Rook #77/^ THE Gray and New Gloucester Register 1905 COMPILED BY itrltell, 2&n$$ttt t Wtztxxn nnb -&tth Brunswick, Mains : FUBIJSHBD BY THE H. E. MlTCHKLL PUBLISHING COMPANY 1905 Gray, Maine TABLE OF CONTENTS. Gbay. Early Settlement. Incorporation. Town Official*. Industrial Account. Church Affairs. Educational Items. Military Matters. Professional Men. Places of Historic Interest. Items of Interest. New Glouckstkb. Early Settlement. Incorporation. Town Officials. Industrial Account. Church Affairs. Educational Items. Military Matters. Professional Men. Items of Interest. Shaker Village and Society. Census of Gray. Census of New Gloucester. ]UE« MUD PKBM. iOODen <3ra^ t /Ifcaine FIRST AND SECOND SETTLEMENTS. The history of the town of Gray begins with the granting of a township to Thomas Gray, and others, in the year 1735. The traot of hind selected by these men was called New Boston after about 1^56, which name it bore until the date of its incor- poration, 1778, when the name of Gray was taken in honor of the early land proprietor. Settlement was begun in 1750. In 1756 the proprietors made a report of the progress of the settlement to the legisla- ture, in which they stated that they had laid out 63 lots of 60 acres each for settling lots, and built a meeting-house, erected 36 dwelling-houses and cleared a part of the lands, as required by the conditions of the grant; but that they had been put to very great expense and suffering. The settlers lived in constant fear of hostile Indians. On May 17, 1755, the settlement was surprised by a large number of savages who destroyed the cattle, burned the meeting-house and all the dwelling-houses and obliged the settlers to flee to places of safety. After peace was concluded with the Indians, some of the inhabitants returned and erected a new meeting-house, as well as a block-house, 50x25 feet, around which they erected a garrison one hundred feet long and seventy-five feet wide. This was supplied with military stores. 6 Gray, Maine Thomas, the father of Moses and Jeremiah Twitchell, came from Westboro, Mass., about 1762, and kept a camp for British marines and workmen engaged in cutting masts and hauling them to the falls below. In 1764 his family was settled here with him, and they may have come at the same time he came. Maj, Jabez Mathews and Wm. Webster oame soon after. The re- settlement was continued by John J en ks, William and Joel Stevens, Daniel Cummings, Daniel Hunt, Thomas Twitch- ell, John Humphrey and Capt. Jonas Stevens, whose daughter, Kuth, was born in 1764. She afterwards married James Doughty. The first male child born in the town was Daniel Cummings, born October 6, 1766. He was the grandfather of Samuel Cummings living one mile north of Gray village. The bond under which Jethro Starbird received his land, in 1768, required that on or before the 12th of April, 1769, he should have built "a good dwelling-house 18 feet square, have at least 6 acres of land cleared and brought to English grass tit for mowing," and shall pay one-sixtieth part of the expense of building a meeting-house and settling a Protestant minister Samuel Hawes and Jabez Hatch were contractors for the pro- prietors. John Barber, John Wilson, James Russell, Daniel Haney, Mark Merrill, Sergt. Samuel Thompson, Lieut. David Small, John Nash, David Libby, Gideon Ramsdell, Jedediah Cook, and Joseph and Samuel Webster settled previous to 1780. Gray, Maine -7 INCORPORATION. Gray, the thirty-ninth town of Maine, was incorporated June 19, 1778. The first election was held at the meeting- house which stood in the street near the present town-house, July 13, 1778, under a warrant issued by the Hon. Enoch Freeman, J. P., to Jabez Matthews, who was chosen moderator of the meeting. David Clark was chosen Town Clerk; William Webster, Daniel Libby, Daniel Cummings, Selectmen and Assessors; David Orne, Treasurer; Nathan Merrill, Thomas White, Richard Hayden, Committee of Safety: Joseph Weeks, Constable; Daniel Libby, Jeremiah Hobbs, Church Wardens; Nathan Merrill, Tithing-Man; John Barber, John Morse, William Webster, Richard Hayden, Surveyors to work on the roads; Daniel Cummings, Fence-Viewer; Jethro Starbird, Robert York, Field-Drivers; Elijah Jordan, David Hunt, Asa Libby, Joseph Merrill, Hog-Drivers; George Doughty, Sexton; Daniel Libby, Pound-Keeper; John Nash, Surveyor of Lumber; David Orne, Sealer of Weights and Measures. £30 was voted to furnish the meeting-house, $500 for highways and $3 per day fixed as wages for a man or yoke of oxen; £4 was appro- priated for a public school and $50 to build a pound. In 1779 prices were regulated by vote, making a day's work 48s.; imported potatoes and turnips, £l-10s.; leaf tobacco, 12s. per potmd; victuals, 12s. a meal; and "licker, 12s. a mug!" In 1780, $22.50 a day was allowed laborers on public roads. Representatives in General Court were seldom chosen, unless they could volunteer to pay their own expenses. 8 Gray, Maine The church, which was erected soon after the second settle- ment was made, was used as a town-house for many years. The present brick town-house was erected by David Carey, at a cost of $1200, and first used March 5, .1838, when "church and state dissolved." This building remains practically the same today as at the time it was put up. It is located in the corner of the large cemetery. TOWN OFFICIALS. SELECTMEN. 1850-'51— Daniel Hall, Tyng Wilson, Geo. Ferley. 1852-'53— Benj. Smith, Wm. P. Doughty, L. L. Blake. 1854— T. Wilson, Wm. P. Doughty, L. L. Blake. 1855— L. L. Blake, Thos. Hancock, Timothy H. Wyman. 1856— T. H. Wyman, Daniel Hall, Jeremiah Pennell. 1857— T. H. Weymouth, J. Pennell, Jacob Clark. 1858— T. H. Weymouth, Daniel Hall, Wm. P. Doughty. 1859-'60— T. H. Weymouth, Jacob Clark, C. W. Perley. 1861 -'65— J. Clark, C. Perley, Wm. Elder. 1866— J. Clark, Wm. Elder, Simon Skillin. 1867-'69— J. Clark, J. Pennell, Samuel Skillin. 1870— Warren H. Vinton, J. Pennell, John W. Webster. 1871— J. (.-lark, John F. Sawyer, Alfred Libby. 1872-73— J. Clark, Geo. A. Morrill, Aimer H. Small. 1874 — J. Clark, John New begin, Jabez M. Latham. 1875 — J. Clark, J. Newbegin, Jas. Doughty. 1876— Jas. Doughty, Chas. E. Libby, John W. Frank. Oray^ Maine 9 1877— J. Clark, Chas. E. Libby, J. W. Frank. 1878— Jas. Doughty, Chas. E. Libby, J. W. Frank. 1879— Chas. E. Libby, C. W. Perley, V. E. Frank. 1880— John D. Anderson, M. C. Morrill, Andrew Allen. 1881— W. H. Vinton, Dura C. Bailey, Hezekiah Whitney. 1882-'83— Jacob Clark, D. C. Bailey, H. Whitney. 1884— W. H. Vinton, Geo. A. Morrill, Win. II . Webster. 1885-'86— Geo. A. Morrill, Silas L. Adams, John W. Frank. 1887— Geo. A. Morrill, J. W. Frank, H. Whitney. 1888— Geo. A. Morrill, Wm. S. Douglass, H. Whitney. 1889-'90— Geo. A. Morrill, Vinton E. Frank, S. Libby, Jr. 1891- -Geo. A. Morrill, Orrin S. Higgins, S. Weymouth. 1892— Geo. A. Morrill, Win. M. Dow, Albert J. Dunn. 1893— Silas W. Foster, A. J. Dunn, Wm. M. Dow. 1894— Silas W. Foster, O. M. Goff, Edgar S. Caswell. 1895-'97— Jas. T. Hancock, E. S. Caswell, Chas. E. Allen. 1898— J as. T. Hancock, S. W. Foster, Winfield S. Allen. 1899-1902— Jas. T. Hancock, E. S. Caswell, W. S. Allen. 1903-'04— W. S. Allen, Geo. R. Doughty, W. T. Libby. TOWN CLERKS. William P. Merrill, 1850; J. Clark, 1851-'58; Theophilus Stimson, .Jr., 1859-'63; J. Clark (vacancy), 1863; J. Clark, 1864-'69; Edw. A. Marr, 1870-'77; Chas. II. Doughty, Jr., 1878-79; Cushman Hall, 1880; James T. Hancock, 1881; C. H. Doughty, Jr., 1882; C. F. Gibbi, 1S83; F. L. Clark, 1884-1904. 10 Gray, Maine TREASURERS. Wm. May berry, 1850-'5l; John W. Rich, 1852; Silas H. Adams, 1853-'55; Moses Plummer, 1856; Joshua H. Hall, 1857- '61; Jeremiah Pennell, 1862; John Maxwell, 1863; J. Pennell, 1864-'66; Albert N. Sawyer, 1867; J. Pennell, 1868-'70; John Newbegin, 1871; John D. Anderson, 1872; Wm. H. Webster, 1873; Edw. A. Marr, 1874-'76; John Maxwell, 1877-78; J. Newbegin, 1879-'80; Jas. T. Hancock, 1881-'83; Parker W. 1884-'88; Chas. L. Dow, 1889-'90. Frank L. Clark, 1890-1904. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT. The first commercial industry established in this town was that of cutting masts by the British marines. Soon after the second settlement was begun a mill was erected at the falls, a short distance below the old factory, and it was here that the important industry of lumbering began, to which the pioneers gave so much attention during the days when there were ex- tensive forests of valuable pine and other lumber to draw from- This mill was opei*ated as early as 1778 by Jabez Mathews. Saw mills sprung up in all parts of the town and continued extensive operations for many years. The greatest individual industry ever operated within the borders of the town of Gray was the Falmouth Woolen Mills, established about 1800 by Samuel Mayall, an Englishman. He came to this locality and settled on the river, built a dam, and the two brick woolen mills which are said to have been the first Gray, Maine 11 woolen mills ever operated in the United States. At first he manufactured only in a small way. One of his methods was to buy wool from the farmers throughout all the surrounding section, exchanging manufactured cloth. This method must have been appreciated by the busy housewives to whom in those days generally fell the laborious task of spinning and weaving for a large family. After his death Wilson & Thomas carried on the business. Beatty and Alpine was the next firm to operate the plant, and later William Beatty carried on the business. Nothing has been done here for many years. One of the mills stands complete, the other was burned a long time ago. Samuel Mayall, son of the founder of these mills, was Gray's only representative to Congress, serving in the 33d., in 1853, as a Democrat. Among the measures he introduced was one providing for the purchase of the slaves; the bill was killed as being enormously expensive. The first edged-tool maker here is said to have been Jonas Doughty. Theophilus and Woodbury Stimson were plow makers and axe makers. They engaged in these lines of business for a long period of years, during the last of which they manufactured axes only. Leonard Curamings was engaged in manufacturing edged-tools for some years after learning the trade with Jonas Doughty. Another early industry, as testified to by many substantial brick buildings in town, was brick-making. A tannery was established in the town in 1800, by Stephen Furbish. In 1856 this was sold to David Cummings who 12 Gray, Maine operated it for several years, when it was finally discontinued. PRESENT INDUSTRIES. The chief occupation of the men of Gray at the present time is the cultivation of their generally fertile farms. Some stock is raised and many of the farmers sell their cream to the creameries located in the surrounding towns. The mechanical industries are mostly saw mills, of which there are two at Gray Village, and one each at East Gray, North Gray, West Gray, Dry Mills, and Douglasville; there is also a grist mill at the village, and two at East Gray. At East Gray Goff Bros, are operating a brick yard. About the middle of the last century much attention was given to the manufacture of shook and staves. J. T. Merrill's steam saw and grist mill was established by him in 18S3 as a shingle and grist mill operated in connection with his store. Mr. Merrill put in a board saw about 1888 which has been in steady operation until the present winter. Mr. Merrill intends to open the mill again in the spring, con- tinuing the saw and grist business. Frank N. Douglass' saw and stave mill, was built by the present owner a few years ago. This is a steam mill, employ- ing an average of 12 men during the year. At present staves are being manufactured largely, but this is primarily a long lumber mill. The sawmill at West Gray was built and run by R. A. Allen, and has done good business until the death of Mr. Allen two years ago. The store at this place was run for 60 years by Mr. Allen, who also served as postmaster for many years. Gray, Maine 13 The Dry Mills steam mill was built in 1845 by Joseph Libby, he was (succeeded by his son, the present owner, who took the business and operated it until about a year ago when his son-in-law took the business. Around 450,000 feet of lumber is manufactured each winter, employing 25 men in both the mill and lumber camps. There is a shingle mill connected. Mr. Libby also owns the mill at North Gray, which is operated by water power. This mill is under the supervision of Mr. Cummings, and manufactures all kinds of lumber, turning out about 20,000 feet a week. The saw mill at Douglasville, (or Suckerville,) was built in 1859 as a steam and water power mill, but is now operated entirely by steam. "In 1896 this mill was burned. It was at once -rebuilt by Mr. M. C. Morrill, the owner; this new mill was burned before being completed, when Mr. Morrill put up the present temporary mill which he contemplates replacing with a larger and a permanent one in the near future. CHURCH AFFAIRS. CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY. The first meeting house in town erected by the first party of settlers, is thought to have stood in the north-eastern part of the town. This was burned by the Indians. The second house of worship was built soon after the second settlement was begun, and stood on or near the site of the present homestead of Eugene Hall. The first church organization was established in compliance with the requirements of the land-grant, in August, 1774. This 14 Gray, Maine was of the Congregational order. Rev. Samuel Nash, a graduate of Brown University, was the first pastor, being ordained in June, 1775. He remained until September, 1782. The second meeting-house erected was never finished and in the winter the meetings were held in Joseph Doughty's house. The church was sold to Daniel Haney in 1790, for £4. The old church which stood in the street near the town-house was built the preceding year and stood until torn down in 1832. Rev. Saml. Perley, a Presbyterian, became pastor in 1784. He was dis- charged on the dissolution of the Salem Presbytery, in 1791, after which the church became scattered. In October, 1803, a council was called, which, finding but two male members, pro- ceeded to reorganize the church as a Congregational body. Rev. Danl. Weston was ordained pastor that year. Rev. Saml. Peckham succeeded Mr. Weston in 1825, and was discharged in 1830. During his pastorate the fourth church was erected, and dedicated in 1828. The subsequent pastors were Rev. Thos. Riggs, 1831 to 1833; Rev. Calvin White, 1833-37; Rev. Nathan W. Sheldon, 1839-43; Rev. Allen Lincoln, 1845-59; Rev. Jas. P. Richard- son, 1859-62; Rev. Ebenezer Bean, 1863-73; Rev. Edw. P. Eastman, 1874-75; Rev. Herbert R. Howe, 1876; Rev. E. Bean, 1877-93; Rev. Henry O. Thayer, 1893-95; Rev. Edgar M. Cousins, 1896-98; Rev. Herbert L. McCann, 1899-1904. A centennial celebration was held last year, commemorat- ing the one-hundredth aniversary of the organization of this society. The present handsome church edifice was dedicated Jan. 2, 1901. This was built at a cost of around $7,000, and is a Gray, Maine 15 fine modern building. This is a strong, vital, evangelical church, that stands for the best life of the community. It has a membership of 80 whrch represents the working force of the organization. A union Christian Endeavor society is main- tained by the young people of this and the Free Baptist societies. It was from the pulpit of the church recently demolished that Gen. Neal Dow uttered his first speech advocating prohibi- tion in the state of Maine. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH. A Baptist society was organized in Gray in 1790, consist- ing of 21 members. The first preacher of whom we have record was Rev. Wm. Merrill, who remained until 1810, holding meetings at his house, afterwards the residence of Hezekiah Whitney, two miles east of the village. A house of worship was erected by the Universalists at Gray in 1832, at a cost of $1,500. In 1855 the Free Baptist society bought a half- interest in this building, and later obtained complete title. This is the church they now occupy. The interior has been extensively remodeled, and the church repaired from time to time, and is now a neat and comfortable house. A parsonage, situated on Greenleaf St., is the property of the society, purchased about 1860. The present membership is 61 resident, and 25 non- resident members. The pastors of this church since 1 850 have been Revs. David Newell, Moses Foster, Chas. Bean, Wm. T. Smith, 1857; Dexter Waterman, 1861; Moores Cole, 1863; M. Ricker, Edwin A. Kish, 1864; J. M. Purkis, 1865; C. Bean, 1868; Joseph Fobs, 1869; F. Reed, 1874; Wm. T. Smith, 1876 ; 16 Gray, Maine A. L. Morrey, 1880; Arthur P. Wormwood, for fourteen years; H. A. Childs, J. P. Roberts, and Frank Pierson, the present pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first Methodist sermon in Gray was preached by Jesse Lee, in 1793, in a barn near the Congregational church then standing. Rev. Philip Wager formed a class here the same year. A society seems to have been formed previous to 1808 as thirteen men were recorded on the town books in 1807 as Methodists. The church was incorporated June 10, 1808. Gray became a part of the Readfield circuit on its organization, and Rev. Stephen Hull preached there once in two weeks. Gray and Windham were made a circuit in 1844. A building was erected in West Gray in 1840, and a second in the eastern part of the town by a branch styling themselves Protestant Methodists. This meeting-house was moved to Gray village, rebuilt, and re-dedicated in July, 1869. Regular services were held here until about 1881 when they were discontinued. In 1896 this church was again moved, this time to South Gray, and the charge placed under the pastor of the West Cumberland church, with which it has formed a circuit since that time. Since its removal the pastors have been Revs. W. C. Wentworth, who had the moving done; C. H. Abbott, 1897-98; D. Pratt, 1899-1902; W. H. Congdon, 1903, still in charge P N IVEKSALIST SOCIETY. We have obtained little data concerning the early Univer- salist Bociety in Gray aside from that already noted under the Free Baptist church. Gray, Maine 17 The present society was organized in June, 1902, by Miss Eleanor B. Forbes, assisted by State Superintendent F. E. Bar- ton. There were twelve members, which number has now in- creased to fifteen. Miss Forbes began preaching here in May, 1901, previous to which Rev. Geo. Hamilton had preached during the summer for many years. A young peoples' Christian Union was organized last July. Services are held in Stimson Memorial Hall. SCHOOL ITEMS. In 1780 the sum of £350 was voted for the support of schools, the town was divided into two districts, and in 1785 Israel H. Buker was engaged to teach school a year, u at any place in town," for £45. He was also elected collector, that he might collect his own pay. Six schoolhouses were erected between 1793 and 1801. Four lots of school land were sold in 1814 for $1,171.25, to establish a school fund, the interest of which was $71.25, in 1878. Appropriations have been: in 1788, £10; 1791, £30; 1793, £40; 1799, £200; 1820, $400; 1840, $600; 1850, $700; 1864, $1,100; 1867-72, $2,000; The town comprised 12 districts in 1878. Of the 1615 children 460 attended school. On April 1, 1902 there were 406 persons in the town be- tween the ages of four and twenty-one; of these the largest registration was in the spring term when 234 were in attend- ance. Thirty weeks of schooling are given each year for which the sum of $1,150 was raised in 1902. The figures are praotically the same the present year. A graded school is maintained at the village, and schools at Dry Mills, North Gray, East Gray, 18 Gray, Maine South Gray, Hunt's Hill, The Field's District, and at West Gray. The artistic and modern school building at the village was erected in 1902, at a cost of about $2,000. This is fitted with improved and modern conveniences and accomodates both grades. A new house was erected last fall in the Field's district, costing $800. The houses in the other districts are in good repair, and the general excellence of the school work accomplished is to be commended. PENNELL INSTITUTE. This magnificent structure, the pride of the town, was erected and donated to the town of Gray by Maj. Henry Pen- nell, a grandson of Joseph Pennell, Esq., an early settler of the town. The building is situated in the village, is a tine brick edifice with a clock and bell in its stately tower, and is sur- rounded by spacious and well-kept grounds, which are studded with many beautiful maples. The building completed cost $20,000; library, $3,000; laboratory, $2,000. Major Pennell endowed the institution with a fund of $25,000, to be held in- tact for its perpetual support. The building was begun in 1876, and completed three years later. The school was not opened until about the year 1886, since which time it haB been in constant operation. Lee Hunt was the first principal, remaining fur five years, during which time the school became well established as one of the leading fitting schools in the state. Succeeding instructors have been: Geo. H. Larrabee; W. B. Andrews, live years, now principal of Westbrook High School; E. H. Stevens; Clarence W. Pierce, Gray, Maine 19 who remained five years and was succeeded by the present principal, Chas. F. Howland, in 1903. Mr. Pierce is now principal of Greeley Institute. A new laboratory building was erected on the grounds in 1902, and is a fitting brick structure. This school is a free high school to the young men and women of Gray between the ages of ten and twenty-five, the sum of $250 being appropriated each year by the town, and a like sum received from the state for that purpose; this, together with the proceeds from the liberal endowment gives the institution ample support, a good working library and a liberal amount of physical and chemical apparatus for the laboratory. Miss Kate A. Leslie is the present teacher of languages, and Miss Mertell K. Snow, of mathematics and English. The members of the board of Selectmen are trustees ex-officio; together with Hon. M. P. Frank, of Portland; Hon. W. H. Vinton, Hon. J. D. Anderson, and Vinton E. Frank. M. P. Frank is president, V. E. Frank, secretary. MILITARY MATTERS. The noble Military record of the town of Gray is attested to by the many inscriptions found on the head stones of the Revolutionary and Civil war soldiers who lie buried in the village cemetery. Moses Twitched, who probably came here with his father about 1762, died in the American Army in Canada in 1775; his son bearing the same name was also a soldier in this war. Nathan Noble, a settler, was killed in battle, October 7, 1777; Jonas Humphrey served under Gen. Arnold, re-enlisted, and 20 Gray, Maine was killed at the battle of White Plains. Ser. Asa Libby, Isaac Foster, and Jonathan Hayden all enlisted April 24, 1780, for eight months' service. Other veterans of the Revolution who settled here were Amaziah Delano, Joseph Allen, Jas. Welch, Win. Libby, Samuel Stowell, Jas. Doughty, and Ser. Samuel Thompson. 60-pound fines were paid by seventeen drafted men to Capt. Stevens, April 24, 1780. Other early military men of the town were Maj. Jabez Mathews, 1778; Lieut. Win. Webster, 1779; Capt. James Stevens, 1780; Lieut. David Small, Maj. Jedediah Cobb, Lieut. Robert York, 1786, Capt. Daniel Haney, Capt. Jos. McLellan, 1790; Capt. Jas. Doughty, 1818; and Col. Mesheck Humphrey. Many of these men were familiar figures on the training field during militia practice, and doubtless some of them saw service in the fight for independence. LIST OF CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS. Wm. Allen, Jno. Adams, Ozias G. Blake, Edw. Benson, Geo. W. Benson, Thos. Brackett, Jno. F. Burgess, Chas. G. Cobb, Wm. H. Colley, Chas. H. Colley, Sam'l. P. Cummings, Sylvester B. Cobb, Gustavus N. Carey, Orrin B. Colley, Albert F. Colley, Dan'l. B. Diil, Wm. H. Dill, Jos. W. Doughty, Dan'l. Doughty, Albert II. Doughty, Dan'l. H. Dolley, Wm. L. Dickey, Wm. C Dickey, Jere. P. Dolley, Rufus Duran, Thos. W. Dolley, Wm. L. Dickey, Wm. S. Davis, Eleazer Evans, Jas. D. Foster, Jno. A. Foster, Jno. W. Frank, Nathan Ferguson, Levi S. Foster, Sam'l. H. Foster, Jas. E. Farwell, Geo. Gilbert, Lindsay O. Goff, Chas. Goodenow, Lucius S. Goff, Wm. H. Gore, Jos. H. Goff, Jos. Goff, Elias F. Goff, Lindsay A. Goff, Jas. Hodgkins, Gray, Maine 21 Jonas R. Hodgkins, Jas. Hodgkin, Whitman Hodgkin, Jno. C. Haines, Chas. D. Haines, Greenleaf C. Herrick, Jos. P. King, Luther Lawrence, Porter Latham, Otis L. Latham, Alvin A. Lane, Edwin Legrow, Joshua D. Leighton, Woodbury S. Libby, Edwin Legrow, Isaac H. Libby, Thos. J. Mayberry, Dan'l. Mayberry, Jr., Rufus L. May, Edw. A. Marr, Moses Maxwell, Chas. T. Mayberry, Jas. Nash, Dan'l. Nash, Joshua M. Nash, Chas. L. Orne, Wm. H. Pennell, Roscoe Perley, Seth A. Ramsdell, Melville Ricker, Cassius C. Roberts, Hiram Russell, Geo. E. Ross, Lewis A. Simpson, Henry C. Simpson, Jno. Smith, Sam'l. F. Simpson, Joshua S. Snow, Dan'l N. Smith, Stephen Stiles, Henry C. Sibley, Wm. R. Simpson, Jas. M. Thompson, Chas. E. Turner, Augustus T. Thompson, Jas. M. Thompson, Chas. H. Thompson, Josiah M. Turner, Frank W. Thayer, Chas. VanBuskirk, Lorenzo D. Whitten, Jas. L. White, Armstrong- Webster, Jno. L. White, Jas. K. P. Whitten, Edwin J. Wash- burn. Foreign Enlistment: Jno. D. Anderson, Wendall A. Ander- son, Edwin F. Hunt, Dan'l Y. Tuttle, Henry Wood. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PHYSICIANS. Rev. Samuel Perley, the second pastor of the local parish, was a graduate of Harvard, and a practicing physician. He came to the church in 178*2, remaining until 1791, during which time he attended to both the spiritual and physical needs of the settlers. Dr. Briggs probably located here about 1796; Peter Whitney, 1803; C. H. P. McClellan in 1795, and again from 22 Gray, Maine 1825 to 28; Nicholas H. Allen, 1841; J. D. Sturgis; Wm. W. Green, 1863-72, died at sea; Chas. L. Holt, 1872-74; F. A. Morgan, dentist, 1869-79; A. W. Anderson, 1876, for many years; J. F. Newman, 1879; Dr. Chas. Hutchinson, now practic- ing in Portland, was here during the early days of his practice. There are now three practicing physicians in town. Dr. E. T. Andrews came in 1874, since which time he has remained in practice. His son, A. M. Andrews completed his studies and began with his father two years ago. Dr. Geo. Ellingwood has been practicing here for several years. LAWYERS. Rev. Mr. Perley seems also to have performed the part of the early lawyer, for we are informed that it was he who did the legal writing for the pioneers; it is not supposed that he was called upon to settle any disputes in this capacity, but, as the preacher of the parish he may have averted such contingencies. Simeon Greenleaf came in 1807, he was later connected with Harvard College; Joseph Waterman; Jas. B. Cleveland in 1831; Osgood Bradbury; Jas. O'Donnell for several years previous to 1849. W. H. Vinton came in 1849 from Oxford and J. D. Anderson in 1874. Hon. Mr. Vinton was a member of the State Senate in 1853-54, 1861-62, and 1877-78-79; a member of the State Legislature in 1857 and 1873, and president of the Senate in 1878. In 1882 he was Independent Republican can- didate for governor. Mr. Vinton has been closely connected with the politics and legal profession of the state; and served on the committee with Hon. Nelson Dingley which originated the present High School bill, in 1873. Gray, Maine 23 PLACES OF HISTORIC INTEREST. There is but little left to mark the labors of the first settlers. The main interest of their descendants centres in their last resting-place, a fine burying-ground of 4 acres, in the west of the village, commanding a magnificent view of the surrounding country. This ground was donated by Daniel Libby, and fenced by the town in 1782. It contains many black slabs of the last century mingled with the white marble of recent years, and many fine monuments, most of which are of granite, erected since 1865. There are buried here 6 of the pioneer deacons, 4 ministers, 9 captains, 6 field officers, and several persons above ninety; one of whom was ninety-six years of age. Nearly all the early settlers have been gathered from private grounds in various parts of the town and buried here. There are many houses in the town of Gray which are surrounded with historic interest because of their connection with the early interests of the town. The old Doughty house at East Gray, long occupied by Hezekiah Whitney, is said to be the oldest house in town. Whether this is older than the "Eagle Tavern", now the Elm House, seems doubtful. Probably no other spot in town is shrouded with the unwritten history that surrounds this early hostlery. During the days when traveling was done by stage coaches the many public houses scattered along the lines of conveyance were places of great activity and the centers of interest. Many of these were located within the town of Gray. The Elm House was built by Daniel Haney previous to 1800, and was occupied by him until 1804. Titus O. Brown, father of John B. Brown, of Portland, 24 Gray^ Maine was the next landlord. A few years later Mr. Brown went to Norway when he sold the Hotel and his residence next door to Theophilus Stimson, the father of the donors of the Stimson Memorial Hall. Mr. Stimson kept the old hotel for many years. This is now operated by Geo. O. Stevens. Many of the brick houses in town are approaehiug the century mark while not a few have passed that point. There are about a dozen at the village which were made, or some of them from brick burned at the old yard on the road to Portland, about two miles south of the village. These houses are com- modious, with immense chimneys protruding from their roofs, all of which speak of the days when the great forestick was surrounded by a family of ten, twelve, or perhaps fifteen children. Of the wooden structures the old Webster house, built at No. Gray in 1805 by Joseph Webster, is among the oldest. ITEMS OF INTEREST. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Gray Grange, No. 41, was organized October 3, 1874, with 28 charter members. Silas L. Adams was the first master. Meetings were first held in the town hall; later the store now occupied by John Stevens was bought and used for a time. Meetings have also been held in Cobb's Hall. In December, l903,thc place of meeting wan changed to the fair building which the society bought of the Gray Park Association. Present membership, 108. Meetings are held weekly and the society is in a very prosperous condition, and is doing excellent work as Gray, Maine 25 a social order. The principal officers chosen for the year 1905 are: F. H. Kamsdell, master; Mrs. Geo. Knight, overseer; Miss Marcia Megquire, lecturer; and Samuel Weymouth, secretary. STIMSON MEMORIAL HALL AND FREE LIBRARY. Stirason Memorial Hall, located near the central portion of the village, is the gift to the town of Gray from her liberal and true sons, Charles, George and Martin Stimson, and their sister, Mrs. M. E. Ingalls. These are the sons and daughter of Theo- philus Stimson, in memory of whom the hall was donated. This beautiful building consists of a handsome hall, library, and a banquet room. One of the conditions of the deed is that it shall be a free house of worship to the Universalists of Gray. The library is located on the second floor. This is free to the people of Gray, and will contain a good assortment of books. A Gray library association has been formed of which Harry Libby is president; Geo. Stevens, treas.; Rev. Frank Pierson, sec, and Rev. H. L. McCann, Fred Ramsdell, Jas. T. Hancock, and the president and treasurer, directors. A book fund of $1,000 has already been raised, one-halt of which is the gift of Geo. Stimson, of Los Angeles, Cal. IRew Gloucester, /Iftaine EARLY SETTLEMENT. A tract of land six miles square was granted to 60 of the inhabitants of Gloucester, Mass., by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, under date of March 27, 1736. These grantees first located their new township where Gorhara and Gray now are, but finding that locality claimed under prior grants, they located above North Yarmouth, and the General Court confirmed the same to them the 5th of July, 1737. That y ear a road was bushed out from Cousins river in North Yar- mouth, and one division of lots was laid out, extending north- cast and south-west from the center of the town. The survey consisted of 63 lots, three of which were reserved for each, the rirst settled minister, the ministry, and the schools. These lots were drawn by the proprietors February 17, 1738. Ten days later the name of New Gloucester was adopted, as an earnest that the new town should prove to them what old Gloucester had been to their fathers. John Millett was sent by the proprietors to improve the road, build bridges and prepare the way for the settlers who soon followed. A few of the proprietors came in the spring of 1739, and the first clearing was begun on lot No. 10, upon the easterly slope of "Harris Hill", by Jonas Mason. The families of the settlers, with their goods came in the fall of 1742, when the several pioneer homes, each surrounded by a narrow clear- New Gloucester, Maine 27 ing and separated by the dense forest, became the soenes of domestic happiness, although maintained under serious difficult- ies. In 1744 Capt. Isaac Eveleth was sent to advance the in- terests of the settlement, but already the tocsin of war rang out its alarm, and five years after the settlement had been begun the settlers were ordered off by the Governor of the Province, lest they be attacked by the Indian and French warriors. During the five years following, while they were scattered through tbe coast settlements or returned to Gloucester, their houses were burned, their many bridges washed away, and the mill, located on Stevens Brook, destroyed. In the fall of 1749, the Proprietary sent John Roberts and four other men to prepare the way for renewing the settlement, but he was prevented from doing this until the fall of 1752. The grant was renewed the following spring, and settlers again took up their abandoned lots. During the fall of 1753, and the following spring the Old Block House was erected, situated on the south side of the Gray road a short distance south-west of the center of the town; (this spot the town has recently voted to mark by a stone monument). This was built of hewn timber and fitted with two swivel guns; it served for a home, a fort and a church. In July, James Proctor, of Woburn, was sent with six men to garrison the fort. The same year the fort was attacked by Indians, who captured two men who were without, and killed and scalped a third. The year 1760 brought peace to the settlement. Up to this time nearly all had lived in the block house. Now they began to build log houses upon their clearings, and additions were made 28 New Gloucester, Maine to their number by the arrival of new families. The second division of lots was laid out, and a road laid out to New Boston (Gray). Of the men that kept the fort, or formed part of its company or garrison, the following persons with their families became the first permanent settlers in town: John Stenchfield, David Millett, Wm. Stevens, Humphrey Woodbury, Samuel Worthly, Benj. Hammon, John Megquire, John Stenchfield, Jr., Horton Mitchell, Capt. Nathl. Eveleth, Wm. McLane and Wm. Stenchfield. These comprised twelve families. The father of Philip Winslow was one of the first five men to settle in town. Col. Isaac Parsons settled on the farm now occupied by his grandson, C. P. Haskell, in 1761; John Woodman settled the same year, a little south of "Woodman's Bridge". New roads were laid out each season, and in 1763 twenty-five new lots were surveyed. The first meeting of the Proprietary at the block house was held November 22, that year. At this meeting Samuel Merrill was chosen moderator and treasurer; Isaac Par- sons, clerk; Jonathan Tyler, Daniel Merrill, and Wm. Harris, a prudential committee and assessors; Nathl. Eveleth, collector; and Wm. Harris, surveyor of roads. The next year a school- house was built and a school maintained, also a minister settled, and the town incorporated. From this time many settlers arrived each year and this settlement, so recently only a group of clearings in the whole township, took on the appearance of a lively and prosperous in- dustrial center. In 1766 the third and fourth divisions of lots were drawn. The latter was called the pine timber division. New Gloucester, Maine 29 In 1767 the fifth or Intervale division; in 1773 the sixth division, and in 1790 the seventh and last division was drawn. Previous to division the meadows were held as "oommon lands". INCORPORATION, On the 8th of February, 1774 the Proprietary elected Simeon Noyes, Ebenezer Mason and Isaac Parsons a committee to petition the General Court of Massachusetts for an act of in- corporation into a town. To this petition the Court lent a willing ear, and early in the year New Gloucester became a town. A warrant was issued to Peleg Chandler, by Col. Wm. Allen, bidding him call a meeting of the freeholders and others qualified to vote. The first meeting was held in the "Old Meet- ing House" on the 7th of September, 1774, when the first board of town officers was chosen. Simeon Noyes was chosen moderator; Nathl. Eveleth, town clerk; Simeon Noyes, Moses Merrill, and Samuel Merrill, selectmen and assessors; Isaac Parsons, treasurer; and Abel Davis, constable and collector. In 1787 the old fort was sold for seven bushels of corn" New Gloucester became a half-shire town with Portland in 1792, remaining as such until the organization of Oxford County in 1805. Courts were held in the old schoolhouse; and the jury rooms were in the old Bell Tavern, kept by Peleg Chandler on the opposite corner since 1782. A whipping post was erected beside the pound, near by, and stocks were built in which some of the community occasionally spent their Sundays. 30 New Gloucester, Maine TOWN OFFICIALS. SELECTMEN. 1850 — David Allen, Moses Witham, Solo. H. Chandler. 1851 — D. Allen, Sewall Gross, Miltimore Watts. 1852-'53— Otis Nelson, M. Watts, Seth L. Haskell. 1854-'55 — Ezra Tobie, Jos. Gross, Prentiss M. Woodman. 1856 — P. M. Woodman, S. Gross, Geo. F. Hammond. 1857 — D. Allen, Lemuel R. Fogg, Jacob Bailey. 1858 — L. R. Fogg, J. Bailey, Jas. Merrill. 1859-'60 — Geo. W. Whitman, Jas. Merrill, Nathl. Rideout. 1861 Geo. W. Whitman, Luke Morgan, S. L. Haskell. 1862 P. M. Woodman, D. W. Merrill, Geo. W. Plummer. 1863— D. W. Merrill, G. W. Plummer, C. II. Carlton. 1864-'65— M. Watts, D. W. Merrill, Jno. P. Stevens. 1866— D. W. Merrill, Henry A. Fogg, Nathl. S. ShurtlifL 1867 — H. A. Fogg, N. S. Shurtliff, Freeman Jordan. 1868— Chas. P. Haskell, Amos F. Nevins, Oren Bailey. 1869—0. C. Nelson, C. P. Haskell, G. W. Plummer. 1870-'72 — O. C. Nelson, Elisha M. Morgan, Nicholas Ride- out. 1873— O. C. Nelson, G. W. Plummer, C. P. Haskell. 1874-'75— O. C. Nelson, Gilman Martin, C. P. Haskell. 1876—0. C. Nelson, Barker Holt, C. P. Haskell. 1877 — N. Rideout, E. M. Morgan, Jno. W. True. 1878— O. C. Nelson, E. M. Morgan, J. W. True. 1879—0. C. Nelson, J. W. True, C. P. Haskell. 1880-'81— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, A. H. Nevens. l882-'83— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, Chas. N. Fogg. New Gloucester, Maine 31 1884— Otis C. Nelson, Chas. P. Haskell, A. L. Richards. 1885-'86— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, D. W. Merrill. 1887— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, T. M. Merrill. 1888— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, Geo. W. Plummer. 1889— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, T. M. Merrill. 1890— J. W. True, F. H. Merrill, G. W. Hatch. l891-'92— J. W. True, G. VV. Hatch, P. A. Coller. 1893— G. W. Hatch, P. A. Coller, H. E. Blake. 1894— Harris W. Jordan, H. E. Blake, Geo. B. Nelson. 1895-'98— J. W. True, J. M. Thompson, Reuel W. Fogg. 1899— G. W. Hatch, Chas. P. Bennett, Chas. H. Nelson. 1900— G. W. Hatch, C. P. Bennett, Lester L. Whitman. 1901— G. W. Hatch, C. P. Bennett, Lewis E. Jordan. 1902— C. P. Bennett, Davis A. Merrill, Wm. H. H. Snow. 1903— C. P. Bennett, L. E. Jordan,. Wm. H. H. Snow. 1904— C. P. Bennett, L. E. Jordan, C. H. Nelson. CLERKS. Elisha J. Moseley, 1850-'62; David N. True, 1863; Sewall N. Gross, 1864-'65; Benj. F. Sturgis, (vacancy), 1865; B. F. Sturgis, 1866-'67; Solomon H. Chandler, 1868-72; Jabez H. Woodman, 1*73; Isaac H. Keith, 1874 '76; Jos. Cleaves, 1877- '83; Jas. M. Thompson, 1884-'90 ; John W. True, 1891-'92; Ernest G. True, 1893-'95; Newell P. Haskell, 1896-'98; C. P. Holmes, 1899-1901; E. C. Roach, 1902-'04. TREASURERS. Solomon H. Campbell, 1850; Jos. Cross, 1851 -'53; Sam'l. Foxcroft, 1854; Sewall N. Gross, 1855-'58; Joel S. Morhan, 32 New Gloucester, Maine 1859-'60; Luke Morgan, 1861; Henry A. Fogg, 1862-'63; R. P. M. Greeley, 1864; S. Gross, 1865; Gilman Martin, 1866-'67; David W. Merrill, 1868; Jos. Cross, 1869-'70; Benj. W. Merrill, 1871-75; Melville R. Berry, 1876; B. W. Merrill, 1877-79; Enoch Gammon, 1880; B. W. Merrill, 1881-'83; Melville R. Berry, 1884; B. W. Merrill, 1885-'94; C. P. Chandler, 1895; Seth F. Sweetsir, 1896-'98; J. W. True, 1899-1902; Geo. B. Nelson, 1903-'04. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT. When the drawing of lots was made by the proprietors in 1738 the men who drew lots numbered 1,2, 21, and 22, near Stevens brook, were required to give bonds to build a saw mill within two years, and saw lumber at the halves for seven years. The mill then built was burned by the Indians, together with the homes, during the French and Indian war. When the settlement was renewed this mill was rebuilt, and in 1758, a grist mill was completed in connection with it. Prior to this the settlers carried their corn to North Yarmouth (now Yar- mouth) frequently making the trip of 24 miles in a day carrying the corn and meal On their shoulders. From an article written for the Maine Historical Society by Col. Isaac Parsons (whose house, built in 1762, is yet stand- ing at the homestead), dated November 6th, 1824, we learn that there was then "a sufficient number of carding maohines and lulling mills for woolen'', but that "the wool was mostly spun and woven in families.'" Of the manufacturing industries then in town, located on Royal's river which makes a circuitous New Gloucester, Maine 33 * course through the town, there was a saw mill at the upper end of Sabbathday Lake; and near the upper corner, "a saw mill, an overshot double-stoned grist mill, with a bolt, carried by the wheels, a carding machine, a fulling mill, a bark mill and tannery." On a stream near the center of the town was an overshot grist mill, and another on Lovell's Brook. In 1860 there were six saw mills, two tanneries, and two grist mills in town. Much attention has been given to agriculture since the first settlements were made. Today the beautiful fertile farms, the neat homesteads scattered throughout the town, many of which are spacious two-story houses generally painted white, and the general appearance of thrift and prosperity, all testify to the value of this healthful vocation. Some of the best farms in this section of the state are located in the valley of Royal's river, within the borders of this town. Much attention is given to dairying and dairy products, the land being especially well adapted to hay. There is a packing house operated by the United Packers which cans large quantities of corn, beans, to- matoes, and apples. The plant located near the Maine Central railroad station was established in 1878 by a Mr. Day; it was operated by Mr. Fields, then sold to Coller & Crockett, who sold the business to the present concern. L. L. Farwell is foreman. Last fall 150,000 cans of corn were packed, nearly all of which was the product of New Gloucester Farms. This is also a good fruit-growing section. 34 New Gloucester^ Maine PRESENT MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES. W. Jordan & Co's saw mill at Upper Gloucester was built about 100 years ago by Andrew Campbell. It then passed into the hands of Maj. S. H. Chandler. Washington Jordan bought the mill in 1861. The gristmill then connected was discontinued about 1863. This is now a long lumber, shingle, and gtave mill and employs an average of five men. F. W. Winter's long lumber and box board mill just below Jordan's was built by Elias C. Lane about 1835, burned about 1865, and rebuilt the following year. Mr. Lane operated the saw mill until his death, in 1878; it was then sold to Alverdo Estes, who sold to Mr. Winter in 1888. Mr. Winter has made two additions to the mill, which is run only during the summer; in the winter extensive lumbering is carried on by the proprietor thereby giving yearly employment. The mill site south of Sabbathday Lake is an old one. William Small built the present mill in 1864 replacing one formerly owned by a Mr. Haskell. After twenty years Mr. Small sold the mill to Sturgis & Merrill; later Mr. Merrill operated it alone until he took Frank M. Hawks as partner. Upon Mr. Merrill's death in 1899 his sons succeeded to the business as partners of Mr. Hawks. Mr. Hawks then sold to D. A. Merrill, the present owner. Eight men are employed here during the summer. Chandler Bros', saw mill, located on the Lilly pond was built about, four y«-*ars ago. This is a steam mill used for sawing long lumber, clapboards, shingles, finish, etc.; and does more ■4 business than any other plant in town. New Gloucester, Maine 35 The grist mill at Intervale, built by Joseph True about 1888, is now owned and run by F. M. Hawks. The well-known Whitman Pungs are manufactured at Upper Gloucester by R. H. Richardson. This business was established by L. L. Whitman about 1890; Mr. Richardson bought the business in 1900. 130 of these practical vehicles were manufactured last winter, and as many as 200 have been made in a season. Mr. Whitman is now a famous automobilist. J. A. Segars has also been interested for many years in the manufacture of wagons and sleighs and is now engaged in their construction and repair. CHURCH AFFAIRS. CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY— FIRST PARISH. For about ten years after the erection of the block house, that was the scene of all public religious worship. In 1764, Rev. Samuel Foxcroft, a Harvard graduate, was called to the parish. He was given a salary of £80, and a settlement of .£100 to be paid in building material and labor. A church was gathered at once, consisting of the Pastor, John Tufts, Jabez True, Dan'l Merrill, Moses Woodbury, Wm. Stevens, Ebenezer Mason, and Peleg Chandler. In 1770, 61 persons subscribed to build a house of worship and the first Congregational meeting- house was erected. Rev. Mr. Foxcroft remained for about twenty years. In 1793 he resigned the pastorate. There were several new religious organizations formed soon after, rendering the parent church unable to support a regular pastor. In 1802 Rev. Elisha Mosely became pagtor and died in the pastoral 36 New Gloucester i Maine office in 1826, after a long and useful service. Subsequent pastors have been: Rev. Benj. Rice, 1828; Rev. Samuel H. Shepley, 1838; Newell A. Prince, 1848; Chas. Packard, 1854; Rev. W. R. Cross, 1865; Rev. Mr. Leavitt, 1879; F. D. Kelsey, 1880; Arthur Shirley, 1885; H. G. Mank, 1888; J. C. Gregory, 1897; and Herbert H. Noyes, 1898, the present pastor. The first meeting-house was replaced by the present building in 1838. This church building was extensively remodeled during Rev. Mr. Mank's pastorate; the organ and choir gallery were changed to the front of the church, and an alcove added for the pulpit. The parsonage was built about 1866. This church is now in a good working condition with a membership of 176. BAPTIST AND FREE BAPTIST SOCIETIES. By act of the General Court, 1790, Mr. John Woodman, and 72 others, were incorporated as the "Baptist Religious Society of New Gloucester and Gray". This was afterwaids divided, and John Allen, with 30 others, became incorporated in 1803 as the "Baptist Society of New Gloucester". In 1818, David Nelson, Isaac Gross, and thirty others, certified to the town clerk that they were members of an "Un- incorporated Particular Baptist Society", and had for their religious teacher, Elder Robt. Lowe, of this town. This society was afterwards known as the Calvinist Baptist Society, over which were settled many able, pious, and learned pastors. This society is now extinct. Services were held by the Free Baptists as early as 1780. A society was organized in 1786, and was incorporated in 1805 New Gloucester, Maine 37 as the General Provisional Anti-Pedobaptist Church. Meetings were held at the home of Rev. Ephraim Stinchfield from 1787, until 1809; then in a schoolhouse until the erection of the church in 1839. This was later used as a town house. Another church was erected, on Gloucester Hill, in 1848. This society generally employed settled pastors until about 20 years ago. The pulpit was then vacant until 1900 when Rev. G. H. Grey became pastor. He was succeeded in 1902 by Rev. W. H. Newell, and in 1903 by Rev. D. A. Gammon. This church is located near the Gray line, and the society contains many members from that town. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. There were many of this faith among those who withdrew from the First Parish Church during the last of the eighteenth ci ntury. Frequent services were held previous to their incor- poration in 1805. Rev. Thomas Barnes became the pastor in 1802, remaining until his decease, in 1816. A building was erected at Gray Corners in 1839. This was dedicated by Rev. Zenas Thompson, and occupied by this society for about 20 years, when it was sold to the Baptist society. Rev. Geo. G. Hamilton was preacher for this society for many years follow- ing 1876. From 1840 to that date several pastors were em- ployed. Previous to the fall of 1900 Rev. Mr. Andrews of Free- port preached here for two or three years, during which time the interior of the church in the eastern part of the town was remodeled and repaired. Miss Eleanor B. Forbes, the present 38 New Gloucester, Maine pastor, came to the church in the fall of 1900, since which time fourteen new members have been added to the church. But three of the old members are now left. A parish house, or vestry, was built last fall. SCHOOL ITEMS. In 1764 a public school was established at the center of the township, and there maintained until the town was incorpo- rated. A schoolmaster was employed, and the school kept in different parts of the town by turns until 1777. The school money was then divided into four parts, and each of the four districts drew its part according to its number of scholars. Agents to employ the teachers were chosen by the town. In 1790 a new district was formed, and in 1803 three new districts. In 1803 the school lands were divided among the eight dis- tricts, but subsequently formed into a school fund, amounting to $4939.93 in 1815. Not until 1823 did the several districts select their own agents to employ teachers and provide for the schools. A superintending school committee was chosen to look after the welfare of the several districts. In 1824 there were ten districts in town. In 1803 the sum of $600 was ap- propriated for a grammar school in four parts of the town. The development of the sohool system of this town com- pares favorably with that in surrounding rural towns. About 1860 there were fourteen school districts and twenty-two schools in town. The old district system has now been broken up, until nine schools, besides the high school, accommodate all the town's scholars. The sohool at the Upper Coi ner is held in New Gloucester, Maine 39 the neat two-story building, in the second story of which is the Centennial Hall, added by the school district in 1876. There are good school buildings in the other sections of the town. There were, in 1903, 183 scholars attending the common schools, maintained at an expense of around $25,000. HIGH SCHOOL. The present high school was established in 1900, when it was placed under the charge of E. P. Williams, who remained principal for two years. He was succeeded by James A. Ham- lin of Brunswick, in 1902. During the same year the new high school building was erected, and finished in the spring of 1903, soon after the opening of the spring term. This building is unique and striking in architecture, and commodious and con- venient in all its appointments. It is beautifully finished, and is fitted with the modern improvements generally found in such institutions. Mr. Hamlin remained for two years, during which time he did most excellent work in the school. The largest registration last year was 44, during the winter term, when the average attendance was 39. The present instructor, Mr. Adams, came to the school last fall. He is assisted by Miss Twombly. MILITARY MATTERS. Scarcely had this town become organized when clouds of war blackened the horizon, each arriving mail confirming the opinion that they were about to fall. Two companies of infantry, one of cavalry and one of artillery were formed, which included most of the men and boys within the town. A 40 JVew Gloucester, Maine long list of men fought in the Continental .Army, including Adj. John K. Smith, who served eight years and seven months, and was at Valley Forge under Washington; discharged in 1783. Capt. Benj. Hammond was killed at Ticonderoga. Capt. Isaac Parsons' company, of 55 men, mustered into service in May, 1776, for eight months' service, under Brig- Gen. Wadsworth. As many as 75 men from this town, or who settled here after the war, are known to have served in the Revolution, in the cause of American Independence. In the War of 1812, Lieut. Thomas Johnson, Jr., served under Gens. Hampton and McComb. CIVIL WAR ENLISTMENTS. J as. H. Averill, Wallace F. Atkins, Wm. Allison, Henry C. Allen, Clark P. Burgess, Sergt. Tillisfor Bailey, Wm. E. Blake, Ed. C. Butler, Chas. H. Cummings, Jos. Carney, Jno Cunningham, Adoniram A. Davis, Alvin Dawes, Leander F. Davis, Chester J. Dunn, Geo. D. Field, Horace N. Fields, Jno. S. Fogg, Chas. N. Fogg, Payson E. Fairfield, Robt. P. M. Greeley, Wm. C. Gowell, Francis L. Gower, Francis G. Gower, Geo. A. Green, Anthony B. Gould, Orin B. Hibberd, Jos. P. Hammond, Sullivan H. Haggett, Geo. S. Higgins, Wm. H. Hall, Edw. P. Harmon, Chas. Hartman, Emery A. Holman, Thos. H. Haskell, Geo. L. Harmon, Wm. C. Higgins, Asa Holman, Milton W. Holt, Jos. M. Hilton, Roscoe G. Jordan, Jno. Q. A. Jumper, Jno. Jenkins, Geo. E. Jumper, Chas. T. Jordan, Josiah F. Keene, M. Wm. Lunt, Michael Low, Andrew S. Lyon, Chas. S. Larrabee, Fred Larrabee, Peter Morrison, New Gloucester, Maine 41 Amos G. Merrill, Jno. Markett, David N. Merrill, Jeremiah McGlinch, Benj. Molntire, Jr., Edw. K. Mcintosh, Levi Mcln- tire, Wm. H. Merchant, Benj. B. Merrill, Davis W. Merrill, Jno. Meader, Orion I. Peterson, Chas. F. Plant, Hanson B. Pot- ter, Jno. F. Quimby, Wm. O. Russell, Justus H. Richards, Jno. Rand, David Rand, Stephen Rowe, Augustus Smith, Jas. Smith, Silas M. Smith, Albert P. Smith, Louvill Smith, Sam'l E. Stinch- field, Jos. F. Stevens, David M. Snow, Wm. Sweetser, Chas. E. Stubbs, Israel Thorn, Richard Thurlow, Julius Vincent, Albert S. Watts, David Watts, Alfred Y. Watts, Geo. E. Whitman, Chas. F. Woodbury, Alfred Y. Watts, Arthur Wormwood, Alfred R. Wormwood. Foreign Enlistments: Wm. E. Dennison, Silas H. Potter, Andrew H. Sawyer, A. Lorenzo Wormwood. Harry W. Farnham and Frank E. Stevens enlisted from this town, and served in the First Regiment during the Spanish- American War; Joseph F. Strout, now a resident, en- listed from Lewiston, and served in the heavy artillery. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Russell was probably the earliest practicing physician in town, coming as early as 1776. Wm. Bridgham came in 1792. Dr. Timothy Little was a famous practitioner and in- structor during the early part of the century, and was a pro- fessor at Bowdoin Medical School after practicing here. Dr. Benj. H. Mace, 1827; Dr. Joel Stevens, 1828 (died in 1835); Dr. Symonds Baker, 1829; Dr. Geo. Brickett; Dr. Boothbay; 42 New Gloucester, Maine Dr. John P. Stevens (died in 1875); Dr. David Clark, now in Portland; Dr. Benj. F. Sturgis and Dr. A. Q. Marshall, were all well known physicians during the early part and middle of the last century. Dr. John I. Sturgis has practiced medicine here since he came, about 1874. Dr. Alfred Salle, now in Auburn, was here at one time. LAWYERS. During the years from 1792 to 1805, when the courts sat here regularly each year, many noted judges presided, and not a few famous men of this order had their homes in town. Hon. Wm. Widgery, one of the most prominent men of his time, was a representative in the Twelfth Congress of the U. S. A. in 1810, and was judge of the Court of Common Pleas until his death, in 1832. Ezekiel Whitmaa practiced law in New Gloucester from 1802 to 1817, when he removed to Portland, and became chief justice of the Superior Court of Maine. A. K. Paris and Josiah W. Mitchell read law in his office while here. Nathan Weston, judge of the Superior Court, came in 1806; removed in 1809. Gen. Samuel Fes*.enden began practice here in 1809, and remained eight years. Peleg Chandler, a student in his office here, became judge of the Court of Sessions in 1809, and after- wards moved to Augusta; died in 1848. William and Osgood Bradbury, brothers, were early phy- sicians in t<>wn. For several years there has been no resident lawyer. New Gloucester, Maine 43 ITEMS OF INTEREST. NEW GLOUCESTER AND DANVILLE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. This association was incorporated Dec. 8, 1890, succeed- ing the New Gloucester and Danville Agricultural Society. There were 22 members. The annual exhibitions and trots are held at the old grounds of the former organization, located in the valley of the Royal river, near Upper Gloucester. The pur- pose of this organization is the advancement of agriculture, horticulture, and the general interests of husbandry. Two days' fair are generally held each year, but in 1903 this was changed to a three days' session. The neat grand stand and the judges' stand were bought of the Gray Park Association, which was an organization of the same nature operated at Gray village up to 1902. There are also a new water tank and sheds. The association is in good working order, and is well attended. The officers for 1905 are 0. H. Campbell, Pres.; .]. D. Kirkpatrick, Vice Pres.; J. P. Witham, Sec; Geo. W. Haskell, Treas. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. New Gloucester Grange, No. 28, organized September, 1874, had 18 charter members. The organization was made in the old Town Hall, where the meetings were held for several years. From 1885 to 1897 they were held at the Grange Hall, in the lower part of the town. The present hall at the Lower Corner was bought of M. R. Berry in 1900. The first Master 44 New Gloucester, Maine was Solomon Plummer. Masters since 1892: Chas. N. Fogg, Geo. W. Hatch, Joseph S. True, J. W. Rideout, John W. True, Frank Cummings, S. F. Sweetser, and Joseph S. True, elected in 1904. Officers for 1905: J. S. True, M.; 8. F. Sweetser, O.; A. D. True, Lee; Sarah M. True, Sec. S. F. Sweetser is a member of the Executive Committee of the State Grange. Sabbathday Lake Grange, No. 365, was organized in the fall of 1900, with about 25 charter members. Brackets Hall was used as a place of meeting until the new hall, dedicated Oct. 16, 1903, was opened for use. This is located at the south end of Sabbathday Lake, and was built by the organization at a cost of about $2000; it is used for rdigious and agricultural pur- poses. The Masters have been Chas. W. Shackford, Davis A. Merrill, C. W. Shackford, and E. C. Hackett, elected for 1905. Other officers for 1905 are A. C. Hodgkins, Over.; Dr. Geo. Ellenwood, Lee; and Mrs. E. C. Hackett, Sec. OTHER ITEMS. A beautiful free public library was erected at the village in 1896. For this a liberal sum was received from the Walker library fund, and a generous appropriation made by the town. This is located near the town house and the new high school building. There is a good assortment of over 4000 volumes. Miss Helen A. Mosley is librarian. The new Masonic Hall at Upper Gloucester is one of the finest structures in town. This was erected in 1902, and dedi- cated in June, 1903, commemorating the centennial anniversary of the organization of Cumberland Lodge. New Gloucester, Maine 45 SHAKER VILLAGE, AND SOCIETY. The people of this interesting community, whose farm of 2000 acres is situated on the west shore of Sabbathday Lake, near the western corner of the town, are deserving of especial mention. The Shaker Society, of which there are several communities in New York and New England, was founded by Ann Lee. She came to America in 1774, soon after which she had gained quite a following, and established the first American community of Shakers at Niskayuna, now Watervliet, N. Y. In November, 1782, Elisha Pote, Nathan Freeman, Joseph Stone and Enoch Waite came from Gorham, Me., into what was then called Thompson Pond Plantation, and held meetings in the house of Gowen Wilson, Sr. Mr. Pote was the leading speaker, but all were preachers and singers, and soon their clear reasoning and convincing ways won many converts to their faith. Among these were Gowen Wilson, Nathan, James and Edmund Merrill, Josiah, Simeon and Gersham Merrill, Thomas Pote, Samuel Pote, Barnabas and Ephraim Briggs, and Thomas Cushman, together with their wives and children, and many others. These were organized into a society April 19, 1794, under the leadership of Elder John Barnes from Alfred, Robert McFarland from Gorham, and Eldresses Sarah Kendall and Lucy Prescott from Harvard, Mass. The first Board of Trustees appointed were Nathaniel Merrill and Barna- bas Briggs, who at once commenced to build the present settle- ment. The meeting-house, now standing, was raised the follow- ing June, and was finished and ready for occupancy on 46 New Gloucester, Maine Christmas Day. The central dwelling was completed soon after. From this time this was the scene of great activity, the brick, nails, building material, and many other articles needed by the community were made by members of the society. A grist mill had been built by the combined labor of the brethren, in 1786, on a little stream about forty rods east of their present stately mill. In 1796 a saw mill was built. In this building were later installed turning lathes and card machines, which were transferred to the present mill when that was erected in 1853. The manufacture of cloth by the sisters, and the manu- facture of wooden ware, preparing garden seeds for the market, and returns from the labor of the men on the farm, gave them financial success. From that time to the present this community has main- tained their integrity, and have gained the admiration and re- spect of those who know them best. They are peculiar only in their manner of domestic relations, and this manner is con- sidered peculiar only because uncommon. They are accounted to be of the best people of the county, law-abiding, honest, in- dustrious, and extremely hospitable. They have changed the nature of their manufactured articles from time to time. The chief maintainanee of the community at the present time is the returns received from the sale of the sisters' work, the product of the farm, and the manufacture of boxes in which Poland water is shipped. Cloaks made after the pattern of those worn by the Shaker sisters one hundred years ago are now made of fancy and elegant material, and are in great demand by those in fashionable circles for opera cloaks. Work baskets, hair New Gloucester, Maine 47 brushes, needle and pin cushions, and many other fancy articles are made by them, and orange peel, lemon peel, and nuts are preserved; all of which are sold at Poland Springs, Mt. Desert, Rangeley Lakes, and other fashionable summer resorts. At present there are 46 members. A new cottage was erected for the little girls' home two years ago. An efficient water system was installed at the same time, and the several homes are connected by local telephone with one another, while the Pine Tree line connects the community with the business world. The Novitiate Order, which moved to Poland from Gorham, in 1819, and formed the village formerly located about a mile north of this, was sold to Hiram Pucker & Sons in 18S7, and the family removed to this village. There are now but two of this order living; Adeline Haskell, and her daughter, Elizabeth. The organization of the United Society oonsists firstly of the ministry composed of four members and presiding over two or more societies. Second in importance are the elders who preside at the head of each family, and third are the trustees to whom is intrusted tho management of the temporal and financial affairs of the community. Space allows us to name only those now filling these offices, but we would add that they are the worthy successors to a long list of noble men and women whose consecrated devotion to the welfare and integrity of the society has left behind them an honored and respected memory. The Ministry of the Bishopric, presiding over this and the Community at Alfred consists of Elder William Dumont, Eldress Lizzie M. Noyes, and Eldress Elizabeth Haskell. 48 New Gloucester, Maine The management and members of the New Gloucester community are as follows: (These names are not repeated in the general Census; their postoffice address is Sabbathday Lake). ELDERS. William Dumont, Lizzie Noyes, Prudie Stickney. TRUSTEES. Wm. Dumont, Lizzie Noyes, Amelia G. Mace. LITTLE GIRLS' MATRON. Ada S. Cummings. MEMBERS. MALES. Delmar Wilson, farm fore. Washington Jones, sales. John Dorriugton, asst. far. Geo. Reynolds, poultry kpr. John Pine, painter. Pliny Worcester, retd. Walter Chace, pi. Milan Corey, pi. Hiram Bailey, pi. Clarendo Farmer, pi. Fred Atwood, pi. Michael Donnavan, lab. FEMALES Sirena Douglass, deaconesN. Sarah Fletcher, deaconess. Amanda Stickney, deaconess. Mary Page, off. asst. Arvilla Morrison, retd. Adaline Haskell, retd. Laura Love, matron. Clara Stuart, matron. Jennie Mathews, matron. Laura Bailey, matron. Kathleen McTigue, matron. Clair Chace, teacher. Mamie Curtis, mus. teacher. Lizzie Bailey, ho. Viola Daniels, ho. Iona Sedgley, ho. Rosemond Drake, ho. Gladys Daniels, ho. Lilla Dale Bubier, ho. Clara Blanchard, ho. GIRLS. Bell Fickett, pi. Eva May Cochran, pi. Everline. Knight, pi. Emma Freeman, pi. Myrtle Gallishan, pi. Irene Cochran, pi. Ruth Miller, pi. Rubv Hatch. Census, 1905. The population of the towns of Gray and New Gloucester has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the towns. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. The non-residents are indicated by the star (*). In case a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthesis ( ), preceded by a small (m). Following the names of the population is the occupation. To designate the occupations we have used the more coram >n abbreviations and contractions. Some of these follow: Farmer — far; carpenter — car; railroad service — R. R. ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning — stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools — pi; housework — ho; laborer — lab; physician — phy; clergyman — clerg; merchant — mer; teacher — tr; blacksmith — blk; clerk — cl; book-keeper — bk kpr; lawyer — law; mechanic — mech; engineer — eng; insur- ance — ins; maker — mkr; worker — wkr; work — wk; carriage work — car wk; painter — ptr; electrician — elec; poultryman — pit; mill operative — mill op; lumberman — lum; teamster — team; shoe shop work — s s wk; mariner — mar. 50 Gray, Maine The address of Gray residents who have no address given is GRAY. Other addresses are abbreviated as follows: North Gray — No. ; East Gray—JE^sf; West Gray —; Dry Mills — Dry M. The address of New Gloucester residents, when not ex- pressed is NEW GLOUCESTER. Upper Gloucester is abbreviated thus — Up. ; Sabbathday Lake — Said. LJc. ; Inter- vale — Int. ; Danville Junction — Danv. Jet. Out of town post- offices: Portland — Port.; North Yarmouth — No. Yar. Rural Free Deliverv routes are designated thus: No. 1 ; No. 2. This census was taken expressly for this work during December, 1904, by R. A. Weston and L. A. Reed, of Readfield, and F. E. Daggett, of Topsham, Maine. GRAY RESIDENTS. A Allen, Josiah W., Adams, C. S., car & far Almeda (Skillings), hw Lillian E., farmer hw farmer pupil *Harry O., Harvey E., John P., Eugene, Adams, John S., Chas. S., Ida F. (Field), Frank, teacher Ella ' mill op Allen, Roscoe G., blk, Dry M Madison Grace G. (Hippie), hw farmer Allen, W infield S., far, West pupil -Allen, Eunice (Whitten), hw, pupil West retd Allen, Frank A., far, West car ., salesman Lena P., student Stevens, L. O., salesman Mary (Stevens), ho Merl C. Stevens, J. W., merchant Ellen M. (Cobb), ho Geo. M. Small, W. S., farmer Carrie S. (Sawyer), ho Lena C, pupil Frank M. E., pupil Small, W. A., farmer Minnie B. (Libby), ho Ina M., pupil Mertie D., pupil Smith, D. N., farmer Abbie J. (Stewart), ho Silas B., farmer Smith, J. E., farmer Smith, A. T., farmer Maryetta E. ( Littlefield ) , ho *ErnestT\, mer, Appleton, Wis * Jennie M. (m Edwards), Boston, Mass Smith, J. E., far, East Thankful B.,( Whitney ),ho Alice M., pupil Smith, Tilda Smith, H., lab Abbie (Cobb), ho *William, lab, Kenoshu, Wis *Iva, Rockland Sawyer, Chas. G., lab, No Josephine (Sawyer), lab 72 Gray, Maine Sawyer, J. M., lab Nora (Sawyer), ho Maud B., student Bessie M., student Velmar M., pupil Johnnie M., pupil Lucelia A. Fred I. Sawyer, F. D., lab Susie (Hall), ho Roscoe H., lab Roscoe G., drug elk Sawyer S. W., lab, No Martha J. (Little), ho Sawyer, F. II., lab, No Sawyer, W., far, East Louise M. (Perley), ho Sawyer, Sarah J. (Rand), ho John M., lab Lewis E., el *Annie M. (mFitts), Yarmouth Parker L., farmer *Sadie B. (m Farnharn), New Glouces: er Dana, farmer Albert E., pupil Sawyer, G. S., Ear, No Nellie E. (Chase), ho Hannibal W., wrk Lizzie A. (m Donavon), ho *Bertha C, Westbrook Walter L, lab Oren H., pupil G. Freeman, pupil Sadie E., pupil Sawyer, H. M., mer, No Addie C. (Staples), ho Perley C, student Ralph W., pupil Sawyer, F., farmer, East Florence M. (Low), ho Percy W., laborer Eva N., ho Henry C, pupil Sawyer, Jennette B., East Frank, farmer Sawyer, H. J., farmer Alice E. (Dammon), ho Harriet H., pupil Harold J. Skillings, Harriet L , ho Sawyer, J. D., farmer Clara (Thayer), ho Mary H. (m Barton), ho Gray, Maine 7S *Cora (m Porter), No Yar Samuel, farmer Reuben, farmer Johnnie, farmer Susie, ho Harris, clerk Winnie, student Sawyer, L. E., laborer Alice E. (Morey), ho Saratta, pupil Edwin James E. Small, I., farmer, No Asenath (Witham), ho Sawyer, Blanche, ho, No Sawyer, G., farmer Phebe E. (Prince), ho Geo., farmer Herbert J., farmer * Lizzie (m Harmon), Westbrook Chas., R. R. ser Clarence, lab Ira P., lab Emma (m Tweedie), ho Joseph P. Sawyer, W., retd Small, Lois B., retd Small, W. H., farmer Mabel E. (Libby), ho Sweetser,Sarah A.(Johnson),ho *Mary J. (m Perarley), San Fransisco, Cal *Susan (m Gates), N. Y. Perley, G. W., farmer Shaw, Willie P., far, West Nellie (Adams), ho Florence M., pupil Shaw, Alva, far, Dry M *Ella (m ), Port Skillings, Chas. E., far, West Sarah J. (Hechler;, ho Frederick E. Skillings, Albert, far, West George Isabella (Hanna), ho Eleanor John A. Skillings, Sam'l T., far, West Susan S. (Huston), ho Chas. E., farmer Fenwick N., farmer *Etta L. (m Moulton), Windham Skillings, E. S., blk, West 74 Gray, Maine Ella M. (Frank), ho Skillings, Harriet E., ho Skillings, Pamelia, ho Skillings, Chandler H., far Addie (Elwell), ho *Nettie E., Buckston, Can Albion C, farmer Edward E., farmer Hattie J., ho Stanley, pupil Martha P., pupil Amelia F., pupil Elmer A., pupil Small, F. M., fish dlr, Dry M Lucie J. (Quint), ho Wilbur A., mason *Leon L., mason, Port Virgie E., pupil Small, John H., far, No 1 Nellie F. (Weymouth), ho Irving W., farmer Florence A., pupil Small, A. J., farmer Annie ( Mitchell ), ho (J race M. Vernon S. Forest Small, Wilbur, mason, Dry M Sadie (Nichols), ho Olive, pupil Evander Small, Hattie ( ), ho * Pearl (m Smith), Ohio *(}race, Steep Falls Smith, A. G., millman, Dry M Lucy (Jackson), ho * Walter M., team, Port *Carrie M. (m Blake), Dickvale *Chas. C, paper mkr, Yarmouth *Margaret A. (m Hodg- kins), Hanover *John (i., team, Port Ralph S., car Leon K., pupil (ieo. E., pupil Stiles, Chas., farmer Susie (m Hanson), ho Ethel, ho Stiles, Stephen W., farmer Olive M. (Doughty), ho Stimson, Horace ()., butcher Augusta M. (Fling), ho *Frank W., musi, Port Gray, Maine 75 *Annie B. (m Hamilton), Yarmouth *Harry O., cattle dlr & butcher, Norway Strout, E. C, far & millman Dry M Isabel M. (May), ho Felissa I. Murita J. Strout, Wm., Dry M Strout; Freedom H., far, Dry M Phoebe (Verrill), ho Harvey C, pupil Lewis H., pupil Strout, Wm. H., far, Dry M *Abner T., far, Bethel *Ellen F. (m Vurrill), New Gloucester Ephriam C, farmer Strout, Sarah J. (Strout), ho Freedom H., farmer *Mary E. (m Hansom), So Windham *Maria (m Verrill), So Windham *Woodbury, millman So Windham Strout, Washington, far, Dry M Sarah (Tripp), ho Lorenzo, farmer Storey, Melissa (Louyselle),ho Dry M *Bradley, Canon, Vt Storey, Edward II., eng, Dry M Stuart, Sam'l C, lab, Dry M Annie P. (Frank), ho Stuart, C. M., far, West Elsie J. (Libby), ho Chas. F., pupil Stinchfield, Muriel, pupil Small, L. G., farmer Hattie E. (Libby), ho Clifford C, pupil Gladys M., pupil Ida M., pupil Iza E., pupil Wendall G., pupil Edith C. Sweetser, W. B., nier Leonora W. (Whitney) Helen M. Mary R. Willard M. Alice W. Snow, Abbie J., ho Geo.^W., lab 76 Gray, Maim Mertelle K., teacher Wilmar A., pupil Lauris P., pupil Stimson, K. S., farmer Delia A. (Robbing), ho *Grace L. (m Bennett), Gilead ♦Gertrude M. (m Leigh- ton), Cumberland Theophilus, lab Chas. R., lab Mary J., student T Tyler, Hattie A., ho Tinkham, F. A., lab Christina (Maier), ho Ralph E. Tripp, Chas. F., lab Georgianna P. (Storey), milnr ♦Leonard B., U. S. A., Ft Preble *Chas. F., far, Canton Pt *Herbert L., U. S. A., Ft Assinniboine Thurlow, Rosana (Thurlow) Nina M., student Carolus, farmer Johanna P. (m Estes), ho *John W., lab, Norway Willis B., farmer Belle C, ho Sewell P., lab Truman L. Thurlow, Sarah M., ho Thayer, Chas., blk Josie (Berry), ho Ruth P., pupil Thurlow, Richmond, lab, Dry M Emily (Jackson), ho Almeda (m Morrill) *Belle, ho, Oxford Harry Thurlow, Chas. H., lab, Dry M Thurlow, Elmer, lab, Dry M Annie (Barrows), ho Lottie L. Alma Thurlow, Nelson, pupil Thurlow, John Thompson. Chas., farmer Alice (Mayberry), ho Frank W., student Thompson, Alice L. (Thomp- son), ho Gray, Maine 77 Perley C, pupil Howard, pupil Thompson, Geo. L., farmer Chas. L., farmer Roger S., farmer Geo. W., farmer Ebenezer B., farmer Nellie G. (m Burns), ho Alice L., ho Thompson, Geo. W., lab, Dry M Allie G., lab Carrie, ho Maud A. (Mace), ho Edna, pupil Harvey, pupil Olive C, pupil Harold, pupil Tripp, Lewis, lab, Dry M Tripp, Julia, ho, Dry M Thompson, Emma A. (Foster) Arthur E., lab Mary E., ho Mildred A., ho Edith G., ho J. Herbert, lab Thompson, H., farmer Hannah E. (Ram8dell),ho *Laura S. (m Berry), Amesbury, Mass Cora L., (m Witham), ho Frank M., farmer Thompson, E. B., farmer Victoria R. (Verrill), ho Clara M., pupil Bertrand, pupil Jennie B. V Vinton, W. II., retd Verrill, James, far, Dry M Verrill, Chas., lab, Dry M Flora (Hodgkins), ho Villa (m Goff), ho Randall, lab Verrill, Alvin, far, Dry M Verrill, Joseph L., Dry M Hattie (Hodgkins) Edward, pupil Emma E., pupil Alphonzo Verrill, Howard, millman, Dry M Jennie E. (Libby), ho *Xena (m Humphrey), New Gloucester Clark L., student 78 Gray, Maine Merle E., pupil Verrill, Lewis, far, Dry M EllaM. (Whitman), ho Jennie S., ho Verrill, Lewis, far, Dry M Anna (Verrill), ho Lawrence Verrill, Bealey, far, Dry M Mary (May), ho Lewis, farmer *Dwinnell, paper rnkr, Gorham *Phcebe (m Strout), ho Ermo, ho Nellie, pupil Verrill A., farmer Lydia A., ho *Jannie (m Merrill), Yarmouth Herbert A., farmer Ernest R. Jonnie E. Charlie Verrill, Elsie A., ho Verrill, H. N., agt, No Emma G. (Jackson), ho Nellie A., pupil Arthur, pupil Robert B., pupil Ruth Elsie G. Verrill, V., far, East Etta M. (Brett), ho Henry A. Verrill, H. A., far Lydia A. (Huff), ho Lillian B., pupil Albert N., pupil Nellie, pupil Mabel Ruth w Whitney, W. T., barber Ella (Ramsdell), ho Harland Whitney, A. J., lab Anna M. (Conley), ho Ella M. .lohn H. Mary L. Elizabeth L. Whitney, Mary E., ho Whitney, C, lab Agnes (Foster), ho Hazel Whitney, Emeline, , ho Gray, Maine 79 *Ellen (m Leighton), W Cumberland *Hattie M. (m Webb), Windham *Emma (m Monfort), So Port *Carrie (m Loritig), No Yar Whitney, Miria F., ho Whitney, O., farmer Ida F. (Libby), ho Anna A., student Albert N., student Fred T., s.tudent Webster, S., farmer Miria C. (Bennett), ho Lucy E., ho Percy R., pupil Webster, F., farmer Nellie L. (Allen), ho Harriet P., pupil Martha B., pupil Weeks, O. W., retired Webster, Martha A., No Wing, W. H., farmer Helen E. (Holland), ho Everett W. Fred H. Winter, S., lab Woodbury, J. F., lab Hattie J. (Colley), ho Hazel M., pupil Lillian C, pupil Amos C, pupil Witham, W., farmer Elizabeth ( m Farwell), ho Witham, J., lab Cora L., ho Robert P., pupil Mary M. Wallace, J. R., pupil Wren, S., millman Bessie, ho Chester, pupil Clarence, pupil Wentworth, E. H., far, Dry M Albert, far Weymouth, Saml., far, No Witham, Otis, far, No 1 Martha F. ( S ymonds), ho Stanley H., pupil Harold O., pupil Witham, Wm. H., mason, Dry M Eunice (Verrill), ho 80 Gray, Maine *Hattie E. (m Sharp), Lewiston Ada P., ho •Frank E., lab, Poland Spring Witham, Joshua, far, No Mary E. (Weymouth), ho Wm. H., mason EllaN. (mVerrill) Whitney, James O., lab Flora (Foster), ho *Bertha (m Jones), So Windham Whitney, Walter S., far, West Alice M. (Dingley), ho Whitney, Thos. G., far & car Emma R. (Blake), ho Wilbert Ethel M., student Earle L., student Woodbury, Ellen F., (Libby) Note : — For explanation of Post Office abbreviations, and abbreviations used for occupations see introduction at begin- ning of Gray Census, page 49. NEW GLOUCESTER CENSUS. Atwood, Chas. R., merchant Nellie J. (Brackett), ho Marion J. Ayer, Sarah (Witham), ho Clarence W., farmer Dana E., blk John C, blk Harold F., farmer Ayer, Dana E., blk Helen M. (Mclntire), ho Carroll R. Adkins, Benj. S., farmer, Up Lydia (Waldin), ho Ayer, S., farmer, Int Elvira (Jones), ho Nancy, ho James, farmer Julia, ho Ayer, C. W., farmer, Up Annie M. (Pitts), ho Applebee, Angie A. (Tibbetts), ho *Perley A., lab, Greenville Bailey, Mary E. (Ward), No 1 Hanson L., student Edna, student Bennett, Miltimore W., lab Sophia E. (Conly), ho Achsah W. (m Day) *J. Edward, far, NoYar *Lizzie (m Collie), Poland Spr Geo. G., R R ser Sophia (m Sweetzer) Bennett, David A., retired Bennett, C. P., farmer, No 1 Hattie E. (Woodbury ), ho Aileen H. Bennett, Lucy A. (Small), No 1 *Maria (m Webster), No Gray James E., farmer *Annie E. (m Coombs), Auburn Bennett, Jas E., farmer, No 1 James E. Jr., pupil 82 New Gloucester, Maine Bennett, Geo., R R ser Sadie H. (Hellin), bo Benson, Gib Z., farmer, No 1 *Harden G., far, Kingfield Berry, L. C, cobbler Helen M. (Cloudinan), ho *Herbert, tr, Westbrook * Alice G. (m Libby) Everett, Mass Berry, Frank W., farmer, No 1 Flora R. (Rideout), ho Annie T., ho Walter, farmer Harlan, pupil Willard M. Berry, Levi, lab Berry, Judge, retired, Int Emma (Record^ ho George, pupil Randall, pupil Gertrude, pupil Sherman Hermon Berry, Leonard W., far, No 1 Cora (Thayer), ho Carleton F., student Hazel, pupil Boynton, Francis .1., tar, No 1 Ellen E. (Moore), ho Leon M., pupil Lillian E., pupil Minnie E., pupil Laura M., pupil Brackett, Horace, far, No 1, So Poland Brown, Daniel, lab Berry, Timothy, farmer, Up Mary J. (Farwell), ho Lewis, farmer Chas., farmer Colby G., farmer Burgess, L., lab, Up Viola (Knight), ho *Harry L., lab, Danv Jet Elsie M., pupil Blake, P. A., far & millman,Up Mary (Jordan), ho Bickford, Sarah (Lane) * Willis B., R R ser Readfield Depot * Elmer E., drug elk Portsmouth, N H Mary L., P M & teacher Blake, P. A., millman, Int Mary E. (Jordan), ho Bickford, Silas C, farmer, Up New Gloucester^ Maine 83 FlorindaT. (Stinchfield), ho *Silas C, farmer, Hubbardston, Mass *Sumner, eng, So Brewer *Pembroke D., mer, New York City *Elvira, (in Chute), Lynn, Mass Brackett, Chas., farmer, No 1, So Poland Hattie D. (Edwards), ho William, student Ralph B., pupil Arthur W., pupil Everett Brackett, Walter, mer, No 1 So Poland *Alfreda (m Emery), ho, W Poland Hattie E. (Chase), ho Bachelder, M. A. (Dutton),ho ♦Augusta A. (m Houtz), Clyde, Kan *Inez L. (m Heath), Rumford Falls Brown, Jos. L., farmer, Up Mary C. (Lunt) *Ezra P., farm wk, No 2, Mechanic Falls Bonney, Henry S., farmer, Up Frances M. (Hoyt), ho *Francis H. cl, So Poland Homer W., student Alice K., student Blanche E., pupil Berry, Lewis, farmer, No. 1 Helen (Wescott), ho Aunis M., pupil Ernest G. Boothby, Lucy A. (Holmes), retd, Sabd Lake Brown, Alvin, blk, Up Sarah F. (Jordan), ho *GertrudeL. (m McKay), ho, Reading, Mass *Leon E., car, Woodfords Brown, Lizzie E. (Bickford) *Nellie L. (m Kingsbury ), ho, Waterbury, Conn Berry, A. R., lumber contr, Up Emma M. (Freeman), ho *Flossie E., cl, Foxboro, Mass *MattieM.(m McDonald), ho, Mechanic Kails 84 New Gloucester, Maine Zeri A., pupil Buck, John J., saw mill, Up Mary L. (Greeley), ho Briggs, J. H., farmer, Int Eva L. (Dow), ho Elsie M., ho Blake, W. E., farmer, Int Lucy A. (Witham), ho *Ervin E., mer, Freeport *Ernest C, physician, Boothbay Har *Cecil L., lawyer, Boston, Mass Bennett H. S., farmer, Int Emma F. (Clark), ho Nelson C. Wilson H. Blake, H. B., farmer Lizzie E. (Sawyer), ho Fred B., pupil Almeda D., pupil Blake, Sarah S., ho Burgiss, Walace, farmer Mary (Hunnewell), ho Charlie W., lab Gertrude, ho Mabel, pupil Grace, pupil Burrill, A. P., car, No 1, Int Nettie W. (Wells), ho c Carsley, Harriet B. (Blake), No 1, Int C. W., farmer Geo. F., farmer & barber Carsley, Geo. F., far & barber Ida M., (Lamb), ho Chandler, Catherine C. (Cun- ningham) Andrew C, farmer Charles P., lumberman Fred H., farmer Roland C, farmer Chandler, Andrew C, far, No 1 Cora E. (Bean), ho *Robert F., draftsman, Roanoke, Va Bernard A., student Sara A., student Chandler, Chas. P., lumb Elizabeth W. (Smith), ho Marion Donald C. Warren S. Chandler, Roland C, farmer Emma N. (Parker), ho New Gloucester, Maine 85 Mildred Evelyn Chandler, Fred H., far, No 1 Anna Teresa (Potter), ho Margaret Potter Philip Raymond Chadburne, Geo., far, No 1, Int Emily D. (Sanborn), ho *J. Wilbur, cl, Somerville, Mass *Ernest C, cl, 73 Rush, Somerville, Mass Chadburne, Lloyd H. Cobb, Wm F., far, No 1, Int Flora B. (Morse), ho Cobb, Lucie S. (Fogg), retired Marcia G. (m Sweetsir) Cressy, Ellen (Strout), ho *Lucy (m Bryan), Westbrook *Wildie (m Cressy), Lisbon Falls *Georgia (m Harriman), Westbrook *Stella|(m Dray), Boston, Mass *Sumner, Hiram *Josie, ho, Yar Cummings, Frank, mech Lottie P. (Bennett), ho ♦Gertrude E. (m Martin), Woodfords *Lillian F., ho, Woodfords *Lizzie E., student, Port *Ernest M., student, Port Cummings, C. H., ptr, No 1, Int *Harry F., R R ser,— Cal *RalphP.,RR ser,Auburn Joanna (Parsons), ho Curtis, Lucy (Rowe), retired Nellie A. (m Lombard), ho Carpenter, Mellen, farmer, No 1 So Poland Lucy (Wilson), ho Ethel M., at home Carver, Chas. B., farmer, Danv Jet Rosa A. (Pendleton), ho Carver, Jas. W., inventor, Danv Jet Rose (Campbell), ho S. Jennie, trained nurse Chas. B., farmer *Jaraes W., U S A, Ft Ethan Allen, Vi 86 New Gloucester^ Maine Chick, Sarah E. (Hanscom), retd, Up Oobb, Edwin S., far, Up Jennie S. (Estes), ho Chipman, John C. G., lab, No 1 Chase, Chas. S., far, Up Georgie A. (Monroe), ho * Frank B., shoe mkr, 25 Parker, Auburn *Edward P., bk kpr, Nogales, Ariz Churchill, F. T., far, No 1 Laura E. (Verry), ho Cecil V., pupil Velma D., pupil Cash, Luella (Sampson), ho, Up Carver, Edw. F., lab, Up Florence L. (Lunn), ho Harry LaF., pupil Hazel M., pupil Olive L. Isaphine J. Coglan, Wm. T., far, Up Delia (Tolrnan), ho Corliss, W. H., far, Up Betsey F. (Bartlett), ho Leroy W., jobber Corliss, L. W., jobber, Up Ethel E. (Pope), ho * Bessie (ni Ford), ho, Deering Florence K. Carpenter, Frank, lab, Sabd Lake *Lillian (m McGowen), ho, Pownal *Stephen, mill wrk, Berlin, N H Campbell, Otis, Sabd Lake Augusta (Allen), ho Kuth E. Cummings, N. M., far, Int Asenith (Marston), ho Copp, F. A., retd, Int Lizzie M. (Merrill), ho Chas. W., pupil Clark, M. C, far, Int Lorana M. (Snow), ho *Eva I. (m Ham), E Deering Ella (m Merrill), ho S. Clifton Cunningham, May E., tr, Int D Doughty, G. W., far, Int New Gloucester, Maine 87 Mae T. (Haynes), ho Hazel E. Alma S. Dunn, Florence, tr, Int Davis, Benj., retd, No 1, So Poland Martin, lab *Carrie (m Foster), Gray Day, C. H., far, No 1, So Poland Ellen (Merrill), ho Day, Leniual, section boss Achsah (Bennett), ho Louise, pupil Dudley, Frank H., sales, No 1 Mabel G. (Griffin), ho Frank H., Jr., pupil Dutton, Geo., far, No 1, Int Grace A. (Sawyer), ho Dunlap, O. C, far, Int Florence J. ( Witham), ho Vesta E., ho Ernest A.> pupil Elmer E., pupil Oren L., pupil Dodge, Eliza ( Wentworth), Up Dolloft, C. R., far, Up Ora V. (Blake), ho Geo. R., pupil Harold L., pupil Stella, pupil Mildred Marion Dunn, H. M., far, Lewiston Jet *Albert H., teacher, Fort Collins, Colo Nellie A. (Dyer), ho Florence M., teacher Harry N., pupil *Dyer, Fredk. W., head cl 372 Cumberland, Port Dunham, Alonzo, far, No 1 Davis, Catherine O. (Scott), Int *Geo. W., lab, Pownell Ctr *Lorenzo J., lab, Kirkland, N B James M., lab *Ira (m Gomrn), Staceyville Charley O., lab Davis, G. W., far, Int Margurite (Rooney), ho Geo. W., farmer 88 New Gloucester, Maine Robert W., farmer Annie (m Briraer), ho Katie, pupil Davis, I. S., far, Int Eva M. (Smith), ho Gladys E., pupil AdaM. E Edwards, Jere, farmer, No 1, So Poland Mary A. (Benson), ho Elwood, lab *Geo., farmer, No 1, So Poland *Bertha (m Bubier), ho, So Poland Gertrude, ho Lillian, ho Eveleth, Wm. II., farmer, Up Ida(Estes), ho *Robert H., sawyer, Cumberland Ctr Erma J., ho Arthur, lab Albert J., student Edgar, pupil Eveleth, Geo. L. P., retired,Up Margaret E. (m Jordan), ho *Nat'l, farmer, Auburn *Geo. L., editor, Preston, Idaho *Frank A., clerk, Minidoka, Idaho M. Louise (Jackson), ho Edward, Harrison, far, No 1 Elora E. (Rowe), ho Agnes M., teacher Evie E., student Edith L., student Arthur H., pupil Reginald H. Emerson, Caleb, lab, No 1 Edwai'ds, Frank, farmer No Raymond Emily, (Sawyer), ho Gardner, lab * Blanche, (m Edwards), ho Edwards, Richard, retired, Sabd Lake Caroline (May), ho *Fred, far, So Poland Clarence E., farmer Silas N., farmer New Gloucester, Maine 89 Edwards, Fred, far, So Poland Mary M. (Walker), ho Ethel E., pupil Fred L., pupil Caroline E. Ellis, Marrion, farmer, No 1, So Poland Maria (Hodgkins), ho Hazel Emery, C. N., farmer, No l,Int Maud (Searles), ho Hazel M., pupil Frank H., pupil Estes, Margaret, (Strout), Up Alverdo, mill wk *Jeanette (m Dunn), ho, Poland Winfield, farmer Ida (m Eveleth), ho Luella (m Segars) Charles, farmer *Helen (m Stanton), h Mechanic Falls *Lillian (m Jordan), Mechanic Falls *John E., Mechanic Falls ^Clarence, Kittery Point Jennie S. (m Cobb), ho Estes, Chas. S., mill wk, Up Ella F. (Merrill), ho J. Merton, mill ma n *Julia B., ho, Auburn T. Augustus, lab Stella M., student Florence M., student Weston M., pupil Estes, Alverdo, saw mill, Up Mary (Lane), ho Ethel (m Sawyer), ho Ellis, Wilson C, saw mill, No 1, So Poland Ella E. (Rowell), ho Marrion A., lab Nora B. (m Hodgkins), ho Bertran N., team Aldana L., pupil Estes, Chas. A., farmer Adeline P. (True), ho Elmer L., student Estes, Winfield S., far, No 1 Mary A. (Eveleth), ho *Abbie E., ho, Roxbury, Mass Herbert W., farmer Florence, student Doris E., student 90 New Gloucester, Maine Harvey L., pupil Agnes M., pupil F Farwell, Lyndon, canner Grace D. (Morrill), ho Norman Field, Geo. D., farmer, No 1 Nellie D., (Davis), ho Fickett, M. L., farmer, Int Josephine B. ( Sawyer),ho Leon S., pupil Earle C, pupil Fogg, R. W., lab, Int Lucy M. (m Sewell), ho *Ethel W., teacher, Rumford Falls Carrie S., ho Arthur M., pupil Fogg, C. M., farmer, Int Frances E. (Richards), ho *()rie R. (m Laughton), Somerville, Mass Farnum, Samuel M., far, No 1 Lucia, (Hagar), ho ^Florence (m Hooper), Six-mile Fls, Bangor *S. Merritt, Jr., law, Auburn *Imogene S., teacher, W. Whiteland, Pa., * Harry W., clerk, Everett, Mass Frank P., student Frost, Warren, far, Up S. Elizabeth (Fox), ho Foss, Elbridge, retired, Up Sarah (Bickford), ho Farnham, Eugene, laborer, Up Sarah (Sawyer), ho Faunce, Perley, teamster, Up Florence M. (Maxim), ho Ruby L., pupil Elsie M., pupil Azel W., pupil Harold F., pupil Bessie P. G Gilbert, Z. E., retd lum, No 1 Carrie M. (Tolinan), ho Gilbert, Alvin J., far, Up Mabel F. (Proctor), ho Charles E., pupil Gilbert, E. M., farmer, No 1 Alvin J., farmer *Nellk', bo. Auburn *Dora, ho, Auburn New Gloucester, Main? 91 John A., farmer, No 1 Rhoda J. (Proctor), retd Greeley, Thos., retired, Up Edward, farmer "'Millard, expressman, Nellie J. (m Atwood), ho Deering Ctr *Hamilton, Geo. H., cook, *Fred, clerk, Philadel- Los Angeles, Cal phia, Pa George E., pupil *Lona, (m Bryant), ho, Elsie M., pupil Deering Ctr Daisy N., pupil Gordon, John J., farmer, Up Clayton H. Emeline (Stevens), ho Harriman, Nellie (Douglass) M. Magdalene *John H.. lab, Conway, Grover, Clyde, lab, Up N T . H. Almeda, (Stevens), ho Annie (m Williams) Gerry, Jennie (Searles), ho *Ida M.,ho, Conway, N.H. Clyde B., pupil Elmer, lab Mary T., pupil Haskell, Martha B. (Rowe) Goff, Barsa, farmer, No Gray Newell P., custom house Ethel (Gray), ho officer Richard Haskell, Jennie M., ho, No 1 Goff, Ruby H.( Tufts ),No Gray Haskell, Geo. W., far, No 1 Alpheus L., teamster Mary G. (Fades), ho L. Barsa, farmer Hilton, Samuel, farmer Florence E. (m Sawyer), Sarah K. (Keith), ho ho *Harry F., bk kpr, Green, Fannie (Haskell), Poland Spring nnrse, No 1 Nellie E., tel op j-j Hulit, W. F., car mfg, Hackett, Sydney, retired Intervale No 1 92 New Gloucester, Maine Ella M. (Cummings), ho Ina M., ho James, pupil Hubbard, P. H., far, No 1, So Poland Kate M. (Hurd), ho Ira C, hotel cl and lum Carle D., farmer Mildred J., ho Abbie, student Philip H., pupil Hulbert, S. H., far, No 1 Humphrey, John W., far, No Gray Lottie M. (Sawyer), ho Eugene, pupil Harlow, pupil Koland P. James S. Humphrey, Angie (Sampson), No Gray John W., farmer Hunnewell, A. A., far and ptr, No 1 Jennie (Hicks), ho Ernest, tr Ralph, pupil Hall, Chas. F., retd, Up Hackett, E. C, far, No 1 So Poland *Lottie B., waitress So Poland *Maud E. (m Merrill), ho, Yarmouthville Cora C. (Nye), ho *Etta M., stenog, 26 Paris, Portland Amanda E., student Lydia E., pupil Daisy M., pupil Delia B., pupil Haskell, John A., farmer Emily M. (Berry), ho Charles L. Haskell, Chas. P., retd No 1 *Mary C. (m Wells), ho Portland Eugene M., team Fred P., lumberman Sarah (Tarbox), ho Humphrey, Geo. G., mer Up Xzena (Verrill), ho Hodgking, Alverdo, team, No 1 So Poland Nora B (Ellis), ho Mildred E. New Gloucester, Maine 93 Hodgkin, M. D., lab, No 1, So Poland Eliza J. (Far well), ho Ira T., pulpmill Ora M (ra Tripp), ho Hermon P., pupil Nettie M., pupil Everett M., pupil Haskell, E. M., team, Up Annie M. (Tracy), ho Fannie C, pupil Ivory M., pupil Edna M. Hicks, Samuel, far, Up Elizabeth (Townsend), ho Hawkes, F. C, far, No 1 Adelaide P. (Ingalls), ho *Frank, s s op, Amesbury, Mass Edward E., farmer Hawkes, E. E., far, No 1 Gertrude (Munroe), ho Edith, pupil Stanley, -pupil John Hodgkin, Abbie, cl , Dry M Sherman, farmer *Fred, saw mill, Dry M Loring E., lab Lottie, ho Tolman, Delia (Upham), Up *John F., far, New Sharon 106 New Gloucester, Maine Carrie M. (m Gilbert), ho Tarbox, Amanda (Burns),No 1 Sarah (m Haskell), ho Thayer, F. M., far, No 1 Harriet F. (Grover), ho Cora (m Berry), ho *Helen A. (m Berry), Port *Mabel (m Perry), Redding Thompson, Emma L., pupil, So Poland Titcomb, Edwin, lab True, Walter L., lumber Orra M. (Hodgkins), ho Clyde R. True, Wm., farmer True, Elbridge, farmer Sadie M. (Harris), ho Mabel K., teacher Lewis P., pupil True, Helen M. (Failes), No 1 True, Albert D., farmer, No 1 Mabel G. (Garcelon ), ho Alma H. True, John W., farmer, No 1 Carrie M. (Murdock), ho Albert D., farmer Bertha O., teacher Geo. M., farmer Louise E., pupil True, Geo. W., farmer, No 1 Ethel M. (Went worth), ho Tuttle, W. C, lab Bessie G. (Marriner), ho Francis M., pupil Eliza B., pupil Tufts, N. G., farmer, No 1, Int Annie A. (Harmon), ho James A., farmer ♦Elizabeth F.,(m Merrill), Gray * Annie V. (in Fountain), Lewiston Frank, farmer Nathaniel B., farmer V Verrill, Roland, farmer, Dry M Ellen (Cressy), ho Verrill, A. C, No 1, So Poland Adeline (May), ho Roland, farmer Nathaniel Verrill, W. S., farmer, No 1 Hannah (Winslow), ho Elwood, pupil New Gloucester, Maine 107 Verrill, L. E., farmer, No 1 Lura I. (Goodwin), ho Marjory E. Lloyd L. Verrill, Vernie E., jobber Eva M. (Howard), ho Minnie, pupil Verrill A., retired, Int Ward, John H., farmer Mary S. (Russell), h<> Mary E. (m Bailey) Eliza J. ( m Tufts ) *Rosie R. (m Bouye), No Yar * Sarah M (m Burgess), Danville *Lucy C. (m Ives), Maiden, Mass Chas G., farmer John R., farmer *Harriet, stenog, Boston, Mass Watson, Lucy (Rowe), No 1 ♦Walter, cl, Milford, Mass Watson, James L., millman Eva M. (Burnell), ho Harry D., pupil Webber, Hermon, far, No 1 Int Anna I. (Warren), ho *Edw., clerg, Marlboro, N H Sadie (m Jordan) Wescott, W. H., mason, No 1 Matilda (Watson), ho ♦Frederick W., barber, Bar Harbor Florence E., ho Geo. L., pupil West, Pearl O., far, No 1, Int West, Edna, far, No 1, Int Mary F. (Holmes), ho Arthur L., pupil Emma E. Whitman, John, retd Clara (Nevens), ho Whitney, E. H., far, No 1, Int Whitney, A. L., far tfc lumb, No 1, Int Hester J. (Makin ), ho G. Cleveland, team Williams, Chas., farmer Nellie ( Harriman ), ho Geo., pupil Wilson, G. H., far, No 1, Int Winslow, Chas., far, No 1 Ella (Ricker), ho 10* New Gloucester, Maine Witham, Wm., far, No Gray Lois A. (Stinchlield), ho *Chas. H., phy,Cambridge, Mass *Wm. H., far, Monmouth * Lizzie S. (m Clark), Cambridge, Mass *Ella L. (m Penney), Woonsocket, R I Woodbury, Henry, far & s s work Edna V. (Foster), ho Kenneth Woodbury, Philip, student Woodbury, Helen (White), ho Stanwood, farmer * James A., plumber, Lewiston Hattie (m Bennett) Harry, far & s s work *John P., barber, Auburn Watts, May, nurse, Up Ward, C. H. N., far & blk,No 1 Loan P. (Churchill), ho *Anna J. (m Hayes), ho, R F D, West Paris * Alice G.(m Bickford),ho, Readfield Flora E. (m Edwards), ho Archie G., farmer Roland P., lab, R F D, So. Poland Blanche M., ho Louisa C, student Witham, John A., far, No 1 John P., farmer Winslow, Hannah (Strout) *Edw. W., far, Mech Falls Sarah (mVer rill), ho Eugene, pupil Waterman, Geo. W., far, No 1 Alma F. (Waterman), ho Herbert M., pupil Waterman, Alma F. (Rose), No 1 Idella R., ho Winslow, Lyman, far, No 1 Mary E. (Davis), ho * Bertha (m Eastman), ho, Portland ' * Forest R., far, E Poland Lyman E., farmer Freeman A., farm wrk Grover C, farm wrk Woodbury, S. A., far, Up Alice (Townsend), ho Neiv Gloticester, Maine 109 Louise, student Ralph, student Samuel, pupil Elizabeth, pupil Paul Winslow, Lyman Jr., lab, No 1 Rachel (Ilodgkins), ho Freeman Herbert Annie Winslow, Freeman, lab, Up Winter, F. W., lum, Up Ella (Burns), ho Wilson, Jane (Libby), ho Wilson, Joseph, retd, No 1, So Poland *George, farmer, Wales *Ella (in Goodridge), So Poland *Mary (m Walker), ho, So Poland Lucy (m 'Carpenter), ho *Arthur, cook, So Poland Ward, J. R., far Int Alice (Pitts), ho Ward, Chas., far, Int Sarah C. (Monk), ho Wells, Martha A. (Wilbur),ho * Everett C, cl, Chelsea, Mass Lucy A., bk kpr Arthur L., farmer Florence M., (m Hodg- kins) Wendall P. Weymouth, B. D., far, Int Dora E. (Plummar), ho Ida M., pupil * Marguerite, pupil Florence A.. pupil Ruvia P., pupil John M., pupil Frank C. Elmira H. Lelan B. Weymouth, Mary (Potter), Int Jerry M., farmer Burton D., farmer *James, lab, Los Angles, Cal *John Jackson *Delona Y., cl, Tipton, Mass Wharff, G. H., far, Int Carrie B. (Humphry), ho Isabelle R., student 110 Neiv'i Gloucester, Maine Nellie F., Wells, E. F., Clyde S. Wells, P. A., Flarity M. pupil Y tar, Tnt Yeaton, Victor H., far, No 1 Inez A. (Scribner), ho Int Wvnona M. LEJa'13 m 111 liNllill l! !!,., w.'i nil iitiiijiiiiiiiiiiiinijiiiiiiffli |!l I 1 '! i ! Ui!|i l.'Hi ! : I i, ! I. h il!ili!ili!iiii:ii;iil!!i:ij:!S i hiiUI li!l Nil |! ililnlliHlim ii imiiii ni minim iiiii inn nmnmHtiHN iimNiraiii:.,;,^:!!! ;;, j wmmp LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 983 725 3