"^^0^ ■' e « * -V >^ ^^ " ♦ » O > y 4 o V* w i\\\ ^(x //n o o* (• ^ A ^ .^^wa:^ '^<^.^^/ ^^^fe*^ '^'^-^^^ '^^i^° -■ NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY (C) Brown and Dawson. A Broadside at Night Taken by Its Own Light NAVAL HEROES OF TODAY BY r I FRANCIS A" COLLINS Author of "The Fighting Engineers," "The Air Man," etc. ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS Vf**^ NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1918 M i Copyright, 1918, by The Cewtuby Co. Published, September, 1918 OCT -I 1918 ::> For much of the material here presented the author is in- debted to Lieutenant Wells Hawks, Passed Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. R. R CONTENTS PART I GUARDING THE SEA LANES OHAPTEE I The American Spirit . II WiTPi THE Destroyers . III Returning Good for Evil . IV The Inspiration of Names . V Through Smoke and Flames VI ''Abandon Ship" . VII A Close Call . VIII Wireless Dangers IX His Last Words . X Fire at Sea . XI His Graduate Course PAGE 3 8 15 22 27 32 38 43 48 52 60 PART II WITH THE MERCHANT FLEET XII Routine Work . XIII The First Blow . XIV Without Warning . XV The "Silver Shell" . XVI A Record Performance XVII One of the First Tests XVIII Before and After the Wreck 67 73 83 92 100 104 108 CHAPTER XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV CONTENTS PAGE Aboard the Largest Transport 115 Via Wireless 120 A Success and a Failure . .125 Standing by the Ship. . . . 133 When the S.S. "Lincoln" Sank 137 Guarding the Transports . . 147 PART III ON AIR-SCOUT DUTY XXV First to Fly . . XXVI Early Exploits XXVII An Air Battle . XXVIII A Seaplane Wreck XXIX A Balloon Wreck XXX Air Coast Patrol . XXXI Spotting the Fall of XXXII Air Scouting . XXXIII Aero Photography XXXIV A Seven-Hour Air Battle Shots 153 158 162 168 175 180 187 192 198 205 PART IV IN HOME WATERS XXXV In Peace Times 213 XXXVI On the Spur of the Moment . 219 XXXVII The Fire-Fighters .... 223 XXXVIII Those in Peril 227 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XXXIX The Wreck of the "San Diego" 237 XL The Wireless Guard .... 244 XLI Modern Weapons 256 XLII Manning the Fleets . . . 265 XLIII XLIV PART V WITH THE MARINES With the Marines . . "First to Fight" . 275 280 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE A broadside at night taken by its own light Frontispiece Capture of the first German submarine by Americans 17 A camouflaged destroyer 18 Launching a torpedo 35 Signal drill 36 On shore leave in the tropics 53 A gala occasion 54 A 400 lb. charge of powder for a 14-inch gun 71 A floating target 72 Some ship's mascots yy The gun crew ready for action 78 Sunset at sea 87 Riding out a storm 88 German submarine destroyed by an American depth bomb 109 The first American fighting men to reach France no On the high seas . . . 127 With all flags set ... 128 In home waters 145 > ILLqSTRATIONS PAGE Awaiting the admiral 146 Practising on a submarine target . . . .163 With the air patrol fleet 164 Seaplane practice .- . . . 181 Drill at the Newport Navy Yard .... 182 An American fleet in Chinese waters . . . 199 The deck from aloft 200 The range finder 241 Training a gun crew 242 A landing party of American sailors . . . 251 Rolling scuppers under 252 U. S. Marines and Bluejackets enjoying a day's outing at Culebra ....... 269 U. S. Marines in action 270 PART I GUARDING THE SEA LANES NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY THE AMERICAN SPIRIT IT is difficult to define the American spirit. We know it to be fearless, unselfish, and dependable in emergency. The best defini- tion is an example. There is a wealth of material to choose from in every service of the American Navy. The peril of the submarine has brought a new situation. Its missiles strike unex- pectedly and with deadly effect, and often the blow falls far from assistance. The exploit of Osmond K. Ingram, chosen almost at random from the submarine re- ports, will serve the purpose. Ingram was a gunner's mate of the first class aboard the Cassin on submarine patrol duty. A U-boat was sighted, one day, running on the surface 3 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY at a distance of five miles. The alarm brought the men quickly to their battle sta- tions, and the Cassin was headed for the enemy full speed. The submarine had time to submerge before the Cassin came up. She cruised about for some time without picking the submarine up, steaming in a series of violent zigzags to confuse the en- emy. At the end of half an hour Commander W. N. Vernon of the Cassin suddenly sighted a torpedo only four hundred yards off. It was aimed to strike the Cassin amidships. The Captain rang for the emergency speed for both engines. Men who have watched the approach of a modern torpedo describe the experience as one of the most terrifying in a sailor's experience. Even those who have been repeatedly under fire find the mo- ment very trying. One does not see a shell that strikes. The torpedo, on the other hand, moves slowly in comparison. Many seconds must elapse after it is sighted be- fore the blow falls ; and the victim must face them as calmly as he may. The crew of the Cassin saw the wake of 4 THE AMERICAN SPIRIT the torpedo whiten and run out, drawing a Hne on the water directly toward them. In- gram, forgetting his own safety, rose to one of those acts of supreme sacrifice that render the American spirit traditional. As it be- came clear that the torpedo would miss the middle part of the ship and strike somewhere astern, Ingram realized that the ship was en- dangered by some boxes of explosives on the after-deck. If the torpedo struck near them they would destroy the ship. It would have been a simple matter to run forward with the rest of the crew and save himself; but Ingram deliberately turned and ran aft. He was racing with the torpedo. It was a question of seconds. The torpedo was only a few feet away when Ingram suc- ceeded in picking up and throwing over the last of the boxes of explosives. His pres- ence of mind had saved the ship. When the torpedo struck, Ingram was the only member of the crew in the vicinity. He was thrown into the water and drowned before assistance could reach him, being the only man on board to lose his life. The torpedo struck a glancing blow which 5 - NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY disabled one engine but struck no vital part. As her crew hurried to repair the damage the Cassin pluckily turned about, and, de- spite her handicap, gave battle to the sub- marine. She remained for hours on the scene, and when the U-boat finally lifted, the Cassin greeted her with four well placed shots which forced her to disappear with what damages it could only be guessed. Acting with instant decision, Ingram gave his life to save others and safeguard his ship. In the ready intelligence of his ac- tion, and in his unselfish devotion, Ingram has set a very high standard for the achieve- ment of the American spirit. As a special mark of respect, one of the new destroyers has been named for him. So great an au- thority as Admiral Sims, in commenting on the affair, said: "The behavior was admirable. There was no excitement, and afterwards the men remained quietly at their battle stations throughout the night." The following letter, written by Secretary Daniels, was read aloud to the crew of the U. S. S. Cassin: 6 THE AMERICAN SPIRIT "The Department has received the report of the action between the U. S. S. Cassin and a German submarine on October 15, 191 7> and notes with gratification the highly com- mendable conduct of yourself, the other offi- cers, and the crew of the Cassin. The man- ner in which the Cassin kept under way with her steering-gear disabled and practically at the mercy of the submarine, and opened fire on her when she appeared, is well worthy of the best traditions of the Navy." In another letter to Lieutenant McClaran and Saunders, Secretary Daniels especially praised them for their "highly commendable conduct in going down into the smoking hold adjacent to the magazines to ascertain the extent of the damage done to the Cassin after that vessel had been struck by the tor- pedo." II WITH THE DESTROYERS EVERY man of the crews of our destroy- ers on submarine duty is something of a hero. Many of them will probably be dis- tinguished by official recognition, but the list of fearless men who have faced death at this post of duty may be counted by thou- sands. Every one knows the speedy-looking craft that are driving the submarines from the sea. With their rows of funnels, they might be mistaken at a distance for fast Atlantic liners. They are the greyhounds of the Navy. The beam of a destroyer is about one twelfth her length. There is a great gain for speed in this proportion, and it is upon their speed that we depend to-day for the safety of the seas. But for their crews this narrow hull means indescribable dis- comfort. 8 WITH THE DESTROYERS No ship afloat, probably, is less stable in rough weather. A destroyer rolls through an arc of sixty degrees in six seconds. Only a sailor knows what this means. Such a motion will often roll an old sailor overboard before he can grasp a support. One of these boats has been known to roll through an arc of seventy-three degrees. As their speed increases up to thirty knots an hour or bet- ter, such craft roll and pitch, and combine the two motions in a very terrifying man- ner. The men below decks must be strapped into their berths in rough weather. Many suffer from broken arms and legs. And a storm may continue for days without relief. The wireless man of a destroyer was once held a voluntary prisoner in his cabin for more than forty hours without food, rather than face the sea that constantly swept the decks. There may be hours at a time when it is impossible to walk the length of the boat. A steel rope is often rigged up sev- eral feet above the deck to serve as a trolley. A sailor passes a rope over this, and, fasten- ing it about his shoulders, waits until the 9 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY boat has pitched steeply enough, when he slides down in comparative safety. Aboard this frail craft must be carried considerable supplies of explosives, which a chance blow may set off. The boat's wea- pons include a number of depth bombs, for instance, each of which contains about three hundred pounds of T N T. The explosion of one of these bombs deep in the water wrecks everything in the vicinity. It is not necessary that they strike the U-boat or ex- plode very near them. Some idea of their power and the danger of handling them may be gained from the fact that a destroyer must be going twenty-five knots an hour when they are dropped astern. If the speed be slower than this, the boats are likely to be injured. There have been cases of destroy- ers dropping depth bombs while traveling at half this speed, when the explosion has all but wrecked them. To save weight and gain speed, which is so essential, parts of the hulls of the destroyers are made only three sixteenths of an inch thick — little enough protection, it would seem, against the storms of the Atlantic. lO WITH THE DESTROYERS No other service is so trying to men's nerves as that aboard the destroyers in ac- tive service. It has been found necessary to give the crews a rest after each cruise equal to about two thirds the time spent at sea. The watchers on board are Hmited to eight hours in every twenty-four. Day after day the crew are unable to take off their clothes, and must grab their food while holding for their lives to a convenient stanchion. The officers are worked to the limit of their endurance. For instance, in convoy- ing a ship, a destroyer must zigzag about the ship at top speed to keep every part of the sea under observation. It frequently hap- pens that the officer of the deck must change the ship's course two hundred times in an hour. On every destroyer one of the watch officers does the additional work of acting as chief engineer. The officers may also be called upon to serve in the crow's-nest as lookout, or to go aboard a torpedoed ship, all in addition to his regular eight-hour watch. The executive officer also acts at times as navigator — and the work of naviga- II NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY tion on these little crafts is very arduous. The commanding officer frequently averages nearly twenty hours of duty a day through- out a cruise. The destroyers start out to cover a regular course, but they are at the beck and call of everything that floats. A wireless SOS may draw them hundreds of miles off their course. The life of a destroyer's crew is just one submarine chase after another. Another perilous service that has come to be looked upon as commonplace routine work is that of the mine-sweeper. To free the ocean lanes of dangerous mines, great nets are drawn through the water and the "catch" carefully removed. The operation is much like that of fishing, but with the danger that the mines encountered may be set off with disastrous results. When such a mine is caught in the net, it must be drawn up, passed over the ship's side, and placed on deck with the most anxious precaution. The slightest jar may set off its delicate mechanism, and such mines are loaded with the design of destroying great ships at a single blow. In rough weather, with the 12 WITH THE DESTROYERS boat rolling and pitching, the work is exceed- ingly precarious. But familiarity breeds contempt even for these floating mines, and the sailors go about their perilous work with light hearts. One of the surprises of the present war is the youthfulness of many of the men who have gained high honors. Although twenty-one years has been fixed for the selec- tive draft, and eighteen for enlistment, the age limit is often dodged, so anxious and so fit are American boys to enter the service. It has frequently been remarked abroad that the American troops are surprisingly youth- ful. One of the first boys to be invalided home was a San Francisco school lad who had enlisted, undergone the necessary period of training, journeyed to France, fought and been wounded before his eighteenth year. In this connection it is interesting to quote briefly from a letter written to the Captain of the U. S. S. Georgia by the mother of a second-class seaman serving aboard his ship. It reads in part as fol- lows: 13 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY I am writing to thank you for the good care you gave my boy. He was a boy just eighteen and deHcate, but he came back to me a strong, healthy, robust, a fine looking lad of nineteen, a boy any mother may feel proud of ; and my prayer is that he will come back again, and that we may be prouder than before. May the Lord watch between him and me and all on the U. S. S. Georgia until we meet again. 14 Ill RETURNING GOOD FOR EVIL OUR pride in the capture of the first German submarine crew is far greater than any satisfaction over its mere military advantage. The American crew showed themselves fearless and gallant fighters. There are many kinds of courage. In the encounter between the American destroyer and the U-boat .no one held back in the ac- tual physical encounter. It remained for Americans, however, to face death willingly a second time in a very terrifying form, to save the men who had just sought their lives. Many painful records of the inhuman treat- ment of prisoners by the Germans might be cited in contrast. The engagement was one of the shortest and most decisive in the history of the war. While escorting a large convoy, the U. S. destroyer Fanning sighted a submarine that had crept close in unobserved. Her peri- ls NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY scope appeared above the water for but a few seconds— long enough, however, for Coxswain Loomis of the Fanning to give the alarm. Only the most alert lookout could have observed the little tube with its wake of bubbles. The alarm found every one at his post. In such an encounter a few sec- onds' advantage spells victory or disaster. Without a moment's hesitation. Lieutenant S. C. Carpenter, the commander of the Fan- ning, headed for the U-boat's position. As she swept over the spot, first one and then another depth charge was dropped. Every eye was strained upon the sur- rounding waters for some sign of the enemy. The next shot, delivered at such short range, might decide the battle. Several anxious moments followed. It began to be feared that the submarine had moved nearer the convoy and might deliver a fatal blow. The strain was beginning to tell on all hands, when the water broke at a point be- tween the Fanning and her convoy, and the periscope bobbed above the surface. A third depth charge was loosened. The sub- marine continued to rise rapidly until her i6 RETURNING GOOD FOR EVIL conning-tower appeared above the surface. She was greeted by three shots from the Nicholson, another American ship close by. The Fanning then opened with her bow gun, served by picked gunners. Each shot told, and on the third discharge the hatches of the submarine flew open and the crew rushed upon deck. They crowded along the narrow ledge facing the Fanning and held up their hands in token of surrender. The battle had been fought and won in less than eighteen minutes from the time the U-boat's periscope was first sighted. Keeping her batteries trained on the sub- marine, the Fanning cautiously approached. The prize was a rich one, and the suddenness of the surrender appeared suspicious. It was not until the Fanning was alongside that the nature of the trick was discovered. Be- fore coming on deck, the crew of the U-boat had scuttled their ship, thus literally burning their bridges with a vengeance. The sub- marine, as the men of the Fanning were to learn, had been struck in a vital part and could make no further defense: if she were captured, however, the secrets of her con- 19 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY struction would fall into the hands of the enemy. The submarine was already well down when the Fanning came alongside. A line was thrown to the men; but, before they could escape, the boat made her last plunge, and the crew were forced to leap into the sea. The stories of the treatment of the vanquished by the crew of U-boats must have been in the minds of these American sailors. It was one of these submarines, it will be remembered, that enticed the crew of a torpedoed ship to come aboard, and, after taking their life-preservers from them, sub- merged, leaving them to face certain death. A high sea was running about the Ameri- can destroyer, and the water — for it was midwinter — was cruelly cold. Without awaiting orders, two of the crew of the Fan- ning jumped overboard. The men who showed this fine sense of the ethics of the sea were Chief Pharmacist A. E. Harwell and Coxswain F. G. Connor. The first German brought aboard died from exposure, which shows how severe a test of courage was called for. One by one, the rest of the 20 RETURNING GOOD FOR EVIU crew, ten in all, were brought aboard. They were found to be so weak that lines were fastened about them to pull them aboard. Nor did the gallantry of the American sailors end here. The German who had died was buried with full military honors by the men whom they had sought to destroy. The crew were served hot coffee, and our sailors shared their food and clothing with the prisoners. Several of the men took off their overcoats in the biting wind, handing them to the Germans. The Germans re- ceived these attentions with amazement, and the captain, lining up his men on the Fan- ning's deck, called for three cheers for the American sailors. The men who jumped into the winter sea have been commended and promoted for their services. It is significant that the first man on the list is an old honor boy in the New York City schools, who enlisted at the outbreak of the war, giving up a position of salesman in a department store. 21 IV THE INSPIRATION OF NAMES IT has been a very happy idea on the part of the United States Government to give to ships of the Navy the names of heroic of- ficers lost in the service. From the present war, even in its early stages, a wealth of material is supplied. Should America build the greatest navy in the world, ships could not be found to bear the names of all these heroes. In christening one of the latest destroyers, the Kalk, the Government preserved the memory of one of the most heroic actions in the history of the Navy. Lieutenant Stan- ton Frederick Kalk was the officer of the deck of the U. S. destroyer Jacob Jones, lost in action December 6, 191 7. The destroyer, when attacked, was proceeding to port after target practice. The blow came without warning, and but for the vigilance of her officers, all would have been lost. Lieuten- 22 THE INSPIRATION OF NAMES ant Kalk was the first to observe the ap- proach of the German torpedo while it was still about half a mile distant from his ship. Under the most favorable conditions the torpedo is an exceedingly elusive missile. Its rapid progress through the water is marked, even in calm weather, only by a wake of tiny waves and bubbles, indiscerni- ble even at a short distance. On this par- ticular December afternoon the sea was cov- ered with floating ice and the weather rather thick, which of course acted in favor of the enemy. These torpedo attacks force our men to face a situation new in warfare. The training and discipline of years and the high- est skill in gunnery count for little. There is no opportunity to match skill and fearless- ness against the enemy, as in an ordinary en- gagement. The safety of the ship and the lives of all on board may depend upon a single command, and the skill with which it is carried out. In the few terrifying seconds of life left to the destroyer as the torpedo approached, there was little time for preparation. The manoeuver ordered by Lieutenant Kalk could 23 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY not be carried out before the torpedo struck fairly amidships. The wireless apparatus and mainmast were carried away by the im- pact, and the ship rapidly foundered. The shock of the explosion killed many of the crew, and threw others into the icy water. There was little time to lower the boats. Most of the men who were not killed by the first blow succeeded in getting clear of the ship, and reached the boats, rafts, or pieces of wreckage. Of the crew of seven officers and 103 men, two officers and 6y men were lost. The men who reached land brought stories of bravery and self-sacrifice scarcely equaled in the history of the seas. Scores of men struggled for hours in the icy water. All were under the shadow of death, and many died in the water from shock and exposure. At such a time the self-sacrifice of the officers and their men was above all praise. The heroism of Lieutenant Kalk has been described by many witnesses. Although weakened by the shock of the explosion, Kalk continued to swim from one raft to another to encourage his men and lend them all the 24 THE INSPIRATION OF NAMES assistance in his power. His cheering words reached most of his men, whom he urged to hold on until help should arrive. His supreme self-sacrifice, however, was in voluntarily relinquishing his place on the life-rafts when it was found that his weight endangered them. He swam from one raft to another, searching for a place, until his strength failed him and he disappeared. One of the sailors who saw him disappear said of him that "he was game to the last." In singling out men for conspicuous brav- ery in this wreck. Secretary Daniels has also mentioned the work of Lieutenant Norman Scott, one of the executive officers. In the few seconds that intervened between the first observation of the torpedo and the explo- sion, Scott found time to have the steam turned off, thus guarding against scalding the men if the pipes were broken. At his orders, guns were fired up to the moment the ship was struck. One of the officers, Lieu- tenant David W. Bagley, was picked up by a motor-boat, and succeeded in steering a course by the stars and the direction of the wind until he came into the shipping lanes 25 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY and was rescued by a small patrol boat. The raft was commanded by Lieutenant J. K. Richards, whose coolness and cheerfulness in the face of almost certain death revived the spirit of his men and brought them to safety. Praise was also bestowed on Charles Worth, a boatswain's mate, who removed most of his clothes in the bitter cold to warm a seaman more thinly clad than himself. One of the seamen stuck to the ship after he had been thrown overboard, in a desperate eifort to clear a boat. He was finally drawn under, but was rescued on coming to the sur- face. When next the U. S. destroyer Kalk is heard of, it will be well to recall the story of the men whose death she commemorates. 26 V THROUGH SMOKE AND FLAMES WERE the exploits of J. R. Ridgely to be reenacted for a moving picture thriller, it would be considered impossible melodrama. Even a hardened "movie" audience would smile incredulously. The crew had been called to quarters by an alarm of fire. A hasty investigation showed that the trouble lay deep down in the engine-room, in a particularly inaccessible part of the ship. With the celerity de- manded at such times, the entire crew rushed to their stations, the pumps were manned, and the hose run out. Even on deck it was soon clear that the fire was serious. Clouds of black smoke began to pour from the ven- tilators, indicating that the fire was being fed by oil and was rapidly gaining headway. When a ship's ventilators begin to smoke the situation is serious. The fire may have 27 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY spread to the vital parts of the ship. An oil fire is especially difficult to handle. Its heat is intense, often driving back the most daring crew ; and water may cause the burn- ing oil to spread. It had been the work of only a few min- utes for the crew to scale the perpendicular iron ladder leading to the engine-room, drag- ging the heavy hose with them; but they arrived too late. Working blindly in the intense heat, tons of water were quickly thrown into the dark hold, but the thick smoke continued to pour up. At these lower levels the air soon became suffocating. There was no thought of retreat. The pumps were run at top pressure. The crew still clung to the steep ladders, directing the hose into the darkness. The black smoke still continued to pour from the ventilators. Desperate attempts were made to reach the seat of the fire from other quarters. Men descended to the holds and tried to work their way by other en- trances, only to be driven back by the suf- focating heat and smoke. It was soon found that enough water had been poured 28 THROUGH SMOKE AND FLAMES into the ship to drown the fire, had it reached the right place. One passage leading to the heart of the fire still remained open, but the road was an exceedingly perilous one. Since the black smoke, despite the water poured into the ship, still rose from the funnel, it was ob- vious that the fire was at its base, or very near it. A hose had been carried to the top of the ventilator and a continuous stream of water poured down, but without apparent ef- fect. There remained only the extremely hazardous passage down the ventilator through the smoke and flame. If a man could survive such a trip, he would doubtless find himself face to face with the fire. The seaman Ridgely volunteered to make the trip. A rope was fastened beneath his arms, leaving his arms free, and his clothes were thoroughly saturated with water, as was the rope. Then the sailor climbed into the funnel, feet first. In one hand he carried a hose, in the other a fire grenade. Several of the crew grasped the rope and at a signal began slowly to lower him. His body slipped downward; for a 29 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY moment his face remained above the opening of the funnel, and then disappeared. If the rope were not burnt through or cut by some sharp edge or projection in the next few seconds, it would be possible to raise the sailor once more to the level of the deck ; but no one dared picture to himself the condition of the man after such a trip. There was the double danger of suffocating from the smoke and of being burnt by con- tact with the heated metal of the lower parts of the ship. No one could tell into what an inferno he might be descending. A ship's ventilator, no matter what its length, acts as a speaking-tube, carrying any sound from its base to the deck with re- markable clearness. At a signal, a shout of warning, or a knock on the metal sides of the funnel, the crew would instantly begin to haul up. The rope was steadily paid out, foot after foot, indicating that the man was still de- scending; but no sound reached the deck. Every eye watched the taut rope. Should it slacken suddenly before he reached the floor of the engine-room far below, there would 30 THROUGH SMOKE AND FLAMES be little hope of again seeing him alive. The descent lasted but a few minutes — long as it seemed to the watchers on deck — when a reassuring shout from below told the watchers that he had made the journey through the smoke and lire in safety. Once on his feet, he directed the hose so success- fully that in a few minutes the fire was flooded out and he could make his way to the deck. In commending this hero for his act Secretary Daniels praised him for "conspic- uous bravery"; but even these glowing ad- jectives scarcely suffice. 31 VI "ABANDON SHIP" WITH the order, "Abandon ship," comes a supreme test of discipHne. As long as a ship floats, no matter what her injuries, there is always hope of victory. She may be outclassed and outfought, but the tide of battle may always change. A lucky shot or a well executed manoeuver may turn the tables against the enemy. To de- sert the ship ends every hope of success. The crew throw away their weapons. A war-ship is at once a fort and a fighting machine. No matter how severe the attack, the crew fight behind protection, the most formidable of its kind science has been able to devise. The moment they step from be- hind these steel walls they are completely at the mercy of the smallest gun the enemy may bring to bear on them. In clearing the decks of a battle-ship for action, the life- boats are removed, and if the ship goes down 32 "ABANDON SHIP" suddenly there is little or no time for bring- ing out and launching the small boats. The safety of the steel walls and the com- fort of the cabins are exchanged for the ex- posure of an open boat or raft ; perhaps even this chance of escape is gone. If the battle occurs far from land and assistance, the or- der to abandon ship is a death threat. Many great ships flying the Stars and Stripes have gone dov^n in storm or battle, and the famous order has been heard repeatedly; but the dis- cipline of the Navy has always stood the test. In the present war the new methods of the submarines has made the sinking of ships a commonplace, but the records contain no story of panic in such a crisis. Early in the war a converted yacht acting as a despatch boat was sunk by a submarine under peculiar conditions. The craft had been built for grace and comfort, and its hull offered little protection from attack. From the first moment she was hopelessly out- classed by the U-boat. When the torpedo designed to sink great battle-ships struck the frail craft, her hull was literally torn to pieces and she sank almost immediately. 33 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY So sudden was the blow that many of the crew, who were asleep at the time, scarcely had time to tumble on deck before the water swept over her. A chief yeoman, who was sleeping below deck at the moment the tor- pedo struck, was one of those awakened by the impact. To be roused from a deep sleep in the middle of the night and find the water rushing into the cabin is certainly a terrify- ing experience. Without the iron discipline of the Navy, such a crew would doubtless be thrown into hopeless panic. The first impulse in such an accident is, of course, to make a rush for the decks, since that way lies the only hope of escape. While the rest of the crew, catching up their clothes, ran to the companionways, the chief yeoman deliberately remained below-decks. The lights had gone out, leaving the cabins in darkness. He must therefore feel his way through the cabins, not knowing which, plunge of the boat might be its last. Arriving finally at the Captain's room, he found it empty. The Captain had been on deck at the moment of the explosion, and had thought it foolhardy to try to reach his cabin. 34 «-. -1- 5.1' 0^ '^ ' i "ABANDON SHIP" The chief yeoman wasted several priceless minutes in searching about the dark room, but finally secured the ship's papers and the captain's war diary. There was barely time for him to reach the deck before the boat made her last plunge. No life-boats were in sight. Wrapping the papers in his hand- kerchief and thrusting them into his shirt, the chief yeoman jumped overboard, clearing the ship as she sank. No boat or raft of wreckage of any kind was in sight. He swam about the spot where his boat had gone down for some time, and finally chanced upon a piece of the ship's air-tank, to which a sailor was cling- ing. His strength was almost gone from the long swim and the exposure, but his mate succeeded in holding him on the tank. The two floated about in this precarious support for hours before they were both rescued and the ship's papers preserved. Z7 VII A CLOSE CALL WITHOUT the aid of wireless electric- ity, the tables probably could not have been turned on the submarine. The great fleets of scouting craft of every type that are constantly sweeping above the sub- marine-infested waters are linked together by these invisible waves. Without the wire- less they would work separately, each keep- ing guard only over its own prescribed area. At a touch of the key the widely scattered fleets become parts of an organized machine. Let the famous SOS flash over the seas, and instantly many prows are speeding to- ward the ship in distress. In October, 191 7, a Luckenbach craft fly- ing the American flag, bound for a French port, was attacked by a German submarine. An alert lookout on the steamer sighted the enemy craft close in on the port bow. Be- fore he could report the danger the U-boat 38 A CLOSE CALU opened fire. The first shot barely missed the bow. Although she carried an armed guard, the plight of the steamer was desper- ate. The submarine's guns were the larger and put the American at a disadvantage. The shot was the first announcement to the gun crew of the presence of the enemy. It found them at their stations, and the rever- berations had scarcely died away before a reply rang out. The gunners on both the submarine and the steamship maintained a rapid fire. The U-boat, being the faster and more mobile craft, so manoeuvered that she presented a very elusive target. The American Captain had lost no time in directing the wireless operator to send out the SOS with the full force of his ap- paratus. The call for help was thrown out for hundreds of miles in all directions. Again and again the wireless man pressed the key, but he listened in vain for any re- ply. The steamship was well within the war zone, where a number of scouting craft of various types were known to be on duty. Such a call for assistance is usually answered 39 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY within a few seconds. Even if the craft that responds be too far away to be of assistance, the steamer in distress usually has the en- couragement of receiving some reply. The Captain visited the wireless room, and with the operator waited anxiously for a reply; but minute after minute passed and the air remained silent. The steamship was struck repeatedly. Any shot now might finish her. The con- flict could be drawn out for some anxious minutes, but, unless speedy assistance came to the steamer, the submarine's victory was certain. Preparations were made to abandon ship. The boats were swung overboard, and the crew and passengers took their boat stations, prepared to face the inevitable. As a final manceuver, the steamship's course was sud- denly altered, and she was sent full speed ahead in a direction that carried her away from her destination. The submarine con- tinued to keep within range, sending shot after shot. Meanwhile, the SOS had been picked up by an American destroyer only a few 40 A CLOSE CALL miles away, and the speedy craft was run- ning at forced draught to her reUef. The destroyer had answered the call for help, but the receiving apparatus aboard the steam- ship had been deranged by the firing, and her wireless man had no word of her. At frequent intervals the destroyer sent out en- couraging messages, such as "Hold on" and "Stick — we are coming"; but the steamship knew nothing about it. At such a time the moral support of a wireless message may be more useful than a battery. The American not only faced ship- wreck but the danger of the open boats as well. She was far from land, and once the men abandoned ship there was no opportun- ity of signaling. The submarine had meanwhile read the wireless messages from the destroyer and redoubled her efforts to finish the steamship before help arrived. It was a question of minutes. All hope seemed at an end, when a lookout on the steamship sighted a faint line of black smoke on the horizon. It grew rapidly until the lookout could distinguish the American destroyer rushing forward at 41 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY her utmost speed. It was not toward the steamer she was pointed, however, but the submarine. The German fire suddenly ceased; the U-boat quickly submerged and was not seen again. 42 VIII WIRELESS DANGERS A GRACEFUL monument has been raised in New York to wireless tele- graph operators who have died at the post of duty. In time of danger no other mem- ber of the crew is perhaps so important to the ship's safety. His skill and courage has greatly reduced the toll of life in marine disasters. So vital is his work that, by an unwritten law, the wireless man is usually the last to abandon ship before the Captain himself. The list of wireless men who have died in service is already long. To choose almost at random, the record of Robert Ausburne of the U. S. transport Antilles is perhaps typical. When the Antilles was struck, Ausburne and a fellow electrician named MacMahon were asleep in the radio-room. 43 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Wakened suddenly from his sleep, Ausburne, without waiting to dress, rushed to his sta- tion. His companion ran on deck, to find the ship sinking rapidly and the men run- ning to their boat stations. Ausburne deliberately turned his back on his chance of escape and devoted his entire attention to his apparatus. It is presumed that he received some response to his calls for help, and remained in the hope that he could direct some vessel to their position. In the few minutes of life left to the trans- port, he did not leave his key. MacMahon, finding that all hope was past, made his way through the confusion of the deck to the wireless-room. He found Ausburne busily engaged with his apparatus, his back turned to the deck and safety. Even then he re- fused to leave his key, and, with a cheery "Good-by, Mac," continued to send out the SOS. He was not seen again, and doubt- less remained valiantly at his post until the ship sank. This war has made many demands upon the wireless man. He must not only be a skilful operator in sending and receiving, but 44 WIRELESS DANGERS he must elude the pitfalls that wireless men of the enemy forces are constantl}^ laying for him: for the German operators show an amazing and quite shameless ingenuity in sending decoy messages. Under the guise of a call for help or a word of encourage- ment, every effort is made to trap the opera- tor into betraying his position or the name of his ship. So common have these wireless tricks be- come that no wireless message is now sent without the authority of the Captain. The wireless man "listens in" day and night, and picks up much valuable information; but he is not allowed to transmit. One of the com- monest tricks is for the enemy, a submarine or perhaps a land station, to ask if the ship will kindly transmit a message for them to the shore. Under ordinary conditions, any wireless man would willingly agree to do this. Should he reply, the enemy would know at once that there was a vessel within reach and would start for it without delay. Another plan is for an enemy operator to send out an identification code that is not to be found in the code books. If there is a 45 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY reply it will be known, of course, that a ship is within receiving distance. It is the cus- tom for a merchant-ship, on approaching the shores of France or England, to send a mes- sage to her owners in her private code. If this ship had been so foolish as to reply to any of the decoy questions, the enemy could identify her on hearing her a second time, and would know her relative position. It is also possible to calculate from the strength of the wireless waves the relative position of a ship, and even the direction from which these waves come. The wireless man must be suspicious of every call, no matter how friendly it may ap- pear to be. A message may even be received apparently warning of the presence of sub- marines in the neighborhood. In the mid- dle of a sentence it may be interrupted, or some word badly garbled, in the hope of arousing the wireless man's curiosity and leading him to ask a question. The first dot or dash gives the enemy the information he is seeking. The high-powered stations also take a hand in this deception. Therefore, even when an S O S is heard from some 46 WIRELESS DANGERS friendly ship in danger, the wireless operator makes absolutely sure of her identity before answering. Sometimes a fake call for help will be sent out by the Germans over and over again for many hours in the hope of getting some reply that will betray the position of his prey. The strain of listening day and night tells on the strongest nerves. But let the wireless man make a false move — perhaps only a touch of the key — and the alert enemy will be instantly headed for him, and the ship will meet the fate of the Antilles. 47 IX HIS LAST WORDS THE first American officer to lose his life in the present war will be long remem- bered. It is not the mere accident of his being the first officer to die that distinguishes him. Like many others, he displayed a courage that is above praise. His last mo- ments are especially remarkable because of the serenity with which he faced death. On April 17, 19 17, the American oil tanker Vacuum was torpedoed without warning by a German submarine, and sank in two min- utes. The Vacuum carried an armed guard officered by Lieutenant C. C. Thomas. The day was clear but cold, and the sea had not yet moderated its winter temperature. The blow came without warning. When the wake of the torpedo was observed, only a few seconds remained before the impact. There was no time to lower boats, much less to manoeuver the ship to avoid the blow. As 48 HIS LAST WORDS our sailors have become more familiar with submarines they have naturally gained in confidence. But in this attack the Ameri- can gunners faced a new peril under the most trying circumstances. The explosion following the impact, threw two men overboard, one of whom was Lieutenant Thomas. On seeing the torpedo approach, Thomas had grasped an ax and dashed toward one of the boats. He real- ized that there was no time for lowering it to the water — every second must be made to count. He was chopping the ropes that held the boat when the concussion threw him and most of the gun crew into the sea. His ef- forts had not been useless, however, and in the two minutes left before the Vacuum took her final plunge others of the crew succeeded in loosening the boat and getting her over- side. But for the deathly chill of the water, most of the crew would probably have been saved. The sea was very rough and a bit- ter wind blew from the north. The work of picking up the crew proceeded slowly. It was found very difficult to keep the boat from 49 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY being overturned by the high seas. Some time elapsed before the boat chanced upon Lieutenant Thomas. He was already too weak from exposure to help himself, and had to be lifted into the boat. The boat continued to row about the point where the Vacuum had gone down. It was a dangerous position, and a wave soon struck and overturned it, throwing the crew into the icy sea. The sailors, though numb from the cold, succeeded in righting the boat, and began once more the perilous work of pick- ing up the men. Even now the men in the boat might have saved themselves; but, de- spite the warning, they persisted in cruising about the scene of the wreck. A few minutes later the boat was upset a second time, and the men were again thrown into the water. Strong and vigorous as the men were, the second icy bath proved too much for their strength. Four of them were drowned in the new accident; several others died soon after from exposure; and of the fourteen men picked up by the boat eleven, including Lieutenant Thomas, died SO HIS LAST WORDS from the cold. Their bodies were swept overboard. When Thomas was picked up the second time he was still conscious, but realized that his end was very near. The scene was one to daunt the strongest spirit — the open boat filled with dying men, the waters dotted with the bodies of his dead comrades. A sailor bent over the officer to shield him from the wind. Thomas thanked him, and then with an effort made a last request: "See if you can find my wife's picture. I had it in my blouse." The next day,- when a life-boat from the Vacuum was picked up, but three survivors were found of the eighteen men originally in the boat. 51 X FIRE AT SEA WHAT alarm is most feared at sea? The greatest terror of all men who go down to the sea in ships is doubtless that of fire. The boundaries of the largest ships are so confined that any blaze quickly endan- gers the whole ship. So much of the ship's material must be inflammable, and the ar- rangement of the cabins and passageways is so intricate, that the crew fight at a great disadvantage. The danger of collision comes mainly with thick weather when the sea is smooth. Fire may break out at any moment of the day or night, perhaps when the sea is roughest, leaving the crew, once the fire has gained the upper hand, without retreat. With the passing of the wooden ships the fire menace was brought under better con- trol. The steel hull and framework offered protection against the hottest flames, and at 52 FIRE AT SEA the worst gained priceless time for the crew. Many marvelous devices have been devised to assist in the fight against this ancient enemy. An arrangement of electric signals may connect every corner of the ship with the bridge, so that a rise in temperature, meas- ured by a delicate thermometer, spreads the alarm automatically. The holds and cabins are equipped, in some vessels, with sprin- kling devices, which are turned on auto- matically as the temperature rises. Many ships, again, are supplied with water piping like that of a city, which may be tapped at any point while water pressure is constantly maintained. Aboard a war-ship the danger of fire is increased. The great fabric is made almost wholly of steel, but the presence of great stores of explosives is a constant menace. Fire-alarm systems and fire-fighting ma- chinery may be multiplied, but in time of danger the last dependency is the alert and fearless seaman. The naval authorities are especially quick to recognize and reward acts of bravery in fighting fire. 55 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY An American seaman recently fought single-handed a very stubborn fire, saving not only his own vessel, l^ut three other ships in the vicinity. The entire credit for the exploit was given to Frank Marsh, a machin- ist of the second class, aboard one of our submarine-chasers. Marsh had enlisted a short time before. His feat was especially significant, since it showed the kind of mate- rial the Navy can count upon in its newly enlisted men. The fire broke out suddenly in the engine- room, and, feeding on the oil-saturated ma- terial, spread with alarming rapidity. Be- fore the hose could be adjusted the flames had leaped to the walls of the cabin. The engine-room force was completely routed. The call to fire quarters brought the men to their posts, but the heat and the gas fumes were unbearable. For several minutes the men continued to work blindly; then, believ- ing the work impossible, made a rush for the upper deck. Left to itself, the fire quickly gained head- way. The engine-room of a submarine- chaser is large in proportion to its size. A 56 FIRE AT SEA blow amidships from a torpedo or by colli- sion of any kind is usually fatal, since a hole at this point floods the room, and the ship's bulkheads can do little to keep her afloat. With the engine-room ablaze the situation is almost hopeless. The boats were being made ready, when Marsh volunteered to go below alone to fight the fire. As he disappeared his friends thought they saw him for the last time. Just what happened amid the flames of the engine-room Marsh alone could tell, and since he is a modest man the true story can only be guessed at. Without assistance he soon had the fire under control. Marsh had just completed his work and had reached the deck, when dense black smoke was observed coming from the base of the starboard engine. The crew learned afterward that the oil had become ignited. The fire was extremely difficult to reach. It was found useless to get a stream of water to it through the portholes. An attempt was made to reach it through the skylight, but without success. Recog- nizing the peril, Marsh returned voluntarily 57 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY to the engine-room, and, using sea water, succeeded in putting out the fire a second time. In commending Marsh for bravery Secretary Daniels said that his work was especially meritorious, since it had not only certainly saved the destroyer, but three other craft in the vicinity. In facing such dangers, it must be remem- bered that the sailor is well aware of the risk he is taking. He does not rush blindly into danger, but from long experience he is en- abled to measure his chances with a prac- tised eye. The loss of the two water-tend- ers in a fire on the U. S. S. Burrows is typical. Fire had broken out below-decks on the Burrows in a particularly inaccessible point. The two water-tenders, Charles Bourke and Martin Callahan, volunteered to go down to it. Knowing the ship as they did, both men fully realized their danger in remaining in such a position. Both men voluntarily abandoned all hope of escape in staying be- low. In the suffocating heat of the fire- room the men knew that only a few minutes 58 FIRE AT SEA of life remained to them; but they made no eifort to escape. The men were old seamen, long in service. 59 XI HIS GRADUATE COURSE MANY of our sailors have entered serv- ice directly from the schools and col- leges. An interesting experiment is thus made possible in testing the efficiency of the American school-boy. General von Hinden- burg has spoken disparagingly of the ''un- trained louts" of America, whom he prophe- sied would turn and run once a gun was pointed at them. There is, of course, a wealth of evidence to confute this hopeful German outlook. Every reader of this page will doubtless have some relative or friend who fails to fit this description. It is inter- esting to find a large proportion of the men mentioned for conspicuous bravery among the recent school-boys. There is the case of Henry W. Robinson, the hero of submarine-chaser 121. Robin- son is a graduate of the Stevens Institute, 60 HIS GRADUATE COURSE and later took a course in the Naval School at Columbia University. He enlisted on May 2, 1917, and within a few months had seen active service on three submarine- chasers. He rose rapidly, and was soon placed in charge of the engine-room of the chaser 121, with the rank of Chief Petty Officer. In January, 19 18, — and the date shows how quickly our naval officers are turned out, — a hurry call was received for all submarine- chasers to put to sea. The submarine-chaser 121 was well out to sea, far from any assistance, when an ugly fire broke out in the engine-room. The en- gine had back-fired, and some gasolene in the bilge was ignited, threatening the entire boat. A fire on so small a craft is extremely dangerous. The stores of gasolene and ammunition must necessarily lie so close that a few seconds may determine the fate of the craft and all on board. The life of the crew depends upon the quickness of her officers and men. Robinson rushed to the engine-room, to find that the gasolene had flashed up and the 61 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY flames were licking the floor and walls. While the crew ran to safety, Robinson stood his ground. He fought against terri- fying odds. The flames soon reached a can of gasolene, which went off with a roar, and a moment later spread to Robinson's clothes. The situation might have driven the strongest man to panic. His uniform was saturated with gasolene. The heat in the narrow hold was suffocating. The only means of escape was by a steep ladder lead- ing to the deck. To abandon the engine- room meant the loss of the ship. Robinson stood his ground, calculating chances with a skilful eye. Making his way to a rack of hand grenades, he swung the globes with a sure aim at the burning floor and walls. Several grenades were required, but the fire on the floor and walls was finally put out. The oil-can, however, was still aflame, and Robinson's clothes were burn- ing in several places. First making sure that the fire in the room was out, Robinson picked up the burning oil- can and started for the deck. He was al- ready badly burned about his neck and face. 62 HIS GRADUATE COURSE Struggling to the deck, he hurled the blazing can overboard, and himself plunged into the sea. It was the quickest and safest method of putting out the fire on his burning cloth- ing, and he had just enough strength left to carry it out. Some minutes later he was picked up in a semi-conscious condition by a tug-boat, and taken ashore for treatment. When he was dismissed from the hospital, Robinson's face was still badly disfigured by burns, a part of one ear was gone, and two new eyelids had been grafted on the ones he had lost in the engine-room. From the hospital he was ordered to report to Annap- olis, where he was examined for promotion to Ensign. 63 PART II WITH THE MERCHANT FLEET XII ROUTINE WORK IN protecting our merchant-ships through- out the Atlantic crossing, the American Navy is fighting on a battle line three thou- sand miles in length. The safety of our great army en route to France, and the sup- ply of food and ammunition, depend, of course, upon the uninterrupted passage back and forth of the great merchant fleets. Should the line break or communication be seriously interrupted, the lives of our men abroad, even the issue of the war, would be seriously endangered. Only acts of conspicuous bravery in the line of such duty come to the attention of the public. To the thousands of alert, fear- less men who guard these ships the nation owes a debt of gratitude. On thousands of voyages the crews must maintain the most rigid discipline: at any moment the safety 67 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY of the ship may depend upon the alertness of the lookout. The loss of a few minutes, perhaps even of seconds, in observing the approach of a U-boat periscope or the wake of a torpedo may mean disaster. In case of an actual conflict the issue may depend upon the accuracy of a single shot. Aboard merchant-ships tens of thousands of men daily acquit themselves as heroes. This routine work, as it may be called, is the severest possible test of character and train- ing. The service is largely filled with men hastily recruited and trained. Boys taken from the school and the shop are fitted in a few weeks or months for this exacting service. Men must be found and trained by tens of thousands to supply the armed guards. It is impossible, of course, to convoy all the ships at sea, and a great merchantman, with its valuable cargo, must be intrusted to a handful of men mounting guard upon two comparatively small guns. If a submarine be encountered, the gun crew will find them- selves outnumbered and facing much heavier guns than their own. The ships may cross 68 ROUTINE WORK a score of times in safety, but the vigilance does not relax for a moment. Hour after hour, day and night, the water on every side must be watched with the most anxious attention. While it is known, in a general way, that great convoys of merchant-ships are con- stantly crossing the Atlantic, the layman knows little of the labor involved in such voyages. It is common for a fleet of as many as thirty merchant-ships to cross to- gether. The news reports mention that they are "heavily convoyed," and their safe ar- rival is taken as a matter of course. To guard a fleet of this size, strung out over miles of water, necessitates guarding them on every side. A ring must be thrown about them, so to speak, and remain unbroken throughout the trip. Let a single subma- rine pass this guard, and it would do enor- mous damage to the fleet. The fact that inside of a year a million or more soldiers were safely carried to France will go down in history as one of the navy's greatest achievements. The discipline maintained on all merchant- 69 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY ships against the hour of danger is no less rigid than aboard a man of war. The fre- quent boat and fire drills, the instruction in the use of life-preservers, the suppression of all lights at night, and many other details of life aboard ship in these stirring times, are controlled with military strictness. In a few months the life aboard ocean liners has been completely transformed. The great floating population on a thousand ships has been mobilized. In case of attack, the entire ship's com- pany will be found ready to meet any situa- tion. The most serious danger fails to throw the ship into confusion. Every one has been trained since the first day at sea, so that no time will be lost in reaching the boats. However swiftly the blow may fall, this discipline safeguards the passengers and prevents the panics common in ship- wrecks of the past. A place is fixed in ad- vance for every one on board, and, even if the ship must be abandoned, the people in the boats will still be under discipline. 70 (C) Press Illustrating Service. A 400-lb. Charge of Powder for a 14-inch Gun XIII THE FIRST BLOW THE S.S. Columbia, the first American ship to be deliberately destroyed by a German submarine, was sunk — and the date is significant — in November, 191 6. Sailing from Boston for French and Italian ports, she carried 1500 horses and 10,000 tons of steel and copper, with a crew all told of 130, which rendered her a very tempting target. America had not yet entered the war, but the German submarine U-53 had recently made its disastrous raid off Newport, sink- ing five vessels. There was trouble in the air. Carrying no armed guard, the Columbia was wholly defenseless and should have been safe under the international sea code. De- spite this provocation, our Government re- fused to place naval guns and gunners aboard merchant-ships until some months later. Her story may be told here, never- 73 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY theless, for its historic importance and the inspiring spirit of the seamen of our mer- chant fleets. While loading at Boston a mysterious rumor spread along the docks that the Co- lumbia would be torpedoed, and several of her engineers thereupon quit the ship. Their places were quickly filled and the ship cleared without incident for St. Nazaire. The voyage over was uneventful, if the ex- citement of running with lights out through submarine-infested waters may be called uneventful. On nearing the war zone, every precau- tion was taken. The life-boats were swung outboard and fully equipped for an emer- gency, while the crew were put through con- stant boat drills. Some miles off shore a French mine pilot came aboard and brought the Columbia through the mine fields to the safety of the naval dock at St. Nazaire. A part of the cargo of horses was unloaded here, a number of French soldiers assisting, while a group of German prisoners stood on the docks to lead the horses away. The blow fell two days later, in a storm at 74 THE FIRST BLOW sea. The first warning was the report of a cannon, and a few minutes later a shot splashed in the water on the port bow. The ship was stopped, for she was slow and de- fenseless. The Captain hurried to the wire- less booth and gave the operator the ship's position, but directed that it be held back for the present. The submarine was now sighted cruising about at a distance of about three miles. Some twenty minutes later a second shot rang out, when the Captain or- dered that the S O S be sent out. Having lost her seaway, the ship rolled violently. The' waves swept her deck and broke many of the horse stalls and fittings. For some anxious minutes there was no re- sponse to the wireless call for help, but at last a reply came from the Spanish land sta- tion at Cape Finisterre. The Columbia's wireless operator replied that a submarine was cruising about and firing at them, but did not mention that she was German, for the U-boat was doubtless listening in. The Spaniards asked if there were any boats near enough to help in case the Columbia was torpedoed. 75 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY It was observed that the submarine was flying a string of flags, but the distance was too great for them to be read. The Captain of the Columbia now decided to make a dash. The wireless apparatus was shut off, and the ship, changing her course, went ahead at forced draught. Nothing was seen of the submarine for an hour, and the crew were beginning to breathe freely when the U-boat overtook them. Her guns were not effec- tive at such long range, but her wireless order was peremptory : ''Stop your wireless; ask no questions or I will shoot." The sending apparatus was shut off, but it was still possible to receive messages. Cape Finisterre evidently realized the situation, for she now sent a message suggesting, if the Columbia could not transmit a call, that she send a single long dash, and they would know what had happened and send a ship to her assistance. The Germans meanwhile sent several such messages as ''Where are you bound?" "What is your cargo?" "Where bound from?" Later they ordered the Columbia to turn, and because she did 76 THE FIRST BLOW not turn quickly enough to please theni she threatened: "Turn at once or I will shoot." The night came on and the storm in- creased. Perhaps the most trying part of the experience was the realization that there was help near by, powerless to come to their assistance. The submarine moved up to within five hundred yards of the Columbia, and all wireless sending was at an end. An English vessel in the neighborhood was now heard calling Cape Finisterre. Later the Spanish yacht Giralda called repeatedly to know if she should lend assistance. She ex- plained that she was at Coruna and had been sent by the Spanish Government to help the Americans. Throughout the night Cape Finisterre continued to call, fearing the worst had happened. When day broke the submarine ordered by wireless, ''Come nearer and send a boat over to us"; and later, "Send your Captain over to us." Before the Captain could leave his ship, a boat arrived from the submarine with a German lieutenant and eight sailors, who came aboard. One of them was a wire- less operator. 79 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY The moment they reached the deck the aerial was lowered, while the wireless man ran aft to the wireless room. He carried two large bombs, which he explained were intended to blow up the ship. The wireless apparatus was at once dismantled, and after- ward taken aboard the submarine. While the wireless room was being torn out the German lieutenant appeared in the doorway and, pointing his pistol at the operator, said gruffly : ''Don't you know you shouldn't use wire- less when a submarine is around? We should have torpedoed you then. I ought to shoot you now." The crew was lined up on deck. They were wearing life-preservers. The Ger- mans filled a boat with provisions from the ship's ice-box and with fresh water. It was bitterly cold, and the men were obliged to stand exposed to the wind, their clothing drenched with the icy water. First the Captain was put in a boat and taken to the submarine, where he was kept prisoner for many days and finally landed in Spain. The crew were at last put in boats and 80 THE FIRST BLOW taken to a Norwegian ship, the Balto, which the Germans had previously captured. From her deck they afterward watched the sinking of the Columbia. Two bombs were exploded, but the staunch American craft was not injured in a vital part. Her old crew watched for forty-live minutes, but she showed no signs of sinking. The submarine then launched a torpedo at her, which struck amidships. She began to go down rapidly. Her after-decks were soon awash, then her stern went down, while her bow rose high in the air. She came up once, then slowly settled and disappeared. The American and Norwegian crews were obliged to witness several captures, and were finally allowed to row to the Spanish coast, and eventually found their way to New York. The sinking of the Columbia deserves a place in our sea history, if only for the spirit of its Captain in fighting against hopeless odds. When forced to abandon his ship, and not knowing what fate awaited him on the German submarine, he found words of encouragement for his crew. As the boat 8i NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY carried him away from his ship he stood up, and, waving his hand to his old crew, shouted cheerily: '^Good-by, boys. I hope to see you again. Obey orders." 82 XIV WITHOUT WARNING THE first armed merchant-ship to leave New York, the S.S. Aztec, sailed on March i8, 19 17. She was soon followed by the Manchuria, at that time the largest of American-built ships, and by the famous vS^^. Louis. It was realized that the first armed American ship to venture into the war zone would be the target for submarine at- tack. The German government had made very clear what they purposed doing to any ship flying the Stars and Stripes that was so presumptuous as to attempt to defend her- self. The naval gunners faced a new situation. Their experience in fighting had been gained in the open, facing an enemy who stood up to fight. No one doubted the ability of the gunners to give a good account of themselves under any conditions, but they had not then 83 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY gained confidence in combatting this new sea menace. Every one realized the great dis- advantage under which they must fight in this first encounter, and the country waited anxiously for word of her. One March morning at about six o'clock a gunner on lookout sighted a submarine fol- lowing the ship at a considerable distance. The guns were manned and trained on the enemy; but, observing these preparations, the U-boat quickly submerged, and no more was seen of her. On the evening of the same day the Astec sighted another subma- rine. She was running at full speed with lights out when the blow fell. The work of darkening ship and blinding every possible gleam of light aboard is more difficult than it appears. The great hull is likely to leak light at a hundred different points. With the best intention in the world, some one may move the curtain from a port-hole, perhaps only for an instant, or a door may be opened that will give the Ger- mans the clue they are watching for. A great ship was once lost because a ship's printer, working very late at night, opened 84 WITHOUT WARNING his port near the water for a breath of fresh air. The Germans afterward explained that this gleam of light enabled them to aim their torpedo. At about nine-thirty in the evening the Chief Engineer of the Aztec had noticed that some light escaped from the port of the wireless cabin, and went aft to warn the operator. The wireless man was at work at his station at the time, and, putting down his receiver, went outside to examine it. It was raining hard and a gusty wind lashed the deck. The light was darkened, and the wireless operator, noticing the chief gunner standing at the rail, crossed the deck to join him. Both men stood looking down into the water for a moment, when the wireless man made a cup of his hand and, raising his voice above the wind, asked the gunner if he saw anything. Before there was time for an answer, a torpedo struck the ship's side directly below them. The force of the explosion threw the gunner overboard, and nothing was again seen of him. Another man standing near by had his head completely severed from his 85 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY body by the explosion. The wireless man was struck by a piece of flying wreckage, which tore away the leg of his trousers, in- flicted a wound of fourteen inches in length, and hurled him a distance of twenty-five feet down the deck. The wireless operator, who brought the story ashore, probably lay unconscious for several minutes. When he regained con- sciousness he ran to the wireless room, only to find it completely wrecked. The last chance of calling for help was gone. The ship's deck was quite dark, and the driving rain made it impossible to see an object a few feet away. On running out on the deck, the wireless man found the Naval Lieuten- ant and the Captain calmly giving orders. Only a minute or two of life remained for the ship, but they were used to the best advantage. A life-boat was lowered, but before it could reach the water a great wave broke it against the ship's side, and the seven men who manned her were thrown into the sea. A second boat was filled, successfully low- ered, and disappeared in the darkness. 86 WITHOUT WARNING The skill and fearlessness of a boatswain's mate, John Eopolucci, was later especially commended. Eopolucci had stood by his gun until it was out of commission, when he was ordered to assist with the life-boats. He worked desperately helping to lower the boats and get them away, standing calmly at his station while others escaped. While struggling with one of the life-boats he was thrown into the water and lost, Eopolucci was the first enlisted man of the Navy to lose his life. He had served with credit for eight years, and reenlisted in 19 15. The Aztec sank with terrifying rapidity. A few seconds more threatened to bring the last plunge. The gunners' boat was now made ready. The naval officer remained on deck, directing the lowering of the boat. No one was left on board except the Captain, the Naval Lieutenant, and the wireless man. The ship's discipline was observed until the end. The Captain finally ordered the operator to abandon ship, and when he had succeeded in leaping from the swinging deck to the boat the Captain and then the Naval Lieutenant followed him. The boat had 89 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY only succeeded in gaining a hundred yards from the ship when she sHd beneath the sur- face. The top of her funnel disappeared in less than seven minutes after she was struck. In the intense darkness of the storm no lights were visible, and the boat floundered about in the heavy sea for five hours, when a French boat was sighted. The crew fired their pistols to attract its attention, but the sound failed to carry against the wind. The Lieutenant then lighted a Coston distress signal, which in his foresight he had found time to save from the ship, and the boat at last turned toward them. She proved to be a French patrol boat very happily named the Jeanne d'Arc. The French officers helped our men aboard and made them welcome, sharing their clothing and warm quarters. Of the Aztec's crew of thirty-six men, but six were rescued. As an especial mark of respect, Secretary and Mrs. Daniels called upon Mrs. Eopo- lucci, the widowed mother of the sailor, to express their sympathy. The interest they would naturally take in the first member of America's fighting forces to die in the war 90^ WITHOUT WARNING was heightened by the fact that Eopolucci was for two years one of the crew of the Dolphin, on which the Secretary and his wife had made frequent trips. Mrs. Daniels' visit was the second she had paid to this home. The previous Saturday afternoon she and Mrs. William D. Leahy, wife of the commander of the U. S. S. Dolphin, had called on Mrs. Eopolucci; and later Mrs. Leahy sent a bouquet of Easter lilies. 91 XV THE "SILVER SHELL" FROM the first, no one doubted the ability of the American sailor to down the Ger- man submarine. The stirring victory of the Silver Shell on May 30, 191 7, closely fol- lowing America's entrance into the war, re- assured us. The Silver Shell was only a tanker — the last ship in the world, it would seem, to be pitted successfully against a Ger- man super-submarine. But she carried two four-inch guns and an armed guard, lent for the occasion by the United States Navy. The voyage from an American port to Marseilles promised at that time to be un- eventful. It was not thought that the south- ern ship lanes were seriously threatened. Even in mid-Atlantic, however, the lookout was not allowed to relax its vigilance. The bulky tanker was, of course, at a great disadvantage in this game of hide-and- seek with the submarines, since she offered 92 THE "SILVER SHELL" a distinct target. At three o'clock one morn- ing, a thousand miles off shore, a submarine was sighted so close in that the throb of her engines could be distinctly heard. A mo- ment later the Silver Shell swept past within one hundred feet of the enemy. The submarine was moving on the surface of the water, while her crew were seen to be busied charging her batteries, probably for the day's run. Clearly the German lookout had been caught napping, although the ad- vantage for observation had been all on his side. The submarine made no attempt to give chase. Before the after gun of the Silver Shell could be trained on the subma- rine, she was swallowed up in the darkness. Farther on, another grim reminder of the danger of the U-boats was encountered. A wooden ship was sighted floating bottom up. A gaping wotmd in her side, obviously the work of a torpedo, told her story — or all, at least, that the world was ever to learn. Floating about the wreck was an empty life- boat and a few life-preservers with other wreckage. On the voyage across sixteen warnings of 93 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY the presence of submarines were picked up by the ship's wireless, of which twelve re- ported submarines in the Mediterranean. As the Silver Shell approached these his- toric waters, the nervous tension increased. A flotilla of undersea craft doubtless awaited her coming. The tanker had reached a point a day and a half steaming from Mar- seilles, when on May 30 — and the date is historic — she was sighted by an enemy craft. Evidently the submarine had news of her approach and had lain in wait for her. When the alarm was sounded, the subma- rine was observed off the Silver Shell's star- board bow. She was one of the largest types of her class, measuring more than three hundred feet in length. The long awaited moment had arrived. Working at top speed, but without confusion, the crew went through their life-boat drill made fa- miliar by constant practice. The boats were made ready to lower into the water, and the entire ship's company buckled on their life- belts. So quickly had the drill been carried out that the bundles containing the valuables 94 THE "SILVER SHELL" were being tumbled into the life-boats by the time the first shot was fired by the German. It exploded about a hundred yards short of the ship. A second shot fired a moment later did better, just missing the wireless cabin, and, passing over the ship, struck the water just ahead. A string of code flags fluttering from the German ship had meanwhile been deci- phered. It ordered the Silver Shell to haul down the American flag and wait until the Germans came aboard. By way of reply, the Chief of Turret, W. J. Clark, opened on the submarine with the four-inch aft gun. For the first few shots the range was wide ; but this was quickly observed and the ex- treme elevation pin of the gun was knocked out, giving the gun about forty degrees. The American shells were seen to drop about the submarine with terrifying accuracy. Against the tanker's battery of four-inch guns the Germans brought to bear two five- inch guns. By all the rules of the game the Germans had the advantage, and for a time they clearly outshot the Silver Shell. Sev- eral shells burst about the tanker. One 95 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY missed the cabin by a short two feet. The roar of the guns and the explosions were deafening. The range was now under 3000 yards. Not the least difficult post, meanwhile, was that of the wireless operator. Throughout the engagement he never left his key. His assistant buckled a life-belt about him as he worked. Every explosion now knocked the delicate radio apparatus out of adjustment. A call for help had been thrown broadcast over the waters of the Mediterranean. A vessel asked in Spanish, ''What vessel is that asking for help?" and repeated the query until it seemed that she was deliberately interfering. Finally the station at Algiers answered. Her message read, "Help thirty- five miles northwest, gunboat FQ." A few moments later the Silver Shell suc- ceeded in picking up the gunboat FQ, and received the welcome message, "Coming as fast as possible." Under normal conditions the Silver Shell had never been able to make more than eleven knots an hour. In response to a des- perate demand for speed, she now crept up 96 THE "SILVER SHELL" to a perilous fourteen. Her safety-valve had been screwed down. It soon became clear, however, that the enemy held re- sources of speed in reserve, for the stretch of sea that separated them was steadily nar- rowed. The submarine could be clearly seen in the wake. She made very heavy weather of it. Her decks were constantly swept by the head seas, so that her gun crews were buried in water to their waists. But between the intervals of every plunge she fired, and the shells came with amazing reg- ularity every ten seconds. It was a very daunting business to watch the firing of the gun that might be hurling death and destruction. There would be a flash, and then for ten breathless seconds the crew must wait for the arrival of the shell and its explosion. When the subma- rine had crept up to a 2300-yard range, she used shrapnel to sweep the decks. Any one of the shots might be the end. It was esti- mated that fifteen minutes more of this firing would destroy all above-decks, while the life- boats would be at the mercy of the guns if the crew should try to escape. 97 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY The attack ended as suddenly as it had begun. Throughout the engagement the men had served their guns with skill and courage above praise. While facing a supe- rior battery which fired in all thirty-five shots, the Americans had delivered twenty- five shots, but their superior gunnery won the day. At the critical moment a shot struck the submarine just aft of her conning- tower. Her bow rose high in the water, and she slowly sank stern first, her crew clinging to the deck. The engagement had lasted less than half an hour. No member of the Silver Shell's crew was seriously injured. A last word, however, was heard from the Germans. The wireless operator soon after picked up an unsigned message reading, 'Tf possible, steer south. I will meet you in an hour." Evidently the message was a decoy sent out by some submarine in the neighborhood. All messages sent out by ships that are not authorized or confirmed by land stations, however, are disregarded. In giving credit for this valiant sea fight, the Government especially commended Chief 98 THE "SILVER SHELL" of Turret W. J. Clark, an enlisted man who had served twelve years in the Navy. It was due to his excellent judgment that the guns and gunners had been handled so efficiently. A few minutes later the gunboat FQ asked by wireless for the Silver Shell's new posi- tion, and on receiving news of the fight flashed back, ''Good work." Three hours later the gunboat approached so close that messages were exchanged by Morse lamp signals. The next day the Sil- ver Shell triumphantly entered the harbor of Marseilles, to ' find that she was the first American ship to reach that port since the United States had declared war on Germany. 99 XVI A RECORD PERFORMANCE FOR more than a year the victory of the Borinqiien has been unsurpassed for fast and decisive fighting. Taken unawares in the middle of the night, her crew re- sponded so vigorously to a submarine attack that her third shot sent the enemy craft down stern first. Every factor favored the U-boat. She had sighted the Borinqiien from a distance, when the low-lying submarine was naturally invisible, and had managed to creep up to within eighty 3'^ards of the steamer before firing her first shot. There was therefore ample time to make every preparation. The men were at their stations; the guns were trained on the most vital part of the mer- chantman. In night attacks it is impossible to equalize the terms on which two such antagonists meet. The great bulk of the 100 A RECORD PERFORMANCE steamers offer a conspicuous target, while the U-boat's diminutive size and greater speed lend her an overwhelming advantage. To balance this handicap, the merchant- ship must rely on the vigilance of her crew and the accuracy of her gunners. The alarm was sounded within a few minutes of midnight on an unusually dark night. The commander of the guard. Gunner's Mate Thomas J. Beerman, was in his quarters at the time, working on his log. It is essen- tial on these cruises that it be known at every moment of the day or night just where the ship lies. The Borinquen was on a very dangerous sea lane approaching a French port. The strain on the men is very trying at such times. The officers are on duty about twenty hours out of every twenty- four. There was a shout of warning from one of the men at the guns, and at almost the same instant a shot rang out. By the time the crew could rush across the narrow deck to their stations, a second shot was fired. Through the misty darkness the outlines of the submarine could barely be defined. She lOI NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY lay off the port bow, a mere shadow on the water some eighty yards away. So close in was the enemy that the sparks of her wire- less could be clearly seen. She was evi- dently in communication with some other German boat. It was impossible to guess whether her reinforcements were far or near. But the wireless served the Americans for the moment at least, and this sufficed. The faint sparks gave the Americans a clue in the inky blackness. Although the subma- rine went into action with all her crew at their quarters, and the Americans might nat- urally at such an hour have been off their guard, the reply of the Borinquen came be- fore the German could fire a third time. The shot grazed the conning-tower of the submarine. Both ships were now firing point-blank. There was little chance of missing at this short range, although the advantage was still greatly in favor of the Germans. All real- ized that a few seconds must decide the issue of the battle, one way or the other. The third shot from the American gun- I02 A RECORD PERFORMANCE ners on the Borinquen struck the U-boat's conning-tower fairly, and exploded. It proved to be the decisive shot of the engage- ment. A fourth shot was not needed. The submarine slowly Hfted. Her prow rose high in the water, and she sank rapidly, bow first. Within a few seconds the water had closed over her. In the official comment on this victory, especial stress was laid upon the alertness of the crew in responding to the alarm. Every waking hour is a constant strain for all on board, and there is little rest for the gun crews. A delay of a few seconds in responding to the call to quarters would probably have lost the ship. The alarm, be- sides, came after several days spent in the danger zone, when the strain might be ex- pected to tell on all the men engaged. To down a powerful submarine with three shots is even more than the most sanguine gunner might reasonably expect. 103 I XVII ONE OF THE FIRST TESTS T remains to be seen if the lightning Americans can cope with the Germans who have been trained from their youth up." So said the Kaiser when America entered the war. The question has been quickly an- swered. Within a few weeks after the dec- laration of war, the armed guards aboard American ships had given an excellent account of themselves. The work of the armed guards is ex- tremely exacting. Like trench warfare, such fighting requires a highly trained per- sonnel. It is high praise for the discipline and training of our sailors that they should have acquitted themselves so brilliantly upon such slight experience in this new warfare. One of the earliest of our victories came with the encounter, in the first weeks of the war, between the transport Nyanza and a 104 ONE OF THE FIRST TESTS submarine. Our men were new to the dif- ficulties and dangers of warfare in these submarine-infested waters. A periscope is an exceedingly 'elusive object at sea. They are very small, and project only a few inches above the surface of the water. To make the work of the submarine observer more difficult, they are painted a silvery gray to blend with the color of the sea. Their sur- faces are, besides, treated so that they will not reflect the rays of the sun. Although the American sailors aboard the Nyanza had never seen a German U-boat, they had been trained in an excellent school. It is a matter of official record that the lookout on the American transport in her first engagement sighted the silvered periscope of the German submarine at a thousand yards. The range is short enough for torpedo work, and gives a ship little time for manoeu- vering. A moment after the periscope was sighted, the German loosed a torpedo. It was reported, and by skilful seamanship the Nyanza dodged the blow. Her helm was put hard to port and the vessel's stern swung clear. At the same time, her gunners 105 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY opened fire on the undersea craft. The German fell astern, rose to the surface, and gave chase. The transport, which was filled with American soldiers, made a tempt- ing target. The battle began at rather short range. The German used two guns, firing shrapnel. Her manoeuver was new to the Americans. She darted about at a high speed, zigzagging from side to side to make it possible to use both her guns at once, and at the same time helping to confuse the American's aim. The submarine fired, in all, about two hundred shots. The Nyansa was hit five times. One shell passed completely through the ship; another destroyed the guard mess- room; still another wrecked the gun plat- form. None of the shells, however, hit any of the gunners or interrupted the fire. So close did one of the shots come that a cadet engineer was wounded, his clothing being literally torn from his body. The fire of the American gunners was very fast. They sent, in all, ninety-two rounds, less than half the number of Ger- man shells. The Germans had a much 106 ONE OF THE FIRST TESTS larger target to hit. The submarine was not only low in the water, but her rapid zig- zag manoeuver rendered it extremely diffi- cult to strike. The Nyanza gunners finally found the range, however, and sent four shells into the German. The submarine turned broadside, keeled over, and disap- peared. The battle had lasted two and a half hours. The Germans had been out- manoeuvered and outfought at every turn. In the officer's report of the engagement, he closes with the hopeful remark: "Our gunners gained experience which I think will be manifested in the next attack." 107 XVIII BEFORE AND AFTER THE WRECK NO mere landsman can appreciate the work of the men far below decks in a sea fight. In the open air, or near it, a sailor may be said to face his antagonist. Even if he be shut in behind armored walls, there is still an encouraging sense of freedom. If the worst comes, a step brings him to the open deck or the boats. A man can endure much who knows that his retreat is kept open. Few landsmen have visited the engine- rooms of ocean liners or war-ships. It is a terrifying experience under the most favor- able conditions. The holds set apart for the machinery lie at the foot of deep shafts far below the surface of the sea. The visitor is led through intricate passageways until it seems a hopeless task to find his way back to daylight. At the opening of these shafts the ordinary staircases come to an end, and io8 td BEFORE AND AFTER THE WRECK a steep descent must be made down perpen- dicular iron ladders. Here one leaves the comfort of the ship's cabins behind. Everything is built of metal, which becomes hot and grimy. The heat in- creases as one descends, until in the neigh- borhood of the engines it becomes suffocat- ing. A few dim electric lights partially re- veal the unfamiliar scene. The great shapes of the engines and boilers, the dark shadows in every corner, the flare of the fires, strike terror to the landlubber. Let this crowded hold swing violently as the ship rolls and pitches, and the place becomes a nightmare. In a sea fight the engine-room is a place of imminent danger to all. The crew, working in semi-darkness, know little of what is going on high above them. The electric signals that keep these* remote regions in instant communication with the bridge tell almost nothing. The crew, receiving calls for in- creased speed or a sudden stoppage of the engines, can only guess at what is happening. In a fight with a submarine the danger is, of course, greatly increased. The torpedo strikes below the belt. The heaviest arma- III NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY ment above the water-line offers no protec- tion to the crew in the engine-room. With- out a moment's warning, the ship's side may be shattered by an explosion from a well- directed torpedo, and the inrush of water may drown the men like rats in a trap. Even when escape is not shut off, the perpen- dicular ladders leading from the engine- room to safety offer a precarious footing. A slip, as the boat swings violently from side to side, may mean a fatal fall. To carry the injured to the deck above, even in a smooth sea, is difficult work. From this glimpse of these lower regions, one may gain some idea of the courage that keeps the crew at their stations in the engine- rooms throughout a submarine battle. When the decisive blow falls and the ship begins to fill and sink, it is often a terrify- ing race with death to reach the decks and such safety as they afford. In the engagement between the Alcedo and a submarine, the crew, as usual, stood manfully at their posts. They had worked for hours without news from above, when a terrifying explosion shook the ship. A por- 112 BEFORE AND AFTER THE WRECK tion of the hull had been torn away by the impact, and the water rushed in. The crew ran to the ladders. A member of the engine-room force, of his own will, remained behind. The lights had been extinguished, and the water rapidly mounting soon reached to his knees. Know- ing the engine-room by heart, even in the darkness and confusion, he made his way to the safety-valve. The machinery was so disjointed by the shock that the power could not be turned on, and it was necessary to raise the safety-valve slowly, laboriously, by hand. The water rose above the man's knees before the work was completed. To operate the machinery required a cool head and a steady hand. Later, when the Alee do was sunk by a submarine, her crew displayed unusual gal- lantry. The ship sank in a winter sea, when the icy water might have terrified the bravest men. A member of the Alcedo's crew, after swimming about for some time, found a raft and succeeded in climbing on it. It was soon found that the raft was overcrowded and the lives of all were imperiled unless some 113 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY one freed it of his weight. There were no other boats or rafts in sight at the time. No drawing of lots was needed to select the one who should face the new danger. No argu- ment was necessary, much less any force. A second-class seaman quietly volunteered. With a hasty good-by, he stood up and quite calmly jumped into the water. The unsel- fish sailor of the Alee do who willingly gave up his place on the life-raft should be counted in any estimate of our gallantry as a nation. He was picked up by a boat after long exposure and brought safely ashore. 114 XIX ABOARD THE LARGEST TRANSPORT ONE of the most significant victories of the war, destined to Hve long in the history of the Navy, was won on the bridge and in the engine-room of a merchant-ship. UnUke most naval engagements, which last but a few hours, this victory was won by skill and vigilance that was never relaxed for more than a week. The heroes of the battle are two young men, the American cap- tain and engineer of the steamship Levia- than (formerly the Vaterland) . The Leviathan, as all the world knows, is the largest ship in commission. Her great length of nearly looo feet, her width of more than 100 feet, and her tonnage of more than 50,000, are, of course, familiar figures. So complicated is the navigation of the great liner that her German owners considered it necessary for her to carry five ranking cap- tains. The chief, with the title of Commo- ns NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY dore, exercised general supervision, while four captains devoted their entire attention to special departments. One was an expert in navigation, a second in machinery, a third in signals. The work of the men in the great engine- room was also highly specialized. To drive this enormous bulk through the water, the most powerful marine engines ever con- structed were installed. The complication of this vast network of machinery was be- wildering. Eight engineers presided over the engines, each busied with a special de- partment of his own. All Germany took immense pride in this largest of steamships and in the skill and efficiency of its crew. When the United States was drawn into the Great War, it was, of course, realized that the German ships might be seized, in- cluding the greatest prize of the fleet, the Vaterland; and plans long matured were at once carried out to disable the ships scienti- fically, beyond hope of repair, by Americans, at least. Certain vital parts of the machin- ery of the ships were destroyed or impaired. On the day that this havoc was wrought, ii6 ABOARD THE TRANSPORT orders were sent to Germany to manufacture these parts from the original ships' draw- ings, and to hold them in readiness to ship to America. The German reasoning was con- clusive. It was impossible, they believed, for these parts to be made in America. The ships must therefore lie useless until the end of the war, when new parts would be hurried from Germany, installed by German work- men, and the ships would be as good as new. The Germans made no allowance for American ingenuity. When the fleet was taken over by our government, the havoc in- flicted by the. German engineers was found to be appalling. The delicate machinery had been attacked with sledge-hammers in the most vital parts. To reproduce the in- jured parts would have been the work of months, perhaps years. But, with charac- teristic ingenuity, the naval officers sought a short cut, and found one. The broken parts were welded together by means of acetylene flame and electric devices, and the parts on being tested were found to be stronger than ever. Within a few weeks the fleet was ready for the sea under its new flag. 117 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Here was a triumph for American engi- neering, but the work was not at an end. The Germans had made the fatal mistake of grossly underrating the despised Americans. They had scoffed at the idea that Americans could master the intricacies of their machin- ery. The instruments used by the naviga- tion officers, for instance, are extremely com- plicated. The Vaterland had been equipped with a gyroscopic compass that served as the mother compass for a secondary set. The great hull, again, was divided by steel bulk- heads into upward of fifty water-tight com- partments, which rendered her practically unsinkable. This elaborate precaution was taken to guard against danger in case of col- lision or other accident at sea. All this ma- chinery the American officers put in order, and the equipment now serves admirably in case of torpedo attack. There are, besides, elaborate devices for indicating the outbreak of fire in any part of the ship, and systems of electric communication which keep every part of the enormous hull in instant touch with the bridge. The Leviathan has made many trips carry- ii8 ABOARD THE TRANSPORT ing ii,ooo American soldiers — by far the greatest number ever accommodated on a single ship. The writer has seen Germans greatly amused at the suggestion that a mere American could preside over so vast and complicated a fabric as the largest of steam- ships; but still another surprise awaited the Germans. A single officer, aged twenty- eight years, borrowed from the United States Navy, took complete charge of the engines of the Leviathan, replacing eight highly spe- cialized German experts. In place of the five captains, a single American officer, aged thirty-two years, directed the great ship from the bridge. And, with her patched machinery and reduced staff of executive officers, the largest of ships lowered her own best previous record by nearly a knot an hour throughout the Atlantic crossing. 119 XX VIA WIRELESS ALTHOUGH countless changes have transformed its fleets and new perils tested the bravery of its men, the spirit of the Navy is unalterable. A century after Perry's stirring command, "Don't give up the ship," the same fearless spirit found ex- pression in almost identical words. Modern equipment, which would have seemed magi- cal to Perry and his men, make it possible to flash the message by wireless across the open sea. Whether our men be attacked from the sky, from the sea, or by the dangers lurking beneath it, the spirit of the Navy re- mains the same. Early in the war, before American sea- men had gained the familiarity with sub- marines and their methods which was to breed contempt, a vicious attack was made upon the steamship Luckenbach. The steamer carried an armed guard in charge of 1 20 VIA WIRELESS two guns mounted fore and aft. The under- sea craft was sighted at seven-thirty one bright morning, moving rapidly on the sur- face at some distance. Without the slight- est warning, she trained her guns on the Luckenbach and opened fire. From the first the steamer was clearly outclassed. A terrific bombardment followed. In less than two hours the German fired 225 shots from her several guns. With her towering sides, superstructure, and funnels, the American was as easy to hit as the proverbial barn door. As a matter of record, however, the submarine, gunners made only nine clean hits. The armed guard replied with 202 rounds. The first well directed shell from the Ger- man set the Luckenbach on fire, injuring sev- eral of her crew. Hopeless as the engage- ment seem.ed the discipline on the Lucken- bach never relaxed. The fire alarm brought the crew to their stations and the situation was soon well in hand. A torpedo from the submarine might send the steamer to the bottom at any moment, but the crew fought one problem at a time. The fire-fighters 121 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY rushed below, and left the hold only when that particular danger was over. Although the hits were few and far be- tween, the Germans made several very lucky shots. The next effective shell pierced the engine-room, wounding the engineers and putting the engines out of commission. The submarine rapidly approached the helpless vessel, increasing her fire. From the Luck- enhach a steady fire was still directed at the U-boat, while her wireless flashed a call for help in all directions. Still another shot burst an important steam-pipe, wounding a mess-boy and a fire- man, and still further crippling the steamer. As the U-boat closed in, she improved her aim and one of her shells struck the after gun of the Luckenhach, completely disabling it. The defense was continued by the one remaining gun. At this critical moment the Luckenhach' s wireless succeeded in pick- ing up a destroyer in the neighborhood, which was instantly headed full speed to her assistance. In the exchange of wireless messages be- tween the Luckenhach and the destroyer, we 122 VIA WIRELESS find the ancient spirit of the Navy, which would have dehghted Perry or Farragut. ''How quickly can you get here?" was flashed from the Luckenhach. "Two hours," was the destroyer's answer. A world of meaning was compressed in the Luckenbadi s laconic reply : "Too late. Look for boats." The destroyer, rushing forward at forced draught, seemed helpless to avert the tragedy. Knowing that any shot from the German might put the Luckenhach out of commission, the destroyer sent a brief mes- sage of encouragement. Doubtless some memory of Perry's famous order was in her Captain's mind when he despatched the words : "Don't surrender." The LuckenhacKs reply was almost in- stantaneous : "Never." With her single gun the Luckenhach still continued to keep the submarine at bay. Of the 202 shots fired by the Luckenhach, the forward gun sent 167. At the end of an hour the crew of the steamship began to 123 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY strain their eyes for some sight of the de- stroyer. Minute by minute passed as the submarine, now rapidly closing in, shortened her range. Half of the second hour had passed when the lookout reported a faint trail of smoke on the horizon, which gradu- ally darkened and spread out. It was the destroyer, coming up at better than thirty knots an hour. She arrived alongside punc- tually at two-thirty, on time to the minute of her two-hour schedule. The submarine had disappeared. A few hours later, with her engines repaired, the Luckenbach under convoy of the destroyer reached port safely. 124 XXI A SUCCESS AND A FAILURE IT would be interesting to know whether Chief Boatswain's Mate John Macken- zie of the Naval Reserve ever read Victor Hugo's description of the loosened cannon that threatened the French corvette Clay- more in his famous novel, ''Ninety-Three." In all fiction there are few scenes so dra- matic, and the bravery of the French gunner who risks his life to keep the bronze gun from wrecking the ship has been universally admired. The parallel between the feats of the French gunner and, of the American sailor mentioned is remarkable. In both cases a storm was raging, and the ships and their crews were endangered; but, while the Frenchman struggled with a cannon, the American wrestled with a heavy bomb which might explode at any moment. If the 125 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY American boy was trying to imitate the French hero, his act was an extremely dan- gerous form of plagiarism. The bomb was loosened by a curious acci- dent. The United States steamship Remlik was making heavy weather in a severe gale, when her plunging caused the breaking of a box or crate holding a depth bomb. The bomb had been lashed on the after part of the deck in what was considered an out-of- the-way spot. The plunge that broke the box tossed the broken wood overboard, while the bomb was rolled in the opposite direction. To the consternation of the crew, it went bouncing about the deck, threatening to blow the ship to pieces. There have been many cases of men at such a moment rushing forward, picking up explosives, and throwing them overboard, at imminent peril to their lives. This depth bomb, however, weighed several hundred pounds. No one could lift it, and the rolling of the ship made it impossible for the men to lay hold of it. To increase the excite- ment, some one noticed that the pin had come out, and shouted out this terrifying 126 A^k^ (C) Brown and Dawsou. With All Flags Set A SUCCESS AND A FAILURE news. The crew, though reaHzing that the next moment might be their last, failed to form any concerted plan of action. At this highly critical moment Macken- zie rushed forward and grappled with the bomb. He flung his body against it, exert- ing all his strength to stop its plunge; but the bomb was much too heavy for him. He repeated the attempt again and a third time. Each time he almost succeeded in getting his arms around it, but it tore itself away from him. On the third attempt the weight of the metal almost crushed him in its plunge. He realized that the hundreds of pounds of ex- plosives in his arms might go off at any mo- ment, and that the charge had been calcu- lated to destroy an entire ship at a blow. At the fourth attempt Mackenzie made a supreme effort, secured a firm grip on the bomb, and heaved it upright till it stood on its flattened end. Having won this advantage, he calmly sat on the bomb and held it down until assistance came. The members of the crew, who had apparently been fascinated by the danger of the moment, now rushed for- ward. Ropes were hastily brought, and the 129 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY depth bomb was safel}^ lashed in place. All danger was at an end. In recognition of this unique feat, Secre- tary- of the Navy Daniels has awarded a Medal of Honor to Mackenzie and a gratuity of $ioo. The commanding officer of the Remlik, in his report recommending that the Medal of Honor be conferred on Mackenzie, says : "Mackenzie, in acting as he did, exposed his life, and prevented a serious accident to the ship and probable loss of the ship and entire crew. Had this depth charge ex- ploded on the quarter-deck, with the sea and wind that existed at the time, there is no doubt that the ship would have been lost." Less fortunate was a member of a gun crew on a merchant-ship who found himself in a similar situation. The batteries aboard these ships are, as a rule, hastily installed, and occupy very exposed positions. The ships were not constructed with any idea of mounting guns on their decks, much less the five- or six-inch guns necessary to pierce the armor of the modern super-submarine. It is only when some unusual strain is brought 130 A SUCCESS AND A FAILURE to bear on the guns that their inherent weak- ness is discovered. In this instance the vessel had encountered a full gale at sea, which tested every joint of her frame. A great wave breaking over her deck had snapped off a stanchion. The life- boats were smashed or swept away, as were all movable objects above-decks. Every- thing that foresight could do to secure the guns had been done, and an alert watch ob- served them anxiously. After several hours of this terrific bombardment, the lash- ings of one of the guns suddenly snapped, and the great mass of steel was loosened. As long as the ship continued to roll mod- erately, the weight of the gun kept it in place; but a violent swing might at any mo- ment cause it to shift its position. In such a case, anything might happen in the twink- ling of an eye. If the gun were overturned, its delicate mechanism would be broken be- yond hope of repair, at sea at least, while the high waves might easily roll it overboard. For several anxious moments the gun slipped from side to side, covered with a smother of sea-foam. 131 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY In a momentary lull, one of the gun crew caught up a rope and, watching for his chance, sprang upon the gun. He was obliged to contend with two dangers that made his position particularly perilous. The gun might roll upon him, crushing him be- fore he could dodge it, or the waves might sweep him from his position. There was a desperate struggle for several anxious min- utes. The gunner had succeeded in fasten- ing one end of the rope about the cannon, when a surge of water loosened his hold and swept him overboard. No life-boat could live in such a sea, and from the ship's sides nothing could be seen of the unfortunate gun- ner; but, undeterred by the tragedy, other seamen rushed forward, and the gun was finally secured and rode out the storm in safety. 132 XXII STANDING BY THE SHIP MANY torpedoed ships have been saved from sinking, against all the proba- bilities, by the alertness of their crews. According to the laws of gravitation the Ar- menia should have gone down within a few minutes after. being struck. The attack oc- curred at 12.40 A. M., February 19, 1918, an hour when the guard might be found somewhat relaxed. The torpedo struck the Armenia at an an- gle on the starboard quarter. The subma- rine was completely hidden in the darkness, and the first warning came from the lookout, E. M. Wright, a seaman of the second class connected with the armed guard. The tor- pedo was but forty yards off when sighted, and a few seconds intervened before she struck. There was, of course, no time to 133 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY alter the course of the vessel or to manoeuver to avoid the blow. The wreckage was appalling. The tor- pedo passed completely through the ship's side, bending it far in, and leaving a hole through which the sea poured at a terrifying rate. So great was the force of the impact that the steel deck was buckled up to a height of three feet. The wooden bulkheads were set on fire. Chief Boatswain Mate S. Hamiab, com- manding the gun crew, and the lookout, who sighted the torpedo, were thrown into the air by the explosion, and all of the men were badly knocked about. When the crew got to their feet and ran to their stations, they found the gun platform a mass of wreckage. No defense could be made, so complete was the demolition, and all hands were mustered to save the ship. The ship's discipline proved all that could be desired. Although in imminent danger, since the ship might take her final plunge at any moment, the seamen, responding will- ingly to orders, rushed below-decks. The collision mats were brought out, and, work- 134 STANDING BY THE SHIP ing coolly, the men succeeded in placing them in position and stopping the inrush of water. Standing up to their waists in water, which was rapidly rising, the work was completed. Meanwhile, the ship was afire in several places. So disorganized was the ship's pip- ing that it was found impossible to make use of the regular fire hose. There was not a moment to lose, and the seamen descended to the burning hold and put out the fire with their hands. Three American seamen, enlisted men, had an even closer call aboard a British merchant-ship, and later were commended by our naval authorities for their part in saving her. The merchantman was struck by a torpedo, September i, 191 7, and filled rapidly. All hope seemed at an end, and the ship's company was ordered to take to the boats. Two of the American seamen, Stephan J. Downy and F. Kellard Goulach, got away safely in separate boats. A third American, Alfred Allard, stayed on the ship, with her Captain. As long as the ship remained afloat the Captain refused to leave her. The crew, 135 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY meanwhile, rowed away to a safe distance. The last plunge of a large ship, as every sea- man knows, is likely to carry down all on board. The suction caused by the sinking hull draws down all objects in this terrify- ing vortex, and the strongest swimmer is powerless against it. Left alone on the ship, the Captain and Allard watched the ship slowly settle. The crew, having retreated to a safe distance, rested on the oars and waited for the final plunge. The three American seamen mean- while proved invaluable in keeping the boats in touch with the merchant-ship by signal- ing. Allard, standing on the bridge beside the Captain, directed Downy and Goulach, by wigwagging, the distance they were to keep from the ship, and kept them informed of her condition. Several hours later the Captain began to hope that his ship might still be saved. An examination of the water in the hold decided him to make the effort. Allard was directed to call in the boats and the crew by his sig- nals, and once aboard all hands set to work. The ship was finally beached in safety. 136 XXIII WHEN THE S.S. ''LINCOLN" SANK THE crucial test of the naval drills and preparations for a surprise attack came with the sinking of the transport Lincoln. There were 715 men all told aboard the Lin- coln, while her great size, and the height of her boat-decks above the water, made it dif- ficult to execute quickly the final orders. She had been struck almost simultaneously by two torpedoes, sinking within a few min- utes. The noise of escaping steam made it impossible to give verbal order throughout the length of the great vessel, and the com- plicated work of abandoning ship had to be carried out by signals. Working under the most trying condi- tions, the crew went about its duties coolly and intelligently. Several men had been killed and many wounded by the explosions, and there were a number of sick and 137 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY wounded returning from France, including two paralyzed men. Nevertheless the en- tire ship's company, with provisions, was transferred to life-boats and life-rafts, and the flotilla kept under perfect discipline for hours until picked up. Three officers and twenty-three men lost their lives. The scenes on board the Lincoln and in the boats have been admirably described in the official report prepared by Commander Percy W. Foote, the commanding officer of the transport. The matter-of-fact way in which the most thrilling acts are recorded illustrates the attitude of the men of the Navy toward their own exploits. "Three torpedoes were sighted approach- ing the ship on the port side at a distance of from three to four hundred yards away," says Commander Foote's report. "Efforts were made to turn the ship to avoid the tor- pedoes, but there was not sufficient time to do so, and two torpedoes struck together practically in the same place, about 120 feet from the bow, and one torpedo struck about 120 feet from the stern. The call to battle stations was instantly sounded when the tor- 138 WHEN THE S.S. "LINCOLN" SANK pedoes were sighted, and every one went quickly, but quietly, to his proper post. "Preparations were made for launching the boats and life-rafts, and the guns were manned and made ready for fire. Inspec- tions were made below-decks, and it was found that the bulkheads were holding the water in the forward hold, but aft the en- gine-room bulkhead was ruptured, and the water entered the engine-room. There was plenty of time, however, for the men to escape from the engine- and fire-rooms, and no casualties occurred therein. Seven men at work in the" forward end of the ship were killed by the force of the explosion or the inrush of the water. "Fifteen minutes after the ship was struck, it appeared quite evident that she would sink. The boats and rafts were placed in the water, and the order was given all hands to abandon ship." Several of the officers and the gun crews, however, still remained on the sinking ship. It was found later that two men stayed too long, and were lost when the ship went down. The danger was obvious to all, but the men 139 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY stood calmly at their posts, awaiting orders. A few minutes later fire was opened from the bow gun in the general direction in which it was thought the submarine might lie, on the chance of preventing another attack and to cover the retreat of the open boats. The personal narrative continues : "Four or five minutes before the ship finally sank, half the vessel being then under water, the chief master-at-arms reported that his inspection below-decks showed all hands to be out of the ship. The order was then given for every one, including the gun crews, to leave the ship; and the master-at- arms and> I then went into the water and swam to a life-raft. ''Due to the difTficulties which generally exist when boats are filled with people and lowered quickly in emergency, it had been previously arranged for every one to go in the water and get on the rafts. Only five men and an officer were assigned to the boats to lower them; the boats then to go among the life-rafts and pick up the people. This proved to be a very satisfactory arrange- ment, as the boats were lowered and got clear 140 WHEN THE S.S. 'LINCOLN" SANK of the ship without difficulty. One boat, however, was loaded with the sick before lowering; and all the sick, including the two paralyzed soldiers, were saved." The scene is probably unique in the his- tory of the Navy. There survived over seven hundred men, some five hundred in the open boats and two hundred on the life- rafts, crowding these frail crafts to their capacity. The sea was rough, and the near- est land remote. The report continues : "After the ship sank the work of loading the boats to their capacity and securing the rafts together was begun, and while this work was under way, about half an hour after the ship sank, the submarine appeared, and came near the boats and rafts. The submarine first took one of the sailors. Sea- man Anderson, on board, and then a little later took one of the officers, Lieutenant Isaaca, after which it returned the seaman to the boat. "Another instance which illustrated the coolness of the young American boys who composed the crew of the ship occurred when the submarine was cruising among the boats. 141 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY We naturally thought of the possibility of the submarine firing on the boats, and an of- ficer on the submarine was seen to go to the muzzle of one of the guns and, as we thought at that time, remove the covering prepara- tory to firing. When this was observed, one of the men in the boat said: 'Good night! Here comes the fireworks.' But the sub- marine did not fire, and all the survivors in the boats escaped unharmed. "The submarine remained in the vicinity of the boats for about an hour and a half. It returned in the afternoon about two o'clock, remained near at hand for about an hour, and then left the vicinity and did not re- appear. "The work of collecting the boats and rafts together was continued, and by dark we had the rafts tied together and the boats se- cured to the rafts and to each other; the boats being loaded practically to their carry- ing capacity, there being about five hundred men in the boats and about two hundred on the rafts. "Lighted lanterns were hoisted on the oars in the boats, and Coston flare-lights were 142 WHEN THE. S.S. "LINCOLN" SANK turned at frequent intervals. Watches were set, and those not on watch were told to go to sleep. Despite the hurry of departure, the boats and rafts had been amply provi- sioned with food and water. Throughout the night the stores remained untouched. It was anticipated that many days might be spent in the boats, and the supplies were saved against a time of absolute need. The spirit of the men throughout the long night was admirable. Chief Petty Officer Oulette brought ashore the following incident : " 'There were a number of officers with the men on the raft,' he writes, 'among whom was the chaplain, and Oulette told me that the chaplain very properly said prayers for the rescue of the men. But Oulette feared the men would become somewhat despon- dent, so he decided to tell some jokes and sing a song, and the song he sang was, "Where Do We Go from Here?" ' "At about 1 1 p. M.^ when it was quite dark, a blinking white light was sighted, and very soon it was found that one of the American destroyers had arrived to our rescue. A rousing cheer was given by the men, and the 143 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY work of embarking on board the destroyer was begun. About an hour afterward an- other destroyer arrived, and by 2 A. m. all the survivors were embarked aboard the de- stroyers. After waiting till daylight, when a final search was made for any persons who might still be adrift, the return trip to France was begun, where we arrived in due course of time, and very shortly afterward em- barked for America on another ship." 144 XXIV GUARDING THE TRANSPORTS THE question is often asked, — and prob- ably nowhere oftener than in Germany, — how do the transports elude the subma- rines? No secret is made of the methods of defense. Either the transport depends upon its fleetness, or it is so heavily con- voyed that the most determined efforts of the Germans is of no avail. One of the most desperate attempts to ''get" a heavily laden American troop-ship occurred in the Bay of Biscay, when no less than eight German submarines lay in wait for our soldiers. On the previous eastward voyages the transport had sailed without convoy, and had been met on approaching the other side by two destroyers. It was be- lieved that she was especially signaled out for attack, however, and Rear-Admiral Wilson, in command of the destroyer flotilla of the 147 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY American Navy operating in French waters, sent out four of his destroyers as a precau- tion. The transport, with thousands of Amer- ican soldiers aboard, was nearing the French coast at dawn one morning, when two Ger- man submarines were sighted just ahead. A few moments later two more U-boats ap- peared off the starboard side; shortly after two more just ahead, and two more a little distance away on the beam. The German attack had evidently been planned in detail. The fleet, comprising eight submarines in all, now drew together on the starboard side, which was the side away from that on which the destroyers usually sailed. It was evi- dently their intention to sight the two de- stroyers and, of course, sink the transport. Several torpedoes were soon fired at the transport, but she managed to elude them by steering at top speed in a series of rapid zig- zags. The naval crew of the transport opened with a shot from the six-inch forward gun on the starboard side. The first shot hit the conning-tower of one of the U-boats. A second shot a few seconds later struck the 148 GUARDING THE TRANSPORTS same submarine amidships, sinking her with all her crew. The destroyers meanwhile had reached the active side of the transport and engaged the rest of the fleet. While the U-boats were in the act of shooting torpedoes at the Americans, a destroyer with several well planted shots put another submarine quickly out of commission, finally sending her down. By this time the commander of the fleet of submarines was aware of the fact that four destroyers instead of two were arrayed against him, and, signaling to the other boats, he at once submerged. As the last boat disappeared a shot from one of the de- stroyers struck her upper works and, it is believed, sank her. All four of the destroy- ers were above the points where the sub- marines had submerged, and the fight was continued by dropping a series of powerful depth bombs. Judging from the agitation of the sea following the explosion, the naval officers feel confident that they accounted for two more of the U-boats. Of the eight submarines making the at- tack, two were unmistakably sunk by shell 149 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY fire from the transport and the destroyers, and three others are believed to have been sunk by depth bombs, while three got away clear. A naval officer who witnessed the battle reported that he considered it the most determined attempt the Germans had made to sink a transport on her east-bound trip. The transport — which was one of the largest and fleetest in the service — proceeded in safety to her French port of destination. On the transport's last previous east- bound trip, two German submarines had come to the surface so near her starboard quarter that they could not find room to manoeuver into position to fire their torpe- does. The distance was so short that it also served to protect the Germans, since the de- stroyers were afraid to drop their depth bombs for fear of injuring the hull or the propellers of the transport. The marvelous record of our transports in safely transporting a great army through the submarine-infested waters does not depend upon chance or good luck. 150 PART III ON AIR-SCOUT DUTY XXV FIRST TO FLY A DETACHMENT of naval airmen were the first Americans to arrive in France and enter active service against the enemy. It is a matter of pride in the Navy that these men reached foreign soil three weeks before the first transport arrived bringing the army forces. The airmen had been trained for active service on this side of the Atlantic, and were quickly hurried to the front. Several of the men in this first de- tachment have since lost their lives in flight work. The first, Louis Reindardt, a seaman of the second class, enlisted at Norfolk in 1916. The second of the airmen to lose his life was George Herbert Manly. More various uses have been found for the aircraft in connection with naval opera- tions than any other type of fighting ma- 153 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY chine. At the opening of the war naval aeronautics was in its infancy. To-day the aircraft department is one of the main de- pendencies of the fleets. Their activities have been classified in some seventeen dis- tinct divisions. The average man has little conception of the extent of their actual oper- ations. A variety of types of seaplanes and dirigi- bles are effectively employed in making direct attacks upon ships and submarines at sea, using bombs, torpedoes, and guns. The same craft are also employed in bombing the enemy's bases and stations. Naval ex- perts of a generation since did not anticipate that naval craft would soon actually fly over great stretches of sea, and even over moun- tains, and inflict serious damage. To-day such raids are commonplace. A modern armada is accompanied by a fleet of aircraft, which engages the aircraft of the enemy. It employs aeroplanes and seaplanes, with a flying radius of several hundreds of miles, which may be launched directly from the decks of ships, or may be lowered alongside and rise from the surface 154 FIRST TO FLY of the water. Pictures of the great sea- plane carriers, with half a dozen or more large aeroplanes on their decks, are of course familiar. The aircraft, on returning, land on the surface of the water, and are re- trieved by being hoisted to their stations. A variety of aircraft serve as the eyes and scouts for the sea fleets. Trained observers go aloft to high altitudes in dirigibles, sea- planes, and kite balloons, and by means of direct telephone wires or by wireless keep their bases informed of the position of the enemy. The same types of machine are em- ployed to protect ships at sea or in port against attacks from hostile submarines or battleships. The defense of naval bases from both naval and aerial attacks is largely dependent at present upon aircraft. Everything that flies is used in such work. The dirigible has been superseded for raiding purposes by the aeroplane. We hear no more of Zeppelin raids, for the huge craft make too obvious a target for aeroplane attack. The dirigible still plays an important role, nevertheless, in patrolling coasts, searching for submarine 155 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY bases, spying upon suspicious ships, and for convoying fleets at sea. The speed of the seaplane is also depended upon to prevent hostile aircraft from locat- ing the positions of fleets and ascertaining the number and the nature of the ships that compose it. By keeping hostile aircraft at a distance, they also prevent the enemy from getting the range of naval bases, magazines, and other stations. Many operations are also carried over land and sea to divert the attention and mislead the enemy while strategical operations are being carried out. All types of aircraft are also employed to cooperate with submarines and guide them in their attacks on enemy fleets and bases. In many scouting trips they locate the pres- ence of mine fields and keep their fleets in- formed of their position. Much valuable time is saved, again, in planting mines by the assistance of the air squadrons. In at- tacking hostile ships and directing gun fire the spotting of aircraft is invaluable. It often happens that messages cannot be transmitted, even by wireless, between ships widely separated without giving the enemy a 156 FIRST TO FLY clue as to the ship's position. The aircraft serve as despatch-bearers in carrying mes- sages, at a rate of a hundred miles an hour or more, throughout a radius of hundreds of miles. 157 XXVI EARLY EXPLOITS THE American Navy was the first to rec- ognize the possibiHties of aircraft and to organize an aviation section. The officers who ventured aloft in many experimental flights faced a hazard unique in naval his- tory. To their daring and ingenuity is due much of the development of the air service at sea, which other nations have been quick to utilize. In any record of the naval heroes of to-day the exploits of these men, who dared so much for the advancement of their service, deserve to be remembered. The first naval appropriation for aero- nautics in history was made by Congress in 191 1. In view of the war budget a few years later counted by billions, it is inter- esting to recall that the first appropriation was $25,000. The Navy first appointed three officers to visit the aeroplane factories 158 EARLY EXPLOITS to receive instructions in flying. At that date the seaplane was unknown, and aero- planes had not yet been equipped with pon- toons to support them on the water. Some very daring experiments were carried on by these officers in attempting to start aero- planes by a cable launching device, which was the nucleus of the catapult of later years. Considering the difficulties and dangers of this experimental work, the progress was re- markable. From April, 191 1, to August, 1912, some 593 flights were made by the in- struction officers. The United States Navy at this period owned an air fleet consisting of three aeroplanes. In the winter of 191 1 the aviation camp was transferred to San Diego, California; later it was established at An- napolis. The first aerial reconnaissance ever made by a naval officer of rank was flown May 2, 19 1 2, under the direction of Rear-Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, then commanding the Sec- ond Squadron of the Atlantic Fleet. The aeroplane in this historic flight flew to and landed alongside the U. S. S. Georgia, the flagship anchored at Salem harbor. Later 159 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Rear-Admiral Fiske flew in this machine. A sea flight was made a few weeks later from the Aero Station near Annapolis to the battle-ship Louisiana at an altitude of four hundred feet, which aroused world-wide at- tention. In the same year a world's record was established in flying over Chesapeake Bay, when the officer remained aloft for six hours and ten minutes. Some Interesting experiments were also made in communicat- ing by wireless electricity between an aero- plane aloft and a battle-ship. The aero- plane had now passed the experimental stage and was recognized as one of the arms of the fleet. The United States Navy was also the first in history to fly under war conditions. When the mobilization was ordered to pro- ceed to Mexican waters in the summer of 1914, it found the Navy prepared. The or- ganization of the aero division is shown by the promptness with which it was able to act. Orders were received at the Pensacola sta- tion at noon on Sunday, April 19, for the First Aeroplane Section to embark on the Birmingham. Within six hours the avail- 160 EARLY EXPLOITS able fleet of six aeroplanes, with all neces- sary parts required for active service, two hangar tents, and camp equipment for three officers and ten men of the section were on the dock. The Second Aeronautical Section was no less prompt in embarking on the Mis- sissippi. When the Mississippi, with the Second Aeroplane Section on board, reached Vera Cruz on April 25, an aeroplane was in the air five minutes after she dropped anchor. On every day following flights were made; some- times the aeroplanes went aloft several times a day. The navy aeroplanes scouted along the outposts and far beyond the lines, pre- paring maps of the country and observing the position of the Mexican forces. For some time America held the distinc- tion of having not only the first but the most highly developed aeronautical section of any navy in the world. With the progress of the war America fell behind and was soon out- classed. Her activities to-day may enable her to regain her position of the first naval air force. 161 XXVII AN AIR BATTLE THERE is no better raw material in the world for the making of heroes than is to be found in America. Ensign Stephen Potter, U. S. N. R., was enrolled as a second- class seaman in the Naval Flying Corps, on September 26, 19 17, and was made an ensign November 2 of the same year. On Novem- ber 12 he was ordered to France, and was sent to England on January 18, 19 18, for active service. The dates are eloquent, indi- cating as they do how quickly the average American youth may be transformed into a skilful flyer. Within six weeks of his enrolment Potter had acquired an experience in this difficult and dangerous service that made it possible for him to go to France, and in a little more than a month he saw actual air service at the front. There are doubtless thousands of 162 ^ ""fWW > AN AIR BATTLE similar cases, but Potter has been singled out by the Government because of his bril- liant subsequent record and the stirring air battle in which he met his death. The records show that Potter had been fly- ing in actual service scarcely six weeks when he met a German seaplane in Heligoland Bight and in a brilliant air fight shot it down. His last battle occurred April 25 over the North Sea. He was serving at the time as second pilot to a British Royal Air Force captain. While out on scout duty, he was overtaken by a formidable German fleet of seven single-seaters, and found himself hope- lessly outclassed ; but he sold his life dearly. Potter's last air battle is one of the most daring in the history of air conflicts. The report of the engagement that follows, re- ceived from the London representative of the Committee on Public Information, needs no elaboration. Potter left a North Sea station in a British seaplane, and steered due east until six miles W. S. W. north of Hinder light. Another plane accompanied Potter, keeping a posi- tion to starboard throughout the action. 165 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Two enemy planes were sighted to port, heading toward them, flying low. Both British planes dived about a hundred yards apart, closing upon the nearest German. Fire opened from both at close range. Potter's companion had emptied one drum from the forward cockpit when the gun jammed. Two more hostile planes then ap- peared overhead, attacking vigorously. Both Britons turned to the west, pursuing one of the lower enemy, who was soon lost to view. Three others passed astern, fol- lowed at a sharp angle. Potter was close above his companion, and dove to within a hundred feet of the water. Both machines flattened out, and Potter's companion, being faster, throttled down un- til Potter came abreast. They ran west- ward in this formation at full speed for sev- eral minutes, under continuous volleys from the rear. Four more enemy machines now appeared in V formation. Of the seven Germans in action, four attacked Potter, and the others engaged his companion. Potter fell behind and began to zigzag. He first veered i66 AN AIR BATTLE slightly to starboard, then turned at right angles to port. Again his companion throttled down to let him catch up, and began climbing to re- duce headway. Potter dodged again, but was then broadside to all enemy machines, and under their fire only fifty feet from the water. His companion, flying above saw. Potter's machine burst into flames, come down part of the way under control, then crash on the port wing-tip. Potter was last seen on the surface amid flames that turned suddenly to a huge cloud of smoke. Two of the enemy circled over the spot, then joined the other five. When the pall had cleared, not even wreckage was visible. The commanding officer of the station from which Potter went aloft on his last flight added the following comment to the of- ficial report of the air battle : "Potter always displayed the greatest eag- erness to fly at all times. On the long re- connaissance in which he shot down the Ger- man aeroplane he showed courage and cool- ness. He was very popular at this station." 167 XXVIII A SEAPLANE WRECK WITH the appearance of the seaplane in our Navy has come a new test of courage. The pilot and observer aboard these frail aircraft in their long scouting trips at sea face a unique danger. In case of accident on a surface craft the life-boats give the sailor a fighting chance of escape. The worst catastrophe to ordinary craft, too, falls less swiftly. The airman finds gravity a very exacting master. Let his engine stall or any one of a hundred possible acci- dents befall his delicate craft with its com- plicated machinery, and his descent is meas- ured by seconds only. Even if he carry wireless equipment, there is likely to be little chance to use it to summon help, and the air- craft carries no life-boats for navigating either air or water. After a rapid volplane to the surface the aviator's plight is likely to be serious. The i68 A SEAPLANE WRECK fragile pontoons on which his aircraft rests offer very slight support. His aeroplane is in no sense seaworthy, and he is at the mercy of every wave. He is without oars or other means of propulsion, and must lie chained to his curious wreck. The wreck of the sea- plane carrying Ensign E. A. Stone, U. S. Naval Reserve, is unique in naval history. Forced to descend to the surface of the water while far out at sea. Stone and his companion floated for eighty hours and lived out a severe storm before relief arrived. The American sailor acting as a pilot of a British seaplane, with Sub-Lieutenant Eric Moore of the Royal Naval Air Service, had started out to convoy patrols from a British port. Land was far out of sight when the periscope of a German submarine was sighted, and the aircraft at once started in pursuit. It was unsuccessful in picking up the German, and meanwhile lost its way. Some two and a half hours later the engine dropped dead, and the airmen were forced to descend to the surface of a rough sea. The situation in which the men found themselves is described in Stone's own words: 169 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY "We had no kite or radio to call for assist- ance, so we released our two carrier-pigeons. We tied a message with our position and the word sinking on each. The first bird, a blue- barred one, flew straight oflf and reached home. But the other, which was white checked, lit on our machine and would not budge until Moore threw a navigation clock at him, which probably upset him so that he failed us." The sea rose, meanwhile, until the waves broke the frail wings of the aeroplane, caus- ing them to sink. It soon became clear that the machine was being slowly but steadily drawn down by the stern, thus turning her over. To lessen the impact of the waves, the airmen tore away the covering of the wings, but she continued to go down. The aeroplane finally rose perpendicularly in the air, and the men were obliged to climb over her nose and cling to the under side of the pontoons. Since these consisted merely of light frames covered with thin plate metal, their buoyancy was not great. Stories of suffering from hunger at sea are common, 170 A SEAPLANE WRECK but the experience of the wrecked airmen in this respect is peculiarly trying. Ensign Stone says, in writing of these hours : "Our emergency ration had been in the observer's seat at the back, but we had been so busy in trying to repair the motor and save ourselves from turning over that we didn't remember this until too late. When I crawled aft for food, Moore saw that I was only helping the machine to capsize. He yelled to me to come back, and I did, just in time to save myself from being carried down with the tail and drowned. "From then on, for nearly four days, until picked up by a trawler, we were continually soaked and lashed by seas, and with nothing to eat or drink. We had nothing to cling to, and so, to keep from being washed over- board, we got upon the same pontoon and hugged our arms around each other's bodies for the whole time. "We suffered from thirst. I had a crav- ing for canned peaches. Twice a drizzle came on, wetting the pontoon. We turned on our stomachs and lapped up the moisture, 171 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY but the paint came off, with the salt, and nauseated us. ''Our limbs grew numb. From time to time the wreckage from torpedoed ships would pass. Once two biscuit tins came near enough to swim for ; but by then, in our weakened state, we knew that we would drown if we tried to get them. We did haul in a tin and break it open. It was filled with tobacco." The shipwrecked sailor in an open boat or even on a raft suffers less than men aboard a wrecked seaplane. The airmen could not lie down or stretch themselves, and the effort of holding to the wreck in the rough seas was very exhausting. They had no mast on which to raise a flag, or lights to attract the attention of passing boats. Several ships passed within a comparatively short distance without sighting the low-lying wreck of the aircraft. These airmen were doubtless the first shipwrecked seamen in the history of the seas to sight an aeroplane. Let the air pilot tell the experience in his own words : "On Monday afternoon a seaplane came from the west. It was flying only 800 feet 172 A SEAPLANE WRECK over our head, aiming down the Channel. It seemed impossible that she could not sight us, for the air was perfectly clear. She passed straight above, without making any signal, flew two miles beyond, and came back on her course. " 'Her observer must be sending wireless about us,' I said. " 'Yes ; that is why we get no recognition,' said Moore; 'and now she's decided to go back and report.' "But the plane had not even seen us. Our spirits fell." It was not until after eighty hours had been spent on the wrecked seaplane that help came. A trawler sighted them, and, mis- taking them for Germans, approached war- ily. Both men were too weak to stand up and signal, but the ship finally drew near and the men were lifted aboard. Later they learned that every machine from the sea- plane bases, and even those from a station on the French coast, had flown continually for three days over the sea in search of them. Ensign Stone, who is a native of Norfolk, enlisted as a seaman, was trained as an avi- ^7Z NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY ator, and attached to the naval air station at Hampton Roads. While flying abroad he served under the commander of the United States naval forces for patrol duty. 174 XXIX A BALLOON WRECK THE first American medal to be awarded for "extraordinary heroism" in the war with Germany was presented to Patrick Mc- Gunigal, a ship's fitter of the U.S.S. Hunt- ington. No matter what position a man may fill in the United States Navy, he may be counted upon to respond instantly to a call for help. The hero is often a man with no special preparation for the work de- manded. In the long history of the Navy it might be imagined that every conceivable form of accident would be a commonplace, but Mc- Gunigal nevertheless faced a danger new to the seas. A lieutenant had gone aloft in a balloon to make observations, when a squall struck his unwieldy craft so suddenly that he had no time to save it. The captive bal- loon is a novelty on shipboard, and the crews 175 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY are as yet scarcely familiar with all the tricks that the wind may play with it. A balloon is in no sense shipshape. Un- der the most favorable conditions it is an awkward, unwieldy thing to handle. The inflation even of a small observation balloon requires skill and patience. The generators must be carefully adjusted and the huge silken bag kept under control with difficulty while it slowly fills. A considerable force of men is required for the work. No other activity on shipboard is so much at the mercy of the weather. A gust of wind that would pass unnoticed under ordi- nary conditions is anxiously watched by the balloon crew. A light breeze is enough to make the captive balloon toss about and strain at its ropes. The fabric, too, is so delicate that contact with some metal corner of the ship's upper works may tear it. Once inflated and the observer's basket attached, the balloon ropes must be paid out skilfully until it is free from the ship. Should it swing against hot metal, there is imminent danger of an explosion. The wind must be closely watched, since every 176 A BALLOON WRECK gust is a menace to the balloon and its pas- sengers. Even when it has risen above the level of the stacks, the towering steel obser- vation masts of our battle-ships menace it until the balloon is well aloft. In drawing down and housing the ship's balloon the dangers are repeated. The bal- loon must, besides, be kept inflated for days at a time. It is usually lashed as securely as possible on the after-deck, where it takes up a surprising amount of valuable space. A ship thus equipped appears to have some curious swelling or excrescence bulging high above the turrets. In case of a blow the silken bag, even in this position, offers so much surface to the wind that it is often difficult to keep it in place. The captive balloon on the U.S.S. Hunt- ington had been struck by a squall, driven down, and soused into the sea in a flash. The officer observer in the basket was drawn under the water, and on rising found him- self a prisoner amid a tangle of ropes in the partially submerged basket. A wrecked balloon is an exceedingly dangerous craft. The air-filled bag is, of course, practically 177 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY unsinkable, but it also drives before the wind. The basket may be compared to a tilted pail as it is dragged along the water in the wake of the balloon. The inflated silk proves very elusive. A man cannot dig his nails into the soft silk, and it sinks like a pillow under his weight if he tries to climb on it. The officer in the basket was drenched and blinded by the water. McGunigal was the first to reach the wreck. He climbed down the ship's side and, dragging a rope after him, swam to the balloon. The basket filled and sank, and McGunigal, while supporting the exhausted officer, struggled with the tan- gle of ropes. While supporting the officer with one arm, McGunigal tried desperately to hold to the balloon for support. It continued to elude him, sinking at the slightest touch or driv- ing ahead before the wind with each gust, and pulling the two men along in its wake. It would be difficult to conceive of a more baffling object. But a drowning man will grasp at a straw — or a submerged balloon. McGunigal managed to fasten the rope he 178 A BALLOON WRECK carried about the officer, who was now thor- oughly exhausted, and the two were finally drawn on board. 179 XXX AIR COAST PATROL THE exploit of the first naval dirigible to be detailed on actual submarine scout duty in home waters is typical of this dan- gerous service. The names of the pilot and of the student who made the flight have been censored by the naval authorities. Profiting by French and English experi- ence in building such aircraft, the new American naval dirigible is especially effi- cient. It is of the general "blimp" type. Beneath a cigar-shaped balloon envelope is suspended a serviceable car carrying the engines and the crew, which, unlike many European dirigibles, will float upon the sur- face of the water. The craft will rise rapidly to great alti- tudes, and may be driven under favorable conditions at a speed of forty miles an hour or better. Like other lighter-than-air ma- i8o % m^ AIR COAST PATROL chines, the naval dirigible can maintain a stationary position in the air, which renders it especially valuable for scout work. It can therefore do some scout work better than the aeroplane — in its present stage of de- velopment. The aeroplane scout makes much faster time than a dirigible covering a wider area ; but the aeroplane must maintain a constant speed of fifty miles an hour or so, which makes close observation difficult. If the sea be rough or obscured by fog, it is a very easy matter in such rapid flight to miss so small an object as the periscope of a subma- rine. From the car of the new naval dirig- ible, whose flight maybe stopped at any mo- ment, the observer can observe more closely. When the first submarine raid was made on American shipping off the Atlantic coast, it found the Navy in readiness for scout service. The Government has not permitted any definite figures to be published as to the strength of the scouting fleet of aircraft en- gaged in the work, but it was probably num- bered by hundreds. While the torpedo- boats and submarine-chasers were scouring 183 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY the waters for the enemy, the most formi- dable air fleet ever assembled in America was soon aloft, scouting far out to sea. From the various coast resorts the air fleets were watched day after day as they pa- trolled back and forth at regular intervals with the regularity of a railroad schedule. The service aloft in these scouting craft is a very daunting business. It is extremely creditable to the hundreds of naval airmen that they should have responded so quickly and acquitted themselves so well in this new experience. Few, if any, of these men had ever seen active service. The scouting trips carried them far out of sight of land. In case of accident they might find them- selves far from assistance in the open sea. Much of the time the weather was unfa- vorable and the air fleets faced high winds. The reader will readily recall the fact that but a few years since an airman who went aloft took his life in his hands and his flight was watched with breathless interest. To- day the Navy comprises tens of thousands of men who not only take their aircraft aloft 184 AIR COAST PATROL under the most dangerous weather condi- tions but are prepared to fight as well. Every member of the great scouting fleet may be said to have shown conspicuous bravery. One of the scouting dirigibles, however, deserves special mention. It had started out from the naval station at Cape May, carry- ing a pilot and a student aviator. So fleet are these craft that it was ordered to patrol the entire length of the New Jersey coast from Cape May to Sandy Hook. While flying far out at a point forty-five miles southeast of Sandy Hook, the engines be- came disabled and the dirigible was forced to descend. The dirigible had planned to scout off shore the length of the New Jersey coast and return before night. When the time for her arrival had passed, a fleet of sea- planes and destroyers was sent out, and searched throughout the night, but without finding any trace of her. The crew of the wrecked dirigible, meanwhile, plutkily la- bored for hours to get the engines to work, 185 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY without success. Several passing ships were sighted at a distance, but they failed to sight the dirigible. After many hours in this extremely peril- ous position, the dirigible was sighted by the schooner Luther Little and brought safely to New York. Three other naval airmen were wrecked in a similar manner, and were missing for three days, but succeeded in bringing back their aircraft. It is gratify- ing to know that the naval airmen were found well prepared for service and that hundreds of aircraft were able to fly for tens of thou- sands of miles under difficult conditions without the loss of a single man. i86 XXXI SPOTTING THE FALL OF SHOTS DURING a naval engagement the most exposed position in the entire fleet is probably that of the men who go aloft to spot the fall of shots. Whether his observa- tions be made from a kite balloon or an aeroplane, he becomes a tempting target for the enemy's fire. The great bulk of a bal- loon tethered to the masts of the battle-ship is clearly visible for miles, while the white wings of an aeroplane are always conspicu- ous. The observer in such a craft is abso- lutely without protection of any kind, and a lucky shot brings him down with a rush. A writer of fiction who prophesied years ago the use of aircraft with the navies questioned whether men could be found to face calmly so great a hazard as these flights required. He dwelt upon the horrors of a fall from a great altitude, and the insecurity 187 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY of the position, drawing a fairly accurate picture of the service that is to-day a com- monplace. His doubts have been definitely answered. Aeronautical work is now prob- ably the most popular branch of the service. The records of the Navy Department fail to mention any award of merit for conspicu- ous bravery among the aero observers. It is a high tribute to the courage of the men that this exceedingly difficult and dangerous work should have been performed satisfactorily for years, and is looked upon merely as an every-day affair undeserving special men- tion. The observers are carried aloft by aero- planes, naval dirigible balloons, kite balloons, and ordinary captive balloons. Each form of aircraft has some advantage of its own; all are distinctly perilous. From a position above the fighting-ships the observer must not only coolly face the danger of instant destruction, but his observations require him, at the same time, to make complicated math- ematical calculations. A man may find courage to control himself and look down SPOTTING THE FALL OF SHOTS the mouth of an enemy's gun, but it is an- other thing at such a time to make use of his knowledge of higher mathematics. The observer in a captive balloon commu- nicates with his base, as a rule, by means of a telephone running down the rope that teth- ers him to his ship. He sits in the basket with a telephone receiver clasped to his ears and a transmitter before him, leaving both hands free. With his glasses trained on the enemy's position, he can report his ob- servation without the delay of a second. The value of such observations are obvious. An aeroplane or a naval dirigible, being detached, may cruise to any distance, and has a much better chance of dodging the enemy's fire. The observations in this case are transmitted by wireless telegraphy. Un- til the war came, observers were seriously hampered by the lack of light and efficient wireless apparatus. The equipment weighed from three to five pounds per mile of trans- mission. Their radius was thus very lim- ited. In two years the weight of such ap- paratus was reduced, however, to only one 189 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY pound per mile of transmission, and the car- rying capacity of all forms of aircraft was at the same time greatly increased. It is necessary for the observer in an aeroplane or a dirigible to be an expert wire- less operator or to carry an assistant. It requires a good mental poise to use one's knowledge of so complicated a science when exposed under fire at high altitude, but there is no lack of volunteers for this difficult post. The efficiency of gun fire has been enor- mously increased with the assistance of these observers. From an altitude of perhaps several miles they can look directly down upon the enemy. If a shot falls short or goes too far, the gunners are instantly in- formed and can correct their aim for the next discharge. Since the gun fire of mod- ern battle-ships is marvelously accurate, a word is sufficient. There have been in- stances of observers giving such minute di- rections to their gun crews that a particular part of a ship has been struck, not once but repeatedly, at a distance of several miles. With the aid of the observers, the long- range guns of the battle-ships may be used 190 SPOTTING THE FALL OF SHOTS to bombard cities and ships on waterways far inland. The target may be miles dis- tant, and separated by intervening moun- tains and wooded country ; yet shots thus di- rected have struck within a few feet of the target. 191 XXXII AIR SCOUTING WHEN the history of the war comes to be written, it will be found that the naval air pilots have taken a major part in turning the scales against the submarine. When a new line of attack was demanded to overcome this menace, the naval air pilot rose to the occasion. By many long and per- ilous vigils, by day and night, above the sea lanes, he has put fear into the hearts of the U-boats' crews. Naval aircraft are counted by thousands. With the progress of the war the most fan- tastic dreams of romances have been real- ized. These fleets go aloft, patrol extended areas, and return with the regularity of a railroad schedule. Thousands of square miles of water are thus kept under constant observation. Even so small an object as the periscope of a submarine cannot long escape their observation. 192 AIR SCOUTING These air fleets must be manned by a highly specialized personnel. Apart from the skill and experience required by the pilot in making long air cruises, the observer must be especially fitted for his work. One of the great advantages of such craft is the oppor- tunity they afford for "deep sea vision." The phase is new in naval terms. From a point directly above, the observer is able to look down into the water to surprising depths. He can spy upon submarines, even when submerged to a depth of a hundred feet, which would be invisible to any other craft. Before being intrusted with the post of observer, the naval aero observer requires long technical training. The depth at which a submarine may be observed depends upon the color of the floor of the sea and on that of the sky. A thousand details must be mastered. A different experience in train- ing is required for the men who observe from a scouting aeroplane or from a "blimp" — a balloon with an aeroplane chassis attached beneath it. The chassis carries the motor and propeller, these being supported by the 193 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY balloon instead of by wings. The propeller drives the chassis through the air, and the balloon is drawn along after it. The ob- server in a ''blimp" can travel forty miles an hour, but he can also hover or come to rest in mid-air, and remain in a stationary position for an indefinite time. The aero- plane, on the other hand, may have a speed of more than a hundred miles an hour, but it cannot slow down to less than thirty miles without danger of falling. The American Navy has for several years been actively training air pilots and observ- ers. It is not generally known that the first submarine hunt in America occurred as early as March 26, 191 7. Two U-boats were re- ported one day off the Long Island shore, "lying in toward the Sound." The report proved to be a false alarm, but it found the naval authorities on the alert. Four flyers rose from Mineola and Governor's Island, and, in the face of a forty-mile wind with rain and fog, scouted off the Long Island shore. The aeroplanes went out to sea from five to seven miles. The search lasted for three days. 194 AIR SCOUTING .The first report of the submarine raid on American shipping off our coast early in 191 8 found the Navy well prepared. No official figures are available, for obvious reasons; but it is known that several hundred aero- planes, manned with experienced pilots and observers, were ready for duty. Within a few hours the whir of their propellers might be heard along the coast from Maine to Florida. The patrol covered thousands of miles without a serious accident. The pilots and observers are also trained in bomb-dropping. The men first receive technical instruction which enables them to calculate the trajectory of a bomb in falling from an aeroplane in rapid flight. He prac- tises with an ingenious contrivance, drop- ping weights upon a miniature landscape or sea dotted with ships. In many flights he learns to drop dummy bombs upon a variety of targets. A great force of alert American boys are already actively engaged in such naval patrol work abroad and at home, while a much larger force is receiving instruction. No flying is probably at once so perilous and so fascinating as the night reconnais- 195 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY sance work. As a rule, only the most expe- rienced and dependable air pilots are in- trusted with such details. These airmen must fly practically blindfolded. Since the earth is hidden, the pilot must depend largely upon his sense of equilibrium to tell him at what angle his craft may be inchned. The lights visible on land or water at night from an altitude of several miles are at best very indistinct and misleading. Since all friendly as well as enemy air- craft fly with lights out, they cannot be seen, even on clear nights, except at close range. The night pilot must get his bearings at such times from the noise made by the propellers of approaching craft. From long experi- ence, he is able to distinguish the different note in the whir of the propellers driven by different engines. His life may depend upon the accuracy of his judgment in thus dis- tinguishing friend from foe. The obvious danger in night flying is, of course, that the pilot may lose his way and be unable to return to his base. An elab- orate system of signals has been worked out to enable him to recognize his friend. On 196 AIR SCOUTING approaching his base, while sailing at a safe altitude, the pilot, by means of a light, com- municates in a secret code. He must wait until he receives a reply in the same code before coming down. The enemy will, of course, try to deceive him, and the pilot must be on his guard. Only when an exchange of signals absolutely satisfies him is the pilot allowed to negotiate the difficult operation of a night landing. 197 XXXIII AERO PHOTOGRAPHY ALTHOUGH no men have as yet been singled out for conspicuous bravery among the aero photographers of the Navy, their service is at once so perilous and so picturesque that no list of naval heroes would be complete without them. The aero pho- tographer faces much the same danger as other flyers, and in addition must approach close enough to the enemy positions to focus his camera upon them, and return again and again to the point of danger to make sure of his exposures. A verbal report of the work of the bombing planes will not suffice: the aero camera-man must bring back actual photographs, and good ones, of the damage inflicted. No other country is so well prepared as America to supply expert camera-men for this service. We are a nation of photog- 198 (C) Brown and Dawson. An American Fleet in Chinese Waters (C) Brown and Dawson. The Deck from Aloft AERO PHOTOGRAPHY raphers. It has been estimated that there is one camera in use for every four people, counting the entire population. Children begin by snapping pictures with small hand cameras, and replace them with better ap- paratus as they grow older. Much of this knowledge is elemental, but a large propor- tion of the population learn to take excellent pictures. When the demand for photog- raphers for the Navy was made, there was a wealth of good material to choose from. It was not necessary to train men from the be- ginning. Thousands were found among those enlisted • who were already skilled camera-men. In order to carry on naval preparations over the sea, hundreds of miles of photo- graphic maps must be prepared. Every de- tail of the enemy's coast-lines is photo- graphed. Before an air raid is carried out — such as that upon the German submarine base at Ostend — the aero photographers are sent out again and again. The anti-aircraft defenses are able to put up a barrage fire to a height of more than ten thousand feet, or two miles. To fly below this level is to face 20I NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY great danger. The photographic planes often venture much lower down, however, to secure sharply focussed pictures. And they do so, perhaps, at intervals of a few hours, in order to photograph any changes the enemy may make in his defenses. So vital are these aero photographs to the naval authorities in planning a raid that no risk is considered too great in securing them. With these photographic maps of the coast- lines before him, a naval officer may be said to look directly down upon the enemy. Lit- tle is left to chance. From these pictures the exact position of the weak points in the enemy's lines are ascertained, and the pilots of bombing machines may be told just what he is to do. Aero photographers not only precede the raids, but they must follow them as well, to bring back definite photographic evidence of the damage inflicted. As a matter of course, the enemy knows that the aero photogra- phers are coming, and is on the lookout for them; but even this danger must be faced, so important is the evidence collected. While working under (or is it over?) fire, 202 AERO PHOTOGRAPHY the aero camera-man must have steady nerves and an unshaken hand. Every one knows how dehcate a matter it is to judge the distance and the Hght in making a good picture. In photographing from the air the problem becomes much more compHcated. The passage of clouds and the effect of at- mospheric conditions at high altitudes must be considered. With the enemy sending up a deadly barrage, or perhaps an enemy fleet attempting to drive him away, these camera- men of the air forces never falter. Everything is done to simplify the work and save a few seconds of priceless time. The cameras are sometimes placed in the floor of the car, or fastened to the outer side, and arranged with ingenious automatic devices for making the exposures. The pic- tures may be taken by pressing a button or pulling a strap. Moving pictures are also taken aloft, and thousands of exposures made, as the aeroplane dodges the enemy's fire. The remarkable photographs that appear in such numbers in the papers and magazines gain a new interest when we consider how 203 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY high a price is paid to secure them. The aero camera-man must exercise all his skill and ingenuity, knowing that any exposure may be his last and an unlucky shot may send him plunging down. The courage that enables our men to face such dangers is so common that the authorities have not seen fit to give it special mention. 204 XXXIV A SEVEN-HOUR AIR BATTLE AT the beginning of the war the aero- plane was little more than a toy. Its most enthusiastic friends did not anticipate its amazing development. The first encoun- ters between aircraft were watched with curiosity, but the military advantage of the air fleets was considered problematical. Under the most favorable conditions it was found difficult to keep an aeroplane aloft for any length of time; they carried little weight, and air navigation was difficult. When two aeroplanes met in combat, they manoeuvered much the same as knights in a medieval tournament. Flying at comparatively low altitudes, they would pass each other, firing a few shots from guns of small caliber, and then turn and repeat the attack. Two American officers — Lieutenant J. A. Eaton and K. B. Keyes — recently took part in an air battle that lasted for more than 205 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY seven hours. The engagement took place above the sea, far out of sight of land. In case of accident the airmen faced the danger of drowning. A series of complicated ma- noeuvers were carried on aloft, while the bat- tle was fought by formidable air batteries. The description of the air battle written by Lieutenant Keyes is fascinating. Keyes was gun-layer in an aeroplane, one of a fleet of five aircraft flying off the coast of Hol- land near Terschelling, when a fleet of Ger- man machines was sighted. ''Lieutenant G was seated near the wheel," Keyes writes. "His duty was to kneel, with his eyes above the cowl, and di- rect the pilot. I was in the front cockpit, with one gun and four hundred rounds of ammrmition. In the stern cockpit the en- gineer and wireless ratings were to handle three guns. "We took battle formation, and went for- ward to meet the enemy machines ; but when almost within range they turned and ran away from us." Later another fleet of German planes was sighted and again driven off. These fleets 206 A SEVEN-HOUR AIR BATTLE were probably acting as decoys, for shortly afterward the Germans appeared in consid- erable force. Lieutenant Keyes describes the main action as follows: "Suddenly we discovered that a large num- ber of hostile planes were steering toward us, not high in the air, but very close to the water. Ten machines were in this group, but they were joined in a few minutes by five more. The scouts were painted black and the two seaters green, and seemed very hard to pick up. *'We swung into battle formation and aimed for the middle of the fleet. When we were nearly within range, four planes on the port side and five on the starboard side were close to our level. Two planes passed directly beneath us, shooting upward. The firing was incessant from the beginning, and the air seemed blue with tracer smoke. The Germans used explosive bullets." The wounding of Lieutenant G , which occurred at the height of the battle, did not shake the nerve of the Americans, who con- tinued to fight while their comrade lay un- conscious beside them. 207 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY ''Once I looked round," writes Lieutenant Keyes, ''and noticed that Lieutenant G was in a stooping position, with his head and one arm on his seat, the other arm hanging down as if reaching for something. I had seen him in this posture earlier in the day, and so thought nothing of it. All this I noticed in the fraction of a second, for I had to continue firing. "A few minutes later I turned around once more, and found with a shock that Lieutenant G was in the same position. It was then that the first inkling of the truth dawned on me. By bending lower I dis- covered his head was lying in a pool of blood." The Allied squadron put up a good run- ning fight, despite their losses. The reports of the various pilots shows that the discipline was excellent throughout. The aeroplanes kept in battle formation and carried out sev- eral difficult air manoeuvers. Lieutenant Keyes' description of the later phases of the battle makes stirring reading: "Suddenly I found our machine had been 208 A SEVEN-HOUR AIR BATTLE cut off from the formation and we were sur- rounded by seven enemy seaplanes. We fought for ten miles or so, until we drove seven Germans off. One of them was driven down out of control and made a very poor landing. Another was badly hit, side- slipped, and crashed in flames from a height of two thousand feet. All were severely punished." The engines of Lieutenant Keyes' machine now began to act badly. From the matter- of-fact description it is difficult to realize that the scene was taking place high above the sea. "The engineer came forward," writes the Lieutenant, "to say that the port engine pe- trol pipe had broken. By this time I had laid out Lieutenant G in the wireless cockpit, cleaned up the second pilot's seat, and taken it myself. "We descended to the water at 4 145 p. m., ten miles northwest of Vlieland. There I loosened Lieutenant G 's clothing, made his position easier, and felt for his heart, which I was sure was beating feebly. Then 209 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY we rose and sighted two of our own planes. We picked them up, swung into formation, and laid our course for Z. ''At 7 : 10 we sighted land, and twenty min- utes after we were resting in front of the slipway. We at once summoned medical aid, but found that nothing could be done for Lieutenant G . The shot had gone through his head, striking his mouth and coming out behind one ear, tearing a two- inch gash. Our boat was riddled with a number of shots, and had also a torn top be- tween the front cockpit and the beginning of the cowl. The duration of the fight was seven hours and ten minutes." 2IO PART IV IN HOME WATERS XXXV IN PEACE TIMES PEACE has its heroes no less than war. In the daily routine life of the fleet there is no lack of opportunity for distin- guished service. The fleets comprise a widely scattered population equal to that of a considerable city. An immense amount of labor must be done on an exacting schedule. This population, again, is constantly threat- ened by the manifold dangers of life at sea, ^yhile each of the floating fortresses carries immense stores of explosives. The average man who watches a great fleet sweep out to sea little realizes the sleepless vigilance that guards its safety. From the hour a ship is laid down in some navy-yard until, years later, she is con- demned and broken up, every hour of her life is fraught with danger. A man-of-war laid up for repairs at the New York Navy- Yard 213 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY would seem to be safe from the perils of the sea. No submarine could penetrate here while her gangway leads directly to solid earth. Yet, during the repairing of a ship in this dry-dock recently, an ugly fire broke out in the lower part of the ship's hold. It was a simple matter to flood the burning area, and the fire-fighters of the crew were at their stations, when a report came that a workman was missing somewhere below. Following the alarm there had been ample time for all to reach the deck; but, as it was discovered later, a boy assisting the workmen in the ship's tank had become unconscious from the smoke and heat and was left be- hind. A hurried consultation was held on deck, and it was decided that the boy must lie at the bottom of a shaft some thirty feet below the main-deck. It was impossible to reach the point by the ship's ladder or by stairways, which were cut off by the flames. A volun- teer was called for, and a seaman was se- lected from the several sailors who stepped forward. A line was placed around his body, and, armed with a small lantern, he 214 IN PEACE TIMES was lowered cautiously into the darkness. As he descended the heat became intense and the smoke was suffocating. A signal would have brought him to the safe level of the deck in a few seconds; but the sailor made the descent, and then, lantern in hand, began to search for the missing workman. To the men holding the rope on deck the time seemed interminable. Several minutes passed without any sign from below. The men were on the point of pulling up, fearing their man was unconscious, when the wel- come signal came. The increased weight on the rope told its own story. When the sailor appeared above deck, he was clasping the unconscious body of the missing boy. A lit- tle adventure of this kind is considered all in the day's work. A somewhat similar accident occurred aboard the U. S. S. Buck at one of the navy- yards. Two employees of the navy-yard had entered the coffer-dam of the Buck without permission, and were overcome by poisonous gases in the hold of the vessel. Every one realized the danger of entering the hold and breathing the dangerous fumes, but volun- 215 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY teers to save the men were not lacking. A quartermaster, Felix Laskowsky, was se- lected from among those who volunteered. Attaching a long line about his body, he de- scended into the hold safely, found one of the unconscious men, and was struggling up the ladder with his burden when he was him- self overcome. He fell from the ladder, fracturing his skull, and died almost imme- diately. The young quartermaster had en- listed at Dallas, Texas, less than a year before. The term sea-cook should no longer be a term of reproach. No special heroism is called for in the ship's galley under ordinary circumstances. Every man aboard ship nevertheless, when the test comes, may be depended upon. The adventure of William B. Gray of the Naval Reserve, while serving as ship's cook, should serve to remove that ancient stigma which attaches to the sea cook and his progeny. Gray's ship chanced to be stationed in North Carolina Sounds one January when an unusually severe cold wave covered the Sounds with thick ice, which remained un- 216 IN PEACE TIMES broken for three weeks. The condition was very unusual in that locality. A lighthouse within sight of the ship, with its inmates sta- tioned at a particularly inaccessible point, was completely isolated and cut off from sup- plies. Word reached the ship that the light- house-keeper and his family were suffering. The ice covering the Sounds was much too thick to break a channel for a boat, while too thin in places to allow a man to cross in safety. The Sounds were, besides, swept by strong* and irregular currents, and should a man break through he would probably be swept under the ice. Gray conceived the idea of attaching runners to a ship's boat, and when this remarkable boat-sled was ready it was loaded with supplies for the marooned lighthouse-keeper. Gray made the trip alone. The heavier portions of the ice were crossed by pushing the boat cautiously for- ward. There were many weak spots, and Gray had to keep tight hold of his boat to guard against accident. Several times he broke through the ice, but saved himself by holding to the side of the boat and climbing 217 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY aboard. When the ice proved too thin to support the sled, the boat was pushed labori- ously forward. Standing at the prow, Gray would break the ice before him with an oar and then push his boat into the opening. It was slow work. After many hours Gray reached the light- house and the supplies were transferred. Throughout the trip the cold was intense, and after each wetting the water froze sol- idly the cook's clothes. Considerable skill was required in handling the boat to negoti- ate these icy passages. Gray was new to the service, having enlisted but a few months be- fore. He is a native of Newbern, North Carolina, and doubtless drew encouragement from the fact that his act of heroism was to bring relief to people of his own State. 218 XXXVI ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT IN commending the bravery of Ora Graves, a seaman of the U.S.S. Pittsburgh, the Government showed that it keeps an alert eye upon every activity of its great fleets. On this date, December 23, 1917, great issues were at stake in European waters, and an act of heroism at home might easily have passed unnoticed. The Graves affair is specially interesting because it came unexpectedly in the course of ordinary daily drill. In a great naval battle, or while navigating dangerous waters, the crew might naturally be keyed up to the occa- sion and in a mood for special acts of hero- ism. The firing of a salute in American waters was as commonplace as the scrubbing of a deck. Discipline might be expected to relax at such times below the fighting pitch. Like scores of other duties aboard ship, it is 219 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY all in the day's work, when the men might be caught off their guard. The drill has been made familiar by many pictures, including moving pictures. The gun crew take their stations on the open deck, for no return fire is to be expected. The cartridge is brought up by an electric hoist. The men have come to look upon such drill with the contempt of its dangers bred of long familiarity. A mere three-inch shell seems as harmless to them as a fire- cracker. The smooth mechanism of the gun is set in motion. The gun is opened and a cartridge slid swiftly into place and the breech closed. Accustomed to the roar of fourteen-inch guns the report of the salute charge scarcely attracts the crew's attention. At the firing of such a salute charge from a three-inch gun, one day aboard the U.S.S. Pittsburgh, an ugly explosion occurred. Two men were instantly killed and several others, including Graves, seriously injured. The crew were taken entirely by surprise. The seaman Graves had been struck sense- less and hurled some distance along the deck. The alarm of the explosion spread instantly, 220 ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT and in a moment men were rushing to the gun to lend assistance. Graves lay for a few seconds unconscious some feet from the gun, and in the excitement of the moment was overlooked. He recovered consciousness, pulled him- self to a sitting position, and looked about hazily. His eyes rested on some burning waste that had been ignited by the explosion and hurled some distance from the gun. It had fallen near a casement containing a large supply of explosives. No one else had no- ticed the fire or realized the danger to the ship. There was not an instant to spare. Weak as he was from the explosion, Graves staggered to his feet. He might have called for help, but he realized that he could reach the burning waste before any one else, and the safety of the ship might be decided by a second's time. His injuries pained him cruelly, and once he staggered and nearly fell ; but he had reached the burn- ing waste before any one else realized the ship's danger. The fire had already spread near the pow- der when Graves, gathering up the cotton in 221 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY his arms, and working with desperate haste, began to throw it overboard. There were several armloads of the waste, but Graves stuck doggedly at his work until the last of it was in the sea. Not until the danger was over did he realize that he was seriously burned about the face, neck and hands. A few seconds' delay would have brought the flames to the powder and the entire ship would have been wrecked and probably lost. The inspiration of the incident lies in the readiness of the seaman to think and act the moment he regained consciousness. Few people, on awaking even from a normal sleep, instantly regain all their faculties. After such a shock the strongest man might be expected to look somewhat hazily about him. Graves was able to see and act with instant decision. The medal awarded to Graves was the second to be awarded since our entrance into the war. 222 XXXVII THE FIRE-FIGHTERS AMERICAN seamen are found ex- tremely versatile in attacking problems that demand quick decision. Scattered as they are throughout the country, a great va- riety of demands are continually made upon them, quite apart from their duties with the fleet. The constantly mounting debt that the public owes the men of the Navy for such assistance is not generally appreciated. When the business district of Norfolk, Virginia, was threatened by fire, every one, as a matter of course, turned to the sailors for assistance. The case is typical. The discipline of the Navy is one of the most highly prized assets of the country. The ar- rival of sailors at the scene of any catas- trophe instantly inspires confidence. The fire at Norfolk, it will be remembered, 223 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY threatened the entire city. Every available piece of fighting apparatus had been called, but the fire continued to spread. The fire departments of near-by towns were called upon. Scores of fire-engines were hastily loaded on flat-cars and rushed to the city. The arrival of a large force of enlisted men from the Norfolk Navy Yard finally turned the tide of battle and the city was saved. Hurried to the scene, some of the men were detailed to patrol the city, to han- dle the crowd and protect property, while others took a hand in the fight. The men gave an excellent account of themselves. At such a time the discipline and team work that is the result of years of training comes out strongly in contrast with the well mean- ing but undisciplined efi^orts of a crowd of volunteers. No time was lost in discussion. At a com- mand, the men advanced double quick to their designated stations. The terror of the advancing flames and the darkened streets spread terror to the people. The sailors were at home amid such confusion. Trained to stand at their guns under shell fire and 224 THE FIRE-FIGHTERS coolly to execute complicated orders, they remained as self-possessed as if on parade. Before the arrival of the sailors there had been great difficulty in keeping the crowds within bounds. At several points they had ''rushed" the ropes, filling the streets where the firemen were at work. But the sight of these well set up, disciplined men inspired confidence. Thereafter the streets were kept clear. The guard proved especially valuable in transmitting orders throughout the burning area, and in organizing and keeping the different fire-fighting units in touch with one another. On the fighting line, face to face with the fire, the sailors proved invaluable. Without relief many of them worked continuously throughout the night. The weather was ex- tremely cold, and many of the men were repeatedly drenched to the skin with the icy waters; but they continued at their posts, refusing to be relieved as long as the danger continued. There were many narrow escapes, and when the men reported later the officers were gratified to find that none were missing. At 225 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY one point, in carrying a line of hose to the top of a building to gain a better position, the sailors were repeatedly warned by the local firemen. They held their posts, how- ever, until their own officer ordered them to retreat. A few minutes afterward the walls of the building fell in. An especially narrow escape was made by John Joseph McLoughlin, a chief boats- wain's mate, and two sailors who succeeded in carrying a line of hose through the flames to a valuable strategic point of attack. Like the many others, they continued to work throughout the night, although wet with water that froze their clothing. Many of the men remained continuously on duty in the cold for more than two days. 226 XXXVIII THOSE IN PERIL IN the Navy the rescue of drowning men is almost a daily occurrence. To fail in courage when such a call comes would be a disgrace. A complete report of such rescues would become monotonous from its repeti- tion of feats that, taken separately, would seem inspiring. Let the familiar cry, "Man overboard !" be heard at any hour of the day or night, winter or summer, in calm or storm, and there will be no lack of volunteers. The waters may be infested with sharks, or strewn with dangerous rocks : there is never a moment's hesitation. Once this trifling service has been performed, the sailor goes about his work and thinks nothing of the exercise. It is only when such a rescue takes some novel form that the public is likely to hear of it. Even amid the endless repetition of 22^ THOSE IN PERIL rescues, the case of Lieutenant Richard L. Connoly stands out prominently. At the time a full northeast gale swept the Atlantic, swinging his ship almost on its beam ends, when some object became involved with the steering-gear. A quartermaster, in trying to clear the wheel, lost his balance on a sud- den roll of the ship, and was swept over- board. The sea was running wild, and, al- though a good swimmer, the quartermaster was soon exhausted. When it was seen that he could not help himself, a ship's cook fastened a rope about his waist and jumped in the water after him. He reached the quartermaster, and suc- ceeded with great difficulty in bringing him to the side of the ship. The sea, meanwhile, had worn out the cook, and both men were too weak to make use of the rope thrown to them. It was then that Lieutenant Connoly hit upon a novel plan of reaching the men. Swinging himself far out over the water, he fastened his feet in the ship's rail, and, with his head down, fished (so to speak) for the two men in the water. He could reach them only when the ship rolled far over. Several 228 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY times the ship rolled toward them, but not far enough. The Lieutenant meanwhile, hanging head down, was raised violently up and down. After repeated attempts, he reached the men in the water, who grasped his outstretched hands. With a man cling- ing to each arm, he was drawn back to the level of the deck, saving both men at the same time. An ingenious variation on this method was tried with success by a seaman on the U.S.S. Naradalogs. The ship was lying at anchor in an Atlantic port, when a seaman, while passing a line outside the main-rigging, tum- bled overboard. Like Lieutenant Connoly, the seaman saved his man without so much as wetting his shirt-sleeves. Climbing down on the ship's chain to within a few feet of the water, he took a firm hold of the chain and swung himself down until his legs were on a level with the seaman's shoulders. The seaman was weak from his fall and exposure, but his rescuer twined his feet and legs about him and held him above the water. A boat was hastily lowered and the seaman was lifted into the boat. An interesting f ea- 229 THOSE IN PERIL ture of the rescue was the fact that the agile seaman had only been in service since 191 7. The proverbial readiness of the United States Marines was evidenced in a sensa- tional life-saving exploit in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A private of marines was float- ing on a log well out in the Caribbean Sea, when he was attacked by a shark. In de- fending himself he fell off the log, and, to add to the danger of the situation, was sud- denly taken with cramps. He managed to keep afloat, rubbing his leg vigorously to re- store circulation, and splashing the water to scare away the shark, which might still be in his neighborhood. A squall meanwhile came up quickly, as they are likely to do in this region, and the marine found himself drifting out to sea. He was observed from shore, and a recruit- ing party was at once despatched to his as- sistance; but the rising sea prevented them from getting near him. Meanwhile Private Leonard B. Dean, of the Marine Corps Branch of the National Naval Volunteers, watched the man drifting out to sea, and made his own plans to rescue him. It is one 230 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY thing to jump into the sea in the excitement of the moment and bring in a man: it re- quires a different kind of courage to work out such a rescue by the laws of navigation, and to carry it out by three hours of swim- ming in a high sea. Dean watched the movement of the cur- rent and the direction of the storm, and, lay- ing a course accordingly, overtook the man on the log well out to sea, but in a favorable current. After three hours of swimming he brought his man safely to shore. He did not encounter the shark. After reaching land, Dean remarked quietly: "I thought the fellow would take the course he did, and planned it beforehand." A high sea tests the courage of the most hardened salt, and when to the storm is added the menace of sharks the combination is terrifying. Secretary Daniels has given special recognition to Wallace Odell Prater, a machinist mate of the second class, for facing both dangers in making a rescue. A seaman had fallen overboard and been attacked by a shark, which had bitten off his leg. Four other sharks were in plain view, 231 THOSE IN PERIL circling about the injured man with fierce darting movements. Prater, although rec- ognizing the danger, jumped into the water without the slightest hesitation, swam to the injured man, and, supporting him, turned to the ship. The fins of several sharks were seen in the water within a few feet of the two men, but they returned in safety. Pra- ter is a Kansas boy who had served only a few months in the Navy before making his rescue. Every section of the country seems to have contributed men to the long list of those re- warded for saving life. It is inspiring to realize that the Navy can draw upon so wide an area for the material from which heroes are made. A lad raised in the northern part of Alaska recently won official distinction for such service. He was serving in the Naval Reserve, second class at sea, when a ship's storekeeper lost his footing and fell over- board. In falling he struck the rail of a lower deck, and was senseless when he reached the water. The body instantly dis- appeared between the boat and the dock. The position was extremely awkward, for 232 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY the body was quickly drawn beneath the dock. The Alaskan, without any suggestion from his officers, instantly jumped in at the point where the body had disappeared. The body of an unconscious man is very difficult to handle even in open water, and in this cramped position great physical strength as well as skill was required. The storekeeper was brought safely aboard. The ship's of- ficers watched the rescue from the deck al- most directly above. Upon their enthusias- tic report of the Alaskan's daring, the Sec- retary of the Navy ordered official recogni- tion of the act. The presence of a naval vessel of any kind is an assurance that the waters of the neigh- borhood will be efficiently patrolled against accident. Another remarkable rescue was made from a patrol boat in Long Island Sound. A young New York lad, who had entered the service only a few weeks before, was standing on deck when he saw a boat carrying a pleasure party swept against a wharf and its party thrown into the water. Although the tide was unusually strong, 233 THOSE IN PERIL the sailor was after them in a moment. Swimming to the upturned boat, he reached a man, and, keeping him afloat, swam about until he found one of the women of the party. He succeeded in keeping both afloat until assistance arrived. This lad had had no experience of the water before enlisting. A medal has been awarded by Secretary Daniels for the conspicuous bravery of a seaman in saving the life of a man who, in turn, was saving a third seaman. A launch carrying two men belonging to the Aeronau- tical Station at Pensacola was cruising well out to sea when its gasolene tank suddenly caught fire. The fire spread so quickly that the boat was soon a mass of flames, and the men, after fighting it until they were both badly burned, were forced to jump over- board. One of the men, an apprentice named Gash, was unable to support himself in the water, and his companion, a seaman named George Buckley, immediately went to his assistance. Both men were afloat when a Commo- dore's barge arrived on the scene. A life- preserver was thrown to them, but unfortu- 234 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY nately it struck Buckley in the face, causing him to lose his hold on Gash, who disap- peared. The coxswain of the launch, John R. Hay, instantly went in, and brought Buckley to the boat's side in safety, then turned to find Gash. He was nowhere to be seen. Hay swam about until he had made sure of this, and then repeatedly dived to the bottom of the bay, finally succeeding in bring- ing the body of Gash to the surface. Through the efforts of several fearless American seamen, the entire ship's company of the Paddleford was saved, when all hope of rescue seemed at an end. The Paddle- ford had gone ashore in a heavy surf at an unnamed point. It was thought that no boat could live in the sea thus running. The distress signals were answered by an Ameri- can gunboat, whose crew readily volunteered to make the attempt. Lieutenant D. E. Barbey and Chief Boatswain Mates Strick- land and Williams finally succeeded in carry- ing a line through the breakers to the Paddle- ford. A heavy line was pulled aboard, which made it possible to take off two-thirds of the Paddleford's crew in safety. Later 235 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Ensign Ethridge and seven men from the gunboat succeeded in taking a boat through the breakers and by skilful seamanship com- ing alongside the wreck. In several trips every one remaining aboard the Paddleford was brought safely ashore. 236 XXXIX THE WRECK OF THE "SAN DIEGO" NxWAL discipline is maintained on the theory that the most desperate situa- tion may develop without warning at any moment. There may be but one chance in millions that a bolt will descend from a per- fectly clear sky, but the men are never caught off their guard. An excellent illus- tration of this rule is afforded in the attack on the United States cruiser San Diego, sunk off Fire Island, July i8, 1918. No German craft were supposed to be on this side of the Atlantic, and the position of the cruiser, al- most at the entrance to New York harbor, with its manifold defenses, seeemed reason- ably safe from attack. Despite the suddenness of the attack, the entire crew, men of every rank, faced the danger with perfect self-possession. Cap- tain H. H. Christy, of the San Diego, not 237 THE WRECK OF THE "SAN DIEGO" knowing how imminent was the danger of sinking, descended from deck to deck to the most inaccessible part of the hold. As the water poured into the lower part of the ship, the officers and men of the engine-rooms stood quietly at their posts. When the water had risen so high that the gun crew stood submerged to their waists, the men stubbornly stood to their guns in the hope of getting a shot at the enemy. Later, when the vessel sank, turning over as she went under, the crew showed no un- due haste in making their last leap into the water, while many clung to the ship, hoping against hope that she might right herself. Rear-Admiral Palmer, in his official report, makes the scene very real. "The explosion took place," he writes, "on the port side just aft of the forward port engine-room bulkhead. The feed-tank and circulating pump were blown in and the port engine was wrecked. Full speed ahead was rung, and the starboard engine operated until it was stopped by water rising in the engine-room. Machinist's Mate Haw- thorne, who was at the throttle in the port 238 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY engine-room, was blown four feet under the engine-room deck. He got up, closed the throttle on the engine, which had already stopped, and then escaped up the engine- room ladder. ''Lieutenant Miller, on watch in the star- board engine-room, closed the water-tight door to the engine-room, and gave the neces- sary instructions to the fire-room to protect the boilers. ''The ship listed to port heavily, so that water entered the gun ports on the gun-deck. The vessel listed eight degrees quickly ; then hung for seven minutes; then gradually listed, the speed increasing until thirty-five degrees was reached. At this time the port quarter-deck was under three feet of water. The ship then rapidly turned turtle and sank. Captain Christy went from the bridge down two ladders to the boat-deck, slid down a line to the armor-belt, then dropped down four feet to the bilge keel, and thence to the dock- ing keel, which at that time was eight feet above water. From there he jumped into the water. The ship was about five minutes 239 THE WRECK OF THE "SAN DIEGO" in turning over after she reached thirty-five degrees heel." The first intimation of the attack was a dull explosion. The impact completely wrecked the wireless apparatus, so that it was impossible to send out a call for help. Although taken completely by surprise, the necessary orders were given and executed without the least panic. The Admiral's of- fiicial report continues: "Captain Christy immediately sounded submarine defense quarters and the general alarm. Everything went quietly and ac- cording to drill schedule. The Captain rang full speed ahead, and sent an officer to in- vestigate the damage. At the time he thought the ship would not sink. Two mo- tor-sailers were ordered rigged out, but not to be lowered until further orders. "At the submarine defense call the men went quietly to their stations and manned the guns. They stood by the port guns un- til they were awash, and by the starboard guns until the list of the ship pointed them up into the air. 240 .lit NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY "When it seemed obvious that the vessel would capsize, the order was given to aban- don ship, except the port-side gun crew, which were to remain at their stations as long as the guns would bear. Boats were ordered lowered, and two sailboats, one dinghy, one wherry, and two punts were launched. The life-rafts were launched, and the lumber piled on deck was loosed and set adrift. Fifty mess-tables and a hundred kapok mattresses were thrown overboard. Abandon ship was complete before the vessel began to capsize. 'Terfect order was preserved, the men cheering. When on the rafts they sang 'The Star Spangled Banner' and 'My Coun- try, 'T is of Thee," cheered for the Captain, the executive officers, and the ship, and cheered when the United States ensign was hoisted on the sailboat.'* 243 XL THE WIRELESS GUARD T N modern warfare, an enemy finds many opportunities to conceal his operations. The possibilites of clandestine wireless communication, for instance, are amazing. Only the constant vigilance of Government experts, and their ingenuity in outwitting the enemy, serves to keep the situation in hand. In a war the frontiers must, of course, be carefully guarded, and an elaborate watch maintained over spies within. Wireless electricity has greatly complicated the situation. From some hidden base, per- haps hundreds of miles inside the borders, instant communication is possible with sta- tions in other countries or even overseas. Until the invention of such communication the United States enjoyed the advantages of an isolated position. 244 THE WIRELESS GUARD Long before America entered the war the regulation of wireless messages had become a serious problem. To maintain its neutral- ity, the Government was obliged to set a vigilant watch upon all wireless stations, whether upon the land or afloat. Many problems new to international law were en- countered. It was permitted, for instance, to send messages even in cipher over an un- dersea cable, while a rigid censor forbade the same practice by the long-distance over- sea wireless stations. The wireless message could, of course, be picked up and read by ships for thousands of miles in all directions. A sea raider — and there were several such at large — could thus receive orders from its base concerning the position of enemy ships. With every desire to be neutral, America thus became the base from which war op- erations were directed. Thus an interesting problem arose as to whether the intangible wireless waves were not contraband of war, and therefore to be controlled by the laws governing such prop- erty. Early in the war, therefore, Govern- ment experts were placed in the high- 245 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY powered long-distance wireless stations on the Atlantic seaboard, and these experts rigidly censored every message thrown out across the seas. It will be recalled that the cables running directly to Germany were cut early in the war, thus isolating Germany from America, except for the wireless links. The utmost ingenuity of Government ex- perts must be kept constantly on the alert to foil the efforts of the German wireless men. At scores of wireless stations throughout the country experts 'listened in," day and night, to detect these clandestine messages. It was possible to transmit to ships at sea from any point on the coast, or from miles inland, messages that might have disastrous re- sults. When a suspicious message was picked up, it was located as accurately as pos- sible, and agents were at once sent out to scour the country to find the station from which it was sent. It soon became necessary to regulate the thousands of amateur wireless stations scat- tered broadcast throughout the country. No other country is so well equipped as America with such stations. There are more than a 246 THE WIRELESS GUARD hundred thousand amateurs in the United States operating wireless stations of some sort. The greater part of these are, of course, merely receiving sets that do no harm; but there are many thousands capa- ble of sending messages for considerable distances. It became necessary, therefore, either to close the amateur sending stations or to forbid their operation except under rigid Government censorship. The most arduous work of the wireless censors, however, is found in watching the floating wireless stations. Every ship in- side an invisible boundary line three miles off shore comes under Government jurisdic- tion. When a vessel equipped with wireless comes into an American port, therefore, it comes under Government control. If there be any suspicion of its being used for pur- poses of the enemy, the apparatus is disman- tled. One of the most interesting cases of such censorship was aboard the captured German steamer Appam. Like other ships under suspicion, the Appam was carefully exam- ined. Her regular wireless apparatus was 247 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY removed; but the investigation did not stop there. It was suspected that the steamer, while interned at Norfolk, Virginia, was clandestinely in communication with the German Government. For some time the most careful watch failed to fix the suspi- cion. The problem was finally solved through the ingenuity of J. A, McCarron, an electri- cal engineer of the first class, serving aboard the United States Coast Guard cutter Yama- craw. The evidence was placed in the hands of the authorities on March 13, 191 7. The Captain of the Appam had been for a long time regularly transmitting messages to the commanders of active raiders, and possibly submarines, transmitting orders from the German Government. These messages also contained information, often detailed, of the afifairs of the United States Government, which could thus be relayed to Germany. McCarron discovered aboard the Appam a complete secret wireless apparatus, con- structed and installed with great ingenuity. The aerial was strung aloft in such a way as to be invisible to the closest scrutiny from 248 THE WIRELESS GUARD the deck of any near-by ship. As an addi- tional precaution, however, the aerial was lowered by the Germans before daybreak every morning, and put in place after dark in the evening. All the wireless transmis- sion was carried on between the hours of 7 p. M. and 7 A. M. The apparatus was pow- erful, making it possible either to receive or transmit messages for great distances. The German commander. Captain Berg, thus continued to send and receive messages of vital importance under the very guns of the American fleet. By connecting the aerial with his state- room, the German captain could "listen in" at any hour of the night without the incon- venience of rising from his bed. From the privacy of his state-room he could, so to speak, ring up Berlin, although surrounded by American warships. The work of the naval engineers who have foiled German in- genuity should be mentioned among the no- table achievements in the great struggle. The appearance of German U-boats in American waters has brought a new problem to the wireless men. The wireless operators 249 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY on American ships on this side of the Atlan- tic often pick up mysterious messages, evi- dently in German code. It seemed impossi- ble that they should be sent out from Amer- ica, and no German boat now sails the seas capable of such long-distance transmission. The messages, as a matter of fact, are known to be sent out from Nauen, a small German town near Spandau, where the most power- ful of the German wireless stations is situ- ated. The Nauen station is a very elaborate one. The antenna is suspended from nine great towers rising to a height of 850 feet. It is reported from German sources that last year the German Government used the Nauen sta- tion very extensively, sending out some five million words. So great is the power of this sending apparatus that its invisible waves can be read for six thousand miles. The en- tire Atlantic coast of the United States is, therefore, well within range of this station. Although these German messages are sent out very frequently, no word of reply is ever heard. The explanation is very simple. The Nauen station is sending messages to its 250 THE WIRELESS GUARD great fleet of submarines in every sea, but the undersea craft do not reply. A subma- rine may be six thousand miles from Nauen, but it remains in constant communication with this base. The German headquarters, therefore, keeps an unbroken communication with the submarine fleet. Most of the submarines of other countries are equipped with wireless apparatus capa- ble of operating only throughout a radius of a few hundred miles. The antenna is raised on masts, a few feet above the deck, that are folded up and taken in when the craft sub- merges. The Germans employ a highly in- genious device, however, for receiving long- distance messages. Two balloons are in- flated and sent aloft to an altitude of about two thousand feet. From these is suspended the antenna, which at this height picks up the long-distance waves without trouble. When the message has been received, the balloons are drawn down, emptied of their gas, and housed for the next da3'''s use. By "listening in" day and night, it has been found that these long-distance messages are sent out at regular intervals. The com- 253 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY mander of a submarine, of course, knows when to expect orders from its base in Ger- many, and is found ready waiting with his aerials aloft to receive the message. Much of the effectiveness of the U-boats has been foiled by the alertness and ingenuity of the naval wireless men. A careful search has been made by the au- thorities for enemy wireless stations along the New Jersey coast and throughout a zone many miles inland. It was thought that the success of the German submarine in sinking the Carolina and other ships off this coast was probably due to assistance of this kind. As a result of this search, a wireless sta- tion was discovered on a farm near English- town, some twenty miles inland. A tall flag- pole was employed to raise an "umbrella aerial" to a considerable height, from which wires had been run to a sending apparatus. The wireless outfit was capable of sending messages for several hundred miles off shore. The farm was surrounded by a pine forest, which served to conceal the antenna. The same system has been carried out in detail in European waters. A chart has 254 THE WIRELESS GUARD been discovered aboard a captured German submarine which reveals exactly how work was carried on. The waters about the Brit- ish Isles have been divided by the Germans into a series of squares, each of which is known by a number. The German system makes it possible to gain valuable informa- tion as to the name of boats sailing from Channel ports, their destination, and details of their cargoes. This information is sent out from the German wireless stations broadcast over the seas. The messages are, of course, in cipher; but every submarine commander has the key, and is thus informed of the position of Allied vessels with amaz- ing definiteness. The entire submarine fleet can thus receive daily, or if necessary hourly, bulletins. 255 XLI MODERN WEAPONS THE failure of the German submarines to work any material damage in American waters has become so obvious that an official explanation, or rather several of them, have been issued by the Kaiser's government. Germany has been very keenly disappointed over the failure of the submarine to stop American troop-ships. The confession of failure given out by the Chief of the German Admiralty Staff, Admiral von Holtzendorff, makes very interesting reading. He says, in part : The Americans have at their disposal for de- barkation the coastal region from the northern point of Scotland to the French Mediterranean ports, with dozens of debarkation places. Must we put our boats to lurk off these harbors on the chance of getting shot at by the strongly guarded convoys of fast American transports? The convoys do not come with the regularity and frequency of railway trains at a big railway station, but irregularly, with 256 MODERN WEAPONS long interruptions, and often by night and in fog. When one remembers all that, one realizes what little prospect of success it offers to set the U-boats especially at American transports. But the Admiral's explanation fails to ex- plain the immunity of the American troop- ships. Their safety is maintained by out- witting the Germans at every turn. The in- genuity of our most experienced naval of- ficers, the excellent seamanship of the entire personnel engaged, and a spirit of absolute fearlessness has made this possible. The defense of the home waters and the long sea lanes is a far more complicated matter than the German Admiral's explanation would in- dicate. The success of the American Navy in safely transporting a great army overseas will doubtless rank in history as one of the great victories of the war. A fleet under convoy is a much more com- plicated formation than the landsman imag- ines. It is said to have been brought to its highest efficiency in the American Navy. The fleet of perhaps thirty or more ships sail in a V-shaped formation, regularly spaced, and held under the most rigid rules to avoid 257 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY collision. The group is protected by destroy- ers, which maintain a constant guard on all sides by sailing in a series of zigzags. Sev- eral hydroplanes may be carried to maintain an air patrol throughout a wide radius. Such a fleet carries a variety of weapons, and men with courage and skill to use them. It is not generally realized, for instance, that a depth bomb carries the same elements of destruction as a modern torpedo, and is far more dangerous to handle. One of these bombs contains from 250 to 300 pounds of T.N.T., and four cubic feet of this explosive produces 40,000 cubic feet of gas. Now, this gas, when released, naturally follows the line of least resistance, and will blow in the side of the ship nearest it impartially, whether it be friend or foe. The charge must be dropped by a fearless and skillful hand. It is especially effective when con- trived to explode at a considerable depth. The sailor must risk his life on the accuracy of abstruse calculations. Only by long training, again, do our men become expert in managing the smoke- screens that have been brought to such per- 258 MODERN WEAPONS fection in the present war. When a ship is concealed behind a well placed smoke-screen, its chance of being hit is reduced about sev- enty-jEive per cent. There are two kinds of smoke-screens — the fixed and the movable curtains. The modern sea-fighter must be an expert chemist to handle these dangerous elements. The apparatus used for produc- ing the smoke curtains consists of a metal container and two cylinders, each holding a different gas. By opening the valves the gas is allowed to escape under pressure, and by mixing the two chemicals the curtain is quickly developed. The gas is allowed to es- cape for twenty minutes, as a rule, and is controlled at any time by closing the valve. The movable gas bombs are dropped at in- tervals to spread a fog-like curtain over the water, and allow a ship to escape the enemy, or at least dodge its fire. These bombs go off in from six to eleven seconds, and in so short a period of time develop a dense smoke- screen. The screen may consist of a yellow, white, or black cloud, as the occasion de- mands, which completely engulfs the ship. The smoke tends to fall, and the officer who 259 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY directs it must calculate the force of the wind to a nicety, in order to get the greatest pos- sible protection. Entirely new to this war is the art of cam- ouflage. The first idea, in this deceptive dec- oration, is to render the ship as much as pos- sible a part of its background of sea and sky. The ship should appear as shapeless as possi- ble, the familiar form of the vessel being scientifically destroyed. Large masses of color are employed to give an effect of shad- ows at a distance, which do not, of course, exist. A false bow and stern are simulated, which makes it difficult to tell which way the ship is headed. A great vessel may be broken in two by ingenious camouflage, or made to appear a hopeless derelict. One of the most successful decorative schemes is to give a ship the appearance of having been wrecked by shell fire, so that the enemy de- cides it is not worth its while to pursue so disreputable a wreck. It is not important that the vessel should appear to have a low visibility. The proof of the success of the art is shown by the fact that the insurance 260 MODERN WEAPONS companions accept lower rates if a ship be disfigured in this way. The vessels, again, are equipped with deli- cate microphones that detect the presence of a submarine at surprising distances. The sound made by the propellers of a U-boat is, of course, quickly muffled by the water; but the delicate microphone picks up the slight- est disturbance, magnifies it, and brings it to the ears of the lookout. There are many more highly ingenious devices aboard the American boats whose secrets are carefully guarded. The most fearless crew would be powerless against the enemy without elab- orate training and preparation. American gunners have long enjoyed a reputation for accuracy. The new subma- rine warfare has raised difficulties unknown to the gunners of the past. The periscope of a U-boat is very elusive; it rises and dis- appears so quickly that the most expert marksman often finds himself completely baffled. An entirely new system of training must be devised to meet the new problem. Despite the difficulties of the new game, 261 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY American gunners have made a reputation for accuracy in hitting the new target. The success of our gunners is the result of careful preparation. The difficulties of the new game are, of course, obvious. The gun- ner sees his target only for a moment across an expanse of shifting seas. No ordinary gun practice would train a man to bag such prey. To meet the problem, an extremely ingenious range, as it may be called, has been devised. A long table is painted to resemble the sea, while a submarine or the periscope of a submarine is carefully prepared to scale. The gunner sights his target by looking through a slit in a card at one end of the board. He is allowed only a fleeting glimpse as a sheet of tin is slipped back and forth be- fore his eyes, much as the shutter of a lense is used to take a photograph. In the frac- tion of a second he is allowed to look at the target, the gunner must make his calculation and instantly call out the aim he would give his gun. The spot at which he has theoretically aimed his gun is marked on the board by placing over it a tuft of cotton to represent 262 MODERN WEAPONS the spout of water made by a falling shot. At the next glimpse the gunner sees the cot- ton marking his last efifort with the dummy submarine, and corrects his aim. The toy U-boat makes a very elusive target when seen for only a flash, but it is by such train- ing that the gun crews of the American Navy are prepared for their difficult work at sea. A hundred new problems must be faced in driving the submarines from the seas. Each must be carefully analyzed and a new method devised for meeting it. Working with ex- cellent material, the Navy has thus been able to turn out in record time a highly specialized personnel. Great loss of life has been avoided by boat drills. In many accidents at sea an appal- ling loss of life has resulted from the clum- siness of passengers and crews in taking to the boats. This is now a thing of the past. From the first day out, all the passengers on board are required to go regularly through a boat drill to prepare them for accident. Each person learns the position of the life- preservers, and how to put them on with the least delay. When an accident befalls, 263 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY there is no confusion. Each one knows his place in the boats, and has been trained to take it without excitement or protest. It is largely due to such drills that the loss of life on torpedoed ships has steadily decreased with the progress of the war. Aboard the submarine-chasers the drills are even more rigid. The crews of these craft literally live in their life-preservers. A special form of life-belt, or rather life- jacket, has been designed for them. It completely envelops them, while a high roll- ing collar protects the neck. The men eat and sleep in these jackets, so that when an accident befalls no time will be lost. A sin- gle shot from a great gun, or the explosion of a torpedo or a depth charge, may throw these men into the water without the slight- est warning. All this preparation is made to save a few seconds of priceless time. 264 XLII MANNING THE FLEETS THE record of America's naval forces abroad has been made possible by a remarkable feat of organization at home. The beginning of the war found America's naval forces much reduced. In the spring of 1 91 7 there were only about seventy thou- sand men enrolled in the Navy, and some thirteen thousand in the Marine Corps. Such was our first line of defense at the close of the third year of the world war. To-day there are more than half a million fighting men enrolled in these branches of the service, and men are being mustered in at the rate of two thousand a day. Chosen from every rank of life, these great forces are being constantly fed into the great train- ing camps for the Navy. The complicated science of seamanship must be taught from the beginning. A few months later these same lads take up perhaps the most difficult problems ever faced by American sailors. 265 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY An unprecedented problem confronted the United States Navy. The inroads of the submarine in the early months of the war were terrifying. New methods of attack and defense must be involved, and men must be trained to put them into practice. The Navy was suddenly called upon to man hun- dreds of ships. The acquisition of the Ger- man merchant-ships alone required the serv- ices of thousands of skilled officers and men. The Vaterland, rechristened the Leviathan, required nearly fifteen hundred men. No figures may be printed as to the force of naval men now aboard the merchant fleets, but the total is amazing. Men must be trained on deck and in the engine-rooms besides the gun crews. The problem of the submarine defense is very complicated, and only by tireless efficiency can the tables be turned against the undersea craft. Every man placed aboard the merchant fleets in these war times must be dependable. The men recruited in such force are first given technical instruction. Later they must serve in the engine-room and on the bridge, to gain actual experience before the 266 MANNING THE FLEETS great fleets are intrusted to them. For many weary months they are required to "'split watches" with men already qualified for the work. A few weeks more, and these same lads, newly recruited from the schools and officers, are intrusted with the safety of great ships carrying troops or stores to the war zone. As quickly as ships are built, the men stand ready to man them. Our feat in turn- ing out ships of every class has no parallel in history. There are at the present writing some twelve hundred in process of construc- tion. The feat of training men to man them is even more remarkable. Secretary Daniels has recently announced that in the fall of 191 8 one hundred thousand addi- tional men will be needed for the new fleet. It will be recalled that Germany openly sneered at the idea that a great navy could be built up in America in a few months or even years. Their naval experts laughed at the theory that men quickly trained could cope with the complicated problems of mod- ern warfare. And there were many doubt- ful minds even in America. The gunners 267 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY on the great merchant fleets must fight under new and difficult conditions. The crews of the submarine-chasers of every kind must be highly skilled, and hardened to experiences that it is generally supposed come only with long practice. The speed with which the American Navy responded, once war was declared, came as a gratifying surprise on both sides of the At- lantic. As early as May i6, 1917, it was officially announced that a flotilla of United States destroyers had arrived safely in Brit- ish waters. As a matter of fact, they had reached the other side rather earlier, but it had been planned to give the officers and crews some time to rest before entering active service. When the American officers reported to the British authorities for duty, they were asked how long it would take them to get ready for service. The trip over in the frail destroyers had been very rough, and the men were naturally fatigued. The officers' answer, which deserves to be remem- bered with many other famous phrases of the American Navy, was : "We are ready now." 268 "^^"r~'n~m"'Wx-^-w MANNING THE FLEETS While it was understood on this side of the Atlantic that the destroyers began their work May i6, they had made their presence felt as early as May 4. By the middle of May it was officially announced by the Brit- ish Admiralty that the Americans were giv- ing an excellent account of themselves. It is now permitted to state that the American fleet sailed late in April, and that its first port of call was Queenstown, Ireland, where it received an enthusiastic reception. The official recognition of its entrance into the war is contained in the following message from Vice-Admiral Sir David Be- atty. Commander of the British Grand Fleet, to Admiral Henry T. Mayo, Commander of the United States Atlantic Fleet. It reads: "The Grand Fleet rejoices that the Atlan- tic Fleet appreciates the messages from the British Fleet and welcomes the opportunity for work with the British Fleet for the free- dom of the seas." At the present writing — August i, 191 8 — ■ there are known to be two hundred and fifty American warships having permanent bases in European waters. 271 PART V WITH THE MARINES XLIII WITH THE MARINES ANY one reading the list of those men- tioned for "conspicuous bravery" in the Navy will be impressed by the surprising variety of the services performed. Among hundreds of such awards, no two acts are alike. The most imaginative teller of sea tales could scarcely conceive such endless variety and contrast of incident. The part that the American Navy is play- ing in the Great War naturally overshadows, for the time, its other activities. However, far from the theaters of war, the American seaman still finds opportunities to distin- guish himself. Even in the routine of daily duties there is the element of surprise, and opportunity need knock but once. Two American boys attached to the Ma- rine Corps, a service not unknown to fame, chanced recently to be on shore leave in the 275 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY Dominican Republic when an incipient revo- lution developed. Like many of these polit- ical outbreaks, it fell with the suddenness of a tropical thunder-storm. No political revo- lution followed, and the outbreak w^as later described in the official reports of the Navy as a ''native brawl''; but for a time it raged with fierceness only possible in political dis- cussions in those latitudes. The American Marine Corporal William Henigsmith and Private C. E. Millard at the time were quietly enjoying their shore leave. It was Sunday. The streets were crowded with a holiday crowd, and political upheavals would scarcely be anticipated. The Americans were objects of more or less curiosity, but the crowd appeared friendly and the merchants accepted their money for various purchases with the utmost willing- ness. No one could have imagined that these pleasure-seekers could be transformed in a moment into a dangerous mob threat- ening the lives of the Americans. The marines' attention was attracted by shouting in a side street, and on turning the corner they found a crowd of natives in vio- 276 WITH THE MARINES lent altercation. The group quickly divided, and in a moment were savagely attacking two men. There could be no doubt about their murderous intention. Before the ma- rines could reach the spot, both men had been wounded, one fatally and the other seriously. The marines went to the assistance of the wounded men. They had no interest in local political questions; they were prepared to render first aid. But the situation was perilous. The odds against the Americans, on a conservative basis, were several thousand to one. The crowd violently resented any interference in their political affairs, and for the two men to go into that seething mass of excited peo- ple was a highly dangerous undertaking. In commending them later for their act, the naval authorities especially praised the men for their cool thinking and quick decision. Henigsmith and Millard consulted for a moment, and then hurried forward, pushing their way through the crowd to the injured men. The crowd shouted insults and abuse at very close quarters. Arms and even knives were brandished in their faces. But 277 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY the marines quite calmly kneeled beside the men and administered first aid. One of the men was saved, but the other was past help. When the men had been bandaged as well as the situation allowed, the marines at- tempted to take them to the hospital. The crowd violently resented such interference. Lifting the wounded men to their feet, the Americans began to force their way through the crowd. Had they shown any trace of fear or attempted to retreat, they would doubtless have been murdered. But their coolness seemed to awe the crowd and they advanced slowly. Carrying their double burden, the men finally reached the hospital in safety. But the crowd was not appeased, and, gathering about the building, continued to threaten the Americans. The local government seemed powerless to protect the hospital or to dis- perse the crowd. The news of the affair quickly spread and the crowd grew to large proportions. The marines had finished their work in administering first aid and carrying the wounded to the hospital, and their responsibility seemed at an end. But, 278 WITH THE MARINES since the hospital itself seemed in danger of attack, they mounted guard before it to pro- tect the wounded, and remained at this peril- ous post for ten hours before it was consid- ered safe to leave. The men have been offi- cially commended by Major-General George Barnett of the Marine Corps. 279 XLIV "FIRST TO FIGHT" MEASURED by European standards, our Marines, on reaching France, were still green troops. They had little or no "trench training," and were compara- tively new to the complicated game of war- fare on the western front. Under the pressure of necessity, they were thrown into the thick of the fight and confronted by "crack" German troops. Among the dead afterward identified before them were found members of the famous Prussian Guards and Death Heads, indicating that their an- tagonists were the most formidable that could be mustered aganist them. The Marines engaged in this sector com- prised two detachments of infantry with the customary auxiliary service. It is believed that the detachment had a larger proportion of regular army officers than is common to most American forces; but the men were, 280 "FIRST TO FIGHT" after all, of about the general average of our enlisted personnel. The order to advance was received at five o'clock in the afternoon of May 30, 1918. An immense amount of labor is involved in rapidly executing such an order. The men were widely scattered throughout more than fifty villages in this region. It is a matter of record that the first of the men were col- lected, equipped, and entrained for the front in a few minutes, and at the end of twelve and a half hours the last of the forces, with their horses, food, and ammunition, were on their way. By midnight some of the emergency American troops were already in position, and by nine o'clock the following morning the entire force had been thrown across the famous Chateau Thierry road. The men carried two days' rations and supplies. Ammunition dumps were established, tem- porary intrenchments constructed, and the artillery was brought up to support the in- fantry. During the night of June i a gap two and half miles in extent was reported, through 281 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY which German advance seemed imminent. The French corps commander ordered the American Marines to ''fill this gap if you can." The men who were rushed forward comprised one infantry unit, a machine-gun unit, and a detachment of Marines. The men had been wakened from their sleep and hurried along dark roads, and had taken up their position on some open hills. By nine o'clock the following morning they were in readiness; and against the most determined attacks of the German troops the line held firm. Several days of severe fighting followed. The Marine units repelled two severe attacks on June 4. The marching forces now began to arrive, and the entire unit was soon in place with the artillery supporting it. Sev- eral attacks were repiilsed on June 5. On the following night an especially determined effort by the enemy failed to yield an inch. Later a part of a Marine unit counter- attacked and drove the Germans as far as Bussaires. The entire force now attacked in the direction of Torc}^, driving the enemy back, inflicting heavy losses, and taking many prisoners. 282 "FIRST TO FIGHT" It was not originally intended to take Torcy, which was not one of the objectives; but, once started, the Marines were not read- ily checked. They had already taken Hill ^33} which commanded the place, and after making the German position untenable they swept the town. In recognition of its splendid work, the brigade was cited by the French army, and the regimental colors received the Croix de Guerre and the palm, the highest honor won by any regiment up to that time. The American Colonel who was wounded early in the fighting was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Throughout the fighting and afterward the spirit of the Marines was above praise. Some days later, when the wounded had been transferred to a Paris hospital, a Marine insisted on sitting up in bed and singing the old battle hymn of the Marines, 'The Halls of Montezuma." A great chorus instantly joined in, the wounded and the gassed men singing with a spirit that rather shocked the dignity of the great hospital. More than a hundred of the Marines en- 283 NAVAL HEROES OF TO-DAY gaged in these actions have been awarded distinguished service medals for conspicuous bravery. When the medals were formally presented, but thirty-seven marines appeared in the line, the rest having died on the field or were in the hospital. The presentation took place on the lawn of a beautiful old chateau on the banks of the Marne. The American General who pinned the medals on the uniforms of these men found some very happy phrases to describe the work of the Marines. 'Tt is with inexpressible pride and satis- faction," he said, ''that your commander re- counts your glorious deeds on the field of battle. In the early days of June, on a front of twenty kilometers, after night marches and with only the reserve rations which you carried, you stood like a wall against the enemy advance on Paris. For this timely action you have received the thanks of the French people whose homes you saved, and the generous praise of your comrades in arms. ''Since the organization of our sector, in the face of strong opposition you have ad- 284 'TIRST TO FIGHT" vanced your lines two kilometers on a front of eight kilometers. You have engaged, and defeated with great loss, three German divisions, and have occupied important strong points — Belleau Wood, Bouresches, and Vaux. You have taken about fourteen hundred prisoners, many machine-guns, and much other material. The complete success of the infantry was made possible by the splendid cooperation of the artillery, by the aid and assistance of the engineer and signal troops, by the diligent and watchful care of the medical and supply services, and by the unceasing work of the well organized staff. All elements of the division have worked to- gether as a well trained machine. ''Amid the dangers and trials of battle, every officer and every man has done well his part. Let the stirring deeds, hardships, and sacrifices of the past month remain forever a bright spot in our history. Let the sacred memory of our fallen comrades spur us on to renewed effort, and to the glory of American arms." THE END 285 i° ■'>*-, *°v, '^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: .y onn< Preservationtechnologie ^ A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATIOI . ' 111 Thomson Park Drive ,orrw X^..mch:n DA -Ic iq. <^ A ..CO. ■^J>^