PS 3527 184 S5 — — — ^ 1917 Copy 1 I Soldier Songs i I I i "By 'David Chalmers cNjmmo | SOLDIER SONGS BY DAVID CHALMERS NIMMO Author of "Nature Songs," "Home Songs," 'Soul Songs," "Civic Songs," "Songs and Tales," etCo Times Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. 9^ Copyrighted 1917 By David Chalmers Nimmo SEP 28 1917 ©C1.A476547 r DEDICATION To The Great Spirit of Liberty And all her sons Who can always fight when there is need And alas, alas! Often when there is none, I dedicate these songs, D. C. N. PREFACE The soldier and the man Is each in other found. Old Nature and her plan Them both together bound. The best of all the world, Of all the hoarded mound Is still the rare old breed, The man and soldier round. In every living soul There is the soldier breed. As noble as the goal That man doth ever lead. In every time and place Where Life and Freedom plead. Strong, straight as nature's laws They leap unto the need. In this tremendous time Of warring earth and skies, The passion taut and prime All beings energize. All round the rounded globe War's lightning message flies. The citizens disrobe. The soldier doth arise. Next to their living selves, To battle passion white, Is something of the rage That tyrants dared to smite; Some story of a stroke That soldiers feed delight; A glory that has broke From man for human right. These pages would enshrine A spark that has been caught From Liberty's great sons And vict'ries they have brought. A spark, a touch, a gleam. Of passions great and taut, A thought, a hope, a dream, Life's sworded soul has sought. Dost thou love Liberty, Didst ever feel thy frame Burn with the glowing sense Of her immortal flame? Dost see before thee now Her light and lore and fame, And bearest on thy brow The glory of her name? If such, look at the book! It ought to fit the breed. Strike in at any page, Down to the bottom read. If thou it dost not find Thou foolish art to heed. Fling, fling it to its kind And leave it to its mead! May 1, 1917. D. C. N. CONTENTS The Grand Army of the Republic 11 A National Song 23 The Passion of Liberty 24 To Uncle Sam 27 The United States Forever 28 To Liberty 30 Germany 33 The Stars and Stripes Forever, No. 1 40 Arise and Fight 42 Neutrality 44 Facing It 47 Washington 49 Old Glory's Glory 51 Old Glory 53 Fourth of July Song 55 The Curse 5S Stars and Stripes Forever, No. 3 72 The Highland Pipers , 73 Scotch War Song 75 Lincoln 77 Grant 79 Peace 81 Life's Desire 84 An Old Fashioned Georgia Father 87 Who Lives If England Dies 90 The Ballad of the Rear Guard 91 Britain ^^^ Brock -11^ The Sword of the Free 112 Free Britain, Free Forever 114 Atrocities ^^^ Dung ^-^^ 1 22 Dragons ^ The Man With the Punch • 123 The Soldier's Style 12* A Song of Peace - 12^' The Battle of Brooklyn 129 Belgium 1^^ Go, My Soldier Songs 142 " 'Tis not in man, in demons or in Gods To breast the force and win against the fates; But when for laberty they take the odds Impassioned song their mem'ry celebrates. 'Tis not vict'ry alone that sasiates Life's hungry heart on her immortal quest But virtue high that fierce annihilates All tyranny, and in the bosom blest Great Liberty eternal consecrates; For life in such is ever self possessed And even in defeat v/ith godlike virtue dressed.". THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Vv clblllngLUli ±0\JO--lV±0 In this free land the destinies late staged A mighty strife of humans to be free. The cosmic and chaotic souls engaged And shook the globe as tempests shake the sea. The soldier sworded soul of Liberty, With virtue, truth, intelligence and powers Came face to face with monstrous tyranny, The abortion whelped from nature's pit and hours. The man that is, the man that is to be. The past and future, all high and deep endowers Relocked in deadly strife that shook the eternal towers. This called her minions from the dark and deep And nature bound that ever hates the free Sent traitors and liberticides asweep With solid strength to establish tryanny. The consumm-ation of all hopes would be To found an empire on a race of slaves, And their inhuman inhumanity Defied the world and Liberty that saves. The blind, distempered, insane "mine" and "me" Called up chaotic monsters from their caves To hurl the cosmic souls to their eternal graves. That was an hour, a most tremendous hour; The destinies had fixed it from of old; Then volcanic and titanic streams of power Through all the sphere like mountain torrents rolled. Then life and man and all the state did hold Were dashed and dashed like waves upon the rocks. All elemental energies were poled Into the strife, and vast electric shocks The whole globe shook with voltage most untold. This sphere of hope that being feeds and frocks Was plowed down to the deep, bare to the granite blocks. Then Liberty in her divinest Resurrection form rose o'er tne cloudy height And as an angel that the sun enshrinest Broke through the storm with floods of life and light. 11 Upon her lips a golden trumpet bright She placed and blew such thunder shaking sound The globes of man were quickened with delight. The free born thrilled, his arms were instant found And soul baptized in elemental might. Though unlocked hell should gird him round and round To Liberty he sped and soul eternal bound. Hail, hail Oh Free! From city, field and mart Ye struck the straightest pathway to the camp. From all life's common ranks ye did depart And Liberty saw her own spirit's stamp. No promise bribed, but she thy zeal did damp And prophesied of strife, defeat and graves And all that could invite thee to decamp. Thy answer swift memory eternal saves: "For all eternity with thee we tramp; With thee we free the world of all its slaves; 'Tis Liberty or death the free soul ever craves." Were ye the rude, uncouth, unsoldier mass That at the front seemed some poetic trope? Were ye the raw, unseasoned, swordless class That never once in deadly strife did cope? Did Peace nurse ye upon some village slope And veteran War sniff at ye with surprise? The citizens of Peace are still the hope When Liberty against the tyrants rise. Professionals feed on too deadly dope To serve the soul pure as the azure skies; The free man of the mass she doth supremely prize. When England's liberty and all the world's And all Life's hopes upon one strife were cast, It was the mass, the toilers and the churls Who filled the gap against oppressions vast. Professionals w^ere with the tyrant massed, But thy ancestors on the neck of kings And cavaliers did drive the iron blast That saved the world and hope forever sings. The nation's strength when the shows of war are passed labor's sons that through the Campus swings A]id their true kindred souls old Nature ever brings. Ye came as hosts on that portentous day. To Liberty ye were sustaining hope. Her passions glowed and dreams round ye did play, Till to her eyes the heav'n of heav'ns did ope 12 And glorious dreams pranked life's ascending slope With nations born, conceived in Liberty And nurtured on her pure celestial dope. In ye she saw the glorious victory Beyond the fields where hosts so deadly cope, A world of virtue founded on the free. The noblest dreams that Life in all her course did see. The ruling Fates were cruel and kind. The first Advantage, defiance and retreat Against ye fell, and fiercely free unpursed On your blind inexperience and heat The paling fires that down resistless beat. Life's real baptisms are always cruel and kind; Her victors true first drink death and defeat Ere they themselves and virtue highest find, And both ye found at that Manassas meet. Ye fought and fell; it was a rout most blind; But 'gainst the odds and hopes ye rose still mode divined. Then hardened, icughened, baptized deep in fire, Regenerated, reconsecrated true Unto the cause the highest heav'ns sire Ye came again with sacrifices new, Like resurrection hopes the heav'ns endew. The wail was turned into a paean strain; Great Liberty another spirit drew; Humanity purged off another stain; Old Earth and Hope drank wine that did renew, And burdened Life replanned a nobler reign That gleamed upon her sight beyond the fields of slain. Then round and round, ye gathered round the foe, On east and north and down along the west; 'Gainst Virginia round Washington did throw A bulwark wall to guard her sacred breast When clouds and fear upon her heart did rest. Along the hills, Missouri and Tennessee Ye hemmed them in, and drove them from the crest In many a strife that drained the strength in thee To its last dram ere they were dispossessed. Down, down the Mississippi no more free Ye struggled like the flood when hampered to the sea. When flesh and scul to fire and sword were bound, When white baptisms full of death and fires Swept over ye the soldier real was found Who panting rushed with passionate desires 13 Unto the strife that liberty inspires. Across the nation great glorious sounds Were flung that sevenfold fed the day, and pyres Went flaming up the midnight heaven like hounds. "Fort Donaldson!" was flashed along the v/ires. What word is that that on the moment bounds? 'Tis "Shiloh! Shiloh! Shiloh!" like thunder rolls its rounds "Antietam" now is rolling on the wind As some victorious soul sweeps swiftly past. The nation glad her soldier soul doth find, Her citizens the need to soldiers cast. Are ye now vet'rens strong? Hear then this blast, As some South Soul on keen December wind Cuts into ye with deep sarcasms vast And "Fredericksburg" doth hiss ye and your kind. But who is this that journeys swift and fast? A horseman shouts while flying mad and blind: "Vicksburg, Vicksburg has fell." It did the nation find. Upon the nation's bright an=d natal day Ye climbed up to the very peak of strife. As destiny divine did lead the way. Ye battled for the ^-^^rVl'-, di"-^nest life. At Gettysburg 'gainst shot and shell and knife And charge and charge of elemental might Ye held. and held like Spartans to the fife As twice and thrice the day dragged into night. The continent hung in suspenses rife; The thunders then that gird the throne of Right In elemental peals shook mountain, plain and height. So on ye went unto the final close; But why should strength its victories rehearse? It is the cause, the life-engirding throes Of Liberty that are the themes of verse, The glories of all glory they unpurse. Ye marched with Sherman down unto the sea; With Grant slow hammered back the mighty curse And laid again foundations strong and free. Before your strength Lee's armies did disburse; And Johnson saw all hope forever flee. And Liberty, great Queen, did weep for them and thee. But stay! Let not a supercilious pride Within ye rise against your fallen foes ! 'Tis not the men; it is the cause they ride That final crowns or final overthrows. 14 Fate struck the South. Ye had the cause and glows Of nature, the momentums of her force, The impulse that the fuiure rich bestows, Dynamics ripe from Liberty's own source, The strength and wear the northern conscience knows; Did ye not have almost a world's resource? Can ye despise the foes that led ye such a course? And then ye marched that high memorial day. The nations gathered, all Washington was bright; Heroic men in all their high array Ye marched the march forever on our sight; The march of men that could forever fight For Liberty; the pageant transitory Of marching men illustrious in might The nation holds in deathless, deathless story; The march of men in honor and delight As ever clad the exploits old and hoary And singers still embalm in gladness, fame and glory. And now again when fifty years roll round — Oh what a wondrous, wondrous fifty years ! The mighty world a larger soul has found, She mounteth up the undiscovered spheres. And aiding Life great Science now appears. Her towering sons no ardors drain or parch „ But ride the heav'ns, earth, sea and loss and fears. They read and shout: "Ye Gods! Build up the arch! Adorn the day! Gather the cosmic peers! These heroes call! Sing out wind, lime and larch! Come, Come, ye Veterans, come! March once again your march!" Again ye come. Ye now form up your line. Your fellowships take on a joyous grace. A snowy glory upon your spirits shine As each doth find and fit his former place. Most noble Breed! High honorable Race! How truly grand ye shall march forth today '■ And may great Strength your infirm bolt and brace! There are the crowds; there the inviting way; All honor and applause as on ye pace And gratitude and fame the ages pay. Are ye already now to march in high array? "Halt! Halt!" Fling down the ranks a double "Halt!" Can ye not see this tall and granite line That comes up from the dark and shadowed vault, A column like immortals most divine? 15 Do ye not see these companies that shine, Now marching up before your very eyes, As glorious as ever fed the fine Heroic breeds and exploits that we prize? Is this a dream or pageantry of wine? Perhaps ye think the morning sun doth rise? They are your battle mates that ride the earth and skies. They are returned from o'er "the great divide"; Thy bugle call has brought them from the dead. Now forth they come, march with advancing stride With which ye all into the battle sped. The fifty years rolled over ye have fled. Ye see each old remembered youthful face; They are the "boys" that with the conflict wed, Uncles, brothers, friends, all actual in each place. The very ones that with thee marched and bled; 'Tis the old days with magic, magic grace; Great Memory's moving pictures that o'er thy spirit pace. Lincoln and Grant, Sherman and McPherson Bring up the line on .massive steeds of might. All bosoms shake as tempests shake the ocean As these great chiefs again come on the sight. Tears of strong men and thunders from the height Fall on the earth as they come on the eyes. That cause and course all spirits did unite And chiefs and men welded in endless ties. Triumphant chiefs, great, noble, strong and right! Ye followers true on whom fame ever lies! All ride forever more the earth and seas and skies! Your wild applause greets these who now advance For this is Meade. Ye remember all. That day Forever lives on your unblinded glance; See Sickles, Hancock, Slocum, Howard, they Who held the gap and gave the stop and stay To that fierce charge that Pickett led so well, All now again across your memories stray. See Sheridan with magic, magic spell His fugitives return unto the fray And vict'ries ring on their funereal knell! Full fifty years of change has off your spirits fell. And many more rise up straight from the strife, In action clad and glorious on your eyne. Full of young strength and mighty tides of life, Just staggering with the battle's fiercest wine. 16 The spirit glows; the very flesh doth shine. These heroes with a swift immortal grace Ye meet and greet with gladness most divine. They are thy mates from that far time and place When ye and they fought on the fiercest line ; Thy mates of old rise from the battle base To march the final march with their immortal race. And now ye last survivors of an age Of mighty strife and exploits high and hoary. Defenders of the cause that did engage Man's oversoul and all his dreams of story, Remnant from the lightning hills so gory Where Liberty and Life did desperate stand, And whence today a more than sunlike glory Mantles and crowns that then encircling band, Feeble, broken, gray, bowed and scarred and scory, Ye never were more noble, great and grand. Then now ye seem to all this gathered watching land. March on your march, your last and farewell march! As now ye move in bright procession slow, Column and wall and flaming streaming arch More wait today than fifty years ago. The age and generation new doth throw Their invitations rich and "Welcome" cries All heaven and earth to ye. There is a glow Of life, and the whole nation's stretching eyes Are reaching up the path ye come and go. Beholding ye the cosmic passions rise; Strange, strange extremes of life doth Life herself surprise. Now full in sight, what thunder shout and song From this vast mass rise to the heavens and roll, As cannon great upon the mountains strong Full broadsides boomed in honor of Life's goal! Their shoutings and their passion none control Resemble nature's vast reverberations. Her elements all joining to extol The glorious dawn of her long expectations. The earth and heav'n, man and the oversoul Cry out in their containless exaltations That rolls and gathers strength with new reduplications. These musicians, behold and hear! The sound Doth mount and mount to being's highest plain. The past goes out; within and all around The golden age is rising up to reign. 17 upon, before and round all is a strain The first archangels pause and stretch to hear. As Liberty and Life and all her train Are mounting up the rich prophetic sphere. The march has power, right, virtue and domain O'er man and life and their eternal years. The mighty strife of war, her dead and shame and tears. Here is a young and unshorn generation, And ye white vet'rang now upon their eyes Are honor clad, with virtuous domination And held as men that life will ever prize. Upon their bright imaginations now arise Your broken forms but clad in light and fire, Fixed at the height of men, a faint disguise Of great immortals, the figures that will sire Dreams most divine and throne upon the skies; Life's archetypes, the ideals that inspire, Are being formed on ye as they watch and admire. See yonder host! They are the last survivors Of the slaves, centenarians with their race, Black only in their countenance, and hivers Of a gratitude that lights each shadowed face. Ye have come up. Ye now before them pace. The opening shout gives way to lamentation, For tears as songs great passions can uncase And this prevails in their glad jubilation. The highest language man can ever grace, Tears, tears and sighs and sobbed ejaculation Greet ye, the men who bled for their emancipation^ Approach ye now the Spirits of these states, Fifty Spirits, republican and prime; She towering there the fifty incarnates^ A cosmic Soul majestic and sublime, Superior to the proudest kings of time. That Spirit and those fifty Sisters great Like visitors from some celestial clime, Stand to their height and proudly contemplate Redressors of the world's most monstrous crime, She solemn says: "They bled to save the State. The great Republic lives while such upon her wait."' See, see the Hopes, Dreams, Visions and Ideals Of Life and State fill yon rich purpled bower! Though Peace rules there and every virtue seals All honor ye, for ye did re-endower 18 The dreams, and gave them most prophetic power And conquest rights upon the boundless curse. What commendations and each word like a flower Of lasting beauty they rich on ye unpurse! Faith, Hope and Dream and Vision from the tower Saw in your strife the ideals' noblest nurse; Free soldiers of the free these worlds forever verse. Thus on ye move past each admiring throng; Now and anon are thunders of applause, Rich martial strains and choruses of song. Our institutions, statutes, orders, laws. Our sanctities and reverential awes, And all our great, our noble, pure and wise Stand up and bare before the men and cause That saves the world when tyrants dare arise. True Liberty the noblest ever draws; All thrones established in the earth and skies Are stablished on such men, on pure self sacrifice. Hark! Hark! That was a most expansive shout. There Massachusetts, the freest of the free. Sends forth her crippled vet'rans round about Some rags as torn and stained as man can see. What elemental powers in both must be When gravest hosts are torn down to the deep And passions swell like waves upon the sea, Mad plunging on with a torrential sweep Through flesh and soul so bounding to be free! Last Survivors! Our strength doth often weep "When on the sight and heart ye and your standards leap. Old Glory hail! Forever more all hail! Wert thou not born to set a nation free? Did not a modern soul upon thee sail? Were not man's hopes rich treasured up in thee? Wert thou not called a destiny to be. The leader of the world's most glorious strife And only war in which a man could see A righteous cause calling his passion rife? Standard of Hope! Emblem of Liberty? Thou frontest straight the tyrant's razor knife And these have followed thee with all their powers of life. Thy silken folds so waving in the sun. The silver stars outflaming those of night, Thy streaming bands that on like rivers run. With passions rich both crimson-red and white, 19 Thou art a contemplation of delight, A virtue, glory, majesty and power That feeds the heart of being at her height With something of the Oversoul's endower! The splendors of the sun upon our sight Are not so bright as thine upon the tower, A vision, dream and hope of life's immortal hour! When on the sight ye lift your treasured flags So shot and shelled, cut, faded, stained and torn, Though they may seem as worthless worthless rags They far outshine the banners of the morn. Around each staff a glorious grace is born Of splendor, power, of hope and dreams of Right, Till Life and Time are full ashamed and shorn Of all their glory, magnificence and might. Old Glory's soul bursts forth and doth adorn The relics rare with flaming visions brignt Until the world is veiled, the sun eclipsed to sight. When borne among a host of vet'rans old Ye march along the multitudious street, What iron frames their mighty passions hold That tear the man right from his granite feet! What elemental earthquake actions beat Into the breast! What fresh volcanic fires Feed visions great as if they were our meat! Electric life far larger than the wires Set us aglow with incandescent heat. Old Glory shines! Old Giory in us sires The old heroic breeds and rich divine desires. Hark, hark. Oh hark! There is a blast of thunder That shakes the frame of these established skies. The masses pause and look in solemn wonder At that vast peal that through the azure flies. Who, who in heaven looks down with joyful eyes And honors thus the march that celebrates The victory that heav'n itself must prize? 'Tis our immortals. This passion palpitates Ancestral breasts. Our mighty dead arise. This line and march their being so elates — Again the thunders burst, shake heaven and earthly states. Hark, hark again! There is a martial shout, A shout of soldiers as in triumphant fight. The shout of men who drive in final rout The tyrant force that long resists the right. Whose is this passion, fierceness and delight? 20 Who gather now and thunder thus to thee These salutations and songs so rich and bright? Thy Mother's sons crowd to the silver sea And rock their isle with passions glowing white As they behold their own Queen Liberty Lead now the glorious line that made the whole world free. Hark, hark once more! There is a mountain song As if some tall archangel of the morn, A trumpet found and now upon the throng The passion blew, the noblest ever born. Hark, hark! The piercing sound has instant shorn The world of all its discord, strife and greed And found the isoul imprisoned, blind and worn. The mountaineers of Switzerland now feed Delight and hope to all that life has torn, As they behold a free immortal breed Marching victorious march and ages golden lead. And who are these that now the sight o'er lord. Titanic chiefs of spirit, brawn and bone, Just eyes and front, an arm, a strength, a sword And atmospheres all soldiers instant own? Who are these few their own high spirits throne And almost seem gods to the generations As forth they stand, tall, noble and alone? These fronted first old tyrant dominations. Though unto fame unsung, unnamed, unknown. Life's royal sons! Your noble consummations Have called them from afar. They are congratulations. And who are these, twin cosmopolitan souls, Most titanic, almighty and sublime, Great universal natures that might pole All ages and all destinies of time? Who are these twain, scarred, torn and stained with crime And yet so great all men doth solemn pause As their weak powers unto their statures climb? 'Tis Life and Nature clad in eternal laws; They come to see your marches pure and prime. Great Liberty the world forever draws; All nature, man and life, all join the sacred cause. March on, ye Veterans, March! Ye cannot die Though this vast globe shall to oblivion sink. True martyrs, heroes, sages, prophets high Can ne'er descend the night's unfathomed brink. Ye are immortalized and henceforth drink 21 The morning keen of an eternal day. There is no time or space to those who think; No night or death on martyrs e'er can stay; The spirit grows; the senses smaller shrink; In such as ye soul swallows up the clay; Immortal men and deeds have an eternal sway. As long as life grows up out of the past, As long as men shall struggle to arise, Long as desire shall hold all virtue fast, Hope builds her hopes on pure self-sacrifice, So long and longer Liberty will prize The noble host who gave her to her right And throned her to the pure and great and wise; And oft, Oh oft the right hand of her might Shall draw the veil from off Life's blinded eyes And ye shall march upon the unborn sight. The soldiers of all soldiers, her glory and delight. March on, march on! Forever ye shall march As forth ye went on that tremendous day When gath'ring storms filled black all heav'n's arch And hell's war dogs did bellow, rave and bay ! But not the storms and not the lightning's play Could damp the zeal that did your spirits flow. For Liberty ye dared the deadly fray, Liberticide, traitor and tyrant foe. Great Liberty shall never pass away; Who with her live, with her pure spirits glow, Down, down eternal time with her shall glorious go. As long as this great soldier lives in man And boils like fire at acts of tyranny, As long as his white lightning soul shall van The fiercest front in battles for the free. As long as strength with virtue like the sea Shall pledge themselves before the Universe The chattle thralls of Life and Liberty, So long shall ye outlive the strife and curse Inspiring all. Though blackest storms may be Ye shall burst forth from all that doth immerse, Your bannered lines shall march to great musicians' verse, March on! March on! Ye shall forever march! Whenever the immortal free arise And pass through Fame's eternal sunlike arch Ye and your deeds will march and all surprise. Unborn generations will lift their eyes 22 Unto the vision, and tropic thunder sound Of vast applause shall shake the vaulted skies. Man's passions and his richest globe shall bound To ye who gave the world her highest prize. The man in man by man is always found, Men in their highest form shall ever gird ye round. March on! March on! Upon imagination's dreams And her swift lightning and creating sight Ye shall arise, and thoughts like sunlike streams Shall Sudden start with fierceness of delight And see on ye life splendors flashing bright. Then one with you Upon your high careers, Reliving o'er the history of that fight And following through the lightning blasted years, Man shall be lost and find in you his might; And he .shall sing and crown you on the spheres, Sometimes in silence stand and sometimes bowed in tears. A NATIONAL SONG Tune: Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. Try to sing this. Oh Union, the first of the nations! Oh States that old Freedom enring! As mountains are strong in their stations Around thee we stand and Will sing. Thy States be forever united! No star from its splendor e'er pale! Each sister unblighting, unblighted ! Hail, hail. Mighty Union, Oh hail! Hail, hail, Mighty Union, Oh hail! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! Hail, hail through all time and all tide! The Pilgrims, their sons and their daughters, With liberty, faith, God and hope. Bold steered through the untraveled waters To build on this rock frowning slope. They conquered with nature's wild passion; An empire with virtue did sow; To their spirit and high kingly fashion, Grow, grow. Mighty Union, Oh grow! Grow, grow. Mighty Union, Oh grow! The states of our birth, strength and pride! 23 Each state and the Union forever! Grow, grow through all time and all tide! When the Mother became the oppressor And gave us the sword not the shield, A Washington rose the redressor, His name on thy forehead is sealed. When division again shook the nation And trembled each pillar and arch, A Lincoln restored thee to station, March, march, Mighty Union, Oh march! March, march. Mighty Union, Oh march! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! March, march through all time and all tide! Thy brow be encircled with glory! Thy heart filled with faith, love and truth! Thy fame be embalmed in our story By manhood, by age and by youth! A Wisdom! A Power! A Defender! A wealth giving nations thy gain! A Virtue! An Honor! A Splendor! Reign, reign, Mighty Union, Oh reign! Reign, reign, Mighty Union, Oh reign! The states of our birth, strength and pride! Each state and the Union forever! Reign, reign, through all time and all tide! THE PASSION OF LIBERTY Great Liberty, Great Liberty, Thy soul in mine is flowing^ A crimson, crimson stream of life Is bursting, flaming, glowing! The passion purest of all life Is through and through me sweeping; The fountains of the oversoul With fulness now are leaping. Flow in. Oh Soul and overflow! Time's sordid life is fleeing; This fellowship is life divine; Thy soul my soul is freeing. Rich visions of a virtuous world My spirit now is seeing, 24 And I am mounting up the steep Where life and love have being. Before mine eyes I see the dreams Beneath the golden arches. Within my brain great kingly thoughts Move in majestic marches. My heart does like a hammer beat With an immortal passion. I feel thy spirit lift my frame Up to a hero's fashion. I'm thrilling, thrilling to the deep, White glowing like a fire; A mountain stream doth through me leap With fierce and swift desire No fear of death, no love of life Now through my being courses, But passion's tide with snorting pride And all her dreams and forces. All round the earth whatever men Rise up in Freedom's battle. Soul snorts as like a warhorse then, Swift joins them as a chattle. In every war for liberty I feel my spirit fighting, Locked in the struggle to be free, And Life's assassins smiting. I'm now upon the fiercest line With royal soldiers olden. The sword is like the lightning free, The odds but more embolden. On, on for Liberty and Life! Drive, drive them to their portals! We never were so much of men, So near the great immortals. "Oh give me liberty or death!" They went to battle singing. Responding to the war song flung The spirit up is springing. "Oh give me liberty or death!" Has ever been my story. A fighting place by Liberty Is all I ask of glory. 25 Flow in, Oh soul and overflow! Time's sordid life is fleeing; This fellowship is life divine; Thy soul my soul is freeing. Rich visions of a virtuous world My spirit now is seeing. And I am mounting up the steep Where life and love have being, I'm reading now the hook of life ; Slow turning o'er its pages, Of sense and hate and greed and strife. Of poets, priests and sages; But this has now my passion stirred And man is marching glorious. For free men from the tyrants there Made man again victorious. In mighty cities great and vast That rarely read the story, I sit me down and reap the peace Of free men slain and gory. The thoughtful times, the virtuous state When war is past and hoary I travel, stand and contemplate Great Freedom's grace and glory. A flash, a sound, a breath, a spark Doth set mv spirit flaming; A white candescent focused fire The very flesh is claiming. In her own soul of glorious life Great Liberty immerses. And I am lost and found divine In most immortal verses. Forever hence round Liberty Be banners, march and singing T All down the ages send the song Like thunder echoes ringing! "Let Liberty these mortals van As long as earth goes swinging For she is mother of the man To which great Hope is clinging!^'' Flow in. Oh soul and overflow! Time's sordid life is fleeing; This fellowship is life divine; 2G Thy soul my soul is freeing. Hich visions of a virtuous world My spirit now is seeing. And I am mounting up the steep Where life and love have being. TO UNCLE SAM All hail to the man of the western sphere, The man that is a man indeed; Bring the ancient kings and the landed peer To measure the man we hreed. He has scepter, throne and an empire vast, Place, honor and rank and birth. In man that is man has old nature massed The gfts that outweigh the earth. He's the man of the ripe, round earth. The hope of his mother's mirth. The elements, passion and power. Enthrone him and crown with endower, The man of the ripe round earth. Both the North and South, both the East and West> Mount, river and pulsing plain. Fed the elements raw to his bulwarked breast And fire to his lightning brain. Like a granite base, like a mountain head, As strong as the earth's backbone; Tall, erect and wise and immortal fed. He's a man that the world can own- He's the man of the ripe, round earth. The hope of his mother's mirth. The elements, passion and power. Enthrone him and crown with endower, The man of the ripe, round earth. Prom sea to the sea, from gulf to the line, He travels as never a king. From mountain and plain, sea, city and mme, Hosts swift to his banners spring. Man is true to man, as earth to the earth, When man and the elements prohe, And the masses rise in a nobler birth To follow him round the globe. He's the man of the ripe, round earth The hope of his mother's mirth. The elements, passion and power, 27 Enthrone him and crown with endower, The man of the ripe, round earth. 'Tis a greater world and a greater man On the morning's golden skies. Every day Life strikes out a higher plan And a higher state must rise. To the vision high from the strain and strife The Republic hopes in thee, Thou man of its birth, of its higher life, Faith, freedom and destiny. He's the man of the ripe, round earth, The hope of his mother's mirth. The elements, passion and power, Enthrone him and crown with endower. The man of the ripe, round earth. "THE UNITED STATES FOREVER" Great nations live. The splendors rise Along the circling aeons. Each loyal race allegiance cries And shakes the earth with paens- In this new sphere old nature brings • Her last of state creations. Another race allegiance sings And shakes the elder nations. My State and these United States, Thy praises cease shall never! Oft now and then I'll fling the weights That would unconscious sever. And shout for these United States, "The United States forever!" The North and South each other greet: "Thou art my very brother!" The East and West together meet: "A son of my old mother!" From shore to shore, from gulf to line. Are men strong as the mountains. Are women fair with life divine. And children glad as fountains. My State and these United States, Thy praises cease shall never! Oft now and then I'll fling the weights That would unconscious sever, 28 And shout for these United States, "The United States forever!" Here Life has struck her richest roots; Her boughs reach unto heaven; The heavy laden, ripest fruits Are sheltered from all levin. Here Liberty, the Queen of life. To kingly sense is bringing The masses from the night and strife. And round her ^:hey are singing: My State and these United States, Thy praises cease shall never: Oft now and then I'll fling the weights That would unconscious sever. And shout for these United States, "The United States forever!" The future calls, Who, who shall lead The world in higher courses? Oh Nation great, forever breed The peaceful man and forces! But when entangled in the strife. Belt, belt the passions tighter! Still make our man the lord of life Yet leave in him the fighter. My State and these United States, Thy praises cease shall never! Oft now and then I'll fling the weights That would unconscious sever. And shout for these United States, "The United States forever!" Be wise and just; be strong and free; Advancing, clean, victorious; Translating into thine from Thee Thy higher soul so glorious. Forever let great Liberty Lead on thy mighty marches! Thy future then shall brighter be Along these golden arches. My State and these United States, Thy praises cease shall never! Oft now and then I'll fling the weights That would unconscious sever. And shout for these United States, "The United States forever!" 29 TO LIBERTY Great Spirit of the World ! Divinest Soul ! Rich character for cosmic domination! Time's highest Hope and mankind's solar Goal To mount and guide and rule this recreation! Look on the hour! Behold our civilization! Intelligence, religion, art and science. All fruit and lore of man's long tribulation, All, all with which Hope dares to ,strike alliance, Life at her best, Faith on her lofty station And thou thyself are blasphemed with defiance And Death against all deals destruction's swift appliance. Two nations prime, the wisest of the earth. The leaders of the powers that recreate. Whose union firm might bring to glorious birth What poets dream and prophets pray for state. These mighty twain with monstroas murderous hate, Armed with invention, science, wealth and power, Each other seek to swift annihilate In their gigantic passions that devour. Behold the strife! It gathers woe and weight. Destruction rides on the abandoned hour. Oh what a sight for Life from her beholding tower! Wert thou not there Man would stand back in dread And pour a vast infinitudinal curse Acros,s the mounts of mangled mangled dead; But thou art there and who would dare unpurse A judgment on the strifes that thou dost nurse? Great Freedom's wars are blessings in disguise, Purging from life diseases vastly worse. Giving the world its highest hope and prize. For all our loss thou dost us reimburse. Out of the strifes a growing peace doth rise; Out of thy slaughtered dead new man and earth and skies. For thou art .still the queenliest of queens! True heaven born! A god begotten Soul! All spirits wise that travel this terrene Fly unto thee what time the tempests roll. The globe of man is sacrifice and toll To save thy life, for thou must ever be The one true hope the world alone can pole. Thou hast eternal conquest on the^free. Cheap were the loss if thou art still life's goal. When dark defeat and death ride over thee, Woe, woe unto the world! All hopes out of her flee. 30 But why, Oh Soul, why is this travailing strife With all great things thou bringest into earth? The very thoughts that quicken now our life Have cost the souls that gave their being birth. All vital hopes of rich transcendent worth Live by the price of thousands that are slain. Rear life's ideal upon this blasted dearth And more it costs than doth a battle plain. Lift man and inch out of his selfiish mirth And noble hosts must perish or be slain. Oh what a mighty cost for all we slowly gain! Must such a price, such awful price be paid For human rights by every generation? The world's wide path by noblest dead o'er laid As up she mounts unto her golden station! And must we now in this new recreation Pay out in blood and pure self sacrifice A corresponding toll on civilization? Oh Liberty, Life's highest hope and prize! Why must we pay at every exaltation A vaster price of strife and crime and sighs. Still vaster fields of blood and dead before our eyes? Is this the last and consummating price Or but a stage in an eternal strife? High heav'n forbid! This slaughter rank suffice And drive .stern truth into the heart of life! Oh let some sword sharp as the lightning's knife Pierce to the quick of human brain and heart! Let loss and grief and torturing anguish rife Shear off the fat and thinking power impart! Let "living thought" bring as a travailing wife The heav'n born, high philosophies that dart Out of life's golden hours, out of her sunlike chart! But still the vast gigantic stain and strife Comes up and rests upon the bulging eyes. Colossal crime doth paralyze all Life Or bows her down in vast unlanguaged sighs As on long lines dread slaughterings arise. The elements are on gigantic scales; The forces drive as raining lightning flies; Life wrings her hands; old Europe weeping cries; The hungry gulf for human carnage cries; The fathers stand; the sons destruction hails; Vast fields of blood and death the granite spirit quails, 31 Great Spirit hark and hear! Oh is it not In thy resource to bring an age and race When wars shall cease! This murdering passion hot Couldst thou not draw and hurl it to its place In deepest hell, forever in disgrace! Couldst thou not bring the races of the free Into the bonds the whole world shall embrace And let thy wisest, noblest spirits be A recreating congress that shall base Another age on air and land and sea When Life shall mount the steeps in fellowship with Thee! If thou wouldst call an international meet Would States not send their choicest spirits prime! Would Life not rise and them with gladness greet And bare most bare this vast gigantic crime That flings her back a hundred years in time! Would not break forth pleas of a clarion sound! Come vast appeals in languages sublime! Rise mighty prayers from passions most prof uond! And paean songs to heaven soaring climb! Man's highest hopes would instant upward bound And white electric life earth circle round and round. Where e'er thou art, fight on unto the end! Out of the strife victoriously emerge! Gather thy powers! Thy fallen foes befriend! Upon the world with unsheathed sword, Oh urge An international council that shall purge The ancient curse, a central right and power Establish and cast on wind and surge An order to disarmor every tower! Go thou as deep as life's eternal dirge! The parliament of man all nations rich endower And strife and death and war mankind no more devour. This is thy work. Thy struggle but to be Is almost done. Now unto thee we plead Out of the heart of torn humanity To send the peaceful, law abiding breed That thine own soul and noblest virtues feed! Send us the age and race when life shall be Purged more than thrice from this infernal greed, The parent of the deadly strife we see! Oh bring the times, the man and state decreed By Life's immortal visions of the free. The generations high that fellowship with thee! 32 Reign on, reign on, Great Liberty, still reign! Thou art life's richest, noblest, mo,st divine! What thou canst do and be and give and gain To human kind under thj curse malign No prophet dreams or poet songs can sign. Thy past has been a struggle but to be And thy rich heart of pure purpureal wine, As deep and full as is the boundless sea, Has never poured its fulness into thine. When comes the world and ages of the free Most glorious, glorious dreams will follow thine and thee. GERMANY Oh Germany! Great soul of Germany! Thou spirit of this cosmic climbing age! Thou nature that old nature brought to be A sceptered power, and whom the primal Sage Mad 3 such a soul all great souls must engage! Life must behold the world wide travailing globe, Must see the strifes all so infernal wage And feel the knife all thinkers pierce and probe. We must see thee in this gigantic rage That bare unto thy essence doth disrobe In fiercer fiercer fires than e'er was dreamed by Job. What passion, thought, reproaches, sigh and plea And images before us sudden leap When we behold the virtues stored in thee And then this strife! Oh who could silence keep When we behold from nature's barren sweep A state built up with riches rare and rife, Then plunge in war just when about to reap Full science and dominion over life! Who would not pause, stand silent, sigh and weep To see thee fling such harvest to the strife That every soul on earth arms with a lightning knife! Thou wert a joy, a hope and noble pride To Order, Science, Industry and Art. The great World-Soul upon thy state did ride And all potentials vast within her heart To thee as her dispensator did part. The cosmic and prophetic soul of earth Beheld the contributions thou didst bart And thought of thee with hopefulness and mirth. 33 Lore, books and men and deeds that were a chart To heaven's gates thou gavest to the dearth; All hierarchs of thought held thee a glorious birth. No wise and thinking spirit round the earth But thought of thee as its own kith and kind. The gifted soul transcends its place of birth And in the strangest foreigners oft find The fellowship that feeds and hath divined. And such wert thou, a living thinking soul, A part of that high cosmic life and mind That through all strong and gifted spirits roll. When undersouls the overspirits bind It is a joy to pay the priceless toll; All are one kith and kind who fellowship the goal- Unto the future thou didst promise more, Far more than all delivered to the past. These dreams, inventions, scientific lore Time's surface seemed to offer have been grasped And Life into the modern world has clasped. Those richer far with vast resources fraught. Those locked and locked in nature's secret fast. Those that await thinkers of cosmic thought, Those that create the future that is asked, It seemed by thee they could alone be brought. By that deep piercing mind that all the world has taught. Some modern states in power of cosmic thinking, In piercing, comprehensive, long protracted thought, Seem to decay and almost to be sinking In mind disease their fat has on them brought, Ease, pleasure, greed and all that w^ealth has wrought. Was it a dream or did we really see The modem world delivered to be taught. Formed and informed by that great soul in thee? For thou, in elemental thinkings caught, Couldst by thy cosmopolitan virtue be The world informing life, her .spirit high and free! Wert thou ordained to lead the modern world? 'Tis thought, not arms, that hence must rule and reign. Thou hast the mind; the great thou canst engage With intellectual empire few attain. Thy hierarchal leaders held domain All round the globe. States hastened unto thee And bore away the treasures that sustain The generations unto life's travailing plea, 34 High oracles on thee were written plain And poet-priests saw in the age to be Germanic thought and life around earth like the sea» No equal area in all the ^lobe Such numbers feed, clothe, culture and sustain, ilear up a state that power and glory robe And hail the dreams that scepter and domain. Oh what a march of empire and a reign Of wise intelligence and virtuous force Mount on the sight and kindle heart and brain When we behold thy spirits on their course! The hopes and dreams born from earth's travailing pain Seem marching forth, and Life doth them endorse As Science mouldeth thee and thou nature's resource But Oh what blind and mad insanity Forever seems to follow gifts and grace And smites with curse this lost humanity Just in the hour triumphant honors place Rich splendor crowns upon her lifted face! Oh why should such a blasting blasting curse Forever smite the man and state and race Whenever life doth into being nurse The transcendental virtues that rebase And build the world and into it unpurse What makes it and themselves a cosmic climbing verse J Oh why should pride forever spring from power? And why is strength so kindred unto greed? Why should the gifts another hand doth shower Corrupt the heart till out of it proceed The progeny of hell's infernal breed? Why should the self to such proportions rise That "I" becomes a superhuman breed And transcendental ego that defies The ideals pure the ripe immortals lead? The genius great that blinds all earthly eyes Is mingled with the curse that hurls us from the skies. "Those whom the gods destroy they first make mad" And feed them full upon the poison pride, The poison pure that maketh strong and glad And raiseth up upon earth's thrones to ride Until they feel colossi that bestride And shake the earth. Then suddenly the light Of heav'n is blind and soul so god-allied Before the world is struck with such a blight 35 Mankind is blank, palsied and horrified. Distempered, insane, maddened, monster-sight, Down, down the world they go, down down the gulf of night. A such destroying poison was to thee. Thy science was less blessing than a curse. It fed the strength of "I" and "Mine" and "Me" And into thee did open and unpurse Ambitious dream.s that sure destructions nurse. Thou stoodest up among these races mortal And frontest full this towering universe As like a youth of strength and family courtal Who scorns the world and dares her to immerse. The superman stocul in the morning portal And felt he was alone, of all the earth immortal! Ambition's eyes with envy always see. Her hungry dreams are famished with desire. Her hopes are huge, her powers from morals free, And action is as swift and fierce as fire What time it bursts in its resistless ire. What didst thou plan? "Our future hence must be Upon the boundless deep. We must acquire The trident and be masters of the sea." And she that did that ancient empire sire And most did feed the envious heart in thee Must swift descend the brine and leave "the ocean free." So every son was taught and armed and drilled And fed to leap to thy world ruling schemes. Thy armories and magazines were filled For that great hour that fired thy lawless dreams. All science and resource that overteems In nature's breast and in these human wills Were organized unto their far extremes Till prophecies and dangers, threats and ills All Europe dreamed, and wide earthquaking seams Clove solid earth, explosions tore the hills And blood like water fiowed round earth's loundation sills. That navy great that with astounding rise Triumphantly and proudly sailed the deep And often cast its envy blinded eyes On its compeer that calm her course did keep — • Oh who can dream but one desire did leap Within thy heart as thou didst patient wait The promised hour to plunge her to the deep With that implacable, remorseless hate Ambitions souls to their crowned rivals keep? No other end thy heart could satiate But trample France to death and England overmate. Oft, often, oft in insolence of power Thee and thy sons did round the crowded girth. Ye filled as lost archangels in their dower The facades of great structures and in mirth Cast scorn upon the capitals of earth. Inferior states beheld and shrank with fear; Thy equals felt a war soul rise to birth; The prophets saw a lightning riven sphere And Life beheld a blasted ruined dearth, As thy ambitious sons and dreams so dear Would make thyself supreme around the earth and mere. When thus it is fate is decreed by fate. The tale is writ in hist'ry o'er and o'er. Such spirits mother forth destroying hate In both themselves and others^ Behind that door Are magazines and just a touch, no lore Can image forth the world destroying strife That plunges all in elemental war. There now thou art. Thy full resources rife Against the fate that pride has to thee bore Art battling now, now for that very life. But nature more than man wields death's destroying knife. Sad, sad to see the mad infatuation, The poison rank so fill the heart and mind! "Germany over all supreme in station!" Throngs, masses, all, drunk and infernal wined; Oh what a grief that such a dream should bind A leading state of science recreation And ride thy strength and drive thee undesigned Unto thy curse, strife, loss and mutilation! Oh what a grief that thou shouldst be so blind As drive thyself with mad infatuation Across the modern world to thy own ruination! Beyond all dreams thyself and all the world Is plunged in murderous, suicidal strife. Thou who didst first a cosmic flag unfurl With a resistless lightning cleaving knife Now op'nings blasts for choas spirits rife. Black monstrous forms, crimson gigantic crimes And savage births of some unhuman wife Sweep into earth and man with devil rhymes. 37 Thou who couldst be the leader of all life The blindest in these blind and bleeding times, Far throwing back the world to dragons in their slimed. For what, for what is this destruction fell! This wholesale slaughter of the cosmic race! This op'ning wide of all the gates of hell. Insanities inviting to uncase In human hearts and there their courses trace! Destructions full, annihilating strife. Ripe blasphemies and infinite disgrace Are now poured out upon the soul of Life And cripple her, disform her and debase; Thee and thy states, pierced by the lightning knife, Seemed sold as to a curse, to curses over-rife. There is a cry out of the heart of nature; On mountain heights and down along the sea. Trees, winds and waves, and tongues of every creature Are moaning out the dirges that must be When hopes are dashed as strife how dasheth thee. Oh what a wail and moan of lamer^tation Are in these storms that o'er the splendors flee When this high hope and promise to creation. Of state and life for which all ages plea. Doth dash herself with blind infatuation On these ambitious schemes to crown an outward station! Thought sees a scene of noble congregations, Of thinkers, artists, musicians and the wise, Great socialists, prophets and seers and stations. Faint .shadows of the powers upon the skies And all bowed down in elemental sighs. The offspring of the true and Oversoul Can no more see; their solar searching eyeS Are blinded by the sorows that control; Now faith is dead; a palsy on them lies; They scarce can dream a far millennial goal; The old eternal strife seems all that earth doth pole. The world of dreams is passed into eclipse. On heaven's thrones a darkness has domain. But there behold! A rending lightning clips The curtains black and now a sight and strain Burst from on high into the strife profane. Faiths, Hopes and Dreams and Visions of delight To see these blind destructions so insane Are trembling, pale, aghast and dumb and white. 38 All sing in loud, high languaged passion pain: "The world of hope, the world of truth and right, Has lost her solar path and plunging down the night." But Germany, thou art too great to perish! This mighty strife will purify and purge. The remnant left time will maternal cherish And out of death a higher life emerge. A little while and the eternal surge Shall cover all and nature kind will nurse New songs of hope out of this swelling dirge. A Germany free from the blasting curse, Shall then arise and the eternal urge Shall feed thy sons and virtues free unpurse That shall mount up the globe and generations verse. Thou art too great, thou art too great to perish; The world in thee beholds another soul. For their own life all states must henceforth cherish Great reason and the socialistic soul Thou gavest them. The very strifes that roll All empires now in blood and death and fears Lift thee and them into a nobler goal. Self-sacrifice, repentance, anguish, tears Are but a tax and civilization's toll. Another soul out of these travailing years In thee and them shall rise and mount diviner spheres. Genius of virtue, science, art and power. Spirits that feed and recreate the earth. Ye must transcend the nation as the hour, Must come unto a cosmopolitan birth That knows no state but all within the girth! Interest and strife and time bring nations near; Bounds must dissolve before progress or dearth And states expand unto the visions clear And they shall rule who bring the largest worth. Brute force must pass. Ripe reason rule the sphere. There are no bound'ries hence to all that Life holds dear. Genius of virtue, science, art and power. Eternity must henceforth be thy base; Infinity must blossom in the hour As wisdom shines in each celestial face. Henceforth there must be cosmopolitan grace In all ye think or dream or can create. The essential life of all the human race 39 Is growing one and must thee dominate. Thy genius now the whole world must embrace All nations now the new creators wait. The cosmopolitans hence are rulers as by Fate. THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER No. 1 The Stars and Stripes Forever! Fling her out unto the height! Let her stream unto the heavens Till she burns upon the sight ! Soul if civic life and virtue! Let the people see and shout! Shake the nation with the cheering As we fling Old Glory out! The Stars and Stripes Forever! Spirit pause and really see! The Stars and Stripes Forever! There's a magic power and plea. The Stars and Stripes Forever, There's a vision now to thee. The Stars and Stripes Forever! Is the glory of the free. The Stars and Stripes Forever, 'Tis the banner of the right; There's a virtue in her bosom That to free men feeds delight. There's a vision and a glory Ever bursting on our sight, A splendor, march and chorus As the morning up the height. The Stars and Stripes Forever, When we come unto the years! The Stars and Stripes Forever, When we enter life's careers! The Stars and Stripes Forever, When our eyes are purged by tears! The Stars and Stripes Forever When we triumph on the spheres. The Stars and Stripes Forever, As a higher hope to time, A prophecy of ages high And all virtue pure and prime! 40 With the world she has heen growing And inspiring all to climb, Let her mount and crown the station Like a hope of life sublime! The Stars and Stripes Forever As the constellations bright! The Stars and Stripes Forever As the morning on the night! The Stars and Stripes Forever As the splendor on the height! The Stars and Stripes Forever, Oh forever on our sight! The Stars and Stripes Forever There's a prophecy and hope. See! A broad inviting pathway Up the future's noble slope. Up, up the new created world Now a Virtue lifteth high, Swings the banner of the nation As a glory on the sky. The Stars and Stripes Forever On the present dark and dun! The Stars and Stripes Forever On the splendor of the sun! The Stars and Stripes Forever, She has always always won! The Stars and Stripes Forever While all time and tide shall run! The Stars and Stripes Forever! Hear that glorious, glorious sound! The singing now is shaking earth, The citizen is found. The Stars and Stripes Forever Now are going down the years. Old Glory and young Liberty Are mounting up the spheres. The Stars and Stripes Forever, Oh forever just and right! The Stars and Stripes Forever Our defense and hope and might! The Stars and Stripes Forever Glory, passion and delight! The Stars and Stripes Forever, Oh forever on the height! 41 ARISE AND FIGHT Awake! Awake! Awake! *Tis a trumpet sound to the nation's need That doth on us break As a voice that calls from the hearts that bleed. 'Tis Liberty, our divinegt soul, Time's supremest hope and man's rolar goal That upon the hour doth her heart unroLL Awake I Awake ! Awake ! The Queen of the isles in her passion white Doth upon us shake An appeal to life and the sons if might. 'Tis the living soul with a piercing sound; Be the tissues time has upon us bound From the heart and eyes with a wrench unwound! "Arise! Arise! Arise! Now ye free born race, let a lightning sword Sweep the earth and skies Of the mine and mart and the gains adored. Let the soul in soul hear the clarion sound! As ye heard before, from the sordid ground Now leap into life with a mighty bound," "Arise! Arise! Arise! Let the greatest man in ye ever born Come before my eyes In the naked strength ye have ever worn. See! The heav'ns and earth are in gathering storm; Let the thunder, lightning and fears that swarm But thy girdle bind and thy passions warm!" "Behold ! Behold ! Behold ! All the dogs of war that have bellowed long And been fed most bold Have broken the leash in their hungers strong. They are leaping forth; they are tongued for thee; They are only held by the circling sea; Ye, the first born free, shall they feast on ye?" "Behold! Behold! Behold! See the war lords' dreams. On the world they ride And their brute strength rolled On your island Queen who is Life's best bride. 'Tis my own pure soul or a tyrant's rule, 'Tis a free man's throne or a slave's foot stool. That this unyoked race shall the future school,"' 42 "To arms! To arms! To arms! I can see the flash of the passions white That scorns the alarms In a rising shout of supreme delight- Ye are still the race of my fondest dreams, Sons, daughters and sires in whose being streams My spirit of life and my hopes and schemes." "To arms! To arms! To arms! 'Tis a mighty strife. It was tax all force And will break all charms But the world's free soul and her va.5t iv.souvce. See! Peace looks around. There's no other hope. None but ye dare mount up the armored slope; None but ye safe stand on the summit's cope." "March on! March on! March on! Now the die is cast; now the strife begun, And the free man's life Must again be shed and in torrents run. But cheap is the loss to the glorious prize For the race dies out when the free man dies And the world is lost when the tyrants rise." "March on! March on! March on! Ye are on the field. Ye are in the fight And the old world shakes With the mighty strife of the elements white- Now, Life stands aghast at the fearful sports As destructions rain from artillery forts And staggering Death holds varnival courts." "Fight on! Fight on! Fight on! To the finish go! 'Tis a final war. It is life or death For the free or slave and the world so sore. Ye are driven back. Ye are driving forth. Drive on, drive on through the night so swarth Like the girded strength of the granite north/* "Fight on! Fight on! Fight on! From my soul I bleed but I cannot shrink From the awful course To a still more worse when I pause and think. For defense of self bind thy passion tight! For the future age be thy elements white! But for Liberty, to the last ditch fight!" 43 NEUTRALITY 'Tis a pregnant time. Earth is in travailing pain. Great agonies and dread convulsions rife Tear through the frame with vast gigantic strain. The long proclaimed, dark destined hour of strife Has settled down upon the soul of Life. A hemisphere, the nations, bond and free Make insurrection. State, man and child and wife Are ruthless slain by hosts that spurn all plea And War insane wields her insanest knife. Behold that scene! Here proclamations be: "These citizens and states shall just sit still and see." At such a time, fate burdened burdened time. When Britain in a final struggle locks With a machine gigantic and sublime. Dynamical and founded on the rocks. At such a time when none but she dare blocks The progress of war's latest incarnation That rages on and cataclysmic shocks Sends through mankind and threatens civilization. At such a time when War her strength unlocks In number, science, wealth, and fierce elation As shakes the mighty globe as never since creation, At such a time when Britain comes once more To bear the brunt and battles of the free. To give herself as in the days of yore, A sacrifice that Europe yet may be The heritage all free men dream to see. At such a time when mankind's highest plan She bears aloft and strikes with Liberty, With that high Soul that all the ages van. Another oath to all eternity. And blows a blast that through the earth has ran That calls to deadly strife her every free born clan. Is this the time that these United States Should sit and gloat and gloat and gloat upon the mart. Engaging in these endless keen debates Of empires new that open up for bart And feed but death unto her selfish heart? Is this the time that these United States Should give all life and strength unto the art Of wealth, and hail as most propitious fates The awful wars that swing such gates apart? Yet here she sits and calmly contemplates, Not, not the glorious cause, the mart that for her waits. 44 Is this the time that these United States That free men first brought to a glorious birth, And gave her young with joys and loves and hates Unto a course that feeds with strength and mirth All hope and faith that fills the rounded earth? I,s this the time that these United States That late consigned with deadly strife and dearth Liberticides and tyrants to their fates, To sit and see great Freedom's globe of worth Convulsed and torn, and turn their long debates Not, not on Liberty but on the wealth that waits? Why should this neutral edict smother down The heaven-kindled, sacred altar fire. The flame divine that doth with glory crown All souls that feel and feed the high desire? Why should this proclamation so require This silence, until deaf and dumb and blind This Republic that Hope did sight and sire Seems to be dead to its own higher kind? Why should one side fling out their frenzied ire And our own kin must on her armor bind, Save mankind's highest hopes and her high course maligned? To hell, to hell, a thousand times to hell W^ith neutral laws that muzzle up the free, All selfish fear, all philanthropic spell And coward peace that Liberty woud see Forever tramped before the strifes that be! To hell, to hell, a thousand times to hell Hurl every masquerading prayer and plea Disloyal unto Liberty and fell To all mankind with cursed tyranny! Life'.s highest hopes are now in shot and shell; The common dung like souls in sordid courses dwell. Oh let us hear some libertarian plea Of white, contagious, elemental fire! Let passion songs and flaming measures free The silence fill that neutral laws require! Oh pour the ,sound with infinite inspire Upon the greed and gold besotten soul Until they feel the all consuming ire And Liberty see as our human goal! Pour out the strain! Oh lift it high and higher! O'er land and sea the ancient numbers roll! 'Tis Liberty alone that can the planet pole- 45 Far more than wealth or home or child or wife A man should side and line up with the free. There's something lost, the essence of all life, If freedom's wars that gem man's history Have never found the mightier soul is thee. Thou art not man, a dung begotten thing, Mere scab on life, disease on land and sea, Pollution to the ages that we sing If to this strife thou unresponsive be, If passion white does not within thee spring, If thou leave Liberty unto the marts to cling. 'Tis wisdom wise that we should neutral be; But should we not pour out with thunder sound, That at the base and if the need we see Forever more this nation will be found With Liberty to gird her round and round? Who fights for her all such we underbase; The streams of life that flow far underground Will strengthen them with sympathies that lace The passions tight in ever forward bound; And if the free cannot maintain their place. Shot like a thunderbolt this nation forth will race. 'Tis only they who fellowship the strife Dare share the fame of the immortal dead. A full s.elf-sacrifical glow in life Is just the same as that in battle shed. One glory bright eternal crowns each head. Where e'er man's lot, whatever he may be, Against all odds, with all unto him wed, With hope and faith, self sacrifice and plea, Unmindful of the portion to him fed. Scorning the neutral courses soul should flee. With Liberty line up and fellowship the free! Awake, awake! Ye free born breed arise! Neutral without, but inward ever be Life',s free free born that still can sacrifice And share the strifes deep calling unto thee! Stand up! Stand up! Be wise but be more free! Freedom alone life's larger doors can ope! What now we are, whatever great we see. Is but the fruit of Freedom's deadly cope. Feed thou the flame! Pledge life to Liberty! Line with the cause! Stand up on plain and slope! Fight, fight for Liberty and give the future hope! 46 FACING IT A Trench Song. Both life and death are here; Both hang as by a hair; Each moment Death can shear From life so full and fair; But honor still we prize And honor death defies. Far better here than there Though hard the lot we bear, For here in duty's place We can stand up erect And Life and Death both face. Within the mind and heart Are thoughts and passions white. From these Immortals start And front us in their might. What coward-hosts must shrink When they but stop to think, For from their souls arise Condemning lightning eyes? We have purged off disgrace And here can stand erect And our own spirits face. The Germans are a breed, Strong, fierce, remorseless, wise; They would the planet lead. By trampling freedom rise; Their guns with science lore Fierce as the lightnings pour; Only the free may dare Such elements so bare, But we are Britain's race And still can stand erect And front them to the face. There is the soldier breed, Great memory holds them dear; To every high born creed They are forever near. Who fronts them unafraid is of their metal made, 47 Who shrink and cringe and fly Disgrace doth on him lie. Time's every soldier race, We can stand up erect And look them in the face. Great Britain's empire soul, Majest-c and sublime. The best we see to pole The world and life and time, Sq.- scans the vast round globe, Doth all souls pierce and probe. Shall humans yet be free? Who answers to her plea? Behold her eyes and grace! We can stand up erect And look her in -the face. Upon those solemn skies Are solemn judgment thrones. All thoughtful, strong and wise God's final judgment owns. We are no court of saints ; Sense and temptation taints; Great passions drive us strong; We feel the stain of wrong; But dying for the race We can stand up ereci And look God in the face, 'Tis a tremendous time. All elements are bare. The strong are in their prime. The weak are in despair. The world, nations and man The lightnings test and scan^ Our duty is to fight For Liberty and Right. Since we can fill the place We can stand up erect And all the cosmos face. 4g WASHINGTON 1732-1797 High honored and immortal spirit pure! We love tO; stand and contemplate thy soul; For such a man the furnaces endure And such a dream a nation great can pole What stormy times or evolutions roll. Wert thou not one the mighty mother lent When resurrected freedom shook the whole Created frame and democracy was sent Into the world? To wrest Life's high control From tyranny thou wert chosen, formed and bent And led the fierce rebellions old ancient empires rent. Thou wert a man. Old Nature stamped thee great And wrote it on thy course and countenance. Life needed men. There was the galling weight Of tyrants, a continent hung in suspense. And generations were slaves or freemen hence. No wonder Liberty took hold on thee And armed thee strong for her young hope's defense. Before the world, the sword they made thy plea. Small was the sphere, the issues most immense. The struggle won, and thou must ever be An ideal patriot and freeman of the free. Thou hast outsoared the limits of thy kind. Thrice purged above the blemishes of crime Thou art enthroned, replenished and divined With virtues and immortal passions prinie. Exalted where we mortals cannot climb. There is a mythologic largeness vast Upon thy spirit, and atmospheres sublime That lifteth soul from the repressive past. We cannot dream thee back in struggling time And with our great thou canst no more be classed. The high immortal peers are through thy spirit glassed. To just a few is given the glorious right, To be revered, lifted and throned divine. Purged and renewed of every mortal blight And clothed with grace that like the sun doth shine; To just a few, time, place and virtue line That nations choose and throne as their ideal. And Life delights to fill them as a shrine And heaven stamps on them her highest seal; 49 To just a few the Fates are so benign As gods they rise, the best of life reveal And still grow more divine as on the ages wheel. And such wert thou. The nation at her birth With that instinct that never knows untruth Chose thee the type of all she dreamed of worth Or she could wish to guide her growing youth. Though she w^as young, strong, native and uncouth. And we have marched to undreamed civilizations. Been torn by strife and taught by bitter ruth Thou still doth guide the Union's aspirations. The world outgrows all but eternal truth. Our dreams, inventions, powers and wealth and stations Stand still and think and bow to thy soul's dominations. In other days the heroes of mankind Were throned and pictured on the midnight skies. That thus exploit and character might bind The generations unto a larger prize. As their ideal was sketched before the eyes On such gigantic scales as did command The larger soul within them to arise. So thou are spread on this Republic grand, A great ideal no mortal dare despise For widening hosts by thee are taught to stand, Feel fire within the heart and strength in each right hand. We see thee walking up and down the nation. The great presiding genius of all life. Moulding the form of each new generation. Still moulding men out of destroying strife. Great national type with elements as rife As is our growth to cosmopolitan scope. Oft time is cut as by a lightning knife And face to face we meet thee up the slope. Life's passions rise as to the soldier's fife; New girded, armed and kindled with new hope Thy spirit in us burns to meet the foes that cope. Above and throned upon this mighty nation, That grew from it and feeds it life's inspire. There is a gath'ring, glorious congregation. Immortals that this mortal sphere doth sire. All Genius, Valor, Honor and Strength and Fire Are gathered there and feed the lofty mind, The music, dreams and memories of desire. Thou standest there amid thy kindred-kind, 50 -As thou stoodst here amid the strife and ire, A spirit tall whose character doth bind The souls of largest men these growing states can find. And yet we build our towering monuments Marble and bronze unto the azure skies, Till they become formality and offense Unto the soul and blindness to the eyes> But let it pass. Spirit to Spirit cries; Thou art enthroned within the civic heart; Thy image on imagination flies Till sense and strife and selfishness depart And soul within doth unto thee arise. Life sees the lines of her prophetic chart In splendor bursting forth and blinding sense and mart. OLD GLORY'S ULORY Old Glory high, forever wave! Spread, s_pread her dominations! Inspire with life the powers that save And bring the new creations! O'er Peace, a summer queen that reigns. She is the best defender! Vast peaceful trains with joyful strains Bid ever more attend her! Oh lift her up and fling her out! She is the hope of ages! Time's endless wars are on the rout, The future peace engages. Cease, cease old war as life's great end! Swing out another story! To float o'er Peace, bid her increase^ Is most Old Glory's glory. But if disgrace or tyrants rise. Throw her to heaven arching! This banner like a trumpet cries: "Arise for wal-ward marching!'^ From city, fol*cst, mart and mine. From mountain, plain and oceail Thy sons and sires with frenzy fine Come rushing with devotion. Oh lift her up and fling her out! Defenders will assemble! They come with loud triumphant Shout, 51 oppressors fear and tremble. Look up on high! Behold and scan Our hope, defense and story! To call the soldier up in man Is most Old Glory's glory. Upon the fiercest fighting front' Are clashing earthquake passions. See! Men rush to to bear the brunt With hero fire and fashions. Far to the fore, the very first Old Glory on is leading; The hour is in her soul immersed. Her life she all is feeding. Oh lift her up and swing her out! The tempest she can battle. She scorns disgrace and dares to bout The tyrant, thrall and chattle. "Oh give me death or liberty!" Has ever been her story! To fight the tyrants for the free Is most Old Glory's glory. And when the fighters home are come All scarred and worn and cripple. Some shout aloud, some stand as dumb, Down some the tears will ripple. For their Old Glory lifted high. Shot, sholled and stained and tattered, More than the sun adorns the sky Thoug'h like the soldiers shattered. Oh lift her up and fling her out! She is the freeman's banner The round earth join us in our shout. High heaven loves to fan her. Around her ring! Her praise sing! Embalm her fame in story! The stains and scars that round her cling Is most Old Glory's glory. Old Glory high, forever wave! Spread, spread her dominations! Inspire with life the powers that save And bring the new creations? O'er Peace, a summer queen that reigns She is the best defender! Vast peaceful trains with joyful strains Bid ever more attend her! 52 Oh lift her up and lling her outl She is the hope of ages! Time's endless wars are on the rout, The future peace engages. Cease, cease old war as life's great end! Swing out another story! To float o'er Peace, bid her increase. Is most Old Glory's glory. OLD GLORY Behold! Behold! The fathers there Shake out another banner The elder nations start and stare And scorn and cursing scan her. But Liberty, the chosen Queen Of this new world did plan her. And new word Spirits swift and keen With vital breath did fan her. Old Glory is a living thing; The life of life is flowing Within the bosom that we fling Unto the winds so blowing- The Mother, sons and daughters sing And march with crimson glowing. Up, up the infant's rugged years This banner led the nation; Wise moulding these chaotic spheres Unto a new creation. Vast, vast resources east and west, New peoples, times and stations, Old Glory led us far abreast And marched for dominations. Old Glory is a living thing, A soul contagious fire. Upon the skies with eagle wing. Inspiring son and sire. The ages marching as they sing Unto a nobler lyre Who up the evolution climbs With man and nature clashes. This young Republic faced the times And dared the sword that flashes. Thoii, thou the foremost in the fray Wert torn with mighty gashes; But shot nor shell nor sword could stay Thy fierce and forward dashes. Old Glory is a living thing; Peace, peace her breast engages; But if the tyrants on us spring The ancient spirit rages And just a call from her would bring The soldier of the ages. Ail round the vast and girdled globe Old Glory is a glory. All thrones and empires she could robe And lend them strain and story. No majesties and grandeurs prime Or splendors high and hoary To Liberty seems more sublime Than this Republic's glory. Old Glory is a living thing; Life in her breast is flowing; "Who can her rhyme mounts to his prime With crimson joy and glowing. Oh let her swing! Her praises sing! The world grows with her growing. By City, forest, Stream and mead, -On mountain, plain and ocean, To tower and mast, Oh nail her fast And stir the winds in motion! All citizen and soldier lines With music of devotion Shall lift her up and pledge the wines Of life's divinest potion. Old Glory ig a living thing; Old Earth her life is feeding; The World-Soul shakes her with a fling: "Old Glory go on breeding! Who with thy soul can mount and sing,, For these the world is pleading." FOURTH OF JULY SONG "Awake!" a spirit cried: "Awake! Oh poet, slumber fling! The civic harp in silence break And from her spirt bring A song with passion pure and white, A lyric that shall ring To feed the nation wise delight. Inspiring all to sing!" "Arise, Oh Arise! 'Tis the Fourth of July! A glorious dawn is on earth and the sky. The morning inviteth and trumpeters sound The bugling blast that is echoing round." "Today is the day when the nation was born. Let life and her sons with a gladness be torn! Republican State! True Democracy great! With liberty, life and all passions elate. We rise and we march and thy altars we ring. Allegiance and honor and praises we sing!" "Trump, trump it out! 'Tis the Fourth of July, The day of the year to be sacred and high; To pause and to think and to see and to feel The nation, its life and its hopes and ideal." "Trump, trump it out! Sea, mountain and skies The echoes are flinging, the nation doth rise. In the hemisphere young is a passion and pulse, A marching and music and dreams that convulse." "Trump, trump it again to the ends of the earth. Giving selfishness death and the citizen birth! Bring, bring them all up to the top of the state And feed them the soul of the nation so great!" "Today is the day when the nation was born. Let Life and her sons with a gladness be torn! Republican State! True Democracy great! With Liberty, life and all passion elate, We rise and we march and thy altars we ring. Allegiance and honor and praises we sing." "Spread, spread out the struggle, the struggle to be The chainless, the brandless, the fearless and free; Life's royal and straight, law's loyal and strong, Still singing the world her immortalest song." 55 "The fathers who fathered and founded the state,. The mothers who mothered and nourished it great, Behold them, behold! In colonial guise They're marching right into the morning's bright eyes- "The sons and the daughters of earlier years With brawniest strength defied nature and fears. The chopper and plowman and builder abreast Are marching before us with passions of zest." "Look, look! Who are these! The immortals most great Have descended to earth for our honors of state. 'Tis Washington, Franklin, tall Lincoln and Grant And all the immortals we honor and chant." "Look, look! Who are these? There are Fifty and One, The angels of morn round a Soul like the sun. All the Sisterhood full and the Queen of the throng In majesty, splendor and marching and song." "Look, look! What is this? It is Liberty's train, Truth, honor and right and the powers that domain. Intelligence, virtue, religion and law And all the great worlds that forever they draw." "Look, look! Who is this? 'Tis the vision divine. So eclipsing the sun and so bulging our eyne! It is Liberty, Queen of the earth and the sky Now marching and sealing 'The Fourth of July.' " "Today is the day when the nation was born. Let Life and her sons with a gladness be torn! Republican State! True Democracy great! With Liberty, life and all passions elate. We rise and we march and thy altars we ring. Allegiance and honor and praises we sing." "Remember the time and remember the deed That created the state and hemisphere freed! They were nature's own stuff and all kings in their power Went down before men with a royaler dower." "Remember the day and remember the right It gives to the soul like the morning to night! And in thee the spirit of freedom arise, Looking forth on the state with the wisest of eyes!" 56 "Remember the gift and remember the price The ages have paid for a free paradise! How rivers of blood and vast millions of free Have been bled for the state and is native to thee!" "Remember the honor and glory and grace On Liberty's brow and around her free race! The finest of bread and the wine that we drink Are thoughts of the free the free only can think." " 'Tis the Fourth of July! 'Tis the Fourth of July! The cannon are sounding to earth, sea and sky; The spirits and passions and powers of the free Have risen like waves on the wind sweeping sea," "Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam is now riding in pride Or standing and viewing the nation so wide. He is tall and erect, cheerful, chesty and strong And smiles as he hears the full national song." "See yonder the Eagle is soaring in might, In majesty robed and resplendent with light; Both giving and taking the fervors of fire, Surveying all state with the fondest desire!" "Old Glory, Old Glory the multitudes lead; The man within man is now found and full freed, She fronteth the future with passion and power, A hope to the state like the sun on his tower' "North, East, South and West with musicians now march, With playing and~ singing shake pillar and arch; The soul is new born, the true citizen found, The Fourth of July to the state has him bound." "Today is the day when the nation was born. . Let Life and her sons with a gladness be torn! Republican State ! True Democracy great ! With liberty, life and all passions elate, We rise and we march and thy altars we ring, Allegiance and honor and praises we sing." 57 THE CURSE What time I traveled on the world's highway With passion white and most exalted thought, Beholding ages and civilizations stray Before mine eyes, my spirit fierce was caught And held by power and infinitely wrought; For there below, in their most perfect form, With all their wealth, the greatest nations brought, The evolutions of highest cosmic norm, The civilization that all the ages sought. Were plunged in strife, and all the powers of storm Swept down on lightning wings to feed the passions warm. When at the scene in sorrow and amaze. With bulging eyes and shadowed by dark fear I strained and strained to watch the deadly plays My soul was shook as tempests shake the meer. But when at length my spirit I could steer I saw it like an infinite insanity Bestride the world and driving on the sphere; And when again the stark, blind, mad profanity Its heart revealed to reason calm and clear, A vision rose; the Spirit of humanity Came up upon the scene to view the deadly vanity. Then sudden, that Spirit of humanity With passion of an infinitest height Rose to her full, full, full divinest sanity That exercised all corresponding right. A voice of clear, omnipotential might. More keen and quick than lightnings ever woke Prilled heav'n and earth, and held all in despite Of all the hells that in and round them broke. Amazed and still and list'ning in their fright, Time's primest Soul to all earth passions spoke And on the mui-d'ring strife did curse immense invoke, "Oh World and Life and Time! Contending Nations, And all ye neutral yet unneutral States! All Hierarchs of vain and worthy stations! All Masses wide that bear life's mountain weights And Nature great that all so dominates! Oh hark and hear! Cease, cease infernal strife! The soul in soul lost in its selfish hates Mount up again unto the throne of life! Hark ye and hear as Reason now relates The curse of truth, sharp as a Roman's knife And drives it to the hilt with all her passions rife." 58 *'Look on yourselves! Your beings contemplate! Your natures now fix 'neath a microscope! Let living soul in reason's best estate With something of the golden dreams of hope Her lightning eyes on your own spirits ope! Stand up in what ye most essential are! Purge out, purge out all adventitious dope And your own souls to your own sight unbar! Abhor the lie ! No longer blindly grope ! When man with truth can weigh and pass at par " He's young and fresh and strong as is the morning star." "Are ye not men or is this glorious form A masquerade, disguise and blind attire Upon the things that from the jungle swarm And clothe themselves as social codes require. Thus mocking dreams the heavens rich inspire? Are ye not men or is this godlike frame The habitation, instrument and power Of" some dehumanized and beastly flame Forever fierce with passions that devour? Are ye not men? Is this erected tower A heaven selected soul or monster of the hour?" "Are ye not minds? Have ye not power to think? Did ye not share life's transcendental gift? Is not this power thy glory, meat and drink And do great thoughts your spirits never lift? Does mental light the darkness never rift And bear thee through into the living dreams The thinkers shape is this chaotic shift? Does Reason and her high prophetic schemes Not work in ye and does this change and drift The cosmos blind? Upon you thinking gleams, Such grace cannot deceive. Thought in your being teems. "Then stand and pause and contemplate this scene! Here is old Europe and all her tangled races; See how black storms the azure heavens screen. How earthquake throes the granite base displaces. How passion of volcanic hate uncases, How all the thrones, masses and states and powers, How laws, religions, literatures and graces. How humans great and all their cosmic dowers, How all between the thrones and mountain bases Is plunged in strife, intenser with the hours. Dehumanized to beasts, each famined, each devours?" 59 "Behold it! Is it not insanity, Worse than the dreams that even madness tell, Distempers that dehumanize humanity. Them driving on to such destructions fell As sing to earth a wild funereal knell On all man's hopes? Oh is it not a curse Of black annihilation and a hell Of blight on all the travailing ages nurse? No heav'n born imprecations could expel More blasting rain than this that does unpurse, Full sevenfold vials of v^rath and growing worse and worse." "Behold yon mangled fields and chocking trenches, Mangled and chocked and horrible with dead, A new plowed land that crimson virtue drenches. With fragments strewn, entrails, leg, arm and head And ghastly forms hacked till the life has fled ! Still o'er it sweeps a lightning blasting fire, Above explode great canisters of lead, And down is rained annihilating ire; It is the damnedest ever done or said, A demon's dream when wines infernal sire The dreams from which they shrink, too dreadful for desire!" "There are two lines, the best earth ever bred. Life's noblest types, pure product and delight. With virtuous heart and glory on the head, The very heav'ns doth welcome and invite Their presence to the thrones upon the height. Then is a blast of fiercest indignation. Then is a moment's blindness on the sight, Then is a groan of travailing lost creation. Then silence on the science powers that smite; And all for what? Oh what a consummation To Life and Love and Truth an i this great civilization? "Oh what a mad destruction fierce and fell On all of time's and life's great institutions, A blast of fire as from the mouth of hell Upon the priceless cosmic evolutioijs! What reasonless, fanatic executions On education, industry and state And all that base and offer man solutions From these eternal strifes that ever wait To sunder man and tramp in vile pollutions! Oh what a loss! Oh what a guilt and weight Upon the world and life beneath this murd'rous hate!" 60 "How infinite this desecrates the man! These highest hopes that earth did ever nurse, So rich endowed unto a cosmic plan And marched unto a cosmopolitan verse, And then brought up before a blasting curse, And cheaper than the breeds of savage tongue, And blinder than the night that doth immerse, And ruthless as old Nature ever flung. And quicker than the lightning can unpurse, And worthless as the weeds around them sprung The royal race of man is just a new earth dung." "Reason! Reason! Thou hope of all mankind! Thou spirit of these climbing civilizations. That leads the world from beasts and prisons blind Up, up the steeps of glorious exaltations! Thou parent of the dreamed-of recreations When all earth tribes and languages and shores Shall mount above to life's rich consummations And leave behind their blind infernal wars! Kin-soul to those that reign on heaven's stations Now thou are tramped 'neath earth's most bloody gores, Tramped and tramped and tramped on these rank slaughtered floors "Worse, worse, far worse than all the loss of man Is this blank loss out of the world's great heart. The high ideals of sacred Power and Plan That guides the world with his celestial chart! See how the blind and insane lightnings dart Into the soul and there forever smite 'The Fatherhood of God,' and deadly bart As if to it a more intenser spite A wrath that slays 'The Brotherhood of Man!' Who can believe in God, truth, love and right When these fierce hosts of hell so slaughter in our sight!" "Then hark ye hierarchial Souls of crime! Can it be strange these desecrations nurse Life's sorrows sore unto a height sublime, And passion from its anger should unpurse An utt'rance large and loaded with a curse? On these blind powers that doth their power abuse, On these great States that greed and hate immerse, On these proud souls that light and truth refuse. Now let me fling a far resounding verse, That they will scorn and still destruction choose, That they will instant slay but life should never lose." 61 "Grermany, stand forth! 'What! So instant here! tJnto the judgment leapest thou so keen. The elements defying without fear! Thou art a noble shape; this old terrene Throughout the girth a better never seen; Thou art a scientific cosmic breed; Wealth, knowledge, power and social virtues green Must be the dope that doth sustain and feed; Resourceful, wise, erect and swift and lean, A, spirit called vast human hosts to lead But lost, blind lost an hour in earth's contagious greed." "Draw up thyself, for mightier far than thou Humanity an hour on thee presidest. Upon thy high expansive cosmic brow Doth sit the curse thou from thy spirit hidest. A curse, world blasting curse, in thee abidest At infinite diameters and strife To that high grace the cosmic soul confidest Unto thy care to recreate all life. A greed of power, a selfishness the widest, And vast ambition whom thou didst wed as wife Have torn thee on a course with tangled curses rife!" "Thou are the cause, the first clear primal cause Of this mad strife that so destroys the earth. Ambition's poison did slay the sacred awes That gives to life her most supremest worth, And unto power, prosperity and mirth Did sow the dreams of high exalted station. Since greed and power brings ever pride to birth Thou wouldst assume the leadership of nations, Dethrone the free, ride on the boundless girth, Teach every son the soldier's fierce elations, Dream drunk ambition's schemes of world wide dominations/' "Peace overtures were treated with defiance, The weaker states were trampled without fear. Thou buildest state with science wise appliance For that great hour thou sawest, drawest near. What wonder that each national compeer Did stand and gaze, debating with great Life Their hopes to live upon the struggling sphere? All saw the doom. The lightning flashing knife Time's curtain cut and each soul like a seer Beheld the world plunged in volcanic strife; Thou, many, strong and armed didst nurse it as a wife," 62 "And when the royal Austrian did receive The natural consequence, what then didst Thou? Against all hope, 'gainst all we can believe Thou didst inspire in them the when and how To plant the heel upon the Serbian brow. And when the Russ sprang forth to his defense'"" ' And nations did their own existence vow, Thy mighty armies, swift, ruthless and immense, Just like old Nature with her earthquake plow, Drove headlong on devoid of righteous sense, Quick filled the world with strifes of mad omnipotence." "And then thy church and scientific seers Unto the world most civilized did call For faith and hope and swore to their compeers : 'This war was thrust upon us and we all Must fight for life though death the world appall!' Oh tear the lie forth from thy heart and hand! Why should the false thy spirit so enthrall! Hast thou not strength to front the truth and stand Upon the facts! Shall self deceptions stall The judgment off and thy denials command The elemental minds that think in every land!" "Red origin and cause, look on thy deeds! Behold the mighty masses of thy slain! This slaughter house and butchery of breeds And thou thyself as blind, lost and insane! See thine own sons that science doth domain, On whom doth shine a cosmic glory great, The primest souls earth ever did attain. Designed and taught for leadership of state. Behold them slaughtered and slaughtering in their tram As scientific butchers none can mate! As maggot meat and dung, thy sons but contemplate!" "Behold yon crown, that crown of living blood! Ten million murders have into it been strained. A world of hearts here poured the precious floo