Mead, William C. (E.) Shaw, Jacob (M.) Arms, Hiram P. (C.) JVorwich. Bond, Alvan do Bnsh, Charles P. do, Greenville GnUiver, Morgan, William F. (E.) Sfiooner, Albert do Hiscox, Edward T. (C. B.) Muzzy, Lawson do Rising, Martin H. do Benton, Eraslus (M.) Carpenter, G. M. do Daggett, Levi, Jr. do, Greenville Dean, Sidney do, Norwich Falls Howson, John do Reynolds, K. W, (Uv.) Brady, John. Jr. (R. C.) Belden. William W. (C) Orange. Chapman. A. B. (E.), \Vest Haven Topliti; Stephen (C.) Offord. Sanford, David P. (E.) Wright, Eilvvard (C), West Haven Robinson, Henry (C.) Plainfietd. Guild, J. B. (C. B.). Packersville Knapp, J. O. (C), Central Village Charlton, Frederick (C. B.), Almy- ville Brewster. G. W. (M.) Lyman, Ephraim (C.) Plymouth. Watson, William (E.) Bucknell, George (C.) Hicks, Bela (C. B.) Pomfret. Pratt, Edward (C.) Hunt, Daniel do Park, Roswell (E.) Huntington, E. B. (C.) Pomfret Depot. Talcott. Harv'ey (C.) Portland. Emery, Samuel M. (E.) Miner, Cyrus (C. B.) Preston. Hunt. N.S.(.C.) Whittemore, R. (C.) RoberU, H. F. do Smith, I. do Prospect. Frost, Daniel D. do Reading. Shaw, Jacob (M.) Taylor, Jo.suph P. Hawley, James A. (C.) Bridgefield. Olmstead, Henrv, Jr. (E.) Strong, S. S. (M.) Chapin, C. (C.) Rocky Hill. Rocky Hill. Roxbury. Salem. Sharon. Sherman. •Simsbury, Codling, R. (M.) Foote, George L. (E.) Itham, Austin (C.) Thompson, Charles (C.) Leffingwell, Charles (C. B.) Hau^'h, James H. (M.), Lime Rock Salisbury. Reid, Adam (C.) Ferris, William H. (M.) Nichols, George H. (E.) Howard, W. G. (C. B.), Essex Saybrook. Ellis, H. do do Burton, Henry (M.) do Cushman, E. (C. B.), Deep River Chapman, F. W. (C.) do Guion, John M. (E.) Crane, E. B. (C.) Moody, Martin (E.) King, Lucius (M.) Stoddard, Judson B. (C.) McLean, A. do ThrHiipson, R. G. (P.), Tarilfville Maine, R. H. (C. B.) do Toy, Joseph (M.) Olmstead, Miles N. (M.) Vail, Joseph [C] Somers. Barber, Lorenzo [M.] Farnsworth, J. H. [llv.] Whittemore, W. H. [C] Southbury. Butterfield, O. B. do Jones, Elisha C. [C] Suuthington. Dorrance, George W. [C. B.] Smith, Levi fC] South fVindsor. Pendleton, G. W. fC. B.], Furnace "oUow Stafford. Livemiore, D. P., Furnace Hollow Woodward, George H. fC] Fish, Franklin [M.] Stafford Springs. Collins, A. B. fC] IVest Stafford. Trois, J. J. [Uv.] Stamford. Todd, And)rose S. [E.] Jennings, Isaac [C] Ayres, F. H. do, Long Ridge Pease, Hart F. fM.] Brewer, W. W. do Ross, Henry H. Fuller, Henry [C.J JVorth Stamford. McGee, Wm (C.) Brady, John (R. C.) Stamford. Peakham, Peleg (C. B.) Sterling. Gardner, John do Allen, Jacob (C.) Tillinghast, Thos. (C. B.) Palmer, A. G. do Stonington. VVhitnegM, A. L. (C.) Westerly Cleft, VVilliam do Cook, N. U. (C.) Mystic Bridge Chase, Moses (flL) Cooper, John do Mystic Benton. Sanford do Mystic Bridge Weed, Wni. B. (C.) Stratford. Scott, Joseph (E.) Kelsev, Charles (M.) Wasliburii. A. C. (C.) Dwight, J. (B.) Taylor, Uavid (C. B.) Sessions, J. W. (C.) Bell, James J. (M.) Willet. Chs. (C. B.) Carpenter, J. C. (C. B.) Dow, Daniel (C.) Mather, James (M.; Dorchester, Dan. do Dorchester, D. Jr. do .Marsh. Abraham (C.) Holman, J. (C. B.) Hurd, Wm. W. (M.) McKinstrey, J. A. (C.) Torrington. Mnore, Wm. H. do Torringtbrd Seelye, Samuel T. do Wolcottville Doty. Erastus (C. B.) lilvdenburgh, M. (.M.) Woolcottville O.ikley, Thos. H. do Trumbull. Whittelsey, John S. (C.) Tomlinson, D. G. (E.) Curti<, Samuel J. (C.) Smith, .\lhert do Winslow, Horace do Rockville Palmer. A. (M.) Weavor. C. S. (C. B.) Voluntown. Cady, Wm. O. (M.) I Gilbert, Edwin R. (C.) Wallingford. Bryant, Hilliard (E.) Denison. A. E. (C. B.) Keep, William (C.) IVarren. Long, William (E.) Washington. Read, Hollis (C.) Haynes, Cordeii do O'lN'eil, Michael (R. C.) Waterbury. Perkins, N. M. ((J. B.> Howland, S. (M.) Elliot, Henry B. (C.) CI irk, Jacob L. (E.) D.irrow, Francis [C. B.] IVaterford. Rogers, L. T. do Keeney, Curtiss do Holcrnib, Frederick [E.] fVatertown. Hurd, Philo [C] Hvde, Wm. A. [C] Westbrook. Gay. Wm. [M.] Suffield. West Suffield. Thompson . Tolland. Tisdale, Win. [M.] Tomlinson, S. 1). f E.] Weston. Union. Vernon. Pennel, Lewis [C] (.'regory, A. [C. B.j Benedict, Henr>' [C] Westport, Frisbie, Wm. H. [E.] Tucker, Mark [CJ Wetkersfield, Brace, Jacob fC.] Bromley, Henry [B.] Barrows, Sylvester [C. B.] Willington. Bancroft, David [C.J Hall, Gordon [C] Wilton. Bangs, Wm. H. [M.] Smith, Wm. F. do Wilcox, Timothy [E.] Dill. James H. [C] Winchester. Pettibone, Ira do Winsted Coe, Jonathan [E.] do Husted, Harvey [M.] do Tyler, John E." [C] Windham, Brewster, Josepli [E] Phillips, James [M.J Howling, Thos. [C. B.] Willimantic Robinsun, A. H. [M.J do Sharpe. Andrews [C] do Borden, Thos. [Uv.] do Tallman, Tho.s. [C.j Scotland Leete, T. A. do Windsor. Lane, Samuel W. [M.] Allen, Sam. H. fC] Windsor Locks. Everest, C. B. do Poquonock Windsor. Beach, A. C. do Wolcott. Smith, John [E.] Smith, J. D. [C] Eliot, H. B. do Woodbridge. Curtis, L. Ci. do Woodbury. Churchill, J. do Babbitt, P. F. [K.] Hubbell, G. A. [M.] Paine, John [(". B ] Woodstock, Curtis, Jonathan [C] MarsI), Wm. H. do JV. Woodstock, Turkington, Wm. [M.] Botelle, Thos., Muddy Bro:ik Woodstock, Brooks, E. T. [C.] West Woodstock. Brown, Edwin C. [C. B.J Clotliiiig— Ready ITTade. Hubbell, EUsha, 122 Main st Bridgeport, Hannlton, A. & Co., 92 Water st Lewis, H. N. 87 do Forbes, Geo. W. 85 do Stearns, J. do Haskell, A. & J. 59 do Harris, Solomon &. Co. do Hawley, H. S. & Co. do Hall, Will. M. Derby. Scott, (i. W., Ansonia Weriwurth, W. E. Enfield, Newm^in & Hew'es Greenwich. Fisher, Thos. T. 28 State st (whole- sale) Hartford, Gritting, Charles 82 State st Hamilton, Lorenzo 10 do Phelps, R. R. 54 do Janilisons, .A. 51 do Brown, Wm. B. 3 American R.iw Childs, G. H. 166 Main st Hartford. Darrow, Thos. 264 do Kappel, G. W. 79 do Chase & Wood East Kilhngly. Chaniberlin & Rothwell fV. do Hill, Daniel E. „ ^ ^ Bird, Daniel S. JVew Hartford. Biker, A. & Co., Bakerville Crissev, J. VV. 52 Church st Stillman & Clark, 60 Chapel st Mix, Temple B. 34 Fleet st Kaliski, S. 65 Church st Williams, Isaac, Grand st Alman, Jnmes do Auerback, S. D. cor. State and Fleet Hood, R. 20 Fleet st Lyon & Robbins, wholesale, Bank st JVeai London. Crandall, J. & G. W. Lithaver & Co. 118 Main st J^orwich. Downer, S. A. 124 do Morey & Tanner, 128 do Gorton, Anthony, 91 do Salter, A. Stamford. Hoyt, Roswell Holmes, D. D. Somers. Perrin, L. K. & C, Pomfret Depot Tliompson. Richmond, Charles, Wolcotville Torrinffton. Skillman, John S., Rockville Vernon. Lewis, Sheffield, Willimantic tVindham. Fuller, D. L., Scotland Coal Dealers. Lewis, Roswell, 21 State st Bridgeport. Merritt, J, B., Middle st Gregory, Ira, Water st. Bostwick, Charles & Co., Water st Belden & Miner South Canaan. Bates & Avery Darien Landing. Waterbury, J. & Sons Blakeinan & Downs Derby. Whitney, H., Birmingham Pike & Sturgis, Southport Fairfield. Newman & Hewes Greniwich. Hale, \V. & J. Guilford. Brainard, H. & Co. 118 State st Hartford. Chapin, A. 35 Commerce st Fisk, Otis Middlelown. Shaddick, Stephen English, Charles L., E. Water st JVcio Haven. Benedict, T. & Son do Anderson & Ailing do Rathburn. J. S., Fleet st Hotchkiss, Isaac T., Long wf Colt, Anson F., cor. East and CoUis Scranton, H. L., Fair Haven Holt & Fitch JVeu) London. Colt, Robert & Co. Hobron, Samuel Brown, B. F. Chappell, Edward, Central wharf J^Torioich. Huntingt(m, John G. do Coit & Co. do Hayden, Samuel, Essex Saybrook. Adams. N. E. Stamford. Leeds, Charles H. Scofield, Oliver Holmes, I. D., Mystic Bridge Stonington Smith, Isaac Stratford Keeler & Betts fVestport CONNECTICUT. Colog-iie and Essence itlanufacturers. Fuller, C. R. Columbia. Allen, EdW. 289 Main st Hartford. Comb Manufacturers. Couch, Charles, horn. Bethel Danbury. Peck, S. B. do do Tyler & Andrews do Smith, E. B. do Mansfield. Birdsey, Edwin, wood Meriden. Pratt, Julius & Co., ivory Webb, Walter & Co. do W. Meriden. Buckland, Stearns & Co., ivory Middletown. Beers, Isaac, horn JVewtown. Curtis, Sam'l do Taylor, J. H. do Beers, C. do May, Hf nry do Jones, D. W. do Lobdell, B.C. do Skidmore. Charles, horn Piatt, VVm. Jr. do Shepard, Ambrose do Vincent, Anson do Reading. Randall, Wheeler & Co., ivory Roxbury. Read, George & Co., ivory piano keys and paper folders, Deep River Saybrook. Pratt. Spencer & Co., ivory turnings, piano keys, &c. Deep River Griswold, \. & Co., ivory, Esse.x Comstock, S. M. & Co., ivory tooth picks, Essex Comstock & Griswold, ivory, Essex Eldridge, Ariel, horn Willington. Heath, John do CofSee and Spice ITIanu- facturers. Franklin Coffee and Spice Mills, S. M. Downer, agent, Franklin Sq. J^orwich Boardman, Wm. Wethersfield CoinmSssaon Merchants. Sterling, Daniel H., W. I. goods, wholesale. Water St., Bridgeport. Hubbell, E. E. & Co., fruit and nut«, 82 Water st Ransom, T. & Co. 70 Water st Holcomb & Middlebrook, 64 do Morford, Northop & Co. 66 do Bolles, Sexton & Co. 5 Asylum street Hartford. Day, Griswold & Co., dry goods, 3 Asylum street Jones, J. J., auctioneers for the sale of carriages, 7 Asylum st Allen, T. M., wholesale dry goods, 9 and 11 Asylum st Howe, Mather & Co., dry goods, 22 Asylum st Collins & Brothers, dry goods, 18.\sy- lum st Day, Owen & Co., wholesale domes- tic dry goods, 8 Asylum st Hull, E. B. & Co., leather, hides and oils, 102 and 104 State st Smith, Elisha T., W. L goods, 108 State st Porter & Moor, wholesale W. I. goods and fish, 43 Commerce st Northuni & Bolter, wholesale W. I. 1 goods, 47 and 49 Commerce st Seymour, C. B., wholcs.ile W. I. goods, .52 Commerce st Ramsey, Wm. S. & Co., fruit & nuts, 36 State st Morgan D. & Co., wholesale W. I. goods, 116 State st Clark & Church, wholesale W. I. goods, 107 State st Sage, Alpha, domestic produce, 63J State st Bunce, James M. &■ Co. 53 Com- I nierce st , ,., Case, L., wholesale W. I. goods, 54 Morgan st Coming & Olmsted, auctioneers for sale of dry goods and furniture, 220 I Main st 291 Gray, John S., hardware, 199 Main st Hudson, B. & W., auctioneers, dry- goods and furniture, 209 Main st Hartford. Nicholson, J. 42 State st JVcw Haven. Walker, Alfred, auction. 37 Church st Hotchkiss, Ezra, Long Wharf Bacon, Nathaniel A., Basin Wharf Prescott & Co., 11 Long Wharf Almy, A. H. &. Co., 3 Commerce st J^orwich. Prentice, D. M., liquors and wines, wholesale. Commerce st Hammond, H. K., corner Water and Miirkct sts Kinney & Chapell, corner Main and Water sts Warren & Co., Commerce st Confectioners. Squirrell, O., Bank st Bridgeport. Nichols, E. T. & Co. Derby. Fish, Daniel, 2 State st Hartford. Holt, M. P. 257 Main st Thomas, P. 102 do Button, William, 88 Chapel st Mew Haven. Gilbert, Levi, 39 Church st Rogers, S. &. G. JVcw London. Campbell, J. H. JVorwalk. Gale, J. H. & F. M. 687 Main st J^orwich. Truman, J. B. do Truman & Tubbs, do Breckenridge, N. C, Franklin sq. Kinney & Wheeler Winsted JVincheiter. Coopers. Grant, Smith, Branford. Adams, John, Bridgeport. Drew, Abel, Water st Ives, B. & Son, kegs Cheshire. Brooks, Thomas H., kegs Preston, Amasa, kegs Huntington, L. A., kegs Cook, E. & E., kegs Fox, Leonard East Hartford. Bentry, W. H., PortersviUe, Oroton. Benton, Daniel L., oyster kegs. South Farms Litchfield. Parrott, A. T. & Co., Long W harf, JVeu) Haven, Sperry. Enos McCabe, J., Gaylord's Bridge, JVew Milford. Miller, Setb Stamford. Woodrutf, Truman Washington. Cordage Manufacturers. Olmstead, Henry Bridgeport. Church. Abner, 22 Morgan st Hartford. Culver, C. C. JVejc London. Hrag iw, A. W. Breed, J. & Co., line cordage and twine, 1 Commerce st JVorwich. Faxson, E. Stonington. Lamb, J. A., Mystic Cotton Dealers. Dunham, Austin, 105 State st Hartford. Crosby, D. P. 89 do Buck, Dudley, 29 Commerce st Huntington, J. M. & Co., Commerce jitreet M'orwich. Norton, Converse & Co. 15 Water st Cotton Goods— Manu- facturers. Fenner Joshua, Batting Canterbary. Crandall, H. do Eldridge, John C. do Manchester, B., Batting, Wicking and Twine Colebrook, 292 NEW-ENGLAND MEKCANTILR UNION DIRECTORV. Robertson, Elijah, Battin? Sout/i Coventry. Sherman & Beardsley, Slocking Yarn, Batting Twine, and Carpet Warp, Hurnphreysville Derby. Brayton, W. H. & S. L., Batting Kast l^yme. Brayton, John R., Wicking Fanning, Henry W., Butting and Twine Onswuld. Clark, George W., Coarse Yarn. Jewett City Davis, Ichabod, Jr., Batting Orotov. Gray, Win. do Hebrun. Coller, John, Batting h^. Killhiffly. Palmer, Elisha, Batting and Twiue, Uncasville MontviUe. Smith, J. W., Cotton Rope-yarn, Un- casville Lewis, VV^ B. & G., Satinet Warp J^augatuck. Gilbert, E. A., Batting JsTcwton. Disbrow, C, Carpet Warp and Twine Jforwatk. Baxter, Samuel, Batting Pumfret. Webb, Geo., Carpet Yarn Preston. Thompson, Nathan P., Batting, East Windsor Hill Huuth IVindsor. Grant & Bulkley, Batting Faxon, E., Batting Slonington. Lamb, J. A., Batting, Rope-yarn and Chalk-lines, Mystic Z>ag'uerrian Case lYTaiiu- faciurer^. Robinson, L. Scott & Woodruff Hart &. Woodruff Eaton, L. &. G. Bristol. Oxford. Southampton. fVatertown. Porter, D. II. Bridgeport. Curtis, W. M., Main st Abbott, F. P., Birmingham Derby. Patt,>n, R. Ellington. Hooker, C. Ooshen. Terry, J. B. 180i Main st Hartford. Greenleaf, James M., corner of Main and State streets Crane & Kced. 4 State st Preston, Hiram, 12 do Fuller, S. S. 227 Main st do do Litchfield. West Meriden. Blackmar & Eddy, Carpet Warp and ' F.igan, A. H. Twine Thompson. \ Bradley, A. N. Bullock, C. 194 Briggs, J. M. 180i Hooker, C. M. Blake, Edward N Benton, H. Potter, P. Dunham & Newton, Main st Middletown. .Merriman, A., Main st Pelton, J. A. do Stickney, J. N., Batting, Rockvili Vernon. Valley Falls Company, Batting Smith, Rufus, Welt Cord and Twine New Preston fVashington. Wells, Edwin, Batting, Newington fVethersfield. Wood, Wm., Wadding fVestport. Hallville Company, Gardner Hall, Agent, Baiting IVillington. Clark, Joel B., Batting and Wickinj.', Rainbow IVindsor. Hathaway, Amos, Batting, VV'ickiMg and Twine, Poquanock Warner, Thomas, Carpet Warp and Twine S. Woodstock. Austin, B., Batting J^. Woodstock. iuHi'ry I?Ianufact9ircrK. Mutual Manufacturing Co. Bristol. Birmingham Knife Factory, Pocket Cutlery, Birmingham Derby. Shellon, Clark, Pocket Cutlery, Bir- mingham Pratt, Ropes, Webb & Co., Table Cntlery West Meriden. lloadley, Silas Plymouth. French, Bird, Chapinville Salisbury. Holley & Merwin, Pocket Cutlery, Lakeville Dag-uerriam ArJisl^i. Naromore, Williiim, State st Bridgeport. Porter. Martin West Comical I. Bartlett & Fuller, Artists' Materials, wholesale, 192^ Main st Hartford. Cooley, S. A., .Artists' M teriai«, 41 and 42 State st Parsons, George F., Artists' Stock, 8 Waverly Buildings Stancliff, J. W., corner of Main and Pearl streets White, H. S. Middletown. Gnlpin, S. S. 54 Church st JVcw Haven. Moulthrop, M. & Co. 6 & 15 Phcenix 1 Baker, Ives & Co, (.Bowles, E. B. 46 Orange st JVeic Haven. Crofut & Cuyler, 59 Chapel st Crosby, C. O. 58 Orange st Mallftt, Samuel, 93 Church st Miller, Edward B. 15 Grand st Morell, Louis F. 26 Orange st Munson, Wni. G. 117 Church st Wheat, Jerome B. 55 Chapel st Tuttle, S. D. Merritt, J. U. J^orth Stonington. Hill, A. J^orwalk. Jillson, J. A. 113 Main st J^Torwich. R.gers, L. W. 106 do Allin, Wm. H., Shetiicket st Packhurst, G. R., Main st D(jolittle, A. B. Plymouth. Williams, Lewis Pomfret. Mercer, F. T. Stonington. Frinelle, M. M., Rockville Vernon. Blake, A. S. Watetbury. Fitch, Charles Westport. Patterson, D. W., Winsted Winchester. Post, H. A., Williniantic Windham. 1>istillers. Gowdy, L., Scitico Village Enfield. Gowdy, Elam do Belden, Horace Simsbury. Barber, B. P., Ware House Point East Windsor. SJoor, Sasli, and Blind x?lauu£ucturers. Wells & Wraplee, New Britain Berlin. Hiniblin & Case Humi)hrey & Co. Weed, J. T-yon &. Curtis Bissett. J. L. Shepard, L. C. Bloomfield. Bridgeport. Building Disbrow. Charle«,8 and 9 Brewster's Building Peck, S. 96 Chapel st Lyons, J. L., State st JVew London. Thompson, L., Dealer in Artist-s' Ma- terials, 113 Main st JVorwich. Ives, Ezra, Buswell Building Whipple, Ileary Catlin & Egilston .ATorth Canaan. West Cornwall. llotch-kiss, Clark &.Co., Birmingham Derby. Coe, W. & Co., Ansonia Hills & Carter, Plainv'e Farmington. Wing, E. Ooshen. Heath, John, Poquinoc Oroton. Taylor, B. & C, Dutch Point Hartford. Chamberlain, Elijah West Killingty. Butler & Treat Meriden. Bailey, L. E. Middletown. Atwater, Ira, East Water street JVew Haven. Hotchkiss & Lewis, East Water st Canlield, George, Bridgevvater J^'ew Milford. Randall, Wm., Bridgewater Shepard, Joshua W., Rear of Frank- lin square J^orwic/i. Rouse, G., Centr'l Village Plainjield. Warner, Win. B. Plymouth. Whiting &. Co. Bacon, A. O. Simsbury. Andrews, Charles Stamford. Lathrop &. Northrup, Mystic Bridge ' Stonington. Stanley, E.S., Readsville Tlwmpson. Beaumont, Elijah (Blinds) Waliiiigford. Hotchkiss, S. A. Woodbridge. Rawson, Stiles J^orth Woodstock. Morse, Nathan, Muddy Brook Woodstock. Krugs and medicines— Dealers. Warden, N. S., State st Bridgeport. Shelton, Wm. J., wholesale. Main st Worthington, O. Colchester, Terry, G., Enfield St., foot of John st Cheshire. Gray, J. F., PortersvUle Oroton. Howe, J. C. do Fowler, G. A. Ouilford. Lee & Butler, wholesale, 144 Main street Hartford. Welch, G. M., wholesale, 88 State st Covin, C. L., wholesale, 18 State st Williams, G. W., Green Manchester. Hinman, F. E. West Miriden. Hubbard & Howes, Main street Middletown, Ihindy, Samuel W. JVaugatuck. Allen, F. L. JVeio London. Baxter & Smith Thompson, Geo., Bank st Boardman, F. JVew Milford. Griffith, T. B. South J^Torwalk. Devotion, John L., Water ai.d Com- merce streets .^forwich. Tyler, Wm. S., Water st Lee & Osgood, 127 Main st Tyler, Samuel, 146 do Bulkeley, S. B. 152 do Osgood, Chas. & Co., 31 Shetucket st Thompson, C. C, Greenville Humphrey, E. S.,Lakev'le Salisbury. Wliittemore, A. F., manutacturer of Medicines, Essex Saybrook. Stillman, H.W., Botanic and Thomp- sonian. Westerly Stonington. Boyden & Williams, Pomfret Depot Thompson. Gardiner, James Torrington, Mall, B. M. Cook, E. F, Perkins, J. Stamford, J. C. Ellis & Barlow Wallingford. Wethersfield. Windham. West Woodstock. Ury Goods— Dealers. Bancroft & Ransom, New Britain Berlin. Birdsey, E. &, C. G., wholesal.i and retail, 112 Main st Bridgeport. Niles, Sanmel, wholesale and retail Slielton, Henry, 32 State st Johnson, Henry M. 115 Main st Hyde, R. & Son, 19 State st Hubbell, Thompson & Co., whole- sale and retail, 193 Main st Beach, James W., wholesale and retail, Wall st Bridgeport. Seeley, Charles G. Humphrey, G. JVortA Canaan. Nichols, A., Southport Fairfield. CONNECTICUT. 2fl3 Langdon & Judd, 212 Main street Hartfurd. Spencer & Co.. wholes., 184 Main st Olmsted, Tliucher and Goodrich, wholesale, 158 .Main st Bliss, Benjamin, 236 Main st Dean, John, 228 do Sexton, Loring, 224 do Chaflee, S. G., 210 do Catlin & Co., 188 do Shelilon, C. & Co., wholesale, 162 Main st Davis, Wm. B., Importer, 14 and 15 Asylum st Smith, J. Gorton, 146 Main st Wells, Horace, wholes., 136 Main st Birge, F. & H. & Co., 205 do Hudson, B. &. \V., wholes., 209 do Williams, J. D., 217 do Miller, H. L., wholesale, 223 do Thompson, W. S., wholes ,225 do Starr & Burkett, wholes., 227 do Cornish, M. & Co., wholesale, 231 Main st Hotchkiss & Pratt, wholesale, 263 and 265 Main st Adams & Stowe, wholesale, 233 Main st Griswold, Samuel W., wholesale, 249 Main st Allen, T. M., wholesale, 9 and 11 Asylum st Howe, Martin & Co., wholesale, 22 A-' Leeds, John R. Hurler, Peter 1 Lockwood & French I Buxton, Nelson Davenport, William Stratford. Suffield. IVest Suffield. Thompson, Staffordville. West Stafford. Stamford. 295 Todd, tieorge W., Long Ridge atamford. Palmer, F. T. do Sterling MaiiuficturingCo. Sterling. Oneco Manufacturing Co. Stillman, M., Westerly Stonington. Sheffield, H. & F. Hancock, Peleg Fai(m, E. Chesebrough, Samuel Brown, Jesse N. Chesebrough, E. S. Latham, L. N. Hewett & Hull Brown, J. C. Grant, O. B. Pendleton & Co. Beebe, A. G. Carew, Simon Watrous, David, Mystic William<, L. C. do Sanders, Barton do Fish, A-a, Mystic Bridge Collins, B. F. do Harding, Henry, Mystic Bridge Hoxie, 1?. F do Mallory, D. D. do Hyde, John do Lamb, J. A. Williams, E. J. Booth & Judson Wells, E. & Co. Curtis, Rewell Gorham, J. & D. Sheldeii (ai), Horace Looniis & Hale Bissell, Harvey Sikes, F. A. Rose, J. B. & M. Olney, J. Knight, Erastus Sheldon, G. W. Keach, H. W. Ross, John E., Masonville Mason ville Co. do Boise, P. H. & Co., FishversviUe Sigourney & Wood jVcro Bnston. Shumway, Stephen ^ Thompson. Lougee, Darling Turtellott. Nelson Olney, William. ReadsviUe Oatley, Samuel, Mechanicsville Ballou, Hosea, Rhodesville, M. S. & Co. do Sawyer, E. Perrin, L. K. & C, Pomfret Depot Manning, J. W. do Boyden & Williams do Morse, Blanchard & Co., Rhodesville Hawkins, A Jl. Tolland. Waldo & Brother Hungerford, VV. M., Walcottville Torrington. Wadham, George D., Walcottville Lathrop & Bradford do Lewis, T., Longhill Trumbull Beardsley, -Miles Middlebrook, Robert Crafts, Russell Nichols, H. S., Nichols Fann Plumb, E. E. do ^° ^ . Walker & Sessions Union. Marcv, Merrick Newell, David Hibbard, C, Rockvnlle Vernon. Smith, Gilbert & Co., RockviUe White & Bissell do Tracy, A. L. do Hunt, McLean & Co. Butler & Sparks Walker, G. H. & Co. Centreville Co. Treat, James S. Lewis. L. Ives, E. H. Carrington & Kirtland Blakesly. S., Yalesville Peters, M. & J-. Woodville TVarren. Gilbert & Swift Doughty, S. M. V., Woodville Washington. Brinsmade, T. F. Voluntown. Wallingford. 296 NEW-ENGJ.AND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Leavitt, Wm. & Son Washington. Tomlinson, D., New Preston Waller, G. P. & Co., New Preston Morehouse & Grannis do Hotchkiss & Merriman IVaterbury. Beneiiict & Burnhaiii Manuf'g Co. Turner, E. Burton, C. U. C. Scovill, J. M. L. & W. H. Brown, W. & A. W iterville Manufacturing Co. Bronsim, Isaac Gardner, Henry, 2d Waterford. Whituian, Asa Stewart & Lewis Brown, Jaine.s C. Rogers, Benjamin Darrow, John L. Badet, H. S. Comstock, J Curtis, Eli fVatertnwn. Hemenway, Merritt Bushnell, A. & Co. Weatbrook. Stann;ird, James A. & Co. Kirtland, (i. B. & Co. Stannard & Chalker Winton, fVeston. Mclntire, John Sturgis, William Robbiiis, S. W. fVethersfield. Com-itock, Ferr & Co. Willard, Thomas Clapp, Roswell Lockwood, Henry WiUington Glass Co. fVUlington. Weston, O. & Co. Merrick, G. N. Johnson, Merrick Betts, A. Wilton. Cannon, Charles Fitch, Joseph P. Sturges, Wm. Liockwood, George W. Comstock, N.ilhan & Son Middlebrook, George B. Oliustead, Lewis Godlrey, Silliman Adams, Norman, Winsted » IVm Chester. Clark, Gilbert & Co., Winsted Woodford, E. S. do Camp, M. & C. J. do Beardsley, Elliott do Coe, S. VV. Boyd, James &. Son HurlbiU, S. & L. BronsoQ, Theron Lincoln, F. M. JVorth Windham. Clark. L. \{.. Willimantic Collins, A. P. Ijord & Basset Lewis, Sheffield Tenri.itt, J. H. Ltje, Samuel l.add, Mirrill Windham. Wodilworth, C. A. Swift, J. & W. Binuhun, E. & Co., Scotland Fuller. U. L. do Burnett, James do Langdon, F., Ware House Point East Windsor. Pease, H. & Z. K. Kingsbury, R. Loomi.s, S. (). Windsor. M ither, Wni. &. Co. Windsor /..ocks. Kendall & Haskell Crane, L. W. McCiiwen, Philip McKenney, S., Rainbow Windsor. CI Ilk. Sanuiel, Poquonock Huck, Daniel, Jr. do Lane, Richard A. Wolcott. Carter, L. H. Merriam, Alvah Woodbury. De Forest, Marcus & Co. & Judson Parker, N. & Co. Judd & Judson Miner & Allen Wheeler, Joseph Martin, Daniel Ellis & Barlow West Woodstock. Willi.uns, Andrew A. Stoddard, Henry Carpenter, Aniasa JV. Woodstock. Whitney. P. C, Muddy Brook Bowen, Edward E. Woodstock. Ciroll, A. W. Arnold, Wm. R. South do Warner, S. Harris, Brothers Dyers— .Silk, Cottou, aud Woollou. Wasson, William Bridgeport. Hudson, A., St tie st JVcmj Haven. Brep^on, L. 90 do R..lph, H(nry82do Babcock, Horace & Son (cotton yarn) J^orth Stonington. Thayer, John R., Greenville J^orwich. Earthen ^Vare ITEanufac- turers. Smith & Day South JVorwalk. (cluintard, James A. Edg^e Tool Manufac- turers. Cleveland, W. N. Andover. Cannon, Elijah (blacksmiths' and joiners' tools) Barkhamsted. Hamblin, Eli (currying knives) Brookfield. Tomlinson, D. & Comp. (currying knives) Hanchett, Ephraim M'orth Canaan. Wilcox, Josiah Greenwich. Glasko, J. M. Oriswold. Fenn, Leonard Middlebury. Watson, Wm. JVtiO Canaan. Wilcox, A. & Co. Rocky Hill. Nash, Harvey Stamford. Jordan, Parley, New Boston Thompson. Bailey & Wolcott Wethersfield. Wells & Davenport Avery, S. (hoes aud edge tools) Willingford. Piatt, David Wilton. Gregory, Giles (hoes) Engravers. Dodd, W. Henry (wood) ]80i Main street Harlfurd. Clark, S. H. (wood) 124 Main st Johnson. W. B. (card and oriiauien- tr'.l) 4i State st Willard, A. (picture and letter) 1 Central Row B irber, E. L. (wood) 30 Exchange J^ew Haven Fancy Goods— Dealer-i. Lego. Wm. 75 Wnter st Bridgeport. Landon, F. 20 Wall st Fiix, Mrs. M., agent, 246 Main st Hirtford. Smith, Patrick, wholes., 244 Mai.i st H ilzi nberg & Ballersteiu, 140 .Main st Hosmer. Chas. 138 do Sterns, Mycr & Co. 134 do Bamberger & Rosenblatt, 130 do King, Henry A., Variely. 275 do Sellings & Hornthol, 12() do Fox, J. & G. 12r)i do Field, C. W., 60 Church street JVew Haven. TOYS AND FANCY ARTICLES. Field, C. W. 60 Church st J^ew Haven. Wakelee, J. C. I14i Chapel st Ruck.iie, .\. 45 Church st Wallace, F. Stonington. Brown, S. R. Fire Brick— Dealers. Brainard, H. & Co. 118 State st Hartford, Chapin, A. 35 Commerce st Huggins, E. E. & Co., manufact'rers, 135 Chapel st J^ew Haven, Fisli Dealers. Edwards & Whiting, 67 Water st Bridgeport, Hendrick, Elias, Water st Porter &. Moore, wholesale, 43 Com- merce si Hnrtfurd. Savage & Co., 42 and 44 Commerce st Hyde, Charles, 15 Cliurch street J^Tew Haven. Gdodnough, J. 31 do Ash, Benjamin Stonington. Flour A: Grain— Dealers. Williams & Spencer, Water st Bridgeport, Cook, Alfred. Water st Catlin, George O. JSTorth Canaan. Clark, George W., Jewitt City Oriswold. Imliy & Smith, wholesale, 113 suite st Hartford. Martin, Thoma , 36 Morgan st Jencks, Levens, Daysville Killingly. Thompson, L. West do Day, Daniel E, Andrews. Almon West Meriden. Wetmore, A. C. Armstrong, L. & W., Long wharf JV'e«j Haven. Hoyt, Abijah, Long wharf Hu'bbell &. Co. Morwalk, Glover, Wm. H., wholesale. Com merce st jVorwich. Prentice & .\vpry, wholesale. Water and Commerce streets Fairchild, Charles C. Stratford. Cutler, H. C, Pomfret Depot Thompson. Olmsted, .'Vrinond Washington. Brown & Heicox, New Preston Fork ITIanufacturers. Arnold, Enos, Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Clark, L. Chester. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Hay Forks, Farmington. Carrier, Joseph West Hartland. Tattle, E. C, Hoes, Forks ami Trow- els, J^augatuck. Jordan, Parley (Mill Work) New Boston Thompson. Shaw, P. J., Winsted Winchester. White, Oliver do Fruit 122 Main st Atkins, W. H., Main st Middletown. Pease, A, G & R. A., Main st Smith, Nathan, 108 Chajjel street JVcic Haven. Ensign, Wooster A. (iinponer), 70 Chit pel st Hughes, E. B. M. 150 Chnpel st English & Atwater, 148 do King & Ahbee, 62 do Griffing. J. S. 55 State st Phelps & Beecher, 5 do Read, T. D. 17 Broadway st Mix, Jamos T. & Co. (importers.) 59 & 61 Sute st Broughton, H. W. Fairhaven 298 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Smith &. BL'ckwith, Smith's Block .Yew IjOndon. Dennis, S imuel, 3t;ite st Street, VV. C. (K.irming Utonsils) JVnrwalk. Isaac, Charles Breed, .1. & Co. (.importers,) 1 Com- merce st JVorwich. Converse. Chas. A. (importer,) Wa- ter & Coinmerce sts Johnson, Robert, 122 Main st Leeds, Charles H. Stamford. Adams, N. E. I'erriu, L. K. & Co., Pomfret Depot Thompson. Gray, Alvah fVest.port. Sanford, Z. Staples &. Adams Hardivare— Manufactu- rers. Stanley, F. T. (Door Bolts & Trunk Handles,) New Britain, Berlin. North. A. & Sons, (Buckles), do Butler, H. & Sons, (Saddlery), do North & Stanley do Finch, A. L. (Saddlery) do Smith, Wm. H.( Shovels & Tongs), New Britain Sanders, G. M. (Castors), Kensington Gladding, Jesse (Shovels & Tongs), New Britain Vencell, C. (Shovels & Tongs), do Bronson, T. C. Berlin. Squire, Parsons & Co. Branford. Wheeler. E. & Co. (Carriage & Har- ness), Cannon st Bridgeport. Keyes, David H., Unionville Farmington. Goodwin, Ralph (Coach & Saddlery), 143 Main st Hartford. Way, brothers & Co. 197 Main st Ives, James, (Carriage & Harness), Hamden. Dickerman, In & Co. (Coach and Saddlery), 35 Chapel st JV. Haven. Jndson, Cornwall & Cowles, (Coach and Saddlery). 39 Orange st St'ven^, .1. & E. JVort/i Middleton. SMva^ie & North Brothers, (Castors, Latches, and Sash-Pulleys) JVew Haven. WiUon, Increase J^ew London. White & Cowles, (Cotfee-.Mills), Camden. Foster, Merriam &Co. (Cabinet Fur- niture.Castors, Music-stool Screws. Pedal-loot Key-pins, Table fasten- ings. Spring Balances, octagon and plain Ox Knobs, &c.i W. Meriden. Miller. J. & E. (Lamp Screws and Candle-stick Springs) Curtiss, Morgan &. Co. Crocker & Pratt (Copper Boilers and Tea-kettle Bottoms, gilt Brass Let- ters, Stove Ornaments. Liimp Re- flectors, Clock Trimmings, &c.) Merijlen. Clark, J. B. (lamp screws and candle stick springs) Sanford. P:irnielee & Co. (bitts, au- gurs, skates, &c.) Wilcox & Snow (steelyards, iron braces and door knockers) Meriden. Hotchkiss, A. A. (saddlery hardware) Sharon, Scovills & Buckingham (butt hinges and lamp reflectors) IVaterbary. Harmless, Sa^lrtle, and Truuk MaBiufacturcrs. Gaylord, Horace Ashford. Kellogg, B. Avon. Butler, David H., Pleasant Valley Barkhamsted. Roger*, E.. New Britain Berlin. Linsley, Albert Branford. Pettit, Isaac O. 92 Water st Bridgeport. Stevens, William, 90 Watfr st Kiiapp, N. B. 78 do HarraJ & Co. do Daniel, S. B. 76 Water street Wade, Crosby & Co. Northrop, A. Brookfield. Smith, A. Wilbur, Clark Brooklyn. Hill, E. M. JVorth Canaan. Allen, Mills Cheshire. Lynde. A. H. Clinton. Holdridge, E. D. Colchester. Beebe, J. H. Danbury. Beebe, Lemuel, Bethel Curtis, Philo, Birmingham Derby. Martin, Isaac N., Ilumphreysville Gains, Albert East Hartford. Seeley, M. & Son Easton. Potter, S.T.,W. H. Point E. Windsor. Farmington. Goshen. Oranby. Oreenwich. Hampton. Hartford. Litchfield. Manchester Oreen. Meriden. fVest do Milford. Bodwell. Augustus McC'all, James Dibble, O. Snilfen, E. Button, L. T. Button, C. C. Stiles, Levi, 59 State st Deming. Edwin (collirs) 39 Morgan Fuller, G. VV. 132^ Main st Sheldon & Colton Wads worth, Oliver, 309 Main st Wilder, J. L. 80^ Main st Gillett, G. A. Hebron. Humes, Wm. West Killingly Comins, Parker Brown, F. W. Babbitt, John Gilbert, Jos. C. Beckley, R. H. Sperry, S. N. Beadle, Henry Prior, Geo. F., Main st Middletown. Southm:iyd, Alfred Atkins, H. R., Bakerville Sanford, Johnson Sanford, J. (collars) Marshall, Richard Noyes, John JVew Canaan. Goodwin, Orrin J^'ew Hartford. Bostwick, C. Jr. 115 Chapel st JVew Haven. Atwater & Basset, 27 Church st Treadway, (jeo. 81 Chapel st Cottingtoii, C. 15 Church st Johnson, John K. 26 do Sackett & Gilbert, 08 Crown st Morris, Charles, 7 State st Gunn, Samuel J., George st Smith, Henry C. JVeio London. Berry, P. L. Piatt, M. O., Gaylord's Bridge JVeio Milford. Mygatt, Horatio Hill, L. H. JVorfolk. Bradley, Frederick J^'orwalk. Swan, Wm. B. Burrows, G. 61 Water st J^Torwich. Shaw, J. B. 80 Main st Hinckley & Hotchkiss, cor. Main and Union sts Huntington, Jesse Murwich Town. Pinkney, G. W., Central Village Piainfield. Potter, R. L., Moosuk Smith, Wm. A. Turner & Elliott Wheat, C. R.,' Essex Morgan & Morse Cantield, George Portlock. R. Beach, Nelson Southampton. Russell, J. K., Fiurnace Hollow Stafford. Scott, Smith Stamford. Holly, George T. Call, Henry C. Sterling. Potter, E. J^Torth Stnniiiglon. (;il|)in, Silas Stonington. Marion, Wm. A. Edwards, Thomas, Mystic Atwater, Joel Suffield. Plymouth. Salisbury. Saybrook. Somers. Southbury. Comins, Waldo Thompson. Johnson, Henry ToUand. Stone, W. H. & A. B., Wolcottville Tnrrington Crane & Kilbourne, Rock\ille Vernon. Beardsley & Wooding, New Preston Washington, Piatt, Wm. B. Waterbury. Harrison, S. E. Pratt, F. H. Jones, P. W. Westport. Middlebrook, Henry Wilton. Arnold, Henry, Wmsted Winchester. Frisbie, M. D. do Stearns, Nathan A., Williniantic Windham. Wheeler, Ira do Botsford, D. Woodbury. Dean, L. M. JVortA Woodstock. Hat) Cap, & Fur liealers. Hatch, H. F. 91 Water street Bridgeport, Hutchinson, M. W. Colchester. Whitney, W. & Co. iJanen. Flowers, J. W., Birmingham Derby, Cantield &. Downes Clark, S. Guilford, Strong & Woodruff; 204 .M.iin st Hartford. Hamilton, E. S. 200 Main st Stilhiian, P. O. 198 do Hoadley, W. H. 168 do Hamilton, L. (whi>lesale) 10 State st Sexton, Horace, 50 StJite st Bidwell, Daniels & Co. 200 Main st Daniels, J. & Co. 176 do Chamberlain &. Bothwell West Killingly. Bigelow, J. D. Linsley, Noah West Meriden. Stearns, E. S. Middletown. Newton, C. W. Brown, Wilham, 64 Chapel st J^ew Haven. Collins, S. 68 do Mansfield, G. 86 do Foote, J. Jr. 106 do Dobbs & Mather, Bank street JVew London. Hotr, J., Bank st Nichols, W. L. 135 and 137 Main st JVortotcA. Wildman, Russell, 126 Main st Huntington, Wm. D. 93 do Reed, J. W. Stamford. OIney, J. Thompson. Lang, Robert Waterbury. Beers & Warren Watcrtown. Snagg, Peter Westport. Boland, R. E. Hats— ITIauufacturersi* Sturdevant, Elijah Jr. Brookfield. Wildman, H. Holly, Daniel & Son Burr & Lake (hat bodies) Couch, Harvey JVorth Canaan. Hutchinson, H. W. (wool hat) Colchester. Fitch, A. H. (wool hat) Columbia. Hills, C.K. do Little, G. O. do Robinson, G. Z. do Clark, Lyman do Little, George do Davenport, J. do Curtin, Malvin do SouthCoventru. Babcock, Wm. do Curtis, Wm. do Dow, Rufus do Huntington, E. G. (wool hat) Hutchinson, A. do Grover, Ashburn do Watress, Wm. do Dexter, M. C. do Dow, Cyrus (wf)ol hat) Loomis, J. U. do CONNECTICUT. 299 Boynton, L. W. (wool hat bodies) 6'. Coventry. Winchester, Loriiifido Hiiyt, tweedy & Co. Danbury. Miintgdinery. VVm. & Co. Wildmaii, N. U. & Co. Benedict, Charles & Co. Nicliols, F. & Co. Barnes, D. & E. F. Sutton, P. A. Rlallory, Eli Peurce, Otis Wildaian, Stone &. Fry Grirtins, Martin H. Sturr &. Morse (cap makers) Shurni:in, D.& Son, IJethel Danbury. Mayhevv, T. do Dunning, Asel do Ferry, Ceorge do Benjamin, Hiram do Surge, A'athan Jr. do Shepard, Wm. do Shepard, F. &. C. H. do Ferry, S. & C. B. do Hickok & Stiirr do Hickok,C.A. & Co. do Hickok, T.B.& Son do Beebe, Asel do Beebe, Levi do Farnham, E. T. do Benedict, Orrin do Edwards, Charles do Hoyt, (iiles M. do Duranl, H. & P. do Shepard, H. & S. do Shi'pard, D.P.&Son do Morgan, Eli do Taylor, .loseph Jr. do Taylor, Alva do Roberts & Olmsted East Hartford. StiUman, Giles Farmington. Strong & Woodruff, 204 Main st Hartford. Stillman, P. D. 198 Main st Hoadlev, VV. H. 1G8 Main st Bidweli. Daniels & Co., 202 Main st Daniel ., J. & Co. 176 Main st Parsliley, A. R. MiddUtown. Hoyt, Wni. W. (wool hat) Monroe. Hurd, Arnold do Disbrow, J. L. 78 Chapel street JVetc Haven. Dobbs & Mather, Bank street jVew London. Hoff, J., Bank st Sanfonl, J. & Co. (wool hat) Bridge- waier J\rew Milford. Smith & Erwin Warner, G. R. Ci'llegan, Frai:cis Reynolds, Isaac Sa:,|4ird, Julius J^'cwtown. Parsons, Moses Randle & Raymond J\'orwalk. Comslock, David Seymour, Dow & Co. S, J^Turwalk. Benedict, W. H. Malory & Handford Merrill, Volentine Reed. Janjes VVildnjan, Russell, 126 Main st J^orwich. Huntington, Wm. D. 93 Main st Riggs, Cobb & Co. Oxford. Jones. James E. Bridgefeid. Barden, John Sears & Jarvis Fenn, Lyman (wool hat) Roxbury. Band;-.ll. Seward & Co. (wool bod's) Hurlliut, Geo. (wool hat) Booth. D. L. (wool bodies) Lathrop, Amasa (wool hai) Edwards, Frederick Sherman. aiitchcll, John D. (wool hat; Mystic Stoninirton. Isham. G. (wool hat) Tolland. Beers & Warren fVatertown. Randall & Raymond Wilton. Phelton, Wm. Windsor. Tudd, Willis Woodbury. Hat) C'up, uiid Steel Slide Muii Iliac turersi. Wheeler & Hemenway Watertown. Warren &. Woodruff Hoe IManufacturers. Markham, N. S., East Haddam Chatham. Clark, L. Chester. Covin, D. & H., Higgernum,//arfrfa;rt. Whitlock, Z. & H. Plymouth. Dexter, N. L. (also sleigh shoes) Salisbury. Ilomceopathic Fliysi- cians. Norton, L. H., Sterling Place Bridgeport. Lee, Henry, under American Hall Hartford. Taft, C. A. I80i Main street Schue, John, 221 do Skiff, Charles H. 115 Crown st JVfK> Haven. Keep, Leicester, Fair Haven Sites, O. JVew London. Ink Manufacturers. Fuller, C. R. Williams, Jas. B. Columbia. Olastenbury. luk Stand ITIanufac- turtTs. Silliman, S. & Co. Eastman, B. C. Chester. West Jileriden. Insurance Ag'euts. Whitney, Henry, (Health, Life, and Fire,) Birmingham IJerby. Roberts, S. H. (Conn. Mutual Lite Ins. Co., and Essex county Mutual Health Ins. Co.) over 216 Main st Hartford. Norton, D. W. (^tna Ins. Co. ; Hart- ford county Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ; Washington county Mutual Fire Ins. Co., iN. Y. ; Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Ci^, and St;;te Mutual Life Ins. Co., Worce-ter.) North, Curtis L. (^tna Fire Ins. Co. ; Protection Fire Ins. Co. ; Hartford Fire Ins. Co. ; Washington county Mutual Ins. Cc. ; Equitable Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ; New F.ngland Fire Ins. Co. ; Bowditch Fire Ins. Co.; Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co. ; Mu- tual Benefit Life Ins. Co ; Essex county Health Ins. Co. ; Philadel- phia Health Ins. Co.) Meridcn. Hubbard, Edwin, (Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y.) North, John G. (Fire, Life, & Health Ins. Cos.) 14 FhoBuix Buildings JVftt- Haven. Mix, Caleb, (Howard, New York, & Hartford Fire Ins. Cos.) 27 Mit- chell's Buihlings Friiik, Adam, (Protection and /T".tna) JWjf J.ondon. Williams & Barnes, (Norwich Fire) Bristol, Lewis, (Columbian Mutual, and Stamford Health) Learned, Jo.-hua C. (Hartford Fire, and Camden Ins. Co.) Wright &. Stone, (New England Mu- tual Fire) Lippitt, Andrew C. (New London county Mutual Fire) Turner, P.(Wash'ton county Mutual) Irish, Peter D.(Holyoke Mutual Fire) Smith, Henry C. (Norwich Mutual Assurance) Willey, Hiram, (American Mutual Life) Turner, James H. (Mutual Benefit Life) Huntington, Wolcott, Water st J^orwich. Hoyt, Roswell, (Hartford Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ; Middlesex county Mu- tual Fire Ins. Co. ; Westchester county Mutual Fire Ins. Co.) Stamford. Iron and SU'el Uealerti. Sterling, S. &, Son, (wholesale and retail) 82 Water st Bridgeport. Brooks & Stratton, 94 Water st Clark, Ezra & Co. (importers) 61 Front st Hartford. Ripleys & Talcott, (importers) 93 Front st Seymiiur, Chas. & Co. (importers) 210 Main si Br.iinard, C. & Son, 106 Main st Mix, James T. & Co. (importers) 59 and 61 State st JVew Haven. Huntington, J. M. & Co. (wholesale) Commerce st JVorwich. Norton, Converse k. Co, (wholesale) 15 Water st Iron Founderts. Russell & Erwin, New Britain Berlin. Landers, G. M. do Stanley, J. & Son, do Stanley, Walter do Peck & Walter do Squire, Parsons & Co., Malleable Branford. Wheeler & Clark, Water st Bridgeport. Young, J. R. & Co., Water st Welch, E. N. Bristol. Backus & Barstow Canterbury. Russell A Beach Chester. Lord & Co. Buell, H. G., West Chester Colchester. Rockwell, Martin, (manufacturer of blister steel) Colebrook. Ailing, Albert, (600 tons yearly) West Cornwall. Smith & Washburn South Coventry. Calhoun & Bassett, Birmingham Derby. Farrall, Almon & Co., Ansonia Chapman, Randall & Co., Porters- ville Qroton. Fowler & Bishfpp Oailford. White & Cowles Hamden. Woudbridge & Pushee, 106 State st Hartford. Allen, N. & Sons W. Kiilingly. Carrington & Son Litchfield. Eaton, S. S. Mansfield. P.vrker, Julius & Co. W. Meriden. (urlis, Morgan & Co. P.trker, Charles Meriden. Baldwin, H. L. & L. Midletown. Stroud, VVm. Douglass, W. & B. Warner & I>bell JVavgatuck. Bates, S. & VV. JVew Hartford.'' Graliiiiu & Brown Lewis, Jared, East st JWm Haven. Wilcox, Cyprian P., Wliitney Av. Prior, Isaac N. (malleable iron). Temple st Hotchkiss & Johnson, Westville Albertson, Douglass & Co. JSTew London, Wilson, Increase Northrop, R. S. &. D., Gavlord's Budge JVeio M'llford. Wakely, C. J^'eu-town. Clinton, David J^orth Haven. Camp, Samuel R. P. Xorwalk. Norwich Foundry, Thames st JVorwich. Phoenix Foundry, A. T. Converse, Proprietor, Bath st Roath, H. H. 300 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRKCTORY. Terry, Andrew, (malleable castings,) Terrj'ville Plymoutk. Sivriford, James Reading. Crouch & Sanford RiUffi-field. Trowbridge, John Rojchury. Brons, Josiah Joice, Joiin D. (plough castings) Salisbury. Benedict, N. & Co. Beard, Edward G. Sharon. Hotchkisa &. Hitchcock Brown, D. R. &. J., Furnace Hollow Strafford. Bolton, H. M., Furnace Hollow Bolton & Stroud, (cast-iron cylinders for cotton and woollen machinery,) Furnace Hollow Converse, E. A., Staffurdville Rippowarn Co. Stamford. I^angworthy, N. & Co., Westerly Stoiiington. Orcutt & White, Rockville Vernon. Baldwin, Herman, (stoves) fVashington. Titus, John M. Waterbury Iron Foundrj- Company H'aterbury. Saniord, C Weston. Taylor & Whiiiiig, Winstcd Winchester. Iron Itlaiiufiacturers. Hunt. C. &. E. H. (wrought iron— 300 tons annually) S. Canaan. Scovill. ("hurcli & Kinsley, (1,50U tons of pig iron annually) Hunt, Lyman & Co. ('200 tons annu- ally) Beckley & Pierce, (pig iron — 2.000 tons annually) ^V. Canaan. Cole, Adams, (pig iron— 900 tons an- nutilly) Caiifii'ld & Robhins. (wrought iron — 1,(500 tons annually,) Falls Village Canaan. Cornwall Iron Co., Jacob Scuvill, Presiderjt, Samuel Scovill, Agent; Capital, $10,000 ; (manul'dcture pig iron, and employ 150 men) Cjrnwnll. Cornwall Bridge Iron Comp., Pi'ter Beirce, President and Agent ; Capi- tal, .$10,000; (175 men employed) Curnwail Bridge. Hawkins & Atwater, (, wrought iron, and blistered steel,) Birming- ham) Derby. Dayton, Henrj', (bar irm) iS. Qiastcnbury. Holdane & Fedem ui, (saiall iron, sprijig steel,. and wire) Oreemrich. Camp, Manchester &. Co (Wrought Iro]-.) JVf«) Hartford. Stevens, N. B. (Wrought Iron) J^orfolk. Landon & Co. and Salisbury Iron Co. (Pig Iron, 500 tons annually) Salisbury. JLiandon & Co. (Pig Iron, 1000 tons yearly ) Ch ipia ville Barnum, Kicliardsoii &. Co. (Bar Iron, 700 tons annually), Lime Rock Ames, H. (Wrought Iron, $300,000 wortii y(M.rly). Falls Village Moore. S. B. (Bar Iron) Landon, H. & (^o. (Pig Iron, 1200 tons an:;ually) Sharon. Weed, Hiram, (Pig Iron, 500 tons yearly) Weed, (Jrayfe Cross, (Wrought Iron) Stillwater Co'y, (small Iron Spring, Steel, and Wire) Stamford. Peters, M. & J. (bar-iron and crow- bars, 500 tons yearly), VV^oodville JVarren. Chittenden, Fred'k, (bar-inm). do fVashingtoH, Japanned Ware— Ulasiu- facturers. North, S. J., New Britain Berlin. Cowles' Mannfacturiug Co. Oranby. Smith, James O. Middleluwn. Jewrclry Manufacturers. King, Geo. W 4i State st. Hartford. Griswold, H. Jr. 231 Main st Baldwin & Munson, Winsted Winchester. Joiners' Tools— Manu- facturers. DeForest, Simeon (planes), Birming- ham Derby. Baldwin & Co. (planes) Middletown. Nelson, M. Vansands, S. D. Closson, N. H. Savage & Carter Chapin, Herman JVew Hartford. Warner & Driggs French, Bird, Chapinville Salisbury. Fenn, Joel & Co. (planes) Wallingford. Justices of the Peace. Button, Ransford Uaggett, Calvin (/'hatFee, Ebenezei Gaylord, Horace Alvord, L). M. Bishop, Samuel Alvord, Asba C'.mp, Edward Allyn, Benjauiin Andrews, Alfred Andrew, Job Bradley, Jason W. Ambler, Joseph Beecher, Abr.ham B ;rnard, Phelps .Moody, Emerson Ke.mey, William M inn, Collins Austin, Allen Bliss, Austin Blackstone, James Friable, James W., James Stirling, George Atkins, Lloyd Bartholomew, G. W. Beniiet, John F. Hawley, Charles Bolles, Armin Cady, Samuel Bennett, David Up.-on, Marcus H. Lawrence, Lyman Marsh, Wm. S. Adams, Charles B.lCkUS, Is i:!C Case, Noadiah Wondbridge, S. V. Peck, P. B. Ulley, James R. Clark, Elijah Smith, N.ith-iii C. Hitchcock, Silas Vale. Elihu ("olt, Samuel L'linmniedieu, J. Dibble, David Taintor, W. Clark, Elihu Tracy, Judah L. Corbin, Peter Sage, Hiram Little. Wm. B. Yeomans, John S. Kellogg, Philo Pratt, Chalker Clark, Thomas Anduver. Jishford. Avon. Barkhamstcd. Berlin. Bethany. Bethlem. Bloomficld. Bolton. Bozrah. Branford. Bridgeport. Bristol. Brookfield. Brooklyn . Burlington. Canaan. Canterbury. Canton. Chaplin. Chatham. Cheshire. Chester. Clinton. Colchester. Colebrook. Columbia. Cornwall. Coventry. Loomis, J. P. Comstock, Daniel Pearce, Aaron Bell, Holly Scofield, Edward Bassett, Sheldon Steele, Albert J. Beecher, Benj. B. Thompson, Chas. Burnham, Jothain Work, Henry Chester, Isaac Jleach, Ephraim Ayers, Jared Pitkin, Daniel J. Goodrich, N. C. Warren, Ralph Beckwilh, Israel Latimer, Joseph H. Edwards, John Seeley, Mallet Bartlett, S. W. Smith, Hiram Chapman, Calvin Dimock, Ephraim Abbe, David L. Clark, Charles Alvord, Jessup Tealiroeck, S. P. V. Cowles, Egbert Mygatt, He.iry Fnnk, Darius Ladd, Buel Couch, David H. Hollister, Asahel Ives, Mine IS Norton, Henry Chapin, H. F. Holcomb, Lewis Brush, Joseph Reynolds, Ard ISoyae, Arnold Morgan, H. L. Copp, Bellon A. Williams, Caleb M. GoUlsiiuih, A. B. Hotchkiss, E. S. Arnold. Charles Br.iiaard, Abraham Dickernian, Eli Tuitle, Ambrose Ciry, Wobrott Tweedy, Jnhn R. Pratt, Joseph Kayuiond, .iosiah Savaiie, Smith, Alfred V\ hue, David Emmons, Lewis Stebbins, Virgil ,\bernethy, Andrew Osborn, Sheldon Kellogg, Jared (,". Porter, Ep.iphroditus Beardsley, Lemuel Shellon, Ambrose Fuller, John R. Spooner, Ira Alexander, Wm. Pray, Wm. H. Everts. David Nettleton, Alfred Cor.'y, Jo-eph Wociilworth, D. S. ;Vllyn. Sidney Land), Samuel S. Hibbard, J. B. Hyde, Charles Coe, W.ilter Woodruti; Isaac Bill, Lodowick Tooker, VV. B. Crampton, Jesse Willard, Achilles Bumc, Walter Cowles, F. W. Barrows, PhiUp Storrs, Royal Finley. Wm. Lord, Sherman C. Pomroy, Noah Pratt, Philo Coventry, Danbury, Darieru Derby. Durham. Eastford. East Haddam, East Hartford, East Haven. East J.,yme, Easton, East Windsor. Ellington. Enfield, Fairfield. Farmington. Franklin. Qlastenbury. Ooshen. Oranby. Oreenmich. Oriswold. Oroton. Ouilford. Haddam. Hn mden. Hampton. Hartford. Hartland. Harwinton, Hebron. Huntington. Kent. Killingly. Killing worth. Debanon, Dedyard, Dr.dyard. Lisbon. Ditchfield. Lyme. Madison. Manchester Mansfield, Marlborough. Meridcn, CONNECTICUT. 301 Bronson, Leonard Fuller, Nelson Bacon, Ebenezar Hubbiird, E. S. Beard, Jonah N. Strong, Selah Beckvvith, David Fitch, John G. Beard.^lee, Ezra Curds, ti. P. Hiue, Win. H. Hitchcock, Merritt Hodge, Horace Pierce, A. S. Douglass, Riverius Tlioip, James 1). Anderson, Isaac Buckingham. D. VV. Dici^eruian, VVni. Reynolds, VVm. A. Smith, Harris Benjamin, Wm. P. Treadway, Charles Potter, (Jeorge Babbut, Dunning Peck, Sherman Baldwin, D. V. B. Starr, Edward Hotckiss, Daniel Swift, Heniau Bartholomew, F. C. Reynold, W. A. Barnes, Uyurd Stiles, Ezra Browning, VVm. T. Wheeler, Ephraira Beard, Wm. O. Ohnsted, Stephen Adams, Abner C. Mjp'ray, John Story, Samuel Brown, Luman A. Painter, Sidney English, Judson Stone, iS'oah Burgess, Mowry Lester, A. C. Lewis, John C. Smith, Oliver Grosvenor, C. S. Sumi:er, Orrin Ames, John R. Campliell, Wm. W. Andrews, Warren, Jr. Kimball. M. P. Hotchkiss, H. D. Russell, R. R. Abbot, T. M. Hull, George Jones, Timothy Smith. William Goodrich, Eleazer Robbins, VVm. 2d Booth, Daniel L. Fenn, Lyman Bailey, Henry Patten, John Bostwick, Robert Russell, Wm. P. Pratt, Gustavus Reed, George Bissell, Z. W. Peck, Lewis Briggs, George S. Leach, Levi Woodruff, S. H. Shepard, Whiting Chapin, Oliver Kibbee, Amariah Mitchell, Cyrus Wheeler, Joseph White, Henry Wood, James B. Bartlett, Nathan James, H. R. Lockwo- do Morehouse, S.. Northville Buckingham, H. & H., Northville Stilson, S. J.& J. J- ,, ,, James, Wm. K. ^Torwnlk. Thomas, Charles Peck T. L. & J. R. South J^orwalk. Miner, E. P., Water st J^Torwich. Beed & Meech, Central whart Chappell, Edward do Huntington, John G. do Coit &. Co. do Southworth, Stevens & Co., Deep River Saybrook. Boynton, John & Son Tibbals, C. Farrel. Alinon & Co., Ansonia Derby. Hawkins & .\twater, Birmingham Wilcox, Josiah (tinner's tools) Greenwich. Fowler & Bishop Guilford. Smart, John, 12o State st Hartford. King, Geo. (-team engines) ^8 Com merce street Woodruff & Beach (steam engines, tools and shaftings) Thomas, N. & Co. (cotton machin- ery) Daysviile KiUingly. Green, A. & W. H., (cotton machin- ery) Daysviile Burt, Edwin (cotton machinery) Eagleville Lisbon. Loomis, Samuel Manchester. Keeney, Anson Mansfield. Snow, Oliver & Co. (mill gearing, shafting, turning engines, lift and force pumps, car wheels and axle.s, stamps &dies for tinners) .Meriden. Parker, Charles Harvey, H. B. Middletown. Sirong, Wm. Douglas, W. & B. Warner & Isbel (woollen machinery, button and ivory comb machinery, engine lathes) jXaugatnck. Kelldgg. E. & C (cotton and wiiollen machinerv) JV'fW Hertford. Graham & Brown, (cotton & woollen machinery and mill gearing) Peck, J. & Co. (lathes, presse.s and engines) 10 tJrove st J^ewHaven CONNECTICUT. 303 Lewis, J»red, East st JVew Haven Bisli.ip, J. W. 25 Orange st Jiidsoii & Pardee, Artizan st Scrintoii, D., corner of Howard and Church r^treet< Hotchkiss & Johnson, (cotton gins, rag cutlers, axles) Westville Alberlsoii, Douglass & Co. (cotton gins) J^ew London. Wilson, Increase Northrop, K. S. & D.,GayIord's Bridge M'ew Mi/ford, Gurley, R. O. J^ewtuwn. Beeclier, A. B. (woollen machinery) Cranston & Bates (steam engines and heavy machinery) near Frank- lin Square J^urwich. Norwich Machine Shop, Thames st Cole, N. A., Franklin st Mowrey & Wilson, Greenville Kennedy. John VV. (cotton machin- ery) Central Village Plninfield. Bedent, Jesse Prexton. Joice, J. U. (mill gearing) Salishury. Higby, H., Deep River Saybrook. Peck, Smith & Co. Southingtun. Plant, Neal & Co. (coffee mills) Abbott, Daniel Southbury. Harvey, M. B., Furnace Hollow Stafford. Ingalls, Lemuel do do Howe &. Converse (looms) Stafford- ville Fairman, S. (patent lathe chucks, and self-adjusting machinery) (f^est Stafford. Clark, Joseph Tolland. Hawkins, Ephraim Parker, Aujustus, Rockville Vernon. Baldwin, Herman (cotton and wool- len machinery) Washington. The Wattrbury Iron Foundry Co., J. C. Scovlll, agent IVaterbury. Crotfut, Charles Weston. Coley, David Boyd, James & Son, Winsted Winchester, Taylor & Whitney (woollen ma- chinery) Wuisted Jillson, Capen & Co. (cotton Ma- chinery) Willimantic Windham. Smith, Winchester & Co. (jiaper machine builders) Slate & Brown (cotton and woollen) Windsor Locks. Phipps. Edward D. (wood and iron machinist) Muddy Brook Woodstock. Harris, E. B. (cotton machinery) South Woodstock. OTCarble ITIauufacturers. Pine, S. W., Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Atkinson & Parrott, Water street Bridgeport. Yale, E. Cheshire. Dudley, E. & Son Wells, R. East Hartford. Griswold, H. C. Ellington. B.itterson, J. G. 322 Main street Hartford. Adams, Thomas, Windsor Road Saiiford, H. D. West Killingly. Shelley, Julius Madison. Stokes, R. D. West Meriden. Canlield, T. C Middletown. Hooker & Osborn, 13 Park street JVeir Haven. Ritter, John, cor. High and Wall sts Bottsford & Phillips, cor. Grove and High streets Smith, James M. M'orwalk. Hebard, Sliubael, 14 Water street J^orwich. Pomeroy, Warren Samers. Doty, Orrin Stonington. Tomlinsoii, It. (wholesale dealer) New Preston Washington. Reynolds, Albert, New Preston Cogswell, G. W., New Preston Washington Cogswell, M. L. do Taylor, S. N. do Wheaton, S. S. do Barlow & Odell do Morehouse, Jabez do Buckingham, H. & J. do Cogswell, Lucius do Lewis, George do Townsley, Johnson do Cables, J. do Morse, William do Burnham, Daniel do Cogswell, Elisha do Bolles, Reuben do Burnham, D. & H. Watertoicn. Welch, Thomas & Son Windham. Marine Railways. Hotchkiss, Geo. Branford. Mather, Titus C, E.ast Bridgepoi't Point Bridgeport. Ellsworth, Starkey & Co., Saybrook. Meat Markets. Stratton, S. B. & D. S., Wall st Bridgeport. Newton & Dorman, 86 Water st Conrad, Philip, 7 State st Porter, Wm. 2d Colchester. Brush, Joseph (butcher) Oreenwich. Kntipp, O. C. do Miner & Close do French, Jonathan do Williams &. Larkin, Pottersville Groton. Arnold, Charles G., Asylum street Hartford. Chapman, B. F. & Co. W. Killingly. S.age & firiswold Meriilen. Rice, Wm. T. West Meriden. Hubbard &. H.iys, Main st Middletown. Coe, J. L. Coe, Samuel Ryder & Chamberlain J^ew Hartford. Downs & Sperry, 70 Church st J^ew Haven. Tucker & Bristol, St. John st Buckingham & Powers, Chapel st Kelkim, Benj.imin S. 43 Church st Goodoll, William, 61 Church st Todd, A. A. 73 State street Carlisle, Charles, 73 do Smith, Joseph, 72 do Newell, Joshua, 40 Fleet st Dougla- &. Warren Fair Haven. Dennis & Hobson JVew London. Wilcox &. M itchell JVorwalk. Hayes, Stephen, South M'orwalk. Osgood, Wm. C, City market J^Torwich. Loomis, J. M. & G. W., Water st market Fowler, H. H. JVorwich Town. Whiting, Samuel P. (butcher) Plymouth. Brockway, Christopher, Essex Saybrook. Smith & Waterbury Stamford. Beebe, A. G. Stonington. States, J. P. Sears & Storrs, Rockville Vernon. Bradley, J. & L. Westport. Fox, Charles Turner & Howes, Williinantic Windham. IWatch Manufactnrf'rs. Pomeroy. N. W. West Meriden. Clark, Elizur, cor. George and Day sts JVTrw Haven. Budington, Wm. Martin, Andrew JVorth Haven. Payne, Stephen H. Prospect. Tuttle, Vincent Kimball, E. Payne, George Tyler, Richard Wallace, Wm. Wallingford. Milliuery and Fancy Goods. Fox, Miss A. 75 Water st Bridgeport. Ives, Robert, 120 Main street Mallor>-, .Mrs. B. do Ray, Mrs. R. S. Bristol. Bills, Misses Colchester. Parker, Lois South Coventry. Birdsey, C, Birmingham Derby Kdwards & Wooster, Misses Allen, Sarah McMaster, E. Bulkley, Miss R., Southport Fairfield. Elliott, Jane Ouilford. Caldwell, C. Clapp, Aaron, 230 Main st Hartford. Hinckley, Mrs. P. 240 do Wallace, Mrs. F. M. 222 do Butler, Miss P. 211 do Risley, Mrs. S. A.213 do Miller, Misses D.& T. 229 Main st Pettibone, Miss C. & Co. 235 do Anderson. Miss S. 239 do Thompson, Mrs. A. 243 do Owen, Mr<. B. P. 253 do Chamberlin & Rothwell West Killingly Ely & Fuller Hall, Miss S. M. Davis, Misses Bradley, C. Litchfield Merriam, Mrs. A. E. Meriden. Spaulding, Miss H. M. Middletown. Dowd, E. A. 78 Chapel street jV>w Haven. Button, Mrs. (fancy) 88 Chapel street Hitchcock, B. F. 114 do L !W, William A. 136 do Waterman, Leopold, 91 do Alden & Aldrich, (wholesale and retail, 95^ and 97i do Graves, E. HI do .Mrs.Whitaker & Miss Lay, 95 do Langdon, Ann, 93 do Van Tuyle do Thompson, A. & C, Orange street Wheeler, S. M. 54i do Ailing, S. .56 do Merwin, M. J. 58 do Smith, S. L. 60 do Stanley, E. J., cor. Court do Lewis, M. \. do Ford, Harriet, 125 Chapel street Benton, Mary, Fair Haven Perkins, S. do Mallory, Henry do 'I'indall, Mrs. J. A. JSTorwalk. Tiffany, Lucy A. JVorwich Town. Hyde, Lucy A. Halsey, P., Shetucket st JVorwiek. Jackson, Miss do Moore, Miss, 19 do Latham, Sabrina do Hitchcock, W. R. do Spaulding, Miss M. H., Essex Saybrook Sheffield & Peckhara, Misses, Wes- terly Stonington. rr.icy, S. J. & J. A. Crandall, W. & C, Mystic Bridge Wilton, C. C. Waterbury. Blakeslee, Harriett ."filing, Grace Lyon, Misses Westport, Thomas, Misses, Willimantic Windham .Morocco Manufacturers^ Ensign, T. & Son, 71 George st JVew Haven. Barnett, Jeremiah, 111 do 304 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT. Miller, S. &. S. (linings) Stamford. Kemper, Chas. H. (hat linings) PVestport, inusical Instruments — Dealers. Haven, H., Agent, 69 StiUe st Hartford. Babcock, W. J., Agent for the sale of Piano Fortes, 13() Main st Goodwin (2(1), Horace, 166 Main st Skinner &. Sperry, 154 Chapel st JVeic Haven. Whitaker, D. C. 52 Orange st Allen, J. Lathrop, 2 Chapman's Block, Franklin Sq. J^urwich. musical Instruments- Manufacturers. Most, John, (piano fortes,) 91 Main st Hartford. Landfear, M. T. (piano fortes and organs) Manchester. Gardner, Wm. P. (organs and piano fortes,) 43 Stite st jVew Haven. Whitaker, U. C. (organs and melo- deons), 52 Orange st Allen, J. Lathrop, 2 Chapman's Block, Franklin Sq. JVorwic/i. Sessions, Lewis, (seraphines and melodeous) Pomfret. Whitelsey, John, (piano fortes) Salem. Whittelsey & Nelson, (piano fortes) Daylon, Justus, Wolcottville Torrinirton. Newrspapers. Aurort, J. W. Steadman, editor and puhlisher, Main st JVorwich. Bridgi'pmt Chronicle, B. H. Munson, publisher, 61 Water street Bridgeport. Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register, (monthly,) Bassett & Bradley, publishers, 1 15 Chupel st J\rew Haven. Columbian Register, (daily, weekly, and tri -weekly,) Osborn & Bald- win, publishers, 117 Chupel st Constitution, Abner A. Newton, Jr., publisher and proprietor Middletown. Daily Chronicle, Daniels &. Bacon, publishers J^ew London. Derby Journal, Thomas M. Newton, editor and proprietor, Birmingham Derby. Fairfield County Democrat, J. P. Morgan, publisher and proprietor JVorica/l(. Journal & Courier, (daily and week- ly,) J. B. Hotchkiss & Co., pub- lishers ; Woodward & Brov\ n, edi- tors; 115 Chapel st JVew Haven. Litchfield Enquirer, (weekly,) K. K. Payne, editor anil publisher Litchfield. Litchfield Republican, (weekly,) W. F. & G. Baldwin, publishers; H. Ward, editor. Morning Star, James M. Schofield, publisher JVew London. Nevv-Englander. John B. Carrington, publistier, Chapel st JVeto Haven. Northern Literary Messenger, tJ. G. Wilson, publisher Miriden. Norwalk Gazette, Byington & Hoyt, publishers J^orwalk Norwich (^ourier, D. E. Sykes. editor and publisher Jforwich. Palladium, (daily, tri-weekly, and weekly,) Babcock & Wildman, publishers, 132 Chapel st JVew Haven. Public Medium, John Evans, pub- lisher, Willimantic tVindham. Rt^publican Farmer, Wm. S. Pome- roy, publisher, Wall st Bridgeport. Republican Standard, Peltingill & Co., publishers Sentinel and Witness, Wm. D. Starr, editor and proprietor, Miin s: Middletown. Stamford Advocate, Hoyt & Smith, publishers Stamford. The Fount.iin, Wm. Storer, Jr., pub- lisher, 115 Chapel st JVew Haven. Waterbury American, E. B. Cook & Co., publishers Waterbury. Weekly Arena, Geo. W. Danielson, editor and proprietor IVest Killingly. Weekly Chronicle, Daniels & Bacon, publishers J'few London. Weekly Democrat, James M.Scofield, publisher Windham County Telegraph, F. E. Jaques, editor and proprietor if est Killingly. Notaries Public. Kellogg, Alfred Wilcox, Edward Thrall, [liram .Alvord, Hem-y Houghton, J. W. Burroughs, John Foote, Charles Hurd, Phllo M'Clellan, John Lord, Thomas Peck, Tracy Newell, Samuel P. Pease, Minot S. Peet, George W. Robinson, Samuel P. Dyer, Moses S. Griggs, A. M. Goodell, Walter Parmelee, Linus Cornwall, Edward A. Carroll, D. B. Boynton, S. W. Belknap, R. Booth, David B. Seeley. .\aroii Sanford, E. S. Clock. Abram Wooster, Wm. B. (Jreen, Timothy T. Holmes, Timothy Childs, Seth L. Otis, J. P. Comstock, W. H. H. Fitch, James Adams, (ieorge P. Clark, Albert H. Smith, Wm. H. Allen, 11. D. Johnson, A. Work. Alfred J. Taylor. Jabez T. Woodward, .\. Tracy, Joseph P. Talcott, Jared G. Jewett, J. R. Cornish, Joseph Close, Samuel Leonard, C. E. Landon, E. R. Smith, R. D. Porter, Charles L. Pardee, Dwight W. Holcond). James H. Fowler, Henry Goodman, Edward Kilbourn. .\ us tin Perkins, Henry Seymour, John W. Smith, Erastus Smith, Sumner Hendee, L. J. Hendee. Leonard Osgood, Erastus Crampton, Jesse Webb, Reynold Jlvon. Berlin. Bloomfield. Bolton. Bozrah. Bridgeport. Bristol. Canaan. Sonth Canaan. Canterbury. Canton. Chaplin. Chatham. Cheshire. Colchester. Coventry. Danbury. Daricn. Derby. East Haddam. East Hartford. East Lyme. East Windsor. Enfield. Olastenbury. Oranby. Greenwich. Oriswold. Ouilfurd. Hartford. Lebanon. Madison. Andrews, Benajah Potter, Phineas Builur, John A. Miles, Almeron S()Piicer, Eliiiu P:irsons, Samuel H. Whittlesey, Charle,< S ,ge, Denni.^ B 'rues, Jonathan Strong, Selah CI irk, A. Strickland, Peter R. L.itiiner Nicholas Wickwire, Peter Sanders, Nathan Kellogg, S. B. Tiuhill, C. H. P'-ck, Lucius G. Andrews, Horace, H. S. Fitzger.ild, Richard Reynolds, Win. A. Hollister, J. C. Daggett, Leonard A. Kllis, Win. H. Bristol, Wm. B. P ilmer, James N. Robiiisoa, Charles Widsworth, S. W. Elliott, Win. H. .Mather. J. P. C. Dirt, Leonard Sistire, Charles G. Bristol, Louis LIppett, A. C. Wnght, David A. Crump, W. C. Duitoii, K. P. Wiliey. Hiram Lciarned, E. H. Douglass, J. C. S.inford, David C. Beers, Henry Baldwin, Anson Bissell, Wm. E. W iriier, Thomas, Jr. Carter. J. B. Wait, John T. Learned. Edward H. Perkins, .lohn l^arpenter. Gerard Morgan, Roswell Young, Levi H. Brewer, Lyman .Mecch, (;. A. •■^tedman, James Li'arneil, Ebeii, Jr. Perkins, (Ieorge Young, David Roiiiiisoii, Thomas Hill, <:enrge IliUcliiii^, Joseph, Jr. Fr"ncii, John L. Hutchinson, P. A. Matlhew^oii, Ceo. Mason, Amasa Wiiite, Ebenczer Witter, Iras Kivis, A H. Malsey, Jeremiah Smith, Nathan Pratt, James T. Treadvvay, Enoch Piatt, E. W. St.irkie, S. W., Essex Blague. Giles B icon. Richard VVoodruir, S. H. Charlton, Jesse Minor, J. H. S.-ilterlee, S. K. Holly, Wm. M. Sheffield, Francis Amy, Win. P. Trumbull. Gurdon Faxon, Elisha, Jr. Gay, Joseph B. Davis, Simon Flynt, J. R. Merrill, Elijah F. Minor, S. B. Buel, Norton S. Mcriden, Milford, JsTangatuck, JVeio Haven. JVeto London. JVew Milford. JVcwtown. JVorth B ranford. JVorwalk. Plainfield. Pomfret. Portland. Preston, Ridgefleld. Rocky Hill, Salem. Saybrook. Simsbury. South IVindsor, Stamford. Stonington, Thompson. Tolland. Waterbury. CONNECTICUT. 306 Taylor, John W. Welch, Archibald Belts, Philip Kelileti, Samuel Corrin, James H. Bingham, Samuel VVebli, Hiiratio Phelps, Charles B. Bull, Thomas M'Clellan, John Westport. Wethersjield. fVtlton. fVoodbury. IVoodstock. Oakum Manufacturcri^. Root, Edward, Middle Haddam Chatham. Carey & Cone Tibbals, T. & Son Tibbals, P. & D. Higgernum Oakum Manufacturing Company Haddam. Briggs, Z. & Son JVew London. Oil ITIanufacturers. Cornell, Samuel G. (linseed; Glen- ville Oreenwich. Coe, Calvin &. Co. (neats foot) West Meriden. Darrovv, A. G. (linseed) (Jncasville Muntmlle. Stanton, Daniel & Co. (Vaterford. Oyster Dealers. Edward ^ & Whiting, 67 Water st Bridgeport. Ilendrick, Elias, Water st Porter &, Mills do Sarnes, Edwin, Fair Haven JVew Haven. Smith, Dan do Foote. J. H. do Barnes, Horace do Tuttle. Miles do Luilington. Jesse do Barnes & Mallory do Barnes, Harvey do Birnes. H. &, Co. do Mu,isell, E. J. do Kowe, Levi & Co. do Riiwe. H. & Co. do Riiwe & Mallory do Ame>-, Joseph, Jr. do Hults, George do Painters and Glaziers. Parsons, P. G. & S., Thonipsonville Kvjleld. Hills, George (glass painter) Plain- ville Farmington. Wright & Burnham, 3 and 4 < tatral Row Hartford. Case, Chauncey, 19 JlarKet Sq. Prentice. A. Miriden. Loomis & Griswold Stone, A. B. Mtddletoirn. Arnold. Charles G. Prii.ce, Bradley JVew Hartford. Yeimiians &, Morehouse. 3(> t)range street JVew Haven. Reed, E. S.. Orange st l>ail('y &. Atwood JVrw London. Calvert, C. C. (.aylord, C. S., (J.iylord's Bridge JVew jyiilford. Fanton, D. JVurwalk. Vancott, I. H. 66 Main st JVorwich. Chapman, Joseph & Co., Ferry st Southwick, A. C, corner Ferr)- st Edwards & Dwely, Wharf Bridge, A. B , CIreenville Carpenlor. George W.. <;reenville Winter, J. E., Furnace Hollow Stafford. Taylor, B. F. (window shadesi Stafford Springs. Meeker, Lorer.20 Stamford. 20 Blakesley, Edwin IVaterbury. Mansfield, Wm. H. Bunday. Prosper. Pomfret Depot Windham. Cheney. E. Paints, Oil and Glass. Hurl but &. Kellogg Colchester. Crouch, A. B. Lord, Thomas (wholesale) 114 Main street Bridjreport. Shelton, Wm. J., Main st Curtis, M. &- Sou, 74 Water st Thompsoii & Booth, 81 do Horton, John (wholesale) 6 Water st Wright & Burnham, 3 & 4 Central Row Hartford. Beich & Co. 91 and 93 Stite st Ward, W. A. 55 do Bnrnliam. G. 14 Central Row Case, Chauncey, 19 Market Sq. Seymour & Allen, 186 Main st Petterson &Glenney (wholes.ileand retail) lOSChnpel st JVew Haven. King & Alhee, 62 do Bishop. Jeremiah A. 49 and 51 State Griding, J. S. 55 Stiite st Thompson. L. West KUlingly. Kies & ( raidall Brewster, Wm. A. Wetmore, A. C. West JHeriden. Carroll, Iv. W. (manuf's articles) Commerce st JVorwich. Devotion, John L., corner of Water and Commerce sts Tyler, Wm. S., Water st Seeley, -Albert Stamford. Pendleton. F. & Co. Stonington. Maxon, C. & Co., Westerly Russell, L. H. Stratford. Bristol, W. C. Woodbury. Paper Hang'ing's Dealers Spencer &. Co. (manufacturers) 184 Main st Hartford. Thompson, W. S. 225 Main st Starr & Burkett, 227 do Benton, Henry, 262 do Hotchkiss & Pratt, 263 and 265 Main Coley, John H. 120 Chapel st JVew Haven. Chapman, T. P. 129 do Marble, Edwin, 109 do Paper IVIanufacturers. Rutledge & Smith Andover. Lyon, Peter (printing and wrapping) * Chaplin. Snow, Ansel, West Chester Colchester. Wir.throp. Shortnian &. Hurd (wrap- ping p.iper) Clinton. Wriiicli-, John &. Co. (printing pa- per) Coiebrook. Dc Forest & Hodge (printing paper) 480,000 lbs. yeiirly.Humphreysville Derby. Bunce, Lewis (printing, clothiers' boards, and press paper, Hum- plireysville Sinilli & Bassett (wnpping, straw, and button boards) limnphreys- ville Hudson, R. (writing, drawing, and bank note paper) East Hartford. Mallory, A. B. (hardware and en- velop paper) Kast Hanen. Plaihnfr &. Porter (wr pping and printing paper) Unionvillc Fnrmington. Cook, N. P. (wrapp'g paper) Hebron. Bnell, Beach & Hi-scll, (wrapp. |Kip.) Whitins. K'Mine) & Son (wrapping and printing iiiptr) Bantoiiis' Fails Litchfield. Hudson, Wm. H. (writing paper) Manchester, Bunce, W. & E. & Co. Bunce, C. Jr. (bonnet, card and press piiljer) Rodgers, Henry E. (card paper) Carroll, George (hardware paper) Keeney, Fitzgerald &. Co. Goodwin, E. & Co. Mather, Thomas JMiddletown. Parker, F. S. & J. (printing paper) Westmill J\l'ew Haven. Hubbard, R. & A. H. (writing ;iud colored paper) J^'orwich Falls. Culver &. Meekle (printing) Green ville JVorwich. Sp.irtbrd, Marvin (manilla) Greenv'le Chelsea Manufacturing Co. (book and printing) Greenville Clapp, Keeney & Co. (wrapping) South Windsor. Eagle Mills- Co., Cyrus Frink, Presi- dent, J. C. Parsons, ag't Suffeld. Stow, Joseph (paper hangings) Siickney, John N. (printing and wrapping) Rockville yernon. Buck, Dan'l Jr., Poquonock Windsor. Dexter, C. H. & Co. (manilla p '|)er) Windsor Locks. Spofford, Geo. & Son (printing) Wil- limantic Windham. Patent medicines. Brewster, Wm. A. West KUlingly. Fisk, D. 1). (botanic) Holmes, David JVorth Stonington. Taylor, John W. Westport. Moulton, E. S., Willimantic Windham. Periodical Depots. Woodward, Wm., Main street Jiliddletown. Downs, E. 72 Church st J^'ewHaven. Pease, Thomas H. 83 Chapel st Irish, Wm. O., State st JVew London. Pewter Ware— Manu- facturers. Boardman, T. D. & S. 274 North Main st Hartford. Graves, Henry H. Jiliddletoion. Manning, Thaddeus Pbysicians. White, A. .^ndover, Simmons, John H. Ashford. Skinner, Ezekiel Kelbigg, Alfred Avon. Williams, Orvill, Pleasant Valley Barkhamsted. Gridley, H., Worthington Berlin. lUilkIfy, Sylvester do tirandegee, A. do Woodruti, L. do Babcuck, E. D., do Hart, Sanjuel do Woodward, A. C. Castle, Jehiel ( he-ebrough, N. H. Wells, John F. Sunmer. C. F. Hunt, Eleazer .hihnson. Samuel Lay, Willoughby, Lynd .Na.h, Win. P., Main st Bridgeport, Beach. Samuel, John st .\a~li, Davis H., State st Burriit, H. L. W.. Water st Judsoa, Frederick, St. John Place (Jrah m, I. L. BrittoU 1' e, J. W. Camp, J. W. Austin, James H. Bethany. Bethlem. Bloomfield. Bolton. Boirah. Branford. 306 KEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Byii.gton, Charles Bristol. Williams, A. L. Bruukfield. Church, Allen S. Whitleniore, .lames Brooklyn. Woodbriilge, Win. Hale, Dnniel M. Huntinglon, Thomas Elton, William Burlington. Ad:tm, Geo. J^urth Canaan. Wright, Albert Smith, I. A. Gillett, John A. South Canaan. Humphrey, P. P., Falls Village Pnlmer, Joseph Canterbury. Baldwin, Elijah Hazen, Thomas G. Canton. Kasson, B. Tiffiiny, R. M., CoUinsville Witter, Orrin Chaplin. Edgerton, F. G. Chatham. Woodward, F. B.. Middle Haddam Worlhington, A. G. do Driggs, Asa J. Cheshire. Banks, Neheuiiah Foot, Wm. L. Ptddotk, Robert H. Pratl, Ambrose Chester. Turner, S. W. Hubbard, D. H. Clinton. Swift, S. E. Colchester. Rogers, H. Morgan, F. A. Parsons, E. W. Dow, James R. Newton, Hiram Colebrook. Phelps, J. W. Mcintosh, Harrison Columbia. Hubbitrd, Solon Cornwall Bridge. Smith, J. Edward M'est Cornwall. Scovill, John JVorth Cornwall. Hunt, Eleazer Coventry. Bennett, H. N. Vanbury. Erwiii, William, Bethel Bennett, Ezra P. Lacy, Wni. F. Boothe, Wm. E. Kichards, J. H. Percival, Warren Darien. Siiids, Samuel Whiting, Joseph W. Derby. Beardsley, .'\mbrose, Birmingham " Duttoii, T, A. do Church. S:imuel, Ansonia Kendall. Joshua, Humphreysville John'son, S. C. do Stoddard, Thomas do Fowlei, B. M. Durham. Andrews, Chauncey Stebbins, R. Eastford. Holt, Ash M. East Haddam. Willi;ims. Dolus Nye, Elisha B. Hall, Eli East Hartford. Childs, Seth L. Farnham, Bela East Haven. Perkins, A. F. East Lyme. Smith, J. L. Seeley, Lloyd Easton. Baldwin, James Patter.son, John J. Flsk, Marcus L., Broad Brook East fVindsor. Watson, Hiram Olmsted, Joseph Pease, L. S. Ellington. Hyde, Allen Manning, J. H. Bragg, H. C. Thompsonville Enfield. Risley. S. C. do Denison, Jeremiah T. Fairfield. Ten Broeck. S. P. V. R. Bl ikeman, Rufus, Greenfield S!>erwood. Justus do Moody, (Jeo. H., Plainville Farmins'ton. Halsey, G. L. do Carrington, E. W. Thompson, A. Brown, Chauncey Woodward, Ashbel Franklin. C:iricr Ralph Olastenbury. Thrall, Warren Hawley, R. South Olastenbury. Andrews, L. J. Huxley, A. M. Ooshen. Baldwin, Harvey Juwett, Joseph F. Oranby. Case, Jairus Banning, J. C. VVilcox, J. D. West Oranby. H-imliii, Chester, Tiukey Hills Mead, Darius Oreenwich. Allen, Charles C. White, Bartow F., Round Hill Gay, B. N. Oriswold. Fuller, Alonzo, Jewett City Turner, Jared do Baker, Enoch do Coats, E. Franklin, Mystic Bridge Oroton. Gray, J. F. Durt'ee, Joseph Talcott, Alvan Cantield, Joel Hutchinson, E. Hutchinson, Ira do Oroton Bank. Ouilford. Haddam. Tremiiine, Wm. H., Higgernum Hughes, Dyer Hampton. Beresf'ord, S. B. Hartford. Brown, Samuel W. Butler, John S. Dodge, David S. Grant, H. A. Johnson, N. K. Miner, Thomas Rogers, Benjamin Sunii:er, George Welch, Archibald Wilson, M. W. Erving, J. F. Hitchcock, D. E. Hooker, iNathaniel Lee, Henry Marcy, E. E. Schuc, G. B. Tail, C. A. Cook, Moses S. Hunt, Ebenezer K. 146| Main st Hawley, G. B. 46^ State st Wilson, Myron W. 13 Central Row Ellsworth, I'inkney W. 122^ Main st Holmes, Henry, 7 Pearl st Rising, J. C. 14 do (Jrary, David, 292 North Main st Russell, Gurdon W. 268 do Jackson. J. C 162^ Main st Barrows, A. W. 78 do Brace, Edward West Hartford. Bosvvorth, .\ ith:iniel W. Hartland. Beach, John C. Abernethy, Andrew VVoodburj , Elijah A. Wliire, O. C. Peters, John S. Tomlinson, Joseph Shelton, James Hatch, J. C Kent. Osborn, E. ' Kent. Fuller, C. H., Daysville Killingly. Harwinton. Hebron. Huntington. PeckliMin, F. H Hammond, Justin Hovey, Daniel A. Hutchins, Samuel Hall, D. E. Turner, Rufus Turner, S. W. (ireen, R. E. Pease. C. Conistock, Joseph Malthewson, R. W. Smith, Vine VVoodruli', Reuben M. Buel, Siimuel Beckwith, J. G. Seymour. George l^ewis, A. S. Miner. G. H., South Farms Bostwick, D. E. Bahcock, D. W. A. Noyes, Richard Bartlett, Shubel .Noyes, John Bidw.-ll. E. Webb, U. J^orth Killingly East Killingly. South Killingly. West Killingly. Killingworth. Lebanon. Ledyard. Lisbon. Litchfield. Mansfield. Centre, Marlborough, Meriden. Middlebury. Middletown. Lyme. Williams, Wm. C. Manchester. Scott, Wm. Brigham, Norman Swift, Earl Gray, Henry Lord, Austin Jones, John S. Barlow, Gardner Callin, Benj;imin H. Allen, Wm. Jr., R. Barrett, Joseph Warner, Richard Woodward, Charles Casey, Wm. B. Harrison, David Brewer, Hamilton Woodruff, FrankUn French, Andrew Milford. Beardsley, L. N. Allen, Hull Maynard, Samuel Montville. Bradford, B. F. I'ellows, Ephraim Bolles, J. C, Uncasville Bulkley, Sturgis Monroe. Hall, S;ihnon H. Way, Benjimin J^augatuck. Mears, J. I). Langdon, Timothy Noyes, S. S. JVeic Canaan. Richards, Lewis Trask, J. B. Barnum, David JVeio Fairfield. Barnum, S. L. North, Loouiis, Bakersville Jfew Hartford. Welch, John H. Elliott, Joseph B. Hazen, Thomas G. Burwell, J. Beers, Timothy P. II Church st JVeiT Haven Beers, Timothy P. Jr. 2 do Bishop, E. H. 74 Olive st Broiison, Henry, 88 do Chamberlain, E. C. 127 George st Church, Henry, 28 (Jreene st Daggett, David L. 77 Wall st Dow, Virgil M. 81 Greene st I'oote, EliJMhT. 176 Chapel st Forbes, R. M. Hooker, Charles, 31 Olive st Hotchkiss, Jacob T. 134 George st Ives, Eli, 49 Temple st Ives, Levi. 75 Wall st Ives, Nathan B. 37 Elm st Jewett, Pliny .\. 149 (Jeorge st Knight, Joii.ithan, 90 Church st Lloyd, S., Westvnile Miller, P. T. 76 Olive st Monson, ."Alfred S. 6 Elm st Moore, Daniel H. 87 State st Moore, Anderson, 54 Church st North, Erasmus 1). 61 George st O'Reili'V, James, 170 Church st Park. E! a., St. John st Porter, Henry B. 178 State st Pritchard, David, 75 York st Punderson, Sanmel, 82 do Stunner, G. O. 262 Chapel st Taylor, Nathaniel W. 1 Elm st Thomas, L. A., Whiting st Tully, Win. 56 York st Tyler, D. A. 32 Wooster st Beecher, J. H., Fair Haven Thompson, Charles S., Fair Haven Wade, Wm. M. do Cone, C. C. J^ew London Comstock, J. A. Francis, D. P. Mercer, Archibald Briinard, Dyer T. I'l-rkiMs, Na'thai!iel S. Morgan, James Porter, Isaac C. Miner, William W. Rogers, James Smith. Seth St. John, G. H., Gaylords Bridge JVeio Milford, Lucey, T. B. CONNECTICUT, 307 Hine, .Tames JVejc Milford. Taylor, George Judsoii, Horace, Bridgewater lirwin, Erastus JVewtown. Jioothe, C. H. Jiidsori, (ieorge Jud-^on, Monroe Cockie, .1 H. T. J\rorfolk. Welch, Win. W. Beardsley, S. JiTorth Branfnrd. Foote, C. B. M'orth Hanen. Wattles, T. P. JVwfA Stonington. Walker, Levi Gray, Alvah McLean, John A. M'orwalk. Bissell, E. Gregory, Ira Lyiies, .S;iiiuiel Samiiiis, Aui:u-;tiis Barker, R. F., Main st J^orwich. Benlly, Edwin do Brooks, J. W. Burgess, Chauncey, Shetucket st Dein. Benjamin D., Greenville Dyer, E. Jr. Ford, John D. Hale, A. B., Main street Hooker, Worthington, Union st King, Jeremiah Manwarring, R. A., Greenville Phinney, Elisha Packhurst, G. R., Main st Roath, Benj. T., Shetucket st Tracy, Richard P. Stone. Noah Oxford. Lonnsbury, John Coggeswell, VVm. H. Plainfield. Baldwin, Elijah, Jr., Central Village Burgess, Morey, Moosup Campbell, W. H. Salisbury. S. S. Plymouth. Woodruff, Wm. Williams, Lewis Pomfret. Holt, Hiram William.s, Elisha, Abington Jarvis, Geo. O. Portland. Gilbert, G. C. H. Fuller, Stephen H. Downer, Avery Preston. Downing, E. B. Coils, Alfred W., Poquetannock Ducachet. H. \V. Prospect. Clark, Joseph E. Rending. Gorhani, Charles Perry, Nehemiah Ridgejield. Perry, Nehemiah, Jr. Kendall, Calvin H. Bulkley, Sylvester Rocky Hill. Downs, Myron Rorbury. Fuller, Gordon Salem. Werden, Wm. Salisbury. Plumb, Obed Bulkley, Wm. Welch. Benj. Hough, A. H., Essex Saybrook. Shepard, Frederick W., Essex Marther, Ezra S. do Baker, Rufus, Deep River King, Asa H. Reebroiik, Stephen Middlebrook, E. B. Lindsley, Ebeiiezer Hammond. S. Skinner, Hammond Sterling. Stonington. Stratford. Suffietd. West Suffietd. Thompson. do Trumbull. Union. Vernon. Dewing & Frissell, Rockville Comings, R. N. do Campbell, Harvey Voluntown. Clark, S. W. Wallingford. Harrison, Benj. F. Parker, Lyman McCarty, Chas. B., Yalesville Peters, Manly, Woodville fVarren. Lyman, Norman Lyman, E. P., New Preston Washington. Lyman, S. H. Fuller, Remus Plait, G. L. Waterbury. Le.ivenworth, M, G. Perkins, Geo. E. Deacon, John Porter, William Hungerford, Allyn M. Watertown. Elton, Samuel Westbrook. Westport. Wethersjield Willington. Wilton Cone, Ebenezer Burr, Horace Jauncey, J. Blackman, Gea Fox. Roswell Cook, E. F. Warner, Welch, A. Hickinson, Francis • ".irpenter. Chester Willard, David Mead, Sylvester Lee, Graham, Winsted Winchester. Welch. James do Bidwell. J. W. do Wakefield, J. L. Hill &Preston,VVillimantic Windham. Witter, Wm. do Hunt, Chester I.athrop, D. W. C. Sill, Theodore Windsor Pierson, Wm. S. Skinner, Samuel W. Windsor Locks Byington, N. H. fVolcott. Abernethy, Ros^vell Woodbury. Webb, Chas. H. Fairchiia, S. B. Atwood, G. H. Goodsell, Isaac Woodbridge. Castle, Andrew Marcy, Lorenzo Woodstock. Witter, Asa J^orth Woodstock. Bradford, Wilton West Woodstock. Rogers, Chas. H. Morse, Thomas Pistol Manufacturers, Cannon, Elijah (barrels) Pleasant Valley Barkhamsted. Ashton, Henry &. Co. Middlctown. Plough Manufacturer!!*. King, John, Scitico Village Enfield. King, Albert & Co., Thompsonville King, Jabez do Potter &. P.irsons Kvficld. Havens, Hiram. 47 Talcot street Hartford. Bates, S. & W. J\rew Hartford. Graham &, Brown Henry, Erastus. Muddy Brook Woodstock. Portrait Painters. Hart, Alfred, 7 Pearl st Hartford. Hewins, Philip, 1]5 Main st Emmonds, A. H.. Main st Norwich. Wright, G. F. Wallingford. Printers— Book &. Job. Pettingill &Co., Water st. Bridgeport. Hinman, F. E. West Meriden. Pellon, Cliarles H., Main street Midt/letown. Hamlen, B. L. 50 Chapel street JiJ'cw Haven. Benham, J. H. 55 Orange st Percussion Cap Manu- facturers. Mclntire, George Mansfield. Crittenden & Tibbals S. Coventry. Piano Forte Manufac- turers. Babcock, W. J. (dealer) 136 Main st Hartford. Most. John, 91 Main st Landfear, M. T. Manchester. Gardner, William P., 43 State st JVew Haven. Whittelsey, John Salem. Whittelsey & Newton Public Houses. Perkins, Elisha Jindovtir, Clark, Dyer H. Jishford. (^on verse, Tyler, Westford Spaulding, J. R., Avon house j?won. Ives, Jesse, Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Belden, B., Pleasant Valley hotel Pinney, Reuben Ransom, E. N. Peck, H. W. Bethlem. Hannah, E. Huiiiphrev, — New Britain Berlin. Miller. N.F. BloonifieuL Haskins, Rockwell Adams, William Andrews, S. K. Bozrdh. Bushnell, Phineas, Temper' ce house Branfori. Linsley, M., Double Beach house Brien, Wm. Jr., Point house Douglass, James, Stony Creek honse 308 NEW-ENGLAND MERCAXTII.E UNION DIRECTORY. Brieii, Win., Thimble Island hqu^e Braiiford. Barker, Timothy, Stony Creek house Hinnon, M., City hotel Bridircport. Fairchild, E. \V., Sterliiij; hot-M-iiri st Stanley Houtic Bridge Le«is, (i. Suffield. Weed, Mrs. E. H. fVest do Stiles, Vernon Thompson. Jordan. VVm., New Boston Barnes, Alfred do Crosman, Wui., Quinebaiig house, Poinfret Depot Hawkins, A. M., County Temperance house Tolland. Puller. Benjamin Bradley, Albert, American hoti 1, Wolcottville Ttirrington., H. B.. Wolcottville Newell, Nathaniel Union. Keeney, Francis, Rockville Temper- ance hotel f^ernon. Gallup, R. Voluntown. Gates, t^amtiel Newton, Elias, Central hotel H'nllingford. Parrish. Wm. H'ashinglon. Raynnlds, Albert, New Preston Thomii^on, Samuel, Franklin house Water bury. Scovill. Hubert Ji'atertown. Moore, Emily, VVestbrook hotel Wrstbrook. Nichols, H., Westport hotel H'estport. Sanford, Wm., Win- ted Winchester. Webster, Hiram do Curtis, M. Windham. Heliard. Mrs., Willimantic Potter, N. do Perry, W. C. Windham hotel Full.r, A. W., Zetland Brainard, Henrv. Tremont hotel Alford, E. S., Alford's hotel Windsor. Hayden, Eg., VWndsor Locks Plielp^;, Cicero, Poquonock Mosier. John Marshall, J. P. Orion, Truman Smith. E. K. Macy. B. B. Work, Benjamin Wiiodbridge. Woodbury. West Woodstock. Puiup Manufacturers. Piatt, M. & Son, (pumps and blocks,) Water st Bridgeport. Alwood, Charles, (brass, iron, gal- vanic, and endless chain pumps,) Birmingham Derby. Birch, Thos. (plumber), 283 Main st Hartford. Douglass, W. & B. (pumps and hy draulic rams) Middletown. Staples, Geo. W. (blocks), Long wlif. JVeiD Haven, Williams, E. S. (rotiiry pumps). Deep River Saybrook. Marshall & Cook, (rotary chain pumps.) Long Ridge Stamford. Todd, Wm. (rotary chain pumps). Long Ridge Rake Manufacturers. Alvord, Enos, (iron tooth rakes,) Hitchcockville Barkhamsted. Henry, Erastus, Muddy Brook Woodstuck. Davenport, C. Razor Strops. Lane & Andrews (Rough and Ready and Pumeroy's Magic) Wallirtgford. Hall, J. P. (tablet and metallic) Reed Manufacturers. Frye, A., Central Village Plainfield. Hoxie, J. F. (cane and steel) Jewett City Oriswold. Restaurants. Gunn, Erastus, State st Bridgeport. Simpson, Mrs.. Water st (iraves, Asa W. West Killingly. Beebe, J. C. & Co., Main street Middletown Parmelee, J. S. Ives, E. L. 33 Chapel st JV. Haven. Minstieid, E., Church st Kemp. L. H. 11 State st De Martins, A. 9 do Ferris, William R., corner of St;ite and Fleet sts Cleeton, S.. Fleet st VVyatt, T. L. ^rew Milford. Eddy, A. A. Moredock, George W., Central Vil- lage Plainfield. Crane, Charles, Central Village Uouell, L. D. Stamford. Waterhury, Wra. Webb. Noah Congdon, .1. Jr. Voluntown. Kimball, J. Jr., Willimantic Windham. Saddle Tree Makers. Peck, Wm. A., Water st Bridgeport. Lathrop, Frederick Hubbell, J.. Middle st Ambler. F. P. & Sons Sherman & Hawley, Southport Fairfield. Hall & McEwen Huntington. Peete, George, Nichols' Farms Trumbull, Sail Duck Manufac- turers. Parmer, Wm. J. Holt, Jeremiah East Haddam, Harwinton Sail Makers. Fowler, Andrew, Water st Bridgeport. Clift, I. D.. Portersville Oroton. Hempsted, J., Long wf JVfio Haven, SaAV Manufacturers. Atkins, J. &. Co. Bristol Hill & Tryon, Unionvllle Farmington. ScbooEs and Academies. Jigricultural School, M'orth Corn- itall, — Scinmel W. (Juld. Teacher. Bacon .icadfviy. Colchester. — Wil- li«tn Kin. ey. Principal. Barllett Orammar School. JVeiD London. — Joel R. Andrews, Princi- pal. Brainard .Academy, Haddam.-PoT- tcr, II. Snciw. Principal. Clinton .Academy. Clinton. — Caleb Davenport, Principal. Connecticut Literary Institution, Suffield.— Wm. W. Woodbury. A.M., Principal ; Palmer Gallup, 'i'eacher of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Mathematics ; Miss Lavinia M. Parker. Preceptress ; Miss Acliil- les. Teacher of Music. Painting, and Drawing. No. of Scholars, '-"28'. Danbury .Academy., Danbury. — Morris Lyon, Teacher. Danbury Boarding School, Dan- bury. — John W. Ijwin, Teacher. Durham Jlcadeniy, Durham. — Robert Hubbard, Principal. F.ast Hartford English and Clas- sical School, East Hartford. — M. L. Rogers, Principal. Eliivglon Select School. F.lling- ton.—\\ m Meirill. Principal ; Mrs. S. B. Merrill. Preceptres-. Episcopal School, Cheshire. — Rev. Setli B. Paddock, Principal ; Benja- min Paildock. A.B.. .\-sisiant. FairJield.icadrmy.Fairfii'id. — Rev. L. H. Atwater. President; Charles Hennetl. Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. E. A;oore, A. B , Principal. Fatuity Boardiug School for Boys, Kent. — Aslibel Fuller. Principal. Ft male Jicademy, J^'ew London. — H. W. Farnswortli. Principal. Hills .'icadeviy and Essex Semi- iiriry. Essex. — Incorporated 1833. There are three terms in a year : the rirst or 1 all term begins on the last Wednesday in August, and continues eleven weeks. After a recess of one week, the Winter term commences, and continues sixteen and a half w eeks ; at the close of which there is a vacation of three weeks, when the Summer term begins and con- tinues the same length of the Winter term. Terms, for boarding, washing, fuel, lights, sujiervi^ion, and tuition in English branches and Latin and Greek, the Fall term $50 ; the Win- ter and Sumner terms each $75 ; Mu- sic, Drawing, Painting, French, Span- ish, German, and Itiilian, extra ; day tuition. $3, $4, and $5 per quarter, according to age and branches pur- -ued. Extras the same as for Board- ing Scholars. Lucius Lyon, A.M., Principal ; Mary M. Dole, Precep- tress. Lee's Jlcademy, Madison. — J. S. Wilcox, President; J. T. Lee, Secre- tary and Treasurer; R. E. Rice, Principal. Manchester .Academy, Manchester. — Andrew Dennison, Principal. Manchester Centre Jicademy, Man- chester. — Samuel R. Dimock, Prin- cipil; Miss Emily White, Teacher ol Music. Mcriden .Academy, Meriden. — Eli Hubbard, Principal. ^''orwalk Eiig. Classical School, J^oricalk, — Storrs Hall, Principal. Robinson's Institute far Males, Ouilford, — Samuel Robinson, Prin- cipal. Select School dissociation, SaJis- bury, — Rev. Adam Reid. President; j M. L, Graham, Secretary ; Mrs. Sa- I rah Werden, Preceptress. 310 NKW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. Stratford Jlrndeiny, Stratford. — Incorporated IHOb. Frederick Sed;;- wick. Principal. Theuliigicul Institute, E. fVindsor HM.—Rev. Bennet Tyler, D. D., President, iind Professor of Christian Theology; llev. Wm. Thmiipsoii, M. A., I'rofessor of Biblical Litera- ture ; llev. Edw'd W. Ilooder, D.l)., Professor of Sacred Rlietoric. fVarren Jlcademy H^arren. — Rev. J. C. [loward, Principal. fVaterbunj Jicadcmy, fVaterbury. — Charles Fabrique, 'I'eiicher. West KiUingly Academy, West Killingly. — (ieo. CaiininK VVilliaiiis, M.A., Principal ; Horace Taylor, B.A., Assistant: Miss Caroline VV. Wil- liams, Te icher of French and Draw- ing; Miss Sophia I). Ileale) , T'(!acher of Music. ISd. Ill Sclmlars, Ti\. Wesleyan UnUurnitii. Middletuicn. —Rev. Stephen Olin," UH., L.L.D., President; Auk's W. Suiitli, L.L.D., Professor of Mathenialic-i and Aslro- noniy; Rev. Joseph Holdich, D.U., Prof, of .Moral Science anil lielles Lettres ; John Johnston, M.A.. Prof, of Natural Science; Harvey B. Lane, M.A., Prof of the Greek Language and Literatur.^ ; Rev. .lohn W. Lind- say, M.A., Pr.ifessor of the Latin and Hebrew Languages; Daniel Steele, B. A., Tutor in Mathematics ; Rev. Frederick J. Iluber, M. A.. Teacher of Modern Languages. Muniber of Scholars, 124. Mcndrii Institute, IV. Meri- den. — H<-nry D. Smith, A. M., Prin- cipal ; David N. Camp, Associate. West (Vtiodstuck Jicademy, IVuud- »tock.—.\. Willis Patterson, A. B., Principal ; Miss Lucy H. Foster, As- «ist;int. Number of Students. 107. Woodstock Academy, Woodstock. — Rev. Jna. Curtis, President ; Edw. E. Bowen, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. Willis Patterson, A. B., Principal ; Miss Lucy P. Foster, Assistant. No. of Students, 107. Scales and Ua]uaic,L'!>i. Meech & Edmonds Oriswold. Screw JIauufaciurcrK. WoodwanI, E. T. Midd.'etown. Hayden. J. S. Dick, J. & Co. (rivets) JVewtoton. Bidwell, Henry E. Oxford. Gilbert, Bennett &. Co. Reading. Sytlic iyfaiiufucluriT<*. Dewell, John JSTorfdk. Harris, Silas Saiisbary. Boyd, James & Son, Winsted Winchester, Beardsley, Elliott, Winsted Williams &. Burbank do Thayer & Co. do Seed Growers. Shakers' Society, (Thomas White, Agent) Enfield. Butler & Strong Wetkersfield. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Sewins^-Silk lYIamiii'ac- tiirers. Jones, A. B. & W. VV. Manchester. Cheney & Brothers Manchester Oreen. Hart, F. A. & Co. (silk braids~t Middietown. Humaston & Rice (silk and worsted fringes) 4I| Orange st JCew Haven. Loomis, Sanmel O. Windsor. Sheriffs and their Dc- puties» FA.IRFIELD. Isaacs, Ch's, Sheriff Whiting, Isaac H. Wildjuan, David D., Daniel S. Tondinson, Joseph W.irner, John Be,.rd-^ley. E. H. Reed, James Lyon, Alanson Lee, William Seeley, Albert F.inton, Horace Jones, Philo W. of the County JVorwalk. Bridgeport. Danbury. Fairfield. Huntington- J^cwlown. JiTew Fairfield. JVorwalk. Redding, Ridgefield. Stamford. Weston, Westport. HARTFORD. Adams. Chester, Sheriff of the Co'ty Hartford. Warner, ."Vlonzo Bristol. B irtlelt, Otis P. East Windsor. CI irk, Albert Enfield. Waterman, Nathan M. Hartford. Pitkin, Eli Manchester. Phelps, Ebenezer B. Simsbury. Woodruff, Lewis Southinglon. Morron, Eliphalet Snffield. Loomis, Anson Windsor LITCHKIKLD. Sedgwick, Albert, Sheriff of the County Litchfield. ('ovvles, Walters Canaan. Sedgwick, John E. Cornwall. Wheaton, (Jcorge A. Wills, Peter W. Kent. We-sels, Leverett W. Litchfield. Spring, Wilscni B. JVfW Hartford. Knapp, i.evi S. JVew Milford. Hullcr, iVilliMMi A'orfolk. Whili !.', Sanmel C. B. Plymouth. Huel, IJIiphalet Salisbury. Sperry, Walter D. Washington. Howe, John D. Winchester. De Forest, Marcus Woodbury. MIDDLESEX. Stevens, Charles, Sheriff of the County Clinton. Snow, Charles W. Deep River. C'uip. John S. Durham. Cone, Daniel Shailor, Samuel C. Haddam. Deiiison, Rufus C. Saybrook. Thompson, Daniel C. Westbrook. NEW HXVEN. Parmele, Leander, Sheriff of the County Wallingfird. Stoddard. David T. Derby. Clark. Sylvanus Ouilfird. U'ay, Reuben H. Meridrn. >-'iiencer, Lawrence S. JVaugntuck. I'arr, David H. JVew Haven. .Voiister, Mark Otford. Bryan, Lucius P. Waterbury. NEW LONDON. Bliss, George, Sheriff of the County JVorwich. Johnson, Jehiel Bozrah. Bulkeley, John T. Colchester. Huntington, L. L. Lebanon. Ely, A. P. Lyme. Payne, N. B. JVew [Mndon. Thomas, E. T. JVorwich Loomis, Alfred Salem. Albro, James C. Stonington. Griggs, Solomon L., Sheriff of the County Tolland. Talcott, Luther Bolton. Watrous, Henry R. Corctitrij. Fuller. Humphrey T. Hebron. Woodward, Mi reus Somers. Winter, Lorenzo C. Stafford. Abbot, Bela Vernon, WINDHAM. Warren, George, Sheriffof the Co'ty Killingly. Palmer, Benjamin E. Brunklyn. (Jreen^lit, David Hampton. C.idy. Seth M. Killingly. Cady, Georse Plainfield. Cbmgh, J. C. Thompson. Y(mng, Zephaniah Windham. Fenner, Caleb Woodstock. Ship Builders. Hotchkiss, Geo. Bradfora, Marther. T. C. E, Bridgeport Point. liuill, David Clinton. De Woll, Benjamin llallock, Z. & J. Derby. Goodspeed, <;. E. & W. Fl. East Haddam Landing, Latham, Jas. A. & Co., Noank Ciroton. Hotchkiss, E. S. Guilford, • 'hild. C. & H., Higgernuin Haddam. (iuesner &. Waldron, Fair Haven jYrw Haven. Lane & Jacobs, Fair Haven Moxley, Samuel JVew London. Elsworth, Starkey & Co., Essex Saybrook. FlaW7 Haven. Nichols, Theophilus M'eivluwn. VVakeman, M. M'orwaik. Claris, Ebenezer Sumers. French, Sherman Trumbull. Sboe Fiudiug:s. Hills, Isaac. 86 State st Hartford. Bell, Wm. H. JVew Canaan. Smith, B. 133 Chapel st .V. Haven. Smith, A. D. &. Co., Smith's Block .N'ew London. Griswold & Farnum, 11 Water st JVorwich. Silver and Brass Platers. Hubbell, Merritt, Main street Bridgeport. Kippen & White, 90 Water st Bradley, M. W., Cannon st Hurd, Wm. Murth Canaan. Woodward, S. B., J. O. Mead, nReiit. 146i Main st Hartford. Barber, Edward F. 122 Main st Pr.itt. Wm. H. 122 do Hubbell. Elizur, 57 Church st Bromley, .1. S. & E. B. (electro pla- ters) 6 Artizan st JVeic Haven. Silversmitlis. Seymour, Oliver D. 36 Pearl st Hartford. Crowell, Wm. H. 12 Trumbull st Silver Plated "Ware Man- ufacturers. North, S. J., New Britain Berlin. Cowles Manufacturing Co. Oranly. Silver Spoons, Forks, La- dles, Scopes, and Butter Knife Manufacturers. Curtis, F. & Co. Olastenbury. Crowell, Wm. H. 12 Trumbull si Hartford. Howard, James L. & Co. (plated) 122 Main st Hall, Elton & Co. (German silver) H'allingford. Silver "Ware and Fancy Gootis— I>ealers. Curtis, F. & Co. (wholesale) 1 Asy- lum st Hartford. BoMes. Sexton & Co. 5 Asylum st Gurley, Harrison (wholesale) 12 Asy- lum street Soap and Candle Manu- facturers. Nichols, Eli T. & Co. (candles) 34 Beaver st Bridgeport. Cowles, Walter, Unionvile Farmington. Cowles, Edward Williams, .lames B. (Yankee shaving soip ind cream) Olastenbv Geer, Amos Fowler, B. Jr. & Co. 52 Morgan st Hartford. Bintin, C. 44 Morgan st Umphrey, Seyms & Co. 44 Middle st Ferry, E. C. (shaving soaj)) JUiddtetown. Hull, Elam, 10 Broadway JK". Haven. Brown, Robert, 30 Union st Uean, Charles, Allen st JVorwich. McEwen, Hemsled, Allen st Rathburn, S. & Co. Whittemore, A. F. (shaving soap) E-;sex Unybrook. Edson, J. M. (soap and candles) Wil- limantic IVindkam. Bradley, L). (candles) IVestport. Spectacle Manufac- turers. Newbury, Edwin Brooklyn. Holies, Sexton & Co. (silver) 5 Asy- lum st Hartford. Burt, J. (specl:icle lenses) 4 State st Baldwin,.!. G. Middlelown. Brown &. Kirby (gold and 'silver) "(i Chapel st JVuw Haren. Griswold, Gilbert Portland. Atwood & Crouch (German silver) dealers in gold and silver fVoodbury. Chapin, Silas (silver) Andrews, Reuben (German silver) Thompson, A. do do Strong, J. E. (goggles) Spoon Manufacturers. Griswold, H. Jr. (German silver and butter knives). N. Britain Berlin. Barnes, E. M. (irim spoons) Bri.-'tul. Storrs, Frederick Ciiapiin. Mix, Titus Chester Boardman, Luther (Britanni;;) East Haddani Landing. Pitkin, W. (silver) East Hartford. Humphrey & Bradley, Unionville Farmington. Curtis, Frederic & Co. (pl;ited spoons) Oi:istcnbury. Rogers, Brothers (silver plated bui- ter-knives and castors) 4 .State st. Hartford. Bolles, Sexton &. Co. (Geruwin silver- plated butter-knives, &.c.) 5 Asy- lum street Baldwin, J. G. (Britiinnia and plated) (Vest Meriden. Baldwin, J. G. (Britannia and silver) Middletown. Uoatli, R.W. (silver spoons) cor. of M iin and Union sts JVorwich. Williams, D. R. Prospect. Mix. William .l.arls, B. Mnrtin. J. H. (silver) IVallingford. Hall. Elton &. Co. Hall, Elton & Co. (German silver and plated ware, and Britannia s|)oons) Scovills & Buckincham (Gorman sil- ver arid other spoons) fVuterbury. Scovill, Buckingham & Co. (German silver) li'atertown. .Stationers' AVare Manu- facturers. Silliman, S. & Co. Cheshire. Shelton, Geo. W., Birmingham Derby. Stevens, A. W. & L. E. Killingworth. Steelyard Manufactu- rers. Knowlton, Ebeneze Ooshen. ' Shumway, John P. Jishford. Squire, Parsons & Co. BranfortU Hendrich &. Churchill Bristol. Parker, Pliny Hebron. Wilcox & Snow West Meriden. Stereotypcrs. Hobbs, Richard H. 12 Trumbull st Hartford. Benham, John H. 25 Orange st M'ciD Haven Stone Quarriers. Silliman, Stephen, Water st Bridgeport Sprague, S. S. (flagging stone) South KiUingly. Brainard, E. L. Portland. Sh,iler& Hall Middlesex Ciu-irr>- Co. Webber &. Cady (fire-sloneqtjarry) West Stafford. Stone-ivare Manufactu** rers. Webster, M. G. & Son, 18 Front st Hartford. Huggins, E. E. & Co., East Water st JVeir Haven. Smith & Day JVorwalk. Stove Dealers. Gilbert & Cowles (wholesale) 72 State st Hartford. Ensign, Wm. H. 273 Main st Wicks, Wm. Milford. Wood, A. H. & D., Central Village Plainjield. Baldwin, Herman Washington. Henr)', Erastus, Muddy Brook Woodstock. Stra«r-Cutter A- Turry- C'oinb Manufacturers. Wells, Barnard & Co. Bristol. Beach, Burroughs JVew Milford. Clmton, David (corn-shellers) JVorth Haven. Phipps, Edward D., Muddy Brook Woodstock, Suspender ManufactU' rers. Hitchcock, Samuel Cheshire. Hale, William Meriden. Babcock, A. C. 15 Chapel st. JV'ea; Haven. Tack Manufacturers. Shelton, Ebert Trowbridge, Stephen Hall, Elias Whipp. S B. Green. W. H. Ranney, J., Main st Somers, H. Hoyt. Noah W. Hoyt, Henry B. Hamlin, J. G. Barwick, J. M. Mix, Temple B. 34 Fleet st JVeM Haven. Mix, Lewis. 144 Chapel st Cooke. J. H. 158 do Bulkley. E. A. 127 do Sliney, Richard, Dwight's Building Meisburg, J. M., Chapel st Weeks, R. T., Westville Evans, W. K., Gaylord's Bridge JVew Milford. Farell, J. W., Gaylord's Bridge Noble, C. C. Rigg, Clark Gilbert, H. D. J^Tewtown. Keeler, Nathan W. Keeler, Almond Frisbee, Alonzo JVorth Branford. Sanford, Eliada J^orth Haven. Bouton, H. South JiTorwalk. Brewer, Pliny JVorwich. Perk. J. H. Griy & Turner, Central Village Plainfield. South Kent. Kent. fVest KiUingly. Liitchfield. Lyme. Mrriden. Middtetuwn. Mi/ford. J^ew Canaan. J^ew Hartford. Benchley, John, Central Village Plainfield. Arnold. I. W., Moosup Gordon, A. do Lumbard, C. Pomfret. Kelsey, S. A. Plymouth. Cowan, John Gaylord, Ancel Lobdell. Samuel Ridgefield. Parmelee, \. D. Hubbard, Henry Salisbury. Reed, Henry J. \ Jones, Wm. Loomis, H. T., Deep River Saybrook. Jenkins, Eleazer Sharon. Jones, J. S. C. Southington. Prouty, Carlos Stafford Springs. Hoyt, James Stamford. Irving, Thos. Judson, Henry Collins, John Stonington. .Avery, Joseph, Mystic Faircliild, J. C. Stratford. Tuttle, William Suffield. Gemmill, James Allen. J.S., New Boston Thompson- Day, E. G., RhodesviUe I C idwell, E., Readsville 'Thurber, Henry, Pomfret Depot Shumway, J. do Brown. Andrew Tolland. Treat, M., Wolcottville Torrington, Duncan. Le.mder Union Case, T. D., Rockville Fernan. Goodwin, John do Brown. David do (iilnian, E. W. do Andrews, R. G. Vernon. Brunce, J. F. Vernon, Rice, J. B'allingford Aridrus, J. M. B issett, Abram Warren. Sutherland, James fVa-^kington, Gillett, Henry S., New Bo-iton Hotchkiss, C. H. fVatertown, Garlick, E. A. Stevens, L. L. tVaterbury. Mul lings, John Fish, H. B. Snagg, Peter fVestport. Sturges, S. B. .Manstiyld, L. H. Wilton. Cowdrey, William H., Winsted Winchester. Barklay, David A., Winsted Kice. A. M. do Smith, I. Windsor Locks. ("hurch, Moses Elliott. Geo., Willimantic Windham. Kemic, J. do Clark, C. M. Woodbury. Benham, Enos -SolU, U. J. Peck, Isaac Davis, J. C. JN'ortA Woodstock. Tailors and Drapers. Williams, S. &. O., Pleasant Valley Harkhamsted Stoughton. Cicero, Hitchcockville W.I) ter, Bailey, NewBritiin Berlin. Goodrich, H. B. do (loodwin & Edwards, New BritJiin liould. L. 1.5 Wall st Bridgeport. Hamilton, Alex. & Co., 99 Water st Lewis. H. N. 87 do Forbes, G. W. 85 do Raymond; G. W. & Co.. 77 do Middlebrook. S. M. 23 Wall st Hatch, C. M., Main st Hawley, E. S. & Co , 71 Water st Groundeson, P. 33 State st Kersey, Chs.. 107 Main st Lawrence, Geo. K. J^orth Canaan. Hubbard, C. K. South Canaan. Barber, Alonzo, CollinsviUe Clinton. Kirby, Edward. Birmingham Derby. Smith. Sylvester P. do Hull, Wm. M. Derby. Curtis. Lucius B iker, S.S., BroadBrook E. Windsor, j Brush, S. M. Greenwich. Knapp, F. W. Bru-h, J. E. Knapp, O. C, Round Hill Miner i^ Close. St inwich Skinner, A. 19Gi Main st Hartford. Fisher, Thomas T. 28 State st Gritiing. Chas. 82 State st Strickland, F. C. 41 State st i, J. D. 42 do I Buel, Robert, 56 do 1 Larkum, Horace S. 76 do Merriam, J. & M. 80 do [Wrinht. John R. B. do I Hubbard & Brainard, 47 State st I Dunn, H. 46 State st .Stockwell, Lyman. 2 Central Row Gordon, A. H'. 90 Commerce st IChilds, G. H. 166 Main st Darrow, Thomas, 264 Main st Goodwin, Eristus, 216 do Williams, E. W. 164 do Coming, Henry it Son, 156 Main st Dimock, J. W. & Co., 127 do Chapman, Silas, 147 do Pettibone, W. C. & F*. E. 191 do Saunders, T. P. 205 do Freeman. D. C. 245 do Hall, G. B. &.T. Kent. Chamberhn & Rothwell West KiUingly. Richards, Thomas H. Litchfield. Kelsey, \. M. Madison. Olds &. Campbell JiJcriden. Collins, Edw ard J. West Meriden. Colt & Brother Greene, Lewis S. Benham, D. R. Middletown. Collins & Fagan, Main street Camp, W. A. do Utley, O. Smith, Norman Tobey, Joseph Gilbert, Wm. J. Brooks. Wm. .Mi/ford. Beardsley, .1. H. J^augatuck. Johnson, Wm. H. JVcw Hartford. Clarke, L. L. 62 Church st , .Veio Haven. Stone, B. W. 72 Chapel street Thompson &. Peckham96 do Gorham, Samuel B. 100 do Mervvin, S. 104 do Fitch, L. 135 do Gilbert. D. & Co. 2 Exchange Place Stillman & Cl.irk, 60 Ch;ipel street Mason & Franklin. 41 do Townsi'iid & Maltby, corner Chapel and College sts Knevals & Hull. 51 Chapel st Thomas, Nathan, 31 State st Allis, A. do Cannon & Co. 22 Fleet st Chatterton, Francis, 24 Fleet st Chatterton, T. 94 Chapel st Marvin, George P. do Bryan & B ill, 1 Exchange Place Tolkes. Samuel, 23 Church st Huel. P. A. 49 do Hotsford. F. 6 Bridge st Hood. Roswell, 20 Fleet st Cooper, J. L. 30 do Harris, Isaac. 38 do Sperry, .A. C, Westville Dennis, H. (i. J^ew London. Gall ler. A. VV. Thompson. J. Irwin. Robert JVew Milford, Hulbert, Joseph JVorfolk. Cook, George, 131 Main street J^Torwieh, Hull, Benj. L.. Bushwell Buildings Worthington, Edward. 1U8 Main st Charlton. J. 9 Shelucket st Bussey & Hazen, 15 do Berk, Peter, Greenville Goo(l. Harvey, Alfred Ashford. Lincoln, George, Westford Furgusoii &. Hurd, corner Wall and Water sts Bridgeport. Morris, C. M. & Co., Water st Keeler, I. &. .Son Broukfidd. Clark, Francis Brooklyn. Foot, L. J^Torth Canaan. Simpson, Daniel B. Canterbury. Beelie,R.G., East Hampton, t/(n, Charles Sharon. Fuller, Revilo Sherman. V\ oodin, Philo S. Ward, William, South Britain Suathbury. Higgins &. Twitchell Southington. Cuiif^don, John Stafford .Springs. I'uvot, Stephen B. Stamford. * ill, Henry C. Sterling. Clark, P. &, Co. JV. Stonington. Educomb, JN'.ithan Curtis, Judson Stratford. Aldrich, Silas N. Thompson. L'iKicrwood, Moses &, Son Tolland. Hunt, Uliver Vernon. iMuii on, M. W. Wallingford. Beardsley &, Wooding IVashington. VVoodw.ird, U. &. Co. Watertawn. Bradley, Samuel l.r.idley, Wm. Weston. Scrihner, J. M. Westport. I're-ion, S. J. WiUington. 1' uller, Simetni, Scotland Windham. H ilsey, Henry Windsor. Bonnel, Francis Br.iuey, P. L. Woodbury. liordon, Alexander Mednu.y, Arnold B. W. Woodstock. Dean, Kzra, Muddy Brook Woodstock. Thread iTIanufacturers. Thompson & Co., Unionville Farmington. Clark, Joel B., Rainbow Windsor. rill, Sli«-»'t Iron and Cop- p r Workers, aiitl BJeal- 1 r»i in Moves and fttol- lo«v Ware. Lamb, L., Worthington Berlin. Beckley, Oliver Branford. Booth, S. C. 7 Wall st Bridgeport. Sterling, Legrange, corner of State and Hank sts Ives & Whiting, 89 Water st Nichols, Beers & Hamilton, 79 Wa- ter street Beach, A. N. JVorth Canaan. Cue & Hull Clinton. Bassett, S. C, Collinsville Ailing, Albert West Cornwall. Kogers & Andrews Danbury. Hull, C. & M. C. Lewis, Edwaril, Birmingham Derby Curtis &. Blackman Creamer, Wm. G. Lewis, E. & Co., Humphreysville Leach, L. VV.& Son Durham. Field, B. W. Abbee & Hixon, Ware House Point East Windsor. Woodruff, David, Thompsonville Enfield. Olmsted, Albert, Scitico Hall, C. B. & Brothers, Southport Fairfield. Yeonians, G. Farmington H.ile, N. P. Lawson, Martin Oroton. Rogers & Hall Guilford. Clark & Hiugins Haniplon. Hills, Gilbert, 'J8i .State st Hartford. C.illender, II. &l I). 68 State st Loomis, Neland (wholesale) 298 N. Main st Phillips, Wm. J. 2:56 Main st Brooks, David S. 255 do Hyde, J. & S. West Killingly. Carrington & Sanford Litchfield. Slow & Cooper Lyme. Dowd, Wm. G. Madison. Houghton, R. W. Manchester Green. Merriam, S. T. West Meriden. Blikeslee & Stiles Stednian & Clark • urtiss H. W. Meriden. (ioodrich & Rutty Bradley, Hiram Pomeroy, Charles Yale, Samuel Paddock, Edward, Court st Middletown, Sumner, John H., Main st Stanlili', George Croli'ut, E. I' iliiier, Gideon, Jr. Wick-;, Wm. Milford. Bennett, Asa L. jVaugatuck. Ben ham, Allen JVew Hartford. Hubb.ard, L. P. Jones, Henrv Cannon, W.T. & C. L. 134 Chapel st M'ew Haven, Howarth, Thomas, 55 Church st Treadwav, Lyman, 57 State st Muiison, Roswell J. 3 do Beecher, John D. 89 Chapel st Bradley, Seymour, 81 do Beecher, J. I). 89 do A.idrews, B.. Bridge st -Mansfield, Henry, 2 Fleet st < 'ook. Bray, Fair Haven Bniughton, Jas. do Lewis, E. & Co., Westville Williams, J. T. &, Co. JVeio London. (Jiles, Dart & Co. Hobron, Charles Smith & Beckwith Wright, Wm. B. JVew Milford. Jordan, T. L. JVewtown. Lock wood & Haight JVorwalk. Curtis, S. & L. Nash Ik. Hoyt South JVorwalk. Backus &. Barstow JVorwich. Miller, Jacob Backus & Barstow, Water st Callyhan & Robinson do Roath & Potter, corner of Water and Main sts Brewer, J. M., Franklin Square Roath, Isaac H., East Main st Lee, N. A.. Greenville Gallup, Moses Pin infield. Bradley, A. A. Plymouth. Rockwell & Bennett Ridgefield. Patterson, A. L. Salisbury. Bailey, Martin E., Deep River Saybrook, Treat, William, Essex Ensign, Moses Sim.ibury. Pettibone, A., Tariffville Porter. D. .'Southington. Brown, D. R. & J., Furnace Hollow Stafford. Capron & Lockwood Stamford, 311 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNIO^f DIRECTORT. Haley &. Shick (iimy, Joseph Pit trick, n. B., Mystic Bridge Liiwsdri, John L. d(i Biioth, S.iiiiuel L. Stratford. Spaiilding. S., Re;ul-ville Thompson. Cliirk. Hitfiiin- &. <"<>., I'omt'ret Depot Aiiitrd & Church Torringtun. Butler, W. & L., Rockville Vernon. t'aiinoii, B. IViUlina-ford. Biiiritt, W. VV. & Co. fVaterbury. H ill, Luther llotchkiss, F. S. lii'ers Will. L. Wlieelor. E. Pi>ner, O. B. Loornis. .]. R.. Win^ted Winchester. Lrvvis, Thiinia.s do Burtihaiu, CD. & Co., Willimantic fVindham. Stonington. Varnislt .tlu.nut'a.cturers, Lee &. Builer (coach furniture and .lapaii) 144 Main st Hartford. Smith, .lames O. Middletown. Patterson &. Glenney, 105 Chapel .>it JVew Haoeu. Haley, .S., Bank st J^~eu> London. fVatertown. fVestport. fVethersJield. Hall, H. C. Lewis, Geo. B. Windsor Locks. Woodbury. Traps— iTIousP and Rat- Manufacturers. Watertoicn. Everett & Uavis Curtis. Eli Eggleston, A. (twine reels) Trusses. Hard, D. B. W.. (manufacturer of Abdominal Supporters) BetUem. Bull, Isaac D. ^dealer) State st Hartford. Warner, Seeley & Co., Gaylord's Br. JVeu) Milford. Churchill & Stanley, New Britain Berlin. Warner & Lewis do Muiiger. T. Branford. Segie, P. B., cor. State & Main sts Bridgeport. Blakem ui, A., Wall st Blackmm, .1. C. & ('a.. Main st Youug. Charles, 3 Wall st -Vewbury, E. Brooklyn. Storrs. Frederick Chaplin. Scliofield, John Colchester. Flowf rs, J. W., Birmingham Derby. Wooster, E. & Co. do Steel, Thomas, 195 Main st Hartford. Pitkin, J. O. 12 State st Rogers, VVm. & Co. 4 State st Sharon. ! W.-lls, L. T. 20C M an st Oakes, Wm. 154 do Goodwin, Horace, (2nd) 166 Main st Cobb, Andrew Ea.H Killingly. Backus & Dowe West h'ii/ingl'y. Ward, Wm. IMchJield. Merrimaa, R. Toplili; Chauncey Mansfield Centre. Smith, John L., .Main st Middletown. Brewer, Charles & Son, Main st Hushes & Hall do I GcMidwin, J. G. JVeu) Hartford. Toy ITIauufacturers. Brown & Kirby, 76 Chapel st -Veto Haven. Robinson, L. (toy wagons) Bristol. ' Hitchcock, R. F. 114 Chapel st VVhigville Manufacturing Co., Bur- 1 Olmsted, .V. & .Son, 128 do lington Benjamin, E.. corner of Orange and Henderson, E. & Co. (toy wagons, ( Chapel streets coasting sleds, and rocking horses) ' O'.N'eil, Charles, 68 Chapel st JVeifl Hartford, i Bradley, G. C. 58 State st Munson, Curtis J. 83i Chapel st Flowler, E. D., Fair Haven Hempsted, D. B. & Son. Bank st JVeu! London. Horton, H. P. Blackman, Sheldon ni ikcslee, Wm. Turners of Wood. Moses, Daniel D., Pleasant Valley Barkhamsted. Dutton. .lesse. Pleasant Valley Young. Daniel & Co. do Pardee & Turney (hubs) Bridgeport. Warner. D. VV. Broukfidd. Gilbert, A. H. (wood and iron) Chester. Standish, Austin Skinner, Horace Cole, I. & J. H. Pratt, N. B., Esse.x JVew Milford. Jfewtown. Mirfnlk. JVorth lliiren. JVorwalk. Umbrella :»rauufactH- rers. Woleott, O. J. M irtin, .^niirew Hisbrow, C. & Co. Brady. Francis Hu'itington, E. T. 109 Main st M'orwich. Roath, R. W., corner of Main and Olastenhiiry.\ Union streets Middletown. \ Coit, E., cor. Main and Shetucket sts JVew Milford. I Mason, I., 15i Shetucket st Saybrook. Bridgham. H. C. 95 Main st Prindle. G. B. 6 Strand Building Kiiine, Thomas, .Main st BriL'den. G. P. N'orwich Town. Herrick, A. R., Central Villige Plainjield. Bottsford, Wm. C, Lakeville Salisbury. Pratt. N.. Essex Elliott, John I Powelson, Charles G Bishop. David A. I Wallace, F. ; Mo«er, F. Shaw, Edward Shaw, Al)salom, Rockville Smith, Ira T. Prospect. Le.ivitt, ('. Jr. do Scovill, Ozro JVfflwo-a^KcA. Hall (2d). Horace Wallimrford Brown, John F, JVorth Haven. Sherwood. C. C. Waterbury. j Pike, Samuel. Southport Scovill & Co. Waterbury. Tennatt, C. F., Willimantic ! Jenness, Joseph, (marketing,) South .Mattatuck .Manuf. Co. | Windham. p. State st .\ichols, Y., Main st Whiting, John H. 129 Main st Rowe, Michael do Burton, C. B. do Hall, E. do Howe, J. H. do Peet, \Vm. do P irrott, Russell & Sutton do (iooUsell, B., cor. of W.iter and Wall streets Morgan, Russell, Pequonock Mills .Mallett, Charles Main st Andrews, L. M. Bristol. Luce & P irker, CoUinsville Canton, Dyer, Moses Bailey, Uriah Canada, Harlen Chaplin. Lyon, Joseph VV. (agent) Jones, D. O., Middle Haddam Chatham. Foot, John L. Cheshire Mu ison, Levi .Marvin, J.imes ^Torth Colebrook. Webh, Cli:irles H. Darieu. Wallace. H. P. Stephens, L. Bailey, S. E. Derby. W^illiams, Evan, Birmingham Smith, Lyman do Scott, G. VV., An.sonia Johnson. R. L. Jones, Ezra F., Moodus Village East Haddam, .Miller, R. VV. E. Haddam Landing. Spencer, D. Hudson, K., Scotland E. Hartford. Darling, G. VV. Pitkin, R. Skinner, Norman Moore, J. .\. Sisson, Benjamin Pratt, A. Phelps, George S. Linsley. Charles Sherwood, VV'. East Haven. Easton. Davidson, Robert, Thompsonville Enfield. Owen, George C, Thompsonville Viets. Sylvester, Scitico Village Hobart, Edmond Fairfield. Bulkley, Isaac, Jr. CONNECTICUT 315 R^iyinond. Cnrtis, Southp't Fairfield. Goodwin & "Whittlesey, Unioiiville Farmiiiglun. Hyde, James H. Franklin. Peck ham, Francis Tracy, A. B. Morgan, Sanford, Poquonoc Orototi. Jesiip, E. P. Oreenwich. Clark, L. P. Smith, George A. Weed,.l.T. Close, A. H., Round Hill 1 uller, E. T. & Co. 19 Asylum st Hartford. Pease, J. W. 310 North Main st Fowler & Co. (vvlioles.) 101^ Mainst Sage, Jason (wh(jle>ale; 36 St:ite st Foster &. Co. 87 State st Glazier, C. 85 do Pendleton, A. 26 do Work, T. G. (wholesale) 52 Main st Smith, Perry, 119 State st Glazier, J. M. 79 do Chamberlain, S. S. 73 State st Parish, Oliver, 61 do Ti.\v filaffurd. Parkess, Lewis Stafford Springs. Holly & Cliirk Slamfurd. Uuiiitard, Isaac, Jr. iKiskan, B. J. Hoyt, Kovvell Peck, Frederick tiiiutli, F. A. Webb, E. T. Wardwell, R. Jones, Isaac, High Ridge Niles. C. M. Stunington. Eldrid-ie, K. B. Holmes, Alo.zo Burdick, Oliver States, J. P. Brooks, M. A. Stratford. Faircliild, T. B. Fairchild, Charles C. Russell, Lewis H. Smith, l- Al Middlebrc.ok, 64 do .M.irl.ird. Aortliop At Co. tiU do H iwiiy. Mo >on, (imp.) 62 do Buricu^lis, II. C. 6« do Smith, Elisha T. 108 State street Hartford. Terry, Roderick & Co. 10:t State st .Nor,ham iL Bolter, 47 and 49 Com- iiierci- st Sevniuiir, (3. B. 52 Commerce st Piiher. Solomon, 76 St.te st Morgan, I). & Co. 116 do Clark & Church, 107 do Elcy, W. & A 97 do Savage & Co. 42 and 44 Commerce st Case, L. 54 Morgan st Keniiey, H. & W.327 Main st Hayden &. Lovel iiid. Main st Jiliddletown. Kidston, A. L. 48 State street jVe«! Haven, Hall, N. C. 46 State st Nicholson, J. 42 do Shepard, George JVeic London. Harris, A. R. Harris, J. N. Almy, A. H. & Co. 3 Commerci^ st J^urwich. Norton, Converse & Co. 15 Waler st M'orwick. Hammond, H. K.. cor. of Water and Market streets Bill, E. A., cor. of Water and Com- merce sts Warren & Co., Commerce st Window Blind Fasten- iug'» — .•la.iiuiiiicturers. North, Samuel. Worlhington Berlin. Judd, M. & O. S. (.sash taste.iings & window pulley-) New Britain Merrimaii, M. Jr. &. Son (window springs) JWu! Haven. Bradley, Ira & Co. (sal't) Southbury Campbell, E. D. Foluntoicn. Candee, Thomas (satinet and tweed) fVatertown. Keeler, S. H. (yarn) IVestpart. Ktllogg &. Willard (satinet) Nevviiig- ton IV ether sfieid. Wells, Grisw(dd J. (satinets) Evans, Richard do fVilton. Bird, David (satinet) tVincheater. Lincoln, Allen &, Co. (satinet) Jforth IVindham. I misccllauvous. Brass Finisher and Jobber. Au- ! gustus Smith, 21 Orange-street, Newr j Haven. t Brushes. A. D. Euson, manufac- turer, 40 State-street, New Haven. Butt-Hinges, Scovills & Bucking- him, m inufacturers wrought brass, J Waterbury. ! Cards, Denslow &. Beach, manu- f xturers of machine cards, 92 State- j street, Hartford. I Carriage Bands, Jas. L. Howard & Co., manufacturers of metal ,:nd electro-plated, 122 Main-street, Hart- ford. Cheese, Levi N. Norton &. Sons, manufacturers of pine-apple, Goshen. ] Chisels. Friend Dickinson, mnnn- Wool C'iirdcrs uitd Cloth | facturer of socket nd firmer chisels L( !'<'».••<' r»>* land drawing -knives, Higgernum, : H iddam. Rowley, Edwin Colehrook.^. Roberts & Marsh, Gayliird's Bridge Churns, Beers & Stevens, manu M'nc .Milford. faclurers. New Fairfield. BuckinL'ham, Glovir, E. Tv. Foote, J. Kibliln. Noh Bnich. J. .\verv. John Snrufi, Di- "li Keeler, S. H. Wiri' .llaimfjiclurtTs. W ;llice. Thomas (lir.iss and copper) I Birmingham Derby. I Holdane it Fedeman Oreenwich. \ Stillwater ("o. St'imford. Brown &. Elt in (brass and copper) Waterbury. Prouty, Royal Windsor Locks, Wooden War*- Ot'al;TS. Wolcott & Case, 288 North Main st Htrtford Newbury, G. U. & F. A. 284 North Main st Lane, .\biier &. Co. (m muficturers) Killingworth. H. & H., iNorlhville Rtdgefield. J^'urth Branford. Soiiiirs. Voluiitown, IViirren, s Wntertown, Westport. Woo! !l>ealer»i. Booth. Henry, Worthi gton Berlin. Taiiiter, John A. 114 SUite street Hartford. Kell'igL'. E. N. &Co. 105 do Ives, Hooker &. Co. 95 do Judd. J. F. 89 do Huntington, J. M. & Co., Commerce street jYitncich. .\orton. Converse & Co. 15 Water st WooHon Goods— :tI am u- iacluriTs. Perry, F. (s itinet) Chester. Carter. Joseph (satinet) Johnson. S. C. do Guilford. Cocking. John do Hampton. Dawson, Beiij. (yarn) Huntington. Phillips, A. (.satinets) J^yme, Hillard & Spencer (satinets) Manchester. Scovill, Edward do Middlebur'y. Vinson, Henry (yarn) Montville. Ednmnd. Jas. (satinets and tweeds) , J^twtovm. .Nichols, Charles (yarn) Nichols, Simeon (satinet) Laninan, J. T. (shawls) Korfolk. Ailing, C. W. & Son (yarn) Orange. Fitts, James do Ormsby & Son (satinet) Oxford. Dawson, James (broadcloths and sat- inets) Wheeler & Hopkins, manuf 's. Copper Mining., Bristol Mining Co., Bristol. Corn Shellers, B. M. & J. G. Treat, manufacturers. South Farms, Litch- field. Dye Woods, Stamford Manufac- turing Co., Stamford. Manufacturers of dye woods, liquors, and e.xtracts ; also grind drugs and medicines. — H. J. Sanford, agent and proprietor, 159 Maiden-Lane, New York. Fans, Tultle & Nettleton, manu- facturers, Bristol. Ontvanic Batteries, Gerome Jew- ell & Co., manufacturers, Bristol. Oold Beaters, Ashmead & Hurl- hut. 3 Gold-street, H.irlford. Hammers, J.P.Sawyer, manufac- turer, Unionvile, Farmington. Hatchets, Lucius Summers, manu- facturer, .Middle Haddam, Chatham. Hooks A- Eyes, J. S. .North, manu facturer. New Britain, Berlin. Hosiery, Oloves, Shirts &■ Draw- ers, N. J. Brockett, dealer, 6 State- street, Hartford. .Junk Store, Smith & Cothrell, New London. JVursery. Seth Lyon, Greenwich. Oil Cloth, G. Burnham, marufac- turcr of oil-cloth for rail-road cars and halls, 14 Central Row, Hartford. CONNECTIOUT. 317 Opticians, J. Burt, 4 State-street, Hartford. Pocket-Books, P. B. Hine, manu- fHcturer, 122 Grand street. New Ha- ven. Powder- Flasks, Joseph Capewell, Brothers & Co., manufacturers of piiwder-tlasks and shot-belts, Wood- bury. Powder, D. C. Rand, manufactu- rer, Middletown. Rules. Seymour Churchill, manu- facturer of ivorj' and bo.xwood rules, Bristol. Safety-Fuse, Bacon, Bickford & Co., manufacturers, Simsbury. Syt/ie-Siunes, Marcus W. Tyler, mtnufacturer of Quinnebaug sythe- stones and Massasoit hones. West Killingly Shaker Society, Enfield, manufac- ture brooms, pails, tubs, lead pipe, swifts, lumber, turning, ami planing , also, cultivate garden seeds. Jefi'er- son White, agent for seeds ; Josiah Fairbauk, agent for lead pipe. Sh2Utles, Edward ,1. Young, manu- facturer. Pleasant Valley, Barkham- sted. Spindles, Nathan Griggs, manu- facturer. Chaplin. Spool Stands, A. S. JNeal, manu- facturer, Burlington. Surgical Instruments, Geo. Kel- logg, manufacturer of adjuster and obstetrical forceps. Birmingham, (Derby.) Telegraph Offices, Allen P. Love- joy, agent. Telegraph Office, Stam- ford. J. D. Hayden, agent for Boston, New York, and Montreal Telegraph Office, 9 Water-street, Bridgeport. Trunk Rivets, Steele & Castle, manufacturers of silver and brass head, Waterbury. Thimbles and I^etter-Plates, B. S. Curtis, manufacturer, Woodbury. Tinkers, Chauncey Morse & Son, PI ;inville, Farmiiigton. Type, Edwin Allen, manufacturer of wood and block letter, Windham. Umbrella Staves, L. Lee, manu- facturer of umbrella staves, spit- toons, and stiiir rods, Berlin. fVashingMachines.iBa.conli.Weed, manufacturers, Winsted, (Winches- ter.) fValer Levels, M.W. Atkins & Co., Hianufacturers, Bristol. State Oovernment. Salary. Clark, Bissell, N. Haven, Gov. $1100 Charles J. McCurdy, Lyme, Lieut.-(;ov. & Pres. of Sen. 300 Joseph B. (iilbert. Hartford, Treasurer 1000 John R. Robertson, N. Haven, Secretary of State 1000 Vbijah Catlin, Harwintou, Comptroller 1000 Salary. Seth P. Beers, Litchfield, School Kui:d Comnii sioiier and Superintend, of schools Expenses and 1250 Gideon Trumbull, Stoniiigton, Assistant Commissioner ot schools Thomas B. Buller, Norwalk, Pres. pro teni. of the Senate L. S. Foster, Norwich, Speak- er of the House F. B.xon, Litchfield, Clerk of the House John C. Hollister, N. Haven, Clerk of the Senate Judiciary. SUPREME & SUPERIOR COURT. Salary. Samuel Church, Litchfield, Chief Justice §1300 Henry M. Waite, Lyme, As- sociate Justice William L. Siorrs, Middletown Joel Hinmati, New Haven Win. W. Ellsworth, Hartfcrd Thos. Day, Hartford, Rei«irter LITCHFIELD. 1250 1250 1250 12.50 550 Terms. FAIRFIELD. Fairfield, 2d Tuesday in February. Danbury, 4th Tuesday in June, and 1st Tuesday in October. HARTFORD. Hartford, 2d Tuesday in January, 2d Tuesday in June, and 2d Tues- day in September. LITCHFIELD. Litchfield, 3d Tuesday in Febru- aiy, 3d Tuesday in June, and 3d Tuesday in August. MIDDLESEX. Middletown, 4th Tuesday in Feb- ruary, and 2d Tuesday in July. Haddam, 4th Tuesday in August. NEW HAVEN. New Haven, 4th Tuesday in Jan- uary, 1st Tuesday in July, and 2d Tuesday in October. NEW LONDON. Norwich, 3d Tuesday in March. New London, 3d Tuesday in July, and 2d Tuesday in September. Tolland, 3d Tuesday in April, 5th Tues. in July, & 4th Tues. in Oct. Brooklyn, 4th Tuesday in January, 4th Tuesday in July, and 1st Tues- day in October. COUNTY COURTS. FAIRFIELD. Thomas E Osborne, Fairfield, Judge. Joshua B.Ferris, Stamford, Attorney. HARTFORD. Francis Persons, Hartford, Judge. R. D. Hubbard, Hartford, Attorney. Holbrook Curtiss, Watertown, Judge. Church, Salisbury, .'Vttorney. MIDDLESE.X. Chas. C. Taylor, Middletown, Judge. Charles Whittlesey, do Attorney. NEW HAVEN. Edward Hinman, Southlmry, Judge. Dennis Kimberly, New Haven, Att'y. NEW LONDON. Charles J. McCurdy, Lyme, Judge. John T. Wait, Norwich, Attorney. Hiram Ryder, Willington, Judge. Loren P. Waldo, .Xttorney. Thomas Baccus, Killingly, Judge. Jonathan A.Welch, Brooklyn, Att'y. FAIRFIELD. Danbury, second Tuesday of Au- gust, and second Tuesday in Decem- ber. HARTFORD. Hartford, fourth Tuesday in March, first Tuesday in August, and second Tuesday in November. LITCHFIELD. Litchfield, second Tuesday in .Vpril. second Tuesday in October, and third Tuesday in December. MIDDLESEX. Haddam, first Tuesday in April ; and Middletown, third Tuesday ia October. NEW HAVEN. New Haven, third Tuesday of March, fourth Tuesday of June, and fourth Tuesday in November. NEW LONDON. New London, second Tuesday in June ; Norw ich, second Tuesday in February and November. Tolland, fourth Tue.sday of March, fourth Tuesday in August, and fourth Tue-day in December. WINDHAM. Brooklyn, fourth Tuesday of March, second Tuesday in August, and se- cond Tuesday of December. U. S. DISTRICT COURT. New Htiven. fourth Tuesday in February ; Hartford, fourth Tuesday in May; New Haven, last Tuesday in .\ugust; Hartford, last Tuesday in November. U. S. CIRCUIT COURT. New Haven, the last Tuesday in April; Hartford, the third Tuesday in September. 318 NEW-ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORT. Coiuinoii ScUnols. Numlier of School Societies. 215 ; school districts, I.liao ; nuiiiher of children between the ages of four and sixteen, 87. .512. Tot;(l aniou'it of school fund M ly, 1848, $2,077,- 641 19; amount of dividends for the year ending Mirch 1st 1848, $126,- 126 80, making $1 44 to every child enumerated. Public Institutions. Retreat for the Insane, Hartford. John 8. Butler, M. D., Physician and Superiiite.ident ; number of p.itients for the year 1847, 211 ; males 95; fe- males 116; discharged during the year 89 ; of which 40 recovered, 24 Improved, 13 not improved, and 12 deaths. This Institution was open- ed in 1824. Whole number of pa- tients since admitted, 1,764 ; whole number of patients discharged, 1,642, of which 942 have recovered, 557 hive improved, and 143 have died. Terms of admi-ision, to those be- longing to the State, $3 per week ; those belonging to other States, $3 50 per week. For pitients be- longing to the State, in the centre building and a separate attendant, $10 \ier week. Those not residents of the State are taxed .$2 extra. Patients are not admitted foraless term than three months, and pay- ment tor that term must be made in advance. For admissions apply to the superintendent. .American Jlsyltin for the Deaf and Dumb Hartford. — Lewis Weld, A. M.. Principal. Number of pupils fr the year ending May. 1848, 203; 1(14 m lies, 99 females; 18 are sup- ported by their friends, 30 by the Si I tp of .Maine, 22 by New Hamp- shire, 17 by Vermont, 75 by Massa- chusetts, 5 by Rhode M ind, 28 by Connecticut, and 8 by South Caro- lina. The cost for each pupil, board, Washing, fuel, tuition, and inciden- tal expenses is $100perann. Pay- ments must be made six months in advance. State Prison, fVet.fiersJield.—'En- sha Johnson, Warden, Archibald Welch, Physician, David Miller, Chaplain. Whole number of con- victs, M.irch 1848, 150 ; 136 males- whites 102. colored 34 ; 14 females- whites 8, colored 6. Tlie males are employed in making cabinet work, cutlery, and shoes, and the females in washing, mending, and binding boots ; 17 are under sentence for life. Since 1827, there has been 1,236 commitments; 865 for otfences against property, 50 for arson, 11 for bigamy, 89 tor adultery, and 174 for otfences against life and the person, including assaults. Receipts for the prison for the, $13,351 88; expenditures, $11,843 24; balance in favor of the prison, $1,508 46. Savins^s Institutions. Bridgeport Savings Bank, Bridge- port. — Smith Tweedy, President; George Sterling, Secret, and Treas. $240,000 De[)osits. Derby Savings Bank, Birming- ham. — Edward N. Shelton. Presi- dent ; Joseph P, Canfield, Secretary and Tre;t surer. Hartford Society for Savings. Hartford. — Ward Woodbridge, Pre- sident; Olcott Allen, Treasurer. $1,307,991 Deposits. JUiddlctown Savings Bank, Mid- dletown. — Joseph Taylor, President ; H. Carrington, Treas. $740,000 Dep, JVeio Haven Saving Bank, JVew Haven. — Henry White, Pres. ; Wm. G. Hooker, Treas. $549,569 Dep. JVceo Ijondon Savings Bunk, JVea London. — Ebenezer Learned, Pres. ; Joseph Sislore, Treas. $309,381 Dep. JVorwich Savings Bank, JVor- wich. — Henry Strong, Pres, ; F. A. Perkins, Sec. $545,000 Dep. Salisbury Savings Bank, Salis- bury —Timothy C. Phillenden, Pres. Tolland Savings Bank, Tolland. George Kellogg, President; Jona R. Flynt, Treas. $97,737 Dep. Willimantic Savings Bank, IVitli- mantic. — Horace Hall, Pres.; John Tracy, Sec. $49,532 Dep. Insurance Companies. ^^tna Insurance Co., Hartford. — Thomas K. Brace, President; Si- meon L. Looniis, Secretary. Capital, $250,000 ; shares, 2500 ; p.n val., 50. Hartford Fire hiMurance Co., Hartford. — Eliphalet Terry, Presid. ; J lines G. Bolles, Secret;iry. Capital, $150,000; shares, 3000; par val. 50. JVew London Insurance Co., JVew London. — Coleby Chew, President; Joshu I C. Learned, Secretary. Ca- pital, $100,000. JVorwich Fire Insurance Co., JVor- wich. — Charles Johnson, President; Joseph Williams, Secretary and Treasurer. Capital, $100,000; shares, 200; par value, 50. Protective Insurance Co.. Hurt- ford.—D. W. Clark, President ; Wm. Conner, Secretary. Capital, $200,000 ; shares, 4000 ; par value, 50. I Mutual Insurance Com* pauiest. Connecticut Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., Hartford. — Chas. Shepard, President; J. F. Erving. Secretary. Hartford County Mutual Fire In- surance Co. Charles Shepard, Pre- sident ; R. Augustus Erving, Sec James Ward, Treasurer. Litchfield Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. Litchfield— Wm. Beach, Presi- dent; Jason Whiting, Secretary. Middlesex Issurance Co., Middle- town. — Samuel Cooper, President ; William Woodward, Secretary and Treasurer. JVew Haven Mutual Security In surance Co., JVew Haven. — Justia llarri-ion. President; P. S. Galpin, Secretary. JVew London County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., JVew London. — J. G. Iluatington, President; John Do Will. Secretary and Treasurer. JVorwich Mutual .Assurance Co., JVorwich.— Jj. H. Goddard, Secretary and Tre i surer. Tolland County Mutual Fire In- surance Co., Birmingham. — Jere- miah P irish. Secretary ; O. P. Waldo, Treasurer. tVindham County Mutual Fire In- surance Comp., Brooklyn. — Asahel H.immond, President ; Byron Whea- to!i. Secretary ; Samuel Webb, Trea- surer. Liifc Insurance Conipa> nies. .American Life Insurance Comp., JVew Haven. — Benjamin Silliman, President : Benjamin Noyes, Secre- tary; Caleb Mix, Tre isurer. Connecticut Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co.. 1.58 Main St., Hartford.— James Goodwin. President ; Guy R. Phelps, Secretiiry; David S. Dodge, I're.i^urer. Hope Mutual Life Insurance Cn^ ■Stamford.— .\. N. Holly, Pre.sident ; lloswell Hoyt, Secretary. ^lealtU Insurance Com- panies. Connecticut Health Insurance Co., Hartford. J\''eic F.ngland Health Insurance Co., JVorwich. — Joel M. White, Pre- sident; Wm. P. Eaton, Secretary i John C. Tracy, Treasurer. Stamford Health Insurance Co., Stainfiird. — John W. Leeds, Presi- d ni ; Samuel Lockwood, Jr., Secre- tary ; A. N. Holly, Treasurer. CONNECTICUT. 319 'IVA HVd = 0005500 5 £IC 000000 LT 00 lO - •^irt'^TroOf ~ ' 'Oo ■ 00 o o o o o o oir: o o : „ _ _ 0—1—1 ' o - • o ■.-; r: in o o o o I ■ I O O t^ O O Cr. 10 ^. O :■* -r ^ — ■ _ ^^ — — — ' C-. o o o -r -< iC 02 'fiorf^o' c — Iio— ■'-r — of >o ui-^ si -wr^ro o'-m'!;<2J "» OOOOOiOOOOO^OO O o' 1- O O' C-; in iQ O' —' -r o' oo^Otcxt^65o-rccc C(OMrtC< 10 --^ 10 — ' — ' • o o •0000000=0000- • o o o ^ = = o o o .0 o = = • o_o =_^o = = t~OOl- = l^ = - = = — 5;-M-TO = oj3 ; o'lo o'o' = = o o o'rr: = 7)"o - = = = '■"".= o 3 o lo —< OD ; ira t- to 10 = to * o = o o o o >• M >^ w: is .fc,fc. . — ■5 — ri a a C-lH -c-o ) ^ V V ~ li" y'a •:; — ^ £• S cj c 5 ; ; 5 ' ' " ' ^ia '■ : : ^ . • . '■'-' . — y M y ^ / / in ^i" ?^^ i'b'^-o-a -:; ►^-2^ £ — £•!" S^ = X a i. - ^ -^-3 ^ ■a -r = -c r* r**^ — = sy c 5 ■. t = ^ 2 > ° > > 3 = : Q .? S S ^ 'H -= c *> 0) o ^.= 55- = -^ = ^ rri-5- • ■■-i^J;-s;3:^fe^r3£e3«2 ^-e ^ iT-o s -a >. I 2 ■a i.-^"3"C >,-3 >,« 5 - = > s s J. a >£-ii- t^ K ^ i^ a r^ a S S S 5 « i5 ■ ooj ^ ''-* "^ ^ = "- a 23" .5 d ;i!:: = «f>.-<« = 5 = 320 NEW ENGLAXD MKRCANTILE tTNION DIRECTORY. CONXECTICUT. 321 3 en; ) ioi SI ig i.o -v o o 5» o '- lo o lo -o I/? SUJZ?^ 2;:2;'g;SS :§S?5 :5S :g2g3§ : : :g? : :•« : :22 'T -(MCln • i~i< • >fl Tf o 00 a; 00 :2S :S; •puids ^ T o :>» ^i> o -^ o o o ».': ?* '^ -r t^ o (^ f o o i-^* cc — T 00 '^' od" •^' ^" ^' —J" -^ M CO CO co" G'f •i* "T* -* to -^ 0^ O O CO X 1) o — O — — . Tf O :o i> "-T — *■ t^' (jf 5o-t"*oocor-cD »tor-o» Tj«oo xi» -^OCOOMOO-^OD^JOOOCDO CO-t"0^|iOOaDCDGlOOO»0»/^w 322 NEW KNGLAVD MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY. H U I— I H Q O t— I m <^ H O ;?; Pi H -^ <5 uidg :9 CO — * cot:—. ^ ^ c^^^^^ ) O 00 •* » ^ — I «•- to °323332-2 '.332 OO^O — OQOO !0 I» "J" o> n o ^ 222;s -l«I^ H« to-< ■nod ■*r->ntooD30io»5»j-j3-H'*< 3r^OOOO-T'^»/50S!0< to O CO -f S Ol -f s oi o « ; > O O O O 3 O ■?» > a) lo 00 •>o t^ 3i * --r — ^ ^- ^H rf to rH ic = s = scB = ec : 3332333333 I -)«o ^ t~ OS o -i"o -^to Q O O 5> s -o ■py-i-syyya-ay-p-sy 55^5=ooso=55o=5oo =522502 =■ s o o o* f-' oc 2 '^ =' =' '^" *' to — 2" 5> o ?' J2 2 S 9 ?' -3-3 -C 5 5 5 s o o ts o 2' - o t i» ^ >- - Ml" ■'■' <" " J'S-o'5 S S S S.H2^-3-3= c" r e i « a; oj CONNECTICUT. 323 u^osw5-*t-j:»r5"* ^ in en jz r^ r-* •"tcDQ'^op©* • lo »fl op t-^ lo i/io— I ;d-^ o ifl© t^ •Tfoo-* os o-h r-l G^ *j 1-^ U^ • C^ *n C^ O* CO • '— < -^ Oi f-H lO 1— I t— 1 rH t-» 1-H • « Tf t— < -^ « CO g5trocco 2JS?§S2;S CO 00 O lO o p i« O lO O p I 1-1 c»^c5^oc^— »ao-H Sr-1 --!•* rt-H . • rt « 5( « (N — I ;D — I 3^S^ :SS so c o c c c c c c ss$-*=^8; 3 C O C C O tow Or-O lO o c o s'o'o o' s c^ o 5 o o lo »r>« 2S 5a ^■2 •o5 gooopooooo OCOOOOOOOO 003300 5 o'o'o o OOOpOO_OOOC5 o 5 o 5 o o o 5 s 5 S !?< Q ^ o »o '?♦ r;- o c* ^ ^ cfc< ) c !S t; QJ a> >> a) — Qj c OJ Oj ^ { So j P 5 o « 5 c'-' S * * !s : § M-S £ c S 5 : : :il^5^2g : •§ :.:iISgg^|.s i fc X X' H C :a ; ■*- V *- c o *^ 9^ — : r — C h> 1- r V, oj - — ?- J:i ^ .- j^j:CfjS5c 5-02 i :S 00 88 oo' « (?) 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Agri- cultural Wurehouse and Plough Maiiufictory, 195 Front-street (two diiors South of Fulton) Neiv York. .VJRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. AL.\RGE assortment of jJ^ricu/- tural Implements, and Brass and [ron IVire Cloth. JOH.V MOORE, 193 Froiit-st., N. Y. REES & HOYT, First Premium Patent Riveted Stretched Lea- ther Bunds. In the joints, these B ind< present a smooth surface on l)oth sides. Manufactory, 67 and 69 Fnnkfort-street, New York. These Binds !ire sold under the fullest guarantee to run straight, hold the width evenly, and have a uniform hearing upon the Pulleys. BUSINESS REGISTER. To give correct hu-iness infurmatlon, for the benefit of the business community, is the object for which we alxir. To better accomplish this, we have engaged to distribute among Merchants, Manufncturers, and Con- uniers, throughout the United States, more than one hundred thousand copies of the following Register. In ts columns you will tind the address and business of one or more tirms of importers and wholesale dealers in •ach branch of business. We hive placed in our Register the names of such Firms only as we can recom- mend, selecting those who keep constantly on hand Inrge supplies of goods, and where orders from all parts of ne country will be received and promptly answered, im terms satisfactory to the purchaser. Further informa ion will lie given by those in our employ, who will, during the year, call on most of the principal merchants ind manufacturers. BaniJs. Bank 3)3'ote Clat. ED.MUND CHARLES & CO.'S V. Y. «AXK JVOTE I>IST, COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, fVlinlesale Prices Current, ^c. Published weekly, at 35 Wall-st., N.Y. Terms : $2 per an. in advance. Bellotos, D. BERRIEN, Jr., & CO.. 3ods. ; len Goods, No 1.5 Uio id street, N. Y COF Commission Merchants for the [ sale of Forei};n and Domestic Dry Goods, 44 Exchange Place. N. Y. (EutUrg. IT' G. WHEELER, 85 WilliMm • street. New York, agent for FEARING & HALL, Commis sion Merchants for the sale of , the Waterville, Ma. uf'tcturing Com American Cotton and Woollen Goods, No. 55 Exchange Place, New York. RAMHALL, ABERNETHY. & TTOYT & TILLINGHAST, Do- a> COLLINS, Dealers in Cloths, JIL n.esticCommission Merchant;, C^simeres, and Vestings, 47 and 49 Nos. 48 and 49 Pme-street, N. Y. Liberty-street, opposite Post Office. pany, VVaterbury, Conn. JDmtists' Stock. TONES, WHITE & CO Manu-I facturers ol Porcelain Tei^tli. Gold HUTCHINSON & TIFFANY,, .rp r, •, <■ ii i «m„ , i-i.t. Woollen and Cotton Goods '""^ Tin FodG<,d and ^Iver Plate BI'CKI.NCIIAM, WARD & CO., ^^ ,, „..„ ^ ,. _ ■ , « • „ it8 William-street, cor. of Piatt, Commission Merchants, 50 Exchange ;g!"I", .f/l*^' NKW YORK, IMPOli'l'KKS AM) .lOllBERS of Staple llry<;ocMls, parliciihrly in Clollis, Casslnieros, Doeskins, Vest- ings, men's wear. (;E0. A. BUCKINGHAM, .lOHN B. WARD. GILES BABCOCK, A. W. SAMSON. Plac". New York. XX^M^ C. .T^ANGLEY & CO., j^^ 273 j,^^^ TT Commission Merchant- for and other goods adapted to the sale of American Cotton and Emery Wheels and Siahs. &c. Constantly on hand. Den- tal Chairs, Files and Instiumi'nts. No. 263 Broadway, New York, and treet, Philadelphia. Woollen (ioods, 25 Broad-st., N. Y. CREED, BOCKEE & CO., Deal- ers in French, English, and Ger- man Cloths, Cassimeres, Serges, Vestings, &c., 62 Miiden Lane, cor., New York. W.M. H. KNOEPFEL & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Ger- man and French Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., 97 William-st., (up stairs) New York. WILLIAM H. KNOEPFEL, CHRISTIAN W. YUTTE. MiiKTlMERS & GAWTRY, 21 .Ii lb n street. New York, Im- port. t- lif Cloths, Cassimeres, Coat- ings, Vestings, Serges, Satins, Vel vets, Triniinings, &c., and all descrip- s of goods adapted to the trade of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. SP A U L D I N G, T H O M A S & V .\ I L, Imi)orters and .Iobber> Cloths, Cassimeres, Waistcoat- ings, and goods gent^rally tor men's wear. No. 41 John-street^ N. York. AWKENCE, THIMBLE & CI)., Ilruiggists. I AW J Coi sale of American Cotton and Wo B O YD & Di-alers in PAUL, Wholesale Drugs, Medicines, len Goods, 35 and 37 Broad-^treet, i paints. Oils, Dyestuffs, &.c.. No. 4 New York Liberty street. New York. JAMES LEFFERTS & CO., Dr\ Goods Commission Merchant , 29 Broad-street, New York. H LORD & S.VELLING, Cimimis sion Merchants for the sale of .American and Foreign Dry Go(!ds, No. 44 Exchange Place, New York. STRANG, ADRIANCE & CO.. Importers and Dealers in ForeiL'n and Domestic Dry Good;, Cl.ilhs, Cassimeres,Vestings, Liiu-ns, Satins, A'elvets, &c., No. 2 Maiden Lane, New York. Commis. iHercljants. * NDFRSON & STM!R. Cotton SX. and Woollen Goods Commission Merchants. 9 Broad street, N. Y. MC CURDY, ALD RICH & SPENCER, Commission Mercha t< f r the sale of Americin Cotton and Woollen Goods, No. 30 Bn ad- treet. New York. M.VCGREGOR.TIMPSON & ( O n.inies'ir Commission Mer chants. No. 47 Broad-street, N. Y. NESMITH & CO., Commission Merchants for the sale of Ame- rican Cotton and Woollen Goods, No. 50 and 52 Pine-street, New York. T PUTNAM & CO., Dimiestic 58 Pine-street, New York. AVILAND, KEESE & CO., Wh.)lesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines. Paints and Oils, No. 80 Maiden l«uie. New York. RB. H AVILAND • of Havilaiid, Keese & Co.) Im- porters and Wholesale Dealers ir Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Per funicry, fee. Office and Sales Room, 177 Broadway (up stairs). Stores at Brooklyn. GEO. Ik RICHARDS, BLAKE & CO., Commission Merchants for the sale of American Cotton and Wool- len Goods, No. 26 Broad-street, N.Y. FRANCIS SKINNER & CO., Domestic Commission Mer- c'; ints, Ni>. 61 Milk strtel. Boston, treet. New York. B' IvVLS. BUSH & CO.. C-mmis- Merch ints for the sale of Cotton iiul Woollen G(xid<, 32 Broad- treet, .New York. S' RUFF, Dry Goods WOOD- Commission CL A P P &. KENT, Wholesale Dealers in Domestic and Import ers of Foreign Dry (Joods, No. 85 Cedar-street, and 128 Broadway, N.Y. BOCK. SWAN fc INGLIS, Com- Commission Merchants for the sale (^ REENWAYS & Hl'DSON, Im- mission Merchants for the sale of Brown Sheetings, Drills, Cotton AJT porters and Wholesale Dealers of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Yarn, Batt.s,V\'adding, Twine, Wick in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good: 51 Pine-street, New York. I ing, &c. &.c. .Merchants, 43 Broad street, N. York, R& D. M . No. 59 STEBBINS & CO., 59 Broadway, New York, Commission Merchants for the sale D. PHELPS & DODGE, MPORTKRs of English, French, and German tine Drugs, Chemi CALs, Meditinal Preparations and choice Perfumery, 4G CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. Constantly on hand, a full assort- ment of PiRE EMERY. .\lso— LOW'S Bro. Windsor and other Soap — Tipton's Lint, all Nos. — Magnesia, all descriptions— Hair Gloves — Wedgewood Mortars — Funnels and Pill Tiles — Pallet Knives or Spatulas — Evans' Gen- uine Lancets^Glaziers' Dia- monds — .Apothecaries' Scales, a great variety, &c, &c. AB. & D. SANDS, lmp Maiden Lane, New York, t Chairs, 48 Broadway, New York. street New York. BUSINESS REGISTER NEW YORK. ENGLISH HARDWARE. IBBOTSON, BROTHERS &. CO.. Globe Works. SlieHicld, Eiifi., Merchants and ManufHCUiriTs of Steel. Rojrtl Improved Files, Saws, Scythes, Edge Tools, and Cutlery, &.C., &.C. H. I. IBBOTSON, Agent, OHice, 217 Pearl St., N. Y. Iron arib Steel, BBOTSON, PEACE & CO., Ea- gle Works, ShcftieUI, Mer- chanf; and Manufacturers of Steel, Saws, Files, Edge Tools, P.itent Scythes and Cutlery. Agency and XiREESE & ELLIOTT, Import- Depot, at 221 Pearl-street, N. Y. Jj ers of and Dealers In Iron and Steel, No. 245 Water-street, N. Y. J. S. BREESE, H. H. ELLIOTT. Newr York India Kubber \Vareltou! jpipe. E. J.\MES & CO., Importers of Hardware, Planished and N, Britannia Ware, and Manufacturers I -txaVENPORT & SLIPPER, lui- of Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, I JJ p„rters and Dealers in Bar, No. 23 Cliff-street, New York. Ho EORGE PEARCE & CO., Ijo X porters and Manufacturers of British Lace Goods. &c., 19 Broad- flats. WM. H. BEEBE & CO., (late Beelie & Costard Hatters, No. 1.56 Broadway. Ne'.vYork. WILLIAM H. BEEBE. W.M. F. WHAR BURTON. Inbia Hubber ©oo^s. Camps. LAMPS, GIR ANDOLES. C ANDEL ABRA, CHINA VASES, &c J\. of Cast Sleel Ftei:t Gr..iiad Saws, warranted; Circular Saws. from two inches to tive feet in di'wn- eter — also. Mill. Pit and Cross-cut ws, to be had of the principal iner chants in the United States, and of the manuf icturers, 29 and 31 Gold street. New York. F.XCET.SIOR IROM WORKS. ('\ EORGE R. JACKSON & CO. T 199 Centre-ftrcet, New York. Fire Proof Doors, Vaults, Safes and Shutters — Iron Railings, Balconies Verandahs, Stair Cases, &c.— Gratet and Fenders, Iron Bedsteads, Chairs and Tables. N ORRIS, GREGG & NOKRIS Manufacturers and Dealers in Wrought Iron Pipes, and Fittings of all kinds, for Steam, Water, Gas. &c. &c.. 62 (Jold-street, New York Mills and Public Buildings heated by steam. Tubular Boilers of vari ous sizes. SPEAR & JACKSON, Steel Con vertersand Refiners — Manufac- D turers of Saws, Files, Edge Tools. Ledger Blade-, Curriers' Knives, lETZ, BROTHER, & CO., 139 ' ^'/"^« m '^ n'fli''*'{"n/iM'n*' ,^M v' William-street, New York, have Sheffield. Ofhce, 104 John-st.. N.Y. on hand a large assortment of Solar Lamps, Girandoles, Candelabra, Hall Lanterns, and other articles in their line, of their own manufacture, of new styles and superior quality. Also, rich China and Glass Flower Vases, and an assortment of fine - ,,.,.. -j • t -k^-.v -i, CutGlassware, which will be sold at : Dfl">' H^.,M:'"'«:".Lane^ N_cw York, lllatcljcs. reasonable prices. To Shippers &■ Dealers in Matches, JOHN H. STEVENS. Manufac- turer of Safety Friction Matches, These well known superior matches being capsuled with an ivcmnbusti- ble nlnie or coativg, are thus protect- ed from the action of the weather, or J. STOTTVENEL & CO., ' Manuf icturers of Glass Lamp;. HORACE H. DAY. 23 Courtlandt- 1 Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, and Glass any liability to spontaneous conibus street. New York, Wholesale Cutting, at No. 29 Gold-street. Im- tion, and can safely he transported Manufacturer of India Rubber and porters of China and fancy articles, to any part of the world Gutta Percha Goods. Owns three Store No. 3 John street, and 737 J^]^ Orders by Mail, or otherwise, large factories. I Broadway, New York. respectfully solicited. BUSINESS KEGISIER NEW YOHK. iHatl), instruments, paper lHareljouses BK\J. PIKE & SONS, ManuOic- tiirers of Matlietnitical and Phi- losophic il Instriiineiits, 166 Broad- wiiy, N. Y. Gold, Silver and Steel Si)ectacles. BULKLEV & BROTHER, Paper Warehouse, 110 John-st., New York, Dealer in every description of Paper and Rags. Orders from the country promptly executed. iHillineiji (^oobs. P\. & J. CURTIS, Dealers in • Millinery Goods, 26 John-street, iVuw York. illus. instruments. MrjSlC & MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS.— FIRTH, POND & (.'O.. (1 ite Firth & Hall) No. 1 Frank- lin Square, Publisiiers of Music and Mainifacturers of Musical Instru- ments, also Importers of and Dealers in all kinds of Music il Merchandise, CARSON & HARD, Commission Paper Warehouse, 281 Pearl- street, New York. GEORGE W. CARSON, MELVIN HARD. EB. CLAYTON & SONS, Pa- ■ per Warehouse, 84 John-street, New York, Dealers in every descrip- tiim of P iper, Boards, &.C. Country orders promptly executed. JJiano-Jortes. TRAVKR & RA.VISEY, Piano- Forte Makers, 46 Broadway, New York. Pianos in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut Cases, war- ranted of the finest touch, tone, and finish. Second-hand Instruments ex- changed. Jprints. JOHN CAMPBELL & CO., Pa- per Warehouse, 1 10 and 1 12 Nas- sau-street, New York. ^eeiJles. HENRY B AY LIS, JVeedlcs, &-c., 131 William--treet, New York. ©culists. OCULIST AND AURIST. D POWELL attends exclusively < to diseases of the Eye aud Ear, at 261 Broadway, corner of Warren-street, New York. Artificial Eyes inserted. CDpticians. JOHN ROACH, Optician, 82 Nas- sau-street, New York, Manufac- turer and Importer of Daguerreotype M iterials,Thermometor<,TeIescopes, and all Optical and Philosophical In- struments. Jpaper hangings. PAPER HANGINGS. A large assortment of the best styles ol .American and French, with Borders to match. Colors and materials fur- Inished to manufacturers, and ad- vances made on consignmrnts, by J. G. Gilbprt, No. 215 Pearl-street, New York. Floor Oil Cloth, from 27 inch to 24 feet wide. Manufacturers furnished with colors and materials, and ad- vances made on consisnments, by J. G. GILBKRT, No. 215 Pearl-street, New York. T ANEW AY & CO., (late Harden- bergh & Janeway.) Manufactu- rers of Paper Hangings, Warehouse, No. 100 Maiden T,ane. (\i]i stairs) near Pearl-street. New York. Fac- tory at New Brunswick. N. J. CYRUS W. FIELD & Co., Com- mission Paper Warehouse, No. 11 Clifl'-street, New York. Cash paid for Rags, Canvass, Bagging, Grass Rope, Tarred Rope, Hemp Rope, Cotton Waste, Porters' Pa- |)ers, and Wrapping Stock, at No. 94 Beekman-street. Prints ©nln. Lee <& Bri'Atvster, 44 Cedar street. Print Warehouse, found- ed in 1843, for the sale of Printed Calicoes ezclusively, at low prices, J. P. LEE, U. B. BREWSTER, H. B. HALL. Printers. W and Publisher of Labels, No, a'o < nild street, New York. JOHN PRIESTLY, Pajier W,ire house. No. 120 N assau-st., N. Y, Pens. •BAGLEY'S GOLD PE.NS." BAG LEY'S PREMIUM GOLD Pens, with new styles of Hold ers — Bagley's Improved Patent Ex tension Pen and Pencil — also Gold and Silver Pen and Pencil Cases, of new and beautiful patterns. Dealers may depend on an imme- diate supply of their orders, at the lowest trade prices. Warehouse, (old stand) 189 Broadvvav, N. Y. A. G. BAGLEY & CO. NEW ENGLAND GOLD PEN .VI ANUFACTURERS.— BARD & BROTHER.-. ManuPicturers of Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, and Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, 101 Willi im-street. New- York, and No. 1 Cour< Avenue, Boston, Mass. The highest premium ever awarded Gold Pens, was given to Bard & Brothers, at the last Fair of the Massachu- setts Charitable Mechanics' Asso- ciation, at Boston. Also, the highest premium at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Steel Pens: Manufacturer's Warehouse, 91 Jo k n- s tree t. New York, Where a larsre stock and complete assortment of these justly celebrated Pens may at all times be found on hand for sale to the trade. Holders of every description. G& E. M. SMITH, (late of the . firm of A. G. Bagley & Co.) Manufacturers of Gold Pens, Pen Holders and Pencils, No. 16 Maiden Lane. New York. The subscribers are manufacturing Gold Pens and Pencils of a superior quality. All Pens sold from our office are first proved to be perfect. The public are invited to call. PRINTERS' iFurnisiyglDareliousc P R I N T E R'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. WELLS & WEBB. No. 18 Dutch street, (cor. of Fulton.) New York, Manufacturers of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Furniture, Galleys, &c. Also, Dealers in New and Sec ond-hand Printing Materials, and even,' article necessary for a Print ing Office. Box Wood and Mahog- any prepared for Engravers. D.\R1US WELLS, E. R. WEBB Eules. RTTLES AND JOINERS' TOOLS, BFLCIIF.R BROTHER, Manu- facturers and Dealers, 221 Pearl- ^tre t. New York. SabMem. SMITH, WRIGHT & Co.. Whole- sale Saddlers, 129 Maiden Lane, New York, SaddJes. Bridles. Har- ness. Saddlery Hardware. &-c. &-c. JOHN VAN NEST, Imi)orter and Dealer in Saddlery and Coach Hardware. Laces, Hog Skins. Sad- lUe Trees, &c.. 114 Pearl-st., (Hano ver Square) New York. PTRAINOR, (late Thompson & • Trainor) Saddle and Harness Maker, and Importer of English Sad- dlery, No. 189 Broadway. New York. Great care will be taken in fitting horses. 0afes. SILAS C. HERRI.NG.137and 139 Water-street, New York, Manu facturer of Wilder's Patent Sala niander Safes. N. B. Second hand Safes of other makers for sale at less than one half of first cost =U BUSINESS KEGISTER NEW YORK. 0i)O£ JTinlimgs. M ARMSTRONG & SONS' Lea- • ther and Finding Stores, No. 9 Ferry and 64 Vesey-streets, N. Y. Importers of Shoe Threads, Lastings, (Jalloons, Boot Wehbs, French Calf kins. Patent Leather, &c. G-( F. EVERSON & CO., Shoe r« Fi.idings.296Pearl-st., N.York, Importers and Dealers in French Calf Skins.Patent Leathers and Mciroccos, Shoe Threads, Lastings, Galloons, Boot Webbs, &c. SAL.AM.ANDER SAFES. T) ICH &. C( )'S improvement on XV VVilder's Patent — Double and Single, warranted free from damp- ness as well as Fire Proof. For sale by A. S. MARVIN, 138i Water-st., N.Y., Manufacturers' Ag't. GA Y L E R ' S SALAMANDER SAFES— Patent double and im- proved single — secure against fire and burglars. A. R. Moen, Agent, 1'28 Water-street, New York. 01)irt0. DAVID S. DUNCOMB, No. 28 Liberty-street, New York, Man- ufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Shirts of every description. Cheap for cash or approved pajjer. TT^DVVARD GODFREY & SONS, Id Derilers in Leather, 299 Pearl treet. New York, Importers of Shoe I'hre.ids.Lastings.Galloons, Ribbons, liixit Wehbs, French Calf Skins, Pa- tent Leathers, &c. TAMES R.SMITH, Manufacturer of Cream and Colored Skivers ; Morocco. Brazils, Sheep and Lamb Linings, Russet and Colored Calf *kins. Bark Skivers, &c., suitable for HnttiTs. Saddlers, and Bookbinders, \o. 25 Ferry-street, New York. Silk (fJoolrs. E.I. BROWN & CO., Importers . and Jobbers of Silk Goods, No. 67 William, corner of Cedar-st., N. Y CiARLTON & FROTHINGHAM, ' Importers and .Tohber.s of French If'liaii, and India Goods, 127 and 129 William-street, New- York. CF. LINDSLEY, Importer and • .Jobber of Fancy and Staple Silk Goods, No. 66 Liberty St., N. Y. StratD (^001)0. EDWARD BRIDGE & CO., Job- bers of Straw Goods, Hats, Caps, Fur Goods, U,„i3fe]i;^s, Parasols, &c., No 117 Pearl-street, New York. SN. DAVIS & CO., Commis- _ • sion Merchants for the sale of Pn/m J^enf Hats and Straw Ooods, 46 Broad-street, New York. WILLIAM E. WHITING & CO., Straw Goods, Palm Leaf Hats, Artificial Flowers, &c., 122 Pearl-st., N. Y. Cloth, Glazed, and Fur Caps. Supply Stores. COTTON & WOOLLEN MAN- UFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, of every description. ANDREWS & JESUP, No. 70 Pine-st., N. Y. manufacturer's warehousk. KENNEDY & GELSTON, No. 5i Pine St., New York. Machin- ery, and Manufacturers' Findings of all descriptions. Sailors' Sljears. U)atcl)ES, BALL, TOMPKINS & BLACK, (late Marquand & Co.) Manu- facturers and Importers of Silver and Plated Ware, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, &c. Sign of the Golden Ea- gle. Removed to 247 Broadway, (South cor, of Mtirray-st.,) N. York. PAUL A. BREZ, In/porterol Watches,Clocks, Musical Boxes, Tools and Materials for Watchma- kers, No. 29 Courtlandt-st., N. Y. RHEINISCH. Manufacturer of • his Patent Tailors' Shears, Scissors, Carving Knives and Forks, Razors, and other fine Cutlery, cor. Nassau and Fulton-streets, New- York. N. B. Coach Trimmers', Hat- ters', Paper Hangers', Barbers', and other Shears constantly on hand. JOHN E, HYDE'S SONS, Watch- es, Jewelry, Musical Boxes. Pre- cious Stones, etc., 21 Maiden Lane, New York. Sailors' trimmings. VE, J. MAGNIN & GUEDIN luj porters of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Musical Boxes, Watch Ma terials, &c., 19 Maiden Lane, N. Y. HF. M A IR E, Importer of • Watches and Movements, 58 Nassau-street, New York. THOS, N. DALE, Importer and Wholes:! le Dealer in Tailors' Trimming-, Hnttons, Cords, Bindings. &c., in every variety. Costumes of the latest Paris Fashions received regularly. No. 67 Liberty-st., N. Y. MAIRET & ROBERT. 31 Lib- erty-st., New York, Watches and Jewelry. Agents for Swiss Manufacturers, Umbrellas, C& J, DAVIS, UMPRELLA • and PARASOL Manufacturers, No. 23 Nassau-street, (upstairs) N.Y. U.MBRELLA MANUFACTORY & WAREHOUSE, 257 Pearl street, near Fulton street. New York. The best Umbrellas and Parasols in America, manufactured by steam machinery. Umbrellas and Parasols, in any quantity, for shipping, job- bing, or country trade. P. S. We have a Branch Estab- lishment at No. 4 Sewall Block, Milk street, Boston, Mass. ISAAC SMITH & CO., New York. PLATT & BROTHER, 20 Maiden Lane, New York, Importers and Manufacturers of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, and every new and desirable article suitable for the trade. RE. ROBBINS, 35 John-street • N.York, Importer and Whole- saler of Watches and Watch Move- ments only. FERDINAND THIERIOT, Im porter of Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, No. 30 Courtlandt- street, (up stairs) New York. UMBRELLLAS. MERCHANTS, Manuficturers, and Exporters, will find the most extensive v;iriety and best manufictured stock of Umbrellas and Parasols, at the lowest prices in the United States, at the Wholesale Manufactory and Warehouse of J. I. Smith, 232 Pearl-st., N. York. JOHN I. SMITH. N. B. — Catalogues of descriptions and prices sent by mail, free of charge. Orders respectfully solicited. tDatcl) (Jlrjistals, lUljite Cmlr, BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD COMPANY, 160 Front street, New York, Manufacturers of White Lead, Red Lead and Litharge. NOAH RIPLEY, Manufacturer of Oils.White Lead,Colored Paints, Verdigris, Putty and Varnishes, 132 Water-street, New York. THE UNION WHITE LEAD MANUF'G CO.. 175 Front-st., N, Y., manufacture, for sale. While Lead, Dry and in Oil, &c. Sec. UVmbotD &\}abt5. WATCH CRYSTALS. BERGER & WALTER, 39 Mai- den Lane, Manufacturers of all descriptions of Watch Glasses. OK M S B E E ' S Window Shade Depot, No. 7 Spruce-street, (Tri- bune Building) New York. [Established 1840.] OTIS ORMSBEE. Removed to 181 William-street BUSINESS Rr.GISTEi; BOSTON. ^gricul. lDavcl)ou0£0. JOSEPH BRECK & CO., New- E .gland Asricultural Ware- house and Seed Store, 51 and 52 N. Market street, Boston, Dealers in Agricultural Implements of every lescriptioti. Field and Garden Seeds, and Trees and Slirubs of all kinds. HO V E Y & C O., 7 Merchants' Row, Boston, Dealers in Agri- cultural Tools, and Seeds of all kinds, also Fruit and other Trees, Shrubs, Plants, &c., from their ex- tensive Nurseries at Cambridge. PR©UTV & MEARS, Agricultu- ral Implements of all kinds. Garden, Grass, and Field Seeds, Portable and Brick Hot Air Furna- ces, Cooking, Parlor, and Office Stoves, 19 and 20 N. Market street, Boston. LSTEPHEXSON & CO., Bal- * ance Manufacturers, (succes- sors to Dearborn), 72 Water street, Boston. BOSTON ^ljii;ia, (Biass, Ut. OlMPSON & CALDWELL, (suc- lO cessors to Sam'l B. Pierce & Co.) Importers of China, Glass, and Ear- then Ware. Nos. 51 and 53 Broad- street, Boston. Also, Dealer in Phil- adelphia and other Paper Hangings. WM. M. SIMPSOX. THOS. G. CALDWELL. Clocks. J J. BEALS & CO., Clock Man- • ufacturers. Wholesale and Re- tail Dealers in .American and Foreign Clocks and Clock Materials, junction of Blackstone and Union-sts., Hay- market Square, Boston. MAYNARD & NOYE6, Whole- sale Druggists, No. 11 Mer- chants' Row, Boston. Also, Manu- facturers of the celebrated KLACK WRITIKG INK. This Ink has stood the test of thirty years' experience, and during this time has been constantly in creasing in public favor and pitron- age, and is now the leading article in the country. Itjlows with freedom, becomes permanently black, does not mould under any circumstances, and is adapted to any kind of pen. €lot[)0. DORRANCE, NEWTON & CO., Importers and Dealers in Cloths, C issimeres,Vestings, &c., No. 8 Mor- ton Block, Milk-street, Boston. Balances. Belting. CommtssioniHercl/tB A& A. LAWRENCE & CO., • Commission Merchants for the sale of American Cotton and Wool- len Manufactured Goods, Milk-st., Boston. JAMES K. MILLS & CO., Com- mission iMerchants for the sale i of American Cotton Goods, Milk- street, Boston. THE BOSTON BELTING COM- PANY, Incorporated by Act of i Legislature, Manufacture and offer for sale. Fabrics of Vulcanized or Metallic Rubber, particuli'.rly those rirlicles pertaining to Manufacturers' ind Enaineers", namely. Belting. Engine Hose, Steam Pack- ing, &c.. also, all Articles of Cloth- ing Stores, Shoes, &c. Warehouse of tbe Com|)ai:y, Milk street, corner )f Morton Place. .lOHN G. TAPPAN. CHAS. McBURNEV, JOHN H. CHEEVER, Jlgents for ttie Company. IDaguerrean ^.rtlsts. PSwinb;^ S>:iS;uerriasi 33sj ! \ I'ry. MR. FLUMBE his removed his e-t :blishnient to the splendid new Building, corier of IVashingtnii and Summi r-streets Boston; the upper pirt of which has been con- structed expressly for his accommo- dation ; and advant iges have thus been secur-d, for taking Portraits, fir superior to those of any other concern in th^ world. Books WADS WORTH & NYE, Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oil, and Window Glass, No. 116 State street, BosKm. S. WADSWORTH, J. A. NYE. ^VQ (^oolrs. SMITH, SUMNER & CO., Im porters and Jobbers of French and English Goods, and Millinery Articles, No. 5. Bowdoin Block, Milk street, Boston. KENDALL, WHITWELL & CO. Importers of Dry Goods, and Deilers in Woollens, No. 3 Pearl street, Boston. (Kngmeers. BLAKE & DARRACOTT, En gineers for constructinc Gas Works, No. 66 State street, Boston D. &. B. are prepared to construct works for lighting Cities, Towns, Manufiictories, Public Buildings, &c., with gas from Coal, Rosin, or other materials. Contracts for works of any capacity will be executed promptly and in the most thorough manner. JOHN H. BLAKE, FRANKLIN D.\RRACOTT. References. — .Abbott Lawrence, John Marland, and Geo. Darracott. WM. P. PARROTT, SAMUEL NOTT, Civil Engineers, No. 34 State street, Boston. Jancji ®oobs. "{i CHARLES STIMPSOX, Episco- pal Bookseller, 106 Washington treet, Boston. ?Drug3 U fltebicines. JT^IXG & DEXTER, Dealers in XV Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Dye- Stuff<, and Oil, ii6 md 27 India, cor- ner of Milk street, Boston. FRANKLIN KING, GEO. S. DEXTER. Brusljes. THOMAS CURRAN, Brush Man- uftcturer, 28 E.xchange-street, Bcxion. Brushes of every descrip- tion in common use, with a great variety of Fancy Brushes, for sale at low prices, wholesale and retail — also Manufacturer of Taylor's im- proved Dresser Brush. Dealers, and others wishing lo purchase, will find it for their interest to call and ex- amine. APOTHECARIES' HALL 104 Hanover-st., Boston. WM. B. LITTLE & CO., Im- porters and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemical Preparations, Pntent Medicines, Perfumery, and Botanic Medicines. Constantly for sale, a large stock embracing every article which can possibly be required by retail Druggists and Physicians, all of which are offered on terms which cannot fail to give satisfac- tion. M KRAMER & CO., Importers • of French, German, and Eng lish i''ancy Goods, Toys, Musical In- struments, German Alarm and Mu sical Clucks, No. 48 Cornhill, Boston. JH. WEEKS & CO , No. 133 • Washington street, Boston, Im- porters and Wholesale Dealers in English, French, S,- German Fancy, A- Staple Goods. Cutlery, Perfumery &c. Dealers supplied at the lowest rates. (fSraining QTombs. STEEL GRAINING COMBS. HOLLIS & WHEELER, No. .59 Union street. Manufacturers Agent. Sold in sets of 12 and 6 pieces. Also, the Glass Medium, a new and ready prepared article for Oil Graining. BUSINESS RKGISrER MISCKLl.ANEOL'S. OI.HKOOK, nilOTHEUS, Im porters of Hardware and Cut- lery, C6 Milk-street, Boston. (1 M K R & O O., Imixirtcrs of Hiirdw ire, i!4 Merchants' Row, (iiciyr Kiineiiil Hall) Boston. CHA8. 8. HOMER, CHAS. LEIGHTON. tjariirDarc. Iiano0. ir ir HAIXET, DAVI^, & CO., man ufaiture Piniios of 6, Gi, and 7 octave-;, with iron Iranie and new circiUar scale ; also the Boudoir Piano with Frkn( ii (Jrand Action, and iron frame, all w irranti'd to give perfect sati>factioM, and at pricvs to suit the purchaser. Wo have re- ceived, within a year, three pre- kl'^HE largi'st, best, and cheapest I X Dictionary, in tlie English Lan- guage, is confessedly, w jy B s r E K ' s , the entire work, uiiabrid/red, in 1 vol. Crown (Quarto, 1452 pp., with por- trait of the author, Revised liy Pro- lessor Coodrich, of Yale Collude. — Price, $6. " 'J'he mast complete, accurate and reliable Dictionary of the jAinguage," is the recent tesimiony TOium.?— two tor 7 octs., as eytta/, and j,,yg„ j„ this work by many Presi one lor 6 octs., as superior to r.ll j,.,,^^ „,- (j„||t.ges, and other ilisliii other makers. Our Rooms are 41 < „uis|,e,l literary men throuyhout the /?■ L fC .N. ir.>^^ WashiiislloTi-street, opposite Essex- 1!;,,,^^ i^ats, €ap3 anu Jars, .tnet, Boston, p.s. we have no "-'T.^W connection with the "new firm of Hallel, ("um-ton, &. Allen." C^ REENOTTGn,.IAMESON&CO. T Manufacturers and Dealers in Hats, (^ips. Fur Coods and Buffalo Robins, 50 and 52 Water-st., Boston. InMa Hubber. Us. I Mil A RTTBBER FAC- . TORY, Roxbury, M iss. De- pot, 04 Washington -street, Boston. Insurance Companies. MJISS.a CHUSE T TS HEALTH INSURANCE COMP'Y. Trrmoiit street, Boston. Cap., $.')(),OflO. Incorp. April, 1847. Thos. Tarbkll. Pres't. A. L. Stimson, See'y. Saros. HENSHAW & WOODROUOM, (Succi'--ors to Fulton II. W. Co.) Manufaclurers of Warranted Cast Sleel i^aws of every de-criiv- tion, Wholesale and Retail, No. 36 Congress street. Boston. Sljreab. Containing three times the amount of nialter of any other Eng- lish dictionary compiled in thi couiilrj, or any Abridgement of this work, yet " Its definitions are models of con- dinsation and purity. — The most complete work of the kind th:tt any nation can boast of" — Hon. Win. B. Calhoun. "We rejoice that it bids fair to be- come the standard Dictionary to be used by the iiumerous millions of people vvbo are to inh..bit the United t^tatcs." — Signed by 104 jVouhers of Congress. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spriiigtield, Mass., and lor sale by all Booksellers. OHOREY & rn., Wholesale Deal- lO ers in Foreign and Domestic I'ieietioods, Hosiery, Threads. Bind- ings. «tc. &c , arid M II ufacturers ol Woollen Yarn, No. 1(58 VVashiiigtoa street, Boston. trimmings. C>P:0IU:E W. bates & Co., X Importers and Jobbers of Trim- ming (iondv Cloves, &c., No. 52 Milk i street, Boston. i'jUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. .IVu. 28 fitate-street, Boston. All members have proportional in- terest in the business and funds. Arrumulation over $190,0011. Dis- tribution of surplus every fil'th year. Premium paid annually, semi-annu- ally, or qnirterly. Will.ard Phillips, President Theiwlore Parsons, ('has. P. Cnrtis, George H. Kuhn, William JVo. 285 H'ashington street, Boston. :V. Stone, P. Wainwright. Charles Upholstereus and Manufacturers npl)olstcrcrs. LAWSON & harrin(;ton. \\t!ro« ne, Thomas A. Dexter, W. Ray- '*iniond Lee, William Perkins. Sewell Tappan. and N. F. Cunningham, Director-. Benj. F. Stevens, Sec'y. .lohn Homans. Consult'g Physician Feb. I, 1849. OHELBURNE FALLS ACADE- lO MY, location Shelburne Falls. Incorporated, March 1847 ; endow- ment, ten tliousaiid dollars; number of students during the year, two hun- dred. Board of Instruction— Emory Lyim, M. 1)., Principal, H. A. Prait, A. B., Associate Principal, Mrs. Mary C. B. Lyon, Preceptress and Te.icher of Music. Secretary of the Board i Trustees— J. B. Bardwell, S. Falls. This Institution is situated nine miles west from Greenfield, with which there is a daily public coinmu nication, the latter place comnmni eating, by Railroad, with the princi pal lowns on the North, East, and South. There are two Department! of Study, the Classical and the Eng lish. The Classical embraces the entire course of classics requned lor admis-ion to the Freshmen class in (Jollege, or to an advanced standing, if desired. The English comprises Cocomotbes. of Drawing Room nnd Cabinet '^^ extensive course in the variou Fiirmti'RE of ihe best styles. I branches of Mathematical and Phy- L. Ai, II. an- sole Manufaclurers, sjcal Science, together with the ele- for the New Eimland States, of the „„.|iis of Ethical and Metaphysical Patent Rack and rinion ' {'hilosophy, and English Literature. Experiment:il Lectures, witli an ex- ExteilsioBS UiiliieS' 'ii'ji'oh'S lea-ive apparatus, are also embraced a. new invention, surpassing in ntil- in the course of instruction. In the ity and convenience all other Tables. Ladies' Department instrnrtion is provided in all the essential br ' !U-he: I of a thorough and polite education. BOSTON LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, (late Hinkley & Drury,) Harrison Avenue, Boston. Manufacture Locomotive Engines, and other Machinery. Holmes Hinklby, Pres. Daniel F. Child. Treas. ]WI§CEI.I.AMEOlJS. F OSTER'S PATENT Fric- llonse. C.ibin, and Railroad Car win- . OH. BUSH, Manufacturer of O. a and C. Bushes, Double Door Chain Bolts, — a superior article now coiiiini; into general use. Applica- don for Patent was filed March, 1848. 'old wholesale and retiil by the Pro- prietor, Bedford-st., Fall River, Mass. EC. KILBURN & CO., Manuf .c- • turers of the Turban Water Wheels, Mill Gearing, Shafting, Pow- er Looms, and Machinery of all kinds. Fall River, Mass. PAINTED LANDSCAPE, Win- dow Screens or I''Iy Shades. A new article, which for beauty, dura- bility, and cheapness has never bien quiUed. Manufactured and sold wholesale and retailby .lOHN HAS- KELL, 17 Pocasset-street, Fall Riv- er, Mass. DICKERMAN & CO., Manufac- turers of, and Dealers in Supe- rior Cibinet Furniture in every va- riety, style, and finish, Taunton, Massachusetts. THE AMERICAN UNION, the Great Paper of the Nation, de- voted to Human Character, Litera- ture, Education, Political and Moral Science, Art, Agriculture, Trade, Health, Society, News, &c. Pub- lished weekly, by R. B. Fitts &Co., Office, Newspaper Exchange, No. 22 School street, Boston. Terms, $2 a year, in advance, — Six months, $1. Specimen copies sent gratis to all who order post-paid. NOTCH HOUSE, by Thomas J. Crawford, Bridle Path to Mount VVasliii.giun, over Mount Clinton, 2^ miles, PI asant, 3^, Franklin, 4^, Monroe, 5^, to Wash.ngton, 7. Board $1,25 per day. C& E. C. STONE, Dealers in • all kinds of Furniture and Chairs, Feathers, Crockery, Paper Hangings, English, VV. I. Goods and Groceries, Stone, Earthen, Tin and Hardware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medicines. Alilhnery and Fancy Goods, &.C. &c., also. Millinery and Dress Makinir, North End, corner of Main and High sts., Franklin, N. H TIMOTHY G. EASTMAN, Man- ufacturer of Monuments and Grave-Stones, Counters, Table Tops, Soda Founts, &c., Exeter. N. H. BRADFORD MINERAL SPRINGS.— These Springs are situ Lted in o le of the most roman tic spots in New-England, and have become a celebrated resort for per- sons in search of health and plea- sure, having been found on trial, to greatly benefit those afflicted with scnifulous or cancerous affections. I'or the accommodation of persons visiting this place, a Public House is kept open Ihrougli the season, and Stages arrive and leave daily. SAMUEL ANDREWS, Proprietor. AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM?., New- Haven, Connecticut. Guaranty Capital, $50,000. Benjamin Silliman, Sen'r, Pres. NoRRis Wilcox, f^ice President. Caleb Mix, Treasurer. Benjamin Noyes, Secretary. fcues of premium twenty-five per cent, less than other companies. Number of policies issued the first year, nine hundred. WM. G. CREAMER, Manufac- turer of every variety of Tin and Sheet Iron Stamped Work. Or- ders solicited and promptly answer- ed. Derby Corner, Conn. J PECK & CO., 10 Grove street, • New Haven, Conn., Manufac- turers of Steam Engines, Lathes in all their variety. Tools for Manufac- turing Brass Power Stamps, which for simplicity .and accuracy are un- equalled. Improved Power and other Presses. Press Work, Dies, Chain Gear, and Machinery generally. S> )i''AS.- le iiee of this Sofa was the first in this country who introduced the Spring Seat Sofa, which has taken the place of all other sofa seats throughout the United States. 1 he present is a greater improvement, and will be as extensively used when known. It is a handsome, easy, spring Sofa, and also a wide good spring Bed, which by those who u them, are preferred to any other bed now in use, and is afforded at a prici which will be seen at once, make.- them an article of economy as well as a luxury. The change from n spring sofa to a spring bed, can be made by any one, even a child, one minute, with head and foot board, if desired, and is as easily re- turned to a sofa. They are not like the sofa beds generally for sale and in use, which require time and strength to arrange them for use, and are then only an apology for a bed or sofa, being hard and uncomfortable, and growing mi ire so by use, as they must in the nature of the case. This is a perfect Sofa, without the least api)earance of a bed, when used as h sofa — and when used for a bed, elas- tic and easy, and contiiiuing so as long as used, securing to those who buy them a good sofa, and a good spare bed. at a small advance in cost above the price of a sofa or a bed — the place of both of which it will supply. S. & R. Blair, 25 Orange street. New Haven, Conn. W& B. DOUGLASS, Machi a nists and Iron Founders. Manufaciurers of the celebrated Patent Revolving Stand Premium Pump, Patent Suction and Force Pump, Suction and lAft Pumps, fhrce Pumps, Hijdraulic Rams Friction Rolls, Sheaves, Arbor- Cranks, &c. &c., Middletown, Con THEPORTLANDTRA^ SCRIPT.— This popular Fami and Literary Journal, contain! Stories from the best Autho Sketches of Travel, Biographif Notices, Humorous Selections. U ful Information, Choice Miscella Gems of Poetry, Matter to Enligh the Intellect and Mend the He Hints to Farmers and Business M Selections for the Ladies, New the Day, &c., is published e^ Saturday, at the low price of $ per year, by Erastus E. Gould. WM. P. SHEFFIELD, Attor and Counsellor at Law, . Ri^•er, Mass., will practise in any the Courts of R. I. and Mass. H 103 79 \: "-0 < o vj^<^ ^^^^ 4:^ -^ ^vPS^^ <^^^' ^^ >P^^. ^R^ v^^ * • « o .0' -n.-o^ ^ -p o V .AS' • • o. \ "^^ Z:^',^^^ ^O .0'^ *'p rV ^-..•^^ o ^\ .0-' .0^ A <^, ,0^ ^ I FEB /9 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962