MILTON BRADLEY CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. MEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, ATLANTA, SAN FRANCISCO, Glass _LEjrii- Book ■ 3 ^ JO COPi'RIGHT DEPOSIT. DAILY PROGRAM GIFT and OCCUPATION WORK CAROLYN S. BAILEY and CLARA M. LEWIS Springfield, Mass., MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY LBins .52 LIBRARY of OONG.HESS Two Copies rteceivea FEB 8 iy05 /-rCotJ^riuiit tpiiry CUISS C<. XXc Noi COPY " B. <^.5^ ^- / Copyright, 1904, »Y MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY. PREFACE. The :iiiii of the ])i'e.sent work, as tlio title iiii])lies, is to sug- gest program Gift and Occupation AVork for a year in kinder- garten. The home with its interests, and sini])le nature work, form the hasi-; of the ontline, and as far as possihle home plays and home ])lay methods have been carried over as trne kinder- garten links hetween the home and the school. The outline has heen nsod in practical ex])erience in two pnhlic kindergartens for a nmnher of years, and the anthors have sn,giieste(l no ]dan of work whicli may not l)e carried out with classes of twenty children or more. Large materials, inclnding the hnilding gifts, enlarged tab- lets, sticks, and rings, have lu'cn used, also larger blocks for group work building on the tloor and in a sand box. Sea shells and large seeds have l)een nsed with great snccess for outlining and designing. In addition to kiiidei'gartcn ])lay material, the use of toYS is urged, also the ntiliziuii' of home nuiterials, such as empty boxes, spools, pict()rial catalogues, etc., for constructive A\'ork. The colored ]iosters are a suggestion for a new and very effective form of brush work, giving practice in the putting on of washes. In presenting this outline, it is hoped that it may be used only as suggestive. In souk^ cases the occupation for the day iv Preface. Avoiiltl cover a uuuiber of days' Avovk, and the kiudergartner iinist accept the hook as slie is ahle to interpret it in her own kin(k'r<>arten. ]\[nch inspiration for the outline has l)een i>ained from Dr. Dewey's University Primary School ])]ans. We are also in- debted to ]Miss Lonise Green of the William Street Kindergar- ten, Spring-field, for original woi'k along the line (d" illnstration. ]\hudi of the constrnctive Avork in ])a])er and hristol hoard has been found in Kna])])'s Ratha and Reed Weaving, to which freqnent reference is made. DAILY PROGRAM of GIFT and OCCUPATION WORK SEPTEMBER. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. U Life (if (he 1 Ionic. (a) Family iiitcTC^^ts — Mother's daily diitios. ( //) Childrcirs interests — Toys, ])lays, folk-lore. 2. N (it It re Worh'. (rt) Observation of sky, snn and elouds. (A) Tleview of vacation life — Seashore, farm. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Children s Life in the Borne. OLDER CLASS. Monday. ff'/'/Y.- First Gift. — Develo]* red and oroen in connection with halls and hall ])lays children are familiar with at home. OccuiMi'ioii: Strinii' straw and ])aper necklaces to wear home, nsinii,- the colors developed in the Gift lesson. Tuesday. (j'lfi: Second Gift. — Contrast spheres and cnhes with hard l)alls and wooden blocks at home, and develop qnalities connnon to both, Wednesday. Gift: Illustrate a Mother Goose tale or rhyme in the sand box. Suggestions for a Jack and Jill jucture. Grou]i of chil- dren nndve hill at one end of the sandl)ox, while a second group ^ DdUji Proiir(()ii of (Jtfi and ()ccupai'ioti ll'or/i'. build a well, and house with garden paling to be placed at the foot of the hill. 1'wigs for niiniatnro trees and two dolls dressed to represent Jack and Jill (•<)iii])lot(> the ])i('tnre. Occiipafloii : Imaginative di'awing in colored crayon to illustrate storv nf Jack an'. Red or yellow apples. Friday. (hft : Sort red, green, and vellow tablets. Occupation : Freehand drawing on blackboard. Outline and fill in large vellow circle for sun. YOT^NGEPt CLASS. Monday. (lift: Second Gift. — Use cube for l)oat. Tut sail from white paper and fasten to stick for mast. Let the children play with boats on floor. Tuesday. Gift: Sort sea shells. Occupation : Play in the sand with tin spoons or small shovels. Wednesday. Gift: First Gift. — Develop red and yellow from apple colors. Occupation: ^Fount colored paper apple. Draw stem in broAvn crayon. Thursday. Gift: Large peg tiles. Use red pegs to represent rows of ajiple trees in an orchard. Occupation: String large red or yellow beads. Friday. Gift: Group work building on the floor with Second Gift cubes. Build barn, farmhouse, and barnyard. Fill barnyard with paper animals. Occupation : Clay, ^fodel a]iple. Dailji Prof/rai)i of (fift and Orcupafion ^Yol^Ji^. 11 Topic for Third Week — Mother s Home Duties. OLDKR CLASS. Monday. (j'tfi: T.arge Third (iift. — Huild kitclicu fnniiturc, cliaii's, table, stove, and shelves for eookiuii' utensils. Occupation ■ Fold and paste simple cradle. Fold sixteen S(inare foundation. ( \\\ off one row of squares. Cut and paste oblong box form from remaining squares. Cut and glue on rockers. Heavy mainlla ])a]K'r or light weight book cover paper is suital)le for this model. Another excellent cradle is described in Kna]i|)'s book. Tuesday. (liff: First Gift. — Match colors already develo])ed to the childi'cn's dresses, samples of dress materials, hair ribbons, etc. Occupation : ^lake sim])le color charts to carry home. "Wednesday. (lift: Large Fourth Gift. — Ihiild set tubs. Tf toy tubs are in the kindergarten equipment, a washing day may be insti- tuted. Occup((flun : (Jut out dresses for paper dolls. Thursday. Gift: Second Gift cid^es and cylinders. Talk about and illustrate mother's fall canning. L"se cubes for taWes, cylinders for preser\'e kettles. Large colored cylinder beads may repre- s(Mit cans of fruit ready to put away for winter. Occupation: Freehand cutting of fruits from colored l)apers. Friday. Gift: Play in the sand box with toy dishes, making sand cakes, ])ies, etc. 12 DaUu Prorjram of Gift and Occupation Worl: Occupation : Mount print of mother and child, — ^Mafhimo Le Brun and Daughter or Ferruzzi's Mother and Child. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: First Gift. — Ileview rod and yellow. Develop blue, matching to colors of the children's dresses. Occupation : Draw ]»ictnr(^ of hall in colored crayon, choos- ing color. Tuesday. Gift : Second Gift cubes. Build crib or bed. Occupation : ^Make doll's cradle from spool box. Use the box for a foundation. One half the cover may be glued in place for the head of the ci'adlc. ( 'nt rockers from the remaining half and fasten in place with collar buttons. Wednesday. Gift: Second Gift. — Introduce cylinders. Connect with mother's (deaning ])ails. Occupation : Stringing large beads. Beview three forms and three colors. Thursday. (///'/.• Construct table Avith inverted peg tile for foundation and four pegs for legs. (\it lunch cloth and napkins from white paper. Occupation : Clay. J\Iodel bread and milk bowl. Friday. Gift: First and Second Gift balls. Contrast qualities and play with on the floor. Occupation: Mount print of Baby Stuart. DaUy Pro(/iaiii of (Jiff and Orcupafioit IT'o /•/.■. 13 Topic for Fourth Week — Household Depe?idence. OLDER CLASS. Monday. (J if I: Fourth Gift. — (xroceiy store sequence. Build shelves and counter. Use beads for cans, boxes of cereal, vege- tables, etc. Occii pat ion : Fold jiroccr's order book and ])lav store. Tuesday. Gift : Circular ;nid s(|uai'e tablets. Outline the niilknum's cart. Occapatioii : Clay. ]\l(>del milk cans. Wednesday. . (hfl : Third Gift. Fni])hasize divisions of c\d)e. Build ice h(»use, l)locks of ice, etc. Occiipaf nni : Fold and ]);iste simple ice cart, fastening wheels with eyelets or C(dlar buttons. Thursday. (lift: First Gift. — Eni])hasize blue. Connect colors with fruit colors. Ornipat ion : Paint ])lum. Friday. (lift: Grou]) woi'k on tloor. Build stores, houses, ice houses. Play with delivery waiions nuide on Wednesdav. Occupation : Draw rows of houses on street where deliverv AN'agons stop. Choose colors. 14 Dfilh/ Prof/rain of Gifl and (Jccupation ^yorl•. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Introduce lariio 'I'liird (Jift. Tlnild grocery store, counter, shelves, etc. Ocrupatloii : Paint ontlined ])ear or ai)])le. Tuesday. Gift: Second Gift. — T"se cubes for uiilk team, sticks and cylinders for wheels. Orcu [xd'ioii : ('lav. Model milk can. Wednesday. Gift: Large square tablets. Place in rows to represent cakes of ice, or outline ice chest with smaller tablets for legs. Occupation : Fold large s(|uare of numilla paper into six- teen small squares. Thursday. Gift: Dig large pond in the ^and box and l>uild ice houses from cubes on the banks. Occapatlo)! : Cut and paste an ice wagon from tlic sixteen square folding of Wednesday. Fasten on cardboard ]tar(inetry circles for wheels. Friday. Gift: First Gift. — lieview the colors develo])ed and asso- ciate with fruit and \'egetables in the markets. Occupation : Drawing. Blue Ball. Vd'ihj Pro;jrain of Gift and Orcupation Worl-. 15 Story List — September. J)ust riuler the Hug (Muthcr Sturics) ]\raud Lindsay ]\ris. Tabl)y Gray (Mother Stories) Maud Lindsay Adventures of a Brownie Miss ]\[ulock The Three Bears (F(it)les and ProrcrJ)s) Sarah Wiltse The Three Little Pigs. ILow Tliey ( "auie to Have a Picnie, St. Xichohis, X()venil)er, 1888 Mr. Sun Bichai-d Le Gallienne Phaethoii Baldwin Legend of Jack and Jill and the Moon {Aii Primer), Dewey and ( 'ady JJie Gat and liat Wlio Lived in an Oven, St. Xieholas, September, 18!>4 ^riie Waiting Apple The Ghild's World The Little Red Hen. The Three Little Kittens Mother Goose The Sun ; The Moon Stevenson OCTOBER. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. 1. Groirlli (I III] Marli'ctiiHi of Food ^'^liiffs. (a) Markets. ib) Transportation. (c) Farmer — Field life, orcluii'd life, l):ini life. £. Nature ]\oil\ (a) Sun. rain — Factors in ])r(>(ln('tion of ])lant life. (h) Seeds. (c) Trees — Fallinu' leaves. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Fnilfs a?id Vegetables. OLDKli CLASS. Monday. G'lji: Large green sticks. ]Make ontline of tree. Connect with tlionght of orchard. Occupation : Drawing, ^lake ])icture of tree with red apples. Use colored crayons. Tuesday. Gift: F\»urth Gift. — Encdose different shaped fields and orchards. Develop square and oblong. Occupation : Peg tiles. Kiudose square and oblong fields. Ddiljl Prof/rani of (riff and Occupation ^yorl■. 17 Wednesday. Gift : First Gift. — Develop orange in connection Avitli color 'lit of l)arrels used for storage. Occupation : Olav. ^Nfodol barrel. Friday. Gift: First Gift. — Develop (►range and connect Avith the color of the pumpkin. Occupation: Draw ])ictnre of orange, hall, or juunpkin, usins; colored cravons. Topic for Second Week. — Transportation of Food Stuffs. OLDER (;LASS. Monday. Gift : Fourth Gift. — Fsc ])ricks for train^^, with sticks and lari>e cylindrical heads for wheels. Load with colored cubes for vegetable crates. Occupation: Clay. ^Fodel barrel. Tuesday. Gift: Idiird Gift. — Introdnce one cnl)e, divided into halves. T^)uild train, nsing slats for tracks. Occupation : Drawing. Train. Wednesday. Gift: Second Gift in boxes. Play steamboat game. Occupation: Fold simple boat. Thursday. Gift: Sand table. Let chihlren ])ush away the sand to represent body of water. Build trains and docks with blocks. Put in boats folded on Wednesday. Dailii Frofjram of Gift and Occupation IT'orA-. 19 Occupation: Begin simple doll's market basket. Use wooden bottom and jmt in Xo. 3 reed for spokes. Use Xo. 1 reed for winder. Friday. Gift: Sort and design with corn and ])nm])kin seeds. Occupation : Finish basket. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Second Gift. — ('nl)es. Build large trains upon floor. Let children play with them. Occupation : Blount engine picture. Tuesday. Gift: Build wagon. Use one large brick for foundation and small cylinders for wheels. Load with beads for vegetables. Occupation: Clay. Model basket. Wednesday. Gift: Sand table. Let children push away the sand to represent body of water. Build trains and docks with blocks. Occupation : Fold simple boat. Put in sand table. Thursday. Gift: Sort vegetable seeds. Occupation : Painting. Squash. Friday. Gift: Large square tablets. Make train. Occupation : Parquetry. Simple engine. 20 Daihj Pronram of Gift and Ocaipation Worh. Topic for Third Week — Farmer, Field Life. OLDER CLASS. Monday. (Vift: Large sticks. Enclose square and oblong- fields. Occiipafioii : Blackboard drawing. Square and oblong. Tuesday. (tifl: Sand table. Let children enclose large field with slats or sticks. Pnt in sprays of wheat to represent grain. Ocrupaf loit : Sewing. Spi-ay < if wheat. Wednesday. (I iff: Cnlx's and half cnbes. ( 'ooperative Iniilding of granary. Occii/xihoii : ( 'nt ont silver paper sickle and nionnt on wheat card sewed on Wednesday. Thursday. (riff: ^fake mill of sqnare tablets and pnt circular tablet at side to re])resent mill udieel. OcciipafloN : Paste oblong sheet c»f paper in form of cylin- der, ^lake cross of two narrow strips of paper and paste on mill for sails. Friday. Giff: Fonrth Gift. Wheat bin. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Giff: Introduce large Fonrth Gift. Build farmer's wall. Occupafion: Clay. Model brick. Dallji Prof/ram of Gift and Occupation ^yorh. 21 Tuesday. Gift: Peg tiles. Enclose Held, using yellow pegs for corn or wheat. Occupation : Cnt, fold, and paste sini])le Avlieell)arr(i\v from manilla paper. Wednesday. Gift: Third Gift. — Sequence. Wall, gate, granary. Occupation : Fill in outline of ear of corn, using yellow crayons. Thursday. Gift: Introduce circulai- tablets. C^^nihiue with square tablets to form sini])le cart. Occupation : Finish wlieelbarrows. Friday. Gift: First Gift. — Eni])hasize green in connection Avith coloi' of corn. Occupation : !Mi.x and Itake johnnycake. Topic for Fourth Week — Farmer^ Barn Life. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift : Fhii'd (jift and one cube divided into halves. Fuild barn. Occupation : Fold large square of nuuiilla paper into six- teen small sijuares. ( 'ut and fold barn. (Knapji's book.) Tuesday. Gift: Large sticks. ^lake hen-coop. Occupation : Freehand painting of yellow chicken or hen- coop. 22 Diillij Frograiii of (lift and (Jcciijxiiion IVo/'A". Wednesday. Gift: Fourth Gift. Barn sequence. Barn, rack, trongh, grain Ixix. Occiipdt'tou : (\\{ ont cow fur l)arns made on ^Nfonday. Thursday. (lift: I5nil(l licn-liouse with phiy l)locks. But in toy chickens. Oecupdfion : (day. ]\rodel (diicken. Friday. (lift: Sand tahle. Farmyard ])ictnre. Bnild farmhouse and hai'ii with hiocks. Fnch)se farmyard, ])i,i>-])en, etc., with sticks. But in twigs for trees. Toy or ])a])er animals. Orrii [xition : Drawing. Boy animal or harn. YOUNGEK CLASS. Monday. (jiff: Large ])eg tiles. Fncdosc harnyard, using \)('ii> for fence and cuhe and half cuhe for harn. Baper animals. Orciipdfion : Fold s(juare of red ]iaper into sixteen squares. C^it door and mount for hai'u ])icture. Tuesday. (riff: Slats. Hen-coo]). Occupation: Drawing. ITcn-coop. Wednesday. Gift: Third Gift. — Sequence. Barn, gate, wall. Occupation: Clay. Model egg. Thursday. Gift: First Gift. — Emjihasize yellow in connection with color of chicken. DaUy Frof/ran) of Gift and Occupatwn ^Vorl•. 23 Occupation : ]\I()iiiit ehiekeii, using lari>o yellow |)aper circle for hodv and small paper circle for head. Draw feet, bill, and tail with yellow crayon. Friday. Gift: ]\lake l)arnyard to take home. Use suit box cover for foundation. Alake large barn of manilla paper. (Knapp's book.) Fold another sixteen-square foundation, cut and paste as for basket. I'aste iu box for ])ig-pen. Occupation: Cut out and paint animals for barnyard. Story List — October. Ugly Duckling ITans Anders en A Kind \)eei\ Lights to Literature, Book Til The Ant and the Grasshopper ^Eso]) The Lost Chicken Emilie Poulsson The Little White Pig AVho Was l>onesome, Among the Farm People The Wonderful Shiny Egg; The S])ider's First Wei). . . Pierson Story of Alice's Supper St. Xicholas, August, 18TS Contented Earthworm Child's World Story of a Small Pooster St. Xicholas, February, 1888 The Big Bed Apple Kindergarten Beview, 1002 The Chestnut Bovs Emilie Poulsson NOVEMBER. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. 1. Preparation for Wnilcr in Faniili/. (a) Father's i)i"('])ai'ati<)ii — Stdraiic of food — Storage of coal ( miller's work ). 2. Preparation for Winter Outdoors. (a) Animals' pre})aratioii — Shelter — Thicker coats — ]\ri- gration of birds, 3. Tlianh'stjinmi llioiK/lif. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic tor First Week — Home Preparation for Winter. OLDEE CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third and Fourth Gifts in comhination. Build in sequence a cellar, hins, and boxes, for storage of winter vege- tables. Occupation : ('lav. ^lodel a ])otato. Tuesday, (///'/.• Third Gift and half cubes. Build a house and lead the children to talk of the necessary preparation for winter in the way of banking, double windows, and storm doors. Occupation : Freehand cutting of shovel from black book cover paper. Diiih] Profjra))} of Gift and Omipafloii Worl'. 25 Wednesday. Gift: Use large bricks in coinbiiiation with the cylinders of the Second Gift to make a wood wagon. Occupation: Drawing. Axe or hatchet, using black crayon and a color for the handle. Thursday. Gift: Sort dilferent length sticks. Occupation : Fold, cut and paste a small wood basket. Use the sixteen-sqnare foundation as for the oldong box. Paste on handle. Friday. Gift: First Gift. Emphasize the colors of those fruits and vegetables which are stored away for winter use. Occupation: Painting. Pumpkin in orange wash on gray paper. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Build bin for storing vegetables. Occupation : Fold and paste a square box from heavy paper. Tuesday. Gift: Second Gift. — Emphasize the cylinder in connection with barrels used for storing winter vegetables. Occupation : Painting. Fill in outline of pumpkin. Wednesday. Gift: First Gift. — Develop colors of winter fruits and vegetables. Occupation : (day. ^Model a ]nnn])kin. Thursday. Gift: Sort two lengths of slats to fV)rm miniature wood- ])iles. 26 DaiJij Prnf/irnn of Gift and Occupation ^yorl■. Occupation : Drawing. Outline of wood wagon in circnlar and straight line drawing on the blackboard. Friday. Gift : Tliird (lift. — Build in sequence a bouse, trees, wood- shed, and iircjibicc. Occupation : ( 'utting. Outlined squirrel from gray or l)rown l)nok cover ])aper. Topic for Second Week — Fa//, Out of Doors. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift : Outline fall trees with colored sticks, red for sumac, vellow f(ir ma])le an) Sheo]). 2. Cli ristiiias Storij. 3. Santa Chus Myth. 4. Nature WorL: {a) Observation of snow orystals. (Jj) Xioht, sky. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Mother s Preparation for Winter. OLDER CLASS. Monday. (lift: Fifth Gift.— Introduce the Gift in thirds. Build a house and a dry goods store, leading the children to talk of mother's shoj^ping. Occupation: Cut and fold a shopping bag (Knapp's book) or sew together l)ristol board bag with rattia. Tuesday. Gift: Sort different dress nmterials, woo], cotton, and silk, aceordinc" to texture. DaUy Frorjmm of Gift and Occupation IVor/.'. 33 Occupation: ^laiiual traiiiiiia,'. ]\Iea>^iirc and saw from oiic-lialf inch stock, two twchc-iiicli and two ton-incli strips for a woavinii' frame. Wednesday. (jift: Fourth Gift. — Bnihl in se([tionce a trnnk. chc^t, and shelves for storing- summer clothing'. Ocnipaiion : Chittin,ii'. The chihlren may draw the ])at- tern for a ])air of wool (doth mittens In- drawinii' around their hands on a sheet of manilla ])a]»er and cuttinu' on this line. Thursday. Gift: Tahlets, square and half scmare. Outline a row of stores and use slats for car tracks and sidewalk in front. Occupation: Cut out mittens from scarlet flannel, usin<;' the patterns made on Wednesday. Sew edges together with tapestry needle and coarse worsted. Friday. (Jtft: Third Gift. — Build mother's sewing" chair and tahle. Occupation: Clay. ^Lodel scissors and spool of thread. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: First Gift. — ^Matcli the colors of the halls to cloth samples. Occupation: Sort cloth sanijdes according to color. Tuesday. Gift: Group work on the floor Avith large play hlocks. Build house and department store. Occupation: Folding. Fold large oblong paper once to make mother's shoi)ping bag. Paste on a strip for handle. 34 Daihi Prorjmm of Gift and Occupation WorJi. Wednesday. Gift: Play with empty spools. These may be secured from a manufacturer at slight cost and are very adaptable for build- ino' or striniiinc,'. Occupation : Pjiiiiling. Outline of red mitten. Thursday. Gift: Second Gift. — Associate the forms with mother's sewing materials, cylinder Avith spools of thread, ball with balls of cotton, ;iiid the cidic witli blocks Ie Tales), Engene Field Monse and the Moonbeam {Little Bool- of Profitahle Tales), Eugene Field Tiny Tim (CJiristntas Stories) Charles Dickens Pieeola ^Vlia Thaxter Story of Little (N)sette {Les Miseratdes) Victor lingo Christmas Tree for Cats [Bits of Tall-) . . . Helen Hnnt Jackson Pine Tree Andersen's Fairy Tales Why the Chimes Ivang Kindergarten ^Magazine Legend of St. Christopher {Child's Christ Tales) Amalie Hofer Babonscka Tvnssian Folk Tale ^^^ly tlie sheep Ran Away (Among tlie Farm People), Clara Dillingham Pearson That Little (1n-istmas Tree St. Xicholas, 1899 Christmas Cnre St. Xicholas, 1890 Grandma's Pet Lamb Kindergarten Review, 1901 The Christmas Ano-el Katherine Pyle SUGGESTION FOR A CALENDAR. JANUARY. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. 1. Dti'tsioiis of Time in the Neiu Year. {a) What the days bring us. (h) What the clock tells us. 2. Cold. (a) Our winter — Snow, ice, sleds, snow man. 3. A Child of file Snou: — Agoonaek. Jf. Nature worl-. (a) Protective work of the snow. (&) Ice and frost. IL OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — What the days bring us. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sixth Gift. — Use one third of the Gift to construct laundry furnishings, stationary tubs, benches, and clothes posts. Occupation: DraAving. A clothesline with clothes drying. Tuesday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Use one third of the Gift to build a kitchen stove, and set the quarter cubes on the top for flatirons. Occupation: Eaffia. Tie together a bunch of long pieces 42 Dalbj Program of Gift and Occupation Worl: of raffia in the center, braiding strands for arms and tying on scarlet raffia for sash to make a doll. Wednesday. (rift: Em])hasizo mother's sewing apei' into sixteen square foundation. Cut, fold, and paste as for oldong box. Slip one hox within the other and glue together. Paste on a (dock face and cut a circle directly under- neath for a door. Suspend a Ilailniann bead or a hit of chalk ])y tliread inside for a ])enduluni, just showing through the door. When set in motion, the pendulum will swing for some time. (See illustration. ) Wednesday. (f'lfi : Rings. T"se different sizes for watches. Stick< may re]»r(>sent the hands. OccNjxit ion : .Make a toy watch. Paint a yellow rim to a white cardl)oard circle. Use a paper fastener, bent, for the lunuls. Suspend with yellow worsted for chain. Thursday. Gift: Third and Fourth Gift in coud)ination. I^uild a railroad station and clock tower. Ocni pnlion : Plackboard drawing, ('lock tower. Friday. Gift: Tablets, square and circular. Outline a ])arlor clock. Occii pnl ion : ( 'iit out ])ictures of clocks and watches from an advertisinii' catalogue. YOT^NGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third Gift and divided cubes. Build a clock tower. Ocrn pdtion : ]\Iake a toy watch. Blount a clock face o\\ circular piece of cardl)oard. Sew yellow worsted rim to the circde and use rafHa for the watch chain. Da ill/ Pro(/)'(iiii of Gift and Occupation Woi'l-. 45 Tuesday. (rift: Tablet:^, square and circular. Outline mantelpiece and parlor clock. Occupafio)! : String small cylinder Leads, using one large s])lioro at the end to represent a pendulum. Wednesday. Gift: First Gift. — Pendulum plays. Occupation : Make a clock similar to the one made by the older class, using one oblong box foundation. Thursday. Gift : Kings. Sort three sizes of rings and lay in rows to represent the watches in a jcAveler's window. Occupation: Blackboard drawing of large circles. Friday. Gift : Large sticks. Outline engine house tower and clock. Occupation: Clay. ^lodel a circular tile, and draw in the hands witli a toothpick to rcju'esent a clock face. Topic for Third Week — fV/iat the Cold Brings, OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sticks. Outline snow crystals. Occupation: Drawing snow crystals on blackboard. Tuesday. Gift: Tablets, square and half square. Snow shovel and sled. Occupation: Saw wood for snow shovel or doll's sled. 46 Daihj Program of Gift and Occupation ^Yorl.'. Wednesday. (rift: Saiul box. Illustrate "Siiow-Boiiiul." Use blocks for farm buildings, cotton batting witb frost powder for snowdrifts. Occupation: Finish snow shovel, and paint. Thursday. (lift: Rings and slats. Outline snow man. Occupation: ('lay. ]\Io(d hox. Ohlong hox founda- tion. Cut and ])aste handles at cither end. Topic for Second Week. — Woodtnan. OLDEll C'LASS. Monday. (jift: Fourth Gift.- — Enclose wood yard. Occupation: C'ardhoard modeling. Cut and glue hristol hoard as foi' ol)long hox. Put on wheels and a seat. Load with l)apcr cvlinders tilled with ])egs for kindlings. Tuesday. Oifi: Sixth and Fifth Gift, one third of each. Build a huuhcr yard with the Sixth Gift and a freight train with the Fifth. Occupation : ('utting. Gut ont and mount a train in silhouette. Wednesday. (Jift: Sticks. Outline forest trees. DaU^j Proijrdin of Gift and Occupation Worh'. 53 Occupation : Blackboard drawing-. Trees in mass; use a combination of circle and straiiibt line drawing. Thursday. Gift: Half riiiiis. Ontline a river wliere tlie logs are floated to the niill. (Jccujxition: ('lav. ^Model miniature logs, and cond)ine to bnild a wood cntter's lint. Friday. Gift: Sand box. Represent a river conrse with woods on either si(l(\ l>nild lints for woodmen. Float twias for loe"s and l)nild a sawmill (if blocks at one end of the sand 1)0X. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sort sticks according to size. Occupation : Fold wood basket and paste on handle. Tuesday. (rift: Fourth Gift. — E]nch»se wood yard. Occupation : Clay. ^lodel barrel for kindlings. Wednesday. Gift: Slats. Ontline trees. Occupation: Drawing. Trees with brown crayons. Thursday. Gift: Sandbox. Forest. Twigs for tree. Occupation: Painting. Woodman's axe. Friday. Gift: G'ronp work l)nilding with large l)locks. Build 'e blocks. Build woolen mill. Occu jxftion : Alcasui'c and cut stri]>s of bright elotli for weaving. Thursday. (lift: Sticks. Outline a loom. Occupation: Fasten the strips cut on Wedncsdav to staples in Aveaving frames. Weave contrasting strips in freehand to make rng tor doll. Friday. (iifl : Sixth (lift. — Ihiild drv goods shop, counters, shelves, and show windows. Occupation : 'Y\\o rug suggested for Wednesday may l)e in- terlined and oversewed around the edges. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Visit shoemaker. Occupation; Cutting. Cut baby's shoes freehand from rc(l ])a])er. Tuesday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — IHustrate ''There's a Wee Little ALm" from Gaynor l)i>ok. Build bench, window, etc. Occupation: ('lay. ^fodol hammer. Wednesday. (jift: S(]uare and half squ.are tal)lets. Shoemaker's shop. Occupation : Folding. Window. Thursday. (riff: Third (Jift. — Dry goods store, counter, boxes, and shelves. Occupation : Sort dress scraps according to color. Daili/ Pro;/m)ii of Gift and Occupallon ITor/.'. 57 Friday. ''_///'/ ; Paint (lesii>ii in dots or stripes foi* dress. Ucrupaflon : Weave slats and liolland mats. Sr(a;i;s rio.xs I'oi; Holiday Work. Yalciittnc's Ihiij: Foltl hiri>c t-nvelopes frii-/li(h(i/: Fold large manilla soldier caps with red and hlne pinnies. .Make red, white and hlne chains and badges to wear home. Monnt an.d frame the Perrv pietnre of George Washington. Paint a large Hag on white cloth or nine-inch bv twel\'e-inch drawing pajier and monnt on a stick. Paint and cnt toy soldiers and monnt on wooden stan' {Mother Stories) . .^faud Lindsay Dandy Colt and the Blacksmith Shop, Kindergarten Ixeview, ]\L^rch, !!)();] Llie Honest Woodman Lhe Child's World Elves and the Shoemaker Grimm How Phronsie Pep]ier Got Her Xew Shoes, {Fire Little Peppers) ^largaret Sidney ( Vdric Stepping Stones to Literature, Book TV Lhe Stone in the lu»ad, Stepping Stones to Literature, Book III Village Blacksmith Longfellow The Pigeons Kindergarten Review, Xnv('nd)er, 1000 Stuart's Valentine Good Housekeeping, 1904 MARCH. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. Spring, y attire Aivakoiing. {A) Light. (a) Xatural. ih) Artificial. (B) Water. (a) ]\rr'ltiiig of ice and snow. {h) Outlets. (c) Forms — Lake, river, pond, l)rool-:. (d) Uses — Bathing and cleansing ; nutriment ; means of locomotion. (C) Tree changes. (a) Horse chestnut. (&) Pussy am'IIow. (c) Alder. {D) Earliest spring flowers, (rt) Crocus. (Jj) Snowdroix II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Natural Lights. OLDEE CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third and Fourth Gifts. — Illustrate Stevenson's Sun poem. Build l)ed, window seat, nursery stairs. 60 Dalhj Proijram of Gift and Occupation WorJc. Occupation : Painting. Yellow wash for sun. Tuesday. Gift: Half rings to form winding river. Talk of sun's work in melting ice. Occupation: Clay. Model plaque with pussv willow rest- ing on it. Wednesday. Gift: Large peg tiles. C^ilored fence and bed of snow- dro]»s or crocuses inside. Orcupaiion : Drawing. Ch'ocus or snowdrop. Thursday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Illustrate one of Andersen's tales, ''What the Moon Saw." Occupafion : C^it, freehand, from yellow paper, circular, half, and crescent moon. Friday. Gift: 1'al)lets. Continne illnstration of "What the Moon Saw." Occupation: Paste gilt stars to form great dipper, using a hlue background. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Use large ring for sun, yellow sticks for rays. Occupation: Drawing. Sun with yellow crayons on hlackboard. Tuesday. Gift: First Gift. — Em])hasize yellow. Use prism to show light as source of color. Occupation: Clay. Model sphere. Dalhj Ffogram of (iiff and Occupaiion Work. 61 Wednesday. Gift: Large peg tiles. CN (loved pegs for flowers in spring gardens. Occiipnfion : Cntting. Yellow crocus. Thursday. Gift: Third Gift. — Illustrate '"Rock-a-by, Baby, the Moon is a Cradle," Toudins, by building bed and window. Occupation: Painting. Crescent moon. Friday. (////; Half square tablets. Lay star form. Occupation : Paste stars on blue ground. Topic for Second V^^^\i— Artificial Lights. OLDEE CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fourth Gift, and large beads, cubes and cylinders. Build long lil)rary table, cylinders and spheres to be used for lam])s. Occupation : Raflia lani]) mat, made by Avinding over cir- cular foundation. Tuesday. Gift: Second Gift cylinders. Build electric light })oles and use thread for wires. Occu pation : Drawing. Poles and wires on blackboard. Wednesday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Build electric cars or steam engines, putting on Ilailmann l>eads for headlights. Occupattoii : Fold and cnt ]»a])er lanterns. 62 Daily Profjram of Gift and Occapation ll'or/,-. Thursday. Gift: Build lighthouses iu sand box, using large blocks. Occupation: Saw thin piece of wood for boat, bore hole and put in skewer for mast, and add paper sail. Friday. Gift : Half rings and tablets. ]\[ake grandmother's candle- stick. Orotpation: Olay. Model candlestick. YOrXGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Build table and ])ut on cylinders for lamps. Occupation : Weaving. Linen lani]) mat. Tuesday. Gift: T^arge peg tiles. Hows of yellow ])egs for street lam])s. Occupation: Folding. Cradle. Wednesday. Gift: One third of Fifth Gift. Build engine, using a red bead for headlight. Occupation: Make large pa]ier lantern. Thursday. Gift: Second Gift. — Group building of lighthouse. Peb- bles and stones for rocks. Occupation: Folding. Paper boat. DnUtj Program of Gift and Occupation Work-. 63 Friday. (lift: Sticks tuinild l)ridge on tlcdr with large hlocks. Occupation : Folding. Shi]i. Wednesday. Gift: Play witli shells, outlining ])ond or making designs. Occupation : Cutting. Swan. Thursday. Gift: Square and triangular taldets. ^Nfake hoats. Occupation: Painting. Goldfish. Friday. Gift: Build wharves in sand box with play blocks. Occupation: Xail simple Avooden shovel. One inch hy one half inch stock may be used for liandle. Xail to half a sliiniilc. 64 Dalhj Froijratn of Gift and Occupation ^Vorh, YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third Gift and half rings. Outline brook and build bridges across. Occupation: Painting. TJow boat. Tuesday. Gift: Dig miniature ])onds in the sand ])0x, putting in toy ducks and swans. Occupation : Cut out ducks and swans from heavy paper, paste to button molds for standards, float in large basin of water. Wednesday. Gift: Fourth Gift.— Build l^ridge. Occupation : Drawing. Goldfish on blackboard with col- (•r('(l crayons. Thursday. Gift: Second Gift. — Use boxes for steamboats. Occupation: Paint flag for boat. Friday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Outline ]^ail and shovel. Occupation: Clay. Model ]iail. Topic for Fourth Week — Uses of Water. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third and Fourth Gifts. — Build kitchen table and sink. Occupation: Weave wash cloth on weaving frames, using candle wicking for foundation. Daily Program, of Gift and Occupation Work. 05 Tuesday. Gift: Tablets. Design for floor. Occupation: Knot fringe on edges of wash cloths. Wednesday. Gift: Sticks, rings, and half rings. Outline dipper, tea- cnp, teakettle, etc. Occupation: Clay. Model teakettle. Thursday. Gift: Fifth Gift.— Build steanihoat. Occupation: Painting. Green wash for sea. Friday. Gift: Sort and design with shells. Occupation: C\\\ out boat and mount on green wash painted Thursday. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fourth Gift.^ — Build kitchen sink, or hath tub. Occupation: Clay. Model dish-pan. Tuesday. Gift: Tablets. Design for floor. Occupation: Parquetry. Reproduce design. Wednesday. Gift: Play with doll's dishes. Occupation: Learn to wash and wipe dishes, or housework ju'actice in kindergarten. 66 Daily Prof/ram of Gift and Occupation iro/"A\ Thursday. Gift: Second Gift. — Use two cubes for steamboats in sand box, staples forming masts. Occupation : Make sea ])oster. Color liackgronnd with oTcen crayons. Paste in sailboat. Friday. Gift: Sort shells. Occupation : Sew birch bark canoe. Story List — March. The Wind's Work (Mother Stories) Maud Lindsay The Wind and the Snn ( FatAes) ^'Esop The Discontented Weather Vane. . I5oston Collection of Stories The Strongest — ^Who or Which ? {Li(/]ils lo Lilcratui-e, Bool,- III) .loci ('handler Harris The Candles ( Fairii Tates) Andersen What the Moon Saw (Fairy Talcs) Andersen The Old Street Lamp (Fairy Tates) Andersen AMiere Go the LJoats (Cliitd's Garden of Verse). . . .Stevenson The Wind ( ChUd's Garden of Verse) Stevenson The Dog and TTis Shadow ( FatAe) .Esop The Legend of the l)i])])er (Stories and Morniny Falhs), Wiltse The Moon in the ]\Iill Pond (Foth- Lore Stories and ProrerJjs), Wiltse The Frog Who Thonght Herself Sick, (Among the Meadow Peopte) Pierson The Traveling Raindrops.. Kindergarten Review, October, 1!>02 The Talkative Sunbeams. . .Kindergarten Review, A])ril, 1 !»():; A Storv of Liii'hts Kindergarten Review, ]May, 1001 APRIL. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. 1. Spring Preparations i)i ihe Home. (^A) Ditt'erent kinds of houses. (a) Cottage, flat, apartment. [B) Materials used in construction. (a) Wood, brick, mortar, nails, etc. (C) Interior of the home, (a) Decoration. (/>) Furnishing. 2. Nature ll^or/.-. (^4) Observation of trees, flowers, and grass. {B) Factors in production of new life. (a) Heat. (/;) Light. {c) Moisture. (C) Germination. (rt) Planting seeds in ]wts or window boxes for trans- planting in May. S. Easter Myths. (A) Rabbit, eggs, etc. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Gardens, and Raster Thought. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Large sticks. Outline garden tools. 68 Daily Program of Gift and Occupation Wo7'k. Occupation: Saw rake handles and strip for teeth. Use one inch bv one half inch stock. Make handle twenty-five inches long and strip ten inches long. Tuesday. Gift: Painting. Easter eggs. Occupation: Cnt out and monnt yellow chicken. Wednesday. Gift: ]\rake sini]>le reed hasket. Occupation: Clay. Model egg. Thursday. Gift: Make Easter card hy tracing, or painting border of rabbits. Occupation: Drawing. White rabbits on blackboard. Friday. Gift: Plant seeds in window boxes or have egg Inint. Occupation: Finish rakes, |nitting in long nails for teeth in cross piece. Xail cross piece to handle. Xail tAvo diagonal supports from cross piece to handle. (See illustration.) YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Outline spade or rake Avith sticks. Occupation: Cutting. Tools from manilla paper. Tuesday. Gift: Painting. Easter eg^. Occupation: Blackboard drawing. Yellow chickens, using vellow cravon. BaUii Program of Gift aiid Occupation ^VorJc. 09 Wednesday. Fold, cut and paste basket from heavy, colored book cover Occupation : Fill basket with clay eggs. Thursday. Paste yellow i)a])er cliicken on gray mount for Easter card. Occupation: Plant seeds. Friday. (Jutting. Pabl)it, ontlinetl on white paper. Use Occupation period for egg hunt. Topic for Second Week — The House. OLDEE CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Ihiild cottage house. Occupation: Chitting. Free cutting of house with doors and Avindows. Tuesday. Gift: Sixth Gift.— Build bird house. Occupation: Drawing. Outline robin on gray paper. Fill in with charcoal and orange crayon. Wednesday. Gift: Tablets, square and half square. Tall apartment house. Occupation : Parquetry. Poavs of houses. 70 Dally Program of Gift a)td Occupation Worlc. Thursday. Gift: Large sticks. Outline doH's house. Occupation: Blackboard drawing. House or bird house. Friday. Gift: Visit brickyard or hardware store. Occupation: Clay. Model bricks. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Build village on tables. Cubes and half cubes for houses, slats and tablets for tracks and sidcAvalks. Occupation: Painting. Fill in outline of house. Tuesday. Gift: Tablets. Pigeon house. Occupation: Parquetry. Eeproduce pigeon house. Wednesday. Gift: Fourth Gift.— Box for tools. Occupation: Clay. Model hammer or mortar trowel. Thursday. Gift: Cubes and large peg tiles, cube to represent house. Garden inclosed with pegs. Occupation: Drawing. Tulip with colored crayons. Friday. Gift: Eings, whole and half. Outline border for flower bed. Occupation: Cutting. Eol)in. Dally Program of Gift and Occupation ^Yo)^k. 71 Topic for Third Week — Home Interiors. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Third and Fourth Gifts. Build fnrnitnrc for dif- ferent rooms — bed, bureau, desk, chair, etc. Occupation: Cut and make chair, sixteen-square founda- tion (Knapp). Tuesday. Gift: Tablets. Circular and half circular. Design for wall paper border. Occupation: Cut out figures from scrap -wall paper and combine to form new design. Wednesday. Gift: Visit house furnishing store. Occupation : Weave doll's rug on frame, using raffia or strips of cloth for foundation. Thursday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Outline kitchen utensils, whisk broom, soap holder, etc. Occupation: Drawing. Stove. Friday. Gift: Sixth Gift. — Build furniture for a kindergarten room — table, piano, chairs. Occupation: Look over Perrv pictures, selecting those suit- able for different rooms in the bouse. 72 Daily Program of Gift and Occupation Work. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Furniture sequence. Occupation: Cut out furniture from illustrated catalogues. Tuesday. Gift: Tablets. Rug design. Occupation: Parquetry. Reproduce design. Wednesday. G(ft: Visit furniture store. Occupation: Weave holland mat. Thursday. Gift: Sticks. Outline kitchen tal)le and clothes-horse. Occupation : Cut <>ut stove and table in silhouette. Friday. Gift: 'V\i\v(] Gift. — Kindergarten tables and chairs. Occupation : Mount ]ucture suitable for home nursery. Topic for Fourth Week — Do/Z's Housekeeping. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Paint wall paper for doll's house. The house is made of two strong shoe boxes fastened together with eyelets or paper fasteners. (See illustration.) Occupation: Cut and fit carpets, which may be of cambric or book cover paper. Tuesday. Gift: Paste wall paper and carpets in place. DaUii Program of Gift and Occupation WorTi. 73 Wednesday. Gift: Saw strips of wood to be nailed to cubes, or cut card- board uiodels for bed, table, and chair for doll's house. Occupation: Frame or mount tiny pictures for wall. Thursday. Gifi: Xail or glue furniture, or j^aste cardboard models. Occupation : Cut paj^er shades and fasten to windows. Friday. Gift: Cut and fold black cardboard stove. Occupation: Rafiia. \Yin(l and cut little broom. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gtft: ]Make dolls from candle wicking, raffia, or paper napkins. Occupation: Blackboard drawing. Dolls. Tuesday. Gift: Make cradle from cardlioard box. Paste on bristol board rockers. (See illustration.) Occupation: Sew doll's pillow and stuff with cotton. Wednesday. Gift: Fourth Gift.— Doll's bed. Occupation: Cut and fringe white cloth for counterpane, using a coarse weave material. Thursday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Doll's cart. Occupation: Make doll's cart from large thread box. Use 74 DaUij Prof/rain of Gift and Occupation ll'or/.-. ciirdbonrd covers to cream bottles for wheels, fastening them to box with eyelets. Friday. Gift: Tablets, scpiare and eircnlar. Doll's go-cart. Occn/xil ion : ]\r;ds(' (loll's talde. Glne large spool to piece of wood. Story List — April. Apple Seed John (Lazanc). The Morning Glory Seed CJiild's M'orlcl Pea Blossom (Fairy Tatcs) Andersen The Pigeons St. Xicholas, Jnne, 1895 Khvme of the Ten Uabbits St. Xicholas, Xovember, 1896 Peter liahbit Beatrice Potter The Mai)le Seecl's Wish Kindergarten Ivcview, 1000 IIow tlic lu.biii (lot llis Tied I>reast [Lcrjcnds of the Bed Man's Forest), Jndd Persei)h()ne ( Nature Myths) Cook The Magpie's Kindergarten {Curious Boo],- of Birds). .Brown How the Blnebird Crossed (Curious Bool- of Birds) . . . .Brown Mother Partridge's Babies (Curious Bool- of Birds) . . . .Brown The Chinniev Swift's Home {Dooryard Xei(/ht>ors), Clara D. Pierson Jack and the Beanstalk (Fairy t'^tories and Fables) . . .Scudder Sleeping Beauty (Fairy Stories and Fables) Sciidder MAY. I. GENEBAL OUTLINE. 1. Out of Door Life. ( .1 ) Tare of gardens. [B) Out of door plavtliings. (a) Kites, carts, garden tools. 2. Fanner. [A) Spring ])]anting. S. Nature ^Yo)i■. {A) Continuation of flower observation. (a) Preparation of soil and transplanting. (B) Closer stndy of bird life. (a) Xesting and migratory bal)its. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Garden Life. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Spend period ont of doors transplanting. Occupation: Drawing. Illustrate ''In the Heart of a Seed." Draw seed leaves and root of plant. Tuesday. Gift: Green sticks. Ontline tree and pnt in half ring for nest. 76 Dallji rrotjnun of Gift and Occupation Work. Occupation : Free euttiiiii' of trees. Double paper to j)ro- (luce symmetry of outline. Wednesday. Gift: T;il)lets. Triaiiiiulni". I )esion for flower bed. Occupation : Painting'. IJorder of tulips. Thursday. Gift: Sixth Ciift. — \hn\d garden wall. Occupation: Clay. ]\Iodel l)ir(rs nest. Friday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Ontline watering pot. Occupation: Drawing. AVatei'ing pot. YOUNGEK CT.ASS. Monday. Gift: Work in garden. Occupation : Xail together simple rake similar to rake made l)y older class, omitting su])])orts. Tuesday. Gift: Illustrate ''There's a Wee Little Xest/' Gaynor Book. Slats and sticks for outline of tree. Occupat ion : (day. ^lodcl Itird's nest. Wednesday. Gift: Large ])eg hoards, rows of red and yellow i)egs to' represent tulips. Occupation : ( 'ut tuli]» from colored pai)er and mount. Thursday. Gift: Third and Fourth (lifts. — Garden fence. Occupation : Painting. Fill in outline of l)luel)ird. Dailij Program of Gift and Occupation WorJc. 77 Friday. Gift.: Flower beds in sand box, colored sticks for flowers. Occupation : I)rawini>'. Flowers on l)lacld)oard with col- ored crayon. Topic for Second Week — Children s Outdoor Life. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Trianiiidar taldets. ^Makc kites. Occupation: ]Make kite from two thicknesses of manilla paper — splints woven in for snpport, tissne paper and string for tail. Tuesday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Bnild toy store. Occupation : (day. ^lodel and paint marbles. Wednesday. Gift: Sticks and rings. ^lake ontline for hopscotch game. Occupation: Make ])in wheels. Thursday. Gift: Out of d<»or i>hiy with kites. Occupation: Saw standard and l)ore hole in center. Glue in dowel stick, nniking sn])]K»rt for ring toss game. Friday. Gift: Sew cambric marble bag. Occupation : ]\Iake rings for ring toss by Avinding No. 2 reed with red and nncolored raffia. 78 Da'ilij Program of Gift and Occupation ^yorl•. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sticks. Outline larue kite. Occupation: Cut kite froiii colored paper, mount and draw tail with colored crayons. Tuesday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Build counter in toy sho]\ iuiag-ining; wares displayed. Occupation : Paintiuii'. Toy balloon. Wednesday. Gift: Half square tablets and sticks. Outline ])in wheels. Occupation: Out out |)in wheels. Thursday. Gift: Out of door play with ])in wheels. Occupation: Ralha ball nnule by winding-. Use two card- board circles, scAving through hole in center. Cut edge of raffia. Tie in center and remove cardboard. Friday. Gift: Drawing. Colored top. pat ion : Olay. ^iodel marbles. Topic for Third Week — Farmer s Spring Work. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Outline plow. Occupation: Drawing. Plow. Dally Program of Gift and Occupation Worh. 79 Tuesday. Gift: Tablets, square and lialf square. Barn. Occupation: Cut out l)aru. Wednesday. Gift: Sort and design with seeds: corn, melon, squash, beans, etc. Occupation: Cardboard wheell)arroAvs. Fold sixteen , square foundation, cut one end as for square box, curve remain- ing corners, glue on legs and handles. A wheel may be inserted bv cutting a slit in the foundation and pinning in a cardboard circle. Thursday. Gift: Sand box work. Fence in field, make straight fur- rows in the sand to represent plowed field. Occupation: Blackboard drawing. Combine vertical and horizontal lines to make fences. Friday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Build barns and tool house. Occupation: Clav. ]\rodel barrel, grain measure or farm- er's tools. YOrXGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Large peg tiles. Use vellow pegs to represent corn- field. Occupation : Paste picture of ])lo\v. Tuesday. Gift: Third Gift and divided cubes. Group work build- ing of barn. Occupation: Cutting. Large horse outlined. 80 Daily Froc/ram of Gift and Occupation Work. Wednesday. Gift: Sort veg-etable seeds and lay in rows on table. Occupation : Tnt ]netnres from colored seed catalogues. Thursday. Gift: Tablets, square and half square. Barn. Occupation: Fold and mount barn. Friday. Gift: Fourth Gift.— Enclose fields. Occupation : Clav. ^Modcl hoc or spade. Topic for Fourth Week — Farmer s Helpers. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Sixth Gift. — Illustrate song in Neidlingei- book "Mistress Cow Stands by the Gate." Build barnyard fence and tall gate. Occupation: Painting. Cow outlined. Tuesday. Gift : Sticks and rings. Outline stool and milking pail. Occupation : I )rawing. Wednesday. Gift: Second Gift. — Reproduce creamery. Use cubes for separator, cylinders for wheels and salting table, yellow beads for ])ats of butter. Occupation: Clay. IModel ]iats of butter. Stamp with butter mould. Daily Prugi-ani of Gift and Occupation ^yorlc. 81 Thursday. Gift : Fifth Gift. — Build hen-house and chicken-coop. Occupation: Cut out and paint ditferent l)arnyard animals M'hich have been outlined. Friday. (iift : Sand table. ^Fake farm picture, l)arns, toy animals, etc. ( Sec illustration. ) Occupation: Make barnyard from suit box cover. Put in barn and hen-coops made from heavy paper. ( See illustration.) YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Large peg tiles. Enclose chicken yard, using half cubes for coops. Occupation: Blackboard drawing. Chicken Avith yellow crayon. Tuesday. Gift: Large cubes and half cubes. Build cow-shed. Occupation: Fill in outline of cow with crayons. Wednesday. Gift: Rings. L"se rings for pans of milk, white paper circles litted inside representing milk. Occupation: Clay. ]\lodel pats of butter. Thursday. Gift: Bricks and half bricks. Enclose barnyard for toy animals. Occupation: Cut out strips of paper, pasting to form fence. Friday. Gift: Illustrate "^Story of Three Pigs." Tablets, square and half square for house. Occupation: Cut out and mount the ''Three Pigs." 82 Da'ihj Pjoyiuuii of Gift and Occupation lT'o/7.' Story List — May. The Lark ami Her Youiiii' Ones Cltild's World The Cow Who L<.?t Her I'ail Child's World Kiiiii- .Midas Chihl Life, 15o..k II The Pigeon's ^'isit to tlie Farm, Kinderiiarteii Keview, Xoveiiihci', 1!M_)0 How Sinniiier r^mie F])oii the Earth [JjC(jciids of thr Jicd Mail's Forest), Tanner Legend of ( 'lytic (Nature Mj/tlis) Cook Story of the Lilac Bnsh (Pottij Otircr's Pr(dttciti ) . . . .Wiggin The Story of Dohhin. Boston Cotlcction of k indcniartcn Stories The Dandelion Seed ( 'liitd's World The Oriole's Xest ( 'hitd's Wortd Little Red Eiding Hood. The Story of a ^fonse, Kinderc/arten >7o/-/'r.s" ((nd Morninrf Tallcs Throngh the Barnyard Gate [Mother Stories) Lindsay suggestion for sea postek (children's work.) JUNE. I. GENERAL OUTLINE. 1. ^yalJS of ^jwudiiKi I he Summer. (A) City life. {a) Parks and ])laygroinKls. (/)) River and boat life. (c) The circus. (B) Country life. (a) Visits to the farm. (C) Seashore life. (a) Sand plays, etc. 2. Nature Worh. (a) Bee life. II. OUTLINE OF TABLE WORK. Topic for First Week — Bees. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Visit Lee farm. Occupatiou: Paintinc,-. Flower. Tuesday. Gift: Sixth Gift. — Shelves and In'ohives. Occujyation: Cut out beehives from mauilln paper and mount. 84 Daihj Program of Gift and Occupation Worl-. Wednesday. Gift: Tablets, square and half square. Beeliives. Occupation : Drawiua. Pink clover. Thursday. Gift : I>arge peg tiles for meadow. Half spheres and cubes for hives. Put in green pegs to represent grass, and red for clover. Friday. Gift: Yellow sticks. Outline of hexagonal cells. Orcupalioii : Folding. Hexagon from yellow paper. YOrXGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: \W\\ bee farm. Occupation : Painting, ('lover outlined. Tuesday. Gift : Third Gift and half cul)es. Build beehives in rows. Occupatian : Pasting. Beehive. Wednesday. (rift: Large sticks. Outline of hive. Occupation: Drawing. Hive, with bees flying near. Thursday. Gift: Half spheres for beehives. Occupation: Clay. ]\lodel hive. Friday. Gift: Fourth Gift. Build honey boxes. Occupation: Cutting. Daisy. Cut petals and mount around edge of yellow parquetry circle. Dalhj Program of Gift and Occupation WorJi\ 85 Topic for Second Week. — Summer in the City. OLDEK CLASS. Monday. ijift: Fifth and Sixth Gifts in group work. Eeproduee })ark Avith bandstand, ]iavilioii, seats, zoo, etc. Occupation: Cnt, fokl, and paste hmeh box. (Knapp's l)ook. ) Tuesday. Gift: Sand box. Re]-)roduce eirens with tents, flags, toy animals, etc. Occupation : Drawing. Circns parade. Wednesday. (////.■ Shits and rings. Ontline of ont of door swing. Occupation: EafHa. Weave doll's hammock. Thursday. Gift: Sixth Gift.— Bnild trolley car. Occupation: Painting. Flowers seen in park: buttercup, daisy, or sunflower. Friday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Build lu'idge and dock. Occupation: Design with shells. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift : Third Gift. — Sequence of buildings seen at the park. Occupation: Folding. Square box for lunch. Tuesday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Use bricks for circus chariots, cylin- ders for wheels and sticks fen* axles. 86 Daily Program of Gift a>id Occupation ^Vorl\ Occupation: Cut out colored flaiis for to]) of chariots and iiso toothpicks for standards. Wednesday. (lift : Shits and tablets. Outline see-saw. Occupation: Drawing-. See-saw. Thursday. (lift : Second Gift. — Fse cnhes for trolley cars and insert rattan in edge for trolley pole. Occupation: Clay. ]\Iodel hasket for flowers. Friday. (lift: First Gift. — CNdor lesson in comiection with flowers. Occupation: Painting. Simple flower. Topic for Third Week — A Visit to the Farm. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fifth Gift.— Bnild grandpa's house. Occupation: Illustrate story of "Mrs. Tahhy Gray." Cut cat and kittens in silhouette. Tuesday. Gift: Half rings. Outline duck pond. Occupation: C^lay. ^fodel duck. Wednesday. Gift: Sticks and rings. Outline hay cart. Occupation: Drawing. TTay cart. Daihj Fvogram of (rift and Occupation ]Voii\ 87 Thursday. Gift: Sixth Gift. — Interior of fariiiliouse. Build fire- place, ^^ettle, liiiili-UiK'ked chair, tall clock. Occupaiion: Kohl and paste herrv box. Friday. Gift: Tablets. Illustrate story of ''Little Red Hen." Occupation: Painting. "Red Hen." YOFNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift : Tablets, square and half square. Make grandfather's liouse and barn. Ocrupaflon: Circle drawing. Cat. Tuesday. Gift: Santl. Duck ])(»nd and l)ridge. Occupation : Cutting. Ducks. Wednesday. Gift : Sticks and rings. Outline hay cart. Occu pittlon : DraAving. Hay cart. Thursday. Gift: Fourth Gift. — Furniture in grandmother's kitchen. Occupation: Fold berry box. Friday. Gift: Third Gift. — Build a well, using cylinder for bucket. Occupation: Clay. Model cup. 88 Dally Program of Gift and Occupation Work. Topic for Fourth Week — The Seashore. OLDER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — Bnild train to take children to seashore. Occupation : Eaffia. Sew doll's hat. Tuesday. Gift: Sand table. Re])resent seashore. Bnild l)atli hons(s and wliarves with blocks. Indicate heacli witli stones and shells. Occupation : Drawinii'. Liiihthdnse. Wednesday. Gift : Fifth Oift. — Gron]) work. Bnild hotel and cottai>es. Occupat ion : ( 'nt ont ])ail and shovel. Thursday. Gift: Desiiin with shells. Orcapation: ('lay. Model fish. Friday. Gift: Ghoose any material tV>r free play in connection with subject for week. YOUNGER CLASS. Monday. Gift: Fonrth Gift. — Trunk. Occupation: (\\i ont clothing to pack in trnnk, using col- ored paper. Tuesday. Gift: Fifth Gift. — L^se one third of gift, build cottage. Occupation: Paint green wash to represent sea. (See illustration.) L.ofC. DaUij I'logram of Gift and Occupation WorJc. 80 Wednesday. Gift: Square and lialf square tablets. ^lake boat. Occupation: Foldiiiii'. Kow boat. Thursday. Gift: Tree. Play Avitb shells. Occupation : C'lav. ]\lo(lel ])ail and sliovel. Friday. Free play, free eboiee (»f material. Story List — June. The Cat and the Mouse {Songs and Stories) Haaren The Sheep and the Pig ( Folk Lore Stories) Wiltse The Old Woman and Her Pig (Fables and Fairy Tales), Scudder The Ugly Duckling (Fairij Tales) Andersen Hans, the Sbe])herd Boy Graded Literature, Reader III Tom Thumb (^hild Tife Header, Book II The Little Red Hen Child Life Reader, Book II King Solomon and the Bees Child's World The Country Mouse and the Town blouse Child Life, II Town ^Musicians ( Fairy Stories) Grimm Mouse, Grouse, and Little Hen, Kindergarten Review, March, 1901 The Story of Pee])sie Cl\ ild's World The Little Pig Ivindergarten Review, September, 1904 FEB 3 1901. L'BRARY OF CONGRESS ] 019 823 282 ^%iiv. -M^i. li M' ■ #¥f=- r,.-^ ■&.:iK.'-i?1iV "^^'.'