.,'\\ STREET, F 144 .J5 J6 Copy 2 GCEIDH.^ GIVING THE DIFFERENT STREET CAR LINES, THE STREETS THEY PASS OR CROSS, WITH ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL SPREETS IN THE CITY, AND HOW TO REACH THEM. (Jopyri(j?tted 1890 hy Stephens & Hansen. PRICE, TEN CENTS. JERSEY CITY : STEPHENS & HANSEN, PRINTERS. 1890. INSURE their Hoitttehold UooiU. iiflt all ^i^. You have, perhaps, an errone- ous idea as to the cost of an in- surance policy. If so, stop at our office and get estimate. It pays to spend a sraall amount in order to secure yourself. ^feepheq? \ Hansen, 31 MONtlCELLO AVE«IUE, Corner Emory Street, JERSEY CITY HEIGHTS. ^/> ^ nn 7 41890 M ^> l^ -^^sr-^^^^-^^^^^^^mM^^^^ w^^^^m^^ \^^ GIVING THE PIFFERENT STREET CAR LINES, THE STREETS THEY PASS OR CROSS, WITH ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL STREETS IN THE CITY, AND HOW TO REACH THEM. Copyrighted 1890 by IStephen* & Hansen. PRICE, TEN CENTS. JERSEY CITY : STEPHENS & HANSEN, PRINTERS. 1890. BELT (Pacific Ave.) LINE. 3 RED CAR. Starting: from Pennsyl- vania Ferry, running up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY street, crossing: Hudson street,* Greene street, Washington street, Warren St., Newark ave. Gregory St., running into VAN VORST St., ^ crossing York St., then into GRAND St., crossing Henderson street. Grove street, Bright street,* Barrow street, Jersey avenue. Golden street,* Varick street, Monmouth street. Bates street, then into PACIFIC Ave., crossing Ash.street, Johnston avenue. Maple Street, Lafayette street, into COMMUNIPAW Ave., crossing Halladay street. Van Home street. Woodward street, Manning avenue Garfield and Summit Ave. Randolph avenue. Junction of Grand street and Prescott place, Vreeland street or Ar- lington avenue,* Park street,* then into HARRISON Ave., crossing Crescent ave., then into MONTICELLO Ave., crossing Brinkerhoff street, Emory street,* OFFICE OF Stephens & Hansen Astor Place,* Belmont avenue, Gardner avenue,* Jewett avenue, Fairview avenue. Reed street, then into FAIRMOUNT Ave. to BERGEN Ave., crossing Storm avenue,* Montgomery street (car stable), Glenwood avenue and Church street,* Highland avenue,* Vroom street, Academy street and Ber- gen square, Newkirk street, into SIP Avenue, crossing Wilks street,* *Passing beginning or end of street. PACIFIC AVENUE (Continued). Enos place,* J»)nes street,* then into SUMMIT Ave., crossing Magnolia avenue, Pavonia avenue, Van Ripen avenue, Cottage street, Five corners, change for Pavonia Ferry, NEWARK avenue, crossing Cook street,* Willow court,* Oakland avenue,* change for Hoboken, Union Hill, Monastery, etc. COURT HOUSE, Baldwin avenue,* Elliott place,* Chesuut street,* Palisade avenue,* Waldo avenue,* Eighth street,* Bridge and Seventh streets Division and Sixth streets, Fifth street, Fourth and Brunswick sts. Third street. Monmouth and Second sts Coles street, First street, Jersey avenue, Bay street, Barrow street,* Erie street, Grove street, Railroad avenue, Henderson street. Cooper place, ITY HALL, then into MONTGOMERY street, crossing Warren street, into Washington street, into YORK street, crossing Greene street, Hudson street, to Pennsylvania Ferry, ♦Passing. BELT (Court House) LINE. BLUE GAR, Starting: from Pennsylva- nia Ferry, running up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY St., crossing Hudson street*, Greene street, Washington street, Warren street, into NEWARK Avenue, crossing Cooper place,* CITY HALL, Henderson street, Railroad avenue. Grove street, Erie street,* Barrow street,* Bay Street,* Jersey avenue, First street. Coles street, Monmouth and 2d Sts., Third street. Fourth and Brunswick st. Fifth street. Division and Sixth sts., Bridge and Seventh sts. Eighth street,* Waldo avenue,* Palisade avenue,* Chestnut street, Elliott place, Baldwin avenue,* Oakland ave., transfer for Hoboken, Union Hill, Monastery, etc. COURT HOUSE, Willow court, Cook street. Five corners, change fot Pavonia ferry, etc., then into SUMMIT Ave., crossing Cottage street,* Van Reipen avenue,* Pavonia avenue. Magnolia avenue, into SIP Avenue, crossing Jones street,* Enos place,* Wilks street,* into BERGEN Ave., crossing Newkirk street. Academy street and Ber- gen square, Vroom street. Highland avenue,* Glenwood avenue and Church street.* Montgomery street, car stable. Storm avenue,* into FAIRMOUNT Ave. to MON nCELLO Avenue, crossing Reed street,* Fairview avenue, Jewett avenue, Gardner avenue,* Belmont avenue, Astor place,* Emory street,* OFFICE OF Stephens & Hansen. 6 COURT HOUSE LINE (Cont.) Brinkerhoff street, into HARRISON Avenue, crossing Crescent avenue, into COMMUNIPAW ave., crossing Park street,* Arlington avenue,* Junction of Grand st. and Prescott place,* Randolph avenue,* Summit avenue,* Garfield avenue. Manning avenue, Woodward street, Van Home street, Halladay street, into PACIFIC avenue. crossing Lafayette street, Maple street, Johnston avenue, Ash street, into GRAND street, crossing Bates street, Monmouth street, Varick street. Golden street, into JERSEY avenue, crossing Bright street, into YORK street, crossing Barrow street, Grove street, Henderson street. Van Vorst street, Gregory street,* Acadamy of Music, Warren street, Washington street, Greene street, Hudson street, to Pennsylvania Feriy. HATS, o i 5 m 0-" i ^ z i ;;; r i g '^ ^ Op s a> n s s 5^ NCLE CHING AND a 0) e> z PO C3 a> x^ 03 F*" CO "^ CO •CO. CD CO er**> ^ CD CTX B CO MONTGOMERY LINE. YELLOW CAR. Starting from Pennsylva- nia Ferry, running up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY street, crossing Hudson street Greene street Washington street Warren street Newark avenue* Gregory street Cooper place* Van Vorst street* Henderson street Grove street Barrow street Jersey avenue Varick street Monmouth street Brunswick street Colgate street Fremont street Cornelison avenue Baldwin avenue '' Summit avenue ^ Water avenue *" Orchard street* Tuers avenue Car Stables Bergen avenue, transfer for Belt line, Boland avenue Britten street to West Side avenue, Catho- lic Cemetery. s Stephens & Hansen, 131 MONTICELLO AVE., yersey City. Il you are desirous of having your printing executed with neatness and dispatch, you should give us a trial. Your order, large or small, will be called for on receipt of postal card. GREENVILLE LINE. GREEN CAR. Starting: from Pennsylva- nia Ferry, running up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY street, crossing Hudson street Greene street Washington street Warren street Newark avenuet Gregory street, into VAN VORST street crossing [York street, then into GRAND street crossing Henderson street Grove street Bright streelf Barrow street Jersey avenue Golden streelf Varick street Monmouth street Bates street Pacific avenuet Center streetf Merseles streetf Woodward streelf Prior streelf Manning avenuef Fairmount avenuef Oswego streetf Johnston avenuef Bishop street State streetf Westervelt streetf Garfield avenuef Ivy placef Summit avenue Junction of Belt Line Prescott placef Communipaw avenue Harmon street Arlington avenne Clinton avenuef Bramhail avenue into OCEAN avenue crossing Atlantic streelf Union slraet Oak streelf Forrest streetf Virginia avenuef Ege avenuef Carteret avenuef Kearney avenuef Orient avenuef Claremont avenue Grant avenuef Myrtle avenue Bostwick avenuef Wilkinson avenuef Bay View avenue Bidwell avenue Henry street Britten street Dwight street Fulton avenue Woodlawn avenue Walker avenuef Armstrong placef Cedar avenuef Stevens avenue Wade streetf 10 GREENVILLE LINE (Coutinued) Warner street Bartholdi placet New York Bay Cemetery Clark avenuet Cator avenue Jackson placet Danforth avenue Neptune avenue Linden avenue Sea View avenue Columbia placet Car Stables, transfer for Winfield avenuet BAYONNE. Pearsall avenue The Bayonne Line, yellow car, starts from Pennsylvania Ferry, running the same course as the Greenville car, but continuing from Greenville to Bayonne and Bergen Point, where ferry may be taken to Staten Is- land. Being out of the city limits, we will not have si>ace in a Jeksey City Railroad Guide to give the names of the streets it passes or crosses, but simply give this brief statement . WE CAN SHOW YOU no IF TO OBTAIN A HOME ON EASY TERMS. STEPHENS &- HANSEN, iji Mofiticcllo Avenue. Jersey City. ARCHITECT. 12 ERIE STREET LINE. MAROON CAR, Starling- from Pennsylva- nia Ferry, runninjj up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY street crossing Hudson street Greene street Washington street Warren street, into NEWARK avenue crossing Cooper place* CITY HALL Henderson street Grove street, into ERIE street, crossing Bay street First street Second street Third street Fourth street Fifth street Sixth street Seventh street Eight street, into I'AVONIA avenue crossing Grove Street Henderson street Provost street Barnum street Kelso avenue, to Pavonia Ferry. From Pavonia Ferry, re- turning through Pavo nia avenue, Erie street. Seventh street, Jersey avenue, Newark ave- nue, to Pennsylvania Ferry. SEND FOR THE Containing List of dhoiee i(eal Estate fof ^ale. STEPHENS & HANSEN, 131 Monticello Avenue, Jersey City. LAFAYETTE LINE. 13 WHITE GAR. Starting: from Pennsylva nia Ferry, running up Exchange place into MONTGOMERY street crossing Hudson street Greene street Washington street Warren street Newark avenuef Gregory street into VAN VORST street crossing York street, into GRAND street, crossing Henderson street Grove street Bright streett Barrow street Jersey avenue Golden streetf Varick street Monmouth street Bates street, into PACIFIC avenue crossing Ash street, into JOHNSTON avenue crossing Whiton street, into PINE street, crossing Maple street Lafayette street, into COMMUNIPAW avenue crossing Whiton street, into Pacific avenue, then re- turning to Ferry. SECUBE A HOME- SAVE YODB EENT, Before you purchase see STEPHENS 6- HANSEN, iji Monticello Ave. 14 GROVE STREET LINE. YELLOW CAR. Starting: from Exchange place & Hudson street, running: up MONTGOMERY street, crossing Greene street Washington street Warren street, into NEWARK avenue, crossing Cooper placet Henderson street, into GROVE street, crossing Morgan street Bay street First street Second street Third street Fourth street Fifth street Sixth street Seventh street Eighth street Pavonia avenue Ninth street Tenth street Eleventh street Twelfth street Thirteenth street Fourteenth street Fifteenth street Sixteenth street Seventeenth street Eighteenth street Nineteenth street, into HOBOKEN to Barclay ind Christopher street Ferry. Returning on the same line till reaching Newark avenue, when it runs into WAYNE street, crossing Henderson street, into GREGORY street, crossing Montgomery street, into YORK street, passing Academy of Music crossing Warren street Washington^street Greene street, into Hudson street to starting point. fPassing. PAVONIA LINE. 15 YELLOW CAR. Starting from Pavonia ferry, running up PAVONIA ave., crossing Kelso si reel J Barnum streelj Provost street Henderson street Grove street, into ERIE street, crossing Eighth street, into SEVENTH street, crossing Jersey avenue Coles street, into MONMOUTH street, crossing Eighth street Pavonia avenue, into NINTH street, crossing Brunswick street Division street Palisade avenue, into HOBOKEN avenue, crossing Concord street^ Bonner avenuej Oakland avenue Cook street^ Central avenuej FIVE CORNERS, into SUMMIT avenue, crossing Fleet street t St. Pauls avenue Hopkins avenue Beacon avenue Laidlaw avenue Jefferson avenuej RE5ERVOIR Carlton avenue Sanford place| Manhattan avenue Sherman place Hutton street Zabriskie Street Griffith street Lincoln street Bowers street Charles street Thome street South street. At St, Paul's avenue is transfer for Marion, which crosses Bevan street Collard street Huron avenue Nelson avenue Skillman avenue Germania avenue Tonnele avenue Van Wagenen avenue Seaman avenue Car Stables. ^Passing. 16 NORTH HUDSON. There are now but two lines not given in this Railroad Guide, owing to the fact that they both run out of the city, and in the city proper but for a few blocks. These are the Monastery and Central avenue lines, which run from the terminus of the Hobo- kcn Elevated Road North to West Hoboken, Monastery, Schuetzen Park, Union Hill, etc. Persons from New York wishing to reach points north of the termiuus of the Hoboken elevated railroad are advised to take Barclay street or Christopher street ferries to Ho- boken, then the elevated cable road from Hoboken to the Heights, and transfer at Palisade avenue to all points North. At this point passengers are also transferred to car running to Newark avenue, opposite Hudson County Court House. 17 ^tPBet Dii'Bctoi'jj. Albion pi, Hudson City, S from HoboWen a. Belt, Pavonia Ferry and Court House line, N H R R. Academy S, Bergen, E from Cornelison a to 506 Bergen a. Belt line. Alexander Row, Hudson City, St. Paul's a W from Skillman a. Pavonia Ferry line. Allen S, N from Mason to Sussex. AH lines of the J C & B road. Amelia S, Hudson City, N from 162 Cherry lane to 179 L)ey s. Pavonia Ferry line. Amity S, Bergen, N from 34 Fairmount av to 65 Dupont. Greenville line. Anderson pi, Hudson City, W from Tonnele a to Hackensack river. Pavonia Ferry line. Arllngfton a, S from sogCommunipaw a. Belt line. Ash S, Lafayette, from 106 Whito\ s to 79 Haladay s. Belt line or Lafayette line. Astor pi, Bergen, W from 73 Summit a to Monticello avenue. Belt line. Atlantic S, Bergen, W from 16 Ocean a to Bergen avenue. Greenville line. Ave C, S from 54th s. Greenville line. Ave D, S from 53d. Greenville line. Ave E, N from Morris Canal to Cator a. Greenville line Baldwin a, Bergen and Hudson City, N from 188 Summit a to Newark a. Belt line. Barnum S, N from 134 ad to Hoboken. Pavonia line Barrow S, N from 50 Canal s to Newark a. All lines ofthe Jersey City and Bergen Railroad. 18 Bates S, N from 501 Grands to Mill Creek. Green- ville hn«i. Bay S, N from Hudson River to 172 Newark a. Ho- boken, Erie st and Newark avenue lines. Bay View a, Greenville, W from Bergen Point Plank Road to Bergen a. Greenville line. Beach S, Hudson City, W from Sherman a to Ton- nele a. Pavonia line. Beacon a, Hudson City, W from 15Q Palisade a to Nelson a. Court House line of N. H. R. R Bedford a, Hudson City, S from 25 Lundy s to 338 Congress s. Central Avenue Line Belmont a, Bergen, W from 99 Summit a to Hack- easack River. Belt Line. Belvidere a, Bergen, N from 862 Communipaw a to Logan s. Belt line and Montgomery line. Bennet S, Bergen, N from 138 Clark a to 3i3ClendeD- ny X. Belt line. Bentley a, Bergen, W from 377 Bergen a to Hacken- sack River. Belt line and Montgomery hne. Bergen a^ Bergen and Greenville, N from Morris Ca- nal to III Sip a. Belt line. Bergen Point Plank Road, Bergen, N from Garfield a, Greenville, to 693 Grands. Belt line Berkley pi, Hudson City, £ from 31 Gerraania a to 384 Tonnele a. Pavonia line. Be van a, Hudson City, Nfrom i "Van Winkle a to 205 Hopkins a. Pavonia line. Bid well a, Greenville, W from Bergen Point Plank Road to Bergen a. Greenville line. Bishop S, W from Morris Cannel to 58 Cornelison a. Greenville line. Bleekers, Hudson City, W from 439 Central a to County Road. Central Avenue Line. Bogart S, Hudson City, N from Newark a to Ander- son s. Belt line. Boland S, Bergen, N. 296 Fairmount a to Montgom- ery s. Montgomery Street Line, 19 Bonner a, Hudson City, N form loi Hoboken a to Jefferson a. Belt line, Court House of N. H. R. R. Al- so Pavonia line. BooraeM a, Hudson City, W from 285 Palisade a to OAland a. Court House line N. H. R. R. Bostvyicka, Greenville, W from Ocean a. Green- ville line Bostwick pi, Bergen, E from 122 Storm a to Bergen a. Belt line and Montgomery street line. Bowers S, Hudson City, W from 148 Piterson Plank Road to Nelson a. Pavonia line and Central avenue line Boyd a, Bergen, W from 129 Bergen a to West Side a, Greenville line. Bramhall a, Bereen, W from 150 Phillips to Bergen a. Greenville line. Bridge S, Hudson City, N from 434 Newark a to 417 Pavonia a. Belt line. Bright S, Wtst from 235 Grove s to Comelison a. Belt Hue. Brinkerhoff S, Bergen, W from 59 Crescent a to Hergen a. Belt line. Britten S, Bergen, N from 328 Fairmount a to 801 Montgomery s. Montgomery line. Broadway, Huds m City, W from 309 Tonnele a to H.ickeii:>acic river. Pavonia line. Brown pi, Greenville, W froinAveno* E to Garfield a. Greeitville li le. Brunswick S, Nfrom94CoWen s to 14th s. Belt and Alonigoniery 1 ne. Butler a, Marion, N from 356 Clendenny ato Newark a. Lelt and Montgomery hues Cambridge a, Hudson city. N from ija Franklin s to Pattrsou Plank Road. Central Aveiiueline. Canal S, Jerspy City, W from 227 Grove s to Mill Creek. Belt and GrecaviHe iines. Carlton a, Hudson City, E from 8»s Sammtt a to Tonnele a. Pavonia line. 20 ROBERT G. DUFF, 134 MONTICELLO AVE. Jersey City, N. J. toculatinj Librarj, j STATIOWEBY. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. NEW AND OLD BOOKS bought y sold and exchanged . * « — 2^^i — * * 21 Carteret a, Bergen, W from Commercial to 133 (Jcean a. Greenville line. Catharine S, Hudson City, W from Covert to Duf- ficld a. Pavoiiia liue. Cator a, Greenville, from Avenue E to Morris Canal. Greenville line. Caven Point a, South Bergen, W from Jersey a to 538 Bergen Point Plank Road. Belt Hue. Cedar S, Greenville, W from Ocean a to Bergen a. Greenville line. Cedar S, Hudson City, \V from 261 Ogden a to 586 Palisade a. N H C R R. Central a, Hudson City, N from 47 Hnboken a to Paterson Plank Road. Central Avenue line. Charles S, Hudson City, W from 38c Central a to Nelson. Pavouia line. Charlotte a, Hudson City, N from 1012 Newark a to Utic 1 s. Pavonia line. Cherry Lane, Hudson City. W from 361 Tonnele a to Duffield a. Pavonia line. Chestnut a, Hudson City, N from Railroad Cut to 517 Newark a. Belt line. Church S, Bergen, W from 17 Mill Road to Bergen a. Belt line. Claremont a, Bergen, W from 551 Bergen Point Piai.k Rj^d to Bergen a. Greenville line. Clark pi, W from 531 Jersey a to Coles s. Belt line. Clendenny a, Bergen, W from Bergen a to Hacken- sack a. Greenville and Montgomery lines. Clay S, Tafayette, E from 127 Monitor s to 449 Dudley s. Belt line. Clerk S, Bergen, N from Myrtle a to Grands. Green- ville line. Cliff S, Hudson City, W from 235 Nelson a to i49Ger> ni..nia a. Pavonia line. Clifton pi, Bergen, N from 100 Summit a to Mont- gomery s. Montgomery line. 22 Clinton a, Bergen, W from 782 Grand s to Bergen a. Greenville and Belt lines. Colden S, W from 421 Jersey a to Monmouth s. Belt line. Coles S, N from 210 Railroad a to 19th s. Belt line and Erie street line. Colgrate S, N from 436 York s to 3d s. Montgomery hne. CoIIard S, Hudson City, N from 212 St. Paul's a to Cliffs. Pavonia hne. Columbia a, Hudson City. N from 158 Zabriskie s to Paterson Plank Road. C«ntral avenue line. Columbia pi, Greenville, E from Old Bergen Road. Greenville line. Commercial S, South Bergen, N from Caven Point a to Janes. Greenville line. Communipaw a, Lafayette and Bergen, W from 90 Phillip s to Hackensack a. Belt line. Concord S, Hudson City, N from 131 Hoboken a to 20 Hopkins a. Pavonia line. Congress S, Hudson City, W from 268 Paterson Plank Road to Charlotte a. N H Railroad lines from Elevator. Cook S, Hudson City, N from 618 Newark a to 56 Ho- boken a. Cau' t House line N H K R and Belt line. Cooper pi, N from Gregory s to 35 Newark a. All Imes in lower part of the city. Corbin a, Bergen, N from 93 Stuyvesant a to New- ark a. Belt line to Five Corners. Corcoran a, Greenville, N from Woodland a. Green- ville line. Cornelison a, Bergen, N from 38 Summit a to Academy s. Montgomery line. Cortlandt S, Hudson City, from 66 Northern to 9 Henry pi. Pavonia line. Cottage S, Hudson City, W from 577 Summit a to Germania a. Belt line. 23 Court House pi, Hudson City, W from PalUadc a to ID Oakland a. Belt line. Covert S, Hudson City, N from 386 St. Paul's a to Utica s. Pavonia line. Crawford S, Bergen, W from 217 Summit a to Storm a. Montgomery line. Crescent a, Bergen, N from Clinton a to Belmont a. Belt line. Culver a, Greenville, W from West Side a to Morris Canal. Greenville hne. Custer a, Greenville, W from Bergen a to Morris Canal. Greenville line. Dales a, Marion, N from 116 Logan to 159 Broadway. Belt line to Five Corners. Danforth a, Greenville, W from Avenue E to Morrii Canal. Greenville hne. De Kalb a, Bergen, W from 539 Bergen a to West Side a. Belt line. Delaware a, Bergen, N from 820 Communipaw a to Sip a. Montgomery line. Devoe a, Hudson City, N from 254 Thome s to An- ders>n pi. Pavonia line. Dey S, Hudson City, W from 13 Germania a to Char- lotte a. Pavonia line. Division S, N from 380 Newark a at foot of Hill, to Woboken. being dividing linebetween Jersey City, Hud- son City and Hoboken Belt and Pavonia lines. Dixon a, Greenville, W from Bergen Pont Plank Road to Bergen a. Greenville line Dover a, Bergen, N from 1090 Communipaw a to Hackensack river. Montgomery line. Dudley S, W from 165 Washington s to Mill Creek. All lines running down town Duncan ai Bergen, W from 415 Pergen a to Hacken- sack river. Belt and Montgomery lines. DupOnt S, W from Prior s to Comelison a. Mont- gomery line. Durham a, Hudson City, N from 4P8 Nelson a to West Hoboken. All lines running north of Elevator. 24 Dr«. V. D. Tpmp^on Js the Oldest Established iiimif ON THE HEIGHTS. ^// improi'ements worthy of notice he has introduced in his practice. He has al- so made gas for pain- less extracting a spe- cialty for the past twenty -five years. Also local application used for that purpose when desired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: 8@I BERGEN AVENeiE, CORNER VROOM STREET, Jersey City Heights. 25 Duryea S, Marion, W from Grant a to 15 Hacken* sack a. Belt line to Five Corners. Dwl^ht s, Greenville W from Garfield a to Jackson a. Greenville line East S, Hudson City, S from 85 Magnolia a to R R. belt line East Canal S, Bergen, from 116 Hollock. Bell line. East Hamilton pi, N from 8th to 9th s. Pavonia, t-rie and Grove street lines. Ege a, Bergen, W from 124 Ocean a to Hackensack river Greenville line. Eighth S, W fr im Provosts to Division s. Grove ana trie street lines. Eighteenth S, W from Hudson s to Hoboken a. Grove street line. Eleventh S, from Hudson river to foot of hill. Grove street line Elliott pi, Hudson City. W Irom 19 Palisade a to McPherson p!. Pavonia, Court House N H R R and Belt line. Elm pi, Hudson City W from 155 Nelson a to Ger- maniaa. Pavonia line. Emory s, Bergen, W from 131 Monticello a to 298 Bergen a. Belt line. Essex S, W from Hudson s to Mill Creek. All lines runnmg down town. Everett S, Bergen, N from 130 Williams a to 255 Clendenny a. Gr. envi.le line. Exchange pi, E from 114 Hudson s to river, foot of Montgomery s. All lines running down town. Fairmount a, Bergen, W from 586 Grand s to West Side a. Belt and Greenville lines. FairvIe^V a, Bergen, W from 203 Fairmount a to West Side a . Bel t 1 in e . Ferris S, Hudson City, N from 716 Newark a to Van Winkle a. Belt line. Ferry S, Hudson City, W from Ogden a to Sherman a. All cars running to Elevator. . :^ . _ 26 Fifth S, W from Henderson to Newark a. Grove and Erie street lines. Fifteenth S, W from Hudson to Division s. Grove street line. C. Fifteenth S, Greenville, W from Avenue E. Green- ville line Fifty-first S, Greenville, W from Avenue E. Green- ville line Fifty-second S, Greenville, W from Avenue D. Greenville line. Fifty-third S, Greenville, W from Ocean a. Green- ville line. Fifty-fourth S, Greenville, W from Avenue C. Greenville line. First S, W from Hudson river to foot of Hill. Grove street, Erie street and Belt lines Fisk S, late Whyte, Greenville, W from M'est Side a to Morris Canal. Greenville line. Fleet S) Hudson City, W from 97 Palisade a to Sum- mit a. Pavonialine. Florence S, Bergen, N from 14 Fairmount a to 47 Dupont. Greenville line. Floyd S, Hudson Ci'y, W from 177 Nelson a to 522 Toanele a. Pavonia line. Forrest S, Bergen, W from Pine s to Bergen a. Greenville line. Forty-eighth S, Greenville, W from Avenue E. Greenville Ime. Forty-ninth S, Greenville, W from Avenue E. Greenville line. Fourth S, W from Henderson st to Newark a. Erie and Grove street lines. Fourteenth S, W from Hudson river to Division s. Grove street line. * Fox pi, Ber^tn, W from 595 West Side a to 18 Giles s. Belt line to Five Corners. Frankfort S, Bergen, \V from Prior s to 273 Cor- nelison a. Montgomery line. . ^ 27 Franklin S, Hudson City, W from r Mountain Road to Central a. All cars running to and from Elevator. Frazer pi, Hudson City, N from 682 Newark a to 15 Jays. Belt and Pavonia hnes. Freeman a, Bergen, N from 940 Communipaw a to Newark a. Belt and Montgomery Imes. Fremont Si Bergen, N from 584 Grand s to 423 Frankiort s. Montgomery line. Front S, Lafayette, N from Caven Pointa to 147 Phil- lip s. Belt line. Frost S, Bergen, N from Jersey a to Wi' son a. Green- ville line. Fulton a, Greenville, W from Garfield a to Bergen a. Greenville line. Gardner a, Bergen, W from 115 Summit a to 178 Monticello a. Belt line. Gardner's lane, Lafayette, N from 266 Halladay s to 385 Communipaw a. Lafayette line. Garfield a, Greenville, from 693 Grand s to Bergen Point Plank Road. Greenville line. Garrabrant S, Lafayette, N from 282 Communipaw a to 15 Clay s. Beit line. Garrison a, Bergen, N from 10 Gold s to 291 Ton- nele a. Belt line. Gates a, Greenville, W from Avenue E to Morris Canal. Greenville line. Gautler a, Borgen, W from 349 West Side a to Hackensack river. Montgomery line. German ia a, Hudson City, N from 130 Cottage s to Secau :us Road. Pavonia and Central avenue line. Gifford pi, Bergen, W from 301 Bergen a to 284 West Side a. Belt and Montgomery lines. Gilchrist S, W from 409 Jersey a to Mill Creek. Greenville line. Giles S, Marion, N from 26 Logan to 91 Broadway, Be.t line to Five Corners. Girard a, Greenville, W from Bergen a to Morns Canal. Greenville line. '2S GlenWOOd a, Bergen, W from 504 Bergen a to 463 West Sid^ a. Belt line. Gold S, Bergen, W from Garrison a to 20 Remain a. Belt hne. Grace S, Hudson City, W from 569 Central a to Nel- son a. Central avenue hne. Graham Si Hudson City, W from 405 Central a to Nelson a. All lines from Elevator arul Puvonia line. Grand S, Jersey City and Bergen, W from Hudson river to 512 Branihall a. Greenville and Belt lines. Grant a, W from Ocean a to Hackensack river. Greenville hne Gray S, B-^rgen, N from 18 Church a to Wayne s. Montgomery line. Greene S, N from Mason s to 51 2d s. All lines run- ning down town. Greenville a, Greenville, W from Old Bergen Road to Wooalaiid a. Greunviile line Gregory S, N W from 130 York s to Henderson s. All lines running down town. Griffith S, Wfr'm445 Palisadeato Nelson a. All lilies runnmg north ot Elevator. Grove S, N from Morris Canal to Hohoken. Grove street line. Hague S, Hudson Citv, W from Paterson Plank R'd to 66q Ne.son a. All hues runni.ig north of Elevator. Halladay S, Laf-\yette, N from Caven Pomt a to 471 Grand s Belt line. Halsey a, Hudson City, N from Cherry lane to An- derson pi. Pavonia hne. Hamilton Square, N from 8th to 9th s, between trie and Coles s. i-rie and Grove street lines. Hancock a, Hudson City, N from 104 Franklin s to Paterson Plank Road. All lines running from Eleva- tor north. Harmon S, Bergen. W from 795 Bergen Point Plank Road to 747 Grand s. Greenville line. Harris pi, Hudson City, N from Waller 9 to Quincy s. Pavouia line. 29 Harrison a, Bergen, W from 521 Communipaw a to West Side a. Belt line. Hart Sj Bergen, N from 48 Kearney a to 43 Ege a. Greenville line. Harvey a, Bergen, N from 998 Communipaw a to Newark a. Belt and Montgomery Hues. Hatch a, Bergen, W from 27 West Side a to Hacken- sack river. Greenville and Montgomery lines. Hecker S, riverfront, N from Essex to 2d s. AH Hues running down town Henderson pi, Sussex s betwren Warren and Van Vorst s. All Hues running down town. Henderson S, N from 198 Grand s to 20th s. Belt line and Grove street line. Henry S, Hudson City, W from 34 Waldo a to Penn. R R Cut. Belt line. Henry S, G'-eenville, W from Bergen Point Plank Road. Greenville line. Henry pi, Hudson City, from 41 liberty s toaSCort- landt s. All lines running from Elevator north. Hicks S, Hudson City, W from 713 Summit a to 97 Huron a. Pavouia line. High S, Bergen, W from 163 Baldwin a to 394 Summit a. Belt line. Highland a, Bergen, W from 521 Bergen a to West Side a. Belt line. Hoadley a, Bergen, W from 109 West Side a to Hackensack river. Greenville and Montgomery lines. Hoboken a, Hudson City, E from 600 Summit a to City limit Belt and Pavonia lines. Holden lane, Hudson City, W from 27 Bevan s to 20 Huroa s. Court House line N H R R. Homestead a, Greenville, W from Ocean a to Ber- gen a. Greenville line. Homestead pi, Hudson City, N from 612 Pavonia a to 29 Van Reipen a. Belt line. Hooker a, Greenville, W from Avenue E to Ocean a. Greenville line. 30 C c 05 E CO (D (D Q c cc > nf > I to 31 Hope S, Hudson City, N from Perr*y s to soPaterson Plank Road All lines running from Elevator north. Hopkins a, Hudson City, W from 143 Palisade a to Collard s. Court House line N H R R, Howard pi, Bergen, from 181 Summit a to 38Storm a. Belt line. Hudson S, N from Mason s to Hoboken. All lines running down town, Huron S, Hudson City, N from 30 Van Winkle a to 252 Beacon a. Pavonia line. Hutton S, Hudson City, W from 405 Palisade a to Gerniania a. All lines running north Irom Elevator. IngfWersen pi, Bergen, E from $2 Storm a. Belt and JVlontgomery Imes. Irwingf S, Hudson City, W from 533 Central a to Nel- son a. Central avenue line. Ivy pl, Bergen, W Irom 600 Grand s to z8 Summit a. Greenville line. Jackson a, Bergen, N from McAdoo a to 607 Com- munipawa. Belt and Greeavihe lines. Jackson lane, Greenville, W from Ocean a to Old Bergen Road. Greenville line. James a, Hudson City, N from 984 Newark a to An- derson s. Belt line. Jay S, Hudson City, W from Summit a tu Porter 9. Belt and Pavonia lines. Jefferson a, Hudson City, W from 205 Palisade a to Summit a. Court House line, N H R R. Jenkins S, N from 306 Mason to 83 Canal s. All lilies running down town. Jersey a, N from Greenville to Hoboken. All linej running down town. Jewett a, B<*rgen, West from 137 Summit a to West Side a. Belt line. Johnston a, Lafayette, W from Central Ferry to Grand s. Belt and Greenville line. Jones S, Bergen, N from 86 Vroom s to Academy 3, and from Newkirk s to Sip a. Belt line. 32 Kearney a, South Bergen, W from 144 Ocean a to West Sioe a. Greenville line. Kensingrton a, Bergen, see Linden a. Kelso s, N from 2d s to i8th s, Pavonia line. Lafayette S, Lafayette, W from 542 Dudley s to Squier s. Belt and Lafayette lines. Laidlaw a, Hudson City, W from 183 Palisade a to bummit a. Pavonia line Lake S, Hudson City, W from 7 Montrose s to Ger- mania a. ' Pavonia line. Larch a, Hudson City, N from 58 Cherry lane to St. Paul's a. Pavonia line. Leonard S, Hudson City, W from 589 Central a to Nelson a. Central avenue line. Lewis a, Hudson City, N from 418 St. Paul's a to .-•.nderson pi. Pavonia line. Lexington a, Bergen, W from 197 Bergen a to But- ler a. Belt and Montgomery hnes. Liberty S, Hudson City, W from 107 Ogden a to .^38 Palisade a All lines running from Elevator. Lincoln S, Hudson City, W from ^39 Central a to Tonnele a. Cv.nir.il ,.vtniie line. Linden a, Bergen, W from 345 Bergen a to 324 West Side a. Belt and Montgomery lines. Linden a, Greenville, W from Avenue E to Bergen a. Greenville line. Logan S, W from West Side a to Stuyvesant a. Belt hne to Bergen Square. Long S, Greenville, W from Rose a to McAdoo a. Greenville line. Lott S, Hudson City, W from 18 Willow Court. Belt hne. Lundy S, from Tonnele a to Bogert s. Belt line. McAdoo a, Greenville, W from Rose a to Morris Canal. Greenville line. McPherson pi, Hudson City, S from Hobokeu a to Bonner a. Pavonia line. 33 Madison a, B«rgen, N from 542 Bramhall a to 565 Communipaw a. Belt line, Magrnolia a, Hudson City, W from i8 Waldo a to Tounele a. Belt line. Maiden lane, from 24 Baldwin a to ao Orchard s. Belt and Montgomery lines. Mallory a, Bergen, N from 72 Pollock s to lor Logan a. Belt line to i ive Corners. Mandeville a, Bergen, W from 210 Bergen a to 190 West Side a. Belt and Montgomery lines. Manhattan a, Hudson City, W from 25 Sherman a tu 'lonnele a. Pavonia line and all lines running north from Elevator. Mannings a, Bergen, N from 396 Bramhall a to Grand s. Belt and Greenville lines. Marcy a, Bergen, N from 302Clendenny a to Newark a. Belt and Aiontgomery lin«fs. Marion pi. Marion, W from 633 West Side a to 54 Giles s. Belt Ime to Five Corners. Milton a, Hudson City, N from 192 Griffith s to 89 Charles s. Lines from Hevator north and Pavonia line. Monitor S, Lafayette, N from 302 Communipaw a to Jersey a. Lafayette line and Belt line. Maple S, Lafayette, W from Mason s to 70 Manning a. Belt line. Monmouth St N from Grand s to 319 i8th s. Bell line. Montgomery S, W from 115 Hudson s to West Side a. Montjjomery line MontiCello a, Bergen, N from 550 Bramhall a to h air mouii t a . Belt line . Montrose a, Hudson City, N from 48 Lake « to 41 Sanford pi. Pavonia line and Belt line. Mason S, W from Hudson to Maple s. All lines running down town. Meadow S, Hudson City, W from West Side a to Duffield a. Pavonia lifle. 34 Mercer S, W from 279 Henderson s tp Cornelison a. All liaes rnnning down town. Merseles S, S from 345 Newark a to 504 Grand s. Belt line. Mill Road, Bergen, S from 27 Tonnele ato 606 Mont- gomery s. Belt and Montgomery lines. Miller a, Bergen, N from no Williams a to 235 Clen- denny a. Belt and Moutgomerj' lines. Morgan S, W from 47 Hecker to Grove s. All lines running down town. Moore a, Lafayette, N from Carteret a to 215 Wilson a. Lafayette and Belt lines. MprriS s, W from Hcker to Allen. All hnes run- ning down town. MorCon s, Bergen, N from 152 Williams a to 277 Clen- denny a. belt Ime and Montgomery line. Mountain Road, Hudson City, from 9 Franklin to Paterson plank road. Line running to Plank Road. Myrtle a, Bergen, W from Bergen Plank Road to I Bergen a. Greenville line. Nassau a, Hudson City, N from County Road to Anderson pi. Pavonia line. Nelson a, Hudson City, N from 80 Cottage s to Se- caucus Road. All liut:s from Eiuvator, P.»vonia line and Belt line Neptune a, Greenville, W from Avenue E to Morris Canal. Greenville line. Newark a, N Wfrom Warren and Montgomery to Hackensack river. Belt line. Newkirk S, Bergen, W from Baldwin a to 143 Sip a. Belt line. New York a, Hudson City, N from Palisade a to Paterson Plank Road. Lines running Irom EUevator north. Nineteenth S, Wfrom Barnum s to Hoboken a. Grove street line Ninth S, Wfrom Provost s to foot of Hill. Grove street line. 35 Noble S, Greenville, W from Old Bergen Road to Morris Ciinal. Greenville line. North S, Hudson City, W from 647 Palisade a to Ton- nele a. Lines from Elevator north. Northern S, Hudson City, N from 1 Grace s to 2 Cortlandt s Lines from Elevator north. Nunda a, Bergen, N from E82 Communipaw a to 335 Sip a. Belt line. Oak s, Bergen, W from 52 Ocean a to Bergen a. Greenvile hne. Oakland a, Hudson City, N from 596 Newark a to Booraem a. Court House line N H R R, Pavonia Hne and Bek line. Ocean a, Bergen and Greenville from 517 Bramhall a to 53d s. Greenville hne. Ogden a, Hudso t City, N from 2 Ferry s to Congress s. Li es from Hevator north. Old Bergren Road, Greenville, N and W froi^ 53d !i to McAdoo a. Greenvihe line. Olean a, Bergen, N from 848 Communipaw a to Sip a. Belt hne. ^ Oliver a. Lalayerte, E from Carteret a to 246 Wilson a. Belt and Lafayette lines. Orange a, Marion, N from Communipaw a to 536 Hackcnsack a. Be:t line to Five Corners. Orchard S, Bereen, N from Crawford s to 689 Mont- gomery s. Montgomery line. Orient a, Bereen, W from 170 Octan a to West Side a. Greenville li.ie. Os>VegO S, B«>rgen, N from 610 Grand s t > 78 Cor- nelison a. Greenville Inie. Oxford a, Bergen, W from 42 Sackett 3 to Marcy a. Belt -.md Alont^jomery lines Palisade a, Hudson City, N from 598 Newark « to Paterson Plank Road. ( ..nrt House line N H R R, Belt line, and Jiue:> from Elevator. Pamrapo a, GreenvjUe, W frv.m Old B. rgen Road. Greenville line. 36 Pacific a, Lafayette, S from 451 Grand s to Caven Puint a. belt line and Lafayette line. Park S, Bergen, N from 518 Communipaw a to Astor pi. Belt line. Parnell pi, late Amelia pi, Greenville, S from Mc- Adoo a. Greenville line. Passaic a, Hudson City, N from 148 South s to 155 Congress s. Central avenue hne. Paterson Plank Road, N from Division s to becaucus Road, Hudson City. Lines irom Elevator. Paterson S, Hudson City, W from 457 Central a to Nelson a. Lines from Elevator. Paulmler pi, N side Mercer s, W from Barrow s. All lilies running down town. Pavonia a, W from 339 Hudson to Hackensack river Lrie »ireet and Pavonia, lines. Pearl s, W from 15 Hecker to Warren. All lines run- ning duwn town. Pearsall a, Greenville, W Irom Avenue E to Bergen a. Greenville line. Perine a, late Garden, Bergen, N from 36 High s. Belt line. Perry s, Hudson City, N from 114 Fleet s to^^Hop- ki..s a. Pavonia line, Belt riiic and Court House line N.H.R. k. Philip S, Lafayette, S from Jersey a to Greenville. Layayette line and Belt hne. Pierce a, Hudson City, N from igoSonth to 195 Con gresa s. Lines Irom elevator anil Pavonia line, ^ike s, Bergen, N Irom 25 Prior to S3 Factory s. Bcit line. ^Ine 8, Lafayette, S from Walnut to 18 Carteret a. licit and Laiayette lines. ^lainfleld a, Bergen, N from 918 Communipaw a to 38iSippa. Belt line. Plymouth S, W from Hecker to 384 Warren s. All lines running down town. >ollock a, Bergen, W from i West Side» to 3 East Canal s. Belt line. 37 38 Poplar $, Hudson City, W from 551 Central a toNel- son-a. Central avenue line. Porter S, Hudson City, N irom 698 Newark a to 7 Van Wart alley. Belt line. Prescott pi, Bergen, N from 488 Communipaw a to Astor pi. Belt line and Greenville line. Prior S, Bergen, N from 54c Grand to 383 Newark a. Grand street line. Prospect S, Hudson City, W from 247 Palisade a to Oakland a. Court House line N. H. R. R. an J Pavonia line. Provost S, N from 142 Morgan to 20th s. Erie street line and Hoboken line. Quincy S, Hudson City, N from 711 Tonnele a to Hacktnsack river. Payonia line. Rademan pi, N from246 14th s Hoboken line. Railroad a, W from 303 Warren s to Prior. Beltline. Randolph a, Bergen, N from Greenville a to 725 Grand s. Greenville line Ravine a, Hudson City, W from 305 Palisade a to 'Oakland a. All lines from the tlevat r. Reed S, Bergen, W from 231 Monticello a to 406 Ber- gen a. Beit line. Reserve a, Hudson City, W Irom 37 Terrace a to 690 Tonneie a. Pavonia line. Reservoir a, W from Palisade to Oakland a. Oak- land avenue line from Court House Reynolds S, Bergen, N from R. R. Cut to Pavonia a. B(.lt line. Richard S, Greenville, E from Garfield a Green- ville line. River S, N from 2d to i8th s. Grove street line. Rock S, Bergen, W from 149 Baldwin a to 366 Summit a. Belt and Montgomery lines. Rockaway a, Bergen, N from 372 Clendenny a to 596 Hacken^ack a. Belt and Montgomery lines. Romalne a. Be gen, N from 53 Stuyvesant a to n Broadway. Belt 1 ne to Five Corners. .39 USE JONES' ELECTRIC KLENZER, SILVER POLISH. 40 Rose S, Bergen, N from Myrtle a to 19 Kearney a. Greenville line. Rose a, Greenville, N from Cator a to Bostwick a. Greinviile line. Rudderrow pi, N from 235 Summit a. Montgom- ery hue. Rutherford pi, W^rom Sip a to Tonnele a. Belt luie. Runyon a, ln river to 320 Hendir.on s. All hues running down town. Stephens a, Greenville, W from Ocean a to Bergen a. Gieenville line. Stockton a, Berc:en, N from 1020 Comm-'nipaw a to Hackensack riv<-r. Belt and Moiitgonury .ints. Storm a, N W from i Jewett a to 460 Bergen a. Belt Ime. St. Paul's a, Hudson Citv, W from 123 Palisade a to Ha:l Dixon Crucible Works. 93) 2 Warren, PRR Fr. Depot 6 Grand and Pacific ave 117 Washington st, I, V K R 18 Old L V Freight Depot. U9 Foot of Johnston ave. 121 Rou.1.1 H..use,C R R. 123 Communipaw Ferry. 124 Magnolia tS: Chestnut a. i»5 Belmont nr. West Side a 126 Summit ave & Poplar. 127 loth b Coles & Monm'lh • 28 Brunswick near Sixth. 131 Wayne & Merseles. [32 Bergen & Woodlawn av. 134 Greene near First. 48 135 Griffing Iron Works. 136 Bramhall & Jackson av. 137 Montgomery & Colgate. 142 Central ave & Franklin. 143 Tonnele & St. Paul's av 145 New York iv & Bowers 152 Tonnele and Pavoni.t av 153 gth b. Coles & Monm'th. 215 City Hospital. 231 Eleventh and Erie. 241 Pavonia ave and Erie. 242 Nat'l Storage Co , Caven Point. 243 Grand, near Merseles. 251 Pavonia ave and Kelso. 262 Grove and Thirteenth. FIRST ALARM— Re2:ular Station Number. SECOND ALARM— 3 strokes (|||) follow- lowed by regular station number. THIRD ALARM— 3 double strokes (|| || II) followed by regular station number. GENERAL ALARM— 10 strokes. RETURN SIGNAL— I stroke. SCHOOL SIGNAL-2 double strokes (| | ||) Location of Fire Companies. Headquarters, 244 Bay street. Engine No. t, Warren street, near Morgan. Engine No. 2, Morris street, near Warren. Engine No 3, Mercer street, near drove. Engine No 4, First street, near Coles. Engine No. 5, Sixth street, nrar Coles. Engine No 6, Henderson street, near Twelfth. Engine No. 7, Summit avenue, near St. Paul's avenue. Engme No. 8, Elge avenue, near Ocean avenue. Engine No. 9, Bergen avtnue, corner Duncan avenue Engine No. 10, Haliaday street, near Communipaw ave. Engine No. 11, South street, near Central avenue. Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, Van Vorst street, corner Grand street. Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, Ninth street, near Grove. Hook and Ladder Company No 3, Webster avenue, near Franklin street. Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, Linden avenue, near Ocean avenue Hook and Ladder Company No. 5, Communipaw ave- nue, near Moaticello avenue. Dealer In Strictly Pure i^IdBfiiB j ^\\ \ dream. Office : pd Harrison Ave. Residence : ji Brinkerhoff St. Receiiin^ Station : Long Eddy, N. Y. Hilk delivered in Glass Jars to any address in Jersey City. The milk and cream whieh I handle is j^uaranteed bottled in steam-washed bottles at my receivinjr station at Long Eddr, N.Y., and is thoroughly examined there by com- petent men before received from the farm. The best of skill and care is being used in its keeping and shipment, and thus having everything under my own control, I can guarantee all my dairy products to be the purest and best that can be procured. Con- vince yourself by obtaiuicg sample bottle, which will be delivered free of charge. Orders by fnail promptly attended to. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS