y AN ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT RECORD OF MARRIAGES, IN THE TOWN OF DEDHAM MASSACHUSETTS, 1844— 1890. Arranged under the Names of the Grooms, with AN Index of the Names of Brides. Compiled p.v DON GLEASON^HILL, Town Clerk. DEDHAM, MASS.: Office of the Dedham Transcript. 1896. t Published Under the Vote of the Town, Passed April 15, 1895. INTRODUCTION. PlTRSFANT to the vote passed by the Town at its hist Annual Town meeting, I have compiled an Abstract of the Marriages recorded in Dedham from the middle of 1844 to the close of 1890. AVe have now in print all the Births, Marriages, and Deaths recorded from the beginning of the Town, 1635, to January 1st, 1891. The first volume, from the beginning to 1844, was a transcript of the Record. As the records made since 1844 exist in table form, it is impracticable to reproduce them, and the plan of compiling an aljstract, in alphabetical order, seemed the most expedient. The Abstract of Births was published with the Town Report in 1894, that of Deaths in 1895, and this Abstract of Marriages will be presented in the Town Report of 1896. A few copies of each of these Abstracts have been printed on heavier paper than the Town Report, and bound in cloth, uniform with the other published Records of the Town, for sale. The plan adopted in this Abstracit of Marriages differs somewhat from that adopted in other towns that have publislied Abstracts of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. I have here arranged the Marriages alphabetically under the names of the grooms only, and liave added an alphabetical index of the names of the brides, thus avoiding the necessity of making two abstracts of each marriage. I have also made an index of the maiden names, so far as they appear in the records, of the brides who had been previously married and of the mothers of the brides and grooms, and a place index of cities and towns in the United States. iv INTRODUCTION. The rule adopted in the Abstracts of Births and Deatlis, to give as much of each entry as possible in the most condensed form, has been followed in this Abstract. The figures at the left indicate the number of each marriage in the record of the year in which it appears ; then follow in order the christian name of the groom, his residence, age, birthplace, and the names of his parents, with his mother's maiden name in parenthesis, if given in the record ; then follows the name of the bride, and if it is not her first marriage her maiden name is in parenthesis, then her residence, age, birthplace, and parents' names ; the date of marriage appears last, first the month in figures, then the day of the month, and the year; as all are in this century, the 18 is omitted in the year. Of course, in the records of the earlier part of this period fewer facts are recorded than in the later records. I am aware that in many instances names of persons and of places are incorrectly spelled, but as a rule the spelling given in the record has been followed both in the text and in the index. On page 9, the name of the bride of Daniel R. Beckford, Jr., should read Jessie L. Keltic instead of Jessie K. Keltic ; and on page 116, the name of the bride of Nathaniel Smith, Jr., should read Mary E. Phillips instead of Mary A. Phillips. The copy for the printer has been made by Miss Martha A Smith, who has also assisted the Editor in proof reading and making indexes. ^fVK z^LO^iini. A^tJ^ Town Clerk. Dedhara, December 2, 1895. ABSTRACT OF RECORD OF MARRIAGES IN DEDHAM, 1844—1890. AB150TT. 20 Geo. S. of Dec!., fe. 25, b. Washington X. Y., of Jolm E. & Delia P., to Kate A'. Ilogan of Ded., ;v. 2:1, b. Ded., of Joliii & Catliarinc, 5 : i: S2. AEBT. 49 Andrew of Norwood, a'. 32, b. Germ., of Andrew & Tli;'kia, to Ida M. Maier of Ded., X. 10, b. Medway, of Christian & Melissa, 12: 7: 8'.). • ABEL. IT John of Ded., ;e. :)0. b. (Jerni., of John & Barbara, to J^izzie Bessler of Chelsea, -.v. 20, b. Germ., of Henry & Dorothy, 5: 17: 88. ACIIORX. 28 Casper F. of Ded., -.v. 22, b. Waldoboro Me., of Henry & Harriet, to Jane A. Grogan of Ded., ;e. 2.3, b. Eastport Me., of David & Lncy, 12: 14: :^\>. ACRES. 2G Chas. A., of Cliarlestown, ;e. 2:1, b. Boston, of Jolm & Eliza, to Hannah Logan of Ded., ic. 22, 1). X. B., of John ct Mary, '.) : 17: 7:1. ADAMS. 28 Henry C. of Hyde Park, te. 25, b. Cherryfield Me., of John Q. & Xancy C, to X^ettie A. Ryan of Hyde Park, re. :10, b. Lyndon Vt., of Ephraim B. & Abbie S., 6: 29: 09. IS Hiram A., of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Ded., of Horret & Eliza 15., to Sopluouii B. Kinil)all of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ded., of Theodore T. & Abigail, 7: 18: GO. 24 John of Ded., iie. (34, b. Boston, of Thos. & Mercy (Savels), to Joea (, Wight) Colburn of Ded., a\ 48, b. Ded., of Andrew & Margaret (Cobbett), (5: 1:(U. 21 Jolm F. of Ded., m. 20, b. Quincy, of Elias W. & Isabella M., to Emilia A. Debbins of Ded., te. 17, b. P. E. L, of Samuel H. & Eliz'h, 9: 2: 78. 10 John II. of Ded., ;e. 2.5, b. Wali)ole, of James & Ilonora, to Eliz'h Manly of Ded., ii^ 20, b. Stafford Ct, of Asa & Julia, 5: 20: .5.5. 14 Robert of Fall River, to Lydia A. Stowe of Ded., b. Ded., of Timothy & , 10 : 15 : 44. 17 Thos. F. of Boston, ju. 42, b. Boston, of Francis & Sarah, to Grace C. Parker ^ of Boston, !e. ;10, b. Boston", of John & Matilda, 5: 2:5: 89. 20 AVm. B. of Ded., :e. 2.5, b. Dorch., of Elias W. & Isabella M. (Banks), to Lizzie S. Clancy of Ded., :e. 21, b. Hyde l^ark, of William A: -Tane E. (Hayes:, 7: :): 80. 2 DEDHAM RECORDS. 28 Will. 1j. 13. of Decl., it", ofl, b. Boston, of Francis & Sarah, to Cliristhie V. Kihlberg of Boston, te. ;34, b. Sweden, of Xils iV: Christine, 7: 21: SIJ. ADAMSOX. 23 Wm. of Phila. Pa., re. 38, b. Phihi. Pa., of .Tas. & Salina, to Ellen F. Pres- cott of Pliila. Pa., ic. 2G, b. Ded., of Abel & Eleanor, 4: 18: 01. AHLBOKX. 23 Henry of Ded., te. 23, b. (jerin., of Henry & Henrietta, to Ptebecca Flem- ming of Ded., fe. 15), b. Brunsudck Me., of Douglass & Sarah, 10: 15: 57. ALBERT. 30 Jacob of Ded., k. 38, b. Germ., of JacoV) & Magdalen, to Mary Flint of Ded., te. 33, b. Vt., of Xath'l & Polly, 11 : 29 : 60. ALDEX. 29 Abner of Ded., ;e. 33, b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah S., to Maria A. (Fender- son) Blodgett of Saco Me., se. 33, b. Saco Me., of Reuben & Jerusha, 11: 24: 53. 34 Abner of Ded., te. 58, b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah S., to Adeline Blake of Deering Me., re. 48, b. Deering Me., of Henry and Xancy, 11:11: 79. 35 Amasa of Ded., se. 24, b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah S., to Mary A. Hewins of W. Rox., re. 20, b. in Va., of Richard & Jerusha, 10: 30: 73. 11 Elisha C. of Ded., re. 23. b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah, to Sarah J. Whiting of Ded., re. 17, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret, 5: 22 : 05. 9 Marcus M. of Middleboro, re. 22, b. Lyme X. H., of H. II. & Abigail, to Francena A. Morse of Ded., re. 19, 1). Ded., of Oliver & Betsy, 4: 24: 60. 10 SamaeF F. of Ded., b. Ded., of Leonard & , to Sarah X. Fales of Ded., b. Ded., of Joshua & , 1:1: 45. Wm. II. of Ded., re>. 20, b. Ded., of Abner & Maria A., to Amanda Coombs of Boston, :e. 22, b. Ilarpwell Me., of Samuel & Priscilla, 4 : 1 : 76. ALDRICII. 23 Edgar F], of Ded., re. 22, b. Blackstone, of Thos. & Sarah, to Georgianna E. Redfield of Ded., re. 19, b. Xorthbridge, of Warren & Eliza, 0: 13: 67. 1 Jas. M. of Fall River, re. 26, of Arnold & , to Mary A. Allen of Ded., le. 27, of Xathan & , 5 : 22 : 44. ALEXAXDER. 37 Cliarles H. of Prov. R. I., re. 57, b. Poughkeepsie X. Y., of Chas. H. & Cather- ine, to Elizabeth A. (Campbell) Wilson of Prov. R. I., re. 40, b. X. B., of James & Annie, 9: 10: 84. 19 Fred'k A. of Xatick, re. 27, b. Troy X". IL, of Eastman & Dorothy A., to Carrie C. Studley of Xatick, re. 24, b. Xatick, of Alvin & Mercy D., 7: 23: 77. 3 Henry R. of Ded., re. 26, b. Eng., of Wm. E. & Keziah, to Selina Eyers of Ded., se. 26, b. Eng., of Jonah & Sarah, 2: 26: 76. ALLAX, ALLEX. 45 Charles E. of San Francisco Cal., re. 35, b. Cincinnati O., of Abram W. & Mary, to Abby F. Carroll of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Sanford & Clar- issa, 11: 24: 04. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 3 3() Frederick E. of New liedl'onl, ;t'. I'T, li. Xew Jjcdfonl, of Fred'k & Betsey, to Annie 15. Carroll of l)ed., a*. I'S, 1). J)ed., of Saiiford & Clarissa, 10: 22: 85. 34 Samuel of Med way, jc. 7:5, of Abijah & Abigail, to I'lioda Mason of Ded., :e. 56, of Wm. & Lucy, 12: 11: 51. 7 Samuel F. of Dover, te. 32, b. Dover, of Timothy & Al)ij^ail, to Hannah Ellis of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Colburn & Lucy, 4: 25: 55. 41 Timothy Jr. of Dover, le. 3.5, b. Brookline, of Timothy & Abigail, to Sarah A. Piichardson of Ded., fe. 22, b. Ded., of Samuel & Susan, 12: 24: GO. 1!) Willis D. of Waltham, ;e. 2.3, b. Hamilton ()., of Elijah Isj Susan, to Fannie J. Staples of Ded., le. 20, b. Charlestown, of Samuel ikj Lucy, 5: 2: 8:3. ALLENSPACKER. 31 James A. of Ded., ie. 2:3, 1). X. Y. City, of John X. & Sophia, to Mary ]\Iulvey of Ded., ;v. 21, 1). Scot., of Frank & Jane, : 10: 87. AMBLER. 6 \Vm. F. of X^eedliam, ;c. 2:5, b. Xeedhani, of Harvey & Lavina D., to Martha A. Bromley of Xeedham, tc. 21, of Isaac AV. & Mary S., 4:4: .51). AMES. 37 Theron B. of Ded., je. 24, b. Dorch., of Wm. & Susan, to Mary L. Meigs of Chelsea, a'. 22, b. Mattapoisett, of Loring & Mary, 11 : 17 : 75. AMOS. 71 Chas. B. of Canton, a-. 23, to X'^aney E. Gerrish of Ded., a>. 20, b. Ded., of Charles & Xancy, 1:12: 40. — Chas. P>. of Canton, a^ 2:3, of Robert & Eunice, to Xancy E. Gerrish of Ded.. a'. 17, of Chas. cV: Hannah, 1: 12: 40. AXDEKER. :J5 Anton of W. Rox., a'. 2.5, 1). Germ., of Larens & Caty, to Threse Herzen of Ded., a\ 21, b. Germ., of Chas. & Mary A.. 9: .30: 07. 27 Ignack of Ded., a-. ;30, b. Germ., of Anton & Appolonia. to ^NTargaretha Kal- mel of Ded., a-. ;]0, b. (lerm., of Jos. & Walburga, JO: (i: 7:). 51 John of Boston, re. 24, b. Germ., of Remy Fanny L., 7: 17: 77. :30 John D. of Ded., a-. :3:3, b. Ded., of John I'c Miriam, to Mary J. Wilson of Ded., !C. 2:3, 1). Ded., of Reuben S. & Lucia, 12: 8: 05. 4 DKDIIAM RECORDS. 4 Stanwood of Ded., io. 30, of Reuben & Betsey, to Permelia Harding of Ded., 8e. 20, of John & Temperance, 0:18: 48. ANNIS. 37 Elisha G. Jr. of Ded., fc. 22, b. X. S., of Elislia G. & Jane, to Gertrude H. Leonard of Middleton, se. 21, b. Ded., of Samuel 13. & Mary L., 9: 20: 87. ARMSTRONG. 8 Francis of Dorch., ic. 2:5, b. Scot., of Andrew & Margaret (Wilson), to Mary A. B. McElroy of Dorch., jb. 28, b. Scot., of Robert & Sarah, 3: 10: 64. 24 James A\^ of Ded., se. 21, b. N. B., of Richard tfe Jane, to Edna J. Draper of Ded., se. 22, b. Ded., of Henry & Julia, 10: 20: 74. ARTIIURUS. 40 James of Ded., a?. 23, b. Ire., of Tlios. & Jane, to Margaret Kilpatrick of Ded., tv. 23, b. Ire., 9: 30: 64. ASHLEY. 31 Daniel C. of New Bedford, se. 22, b. Kew Bedford, of Simeon & Eliza (Caswell), to Nancy J. Snell of Ded., aj. 19, b. Somerset, of Anthony & Eliz'h (Davis), 8:27:61. ATTENBERGER. 4 George of Ded., te. 46, b. G3rm:iny, of Anton & Anna (Weber), to Lina Krenling of Ded., je. 39, b. Germany, of George & Barbara (Thar- warth), 1 : 28 : 64. AUSTIN. 22 Adoniram N. of Ded., re. 22, of 'Henry & Polly, to Thankful Phillips of Ded., iie. 21, of Pliineas & Ann, 12: 12: 47. 5 James of Ded., ce. 20, b. Newport R. L, of John & Mary, to Caroline (Young) Eldridge of Ded., ic. 3.5, of Elisha & Esther, 8:11: 40. BABBITT. :]6 Willard of Ded., re. 23, b. Walpole, of Willard & Sophia M., to Ellen M. Fisher of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Susan Vl., 12: 8: .^i. BABCOCK. :n Benj. J. of Med field, re. 40, b. Sherborne, of Lowell & Tliankfnl S., to Abby J. Colburn of Ded., re. 35, b. Ded. [of James & Anna H. Calder], 10: 23: 71. Adopted by Chas. «fc Lucy Colburn. 39 Francis L. of Medlield, re. 24, b. Medfleld, of Benjamin .1. & IVIeletiah, to Frances J. Daniels of Ded., re. 20, b. Medway, of Frank P. & Jane F., 11: 27: 7:J. BACON. 29 John M. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Silas D. & Maria E., to Emma S. Tlionuis of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Edmund & Mary E., 10: 2: 78. 22 Silas D. of Ded., re. 36, b. Newton, of Silas & Polly, to Maria E. Morse of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of John & Roxa F., 11 : 30: 52. :J0 Silas E. of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Newton, of Silas D. & Maria E., to Sarah L. Adams, of Ded., re. 31, b. Boston, of Eben L. and Olive L., 10: 2: 78. 9 Walter T. of Dover, re. 19. b. Dover, of Aaron & Mary S., to Sarah N. Soule of Dover, re. 18, b. Dorch., of Jas. II. & Mercy, 6: 13: 75. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 5 J5ADGEK. 3G John S. of IJostoii, ;v. 4:1, to Annie E. Casey of TJoston, ;r. 27, !): 2:5: nrt. BAGLEY. 9 Clinton of J)(m1., a". 20, b. Dorcli., of Thomas J. & Harriet, to :\[ary F. Gil)bs of Ded., ie. IS, b. New Haven Ct., of Tyler A: Mary, 5: 31 : 57. IS James of ])ed., se. 24, b. Ire., of James «fe Mary (Scarlet), to Mary Anderson of Ded., ;e. 11), b. Ire., of Edw. & Ann (Wlialen), 0: 12: G:]. 35 Lewis C. of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Ded., of Thomas J. and Harriet S., to Emma J. l\amsdell of Ded., .%'. 19, b. Charlestown, of A. & Eunice, 11 : (!: 70. 2 Snmner of Ded., w. 27, b. Dorch., of Thomas J. . 37, b. Charlestown, of Joshua S. & Eliz'h 11., to Annie M. Leland of Somerville, ;e. :33, 1). Somerville. of John »fe Sophrouia P., 2: 14: 84. 21 Benj. H. of Ded., a*. ?A, b. Xorthboro, of Ilolloway & Lucy, to Emily F. Sampson of Ded., ;c. 2;), b. Ded., of Ezra W. & Selina, 0: 1: G4. 22 Charles of Ded., se. 48, b. Litchfield Me., of John & Sarah (Buffy), to Mary E. (Burk) Trask of Ded.. a\ 35, 1). Beverly, of Edw. & Mary, 8: 23: 73. 20 Frank of Ded., a\ 21, b. Ded., of Chas. & Julia, to Lizzie Trask of Ded., a'. 19, b. Ded., of Geo. & Lizzie, 10: 8: 74. 2 Fred M. of Xorwood, a'. 22, 1). Ded., of Chas. & .Julia, to Anna 1>. Wiggin of Norwood, a'. 17, b. Ded., of Thomas & Charlotte, 1 : 21 : 82. John W. of Canton, a*. 22, b. Canton, of Nath'l & ^lary, to Lydia M. Ilill of Ded., a-. 10, b. Ded., of Geo. & Lenda W., 4: 23: .54. BAKER. 1 Aaron W. of Ded., a'. 39, 1). Pro v. R. I., of Samuel W. is. IJachael (Cole), to Ellen F. Baker of Ded., a'. 38, b. Ded., of Alford & ]\Iaria, 1 : 8: 85. 35 Addison G. of Ded., a^ 3(5, b. Ded., of David A. & Jane A., to Clara E. Bickner of Ded., te. 33, b. Sharon, of Samuel R. & Lucretia P., 10: 1(5: 77. 17 Alford E. of Ded., ie. 24, b. Ded., of Alford & Julia A., to Mary C Cobb-of Ded., a>. 21, b. Ded., of Daniel & Mary, (5: 27: 58. 25 Clias. F. of Ded., ;e. 2.5, b. Ded., of Francis W. «fc Lucinda, to Mary A. Freeman of Franklin, a-. 25, b. Bellingham, of Jas. M. & Mary, 9: 25: 77. .52 Chas. R. of Ded., a'. 24, b. Prov. R. I., of Samuel W. ^ Rachaei. to Sarah E. Smith of Ded.. a-. 22, b. Walp., of Royal & Hannah, 11 : 30: (5.5. 23 Clifton P. of Ded., a-. 24, b. Ded., of Francis W. & Lucinda S., to Jennie :^L Wakefield of Ded., a-. 21, b. Ded., of Thomas L. & Jane J'., 10: 22: 74. 11 Dexter of Ded., -m. (51, b. Ded., of Obed & Betsey, to Isabel (Edwards) A^an Wort of Ded., le. 2.5, b. Eng., of Joseph & Eliza, (5: 12: 77. 47 Eben 13., of Ded., a". 29, b. Ded., of Robert II. & Eveline, to Martlia J. Richmond of Southold N. Y., te, 20, b. Southold X. T., of Elias & Sarali, 11: 7: 0.5. Q DEDHAM RECORDS. :> Eliliu C. of IJoston, lo. 22, of Davis & llanniili, to Adeline A. Parker of Ded., -x. 20, of Woods & Esther, 7: 30: 48. 28 Francis M. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Joel M. & E:iiz'h, to Sarah E. Morse of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Curtis G. & Fanny, 10: 4: 54. 25 Fred'k J. of Ded., ic. 34, b. Medtield, of Thomas J. & Cynthia A., to Fanny E. Draper of Ded., re. 32, b. Ded., of Geo. D. & Fanny E., 0:7: 88. 11 Geo. E. of J)ed., se. 31, b. Ded., of Lusher G. & Eliz'hP., toXellie E. Smith of Ded., re. 29, b. AValp., of Leonard & Alona, 5:1: 06. 12 Horace of Lyman Me., to Lucinda Orcutt of Needham, 0: 17: 44. :J0 Jas. B. Jr. of Ded., re. 22, b. ])ed., of James B. & Susan C, to Martha G. Baker of Ded.. re. 21, b. Ded., of Luslier G. and Eliz'h P., •): 27: 04. 13 John C. of X. Y. City, re. 20. b. N. Y. Cliy, of Elias & Martha (Seaman), to Maria A. Brooks of Ded., je. 2:3, b. Boston, of Lemuel A. & Eliza, 5: 20: 61. 44 Lewis P. of J)ed., re. 31, b. Ded., of Robert H. & Eveline, to Sarah I. Turner of Ded., re. 18, b. Cluirlestown, of Chas. W. & Henrietta, 11 : 14: 69. 67 Lucas of Templeton, re. 38, b. Gardner, of Luther tt Harriett, to Georgianna W. Nash of Ded., re. 29, b. Addison Me., of Geo. W. & Jane P., 12 : 21 : 68. 20 Lusher G. Jr. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Lusher G. & ElizMi, to Adeline S. Fisher of Ded., iv. 27, b. Ded., of Alvan J. & Martha C, 6:9: 79. ?,2 William of Ded., re>. 55, b. Ded., of John & Patty E., to Jane E. (Brown) Greene of Ded., re'. 35, b. Montville Ct., of VVm. C. & Sarah A., 12: 31: 74. 36 Willie W. of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ded., of Eustis & L. Adeline, to Viola L. White of Monson, re. 25, b. Moiison, of Erastus B. & Samantha, 11 : 19: 79. BALLOU. 23 Daniel of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Sylvanus & Tryphena, to Olive M. Ridley of Ded., re. 21, b. Charlestown, of Matthias & Lydia A., 9: 30: 75. 49 Sylvanus of Ded., re. 30, of Daniel & Mei-cy, to Tryphena Dean of Ded., re. 32, b. Ded., of Josiah & :Mary, 10: 13: 45. BAMBAUER. 17 Jacob of Ded., re'. 61, b. Germ., of Peter J. & Eiiz'h, to Katharina (Klar- mann) Sayer of Boston, w. 48, 1). Germ., of Peter & Anna, 11:8: 76. BANCROFT. 16 Jesse of Spencer, re'. 26, b. England, of James & ISIary (Kay), to Kath- arine F. Monneglian of Wellesley, re\ 23, b. Needham, of John cS; JJridget (Gillon), 4 : 22 : 90. 31 John of Canton, re. 28, b. Eng., of Henry & Lydia, to Malinda (Scofleld) Scofield of Canton, re. 26, b. Eng., of Chas. & Mary, 8: IS: 65. BANGS. 9 Eleazer L. of Maiden, re. 28, b. Truro, of Perez & Deborah, to Ann E. Jones of Ded., re. 25, b. Dover, of Samuel & Lurana, 3:1: 60. BAN KS. 24 Geo. L. of Woburn, re. 22, b. Medl'ord, of Thos. »!v: Hannah, to Christy M. Hollingsworth of Ded., se. 19, b. N. S., of David & Agnes, 7: 14: 89. BARBER. 1 Geo. W. of Norwood, re. 24, b. Camden Me., of Simon S. S. A: Amanda, to ABSTRACT OF MARK J AGES, 7 Mituiic FuUoii ol" Xorwood, ;l'. 20, \^. X. S., of Kolicrt 1!. A: Amelhi, 1 : 15: ST. BAKKEH. 40 Alva J), of Ilallowell .Me., w. 21, 1). Saco Mc, of Cyrus A: Alniira IS., to Georgia iM. Sanderson of Ded., ic. 10, li. Waterford Me., of William &Eutli W., 12:27:70. BAEXE8. ;n Amos II. of Ded., ,;i'. 22, b. W. lloxbury, of Amos & Saraii E., to Isahellc Ij, Mosher of Ded., ;e. 22, X. S., of Ingraham & Lutetia ]}., .s: ."): 88. 23 Benj., to Lydia Ciiadbourne, 12: 15: 44. ■?> Oramel C. of Ded., a\ 24, b. Jiridgewater Vt., of Moses 11. & Anna S., to Caroline Ellis of Ded., se. 25, b. Ded., of Jesse & Jnlia, 4:2: 54. BAKON. 22 Charles II. of Ded., :c. 2:], 1). Andover, of Tlios. & Sarah, to .\nna E. Dray- ton of Ded., :e. 20, b. Ded., of John & Eliz'h L., 10: 11 : 54. BARRETT. IS John E. of Ded.. a'. 25, b. Ded., of Tiios. & Margaret, to Mary A. Teniperly of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ded., of Thos. & Catherine, 4: 22: S4. 02 Martin J. of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret, to Annie .M. Dolan of Ded., a\ 24, b. Ded., of Tlios. E. & Margaret, 11 : 2S: 88. 44 Michael of Ded.. a'. 2:3, b. Ded., of Tlios. & Margaret, to Bridget Darcey of Ded., 03. 21, b. Woonsocket R. I., of Edw. & Bridget, 11 : 24: 75. 27 Anson F. of Franklin, It'. 20, of Xatlian & Eunice, to Janet Cliisliolm of Dec!., PC. 22, of William & Isabelle, 5: 18: 48. 13 Geo. 11. of Franklin, re. 25, b. Medway, of Willard & Susan, to Eliz'h Ford of Franklin, re. 24, b. Eng., of Peter & Jane, 7: 23: 59. 5 Harford of Ded., re. 27, to Harriet McGooch of Ded., re'. 24, 10: 22: 44. BASSETT. 32 Thos. of riainfield, re'. 67, b. Asbfield, of Lot & , to Martba (Kaymond) Poole of Boston, re. 03, b. Westford, of John & , 10: 15: ,50. BATCIIELDEK, BATCHELOR. 19 Henry F. of Middleton, re. 23, b. INIiddleton, of John A. »& Laura A., to Caroline E. Taft of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ded., of Fred. A. & Cornelia S., 4: 30: 84. 26 Jas. L. of Boston, re". 28, b. Nortliampton ]^. IL, of Jas. L. & Mary, to Mary J. Mead of Ded., re'. 28, b. Exeter Me., of Wm. & Mary, 12: 22: 59. BATE MAN. 4 Ka/.ell of Ded., re. 2;J, b. X. Y., of Wm. c*t Harriet X., to Esther Bic-iiards of Sharon, re'. 2:5, b. Sharon, of Moses & Mary H., 2: 22: 00. BATES. 32 Abner L. of Ded., re. 50, b. Dighton, of Asa & Ruth, to Eliza (Bickford) Brooks of Boston, re'. 40, b. Conway X. H., of Jona. & Eliza, 9: 1 : 05. 67 Hiram K. of Ded., a\ 38, b. Webster, of Kimball & Jane M., to Hattie B. Babb of Chelsea, re. 28, b. Rockland Me., of Alex'r B. & Jane H., 11 : 20 : 90. BATTELLE. 10 Joseph W. of Worcester, re. 41, b. Boston, of Leonard »& Mary F., to Penel- ope Tisdale of Worcester, re. :33, b. Walp., of Oileus A. & Louisa H., 0: 15: 7.5. BAUMGARTEX. 57 Lothar of Ded., se. 27, b. Germ., of John F. & Minna, to Thusuelda Schulz of Ded., re\ 18, b. Boston, of Adolph & Carolina, 11 : 3: 88. BAYER, BEYER. 22 Caspar of Ded., re. 57, b. Germ., of John & Eliza, to Anna M. Weiss of W. Rox., re. 42, b. Germ., of John & Mary, 8: 5: 72. 60 John J. of Ded., va. 25, b. Germ., of Christian & Auna M., to Catharina Mara of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ire., of David & Xora, 0:0: 09. 64 Michael of Ded., re. 23, b. Germ., of Caspar & Mary A. to Mary Mead of Ded., re'. 20, b. Ire., of John «& Catharine, 11 : 24: 08. BEAL, REALS. 35 Atkins C. of Xorwood, re. 29, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary, to Maggie V. Cotter of Xorwood, re'. 19, b. Ded., of Patrick & , 10: 10: 75. 9 Thos. B. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary A., to Mary E. :McCan of Ded., re. 18, b. Xewport R. I., of Thos. & Bridget, 7:7: 52. 50 Walters, of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary, to Eliza M. Fairbanks of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Jarvis & Lucy, 12:7: 05. BEAX. 4 Joseph D. of Ded., re. 23, b. Alfred Me., of Joseph B. & Ahbie, to Lizzie P, Towle of Ded., re. 19, b. Canton, of Horace E. & Susan M., 1 : 10: 84. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 9 BEAllCE. 24 Artemus of Ded., jo. 2:3, of ]\Ioses II. & Ecboeca, to Mary A. Siiell of Ded., ic. 22, of Geo. & Mary, 3: 18: 47. BECKER. 52 Chas. of Ded., iL'. 21, 1). Ded., of Andrew & ElizMi (Becker), to Mary C. McMaiius of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Ded., of Patrick II. & Uridj^et ((Joleiiiaiii, 10: 3: 82. 18 Frank J. of Hyde Park, :e. 2:!, 1>. Ded., of Andrew & Eli/.'li, to Tliere.sa (_'. Keehn of Ded., :e. 22, b. IJostoii, of Joseph & Jo.sepliine, 5: IT: 7!). (id John of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Boston, of Florian A: Barbara, to ^largaret Schelp of Ded., ie. Iti, b. Phihidelphia, of Peter & Barbara, 7: 28: 7:). 17 John T. of Quincy. ;e. 24, b. Boston, of Andrew & Eliz'h, to Annie ]M. Tnlly of Ded., :e. 24, b. Ded., of Martin & Mary, 4: 21 : S4. 7 Lndwig of Ded., :e. 28, b. (Jerni., of Josepli & (renevieve, to Caroline (Junge) Lips of Ded., :e. ;>1, 1). Germ., of John C. & Dorothea M. (Meyer), 1: 21: 71. BECKFORD. IS Daniel R. Jr. of Ded., ;e. 2:>, 1). Charlestown, of Daniel R. & Doratha A. (Taylor), to Jessie K. Keltie of Hyde Park, a'. 23, b. Scot., of J as. & ]Mad- aline (Penny), G: 10: 81. BEDELL. 55 Merrill of Ded., le. 2(j, b. Bath N. H., of Amos & Nancy, to Lucy E. Ellis of Dorch., ie. 27, b. Dorcli., of Jesse & Luc5% 1 : 20: 4(). BELCHER. 7 John II. of Wren., :e. 2(), b. Wren., of Abner & Morlancy, to Rebecca McL. Gilmore of Franklin, ;e. 22, b. Franklin, of Wm. & Betsy, 6: 24: .52. 11 Wm. of Walp., 'M. 20, b. Quincy, of A7m. & Celia (Beals), to Lydia Loud of Ded., te. 18. b. Walp., of Wm. II. & Sally (Frizzelle), 0: 17: 0:3. BELL. 21 Frank W. of Ded., :e. 22, b. Worthington, of Gilbert & Caroline T., to Jeanette Dunbar of Ded., je. 20, b. N. S., of Wm. & Jeanette R., 0: 12: 7!». 4;; John of Ded., ic. :52, b. Ire., of John & Susan, to Susan Iloye of Ded., le. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Rose, 9: 25: 74. 17 Y\'m. of Ded., ie. 24, b. West Indies, to iPhillis Chisman of Ded., ;c. 2:!, b. Va., of Samuel tk, , 0: 3 : OS. BENJAMIN. 32 Albert of Ded., ai. 42, 1). Bingham Me., of Isaac & Rachel, to ^lary K. Booth of Ded., tc. 24, b. N. IL, of Wm. & Sophia, 10: 17: 77. 12 John of Ded., a*. 28, b. Eng., of Robert & Sarali. to Eliz'ii (iarncr of Ded., ;c. 21, b. Eng., of Joseph & Mary A., 0: 5: 51. BENKARD. 48 Peter of Ded., :e. 2;;, b. Germ., of Frank & Kate, to Emma Wcb(!r of Ded.. le. 2:}, b. Ded., of Antone A. & Johanna, 11 : 20: 82. BENN. 9 James of Ded., a-. 25, b. Va., of Sam & Sarah, to Patience A. (Murray) Hall of \"a., ic. 44, 1). \\\., of fJodfred & Mary A., 5: 3: 05. 10 DEDHAM RECORDS. BENNETT. 4(j David 8. of l)ed., ;e. 2:], b. Wren., of dec. II. & Margaret, to Julia M. Fair- banks of Ded., ;o. 21, b. Ded., of Benj. & Priscilla, 11 : 16: G9. 14 John of ])ed., ;o. 2:1, b. Greenwood Me., of Noali & Nancy, to Mary J. Ellis of Doreli., :e. 20, b. Dorch., of Chas. & ^lary, 5: ii: .-jG. BENSON. 21 Albion of Dorch., ie. :31, b. Sumner Me., of Leonard & Lydia, to Eliza A. Loriufj^ of Ded , :e. 20, b. J^orcli., of Jona. & Eliza, 9: 0: .")4. BENT. 32 Henry of N. S., te. 24, b. N. S., of Jos. M. & Jane M., to Catherine Donelly of Ded., a\ 2."), b. N. S., of John & Catherine, 9:5: 8:3. BERGDOLL. 49 Joseph of Ded., te. 24, b. France, of Joseph & Howe, to Catharine Bayer of Ded., a-. IS, b. Germ., of Christian & Margaret, 6: 23: 67. BERRY. 13 Chas. D. of Canaan N. II., te. ."M), b. Andover, of Edw. & Lucy, to Harriet (Burns) Dana of Ded., te. ."iO, b. Litchfield N. IL, of William & Esther, 3: 19: 72. BESTWICK. 18 Alfred A. of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of John & Mary, to Mary A. Johnson of Ded., a-. 21. b. Wiscasset Me., of Oliver & Eliz'h, 7: 2: 58. :30 Edward II. of Ded., tx,'. 26, 1). Wiscasset Me., of Alfred A. and ]\Iary A. (Johnson), to Lena Corbett of Ded., se. 26, b. N. S., of William & Ann, 9:2: 89. 51 Fred'k L. of Ded., a\ 22, of John & Mary, to Mary S. Thompson of Ded,, te. 2.3, of Thos. & , 11 : 11 : 45. ISO Frederick L. of Ded., :e. 37, b. Medway, of John & Mary, to Sarah F. Hub- bard of Wiscasset Me., a,'. 21, b. Wiscasset Me., of John & Sarah, 4: 19: 60. 45 John Jr. of Ded., :o. 24, of John & Marj', to (Cordelia V. Young of Ded., a\ 20, of Joshua & Esther, 5: 20: 49. BEYER (See Bayer). BILLINGS, 25 Alfred E. of Ded., x. 20, b. Canton, of Alfred C. & EmmaF., to Frances E. Pollard of Ded., ie. 20, b. E. Worcester N. Y., of Thos. & Mary, 6: IS: 84. :32 Herbert W. of Ded., a. 22, b. Foxboro, of Warren II. & Angenette, to Sarah O. Clark of Walpole, le. 22, b. Walpole, of David & Thedy, 10: 20: 70. 4 James A. of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Walpole, of Albert II. A: Harriet M., to Irene "W. Draper of Ded., se. 19, b. Ded., of Moses & Irene, 2: 19: 0.5. BILLS. 16 Kilburn of Roxbury, a\ 2:5, b. Roxbury, of Hamilton «fc Maria, to Jane Lynch of West Roxburj% le. 18, b. Brooklyn N. Y., of John & , 8:9: .59. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. \\ 1 Lewis A. of Dcd.. a-. 2(1, 1). J)ed., ol" Jona. J). & Eli/.aJ}., to Fanny J^. Ilutcli- iiis, :e. 2."), b. TIaiiover N. II., oi" Hazeii K. & Loisa I'., 1 : 12: ."ii. 13IXGIIAM. :]8 Frank J. of Ded., \\\ 28, b. Boston, of Oscar & Sarah A., to Xcllie .M. Yar- rell of Tork Me., a.'. 2(5, b. York Me., of Rufus : 2: Tr.. 44 William II. of Ded., je. 22, b. Ire., of Wm. & Maggie, to Mary A. (irayhain of Brookline, te. 2(>, 1). Ire., of Jolm & Mary, 10: 21 : s(). BIRCH [See also Bnrsh). 48 John H. of Ded., ie. 2(i, b. P. E. I., of Wm. & Christiana, to Kate C. Bagley of Ded., :e. 21, 1>. Ded., of Thos. J. »S: Harriet, 12: IC: .">. BIRD. 7 Charles of Walpole, :e. 2.">, b. Walpole, of Andrew & Mary, to Maria L. Crane of Ded., se. 18, b. Ded., of Jose])h »!v: Susan, 2 : 14 : 50. 31 Frank R. of Canton, a". 32, 1). Canton, of RoV)ert & Eliza A. (Gerald), to Charlotte E. Eaton of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of John c^ Harriet (Dean), 0: 22: SO. 1 Samuel of Walpole, :e. ;>3. b. Walpole, of Andrew & IMary, to Mary E. Lewis of Walpole, ;e. 1!», b. Walpole, of Warren & Mary, 1:1: .54. BITXER, BITTXER. 1 Ilerrman of Ded., ;e. 24, b. (ierm., of John iS: Theresia (Taeher), to Auguste Rudolph of Lawrence, -m. 20, b. Germ., of Bernhart & Yeronica, 1: 21: 07. 30 Julius of Ded., a\ 2."), b. Germ., of John & Theresa, to Augusta Scholz of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Germ., of Wm. & Eliz'h, 8: v.): {>:>. BIXBY. 45 Harlan P. of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Swanton ^"t., of Solomon C. & Adeline C. (Danforth), to Annie C. Shaw of Ded., ;e. 21. b. Wohurn, of Geo. F. & Eliza A. (French), 11 : 24: 81. ]JLACKMAX. .•■)2 Chas. of Xeed., ;e. 24. b. Xeed., of Henry & Caroline, to Ellen M. O'Brien of Ded., a\ 20, b. Ded., of Dennis & Betsy, !»: 7: 72. 32 Marshall E. of Canton, le. 20, h. Canton, of Wm. & Caroline C., to Sadie E. Xye of Canton, ;e. 18, b. Gardiner Me., of Abram W. A: Mar.jorie :M., 9: 11: 87. BLAIR. 10 Albert W^ of Ded., a-. :», b. Pownal :Me., of Wm. II. & Dorcas A., to Estelle L. Cross of Ded., le. 27, b. Bellingham, of Joseph & Sarah M., 4:8: 80. BLAKE. 5 Frank W. of Xorfolk \'a.,:e. 2.5, b. Wren., of Alfred I'v: Mary ('., to Ellen W. Whiting of Ded., je. 20, b. Ded., of Otis B. & Lavina W., 2: li»: 7t». 08 Wm. B. of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of Christopher A: Ann, to Helena J. Lawler of Ded., te. 11), b. Boston, of Rue & Eliza, 7: 20: 71. BLAXCHARD. 21 John U. of Dorch., to Charlotte M. Robinson of Hampden Me., 5: 25: Oi). ^2 DEDIIAM RECORDS. BLANEY. 15 Henry of Ded., te. 24, b. Boston, of Benj. & A., to Mary F. Wood of Ded., oe. 18, I). Boston, of Amos & Eliz'h, 0: 14: 54. BLEAKIE. 44 John of Hyde Bark, a\ 58, b. Scot., of Bobert et Eli/.'h S., to Jane Lowey of Ded., re. 47, b. Ire., of John & Jane, 12: 8: 70. BI^ECHNER. 10 Karl of Ded., ie. :U, b. Germ., of Franz & Frederica, to Ebz"h Resch of Ded., w. 35, b. Germ., of John & Katharina, 2: 18: 07. BLOOD. 3 Samuel of Ded., ;e. 51, li. Oxford N. H., of Samuel & Xancy, to Elizabeth (Stanliope) Richards of Andover JST. II., le. 51, b. Machias Mc, of Rudolph- us & Susan, 1 : 15: 80. BOLES. 47 Alexander ]{. of Arlington, je. 21, 1). Arlington, of Sandy & Dorothy (Morton), to Emily N. Stewart of Cohasset, re. 22, b. Cohasset, of Wm. T. & Eliz'h C. Damon), 12 : 5 : 80. BOND. 14 Henry D. of Ded., re. 28, b. Brimfield, of John & Caphira, to Mary W. Bui lard of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Elijah A: Olive, 1 : 20: 5:3. BOXXEMORT. 38 Elijah W. of Ded., ;e. 37, 1). Dorch., of Nicholas & Marj^ to Cora E. Holmes of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Oliver & Almira. 11 : 0: 78. BONNEY. 68 Daniel of Ded., re. 56, b. Kingston, of Seth & Deborah, to Almira 8. (Gale) Grover of Ded., re. 38, b. Gilmanton N. II., of Dudley & Mary, 12: 24: 67. Daniel W. of Ded., re. 33, b. Ded., of Daniel & Cordelia C, to Eve M. Wet- more of Ded., re. 18, b. N. B., of James H. & Eliz'h A., 3: 4: 80. 8 Geo. E. of Ded., re". 24, b. Ded., of Geo. G. & Catharine M., to Harriet E. Cheney of Medfield, re. 18, b. Ded., of Martin L. & Harriet A., 2: 15: 90. 30 Henry C. of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Daniel & Cordelia C. E., to Florence Bridge of Ded., re. 21, b. New Orlean.s, of Isaac & Mary B., 10: 21: 68. 50 Herbert W. of Ded., re. 28, b. Pembroke, of Geo. G. & Catharine M., to Emma A. B. Patzold of Ded., re. 20, b. Germ., of Augustus F. & Amelia, 12:14:89. 24 Wm. E. of Ded., re. 23, b. Danvers, of.Pelham & Rebecca, to Emeline M. Tubbs of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Caleb & Emeline, 12: 15: .52. BOSCH. 53 Arnbros of Ded., re. 23, b. N. Y. City, of Lewis & Teressa, to Bridget Murphy of Boston, re. 2.3, b. Ire., of Dennis Andrew of Brookfield, ic. 24, b. Charlton, of John B. & Alvira, to Deborah M. ]}o\V(litcli of Leicester, re. 2:5, b. Saleni, of Richard & Persis, 11 : 28: 70. BOWKER. 1:5 Frank W. of Lynn, a?. .'52, b. Hardwick, of Edw. & ]Mary, to TrypheniaBallou of Ded., fe. 27, b. Ded., of Sylvanns & Tryphenia, o: 30: 87. 47 James of Ded., le. 28, b. Woodstock Me., of Cyprian & Rachel, to Harriet Whittum of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Lewiston Me., of Eben'r & Eliza, 11: 25: 49. BOWMAX. 30 Edward IL of Gardiner Me., te. 20, b. Gardiner Me., of Sifaima & Jnlia, to Adella C. Bradstreet of Gardiner Me., te. 2(5, b. Palermo Me., of Amou & Clara, 10: 1(5: 77. 7 George H. of Concord, a'. ?A, b. Billerica, of Francis & Elizabeth (Howe), to Rose X. Chapman of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Garland Me., of Walter A: Sarah (Iluse), 4:2:85. 29 William IL of Ded., te. 21, b. Roxbnry, of William F. & Mary C. (Jones), to Martha A. Morse of Ded., fo. 19, b. X'^ewton, of Renben G. & Jane (Dnnbar), 9: 8: 81. BOYD. 48 Charles M. of Ded., ;e. 31, b. Ded., of Moses & Olive, to Jennie E. Parker of Detroit Mich., se. 24, b. Detroit Mich., of Geo. II. & Jane, 10: 27:8(5. 20 Frank R. of Ded., ic. 2(5, b. Ded., of Moses & Olive, to Julia W. Thorpe of Boston, tu. 28, 1). Portland Me., of Orange J^ & Sarah A., 7: 14: 73. 9 Fred W. of Ded., ic. 2.5, b. Ded., of Moses & Olive, to Ella F. X''eale of Hyde Park, re. 2;J, b. Boston, of John V>. & Mary A., 4: :W: 79. 8 James T. of Ded., ;e, 25, b. Boston, of David A: Catharine, to Aileliiie Jones of Ded., re>. 24, b. J)orch., of Edw. & Eliz'h, 5: 11 : 57. 47 John \V. of Ded., ie. :30, b. Ded., of David & Eliz'h, to Pauline L. iUirkhardt of Poston, ic. 2(5, b. Roxbury, of Gottlieb F. A: Pauline W., 11 : 19: 85. 11 :\I. (Janlner of Ded., re-. :3:;, b. Ded., of Moses A:- Olive, to Harriet T. Wolcott of Ded., le. ;]0, b. Rox., of John \V. A: Henrietta L. T., 4: :!() : S5. BOYDEN. 25 Almond F. of \Valpole, re'. 2:], b. Walpole, of Joseph A: Xancy .\., to Ella L. Guild of Walpole, re'. 21, b. Strong Me., of Elliot A: Mary, 8: 2: 71. 2 JJenjamin of Ded., re'. (5:3, b. Ded., of Benj. A: Roxa, to Lucy P. (Strong) ]Jailey of Ded., re>. 4:J, b. Oxford X. II. , of E. X\ A: Myra, l : 10: 71. (j Francis W. of Dtnl., a'. 21, b. Medfield, of Silas A: Caroline, to Caroline E. ivimball of Ded., n-. 24, h. Lisbon Me., of Peuben A: Anna, 4: 4: 58. 14: D ED II AM RECORDS. G3 I. Lewis of Ded.. to. 23, b. Walpole, of James & Lucy, to :SIilley E. Morse of Ded., JB. 21, b. Ded , of Joseph & Mary, 9: 28: 45. 13 :Newell of Walp., a?. 81, b. Walp., of Lewis & Abigail, to Lucy M. (Baker) Coy of Ded., a;. 51, b. Ded., of Alfred & Jiilia A., 4 : 14: 80. J50YNT0X. G Richard F. of Ded., ic. 2:3, b. N'eed., of Richard & Cynthia, to S. Jennie Win- ship of Ded., a'. 17, b. Harpswell, of Silas M. & Juliann, 3: 13: 66. BRACKETT. 12 La Fayette of Ded., a^ 22, b. Brighton, of Elijah C. & Betsey, to Ellen F. G. Spear of Ded., a?. IS, b. Canton, of Simeon C. & Caroline J., 3: 30: 72, 18 Gilbert O. of Ded., a-. 2fl, b. Lynn, of Elijah C. & Betsey, to Mary A. Rich- ardson of Cambridge,ai.21,b. Xeponset,of Thomas B. & Mary J., 5:6: 69. BRADFORD. 22 George of X. Bridgewater, a?. 26, b. Minot Me., of David & Asenath, to Martha Paul of Ded., tie. 23, b. Ded., of Samuel & Martha, 5: 30: 50. 19 Geo. IL of W. Rox., aj. 25, b. Rox., of Geo. & Ann, to Eliza C. AVinchester of Rox., a?. 20, b. Sandwich, of Franklin & Sarah, 7: 4: 61. BRAINARD. 31 Chas. E. of W. Rox., a?. 22, b. Ilallowell Me., of Rufus & Rosanna, to Emma E. Dudley of W. Rox., se. 21, b. Augusta Me. of Geo. & Emma, 10:23:72. BRAXIGAN. .58 Tlios. of Ded., a'. :34, b. Dover, of Patrick & Ann, to Ann (Kelley) Crowley of Ded., fc. :35, b. Ded., of Martin & , 11 : 29: 84. BRAY. ;33 Edgar W. of Ded., a'. 4:3, b. Boston, of John & Sarah S., to Sarah A. Crane of Ded., it'. 27, b. Canton, of P:ben'r .S: Betsey, 9: !(>: 61. BRAYLEY. :>G George of Boston, te. 32, b. N. B., of Jas. & Annie, to ]\raria A. Ingalls of Boston, a'. :33, b. Prov. R. I., 9: 6: 84. BRENXAX, BRENXOX, BRAXNOX, BKAXXIX. 27 Dennis of X^orwood, a'. :39, b. Ire., of Andrew & Margaret, to Mary A. White of Boston, a. ;15, b. Ire., 6: 28: 75. .52 James A. of Xorwood, a. 20, b. Ded., of Dennis cfc Harriet A., to Catherine M. Flood of X^orwood, a. 19, b. White River Junction Vt., of Tho.s. & Sarah, 2: 14:77. 44 John J. of Ded., a. 26, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary, to Bridget Kennedy of Ded., a. 19, b. Ire., of John &Mary, (i: 19: 77. 54 Thos. of Ded., a. 30, b. Ire., of Thos. & Bridget, to Hannah Kelley of Ded., a. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 11: 20: 66. 57 Timothy of Ded., a. 2.5, b. Ire., of Owen & Mary, to Mary J. McLaughlin of Ded., a. 21, b. Ire., of Henry & Mary, 11: 27: 6(). 49 AVm. of Ded., a. 23, b. Ire., of Patrick iK: Mary, to Kate (O'TIale) Corrigan of Ded., a. 30, b. Ire., 1 : 23 : 73. ABSTRACT OF CARRIAGES. l", BRIEGEL. 21 Fred'c of Ded., a'. 29, h. Germ., of Adam & Feligitas, to Eli/.'li Lorio of J)ed., a\ 18, b. Kox., of John & Eliz'li, 7: 18: 72. BRIGGS. 44 Daniel If. of Boston, to Harriet Jenness of Boston, 12: ;]0: 4."). Xi Henry B. of Hyde Park, ;e. 22, b. Neiv Bedford, of Abel & Kli/;h, to Ella F. Corson of Hyde Park, :e. 18, b. Solon Me., of Xalnim & Mary, 10: 14: 71. 1 Osmond H. of Pawtucket R. I., ;e. 24, 1). Pawtucket, of Jas. G. & Lydia J., to Lavinia B. Robley of Ded., se. 2:5, 1). Pawtucket, of Rol)ert ('. & Lucy, 1 : ;; : 70. BR I XD LEY. 24 Joseph F. of Ded..a\ 2:), b. Hingham, of Lawrence & Christina, to Bridget E. Fagan of Ded., ;e. 24, 1). Ire., of Peter and ]\Iary, 4: 11 : 8;',. BROAD. :;i Horace S. of Del., :e. li), \\. Milton, of ^7ild3r & Maria E., to Anne J. Chandler of Ded., :e. 19, b. Ded., of Josiah & Anne D., 10: 20: 59. BROMLEY. 04 Edward of Ded., ic. .33, b. Eng., of Richard «fc Helen, to Julia Dowling of Canton, a\ 24, b. Ire., of Denm's & Catharine, 7: 24: 09. BROOKS. 31 Edwin A. of Ded., a. 30, 1). Ded., of I^emuel A. & Eliza, to Fannie E. Deer- ing of Paris Me., aj. 23, b. Paris Me., of Jas. A. & Sarah A., 11 : 18: 74. 21 Fred'k of Ded., se. 29, b. Ya., of Fred'k & Maria, to ]VIaria (Brann) Eyerson of Ded., a;. 30, b. X. C, of Robin & July, .5: .30: 88. 45 Henry H. of Ded., a". 2.5, b. Ded., of John H. & Ellen, to Etta M. Crooker of Ded., a;. 20, b. Andover Me., of Calvin B. & Maria F., 11 : 5: 85. BROWX, BROWXE. 73 Edwin X. of Ded., w. 54, b. Windsor Yt., of Luther C. & Charlotte, to Mary A. (Ilurd) Lock of Hyde Park, a'. 52, b. Acton Me., of Wm. cS: Caroline, 12: 10: 90. :)3 Frank F. of Ded., a-. 23, b. Boston, of Tiieodore L. & Eliza F., to Mary A. Morrell of Ded., a. 22, b. Boston, of VVm. II. & Sarah A., 9: 19: 8;}. 11 Geo. E. of Ded., w. 24, b. Sudl)ury, of Theodore L. &, Eliza F., to Emma F. Chatfield of Ded., a. 20, b. Boston, of Wm. & Eliz'h, 4:5: 71. 9 Geo. E. of Ded., ;c. 31, b. Sudbury, of Theodore L. & Eliza F.. to Ida F. Thomas of Ded., re. 31, b. Weymouth, of John W. & Sarah B., 5: 8: 77. 20 Henry G. of Ded., a. 20, b. Ftumford Me., of John M. ^^^ Martha, to Olive A. Waldron of Ded., a. 24, b. Buckheld Me., of James L. »& Sarah, 9:9: 55. 1 Horace E. of W. Rox., a. 24, b. Charlestown, of Thonuis & Marianne, to Martha E. Alden of Ded., a'. 21, b. Ded., of George & Hannah, 1 : 23: 53. 5 James of Ded., a. 37, b. Farmington Me., of Samuel & Sarah, to Carrie C. Turner of Amesbury, a. 20, b. Haverhill, of Edmund & Mary, 3:1: GO. 28 James G. of Ded., a. 27, b. Ya., of Reuben & Betsy, to Phillis (Bell) Cheesman of Ded., aj. 25, b. Ya., 10: 4: 70. 21 Maurice of Ded., ic. 24, b. Ire., of Wm. & Bridget, to Ellen Coleman of Dedham, ai. 20, b. Ire., of Garrett & Mary, 7:7: 8.5. 16 DEDHAM RECORDS. 38 Moses P. of Worcester, k. 24, b. IIul)l)ar(lston, of Ezra P. & Mary, to Myrtilla IJ. Ilewins of Dec!., te. 22, b.Walp., of \Vm. & Rebecca, 10: 22: G4. 44 Wm. G. of Peabody, a?. 05, b. Wells Me., of Robert & Abigail, to Emily M. (Aikens) Lavers of Boston, le. 37, b. Eng., of John & Eliza, 9: 19: 88. BRUCE. 8 Lewis A. of Boston, ;c. 4r», b. Derry N. II., of Lewis & Mary C, to Margaret S. Kittson of Ded., ;e. ;]9, 1). Portsmouth X. H., of Thos. & Margaret, 5:1: 02. 10 Samuel C. of Boston, so. 22, b. Concord X. H., of Geo. W. & Isabella S., to Olive W. Smith of I)ed., re. 21, b. Bangor, of Henry & Lucy, 3:2: 70. BUCKLEY. 50 Patrick of Ded., te. 22, 1). Ire., of & Ellen, to Johanna Buckley of Ded., 0e. 22, b. Ire., of Daniel & Johanna, 11 : 20: 00. 03 Timothy of Ded., se, 2:}, b. Ire., of Thos. & Johanna, to Winnif red Mooney of Ded., a.'. 22, b. Ire., of Martin & Margaret, 11 : 8: 08. BUDLOXG. 24 Albert of Ded., ;e. 2:?, b. Prov. R. I., of Jos. W. et Charlotte, to Sarah E. Fairbanks of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Moses & Fanny, 10: 28: 57. BULLARD. 19 Benj. O. A. of Ded., a?. 24, b. Ded., of Willard & Harriet, to Lucy xV. Bacon of Ded., 'Hi. 2:3, b. Ded., of Bela & Lucy, 10: 10: 47. 14 Cyrus P. of Medfleld, re. 2:5, b. Medway, of Cyrus & Eda (Partridge), to Betsy E. Xewell of Dover, ic. 24, b. Dover, of Jesse ^ Lydia (Hill), 0: 22: 73. BUXKER. 22 Frank L. of Marlboro, ;c. 24, b. Amesbury, of Chas. & Rebecca E., to Emily C. (Welch) Xaish of Ded., re. 33, b. X. S., 9 : 30: 75. BUXX. 47 Wm. of Canton, re. 22, b. Eng., of Jolm it Ellen, to Bridget Riley of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ire., of J'liilip A: Mary, 1: 12: 73. BURDAKIX. 29 John II. of Ded., re. ;H b. Cambridge, of John C. & Catharine E., to EtlaL. Smith of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Mary E., Jl : 18: 74. BURGESS. 34 Eben'r P. of Ded., se. 27, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Abigail, to Caroline F. Guild of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Francis Ik, Caroline, 11 : ;30: 53. 7 Eben P. of Ded., re. 3:3, b. Ded., of El)en'r & Abby P., to EUen I). Tlolman of Ded., se. 29, b. Gardiner Me., of L. & Lucy C, 3:1: 00. 40 Edw. P. of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Abigail 15., to Mary B. Kings- bury of Prov., re. 20, b. Prov. R. I., of John &Mary, 12: 13: .5.5. 42 Isaac J. of Middleboro, re. 51, 1). Java, of Isaac & Ann (.rulianl, to Lucy (Baker) Colburn of Ded., ;e. 54, b. Ded., of David & Dene (Holmes), 11:21: 71. 13 James of Ded., re. 31, of Samuel & Ann, to Avis Macomber of Ded , re*. 32, of Ichabod & Elethea, 10: 14: 47. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 17 JiURKU 40 J.imes of JJoston, le. 20, h. Ire., of Win. & Eliza (Louden), to Catherine Uslier of J)ed., :e. 35, b. Ire., of Wm. k. Mary (Kennedy), 8: 29: 88. 21 ^Martin W. of Newton, te. 27, b. Eastport Me., of James W. & Mary A., to Mary M. Richards of Ded., ;e. 18, b. Ded., of Lewis A. & Martlia, 7: 10: .5."). 21 I'atrick J. of Ded., :e. 26, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary (Daltont, to Mary A. Hern of Ded., se. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Eustatia (Kane), 0: 22 : 82. 30 Thos. of Ded, te. 27, b. Ire., of Michael & Bridftet, to Margaret (iibbons of Sliaron, te. 24, b. Ire., of John & Margaret. 11: 28: 63. 3 Wm. of llox., it'. 29, b. Ire., of Wm. . 28, b. Water- bower Me., of Oliver & Mary (Googine), 5: 28: 81. BUTLER. 42 Frank of Ded., re*. 20, b. Ire., of Thos. it Bridget, to Mary A. Smith of Ded., re. 27, b. Woonsocket R. L, of Jas. & Margaret, 12: 29: 7.5. 40 Michael of Ded., re. ;50, l». Ire., of Jas. «fc Mary, to Kate JJurns o£ Ded., re. 3.5, b. Ire., of Lawrence »& liridget, 2:11: 77. 7 ^Nliciiael J. of Newport R. I , :e. 27, b. Newport R. L, of :Miehael & Cath- arine, to Mary A. Mulvt^rliiil of Ded., re. 2. 20, b. Ire,, of John & Sarah, ,5:6: 06. .51 James of Prov. R. I., a?. 26, b. Ire., of Jas. & Rose, to Mary Fahy of Ded., a). 22, b. Ire., of Michael & Catherine, 7: 0: 67. 40 John J. of N. Y. City, te. 27, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Eliza \. Tully of Ded., a?. 21, b. Ded., of Michael & Eliza, 11 : 1 : 82. 1 Thos. of Boston, je. 2:5, b. Ire., of Maurice & Hanora, to Bridget Burns of Ded., a^ 24, b. Ire., of Daniel & Bridget, 1 : 8: 79. CALLAHAN (Sec also Coullahan). 48 Daniel of Ded., a?. 23, b. Ire., of Thos. iS: Mary, to Mary Buckley of Ded., a?. 24,b. Ire., of Patrick & Eliz'li, 2:8: 7.5. 14 Dennis of Hyde Park, re. 27, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary, to Esther Fitzgerald of Hyde Park, a-. 25, b. Halifax, of ^Vm. & Catharine W., 5: 21: 68. 40 Michael of JVIedfield, se. 38, b. Ire., of Michael & Honora, to Bridget Ken- nedy of Medfield, re. 28, b. Ire., of Timothy & Belinda, 1 : 26 : GS. (CAMERON. 38 James B. of Ded., re. 25, b. N. S., of Hugh & Isabella, to Eliz'h A. Simpson of Ded., re'. 20, b. N. S., of Wm. & Agnes C, 9: 24: 09. CAMPBELL. 12 freo. W. of N. Y. City, a'. 2;), b. Pine Island N. Y., of Geo. & Mary, to Martha J. Coblj of Ded., re. 19, b. Mansfield, of Willard & Lydia J., 5:7: 50. :50 John R. of Ded., a*. 42, b. Rox., of Benj. F. & Eliza (Everett), to Emma Ogilvie of Ded., a'. 27, b. N. S., of Daniel & Susan (Grimes), 12: 24: 80. .55 Michael of ^Y. Rox., re. 20, b. N. S., of Andrew & Eliz'h, to Margaret Joyce of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Patrick »& Mary, 5:9: 69. 15 Wm. of Sudbury, re. 24, b. Boston, of Francis & Bridget, to Eliza J. Carr of Ded., re. 19, b. Wayland, of John & Margaret, 7: 5: 77. CANNAVON. 64 Wm.,of Boston, re. 22, b. Rox., of Wm. & Bridget, to Nellie A. Hannon of Ded., re. 21, 1). Worcester, of Jas. A: Mary, 6: 25: 73. CANNON. 32 Francis of Hyde Park, re. 23, b. Prov. R. I., of ^Michael & Bridget, to Hannah Morgan of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Peter <& Bridget, 10: 23: 70. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 19 83 Michael F. of Ded., :i'. :;<». 1.. Ire., of TIio.s. & Bridj^-et, to lliiunab llotli of l)ed., ic. 28, 1). Ire., 2: 12: (ii). CAPEN. 36 Clias. J. of Ded., ic. 2."), ]). Boston, of Lemuel & Mary A., to Lucy W. Seaver of Ded., ic. 29, of Calvin & Dolly, 4: 20: 48. 28 Cbas. J, of Ded., ;e. 00, b. Boston, of Lemuel & Mary A., to Caroline E. (iuild of Ded., te. 34, b. Ded., of Jason & Sarah E., 0: 28: 83. 42 Edward of Ded., re. 32, b, Ded., of Charles J. & Lucy R., to Mary L. Dray- ton of Ded., re. 22, b. D ed., of John II. & Mary R., 10: 12 : 80. 29 Geo. O. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Silas P. & Hannah M., to Amelia G. Savels of Chelsea, re\ 20, b. Jjoston, of Asa M. & Sarah A., 10: 12: 70. CAR BERRY. 40 John of Ded., ic. 20, b. Ire., of Hugh & Bridget, to Minnie Sullivan of Ded., re. 26, b. Eng., of Timothy & Nora, 12 : 2.j: 78. 29 Wm. of Cambridge, re'. 2.j, b. Scot., of Wm. & Jane, to Eliz'h A. (Ilealey) Healey of Ded., re\ 24, b. Eng., of John & Ann, 10: 1."): 08. CAREY, GARY. 63 Daniel O. of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, to Ellen Brinnau of Ded., re". 22, b. Ire., of Wm. & Nancy, 0: 20: 73. 0.") Edward P. of Fall River, re'. 26, b. Newburyport, of John & Ann, to Isabella F. McMannus of Ded., re'. 25, b. Ded., of Patrick & Bridget, 12: 20: 88. 45 Geo. C. of Need., re. 23, b. Boston, of Jas. F. & Josephine, to Lena Law- rence of Need., re. 18, b. Germ., of Francis & Mary, 11 : 20 : 74. 30 Henry A. of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of John & Mary, to Mary O'Keefe of Ded., re'. 25, b. Ire., of David »fc ^lary, 9: 10: 75. CARNEY. (.SVe aho Kearney). 3 James of Ded, re. 36, b. i)ed., of Walter & Ann, to :Mary A. Clarey of Ded., re-. 26, b. Ded., of John & Bridget, 1 : 25 : 90. 30 Mark V. of Ded., re\ 44, b. ire., of Mark & Bridget, to Catharine McMahan of Ded., re. 27, b. P. E. I., of Owen & Catharine, 7:2: 84. CARPENTER. 12 Albert A. of Sharon, re. 22, b. Sharon, of Shepard & Mary, to ^Slary J. John- son of Sharon, re'. 19, b. Pettston, N. Y., of Wm. S. & Mary, 2: 17: 07. 1 Herbert L. of Ded., :e. 22, b. St. Johnsbury. Yt., of James B. cS: Lucinda C, to Lillian G. Lord of Ded., re'. 18, I). Ded., of Nath'l it Sarah, 1 : 1: 89. CARR. 72 Edward of Ded., re'. 28, b. X. Y. City, of Jas. & Bridget, to :\Iary Grady of Ded., re'. 27, b. Ire., of Dan & Bridget, 11 : 17:(i9. CARRIGAN. 27 Eugene of Ded., re-. 30, b. Ire., of Eugene & Katharine, to Jane Thomi)S()n of Ded., re'. 25, b. Ire., of Peter & Winnifrel, 11 : 15 : 51. CARROLL. 28 Chas. W. of Ded., ;e. 2.5, b. Ded.. of Sanford & Harriet (Whiting), to Lucy ]M. Farwell of Foxboro, re-. 21, b. Walp., of John I'v: Lucy (Stratton), 7:31:01. 20 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 20 Daniel W. of Canton, ic. 25, b. Easton. of John & Emily, to Anna VV. Bisbee of Canton, ix?. 20, b. Easton, of Chas. & Abby, 7: 20: 59. 5:1 Edward of Ded., a;. 30, b. Ire., of Larkland & Wenefar, to Mary Donahoe of Ded., :e. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 6: 21 : 71. 40 Henry (1. of Ded., oe. 26, b. Ire., of Henry & 13ela, to Catharine A. Welch of Ded., JB. 23, b. W. Rox., of Patrick & Dela, 4: 13: 72. 13 James of Ded., se. 32, b. Ire., of Henry & Belle, to Mary Welch of Ded., te. 20, b. Ire., of Maurice & Alice, 7: 9: 76. 27 Wm. E. of Ded., je. 26, b. Canada, of Thos. & Catiiarine, to Alice Ingham of Ded., ie. 17, b. Saco Me., of Robert & Adliza, 8: 3: 89.. 44 Wm. F. of Ded., te. 30, b. Ire., of Henry & Isabella, to Grace Tracy of Ded., .•e. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Kate, 1: 7: 68. CARTER. 5 Ciias. of Ded., le. 25, b. Canada, of Timothy & Maria E., to Joanna Sullivan of Ded., ie. 18, b. Ire., of Micliael & Catharine, 2: 25: 60. 31 Exavia F. of Boston, te. 3:3, b. Dorch., of Wm. & Mary A., to Edith L. Moulton of Boston, fe. 20, b. Newcastle X. H.. of John & Ann, 9: 23: 82. :32 Geo. M. of Ded., fe. 23, b. Burlington Vt., of John & Alic3 (Creeser), to Louisas. Pipping of Ded., aj. 19, b. Ded., of Clias. & Caroline (Swank), 10: 28: 80. 11 Isaac II. of Ded.. se. 49, b. Me., of Stillman & Mary, to Hannah Ogilvie of Ded., fe. ?,1, b. N. S., of Daniel & Susan O., 5: 17: 82. 37 James N. of Need.. a3. 26, b. X. S., of Jas. D. & Christina, to Susan I. Browa of Need., le. 18, b. Need., of Timothy & Mary, 11: 14: 70. CASHEN. 47 Martin of Walp., ;e. 21, b. Walp , of Martin & Mary, to Mary Werner of Ded., le. 18, b. Ded., of John & Susan, 12: 6: 82. CASH MAN. 52 Jolin of Hyde Park, je. 27, b. Ire., of Michael «fc Honora, to Mary A. Kane of Hyde Park, .-e. 20, b. Eng., of Wm. & Alice, 5: 7: 68. CASS. 39 Isaac N. of Lynn. k. 21, 1». Hampstead N. II., of Samuel & Rosilla, to Susan J. Hill of Piaistow N. H., te. 20, of Samuel & Mary, 12: 9: 68. GASSED Y, CASSIDY. 39 Mark II. of Winchester, ai. 24, 1). Ire., of John & Annie (Burke), to Win- neford Fitzpatrick of Ded., ic. 2;l, b. Ire., of John k> Mary. 10: ;10: 89. 54 Patrick of Hyde Park, ie. 32, b. Ire., of Edw. & Julia, to Bridget (^uinlan of Hyde Park, a. 21, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 5:3: 69. CASSELL. 44 Edmund P. of Boston, le. 27, b. Boston, of Edmund & Sophia D., to Josephine H. Kingsbury of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Ded., of Lewis II. «& Eunice H., 10: 12: 65. CASWELL. 21 Clias. L. of Ded., te. 20, b. KyeN. IL. of Warren & Sarah E. (Knowles), to Mabel F. Pierce of Natick, ic. 20, b. Need., of Chas. N. & Su.san (Mason), 0:2: 86. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES, 21 CIIAUWICK. 27 Harrison E. of Bradford, sv. 55, b. Bradford, of Benj. P. «fc Deborah Tl., to Emma J. Eaton of Ded., ;e. 4:], b. I)ed., of John & Harriet, G: 25: 84. CHAMBER LAI X. 4(5 "Warren of W. Kox., so. 27, b. W. Rox., of Daniel & Mary, to Eliz'h Onion of W. Rox., a'. 22, b. W. Rox., of Asa & Xancy, 11 : 5: 07. 5 Wm. M. of Boston, je. 24, b. Boston, of John & Mary, to Rebecca Joy of Boston, a". 25, b. Boston, of Enoch & Rebecca, 3: 12: 78. CPIANDLER. 19 Benj. of Ded., a\ 23, of Zebedee & Mary, to Eliza J. Wentwortli of Ded., a'. 23, of Jason & Bethiah, 11: 1 : 40. CHAPLAIN. 12 David of Ded., a-. 37. 1). R. L, of John &]Maria, to Abby Roberson of Ded., a?. 35, b. Sandwich X. H., of Mushar & Betsy, 5: 11 : 70. CHAPMAN. 34 John X. of Newmarket N. H., re. 21, b. Newmarket N. II., of Levi & Abigail, to Mary J. Colburn of Ded., a*. 21, b. Pittsburgh Pa., of Lyman R. & Joea, 10:30: 00. 66 Robert of Ded., a. 33, 1). Eng., of Michael & Eli/'h, to Ann Wood of Ded., ic, 32, b. Eng., of Thos. & Mary, 12 : 31 : 68. CHASE. 3 Albert S. of Ded., a. 28, b. Ded., of David N. & Anna E., to Mary E. AVard of Ded., a. 23, b. Ded., of Caleb & Abl)ie, 1: 14: 82. 37 David N. of Ded., a. 34, b. Ded., of David & Betsy J., to Anna E. Onion of Ded., a'. 25, b. Ded., of Joseph & , 11 : 28: 50. 12 Edwin A. of Ded., a. 22, b. Portland Me., of Wm. & Ellen A., to Ella A. Sanderson of Ded., a. 22, b. Sweden Me., of Charles C. & Anna A., 0: 5: 73. 30 George H. of Ded., a. 21, b. Boston, of John & Achsali, to Mary Dawson of Ded., 86. 16, b. N. B., of Wm. & , 9:2: 50. 25 George W. of Ded., a. 28, b. Ded., of David & Betsy J., to ]Mary Kingsbury of Ded., a. 17, 1). Ded., of Melzar & Mary, 7 : 10: 55. 23 James M. of Ded., a\ 30, b. Ded., of David & Betsy, to Caroline Colburn of Ded., a-. 18, b. Ded., of James & Charlotte, 10: 12: .54. 27 John W. of Ded., a'. 29. b. Epjting N. II.. of Prescott & Sally, to Ilattie E. Weeman of Brunswick Me., a. 23, 1). Freeport Me., of James P. & Eliza- beth T., 0: 16: 69. 14 Waldo of Ded., a\ 18, b. Ded., of James M. & Carrie C, to Alice l)ro\vning of Foxboro, a. 17, b. AVali)ole, 6:4: 74. 33 William H. of Taunton, a. 24, b. N. Dartmouth, of M. B. & Henrietta, to Henrietta W. Smith of Ded., a. 31, b. E. Machias Me., of Henry & Lacing AV., 10: 28:72. CHEEVER. 42 George II. of Boston, a. 28, b. Boston, of Simon G. & Martlia AA^. to Isa- belle S. Shorey of Ded., a. 19, b. Ded., of John i.'c Cornelia G., 11 : 13: 07. 22 DEDHAM RECORDS. CIIENEr. CHEENEY. 19 (ieor^e W. of Medfield, ic, 23, b. Medfield, of Warren & Jael, to Julia A. Baker of Medfield, so. 22, b. Medfield, of Joel & Abigail, 6: 4: 50. 2 Luther of Ded., to Elizabeth (Onion) Fisher of Ded., of Elihu »fc Cathar- ine, 0: 19:44. ^ 3 Martin L. of Ded., aj. 24, b. Ded., of Luther & Elizabeth, to Ilattie A. Smith of Ded., a\ 20. b. Andover, of Thos. & Harriet P., 1 : 14: 71. 05 Simon of Ded., je. 25, b. Ded., of & Nabby, to Eliza A. Morse of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of Oliver & Azuba. 12 : 11 : 45. 12 Simon W. of Ded., ;e. 30, b. Ded., of Samuel & Sarah, to ]Maria A. Chamber- lain of Ded., fe. 23, b. Ded., of Curtis & Anna, 5: 17: 82. ;^0 William F. of Ded., se. 32, b. Lowell, of Franklin & Sarah ( Abrams), to Lucy E. Chickeringof Ded., se. 30, b. St. Louis Mo., of William & Abby F. (Munroe), 10 : 5 : 80. CHICK. 30 Charles C. of Hyde Fark, ;e. 28, b. Lebanon Me., of Simon F. & Ann B., to Eliza A. Marshall of J)ed., le. 20, b. Ded., of Edward & Eliza A., 12: 10: 74, CHICK ERINC. 10 David of Ded., ;e. 40, b. Iloldeu, of & Sarah, to Sarah A. (Guy) Meads of Dover, ie. 30, b. Dover, of Benj. & Sarah, 10: 25: 52. 28 John D. of Ded., fe. 21, b. Ded., of Dean & Mary, to Helen A. Cokely of Ded., :e. 17, b. Rox., of Jas. & Helen, 7: 28: 50. 3 John D. of Ded., je. :3:3, b. Ded., of Dean & Mary, to Mary M. Currier of Ded., fe. 24, b. Sears.-nont Me., of Barton «fc Sarah, 1 : 17: 09. :i0 Munroe of Ded., fc. 27, 1>. Quincy 111., of William & Abigail F. (Munroe), to Florence Tileston of ]>o.ston, a\ 25, b. Dorchester, of Eduuind P. «fc Helen F. (Cummins), 10 : 8: 7:5. CHOATE. 49 Albert F. of Ded., fe. 47, b. Hallowell Me., of Rufus & Livonia, to Sarah E. Flanders of Boston, se. 37, b. Boston, of \Vm. & Mfiry, 10: 11 : 88. CHURCHILL. 7 Chauncey S. of Ded., fc. 24, b. Ded., of Chauncey C. & Permelia S., to Grace A. Churchill of Hyde Park, te. 17, b. Weymouth, of Ethan S. & Annie M., 4: 17: 79. CLARK, CLARKE. 42 Charles of Dorch., to Phebe A. Ulton of Dorch., 8: 28: 45. 9 Edward F. of Ded., a.'. 2;3, b. Friendship Me., of Timothy F. & Hope A., to Eveline A. Smith of Sudbury, fc. 17, b. Sudbury, of George & Hannah, 3: 2: 71. 24 Edwin R. of Sharon, fc. 27, b. Sharon, of Tiios. E. & Lucy, to Matilda Col- burn of Ded., te. 2.5, b. Ded., of Isaacus I'v: Louisa, 8:8: 50. 28 Frederick \j. of Ded., ie. 29, b. Ded., of Horatio & p:ivira R., to ])ella M. Jones of Xorthfield Vt., fo. 28, b. Worcester Vt., of Stephen F. & Caro- line C, 8:9: 79. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 23 :>") George of Dorcli., \v. ."JO, of David A: Betliany, to Ilessetliali Adley of ] )('(!., iL'. ;;4, of Kowell & Mary, 4 : 23: 48. 25 Henry of X. IJrid.n'cwatt'r, ;e. 5'.t, b. IJiddeford Mc, of Asa A: ^Mariaiie iGould), to Mary J. (iould of J)ed., w. 40, b. Milton Me., of William A: Uetsey, 8 : :5 : 72. 1 Henry E. of Harvard 111., :e. 28, 1). W. Wintield X. Y., of Bcnj. & Cornelia. to Annette Titeoinb of l)ed., w. 10, b. J)racut, of Edgar M.-& Kowena C, 1:28: 58. 70 James of Hyde Tark, ;i'. 2i», b. Ire., of Patrick & Ann, to Mary ( alien of Hyde Park, te. 22, h. Ire., of ridgton Me., of A. M. A: Jane, U : 2(;: 6S. CLEM EXT, CLEMEXTS. i;] Moses W. of Ded., te. 29, b. Andover, of ]\Ioses it Caroline, to ^■i.•to:•ia Adamson of Ded., je. 24, b. X. S., of John A: Hannah, 5: 12: '^MS. 50 Wm. H. of Ded., w. 28, b. lioston. of Jas. & Eliz'h, to Mary II. Rourk of Ded., se. 28, b. Boston, of Martin A: Margaret, 8:5: 72. CLEVELAXD. 4 Herbert A. of Ded., a-. 23, b. Dorch., of Stejihen H. A} Rebecca B.. to Corinne M. Clapp of JJoston, w. 18, b. W. Rox., of William R. iS: Harriet ('., 2:6: 70. CLIFFORD. 20 John W. of Ded., ;e. 25, b. (Jranthani X. II., of David As Sarah, to Ellen E. (Fleming) Clifford of Ded., w. 10, b. X. F., of A:- Bridget, 8: 18: 50. 21 Samuel X\ of Ded., a". 24, of David A: Sally, to Ellen E. Fleming of Ded., a'. 17, of Michael A: Bridget, 2: 25: 4!». CLIFTON. :39 John 1). of Ded., w. 27, li. Moultonlx.ro X. II., of John A: Maria F. (Cobb), to Clara M. Lewis of Boston, a'. 21, b. Kingston, of Calvin A: Martha (Chandler), 11:21: 70. CLIXTOX. 20 James II. of \Wi\., w. 25, 1). Wrentham, of James A: Rebecca, to Xellif F. Kelly of Boston, a-. 20, li. W. Rox., of Jas. A: Bridget, 5: 25: >^K\. 24 DEDHAM RECORDS. 4 Jolin of Dec!., 'm. 2(5, b. Milton, of James & Kebecca, to Kate Coughlan of Canton, jc. 27, b. Canton, of Jeremiah & Kate, 1 : 27: 80. CLISUr. 32 Alphoiiso E. of Decl., sd. 22, b. Boothbay Me., of Eben C. & Charlotte, to Lizzie J. Cookings of Dec!., to. 20, b. Woodstock Ct., of Jos. & Sophia, 9:19:71. 44 Robert S. of Boothbay Me., jo. 2:3, b. Boothbay Me., of Eben C. & Charlotte C, to Mary A. Withingtou of Ded., :e. 21, b. Rox., of Warren & Waity W., 11: 2:3: 64. 2 Robert S. of Ded., re. ?>\, b. Boothbay Me., of Eben & Charlotte T., to Dora J. Withington of Ded., a\ 19, b. Ded., of Wm. & Waity, 2:9: 73. COBB. 1 Edward S. of Ded., re. 22, b. Nashville Tenn., of Jona. & Martha S., to Lotta L. Whitney of Hyde Park, re. 20, b. Boston, of Luther W. & Ruth E., 1 : 1 : 81. 4 John D. of Milton, re. 28, b. P. E. I., of John & Eliz'h, to Bessie darken of Ded., re. 27, b. N. S., of James & Mary, ?>: .5: 78. 18 Jonathan of Nashville Tenn., re. 28, b. Ded., of Jona. 11. & Sophia D., to Martha S. Wales of Ded., re\ 25, b. Boston, of Samuel & Martha A. Jr., 7: 29: .57. 14 Samuel D. of Ded., re. ?A b. Ded., of Jona. H. & Sophia D., to Mary T. Shumway of Ded., re'. 2.3, b. Ded., of Erastus & Harriet N., 3: 5: 07. COBBETT. 30 Clarence W. of Ded., w. 21, b. Ded., of Seth W. i& Myra E. (Morse), to Grace Livingstone of Boston, re. 20. b. Lowell, of Joseph <& Annie, 7: 10: 88. 63 Seth W. of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Thomas & Abigail, to Myra E. (Morse) Whiting of Ded., re. 30, b. Canton, of Joseph & Ruth, 11: 29: 65. COBURX. 33 Chas. W. of Ded., re. 23, b. Winchester, of Wm. & Merinda, to Emma A. Googins of Ded., re\ 20, b. Oxford Me., of Samuel & Eliza(Lurvy) 10: 21 : 73. COCKBILL. 3 James of Rox., re'. 25, b. Eng., of James & Ann, to Jane Garskins of Ded., re. 21, b. Eng., of William & Eliza, 3: 12: 51. CODDING. 1 Wm. L. of Ded., re'. 30, b. Mansfield, of Loring J. & Salome M., to Lena W. Briggs of Attlel)oro, re. 28, b. Attleboro, of Alford & J'olly T., 1 : 1 : 80. CODY. 32 Jas. F. of Ded., re. 25, b. Medway, of John & Mary (O'Neil), to Sarah A. Gaffney of Ded., re>. 25, b. Ded., of Patrick & Kate, 9: 22: 81. 14 Wm. H. of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Wrentham, of John & Marj', to Bridget E. Finn of Ded., re\ 22, b. Ded., of James & Mary, 4: 29: 79. COFFEY, 27 Timothy of Franklin, re'. 31, b. Rochester N. Y., of Wm. & p:ilen (Callahan), to Hannah A. Fitzpatrick of Ded., re\ 28, b. Ire., of Jas. & Margaret, 8: 31 : 85. [Groom generally known as Timotiiy Anderson.] ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 25 COKELY. SI Jeremiah of Dec!., le. 30, b. Ire., of Dan & Margaret, to irannah ]Sriirphy of Ded., ie. 30, 1). Ire., of Xed & Johanna, 10: 14: (lit. COLBURX. 9 A. Berkeley of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ded., of Creighton & Jennie, to Isabella Sumner of Ded., {«. 23, b. Ded., of Edward & Philena A., 4: 22: 85. 43 Alfred H. of Ded., tu. 22, b. Saco Me., of Alfred & Isabel C, to Susie M. Bruce of Ded., le. 21, b. Concord N. H., of Geo. F. & Isabel, 11 : 14: OG. 40 Allen of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of Thatcher & Hitty, to Nancy Colburn of Ded., ;e. 21. b. Ded., of Walter & Sally, J2: 18: ">(>. 23 Creigiiton of Dedham, k. 21, b. Ded., of Walter & Sally (Weatherl)ee), to Jane E. Baker of Ded., a\ 20, b. Prov. B. I., of Samuel W. & Bachel C. (Cole), 10: 7: m. 2(? Francis E. of Ded., a?. 22, b. Ded., of Isaacus «& Louisa, to Emeline F. Whit- ing of Ded., je. 22, b. Amherst N. H., of Ira & lenity, 11 : 0: 51. 34 Isaac of Ded., lo. 22, b. Ded., of Isaacus & Louisa, to Catharine Farwell of Waltham, a-. 32, of Peter & Catharine, 4: 12: 4i». 4 Jer'h of Ded., a*. 48, b. Ded., of Geo. & Olive, to Lucy Dean of Ded., a\ 38, b. Ded., of Kichard & Cally, 4:8: .57. 48 Perrin B. of Ded., k. 28, b. Ded., of James P. & Cordelia M., to Mabel S. Morse of Medfield, a\ 28, b. Medfield, of Geo. K. & Susan, 12: 7: 89. 11 Phineas of Ded., a\ 26, b. Ded., of Ellis & Celia, to Orinda A. Presbry, a'. 2.5, of Wm. & Sally, 9:30:47. 18 Waldo of Ded., a. 28, b. Ded., of Thatcher & Hitty, to Mary E. (iay of Ded., a. 22, b. Ded., of Bunker & Mille E., 11 : 21 : .52. 29 Waldo of Ded., a'. 3(5, b. Ded., of Thatcher & Hitty, to Eliz'h C. Sampson of Ded., a\ 34, b. Braintree, of Ezra W. & Selina W. (Wadsworth), 8:5: 61. .33 Walter of Ded., a?. 58, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Cynthia, to Eliza (Parker) Mer- rill of Ded., fe. 47, b. Ded., of Abijah & Sally, 11 : 15 : 68. 46 Wm. of Ded., a. 33, b. Ded., of Nath'l & Anna, to Martha J. Atkins of Ded., a, 2:3, b. Me., of John & Emily, 12:1: 64. 18 Wm. W. of Ded., a\ 2.5, b. Ded., of Thos. & Sophia G., to Mary L. Blodgett of Ded., a. 22, b. Boston, of Sewall & Maria A., 6: 25: 61. COLE. 7 Chas. II. of Boston, a. 22, b, Charlestown, of Oliver & Eliza (Smith), to ISlary L. Russell of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ded., of Ira & Louisa F. (French), 4: 25:61. COLEMAN. 54 Jeremiah of Ded., a'. 28, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, to Catharine Roach of Boston, a. 29, 1). Ire., of John & Catliarine, 10: 27: 89. 45 Lewis of Boston, a'. 27, of Harvey & Mary, to Eliz'h Farrington of Ded., a\ 2.5, b. Ded., of Reuben & Eliz'h, 5: 22: 4.5. :51 Tho.s. of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ire., of Garrett iV: Mary (Mansfield), to Julia P. Brown of Ded., a-. 22, b. Ire., of Maurice A: Margaret(Wheyland), 8: 12:86. .54 Thos. P. of Norwood, a'. 23, b. Boston, of Thos. & Catherine, to Mary A. Murphy of Norwood, a'. IS, b. Athol, of Daniel & Margaret, 11 : 21 : 77. 26 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 58 Win. of Hyde Park, te. 24, b. Ire., of Thomas & Maria, to Eliza O'Melia of Hyde Park, it'. 18, b. Ire., of TIios. & Margaret, 10: :] : 68. :39 Win. II. of I)ed., a?. 24, I). Ire., of Garret & ^[ary (Mansfield;, to Annie M. Martin of J)ed., ;e. 24, 1». Ire., of Edmund & Catharine, 4: ;J0: So. COLLINS. 12 James E. of Ded., se. 26, b. N. S., of Geo. H. & Mary A,, to Jennie J. Nich- olson of Ded., te. 21, b. P. E. I., of Archibald & Margaret, 5:1: 8!). CONANT. 19 Chas. E., of Ded., :e. 2.j, b. Sturbridge, of Chas. F. & Oral P., to Caroline E. Kingsbury of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Lewis H. & Eunice H., 10: 1 : 74. o4 George of Ded., oe. 64, b. Framingham, of Artemas & Relief, to Mary B. (Jones) Moore of Ded., te. 41, b. Framingham, of Artemas & , 10 4: 04. CONDON. CONGDON. 33 George of Ded., le. 20, b. N. S., of James & Nancy, to Ellen Rhoadesof Ded., fe. 18, b. Ded., of Moses & , 9: 30: 50. 2 James of Ded., a^. 2:3, b. N. S., of James & Nancy, to Eunice Kinsman of Ded., fe. 20, b. N. S., of Daniel & , 1 : 15 : 51 . :]6 John of Lynn, ai. 41, b. N. S., of Thos. & Maria, to Mary Anthony of Lynn, a?. 34, b. N. S., of John & Martha, 9:5: 86. 8 elohn II. of Ded., te. 25, b. Boston, of John L. & Emily N., to Delia Bonney of Ded., va. 28, b. Ded., of Daniel & Cornelia C, 3: 5: 74. CONLEY, CONNELLY. 33 Micliael of Ded., ». 23, 1). Ire., of Patrick & Peggy, to Mary Gil)bins of Sharon, se. 19, b. Sharon, of John & Peggy, 8: 30: 67. 11 Wm. of Ded., te. 22, b. W. Pox., of John & Mary, to Emma Beck of Ded., aj. 18, b. Boston, of & Eiiz'h, 4: 22: 76. CONLON, CONLAN. 61 Dennis of Ded., te. 26, b. Ded., of Michael & Catharine, to Mary A. T. }klc- Kennan of Ded., je. 21, b. Boston, of John & Susan, 10: 16: 68. 55 Michael T. of Ded., te. 27, b. Ded., of Michael & Catherine, to Catherine Duirong of Ded., w. 21, b. N. S., of Fiedel A: Rachel, 10: :;0 : 84. CONNIHAN. 70 Morrice of Ded., a\ is, b. Ire., of Donald & Bridget, to Maggie Hammond of Maynard, le. 18, b. Ded., of Chas. & Annie, 10: 24: 73. CONNOR, CONNERS. 42 Francis X. of Ded., te. 2:3, b. Boston, of Christopher A. & Catharine A. (Lai)pan), to Annie A. Hurley of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Ded., of John & Ellen (Murphy), 11: 28: 82. 73 Henry of Ded., se. 27, b. Ire., of Peter & Bridget, to Mary ^lahoney of Ded., 33. 25, b. Ire., of & Mary, 11 : 20: 69. 70 Patrick of Ded., ic. 26, b. Ire , of Andrew & Mary, to Julia Conners of Ded., sa. 27, b. Ire., of Michael & Catherine, 7: 20: 68. 60 Thos. of Ded., se. 28, b. Ire., to Bridget Carney of Ded., a;. ;)0, b. Ire., of Pat- rick & Mary, 11: 24: 67. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 27 IT \\'\\\. of 1)('(1., ii'. 2."), 1). Ire, of ^licliael & Calliarine, to Margaret (Uiickley) ^fcCapliy of Ded., w. 27, 1). Ire., of Tlios. & Johanna, 5: 0: m. CONliU'K. 58 Wm. J. of Ded., ;e. 2.5, 1). Ded., of Kicliard & Catliarine (Do^lc), to Mary .1. Hughes of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Ire., of James & Bridget, 11 : 7 : 88. COX WAY. 48 Peter of W. liox., :e. 27, V). Ire., of I'eter & Margaret, to Mary Ch'ary of Ded., je. 20, b. Ire., of Edw. & Bridget, 2: 20: 08. COOK. .") John D., ie. 24, b. Moultonboro X. II., of Ebenezer & Hannah, to ElizMi L. Perkins of Ded., se. 22, b. Xew Sharon Me., of John & Olive, 12 : 11: 50. 22 McLaurin F. of Boston, se. ?>% 1). Xewington X. II., of TIios. & Xancy, to Abby A. :Marsh of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Daniel & Fanny, 8: 22: 00. COOK.SOX. 42 Jonathan of Ded.. :e. 24, b. Eng., of Henry & Mary, to Margaret J. Rankaii of Ded., :i'. 2:3, 1). Ire., of Wm. & Ellen, 11: 22: 70. CORBETT. 51 Partick F. of W. Box., ;e. 28, b. Ire., of John & JJridget, to Mary A. Denief of Ded., ;e. 2.5, b. Ire., of Michael & Ann, 2: 20: 7o. 50 Thos. AV. of Ded., !e. 25, b. X. S., of John isj Rebecca, to Alice I). Hawkins of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of & Sarah, 11: 2:3: O.j. CORCORAX. Martin of Boston, ie. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catharine, to Mary Ward of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Ire., of J(»hn A: Julia, 2: 21 : 80. COREY. 15 Samuel of Boston, ;c. 27, b. Prussia, of Samuel <\: Fine, to Sophia Shaw of Boston, fc. 23, b. Boston, of Wm. A: Mary, 8: K!: O.J. CORLISS. 11 Simon B. of Quincy, ic. 42, b. Greensboro Vt., of Cyrus & Phebe, to Susan Kingsbury of Ded., :e. 29, b. Ded., of Melzar & Mary, 4: 20: 70. CORMERxVIS. 9 Henry of Ded., a-. ?>1, b. P)Oston, of John & Sarah, to Maria E. Cobb of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Jona. H. & Sophia !>., ;3: 22: -->?>. 1 Henry of Ded., m. 30, b. Boston, of John & Sarah, to Mary O. Sampson of Ded., ie. 2;], b. Braintree, of Ezra W. & Selina, 5: 12: 57. 31 Henry P. of Ded., :e. 31, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary O., to May F. Soutligate of Ded., ic. 25, b. Ded., of Geo. A. & Mary B., 0: 11: 90. CORXELL. 5 James II. of Prov. R. L, ae. 20, b. Gloucester R. I., of Daniel »S: Amy, to Harriet Xewman of Ded., m. 28, b. Cambridge, 2: (>: 50. COSTILLO. ^ 30 John E. of Ded., m. 28, 1). Pittsfield, of Michael & Margaret, to Lizzie Smith of Ded., ic. 20, b. Ded., of James & Hannali, 9: li>: 87. 28 DEDHAM RECORDS. COTTER. 49 Patrick of Stoughton, re. 82, b. Ire., of Patrick & Alice (Connell), to Mary Sludden of Norwood, re. 24, b. Ire., of Matthew & Marj\ 7 : 20 : 72. COTTRELL. 66 Clement Y. of Ded., re. 22, b. Taunton, of Benj. F. & Frances A., to Emily L. Fuller of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Greenwood iV; Emily (Colburn), 11: 24: 81. COUGIILAX, COUGHLIN. 4.5 Francis of Ded., re. 32, b. Ire., of Francis & Mary, to Lizzie Cain of W. Rox., re. 20, b. Cambridge, of Patrick & Eliz'h, 1 : 14 : 68. 65 Jeremiah of Hyde Park, re. 2:3, b. Ire., of John & Margaret, to Johanna Donovan of Ded., re. 23, b. Ire., of Daniel & Julia, 11 : 20: 71. 14 John of Norwood, re. 2.5. b. Ire., of John «& Mary, to Hannah Ilegins of Nor- wood, re. 19, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catherine, 6: 16: 78. COULLAHAN. {See also Callahan.) 62 Malachi of Ded., re. 24, b. Rox., of Bernard & Catharine, to Margaret Thym- pany of Ded., re. 17, b. Ire., of Richard & Margaret, 11: 28: 67. COURTNEY. 38 James of Ded., re. 34, b. Canada, of Thomas & Catharine, to Catharine II. Weeks, of Ded., io. 27, b. Conn., of Amos & Laura, 10: 28: 67. COYELL. 15 Warren of Ded., re. 34, b. Ded., of Daniel & Olive, to Nancy M. Richards of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Albert & N. D., 6: 3: 50. COWELL. 18 Edwin T. of Boston, re. 29, b. Wren., of David L. & Hannah G., to Anna G. Ellis of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Alvin L. & Martha B., 6: 4: 71. COWHKJ. 41 David of Ded., re. .32, b. Ire., of David & Catharine, to Anna Burke of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of AVin. & Ellen, 11 : 29: 79. COX. 15 Cleveland of Ded., a'. 26, b. Ded., of Samuel H. & Almira ]}., to M. Gertrude Churchill of Ded., re. 20, b. Weymouth, of Ethan S. & Annie M., 4: 4: 83. :36 Edward J. of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of John & Eleanor J., to Bella 1^. Nye of Scituate, re. 26, b. Scituate, of Eben'r & Isabella, 10: 6: 83. 26 Isaac of Ded., re. 22, b. Scot, of Isaac & Elosia, to Harriet N. Tubbs of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Caleb & Emeline, 11 : 16: .54. 3 Isaac M. of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Isaac A. & Harriet (Tubbs), to Stella Paul of Ded., re. 17, b. N. B., of N. T. & Amy (Clinch), 1: 7: 81. 15 Isaac N. of Newton, re. 30, b. Ded., of Isaac A. & Harriet (Tubbs), to Martha K. Wight of Ded., re>. 24, b. Ded., of John K. & Martha R. (Col- burn), 6 : 8 : 87. 17 John Jr., of Ded., re. 31, b. Ded., of John & Lucretia, to Eleanor Jones of Ded., re. 27, b. Dorch., of Edw. & Eliz'h, 5: 18: 56. 20 Joseph of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, to Mary Kelly of Rox., re, 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & , 5: 6: 66. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 29 COY. 47 Allun-t M. of Ded., a\ 2(1, b. Ded., of Sylvanus B. & Selina, to Isabella F. Richards of Ded., a-. 21, b. Ded., of Lewis A. & Martha E., 11 : 10: (iO. 1 Henry of Ded., le. 2:3, b. Ded., of S. B. & Selina, to Lucy M. Baker of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of Alford & Juliann, 1:9: r,9. COYNE. (j1 John A. of Ded., ;o. 22, b. Brookline, of James & Matilda, to Margaret Eagan of Boston, ;e. 22, b. Boston, of Thos. & Bridget, 11 : 14: 88. COZZENS. 42 James of Stoughton, ;e. 42, b. Plainfield Ct., of John & Betsy, to Mary A. (Dunn) Dunn of Canton, ;e. 25, b. Eng., of Jas. & Mary, 10: 20: .w. CRAGTN. 10 Francis M. of Ded., a'. ?>?>, b. Greenfield N. II.. of Paul .fc Caroline, to Mary E. B. Day of Ded., ;e. 31, b. Ded., of Jos. & Hannah, 4 : 27 : 00. CRANE. 17 Charles H. of Ded., ie. 32, b. Ded., of Jos. & Susan, to Lovey A. Lewis of Alfred Me., se. 28, b. Alfred Me., of John & Abigail, 7: 11: 77. 2.") Joseph L. of Ded., re. 40, b. Ded., of Jos. & Susan, to Marietta Murray of Ded., 'M. 24,1). Boston, of Frank «fc Lizzie, 8: 8: 78. 11 Xatlian of Canton, ie. 48, b. Canton, of Eben'r & Betsy (Paul), to Isabella P. Malcolm of Ded., re. 30, b. Me., of David & Lydia, 2: 15: 07. 44 William of Candia, a*. 33, b. Canton, of Simeon & Eliz'h, to Lucy AV. Eaton of Ded., a. 23, 1). Ded., of John & Lucy, 12: 5: 4!». CRAVEN. 87 Michael of Ded, a. 20, b. Ire., of Peter it Margaret, to Hannah M. Pierce of Charlestown R. I., a. 20, b. Charlestown R. I., of Thomas & Thankful G., 8: 23: 71. CRAWFORD. IS Wm. W. of Ded., a. 2-5, b. N. S., of Andrew & Caroline, to Jessie Thompson of Ded., a. 25, b. N. S., of John & Maria, 4: 30: 1)0. CRAWLEY. 55 John of Canton, a. 2.5, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Anne Kelley of Ded., a. 23. b. Ire., of Robert & Ann, 8:9: 71. CRIMAXS. 24 Peter of X. B., a. 20, b. St. Johns, of John A: Mary, to Delia Falls of Ded., a. 30, 1). St. Johns, of Thos. & Jane, (i: 21: (J7. CROAK. 35 Martin of Braintree, ie. 35, b. Ire., of Jas. & , to Bridget (Callehan) Callehan of Braintree, a. 40, b. Ire., of Wm. & Hannah, 9: 23: 01. CROCKER. 47 Wm. F. of Ded., a. 27, b. Provincetown, of George E. iV: Josephine, to Mary McCaslin of Ded., a. 22, b. Ded., of Andrew & Ellen, 10: 18: 87. CROMWEIJ.. 7 Oliver of Boston, a. 43, b. St. Francis Lou., of Jesse & Sarah, to Ann E, Morse of Foxboro, w. :]4, b. Foxboro, of Leopold iV: Harriet, 3: 28: 74. 30 DRDIIAM RECORDS. CRONAN, CRONIX. 50 Dennis of W^alpole, a\ 19, b. Boston, of John & Ilanora, to Mary Cornelins of Norwood, a3. 20, b. Eng., of Edw. & Mary, 3: 2G: 81. ^•6 James of Ded., sc. 27, b. Ire., of Timothy & Hannah, to Nancy Oldham of l)('d., !e. 24, 1). Ire., of Daniel & Mary, 4: 24: <)7. .>) Richard of Ded., se. 2.% b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Catharine (Callahan) Kelly of Ded., pe. 28, b. Ire., of Jeremiah & Ellen, 10: 20: 6G. CROSBi^. 5:3 Charles X. of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of Edmund & Rachel, to Margaret Wade of Ded., le. 22, b. Ded., of Daniel & Mary, 4: 10: G'.). 20 Ileman of Ded., re. GG, of Heman & Mary, to Tabitha Cole of Ded., re. 50, 4: 11: 47. CROWELL. 19 Stephen W. of Prov. R. I., re. 22, b. Dorch., of Stephen B. & Dolly, to Sarah B. Smith of Need., re. 24, b. Need., of Ralph & Sally, 7: 20: 54. CROWLEY. .58 Jeremiah of Ded., re. 39, b. Ire., of Michael & Catharine, to Margaret (Cou- gan) Foley of Ded., re. 40, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 9: 5: 71. 21 Lawrence of N. Y. City, re'. 27, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Johanna Wade of Ded., 86. 22, Ix Ire., of John & Catharine, 5: 13: 66. CULL. 49 John of Ded., re. 23, b. Cambridge, of John & Ellen, to Catherine Murray of llyde Park, re. 22, b. Ire., of Thos. & Bridget, 8: 19: 80. CULNAX. .32 Barney of Hyde Park, re\ 25, b. X, B., of Thos. & Mary, to Ann L. McCurdy of Ded., re\"26, b. X. B., of L. N. & Margaret, 10: 6: 75. CUMMINGS, CUMMINS. GO Augustus F. of Tisbury, re. 46, b. Danville Vt., of Moses & Sally, to Mary S. Fales of Ded., re. ;W, b. Ded.. of Wm. & Mary T., 10: 22: 90. 18 Fred E. of Ded., re. 2G, b. Winthrop Me., of Russell A. & Catharine H., to Jo.sephine E. Yogle of Boston, re'. 20, b. W. Roxbury, of Albert & Lizzie, G: 20: 87. 9 Lucius Jr. of J3ed., re\ 24, b. Boston, of Lucius & Caroline, to Angeline S. Forbush of Ded., re. 22, b. Boston, of Rufus N. & Angeline IL, 3: 15: SO. 19 Patrick of Ded., re. 21, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, to Eliz'h Foley of Ded., re. 21, 1). Ire., of Timothy & Joanna, 8: 17: 51. CUNLIFFE. :W John of Ded., re'. 22, b. Eng., of Robert & Maria, to Mary F. Baker of W. Rox., 86. 23, b. Rox., of Joseph & ISIary, 10: 25: 53. CUNNISON. 24 Peter D. of Ded., re'. 24, b. Scot., of James & Ann (Dow), to Ida E. Fisher of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of James R. & Lucinda P., 8: 26: 70. CURRIER. 5 Jolin C of Searsmont Me., re'. ;50, b. Searsmont Me., of Bowen & Sarah, to ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 31 Sarali W, (Fairbanks) Fairbanks of Ded., :i'. 20, b. Dec!., of James it Rox- aiina, 2:1: 08. CUliTIS. 24 Arthur IT. of Boston, a'. 40, b. Scituate, of Xorton & Mary, to Mary Caliill of JJoston, :v. 20, b. X. S., of Matthew & Sarah, 5: 14 : 90. 22 Clinton M. of Canton, a;. 24, b. Stoughton, of Geo. H. & Emma L. (Waldo), to Carrie E. Fellows of Canton, a\ 20, b. Cambridge, of William & Mary (Hodgkins), : 16 : 86. 10 Edward H., to Hannah C. Xoyes of Ded., b. Ded., of Otis & , 2: 28: 4.'). :50 George of Quincy, a>. 27, b. Eng., of George & Jane, to Helen F. Monk of (Jnincy, a\ 17, b. Braintree, of Daniel & Ilepzibah, 12: IS: '-,1. CrSIIMAN. 8 Ferdinand B. of Ded., a;. 22, b. Xew Bedford, of Ezekiel S. «& Hannah M., to Annie S. Winslow of Ded., a?. 18, b. Ded., of Elisha F. & Olive S., •3:13:70. CUTTEK. 19 John P. of Ded., a'. 20, b. Littleton, of John & Esther E. (Capen), to JMary A. Rolland of Dedham, a>. 25, b. Chelsea, of John E. & Mary J^. (Hornei, 6:29: 87. .")3 Walter H. of Ded., a\ 32, b. J.ittleton, of John & Esther E., to Aijbie E. Guild of Ded., ie. 20, b. Ded., of (ieo. A. & Abby C, 11:3: 87. CUTTING. 23 George L. of Ded., a\ 25, I). Phippsburg ]\[e., of Wm. D. & Eliz'h A. (Beals), to Agnes Duley of Phippsburg Me., re. 21, b. Phippsburg Me., of Hampton & Frances R. (Farnham), 5:8: 90. DAMOX. 38 Herbert E. of Ded., a". 20, b. Greenfield, of Daniel ^\. & Hannah L., to Julia E. Kierstead of Boston, a-. 22, 1). N. B., of Thomas J. vS: Phcbc A., 10: 18:89. DAMRELL. 30 Lucius S. of Ded., a\ 23, b. Boston, of Wm. S. & Adeline, to Mary M. Smith of Ded., ffi. 24, b. Ded., of Timothy & Xabby, 10: 24: 50. DANA. 00 Wm. of Ded., a-. 19, b. Ded., of Daniel & Mary, to Sarah E. O'Xeil of J)ed., a\ 19, b. Ded., of Martin & Mary, 12: 29: 88. DAXFORTH. 22 Chas. B. of Ded., aj. 24, b. Barnard Vt., of All)ert H. & Sarah, to Addie M. Galucia of Ded., a». 27, b. Boston, of Ambrose B. «fc Tabitha, 0: 15: 04. DANIELL, DANIELS. 45 Albert F. of Ded., a*. 37, b. Wareham, of George Vi. & Phoebe R., to Carrie L. Garland of Ded., so. 27, b. Medway, of (ieorge C. «fc Harriet C, 10: 2: 84. 17 Ellery C. of Ded., a'. 27, b. Ded., of Jesse & ^rary, to Olive C. (Juild of Ded., X. 20, b. Ded., of Francis & Caroline, 0: 10: 57. 32 DEDHAM RECORDS. 11 Frank J. of Ded., ie.:30, b. EppingX. H., of Earl D. & Sarah A., to Ellen F. Coolidge of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Geo. cSi Hepsy A., 6: 24: 75. 9 Theron of Ded., te. 27, b. X. S., of Samuel «fe Mary A., to Agnes Rogersonof Ded., se. 20, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 2 : 6 : 84. DANNER. GO Henry F. of Ded., a-. 28, b. Ded., of August & Catharine, to Fannie A. Pat- terson of Ded., le. 28, 1). Boston, of Abraham & Ellen, 11 : 23: 87. DARCy. 54 Edw. H. of Stoughton, ne. 22. b. Waterford, of Edw. & Bridget, to Bridget McDonald of Ded., jc. 21, b. Boston, of John & Catharine, 5: 28: 68. DAVENPORT. 26 Albert of Canton, re. 23, b. Canton, to Annie E. Forknall of Xeedhara, se. 19, b. Needham, 6:1: 79. 10 Henry A. of Ded., te. 23, b. Hanover N. H., of Lemuel & Laura, to Mary Nickerson of Ded., sc. 20, b. Chatham, of Seth & Deborah, 6: 20: 51. .54 Warren J. of Canton, te. 24, b. Canton, of Charles & Mary F., to Sadie E. Fisher of Canton, te. 21, b. Canton, of Charles & Patience (Loring), 10: 7: 90. 12 Wni. H. of Ded., te. 2<>, of Lemuel & Laura, to Sarah B. Pratt of Ded., re. 30, 9:21: 40. DAVIS. 36 Edmund of Ded., te. 25, b. Canton, of David D. & Olive, to Gertie J. Squire of Franklin, aj. 19, b. Cantou N. Y., of Salmon W. & Betsey J., 9: 9: 6.5. 50 Ferdinand G. of Concord N. H., le. 24, b. Lowell, of George H. & Caro- line (Collins), to Frances G. Spaulding of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Erastus G. & Frances M. (Brickett), 11: 20: 8.5. 25 James of Ded.. te. 29, b. Scotland, of James & Sarah, to Jane Killpatrick of Ded., a\ 25, b. Scotland, of James it Sarah, 9: 18: 60. 9 Lorenzo J. of Ded., a-. 21, of Francis & Susan, to Charlotte S. (Sumner) Fairbanks of Ded., ie. 2:3, b. Ded., of Joseph & Betsy, 11:8: 40. ;]5 Reuben P. of Waltham, le. 24, of Reuben & Mary, to Caroline B. Colburn of Ded., le. 22, b. Ded., of Ellis & Celia B., 5: 9: 49. 22 Samuel W., to Abby Paul, 11 : 28: 44. 32 William F. of Fall River, w. 21, b. Somerset, of William A. »fe Hannah B., to Mattie G. Roberts of Ded., le. 19, of Abra'iam & Sarah. 10: 20: 72. 40 Woodhull W. of Brooklyn N. Y., re. 33. b. Coram N. Y., of Lester & Harriet, to Lilla F. Rowley of Ded., re. 30, b. Martha's Vineyard, of Lafayette & Eliza, 10: 1: 88. DAY. 18 Benjamin O. of Ded., re. 3:5, b. Saratoga N. Y., of Benjamin & Cynthia, to Mary M. Daniels of Ded.. re. 20, b. Paris Me., of Joseph & Sarah J., 7:3: 50. 37 Ebenezer C. of Ded., ;e. :}0, of Eben'r & Rebecca, to Martha (Sumner) Pond of Ded., re. 25, of Moses & Catharine, 3: 4: 47. 33 George H. of Burrillville R. I., re'. 24, b. Pascage R. I., of James II. & Sarah ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 33 S., to VeroiKi II. Currier of Cumberland R. I., le. 21, 1). Cunil)erlaiitl \\. I., of Oscar & Verona, G: 14: 90. •1\ Josepli of Bed., te. 59, b. Walpole, of Ebenezer & Adali, to Jane E. (Bige- low) Brown of Boxboro, ?e. 40, b. Boxboro, of Lyman & Jane, 7: 2.">: 60. 48 Lewis of ])ed., ro. 21, b. Ded., of Jos. & Hannah, to Anna M. Smith of Ded., IB. 20, b. Ded., of Lyman & Melinda, 11 : 24 : 50. DEAX, DEANE. 58 Albert of Ded., -x. 20, b. Ded., of Jas. & Cynthia, to Emma C. Ridley of Ded., te. 20, b. Lowell, of ]\[atthias & Lydia A., 12: 22: 70. 14 Albert L. of Ded., :e. 29, b. Ded., of Ebanezer & Mary G., to Josie E. Har- rington of Ded., ie. 25, b, Rox., of Ephraim S. «& Jane M., 4: 20: 09. Balcii of Ded., ic. 22, b. Ded., of Thomas B. & Catharine F,, to Susan 8. Holmes of Gloucester, re. 22, b. Gloucester, of Rufus & Mary, :}: 1 : 00. 22 Charles of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of James & Cynthia, t(^ Martha A. Uphani of Weathersfield Vt., :e. 2:^, b. VVeatherslield Vt., of George & Eliza, 9 : : 68. 33 F. H. of Ded., re. 2:1, b. Ded., of Jas. & Cynthia, to Euiily E. Crosby of Ded., ie. 25, b. Ded., of Edmund & Rachel A., 11 : 17 : 00. 19 Francis H. of Ded., te. ;3S, b. Ded., of James & Cyntliia, to Lillie E. Good- ale of Deeriiig X. II., re. 19, b. Chelsea, of Elbert & Celestia, 9: IS: 75. 47 George of Ded , io. 2,5, b. Ded., of Dexter & Martha, to Mary E. Gay of Ded., te. 19, b. Ded., of Rufus & Mary, 3: 15: 55. 19 George of Boston, re. :jl,b. Roxbury, of George & Caroline (Allen), to Laura T. Guild of Ded., te. :]2, 1). Ded., of Fr.uicis & Lauretta W. (Taft), 7: 1: 80. 15 George W. of Taunton, le. 20, b. Easton, of Samuel & Hannah Le B., to Nancy S. Richards of Ded., :e. KJ, b. Ded., of Jeremiah F. & Hannah, 1 : 22 : 55. 21 John of Boston, re. :3.5, b. Norton, of John & lietsy, to Louisa Whiting of Ded., te. 2.5, b. Ded., of Isaac & Thankful, 12: 10: 40. 10 John of Ded., ie. .58, 1). Ded., of John & Mary, to Sarah T. Hawkins of Ded., ie. 52, b. Ded.. of Geo. & Dorcas, 4: 30: 00. 39 John of Ded., a*. 57, b. Ded., of John & Betsey (Dean), to Kllen F. I'lace of Ded., ai. 4:5, b. Ded., of AureliusT. & Sarah A. (Fairl)anks), 9: 20: 87. 12 Wm, of Ded., te 20, b. Ded., of James & Cynthia, to Angenette Griggs of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Jas. it Abigail, 4:7: ()4, DeCOSTE. 39 Wm. of Ded., k. 22, b. N. S., of Fred & Mary, to Mary .Vvaiige of Ded., te. 21. b. N. S., of Vettil & Eliz'h, 7:2: 90. DELANTHEY. 53 Edward of Boston, a'. 2;?, b. Ire, of Michael & Kate, to Kate (<2uirk) Mc- Grath of Ded., a-. 20, 1). Ire., of John & Julia, 9: 29: 90. J)ENEEF. 1 Michael J. of Ded., ;e. 2.5, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, to Agnes L. ^Icllae of Ded., a-. 24, b. P. E. I., ol (ieo. & Hannah, 1 : ;J0: 77. 34 DEDHAAr RECORDS. DENNETT. 1 Thomas S. of Taunton, re. 2(), 1). Portsmouth N. II., of Nathaniel & Susan, to Eliza M. Carpenter of Ded., ;e. 19, b. Taunton, of Timothy & Eliza, 1:8: 52. DENNIE. 4 John M. of Stoughton, aj. 23, 1). Concord, of John »& Cynthia E., to Martha S. Gale of Ded., re. 20, b. Lincoln, of J. Allen & Abbie P., 3 : 17 : 77. DENNISON. 27 Hiram A. of Norwood, a". 22, b. Freeport Me., of Hiram & Margaret, to , Carrie Smith of Boston, re. 21, b. N. Y. City, of Charles E. & Mary, 11: 1.5: 74. DERBY. 37 George F. of Weymouth, re. 24, b. Weymouth, of George «& Lucretia (Clap), to Eliza F. Turner of Ded., ;e. 2:3, b. Sumner Me., of Horatio G. & Justina (Heath), 10: 26:81. DERVAN. 49 James II. of Ded., re. 29, b. W. Rox., of Michael «& Mary (Devine), to Mar- garet Cull of Ded., re\ 23, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, 2: 21 : 81. 40 John J. of Ded., re. 30, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, to Bridget A. Jordan of Ded., re'. 23, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ann, 11 : 13: 89. 4 Luke of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, to Belle CiirroU of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Felix & Ann, 1 : 18 : 88. DESMOND. 05 Richard of Ded., re. 29, b. Ire., of Jas. & Julia, to Anna F. Mulkern of Ded., re. 21, b. W. Rox., of Michael & Winifred, 12 : 29 : 68. DEYEREUX. 16 James of Ded., re. -32, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, to Bridget Murphy of Ded., re. 30, b. Ire., 4 : 30 : 79. DEVLIN. 3 James of Ded., re\ 20, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, to Sarah J. McLane of Ded., re. 25, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary, 1: 25: 83. DEWEY. 44 John AV. of Newark N. J., re. 32, b. Guildliall Vt., of John & Mary C, to Mary I. Ewer of Ded., re. 22, b. Boston, of Charles B. «fc Charlotte B., 11: 29: GO. DEWING. 31 George of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of El)on'r & Sarah, to Mary J. Kennerson of Haverhill N. H., re. 21, of John & Lucindy, 9: 20: 46. DEYARMOND. 51 James W. of Ded., re. 25, b. N. S., of George & Mary, to Agnes Wilson of Norwood, res 20, b. N. S., of James & Margaret, 11 : G: 86. DICKEY. 27 Geo. W. of Ded.. re. 41, b. Hillsboro N. H., of Jas. & Lephe (Lovejoy), to Catharine Coughlan of Ded., re. 23, b. Ire., of Francis «fc Elnora, 10: 3: 68. I ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 3;-, DIGMAX. 53 Patrick of Boston, le. 30, 1). Ire., of Patrick & Elleu, to Ellen Kay of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Jolin & Mary, 4: 28: 89. DILLOX. 34 John of Ded., ;e. ;]2, b. Ire., of ^richuel & Joliauiia, to Mary (Flemminji) Dolan of Ded., le. 50, b. Ire., 2: 13: 74. DIVIXE. 47 Ricliard of Ded.; re. 25, \). Ire., of John & Mary, to Ellen Kennessy of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 1 : 30: (58. DOGCJETT. 14 Thos. T. of. Ded., a\ 2."), b. Ded., of John k. Margaret M., to Mary Cox of Bos- ton, 10. 25, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, 4: 18: 88. DOIEOXG. 1 Xavier of Ded., ;e. 28, b. X. S., of Raphael & Mary, to Eliz'h Mellong of Quincy, a\ 18, b. X. S., of Isaac «fc Sarah, 1 : 20: 90. DOLAX. 34 John F. of Ded., ;e, 37, b. Boston, of Felix & Margaret, to Ann (Riley) Fin- nerty of Ded., te. 30, b. Ire., of Philip & Mary, 7: 1(5: 7G. DOXAHOE. 49 James of Ded., te. .33, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, to Margaret Ryan of Boston, te. :32, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 10: 26: 84. 20 Thomas of Xorwood, re, 22, 1). Ded., of John & Sarah, to Mary A. Leonard of Xorwood, te. 21, b. Ded., of Patrick isj Hannorah, 5: 21: 75. DOXELLY, DOXXELLY. 28 Ervin of Ded., ?e. 26, b. Ire., of Daniel & Jane, to Martha L. (Jradin of Bos- ton, fe. 19, b. Boston, of John & Mary, 11 : 12 : 74. 39 John H. of Xorwood, le. 21, b. Boston, of Bernard & Jane, to Margaret J. Dower of Xorwood, ». 20, b. Ded., of John & Pollen, 12: 8: 78. .52 Michael of Hyde Park, le. 19, b. Lowell, of Jas. & Jane, to Delia (Dermott) Turner of Hyde Park, ». 30, b. Ire., of John & Kate, 5:2: 70. DOXOVAX, DOXAVAN. 22 Jeremiah of Ded., a\ 25, b. Ire., of Daniel & Julia, to Margaret Hurley of Brookline, te. 2;3, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, 7: 31 : 70. 5 John of Ded., te. 22, b. X^ S., of Wm. & Catharine, to Bridget Crowley of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Chas. & Catharine, 2: 3: .53. 26 John of Boston, le. 22, b. Boston, of Cornelius & Ellen, to Anna (ialvin of Brookline, te. 28, b. Ire., of James & Anna (Fallon), 7: 22 : 89. DOOHY. 14 John of Boston, le. ;09, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, to Mary McGurty of Ded., te. ;32, b. Ire., of Bartholomew & Mary, 4: 10: 06. DOOL. 20 Audrew of Ded., ic. 21, b. Ire., of Francis & Mary, to Eliz'h Bones of Ded., se. 24, b. Ire., of Wm. & Jane, 11 : 3: 47. 36 DEDIIAM RECORDS. DORSIIEIMER. 34 Conrad of Ded., .ie. 25, b. Germ., of John & Eliz'h, to Mary Homal of Ded., te. 22, b. Ire., of Jon & Catherine, 12: 10: .5.5. DOUGLASS. 13 James of lioston, te. 30, b. Salisbury Va., of John & Ellen, to Frances Stan- ford of Boston, se. 2.3, b. N. Y. City, of Geo. & Harriet, 7: 20: 63. DOW. 27 David of Milton, ce. 23, b. Pittsfield X. If., of James & Sarah (Houghton), to Lucy Hayward of Concord, je. 23, b. Concord, of Reuben & Lucy (Hough- ton), 12 : K) : 62. 3 James E. of Milton, te. 21, 1). Pittsfield X. H., of James G. & Sarah, to Abby L. Warren of S. Danvers, t^^ 19, b. Pittsfield N. H., of Oren P. & Abby, 1 : 15 : 60. DO WD. 24 Patrick of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Philip & Mary, to Susan Fox of Ded., a.'. 26, b. Ire., of James & Ann, 6 : 7 : 88. DOWLING. 50 Dennis of Canton, te. 34, b. Ire., of Dennis & Catharine, to Kate McMannus of Ded., te. 26, b. Ire., of Patrick & Kate, 1 : 24: 73. * .50 Michael of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, to Nellie Murray of Ded,, te. 24, 1). Ire., of John & Mtiry, 11 : 4: 86. DOWNES. 11 Samuel C. of Canton, sc. 3t, b. Canton, of Joseph & Eliza, to Hannah Far- rington of Ded., te. 28, b. Ded., of Jesse & Ilebeccti, 6: 24: 46. 8 Wm. II. of Greensboro Md., te. 24, b. Greensboro Md., of Wm. H. & Sarah M., to Mary F. llichtirds of Ded., te. 22, b. Baltimore Md., of Stimuel B. & Susan M., 4: 28: 65. DOWNET. 56 Mtirtin of W. Box., se. 32, b. Ire., of Wm. & Margaret, to Catharine (Cronin) Feeney of W. Box., te. 37, b. Ire., of Dennin & Margaret, 5: 0: 61). DOYLE. 11 James of Ded., a\ 30, b. Ire., of Jas. & Margaret (O'Xeil), to Ellen O'Leary of Ded., ic. 28, b. Ire., of Daniel & Hannali (Twomey), 5:5: 87. 2 Wm. J. of Ded., te. 24, b. Ire., of Jos. & Mary, to Margaret Fitzhenry of Ded., te. 22, b. Ire., of Lawrence & Mary A., 1: 10: 83. DRAKE. 41 Webster X. of Ded., re. 33, b. Sharon, of Xelson & Caroline T. (Fuller), to Eva F. Xewell of Ded., re. 2:5, b. Ded., of Francis E. .^ Sophia E., 11: 14:89. DRAPER. 26 Abijtih S. of Ded., txi. 23, b. Ded.. of Willard & Louisa (Smith), to Mary J. Malum of Ded., re. 19, b. Detroit Mich., of Robert G. & Maryanne (Jones), 7:20:61. 28 Chas. E. of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of Martin & Sally, to Aspacia C. Tubbs of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Benj. H. & Aspacia C. P.. 12: 18: 62. 31 Francis W. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Willtird «fc Louisti, to Louisa Ellis of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Lewis & Louisa, 10: 10: 50. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES, 37 35 Frank E. of Ded., tv. 21, I). Dcd., of Francis W. & Louisa, to Lucy A. Smith of S. Chelmsford, te. 24, 1). Charlotte :Me., of \Vm. 8. .Jr. iS: Klizabctli A., 11:30:82. 36 George of Ded., a'. ."JT, of Joseph & Marj-, to Cordelia ]\IerrHield of l)cd., ;c. 2.J, of Wm. & Louisa, (5: 21 : 4!i. 8 George D. of Ded., ;e. 23, b. Ded., of Joseph & Polly, to Fanny E. J3aker of Ded., ;e. 18, b. Ded., of Lusher G. & Eliz'h, 5:2: 5.5. 43 Henry S. of Ded., w. 22, b. Ded., of Willard & Louisa, to ('atliarine Arris of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Lisbon Me., of James & Mary, 11 : 14: 4i). 1 Henry S. of Ded.. te. 33, b. Ded., of Willard & Louisa, to Hattie :sr. Lutler of Ded., ;e. 19, b. Mexico Me., of Samuel S. & Emeline, 1 : s: (ii. 27 Joseph B. of Ded., a\ 21, b. ])ed., of Joseph & Amy, to Mary Parker of Ded., a;. 19, b. Ded., of Abijah & Harriet, 12: 28: 52. 39 Jos. R. of Framinghani, ;t'. 2", b. Wayland, of Ira & Eunice, to Mary J. Fuller of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Calvin & Abigail, 11 : 22: .55. 58 Willard S. of Ded., te. 19, 1). Ded., of Henry S. & Harriet M., to Martha E. Holt of Wells Me., te. 19, b. Wells Me., of Daniel & Elmira, 10: 12 : 90. 11 Whitings, of Ded., le. 2)3, b. Ded., of Willard & Louisa, to H. Adeline Fair- banks of Ded., IV. 20, b. Ded., of Jesse & Boradil, 5 : (» : .55. DRAYTOX. 51 Frank E. of Ded.. le. 31, 1). Ded., of John H. & Mary K., to Ella J. Water- man of Boston, a?. 27, b. Rox., of Joseph S. & Sarah P., 12: 3: 85. 15 Jas. H. of Ded., re. 42, b. Boston, of John & Nancy, to Harriet J. Parker of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Abijah & Harriet, 4: 19: .57. 30 Wm. H. of Dorch., re. 24, b. Boston, of John & Eliz'h, to I<:iiz"h A. Davis of Lawrence, re. 21, b. Newton, of Daniel & Abigail, 11 : 27 : 51. DRINKWATER. 28 Chas. L. of Boston, re. 24, b. Portland Me., of Fred'k A. A: Jane (Milliken), to Alice E. Peakes of Ded., re'. 18, b. Boston, of John (^ A. & Mary (Parker), 9: 1: 81. DRISCOLL. 00 Dennis of Hyde Park, a\ 22, b. Ire., of Dennis & Julia, to Hannah White of Hyde Park, re-. 17, b. Eng., of John & Ann, 10: 10: (is. 1 Patrick M. of Foxboro, re. 28, b. N. F., of Patrick & Margaret, to Ann M. McConlaugh of Ded., re. 18, b. Boston, of John & Martha, 1 : 11: (i4. DRUG AN. 12 Wm. F. of Ded., re'. 40, b. Cambridge, of Joseph & Sarah i\., to Martha £. (Getchell) Silsbee of Boston, re\ 40, b. Hallowell Me., of Jerry .M. & Martha E., 0: 8: 75. DRUMY. 18 Thos. of Ded., re. 40, b. Ire., of James & Margaret, to Ellen Iliggins of Ded., re. 40, b. Ire., 5:0: GO. Dubois, dubois. 15 Albert of Ded., re. 34, 1). Bavaria, of Adam & Anna M., to Anna Neuks of Ded., re\ 20, b. Prussia, of Matthew H. & Anna (!., 0: 13: 74. 38 DEDHAM KECORDS. 9 Hugh W. of l)ed., ic. 35, b. Germ , of Geo. & Charlotte, to Nettie (Francis) Dubois of Ded., w. 25, b. Fall River, of John & , 5: 22: 76. DUCHEE. (58 Albert of JJoston, aj. 23, b. N. S., of Amasa TI. & Mary, to Sarah L. Nims of Boston, va. 23, b. Boston, of Nelson E. & Mary, 12: 24: OS. DUDLEY. 60 Levi P. of Ded., \v. 27, of Daniel & Loviza, to S:irah J. Brown of Box., se. 2.5, of Ezra & Waitstill, 3:11: 46. J)irGAN, DUGGAN. 15 Cornelius of J:)ed., «>. 22, b. Webster, of VVm. & Margaret, to Ilonora A. Maloney of Ded., tc. 18, b. Woousocket R. I., of Michael & Julia, 6: 20: 78. 44 Hugh of Boston, re. 22, b. Ire., of David & , to Margaret McAllister of Ded., 86. 27, b. Ire., of Daniel &. , 10: 19: .55. 44 Michael of Ded., •x.. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Sarah, to Catharine E. Gorman of Ded.. ffi. 27, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 11 : 30: 82. DUINE. 3 Jolin of Ded., !c. 2;?, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Mary Ryan of Ded., se. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, 1 : 15 : 88. DUNCAN. 24 John L. of Rox., le. 24, to Sarah L. Cassell of Dorch., ;e. 21, of James G. & Susan, 1 : 17: 48. DUNHAM. 26 George Of Ded., a'. 24, b. N. B., of Daniel & Mary (Corbett), to Hattie M. Foster of Ded., re. 20, b. Newton, of Joseph & Eleanor (Small), 10:4:68. DUNN. 38 Walter II. of Ded., ic. 2.5, b. Dayton Me., of Horatio & Sarah E. (Dow), to Annie A. Chii)man of Ded., re-. 29, )). Germ., of John II. & Rosanna, 10: 13: 81. DUNTON. 2 Alonzo of Ded., se. 23, b. Medvvay, of Joel iS: J>avina, to Miriam Campbell of Ded., re. 24, b. Scot., of Jolm & Agnes, 1 : Ki : 60. DUPEE. 6 James W. of Wren., re. 20, b. Wren., of Jol) W. & Clara W., to Frances E. Draper of Ded., a\ 20, b. ])ed., of Closes & Irene, 1: 3 : 70. DURGAN. 37 Horace D. of Caml)ridge, re. 34, b. Limerick Me., of Benj. & Martha, to Vio- let C. F\H-d of Boston, ic. 2:], b. Quincy, of Moses C. & Delight, 10: 16: 64. 40 John A. of J)ed., re. 29, b. Jioston, of Jos. «fc Sarah, to Eunice (Ellis) Bel- knap of Walpole, re., 4.5, b. Walpole, of Harford & Jane, 10: 31 : 71. DYMOND. 49 Benj. F. of Boston, re. 28, b. N. S., of Benj. & Ann G., to Emily F. Guild of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Reuben & Olive, 11 : 16: 0.5. EAGAN, EGAN. 33 Michael J. of Ded., re. 24, b. J}oston, of Bernard A: Mary, to Susan E. Briggs of Ded., re. 29, b. Scituate R. I., of Allen .S: Lydia, 10: 30: 56. ABSTRACT OF MARK /AGES. 39 53 Wm. of Northbridge, ;o. ;]i), b. Ire., of Eihv. & Margaret, to ^Mary A. Doiilan of Medtteld, re. 2:5, b. Ire., of Micliael & Ann, 11: 18: G(>. 8 William II. of Ded., ;e. 22, b. W. Koxbnry, of William & Mary (Flanriery), to Eliza A. O'lJrien of Ded., ;e. 2.'), 1). Paseoguc. II. I., of ]M()rris & Mary A. (Iluson), 2: 24: 81. EARLE. 41 James of Dover, ic. ;!7, b. Ire., of Eilward ik, Jane, to Charlotte (<;iancy) Foster of Dover, x. 28, 1). Ire., '.): 4: 88. EARNSHAW. 42 Chas. W. of IJoston, ;o. 50, b. Eng., of Samuel & Ann. to Kosina (Flitch) Earnshaw of Boston, a'. 48, b. Eng., of John J. & Rosina, 7: 28: UO. EASTOT^. ;}8 William F. of Smitlifleld R. I., ;e. :!0, 1). Smithtield R. I., of James W. & Ardelia, to Sarah J. (Mooney) Davis of A'ermont, w. 21), b. Vermont, of Samuel & Jerusha, 10: 19: (i(). EASTWOOD. 11 Frank M. of Glenville Ct., ie. 18, b. Wooniski Vt., of John & Medora, to Lemira E. Ellis of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Wm. & Lucy, 4: 11 : 80. EAT( )N. 8 John Jr. of Ded., ;e. :32. b. Ded., of John & Harriet, to Helen M. Tucker of Raymond K. H., w. 30, b. Raymond N. H., of Rarnard A: Sallie. 2:2(): 72. 12 Luther A. of Ded., va. 2:5, b. Ded., of Luther & Eliza (Turner), to Sarah E. White of Ded., a. 21, b. Boston, of John H. & Emeline, h: :!0: 01. ECKERT. 28 Michael of Ded., ;e. 28, b. Ro\., of John & Annie, to Georgina (Knight' Sin- clair of Ded., ;e. 22, 1). Eng., of Henry & Mary A., 7:2: .s8. EDDY. 20 William of Boston, ;c. 4."), 1). Thompson Ct.. of George W. & Hannah, to Lucinda M. Gilson of Boston, ;e. 27. b. Brookline X. II., of Samuel & Re- becca, 7 : 28 : 00. EDGERLY. 10 Cyrus L. of Boston, le. 2J, of Wni. A: Nancy, to Ann Kincaid of Ded., ;e. 10, of & Sarah, 1 : 18 : 40. EDGERTOX. 27 Erastus of Cedar Falls Iowa, a\ .->0, b. Tolland Ct., of Daniel & Sally, to Sophia M. Fisher of Ded., ;c. :^8, 1). Ded., of p:ben'r 7. 10 Chas. A. of Ded., a". •!?,, b. Ded., of Chas. & Wilhelniina, to Mary M. Kapi)ler of Hyde Park, a-. 21, b. Newton, of Meinrad & Ann W., 4: 20: 82. 40 DEDHAM RECORDS. ELDKEDGE, ELPRICH. 29 Josepli of ]Jo.stoii, te. 22, of Atkins & Esther, to Almira X. AVorster of Ded., isi. 25, of John & Xancy, ;}: IS: 49. 10 Oliver G. of Sandwich, ai. 25, of Samuel & , to Adaliza Boyden of Wai- pole, tx'. 25, of Daniel & Elannah, 12:2: 40. ELLIS. 25 Albert of I)ed., se. :'.2, 1). Ded., of Kufus & Hannah, to Ilattie L. Tuttle of Bed., a'. 19, b. Ded,, of Levi & Louisa M., 9:11: OS. 20 Alfred of Ded., :e. 29, b. Ded., of Jesse & Julia, to Emily M. Ellis of Ded., a\ 19, b. Ded., of Alvin & Martha B., 11 : :30: 02. 40 Alfred of Norwood, te. 40, b. Ded., of Jesse & Julia D., to Margaret Donly of Ded., re. 27, b. Philadelphia, of Francis & Margaret, 12: 4: 73. 80 Caleb of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Richard & Abigail E., to Emily A. Fuller of Ded., re. 20, b. Francestown N. H., of Ira & Hannah, 11: 30: 54. 8 Calvin F. of Ded., re. 4:3, b. Ded., of Jason & Susan D., to Sarah A. Gay of Ded., a>. 28, b. Ded., of Joel & Polly, 3:7: 50. 12 Calvin F. of Ded., re. 52, b. Ded., of Jason & Susan D., to Maria (Guild) Fairl)anks of Ded., re. 35, b. Ded., of Reuben & Olive, 7: 7: 59. 2 Chas. H. of Ded., a\ 24, b. Ded., of Geo. & Catharine, to Abbie L. Brooks of Ded., re. IS, b. Boston, of Lemuel A. & Eliza, 2: 22: 59. 9 Charles H. of Ded., re. 37, b. Ded., of Merrill D. & Rebecca X., to Emma F. Towne of Ded., re. 28, b. Xeedham, of Hosea & Ann R. (Xewell), 2:23:90. 18 Franklin of Ded., re\ 2.5, b. Ded., of Richard & Abigail, to Mary A. Willis of Ded., re'. 20, b. Taunton, of Lyman & Mary, 0:1: .53. 2 Henry R. of Ded., re. 21. b. Ded., of Paul & Jane, to Clara J. Ware of Ded., \M. 21, b. Ded., of Xathan F. & (Marissa, 1 : 13: 00. 20 Isaac of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Paul & Sally, to Abby M. Fisher of Ded., re. 17, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Susan, 10: 31 : 47. 70 Jason of Ded., re\ 28, b. Ded., of Jason & Susan, to Martha A. Smith of Walpole, 1). Walpole, of Leonard & , 1 : S: 40. 11 John of Ded., re. 31, b. Ded., of Jason & Julia, to Harriet M. Johnson of Walpole, re. 23, b. Walpole, of Lewis & Kachel, 4: 25: .58. IS John ]). of Walpole, re. 22, b. Walpole, of Phineas & Almira, to Caroline B. Parker of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Abijah & Sarah, 12: 20: 40. 5 ]\Ierrill D. of Ded., re. 38, b. Ded , of Abner & Polly, to Rebecca X. Ellis of Ded., re. 3.5, b. Ded., of Jason & Susan, 0: 17: 47. 27 Oliver of Ded., re'. 30, b. Ded., of Jason «& Hannah, to Ruth Barker of Chester Yt., re. 30, b. Chester Vt., of Simon G. ct Polly, 11: 10: 54. 21 Sumner of ])ed., a'. 23, b, Ded., of Paul & Jane, to Catharine Cuff of Ded., re. 21, 1). Ded., of Nathaniel & Mary, 0: 28: 0.5. 51 Sumner A. of X'orwood, re. 42, b. Ded., of Paul & Jane, to Marietta Turner of Xorwood, re. 21, b. N. S., of Israel & ^Slary, 11 : 15: 84. 33 Warren of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Ded., of Paul & Jane, to Mary E. Kingsbury of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Wm. & Betsy, 8: 20: 0.5. 32 Wm. of Ded., re. 39, b. Walp., of Hartford »S: :\Iary, to Anna M. Ilurd of Ded., re. 22, b. New Orleans La., of Alvin & Relief, 8:7: 09. ABSTRACT OF I\IARRIAGES. \\ ELLSWORTH. 01) Aiiron of Ded.. jc. 27, 1). Wentworth X. II., of Benj. & Iliiniiah (Davis), to Eliza A. Ilollingswortli of Ded., a>. 10, b. N. S., of David & Nancy (Tliompson), 11^ 1: 81. 25 Benj. A. of Franklin, a'. 2.">, b. Wentworth X. II., of Benj. iS: Ilunnaii, to Xellie ]\r. Ilolliiigswortli of J)ed., u'. lit. b. X. S., of David Oc Ao-nes, 5 : If) : !)0. ELY. 2.J Fred'k D. of Ded.. ;e. 4(!, b. Wren., of Xathan & Amelia M., to Anna Emer- son of Ded., re. 52, b. Kochester A't., of Lyman »& Olive, S: 10: 85. EMERSOX. 42 Edivard S. of Webster, ;e. 28, b. Wel)ster, of Samuel & Eliz'li, to Carrie J. Bailey of Worcester, ;e. 2(1, b. Woodstock Vt., of Densmore & Sarah, 9: 12: 88. ENDICOTT. 47 Augustus B. of Chelsea, re. 20, b. Canton, of Elijah & Cynthia, to Sarah Fairbanks of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Wm. & Milla, 7: 22 : 45. 8 Henry B. of Ded., re. 22, 1). Ded., of Augustus B. & Sarah, to Carrie W. Russell of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Ira & Louisa, 5: 2:3: 70. ENNES. 19 Pierce of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of Anton & Catharine, to Mary Callenl)ack of Ded., re'. 18, b. Germ., of Herman & Agnes, 0: 0: 89. EPPLE. IS Henry of Boston, re\ Z\, b. Germ., of John & Agnes, to Ida II. Kohlhepp of Ded., re. 19, b. Germ., of Fred H. & Eliza, 4: 21: 08. ERICKSOX\ 2 Oliver T. of Minneapolis IVIinn., a\ :]1, b. Redwing Minn., of Erick »fc Sarah, to Carrie E. Xeal of Ded., ;e. 27, b. Palermo Me., of David & Frances E., 1 : 20 : 90. ESTER. 31 George II. of Ded.. re. 20, b. X. Y. City, of Lyman T. & Julia C, to Sophro- nia E. Kimball of Ded., re-. 19, b. Lisbon Me., of Reuben & Ann, 10: 24: 54. ESTY. 18 Joseph H. of Xeed., w. 20, b. Xeed., of John & Catharine, to ^lary R. Ambler of Dover, le. 17, b. Xeedhara, of Harvey & Lavina, 5: 0: .54. EVANS. 18 Edwin of liox., to Susan E. Fairbanks of Ded., b. Ded., of .losliua A; , 2 : (! : 45. l;j Edwin of W. Ptox., re. :34, b. Rox., of Robert & Sophia, to Mary F. (Jould of Ded., a". 25, b. Ded., of Jona. & Sarah, 9: 1:.52. 30 Lorenzo D. of Ded., re. 21. of Xath'l & Mary, to Isal)el I). Kingslniry of Ded., ii'. 18, of Sam'l & Meriam, 5: 14: 45. 59 Xathaniel Jr. of Ded., re. 22, of Xath'l & Mary, to Eleanor Dunlap of Ded., re. 20, of Eben'r & Eliz'h, 2: 23: 40. 42 D ED HAM RECORDS. EVERETT. 10 Francis E. of I)ed., a\ 2.% b. Ded., of Willard & Lncy D., to Clara 13. Hoyle of Ded., :e. 22, b. Newburgh N. Y., of Mark C. & Sarah E., 5: 17: 02. i:'. Frank O. of Ded., cT. 22, b. Ded., of Isaac C. & Matilda J. (Osgood), to Abbie E. (Drew) Drew of Ded., ro. 21, 1). Concord X. II., of Samuel B. & Hannah J. (Abbott), 5: 14: 81. 57 Frank O. of Ded., te. 28, b. Ded., of Isaac C. & Matilda J. to Emma L. Sal- man of Ded., £6. 23, b. Rox., of Henry H. & Mary W., 12: 22: 86. 7 George of Ded., kj. 21, b. Ded., of Willard & Lucy D., to Julia D. Ellis of Ded., a'. 2:5, li. Ded., of Jesse & Julia, 7: 27: 47. 5 J. Edward of Ded., te. :n, b. Ded., of Willard & Lucy, to jSIartha M. (May) May of Ded., a\ 29, b. Rox., of Robert S. & Matilda, 2: 18: 6!). 13 Leonard Jr. of Dorch., te. 27, b. Dorch , of Leonard & Nabby, to Maria B. Hunt of Dorch., ;e. 22, b. Milton, of Samuel & Maria B., 5: 7: 54. 33 Nath'l 11. of Ded., a?. 20, b. Ded., of Willard & Sarah, to Lucy A. Pond of Ded., ie. 20, b. Ded., of Francis T. & Lucy, 11: !): 53. 32 Willard 3d of Ded., to Sarah R. Morse of Walpole, 11: 28: 44. EVERSON. 42 Erastus W. of Anderson S. C, le. m, b. Ded., of Wni. F. & Salome B., to Harriet R. Fales of Ded., k. 27, b. Ded., of ]3enj. H. iV:, Rebecca, 10: 28: 61). EWER. 38 Alfred of Ded., a. 22. b. Ded., of Charles B. & Charlotte B., to Hannah E. Curtis of Ded., a3. 21, b. Ded., of Edward H. & Hannah C, 11: 17: 70. FABIAX. 23 Valentin of Ded., :e. 20, b. Germ., of Philip & Eliz'h, to Catharine Bergdoll of Ded., ;e. 10, b. France, of Jos. & Eliz'h, !): 28: .^)8. FAGAX. 52 Peter of Ded., :e. 27, b. Ire., of Peter & Mary (Caffrey), to Xellie Carlou of Ded., fe. 25, 1>. Ded., of Lawrence ifc Ann (Fagan), 11 : 28: 83. FAIRBAXKS. 48 Ira E. of Boston, xa. ;58, b. Wren., of Jiis. & Xancy B., to Kate C. B. (Bagley) Birch of Ded., re. 35. b. Ded., of Thos. J. & Harriet S., 12 : 7: 69. 40 Jarvis G. of Ded., le. 27, b. Ded., of Jas. & Lucy, to Susan A. Alden of Fox- boro, ic. 20, b. Wren., of Warren & Jedida, 11 : 2: 65. 9 Jesse of Ded., a. 61, 1). Ded., of Abner & JJecca (Felch), to Phebe Clinch of Ded., !e. 20, 1). X. B., of Peter & Alice (Milliken), 5: 15: 61. 32 Marshall of Ded., fe. 29, of Wm. & Mille, to Maria Guild of Ded., re. 23, of Reuben & Olive, 1: 13: 4S. 20 Willard of Ded., :e. 28, b. Ded., of Willard & Azubali. to Mary J. Kendall of Ded., b. Milton, of Edward G. & Emeline, 5: 31 : 55. FALES. 14 Chas. of Rox., re. 34, b. AValpole, of Silas & ]\raria, to Eliz'h AViggin of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of Thos. & Eliza, 5:8: 60. 33 Danforth of Ded., re. 49, b. Walpole. of Jona. & Betsy, to Sally (Pike) Wil- liams of Ded., re. 50, of John & Jemima, 2: 25: 47. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 43 11 Dtivid of 1)0(1., :i'. 47, I». Walpolc, of Joiia. i*v: lietsy, to Sally (Pik<") FaU'S of Ded., io. ."), b. J^exingtoii, of J'eter i!t Jeiniina, 4: 2(j: 51. r,(i Eliph't N. of Ded.. a'. 2(i. b. Ded., of Eliph't & Sibbel, to Lucy 15. Weatlier- beo of Ded., k. 23, b. Ded., of Joel & Betsy, 5: 25: 45. 1 Fred'k N. of AVren., ;i?. 27, b. Wren., of David N. & Susan H., to Annie 1. Seaver of Ded., te. 24. b. N. Y., of Horace & Annie, 1 : 24: 83. IS James of Ded., je. 5(5, b. Ded., of Xeh. & Sarah, to Mary A. (Stimpson) Stimpson of Portland Me., re. 30, of Martin & , 12: 14: 48. 1 Win. of Dod., ic. 25, b. Ded., of Stephen & Mary L., to Mary J. Clarey of Ded., a'. 25, of Allen & Margery, 5: 31 : 48. FAXXIXG. 24 Henry II. of Newton, a\ 31. b. Woonsocket K. I., of Henry W. & ^Mary A., to Lizzie A. Farrington of Ded., a. 30, b. Ded., of Reuben *& Emily A., G : 28 : 82. FAIiDEY. .55 Wm. of Gloucester, re. 2:i, b. N. F., of David & Margaret, to Catharine L. Iloach of Gloucester, re. 22, b. Boston, of & Catliarine, 9: 28: (57. FAllLEY. 20 Francis D. of Ded., w. 54, b. Boston, of Eben & Lydia (Coolidge), to Eliza J. Drown of Boston, re. 27, b. Brighton, of Thos. & Eliza J. (Smith), 10: 8: (5:'>. 27 James of De.i., re. 2(5, b. Chester Ct., of Peter & Annie, to Mary Murry of Ded., a'. 2G, b. Wel)Ster, of John & Kate, 8: ;30: 80. FARXSWORTH. 48 Wm. of Boston, a\ ;]3, 1). Boston, of Ezra & Sarah M., to Lucy H. Burgess of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of Ebenezer G. & Ellen D.. 10: 3: 88. FARRAX. 8 Michael of Ded., re. 21, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, to Mary Callan of Ded., a'. 2.5, b. Ire., 2:8: 53. FARRAR. 62 Henry A. of Hanover, a'. 24, b. S. Scituate, of Isaac S. & Mary B., to Martha A. JFairbanks of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Jarvis & Lucy, 12: 15: (i(5. FARRELL. 28 Luke of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of James & Jane, to Sarah McGorty of Ded., re. 29, b. Ire., of Bartholomew & Mary, 7:9: 75. FARRIXGTOX. 9 D. liurnham of Ded., a'. ;54, b. Ded., of David & Ruth, to W. Maria Beck- witli of Ded., re. 28, of Martin & Tirza, 9 : 17 : 48. 16 David B. of Ded., re. 46, b. Ded., of David & Ruth ((iould), to Elizabeth Far- rington of Ded., re. 44, b. Rox., of Benj. & Betsy (Xeedham), (5: 12; 61. 60 Fred O. of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ded., of Geo. (). & Al)bie I)., to Helen F. Drayton of Ded., re. 25, b. N. Hanson, of Jos. W. & Mary A., 12: 17: 84. :J6 George E. of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded.. of Geo. O. & Abby D., to Etta Langmaid of Ded., re. 20, b. Strafford X. II., of El)en'r & Henrietta, 11 : 28: 72. 14 Jesse of Ded., a-. 40, b. Ded., of Jesse & Rebecca, to Mary Farrington of W. Rox., re. 40, b. Rox., of Benj. & Betsy, 7: 14: 59. 44 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 11 AVni. II. of I)ed., a'. o2, b. Dec!., of Ambrose & Lois, to Mary Magratli of Ded., a\ 35, b. Ire., of Henry & Mary, 9: 28: 52. PAREY. 40 John of Ded., jb. 25, b. Ire., of James & Margaret, to Ellen E. Tracy of Ded., se. 28, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, 8: 30: 77. 10 Wm. of Rox., te. 21, b. Eng., of James & Catharine, to Mary M. Bartlett of Ded., re. 19, b. Ded., of Isaac & Ann, 1 : 31 : 50. FAVOR. 20 Ferdinand F. of Paris Me., te. 2.5. b. Paris Me., of Reuben & Sarah, to Fanny S. CJreely of Ded., re. 23, b. Haverliill, of Benj. & Laura B., 7: 20: 05. TEAS. 20 Fred'k L. of Ded., re. 31, b. Germ., of August L. & Catharine A. (Stover), to Lizzie (Hess) Hunderlick of Ded., re. 21, I). Md., of John & Paulina U., 0: 18: 89. FEEHAK 44 Daniel of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Jas. & Margaret, to Hannah McGlynn of Hyde Park, re. 20, b. Ire., of & Bridget, 10: 14: 74. 33 Patrick of Ded., re. 45, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, to Maria (Farrell) Kil- martin of Ded., re. 50, b. Ire., 11 : 27: 70. FEELY. 52 Daniel of N. Y., re. 31, b. Ire., to Catluuiae J. Brennau of Ded., re. 30, b. Ind., of Micah & Catharine, 0: 1 : 71. FELL. 58 Chas. L. of Ded., re\ 22, b. Ded., of Lawrence & Sabina, to Mary McNamara of Ded., re-. 21, b. W. Rox., of & Margaret, 12 : 25 : 72. 8 John Y. of Ded., re. 29, b. Ded., of Lawrence & Sabina, to Lizzie E. McDon- ald of Ded., re. 21, b. P. E. I., of John M. & Katie, 3:5: 89. FELLOWS. 00 Robert C. of N. Bridgewater, re'. 32, b. E. Bridgewater, of Jas. & Dorcas, to Desiah M. Rollins of Ded., re'. 20, b. Livermore Falls Me., of Wm. »fc Almira, 12:1: GO. FELTON. 58 Daniel C. of Ded., re. 25, b. Need., of Chas. C. & Mary, to Caroline H. Horton of Camden Me., re. 24, b. Camden Me., of John & Mehitable, 12 : 25 : 0.5. FENNELL. 14 Wm. of Dorch., re\ 32, b. Ire., of Samuel & Frances (Wheeler), to Anna L. (Eager) Fennell of Dorcli., re-. 2;!, b. Ire., of Walter & Jane, 5: 25: 01. FERRY. 57 Edward of Ded., re. :U, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, to Mary A. Gaffney of Ded., re. 29, b. Ded., of Peter & Margaret, 11 : 20: 84. 3 James F. of Ded., re. 20, b. Cambridge, of Patrick & Catharine, to Eliz'h F. Dowd of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Felix & Mary, i : 27: 87. FESSEXDEN. 33 Chas. B. Jr. of Ded., re\-24, b. Charlestown, of C. B. & Susan E. (Skinner), ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 45 to TIattie L. Everett of Deil., :e. 20, 1). Boston, of Aaron A: Abbie i, Wight), 12:1: (i:5. FIEDLEH. 5 Edward of Ded., -x. 25, b. Germ., of Wenzel & Veronika, to Ida (Heyn) Stuntzner of Ded., -m. ;^4, b. Germ., of Frank & Caroline, 2: 1 : 00. FIELD. 21 Edwin of Brookline, te. 22, b. X. Hridgewater, of Jabez & Mary, to Sarah M. Whiting of Ded., ?e. 19, b. Ded., of George & Sarali, 8: 6: 51. 42 Ferdinand C. of Ded., te. 2:3, b. Kox., of Ozias & Charlotte E., to Eleanor T. Clapp of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Nath'l & Eliz'h D., 11 : 15: 0(5. FIFE. 17 Jolni F. of Hyde Park, le. 27, b. Nashua N. II., of John W. A: Sarah F., to Martha A. Moore of Ded., ic. 10, b. Pontiac K. I., of John & Lydia A., 6: 1: 81. FIX LEY. 'n John of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Ire., of Fred'k & Ellen, to Ellen Conniff of Ded., le. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Betsey, 11 : 10: 87. FINN. 40 James of Ded., ;c. 2:3, b. Ded., of Patrick & Fanny, to Ann Fagan of Ded., te. 2:3, b. Ire., of Patrick & Eliz'h, S: 10: 74. 62 John of Ded., te. 20, b. Ire., of Patrick & Julia, to Hannah Hill of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ire., 10: 25: 68. 36 John of San Francisco Cal., le. ;30, b. Ire., of David & Catharine, to Xellie Fitzgerald of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of John & Hannah, 7: 2S: 8S. 56 Kicliard M. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Edw. & Bridget, to Margaret McXab of Ded., re. 21, 1). Ire., of Edw. & Catharine, 11: 1:3: 67. 49 Wm. E. of Stoughton, re. 26, b. Stoughton, of John & Annie (Dunn), to Alice M. Mann of Stoughton, re. 24, b. Randolph, of Moses & Hetty, 10: 2:3: 87. FINNEIITY, FIXERTY. 32 Michael A. of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Anthony & Margaret, to Annie iiiley of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Philip & Mary, 8: 12: m. 25 Thos. of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Anthony & Mary A., to Mary A. Fahy of Ded., re'. 20, b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen, 4: 12: 75. FISH. 27 Geo. A. of Lawrence, re. 27, b. Audover, of John C. & Mary J., to Ella J. *^ Fales of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary J., 6: 1:5: 8:3. FISHEB. 23 Albert W. of Ded., re'. 2:5, b. Hopkiuton, of Wm. H. A: Sarah, to Mary E. Blake of Ded., re. 26, b. Wrentham, of Luther A: Eliza, 7: 20: 60. 6 Alvan J. of Ded., re'. 22, b. Ded., of Alvan & J.ydia, to Martiia C. Alden of Ded., re\ 18, b. Ded., of Leonard & Adeline, 1:1: 51. 20 Chas. of Canton, re\ 21, b. Canton, of Alexander & Clara, to Maria T. Blan- chard of Canton, re'. 20, b. Charlestown, of Cyrus & , 6:18: 5:3. 22 David of Ded., a\ .JS, of David & Xancy, to Sarah ^rerritt of Ded., re'. 28, of John S. & Ann, 1 : 8: 40. 46 D ED HAM RECORDS. 2 Frederic of Ded., te. 31, b. Ded., of Jabez & Persis, to Mary E. "Ward of Ded., te. 20, b. Franklin, of Edvv. L. & Mary F., 1 : 12 : 70. 3 Fred'k W. of Boston, va. 25, b. Ded., of Alvan J. & Martlia C, to Annie E. Arnold of Boston, je. 24, b. Prov. R. I., of Silas & Annie F., 1 : .30: 79. 10 Freeman of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Joshua & Eliza W.,to Eliz'h D. Clappof Ded., a'. 27, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Eliz'h D., 3: 31 : G9. 37 Eben'r S. of Ded., te. 25, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Sophia S., to Ellen M. P. Shaw of Ded., te. 22, of Chas. B. & Mary, 7: 5: 49. 2 George of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of Joseph & Hannah, to Mary E. Colburn of Ded., aj. 23, b. Ded., of Walter & Sally, 1 : 24: .53. 31 George F. of Ded., se. 26, b. Ded., of Eben'r Jr. & S. Matilda, to Mary E. Richards of Ded., aj. 24, b. Ded., of Edw. M. & Rebecca, 10: 9: .56. 13 Herbert of Ded., a?. 30, b. Ded., of Eben S. & Ellen M. P., to Carrie M. Williams of Manchester X. H., k. 26, b. Hopkinton N. H., of George G. & Margaret, 4: 10:84. 42 Ira of AValpole, at. 26, b. Walpole, of Asa & Unity, to Charlotte E. Clay of Ded., jc. 19, b. Milton, of Matthew & Abby M., 12: 24: OS. 59 John B. of Ded., te. 28, b. Cooks Corner Vt., of Frank & Christine, to Helen S. Colburn of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of Thos. & Sophia G., 12: 22 : 70. 2 John L. of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of John & Xancy, to Lucy Ellis of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Colburn & Lucy, 2 : 28 : .54. 40 Joseph L. of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of Joseph & Mary E.. to Carrie E. Camp- bell of Cherryfield Me., b. West Roxl)ury, of Gleason R. & Juliette W., : 24 : 85. 24 Leonard of Ded., te. 26, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Elizabeth, to X. Amelia Harris of Augusta Me., te. 18, b. Livermore Me., of Joseph !k Susan, 8: 16:60. 46 AVilliam B. Jr. of Cambridge, a>. 2.5, b. Edgartown, of William B. & Jedidah, to Louisa J. Clapp of Ded., a?. 22, b. Ded., of Supply & Pris- cilla, 11: 5: 56. 21 William F. of Ded., a?. 23. b. Ded., of Freeman & Mary G. (Bronson), to Mary E. Sampson of Ded., a-. 21, b. Cincinnati O., of iS: Mercy F. (Perry), 10:8:63. FISKE. 28 Alonzo B. of Boston, a. 26, b. Boston, of Wm. C & Louisa F., to Georgietta Mcintosh of Boston, te. 20, b. Boston, of AVm. & Hannah M., 8: 12: 64. 37 John M. of Framingham, a^ 23, b. Framingham, of Moses F. & Harriet (Herring), to Caroline £. Morgan of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of John & Caro- line (Dean), 10: 22: 01. 41 Samuel X. of Ded., te. 2.3. b. Ded., of Jona. & Almira N'., to Carrie L. Bow- ker of Boston, te. 18, b. Boston, of Andrew J. & Sarah L., 10: 25: 71. 19 Samuel X. of Ded., te. 29, b. Ded., of Jona. i*v: Almira X., to Lizzie M. Spaulding of Ded., a?. 19, b. Ame.sbury, of Z. H. & Sarah X., 7: 20: 78. FITCH. 21 Jas. S. of Yonkers X. Y.. te. 28, b. Westerlo X. Y., of Silas & Mary A., to Martha P. Munson of Ded., te. 30, b. AValtham, of M. T. & F. E., 11 : 23: 76. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 47 FITZGERALD. 10 Maurice F. of J)e(l., a*. I'l, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ellen (Powers), to IJridset Coleman of J)etl., ;e. 21, b. Ire., of Garret & Mary (^kransfiekl), 4: nO: 87. o3 Patrick of Boston, ;e. 2:5, b. N. F., of Michael & Margaret, to Kosanna Fagan of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary, 5: 2:]: 70. 02 Richard of Ded. , lo. 22, b. Ire., of Michael & , to Catliarine Clifford of Ded., le. 21, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, 7:4: Gi). FITZIIENKY. 39 Lawrence of Ded., a*. 4."), b. Ire., of Tho.s. «fc Mary, to Margaret Shannon of Ded., a'. 27, b. Ire., of Lawrence & Margaret, 10: 1 : 82. FITZPATRICK. 12 John of Ded., se. 48, b. Ire., of Jas. & Hannah B., to Catharine (Dolan) Fiske of Ded., a-. 4."), b. Ire., of Jas. & Ellen, (>: 2."): 77. FLAHERTY. 58 Patrick of Ded., a\ 24, b. Ire., of Peter & Julia, to Catharine Magrath of Ded., fe. 24, b. Ire., of Jas. & Bridget, 11 : 17 : 07. 8 Roger A. of Ded., a*. 22, b. Ire., of Roger & Margaret, to Mary G. Sweeney of Ded., a\ 19, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Julia, 1 : :51 : 84. FL ANDERS. 72 Samuel W. of Boston, a\ ;^0, to Mary D. Knight of Walpole, a-. 2.^ 3: 8: 40. FLANNERY. 18 Michael J. of Waltham, a\ 2:3, 1). Waltham, of Thos. & Mary, to Annie E. Higgins of Boston, a'. 24, b. Rox., of John & Bridget, 2: 19: 82. FLAXNIGAX. ■57 Patrick of Ded., a*. 29, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Catharine (Lane) Hogerty of Ded., ic. 29, b. Ire., of James & Ann, 11 : l.'j : 72. FLETCHER. 10 David H. of Ded., a-. 30, b. Eng., of Jos. P. & Mary, to Margaret Curler of Ded., te. 25, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 0: 21 : .58. 47 Edward of X. Y. City, a". 20, b. Wilmington Del., of Samuel & Emily, to Laura Weathers of bed., aj. 26, b. Ded., of Isaac W. & Martha JSI., 10:2: 88- 29 James B. of Ded., te. 23, b. Quincy, of Salathiel A. & Mercy, to Lucy S. Kil- son of Ded., ai. 21, b. Reading Vt., of Calvin J. & Acobah, 11 : 18: 00. FLYXX. 58 Morris of Walpole, a'. 37, b. Ire., of JSHchael & Margaret, to Bridget (Con- nelly) Connelly of Ded., a'. 29, b. Ire., of Packet & Sarah, 5: 20: 09. FOGERTY. 08 John of Ded., a;. 25, b. Ire., of Michael & Catharine, to Catharine J)esmond of Ded., a). 26, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ellen, 4: 20: 46. FOGG. :32 Irving S. of Templeton, it-. 27. b. Ded., of David S. & Mary B., to Sarah L. Weatherbee of Ded., ie. 25, b. Ded., of Benj. & Eliz'h A., 10: 15: 79. FOLEY. 00 John of Ded., a;. ;35, b. Ire., of Philip & Mary, to Mary (Riley) Galagar of Ded., ai. 32, b. Ire., of Thos. & Catharine (McKay), 12: 27: 81. 48 DEDHAM RECORDS. 17 Michael J. of Cambridge, to. 25, b. Cambridge, of Tlios. & Bridget, to Mary C. Donahoe of Ded., a?. 23, b. Ded., of Patrick & Sarah, 5: 8: 79. FOLLANSBEE. 28 Sherman of Boston, se. 29, b. Brooklyn N. Y., of Alonzo & Nancy S., to Jul- iet Marsh of Ded., se. 30, b. Ded., of Francis & Eliza, 10: 3: 77. FORBES. 39 Gustavus of Boston, tv, 21, b. Windsor Vt, of Abner & Sarah, to Harriet II. Talbot of Ded., :t^ 22, b. Sharon, of Josiah & Mary, 10: 28: 49. FORD, FOORD. 16 Arthur B. of Boston, fe. 23, b. Boston, of James G. & Angeline, to Mary Gillan of Boston, se. 35, b. P. E. I., of James & Ann, 6: 2: 85. 13 James of Ded., a:;. 31, b. Ded., of Enos «fc Eliz'h G. (Davenport), to Judith C. Crosby of New Bedford, se. 31, b. Nantucket, of Matthew & Eliz'h (Bar- nard), 4: 6: 64. FOREMAN. 14 Richard of Ded., re. 2:^ b. Va., of Augustus & Ellen, to Mary Henderson of Ded., JO. 22, b. Boston, of Vincent & Lydia, 3: 20: 90. FORRIST. 8 Marcus A. of Foxboro, aj. 22, b. Foxboro, of Marcus P. & Lucy M. (Howard), toGeorgianna Nice of Ded., to. 25, b. N. B., of Ira D. «& Clarissa A. (Ring)^ 2 : 23 : 87. FOSS. 55 Frank B. of N. Y. City, re. 28, b. Biddeford Me., of Wm. H. & Lauraette M., to Cassie L. Sanderson of Bethel Me., re. 22, b. Waterford Me., of Wm. & Ruth W., 12 : 31 : 82. 9 Moses C. of Milo Me., re. 25, b. Naples Me., of Josliua & Lydia (Cliute), to Harriet G. Towle of Ded., re. 18, b. Cambridge, of Horace E. & Susan M., 4:0: 74. FOSTER. 41 Sewall of Fitchburg. re. 32, b. Ilubbardston, of Elijah W. & Tryphena, to Sarah A. Smith of Ded., re. 2S, b. West Rox., of Humphrey & Wealthy, 10 : 4 : 65. 7 Wm. of Ded., re. 28, of Wm. & Mary, to Mary J. Keith of Ded., re. 19, 9:3: 46. FRANEY. 59 AVra. of Boston, re. 2.5, b. Canada, of Martin & Eliz'h, to Joanna Meehan of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Martin & Margaret, 9: 17: 71. FRENCH. 12 Fred'k 11. of Phila. Pa., re. :36, b. Baltimore, of Wm. & Anna R., to Isabella F. Cobb of Ded., re. 25. b. Ded., of Jona. II. & Sopliia D., 5: 2 : 60. 29 Geo. A. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Geo. M. & Elvira R., to Emma F. (Dean) Weatherbee of Ded., re. ;3.3, b. Ded., of Josiah & Susan J., 9: 24: 85. 2 Geo. M. of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Samuel & Louisa, to Elvira R. Whipple of Solon Me., re. 24, b. Solon Me., of David & Mercy, 12: 29: 55. 47 Henry E. of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Charles & Henrietta, to Sarah M. (French) French of Ded., re. 28, b. Brooktield Vt., of Justus W. & Marinda (VVlieatley), 11: 22:83. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 49 3S lUifus of Dec!., a\ 04, b. Ded., of Samuel & Mary, to Iliiuuali (Joliu.son) Smith of Ded., :c. 41, b. Dover, of Comfort & Susan, 11: 17: 50. 15 Samuel C. of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Cluis. & Henrietta, to Editii R. Rogers of Lansingburg jSr. Y., ft'. 18, b. Boston, 0:2: 85. 28 Stephen R. of JJoston, b. Maine, to Sarah A. Farrington of Ded., 10: 20: 44. FRENS. 12 John of Ded., je. 30, b. N. S., of Thos. & Ellen, to Isabel McMicken of P. E. I., a3. 23, b. P. E. I., of John & Jennie, 5:1: 60. FRUH. 9 Fred'k of Boston, re. 20, b. (Jerm., of Gregor & Zazilia, to Amelia 15. Maier of Ded., fe. 10, b. Ded., of John C. & Christina, 3: 11: 8:3. FULLER. 1 Alvin of Ded., ;e. 40, b. Ded., of Ellis & Lucy, to Frances C. Covell of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Me., of Warren & Catharine, 1:5: 00. Chas. A. of Plimpton, te. 33, to Cordelia A. Douglas of Djl., ic. 21, of &Phebe, 9:20:48. 37 Chas. A. of Hyde Park, ;e. 2:], b. Canton, oE Jas. W. & Esther W., to Amy A. IloIIis of Hyde Park, :e. IS, b. Canton, of Enoch & Clarissa, 12: 20: 72. 58 Edgar W. of Boston, je. 22, b. Saeo Me., of John A. & Phebe W., to Arietta Chapman of Ded., le. 20, b. Corintli Me., of Walter S. & Sarah E., 11 : 10 : 87. 32 Greenwood of Ded., te. 39, of Joseph & Eliz'li, to Emily Colburn of Ded., fc. 28, b. Ded., of Isaacus & Loui.sa, 4: 12: 49. 33 Henry of Ded., le. 3.3, b. Ded., of Chas. & ElizMi F., to Clara L. Ricliards of Ded., a\ 29, b. Ded., of Abiatiiar & Julia, 10: 18: 77. 19 Willis C. of Ded., ». 27, b. Ded., of Greenwood & Emily C. to Frances 1). Cox of Ded., ft\ 25, b. Ded., of Isaac A. & Harriet L., 0: 18: 85. GAFFNEY. 48 Francis D. of Ded., ic. 27, b. Ded., of Patrick & Kate, to Mary A. McClane of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of James & Mary, 10: 25: 77. 00 James of Ded., ft'. ;]3, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, to Sarah Stapleton of Ded., ft'. 2:3, b. Woodstock, of Tlios. & Mary, 10: 21 : 71. 4-^ Jiimes J. of Ded., ic. 22, b. Ded., of Peter & Margaret, to Mary Stapleti>n of Ded., ft'. 20, b. Woodstock Ct.. of Thos. & Mary, 5:21: 72. 45 John F. of Ded., fe. 26, b. Ded., of Peter & Margaret, to Xellie F. Cawlcy of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Jolin & Nellie, 11 : 30: 82. 26 Michael F. of Ded., jc. '24, b Ded., of Michael k Ellen, to Annie F. Cun- ningham of Ded., ft'. 19, 1). l]oston, of Biirnham & Mary, 8: 2: 87. GAGE. 31 Seth of Boston, w. 27, b. Ciiatliam, of Seth «fc , to Emeline Pierce of Ded., ft'. 23, b. Milton, of Oliver & , 8: 28: .53. GALLAGHER. .53 Patrick F. of Norwood, a'. 24, b. N. 13., of Jolm & Ellen, to Margaret A. Fagan of Norwood, :e. 19, 1). Ded., of Michael & Margaret, 10: 11 : 77. 40 Patrick R. of Ded., ic. 2:5, b. Charlestown, of Tliomas & Catharine, to Mar- garet V. Kelly of Ded., ft'. 2.3, 1). Walpole, of Patrick & Mary, 11:7: 83. 50 DEDHAM RECORDS. 34 Peter of Ded., te. 30, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary (McCarthy), to Mary Carroll of Dec!.. 10. 30, b. Ire., of Felix & Ann, 0: 14: ST. UALLIVAN, GALVIN. 53 Andrew of Ded., le. 26, b. Ire., of I'atrick & Kate, to Maggie E. Conley of Norwood, pe. 19, b. Norwood, of Patrick & Julia, 9: 21 : 84. 34 Andrew A. of Ded., fe. 27, b. Ire., of Andrew & Ellen, to Mary O'liiley of Boston, ai. 21, b. Ire., of Michael & Hannah, 9 : 27 : 83. 48 Patrick A. of Ded., se. 33, 1). Ire., of Andrew & Ellen, to Nora McCauliff of Ded., fe. 31, b. Ire., of Daniel & Bridget, 11: 2.5: 85. GAMBLE. 20 Wm. of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Patrick & Matilda, to Sarali J. White of Ded., te. 17, b. Ded., of Robert & Sarah, 5: 19: 69. GAREY. 75 Wm. of Ded., te. 36, b. Ire., of Wm. & Margaret, to Mary Walsh of Ded., fe. .30, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 11 : 24: 09. GARLAND. 60 Chas. W. of Somerville, fe. 24, b. Cliarlestown, of Albert S. & Annie 11., to Jessie M. Nickerson of Ded., ;e. 22, b. N. S., of Geo. E. & Sarali, 11: 17: 90. GARZKE. 01 Gustave of Ded., a?. 24, b. Germ., of Julius & Paulina, to Anna Kiessling of Ded., fe. 21, b. Ded., of Fred'k & Agnes, 11: 1: 00. GATELEY, GATELY. 51 James of Boston, a). 23, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mfiry, to Mary JSIcDonoughsta of Ded., a\ 25, b. Ire., of Darby & Catharine, 3 : 28 : 69. 37 Patrick of Ded., fe. 21, b. Ire., of Connor & Helen, to Helen O'llare of Ded., a?. 24, b. Ire., of John & Rose, 12 : 20 : 55. 7 Peter of Rox., fe. 28, b. Ire., of Timothy & Bridget, to Eliz'h (Kraus) Frahan of Rox., te. 37, b. Germ., of Wm & Margaret, 3: 27: 06. GAY. 8-Eben'rof Ded., a?. 35, 1). Stoughton, of Eliph't & Rachel H., to Adaliue Smith of Ded., fe. 21, b. Walp., of Royfil & Hfinnah, 4: 29: 61. 2 Eben'r F. of Ded., fe. 26, b. Ded., of Oliver & Mary, to Sarah A. Webster of Ded., fe. 26, of Cluis. & Martha Kent, 5: 23: 47. 19 George E. of Walpole, fc. 22, b. Walpole, of Caleb & Eliza, to Clara H. Clapp of Walpole, ic. 19, b. Wfilpole, of Brfidford & Ellen, 5: 16: 69. 48 Geo. H. of Ded., a.\ 20, b. Ded., of Jas. A. & Susfin M., to Melissa J. Butler of Ded., va. 20, b. Me., of Samuel S. & Emeline, 11 : 14: 65. 22 Geo. AV. of Ded., -x. 26, b. Ded., of Willard & Emeline, to Maria L. Hoyle of Ded., fe. 25, b. Newburgh N. Y., of Mark C. & Sarah E., 5: 29: 67. Henry of Ded., ie. 28, b. Ded., of Wm. K. & Susan, to JSIary A. French of Ded., aj. 2.3, b. Ded., of Sani'l & Louisa, 7: 22: 47. 35 Jarvis Jr. of Ded., fe. 24, b. Ded., of Jarvis & Ffinny, to Martha J. Kendall of Ded., fc. 26, b. Boston, of Edward J. & Emmeline A., 11 : 23: 53. 12 Jason of Ded., ai. 24, b. Ded., of Jason & Lucy, to Mary B. Hall of Ded., fe. 20, b. Bethel, of Nathan & Este. 4: 11: 50. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 5X i\ ,I()lm S. of Xewton, w. 22, b. Pepperell, of Samuel 1). A: Harriet, to J^uciiula F. Fisher of Ded., k. 20, b. Ded., of ,Ias. It. & Lucinda, 10: 2 : .v.). 28 Otis of W. Kox., iv. 48, b. Eox., of Ainasa & Kebecca, to Susan Vl. Pierce of Ded., a?. 25, b. Milton, of Oliver & Mary, 11 : 23: 51. 22 ^Villiani H. of J)ed., ;e. 10, b. North 7k-idf,nnvater, of William S. A: IJetsy, to (Uiarlotte T. Breed of Ded., a'. 1(5, b. Pine Plain N. Y., of Joseph W. k. Frances A. C, 10: 17: 59. GAYXOll. 52 Patrick of Ded., ». 21, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridfjet (Ilushs), to Xora Con- nare of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Tlios. t\:- Xora, 4: 24: 81. GEGEX. 20 Patrick of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Eliz'h Rafferty of Ded., ;l'. oO, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, 5: 18: GO. GEIILIXG. 22 Henry E. of Ded., :e. 10, b. Xeed., of Josei)h 11. & Mary E., to YA\a M. (Holt) White of Ded., te. 38, b. Boston, of Willard & Josephine IL, (i: 3: 88. GELDERT. 52 Leonard D. of Canada, -x. 4;?, b. X. S., of Leonard D. & Eliza, to Emma C. (Ilatheway) Geldert of Ded., :e. 41, b. X. B., of Thomas G. A: Harriet E., 11:13:86. GEOBGE. 07 Frank of Ded., a'. 24, b. Germany, of Charles C. «fc Fredcrica Z., to Wilhel- niiiia Fenslein of Ded., ;o. 27, b. Germany, of Henry & ^largaretta E., 12: 28: 07. GERALD. 30 John Jr. of Canton, a?. 30, b. Canton, of John & Ruth, to Mary L. Talbot of Ded., ne. 2.5, b. Ded., of Enoch & Mary L., 11 : 20: 55. GERHARD. 40 Louis of Boston, ;e. 28, b. Boston, of Egidius & Fal)ronia, to Mary A. Pioss of Ded., ;e. 24, b. ]5oston, of Bernard & Mary A. (Roleman), 11 : 24: 80. GEYER. 30 Otto II. of Hyde Park, u'. 2:'., 1>. (Jcrin., of Ilug-o & IltMirietta, to Anna Ziergiebel of Ded., a'. 21, b. (ierm., of John iS: Christiana, 0: 0: 87. GIBBOXS. 20 John of Ded., ic. 20, 1). Sharon, of John k, ^Nlarsaret, to Mary E. Mc(Jovern of Hyde Park, ;e. 2r), 1). X. Y., of Jas. & Margaret, 7: 1 : 84. GIBBS. 29 George B. of Ded., a?. 22, b. Eng., of George & Mary, to Mary E. ^[oore of Ded., {ie. 22, 1). Boston, of Thos. & ISIary, 10: 5: 77. GILBERT. 04 Fred W. of Somerville, ;o. 27, b. West Brooklield, of Zebina A. & Almlni T., to Jane A. Sherlock of Boston, x. 24, b. Detroit Mich., of Edward T. & Mary J„ 12: 10: 88. 52 DEDHAM RECORDS. GILLMORE. 21 Ileiiry S. of Ded., tc. 27, b. Southbridge, of Silas tt Caroline (Prince), to Sarah ( ) Hartshorn of Ded., tc. 30, b. Ded., 6: 20: 61. 16 Joseph of Wrentham, a?. 29, b. Wren., of Chas. & Almira, to Catharine Casey of Ded., re. 21, b. Boston, of & Mary, 4 : 25 : 57. GILL. 8 Howard of Ded., ji3. 64, b. Canton, of John & Mary, to Mira H. Withington of Lowell, te. 38, b. Canton, of Wales & Susan, 2i 10: 71. (JILMAN. 40 Chas. H. of Ded., a3. 21, b. Ded., of Henry D. »& Mary A., to Helen L. Clark of Boston, te. 22, b. Acworth N. H., of John W. & Phebe J., 10: 30: 67. GILSOX. 49 Bernard of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Phil & Mary, to Mary Foley of Ded., «;. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, 9: 23: 60. GLACKIN. 12 John of Prov. R.I., re. 27, to Maria Tliayer of Prov. R. I.,. re. 20, b. Ded., of Elisha & Nancy, 12 : 30 : 46. GLANCY. 83 Wm. of Ded., re. 29, b. Ded., of Jas. & Margaret (Slattery), to Lizzie Shay of Boston, re. 30, b. W. Rox., of Nicholas & Mary (Mullen), 8: 23: 81. GLEASOX. 9 C. W. of Phila. Pa., re. 40, b. Phila. Pa., of Wm. & Ruth, to Rebecca K Hapgood of Waterford Me., re. 30, b. Waterford, of Oliver & Abigail, 6:8: 63. 2 Elmer E. of Ded., re. 23, b. Vassalboro Me., of Wm. W. & Martha W., to Annie J. Hewitt of Ded., re. 19, b. Ded., of John & Mary, 1: 18: 87. 34 Wm. H. of Ded., re. 25, b. Glenham N. Y., of VV^m. W. & Martha, to Cathar- ine M. Leibold of Boston, re. 25, b. Ded., of George J. & Caroline C, 9: 7: 84. GLIDDEX. 36 Nathaniel C. H. of Ded., re. 25, b. Newcastle Me., of John & Mary (Lovett), to Mary xV. Turner of Ded., re. 24, b. Providence R. I., of Elisha & Mary A. (Taubert), 10: 17: 61. (lODING. 31 George P. of Ded., re. 28, b. Livermore Me., of John & Adelpha, to Isabelle M. Locke of Ded., re. 20, b. Boston, of Oliver B. & Martha A., 10: 15: 77. 5 "\Vm. B. of Ded., re. 27, b. Livermore Me., of John & Adelphia, to Annie E. Simmonds of Ded., re. 22, b. New Bedford, of Jos. & Ann M., 1: 18: 72. GOEPEL. 4 Henry of Ded., re. 20, b. Germ., of William & Margaret, to Mary Ludwig of Ded., re. 19, b. Germ., of Wm. & Mina, 1 : 25: 83. GOFF. 19 Wm. of Ded., re. 28, b. Eng., of Jacob & Susan, to Helena M. Lawrence of Ded., re. ;30, b. Ded., of P>ank & Mary, 5: 25: 88. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 53 GOLD. 35 Chas. C. of Dec!., a\ 24, b. Moorestown 2^. J., of AVin. & Alice T., to Annie Tracy of Dec!., n.\ 22, b. Eng., of Wni. & Julia, 9: :3: 05. GOLDEN. 23 Jeremiah of Dec!., fe. 24, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, to Mariali Kearney of Ded., ffi. 23, 1). Ire., of Jas. & Bridget, 9: 5 : 68. GOLDSMITH. 43 Wm. C. of Boston, ic. 22, b. Richmond Me., of IIul)bard & Helen, to Mary E. Gray of Ded., a'. 2.5, b. Maiden, of Japliet & Ann E., 12 : 24 : 73. GOODKICII. 40 Webljer G. of Ded., w. 20, b. Pembroke, of Wm. T. & Eliza J., to Emma L. Blister of Walp., a*. 21, 1). Boston, of Henry & Joanna L., 11: 28: 69. GOODWIX. 17 Lincoln A. of Providence R. I., le. 20, b. Lisbon Me., of Aaron & Sarah, to ]SIary A. McCarty of Norwood, le. 20, b. Ded., of Dennis & Bridget, 7: 8: 78. GOOGIXS. 21 Edward O. of Ded., ;e. 2:J, b. Oxford Me., of Samuel & Eliza, to Lillian Bullard of Ded., :e. 18, b. Ded., of Benj. O. A. & Lucy, 10: 0: 74. GORDON. 41 Cyrus of Needhani, to Charlotte .Tones of Needham, 0: 1 : 45. GORMAN. 70 Alexander of Ded., te. 26, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, to Nettie Furlong of Ded., te. 29, b. Ire., 8:30: 71. 25 Wm. J. of Ded., te. 28, b. Eng., of Wm. & Catherine (Cook), to Bridget M. Sullivan of Ded., :e. 28, b. N. B., of Dennis & Ellen. 6: 27: 81. GOUCH. 67 Joseph F. of Ded., a?. 2.3, b. Boston, of George & Catharine, to Eliza R. (Sullivan) Dodge of Boston, le. 30, b. Ire., of John & Eliz'li, 9 : 13: 69. GOULD. 34 Walter C. of Norwood, re. 21, b. Ded., of Chas. & Sarah E., to Annie J. Pratt of Norwood, re. 21, b. Ded., of Simeon & Charlotte, 10: 20: 78. William H. of Ded., :e. 24, b. Gardner, of Ebenezer & Eliza J., to Eliza W. Wyman of Hyde Park, re. 23, b. S. Danvers. of Humphrey B. & Loisann W., 4:7: 78. GOWLAND. 31 John E. of Washington D. C, re. 28, b. Eng., of William E. & Elizabetli IL, to Catharine Damrell of Ded., re. 2;], b. Ijoston, of William S. & Adeline A., 12: 27:. 58. GRADY. 71 James of Ded., w. 21, b. Ire., of Edjux & Ilonora, to Klizalieth Davis of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, 10 : 4 : 73. GRAFTON. 10 Fayette S. of Boston, re'. 28, b. Waldoboro i^fe., of John & Ann M., to Mary L. Prince of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Jas. II. & Lucy M., 10: 11: 70. 54 DEDHAM RECORDS. GRAHAM. 7 Chas. II. of New Haven Ct., a?. 27, b. Qnincy, of Thomas & Jane, to E. Isa- bella Ward of Ded., re. 19, b. Ded., of Caleb B. & Abby, 4: 27: 6.5. 8 John of Ded., re. 2.5, b. N. C, of p:iijah & Elsie, to Lettie Giles of Ded., re. 28, b. Petersburg Va., of Jack & Esther, 2 : 19: 68. 46 Wm. of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Edwin & Mary, to Polly (Flinn) Hill of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., 1 : 2 : 73. GEAINZEE. 10 Vincent of Ded., re. 30, b. Germ., of John & Mary (Ventelena), to Eliz'h (May) Machno of Boston, re. 40, b. Germ., of Peter & Anna, 5: 14: 61. GRANT. 37 Stillman W. of Boston, re. 29. b. Milton, of Whiting & Jane, to Abby L. Morris of Ded., re. 19, b. Rox., of E. & Abby, 12 : 19 : 60. 82 Theodore Jr. of Ded., re. 26, b. Phila. Pa., of Theodore & Mary, to Caroline M. Winslow of Ded., se. 19, b. Ded., of Elisha F. & Olive S., 9: 3: 67. GRAVES. 21 James of Ded., re. 22, b. Boston, of Richard & Martha, to Margaret A. Blackburn of Ded., re. 17, b. Boston, of Samuel & Rosanna, 12: 13: 47. GRAY. 25 Alvah of Ded., se. 44, b. Seekonk, of Church & Sally, to Josephine M. Perry of Attleboro, re. 31, of Jasiel & Mary H., 6 : 15 : 64. 24 EzekielM. of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Sheffield Vt., of Jas. & Judith, to Isabel E. Pond of Ded., re. 17, b. Wrentham, of Nath'l & Lucy, 7: 4: 64. GREELY. 22 Abner B. of Ded., re, 2:3, b. Ded., of Jas. & Abby, to Emma J. Kingsbury of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Warren & Sarah, 5: 28: 84. 8 James of Ded., re. ,32, b. liyndon Vt., of Jas. & Charlotte, to Abigail Smith of Ded., re. ,3:3, b. Ded., of Timothy & Nabby, 5 : 27 : 59. GREENE. 38 John R. of Worcester, re. 3.5, b. Warwick R. I., of Wm. & Abigail, toEmme- line Noyes of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Samuel & Eliz'h, 5: 31 : 48. GREENER 43 Fred'k C. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of John N. & Catliarinc^ E., to Anna C. Scholl of Ded., re. 18, b. Germ., of John & Frederica, 9: 27: 84. \\ John N. of Ded., re. 24, b. Germ., of John M. & Eliz'h, to Katharina E. Schoepf of Ded., re. 26, b. Germ., of Andrew & Margaret, 1 :.6: ,55. GREENHOOD. 29 Elisha of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Moris & Mary, to Lillie L. Elliott of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Andrew J. & Jane T., 7:5: 88. GREER. 53 John of Ded., re. 29. b. Ire., of Jos. & liridget, to Bridget McTegert of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, 11: 22: 82. GREW. 43 Edw. S. of Boston, re. 2.5, b. Boston, of Henry & Eliz'h P. (Sturgis), to Annie C. Clarke of Ded., re. 24, b. Milton, of Jos. W. & Eleanor, 11 : 25: 67. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 55 GRIGCxS. 11 Keuben of J)ed., to Elizabeth ^\ . Ri<^kor of Ded., 5: 19: 44. GROIIAM. 7 Hugh II. of Worcester, ;e. 2."), to Sarah 11. Drugan of Walp., ic. 21, -i: 7: G!>. GRO\'EK. 13 Calvin of Ded., to Hannah E. Stearns of Ded., 10: i) : 40. 1:5 Erskine S. of Ded., ;e. 30 1). Sndhury Vt., of Euther & Olive (Torrey), to :Martha A. (Elder) Staples of Ded., a-. 27, b. (iuilford Me., of Isaiali & Betsey, 3 : 5 : 07. 12 Frank D. of Ded., te. 24, b. Sndbury Vt., of Luther & Olive, to Almira S. (Gale) Gay of Ded., ;e. 34, b. Gibnanton X. II., of Elipii't & Mary, 7:17:03. GROW. 25 Chas. A. of Ded., le. ?A, b. Xashua X. 11., of Xath'l S. & Olive, to Martha J. Keating of Ded., u'. 21, b. Ded., of James & Catharine, S: 2: S7. GUILD. 10 Amasa of Ded., ;t'. 33, b. Ded., of Jason & Sarah E., to Emma G. \Vhipple of Bradford, «. 20, b. Boxford, of \Vm. E. & Cynthia, 0: 24: 73. 27 Elisha F. of Pembroke, to Amanda M. Cobbett of Ded., 10: 0: 44. 17 EzraT. of Ded., le. 27, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Sibbel (Hevvins), to Hannah T. Blake of Wren., le. 27, b. Wren., of Asa & Harriet (Harding), 9: 12: 02. ;>2 Francis of Ded., jo. 4."), 1). Ded., of Calvin & Lendaminc, to Lauretta W. Taft of Ded., te. 30, of Fred'k A. it Amanda. 11:5: 40. S Franklin of Ded., a'. 2:5. b. Dorch., of Heman & Hannah, to Adelaide Bach- elder of Ded., a\ 22, b. Boston, of Joshua & Martha A., 4: Ic: -IS. 27 Fred'c A. of X. Y., a. 35, b. Ded., of Joseph . 22, b. Roxbury, of John «& Maria, 4: 4: 07. 3 Josei)h of Ded., a. .30, b. Ded., of .los. & Sarah H., to Caroline R. Euimons of Boston, ;e. 20, b. Boston, of Geo. & Caroline, 2 : 19 : 74. 17 L. Albert of Ded., a. 22, b. Ded., of Lewis & Ann, to Annah W. Gould of Walp., a'. 17, b. Walp., of John A. & Hannah, 5: 3: 04. 26 Moses E. of Ded., a. 37, b. Ded., of Moses A: Julia E., to Sarah .V. Kllis of Ded., a. 20, b. Walpole, of Enoch & Ann, 10: 28: .58. GO Xath'l H. of Ded., a>. 24, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Sil)l)el, to Adeline S. Clapp of . Ded., a". 19, b. Ded., of Joseph & Mille, 4: 15: 40. 26 Samuel F., to Hannah M. Usher, 1:8: 49. GUILFOYLE. .54 Patrick of Ded., a. 2.5, b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen (McCabe), to Bridget Welch of Ded., a*. 2:J, b. Ire., of John & Mary, 11 : 0: 87. 56 DEDHAM RECORDS. GUPTIFF. o4 Benj. F. of Ded., re. 20, b. Chelsea, of John W. & Susan, to Agnes E. Martin of Ded., a?. 19, of Robert & Mary, 10: 12: 72. GURNEY. 76 Morris of Ded., a>, 2:3, b. Springfield, of JoliniV: Ann, to Eliza Ilamrock of Ded., re. 21, b. Ire., of Henry & Bridget, 5: 23: 09. GUY. 23 Timothy F. of Ded., re. 25, b. Dover, of Timothy & Eliz'h C, to Harriet M. Baker of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded.. of Dexter & Harriet (Bullen), 10: 12: 62. 5 Walter P. of Fitchburg, re. 43, b. Ded., of Timothy «fc Eliz'h C, to Laura A. Baker of Ded., re. ;]9, b. Ded., of Timothy & Hannah, 2: 19: 89. HAGER. 71 Philip C. of Ded., re. 27, 1). Buffalo N. Y., of Philip & Catharine, to Jennie M. Berry of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Xeedham, of Gilson A. & Margaret, 12: 4: 90. HAGGETT. 34 Fred A. of Boston, re. 24, b. Edgecorab Me., of Arnold & Sarah W., to Florence G. Lewis of Ded., re. 20, 1). Ded., of Chas, E. & Helen, 9:1: 80. HALBAUER. 12 Ernest of Ded., re. 3"), b. Germ., of John G. & Johanna, to Sarah Boas of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of Isaac «& Minna, .5: 13: 68. HALE. 20 Francis H. of Ded., re. 25, b. Paris Me., of Sumner & Harriet, to Mary E. Bunker of Ded., re. 20, b. Gold.sl)oro Me., of Chas. & Eliza, 11 : 9: .57. 10 J. Henry of Bernardstfln, re. 20, b. Bernardston, of John V, & Jerusha A., to Julia B. I'ark of Ded., re. 25, b. Danvers, of H. G. & Elizabeth (Bird), 8: 8: 03. 10 Wm. of Ded., re. 20, b. Boston, of Jabez & Adaline, to Ella Patter of Bos- ton, re\ 19, b. Cambridge, of Albert G. & Mary, 4 : 15: 74. HALEY (iSee aho Healey). 23 Daniel of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Catherine, to Margaret Con- nare of Ded., re. 20, b. Ire., of Tlios. & ISTora, 3: 29: 8:1 50 David of Ded., re. 32, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Catharine, to Agnes George of Scotland, re. 2:5, b. Scot., of Wm. & Mary, 11 : 1: 87. 28 Jeremiah of Ded., re'. 29. b. Ire., of David & Mary, to Catharine Kelly of Ded., a*. 24, b. Ire., of Edward & Catharine, 11 : 5: 53. HALL. 10 Amos of Ded., re. 59, b. Salem X. II., of Joshua «fc Rachel (Bailey), to Esther Whiting of Ded., re'. 40, b. Ded., of Isaac & Thankful fi. W. (Wilson), 0: 20: 0:3. Geo. II. of Johnson \t., so. 21, b. Johnson Vt., of Jesse A. & Rebecca, to Etta E. Lewis of Reading Yt., re'. 21, b. Reading Vt., of Seth H. & Jane E., 2: 20: 8:3. 29 Hiram D. of Elyria ()., re'. 26, 1). Elyria O., of Hiram & Sophronia L., to Maria M. Lathrop of Ded., le. 26, of John P. ikj Maria M., 9:1: 64. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. o< 37 ]\icliai(l of Dot!., ;e. :30, b. Ire., of Ricliaid & Jane, to Agnes Doole of Dec!., ;e. 2;], I). Dec!., of AVm. & Hannah, 11: 26: 68. 27 "William F. of Detl., a\ 23, b. Canada, of Jolm & Phoebe, to Addle M. ElLs- worth of Ded., fe. 17, b. Wentworth X. II., of William T. A: Susan S., 6: 30: 88. HALLBEKG. 02 Isadore E. of Ded., ;e. :'.0, 1). Sweden, of John E. & Eli/Zh, to Mary S. Kat- zenmain of Ded., te. 24, b. Charlestown, of Peter & Margaret, 6: IS): SI. HALLORAN, HALLERAXD. 45 Edward 15. of Ded., te. 2:5, b. Ire., of John I'c Cicely, to Katy Cuddy of Ded., ;e. 18, b. Ire., of Edward & Mary, 8:8: 77. 22 James of Ded., re. ;>>, b. Ire., of Patrick & ^lary, to Mary Martin of lirook- line, ;e. 32, b. Ire., !>: 22: 74. IIAMELL. 10 John of Ded., ;c. 26, b. Ire., of James & Esther, to Elizabeth Doole of Ded., a;. 34, b. Ire., of Francis A: Bridget, 7: 20: 52. IIAMILTOX. 5 Alexander of Ded., w. 4:'., b. Scituate, of Leonard & Ruth (Morris), to Mary E. (Mann) Mann of Ded., a. 32, b. Smithfield R. I., of Waterman T. k Avis (Jenks), 1: 19: 67. 3 Charles II. of Cambridge, a?. 31, b. Franklin, of Alexander & Sophronia E., to Annie M. Eaton of Ded., ;e. 21, b. England, of AVilliayi 8. A: Mary J., 2: 4: 80. 26 Edward F. of Ded., a\ 28, b. Franklin, of Alex'r & Sophronia, to Susan \u Morrow of Ded., aj. 19, b. Boston, of Wm. H. & Susan, 8:7: 78. 7 Geo. W. of Ded., aj. 21, b. Franklin, of Wm. & Jane H., to Delia S. Cocking of Ded.. a?. 22, b. Woodstock Ct., of Geo. J. W. & Sophia, 1: 29: 72. 22 Henry C. of Ded., a. 32, b. Swanville Me., of Solomon & Lydia A., to Abby L. Marshall of Ded., a'. 26, b. Ded., of Edw. & Eliza A., 9: 13: 77. 7 Josiah J. of Ded., a. 25, to Lucretia A. Thornton of Ded., :e. 22, 1 : 26: 45. 69 Wm. ]M. of Ded., a. ;38, b. Scituate, of Leonard & Ruth, to Clara Coolidge of Ded., a'. 21, b. Ded., of Curtis & Lydia, 12: 24: 67. HAMMAR. 34 Benj. F. of Ded., a. 22, of Adam & Catharine, to Lauretta Mcintosh of Ded., a. 20, b. Ded., of Elisha & Eliz^h, 4:8: 47. 28 Julian F. of Ded., a. 25, b. Attleboro. of Benj. F. H. & Lauretta, to Sarah II. Fish of Ded., a'. 2.5, b. Ded., of Jas. F. & Frances M., 9: 25: 7:L HAMMOND. GO Albert E. of Sherborne, a'. 26, b. Ashland, of Elnathan iS: Lydia, to Sarah J. Clap of Walp., a. 24, b. Walp., of liradford & Helen :M., 12: 20: 71. 03 Oscar S. of Ded., a. 24, b. Hanoyer, of Josei)h & Ellen (Harrell), to Eliz'h E. Xorris of Ded., a. 24, b. Ded., of Andrew J. & Harriet (]]oyden), 12: 15: 87. HAN LEY. 06 Patrick of Prov. R. L, u-. !5, b. Ire., of Peter c^ :\rary, to Mary A. (Welch) :\Iurdy of Ded., a-. ;J(;, b. W. Rox., of I^itrick A: Rridget, 12: 28: 87. 58 DEDIIAM RECORDS. HANLON. 57 Thos. of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Lawrence & Margaret, to Nellie Rieley of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Michael & Johanna, 10: 0: 90, HAXXON. 27 Thos. J.of Ded., ns. 21, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ann, to Annie J. O'Donnell of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Michael & Johanna, 8 : 3 : 87. HANSON. 40 Gustavus of Ded., re. 83, b. Sweden, of Chas. & Sarah, to Anna M. Anderson of Ded., re. 2(), b. Sweden, of Andrew & Mary, 10: 27: 81. HARDY. 19 Alpheus M. of Boston, re. 22, b. Boston, of Aipheus & Susan W. (Holmes), to M. Caroline Sumner of Ded., re. 20, b. Dorch., of Chas. & Jane-W. (Walker), 8:2G: 62. 13 James E. of Ded., re. 22, b. Manchester N. H., of Thos. J. & Roxanna P., to Albine H. Horn of Hyde Park, re. 20, b. Ded., of Ernest & Eliz'n, 6: 11: 78. 23 Thomas J. of Hyde Park, re\ 44, b. Manchester N. H., of Thomas & Lydia, to Catharine (Carr) Smith of Ded., re. 25, b. Ded., of & Catharine, 6:11: 69. HARGRxlVES. 26 Wm. F. of Ded., re. 2.3, b. Ded., of Wm. J. & Olive A., to Annie M. Case of Hyde Park, ;e. 17, b. Bangor Me., of Samuel & Lydia, 7:7: 86. HARLAN. 37 George of Phila. Pa., re\ 31, b. Phila. Pa., of Richard 11. & Margaret, to Mary Holman of Ded., :e. 29, b. Gardiner Me., of Silas & Lucy C, 10: 17: 66. HARLEY. 20 Samuel L. of Urooklyn N. Y., re. 22, b, Sagharbor N. Y., of Jas. & Mary, to Lydia A. Smith of Ded., re. 19, b. Rox., of Francis «S: Lydia, 8: 5: 58. HARLOW. 10 Walter A. of Canton, -x. 3.5, b. Stoughton, of Joel & Martha, to Harriet E, Hewins of Boston, re. 24, b. Brooklyn N. Y., of Rich'd & Jerusha, 4: 23:80. HARNEY. 7 John J. of Hyde Park, re. 33, b. Worcester, of John & Margaret, to Emma (Siggins) ciark of Ded., re. 32, b. Ire., of Wm. & Tillie, 2: 18: 88. HARRINGTON. 18 Jolm II. of Ded., re. 50, b. Boston, of John cS: Abigail P. (Evans), to Eliz'h M. Pierce of Boston, a-. 30, b. Boston, of John W. & Lydia A., 6: 27: 80. HARRIS. 30 Arnold of Newtown, re\ 24, b. Newtown, of Alex'r & Mary, to Mary Jones of Ded., re. 18, b. Need., of James & , 9: 30: m. HARRISON. 15 George of Ded., re. 47, of Jacob & Lydia, to Hannah (Lewis) Gerrish of Ded., re. 44, of John & Eliz'h, 12: 14: 48. HART. 69 Dominick of Hyde Park, re". 33, b. Ire., of Peter & Jane, to Mary E. Wade of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of Daniel & Mary, 10: 12: 73. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 59 HAKTFOKI). 20 James T. of Denmark ^Nle., re. 19, b. Denmark Me., of IItinij)lircy M. I't Ilutli, to Annie Carberry of Ded., re. 18, b. IJo.ston, of Hubert & Uridget, 8: 9: 82. HAHTXETT. 22 George of Ded., :e. 25, 1). Ded., of John & Catharine iCahil), to Margaret Cody of Ded., je. 22, b. Norfolk, of Jolin & Mary, 4: 28: 81. IIAKTNKY. ;].") TIio.s. P. of Ded., ;e. ;34, b. J)ed., of Thos. & Catharine, to Mary J. O'Connor of Somerville, w. 21, b. Somervllle, of Edward & Jane, 9:8: 84. IIAKTSIIORX. Ki Alfred T. of Ded., a\ 29, b. Walp., of liichard D. & Martha, to Ida II. JJaker of IJrimfleld, ;e. 22, b. Brimfield, of Calvin & Olive II., ."> : 28: TO. 10 Chas. E. of Ded., se. 20, b. Ded., of John E. & Mary E.. to Xellie M. Ilurd of Ded., a\ 19, 1). Boston, of Alvin & Mary, (5: 12 : 59. 18 Dana W. of W. Rox., re. 27, b. Walpole, of El)en'r & Polly, to .Saraii A. Per- kins of Ded., a?. 25, b. Ded., 0: 21 : 55. 25 Geo. F. of Ded., fe. 28, b. Medford, of A. F. & Frances, to Sarah E. Fes- senden of Boston, te. 21, b. Cambridge, of Isaac & Ann, 8: 4: 70. PIAHTWELL. (J Chas. P. of P>oston, :e. 2.5, b. Boston, of Thos. A' Sarah, to Lydia A. Fisher of Ded., :e. 2;5, 1). Rox., of J^ewis W. & Lvdia, 0: 1:5: 52. HARVEY. :3.3 Rnel S. of Boston, te. 25, )). :\ranehester X. II., of Ephraim S. & Tlierese, to Jennie R. Hill of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ded., of David S. & ?*[ary, 7: 10: 88. HAS EX F US. .54 Louis of Ded., ic. 29, b. Boston, of Wendell & Soi)hia, to Mary A. (Searich) Eberhart of Ded., !e. 28, b. Boston, of Louis & Ilonora, 2: 21 : 82. IIASTIXGS. 7 John C. of Franiingham, :e. 24, b. Framingham, of Eliph't A Mehitalde (Morgan), to Lucy A. Morgan of Ded., te. 19, b. Ded., of John A Caroline, 4 : 24 : 02. HATCH. 20 Chas. D. of Ded., te. 25, b. Montville Me., of Jona. A Betsey, to Adeline Ilyde of X'ewton, te. 18, b. Xewton, of John & H;inn;ili, 7: :'>: 05. HATH E WAY. 38 Burton of Ded., te. :«, b. X^. B., of Tho.s. G. A IltirrietE. ( B:ites\ to Louise J. McXiilly of Ded., te. 20, b. X. B., of Arthur .M. & Priscilhi ( Prltchard), 12: 2:3: 80. S Warren F. of X. B., te. 29, b. X. B., of Tlios. (\. A ILirriet E., to Eli//h E. Green of Prov. R. L, ai. 24, b. X. B., of Jtis. A Sartili, 2: 28: 80. II ATT IE. 29 Wm. of Ded., te. 41, b. X". S., of Wni. A: Ann, to Xtmcy Stewtirt of Ded., te. Z:\ b. X. S., of ,Iohn A Mary, 5: 17: 55. 60 DEDHAM RECORDS. HAWES. 17 Joseph of Dec!., to. 3(5, b. Strong Me., of Increcase & Betsy, to Lucy Cliam- berhiin of Ded,. jc. 32, b. Dec!., of Isaac & Sarah, 0: 17 : 50. 26 Loring J5. of Milton, a*. 24, b. Sherborn. of Jere'li K. & Xancy, to Adella H. Baker of Milton, .t. 21, b. Bridgewater, of Solomon & Matilda, 7:11: 81. 1 William K, of Ded., le. 28, b. New Vineyard Me., of Increase & Caroline, to Sarah A. Spaulding of Canton, a?. 25, b. Canton, of Corodon «fc Abigail T., 1 : 1 : 71. HAWKINS. 53 James J. of Ded., te. 25, b. Ded., of George & Dorcas, to Harriet A. Bullard of Ded., cX\ 2:3, 11:27:45. GO Wm. of Ded., 03. 23, b. Ded., of Jas. J. ifc Harriet, to Ellen L. Mulkern of Ded., {e. 21, b. W. Ilox., of Michael tS: AVinneford, 5: 12: 73. HAYDEN. 17 Luther of Framingham, to Eliz'h Band of Franiingham, 11: 24: 40. HAYE. 8 Marcus L. of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Rupert Vt., of Leroy G. & Delight L., to Carrie R. Johnson of Ded., te. 22, b. Green Garden 111., of Silas & Lestina, 4:5: 82. HAYES. , 37 Wm. J. of Ded., ;e. 2i), 1>. Ire., of '.\'m. & iJridgct (Bowcm, to Margaret J. Kelleher of Ded., a-. 20, b. Ire., of Jas. »fc Mary (Galivan), 10: 22: 85. HAYN. 23 Louis O. of Ded., te. 22, b. Germ., of Frank A. & F. Caroline, to Augusta B. Winkler of Ded., a^ 2:3, b. Germ., of John II. & Christina II., 8: 22: 73. IIAYNES. 22 Frank W. of Ded., re. 31, b. Boston, of Wm. F. Si, Clara A., to Mary L. Storrs of Ded., je. 22, b. Webster, of Royal O. & LoraL., 7: 20: 71. 10 Horace M. of Haverhill JST. H., to Mary C. Sawyer of Ded., of Samuel C, & , 11 : 22 : 46. 11 Horace M. of Ded., a'. 40, b. Rumney N. II., of Bjenj. & Rachel, to Mary F. Fisher of Ded., se. 28, b. Charlotte Me., of David & Nancy, 4: 18: 01. HAY WARD. 21 Eben'r of Fitchburg, a\ ;33, b. Bedford, of Matlier & Lucy B., to Harriet Dresser of Ded., a;. ;53, b. Lunenburg, of David & Hannah, 5: :30: 50. 4 Frank D. of Ded., re. 24, b. Marlboro N. II., of Thos. & Hannah, to Annis C. Guild of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of Reuben & Olive, 2: 3: 09. 17 IsaacI). of Boston, re. 24, b. Milton, of Joseph & Mary, to Mary W. Gris- wold of Ded., re. 19, b. Salem, of Alex'r V. & Amelia, 11 : 10 : 52. HEALEY, HEALY (-S'ee also Haley). 2 Asa of Morristown N. J., re. 26, b. Morristown N. J., of Alfred & Mary S., to Florence I. Loring of Boothbay Me., re. 20, b. Wakefield, of Thomas D. & Adaline, 1:9:88. 21 Denis of Jersey City N. J., re. 31, b. Ire., of Maurice & Catharine, to Hannah Sullivan of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Cornelius & Ilannali, 4: 4: 80. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. g;|^ 40 :Mi('li;iel 1). of W;ilp., :e. :)2, 1). Ire., of Diivid & Mary 1)., to Mary McCaffney of 1)0(1., :i'. 2.J, b. Scot., of Terence & Jane, 12: 2!): 74. HEATH. 54 Edwin W. of Ded.. a'. 21, b. Salem Me., of Geo. W. & Eliza A., to Isabel'le C. Crooker of Boston, a>. 19, b. Lowell, of Calvin B. & Maria F., 11 : 2.j : 80. HEFFERXOX, HEFFER'NAN. 23 John A. of Ded., re. 39, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary, to Bridget (Coakley) ]Murpliy of Ded., te. 33, b. Ir^., of Thos. & Bridget, G: 24: SO. OS Wm. of Ded., te. 24, b. Ire., of Michael & ^SEary, to Bridget Cournay of Ded., le. 2:3, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 10: 5: 09. IIK:NrENWAY. 9 Herbert L. of Springfield, a;. 2.'^, b. Leverett, of Elihu «fc Ilepsibath M., to Alice M. Spaulding of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of Erastus G. & Frances M., 3 : 28 : 89. HENDERSON. 39 John 13. of Ded., re. 34, b. Ire., of Wni. & Mary, to Nellie Maher of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary, 9: 15: 80. 2 Walter of Ded., re. 20, b. Ire., of Wm. & Maria, to Ellen Kiernan of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of John & Catherine, 1:4: 72. IIENMAR. 48 Jacob of Boston, re. 30, b. Germ., of Jacob & Catharine (Meyer), to Julia Sulkoski of Ded., re*. 20, b. Walp., of John & Julia (Cunningham), 1 : 12 : T?>. HENNESSEY, IIENNESY, HENNESSY. 24 Daniel of Ded., re. 50, b. Ire., of Dominick & Margaret, to Eliza Nolan of Ded., re. 31, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, 8: 24: 78. 19 Daniel M. of Boston, re. 30, b. Ire., of Jos. & Mary, to Catharine Kinsellaof Boston, re. 28, b. Ire., of Hugh & Bridget, 0: 20: 71. 55 Timothy of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, to Bridget Lane of Ded., ie. 25, b. Ire., of John & , 5: 22 : OS. 48 Timothy of Ded., re. 37, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, to Helen (Morrissey) Dowd of Ded., re'. 3S, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 7 : 1 : 72. HENXING. 32 Oscar M. of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of Ferdinand & Auguste, to Natalie Schulz of Ded., re. 23, b. Boston, of Adolph A: Caroline, 10: 3: 85. HERBERT. ;]2 James of Ded., re. 29. b. Ire., of James »fc Hannah, to Ella Thomas of Cam- bridge, re'. 21, b. Caral)ridge, of Wm. & Mary, 7: 11 : 88. HER H.ST. 25 Wm. II. of Ded., re. 24, b. Dorch., of Henry & Annie, to Emma llilles of Ded., re'. 20, b. Boston, of Conrad & Louisa, 7: 17: 89. HERRI MAN. :J5 Jolni V. of Ded., :-■. 23. i). Litclilield Me., of S. 15. i^- Mary E., to Mary A. Wilson of Ded., a-. 19, b. Freeport Me., of Chas. A: Joanna, 11 : 2S: 00. (32 DEDHAM RECORDS. HERRI XG. 17 Alexander J. of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of Ellis & Mac:dalena, to Annie E. Seery of Ded., ?e. 22, b. Ir.e., of Michael & Ellen, 2: 19: 82. ?> Francis A. of Ded., a3. 29, b. Rox., of Nath'l & Hannah K. (Kingsbury), to Adelaide 8. Cushman of Portland Me., se. 26, b. Portland Me., of Edward T. & Sarah J. (Hutchins), 2: 4: 61. HE WINS. 34 Alfred of Ded., a?. 28, b. Ded., of Nath'l A. & Hannah, to Caroline E. Spar- rell of Jjoston, aj. 21, b. Boston, of Wm. & Caroline F., 5: 23: 59. 56 Alfred of Ded., te. 46, b. Ded., of Nath'l A. & Hannah, to Harriet C. Stone of Newburyport, le. 28, b. iSTeAvburyport, of Eben F. & Harriet P., 12: 27: 77. 21 Benj. L. of Sharon, te. 29, b. Sharon, of Benj. & Sarah A., to Emily A. Peach of Sharon, a3. 19, b. Eng., of Henry & Emily, 5: 4: 67. 48 Eugene P. of Ded., rj. 27, b. Worcester, of Wm. & Rebecca, to Elfie B. Gleason of Ded., tc. 23, b. Glenham N. Y., of Wm. W. & Martha, 10:23:84. 40 ^eo. of Ded., fc. 25, b. Boston, of Amasa & Eliz'h (Alden), to Harriet W. Carroll of Ded., a3. 21, b. Ded., of Sanford & Harriet (AVhiting), 11 : 14: 61. 47 Herbert L. of Sharon, te. 21, b. Sharon, of Lyman «& Emily, to Eliza B. Cutter of Sharon, re. 17, b. Palmer, of Aaron & Laura, 12: 26: 64. 53 Pliillip of Ded., te. 31, b. Sharon, of Wm. T. & Rebecca S., to Christena Derick, of Ded., te. 30, b. Scot., of Patrick & Jane, 6: 12 : 81. 39 Wm. H. of Rox., te. 24, b. Sandwich, of Wm. & Love, to Mary E. Whiting of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret M., 10: 23: 64. HEWITT, HEWETT. 24 Elmer of Pomfret Vt., te. 24, b. Pomfret Vt., of Harvey & Jane, to Georgi- anna C. Myers of Ded., a?. 19, b. Ludlow Vt., of Felix & Maria L., 9:16:68. 46 Geo. of Ded., re. 26, b. Eng., of Robert & Mary, to Sarah A. Rose of Ded., re. 18, b. Eng., of Benj. & Sarah A., 6: 3: 62. HIBBARD. IS Abner C. of Ded., te. 42, b. Lyman N. H., of Fred'k & Rebecca W., to Emily L. Cline of Boston, re. 43, b. Boston, of Enoch & Hannah, 6:1: 89. HKJGINS. 37 Franklin P. of Ded., te. 24, b. Charlestown, of Jere'li F. & Mary A., to Fannie A. Smith of Ded., re. 19, b. Franklin, of Timothy & Emily, 10: 21: 73. 57 John C. of Ded., te. 20, b. Charlestown, of Jere'h F. & Lucy, to Frances E. Raymond of Ded., te. 19, b. Pawtucket, of Artemas & Lucy, 12: 7: 65. HILDRETH. 15 Henry O. of Ded., re. 3:3, b. Dorch., of Orin & Ruth, to Cornelia Shorey of Del, re. 20, b. Boston, of John & Cornelia G., 9: 8: 59. HILL. 25 David S. of Ded., te. 33, b. Milford X. IL, of J as. R. & Betsy, to Mary McQuarrie of Ded., re. 27, b. X. S., of Simon & Mary, 8:1: m. 29 Don Gleason of Ded., te. 29, b. Medwtiy, of Geo. «fc Sylvia, to Caroline L. Luce of Ded., re. 25, b. New Bedford, of David W. & Caroline E., 12:26:70. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. g3 4;; Wni. F. of Ded., a>. 20. 1). Mechvuy, of (^(h). isj Sylvia (Grout), to S. Eliz'h Adams of Ded., to. 28, b. l)ed., of Hiram A. & Sophroiiia IJ. (Kimball), 11: 2."): 89. IIIXKLEY. l(i Hiram of I)ed., a*. .!:!, b. Canton Me., of Reuel & Olive, to Mary J. Paul of Ded., a'. 2(i, 1). J)ed., of Wm. k, Al»isail, T): 12: ;",. HITCHIXGS. 18 Henry of ])e(l., a\ 41, b. lioston, of Daniel & Betsy, to Amanda K. Taft of Ded., a\ ;]7, b. Ded., of Fred A. & Amanda, 0: 22: C^. 57 Henry of Ded., a-. .54, b. Boston, of Daniel & Betsey, to Afary F. Taft of Ded., te. 20, b. Medford, of Fred A. & Cornelia S., 11 : 7 : 77. HITTL. 50 Julius J. of Ded., k. 27, b. Austria, of Antone & Franzeska, to Louisa M. Albrecht of Boston, a'. 20, b. Boston, of Phillip & Theresa, 11: 4: 80. HOB ART. 26 Freeman A. of Nashua X. H., re, ;}0, b. Hollis X. H., of Jona. B. & Abigail S., to Eliz'h Gallagher of Ded., le. 23, b. Cambridge, of Charles & Eliz'h, 7 : 10 : 64. HODGDOX. .31 Andrew II. of Ded., se. 30, b. Arlington, of Bichard L. & Maria W., to Anna F. Colburn of Ded., a?. 30, b. Ded., of Waldo & JMary, 7: 11 : 88. 33 Augustus F. of Ded., ■x. 26, b. Ded., of David A. «fc Xancy E., to Helen M. Fogg of Norwood, te. 22, b. Ded., of David S. &. Mary B., S: 21 : 84. 22 David A. of W. Box., je. 28, b. W. Box., of Abram & Emily, to Xancy E. Fisher of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of John & X"ancy, 6: 10: .56. HODGSOX, HODGESOX^ 52 Chas. II. of Ded., ;e. 31, b. Spragueville B. I., of Joseph (\. & Patience, to Alice I. Tapley of Ded., a\ 20, b. Ded., of Wm. T. & ^lartha A., 0:29: 00. 29 Bobert H. of Hyde Park, a'. 22, b, Eng., of Wm. & Margaretta, to Hannah Doole of Ded., a\ 10, 1). Ded., of Wm. & Hannah, 10: 4: 73. HOFFMAX, HOFMAXX. 43 Carl F. of Ded., te. .36, b. Germ., of Ferdinand & Wilhelminti, to Wilhel- mina A. (Blackman) Hauer of Ded., a?. 36, b. Germ., of Christian ct Chris- tian ;i, 7:31:00. .30 Jacob of Ded., tr. 22, b. Germ., of Jacob & Margaret, to Mary I'lank of Ded., te. 24, b. Germ., of John & ^fary, 12: 13: 56. IIOGAX. G5 David A. of Phila. Pa., te. 27, b. Burrillville R. I., of Patrick J. & Eliza G., to Catharine A. McKerry of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of John X. & Catharine, 12:26: 87. 46 Geo. H. of Ded., te. 27, b. Ded., of John & Ctitherine (Egan), to Mary A. Glispin of Ded., te. 24, b. Waterford B. 1., of Jas. cS: Ann, 11 : 30: 82. HOGABDT. 38 Wm. of Boston, te. 2.5, b. Germ., of Henry & :vrary, to Eliz'h Krug of Ded., aj. 21, b. Germ., of Bobert & Eliz'li, 6: 22: 00. 64 DEDHAM RECORDS. HOLBROOK. 45 Sylvanus of Ded., te. 23, b. Northbridge, of Sylvauus: .57. HOUGHTOX. :]() Geo. of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Putney Vt.. of Amos & Almira, to Agnes ^NLcEneny of Ded., :e. 10, b. Ded., of Arthur & Nancy, 11 : 10: .50. 43 Geo. N. of Boston, to Sai-ali A. Yonng of Boston, 0: 4: 4."'). 2 Geo. W. of Ded., w. 3:3, b. Putney Vt., of Amos & Almira. to ;Miri.i Alex- ander) Iluglies of Ded., ;e. :]2, b. Ire., of Geo. & Sarah, 4: 4: .")7. ;30 Joseph J. of Ded., ;e. 24, 1). Svvanzey N. H., of Amos & Maria, to ^[iry E. Legallee of Ded., te. 21, Ded., of Ellis & Ann, 11: 24: (JO. 19 AVm. A. of Dorch., a\ 27, b. Rox., of Isaac & Zibiah A., to Caroline A. Bird of Dorch.. ;e. 23, 1). Dorcli., of .Stephen & Caroline R., 10: 2S: wi. HOWARD. 38 Chandler I), of Ded., a-. 2.-), b. Bethel Me., of Phineas P. & Lois D.. to Delia A. Boyden of Ded.. :e. 22, b. Ded., of Porter A: , 11 : 28: .^O. 42 Martin of Ded., se. 33, b. Ded., of Anthony & Mary, to Elizi Coulou of Dfd., :e. 20, 1). Ire., of Jas. & Mary, 0: 20: 74. 2.5 Samuel of Ded., ;e. ;30, b. Maiden, of .Samuel & Lucinda. to Ellen .M. <; lild of Ded., le. 18, b. Ded., of ^Lirk & Maria, 0: 15: .58. HOWARTH. 40 Thos. of Ded., se. 21, b. Ded., of John & Jane (Fagan), to Ellen Fay ui Ded., a'. 21, b. Ire., of Michael i\: Ellen ijoice), 1 1 : 24: 80. HOWE. 13 Abraham F. of ]^)x., ;l'. (JO, b. Northboro, of Isaac & , to Eliza X. (Lapham) Richards of Ded., ic. 48, b. Dorch., of Elisha & , 1: 4: .5:5. :30 Allen L. of Dc^d., :e. 2.5, b. Petersham, of Josiah D. & Hannah, to Lizzie Guild of Ded., tc. 2.5, b. Ded., of Reuben & Olive, 11 : 2.5: .58. 29 Eli of Lincoln, ie. 38, b. Sumner Me., of Jesse & I>ydia, to Paulina (Baker) Howe of Ded., a'. 28, b. Lee, of Edw. & Esther, s': 14: .50. 24 Geo. A. of Weymouth, a;. 21. b. Braintree, of Daniel & Hannah L., to Caro- line A. Guild of W. Rox., w. 22, b. Ded., of Al)ner & :\Iary. 11: IS: .50. 23 Henry of Ded., ;e. 37, of Jesse A: I^ydia, to Lucy C. Xubert of Ded.. ;• . :?2, of Philip & Catharine, 3:1: 47. QQ DEDHAM RECORDS. 44 Oliver H. of Cohasset, re. 29, b. T)ed., of Elijah & Julia A. (Hunt), to Mar- tha D.Paul of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Susan A. (Dresser), 11: 26: 89. IT Patrick of Ded., iv. 29, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ann (Toohy), to Sarah J. Mul- len of Ded.. a?. 28, b. Ded., of Michael & Margaret (Clements), G: 1.5: 87. 70 Wni. C. M., of Melrose, te. 21, b. S. Reading, of Jos. W. & Sarah, to Hattie J. Coolidge of Ded., w. 22, b. Ded., of Curtis & Lydia, 12 : 2.j : 07. HOWELL. 28 Albert of Watertown, ?e. 26, b. Eng., of John & Eliza, to Jennie E. Wilson of Ded., fe. 22, b. Eng., of Ishmael & Eliz'h, 12: 2.-): 76. 24 Ellis of Ded., fe. 29, b. Eng., of John & Eliza, to Sarah E. Ford of Ded., .%>. 2.5, b. ]3oston, of Jas. G. & Angeline B., 9: 24: 77. HUBBAED. 20 Ezra L. of Ded., a?. 25, b. Marlboro, of Albert & Hannah, to Eva M. King of Canton, a?. 22, b. Bronxdale X. Y., of Thos. & Mary, 6: 30: 85. 29 Frank K. of Ded., te. 24, b. Marlboro N. H., of Albert & Hannah, to Julia E. Xeal of Leray N. Y., je. 24, b. Leray X. Y., of Henry & Elizabeth, 7 : 26 : 86. HUMPHREY. 10 Geo. H. of Ded., re. 64, b. Marblehead, of Geo. W. & Betsy D., to Lurinda M. Fay of Cambridge, fc, 42, b. Worcester, of Stephen S. & Mary C, 4 : 3 : 88. 2 George W. of Ded., je. 30, b. Roxbury, of George H. & Clarinda T., to Ellen T. Folia nsbee of Ded., je. 27, b. Brooklyn X. Y., of Alonzo & Nancy S.> 1: 22: 79. 13 Henry D. of Ded., lu. 2;j, b. West Roxbury, of George II. & Clarinda T. (Xoyes), to Lena R. Witham of Gloucester, k. 19, b, Gloucester, of Sidney »fc Susan, 5: 14: 85. HUNKINGS. , 20 Harrison M. of Ded., le. 21, b. Ded., of Thomas J. & Charlotte, to Julia A. Perkins of Ded., se. 20, b. Xew Sharon Me., of John & Olive, 5: 30: 56. IIUKXEWELL. 4 Amos jNL of Walpole, a?. 30, b. Woburn, of Jos. &MaryE., to Margaret (Saviller) Cooper of Walpole, a*. 28, b. Germ., of John & Rose, 3: 27: 58. 17 Henry S. of Wellesley, re. 32, b. Boston, of H. Hollis & Isabella P. (Wells), to Mary B. Whitney of W. Rox., a). 24, b. India, of Israel G. & Christiana K. S. (Sargent), 5:10:86. HUNT. .53 Henry L. of Norton, to. 41, b. Boston, of Henry & Maria (Dean\ to Ella E. Richmond of Norton, te. 36, b. Norton, of Benj. II. «fc Julia A. (Bates), 12: 16:85. HUNTER. 9 Patrick II. of Boston, te. 2.5, b. N. B., of Thos. & Sarah, to Margaret Flynn of Ded., it'. 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Sarah, 12 : 29 : 66. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. (37 HURD. 40 Joseph of Jioston, io. :U, b. Orleans, of lieiij. & Phebe, to Eliz'h E. Whiting of Ded.. le. 20, 1). Deil., of Ira & Unity, 12: 14: 45. HURLEY. 22 Patrick H. of Ded., a'. 2;], b. Ded., of John & Helen, to Ilannali D. Mor;4an of Ded., aj. 2;}, b. Boston, of Michael & Helen, 4 : 22 : SO. 40 Wm. of Ded., je. 20, b. Ded,, of John & Ellen, to Nellie M. Gleason of East- port Me., ie. 27, b. Eastport Me., of Wm. C. & Cornelia, 9: 2:3: S4. HUTCHIXS. 2:3 Edw. P. of W. Rox., ie. 10, b. Lee Me., of Samuel J^. & Pel)ecca, to Mary Draper of Ded., ;e. 29, b. Ded., of Benj. J. G. & Hannah, : 27 : (!4. 7 Fred'c P. Jr. of Worcester, ;e. 22, b. Worcester, of Fred'c & Sarah A., to Sarah A. Barnes of Boylston, ;e. 21, b. Northboro, of Mellen & Eliza K., :3 : 2 : 70. 40 Geo. H. of Ded., se. 2."), b. Ded., of Jos. S. & Sarah, to Mary Chisholm of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Wm. & Isabella, 12: 27: 00. 27 Xathan C. of Rox., a'. 2.'), of Enoch & Sarah, to Mary A. Guild of Rox., a'. IS, b. Rox., of Abner & Mary, 8: IS: .50. ;3.5 Weston F. of Ded., a\ ;3:3, b. Ded., of Thomas F. & Ruth T., to Elizabeth L. Browne of Ded., te. 25, b. W. Rox., of Horace E. & Martha E., 11 : 1:3: 79. HUTCHIXSOX. G8 Henry A. of Ded., a\ .52, 1). Readville Me., of Henry A. & Eliza, to Alice R. Ellis of Ded, :e. 29, b. Medfield, of Edward E. & Jane, 11 : 20: 90. HUTT. 54 Win. H. of Ded., re. 24, 1). X. S., of John & Ellen, to .Mary A. Casey of Bos- ton, re. :33, 1). Ire., of Michael «fc Margaret, 9: 4: 71. HYDE. 10 John Jr. of Ded., re. .'32, b. Springfiekl Vt., of John & Julia (Whitney), to Caroline M. Achors of Ded., re'. 22, b. Rockland Me, of Henry & , 8: 17: 02. IDE. 3.3 Francis of Ded., re'. 25, 1). Ashford Ct., of Liberty & Lucy A., to Julia (Juild of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Sibbel, 12: 2: .5.5. 22 Francis P. of Ded., re'. 32, b. Ashford Ct., of Liberty & Lucy II. (Pollock), to Maria Engly of Canton, re'. IS, b. AVali)ole, of Joseph Pi. & Susan E. (Fisher), 10: 7: 02. IXGERSOL. 30 Stephen II. of Jirooklyn X. Y., re'. 30, b. X". Y., of Stcplien »fc- Minerva, to Lizzie Howe of Ded., re'. 21, b. Ded., of Josiah D. A: Hannah, 9: 20: 71. IXGILS. 10 Geo. \\ . of Boston, re. 30, b. Ded., of John C. & Elenor B., to Jane A. Ivers of Ded., re'. 20, b. Rox., of Wni. H. & Lucy J., 0: 10: SO. IXGRAHAM. 20 Sewall S. of Milton, re'. 24, b. Framingham, of John A: Lucy (Stone), to 68 DED//AM RECORDS. Sarah E. Dow of Milton, tc. 19, b. rilt.sfield X. H., of James E. & Sarah (Houghton), 4: 11: (U. IRISH. 11 J3enj. li. of Randolph, a\ 23, 1). Sumner Me., of Freeman & Almeda, to Mary J. Fletcher of Peru Me., fe. 30, b. Peru Me., of Benj. & Mary, 0: 30: 59. ISAACSON. 27 Isaac of Ded., a-. 38, b. Sweden, of Isaac & Louise, to Mary A. Flanaghau of Ded., ie. 33, b. Ire., of Patrick & Margaret, 5: 2.5: 90. ISLAND. 50 John of Ded., re. 39, b. Ire., of Otven & Mary, to Alice (Medole) Cannon of Ded., X. .35, b. Ire., of Wm. & Mary, 2: 22: 08. IVERS. 8 Charles F. of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ded., of Wm. TT. & Lucy J., to jNIattie D. Chap- man of Milford, a'. 20, b. Mystic River Ct., of Nathan & Hepsie, 4: 30: 79. ja(;kson. 34 Daniel A. of Ded., ai. 24, b. Lagrange M., of Wm. A. & Philena Ji., to Jane Latty of Ded., a;. 20, b. Eng., of Wm. & Mary, 9: 10: 60. 9 Ransom of Baraboo Wis., se. 27, b. Abington, of Luther «fc Sally, to ]SLary W. Rhoads of Ded., ?e. 21, b. Ded., of Jas. A. & Clara H., 2: 19: 68. 4 Robert S. of Ded., a?. 21, b. Goshen N. Y., of Andrew & Martha, to Nellie Sylvester of Ded., te. 20, b. Ludlow Yt., of Anthony & Eliza, 2: 22: 82. JACOB. 15 Caleb of Richmond Ya, fe. 25, of John & Yirginia, to Lucy L Colburn of Ded., te. 22, of Ellis & Celia, 10: 31: 47. JACOBUS. 12 John of Boston, ic. 22, b. Boston, of .Tacob i*s: Annie, to Emma Walley of Ded., a'. '23, b. Ded.. of James & Annie, 4:9: 88. JAGER. 31 Chas. Y. of Ded., ai. 24, b. (Jerm., of John & Maria, to Helena Wirtli of Ded., X. 19, b. Germ., of Debokl & Lucy, 10: 22: 70. JAMESON. 31 Allen M. of Jioston, a>. 23, b. Thomaston Me., of Elijah C. & Bertha R., to Mary A. Starrett of Ded., to. 20, b. Thomaston Me., of Chas. T. & Sarah S.. 9:2: 67. JAQUES. 5 Forester of Chicago 111., le. 29, b. Canada, of Edw. & Mary E., to Abbie L. W. Everett of Ded., re. 21, b. Boston, of Aaron E. & Abbie L., 3: 5: 73. JENNINGS. 21 John Jr. of Natick, to Elizabeth l^yons of Ded., b, Ded., of John & , 9: 17: 44. JENSEN. 23 Henry of Boston, te. 34, b. Germ., of Jan & Keike, to Ella G. (Smith) Jensen of Ded., X. 34, b. Boston, of Wm. & Anne C, 8: 6: 85. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. (39 JERMYN. W Richard of Ilaverliill, re. 21, b. Ire., of Wm. & Marj-, to J.izzie Jerniyu of J)ed., 11". 2:3, b. Ire., of Tho.s. & Rcssie, 0: 30: 84. JEWETT. 3G Albert W. of Deil., \m. 32, b. Worcester, of Wade II. & Alibie (Bartlett), to Alice M. Harlow of Ded., ;e. 23, b. Braintree, of Setli & Elizabeth (Smith), 11: 8:80. JOIINSOX, JOHNSTON, JOHNSTONE. 7 Beiij. A. of Walp., a'. 24, b. Walp., of Benj. F. & Eleanor B., to Addie S. Britton of Walp., re. 22, b. Westmoreland N. II., of Emory O. & Lucretia J.. 2 : 22 : 80. 11 C. Henry of Stoughton, re. 24, b. Lowell, of Wm. & 8oi)hia A., to Sophia A. Harrington of ])ed., a?. 22, b. Eastport Me., of John & Mary, .5: 30: 57. 13 Chas. W. of Ded., fe. 31, b. Scot., of Wm. & Mary, to Catharine Dundass of of Ded., i3e. 2:3, b. Scot., 4:4: 58. 4 Frank of Ded., -x.. 25, V). Ire., of John & Ann, to Mary A. Rielly of Ded., a*. 20, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine, 2: 17: 85. 13 George II. of Boston, a. 22, b. Scot., of Wm & Jane, to Mittie N. Butler of Ded., te. 22, b. Farmington Me., of Freeman & Sarah, 5: 24: 05. 25 Geo. R. of Ded., ;e. 30, b. Scot., of Geo. & Margaret, to Lydia S. Shumway of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Erastus & Harriet W., 9 : 3 : 73. 5 John Jr. of Ded., re. 21, b. N. S., of John Thus, of Boston, te. 32, b. Ire., of John & Catherine, to Bridget Lee of Bos- ton, a?. 30, b. Ire., of Bernard & Bridget, 9 : 22 : 77. KENNEDY. 20 James A. of Ded., -x. 20, b. Eng., of Archibald & Jane, to Mary I. Ewer of Ded., tc. 32, b. Ded., of Charles B. & Charlotte B. 8: 23: 77. 30 Jas. A. of Ded., a-. 30, b. Eng., of Archel)old & Jane (Jackson), to Eliza J. Ebbs of Ded., re. 2.3, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen (Hull), 9: 8: 81. 53 John of Ded., se. 28, b. Ire., of Wm. & Sarah, to Marj^ Linnehan of ])ed., se. 20, b. Ire., .5: 11:68. 4G John of Boston, a3. 29, b. Ire., of James & Mar}^ to Katharine Driscoll of Walpole, te. 24, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary, 6: 8: 72. 22 John F. of Ded., a?. 23, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ann, to Catharine E. McDermott, of Ded., re. 18, b. Ded., of Owen & Ann J., 6: 30: 87. 42 Wm. J. of Ded., re. 22, b. K. I., of Wm. & Ann (Cannon), to Mary E. Kelly of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of John & Mary (Murner), 11 : 23: 80. KENNEY. 63 Thos. of Hyde Park, re. 21, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, to Maria Donnelly of Hyde Park, re. 20. b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 7 : 11 : 69. KENT. 4 George N. of Chatham, re>. 2.5, b. Chatham, of Edward & , to Clara C Kendrick of Ded., ic. 24, b. Chatham, of Tracy & , 11 : 28: .50. KENWOliTHY. 28 Friend of Utica N. Y., re. 24, b. Eng., of John & Charlotte, to Amelia Bi'ooks of Ded., re. 24, b. Pascoag R. I., of David & Eliz'h, 8: 25: 71. KEOUGH. 66 Robert B. of E. Prov. R. I., re. 32, b. P. E. I., of Jas. & Grace, to Lizzie Johnson of Ded., re. 22, b. Rox., of Jas. G. & Mary, 12: 26: 67. KERN. 32 Vinzenz of Ded., re. 26, b. Germ., of Jos. & Mary, to Paulina (Barrschorf) Rabbs of Ded., re. 28, b. Germ., of Ferdinand & Paulina, 8: 26: 86. KERRESSEY. 56 Thos. J. of Norwood, re. 21, b. Ded., of Thos. & Catherine, to Sarah A. McManus of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Patrick & ]iridget, 9: 26: 82. KERSTAN. 26 John of Ded., re. 24, b. Germ., of Fred'k & Mary, to Antona Ressel of Ded., ;e. 19, b. Austria, of Antone & Carolina, II : 25: 76. KESSNER. 23 George of Ded., re\ 33, b. Germ., of John & Margaret, to Christiana Wet- teroth of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of John & Hannah, 8: 27: 55. KIEBER. 42 Karl IL of Ded., re. 30, b. Germ., of Benj. F. A: Ernestiene K., to Eliz'h Riegg of Ded., re. 24, b. Switz., of Uirich & Elizabetha R., 10: 1 : 87. KIESSLING. 8 Chas. F. of Boston, re. 21, b. Ded., of Frank J. & Ernestina P., to Lena J. Pipping of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Chas. & Caroline, 5: 21 : 78. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 73 KILBI'RX. 10 All)ert A. of Ded., :e. 24. b. Vt., of Quiiioy & Soi.liia, to Clara J. Ilnl.banl of Ded., ;e. 20, b. X. H., adopted by John S. & Jane Hubbard, 7: !): 77. 28 John T). of ^Nfansfiold, to. 21, b. Salisbury Vt., of Quincy & Sophia, to Fannie A. ]5arr of T)ed., a'. 21, b. Cincinnati ()., of Henry H. & Frances A., 0: 1.-): 78. KIJ.LAM. 21 Abraham L. of Ded., k. 2;], b. Waterville Vt., of Wm. M. !k Sarah E., to Lizzie J. :Morso of Ded., a;. 2:5. b. Ded., of Josepli L. & Martha A., ."): 11 : 84. KILTJKELLY. o7 Thos. of Ded., re. 50, b. Ire., of Hycienth & Bridget, to Kate (Kennedy) Hurley of Ded., te. 40, b. Ire., of Timothy & 15elinda, 11 : 28: 78. 10 Thos. W. of Ded., a\ 20, b. Ded., of Thos. & ]}ridget, to Nellie C. Leary of Hyde Park, k. 22, b. Dorch., of Dennis & Margaret, ;5 : 1: 81. KILPATKICK. 28 David of Ded., :e. 22, b. Scot., of Jas. & Sarah (Brown), to Eliz'h A. Healey of Ded., ie. 21, b. Eng., of John & Ann, 11 : 0: o:J. KIMBALL. .5 Asa of E. Livermore Me., ic. 7.j, b. Dighton, of Asa & Betsey, to Sarah (Rol- lins) Tarbox of Ded., it'. 08, b. Poland Me., of Stephen ^ Sarah G., ?>: 14:70. 12 Franklin of Ded., iX'. 2.j, b. Ded., of Theodore T. & Abby, to Almira (luild of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ded., of Ilenben & Olive, 4:21: ':^?>. KIMMEL. 27 Heinrich of Ded., ;e. 27, 1). Germ., of Philijt A: Anna, to ^lary Zinn of Ded., le. 20, b. Germ., of Louis & Amelia, 8:1: 82. KIXG. 7 Frank M. of Ded,, a>. 20, b. Bridgewater, of Francis D. & Mary A., to CevillaE. Kichardson of Ded., je. 25, b. Winthrop, of Jackson & Abigail, 3: 29: 82. 59 John of Ded., jc. 20, b. (Janada, of John & Margaret, to Cordia Kasaron of Ded., te. IS, b. Canada, of Alexander & ^lary, 5: 5: 73. 33 Kendall C, of Cambridge, te. 34, b. Me., of Benj. & Jerusha, to Emily I. (Ward) (iraham of Ded., a'. 24, b. Ded., of Caleb V>. & Abby M., 10: 23: 70. 34 Patrick J. of Ded., a-. 28, b. lioston, of Henry & Mary, to Catherine Murphy of Boston, a. 30, b. Ire., of Michael A: Mary, 7 : 20: 88. KIXGSliUKY. 48 Aniasa of Need., a\ 08, b. Canton, of Jona. & Angelletta (Crane\ to Mary J. O'Bryan of Ded., a. 38, b. Ded., of Dennis & Betsy (Kelvin), 10: 10: S3. 20 Asa 11. of Jaffrey X. H., a3. .53, b. Xeed., of James S. & Mary A., to Mary A. Winn of J)ed., a. 54, b. York Me., of Otis & Lucy M. (Goodwin), 5: :W: SS. 17 Ezekiel of Ded., a'. .52, 1). Ded., of Ezekiel & Mary, to Mercy Philbreck, a. 42, 11:21: 47. :i9 George of Ded., a. 2(i, 1). \)('A., of Moses & Sarah (Fisher), to Catharine S. Baker of Ded., a. 2:}, b. Ded., of Alfred & Julia A. (Gay), 11 : 17: 01. 27 George of Ded., a. 29, b. Ded., of ]Moses A: Sally, to Mary A. Dean of Ded., a. 22, b. Ded., of Josiah A: Lucy J., S: 4: (14. 74 DEDHAM RECORDS. 73 Leonard A. of Need., je. 86, of Leonard & Emily, to Anna B. Holmes of Ded., a*. 29, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Priscilla, 12: 24: 45. 56 Lewis H. of Ded., jc. 73. b. Walpole, of Samuel «fc Hannah (Hall), to Frances M. Whitney of Tarboro X. C, te. 47, b. Brooklyn N. Y., of Timothy P. & Emmeline (Whitney), 11 : 10: 87. 48 Moses Jr. of Ded., ai. 38, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah, to Rebecca A. Pailkes of Ded., a>. .35, b. Jioston, of Francis & , 12 : 13 : 49. KINNIK. 9 Thos. F. of Ded., te. 20, 1». Baltimore, to Mary A. Felton of Ded. , je. 22, b. Need., of Chas. C. & , 3: 9: 04. KIRSCH. 16 Geo. S. of Ded., te. 28, b. Bavaria, of Martin & Mary M., to Eliz'h Lynch of Ded., a. 22, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, 7:7: 60. KISSEL. 8 Gustave H. of N. Y., ie. 30, b. Germ., of John D. & Susan E., to Charlotte A. Stimson of Ded., je. 18, b. Ded., of Jeremy & Hopestill, 10: 4: 48. KITCHING. 85 David of Ded., te. 29, b. Eng., of Rich'd «& Ann, to Mary Counorton of Bos- ton, a'. 23, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ellen, 11 : 28: (i9. KLEIN. 23 Andreas C. of Ded., a'. 33, b. Germ., of Geo. & Katharina, to Amelia (Mettz- ger) Biessenger of Ded., a. 3:5, b. Germ., of Fred'k & Wilhelmina, 8:15:72. KLEMM. 23 Fred'kD. Jr. of Ded., a. 2:], b. Ded., of Fred'k D. & Anne (Hartnett), to Eliz'h A. Deneef of Ded., a. 19, b. Ded., of Michael & Annie (Tobin), 6:5: 80. KXIGIIT, KNIGHTS. 9 Grenville B. of Walpole, a. 20, of Eben & Hannah, to Maria E. Sumner of Walpole, a. 21, b. Ded., of Jabez & Rebecca, 4: 18: .50. 23 Monsena S. of Ded., a*. 32, b. Poland Me., of Solomon & Mary, to Laura A. Greenlaw of Deer Island Me., a>. 22, b. Deer Island Me., of Levi «& Ann, 6: 19: 65. 4 Nath'l of Attleboro, a. 37, b. Lowell, of John & Eliz'h, to Mary J. Blake of Attleboro, a. 24, of Lewis & , 3 : 1 : 59. *3 Wm. H. of Ashland, a. 28, b. Milford, of John & Ellen, to Hannah Mona- han of Ded., a. 20, b. Hyde Park, of John & Hannah, 10: 4: 85. KNOWLTOX. 67 Charles R. of Walpole, ae. 20, to Harriet E. Rhoads of Walpole, a. 20, of Moses «fe , 4 : 15 : 40. KNOX. 25 John of Ded., a. 2.5, b. Ire., of John & ^Nfartha, to Kll<'ii Welsh of Ded., a. 20, b. Ire., 8: 12:50. KOLLOCK. 22 Cornelius of Cheraw S. C, a. 20, b. Cheraw S. C, of Oliver & Sarah, to Mary H. Shaw of Ded., a'. 24, b. Boston, of Chas. J}. & :Mary P., 10: 9: 51. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 75 KOPPMAX. 2 Theodore of Ded., i^. :]0, b. derm., of Theodore & Mary, to Louise Ililles of Ded., je. 25, b. JJostou, of Conrad & Louise, 1 : 1 : 84. KRAMER. 14 Otto C. R. Jr. of Boston, ;e. 24, b. R,ox., of Otto C. B. i'<: Marie, to Louise E. Ilerbst of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Box., of Henry & Anna, 4: 1."): 84. KRUJvL. 8 Ilonerat of Ded., tc. 20, 1). Germ., of Ludwig & Louise, to Seharl(»('ken (Bet- terman) Betternian of Ded.,;e. 39, b. Germ., of Ilonerat & J^ouise, 8: 14 :;">(). KULD. ;3:3 Chas. of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of John & Mary, to Frances Leicht of Ded., re. 22, b. Germ., of John «& Leogotina, 7:2": 00. 42 Martin J. of Norwood, re. 25, 1). Ded., of Laurence & Frances, to Annie G. Cocklin of Xorwood, re*. 10, b. Boston, of Michael & Mary, 0: 24: 84. J.AFORME. 2 Joseph A. of Boston, w. 50, b. Prussia, of Anthony & Clara, to Louisa F. (Prince) Lyncli of Ded., re. 4(5, b. J3oston, of Charles A. «fc Penelope M., 1 : 8 : SO. LAHIFF. 51 James T. of W. Rox., re. 25, b. Ire., of Wm. & Bridget, to Ellen T. Cunning- ham of \V. Rox., re. 24, b. Boston, of John cS^ Anne, 2: 12: 82. L^VXDRIE. 41 Henry of Boston, re. 2G, b. N. S.. of Hubert & Tracy, to Mary Durant of Ded., re\ 2:3, b. X. S., of Fiedel & Mary, 12: 28: 78. LAXE. 57 Enos of Walp., re. ;>3, 1). Ire., of Edmund & Joan, to Mary Monahauof Ded., re'. 28, b. Ire., of Philip & Bridget, 0: 17: 08. 48 John of Boston, re. 24, V). Ire., to Mary Casey of Ded., w. 28, b. Ire., of Xatiri & Julia, 1:5: 70. 51 John of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Jas. & Anne, to Ellen Crowley of Ded., re'. 21, b. Ii-e., of John & Mary, 2 : 15: 74. LAPHAM. 17 Erastus E. of Boston, re\ 22, b. Pittsfield X. IL, of Levi 8. & , to Sally P. Cole of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Xoah & Sally, 0: 20: 51. LARY (.S'f e also Leary). 40 Columbus of Milton, re. 27, of Richard & Anna, to Mary D. Thompson of Ded., re. 28, of Sam'l & Statira, 6: :3: 45, 4;] Jeremiah ;of Ded., ae. :30, b. Ire., of Daniel & Mary, to Julia Buckley of Canton, re. 28, b. Ire., of John & Addie, 10: 15 : 05. LATHA^r. Geo. F. of Bedford, re'. 10, b. Boston, of :\[arcas A. & Mary, to Anna M. Greer of Ded., re. 18, b. Boston, of Alexander & Isaljella, 4: 20: 75. J>ATIIROP. 00 Joseph H. of Ded., re'. 27, b. Bordentown N. J., of John P. & Maria M., to 76 DEDHAM RECORDS. Carrie E. Olin of Boston, te. 21, b. Augusta Ga., of William M. & Mary A., 10: 13: 70. lauiip:y! 20 Daniel A. of Brunswick N. Y., fc. 21, b. Brunswick X. Y., of Daniel A. & Maria, to Sarah E. Hammel of Ded., te. 10, b, Dec!., of John & Elizabeth, 7:1:09. LAWKEN'CE. 18 John T. of X. Y. City, te. 27, b. Brooklyn X. Y., of John & Sarah A., to Ervilla C. Benjamin of De Ruyter X. Y., re. 24, 1). De Ruyter X. Y., of James & Sallj', 5: 28: .oO. LAWTOX. 10 Cliester R. of Ded., :e. 18, b. Mansfield, of Job & Patience, to Eliza J. Morse of Ded., to. 18, b. Ded., of Oliver & Betsy, 4: 29: 58. LEACir. 24 Willie P. of Hyde Park, se. 20, b. Xorwich Ct., of Elijah & Emeliue, to Emma J. Farrington of Hyde Park, te. 19, b. Hyde Park, of John B. & Sarah, 8 : 24 : 72. LEALAXD. 41 Chas. H. of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of Chas. & Caroline C, to Isadora M. Chur- chill of Ded., se. 20, b. Ded., of Channcey C. & Permelia. 10: ?,\ : 00. LEAHY (, b. Ire., of Timothy & Ellen, 11: 24: 07. 59 Timothy of Ded., te. 25, b. Ire., of Stephen & Ann, to Catharine Collins of Box., ;e. 22, b. Ire., 12: 1 : GO. LEAVITT. 54 Chas. B. of Ded., te. 30, b. So. Hope Me., of Chas. & Rebecca, to Annie Cull of Ded., je. 2.3, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary, 10: 10: 84. 37 Edward W. of Boston, te. 31, b. Dorch., of David & Caroline S., to Julia R. Ellis of Ded., fe. 20, b. Ded., of Calvin F. & Sarah A., 11 : IS: 80. 40 Warren E. of Boston, te. 24, b. Canada, of Luther & Mary, to Eliza F. (Tully) Ashley of Boston, te. 28, b. X. Y. City, of Mitchell & Estelle, 8: 9: 90. LEE. 43 Benj. of Ded., te. 30. b. Oxford, of Thos. & Ellen, to Mary Boland of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen, 11 : 29: 82. LEFT. 35 Geo. E. of Boston, se. 2,3, b. Canada, of Wra. & Carrie A., to Maud A. Cook of Boston, fe. 20, b. Waltham, of Geo. T. & Catharine, 0: 10: 90. LEHMAX". 23 Fred'c of Ded., te. 38, b. Germ., of Fred'c & Louisa, to Rosa Prol)st of Ded., ie. 20, b. Germ., of John & Eliz'h, 7 : 14 : 00. LEIBERLIEZ. ;32 liawrence of Ded., ie. 25, b. Germ., of Bartholomew «& , to Monica Merx of Ded., re. 25, b. Germ., of Alois & , 10: 13: -50. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 77 J.EMAINE. 1 August of Dec!., te. 29, b. France, of August & Louisa, to Pliihuuene Simart of Ded., vc. 35, b. Canada, of Francois & Prespors, 1 : liS : 7S. J.EMKRE. 20 Leopold J J. of Ded., :i'. 00, 1). France, of Francis I'v: Rose, to Mary J. (Keenan) Scott of J)ed.. ;e. 40, b. N. Y. City, of Jas. & Mary J., •) : 2.') : 75. ]:exiek. 45 Morse of Ded., jl'. 20, b, Canada, of Jean B. & [^Lmitonicj, to Rosaline Dupier of Ded., :e. 18, b. Canada, of fEndic] & Rosa, (i : 1 : 72. LEONARD. 14 Edson X. of JJoston, ic. 22, b. Sharon, of Benj. S. & Esther L., to Lillie J. Warren of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Attleboro, of Ceo. J. & Anne J., 4 : 25: 72. 37 Frank P. of Ded., le. 22, b. Walp., of Geo. & Eliz'h, to Annie J. Earle of Ded., ie. 22, b. Boston, of James & Eliza, 0: 18: 90. 25 Jas. F. of Troy K Y., je. 22, b. Plattsburg N. Y., of Daniel ifc Cynthia, to Esther Morse of Ded., te. 20, b. Sliarou, of Joim & , 5: s: .5«;. 28 JohnF. of Ded., re. 23, b. Ire., of Jolin & Catharine, to Mary J. Ilickel of Ded., te. 18, b. Ire., of Chas. H. & Ellen, s: 22: 89. 7 Mahloii R. of Ded., ie. 28, b. Pierpont X. Y., of Chas. & Eunice, to :\rartha R. Day of Ded., k. 23, b. Ded., of Jo.s. & ILiniiah J]., 3: 8: 04. 58 Peter of Ded., io. 30, 1). Ire., of Felix & Bessey (Flanagan), to Mary A. ^fcGlonc of Ded., :e. 2(5, b. Ded., of Patrick ^ Cath(u-ine iMcCJurty), 11:23:81. • 7 Peter of Ded.. ic. 37, b. Ire., of Felix & Eliz'h. to Kate >rcGee of Ded., le. :!4, 1). Ire., of John & Kate, 2 : 22 : 87. 43 Philip n. of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of Philip & Margaret, to Mary E. ()'J5rian of Ded.. ;e. 21, b. Ire., of Wm. & Annie, 9: 3: 83. 22 Samuel B. of Canton, a/. 22, 1). Canton, of Zadock & Caroline, to ^^ary L. Tirrell of Canton, w. 19, b. Eastou, of Zibeou & , 7: 1(5: .5:5. 44 Thos. F. of Ded., te. 2(5, b. X. 1'. City, of Tho.s. it Mary, to Annie L. Dcncef of Ded., w. 2(5, b. Ded., of Micliael A: Ann, 10: 1: 83. 2(5 Wm. of IJoston, te. 31, b. Plymouth, of Iltjnry & Eliz'h, to Eliz'h iiaswiiiler of Ded., w. 27, b. Ded., of Peter it Eliz'h, (5:7: 8.3. 39 Williain W. of Plymouth, w. 27, b. Plymouth, of William .M. A: Susan, to E. Eudora Draper of Ded., w. 20, it. Ded., of Wiilard iVc Louisa, 10: 1 : (i5. LESLIE. 24 John P. of Patten Me., to Sarah E. Cary of Gray Me., II : s: .54. LEWIS. 38 Chas. E. of Ded., te. 21. 1>. 15niiis\vick Me., of Levi A: ^Fargaret, to Helen A. Mendell of Ded., a-. 20, 1». Boston, of Chas. A: Eliz'ii, 12: 20: (50. 8 Geo. W. of Wall)., to. 2(5, 1). Walp., of Warren & ]\Liry (Morse), to Carrie E. Cheney of Walp., le. 23. b. Walp., of Jos. & Eliz'h J. (Shedd), 0: 17: 63. 2 Herbert A. of Ded., jc. :J:3, b. Providence R. I., of Frank & Annie, to Sarah (Jrover of Walp., te. 37, b. Ded., of Samuel & Sarah, 1 : s: 74. 28 Horatio 1^ of Brockton, w. 51, b. Brockton, of Wm. ct Mary, to Anna M- Dean of Ded., ic. :r^ b. Ded., of Josiah & Susan J., 8: 9: 87. 78 DEDHAM RECORDS. 7 James AV. of Hanson, se. 26; b. Hanson, of Leander & Mary O., to Mary Yaile of Ded., se. 21, b. Hanover, of ]Jartholomew & Ellen, 2: 22: 80. 17 John 15. of Vernon Ct., a?. 2.3, b. Greenport N. Y., of John & Althea, to Mary K. Mann of Ded., te. 28, b. Walpole, of Jerauld N. E. & Betsy K., 6: 13:55. LILIA'. 7 Thomas H. of Boston, a?. 23, b. Boston, of Thos. & Margaret, to Mary Y. Hartney of Ded., se. 24, b. Ded., of Mortimer & Ko.se, 2: 21 : 89. LINCOLN. 20 Herbert R. of Ded., te. 27, b. Perry Me., of Otis & Mary (Jones), to Caroline M. Wood of Ded., se. 24, b. Ded., of Belcher S. & Hannah (Whiting), 11:1: 0.3. 10 James L. of Hingham, a\ 27, b. Hingham, of Rol)ert W. «& Eliz'h (Wolfe), to Helen M. Cragin of Ded., te. 25, b. Boston, of Daniel & Jane (May), 0:1:71. 10 Samuel S. of Hyde Park, te. 22, b. Taunton, of Aaron & Rhoda, to PL Eosa- belle Plummer of Hyde Park, te. 19, b. Winthrop Me., of Rufus B. & Car- oline, 3: 19:71. 10 Wm. B. of Ded., re. 22, b. Boston, of Samuel & Mary A., to Sarah E. Guild of Ded., fe. 19, b. Boston, of Heman & Eunice, 5: 17: 73. LINDSTROM. 10 Henry J. of Ded., iv. 21, b. Sweden, of John P. & Caroline, to Mantcale Gero of Boston, ic. 18, b. Cambridge, of Edward F. & Auleame E., 4: 4: 89. LINEHAN. 51 Dennis of Ded., se. 21, b. Ire., of John & Margaret, to Mary Waldron of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Simon & Lizzie, 10: 0: 00. LIPS. 30 Fred'c of Ded., re. 39, b. Prussia, of Henry & Dora, to Dora Osm of Ded., a-. 22, b. Prussia, of Jacob & Eliz'h, 7: 20: 09. LITTLE. 2 Daniel of Goflstown N. H., re. 37, b. Goffstown, of Caleb & Margaret, to Anna M. Eaton of Ded., re. 29, b. Lincoln, of Richard & Lydia A., 1 : 5: 09. LITTLEFIELD. 39 Albert A. of Ded., re\ 39, b. Wells Me., of Oliver & Comfort, to Bridget Kelly of Ded., re. 44, b. Ire., of Martin & INIary, 8:4: 74. 14 Frank W. of Ded.. re. 25, b. Boston, of Jas. D. & Mary J,, to MattieM. Allen of Paine's Point 111., re. 25, b. Lynn, of John & Esther, 8: 10: 76. LOGAN. .52 Thomas of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Timothy & Bridget, to Jane Morrissey of Ded., re. 21. b. N. F., of John & Mary C, 9 : 18 : 72. LOMBARD. 75 Wm. H. of Ded., re. 20, b. Milton, of Sylvester S. & Margaret, to Clarinda 11. Tucker of Ded., re. 29, b. Prov. R. I., of Archibald L. & Sarah A., 12: 13 : 90. ABSTRACT OF .^FARRIAGES. 79 i.ox(;ley. 4t; Chas. M. of Decl., ;v. 20, b. Watert'onl Me., of .las. (). .t Eliz'h A., to Abbio S. Cleveland of Ded., iv. 20, b. IJos'ii, of Stephen II. & Kebecca 15., 12:0:71. LORD. 47 Wni. II. of W. Kox., :e. ?f), 1). Boston, of (ieo. & Eliz'h (Monroe), to Mary A. Endicott of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Ded.. of Augustus B. & Sarah (Fairl)anks), 12:20:70. LOEING. 22 Chas. C of Boston, ;e. 23, b. Duxbury, of Samuel *& Xancy (Sprague), to Se- linaW. Sampson of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Ezra W. & Selina(Wads\vorth), 10: 14:03. 1.') Geo. B. of Ded., te. 29, b. Ded., of J. II. & Clarissa (Withlngton), to Emma J. leaker of Ded., ;e. 27, b. Ded., of David A. & Jane A. (Grover), (i: 21 : 7.;. LORIO. 38 George of Ded., a>. 29, b. Germ., of John & Eliz'h, to Kegula Weber of J}os- ton, se. 17, b. Switz., of Henry & Barbara, 11 : 30: 7.">. 2 Jacob of Ded., ». 26, b. Bavaria, of John & Eliz'h, to Catharine Raswhiler of Ded., !e. 23, b. Hamluirg, of Beter & Eliz'h, 1 : 14: 75. LOUGHRY. 1.") James of Ded., to. 21, b. Ire., of Daniel & ]Mary, to Johanna Bolton of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Fi-ancis & Mary, 4: 20: GO. LOVEJOY. 47 Edwin F. of Ded., se. 23, b. Lowell, of Jacolj & itarriet, to Julia A. Cheney of W. Dudley, le. 20, b. W. Dudley, of Xelson & Dolly W., 12: 9: 71. LOVELL. 2 Oliver of Yarmouth, te. 29, b. Yarmouth, of Eldritlge . 25, b. Ire., of John & Mary, 10: 25: 8:3. LYON, LYONS. 32 Edmund W. of Ded., re. 28, b. Needham, of Chas. H. & Sarah T., to Nancy J. Noyes of Ded., re. 19, b. Ded., of Otis & Nancy, 12: 29: 57. OS Francis of Ded., re. 41, b. Ire., of Chas. & AVinifred, to Mary A. Guirk of Hyde Park, re. 30, b. Ire., of John & Mary, 9: 14: 73. 9 John of Ded., re. 00, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ann, to Abigail II. (Harding) Cob- bett of Canton, re. 00, b. Box., of Wm. & Abigail, 4:0: .54. .32 Maurice F. of Prov. 11. I., re. 2.3, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, to Lizzie F. Scully of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary, 9:11: 89. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 81 50 Michael of Ded., ;e. 25, b. Tre., of Patrick »fc Margaret, to Ellen Hayes of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ire., of Jeremiah & , 10: 2: ()(5. MABBETT, MABBOTT. 8 George of Canton, te. 29, b. Eng., of John & Susan, to Abigail A. 1>. Love- day of W. Kox., re. 27, b. Rox., of Robert k, Eliz'h, 4:5: m. 11 Henry J. of Ded., re. 28, b. Trowbridge, of Thomas P. & Sarah, to Maria Perrott of Ded., re. -30, b. Trowbridge, of John <& Mary A., (i : 4 : ":;. 34 Wm. L. of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Westerly R. 1., of Thos. P. & Sarah, to Sarah K. Bancroft of Ded., re. 21, 1>. Eng., of Jas. & Mary, 10: 25: 77. MCALLISTER. 31 Robert of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Daniel «fc Eliz'h, to Jane Carlin'of Ded., x. 22, b. Ire., of Hugh & , 11 : 27: 51. McAULIFF, McAULIFFE. 14 Daniel J. of Ded., re. 27, 1). Ded., of Daniel & Mary, to :\Iary J. Cody oT Ded., ;c. 24, b. Franklin, of John & Mary, 4: 28: 80. Gl Lawrence J. of Ded., re. 29, b. Ire., of Daniel & Bridget, to Delia T. Fit/. - Patrick of Worcester, re. 27, b. Ire., of James & Margaret, 11 : 2;): 87. McA^'OY. 42 James of Ded., a'. 2.5, b. Ire., of John & Sarah, to Julia O'Donnell of Ded., re. 18, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, 8: 31: 8.5. MACBETH. 24 George W. of Ded., re'. 24, b. N. B., of Geo. B. & ^[ary, to Ahnira C. Davis of Ded., a-. 22. b. J)ed., of Jolin C. & Almira, 0: 20: 55. McCALLUM. 39 Daniel of Ded., re. 24, b. Scot., of David & ]\Iary, to Kate Donely of Ded.. re. 23, b. Ire., of Daniel & Jane, 12 : 23: 75. MCCARTHY. 38 Thos. F. of Boston, re. 28, b. Bo.ston, of Wm. & Mary, to Abbie T. Sullivan of Ded., re. 29, b. J)ed., of David iV: Ellen, 9: 20: 87. McCARTIX. 11 Peter of Ded., ic. ;]2, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ann (Reynolds), to Delia Contrers of Ded., re". 24, b. Ire., of John it Mary (Si)l;uie), 4: 5 : 88. McCASLIX. 29 James A. of Ded., w. 22, b. Ded., of Andrew & Ellen, to Sadie A. Corbett of Ded., ic. 21, 1). X. 1}., of Wm. it Annie, 9: 14: 82. 40 Robert T. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Andrew & Ellen, to 3Iary A. Massy of JJo.ston, re'. 2:], b. Ire., of Ilugii & Eliza, 7:9: 90. McCLAXE (.See McLain). McCLELLAX. 5 Joseph W. of J)ed., ic. 18, 1). Ded., of John II. L. it Eliz'ii, to Abbie A. Lampson of Boston, re-. 18, b. Cambridge, of George AV. & Elizabeth A. 2: 9: 87. McCOXXELL. 17 Alexander of Ded., re. 27, b. Scot., of Jas. & Helen, to Mary Arclrer of Ded.. :c. 24, b, Eng., of Ges. & Phebe, 7: 7: GO. 32 DEDHAM RECORDS. % Josoi)h of ])ed., :t'. 24, b. Scot., of Jumes & Ellen (Carson), to Eliz'h Oakheni of Ded., ?o. 'l\, b. Ire., of Tlio.s. & Delia (Johnson), 4: 7: G2. McCOOL. 20 Patrick of Ded., :e. 23, b. Ire., of James & Catherine, to Ann J. Carlon of Ded., a?. 24, b. Ded., of Larry & Ann, G: 21 : 78. McCIJE, McHUGH. 51 John of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Andrew & Xancy, to Isal^elle McHugh of Ded., a\ 24, b. Ire., of Patrick & Isabell, !) : 27 : 90, 22 John T. of Ded., re. 24, b. Eng., of Hugh & Bridget, to Katie A. Monahan of Ded., a'. 10, b. Ded., of Clias. & Ellen, 8: .5:85. McCULLY. 45 James of Ded., ?e. 25, b. N. S., of John & Mary, to Margai'et Simpson of Ded., fie. 24, 1). N. S., of Thos. & Barbara, 0: 28: 50. McDAID. 45 John of Brookline, re. 33, 1). N. B., of Wesley & Eliz'h, to Jennett Mitchell of W. Rox., re. 23, b. Scot., of James & Ann, 10: 1(5: 65. McDEBMOTT, McDERMOT. C James A. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ire., of James & Kate, to Annie M. Howe of Ded., re. IS, b. Ire., of Coleman «fc Kate, 2:0: 00. 51 Joseph of W. Rox., re. 23, b. Ire., of John & Winifred, to Ann Lyons of W. Rox., re. 22, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 4 : 17 : OS. McDOXALD. 6 Edward W. of Ded., re. 25, b. Cliarlestown, of Joseph & Mary A., to Mar- garet 11. AValsh of Ded., re. 24, b. Boston, of Thos. & Delia, 2 : 21 : 89. 42 John of Ded., re. 35, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catherine, to Margaret J. Darcy of Ded., re. 31, b. Ire., of Edw. & Bridget, 4:3: 77. Simon of Medfield, re. 21, b. N. S., of Duncan & Lydia, to Adeline Draper of Medfield, re. 20, b. Dover, of Moses & Maria, 3: 11: 55. 2 Thos. of X. Y. City, re. 24, b. Ire., of Thomas & Lizzie, to Jane M. Coxe of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, 1 : 10: 80. McDONNALL. (5 Martin of Dover, k. 30, b. Ire., of Jas. & Bridget, to Eliz'h Doyle of Ded., re. 21, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, 11 : 24:0(3. Mcdonough. 34 Francis J. of Ded., re\ 27, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Annie V. Tierney of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary, 9: 19: 89. 3 James of Ded., re*. 25, b. Lawrence, of Peter & Mary, to Lizzie A. Mulkern, of Ded., re. 25, b. Taunton, of Timothy «fc Mary, 3:4: 78. 28 Peter J. of Ded., re. 24, b. Amesbury, of Peter & Mary (Tiernan), to Mary F. Hurley of Ded., re. 25, b. Ded., of John & Ellen (Murphy), 9: 13: 85. 56 Patrick of Hyde Park, re'. 25, b. Ire., of Michael vt Margaret, to Bridget Foley of Ded., re'. 23, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, 8: 20: 70. 31 Thos. J. of Ded., re'. 26, b. Lawrence, of Peter & Mary, to Rose A. Morrison of Hyde Park, re. 28, b. Lowell, of Michael & Bridget, 8: 7: 84. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES, 33 Mcelroy. ;}1 Fred'k A. of Ded., io. is, 1). ^redfonl, of Joliii \. cK: Harriet L.. to :ilartlia E. Draper of Ded., ;i,\ 17, 1). Ded., of Henry S. A: Harriet E., !): IT: 7:]. McENLEER. 50 Christopher of Waltliam, ;e. ?A, b. Ire., of Patri(;k & Bric^get, to Annie Sea- grave of W. Rox., :e. 28, b. Ire., of Jas. & Catlierine, 10: ;]0: si. McENTEE. 3 Patriclc of Ded., ;e. 2(i, b. ire., of Michael & Margaret (Farrell), to Rose Deery of Ded., ie. 20, b. Ire., of Frank & Nancy, 1 : 29 : SB. McGEE. 54 Daniel .1. of J)ed., ;e. 2."], b. Roston, of John & ^lary (Follen), to .Tulia K. ^Nlulkern of Ded., ;e. 24, b. W. Rox., of Martin it Maria (.Coleman), 8: 15: SI. 40 Joiin of Ded., se. :;'.), 1). In;., of Conna & Catlierine, to Ellen Kelley of Ded., ;e. :30, b. Ire., of Tiios. I'v: . 5 : 27 : 75. 05 Terance of Sandy Hook X. J.. ;e. 42, b. Ire., of Patrick iS: Xancy, to Mary (Dolan) Galaglier of Ded., je. :>j, b. Ire., of Francis T. ifc Snsan, 11 : 1P>: iU). McGIXXIS, McGUIXESS, McGUIXNESS. 21 John of Ded., a\ 35, b. l^oston, to Xellie Dont of J)e(I., ;e. 24, b. Ire., of Jeremiali & Betsy, 7: 27: 70. 50 John of Ded., ;e. 27, li. Bhickstone, of Peter & Ellen, to Hridget Pcnvers of Ded., le. 20, b. Charlestown, of Michael «& Mary, 11 : 2S: 77. 21 Matthew of Ded., :e. 58, b. Ire., of Lnke & Catharine, to Rose (Cook) Kennedy of Ded., ;e. 4.5, Ix Ire., of Patrick & Ann, 5 : 7: 90. 72 Peter of Ded., re. 24, 1). Ire., of Luke & Catherine, to Bridget Early of Ded., te. 23, b. Ire., of Terence »& Catherine, 5: 3: 08. McGLASIIAM. 5 Richard of Ded., ;e. ;i7, b. Scot., of Jas. & Janet, to Janet (McCall) Allison of Ded., io. 3:5, b. Scot., of Duncan A: Janet, 5: 10: 0:5. McGOWAX. 17 James of Ded., tc. 27, b. Ire., of Owen & Mary, to Annie Clinton of Ded., :e. 21, b. Boston, of James & Rebecca, 4: 29:90. 4 Michael of Ded., a;. 24, b. Ire., of Robert & Mary (Weir), to Mary Hay of Ded., re. 24. b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget (McCauley), 2: (i: S7. McGRAR. 14 Thos. of Rox., ic. 24, b. Ire., of Tho.s. & Ellen, to Jane Sullivan of Rox.. se. 22, 1). Ire., of Daniel & Mary, 5: 27: 65. McGUIRE, MAGUIRE. 28 Hugh of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Jolin »fc Bridget, to Bridget Cronin of Ded., se. 21, b. Ire., 8: 18: 50. 52 James F. of Lowell, re. 25. 1). Derby Line Vt., of Thos & Catharine, to :Mary T. McCugh of Ded., :e. 2.3, b. Eng., of Hugh T. & Bridget, 10: 10: 88. McIIUGII. (6'ee McQiic.) McIXTOSIL 15 Clias. G. of W. Rox., re*. 29, b. Canton, of Gideon & X'ancy, to Harriet A. Richards of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Martin & Harriet A., 10: 27: 52. 84 D ED II AM RECORDS. 41 Elisha Jr. of Ded., fe. 44, b. Detl., of Elisha & Betsey, to Anna G. Fish of Ded., io. 38, b. Salem, of Eli & Betsy, 12: 27: 55. 61 George of Natick, re. 28, b. Medfleld. of Otis & Mille, to Abbie M. Morse of Ded., fe. 18, b. Medway, of Josiah E. & Salome, 11 : 20: GO. MACK. 24 Timothy J. of Ded., ;e. 27, b. Ded., of John «& Margaret, to Ilannorah Butler of Boston, ;e. 25, b. X. B., of Patrick <& Ilannorah (O'Brien), G: 10: 80. McKEE. 21 John A. of Ded., pe. 20, b. Brookline, of Wm. & Jane, to Sarah Roy of Ded., fe. 18, b. Ire., of Robert & Annie, 8; 6: 73. McKENNA. 14 Frank of HyJe Park, re. 27, b. Scot., of Patrick & Ellen, to Maggie J. Dowd of Ded., te. 27, b. Ded., of Felix & Mary, 5: 2: 89. McKEON. 69 Michael of Xeed., fe. 2.5, b. Ire., of Jolui & Alice, to Ann Gray of Need., fe. 23, b. Ire., of Ferdinand & ^Margaret, 5: 25: 08. MACKGAVISK. 45 Henry of Ded., fe. 32, b. Worcester, of James »fe Sarah, to Mary M. Ware of Worcester, fc. 23, b. Ire., of James & Mary, 10: 21: 80. McLAIN, McCLANE. 29 James of Canton, fe. 24, b. New Vineyard Me., of Chas. & Betsy, to Esther G. Thompson of Canton, fc. 2:;}, b. Farmington Me., of James & Esther, 11 : 27 : 51. 13 Jolin J. of Ded., fe. 24, b. Ded., of Jfimes & Mary, to Maria J. Mulkern of Ded., fe. 21, b. Ded., of Martin & Maria, 4: 28: 79. Mclaughlin. 74 Edward of Ded., k. 22, b. Boston, of John & Sarah, to Eliz'h Monogan of Boston, fc. 20, of Wm. & Mary, 11 : 25: 09. Mc;LEISIL 13 Archibald of Ded., fe. 24, b. Scot., of Rob't M. & Eliz'h M., to Helen Stewart of Ded., fe. 25, b. Scot., of David & Catharine (Adderson), 5: 12: 82. McLELLAN. 42 James of Ded., se. 40, b. Scot., of Robert & Sarah, to Ellen C. Cruse of Ded., fc. 25, It. Rox., of Thos. «fc Catluirine, 11 : 7: 04. McLEOD. 3 John of Ded., fu. 25, b. N. B., of Angus & Msiry, to Eliz'h AVeeks of Ded., fe. 27, b. Eng., 2:4:50. 12 John D. of Ded., fe. 36, b. Cfintidfi, of Jas. & Eliz'h (McKenzie), to Mary J. (Malum) Draper of Ded., fe. 39, b. Detroit Mich., of (Jeorge R. & Mary A. (Jones), 4: 17:81. McLORNEN. 4 James of Ded., fe. 20, b. Ire., of John & ]Mary, to Mary Tugue of Ded., fe. 23, b. Ire., 1: 29: .53. ABSTRACT OF MARK I AGES. 35 :mcmaiiox. 11 Henry L. of Cohasset, a'. 2.), 1». Xe\v])ort X. Y., of Henry A: Angeling, to Jane E. Kafferty of J)ed., a'. 20, 1). Ire., of Jolm iS: Catlierine, 4: 2(1: 80, :mcmaxx. ?,\ James of JJrookline, a-. 30, 1). Ire., of Micliael iS: Ann, to Catliarine Fagan of Ded., a'. 28, b. Ire., of Tetcr cS: Mary, !) : 12: 78. McMAXXUS, :McMAXrs. S James of Ded., re. 21, 1). Ire., of Wm. & Sarali, to Ann Mclntire of J)ed., a*. 21, b. Ire., of James & Bridget, 12: 20: 00. 41 James P. of Ded., a'. 20, 1). Ded., of John A: Lucy, to Catharine Cleary of Ded., a'. 27, b. AV^ Row, of John A: IJridget, 0: 2i): 87. "o Thos. P. of Ded., a\ 20, b. Ded., of Jolin & Lucy E., to ,Mary F. .McCarthy of Ded., a*. 2S, b. Ire., of Jeremiah A: Katharine, 10: 7: !»0. McXAMARA. IS James of Ded., a\ 20, b. Stoneham, of Martin & Margaret, to Kditli J. Dotey of Ded., a\ 22, b. ^[anchester X". II., of Chas. & Mary J., .',: 22: SO. 31 William C. of Ded., a". 20, b. W. Rox., of Michael A: :Margaret, to Annie A. Larkin of P.oston, a'. 22, b. Ire., of I'atrick & Catherine, 1): 28: 7!). McXEECE. o4 Michael 13. of Ded., a. 29, b. Ire., of JJernard «fc Ellen, to Annie Corcoran of Adams, a'. 2.>, b. Ire., of John & ]Mary (Beirne), G: 10: !K). MACOMBER. 45 Wm. S. of Ded., a-. 2."), b. Me., of Chas. A. A: Eliz'h A., to .Mary A. Strang- man of Ded., a. 25, 1). Wis., of Wm. A: Eli/."h, 1 : 17: SO. McTEGERT. 25 James of Ded., a. 30, b. Ire., of Jas. A: ^Nlary, to J.i/./.ie .Montgomery of Ded., te. 3.5, b. Ire., of Chas. A: Susan, 5: 24: 70. MAGUIXE. 01 Thomas Ci. of Hyde Park, a'. 25, b. INIilton, of Hugh A: Margaret, to Julia A. Mc^fannus of Ded., a*. 22, b. Woonsocket R. I., of Patrick A: Catherine, 5: 17:73. MAGUIRE. (6V McGuirc.) MAIIAX". Geo. R. of Ded., a-. 27, b. Xeed., of Geo. R. A: Mary A., to Eveline A. Xoyes of Ded., a;. 17, b. Ded., of Xat'h'l & Martha C, 4:0: (i.5. 10 Geo. R. of Ded., a-, 38, b. Xeed., of (ieo. R. A: Mary A., to Louisa II. Arm- strong of :Medford, a". 27, b. X. B., of Richard A: Janet, 0: 20: 78. MAIIERX. 55 Anthony of Worcester, a-. 2.3, b. Ire., of Michael iS: ]Mary, to Mary If. Fell of Ded., x. 20, b. Ded., of Lawrence A: Sabina, 4 : i;', : 73. MAIIOXEY. 12 John of Boston, a'. 28, b. Ire., of John A: :Margaret, to Mary .McGlynn of Ded., vc. 21, b. Ded., of Brian & Mary, 0: 12: 70. 41 John of Ded., x. 28, b. Ded., of Patrick A: Catherine (McKeen\ to Eli/,al»eth Murdy of Ded., a. 27, b. R. I., of Samuel & Elizli, 11 : 24: 80. 86 D ED HAM RECORDS. 79 Patrick of Dec!., a*. 25, 1). Ire., of John & Mary, to Bridget Faliey of Ded., a-. 23, b. Ire., of Tlios. & Bridget, 11: 20: m. MAKER. 13 George L. of Ded., a;. 2-3, b. Chatham, of Geo. S. & Lydia L., to Martlia E. Weeks of Ded., a^. 22, b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha ()., 5: 20: 74. MA LIFE. GO William of Boston, te. 2.">, b. Boston, of Thomas & Annie, to Annie (Tobin) Ferris of Ded., ic. :33, b. Ire., of Patrick & Annie, 11 : 13: 88. MALPAS. 4(J George II. of Ded., tc. 24, b. Eng., of Robert iV Rosalinda, to Mary A. Ryan of Ded., ie. 2(5, b. Eng., of Michael & Margaret, 10: 10: 84. MAXX. 10 Henry A. of Ded., £e. 29. b. Ded., of Herman & Ruthy, to Mercy R. Gage of Ded., K. 20, 1). Chatham, of Seth & Seloma, 2: 28: "jO. 18 James H. of Ded., ce. 24, b. X. Y. City, of Levi & Eliz'h J., to Eliza J. Wallace of Boston, re. 22, b. X. Y. City, of Thos. & Sarah, 5: 8: 64. 1 Moses of Randolph, se. 2G, b. Randolph, of Jona. & Sally, to Mehitable R. Taylor, of Randolph, te. 2.'), b. Braintree, of Benj. & , 1 : 1 : 62. MAXXIXG. 4 Jos. E. of Boston, ic. 3:3, b. Ipswich, of Thos. & Margaret, to Anna R. Sum- ner of Ded., 33. 20, b. Boston, of Wm. R. & Anna A., 4: 28: 63. MAXXIOX. 30 Robert of Boston, .'c. 32, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Mary Carberry of Ded., re. 20, b. Ire., of Hubert & Bridget, 4: G: 74. MAXSOX. 20 Charles 11. of Ilollis Me., re. 27, b. Alfred Me., of Xicliolas W. & Sally, to :Mai-v J. Bonnemort of Ded., re. 2o, 1). Ded., of Xicholas & Mary, G: 21 : 68. MAXTEPt. 37 Wm. G. of Walpole, re. 27, b. AVarren Me., of Geo. & , to Adeline W. Morse of Walpole, re. 22, b. Wren., of Harvey & , 11: 16: 56. MARDEX. 18 H. Everett of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Dover, of Chas. & Emily J., to Ada M. Bean of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Albion & Mary E., 9:3: 74. 20 Wm. S. of Ded., re. 26, of X'athan & Susan, to Harriet M. Trefreyof Ded., re. 18, of James & Susan, 2: 18: 49. MAROXEY. 41 Wm. of Ded., re. 40, 1). Ire., of Wm. & Ellen, to Sarah Jennings of Ded., re. 2.J, b. Ire , of Jas. & , 8: 20: 74. MARSH. 12 Francis Jr. of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Francis & Eliza, to Emma I. Boyd of Ded., re. 26, b. Boston, of David & Eliz'h, 4: 13: 71. 2") George of Ded., re. 29, b. Ded., of Daniel & Fanny, to Louise A. Taft of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Ezra W. & Lendamine D., 0: 19: G7. 19 Warren of Waltham, re. 4.'3, b. Calais Vt., of Dwight & Lydia, to Eleanor M. (Xorcross) Prentice of Waltham, a*. 4:], b. Camln-idge, of John & Eleanor, 0: 16: 70. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. <;.y MARSHALL. 40 Anson S. of ('(Micord N. TL, w. -24, h. Concord X. II., ol' An.snn s. iS: Marv J. (Corning), to Delia \V. Southgatc of Ded., ic. i!4, 1). Millbuiy, of (it'orgt- A. & Mary U. ( Willson), 10 : 12 : 87. .AfAKSTON. 8 Chas. B. of Xewfield Me., ic. 2;>, b. Xewfield Me., of Jeremiali I'v: Ilannali. to lieulah F. IJisbee of Peru Me., ;e. 20, b. Ded., of CliarU-s ^ Charlotte, 7: .">: ."^2. :MAirrix. 17 (Jilman Ti. of Boston, ;e. 2o, b. ]}oston, of Ell)ridge (;. .S: Ceceline, lo KUen A. Rhodes of Boston, ;o. is, li. Dorch., of 'i\ Munroe A: Mary K., (i: 20: SO. 12 James B. of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ded., of Robert & Mary, to Barliara Fit/.i)atrick of Ded., te. 18, b. Ire., of James & Margaret, ">: 7: S."). 41 William G. of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Albion R. I., of Robert & Mary, to Caroline Ciriack of Ded., ;e. 18, b. Xewport R. I., of Lewis & Hanorali, 12: 0:7:;. 8 "Wra. 11. of Boston, ;e. 2"), 1). Melrose, of Jeremiah tt ].ydia(i., to ]Mari:i J. Howe of Stonehani, a-. 20, 1). S. Reading, of Jos, ^V. it Sarah, ?,: W. 00. MASON. 17 Chas. L. of Ded., a'. 24, of Chas. iK: Clementine, to Sarah Baeon, w. -i-l. of Bela & J.uey, 11: :!0: 48. 20 John S. of Ded., ic. 2:), b. Paris M(\, of Philip i\; I,iicy, to Xamy S. Mor- rison of Ded., :e. 22, b. Detl., of W \\\. Si Olive, ."j : 20: .jo. 11 AVilliam II. of Ded., a". ;30, b. Ded., of Eliplft F. it Mary i'.. to Mary L. (iardiier of Ded., ;e. 20, li. Meillield, of .las. A: Alteniira K. V ., 4: 10: .jc. MASSEY. 4 Geo. \V. of Marblehead, ;e. :',."., li. Marblehead, of Ge(». A: Betsy, to M.;;yE. Cutter of Deil.. w. V.\ it. Deil., ol' Leander A: liachel, (l: 10: 47. MATHEWS. •w John W. of Ded., ;e. :;:], b. Belehertown, of ^Villiam A: Mary, to Sadie Y. (Thurston) Eastman of Ded., a-. 2(), li. Saco Me, of .Marshall S. A: Mary A., 11: 20: 80. MAURITZ. 0;) Rol)ert of X'orwood, xv. 21, h. Hungary, of IJoltcrt A: .Minnie, lo Cliristena Mueller of Ded., ic. 2.j, 1). Iiavaria, of Henry A: Barbaia, 11 : 28 : 8,8. MAXIMILLIAX. 04 Jacob of Mediield, a-. 24, b. France, of .Jacob t'v: .lohainia, to Ihidgel Fagau of Ded., ic. :J0, b. Ire., of Edw. iV ."^iisan, 7: 21 : 07. MAY. 59 Alltert A. of Ded., a'. 22, 1». Xorthfn'ld Vt., of Ilustin A: Xufflet, to Charlotte E. Hooker of Ded., mj. 24, b. Ded., of Jas. A: .lerusha, 12: :31 : <''■>. 49 J. Edgar of Ded., :e. 21, b. I'on.fret Vt., of Ilustin .V Xuphlet, to Ida A. E . Xickerson of Ded., a'. 17, b. Ded., of Atkins A: Emily, 12: 24: (is. 10 Michael of Hyde P;irk, a-. 27, b. Ire., of Martin A: Catharine, to Maiy Keat- ing of Ded., a-. 2.j, b. Ire., of Patrick I'v: Catharine, <>: O: 87. 88 DEDHAM RECORDS. MEACHAM. 15 Loring of Dec!., lu. 37, b. Cambridge, of J. F. & Prudence (Dunton), to Maria C. (Moclair) Haney of Ded., te. 38, b. 2^. Y. City, of Philip T. & Abby G. (Babb), 8 : 6 : 02. MEAD, MEADES. 51 Samuel W. of Winchester, se. 24, b. Winchester, of Samuel & Ellen, to Marion Copeland of Ded., re. 26, b. Eox., of Franklin & Marion, 11:1: 87. 50 Wm. T. of Ded., se. 28, b. Ya., of Daniel & Mary, to Emeline (Johnson) Hendrickson of Ded., re. 50, b. Ded., of Mot & Sally, 12 : 23: 09. ME AGUE Pt. 34 Patrick of Ded., tc. 27, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, to Eliz'h (Karcher) Kuch of W. Pox., ic. 28, b. Germ., of Michael & Eliz'h, 10: 12 : 71. MEHAN. 65 Barnard of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of James & Susie, to Anne Farry of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, 7: 19: 73. MEHNERT. 41 Max A. of Boston, re. 28, b. (lerm., of August & AVilhelmine, to Emnui M. D. Graul of Boston, re. 24, b. Germ., of August & Wilhelmine, 7 : 20: 90. MELLEXY. 19 Teter of Quincy, re. 28, b. P. E. I., of Hugh & Mary, to Mary Hanlon of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Lawrence & Margaret, 5: 23: 80. MERRICK. 3 Lorenzo D. of Ded., to JulittaBeal of Ded., 7: 15: 44. MERRIFIELD. 28 George P. of Ded., re. 24, of Yalorous 8. & Prudence, to Emeline K. Gray of Paris Me., re. 21, of John & Susan, 3: 13: 49. 23 Isaiah of Ded., re. 29, b. Sanford Me., of Jacob & Lucy, to Caroline Dean of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Dexter & Martha, 9: 7: 53. MERRILL. 45 Charles E. of Lincoln, re. 21, 1). Boston, of Rufus S. & Mary (Stoddard\ to Grace E. Dodge of Hyde Park, re. 18, b. JST. S., of John & Mary, 11: 30: 71. 21 Cyrus of Boston, re. 2.5, b. Salem N. H., of Wm. & Mary, to Sarah Holmes of Boston, re. 20, b. Gloucester, of Rufus «& Annie, 7: IS: 68. 43 Elisha of Ded,, re. 24, b. Salem N. II., of Wm. & Mary (Osborn), to Adaline J. Burnham of Ded., re. 22, b. Standish Me., of Perley F. «fe Sophronia (Hutchinson), 10: 10: Gl. 17 Elisha of Ded., re. 20, b. Salem N. II., of AVm. S. & Mary (Austin), to Lucy A. Farrington of Ded., re. 19, b. Ded., of John B. & Sarah S., ^\%: 63. 33 Geo. E. of Boston, re. 27, b. Portland Me., of Geo. P, & Helen W., to Mary A. Minnehan of Ded., re. 2=5, b. Ded., of INFichael c'c ISIary, 9: 14: SO. MERTEXS. 30 Bernard A. of Reading, re'. 23, b. Boston, of Adrain »S: ]\Lxry, to Jennie Keenan of Ded., £e. 21, b. P. E. I., of Thos. & Mary, 7: 19: 83. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. §9 MES8E11. 10 George C. ol' Sluirou, ;e. 22, b. Ded., of Geo. \\ . & Xauey, to Juli;i A. AViii- ship of Dec!., ro. 21, b. Jioston, of Win. A. A: Marinda, .5: 18: .>]. MESSET. 31 Fred'c of Ded., le, 22, b. l.iUle Falls X. V., of Eawrcnce A: Mary (.Miller), to Melinda Madison of Fall Piiver, je. 18, b. Frov. li. I., of James & .Susan (Collier), 12: 25: o;;. MESSIXGER. 2 Albert G. of Washington, a?. 27. b. Washington, of JJenoni & Cyrena, to Catharine Hall of Medway, ;l>. 21, b. Mexico Me., of Josiah ifc X'elly, 2: 1(!: Wl. METCALF. .5 Eugene [I. of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Cliarlestown, of Ellis II. & Catharine, to May 11. Lewis of Ded., :e. 21, b. Ded., of Chas. E. eV: Helen A., 2: 20: 8.j. MEYER. 24 xV. Adolph of Ded., ;e. .31, b. Prussia, of Wilhelni \- Wilhelniine. to Ibirbara Alber of Ded., te. 22, b. (ierm., of Michael t'v: 15arbara, 8:0: 71. 2;5 Adolph of Ded., ;e. :;8, 1). Germ., of Wm. & Wilhelmina, to Carrie Schmidt of Boston, ;i'. 2."), b. Flymouth, of Peter ».S: ]Mariaiie, 7: 2: 70. MIATT. 30 Wm. of Woonsocket R.I., jo. 24, I). Woonsocket IM., of Josej)]! & Sophia, to Mary F. Mclntyre of Ded., re. 17, b. Ire., of Jas. «fc Bridget, 8: ;31 : 07. MILLER. 17 Chas. H. of Boston, of Chas. & , to Sarah Barrows of Ded.. b. Ded., of Thos. & , 1:8: 4.j. ,3-j Frank of Walp., ;e. 21, b. Sheffield, of Stephen C. & Margaret A., to Emma Fairbanks of Walpole, le. 2;l, b. Monmouth Me., of John L. A: Mary E., 11:24:08. l.j Jacob of Ded., ». ;30, 1). Germ., of Christian ^V Jacobiua, to Catharine ^liller of Ded., ffi. 24, b. Germ., of Sebastian & ^Madeline, 0: 8: .">8. 50 llnpert of Hyde Park, te. 28, b. X". S., of Isaac iS: Hannah ((Jleason\ to Annie Wheeler of Ded., ;u. ;50, b. N. B., of P>enj. A: Eliza, 12: 12: 8:5. MILLIKEX'. 1 Jas. of Walpole, re. 31, b. Effingham, of Thos. & , to Lydia A. Ilurd of AValpole, ;e. 22, b. X'ewton, of Lewis «fc . 1 : 15: .50. MILLS. 23 Dexter T. of Ded., jc. 21, b. X'eed., of Rufus A: Sarah E., to Susan Fales of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Ded., of Joshua & Harriet, 10: 15: 51. 5 E. Fisher of X'eed., a3. 2.5, b. Need., of JMatthias & Peady R., to Carrie Jones of Need., le. 30, 1). X'eed., of Wm. «fc Susanna, 2:2: (i4. .34 Franklin D. of Need., ic. 28, b. Need., of Matthias & Peady I{., to Hattie Overlock of Need, re. 10, 1). Bangor Me., of & Christopha, 10: 23: 70. John of Need., 03. 58, b. Need., of Fisher & Sarah (Collins), to Joanna E. Dana of Ded., te. 30. b. Ded., of Lemuel & Hannah (Eames\ 4: 24: 02. Robert C. of Ded., ;e. 21, b. N. B., of Chas. P. A: Jennie, to Mary E. II. Read of Ded., if. 20, b. Ded., of James A: Kate, 2: 14: 88. 90 DEDIIAM RECORDS. MISCHLEK. 4 Conrad of Boston, re. 22, h. Germ., of Andrew «& Eliz'li, to r>ridset Ford of I)ed., ic. 23, b. Ire., of Tlios. & Sarali, 1 : 9: 72. MITCHELL. 30 Josepli of Ded., te. 30, b. Ire., of James & Mary A., to Bridget Kennedj- of Ded., se. 30, b. Ire., 0:0: (36. 57 Joseph of Ded., re. 37, b. Ire., of James & Mary A., to Catharine Donlin of Boston, Pe. 25, b. X. S., 8: 28: 71. ;j7 Thos. of Ded., te. 28, b. Scot., of Wm. & Mary, to Maggie Deneef of Ded., ee. 18, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, 4: 25: 74. G4 Thos. C. of Ded., w. 28, b. Wren., of Koger & Winnifred, to Fannie King of Jioston, fe. 24, b. Boston, of Frank & Kate, 10: 25: 87. MOFFETT. 56 Edward of Ded., i\t. 40, b. Boston, of George Ai Jane, to Mary C Howard of Ded., :e. 23, b. Cumberland Md., of Henry & Mary W., 10: 8: 90. MOLUMPY. 7 Thos. of Ded., ie. 22, b. Ire., of Morris & Margaret, to Ann O'Brien of Ded., 'M. 22, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, 2: 3: 53. MOXAHAX, JSlONAGHxlX. 2 John R. of Ded., k. 23, b. Ded., of Charles & Ellen, to Lena J. Herring of Ded., ». 21, b. Norwood, of Eilis & Magdalena, 2:8: 8.5. 12 Patrick of Rox., le. 29, b. Ire., of John & Catharine, to Catherine Carberry of Rox., ;n3. 21, b. Ire., of Thos. & Catherine, 5:17: 65. 41 AVm. J. of Boston, ;e. 28, b. X. B., of Patrick & . to Anastasia Butler of Ded., fc. 30, 1). Ire., of James & Mary (Kennedy), 11 : 15: 82. MONROE. 38 John of Waterford :Me., w. 31, b. AVaterford Me., of Merrick A: Bttsy, to Isabel Fairltanks of Ded., ;e. 2:], b. Ded., of Marshall & Maria, 11 : 29: 77. MOODY. 35 David T. of Ded., re. 34, 1). Scarboro Me., of Rufus & Hannah, to Sophia P. Baker of Ded., te. 44, b. Ded., of ()l)ed cS: Betsy, 10: 24: 55. MORGAN. 3 Chas. D. of Ded., te. 2;}, b. Ded., of John & Caroline, to Mary G. Hartshorn of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Ded., of John E. k. Hannah, 12: 30: .55. GO Paul of Wal])ole, ge. 24, b. Ire., of Hugh & Bridget, to Mary McGinnis of AValpole, re. 24, b. Ire., of Jas. & Catharine, 9: 12:69. 46 AVm. A. of Lynn, se. 26, b. N. S., of Edward & Eliz'h, to Mary E. X^elson of Ded., re. 22, b. N. S., of Weston & Sarah, 10: 25: 86. MORHOLL. 5 Henry of Ded., re. 26, b. Germ., of Christian & Caroline, to Louisa Smith of W. Rox., re'. 19, b. Germ., of Peter & Mary, 3: 25: 65. MORIN. 46 Etiene of Ded., re'. 21, li. Canada, of Etiene & Rosa L., to Aurelie Poirier of Canada, re-. 20, b. Canada, of John A: Joason, 1 : 22: 75. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 91 MOKRKLL. .ArORRILL. 71 E(l\v. 11. of I )('(!., ;i'. lM, li. Amlovor, of Samuel iV" Hannah A., to .lane E. ^loorcs of Dover X. II., a-. I'l, 1). Pa., of Wni. & Eliz'h, 10: 2:'>: (m. 11 Geor<,^e G. of Ded.. re. iM, b. r.ostou, of William IF. iV' Sarah .V., to Nellie F. Whitney of Hyde Park, !c. 20, b. Poston, of Luther W . iK Ruth K., 5: 10: 7;». 2 Geo. II. of Ded., ;e. :i-"), b. AVorcester, of Samuel i\: Ilannali, to Louisa .). Tidd of Woburii, ;e. ;J0, 1). A\'oburn, of Wm. &Lutherea, 1: l.">: ().">. 17 Samuels, of Ded., ic. 28, b. Andover, of Samuel & Hannah A. lAlibot), to Henrietta A. Winslow of Ded., le. 20. 1). Ded., of Geori^e vS: i Smith), G: l;3: 01. Moimisox. 20 James of Ded., ;e. 2:], b. Ded., of Wm. ^: Olive, to Columbia Ford of Ded., a', r.), 1). Sumner Me., of Aliianan & Emily, o : 20: .>;. .AIOIUnsSEY, MOIIISSEY. 48 John of Ded., ie. 27, b. Ded., of Daniel & Catherine, to Kate Costello of of JJrookline, ;e. 24, b. Ire., of Michael & Catharine, 9: 20: 81. 82 Wm. of Ded., !e. 2.">, b. Ire., of Cornelius & Margaret, to J5ridget Xavel of Ded., a'. 28, b. Ire., of John & Kate, 0: 2.j : (iO. MORSE. G2 Albert of Ded., ;e. 24, b. Ded.. of Lewis A: Xabby, to Julia Sumner of Ded., ;e. 21, b. Ded., of Moses & Catharine, 'y. -l-i: 4."). 42 Albert of Ded., ;e. :]."), 1). Ded., of Lewis it Nal)l>y F. (Fisher), to Mary .M. Mellen of W. Kox., :e. 24, b. X. Y. City, of (Jeo. \\ . ^ Sophia E. d'.allardi, 11:27: 01. 5:5 Alphonzo of Ded., ;e. 24, 1). Foxboro. of Xelson A; Cornelia A. V., to Parliara C. Gauderer of Ded., ;e. is, b. Dorcli.. of Geo. (i. I'v r>ai-l>ara, 11 : 14: SO. 21 Chas. E. of Ded., ;e. 42, b. Ded., of F/.ra cV Sally, to Harriet W. (Wales) Fletcher of Ded., a'. ;]0. b. Oxford X. II., of Samuel & Hannah, 7:4: .•')8. 10 David Jr. of Ded., a*. 22, b. Ded., of David & Xaney, to Sarah Sumiu'r of Ded., a. 21, b. Ded., of Moses & Catharine, 10: 20: 4S. 20 Edwin A. of Ded., a. 24, b. Ded., of Curtis G. & Fanny, to Orra W. Lovis of Ded., a. 2:J, b. Hartford Ct., of Geo. it Orra W., 0: l;!: 70. 36 Edwin Scott of Ded., a'. 2(1, b. Alna .Me., of Xathaniel A: Mary A., to Ainia G. Fish of Ded., a-. 24, b. Liochester 111., of .lames F. A: Frances M.,10: 18: 77. 34 Elmer P. of Ded., a. 20, 1). I)(>d., of Sidney E. ct Abi<,^ail C. tColburn), to Louise ^I. Deane of Ded., a'. 22, V). Ded., of John A: Louisa (Whiting^ 10: 28: 80. 5 George E. of Ded., je. :10, b. Ded., of Jesse A: Clarissa, to Martha A. W. Atherfon of Ded., a. ;W, b. Ded., of Abner A: . 1 : ;jO: .V). 24 George F. of Ded., a. 20, b. Alexandra X. IL. of David it Eleanora (^Ken- dall), to Maria A. Gervais of I)(;d., a\ 27, b. France, of Joseph O. it Anne (O'Leary), 7: 2: 81. 21 Geo. II. of Ded., a*. :57, b. Ded., of Jos. it Mille E., to Althine Atkins of Ded., a. :]8, b. Me., of John it Emily, o: 20: 71. 92 DEDHAM RECORDS. 29 Geo. AV. of Ded., te. 24, b. Cohasset, of JJenj. T. & Harriet, to Mary A. Kelly of Ded., fc. 24, b. Ded., of James cS: Bridget, 6: 2 : 90. 27 Henry M. of Milford, te. 22, b. Milford, of John E. & Mary, to Emily E. D. Xickerson of Ded., w. IS, b. Boston, of Atkinson & Emily, 7: 2o: 65. 15 Jesse Jr. of Ded., to Nancy Richards of Ded., 10: 24: 44. 3 John of Ded., \m. 54, b. Ded., of John & Mary, to Maria ]}. (IJullen) Baker, 86. 30, of David & Martha, 7: 24: 40. 6 John E. of Ded., te. 22, b. Ded., of John & Roxa, to Caroline A. Ellis of Ded., 03. 21, b. Ded., of Isaac & JSTabby, 8: 10: 4(3. 15 Joseph A. of Ded., te. 60, b. Gloucester, of Benaiah Y. & Sarah H., to Emma Andrews of Ded., a?. 42, b. X. Y., of Chas. C. & Ellen, 9: 5: 75. 31 Joseph L. of Ded., se. 25, b. Ded., of Benj. D. & Sibbel, to Martha A. Kings- bury of Medlield, je. 16, b. Ded., of Horace & Eliz'h, 11 : 24: 60. 17 Leprilette of Sharon, -m. 54, b. Rox., of Luther & Eliz'h, to Matilda (Col- burn) Clarke of Ded., te. 45, b. Ded., of Isaac & Louisa, 6: 1: 71. 8 Lewis of Ded., :c. 20, b. Ded., to Lucretia Maxim of Ded., a?. 19, 2 : 2: 45. 1 Orin J. of Ded., :e. 21, b. Raynham, of Stillman B. & Lucy T., to Louisa W. Collins of Mansfield, ae. 19, b. Rehoboth, of Asahel E. & Lydia, 1:9: 65. 35 Percy T. of Norwood, aj. 27, b. Ded., of Erancis & Lucy A., to Cora L. Whiting of Ded., k. 22. b. Ded.. of Moses & Ann J., 9: 15: 87. 9 Philander of Ded., le. 29, to Ut-l).'c-cal! Pea.'sley of Dorch., te. 2'j, 3: 19: 45. 39 Sanford O. of Ded., aj. 22, b. Ded., of Oliver & Betsy, to Sarah J. Holmes of Ded., fe. 20, b. Dorch., of Wm. & Maria, 12: 24: 60. 23 Sidney E. of Ded., ai. 25, b. Ded., of Ezra & Sally, to Abigail Colburn of Ded., a?. 25, b. Ded., of ISTath'l & Anne, 1: 18: 49. 32 Winslow L. of Ded., se. 27, b. Ded., of John L. & Caroline W., to Adeline Y. Bateman of Ded., fc. 23, b. Cazenovia N. Y., of William & Harriet X., 11: 12:68. MOSMAK 1 Xahum of Searsport Me., te. 29, b. Searsport Me., of Ezekiel & Abigail, to Frances Wiggin of Ded., te. 23, b. Ded., of Thos. & Eliza, 1 : 8: 00. MOUNTAIN. 54 George of Ded., to. 31, b. Eng., of Geo. & Mary, to Ellen Hurley of Ded., a-. 20, b. Boston, of John & Anna, 5 : 28 : 70. MUELLER. 45 Casper of Boston, te. 20, b. Boston, of Chas. «& Margaret, to Jeanette F. K. Reed of Ded., :e. 20, 1>. Ded., of James A. & Catharine A., 11 : 28: 89. MUG. 33 Matthew of Ded., b. Germ., to IMorlena Kung of Ded., b. Germ., 12: 1 : 44. MULIIERN. 57 Thos. of Hyde Park, te. 28, b. Ire., of Tlios. & Winnefort,, to Mary Connelly of Hyde Park, ;e. 28, b. Ire., of Jolin cS: Rose, 5: 20: 09. MULKEllN. 26 Martin J. of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Boston, of Martin & Maria, to Elvira Barnett of Somerville, ai. 22, b. Somerville, of Abraham & Catharine, 6: 21 : 88. 6 Michael of Ded., se. 29, b. ^\ . Rox., of Martin & Maria, to Ellen Rafferty of Ded., {0. 24, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, 2: 4 : 80. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 93 43 Tlios. II. of Ded., so. 2:5, b. Dod., of Martin ^ Maria, to :Mary E. Drake of Ded., te. 2;5, b. Ded., of Edward ik, Susan, !): 2: 85. S Wm. J. of Ded., re. 10, h. Ded., of Martin A: Maria, to Xellie V. Tcinperly of Ded., u'. 10, b. Ded., of Thos. & Kate, 4: 1:!: 8."). 24 Wni. J. of Ded., ie. 32, b. Ded., of Timothy & Mary, to Elizabeth Faulkner of Boston, ;c. 21, b. Uoston, of James »& ^lary A., 7:7: 87. MULLOWXEY. CI Patrick of Hyde Park, re. 24, 1). N. i?., of Patrick & ]\rary, to Margaret Wells of X. S., te. 22, b. X. S., of Michael & :Mary A., 7:2: (io. MULVEY. 42 Patrick of Rox., se. 20, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, to Mary A. (Graham) Mc- Glone of Kox., iv. 20, 1). Warren X. IE, of Wm. »fc Ann, 10: 11 : (m. MULVIN. 29 Michael of Braintree, re. 21, 1). Ire., of ]\Iichael & ]\Iargaret, to Ann >b)iis of Braintree, ;e. 20, b. Ire., of John & Ann, 11 : 24: ."jO. MURDY. 58 Samuel of Ded., :e. 27, b. Eng., of Samuel & Eli/.'li, to Mary A. Welch of Ded., ;e. 24, b. W. Rox., of Patrick & Bridget, 5: .5: 7:5. MURPHY. 49 Edward of Woonsocket R. I., a'. 20, 1). Ire., of Edw. & JNIary, to Ellen (Ma- loney) Burke of Ded., -st. 26, b. Ire., of Wm. & Honora, 1:8: 70. 55 Edward of Canton, re. 22, b. X. F., of Moses ^ Mary, to Mary Lyon of Ded., je. 22, b. Ire., of John & Mary, 11:1: 72. 52 Frank T. of Boston, a3. 2.5, b. Ire., of Edw. . Ilolliston, of Wm. A: Catherine, 8: 10: 7.5. MURP.AY. 47 Thos. P. of Ded., xv. :U, b. Boston, of David A: Ann, to Sarah A. F. Dowling of Franklin, ic. 17, b. Canton, of Dennis A: Ann, 10: 20: 80. 47 Timothy of Ded., te. 24, b. St. John.s, of David A: Ann, to Mtiggie Lahy of Hyde Park, ;c. 20, b. Ire., (i: 2(): 72. MUSCIIA. 11 Fred'k of Ded., te. 22, b. (Jerm., of Christian A Augusta, to Margaret J. Btigge of Ded., te. 20, b. Ire., of Edmund A: Catherine, 4:7: 00. MUXWORTUY. 10 Stndley W. of Ded., a\ 22. b. Eng., of Henry & Mary, to Sarah .M. Walton of Ded., te. 20, b. Andover, of Isaac J. A: Annie, 3: 13: 84. 94 DEDHAM RECORDS. MYLOD. 11 Alfred T. of Dec!., fc. 25, b. Ded., of Wm. & Delina, to Roxanna Hammond of JJucklield Me., aj. 21, b. Bucktield Me., of Wm. & Lucy, 4: 4: 53. 21 Henry B. of Ded., ai. 29, b. Ded., of Wm. A. & Delina (Morse), to Laura A. Moses of Unionville, Ct., fe. 24, b. Unionville Ct., of Orin & Mary, iTuttle), 10: 11: G3. G Henry F. of Ded., aj. 22, b. Walj)., of Warren M. & IVfary \V., to Abl)ie L. Wight of Ded., a. 19, b. Ded., of John K. & Martha R., 1 : 9: 84. 4 Warren M., of Ded., je. 24, b. Ded., o^ Wm. & Delina, to Mary W. Carter of Ded., a). 18, b. Ded., of Wm. & Sarah, 2:9: 55. NxVUMAX. 3 George of Ded., te. 32, b. Cerm., of John & Margaret, to Crescent (Axeniar) Kohlmer of Ded., se. 40, b. Germ., of John & Crescent, 2: 20: 73. 10 John of Ded., k. 2;^, b. Germ., of John & Margaret, to Mary Smith of Ded., fc. 18, b. Germ., of Peter & Mary, 5: 13: 05. NEAL. 8 David of Palermo Me., w. 31, b. Palermo Me., of Rufus & Sarah, to Frances E. Griggs of Ded., a>. 2:5, 1). Ded., of J as. & Abigail, 3: 7: 00. NEAS. 3 Frank of Ded., je. 26, b. Germ., of P. & Eliz'h, to Mary Ernig of Boston, re. 19, 1). Boston, 1: 7: 72. 13 Fred'k J. of Ded., a\ 22, b. Rox., of lionaparte cSs Eliz'h, to Winnie Cullivan of Ded., te. 20, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, 4: 10: 69. 62 John of Ded., a). 25, b. Boston, of Rogers & Augusta, to Mary Collins of Ded., a?. 22, b. Ire., of Timothy & .lane, 10: 21: 71. 29 Joseph of Ded., s«. 21, b. Boston, of Bonaparte & P^liz'h, to Mary Long of Ded., le. 20, b. Eng., of James & Mary, 7: 17: 69. NELSON. 26 Wm. of Ded., te. :30, b. X. B.,of Edward & Ellen, to Ann Nugent of Ded., re. 24, b. N. B., of James & Jane, 11 : 20 : 46. 52 Wm. S. of Ded., re. 27, b. Alna Me., of Samuel D. & Caroline, to Abbie F. Weeks of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha (Osgood), 11: 2: 87. NEVALS. 41 Michael of Norwood, re'. :>5, b. Ire., of John & Kate, to Abbie Welch of Nor- wood, re. 33, b. Ire., of Patrick »S: Mary, 7: 24: 75. NEVILLE. 48 Thomas of Salem, re. 30, b. Salem, of Daniel & ]Mary, to Mary Cawley of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, 10: 19: 87. NEWBURY. 12 John of Ded., re-. 30, b. Eng., of Jos. & Eliz'h, to Annie Hatcher of Ded., re. 24, b. Eng., of Jos. & Hannah, 4: 13: 86. NEWCOMB. 2 Fred'k A. of Ded., re. 28, b. Charlestown, of Jacob & Phebe, to Mary S. Smith of Walp., \m. 20, b. Mass., of Joel «fe Sarah S., 1:1: Q^, ABSTRACT OF JIAKRIAGES. 95 NEWELL. 21 Josiali IJ. of Newton, !i>. :'.(), b. Need., of P.eiij. A: Eliz'li A., to Carrie I). Colburn of Dec!., ;e. 22, b. Ded., of Jas. V. & Cordelia, '.): 11: 77. NICHOLS, NICirOLLS. 47 Jame.s A. (»f Ded., :e. ;;0. b. JJo.stoM, of Wm. F. A: Mary C, to Caroline 15. Daniell of Ded.. le. 20, b. Ded., of Ellery C. it Olive C. 10: 14 : S4. Lyman J), of Ded., so. :50, b. W. Aniesl)ury, of iSIoses & Hannah, to lOniily A. Guild of Ded., a,'. 19, b. J)ed., of Joel «fc Lueretia, 2: II: .")0. 3G Sidney O. of :Nr(Hlford, ;e. 20, 1). :Medf()rd, of Geo. & Sarah ( White*, to J.ydia A. Clark of Ded., ;e. ;]1, b. IJoston, of Timothy V. & Ann H. ( DavLs), 11: 21: 82. 44 Thos. 1}. of AVeymoulli, :e. 40, b. Eng., of .John iV Eli/Zh (JJishoj)), to Christiana IL (Richmond) Chapman of Ded., :l". 51, b. Taunton, of Wm. 11. & Abigail (Leonard), 12: 22: K). NICHOLSON. 17 Norman of Ded., a?. :j1, b. Scot., of Samuel & Catharine, to Mary I'aiiey of Ded., te. 2:1, b. Ire., of Patrick ifc Salome, 0: 10: .yj. NICKERSON. 8 Alplionzo L. of Ded., je. 20, b. Deil., of Atkins & Emily, to Catherines. Wirtli of Ded., a\ 10, b. N. Y., of Diebold t\: Ursula, 4: 22": 7:5. 2 Joshua of Ded., a'. 2:1, of Atkins & Zipporah, to Susan G. Thornton of Ded., ie. IS, of Josei)h & Jane, 5: 28: 48. 8 Nath'l H. of Dorch., -,v. 21, of Lendall & Eunice, to Emma M. Webl)of Ded., a'. 24, b. Ded., of Richard & Anna, 0: 14: 40. NIVIN. G John of Ded., se. 28, b. Scot., of David A: Ann, to Margaret Conden of Ded., ie. 23, b. Ire., of John & Fanny, 2: :',: 5:3. NOLAN. G2 Timothy of Roston, le. 5.5, b. Ire., of Dennis & Cicily, to Annie (Dunn) Kelly of Ded., ;e. 40, b. Ire., of Thos. & :Margaret, 11: 21]: 87. NOON. 23 Thos. A. of P.oston, :e. 28, b. Doston, of John A: Margaret, to Sarah .1. Mc- Glone of Ded., m. 21, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine, 7: 5: 80. NOONAN. 45 David of Ded., iv. 20, b. Ire., of James 0, 1). Siiaron, of David & , .') : 24: .")0. OKXDOKFF. 28 Jos. II. of Boxboro, se. 3."), b. Birwich Pa., of Peter ct Susan F., to lAuy E. Allen of Ded., re. 2.3, b. Ded., of Samuel F. & Hannah, 8: 18: 89. OSBORX, OSP^ORNE. .34 Geo. S. of Peabody, a?. 30, b. Peabody, of Geo. & Sarah \\'., to Sarah P. V. Brockton, of Isaac »S: Sally, to Sarah F. Sawin of Ded., ;e. 40, b. Randolph, of Daniel A. & Sarah .M., 10: 18: 75. PAGE. l."> Chas. E. of Hyde Park, te. 22, 1). Xewbury X. Y., of Chester S. ct Fannie li, to Emma M. Hirsch of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of Geo. & Eli/.'li, 3: 20: 90. 32 Samuel of Ded., m. 2(!, b. Ihunpden Me., of Charles & Sally, to Emma B. Fairbanks of Ded., ;e. ic, b. Ded., of James ct Roxa, 11 : 29: 55. I'ARK. 31 Geor,t,^e ('. of \Vali)ole, ;e. 2:',, 1). Ded., (tf Harrison (!. iS: Julia, t.) Aageline J. l}rijx{?s of Canton, \y.. 10, b. Canton, of Avery iS: Eleanor, 11 : liJ: 55. 98 • DEDHAM RECORDS. PARKER. 35 Addison of Xatick, se. 26, b. Uaubury Vt., of Addison & Eunice 1}. to Mary L. Boyden of Ded., ne. 26, b. Prov. R. I., adopted by Addison & Mary H. Boyden, 0: 18: 60. [N'ame before adoption Ann E. Fowler]. 4 Elipli't H. of Bucksport Me., iv. 50, b. Ijucksport Me., of Elipli't & Phebe, to Eliza 8. (Tiiorndike) Thomas of Ded., te. ;J5, b. Camden Me., of Moses & Sarah, 1 : 30 : 07. 6 James P. of Ded., te. 20. b. Ded., of Asher & J.onisa, to Emily A. Batchel- der of Ded., te. 22, b. ]S^. 13., of Jos. & Eliz'h, 2 : 11 : 71. 69 John of Leominster, re. 26, b. Ire., of Robert & Jane, to Mary Marks of Leominster, va. 20, b. Ire., of James & Bridget, 8: 12: 71. 27 John L. of Ded., a.'. 26, b. N. >S., of Elijah & Louisa, to Mary H. Monson of Ded., a?. 19, b. Waltham, of Francis & Sarah, 11 : 7: 57. 3:3 Samuel of Ded., te. 25, b. N. S., of Elijah & Louisa, to Olive M. Cole of Ded., •M. 19, b. Rox., of Lemuel & , 10: 5: 64. 25 Walter A. of Wellesley, a\ 30, b. Xeedham, of Richard & Almira (Kings- bury), to Catharine M. Strocher of Wellesley, le. 29, b. lioston, of Henry «fc Catherine (Fisher), 7 : 1 : 82. PARKIIURST. 3;J Willard A. of Hopkinton, ;e. 41, b. Milford, of Alexander & Mary, to Eliza- l)eth G. Robinson of Ded., ;e. 30, b. Gardiner Me., of John & Mary, 11: 28: 51. PARSONS. 13 Fisher A. of Ded., eg. 27, b. Ded., of Leonard & Nancy, to Harriet Hasty of Limerick ]\Ie., te. 20, of Dominicus & Eliza, 11: •?fy: 48. PARTRIDGE. 33 James L. of Woburn, jo. ?A, b. Rockland Me., of Jas. & Adaline G., to Helen F. Clark of Ded., fc. 20, b. Boston, of Timothy F. & Ann, 10 : 24 : 78. PATTERSON. 50 James of Ded., te. 22, b. Rox., of Abram & Ellen, to Lilly M. Dunn of Ded.. re. 17, b. Boston, of John \V. A: Flora A., 12: 1: 82. PAUL. 35 Ebenezer of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Samuel & Martha, to Susan Dresser of Ded., re. 2.5, of David & Hannah, 4: 15: 47. 49 Eben'r T. of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Susan, to Marietta Taylor of Wakefield, re. 24, b. Cambridge, of Robert &Mary, 11: 7: 82. 35 Edward C. of Ded., re. 28, b. Dorch., of Eben'r & Susan (Dresser), to Joseph- ine M. Prince of Ded., re. 33, b. Ded., of Jas. II. & Lucy (Newell), 10: 12: 81. 20 Edwin F. of Ded., re. 37, b. Dorch., of Hiram & Susan ]J., to Iluena Mack- enzie of Ded., re. 28, b. N. S., of John & Mary, 7: 20: 70, 13 Isaac F. of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Susan D., to Ida ].. Batcheller of Fitzwilliam N. IL, se. 24, b. Fitzwilliam N. IL, of Phillip S. & Frances A., 3:22: 83. PAYNTER. 35 Basil of Ded., ;o. 22, b. Eng., of Geo. & Margaret, to Evangeline Revell of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Eng., of Thos. & Sarah, 7 : 28 : 88. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 99 PEAECE. {Sn: Pie)-cc.) TEARSALL. 14 Tlios. of Boston, ;i'. :>'>, h. Eiig., of John & Marj^ A., to Klhx F. Towie of Dcil., :o. oO, b. Dec!., of Horace E. & Susan M.. :): 29: 8;J. PEDRICK. 45 Edward of Cambridge, ;o. 2i', b. 1). Charlestovvn, of "Win. i^- Xanoy, to Ade- laide Ivers of Ded., sl-. •22, h. Rox., of \Vm. & Lncy, 12 : 21 : TO. VELTON. 12 Frank A. of Boston, ;e. 28, h. Boston, of Thos. & Adijlaidc, to Lila A. Har- mon of Ded., 'M. 22, b. Row, of Henry M. & Rntli I.., 4 : :): 84. 8 Harold J. of Lowell, ;o. 21, b. Boston, of Florentine W. & Laura, to Mary G. Fisher of Ded., ;e. 10, b. Ded., of Wm. F. & Mary L., 2: 21 : 88, PENXYPACKER. 24 James L. of Phila. Pa., a-. 28, b. Phila. Pa., of Isaac A. & Anna M., to Grace F. ("oolidge of Ded., ;e. 2."), b. Ded., of (ieorge A: Hepsy A., (5: 17: 84. PEPPEARD. 38 Jas. F. of Ded., -.v. 2.'j, b. X. S. of Lawrence & Rebecca, to Mary Bonney of Ded., fX". 22, b. Easton, of Jere'Ii & Susan, 11: 20: :>:>. PEPPER. 5 Robert of Ded., pe. ;>>, 1). Ire., of Hugh & Eliz"li, to Fanny Beatty of Ded., a'. 24, b. Scot., of Wm. & Mary S., 4: 24: 75. PERKINS. 41 Alexander of Ded., x. 45, 1). Searsport Me., of Peter D. A: Jane, to Elizabeth D. (Cashing) Wilde of Ded., ie. 49, b. Boston, of Joel . 20, b. AVolcott Yt., of Seneca & Asenath 10: 9: 64. 3 Wm. L. G. of Lincoln, re. 25. b. Boston, of Wm. & Jane W., to Isabel M. Carret of Ded., re\ 24, b. Trinidad, of S'' I). Jose & Maria, 2: 22: 55. 30 Wm. S. of Ded., a\ 20, b. Dorcli.. of Ebeirr S. «fc Nancy, to Sarah A. Eaton of ])ed., re'. 18, b. Salisbury, of Caleb & Alice II., 8: 22: 52. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. \()\ PIKE. 35 Geo. 11. of IJosson, tc. 20, b. Saugus. of Hugh A: , to Mciaiiui M. 15ul- man of Boston, w. 32, 1). Boston, of Edw. «S: , 12 : O: 57. 3G Xoali S. of Canton, a'. ;!0, It. Truro, of John A: Ijucretia (.McWhorf), to Nettie Wri.y-ht of Canton, a". 2."), b. ^Madison Wis , of Edw. W. i^ Hannah H., 10:30: 7:!. PIPPTM(;. 13 Clias. of Ded., u'. :!0, I). (Jcrm., of Clias. & Caroline, to Zinta Swaidv of ])ed., :e. 3."), b. Germ., of Jacob ifc Josephina, (5: 28: 57. 4 Chas. A. of Ded., a\ 21, b. J)ed., of Clias. & TTyacintliia, to Anna S. C. Bim- bach of Boston, w. 21, b. Germ., of Ernst Ij. & Catharine, 1 : 20: si. 3 Fred'k of Ded., .o. 22, b. Ded., of Chas. F. & Caroline, to Celia J. Eevine of Norwood, .'I'. 20, It. New Orleans La., of Jos. Y. «fc ]Mary J., 2: 1(1: 85. 58 Henry A. of Ded., a-. 22, b. Ded., of Chas. F. & Caroline, to Hannah M. Hanson of Ded., a-. 17, b, 8omerviIle, of jSIartin A: Margaret, 12: :;0: 80. PIT^iEVN. 17 Benj. of Marl^lehead, a'. 33, b. ^SLarblehead, of Ebcn'r A. & Rebecca (Chap- man), to Frances C. Jordan of Marblehead, a-. Iti, 1). Ellsworth ]Me., of Walter & Eliza (Clough), 7:1: 7:5. PLACE. 36 Crawford D. of Boston, a-. 23, b. Ded., of Aurelius T. I'v: Sarah A., to Florence A. Cox of Ded., a'. 17, b. Ded., of lsaa.c A. & Harriet 1j., 10: 28: 75. PLAISTED. 24 Charles C. of E.xeter N. IL, a'. 2:3, of Geo. & P.etsy, to Helen E. Upton of Ded., a\ 20, of James & Deborah, 2:8: 40. PLUNK ETT. 45 John of Ded., a\ 42, b. Bost(m, of Geo. & Ellen, to Mary J. Young of Ded., .1?. 34, b. Ire., of Peter & Mary, 8 : 7 : 90. 22 John C. of lioston, a'. 31, 1). Boston, of John C. & Ellen, to ]\rary E. Kelly of Ded., a-. :}0, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, 2:4: 8:5. POIRIER. 47 Moses of Ded., a'. 2S. b. Canada, of John & Josei)hino, to Amelia .Morin of Ded., a'. 10, b. Canada, of H. L. & Kosa, 2:5: 75. POLLEYS. 12 Nath'l of Prov. R.I., a'. 30, b. J)ed., of Natlfl & Catharine, to Mary T. Fuller of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ded., of Willard & Catharine, 11 : 12: 4S. POND. 5 Chas. D. of Ded., ;e. 2:J, b. Ded., of Daniel P. & :\[ary, to Julia V. Fairbanks of Ded., a;. 10, b. Ded., of James & Boxa, 4 : 1 : 58. 54 Chas. E. of Ded., fe. 2:^, b. Ded., of Chas. T. & ]\rartha, to :N[ary U. Pullen of Ded., sc. 20, b. Winthrop Me., of S. B. & Elvira, 11 : ;]0: 0.5. 35 Charles P. of Norwood, a;. 22, b. Ded., of Chas. D. & Julia F., to Lizzie A. Hartshorn of Norwood, te. 21, b. Ded., of Chas. E. & Ellen M., 10: 30: 80. 102 DEDHAM RECORDS. 44 Edwin 'M. of Dtnl.; ;e. 23, b. Dec!., of James M. & Fannie G., to Enieline E. Phil)l)s of Ded., ic. 'io, b. Ded., of Loammi & Lorana, 11 : 2 : 67. 20 Ell)ri(lge T. of Ded., le. 29, b. Ded., of Francis T. & Lucy, to Clara E. P.utler of Ded., fc. 19, b. Dixfield Me., of Saninel 8. & Eraeline, 8: 20: 71. 4 Frank E. of Ded., ai. 22, b. Ded., of Edward E. & Enieline E., to Mary A. Power of Ded., te. 22, b. Eng., of Peter & JMargaret, 1 : 29: 90. 1:3 Jas. F. of Ded., w. 24, 1). Ded., of Francis T. & Lucy, to Aljby B. Draper of J)ed., fe. 19, b. Ded., of Martin & Sally, 4: 19: 60. 34 James M. of Ded., to Fanny G. Dean of Ded., b. Ded., 4: 27: 4.5. 29 Wm. H. of Ded., re. 46, b. Ded., of Samuel & Catliarine, to Mille G. Everett of Ded., a3. 40, b. Pawtucket, of Eben'r & Mary, S: 10: 67. POOLE. 29 Francis II. of Foxboro, te. 25, b. AVoodstock Me., of Melvin &: Abigail, to Mary A. Broad of Ded., se. 18, b. Oldtown Me., of II )race & Mariah, 11: 29 : 54. POOR. 15 Daniel of Andover, te. 38, b. Andover, of Daniel & Deborah B. (Baker), to Mary A. :Malcolm of Ded., a?. 2.5, b. China Me., of David & Lydia, 6: 3: 61. 20 Xatiri C. of Ded., re. 49, b. Boston, of Isaac «& Deborah, to Esther Hewins of Ded., te. 28, of Amasa & Betsy, 9: 23 : 57. 5 Robert C. of Boston, re. 22, b. Lynn, of Chas. C & Harriet R., to :Mabel A. Brooks of Ded., fc. 21, b. Brookline, of Chas. I). *fc Dorcas S., 1 : 16: 84. POPE. 25 Holley K. of Boston, to Nancy C. Trescott of Ded., b. Ded., of Elijah & , 3 : 26 : 45. PORTER. 20 Edwin A. of Beverly, i^. 32, b. Beverly, of Samuel & Clara E., to Helen S. Harlow of Ded., te. 32, b. Manchester, of John F. & Emma F. (Marble), 6: 29: 87. POTTER. :32 Ernest of Pawtucket R. I., :e. 24, b. X. Smithfield R. I., of Emery G. & Emily F., to Mary E. Potter of Woonsocket R. I., :e. 21, b. Woonsocket, of Draper & Elizabeth, 6:14: 90. POWELL. 15 Thos. of Ded., le. 21, b. X. B., of Thos. & Eliz'h (Beaton), to Matilda A. Morse of Cambridge, re. 20, b. Cambridge, of Ichabod & Rachel, 4: 22: 04. POWER, POWERS. 30 Frank W. of Cambridge, se. 28, b. Cambridge, of Xicholas D. & Amanda M., to Julia B. Fales of Ded., se. 29, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary J., 0: IS: 90. 52 James of Ded., te. 21, b. Ire., of Jas. & Ann, to Bridget Doyle of Ded., a?. 20, b. Ire., of Edmund & Bridget, 10: 22: m. PRATT. 14 Benoni P. of Peoria 111., ;f. 31, b. N. Y., of Ilosea A: Lurin, 1). Boston, of Geo. T. & :\Iartlia, to Xi^llir F. Tre- frey of Ded., -x. 21. b. Ded., of Jas A: :\rary, !): 24: S4. 25 Jos. \v. of Ded., :e. 29. b. Alstead X. II.. of Philii) & Xaonii (\. i Leonard), to Joanna J. Davis of Ded., a-. 21, b. X. !>., of Jas. A: Eli/Zli .Scott', 11:4: (5.3. PRAY. IS Seth T. of Ded., ;e. 2'.), 1). P>oston, of Clias. II. & Ellen, to ^[ary J. Kerrigan of Ded., ;e. 28, b. X'ii^^V, of Jas. & Mary, 10: lii: 7(;. PREXDERGAST. 41 Patrick J. of Xorwood, ;e. 20, b. Ire., of Jas. . •- PR1\'("E. 11 Jas. II. of Ded.. ;c. :'>'.», b. Boston, of Joseph A: Lydia, to .\nn Davis, Clarke of Box., a-. :!(), b. I-'rienilship Me., of Robert it Ann, :): 2'.»: fM. PROBE IIT. 4 Josei)hT. of Xeed., ;«. 24, 1). Lowell, of Bichard & Sarah .\., to Ma Cham- berlain of Ded., :e. 22, h. Ded., of Curtis & .Vnna, 2: 10: 8(!. PUTXAM. 41 John of Ded., le. ;50, b. Xew Vineyard :Me., of Wni. \V. \- Eliza, to Ida E. Crane of Ded., ie. 2:;, b. Ded., of Silas & Pvoxanna. 10: 14: 09. RADCLIFFE. 10 Albert W. of Ded.. ;<■. :12, l>. Ded.. of Winslow & Soi)hia .\.. to (.citrude M. Earl of Ded., :e. 21, b. Mich., of .James & ?:iiz"h, 2: 2i;: 90. RAFFERTY. 29 Michael of Ded., ic. 2:3, 1). Ire., of John & Catherine, to Cathariiu' Ford of Ded., 06. 19. 1). Ded., of Thomas & Sally, 8: 17: (!."). 1 Michael of \)^A., :e. 22, b. Ire., of Miciiael & Marj^aret. to .Mar-aret Dun- leary, of Ded., ;e. 21, 1). Ire., of Thos. & Mary Lyons, 1:0; 88. J04 DEDHAM RECORDS. EAGGET. 28 Thomas of Boston, te. 35, b. Ire., of Richard & Bridget, to Margaret Xolan of Ded., ft\ 35, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen (Fitzhenry), 7: 10: 82. E-AMSDELL. 20 Adoniram J. of Newton, re. 22, b. Xewton, of Francis F. & Sarah W., to Sarah W. Fairbanks of Ded., te. IS, b. Ded., of Jas. & Iloxanna, 5: 24: 64. KAMWELL. 28 Wm. of Walpole, tv. 25, of John & Sarah, to Jane Iluhne of Ded., ;e. 2!), of William & Jane, 4:5:47. I^IND. " 48 Chas. A. of Boston, re. :17. b. Greenland N. H., of Jas. B. & Abigail, to Eliz'h F. Everett of Ded., te. 27, b. Ded., of Isaac & Matilda, 10: 31 : 80. 28 Edward S. Jr. of Ded., te. 24, b. Boston, of Edw. S. & Eliz'h A., to Jennie A. Lathrop of Ded., :o. 21, b. Burlington N. J., of John P. & M. M. 11: 23: 58. HTAXDALL. 25 .David of Waltham, fc. 51, b. X. H., of Levi & Iluldah, to Grace S. Ptobie of Plymouth N. H., re. 22, b. K H., of Fred'c W. A. & Lucinda G., 0: 24: 69. ifATCLIFF. 3 Winslow of Ded., re. 25, of & Ann, to Sophia A. Draper of Ded., re. 20, of Benj. J. & Hannah, 7: 3: 48. RAUSKOLB. 8 Chas. H. of Ded., re. 17, b. Dexter Me., of John Iv. & Mary S., to Alice Scrivens of Hyde Park, re. 18, b. Eng., of Thomas & Jane, 3:7: 83. KAYMOXD. 45 Artenias of Ded., re\ 24, b. Prov. R. L, of Artenias & Lucy, to Mary White of Ded., re, 21, b. Argyle X. Y., of John & Eliz'h, 11 : 29: 66. 23 Joseph W. of Boston, re. 38, b. ]Joston, of Geo. E. & Isabella F., to Olive E. Carlile of Ded., re. 19, b. Boston, of John & Margaret, 9 : 18 : 77. 43 Roland of Seekonk, re. 28, b. X. Y. City, of Jepthah & Emeline, to Adeline X. Griggs of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of James ifc Abigail, 11: 6: 55. bi:a. 8 AValter of Boston, re*. 25, b. X. S., of John & , to Mary Simpson of Ded., re. 2:^, b. X. S., of Thos. & , 3: 30: 54. BEADEL. (^'ee liiedel.) REDDIXG, READIXG. 26 Fred'k A., to Rebecca Eldridge, 3"i 27: 45. 1 Fred'k H. of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Fred A. & Rebecca, to Margaret L. Mills of Ded., re. 20, b. Abington, of John A. & Sarah, 1 : 10: 6G. REED, REID. •liO Chas. M. of Oswego X. Y., re. 28, b. Dorch., of Chas. & Sophia, to Fanny Ellis of Ded., se. 24, b. Ded., of Rufus & Hannah, 4: 6: 56. 18 James of Ded., re. 36, b. Scot., of John & Mary, to Catharine A. (Cruise) Cruise of Ded., re. 21, b. Rox., of Thos. & Catharine, 5: 22: 67. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. IQ") J5 Samuel J. ol' Ded., w. <:)Q), b. Eiiff., of John vS: Mary, to Catliariiit! M. Ilusson of Ded., iv. 50, b. Ire., of Thomas cS: Mary, 4: ;;o: 80. REEVES. 51 John of Walpole, jr. ;;0, b. Ire., of John cS; Mary, to Catliai-iiu^ Landy of Walp., ;e. IS, li. Ire., of J^itrick A: Mary, :>: 12: 71. EEISER. 7 Josepli C. of JJoston, w. iM, b. JJoston. of Michael i& Tere.sa, to INfary JMeiler of IJoston, ic. 22, b. lioston, of Jacob A: Julia, 5: 1:1: 77. EEYXOLDS. 52 Albert F. of (Janton, ;e. 27, of Harrison iC Jane, to >\nnie ( ) Goss of Canton, ;e. 28, 1). St. John, of John & , 12: 5: 85. 15 John H. of JNIilton. re. 2:1, 1). Milton, of Patrick A: Eli//h, to Mary E. CHuton of Ded., :e. 22, b. Wren., of Ja.s. & Kel)ecca, 4: 2!): 70. EHODE.S, lillOADES, I'JIOADS. 2 Francis of ('anil)ridg(\ w. 25, b. Ded., of Elipli't iv: Sarah, to Olive L, (iuild of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of Wm. & Anna, 0: 7: 4('.. 10 Moses of Ded.. ;e. .50, b. Rox., of Moses *fc Eavina, to Mary IT. W . 'Smith) Gay of Ded., ;c. 45, b. Ded.. of Robert P. & , 8: 20: .57. 18 Thos. C. of Ded., .-e. 52, li. R. Germ., of Theodore G. C. & Sophie L., to Louise Soltburman of Ded., ;u. 20, b. Switzerland, of John & Margaret K, 3:22:77. 8 Herman of Ded., re. 24, 1). Germ., of Theodore & Sophie, to Emma Laucke of Ded., re. 19, b. AVoonsocket R. I., of Fred'k & Antonia, 5: 24: 77. RICKER. 2 Benj. of Canton, re. 42, b. Rochester X. IL, of Benj. & Eliz'h B., to Olive (Spear) Willard of Canton, re. 42, b. Canton, of Stephen & Mehitable, 2 : 14 : 62. RIEDEL, READEL. 3 Conrad of Norwood, re. 17, b. Eng., of Wm. & Margaret, to Mary E. Collins of Norwood, re. IS, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary, 1 : 10: 84. 28 Peter of Ded., re. 37, b. Germ., of Conrad & Eliz'h, to Christina Shoultz of Ded., re. :34, b. Germ., of Henry & Margaretta, 11 : 9: GO. RILEY, RIELLY. 5 Chas. H. of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Francis & Marj% to Mary A. Foley of Ded., re. 29, b. Cambridge, of Thos. & Hannah, 1 : 23: 80. 10 John of Ded., re. 29, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, to Bridget White of AVater- ford, re'. 27, b. Ire., of Wm. & Anne, 4: 17: 04. :58 Patrick of Ded., re. 34, b. Ire., of Morris & Mary, to Margaret Farl])ey of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of Thos. & Margaret, 5:7: 74. .50 Patrick of Ded., re. 48, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, to Mary (Lane) Cull of Ded., re. 47, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, 10: 14 : 88. RIPH. 31 John of Ded., re\ 2.5, b. Germ., of John & Margaret, to Catharine Strobet of Ded., re. 19, b. Germ., of Nicholas & Catharine, 12: 26: 57. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 107 liOACII. 51 Edward of Ded., ae. 2.^ b. Ire., of Maurice & Hannah, to ^Fariali V.. A. Dor- van of Ded., :e. 24, 1). Ire., of Patrick i^v: Mary, 11 : 22: s:;. 34 James of Ded., le. 2s. li. Ded., of Maurice A: Joanna (Burke), to IJridj^ct O'Learj^ of Ded., ;e. 2(), li. Ire , of Daniel & Ilonora, 0: IG: 81. lIOinJINS. 20 Juhvard of Ded., io. 50, b. Ded., of Jos. &• Venus, to ISrancy Gardner of Xan- tucket, :e. ;!2, b. Nantucket, of Francis & Ann, G: 6: 72. 11 Frederick A. of E. Harrington, le, 34, 1). Great Harrington, of Wintlirop & Bessie, to Abbie F. Glover of Ded., tc. 2(), b. Ded., of Edw. I'v: Caroline J., 4:4: (IS John of Ded., ;l'. 57, li. Ded., of Jos. & ^'enus, to Anne ^Nfakkers of Ded., jc :]!), 1). Xewburyport, of Geo. & Eliza, 5: 2S: 7s. 2 John C. of rxl)ridge, ;e. 21, b. Walpole, of Josepii & Sally, to Eli/."h F. Ehoades of Ded., a'. 22. b. Ded., of Moses & Nancy, i : 20: .50. ROBERTS. 3 Abraham of Ded., ;e. 41, b. Walpole, of Abraham & Lydia, to Sarah M. Fislier of Ded., ;e. 4:], b. Ded., of Oliver & Olive, 3:4: 58. 3 Chas. F. of Ded., ;e. 2.3, b. Windham Me., of Richard. & Jane F., to Eliza J. :McKeeraan of Ded., re. 24, b. Scot., of John & ^Nfary D., 4:1): 75. 5 George W. B. of Riverton N. J., a\ 2G, b. Pliila. Pa., of Thomas & ElizalteUi H., to Mary F. Frothingham of Milton, a'. 22, b. Milton, of Ephraim L. A: Elmira S., 2: 10: 8G. 51 Joseph T. of Boston, :e. 2G, b. Porter Me., of Jo.shua S. i'<: Eliza P.., to Susan E. Follansbee of Ded., a-. 2:'., 1). Pittstou .Me., of Alonzo A: Nancy S., 11: 23: 05. ROBERTSON. '.) James of Ded., a. (il. b. Eaton N. II., of Wm. i^' Lydia, to Eliza i Eongley) (ioodwin of Ded., a'. 5S, 1). Norridgewock Me., of Asa A: , 5: 12: 50. ROBINSON. 25 Albert W. of Ded., se. 2:}, b. Pawtucket, of Geo. & Nancy, to Elizalieth Hill of Ded., :e. 24, b. Ded., of Geo. & Lenda, 0: 27: 53. 25 Ciuis. W. of Ded., se. 21, b. Cornville Me., of Calvin ct Nancy, to Ann :\r. I'i])er of Walpole, le. 19, b. Wentworth N. II., of Simon & Sally, 11:5: 54. 15 John of Ded., se. 48, b. Milton N. II., of Noah & Betsey, to Sarah R. Far- rington of Ded., re. .58, b. Ded., of Jesse & Rebecca, 0:4: 82. .38 Jolm II. of Milton, ro. 23, b. Eng., of John & Hannah, to Sarah C. Dicker- man of Milton, ic. 23, 1). Stoughton, of Orin & Mary, 0: 10: 05. 4 Theodore E. of Ded., te. 27, 1). Ded., of Samuel B. iK: Deborali C. to Ilattie E. Cocking of Ded., je. 10, b. Woodstock Ct., of Jos. & Sophia, 4 : 28: 75. 44 Wm. F. of Lynn, ». 21, b. Lynn, of Wm. & Catharine, to Dora A. Harris of Ded., jc. 18, b. Stoneham, of Augustine »& Mary, 10: 8: 87. ROBY. 11 Jose])h W. of Ded., iC. 21, of Jo.sepli i^- Meliitable, to Mary A. F. Weatherbee of Ded., a'. 18, of Joel A: Eliz'h, 10: 29: 48. 108 DEDHAM RECORDS. 34 Jos. AV. of Ded., w. 39, b. Danlmry X. IL, of Jos. & Meliitable, to Charlotte E. Stetson of Dec!., re. 27, b. Randolph, of Abel & Sarah A., 9: 15: G7. ROCKWELL. 34 Wni. A. of Kox., a\ 22, b. K S., of John & Emily, to Mary E. Lilleyman of Ded., te. 18, b. Eng., of Henry W. S. cS: , 9 : 2.") : 50. RODMAM. 8 Alfred of New Bedford, fc. 2G, b. Xew Bedford, of Wm. R. & Rebecca W., to Anna L. Motley of Ded., ;e. 22, 1). Boston, of Tho.s. & Anna L., 9: 8: 47. ROGERS. 25 Chas. B. of Ded., te. 21, b. Cambridge, of Frank G. & Mary, to Mary Coyne of Ded., re. 18, b. jST. Y., of Patrick & Mary, 11 : 26 : 02. 24 Chas. II. of Ded., re. 28, b. Milton, of Chas. & Caroline, to Mary A. Ellis of Ded., a;. 22, b. Ded., of Chas. & Mary, 12: 31 : 64. 59 Fi-ancis P. of Hyde Park, a;. ;37, b. N. S., of John & Ellen, to Johanna Spillane of Ded., a;. 26, b. Ire., of James & Mary, 10: 15: 90. 11 James E. of Medfleld, ;c. 23, b. Brownville Me., of Wm. & Abi, to Hattie E. Cole of Medfield, te. 18, b. Uxbridge, of Granville & Caroline L., 3: 16: 8.3. 2 Nath'l H. of ]]oston, re. 34, b. Chatham, of Jona. L. & Ann C, to Ella J. Ludwig of J3oston, re. 22, b. Waldoboro Me., of Simeon & Jane W., 1:8:70. 29 Terence of Ded., re. 43, b. Ire., of Edward & Mary (Hoye), to Ann McGee of Hyde Park, re. ;J5, h. Ire., of- (Mias. & Mary (McGnire), 9: 4: 87. ;58 Thos. M. of Ded., re. :54, b. Dorch., of John & Martha, to Emily S. Hersey of Quincy, re\ 23, b. Quincy, of Jerome & Mary E., 10: 20: 71. 24 William of Milton, re. 41, b. Orford N. H., of John & Lncy, to Nancy R. Holmes of Ded., re. 23, b. Boston, of Jesse & Nancy, 10: 2 : 58. ROGERSON. :j5 John of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary (JJurns), to Fanny Germyn of Ded., re\ 22, b. Ire., of Thos. ., 2:1: 77. EOSS. . * 4 Andrew J. of J)ed., se. 20, b. Boston, of Barney & JMary A., to Abliy IJ. ])un- lap of Ded., ;e. 24, 1>. Boston, of Robert & Mary, ;J: 21 : ()2. 30 Bernard A. of Ded., re. 27, b. Boston, of Bernard & Mary A., to Annie ^I. ^lunier of Boston, -x. 21, b. Boston, of Joseph & Ann, 7 : 20 : 7'.'. 4:3 Edward of W. Boylston, ;e. 24, b. Eng., of Alex'r & Hannali, to Annie E. Walker of W. jjoylston, ;e. 22, 1). W. Boylston. of Eli & Louisa ( Parker) 11: 22: 71. 31 Geo. I. of Canton, ;e. :]8, b. Xewport B. I., of David & Mary, to Ella E. Baker of Ded., :e. 32, 1). Ded., of Eustis & E. Adeline, i) : 24: S-'). 42 Joseph of Ded., ie. 22, b. Ballardvale, of Barney & Mary, to Kate Laly of J)ed., te. 22, b. Ire., of John iS: :\[ary A., 4: 2o: 72. BOUND Y. 12 Wm. W. of Marblehead, ie. 2:3, 1). :\rarblehead, of Samuel i^ Mary A., t Emma F. Trefrey of Ded., ie. 27, b. Ded., of J as. A: :\rary S., :>: 10: 74. ROWE. 14 Andrew J. of Ded., a\ 4.'), b. Bradf(n-d \'t., of Daniel A: Xancy, to Sarah (Farrow), Moore of Ded., ;e. 37, b. Eng., of Jolin & ]Martha, (i: ;;: 82. OC) Jos. II. of W. Box., a'. 28, b. Danville Me., of Solomon & Hannah, to Jane HoUiday of W. Box., je. 22, b. Box., of Wm. & , 11 : 20: .">. BOYAL. 1 Melvin X. of ]Me('hani('s Falls Me., ;e. 2."), b. Auburn Me., of Wm. W. iK: Mo- selle C, to Mary C. AVardIc of Ded., :e. 2(), b. Boston, of Bo))ert E. cV Mary C, 1: l: 84. BCGGLES. 48 S. M. of Ded., :e. 41, I). I'rov. B. I., of Si)ooner & Buth, to Thankful Panders of Ded., ;e. ;57, b. Kingslield Me., of .Vrehibald iSc. Lucy, 4: 28: (i4. RUXKLE. 13 John D. of Cam])ridge, ;e. 20, b. Root X. Y'., of Daniel & Sarah, to Sarah ^^'. Hodges of Ded., sc. 10, b. Ded., of Clias. & Mary, 0: 19: .11. .■) John D. of Ded., a'. :30, b. Root X". Y^, of David & Sarah (Gordon), to Cath- erine H. Pird of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Dorcli., of Wm. A: Lucy : S:J. SAliGENT. 32 Edward L. of Newport X. II., ;V. 2^, 1). Newport N. II., of Moses c\: Rlioda, to Maria Everett of Ded., le. 22, 1). Newport N. II., of Horace & Hannah, 11 : 27: ."il. 20 Edwin L. of Cambridge, te. 40, b. Lynn, of .las. M. cS: Lydia P., to II. Estelle Fisher of Ded., ;e. 28, b. Ded., of Geo. A: Mary E., 7:11: s:!. SAVARl^ 10 Alljert G. of roncord N. 11., w. -W, b. Ilopkinton N. TI.. of William iV Mary, to Susan S. Presliy of Ded., :e. 24, b. Dradford N. II., of William cS: .sally, ?,: 12: 51. SAW IN. 7 Lewis L. Jr. of Canton, tc. 20, b. Seekonk, of Letvis L. & Eliz'li. to ( aroline E. Morse of Ded., va. 22, b. Ded., of Benj. D. & Sybil, 4: 4: r.s. SAWTELLE. 20 Fred H. of Ded., le. :n, 1). Newlmrg- Me., of James II. A: Betsey E.. to Henrietta McColI of Boston, ;e. 21, b. San Francisco Cal., of William A: Louisa. : 22 : 00. SAWYER. I 20 Chas. W. of N. Y. City, ;e. 22, b. Gloucester, of \S\\\. M. & Estlier, to Mattie M. May of Ded., to. 21, b. Kox., of Robert S. & Matilda M., 0:1: 00. 14 Hervey L. of Medtield, te. 24, 1). Smithfield Me., of Otis & INIaria C. (Pattee), to Myrtie M. Walton of Medtield, :e. 25, 1). Norridgewock Me., of Isaiah & Angle (Stafford), 0: 7: 87. 27 Jos. W. Jr. of Chelsea, :e. 2:5, b. Boston, of Jos. W. i.^ Anna, to Annie J. Barton of Chelsea, ;e. 17, b. Canaan N. IL, of J as. II. & Isabel, S: 7: 07. SCANLEN. :iO Burnet of Rox., ic. 21, b. Ire., of Dennis A: Margaret, to Ellen Fallay of Ded., ;e. 17, b. Ire., of Martin & Bridget, 5: 25: 40. SCANNEL. 52Davidof Stoughton, :e. 18, b. Ire., of Davis it Alice, to Rosanna Boyle of • Stoughton, te. 18, b. Randolph, of Michael & Rosanna, 7: 17: (i7. SCIIENCK. 24 Garret of Walp., ;e. 2:3, b. Trenton N. J., of Garret & Hannah E., to Emma C. Perkins of Walp., ic. 25, of Isaac & Martha, 12: O: 70. SCIIERER. 15 David F. of Norwood, ;e. 27, b. Worcester, of Henry (J. & Catherine, to Annie V. Curtis of Ded., te. 2:3, b. Boston, of Geo. & Catherine, 4: 14: 84, SCHERMERHORN. . 11 John I. of Charlestown, ;e. :32, b. N. Y., of John F. & Catharine (Yates), to Louisa Turner of Ded., le. 25, b. Ded., of Elisha A: Mary A. (Taubert), 6:3: 02. 112 DEDHAM RECORDS. SCHMIDT. 13 August of Maiden, k. 20, b. Germ., of August & Caroline, to Justine Pever of Dec!., aj. 23, b. Genu., of Wm. & Caroline, 4: 10: .50. 30 Jolin of Ded., se. 23, b. Gerra., of Louis & Sophie, to Frida Reiser of Ded., :c. 19, b. Germ., of JJenedick & Eliz'li. 11: 20: 78. 37 Theodoi'e of Ded., te. 20, b. Germ., of Louis & Sophie, to Louisa Studer of Ded., te. 21, b. Germ., of Jos. & Euphrosina, 11 : 2.3: 79. SCHNEIDER. 10 John B. of Ded., te. 29, b. Germ., of A'alentine & Aurelia, to Bertha Eis of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Chas. & Willielminti, 4: 1."): 84. SCHNEIDT. 4 Augustus of Boston, te. 30, b. Germ., of Fred'c & Margaret, to Anna W. Kramer of Ded., te. 20, b. Germ., of Louis & Mary E., 1 : 28: 08. SCHORTMAXX. 10 AVilliam of Ded., te. 22, b. Germ., of Karl «& Amelia, to Anna Ludwig of ■ Boston, 06. 24, b. Germ., of Frank & Wilhelmina, -j: 0: 80. SCHULER. 4 John M. of Ded., te. 20, b. Germ., of Andreas & Angeline, to Josephine C. Harm of Ded., te. 20, b. Boston, of Christian & Catliarine, 2: 27: 73. SCHWxVB. 11 Alexander of Hyde Park, :e. 2S, b. Rownolout X. Y., of Rudolph & Mary E., to Lillian M. Wiswall of Hyde Park, te. 2.'3, b. Ctxnton, of Timothy & Julia A., 4:27: 81. SCOTT. 14 Dwiglit B. of Worcester, te. 3.5, b. Worthington, of Francis A. & L. Amandti, to Caroline 11. Tisdale of Ded., te. 32, b. Walp., of Oileus A. & Eliza H., 4: 13:71. 28 James L. of Weymouth, te. 2.5, b. Scot., of Robert & Ctitherine, to Elizabeth Hughes of Ded., te. 20, b. Eng., of Jas. »!c Eliz'h, 7: 3: 55. SEAVER. ;n Horace X. of X. Y. City, te. 28, of Horace & Sylvia W., to Ann H. Dixon of Ded., ^. 21, b. Ded,, of Geo. & Elizti, 7: 14: 45. 10 Lewis W. of X. Y. City, to Susan W, Dixon of Ded., b. Ded., of George & , 11:7:44. SEIFERT. 13 Paul U. of Ded., te. 22, b. Rockville Ct., of Herman & Minnie, to Minnie C. Halltauer of Ded., se. 18, b. Ded., of Ernst & Sarali, 5:1: 89. SEXTOX. 31 Wm. of Ded., t\?. 4.5, b. Ire., of John & Mtiry (Conners), to Mary Welch of Cambridge, te. 24, b. Ire., of James & Ellen, 9 : 3 : 89. SHACKLEY. Chas. H. of Ded., te. 2:3, b. Canton, of Ezra & Ilepza, to Sarah J. tiay of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Rufus & Mary H., 2: 2 : 08, ABSTRACT 01- MARRIAGES. \\-^^ SIIAILEK. 51 "\Vm. of Ded., ;e. 28, 1). Genu., of Josfpli ^S: Lena, to Julia [Fitt] ol' DaJ.. a>. IS, 1). Kox., 2: 21: 70. SIIAXAIIAX. 13 John or^Ialden, ;e. 2t>, b. Ire, of Michael it Mary, to Hannah Con(1(Jn of Ded., ». 24, 1). Ire, of Thos. !k. Xancy, 4:11: 88. SIIAPLETGH. :]0 Alfred M. of Charlestown, iu. 27, b. W. liox.. of Jonathan A: Rcibccca G.. to Emily Shapleigh of Ded., :o. ;30, b. Eliot JSIe., of James A: Lavin a.. 8: '.): (Jl. SHATTUCII. 3(3 Francis W. of Ded., te. 38, b. Francestown X. IT., of Willard & Elizabeth, to Ilattie J. lUmele of Ded., w. 17, b. Need., of Edw. & Mary, 10: Vy. 71. 25 Henry F. of Ded., to. 27, b. Ded., of Eben & Achsah, to Hannah J. Edniunls of Ded., fe. 19, b. Dracut, of Hiel W. A: Kuth, 11 : 23 : .->!». SHAW. 35 Edwin F. of Braintreo, :e. 27, b. Weymouth of Franklin & Elu:"h (Stowell), to Lu Einda T. Kingsley of Ded., fc. 24, b. Weymouth, of Xatlianiel H. & Jane L. (Thomas), 5: 23: 83. 16 Henry of Weymouth, te. 28, b. Weymoutii, of Warren it X'aiicy, to ,Suh«iu L. Green of Ded., le. 21, b. Ded., of John & Lucy, 7: 25: 54. SHAY. 39 Frank of Ded., u'. 20, li. Ire., of Timothy & Margaret, to Maggie Wclcli of Ded., :e. ;30, b. Ire., of Edward & Maria, 8: 19: 88. SHED, SHEDD, 13 Frank of Hyde Park, a'. 22, b. Boston, of John & Margaret, to ^Vgues B. (Kerigan) Booth of Hyde Park, :e. 32, b. X'. B., of Miles iS: Bridget, S: 4: 75. 07 Wm. of Hyde Park, a'. 21, b. Boston., of John i"fc Margaret, to ]Mary Scery of Ded., a. 18, b. Ire., of Micliael & Julia, 7: 14: 81. SHEHAX. 47 John of Ded., a'. ;v>, b. Ire., of Daniel & Kate, to Joanna Buttemar of Ded., a. 24, b. Ire., of Michael & Honora, 12: 27 : 74. SIIEPPAPiD. 9 Streetnm of Ded., a'. 21, b. X'ewl)ern N. C, of Streetum & Gumfort, to Sarah L. Harvey of Ded.. a'. 22, 1). Elizabeth Gity X. C., of Daniel it Ann O., 3: :30: 09. SHERIFF. ;35 John of Ded., a. 4:), b. Cambridge, of John L. & Ellen t Fellows^, to Emma L. Owen of Abbeville S. C., 'm. 37, b. Abbeville S. G., of Thos. E. it Annio (Taggett), 11: 8: 82. SHERMAX. 3 Glinton of Ded., a'. 43, b. R. L, of J. l^ory it Al)by, to Dolly Holmes of Ded., a. 42, b. Me., 2: 12: 59. 40 Edw. F. of Lowell, le. 31, b. Acton, of Edw. it Lucy, to Rebecca L. Alden of Ded., ic. 31, b. \M-a\., of Leonard it Adelines., 12: 12: 55. 11 \\\\\. W. of Taunton, a 24, b. Taunton, of Shadrach it Betheny, to Hannah J!. Wood of Ded., a. 22, b. Dixheld Me., of 01)adiah it Julia, 2: 14: 00. 114 DEDHAM RECORDS. SHEKWIX. 5 Thos. of Ded., \\\ 30, b. Boston, of Thos. «fc Mary K., to Iwibel F. Edwards of Kcene X. II.. a\ 24, b. Keene N. H., of Thos. M. & Mary H. F., 1:18:70. SHIXE. 33 Thos. P. of 3:)ed., a-. 23, 1). Ded., of James & Mannah, to Delia Dowiing of Ded., a. 23, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, 8: 29: 80. SHirsox. 12 Francis H. of AValpole, te. 22, b. Springfield Pa., of Wm. & , to Eliza J. (rerrish of Walpole, re. 20, b. Rox., of James & , 5: 2.5: 5.5. SHUMWAY. 48 Alvin F. of Ded., re. 25, b. Ded., of Erastus & Harriet (Gun), to Emma J. Newton of AV. Rox., re. 21, b. W. Eox., of Alvin M. & Eliza (Kilderry), 12: 7: 71. SIBLEY. 33 Edward F. of Boston, re. 30, b. Boston, of Lowell & Charlotte B., to Ella P. Prince of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Jas. IT. & Lucy M., 10: 22: 79. SIEBEELICH. 36 Joseph of Ded., re. 26, b. Germ., of Geo. & Julia, to Matilda Band of Ded., re. 22, b. Germ., of John & , 10: 17: 04. SIGNOB. 21 Galen of Ded., re. 25, b. DoAvnsville N. Y., of Albert & Martha, to Ellen Elliott of Ded.. re. 18, b. Ded., of Andrew & Jane, G : £9 : 87. SIMMOXS. 5 George W. of Ded., re. 18, b. Prov. R. L, of John & Mary, to Mary H. Hill of Ded., re'. 1.5, li. Bennington Vt., of Calvin & Martha, 0: 15: 52. 31 Joseph Jr. of Ded., re. 28, b. Fairhaven, of Jos. & Ann, to Lillie A. Sisco of Ded., vi. 22, b. Craftsbury Vt., of Benj. F. «& Hannah, 7: 20: CO. SIMMS. 5 Jas. P. of Canton, re. 22. b. Troy X. Y., of Chas. J. & Sarah (Preston), to Mary M. Dooley of Canton, re\ 21, b. Greenfield, of Fred'k & Mary, 2 : 20 : 82. SIMOXTOX. G Seward of Camden Me., re. 20, of John & Eliza, to ]Mary J. ^Nladdocks of Ded., re. IS, of James & Nancy, 8: 27: 48. SIMPSOX. 43 Robert P. of Ded., re. 22, 1). Portland .Me., of John & Julia A. (Gillan\ to Susan M. A. INIurray of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of Daniel & Margaret, (Conlan), 12: 30: 80. 20 Thomas H. of Ded., re. 24, b. X. S., of Wm. & Agnes, to Maggie E. McKan- sie of Ded., re\ 2:3, b. N. S., of Kenneth & Jessie, 8: 27: 74. 31 Wm. F. of Boston, re. 2G, b. Boston, of Chas. & Angeline C, to Elizabeth (Thompson) Swain of Boston, re. 31, b. Framingham, of Munroe & Ann E., 10: C: 81. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. \\r^ 8KILJJX. 52 Ivory of Ded., a\ 30, of Enoch & Alinira, to X;inillings of Ded., fe. 21, b. Canton, of Alfred C. & Emma. 12: 3: 00. 19 Chas. H. of Dover, a\ 2(5, 1). Dover, of Abner L. & ISIary W., to Mary II. IInmi)hrey of Dover, a\ 24. b. X'ewton, of John & Mary S., 11 : 14 : 7(i. 22 Chas. L. of Ded., fe. 22. b. Ded., of Lyman & Melinda, to Hannah E. Keyes of X'ewton, a. 18, b. Dover of Ezra «fe Eliz'li, 7:12: .55. 34 Christopher M. of Ded., a*. 34, b. Ire., of Robert & Dorothy, to Anna M. Downey of Ded., le. 2.5, b. Ire., of John & Mary, 11:5: 50, 39 Edward A. G. of Woonsocket R. I., a. 23, b. "Woonsocket R. I., of (ieo. W. & Esther A., to Grace E. Gibbs of Ded., a'. 22, b. Ashlnirnhani, of Henry A. & Eliza A., 0: 11: 84. 42 Edwin A. of Boston, a. 27, b. (Jardiner Me., of Jesse & , to Hannah M. .Morse of Ded., a. 20, b. Canton, of Joseph & Ruth, 11 : 29: 49. 27 Elmer E. of Ded., a'. 22, b. Charlotte Me., of Wm. L. it Li/./.ie fCushing), to Fannie A. Greely of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ded., of Jas. ct Abbie (Smitli), 7: 8: 80. 21 Eugene W. of Ded., a. 27, b. Cornish N. II., of Thilander W. cS: Elmira S.. to Sophia D. Guild of Ded., a. 2:5, b. Ded., of Geo. A. cS: Aliby (Cobb), 6: 13: 89. 53 Frank of Dover, a'. :]4, b. Dover, of All)ert L. A: Sarah E., to Jennie G. Allen of Ded., as. 22, b. Ded., of Samuel F. & Hannah E., 10: 17: 88. Fred'k D. of Norton, a. 21, b. Norton, of Stillman F.. 15. & Ann L., to Mallei \V. Babbitt of Norton, a*. 20, b. Rox., of Samuel J. it Jane, 2: 28: 79. 25 George of Bo.ston, a\ 32, of Samuel & Waitstill, to Charlotte C. Rogers of Ded., a. ;J0, of Jacob & Julia, 12: 29: 48. 116 D ED HAM RECORDS. 21 Geo. of W. Rox., a\ 40, b. Meclfield, of Samuel k, Waitstill, to Annie E. Eichivrds of l)ed., fe. 30, b. Ded., of Mason & Eliza, G: 11 : 50. 56 George of Ded., te. 20, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, to Marjf Collins of Ded., fc. 22, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, 7:10: OS. 22 Geo. IT. of Eng., ec. 4:3, b. Eng., of Matthew & Mary II., to Ilattie S. Fisher of Ded., fe. .32, b. Ded., of Joseph & Mary E., 5 : 7 : 90. 10 Harvey H. of Ded., ai. ;30, b. Ded., of Thos. & Susan, to Nellie F. C )le of Ded., se. 22, b. Mansfield, of Lemuel & Mary A., 4: 18: 07. 50 Henry of Ded., re. 2.j. b. Ded., of Asahel & Rebecca, to Charlotte Whiting of Ded., re. 19, of Josepli & Eliz'h, 10: 29: 4-5. 58 Henry A. of Xeed , re. 24, b. Xeed., of Jabez & Jane, to Eliz'h Clapp of Dad., re. 20, b. Ded., of Supply & Priscilla, 2: 19: 46. 41 I. E. of Ded., ic. 21, b. Walp., of Whiting & Sally, to Christiana C. Wilder of Dorch., ie. 21, b. Weymouth, of Enocli C. & S. E., 10: :50: 04. :33 Jas. B. of Ded., re. 22, b. Eng., of John & Ann, to Elthea S. Phinney of Dad., re. 20, b. Eastport Me., of Nathan'l M. & Mary E., 9: 25: 5S. 5 John of Ded.. re. 21, b. Eng., of Thos. & Mary, to Mary Dunbar of Boston, re. 18, b. Boston, of Jas. & Mary. 2: 21: 50. 11 John X. of Walpole, re. 29, b. Walpole, of John & Susan, to Lncretia J. Guild of Ded., re. 28, b. Ded., of Joel & Lncretia, 4: 24: 54, 17 John N. of Taunton, re. 22, b. Eng , of John & Ann, to Sarah A. Lowe of Ded., re. 21, b, Eng., of Thos, & Ann, 5:2: 67. 24 John W. of Ded., re. 25, b. Eng., of John W. & Jane, to Sarah R. Il.imiltou of Ded,, re. 2:5, b. Canton, of Wm. M, & Jane, 7: 8: 79. 41 John W. of Ded., re. .32, b. Eng., of John W. & Jane, to Rose Firth of Ded., re. 2:5, 1). Eng., of Abraham & Charlotte, 9: 20: 80, 17 Jonathan Vl. of Ded., re. 47, b. Ded., of Asahel & Rebecca, to Eliza A. Swift of Faris Me., re. 30, b. Paris Me., of Otis & Adeline, 0: 20: 70. 25 Joseph of Wali)ole, re. 25. b. Walpole, of Leonard & Mere}', to Mary R. Draper of Ded., re. 23, b. Ded., of Joseph & Amy, 11 : 0: 51. 11 Joseph li. of Ded., re. 30, b. Ded., of Henry & Charlotte, to Frances M. Parry of Ded., re. 20, b, Eng., of David & Anne T., 6: 5: 78, 14 Jos, R, of Ded,, re. 24, b. Litchfield, Me., of Warren & Mary (Xickerson), to Pliel)e A. Cobbett of Ded., re\ 19, b. Ded , of Willard & Joanna (Smith), 7: 28 : 02. 26 Lewis Jr. of Ded., re. 2.5. b. Dover, of Lewis & Mary, to Hattie F. Pratt of Ded., :e. 24, b. Ded., of Simon & Charlotte. 8: 2: 00, 20 Lewis E, of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Wliiting & Sally, to Clarrie J, Hamilton of Ded., re. 20, b. Ded., of Josiah J. & Lncretia A., 7: 2: 71. 47 Micliael of Stougiiton, re. 22, b. Ire., of John and Margaret, to Ellen Dyer of Ded., re. 20, b.Ire,, of Daniel & Sarah, 9: 22: 66. 41 Michael of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of Thos. & Ann, to Lienor Flinn of Ded., re- 22, b. Ire,, of Jolm and Anne, 4: 19: 72. 14 Michael A. of Ded,, re, ;36, b. Ire,, of Tlios, & Ann (Sherman), to Bridget Burke of Cambridge, re. 29, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary (Dugan), 5: 18: 81. ;JS Nath'l Jr. of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Nath'l & Betsy, to Mary A. Phillips of ])ed., re. 20, b. Ded,, of Nathan & Mary, 8: 18: 49, ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. \Yl 20 Peter of Boston, ;e. 24, b. Plyinoutli, of Peter i\: Mary A., to Catlierine Schleinger of Dec!., :c. 22, b. Germ., of Jolm »!<: ,Mary A., ."»: 1'.): S;;. "" 32 Solomon J. of Dec!., :e. 10, 1). N.H.. of Jas. «fc Ivaehel (Boyd), to So])Iironia Martin of Fall River, il\ 21, b. Pawtucket, IM., of Sampson & Kebecca (Collier), 12: 25: (S?>. 65 Theodore of Ded., ;v. 28, b. France, of Lonis & Sophia, to Dclithine Stuhrae of Ded., a.'. 28, b. France, of Jos. & Enplirosiiia, 12: 24: 81. ;34 Thos. L. of Bed., se. 21 b. Bed., of Thos. & Hannah, to Lydia S. Xewell of Medtield, te. 20, b. Medfield, of Jolm F. & ]Maria A., 8:2: 'u. 38 Thos. M. of Need., te. 10, b. Portsmouth, X.II., of Wm. J3. and Margaret A., to Eldora Draper of Bed., jtc. 10, b. Bed., of ^Nloses ^ Irene, 11 : 1.1: 7;]. 44 Ward T. of Boston, a-. 22, b. Worcester, of Theodore & Melinda, to X. Louisa Craigge of X. Y., a\ 18, b. X". Y., of Henry & Mary, 11 : :30: 71. i;] William II. of Litclifield, Me., a-. 22, b. Litchfield Me., of Warren k, Mary (Xickerson), to Sophronia E. (Kim])all), Kimball of Bed., ;c. 23, b. Gard- iner, Me., of Reuben & Ann (Getchum), 7:2: 02. 3 Wm. M. of Bed., a\ 20, b. Burrillville, R. I., of Dennis H. cK: Marina, to Frances McGovern of Ded., a>. 20, 1). Woonsocket, R. I., of Clias. & Catli- arine, 1 : 8 : 07. SNELL. 20 Thos. II. of Ded., a-. 23, 1). R. I., of Rascomb k. Ardclia, to Henrietta Daven- port of Bed., a'. 10, b. X. Y., of Henry & Mary, ."): 22: 07. sxow. 50 Chas. E. of Bed., a\ 25, b. Chatham, of Geo. T. «& Isabella B., to Iloi)e ^\. Cobb of Boston, a*. 20, b. Chelsea, of Frank L. & Augusta, 12: 0: v^O. 4 Fred'k of Bedham, a\ 37, b. Eng., of Edw. & Eliz'h (Barcliff), to Ann T. (Morris) Parry of Bed., tc. 39, b. Wales, of Wm. & Ann, 2: 22: 74. 10 James of Ded., te. 25, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ann, to Ann Leonard of J)ed., a'. 21, 1). Ire., 4: 23: 00. SOULE. IS Fred'k S. of Ded., a'. 20, 1). Ded., of Francis & :Maria, to Hattie X'. Draper of Bed., !e. 17, 1). Bed., of Francis W. & , (i : 2: 72. 40 Greenwood A. of Boston, te. 24, b. Waldl)oi-o jSfe., of Clias. S. I'v: ]':ii/;ii, to Juliette Follansl)ee of Boston, \\\ ]'.'. b. Pittston Me., of Alon/.o c\: Xaucy S., 0: 27: 05. 17 Henry C. of Bed., te. 23, b. Bed., of Francis A: Maria A., to Josepliinc M. Fuller of Bed., to. 19, b. Bed., of Greenwood & Emily, 4: 14: co. SOUTHGATE. 18 Robert W. of Rockland, ;e. 27, 1). Millbury, of Geo. A. & Mary B. (Willson), to Laura I. Fisher of Ded., a'. 20, 1). Bed., of (ieo. & Mary E. (Colburn), 5 : 22 : 88. SOWERS. 20 Wm. K. of Bed., je. 25, ]>. Phila. Pa., of Jolm & Eliz'h, to Hannah J. Cole- man of Cambridge, le. 20, b. Cambridge, of Michael A: Hannah, 4: 20: 84. 118 DEDHAM RECORDS. SPAULDIXG. 28 ReuV>eii of Ded.. «. 50, b. Sharon Yt., of Reuben & .Ji?rnsha, to Mary C. ''Sanderson; Powers of Cambridge, te. 40, b. PLillipston, of Peter «fe , 11: 10: 57. SPEAE. 17 Geo. P. of Norwood, ae. 25, b. Walp., of Israel & Abby B., to Xellie H. Willis of Braintree, ae. 26, b. Braintree, of Jas. M. & Harriet, 5 : 14 : 72. SPILL AXE. 9 Michael of Ded., a. 27, b. Ire . of .James & Mary, to Bridget Ahern of DexL, {£. :yj, b. Ire., of Patrick is. Hannah, 4: 1: BS. SPKAGUE. .36 Chas. S. of Boston, *. 27, b. Boston, of .Samuel M. & Lucy, to Alide V. F. Talfourd of Boston, te. 14, b. Eng., of Eugene & Florette, 4: .30: 51. 19 Samuel of Ded., ae. .50, b. Worcester, of Miles & Margaret, to .Julia V7. ( Talbot 1 Piines of Portland ile., te. 4^J, of David & Hannah, 5: 29: .56. STACK. 71 .John of Hyde Park, ae. 20, b. Ire., of Michael & Hannah, to K : 2;',: 07. STEVEXSOX. Jolin of Ded., ;e. :30. b. Eiig., of Matthew i\: Priscilla, to Mary .Mason of ])ed., le. 2S, b. Ire., of Roliert A: , :!: ;]1 : .jl. STIMSOX^ 40 Edward of Ded., ie. 4.'^ b. Ded.. of Jeremy A: Ilopestill (Godfrey . to Char- lotte G. Leland of Philadelpliia, re. :J2, Ix Piiila., of Clia.s. A: Charh>tte (Godfrey), 12:21:08. 0.3 Frederic J. of Ded., .%'. 2."), b. Ded., of Edw. & Sarah T. (Piichardsoni, to Elizabeth B. Abbott of Bo.ston, ;e. 22, b. Boston, of Henry W. <.t Eli/.JiG. fBradlee), 0: 2:81. 22 Jeremy of Ded., ;e. ~Z, b. Ilopkiiiton, of Jeremy I'v: Xancy. to ]Mary Parker of Ded., :e. Oi, b. Xcu'ton, of D.miel tS: .Vliigail II., lo: 'i: .">T. STOCKBRIDGE. :>3 Augustu.s P. of De-d., ;e. 2:1. of Xehemiali B. A: liuth, to ^Marl.i IJaker of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of Obed & Betsy, 4: 22 : 4'.t. .STOCKDALE. ;ll Wm. K. of Dad., te. 2S, 1). Pembroke X. II., of Jas. C .v Maria C. to Harriet P:. (ruild of Ded., te. 41, 1). Ded., of Francis & Caroline E., 7: 12: s:;. STOI)I).\PiD. 1 Chas. L. of .\- M md, ie. :\Z, b. X. Scituate, of Linr-oln iS: Mercy (V^in 1' , to ('arrif C. Flu 'ter of Ashland, ;e. 2:], b. Spencer, of John »S: Louisa, 1 : i'l : 75. 7 Elijah ol' {',i,it 1.1, ;c. :;■"), 1). Hingliam, of Henry A: Sarah W., to M.trv A. Hum of I. antun, ;e. 2:}, b. Canton, of Wm. A: M. X. Piandall , 'i : 14 ; (i:;. STOLE, STOLLE. 26 Chas. of Ded., ie. 22, b. (ierm., of Josepli A: Ann, to M;iry A. W;irnock of Ded., te. 24, b. Ire., of llichard A: Ann, 7: 12: -00. 24 Oskar K. of Ded., {<:■. 2:], b. Germ., of John A: Christine, to Bertli \ Sr-hon of Ded., te. 21, b. Germ., of Wm. iV Julian, s::>2: 7:3. STOXE. 04 Harry W. of Forth Worth Tex., se. 22, li. Mt. Ple;isant Li., of David i- Mary A. E., to Martha E. Johnson of Ded., :e. r.», b. Liiwrt-iice Kan., of Geo. Y. A: Matilda H., 11: i:3: 90. Henry A. of Boston, ic. 2:], b. Ded.. of Geo. W. A: . to S;irali E. Pierce of Boston, It'. 24, b. Boston, of John A: , 2: ls:.-.ci. ■£'^ Paul of Ded., le. 20, of James A: , to Mary J. (lark of Ded., ic. 22, 12: 19: 47. STORKS. 36 Fred'kR. of J;ed., ;e. .'iO, b. Wel)ster, of Royal <). .'v: L(h;i L., to Amdi;i C. Videto of Boston, le. ■!:>, b. X. S., of Horatio X. A: M;iry A.. lU: 20: .^l. 120 DEDHAM RECORDS. STOW. 2.J Wm. of Ded., a. 44, b. Xatick, of Samuel &IIepzibah, to Catharine J. Monk of Ded., a?. 36. b. Stoughton, of Geo. & Jerusha, 2: 10: 48. STKATTON. 27 William S. of Ded., te. 2.j, 1). ]3rooldyn X. Y., of Samuel & Deborah, toMarj' Welch of Ded., iv. 22, b. Ire., of & Mary, 9: 14: 70. STRAUSS. 27 Chas. W. of Boston, ai. 24, b. Germ., of Chas. L. & Caroline, to Hannah F. Bauer of Ded., a>. 21, b. Boston, of John & Catharine, 7: 2.j: 01. STRETTt)N. 1 Thos. of Boston, ». 2.J, b. Eng., of Thos. & Eliza, to Georgeiiia Issen of Bo.s- ton, a\ 26, b. X. S., of Benj. & Georgenia, 1:3: 72. STRING. 62 John of Boston, a. 57, b. Germ., of Geo. & Hannah, to Louisa T. A. Reuner of Ded., 03. 48, b. Germ., of John C. and Mary T., 11 : 1: 00. STROUT. 20 Frank F. of Xorwood, jc. 21, b. Charlestown, of Chas. W. & Sarah A., to Ilattie I. Morrow of Walp., a*. 22, b. Xorthboro, of Wm. II. & Susan, : 3 : 79. STUART. 10 Chas. of Ded., fe. 29, b. Chili, of Antoine & Mary M., to Betsy E. Riverfield of Boston, fe. 22, b. Boston, of Jos. & Rebekah, 3: 15: 64. STUDER. 20 Joseph of Ded., re. 31, b. Germ., of Jos. & Euplu-isena, to Sophia A. (Butler), Wilson of Ded.. re. 22, b. Xorwich Ct., of John G. & Caroline, 7: 1 : SO. SULKOSKI, SULKOSKEY. 35 James of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Walp., of John & Julia, to Eliza Gillman of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Richard & Catharine, 9 : 27 : 69. 32 Joseph of Ded., re. 21, b. Rox., of John & Julia, to Johanna Shehan of Ded., re. 22, b. Ire., of Daniel & Catharine, 12: 1 : 60. SULLIYAX. 3 Cornelius of Ded., re\ 20, b. Ire., of John & Mary, to Hannah Ilely of Ded., iv. 20, d. Ire., of David & Mary, 1 : 15 : 53. 55 Jeremiah of Ded., re. 27, b. Ire., of Daniel & Johanna, to Margaret Prumry of Ded,, re. 24, b. Ire., of Richard tS: Honora, 6: 25: 70. 19 John of Ded., re. 25, b. Dunnstown Pa., of Dennis & Mary, to Hannah McMannus of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of liarnard & Rose, 9: 11 : 59. 19 Wm. F. of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded., of David & Ellen, to Cecelia E. Collard of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Xelson & Ellen, 5:3: 90. SUMXER. 36 Franklin of Milton, re\ 44, b. Milton, of Rufus P. & Susan (Kingsl)urT\ to Mary A. Kingsbury of Milton, re. 37, b. Charlestown, of Xath'l & Mary 'Shaw), 11: 3: 70. 19 MirickP. of Ded., re. 50, b. Ded., of Seth & Alice, to Sarah R. Willis of Ded., re\ 25, b. Stoughton, of J^yraan & Mary D., 7: 25: 60. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 121 SAYASEY. Gl IJeiij. ]J. of roi-tsmouth X. IL, ir. 27, of IJonj. & Caroliiio, to H«r«li IF. Mann of i:)ed., :e. 20, b. Ued., of Herman A: Kutliy, 4: 14: 4(i. SWEENEY. 5(3 Jereniiali of Decl., :e. :)4, 1). Ire., of Edw. & Julia, to ("atlicriiic \. Ilaitnett of Dt'il., a'. 2G, I). 1)8(1., of John & Jane, 1 1 : 2(1 : SI. SWETT. 29 Elmer E. of Hyde Park, ;c. 2S, li. riynioiith, of Sylvester W. ^ .Mary E. 15. , to Julia A. Smith of Ilyde J'ark, ;e. 2.">, b. (L ]}., of Joliu iS: Christie, 8 : 27 : 80. 22 Lewis C. Jr. of Hyde l^irk, a-. 2:>, b. Cambridgei)ort, of Lewis ('. A: Joan W. to Mary E. White of Ded., a'. 2:3, 1). Ded., of Robert & Sarah, 0: :!: 7s;. 9 Samuel of Ded., ;e. 72, to Polly i ) Whiting of Ded., ie. GS, 0: '.): 47. 28 Samuel H. of Ded., w. 22. h. Ded., of John S. iS: Xancey X,, to Annie I. Smith of Ded., a'. 17, b. Ded., of Thomas A: Susan S., 10: ;): (iS. 41 Samuel IL of Ded., a\ :10, 1). Danvers, of John S. A: Nancy X., to Surah K. Smith of Norwood, ;e. 2;!, 1). C. Breton, of Isaac A: Ellen, 7 : 22 : 8r,. SWIFT. G Henry D. of Ded., a'. 2S, h. Falmouth, of Daniel A: H('i)/il)ah ino\(>yi, to Emma C. Colburn of Ded., ;e. IS h. J5oston, of Daniel W. A: Mary. 4 : 14 : Gl. SWORDS. 25 Jas. of Charlestown, a'. 2G, b. Boston, of John A: Mary (Watson), to Ennna Fiske of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Fairlee Vt., of Jona. A: Alniira (XoiTis\ 0: G: Gl. SYLVESTER. 13 Azel U. of Canton, a'. 30, 1). Canton, of Benj. A: Lydia, to Sarah H. L. (Loring), Horn of Canton, ;e. :;7, 1). ^le., of Jacol) A: Olive, 5: IG: 50. SYRIE. 57 Morris of Ded., a'. 2.5, b. Ire., of Poddy A: Xanine, to Kate :\rcMaunus of Ded., le. 2.5, b. Ire., of Barney & liosa, 10: G: 70. TAFT. 7 Benj. D. of Ded., a'. 24, b. Mendon, of Hanson A: Catharine, to Eliz'h Howes of Ded., a\ 20, b. Chatham, of Reuben A: Betsy, 2:5: 51. 49 Cornelius A. of Ded., a?. 37, b, Ded., of Ezra W. A; Lendamine D., to Maria L. Boyd of Ded., ic. 28, b. Ded., of Moses A: Olive, 12: 27: 71. 13 Ezra F. of Ded., te. 31, 1). Ded., of Ezra AV. & Lendamine 1)., to Emma II. Browne of Ded., a\ 2G, b. Sudbury, of Theodore L. A: Eliza F., G: 15: 77. 47 Fred'k A. of Boston, a\ 2:i, b. Ded., of Fred'k A. & Eliza H., to Cornelia S. Guild of Ded., a\ 22, b. Ded., of Francis A: Caroline, 12: U : 5(i. 15 Josephus G. of Ded., a'. 29, b. Ded., of Ezra \V. A: Lendamine. to Anna E. Shaw of Poestonkill N. Y., a>. 25, )). Sand J.ake N. Y., of Franklin K. & A: Catliarine P., 5 : 17 : GO. TALBOTT. IG Chas. E. of Cuml)erland R. I., a". 24, 1). Digliton, of Benj. A. iS: Al>igail, to Ellen M. Redlield of Ded., a-. 20, b. Northl)ridge, of Warren F. i^: Eliza, 5:31: G5. 122 DEDIIAM RECORDS. ?, Edw. P. of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded., of Curtis & Eveline (Fisher), to Abby B. Dean of Ded te. 20, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Mary (Farrington), 4: 12: 03. 46 Levi A. of Dover, te. 39, b. Sharon, of Asa & Elizabetli, to J5essie Bell of Ded., JB. 39, b. N. B., of Wm. &, Jane, 11: 24: 81. TALCOTT. 14 Erank IT. of Ilolyoks'., :e. 10, b. llockville Ct., of Frank & Harriet, to Ella E. Eldridge of Ded., w. IS, b. Ded., of Joseph & Almira, 5: 22: 70. TALPEY. 46 Octnvius of Ded.. ;e. 30, b. York Me., of James & Paulina, to Mariah 8. Turner of Ded., ic. 21, b. Ded., of Sabin & Deborali, 11 : 20: 49. TAPLEY. .5 Edgar A. of Ded., ic. 23, b. Ded., of Wm. T. & Martha A., to Ella L. Bum- pus of Ded., fe. 18, b. Paris Me., of Samuel & Julia A., 3: 12: 74. TAPPAX. 11 Amos K. of Boston, ic. 3'J, b. Kensington N. H., of Jolin L. & Melvina, to Ellen E. Speed of Boston, -m. 24, b. Lowell, of Benj. & Jane E., 4: 30: 74. TAR BELL. 1 2 John F. of Boston, a}. 40, 1). Pepperell. of John P. & Catharine E. (Trull), to Annie A. Tower of Ded., te. 2."), b. Boston, of Isaac II. & Abliy T. (Bekher), 1: 11: 81. TAY. 4 Oliver P. of Woburn, ic. 4.;. It. Woburn, of Oliver & Joanna, to Carrie Ban- croft of Woburn, ;e. 26, b. Beading, of Geo. & Mar\% 2: 19: 00. TAYLOR. 19 Chas. H. of Boston, if. 20, b. Framingliani, of Henry & Susan J., to Cora Bivens of Boston, le. 20, b. Boston, of Wra. II. & Lydia, 6 : 9 : 70. 5 Elias T. of Boston, te. 22, b. Ballardvale, of Stillman & Jane, to Alice E. G««ry of Boston, te. 17, b. Ire., of Henry & Matilda, 2: 3: 81. 22 Geo. II. of Ded., ju. :3:3, 1). Xatick, of Henry & Susan, to Josephine Henry of Dwl., jv. 20, b. Boston of Chas. & Mary, 7:3: 89. 10 Waldo II. of Lawrence, io. 24, b. :N[endon, of Stillman & Jane, to Mary E. Hamilton of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Alex'r & Soplironia, .'>: 6: 79. TEE YAK. 12 James of Ded., te. :>3, 1). Ire., of Barney & Susan, to Mary McGuire of Ded., je. 23, b. Ire., of Owen & Mary, 2:9: 79. THAYER. 39 Geo. D. of Hyde Park, ;e. 22, b. Box., of Isaiah W. & Annie E., to Florence Brainard of Beadville, je. 18, b. Boston, of Amos H. & Christiana, 10: 28:67. Vi Gilbert of Ded., vi. 24, of Jacob k, Mary A., to Hauuiih E. Stearns of Ded., ai. 19, of Levi ct Eliza A., 11 : 28: 46. 28 Gilbert of Ded., a3. 31, b. Mansfield, of Jacob & Mary A., to Sarah E. Pratt of Ded., ;t'. 22, b. Ilartland Vt.. of Moses & Lucy, 4: .5: .52. 12 John U. B. of Ded., te. 24. b. Ded., of Elisha & Nancy, to Mary S. Wilder of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of Joseph A. & Mary, 6: 21 : 54. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. ;[28 ()0 Silas F. of Ded, jo. 24, of Ellcry it Abigail, to Kli/.'h Iiock\v.)0(l of I5('lliii<;- liain, ;e. 24, of :N[artin & Abi,L>ail JJ., 5:4: 4(i. '■\o Tyler of Detl., a-. 25, of Otis & Sena, to Nancy L. Shattiu-k of J)ed., ;e. 22, of Ebeii'r & Aclisali, 4:0: 48. THETS.s. 04 Ileiiry of Ded., ic. ;!:!, b. Crenii., of Frod'k & Arargarct, to Lena IleiiiericU of Ded., ;e. 25, b. (Jenn., of Adam A; Kmii.giinda. 10: 2: si. TIIO.MAS. 23 Edmund of Ded., a-. 40, b. Weymouth, of Antlrew it Polly, to Mary E. Woods of Ded., te. 21, b. J)ed., of Chas. & Erameline ^T., 11 : O: .5!i. 14 William C. of Ded., k. -l-l, b. Ire., of Wm. & Mary, to Saraii .1. Hastings of Ded., a'. 22, b. Need., of Jonah it Clarissa. 5: 24: 51. THOMPSON. 15 Augustus 0. of Boston, a'. 5s, b. Goshen Ct., of Augustus & Keziali. to Miriam M. Burgess of Ded., a'. 44, b. Ded., of Eben'r it Abigail, (>: 1 : TO. 29 Chas. of Ded., te. 24, of Samuel & Statira, to Amanda M. Ilale of Ded., a'. 2.5, of Tappan & Betsy, 4: 2: 48. George of Rox., le. 31, of Wm. & Eliza, to Irene .Johnson of Box., a'. 20, b. Box., of Mott & Sally, 3:10: 50. IS Jacob of Ded., a\ 22, b. Germ., of Philip & Catlmrine, to Caroline Phillips of Ded., ie. 18, b. Ded., of Geo. & Mary, 8:0: 02. 21 Lewis of Ded., a". 23. 1). Germ., of Thomas & Shallis, to Margaret \'ogle of Ded., a\ 23, 1). Ire., of Jere'h & Ellen, 10: 5: 57. 25 Michael of ITyde Park, re. 40, b. Ire., of Jas. & ^largaret, to Mary A. (iargan of Ded., a. 27. b. JJraintree, of Patrick & .Julia, (i: 25: 80. THORNDIKE. 29 John H. of Boston, a'. 40, b. Boston, of Jas. I', it Sarah, to Delia I). White of Ded., a'. ;'.l, b. Ded., of John & Delia J. II., 11 : in: 57. THORNTON. 3) Jolni of Ded., a'. 20, b. Ire., of Thos. it Jane, to Frances Coyne of Ded.. a'. 17, b. Boston, of Patrick it ^lary, 1 : 10: 04. TIERNEY. 51 Michael of Ded., je. 28, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, to Bella Mulken of Ded.. je. 18, b. W. Rox., of JMichael it Winifred, 8: 12: 72. TILESTON. 32 Geo. F. of Boston, JC. 27, b. W. Rox., of Cha.s. U. & IMary .1., to Mary E. Sullivan of Boston, a'. 25, b. Franklin, of Cornelius S. it Hannah S., 8: 12:84. TIMBER LAKE. 11 James W. of Boston, a\ 21, b. Norfolk Va., of Elias & Amelia, to Jessie M. Johnson of Boston, a'. 18, b. Boston, of Wm. & Mary, 4: 23: 89. TIMPER. 9 Henry of Ded., a'. 24, b. Germ., of Christian & Miiniie, to Henrietta Wiirs- ter of Ded., a'. 19, b. Germ., of Daniel & Arnstenia, 3: 4 : 72. 1 124 DEDHAM RECORDS. 33 Ludwig of Dec!., re, 29, b. Eavaria, of Christian & Willielniine, to Isabella Daium of Ded,, rc. 21, b. Eng., of John & Isabelle, 10: 8: 71. TIMS. 45 John of Ire., ce. .30, b. Ire., of Josepli & , to Catharine Scally of Ire., re. 29, b. H artford Ct., of Thos. and Eisther, 5 : 23: Gl. [Married in Ireland.] TISDALE. 16 Henry W. of Boston, Be. 31, b. Walp., of Glens A. & Abby F., to Abby F. Cheney of Ued., se. 21, b. Ded., of Simon & Eliza, G: 3: G8. 41 James AV. of Dover, se. 2:3, b. Walpole, of Peter C. & Sallj', to Lemira A. Wood of Ded., se. 23, b. Colerain, of Reuben & Pamelia, 10: 16: 49. 3.5 Percy E. of Walp. re. 31, b. AValp., of Jas. P. & Mary R.,to Sarah E. Cheney of bed., re. 30, b. Ded., of Samuel & Sarah, 10: 23: 78. TOMPKIXS. 12 Alexander A. of Ded., re. 26, b. Savannah Ga., of Alex'r A. & Annie, to Mary F. Freeman of Cambridge, re'. 24, b. Rockland Me., of Edgar & Mary A., .5: 12: 80. TOOMEY. 40 Geo. W. of Ded., re. 31, b. Ded., of Wm. »& Catharine, to Catharine Connor of Ded. re. 28, b. Ded., of John & Margaret, 11 : 24: 79. G John M. of Ded.. re 2."). b. Ped., of Wm. & Catlierine, to Eliza J. Ralph of Ded., n.'. 22, li. Irt\, 4: 27: 77. TORRY. 3 John F. of Franklin, re. 27, b. Sutton, of John & Caroline, to Clara Hall of Franklin, re. 18, b. Medwaj', of Tillotson S. & Lucinda S., 1 : IS: 65. TOWER. 28 Chas. E. of Ded., re\ 26, b. Ded., of Luther & Mary, to Margaret Dougherty of Ded., re. 22, b. IST. S., of John & Mary, 8: 16: 65. 15 Luther of Ded., re. 7-5, b. Brighton, of Jona. & Basmath, to Polly T.(Taylor) Cunningham of Xevi'ton, a*. 61, b. Sanbornton N. II., of Jona. & Abigail, 5: 25:68. 3 Luther W. of Ded., re\ 24, of Luther & Mary, to Fanny E. Cobb of Ded., re\ 22, b. Ded., of Daniel and Marj% 5: 4: 47. TOWNE. 47 Chas. W. of Hyde Park, ;e. 22, b. Dorch., of John & Mary, to Minnie F. Briegej of Ded., re'. 17, b. Ded., of Fred'k e^- Eliz'h, 8: 20: 90. TOWNSEXD. 6 Geo. J. of Natick, re. 40, b. AV. Rox., of David & Eliza, to Lucy M, Richards of Dover, re. 21, b. Dover, of Calvin & Lucy M., 6: 11 : 6:3. TRACY. .58 Andrew of Ded., re\ 2.5, b. Ire., of Patrick and Catharine, to Theresa C. Der- van of W. Rox. re'. 24, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary E., 11: 29: 66. TREFRY. 16 Chas. B. of Ded., re'. 24, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary S., to Laura A. ^^'oods of Ded., re. 17, b. Ded., of Chas. S. & Mary A., 4: 30: 72. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. 125 11 Francis of Ded., ii'. .">l, h. Marbloliead, of Jas. & Susanna, to Mariali E. Down of Manslu!l(l, ic. :W, b. X. Y., of John & Susan, 2: 12: 72. 14 Thos. of D('(l., ;e. 2.'), of James & Susanna, to Eliz'li Bfowu of iJed., ;c. 20, of David .S: Eli/Zli, 12 : : 48. TRKKiS. 23 Patrick J. of Leicester, iC. ;;o, b. Ire., of John & Catharine ; I'linn i, to Annie Keynolds of J)e(l., ;e. 20, b. Ire., of Edward it ^Margaret (I)ah'), 0: 0: 88. TRIPP. 5 Wm. F. of Boston, re. 28, b. Kennebunkporc Me., of .los. I). & Lydia, to Emma J. :\IcClelhin of I)ed., ic. 2", b. W . Rox;., of Tiio s. & Margaret, 1:10:88. TROWBRIDGE. 12 James X. of Xewton, :e. 44, b. Boston, of Xatii'l ^: ^Martiia, to Mary W. (Emerson) Hunt of Chatliani X. If., ;i'. :1 ), 1). Chatliam X. II., of Daniel & Lydia, 8: 17: .")2. TUCKER. 24 Alfred of Canton, a\ 57, b. Canton, of Elijah & Hannah, to S. Jennie Dean of Ded., re. .'55, b. Ded., of Josiah & Susan J., 8: 0: 85. ;3 Enos II. Jr. of Blackstone, :e. 37, b. Xeed., of Enos II. & Sally, to Frances Fales of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of Stephen »& Mary L., 2: 25 : 52. 20 George II. of Ded., re. 25, b. Xeed., of Enos II. & Sally, to Ann F. Whiting of Ded., ;e. 23, b. Ded., of (ieo. & Sarah, 4: 13: 52. 10 Henry of Ala., se. 30, b. Eng., of Henry iK: Mary, to Ilolen E. Cox of X. B., re. 20, 1). X^. B.,6: 24: 08. 32 John of Watertown, :e. 45, b. ]Joston, of John A: Lucy, to ]3etsy Baker of Ded., re'. 38, b. Ded., of Obed & Betsy, 0: 15. oi. 21 Ralidi W. of Ded., re'. 30, b. Xeed., of Enos II. it Sally (Harris), to Emily L. Wilson of Ded., re-. 20, Ij. Ded., of Reuben S. & Lucie (Mann), 10: O: 02. 19 Samuel of Ded., re'. 20, b. Eng., of Tlios. & Mary, to Mary McCJowan of Ded., re'. 24, b. Taunton, of Jas. & Mary, 0: 24: 65. 20 Stephen V., to Frances Patterson, 8: 28: 44. TULLY. 40 Michael J. of Ded., re'. 22, b. Ded., of Martin it Mary, to Ellen Dray of Ded., re. 24, b. Ire., of Wm. & Bridget, 10: 31 : 77. 44 Thos. S. of Ded., re'. 28, b. Ded , of Martin & Mary, to Catharine McCinty of X. Y. City, re-. 2.3, b. X. Y., of James & Mary, 11:5: 85. TUPPER. 43 Chas. H. of Ded., re. 25, b. Woodstock Me., of Thos. C. it Jane, to Mary (Fer- guson) Scott of Ded., re. 24, b. C. B., of X'^orman & Catliarine, 10: 10: 80. 30 James of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Ilolton Me , of Thos. & Jane, to Laura A. Smith of Boston, re-. 21, b. Plymouth, of Peter & Mary, 0: :]0: 82. Wm. F. of Ded., re. 32, b. X. S., of Thos. C. it Usley J. (Co.\), to Carrie L. Day of Ded., re. 10, b. Monmouth Me., of William. H. & Sarah E. (Gilley), 2 : 15 : 87. lOQ DEDHAM RECORDS. TURNER. 10 Chat A. of Ded., se. 23, b. Salem Me., of Horatio G. & Justina, to Abby J. Gould of Ded., aj. 25, b. Gardner, of Eben'r & Jane E., 5: 22: 78. 45 Chas. H. of Ded., jb. 21, b. Dorch., of Chas. W. & Henrietta, to Harriet E. Shackley of Ded., re. 2-3. b. Canton, of Ezra & Hepza, 11: 14: m. 14 Francis of Ded., te. 35, b. Medway, of Obed & Irene, to Amelia Bestwick of Ded., le. 35, b. Eng., of John & Mary, 7:2: .54. TURPIN. 25 Wm. of Xewbury, ». 28, b, N. S., of Michael & Julia, to .Sarah McCoy of Ded., te. 18, 10: 20:46. TUTTLE. 6 Chas. W. of Boston, fe. 42, b. Newfiekl :Me., of Moses & Mary, to Mary L. Park of Ded., te. 31, b. Boston, of John C. & Mary F., 1 : 31 : 72. 42 Julius H. of Ded., te. 24, b. Littleton, of Edmund S. & Eliza A. (Conant), to Jennie C. Carroll of Ded.. fc. 24, b. Ded., of Sanford & Clarissa ( Alden), 11: 17: 81. 10 Levi F. of Ded., ». 2.3, b. Ded., of Levi »& Louisa, to Rosa B. Achorn of Ded., fe. 18, b. Rockland Me., of Henry & Harriet, 3 : 15 : 68. TWITCHELL. 41 (ieo. B. of Ashland, «. 24, b. Holliston, of Chas. & Joanna, to Lucinda H. Mott, of Ashland, at. 2.5, b. Boston, of Joshua & Angeline, 12: 21 : OS. 64 Isaac H., fe. 27, b. Reading, of Isaac & B. P., to Caroline Morse of Ded., a-. 20, b. Ded., of Lewis & X., 12: 11: 45. VAX BRUXT. 18 Charles of Ded., re. 2.5, b. Boston, of Greshom J. ^S: Eliz'h P., to Agnes TV. Clark of Ded., te. 22, b. Boston, of Jos. W. & Eleanor A., 9: 22: .59. VAX HOEVEXBERGH. 20 Gardner C. of Ded., fe. 37, b. Oswego X. Y., of Adam V. V. & Cynthia ^NI. fColej, to Clara A. Hill of Ded., ie. 27, b. Ded., of George W. & Martha A. (Fletcher), 7:2: 81. VARLEY. 7 John of Ded., le. 23, b. Albany X. Y., of John & Christian, to Ida F. Wood- ward of Bo.ston, je. 21, b. Canton, of Samuel & Betsey, 2: 18: 68. VARXEY, VERXEY 20 Gideon G. of Ded., te. 2G, b. Dover X. H., of Xathan & Susan H., to Mahala Eldridge, re. 20, of Abner & Rebecca, 11:7: 47. .56 Osavius of Ded., fc. 52, b. Bath Me., of Osavius & Susan H. (Springer), to Mary A. Lanmrfn of Brookline, re. 29, b, Brookline, of Thos. E. & Mary E. (Bradford), 11:1:88. VARXUM. 19 Silas W. of Ded., ». 25, of David & Mercy, to Mary E. Sadler of Ded., je. 20, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary, 1 : 24 : 49. ABSTRACT OF AfARRIAGES. ]^27 VOGEL. 10 Henry W. of Boston, lo. 21, 1.. Boston, of Albert & Martlia, to Mary J. Casey of Ded., fe. 22, 1). Ded., of Patrick & Kli/.'Ii, 4: 2:5: s."). VOLT.ERT. r)4 William of Boston, w. 27, b. Germ., of John & Anna, to Eva I5ayer of Ded. :'•. ll>, b. Germ., of Casi)ar & Mary, 7: :'.0: *)7. VOSE. 1 (ieorjre II. of J>oston, a-. 27, b. Boston, of Tlios. & Abi<,fai! G., to Eliza F. Dixon of Ded., :l'. 22, b. Ded., of Geo. & Eliza F., 1 : M: 50. 1(5 Jesse of Milton, a-. 27, b. Milton, of Jesse & Matilda, to Frances Ellis of Ded., :e. 21, b. Ded., of Colburn & Lncy, 11 : 17: 47. WADE. 43 Edward of Ded., te. 45, li. Ire., of John & Margaret, to Catherine (Begley) Hnghes of Ded., ;e. 4."), )>. Ire., of Owen & ]5ridget, 5: lo: 77. WAITE. :3o Henry S. of Ded., ;e. 22, b. Fortland ]Me., of Isaac & Margaret, to Mary E. Adams of Ded., te. 19, b. Attleboro, of Cha-S. & .Mary J., 7: 20: 57. WAKEFIELD. 27 John F. of Ded., se. 24. b. Taylorsville Ba.. of John II. .t Minerva .AI., to Lanra A. Seaward of Chelsea, le. 20, li. Charlestown, of Henry II. Jr. A: Anna M., 12: 14: 70. 45 Thomas L. of Ded., le. "S, b. Londonderry Yt., of Thos. B. & Snl)mit R., to Frances A. Lathrop of Ded., ;e. 2r>, b. I>oston, of John P. iK: Maria M., 11: 8: 55. WALDROX. 54 Jas. G. of Scaghtieoke N. V.. a). 27, b. X. Y., of Cornelius A: Maria, to Han- nah J. Guiney of Ded., ;c. V.\ b. Cauibridge, of Timothy ifc Julia, 10: 29: 72. WALES. 27 Jose])h M. of Braintree, ic. 2!>, b. Braintree, of Geo. A: Isabella ("., to Susan M. Towle of Ded., se. 20, b. Cambridgeport, of Horace E. i*v: Susan M. S: 2(i: 79. WALKER. 10 Chas. H. of Boston, te. 21, b. Dorch., of Chas. & Eliza, to Annie Y. Mulliiis of Boston, ie. 18, b, Eng., of Geo. & Annie, 0: 27: 72. 9 Edwin of Ded., a-. 21, b. Litchfield Me., of Joshua & Hannah S., to Harriet Howell of Ded., te. 17, b. Eng., of John : 23: 74. WALKIXS. 22 John F. of Ded., ie. GO, b. Germ., of Fred'k A: Charlotte, to Elizh Back of Rox., ie. 40, 1). Germ., G: 14: GO. 128 DEDJ/AM AECO/^DS. WALLACE. 4 Chas. S. of Waterbury Vt., re. 14, h. Waterbui-y Vt., of Sidney & Lavinia, S., to Belle F. Godfrey of Ded., x. 2G, b. Thetford Vt., of William W. & & Emily C, 3:9: 70. 57 Thofl. of Ded., re. 21, b. Salem, of John & Mary, to Hannah McDonough of Ded., ffi. 19, b. Ire., of Michael & Margaret, 11 : 17 : 07. WALLEY. 3:3 Howell H. of Ded., a\ -21, b. Rox., of Fred'k & Eliz'h, to Mary A. Kinsley of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Thos. & Eliz'h, 1: 22: 74. 7 Jas. of Ded., re\ .33, b. Canada, of James & Grace, to Julia Carroll of Ded., re. 21, b. Lowell, 2: 15: 50. 64 James of Ded., re. 4.5, b. Ire., of James & Grace, to Anna Kelley of Phila- delphia, re. 39, b. Ire., 11 : 11 : 71. 52 Joseph H. of Ded., re. 39, b. Rox., of Fred'k J. & Eliz'h J., to Alice B. Kins- ley of Ded., re. 22, b. Randolph, of Jas. & Thresa, 8: 9: 84. 22 Wm. F. of Ded., re. 27, b. Ded., of James & Ellen, to Anna McGuinness of Ded., re. 24, b. Dracut, of Peter & Ann, 0: 2S: 82. WALSH (See Welch). WALTON. 15 Robert S. of Ded., re. 2), b. Jackson Miss., of Geo. & Frances, to Louisa C . Robbins of Ded., re. 22, b. Bristol R. I., of John & ,5:6: 72. WARD. 26 Leroy of Boston, re. 25, b. Sebago Me., of William Jr. & Mary A., to Ella M. Ward of Sebago Me., re. 21, b. Sebago Me., of Albion K. P. & Sophronia, 9:25:77. WARDLE. 26 Harry L. of Ded., re. 23, b. Boston, of Robert L & Mary C, to Rilla F. Heatli of Ded., re. 2:3, b. Lowell, of Wm. & Julia C, 0: 20: 84. 7 John Jr. of Ded., re. 25, b. Eng., of John & Emma, to Isabel Ferguson of Ded., jc. 24, b. Scot., of John it Susanna, 4:11: 78. 11 Walter L. of Ded., re. 24, b. Ded., of Robert & Mary, to May 13. McGregor of Boston, ;e. 21, 1). N. S., of Israel & Sophronia. 3: 31: 84. WARE. ;3S Geo. II. of Ded., x. 22, b. Walp., of Geo. H. & Mary J., to Katie F. Kings- ])ury of Ded., re. 17, b. Ded., of Warren cS: Sarah, 10: 25: 83. 3 Lyman I), of Walpole, re. 22, b. Walp., of Lyman S. & Sarah, to Orra E. Guild of Walpole, ic. 22, b. Walp., of Samuel & Orra, 4: 0: 57. 40 Oren C. of Wren., re. 58, b. Wren., of Amariah & Betsey, to Olive M.( White) Sinnatt of Wren., re. ;;2, b. AVrcn., of Asa & :Maria F., 9: 21 : 09. WATERS. 1 Joseph W. of Ded., a\ 0:;, b. Hingham, of John & Susan, to Mary A. (Willis) Ellis of Ded., re. 43, b. Taunton, of Lyman & Mary D., 1:11: 70. WATSON. 37 Edward A. of Ded., re-. 27, b. Rox., of Alexander II. & Mary J., to Louisa A. Peakes of JJoston, re. IS, b. Boston, of John L. A. & Mary £., 10: 10: 83. ABSTRACT OF MARK! AGES. \-H^ watti.es. 34 Joseph AV. Jr. of Canton, \\\ 2:5, 1). Canton, of Josopli W. i^ I'nnnu; D. ^^Mar- den), to Sarali F. Whitiiii,^ of Ded.. w. 2-3, 1). J)ed., of (Jeo. K. A: Isaltella II. (Iloadley), 10: 7: s'). WEATHER]} EE. 31 Clias. of J)ed., a-. 21, h. I)ed., of Jabiv. & Sar ill !•'., to Sadie A. L>i-.l of ( \iii- ton, a\ 21, I). Walp., of Wni. & Sarali M., !) : IT: 71. 1 Comfort of Ded., ;e. 42, 1). Ded., of Comfort k, Irene, to Kmily J. t.-ithaYu of Ded., a'. 21, b. Lancaster N. II., of Joseph & Susan, 1 : 2r>: o.j. 14 Edward of Ded., ic. ;)5, b. Ded., of Jesse & L)uisa P., to Emiui V . Daau of Ded., ;e. 24, b. DtyJ., of Josiah & Susan, 0: 28: 77. 20 Francis W. of Ded., te. :]:}, 1). Ded., of Moses & Xellie C, to Lniis i Johnson of Ded., !e. 24, b. Boston, of James J. & Mary, 8: 2:3: 71. :32 Franklin I), of Ded., a>. 22, b. Ded., of Joel & Betsv, t > ^\.\x\\ S. i:ilis of Ded., tc. 18, b. Ded., of Ilufus & Hannah, 12: '?A : 58. 1 Jabez of Dttd., so. 20, b. Ded., of JobI & EllzMi, to Sar.i'i M Tattle or I)?.!., ;\3. 21, of Asa & Eli/Zh, 5: 2: 47. 20 .Toel Jr. of Ded., a", -i^, i». Ded., of Joel & Eliz'li (^n- I'l iiu'. t • .Mary C. Ilhoadesof Ded , a'. 10. 1). Milton, of Thos. C. & II u\-iet E. ^Thompson), 12: (;: (;:;. 27 John E. of D/ l, ;i\ 41, 1) D.^d., of JiUez A; Silly, to Ilir.-iet A. K itoii of Ded., a". 21, b. Dvl.. of .Jolm A: II irriet, 12: 20: :)0. WEATHERS. 14 Isaac W. of D- 1., .e 24, b. X. S., of .Vmlrew & Ph;''.) >, t') Mxrtlia .M. Dray- ton of Ded., a". 10, b. Ded., of John A Eliz'li L., C: 0: .-)8. WEAVER. IG Fred'k H. of Xorwoo I, ;f. 2."). b. \\'alp, of Alonzo II. & S isaii (I , to Lilli.m A. Pond of Xor\voo(l. a'. H, 1). D;'d., of Edwin .\I. iV Ein;diae, G: 2:81. AVE 13 R. 18 Cha.s. E. of Xorwood. ;e. 2."), b. D^d., of Moses E. & R.!b?;'ca (J., to Nellie C. Carroll of Ded., le. 22, b. Ded., of Sanfor I & Clariss i .\., 7: O: 7"'. 8 Thos. P. J. of Bath Me., w. ;3S, of Wm. & Ila-ni ili, to Vc r.i';vs E \U > iMo-t of Ded., ic. 28, of Samuel & Laura, 0: 19: 48. WERER. 2 Anton of Ded., :e. 2;'>, b. Germ., of Geo. & Veronica, to Jolianua 1 lunge of Ded., a'. 10, 1). Germ., of Ctias. & Wilhelmiua, 2: 1:1: .'')8. ■M Fred of D(mI., je. 23, b. Ravaria, of Fred & Katrine tWilki'r), to Ernastina Liiidi,*'- of Roston, se. 22. b. Saxe, of Wm. iS: Wilhelmina \ Redel), II : 2S: 82. 21 Frederick of Ded., :e. :31, b. (Jerm., of Henry l\: Sophia, to Sopliia \'o,i,'la!i of Ded , ;e. 20, b. Prussia, of Wm. & Sophia, 11 : 27: •')2. 17 Rudolph of Roston, jr. 2"). b. Switz., of Henry & Rarbara, to R n'tha S. Weber of Ded., a-. 24, b. Ded., of Anton & .lolianna, 0:4: 8.5. AVERSTER. 70 Amos E. of Ded., a-. :\\ b. Salem X. II., of Amos E. it Lucy J., to Ilonora T. I.'onlan of ^ omerville, te. 2.5, \\. Ire., of Patrick it Catharine, 12:2:3: (!0. \ 1,30 - DEDHAM RECORDS. 23 Wir.. (t. of Detl.. io. :!1, b. iN". S., of George & Catliurine, to Mary Cslioni of - Ded., :c. 21, b. .Scot., of Matthew & Mary. S: 4: 70. T\'EEKS. 4 Frerl'k C. of Ded., :i". 2.-), b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha O., to Ada L. Stockwell of Haverhill, re. 21, b. Worcester, of Geo. IT. & lluth, 2: .'): 81). :>1 Henry \\ . of Ded., a". 24, b. Ded., of Luther C & Martha, to Fanny E. Fish of J)ed., ie. 22, b. Ded., of Jas. F. »S: Frances M., 10:21: OS. WEITZEL. 7 Joseph of Ded., a-. 2."). b. Genu., of Joseph & Mary A., to Theresa Ilerler of Ded., tc. 20, b. I)e: I'J: 7:1 WELCH, WELSH, WALSH. 35 Elbridge M. of ( Jroton Yt., re. 21, b. Groton Vt., of Hosea 2' & Eliza, to Julia E. Glover of Lowell, re. 20, b. Groton Vt., of Otis & Esther, 11:'.): 72. 50 Francis of Ded., re. 28, b. Ire., of Francis & Mary, to Catharine Farrell of Ded., re. 26, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, 4: :30: 71. 2:3 James Jr. of Ded., re. 25, b. Ire., of Jas. & ^lary. to Ellen E. Hurley of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, 8: 17: 78. 48 James T. of Ded., re\ 22, b. Ire., of James & Margaret, to Catharine Riley of Ded., re. 15, b. Ire., of Patrick & Margaret, : 2:3 : 00. 74 John H. of Ded., re\ 24, b. Ire., of .lames & Catharine, to Catharine O. Cal- lalian of Ded., a\ 22, b. Ire., of Dennis & Grace, 4: 23: 67. 19 John^J. of Norwood, re. 25, b. Boston, of Jas. & Catharine, to ^lary E. Doyle of Ded., re. 26, b. Ded., of John & Bridget, 2: 21 : 82. 15 Thos.' of Ded., re. 3:3, b. W. Box., of Patrick & Bridget, to Maggie E. Dunn of Canton, a'. 20, b. Medway, of John & Margaret, 4: 20: 88. 9 Thos. F. of Ded., a^ 20, b. W\ Box., of Patrick & Bridget (McLaughlin), to Mary A. Welch of Ded., re. 25, 1). Ire., of James & Mary (Connors). 3: 1 :81. WELD. 22 Stephen JSL of W. Box., re. 27, b. Box., of Stephen M. & Sarah J3., to Eloise Bodman of Ded., re. 19, b. Milton, of Alfred & Anna L., 0:1 : 09. WELLE R. 7 Wm. C. of Boston, re. 24, b. Boston, of Andrew & Maria, to Alice E. Smith of Ded., re. 21, b. Ded.. of Franklin & Bidelia, 2: 22: S3. WELLINGTON. 54 Franci.s E. of W. Cambridge, re. 2.5, of Timothy & l>ydia, to ^lartha E. Munroe of Wren., re. 21, 1). Ded., of Harris & Bebecca, 12: 18: 45. 10 Herbert W. of Norwood, re. 28, b. Ashby, of All)ert & Martha W., to >taria Page of Norwood, re. 21, b. Medway, of Samuel & Emily, 3: 2: 72. 30 James W. of AV. Box., re. 21, b. Brighton, of James & Sarah A., to ;Mary L. Clately of W. Box., a-. 18, 1>. Cambridge, of John i\: Sarah, 10: 22: 07. WELLS. C Job li. of Ded., a'. 4.5, b. Coventry B. I., of Silas & Mary (Bowen) to Annie E. (Hadley) ^V light of Boston, re. 47, b. Cambridge, of Israel & Sarah, 3:29:82. ABSTRACT OF MARRIAGES. ][;31 WEXT WORTH. .").*) Horace of IJostoii. if. 01, h. Wakefield \. IT., (if Siieiicor i\: I^ydia. to Sarah R. Roniiex- of ]>o.stoa, a'. .")(i, 1). Ded.. of Daniel iS; ("oidella ('. K.. II: Ki: 87. WKNZ. 50 Gnstave A. of ]5ostoii, a\ 21, h. X. Y. City, of Pliilip II. & Rose T., to (Irace E. Vautrinot of Ded., ic. 2(>, b. Roston, of Theodore A. & Mary, !t: 17: kd. WEPPE R:\rAX. 29 Carl of Ded., 1). (;erin., to Wallmry- Stoppe, 1>. (icriu.. 0: l."): 44. "VVESCriROH. 40 Amieal of JJostoii, a'. 2.j, b. (ierni., of ('has. & Wilhelinina, to .Mary Wal.sh of Ded., a'. 17, b. Charlestown, of John ifc Ellen, '.): 24: 87. WE.STOX. 5.") Dury T. of Ded., a'. 24, 1». ]Middleboro, of J)ura A: Mareia, to Georgianna Smitli of Ded., :e. 21, b. E. ^^achia.s Me., of Henry & Lncy S., 12: 7: 0.1. 4 John C. of Clinton Iowa, a;. H"), b. Antrim, X". II.. of Win. iV- :\Iary I)., to Carrie F. IVhite of Ded., a-. 2.'), b. Canton, of James F. ».\: La\ina 1>., 1 : 14: 70. WIIAL. '•i-1 Anton of Jloston, a'. .10, 1>. France, of Joseph & Mary, to Delphine iStiider' Smitii of Ded., a'. •■57, b. France, of Joseph & Aprecina, 12 : ;]l : 80. WHEELER. 1.1 CuvierG. of Ded., a?. 22, 1). Abington, of David G. & Clara A., to Lillian Aldrich of Ded., te. 20, b. Ded., of Edgar G. iV: (ieorgianiia, .1: 11 : 8ti. .ID John E. of Ded., ;c. 2!), b. Medway, of Abijah R. & Mary D., to Violet i\. LaBrantz of Hyde Park, ;e. 10, ]>. Eng., of Francis & Georgena. 11 : 8: 88. WHEELOCK. 41 Chas. T. of Norwood, te. 04, b. Ded., of Elijah & Mary C, to Caroline L. Fisher of Ded., te. 24, b. Ded.. of John L. & Lucy E., 11 : O: 81. ;!S Elijah Jr. of Ded., re. 33, b. Ded., of Elijah & X'ancy, to Mary Colbnrii of Ded., ic. 2(5, b. Ded., of Isaac & Mary, 0:7: 4.1. AVIIELPLEY. 34 James D. of Roston. a'. 44, b. X\ Y. City, of IMiilip :M. cV Abigail F. (Daven- port), to ]\raria L. Rreed of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Norfolk Va., of Joseph I!. ^: Frances A. C. (Taylor), 9: 10: (31. WHITAKER. 37 James O. of Ded., fc. 27, b. fieekonk, of David F. is. ]\Iary E. (Webber), to Margaret J. Coyne of Ded., ;e. 28, b. S. Amboy X^ Y., of Patrick & Mary (O'Neil-, 10: 1 : 80. WHITE. ti Renj. F. of Ded., a-. 24, b. P^ramingham, of Henry G. $<. Caroline F. (Cush- ingi, to Catherine ^I. E. Coi)eland of Ded., a'. 22, b. Rox., of Franklin A; Eliz'h M., 2: 2;], 81. 30 David of X. Y., to Susan E. Fisher of Ded., 11:3: 44. 2;5 Isaac W. of Ded., te. 34, b. Ded., of Walter E. & Mehitable, to Ida C. Barnes of Boston, JO. 20, b. W. Rox., of Amos & Sarah E., 11 : 20: 7(5. 132 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 7 Joliii A. of Ded., oe. 35, b. Bridgevvater Vt., of Jolin & Mary A., to Mary M. Baker of Ded., 03. 23, b. Bed., of Dexter & Mary M., 4: 10: 75. 1 .Tohu C. of Ded., va. 52, b. Canada, of Thomas & Ann, to Mary Mahouey of Cambridge, re. 35, b. Ire., of Jolin & Ellen i Mullen), 1:1: 80. 33 John C. of Ded tu. 35, b. Cliateaugay N. Y., of Edward & Esther, to Mary N. Smith of Shrewsbury Vt., ie. 20, b. Shrewsbury \%., of Willard & Sarah. 0: 14: 87. IG John W. of Ded., re. 3:5, b. Ded., of Walter E. & Mehitable, to Annie E. Cas- well of Boston, aj. 28. b. Boston, of John & Jane, 9:6: 75. 53 Matthew of W. Rox., re. 40, b. Ire., of l^dward & Catharine, to Mary (Cary) Mackey of Ded., re". 30, b. Ire., of Lawrence & Catharine, 7: 30: 67. WHITE IK )rSE. 12 Joseph of Dorch., re. 2:3, b. Bochester X. II., of Wm. & Bouisa, to Jane R. Bird of Wal])oU', re. 27, b. Walpole, of Andrew A: Mary, 5: 25: .58. WHITING. 30 Alvan of Lancaster, re'. 21, b. Ded., of John it Lucinda, to Mary Estey of Ded., re. 22, 1). Salem, of Ju. & Mary, 2: 21 : 47. 35 Ceo. E. of Ded., re'. 22, b. Ded., of Edwin & Rebecca P., to Isabel II. Hoadley of S. Woodstock \i., it'. 22, b. S. AVoodstock ^'t., of Ilenrv & Lucy, 11: 24:59. 4 Moses, of Ded., re\ 30, 1). Ded., of Peletiah & Polly, to Ann J. Beal of Ded., re. 1!), b. Milton, of Henry & Mary, 4:6: 54. WHITMORE. 27 Wm. F. of Salem, re'. 27, b. Salem, of Wm. & Charlotte, to Mary E. Mitchell of Marblehcad, re". 23, b. Marblehead. of Eleazer & Eliz'h F., 9: 3: 78. WHITNEY. 26 Adriiil L. of Medfield, .-e. 25. b. Mcdlicld, of Leonard A: .Vciisali, to Margaret Cronin of Ded.. re'. 20, b. Ire., 8: 25: .50. 49 Charles E. of Boston, re. 48, b. Ashby, of Joiin B. i.t Harriet ('., to Minnie Ridley of Ded., re. 27. b. Ch.irlestown, of Mattliias «& Lydia A., 11: 25: 85. 1 Eli H. of vVestboro, re. 25, b. Tpton, of Wm. F. & Harriet N., to Jeiniie E. Stowe of Dover, re. 22, b. Dover, of Albert & Mary J.. 1 : 13: 73. .35 John O. of Decatur 111., re\ 33, b. Florida X. Y., of Wui. II. i^: Mary A., to Jaiu't (}. Hut(;hins of Ded., rev 27, b. Ded., of (tco. H. \' ^fary, 9: 26: 89. 2 Josepli S. of Boston, re\ 28. b. Boston, of Wm. A: S;trali, lo Annie B. Wood of Ded., re. 22, b. Boston, of Amos A: Eliz'Ii, 1 : 10: 55. WHITON. 18 Ezra T. J. of Boothbiiry Me., re*. 3.5, 1). IIingham,of Thos. iS: , to Charlotte N. Scott of Wiscasset Me., re-. 29, b. St. Stephen Me., of George & Charlotte A., 6: 9: 85. 27 Henry of lioston, a>. 40, b. Hingham, of Wilson iV' Chloe, to lOmiiy Farring- ton of Ded., a'. :!l. b. Ded., of Reuben .'v: Eliz'h, 10: 19: .53. WHITTEMORE. 31 Chas. E. of Bostfin, re. 22. b. Wren., of James it Margaret, to Sarah E. Davis of Ded., ;e. 21. b. Ded., of John C. A: i:iiz'li, :; : 22: 49. ABSTRACT OF MARK J AGES. \^^^^ 30 James F. of Drd., w. I'l, b. Wreiitliain, oC .lainos A; .Margaret, lo Susan (". llichards of Dod., ;e. 1'.), b. Ded., of Joel iS: Susan C, 10: 1 : i:,. 51 James ir. of IJoston. le. -Jl, b. AV. Hon., of James A: Ilaiinali, to Emma M. Earl of Ded., :e. is, b. X. 15., of James cS: Eli/.'ii, 1:.': -i:,: so. WIIITTIEK. 24 Herbert A. of Norwood, ;e. 2"), b. W. IJox., of Napoleon I!. A: Jlelen A., to Cora J. Ellis of Ded., ;e. 10, 1). Ded.. of Wm. II. A: Eiicy ('., 0: Ki: Sd. WKHilX. 1 Andrew of Ded., ;e. 21, of Thomas A: Eliza, to Catharine f.. Ellis of Ded., to. 20, b. Ded., of Rufus A: Hannah, 5: :;0: 40. 37 Thos. Jr. of Ded., ;e. 2;',, 1). Ded., of Thos. A: Eli/.a, to Charlotte (Sumner) Davis of Ded., w. 30, b. Ded., of Joseph A: IJetsy 11., 12: -i:,: .v;. WIGHT. 21 Jlenj. W. t>f Ded., ;e. 20, b. Medfield, of John K. & iSIartha H., to Emma E. Johnson of J^oston, ;e. 23, b. Boston, of Daniel S. ^ Maria E., .") : 27: s:;. 4o Chas. W. of Ded., :e. 3S, b. Ded., of John K. Ad Martha E., to Sarali E. King-sbury of Medfield, ;e. 44, b. Medfield, of Wm. A: Caroline, 10: 12: S7. 7 Fred II. of Ded., :e. 22, b. Ded., of Geo. F. & Adeline M. (Titeomb), to Char- lotte P. White of Ded., k. 20, h. Ded., of John II. A: Emmeline (Poole), 4:0: 81. 13 George F. of V)ii(\., ;e. 24, b. Ded., of Joel & Eebecea M., to Adeline :\I. Titeomb of Ded., le. 2;>, b. Framingham, of Edgar A: Rowena, (>: 7: •')■"). 10 Geo. F. of Ded., :e. 50, b. Ded., of Joel & Rebecca ]\r. (Gay), to Abbie T. Crane of Ded., :e. 43, b. Ded., of Ebeu'r P. & Sarah S. (CI. irk i, o: O: 82. :34 John K. of Ded., se. 20. of Aaron W. & Abigail K., to Martiia I!. C()ll)urn of Ded., te. 2i, of Warren A: Patty, 4: 20: 48. AVILRUR. 72 Augustus of Ded., :e. 24, 1). Taunton, of Wheeler A: llepza M., to Lucy M. Gay of Ded., !e. 23, b. Ded., of Alltert ct Calista, 1 1 : 2S: 07. WILDER. 46 Jerome B. of X'X'^X., le. 22, 1». Ded., of Henry A. iS: Susan J., to Louisa F. Capen of Ded., ii-. 24, b. Ded., of Silas A: Hannah :\r., 12:4: m. WILKTXSOX. 10 Jos. W. of Ded., ;e. ;;2, b. ]5runs\vick Me., of Jas. A: Mai-y, to Mary E. I'hinney of Deil., :e. 20, 1). Eastport Me., of Xatlfl M. A; .Mary. 5: 17: 57. WILLARD. 3 Francis L. of Roston, se. 31, b. Cand)ridge, of Lyman i^: Elizabelii, to Mary L. Smith of Ded., le. 24, b. Ded., of X'atlfl c'v: Mary E., 3: s: 77. WILLETT. 4 Andrew O. of Walpole, le. 28, li. Walpole, of Roland S: s:!. wixsriip. 4:J Thos. of Hartford Ct., ;e. . 2i», 1). Ded., of Geo. c'v: Olive, to Olive S. Fish.'. ;>f Ded., fe. 21, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Susan. S: 22: 47. 40 Geo. II. of Ded., fc. :!1, b. VV. Kox., of Roland & Anne 1'., to :Mary \V. Stod- dard of Boston, a". 24. b. Cliarlestown. of James F. & Ellen L., n: Ki: 8»>. 2T Jolui M. of Ded., te. 21, b. Ded., of George & Olive, to Martha I). Ilartsliorn of Ded.. ie. 10, b. Walpole, of Richard I). & Martlui II.. 1 1 : 14: .■>>. WISEWELL, WIS WALL. 2.-i Lowell M. of Medfield. :e. 20, b. Franklin, of Lowell & Miranda 11.. t) Mary E. Tisdale. of Ded., te. 2:3, 1). Dovei', of James W. A: Adalina. 1(>: 2 ): 74. 12 Wm. E. of Xewton, a,'. 20, b. Xevvton, of Wm. C. & Kate, to Lydia G. Barn- ard of Ded., :e. 22, b. Marlileliead, of Geo. B. A: .Vbhy S., :;: IS: oo. AVITIIIXGTOX. 2.-) Albert M. of l^a^X., :o. 22, 1). Ded.. of Warren ifc Watey, to Alice J. Xelson of Hyde Park, ;e. 20, b. Boston, of Alfred T. & Jo.sei)hine M.. 7: 1--: so. i:] Otis W. of Ded.. a'. 21. I). Ded., of Warren & Waity. to Aniii- Wlilt' (tf Ded., 33. 20. b. Argyle X. Y., of John & Eliz'h. .">: 11 : 7o. 01 AValdo P. of Ded., a\ 20, b. Ded., of Warren A: Watey H.(Vonn.- . t.i A i i E. Sullivan of Ded.. a'. 20, b. Richmond Vt., of Daniel F. i\: Helen •^.. 4::;). si. WOOD, WOODS. :;9 Albert of Ded., a'. 24, 1.). Ded., of Belcher S. I'v: Hannali, to .fennii- i^arner of Ded., 'St. 22. b. Isle of Holt, of Jas. & Martha, 10: 0: OO. 10 Barzillai of X. liridgewater, ;e. 25, b. Sidney Me., of Ralph iV: iluMnah, to Martha Ilearsey t)f Ded., ie. ;]),b. Ded., of Elijah & X'aiicy, 4:7: 5;;. 20 Chas. of Ded., a?. 22, b. Asliburnham, of Asa it Margaret, to Sarah .1. Rogers of Paris Me., w. 2:5, b. Paris Me., of Edmond & , 7: 10: 51. 24 Charles S. of Boston, ie. 21, b. Ded., of Charles & Emmeline M., to Mary .V. Coburn of Ded., ie. 10, b. Ded., of Clias. & Ilannaii. !•: 15: .5:1 77 Charles S. of Ded.. a". 58, b. Ded., of Charles cV Emeline, to Zii>p>i:M!i E. I. Xickerson of Ded., :<■. 42. b. Ded., of Atkins it Emily. 12: 25:0 i. 20 Fred A. of Ded., ie. 22. 1). G:irdner, of Alden 15. it Caroline A., to May L. Cannon of Ded., :e. is, b. Cliarlestown, of Chiis. A. c'>.: Ifuth L., 5: 7: 00. 14 James of Danver.s. ;r. 2:!, b. Ire., of John & MiUgaret. to Clara F.oyden of Ded., ie. 2:5, of Silas A: Siilly F., 4:7: lU. 12 John II. of 15oston, \y. 21. b. .\ Y. City, of Clnis. H. it I':]r/."h .\.. to Rertha E. Lord or Ded , le. in. b. llarlford Ct., of X;ith. H. i\: Sarah E., :;: 17: s;i. J36 DEDHAM RECORDS. 14 Jobn S. of Boston, ic 28, b. Ohio, of John & Mtiria, to Pernielia E. (Robbins) Couwell of Boston, re. 27, b. IJtica K. Y., to Lewis & Jane, 7 : 20: 63. G Oliver P. of Ded., te. 24, to Beiilah W. Guild of Ded., se. 24, 1 : 13: 45. 19 Wm. 0. of Ded., w. 36, b. Eng., of Wm. & Mary, to Caroline Goodwin of Ded., If. 29, b. Augusta Me., (i: 28: '^^. WORKjMAX. 11 Alfred of Ded., ;e. 2(;, b. Eng., of Alfred & Rebecca, to Eliz'h Kirlty of Brookline, a\ 20, b. Eng., of Wm. & Margaret, 3: o: 90. WORTIITNGTOX. 38 Erastusof Ded., a;. 33, b. Ded., of Erastiis & Sally E. (Ellis), to Eliz'h F. Bviggs of W. Rox., a;. 31, b. J5oston, of Robert & Caroline M. (Morton), 11:25:01. WEIGHT. 44 John 11. of Ded., x. 29, b. Suncook X. IL, of Jas. S. & Eleanor, to Eillie Ewer of Ded., ;e. 20, b. Ded., of C. B. & Charlotte, 12: 23: 7:5. 59 Lewis of ^V". Rox., re. 21, b. Ire., of Lewis tk, Ilonora, to Hannah Murphy of AV. Rox., re. 20, b. Ire., of John & Honora, 10: 10: OS. YATMAN. 27 James O. of Ded., re. 27, b. Eng., of Jolni & :Mary A., to Martha E. Laurie of I'rov. R. I., re-. 21, b. S. Hadley, of Thomas & Ellen A., 8 : 23 : 71. YEATOX. SO John G. of Ded., re. 22, of John & Lucretia, to Martha C. Corbett of Ded., jx;. 1.-,, of &i Abigail, 4:9: 48. YORK. 63 Chas. IT. of Ded., re\ 34, b. Waterboro Me., of Joseph G. cK: Abigail, to Eliza J. Wiley of Boston, re. 35, b. Sweden Me., of Wm. I'v: Mary, 11 : 3: 90. YOUX(;. 27 Geo. n. of Woburn, re. 40, b. Slatersville R. I., of Clias. & Roxana, to Lizzie B. Endicott of Ded., re'. 32, b. Chelsea, of Augustus B. & Sarah, 8: 17: 81. Joseph of Boston, re.. 34, b. Waldo Me., of Joseph & , to Jane H. Bart- lett of Dover, re. 22, b. Ded., of Clement & , 4:5: 57. 22 Joshua of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Elisha & Esther, to Mary E. Lincoln of Ded., re-. 17, of Nedebiah & Fanny S., 2: 18: 47. 20 Joshua of Ded., re. 28, b. Chatham, of J':iisha & Esther, to Tamsin S. Rogers of Ded., re. 20, b. Paris Me., of Edmond !k> Rebecca, 12: 2(): 52. 23 Philander S. of Ded., re\ 23, b. Chatham, of Elisha & Esther, to Lucinda (Hanson) Shurtleff of Ded., re. 19, b. Ossipee X. IL, of Daniel & Eliza, 6: 30: 50. 32 Philander S. of Ded., re. 22, b. Ded., of Philander S. & Lucinda, to Almena J. Bateman of Boston, re. 23, b. Boston, of Henry T. & Nancy, 10: 20: 73. 38 Preston B. of Farmington X. H., re>. 27, b. Farmington X. IT., of Jona. & Hannah S., to Jennie C. Clark of Berwick Me., re>. 20, b. Berwick Me., of Hiram & Jane, 9: 14:85. ABSTRACT OT MARRIAGES, I37 ZAXE. 20 Josei)li of IJoslon, to. Gd, li. IJaltimoro, of retcr ifc Eli/.'h, to Harriette M. Burroughs of Ded., :e. 34. b. J'.ridgewater, of Wm. II. c*;- Clara M.. SiHCS.;. ZIEGLER. 45 Clias. E. of Ded., w. 2."), 1). (Jerni.. of Jacol) A: Amelia, to Annie Kis of Ded.. a'. IT, b. Ded., of Carl & Wilhehuine, 0: 29: SS. ZIERSCIT. 8 Tlieodore of Ded., ;r. -11, 1). Germ., of Ferdinand A: .Julia, to Anna M. Sol- otliuriimanu of I5ostoii. \v. 2."), b. Switz., of John A: Margaret, c: .! : 7'). IXDKX OF B RIDES. joc) INDEX OF BRIDES. Ar.r.oTT, Ar.iJOT Eli/Zli 15., 11!); .Icii- ;n; Harriet ]^r., .")('.; riclcii E., 7".); Iilii nie E., so. II., r,!); Jane E., 2."); .hilia A., :;2; A( iioiiv, A(()i;\— Iliildali M..'.i'.t: l!()sa Laura A., ."iC; Eucy M.. -J'.t; Maria, 15.. ii^<>. ll!»: Maria IJ. il5ulk'ii). !i2: Martha A(H()Ks— Caroline M., (17. (J., 0; .Mary F., ;!0; ^Slarv :M., i;L'; Adams Eoiiisa H., (!.">; Mary E., 127; Sophia E., '.")(). S. Eli/;ii, (;:!; Saraii J. 4. liALL-Sarah J). (Sncll). KW. Ai)AMsox-\ ictoria, 2:5. I}ALLOU-Trv|.lienia. 1:5. ADLEY-He.ssediali 2:5. ]}ANCi;OKT-rarrie. 122; Sarah E., 81. AiiEKX-Briduet, lis. IJAXD-Matilda, 1 14. ALi!KU-]}arl)ara, S!t. IJankoko -Alice, los. AijntKCiiT-Louisa M., (.:^. BAUKKR-Kutli, 40. ALi)EX-MarthaC.,4..; Martha E., 1.".; HAUXAKD-Eliza .J.. Is; Evdia (;.. i.;.-,. Rebecca L., li:'>; b'lsau A., 42. ]}Auxi:s-Ida ('.. 1:51 ; Sarali A.. 07. Aldkich— Lillian, i:51. 15ai!XETt— Elvira, !I2. Allex— Charlotte flJisbee). ()4; Jennie ]} vpp— Fannie \ ' ~~> (ill.o: Lucy E., '-'T ; Mary A., 2; J3 ah kows- Sarah"' s<).' Mattie M 7s; Oliv.'. H. (Henry), lo.'j; r,AUTLETT-Jane II., l:5(;; ,Marv .M., 44. /dpha ( Rhoades) 1:5... lUirroN-Annie J., ill. ALLisox-Janet (McCall), 8:3. Batch elder. Batch ei.li-.i;. Bach- Amislei;— Mary K., 41. ELDEU^Adelaide, .V,; Euiilv A., !IS; AxDEKsox— Anna M., ."jS; Mary,."). Ida L., '.tS AXDREWS— EnHUM, 112. l>...,',-,,'."^. \ I 1-. \^ n, vi T AxTHoxv-Mary, 20. BATEMAX-Adehne \ ., i)2: Aln.ena J., ^\'I^Vr'^'™-^f'''7:>n!'... TT Q- BATEs-.Iennie M. .Millsi. 17. '\ xo T ?,T;.Ve iV a, •' '• BAUEU-lLu.nah F, 12:.; Wilheln.ina ^vitxoLD— Annie iii.. 4i». \ /i>i 1 , ,..> Ai.i..^. /i..f i,....;,w. •)- A. (blackuian I, (>.5. Akuis— Catliarine, .X. i>v\i-i. r'..fi.i.;i,.> in- Vv^ \->~ \^iiii\- i.'ii/.i \? ,'riiii,\ Ti' i>.\ i i-.i; — C/ainiiiine, in. 1'^\m. iji. AsHIJA— hil/.a r. ( lull.\). ((). \\vK\ Ann I I'- Inlilli s-<- \Pirv ATHEKTOX-Martha A. W., 01. ^'V ^-n^ "" '' "'^^''' ' ^^''"- '^M\',nV!n''''''' ''''• ^^'•■"" '^■' ''• BKXx-AdaM.,s.5. \v vxr, -M u-v - iiEATTV-Fanny, '..:.. XvEu, ,;ee ai.o i;,e...)-Mary E.. 105. Iji::;;;-!^];;;;;-^;:-;, Beckwith — 15. Maria. 4:5. Baih!— Ilattie B., s. Belkxap Eunice ( Elli.si, :5S. Baihu'i't -Mal)el \V., Il.'>. Bell— Bessie. 122. Kacheldeu, {Sec Balclu'lder). Bex.iamix— ErvillaC. 70. P,ACK— Eli/.'l), 127. Behgdoll— Catharine, 42. Ba( ox— Lucy A., 10; Sarah. S7. Bei:i;v— .lennie M., .")0. I'>A(;gk -Mar5; Mary E.. 4-5; Mary .J., 74. Blaxchard— Maria T., 4-5. Bleiler— Mary, l('5. Blodgett— Maria A. (Fenderson), 2: MaryL.. 2.5. BOAS-^Sarah, .56. Bolant; — Mary, 76. BOLTOX — Johanna. 79. Boxes — Eliz'h. :>5. BoxxEMORT— Marv J.. 86- BoxxEY— Delia, 26: Marv, m: Sarah R.. 131. Booth— Agnes B. (Kerigani, 113: Marv E., 9. BowDiTcn— Deborah M., 1:3. Bo^vKER— Carrie L., 46. Boyd— Ella £., i:J4: Emma I.. S<3: Maria 7... 121: Marv A., .5.5. BoiDEN- Adallza, 40; Charlotte A., 17; Clara, l;i5: Delia A., 05; Mary L., 9S. Boyle— Eosanna, ill. Bradstreet— Adella C, 13. Braixard— Florence, 122. Breed— Charlotte T., 51; Maria L..13I. Brexxax, Brixxax — Catherine .J., 44: Ellen, 19. Bridge— Florence. 12. Briegel— Minnie F., 124. Briggs— Angeline .J.. 97: Eliz'h F.. 130: Lena W., 24: Susan E., :3S. Brixxax, .S€^ Brennan. Brittox— Addie S., 69. Broad— Mary A., 102. Bromley— Martha A., o. BRf>rtKs— Abbie L.. 40 : Amelia. 72 ; Eliza Bickford), 8; Ellen. 70: Mabel A.. 102: Maria A., 6. Brougiitox— Sarah E.. 71. Bro«-x, Browxe — Bridget P.. 95: Elizb, 125: Elizh L., 67: Ellen. 69; Emma H.. 121: .Jane E. Bigelowi, 3:5: .Julia P., 25: Sarah J., :iS; Susan I., 20. Brownixg— Alice, 21. Bruce — Susie M.. 2-5. Buckler— Martha E., 79. Buckley' — Johanna, 16; Julia, 75; Marv, IS. BuLL.\RD— Harriet A., 60: Lillian, 53; Mary W., 12; Rebecca, 11-5. BuLLEX— Clari«;.<;a A., 118. BU3IPU>— Ella L.. 122. BuxKER— ;Mary E., ^j. Burgess — Lucv H., 43; Miriam M.. 12:5. Burke— Anna, 28; Bridget, 116; Ellen (Maloney . 93. BuRKHARDT— Pauline L., 1:3. BuRXHAM— Adaline J.. SS. BuRXS— Bridget, IS: Kate, 17. BurRROUGH^^Harriette M., 137. Butler— Anastasia. 90: Clara R., 102; Hannorah. 84: Hattie M., :j7: Melissa J.. .50: Mittie X., 09. BuTMAX— Meraina M.. 101. BuTTEMAR— Joanna, 113. Cahill— Mary, 31. Caix. .>ee Kane. Caldwell— Mary E., 71. Call AH AX, Calleh ax— Bridget < Cal- lehan . 29; Catharine O., 1:50. Callex— Mary, 43. Callexback— Mary. 41. Campbell— Carrie E.. 46: Miriam, :3S. Caxxox— Alice Medole , 68: Bridget, 71: Marv A., 93: Mav L., 13.5. C APEX— Louisa F., 1:3:5. CARBtRRY— Annie, 59; Catharine, 90; Marv. 86. Carlile— Olive E., 104. Car LiXE— Jane. 81. Carlox— Aoin J., 82: Marv S., 23; Nel- lie. 42. Carxey, Kearxey— Bridget, 26; Ma- rl ah. .5:5: Sarah A., 9<5. CARPEXTE2— -innie, 65; Eliza M., .34. Car R— Eliza .J.. 1^. Garret- Isabel M.. 100. Carroll— Abbie F.. 2, 108; Annie B., 3: Belle, :54: Harriet W.. 62: Jennie C, 126: .Julia, 12S; Mary, .50; Nellie C, 129. C.J^RTER— Mary W.. 94. Cary— Sarah E..77. Case— Annie M.. 58. Casey— Annie E.. 5: Catharine, .52; Helen. 97: Marv, 75: Marv A., 67: Mary J., 127. Cassell— Sarah L.. 38. Ca>well— Annie E 1:52. Cawley— Mary. 94: Xellie F.. 49. Chadbourxe— Lvdia, 7. Cn.AJiBERLAix — Ida, 103: Lucv, 60: Maria A., 22. Craxdler— Anne J.. 15. Chapm AX— Arietta, 4.t: Christiana H. 'Richmond, 95; Mattie D., 68: Rose X., l:5. Chary— Mary. 110. Cn.A^TFiELD— Emma F., 1.5. CILEES3IAX— Phillis (Bellt. 1.5. IXDEX OF BRIDES. \W CirKXKV— Al>l»v 1'., li'l: ("arrie E.. 77; Colkman', ToLArw — IJriil.u'f't. 47: f 'atli- Ilanict K., lii;, Julia A. 7'.i; Lillian eriru; Scaiiliu , 71; ICIlcii, 1."): Ilaii- (1.. 70; Sarah K., 121. * iiali J., 117: Maryan-t. 11."): Sarah, 71. rni('KKi:i\(; — Ijicv Iv. 2.'. roLLAun ('ec-(>lia K , Il'o. Ciiir.MAX -^Aiiiiie A., ."Js. CoLiJXs - Catharine. 7ti; Louisa \\ ., Ciiisiioi.M .laiiet, >^: .Marv, (;7. '••-'; Mary, !i4, IK",: Marv K., lUf.. CiiisMAN — Pliillis, ".1. " CoLViLLK— Mary, <■)'■•. CiiL'iiciiihL— (iracc A., •_'-': Isadora M., Condkx, Coxdox— Hannah, li:!: Mar- 7(>; M. (tcrtru«h-, l's. sjarfl, IC). CiHiACK— Caroline, S7. Cox Lox -Eliza, (i.-j. Claxcv— Lizzie S., 1. Coxxakk — Mari>aret, r.C; Xora. ol. Ci.Al', ('i,AlM' -Aiieliiie S., .">'); Clara IE, CoxxKi.r.— Sarah Ireland). 17. ;")(); (;()rinne M. i':!: Eleanor T. 4-'); (^JXXKLi.v, Cox I,l■;^■ — ]]ridt>-et (Con- J'^iiz'h, llfi; Ehz"!i )>., 4(;: Eonisa J., nelly*, 47: May.i,ne E., .">(); 'Mary, 1)2; 4(); Sarah .1 . :>7. Sarah A., 71. -.^^ . -^ Ci.AKKY— Marv .V , 11); .Mary J., 4:J. CoxNi;i;s. Coxxoi; Catharine, 124; Ci.AUK, Cl ai;kk— Atiiies \V., Il'O; Ann Delia, si: Ellen. !■<; -lulia, i':>: (ieoruianna ']•., 04; Annie (J., 7.'); Catiiarine, ;;4: Kate, 24, Hatlie. !Ui; I'lieOe A., UO. CoFKXAV— Hridjjet, 01. Coniux- Marv A., i:]'). Cofsexs— Ahl.y E., lo.".. Co( KiXG, Corivixo.s — Delia S., .".7: Covell— Erances C, 40. Ilattie E., lo7; Lizzie,!., 24. Cox, Coxe— Elorenee .V.. loi : Erances CorKiAy:, sec 0>"(/hl(in. J>.. 4!>: Helen E., i2."»: Jane .\1., S2; CoDDixo— Ella M., lOU. Mary. :;.">. Cody, CoADYDelia, o:.; Mar<>aret,.")0; Coy — Lucy M -Haker , 14. Mary J., SI; W innifred \\, 07. Coyxe — Erances. 12:!: .Mar,';aret J., CoKELY, CoAlCLEY — Annie S., 71; i:il; Mary, los. Helen A., 22. Ckagix -Ilelen .M.. 7s. CoLHFK.x— Abhy J., 4; .\liip;ail, 02; CuAiG(iE-X. Lcuiisa. 117. Anna F.. (i;); Caroline, 21; Caroline Ci;axe- Alihie T., i:;:!: Ida E., 10:5; li., :',■>; Carrie J)., 0.->: Emilv, 40; .Maria J.., 1 1 ; Sarah A.. 14. Emniid, U., 121; Helen S, 4(i; Joea Citoxix - l}ridLi:et, s:!; Ellen M., 70; (Witfht), 1; Lucv (Haker), 10; Lucv Mar<,Mret, i:!2 L, (iS; Maria, 100; Martha K., J;J;^"; Cijookek— Etta M.. !".: Isalielle C. 01. Marv, i:;i; Marv E., 40; Marv J., 21; Cf.osf.y— Emily E., :;;;; Jndiih ('.. 48; Matilda, 22; Naner, 2."); "Orinda Sarah E., 04. (EresOv). 00. ' Chos.s— Estelle L., 11. Com:— liattu' E., lOS; N.dlie P., 116; Ckowley— Ann .Kelly: 14: i;rid{,'et, Uiive M., OS; Sally E., 7-"); Tabitlui, 30 .-35; Ellen, 7."). 142 DEI) If AM RECORDS. CnowxixsiiiKLD— Editli, 09. Ckuisk, Cui'SE— Catliariiie a. (Cruise), 104; Ellen C, 84. Cuddy— Kat}', 57. Cuff— Catharine, 40. Cull— Annie, 7(5: Margaret, o4: ^Earv (Lane), 10(5 CuLLEN— Kate, lis. CULLIVAN— \\iiinie. 1)4. CuNXiXGiiAM— Annie F., 40; Ellen T., 75: Tolly T. (Taylor), 124. CuRLKU— Margaret, 47. CURRAN— Julia. 7. Currier— Mary M., 22; Verona II., 3:>. Curtis— Annie V., Ill ; Hannah E., 42. CusiiMAX- Adelaide S., (52. Cutter— Eliza 1?., (i2; Flora, SO: Mary E., 87. Dale— Mary A., 1:34. Damm— Isabelhi, 124. Damrkll— Catharine. 5:!. Dana— Harriet (Hums). 10; Joanna E., 8!); Mary (Haley), (i4. Damell," Daniels— Caroline \\., 05; Frances J., 4; Mary M., 32. Darcy— Bridget, 7; "Margaret J., 82. Davenport— Frances E., 120; Henri- etta, 117. Davls— Almira C, 81 ; Charlotte (Sum- ner), loiJ; Eliz'li, 5:',: Eliz'h A., ;'.7; Joanna J., lO:'.; Sarah E., 132: Sarah J. (Mooney), :5'.). Daavson— Mary, 21. Day— Carrie L., 125; .Martha R., 77; Mary E. B., 20. Dean, Deaxe— Ahbv B., 122; Anna M., 77; Caroline, 88; Carrie E., 18; Emma F., 129; Fannie G., 102; Katie W., 17; Louise M., 91; Lucy, 25; Mary A., 7:5; Rene, 09: S. Jennie, 125; Tryphena, 0. Debrixs— Emma A., i. Decastro— Maria, 105. Deering —Fannie E., 15. Deer Y— Rose, 83. Deneef, Dexief— Annie L., 77; Eliz'h A., 74; Maggie, 90; Mary A., 27. Derick— Christena, 02. Dervax— Mariah E. A., 107; Theresa C. 124. Desmoxd— Catharine, 47. Dickermax— Sarah C., 107. Dingwell— Priscilla, 100. Dixox— Ann H., 112; Eliza F., 127; Susan W., 112. Dodge— Eliza R. (Sullivan), 53: Grace E., 88. DoL.w — xVnnie M., 7; Mary (^Flem- ming), ;55. Doxa'iioe, Doxaihe— Mary, 18, 20; Mary C, 48. Don COSMO— Nettie J., (59. DoxLAX, DoxLiN— Catharine,90; Hon- oraT., 119; Mary A., ;}9. Donnelly, Doxly, Donely, Dox- ellv— Catherine, 10; Kate, SI; Mar- garet, 40; Maria, 72. Donovan -Johanna, 28: Kate E., 110. Dont— Nellie, 8:5. DooLE— Agnes, 57; Eliz'h, 57: Ilan- luih. ()3. DooLEY-Mary :\I., 114. Do KNAG ER— Maria. 118. DoTEY— Edith J.. 85. Dougherty- M;irgaret, 124. Douglas — Cordelia A., 49. Dow— Sarah E., OS. DowD— Eliz'h F., 44; Helen(Morrissey), ()l: Maggie J., 84. Dower— Margaret J., :55. DowLiNG— Delia, 114; Julia, 15; Katie J., 93; Sarah A. F., 93. Down— Mariah E., 125. Downey— Anna M., 115. Doyle— Bridget. 102; Eliz'h, 82; Mary. 71; Mary E., U'.O. Drake— Mary E., 9:3. Draper— Ai)'by B., 102; Adeline, 82; Caroline, 5; E. Pandora. 77; Edna J., 4; Eldora, 117; Fanny E., G; Frances E., :>; Hattie N., 117; Irene W., 10: Louisa F., 108: Lucy O., 134; Martha E., S3; Mary, ()7; Mary J. (Mahan),84; Mary R., 110; JSlyra E", 134; Nancy E. (Everett), 7; Sophia A., 104. Dray— Ellen, 125. J)RAVTON— Anna E.. 7; Helen F., 43; Martha M., 129; Mary L., 19. Dresser— Harriet, (50; Susan, 98. Drew— Abl)ie E. (Drew), 42. Drinan— Lena, 71. ])Ris('OLL— Katliarine, 72. Drown— Eliza J., 43; Josephine L., 100. Drugan— Sarah R., 55. Dubois- Nettie (Francis), 38. DiDLEY— Emma P]., 14. Duirong— Catherine, 20, DuLEV— Agnes, 31. J)unbar— Jeanette, 9; JVIary, 110. DuNDAss— Catharine, 09. Dunlap— Abby R.. 109; Eleanor, 41. Dun LEAR Y—]SIargaret, 103. Dunn— Lilv M.. 98; Maggie E., 130; Mary A. (Dunn), 29. IXDEX OF BRIDES. 14n DliMKi; -HDsalinc. 77. DuiiAXT— Murv, To. l^VKK -Ellen, il(i; Mar^-iirt't, llo. Eagax. see E(/an. Eaul, Eaklk'- AniiH^.I., 77: IhmnaM.. 13o; Gurtnule "SL, 10;J. Early— J}ri(ls(5t, s:5. Earxes— Sanih A., 118. Earnsiiaw— liosina (Flitcin, ;;'.». Eastman— Sadie E. ('Pliiu-ston), ST. Eatox— Anna M., TS; Annie ]\I., .")T; Charlotte E., 11: Emma J.. 21: Har- riet A., 12!t; Lucy W., -'•): Sarali A., 100. EiJBs-Eliza J., T2. Eberiiart— Mary A. (Searicln, -Vi. Edmunds— Ilannali J., li:]. Edwards— Isabel F., 114. Egan, Eagax— Mart-aret, 2'.i: Mar^'a- ret v., TO; Mary, TO. Eis— Annie, 1:1T; ]>ertha, 112. Eldridg?:- Caroline (Young), 4; Ella F., 122; .Mahala, 120; Rebecca, 104. Elliott— Ellen, 114: Lillie T^., .")4. Ellls— Alice R.. (iT; Anna (i., 2S; Car- oline. T; Caroline A., 02; ('atliariue L., 1:K; Cora ,J., 10:5: Emily .M., 40; Fanny, 104; Frances, 12T; Hannah, :]; Hannah (;., 118; Julia ])., 42; Julia R., TC); Lemira E., .')0; Louisa, :'.0; Lucy, 4(i; Lucv E.. 0; Jaicv R., 00; Maria S., 120; Martha, T; .\rarv A., 108; Mary A. (Willis), 128; :\Iary J., 10; Rebecca N., 40; vSarah A., b:>'. Ellsworth— Acklie ]\r., ."iT. Emerson— Anna. 41; Jane, 1:54. Emery— Luella H. (Halley), IT. Emmons— Caroline R.. ."). Endicott— Lizzie B., b'.C: Marv A., T'.t. ExGLY— Maria, OT. Ernig— Mary, 94. KsTEY— :\Iary, 132. Everett— Abbie L. W., 08; Eliza J.. 80; Eliz'h F., 104; Hattie L., 4.V: Maria, ill; Mille (',., 102. EvERSON— Maria (Rrann), 1."). IOaver— Lillie, i:;0; Mary 1., ;;4, T2. Eyer, (.see a^^•o ylv/er)- Selina, 2. Fagan— Ann. 45; Bridget. 8T; Bridget E., l'>; Catharine, 8."); Margaret A.. 49; Mary, 90; .Marv V., '.'O; Rosanna, 4T. I^MiEY. Faiiy, Fay— Bridget, 80; Ellen, 05; Lurinda M., 00; Mary, 18, 95; Mary A., 45. FATitBANKS- Charlotte S. (Sumner),;'>2; Eliza M., 8; Eninia. 89; Emma B., 9T; H. Adeline, :i7; Isabel. 90; Julia F nil: Julia R., lO; Maria (Gudd), 40; Martha A., 4:]; Sarali, 41; Sarali E. 10; Saraii W., 104; Sarah W. i Fair- banks), :;i : Susan E.. 41. FALEs-Ella.I., 45; Frances. 125; Har net J... T: Harriet H., 42; Julia B., 102; .Mary S., ;J0; Sallv i Pike), 4:!;- Sarali X.. 2; Susan, 89. Fallav— Ellen, 111. Fallon— .Minnie, T. F.vlls— Delia, 29. Fai! LI! ky— Margaret, lOC. Faukell- Catharine, l:;(i. Fa i!i!iX(iTox— Eliz'h, 2.5, 4:',; Kmma .1., TO: Emily, l:;2; Hannah, :!(•.; Lizzie A., 4:]; Lucy A., 88; :\rary, 4:!; Sarali A., 49; Sarah R.. lOT. F.MiRY— Anne, 8S. F.vnwELi,— Catharine, 25: LucyM.. 19. Faulkxe I!— Eliz'h, '.»:;. Fay, see Falieij. Fedeimck— Eliza A., Oil. Feeney'— Catharine (Cronini, :](;. Fell— Mary R., 85. Fellows— Carrie E., :;i. Felton— Mary A., T4. Fennell— Anna L. (ivagen, 44. Fenslein— Wilhelmina, 51. Ferguson"— Isal)el, I2.s. Ferrls- Annie (Tobin), 80. Fessendex— Sarah E., .59. Finn— l^ridget E., 24. FixxERTY— Ann diileyi. :!5. FiRTii— Rose, 110. Fish— Anna (i., 84, 91; Fnnnv E.. i:',0; Sarah H., 5T. Fisher— Abby :M., 40; Adaline S., 0; Caroline Ji., i;U; Eliz'h (Onion), 22; Ellen .^r., 4; II. Estelle, 111; Hattie S., 110; Ida E., :!0; Laura I., IIT; Lw- aima, 80; Lucinda F., 51; Lydia A., 59; Marv F., 00; ^Fary G.. 99'; Nancy E., o;); Olive S.. i:}5: S. Abby, 103; Sadie E., 32; Sarah M., lOT; Sophia M., ;39; Susan PI, 131. FisKE— Catherine (l)olan), 4T: ICmma, 121. FiTT— Julia, li:'.. Fitzgerald— Esther. 18; Nellie, 45. FiTZEiEXPtY -Margaret, :;o. Frrzi'A ruiCK— JJarbaia. 8T; Delia T., 81; Hannah A., 24; Winneford, 20. Flaxagiiax— Mary A., 08. Flaxdeks— Sarah E.. 22. Fleming, Flemmixg— Ellen E., 2;'.; Margaret (Flennningi, (i4; Rebecca, 2. Fletcher— Harriet \V. (Wales), 91; Mary J.. Os. 144 DEDHAM KJi CORDS. Flint— ;Mary, 2. Flood— Catherine M., 14. Flynn, Flixx — Elenor, IKi; ^Marga- ret, 66. Fogg— Helen M., 63. Foley— Bridget, 82; Eliz'h, :]0; Mar- garet (Cou»an), 30; Mary, 52; Mary (Tymphany), 70; Mary A.. 106. FoLLANSBEB — Ellen T., 66; Juliette, 117: Susan E.. 107. FORHES— Blanche T., 70. FoRiJUsri— Angel ine S.. 30. FoTiD— Bridget, 00; Catharine, 103; Co- lumbia, 01; Eliz'h, 8; Jennie, 100; (Sarah E., (Ui; Violet C, 38. FoRKNALL— Annie E., 32. Foster— Charl()tte(Clancv), 33; Ilattie M.. 38. Fowler— Ann E., 98. Fox— Susan, 36. Fraiiax— Eliz'h (Krans), h'). Freeman— Mary A., 5; Mary F., VM. French — Mary A., 50; Sarah >[. (French), 48. Frobisher— I^ouisa P., 55. FROTiriNGiiAM- Mary F., 107. Fuller— Emily A., 40; Emily L., 28; Josephine M., 117; Mary J., 37: Mary T., 101. FuLWELL— Eliz'h A., 00. FuRLoxu— Nettie, 53. Gaffxey— Mary A., 44; Sarah A.. 24. Gage— Mercy R , 86. Gale— Ahnira S., 64; Martha S.. ;j4. G.VLLAOnAR, Galagar, GaLLA(}IIER — Eliz'h, 63; ]Mary (l)olan), 83; Mary (liiley), 47. G.ALUc lA— Addie M., :>L G'alvin— Anna, 35. Gardxer— Mary L., 87; Nancy, i(i7. Gargan— Mary A.. 123. Garland— Carrie L., 31. Garner -Eliz'h, 0. Gar liETT— Sarah 106. Garsk INS- Jane, 24. Gatkly— Mary !>., 1:!). (lAiDEREiJ- liarljara C, 01. Gay— Ahnira S. (Gale), 55; Frances J., 80; Eucy M., i:«; Mary E., 25, :J3; Mary II. \V. (Smith), 105; Sarah A., 40; Sarah J., 112. (iAYXOR— Maiy, 71. Geary— Alice E., 122. Geldert— Emma C. (Ilathewayj, 51. George— Agne.s, 56. (tERMyn, ib'ee Jermyn. Gero— Mantcale, 7S. Gerrlsii— Eliza ,1., 114: Elizabeth A. (Johnson), 60; Ilannali (Lewis), 58; Nancy E., 3. Geryais— Maria A., 01. Gibbons, Gibbixs — Margaret, 17 ; Mary, 26. GiBBS— Grace E., 115; Mary F., 5. Giles— Lettie, 54. GiLLAX, GiLLEX— Mary, 2:3, 48. GiLLMAX— Eliza, 120. GiLMORE— Rebecca McL., 0. GiLSON— Lucinda M., :30. Glancy— Kate, 03. Gle.vsox', Gleesox— Effie B., 62; Mar- garet A., 100; Nellie M., 67. Glispix— Mary A., 63. (Jloyer— Abbie F., 107; Julia E., 130. Godfrey— Belle F., 128. Goodale— Ijllie E., :33. Goodwin— Caroline, 130; Eliza (Long- ley), 107. GooGiNS— Emma A., 24. (JooxAN — Maria, 64. CioKMAN — Catharine E., :38. Goss — Annie ( ), 105. (tOTIiam— Emily J., 120. (rOULD— Abbv J., 126; Annah W., 55; Mary F., 41; Mary J., 2:3. Gradin— ^Lu-tha L., :35. Grady— Mary, 10; Nora E., 71. GRAIIA3L (iRAYiiAM— Emily 1. (Ward), 73; Mary A., 11. (4RArL— Emma M. D., 88. (;ray— Ann, 84; Emeline K., 88; Mary E., 53. Greely— Fannie A., 115; Fanny S., 44. (JREEN, Greene — Catherine E., 9:3; Elizabeth E., 59; Jane E. (Brown), 6; Susan J J., 113. ( J I! E EX L A w— J ..au ra A . , 74. (iREKRt — Anna M., 75; Florence E., lo:;. (jRi<;(is— .Vdeline X., 101 ; Angenette, ;33; Frances E., 04. (Jriswold— Mary W ., 60. Grogax— Jane A., 1. Groyer— AlmiraS.(Gale),12; Sarah, 77. Guild— AbbieE., 31; Almira,73; Annis C, 60; Beulah W., 1:5.3; Caroline A., 65 ; Caroline E , 19 : Caroline F., 10 ; Cornelia S, 121; Ella L., 13; Ellen M., (i5; Emily A., 95; Emily F., 3S; Harriet F.., 119; Julia, 67; Laura T., :3:5; l>izzie, ()5; Lucretia J., 116; ^laria, 42; Marv A., ()7 : Olive C, 31; Olive L., 105 ; Orra E., 128 ; Sarah E., 78 ; Sopiiia I).. 115. Gui.xey— Hannah .1., 127. GuiifK- -Marv A., so. IXDEX OF BRIDES. 145 IlALr.AVKi;— ^liimie ('., 11:^. Halk— Auuuula ^M., 12;]. Hall — Catluirine, 80; Clara, 124; Mary J?., ."jO; Patience A. (Murray), 'J. IIamdox— Margaret, 100. Hamilton— Clarrie J., 110; Mary E., 122: Sarah K., 110. II.\:mmkl— Sarah E., 70. IIa>lm()XD — Maf^gie, 20; Roxaniia, 04. llAMiiCKK— Eliza, 50. IIaxey— :Maria C. (Moclair), 88. Haxlox— Mary, 88. Haxxox— Nellie A., 18. Haxsox— Hannah M., 101. H.\r(.iOOD— Rebecca N., .52. Hakdixg — Permelia, 4. Hakloav— Alice M., 00; Helen S., 102. Hai!m— .Josephine C, 112. Hakmon— Lila A., oo. Hakiuxgtox — -Josie E., 30; Sophia A., 00. Haiitus— Dora A., 107 ; X. Amelia, 40. Hartxett— Catherine V., 121. Hap.txey— Mary V., 78. Haktshokn— Lizzie A., 101; ]Martha I)., i:3o; Marv G., 00; Surali, 52. Harvey— Sarah J>., ii:5. Haslett— Mary G., 13:'.. HASTix. HOOKEU— » harlotte E., 87. IIORX— Albine II., .58; Sarah IT. L. (Loring), 121. HORTOX— Caroline II.. 44. HouGiiTox— Margaret A., 05. HoAVARD— Emma E., lOO; :Mary C, 00. Howe, Honvks— .\nnie M., ^2; FAr/'h, 121; Lizzie, 07; Maria ,1., .^7: Paulina, (Ralven, 05. Howell— Harriet, 127. HoYE— Susan, 0. IIoYLE— Clara R., 42; Maria L., 50. Hrnr.AitD— Clara .1., 73; Sarah F.. 10. IIuEX— Marv, 70. IIfgiies, Hi:wKs— Catherine iRegley), 127; Eliz'li, 112; Hannah E., 23; Maria (Alexander), ()5; :\lary J., 27. IIuLME— Elizh A., 110; .Jane, 101. Hu.-MPiiitKY- Mary II., 115. Hi'NDEKLU K— Lizzi(! ( IlessX 44. IIuxT— Maria R.. 42; Mary A., 110; i\Iary \V. (Kmerson), 125. IIuxTER— Carrie C, 110. IlriM)— Anna M., 40; Lvdia A., 89; Nellie M., 50. HrRLKY — Annie \., 20; Ellen, 02; Ellen E., 130; Kate (Kennedy), 73; .Margaret, 35; Mary E., 82. HrsiHON'- Hannah, 71. IIussox- Catliarine .M., 105. 14G DEDHAM RECORDS. HuTCiiiNS— Fanny L., 11; Janet G., Hyde— Adeline, 50. IxOALLS — Annie A., 95; Maria A., 14. Ingham— Alice, 20. Is.SKN— Georgenia, 120. I VERS— Adelaide, 99; Jane A.,CT. Jenkins— Ella M., 118. Jenn ESS— Harriet, 15. Jennings — Sarah, 80. ,1 ENSEN— Betty, 100; Ella G. (Smith),68. Jermyn, Germyn — Fannie, 108; Lizzie, 09. Johnson— Carrie R , GO; Emma E., loo; Harriet M., 40; Irene, 123; Jessie ;M., 12o; Lizzie, 72; Louisa, 129; Martha E., 119; Mary, 64; Mary A., 10; Mary J., 19. Jones— Adeline, 13; AnnE.,G; Carrie, 89; Charlotte, 53; Delia M., 22; Eleanor, 28; Ida I., 134; Mary, 58. Jordan— Bridget A., 34; Frances C, 101. Joy— Rebecca, 21. Joyce— Margaret, IS. KAL3IEL— Margaretha, 3. Kane, Cain— Lizzie, 28; Mary A., 20. Kappler — Mary :SL, 39. Kasaron — Cordia, 73. JvATZENMAiN— Mary S., 57. Kearney, .s-ee Carney. Keating— Martha J., 55; Mary, 87. Keeiin— Theresa C, 9. Keenan— Ann (Byrne), 97; Jennie, 88. Keith— Mary J., 48. Kelleher— Margaret J., GO. Kelly', Kelley— Anna, 128; Anne, 29; Annie (Dunn), 95; Bridget, 78; Bridget yi., 110; Catharine, 50; Cath- arine (Callahan), 30; Ellen, 83; Han- nah, 14; Margaret V., 49; Marv. 28; Mary A., 92; Mary E., 72, 101; :Xellie F., 23. Keltie— Jessie L'., 9. Kendall— Martha J., 50; Mary J., 42. Kendrick— Clara C, 72. Kennedy— Bridget, 14, IS, 90; Catha- rine, 100; Rose (Cook), 83. Kennerson— Mary J., 34. Kennessv— Ellen, .35. KERRKiAX— Mary J., 103; Susie, 99. Keyes— Hannah E., 115. Kiernan— Ellen, 01. KlERSTEAD^Julia E., 31. Kiesslixg — Anna, 50. KiiiLBEiMi— Christine Y., 2. KiLEY— Mary, 80. Kilmartin— ^laria (Farrell), 44. Kilpatrick, Ktllpatrick — Agnes, 04; Jane, 32; Margaret, 4. Kilson— Lucy S., 47. Kimball— Ciiroline E., 13; Sophronia B., 1: Soplironia E., 41; Sophronia E. (Kimball), 117. KiNCAiD— Ann, 39, King— Eva M., 60; Fannie, 90. KiXGSBURY'— Caroline E., 26; Emma J., 54; Isabel D., 41; Josephine H., 20; Julia IL, 109; Katie F., 128; Martha A., 92; Mary, 21: .Marv A,, 120; Mary B., 16; Mary E., 40; Marv L., 64; Sarah E., 133; Susan, 27. KiNGSLEY— Lu Linda T., 113. KiNSELL A— Catharine, 61. Kinsley— Alice B., 128; Mary A., 128, Kinsman— Eunice, 26. KiRBY— Eliz'h, 136. Kittson — Margaret S., 16. Knight- Mary D., 47. KoHLER — Bertha, 70. KoiiLiiEPP— Ida II., 41. KoHLMER — Crescent (Axemar), 94. Kramer— Anna W., 112. Krenling— Lina, 4. Krtg— Eliz'h, 63. KuCH— Eliz'h (Karcher), 88, KuNG — Morlena, 92, LaBrantz— Violet G., 131. Lahy— ]SIaggie, 93. Laly— Kate, 109. Lampson— Abbie A., 81. liANDERS-Bridget, 71; Thankful, 109. Landy" — Catharine, 105. Lane — Bridget, 01. Langmaid— Etta, 43. Lanman— Mary A., 126. Larkin— Annie A., 85; ]Mary, 110. Lathrop — Frances A., 127; Jennie A., 104; Maria M., 56. Latty'— Jane, 68. Laucke — Emma, 106. Laurie— Martha E., 136. Layers- Emily 'M. (Aikens), 16. Law— Sarah \V., llO. Lawler— Helena J., 11. Lawrence- Helena M., 52; Lena, 19; Nancy, 97. Leary'— Nellie C, 73. Lee— Bridget. 72; Louisa (Marsh), 99, Printed K by mistake. INDEX OF BRIDES. 147 J.KOALLKK— M»rT E.. Cm. Lkii'.old— ('atluiriiie M., 52. J.KICHT— Fniiicrs, 7.'). Lkitch— Jane, 108. Lklaxd— Aiiiii« M., 5; Cliurlotte G., lU). Li.ONAiiD—Aiin, 117; Bridget, 96; Cora II., lO.j; Gertrude II., 4; Mary A., 35. Levixe— Celia J., 101. Lewis— r>etsy (J., 12; Clara M., 23; Etta E., 5(); Florence G., 50; Lovey A., 29; Maria C, 12; Mary E., 11; May 11., 89. EiiiiTKXiiOLM— Ida L. (Kochfort), 70. Li KULAXG— Barbara, 80. LiLLEYMAN— ^Slary E., 108. LixcoLX— Anna E., 134; Mary E., 100, 13(5. LiXDic— Ernastina, 129; Ilattie, 134. Li XXE 1 1 AX^— Mary , 72. Lirs— (;aroline (Junge), 9. LivixGSTOXE— Grace, 24. Lock, Lockk— Isabelle 31., 52; jSIarv A. (Ilurd), 15. LoGAN—Iiannah, 1. LoxG— Marv, 94. Loi;d— Bertha E., 135; Ella E., 100; Lillian G., 19; Sadie A., 129. LoiuxG— Eliza A., 10; Florence I., GO. liOKio— Eliz'li, 15. Loud— Lydia, 9. LovEDAV — Abigail A. B., 81. Lovis— Orra W., 91. Lowe— Harriet E., 9G; Sarah A., 11(5. LoAVERV— Agnes, 64. LowEY— Jane, 12. Luce— Caroline L., 62. Lt:dwig — Anna, 112; Ella J., 108; Mary, 52. Lyxcii— Eliz'h, 74; Jane, 10; Louisa F. (Prince), 75. Lyxx— Eliz'h, CI^. Lyox, Lyoxs— Ann. 82; Eliz'h, 68; Mary, 93; Nancy J. (Noyes), 64. McAllister— Eliza, 23; Eliza J., 105; Alargaret, 38. McC A EExi; Y— Marv, 6 1 . ISIcCax— Mary V.., 8. McCai'Iiy— Margaret (Buckley), 27. McCAirniY, McCakty— Ida, 70; Julia, 96; Marv, 97; Mary A., 53; Mary F., 85. McCASLix--:\rargaret, 111; Mary, 29. McCauli fe— Nora. 50. McClaxe, .see McLane. McClellax— Emma J., 12.5. McColl— Henrietta, 111. McCoxLAu'). XiMs— Sarali L.. ;;s. XoLAx- Eliza, 01; Margaret, 104. XoRJUS — Eliz'h E., "i ; Kuth E. (Bailey), 04. XovKs— Kmmeline, .")4; Eveline A., 85; Hannali C, :]! ; Xancy J., 80. Xur.KiiT— Lucy C., 05. XuGEXT— Ann, 04; Ellen T., 80. XvE-Bella L., 28; Sadie E., 11. Oak HEM— Eliz'h, 82. O'BiiiAX. O'JJinEX, O'P.iiVAX— Ann, 00; Eliza A., 30; Ellen, 07; Ellen M., 11; Mary E., 77: Mary .L, 73; Mary v., 23. O'CoxxoR— Mary J.. 59. O'Doxx'ELL— Annie J., 58; Julia, 81. Ogila'ie— Emma, 18; flannah, 20. 0'JL\KE— Helen, 50. O'Keefe— Mary, 19. Oei)IIA3i— Xancy, .30. O'Leary— Bridget, 107; Ellen, 30, 0(i. Oetx— Carrie E., 7(). O'Mkeia, O'Meally — Eliza, 20 ; Saraii, 04. O'XErL— Sarah E., 31. Oniox— Anna E., 21; Eliz'h, 21. Ohcutt— Lucinda. 0. ()' Pi I LEV— Mary, .50. Osnojix— Mary, 130. OsM— Dora, 78. OvERLOCK— Hattie, 89. OwEX— Emma L., 113. Page— Maria, 130. Pailkes- Pieliecca A., 74. Pakk— Julia P>., .50; Mary L., 120. Parker— Adeline A., (i; Caroline B., 40: Grace C, 1 : Harriet J., :!7; Jennie E., 13; Mary, :J7, 119. Pakry— AnnT. (Morris), 117; Frances M., 110. Patter— Ella, 50. Patteusox— Faainie A., :32; Frances, 125. Jiouisa A., 128. Emma C, 111; 50. 1.34; I'AT/oLi) Emma A. B., 12. Paul— Ahby, :;2: Caroline. 00; Martha. 14; Martha J)., (iO; :Marv J. o:'.- Sarah B., 70; Stella, 28. Peach— Emily A.. 02. Pe.vkes— Alice E., Peasley— Relxicca, 02. Peirce— ,SVe Pierre. ]'ELT()N-Marioii 7v, 5." Perivixs— Eliz'h L., 27 Julia A., (;0; Sarah A Perrott— Maria, M. Pei;ky— Eliz'h F., 13; Jemima J Josephine M., 54. J'ETEi;s_Mary 'S\., 17. Petti x(;iLL— Frances E., ]:!4. Pevei; — Justine, 112. PuiLiiUKCK— Mercv, 7:5. Phillips— Caroline, \-s.\\ Mary E'., HO; Thankful, 4. PiiixxEY— Ahby A. IL, 07; Llthea S., 110; Mary E., i:).3. Piiirrs— Emeline E., 102. Pierce, PEUiCE— Eliz'h M., .58; Eme- line, 40; Hannah M., 20 ; Hattie E., 103 ; Mabel F., 20; Sarah E., 110; Susan ]\L, 51. Pierre— Marion E. L., 3. PiLSTER— l^nnna L.. .5;]. Piper— Ann M., 107. PiPPiXG— J.ena J.. 72; Louisa S., 20. Place— Ellen F.. 3:]. Plank— Mary, 03. Plummer— E. Bosabelle, 78. PoiRiEPt— Aurelie, 00. Pollard— Frances F., 10. PoLLEYs— Ella ]\r.. 5. PoxD— Isabel E., 54; Lillian A., 120; Lucy A., 42; Martha (Sumner), 32. Poole— Martha ( Raymond), 8. JY)TTER— Mary E., 102. Power, Powers IJridget, 8:5; .\hirv A., 102; Mary(;. (Sanderson), 118. 3'RATT— Annie J., 53: Hattie F., 110; Sarah ]}., 32; Sarah E., 122. Preble— Grace E., i:]4. Prextice -Eleanor jSI. (Xorcross), 80. Prksi'.y, Pre>ijrv — Ofiuda A., 25; Susan S., 111. Prescott— Ellen F., 2. PRIX( i:— Ella P., 114; Henrietta, 134; Josephine ^L, OS; Mary li., 5;]. ]MiOi!ST— Rosa, 70. I'RUMRY— Margaret, 120. PuLLEx— Mary U., 101. QuiN LAX— Bridget, 20. Printed A by mistake. 150 BED II AM RECORDS. Rabbs— Paulina (Barrsclioif), 72. Kaffekty— Eliz'li, 51; Ellen, 92; Jane E., 85. Ralph— Eliza J., 124. RA>rsDELL— Emma J., 5. Rand— Eliz'li, 00. Rankan— Maifjaret J., 27. Raswhiler— Catharine, 79; Eliz'Ii, 77. Ray -Ellen, 35. RAY'3roND -Frances E., C2. Reaudon— Helen, 17. Redfield— Ellen M., 121; Georgiaiina E., 2. Redmoxd— Emily J., 70. Reed, Read— Jeanette F. K.,92; Mary E. H., 89. Reicheiff— Hattie E., 71. Reiser— Frida, 112. Rexsox— Josephine, 110. Rescii— Eliz'li, 12. Ressel— Antona, 72. Reuner— Louisa T. A., 120. Revell— Evangeline, 98. Reynolds— Annie, 125. Rhoades, Riioads, Rhodes — Eliz'h F., 107; Ellen, 20; Ellen A., 87; Har- riet E., 74; JMary C, 129; Mary W., 08. RiBA— Frederiea, 118. Rice— Henrietta, 134. RicnAKDS— Annie E., 110; Clara E., 105; (;lara L.. 49; Eliza X. (Lapliain), 05: Eliz'h (Stanhope), 12; Esther, 8; Harriet A., 83; Isabella F., 29; Lucy M., 124; Maiv F., 30; Mary M., 17; Mary R., 40; Xancy, 92; Nancy M., 28; XancyS., 33; Olive A., 99; Sarah F., 100; Susan C, 133. Richardson— Cevilla R., 73; Mary A., 14; Sarah A., 3. Richmond— Ella E., 00; Martha J., 5. RiCKER— Eliz'h W., 55 ; Sarah S., 115. Ridley— En.ma C, 33 ; ]\Iinnie, 132; Olive M., 0. RiEGG— Elizabeth, 72. RiLEY, RiELLY, Rii;li;y— Annie, 45; Bridget, 10; Catharine, 130; Ellen V., 97; Mary, KK); :Mary A.. 09; Xellie, 58. RniBACii— Anna S. "C, 101. RiMELE, Rimmell — Hattie J., 113; Irene, 99. RiNEs-Julia \\\ (Talbot), 118. RiVERFiELD— I'etsy E., 120. Roach— Catliarine,25; Catharine L.,43. RoBBiNs— Louisa C, 128. Ror.ERsoN— Abl)y, 21. Roberts— Mattie G., 32. RoBiE-GraceS.. 104. Ror.iNSON— Charlotte ^f., 11; Eliza. 71 ; Eliz'h G., 98; :\[elissa I)., (i4. ROBLEY— Laura C, lOB; Lavinia Jl, 15. Rockwell— Margaret P. (Humphrey), 110. RoCKWOOD— Elizabeth, 123. Rodman— Eloise, i;30. Rogers— (Charlotte C, 115; Edith R., 49; Sarah J., 135; Tamsin S., 130. Rogersox— Agnes, 32. RoLLAND— Mary A., 31. Rollins— Desiah M., 44. Rood— Abby F. (Carroll), lOS. Rose— Sarah A., 02. Ross— Mary A., 51. Roth— Hannah, 19. RouRK— Mary H., 23. Rowley— Lilla F., 32. Roy— Sarah, 84. Royal— Mary A., IS. Rudolph— Auguste, 11. RuNGE— Johanna, 129. Russell — Carrie W.,41; ]\rary L., 25. Ryan— Margaret, 35; Mary, 38; Mary A., 86; Xettie A., 1; Susan, 110. Sadler— Mary E., 126. Salman — Emma L., 42. Sampson— Eliz'h C, 25; Ellen C, 110; Emily F.. 5; Mary E., 40; Mary O., 27; Selina W., 79. Sander.son— ('assie L., 48; Ella K., 21; Georgia M., 7. Savels— Amelia G.. 19. Sa win— Sarah F., 97. Sawtelle— Sarah E., 23. Sawyer— Liva, 71; Mary C, 00. Sayer- Katharina (Klarmann), 0. SCALLY'— Catharine, 124. ScERY, Seery^— Annie E ,02; Mary, 113. ScHAUFuss— Louisa M., 90. SciiELP— Margaret, 9. SciiLEiNGEPt— Catherine, 117. Schmidt— Carrie, 89. ScHOEPF— Katharina E., 54. SciiOLL— Anna C, 54. ScilOLZ— 'See Schulz. ScHON— Bertha, 119. ScHUBERD— Wilhelmina, 39. ScHULZ, ScHOLz, SuouLTZ— Augusta, 11 ; Christina, 100 ; Natalie, (il ; Thusnelda, 8. ScoFiELD— ^lalinda (Scofield), 0. Scott— Charlotte N., 132; Mary ^ Fer- guson), 125; Mary J. (Keenan), 77. ScRivEN.s — Alice, i04. ScuLLEY, Scully— Lizzie F., 80; Mary A., 118. Seagrave— Annie, 83. Se.vver— Annie 1., 43; Lucy R., 19. Seawabd— Laura A , 127. IXDEX OF BRIDES. VA Sekuy— »SVc' Sccri/. 8nA( KKKY— Iliu-riet E., 12(). SiiANXKY— ('atl);irin(>, !);;. SiiANXox— Margaret, 47. SiiAPLKKiU— Eiiiily. 1 1.;. SiiATTUc K— Xancy L., li';',. Shaw— Anna E., l-_M : Annie ('.. 11; Ellen M. \'., -IC; yinvv 11., 71: Sopliia, 27. SiiAY— Eizzie, :>-2. Shehax — Johanna, liiO. Sherlock— .Ian (^ A.. .")i. Shohey— Cornelia. (i2 ; Isalielle S., 21. Short— Lillie A., 110. Shoultz— (See l^chulz. SnuMAVAY— Lydia S., Oi); Mary T.. 24. SnuRTLEFF— Lucinda (Ilansoii), 13G. SiLSBEE— ;Martlia E. (Getcliell), ;}7. SiMART— Pliiloniene, 77. SiMMOXs— Annie E., 52. SiMFSOX- Eliz'li A., 18; Marf,^iret, 82; Mary, 104. Sinclair— (Jeor<>ina (Kni.n'ht), :}n. SixxATT. SiNX()T — I<:]len, 110: Olive M. ( White). 128. Si SCO— Lillie A., 114. Sluddex— xMary, 28. Smith— Al)isair, '>4: .Vdalinc, ."iO; Ade- laide, 70; Alice E., 1:!0; Anna M., ;!:l; Annie 1., 121 ; (!arrie, ;!4 ; Catharine (Carr), ."iS; Delphine (.Stnder), 1:31; Eliz'h. 110; Eli/;h M., 00; EllaL., 10; Eveline A.. 22; Eaiini(> A.. (32; (ieor- i^ianna, l:]l: Hannah (.Johnson). 40; Hattie A.. 22; Henrietta W., 21 ; .Julia A., 121; Laura .\.. 12."); Lizzie, 27; Loui.sa, 00 ; L(u-v A., :J7 ; Lydia A., 58 ; Maria M., I'oo ; Martlia" A., 40 ; Marv, 04; Unvy A.. 17; Mary L., l:W; MarV :Nr., ;]1: .Marv N., 1:52; Marv S., 04 ; Nellie E.. 0: Olive W., 10; Sarah A., 48; Sarah J}., ;;0; Sarah E., 5; Sarah II., 121. Sxell— Mary A.. 0; Xancy J., 4. Sxow— Lucinda l'\, 04. SOLOTinitXMAXX, So I>TI[ U R M .\ X' — Anna JM., 1:57; i.,onise, lOO. SOULE— :krary ,1.. :!: Sarah X\, 4. SouTHGATE— Delia \\'.. 87; Mav F., 27. Sparrell— Caroline L., 02 Spauldixg— .Mice M . Ol: Frances O. 32; Lizzie :M.. 40; Sarah A., 00. Spear — Kl leu F. (;.. 14. Speed— Ellen E., 122. Spillaxe— -lohanna. 108. Spraoue— Mary L.. 04. Squire— (rertie J.. :]2. Stax ford— France.s, ;;(). Staples— Fannie .!., :] ; !\rartha A. (Elder), 55. Stapletox— Mary, 40; Sarah, 40. Starrett— ]\rarv A.. 08. Stearx.s— Hannah E., .5.5, 122. S'i'EPPE— Walliurn', i;;i. Stetsox-^ — Ciuirlotte E., ins; Lndoni M., 1:35. Stewart — Emily X'., 12: Helen, .M: Xancy, 5!>. Stimsox. STniPSox— Charlotte A., 74: Mary A. (Stinii)son ), 4:3. Si'OckVell- .\da L., l:;o. Stoddard— Mary \V., i:',5. Stoxe— Anna ]M". (.Mann ), 07: Harriet C, 02. Storrs— :\rary L., 00. Stow, Stowe- Jennie E., l:'.2: Lvilia A., 1. Straxgmax— Mary A., 85. Stroret— Catharine, loii. Strociier— Catharine M., OS. Studer— Louisa, 112. Stedle Y— Carrie C, 2. STUH3IE— Deli)hine. 117. Stcxtzxer- Ida dleyn), 45. Sulkoski— Julia, (il. " SuLLlVAX'— xVhhy, 7: Al)by'i\, 81: Ad:i E., i;35: I>rid;j;et .M., 5:',;" Ilannali. 00; Jane, 8:3: Joanna, 20: Margaret (Murphy). 0(i: .M;iry E.. 12:'.: .Mini. J.-. 10. Su.MXER— Anna II., 80; Isaliellc 25; Julia, 01; ^I. Caroline, .5S: .Man i i].. 74; lieliecca, 105; Sarah, '.»!. SwAix. SwAiXE— Eliz"h i^Tlioni; .-on) 114; Eliz'h K., 127. SwAX'K- Zinta. 101. SWEEXEV- -Mary . Tapley- Alice L. 0!. Tapj'.ox— Sarah (ilollins), 7:'.. T.VYLOR— Josephine, 0(i; Marietta. 08; .Mehitalile K., 80; Sa^aii .1. iSkeltoni. 100. Teevax— .Mary. 05. 'rEMPi;RLi:v— .\lary .V.,7: Xellie \'.,o;!. Thayki;— Maria, 52. Thomas- Eliza S. iTiiorndike), 08; Ella, 01; Emma S., 4: Ida F., 15. Tilo.AiPsox— Caroline E.. lo:!; Esther 152 DEDHAM RECORDS. i\.. 84: Jane, 19; Jessie, 29; Mary D., To: Mary S., 10. TiionxTox— Louisa, G9; Lucretia A., 57: Susan (t., 95. THOur'E^Julia W., 13. Thtmpaxy— Margaret, 28. TiDD— Louisa J., 91. TiERXEY— Annie V., 82. TiLESTOX— Florence, 22. TinPtELL— Mary L., 77. TisDALE— Caroline H., 112; Mary E., 135; Penelope, S. TiTCOMB— Adeline M., 133; Annette, 23. TowEK, TmvEKs— Adeline R., 134; Annie A.. 122; Mary E., 79. ToAVLE— Ella F., 99: Harriet G., 48; Lizzie P., 8: Susan M., 127. To\rxE— Emma F., 40. Tracy— Annie, 53; Ellen E., 44; Grace, 20. Tkask— Lizzie, 5; Mary E. (Burk), .5. Tk A VIS— Lizzie F., 79. Trefrey, Trefry— Emma F., 109: Harriet M., 80; 2sancv J., 118: Nellie F., 10.3. Trescott— Xancy C, 102. TucBS— AspaciaC, 36; EmelineM., 12; Harriet y., 28. Tucker— Clarinda H., 78; Helen M., 39. TuGUE— Marv, S4. TuLLY— Annie M., 9; Eliza V., 18. TuRXER— Carrie C.,l5;Delia( Dermott), 35: Eliza F., :34: Jennie, 135; Louisa, 111; Mariali S., 122; Marietta, 40; Mary A., 52; Sarab I., 0. TuTTLE— Hattie L., 40; Sarah E., 129. Ultox— Phebe A., 22. Uph AM— Eliza (Hale), 97; Martba A,,33. Upton- Helen E., 101. Usher — Catharine, 17; Hannah M., 55. Yaile— Marv, 78. Tax Brixt— Sarah P.. 97. A^vx Uort— Isa))el (Edwards), .5. "\'ai:rell— Xellie M., 11. Vaitrixot — Grace E.. 131. YiDETO— Amelia C, 119. YiXAL— Pliebe B., 100. YoGLAH- Sophia, 129. YoGLE— Josephine E., 30; ;Margaret, 123. Wade— Ellen J., 110; Johanna, 30; Margaret, 30; Mary E., .58. Waiill— Theresa, 115. AVakefikld— Jennie M., 5. AValdrox— Eliz'h, 97 : Mary, 78; Olive A., 15. Wales— Martha S., 24. Walker— Annie E., 109. Wallace— Anastasia (Wallace), 70; Eliza J., 86. Walley— Emma, 68. Walsh— »b'ee Wchli. Waltox— Mvrtie M., Ill; Sarah M., 9.3. Ward— E. Isabella, .54; Ella M., 128; Marv, 27: Marv E., 21, 46. Wardle— Marv C, 109. Ware— Clara J.. 40; Mary M., 84. Warx'ock — Marv A., 119. Warrex— Abbv'L., :^,0; Lilly J., 77. Watermax— Ella J.. 37. Watsox— Bridget, 70. Weatherbee — Emma F. (Dean), 48; 3.UCV B., 43; Mary A. Ji)., 107; Sarah L., 47. Weathers— Laura, 47. Webb— Emma M., 9.5. Weber— An^ie L., 100; Bertha S., 129: Emma, 9; Kegula, 79. Webster — Sarah A., .50. Weeks— Abl)ie F., 94; Catharine H., 28; Eliz^h, S4; Martha E., 86. Weemax— Hattie E., 21. Weiss— Anna M., 8. Wells— Margaret, 93. Welsh, Welch, Walsh— Abbie, 94; Bridget, 55; Catharine A., 20; Ellen, 74; Lizzie Y., 71; Maggie, 113; Mar- garet H., 82; Marv, 20, 00, 112, 120, 131: Mary A., 9:5, 130. Wextworth— Eliza J., 21. Werxer— Mary, 20. Wetmore— Eva M., 12. Wetteroth— Christiana, 72. Wheeler— Annie, 89; Eliza J. (Gould),7. Whipple- Elvira R., 48; Emma G., 5.5. Whistox— Margaret, 13. White — Annie, 135; Bridget, 106; Carrie F., 131; Charlotte P.. 133; Delia D., 123; Ella M. (Holt), 51; Hannah, 37; Lizzie, 99; Margaret, 17; ,Marv. 104; Mary A.. 14; Marv E., 121: Sarah E., 39; Sarah J., 50; Viola Whitixg— Ann F., 125; Charlotte, 116; Cora L., 92; Eliz^h PI. 67; Ellen W., ll;EmelineF..25; Esther, .56; Louisa, 33: Marv E., 62; Mvra E. (Morse), 24; Pollv, 121; Sarah F., 129; Sarah J., 2; Sarah M., 45. WiiiTXEY— Frances M., 74; Lotta L., 24: Mary B., 66: Nellie F., 91, WnrrrKMORE— Elira ^. iCatt^n, 13*. INDEX OF BRIDES. 153 WiiiTTEx— Ilaunali r. (Peaseley), lOo. ■\ViiiTTUM— Harriet, 13. "WiGGix — Anna Jj., 5; Eliz'li, 42; Prances, '.»2; Marv A., 7. ■Wight— AbbieL., 94; ]\rartha K., 28. AViLDK— Eliz'th 1). (Cashing), 00. WiLDKii— Christiana C, IKi; ]\Iarv S., 122. Wiley— Eliza J., 130. WiLLAKD— Olive (Spear), 100. Williams— Carrie M., 40; 11. Louise, 80; Sallv ( Pike\ 42. Willis— ^fary A., 40; Xellie II., 118; Sarah P., 120. AViLsoN.— Agnes, 34; Eliz'h A. (Camp- bell), 2; Emily P., 12."); Jennie £., 60; :\Iary A., 01; Mary J., 3; Sophia A. (Butler), 120. WixciiESTEi;— Eliza C, 14. WiNKLEK— Augusta B., 60. AVixx— Mary A,, 73. Wixsnip— Julia A., 80; S. Jennie, 14. AVixsLOW— Annie S., 31; Caroline M., .■')4; Henrietta A., 01. Al.iry A., B., 113; WiKTii— Catherine S., or,; Helena, OS. WiswALL— Lillian oSr., 112. WiTHAM— Lena P., 00. WiTiiiXGTOx- Dora J., 21 24; MiralP, 52. WoLCOTT— Harriet T., 13. Wood, Woods— Ann, 21; Annie 132; Caroline M., 78; Hannah 15. I^aura A.. 124; Lemira A., 124; Marv P.. 123; :\rary P., 12. Woodward— Ida P., 120. WoRSTEK— Almira X., 40. Wright— Annie P. (Hadley), 130; Louisa M., 11; Nettie. 101. WuRSTER— Henrietta, 1 23. WY3rAx— Eliza W., .-.3. YouxG— Cordelia P., 10; Mary J., 101; Sarah A., 0."). ZiERGiEREL— Anna, .')1. Z I XX— Mary, 73. 154 DEDHAM RECORDS. PLACE INDEX, [Cities and Towns in the United States.] Ablieville, 11:]. Abbott, 80. Abington, 68, 104, 131. Acton, 1."), 113. Acwortli, 52. Adams, 85. Addison, 0. Albany, 12G. Albion, ST. Alexandria, 01. Alfred, 8, 29, 8G. Alna, 91, 94. Alstead, 103. Ambov, 131. Amesbury, 15, IG, 4G, 82, 95. Amherst, 2.5. Anderson, 42. Andover, 3, 7, 10, 12, 1.5, 22, 23, 45, G9, SO, 91, 93, 102. Antrim, 131. Argyle, 104, 135. Arlington, 12, G3, 97. Ashl»nrnliam, 1.5, 135. Ashbv, 130, 132. Ash field, 8. Ashford, 67. ^^. Ashland, 57, 74, 119, 126. Athens, GO. Athol, 2.5. Attleboro, 24, 54, 57, 74, 77, 127. Anburn, 103, 109. Anburndale, 55. Angusta, 14, 46, 70, 18G. Baldwin, 110. Eallardville, 109. 122. Baltimore, S(5, 48, 74, 137. Bangor, 5, 16, 58, 89. Baraboo, 68. Barnard, 31. Barnstable, 69, 105. Barre, 99. Barrelville, 105. Barrington, 107. Bath, 9, 99, 10.5, 126, 129. Bedford, GO, 75. Belchertown, 87. Bellingham, 5, 7, 11, 110, 123. Bennington, 114. Bernardston, 56. Berwick, 97, 13G. Bethel, 48, 50, 65, 70. Beverly, 5, 102. Biddefbrd, 17, 23, 48. Billerica, 13. Bingham, 9, 133. Blackstone, 2, 71, S3, 125. Booth ha 5^ 24, GO. Boothbnry, 132. Bordentown, 75. Bosson, 101. Boston, on nearly every parje. Boxboro, 33, 97, 110. Boxford, 55. Bovlston, ()7, 109. Bradford, 21, 55, 96, 109. 111. Braintree, 25, 27, 29, 31, 65, 69, 86, 93, 110, 113, lis, 123, 127. Brattleboro, 95. Brewster, 134. Bridgewater, 7, 23, 44, 4.5, 51, 60, 73, 97, 99, 132, 135, 137. Bridgton, 23. Brighton, 14, 43, 10.5, 124, 130. Brimfield, 12, 59, 105. Bristol, 128. PLACE IXDEX. 155 lirocktdii. 77, 07. ]5ron\d;ile, (i(). Jirooklu'Id. 13, 48. lirookline. ;l, 11, i:]. 21), Xy, :]l), -1.'), 57, 70, 82, 8-1, S.J, '.)1, 102, 12(), 18t). IJrooklvii, 10, 32, 48, .J8, C(), 07, 74, 70, 103, 120. Brown ville, 108. JJninswicK. 2, 12, 21, 7i>, 77, 1:53. JJueklicId, 1."). 'J4. IJiicksport, U8. liuftalo, ."j(). ]]miiiis-ton. 20, 104. IkuTel'lville, 32, 03, 117. Calais, 70, SO. Cauibridci-e, 14, 10, 19, 27, 28, .30, 31, 37, 38, 44, 40, 48, .oO, 57, 5!), 01, 03, 06, 73, 78, SO, 81, SO, 88, 98, 99, 102, 10.'), 10(5, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 110, 117, 118, 121, 124, 127, 130, 132. 133, 135. Camden, 0, 44, 0.5, 98, 114. Canaan, 10, lOS, ill. Candia, 29. Canton, 3, 5, 0, 7, S, 10, 11, 14, 15, 10, 20, 24, 29, 31, 32, 30, 41, 4-5, 49, 51, 52, .58, 00, 03, 04, 07, 09, 73, 75, 70, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84. 93, 90, 97, 100, 101, 105, 100, 109, 111, 112, 114, 11.5, 110, 119, 121, 12.5, 120, 129, 130, 131, 134. Cape Elizabeth, 118. Cazenovia, 92. Cedar Falls, 39. Charlestown, 1, 3, .5, 0, 9, 15. 2.5. 29. 44, 45, 49, 50, 57, 0)2, 09, 70, 82, 83, 89, 94, 99, 111, 11.3, 120, 121, 127, 131, 132, 13-5. Charlotte, 37, 00, 115. Charlton, 13. Chateauu-av, 132. Chatham, 32, 49, 72, SO, 108, 117, 121, 12.5, 130. Chelmsford, 37. Clielsea, 1, 3, 8, 19, 31, 33, 41, 90, 100, 110, 111, 117, 127, 130. Cheraw, 74. Cherrvlield, 1, 4(i, 115. Chester, 40. 43, 70, 134. Chesterville, 99, 110. Chicago, OS. China, 102. Cincinnati, 2, 40, 73. Claremont, 04. Cleveland, 79. Clinton, 131. Cohasset, 12, 00, 8.5, 92. Colerain, 124. Concord, 13, 10, 2.5, 32, 34, .30, 42, 87, 111. Conway, 8. Cooks Corner, 40. Coram, 32. Corinth, 49. Cornish, 115. Cornvillo, 107. Coventry, 109, 110, 118, 130. Craftsburv, 100. 114. Cumberland, 33, 90, 121, Danl)ury, 98. lOS. Dan vers, 3, 12, 30, .53, .50, 71, 121, 134,1 Danville, 3,0, 109. ])artmouth, 21. Davenport, SO. J)ayton, 38. Decatvir, 132. Deer Isle, 74. Deerfield, 7. Deering. 2, .33. J)enmark, .59. Dennis, 37. Derby Line, S3. Derry, 10, 17. DeHuvter, 70. Detroit, 13. 30, 51, 84. Dexter, 104. Dighton, S, 73, 110, 121. Dixfield, 102, 113. Dorchester, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 28, 30, 37, 38, 42, 44. 55, .58, 02, ()5, 73, 70, 79, 80, 87, 91, 92, 95. 90, 190, r.i4, 10.5, 108, 109, 124, 120, 127, 1 Dover, 3, 4. 0, 7, 14, 10, 22, .39. 41, 49, 82. SO, 91, 100, 11.5, 110, 122, 124, 120,1 13.5, 13(). ])ownsviIIe, 114. Dracut, 23, 103, 11.3, 128. Dudley, 79. Dunstown, 120. Duxl)ury, 79. East T>arrington, 107. East 15ridgewater, 44, 97. East Dartmontli, 21. East Eivermore, 73. East Macluas, 21, 131. East I'rovidence, 72. East Worcester, 10. ]«:aston, 20, :V.\ 77, 97, 99. Eastport, 1, 17, 07, 09, 97, 110, 133,. Eaton, 107. Edgecomb, 40, 50. Eiringhani, 89. Elizalteth City, 113. Elliot, 113. EUswortli, 101. Elvira, .50. Eppinsr, 21, 3,2. Exeter, 8, 101. 13, 01, 98, 32. .50, 156 DEDHAM RECORDS. Fairhavon, 114. Fairlee, 09, 121. Fall Eiver, 1, 2, 19, 32, 38, 89, 117. Falmouth, 70, 96, 121. Farmersville, 105. Farmingtoii. l.->, G9, 84, 130. Fitchburg, 48. .^0, 60. Fitzwilliam, 98. Florida, 132. Fort Worth, 119. Foxboro, 10, 19, 21, 20, 37, 42, 48, 91, 09, 102. Fox croft, 7. Framingham, 26, 37, 46, .j9, GO, 07, 9(i, 114, 122. 131, 133. Francestown, 40, 113. Franklin. 5, 8, 9, 24, 41, 40, hi, 62, 81, 93, 123, 124, 13.">. Freeport, 21, 34, 61. Friendship, 22, 103, 11.5. Fryburg, 106. Gardiner, 11, 13, 16, .58, 64, 98, 115, 117, 118, 134. Gardner, 0, 53, 126, 135. Garland, 13. Gilmanton, 12, 5.5, 64. Glenhani, 52, 02. Glenville, 39. Gloucester, 27, 33, 43, 66, 88, 92, 111. Goffstown, 78. Goldsboro, 56. Goslien, 68. Grafton, 3. Grantham, 23. Grantville, 134. Great ]5arrington, 107, 108. Green Garden, 00. Greenfield, 29, 31, 114. Greenland, 104. Greenport, 78. Greensboro, 27, 36. Greenwood, 10, 134. Groton, 130. Guildhall, .34. Guilford, 55. Hadley, 1.36. Halifax, 18, 135. Hallowell, 7, 14, 22, 37, 133. Hamilton, .3. Ilampden, 11, 97. Ilampstead, 20. Hancock, 115. Hanover, 11, .32, 43, 57, 78. Hanson, 43, 04, 78. Ilardwick, 13. Harpswell, 2, 14. Hartford, 91, 108, 124, 1.35. Hartland, 122. Haverhill, 15, 18, .34, 44, 60, 09, 71, 1-30. Hillsboro, 34. Hingham, 15, 78, 119, 128, 1.32. Holden, 22. Hollidaysburg, 80. Hollis, 63, 86. Holliston, 70, 93, 126, 1.34. Holton, 125. Holyoke, 110, 122. Hope, 76. Hopkinton, 4,5, 46, 93, 98, 111, 119. Hubbardston, 16, 48. Hyde Park, 1, 9, 12. 1.3, 15, 18, 20, 22, 2.3, 24, 20, 28, 30, 3.5, 37, 39, 44, 45, 49, 51, .53, 58, 63, 04. 05, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 03, 97, 104, 105, 108, 112, 113, 118, 121, 122, 12.3, 124, 131, 135. Ipswich, 86. Isle of Hoit, 135. Jackson, 128. Jacksonville, 115. Jaffrey, 73. Jeffersonville, 69. Jersey City, 60. Johnston, 56. Keene, 114. Kennel)unkport, 12.5. Kensington, 122. Kingsfield, 109. Kingston, 12, 23. Lagrange, 68. Lancaster, 129, 132. J^ansingburg, 49. Lawrence, 11, 37, 4.5, 82, 97, 119, 122. Lebanon, 22. Lee, 05, 07. Leicester, 13, 125. Lempster, 99. Leominster, 98. Leray, OO, Leverett, 61. Lewiston, 13. Lexington, 43. Limirick, 38, 98. Lincoln, 34, 78, 88, 100. Lisbon, 13, 37, 41, 53. Litchfield, 5, 10, 01, 110, 117, 127. FLACR INDEX, 157 LittiR Falls. 80. Littleton, .■)!, li>(;. Livermor's -Ki, .V2, 7:5. Livcnnore Falls, 44, Lodi, 17. Lontlotulerrv. 127. Lovell. U7. Lowell, 22, 21, :12, :];;, ?,\ :]i», .■)2, Gl, 05,00, 74. 70. 82, 8:], 0:5, 90, 10:], 11.',, 114, 115, 128. i;30. 134. Ludlow, ()2, ()8. Luiienburjr. (JO. Lyinaii, (!, ()2. Lyii)(>. 2. Lvudoii, 1. 54. jyvni), i:i, 14, 18, 20, 78, 00, 102, 107, 111, l.;4. ]\racliias, 12. 21, l;;i. JSIadisoii. 101. Maiden, (i, 18, 53, 05, 112, 113. ]Sraii Chester, 40, 58, 50, 85, 102. _Maiuiri eld , 18, 23, 2 4,_^3, 70, 02, 100,_110^ MarT.lehead. 05 00, 87, 00, 101, 103. 100, 125, 132, 135. j\rarll)oro, 10, 00, 00. Martini's Vineyard, 32. Mattai)oisett, 3. JNIcivnard, 20. Meclianifs Falls, 100. Medtleld. 4, 0, 12, 13, 10, 18, 22, 25, 30, 07, 71, 82. 84, 87, 02, 100, 105, 108, 111, IKi, 117, 132, 133, 135. Medford, 0, 50, 03, 83, 85, 95. Med way. 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 10, 17, 24, 31, .-VS 02, 03, 84, 80, 03, 100, 100, 124, 120, 130, 131. Melrose, GO, 87. Mendon, 110, 121, 122. Mexico, 37, 80. Middlel)oro, 2, 10, 71, 131. Middlesex, 134. Middleton, 4, 8. Mil ford, 02, 08, 92, 93, 08. Millhury, 87, 117. Millville, 2.3. Milo, 48, 04. Milton. 11, 1.5, 23, 24, 3.5, 42, 40, 40, 51,54, 00, 5. Norfolk, 11, .59, 90. 12:;, 131. Norridf^ewock, 107, 111. North Pjav, l:!4. North Piidu-ewater, 14, 2:',, 41, 4.5, 51, l:',5. North Dartmouth, 21. North Haven. 5. North Sanliornton. 110. Northami»ton, 8, 17. Northi)oro, 5. (55, (»7, 120. Northhridue, 2, ;:o, 04, 121. North held', 22. 87. Norton, 17, :',:!, 00, 00, 11.5, 110. Norwich, 70, 120. Norwood, 1, 3, 5, (5, 7, 8, 14, 25. 28, ;W. 34. %:-,, 40, 40, .50, .53, 0:^,, 71. 72, 75,87, 00. 02, 94,00.101.10;;. io(). no, iii, ii8, 120. 121, 120, 1:50, 131, l;j:',. No. 7, 7. Oldtown, 102. Orford, 108. 358 DEDHAM RECORDS. Orleans, 67. Ossipee, 13(5. Oswego. 104, 120, 127. Oxford, 12, 13, 24, 53, 7G, 91. Paine's Point, 78. Palermo, 13, 41, 94. Palmer, 62. Paris, l.->, 23, 32, 44, 50, 87, 88, 110, 122, 135, 130. Pascogue, .32, .39, 72. Patten, 77. Pawtucket. 15, 62, 102, 107, 117. Peabody, 16, 97. Pembroke, 12, .53, 55, 119, 134. Peoria. 102. Pepperell, 51, 122. Perry, 78. Peru, (i4, 68, 87. Peterslnirg, 54. Petersham, 05. Pettston, 19. Philadelphia, 2, 9. 40, 48, 52, .54, 58, 63. 70. 96, 99, 107, 117, 119, 128. Philipston, 118. Phi])l)sburg, 31. Pierinont, 119. Pierpont, 77. Pine Island, 18. Pine Plain, 51. Pittsburgh, 21. Pittsfield, 27, 30, OS, 75. Pittston. 19, 107, 117. Plaiidield, 8, 29, 134. Plaistow, 20. Plattsburg, 77. Plimpton, 49, 110. Plymouth, 7, 77, 89, 104, 117, 121, 125. Poestonkill, 121. Poland, 73, 74. Pomfret, 02, 87. Pontiac, 45. Porter. 107. Portland, 13, 21, 37, 43, 62, 71, 88, 114, 118, 127. Portsmouth, 10, 34, 04, 117, 121, Poughkeepsie, 2. Pownal, 11. Providence, 2, 5, 14, 16, IS, 25, 27, 30, 39, 46, 52, 53, 57, 59, 65, 72, 77, 78, 80, 89, 98, 101. 104, 109, 110, 114, 130. Provincetowu, 29. Putnam, 80. Putney, 65. Quincy, 1, 9, 22, 27, 31, 35, 38, 47, 54, 88, 100, 10.3, 108, 127. RancloIi)h, 45, 08, 79, 86, 97, 108, 111, 126. llaymond, 39, 70, 93. Raynliam, 92. Reading, 47, .56, 87, 88, 122, 120. Readville, 67, 96, 112. Redwing, 41. Rehoboth, 92. Richmond, .53, 68, 135. Riverton, 107. Rochester, 24, 41, 91, 106, 132. Rockland, 8, 67, 98, 117, 124, 126. Rockville, 109, 112, 122. Root, 109, Rouses Pt., 65. Rownolout, 112. Roxbury. 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30, 33, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, .54, 55, .58, 59, 62, 64, 65, m, 67, 72, 75, 76, SO, 81, 83, 84, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98. 99, 100, 103, 104, 10.5, 106, 108, 109, 111, 11.3, 114, 118, 120, 122, 123, 127, 128, 130, 131. Rumford, 15. Rumney, 60. Rupert, 60. Rye, 20. Saco, 2, 7, 20, 25, 49, 87. Sagharbor, .58. St. Francis, 29. St. Johns, 29, 93. St. Johnsbury, 19, 100, 134. St. Louis, 22. St. Michaels, 65. Salem, 13, 56, 60, 61, 84, 88, 94, 99, 100, 120. 128, 129, 132, 134. Salisbury, 36, 73, 100. Sanbornton, 110, 124. Sandlake, 121. Sandwich, 14, 21, 40, 62, 103. Sandy Hook, S3. Sanford, 70, 88. San Francisco, 2, 45, 111, Saratoga, 32, Sangus, 101. Savannah, 124. Scaghtieoke, 127. Scarboro, 90, 105. Scituate, 28, 31, 38, 43, 47, 100, 119. Searsmont, 22, 30, Searsport, 92, 99. Sebago, 128. Seekonk, 54, 104, 111. 131. Sharon, 5, 8, 17, 19, 22, 26, 36, 48, 51, 02, 77, 89, 92, 97, 103, 105. 118, 122, 133. Sheffield, .54, 89, 108. Sherborn, 4, ,57, 60. Shrewsl)ury, 100. 1.32. Slatersville, 130. PLACE INDEX. 159 Sniitlifield, no, oT. 102, 111. Solon, 1.",, 48. Somerset. 4, ;]2. Somerville, .->, 50, .->1, .jO, 02, 101, 108, 120. .South Aniboy, l:;i, Soutli ("Iielm'si'ord, :17. South Coventry, 110. South Divnvers, 3(i. Soutli Iladley, KJO. South Kint;.ston, 2:]. South l>(':uiin,ii-, GO, 87. Soutli Tlioiuaston, 00. South Woodstock, l:]2. Southboro, i;!4. Southbrid.^e, 02. Southokl, .J. Spencer, 0, 11. Spragueville, (io. Spvin^■^leld, 50, (Jl, C.T, 110, 114. Stafford, 1. Standisli, s8. Staten Island, 100. Stoneliam, 85, 87, 107. Stoughton, 28, 20, 81, C2, :U, 4.5, 50, -58, 00, 100. 107, 111, 110, 120. Strafford, 4:), 127. Strong. 13, 00. Sturbridge. 2''>. Sudbury,' 1.5, 18, 22, .55, 121. Sumner, 10, 34, 05, OS, 91. Suncook. 130. Sutton, 124. Swanton, 11. Swanville, 57. Swanzey, G5. Sweden, 21, 130. Tarboro, 74. Taunton, 7, 17, 21, 28, 33, 34, 40, 78,82,95, 11.3, 110, 125, 128, 133. Taylorsville, 127. Teinpleton, G, 47, 97. Tewksburv, 100. Thetford,"ll.5, 128. Thomaston, G8, 00, 1.34. Thompson, 17, .",0. Thompsonville, 23. Tisi)urv, 30. ToIUuk'I, 30. Trenton, 111. Trowbridge, 81. Troy, 2, 70, 77, 114. Truro, 6, 101. Unionville, 94. Upton, 132. Utica, 72, 13G. I'xbridge, 107, 108. A'assall)oro, 52. A'ernon, 7s. Wakefield. tlO, 04, OS, l;jl. Waldo. 1.30. AValdoboro, 1, 53, 108, 117. AValpole, 1, 4, .5, 0, S, ii, 10, 11, 13, 14, IG, 17, ill, 20, 21, 30, 3.3, 38, 40, 42, 43, 40, 47, 40, .50 5:',, 5.5, 57, 50, (jl, (iG, 07, GO, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, SO, 8!), 90, 94, 97, 99, 102, 104, 10.5, 10(i, 107, 111, 112, 114, 110, 118, 120, 124, 128. 120, 1.32, 133, 13.5. Waltham, 3, 7, 2.5, 32, 40, 47, 70,83, 8G,9S, 104, 10.5, no. AVareham. 31. Warren, 80, 9.3. "Warwick, .54. Washington, 1. 7, .53, 09, 89. Waterboro, 130. Waterbower, 17. AVaterburv, 128. A\'aterfor(l 7, 32, 48, 52, 03, 79, 90, 100, lis. Watertown, 00, GO, 125. Waterville, 73, 79. Wayland, 18, 37. Weathersfield, .';3. Welister, 8, 38, 41, 4:5, 00, 119. Wellesley, (>, 00. Wells, 10, 37, 78, 98. Wentworth, 41, .57, 107, 119. W^est Boylston, 109. West Brookfleld, 51. West Cambridge, 130, 135. West Dudley, 79. West Roxbury, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 30, 21, 23, 20, 27, 28, 30, 34, 30, ,39, 41, 43, 44, 40. 48, 51, .52, .57, 59, 00,03, G5, GO, 67, 71, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 8-5, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 103, 10.5, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 123, 124, 12.5, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 1.35, 130. West Springfield, 110. AVest Winlield, 23. AVestlioro, 132. Westerlo, 40. Westerly, 81. Westford, 8. Westmoreland, 09. AVevmouth, 15, 22, 28, 34, G5, 95, 112, 113, IK), 123. AVhite liiver Junction, 14. AVillingtou, 47. AVi 11 Chester, 20, 24, 88. AViiidiiain, 107. AVindsor, 1.5, 48, 110. AViniield, 2;!. AV'inslow, lOG. AVinthrop, 30, 73, 78. 101. 160 D ED HAM RECORDS. Wiscasset, IQ, 132. 02, GO, 67, 00, SI, 84, 85, 91, 109, 111, 112, Woburn, 0, 11, GO, 91, 98, 130. 117, 118, \m. AVolcott, 100. AVorthington, 9, 112. Woodstock, 13, 24, 41, 49, 57, 04, 102, 107, Wrentham, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 38, 41, 42, 43, 12.5, 132. 45, 52, 54, 55, 80, 90, 97, 105, 128, 130, 132, Wooniski, 39. 1^3, 135. ^^2^^^m\fA\l\S'th '^' ^*^' ^■'- ^*^' Yarmouth, 79, 110. 9o, 102, 100, 110, 115, 117. Yonkers, 40. Worcester, 8, 10, 16, 18, 22, 41, .54, .55, .58, York, lli 73, 122. INDEX OF MAIDEN NAMES. IC.l NDEX OF MAIDEN NAMES OF BRIDES PREVIOUSLY MARRIED, AND OF MOTHERS OF BRIDES AND GROOMS. Abbot, Abbott— Hannah A., 91; Han- nah J., 42. ABRAMs^Sarah, 22. Addekson— ( 'alherin(% 84. AiKENS— Emily M., ic. Alden— Clarissa, lUS, 120; Eliz'h, 02. Alexander— Maria, .()."); Mary E., 134. Alle;n— Caroline, 33. Austin— Mary, SS. AxEMAR— Crescent, 94. Babb— Abby (J., 88. Baker— Deborah B., 102; Eucy, 1(3; Lucy M., 14; Paulina, (>;"). Bagley, Beoley — Catherine, 127; Kate C. 1}.,42. Baile:y— Kachel, oO; Ruth E., G4. Ballard— Sophia E., 91. Banks— Isabella M.. 1. Barcliff— Eliz'h. 117. Barnard— Eliz'h, 48. Barrell— Ellen. .'')7. Barrsciioi!k— I'aulina, 72. B A rt l ett — A b I ( i e, (i9. Bates— Harriet PL. oit; Julia A., 0(5. Beals— Celia, 9; Eliz'h A., 31. Beaton— Eliz'h, 102. JJecker— Eliz'li, 9. Beoley, .stc Bugley. Heirne, BYiiXE -Mary, 8.">; Ann, 97. Belcher— Abby T., 122. Bell— Phillis, 15. Bf:tterm A N— Scharlocken, 75. Bickford— Eliza, 8. BiGELOW— Jane E.,3.;. Bird— Eliz'ii, .5(i. BiSBEE— Charlotte, 04. ]>isiioi'— Eliz'h, 95. Blackman— VVillielmina A., 03. Bowen— Bridget, 00; Mary, 130. Boyd— llachel, 117. liOYDEN— Harriet, 57. ]5radford— Mary E., 12(). Bradlee— Eliz'h Ci., 119. Branx— Maria. 15. Brewster— Maria A.. 17. Brickett— F'raiic s M., ;J2. Bronson— Mary (J., 40. l^ROWN— Jane E.. 0; Sarah. 73. Buckley— Margaret, 27; Mary, 71. Buffy— Sarah, 5. BULLEN— Harriet, 50; Maria B., 92. BuRK. ]]urke— Annie, 20; Joanna, 107; Mary E., 5. liuRNS-Harriet, lo; Mary, Ids. Butler— Sopliia A., 120. Byrne, see Bcime. Caffrey— Mary. 42. Cahil— Catharine, .59. C;allaiian, Callehax — Bridget, 20: Catharine, 30; Ellen, 24. (-AMI'BELL— Eliz'll A., 2. Cannon- Ann, 72. Cai'EN — Kslher E., 31. Cari;— Catharine, .58. Carroll— Abbie F., 108; Harriet W.» 109. Carson— Ellen. 82. Cary— Mary. 132. CASiiiN(i— Eliz'h I)., HP. Casu' ELL— Eliza, 4. 162 DEDHAM RECORDS. CIIA3IBERLAIX— Martha, 104. CiiANDLKK— Martha, 23. CiiAPJiAN— Rebecca, 101. Chute— Lyclia, 48. Clancy— Charlotte, 39. Clap— Lucretia, 34. Clark— Sarali S., 133. Clary— Jane, 118. Clements— Margaret, 06. Clinch— Amy, 28. Clough— Eliza, 101. COAKLEY— JJridget. 01. CoBB-^Abby, ll.j; ]\Iaria F., 23. ('OBBETT— Margaret, 1. COLBURN— Abigail C, 91; Emily, 28; Martha K., 28; Mary E., 117; Matilda, 92. Cole — Cynthia M., 126; Rachel, 5; Rachel C, 25. Coleman— JJridget, 9 ; Maria, 83. Collier— Rebecca, 117; Susan. 89. Collins— Caroline, 32; Sarah, '89. CONANT— Eliza A., 126. Coxlan— Margaret, 1 14. CoNNELL— Alice, 28. Connelly— Bridget, 47. Connor, Conneks, Connors— Mary, 112, 130; Rosa, 110. Cook— Catherine, 53; Rose, S3. CooLiDGE— Lydia, 43. CoRBETT— Mary, 38. Corning— Mary J., 87. CouoAN— Margaret, 30. Covell— Caroline, .55. Cox— Usley J., 125. Crane— Angelletta, 73. Creeser— Alice, 20. Cronin— Catharine, 36. Cruise— Catharine A., 104. Cummins— Helen F., 22. Cunningham— Julia, 61. Cushing— Caroline F., 131; Lizzie, 115. Cutter— Eliza A., 135. Cutting— Lavina, 135. Dale— Margaret, 125. Dalton— Mary, 17. Damon- Eliz'h C, 12. Danforth— Adeline C, 11. Davenport — xVbigail F., 131; Eliz'h G., 48. Davis— Ann, 103; Ann H., 95; Eliz'li, 4; Hannah, 41. Dkan— Betsey, 33; Caroline, 46; Emma F., 48; Harriet, 11; Maria, 06. Devine— Mary, 34. Dermott— Delia, 35. DoGGETT— Sophia D.. 55. DoLAN— Catharine, 47. DoRSEY— Bridget, 110. Dow— Ann, 30; Sarah E., 38. Doyle— Catharine, 27. Dresser— Susan, 98; Susan A., 66. Drew— Abbie E., 42. Dug AN— Mary, 110. Dunbar— Jane, 13. Dunn— Annie, 45, 95; Mary A., 29. Eager— Anna L., 44. Fames— Hannah, 89. Edwards— Isabel, 5. Egan— Catherine, 03. Elder— Martha A., 5.5. Ellis— Eunice, 38; Sally E., 130. Emerson— Mary W., 125. Evans— Abigail P., 58. Everett— Eliza. 18; Xancy E., 7. Fag AN— Ann, 42; Jane, 05. Fairbanks— Sarah, 79; Sarah A., Sarah W., 31. Fallon— Anna, 35. Farniiam— Frances R., 31. Farrell— Margaret, 83; Maria, 44. Farrington— Mary, 122. Farrow— Sarah, 109. Felcii— Becca, 42. Fellows— Ellen, 113. Fenderson— Maria A., 2. Ferguson— Mary, 125. Fisher— Catherine, 98; Eveline, Nabby F., 91 ; Sarah, 73; Susan E. Fitzhenry— Ellen, 104. Flanagan— Bessey, 77. Flannery— Mary, 39. Fleming, Flemjming — Ellen E., Margaret, 64; Mary, 35. Fletcher— Martha A., 120. Flinn— Catharine, 125 ; Polly, 54. Flitch— Rosin a, 39. FoLLEN— Mary, 83. Francis— Eliz'li, 13; Nettie, 38. French— Eliza A., 11; Louisa F., Sarah M., 48. Frizzelle— Sally, 9. Fuller- Caroline T., 36. 122; ,67. 23; 25; Gale— Almira S., 12, 55. Galivan— Mary, 60. Gallagher— liridget, 96. Gay— Julia A., 73; Lucinda, 80; Rebec- ca M.. 133. Gerald— Eliza A., 11. Getchell— Martha E., 37. Getchum— Ann, 117. GiLLAN, GiLLON— Bridget, 6; Julia A., 114. GiLLEY— Sarah E., 12.5. INDEX OF MAIDEX NAMES. 1(33 Glkasox— Ilaiiiiali, s'.). Godfrey — Charlotte. IIO; Ilonestill, 11!). (iooDWiN— Lucy ]\r., ":]. GooGiNK— Marv, 17. GoKDON- Sarah, lOi). Goi'LD— Eliza .1., 7; Mariane, 2:^; Kiith, 43. GuAiiAM— Eli/Zh. 12!); Mary A., !»:). GRn[p:s— Susan, 18. Grout— Sylvia, (i3. (Jrover— Jane A., 7!). GuiLD—Maria, 40; Olive, 134. (iUN— Harriet, 114. Guy— Sarah A., 22. Hadley— Annie E., 130. Hale— Eliza, !)7. Haley— Mary. f)4. Hall— Hannali, 74. Halley— Luella H.. 17. Haxsox— Lucin.la, ].3(i. Hardixg— Abigail H., SO; Harriet, ."x Harris— Sally, I2."i. Hartnett— Anne, 74. IIatiikway— Emma «'., .-)i. Ha VEX— Eunice A., 101). Hayes— Jane E., 1. Healey— Eli/.'h v\., 11). Heath- Justina, 34. Hexry— Olive n., ](>.",. Herrixo— Harriet, 4(;. Hess— Lizzie, 44. Hewixs— Silil)el, .5."). Heyx— Ida, 4.'). HiGGiNsox— Johanna, !>."). Hill— L:ydia, Ki. HoADLEY— Isaliella H., 12!). HoDGKiNS-Mary, 31. Holmes— Dene, 10; Susan \\ ., .")8. Holt— Ella J\r.. .".l. HoRNE— Mary L., 31. HouGiiTox- Lucv. 3('); Sarah, 30, 08. HoAVARD— Lucy M., 48. Howe— Eliz'h. 13. HoxEY— Hei»sibah, 121. Hove— Mary, lOS. Hughs, Hcse— Uridget, r,i; Sarah, 13. Hull— Ellen, 72. HuLME— Mary. 100. Hu.ArpiiREY— Margaret P., 110. Hunt— Julia A., 00. HuRD— Mary A., 1-"). Husox— Mary A.. .!!». HuTCiiixs— Sarah ,L. 02. Hutchinson— Scjpiiroiiia, 88. Ireland— Sarah, 17. Jacksox— Jane. 72. Jenks Avis, .•)7. Johnson— Delia, 82; Eliz'h A. .01); Eme- line, 88; Thuuiah, 40; Marv A., 10. Jok-e— Pollen, 0."). JoxEs— :Mary, 78; Marv A.. 84; Mary J}., 20; :Marv C, 13; M'arvannc. .30. JrLiAX Ann, 10. Junge— Caroline, !». Kane— Eustatia, 17. Ka R( 11 ei;— Eliz'h, 88. Kay— Afarv, o. Keenan— Marv J., 77. Kelley— Ann," 14. Kellogg— Abigail C., lOii. Kelvin— Betsy, 7:5. Kendall- Eleanora. 91. Kennedy — Kate, 73; Margaret, 110: Mary, 17, 00. Kerigan— Agnes 15., 11:;. KiLDERRY— Eliza, 114. Koidall— Xancy II., 11."); Sophronia B., 03; Soi)]ironia E., 117. KiNGSiuRY- Almira, 98; Hannah K., 02; Susan, 120. Klai;man'N— Katharina, 0. Knkuit— Georgina, 39. Knowles— Sarah E., 20. Kj;.\rs— Eliz'h, .jO. Marv. 100 Eliza'N., 0.-, .\.. 20. Sarah H. L.. 121. J^AKIN— Lucy, 04. Lane — Catharine, 47: Lai'Iiam l-]liza, Kd Lai'RAN- Catharine Lee— Mary, 99. Leoxai;d -Abigail, o.".; Xaomi (J., 103. Lewis— Hannah, 58. JjOxgley— Eliza, 10"i LoRiNG— Patience, ;j. Louden- Eliza, 17. LovE.ioY- r>ei)h(>. 3t. ].,ovETT— ^lary, Wl. LuRVY— Eliza. 24. LuSEN— ]\Iari(\ 80. Lynch— Eliz'h, 93. McCare— Ellen, .-).'.. McCall— Janet, 8;5. McCarthy— Mary. ."jO. Mc(;auley— Hridget, 83. McCrowlev— Salome, 100. McGuiRE— Mary, 108. McCJuirrv— Catlierine, 77. Mack Margaret. 1 18. McK.vv— Cathaiiiie, 47. McKeen— Catherine. 8."). McKenzie— Eliz'Ii. 8L McLau(;hi.in — P>ri(lget. 130. 164 D ED HAM RECORDS. jMcWiioRF-Lucretia, 101. ^Maijax— ^rary J., 84. Maloxkv— Ellen, 03. Mann— Charlotte B., 109; Lucie, 125; .Mjirv E.. hi. Mansfield -ISIary, 25, 26, 47. Marble— Emma F., 102. Mardkn— Fannie D., 120. Marsh— Louisa, 90. Masox— Susan, 20. Mathews— Eliz'h P., 106. May— Eliz'h, .j4; Jane, 78; Martha M., 42. Medole— Alice, 68. Mettzgj:r— Amelia, 74. Meyer— Catharine, 61; Dorothea M., 0. Miller— Mary, 80. MiLLiKEX— Alice, 42: Jane, 37. Mills— Jennie M., 17. MocLAiR— Maria C., 88. Mux ROE, 8te 3Iunroc. MooxEY— Sarah J., 39. MoRGAX— Mehitable, 50. Morris— Ann T., 117; Kuth, .57. MoRRissEY— Helen, 61. Morse— l>elina. 94; Mary, 77; Myra E., 24; Xancy. 7. Morton— Caroline M., 1.36; Dorothy,12. iMULLEX'- Ellen, 132; Mary, 52. MrxROE, Monroe — Abigail F., 22; Eliz'h, 70. Mi'RXER— Mary, 72. Murphy— Ellen, 26, 82; Margaret, 96; Nora, 71. Murray— Patience A., O. Needham- Betsv, 4.^. Newell — Ann 11., 40; Lucy, 08; Bach el, 64. Newtox— Ann, 79. NiCKERSON— Mary, 116, 117. Norcross— Eleanor M., 86. NoRRis— Almira, 121. NOYES— Clarinda T., 66; Nancy J., 64. O'Briex'— Hannorah, 84. O'Hale— Kate, 14. O'Leary— Anne, 01. O'N EI L— Margaret, Sd; Marv, 24, 131. Onion- Eliz'h, 22. OsnoRX— Marv, 88. Osgood— Martha, 94; Matilda J., 42. ParkeIi— Eliza, 25; Louisa, 109; Mary, 37. Partridge— Eda, 16. Pattee— Maria C, ill. Paul— Betsy, 29. Peasley— Hannah P., 103. Pex'xy— Madaline, 9. Perry— Mercy F., 46. Pierce— Emily R., 134. Pike— Sally, 42, 43. Pollock— Lucy H., 67. Poole— Emmeline, 133. Powers— Ellen, 47. Presey— Orinda, 06. Prestox— Sarah, 114. Prince— Caroline, .52; Louisa F., 75. Pritchard— Priscilla, 59. Quirk— Kate, .33. Bandall— M. N., 110. KAY3IOND— Martfia. 8. Bedel— Wilhehnina, 129. Beynolds— Ann, 81. Bhoades— Zilpha. 135. Biciiardsox'— Irene, 100; Sarah T.,119. BiciiMOX'D— Christiana H., 95. -•'^ BiLEY— Ann, 35; Mary, 47. BiNG— Clarissa A., 48! Bobbins— Permelia E., 136. Boch fort— Ida L., 70. BoLEMAN— Mary A., 51. Rollins- Sarah, 73. Sax-^derson— Mary C, 118. Sargext— Christiana K. S., 66. Satcliffe— Mary J., 80. Savels— Mercy, 1. Saviller— Margaret, 66. ScANLix— Catherine, 71. Scarlet— Mary. 5. Scofield— Malinda. 6. Scott— Eliz'h, 103. Seaman— Martha, 6. Searich— Marv A., .59. Shaw— Mary, 120. SliEDD— Eliz'h J., 77. SiiERMAX— Ann, 116. SiGGixs— Emma, .58. SiMMOXS— Zilpha, 135. Skeltox'— Sarah J., 106. Skinner— Susan E., 44. Slattery— Margaret, 52. Small— Eleanor, 38. Smith, . 91; Abbie, 115; Eliza. 25; Eliza J.. 43; Elizabeth, 69; Ella G., 68; Joanna, 116; Louisa, 36, 108; Marv H. W., 105. Snell— Sarah D., 100. Spear— Olive, 106. Splane— Mary, 81. Sprague— Nancy, 70. Springer— Susan 11., 126. Stafford— Angle, 111. Stanhope— Eliz'h, 12. i INDEX OF MA ID EX NAMES. 1G5 SxiiisoN, .Stimpsox — Abby, 13; Mary A., 43. Stoddard— ^larv, 88. Stoxk— Liu'j-, 07!! Stoveu— Catharine A., 44. Stow— Ilan nail, 1)1>. Stou'kll— Eliz'li, llo. Stkatton— Lucy, 10. Stkoxo— Lucy }'>., 13. Studeu— Delpliine, 131. Sturgis— Eliz'h P., 54. SULLIVAX— Eliza li., 53. Su>[XER— Charlotte, 133; Charlotte S., 32; Martha, 32. SwAXK— Caroline, 20. Taciiek— Theresia, 11. Taft— Lauretta W., 33. Taggeit— Annie, 113. Talbot— Julia W., 118. Tapley— Kebeoca S., lOU. Taubeet— Mary A., 52, 111. Taylor— Doratha A., 9; Frances A. C, 131; Polly T., 124. Tiiarwartii— Barbara, 4. Thomas— Jane L., 113. TiiOMPSOX— Betsy F., 108; Eliz'h, 114; Harriet E., 129; Nancy, 41. TnoRXDiKE— Eliza 8., 98. Thurstox— Sadie £., 87. TrcKxoR— Eliz'h, 64. TiERXAX— :^Lary, 82. TiTCOMB— Adeline M., 133. ToBix— Annie. 74, 80. TooHY— Ann, 00. TORREY— Olive, 5.5. TowxE— Mary S., 3. Trull— Catharine E., 122. Tubes- ILarriet, 28. TuLLY— Eliza F., 70. TuRXER— Eliza, 39. TuTTLK— :\rarv, 94. TwoMEv— Ilaiinah, 3,0. Tyjii'iiaxy— :Mary, 70. A'ex'iklkxa— ;Marv, 54. ViXAL— Mercy, 119. Wadsavoi;tii— SelinaW., 25, 79. Waldo— Emma L.. 31. Wales— Harriet W., 91. Walker— Jane W.. .58. W ALLA( E— Anastasia. 70. Waxximakek— .Ann E., 17. Ward— Emily I., 7:'>. AVatsox— ]\rary, 121. Weatiierbek— Sally, 25. Weber, Webiser- Anna, 4; Mary £., 131. Weir— Miiry. 83. Welch— Einilv C, 10; Marv A., 57. Wells— Lsabeila P., GO. Whalex, Whaylani), Wheylan'd — Ann, 5; Margaret, 25, 95. AVheatlky— ^larinda, 48. Wheeler- Frances. 44. Whit?:- Olive ^f., 128; Sarah, .95. Whitixg— Hannah, 78; Harriet, 19, 02; Louisa, 91. Whitxey— Enimeline, 74; Julia, 07. Wight— Abbie, 45; Joea, 1. WiLKER— Katrine, 129. Willis— ^Slary A., 12S. WiLSOX, WiLLsox— Margaret, 4; Mary P.., 87, 117; Thankful G. W., 50. WiTHiXGTOx— Clarissa, 79. Wolfe— Eliz'h, 7S. Yat es— C athar i n e. 111. Youx(i— Caroline, 4; Watoy H., 135. Lb '07 DEDHAM PUBLICATIONS, ^nrtcnt Hcrortis. First Volu.me. the kecoed of births, mareiages and deaths, and Jntentioiis of Marriage, in the Town of Dedhrini. \'olunies i and 2, witti an Apjiendix containing Records of Marriages before jSoo, returned from other Towns under tlic Stat- ute of 1857. 1635-1845. Edited by Don (ileason Hill. Large Svo. cloth, pp. v, 2S6. Dedhani, 1SS6. Price, postpaid, $3.25. vSeCOND Voi,l"ME. THE RECORD OF BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, and .Xdniissions to the Church and Dismissals therefrom, transcribed from the Church Records, in the Town of Dedhani, .Massachusetts, 163S-1S45. Also all the Epitaphs in the .\ncient liurial Place in Dedhani, together with the other Inscriptions before 1 84 5 in the three Parish Cemeteries. Edited by Don Gleasoii Hill. Large 8 vo. cloth, pp xii, 347, Dedhani, 1888. Price, postpaid, $2.25. Third Volu.mk. THE EARLY RECORDS OF THE TO"WN OF DEDHAM, Massachu- setts, 1636—1659. .\ complete Transcrijit of l!ook One of the (ieneral Records of the Town, together with the Selectmen's Day I>ook covering a portion of the same period, being Volume Three of the printed Records of the Town. Illustrated with fac-similes of the handwriting of four Town Clerks and of Auton;raphs of I'"ifty of the Early .'Set- tlers. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. Large 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi, 23S. Dedhani, 1892. Price, postpaid, j;2.oo. Fourth Von; me. THE EARLY RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF DEDHAM, Massachu- setts, 1650-1673. A complete Transcript of the Town Meeting and Selectmen's Records containea in Book Three of the General Records of the Town, together with an .•\ppen- dix containing Transcripts from the Massachusetts Archives, and from the (ieneral Court Records 1635-1673, and a List of Deputies to the (Jeneral Court, prior to 1696, being \'olunie Four of tiie printed Records of the Town. Illustrated with fac-siniiles of handwriting. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. Large Svo. cloth, pp. x, 304. Dedhani, 1S94. Price, postpaid, $2.00. AN ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT of the Record of IJirths in the Town of Dedhani, Massachusetts, 1844-1890. Compiled by Don Gleason Hill, Town Clerk. Large 8vo. cloth, pp. xviii, 206. Dedham, 1894. Price, postpaid, $1.25. AN" ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT of the Record of Deaths in the Town of Dedhani. .Massacliusett!*. 1844-1890. Compiled by Don (ileason Hill, Town Clerk. Large 8vo. cloth, pp. ix, 217. Dedhani, 1S95. Price, postpaid, #1.25. AN ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT of the Record of Marriages in the Town of Dedhani, Massachusetts. 1844-1890. .\rranged under the names of the grooms, with an index of names of brides. Compiled by Don (ileason Hill, 'J'own Clerk. Large Svo. cloth, pp. iv. 165, ■ Dedhani, 1896. Price, postpaid, f 1.00. 250th Anniversary. AT THE CELEBRATION of the Two Hundred and nniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Dedhani, Massachusetts. 21, 1886. (Includes also a Report of the Committee on Historic Tablets and t.s.) Large Svo. doth, pp. 214. Cambridge, 1S87. Price, postpaid, Ji. 15. PROCEEDINGS Fiftieth A .September Monument