Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/lifereminiscenceOOsull I2£ ¥ L ) fV- AKD RliH)K)SCJJ-KCIIS 0)~ A JOy)H i...euLu)vAK- t -to^i>^^ ^^^' IN THE DAYS OP TOM SAYERS^ T^abuacliere'a Description of Scenes *"nfllna: a Prixe Figlit Tliir' if^ * ^^2^-^^ CM/'Z^^.-^/^ <^^^ s^^ LIFE AND REMINISCENCES 19TH CENTURY GLADIATOE, BY JOHN L. SULLIYAK, ■ I Champion of the World, WITH ItKPORTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND MEASUREMKNTS, ILLUSTKATKD BY FULL-PAGE HALF-TONE PLATES, AND BY ANTHROPOMETRICAL CHART, BR. DUDLEY A. SARGENT. 'WhyDun't You Spkai<. fou Yourself, J onn. " ~ Longfellow, Miles Standish. BOSTON: JAS. A. HEARN & CO London: Gko. Koutlkdge & Sons (Limitkd). 1892. COPYRIOHTED Br JAS. A. HEARN & CO. Boston, 1892. .Sf5 All rights reserved. Bequest Albert Adsit Clemona Aug. 24, 1938 (Not availatole for exchange) Press of Alfred Mctdoe & SoK, Boston, Mass. V TO Tns PATRONS AND EXPONENTS OK THK SCIENCE AND ART OF BOXmG, THIS BOOK ]S RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY TUE CHAMPION. PUBLISHER'S NOTE. As several fragmentary sketches have been issued purporting to give the record of John L. Sullivan, but proving to be both incorrect and unfair, it is proper to inform the public that this work, prepared by himself, is the only complete and authentic account of his life. THE PUBLISHERS. CONTENTS Preliminary 13 CHAPTER I. BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. Is IT Him?" — A Sample Case of Curiosity — Family Remi- niscences — Sullivans in the Revolution — A Proud Mother of Two Governors — School-days and Youth- ful Battles — Woods, Dwyer, Chandler, Hogan, and Donovan Overcome — First Collision with an English Champion — Joe Goss dazed — Names and Dates in the Championship Succession of England .... 19 CHAPTER II. ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. Young Ambitions and Old Battles — Anecdote of Heenan and Sayers — Yankee Sullivan's 'Heel as a Talisman — Strong where Achilles was Weak — Double Victory over the " Champion of the West " — "I 've seen a Foot Race " — Ryan says, " Go and get a Reputation " — The Sporting World Surprised — Steve Taylor, Geo. Rooke, and Flood — The Champion Rank in Sight — A Glance along the Line 36 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. Incidents of Training for the Big Affair — The Mississippi Legislature calls, " Break Away ! " — " It is a Snap Game " — Newspaper Drolleries — Two Dusky Sisters personate Ryan and Sullivan — A Lively Drama, with Climax in less than Eleven Minutes — Champion Ryan Supplanted — The Top Round of the Ladder . . 59 CHAPTER IV. A SERIES OF PICNICS. The Combatants Interviewed at New Orleans — Ryan says, " I am Through " — Funny Comments on the Fight — Old Deaf Burke Escapes with a Bowie Knife — How THE News was received at the Home of Winthrop and Adams — An Ovation to the New Champion as he Journeyed — How a Reputation for Oratory was Won — Jimmy Elliott, a Fireman and a Blacksmith, Downed with Gloves 87 CHAPTEP V. TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS" FROM ENGLAND. Tug Wilson gets Seven Thousand Dollars for Floor-Crawl- ing — Under Manager Harry Sargent — Some Funny Knock-Outs — With Coburn — " Splendid Sparring " De- lights Spectators — Boston Benefit, the Greatest ever • IN New England — The "Sprinter "-Sparrer Mitchell Saved by the Police — Comments of Senator Conkling. 99 CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER VI. VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. Am Antagonist from the Antipodes — "Mace's Maori," the Half-breed Slade, brought from Australia "to beat Sullivan " — A Conquered Foeman, he becomes an Ac- tive Ally — Enlists in the "Sullivan Combination" — Mace Challenges and then Begs to be Let Off Easy — "It would Break My Heart to be Knocked Out" — Who has Elevated Boxing, and How . . . .118 CHAPTER Vn. GREATEST " KNOCK-OUT " TOUR ON RECORD. How it Feels to be Knocked Out — Curious Effect of a Blow on the Chin — "Did I Win?" asks One on Be- coming Conscious — The Poet Moore's Witty Epigram on a Pugilist in Parliament — The Puddler says, " Holy Murder ! I Never Thought a Man could hit so Hard" — "No Man on Earth can knock me out in Twelve Minutes " says Gipsy Brady — " Don't Hit Him ANY more, Sully"; "He's Crazy," cries the Crowd — How THE " Battery " played on the Hoosier — A Joker's Grotesque Collapse — A Burly Engineer says, " Do You WANT TO be STRUCK BY LIGHTNING ? " — ShE WAS AFRAID HER HUSBAND WOULD KILL SULLIVAN — ThE Frenchman's Antics — The Tragic and Comic Curiously Commingled 132 VlU CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. BIG GLOVE ENGAGEMENTS. Prof. Laflin defeated Despite his Crawling and Hug- ging — Strange Visitors at Monico Villa — Ambitious Boys Drink Blood — " Lord Bless You, Hi don't Hintend 'Im Hany 'Arm ! " says Cockney Greenfield — No Need OF his Assurance — McCaffrey Vanquished — An Ex- citing Moment — "A Woman Overboard ! " — Frank Herald challenges, but gets "Enough" — Ryan again Vanquished — A Mishap with Cardiff — Painful Delay WITH Surgery 157 CHAPTER IX. IN THE LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAYERS. From New England to Old England — Immense Recep- tions in London and Other Places — Made a Member of the Pelican Club in the Presence of Nineteen British Peers — Invited by the Prince of Wales — A Pleasant Meeting — "Sullivan is the Quickest Heavy Man I Ever Saw," said His Royal Highness — A Hand- shake Recorded in Verse — Very Successful Tour of Great Britain and Ireland . .... 177 CHAPTER X. BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. With Sprinter Mitchell in France — He Turns the Match into a Race — Arrest and Escape — Home Again — Hearty Reception in Boston — A Dreadful Sickness — Challenge Accepted to Fight Kilrain for the Cham- CONTENTS. tX PTONSHip — An Old fashioned Victory — Kilrain Vainly Vies vvirii the Sprinter— Pursuit and Prosecution by THE Governor of Mississippi — Enormous Legal Costs — First Appearance as an Actor 197 CHAPTER XI. PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE — HOME CONCLUSIONS. Visit to the Antipodes — Sandwich and Samoa Islands, New Zealand and Australia — Entertained py Royalty — Admired by Aborigines — Return, and Theatrical Tour in the United States — Home Again — Estimates of Fighters Met — The Gamest Group — The Sprinter Set — Summary of Objections to London Prize- Ring Rules — Superiority of the Marquis of Queensbury Rules 229 CHAPTER XII. TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. Advice and Exercises for Health, Strength, and Agility, Based on Long and Varied Experience — A Prominent ^ Physician's Examination — Ancient and Modern Appre- ciation of Boxing — The Match with Corbett the Closing Contest of a Championship Career — Future Farewell to the Arena — A Hint from the Heroic Form of Hercules at Training Quarters — The Cap- tured Lion's Skin to be a Mantle of Peace . . . 254 REPORT OF DR. D. A. SARGENT'S EXAMINATION. Anthropometrical Charts and Plates — Also Special Measurements of John L. Sullivan, Taken while in Training for the Contest with James Corbett, Show- ing Physical Record and Muscular Development . . 283 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. JOHN L. SULLIVAN. PADDY RYAN. CHARLEY MITCHELL JOE GOSS. TUG WILSON. JACK KILRAIN. JOHN T. FLOOD. DOMINICK McCAFFERY. STEVE TAYLOR. HERBERT SLADE. JEM MACE. ALF. GREENFIELD. JEM CORBETT. THE BELT. PLATES OF JOHN L SULLIVAN, Taken August 13, 1892, while in Training for the Contest with corbett. 1. Pull Back, showing natural poise. 2. Back, showing muscular development of arms and shoulders. 3. Side Vie^w, showing depth of chest during extreme inflation. 4. Half Back. 5. Anthropometrical Chart. ! i -a .L_.1-H: PRELIMINARY. " You are a writer and I am a fighter, but here is a man that could both write and fight." ^HEN that plucky fighter, Miles Standish, said this to John Alden in the old Puritan days, he showed that men who could do these two things were prized by the people then as they are to-day. We know that the makers of histories are glad to get an account of deeds by a man who did them ; such as one by John Sullivan, who struck the first blow of the Revolution in capturing from the British fort the powder that was after- wards used at Bunker Hill. The man who is both the author and the subject of this book does not want to compare with his namesakes among the generals and governors that fought and wrote to make the Republic, except as far as to remark that their father came from the same spot in Ireland as his father; but he cannot 14 PRELIMINARY. be blamed for wanting to finish his own record of fight- ing with one bold round of writing. *' There never was, in the whole histor}^ of the art, a more remarkable or interesting boxer than Sullivan,'* was what John Boyle O'Reilly said in his work on '' Athletics." He had, like Byron, a hand and eye for boxing as well as poetizing, and whether he was right or not in this decision, let every reader in the arena of this book be the referee. Here it will be seen that the author in his career on three continents and the islands of the ocean has had more encounters, with swifter victories, has won larger sums, and held the championship longer against a greater variety of contestants, than any in the world. It will be seen, too, that in his tours extending from the Paci- fic coast to the coast of France, from British Columbia to the Sandwich and Samoa islands and the shores of Aus- tralia and New Zealand, he has met the greatest popular demonstrations and has come into novel contact with all sorts and conditions of men from the royal to the savage. A prominent paper says : " Excepting Gen. Grant, no American has received such ovations as Sullivan." As to the length of time in which the championship has been held, if we look back through records of Goss and Mace, of Hurst, ** the Staleybridge Infant," of Say- ers, who was the pride of England, of Perry, " the Tip- ton Slasher," and of the other famous fighters, to the opening of the century, when the praises of Tom Cribb were sung, we find that their hold ranged from three or four months to as many years ; and yet more than a dozen PRELIMINARY. 1 5 years have passed since the author, then only a youth, knocked out Goss, vanquished Ryan, and received the submission of Mace ; so that he became a connecting Hnk between the championship of England and America. The championship of America has, therefore, been held a greater number of years than there were minutes in the winning of it. While the victories of other champions were often measured by hours, those of the present one were won within the range of a few minutes and sometimes even a few seconds. As regards the esteem in which the champions have been held in England, in old contests, we read that they were patronized by the great men and even princes and kings.- ** There is nothing that interests me like good box- ing," said Sir Robert Peel. " It asks more steadiness, self-control, ay, and manly courage, than any other ex- ercise." Lord Althorp went further, and said in an eloquent address : — ** As to the advantages of pugilism, I have seriously been considering whether it was not a duty that I owed to the public to attend every prize fight which takes place." ** Amid the confusion presented by the fiercest and closest cavalry fight which had ever been seen," says Sir Walter Scott, writing of Waterloo, " many individuals distinguished themselves by feats of personal strength and valor. Among these should not be forgotten Shaw, a corporal of the Life Guards, well known as a pugilistic champion." 1 6 PRELIMINARY. In his poem on the Heenan and Sayers fight, which aroused national pride in England and America, Thack- eray wrote : — " Ah, me ! that I have lived to hear, Such men as ruffians scorned; Such deeds of valor * brutal * called. Canted, preached down and mourned." But the present champion does not feel that it Is his part to defend the old-fashioned prize fighting, because his record shows that he has protested against the ring rules and the system of using the bare fists, which were the cause of the abuses that turned public opinion against it. In the course of a hundred contests during his career, he has consented to the London Prize Ring Rules and given up the use of soft gloves only in the few cases connected with the championship where it was made a necessary condition for winning the title. In fact, his persistency in this direction has been the source of much of the criticism that has been made upon him. '^ The popularity of the Marquis of Queensbury Rules in this country," says an article in the Philadelphia Times, " only dates back to the advent of Sullivan as a fistic champion." As to what he has accomplished with gloves, the same article says : — '* Some very clever men have been produced since the four-round glove contest came into vogue, but the master of them all, and the greatest glove fighter of this or any other time, is the founder of the school, Sullivan." PKKTJMINARY. 1 7 The ancient Athenians who so prized the profession of boxing that they would not admit to it any but free and reputable citizens, covered their hands with leather and metal in order to make murderous blows. It is hard to see how our modern critics can admire them, and yet withhold appreciation from a native of the ^' modern Athens " who covers his hands with soft gloves to temper the blows. His claims are not introduced in the spirit of boast- ing, unless the telling of the plain, admitted facts can be called such, but in order that he may give his patrons the honest return for their money in his book, as he has always endeavored to do in the ring. With the same idea he has taken advantage of his varied experiences to give his readers interesting com- ments and episodes on divers personages and localities, and has sought to add to his book a permanent value for the amateur, as well as the professional, by embrac- ing the records and rules of the ring, the best methods of training, and general advice on athletics. With these additions to his record he trusts that the book will prove its own apology for challenging public attention, and that the *' fighter and writer " will not be thought to have forsaken his colors, for leaping over the ropes, just this once, from the ring of the athletes into that of the authors. * * * LIFE AND REMINISCENCES CHAPTER I. BOY?IOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. Is IT Him ? " — A Sample Case of Curiosity — Family Reminis- cences — SULLIVANS in the REVOLUTION — A PrOUD MoTHER OF Two Governors — School-days and Youthful Battles — Woods, Dw'YER, Chandler, Hogan, and Donovan Overcome — First Collision with an English Champion — Joe Goss dazed — Names and Dates in the Championship Succession of Eng- land. RE you going to stay caged up here all day? " ''Yes; rather than run the gaunt- let of the gang laying for me in front of your hotel. Do you know if I ventured out there now I would be grabbed by the arms and legs and almost pulled to pieces by fellows that want to feel my muscle ? " The scene was in a Western city, and was one of many encountered by the speaker. ''That's him sure." "No." " I tell you he went up that way." "Big?" "You bet. Hold on till he comes down," — were some of the ejaculations heard 20 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. from the crowd that s\/ayed in the office and surged in the street. " Why, I am not safe even in this private room. Only a little while ago the door was opened with a bang and a chap with a tragic stride and stagy voice " — " Is it him? " was the interruption just at that moment from a gawky looking Paul Pry, who peered through the door. *' Is it him?" The bent of his curiosity seemed to have turned his nose into a corkscrew and his neck into an interrogation mark. *' It is him — now go." In spite of this assurance he continued in a kind of litany, with ''Is it him?" until, in a moment when he had just reached *' Is it" — the "him" rose with the rage of Hercules crushing the hydra and hurled the animated question from the room. " It is him ! " was heard in the hallway, and between the sounds of halting steps, and as he stumbled down the stairs his words arose like the '' Excelsior " of the Alpine youth, '' It is him ! " This is the style in which they tell of the curiosity to see the champion out West, and it may be taken as a sample of what has met him during his career with all degrees of dignity, from that of the Prince in England to the native in Samoa. The author, now that he has decided to round out the career which gave rise to it, does not desire to remain any longer " caged up," but to present himself as far as he may be of interest on the printed page. BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 21 " Oh, that my adversary would write a book," was the saying of one who beHeved that an author ahvays makes himself a mark for attack. In spite of this I am willing for once to drop my guard, ceasing to lead off, to feint, to fib, to duck or ward, allowing my head to be held in chancery between the covers of a book, and yet looking for lively cross-counter dealings. I WAS born on the 15th of October, 1858, in Bos- ton, my parents then occupying a house on Harrison Avenue, nearly opposite Boston College, the location being about that of the new Homoeopathic Dispensary. Here we lived until I was ten years of age, when we moved, successively, to Parnell and Lenox streets and Boston Highlands. My father was a native of the town of Tralee, in County Kerry, Ireland, and my mother of, Athlone, iu County Roscommon. Both are now dead. The remainder of the family are a sister and a younger brother. As I am the only one who has been noticed for size or strength, people have sometimes been curious to know from whom mine came, particularly as my father was a small man, being only five feet three and one half inches, and never weighing more than one hundred and thirty pounds. My mother was of fair size, weigh- ing about one hundred and eighty pounds, and some have given the credit to her. One writer, after I had grown in reputation as an athlete, said : *' Sullivan derived all his great physical strength from his mother, 22 LIP^E AND REMINISCENCES. who in her youth was considered a woman of remark- able physical and mental powers." Whatever there may be in this, it should be borne in mind that my uncles and the other relatives of my father in Ireland were all large men, and were known in their section of the county by a Celtic word which might be trans- lated as " the big Sullivans." Here it may not be improper to mention the great family of Sullivans known in American history, as their father came from the same spot as mine, to settle in the same part of this country, and as they were remarkable for size and muscular strength, in addition to their pow- ers as governors, generals and judges. John Sullivan was in 1774 a member of the first General Congress. In December of that year he took a leading part in the daring achievement of a party of American patriots who rowed by moonlight to the British fort, William and Mary, near Portsmouth, overpowered the force, and captured a hundred barrels of powder that were after- wards used at Bunker Hill. In this way a Sullivan has received the honor of striking the very first blow of the Revolution. During the Revolution he was regarded as one of the most trusty officers in the service of Washington and was by his side on the Christmas Eve of 1776 when he crossed the Delaware and routed the British. After the success had been gained he was made Governor of New Hampshire. Governor James Sullivan of Massachusetts, his brother, was one of the commissioners appointed by Washington, BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 2 3 to settle the boundary lines between the United States and the British Provinces. His son of the same name was a man of physical as well as mental strength, and won reputation as a judge. John L. Sullivan, another son of the governor of Macsachusetts, possessed high ability, especially in sci- ence and engineering. He constructed the great Mid- dlesex canal, which was the connection between Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire before railroads ; and he also invented the first steam tow-boat, for which he was awarded a patent in preference to the famous Fulton. The mother of the two Governor SuUivans, as might be expected, was a woman of much spirit. There is a story told of a visit which she paid to the governor of Massachusetts when he had as his guest his brother, John, of New Hampshire. The servant, not knowing her, informed her coldly that she could not see the governor — he was engaged. " But I must see him," exclaimed the old lady. *' Then, madam, you will please wait in the ante- room." " Tell your master," said she, sweeping out of the hall, *' that the mother of two of the greatest men in America will not wait in anybody's anteroom." The Governor having called his servant, on hearing the report said to his brother, *' Let us run after her; it's mother for certain.'^ Accordingly the two govern- ors sallied out, and soon made amends for her of- fended dignity. Like almost all Boston boys I was given good oppor-> ^4 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. tunities for education. I was first sent to the Primary School on Concord Street. My teacher there was Miss Blanchard, a lady that stood no nonsense from any of the boys. But she was good hearted and had as much interest in the poorer class of children as she had in the upper ten. After going through the primary school I went to the Dwight Grammar School on Springfield Street and graduated. I attended night school at the old Bath House, Cabot Street, which was afterwards turned into a voting place election house. I never had much trouble with the teachers in any of my school experience. Miss Jones, of the grammar school, sent me one day for my medicine which I received at the hands of my old friend, Jimmy Page, who was principal or head master of the school. That was the only time that I ever had to take the rattan, which I did like a little man. It was commonly taken for granted that if a boy cried he was a weak one. I guess I wanted to cry but I couldn't,-although he gave me what I deserved; and I was quite a hero after that among the other boys'. During my school years in spare time and after school I played ball, marbles, spun tops, and did everything of the kind that boys do. I had no occupation to take up my attention after school hours, and of course went through all the sports that boys go through at that time of life. As to my studies I took better to mathematics than I did to anything else, and I was always on the lookout to avoid geography when it was geography day. My BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 2$ travelling experience has since given me more real facts about geography than I could have learned in a book in ten years. In school days I had many a fracas with the other fellows, and I always came out on top. After leaving the Public School I went to Comer's Commercial College, and attended about one year. From that I went to Boston College, Harrison Avenue, where I studied about sixteen months. It was the desire of my parents to have me study for the priest- hood, but it was not mine. My first work was in the plumbing trade with the firm of Moffat & Perry. In those days it was the custom with boys, generally, when they wanted to become apprentices, to be bound to a trade by their father; in other words a man signed a written contract to teach the trade so that the boy would become a master mechanic after learning the business. I had gone for a situation, and as I thought I would like plumbing, I got a position for myself I worked at the plumbing trade for six months. When the water pipes in the old Williams Market, which had an armory overhead, at the corner of Dover and Washington streets, were frozen, a journeymen and myself were sent there. We went with all the necessary appliances which were used for thawing out pipes in the plumbing business, including a lighted torch and hot water, and after a half day's work at that, the journeyman and myself had some words, in which I told him that I thought I had carried water enough and that he could have a few hours at that work himself. This caused some feeling 26 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. between us and resulted in our having a scrap over the affair, and he made his escape to the shop, which was only a few doors from where we were working. I was paid $4.00 a week for being an apprentice. The jour- neymen at that time were paid all the way from three to six dollars a day. Naturally, after I left school, I joined base-ball nines, among which were the Tremonts, Etnas, Our Boys, and several other clubs. As I was considered a pretty good base-ball player, I had been offered $1,300 if I would play ball for the Cincinnati Club in the years 1879 and 1880. I left the plumbing to learn the trade of a tinsmith with James Galvin, corner of Warren and Dudley streets, for whom I worked eighteen months, and quit on account of disagreement with a man who worked on the same bench, who had just become a journeyman as I became an apprentice. Then I went to playing base- ball again with different amateur clubs. The first time I ever put a boxing glove on was at a variety entertainment at Dudley Street Opera House, Boston Highlands ; and when I went to the entertain- ment I did not expect to be called upon to do that; but at that entertainment there was a strong young fellow named Scannell, who stated to the audience that he was anxious to meet me or any one in the audience. I had the reputation of being able to hold my own with any young man, and, after considerable talking one way and the other, they asked me to put on the gloves with Scannell. I did not want to do so, but finally con- sented. BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 2/ I was working at tinsmithing then, and had no tights nor had made any arrangements for boxing, but simply took off my coat, rolled up my shirt sleeves, and put on the gloves. When we put up our hands, he hit me a crack on the back of the head, and the first thing I did was to punch him as hard as I could, knocking him clean over the piano which was on the stage. This was the first actual experience of mine at boxing, and I will never forget this experience, nor do I think he will. I quit my trade as a tinsmith because I could not agree with the journeyman who worked on the same bench with me. We argued a great many different subjects ; about dogs, game cocks, base-ball, and any- thing and everything in sporting circles, and a great many other things. We never could agree on anything, because he claimed he always had something better than anybody else. His dogs were better than any I had ever seen ; his game cock was better than any I had ; in fact, anything I had was no account, and his was number one. Our quarrels and arguments kept up quite a while until finally he said one day something about proving to me that I was wrong, and wanted to fight it out to prove it; and when I said, " All right; come out into the yard," he quit, and would not go. If ever I wanted to lick a man in the world, he was that one, and I would have given a good deal if he only would have come out. From that I went to the mason's trade, at which I worked about two years and learned that on account of 28 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. having a better opportunity, as my father used to work at the business. I played amateur base ball with a great many teams before I took to boxing. I was paid twenty-five dollars a game for playing with the Eglestons, of which they would play two games a week, — Wednesdays and Sat- urdays. For them I played principally first base and left field, although I could play in any position. At the age of nineteen, I drifted into the occupation of a boxer. I went to meet all comers, fighting all styles and all manner of builds of men, until the present day. I never was taught to box; I have learned from observation and watching other boxers, and outside of that my style of fighting is perfectly original with me. Some one has said that old Prof. Bailey claimed the credit of teaching me, but he was wrong in the asser- tion, as I never took a boxing lesson in my life, having a natural ambition for the business. I was always a big fellow, weighing two hundred pounds at the age of seventeen, and I had the reputa- tion for more than my proportionate share of strength. I remember one time of a horse car getting off the track on Washington Street, and six to eight men trying to lift it on. They didn't succeed, and so I astonished the crowd by lifting it on myself. I used to practise such feats as lifting full barrels of flour and beer, or kegs of nails above my head, but I gave up those things as I found that men who did feats of strength made themselves too stiff for any good boxing. I could lift a dumb-bell with the best, but I do not use more than BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 29 a two pounder, as it is nimbleness and skill that a boxer needs. It was on account of these feats that I first got the name of *' Strong Boy." There was a light boxer named Fairbanks that I called *' Billy-go-lightly," and he replied by calling me '' John, the Strong Boy." Now that I have touched on the subject of nick- names, I may as well give a little list of titles that have been given to me after various victories in the ring, not with the idea that I endorse them myself; but that — "A little nonsense, now and then. Is relished by the wisest men." "The Boston Hercules." ''Knight of the Fives." "The hard-hitting Sullivan." "The Boston Miracle of huge muscles, terrific chest and marvellous strength." " The king of the ring." " The youthful prince of pu- gilists. " The magnificent Sullivan." " Boston's phi- lanthropic prize-fighter." " Young Boston giant." " The finest specimen of physical development in the world." " The terrific Boston pugilist." " Trip-hammer Jack." " Spartacus Sullivan." " The king of pugilists." "Mon- arch of the prize ring." "The scientific American." " Hurricane hitter." " Mighty hero of biceps." " His fistic Highness." " Champion of champions." " Bos- ton's pet." " Boston's pride and joy." " The cultured slugger." " Sullivan the Great." " The Napoleon Bona- parte of sluggers." " King of fistiana." " Sullivan the wonder." " The champion pounder." " Professor of bicepital forces." " Prize-fighting Caesar." " The Her- cules of the ring." " The Goliath of the prize ring." 30 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. "Americans invincible champion." '' A champion who never knew defeat." Whatever I have attempted to do, I have always looked on the bright side, that is to say, that there is nothing I have undertaken to do, since I have reached the age of understanding, in which I have not made it a point to be successful. When going into a ring, I have always had it in my mind that I would be the conqueror. That has been my disposition particularly as to my fighting propensities. The first time I ever started to spar in public w^ith any noted man of reputation was with Johnny Woods, bet- ter known as " Cockey Woods," in Cockerill Hall, Han- over Street, Boston, in 1878. He was a resident of Bos- ton, and was a big man who once was matched to fight Heenan, '' The Benecia Boy." I soon disposed af him. The following year, 1879, I sparred with Dan Dwyer, in Revere Hall, corner of Green and Chardon streets. He was considered a strong boxer. I had the best of the encounter, and surprised a great many of the wise ones who thought I would not be in it, as he was called " the champion of Massachusetts." Another victory gained by me in those days was over Tommy Chandler, one of the " old timers," but not the " Tom " of Pacific coast fame. I sparred with Prof. Mike Donovan at the Howard Athenaeum at his benefit, given him by his management and friends, in Boston, in which I wound up with him in three rounds and endeavored to knock him out, when the master of ceremonies made us shake hands and we BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 3 I departed to our dressing rooms. In a conversation which took place while we were upstairs, he said to me : '* You tried to knock me out," and I replied, " No, I did not try very hard." He said, '* Well, I will be honest, I tried to knock you out." I then told him " I tried to knock him out and if I had landed it would have been all day with him." When he went back to New York he said to Joe Goss, Geo. Rooke, and all the knowing ones, that there was a fellow up in Boston by the name of Sullivan, who, in his estimation, was going to be the boss of them all. Jack Hogan, of Providence, was another candidate who shared the fate of those mentioned. The following year, 1880, on the sixth day of April, I demonstrated to the wise ones that I was to become to the world one of the greatest exponents of the manly art, by disposing of one of England's greatest champi- ons, Joe Goss, at a testimonial given to him by his numer- ous friends at Music Hall, Boston, in which we sparred three rounds. In the second round I dealt him a blow which virtually ended the contest. Goss was given time to recover, and through the advice of Tom Denney and Billy Edwards, I sparred the last round without trying to knock him out, which I could have done. After this he was heard to remark that my blows were like *' the kicks of a mule." A writer describing the affair at the time said, — " Sullivan's terrific hitting on this occasion created quite a sensation." 32 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Now one word about old Joe Goss. As a pugilist and a boxer, he was a gentleman in every respect, being of a kind-hearted, social, and of a genial disposition, and beloved by every one who knew him. I have seen Goss put his hand in his pocket to assist the needy, and one of his great hobbies was always to fondle and caress the little ones, of whom he was a great lover. From the first time we became acquainted, which was on the occa- sion of our boxing together, at his benefit, we became warm and personal friends, and continued so until the hour of his death. As Goss had fought some of the best men in Eng- land and America, and this encounter naturally leads up to my battling for the championship of the world, I find it a fitting occasion to bring up here the records of the English champions from the time of Tom Figg, when the science of boxing was coming into shape, down to the present. The names of the fighters and the dates of great events are as follows : — 1 7 19. — Tom Figg. 1 734. — George Taylor. 1 740. — Jack Broughton. 1750. — Jack Slack. 1 760. — Bill Stevens. 1 76 1. — George Meggs. 1764. — Bill Darts. 1 769. — Tom Lyons. 1777. — Harry Sellers. 1780. — Harris. # JOE GOSS. liOVIIOOU AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. SS 1785. — Tom Jackling (alias Johnson) 1790. — Ryan (Big Ben). 1792. — Mendoza. 1795. — Jackson (retired). 1803. — Jem Belcher. 1805. — Pearce (the Game Chicken). 1808. — Gulley (declined the office). 1809. — Tom Cribb (received a belt, not transferable, and cup). 1824. — Tom Spring (received four cups, and resigned office). 1825. — Jem Ward (received a belt, not transferable). 1833- — Deaf Burke (claimed the office). 1839. — Bendigo (W. Thompson), (beat Deaf Burke, claimed championship, and received a belt from Jem Ward). 1 841. — Caunt (beat Nick Ward, and received belt by subscription; this belt was transferable). 1845. — Bendigo (beat Caunt and got the belt, but declined to fight again). 1850. — Perry (the Tipton Slasher), after his fight with Paddock, claimed the office, as Bendigo declined fighting again). 1 85 I. — Harry Broome (beat Perry, and succeeded to the office). 1853. — Perry again claimed the office, Harry Broome, having forfeited to him in a match, and retired from the ring. 1856. — Tom Paddock (beat H. Broome for i^200 a side and the title). 34 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. 1857. — Tom Sayers (beat Perry for ^200 a side, and the new belt). i860. — Tom Sayers retired after his fight with Heenan, leaving the old belt open for competition. i860. — Tom Hurst (the Staleybridge Infant), beat Paddock. Both claimed the office of champion. The belt was handed to Hurst. 1861. — Jem Mace (beat Hurst). 1863. — Tom King beat Mace and claimed the belt, which he subsequently gave up, declining again to meet Mace. Mace again claimed the belt. 1865. — Joe Worvvald beat Marsden, ;{^200 a side and the belt, both having claimed the championship. Belt handed to Worwald. Forfeited i^i20 to Mace, who again claimed. 1866. — Jem Mace and Joe Goss (a draw, i^200 a side and the belt). 1867. — Joe Worwald received forfeit from O'Baldwin, ;^200 a side and the championship. Baldwin ab- sent at the starting place. Worwald claimed the belt. 1867. — Jem Mace and O'Baldwin (a draw, i^200 a side and the championship; the belt in abeyance). 1868. — Joe Worwald and O'Baldwin (a draw, ;^200 a side, and the title in America). 1869. — McCoole (beat T. Allen, in America, for cham- pionship of the world). 1870. — Jem Mace (beat T. Allen, in America, for championship of the world). BOYHOOD AND BOXING BEGINNINGS. 35 1872. — Jem Mace (draw with J. Coburn, in America, for championship of the world). 1879. — Mace still holds the champion belt of England. 1885. — Jem Smith beat Jack Davis. Subsequent events in connection with the English and American championships are told in later chapters. 36 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. CHAPTER II. ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. Young Ambitions and Old Battles — Anecdote of Heenan and Sayers — Yankee Sullivan's Heel as a Talisman — Strong WHERE Achilles was Weak — Double Victory over the " Champion of the West " — "I 've seen a Foot Race " — Ryan says, " Go and get a Reputation " — The Sporting World Surprised — Steve Taylor, Geo. Rooke, and Flood — The Champion Rank in Sight — A Glance along the Line. '^HE unbroken line of victories in boxing, on which I entered at this time, served to increase the feeling of interest which I had felt from boyhood in the champions of England and America, and the ambition to write my name among their records with my own hand. Two years before I entered the ring of life the famous ** Yankee Sulli- van," who had encountered America's first champion, Tom Hyer, and had fairly outfought Morrissey, was murdered by the Vigilance Committee at San Francisco ; yet his deeds were still rated by many as those of " one of the pluckiest fighters that ever stood in a ring." But the pugilistic subject that was freshest in the public mind in my early boyhood was the battle between ROUNDS OF THE PUCilLISTiC LADDER. 37 the champions of America and England, Heenan and Sayers. Although I was only two years old when it took place, the remembrance of it was so well kept up by the pictures, songs, and controversies about it in the years following, that it was still a matter of common talk when I became old enough to understand such things. Speaking of this battle I am reminded of an odd in- cident told by one who saw it, which has an interest here, as it connects the event with the popular traditions of '' Yankee Sullivan," who has just been referred to, and serves to show the prevailing fancies In regard to him. The account says : — '' It was a curious sight to witness the meeting between Heenan and Sayers. Neither had ever seen the other until they confronted between the ropes, and they cordially shook hands. They scrutinized each other closely and passed some remarks on the beauty of the morning. Then Sayers asked John if he wanted to bet anything on the result and was told that all the American's money was already wagered, after which each coolly sauntered over to his corner amid the wild- est cheers. At this moment a spectator from America pressed against the ropes and put into Heenan's hand the heel of an old shoe with the observation : * This is the heel of Yankee Sullivan's shoe. Jack ; he swore he never lost a fight while it was in the ring. .Leave it there and go in and lick England.' " This anecdote would seem to be an inversion of the old Greek tradition about Achilles, whose heel instead of being a protection was his only weak point. 38 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Although the heel did not prove strong enough to get for Heenan the English championship belt, to which Americans believed him entitled, it must have dis- couraged poor Sayers, for he left the belt open for com- petition. This was the time when Jem Mace won it by con- quering the giant, Sam Hurst, known as the " Staley- bridge Infant." Mace, in 1866, fought a draw for it with Joe Goss. He held the honors of the belt at the time that the latter was overcome by myself. As for Mace, his acknowledgment of my superiority over him was complete, as will be seen later on in the account of his refusal to spar with me unless I would promise not to knock him out. After showing supremacy over Joe Goss my next victim was George Rooke, a brother of Jack Rooke, of Manchester, England, with whom I sparred on the 28th of June, 1880, at the Howard Athenaeum, in Boston. I knocked him out in the space of two rounds, having felled him to the stage seven times, when the curtain was rung down and the show brought to a close. After that event I gave several exhibitions with Dan Dwyer. Within the same year I ascended two rounds of the pugilistic ladder towards the championship, by what should be considered the double defeat of John Donald- son, the " Champion of the West." It is proper first to tell how the matter came about. When Joe Goss and Paddy Ryan were to have fought at Erie, Penn., for the championship of America, I went to be a witness of the battle, and whtle at Buffalo, I learned that Donaldson, ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 39 who arrived the same time as I did, was wilHng to fight anybody for a purse. I decided on the imptdse of the occasion to meet his challenge. As soon as this response became known to the public much interest was aroused in that section to size up the " Strong Boy." When Donaldson had done his sizing up he refused to have anything to do with me. About this time it was announced everywhere through the papers, that I was willing to fight any one in Amer- ica with gloves. The sporting men, therefore, sought to bring about a match with the '' mittens " between myself and this man, whom they considered the strongest to be found in that line. John McCormick, who was then with the Cincinnati Inquirer, and who has written under the nom de plume of '' Macon," came to Boston and offered me one hun- dred and fifty dollars and expenses to go to Cincinnati and spar with Donaldson in Robinson's Opera House. We met for the first time in December, 1880. An account by an eye witness says : — ■ "• Sullivan's extraordinary strength and wonderful quickness were made apparent at the start, and Donald- son wisely kept out of his way as much as possible. Once Sullivan caught him as he was getting away, and over went Donaldson on his beam ends, to the intense delight of the boys. After three rounds Donaldson wanted to quit, and pulled off his gloves despite the cries of the audience, who, like Oliver Twist, wanted * more.' He said he was sick and not in condition to spar, but he was finally induced to go on just once 40 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. more. Sullivan went at him again like a flash, and had it all his own way to the end." The account continues: *' The bout created great excitement, and Donaldson, not satisfied, challenged Sullivan to fight with hard gloves for five hundred dollars. Sullivan accepted, and a match was arranged." In order to appreciate the character of the contest which was entered upon, the following sketch, written about that time, of the man who was my contestant, will be useful : — " Prof. John Donaldson, of Cleveland, O., stands five feet ten and one half inches in height, and weighs in condition one hundred and sixty pounds. He is well known throughout the United States and Canada as a clever boxer. He is a well formed, athletic-looking Her- cules, possessed of great muscular development, and in numerous contests in the ring he has proved that he is a pugilist of note. He has figured five times in the ring. " Donaldson's first battle was a glove fight with Dan Carr, in Cleveland, seven rounds in twenty-three min- utes. He next beat Bryan Campbell in Bradford, Pa., winning: in three rounds in eleven minutes. He then beat Bluett Boyd at Buffalo, N. Y., May 26, 1880, the fight lasting but two minutes and forty-five seconds, Boyd being knocked out in the first round. He fought Jim Taylor at Mt. Clemens, Mich., in August, 1880. They fought five rounds, occupying six minutes. Taylor was knocked down in every round, and out of time in the last. In this battle Donaldson proved he ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 4 1 was a terrible hitter, but his experience with SulHvaii proved that the new Hght was a far greater than he." We fought (with gloves) for a purse on Dec. 24, 1880. Dan Crutchley and Abe Smith, of New York, seconded Donaldson, while Jack Moran and Tom Ryan seconded myself. Patrick Mu^rphy was referee. The account is as follows: — *' The battle was a one-sided affair. Donaldson was whipped from the word ' Go.' Nevertheless he managed to make the battle last by running all over the ring to avoid Sullivan's terrific blows. The fight lasted through ten rounds when Donaldson was knocked out of time. This may be said to have been Sullivan's first regular battle but it was nothing to be compared with some of the off-hand breakaways he had engaged in at Boston. This victory gained him quite a reputation. He had proved to his own satisfaction as well as to that of all observers that he could fight, and he also found out that he could strike a blow hard enough to knock down a mule which was something only a few of his friends knew." I defeated him in ten rounds, twenty-one minutes, in which he hugged the floor the greater part of the time. The next day, Christmas, he was arrested, about an hour before I was. Bob Linn, a friend of mine, went bonds for both of us. We were tried the following Wednes- day and discharged, as there was no bill found against us. The evidence of some of the witnesses for the gov- ernment side was very amusing, particularly in the case in which Johnny Moran, a brother-in-law of Peter Mor- 42 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. ris, the well-known English feather-weight, champion of England at one time, gave his testimony to the prose- cuting attorney. When he asked him if he had seen a fight, he said : — ** No ; I 've seen a foot race." The district attorney asked him : '' Who was ahead? " He said, '' Donaldson, and Mr. Sullivan was running after him but could not catch him." At this the spectators had a very enjoyable laugh. No bill having been found against the principals, the judge, the prosecuting attorney, and my lawyer, who offered his services. Judge Fitzgerald and several other spectators and witnesses, adjourned to a neighboring saloon and partook of some sparkling refreshments. The Cincinnati Enquirer said at this time, in referring to the visit to Cincinnati in connection with the Donald- son affair, *' Mr. Sullivan's modest and unassuming man- ner at once gained him friends. That he is not averse to trying conclusions with any man living will be seen from the following challenge : — Cincinnati, Dec. 9, 1880. To the Editor of the Enquirer : I am prepared to make a match to fight any man breathing, for any sum from one thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars at catch weights. This challenge is especially directed to Paddy Ryan and will remain open for a month if he should not see fit to accept it. Respectfully yours, John L. Sullivan. ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 43 Paddy Ryan refused to spar with me at Springfield, Mass., and on the plea that I was not worthy of his standing, said, — '' Go and get a reputation." I did *' go and get a reputation," as the records for a short time after this show, and I finished Tt, more effectu- ally than Mr. Ryan could have foreseen, at the expense of his own reputation. After bidding adieu to Cincinnati, I took a train to my home, in Boston, and then on Monday, the third day of January, 1881, Joe Goss and myself gave a joint ex- hibition, in which I sparred with Jack Stewart, called " Champion of Canada." I made him run off the stage in the space of two rounds, and gave him a kick behind as he was running into his dressing-room, because it made me mad to see a big fellow like him running away after being paraded around, and saying what he was going to do at this exhibition. At the close of the performance, Joe Goss and I wound up the exhibition in which we split thirteen hun- dred dollars between us. With his part, he opened a sporting-house on La Grange Street, Boston. I went to New York with Billy Madden. There I was tendered a testimonial benefit at Harry Hill's, on the 31st of March. It was at this time that the New York sporting men found a lively sensation in the novelty of an offer posted by me to give fifty dollars to any pugilist in the world who would stand before me during four rounds, Marquis of Queensbury rules, ordi- nary gloves being used. This was the first time that anything of this kind had been offered. 44 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. When at the close of my benefit entertainment this offer was announced to the audience, it was accepted by the clever heavy weight, Steve Taylor. John Mahan, who was better known by the name of Steve Taylor, was a native of Ireland, and during a por- tion of his career was a politician under the Tweed regime^ and was also coroner of Jersey City. When Jem Mace first came to this country he was regarded as almost the only American who could make any stand against him. He was described as a six footer, of very powerful build, and as agile as a cat. In 1876, he won reputation as a game and scientific boxer in a draw which he fought in the Lyceum Theatre, New York, with Dwyer, the Brooklyn champion. Among his other experiences were those of training Paddy Ryan for the fight with Joe Goss, and sparring over the coun- try with Mace. Subsequently he made a similar tour with my own combination. On the occasion of which I now write, the referee was Matt Grace, the well-known collar and elbow wrestler, Dick Holly^vood standing up for Taylor and Billy Mad- den for myself After I had got in a few hard knocks in two rounds, Taylor acknowledged defeat. I made him a present of half the prize which he had failed to win with the gloves. After this time the rating of Taylor was expressed in the saying, '' Taylor takes off his hat only to Sully." In April, 1 881, a match was arranged for a fight, under the London prize-ring rules, with gloves, between John Flood, a New York heavy-weight, called the ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 45 *' Bull's Head Terror," and myself. A purse of $1,000 was raised, of which the winner was to get $750. Flood was a native of Ireland, and when a boy came to America. At the time of the fight he weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. During my time of training the Boston Globe said : — '* A Globe reporter visited Sullivan yesterday at the Sherman House in Natick, where he is the guest of Mr. Dan Sheehan. Sullivan looks the picture o^health, and is training himself into fine condition. He said, * Tell the Boston people that I will bring back the championship to the Hub, where it belongs. I would like much to meet Paddy Ryan in the ring, and then give up and settle in some business.' " The fight with Flood, which took place May 16, was under the management of William H. Borst, who ar- ranged, in order to avoid the police, that it should take place on a barge on the Hudson River, nearly opposite Yonkers. Flood was seconded by Barney Aaron and Dooney Harris, and I by Joe Goss and Billy Madden. I appeared there with only a few friends, and a job was put up by the New York people that the Boston man should not win under any circumstances. I knocked my man out before they had realized what had hap- pened, and there was no chance for them to carry out their job. The referee was Al. Smith, a rehable and straightforward man in all pertaining to sporting mat- ters, and old Joe Elliot, who for years was the sporting editor of the New York Herald^ being holder of the stake money. 46 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. An account of the battle written at that time says : — *' Upon stripping it was seen that, although a power- ful-looking man, Flood's physique was decidedly in- ferior to that of his antagonist, and the odds in betting, which all along had been in favor of Sullivan, were increased. '' As usual, after shaking hands, Sullivan lost no time in getting to work, dashing instantly at Flood and using both hands with such effect that the round was finished in a trice, with Flood down, having received several severe blows, the effect of which he failed to shake off during the brief time the contest lasted. The rounds which followed were counterparts of the first, Sullivan having his man completely at his mercy from first to last, and administering severe punishment while receiv- ing scarcely any himself. ** In every round, Flood was either knocked down, fought down or thrown. Finally, at the conclusion of the eighth round, when they had been fighting sixteen minutes, and when Flood had been downed with a jaw- breaker, the New Yorker's backer himself threw up a towel as a signal of defeat, saying that he did not wish to see a good man, who was willing to fight on, punished longer, when he plainly had no show to win. His action was approved of by the spectators, who saw that Flood was beaten, and that it was folly for him to continue. The display made by Sullivan convinced old pugilists and ring-goers who witnessed the mill that he is the most promising Knight of the Fives in America. Had his hands been bare, the contest must have ended much ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 47 sooner than it did. Flood was willing enough, and did all he could to stem the tide of battle, but he was com- pletely outclassed. The fight being finished, Sullivan crossed over to Flood's corner, cordially shook his hand, saying, * We met as fi'iends, and we part as fi^iends,* and then started a subscription for his beaten antagonist." Paddy Ryan, on witnessing the fight, said, '* Sullivan is a clever young fellow." On the 13th of the following month, I had a wind-up bout with Flood, in a sparring exhibition at Clarendon Hall, New York. A daily paper of that city has the following: — '* Excited discussion was indulged in previous to the opening, relative to the proposed prize fight between Sullivan and Paddy Ryan, of Troy, as it was generally believed that Sullivan would issue a challenge from the stage, Sullivan being the winner. Sullivan was loudly cheered on his appearance. He stepped to the ropes, and said : — " ' I am ready at any time to meet Paddy Ryan in a glove fight.' " ' A glove fight decides nothing ! ' shouted James MacGowan, of the Police Gazette. * I have a blank check signed by Richard Fox ; if you want to make a match, I will fill it up for $5,000 or $10,000.' *' * I will fight with bare fists for $1,000,' replied Sulli- van. * I can't say any more than that now, until I see my backers.' '' * One thousand dollars don't amount to anything,' said MacGowan. 48 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. ** ' Better men than Ryan or I have fought for a thousand dollars. There 's Jem Mace, Tom Allen, and others,' retorted Sullivan. 'I'll fight Ryan a fist fight if I can get the money.' ''The dialogue between Sullivan and MacGowan caused no little excitement in the audience. One of Sullivan's friends, jumping to his feet, exclaimed : — " ' If Ryan wants to fight for $i,ooo, a match can be made right away.' '"Ryan won't fight for $i,ooo. It wouldn't be worth fighting for,' remarked Mr. MacGowan. *' Sullivan retired to the rear of the stage, and the wind-up with Flood proceeded." The sparring with Flood is described in another account as follows, — " Harry Hill was master of cere- monies. The principal set-to was between Sullivan and Flood. At half past ten o'clock they appeared on the stage, in ring costume, to spar three rounds according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules. Sullivan looked as strong as an ox, and pretty confident of getting the bet- ter of his opponent again. Flood was nervous and eager to begin and opened the first round with a left hander which was neatly stopped. Some hard hitting ensued, Sullivan delivering blows rapidly on Flood's face and staggering him. The men had clinched when ' Time ' was called. In the second round Sullivan attacked, and Flood could not successfully defend him- self. When time was up Harry Hill separated the men. The third round was full of hard and skilful hitting." . ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 49 From New York I went to Philadelphia, where I re- newed my offer of fifty dollars to any one whom I could not knock out in four rounds with the gloves. I gave an exhibition in Arthur Chamber's Hall, where Fred Crossly, a stout and ambitious boxer, was made to quit, after I had boxed with him for a few minutes. The next week I put in at John Clark's Olympic Theatre as a boxer; my income being one hundred and fifty dollars for the week. I allowed John Clark, the proprietor, to use my name on one night, the perform- ance being given out as a benefit to me, though in reality it was a benefit to himself Having offered fifty dollars to anybody that I could not stop in four rounds, Marquis of Queensbury rules, an aspirant named Dan McCarty, came to win glory. I put him in the land of dreams in thirty seconds. The following account is from a Philadelphia paper : ** * As there are three men in the hall,' said Mr. Clark, * who, it is understood, would like to try Mr. Sullivan, J hope they will come to the front.' *' In a short time a man was seen making his way through the crowd. It proved to be Dan McCarty, of Baltimore. " Sullivan went to work at once. He drove McCarty to the side of the dressing-room, and with a left hander full in the face brought the man on his knees. Hardly had the prostrate foe arisen, before Sullivan with a tremendous right hander on the neck sent him sprawling on his back, and the fellow lay almost lifeless. It had taken just forty seconds to give McCarty enough. For 50 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. ^ a few minutes there were grave doubts about resuscitat- ing the defeated pugiHst. As SulHvan was returning to the dressing-room a gentleman was heard to say : — ** ' Well, I have seen all from Hyer down to the pres- ent day, but none could have beaten that young fellow, Sullivan.' " Leaving Philadelphia, we went to Chicago, where Madden and myself gave an exhibition at McCormick's Hall, on the North Side, on Clark Street. We made the same offer of fifty dollars as elsewhere. Parson Davies was interested in the exhibition, he receiving twenty- five per cent for his services, and Capt. James Dalton, a tug man, was an aspirant for the fifty dollars. A Chicago report says : — ** Dalton stood up like a log before Sullivan. Excite- ment ran at white heat. Cheers and applause rang through the building. Sullivan smashed him viciously a few times, and considerably disfigured the ambitious tugman's countenance. He was a trifle groggy when time was called for the fourth round, and after a few passes, Sullivan knocked him so stiff that when the allotted ten seconds had passed, he was unable to put in an appearance, consequently forfeiting all claim to the fifty dollars. Sullivan gave him twenty-five dollars, however, and after this fact had been announced, the crowd dispersed. Sullivan created quite a sensation, and Chicago sports offer to match him to fight anybody for one thousand to ten thousand dollars. Dalton had successfully downed John Dwyer, Ryan, Donaldson, Chandler, and others, Dwyer was heard to remark of ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 51 him, * There is one of the most dangerous young men with his hands, in America.'" From Chicago I went to Mt. Clements, Mich., a sum- mer resort, about twenty miles from Detroit. While there a bully attempted to jostle me off a raised side- walk, one evening. I asked him what he meant by doing that. He used a vile lot of epithets to me, and said, " I will show you." I tried to use diplomacy to avoid him, but he was bent on trouble, and attempted to strike me. I was under the necessity of putting him to sleep in less than two minutes. When the citizens heard about it the next day, they sent a prominent druggist of the town named Crane, to reward me with the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for teach- ing this bully a lesson, as he had been abusing and browbeating everybody in the town. The money I refused. I then went back to Chicago, where I gave another exhibition in McCormick's Hall, making the same offer of fifty dollars. A man named Jack Burns, ** the Mich- igan giant," six foot six and a half, came to accept and win fame. When I saw him, I said, ^' How will I get at that fellow ; he is so tall that I think it would be a good scheme to get a step ladder, so to be on equal height with him." But when we got our hands up and set to work, I soon brought him down to my size by hitting him a punch in the pit of the stomach and one on the point of the jaw which settled further hostilities. He landed in the second row of orchestra seats. When he got up he was heard to remark, '* I suppose 52 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. when Sullivan tells about this they will say he is a windy duck ! " I returned to Boston a few days after. The efforts which had been made in Chicago for securing a match with Paddy Ryan being continued after my arrival home. A good deal of delay and disappointment had been caused by the disagreements as to the amount to be fought for. On the fifth day of October, 1881, the first five hundred dollars was put up on my behalf as a forfeit in Harry Hill's hands for a match for twenty-five hundred dollars a side with Ryan. The next deposit went on Nov. 9, consisting of one thousand dollars a side, and the last deposit of one thousand dollars was sent on the 7th of December, making the total stakes five thousand dollars. Harry Hill was agreed upon as final stakeholder. During the interval between the making of the match and the preparations for my battle with Ryan, I gave exhibitions in various places on the way to New Orleans, in company with Billy Madden, Pete McCoy, and Bob Farrell. In October, 1881, Mike Donovan published an ofi"er to meet me with the gloves at his benefit at Madison Square Garden, on the twenty-fourth of that month. The upshot was the following scene, as described in a New York daily paper : — " * How about this Sullivan match ? ' cried a man near the platform when the wrestlers had withdrawn. '' ' Hi don't know,' replied Mr. Hill. A chorus of howls followed this brief colloquy, which increased, when somebody suggested that the mention of Mr. SuUi- ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 53 van's name was a sell as he was away on a sparring tour. While the rumpus was at its height, a stalwart young man mounted the platform. His presence was the signal for cheers. It was Sullivan. " * Gentlemen,' said he, * I have come here to-night to spar this man, Mike Donovan. He has published his willingness to give me fifty dollars to spar with him four rounds according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules and I have come all the way from Philadelphia to do it. I don't care for the money, but I have been snapped at so by this man, who has been dragging my name through the newspapers, that I want to spar him anyhow.' " This defiance was greeted with loud applause, during which Donovan climbed to the platform beside Sullivan and expressed the desire to be heard. '^ * I ain't got no show against this man,' he began. '' 'Then what did you challenge him for?' some one asked. " * Yes,* shouted the spectators ; * what did you chal- lenge him for? ' ** * Because,' said Donovan, * he has said I was a cur. I want him to understand that I ain't a cur, for I 've fought eleven battles in the ring, and no man that does that is a cur. [Cheers.] Now, I want to do the right thing, and I '11 box Mr. Sullivan four rounds according to the rules of the prize ring.* *' ' Gentlemen,' said Mr. Sullivan, * this is anything but fair, but it is, nevertheless, just what I expected from this man. Governed by prize-ring rules, he can run away or lay down on the stage and I can't get at him. 54 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. However, for the sake of meeting him, I waive all objec- tions and will box him as he desires.* '' The applause which greeted this manly declaration had scarcely subsided when Donovan threw a wet blan- ket on the matter by objecting that Sullivan had not given him the use of his name for the entertainment and that therefore he ought not to accommodate him. This backdown was rewarded by the spectators with jeers and hisses, to quiet which Harry Hill volunteered the state- ment that Capt. Williams, who was present, objected to the men meeting each other for the reason that the bad blood engendered might lead to serious consequences." The News commenting on this says : ** The Queens- bury rules are the accepted rules for glove contests, and the London rules for the naked fists. Donovan knev/ this when he made the subterfuge, in order to avoid meeting Sullivan. The whole thing reduces itself to this : Donovan challenged Sullivan and backed out.'* When I arrived at New Orleans I gave an exhibition, after which, I went to Bay St. Louis, Miss., where I made my training quarters in preparing for my fight to wrest from Ryan the championship of America. As this subject leads me up to the records of the championship which I was about to capture, it is proper to give here the list that I have prepared of dates and events, showing the rise and succession of the American champions from the first famous claimant down to my own predecessor. This will prove a fitting supplement to the list of English champions with which I closed the last chapter. ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 55 1849, Feb. 7. — Tom Hyer, the first champion of America, fought with Yankee SulHvan for ten thousand dollars, and the championship at Still Pond Creek, Mary- land. Hyer defeated Sullivan and then retired from the ring. Yankee Sullivan succeeded him. 1853, Oct. 12. — Sullivan fought John Morrissey for two thousand dollars, and the championship at Long Point, Canada. Sullivan had defeated his opponent when a quarrel ensued and the crowd broke into the ring, Morrissey held his corner, but Sullivan left the ring, thus losing the fight. 1857, May 20. — John Morrissey beat John C. Hee- nan for two thousand dollars a side and the champion- ship. Morrissey then retired from the ring, though again challenged by Heenan. 1857, Aug. I. — Dominick Bradley fought S. S. Ran- kin, for one thousand dollars a side and the title at Point Albino, Canada. The men, who were both giants fought at catch weights according to London prize-ring rules. Bradley won. i860, April 1 7.^ John Heenan fought Tom Sayers in England and won, but he did not receive the honors to which he was entitled. The battle was for four hundred pounds and the championship of England and America. Sayers's friends seeing that the champion was defeated cut the ropes and the battle ended in a wrangle. The stakes were drawn, and each pugilist was presented with a champion belt. The belt given to Heenan had not been paid for and he was obliged to return it. 56 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. 1863, May 17. — Joe Coburn and Mike McCoole fought for the title at Charlestown, Md. Coburn won. 1863, Dec. 10. — Heenan fought King and was de- feated. He then retired from the ring and Joe Coburn wag the next champion. 1864, Oct. 4. — Coburn went to Ireland to fight Jem Mace for the title and five thousand dollars, but the bat- tle did not take place, Mace being afraid of Coburn's regulations. After this Coburn retired for the first time from the ring. 1865, May 16. — Bill Davis, who then claimed the championship, fought with James Dunn for two thousand dollars and the title, in Pike County, Mo., and was de- feated. Dunn retired and Davis claimed the champion- ship. 1866, Sept. 19. — McCoole, who disputed Davis's right to the title, fought with him for two thousand dollars and the championship, at Rhodes Point, Mo. McCoole won. 1867, Aug. 31. — McCoole fought Aaron Jones at Busenbark Station, Ohio, for two thousand dollars and the championship, and again won. 1868, May 27. — McCoole, who had held the tide undisturbed up to this time, met Joe Coburn, who had again decided to enter the arena, at Cold Spring Station, Ind., to fight for five thousand dollars. Mc- Coole entered the ring, but Coburn was arrested before he reached it. McCoole was arrested later, and both were sentenced to serve forty days' imprisonment at Lansingburg, Md. ROUNDS OF THE PUGILISTIC LADDER. 57 1868, Oct. 29. — Ned O'Baldwin, the Irish giant, and Joe Worwald, who had both claimed the championship of England, came to this country and offered to fight any American for the title. As no one accepted the challenge, O'Baldwin was matched to fight Worwald for two thousand dollars and the championship of the world. The pugilists met on the above date at Lynn- field, Mass., and after having fought one round, were both arrested. 1869, Jan. 12. — Tom Allen, the English pugilist, fought Bill Davis at Foster's Island, St. Louis, Mo., for the title and two thousand dollars. Allen won. 1869, June 15. — Tom Allen fought McCoole at Foster's Island, near St. Louis, for one thousand dollars and the championship. Allen beat McCoole's face to a jelly, and won the fight, but McCoole was declared the winner on an alleged foul. 1870, May 10. — Jem Mace and Tom Allen fought for the title and five thousand dollars at Kennerville, New Orleans. Mace won. 1 87 1, May II. — Mace and Joe Coburn met at Port Dover, Canada, to fight for the championship. The pugilists were in the ring one hour and sixteen minutes without striking a blow. 187 1, Nov. 31. — Mace and Coburn fought for the championship at Bay St. Louis, Miss. The battle ended in a draw. 1873, Sept. 23. — Tom Allen beat McCoole at Chateau Island, near St. Louis. 1873, Nov. 18. — Ben Hogan fought with Tom Allen 58 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. for two thousand dollars and the championship at Pacific City, Iowa. The contest ended in a wrangle, although Allen was in a fair way to win. 1876, Sept. 7. — Joe Goss, who had been brought over from England by Jem Mace, fought Allen for $2,000 and the championship, in Kentucky. Goss was declared the winner by a foul. 1879, May 9. — Jimmy Elliott and Johnny Dwyer fought for $1,000 a side and the title in Canada. Dwyer won and retired. 1880, May 30. — Joe Goss fought Paddy Ryan for $1,000 and the championship of America, at Collier Station, W. Va. The battle, which lasted one hour and twenty-seven minutes, was won by Ryan. THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. 59 CHAPTER III. THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. Incidents of Training for the Big Affair — The Mississippi Leg- islature CALLS, "Break Away!" — "It is a Snap Game" — • Newspaper Drolleries — Two Dusky Sisters personate Ryan AND Sullivan — A Lively Drama, with Climax in less than Eleven Minutes — Champion Ryan Supplanted — The Top Round of the Ladper. HE line of succession in the American championship, from the time of Tom Hyer's victory over Yankee SuUivan, to my own over Ryan, is marked by a series of battles royal that make lively reading now that I get into a position where I am entitled to look along the list of my predecessors. **The greatest pugilist that ever stood in a ring" is the title that has been given to Hyer by one authority. Hyer's reputation must certainly have grown more out of the style and quality of his fighting, than the number of those he fought, for the only victories of which there is any record are those over George McChester, better known as Country McCloskey, and over that '' tough importation from the land of blackthorns," Yankee Sul- livan. The fight with the former occurred at Caldwell's 6o LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Landing, New York, Sept. 9, 1841. For a hundred rounds Country McCloskey refused to give up, though receiving terrible blows from the gigantic Hyer. Irri- tated by his obstinacy, Hyer was heard to mutter, — '' Oh, let him come, let him come on ; I'll kill him this time ! " This plucky opponent persisted in coming on, although his second, Yankee Sullivan, urged him to stop ; and, after one hundred and one rounds had been fought in two hours and fifty-five minutes, Sullivan threw up the sponge, seeing that it was useless for McCloskey to stand any more punishment. With rare audacity, Yankee Sullivan, a much smaller, man, then challenged Hyer, whose tremendous execu- tions he had witnessed. The battle that resulted Jan. 10, 1849, at Rock Point, Maryland, for stakes of five thousand dollars a side, was the most remarkable in the early history of the ring, on account of the stakes which were greater than any that had ever been fought for before, and especially because of the desperate manner in which so unequal an encounter was waged. Yankee Sullivan, whose real name \vas Frank Ambrose Murray, had before this time won fame for science and endurance by his victories In England over Hammer Lane, Oliver Hammond, Tom Secor, Professor Bell, and Bob Caunt. An idea of the unequal character of the contest with Hyer can be got from the account of the first round. Sullivan darted toward Hyer, who stood resolutely awaiting him with his body well forward and In formida- ble readiness, and coming ujd to him with a sort of run, THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. 6l Sully let fly with his left at the head, but did not get it in. He then got away from a short attempt to counter with his left, but Hyer followed the effort with an instant discharge of his right in Sullivan's forehead, which made a long abrasion of the scalp, but which, notwithstanding the power of the blow, showed neither blood nor dis- coloration at the time. Gathering himself for a return, Sullivan then rushed in at the body, and, after two or three ineffectual exchanges, clinched his antagonist with the underhold and struggled for the throw. This was the great point on which was to depend the result of the fight. Sullivan relied mainly for success upon his superior wrestling, and it was calculated by his friends and backers that a few of his favorite cross but- tocks would break his young antagonist in his lithe and graceful waist, and not only render him limpsy with weakness, but stun him with the falls. The most terri- ble anxiety, therefore, existed, as to the result of this endeavor. In the fierce agitations the spectators who stood in an outer ring of plank laid over the snow some feet distant from the ropes of the arena, involuntarily rushed forward and swarmed against the ropes Two or three times did Sullivan knot his muscles with an almost superhuman effort, but all served only to post- pone his overthrow ; for, when he had spent his power by these terrible impulsions, his iron adversary wrenched him to the ground with the upperhold, and fell heavily prone upon his body. This decided the largest part of the outside betting in favor of the upper man, and shouts of joy went up for Hyer. 62 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. When the sixteenth round was reached, after SulUvan had astonished the spectators with his skill and deter- mination, it became clear that his fighting star was set, — at least for that day, — and McCloskey took him from the ring without waiting for time to be called. Although the battle lasted only seventeen minutes and eighteen seconds, it was rarely equalled for the amount of punishment administered. Sullivan went to the Mount Sinai Hospital, Baltimore. It has been claimed that Sullivan would have fought more coolly, and therefore with more effect, but for the animosity then existing between him and Hyer. This suggests the remark that the spirit which carried on the early events of the American prize ring was rather of war than scientific sport. Much ill-feeling existed in those years on account of the native American movement, of which Hyer was taken as the physical representative. Another example of an encounter in which the same spirit entered was that between the noted Bill Poole and John Morrissey, which took place at Amos Street dock, June 27, 1854. Morrissey fought at great disadvan- tage, as it was in the neighborhood where Poole and his partisans held sway, and he was defeated after severe punishment. Morrissey, not being able to get a battle with Hyer because ten thousand dollars a side was demanded, fought with Yankee Sullivan at Boston Corners, Oct. 12, 1853. After thirty-seven rounds in fifty-five minutes, the umpires and seconds got into a fight, and Sullivan THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED 63 felt fresh enough to **take a hand in the outside music." During the confusion, " time " was called. Sullivan not being able to get back into the ring, although he had the better of the encounter, was declared the loser. Morrissey won the title of *' Champion of America" in the fight with John C. Heenan, " the Benecia Boy," Oct. 20, 1858, and he retired from the ring. It is a curious fact that, notwithstanding the deter- mined spirit with which they encountered each other, both Morrissey and Heenan hailed from Troy, N. Y., and their fathers were friends in Ireland. John C. Heenan then succeeded to the championship. A Southern writer has called him "the John L. Sullivan of his day." His name brings up the records of one of the most remarkable contests known in the ring, — that which he fought with the English champion, Tom Sayers, at Farnborough, England, April 17, i860. Only the regular championship stake of one thousand dollars was fought for, but the fact that the men were consid- ered the best that England and America could send against each other, gave the affair a sort of international interest. An article in the ** Clipper Annual " on this subject says : " The stakes that have been won and lost on prize- ring encounters within the last decade have been much heavier, but in nearly every instance it was the consum- ing desire to secure immediate wealth rather than a praiseworthy attempt to show individual superiority, that actuated the high contracting parties, while in all the 64 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. engagements in which the illustrious John L. Sullivan has participated, he has been so pronounced a favorite that, while the attention of the pugilistic world was nat- urally attracted by his battles, the fact that the element of uncertainty was lacking, detracted from the interest that would otherwise have been invested in the result. '' The fight between Heenan and Sayers, too, furnished one of the very few instances in which the odds in betting were on the smaller man when they faced each other in the ring, for in struggles in which the weapons provided by nature form the chief factors, size, weight, and muscular power must receive due consideration." An eye witness of the fight writes : — ** I found that my fellow-voyagers were to be noble- men led by Lord Palmerston, lawyers, physicians, bankers, literary and society men, and the better class of those known in the sporting world on both continents. ** Sayers showed great generalship in prolonging the battle for two hours and six minutes, although he was no match for Heenan, and in nearly every round he went down or was thrown down. In the thirty-seventh round the referee left his post, so that he was not at hand to declare the result of the seven rounds that were fought after that. The fight was called a draw by the English, although at the end Sayers was pulled away insensible while Heenan had strength enough left to punish Say- er's seconds for refusing to throw up the sponge. He then bounded over the ropes and proclaimed himself champion of the world. THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. 65 " After the fight, the EngHsh champion was ranked by many with the heroes of the Crimea and of Lucknow; hundreds of pounds were subscribed for him by persons of all conditions of life, and he was feted by merchants on the London and Liverpool 'Changes. His oppo- nent received equally flattering and substantial testimo- nials in America." The last battle in the series up to the time in which I won the championship from Ryan was that in which he gained the title by defeating Joe Goss at Collier Station, W. Va., in eighty-seven rounds, lasting one hour and twenty-seven minutes. The fact that I took the lead of Ryan in performing the feat through which he gained the championship is rather pointedly put by an article in the Kansas City Times, which says : — *' Sullivan knocked Joe Goss out in four and a half minutes before Ryan won the championship from that pugilist. It took Ryan an hour and twenty-seven min- utes to do what Sullivan, as a boy, did in less than five minutes." The public concern about my prospective contest with Ryan gave rise to a great deal of gossip and specu- lation in the newspapers for months previous, some being interesting and some rather funny. A reporter in a Louisville paper describing an inter- view with me, says : — ** Sullivan is a handsome man, and if he were not there is no one around this office that would say any- thing to the contrary. He is known as the hardest 66 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. hitter in this country, and in all of his contests, none of which have been without gloves, he has knocked his opponent out of time in less than twenty minutes. *" Do you go into training at once?' inquired the reporter. ** ' Yes,' said the fighter; ' my fighting weight will be one hundred and seventy-five pounds, and I will have to take a training of about six weeks to reduce myself into condition.' ** * Do you think you will win the fight? ' *' ' Oh, yes,' answered Sullivan ; * I never yet failed to knock my man out of time, and I don't think I will now.' " ' Besides having great strength a prize-fighter has to be very scientific, don't he? ' asked the interviewer. ** ' He has got to be clever,' said the deep bass voice ; ' but fighters are born. A fighter can't be made out of a stiff. Some fellows will stand up and fight ten or fif- teen minutes and then run away, and you can't catch them. But a man that can stick four hours and be half pounded to death has to be born.* " * I '11 teh you what it is/ spoke up the west-end reporter, * we 've got in this town a lot of hoodlums who imagine that they can mash anybody up they choose. Now, if you would get several of those on the stage and spat them about one lick each, you would receive a vote of thanks from the citizens, and would be given the freedom of the city by the mayor.' " ' I v/ould n't hit those fellows, but we 've got two or three little men in our crowd that might knock them out of time for you.' THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. 6/ " * Your contests have been hotly contested, have they ? ' was the next question. ** ' I Ve had 'em pretty hot, but when I hit 'em once or twice they usually weaken at once. The longest fight I ev^er had was about twenty minutes, and that fel- low was on the floor the most of the time.' *' ' Suppose Ryan gives you a long fight. Do you still think that you can beat him ? ' '* ' Certainly I do. Most people imagine that because all my fights have been short that I can't whip a man unless I do it in fifteen or twenty minutes. But that 's where they are mistaken, for I know that I can fight just as well after an hour's slugging as I can at the beginning.' *' * What will Ryan fight at? ' " ' About two hundred, I guess.' " * That's a big difference in weight, is n't it?' " * Yes ; but I don't care, for I am in my best condi- tion at one hundred and seventy-five pounds,' *< * Why don't you fight in Kentucky? The law here would n't take any notice of it until you were all safely out of the State,' suggested the scribe. " ' I want to fight where I am certain there will be no interference. I picked out New Orleans, and did so because I wanted the fight to come off. They might run me in here in Kentucky, as they did poor Joe Goss when he and Allen fought.' " A sporting writer, in referring to myself, said : — ** He is the phenomenon of the modern ring as Gus Hickman was of his day, and if he is only true to him- 68 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. self and to his record, even if he should meet a Bill Neat, he will not be disgraced." Speaking of Bill Neat, in connection with remarks in the papers previous to my fight with Ryan, Igive the following curious comparison published by a friend of the latter, simply because it tells a bright little episode from the annals of the British ring. ** The battle between Ryan and Sullivan may turn out similar to the battle between Bill Neat and Tom Spring, fought years ago in England. At the time the nobility of England patronized fighting there arose a phenome- non in the shape of a giant Bristol butcher, named Bill Neat. He had knocked half a dozen provincials out of time, and had actually, on one occasion, knocked down an ox. Finally, in 1823, Lord Hayne, a young sprig of nobility, brought Neat down to London, and took him in disguise to the house of Tom Spring, the champion at that time. There Neat kicked up a row with Spring and they had a clinch. They were parted, and then Spring made a match with him for ;^500 a side. Soon it was whispered about that the unknown was Bill Neat. Spring's hands had been used up in previous fights and he had been retired for three years. His friend and backer, Capt. Kelley, came to him and said : '* ' Tom, your hands are gone and you can't win. This is Bill Neat. He is a murderer and he '11 kill you.' *' * That 's all right,' says Spring. * I 'm going to whip that man, anyway. I don't care whether he can knock down an ox or not. There 's just one fight left in me THE CHAMPIONSHIP REACHED. 69 and I '11 whip that man easy.* But in spite of that talk Spring's friends were afraid to back him. The shops of all London were shut up and thirty thousand people looked at the fight. That was in Andover in 1823. Spring was of a handsome shape and his skin was as white as a woman's. ** * Come here, my pretty waiting-maid,' said Neat, as they stood stripped in the ring. *' ' If I 'm going to be a waiting-maid to you to-day,' said Spring, ' I '11 prove a faithful servant.' " And so he did. He walked around Neat as a cooper round a cask, and every time that the man who could knock down an ox struck out to kill him he hit only nothing. Spring was away every time but he was always back again in time to get in a good one, and after fighting eight rounds in thirty-seven minutes. Neat fell all bleeding and battered out of all semblance to humanity. The coming battle between Ryan and Sulli- van will probably result in the same manner as the Neat and Spring battle. Sullivan is no doubt a hard hitter, and maybe turn out a wonder and a surprise, and whip Ryan in the coming battle, but the chances, judging by the performances of both pugilists, are against him." It is too bad to have to spoil so ingenious a com- parison by remarking in passing that Ryan was taller and heavier than I, and was also the loser of the fight in this case, so that facts would make /ivn out the *' Bill Neat," and me the *' Tom Spring," of the affair. The opponents of prize fighting also had their utter- ances through the papers about this time. A corre- 70 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. spondent signed ** Scranton " in the Thnes- Democrat in a rather sarcastic note says : — '' * Conge ' suggests that SuUivan and Ryan meet in the Fair Grounds. His ideas are correct, and if his plan is carried out you can immortalize yourself by sending an invitation to the Mississippi Legislature ; and on their arrival they should be presented with a pocket Bible, with the story of David and Goliath marked." How far the Mississippi Legislature was from avail- ing itself of his kindly suggestion, was shown by the fact that on Jan.- 17, 1882, after four weeks of my train- ing, a bill was taken up there, holding out such soft inducements as one thousand dollars' fine and five years in prison for us to engage in such contests. A paper of the 19th in referring to this, said : — ** When the purport of the special telegram from Jack- son, Miss., became known to the admirers of both men located in the Crescent City, all hands felt at once that their reputation for good-fellowship and square play was at stake, and before many moments the wires had con- veyed the intelligence to both of the famous sluggers that ' there was danger ahead.' A well-known Chicago gentleman who stood chatting with a group of sporting men at the corner of St. Charles and Common streets, when the private telegram informing them of the nature of the bill was first shown by one of the party, said : ***It's a snap game on the part of some legislator, and I '11 give two hundred dollars toward getting both men out of the State by means of a special train right now.' THE CHAMriONSIIIP REACHED. /t *' ' I'll give one hundred dollars,' said a sporting man standing near. * And I another,' chimed in a third. Then a council of war was held, and after a thorough canvass of the situation, it was resolved that there was at least time enough to spare before the bill could be- come a law, in which the men could be removed from the quarters that they occupied in Bay St. Louis and Mississippi City, respectively. It was evident to all hands, however, that no "time could be lost in the mat- ter, and accordingly the early train, which left here yes- terday morning, conveyed to the training quarters of both men representatives of the better class of the sporting element of the Crescent City, who had con- sented to take charge of the interests of the rival pugil- ists, and who had determined upon seeing fair play, and seeking no underhand favors for either man. The repre- sentative of the Boston boy was the first to arrive at the headquarters of his /r^/^ on sporting matters, was led to describe a fighting A SERIES OF PICNICS. 9 1 resemblance between the first American champion and myself. In speaking of the encounter between him and Yankee Sullivan, he said : — " When the men faced each other they made a pretty sight. Talk about muscles — they were muscled ! Well, it is no use to say much about the fight ; it has been published a thousand times. Hyer seemed out of place at first, and Sullivan walked up to him and knocked him down. The blow and fall seemed to wake Tom up, and he went to work in earnest and whipped the ' Yankee.' After the second round Yankee Sullivan cried out : ' The brute has got all my dodges, and a lot of new ones that I can't touch ! ' John Sullivan," the captain concluded, " is a second edition of Tom Hyer. He is not one bit like Yankee Sullivan, — he is too good a man to be talked about the same time." Having given Ryan's remarks, it may be proper to repeat a portion of a little dialogue which occurred about the same time, the answerer to the questions being myself: — '' ' Did the fight last longer or shorter than you expected ? ' '' ' I believe in giving every man his just due. Ryan is a game man ; but I was sure of downing him from the start. When the first round was over I knew I had him.' " ' Did n't you feel a trifle nervous on the send off? * '' ' You may think it strange but I did n't. I had per- fect confidence that I could win. I had confidence in my trainers, and I was confident that the fight would be a square one. The outsiders gave us a fair show, and 92 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. that was all I wanted. So far as Ryan is concern.ed, I want to say this : I 've had several good men who could n't fight me four rounds with the gloves. Ryan fought me nine rounds with bare knuckles.' " Of all the theories to account for the defeat of Ryan* that advanced by a Chicago paper is the most ingenious. It claims that as I hail from Boston, I was most likely imbued with the culture of that locality, and had the plan laid, in case of finding myself in close quarters, to interest Paddy with an exposition of Prof Tyndall's atomic theory, and then slug him under the ear when he was not looking. The news of the result of the fight was received in my native city about half-past twelve o'clock, and I am told the scenes around the bulletin boards of the newspaper offices on Washington Street were almost indescribable. At first a report was bulletined at one of the offices to the effect that Ryan had won the fight. This, of course, created no enthusiasm ; but when, a few minutes later, that bulletin was torn down and one in its stead put up giving myself the victory, men screamed and cheered and indulged in all kinds of antics of delight. The following verses, written by a humorous admirer^ are appropriate here : — " Just fancy what mingled emotions Would fill the Puritan heart To learn what renown was won for his town By means of the manly art ! Imagine a Winthrop or Adams In front of a bulletin board, Each flinging his hat at the statement that The first blood was by Sullivan scored. A SERIES OF PICKICS. 93 "Thy bards, henceforth, O Boston ! Of this triumph of triumphs will sing. For a muscular stroke has added a spoke To the Hub, which will strengthen the ring! Now Lowell will speak of the * ruby,' And Aldrich of ' closing a match,' And Longfellow rhyme of * coming to time,' Of ' bunches of fives,' and ' the scratch.' " Ryan had five friends to my one, and a good many of the outsiders — a class of low-Hved fellows who are the bane of the prize ring — tried their best to do me, even offering Madden four thousand dollars and putting the cash in his hand, if he would give me something to put me out of condition. They then went to a per- son in New Orleans and offered him twenty-five hundred dollars if he would get me out of the way, — kill me, if necessary. These persons did not belong to Ryan's party. They were outsiders who had lots of money on the fight, and were bound to win at all hazards. After the victory, I was treated like a lord in New Orleans. On the evening of Feb. 9, I started for Chicago with Billy Madden, Joe Goss, Pete McCoy, and Bob Farrell, where I was billed to give an exhibition, under the management of '' Parson " Davies, at McCormick's Hall^ Feb. II. Just before leaving New Orleans, I suddenly thought of a promise I had made to sit for an instanta- neous picture at a photograph gallery. Almost at the last moment I tore myself away from my friends at the St. James Hotel. They tried to prevent my going, fearing that I would miss the train ; but I said that, 94 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. having given my word, I would keep it. As the train with the sleeper attached, which had been specially engaged for the party, moved off from the city, loud cheers for " Sullivan" rent the air. The journey from New Orleans was an ovation. The people along the line of the road had information of the train that would carry our party. At every station where a stop was made immense crowds surrounded the cars, and clamored for a sight at '' the great pugilist." I did not appear, however. In our party was the well- known sporting man familiarly called " Big Steve." He is of great stature, and when the crowds became unduly clamorous, to appease their curiosity, he was led out on the platform and introduced as *' Sullivan." This joke was several times repeated, and on each occasion Steve made a speech. The result of this was, that I got the reputation of an orator as well as a fighter between the Crescent City and Chicago. A comical thing hap- pened to Pete McCoy : he was left behind at Cairo, where he was accidentally caught in the crowd that gathered at the station to see our party go through. At Chicago our party was received by a large crowd. We were lionized everywhere, and most of the leading saloons and billiard rooms had signs out notifying the public that *' Sullivan " would visit them during certain hours of the evening. " No one would ever guess from his appearance," said a Chicago paper, '* that he had been through a mill within a week. He appears to be in the flower of health and spirits." A SERIES OF PICNICS. 95 From Chicago I went to Detroit and gave an exhibi- tion there, and from Detroit to Cleveland, from Cleve- land to Pittsburgh, from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to New York. At Philadelphia I gave several sparring exhibitions in Old Liberty Hall and in the Art Industrial Hall, and then left for New York to receive the stakes. Having arrived in Boston after my battle with Ryan, my friends living at the Highlands and vicinity gave me a rousing reception in the Dudley Street Opera House. The pleasures of the evening opened with a variety entertainment under the management of John B. Duffy. At the close of the entertainment several persons, noted among the sporting fraternity, appeared on the stage, and presented me with an elegant gold watch and chain inscribed, *' Presented to John L. Sullivan by his friends of Boston Highlands, March 9, 1882"; and also with a splendid horseshoe of wax flowers, eighteen inches in height, and set in a gilt frame. Shortly afterwards I issued the following challenge which ought to satisfy all challengers : — There has been so much newspaper talk from parties who state that they are desirous of meeting me in the ring that I am disgusted. Never- theless, I am willing to fight any man in this country, in four weeks from signing articles, for five thousand dollars a side; or, any man in the old country for the same amount at two months from signing articles, — I to use gloves, and he, if he pleases, to fight with the bare knuckles. I will not fight again with the bare knuckles, as I do not wish to put myself in a position amenable to the law. My money is always ready, so I want these fellows to put up or shut up. John L. Sullivan. Boston, March 23, 1882. 96 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. A large crowd, estimated to from six thousand to eight thousand, attended the benefit tendered to me in the American Institute, New York, March 27. Billy Madden came on the stage and made an offer of one hundred dollars to any man who would stand up before me for four rounds. William Borst said : — " George Rooke is willing to spar Sullivan in a twenty- four foot ring pitched on the floor." I then came forward and said : — " I am willing to spar Rooke on the stage ; it is as fair for me as for the other." Madden increased his offer to two hundred dollars, but Rooke did not respond. An unknown man was found who offered to stand up for four rounds. I said : — " I do not want to hurt the man, but I will give him twenty-five dollars and spar him." This was acceded to. The unknown proved to be Jack Douglass, a blacksmith. In the first round, which was short, I did all the hitting in a light manner. In the second round I landed a right-hander on Douglass' left ear, which caused him to stagger against the ropes. Douglass wanted to quit, but was induced to spar another round. After a few light blows given by me, I sent in three left-hand blow5 on Douglass' face, and the latter threw down his hands. April 20, I gave an exhibition at Rochester, N. Y. It was stated that one or two good local hitters were willing to stand before me for one hundred dollars, but when called upon, none of them came to the scratch. The crowd of hissing, jeering roughs, numbering some A SERIES OF nCNTCS. 97 fifteen hundred, hooted ** Fraud ! " till finally, John McDermott, a light-waisted, small-chested fireman of No. 4 Engine Company, agreed to accept the terms. Everybody was astounded to see him give a good, lively, first round without himself getting a single blow, though three times I struck hard enough to have knocked his head oiY, but for his cat-like dodges. The crowd yelled with delight. Before the end of the second round the wind was knocked out of the plucky am~teur whom I floored in two minutes, punishing him till he was limp as a rag as soon as he was up and at It again. The second minute of the third round settled McDer- mott as a completely-beaten man, though he dodged my blows wonderfully well under the circumstances. Of course I did not take all the advantage I might have taken of the fireman. From the day that I defeated Paddy Ryan up to the time when Jimmy Elliott was knocked out by me, I had what the New York S?ni termed "a series of picnics." On the Fourth of July, 1882, I gave a "picnic" at Washington Park, offering half the receipts to anybody I could not stop In four rounds. Marquis of Queensbury rules. The challenge was accepted by Jimmy Elliott, a boxer of high pretensions and good ring record. Both hard and soft gloves were offered to him, and he chose the former. He was seconded by Johnny Roche and I by Madden. Cleary, the noted Philadelphia pugilist, was accepted for referee. Elliott was taller and fully as heavy as I was. As soon as time was called, I let go my left and landed on Elliott's body; the latter countered, gh . LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. and -hard fighting followed. I then knocked him al\ over the ring, and sent him flying off his feet amid the yells of the crowd. The second round was far more desperate. I punished him terribly, landing with left and right on Elliott's nose and neck until Madden begged me not to hit him again. In the third round Madden told me to finish him, but to be careful and not knock him out forever. He was knocked out in this round by just such another blow as I gave Paddy Ryan at Mississippi City the previous February. I then made Elliott a present of fifty dollars. Over five thousand persons were present, and they appeared to have been well satisfied with the manner in which things were conducted ; and so ended my " series of picnics." TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS FROM ENGLAND. 99 CHAPTER V. TWO •' ARTFUL DODGERS " FROM ENGLAND. Tug W^ilson gets Seven Thousand Dollars for Floor-Crawling — Under Manager Harry Sargent — Some Funny Knock-Outs — With Coburn —" Splendid Sparring" Delights Spectators — Boston Benefit, the Greatest ever in New England — The " Sprinter "-Sparrer Mitchell Saved by the Police — Com- ments OF Senator Conkling. ^N my encounter with Joe Collins, better known as Tug Wilson, who had been imported from Leicester, England, for the purpose of "pulverizing" me, the match took place on the evening of July 17, 1882, at Madison Square Garden, New York City, when Wilson, by his floor -crawling and hugging, managed, with the assistance of Chambers and the bad decision of the referee, to stay the four rounds. It was evident to the twelve thousand people who witnessed the contest, which could hardly be called a fight, that Wilson did not have the ghost of a show. My encounter with Tug Wilson offers a striking excep- tion to the concentration of local interest in local mills, while at the same time it has flooded the market with valuable information to sparrers, which might, under lOO LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. other circumstances, have been forever sealed in the bosoms of the possessors. " The splendid hitting pow- ers of one of the contestants and the patience and Christian fortitude of the other " formed a fruitful source of conversation among the exponents and lovers of the noble art. One of the first to be approached on the subject was the rotund Billy Rice, the hero of a thousand attacks on the pages of old almanacs. When asked for his opinion of the fight, Billy's face for the nonce assumed a serious expression, and he gave unmistakable evidence of being wrapped in moody contemplation. When he had sufficiently grasped the importance of the subject, Billy prefaced his remarks with a spasmodic cough, and, striking an attitude, commenced : — "Big fight, sir; big fight! Want some points, eh? Could n't have come to a better man. Do a little slug- ging myself. See that for style ! " continued the noTv^ thoroughly aroused artist, as he aimed a vigorous blow, straight from the shoulder, at a visionary antagonist. " Good, eh ! Well, Sullivan 's better. Now, right here, without entering into a philosophical disquisition on the combination of forces, the logic of one of his blows would knock the big hammer at Wolwich silly. The only wonder in the world is that Wilson was n't trans- formed into a regular pigeon-house. You see, Sullivan knows what he 's about, and when that arm runs away, then the conventional hostility of a government mule sinks into insignificance. Oh, he 's a daisy, and in full bloom, too ! As for Wilson," continued the artist, con- temptuously snapping his fingers, ''he wouldn't do for a TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS FROM ENGLAND. lOI sand-bag. He was badly pummelled, but just think what a heap of court-plaster can be bought for four thousand dollars ! " " Shades of St. Patrick ! " said Mike Price the min- strel. "What a hitter, Plunkett, my boy," said he to an attorney who sat by his side; "Sullivan comes from Ballysimon, and bejabers he 's the boss. What under hiven ever possessed Wilson to face him ! Why, it is as bad as if you stood agin me. He's a straight hitter ; it comes from the shoulder." Suiting the action to the word, the over-appreciative Michael unconsciously dealt the interested attorney a blow in the side that doubled him up like a jack-knife. At the critical moment the assailant resumed the read- ing of the paper, when a prominent clergyman entered, and after the usual salutation, inquired the news. " What a glorious fight ! " exclaimed the enthusiastic athlete. "Fight! where?" inquired the astounded clergy- man. "What! not heard of the fight?" said Mike with a profound look of astonishment and supreme disgust. Ex-Senator Tim McCarthy was found engaged in ear- nest conversation with a number of friends, expatiating at length upon the features of the fight. " It's no use, boys ; science backed by brute force tells every time. Jimmy Elliott stood up to Sullivan only to be knocked down as if he had been struck by the piston rod of a locomotive. Wilson went in merely for the money, and he got it by sticking to Sullivan as long as he could, 102 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. and when he went to grass he took the full benefit of his knock-down," Another match having been made between us, to take place in the same garden, I began at once to get my- self in condition, having learned a lesson from my over- confidence and carelessness in my first match, for which I never took a day's training. The second match was prevented from coming off by the authorities. The whole affair, however, taught me a lesson I have never forgotten. Subsequently, there was a match made between Tug Wilson and Elliott, and a forfeit of five hundred dollars a side put up to fight according to London prize-ring rules. Tug Wilson sailed for his native shores, and his backer, who was Richard K. Fox of the Police Gazette, forfeited the stake money. That was the end of Tug Wilson's career in America, and very little has been heard of him since. The feelings of his financial victims are expressed in the following : — '' Tug Wilson has got his level. He is keeping a public house and performing solos on his own trumpet. He is better at blowing than at blows. He did n't thrash any one over here, and did n't wait long enough to get thrashed by Elliott or Sullivan or Rooke. He made a masterly but inglorious retreat, ungratefully leaving in the lurch those who had been his best friends. Sullivan, they say, is going to make a trip over there, and Tug may be put to the test in a way that may make him shake in his boots. Over here we haye fighter^ TWO '* ARTFUL DODGERS FROM ENGLAND. 103 who fi^ht and don't talk. The best that England has sent us yet is Tug — the kind that talks for $7,000, and doesn't fight for a cent." I am quoted as saying that my principal incentive to a European tour was a desire to again meet Tug Wilson. ''The power of Victoria's court," adds an admirer, "will not protect the expert dodger when John meets him the second time." Having seen the last of this " artful dodger," I started out with a variety show and athletic combination, under the management of Harry Sargent who first brought Modjeska before the public. The variety portion of the show consisted of the American Four — Pettengill, Gale, Daly and Hoey — Georgie Parker who is now Pettengill's wife, Annie Hart, who is married to Billy Leslie, Harry Sargent, sleight of hand performer, Edwin Bibby who was at one time champion catch as catch can, Grasco-Roman wrestler William Hoefler, champion club swinger, who took part in the wrestling with Bibby, Bob Farrell and Pete McCoy in their boxing bouts, Billy Madden and myself. Billy Madden, who did the talking for the company, was asked : — " What are the terms of the agreement? " ** That Sullivan and I shall spar six nights a week for twenty weeks at five hundred dollars a night. We went down to ex-Judge Dittenhoefer's office to-day and signed the articles. Sargent, they tell me, is a good manager. He is going to run a ' bang up ' variety company with John and I as stars. He paid us a week's salary in advance. He pays John and John pays me. I got tired I04 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. of being manager, so I turned star. We go out on Sept. 4, and show for twenty weeks." *' Five hundred dollars is a large sum to receive for fifteen or twenty minutes work at night." "That's nothing," said Madden. *' At the rate Sargent is paying us, it '11 take over three weeks to make what we made in one night at Madison Square Garden." The combination appeared Sept. 4 at Newark, on Sept. 9 at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, on the I2th at Scranton, nth at Pittston, 13th at Wilkesbarre. At Fort Wayne a great deal of excitement was caused. It had been rumored that Shang Donohue, " the tripper of Cornellsville," would face me and attempt to win the five hundred dollars which was the sum offered at this time as a prize for standing out the four rounds. The crowd was greatly disappointed when he did not appear, but they soon got satisfaction by wit- nessing the scene which is described by the following- account of a spectator : — *' Madden and Sullivan came on the stage, when there was a great commotion in the audience near the en- trance. A tall, muscular fellow had forced his way by the doorkeeper, insisting that he would meet Sulli\'an, and he wanted that five hundred dollars. '* He weighed over two hundred pounds, and looked equal to the task of tackling anybody. '' ' I '11 box this world beater ! ' shouted the unknown, as he pushed his way through the crowd. His appear- ance created a great sensation. TWO ''ARTFUL DODGERS'* FROM ENGLAND. I05 *' * Here is a customer for your champion ! ' shouted one of the spectators. " ' Mr. SuUivian will box anybody,' said Billy Madden. And then to the stranger : * Sullivan will box you, sir, if you will come and get ready, and if you can stand up before him for four three-minute rounds, here is five hundred dollars,' brandishing five one-hundred-dollar crisp notes. '' ' I '11 take it, anyhow,' said the unknown. ' I threw over Farmer Babcock's steer when they wanted to shoot him. I lifted over eight hundred pounds, and there is no fighter can whip me in four rounds, especially with boxing gloves.' *' ' Did )'OU ever fight anybody? ' inquired Madden. " ' Well,' replied the new would-be champion, ' I never fit 'cording to rules. I was going to fight Joe Coburn once, but I left the town afore he arrived. Tom Allen and I was going to have it up in Cleveland, Ohio, once, but I did not stop over night, and we never met. I intended to fight Paddy Ryan when he was in Cleve- land, but it was not Ryan's fault the fight did not take place. I tell yer what I did do, though. I lifted the whole double corner of a stake and rydered fence one day. Josh Myer's colt's leg got fast, and when Dave Gould was going to kill his bull and they could not corner him, that fist (showing Madden a bunch of fives that would not have disgraced Tom Spring) knocked him stone dead.' ''Madden, Bob Farrell, and Pete McCoy smiled in wonder. I06 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. '' ' Well,' said Madden, ' Mr. Sullivan has been looking for a pugilist like you for some time, but he 's never yet found one.* " ' I am the man, then,' said the unknown, bracing up ; * bring on your man. I have read how this yer Sullivan raised a hen coop on Paddy Ryan's neck, and how he knocked in the head of a steam biler at Boston, and I often thought how I would like to have been Tug Wilson, and to have received that hay cart full of silver dollars for letting him pound me.' " ' Well, you are satisfied to meet the champion, are you?' said Madden. '' 'Well, you see I've been slinging a sledge hammer all day, bouncing it against an anvil, and I should like to box him without any gloves, for I am not used to wearing them mufflers ; but I will go it anyway.' '' ' Don't you think you had better have a doctor or a surgeon brought in? ' said Bob Farrell. " * I think if the gentleman is going to meet Sullivan, he had better send his measure for a coffin,' suggested Pete McCoy. *' Madden then escorted the rustic giant to the dressing- room, and he stripped. Madden looked in amazement when he saw the muscles and the great physical develop- ment of the Indiana giant, and rushing up to Bob Farrell and Pete McCoy, said with a wink: * Why, this fellow will murder Sullivan.' Then turning to McCoy, he said in a stage whisper : ' I guess we had better postpone this meeting.' *' In an instant the burly blacksmith was alert. * No, TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS" FROM ENGLAND. lO/ sir,' said he; 'lam going to whip this champion. I want that five hundred dollars to buy wrought iron when I go to Pittsburg, and I 'm bound to have it.' " ' All right,' said Madden ; ' our man is ready.' *' In a few minutes the ambitious pugilist was prepared. He stripped well, displaying well-formed limbs and well^ developed chest, and w^eighed about one hundred and eighty pounds. As soon as the manager announced that Sullivan's challenge had been accepted and that the great Unknown was to meet him, the announcement was greeted with loud cheers. Sullivan stepped on the stage and was followed a few^ seconds later by his opponent. " ' He is quite a big fellow, Billy,' said Sullivan; ' but I '11 double him up with a couple of punches.' '' The Unknown eyed the champion eagerly, but did not appear at all nervous. When all was ready Sullivan stepped up to the centre of the ring, and the Unknown's friends told him to do the same. The men shook hands, and the next instant there was a great slugging match. The Unknown was devoid of science, but he let go his right and left at random, sometimes landing on Sulli- van's body or face, but more frequently missing or falling short. Intense excitement prevailed as Sullivan bored in and delivered several crushing blows on the Unknown's jaw, but he did not flinch. He swallowed the medicine good-humoredly. All of a sudden he made a desperate effort to plant his left on Sullivan's nose, but the champion stopped it, and quickly crossing him, knocked the Unknown all of a heap into his corner. I08 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. He gamely came again and received another dose, and was fought down. Time was called, and both pugilists' were loudly cheered. Sullivan had only been making sport for the crowd, but on time being called for the second round, he got at work in earnest. He banged the Unknown a terrific one with his right on the neck. His antagonist rushed in to clinch, but in an instant the champion jumped back, and then, feinting with his left, gave the giant yahoo a swinging blow with his right, which landed on his left ear with tremendous force. The Unknown reeled and fell senseless on the stage. Time was called, but the countryman was still asleep. When it was announced that the Unknown could not fight any longer, Sullivan was greeted with loud cheers. '' Stockwell, which is the Unknown's name, did not know whether he was asleep or awake when he came to and wanted to know if he fell off a barn ! He says he was never cut out for a prize fighter, and says he is now very glad that when he went to Cleveland some time since, to meet Paddy Ryan and fight him, he chanced to leave before the ex-champion arrived." The entertainment given by our combination was varied a little in Buffalo, where we appeared Oct. 20, by a match between myself and a Buffalo boy named Henry Higgins, who thought he could down me within the prescribed twelve minutes. He stood up like a little man, but it was evident to the audience that he was no match for *'the hard hitter from Boston." One or two good passes and "wipes" by Higgins were applauded loudly, but after that it was " simply a question of mer- TWO ''ARTFUL DODGERS" FROM ENGLAND. 109 cifulness on Sullivan's part." The third round winded him badly, and time was called. The Theatre Comique, Washington, where we showed Nov. 17, was packed. "Mr. Alf. McDowell came for- ward and announced that Mr. Mike Collins, w^ho had positively agreed to test the slugging powers of Mr. Sullivan, had failed to put in an appearance. Col. Shelbaker, however, not to disappoint his audience, had scoured the district and found a man who was willing to stand in front of Mr. Sullivan." He then presented Mr. P. J. Reintzel, who lives in Georgetown. He was formerly driver of a herdic, but is now a blacksmith. He was nearly my size, and when he appeared it was believed that there would be a good exhibition of the " manly art." The blacksmith, however, stated that he was not an adept at the gloves. I did n't strike him more than one good blow, and that was the first. The novice, however, played the drop game and went to grass six times in a minute and a half, and when he was getting up the last time I plugged him in the nose and drew blood. The show was brought to a sudden termination by the appearance of Lieut. Arnold and a squad of police, who forbade any further proceedings. I at once dropped my hands, and the blacksmith was taken away by the guardians of the peace, evidently glad that the interruption had occurred. Dec. 10 our combination appeared at Charley Davies', Argyle, Chicago. Jimmy Elliott and I were to have sparred at Chicago, Dec. 22, my undertaking being to knock him out in four rounds, but the authorities prevented the meeting. no LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. " The stamping of ten thousand feet in Madison Square Garden sounded hke the roaring of the ocean surf in a storm," says a despatch dated New York, Dec. 28, 1882, '* as John Lawrence Sulhvan skipped up the steps leading to the elevated ring occupying the centre of the building this evening. The champion wore a pea- jacket and light yellow trunks. He climbed the ropes, walked to his corner, and threw aside his jacket. His white skin outlined the muscles, thews, and sinews, that gave him his strength. A few seconds later the shining pate of Mr. Joseph Coburn appeared above the edge of the platform. The old champion never looked bet- ter, even when training for a fight. " Pop Whitaker, master of ceremonies, in a stento- rian tone of voice, roared : * Now we will have a gentle- manly wind-up. Mr. Joe Coburn,' waving his hand toward Mr. Coburn, Avho bowed, — ' Mr. John L. Sulli- van,' waving toward Sullivan, who also bowed. ** The giants then arose and approached each other as light of foot as panthers. Their white boxing gloves sawed the air. They circled each other like falcons at play. Then Sullivan's left flew out like a stone from a catapult. It was neatly stopped by Joe, who stood on the defensive. The falcon-like play was resumed. Again and again Sullivan launched out his left, and was neatly foiled. The interest of the spectators was breath- less. The pugilists were smiling. Coburn stopped Sul- livan's passes so elegantly that one of his fi'.nds shouted * Go in, Joe, go in.' ** The hot blood mounted Sullivan's cheek. He stopped sparring and turned toward the front of the house. His dark eyes flashed fire. * Gentlemen,' said he, * this is a friendly set-to between Mr. Coburn and myself There is to be no knocking out. Some day, possibly, I may oblige }^ou by killing a man for you. It may be Mr. Mace's unknown, and it may be some one else.' " The champion turned and again confronted his an- tagonist. The fencing was resumed. Coburn rallied and twice tapped Sullivan on the ear with his right. The cheering was terrific. The old duellist had made the first hit An exquisite display of science followed. Coburn stopping a score or more of direct passes, and old Pop Whitaker called time. The men returned to their corners and readjusted their gloves. They were not in the least blown. Alluding to Sullivan, a friend said : — " ' He can't spar like he would spar if he was wicked. No big man can.' At the second bout the giants sprang for each other like old gamecocks. For a minute they revolved like figures in a kaleidoscope, then Sullivan bent forward and touched Coburn on the ribs, ducking his head as he did so. Coburn countered on the mus- cles of his back. Sullivan straightened and tapped Coburn twice on the nose. Joe crossed on Sullivan's ears. Sharp rallies, diversified with ingenious fibbing, followed. Out of the wilderness of this scientific dis- play, Coburn laid his glove on the side of Sullivan's nose, and kept it there for a full second. The champion gave ground, and was followed by Joe, who tapped him 112 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. in his turn twice on the proboscis. Amid hvely coun- tering Pop called time, and the men again retired to their corners. They were panting from their exertions. Sullivan ground his feet in the chalk under the rounds of his chair, and old Pop Whitaker shuffled himself around and used his one hand and a crash towel in wip- ing their faces. *' ' Now, gentlemen,' said the old man, after the lapse of a minute or more, ' shake hands and wind up.' " The masses of muscle, bone, and sinew, skipped for each other like Colorado cicadas. They got down to real work. The soft spots of the gloves on the hard flesh could be heard in every part of the great hall. Old Pop Whitaker began to dance like a man strung on electric wires. It was give and take. The men came together like two gamecocks on the wing, and skipped away on the rebound as elastic as rubber. The white gloves flew in the air like corn popping in a griddle. Exquisite feints and the sharpest rallying were followed by close countering. " There was no 'slugging,' and no eff'ort at chancery. The spectators were delighted. At times you could have heard a pin drop, and again the uproar was so great that you could hardly hear yourself talk. The rallying grew sharper, the countering became heavier, and the men were fast becoming winded, when Coburn, of his own accord, seized Sullivan by the hand, and the friendly set-to was ended." We gave an exhibition at Troy, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1883. The entertainment wound up with a bout between Joe TUG" WILSON. TWO ''ARTFUL DODGERS" FROM ENGLAND. II3 Cobuni and myself. In response to calls for a speech, I advanced to the footlights and said : — *' I don't know what to say that will be of interest to you except that I am going to New York City next week to make a match with the half-breed, Slade, and if it is made, I hope to win." During the evening the question " Where is the Troy Terror?" was frequently asked, but Eagan failed to put in an appearance. In Boston, at the Mechanics Institute, I- had on the 19th of March, 1883, a benefit which netted over fifteen thousand dollars. During the exhibition, I sparred with Steve Taylor, Joe Cob'urn, and Mike Cleary. Fifteen thousand persons were present. William J. Mahoney acted as master of ceremonies. It was said to be '' the largest and most noteworthy sparring exhibition ever given in New England." When I sparred with Joe Coburn, I used my left hand only. At the finish of the three short rounds, Coburn returned to his dressing-room and remarked to those present, among whom were Mike Cleary, Arthur Chambers, Billy O'Brien, and several other well-known sporting men, that Sullivan was a bullock and did n't know his own strength. Said Coburn, *' He could lick a ton of Maces and Slades." Under the management of Jimmy Wakely, of New York, I made arrangements to meet Mitchell who was imported from England especially to '' knock out the Boston Giant," at Madison Square Garden, May 14, 1883. I sparred him three rounds. In the first round 114 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. I was knocked down. This has never been explained thoroughly to the public until now, and is best done in the language of Mr. Hugh Coyle : — ** What about Mitchell knocking Sullivan down in their fight? " was asked of this gentleman. ''Sullivan says his legs got crossed, and Mitchell hit- ting him knocked him down as you would knock over a chair, A noted sporting man in Chicago was twitting Sullivan about it one night in the Palmer House, Chi- cago. Sullivan explained, but the gentleman laughed. That aroused Sullivan, and he offered to bet a thousand dollars that he would stand in his usual position with his hands tied behind him, and let Mitchell hit him twelve times without once knocking him out of position. The bet was not taken." I got up immediately and went at him like a bull at a red rag. In the third round I had him helplessly on the ropes at my mercy. Inspector Thorne and Capt. Williams, who is now inspector, interfered and stopped the proceedings. I said : — " Captain, let me have one more crack at him." ''John, do you want to kill him? " he asked. When Mitchell recovered, he made all sorts of bluffs, and Capt. Williams said : — "You goto your dressing-room. You are a lucky individual that I stepped in and saved Sullivan from killing you." The event was the biggest of its kind. The doorkeep- ers had a night of it. People jammed, and elbowed, and bolstered one another along as though their hopes TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS FROM ENGLAND. II5 of happiness depended on an early glimpse of the *' fist slingers." To use the words of a spectator, *' Men who doze in obligatory pews on Sunday to the soothing accompa- niment of a clerical homily, struggled eagerly to see these Christians pound each other. Men eminent in the higher walks of life lent the warrant of their pres- ence to an exhibition of fistic skill which for once was stripped of the attributes which make such shows rep- rehensible. Staid, half-frightened mortals — evidently strangers to such gatherings — pressed their way through the rout of sporting-men and turf-loungers, with their eyes on the platform and their hands on their watch- pockets. A single he-looking female appeared at the gate, scrutinized the shifting throng, heard some unscrip- tural quotations, and then buried her emotion in the rain and darkness without." At twenty minutes past eight the exhibition began. Madison Square Garden was then a sight. " There was no semblance of a. seat, of a bench, of a box," said the same spectator; " but every foot of board, every oval of leather, every stretch of flooring, presented one con- tinuous and uninterrupted expanse of human heads." Just beside the platform sat ex-United States Senator Roscoe Conkling. At the end of the reporters' table was Mr. Charles A. Dana. Mr. Lawrence Jerome and a cluster of club men were beyond the platform, while *' Fisticdom " was represented by its subjects in swarms. " The fight was a good one," said Billy Edwards after the battle was over. " Only one thing can be said. Il6 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. about it. Mitchell is a very good man, but he met another who is his superior all the way around." ''The contest," said Jim Cusick, '' only proves the old saying that a good little man cannot whip a good big man." '* I always like to hallo with the under dog," said Roscoe Conkling. '' Mitchell was unquestionably over- matched." Said a listener to the ex-senator's remarks to a group of friends, when the great Conkling had passed beyond hearing, — '* Did you ever hear the boxing story about Conkling and the late Secretary Chandler? " ** No ; give it to us," said one of the group. " When both were members of the Senate, they were accustomed to meet at each other's house after tea and put on the gloves with each other. It happened that at one meeting the New Yorker sent the Michigander to grass in so very bad a way that the latter ruminated long and deeply over his humiliation and studied how he should have his revenge. He hit it. " In due course of time Conkling was invited to Chand- ler's to a private tea, nobody being present save one of the latter's constituents, a Mr. Elmer, of Ypsilanti. After the tea and muffins were disposed of and the cigars were lighted, Conkling began bantering his host about his discomfiture, and finally proffered him satis- faction with the gloves. Chandler had a lame wrist and declined, but seeing that his guest had been anticipating some fun and was disap.pointed, suggested that his TWO "ARTFUL DODGERS FROM ENGLAND. IT/ friend Elmer would put on the boxers. Elmer was a little shy about it, but Conkling promised not to hurt him, and the two men were soon facing each other on the dining-room floor. In a flash Conkling was bowled ov^er, and it was done so ' slick ' that Chandler insisted that his colleague must have slipped ; but the senator had scarcely faced his adversary the second time before he was sent spinning into a corner. " * Never mind about hurting, go in Conk,' yelled Chandler ; and the New Yorker, a little flushed, went at it again. Then he got a pounder that laid him in a confused mass among a pile of chairs, and the fun was over. *' ' You should have put me on my guard, but it's all right, and how much did you give him?* was Conk- ling's parting salutation to his host, who was shaking the whole block with his laughter. '^ The secret was that Chandler had sent to New York for one of the boys, and the Michigan 'constituent' was one of the most noted sluggers in the country." In regard to Mr. Conkling, I am proud to say that he was a warm and constant adherent of mine, attending every exhibition that he could where I appeared, and always dropping In to have a chat when he came near my headquarters in New York. LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. CHAPTER VI. VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. An Antagonist from the Antipodes — " Mace's Maori," the Half- breed Slade, brought from Australia "to beat Sullivan" — A Conquered Foeman, he becomes an Active Ally — Enlists in the "Sullivan Combination" — Mace Challenges and then Begs to be Let Off Easy — "It would Break My Heart to be Knocked Out" — Who has Elevated Boxing, and How. O you think that you and Slade will fight?" asked a friend. " Why, yes," said I ; *' he was brought fifteen thousand miles by Mace to try and lower my colors, and it won't be my fault if he is dis- appointed. I 'm prepared to gratify him at any time, from one week to three months from the date of sign- ing articles, for five thousand dollars, or twenty thousand dollars, a side. I had rather fight for the latter sum than the former. I don't want any six months about it, as his backer proposes." R was the general opinion of the crowd assembled at the Mace-Slade exhibition, just before my battle with the latter, that Slade was no match for me. VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. II9 ** He'll make a good marker for Sullivan, that's all," said Joe Elliott. ** Slade does well enough with his friend Mace," added Billy Edwards, *' but let him go before such a terrific hitter as Sullivan, and the tricks Jem has taught him won't count for much, Sullivan would soon knock them out of him." Charlie Johnston said : " As far as I have seen, I should judge this big fellow was a pudding for Sullivan." A crowd greater in point of numbers, and of the same mixed character like that which assembled at the same place to witness the memorable four-round glove contests which I had with Tug Wilson and Charles Mitchell, congregated within the walls of Madison Square Gar- den, New York, on the evening of Monday, Aug. 6, 1883, when an event took place which the sporting pub- lic had long wished to see, — a fight in the old style did not seem among the possibilities, — " a combat in the latter-day pugilistic fashion between John L. Sulli- van and the importation from far-distant New Zealand, Herbert A. Slade, a Maori half-breed." The latter, it will be remembered, was brought to the States by ex-champion Jem Mace, at the instance of an individual who has scoured a great part of both hemispheres in search of a pugilist, who possessed the qualifications necessary to compel me to step down and out from the position to which my fighting qualities had elevated me. He had arrived at San Francisco late in December, 1882, and for some time afterwards the papers through- out the country had been full of flattering descriptions I20 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. of his physique, and glowing accounts of his deeds of prowess at the antipodes. There was no denying that he was a strapping young fellow ; and, as he possessed a fair reputation as a wrestler who was quick, skilful, and strong, it was reasonable to suppose that if he had any ambition to gain fame as a fistic artist, and showed ordi- nary intelligence and aptitude, he must, under the train- ing of Jem Mace, develop into a clever boxer. It was blazoned forth by his importer, that he had come here expressly '' to fight Sullivan for the championship," and a large sum of money and a challenge was issued to me ; but the conditions embodied therein were of a nature that, as was well known to the Slade party, would not meet with my approval. As they would not con- sent to treat on a fair basis, no match resulted. ' On the strength of the challenge, however, the Mace-Slade Com- bination managed to make money, for all save the per- son who started the troupe on the road, during their not very lengthy travelling tour. The Maori is described as a larger man than I. His frame is angular and powerful, and his motion somewhat slower than mine. His face is dark. His carriage is erect and graceful. He is a veritable Hercules, with a chest and arm that recall statues of the Roman gladi- ators of an earlier day. His weight was, at this time, two hundred ^nd thirty-six pounds, and his height six feet one and three-eighths inches. The following is a condensed account of our con- test at Madison Square Garden, as given by a close observer : — VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. 121 ''Time was called. The men approached and shook hands. Both had removed their undershirts. SulH- van's flesh looked hard and firm, and he appeared in good condition. Slade looked larger than Sullivan and heavier, but his flesh had a soft appearance. Slade's face wore an anxious look, while Sullivan's had a con- tented appearance. After cautious sparring of a few seconds, Sullivan delivered his first blow squarely on Slade's countenance, following it by another on the neck, driving him into his corner. A storm of cheers greeted this performance. The men were soon at close quarters, and rapid excl^anges took place. ' Break,' was called by the referee. They then sparred for the open- ing, which Sullivan obtained, and he drove the Maori, finally knocking him down. Springing up, the two again clinched, but the Maori soon had enough, running to the ropes, Sullivan assisting in the movement by a heavy blow on the back of the head and neck. A well- directed blow sent the Maori between the ropes and off the platform head first. The Maori soon regained the platform, and the three minutes expired. While spar- ring, Slade appeared 'winded,' while Sullivan seemed all right. "In the second round Sullivan beat Slade all around the ring, knocking him down twice. Slade had his ' bel- lows to mend.' Sullivan in fine form. ^ '' In the third round Sullivan led off with a terrific right-hander square in the face, which staggered Slade The two clinched, but Sullivan, breaking away again,' rattled away upon his antagonist, whose replies were 122 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Weak. The Maori was finally sent sprawling upon the platform. He appeared dazed and unconscious of his surroundings. Sullivan stood over him. Inspector Thorne and Capt. Williams then rushed on the plat- form to stop the fight. Slade made their interference unnecessary. He had ' enough.' He was helped to his corner and the gloves removed. Sullivan discarded his gloves and shook hands with Slade. The champion was loudly cheered." After the victory over Slade, I started on an eight months' " knockingout tour," leaving Boston on Sept. 26 for New York, and leaving TSFew York on the 27th, with Al Smith as a manager, and Frank Moran to look after my interests with the different boxing shows. We took in most of the principal cities in the United States clear to British Columbia. The company consisted of Herbert Slade the Maori, Steve Taylor, Pete McCoy, and Mike Gillespie. To quote a remark made by a fel- low fond of dipping Into ancient history : — " This modern Hercules had two of the famous pugi- lists whom he had vanquished in the ring, if not chained to the wheels of his chariot, at least present to pay homage to his prowess, while two of the lesser athletes, the ablest of their rank in the American Olympics, also attended upon the champion, Mr. Hugh Coyle, who was advance-agent, and had formerly been with Forepaugh's show." " Between you and me," said a warm admirer of Slade to an interviewer, " the Maori is playing a big game in starting out as a member of the Sullivan com- VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. 123 bination. Jem Mace is as cute out of the ring as in it. He found out that his pupil had but one chance of ever downing the Boston wonder, and that was to learn how to guard off that tremendous rush'with which he knocks men out. This whole Sullivan tour is but the carrying out of one Mace had mapped out for Slade had he beaten Sullivan. As it was, Mace dropped out and Sullivan stepped In. Mace put as much distance as possible between himself and the party, and kept quiet. Now, there is more in Slade than you suppose ; Sulli- van knocked him clear over the ropes when they met, but Slade turned round to let him do it. He wants to fight and he is the coolest man in the country. Sulli- van is excitable, and if a man would stay with him in the ring for twenty minutes he would lose his head. That is the idea that Mace and Slade have, and when this tour is over Sullivan will have to fight or back down. That is the objective point in the whole matter, and I am surprised that Sullivan don't get on to it. Al Smith knows it, but he is not a big fool and don't want to lose one of his big cards. If Sullivan finds it out he will lick the Maori while he can. When Slade gets all the knowledge Sullivan will give him, and all the tricks that Mace knows, he will whip any man in the world. Don't publish what I 've told you, but mark me, Sullivan will be challenged at the close of the tour." This is a sample of the gossip that was put into the newspapers about this time, but the tour proved it groundless. Its mention now gives occasion to explain something of the relations between Mace and myself. 124 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Speaking of Mace's challenge to myself, Al Smith, as reported in the Cincinnati Enquirer, said : — '' The truth of the matter is this : when Mace was here before I was his firm, fast friend, and was his um- pire when he faced Coburn in Canada, and until I saw Sullivan I thought he was the best man in the world. When he first talked of meeting Sullivan, which was before the Maori went against him, he came to me and said : — *' ' I want to meet this young fellow, Sullivan, but I don't want to be knocked out. It would break my heart if I was. Now, I want you to fix it so I Vv^on't.' *' I told him it was no use to talk to Sullivan on this subject, but he urged me, saying : — *' ' Won't you see him and tell him that after the four rounds are over, I will get up and say he is the best man I ever met, and the coming champion.' *' I replied : * Jem, why not go against him on the dead square? We can pack Madison Square Garden at two dollars a ticket for common seats. It will hold twenty thousand dollars, and suppose you do get knocked out, we will split the receipts in two with you and you will have ten thousand dollars for your trouble.' *' He asked me to give him until next day to think it over, and he did so. The next night he met me and urged me to see Sullivan about his proposition, as it would break his heart to be knocked out. To oblige him I went to Boston, where Sullivan was training for his fight with the Maori, and delivered Mace's message, saying, as I did so : — VICTORIES WITH TlIE GLOVES. 125 ** * Now, do as you please about it.' " * There is only one thing I will do about it,' answered Sullivan, ' and that is I will do my best, and let him do the same. All I have ever made has been by doing this, and I won't quit to oblige Mr. Mace.' **When asked if he would meet Sullivan then, he said : ' Not for the Bloody Bank of England.' "After Sullivan beat the Maori, Mace resumed his challenges. One day I met him and said : * Jem, you had better accept our proposition. You are getting to be an old man and in a year or two no one will believe that you will have any chance to fight Sullivan. You had better make this ten thousand dollars while you can.' He refused again to meet Sullivan on the square, saying that he was the wonder of the world, and it would break his heart to be knocked out by him. When he issued his challenge to meet Sullivan in three matches, he said to me : — " * Don't mind what I say or do, I have to make some money, and this is the best way to do it* "John would be only too happy to meet him with the gloves, but it would have to be on the square." During the trip I offered one thousand dollars to any- body who could stay four rounds. Marquis of Queens- bury rules. There were fifty-nine men who tried to stay the specified number of rounds, all of whom met defeat in a most decided manner. I cannot remember the names of all these would-be victors, but the principal aspirants I shall give in the order in which I knocked them out, as I narrate the chief events along the way. 126 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. The following are dates and stopping-places that made up my itinerary for the tour : — 1883. Sept. 28, 29. Baltimore, Md. Nov. 10. Peoria, 111. Oct. I. Richmond, Va. " 12. Galesburg, 111. " 2. Petersburg, Va. " 13. Mendota, 111. 4- Norfolk, Va. " 14. Streator, 111. 6. Washington, D. C. " 15- 18. Chicago, 111. (twice). " 19. Racine, Wis. 8. Harrisburg, Pa. " 20. Milwaukee, Wis. " 9- Reading, Pa. " 21. Fond-du-Lac, Wis. " 10. Lancaster, Pa. " 22. Oshkosh, Wis. " II. Pottsville, Pa. " 23. Eau Claire, Wis. " 12. Wilkes Barre, Pa. " 24. Stillwater, Minn. 13. Scranton, Pa. " 25, 26. St. Paul, Minn. " 15- York, Pa. " 27. Minneapolis, Minn. 16. Altoona, Pa. " 28. Winona, Minn. " 17. McKeesport, Pa. " 29. La Crosse, Wis. 18. Youngstown, Ohio. " 30- McGregor, la. 19, 20. Allegheny City, Pa. Dec. I, 2. Dubuque, la. (twice). 3- CHnton, la. " 22. Wheeling, W. Va. 4, 5. Davenport, la. " 23. Steubenville, Ohio. 6 Muscatine, la. " 24. Newark, Ohio. 7. Marshalltown, la. " 25. Columbus, Ohio. 8. Oskaloosa, la. " 26, 27. Dayton, Ohio. " 9, 10. Ottumwa, la. " 28. Cincinnati, Ohio. II. Des Moines, la. 29. Eouisville, Ky. " 12. Lincoln, Neb. 30. Indianapolis, Ind. " 13- Omaha, Neb. " 31. Terre Haute, Ind. " 14. Council Bluffs, la. Nov. I . Lafayette, Ind. " 15' 16. St. Joseph, Mo 2. Danville, 111. " 17. Atchison, Kan. 3- East St. Louis, Mo. " 18. Leavenworth, Kan " 4- 6. St. Louis, Mo. " 19. Lawrence, Kan. " 7- Quincy, 111. '< 20. Topeka, Kan. " 8. Keokuk, la. " 21. Wyandotte, Kan. - 9. Burlington, la. " 22. Kansas City, Mo. victorip:s with the gloves. 127 Dec. 24. Central City, Col. " 25. Denver, Col. (twice). Dec. 26. Pueblo, Col, " 27-30. Leadville, Col. 1884. Feb. Mar. I. Denver, Col. Mar. 22, Tombstone, A. T. 2. Cheyenne, Wyo. " 24. Deming, N. M. 3- Laramie City, Wyo. " 25. El Paso, Texas. 4- Rawlins, Wyo. " 29, 30. Fort Worth, Texas. 5. 6. Salt Lake City, Utah. " 31- Denison, Texas. 7. Ogden, Utah. April I. Sherman, Texas. 9- Butte, Mont. " 2. Dallas, Texas. 10, II. Helena, Mont. " 3. Corsicana, Texas. 12, 13. Butte, Mont. 4- Waco, Texas. 15- Salt Lake City. Utah. " 5- Austin, Texas. 17. Reno, Nev. " 6, 7. San Antonio, Texas. 18, 19. Carson City, Nev. " 8. Houston, Texas. 20. Virginia City, Nev. " 9, 10. Galveston, Texas. 21. Nevada City, Cal. 12- -14. N. Orleans, La. 22. Sacramento, Cal. " 15- Mobile, Ala. 23- Stockton, Cal. 16. Montgomery, Ala. 24. San Jose, Cal. " 17. Columbus, Ga. 25- -27. San Francisco, Cal. 18. Macon, Ga. 28, 29. Oakland, Cal. 19, 20. Savannah, Ga. I. Astoria, Or. " 21. Charleston, S. C. 2-. 4. Portland, Or. " 22. Augusta, Ga. S- New Tacoma, W. T. 23. Atlanta, Ga. 6. Seattle, W. T. " 24. Chattanooga, Tenn, 7. 8. Victoria, B. C. " 25. Birmingham, Ala. 9, 10. Seattle, W. T . " 26. Nashville, Tenn. 12. Dayton, W. T. " 28. Memphis, Tenn. 13- Walla Walla, W. T. '* 29. Hot Springs, Ark. 14. Dallas, Or. " 30. Little Rock, Ark. 15- Portland, Or. May I. Memphis, Tenn. 18-: 26, 29. San Francisco, Cal. 2. Nashville, Tenn. I- 10. San Francisco, Cal. 3- Louisville, Ky. 12- 17. Los Angeles, Cal. 4- Cincinnati, Ohio. 18, 19. San Bernardino, Cal. 5. Evansville, Ind. 21. Tucson, A. T, " 7> 8, St. Louis, Mo. 128 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. May 9. " 10. " 14- " 15. " 16. Springfield, 111. Bloomington, 111. Kalamazoo, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. May 17, 18. East Saginaw, Mich " 19. Bay City, Mich. " 20. Jackson, Mich. 21, 22. Detroit, Mich. 23. Toledo, Ohio. Time and time again, while travelling through the country and offering a thousand dollars to any man who Would stand before me four rounds, I have had men approach me who wanted to attempt to do that. Where I thought, in my judgment, that a man could make any show whatever, I have always obliged him with a trial, of course, knocking him out eventually. In some cases it took twenty seconds, in some cases longer. A great many times while travelling under the management of Mr. Al Smith, some poor fellow would be put forward by his so-called friends who, thinking they would have some fun out of him, would want him to spar with me. Rather than do so, I have put him before Pete McCoy, or Slade, or some other member of my combination, and let them settle it to his and his friends' satisfaction. I never yet wanted to meet a man whom I considered physically inferior to me, and I never would consent to knocking a man out simply for the amusement of his so-called friends, unless I thought him physically somewhere near my equal, but on the other hand I would not spar him ; and time and time again, where I have seen that a man wanted simply the money, or a little money for sparring me, I have made him a present of twenty-five or fifty dollars rather than to spar him. I never could see VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. 1 29 any fun in beating down weaker men than myself, especially if it was to afford amusement to a lot of blackguards. I never had any objection to meeting with gloves any strong, healthy young men who wanted to contest for boxing honors, for I appreciate their position as one in which I found myself on starting out. I know full well that reputation does not make the man. I want to give every young man a chance to prove what he is. I remember in 1880, two years before I fought Ryan, I challenged him personally to fight me at Music Hall, Boston, and he ignored me and belittled me as much as he could. His reply to my challenge was, " Go get a reputation." I had none at that time, but in the two years from 1880 to 1882 I proved to the public and everybody in general that I was at least deserving a chance. As this brings me to a point in my career which forms a kind of connection between my fighting and my sparring accomplishments with the gloves, the fol- lowing from John Boyle O'Reilly, who was an authority on both of these, may be timely : — ** The superiority of Sullivan lies in his extraordinary nervous force and his altogether incomparable skill as a boxer. ** In what does his extraordinary skill consist? In hitting as straight and almost as rapidly as light ; in the variety and readiness of his blows ; in standing firmly on his feet and driving his whole weight and nervous force at the end of his fist, — a very rare and I30 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. a very high quality in a boxer ; in movements as quick and purposeful as the leap of a lion. He can ' duck ' lower than any feather-weight boxer in America; he can strike more heavy blows in ten seconds than any other man in a minute, and he watches his opponent with a self-possession and calculation that do not flurry with excitement, but only flame into a ravening intensity to beat him down, to spring on him from a new direc- tion, and strike him a new blow every tenth of a sec- ond, to rush, hammer, contemn, overmaster, overwhelm, and appal him. '' Sullivan enters on a fight unlike all other men. From the first movement his action is ultimate. Other boxers begin by sparring; he begins by fighting — and he never ceases to fight. But from the first instant of the fight, Sullivan is as fierce, relentless, tireless as a cataract. The fight is wholly to go in /its way — not at all in the other man's. His opponent wants to spar; he leaps on him with a straight blow. He wants to breathe ; he dashes him into the corner with a drive in the stomach. He does not waste ten seconds of the three minutes of each round. '* And look at the odds he oflers, and offers to all the world ! They are not ten to one, nor twenty to one, but nearer to one hundred to one. Observe, he will not only defeat all comers, but he will defeat them in four rounds — in twelve minutes ! And this is not all — he will defeat them with his hands muffled in large gloves. " The chief reason why boxing has fallen into disre- VICTORIES WITH THE GLOVES. 131 pute is the English practice of prize-fighting with bare hands, and under improper rules. " The American champion, Sullivan, has done more than attempt to defeat all pugilists who came before him ; he has made a manly and most creditable effort to establish the practice not only of sparring, but of fighting with large gloves. The adoption of gloves for all contests will do more to preserve the practice of boxing than any other conceivable means. It will give pugilism, new life, not only as a professional boxer's art, but as a general exercise." 132 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. CHAPTER VII. GREATEST '* KNOCKING-OUT TOUR". ON RECORD. How IT Feels to be Knocked Out — Curious Effect of a Blow ON the Chin— "Did I Win?" asks One on Becoming Con- scious — The Poet Moore's Witty Epigram on a Pugilist in Parliament — The Puddler says, " Holy Murder ! I Never Thought a Man could hit so Hard" — "No Man on Earth can knock me out in Twelve Minutes" says Gipsy Brady — "Don't Hit Him any more, Sully"; "He's Crazy," cries the Crowd — How the "Battery" played on the Hoosier — A Joker's Grotesque Collapse — A Burly Engineer says, " Do You WANT to be struck BY LIGHTNING?" — ShE WAS AFRAID her Husband would kill Sullivan —r The Frenchman's An- tics — The Tragic and Comic Curiously Commingled. HAT are the sensations of a man on being knocked out?" '' I have never been knocked out myself, as the pubHc well know, but as I have put so many other men to sleep after this fashion, I have had a good chance to find out what their feelings were. The most effectual point, to reach a man to knock him out, is right on the point of the chin. In explanation of this, the doctors tell me that point is connected with the spinal column, and the effect for the time is to paralyze the brain though not effectually to weaken GREATEST '' KNOCKING^OUT " TOUR. 133 him. The sensation, as it has been described to me, is about the same as that felt by a man who has been under the influence of ether and is coming out of it. A man's mind, they tell me, seems confused, sick, giddy. He has no feeling of pain, but simply a sense of numbness or deadness which renders a man ii07i compos mentis for the time. To verify what I have said about there being no pain, I can mention several instances where men have come to after having been knocked out, and instead of complaining of pain asked various questions, showing that they were simply insensible to all feelings or acquaintance with the sur- roundings. I have heard men ask very different ques- tions. For instance, one fellow at Nashville, Tenn., that I had knocked out, came to in about twenty min- utes, and the first thing he said was, 'Did I win?' Another man that I had knocked out said, ' When do I go on?' not remembering anything about fighting. I think, in fact I am sure, that the effect of a man's being knocked out is not as serious as people think, and leaves no mark or lasting damage.'' This reply of mine to a question often asked of me will be found to have an interest in connection with episodes in my long knocking-out tour which I am about to describe. My first experience at Baltimore, where we opened, Sept. 28, 1 883, was being interviewed by the writer of the following, in which, for the humor of contrast, he took Hberties with my style of expression : — " Sullivan is stopping at the Carrollton, and all day 134 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. yesterday, whenever he appeared, he was the cynosure of all eyes. He has the appearance, In citizen's clothes, of being a well-built, heavy, thick-set man. He was approached by a representative of The American, who tremblingly asked the privilege of grasping his hand, after Al Smith, his manager, had done the honors. The slugger granted that privilege and extended his capacious paw, which closed like a vise upon the tender fingers of the reporter. '* ' Mr. Sullivan,' asked the news-gatherer, * how do you manage to do such terrible execution with your strength and skill ? ' *' 'What der yer say? ' growled the giant. " * I am desirous of ascertaining how you manipulate your digits and the other component parts of your general make-up with such force and accuracy as to succeed in annihilating every opponent you have yet encountered ! ' ejaculated the scribe. ** The slugger closed his eyes, drew a long breath, but deigned to say nothing. '' After waiting patiently for some minutes, the re- porter again plucked up courage and went for the slugger once more. " ' You have, from all accounts, become such a terror that no one can be induced to stand up before you for the requisite minimum of time prescribed by the articles of your standing challenge. Will you be kind enough to divulge the information as to whether you will cross the briny, and there, in England, defy the roast beef and plum pudding champions to meet you on their native heath ? ' GREATEST '' KNOCKING-OUT TOUR. 1 35 " Sullivan, at this tirade, appeared staggered, and gaz- ing askance at the puny stripling, clenched his fists, and seemed to be on the verge of having a fit. The state of affairs was becoming alarming for the reporter. The slugger looked as though he were becoming aroused, and the scribe was at his wit's ends, but plucking up courage he said : — " * Do you think Miller will be powerful enough to cope with you, and have you ever dreamed of the day arriving when you will admit yourself a defeated man?' " It was fortunate that Al Smith was at hand, as Sulli- van fell over in a faint. When he recovered he was asked the cause of his sudden illness and exclaimed : — '' ' I '11 be blowed if that newspaper man did n't knock me out.' " This was all he could say, and his manager does not think he will recover for several days. What hurts him so badly is the fact that all the big fighters in the coun- try have succumbed to him, and yet he, the hero of a hundred battles, was forced to yield to a poor, weak, every-day newspaper reporter." The same scribe, in writing of our exhibition, said : — ** A number of rounds were fought, in all of which, except the last, * the slugger ' did not let himself out., but allowed Slade to give a fine exhibition of the manly art. Slade countered and cross-countered in splendid style, and his work was well done, but there was an in- ward feeling to the spectators that Sullivan was not try- ing. In the last turn Sullivan showed something of his ability to drive a man before him with his patronymic 136 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. blows. He drove Slade across the stage to the edge, and then only refrained for fear Slade would land upon the heads of the orchestra." Another writer in the same city wrote : — ** The engagement of Messrs. Sullivan and Slade closed at Kernan's Monumental Theatre last night. The sparring matches which they have given to the three immense audiences have been greatly appreciated. Probably over ten thousand persons visited Kernan's Theatre during the engagement of the Sullivan Com- bination, besides the crowds which nightly gathered around the carriage which conveyed the wonderful pugilist from one part of the city to the other. When the sparring exhibition was over, an immense crowd gathered at the rear entrance of the theatre on Front Street. All cheered lustily for the champion as he made his way to his carriage." After our combination appeared at Altoona, Oct. 16, the Tribune of that place said : '* None of Sullivan's admirers will die happy until he is elected to Congress." Without admitting any aspirations of that sort, I think it worth noting on the part of the profession that John Morrissey, the foeman of Poole, Yankee Sullivan, and Heenan, was elected to Congress, and that John Gully, who conquered the *' Game Chicken " in the presence of King William IV., was chosen a member of the first Reformed Parliament. This latter result came about in a rather curious way. He had just declined the su^ggestion of standing for a constituency, when, offering to lay long odds to a large GREATEST 'M C op 00 00 o o o c-q LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAYERS. 77 CHAPTER IX. IN THE LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAYERS. Fkoa[ Ne:w England to Old England — Immense Receptions in London and Other Places — Made a Member of the Pelican Club in the Presence of Nineteen British Peers — Invited BY THE Prince OF Wales — A Pleasant Meeting — "Sullivan IS the Quickest Heavy Man I Ever Saw," said His Royal Highness — A Handshake Recorded in Verse — Very Suc- cessful Tour of Great Britain and Ireland. HE morning of October 27, 1887, at eight o'clock, I sailed from my native city for England on the Cunard steamer *' Cephalonia." My object in making the trip was " money, glory, and revenge." My manager was Mr. Harry S. Phil- lips, a well-known sporting man of Montreal, with whom I signed a contract for a year. Accompanying me w^ere Jack Ashton the Providence pugilist, Mr. John Barnett, a personal friend who acted somewhat in the capacity of companion and secretary, and my manager, Mr. Harry Phillips. I was given a rousing send-off by the sporting men of Boston, who engaged two tugs and followed the steamer some dis- 178 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. tance on her way. My cabin was literally filled with floral pieces, and I was made the recipient of numerous other presents. My father and brother saw me off, and the former waved me a last *' good-bye " with the colors I wore when I won the championship of America from Paddy Ryan. My sporting friends cheered themselves hoarse as the tug left the wake of the big steamer, and fired a salute with two brass cannons they had taken on board. I arrived in Liverpool, Eng., on the 6th of November, Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock, on which occasion I was met by many prominent members of the sporting fraternity (amoijg whom were Arthur Magnus, Alf Greenfield, and Johnny Curran), outside the harbor by a special tug chartered by friends. We disembarked at the Liverpool landing, and when we stepped from the tender we were cheered by thousands with the utmost enthusiasm. The crush was so great that it was deemed advisable to form a bodyguard so that I might make my way to the four-in-hand that was in waiting to take me to the Grand Hotel. My admirers were ambitious and tried to take the horses from the carriage that was to take me to the hotel, but they were dissuaded from doing so and the hotel was reached in safety. A large number of friends were in attendance there to welcome me. I had the distinction of having interrupted the ordi- nary traffic both in London and Liverpool. The crowd that followed me through the streets was described as a " multitude." LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAVERS. 1 79 I had brought the beh that had been presented to me to disphiy at all the exhibitions I intended giving in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales; but the Custom House officers wanted to claim one hundred and twenty pounds — six hundred dollars — for admitting it into their country. This I refused to pay as I intended to take the belt back with me to my native shores. Conse- quently, the British did not have the opportunity of see- ing the magnificent emblem which I had to leave in the Queen's bonded warehouse until I set sail for America on the 1 2th day of April, 1888. On the day after my arrival, Monday, Mr. Harry Phillips and his wife, and Jack Ashton and I left the Grand Hotel at Liverpool for London and proceeded to the Lime Street station for the London & North Western railway. Although but a short distance had to be traversed, the throng was so dense that it was with difficulty our party reached the terminus. The train left the station immediately amidst the cheers of the spectators. At a station called Crewe the crowd assembled to see the great " knocker- out," and in their anxiety to catch a glimpse of me a number of people climbed to the roof of the carriage. This was repeated at Rugby and at Willesden ; but the admiration and gazing that I encountered from the time of my landing was eclipsed at Euston, where fully five thousand persons had assem- bled at the station. The appearance of the " American " was a signal for loud cheering and hurrahs from the people, amongst whom were Jimmy Mace, Jack Bal- dock, Young Bill Goode, Bat Mullins, and Tom Lees. l8o LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. The crush was so great here that it was impossible to reach the carriage that was provided for me, so I jumped into the first carriage that I saw close at hand. Then it seemed as if the whole crowd must get into that one carriage ; so many entered it that the bottom fell out, and I discovered to my astonishment that it was a " funeral coach." It did not take me long to seek the brougham that was in waiting for me. I jumped in, and there met a friend by the name of Harry Bull, better known as *' Chippy Norton." We then drove to the Sportsman office on Fleet Street, outside of which the crowd was so great and eager to get a glimpse of me, it was with difficulty that the police were able to clear the way. Having finished my business with Mr. Ashley, who was proprietor of the Sportsman, the celebrated sporting paper of London, and in fact of all England, I was obliged, in order to get away, to address the audi- ence from the windows of the Sportsman ; I thanked them for their kindness and for their hearty reception in this my first visit to their country, and told them I would be glad to meet them all at the exhibition that I pro- posed giving on Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, at St. James Hall, which was to be my first appearance on any stage, or in any hall, in that country. On the evening of Nov. 9, about eighteen hundred people were present in St. James Hall, London, to wit- ness- the first appearance in England of your humble servant. My appearance on the platform, accompanied by Jem Smith, was the signal for a prolonged outburst of cheering. Each of us was, in turn, introduced as the LAND OF TOM CRTl^R AND TOM SAYERS. l8l man, who, in his own country, was considered the cham- pion of the world. In acknowledging the cheers, I said, '* I thank you, one and all, for your kind welcome, and I hope I shall always deserve it, so long as I remain in your country. I may furthermore state that it is my \vish to defeat Mr. Smith, just as it is his wish to defeat me. I hope you may have the pleasure of seeing us box, and so demonstrate which is the better man. \_C/icers.^ In response to loud calls. Smith briefly said: '* I shall do my best to beat Kilrain, and then to beat John L, Sullivan." This is the notice we received next day: — '' As the two champions stood together their differ- ences of build and height were very apparent, Smith being much the shorter. Sullivan stands five feet ten and one-half inches, while Smith is only five feet eight and one-half inches. In chest measurement the two men are forty-four inches and forty-two and one-half inches respectively. After some interesting boxing matches, Sullivan again appeared, and had three rounds with Jack Ashton, of Providence, U. S. A. Ashton is a lighter weight than Sullivan, but of about the same stature. It was universally admitted that the four rounds were a fine exhibition of sparring. While both men were remarkably quick and agile, the rapidity and springiness of Sullivan's movements created the deepest impression, and evoked universal admiration. It can readily be understood, even by those who saw no more than last night's exhibition, why few of the American champion's antagonists have been able to keep the field 1 82 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. after the third or fourth round. Once an opportunity occurs he deHvers a perfect bombardment of blows with a speed which the eye can scarcely follow. In attack he seems literally to throw himself upon an opponent with puzzling and disconcerting suddenness and impetuosity. Sullivan was a good deal ' winded ' with the effort, which was only natural to a man so much above his proper weight when in condition. Jem Smith watched the en- counter from a seat on the platform with close attention." I then started on a tour giving exhibitions in Birming- ham, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Leices- ter, Nottingham, Derby, Sheffield, Preston, Oldham, and various other cities in England. The places in Ireland where I appeared were Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Lim- erick, and Belfast ; and in Scotland the towns were Glas- gow, Dundee, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh. The only place I visited in Wales was Cardiff, where I gave an exhibition and met an ambitious boxer named Samuels who, after the second round, cried " quits," and said he had had enough. My descent upon Birmingham was at once made known to a few hundred of my most ardent admirers, who received me at the railway station with such rough cordiality as would have dismayed a man of softer mould, and who roused the peaceful inhabitants of the town from a wonted apathy by dashing up Corporation Street after the open vehicle in which I rode, with ecstatic shouts of '* Sullivan ! " '* Hooray ! " I at once held a reception at the Stork Hotel. It was quite ill the Arnerican fashion, recalling Martin Chuz- LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAVERS 1 83 zlewit's encounter with the interviewers : '' Up they came with a rush ! Up they came, until the room was full, and, through the open door, a dismal perspective of more to come was shown upon the stairs." Said a local writer : — " Sullivan took the rlish of ' idolaters ' very quietly. He observed, in fact, that the same thing happened to him every day at home." The two nights' show at Birmingham brought together over nineteen thousand people. A writer in the Bir- mingham GazcttCy commenting on my appearance in that town, says : " Kilrain and Mitchell have, however, been completely snuffed out by the arrival in Birming- ham of John L. Sullivan. The name of Sullivan has been a household word in the mouths of pugilists on both sides of the Atlantic for years. It is small wonder, then, that his admirers — and they are many — should give him a welcome scarcely accorded to a royal prince," I arrived in Cardiff from Nottingham by the 2.50 train. Considerable amusement was created by the expectation raised among the crowd, who awaited me at the station, by the arrival of several trains before that from Nottingham. Passengers leaving the station had to pass between several ranks of expectant sight-seers, and the comments on the physical peculiarities of each individual, as he ran the gauntlet, were neither pleasant nor edifying, but very amusing. One tall gentleman caused a flutter when he emerged from the station exit, but a second glance revealed some serious defects. •'That's not Sullivan! " shouted a rough voice, "he's 1 84 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. groggy on his pins ! " A very little man, with a meek face and a huge shawl, was immediately backed to the extent of several hundreds of pounds to " knock smoke out of Sullivan in the first round," and an unsuspecting policeman, who followed, came in for quite a dem- onstration. At last, however, our party arrived, and we made our way to the carriage in waiting. We were loudly cheered, and it was with some difficulty that our conveyance reached the Royal Hotel, where we stopped while at Cardiff. It was said at the time that even Mr. Glad- stone, when he came to Cardiff the previous summer, failed to draw a larger or more decent crowd than that which thronged to meet me. *' It is a somewhat note- worthy circumstance," continued the same authority, ** that here, in the very metropolis of ' good little Wales,* a prize-fighter should prove as great an attraction as a truculent radical ex-Prime Minister." " You don't attach much value to the diamond belt in the possession of Kilrain?" was asked of me in Cardiff. *' No," I replied, '' it is only a dog-collar. As I said before, its real value is only about thirty pounds, and if I win it I intend to offer it for competition among the New York boot-blacks." On Dec. 8 a dinner was given at the Pelican Club by Founder Wells to Phillips, Ashton, and your humble servant. After the banquet Ashton and I had a bout, and when it was over we were getting ready to go home when a gentleman, faultlessly arrayed in cape- LAND OF TOM CRIRR AND TOM SAVERS. 1 85 coat, glittering patent leathers and crush hat appeared upon the scene. ** I would like to speak to Mr. Sullivan a moment," he said picking me out from the men present. " I am at your service," I said. " I have the honor to be the bearer of this message," said the stranger, handing a note to me. I tore open the letter and read : — St. James Barracks. Afy Dear Mr. Sullivan, — I have great pleasure on behalf of the offi- cers of the Scots Guards in inviting you to breakfast in our mess-room to- morrow at twelve o'clock, and subsequently to meet II. R. II. the Prince of Wales, who has repeatedly expressed the desire to make your personal acquaintance. Very truly yours, Clifford Drummond, Captain Scots Guarc's. This is what the papers published in regard to the affair : — ** After reading the note Sullivan lit a fresh cigar, put on his coat and, turning to the bearer of the note, said : — '' ' Well, tell the Prince and Drummond I won't dis- appoint them.' '* Then turning to his friends, who expected to see Sullivan duck under his honors, he remarked : — ** ' If the Prince was not such a sociable, nice fellow I would not go there to-morrow, for I 'm dead tired, and this means getting up early.* '* At midday of the day assigned, all the private han- soms in London were driving like mad down Piccadilly 1 86 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. and rattling up to the St. James barracks, where the meet was to be. " The son of a well-known peer placed his hansom at the American champion's disposal, and said out of the fulness of his heart: — '' ' Ah, you are too kind,' when Sullivan remarked that he would not mind him crawling in alongside, as it were. " In the mess-room, Captain Drummond, the ideal of Ouida's guardsman, with whom all are acquainted, re- ceived the transatlantic slugger. Captain Drummond presided, with Sullivan on his right, Phillips on his left, next to whom were Lord Randolph Churchill and Sir Gordon Cummings, " In addition to the full roster of officers of the Scots Guards, there were present many officers of the Grena- dier and Coldstream Guards. Cold salmon, hot cuts and cold joints were served, washed down with bitter ale, porter, half-and-half, the light French wines on the top not being in great demand. Evidently most of the soldier gentlemen were in training for some event. The history of the prize ring was twice told, from the Home- ric days of Epeus down to Tom Sayers and Heenan, whose healths were drunk in silence. " Shortly before three o'clock word came that the Prince had arrived at the Fencing Club across the way. Breakfast was immediately adjourned and prize-ring history saved a third recital. The Guards' gymnasium is a gem in its way. ** The fighting ring is a model and the fencing spaces LAND OF TOM CRIBR AND TOM SAYERS. 1 8/ admirable. The walls are adorned with pictures of good guardsmen who have gone before. Standing in front of an open wood fire toasting himself was the Prince, dressed in a cut-a-way black coat, gray trousers, drab gaiters, and thick-soled walking boots. He was smoking a cigarette, not an American, by the way, for as he subsequently remarked, * The only thing American I don't like is the American cigarette.' " Sulliv^an entered the room, dressed quietly in black, demure, and as innocent to all appearances as a Sunday- school superintendent, and as self-contained as a young lady who has seen several seasons. " * There comes Gentleman John,' ran the whisper among the officers, who agreed that the only thing they would like to have changed about Sullivan was his birth- place. ** Sir Francis Knollys skipped forward and said : — ** * His Royal Highness desires very much to meet you, Sullivan. May I have the honor of presenting you ? ' " ' You may ; I reciprocate heartily the sentiments of the Prince.' " Neither the pugilist nor the Prince were in the least bit stiff or formal in their manner, as they met and shook hands right heartily. The Prince immediately took away the frigid nap of newness from the acquaintance by saying that he felt as if he had known Sullivan many years, whereupon John L. reciprocated by remarking that, next to Jem Smith, the Prince of Wales was the man he had most wanted to see in coming to England. Then the Prince looked Sullivan over carefully. Then l88 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Sullivan did ditto, and they again shook a shake of mu- tual satisfaction. '' The Prince was in very good trim for a man who had opened five fairs, three bazaars, gone to seven funerals by proxy, and laid two corner-stones, in a week. He immediately referred to his trip to America before the war, and how in Detroit he had had his first real scrap- ping match. *' ' It was a stand-off,' he remarked. ' My eye was darkened, and the other man's nose was red.' " ' I see,' remarked Sullivan, with professional non- chalance, ' you got what we call a baptismal black eye, while the other fellow received his claret christening.' '' The Prince then referred to some of Sullivan's big fights, particularly that with Paddy Ryan. The fighter blushed as he heard the soft words of praise from the Prince's lips, and turned the conversation glibly by asking the Prince if he put up his ' dukes ' much now-a-days. '' ' Oh, no. I am too old,' said the Prince. ** ' I don't know, of course, how you feel,' said Sulli- van, * but you look as young as Jack Ashton.' '* ' No, I do not spar at all now,' continued the Prince. * But my eldest boy, who is down in York with his Lancer regiment, punches the bag half an hour every morning before breakfast, and my second son, George, the middy, is a regular slugger, at least so the officers of the ship, the " Dreadnought," tell me. I never sparred very much myself, but I believe in the manly art, and, like most fathers, am endeavoring to bring my bo)'s up in the way I should have gone,' LAND OF TOM CRIHB AND TOM SAVERS. 1 89 " Then the sport began, and the Prince, pugilists, and peers craned their necks into the arena where Bat Mullen and Jack King, two promising bantams, were pecking away at each other. Sulliv^an turned to go towards the dressing-room and came face to face with Jem Smith, the English champion. *' ' How arc you, Mr. Smith? ' " ' Splendid weather we are having, Mr. Sullivan.' " ' For blind men, maybe, but it does not suit me,' said Sulliv^an, who is not partial to fogs. " Then the two men shook hands for a minute or two, and came to the conclusion, if professionally they were not fated to smash each other out of recognizable shape, the friendship of Pylades and Orestes would be nowhere compared to theirs. ** Smith and Greenfield then pummelled each other in good style. Smith is in admirable form, the very pic- ture of what fighting trim should be. The only fault which the greatest stickler for form could find on Smith is that he is a little too stiff. " Just as the audience, which did not, however, number over forty, were becoming impatient for the upper crust of the pugilistic pie, the electric light was turned on, and out into the garish glare Sullivan ajid Ashton strode from their dressing-rooms into the ring. *' ' Gentlemen,' said Phillips, ' I have the honor of introducing to you John L. Sullivan, the champion of the world, and Jack Ashton, a fine fighter, who will soon be heard from.' '* Jem Smith winced when he heard the words ' cham- 190 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. pion of the world.' But as his Royal Highness paddled his hands together, all present applauded. ** Both boxers wore emerald-green tights — green as that of the grass fields of Galway — and dotted all ov^cr with harps and medallions of famous Irishmen, from thj days of great Brian-Boru down. Then the set-to began, and I have never seen Sullivan in a better one. *' Manager Phillips and the World correspondent drew near to the Prince, whose eyes were dancing with delight at the fine spar. ** ' He is the quickest big man I ever saw,' was the first drop of wisdom which fell from the Prince's lips. "Then John L. landed one of his terrible left-handers full in Ashton's face. The sound was like that of a falling forest monarch in the north woods. " ' Ah,' said Phillips, with a Mephistophelian smile, 'what will happen when he meets Smith? ' *' * Sullivan has the weight, the height, the reach, and undoubted pluck,' continued the Prince. " ' That put together generally wins the fight, does not it?' insinuated Phillips. " * Well, of course I am an Englishman and want Smith to win. That is, of course, officially I disapprove of prize-fighting enti/ely, and would be grieved if it came off in the United Kingdom/ "After the set-to was over, the Prince again led the applause, and was heartily seconded. He went up and shook hands again with Sullivan, hoped that he would meet him again, and, with an amused smile said, * I wish you much luck while here, Mr. Sullivan.* LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAVERS. 19I *' Some hours after the peers of the reahii and hard hitters had vanished, Hke the baseless fabric of a dream, the writer called on Sullivan at his private lodgings and asked him what he thought of the Prince. " * He is a nice, sociable fellow,' said the slugger, * with splendid manners ; he is a splendid good all- round man. He is the sort of man you like to meet anywhere, at any time.' " At the Pelican Club, nineteen P^nglish peers, of whom thirteen were earls, were present. I was made a member of the club, an honor which I esteem very highly, and which other Americans have been unable to procure. The meeting betw^ecn myself and the Prince inspired such humorous lines as the following : — " Ho ! Britons, raise a joyous shout, Give voice in thrilling tones, Accompanying your song throughout With banjo, harp, and bones. The olive branch floats on the breeze, Peace marches in the van ; The Prince's hand has had a squeeze Prom John L. Sullivan. " Perchance some day the Prince will king Become, when value much Enhanced to that same hand shall cling Which Sullivan did touch. The loyal throngs, as on they pass, Shall step with more elan To kiss the hand which got the stjueeze From John L. Sullivan." 192 LIFE AND REiMINISCENCES. "All ordinary boxers are paid for pleasing the Prince, but Sullivan meets him on a basis of equality, and, in fact, better than that, comes to him as a bene- factor, and will treat him to a grand sight, and teach him all he can about boxing, to quote his own words, * free gratis.' ** Sir William Gordon Cummings called on Mr. Phil- lips, on behalf of the Prince, to know how much money * so great a man as Sullivan ' would expect. He was told by Mr. Phillips that both himself and Sullivan would be glad to treat the Prince as a friend, but that they would not accept any money from him. When asked if Sulli- van would not accept some little token from the Prince as a souvenir of the occasion, Mr. Sullivan said proba- bly he would, and Sullivan tells me now that he will do so rather than hurt the Prince's feelings. Sullivan is just in condition to show the Prince Avhat a man should be physically. He is looking in almost perfect condi- tion. His face is clear cut, and, on being weighed last night, he barely turned two hundred and ten pounds stripped, which is less than he has weighed for years. Sullivan is arrayed in style to do credit to the country which he represents fistically. " The big fellow astonished the king that may be with such a display of fistic power as he had never before seen ; but, great as this display was, it was insignificant in comparison to the lesson he taught the snobs and snoblings of this country, who are ever ready to bow the knee to, and approve of, anything if it is only ' English, yell know/ CHARLEY MITCHELL LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAVERS. I93 " Sully was n't a bit abashed in the presence of majesty. Titles and offices count very little with him, and seeing in the future king of England an unpreten- tious-looking gentleman, he was respectful, but perfectly self-possessed. Albert Edward, who must often wish that men would be natural with him, not merely polite, or, still worse, adulatory, cringing, or sycophantic, was taken with the American champion's poise, as was shown by the admiration he expressed for it after they had parted." The Pelican Club presented me with a valuable pin and waistcoat buttons to match. My reception in Dublin, Dec. 11, was marvellously enthusiastic, and brought forcibly to my mind the fact that I was in the midst of the warm-hearted people from whom I am proud to claim descent. Not fewer than fifteen thousand people had gathered at the steam- boat landing, and their cheering when our party made its appearance was something to remember. Two full brass bands were there, also, and vied with each other in the energy and enthusiasm with which they played " See, the Conquering Hero Comes ! " '* The Wearing of the Green," and other complimentary and patriotic tunes. Our party proceeded to the carriages awaiting us and started for Grosvenor Hotel, headed by the two brass bands. Progress was slow, for the crowd pressed against the carriages and caused confusion ; but the hotel was reached at last, and we went quickly inside. This was not the end of my reception, however. The crowd had no intention of clearing off until they had heard my 194 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. voice, so they shouted and cheered for " Sullivan," and the bands kept up the enthusiasm, until I stepped for- ward on the veranda in full view of the multitude. One mighty shout went up, and then there was momentary silence, for it was seen that I was about to speak. The address was not long, but it was appropriate to the occasion. " I thank you," I said, ** for your kind- ness to me this evening. As a descendant of Erin's Isle, I will endeavor always to prove myself worthy of your attention and to uphold the honor of my father's native land." Tumultuous cheering followed, and then the band struck up again and marched off, followed by the bulk of the crowd. I was much moved by the warmth of this reception in the land of my forefathers. I also met enthusiastic receptions in Waterford, Lim- erick, Belfast, and Cork. One of the most interesting things connected with my tour in Ireland was a visit to the spot called '' Donnelly's Hollow," in the Curragh of Kildare, where the famous Irish champion, Donnelly, vanquished Cooper. Travel- lers visiting the Curragh are taken by proud natives to the scene of the famous battle. The footsteps of the champions are still plainly visible. ** They are preserved in this way : Every visitor, especially those who love the ' noble art,' puts his feet in .the ancient marks, which are thus preserved and deepened in the soft green sod." The position of the men, as they began the fight, are pointed out. "And over there," say the guides, *'just outside the ring, stood Miss Kelly, who wagered thou- sands of pounds on Dan Donnelly." LAND OF TOM CRIBB AND TOM SAVERS. 195 " Donnelly's Hollow " is probably one of the most perfect natural amphitheatres in the world. Here, on the sloping hillsides, could stand or sit a hundred thousand men to behold a dramatic scene ; and here, on that day, was assembled a greater crowd than had ever witnessed a boxing contest since the close of the Olympic games. This is from an English paper : — '* At last America has sent us a great entertainer of the male variety. We have had Booth, and Adonis Dixey, and all the men of the American drama, but none have shone. Sullivan, however, comes to us as a sunbeam to shed his lustrous light upon sportsmen and others. Marquises have entertained him at dinner, and barons have drowned him with refreshment. When enumerating the qualities and accomplishments of Sul- livan of America, please do not forget to mention that he fights." It will be remembered that I arrived in London Nov. 7, 1887, and gave my first show at St. James Hall two days afterward. During my tour, I gave fifty-one exhi- 'bitions, including that before his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the one before the Pelican Club. The tour was a grand success financially, as well as in every other respect. During it I cleared five thousand pounds, which is an extraordinary sum, considering the condition of the kingdom and the small wages paid workingmen. In no instance did I go to any town with- out receiving a hearty welcome from the local sporting fraternity, and the receptions accorded me in London, 196 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Liverpool, Manchester, Dublin, and several other places, surpassed anything heretofore heard of. In the first show given, over five hundred pounds were taken in, while at many places people had to be turned away. In Scotland I met with particular success in Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen. As to the substantial appreciation which I met in Ireland, I can say that I made more money in one week there than in six weeks in England. Among other things I received there were a tweed suit, seventeen blackthorn sticks, four jugs of whiskey, a beautiful design in sham- rocks, and forty-five letters asking me to give benefits for charitable institutions. It is not necessary for me to plead guilty to running after royalty in order to mention the interest manifested by ladies of the royal family in England. I have fre- quently seen Princess Christine and her daughter in their carriage, and they used to look after me when the coachman pointed me out. I have seen the Queen near Windsor, and on more than one occasion, together with a companion, she looked out to see me as I passed along, and made comments which I did not hear. A pardonable appreciation of their sex, rather than of their rank, must be set down as my warrant for telling these things. My tour in Great Britain was closed with an exhibi- tion at Portsmouth in January, 1888. BAiTLEs Bcrrn sides of the Atlantic. 197 CHAPTER X. BATTLES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. With Sprinter Mitchell in France — He Turns the Match into A Race — Arrest and Escape — Home Again — Hearty Recep- tion in Boston — A Dreadful Sickness — Challenge Accepted to Fight Kilrain for the Championship- An Old-fashioned Victory — Kilrain Vainly Vies with the Sprinter — Pursuit and Prosecution by the Governor of Mississippi — Enormous Legal Costs — First Appearance as an Actor. HILE Sullivan was winning golden opinions in England, starring the prov- inces, Mitchell," says a newspaper cor- respondent, '^ was snarling out chal- lenges to him by the dozen. The big 'un pays just as much attention to them as the great mastiff in Landseer's picture of ' Dignity and Impudence ' does to the little cur tha'; is barking around him." Perhaps it would be better if I had continued this course, but I was led into a match to fight the bom- bastic sprinter boxer, foolishly giving away everything in the match in his favor. On Nov. 29 I met Mitchell at a well-known sporting resort, and signed articles for a fight for five hundred pounds, under London prize-ring rules, and in a twenty- 198 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. four-foot ring. Neither the time nor the place of meet- ing were mentioned in the articles signed. They were to be arranged between the seconds, namely, Phillips for me and Pony Moore for Mitchell. Among those present at the time were Mr. Allison, the editor of the Sportsman, and Messrs. Harding, Bennet, and Morton, American sporting men. After H. Bull, the well-known bookmaker of Newmarket, had been chosen as stake- holder, the drawing-up of the articles began, which, even under the skilful treatment of Allison, was no easy matter. Mitchell disputed every article, and the trans- action took three hours. When he came into the room where I was sitting, he turned around to his train of friends and followers, and said : — *' Now, boys, I have got him." I only laughed. One by one the articles were agreed to, I giving away every point without demur until it came to the size of the ring. *' It must be a twenty-four-foot ring," insisted Mit- chell, who saw in this a loophole to get out of the match. *' You are not signing for a foot-race, Mitchell," said Phillips. " And I am not a sprinter," remarked Sullivan. Mitchell insisted, however, and just as he thought the contest spent on the rock of contention, I said: — "All right, my boy, let it be a twenty-four-foot ring. You '11 find even that too small to skulk in when the day comes." Mitchell's countenance darkened. Then I insisted BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 1 99 that the Hberty of choice of time and place given the seconds should be limited by two conditions : that the contest must come off within one thousand miles of London, and not clash with any of my previous engage- ments. '* I had to do this," I said, " because when the time came Mitchell would insist on fighting in China." During the whole two hours, Mitchell had been taunt- ing me in the most outrageous manner. Finally he called me a dirty rogue. I sprang to my feet, and this time my blood was up. '* Come on, you young whelp. I have two carriages down stairs. You get in one and I will take the other^ and we '11 drive to the nearest vacant space, and there I '11 knock your head off." Mitchell smiled sickly and followed me a little way towards the door. Then Allison interposed and I was hurried away. I left, saying, — '' All right, I will wait until I meet him; but when I do, I '11 give it to him all the worse for waiting." The fight took place on Baron Rothschild's grounds at Chantilly, March 10, 1888. I wanted to fight this sprinter in a sixteen-foot ring, knowing well that his tactics in a twenty-four-foot ring would be to run around or to lie down, which he did at every opportunity afforded him in the fight. I wished to prevent this cowardly and unfair business. It is a well-known and established fact that in all my career as a boxer or fighter, I have always fought my opponent manfully and fairly. In this fight with Mitchell I was 200 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. fouled a number of times by being spiked repeatedly by Mitchell. Of this the referees seemed to take no notice. One of the witnesses of the fight was Pony Moore, Mitchell's father-in-law, who stood with a face puckered with anxiety and nervousness. When I got my right across and Charley dropped, Pony cried, " There goes my boy." Knock-down blow the second brought forth, — " There goes my house." And when for the third time Charley was floored, "Pony," in an agony, exclaimed, " and there goes the estate and everything." For the first four rounds it looked odds — as Bal- dock has since said, long odds — on the " big fellow." In the fifth round, when I was swinging the right, I caught Mitchell at the back of the head and severely bruised the muscles of the right arm. Still Mitchell seemed afraid to stand up to the fight. In the tenth round, when he was continuing his tactics, I said in disgust, " Oh, don't run around the ring.'* *' First blood " to Mitchell was claimed in round eight, to which I replied, ^' You can have it." He said, '* Well, there is nothing in it but to decide a bet." Running and dropping was his game, and to such an extent did he practise the former that, when the fight was over, a track like a sheep run was to be noticed all around the ring. Once he dropped without a blow and received a caution, and after this he went down a num- ber of times for a mere tap. Had I desired to practise the tricks of the London BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 20I prize-ring rules I had good opportunities to do so by giving my weight to Mitchell ; but I tried my best to avoid falling on him. Mitchell adopted a saving game throughout. Before starting he had admitted having a great task before him," and when he went into the ring he did not go to win my five hundred pounds, but to save his own, which, thanks to the big ring, the weather and my acci- dent, he succeeded in doing. In this fight I was unfortunately in the worst corner where the rain beat incessantly in my face and body, causing me to become chilled, and I refused numerous times to partake of any brandy which my seconds in- sisted upon my taking. The termination of the fight was brought about by Mitchell's second, Jack Baldock, who stepped into the ring and said, " Shake hands and call it a draw." I said, " Let us fight a couple more rounds," but everybody said *'No." Mitchell and I then retired from the ring. On the road, while retiring from the scene of the fight, we were arrested by gendarmes who pointed re- volvers at our heads. We were taken to a place called Senlis where we were brought before a tribunal, and the gendarmes gave in their charges against us. The outcome of this episode was that we were locked up from seven o'clock Saturday evening until one o'clock Sunday before the French authorities would ac- cept bonds for our release. Being satisfied that we would appear in court the next day, they admitted Mitchell and myself to bonds. After our release we 202 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. both met our friends, who fortunately had not been locked up, going to a hotel across the road, and the party, consisting of a dozen Americans, Englishmen, and Frenchmen, sat down to a sumptuous breakfast. The party included Harry Phillips, Jake Barnett, Edward Holske, William. O'Brien, '' Pony " Moors, Jake Baldock, Kilrain, Mitchell, and myself. Only a few in the party knew that I did not intend to stand trial, having already made up m}^ mind to leave Senlis by the first train for Paris, and then to go by way of Calais to England. When the officials came to sus- pect my intentions they increased our bonds from eight hundred dollars to sixteen hundred each. My reason for not appearing in court or wishing to stand trial was that, some two months before this event, Kilrain and Smith (Jem Smith, then champion of Eng- land) fought in France, and during the battle a gentle- man named McNeil, who had gone over to see their fight, and to do the reporting for the Sportsman of London, lost his life by either falling overboard or being foully dealt with. The facts have never been found out. The English press dealt very severely with the French authorities for not investigating the case of this well- known sporting writer. This being so, I did not wish to stand trial, as I was afraid that I would be dealt severely with for coming over into their country, or, to use a technical phrase in pugilism, trying to ** pull off" this fight" there Therefore, I took the boat at Calais to Dover, and arrived in London, England, the following morning. BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 203 F'rom London I went to Liverpool, and stopped with a friend of mine, Arthur Magnus, who had accompanied me home and had been a witness of the fight, — if fight it could be termed. The following morning the papers contained an account of my trial. My sentence was three da)'s in a French prison and two thousand francs fine. '* Tell me," said a reporter interviewing Mr. Magnus after our return to England, " whether the arrangements for the combat were satisfactory. " " Yes, they were good, with the exception of the backwardness of the Mitchell party in selecting the ground, as agreed upon." "Was Mitchell careless about his movements in France? " *' I should think he was, — the most careless man I ever saw. In Amiens, he walked from day to day all over the town without any attempt at concealment, as if he didn't care whether the police got 'wind of it' or not. " Yes, the fight, as you say, was a walking tournament the greater part of the time. Mitchell did not face Sullivan as he ought to have done. He danced con- tinually around the ring. This, of course, must have been his plan ; there can be no doubt about it. " In the fifth round Sullivan disabled his hand with a blow at Mitchell's head. Only the round before this, Mitchell was knocked down and completely dazed by one of the champion's right-handers. So I leave you to judge what a mishap it was to Sullivan to be com- pelled to fight practically with one arm." 204 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. ** Could Mitchell have tired out his opponent with his tactics?" " I honestly believe he could n't. His blows were not strong enough to tire any one out, and even in his dis- abled state Sullivan could have kept it up as long as Mitchell." My fight with Mitchell was the last event of any note in my first trip to foreign countries. I embarked on the twelfth day of April on the steamship '' Catalonia," for Boston, arriving after fourteen ilays' sail, and meet- ing with a grand ovation from my friends, who came down the harbor to welcome me home. Two weeks after arriving home, I acted as master of ceremonies for Billy Mahoney, the well-known sporting man and politician of Boston, at a benefit given to Joe Lannan in Music Hall. Ten days later I was tendered a testimonial at the same hall, on which occasion I sparred with Joe Lannan and Jack Ashton. After that I formed a partnership with John B. Doris, the circus man, and Milton Dray. Our combination in- cluded a travelling circus of well-known acrobats and tumblers, and lady and gentleman riders of the sawdust ring. Jack Ashton and I appeared in a sparring bout at each performance. After the conclusion of the circuit, I sojourned for about two months at Nantasket Beach. Then I went from the southerly side to the northerly side of Boston Harbor, spending some time at Crescent Beach. Here I was taken very sick, as may be judged from the fact that I had typhoid fever, gastric fever, inflammation of BAITI.ES BOTH SIDKS OF THE ATLANTIC. 205 the bowels, heart trouble, and liver complaint all com- bined. During this sickness I was obliged to keep my bed for a period of nine weeks, leaving it on Monday, the fifteenth day of October, 1888, the day I was thirty years of age. On the day before, Sunday, I told my doctor. Dr. Bush, that on the following day I would get up, as I had made up my mind to do so, and that if I had to meet the inevitable, I would die at my father's house in Boston. His residence at that time was No. 8 Parnell Street. My doctor advised me not to do this, as " it would be suicide," he said. However, I did not heed his advice, and that evening took a carriage and was propped up and driven to my father's house, which was ten miles from where I had been taken sick. During this illness I had been given up on two occasions by doctors. I had five before having Dr. Bush ; but, under his treatment, I came out of my sickness a nev/ man. From this sickness I contracted what the doctor termed incipient paralysis, having no use of my legs except with the assistance of crutches, which I had to use for six weeks. During this period I was rubbed continuously twice a day with oil and some other prep- aration ordered by my doctor. I also took electric treatment. Being challenged by Kilrain, after this dreadful sick- ness, to fight for the championship of America, I agreed to do so, and made the match on the seventh day of January, the fight to take place on the 8th of July, 1889. In company with my representatives, I met the 206 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. representatives of Kilrain at Toronto. Kilrain was not present. Everything being satisfactorily arranged by his repre- sentatives and mine, we took our departure for New York. I then came to Boston, where I stayed for a couple of months, and again went to New York, where William Muldoon was accepted as my trainer, owing to the willingness of Charley Johnston, my backer, and James Wakley, who was also interested in my half of the match. I went to his place in Belfast, N. Y., to train for the memorable event. Mike Cleary, the well- known boxer and pugilist, and as game a man as ever stepped into a twenty-four-foot ring, assisted Muldoon in training me for the contest, and helped put me in good condition. During my training with Muldoon we had a little misunderstanding, but after a day we were led to bury the hatchet. My training under these men consisted of long walks, fighting the foot-ball, throwing a ten-pound ball, using dumb-bells of four pounds each, skipping rope, and going in swimming. At the time I trained for my Kilrain fight at Belfast, N. Y., the whole of western New York and Pennsylvania was flooded through that memorable Johnstown flood. The river running through Belfast was filled with debris from all the upper country, and was quite a sight to see. Frequently during our training we went in bathing and swimming. This, of course, was very dangerous, es- pecially as the river was flooded. At the time we were there, a young man named Lauk called on us and went BATTLES 1K)TII SIDES OE THE A'I'LANTIC. 2o; bathing, very unfortunately for himself, for in attempt- ing to make his way through the falls or over the dam, he lost his life. His body was found some miles below. We never knew exactly how he came to his death, but supposed that he struck some rock beneath the surface, which stunned him. We were very careful after that about venturing into the water. After the flood had subsided somewhat, we sent one of Muldoon's dogs through the rapids several times, and I went my- self, and came very near getting seriously injured. I scraped my shin very severely by striking against a rock. It was several wrecks afterward before I fully recovered. I thought at the time that it would be more serious than it was, and might interfere with my fighting with Kilrain, but fortunately it did not. My shins at the time had not fully healed from the effects of the foul spiking which Mitchell had given me in my fight with him in France. Spiking me as he did was against all rules, and had I claimed foul on that account, I un- doubtedly would have been entitled to the fight on these grounds. He spiked me so severely that my shoes were full of blood, and I still bear the marks of those wounds. There are five large scars on my shins yet. I arrived in New Orleans on the morning of the 4th day of July, and located at Mrs. Green's private board- ing-house. Being given the use of the Young Men's Gymnastic Club, I took there what exercise was neces- sary to the muscles to keep them in active condition until the day of the fight, which was the 8th day of July. 208 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. The fight took place at Richburg, in the State of Mississippi. The Kilrain party, as well as my own, took a special train on the Queen & Crescent R. R. on Sun- day, the 7th of July. They were guests of Charles Rich, while I was quartered at the house of Mr. Smith, who was foreman for Mr. Rice. The battle was fought on the estate of Charles Rich. Kilrain was seconded by Charles Mitchell, the bombas- tic sprinter, and Mike Donovan, of the New York Ath- letic Club, and John Murphy of Boston was bottle holder. I was seconded by Mike Cleary and William Muldoon, and had for bottle holder Dan Murphy. After all the preliminaries had been arranged, Kilrain won the toss for corners and selected the southeast. I had the oppo- site corner. The referee was John Fitzpatrick, a well- known politician of New Orleans, and at the writing of this book mayor of that city. The time-keeper for the Kilrain party was Bat Masterson, of Denver; and for me Thomas Costello, of Cleveland, officiated. Finally we were assigned our corners, and the order to get ready was given. Kilrain advanced to the centre of the ring and I met him, and each man placed one thousand dol- lars in the referee's hand on himself to win. The bet being made we were ordered back to our corners, and we received the call and orders of the referee to step to the middle of the ring, shake hands and return to cor- ners. The referee said, ** Get ready," and *' Time." The hostilities commenced then, and without a blow being struck, Kilrain won first fall by throwing me with a cross buttock, ending the round. On going to my corner I ir. fegmm ^ m JAKE KILRAIN. BATTLES JMVVH SIDES OF THE ATEAXTIC. 20g remarked, " If that is his game I will fool him," and on time being called for the second round Kilrain attempted the same thing, but I was ready for him and threw him heavily to the ground, fooHng him and giving Mitchell the laugh. This spoiled Kilrain's chances of wrestling and he gave it up in despair. Time being called for the third round, we both advanced to the centre of the ring, and on Kilrain n:n- ning around his corner, I caught him, hitting him a right-hand punch under the heart, following it up with a left-hand punch on the top of the head, injuring my left hand slightly, and virtually, if I do say it myself, winning the fight right there and then, and ending the round by knocking Kilrain down.. In the succeeding rounds, there being seventy-five of them, Kilrain either went down to avoid punishment, or was knocked down with my blows, right and left handed. His tactics were pursued in endeavoring to tire me out, and were according to the advice of his seconds. Mitchell, in particular, gave him lessons in his method of dodging me w^hen I fought him in France. Now, from the best of my remembrance, I think it was in the middle of the fight that I took a drink of cold tea in which a little whiskey had been put. Joe Coburn, thinking there was not enough whiskey put in, left his seat, and coming to the corner, put in more whiskey than I could hold. There being too much liquor in the tea, and my stomach being in such a good condition, I threw it right off. My opponent's friends, seeing this, said, — ■■ 2IO LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. '' Go at him, Jake; you have got him." I said, "■ Come on." Kih-ain said, '' Give it up, John; I have got you." I said, ** Come on and fight." With the encouragement of his seconds, he came close enough to me to be knocked down, thus ending the round. From that time, Donovan, who was one of Kilrain's seconds, played between the two corners of the ring, keeping Kilrain between himself and Mitchell, and I had to fight him out of his corner repeatedly; Donovan acting like the umpire of a base-ball game, rather than like a second in a fight. During this fight it was Kilrain's intentions, through the advice of his seconds, to keep in the ring by repeatedly falling or being knocked down, it being the only resort or hope he had of winning this fight. He was carried to his corner by his seconds during all the rounds. I walked to my corner, and being asked by my seconds to sit down on a chair provided for me, refused, saying: — "What is the use of sitting down? I have to get up again," and I remained standing in my corner, talking with my seconds and friends. When asked to go on and finish Kilrain, I laughed, and said, — " Let me stay ! They say a man who can hold me half an hour can lick me. I will show these fellows that I can stay and make as long a fight as anybody else, if that is what they call fighting." I did this more to satisfy the newspaper men who had styled me a hurricane fighter and not a stayer. I BATTLES BOTH SIDES "OF THE ATLANTIC. 211 proved conclusively in this fight that I could stay as long as I liked, and could have finished this man at any time, as the fight was all my own. I was fighting an hour and twenty minutes when I was asked by Muldoon how I felt. I said, '' I never felt better in my life. How long have we been fighting? " Muldoon said, "About an hour. How long can you stay, John ? " *' Until to-morrow morning, if it is necessary," I replied. This was all in the sun at one hundred and twenty degrees. Kilrain resorted to all the tricks imaginable. He had spiked me and tore my right shoe wide open, so that the blood oozed through the shoe on to the grass. I found no fault about this, and never made it known to his seconds or to anybody else at the time. Every one could see what Kilrain's game was. In throw- ing him later, in one of the rounds, Kilrain, in falling, threw his foot up and caught me with his spike, tearing my tights open. Upon which I turned to the referee, and said, — '' Make that man fight fairly." The referee warned him not to let that occur again. He was finished five rounds before they threw the sponge up, and I was more scared than anybody for fear that I had killed him, as in each fall that he had made during the last five rounds it looked as if his neck had been broken. In the third round, after the right-hand punch, on being taken to his corner, he said, — 212 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. ** My God, I am licked. He is too strong, too power- ful, and can hit too hard." Before he had entered the ring that morning, he had told a prominent physician. Dr. J. A. Dougherty, of Philadelphia, who had been engaged by the Kilrain party to look after and attend to him in case of his being injured in the fight, that he felt so strong that he thought he could punch a hole through the wall. The doctor examined him before allowing him to enter the ring, found his pulse to be normal, and his condition in every other respect to be of the first order. These are facts that are well known, and can be substantiated by Dr. John A. Dougherty, who is a well-known member of the Athletic Club, located near the Schuylkill, in Phil- adelphia. The same doctor, who had attended him after the fight, found that he was severely punished and hurt internally, and has since told me that it looked as if Kilrain would never get over the beating that I had given him. He stated to me that he had given him a number of grains of morphine and drams of brandy, injected hyperdermically, to alleviate his suffering after this defeat. It is a well-known fact that he stated to several of his friends that it was the mistake of his life to ever have allowed himself to be so foolishly led into making a match with me. On the breaking up of the crowd after the fight was over, we went for the trains that were in waiting on the side tracks to take us back to New Orleans. Kilrain went back on the press reporter's train with Mitchell and some others, theirs being the first train to pull out. BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 2l3 I got into one of the other trains, which did not start for full}' an hour later. During our stay on the train, a passenger who was standing on the platform said he heard in the distance the coming of a train, and gave the alarm, saying that the militia were on this train. This caused quite a stampede among the passengers. I with my fighting togs on and a big coat around me, jumped through the window of the car, regardless of the pain which my hands were giving me. They were swollen to three times their natural size. I never knew how I got through that window, it being a surprise to myself as well as to everybody else. I ran over into a thicket. When some friends who had brought over my street-wearing apparel appeared, I put on my pants and coat, found it was a false alarm, re-entered the cars, and after fifteen minutes' stay, we were on our w^ay to the city of New Orleans. We arrived there about ten o'clock in the evening. I went to my private board- ing house, took a hot mustard bath and soaked my hands ; but I bore no marks, with the exception of a little scratch under my right eye, and a small sore on one side of my lip. After my bath I had supper consisting of chicken, cold meats, and Bass's ale. I sat up until about one o'clock with my friends. The next morning I took a ride, and went around visiting my friends throughout the city. To my sur- prise, on returning that evening, I was informed that the sheriff of Mississippi had arrived in New Orleans with a warrant for my arrest, as well as Kilrain's, for breaking the laws by fighting in the State of Mississippi. Through 214 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. the aid of some friends I succeeded in eluding this official by engaging an engine and one coach ; and with my backer, Charles Johnson, I bade adieu to New Orleans, running through on this special car to Grad Bay, Ala. Accompanying us were William Muldoon, Pat Duffy, Mike Cleary, Budd Reno, John Kilkenny, and two of the railroad officials, whose names I do not remember. We laid over at the above-named place, and, going Into a little store where provisions, notions, and groceries of all kinds were sold, we asked the proprietor and pro- prietress to get us something to eat. They were alarmed, not knowing who we were, and, judging from our appearance, I suppose they were afraid we would walk off with their store. However, after smooth talk, when they had found out who and what we were, they prepared a meal for us, setting down before us that well- known Southern dish, — ham and chicken, — in their own peculiar style of cooking. It tasted as well as any meal I had ever eaten, and I have indulged in my life- time in the finest table luxuries that life has ever afforded. Having finished our meal, we waited for the fast express from New Orleans, which we boarded, and on it met some of our friends who had come along. We all sat down and talked about our escapade, and, as we smoked our cigars, we thought how lucky we were to escape from the authorities of Mississippi. When we pulled into Nashville, Tenn., I was lying asleep in a stateroom, and was awakened by a war of BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 21^ words between the police and my friends. One of the former said to me as I awoke, — " What is your name ? " I told him my name was Thompson. "Well," he said, " I think your name is Sullivan." I stoutly denied this, and still said my name was Thompson. They said, "We have a warrant for your arrest." I asked them to show it, but they could not. They claimed, however, that they had a telegram from Gov. Lowry, of the State of Mississippi, to arrest SulHvan and his party. I refused to be taken out of the car, upon which the officers drew their revolvers, — there were eight of them, — and, pointing them at me, two of them put handcuffs on my wrists, after which they tried to drag me from the car. There were so many officers that they were in one another's way, and could not move me. I took it for granted that some of them would forget themselves and make a target of me, and not feeling disposed to die at this early stage of the game, I consented and went with them. They then took me to an old jail in which was situated the office of the chief of police. He was one of the party who had made the arrest. This office was more like a rat pen than anything else; and the jail, filthy as it was, was filled with negroes and whites. This arrest took place at ten o'clock in the morning. Charles Johnson, m)^ backer, was the only one who stayed behind to keep me company, thus showing that he was a true friend in need. A friend of mine, who 2l6 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. happened to be in the town, got the best lawyers In the place and brought them to me. I stated the facts of the case, and got their opinion to see what might be done in this matter. They got out a writ of habeas corpus, and took me before Judge Allison, who w^as a very liberal-minded man, and who, after hearing both sides of the case from the lawyers, ordered my dis- charge, and said I was not to be interfered with, and that I should go unmolested out of the State of Ten- nessee. My legal and other expenses of various kinds in this matter, were fort}'-five hundred dollars. Judge Allison was in no way connected with this matter, and did not receive one dollar for his action in the case, although he was accused in the newspapers, at the time, by some malicious person, of ha\'ing been bought off to turn this " burly pugilist," as they termed me, loose. They did not consider a pugilist anything more than a brute, and thought a man of muscle and science could not be gifted with brains as well ; and on this account I wish to show to my readers and to the public in general, that there is one, who, while in the line of a professional pugilist and boxer, is quite capable of informing them through the medium of this book, that he is gifted with ordinary ability, and is conscious of being something more than a pugilist. I want them also to understand that, while not of an egotistical nature, I have a fair amount of common sense, and, with a Boston public school education, can give an intelligent opinion on almost any subject, and conduct myself as a gentleman in any company. I^A'ITLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. ^1/ Leaving Nashville, Tenn,, we will go on with the rest of our story which brings me to the city of Chicago, where I made a stay of one week in the company of friends, informing them how I was being chased by the efforts of Governor Lowry who was offering one thou- sand dollars reward for the apprehension of myself as well as Kilrain. After my sojourn in Chicago, I with a friend of mine, James Curly by name, a well-known sporting man of that city, took the train for the city of New York. On arriving in New York I went to Brook- lyn, to the place of my backer, Mr. Charles Johnson, who had left me a week previous in Chicago to see how matters stood in the field, and to see what progress he could make in having the matter of my arrest fixed up in a manner that would be agreeable to Gov. Lowry and the other authorities of Mississippi, and to show that, as a matter of business, I was compelled to fight in that State as the Kilrain party had won the toss for the choice of ground, and had named Richburg, Miss. I had to ac- cept and go there to fight, or else be called by the world at large a coward ; therefore, I went there to fight, and not to break the laws of the State of Mississippi, or in any way to defy the proclamation issued by Gov. Lowry, Leaving Johnson's in Brooklyn I went to New York, where I made my home and headquarters for some time, meeting all the prominent newspaper men of the city. After a stay of two weeks in New York, I was in- formed that a requisition had been granted by Gov. Hill, who is now United States Senator, for my return to Mississippi. I was arrested by Inspector Byrnes and 2l8 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. treated in a very kindly manner, as he has always been a great admirer of mine, and has witnessed all my ex- hibitions of a knock-out character in Madison Square Garden. I was in durance vile that night, and the next morning engaged as my attorney DeLancy Nicoll who tried to have the case postponed, and to have me admitted to bail, as I wanted to go home to see my mother, in Boston, who was very sick at that time and not expected to live. Being refused bail by Judge Morgan, who was the acting judge upon this occasion, I consented to go back to Mississippi, through the ad- vice of my counsel, so that I could demand bail. I started back the next morning with Sheriff Childs of Mississippi, in whose charge I was, and Thomas Adams, one of Inspector Byrnes's men, and a friend of mine by the name of Matt Clune. We left New York on Thurs- day, and arrived . \ Jackson, Miss., Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, where I received a great ovation from the citizens, who were all "n sympathy with me, and all my friends there, among them Col. Jones Hammonton, who did everything ni their powder to intercede with the Gov- ernor in my behalf I put up at the Edwards House. The sheriff who had charge of me was a nice fellow, and had fulfilled his contract and kept his word with me, stating that I should not be locked up. He man- fully carried out his promise until some jealous-minded individual went to the Governor's mansion and told him that I was to hold a reception at the Edwards House. The reception consisted of my being introduced by Col. Jones Hammonton to the ladies of the city, and they BATTLES BOTH SIDES OE THE ATLANTIC. 2ig one and all shook hands with me in a most cordial man- ner until I thought they would take my arm from its socket. The Governor, on hearing of this, sent for the sheriff, and had ordered him to take me to jail, but being a good fellow he gave me free access to the jail- yard, where I could walk around and smoke. Col. Jones Hammonton, hearing what the Governor had done, went up and had a long talk with his Excellency, de- siring that I should be given the freedom of the city. In a very short time I was taken back to the Edwards House where I stopped until morning, when my lawyers, Judge Tyler and Mr. Green, got out a writ of habeas corpus, demanding that I should be taken to the county where my ** crime " had been committed. The name of the judge, before whom this writ was tried, was Campbell. He had ordered me brought back to Purvis, Miss., which was the county seat, at which place my offence, as it was termed, was com- mitted. I was brought back to Purvis, taking the train that evening at five o'clock from Jackson, and arriving in Meriden the following evening. The Governor also boarded the same train, and, meeting Judge Terrel, who was holding court in Meriden, ordered him to dispense with court and go to Purvis and try this special case. We left Meriden early the next morning, arriving in Purvis about eight o'clock the same evening. Sheriff Childs handed me over to Sheriff Cottel, who was sheriff of that county, he (Childs) being relieved of any further charge of me. I was obliged to remain three weeks in Purvis, as it took them that length of time to empanel a 220 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. jury to try and convict me. This tliey accomplished, and, my sentence being twelve months in the county jail, I made an appeal to the Supreme Court, giving bonds for one thousand dollars to appear there the following June. My lawyers made objections to the unfair trial I had received at the hands of this jury. They convicted me of prize fighting, and some two months later, when Kilrain was brought back for the same charge, they convicted him of assault and battery, showing their ignorance and partiality in this affair. This jury, which consisted of all shapes and styles of the human type, would have made a good picture for some of our comic illustrated papers. My lawyers, now taking care of this part of the affair, after the appeal from the lower court to the Supreme Court, kept me informed how my case was progressing, and, not knowing what time it might be called, I re- mained idle almost a year, with the exception of five or six weeks that I travelled with a show called the " Pay- master," in which Duncan B. Harrison was starring, and gave sparring exhibitions with Joe Lannan. I received the sum of one thousand dollars per week for my ser- vices, and Joe Lannan three hundred dollars per week as his salary. Being informed by my lawyers that on June 19 my case would be tried, as it had been referred back from the Supreme Court to the Circuit Court, I returned to Purvis. The case was referred back on the grounds that I did not have a fair trial. I met the same judge and district attorney, whose name was Nevil. They informed me that if I would plead guilty to prize BAITLKS KOTII SIDKS OF THP: ATLANTIC. 221 fighting, they would fine me, and that the fine could not exceed one thousand dollars, as that was a statute law. I stated that if they would say that in the presence of Col. Tom Ford, who was one of my lawyers in the first trial, and any other friend, I would go in the morning and plead guilty to prize fighting. It actually cost me eighteen thousand six hundred and seventy dollars to get out of this fight. What it cost Kilrain, I do not know, but on account of my being the victor, and hav- ing a reputation for '* throwing money away," they made me settle in good shape. After having settled my case in the South, I remained about New York during the summer of 1890. In July or August I formed a co-partnership with Duncan B. Harrison to appear with him in a play called ** Honest Hearts and Willing Hands." We opened in August, 1890, at Niblo's Garden, New York, and made a tour of the country, appearing in all the principal cities through- out the United States, clear through to San Francisco, Cal. I appeared in all cities as an actor, which was my first attempt in the histrionic h'ne, and made money everywhere. As it w^ould be impossible to give here the diverse comments of the papers on my performances, perhaps the following from a member of the profession will be fitting as a substitute. When I played in Cincinnati, April 21, of the present year. Madam Modjeska, seated in a box at Henck's Theatre, witnessed the performance of " Honest Hearts and Willing Hands," and seemed to enjoy it very much. 222 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. When asked how she Hked my acting she repHed : — " O, I hke him very well, indeed. He speaks his lines naturally, and one likes that bluff, hearty manner. It is in keeping with the part. Of course, he has n't the gracefulness of gesture and business, but he is very good." Asked about the sparring exhibition, the good woman did n't just know about it, and she wrinkled her brow in puzzling to answer: " It looks so rough, and they might get hurt, but I suppose they would have to take their exercise anyway." My career has brought me frequently into a position to make the acquaintance and form estimates of many interesting members of this profession. In regard to this a Chicago paper gives the following facetious account of an encounter with one of them. Of course allowance must be made for the writer's lively imagination. " Two stars of the first magnitude clashed together last St. Patrick's Day somewhere in the aristocratic re- gion of Michigan Avenue. It was a dazzling display to the watchers of the skies, making the weak-eyed sun hide his diminished head, and totally eclipsing the splendor of the far-famed aurora borealis. '* At that time Venus and Mars were observed to be in conjunction by the loungers on the lake front. As Danny Shay soulfully whispered, ' Bedad, the sight of the pair uv them wud warrim the cockels of yer heart ; to persave the Graycian Goddess uv Love an' the divas- taten man uv war together wuz a komplayte cure for sore eyes.' *' As John L. Sullivan, the champion of the world and BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 223 the only human pile-driver in that arduous and noble profession, was leaving the auditorium, he encountered the beauteous Lillian Russell entering the rotunda. " After her morning constitutional down Michigan boulevard Miss Lillian looked as fresh as a May morn- ing, her eyes sparkling and a big bunch of green ribbon fluttering on her breast. It was, indeed, as Danny Shay so truthfully observed, a meeting of the gods on high Olympus. Like the transit of Venus or the birth of such another sprinter as Curly Charley Mitchell, it occurs only once in a hundred years. " For a moment the champion beauty and the cham- pion boxer faced each other in silence, as if sizing up each other's strong points. The champion was a trifle groggy as he beheld the dazzling array of loveliness. Then the beauty blushed, averting her face and turning her dewy eyes to the floor, and the champion feinted with his deadly left, removed his stove-pipe with his right, and, bowing, murmured, abashed, in a classic Back Bay whisper : — *' * I throw up the sponge. I could n't knock her out in four rounds. She 's prettier than Rosy O'Neill's picture that Maggie Cline is turning toward the wall every night down at Tony Pastor's, for fifty a turn.' " 'Ah ! good morning, Mr. John L.,' began the beauty in silvery tones, frankly extending her gloved hand and bathing the champion in one of her glorious violet glances that cures the grippe, and which nearly knocked him into a trance. '* ' Let me grasp the hand of the great John L.,' 224 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. murmured the radiant Lillian, with charming candor. * Won't you? Please do; that's a good boy/ *' 'Why, certainly,' quoth John, taking the proffered palm and squeezing it so tight that Lillian winced till the tears came to her eyes. * Don't spring such chest- nuts as that on me,' said John. ' Everyone I meet wants to grasp my hand ; it 's getting monotonous. How are they coming, Miss Lillian? I hope I haven't hurt you,' John ventured to remark, as if sparring for wind. " * They are arriving in gondolas,' murmured Lillian, sweetly ; * and with a rapidity that is extremely gratify- ing; but I won't shake hands with you in a hurry again, Mr. John L. ; you 've a grip like a bear. We're turning them away over at the Columbia. There 's breathing room only, and precious little of that, Alf Hayman tells me,' continued the queen of comic opera getting down to business. *' ' Same case here; Joe Baylies claims you can't keep them away from the People's this week with cannons ; the house is so full they bulge out of the windows and hang on the fire escapes by their eye- brows. Chicago 's a great town. There 's only one New York and that's Chicago. Let me think. Last week the aldermen wanted to give me the freedom of Chicago, but I refused. I was holding out for the com- pressed-air franchise, but that was gobbled up by Mr. Bacon, so Mayor Washburne could n't let me have it. But you bet I 'm due for the next franchise or there '11 be trouble ; and the mayor has promised, so has Tim Scanlan, to let me in on the ground floor.' BATTLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 225 * By the way, Mr. John L., where 's your green ribbon this morning? . Shame on you, sir! don't you know this is St. Patrick's day? You '11 never be elected pres- ident if you go on this way.' " * Why, that 's a fact,' groaned John, ruefully ; * shiver my timbers, but I forgot all about it. They 'd murder me over in the unterrified nineteenth ward if I loomed up without a sprig of green in my buttonhole- What '11 I do to square myself with the populace? ' " ' Oh, I '11 save you from being slaughtered,' returned Airy Fairy Lillian. ' I want you to whip James Cor- bett, and win that $50,000. Sabe, Mr. John L. ? let me pin this piece of green to your lapel. Stand straight ; I won't hurt you ; so ; don't get frightened. You 're too big to cry; there we are. Now, Mr. John L., you wear my colors, go in and win, and knock out all the telephone fighters down at New Orleans next Sep- tember.' " As a diversion, at intervals between boxing and theatre engagements, I kept alive my youthful interest in base ball, by acting as umpire, pitcher, or in some other ca- pacity on special occasions. There is a droll account of one of these occasions which appeared in the New York Mornitig Journal: — " Mr. John L. Sullivan astonished everybody in Phil- adelphia by appearing this morning in a full Quaker habit. He came out in front of the Continental Hotel wearing a long drab coat, cut of 1 702, and a wide brimmed hat, and sat down in a comfortable armchair. School children who passed by said, * See the good old 226 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. Quaker ! What a pious man he is ! ' Mr. SulHvan's face had a serious expression softened by a look of benevolence. "'Get on to him ! ' said Arthur Chambers's Pet to Owney Geoghegan's Chicken, as the two gentlemen approached the hotel. " ' Blast my heyes ! ' said the Chicken, * hif that h'aint hold George Fox 'imself; 'ovvsomehever, it may be Villiam Penn.' " The two men stood still and looked at Sullivan a moment with wondering eyes. " ' 'Ullo, Villiam Penn, watchyer doin' hin them togs ; watchyer racket? ' said the Chicken. '"Good morning to thee, friend Chicken; hast thou had^any 'scrap' this week ? Was the referee kind to thee in that last scrimxmage in Brother Hezekiah Doo- lan's dog-pit with Bill Chandler's Ghost?' ' Hennybody 'ud know you was ha Quaker. W'at makes you so fly? W'y 'ave you got hon them church regimentals?' continued the Chicken. *' ' Well, you see,' said Sullivan, ' that if I was in Rome I would do as the Romans do, so when I'm in Philadel- phia I do as the Quakers do. The landlord told me that a good many representatives of the old Quaker fam- ilies would probably call on me to-day, and so out of respect for their feelings and in courtesy to them I have put on this costume.' "'Well,' said Arthur Chambers's Pet, 'if you were In Mexico would you do as the Aztecs do? If you were among the Choctaws would you do as the Choctaws do? BATfLES BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. 22/ If }'ou were among the cannibals would you call for a piece of parboiled missionary on toast? The Quakers are the Aztecs of Philadelphia.' "A good many old Quakers called on Sullivan during the forenoon, and were received by him with plain old- fashioned courtesy. They spoke of him pleasantly as the * ficfhtinGf Quaker.' '' About one o'clock Sullivan called a cab, driven by a Quaker, and drove down to the City Hall, \\hcre the mayor and Col. McClure were waiting to receive him, Col. McClure was in full-dress suit, and had been wait- ing patiently for three hours, as he had expected the distinguished guest since ten o'clock. Mr. Sullivan entered the room containing the portraits of the mayors and of Revolutionary heroes. As he came in, Wash- ington, Franklin, and the other pictured worthies seemed to shrink in size. Owney Geoghegan's Chicken accom- panied Mr. Sullivan. '* Col. McClure advanced to meet the great pugilist and shook hands with him w^armly. "' Who is that? ' said Sullivan pointing his umbrella at a faded picture on the wall. '* ' That,' said Col. McClure, ' is Washington.' " * Wash — ? Who was Wash — ' asked the Chicken of Sullivan in an undertone. "* Sh ' — said Sullivan. * He was a terror. He» had a big scrap with Cornwallis at Yorktown and knocked him out in two rounds. No police interference. Referee said 'twas fair, and George took the stakes and the colors,' 228 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. *' * And who is that crank?* asked SuUivan, indicating another portrait with his umbrella. " 'That is mad Anthony Wayne,' said Col. McClure; * one of our Pennsylvanians.' ** Mr. Sullivan, Col. McClure, the mayor and Owney Geoghegan's Chicken, after a few moments of conversa- tion about the Revolutionary War and the part Pennsyl- vania had taken in it, walked into the mayor's office and partook of an elegant lunch. *' Sullivan and the Chicken left the City Hall at three o'clock surrounded by thousands of people. As Sulli- van was walking in Chestnut Street a little policeman about five feet high blocked his way and insisted on arresting him for gathering a crowd on the street. Sul- livan was bullied by a bandy-legged policeman at the baseball grounds yesterday, and thought that it was about time to curb the Philadelphia police. He picked up the belligerent policeman, put him under his arm and marched down the street with him for a block, and set him down on a water-plug, an immense crowd following." PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 229 CHAPTER XL PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE — HOME CONCLUSIONS. Visit to the Antipodes — Sandwich and Samoa Islands, New Zea- land AND Australia — Entertained by Royalty — Admired by Aborigines — Return, and Theatrical Tour in the United States — Home Again — Estimates of Fighters Met — The Gamest Group - The Sprinter Set — Summary of Objections TO London Prize-Ring Rules — Superiority of the Marquis OF Queensbury Rules. ARLY in 1891 I arranged a trip to Australia, and sailed June 26 from San Francisco on the good ship *' Mariposa," commanded by Cap- tain Haywood. There was nothing to mar the pleasure of our trip, except that my old friend, Frank Moran, was taken sick, aboard, with an attack of paralysis. Previous to my leaving San Francisco, I appeared in a bout with Mr. James Corbett. It was simply friendly. After a sail of six days we stopped at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, long enough to give an exhibition and to enable the steamer to coal up. I found the people of Honolulu very kind and cordial. There was a little colony composed entirely of Americans. While 230 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. in Honolulu, Queen Isabelle, sister of King Kalakaua, called on me at our hotel. She referred with sorrow to the fact that her brother was dead, and told me had he been alive he would have been only too pleased to have called on me and entertained me to the best of his ability , We talked on various subjects, and I found her a most entertaining and interesting person. We spoke of America at great length, and she seemed to greatly admire our Republic. We left Honolulu, and after a day's sail, stood off from Tintula, where we delivered the mail which was taken with some passengers on a steamer that had sailed out to take them off. We did not stay there any length of time. At the Samoa Islands I saw the harbor where the American and. German war-ships were destroyed by one of the worst hurricanes ever known. The natives there exhibited great curiosity to see me, and made exclama- tions which I was given to understand meant something like '' Great Chief." We next left for Auckland, Aus., where we remained some few hours, but did not come to anchor. We landed about July 20 at Sydney, N. S. W., where we were met by a tug to take me off. Duncan B. Harrison, my partner, was aboard the tug with a number of Australian sporting men who had come to welcome me, but I re- fused to leave the ship as I did not want to leave my friend, Frank Moran, who was sick. We left the steamer the next morning, and were tendered a banquet by a great many friends in Sydney. Remaining in Syd- PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 23 1 ney a week, rehearsing, we prepared for our opening and made our d-'but there at her Majesty's theatre, which is considered the best equipped and most beautiful tlieatre in Austraha. We stopped at the Australian Hotel, which is regarded as the best in the city. From Sydney, New South Wales, we went to Mel- bourne, Victoria, a ride of nineteen hours by rail. We stopped at the White Hart Hotel, and played for three weeks at the Grand Opera House. After leaving Mel- bourne, we stopped at the principal cities throughout Australia, — Ballarat, three nights ; Bcndigo, two nights ; Adelaide, three nights; Cathlenain, one night; Mary- boro, one night; Stahl, one night; and in all, we showed about six and one half weeks. I did not give myself up to much pleasure in Austraha. I went sight- seeing on different occasions, visiting with my friend. Air. Mactier, at Adelaide. We drove around the city and over the mountains, visiting the " Eagle on the hill," and the Falls. During my stay m Australia, I met all the principal officials and men of note, among them Gov. Hopeton, of Melbourne, Victoria. I had some general conversa- tion with the latter, comparing my country and his. He is well informed, and he treated me very kindly. At Melbourne I was introduced to the members of the Parliament which was then in session. They stopped at the same hotel with us, — the White Hart, — corner of Burke and Spring Streets. As my readers probably all know, members are elected there by ballot, under the Australian system, which system is being generally 232 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. adopted in the United States. I met and was intro- duced to Gov. Jersey, of Sydney, at the race track, Melbourne, where we both witnessed the races. I have seen quite a number of horse races in this country, but I never saw any Hke those they have in AustraHa. They race distances of from one to three miles. No time is recorded, and racing, on the whole, tends to kill a horse rather than increase his speed. Hurdle racing is very popular there. They have a crude system of betting, very inferior to ours, and the English system of book- making. In Melbourne I met the " Evangeline " Com- pany and part of the ** County Fair" Company. The railroad facilities of Australia I found no better than those of England, and altogether very inferior to our American railroads. The Australian sporting paper, The Referee, voiced opinion in that country in the following: — "Next Monday the 'Alameda' will once more set sail — a moving link between the two great continents of Australia and America. On board this splendid ves- sel, homeward bound, goes the renowned pugilist, John L. Sullivan, the hurricane comet of the fistic firmament. John has not made the barrels of money it was expected he would coin here in Australia, but, on the whole, private advices inform me, he has not done so badly. *' I saw plenty of Sullivan while here in our city of Sydney ; I certainly saw nothing that anyone of the most sensitive moral organization could cavil at. He was free with his coin to those with whom he was acquainted, and the only time I saw his sympathies rACIFIC OCKAN VOVACIE, ETC. 233 appealed to he gave, and gave liberally, to help a woman in hard circumstances. If he had landed in Australia on a knocking-out expedition, travelling from city to city with a boxing show, as he did in Great Britain and America, he would have made a little for- tune, and would have been the idol of the sporting community. The fact of the matter is simply this : The populace had heard for years past of Sullivan, the man of magical quickness and terrible dexterity with the gloves. They had longed to see him in action ; for of all the boxing people alive, none are so enthusiastic as the populace of Australia. Should Sullivan ever come this way again, and come in his true guise, with his grand physique in perfect trim, his brawny muscles braced for action and gloves on his hands, with an offer pasted on his portmanteau to ' stop any man in the country in four rounds/ then I venture to predict that he will not find halls big enough to accommodate his patrons. He has been marching through a hostile country, to a certain extent ; and here, where Jackson, and Slavin, and Goddard are looked upon as being invincible, Sullivan has been regarded as the only man on earth who has a chance of lowering one or all of them." We returned from Australia on the steamship *' Ala- meda," under Capt. Mose ; leaving Oct. 3, and arriving in San Francisco Oct. 26, 1891. I remained in San Francisco some time arranging a company, and opened in Sacramento on my trip eastward. We showed all through the West, British Columbia, and Manitoba. 21,4 LIFE AND ^REMINISCENCES. I then made a new contract with Mr. Harrison, appear- ing in Philadelphia for a week, in Brooklyn a week, and closing in Boston at the Howard Athenaeum on the 4th of June, 1892, the attendance being very large. As the narration of my reminiscences now brings me back again to my native place, and very near to the rounding out of that portion of the career with which my name has been most 'connected, — that of a boxer and pugilist, — I feel in a position to give some expres- sions of opinion based on experience. Of all the men with whom I have boxed, sparred, and fought, I consider Ryan, Kilrain, Slade, and Flood the gamest group. Of the genuine gameness of these men, in my opinion, there can be no doubt. Ryan stood up and fought me like a man, did not resort to any trickery or petty dirtiness, but fought from the start, and he was in the ring for the same purpose that I was, namely : to demonstrate which was the superior man. Ryan has pluck, so has Kilrain, so have Slade and Flood. Others may differ from me in this opinion, but I really think I ought to know about the men, as I have faced and beaten them all. Kilrain fought for all he was worth in my last battle with him, and stood his punishment gamely. Slade and Flood did the same. To show Slade's gameness, when I knocked him through the ropes in our glove fight, in New York city, he fell quite a distance, struck heavily, but got up and came back on the stage unassisted, and attempted to go right on and fight. Most persons, fighting under the same circumstances, would require Pacific ocean \o\ac.e, etc. ^35 assistance, and the chances are they would have quit rather than go back. Slade had the disadvantage that all big men have that I have met with, — the bigger they are the more heavily they fall. Very different from my encounters with these men was my fight with Mitchell. As the last round of that memorable fight will show, and is recorded, the last thirty-nine minutes passed without a blow being struck, for the very simple reason that I was unable to catch him or get within striking distance. It was simply run, run, run, he in the lead and I not as good as a close secondo Repeatedly in that last round I asked him to let us have one decent round, to all of which he paid no attention, but went on with his talk, telling me that I could not catch him. in a month. A spectator remarked that the fight had already lasted three hours, to which Mitchell replied very sarcastically, — " I will make it last six hours before he catches me." His whole game was to avoid me, not to fight me. Eugene Field gives the following clev-erly humorous take-off on a fight between Mitchell and myself: — *' We fully expect to have the opportunity of laying before our readers, some time next September, an accu- rate report of the meeting between John L. Sullivan and Charlie Mitchell, beginning in this wise: — ** When the bell tapped both men scored evenly and got away, Mitchell securing a distinct lead from the start, which he steadily increased. 236 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. " Second Rottnd. Mitchell continues in good form. At the end of the seventh mile he threw off his shoes, and after that he travelled somewhat lighter and freer. Sullivan appeared to be losing wind, but his friends think he may overtake his competitor in the woods near the Alabama line along toward morning. *' Third Round, Sullivan has just made a tremen- dous spurt of six miles. Mitchell is out of sight, and pools sell five to one in his favor. " Fonrth Round. Mitchell has just stubbed his toe on the projecting root of a cypress. First blood for Mitchell. " Fifth Ronnd. Slavin and Ryan, who have been acting as Mitchell's seconds, fell off their bicycles near the end of the seventy-third mile completely exhausted. Mitchell, apparently as fresh as when he started, is still forging ahead. Sullivan is said to be laid up at a farm-house, near Bayou Catouche, under the care of a chiropodist. " Later. The race has been awarded to Mitchell, who is still running. Sullivan is severely punished about the feet, and may lose several toes," etc., etc. Very different from this style of fighting was the style of the men I have mentioned, and I must add Joe Goss, for he was surely as game a man as ever breathed, and was also as true a friend as I ever had, or any man could have. One instance of his honesty was brought out by his refusing to accept forty-five hundred dollars in cold cash, from parties whom I do not care to men- tion, who wanted him to drug me before the Ryan fight PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 237 in 1882. He was offered this money by a certain clique to fix me, and, needless to say, he proved true blue to me as a friend. Another thing I will mention about Mitchell : he gets credit, according to one of the best sporting papers in the country, namely the Clipper, for knocking me down in Madison Square Garden. While that is correct in one sense, I will repeat that in the position that I was in no man ever breathed who could avoid it, standing as I was with my feet close together ; and, practically, I was ** set down." For instance, if a man is standing with his feet close together and his opponent punches him in the stomach, his natural tendency is to double up ; but he struck me somewhat higher, and the actual effect was that instead of falling backwards and being knocked down in the manner generally understood by being knocked down, I went down all in a lump, somewhat after the style of going to sit in a chair. When I started out boxing, I felt within myself, as I do now, that I could knock out any man living. I could always beat a man's guard down, and when boxing for a contest I never attempt to spar for an opening, but I go right in to box, and win from the start. I do not believe in sparring to feel the other man out. The other man is second to me at every stage of the fight ; I go in to win from the very first second, and I never stop until I have won. Win I must, and win I will, at every stage of the game. I never had stage fright in my life ; do not know what it is, and do not suppose I could understand it if 238 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. somebody would try to explain it to me. Another thing I will say : I never have been hit hard enough by any- body to feel it during the fight. I have never felt a man's blow in my life. I was the first one to demonstrate, under Marquis of Queensbury rules, that I could knock a man out of time in less than four rounds, which means, in actual fighting time, twelve minutes. In my career I have knocked out not less than one hundred men. Some of the en- counters I remember, while others of little importance I have forgotten. Had I never started boxing, I question very much if there would ever have been any such attempt made. I have demonstrated my superiority as a boxer over every man living that I have ever met. In attempting to knock men out in four rounds, the idea of which is original with me, I have been handi- capped from the fact that the majority of audiences before which I have appeared hsfve always been with my opponent. I have been supposed to possess such wonderful strength of hitting power, that unless I knocked the man dead, the audiences, especially in cases of local pride, have thought that my opponent was a wonderful man to even dare to put up his hands in front of me. Any man of reason will readily understand, — for it must be admitted that a referee is only human, — every referee is more or less influenced by the feeling of the audience, and, being handicapped as I have been in the majority of my boxing matches, I have had to demon- strate beyond all possible doubt, my superiority over PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 239 my opponents. I knocked out fifty-nine men tluring my eight-months tour. Tug Wilson was the first man who ever succeeded in staying before me for four rounds, and he only did that by floor crawling, hugging, and avoiding me in every way possible. He dropped twenty-eight times. After he succeeded, several others attempted to do the same thing ; some of them have been successfiil. His actions, as well as those who have succeeded, are in direct vio- lation of Marquis of Queensbury rules, but referees in those instances have never decided strictly according to the rules. Although I have knoxyn that the referees were wrong, and did not allow me full justice in a num- ber of instances, I have never urged their doing their duty, and allowing me credit for all such fouls and infractions of the rules ; but have allowed all my oppo- nents leniency of which they took advantage. I have always taken into consideration the fact that people who had paid their money to see me boxing or fighting, are entitled to some consideration for their money, and instead of claiming all that has been due me, I have gone right on to give the audience their money's worth by defeating my opponent, despite the fact that I was handicapped by the repeated violations of the rules. There are a thousand and one ways in which a man can violate the rules without doing so openly ; not only that, but there are many instances that I might quote and have actually seen, where men have preferred to lose on a foul rather than be beaten fairly. Whenever I have boxed with men who have resorted to all the trickery 240 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. and sharp practices which they or their friends could invent, the match has lasted longer than where the men have come up manfully and fought me. The length of the match has always depended upon the amount of trickery my opponent could resort to and his sprinti-ng abilities. Some made it last longer than others. Now, in the face of such matches the gen- eral public give the man who makes the longest fight the credit of being the best boxer or fighter; whereas such should not be the case by any means, for where one man stands up manfully and fights, and does his best to win and is consequently knocked out in short order, the other man does not attempt to win but at- tempts to make the fight last as long as possible, de- pending upon police interference and hoping to make a draw, and knowing that the public will give him. credit for having made a long fight. I have been asked a great many times what rules I prefer to fight under, and what I thought of the merits of the dift"erent rules of fighting. Now, I will say, for reasons which I will give, that I consider the Marquis of Queensbury rules the best for everybody, for under those rules each man has an even chance. The London Prize-Ring rules, of course, have been taken as the only ones for years back, but times and circumstances are continually changing. I object to the London Prize-Ring rules, in the first place as being against the laws of all English-speaking countries ; and in breaking the law of the land a man always lays himself liable to fine or imprisonment. an4 PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 24 1 sometimes both. I have found, from my experience, that breaking these particular laws has been very ex- pensive to me, for in all the fights that I have been in under the London Prize-Ring rules, I have not only lost money, but have also had the care and worriment inci- dental to arrests, trials, and penalties. It has always cost me more money to get out of my fights under those rules than I have ever gained from them. Again, I have never seen a fight under the London Prize-Ring rules but what those present were of a rougher character than I have seen under the Marquis of Queensbury rules ; and wherever the rowdy element predominates, there is always sure to be trouble, both for the fighters and the audience. The London Prize-Ring rules require that the ring shall be made on turf, with eight stakes and ropes. The ring being pitched in the open air al- lows everybody to see the ring and fighters without any cost of admission ; and, consequently, the audience is made up of a class of people who cannot afford to pay, and would not pay any reasonable amount to witness the contest. Where such an audience assembles there will always be found a certain class of dishonest men practising their nefarious work, Avhereas, under the Mar- quis of Queensbury rules, the contest usually takes place in a hall of some description under police supervision, and the price of admission is put purposely high so as to exclude the rowdy element, and a gentleman can see the contest, feeling sure that he will not be robbed of any of his valuables or in any way be interfered with. Lender the Marquis of Queensbury rules the manly art 242 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. of self defence, of which I am considered an authority, is conducted for the benefit of gentlemen, not rowdies. Fighting, under the Marquis of Queensbury rules be- fore gentlemen, is a pleasure ; to the other element it becom.es a brawl. There are hundreds of ways in fighting under the London Prize-Ring rules, whereby the best man can lose, or at least not win, through trickery. In my descriptions of my various fights, I believe I have illustrated how several of these tricks are done. Under the Marquis of Queensbury rules no clinching is allowed, no wrestling, and the superiority of the contestants is judged by the actions of their hands, and not by kicking, nor biting, nor gouging. Under the London Prize-Ring rules, all the mean tactics can sometimes be used right under the eyes of the referee without his seeing them. Contests last too long to demionstrate which is the superior man, and the length of time occupied does not depend on the supe- riority of the man as a fighter or boxer, but the con- temptible trickery possessed. There are hundreds of instances where men fighting under the London Prize- Ring rules, and knowing that they were inferior to their opponent, have resorted to trickery, so as to lose the fight on a foul rather than to be beaten fairly, according to the rules. Fighting and boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules are conducted for the purpose of not only determining which is the superior man, but also for the benefit and education of its gentlemanly patrons. Gentlemen and business men of all vocations cannot afford to give up the time to witness fighting under the PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 243 London Prize-Ring rules, for the reason that it takes too long in the first place, and in the second place it is against the law, and every spectator, as well as each participant, is amenable to the law. Fighting under the Marquis of Queensbury rules is of such a nature that the superiority of the men can be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of everybody, in a reasonable length of time, and without obliging the audience to witness any unnecessary brutality and evi- dences of rowdyism. Fighting or boxing under these rules with gloves demonstrates to everybody's satisfac- tion which is the superior man, and never leaves either participant marked or maimed for life, as under the London rules. Any two gentlemen can compete in a contest under the Marquis of Queensbury rules with ordinary-sized gloves, and demonstrate which is the more skilful of the two, without feeling that afterwards they will have to appear among their friends with dis- colored optics, or marked faces. These rules recom- mend themselves to all gentlemanly boxers. Another great objection to the London Prize-Ring rules, is, that public opinion is opposed to any one fight- ing under them. There is not one man in a hundred who does not like to see a contest for points and science where neither participant is liable to become injured. I can win under any rules, but I don't want to break the law, nor go to the trouble and expense which always comes after fighting under the London Prize-Ring rules. I can demonstrate with gloves as well as with bare knuckles my superiority as a fighter ; either way suits 244 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. me. But I don't feel as though I ought to disregard public opinion and patrons of boxing matches. Summing up my reasons, I will state that the Marquis of Queensbury rules are the best, for under these rules a man can demonstrate his superiority without fear of the law; without showing unnecessary brutality, either to himself or his opponent; without the great expense in- cidental to fighting under the London Prize-Ring rules, and also with better advantage to himself. The London Prize-Ring rules allow too much lee-way for the rowdy element to indulge in their practices. Such mean tricks as spiking, biting, gouging, concealing snuff in one's mouth to blind an opponent ; strangling, butting with the head, falling down without being struck; scratching with nails; kicking; falling on an antagonist with the knees ; the using of stones or resin, and the hundred other tricks that are impossible under the Marquis of Queensbury rules, are under the others practised almost openly. In almost all boxing or fighting contests, the rules are more or less broken ; but the extent to which they can be broken depends solely upon the referee. The judg- ment in his case must be relied on solely. A great many resort to all means for claiming a fight for their man, and on all grounds ; some trivial and some of them worthy ones. I do not believe in deciding a contest on any trivial breaking of the rules ; but it is impossible sometimes to tell whether it is intentional or not. Again, where a large number of spectators have assembled, and gone to the expense and trouble of attending a contest, PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 245 it is not to be expected that a referee will decide a fight on technicalities, unless the rules be so grossly broken as to be plain to everybody present. People pay their money to see, and are never satisfied with an}' decisions the referee can give, but always want to decide for them- selves which is the better man ; and, as a rule, they want to see it fought to the end. They can hardly be blamed for so wanting. My experience with referees has been that they have all endeavored to be as impartial as possible, and have decided as fairly as they possibly could under the cir- cumstances. We are all human, and it is only fair to allow that a referee can be guided by an audience in his feelings and decisions, as any man would be under the same circumstances. There is no trouble in securing referees or seconds for fighting or boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules, as fighting under these rules is not illegal. A contest conducted under such management, and decided by such men, is always open and above board. One thing for which I find fault with the London Prize-Ring rules is that, instead of a fight, it sometimes turns into a sprinting match, as Mitchell turned it with me in France. There have been in England three notable codes or *' Rules of the Ring," for the ordering of pugilistic con- tests. The first were known as '* Broughton's Rules." They governed all prize fights in England for nearly a century, till the adoption of the code known commonly as the *' London Prize-Ring Rules." 246 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. The ** Marquis of Queensbury Rules " provide for reg- ular rounds of three minutes instead of the former system of ending a round when one of the contestants came to the ground. The London Ring rules are still fol- lowed in England ; but never, it may be depended on, when the contest is intended to be fair and above board. Broughton was the first man who made regular rules for modern boxing. Up to his time a prize fight was a rough-and-tumble scrimmage, in which the men might choke each other, wrestle, butt with the head, trip, and strike a man on his knees. " Broughton's Rules" were "produced for the better regulation of the amphitheatre, approved by the gentle- men, and agreed to by the pugilists, August, 1743." They continued in force till *' The New Rules of the Ring" were adopted in 1838. Broughton's Rules were : — 1. That a sauare yard be chalked in the middle of the stage, from which the men shall begin the fight; and every fresh set-to, after a fall or being parted from the rails, each second is to bring his man to the side of the square and place him opposite the other. 2. After a fall, if the second does not bring his man to the side of the square within the space of half a minute, he shall be deemed a beaten man. 3. That no person shall be upon the stage except principals and seconds. 4. That no man be deemed beaten unless he fails coming up to the line in the limited time, or that his own second declares him beaten. 5. The winning man to have two thirds of the money. 6. The principals to choose two umpires who shall choose a referee. 7. That no boxer is to hit his adversary when he is down, or seize him by the ham, the breeches, or any part below the waist; a man on his knees to be reckoned down. PACIFIC OCEAN VOYAGE, ETC. 24; RULES OF THE LONDON PRIZE RING. 1. The ring shall be made on turf, and shall be four-and-tvventy feet square, formed of eight stakes and ropes, the latter extending in double lines, the uppermost line being four feet from the ground, and the lower two feet from the ground. In the centre of the ring a mark ])e formed to be termed a scratch. ' 2. Each man shall be attended to the ling by two seconds and a bottle-holder. The combatants, on shaking hands, shall retire until the seconds of each have tossed for choice of position, which adjusted, the winner shall choose his corner according to the state of the wind or 'sun, and conduct his man thereto; the loser taking the opposite diagonal corner. 3. Each man shah be provided with a handkerchief of a color suitable to his own fancy, and the seconds shall entwine these handkerchiefs at the upper end of one of the centre stakes. 1 hese handkerchiefs shall be called " Colors," and the xs inner of the battle at its conclusion shall be entitled to their possession as the trophy of victory. 4. The two umpires shall be chosen by the seconds or backers to watch the progress of the battle, and take exception to any breach of the rules hereafter stated. A referee shall be chosen by the umpires, unless other- wise agreed on, to whom all disputes shall be referred; and the decision of this referee, whatever it may be, shall be final and strictly bind- ing on all parties, whether as to the matter in dispute or the issue of the battle. The referee shall be provided with a watch for the purpose of calling time; the call of that referee only to be attended to, and no other person whatever shall interfere in calling time. The referee shall withhold all opinion till appealed to by the umpires, and the umpires strictly abide by his decision without dispute. 5. On the men being stripped it shall be the dutv of the seconds to examine their drawers, and if any objection arises as to insertion of improper substances therein, they shall appeal to their umpires who with the concurrence of the referee, shall direct what alterations shall be made. 6. The spikes in the fighting boots shall be confined to three in number which shall not exceed three eighths of an inch from the sole of the boot' and shall not be less than one eighth of an inch broad at the point; two' to be placed in the broadest part of the sole and one in the heel; and in the 248 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. event of a man wearing any other spikes, either in the toes or elsewhere, he shall be compelled either to remove them or provide other boots prop- erly spiked, the penalty for refusal to be a loss of the stakes. 7. Both men being ready, each shall be conducted to that side of the scratch next his corner previously chosen; and the seconds on the one side, and the men on the other, having shaken hands, the former shall immedi- ately leave the ring, and there remain until the round be finished, on no pretense whatever approaching their principals during the round, without permission from the referee. The penalty to be the loss of the battle to the offending parties. 8. At the conclusion of the round when one or both of the men shall be down, the seconds shall step into the ring and carry or conduct their prin- cipals to his corner, there affording him the necessary assistance, and no person whatever be permitted to interfere in his duty. 9. On the expiration of thirty seconds the referee appointed shall cry " Time," upon which each man shall rise from the knee of his second and walk to his own side of the scratch unaided; the seconds immediately leaving the ring. The penalty for either of them remaining eight seconds after the call of time to be the loss of the battle to his principal; and either man failing to be at the scratch within eight seconds shall be deemed to have lost the battle. 10. On no consideration whatever shall any person except the seconds or the referee be permitted to enter the ring during the battle; nor till it shall have been concluded ; and in the event of such unfair practice, or the ropes or stakes being disturbed or removed, it shall be in the power of the referee to award the victory to that man who, in his honest opinion, shall have the best of the contest. 11. The seconds shall not interfere, advise or direct the adversary of their principal, and shall refrain from all offensive and irritating expres- sions, in all respects conducting themselves with order and decorum, and confine themselves to the diligent and careful discharge of their duties to their principals. 12. In picking up their men, should the seconds wilfully injure the antagonist of their principal, the latter shall be deemed to have forfeited the battle on the decision of the referee. 13. It shall be a fair " stand up fight," and if either man shall wilfully throw himself down without receiving a blow, whether blozvs shall have pre- viously been exchanged or not, he shall be deemed to have lost the battle; but this rule shall not apply to a man who in a close slips down from PACIFIC OCEAN VOVACE, ETC. 249 the grasp of his opponent to avoid punishment, or from obvious accident or \vealall right to show how hard a man can hit, but I can hit hard enough without using any heavy bag to show it, and I use the little football, so as to give me plenty of practice for quickness ; punching the bag as I do keeps me thoroughly active from the time I start. My first move in punching the bag is with my left hand ; I punch it so that it hits the ceiling, rebound- ing towards me, and keep meeting it with my left and right hands alternately, walking around the floor and around the bag something after the way a cooper walks around a barrel. A man to punch the bag properly should not stand in any one spot by any means ; I punch it so as to keep it going in all directions. I meet and chase it the same as I Avould an opponent in the ring. The idea in keeping it thoroughly on the re- bound is to give me plenty of practice and keep me moving as fast as I possibly can. One of the best ways to punch it is with the left hand, say fifteen or twenty times in succession, then either swinging the 264 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. right hand or meeting it with a right-hand shoulder blow and catching it with the left on its return. Some men punch the bag very awkwardly, and while they are capable of dealing a very heavy blow, I have seen some miss it seven times out often. The most essential part, in my opinion, is to punch it so as to keep it moving in a circle. This brings into play not only the arms and wind but also the legs. My one golden rule in conditioning myself is to disregard my weight altogether ; that is, I do not care how much I weigh as long as I feel strong and my wind is good. Reducing weight by any means, whether by sweating, physicking, or any other method, if excessive, is very injurious. When a man feels within himself that he is in first-rate shape, and knows what he is capable of doing, he is a better judge than his trainer or adviser, no matter how much they know or how much practice they may have had in that line of work. Nervous force is the one great essential in a man's condition, and if a man is trained down or weakened through loss by too severe training or reducing, he is without the factor necessary to good condition. I am always particular about not overworking my- self, for that brings on exhaustion, which is hurtful, not to say dangerous. I usually stop work three days before a fight, and then all the exercise required is moderate walking, with plenty of rubbing down, both with hands and towels. As soon as I stop work, I take castor oil in a little gin. The reason it is given in gin is that I can't take castor TRAINING AND r)TV?":RS TOPICS. 265 oil without vomiting. The oil makes me feel cool and refreshed. Then, until the day of the fight, I eat just enough to satisfy my appetite. A man who drinks should not expect to be a fighter, that is, if he drinks to excess. Drinking makes a man fat. Training is terrible work. It is the hardest thing a man can do. When he gets through his twelve miles, about twelve or half-past twelve, he naturally feels pretty dry inside, but he can get nothing to drink at all. The more pleasant view of it was given by the late John Morrissey : — ** You can form no idea," he said, " of the glorious feeling that a man experiences when he gets himself in perfect condition. Everything in the world looks dif- ferent to him from what it does when his system is clogged up with bile and he is carrying a quantity of flesh that is only a burden to him. It is almost impos sible to get a man, when in such a condition, into bad humor. He feels like a young colt, and wants to kick up his heels and have a good time with everybody and everything he meets." If the man of business would only take a mild course of training every year or two he would find in the renewed energy and youthful feeling received from train- ing splendid returns for his time and labor. On the 17th of May, 1892, I underwent, for the first time in my life, a thorough physical examination at the hands of Dr. George F. Shrady, one of America's most eminent physicians, at liis residence in New York. The result was very gratifying to my friends. 266 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. After looking over my frame with a great deal of care and thoroughness, the examination requiring one hour, Dr. Shrady said, — " In all my life I have never seen such a magnificent specimen of muscular development, and, indeed, I do not think that another such man is living to-day. You are in perfect heahh, Mr. Sulhvan. Your heart, liver, stomach, lungs, and other organs are all performing their work properly. You are physically sound, and with some of the superfluous flesh in the abdomen region removed, your powers of endurance would be remark- able." The examination was the result of my curiosity to know my exact physical condition. Ever since I was matched against Jim Corbett various alleged authorities throughout the country have been predicting my fistic downfall on the ground that I could never get well enough to fight again v/ith the old-time vim which has marked all of my struggles in the ring. During the examination the doctor looked over the muscles of my shoulders and neck and marvelled at their size and suppleness. Then he felt my arms and soon ran across the spot on the bone of the left forearm, which had to be mended after it was broken on Patsy Cardiff's head. The doctor examined it critically, as he did the tendons in the arm. '* That must have been a pretty bad break," he said. *' Indeed, it was," I answered ; '* but one of the ten- dons troubled me more than the break ; still, it 's all right now. Don't you think so? '' TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. ' 26/ " It 's just as good as it ever was," replied Dr. Shrady. The muscles of the back and arms next claimed the examiner's attention. Dr. Shrady explained to me where my tremendous hitting power came from. *' Your muscles are in excellent condition and they are the very best kind of muscles," he said. " They are long and flexible, just my ideal of what an athlete should have. The best muscle is never hard." *' These are perfect sledge-hammers," exclaimed the physician, as he held my arms up with his little ones. *' Well, Mr. Sullivan," said Dr. Shrady, surveying me from his chair, " I pity Mr. Corbett or any other man who fights you. What sort of a man is Corbett? " *' He is taller than I am," I answered, " and weighs about two hundred pounds, I should judge. He is quick and clever. I can beat him though," I added. Up to this time nothing had been said of my legs. I looked at them and so did Dr. Shrady. ** They say my legs are too small for my body. What do you think?" I asked. *^ My opinion is that they are plenty big enough," came the answer, after the limbs had been carefully inspected. "That's what I think. I never in my life saw a man with big legs, who amounted to much in the boxing line," I replied ; " these legs have served me very well, and I'm perfectly satisfied with them." A recent writer says, ** Standing before an audience in 26S ' LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. fighting costume, Sullivan suggests to tlie mind of the student of history the massive form and brawn of Spar- tacus as he stood among the Roman gladiators appealing to them to strike for their liberty. " The term * athlete * was applied in Greece only to those who contended in the public games for prizes, exclusive of musical and other contests where bodily strength was not needed. It was not applied to what we call amateurs, or those who exercised without the incentive of a prize. The ' athletes ' were the distinct forerunners of the trained fighting men who became a professional class in Greece. " In the classic literature from which all our culture and particularly our purely aesthetic culture is drawn, the pugilist receives a greater meed of praise than the musician." Another writer says, "We cannot condemn the culti- vation of the physical powers, and Greece has as much instruction for our puny age in this regard as in the lof- tier and nobler realms of literature and art. Thousands of ministers, editors, and professors, whose brains have sapped the life forces of their bodies, might look with commendable envy upon this physical giant." ''John L. Sullivan, of Boston," says a Garden City writer, *' came to our city like an ancient hero, and received the welcome which of old was accorded to the illustrious heroes when they were greeted back in tri- umph to Athens or to Rome. *' In the days of Caesar the famous men were the runners, wrestlers, and fighters. Had John L. Sullivan TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. 269 lived in the days of ancient Rome, his perfection of physical power and great fighting qualities would have entitled him to a high rank as a man of the people." " Boxing,'* says O'Reilly, ** is the only art of attack and defence which we have as an unbroken inheritance from the ancients. When Pollux obtained the boxing victory at the Pythian games, he wore gloves or leathern bandages filled with lead and iron. When Sullivan defeats his man, he uses soft gloves filled with curled hair. This is the change of time and judgment. The latter is the better test." Another writer says : — ** The boxing exhibitions with their more serious arena of the prize ring are all that we have left of the gladiatorial shows of the ancients. There is something to be said in favor of a profession, the training for which requires so temperate and healthful a diet and disci- pline of man's physical being. There are few who have seen rival champions of the ring enter the arena for a decisive trial of skill and endurance, without admiring the bright complexion, clear eyes, the splendid muscle, and flesh, smooth and hard as marble, and the other characteristics which testify to the body and its mem- bers having been brought to the most perfect physi- cal condition. Yankee Sullivan never attained to the supremacy which gave him the reputation of being the * best man of either hemisphere,' without devoting months to the most temperate care and severest disci- pline of his forces. For months before achieving his great victory at New Orleans, no alcoholic drink passed his lips, his diet was guarded as carefully as that of the 2/0 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. child of royal birth and kingly future, while all the best known means to the finest muscular, development — dumb-bells, sand bags, walking, and running — were used in his behalf with a prison-like rigidity." Boxing was a favorite amusement of Englishmen for centuries; it is even said to have had such distinguished patrons as King Alfred and Richard III. But the golden age of pugilism, as a profession in England, commenced with the accession of the House of Hanover ; then men calling themselves professors publicly an- nounced their intention of giving lessons in *' the noble art of self-defence." One professor challenged another to combat in the most bombastic language. In 1726, one Ned Sutton, who announces himself as " pipemaker from Gravesend, and professor of the noble science of defence," sneers at another professor, whom he calls *' the extolled Mr. Figg," for having by '* sleeveless pretense," shirked a combat with him, " which I take," says the pipemaker and professor, '* to be occasioned through fear of his having that glory eclipsed by me, wherewith the eyes of all spectators have been so much dazzled." He further assures the said Figg, that if he can muster courage enough to fight with him, he (Figg) ''will have the advantage of being overcome by a hero indeed ! " Figg had an amphitheatre in Oxford Road,wherein fights were held f and a larger one was erected in the same locality in 1742 for one Broughton, the funds being sub- scribed by some eighty noblemen and gentlemen. The pugilistic encounters that took place here were patron- ized by many of the nobility. Towards the end of the TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. 2/1 last century fights were patronized by princes of the blood ro}'al ; and the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV., was present at one at Brighton, in which one of the combatants was killed. When the allied sovereigns and their generals came over to England in 1 8 14, Lord Lowther treated them to a series of boxing matches in his drawing-room, which were so highly relished that they were repeated a few days afterwards. One of the pugilists, called Jackson, became quite a hero, and made enormous sums by giving lessons to young noblemen, among whom was Lord Byron. In 18 17, the Czar Nicholas, of Russia, witnessed a prize fight at Coombe Warren. "We are the Romans of the modern world," says the distinguished "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table," speak- ing of Americans, "the great assimilating people. Con- flicts and conquests are, of course, necessary accidents with us, as with our prototypes. And so we come to their style of weapon. . . . The race that shortens its weapons lengthens its boundaries," " What business," continues Dr. Holmes, " had Sar- matia to be fighting for liberty with a fifteen-foot pole between her and the breasts of her enemies ? If she had but come to close quarters, there might have been a chance for her." The brute strength to knock down an ox with a blow of the fist has been credited to various men, among whom were the Venetian who challenged England in the time of the first fighter, Tom Figg ; Bill Neat, who was downed by the lively Tom Spring, and Hurst, the 2/2 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. " Staleybridge Infant," who was demolished by Mace. It will be noticed that in such instances the men repre- senting brute force have been overcome by smaller and Hghter men. Richard Coeur de Lion, who could kill an ox with a blow of his fist, is credited with saying he delighted to look upon a man. " He should have taken a good square glance at John L. Sullivan, the champion pugilist of the world," says a newspaper, ** and he would have felt that delight to the full. For such a man of muscle turns up but once in a lifetime. It is said that when Sullivan returns from his visit to San Francisco to Bos- ton, he is going to close his public career by felling an ox with one blow on the Boston stage. This reminds one of Hercules and the Cretan bull, and is worthy of a son of classical Boston." ** How about the ox story? " was asked of him. " I never heard of it until I read it in the papers. I am not a brute, and would not attempt such a thing. People misrepresent me in such matters as that. In fact they misrepresent all pugilists. Boxing is one of the best athletic exercises a man can take." I have done much to elevate and bring boxing before the pubHc to a degree that had not been known for a number of years, previous to my ascending this ladder of fame. As the profession stands to-day, barring no ath- letic sport in any branch, it is conceded by all good judges of athletics to be the finest exercise, developing the body, mind and brain ; and so all professionals, like myself, are strong and healthy. Of course, there are TRAINING AND DIVERS TO TICS. 2/3 persons, I am willing to admit, in this profession, that have made wrecks of themselves through over-indul- gence in the flowing bowl, which is more or less sug- gested by friends partaking of their hospitality. Being a public man and making my living off the general public, I have to stand public criticism. All public men of the nineteenth century have to bear any criticism that the press may wish to publish about them. I, as one of those public individuals, have been thor- oughly discussed and quarrelled about in the press. I have stood it for the past thirty-three years without the slightest apprehension or forgetting my place in this public life. Many of our greatest statesmen and diplomats have rec- ognized the fact that boxing is superior as an exercise for general health to any other form of exercise known, in- cluding wrestling, running, rowing, and dumb-bell exer- cise. Roscoe Conkling, Ex-Senator, and Ex-Secretary Chandler were both good boxers and judges of boxing bouts. As for Conkling I looked for him at all my ex- hibitions which took place in New York and I do not think he ever missed one. I saw by the paper the other day that Ex-Governor Flower of New York State had taken up boxing as a means of conditioning himself. Ex-Secretary Blaine, I understand, has been going through about this same treatment; and indeed many other public men who wash to keep themselves in a condition to endure the severe strain put upon their system in political life, especially during a campaign. 274 LTFE AND REMINISCENCES. As to injuries, I don't think that a man can be seri- ously hurt with a boxing glove, unless he has heart dis- ease. I do not know of any man killed in the prize ring by actual fighting ; though there have been cases w^here they have died from over-exertion or heart disease ; but the most cases occur through neglect after fighting. In returning from the ring, through carelessness and other causes, they take cold and abuse themselves. The change being so sudden, from actual training, it brings on colds and other things causing death ; but in my opinion few, if any, men have ever died from actual fighting, or from its direct effects. No two men in my opinion enter the ring in modern times wdth the intention of killing each other. Of course they all feel as I do, that is, to best their man, but never in my whole career have I ever entered the ring wishing or in any way trying to dis- figure my man. I always attempt to demonstrate my superiority over every man I meet, but I never yet have intended to maim or injure anyone. Various criticisms are made on a man fighting, each and every spectator having a different view and probably different opinions as to how a man should fight, but a man fighting in the same position as I have been in a great many times, thinks and sees a thousand things at the same time. " It is surprising how I like a man after I have fought with him," is what Lord Lytton makes the sturdy old French officer say after his encounter with the brave young lover in " The Lady of Lyons." The history of the prize ring gives many and remark- TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. 2/5 able examples of this sentiment, showing that profes- sional encounters are not carried on like street brawls, with any feeling of personal animosity. In many cases there could not be any animosity. Heenan and Sayers, for instance, had lived on separate continents, and had never met until they shook hands in the ring, as re- quired by the rules. After the fight, they sparred and travelled together, as some whom I have vanquished have done with me. The records of the champions are also full of such cases as that in which Tom Hyer paid liberally to secure the release of his former antagonist, Yankee Sullivan. " The generosity of John L. is well known," says a friend. *' He has been as open-hearted in disbursing his riches as his punches. Wealth and blows he has showered on friends and foes." In a Cleveland paper, when Holden and White were imprisoned for fighting, was printed the lollowing : — " A letter received from Frank White before going to press states that John Sullivan, Billy Madden, and Bob Farrell travelled one hundred and ten miles out of their way to visit him and Holden and hand them the pro- ceeds of the Cleveland show. * That,' says Frank * is what I call a friend indeed.' " Leaving out such cases as the spiking done by Mitchell and Kilrain under the London Prize-Ring rules, it is a fact that boxers when doing their utmost to down each other have been known to utter a polite *' Excuse me," on accidentally stepping on an opponent's foot or doing something at variance Avith the rules. 2*j6 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. In regard to my match with Corbett the following has been published : — '* The agony is over, and the great champion of the world is matched at last. He is to meet James Corbett before the Olympic Club of New Orleans, for a purse of twenty-five thousand dollars and a stake of twenty thou- sand dollars. The contest is to decide the heavy-weight championship of the world, and will take place on the 7th of September, 1892. *' This battle will be one in which the whole world will be interested, and will no doubt be one of the most exciting and interesting contests ever witnessed in America. * Dandy Jim,' or 'Pompadour Jim,' as he is sometimes called, is also called one of the most scientific boxers in the business, and is as shifty as they are made and very quick on his feet. ** While Corbett's friends are boasting of his ring gen- eralship and science, it must be borne in mind that John L. knows som.ething of the art himself, and is one of the quickest big men in the ring on his feet. *' * Do you ever think of those famous Sullivan rushes?' was asked of Corbett, recently. " Corbett laughed heartily, shrugged his shoulders, and replied : — *' * Well, I should say I do, but then I do not permit them to worry me. As I said at the outset, I know that I have a big task before me, but I do not propose to permit myself to be frightened by any of the mar- vellous tales I hear about John L.' ** Corbett was then asked about that famous story TRAINING AND DIVERS TOPICS. 2// lis with reference to his father's strenuous objection to ] entering the prize ring, and especially against a colored man, and also whether it was true that he was at one time a bank clerk. These queries seemed to carry him back to his earlier days, and his eyes fairly sparkled as he related the story : — ** * To commence with, I will answer your last ques- tion first. It is true that I am an *' ex-bank clerk." I was employed for many years in the Nevada Bank, of San Francisco, which I entered at the age of thirteen years. Now, as to father, he naturally objected to prize-fighting, and when it was finally announced that I was to meet Peter Jackson, — well, to put it mildly, he fairly went crazy with anger, and vowed that if I dared attempt to do such a thing he would have me arrested. I knew that the old gentleman thought a great deal of his boy, even though he was a prize fighter, and I thought I knew how to get around it. So I took my good old father off to one side, and said : "I have signed an agreement to meet Jackson. True, he is a colored man and I appreciate your feeling. Now, how- ever, that I have signed the agreement I cannot get out of the fight without disgracing myself and losing the friendship of my friends as well as their money. If you do not permit me to meet him in San Francisco, I shall go with him to Australia and fight him there. Now you would not want me to go away off in a strange country where I would not get fair play, would you ? " There is no need of relating the remainder of the story. I was not arrested, and for the first time I will 2/8 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. confess, though I was of age, I had to get my father's consent to do the work I did in the ring with Peter Jackson.' " " Corbett informed Mr. Al Smith and myself in New York, a short time ago," said Hugh Coyle in a letter dated Feb. 17, 1892, " that he was the very first to enter the gates at five o'clock in the afternoon in the Me- chanics Pavilion at San Francisco to witness the fight between John L. Sullivan and George Robinson, at which time he was a bank clerk. '* To avoid the crush the doors were advertised to be opened at five in the afternoon and Corbett was the first man to pass the doorkeeper. Such a crush — nothing probably ever before or since has been like it. More money taken in than at any similiar event since, and if the pavilion could have held the clamorous crowd, over one hundred thousand dollars would have been the receipts. Cable lines two and three blocks away were stopped from running by the surging crowd of humanity which filled the streets in every direction. Billy Mul- doon was the guest of Al Smith on that eventful night, and I can see him now at the main entrance with a hun- dred others, including a large force of the police, trying with his great brawny arms to keep the crowd back without avail. " Corbett says he got his first lesson in practical and professional pugilism that evening, but when it comes to knocking out three men, I mean fighters, in a night, that job had better be .left to the boss, John L. It is useless for any other to attempt it. TRAINING AND DIVl-.KS TOITCS. 279 except tlicy ha\'C in front of thcni, as yon so aptl}' termed it, * stiffs.' " Having given so much as to Corbctt in conne-ction with our projected contest I may say for myself that I never let myself think of a contest till I get into the ring. I can sleep till within a minute of the time to enter. I never lost a pound worrying over anything; I guess all my nerves are in my muscles. In my time, though, I have seen good game men worry themselves into losing their heads, and they lost their fights. In this connection, I must claim it as one of the best eftects of boxing exercises, that they serve to unite the powers of the nerves and muscles, giving a quick com- mand over both, and enabling the possessor "to look danger in the eye." No other exercise compares with it in this result. The faculty of thinking and acting at the same time is what has made one or two men, that I might name, kings of baseball, but this power is called for at closer quarters in boxing. Here may be found the answer to the question which is often asked me : — " Have you any particular plan of action before you go into the contest? " My reply might be similar to that which Admiral Farragut made to a -Boston gentleman with wdiom he dined in my native city. As it has not been published before I give it here. *' The fact is," answered the Admiral, '' I had a plan before I entered Mobile Bay, as I have before undertak- ing anything ; but a good American fighter is always 28o LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. quick enough to make a new plan in an emergency, and go on to win on that." As to a boxing contest a man may enter it with a general plan of campaign, but he must be ready to change it, if necessary, every minute. From this point of view I may say that a man fights as much with his head as with his hands, especially with such a " shifty " boxer as Mr. Corbett is reputed to be. As I kissed the '* Blarney Stone " during my tour in Ireland, it may be that I now have a weakness for giving my antagonist too much credit ; and I will only say that, while I have complete confidence as to the out- come, I am conscious that the victory over him, espe- cially as it is for the largest sum ever involved in a ring battle, will be not unworthy to round out a career that has covered three continents and a hundred competitors. And now as I sit calmly at my training quarters at a spot where Long Island seems to reach out in friendship to the Old World, with the new haven that promises to bring it so much nearer, and as I watch the placid waters of Shinnecock and Peconic Bays that have been made to shake hands in a new found harmony, I re- solve that after this, my last battle, I shall no longer re- main in a position where, in the words of Byron, *' A man must prove his fame four times a year." Just be- fore me stands the colossal form of Hercules that so long adorned the old fighting ship, *' Ohio," and as I look on him, I am reminded that I, too, have accom- plished my *' tasks," and that like him I should take TRAINING AND DIVKRS TOPICS. 2S I ' the skin of the hon I captured, — my reputation as a V boxer, — and put it over my shouklers hereafter only as a mantle of protection and peace. I do not wish to be understood, however, as retiring- ^ from my position as an exponent of the science of box- ing with the gloves. In various places through this volume will be found the testimony of others as to what I have done towards encouraging a substitution of sci- entific contests with gloves for the finish fights with bare knuckles. Having been often asked my opinion as to the most suitable gloves for boxing, I will reply Here that I have^ used all kinds and makes, but in the past few years only those made by A. G. Spaulding & Bros., which I have found to be the best. A boxing-glove that they are now making under my Instructions, which they call ''the Sullivan Glove, — Cahfornia Style," I can recommend to anybody as the best that is made. My own opinion is that such glove contests as I have referred to, under fitting conditions, will arouse the in- terest of classes who have sacrificed the benefits of boxing, as an exercise, on account of prejudice caused by the work of bared fists in the old-fashio..:d ^^--ize fighting. That the exponents of the science of boxing with gloves are capable of gaining attention from the scien- tific and cultured, as well as sporting people, may be judged from the Interest which has been shown in the physical examination of myself by that notable special- ist, Dr. Dudley A. Sargent. The facts here contained have never before been given to the world. REPORT OF DR. D, A. SARGENT'S EXAiNATION, Anthropometrical Chart and Plates ; at,.so, Special Measure- ments ov John L. Sullivan, taken whh^e in Training for the Contest with James Corbett, showing Physical Record and Muscular Development. Cambridge, Mass., Aug. i6, 1892. I HAVE given John L. Sullivan a physical examina- tion by the same method that I have pursued during the past fifteen years, in examining men, women and children of various classes in the community. The chart by which Sullivan's physical characteristics are shown was made from a table based upon the measure- ments of several thousand students and athletes, rang- ing in age from seventeen to thirty years. The chart is so constructed as to show the number of persons in a community who surpass or fail to attain a certain size or degree of physical development, and may also be used to show the distribution of physical power as determined by actual tests of strength. In this instance, I shall use the chart to show how Sullivan compares physically with the student and ath- letic type, and comment at some length upon his wide variation from the normal. According to Sullivan's history, he is thirty-four years of age. Weighs two hundred and sixteen pounds with- 284 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. out clothes, and is five feet ten and one-half inches in height without shoes. This weight is considerably in excess of what it should be for a man in good condi- tion, of this stature, and is surpassed by less than one per cent of the persons on my tables. In height, standing, Sullivan surpasses eighty-eight per cent of all those examined, and in height, sitting, ninety-five per cent. In the height of the lower leg, however, which is represented on the chart by the height of knee, Sullivan surpasses but seventy per cent of those examined, while in length of thigh as indicated by height of pubic arch he only surpasses forty-five per cent. This is the only measurement in which Sullivan is below the normal. As the height of knee and length of thigh are the two factors that contribute the most in raising the total height above the average, it is safe to assume that he would have been at least six feet two inches in total height had his legs been as long propor- tionately as his body. His sitting height is now fifty- three and fourteen hundredths per cent of his total height. It is interesting to conjecture what the probable in- fluence of this discrepancy has been upon Sullivan's ability as a boxer. Would two or three inches addi- tional length of leg have added anything to his quick- ness, power or endurance? I am of the opinion that other things being equal, increased length of thigh adds to a man's speed as a runner for distances from fifty to six hundred yards, but I. Full Back, showing Natural Poise. DR. D. A. SARGENT'S EXAMINATION. 285 quickness in starting, and the ability of rapidly chang- ing one's position, through small spaces, in all directions, as is necessary in boxing, are more likely to be pos- sessed by men of relatively short legs. Add to this advantage what is gained in mechanical power and en- durance by the use of the short levers, and it will be seen that Sullivan's short thighs have probably added to, rather than detracted from, his efficiency as a boxer. As a general rule tall men have less endurance than men of the average stature. As increased height is due in most cases to increased length of leg, great stature, if accompanied with a relatively short body must be looked upon as indicative of constitutional weakness rather than constitutional strength. All of Sullivan's girth measurements are unusually large, and most of them exceed the maximum. The girth of head is twenty-three and two tenths inches, and surpasses in this respect ninety-seven and one half per cent of all those examined. A large head usually indicates a great amount of nervous energy, and when accompanied by a large neck is as much a sign of physical force as a large trunk and limbs. In this case the neck is sixteen and one half inches in circumference and exceeds the largest measurement of this part taken by seven tenths of an inch. The natural chest is forty-four and one half inches in circum- ference and the inflated chest forty-six and one half in- ches, the former exceeds the maximum measurement on my tables one and twp tenths inch, and the latter 286 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. one and six tenths inches. SulHvan's circumference be- low the chest muscles, the ninth rib measurement so called, is forty and nine tenths inches natural and forty three and seven tenths inches inflated. This measure- ment is not indicated on the chart, but I have come to regard it of more importance than the chest measure- ment as it does not include so many large muscles, and shows the actual mobility of the ribs in full, deep breathing. The abdominal method of respiration, prac- ticed by Sullivan and other athletes, goes far to com- pensate for the small expansion shown by the diff'erence in the measurements of the natural and inflated chest. The circumference of the waist is thirty-eight and two tenths inches, and just equals the largest measurement of this part on my tables. The hips are forty-two and nine tenths inches in girth and are exceeded by the measurements of but one other person. The thighs are each twenty-five inches in circumfer- ence, and are exceeded by only three other persons, the largest one having a thigh girth of tw^enty-six and four tenths inches. The circumference of the knee is seventeen and a half inches, which surpasses the maxi- mum on my tables by one inch. The above measure- ments of chest, waist, hips, thighs and knees may well be considered Sullivan's strong points, for, although in immediate efl"ectiveness in his art, great size of arms, and shoulders may be of importance, it is difficult to see how these members could be of long-continued service without the large trunk, as a reservoir of vital action, and the powerful hips and thighs as a basis of support. DR. D. A. SARGENT'S EXAMINATION. 28/ The calves, ankles and feet, though well developed, are not proportionately up to the other parts. The calf is fifteen and seven tenths inches in circum- ference, and surpasses over ninety-eight per cent of those examined, the maximum measurement of this part being sixteen and nine tenths inches. The girth of the ankle which is not given in the chart is nine and six tenths inches, while the girth of instep is ten and four tenths inches. The largest measurement which I have of this part is eleven and four tenths inches. In the girth of the arms, elbow and wrist, Sullivan's measurements again go up into the region of the maxi- mum. His girth of upper arm contracted, is fifteen and seven tenths inches, right elbow twelve and two tenths, left elbow eleven and eight tenths, right fore arm thirteen inches, left fore arm twelve and two tenths inches, while both wrists are seven and nine tenths inches. It is inter- esting to note that Sullivan's upper arm is exactly ^he same girth as that credited to John C. rieenan. The left fore arm has been fractured, and the favoring this member has received, undoubtedly accounts for the difference in development of the two fore arms. One of Sullivan's strongest points, is his great depth of chest, as shown by plate, representing a side view during ex- treme inflation. Although he is surpassed by one or two others, on my tables, in this measurement, when his great breadth of chest is also taken into consideration, the antero-posterior diameter is rather remarkable. Where breadth, or depth of chest is in excess of the nor- 288 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. mal, great strength is usually associated with the greater breadth, while increased vital capacity or endurance is thought to accompany the greater depth. All of Sullivan's breadth, except his breadth of head, surpass the maximum, his shoulders being twenty and five tenths inches, waist thirteen inches, and hips six- teen inches. His shoulders are not quite so broad as they would be were the muscles in this region as well developed as those of the arms and chest, but while this development of the shoulders, would add to perfection of figure, from the artist's or sculptor's ideal, there is no doubt but what the antagonizing influence of these mus- cles would impair the man's efficiency as a boxer. The length of the upper arm as indicated on the chart by the measurement from the shoulder to the elbow, is fifteen nine tenths inches. This exceeds ninety-five per cent of those measured, but falls short of the maximum by nearly three inches. The length of the forearm, as shown by the measurement from the elbow to the tips of the fingers, is nineteen six tenths inches on the right hand, and nineteen one tenth inches on the left, the lat- ter being shortened by the fractured forearm, to which I have previously alluded. This measurement also sur- passes over ninety-six per cent of those examined, though falling two inches short of the highest. It is interesting to notice that the arms, though pro- portionately short for the girths, are not so for the sitting height, or as short comparatively as the legs. Length of forearm is an advantage to a boxer, though proportionate length of upper arm would detract from DR. D. A. Sargent's examination. 289 his physical power, and it would be interesting, could we determine whether the added strength of blow that can be delivered from close-set shoulders and short upper arms, would more than compensate for the longer reach of longer arms. Sullivan's stretch of arm is seventy- fcur inches, and is surpassed by over six per cent of those examined, the maximum being eighty inches. The length of foot is eleven two tenths inches, and is surpassed by one per cent of those examined, the long- est foot being eleven six tenths inches. This is equivalent to about sixteen per cent of the total height, which differs but little from the artist's an- cient canon of proportions. Sullivan's lung capacity is three hundred cubic inches, and is surpassed by only five per cent, the highest re- cord, on my books, at the present time, being four hun- dred cubic inches. Before summing up the physical condition of this man, a comparison of some of the measurements before and w^iile in training will be of service. In so doing, I shall only give those parts, where a change of girths has taken place, due to the reduction of fat. June 2d. Weight, 236 poui Girth of neck, 1 7. 1 inch « '' chest, 46.1 - « " " inflated, 48.4 ' " " waist, 42.1 ' « " hips. 46.1 " « " thighs, 26.4 " ^* " calves, 15-9 " les. Aug. 13th. Difference 216 pt^unds. 20 pounds 16.5 inches. .6 inches 44-5 1.6 " 46.5 1.9 " 38.2 3-9 " 42.9 3.2 " 25- 1.4 " 157 .2 " 290 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. It will be observed by this table that in many persons fat makes up a considerable portion of what is measured as muscle, and it is only fair to say, that the tables, from which my charts are made, have been compiled from the measurements of men, at that age when fat does not usually encumber them. We often read of seventeen inch biceps, and seventeen inch calves, but these proportions are more likely to be found on dime museum freaks than on well developed athletes. As a matter of fact, nature has but little use for such limbs, and where they exist, they are apt to be accompanied by some constitutional defect, that renders them inefficient. In the language of athletes, a good **big" man is better than a good " little " man, but where one thor- oughly sound and well proportioned big man can be found, a hundred men of average size can be met with, who are better prepared, constitutionally, to stand the wear and tear of life, and contend with its successes and reverses. It is this fact that makes Sullivan something of a phe- nomenon, for with his large limbs and powerful trunk he has inherited the vital machinery to operate them with all of the rapidity that characterizes men of smaller parts and less weight. How rapid these movements are, may be judged by an actual test, made by Sullivan, with an electrical ap- paratus, specially devised by Dr. G. W. Fitz, of Cam- bridge, for taking and recording reaction time, and rate of speed. In this instance Sullivan was requested to 3. Side View, showing Depth of Chest during Extreme Inflation. DR. D. A. SARGENT'S EXAMLVATION. 291 strike at a ba<^ suspended from the ceiling, upon seeing a given signal. When he first tried this experiment, in June, the time which elapsed between seeing the signal and striking out at the bag was forty-eight one hun- dredths of a second, and the time which it took his fist to travel forty centimeters (or fifteen and seven tenths inches) was eight one hundredths of a second. Two months later, after he had been in training a (e\v weeks, the same experiment was repeated, and the time which elapsed between seeing the signal and striking out, was fort}'-three one hundreths of a second, and the speed of the blow, was fifteen and seven tenths inches in five and seven one hundreths of a second. At the present time, the apparatus has not been tried by a sufficient number of persons to obtain sufficient data for formulating any important conclusions, but one can form an approximate idea of the force and momentum of a blow struck by a man weighing two hundred and sixteen pounds with his fist moving at a velocity of about twenty miles an hour. It is to be regretted that an actual test of Sullivan's physical strength could not have been made by the same method as that employed in taking the strength of those with whose measurements he has been compared. The rigorous exactions of training, rendered such a test inexpedient when the man was in condition to make them, and the tests made two months previous would not do him justice. Therefore, in summing up our estimate of Sullivan's physical condition, we must judge him partly by his 2g2 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. measurements — which may be termed his potential strength — and the way his system reacts under the trials of training. This routine consists of walking and running ten to twenty miles a day ; exercise with two- pound dumb-bells for a half hour ; playing hand-ball against an expert for an hour or two ; punching a striking bag for an hour ; skipping rope from five hun- dred to one thousand times without stopping; and bathing and swimming for a half hour. After six weeks of this daily drill, the stomach and nutritive system seem to be in the best condition of the vital apparatus. The heart's impulse was strong and regular and only rose from eighty to one hundred and twenty beats a minute, after two hundred jumps with the skipping rope, at the end of the forenoon's work. The respiration was a little hurried and somewhat labored, for a man in good condition, and I cannot help thinking that Sullivan's respiratory apparatus is his weak point vitally. By this assertion I do not mean that the lungs are diseased, or that they have a diminu- tive capacity, compared with other men of his propor- tions. But I mean that they are functionally weak, as compared with his other remarkable organs, and con- sidering the amount of energy he is capable of expend- ing in a very short time, and the amount of waste resulting from this increased activity, as well as the immediate consumption of fat, in the tissues — the question of how to relieve breathlessness after vigor- ous exertion is a matter that may concern him as he advances in years. ! 4 Half Back. ANTHROPOMETRIC CHART Bho-wine the Relation of the Individual in Size Strength Symnnetry and Development to the Normal Standard ^S" iH We.eht.. . ^ ^./4 Heighl Sundins 7^.^. •• S.tt.rg. >?.7.f •■ Knee. . //./ •• Pub.cAtch J^.^ •• Sternum.. ^77 G.'thHcid.... :2,3.a. •■ Neck... /CJ •• Chejl... 9//J •• Full ¥.U. " Waist.. . 3Li •• Hips .. . V^^ •• ThigK R .. Z^. •• L ZS • K-.ee R. y.pj .. .. L ru •• CallR. /A.7 •• •• L /j:.7 •• Instep R-. /.c^ ,. L. /.oj/ •■ Up Aim H. /jr.7 ■• L. /J..7 •• Elbo« R . /^,^ •• •• L . //.../ •■ Foret.mR.. /3. . •• L. /£.fl. •■ Wrist B.. 74 ■• L. . ■ 77 Depth Chest /.c •■ Abdomen.. M.. Breadth Head.... ..L^ •• Neck.... ..vT^ •• Shoulders ^OA •• Waist... /3 ■• H.ps .• /V Shoulder-Elbow R A^..f .. I AA..Y. Citow-T.p R . .. /%L •• " L /i..L UngthFootR... /.L.i • •• t.. . //..-2 •■ Horizontal 7^'7 Stretch of Arms . ./M Ctpacit; Lungs.. i/?.C. 95 90 80 70 60 60 40 30 20 10 5 I 5 10 20 30 40 '"so 60 70 80 60 95 z T _,,.--■" T 1 ' "l* .-■"■'' T ■" + "-..,^ ^ 1 ::: i IT I 1 L . _ ... .. _. ... ._.!v T , T X J T , ■ T~ " ■ _ :::::::::::: :::,^:: ,'' '"--... :;::::::::::::::: 11 1 ...__,..:::!_ , J ::::::::::::::::::::::i:i::;:;i.;:;:--.t Weight Standing Hei, Sitting Pubic Arch • Sternum Head Girlh Chest ■•■ F •• Waist •• Chest Depth Head Breadth Neck Shoulders '* Waist ■' Hipj R Shoulder Elbow 2. Back, showing Muscular Development of Arms and Shoulders. # DR. D. A. Sargent's examination. 293 Sulliv^an's reaction time as tested by the instrument referred to, although reasonably quick, shows no evi- dence of irritability of the brain centres or nervous system. The economxical way he has of doing ordinary things and the apparently sluggish and indolent manner he assumes when not in active exercise might lead a stranger to assume that he was wanting in energy, and was just recovering from an attack of nervous prostrr^- tion. But this is the way men of power conserve their energy for great physical or mental efforts. In fact it takes a great occasion to fully arouse them from their apparent stupor, as was the case with Daniel Webster and Patrick Henry. It would be a valuable lesson for the American peo- ple to learn that, in order to generate and sustain an unusual display of energy they must follow their efforts with an unusual amount of rest. In looking for the original source of Sullivan's re- markable physical power, we must ascribe it to a happy combination and balance of the several temperaments inherited from his ancestry, near and remote, and the motor apparatus inherited from his mother. This is apparant in the shape of the hips and thighs, the lines of the shoulders and chest, and in the ankles and wrists. All men, though the product of two beings, are born of women ; but that a woman, usually considered the weaker vessel physically, should be so able to impress her progeny with the strong points of her own physique 194 LIFE AND REMINISCENCES. as to enable him to meet all comers in a test of skilly strength, and endurance for a term of a dozen years, is, to my mind, the most valuable lesson of this man's life. If the women of the land can learn from this man's physical development, how potent the influence of the mother is in fashioning and transmitting not only the refined and delicate parts of her organism, but also the brawn and sinew that conquers both opponents and en- vironments and sustains the race, John L. Sullivan will have served to illustrate a very important fact. D. A. SARGENT. HISTORY PAPER. Name in full, John L. Sullivan. Occupation, Boxer. . Date of birth, Oct. 15, 1858. Birthplace, Boston. :| [-feather, Irish; mother, Irish, o ■{ His father, Irish; her father, Irish. j| I His mother, Irish; her mother, Irish. Occupation of father. Laborer. , •' If father is dead, of what did he die? Pneumonia. If mother is dead, of what did she die? Rheumatism of the heart. Which of your parents do you most resemble ? Mother. Is your general health good? Yes. Have you always had good health? Yes. What hereditary disease, if any, is there in your family? None. Check (V) such of the following diseases as you may have had : Gout. Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Boils. V Dysentery. Bilious Attacks. Piles. Bronchitis. Chronic Diarrhoea. Quinsy. Pneumonia. Spitting of Blood. Asthma. Neuralgia. Bleeding at Nose. Pleurisy. Paralysis V (threatened). Shortness of Breath. Jaundice. Varicose Veins. Palpitation of Heart. Dizzinesr,. Habitual Headache. Colds in Head or Throat. V Sleeplessness. Habitual Constipation. Enlarged Glands in Nc;. 'k. Rheumatism. V Skin Eruptions. Name any others that have left ill-effects. None. What injuries have you received? Arm broken. What surgical operation have you undergone? Setting the above. When did you first begin to practice athletics? 1878. Were you naturally strong and a'^tive? Always. Did you surpass those of your own age, size, etc., in your own community in the practice of your specialties when you first began training? Yes. Were your father, mother, or grand-parents noted in any way for their strength and endurance (state particulars)? From what I have heard I should say so, — particularly my mother. August 13, 1892. />/