277 'J£? LSI wyu^ ' acres in cultivation, 1,000 in woods; well and streams; nine room dwelling, four outbuild- ings, thirteen tenant houses. Price, $8.50 per acre. Pinckney Township. -j OQ Acres of land, known as the Rodger Place, Good tenant house and the usual outbuild- ings; good water; some fine bottom land. Price, $800. [18] r AA Ac-res, known as Briggs' Land; can be cut %J\J\J - n |. i0 |- WQ t rac t Si 170 acres in cultivation, 20 in wood land; springs and stream; seven room dwelling, ginhouse, large barn and stable and six tenant houses. Price, $8,000. Gowdeysville Township. r»Qp~ Acres, known as the Byei's' Place. Fine six ^^^ room dwelling, and outbuildings, several tenant houses; good water. Price, $4,500. Acres, known as the Took Place. One dwell- ing and out for $75. Price, $700. 107 ing and outbuildings; good water. Rents Jacks Township— Laurens Co. f*OA Acres, adjoining lands of A. G. Rice and ^^-^ others. Has five tenant houses; five farms open, which are now renting for 1,000 pounds of lint -cotton each. Price, $5 per acre. NOTICE. Our list is constantly being added to, and some places being sold, so if you do not see what you want on this list, write to us or call on us. We respectfully solicit the business of all who desire to purchase or sell real estate, stocks and bonds. No charge unless we make a sale. List your property with us. UNION REAL ESTATE AGENCY. LUCAS A RICHARDSON CO. F>f