Book_ BxHt mi / BY-LAWS OF THE TRUSTEES .' ; MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY CITY OF BOSTON, WITH A LIST OF PROPRIETORS, AVENUES, WALKS, PATHS, &C. BOSTON: ROCKWELL & CHURCHILL, PRINTERS TO THE CITY. 122 Washington Street. 18 7 4. J&7*?" MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY. Mount Hope Cemetery is situated in the Dorchester District about 5 1-2 miles from the City Hall. It originally contained eighty-four and three- fourths acres, and was set apart for a Cemetery by individuals who were in- corporated under powers given by the Revised Statutes, November 10, 1851, and was consecrated by appropriate ceremonies June 24, 1852. Sales of four hundred and twenty-seven lots were made by the Company and im- provements were in progress from year to year. By deed, dated July 31, 1857, it was conveyed to the city for the sum of $35,000. Ln 1868 the city purchased an additional lot of twenty acres, on the northerly side, for $14,000, so that the Cemetery comprises at the present time an area of over one hun- dred and four acres. The proceeds of sales of lots are paid into the City. Treasury, kept separate from other funds of the city; and, under the direction of the Trustees, expended in improvements of the Cemetery. From the first of May to the first of November the present year, conveyance to the Cemetery can be had by the cars of the Boston and Providence Rail- road, which leave Boston at 10.10, 11.30 A. M., and 2.40 P. M., and by the cars of the Old Colony and Newport Railroad, which leave Boston for Mat- tapanat 1 P. M., and by the Forest Hills horse cars, which leave Boston at 11 A. M., 2 and 3 P. M. Returning, the Cemetery coach will connect with the steam cars of the Providence Road for Boston at 11 A. M., 2.15, 3.53 and 5.19 P. M., and the horse cars from Forest Hills at 11 A. M., 4 and 5.30 P. M., and the steam cars of the Hartford and Erie Road at 1.08 P. M., and the Old Colony Road at 4.40 P. M. Besides the natural beauty of the grounds, and the art which has improved and embellished them, there are several objects of interest to invite visits from citizens and strangers to the Cemetery. Its location is in one of the most attractive valleys of Eastern Massachusetts, and the landscape view secured by its highest elevation can hardly be surpassed in the vicinity. The floral display at the proper season has been pronounced bj' competent authority unequalled by that of any Cemetery in the neighborhood of Boston. The Army and Navy Monument, erected to commemorate the heroic dead of Boston in the great struggle for nationality, is regarded as one of the most chaste and successful of the many similar structures that have been erected. The Odd Fellows' Memorial, about to be erected, and a beautiful artificial lake now in process of construction, will soon add their attractions ; while the numerous private monuments, -svith the many sylvan retreats and shaded avenues, already make this Cemetery one of the most soothing to the finer feelings, of the many w gardens of the dead " with which rhe vicini- ty of Boston now abounds. The office-building recently erected near the main entrance to the Cem- etery, contains a waiting-room sufficiently commodious for holding funeral services. MANAGEMENT OF THE CEMETEET. By the Ordinances of the City of Boston, the management of Mount Hope Cemetery is vested in a Board of seven Trustees, of which the major part is elected annually, in the month of January. Four of the Board are chosen from the citizens at large, one is a member of the Board of Aldermen, and two members of the Common Council. Each of the Trustees is subject to removal from office by the City Council, for cause. The Board chooses a President from its own number, and a majority constitutes a quorum for business. The Board has the sole care, superintendence and management of the Cemetery. The Board is authorized to take and hold any grant, donation, or bequest of property, upon trust; to>pply the same, or the income thereof, for the improvement or embellishment of the said Cemetery, or for the erection, re- pair, preservation or renewal of any monument, fence or other erection, or for the planting or cultivation of trees, shrubs or plants, in and around any lot, or for improving the said premises in any other manner or form con- sistent with the purposes for which said Cemetery is established, according to the terms of such grant, donation or bequest. The Board of Trustees urgently invi:e the attention of the proprietors of lots to the importance of making provision for the permanent care of the same. For the sum of one hundred dollars deposited with the city, a Bond will be given for the perpetual care of any lot containing not more than three hundred square feet. Larger lots will require the deposit of an amount sufficient to provide for the quantity of land contained in such lots. The annual care of lots can also be secured by an order directed to the su- perintendent, the price being regulated by the size of the lot and the amount of labor required. TRUSTEES OF MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY. 1814. Alanson Bigelow, President^ William Minot, Jr. GrEORGE L. BURT, DAVID WhISTON, Joseph P. Paine, Samuel B. Hopkins. Elbridge Gr. Knight. The time of service of Messrs. Bigelow, Minot, and Whiston expires in 1875, that of Messrs. Paine and Hopkins in 1875, and that of Messrs. Burt and Knight in 1876. Nicholas A. Apollonio, City Registrar, Secretary ', City Hall. SAx\iuel A. B. Bragg, Superintendent, at the Cemetery. (Post-office address of the Superintendent, "Mattapan, Mass.") Office of the Trustees, City Hall, School Street. BY-LAWS OF THE TEUSTEES. Article 1. The annual meeting of the Trustees shall be held on the first Monday in May. At this meeting there may be chosen a President, and a Super- intendent for the ensuing year. At the succeeding meeting the President shall nominate a Committee on Accounts, and a Committee on Grounds, a Committee on Lots, and a Committee on Interments. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The President shall call a special meeting when requested to do so by two Trustees. The Regular meetings of the Trustees shall be held on the first Tuesday, and on the twenty-second day, of each month, except when the 22d occurs on Sunday or on a holiday, when the meeting shall be held the day following. PRESIDENT. Art. 2. The President shall preside at the meet- ing of the Trustees. He shall determine the hour and place for the meetings. He shall, unless otherwise ordered, nominate all committees ; he shall sign the deeds of conveyance of lots, and bonds given for the perpetual care of the same ; he shall make the annual and other Reports to the City Council, and perform such other duties as are required by the ordinances of the city. All bills on account of the Cemetery shall be approved by him before they are presented to the city for payment. In the absence of the President his duties shall be performed by the senior Trustee present. SECRETARY. Art. 3. The Secretary shall notify and attend all meetings, and record the doings of the Board. He shall have charge of the plans belonging to the Ceme- tery, and all legal instruments, reports, catalogues, and other publications of the Trustees. He shall prepare, countersign, and record, in a book kept for the pur- pose, all deeds of conveyance for lots or bonds given for the perpetual care of the same. He shall pay into the City Treasury, monthly, all moneys received by him on account of the Cemetery. SUPERINTENDENT. Art. 4. The Superintendent shall reside near the Cemetery, and, under the direction of the Trustees, shall have the general supervision and custody thereof ; shall keep the avenues, paths and grounds in neat and satisfactory order; and, as agent for the Trustees, shall have the sole power to engage and discharge workmen; also to order and ar ange their respective duties, and to pay their wages at such times and in such manner as the Trustees shall direct. He shall see that all regulations with regard to interments and the construction of tombs, monuments and fences, are complied with. He shall see that the rights of the city and regulations of the Trustees are respected by artists, mechanics and laborers employed on the grounds by individual proprietors. He shall fulfil all contracts made with proprietors for the repair of lots, or for their permanent care, and perform such other duties as the Trustees may require. He shall have power to remove from the Cemetery improper and disorderly persons, to abate nuisances, and to remove rubbisli and unnecessary incumbrances. He shall keep, in books provided for the purpose, regular and accurate records of all interments, including the names and ages of the persons interred, and the place and date of their interment ; also, of all monuments erected, and lots enclosed and improved. Also, of all moneys received or disbursed by him, whether for wages, fees, improvement of lots, sales of any kind, purchases made, or services rendered. On the first day of each month, or oftener, if required by the Trustees, he shall render to the Secretary copies of said accounts, with proper vouchers, and pay over to him all moneys remaining in his hands. He shall also render to the Secretary on the first day of each month a statement showing the number of interments made for the pre- ceding month. The compensation of the Superinten- dent shall be a salary, to b& fixed by the Trustees, and the use of the dwelling-house connected with the Cem- etery, and no other perquisites ; and he may be removed for cause by a vote of the majority of the Board. COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS. Art. 5. The Committee on Accounts shall consist of two Trustees. They shall act as auditors, and examine and satisfy themselves of the correctness of all the accounts rendered by the Secretary, Superin- tendent, Committees, or others connected with the Cemetery. And all bills payable on account of the Cemetery shall be endorsed as correct by one of the Committee on Accounts, and submitted to the Board for their approval. COMMITTEE ON GROUNDS. Art. 6. The Committee on Grounds shall consist of three Trustees. They shall have the general charge of the grounds, trees, avenues and paths in the Cemetery, with power to make such alterations, repairs, and improvements therein as they shall deem expedient. But no avenues or paths shall be changed in situation without a vote of the Trustees. COMMITTEE ON LOTS. Art. 7. The Committee on Lots shall consist of three Trustees. They shall have the general super- vision of all sales, locations and enlargements of lots ; also of all questions of right between individual pro- prietors or between proprietors and the officers of the Cemetery. No transfer or conveyance of land shall take place without the approval of a majority of the Committee. The Committee on Lots shall have power, subject to the concurrence of the Trustees, to contract with any proprietor for the repair of his lot; and shall see that the contract is duly executed. COMMITTEE ON INTERMENTS. Art. 8. The Committee on Interments shall consist of two Trustees. They shall superintend the general subject of interments, and see that they are made in conformity with the laws of the Commonwealth and the rules and regulations of the Cemetery. They shall from time to time inspect the records and accounts of the Superintendent relative to interments and see that the same are properly kept. INTERMENTS. Art. 9. No interment shall be made at Mount Hope until such a permit as may be required by the laws of the State, or of the city or town from which the deceased may be brought, together with an order from the pro- prietor of the lot in which the interment is to be made, or from his legal representative, shall be presented to the Superintendent ; nor until the fees have been paid. No removal of bodies from the Cemetery will be permitted, except as provided by the laws of the State 10 and in the manner prescribed by the Board of Health or orders of the Board of Trustees. For an interment in a tomb a charge shall be made by the Superintendent according to the amount of ser- vice rendered in the case. Until otherwise ordered, the fees for digging a grave and making an interment shall be : — For a person 10 years of age and over, . . . $4.00 " " under 10 years, 3.00 Each additional body interred in a grave at the same time, 10 years of age and over, . . . 1.00 Under 10 years, 50 Deposit in Receiving Tomb (see By-Laws, Art. 15), 10.00 INTERMENTS IN CITY CEMETERY. A person 10 years of age and over, .... §5.00 " under 10 years, 3.00 LOTS AND SPACES. Art. 10. Lots shall be laid out by the Superintend- ent, subject to the approval of the Committee on Lots. In future sales of lots, a space of not less than two or more than four feet in width, at the discretion of the Committee on Lots, shall be reserved between the fence limits of different lots, which spaces shall be forever kept open, and within which there shall be no inter- ments. 11 CYPRESS YALE AND MAPLE GROVE. Art. 11. jSTo slab or. fence shall be erected upon or around any grave in Cypress Vale, or Maple Grove, without the approval of the Committee on Lots ; and, as far as practicable, all memorial stones shall be of uniform size, conformable to a sample furnished by the Committee on Lots. SALES AND CONVEYANCES. Art. 12. Lots applied for by purchasers may be laid out and graded by the Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Committee on Lots. If the sale is approved by the Committee, the purchaser shall then pay to the Secretary the customary, or stipulated price of the lot sold him, and shall receive a certificate therefor, which shall be returned to the Secretary when the deed is delivered. No deed of any lot shall be issued to more than one grantee, nor to any person as trustee, executor, or administrator, except by vote of the Trustees. Art. 13. Trees standing within lots can be re- moved, if desired, by an application by the proprietor to the Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Committee on Grounds. The Committee on Grounds have also charge of th'e general subject of introducing and cultivating, trimming and removing trees and shrubs in other parts of the Cemetery. 12 Art. 14. Lots for tombs may be sold in places ap- proved by the Trustees, and at prices fixed by them. Such tombs shall be constructed in a strong, tight and durable manner, and shall be in every part to the sat- isfaction of the Committee on Lots. RECEIVING TOMBS. Art. 15. Bodies maybe deposited in the receiving tomb, on payment of Ten Dollars to the Superinten- dent. If, within four months after such deposit, the body shall be interred in another part of the Cemetery by the friends of the deceased, no further charge shall be made for such interment ; but if the body shall not be removed from the tomb within the period above specified, the Superintendent may cause the body to be interred in such place as shall be designated by the Committee on Interments. But if the friends desire further delay, the Superintendent, under the direction of the Committee on Interments, may allow the body to remain a longer time (not exceeding four months), on the payment of One Dollar per month in advance. MONUMENTS, STONES, FENCES, ETC. Art 16. Proprietors have a right to erect on their lots, fences, monuments and 'stones of appropriate character. Fences, tablets, or other devices of wood 13 are not permitted. Evergreen hedges, of small or moderate size, are allowed. Art. 17. No grave or tomb shall be opened for an interment or removal by any person except by order of the Trustees or Superintendent. FUNERALS. ARt. 18. Early notice of funerals should be given to the Superintendent at the Cemetery, who will make all the arrangements for the interment. OMNIBUSES, TEAMS, CARTS, ETC. Art. 19. No teams or carts (except those used on the grounds) or omnibuses will be allowed to drive into the Cemetery without a special vote of the Trus- tees. alteration oe by-laws. Art. 20. No addition to or alteration in the By- Laws shall be made at the same meeting at which it is proposed, nor unless adoj)ted by a vote of the majority of the Trustees. RULES AND REGULATIONS TO BE OB- SERVED IN THE CEMETERY. 1. The Superintendent will receive visitors at all seasonable hours. 2. No person in the employ of the Superintendent is allowed to receive money for services rendered to visitors. 3. !STo horse is to be driven within the Cemetery faster than a walk, and no horses can be left in the grounds without a keeper, unless fastened to posts provided for the purpose. 4. All persons with fire-arms, or refreshments, are prohib- ited from entering upon any part of the Cemetery grounds. 5. All persons are prohibited from writing upon, or other- wise defacing, any sign, monument, fence or other structure. 6. All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, cutting or breaking any tree, plant or shrab. 7. Visitors will not be permitted to walk on the flower-beds, or upon the graded lots or borders. 8. All noisy and disorderly persons will be expelled from the grounds. 9. The Superintendent has the care of the Cemetery, and is authorized to remove all persons who violate these regulations. 10. Trespassers are liable to be fined, as provided by law. 11. Smoking is strictly prohibited in any part of the Cemetery. 12. No monumental works will be permitted to be erected in the Cemetery without a good and sufficient foundation, to be approved by the Superintendent. N". B. Trees, shrubs and plants will be furnished to visitors by the Superintendent, at moderate charges. SUGGESTIONS TO LOT-OWNERS AND OTHERS. The fourth clause of the deed of possession requires that the number of every lot shall be " legibly and permanently marked," at the expense of the proprietors. As those numbers can only be " permanent," that are made of iron, slate, stone or other 15 imperishable material, proprietors whose lots are marked with wooden numbers are requested to substitute such indestructible material without delay, — patterns of which can be seen and ordered at the Cemetery. Lot-owners, not original purchasers, but who have received their lots by transference from former owners and whose names have not been substituted for such former owners on the records of the Cemetery, are requested to take their deeds of possession to the Secretary -of the Board, in order that such substitutions may be accurately made. It frequently occurs that messages are sent to the Cemetery requesting graves to be opened adjoining or near the graves of persons previously interred. Where graves are not designated by stones, or otherwise, it will be impossible, in process of time, to comply with the directions thus given, unless some system designating every grave be adopted. It is recommended, there- fore, that every lot-owner make a drawing of his lot on a blank page of his deed, and record on it every interment with name and date. Upon the occurrence of future interments, let a tran- script of this map, with the place marked where the grave is desired to be opened, be duly sent to the Cemetery. In this way every difficulty will be obviated -and an interesting family record will be made and preserved for future generations. AVENUES AND WALKS. AVEXUE<. Auburn, Central, Ch aiming, Crescent, Cypress, Elmwood, Burns, Cary, Cowper, Dana, Evergreen, Glen Terrace, Forest, Greenwood, Grove, Highland, Lake, Laurel, Mount Hope, Moimt Vernon, Ocean, Oakland, Pilgrim, Rock, WALKS. Goldsmith, Heber, Holmes, Irving, L an don, Longfellow, Lowell. Montgomery, Milton, Pierpont, Rock Dell, Shakspeare, Rock Mound, Spring Vale, Union, Walnut, Webster. Spenser, Sigourney, Tennyson, Whittier. 16 AVENUES. Auburn leads from Central to Central. Central leads from front gate to hack gate. Ch aiming leads from Crescent to Auburn. Crescent leads from Mt. Vernon to Wabash. Cypress leads from Central to Central. Elm wood leads from Forest to Webster. Forest leads from Grove to Webster. Greenwood leads from Crescent to Spring Vale. Grove leads from Central to Webster. Highland leads from Central to Walnut. Lake leads from Greenwood to G-reenwood. Laurel leads from Mt. Vernon to Walnut. Mt. Hope leads from Central to Rock Mound. Mt. Vernon leads from front gate to Webster. Ocean leads from Spring Vale to Spring Vale. Oakland leads from Forest to Webster. Pilgrim leads from Webster to Auburn. Rock leads from Central to Webster. Rock Mound leads from Central to G-rove. Spring Vale leads from Auburn to Central. Union leads from Central to Walnut. Walnut leads from front gate to Lake. Webster leads from Central to Central. WALKS. Burns leads from Spenser to Montgomery. Cary leads from Elm wood Avenue to Webster Avenue. Cowper leads from Montgomery to Ocean Avenue. Dana leads from Mt. Vernon Avenue to Laurel Avenue. Evergreen leads from Central Avenue to Rock Mound Avenue. G-len Terrace lends from Montgomery Walk to Ocean Avenue. Goldsmith leads from Auburn Avenue to Rock Dell Walk. Heber leads from Pilgrim Avenue to Union Avenue. Holmes leads from Soldiers' Monument to Crescent Avenue. Irving leads from Pilgrim Avenue to Union Avenue. Landon leads from Rock Mound Avenue to Central Avenue. Longfellow leads from Central Avenue to Mt. Vernon Avenue. Lowell leads from Elmwood Avenue to Webster Avenue. Montgomery leads from Pilgrim Avenue to Spring Vale Avenue. Milton leads from Auburn Avenue to Union Avenue. Pierpont leads from Central Avenue. Rock Dell leads from Central Avenue to Auburn Avenue. Shakspeare leads from Webster avenue. Sigourney leads from Highland Avenue to Channing Avenue. Tennyson leads from Crescent Avenue to Central and Chan- ning Avenues. Whittier leads from Highland Avenue to Channing Avenue. NAMES AND OWNERS OF LOTS, WITH THE RESPECTIVE NUMBERS OF EACH. [The * indicates that the lot has two owners ; the f that there are three ; and the :j:four.] Adams, J. Gedney 4 Arther, James P. 55 Allen, Joseph H. 79 Abbott, Ezra 120* Alden, George 123 Allen, Peter 126 Atwood, Cbloe 160f Ashe, Richard 222 Adams, Joseph K. . 228 Ayer, Elizabeth W 253 Adams, Samuel 254 Allyn, Edwin 270 Appleton, John 277 Adams, Obadiah F. 298* Armstrong, Benjamin 299 Allan, George W. 328 Apthorp, Robert E. 355 Apollonio, N. A. 368 Alesworth. R. Annie 424 Abbott, John F. 451 Apthorp, Charles W. 520 Ash croft, Thomas 530 Atkins, George P. 574 Allen, Susan M. 581 Austin, Jacob K. 584 Allen, W. H. 617 Allen, John 620 Aymer, Francis 626 Aston, James 8. 634 Abbott. Horace P. 658 Abbott, Mary W. 762 Adams, Nathaniel 805 Army and Navy Lot 828 Adams, Edward H. 870 Austin, Samuel 891 Abbott, Nathan F. 909 Aiken, Margaret 948 Allen, Zenas Allen, Orville Anthes, Matthew- Andrews, Amanda M. Austin, Milton Ashcroft, Sarah Addison, Richard Beals, William Barry, Cbarles C. Bosworth, Benjamin S. B ram an, Wm. F. j Brown, Gilbert C. Bngbee, Esther Barry, Joseph E. Burditt, Benjamin A. Brown, Mary E. Bartlett, Theodore Breed, Aaron Bird, Isaac Burke, Thomas F. Blaney, Sarah A. Beal, Warren S. Burrill, John Brewer, Mrs. E. M. Byron, Joseph C. Bissell, Thomas Brown, Plorace W. Brownbill, John Brooks, Kendall Blackman, Wm. M. ) Burbank, Abijah F. ) Barnard, Sylvester Baker, James 987 1015 1047 1062 1075 1079 1246 2 15* 17* 20 22 24 26 27 29 32f 34 52 54 57* 89 96 100 139 144 146 150 157 159 161 165 171 18 Baker, Stephen Briggs, Lucins H. Bassett, Isaac M. Beck, Mary S. Burbank, Eliza J. Brown, John 0. J. Brown, Nathan Britten, Thomas Beck, Gideon Bumstead, Josiah Bay ley, Charles L. E. M. C. E. Brown, Charles M. Boydsson, Sarah Berry, Daniel C. Bailey, Job F. Brown, Augustus and El- bridge Bryer, Harriet S. Brooks, Jonathan Brainard, E. H. Bowthorp, Lucy Brad lee, James Bowdoin 363 Baldwin, Edward Briggs, Henry P. Boy den, David D. Bennett, A. J. and J. Ball, Lucy M. Breeze, David Brackett, Kufus Beckler, Chas. M. Bowdlear, John Brigham, Eliza A. Bruce, Jephtha G-. Beckler, Oliver O. Buckley, Jane Beck, Elizabeth S. Brown, William Bunten, Robert Burnett, Marshall Blank, G-eorge J. Binner, Charles Brown, George Brigden, Charles T. Bridge, Agnes Bond, Joseph E. Bridges, Charles A. Ballantyne, Francis 173 Buckpitt, John 597 183 Barton, Catharine 598 226 Buckley, Benjamin 623 227 Beatty, George 647 233 Brown, Lydia C. 660 240 Baxter, Stacy 663 246 Bleakie, John 665 255 Bennett, John H. 668 286 Bailey, Amasa 672 300 Bishop, Sophia G. 697 Buchanan, William 702 304 Bacon, George H. 715 Bugbee, Gilbert D. 723 315 Bowden, Elizabeth 724 318 Brewster, William A. 750 326 Blumberg, Charles 752* 335 Bryant, Edward 754 - Bickford , Levi 755 336 Butler, John 756 339* Brown, Ammi 759 347 Bird, Samuel J. 777 353 Bingham. Belding D. 787 362 Brooks, Howard W. 807 363 Beck, James H. 868 367* Butler, George H. 871 399 Butler, Mauley O. 873 410 Brigham, Martin F. 882 428 Bamfard, Albert J. 887 447 Brown, William H. 889 456 Boston Children J s Friend 469 Society 896 482 Brackett, Elmore F. 905 494 Baldwin, Harriet R. 912 495 Betcher, Harriet A. 917 496* Blood, Albert S. 940 501 Bishop, Nathan H. 972 514 Bloom, Charles A. T, 979 516 Baldwin, Lydia M. 983 519 Buckley, Timothy 1000 534 Batchelder, Sarah E. 1004 546 Barton, Francis W. 1C08 548 Byron., Daniel 1025 572 Berry, John F. 1027 576 Blair, Alfred A. 1031 580 Bird, Nancy 1045 582 Baker, John S. 1049 586 Batchelder, Samuel D. 1050 593 Bonnel, Harry C. 1064 596 Barbour, Edmond D. 1081 19 B ri gh am , Hubb ar d Barnes, Henry K. Burke, Jane Brown, George G. Brown, Laura J. Blodgett, Eliza A. Clapp, E. Emily Crawford, Ira Coffin, Jas. H. and A. A. Clapp, Otis Chase, George W. Cummings, W. P. Corthell, Hosea Clark, Lot Carrier, Gideon Co I man, Edward Copeland, Thomas Cotting, Jesse G. and Ebenezer P. Colman, Henry Crispen, John G. and Elizabeth Cable, Hobart M. Clapp, Almira P. Currier, George W. Champney. William L. Carlisle, James and Su- san Cook, McLauren F. Christian, Thomas and Alexander Cook, John L. Cap en, Wm. W. Crocker, J. H. Cobb, Eldridge G. and Joseph F. Cummings, Gilbert Classen, Thomas D. Cutler, James Cap en. Nahuni Clark, Benjamin Clapp, Harriet Capen, Lemuel Cummings, Carolina A. Carter, James W. and John J. Cook, George M. Cram, Stephen B. 10S5 Coolidge, T. E. 450 1098 Coffin fWm. B. 457 1137 Conant, James H. 460 1157 Clapp, Emily 470 1188 Canegaly, Mrs. Pauline 476 1199 Chapel of Good Shep- herd 479 1 Colson, James E. 502 25 Carew, Joseph 504 32f Chase, Moses 524 60 Corson, Ivory 528 70 Calder, Nathaniel H. 533 71 Currier, Lewis 537 76 Gushing, Catherine 549 81 Cole, Emma J. 595 108 Consumptives' Home 116* Lot, 608 117 Christopher, Emily C. 633 Coffin, Marcus V. 641 125 Currier, Elbridge 645 151 Carr, Henry H. 648 Clapp, Cornelius 685 155 Carpenter, Harvey 701 172 Conant, Frederick P. 717 174 Clapp, George P. 721 177 Cline, William 728 245 Chandler, Mary W. 763 Clemens, Martha J. 782 259 f Calef, Hiram 798 275 Coopeiv Joseph 806 Carpenter, Jerome B. 817 280 Collins, Chester A. 820 282 Crane, Margaret B. 824 288 Cooledge, Henry F. 930 307* Cobb, David 952 Chandler, Joseph 989 316 Chase, Mark 1006 322 City Hospital, 1012 324* Clark, Frederick O. 1017 337 Chapman, Harriet E. 1022 338 Cahill, Miles S. 1026 366 Cass, Edwin 1058 372 Chapman, Alfred F. 1071 376 Coombes, Harriet S. and 397* Frederika 1183 401 Dodd, Michael S. 12 438 Daniels, John 27 446 Dorr, Charlotte 31 20 Dupee, James A. 46* Downes, Susan 49 Drew, Joseph L. 90 Durrani, William 109 Downes, Aaron A., Sa- rah E., Thomas L., Simon E., and Jose- phine A. 130 Downes, Simeon E. 134 Dorman, Wm. F. 145 Dennis, Louis 158 Darling, Horace B. 181 Durrell, Moses T. 191 Draper, Charles E. 207 Dill away, Wm. S. 214 Dry den, George 249 Dyer, Henry T. 273 Dupee, Horace 323 Dix, Joseph 340 Duluce, Caroline A. 346 Dearborn, John M. 359 Dunlap, John and James 374 Doer, Frederick 382 Dodge, Asa 425 Drew, George G. 439 Dillawy, Enoch S., jr. 425 Danforth, William 481 Davis, Chas. E. 532 Dugan, Francis 619 Damon, Freedom D. 646 Daniell, Henrietta 657 Dingley, James 669 Daniels, Sarah R. 692 Darling, Daniel 734 Dean, John 770 Dacey. Hiram 803 Drew, Clement 809 Daley, Daniel B. 883 Devens, Charles 943 Davenport, Sarah M. 968 Durgin, Ann S. 997 Denton, Augustus, 1010 Dickinson, Fred'k W. 1021 Donnelly, William 1037 Dexter, Joseph P. 1039 Donald, David 1067 Doolittie, Levi 1082 Downes, E. Daniel 1086 Day, Leonard 1115 Edwards, G. H. Eayrs, Joseph H. Emmons, Mary L. Earl, Thomas Emerson, Jemima Eliot, John Ellis, S. Clarence Ellis, Elisha Estabrooks, John W. Ellis, George English, James L. Erskine, Thomas Erwin, Miles Eldridge, Smith Emery, Woodbury Ellis, Joseph D. Emery, George F. Evans, Thomas C. Eiler, August Erskine, J. S. Ellis, Charles H. Eastman, Allen F. Emerson, Robert Emerson, George, 2d Evans, James O. ( Evans, Thomas H., Jr. ] Ewer, Eliza Eliott, John Flood, James ) Flood, Ezanah \ Foss, Charles M. Farrington, John Fisher, George L. Farnsworth, Catharine T, Falls, John T. Ferdinand, Francis French, Daniel Fillemore, James R. Flint, Levi Foskett, Ebenezer Fernald, Eli Farnum, Catharine D. French, Sarah R. Fairbanks, Frost, Jairus A. French, Benjamin V. Frazier, Daniel 10 17* 69* 84* 118 156 218 289* 325 349 394 417* 453* 509 529 710 711 742 752 784 888 937 963 976 1091* 1102 1233 n 44 53 83 103 122* 153 164 176 187 221 242 244 251 256 258 281 302 324* 21 Fillebrown, Asa Foster, Wra. B. French, Benjamin B. Fries, Wolf C. J. Farrington, Horace F. Fuller, Elizabeth and ) Lydia j Frothingham, S. L. M. Foley. Wra, J. Faunce, Thomas Ford. Samuel Ford. Wra. E. Felt, Andrew J. Fairweather, William Farrar, Ezra O. F. Farrington, J. F. Farnum, Jacob M. Foss, Lory B. Federhen, William F. O, Foster, James C, 2d Frederick, Benjamin B. Fern aid, George C. Fayne, John L. Fuller, Augustus Fry, Mary A. Fillebrown, James R. French, Albert Fennel ly, Richard J. Farwell, George W. Folsom, Alonzo W. Foley, Sarah Gould, Josiah Goodwin, Wm. F. Gardner, Mary A. Gass, Mary A. Gordon. James M. Gogin, Thomas Greenwood, Charles H. 351 385 437 472 477 484* 550 555 590 594 631 632 700 703 765 821 859 885 * 913 957 980 998 1009 1020 1023 1040 1060 1182 1088 63* 105 107 130 160 193 216 24$ 258 Gibbs, H. G. " 256 and Gore, Francis H. and Mary A. B. 278 Grover, H. K. 292 Grout, Harriet 295 George, Joseph P. 303 Goodwin, Elijah H. 350 Gilbert, Benjamin W. 379 Gale, Augustus C. 400 Gould, Cyrus P. Go wing, Nancy Greene. Moses C. Green, Henry F. Gill, Thomas, Henry W. and William Graham, James Green, James M. Gerrish, Thos. D. Griggs, Robert D. Gould, Erastus B. Grant, Stephen M. Graupner. J. H. Gould, Thaddeus Goddard, Mrs. Mary A. Garrett, William Gerald, Robert T. Gardner, Mrs. Eunice, in trust for heirs of Reuben Wheeler Gove, Abiel Green. John, Jr. Green, Frank Gilbert, Abbie H. Goodwin, Maria T. Goldie. Henry . Gilchrist, Robert Geldert, Horatio N". Gerlach, Catherine Grosse, Hermann Goodenow, Jane B. Gould, Charles B. Goodwin, Henry M. Gay, Frederick *W. Grant, John Go wen, John C. Geddes, John L. Glcason, John W. 406 414t 454 471 490 492 499 552 556 566 600 627 630 66 4 682 686 687 Harding, Sarah A. L. Houghton, Hatch. Calvin Hatchman, John Haynes, Wm. F. Howard, Samuel B. Hunnewell, George W. Hard wick. George S. Hadley, Moses 712 719 731 736 776 790 800 812 867 974 978 984 985 992 994 995 1138 1205 1245 6* 21 36 39* 42 47 51 57 62 22 Halstrick, Joseph 74 Haley, Mary E. 488 Honey, John H. 82 Haven, Calvin 511 Hughes, Mrs. Catharine 84 .< u 513 Harding, Wm. B. 86 Holbrook, Edward H. 521 Howe, Joseph I. and Hallett, Daniel B. 538 Napoleon B. 87 Hall, Leonard 547 Howard, Joseph W. 88 Hanson, Anthony 563 Harding, Lemon P. 97 Hartshorn, David H. 571 Herrick, Jacob 99 Hodges, John E. 573 Harding, James H. 124 Harris, Mary 575 Hallowell, Mary Jane 143 Hickey, John 603 How land, George 349 Home for Aged Men 604 Hanscom, Nathaniel H. 153 Haggerston, David 606 Hall, Vincent 170* Hall, Elizabeth 611 Hills, Daniel M. 180 Hall, Francis 623 Hills, W. S. and Joel H. 182 Harding, Charles P. 624 Hill, Ebenezer A. 184 Home for Little Wan- Harris, Leonard 186 derers 629 Horton, Zebina 212 Hallo well, Didama 638 Hitchcock, Jesse 220 Hutehings, Eunice S. 644 Hyde. Joseph L. 232 Herron, William 650 Hastings, David B. 260 Hazel wood, George 674 Houghton, Ellis 262 Hall, William 681 Houghton, James 264 Hurley, John 699 Hebard, B. F. 266 Hancock, George W. 705 Harding. Charles P. 279* Heilbron, Abraham 716 Haskell, Enoch 283 Hathaway, Francis E. 72g Hay den, George 287 Henshaw, Richard W. 735 Hart, Thomas S. 291 Hichborn, Wm. C. 737 Hall, Milton 293* Hogan, Henry T. 740 Han key, Joseph 297 Han son „ Peter L. 789 Harris, Elijah 307* House of the Good Sa- Hayes, Alvin 313 maritan 82& Hill, Thomas, jr. 314 Hoyt, William H. 877 Hayden, James 318 Haskell, Harriet M. 901 Hay den, Michael 320 Hood, Charles C. 902 Harper, Richard L. 329 Hobart, Mary A. 911 Hubbard, John C. 342 Ham, Augustine D. 921 Holbrook. Samuel 343 Hawley, Fidelia 922 Hawes, Wm. B. 351* Hathaway, Edward S. 926 Haskell, Charles 373 Haskell. Restore B. 927 Harlow, Ezra 390 Hawkins, John 923 Huntington, Frederick D .409 Hamblen. Charles T. 934 Holden, Charles F. 419 Harper, Abbie J. 944 Hunt, Edward R. 427 Holmes, Thomas C» 959 Hendley, James M. 430 Hutchins, Solomon and Haley, Samuel W. 440 Sophia 961 Hesseltine, John E. 444 Hubbard, Jerry 965 Hey den j George E. 445 Howland, Virginia I. 9ZQ> 23 Hay den, Charles J. 971 Hart, Sarah W. 1014 Howe, Jane W. 1036 Hilton. Warren W. 1048 Hughes. Susan E. 1053 Hastings, James 1071 Hilton," William B. 1073 Hayden, George H. 1077 Houghton, Howard 10S0 Hurst, Elizabeth 1097 Hannaford, Mary R. 1U1 Hathaway, Francis E. 1243 Jenkins, Isaac and Joshua 18 Johnson, Charles 33 Josselvn, John H. and John H., jr. 102 Jenkins, Flo race 116* Jewett, Luke 154 Jenks, Samuel H. 175 Jeffers, Mary B. 223 Jordan, Mrs. Anna 247 Jackson, Ezra S. 285 Jackson, Prudence 331 Johnson, Thomas S. 334 Johnson, Thomas 370 Judkins, Benjamin 402 Jones, Xahum 452 Jenkins, Nathaniel 522 Janes, Henry B. 540 Jones, Anna O. 589 Jones. Mrs. David 592 Jones, Lewis 616, 628 Jones, Moses 675 Johnson. Jane L. D. 739* Joy, Aaron 757 Jennings, Williana 834 Josselvn, Isaiah 906 Johnson. Alonzo 954 Johnson, Archibald 958 Johnson, Levi W. 981 Kemp, John 166 Kidder, Isaac L. 190 Kilnar, William 224 Kendal], Dauphin C. 257 Kuight, Daniel T. 289* Knowles, Josiah 414 Kingman, Sarah E. 424 Kelley. James A. 535 Kautzmann, Jacob 565 King, Augustus 613 Keller, Hannah 654 Kendrick, Charlotte 671 Kelley, Henry 696 Kilton. John F. 738 Knott, Robert 749 Kemp, Anne M. 767 Knights, Levi D. 774 Kennison, Abigail 755 Keeler, A dele M. 876 Kenyon, Solomon 879 King. John 923 Kelley, Henry H. 942 Kyle, Thomas 988 Kittridge, Samuel F. 1020 Karcher, Andrew 1099 Lewis. Alexander H. 5 Lothrop, Horace 9 Lyford. E. K. 20* Lovell, James Gr. 59 Luther, Charles F. 98 Lunt, Luther 120* Luckis, John S. 135 Loring, Susan W. 138 Lawson, John TV. 152 Leavitt, Thomas 219 Latham, Marcus A. 259f Lewis, Almira X. 267 Leuchars. Robert B. 309 Lawrence, Wm. O. 312 Learned, Amos F. 321 Lord, Isaac M. 339* Littlefield, Betsey 345 Lyon, Benjamin, 391 Lorintj, B. T. 398 Lane, J.-F. W. 405 Lutted, William 435 Lunt, G-eorge 443 Lovis, Ambrose 461 Leach, Charles H. 462 Loring, Barnabas T. 523 Learned, Rebecca H. 531 Langley, Hilton P. 545 Lan^. Stephen 585 Lovell, Emeline P. 588 24 Livermore, Lorenzo D. Learned, Catherine Lydston, William, jr. Locke, Wm. S. Leonard, Geo. W. Locke, John H. Lamphier, Edward Lapham, Louisa M. Libbey, Robert H. Lombard, Richard T. Lyon, Daniel Lang, Richard Lane, George H. Loring, Francis C. Locke, John B. Lucas, Winslow B. Lovell, William Littlefield, Lncretia R. Lewis, John A. Lawrence, Joseph W. Lakin, Loammi B. Laughton, Eliza J. Lawrence, Winfield S. Loud, John C. Munroe, Wm. H. Miller, Richard Mullin, John R. Melcher, Nathaniel Melntire, Joseph Meriam, Charles Molineux, Henry March, Aaron H. Morse, Perley, jr. Mason, S. K. Munzig, Maria Moore. John Mehegan, Timothy B. Moore, Edward B. Murray, Ebenezer Munroe, Henry, jr. Miller, Robert Mayo. Charles F. Murray, Edward W. Ma lard, Henry R. Munroe, George Morgan, Thomas Marsh, Joseph M. Marden, David 670 Makepeace, Wm. 389 682 Merrill, Benjamin L. 403 708 " Elizabeth 404 718 Means, James H. 420 725 McGlenen, Henry A. 434* 732 Merriam, Jacob 466 733 Murray, Margaret A. 484| 744 Mason, Louis 496* 758 Mercer, -Alfred J. 512 793 Mowton, George 525 813 Morss, Robert 559 815 Merriam, Ephraim 565 826 Merritt, Maria 569 898 Merriam, Wm. H. 577 903 Moore, James 579 918 McClearn, James 583 959 Moulton, George W 991 and James F. 602 1001 Murray, James W. 722 1013 Miller, William 747 1020 Morse, Wm. H. 751 1032 Mason, Julian O. 753 1116 Macdonald, Hugh 775 1160 Martin, George E. 780 Mills, Charles H. 795 14* Milligan, Thomas 796 16 Menzicoff, Mary H. 801 39* Moore, Wm. E. 804 50 Merrill, Francis J. 808 94 Morse, James 822 104 Mellow, Mary A. 875 179 Mitchell, Alexander 886 185 McKay, David H. 925 192 Mullal'y, John C. 931 197 Mallard, Wm. A. 947 203 Mcars, George II. 953 204 Miller, Martha C. 977 234 Moore, Sarah A. E. 990 275* Macullar, Jane S. 999 298* Merrill, LydiaN. 1024 310 Murray, William J. 1028 317 Miles, John 1035 327 Morse, Seneca P. 1076 332* McConachy, John M. 1084 334 337 369 Morrison, Henry 1159 Neat, Bethia 11 375 Neff, Wm. J 28 386 Newhall, Daniel B. 35 25 Niebuhr, John H. Norris, Sabin C. \ " Albert F. \ Nute, Ephraim ■ Nelson, Angus Noyes, Hosea Nightingale, Abbie C. Nelson, Christian Nichols, Dr. Wm. Neilson, William A and James Norris, Jacob Nicholson, Wm. Neal, Albert D. Noble, Mark E. Norton, Mary Jane Newell, Edson Nicholson. Wm. C. Nolen, Spencer Newman. Samuel H. Nell, John F. Newton, Isaac W. Norton, Susan M. Noyes, Emerson A. Nichols, Nancy H. Newhall, Orson D. Orcutt, Wm. A. O'Brien, Patrick Olmstead, Holton O'Brien, Patrick Oliver, Royal, jr. Omen, Martha M. Orcutt, Helen Orne, Joseph T. Oliver, David M. " Thomas H. Odd Fellows' Lot Onion, Willard O'Brien. Thomas Palmer, Isaac P. Paine, Joseph P. 67 Pope, Alexander 56 85* Parker, Charles S. 73 Pearce, William 101 132 Parkman, Edward W. 129 133* Penn. Joseph 168 194* Porter, John K. 200 319 Palmer, Rensellaer L. ) 208 344 Park, Isaac B. ) 356 Pierce, John W. 210 Parks. Sarah 231 360 Phelps, Joseph B. 263 414 Prescott, Daniel 265 619 Piper. Betsey 272 667 Park, William 276 745 Peabody, Wm. H. 279* 761 Philbrook, Levi ) 330 861 Perkins, Job H. ) 904 Peck, William 332 907 Packard, Charles 348 932 Pierce, Albert ) 358 1003 " John E. ) 1010 Port Society of the City 1055 of Boston and its Vi- 1065 cinity 384 1134 Porter, John K. 415 1196 Pierce, Otis S. 417* Peabody, Owen G. 422 Pike, Sarah 431 40 Pratt, Andrew 485 77 Powers, John P. 491 80 Piatts, Almon 527 93 Printers' Lot 541 95 Perkins, Mary E. 542 106 Parm enter, Edward 567 113 Pratt, Charles O. 601 128 Pearce. Shadrach S. 610 140 Parsons. Charles H. 614 148 Parsons, George W. 655 201 Peck, Alonzo D. 688 229* Perry. Sarah J. 707 361 Parish, John 743 408 Pfeiffer, Jacob 779 544 Prescott, Mrs. Mary 791 Poole, G-alen 799 587 Pratt, Converse F. 810 869 . Parker. George N. and 946 William Munroe 814 3 Palmer, Dudley R. 832 23 Peters, Alvah H. 856 26 Fierce, Luther Phipps, Daniel W. Perkins, Win. Perkins, Betsey B. Priest, Charles C. Poole, Anson F. Pereival, David C. jr. Peirce, Elizabeth B. Plaisted, Catherine M. Pope, Charles A. Paul, Matthew L. Piper, Samuel N. Pro van, Robert Page, Mrs. Caroline M. Putney, Sewall Post 7 — a. A. R. Palmer, Eliza F. Parker, Charles S. Rymes, William H. Richardson, Sarah Ramsdell, Henry Redding, George W. Ru£g, Charles W. Redding, F. W. G-. Richards, Samuel C. Russell, Jesse Richardson, Sarah Readhead, Alan son T. Rice, James Roberts, Henry Pepper Rolle, Elizabeth J. Richards, Francis and Joseph Robinson, Augustus Richardson, George 0. Roberson. Samuel Rogers, William Rogerson, Robert, jr. Rist, James PI. Richards, Catharine L. Ross, Peter Ropes, George, jr. Richardson, Joshua W. Redding, Mary A. H. Robinson, Joseph Richards, Elizabeth 1ST. Remick, George Richards, Francis 863 Rowe, Susan J. 730 884 Russell, Martin 773 899 Reynolds, Adeline 816 900 Ramsey, Thomas 819 914 Rae, Benjamin 890 915 Rogers, Mary 939 916 Roberts, Emma K. 967 935 Revere, George 996 945 Rowe, Morris B. and 951 Calvin A. 1019 966 Reed, Lucj' M. 1044 1002 Robertson, John 1103 1061 Rich, Henry A. 1132 1074 Rogers, Emma A. 1135 1079 Robinson, John 1139 1105 1207 Smith, Anne 7t 1244 Simonds. Joseph 8 Seavey, Lyman 12* 48 Smith, Andrew G. 14* 142 Stacy, Horace 37 160f Symmes, Harriet 41 163 Safford, Henry 57 170* Smith, Joseph 61* 188 Spooner, John P. 68 189 Schwcerer, John M. 72 195 Sargent, John A. 75 199 Schwarz, Louis B. 111 284 Sawtell, Elizabeth 115 378 Schwarz, Louis B. ) 119 383 Schauffler, F. G. \ 388 Schwarz, Louis B. 121 Smith, John F. 122* 416 Stearns, Albert T. 127* 430 Simpson, David C. 133 433 Stone, L. 160 453* Springfield, Nathaniel 169 464 Stone, Cyrus H. 176 507 Summers, Thomas L. 198f 554 Stoddard, Wm. S. 202 560 Stoddard Martha C. 229 568 Smith, James F. 237 591 Stoddard, Erastus 241 607 Stetson, W. F. 253 f 618 u a 258 621* Seeley, Stephen 274* 637 Sanger, Zedekiah 293 642 Stimpson, Sarah 294 651 Sanders, William 296 27 Sbepherd, William 301 Sumner, John S. 714 Story, E. Augustus 303 Saville. Josiah 720 Stillings, Cynthia 326 Sumner. Sarah J. 739* Saunders, Win. H. 333 Swift, Wm. A. 760 Southwick. Ruth D. 341 Stacey, Wm.B. 764 Scates, John 364 Swindlehurst, Elizabeth 766 Stauwood, Albert 365 Seaverns, George W. 768 Sn inner, Bradford 371 Shaw, Eliza 771 Sabine, John 387 Swett, Harriet F. 781 Spinney, Samuel R. 392 Sharp, James 783 Simpson, Maria F. 407 Sisson, Willard T. 788 Sargent. Epes 411 Stone, Edwin B. 797 Stuclman, Albert 412 Simmonds, Charles W. 830 Simmonds, David M. 421 Schoppe, Henry A. 872 Scott, William 423 Stratton, Henry C. 878 St. Marys Ch., Parish of 432 Shuman, Thomas 879 Stebbins, Orice K. 442 Smith, Eunice 880 Sylvester, Perry A. 448 Spurr, Oliver H. 892 Stephens, John W. 449 Stuart, William J. 893 Smith, Catharine P. 468 Stearns, George W. 919 Simpson, David S. 483 Speidel, Leopold 941 Slade, D. D. 493 Sweetland, Elizabeth J. 949 Stearns, J. B. 500 Starkweather, Archibald 955 Shunk. Frederick 503 Stone, Elisha 956 Stebbins, S. B. 508 . Seavey, Mary L. 962 Steiger. John 536 Studley, Alexander C. 964 Squire, Edmund 539 Schultz, Henrietta 973 Souther, George 540 Smith, Henry C. 975 Souther, Job T. 543* Swan, Albert D. 986 Spinney, Edwin B. 543* Stern, Edward 993 Spencer, Elizabeth 551 Sutton, Charles W. 1029 Sanborn, Jeremiah 562 Smith, Robert 1030 Spinney, Thomas 578 Smith, David 1038 Shattuck. Mrs. Francis 599 Stevens, James M. 1054 Shakeshaft, Henry 605 Sheffield, Serena L. 1056 Schafer, John H. 615 Scott, Frank 1066 Scipp, John H. 635 Smith, Edward F. 1068 Sherman, Jerusha 636 Smith, Chapin S. 1078 Spear, George G. 638* Sanderson, Caleb 1094 Stephens, Junius M. 639 Smith, Charles R. 1100 Saunders, Thomas 653 Sanders, Sarah M. 1133 Sheridan. Wm. E. 656 Smith, Andrew G. 1142 Slack, Chas. W. 661 Sharland, John 1179 Stearns. Hiram 677 Smart, Ann 1185 Stephens, Willard 0. 683* Stetson, Sidney A. 1227 Souther, Mary E. 691 Smith. Ammi 695 Trafton, I. S. 13 Soderberg, Eric N. 701 Tarr, David S. 18 Simpson, Elizabeth 706 Thaxter, David 33 28 Turner, Henry A. and Sarah A. Tillson, Mrs. John Troup, William Topham, John TownseDd, George O. Thayer, Thomas A. Tucker, Nathaniel Thomas, Esther Taylor, Thomas Townsend, Christopher F. Titcomb, Charles W. Tilton, John Tinkham, Jeremiah Thomas, Charles Tileston, Nathaniel W. and Thomas Tileston, Nathaniel W. and Thomas Taylor, Henry Thaxter, Edward Towle, Henry ) " Charles A. j Tolman, James N. Trowbridge, Isaac C. Twitchell, Jotham and Joseph Tobey, Joseph Tirre'll, Eliza A. Terry, Henry G. Taylor, Ephraim Tenney, Daniel Thompson. Cbas. H. Tompkins, Lemuel Thomas, Elizabeth Tucker, James 0. Traill, Grace "Temporary Home for the Destitute " Tombs, Benjamin P. Turner, Elisha Taylor, Page Thayer, Julia A. Tarbett, Lendall F. Thayer, Charles F. Townsend, Charles B. Tuckerman, George W. Tirrell, Frederick N. L 65 112 Taylor, John 1180 Underbill, James 673 114 Utley, Sarah A . 1209 131 147 Vose, Robert, jr. 78 158* Vinal, Otis 91 178 Vannevar, Edmund B. 136 206 Viner, George 311 207 Vannevar, Edmund B. 478 Ventress, Magnus 881 209 Von Olker, Ferdinand 933 213 238 Warren, Silas and Ira 30 239 Wesson, Wm. M. 43 261 Warner, Jesse R. and W. H. 45 269 Wheeler, Nathan 61* Webster, George W. 64 271 Ware, Samuel C. John, 290 Ephr'm G., and S. J. 66 377 Walsh, Margaret 92 381 Whitney, Silas G. 110 Wood, Wm. W. 137 396 Weld, heirs of Ebene- 418 zer 141 Webster, Daniel 162 436 Wright, Elizabeth L. 167 441 Ware, Daniel L. 192 458 Wilton, Nathaniel 1^4* 473 Wheat, Bridge 196 475 Wilson, Wilmot 211 518 Wright, Elizur 215 622 Wis well, Richard H. 217 652 Walbridge, Levi 230 659 Weller, Christina C. ) 235 662 Williams, RosellaC. \ 680 Wait, Harvey 250 White, William 268 694 Winship, F. Lyman 306 726 White, Marcia 367 727 Whitcomb, Caroline P. 380* 785 Weber, George 382* 792 Winslow, Hubbard 393 794 Winslow, Hubbard 395 866 Wheeler, Elmira 397* 908 Whitney, Sarah S. 413 Wate, Jacob 420 1063 Wise Wm. M. 423 1162 Whipple, Fanny 429 29 Wilkins, Clara A. Williams, Adelia Wheeler. James B. and Mary T., and Abigail Wells W^itherspoon. Eleazer B. W r etheibee, Samuel E. Wait, Gilbert WhUcher, Martin L. Williams. Emily R. White, William Wales, Stephen Wardner. Mary E. W]ggin, Thomas B. Wilkins, Samuel C. W^eeber', Mrs. Charles W^eibrecht. Frederick Wood, Samuel Woodsome, Richard Waldron. Caroline D. Wilson, Henry W. Wfbber, Israel Whitney. Ephraim A. Woodbury, Harriet N. Whitcornb, Oliver Waterhouse, Ezra C. Weeks. Harriet Maria Wilmarth, Mary B. Wheeler, Samuel C. White. Anna M. Wainwright, Edwin S. W r ebb, George H. Wilder, Thomas S. Whitney. Henry Wilkins', Franklin Whitney, Jacob S. Win ship, Oliver L. Wetherbee, Emily 434 Wilson, James L. 786 457 Wyman, William EL 802 Wyman, Ellen 811 Whitney. Mary D. 827 459 Wallace, James A. 874 474 Weeks, James B. 894 480 West, Charles F. 895 486 Wood, Joseph H. 897 487 Weltch, Henry 910 489 Weston, Asa 920 505 W r eld, Theodore D. 924 506 Wheeler, Martha 928 510 W^ilsdon, Edward C. 938 526 Wagner, Charles 969 553 Whitehouse, Joseph T. 982 557 Weitz, Wm. S. 1005 558 Wise, Charles E. 1007 561 Welch, John S. 1018 564 Wilson, Samuel H. 1034 570 Williams, George R, 1042 612 Wellman, Sarah 1051 625 Webber, William C. ) 1052 640 >s James \ 643 Wilson, John R. 1083 666 Warner, Joel C. 1089 676 Winchester. Sarah llul 678 Ward, Francis H. 1136 679 W^yman, Caroline W. 1140 684 AValton, Burton G. 1107 689 Woodvine, Denton G. 1164 690 Wilcox, Emily 1225 693 698 Young, Thomas J. T. 455 704 Young, James 709 713 Young. John D., jr. 769 741 Yeaton, Ruth 818 750 Yarrington, Richard H. 825 772 NAMES OF OWNERS OF LOTS. ARRANGED BY AVENUES AND WALKS, WITH THE CONSECUTIVE NUMBER OF EACH LOT. '■I 9- 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. E. Emily Clapp, Central Avenue. William Beals, " Isaac P. Palmer, (i J. Gedney Adams, " Alexander H. Lewis, " Sarah A. L. Hardinge, " James Flood, " Ezana Flood, " Anne Smith, " Joseph Simonds, " Horace Lothrop, (i a. H. Edwards, k< Bethia Neat, " Michael S. Dodd, Lyman Seavey, ft Israel S. Trafton, " Andrew Gr. Smith, " William H. Munroe, ki Charles C. Barry, " Richard Miller, " Charles C. Barry, " Joseph H. Eayrs, •' David S. Tarr, " Isaac and Joshua Jenkins, '* E. K. Lyford and Benjamin S. Bosworth, " Houghton, " Benjamin S. Bosworth, " William F. Braman, " Joseph P. Paine, «' Gilbert C. Brown, » Ira Crawford, <; Esther Bughee, «« John Daniels, " Joseph E. Barry, " William J. Neff, « 31 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 45. 46. 47. 43. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Benjamin A. Burditt, { Ira Warren, ( Silas Warren, Charlotte Dorr, c Mary Elizabeth Brown, < James H. Coffin, ( A. A. Coffin, David Thaxter, Theodore Bartlett, Daniel B. and John Newhall, Calvin Hatch, Horace Stacey, Charles Johnson, j John . R. Mullin, l John Hatchman, William A. Orcutt, Harriet Symmes, William F. Haynes, William M. Wesson, Charles M. Foss, I Jesse R. Warner, I W. H. Warner, James A. Dupee, Samuel B. Howard, William H. Rymes, Susan Downes, Nathaniel Melcher, G-eorge W. Hunnewell, Aaron Breed, John Farrington, Isaac Bird, James P. Arthur, Alexander Pope, j G-eorge S. Hardwick, ( Thomas F. Burke, Henry Safford, James Gr. Lovell, Otis Clapp, \ Nathan Wheeler, ( Joseph Smith, Moses Hadley, Josiah Gould, George W. Webster, Henry A. and Sarah A. Turner, f Samuel C. Ware, 1 John Ware, ] Ephraim Gr. Ware, t Sarah J. Ware, Central Avenue. .< a Landon Walk. Rock Mound Avenue. Evergreen Walk. Rock Mound Avenue. a Evergreen Walk. Rock Mound Avenue. Evergreen Walk. Rock Mound Avenue. Evergreen Walk. 84. 85. 32 67. John H. Niebuhr, Rock Mound Avenue. 68. John P. Spooner, Evergreen Walk. 69. Mary L. Emmons, " 70. George W. Chase, " 71. W. P. Cummings, " 72. John M. Schwcerer, " 73. Charles S. Parker, *' 74. Joseph Halstrick. " 75. John A. Sargent, " 76. Hosea Corthell, " 77. Patrick O'Brien, " 78. Robert Vose, jr., i( 79. Joseph H. Allen, " 80. Holton Olmstead, " 81. Lot Clark, " 82. John H. Honey. " 83. George L. Fisher, " Thomas Earl, Grove Avenue. Mrs. Catharine Hughes, ■' Sabin C. Norris, Evergreen Walk. Albert F. Norris, " 86. ' William B. Harding, Grove Avenue. 87. Joseph J. and Napoleon B. Howe, Evergreen Walk. 88. Joseph W. Howard, Grove Avenue. 89. Sarah A. Blaney, Evergreen Walk. 90. Joseph L. Drew, Grove Avenue. 91. Otis Vinal, jr., " 92. Margaret Walsh, " 93. Patrick O'Brien, " 94. Joseph Mclntire, " 95. Patrick O'Brien, " 96. Warren S. Beal, " 97. Lemon P. Harding, " 98. Charles F. Luther, " 99. Jacob Herrick, " 100. John Burrill. ' I F. G. Schauffler, 19n \ Luther Lunt, •«■ A " u ' ( Ezra Abbott, " 121. Louis B. Schwarz, " 100 S John T. Falls, " lzz ' \ John F.Smith, " 123. George Alden, " 124. James H. Harding, 4i 125. Jesse G. and Ebenezer P. Cotting, " 126. Peter Allen, Evergreen Walk. 127. Albert T. Stearns, Grove Avenue . 128. Patrick O'Brien, " 129. Edmund W. Parkman, " f Mary A. Gardner, " | Aaron A. Downes, " iQn J Sarah E. Downes, 44 l6(} ' ) Thomas L. Downes, | Simon E. Downes, u { Josephine A. Downes, " 131. John Topham, " 132. Ephraim Kute, " -.oq ) Angus .Nelson, " L66 ' { David C Simpson, " 134. Simeon E. Downes, " 135. John S. Luckis, " 136. Edmund B. Vannevar, « 137. William W. Wood, «« 138. Susan W. Loring, « 139. E. M. Brewer (Mrs.), « 140. Patrick O'Brien, « 141. Heirs of Ebenezer Weld, " 142. Sarah Richardson, " 143. Mary Jane Hallo well, " 144. Joseph C. Byron, «* 145. William F. Dorman, " 146. Thomas Bissell, " 147. George O. Townsend, " 148. Patrick O'Brien, u 149. George Howland, " 150. Horace W. Brown, Goldsmith Walk. 151. Henry Colman, Grove Avenue. 34 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 170. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. John W. Lawson, Nathaniel H. Hanscom, Francis Ferdinand, Luke Jewett, John G. and Elizabeth L. Crispin John Eliot, John Brownbill, Thomas A Thayer, Loui? Dennis, Kendall Brooks, Henry Ramsdell, Mary A. Gass, Chloe Atwell and L. Stone, William M. Blackman, Abijah F. Burbank, Daniel Webster, George W. Redding, Daniel French, • Sylvester Barnard, John Kemp, Elizabeth L. Wright, Joseph Penn, Nathaniel Springfield, Vincent Hall, Charles W. Rugg, James Baker, Hob art M. Cable, Stephen Baker, Almira P. Clapp, Samuel H. Jenks, Cyrus H. Stone, James R. Fillmore, George W. Currier, Nathaniel Tucker, Henry Molineux, Daniel M. Hills, Horace B. Darling, W. S. and Joel H. Hills, Lucius H. Briggs, Ebenezer A. Hill, Aaron H. March, Leonard Harris, Levi Flint, F. W. G. Redding, Samuel C. Richards, Isaac L. Kidder, Moses T. Durrell, Daniel L. Ware, James M. Gordon, Goldsmith Walk. Rock Mound Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Rock Mound Aburn Rock Mound Auburn Rock Mound Auburn Rock Mound Auburn Central Auburn Central Auburn Central Auburn Central Auburn Central Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. A^ eiue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. 35 194. 195. 195. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210.. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. j Nathaniel Wilton, I Hosea Noyes, Jesse Russell, Bridge Wheat, S. K. Mason, Thomas L. Summers, Sarah Richardson, John K. Porter, Royal Oliver, jr., William S. Stoddard, Maria Munzig, John Moore, Esther Thomas, Thomas Taylor, I Rensselaer L. Palmer, I Isaac B. Park, Christopher F. Townsendj John W. Pierce, Wilmot Wilson, Zebina Ho r ton, Charles W. Titcomb, William S. Dillaway, Elizur Wright, Thomas Gogin, Richard H. Wiswell, S. Clarence Ellis, Thomas Leavitt, Jesse Hitchcock, Ebenezer Foskett, Richard Ashe, Mary B. Jeffers, William Kilner, James H. Upham, Isaac M. Bassett, Mary S. Beck, Joseph K. Adams, j Martha M. Omen, } Martha C. Stoddard, Levi Walbridge, Sarah Parks, Joseph S. Hyde, Eliza J. Burbank, Timothy B. Mehegan, | Christina C. Weller, | R-osella G Williams, James F. Smith, John Tilton, Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Rock Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Rock Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Central Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Central Avenue. Rock Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Auburn Avenue, Milton Walk. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Auburn Avenue. 36 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 25). 256. 258. 257. 259. 269. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. Jeremiah Tinkbam, John C. J. Brown, Erastns Stoddard, Eli Fernald, Catharine D. Farnum, William L. Champney, Nathan Brown, Mrs. A nn ah Jordan, Charles II. Greenwood, George Dry den, Harvey Wait, Sarah it. French, Elizabeth W. Ayer, Samuel Adams, Thomas Britten, H. G. Gihbs, Fairbanks, and ) W. F. Stetson, \ Dauphin C. Kendall, I James and Susan Carlisle, \ Marcus A. Latham, David B. Hastings, Charles Thompson, Ellis Houghton, Joseph B. Phelps, James Houghton, Daniel Prescott, Benjamin F. Hebard, Almira N. Lewis, William White, Nathaniel W. and Thomas Tileston, Edward Allyn, Nathaniel W. and Thomas Tileston, Betsy Piper, Henry T. Dyer, Stephen Seely, j Edward B. Moore, I McLauren F. Cook, William Park, John Appleton, ( Francis H. Gore, j Mary A. B. Gore, ( William H. Peabody, j Charles P. Harding. Thomas and Alexander Christian, Jairus A. Frost, John L. Cook. Enoch Haskell, Mount Hope Avenue. Landon W r alk. Channing Avenue. Landon W 7 alk. Central Avenue. Landon Walk. Central Avenue. Landon Walk. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Lai don Walk. Auburn Avenue. Landon Walk. Auburn Avenue. Landon Walk. Auburn Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Channing Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Crescent Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. 37 8 4. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315, 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. Alanson T. Readhead, Ezra S. Jackson, Gideon Beck, George Hayden, William W. Capen, t Elisha Ellis, \ Daniel T. Knight, Henry Taylor, Thomas S. Hart, H. N. Grover, ( Milton Hall, j Zedekiah ganger, Sarah Stimpson, Harriet Grout, William Sanders, Joseph Hankey, j Obadiah F. Adams, ( Ebenezer Murray, Benjamin Armstrong, Josiah Bumstead, William Shepherd, Benjamin V. French, Joseph P. George, j Charles S., Eveli-na M., and I Caroline E. Bailey, F. Lyman Winship, { Elijah Harris, I J. H. Crocker, E. Augustus Story, Robert B. Leuchars, Henry Munroe, jr., George Viner, William Lawrence, Alvin Hayes, Thomas Hill, jr., Charles M. Brown, \ Elbridge G. Cobb, | Joseph F. Cobb, Robert Miller, ( James Hayden, j Sarah Boydsson, Abbie C. ^Nightingale, Michael Hayden, Amos F. Learn arc! , Gilbert Cummings, Horace Dupee, [ Daniel Frazier, I Thomas D. Classen, Spring Vale Avenue. Pilgrim Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Pilgrim Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Grove Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Webster Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Central Avenue. Grove Avenue. Webster Avenue. Grove Avenue. Webster Avenue. Grove Avenue. n Mount Hope Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Mount Hope Avenue. Grove Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Mount Hope Avenue. Grove Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Grove Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. 38 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 36"). 335/ John W. Estabrooks, j Daniel C. Berry, / Cynthia Stillings, Charles F. Mayo, George W. Allan, Richard L. Harper, ( Levi Philbrook, f Job H. Perkins, Prudence Jackson, j William Peck, ( Edward W. Murray, William H. Saunders, Thomas S. Johnson^ Job F. Bailey, Elbridge and Augustus Brown, James Cutler, Nahum Cap en, { Isaac M. Lord, } Harriet S. Bryer, Joseph Dix, Ruth D. South wick, John C. Hubbard, Samuel Holbrook, Christian X el son, Betsey Littlerield, Caroline A. Deluce, Jonathan Brooks, Charles Packard, George Ellis, Elija H. Goodwin, j Asa Fillebrown, } William B. Hawes, E. H. Brainard, Henry R. Mailard, Robert E. Apthorp, Dr. William Nichols, George Munroe, ( Albert Pierce, ( John E. Pierce, John M. Dearborn, j William A. and ( James STeilson, Helen Orcutt. Lucy Bowthorp, James Bowdoin Bradlee, John Scates, Albert Stan wood, Benjamin Clark, Grove Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Goldsmith Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Central Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Central Avenue. Spring Vale Avenne. Mount" Hope Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Central Avenue. Spring Vale Rock Mound Spring Vale Rock Mound Spring Vale Rock Mound Spring Vale Rock Mound Mount Hope Rock Mound Mount Hope Rock Mound Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Ave:ue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Glen Walk. Mount Hope Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Central Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. 39 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 3S2. 383. 384. 335. 3S6. 387. 38 *. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 397. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. { Edward Baldwin, ( Marcia White, ]ST. A. Apollonio, Thomas Morgan, Thomas Johnson, Bradford Sumner, Harriet Clapp, Charles Haskell, John and James Dunlap, Joseph M. Marsh, Lemuel Capen, Edward Thaxter, James Rice, Benjamin W. Gilbert, Mrs. Caroline P. Whitcomb, { Henry Towle, j Charles A. Towle, ( George Weber, ( Frederick Dorr, Henry Pepper Roberts, $ Port Society of the City of ( Boston and its vicinity, William B. Foster. David Marden, John Sabine, Elizabeth J. Rolle, William Makepeace, jr., Ezra Harlow, Benjamin Lyoi, Samuel R. Spinney, Hubbard Winslow, James L English, Hubbard Winslow, James N. Tolman, { Almira Wheeler, j Caroline A. Cummings, B. T. Loring, George C. Robinson, Augustus C. Gale, I James W. Carter, ( John Carter. Jr., Benjamin Judkins, Benjamin L Merrill, Elizabeth Merrill, J. F. W. Lane, Cyrus P. Gould, Maria F. Stimpson, Joseph T. Orne, Frederic D. Huntington, Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue, Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Glen Walk. Ocean Avenue. Glen Walk. Ocean Avenue. Glen Walk. Spring Vale Avenue. Ocean Avenue. Moptgomery Walk. Ocean Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Central Avenue. Montgomerv Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Cowper Walk. Montgomery Walk. Glen Walk. Montgomery Walk. i. 40 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. David D. Boyden, Epes Sargent, Albert Stedman, Sarah S. Whitney, ( Jacob JSTorris, Josiah Knowles, j and Nancy Gowing, John K. Porter, ^ Francis Richards, ) Joseph Richards, Otis S. Pierce, \ Thomas Erskine, Isaac C. Trowbridge, Charles F. Holden, James H. Means, David M. Simmonds, Owen G. Peabody, William Scott, ( R. Annie Alesworth, j Sarah E. Kingman, Asa Dodge, William M. Wise, Edward R. Hunt, A. J. & J. H. Bennett, Fanny Whipple, j Augustus Robinson, \ James M. Hendley, Sarah Pike, Parish of St. Mary's Church. George O. Richardson, j Clara A. Wilkins, i Henry A. McGlenen, William Lutted, Jotham and Joseph Twitchell, Benjamin V. French, George M. Cook, George G. Drew, Samuel W. Haley, Joseph Tob-ey, Orice K. Stebbins„ George Lunt, John E. Hesseltine, George E. Hay den > Stephen B. Cram, Lucy M. Ball, Perry A. Sylvester,. J. W; Stephens, T. E. Coolidge, John F. Abbott* jSTahum Jones s Montgomery Walk* Ocean Avenue. a Montgomery W r alk. Ocean Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Elm wood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. 41 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. •475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. ( Miles Erwin, ) Samuel Roberson, Moses C. Greene, Thomas J T. Young, \ David Breese, I Jane Wilcox, Adelia Williams, Eliza A. Tirrell, ( James B. and Mary T. Wheeler, I and Abigal Wells, James H. Conant, Ambrose Lovis, Charles H. Leach, Enoch S. Dillaway, William Rogers, Ephraim Merriam, Jacob Merriam, Granville S. Seaverns, Catharine P. Smith, Rufus Brackett, Emily Clapp, Henry F. Green, Wuli C. J. Fries, Henry G. Terry, EleazerB. Witherspoon, Ephraim Taylor, Mrs. Pauline Canegaly, Horace F. Farrington, Edmund B. Vannevar, Chapel of Good Shepard, Samuel E. Wetherbee, William Dauforth, Charles M. Beckler, David S. Simpson, j Elizabeth and Lydia Fuller, ( Margaret A. Murray, Andrew Pratt, Gilbert Wait, Martin L. Whitcher, Mary E. Haley. Emily R. Williams, Thomas, Henry W., and Wm. Gill John P. Powers, Thomas, Henry W., and Wm. Gill, D. D. Slade, John Bowdlear, Eliza A. Brigham, ( Lonis Mason, \ Jephtha C. Bruce, Montgomery Walk. .< Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. ^Heber Walk. Montgomery Walk. Greenwood Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Channing Avenue. Greenwood Avenue. Channing Avenue. Spring Vale Avenue. Channing Avenue. Auburn Avenue. Grove Avenue. Channing Avenue. Montgomery Walk. Rock Dell Walk. Milton Walk. Rock Dell Walk. Crescent Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Rock Mound Avenue. 42 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. -503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 528. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. Susan L. M. Fro thin gh am, James Graham, J. B. Stearns, Oliver O. Beeklcr, James E. Colson, Frederick Shunk, Joseph Carew, William White, Stephen Wales, Robert Rogerson, jr., S. R. Stebbins, Smith Eldredge, Mary E. Wardner, Calvin Haven, Alfred J. Mercer, Calvin Haven, Jane Buckley, Elizabeth S. Beck, Daniel Tenney, William Brown, Chas. W. Apthorp, Edward H. Holbrook, Nathaniel Jenkins, Barnabas T. Loring, Moses Chase, George Mowton, Thomas B. Wiggin, Almon Platts, Ivory Corson, Woodbury Emery, Thomas Ashcroft, Rebecca H. Learned, Charles E. Davis, Nathaniel H. Calder, Robert Bun ten, James A. Kelley, John J. Steger, Lewis Currier, Daniel B. Hallett, Edmund Squire, I Henry B. Janes, \ George Souther, Printers' Lot, Mary E. Perkins, j Job T. Souther, I Edwin B. Spinney, Goldsmith Walk. Mount Hope Avenue. Rock Dell Walk. Webster Avenue. Rock Dell Walk. Webster Avenue. Rock Dell Walk. Webster Avenue. Rock Dell Walk. Webster Avenue. Central Avenue. Webster Avenue. Central Avenue. Webster Avenue. Central Avenue. Rock Dell Walk. Webster Avenue. Rock Deli Walk. Webster Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Webster Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Mount Hope Avenue. Evergreen Walk. Mount Hope Avenue. 43 544. 1 David M. Oliver and Mount Hope Avenue. J Thomas 11. Oliver, kS 515. Hilton P. Langley, <« 5i6. Marshall Burnett, Channiirg Avenue. 547. Leonard Hall, Mount Hope Avenue. 548. George J. Blank, Channing Avenue. 54',). Catherine dishing, Mount Hope Avenue. 550. William J. Foley," Channing Avenue. 551. Elizabeth Spencer, Mount Hope Avenue. 552. James M. Green, Channing Avenue. 55:5. Samuel C. Wilkins, Mount Hope Avenue. 554. James H. Rist, Channing Avenue. 555. Thomas Faunce, Auburn Avenue. 556. Thomas D. Gerrish, ct 557. Mrs. Charles Weeber, a 558. Frederick Weibrecht, " 559. Robert Morss, a 560. Catherine L. Richards, Heber Walk. 561. Samuel Wood. " 562. Jeremiah Sanborn, " 563. Anthony Hanson, Auburn Avenue. 56 4. Richard Woodsome, Heber Walk. 565. Jacob Kautzmann, a 566. Robert D. Griggs, " 567. Edward Parmenter, il 568. Peter Ross, a 569. Maria Merritt, tt 570. Caroline D. Waldron, Ocean Avenue. 571. David H. Hartshorn, " 572. Charles Biner, (< 573. John E. Hodges, C( 574. George P. Atkins, (< 575. Mary Harris, " 576. George Brown, a 577. "William H. Merriam, " 578. Thomas Spinney, <( 579. James Moore, < 692. Sarah It. Daniels, '< 693. George H. Webb, " 694.