D 526 .2 .P33 Copy 1 f n or I he War In Rhyme By K. E. PEE1 Director of Public Shaking For the Federal Food Administration for Mecklenburg County N iijiinio Price, 10c a Copy Those desiring Booklets will or <£ s -9 S> DEDICATION Dedicated to the young people, of Virginia and all the world, to be sung in season and out of season, to help in making the world safe for Democ- racy. —2— PREFACE A word to our young people. We need your help to stir our people up to buy Liberty Bonds, Thrift Stamps and Hooverize. We know we can depend upon you; because you have never failed us in anything we have asked of you. As there, is nothing like a song to stir the folks, and as nothing hits the Kaiser and his dirty bunch so hard as a patriotic song, coupled with service and sacrifice, we dedicate to you "The New Yankee Doodle," and these other patriotic songs to sing in season and out of season, to help in making the world safe for Democracy. The price you pay to own this book goes to buy Thrift and War Savings Stamps, to be donated to the cause of God and Country, as the author and those who may sell the books shall decide. We are no poet, or the son of a poet, and make no claim to literature, but simply present our story in rhyme to please the young and to stir all, in the cause of freedom and De- mocracy. R. E. Peele, —3— DOXOLOGY (To the tune of "Singing from The Heart") "If you have a pleasant song, Sing, sing it! If you have a pleasant song, Sing it from the heart. CHORUS "Singing, singing all the day, Singing when you work or play, Singing in a joyful way, Singing from the heart. "If you have a pleasant word, Say it, say it! If you have a pleasant word, Say it from the heart. — Cho. "If you have a pleasant thought, Think it, think it ! If you have a pleasant thought, Think it from the heart.— Cho. "If you do a pleasant deed, Do it, do it! If you do a pleasant deed, Do it from the heart. — Cho. THE NEW AMERICA (To the tune of My Maryland) To U. S. A. and Allies all, America, America! Just trust in God and you'll not fall, America, America! We've sinn'd, we've sinn'd ; confession make. Oh ! come to Christ and pardon take, Then gates of hell will you not shake, America, America! Your wealth untold beats all the world, America, America! Prosperity not yet unfurl'd, America, America! Not by our might, but by the right, Not by our wealth we'll win the fight, But we will conquer through His Light, America, America! Come buy Thrift Stamps; buy by all means, America, America! Don't hesitate — down in your jeans, America, America! Work out your cause with might and main ; God works within that you may gain, No matter what may be the strain, America, America! Then come and buy a Liberty Bond America, America! Don't fail us now — you must respond, America, America! Each one of you should take a part, With all your strength and all your heart ; Now is the very time to start, America, America! Now sow your wheat and plant your corn, America, America! To save the children yet unborn, America, America! Just eat potatoes "by the peck," Can all you can at Hoover's beck, Thus you may save the world from wreck, America, America! A great responsibility, America, America! A greater opportunity, America, America! The starving millions everywhere The cause of justice, I do swear, Depend on us, I will declare, America, America! —6— Again, I beg you, hear my plea, America, America! You must awake and duty see, America, America! I plead with you, for mercy's sake, I beg of you, some pity take ; God grant you ne'er the right forsake, America, America! THE LIBERTY FLAG (Tune, Bonnie Blue Flag) The first who fought was Belgium, Because she had a soul, And she defi'd the Teuton Hun To save the world as whole. King Albert led his little band Till it was out of breath, And sacrific'd his noble land To save the world from death. CHORUS Hurrah, Hurrah! For human rights, Hurrah! Hurrah for the Liberty Flag ! That's bound to win the war. -7— The next who came was sunny France, With plumes and banners gay, To give her life — to draw her lance To conquer Germany. Her President with quick resolve Did tread the. bloody way, And Joffre, he did the problem solve As how to join the fray. — Cho. Then England came, with all her force, To meet the shameless foe, And brought her guns and her resource Autocracy to throw. King George V., a gentleman, Dar'd Kaiser Bill, you know ; The. British Lion joined the van To turn the savage woe. — Cho. Then Italy reluctantly Was forc'd to join the fray, Because the Hun exultantly Defi'd her every way. It's King Victor Immanuel Did mobilize for war, He. could not stand the Kaiser Bill, This Hun he did abhor. — Cho. -8— Then little tincy Portugal, A spunky little band, Did dare the dirty prodigal And show'd her plucky hand. God bless the brave Republic, Just now so newly born, Whose valor made the Kaiser sick And Germany forlorn. — Cho. Then Uncle Sam awoke at last, His patience clean give out; He broke relations firm and fast And made the Allies shout. Wilson hoped that the German folks Were better than their King, But when he saw it was a hoax He got into the ring. — Cho. Time would fail us to speak of French, And Kitchener and Haig, Who bore the brunt in spite of trench, ' An awful cannonade. Brazil has now joined the Allies, And Greece, in spite of Hun, And others, too, will mobilize — The thing has just begun. — Cho. Bill is the last old Kaiser That Democrats will stand; The people are much wiser And they must rule the land. The federation of mankind Is coming very soon, You'd just as well fall into line And learn the coming tune. — Cho. —9— THE DOWNFALL OF GERMANY (To the tune of My Maryland) To German people, one and all, Germany Oh, Germany! Please listen to my earnest call, Germany Oh, Germany! You led us in efficiency, We praised your great sufficiency, But now what great deficiency! Germany Oh, Germany! When Rome sought to enslave the. soul, Germany Oh, Germany! And shut the world within her fold, Germany Oh, Germany! Brave Martin Luther led the van, He fought for God and Fatherland, And won the cause for every man, Germany Oh, Germany! Your products all were, recognized, Germany Oh, Germany! Your learning, too, was idolized, Germany Oh, Germany! "Made in Germany" was all You had to say to get the call For all you had to sell the "Ball," Germany Oh, Germany! -10- 'Twas then you played the fool, you know, Germany Oh, Germany! Because your Kaiser told you to, Germany Oh, Germany! "We'll take the. world for ours," said he, "They were just made for us, you see ; At our command they haw and gee" Germany Oh, Germany! Then, as world-wide Autocracy, Germany Oh, Germany! You plann'd to wreck Democracy, Germany Oh, Germany! You sent your spies to every land, As subjects of your Fatherland To murder love on every hand, Germany Oh, Germany! At home you preach'd Autocracy, Germany Oh, Germany! To us you preach'd Democracy, Germany Oh, Germany! Hypocrisy is but your slime, On treachery you base your crime, And fool your people, all the time Germany Oh, Germany! -11— You have destroyed faith m God's Word, Germany Oh, Germany! Wherever your "Kultur" was heard, Germany Oh, Germany! You took Jehovah from His Book, You taught He's nothing but a crook, God's Holy Bible you forsook Germany Oh, Germany! You then deni'd God's Holy Christ, Germany Oh, Germany! You did it once, you did it thrice, Germany Oh, Germany! And you deni'd the Virgin Birth, Deni'd His Pre-incarnate worth, Declar'd His Inspiration dearth, ' Germany Oh, Germany! You said of Paul he was a liar, Germany Oh, Germany! And surely lost down in Hell fire, Germany Oh, Germany! You flaunt the resurrection dawn, Deny the bright ascension morn, You act as tho' Christ ne'er was born, Germany Oh, Germany! Now by what judgment do you judge, Germany Oh, Germany! You shall be judged without a grudge, Germany Oh, Germany! Be sure your sin will find you out — God's inspiration leaves no doubt, Except you yield and turn about Germany Oh, Germany! —12— Then why not heed this while you may, Germany Oh, Germany! The Judge may come most any day, Germany Oh, Germany! And then you'd weep without avail, You'd burn and turn in fi'ry hail, Because you hit the devil's trail, Germany Oh, Germany! THE NEW YANKEE DOODLE Old Kaiser Bill is very ill, Yankee Doodle Dandy; Hit Uncle Sam and lost his ram, Yankee. Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; Hit Uncle Sam and lost his ram, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Bill is one De'il with fire and Sho'el, Yankee Doodle. Dandy; He makes a hell and does it well, Yankee Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; He. makes a hell and does it well, Yankee Doodle Dandy. —13— Bill's dirty bunch will get their punch, Yankee Doodle Dandy; He made at us ; he'll bite, the dust, Yankee Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; He made at us ; he'll bite, the dust, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Bill Crow'd and Crow'd and Crow'd aloud, Yankee Doodle Dandy; We'll smite him whack, and break his back, Yankee Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle. Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; We'll smite him whack, and break his back, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Bill Roar'd and Gor'd and Plung'd and Soar'd, Yankee Doodle Dandy; God show'd his hand as he had plann'd, Yankee. Doodle Dandy. —14— CHORUS Yankee Doodle Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; God show'd his hand " as he had plann'd, Yankee Doodle Dandy. God called Sammy from his Mammy, Yankee Doodle Dandy; Gave him his might because 'twas right, Yankee Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy; Gave him his might because 'twas right, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Not unto us in God we trust, Yankee Doodle Dandy; In His Great Might we'll win the fight, Yankee Doodle Dandy. CHORUS Yankee Doodle Doodle Do, Yankee Doodle Dandy ; In His great might we'll win the fight Yankee Doodle Dandy. — l! THE LAST OF KAISER BILL (To the tune of Yankee Doodle) A refrain to be sung in Berlin after we have won the war. The Kaiser's dead he lost his head, Ohly aily ohly ; He sold his soul for sordid gold, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh ! Ohly aily ohly , He sold his soul for sordid gold, Ohly aily ohly. We'll tell you how and tell you now, Ohly aily ohly; Bill missed his chase and lost the race, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh! Ohly aily ohly , Bill missed his chase and lost the race, Ohly aily ohly. Bill Killed the child and play'd the wild, Ohly aily ohly; He lost his crown : in shame went down. Ohly aily ohly. —16— CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh! Ohly aily ohly; He lost his crown : in shame went down. Ohly aily ohly. Bill Rag'd and Rap'd and then escap'd, Ohly aily ohly; He made a hell and in it fell, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh ! , Ohly aily oh; He made a hell and in it fell, Ohly aily ohly. The lightning flashed the thunder crashed, Ohly aily ohly; The bolt struck Bill and he was nil, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh ! Ohly aily ohly ; The bolt struck Bill and he was nil, Ohly aily ohly. —17- And now Bill's dead' tis truly said, Ohly aily only; He got his due thank God 'tis true, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh ! Ohly aily ohly; He got his due thank God 'tis true, Ohly aily ohly. The time has past for force to last, Ohly aily ohly ; You took the sword and now you're gored, Ohly aily ohly. CHORUS Ohly aily ohly oh ! Ohly aily ohly ; You took the sword and now you're gored, Ohly aily ohly. —18—