°^^%'i' •'- -^^0^ ^v.,.'. o ►^^ ^, r-^^^ * o.-?- ?^ "v. '\s^^- ^\' • ^J<^;\VV-k'^ . o <^' I. ' « r5» ^oV"^ ^. 'oK '^■o^ %o^ V^^\^^' %*^-/ v^^-\^^' % ^ \ cP .^J4;> ^o o ^^-^^^ ^4 c) > ^i RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF l^~^ H IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR, 1831-32, AND IN THE MEXICAN WAR, 1846-8, CONTAINING A COMPLETE ROSTER OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN OF BOTH WARS, TAKEN FROM THE OFFICIAL ROLLS ON FILE IN THE WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. WITH AN APPENDIX, GIVING A RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF THE ILLINOIS MILITIA, RANGERS AND RIFLEMEN, IN PROTECTING THE FRONTIER FROM THE RAVAGES OF THE INDIANS FROM 1810 TO 1813. PKEPAIJED AND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF. THE THIRTY-SECOND GENERAL, ASSEMBLY, By ISAAC H. ELLIOTT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. ■ SPRINGFIELD, ILL.: H. W. RoKKEE, State Printer and Binder. 1882. Extract from Act of General Assembly, giving authority for this publication. Forty -fifth— To the Adjutant-General, the additional sum of fifteen hundred dollars, for the preparation, printing and binding of the records of the services of the Illinois soldiers in the Mexican and Black Hawk wars, to be paid out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated, on the warrant of the Auditor of Public Accounts, drawn on vouchers of the Adjutant-General, approved by the Governor: Provided, that no part of this appropriation shall be paid for paper, which shall be furnished by the Secretary of State, out of paper obtained for the State under contract, of quality to be selected by the Governor. Approved May 30, 1881. {See Laws 1881, p. 44.) By transfer P.O. DeH-' Q;; J CONTENTS. ^ PAGE. Introductory IX Historical Memoranda. Black Hawk War XI Muster Roll Capt. Gholson Kercheval's company XXIII Mexican War XXIV BLACK HAWK WAE. FIRST BRIGADE. First Begiment. Capt. Jotin Bay's company 3 Capt. D. B. Russell's company 4 Capt. Achilles Coffee's detachment 5 Capt. Harrison Wilson's company 6 Capt. Joel HoUiday's company 7 Capt. Achilles Coffee's company 8 Second Begiment. Capt. George P. Bowyer's company 10 Capt. Wm. J. Stephenson's company 11 Capt. Obediah West's company 12 Capt. Charles Dunn's company 13 Capt. Jonathan Durman's company H Capt. Armstead Holman's company 14 Third Begiment. Capt. Ardin BiggerstafT's company 16 Capt. John Onslott's company 17 Capt. James Hall's company 18 Capt. James N. Clark's company 19 Capt. Berryman G. Wells' company 20 Spy Battalion. Capt. Wm. N.Dobbins' company 22 Capt. James Bowman's company 23 Detachments. From Capt. W. S. Stephenson's company 25 From Capt. Charles Dunn's company 25 From Capt. Russell's company 26 From Capt. Arman's company 26 From Capt. West's company 26 From Capt. HoUiday's company 26 From Capt. Bowyer's company 27 SECOND BRIGADE. First Begiment. Capt. Thomas B. Ross' company 28 Capt. Samuel Brimherry's company 29 Capt. Isaac Sanford's company 30 Capt. Robert Griffin's company 32 Capt. Jonathan Mayo's company 33 Capt. Royal A. Nott's company 34 IV CONTENTS. PAGE. Second Regiment. Capt. Alex. M. Houston's company 36 Capt. John Arnold's company 37 Detachment of Uapt. Elias Joi-dan's company 38 Detachment of Capt. Highsmith's company '38 Detachment of Capt. Barnes' company 3i> Third Regiment. Capt. Solomon Hunter's company 40 Capt. Champion S. Mading's company 41 Capt. John Haynes' company 42 Capt. William Thomas' company 43 Capt. Daniel Powell's company 44 Detachment of Capt. Powell's company 45 Spy Battalion. Capt. John F. Richardson's company 4fi Capt. Abner Greer's Company 47 Capt. John McCann's company 48 Detachments. Adjutant Parmenter's 50 Of Capt. Hiram Roundtree's company 50 Of Capt. Hiram Kinade's company 50 Of Capt. Mayo'a company 50 Of Capt. Earl Pierce's company 51 Of Capt. Bennett Howlin's company 51 Of Capt. Sol. Hunter's company 51 Of Capt. J. F. Richardson's company 51 Of Capt. Isaac Sanford's company 51 Of Capt. Wm. Highsmith's company 51 Of Capt. A. M. Houston's company 52 Of Capt. John Barnes' company 52 Of Capt. Abner Greer's company 53 THIRD BRIGADE. First Regiment. Capt. David Smith's company 54 Capt. William Gillham's company 55 Capt. William Gorden's company 56 Capt. George F. Bristow's company 57 Capt. S. T. Matthews', afterwards J. T. Arnett's company .. 57 Capt. Walter Butler's company 58 Second Regiment. Capt. Hiram Roundtree's company 60 Capt. James Kinr-aid's company 61 Capt. Gerslidiii Pati;rson's company 62 Capt. Aaron Bannon's company, 63 Capt. Thomas Stout's company 64 Third Regiment. Capt. Andrew Bankson's company 66 Capt. Wm. Adair's com pany 67 Capt. Josiah S. Briggs' company .^ 68 Capt. James Thompson's company ^^ Capt. Jacob Feaiau's company, afterward Capt. James Connor's company 70 Capt. James Burns' company 71 Fourth Regiment. Capt. Bennett Nowlen's company 73 Capt. Ozias Hail's company 74 Capt. Jesse Claywell's company 75 Capt. Reuben Brown's company 76 Capt. Thomas MotTett's company "". 77 Capt. Henry L. Webb's company 78 Spy Battalion: Capt. Allen F. Llndsey's company 80 Capt. Samuel Huston's company 81 Whiteside's brigade. First Regiment. {'apt. Julius L. Barnsback's company 83 Capt. John Thomas' company 84 Capt. John Tate's company 85 Capt. Josiah Little's company ].." 86 CONTENTS. V PAGE. Second Regunent. Capt. Thomas Chapman's company 88 ('apt. Levi D. Boone's 'ompany 89 Capt. William G. Flood's company 90 Capt. Benjamin James' company 91 Capt. Jeremiah Smith's company 92 Third Regiment. Capt. John Harris' company 93 Capt. Benjamin Barney's company 94 Capt. Elisha Petty's company 94 Capt. William B. Smith's company 95 Capt. Nathan Winter's company 96 Fourth Regiment. Capt. M. G. Wilson's company 98 Capt. Wm. C. Rail's company 99 Capt. Abraham Lincoln's company 100 Fifth Regiment. Capt. M. L. Covell's company 102 Capt. Robert McClure's company 105 Capt. J. C. Pugh's company 103 Capt. John G. Adams' company 104 Spy Battalion. Capt. John Dawson's company 106 Capt. Thomas Carlin's company 107 Capt. John Dement's compan y 108 Odd Battalion.— Major James'. Capt. Daniel Price's company 110 Capt. Peter Warren's company Ill Capt. Thomas Harrison's company 112 Odd Battalion.— Major Thos. Long's. Capt. Jacob Ebey's company 113 Capt. Japhet A. Ball's company 114 Unattached Companies. Capt. William Moore's company 116 Capt. John Winstanley's company 117 Capt. William T. Given's company 118 Capt. Erastus Wheeler's company 118 Capt. Samuel Smith's, late Jacob Fry's company 119 Capt. Thomas McDow's company 120 Cai)t. David Crow's company 121 Capt. L. W. Goodan's company 122 FOURTH BRIGADE. Fortieth Regiment (Militia.)— Commanded by Col. John Strawn. Capt. Geo. B. Willis' company 124 Capt. Robert Barnes' company 125 ^ Capt. William M. Stewart's company 126 ,* Caiit. William Haw's company 127 / INDEPENDENT REGIMENTS. Col. Isaac B. Moore' s Regiment. Capt. John B. Thomas' comnany 128 Capt. Al exander Bailey's comj lany 129 Capt. Eliakim Ashton's comiiany 130 Capt. Morgan L. Payne's company 131 Capt. James Palmer's company 132 Capt. I. M. Gillespie's company 133 Capt. James Gregory's company |«>4 Capt. Corbin R. Hutt's company 135 Twenty -seventh Regiment— MiWtia,. Capt. Milton M. Maugh's company 136 Capt. Nicholas Dowling's company 13s Capt. Clack Stone's company 139 Capt. Charles McCoy's company jj'' Capt. Benj. J. Aldenrath's company i-*l YI CONTENTS. PAGE. Capt. H. H. Gear's company 142 Capt. Samuel H. Scale's company 144 Capt. Jonathan Craig's company — 145 Capt. Lambert P. Vansburgh's company 14<> ODD BATTALIONS. Major N. Buckmaster's Battalion. Capt. HoldenSeisson's company ; 148 Capt. Joseph Napier's company 149 Capt. Aaron Armstrong's company 18!> Odd Battalion of Rangers. Capt. Abner Eads" 152 Capt. David W. Barnes' company 151 Capt. Asel F. Ball's company ". 153 Companies in Odd Battalions. Capt. John Sain's company l^& Capt. William McMurtry's company 159 Capt. Asel F. Ball's company 150 Capt. J. W. Kenney's company 15S Capt. Peter Butler's company 156 Capt. James White's company 167 Odd Companies Attached to Col Dodge's Regiment. Capt. James Craig's company 162 Capt. Enoch Duncan's company 163 COMPANIES UNDER GEN. ATKINSON. Capt. William Gordon's company 16(> Capt. Cyrus Matthews' company 167 Capt. George McFadden's company 168 Capt. Samuel Smith's company 168 Capt. B. James' company 169 Capt. John Stennett's company 170 Capt. M. L. Covell's company 171 Capt. John S. Wilbourne's company 172 Capt. Solomon Miller's company 17S Capt. Elijah lies' company 174 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. Capt. Jacob M. Early's company 176 Capt. Seth Pratt's company 177 Capt. Alexander D. Cox's company 178 Capt. James Walker's company 179 Capt. William Warwick's company 179 Capt. Alex. M. Jenkins' company 180 Capt. B. B. Craig's company 181 Capt. William C. Rail's company 182 Capt. Alexander White's company 183 Capt. Charles S. Dorsey's company 184 Capt. A. W. Snyder's company 184 Capt. Earl Pierce's company 186 COMPANIES SERVING PREVIOUS TO 1832. 1827— Capt. James M. Strode's company 187 Major JV. Buckmaster's Battalion, 1831. Capt. Solomon Miller's company .' 188 Capt. William Moore's company !.'.!. !'.!'.!!!!!'I.'!!!! 190 MEXICAN WAE. FIEST CALL — ONE YEAK VOLUNTEERS. First Regiment— Col. J. J. Hardin. PAGE. Field and Staff 194 Gapt. Morgan's Co. A 195 Capt. Smith's Co. B 196 Capt. Fry's Co. C 197 • Capt. McConnel's Co. D 198 Capt. Robertson's Co. E 200 Capt. Crow's Co. F 201 Capt. Wyatt's Co. G 202 Capt. Montgomery's Co. H 204 Capt. Prentiss' Co. 1 205 Capt. Mower's Co. K 206 Second Regiment— Co\. Wm. H. Bissell. Field and Staff 229 Capt. Coffee's Co. A 229 Capt. Carder's Co. B. 231 Capt. Baker's Co. C 232 Capt. Wheeler's Co. D 234 Capt. Lott's Co. E 235 Capt. Hacker's Co. F 236 Capt. Lemen's Co. G 238 Capt. Raith's Co. H 239 Capt. Miller's Co. 1 241 Capt. Starbuck's Co. K 242 Third Regiment— Col. Ferris Foreman. Field and Staff 266 Capt. Stout's Co. A 267 Capt. Freeman's Co. B 268 Capt. McAdani's Co. C 270 Capt. Bishop's Co. D 272 Capt. Seller's Co. E 274 Capt. Campbell's Co. F 276 Capt. Lawler's Co. G 277 Capt. Hicks' Co. H 279 Capt. Harvey's Co. 1 281 Capt. McGinnis' Co. K 283 Fourth Regiment— Col. E. D. Baker. Field and Staff 285 Capt. H. A. Roberts' Co. A 285 Capt. Garret Elkin's Co.B 287 Capt. J. C. Pugh's Co. C 289 Capt. Achilles Morris' Co. D 291 Capt. Daniel Newcomb's Co. E 293 Capt. Asa D. Wright's Co. F 294 Capt. Edward Jones' Co. G 296 Capt. John S. McConkey's Co. H 298 Capt. John C. Hurt's Co. 1 300 Capt. Lewis W. Ross' Co. K 301 SECOND CALL (DURING THE WAR.) First /Jef/imejinFifth Illinois)— Col. E.W. B. Newby. Field and Staff 208 Capt. Bond's Co. A 208 Capt. ('unningham's Co. B 210 Capt. Turner's Co. C 212 Capt. Moses' Co. D 214 Capt. Hook's Co. E 216 Capt. Kinney's Co. F 218 VIII CONTENTS. Capt. Keed's Co. G 220 Capt. Hampton's Co. H 222 Capt. Mies' Co. I 224 Capt. Kinman's Co. K 226 Second Regiment (Sixth Illinois)— Col. J. Collins. Field and Staff 244 Capt. James Bowman's Co. A 245 Capt.C.L. Wright's Co. B 247 Capt. Harvey Lee's Co. C 249 Capt. John Bristow's Co. D 251 Capt. William Shepherd's Co. E 253 Capt. David C. Berry's Co. F 255 Capt. John M. Moore's Co. G 257 Capt. James Burns' Co. H.^ 259 Capt. Edward E. Harvey's Co. 1 261 Capt. John Ewing's Co. K 263 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. Mounted Volunteers. Capt. A. Dunlap's company 304 Capt. W. B. Stapp's company 307 Lieut. Lanphere's detachment 309 Capt. M. K. Lawler's company 309 Capt. Josiah Littell's company 312 REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENTS. Fourteenth U. S. Infantry. "E" company 314 Sixteenth U. S. Infantry. "A" company 315 "G" company 315,316 INTRODUCTORY Although many years have elapsed since the close of the Mexican War, and a much greater period of time since the Black Hawk War, the archives in the Adjutant-General's office have shown no record of the services of our soldiers in either of these wars. In fact, excepting the meagre and occasional rolls of the militia and riflemen, deposited by Governor Edwards' heirs some years ago, there has been, until quite a recent date, no record of the service of any Illinois soldiers in this office prior to the late War of the Rebellion. The organization of the society of the "Veterans of the Mexican, Black Hawk and Florida wars," in 1874, revived an interest in this subject, and the members have, at their annual reunions since that date, agitated the subject with more or less effect, until they have, no doubt, largely aided in securing their demands in the present publication. In 1877, Hon. Cornelius Rourke, a member of the House of Representatives, from Menard county, offered a bill to authorize the Governor to employ a clerk to transcribe these records from the official rolls of the War Department. This, however, did not become a law. This bill was, no doubt, offered in response to the action of the "Mexican War Veteran Association," which, at the September meeting previous, held at Springfield, had passed the following resolution : Resolved, That it is the sense of the Mexican War Veterans, now in session at the State capital, that a commission should be appointed by the next Legislature of Illinois, with instructions to procure from the archives at Washington, D. C, all ii formation, statistical and otherwise, relative to the operations of the troops from Illinois, and that said information be placed on file in the Adjutant-General's office in this State. The Legislature, in 1879, added to the general appropriation bill a section authorizing the Governor to appoint a clerk to go to Washington and transcribe all the records, of both volunteer and regular soldiers from Illinois, in the Black Hawk or Mexican wars, and appropriated the sum of Ave hundred dollars for the purpose. (Laws 1879, p. 80.) In pursuance of this act. Governor Cullom appointed Col. Ferris Foreman, of Vandalia, late the Colonel of the Third Regiment Illinois volunteers and the only surviving Colonel of the Mexican War, to that duty. Col. Foreman proceeded to Washington, and in his report to the Governor, under date of December 16, 1879, states that he was denied the privilege of access to the records by the Adjutant-General, under the standing orders and regulations of the War Department, and reported that it would be necessary to have a resolution passed by Congress before access could be had to the rolls on file in the War Department. After the Hon. Robert T. Lincoln became Secretary of War, Governor Cul- lom, who has always taken an active interest in the effort to obtain these records for the State, visited him in Washington, and on the personal sohcitation^f the Governor, Secretary Lincoln was induced to cause these rolls to be transcribed by clerks in the War Depart- X INTRODUCTOKY. ment, and correct copies of all such have been furnished by him to this office, and are pubhshed complete in this book. The section of the appropriation bill passed in 1881, which author- izes this publication, was drawn up and offered by the Hon. Samuel H. Martin, a member of the Thirty-second General Assembly from White county, himself a Lieutenant in the Fourteenth United States Infantry during the Mexican War, and to whose efforts, as well as to tbe efforts of the Honorable Secretary of War and His Excellency the Governor, the merit of obtaining and publishing these records is largely due* Before commencing the preparation of this publication, an adver- tisement was inserted in all the leading newspapers of the State, requesting all persons in possession of facts or any data concern- ing the service of the Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk and the Mexican wars, to communicate the same to this office. Quite a general response was made to this request by the surviving veterans of both wars, and much interesting and valuable material has been thus accumulated in this office, the larger portion of which cannot, of course, l>e used in the limits of a publication like the present. The thanks, however, of this office are due to those who so kindly responded to our request, and their communications have all been carefully preserved among the files of this office for future historical reference, and will make a fund of valuable military information for the use of the historian of the future. Believing the intention of the General Assembly mainly met in the publication of the complete rosters, the briefest possible intro- ductory sketch is made of the prominent facts of the Black Hawk war, which is compiled from Edwards' History of the State of Illi- nois, and other trustworthy sources, including the correspondence before mentioned. This is followed by a short historical sketch of the part taken by the various commands of Illinois volunteers in the Mexican war, in which is included any honorable mention made of Illinois soldiers as shown by excerpts from the official reports and orders of the various Generals under whom they served, so far as the same appear in the official reports of these officers to the War Department at Washington. It is of course not intended to give an extended view of the operations of the war, therefore our memoranda is scrupulously confined to the actual service of our volunteers, and presents only such data as has been derived from official anci other reliable sources, which is considered necessary to make intelligible the official rosters, and which we hope, when taken in connection with them, will make an enduring and reliable memorial of their services, thus more than fulfilling the wish of the General Assembly, who have neither appropriated for, nor expected the publication of, little else than the records as received from the War Department. Although this publication as it now stands is incomplete, particularly in the matter of the records of service in the Winnebago war, and the first campaign of the Black Hawk war, every effort has been made to obtain the desired information, both by correspondence with indi- viduals and the War Department, and the work as presented gives the final result of the best efforts of this office to meet the expecta- tions of the General Assembly. HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. THE BLACK HAWK WAE. The rolls furnished from the War Department, and published in this_ volume, although by no means complete, show that the State of Illinois furnished one hundred and seventy-four companies of volunteer rangers and spies, which were actually mustered into the service of the United States for various periods of time, during the Black Hawk War. This, of course, does not include large numbers of the State militia, who were under arms, and performed services of greater or less importance, and whose names will remain for- ever unknown, many of whom were never actually mustered by any United States military officer, nor have any rolls or other account of their service been preserved. That the public may understand the service of these companies, and the part performed by them in that most important, of any of the Indian wars of the West, we will give a brief sketch of the causes which led to, and the principal events which occurred in, the Black Hawk War. The causes which led to that war reach back to, and even before, the Winnebago or Sauk War of 18-27, and are, as briefly stated by Edwards, in his History of Illinois, as follows : "During Gov. Edwards' administration, as Executive of the State, the Indians upon the Northwestern frontier began to be very troublesome. The different tiibes not only commenced a warfare among themselves, in regard to their respective boundaries, biit they extended their hostilities to the white settlements. A treaty of peace, in which the whites acted more as mediators than as a party, had been signed at Prairie du Chien. on the 19th day of August, 1825, by the terms of which the boundaries between the Winnebagos and Sioux, Chippewas, Sauks, Foxes, and other tribes were defined, but it failed to keep them quiet. Their depredations and murders continued frequent, and in the summer of 1827 their conduct, particularly that of the Winnebagoes, became very alarming. There is no doubt, however, that the whites, who at this period were Immigrating in large numbers to the Northwest, and earneslly desired their removal further westward, purposely exasperated the Indians, at the same time that they greatly exaggerated the hostilities committed. "—(Edwards' Hist. p. 218.) A combination was soon formed by the different tribes of Indians 'under Bed Bird, a chief of the Sioux, to kill or drive off all the whites above Bock river. This league, which included the Winne- bagoes, Pottawotamies, and other tribes of the Northwest, commenced their offensive operations by killing two white men in the vicinity of Prairie du Chien, on the 24th day of July, 1827, and on the 30th of the same month they attacked two returning keel boats which had, on their upward trip, conveyed military stores to Fort Snell- ing, killing two of the crew and wounding four others, before they XII BLACK HAWK WAR. were repulsed. Governor Edwards, anticipating trouble, had, on the 14th day of July, issued an order to the commandants in Gen. Hanson's brigade, (located on the east side of the Illinois river), to detach one-fourth of their respective regiments, and be ready to meet any attack made by the Indians. On the same day he wrote to Col. Thomas M. Neale, of the Twentieth Kegiment (from Sanga- mon county), to accept six hundred volunteers, who were to equip themselves, find their own subsistence, and continue in service thirty days, unless sooner discharged ; to rendezvous the same at Fort Clark, and march with all possible expedition from there to Galena, to the assistance of the whites, as the Indians had threatened the settlers at the lead mines, near that place. The possession of these mines by the whites had always excited the serious jealousy of the Indians. Under this call Col. Neale recruited one cavalry company, which was commanded by Capt. Edward Mitchell, and four companies of Infantry, commanded, respectively, by Captains Thomas Constant, Eeuben Brown, Achilles Morris and Bowlin Green. The whole force under command of Col. Neale, (the other field officers are unknown except James D. Henry — Sheriff at the time of San- gamon County — Adjutant,) marched to Peoria, where the regiment was more fully organized, and from thence to Galena. Before their arrival, however, in the Indian country Bed Bird and six of his principal warriors had surrendered, and the campaign being ended the volunteers returned to their homes. No rolls of these companies have been obtained, and if they were mustered into the United States service at all, the rolls were either never returned to the department, or have been mislaid. While Col. Neale was recruiting and marching his regiment to Galena, the settlers there were not idle. A committee of safety had been formed and temporary defences were erected, and in pursuance of an order from Governor Edwards the miners were formed into companies and equipped for action, (the rolls of only one company of these militia have been furnished us, Capt. James M. Strode's, page 187.) These militia were placed under the immediate com- mand of Gen. Henry Dodge, and formed an auxiliary force to the command of Brig. -Gen. Henry Atkinson, U. S. A., whose force con- sisted of six hundred regulars. Before the arrival of Col. Neale, these forces combining under Gen. Atkinson, marched nito the Winnebago country and captured Red Bird, who, it appears by a letter of Gen. Street to Governor Edwards, voluntarily surrendered himself to the whites, coming into camp displaying a white flag. With Bed Bird there also surrendered themselves six other Indians, including Black Hawk, who had not yet become famous. These Indians were retained in captivity several months. Bed Bird dying during confinement ; and some of them having been tried and con-" victed of complicity in the murder of white settlers, were executed on the 26th day of December, 1827. Black Hawk, against whom nothing could be proven, was acquitted, but it is alleged afterwards acknowledged his guilt and boasted of his connection with the murders for which he had been tried. With the death of Red Bird ended the Winnebago war. The tribe seemed to be tlioroughly humbled by the result of the campaign, and although fears of HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XIII further hostilities from them were for some time after entertained, they continued peaceable. In regard to the lands about which the difficulty originated, until the question of ownership could be adjusted amicably, they promised to keep away from the mines entirely, Gen. Atkinson promising them that "the next summer persons would come from their Great Father to consult with them about the matter." "A talk was subsequently had with them in which they abandoned all the country south of the Wisconsin river. After this there was a general peace with the Indians throughout the western frontier." (Edwards' His. p. "IM). In the meantime Governor Edwards did not cease his efforts to urge on the War Department the necessity of the entire removal of the Indians from the State, their presence being a constant menace, and their continued residence on lands which they had ceded being dangerous to the peace of the white settlers, who were constantly increasing in numbers, and whose animals the Indians did not hesitate to appropriate whenever opportunity offered. In October the Secretary of War informed the Governor that Governor Cass had been instructed to "take measures with regard to the removal of the Indians." But delays having occurred, and the Indians still remaining, on the 25th day of May, 1828, Governor Edwards wrote to Gen. Clark urging immediate action on the part of the Government. This he followed by a letter addressed to the Secretary of War, dated June 17th, in which he stated: "This grievance still continuing, and aggravated as it is by recent occurrences of which I am bound to presume you are informed, I feel it my duty to ask you what further in regard to this matter may be expected from the General Government." (Edwards' Hist. p. 226.) Upon the urgent request of the Indians, and notwithstanding the earnest protest of the Governor (Edwards), twelve months additional time was given them in which to remove from the State. With regard to this delay and in a spirit of protest against the action of the Government in the premises, Governor Edwards wrote Gen, Clark, Indian agent at St. Louis, a letter, in the conclusion of which he used the following significant language : "If any act of hostility shall be committed on the frontiers, I will not hesitate to remove them on my own responsibility as Governor of the State." (Edwards' History, n. 227.) As to the subsequent history of the causes which finally led to this outbreak, Edwards says : About this time (1829) the President issued his proclamation, according to law, and. in pursuance thereof, all the country above the mouth of Rock river (the ancient seat of the Sauk nation) was sold to American families, and in the year followmg it was taken pos- session of by them. To avoid difficulty with the tribes another treaty, conflrming previ- ous ones, was made with the Sacs and Foxes, on the 15th of July. 1830, by the provisions of which they were to remove peacefully from the Illinois country. A portion ot the Sacs, with their principal chief, Keokuk, at their head, quietly retired across the Mississippi. With those who remained in the village, at the mouth of Rock river, an arrangement was made by the Americans who had purchased the land, by which they were to live together as neighbors, the Indians still cultivating their old fields as formerly. Black Hawk, how- ever, a restless and uneasy spirit, who had ceased to recognize Keokuk as chiet. and who was known to be still under the pay of the British, emphatically refused either to remove from the lands or to respect the rights of the Americans to them. He insisted that Keokuk had no authority for making such a treaty, and he proceeded to gather around him a hirge number of the warriors and young men of the tribe, who were anxious to distinguish themselves as " braves." and, placing himself at their hea I, he determined to dispute with the whites the possession of the ancient seat of his nation. He had conceived the gigan- XIV BLACK HAWK WAR. tic scheme, as appears by his own admissions, of uniting all the Indians, from the Eock river to the Gulf of Mexico, in a war against the United States, and he made use of every pretext for gaining accessions to his party. In the meantime, on the 9th day of December, 1830, Hon. John Eeynolds had been elected Governor of the State. In pursuance of his declared intention of regaining possession of the ancient hunting grounds and the principal village of his tribe, in the month of April, 1831, Black Hawk recrossed the river, at the head of a force variously estimated at from three to five hundred braves of his own tribe, with from one to two hundred allies of the Pottawotamies and Kickapoos, bringing with them his women and children, with the avowed purpose of remaining. Black Hawk immediately notified the whites that they must depart from the village, and they refusing to comply, their property was destroyed, and they suffered in person various indignities at the hands of the Indians, On the 30th of April, forty of these settlers sent a petition to Governor Reynolds, setting forth their grievances, and asking relief. Governor Reynolds, thus informed of the state of affairs, and believing that Black Hawk and his band were deter- mined to retain possession of the country by force, resolved to effect their expulsion. A call was therefore made for volunteers (May 27, 1831,) and when it became known, the whole northwestern part of the State resounded to the clamor of war. No county south of St. Clair nor east of Sangamon was included in the call, which was limited to seven hundred men, who were to report within fifteen days' time, mounted and equipped, at the place of rendezvous, which was fixed at Beardstown, on the Illinois river. More than twice the number of men called for responded, and the Governor, finding so many willing and ready to go, decided to accept the services of the whole 1,600 men. They were moved to a camp two miles north of Rushville, and there organized into two regiments, and two battal- ions. One of the regiments elected James D. Henry, of Sangamon county. Colonel,* and the other elected Daniel Lieb, while Major Nathaniel Buckmaster was elected to command the "Odd Battalion." Major Samuel Whitesides was appointed by the Governor to the command of the "Spy Battalion," and the whole brigade was placed under the command of Hon. Joseph Duncan, then the member in Congress, and afterward Governor of the State, who was commis- sioned by Governor Reynolds as Brigadier General of militia. Colonels Enoch C. March and Samuel C. Christy were appointed quartermasters, while the Governor himself accompanied the expe- dition in his capacity of Commander-in-Chief of the militia of the State, They immediately (June 15th, 1831,) took up their march from camp near Rushville to Rock river, where they arrived on the 25th of June, Six companies of regular troops, which had been dispatched from Jefferson Barracks, under the command of Gen. Gaines, had arrived at Fort Armstrong a few days before, and had already had an unsatisfactory conference with Black Hawk, who declined to return across the river. Gen. Games met Governor Reynolds and his force at their encampment on the Mis- sissippi, eight miles below the old Sac village, and after receiving the volunteers into the United States service. Gens. Gaines and Duncan concerted measures of attack. But the wily Black Hawk, ♦Jacob Fry was Lieutenant-Coionel, and .John T. Stuart Major. HISTORICAL MEMOIiANDA. XV no doubt well apprised of the number of the force which was ready to attack him, concluded not to risk an engagement, but on the night of the '25th had quietly recrossed the river, leaving his deserted camp and village to be peaceably taken possession of Dy the forces of the opposing Generals on the following morning. Out of ven- geance, no doubt, for their disappointment at the escape of the Indians, and to remove future cause of dispute, the soldiers destroyed the village entirely by tire. As Governor Ford says in his history, "Thus perished this ancient village, which had been the delightful home of 6,000 to 7,000 Indians, where generation after generation had been born, had died and been buried." Gen. Gaines sent an order to Black Hawk requiring him and his band to return and enter into a treaty. They refusing to respond to the first invitation, a second and more peremptory mandate had the desired effect, and on the 80th day of June, 1831, Black Hawk and about thirty chiefs of the Sacs came, and in full council with Governor Reynolds and Gen. Gaines, signed an agreement, in which they agreed, among other things, that "no one or more shall ever be permitted to recross said river, to the usual place of residence, nor any part of their old hunting grounds east of the Mississippi, without permission of the President of the United States, or the Governor of the State of Illi- nois." The volunteer troops were then disbanded, and returned to their homes, while the subsistence gathered for their sustenance, was from time to time given by Gen. Gaines and the kind-hearted Governor to the Indians, who had, by their foolish invasion, ren- dered it impossible to raise any crop for that season, it being too late to plant any crop after the war had closed. Thus ended with- out bloodshed the first campaign of the Black Hawk war. Of the forces engaged therein, there are but the rolls of two companies, published herein, Capt. Solomon Miller's, from St. Clair county, and Capt. William Moore's, of the same county, both in Maj. Buck- master's "Odd Battalion," (See pages 188, 190.) 1832 — SECOND CAMPAIGN. Notwithstanding the treaty, the trouble was not yet ended. In the spring of 1832 Black Hawk recrossed the Mississippi (April 6th) and commenced his march up Rock River Valley, accompanied by about live hundred warriors on horseback, while his women and children went up the river in their canoes. Gen. Atkinson, then stationed at Fort Armstrong, warned him against this aggression and ordered him to return, but this they refused to do, and went forward to the country of the Winnebagoes, with whom Black Hawk made arrange- ments to make a crop of corn, which reason he alleged to be the cause of the expedition. The Winnebagoes and Pottawotaraies, however, both refused to yield to his solicitations to join him in a war against the whites. On being informed of the movements of Black Hawk, Governor Reynolds (April 16th) called for a thousand mounted volunteers, from the central and southern parts of the State, to rendezvous at Beards- town, on the 22d of the same month. Daily accounts of the opera- tions of the Indians were received. Judge Young, Col. Strode and Benjamin Mills wrote the Governor, urging speedy protection of the frontiers, as the inhabitants were in great danger. On receipt of XVI BLACK HAWK WAR. this intelligence two hundred men (see pp. 151-4), under Major Stillman, were ordered to guard the frontier near the Mississippi, and two hundred (see Col. Johnson's regiment), under Major Bailey, the frontier between the Mississippi and the settlements on the Illinois. Such was the threatening aspect of affairs, that the call was extended to every part of the State. In the meantime eighteen hundred men had met at Beardstown, and were organized into a brigade of four regiments and an "odd" and a "spy" bat- talion. An election (April 28) for - field officers, resulted in the election of Col. John Thomas to command the First Regiment, Col. Jacob Fry the Second Regiment, Col. Abram B. DeWitt the Third Regiment, Col. Samuel M. Thompson the Fourth Regiment* (in this regiment was Capt. Abraham Lincoln's! company — p. lOJ), while Major James D. Henry, of Sangamou county, was elected to com- mand the Spy Battalion (p. 106), in which Captains John Dawson, Thomas Carlin and John Dement commanded the companies, and Major Thomas James to the command of the "Odd" Battalion (page llU). A part of the "Odd" Battalion under Maj. Long, consisting of the companies commanded by Capt. Jacob Eby and Capt. Japhet A. Ball, both from Sangamon county, was " detached for foot pur- poses." Eight companies, not attached to any regiment (pp. 116- 122), also served in this brigade. Governor Reynolds, who also accompanied the expedition, placed Brigadier-Gen. Whiteside in the immediate command, while Cols. March and Christy, the effi- cient quartermasters in the campaign of J 831, were relied on to gather the supplies for the presept campaign. William Thomas was appointed Brigade Quartermaster, while Cap,ts. James B. Stapp and Joseph M. Chadwick were appomted to the general staff. Maj. James Turney, paymaster ; Vital Jarrot, of St. Clair county, adju- tant general, and Cyrus Edwards, ordnance officer, were appointed to their positions on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief. On the 29th day of April, .the army left camp near Beardstown and marched to the Mississippi river, at or near the present town *George Carpenter, Esq., of Springfield, furnishes to us the commission of his father, tlie late Major Carpenter, as paymaster of this regiment, a copy of which we give: "I do hereby certify that William Carpenter is duly appointed Paymaster in the Fourth Regiment on the detachment of mounted volunteers, called into the service of the United States. He is therefore required diligently and carefully to discharge the duties of said oflfiee. Given under my hand this 30tla day of April. 1832. '•SAMUEL M. THOMPSON, Colonel Fourth Eegiment Volunteers." tWilliam L. Wilson, who was a private in Capt. M. G. Wilson's company, of Thompson's regiment, of Whiteside's brigade, writes. to this ofiice from Rushville. under date of Feb- ruary 3, 1882, and after detailing some interesting reminiscences of Stillman's defeat, says: "I have during tiiat time had much fun with tlie afterwards President of tlie tJnited States, Abraham Lincoln. I remember one time of wrestling with him. two best in three, and ditched him. He was not satisfied, and we tried it in a foot-race, for a five dollar bill. I won the money and 'tis spent long ago. Ami many more reminiscences could I give, but am of the Quaker persuasion and not much given to writing." The following discharge paper was found among the papers of the late Col. Wm. Car- penter, formerly Paymaster of Col. Thompson's regiment. The blank was filled in the handwriting of Capt. Linceln: "I certify that Lewis W. Farmer volunteered and served as a private in the company of mounted volunteers under my command, in the regiment commanded by Col. Samuel M. Thompson, in the brigade under the command of Gens. S. Whiteside and H. Atkinson, called into the service of the United States by the Commander-in-Chief of the militia of the State, for the protection of the northwestern frontier against the invasion of the British band of Sac and other tribes of Indians; that he was enrolled on the 21st day of April, 1832, and was hoti.orahly discharged on the 7th day of June thereafter, having served forty-eight days. Given under my hand, this 21st day of September. 1832 A. LINCOLN, Captain." HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XVU of Oquawka. On arriving at that place, and some delay occurring in the receipt of supplies, messengers were dispatched to Gen. Atkinson, at Fort Armstrong, who sent a boat loaded with provisions to the troops. From here they marched up the river to the mouth of Rock river, where they were all received into the United States service by Gen. Atkinson. From this point the commanding general pro- ceeded up the Rock river on a steamer, accompanied by a force of 400 regulars and an armament of cannon, while the volunteers under Gen. Whiteside marched through the swamps in the vicinity of the stream. They moved up P^ock river without encountering savages until they arrived at the town of Dixon, on the evening of the 10th of May, where they found Majors Stillman and Bailey, who were at this place with their forces, where they had been directed to remain in their duty of protecting the frontier. Gen. x\tkinson then sent out a scouting party of five men to confer with the chiefs of the Pottawotamies, and who, after getting lost, returned the third day afterward, reporting to have fallen in with some of Black Hawk's men who were encamped on a small stream known as Old Man's Creek, twelve miles above Dixon. Majors Stillman and Bailey having done but little service, besought the Governor to grant them the privilege of reconnoitering the enemy. Thereupon Governor Reynolds issued to them the following order: "Major Stillman : You will cause the troops under your immediate command, and the battalion under Major Bailey, to proceed without delay to the head of Old Man's Creek, where it is supposed there are some hostile Indians and coerce them into submis?sion." On the following morning, May 14, 1832,) they started with 275 men (Stillman's Brigade. See page 151, for rolls of Bailey's command, afterward Fifth Regi- ment, pp. 102-5), and reached the Old Man's Creek without adven- ture, pursuing their course up that stream some fifteen miles, to Sycamore Creek. They dismounted for the purpose of passing the night. While engaged in camp duties, three Indians, bearing a white flag, came into camp, and were taken into custody. These * From a memoranda kept by Major William Carpenter, paymaster of the Fourth reei- ment on this expedition, we subjoin the following as the distances marched by that command between different camps : To Beardstown ^l miles. " 1st camp over Illinois river X .. " 2d " Rushville 3 _ " 3d " Croolied Creek s5! .. " 4th " " " 20 __ " 5th '• Yellow Banks 18 _^ " 6th " Camp Creek ^X .. " 7th " Rock River 20 ^^ " 8th " Cutbeetree f.y, .. " 9th " Timber scarce, man shot himself <*" ,. " inth " Dixon „° .. "11th " Battle ground (Stillman's defeat)... ^ .. " 12th " Return to Dixon's j% .. "13th " Express came to us about the murder ^j ,, "14th " Rock River— Capt. Gooden arrested 4 .. "15th " One mile to good spring traveled {» .. " 16th " Tishwakee - \*i i. "17th " Sycamore, here the scalps were trimmed i" .. "18th " Fox river timber i^ ., "19th " iSix miles from Paw-paw t,x .. "20th " Two miles from the mouth of the river.......... f> ,, Then home in company with William Constant J-i^^ Total miles traveled ^^^ —2 XVIII BLACK HAWK WAR. were soon followed by five more, who came near the camp, no doubt with the purpose of inviting an attack. In this they succeeded, and a party of Stillman's men immediately started in pursuit, while others followed as soon as they could mount, and soon three-fourths of the command had joined in an irregular chase across the prairie. The soldiers overtook and killed two of the Indians, and pursued the others to the edge of the forest. At this juncture Black Hawk, with about forty of his men, arose from an ambush, and with ter- rific yells charged on the assailants, who, in their turn, retreated in hot haste, followed by the infuriated savages. The fearful din caused by the retreating soldiers and their pursuers caused a stam- pede in the remainder of the force of the camp, and they all fled, in an inglorious panic, and in spite of the efforts of Major Still- man and others to rally them, the retreat was continued until they all reached the main force at Dixon. Major Perkins and Captain Adams, of Tazewell County, with about fifteen men, made a stand in which they somewhat checked the Indians, and thus saved the lives of many of the fugitives, who would otherwise have fallen vic- tims to their pursuers. This rally cost the brave Adams his life, his body being found the next day near the dead bodies of two of the savages, whom he had undoubtedly slain before he himself was killed. As a result of the fight, eleven whites and seven Indians were killed, besides many wounded on both sides. Daring the night of the battle, known since as "Stillman's Run," Governor Reynolds made a requisition for 2,000 men to be in readi- ness for future operations, while the utmost consternation spread througbout the State and Nation. Exaggerated reports of the num- bers of the Indians, and the skill, ability, cunning and cruelty of Black Hawk, added much to the general alarm. General Scott, with 1,000 United States troops, was immediately ordered to the Northwest, to superintend the future operations of the campaign. When the news of Stillman's defeat reached the camp at Dixon, a council of war was held, and it was determined to return imme- diately to the battle field. The next morning, after obtaining ten oxen from Col. John Dixon, which were slaughtered and issued to the men, without bread or salt, the whole force marched to the scene of the encoun- ter. The dead were recovered, in most instances frightfully muti- lated, and the fragments gathered together and buried ; but although Major Henry and his men effectually scoured the surrounding coun- try for miles in every direction, the enemy could not be found, and the whole force fell back to Dixon. The new levies, under the call of Gov. Reynolds, were to meet, some on the 3d of June, at Beardstown, and the others on the 10th of the same month at Hennepin. The men first recruited, now asked to be discharged, but the Governor appealing to their patriotism, they agreed to remain from 12 to 15 days longer, and the companies under Bailey (Covell's, McClure's, Pugh's and Adams'), with Stillman's battalion, (Captains Eads', Barnes' and Ball's companies) were organized into a regi- ment, known as the Fifth Regiment of Whiteside's Brigade, under Colonel James Johnson, and received into the service of the United HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XIX States, and one part ordered to Ottawa, for the defense of that place, while the other remained at Dixon to guard the stores, around which General Atkinson had caused embankments to be thrown. On the 19th of May the whole army marched up the river in pursuit of the enemy, and on the evening of the same day received news of the massacre of several whites on Indian Creek, not far fiom Ottawa. General Atkinson ordered Gen. Whitesde's and Col. Taylor (after- wards President of the United States) to continue the pursuit with the volunteers, while he, with the regulars, returned to Dixon. After following trails in several directions, which proved that the Indians had divided and left the immediate country for the north, and the troops expressing a determination to return to their homes, were brought to the mouth of Rock River, and there discharged on the 27th and 28th days of May, and thus the campaign ended with- out effecting any important results. SECOND CAMPAIGN— 1832. On the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, the Governor called for 1,000 additional men, which were recruited out of the disbanded men for immediate service, for a term of twenty days, until the new levies should arrive. This regiment, which was tilled without difficulty, organized by the election of Jacob Fry, as Colonel ; James D. Henry, as Lieutenant-Colonel. Although this regiment does not appear grouped together, as it should be, in this record, the companies, as well as can now be ascer- tained, were Capt. Samuel Smith's company (page 168), Capt. B. James' company (page 169), Capt. Elijah lies' company (page 174) — (This company contained private ABRAHAM LINCOLN, who had been that day mustered out, with his company, as a cap- tain, and reenlisted with many of his men in Capt. lies' company, for this emergency service)— Capt. Alex. D. Cox's company (page 178), Capt. Wm. C. Ball's company (182), Capt. Alexander White's company (page 183), and Capt. A. "W. Snyder's company (page 185). This regiment, after bravely guarding the imperiled frontier, was mustered out of the service on the 15th day of June, except Capt. lies' company, which was discharged the 16th, and Capt. Snyder's discharged the 21st of June. This latter company had some severe skirmishing with the enemy, some seventy in number, near Kellogg's Grove, in which four of the Indians and two of the whites were killed. On the 6th of June, Black Hawk, with about 150 warriors, made an attack on Apple River Fort, situated a quarter of a mile north of the present village of Elizabeth and twelve miles from Galena. Three messengers, on their way from Dixon to Galena, were fired upon when one-half mile from the fort, and one of them wounded, but all of them escaped to the fort. The inhabitants, alarmed at the shots, fled to the fort, which was invested, and a continual fire kept up for fifteen hours by the savages, who had taken possession of the dwellings of the whites, from which they fired through holes XX BLACK HAWK WAR. made for that purpose through the walls. The twenty-five men composing the garrison, made such a determined resistance that the savages, after having destroyed everything within their reach, de- parted, taking with them all the stock, provisions and movable property of the settlers. Only one man of the whites was killed, while the loss of the savages has never been ascertained. Col. Strode, of the militia, arrived the next day from Dixon with a force to their relief, but the enemy had made good his escape. The savages having attacked and killed two men near Ft. Ham- ilton, five miles from Galena, Gen. Dodge, of Wisconsin, followed them, with the force under his command, and, overtaking them at Pecatonica, charged upon them and killed the whole number, with a loss of three men killed in his own force. Capt. Stephenson, of Galena, and a part of his company, had a little skirmish with the enemj between Apple River Fort and Kel- logg's Grove, and were repulsed by the Indians, who had taken shelter in a small grove, with the loss of three killed and the Cap- tain and several others seriously wounded. The new levies met as provided in the call, at Beardstown and Hennepin, but were afterward ordered to Fort Wilbourne, a small fortification on the south bank of the Illinois river, about a mile above Peru, which had been erected by Lieut. Wilbourne for the protection of the stores entrusted to his care by Col. March. A promiscuous multitude of several thousands had assembled, among them many of the most prominent men in the State, and the selection of officers was a matter requiring great delicacy and tact. But after the organization of the companies, the captains of the several companies and the Governor agreed that the principal officers should be determined by an election, in which all the troops should participate. The brigades were organized, and on the 16th day of June Alexander Posey was elected General of the First, Milton K. Alexander of the Second, and James D. Henry of the Third. Gen. Atkinson received them into the service of the United States, and took the general command of the force thus organized, which amounted to 3192 men. The Governor appointed to his staff, as Aids, Benjamin F. Hickman and Alex. F. Grant, James Turney, Adjutant General, and Col. E. C. March, Q. M. General. Besides the main army four battalions were organized for special purpose.-^, commanded severally by Majors Bogart and Bailey, and Colonels Buckmaster and Dement. The brigades were composed of three regiments each, commanded by officers of their own selection, but no rolls of the regimental field and staff, nor of the staff of the different brigade commanders are in the possession of this office, though supposed to exist among the records of the War Department at Washington, D. C. In view of the disasters which threatened the northern frontier, the Governor ordered a chain of forts to be erected from the Mississippi to Chicago. On the 17th day of June, Col. Dement, with his spy battalion of 150 men, was ordered to report himself to Col. Taylor at Dixon, while the main army was to follow. On his arrival at Dixon he was ordered to take position in Kellogg's grove, where, on the '25th day of June, he was visited by Mr. Funk, of McLean County, who, HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XXI while on his way from the lead mines the night before, reported that a trail of about 300 Indians leading northward had been seen that day. A council of war, held that night, determined that Col. Dement and fifty picked men should reconnoiter the surrounding country the next day. At daylight the party sallied forth, and when within 300 yards of the fort discovered several Indian spies. Eegard- less of the cries of Col. Dement and Lieut. -Governor Casey, who accompanied him, and without waiting for direction, these undrilled and undisciplined men immediately charged on the foes, and reck- lessly following them, despite all efforts of Col. Dement to check them, were led into an ambush, and suddenly were confronted by 300 howling, naked savages under the command of Black Hawk in person. The sudden" appearance of the savages created a panic among the whites, and each man struck out for himself in the direction of the fort, with a speed which equalled, if it did not excel, the alacrity with which they left it in the morning. In the confused retreat which followed, five of the whites, who were without horses, were killed, while the remainder reached the fort, and dismounting, entered it, closely pursued by the enemy. The fort was vigorously assailed for over an hour by the savages, who were repulsed, and forced to retire, leaving nine of their num- ber behind them, dead on the field, besides several others carried away wounded. No one in the fort ;was killed, but several wounded. Col. Dement received three shots through his clothing, but fortun- ately escaped unhurt. At 8 o'clock in the morning, messengers were sent fifty miles to Gen. Posey for assistance, and towards sundown that General and his brigade made their appearance, and no further attack was made on the fort by the savages. Gen. Posey started out in search of the enemy the next day, but the trail showed that they had pursued their favorite tactics of scattering their forces, and the pursuit was abandoned. The army continued its march up Eock river, near the source of which they expected to find the enemy. As provisions were scarce and difficult to convey for any distance, the command of Gen. Alexander, with a detachment under Gen. Henry and Maj. Dodge, was sent to Fort Winnebago, between Fox and Wisconsin rivers, to obtain supplies. Learning that Black Hawk was encamped on the Whitewater, Gen. Henry and Maj. Dodge started in immediate pursuit, leaving Gen. Alexan- der with his command in charge of the provisions to return to Gen. Atkinson. After several days' hard marches, and much suffering from exposure and lack of food, on the 21st day of July, the enemy were overtaken on the bluffs of the Wisconsin, and a decisive battle fought, in which Gen. Henry commanded the American forces, which consisted of Maj. Dodge's battalion on the right. Col. Jones, regiment in the center, and Col. Collins' on the left, with Maj. E wing's battalion in the front, and Col. Fry's regiment in the rear as a reserve force. In this order they charged the enemy, and drove him from position after position with great loss, till the sun went down, leaving them victors, in the first important advantage gained over the enemy during the war. In the morning it was discovered that the Indians had fied in the direction of the Mississippi river, leaving 168 dead on the field, and of their wounded, taken with them, twenty-five were found dead XXII BLACK HAWK WAK. the next day on their trail, while Gen. Henry lost only one man killed and eight wounded. Litters were constructed for the wounded, and on the 28d of July, the army was again in motion, and after some difficulty on account of high water, reached Blue Mounds in safety, wliere they met Gen. Atldnson with the regulars, and the balance of the volunteer force. A return of the force at this time showed in Posey's brigade 200 effective men, Alexander's 850, in Henry's 300, while the regulars under Gen. Brady mustered 400 men ; all told, the force mustered about 1,200 effective men, — though much reduced since the beginning of the campaign, still more than twice the number possessed by Black Hawk when in his best state of preparation, before any of the fights. On the 25th the whole army was again put in motion, to try to find the Indians. Having spent two days in crossing the Wisconsin river, near Helena, on the 28th they came up with the trail of the Indians, the abandoned articles, and dead bodies strewed along the trail, showing them to be in a deplorable condition, and suffering for food. On the morning of the 2nd of August, the army reached the bluffs of the Mississippi, some distance, however, from the stream. The Indians had reached the river, and were making active prepa- rations to cross. Some had already crossed, and some of the women and children had started down the river in canoes to Prairie du Chien, which they afterward reached in a starving condition. In this condition the Indians, when they arrived at the river, were attacked by a force under Capt. Throckmorton, who was on the steamer Warrior, and who, with a six-pound cannon, loaded with canister, destroyed many of the luckless fugitives, although they had displayed a white Hag, which he refused to recognize. The fuel in the steamer having failed, it fell down the river to Prairie du Chien. Although he had killed twenty-three Indians and wounded many more, Capt. Throckmorton intended to return after wooding up, and finish the remainder. Before he could execute his intention, how- ever, Gen. Atkinson had fallen on the unfortunate savages where they were encamped, at the mouth of the Bad Axe, a creek empty- ing into the Mississippi river, and had commenced a general battle, in which the Indians were completely routed, and suffered a loss of 350 killed, besides many drowned, and many more wounded. A large number of women and children lost their lives, owing to the fact that it was impossible to distinguish them from the men. [Davidson and Stuve's Hist. 405.] The American loss was seven- teen killed. This battle virtually ended the war. Gen. Atkinson, with his whole force, and prisoners, [about fifty women and children], fell down the river to Prairie du Chien. On the 7th day of August, Gen. Winfield Scott, who, with nine companies of infantry, had been sent from Fortress Monroe, arrived, and assumed command. He had arrived with four of these companies at Chicago the day before, making the march of 1,800 miles in eighteen days, part of the way by steamer on the lakes, having left behind three compa- nies, who had contracted Asiatic cholera at Detroit, at Fort Gratiot, forty miles from that city. This disease preyed to such an extent on the forces who came through, that they remained in Chicago until the latter part of the month before coming on to Fort Arm- HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XXIII strong, their final destination. The vohmteers now returned to Dixon, and were discharged on the 17th day of August. On the 27th Black Hawk, having been captured by some treacherous Win- nebagoes, was delivered to the whites at Prairie du Chien, and he and his family were sent as hostages to Fortress Monroe, and there retained until June, 1833. In September, 1832, a treaty was made which ended the Indian troubles in this State, and although a few companies were detained a few weeks longer, the main body of the force returned to their homes in August, 1832. Black Hawk, upon regaining his liberty, ever after conducted himself in a friendly manner to the whites. In 1837 he again visited Washington with a deputation of the chiefs of his tribe, on the invitation of the President, to settle differences which had occa- sioned a violent war with them and the Sioux. After his return he settled in what is now known as Lee county, Iowa. In the spring of 1838 he built himself a dwelling on the Des Moines river, 20 miles above its mouth. In this he moved his family, and prepared to farm and live after the manner of the whites. On a visit made to Burlington, the following autumn, he took cold, which brought on a disease which terminated his eventful life, and at the age of 72 Black Hawk was gathered to his fathers. Perhaps no one of his race ever excelled Black Hawk in patriot- ism or love for his country. He fought an unequal battle for the home and the graves of his ancestors. In his last speech to the Americans he said: "Rock River was a beautiful country. I like my towns, my cornfields and the home of my people. I fought for it. It is now yours. It will produce you good crops." A dispassionate view of the war and its causes will show that he had grievances, and when he had failed to redress them in a peace- able manner, had resorted to arms, because he thought it the only possible arbitrament. Besides the companies of Capt. Joseph Napier [page 149], Capt. Holden Session [page 148] and Capt. James Walker [page 178], the latter from Walker's Grove, now Plainfleld Town- ship, in Will county, all of which were recruited within the limits of the then county of Cook; another company was organized for home defense within the city of Chicago, a muster roll of which is preserved in a book entitled ' Early Chicago," by Hon. John Went- worth, being the third papei- published by that gentleman on the early history of the city of Chicago, (No. IG, Fergus Hist. Phamplets). MUSTER ROLL. May ■^, 1832.— We, the undersigned, agree to submit ourselves, for the time being, to Gholson Kercheval, Captain, and George W. Dal<^ and John 8. C. Hogan, First and Second Lieutenants, as commanders of the militia of the town of Chicago, until all apprehension of danger from the Indians may have subsided: Richard J. Hamilton, Jeddiah Wooley, Jesse B. Brown, George H. Walker, Isaac Harmon, A. W. Taylor, Samuel Miller, James Kinzie, John F. Herndon, David Pemeton, Benjamin Harris, James Ginsday, S. T. Gage. Samuel Debaif, Rufus Brown, John Wellmaker, Jeremiah Smith, W^m. H. Adams, Heman S. Bond. James T. Osborne, William Smith, E. D. Harmon, Isaac D. Harmon, Charles Moselle, Joseph Lafromboise, Francis Labaque, Henry Boucha. Michael Ouilmette, Claude Lafromboise, Christopher Shedaker, J. W. Zarley, David McKee, David Wade, Ezra Bond, William Bond, Robert Thompson, Samuel Ellis. THE MEXICAN WAE. The volunteers from the State of Illinois performed such a con- spicuous part in the war with Mexico, that it is necessary to give an epitome of the war, to be able to understand and appreciate the nature and value of their services, and render them the due credit which their importance demands. On the 11th day of May, 184i, Congress passed an act, declaring that "By the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Government and the United States." At the same time that body made an appropriation of ten million dollars to carry on the war, and authorized the President to accept fifty thousand volunteers. This force, for convenience sake, to save transportation, and because of their already well-known familiarity with fire-arms, was drawn principally from the Southern and Western States. Illinois was called on for three regiments of infantry or riflemen, and the pay, with all allowances, placed at $15.50 per month to the private soldier. The militia of the State being then in an unorganized con- dition, Governor Ford issued a call for thirty full companies of vol- unteers of a maximum of eighty men, to serve for twelve months, and with the privilege of electing their own company and regimen- tal officers. The response to the call was enthusiastic in the extreme. Within ten days thirty-five full companies had organized and reported. By the time the place of rendezvous had been selected, (Alton), there had been seventy-five companies recruited, — each furious to go — of which the Governor (Ford) was compelled to select thirty companies — the full quota of the State — and the forty-odd unsuccessful com- panies were doomed to the disappointment of remaining at home. Of these thirty companies, were organized the First Regiment, Col. JoJni J. Hardin; the Second Regiment, Col. William H. Bissell, and the Third Regiment, Col. Ferris Foreman, which were recruited dur- ing the months of April, May and June, and mustered into the United States service, at Alton, 111., on the 2d day of July, 1846. Hon. E. D. Baker, then a member of Congress from the Capital district, induced the Secretary of War to accept another regiment from this State, and thereupon the Fourth Illinois was organized and mustered into the service on the 18th day of July, 1846, and served in the same brigade with the Third Regiment until both were discharged. The First and Second Regiments must be considered together, as their history is the same. HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XXV These regiments were transported separately down the Mississippi Eiver and across the Gulf, and re-joined each other on the first day of August at Camp Erwin, near the old town of Victoria, on Weuloop river, and after marching together to San Antonio, Texas, they joined General Wool's army of the center. They left that city on the 26th day of September. Marching steadily along, they entered Santa Eosa on the 24th day of October with no oppo- sition. Thence they marched to Monclova, thence to Parras, where the original idea of the march, the capture of Chihuahua, was abandoned. After remaining at this place twelve days. General Wool started to intercept, if possible, Santa Anna's attack on Monterey, and on the 21st of December occupied Agua Nueva, thus completing a six weeks' march of about one thousand miles, which had been barren of results. In January, 1847, General Taylor proceeded from Sal- tillo and formed a junction with Gen. Wool. On the 22d day of February, 1847, was begun the battle of Buena Vista, which ended on the 2yd, and resulted in a complete victory for the American forces, and in which these two Illinois regiments covered them- selves with glory. Concerning the conduct of the Illinois volunteers at the battle of Buena Vista, we quote from an extended report made by Major General Zach. Taylor, U. S. A., commanding, dated "Agua Nueva, March 6, 1847, "The First and Second Illinois and the Second Kentucky Regiments served immediately under my eye, and I bear a willing: testimony to their excellent conduct throughout the day. The spirit and gallantry with which the First Illinois and Second Kentucky engaged the enemy in the morning, restored confidence to that part of the field, while the list of casualties will show how much these three regiments suffered in sustaining the heavy charge of the enemy in the afternoon. Captain Conner's Company of Texas Volunteers attached to the Second Illinois Regiment, fought bravely, its Captain being wounded and two subalterns killed. Colonel Bissell, the only surviving Colonel of those regiments, merits notice for liis coolness and bravery on this occasion. After the fall of the field officers of the First Illinois and Second Kentucky Regiments, the command of the former devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel Weatherford, and that of the latter upon Major Fry. Regi- mental commanders and others, who have rendered reports, speak in general terms of the good conduct of their oflficei-s and men, and liave specified many names, but the lim- its of this report forbid a recapitulation of them here. I may, however, mention * * * Lieutenant Colonel Weatherford, First Illinois Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Morrison, Major Trail and Adjutant Whiteside (severely wounded). Second Illinois Pegi- ment, and Major Fry. Second Kentucky Regiment, as being favorably noticed for gal- lantry and good conduct. * * * to Major Warren, First Illinois Volunteers, I feel much indebted, for his firm and judicious course, while exercising command in the city of Saltillo." (MSS. and doc. 1847, p. 139.) From a return of troops engaged in the action of the 22d and 23d day of February, A. I). 1847, made by General Zachery Taylor to the Adjutant General of the Army, under date of March 6th, we quote as follows : FIEST ILLINOIS. Eight companies— 1 Colonel, 1 Lieutenant Colonel. 8 Captains, 1 Adjutant, 18 Subalterns. 519 non-commissioned officers and privates. Sick— Two commissioned officers and 25 non-commissioned officers and privates, making an aggregate of 580 officers and privates, SECOND ILLINOIS. Eight conn>anies— 1 Colonel, 1 Major, 7 Captains, 1 Adjutant. 19 Subalterns, 496 non-com- missioned offlcers and privates. Sick— Four commissioned oflBcers, 40 non-commissioned officers and privates. Aggregate, 573 officers and privates. From an official return of the killed, wounded and missing in battle of Buena Vista, we quote : XXVI MEXICAN WAR. FIKST ILLINOIS FOOT. Killed— One Colonel, one Captain, one Subaltern, 26 enlisted men. Total, 26. Wounded— Two Subalterns, 16 enlisted men, missing, 3. Aggregate loss. 47. SECOND ILLINOIS FOOT. Killed— Two Captains, one Subaltern, 20 enlisted men. Wounded— Two Captains, six Subalterns, 63 enlisted men. Missing, four enlisted men. Aggregate loss, 126. With the exception of the sending out of an occasional foraging detachment no further service was performed by these two regi- ments during the war. They remained at Buena Vista until the latter part of May, when the following order was issued : Headquaeteks, Buena Vista, ) May 28, 1847, i Orders No. 302. The term of service for which the First and Second Illinois regiments have engaged to serve the United States has nearly expired, and they are about to return to their homes. The General commanding takes this occasion to express his deep regret at the departure of those who have been so long under his immediate command, and who have served so well their country. Few can boast of longer marches, greater hardships, or more privations, and none of greater gallantry on the field of Buena Vista. It was there that tlie General witnesses with infinite satisfaction their valor, which gave additional luster to our arms, and increased glory to our country. To their steadiness and firmness in connection with the Second Kentucky regiment of foot, in resisting the Mexicans at a critical moment, and when there were five to one against them, and as General Santa Anna said, " where blood flowed in torrents and the field of battle was strewed with their dead," we may justly ascribe a large share of the glorious victory achieved over 20,000 men. A great victory it is true ; but obtained at too great a sacrifice. Hardin. Zabriska, MoKee, Wood- ward. Yell, Clay, and many others, fell leading their men to the charge. Their named and gallant deeds will ever be remembered by a grateful people. In taking leave of these regiments, the General cannot omit to express his admiration of the conduct and gallant bearing of all. and especially of Cols. Bissell and Weatherford and their officers, who have on all occasions done honor to themselves, and heroically sustained the cause of their country in the battle of Buena Vista. His best wishes will attend them to their homes, where they will be received with joy and gladness as the pride of their families and of their States, By command of Brig. -Gen. WOOL. IE WIN Mcdowell, Assistant Adjutant General. These regiments were discharged at Camargo, Mexico, on the 17th day of June, 1847. THE THIRD AND FOURTH REGIMENTS were like the first two, brigaded together during their entire service. They were placed in Gen. Paterson's division, and marching from Matamoras to Tampico, formed part of Gen. Shields' force while he was in command of that city. On the 9th day of March, the Third and Fourth Regiments took part in the descent on Vera Cruz. Gen. Scott says in his report, dated Vera Cruz, March 14, 1847 : "I could not postpone the descent, successfully made on the 9th inst., for half of the surf boats, Brig.-Gen. Shields' brigade, (old volun- teers from Tampico), or the wagons and teams, which were then behind. That General landed with the army, having a small part of one of his old regiments, (three companies of the Third Illinois Foot), and the New York regiment of new volunteers." (Mess. and Doc. 1847, p. 218.) Gen. Scott was mistaken in attributing to the Third Illinois credit due to the Fourth. Though both regiments took part in the expedition, it was companies "A," "F" and "G," of HISTOEICAL MEMORANDA.. XXVTI the Fourth Ilhnois, under the immediate command of Lieut. -Col. John Moore, who made the landing referred to, Capt. H. A. Rob- -erts, of Co. "A," from Sangamon county, being the first man to place his foot on the enemy's soil. In the battle of Cerro Gordo, the Third and Fourth were hotly engaged, and gained great credit for their bravery. Gen. Scott, in his report of that battle to the Secretary of War, under date of April 23, 1817, says: Early on the morning of the 18th, the columns moved to the general attack, and our suc- cess was speedy and decisive. * * * The Brigade .«o gallantly led by Gen. Shields, and after his fall, by Col. Baker, deserves high commendation for its fine behavior and success. Cols. Foreman and Burnett, and Maj. Harris (Fourth Illinois) commanded the regiments; Lieut. Hammond. Third artillery, and Lieut. Davis, Illinois volunteers, con- stituted the brigade staff. (Mess, and Doc. 1847, p. 203.) Brig.-Gen. Twiggs, who was in the immediate command of all the advanced forces, in a report to the General-in-Chief, dated April 19, 1847, (the day following the battle), says : Of the conduct of the volunteer force under the brave Gen. Shields, I cannot speak in too high terms. After he was wounded, portions of the three regiments were with me when I arrived first at the Jalapa road, and drove before them the enemy's cannoneers from their loaded guns. Their conduct and names shall be the subject of a special report. (Mess, and Doc. 1847, p. 276. From the report of Maj. -Gen. Patterson, commanding the volun- teer division at the battle of Cerro Gordo, under date of April 23, 1847, and made to the commanding General, we extract : "On the afternoon of the 17th, a rapid and continuous fire of artillery and infantry, announcing thatthe Second division of regulars was closely engaged with the left of the enemy's lines, I was instructed, and immediately directed the Third volunteer brigade, under Brig.-Gen. Shields, to proceed at once to its support. Before the brigade reached the position of that division, the action had ceased for the day ; the night was, however, occ I pied in establishing several pieces of artillery upon a height adjacent to the "Cerro Gordo." Early on the morning of the 18th the brigade moved to turn the extreme left of the enemy's line, resting on the Jalapa road. This was done over rugged ascents and through dense chapparal, under a severe and continuous flank fire from the enemy. Brig.-Gen. Shields, whilst gallantly leading his co:nmand, and forming it for the attack of the enemy, posted in force in his front, fell severely wounded, and was carried from the field. Col. Baker, Fourth Illinois regiment, having assumed the command, the enemy's lines ■were charged with spirit and success by the Third and Fourth Illinois, and the New York regiment, under the respective commanders, i ols. Foreman and Burnett, and Major Harris. The rout now becoming general, the brigade pressed forward in rapid pursuit, leaving a suiflcient force to secure the artillery, specie, baggage, provisions and camp equipage left in our hands." Later in same report Gen. Patterson says : "The attention of the general-in-chief is particularly called to the gallantry of Brig.-Gens. Pillow and Shields, who were both wounded at the head of their respective brigades : and to Col. Baker, who led Shields' brigade during a severe part of the action, and during the pursuit; and Lieut. G. T. M. Davis, Illinois volunteer aid-de-camp to Shields' brigade." The loss of both regiments is 'given in the official reports of killed and wounded, forwarded to the War Department after the battle, as follows : Third Illinois — Killed, 1 ; wounded, 15 ; total, 16. Fourth Illinois — Killed, 5 ; wounded, 43 ; total, 48. This office is in receipt of a letter dated February 5, 1882, from Second Lieut. W. A. Tinney, of the Fourth IHinois volunteers, in which he says: "We stormed their fort and put the enemy to flight, taking about six thousand prisoners, and we captured Gen. "Santa Anna's carriage, also his wooden leg, which I have in my possession." XXVIII MEXICAN WAR. The Third and Fourth Regiments were shortly afterward returned by vessels to New Orleans, where they were discharged from the 23d to the 25th days of May, 1847. THE FIFTH REGIMENT, which is known officially as the First Regiment, Illinois Volunteers "during the war" (the other regiments having been enlisted for "twelve months"), was called out, under the requisition made by the Secretary of War April 19th, 1817, for six thousand more vol- unteers to "serve during the war," to take the place of those whose term of enlistment was to expire. Of this call, but one regiment was assigned to the State of Illinois, which was organized June 8th, 1847, at Alton, Illinois, by the election of E. W. B. Newby as Colonel. This regiment left Alton by steamer, for Fort Leavenworth June 14, and from thence marched across the plains to Santa Fe. In October, 1847, the first battalion with a part of a Missouri regi- ment marched to El Paso. The other battalion remained at Santa Fe, as a garrison. This regiment lost heavily by sickness and exposure in its long marches across the plains, but was engaged in no battles or skirmishes with the enemy. It was mustered cut of the service at Alton, Illinois, from the 15th to the 18th day of October, 184S. THE SIXTH REGIMENT, otherwise known as the Second Regiment, enlisted "during the war," was organized out of the overflow of companies which were raised for the Fifth Regiment. So much honor had been achieved by the four regiments sent out by this State the first year of the war, that their praise was on every lip, and the young and ambitious were ready to make any sacrifice to be able to go and fight the Mexicans. When the call was made for the Fifth Regiment it was difficult again for the Gov- ernor to select, as the men poured in by hundreds, and enough reported in ten days time to fill half a dozen regiments. Applica- tion was again made to the Secretary of War by Lieutenant Colonel Hicks and others for leave to organize another regiment. It was hard to refuse these veterans of Buena Vista and Cerro Grordo, and the permission was granted, and the regiment was organized at Alton. Illinois, on the 3d day of August, 1847, by the election of J. Collins as Colonel. Shortly after the regiment was mustered into the United States service it was forwarded by steamer to New Orleans, and there divided into two battalions. Companies A, D, E, F and H, under command of Colonel Collins, being sent to Vera Cruz, where they arrived on the 31st day of August, 1847. They were shortly after- wards engaged in a. skirmish with the guerrillas, but saw no further actual service, save the duties of camp and garrison life. The Second Battalion, under Lieutenant Colonel Hicks, consisted' of Companies B, C, G, I and K, and was forwarded by vessel to HISTORICAL MEMuRANDA. XXIX Tampico and there performed garrison duty until discharged. Both battalions, as the muster rolls show, lost heavily from sickness, incident to the climate, as might have been expected of raw and unacclimated men in so dangerous a climate. This regiment was mustered out on the 20th to the 25th days of July, 1848, at Alton, Illinois. INDEPENDENT MOUNTED VOLUNTEERS. The rolls furnished this ofifice from the war office in Washington show that four independent companies of cavalry were mustered into the United States service during the Mexican war. All enlisted the second year of the war, and mustered in, as all troops were, under the second call, for "during the war." Of these, the first recruited, CAPT. ADAM DUNLAP'S COMPANY, was recruited during the month of May, 1847, at Eushville, at Schuyler county, and was mustered into the United States service in Alton, on the 21st day of the same month, its enlistment being authorized by the same order under which Col. Newby's regiment was recruited. This company was never engaged m any actual battle, but did considerable scouting service, and was in several skirmishes with the guerrillas and scouts of the enemy. This com- pany also losli heavily, as did all the volunteers of that year, by sickness, several men having died while at Matamoras. It was finally discharged at Alton, Illinois, on the 7th day of November, 1818, having served eighteen months in all, being distinguished as the longest term of service of any company from this State in the whole war. CAPT. WYATT B. STAPP's COMPANY. This company was recruited at Monmouth, in the month of June, 1847, and was mustered in at Quincy, Illinois, on the 10th day of August, 1847. It lost severely by sickness at Perote and Jalapa, and was finally returned to the States, without adventure of serious nature, and was mustered out at Alton on the 26th day of July, 1848, lacking fifteen days of serving one year from the date of muster. FIRST LIEUT. GEORGE C. LANPHERE, Of this company, returned home in the spring of 1848, to recruit for his company, and during the months of March, April, and May had recruited thirty-one men [page 309], who were never sent to the company, but were mustered out by order of the Secretary of War, at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo., June 28, 1848. CAPT. MICHAEL K. LAWLER's COMPANY. During the month of August, 1817, Capt. Lawler, who was a veteran of the Black Hawk War, recruited an independent company of cavalry at Shawneetown, which was mustered into the United XXX MEXICAN WAR. States service at place of enrollment, on August 13, and forwarded to Mexico via the New Orleans route. Except the common experi- ences with fever, reptiles and insects, this company had no encoun- ter with foes of any kind, and after some routine service, laborious but unimportant, was returned to place of enlistment, and mustered out on the 26th day of October, 1^48. CAPT. JOSIAH little's COMPANY was conspicuous as the last company received into the United States service, being mustered in at Alton on the 11th day of September, 1847. No record of its service has been received, and we can only add that it was mustered out at the same place July 25, 1848. "regular" enlistments from ILLINOIS. Oil the 11th day of February, 1848, Congress passed an act authorizing the President to raise ten new regiments for the Eegular Army to be enlisted for "during the war." These regiments were all recruited prior to the 30th of September of the same year, and consisted of a regiment of Voltigeurs. eight regiments of Infantry, the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth, and the Third regiment of Dragoons. These regiments were recruited at various stations all over the United States. Of these regiments the Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth regiments were recruited by Brig.-Gen. G. M. Brooke, at New Orleans, while the Fifteenth and Sixteenth "^ere recruited by Lieut. Col. J. Erving, at Cincinnati. As will appear by the rolls published, Illinois furnished two companies for the Sixtetnth and one company for the Fourteenth regiment, under this call. As to the history of these regiments we find that the Fourteenth regiment was brigaded with the Voltigeur regiment and the Eleventh Infantry, and under Brig.-Gen. Cadwalader was engaged in the battle of El Molino del Key, on the 8th day of September, 1847. Concerning their conduct Major Gen. Worth, in his official report of the engagement, made to the Commander-in-Chief, dated Tacayuba, September 10th, 1847, says : " I desire to bring the notice of the General-in-Chief to the gallantry and good conduct of Brig.-Gen. Cadwalader and his command, by which the most timely and essential ser- vice was rendered in supporting the attack, and following up the success. Such move- ments as he was directed to make were executed with zeal aad promptness." {Mess, and Doc. 1847, p. 366.^ From a return of killed and wounded in this engagement accom- panying this report, it appears that the Fourteenth regiment lost. Killed — 1 Corporal. Wounded— 1 Field Officer, 1 Captain, 3 Lieu- tenants, 2 Corporals and 16 Privates. No official report of the service of the Sixteenth regiment is in possession of this office or at present accessible. By General Order No. 25, A. G. 0., June 8, 1848, the enlisted men of these two regiments, as well as others enlisted under the same act, were ordered to be mustered out, the Fourteenth at New Orleans, and the Sixteenth at Newport Barracks, Kentucky, which was done accordingly. As several recruiting stations were opened in the Southwestern States, quite a number of Illinois men were recruited in the Kegular Army proper, notably in the Fourth regiment. A member of this HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. XXXI regiment, Mr. J. W. Thomson, of Princeton, Illinois, and a private of Company "A," has kindly furnished us an account of the services of his regiment in the Mexican war, but as we have no official statement of the names or number of the Illinois men, scattered through these regiments, we forbear to publish this as well as some other interesting matter which we have concerning the services of the regular regiments in the Mexican war. In closing this memoranda of the services of the Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk and Mexican wars, we can not forbear to mention that in the voluminous correspondence this office has had with the survivors of these wars, the idea seems to be universally prominent with them that the General Government should, in the exercise of that spirit of patriotic gratitude, heretofore manifested in favor of the soldiers of the revolution and of the war of 1812, grant equally to these survivors some further recognition of their services in the way of a pension. While it is no part of our duty, in editing this record, to attempt to support, or further any propositions asking such action by Congress, we may be allowed to say, without sub- jecting ourselves to criticism, that there is something in the appear- ance of the letters of these old veterans of a generation gone before, which appeals to our liveliest sympathies. They almost unanimously ask in their quavering and palsied penmanship, that the General Government make some additional provision to secure them against want in their old age. BLACK HAWK WAR. 1833. FIRST BRIGADE. FIRST REGIMENT Capt. John Bays' Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Gov- ernor of the State of Illinois, by his order of the 15th of May. 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 12th day of August, 1832, when mustered out of service. Name and Rank. Captain. John Bays First Lieutenant. William Robertson.. Second Lieutenant. Daniel Wood Seyoeant.s. John Dawson Adran H.Davenport. John T. Brown Solomon McCloud... Corporal.^. Isaiah W. Pettigi-ew. John Woods ...7..j?. Thomas Smothers... Reuben Green Private.'^. Baker, Edmon Bridges, James Bridges, Thomas L.. Briant, John B Brown, Daniel Brown. Samuel Bays, David. Jr Cummons, William M Elder, John Giles. Wm Garner, Garrett Hargraves, Willis, Jr. Hargraves, Carter. . . Heniierson.Benj'min Hamons, Williams .. Hutson, John Johnson, William ... Kenrick, James Levil, Lewis Muiidine. Thomas S. MeCa^lin, James B.. Niswonger, Jefferson Pruit, James Robinnett. John Reed, Green Residence. Gallatin Co. Enrolled Remarks. 1832. June 16'Has two horses in service. Absent on furlough since August 9, 1832 Absent on furlough since August 9. 1832 Detached from Co., on duty with main army. Absent on furlough, by order of Brig.-Gen. [Atkinson Absent on furlough since August 9, 1832. Absent on furlough since August 9, 1832 Detached from Co., on duty with main army. Absent on furlough since .\ugust 9. 1832 Detached from Co., on duty with main army. Absent ou furlough since August 9, 1832 Detached from Co., on duty with main army. On furlough since August 8, 1832 Furloughed " " His horse lost, strayed or stolen Absent on furlough since August 9, 1832 Detached on service with main army Detached from Co., on duty with main army. Furloughed August 9, 1832 Absent on surgeon's certif. since June 20,1832 Absent on furl'h since July 16, '32; horse lost Absent on furlough His horse lost, strayed or stolen Absent on furl'h since Aug. 9, "32; horse lost Furloughed Aug. 9, '32 Furloughed Aug. 4, '.32; his horse lost Furloughed Aug. 4, '32 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sands, John Thorn, Alexander . . . Tadlock, Green Vaughn, Thomas Williams. Ebenezer. Wrinkle, George Gallatin Co. June 16 Absent on furlough since Augusts, 1832 Detached from Co., on duty with main army. lAt Fort Hamilton, by order of Captain Absent on furlough since July 1(1, 1832 " Aug 9,1832 Furloughed; lost horse— b'ken down and left I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits the true state of the company under my command, and that the remarks set opposite the names of each officer and private are accurate and just. (Signed.) JOHN BAYS, Capt., 1st Reg't, 1st Brigade, 111. Vol. Dixon's Feeky, Aug.«12, 1832. Mustered out of service by me, by order of Maj.-Gen. W. Scott, commanding N. W. army. (Signed.: Z. C. PALMER. Capt., 6th U. S. Inf., Com. Post. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Gallatin County. This day personally appeared before me, the undersigned, Justice of the Peace in and for said county, Joseph E. Watkins, and made oath that he commanded a company of mounted volunteers in the service of the United States, in the year 1832. and that among his company who did actually arrive on the 10th day of June at Hennepin, on Illinois river, was George Wrinkle, who was a member of his said company regularly enrolled. In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal, this 5th June, 1834. (Signed.) T. D. HEWITT, J. P. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in Gallatin county, Lieut. Wm. Robinson, of Capt. Bays' company, and made oath that Lee Hargraves served as a private in Capt. Bays' company from the 16th of June to the 12th of August. 1832; also as a wagon- master, and is entitled to traveling pay up to Wilbourn, and from Fort Dixon to the place of his discharge, home. (Signed.) - T. D. HEWITT, J. P. Equality, May 3, 1833. Capt. David B. Eussell's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of the State of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, by his order of the 15th day of May, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 12th day of August, 1832, the time of its mustering out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. David B. Russell First Lieutenant. William Pankey Sergeants. Geo. P. Iteath Claiborne Henders'n Thomas Pickering . . Stephen F. Mitchell. Corporals. Jourdan Cook Edward Hampton... Robert Mitchell Thos. Dodds Buglem.an. Jesse Hall Privates. Abney, Matthew Blackman, Josiah. .. Cotner, Duncan Gallatin Co.. 1832. June 16 Two horses in the service; lost one ax and spade in the water, $4.50. Absent on furlough Detached from Co., on duty with main army. Absent on furlough Detached from Co.. and on duty with main [army; reported himself Aug. 12, 1832. Detached from Co., and on duty with main army; reported himself Aug. 12, 1832. Absent on furlough . Absent on furlough. Absent on furlough. FIRST BRIGADE. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Cook, Cullen Covingrton, John Duncan, Thomas Dunn, Squire Fleming, Zachariah. Gaskins. William H. Gulley, Thomas Griffln, John Griffln, James S Hope, James Harris, Aulsey Harris, Gillam Holland, James Holmes, Jacob Hide, William Howell, John Howell, Riley HullJohn Hutchison, Wm. G.. Ingram, Timothy Johnson, John J Pierson, Henry Russell, John Robinson, Mack Rood, Harvey Rood, Ashby Smothers, John Shoat, Levi Stiff, Lewis Stanley, Thomas Waggoner, John Gallatin Co 1832. June 16 Detached from Co.. on duty with main army; Absent on furlough [Reported Aug. 12 Absent on furlough Absent on furlough '\ '\ granted on cert, of Surg. Furlough granted on Surgeon's certificate... Absent on furlough Absent on furlough; lost horse, bridle and [saddle; value, $68.50 Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Detached from Co., on duty with main army; Absent on furlough [Reported Aug. 12, '32 Absent on furlough Muster roll of a detached part of Capt. Achilles Coffee's company, attached for the present to Capt. Russell's Company. Se7-geants. Samuel Karnes, 2d ..[Gallatin Co John Gardner, 3d William Chosier, 4th Privat''s. Abshear, Anderson. . Carder, James Hanse, Peter Karnes, George Karnes, John Karnes, James Martin, Jason Morris, Richmond. . . Medlin, Needum Pryor, Anderson Spruil, Pleasant Stricklin, William... Tong, Thomas Upchurch, John Upehurch, Thomas . . Upchurch. Jonathan I certify on honor this muster roll exhibits the true state of the detachment under my command, and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and private, so far as made from my knowledge, are accurate and true, and so far as made from information I believe to be accurate. (Signed.) DAVID B. RUSSELL, Capt.. 1st Regt.. 1st Brigade 111. Vol. Mustered out of service by me. by order of Major-Gen. Scott, commanding N. W. army. (Signed.) Z. C. PALMER, Capt.. 6th U. S. luft., Com. Post. Dixon's Ferky, Aug. 12, 1832. I BLACK HAWK WAK. Capt. Hakrison Willson's Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, commander! by Lieut. John Willis, called into the ser- vice of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, by his order of the 15th of May, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 12th day of August, 1832, when mustered out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Harrison Willson.. First Lieutenant. John Logston Second Lieutenant. John Willis Sergeants. Charles Hood Robert Sidle Solomon Brown Mastiu Alexander.. Corporal.'i. Horatio Coffee Isaac Crabtree William Keaton Richard Tarlton Privates. Alexander, Rheubin Barger, Richard A. S Burnet, Hiram Baker, James Clack. John T Cox, William Coop, William , Caldwell, John Davis, James M Davis, Francis Ellis, William Giberson, William... Hogan, Richard Holey, Henry , Huston. Even , Jones, Fountain W. Jacobs, Page Kirkendal, Robert. . Logston, Joseph Pool, Orvel Peeples, James C... Scrogius, Barton... Taylor, Washington Willis, Jacob Woodle, Andrew.... Gallatin Co... 1832. June 16 Detached from Co.; on duty with main army. Absent on Surgeon's certif., June 20, 1832 Sword lost with baggage wagon, or stolen.. Absent on furlough, Aug. 5, 1832 Aug.9, 1832 Lost 1 blanket, $1 Lost 1 saddle, valued at$14 Absent on furlough, Aug.9, 1832 Lost 1 bridle and 1 quilt, $4 Lost 1 blanket Ab s en t'o'n f urlo ugh , ' 9t li ' Au g.; 1832 .' .' '. '. '. '. '.."'.'. Lostl mare, saddle, blankets, saddle-bags.. Detailed from Co.; onduty witli main army. Absent on furlough Detailed on furlough Absent on furlough, Aug. 9, 18.32. Lost ahorse Absent, and on duty with main army Absent on furlough, Aug. 9, 1832 Lost 2 blankets Absent on furlough, Aug. 9, 1832 STATE OF ILLINOIS, I _.. Gallatin County, f^i-- Thi.s 6th day of May, 1833, Captain Harrison Willson personally appeared before the undersigned, an a^-ting Justice of the Peacp in and for said county, and made oath that Mr. Alexander H. Hall, was enrolled in his (Willson's) company, as a volunteer in Gallatin county; that at Port Wilbourn he was mustered into the service of the United States, in the war against the Sac Indians, on the ICth of June, 1832, in said company; that he. said Hall, was on the day after transferred to Gen. Posey's staff, as volunteer aid, and in a few days thereafter furloughed to return home, as he is informed. (Signed.) H. WILLSON. Capt Subscribed and sworn before me this 6th day of May, 1833. (Signed.) JAMES CALDWELL. J. P. I certify on honor, that Wm. M. Wallace. Jno. McClernand and Mershali Rawlands vol- unteered as privates in Capt. Willson's company 111. Militia and belonged to said company when it was organized at Fort Wilbourn. They afterwards were appointed on the staff and commissioned by the Governor, viz: Wallace as Brigade Paymaster. McClernand and Rawlins as Assistant Brigade Quartermasters. They served during the campaign and were mustered out at Fort Dixon, the 14th of August, 1832; they are at least entitled to private's pay. (Signed.) A. POSEY. Equality, May 4th, 1833. late Brig.-Gen. FIRST BRIGADE. Capt. Joel Holliday's Company 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade of Illinais Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated 15th May, 1832. Mustered out, Aug. 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. James Caldwell Joel HoUiday First Lieutenant. Turner Cook Second Lieutenant. John J. Dean Sergeants. Benjamin Kinsall Robert R Deull Quinzey Right Thos. V. Swearenger Corporals. David Kinsall John Newman E. B. Puckett Beni Hubbs Privates. Adams, John Bish , George Barker, William Barker, Jesse Brown, Adonijah Bozarth, David Cusack, James Hays, Solomon Haskins. Jas. R Herod, Jno. W Jones, Jonathan Luther. Ezra G Nelson, Stephen Powell, Thomas Quigley, Aaron Stiff, Richard Trousdale, James... Thompson, Matthew. Venson, Charles Gallatin Co 1832 June 16 Resigned about the 19th of June. Absent on furlough, Aug. 5, 1832 Lost 1 pistol, wallet and saddle-bags. ". . .[tered out of service . Detached under Capt. Bays; supposed mus- Absent on furlough, July 1, 1832 Detached under Capt. Bays; supposed mus- [tered outof service. Absent; I know not whether with or without Absent on detached service [leave. Absent; I know not whether with or without [leave. Absent on furlough Lost 1 pair saddle-bags and wallet. Lost 1 horse on forced march The following are supposed to be mustered out of service under Capt. Bays: Frivates. Brown, James [Gallatin Co Burris, Thomas . . . Crissop, James... Clayton, William Dunson, John Touch, Levi Fouch, John Heraldson, William. Hutchcraft, Elijah.. Johnson, Jas. B Morrow, Thomas... Morrow, Forquer Patillo, Alexander.. Ralls, Nathaniel Sherwood, Hugh B.. Sherwood, Thomas . . Shoemaker, William. Smith, Peter Sampson, William.. Westbrook. Samuel Williams, James Williams, Henry B. Wood, Mason I 1832 :June \6 Detached under Capt. Bays. BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Dake, Arnold B Edwards, Phillip.... Hughston, Jonathan Keeny, Jonathan Lafferty, William Reynolds, Jas. L Tally, Amos Refused to march with company to Koskana. This company was enrolled by Capt. Jas. Caldwell, who commanded it until it entered the service of the United States, when he quit his command, and, in some three or four days after, the present Captain was elected. This company, individually at their own ex- pense, furnished six days' rations for themselves when they marched from home to enter the service of the United States. They have each received but one-half bushel of corn as forage during the whole campaign, and the officers have drawn but one ration in kind per day. This company was mustered, and an election of officers had, on the 12th of May, 1832, marched for Fort Wilbourn June 1st, and was received into service June 16, 1832. Capt. Archilaus Coffey's Company Of the 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade Illinois Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out, August 12. 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Rdmarks. Captain. Archilaus Coffey First Lieutenant. Daniel Botright Second Lieutenant. Willis Stricklen Corporals. Wiley Roberts JohnRhyon David A. Grable Privates. Al>ner, Henry Barger, Isaac Bond, George Bond, Stephen Coy, John Hall, Jonathan Hawkins, James Hedge. James Isom, Richard Lewis, Abraham Oldham, Thomas Pogue, James Richey, JohnP Ryon, William Smith, John Smith, John H Whitesides. Thomas Ware, Robert Gallatin Co. 1832 June 16 Furloughed at battle ground August 3 Furl, on Surgeon's certificate July 15, 1832 Furl, by Gen.Atkinson.from Prairie du Chien Furloughed to return home, Aug. 9, 1832 attend sick, July 15, 1832.".'.".'' Furl, on Surgeon's certificate July 15, 1832.. Furloughed to return home Aug. 9, 1832 Furl, on Surgeon's certificate July 15, 1832. Furloughed to return home Aug. 9, 1832 Furl, on Surgeon's certificate July 3, 1832.. Furloughed to return home Aug. 9, 1832 Furl. Aug. 3; lost horse, saddle and bridle. Furloughed to return home Aug. 9, 1832. Furl, on Surgeon's certificate July 15, 1832 Mustered out of service by Capt. Palmer: Sergeants. Samuel Kavney, 2d. John Garner, 3d Wm. Chosier, 4th Privates. Alshear, Anderson.. Carder. James K Hause, Peter Gallatin Co.. 1832. June 16 [Ferry, Aug. 12, 1832. Mus. out under Capt. D. B. Russell, at Dixon's FIRST BRIGADE. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Earns, Jame^ Earns, John Earns, George Martin. Jason Medling, Nedum Morris, Richmond... Prior, Anderson Strickland, William. Spruel, Pleasant Tongue, Thomas Upchurch, John Upchurch, Jonathan Upchurch, Thomas.. 1832. Gallatin Co... June 16. Mus. out under Gapt. D. B. Russell, atDixon's [Ferry. Aug. 12, 1832. Supposed to have been mustered out with Col. Ewing's Regt., by Capt. Palmer: Corporal. Gasaway, Hamilton. Private. Carney, David Gallatin Co. Discharged: Fimt Sergeant. Aden Warner Privates. Cox, John Fletcher, Wesley... Garret, William Strickland, Henry.. Gallatin Co. 1832 June 16 Discharged by Lieut. R. Anderson, A. I. Gen., [Aug. 16, 1832, by reason expiration service. Dis. on Surg, certif. of disability, by Gen. At- [kinson, June 18, 1832. Dis. by Lieut. R. Anderson, A. I. Gen., Aug. [16,1832; expiration service. I certify on honor, that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I nave this 25th day of Sept., 1832, signed this roll,— the Captain having called on me to certify as above, to the state of his company, and to account for the absence of the company from the place designated for being mustered out of the service of the I nited Sttites. ihe company to be considered as having been mustered out on the same day its Itegt. was mustered out. ^^ ROBERT ANDERSON. ^ ^ Lieut, and Ass't. Insp. Gen. I certify that it was impossible forme to reach the place of mustering out, in con- seanence of the loss of my horse. ■t.^tttt a tto nrx-cn^T^v r^ . „,., (Signed.) ARCHILAUS COFFEY, Capt. Transportation furnished by the United States, from Galena to St. Louis, for all of the company who were furloughed after the battle of the 2d of August 1832. This C9mpany was organized May 12th, 1832. Marched for the frontier May 26th, 1832. Mustered into the service of the United States June 16, 1832. Mustered out, Aug. 12, 1832. 10 BLACK HAWK WAR. SECOND REGIMENT. Capt. George P. Bowyer's Company. Of Mounted Volunteers of the State of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State, by his order of the 15th day of May, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 7th day of August, 1832, the time of mustering out of service. Enrolled for 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. George P. Bowyer... First Lieutenant. Jacob Philips Second Lieutenant. Thomas P. Moore ... Sergeants. Thomas Adams, 1st.. Jacob Chark, 2d Edward Franklin, 3d Corporals. William Fleming, 1st William Akins, 2d ... Augustus Adams, 4th Bugler. William Whittington Privates. Adams, Benjamin ... Severs, Tliomas Bowling, James Bowling, Benjamin.. Bowyer, Henry Berry, John Bailey, Jacob Browning. James ... Clampet, William Cleveland, Evan Clark, John Cleveland, Jesse Clark. Reuben Due, John P. Dement, John Dillingham, Vachel.. Estes, Absalom Farris. James Gifford, Joseph Hail, Thomas Jourdan, Moses Jourden, Elijah Jourden, James Morgan, Nathaniel.. Neai, Aaron Plaisters, James Redburn, Abraham.. Robertson, Garrett. . Richardson, A. W Scribner, John Summers, James Summers, Noah Schoolcraft, James.. Slater, John Franklin Co. 1832, June 16 Fayette Co. Franklin Co Had two horses in service. Lost clothing, etc., valued at $9.50 Absent on furlough Left at Fort Hamilton, sick Bridle and tomah'wk lost, swim'g Pecatonica Coft'ee pot lost; value 62)2 cents Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Coffee and saddle-blanket lost; value |4.50. Bridle lost; value $2.00 Absent on furlough Transferred to Capt. West's company Saddle-blanket lost; value $2.50. Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Promoted to Major of Spy Bat., 1st Brig. Absent on furlough Cloak and sack lost; value $7.00 Promoted Sergt.-Major; absent on furlough. Absent on furlough Transferred from Stephenson's Co.; on furl. Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Frying-pan and tin bucket lost; value $1.00 .. Sent to Fort Hamilton on duty; care of sick. sick " " on duty; care of sick. FIRST BRIGADE. 11 Name and Kank. Kesidenee. Enrolled Remarks. Whittington, Benj... Whittington, James. "Williams, Benjamin. Ward, William "Western, Joseph Franklin Co.. June 16 Tin bucket lost: value 37?2 cents Absent on furlough Blanket lost, valued at $2.50 ..'.'. '. Transferred to Capt. Drennan's company I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits the true state of the detachment under my command, and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and private are accurate and just. (Signed.) GEO. P. BOWYER, Capt., 2d Regt., 1st Brig. 111. Vol. Dixon Ferky, August 7, 1832. Mustered out of service by me. by order of Maj.-Gen. Scott, commanding N. "W. Army. (Signed.) Z. C. PALMER. Capt.. 6th U. S. Inft. Com. Post. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Uc Franklin County. (" I, George P. Bowyer, do solemnly swear that Jno. Slater and Alexander W. Richardson ■were regularly enrolled in the service of the T'nited States in my company, at Fort Wil- bourn, on June 16, 1832, and that they served the full period of time tor which they were enrolled, and weie regularly discharged atFortDixon.by Capt. Palmer, on a detached roll; and that they are justly entitled to full pay and allowance for said service (and, as I am informed, said detached roll was lost or mislaid). (Signed.) GEO. P. BO"WYER. Capt. Subscribed and sworn to this 9th May, 1833. (Signed.) JOHN Y. DAVIS, J. P. Capt, Wm. J. Stephenson's Company • Of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, by his order of the 15th day of May, 1832, from its enrollment to the 7th day of August, 1832, when mustered out of service. Enrolled for 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. 'Wm. J. Stephenson Seco7id Lieutenant. Tramel Ewing Se7-geanf.s. John P. Maddox Anderson P. Corder Henry Hays John T. Knox Corporals. Thos. Provence, 1st Michael Rawlins, 2d Musician. Walter B. Scates... Privates. B6bbitt, John Denning, JosiahB. Eubanks, Elisha Farris, Anderson P. Garrett, Hezekiah . Garrett, Robert Gassaway, William Hickman, Benj. F.. Hays, John Hubbard, Wm. A... Hillen, Lewis Jones, Nathaniel . . . Knox, Thomas Lynch, Larkin Maddox, Wm. P Franklin Co.. 1832. June 16, Gray mare lost in service; appraised at ! Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Lost blanket in battle; appraised at $2 Lost horse and equipage; appraised $66.37>2. On duty at Apple River Fort Lost blanket, etc., in battle; appraised at $6. . Absent on furlough Discharged at Ft. Wiibourn; to rec. full pay. Lost horse, arms, blanket; appraised $84.50.. Absent on furlough Appointed Governor's Aid, June 17, 1832 Lost bridle in battle; appraised at $1.50 Lost blanket in battle; appraised $2.50 Lost horse and equipage; appraised at $36.35. 12 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Kank. Residence Enrolled Remarks. Miller. Andrew Neal, Moses Pope, Benj. W Rotramel, Henry Robertson. Andrew. Rawlings, Ezekiel. . . Rea, Wilson Swafford, Harvey... Silkwood, H. M Talbot, Benjamin Franklin Co.. June 16 Blanket in battle; appraised at .$2.50 Appointed Quartermaster Seret. 2d Regt., 1st Absent on furlough [Brig. 111. Mounted Vol. On duty at Apple River Fort Discharged at Ft. Wilbourn; to ree. full pay. Blanket in battle: appraised at $2.50 Absent on furlough : Absent on furl., or discharged at Ft. Wilbourn I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits the true state of the company under my command, and that the remarks set opposite the name of each ofBcer and soldier are accurate and just. (Signed.) WM. J. STEPHENSON. Capt., of the 2d Regt., 1st Brig. Dixon's Feeey, Aug. 7, 1832. Mustered out of service by me by order of Maj.-Gen. Scott, commanding N. W. army. (Signed.) Z. C. PALMER, Capt., 6th U. S. Inft, Com. Post. Capt. Obediah West's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of Illinois, by his order of the 15th of May. 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 6th day of August, 1832, when mustered out- of service. (Company now under command of 1st Lieut. Robt. West, commanding.) Enrolled for 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Obediah West First Lieutenant, Robert West Second Lieutenant. Hugh Parks Sergeants. Wilie Scott, 1st William Henry, 4th.. Corporal. Moses Odum, 3d PiHvates. Browning, James Bradley, Pleasant... Beasley, Washington Franklin, Edward... Groves, Isaac Hooker. Jabez Henry, Augustus Joiner, Jiles Layman, Henry Meredith, Junior Murphy, William Provence, Albert Pulley, Thomas Parks, Samuel...- Price, Richard Parks, Andrew Rich, William Ran, William Roper, Seth Springs, David H Worthen, Robert Ward, John Ward. Dickson Watson, Robert Youngblood, Isaac Zacharias, George .. Franklin Co.. 1832. June 16 Pike Co.... Franklin Co Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Horse lost in service Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Absent on furlough horse lost in service . . . Absent on furlough Absent on fui'lough Tent cloth (private property) lost, value, $3. Absent on furlough FIRST BRIGADE. 13 STATE OF ILLINOIS. Uu. Franklin County, ) We, John Ewiag, Col. of the 2d Regt., and Obediah West, Captain in said Regiment, do solemnly swear tnat John Cunningham was enrolled in Capt. West's company, at Fort Wilbourn, on the 16th of June, 1832, in the service of the United States, served up to 12th of August faithfully, but on account of being absent on detached service, was not mus- tered out of service with his proper company. We further state on oath that it is our opinion that said John is fully entitled to pay and all allowances for said service. (Signed.) (Signed.) Subscribed and sworn before me the 9th of May, 1833. (Signed.) JOHN EWING, Col. OBEDIAH WEST, Capt. JOHN T. DAVIS. J. P. Capt. Charles Dunn's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of Illinois, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to August 13, 1832, the time of mustering out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Charles Dunn First Lieutenant. Joseph Neal Second Lieutenants. John Raum James H. McColugh.. Sergeants. Jesse R. Pratt Andrew H. Drinnon.. Corporals. James F. Johnston.. John Hamilton Jason B. Smith Privates. Arnold, James Anderson, William.. Bruce, David Bruce, Thomas Barr, William A Cowsert, Geo. W Dobbins, John M Hawley, Joshua S... Hughes, Richard Harper, Joseph Hall, Thomas Hodge, John P Kennedy, Jacob McCool, John Merow, John Paistly, William M.. Pearce, Daniel Palmore, Willie R... Palmore, Calvin H.. Pattello, Nathan Pratt, Mathew Y Paisley. John Rose, James Slankard, Harrison.. Smith, Hiram G Wiley, Joseph Whiteside, John Pope Co. 1832 I June 16 Two horses in service. Left at Fort Hamilton, sick. Promoted to Brig. Maj., June 16, '32, 1st Brig. Elected and commis'd in place John Raum, [promoted June 16, 1882. Absent on furlough dated July 31, 1832 Appointed 1st Sergt., in place of Pratt, July [31, 1832; horse lost, strayed or stolen. Prom. Reg. Q. M. July 1. '32; mus. out as such U. S. halter lost Absent on furlough U. S. camp-ax lost Absent on furlough Left sick at Fort Hamilton U. S. halterlost U. S. tin bucket and camp-ax lost u.'s.'haiterTo'st! !!;!!!;'.!.'.'!."!. '."!.'.".l.".'!! !.'!.".".' Deserted Jii I'y 20, 1832! '. '.". '. '. ". ". '. ' '. '. '. '. ". '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ' '. U. S. hatchet lost Absent on furlough tJ. S. camp-ax, halter, bayonet-scabbard lost Horse lost, strayed or stolen Absent on furlough Left sick at Fort Hamilton Absent on furlough dated July 31, 1832 14 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Jonathan Durman's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enroll- ment to Aug. 12, 1832, the time of its mustering out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jonathan Durman. First Lieutenant. Simon 8. Bargar. ., Second Lieutenant Jacob Benyard Sergeants. John B. Witt Thomas M. Ellis Green B. Veatch.. Alfred M. Hazel... Corporals. John Lewis Thomas Matthews Privates. Anderson, Andrew Allen, Marshall Banty, Jesse Baily, James Bowman, David Crawford, James.. Carlyle, William... Cowsent, Samuel Davis. Colman Demick, JudethamC Dorset, William Holland, James Hobbs, Ezekial Harlice, William Hobbs, Christopher Jones, Alfred King, Anderson King, John Lewis. Joseph L Lauderdale, John.. Martin, Isaac L Noaks, Abraham... Perrin, James Raney , Robert R Slankard, Jacob Williams, John Williams, James Williams, Josiah... Williams, Isom Watkins, Isaac F... Wallace, Squire West, Joseph Pope Co. 1832 June 16 Franklin Co. Two horses and one servant in service Left sick at Fort Wilbourn Horse lost in service Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Ord. to Ft. Hamilton on duty; horse lost, shot DeseYtedJuYy20,'i832"! '.!!!'.!."!".'."!."!!. ".'!.'." Left on duty at Ft. Wilbourn to attend sick.. Absent on furlough, granted on Surg's certif. Absent on furlough Left sick at Fort Hamilton Absent on furlough; horse lost in service Left at FortFunk sick to attend the sick Left at Funk's Fort to attend the sick sick Det. by cons'nt from Capt. West's Co. ; att'ch'd [to Capt. Durman's. Capt. Holman's Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Gov- ernor of the State, by his order of May 15, 1832. from the date of its enrollment to the 2d day of August, 1832, when mustered out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Armstead Holman .. 1832 June 15 First Lieutenant. James Duncan FIRST BRIGADE. 15 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Second Lieutenant. Squire Howell SerQeants. O. H. Willey , tfoel Norris Abraham Duncan . Wintfroy L. Grain . Corporals. Manuel Hunter . John Spiller Willis Tiner James Norris... 3Iusician. Thomas C. Lowden. Privates. Bold, Larry Grain, Noah Grain, Spencer Grain, Wm.B .... Grain. Manuel R Grain, Ghamp T Ghittey, Alfred Daniel. Thomas Durock. Lewis Duncan, "Wm. H Fisher, Thomas Fisher, Solomon GuUey, Isaac Hail,Thos Hunter, George W. Herring, Reuben... Hancock, Thomas. . Hindman, Wm Huffman, Westley. . James, Thomas Lastly, John Lewis, Isaac McAUey, Archibald. Moake, Ezekiel Nelson, Morgan Nelson, James M . . . Phenix, John Russell. James S... Rowland, Wm Russell, Phillip J... Rawls. Wm Rawls. Harris Ryburn, ByrdT.... Spiller, John B Stroud, Daniel Stroud, Levi Spiller, Martin B... Stack, John Tiirpley, Wm. H.... Tippey. James Tiner, Isliam Tiner, Joshua Williams, TippoS.. Williams. David Yancey, Hiram Yancey, Wm. R 1832. June 15 One blanket lost in service. One horse lost in service. One U.S. scabbard belt lost " and one horse. lOne horse lost in service. Furloughed (inability for service) June 20, '32. One belt and tomahawk lost in service. 16 BLACK HAWK WAR. THIRD REGIMENT, Capt. Ardin Biggerstaff's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of Illinois, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 13th day of August, 1832, the time of mustering out of service. Enrolled for 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Ardin Biggerstaff . . . First Lieutenant. Lewis Lane Second Lieutenant. Wesley W. Wiltes ... Sergeants. Wesley W. Gholston James M. Wilson James Allen, Sr William Fuller Corporals. Joshua G. Weaver... iBenjamin I. Allen ... Grandville Gholston Solomon Skelton Fifer. Elisha Everett Trumpeter, Adonijah G. Grimes Privates. Allen, John Allen, James, Jr Bryant, James H Bryant, William Blake, James Crouch, Adam Cook, Ellison Campbell, William .. Drew, William Everett, Elijah Gallaher, James F.. . Gibson, John Hynes, Andrew S Johnson, Saml Jourdan, Jesse Jenkins, Thos. S Johnson, William ... Lowry, John Mayberry, David R. . Mayberry, Frederick Morris, Daniel Martin, Saml Moore, Jesse Porter. Elbridge G.. Riley, William Riley, F. A Richey, J. M Sexton, Charles StuU, Nicholas Steerman, N, D Hamilton Co. 1832. June 16 On furlough On furlough One saddle lost; value $16 One tent cloth lost on forc'd m'rch, val. $4.68?4 Appointed 4th Corporal On furlough On furlough Tent-cloth lost, escap'g from Ind's; also coat. Lost one bayonet belt; supposed stolen On furlough On furlough On furlough Discharged June 20,1832, as sick Lost one bayonet and bayonet belt On furlough On furlough; lost horse in action, value, $100. On furlough FIRST BRIGADE. 17 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Steerman. W. M Shelton, Joseph Trotter, Archibald... Trammel, Nicholas.. Thomason. Jos. F. .. VV heeler, Washingt'n Wheeler, John Hamilton Co, June 16 Promoted to Major June 16,1832; lost horse On furlough. I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits the state of the company under my com- mand, and that the "remarks" set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and just. (Signed.) ARDIN BIGGERSTAFF, Capt., Cora. 2d Co.. 2d Bat. 3d Regt., 1st Brig., 111. Mounted Vol. Station— Dixon Ferry. Date— Aug. 13, 1832. Capt. John Onslott's Company Of the 3d Regiment of the 1st Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the ser- vice of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's procla- mation, dated , 1832; mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Captain. John Onslott.. First Lieutenant. Trussey P. Hanson., Second Lieutenant. Alfred J. Moore Sergeants. Cyrus Wright Elisha Bashford Arch. T. Patterson .. James Tompkins Corporals. Samuel Whiteley Strother B. Walker.. Joseph Whiteley Francis Herman Privates. Ano, James T Creek, JeiTerson Cook, James Carbaugh. Sol. B... ChamberJin, Young Campbell. Augur Daniels, Levi Fitzgerald, A. S... Letheoe, Joseph . . . Logan, Russell McDaniel, Hugh... McDaniel, Robert . McGrew, John McKenney, James Moseley, Bennett W. Mortin, Perkey Nicholson. John G.. Nelson, James Rogers, Isaac Rogers, Thomas Skief, Jesse Songer, Abram Stallings. Lockhard. Sincoe, David Sutton, John Speaker, John —2 Clay Co. 1832. June 16. Elected Captain May 29, 1832 Elected First Lieutenant May 29, 1832 ... Elected Second Lieutenant May 29, 1832. Appointed May 29, 1832 [May 29,1832 Supposed disch'g'd by Gen. Scott; appointed Appointed May 29, 1832. On furlough, by order of Col. Leech Broke down in service; furloughed Aug. 9, '32 On furlough by order of Major Campbell. Supposed discharged by Gen. Scott On furlough, Aug. 9, 1832 IBroke down in service; furl, by Maj. Campbell Supposed dischai-ged by Gen. Scott On furlough by order of Col. Leech . On furlough by order of Major Campbell. On furlough, Aug. 1, 1832 On furlough, Aug. 9, 1832 18 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Eesidenee. Enrolled Eemarks. Tarter, Frederick. . . Van Cleave, James. Walker, Isaac Wlckersham, Jas. L Whiteley, Martin... Clay Co 1832. June 16. On furlough, Aug. 9, 1832. On furlough, Aug. 1, 1832. Took up line of March from Clay county June 2, 1832. Mustered into U. S. service June 16, 1832. Captain and othei- officers have drawn but one ration in kind each day, and but one-half bushel of corn for horse during the campaign, and eight days' rations to travel home on. (Signed.) JOHN ONSLOTT, Capi. On this 12th day of August, 1832. Capt. James Hall's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of Illinois, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to August 13, 1832, the time of mustering out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled! Remarks. Captain. James Hall ... Hamilton Co. First Lieutenant. John Burton Second Lieutenant. John Townsand Sergeant.^. Milton Carpenter. Robert Witt John M. Smith Alfred More 1832. I June 16 One iron-gray horse lost; value, $100. Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Corporals. John Heard Charles Heard Keling T. Maulding. Willis Atkinson Bugleman. Clinton Hopkins. Privates. Adair, Phillip Bond, Elisha Burnett, John Brown, Shearwood.. Burress, Elijah Coffee, Thomas Cannimore, Samuel. Coons, Martin Davenport, James .. Fouch, John Hungate, Charles ... Hall, Joseph Hutson, Sanford Hall. Thomas Hauks, Thomas J Johnston, Jesse Krisel, Charles Krisel, John Lane, Louis Lane, Levin Meredith, Frederick, Moiiday, Samuel McBroom, Azahel... McLaughlin. Wm Morris. William Maulding, Ambrose. Hamilton Co. Hamilton Co. Hamilton Co. Absent on furlough One marestolen; value, $100 Discharged , 1832, by Capt. Palmer [valued at $80 Absent on furlough. One bay horse stolen. On furlough Absent on,farlough One bay horse lost, valued at $53 Promoted June 16, 1832. ....[lost, valued at $67 One bay horse, saddle, bridle and blanket Absent on furlough One sorrel mare bfoke down, valued at $40. Discharged by Capt. Palmer on day — One gun lost on battle ground, valued at $15. Absent on furlough Promoted June 16.1832, to Q. M.-Sergt. Absent on furlough Absent on furlough On furlough [valued at $71 One bay mare, etc., stolen. ( FIRST BRIGADE. 19 Name and Rank. Residence. iEnrolledi I I Remarks. Hamilton Co. Hamilton Co. Oglesby. Rhebin Overturf. Adam Phelps. Charles Pauley, Alexander . Perry, William Prigmore. Wilie ; Redriek, Jonathan ..i Hamilton Co. Rich. John •. ..I Reynolds Jeremiah.; Sheaily. Moses ] Schoolcraft. James. . I Sims, Martin I Townsand, Hiram ...Hamilton Co. Tramel, Elijah | White, Snead ... Williams, Wiley Ward, Samuel .. 183: June 16 Horse, saddle, etc , stolen by Indians; fur- [loughed. Mare killed on forced march; valued at $63!.'.' Mare, etc.. stolen by Indians; valued 'at"$94".' [furloughed. Horse, saddle, etc., lost on forced march; rioughed. Mare, saddle, etc., stolen by Indians; fur- I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits true statement of the company under my command, and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and just. (Signed.) JAMES HALL, Capt., Com. 1st Co., 2d Bat, 3d Regt.. 1st Brig. 111. Mounted Vol. Mustered out of service by me, by order of Major-General Scott, commanding the N. W. army. (Signed.) Z. C. PALMER. Capt.. 6th U. S. Inft., Com. Post. Capt. James N. Clark's Company Of 3d Regiment, 1st Brigade. Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States on the reriuisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James N. Clark Wayne Co. First Lieutenant. David Ray Second Lieutenant. Jesse Laird Sergeants. Daniel Sumpter William A. Howard Henry Oley Isaac Street Corporals. Joseph Walker John A. McWhartens Lewis Watkins Nathan E. Roberts.. Privates. Austin, Harris Austin, James B Alexander, David . . . Bain. Roliert Bradshaw, Greenup. Bullard, Asa Campbell. Joseph M. Clark. James Clark, William.... [H Dickerson, Younger Dolton, George Dolton, Andrew C... 1832. June 16 Saddle, bridle and blanket lost . One horse lost. On furlough August 10, 1832;lo.st saddle 2d August, 1832, Ft. Dickson, to be discharged On furlough Aug. 3. 1832. Discharged at Ft. Dickson. Aug. 2, 1832. On furlough Aug. 9, 1832 Horse lost. 20 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Eank. Eemarks. Farleigh. George — Fitzgerald, John F.. Garrison, Joseph L. Garrison, James Graham, William — Hargrave, Jeremiah Harland, William Haws, Alfred Haws, Benjamin Hanson, John James, Samuel Konshalow, Peter... Martin, David Martin, Nathan Mays, Andrew Mavs, James MeCullam, William.. Morris, Joseph Ray. Chesley Ray, Asa Rister, Jacob Sanders, Fenton Sessions, Richard... Slocumb, David D... Smith, David Trotter, James Tyler, Johalen W' alker, George Walker. Greenbury. Warrick, Jefferson.. Warrick, James R... Widdus, John G White. JohnL Bradshaw, Arthur... Wayne Co 1832. June 16 Furloughed Aug. 8, 1832 Left sick at Fort Wilbourn. June W, 1832. Furloughed August 9, 1832. Left at Fort Wilbourn. sick. June 19.1832. Left at Fort Wilbourn. sick, June 19.1832. Discharged at Fort Wilbourn. June 19,1832. On furlough Aug. '9.' 1832' '.!.".'!!.".".!!!!.".".'!!!!! On furlough Aug. 9, 1832 David Ray elected 1st Lieut.. May 12. From Wayne county took up line on June 1, 1832. Mustered into t ervice June 16, 1832. James N. Clark elected Captain, May 12, 1832. Jesse Laird elected 2d Lieut., May 12, 1832. Capt. Berryman G. Wells' Company Of the 3d Regiment, 1st Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15. 1832. Mustered out August 15. 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Benjamin G. Wells. Firgt Lieutenant. John Brown Second Lientenant. James B. Carter Sergeants. Hugh Stewart James G. Browner. Leon Harrys Riley T. Serratt Corporals. Robert S. Harriss .. Ransom Harriss Albert Butler Elijah Harriss Drummer. Nathan Franklin ... mS2. Wayne Co June 16 On furlough from Aug. 7 Absent by leave of Col. Leech Furloughed Aug. 9 Furloughed Aug. 9 , On furlough Aug. 9 On fux-lough Aug. 9 , FIRST BRIGADE. 21 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Trumppter. Jonathan Wilsey Frivates. Bird, John Beach, Justis Browner, John Berrr, John Gates, Robert D Gates, Robert Cook, Howlet H Cook, James M Garter, Isaac Garter, William Downer, Job Gasten. Robert R Hall, Jacob Hodge sisaih Hodges, Isham Harland, James C... Hart, Moses Harriss, Joseph Irvin, William Lock, Samuel McCracken. Jon'th'n Martin, Nathan Neel, Samuel Neel, Andrew Neel, Henry Phelps, Thomas Smith, Nicholas Stephenson, John G. Shoemaker, Enoch.. Shoemaker, Hugh . . . Stephenson, Job Snider, John W Staton, Westley Turner, Fielding G.. Turner, James White, William Wells, M.G Young, Clement C . . . Wayne Co. 1832. June le.'On furlough Aug. 9. Absent by leave of Col. Leech iiorse, etc., lost Absent by leave of Col. Leech . Furloughed Aug. 9 , Absent Aug. 3 by leave of Col. Leech. Furloughed Aug. 9 Absent on leave to Galena; taken sii-k; went Furloughed June 25 [home without leave. Absent on furlough; one horse, etc., lost One horse, etc., lost Absent from Aug. 3 by leave of Gol. Leech One horse, etc., lost Absent by leave Aug. 3; one horse, etc., lost, "of Col. Leech; one musket, Furloughed Aug. 9 [etc., lost in battle. Absent by leave Aug. 3; one horse lost Furloughed Aug. 9; one horse, etc.. lost. Absent by leave of Col. Leech, Aug. 3 Horse, etc., lost Absent on furloiigh Aug. 9. Berryman G.Wells elected Captain, John Brown elected First Lieutenant, James B. Carter elected Second Lieutenant, May 12, 1832. Non-commissioned officers appointed same date. 22 BLACK HAWK WAR. SPY BATTALION Capt. William N. Dobbins' Company Of Spy Battalion, 1st Brigade, of Illinoife Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's proclamation, dated April 19, 1832; mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William N. Dobbins First Lieutenant. Steven Yocam Second Lieutenant. James Gray Sergeant^!. John F. Draper Alfred Ray Samuel Hull Daniel Mynes Corpo7-als. Hamilton Farthing. . William B. Haddem. William T. Booth.... Joseph Gray Privates. Allen, Benjamin Allen, John Allman, David W Chandler, Wellas.... Craig, William H Craig, Samuel Dunken, Green R Eagan, John Farmer, William Fields, Green Field, Nathan Gaston, William Gray, William Hill, William HoUen, James. Hutchison, Wm. G.. Hays, Samuel H Jones, JohnF King, Willa King, William Lovel, James Livenstone, Henry M McDauiel, Henry McGuire, John MeGee, William Mabry, Dudley H.... Marsh, William Nelms, NorflitB Piles, Calven Phelps, Zadock Phelps, John Rieheson. James J.. Sterges, Jesse Smith, Wellers Smith, JohnF Marion Co. 1832. June 16 Horse wounded, not fit for service; rifle lost. Lost 1 U. S. halter On furlough August 11; horse killed ;; Absent by leave Aug. 11; lost 1 U. S. halter.. • ' Absent by leave August 11 < ' •■ Horse killed; lost 1 U. S. rope Absent by leave AugustU Lostl U. S. halter Absent by leave Col. Leech; horse killed LostlU. S. halter Absent on furlough August 12 ,, Absent by leave August 11; horse lost 11; •' killed Disch.; must'd out by Lieut. Depriest Aug. 3. Discharged; horse wounded; lost U. S. halt'r lost U. S. camp kettle • ' ,, Disch.; horse killed; lost 1 U. S. coffee pot., lost 1 U. S. frying pan ' ' horse killed; lostl U. S. coffee pot ' ' * * Absent by leave Aug. 11; lost 1 U. S. halter. . Discharged .. ; horse killed Absent on furlough August 12 , •• Discharged; lost 1 U. S. frying pan " camp kettle: horse kill'd Absent by leave August 11; horse killed • ' Horse lost * * LostlU. S. halter " Horse killed; rifle-gun lost; also, LT. S. halter Absent by consent Gen. Atkinson Aug. 4 leave August 11; horse killed LostlU. S. halter; horsekilled ' ' Absent on furlough July 20 ., Lostl U. S. halter Absent on furlough August 11 .. Discharged; horse killed FIRST BRIGADE. 23 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Tompson, Bird M... Uhls, JohnB Williams, James... Warren, Asa Wright, Leven Young, Edward Marion Co. 1832. June 16. Absent by leave Aug. 12; horse killed. Discharged; horse Jcilled Absent by leave of Gen. Atkinson Absent on furl. Aug. 11; lost 1 U. S. halter; Discharged; horse killed [horse killed. Company was organized in Marion county May 4, 1832. Marched, June 1, for Fort WU- bourn. Mustered into service June 17, 1832. Fourteen horses killed in battle at Kellogg's Cfrove, six wounded and three taken by the enemy, June 25, 1832. James Eagaia, left sick at Fort Wilbourn, to be discharged by Gen. Atkinson. IssactCoppall, Wm. Lowell, I certify that Young Burbee, a private of my company, was detailed as Hospital Steward, and served out his full term, and was mustered out on the field and staff muster roll of the Spy Battalion. (Signed.) WM. N. DOBBINS, Capt. Capt. James Bowman's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Spies, 1st Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out, Aug. IG, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Bowman First Lifutenant. Franklin S. Casey.. Second Lieutenant. Oreen Deprist Sergeants, Stephen C. Hicks... Eli D. Anderson John R. Suterfleld.. Littleton, Daniel Corporals. George Bullock James Bullock Isaac S. Casey Isaac Deprist Privates. Anderson, H. S Atchison, Wash'ton Atchison, Ignatius. Bingeman, William. Bradford, Joseph... Bruce, Marcus D... Bufiflngton, Philip C Baugh, John Carpenter, Sam'l W Casey, Zadock Darnall, John Deweze, William... Elkin, Gazaway. ... Elkin. Robert Faulkenby, Isaac . . . Gastin, \Vm. D Holder. Willis B.... Hays, William B.... Ham, James Harlow, Joel Isam, John Jefferson Co. 1832 June Vi June leiFurloughed Aug. 7,1832 Supposed to be furloughed Aug. 3, 1832. Furloughed Aug. 17, 1832 Promoted 1st Serg't, vice Hicks, furloughed. Supposed to be discharged August 12, 1832... Furloughed August 7,1832 Supposed to be discharged August 3, 1832. Promoted Supposed to be discharged August 3, 1832. Promoted and furloughed julv 2, 1832 , Supposed to be discharged August 3. 1832 , Sick in tent Furioiighed Aug." 6,'m2 "]]""[["'"..". Furloughed Aug^VVlSSi' .'.'.'.'.'.'!.'.'.'!.'.'.' !!!!!!! 24 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Kitrel, David Martin, James C Miner, James F McBrien, John E — Newby, Hezekiah... Owens, Joshua Owens, Peter Parish, Wiott Pace, George W Rhea, James Reynolds, Jacob Tarnison, William. . . Jefferson Co 1832. June IG Supposed to be discharged August 3, 1832 12 3 Supposed to be discharged August 12,1832 Furioughed July io, i83'2, to care for wounded Supposed discharged Aug. 12, 1832 Discharged Aug. 12, 1832 Dead: Allen, William Jefferson Co.. 1832 June \6 Killed at Kellogg's Grove June 25 Black, James Band, James B Bradford, Abner Meek, Robert Randolph. Marcus .. Wounded (?) Wounded at Kellogg's Grove; furl'd June 10. I certify on honor that Zadock Casey volunteered in my company as a private, and pro- ceeded to Fort Wilbourn, where, on June 17, 1832, he was promoted to Paymaster of the Spy Battalion, and served as such to the end of the Indian war. He is therefore entitled to traveling pay as a private to Wilbourn from this place. (Signed.) JAMES BOWMAN, Mount Veknon, May 16, 1833. late Captain. Company organized May 28, 1832. Marched for Hennepin June 12, 1832. . 12 horses killed at Kellogg's Grove, June 25, 1832. 8 wounded 5 missing 4 wounded ' ' Recovered. Mustered into service at Wilbourn June 17, 1832. Drew only one-half bushel corn per horse, since mustered into service. Drew only one ration per day for self since mustered into service. Furnished 8 days' rations each at Springfield. FIRST BRIGADE. 25 DETACHMENT Capt. William S. Stephenson's Detachment Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Gov- ernor of the State, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 2d day of August, 1832, when mustered out of service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. First Lieutenant. James G. Corder Sergeant. Abraham Ray Corporals. James G. Trovillian. William Crawford... Privates. England, William ... Flannagan, Jas. W.. Galloway, Robert ... Harrison, Benj. N... Hutson, John Herold, Lewis Ice, James Jones, Whitman Kirkpatrick, William Kirk|>;itric-k, Edward Mutton, Wilson L ... Newman, Clayton... Finer, William Polk, John Taylor, John Williams, Milton Franklin Co., 1832. June 16. Horse killed in battle; saddle and bridle lost. Horse lost; supposed stolen by Indians Horse and saddle lost Horse shot in battle; saddle, bridle, etc., lost Horse lost in battle; also saddle and bridle.. Horse shot in battle Horse killed in battle; saddle-bags, etc., lost Horse killed in battle HorseTost inbat'tie;" also saddle and bridle.. HoVse'kilTed'in battle; saddle, bridie,etc.,lost Capt. Charles Dunn's Company. Second Regiment, First Brigade, detached part thereof: SerQea7its. William T. Walters.. James Modglin Samuel Roper Corporal. Ransom King Pnraies. Barger, Abraham S. Crane, Elkin Cooper, David Dyke, John Fulkeson, James Lauderdale, William Walters, Thomas, Jr. Walters, William H. Whiteside, William. Horse lost in service in forced march 26 BLACK HAWK "WAR, Capt. Russell's Company, First Regiment, First Brigade: Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Second Lieutenant. Gallatin Co... 1832. June 16 Privates. Birohum, Joseph Horse lost in service in forced march Hill Allen Hampton, David — Wise, William Horse lost in service in forced march Capt. Arman's Company, Second Regiment, First Brigade: Corporals. Alexander MeCorkle Thomas W. Tanner. Bugler. John Castner Privates. Alexander, William Bennet, Richard... Bayless, William H Dyer, Joel Holoman, James .. McMurphy, John.. Tanner, John A Williams, William. Wallace, Sampson Mare lost in service in forced march Mare and saddle lost in service Absent on furlough Horse rode down in forced march, and left Horse lost in service, and saddle left Horse badly lamed in service, and left Capt. West's Company, Second Regiment, First Brigade: Sergeants. James Youngblood. James Parker Corporals. Aaron Youngblood.. Martin Asbridge Obediah Rich Privates. Cane, John Finney, William Groves, William Gibbons, William ... Keaster, Lewis Keaster, George Murphy, John Welty. Jacob Youngblood, Sol Youngblood, Jon'th'n Franklin Co. 1832 June 16. Horse crippled in forced march; saddle left. Capt. Holiday's Company, First Regiment, First Brigade: Private. Mason Wood.. Gallatin Co... 1832. June 16 FIEST BRIGADE. 27 Capt. Bowyer's Company, Second Regiment, First Brigade: Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Corporal. John Suleven Franklin Co.. 1832 June 16 Sergeant. Elijah Estes Prhmti's. Aikins, Walter L Estes. .John Hutson, Owen McClain, Aikin 23 BLACK HAWK WAR. SECOND BRIGADE. FIRST REGIM ENT Capt. Thos. B. Eoss' Company 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the reiiuisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Thos. B. Ross. First Lieutenant. James Shaw Second Lieutenayits. Isaac Lewis Thomas Sconce Sergeants. James Shaw, 1st Daniel Needliam, 2d Thos. Barnham, 3d Silas M. Parker, 3d Samuel Doty, 4th.. Corporals. Van S. Castin, 1st James James, 2d John Barnham, 4th.. Privates. Austin, Nathan Adams, John J Ashman, Hezek'hN. Brown, James G Barker, Thomas Bracken, Jesse Baker, Mark Carrico, John Canterbury, Reuben. Custin, Harman Chadwell, John Duty, William Duty, Richard Easton, John W Trust, Samuel Frazier, William Frost, Henry Gordon, Patrick Gastin, Gibson Gately. John G Hart, Jonathan Coles Co Sangamon Co Coles Co 1832. June 18 Resigned July 25, 1832 Promoted 2d Lieutenant July 25. 1832 Horse lost in service Furi. from Ft. Dickson Aug. 13; app. 3d Sergt. Disch. fm Ft. Coscanangon Surg. cer. July 19 [Coscanang. Sup. disch. under Capt. Brimberry; left at Ft. Furl, from Ft. Dickson Aug. 13; horse lost [Coscanang. Sup. disch. under Capt. Brimberry; left at Ft. Furloughed June 22, 1832, from Ft. Wilbourn. Prom. 3d Sergt. July 25; furl. Aug. 13, Ft. Wil. Furloughed August 13 from Ft. Dickson Left sick at Ft. Dickson [Coscanang. Sup. disch. under Capt. Brimberry; left at Ft. Furloughed at Ft, Dickson August 13, 1832 Horse lost in service [Coscanang. Sup. disch, under Capt. Brimberry; left at Ft. I SECOND BRIGADE, 29 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Half hill, Abram. .. Coles Co 1832. June IS Hays, Thomas Lost 1 pistol in service, worth $5 Kellogg, Samuel Lester, Segler H Disch. fm Ft.Coscanang on Surg. cer. July 19 [Coscanang. Logan, William Odell, Isaac Sup. disch. under Capt-IBrimberry; left at Ft. Phelps, Chas. D Parker, Nathaniel. . . Parker, Benj., Jr .. :: :: :: Parker, Jonathan... Riley, Thomas Sluder, Thomas C Scott, Andrew Stone. James H Shin,T. G. M Vincent, Obediah White, William M Waldrope, John Clark Co Coles Co Williams, Horace... Waldrope. William.. Woodall, David Young, John Sick; furl, from Ft. Wilbourn June 22, 1832... Furloughed from Kellogg's Grove Aug. 11 ; ; \[ M. Williams June 22 The company was organized and marched for the place of rendezvous on the 4th day of June, 1832. Drew one-half bushel corn per man, foragchvhile in service. One bucket, one ax, one coffee pot, two tin cups, two frying pans, two tin pans, public property, lost while in service. (Signed.) THOS. B. ROSS, Capt N. B.— Two hundred and eighty rations have bee drawn for this company for traveling home from place of being mustered out of service. (Signed.) THOS. B. ROSS. Capt., Capt. Samuel Brimbeery's Company 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the reauisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, l!S32. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. First Lieutenant. Philip B. Smith Sergeants. .lames Adams William Craig William Morgan John Morgan Corporals. John Ripple, 1st John Young, 4th Privates. Anglin, Valentine ... Cronnick, Philip Edgar Co 1832 June 19 Ordered to Dixon: supposed mustered out.. Absent by order Gen. Atkinson Horse and equipage lost Clapp, Joseph Charters, Duncan M Craig, Isaac N Craig, Robert Craig, Alexander Elledge, Isaac Ferrell, John Ferrell. William Goodman, William.. Grinder, Henderson Ordered to JDixon; supposed mustered out.. Absent with leave; supposed mustered out.. 3a BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Henson. Robert Jones. Richard Jones, Thomas Redmon. Greenbury Wells, Elijah Walls. James Williams, Samuel... Wells. David A Edgar Co. 1831 June 19 Ordered to Dixon; supposed mustered out Mare' lost July 27Vi832 [.[[[."V.'.W.W.WW.W Moses Anglin and Joseph Andrews, privates of this company, were mustered into the service of the United States on the 10th day of June, 1832; mounted, armed and eauipped, and on the 21st day of June were discharged by Brig.- Gen. Atkinson, being out of health. Their names were omitted on this muster roll by oversight, and they are fully entitled to pay to 21st of June. 1832. (Signed.) SAMUEL BRIMBERRY, Capt.. (Signed.) M. K. ALEXANDER. - Brig.-Gen. 2d Brig. 111. Mil. N. B.— The officers and men of this company have drawn only one ration each per day. and one-half bushel of corn f'^rage each, during the campaign, and rations were furnished Dy each individual from home to Hennepin, on the Illinois river. N. B.— This company was organized on the 10th day of May, 1832, and started from Paris, Edgar county, on the 4th day of June, 1832, to Hennepin, to rendezvous there on the 10th, by the Governor's orders. From there ordered to Wilbourn to rendezvous, on the 15th day of June. 1832. On the 17th were formed into regiment. On the 18th of June formed into a brigade, and on the 19th day of June, 1832. mustered into service. Dr^w 10 days' traveling rations. Capt. Isaac Sanford's Company 1st Regt., 2d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the LTnited States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 18.32. This company was organized, etc.. in Edgar county. May 10, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Eni-olled Remarks. Captain. Isaac Sanford First JAentenant. William Runyan... Second Lieutenant. Aloysius Brown ... Sergeants. Thomas J. Buntain. George G. Boord ... Charles Bodine Alfred VanHoutan . Corporals. John D. IBozeith John Smith Wineson Robertson James Cummings.. Privates. Allen. Harding C... Buntain, Andrew E Breeden. Fielder... Bradshaw, Elias . . Boord, Mezaldue H Cupps, George W... Cowan, John Camp, Abisha Cummings, John... Edgar Co. .. 1832. June 19 Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832 Mare and equipage lost Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832; lost his horse.. July 21, 1832. ordered to Dixon's Ferry.. Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832 '.'. July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry .. July 21, i832. ordered to Dixon's Ferry .. Mare lost, lamed and rendered useless. Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832 SECOND BRIGADE. 31 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Davis, Abraham Drummond, Henry.. Edgar Co. .. 1832. June 19 Left sick at Fort Coscanang, July 10, 1832 Davis, James Ewing, James July 21. 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Edwards, Allemus... Ewing. George July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Furnish, Thomas Foster. Arthur Foster. John July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832 July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Fuller, John Gillepey, James Harding, George *' ** '* Hunter, Andrew Hollingsworth. John July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Lost one pistol, appraised at $3 Hunsacker.Beni'min Hill, John Furloughed Aug. 9. 1832... Hawkins. James Hunter, Spencer R.. Jourdan. flartwell .. Sick I Kehoe. Young Knight. John Knight, Joseph Lowery, Jacob D Lewis, William Martin, Chas. K Murphy, W. C Mclntire, Lucius MeCully. Henry Montgomery, Wm... July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832 Morrison, David Martain, John Macy, Samuel Name omit'd on original roll; on duty f m start Nolle. Thomas Pownall, George C. July 21. 1832. ordered to Dixon's Ferry Percell, James C Perr-ell, Edward .... Furloughed Aug. 4, 1832; lost horse and gun.. Rav, Martain Furloughed Aug., 1832 Ray, Isaac Ray, Jesse Ray, James July 21. 1832, ordered to Dixon^s Ferry Ray. William Ross, William Reed, George Reed, William Left at Dixon's Ferry. June 25, 1832 July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry Ripple, Daniel Ripple, Michael Stump, Francis.. Taylor, Joseph Tavlor. Gabril N Ferrill. John VanHoutan, Isaac... VanHoutan, Wm Wilson, Larkin Wilson, Reason Record of events which may be necessary or useful for future reference at the War De- partment, or for present information: N. B.— This company was organized on the 10th day of May, 1832, and started from Paris. Edgar county, on the 4th day of June, 1832, to Hennepin, to rendezvous there on the 10th, by the Governor's orders. From thence ordered to Wilbourn to rendezvous on the 15th day of June, 1832; on the 17th of June were tormed into regiments; on the 18th of June formed into a brigade, and on the 19th day of June, 1832, mustered into service of the United States. Rations have been drawn for the companv at this place to return home, viz: Ten days, up to and including 25th day of August, 18:32. I also believe, by information, that those men ordered to Dixon's are discharged under Oapt. Brimberry. Received, also, of the United States, 11 halters, 4 tent cloths; 3 of the best cloths have been returned, the other tent worn out or lost. All the halters worn out or lost. All of which I certify on honor, at Dixon's Ferry, August 15, 1832. ■.Signed.) ISAAC SANFORD. The officers and men of the company have drawn only one ration each per day, and one-half bushel corn forage each, during the campaign, and rations were furnished by each individual from home to Hennepin, on the Illinois river. All of which I certify on honor the 15th day of August, 1832. (Signed.) ISAAC SANFORD, Capt. 32 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Egbert Griffin's Company Of the 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, Illinois Mounted Volunteers, army of the United States, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated 1832; mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Robert Griffln First Lieutenant. George Moke Second Lientenant. Wm. N. Redman Sergeants, Jesse Raper George Phillips Edmund Minor George Redman Corporals. James McCoy Wm. P. Hicklin Wm. H.Faulkner.... Addison M. Qurvy... Privates. Alexander, Edmund Bryant, William Craig, John Coe, James Clapp, Levi Darnal, Wm Downs. Abraham Davis, Samuel Dick, Ferdinand Elledge, William Flood, William Fears, William Flack, James Furness. John Green, William Harbaugh, Jacob Hensley, George W. Jones, Thomas Lacksu, Tobias J Lamb, Arthur May, William Martin, Moses Nobles, Jonathan B. Owsley, Henry Patterson, Jonathan Packet, John Parish, Jtimes Rockhold, Ezekiel... Stewart, Joseph H.. Sizemon, Martin.... Southerland, R. B... Snyder, William Smith, Samuel Tennery, Isaac H Teunery, Patrick C.. Thompson, John S.. Tade, John Wayne, George W. .. Wright, Joseph Edgar Co. .. 1832. June 19 Vermilion Co Edgar Co. Two buckets, ax, tub, lost. Mud Lake to Dixon One halter lost on the march . Detailed to Dixon; supposed to be discharged Detailed to Dixon; supposed to be discharged Absent with leave supposed to be discharged Absent with leave; 1 horse lost Absent with "leave ; supposed to be discharged Absent without leave; supposed discharged. iiorse and equipments lost at Ft. Wilbourn.. Detailed to Dixon; supposed to be discharged Horse, etc., lost; disch. on Sui'geon's certif . . . Absent without leave Furloughed August 13, 1832 Detailed to Dixon; supposed to be discharged Ft. Hamilton to hunt horses One camp kettle lost on forced march Furlough Detailed to Dixon; 1 horse lost Equipage lost Absent withoutleave; supposed discharged.. Horse and equipagelost Left at Fort Wilbourn, sick Detailed to Ft. Dixon; 1 horse, etc., lost Dixon; supposed to be discharged Horses and equipagelost Detailed to Dixon ; supposed to be discharged Absent without leave Horse and equipage lost Absent without leave Detailed to Dixon; supposed to be discharged N. B.— This company was organized on the 10th day of May, 1832, and started from Paris. Edgar county, on the 4th day of June, 1832, to Hennepin, to rendezvous there on the 10th. by the Governor's orders. From thence, ordered to Wilbourn, to rendezvous there on the 15th of June, 1832. On the 17th of June, were formed into Regiments. On the 18th of June, formed into Brigades; and. on the 19th day of June, 1832, mustered into service. Drew ten days traveling rations. N- B.— The olfleers and men of this company have drawn only one ration each per day, and one-half bushel of corn forage, each, during the campaign; and rations w^ere fur- nished by each individual from home to Hennepin, on the Illinois river. SECOND BRIGADE. Capt. Jonathan Mayo's Company Of the 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the ser- vice of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Govei-nor's procla- mation, dated , 1832; mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jonathan Mayo. Edgar Co. 1832. June 19. First Lieutenant. Edward Y.Russell.. Second Lieutenant. John S. McConkey.- Sergeant.'^. James Buchannon . David Crozier Daniel Spencer Joseph G. Barkley. Corporals. Simon Cameron... Tracy Wheeler James Bailey William N. Shaw . . Privates. Alexander. Wash'ton Bradley. John C Burch, Newell Bond. William Bussford. Jonath'nS Certer, Willard Dezar, George Dill. John Dill, Milton M Doughertee, Thos. H Elder. Hugh M Evans. Thomas Huff. Calvin H Hobbs, Thomas Hobbs, Enos Jones, Samuel Lowry, Reuben Lycan, Jacob J Morgan, Wells Martin, Enos Morgan, Thomas Montgonera, Alex... Matthews. John Pence, Emanuel Phillips, William.... Penson, Thomas Rhea, Robert M Rice, Hawkins Rice. Lewis Scott, Daniel Summerville, John.. SpragiU', Harrison.. Scott, Matthew R.... Scott, Joseiih Sumptei-. Alexander. Sumpter, Abraham.. Trimble. Green C Vance, William B... Vance, Joseph Wilson, John Wyatt, Augustus B . . Welch, Isaiah W^elch, Abraham Whalen, Patrick Whitley, Williiim Absent with leave, Aug. 4, 18.32. .. Appointed 1st Sergeant June 19, 1832 Horse lost Appointed 4tli Sex'geant June 19, 1832. Ordered to Dixon's: sui^posed discharged. . . Appointed 4th Corporal June 19, 1832 Horse lost Supposed to be discharged; horse lost ; two horses lost. Supposed to be discharged Supposed to be discharged Absent with leave July 8. 1832. Aug. 4,1832. Horse lost. Supposed to be discharged ... Absent witli leave Aug. 4, 1832. Supposed to be discharged Horse lost Supposed to be discharged; horse lost Horse lost Rilie bursted. Absent with leave. Aug. 4. 1832 Transferred; appointed Hosp. Stew'd June 19 —3 34 BLACK HAWK WAR. Resigned: Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. First Sergeant. Parker. Leonard B . . Edgar Co 1832. June 19 Appointed Quartermaster June 19, 1832 The officers and men of this company have drawn only one ration each per day, and one-half bushel of corn forage each during the campaign, and rations were furnished by each individual from Edgar county to ITennepin. (Signed.) J. MAYO, Capt. This company was organized at Paris, Edgar county, on the 10th day of May, 1832; took up the line of march for Hennepin on the 4th of June, the place where it was ordered to rendezvous, and reached that place on the 11th of June, and was mustered into the United States service at Wilbourn on June 19, 1832. Ten days' rations are required, 8 drawn, 2 to be drawn. (Signed.; . J. MAYO. Capt. William Whitley served till the 19tli of July, when he engaged in the wagon train, entitled to pay till July 19, 1832, He is (Signed.) J MAYO, Capt. Capt. Koyal A. Nott's Company Of the 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of General Atkinson, by the Governor's proclama- tion, dated 15th of May, 1832. This company was organized in Clark county. May 31, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. RqyalA. Nott Clark Co First Lieutenant. \ Daniel Poorman.. 1832. June 19. Second Lieutenant. George W. Young . . Sergeants. Stephen Archer ... John Fears James Lockard Oliver C. Lawwill. . Corporals. William T. McClure. James Dunlap Noah Beauchamp ... John W. Thompson.. Privates. Archer, Jesse K Boone, Daniel Burk, Samuel Bostick. William Berry, George Bennett, Thomas F.. Cooper, Theophelos, Cowen, Joel Cooper, Chalkley I.. Crip, Jeremiah Chenewith; Martin L. DeHart, Alex. H DeHart, Lorenzo D.. Davis, Alhanan H. .. Davis, Daniel Dolsen, Samuel Fleming, Andrew Fanin, Ahalis Fears, Phineas July 21, 1832, ord'd to Dixon's; disch.; lost mare July 21,1852, ordered to Dixon's; since disch.. Lost sorrel mare, saddle, bridle and blanket. Lost iiorse; strayed away Lost horse; ordered to Dixon's; since disch.. Lost his iiorse July21,'l8i32, ord'd to Dixon's; disch.; lost mare July 21, 1832. ordered to Dixon's; discharged.. Lost his mare Furioughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 9, 1832.. July 21,1832, ordered to Dixon's; discharged.. Horse worn out and left at Dixon's Ferry Lost his blanket SECOND BKIGADE. 35 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Eemarks. Grove, Martin Grant. John B Henderson, James E. Henderson, Hez. A.. Johnson, Sandford.. Krnny, Moses Lnfferty, Marshall .. Lathrop, Artemus... MeCahe. William McCabe, John McGuire, John Minor, Thomas Ogden, Benjamin Ogden, Nehemiah.;. Peters, Absalom O.. Poorman, Samuel... Prero, Samuel Prero, Ira Payne. Ebenezer Squires, Lyman R... Sharp, Elon Shaw, James Stafford. Elijah Van Winkle. John.... Waters. John Wade, Thomas White, Thomas Clark Co 1832. June 19, July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry; disch.. Sick and furioughed June 21, 1832 '[."[..][[[][ July 21, 1832. ordered to Dixon's Ferry: disch. Furioughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 7, 1832 . . July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry; diseli. Lost his blanket July 21, 1832, ordered to Dixon's Ferry; diseli. Lost his blanket Lost his horse Left his mare, etc., at Dixon's Ferry This company of Volunteers assembled in Darwin, Clark county, Illinois, on the 31st day of May, 1832, and then and there elected officers, and from that place marched on the third day of June, 1832, and under the Governor's order rendezvoused at Hennepin, on the Illinois river. 11th day of June; next day marched and arrived at Fort Wilbourne, Lower Rapid, Illinois river, and the company was mustered into the United States service on the 19th day of said month of June, 1832. Rations have been drawn for the company at this place to return home, to- wit: fourteen days, up to and including the 28th day of August, 1832. (Signed.) ROYAL A. NOTT, Capt. August 15, 1832. This company's officers and men have drawn one ration of provisions each per day only, and one peek of corn forage for horses each, and no more, during the campaign, and each individual furnished his own rations from home to Hennepin, on the Illinois river. All of which I certify on honor. (Signed.) ROYAL A. NOTT, August 15, 18.32. Commanding the Company. 86 BLACK HAWK WAE. SECO ND REGIMENT Capt. Alex. M. Houston's Company Of the 2d Regiment, 2d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Alex M. Houston First Lieutenant. Geo. W. Lagon , Second Lieutenant. James Boatright Sergeants. O. F. D. Hampton ... Levi Harper , David Porter , James Cristy , CoriJoraU. Cornelius Doherty.. James F. Stark Joseph Jones , Rivers Heath , Bugler. Francis Waldrop Privates. Baugher. Geo. W... Brathares, Blanton Bogard, John Baker, Andrew Boatright, Alex Cruse. Samuel Dauforth, Silas L... Douffhton, Geo. R.. Fiteii, Edwin Fowler. Henry Goodwin, John Goodwin, Slhis Grinton. Robert Hutton, Jolin Hackett, Joseph Hackett, John A Hawkins, William. Houne. John Kitehell, Wickliffe. Kuykendall, James Logan, Alex Lackey, Matthew.. McCoy, John Nelly, Johnson.. Porter, Robert... Potter, Wm Pearson, Wm Pearson, Joseph Pearson Edwin. Phelps, Zalmon. Crawford Co . 1832. June 19 Leave of absence by Gen. Atkinson; Aug. 4.. [Dixon, July 10; sup. furl. Ord. on command with baggage wagon to Ft. Leave of absence from Ft. Hamilton, Aug. 4. [smith's Co.; discharged. Ord. toFt. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- [smith's Co; discharged. Ord. to Ft. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- Furl. Ft. Wilbourn, return home, sick, June 21 [smith's Co.; discharged. Ord. to Ft. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- Furl, from Ft. Crawford to go home; app'ted [Corporal June 25. Furl, at Ft. Hamilton, to go home, Aug. 1 Furi. at Ft. Hamilton, to go liome. Aug. 4 — Ord. to Ft. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- [smith's Co.; discharged. [smith's Co.; discharged. Ord.to Ft. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- App. Q. M. Sergt. July 10 [smith's Co.: dis. Ord.toFt.Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- Absented himself July 6, 1832 Furl, to return home, July 10, at Ft. Cosgrum. [Dixon July 10; sup. fur). Ord. on command with ))aggage wagon to Ft. Absented himself July 6 [smith's Co.; dis. Ord. to Ft. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- .._ [smith's Co.; discharged. Ord.toFt.Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- SECOND BRIGADE. 37 Name and Rank. Enrolled Remarks. Shaw, Samuel Stewart, John Vandeventer, Jno. F. Wilson, Vastin Walters, Jacob 1832. {Furl, at Ft. Dodge, to return home. Aug. 9 1 [smith's Co. ; discharged . Ord.toFt. Dixon; sup. att'ch'd to Capt. High- Prom. Q. M. Sergt. June 20; ord. on command [with baggage wagons; sup. dis. Organized the 12th of May, 1832; marched from home on the 2d day of June, by order; mustered into service .June 19, 1832; drew two days' rations from the IGthinst.; forage drawn during service, one-half bushel corn for each horse; officers drew one ration each. Capt. John Arnold's Company Of the 2d Regiment of the 2d Brigade of Illinois Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15. 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832. This company was organized in Wabash county, May 12, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Arnold First Lieutenant. George Danforth Second Lieutenant. Samuel Fisher Sergeants. Mitchel C. Minnis . . . Hiram Couch Mathias Leatherland John A. Dodds Corporals. Solomon Frear John Golden Ira Keen Wesley Woods Privates. Besley, James Bass, Dolphin Buchannan, John W. Bu<;'hannan, Jos. O.. Buchannan, Henry R Brines, Jefferson Do.lds, Joseph M.... Godda, John Garner, James Golden. William Hull, Philip Hoyt, Jonathan S ... Hobbert, Henry Keen, Dennis • Miller. Barton S McMillen, James Ochletree, John Parmeter, Isaac Pixley, Isaac Ridgely, William Reel, Henry R Sanford, Thomas Sanford, Jacob Smith, John O Turner, Abner Utter, John Vanderhoof, Philip. Woods, Jeremiah . . . Wabash Co. 1832, June 19 Absent with leave. Absent with leave " " " lost mare; appraised at $50 Absent with leave. Absent with leave. Absent with leave lost mare; appraised at $52 Absent with leave. lost horse; appraised at $60 Absent with leave. Absent witli leave. Absent with leave lost mare; appraised at $50 Absent with leave lost mare; appraised at $t)5 38 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Bank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Wear, Thomas Wear, Harvey Wabash Co.. 1832. June 19. Absent with leave Winders, Warren Wright, Robbert N. B.— The absentees are supposed to have been mustered out of service at Fort Dick- son, under Capt. Jordan. Detachment of Capt. Elias Jordan's Company Of the 2d Regiment, 2d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. The company was organized in Wabash county. May 12, 1832. Mus- tered out August 15, 1832. Enlisted for 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. First Lieutenant. James Kennerly Wabash Co.. 1832. Second Lieutenant. John N. Barnett On furlough Aug. 7 ■ Sergeant. James Grayson, 4th. Coi-poral. Zach. Wilson, 2d .... On furlough Aug. 7 Pripate.s. Barnett, Benj. F Carlton, Robt ■ • Campbell. Robert . . . • ' Campbell, Patrick S. • • Fortney, Daniel • ' On furlough Aug. 7, and horse lost Grayson, Wm ' ' Hood, Albert ' • On furlough Aug. 7. . Levellett. Joseph ' • Painter, Joseph • • Summer, Thomas ' ' Summer, Joseph • ' Detachment of Capt. Highsmith's Company, Organized May 1, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sergeant.Wm.,4th, Edwards Co. 1832 'June 19 42 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. 3Inf:ician. Drury. John Priimteif. Bennit, James Epney, Gordon Kelley. Milton Lay. Josiaii Mading, Robt Mc^Kinney, Alfred ... Moore, Harrison Mays, Mathew Mounts, Joseph Shelby, Jona.tlian ... Thread, Robert Thread, James Under^yood, Alex Warren, William R.. Edwards Co.. No rations only as privates drawn by any commissioned officer in my company; only one-half bu. of corn drawn by each man during the time of service; only one-half gallon of spirits drawn by the company; not one pound of baggage hauled or packed for any commissioned officer in my company. This company was ordered to rendezvous at Hennepin June 10, and arrived the 11th, and was mustered into service the 19th. Capt. John Haynes' Company Of the 3d Regiment, 2d Brigade, Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out of ser- vice August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Captain. John Haynes White Co 1832. June 19 First Lifiitpnant. Thomas Fields '. " Second L ieu tenant. Reuben Emerson • " Serqeants. Martin Johnson Pliny H.Gawdy John Robinson Robert Lowry ' :::::: w Corporals. John Penyman John Heine " " Leand'rW.McKnight James Fields Private.s. Berry, Edward Barnet, Harvey Fields, William Gott, Anthony Hunter. Philip P.... Hart, James W Hood, Henry Johnson, Arthur L.. Land, John '' :::::: '• Martin, Asa Moody, John.. .. Moore, William McCan, Bartholom'w Remarks. Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost. Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost.. Bucket, 1 pan and tin cup lost Saddle and equipage lost Sup. disch. underCapt. Jordan; horse, saddle Sick [and bridle lost. Sup. disch. under Capt.Jordon;horse,&c., lost Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost.. Furloughed on Aug. 7, 1832 Bayo net lost Halter lost Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost.. Furloughed on Aug. 7, 1832 Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan — Furloughed on Aug. 7, 1832; halter lost SECOND BRIGADE. 43 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. McClarney, Robert.. Nation. .John Nation, Anderson... Nation, Thomas Nuciim, Joseph Odd, Johns Orr, James Parker, .Joseph M... Parker, George C Peacock, John Porter, James Porter, William Patterson, Robert... Renshaw, El>enezer. Teachner, riiad. R.. Upton. John Wrenwick, James... Young, Ninlan White Co. 1832 June 19 Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost. Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost. horse lost.. Bayonet lost Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; halter lost. Furloughed Aug. 7, 1832; halter lost 1 Horse and halter lost Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan... This company was organized in the county of White on May 12, 1832, and was mustered into the service of the United States on June 19, 1832. Capt, William Thomas' Company Of the 3d Regiment, 2d Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832; mustered out on August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Cavtaiii. William Thomas First Llputenant, Henry Horn White Co. . 1832. June 19 Second' Lieutenant. Joel Rice Serqpants. Thomas Culbreth ... John M. Wilson Peter Miller Enoch B. Hargrave . Corporals. Wesley Jameison... James B. Thomas . . . William Null Green Bo wen Musician. William Greer Privati's. Anderson, Bayles ... Byrd, John Bowin, William Bowin, Joshua Brown, Joseph Clark, Benj Chism, James Culbreth.Thomas.Jr Clyburn, James F... Goodman, Joseph . . . Gardner, Thomas... Goodwin, Miles Harman, Daniel Hargrave. Samuel.. Hogue, Lewis D Harman, John Remarks. Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan Furloughed Aug. 6, 1832; horse, etc., lost Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; horse lost... Furloughed Aug. 7 Furloughed Aug. 6, 1832 Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan Furloughed Aug.^ 6. 1832 Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan Horse, etc., lost; sup. furl, under Capt. Jordan Supposed discharged under Capt. Jordan — Sup. disch. under Capt. Jordan; horse lost... iiorse and equipage lost 44 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Jamison, John D. B. Johnson, William... Mears, James Meaft, Alexander... Mears, Mark Miller, William Russel, Hiram A Staley, Ezekiel Thomas, John Vineyard, Joshua.. Woods, Thomas Wilson, William B.. White Co 1832. June 19. Saddle lost Furioughed June 20. 1832; horse, etc., lost. Left sick at Fort Wilbourn June 20, 1832 . . Furioughed Aug. 7. 1832 Furioughed Aug. 7, 1832; horse, etc., lost... Furioughed Aug.' Y. '1832 !"'.!!.".!.'!'.!.'!'.!.'!!!! This company was organized in the county of White county May 12, 1832. Marched, ac- cording to the order of the Governor, on May 29, 1832. Mustered into the service on June 19, 1832. Capt. Daniel Powell's Company Of 3d Regiment, 2d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Daniel Powell f Irst Lieutenant. Joshua Blackard... Second Lieutenant. James Eubanks Sergeants. William Taylor Thos. M. Vineyard . Thos. Joyner William Vickers ... Corporals. Alex. McKinsey John E. Ogburn Benjamin Rayney.. William Miller Mnsician. Thomas Tary Privates. Askey, Elisha Briant, Henry Barnett, James Burnett, David P... Butts, James W. G. Brill, John A Brill. Alfred L Bowers, Singleton . Bennett. Asa L Briiint, Daniel Chapman, William. Carson, John Colbert, John Delap, John Daviss, Isaac Daviss, William Everlett, John Eubanks. James, Jr Gross, William Garett, Peter Haskins, John Holland, Hezekiah. White Co. -1832. July 19. Furioughed at Coscannon by Gen. Atkinson. Ordered to Dixon; supposed to be disch'd. . . Horse lost June 28, 18.32 Furl, from Prairie du Chien by Capt. Powell. Ordered to Dixon, and supposed discharged. Furioughed Augusts Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Ord. to Dixon; sup. disch'd; horse, etc., lost. Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Furioughed Aug. 6 , . . Furioughed Aug. 6 Ordered to Dixon; supposed dischiarged Furioughed Aug. 6 iiorse and equipage lost Aug. 11 Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Horse lost Aug. 13, 1832 Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged SECOND BRIGADE. 45 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Lewis, Jeremiah T.F. Lasiter, Eneas A — Marion, Bartholo'ew McNutt, Sidney Netson, James Pearce, Moses Pearce, James Porter, Robert W.... Pool, Thomas Rogers, Reuben Trousdale, Abner L. Tucker. Wooddy Todd, Thomas Trout, Daniel Vickers, Thomas Vaugh, William H... Vickers, Eli Waters, Thomas Williss, James Williams, Alexander Williss, Alfred.... White Co 1832. July 19. Left sick at Wilbourn; on furlough June 20. . . Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Ordered to Dixon; supposed discharged Horse and equipage lost Furloughed Aug. 6 Horse lost Aug. 15', 1832 Furl. Aug. f!; horse and equipage lost Aug. 6. Detachment of Capt. David Powell's Company ^ Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Gov- ernor of the State, by his order of May 15, 18.32, from the date of its enrollment to August 2, 1832, when mustered out of service at Dixon's Ferry. Name and Rank. Residence. Second Lieutenant. James Eubanks White Co. Third Sergeant. Thomas Joiner Corporals. John E. Ogburn . Benj. Ranney... Wm. Miller Privates. Askey. Elisha Bennett, Asa L Colbert, John Eubanks, James Everlet, John Gross, William Holland, Hezekiah. Haskins, John Netson, James McNutt. Sidney. Porter. Robt. W. ... Rogers, Rueben Terry, Thomas Trousdale, A. L Enrolled 1832 June 16. Remarks. Horse lost in service Horse lost in service Horse lost in service Two blankets lost in service Horse ."saddle and bridle lost in service Gun lost in service Horse,' saddle and bridle lost in service One rifle gun lost in service 46 BLACK HAWK WAR. SPY BATTALION. Capt. John F. Kichaedson's Company, Spy Battalion, 2d Brigade, Illinois Militia Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atlcinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832, at Dixon's Ferry, llock River, Illinois. Name and Rank. Residence. EnroUedi Remarks. Captain. John F. Richardson Clark Co 1832. June 5 First Lieutenant. Woodford Dulaney.. Furloughed and returned home Aug. 4, 1832.. Second Lieutenant. Ju-tin Harlin Ret. home, furl., Aug. 4, from Prairie du Chien Sergeants. Jacob Dolson Susp. from com'd June 29, at Prairie du Chien Johzi Wilson Lost horse, saddle and bridle, .$78, July 15 Asher V. Burwell ... Lost saddle and spancels, $18, August 1, 1832.. Robert Davidson Horse gave out; left at Ft. Winnebago, July 15 Corporals. Christian Jeffers Nathan Hollenbach Richard Ross George Wilson Privates. Ashmore, Zeno A... • Biggs, Samuel M Furn'd Martin L. Ashmore as subst. June 20.. Cooper, Franklin Lost horse and saddle July 4; sup. disch Chenowith, Martin F Cooper, Theopolas Mustered out of service in Capt. Notts' Co Davidson, Daniel Elliott, Aspano Supposed to have been discharged Hadden, Andrew Hadden, Samuel • > > . > > Hogue, Joseiih ''• Johnson, George Supposed to be discharged Kerr, John Locker, Conrad F ..! Lost his horse; supposed to be disch. July 22. Markle, Joseph W... Supposed to have been discharged Nott, Stephen Prevo, Samuel Transferred to Capt. Notts' Co Prevo, Ira Shaw, Nineveh Appointed Adjutant June 18, 1832 Sharp, Cvrus Thomas, Martin Taylor, Robert Deserted June 20; transferred from Co. roll.. Williams, James White, GideonB 1 White, Samuel 1 Lost his gun and blankets (priv. prop.) July 12 White, Luther < White. Robert * Wheeler. Tarleton.. Lost his horse July 22: supposed to be disch. Waters, John Transferred to Capt. Notts' Co Yoeum, Alexander.. Langham, A))el... Supposed to be discharged Company was organized June 5, 1832, and marched from Fort Wilbourn June 9, 1832; mustered into the service of the United States; June 19, 1832. SECOND BRIGADE. 47 . My company fiiraished themselves with eight days rations while on their march from Clarlc county to Fort Wiibourn. The officers, while in service, have drawn but one ration per day, and no forage has been furnished. My company rations have been drawn for the company to return home, viz: twelve days, up to and including the 30th day of Aug,, 1832. (Signed.) JOHN F. RICHARDSON, Capt. Capt. Abner Greer's Company, Spy Battalion, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated , 1832. Mus- tered out August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Abner Greer. 1832. Lawrence Co. May 5. First Lientenant. David D. Marney . .. Second Lieutenant. Aaron Wells Sergeants. Ebenezer Z. Ryan... William R. Jackman. Mason Jones Alex. H. Gilmore Corporals. James Gadd Thomas B. Spencer. Jeremiah Cawthorn. Thomas J. England. Privates. Andrews, Silas Blizard. Thomas Baird, James Baird, Proctor B Clubb, Eli Cooper, John Dudley, Joshua Dickerson, George.. Evans, William England, David Fyte, Moses Fyffe. Edward P Fish, Josiah Galaspie, William... Gibbons, Harvey Jenady, Joseph Jackman, Bazel Johnston, Abner ... Johnston. Robert... Kirkling, Williamson Kellams, Gideon Lawler, William Lackey, John O Lackey, Thomas Neil, James Perkins, Thomas Pumphrey, Laonie.. Pollard. Edwin...... Rawlings, Nathan... Richards. Newton... Small, Thomas H... Seeds, William Seiby. Josiah Williams. John Young, Jacob Young, Jonathan Lost 1 pr. pistols worth $15— private property. Lost horse, etc., val. $ii4; on furlough Aug. 2,. Furloughed at Fort Dodge, August 11 Lost horse and eauipage valued at $70.50. Absent on furlough Lost horse, etc., valued at $91.; furloughed. Furloughed to return home Lost horse and equipage Lost horse and equipage; furloughed. Furloughed Aug. 14, 1832 Lost horse: left on duty July 7 Furloughed Aug. 14, 1832 Detached on duty July 19 Lost horse Aug. 7; furloughed. Furloughed Aug. 14. Left sick July 9 Lost horse Furloughed Aug. 14 Detached June 20 Left on duty July 19 Furloughed Aug. 12 Lost horse; left on duty July 19. Left on duty July 19 Left sick July 19 Furloughed August 14 Left sick July 19 Furloughed Aug. 14. Lost horse and equipage. Detailed on duty June 24. Discharged July 19 Lost horse and equipage. Thomas Spencer, a private of this company, was mustered into, the service of the United States as a private of the company, mounted, armed and equipped, on the 19th of June, 1832, at Ft. Wiibourn. He served through the campaign and left the company in charge of a disabled man (T. B. Spencer) on th ■ 10th and 11th of August, four or five days 48 BLACK HAWK WAR. before the company was mustered out of service, and his name was omitted from this muster roll by oversight. He should have been mustered out of service upon this roll, and is fully entitled to pay during the full term of the company. To the truth of which I hereby certify on honor. (Signed,) A. GREER. Lawkenceville, May 3, 1833. Capt. com'd'g company. This company was organized and enrolled on May 5, 1832, and took up line of march for Ft. Wilbourn on June 2, and was mustered into the sei-vice of the United States June 19, 1832. Capt. John McCann's Company Of Spy Battalion, 2d Brigade. Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated 1832. Mustered out of the service of the United States Aug. 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Ca}7tain. John McUann White Co 1832. May 12.. Fii'st Lieutenant. Samuel Slocumb Furloughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 7, 1832 Second TAeiUenant. Walter Burress Sword, belonging to U. S., lost Seroemits. William Garrison . . . Solomon Garrison .. Noah Staley Furloughed at Prairie du Chein; horse lost.. Lost his horse and equipage James Keneda Corporals. Levi Wells William Stephens . . . William Daniels Henry McCann .i;::.;::;: Privates. Berry, George Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Lost his horse and equipage Bailey, Alfred Britain, Joseph M... Blackledge, John... Sick Blackwell, James C. Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Canu, James Council, Willis 1 Campbell, John Crowder, John..' Furloughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 7, 1832 . Coonts, Thomas Edwards, Ambrose.. Evans, Jonathan Farley, Martin Lost his saddle, bridle, blanket and halter... Farley, John Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Ferry. George, John George, Francis Supposed to be discharged at Wilbourn Goodman, James Furloughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 7, 1832.. Hood, Allen Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Hood, Anderson Hilyard, William.... Holderly, Dempsey. Lost his horse and equipage Heasty, Daniel Lost his horse Hust, John Lost his horse and equipage Hamilton, Wm. S... Supposed to be discharged at Wilbourn Lindsey, Thomas J. Lowe, Thomas Mciyiullin. Wilkerson Nevett. Wm. G Horse and equipage lost Neslar, James Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Parker, Wilson Robinson, Michael. . Furloughed at Prairie du Chien Aug. 7, 1832.. Robinson, Nich'l's A. Rippatoo, Burress.. Robinson, Aaron... Stone, Thomas W... White Co.... Supposed to be discharged at Dixon's Ferry. Smith. Slade Staley, George Furloughed at Prairie du Chien August 7, 1832 Lost his horse and equipage Sutler, Rodolphus M SECOND BKIGADE. 49 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Smith, Silas Wilson, Christopher. Williams, Hardy 18.32. Lost his horse and equipage Supposed to be discharged at IDixon's. .John C, Slocumb, of White county, volunteered, armed and equipped himself, and marched with the company from Carmi, took sick and was left at Fairfield, Wayne county. I am credibly informed, and believe, that said Slocumb afterwards reported himself for duty at Fort Wilbourn, and served there and as Wagon Guard between Fort Wilbourn and Dixon's Ferry, when he was discharged early in August and returned home. (Signed.) WM. McHENRY, Major Spy Battalion. This company enrolled under command of Wm. McHenry, Captain, May 12, 1832, and was mustered into the service of the United States June ID, 1832. John McCann was elected Captain in place of Wm. McHenry, promoted on June 18, 1832, and has commanded since. 50 BLACK HAWK WAK. DETACHMENTS. A Detachment Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, under the command of Isaac Parmenter, Adjt. 2d Regi- ment, 2d Brigade, from the day of its enrollment to August 2, 1832, when mustered out of service, at Dixon's Ferry, Illinois. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Adjutant. Isaac Parmeter First Lifiitenant. Samuel Fisher Wabash Co... 1832. June 16. Adjutant 2d Regiment. 2d Brigade Sergeants. MathewLeatlierland John A. Dodds Corporals. Solomon Frair Lost his horse, etc., June 17, at Ft. Wilbourn. John Golden Ira Keen Westley Wood Privates. Buchanon, Jos. 0... Buchanon, Henry K. Besley, James Bigley, William Dodds, Joseph M Goddy, John Garner, James Golden. William Lost horse, etc., July 12, at Ft. Winnebago... Hovt, Jonathan S ... McMullen, James Miller. Barton S Ochletree, John Reel. Henry R Smith, John Losthorse, etc., July21, at Rock River Turner, Abner Utter, John Lost horse, etc., June 17, at Ft. Wilbourn Vanderhoof. Philip. Wear, Thomas Wear, Harvey Capt. Hiram Roundtree's Company, 2d Regiment. Third Sergeant. Samuel Jackson.. Private. Levi Booger.. Montg'm'yCo, 1832. June 16 Lost horse, on June 25, at Dixon's Ferry. Capt. Hiram Kinade's Company, 2d Regiment. Richard Rattan Greene Co... Daniel Rattan .... 1832. June 17 Lost horse in service June 25, Dixon's Ferry. John C. Jordan Capt. Mayo's Company, 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade. 1832. Abraham Sumter Edgar Co June 16. I SECOND BRIGADE. Capt. Earl Peirce's Company, 2d Regimsnt. 51 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Brawdy. John C Clark, William Harris, Abijah McCarty, Nathan — Shire, Jonathan Edgar Co 1832. June 16 Lost horse in service June 25, Dixon's Ferry. Lost horse in service, June 2-5, Dixon's Ferry. Capt. Bennett Howlin's Company, 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade. Jacob Gibson. Macoupin Co. 1832. June 17 Capt. Solomon Hunter's Company, 3d Regiment, 2d Brigade. Everly, Nimrod. Morris, Miles... Morris, George. Yincin, Josiah.. Edwards Co. 1832 June 16. Lost saddle in service July 4, at Rock River. Capt. John F. Richardson's Company, Spy Battalion, 2d Brigade. Ashmore, Martin L. Ashmore. Zeno A... Cooper. Franklin... Johnson, George... 1832. June 16 Lost mare in service June 17, Ft. Wilbourn.. Lost horse in service July 3, near Rock River • ' mare ' ' July 6, on Rock River. . Capt. Isaac Sandford's Company, 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade. Daris, Abraham. Edgar Co. 1832. Capt. Highsmith's Detachment Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, by his order of May 15, 1832, from the date of its enroll- ment to Aug. 2, 1832, when mustered out of service at Dixon's Ferry, 111. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Wm. Highsmith. Crawford Co.. 1832. June 16 First Lieutenant. Samuel V. Allison . . Second Lieutenant. John H. McMickle... Sergeants. Thomas Fuller, 2d... William McCoy, 3d.. Corporals. Nathan Highsmith, 1, Martin Fuller, 2d John Lagon, 4th Borse and saddle lost in service Horse lost. July 15. 1832 Horse and saddle lost Saddle lost 52 BLACK HAWK WAE. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privales. Allipon. John Allison, Samuel H... Brimbery, John Garter, Benjamin . . . Easton, Thomas Garrison, Peter Johnston, John Kinney, George W.. Lewis, James Montgomery, And'w. Martin, Isaac Parker, John, Jr Parker, Thomas N . . . Phelps, Amos Stockwell, Thomas.. Eece, William Weger, James Crawford Co. 1832. June 16 Horse and saddle lost Horse and saddle lost Horse and saddle lost Horse, saddle and gun lost. Saddle lost Capt. A. M. Houston's Company, 2d Eegt., 2d Brigade. Corporals. Cornelius Dohei'ty. Joseph Jones Privates. Baugher, George Donden, George R.. Hacket, Joseph Hawkins, Wm McCoy. John Pearson, Joseph — Pearson. Edward ... Pearson, William Phelps, Zilman Vanderinder, John.. Crawford Co. . 1832 June IC. Horse and saddle lost Horse lost. Capt. John Barns' Company, 2d Regt, 2d Brigade. Captain. John Barns 1832. Lawrence Co. June 16 Horse died in service July 4, 1832. First TAeuleiiant. Elijah Mays Sergeants. James Nabb Samuel Mundle. Wm. Mase Corporals. A. S. Badollett Arthur Chenoweth. Joseph F. Darr Privates. Barns, Silas Bush. John Hunter. JohnT... Lewis, Stephen S. Moore, Tilford MuUins, John R... Organ, Daniel A.. Pea, Henry Pea, Samuel PuUis, John J Eawlings, Frederick Ruark, John W Ruark, Wm. F Stewart, Joseph — Strother, Pendleton Thompson, James.. Westf all, Isaac Absent on furlough . Absent on furlougli. Absent on furlough. Promoted to Quartermaster July 10, 1832 Horse and saddle lost. Absent on furlough Horse lost in service, and saddle. Horse and saddle lost Absent on furlough Wounded; left at Hosp., at Dixon's, Aug. 2, '32 SECOND BRIGADE. 53 Capt. Abner Grear's Company, Spy Battalion, 2cl Brigade. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Andrews, Silas Lawrence Co. 1832. June It). Cooper, John M Diekerson, 'George.. Left as attendant for Thompson; horse ie'ft.. Fyffe, Edward P Kellams, Gideon Lackey, John Lackey, Thomas Neil, James Pumphrey, Loami .. Selvy, Joseph 54 BLACK HAWK WAK. THIRD BRIGADE. FIRST REGIMENT Capt. David Smith's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called and mustered into the service of the United States by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illinois, attached to the 1st Eegiment, 3d Brigade, under the command of Brig.-Gen. Henry Atkinson, from June 1, 1832, to August 1, 1832, when mustered out of service. Distant from Atlas, Madison county. 300 miles. Name and Rank. Residence . Enrolled Remarks. Captain. David Smith Madison Co Morgan Co Madison Co LaSalle Co. Madison Co 1832. . . June 1. . June 29. . '• 1. . July 26. First Lieute7iant. John Lee On furlough Second Lieutenant. John Umphrey Sergeants. S.L Kendall James Sterett ^ S. B. Gillhour W. B. Crowder Corporals. C. Subastian S. N. P. Elliott D. H. Fouquerer John Walker Privates. Brazil. S Brown, U Bangs, Hospital Steward at Ottawa Dunlap, K. M. C Drennan, C Drennan, I Dilliplain, I. P Eakin.T Harrison, W Hart, A Haynes, John Hewes, I Kistler, W Kellogg.E Loman, T Makun. I Nowland. John Peter, C Pembroke, D Bogers,D. B. ... Scott, John Summers, H. S Slaytou, J. M THIRD BRIGADE. 55 Name and E'ank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Shaw I. E LaSalle Co... Madison Co.. 1832 June 29 1 " 18 1 Sprague, H. A Sick at Ottawa Wood 8- Wheeler, E . .. Lowell N Capt. William Gillham's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called and mustered into the service of the United States, by- order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illinois, attached to the 1st Regiment of the 3d Brigade, under the command of Brigadier-General James D. Henry, from April 30, 1832. Mustered out at Fort Wilbourn Aug. 1, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. I William Gillham Morgan Co. 1-ir.tt Lieutenant. Robert H. McDow... Second Lieutenant. James Etheal Sergeants. Daniel Clotfelter William Leib John Sergeant Aquilla Clarkson Corporals. Zadoe Riggs Samuel Yanslyke... James Morris Isaac Graton Privates. Arnett, John Apple, John Avery, Joel Baker, John Bell. Alexander Clarkson. Kinza Clanton, Isaac Campbell, William.. Clarkson, Constant'e Carter, Vincin DuvhU, Nicholas Garmon, George Gillham. James House, H. W Halloway, James King. John Kemp, Emanuel Kemp, Murphy Lemon, H. fl Murphy, SethC Mathers, William... McCullom, Robert.. McConnel, John Masters, Squire D... Nichols, Clark Northcutt, Archabel Ovear, William Olney, Washington. Piper, James Riggs, Henry L Ragfleld, James Shelton, ScebertC. Scott, Levi Smith, William R... 1832. 'April 30 On furlough On furlough On furlough Appointed Paymaster June 19, i832 On furlough Elected L'ieut.-C'oT' June '19.' 1832! '.'..'.'...'.'. On furlough On furlough Taken as wagoner; absent June 19, 1832. On furlough 56 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Smith, George Simmons, iMastin G. Whitley. Alexander. Wilkisou, Alexander Willson, Clinton Morgan Co... 1832, April. 30 Capt. William Gorden's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia, ordered into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State, on the reauisition of Gen. Atkinson, of U. S. Army. Attached to 1st Regiment, 3d Brigade, in the year 1832. Mustered out of service July 29, 1&^2, 212 miles from place of enrollment. Mustered into service June 2, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William Gorden 1832. April 30 First Lieutenant, John Pickering On furlough since July 19, 1832 Second Lieutenant. Thomas Askens Sergeants. _ ■ William York On furlough since July 10, 1832 Sylvester Moss Benjamin Allen Corporals. Benjamin Murphy. . . On furlough since July 12, 1832 Loy Wood.Elishali THIRD BRIGADE, 57 Capt, George F. Bristow's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called and mustered into the service of the United States, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illinois, attached to the 1st Regiment under the command of Col. Samuel T. Matthews, of the od Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. James D. Henrv, from May 21, 1832, for and during the term of 90 days from said date. Mustered out at Fort. Wilbourn Aug. 1, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. George T. Bristow.. First Lieutenant. Stephen Henderson Second Lieutenant. Walter Ellis Sergeants. Allen Mattock George Thompson.. James V. Logston... AsaL. Lane 1832 Morgan Co... May 21 Privates. Ottawa. Brown, James LaSalle Co. Comlis, John.. Constant, Archibald Morgan Co... Clemens, WilleyL.. Carter, George Foster, Geo. VV Henry, Thomas Hopper, William S.. Henderson, Nathan'l Hull, William Hicks, Henry W — Meeks, Allen Marshall, John Mackey, Daniel Moss, Isaac Ream, Michael Thompson, Oswell Turney, Russell Wilcox, John •Warren, Ezekiel Ottawa. LaSalle Co.. Morgan Co.. On furlough. July_ 1 May 21 Deserted June 30. 1832 On furlough July 1.. May 21 LaSalle Co.. July 1. Capt. S. T. Matthews', afterwards Capt. J. T. Arnett's Company Of Mounted Yolunteers, now under the command of 1st Lieut. D. B. McConnell. called and mustered into the service of the United States by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illinois, belonging to the 1st Regiment, 3d Brigade. Mustered out August 1, 1832. Name and Rank. Captain. S.T.Matthews First Lieutenant. N. H. Johnson Second Lieutenant D. B. McConnell... Sergeants. Josiah Gorham John Moss Sam'l P. Devone... Moses R. Bennett . Residence. Morgan Co. Enrolled Remarks. 1832. May "' 5., Promoted to Colonel Juno 19. 1832 Appointed to Staff of Brigade June 20. Promoted to 1st Lieut. June 19, 1832 .. . Furloughed July 24, 1832 Furlough ed July 3, 1832 . 58 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Corporals. John Sparks Henry Moss L. B. Tankersby . John Rusk Morgan Co. 1832. May 5 Privates. Antle, Anderson Arnett, James Buchanan, Benj. ... Buchanan, Reuben. Blair, James H Cassell. James Crane, Harvey Courtney, Robert C, Clayton, Madison . Colton, John L Durant, Samuel ....| Devore, James H j Duncan, Wm ! Deads, Phillip Deal. Isaac -Evans, James Edwards, John Farrls, Jonathan Graves, James H Gilmore, John Goodpaster. Madis'n Hawkins, Wm. B Howard, Alanson Hurst, John Hobbs, Silas Hunter, Henry Henry, John Hook, Cornelius Holland. Berry Ingles, Darius Johnson, John Jarrod, Moses Jordan, Wm. L Johnson, Abraham.. Lycock, Thomas Lamples, Jacob Lash, James Mounts, Matthias ... Million. Elijah P McConnel, Murray... Pitner, Alex Pitner, Montgomery. Roberts, Milton B. .. Richards, John Sweet, Dan'l Slocumb, John C Tolley, James Turner, Jonathan . . . Williams, David Furloughed July 18, 1832. " 24,1832. Furloughed July 18, 1832 Promoted to Capt. June 19; resigned July 23. Detailed for use of Brigade June 24, 1S32. Promoted to Major June 19. 1832 Sick and discharged June 14, 1832. Furloughed July 18, 1832 Appointed to Staff of Brigade June 14. Lost his horse Promoted to 2d Lieut. June 19, 1832 Apijointed to Staff orBrigade'Juiie'i9,'l832^ Appointed to Staff June 19. July 14. May 5. Furloughed July 18, 1832 . Permitted to leave the company June 22, sick Capt. Walter Butler's Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States, under Brig.-Gen. H. Atkinson. Mustered out of service August 1, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Walter Butler Morgan Co.... 1832. June 4 FirsI Lieutenant. Thomas P.Ross Second Lien tenant. Fleming C. Maupin. . THIRD BRIGADE. 59 Name and Rank. Residence. Eni'olled Remarks. Spi'o rants. Samuel Givens Achilles Deatherage David Hart David Mackey Coi'porals. Nathan Hart Henderson Vickens. John L. Heffington.. William T. Nail Privates. Aiiston, Eli Beason, Henry Brown, John Brown, Joseph Clayton, Jesse Dougherty, John Davidson, David Fanning, George Fanning, Washing'n. Fanning, Abraham.. Groves. James Gilleland, Thomas.. Haynes, Bluf ord Hart, Anderson. Harris, Thomas I Hart, Charles Kirby, James Keplinger, Isaac Murphy, Nimrod C Minor, Samuel C Nail, John Norvell, Spencer Patterson, William.. Porter, Ephriam Pryon, James Ray, Robert Riggs, Archibald Ross, John W Seamore, Edward... Seamore, Richards'n Scott, James Stewart. Charles Talkiugton, William. Wright, George Wiggs, Daniel Woods, John Weatherford, Wm... Morgan Co. 1832. June 4 Appointed Q. M. Sergeant June 19, 1832 Substitute for And. Wyatt Substitute for Eli Auston Furloughed June 24, during term of service. Substitute for John Sappington Furloughed June 24, during term of service. Furloughed June 24, during term of service. Substitute for Hiram Patterson Jas. Hutcherson Furioughed on jiily ld,'i832,' for 25 days.'.".".".' Substitute for John Love Elected 1st Corporal June 19; N. Hart prom. Substitute for John Still Appointed Adjutant June 19, 1832 60 BLACK HAWK WAR. SECOND REGIMENT Capt. Hiram Eoundtree's Company Of 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States on the reauisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. This company was organized May 21, 1832. in Montgomery county, Illinois, Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Captain. Hiram Roundtree . . First Lieutenant. John Kirkpatrick... Second Lieutenant. Thomas Philips Sergeants. Andrew K. Gray John Stone Samuel Jackson David B. Starr Corporals. Spartan Grisham. .. Malaki Smith Thomas Mc Adams.. Thomas Edwards . . Privates. Aydlett. Clement C. Brown, John Briggs, John Burke, Joseph Berry, James M Booer, Levi W Coffey, Cleaveland. Copeland, David Carlew, John Cardwell, James ... Duncan. John Early, Thomas Evans, Thomas Forehand. Amnion. Griffith, William.... Gray, Thomas Gray, Alexander R. Hart, John Harkey, George Holmes. John M Harkey, William ... Heady, Thomas W. Hughes, Thomas C. Hannah, John Johnson, Alfred Jones. William Johnson, Jesse ..... Johnson, Thomas.. Lockerman, James. Long, John K McCurry, John McPhaill, Malcolm. McCuUock, David T Residence. 1832. Montg'm'y Co June 20. Enrolled! Remarks. Sent home sick from Korkenory July 9, 1832. Permitted to return home another way Discharged by order of Gen. Scott Sent home sick from Korkenory, July 9, 1832. Discharged by Gen. Scott; horse lost; val. $60 Sent home sick from Korkenory July 9,1832,. Discharged at Helena July 28, 1832. Sent home sick " from Fort Wilbourn June 22. Sent home by water; horse disabled: val. i [march after enemy. Sent to Galena sick; horse, etc., lost on forced THIRD BRIGADE. 61 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Mansfield, Horace .. McCullock, Axrin ... McCiilIock, Robert .. Me Williams. John M, McDavid, William... Paisley, Samuel Potter, Thomas Potter, James Rhodes, Jacob Rose, Willis Steel, Luke Sea Sturtevant, Thomas . Shirley, Zebedee Slater, John Tennis, William M. ., Wilson, James , Williams, David M. Williams, William S Wilson, JoseiDh W.. Wood, Thomas Willif ord, Thomas. . Young, William Montg'm'y Co 1832. June 20 Discharged by Gen. Atkinson Permitted to go home by water [march after enemy. Sent to G-alenasick; horse, etc., lost on forced Discharged by Gen. Scott Sent home June 22, as attendant on sick Permitted to go home l)efore mustering out.. Horse, etc., value $62, lost on forced march.. Sent home by water, sick sick from Ft. Wilbourn June 22 . Sent to Galena sick This company was organized in Montgomery county, Illinois, May 21, 1832. Ordered to march June 4. and actually marched June 9, and was mustered into the service of the U. S. at Fort Wilbourn, June 20, 1832. Capt. James Kincaid's Company, 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. \ Carrollton. James Kincaid jGreene Co., First JAeutenant. \ John Fry , 1832. June 19 Second Lieutenant. Royal W.Pitts Sergeants. John Link George Meldrum Henry Coonrod Christoph'r Dodgson Corporals. William McDorman. Hugh Jackson John Coonrod Joseph M. Schuyler. Privates. Bias, James Briggs, Thomas BurtOH, Lemuel Coonrod, George Cook, Henry Cook, William Doughty, Felix Davis, Joshua Fry, Noah Finley, William Finley, Zuriah Green, Isaac R Harrison, Fielding.. Johnson, John ... Jordan, John C... Lost two horses on forced march Sick in auarters. Lost a horse. Furloughed Aug. 12; lost a horse. " 2: " Lost^ horse on forced march; sick in q'rt'rs. Furloughed August 2 Lost a horse Furloughed Aug. 2. Discharged by order of Gen. Scott Aug, 2 62 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Johnson. Robert... Lewis, William Link, Mathias L Linder, George Mongold, John Mellon, David Noris, James L Rattan, Hiram Rattan, Larkin Rattan, Jarvis B Rattan, Littleton... Rattan, Daniel Rattan, Richard Sterling. Morse Stone, Asa Standifer, Isreal — Waggoner. David.. Woodman, Austin.. Whitesides, John B Whitesides, Wm. H Carrollton. Greene Co. 1832 June 19 Discharged June 22; ill-health Lost a horse i)ischarged June 22; ill-health Absent with leave Lost a horse Fui-loughed Aug. 2 Disch. by Gen. Scott, Aug. 2; lost a horse. Furloughed' Aug. 12 This company.May 6,1832, received orders to march June 3d. Marched June 6th. Arrived at Fort Wilbourn, the appointed place of rendezvous, June 14th, and was mustered into service June 19th. This company found its own rations in full from the 6th of June to the 16th of June. Since the Ifith of June nearly all the small rations have been furnished by the company. No forage has ever been issued to this company. No officer of this com- pany has ever drawn more rations than a private. N. B.— By small rations, we mean candles, soap and all other articles furnished for sol- diers, except flour and pork. Capt. Gershom Patterson's Company Of the 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of the Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. This company was organized at the Rich Woodson, May 2, 1832. Mus- tered out Aug. 15, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Alexander Smith — Gershom Patterson. First Lieutenant. Jacob Baccus Second Lieutenant. Samuel Bowman — Sergeants. Jonathan Cooper — Calvin Piggs James Novin Alexander Moore..., (JnrpnraJs. John Reddish , Alexander Lyberly.. Edmund Medford ... Robert Irwin Privates. Bonner. Alexander.. Bowm, John Chowning, Robert... Chapman, Thos. H.. Carlin, Thomas Chisam, Alexander.. Clifford, Joseph Darnell, Isaac English, John N. — McFaine, John Guffy, John Higgins, Phillonson, Hamilton, Bush, W.. Greene Co. 1832. June 19. Resigned July 15, 1832 Promoted Captain July 16, 1832. Horse and saddle lost Aug. 9, '32, forc'd march Killed in battle Aug. 2, 1832 Detailed on extra duty for Qr.-Master Lost horse ; on furlough Saddle lost in action On furlough from July 20. 1832 " August?, ia32 Lost horse, saddle and bridle, forced march. Color bearer. Gun lost in battle On furiougli: lost horse, etc., forced march.. lost horse Lost horse, saddle and bridle, forced march. THIKD BRIGADE. 63 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Hig^ins. John McKinney, Joseph .. Moore, Seabourn I.. Greene Co 1832. June 19- ... On furlough from August 7, 1832 Means, James Means, John Mannon, David Rice, Solomon Rusk, David Sears, Thomas On furlough from August 7. 1832 Suttlemers. David. . . Walden, Solomon Walden, John Resignation of Capt. Alexander Smith July 15. 1832. Samuel Bowman, 2d Lieut., fell in battle August 2, 1832. This company was organized May 2, 1832, and marched June 9, 1832, to Fort Wilbourn, and was mustered into service June 10, 1832. Gershom Patterson pro- moted to Captain July 16, 1832. Drawn eight days' rations for the purpose of taking rhe company to their respective homes. The company furnished their own provisions from the 9th to the 18th of June, 1832. Capt. Aaron Bannon's Company Of the 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the reauisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. This company organized, etc., in White Hall, Greene county, Illinois, June 5, 18.32. Mustered out of service Aug. 16, 1832. Name and Rank. I Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Aaron Bannon First Lieutenant. Harvey Jarboe Second Lieutenant. Job Collins Sergeants. James C. Campbell. . Absolom Kitchens.. Uriah Allen James Doddy Corporals. Alexander W. Webb. Hezekiah Crawsby. . Job Phillips John Jones Privates. Bishop, John -.. Breeden, Peter Brantly, Josiah Banon, William Conlee, Rheuben Cartwright, Thomas. Drummons, Benj Evelin, Frederick... Evans, Joseph Fisher, Samuel A Ford, James Goss, Sherman Hart, James Hart. John F Han, Henry Hunter, Jesse Morrison, Haman... Magruder, Edmd. B. Manley, Gabriel McClanan, Jonatn. A Pope, George Phillips. Edward Rule, Alfred Roe, Geo. W Greene Co Macoupin Co Greene Co 1832. June 19 Discharged on account of inability July i5. . Horse lost On extra duty Ordered on special duty June 22 Horse lost '.' Horse lost .[ Furioughed June 22 from Ft Wilbourn, sick! Horse lost Furioughed June 22 from Ft. Wilbourn, sick. Horse lost 64 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sprague, Ephriam.. LaSalle Co... 1832. June 20 June 19 Horse lost Thompson, Beverly A Turman, John G Walker, James Furloughed June 16 from Ft. Wilbourn, sick.. Capt. Thomas Stout's Company, 2d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the reauisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated , 1832. This company organized May 5, 1832, in Bond county, Illinois. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Captain. John Stout First Lieutenant. John Stropton Second Lieutenant. John P. Hunter Sergeants. Austin R. Diamond. Lewis Kerr Andrew W. Watson Wilson Carson Corporals. John N. Gilham Andrew Hawn Gideon B. Gilmore. Alexander Steward Privates. Black, William Bull, Duncan IBarlow, Joseph Clanton, Chapman. Conry, Andrew Combs, James Combs, W^estley Cox, John Downing, James... Ellis, Noah Ellison, Price Ellison, James Enlow, James Green, George Green, James Harper, Robert Harper, James Hastings, Sutton... Hunt, Chas. W Hunter, Samuel James, Benjamin. . . Koonce, George Little, F. John , Laxton, James McCurty.Geo. W... Moody, Richard Moore, James ivloore, William McAdow, Samuel N Moody, John F Mc Adams, William. McAdams, Wm. R... Nance, Webster.. Bond Co. Putnam Co... Bond Co. Sangamon Bond Co. Co 1832. June 19 Absent with leave fi'om Prairie du Chien Absent witli leave "from Pra. du Ch.; horse I'st Absent with leave from Ft. Hamilton July 29. Furloughed July 10th at Ft. Kuskenon Horse lost Absent with leave from Prairie du Chien Furloughed June 22, at Ft. Wilbourn Deserted June 22, at Ft. Wilbourn Discharged by order of Gen. Henry, June 22. Absent with leave from Prairie du Chien Discharged by order of Gen. Scott, Aug. 3... Absent with leave from Prairie du Chien Discharged by order of Gen. Scott, Aug. 3. .. Attached to company 20th of June Absent with leave from Prairie du Chien Discharged by order of Gen. Henry June 22.. Absent witli leave from Prairie du Chien THIRD BRIGADE. 65 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Nelson, Calvin C... Paisley, William... Pierce. Robert B... Pigg, Elijah Perdien. Joshua G Rice. William Stokes, Frederick. Stokes, William... Stubblefield, Lewis Stubblefleld, Wiatt Stubblefield, Wm.. Sterling. John Sellers, Benjamin. Tailor, William T.. White, Alexander R White, Thomas N.. Bond Co. Madison Co Bond Co Discharged July 26, at Helena Attached to company June 20 Absent witli leave from Ft. Hamilton Aug. 'l'2. Absent with leave from Prairie du Chien Furioughed from Ft. Hamilton Aug. i2 Furioughed from Ft. Wilbourn June 22 66 BLACK HAWK "WAR. THIRD REGIMENT. Capt. Andrew Bankson's Company Of the 3cl Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the ser- vice of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, liy the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 17. 1832, by order of J3rig.-Gen. Atkinson. Enlisted for 90 days. Remarks. Captain. Andrew Bankson. . . First Lieitienant. Godfrey Ammons .. Second Lieutenant. James J. Justice ... Sergeants. Henry L. Roper ElishaPhelps Allen Burton Reubin T. Hawkins. Corporals. Ephriam Phelps John Cartel Meredith T. Nichols John T. Donaldson. Privates. Alton, James Blevins. Elijah Baker, William Barcus, John Bradley. Joshua T.. Bankson, James ... Briggs, Andrew Coles, Lewis Dunn, Jesse Edmunds, Levi Ellis. Joel Finch. Joshua French, William French. Richard E. Gates. John Hurst, Benjamin ... Holland. James A. . Hill, James Kelly, Charles D King, John King, Emanuel Lanson, James Logan, John B Mitchell, George ... McCuUy, Samuel ... Martin, Peter Nichols, David A... Neely, Gilbert Neely, Harrison O'Harnett. John M. Outhouse. Jariies... O'Melvany. John ... Parker, Hiram Petty. Anderson Phillips, Jesse Clinton Co. 1832. May 23. Absent with leave, July 21, 18.32 Present commanding the company Horse lost July 13, 1832 Discharged on Surg. cert. July 21, 1832 i)isch. on Surg. cert. July 21,1832; horse lost. On furlough; horse, etc.. lost in battle horse lost in battle Discharged on Surg. cert. July 21. 1832. Ihorse Disch. July 21,1832, in consequence of loss of On furlough .Aug. 12,1832; horse lost Lost'horse" July 13,' i832" ".".!!".'.'.!;!'.".".'.!! !!!'.'.!'.". Absent with leave .July 24, 1832; horse lost On furlough Aug. 2, 1832; disch, Aug. 4 Discharged on Surg. cert. July 21 On furlough Aug. 2; discharged Aug. 4,1832 .. On furlough Aug. 12; lost horse on march Furioughed Aug.^ 12, 1832 '.'.'."'.'.'.'.'.'"..'."'." '. '. '. '. Discharged on Surg. cert. July 10, 1832 Furioughed Aug. 12,1832 Sick in quarters; horse lost July 13,1832 Absent with leave July 26, 1832; horse lost THIRD BPaGADE. 67 Name and Rank. Residence. Eni-olled Remarks. Phelps, Presley — Petty, William Roper, John Rodgers. John Reeve<, Thomas Rutledge, James ... Ray, Solomon Ray, Dabel S30tt, William Spencer, Daniel Segreaves, Henry . . Segreaves. William Short, William Smith. Benjamin... Settles, Isaac Sharp. Levi Talbut, William .... Talbee, Isaac D White, George W... Walker, Jeremiah .. Yarborough, Amb'se Clinton Co. 1832. May 23. Morgan Co. Clinton Co.. Fayette Co. Clinton Co.. Juhe 21. May 23. June 21. May 23. Discharged on Surg. cert. July 10 Absent with leave.Aug. 7, 1832; horse lost. Absent witli leave Aug. 7; horse lost Furloughed Aug. 12 and sick Horse lost on forced march Absent with leave Aug. 7 Absent with leave Aug. 7; sick Absent with leave July 24; horse lost Horse lost at Mud Lake Absent with leave July 24; horse lost The Clinton men started from Carlyle with six da.ys' provisions and forage for their horses at their own expense, and the officers have not drawn any extra rations of any kind during the campaign, having only drawn one single ration for each day; the company only three rations of corn for their horses. The company was organized the 23d day of Mav, took up their march the 28th, and mustered into the service the 21st of June. The company being discharged, drew twelve days' rations. The officers only drew a single ration. Arrived at Fort Wilbourn on the 15th June, 1832. (Signed.) J. T. BRADLEY. Capt. Wm. Adair's Company Of the 3d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the reauisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, by the Governor's procla- mation, dated , 1832. Mustered out August 17, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Captains. David Baldridge William Adair Perry _ Co .. 18.32. June 26 First Lieutenant. Jacob Short " June 19 Second Lieutenant. John Hansford Seroeanfs. Wm. C. Murphy Anderson Bartley... Albert B. Murphy... Frederick Williams. " June 4. " VorporaU. Abraham Cokenhotir Benjamin Hammock Robert Gillehan James M. Hogue " •' Privates. Anderson, Alexand'r Anderson, Berry Brown, James Brown, James C Brown, Payton " .. Benson, Lewis Clark, .John , , Crane, -Joel ' ' Casey, Hiram Remarks. Resigned June 2G, and appointed Adjutant... Promoted Captain June 2(), from the ranks... Promoted, June l'.», from 2d Lieutennnt Promoted, June 19, from private; lost tent. Wounded in battle; left at Prairie du Chien. Lost tent Lost horse Lost horse; furloughed Aug. 8. Furloughed Aug. 8. Discharged July 15 at Winnebago; surgeon.. Discli. June 23 at Wilbourn; surgeon's eertif . Furloughed Aug. 8 Furloughed Aug. 8; lost horse. 68 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Crow, Robert Dickson, John Earnest, Andrew Ford, Jesse France, Peter Garner, Francis Hawkins, Ausborn.. Hutctiings, Eli J Hutching, Hutching, William.. Huggins, James Hull, Zebedee Keath, Resin Keath, Bown. McDowell, Thomas J Misi'iih.unmer, Pet'r MuiitaKiic, James M. Pitchford, Samuel.. Pyle, Abner Petit, Jonathan Reece, Ephriam Rice, Abner L Terry, George Williams, Beverly. . . Wells, Joseph Wells, Josiah Welks, Peter W Woodrum, Nicholas Washburn, John Wolf, Thomas Perry Co 1832. June '4. Furloughed Aug. 8 Discli. June 23 at Wilbourn; surgeon's certif. Died Aug. 3 of wounds received Aug. 2 Dead: left sick at Salt River June 14 Left sick at Prairie du Chien Lost horse Lost horse Discharge J June 23 at Wilbourn Disch. at Blue Mound, being wounded Aug. 10 Furiouglied Aug. 8 Furiougiied Aug. 8 Capt. Josiah S. Briggs' Company, 3d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 17, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Josiah 8, Briggs First Lieutenant. John Morrison Second Lieutenant. John Thompson Seroeants. Robert Mann Francis S. Jones John Alcorn James Harmon Corporals. Andrew McFarlin. .. John McFarlin Richard Bradley Samuel Hathorn Privates. Anderson, David Anderson, Thomas.. Barbour, James Batman, James Burns, Samuel Brown, Samuel Campbell, Alexand'r Campbell. Samuel.. Caldwell, Robert.... Christie, Eneas Crawford, Samuel... Randolph Co. 1832. May 24 Left at Winnebago with Col. Sharp; ord to [Galena; horse lost. Horse lost. discharged at Winnebago July 15. Supposed to be discharged at Casheonon^ Left to attend Saml. Barbour, sick at Ft. Win- [nebago. Furnished, July 25, Wm. Harper as substit'te: I trans, to Capt. Lindsey's Co. July 25 Left at Prairie du Chien, sick Left with Col. Sharp at Winneb. on det. serv. Left at Prairie du Chien, sick THIRD BRIGADE. 69 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Clendenen, Wm. S.. Gilbreafh, Jno. R Hathorn, John Huey, John C Hughes, John M Harr, Sanford Jernigan. Bryant B. Jones. Moses .*.. Kilpatrick, Isaac A.. Lee, James F Lee, John Lee, Thomas Lively, Joseph Lair.d. John :.. Lively, James Murphy, David McHeury, John McDill, Samuel Morgan, Hiram Maxwell, Samuel Oliver, Duritt Patterson, James H. Pettitt, Samuel Robinson, Richard... Short, Thomas J Smith, Francis Swanwick, Francis. . Sadler, Benjamin... Sheets, Firman Thomerson, George. White. John Woods, John Randolph Co 1832. May 24 Horse lost Promoted Sergeant-Major June 2i Left at Fort Hamilton, sick Horse lost Left to attend sick at Prairie du Chien horse lost Left at Blue Mounds, sick Left at Prairie du Ghien, sick iiorse lost Killed July 21 Left to attend tlie sick at Prairie du Chien. . . iiorse lost Wounded in battle Aug. 2, Prairie du Chien. . This company enrolled and elected its officers on May 24, 1832. Marched, on May 27, 1832, for Beardstown, and was mustered into the service of the United States June 21, 1832. Capt. Jabies Thompson's Company i Of the 3d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's proclamation, dated , 1832. Mustered out August 17, 1832, Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Thompson . . . Randolph Co. 1832. June 4. Firat Lieutenant. Samuel Barber Second Lieutenant. Wm.H. McDill Sergeant.^. Moses W. Taggart... Absent, sick; left at Ft. Winnebago July 15. . . Absent; left at Prairie du Chien to take care of John White, wounded by Indians. [care of Robert Smith, sick. Richard Lively Robert C. Jones Absent; left above Prairie du Chien to take Harmon Marlin Corporals. Archibald Crozier... Robert Hamilton [wounded by Indians. James Thomson, Jr.. William Pike Absent; left to take care of Andr.McCormick, Private.'f. Brown, John Brown. John C Been, Allen Ball, Nelson Discharged at Blue Mound on Surg, certif. .. Bowerman, William. 70 BLACK HAWK WAR, Name and Rank. Bilderback, Friend. Crozier, Andrew ... Davis, Robert Dukes, Martin Davis, Islioni F Foster, John Gray. William Hathaway, Harvey. Harmon, Jacob Hathaway, Milton .. Hughes, John Jones, Andrew Layne, Wiley Milligan, James McBride, Absalom.. McCormick, Andrew Murphy. Miller ... Marliu, Edward F. Miller, Robert MeNeel, William . Overton, Benj., Jr Patterson, John.. Parks, William ... Reed, James Short, John Steele, James Steele, George Smith. Robert R.. Taylor, John Thomas, John W. Tindel, John Vickers, Abel Wilcox, James Wise, Enoch G... Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Randolph Co. 1832 June 4. Lost his horse on forced march Discharged at Blue Mound on Burg, certif. .. Absent with leave; wounded in battle Got his horse kilied Present, sick Absent; left to take care of his brother James Lost his horse; present, sick Discharged at Blue Mound on Surg, certif. .. Absent on furlough since July 25 Lost his horse Absent, sick; left near Prairie du Chien Horse drowned; got another, lost liim This company was raised and organized on June 4, under the command of Gabriel Jones, Captain; James Thompson, 1st Lieut.; Samuel Barber, 2d Lieut. Marched on June 8, and was mustered into the service at Fort Wilbourn June 21, under Capt. James Thomp- son, Gabriel Jones having been elected Colonel, Capt. Jacob Feaman's, afterwards Capt, James Conner's, Company Of the 3d Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated 1832. Mustered out August 17, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Jacob Feaman James Conner First Lieutenant. Mathew Gray Second Lieutenant. David Wright Sergeants. Isaac Nelson George Glenn Menard Maxwell . . . Joseph Orr Randolph Co. 1832. May 25. Resigned July 25 , Promoted, July 25, from 1st Lieut, to Capt. Promoted, July 25, from 1st Sergt. to Lieut. . . Pro. June 7 and left sick at Prairie du Chien. Appointed, July 25 June 22 " 20 Quartermaster Sergeant, July 26. THIRD BRIGADE. 71 Name and Rank. Residence. lEnroUed Remarks. Corporals. Patrick Faherty James Whalen. John Levett Wiley Paschall Privates. Bond. Edward Brewer, Vincent Brightwell, John Brown. AUanson Bogy, Lewis V Chapall, Elias Chaupine. Lewis ... Doris, Martin W digger, Flud Drousse, Henry Davis, Michael Doza, Joseph Evens, William Fulton, William Hampton, Wilson ... Jones, Armstead Jarrel, John Keemasa, Baptist. .. Langton, Francis Laekopelle, Henry .. Levens, Henry Minard. Medard Miers, James P Mart, Ravelle Morrison. William .. Mudd. Harrison Minard, Peter Onger, Ferdinand... O'Hara, John Phillips, Berrel Patterson, Bhenler.. Penncana, Baptist.. Pascal , Francis Roberts, Abram Reynolds, .lohn Seymour, Grove Vrain, Dometius F . . Will. Joseph Winter, William Woolsey, Wash'ton . Wilson. David E White, John Willmuth, Louis I 1832. Randolph Co. May 25. Supposed discharged, Aug. 4, 1832 Horse lost or stolen i5ischarged. June 2i, disability July 15 " Promoted Paymaster, ifuiy i5 Left at Prairie du Chien to tend sick, Aug. 7.. !!!!!"!!!!'!!!!!!!]!]!"!!!"!!!!"i6iithe25th Wounded on July 21, and absent with leave Left sick at Mounds, July 25 Absent with leave, Aug. 7 Detached to tend on Jones, July 25 Absent with leave, Aug. 7 Lost horse and pack-saddle on forced march Discharged, July 15 ; disability iiorselost on or near Four Lakes Supposed discharged, July 26, 1832 Discharged, June 16; disability Left at Prairie du Chien, sick '... This company was organized at Kaskaskia, May 25, 1832, and was mustered into the ser- vice of the United States at Fort Wilbourn, June 21, 1832. Capt. James Burns' Company Of .3d Regiment, 3d Brigade of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered into the service June 21, 1832. Mustered out August 17, 1832. Organized May 4, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Burns . Washing'n Co May 4... First Lieutenants. Andrew Lyons Resigned June 28; does duty in line William Wood Lost horse; elected from 1st Corp, June 28; Second Lieutenant. Cyrus Sawyers [lost tent. Furl'd July 25; lost horse & tent on feed m'ch 72 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sergpants. John D. Wood Resigned June 21; promoted to Major Henry Cherry Absent with leave .July 25 ... John H. Hood Lost his horse ; lost teuton forced march Harvey Nevels Anthony Darter Furloughed July 25; lost tent on forced m'ch Corporals. John Mitchell Broke bayonet George Terrill Maniuis G. Faulkner Absent with leave Aug. 12; lost his horse William Minson Discharged July 15, on Surgeon's certificate Privates. Anderson. Samuel K. Lost his blanket Anderson, James Anderson. Alexand'r Andrew. Lyons Absent with leave Aug. 12; lost his horse Burns, John M Burns, Samuel > • > > .4 > < > > Burns, Robert 1 • > > . . . • . . Balch, Armstead B.. July 25 Casner, John Aug.l2 Gilbreath, JohnW.. Holly. Pleasant I. M. Rouse, Anthony M.. Absent with leave Aug. 5; lost his horse Hutchens, Richard.. Lost his horse: lost tent on forced march Joiner, William James, Preston B... Absent with leave July 25 King. William Knight, John Aug.l2 Lee, George W Linch, Matliew K Absent with leave Aug. 12; lost his horse Locke, James Livesay, Lorenzo D. ' ' ' ' ' ' McMlllen,Meredith S Diseh. July 25, being wounded July21inb'ttle Absent with leave July 25 MeElhannon, Jas.M. Mitchell, Samuel C. Morgan, Solomon... Morgan, Ciiry Absent with leave July 25 Morgan, Benajah Pate, George W Paterson. James Absent with leave August 5 Pepper, MoseelD... Appointed Surgeon's Mate June 21 Liny on, Edward Absent withleave Aug. 12 Ramsey, James Thompson, James.. Disch. July 25, being wounded July21inb'ttle Tate, William Absent: lost his horse &tent on forced m'ch Underwood, David.. Underwood, James.. Furloughed on Surgeon's certificate June 22 Wells, Levi White, James R White, Andrew White. James S Wood, Charles H.... Lost his horsB THIRD BRIGADE. 73 FOURTH REGIMENT. Capt. Bennet Nowlen's Company Of 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade, Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Captain. Bennet Nowlen First Liputenants. Jesse Scott John Yowell Second Lieuteiiant. John Allen Sergeants. Silas Harris George Sprouse Cherry Peterson Daniel Huddlestun.. Corporals. Thomas McManus . . . Christopher Gilpin.. Thomas Grant Zachariah Stewart.. Privates. Adams, William C... Bewford, Thomas ... Brawdy, Azai-iah Brown, Wiley Caudle, Isham Cummings, Thomas. Cummings, Samuel.. Chapman. John Caudle, Thomas England, John Funderburk, Titus L. Gibson, Jacob Hill, WyatR Hutton, Charles K... Hughs, Thomas Jordan, James Lair, Charles McCoUum, Isaac McPeters, Harvy McKindley, Edward. Nevins, John Powers, John H Pi'uet, Isaac Record. John Richardson. Thomas Rush, William Richards, Edmund. Sandridge. Hasting Snell. Hardy Simmons, Joshua... Macoupin Co. 1832. June 19 Resigned July 10, 1832 Elected 1st Lieut. July 12, 1832. Furloughed August 14. 1832 , Discharged August 11, 1832 Discharged August 11. 1832 Furloughed June 20, 1832. on Surg, certificate. Horse lost Discharged August'2." 1832 Furloughed July 10. 1832 Furloughed July 10. 1832 . Horse lost Horse lost Furioughed August i4"l832' ! 74 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remai'ks. Sharp, Isaac Macoupin Co. 1832. June 19 Snow, Obed Turner, Edmund L.. Vincent, Joseph Company formed and elected Powell H. Sharp Captain, Bennet Nowlen 1st Lieut., and John Allen 2d Lieut., June 9, 1832. Marched June 11, 1832. Mustered into service June 19, 1832. Powell H. Sharp promoted Lieut.-Colonel June 19, 1832. Bennet Nowlen promoted Cap- tain June 19, 1832. Capt. Ozias Hail's Company, 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the IJnited States, on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Ozias Hail Pike Co. 1832. June 19. }• irst TAeutenant. David Seeley Second Lieutenant. Robart Goodin Sergeants. Enoch Cooper Adam Harpool ... John McMullin ... Isaac Turnbaugh. Josiah Sims Corporals. Benjamin Shin John Battershell William Cooper Isaac Dolbaugh John Crass Privates. Ames, Smith Alcorn, William . Blair, Culverson. Bradshaw, Elijah Blythe, John Bradshaw, Enoch Burcaloo, John. Baker, Sylvanus Butler, Derns... Buffenbarger, Wm. Butley, Frederick.. Cole, David... Clark, Abner... Davis, Joshua . Davis, William Foster. John... Franklin, Frederic Harpool, William Kinney, William. McLain, Absalom Miller, Calep Miller, George... Moore, David Melhizer, John .. McLain. Wm Mitchell, William Neeley, Burgess. Neeley, John Neeley, Samuel.. Morgan Co Pike Co Pike Co Pike Co Discharged July 21 Furioughed June 23 Discharged July 15 Lost his horse by forced march Discharged June B2; lost his horse: wagoner July 15 Left at Ft. Dickson sick; supp. disch'd Aug. 7 Left sick on the road June 12 Furioughed June 23 Horse lost Furioughed June 25 Gun bursted THIED BKIGADE. 75 Name and Kank. Eesidence. Enrolled Remarks. Neeley, Thomas 1832. June 19 Left sick at Wilbourn June 23 Nisenger, llesen Pike Co ::: Prior. James B Puhim, Benjamin ... Discharged July 15; horse lost Shinn, John Spears, Harris Stigney, Philip H Turn bough. Joseph. Taylor, John M Yesley, Ebenezer The above company volunteered and organized in Atlas, in Pike county, on June 4, 1832, and in pursuance of orders then received, marched immediately to rendezvous at Fort Wilbourn, where they arrived on June 17, and were mustered into service June 19, 1832. Capt. Jesse Claywell's Company, 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out of service Aug. 16, 1832. Name and Rank. I Eesidence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. | Jesse Clavwell Sangamon Co First Lipiitpnants. John H. Wilcoxson.. Lowyel Cox Second Lieutenant. Rezen H. Constant.. Sergeants. Archibald Cass Andrew Moore Valentine R. Mallory William S. Hussey.. Corporals. Nathan Hussey, 1st. Robert L. Gott, 1st.. William B. Hagan,2d James C. Hagan, 3d. Harris'n McGary,4th John MoLemoor,4th Privates. Anderson, Alexand'r Anderson, Lewis C. Anderson, James Anderson, Wash'ton. Burns, John R Barnet, William I Barnet, William Barnet, Hugh Brewer, John, Sr Brewer, John, Jr Cass, Anderson B... Constant, Nathan E. Constant, Isaac Crocker, Harvey Currey, George Copeland, John Dooley, Jeremiah... Dement, William Elliott, Haddon Elliott, Richard Glenn, David A Green, George 1832 June 5. Furloughed at Wisconsin river July 27 Elected 1st Lieut. July 11; sick at Hamilton.. Resigned July 10 Elected 2d Lieutenant July 11 Elected 1st Sergeant July 11 At Fort Crawford Attending to a sick man Prom. Brig. Wagon Master June 21; lost horse Attending to a sick man at Hamilton Transferred to Capt. Earley's Co. June 20 Furloughed July iO; also lost his liorse Discharged July 27 for disability Lost horse, saddle and bridle Fuiloughed by the Surgeon's certificate 76 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Helm, Guy Hagan, Samuel 0... Hide. John Kelly, .Jeremiah Langston, James Liirias. Thomas McGary, Hugh Martin. Joseph Neueam, William T. Pickerel, Benj. F Prim, Abraham Powel, John Powel, Hitam Rogers, William F. . . Riddle, James Snelson, John W Shearley , James Smith. Joseph I Smith. Philip Smith, Eliphas Stone. William A Stone, Caleb Turner. William Waldon, James Wilcox, Ephriam Young, Joseph R Sangamon Co 1832. June 5. Lost horse, saddle and bridle. Transferred to Capt. Barley's Co. June 20. Transfen-ed to Capt. Barley's Co. June 20. Furloughed atFt. Wilbourn June20. Lost his horse Furloughed at Ft. Wilbourn June 20. Wound'din battle atMississ.; atFt. Crawford This company was organized June 5, 1832, marched for place of rendezvous on June 10, and was mustered into service June 20, 1832. Capt. Eeuben Brown's Company Of 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade, Mounted Illinois Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out Aug. 16. 1832. ' ' Name and Rank. Remarks. Captain. Reuben Brown First Lieutenant. William Baker Second Lieutenant. Daloss Brown Sergeants. Thomas Jones Saml. E. McKenzey Evan Morgan Nathan Said Corporals. Jesse Said Reason Brown John Fegan James B. Jones Privates. Archer, Winston ... Baker, Thomas Baker. James Brown, Jerry Cutright, Peter Durboin, Edward.. . Delay. Stephen Duglass, Thomas. . . Donaldson, Dudlery Hendricks. Samuel. Huggard, James 1832 Sangamon Co June 20. Commanding company; present, but sick.. On furlough during term enrollment, in con- [sequence of a wound. Promoted from private to Sergt. June 19, 1832. Furl, during term of enroll ; cause, sickness. Furloughed Aug. 7, 1832, during term service. joined from Capt. Warwick's Co. of Mounted [Volunteers Aug. 1, 1832, per certificate. Furloughed Aug. 7, 18.32, during term service. Furloughed Aug. 12, i832, during term service. THIRD BRIGADE. 77 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Larkin, Young Lucas, Allen B ... ' ueas, James Morgan, Thomas. Martin, Rolley McKinzey, Henry Pillman, James... Poor, James H Pike, John Porter, William... Read, James Spillars, Wm.H... St. John, Joseph . Stafford, Daniel S Trotter, George . . Williams, Isian B Transferred. Baker, James Sangamon Co 1832 June 20 Deserted June 22, 1832, from Ft. Wilbourn.IU. Furl, during term of service; cause, sickness Lost horse in service On furlough Aug. 7, during term of service... Deserted June 22, 1832, from Ft. Wilbourn. 111. . Horse lost in service; furloughed August 7, [during term of service. Trans. June 22, 1832, to Capt. Barley's Co This company was organized in Sangamon county, Springfield. June 6, 1832. Ari'ived at headquarters, Ft. Wilbourne, June 15, 1832. Mustered into service June 20, 1832. Capt, Thomas Moffett's Company, 4th Regiment, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States on the rectuisition of Gen. H. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled! Remarks. Captain. Thomas Moffett SangamonCo. 1832. June 4. Lost his horse Fir.ft Lientenaiits. David Black Resigned and went home Julv lo Shadrack Campbell. Second Lieutenant. James Watson Elected vice D. Black, resigned July 10, 1832.. Sergeants. JohnOldfield Lost his horse Thos. Epperson Joseph Inslee Elected vice Joseph Inslee; resigned July 10. Discharged by Gen. Atkinson June 29 George Lindsey Franklin Williams... Elected vice T. Epperson; resigned July 10... Lost his horse Wm. C. Stephenson.. Corporals. John Humphreys ... James Campbell Horse lost Nathan Ralston Jarret McKinney Cornet. Gersham Dorrence.. Saddler. John Ridge way Farrier, Jesse H. Steel Trumpeter. Armstead Abies David Duncan Privates. Armstrong, Hugh M. Discharged by Gen. Atkinson July 10 Elected July 10 vice Armstead Abies, disch'd. Furloughed August 11 Brazzle. William BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Ball. Smith Crain, 'J'horaas Cooper, William Carmar, Walter Cabaniss, Zabulon P Durham, Walter — Duncan, Jo-eph W. Drennan, A. P Elkin. Garret Epperson, Thomas. Enix, James Forbas, R. A Getsondiner, Jno. L Glascock, Gregory. Hill. John P Latham, John Lowe, Richard Levi, John Lane, Jacob Langley, Robert — McAllister, William Moore, Joseph Milts, William Norris, Joseph Paine, Barzilla Pulliam. Martin G.. Pierce, Philetus G.. Peter, Samuel Saunders, Presley . Smith, Tillman Smith, John Smith, Adam Stout. George Watson, Hiram Warnsing, John — Sangam'n Co. 1832. June 4. Discharged July 10 by Gen. Atkinson Furlough ed August 11 June 18 Served as 2d Sergeant from June 29 to July 10 Lost one U. S. pistol Lost his horse : Losl his horse Furloughed on account of sickness June 19.. i)escended the Miss, river Aug. 8 Horse missing Furloughed June 20 on account of sickness.. Lost his horse , Absent without leave June 23 Furloughed June 27 on account of sickness.. Joined D. Farley's Spy company June 29 Lost ills iiorse Promoted Reg'l Surg. Mate June 22; horse lost This company mustered into the service at Fort Wilbourn June 20, 1832; was enrolled and mustered preparatory to starting from home at Springfield, 111., June 4, 1832. Capt. Henry L. Webb's Company Of Mounted Vohmteers, called into the service of the United States by order of the Governor of the State, by his order of the 15th of May, 1832, until 3d August, 1832, when mustered out of service by order of Major-General Scott, commanding Northwestern army. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Henry L. Webb Fimt Lieutenant. Richard H. Price.... Second Lieutenants. David H. Moore James D. Morris, — Sergeants. Owen Willis, 1st Quinton Ellis, 2d — Aaron Atherton, Jr.,3 Sam, Ath'ton Neal,4th Corporals. Merritt Howell Aai-on Anglin William Dickey Giles Whitaker Alex'nderCo. 1832 May June 16 May 19 Rifle lost swimming Rock River after Indians Promoted Qu'rmaster Spy Bat. 3d Br. June 16 Elected 2d Lt. June 16, when comm'n'd Corp. from the 19th of May, '32, until promoted f THIED BRIGADE. 79 Name and Rank. Residence. ; Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Anglin, William Alex'nderCo 1832. May 19 Anglin, James ' Buncli, Cader . Burks, Hardin Brown, Berrv Brooks, Benj Caines, John Cannon, Tillman Dexter, Jeremiah . . . Daniels, Solomon ... Eckols, Benjamin... Harrison, Henry H.. Harvill, Loudy Hargis, Resin Hughs, Franklin Hurgis, Turner Jeffers, John E Absent with leave Johnson, Henry K... Keneda, Thomas Keneda, Alexander . . Lackey, Alfred Lynch, Cyrus S McCool, George Rifle lost swim'ing Rock River after Indians. MoCool, Benjamin... Meshow, William McCloud. Roderick.. Murphy. John Neale. George C Post. Marcus Phillips, James Rice, Samuel F Powell, Wm. S Powell, Alanson Russell, Robert Prom. Q. M. Sergt. Spy Bat. 3d Brig. June 16.. Smith, Enoch Taylor, James M Thompson, NathanM Townsend, JamesW. Townsend. John White, Samuel 80 BLACK HAWK WAR. SPY B ATTALIO N. Capt. Allen F. Lindsey's Company Of the Spy Battalion, 3d Brigade, Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 16, 1832. Mustered out August 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Allen F. Lindsey .. First Lieutenant. William Scott Morgan Co.. Second Lieutenant. Isaac R.Bennett Sergeants. Martin Harding Leftridge B. Lindsey Geo. W. Beggs David Thomsberry. Corporals. John Caldwell Thos. R. Thompson- John A. Creed Royal Flynn Privates. Cox. Thomas Cooper, William Cumins, William... Dick. John P Fox. Madison Flynn, William Flynn, Zadock W... Garrett, Jesse B Hudspeth, John Hash, Philip Harper, William... King, Daniel Lindsey. William... Lucas. William Lucas, John Mathews, William... Meeker, Usel Manchester. David.. McDonald. Frederi'k Olaker, Jacob Ogle. James A Plaster, Thomas Paschel, Samuel Poindexter, Micajah Ritchie. William Sims, Westley Shelton, David Taylor, James Thomas, James J Woldridge, Thomas. Walker, James H Yaple, Jacob Sanganaw Cy Morgan Co... Sanganaw Cy Morgan Co... Sanganaw Cy Morgan Co... Morgan Co. 1832. June 19 Horse unfit for service, by forced marching. Sick in tent One sorrel mare lost by forced marching . One bay mare lost in service. One bayonet scabbard lost in service. Furloughed July 25th at Casleman One bayonet lost in service. One mareloston forced march; onebayonet- [belt and scabbard. Detailed by Brig. Qr. Master July 4, 1832. One bay mare lost in service Furloughed July 25th at Casleman. June 22 One bay horse and bayonet lost in service.. Fransferred from Capt. Biggs' Co. July 25th. June 22 One bay mare lost in service Furloughed July 25th at Casleman. June 22 June 22 On detailed service On detached service by Gov., July 4, 1832 . Sick in tent; horse rendered unfit for service. [at Dixon's Ferry. Discharged June 27, 1832, by Com. -in-Chief, Furloughed July 25th at Casleman Absent with leave Mare, bayonet and scabbard lost in service. •This company was organized June 4, and was mustered into service on June 10. THIRD BRIGADE. 81 Capt. Samuel Huston's Company, Spy Battalion, 3d Brigade, of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called Into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Henry Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out Aug. 16, 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Name and Rank. Residence, Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Samuel Huston First Lieutenant. John Watwood Second Lieutenant. Henry Brown Sergeants. Payton R. Bankson.. Richard Auston Hezekiah Thompson Isaac Faneher Corporals. Benjamin Seals Andrew I. Hickerson Alexander Faneher.. Thomas Osbrooks. . . Privates. Allen, John Austin, Philip L Berry, Benjamin F.. Beck, Paul Braswell, Richard... Beal, James Browning, Harmon. Beasley, John Brocket, Michael Browning, Joseph... Baley, Henry P Blundell. James Carson. James Cole, Eldridge Carter, Joseph Coventry, John W. .. Davis, Levi Doyle, A. P. H Duncan, Thomas Enos, Charles. Flemming, Mordica. Freman, James Flemming, .John Griffith, John Gillmore, Rol>ert Herrington, John ... Hinton, Lewis Hickerson, Wash'n.. Hawkins, John B Harris, Zachariah... Harris, Henry Johnson, Adaman. . . Jackson. William Kirkendal, William.. Lawton, Henry Linley, William Lowder, Gideon Lee, William H Miller, Henry. Micks. John S McQuinter, Alex Moore, Benjamin D.. Nichols, William Neely, Bowling Pitcher, Payton I Porter, James Patten, James Parkhurst, Elijah Powell, Semore R. .. Prater, Alexander. . . —6 Fayette Co... 1832. June 7. Left Helena July 27; lost his horse July 23 Lost his horse on the ll'th of August Lost ills horse on the 7'th of August Left sick on the 27th of July Lost his horse on the 7th of August Furioughed at Helena on the 27th Lost his horse on the i'2'th of August July Left at Helena Sick in camp ^ Furioughed on the 24th of July Sick in camp Lost his horse on the ifith of July 10th of August Substituted for Wm. Linley from July 10 Furioughed on the 10th of July '. Left at Dixon in service Furioughed on the 10th of July Lost his horse on the 27th of July Left at Helena on the '27th of July Discharged by substitute on the ioth of July. Left sick at Helena on the 27th of July Left in service at Dixon Furioughed on the 15th of July Lost his horse August 14 82 BLACK HAWK WAE. Name and Bank. Eesidence. Enrolled Eemarks. Porter, Washington Raybourn, Mitchell Remon. Frederick. . Sears, John Smith, Jordan Smith, Henry Smith, William Thompson, William Talby, James Trapp, John Welch. John Wak<'fleld, John A.. Wood, Anson Fayette Co 1832. June 7. Appointed Paymaster on July 10 Lost his horse on the 14th of August , Lost hoi'se on the 23d of July Approved: (Signed.) H. ATKINSON. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. This company was organized June 7, 1832, and received marching orders on the same day, and marched on the 9th and arrived at Fort Wilbourn on the Kith of June, and mus- tered into service June 19. This company found their own rations in full from the 8th to the 17th of June. Since the 17th of June till the present August 15th the company has found nearly all the small rations for itself. This company was organized under the command of Capt. Wm. L. D. Ewing, at its first organization. WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 83 WHITESIDES' BRIGADE. Regiments, Battalions and Companies commanded by Briga- dier-General Samuel Whitesides. FIRST REGIMENT. Capt. Julius L. Barnsback's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, of the 1st Regiment of the Brigade under the command of Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, May 28. 1832, distant 284 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Captain.' Julius L. Barnsback. First Lieutenant. Ryland Ballard Second Lieutenant. Jesse Bartlett Sergeants. Jacob Kinder Mathias Hanlan Stephen Gaskill Henry Armstrong. .. Corporals. Robert Murphy John E. Sharp Isham M. Gillham... Isaac McLane Privates. Armstrong, William. Armstrong, David... Bartlett, Martin S... Bartlett, Nicholas... Barnsback, George. Bowles, Austin Bowles, Stephen Burge, William Colyer, Charles Cox, Jacob B Dove. John Day, Fauntleroy Ford, Aaron Flinn, Joseph Guthrie, Henry Residence. Madison Co. Edwardsville, Enrolled Remarks. 1832. April 18 On furlough from May 18. In command of company from May 18 to 28. On furlough, sick On furlough On furlough, horse hunting On furlough On furlough, horse hunting Elected 1st Sergeant May 22Vi832'.!.'i".;.".'!"!! .(. Absent on furlough Ele c ted 4th Se rge an t May 22, 1832 '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. Absent, horse hunting Absent, sick 84 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Eank. Eesidence. Enrolled Remarks. Gillham. JolmF Hart, Henry Hart, John Hamilton, William.. Hood, Aaron Johnson, Charles W. Johns, James Knight, James Kell, William Merry, David W Motley, ObediahC. Norman James Page, Robert Ralph, William Seybold, Samuel Scanland, Lewis W.. Smith, Levi Smith. E.C Semple, James Van Hoozer, John. . . Wall, John A Wall, David Weeks, Robert B.... Madison Co. Edwardsville. 1832. April 18 Absent, sick Absent, horse hunting On furl., sick; appointed Ass't Q. M. April 28. Appointed Judge Advocate May 1 , 1832 Capt. John Thomas' Company Of the 1st Regiment, commanded by Col. John Thomas, of the Brigade of Mounted Vol- unteer Militia from St. Clair county, Illinois, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel White- sides. Mustered out of the service of the LTnited States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832; distant 300 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captams. John Thomas... Belleville 1832. April 18. First Lieutenant. Gideon Simpson... Second Lieutenants. George Kinney Wm. S.Thomas Se7'geants. John W.Woods... Parker Adams — Prettyman Boyce James Nearen — linoch Bridges ... Corporals. John McDonald . Andrew Terry ... James H. Ashby. George West Privates. Abbott, Isaac Bird, John Casterline, Joseph O Crocker, Abner Davis. James .... Enochs, Saml. B Furgerson, Robt McHenry, Daniel Ogle, Benjamin Elected Col. of 1st Regt. on April 28 . Elected Capt. on April 28 Elected 1st Lieut, on April 28 Absent on furlough since May 19. Elected 1st Sergt. since May 19 ... Absent without leave. Joined the 4th Regt.; returned WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 85 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Roman, Richard Spann, Solomon Belleville .... 1832. April 18. Appointed Surgeon in 1st Regt. on April 28... Seott, Benjamin Scott, Chas Twiss, Wm Welker, Jos... Daniel McHenry returned and served out his time in my Company. (Signed.) GIDEON SIMPSON, Capt. Capt. John Tate's Company Of Independent Riflemen of the 1st Regiment of the Mounted Brigade of Volunteers com- manded by Brigadier-General Samuel Whitesides, in the service of the United States. Mustered out of service at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832. Distance, 330 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John Tate.. Belleville. St. Clair Co.. April 18 First Lieutenant, Joshua Hughes Second Lieutenant. Abram B. Vandigrif . Sergeants. Jacob Miller Joseph Ogle William Tate... George W. Hook Corporals. James Phillips. Jacob Phillips .. William Woods Mathew Cox Privates. Ashlock, Robert. Aspens, Charles Bear, Peter B Bear, Bonham Blair, James Charles, James N. Dunlap, John Dingle, Atason Dun, Peter Edwards,!. C Glass, George . . Higgins, Robert Higgins, Ichabod Absent sick Holt, Christopher . Hootes, Samuel Hootes, Anthony Absent on furlough, sick Leach, Robert.. Absent with brother Leach, A. H. Absent, wounded Lindon, Joseph McClintock, James Miller, Absalom. . Absent without leave. May 1, 1832 Million. John Owens, Hopson Owens, Charles Absent, sick ..- Owens, EUit Phillips, Wm.. . Patason, Borland ... 86 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. .Enrolled Remarks. Perce, George Powers, James Rader, James Sample, James Skinner, Akerman. . . Swillevant, Francis. . Smitli, John Promoted Major of 2d Batt, IstRegt.. April 28 Wood. Samuel Capt. Josiah Little's Company Ot the 1st Regiment, commanded by Col. John Thomas, of the Brigade of Mounted Volun- teers of Illinois Militia, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 27, 1832. Dis- tance from Madison county, place of enrollment, 284 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Solomon Pruitt. Josiah Little Alton. Madison Co. 1832. April 19. Elected Capt. Apr. 19; elected Lt.-Col. Apr. 28 First Lieutenants. Josiah Little William Arundell Second Lieutenant. Jacob Swegart Sergeants. Wm. Arundell... Joseph Squire .. James R. Wood. James Sanders . Corporals. Thomas Akins John E. Hawkins.. Jno. Lawrence Isaiah Dunagan .. . Privates. Barnet, Benj. F Bridges, Madison . . Basy , Newton Beck, Sandford Barr, Zachariah Chapman, Enoch... Chapman, Jos Cochran, Wm. C Davis, William Dickson, Thomas .. Dunagan, Jno. M... Edwards, Cyrus Eaves, William Fien, James Gillliam, Marcus ... Gillham, Josiah R.. Harris, Meeds A. ... Hodges, James H. . Humes, Willis Harkleroad, Jno Job, Samuel Job, Levi Jones, Martin Jones, Geoige Kirkendall. Wm. ... Kinyan, Edward Linton, James Lee, Vincent More, Abel Pruitt, Solomon, Jr. Elected Captain April 28, 1832 Onfui-lough. Elected 1st Lieut. April 28, 1832 1st Sergt. " " On furlough. Sick and not present. On permit. On permit On furlough . On furlough. On permit. Sick and on permit. 2d Sergt. April 28, 1832 . On furlough WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 87 Name and Eand. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Palmei", Sam'l Roberts, Absalom.. Roberts. Elijah Rice, Elias Rose, Francis i :... Roberts, Wm., Jr... Rogers, Jonathan . . . Sanders, Shadrick .. Starkey, Russell On permit Sick and not present Lowell, Lewis C Scarittiin, Stephen.. Sewill, Wm Smith, Elias Stent, Christopher .. Solomon, John Sterell, James 4th Sergt. to May 18; ist from that time to' 27.. Suels (?), William.... Wood, Jesse 3d Sergeant May is, 1832 Walker, Philip V Waddle, James Sick and on permit Whitesides, Thomas. 88 BLACK HAWK WAE. SECOND REGIMENT Capt. Thomas Chapman's Company Of 2d Regiment, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, on the Illinois river, in the State of Illinois, 250 miles from the place of enrollment in Greene county, on the 25th day of May, 1832. Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Charles Gregory ... Thomas Chapman . First Lieutenant. Thomas Hill Second Lieutenant. Levi Whitesides Sergeants. Sherman Goss Isaac Moore Henry Phillips Aaron Hart Corporals. Michael Hendrick.. Samuel M. Pinkerton JohnF. Hart James H. Finley Frivates. Burns, Martin Dunn, Squire Duff, John Duff, Daniel Elmer, Elijah Elmore, George I Elmore, Ralph Elmore, George R... Garrison, Richard... Gilleland, James Gilleland, William .. Hazlewood, George. Hazlewood, Wyatt.. Philips, Israel Rule, Albert Shelton, William Spencer, James R... Welch, Robert Wood, James Wiggins, Laban Greene Co. 1832. April 20. [when elected Lieut.-Col. of 2d Regt. Commanded Co. from April 20 to April 30, 1832, Elected Captain April 30, 1832 Elected 1st Lieutenant April 30, 1832 Elected 2d Lieutenant April 30, 1832 Appointed 1st Sergeant April 30, 1832 April20, 1832 AprilSO, 1832 April30, 1832 Appointed April 20. 1832 April20, 1832 April 30, 1832 Absent on furlough Absent on furlough Absent sick Sick and on furlough All the company were present except those marked absent and f ux-loughed. WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 89 Capt. Levi D. Boone's Company Of the 2d Regiment, commanded by Col. Jacob Fry, of the Brigade of Mounted Volun- teers commanded by Brig. -Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, on the Illinois river, on May 28, 1832. Distance from place of enrollment, 210 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Levi D. Boone. Montg'm'y Co First Lieutenant. James G. Hinman. . Second Lieutenant. Absalom Cress Sergeants. C. G. Blackberger.. Michael H. Walker. Israel Foogleman.. William M.David.. Corporals. John Prater Alex. T. Williams. C. S. Coffey Newton Street — Privates. Brown, James Briggs, Samuel L... Brown, Harrison Blair, Cobbert Bennett, H. C Cress, Peter Canins, G. W Crabtree, John Duff, George E Fanin, Michael Griffith, William Grisham, James Hampton, Johnson . . Hawkins, James flalbrock, Benjamin Hunt, Joshua , Ishmael, Sam Jordan, William Knapp, ArtisuaH... Killpc. trick, Eph Kilingworth, Steph'n Ludwick, George E. Long, Robert A McWilliams, John K Mansfield, Thos. J.. May field, William... Michael, Barnabus.. Peacock, Samuel Rabb, Eli Rutledge. James M Roberts, William.. Sherley, William D Steel, Daniel Scrivener, Curtis.. Toedd, Thomas J. . Turner, McKensie . . . Williams, James B Whitton, Easton... Williams, Ben. R.. Young, James 1832. April 20 Absent on furlough. Absent on furlough . Quartermaster. Lost a rifle-gun in service, appraised at S Absent by permission, to hunt horse. Ben. R. Williams was discharged at Beardstown April 27, 1832, and not Hawkins. Wil- liams was discharged solely because his horse was lost, and not for any offense or mis- conduct. „ „ (Signed.) LEVI D. BOONE, Capt. 90 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Wm. G. Flood's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, of the 2d Regiment of the Brigade commanded by Brigadier Gen- eral Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, in the State of Illinois, on the 28th day of May, 1832. Distance, two hundred and fifty (250) miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. 'Enrolled Remarks. Captam. Wm. G. Flood. First Lientenant. Edward L. Pearson. Second Lieutenant. Thomas Crocker Sergeants, Nathan Stringlield .. Granville Turner George W. Pollard.. Samuel E. Pierce Corporals. Richard S, Green Wm. Watson ElzaD. Park John McDaniel Privates. Allen, Meredith Ames, Orestus Ames, Loring Bancroft, Amos Beebee, Erastus Browning, O. H Brown, George Boling, Lewis Beebee, David Burlingham,Sanford Caxe, George W Clark, James O Caldwell, John Doty, John Fortune, William Freeman, Elam S Furguson, Isaac Howard, John Holmes, Hiram Johnson, Thomas... Kinney, Thos Laugh land, J. W Lightfoot, Washint'n Malone, Andy Mast, Michael Miller, Henry W Moore, Daniel Pond, Hiram Parker, Samuel Popple, Simeon Pierce, Joshua. Ralston, J. H Richardson, William Sheney, John Seehorn, Wiley V Shaw, Wm Smith, Lewis M Streeter. Solomon... Turner, Ebenezer ... Thompson, James... Warrick, Jacob Wood, John Williams, Archibald. Wilmot. Ben. R 1832, April 23 On furlough Sick and absent, by leave Appointed Adjutant 2d Regment Absent on duty Sick and absent Sick and absent; joined Co. at Yellow banks. Absent on duty Absent by sickness WHITESIDES BKIGADE. 91 Capt. Benjamin James' Company. Of the 2dReRiroent, of MountedVolunteers, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered into the service of the United States at Beardstown, Illinois, on the 28th day of April. 1832. and mustered out of service on the 28th day of May, 1832, near Ottawa, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois; distant 250 miles from place of enrollment. For 60 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Benj. James First Lieutenant. John Mc Adams Second Lieutenant. William Clouse Sergeants. A. C. Maekey James Johnston Thomas Price Ephriam M. Gilmore Corporals. Elisha Paine David H.Mills Amos Holbrooks Jordan Parker Privates. Anthony, Abraham. Bradford, James Cruthis, William Dethero, George ... Durley, James Donee, Thomas C... Downing, James Ellison, Elisha Galer, James C Gilmore, John M. .. Gillispie, Josiah R.. Gill, Francis Glenn, Robert Gilham, Thomas C. (xwyne, Hugh B Hunter, David Harlin, William Hooper. James D Hooper, Thomas K.. Jones, Felix Lugg, Noah A Lucas, John Lyles, J. E McAdams, Jas Mc Adams, Jesse McAdams, Sloss McAdams, William.. Morgan, Jonathan.. Mills, A. O. H. P Mullican, James McC'lure, Eleazer... Nicholas, Russell B. Pender, Andrew Robinson, Lawson H Royer, Daniel Roberts, Calvert Sellers, Benjamin E.. Volentine, Jackson O West, John Wolard , James B Walker, James Walker, John T Bond Co... 1832. April 17 Prom, to Q. M. Sergt. of 2d Regt. April 30.'32. Absent on furlough Promoted Sergt.'Major.' April 30, '1832." '.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'. Appointed trumpeter, April 30, i832 '. . . 92 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Jeremiah Smith's Company Of the 2d Regiment, commanded by Col. Jacob Fry, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of- the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, on the 27th day of May, 1832. Place of organization, Whitehall, Greene county, 111. Distance, 220 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jeremiah Smith. First Lieutenant. James Allen Second Lieutenant. Jacob Wagner Sergeants. Andrew Guest — Gregory Doil Wm. Thompson.. Peter Thompson. Corporals. Elihu Brown Hardy Allen George Woods H. K. Stubblefleld... Privates. Broom, Wm Bundy, Horatio Baker, John Buman, Samuel Crabtree, Benjamin. Campbell. John G.. Campbell, John — Coats, Richard , Carter, Harris Dunsworth. Chas.. DoUerhite, Jackson Fisher, James Godwin, Jacob Hodges, James How, David , Hamilton, John Hawkins, Bevis Lorton, Moritiea D. IJpincut, John Miller, John Monday, Samuel... Williams, Wm Young, Robert Greene Co. 1832. April 20. Elected April 20. 1832. Elected April 20, 1832. Elected April 20, 1832. Elected April 20, 1832. Elected April 20, 1832. on furlough. Disappeared from the day of enrollment. Sick!!!.!!!!!"!!;!"!!!!!!"""!!!!"!";!"!! On furlough. Sick On furlough. Deserted WHITESIDES BKIGADE. 93 THIRD REGIME N T Capt. John Harris' Company, 3d Regiment, commanded by Col. Abram B.Dewitt, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of the Fox river, Illinois, May 27, 1832; distant 246 miles from Carlinville, the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Carlinville. Macoupin Co. 1832. April 20. Fhst Lieutenant. William G. Coop Second Lieutenant. Jeff Weatherford Sergeants. Aquilla P. Peppedim Corporals. Geo. \V. Cox Henry H. Havren Samuel W.McVay... Privates. Allen, John Bayless, John... Bayless. Rees Butler, James Coop, John Horse lost— strayed or stolen— value, .$35 Horse died from forced march; value, $68 Coop, Ransom Driskell, Miles Davis, Thedorus English, Irum English, Levin N Eallum, William Appointed Q. M. Sergeant April '27. 1832 Foss, Joseph Hill. Wyatt R Hall, Oliver Hall, JamesT Harris, Robert Horse gave out on forced march; value, $40. . Matthews, Geo McVay. Healy W .... Miller, Alexander B Powell, John Rhea, Henry D Richardson, Larkin. Solomon, Lewis Thurman, Thomas.. Weatherford, Hardin Wall, Richard 9i black hawk war. Captain Benjamin Barney's Company Of the 3d Regiment, commanded by Col. Abram B. Dewitt, of the Brigade of Mounted Vol- unteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Whitesides. Mustered out of the service, at the mouth of Fox river, on May 27, 1832. Distant 250 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. William Ross Benjamin Barney. First Lieutenant. Israel N. Bert Second Lieutenant. Lewis Allen Sergeants. Bridge Whitten.. Hawins Judd Eli Hubbard Hansel G. Horn. Corporals. Allen B. Lucas... Mathias Bailey.. William Mallory. Jesse Luster Privates. Allen, Jonathan B . . Adney, William Blair, William , Bush, Alfred Card, Joseph Coffee, Meredith W. Davis. Robert Gall, Joseph , Garrison, Louis A... Haze, Robert , Hull, David , Haskins, Eliphalet.. Kannada, Charles... Lay, Willis Lewis, Chidister B .. Love, Samuel W Lucas, Jesse McAtee, John , Mc Atee, Andrew Marrow, Richard Meredith, Adair C... Mize, Samuel P O'Neil, James Perkins, John Prewitt, St. Clair.... Swiney, Emery Shipman, Stephen.. Tolbert, Lindsay Wilson, Austin Wells, Lucius Atlas, Pike Co.. 1832. April 20, Captain from April 20th to 28th, 1832 1st Lieut, to the 28th, then elected Captain. Elected April 28, 1832. Elected April 28,1832. Elected April 28. 1832. Elected April 28,1832. absent on furlough horse strayed or stolen. Absent on furlough Appointed Sergeant-Ma.ior April 29, 1832. Appointed Paymaster April 29, 1832 Horse, valued at $60, strayed or stolen Left sick, on the march. Capt. Elisha Betty's Company Of the 3d Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham B. Dewitt, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service at the mouth of Fox river May 27, 1832. Distance, 250 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Elisha Petty First Lieutenant. James Ross Second L/iente.nant John W. Birch Atlas Pike Co. 1832. April 20 Elected April 2i, 1832 Elected April 28, 1832. Elected April 28, 1832. WHITESIDES BKIGADE. 95 Name and Rank. Sergeants. Joab Brooks Gillham Bailey Joel Harpole Cornelius Jones Corporals. William Kinman William Gates Ira Shelly James Woosley Privates. Andrews. Ira Buehalew, Garet Bailey, Caleb Coleman. Franklin P. Cavender, Joseph... Decker. Harrison Edwards, Thomas... Fugate, Benj. Greer, James Grimshaw, Edwin . . . Hubbard, Appolis... Hume, Berry Jackson, Francis Jeffers, Samuel Kinman, Sims Kinman, Hiram Kinney, Thomas Lynch, William McLintock, Joseph.. Main, Solomon More, Thomas Mays, Mathew Parkis, Owcn Riggs, Samuel Triplet, Nathaniel C. Wadsworth, William Residence. Enrolled Atlas, Pike Co.. Remarks. 1832. I April 20:Elected April 28, 1832. Elected April 28. 1832 . Horse, valued at $70, broke down on march. Horse, valued at $65, strayed or stolen. Gun, val. $18, bursted; fired by com'nd of Col. Capt. William B. Smith's Company Of the 3d Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham B. Dewitt, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brigadier-General Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, on the Illinois River, on May 27, 1832, being 200 miles distant from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Morgan Co. William B. Smith Jacksonville.. First Lieutenant. Starkey R. Powell. Second Lieutenant Willie Myers Sergeants. Samue] Givens Richard Nelson Peter Barker Wingate I. Numens Corporals . Abraham N. Mills.. Thomas Shepherd. Felix Ray London C. Ragan.. Privates. Black, William Bennel, Gabriel E. 1832. April 21 Lost horse on march; appraised at $60. Gun bursted while firing, by order; value, $20 Lost his horse on mai'ch; appraised at $45 — 96 BLACK HAWK WAR, Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Bristow, Thomas Chapman, Isaac Connell, Murray Mc Deaton, Robt. H Dewitt, Abraham B.. Flynn, Zadick W Holland, Berry Hardin, John J Hall, Aquilla Laughrey, .John McCall, Arris McKee, James Miller. William Orre, Richard Orear, George Potts, Joel Provines. James Plasters, Lemmon... Roberts. William Runsdell, Charles Smith, George Smith, Laurence . Smith, Thomas ... Willson, James... Jacksonville. 1832. April 21 Appointed Adjutant of 3d Regt. April 27,1832. . Farrier of the " " " . . El'ct'd and app'ted Col. 3d " " " .. High private Left sick on the march, and furi'd at Dixon's. Appointed Quartermaster 3d Regt. April 27,'32 i)etaiied into service of Commander-in-Chief Left sick on marcli: furl'ed at i5ixon's Ferry. Detailed by Quartermaster-Gen. as cook Furi'd to attend sick at Dixon's Ferry Capt. Nathan Winters' Company Of the 3d Regiment, commanded by Colonel Abram B. Dewitt. of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, on the 27th day of May, 1832. Distance, 215 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Nathan Winters . Brown and Morgan Cos. 1832. April 21. First Lieutenant. John D. Pinson Second Lieutenant. John L. Kirkpatriek. Sergea)its. Leander J. Walker.. William D. Johnson. David Grattan Thomas J. Cox Corporals. Asa C. EarlG Bird Smith James F. New George W. Sawyer . . Privates. Asher, William Adams. James Axby, John Beall. Alexander Beasley, Benjamin.. Black, Jefferson Bell, Arthur Brown, Cornelius . . , Carson, John Cox, William G Crisp, Benjamin Campbell, James G Cooper, Asa Coulti«, William Campbell, David . . Dew, Joseph Elected April 21, 1832 Elected April 21, 1832 Elected April 21, 1832 Elected April 21, 1832 Elected April 21, 1832 Horse lost, valued at $40 Elected Major April 29, 1832' Absent on furlough Detailed as a wagoner WHITE SIDES BRIGADE. 97 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Eemarks. Dixon, Thomas Forsyth, Johnson . . Fink, Presley Fulton, John Gillham, Thomas M Greene, William H. Holmes, Curtis Hobson, John James. Henry Johnson, Samuel... Little, Yancy Moore, David McGee, Jame« Neal, Robert D Powell, Elijah Rue, David W Riffgs, James B Sawyer. James Wells, Albert Wilcher, Stephen .. Brown and Morgan Cos 1832. April 21. Detailed as a wagoner. Detailed into service of Commander-in-Chief Detailed as a wagoner. Horse lost, valued at $70. 98 BLACK HAWK WAE. FOURTH REGIMENT. Capt. M. G. Wilson's Company . Of the 4tii Regiment, commanded by Samuel M. Thompson, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of tlie United States, at the mouth of Fox river. May 28, 1832; distant 220 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Moses G. Wilson First Lienteiiant. Alex. HoUingsworth, Second Lieutenant. Harvey Skiles Rushville, 111 18.32 April 23. Senjeau.t.t. John B. Watson G. W.P.Maxwell.... Saml. HoUingsworth I. G. Randall Corporals. Ava. HoUingsworth.. James Martin David Fravner L.B. Skiles Privates. Abbott, Thomas Abbott, A Bogart, Samuel Burnett, William Butler, George Cox, William Collins. Elijah Dunlap, Adam Frakes, James Guinn, William Harrison, G. H HoUingsworth, Abe. HoUingsworth, John Holliday, L S Hobart, Chauncey .. Hills, Gamaliel Horney, Nowlen Hills, Ishmael Horney, Samuel Justus, G. W Kirkham, Ezra Lockhart, William .. Lane, Rutherford McFadden, John Murphy, Robert Morgan, John Moore. Willis Naught, George Riley, Daniel Reno, Jonathan Riley, Caleb 1 Skiles, Benjamin ' Wilson, Wm. L.. .--.I Wallace, Moses... Wright, Henry Williams.Eli Young, William .. Elected Major April 30, 18.32 Lost horse May 22, 1832; award Appointed Adjt. of 4th Regt. April 30, 1832 1st Sergt. April 30; resign'd May 19 Elected Captain April 30, 1832 Resigned May 19, 1832 Resigned April 30, 1832 Appointed 1st Corporal April 30, 1832 2d Sergeant " " 3d Corporal " " Furloughed (sick) May 19, 1832 (to attend sick) May 19, 1832 Appointed 1st Sergt. May 19, 1832; lost horse. Appointed 4th Corporal April 30, 1832 Detailed on extra duty Appointed 1st Surgeon's Mate April 30, 1832. . . Appointed 4th'Sergeant April '30,'i832'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'." Lost horse May 22, 1832 , Appointed Quartermaster Aprii'30, 1832 LosVhorse May 22,'i832!.'!.' ."."!. "!!!!!"]"!!!!!!! Lost" horse May 22,'i832 .W'.^W.'.W'.W'.'.WW]"" Appointed 3d Sergeant May 19, 1832 Detailed on extra duty Lost' horse May 22Vi832;. '.".'.'"."!!]].'"!!!! !!!!!! Appointed 2d Corporal April 30. 1832 Lo s't'hor s e' May 22Vi832 ."!!.'!'.!.'.'!!!!!!.'.".!!!]."! WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 99 Capt. Wm. C. Ealls' Company Of the 4th Regiment of Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Col. Samuel M. Thompson, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river May 28, 1832; distant from the place of enrollment, 220 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Capiahi. Wm. C.Ralls... 1832. Rushville.Ill. April 23 First Lieutenant. James Blackburn.. Second Lieute^iant. John Stumet Sergeants. John M.Jones George W. Penney. James Hunter James P. Hinney... Corporals. Theodore Jourdon.. Stephen H. St. Cyr.. Jeremiah White Alfred W.McHatten. Privates. Ballard, Noah B Bryant, Rosnel Briscoe, John Boothe, James Coonrod, Jefferson. . Combs, Stephen Crawford, JohnD... Chapman. Johnston. Dewit, Gabl Davis, John Edmondson, David. . Earnest, Aaron Glenn, Robert H Gay, Lewis Hayden, Thomas Hambaugh, Stephen. Hill, James Ives, Joll Killion, Michael Morris, William Moore, Daniel McKee, William Owen, Luke Palmer, Benj Rose, Wm. B Richardson, Jacob.. Richardson, Aaron.. Redick.Thos Starr, John H Sellars, Thomas Seaward, Luster Till, Fleming Van Winkle, Alex Vandeventer, Corn's Vanvatter, John.. Wilkerson, Jacob. Wilson, Benj Rushville,Ill. Resigned and returned home May 13, 1832. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant May 13 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant May 13. Appointed Sergeant-Major May 18. Sick and furloughed May 26. April 23 Detailed in wagon service. Appointed 4th Sergeant May 13. Sick and furloughed May 26 Sick and furloughed May 10. Furloughed May 26 Sick and furloughed May 19 Appointed 4th Corporal May 18. 100 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Abraham Lincoln's Company Of 4tli Regiment of Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, May 27, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Abraham Lincoln.. First Lieutenants. Samuel M. Thomps'n Second Lieutenant. John Brannan Sangamon Co Sergeants. John Armstrong Tavner B. Anderson George W. Foster... Obediah Morgan Corporals. Thomas Comb. ... John Plasters William F. Berry. Alexander Trent.. Privates. Alexander, Urbin. Armstrong. Pleasant Anderson, Isaac Armstrong, Hugh .. Barnette, Clardey.. Crete, Valentine Cox, Henry Cox, Wm... Clemment, James.. Clary, Royal Cummins, William . Clary, William Carman, MerrittM. Dutten, Samuel Dobson, Joseph Drake, Nathan Erwin, John Elmore, Cyrus Elmore. Travice Farmer. Lewis W. . . Foster, William Green, William Guliher, Isaac Houghton, John H. Hadley, Henry Holmier, Joseph Hoheimer, Wm Heaverer, Jacob Jones, Richard Jones, John Kirkpatrick, Wm... King, Allen Lamb, Evan T Lane, John Y Lane, Richard Long, Thomas Mathews, Bordry... Meeker, Usil Mounce, John Marshall, Wm Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Calvin Pierre, Elijah , Patter, Royal Pantier, David M Pierce, Charles Plaster, Michael Plunkett, Robert S.. Rankin, David Rutledge, John M... Rutledge, David Richland . Beardstown Sangamon Co Dixon's Ferry Sangamon Co 1832 April 21 April 21 April 29 April 21 May 19 April 21 Resigned April 30,'32; Col. 4th Regt. 111. Vol... Transferred to a foot company April 29,1832... Resigned May 20, and served as private since Absent on extra duty. Promoted to Ist Lieut. April 30 Promoted 3d Sergt. vice G. W. Foster, Apr. 29 Transferred to a foot company April 29. Absent on furlough. Promoted from the ranks May 2,color-bearer Absent without leave Promoted from the ranlcs April 30 Absent without leave. Absent on furlough Absent without leave Transferred to foot company May 19, 1832. WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 101 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sulivan, Eph Suiivan, Charles Simmons, James Sprouee, Wm. T. Prom'd f'm ranks May 2' guns'h field and staff. Tebb, Samuel Tibb, Joseph Wai'burton, George. Yardley , James 102 BLACK HAWK WAE. FIFTH REGIMENT. Capt. M. L. Covell's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, belonging to the 5th Regiment, commanded by Col. James John- son, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 27, 1832; distance 130 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. M. L. Covell..., First Lieutenant. Asahel Gridley Second Lievteriant. Moses Baldwin Sergeants. Baley H.Coffee Isaac Murphy David Simmons Charles Grates Corporals. Charles Vezay Henry Miller Reuben Dodson James Durley Privates. Brown, Thomas Busick, Henry Copes, William Conger, Benjamin. . . Dimmet, William Davenport, Isaiah... Davis, Alexander Di'aper, .Joseph Ellis, Martin C Funk, John Gilpin, Samuel Gates, Stephen F Hurbert, Mathew Hurbert, Robert A... Harris, Robert F Hatten, John Isham, John Johnson, Charles Kimber, Baley Landy. John McCullough, William McKee, William Oatman, Clement Orrendorff, James... Provo, Francis Phillips, James Paul, James Rutledge, Thomas... Simpson. Timothy .. Toliver, John Vittito, John Vandoler, Jesse Windham, Reuben.. Wiley, George Young, Anderson Young, Briant Bloomington. 1832. April 23. Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Killed ill battle May 14, 1832 Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent with leave WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 103 Capt. Eobert McClure's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, belonging to the 5th Regiment, commanded by Col. James John- son, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 27th, 1832; distance 130 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Robert MoClure. First Lieutenant. John H. S. Rhodes.. Second Lieutenant. Thomas Glenn , Serqeants. Chaney Thomas Charles S. Dorsey... Eli Frankeberger... James G. Reyburn.. Corporals. David Maxiell .. Levi Danley John W, Brown. Owen Chaney.. Privates. Ashburn , Jesse Benson, John Benson. James Baker, Elliott H.... Barr, James Baker, Jonathan... Bemington, Joseph Burns, Wm Bowman, Thadius. . Ball, Henry Blair, Wm Copes, Jacob Chaney, Ebenezer. Damal, Bundren Davis, Davis Dixon, Elisha Davidson, JohnE.. Ewing, Phineas.--- Fordico, John Hamley, Henry Hamilton, Absalom Howard, Madison. Harrison, Henry H. Lane. Harrison Lundy, Nicholas... Miller, Anderson... McCord, Thomas A Moore, Josiah Martin, Mathew. ... Oatman, Jesse Patrick, Allen Rogers, Thomas Buth, Nathan Scott, Martin Wright, William G. McLean Co. 1832. May 4. McLean Co May Served 5 days, pilot, Dixon to mouth of Foxt 104 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. I. C. Pugh's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, belonging to the 5th Regiment, commanded by Col. James John- son, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, in the State of Illinois, on May 27, 1832; distance 150 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled! I Remarks. Captain. James Johnson. Macon Co. Decatur, 111. 1832. April 24. First Lieutenant. William Warnick Second Lieutenant. I. C. Pugh Sergeants. JohnD. Wright James A. Ward Walter Bowles Joseph Hauks Corfioralf!. Henry M. Gorm Stephen R. Shepherd Geo. Copperberger.. James Milton Privates. Adams, William Bell, Alexander W.. Black, Abraham Butler, Elisha Black, Jacob Clifton, John Cox, William Clifton, Josiah Dickey, Jesse Dewees, Sam. B Davenport, Thomas. Ennis, James Hauks, John Henderson, John Herrod, James Hooper, Obediah Hauks, William Hooper. William Ingram, Kinian Lane, Jacob MeCall, Daniel Miller, James Miller, Sam Miller, William Manley, John Murphy, John Querry, James Simpson, Asher Steward, David H... Smallwood, Geo. D . . Smith, Robert Troxel, Sam Williams, John Promoted May 16, 1832. to Colonel .. Absent with leave Promoted to Captain May 16, 1832. . . Absent on extra duty Promoted to 2d Lieutenant May 16 . Absent with leave ■ , Absent with leave Killed in battle Absent with leave Absent with leave Wounded Absent with leave Absent with leave Absent on extra duty Absent on extra duty , Absent with leave , WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 105 Capt. John G. Adams' Company Of Mounted Voluntears, belonging to the 5th Regiment, commanded by Col. James John- son, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel White- sides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, in the State of Illinois, on May 17, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Call tain. John G. Adams First Lieutenant. Benj. Briggs Second Lieutenant. Jno. O. Hyde Seroeants. Michell Reeder James Wright Seth Wilson John Ford Corporals. Henry Cline Conaway Rhodes Hartside Hittle D. Hanger Privates. Alexander, David — Alexander, David... Berry, Phenis Ballard, Jacob Briggs, Thomas Bemis, Eli Baxter, Samuel Barlow, Jno. M Council, Redick CuUum, Green Cline, William Coffey, John Craig, Orison Conner. James Carter, Daniel Crain. Jas. W Dunbough, Pinkney, Drum, Abner Date, Jesse Evans, D. S Gordon, Geo Hughes, Geo. W Haynes, Jonathan... Hendricks, Wm. A.. Henson. Samuel Harper, William Helme. Jonathan Judy Jas Kreeps, David Lewis, Bazwell Laudes, Joseph Morgan, Reese Mc Jenkins Hugh... Maxwell, Ferdinand McCann, Stephen T. Mondinall, Zadock.. MeKnight, Alex Orendorff, Benj Paisley, Robt Paul, John Perkins. Isaac , Ryon, Will , Reeder. Joseph , Rickey, Samuel , Ramsey, Wm Summer, Jas Shoemaker, Elmore, Stout, Samuel Williamson, Chapan Pekin, 111.... 1832. April 27 Killed in battle May 14, 1832. Absent on escort of family.. Able for duty Able for duty Escaped in battle, by orders. Able for duty Able for duty. On duty On escort of family. On duty Appointed Paymaster. On duty On furlough On escort of family. On furlough On duty On furlough Appointed Adjutant. On duty On furlough Deserted May 16, 1832. On duty On furlough Deserted May 16, 1832... Killed in battle May 14. On furlough On duty On escort of family On duty On furlough Killed in battle May 14. 1832. Furlough On duty On escort of family Killed in battle May 14. On duty On furlough. On duty On furlough. On duty lOG BLACK HAWK "WAR. SPY BATTALION Capt. John Dawson's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, composing one of Spy Battalion, commanded by Major James D. Henry, in the sei-vice commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out May 28, 1832. Name and Ranli. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John Dawson. Firat Lieutenant. Wm. Dickrell Second Lieutenant. John Hornback Sergeant.^. Corbin C. Judd Harrison McGary John Brewer John Retherford . Corvorals. Thos. J. Knox John Wright Seymour Vanmeter. Hugh McGary Privates. Bro^vn, James Bracken, John Black, Joseph Bridges. John Burch. Benjamin Barney, Lewis Burrett. Hugh Brundage. Solomon. Clark. William Cherry, Benjamin... Churchill, Lewis Crane, William Demon. Archelas ... Dickerson, David ... Evans, Samuel Foster, Squire Green, George Glasscock, Geo. W.. Garrard. Joseph F.. Hornback, Jesse Harrison, Jesse M... Hughes, Robert lies, Elijah Jones. Edward Killyon, Michael Kelly, Jeremiah Killyon, Jacob Keys, John Kelly. Wm Lucas, Geo. B Lobb, Wm Martin, John Monland, Zachariah, Minor, Joel Martin, Jacob Sangam'n Co. 1832. April 21. April 21. April 21, April 21, April" 2ii On parole Promoted to 2d Surg. Mate of Batt. April 26. . On parole Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May 1.. In place of John Critz Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May 1.. Promoted to Paymaster's Sergeant April 26. Trans, from Capt. Goodwin's com'y May 1 . . In place of Wm. Johnson Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goo.dwin May 1. WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 1C7 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Musiek, John Martin, Jefferson Morgan, Zaduck Matheuy, Lorenzo D. Oliphant, Etlielb'rtJ. Powell, Alphred Potts, Wm. L Pugh, Jonathan H... Roger. John Reujpo, John Ridgway, John Read, James M Reid, James F Reyborn, Joseph Strador, John C Strickland, demons. Smith, James Stone, Calohill Short, Wni. B Stewart, John Sanders, Presley A . . Scoggins, John Turley, Charles Taylor, James Venus, Adam Wade, Samuel Williams, Jacob Wages, Joseph White, Wm Ward, John Warwick, Jacob G. .. Warwick, Montg'm'y 1832. April 30, " 21, " 21. Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May 1. April 21. " 30. Trans, from Capt. Goodwin's com'y May 1. April 21. Discharged May 3 Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May i. April 28, " 21. Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May 1. April 21, On parole Trans, from com'y of Capt. Goodwin May 1. Discharged at Beardstown April 30 On parole Promoted to Q. M. April 2(i, and on parole.. Capt. ThoWs Carlin's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Spies, commanded by Major James D. Henry, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois commanded by Brigadier-General Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States of America at the mouth of Fox river of the Illinois river on May 27, 1832; distant 230 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Thos. Carlin Carrollton. First Lieutenant. Jesse V. Mounts... Second Lieutenant. George D. Laurens.. Sergeant.'i. Mearel E. Rattan David Thurston James Gilliland Harrison Boggess... Corporals. Lewis B. Edwards... Josiah Ashlock William Cook William Finley Privates. Abner, Joshua Ashlock, John Banning, Williamson Bogers. Preston.. Courtney. John... Cook, John Carlin, James Crabb, Edward ... 1832 April 20 Appointed Sergeant-Major April 28, 1832. Attached to Capt, Chapman's Co, about Apr.28 Lost horse night of May 22, 1832, by stampede Appointed 3d Sergt. April 28, 1832 103 BLACK HAWK WAE. Name and Rank. Eesidence. Remarks. Crane, Silas Carrollton. Dulaney. William H Dawdy, Howell Eldd'ed.Elan Eldred, Silas Edwards, Talbert. . . Finley, Zuriah Gilliland, William.. Gibbs, Valentine A.. Hoskins, William... Hill, Jonathan Huitt, John. Jr Hess. Samuel Herriek, Rheuben.. Hopper, Thomas . . Jackson, John King, Robert Linder, Joseph Linder, George Moore, James Moore, David Pinkerton, William Pinkerton, John F. Pinkerton, Henry B. Rattan. Larkin... Reno. Philamon , Reddish, John ... Short, James Scott, John W.... Scott, Thomas D. Spencer, Roswell H Rock Island. Tunnel, Luther I Tunnel, William... Thackston, Starlin Whiteside, WilliamH Whiteside. John B... Williams, John C — Woodson, Joseph... April 20 Rock Island. Carrollton... Beardstown. Carrolltoij Beardstown.. May 10 April 20 26 26 May 8 10 10 April 20 April 26 Appointed Surg. 2d Regt. April 30, Col. J. Fry Appointed 'ist Sergt.' April'28,' 1832" .]'.V.....\.\ '. Attached to Capt, Chapman's Co. April 20,'32. Lost horse May i6,af ter forced rn'oli'to i3ixon's iJet'hed on Exp. April 21; rejoined Co. May 15 Lost horse night of May 22, affright of horses Never appeared after enrollment App. Surg, to Spy Bat., Maj. Henry, April 28.. Capt. John Dement's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Spies, commanded by Maj. James D. Henry, of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, near Ottawa, on the 28th of May. 1832; distant from the place of enrollment 240 miles. Organized in Fayette county. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John Dement.. Fayette Co. Vandalia.Ill. 1832. April 20. First Lieutenant. Dem's'y Yarborough Second Lieutenant. Abraham Starns Seroeants. William Bradford ... Jos. Hickman Henry B.Roberts... Joel Thomas Corporals. Wyatt B. Stapp T. N. Gains Isaac D. Taulbee Am OS Eakle WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 109 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Alley, James Allen, Madison Blackwell, Robert... Conner, Edward Coventry, John W .. Cole, Eldridge Duncan. Thomas Doolin, Daniel Dimond, G. W Duncan. Matthew... Evans, Horatio Enos, Josiah Ewing, John Glass, Rody Ginger, M. C Green, Robert Hockett. Wm. I Harrington, John Hawkins, John B Hickerson, Geo. W.. Jones, Thomas Johnson, Henry Lee, Wm. H Leak. James P Moore, Benj. D Morrison, Wm. L. E. Noris, ('oleman Posey, John F Phelps, A.J Patterson, Jas Ryal, Nelson. yanburn, Nathl Bhrader, L. O Snyder, John Shirley, John Smith, Wm Smith, John. Jr Scroggins, Henry ... Stapp, James T. B... Whitfield, Bryand... Wiley, Henry Wakefield, John A.. Whitlock, James Walker, Harvey H.. Yarborough, E Fayette Co Vandalia.IU 1832. April 20. Sent on express May 15, 1832 Promoted Aprir26Vi832,' to Siirg. Foot'Bat'Yibn Sent on express May 15, 1832 Appointed Adjt. of Spy Battalion April 26, '32. Sick, and sent to Rock Island Appointed Q. M. Sergt. Spy Bat. April 26, 1832. Sent on express May 15, 1832 Appointed Q. M. to Miij. James' Odd Bat I certify that the above roll, with the annexed remarks, is correct, to the best of my knowledge, upon honor. (Signed.) JOHN DEMENT, Capt. 110 BLACK HAWK WAK. ODD BATTALION Capt. Daniel Pkice's Company, Belonging to an Odd Batallion of Mounted Vonunteers. commanded by Brig.-Gen. Sam- uel Whiteside. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832; distance from place of enrollment 275 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Daniel Price First Lieutenant William Williamson Second Lieutenant. Hiram M. Trimble.. Seroeant.t. Len Mosley Elizer Briggs William Price Mathew McNear Corporal.'?. Gideon Walker Isaac Daniel John Green William Moore Private.'^. Austin, Hugh Ball. George Cochran. John Daniel, William Daniel, Amon Daniel, Wiley B Daniel, Jeremiah ... Douthat, David Elliott, David Frazer, Gran B Green, Washington. Green, William Howard, Jonathan B Harper. William Hoo.song. James — Johnson. Isaac M Lee, George Mosley, John McLavi, Joseph Poe, Abner Pardue, John Richardson, Wm. A.. Scribner, Thomas... South, James Smith, William Smith, Wesley Smith, David Strong, Solomon S.. Sherrill, William.... Templeton, William Welch, Charles Shelby Co Shelby ville.. 1832. April 24. Elected April 24, 1832; on John Sacket's horse On furlough; elected April 24, 1832 Elected April 24, 1832 Elected April 24, 1832 On Pleasant Gordon's horse On furlough; on Beelin's horse On Ben Walden's horse Lost his horse; on Pleasant Dotson's liorse.. On Daniel Price's horse John Reise's horse On I. T. Sandford's horse On I. B. Henry's horse; on furlough On John Renshaw's horse On Francis Gordon's horse On S. Scribner's horse On S. Sherriil's liorse Appointed Asst.Q. M.,May5, 1832, to Odd Bat. On Witt Robinson's horse On Mr. Graves' horse His gun stolen; on Allen Bent's horse On Absalom Hezzer's horse On Thomas Stutz's horse On Francis Jordan's horse WHITESIDES BKIGADE. Ill Capt. Peter Warren's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel White- sides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illi- nois, on May 28, 1832; distant from the place of enrollment, 275 miles. Name and Rank. Captain. Peter Warren.. First Lieutenant. Archibald Wynns.. Second Lieutenant. Robert T. Brown . . . Sergeants. Isaac M. Shell .. John McGuire .. Levi Gorles John Ferryman. Corporals. Thomas Hall William Headen. John Abbott Thomas Lay James Davis Enos Ellis Privates. Bergerman, John Bell. Alfred Casey, Levi Curry, Nathan Cuink, James Dowthat, James.. Dixon, Lawson . . Dixon, Robert S. Elam, Joel Erazier, Albei-t .. Fleming, John... Fleming. Jacob L. Graves, William... Greer, James , Graham, Mortilus... Gorden, George Hale, John , Hill. John Hall. John P Johnston, James W. Johnston, Isaac O... Johnston, Henry May, Thomas More, Peyton Owens, William P... Penyman. Jacob Parks. Samuel Rankin, Samuel Robinson, David M.. Residence. Shelbyville, Shelby. Co . Shelbyville. Shelby Co . Shelbyville, Shelby Co . Shelbyville. Shelby Co . Shelbyville. Shelby Co . Shelbyville, Shelby Co . Ruther. James Roberds, William D. Simpson, John Smith. James Sulivan, Dempsey F. Stamp, Annias Vaughan, George A. Yaughan. James W. Woolen, Edward Williams. Thomas H, Shelbyville. Shelby Co . Shelbyville. Shelby Co . Shelbyville, Shelby Co . Enrolled 1832. April 24 April 24 April 24 Remarks. Elected April 24. 1832; on I. Culter's horse. Elected April 24. 1832 Elected April 24. 1832 Elected; on I. Culter's horse— pressed horse gave out, I'ft on Gen. Daisey's [horse. on Isaia L. Kortman's horse Elected App'd Surgeon of the Odd Battal. May 5, 1832. Elected 2d Corporal May 6, 18.32; on furlough. App'd 2d Corporal May 22, 1832; E. Ellis' horse On G. Todd's horse On John Smith's horse On furlough; on G. Todd's horse. On furlough; lost horse; on J. Reese's horse. On John Patub's horse. On John Storm's horse. On furlough April 24 1 On Abraham Teluck's horse On Free Sexton's horse April 24 April 24 April 24 On Thomas Puiz's horse App'd Surg'n's Mate May 5, '32; lost his horse On Barkley Lottz's horse On G. Stucker's horse On John Hale's horse On John Hill's horse. On furlough; on William Harrison's horse ... April 24 April 24 Horse left; on Mr. Young's horse; on furlo'gh On furlough, lost his horse On Jas. Cockran's horse On furlough; lost his horse On Peter Warren's horse On John Rice's horse On Jacob Elliott's horse Appointed Armorer Odd Battalion May 5. 1832 On Richmond Web's horse 112 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Thomas Harrison's Company. Of the Odd Battalion commanded by Thomas James, Major, composing part of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river on the Illinois river, on May 28,1832; distance 350 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Thomas Harrison... Firat 1 Aexitenant. Edward T. Morgan.. Second Lieutenant. Thomas McRoberts. Sergeants. James Moor Thomas Taylor Felix Clark John Strong Corporals. William McMoore... Pendleton Hill Wm. McNabb Henry Hartlin Farriers. Johnston, Nathan C. Miller. William Whitelock, James... Cornelius, J. M. Mc . . Privates. Bond, ShadrachB.. Baird, Scipio Birch, John Birch, Fielder Brooks, Stephen Clark, George Carr, Solomon Fasten, Stephen Fisher, Gramer Haskins, Moses Horin, Michael James, John Kidd, John Lacey, Caleb Livers, Joseph McDaniel, John Morgan, VVilliam Moor, J. Milton Modglin, John McNabb, James McCulah, James Nowlin, Henry Neff, Henry Needles, James B. .. Preston, James Ramsey, William Rogers. John Right, John Snider, Solomon R.. Smith, Calvin Shook, Michael Starr, Ashbridge Todd, Edward Trail, Xerxes F Triplett, Nimrod Wyatt, R. M Waterloo, Monroe Co.. 1832. April 28 April 19 Beardstown. Waterloo, Monroe Co... April 30 April 19 Entit'd to pay 1st Lt. April 19-28; app'd Capt.. Entit'd to pay private Apr. 19-28; elect'd 1st Lt. Entit'd to pay private Api-. 19-28; elect'd 2d Lt. Entit'd to pay private April 19-28; app't'd Adjt. App. Farrier Apr. 19; May 18 app. Sergt.-Maj. Tr. May 9 another Reg.; Surg'sMate IstReg. Appointed Quartermaster May 18, 1832 Entit'd pay priv. Apr.i'9-28; app. Brig. Trump'r Appointed Paymaster April 28, 1832 Onfurl.;app. Sergt.-Maj. Apr.28;resig'dMayl8 Appointed 1st Sergeant April 28, i832 Appointed Brigade Color Bearer April 28,1832 WHITESIDES BEIGADE. 113 ODD BATTALION. Capt. Jacob Ebey's Company Of Mounted Men 'detached for foot purposes). One of the companies of the Odd Battalion, commanded by Major Thomas Long, now in the service of the United States, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of service on May 25, 1832, at the mouth of Fox river, 175 miles from Springfield. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jacob Ebey... 1832. Sangamon Co'April 21 First Lieutenant, Edward Shaw Second Lieutenant. Winslow M. Neal Sergeants. Thomas I. Marshall. Davis Meredith James B. Goble Davids. Collins Corporals. Reese Williams James E. Haws Harmon Renshaw.. Wiley Blunt Privates. Attwood, Wm. C... Bashaw. Jackulin.. Byers, JamesD Boyd, John Brown, Joseph Byer, Jesse Carver, James Clark, Philip Clark, Isaac Catha, George Collins, John Deimin, Joseph Dickson, Henry Davis, John Ferril, Milton Foster, George W.. Graham. Samuel... Graft, John Harper, James Hamilton, Fred'k A. Hatan, Daniel Hillis, John Hazlet, William Hinkle, Jacob Hedrick, Stephen.. Herndon, Felix Hash, Alfred Jones, Granbury B. Milton, George McClies, Daniel Martin, William ■ 8 In hospital. Appointed Q. M. Sergt. April 29, 1832. Promoted to 1st Sergeant April 29, 1832. Promoted 3d Corporal April 29, 1832. B e dstown.-IApril 29 Sangamon Co'April 21 Rock Island.- May 10 Sangamon Co April 21 Beardstown.. Sangamon Co Entered as mark'd; never afterw'ds appeared April 28 April 21 Entered as mark'd; never afterw'ds appeared 114 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. McMenus, Lawrence Newhouse, JohnG.. Rusett, William D... Riitlege, James Rittenlioiise, Obed'h Sherril. Thomas Stout, Thomas Scovle. SamuelB Taylor, James Vancel. Adam Woolverton. Ulrich. Whitmore, John Wright, John H Sangamon Co Beardstown.. Sangamon Go Beardstown.. Sangamon Co Beardstown.. 1832. April 21 April 29 April. 21 April 29 April 21 April 28 Absent without leave. May 17, 1832 in hospital in hospital Entered asmark'd; never afterw'ds appeared Capt. Japhet a. Ball's Company Of Mounted Men (detached for foot purposes), one of the companies of the Odd Battalion commanded by Major Thomas Long. Mustered out of the service on May 28. 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Vapfain. Japhet a. Ball. Sangamon Co First Lieutenant. Alexander D. Cox... Second Lieutenant. John McCormack... Sergeants. Joseph W. Duncan. James McCormack. Wm. F. Cox Charles Day Corporals. Harvey Gruham ... John M. Barns Thos. I. Clark Richard Cox Privates. Averill. Henry Brunsfleld, John... Blue, Barnabas M.. Ball. John Bagley. John D Coleman, Jonathan Cook, Thomas Donner, William... Galton. Thomas Gatlin, William Gately, John Hazlet, Joseph Hulton, John Hause, Salmon W.. Hampton, Samuel C Howard, Abram. . Jones. Lewis C... Ketchum. Daniel. Kendall. John Lauterman, Abram. McKinney, Thos. L. Massee, Elder Mitts, William Menicks, Morris R.. McCormack. Wm Mitts, Jesse Patton, Robert 1832. April 21. In hospital. On extra duty. •WHITESIDES BEIGADE. 115 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Spears, Nathan H . . . Sangamon Co 1832. April 21 Smith, Charles Sexton, Robert B Swearingter, Thos.. Tempe, Garret in hospital Terry, John In hospital Vincent, John Ward. James Wright, Moses Waters, Daniel 116 BLACK HAWK WAR. COMPANIES NOT ATTACHED TO REGIMENTS. Capt. William Moore's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832; distant from place of enrollment. 330 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William Moore. First Lieutenant. Isaac Griflfin 11832 April "18. Second Lieutenant, A. T. Fike Sergeants. Aaron Land Pleasant N. Dupee.. Nehemiah McMillion Elijah Herring Corporals. John Land Jonathan Crane... Jarvis M. Jackson. George Land Privates. Angle, David , Alexander, Julius.. Brown, Wm. G Brooks, Benjamin.. Baker, John T Cunningham. Wm. J Chisney, Benjamin Campbell, Wm Cook, James Cook, Wm Edwards, John _ Everett, Jesse J Fike, Nathan Gaskill, Samuel Jackson, Lorenzo D. Johnson, John Hickman, George... LaCroix, Rene M Moore, Jonathan McDaniel, Benjamin Pate, Jeremiah Reynolds, Thomas.. Taylor, Charles Thompson, L. D Trace well, Edward.. Vodon, Harrison Wright, Wm Ward, Henry , Whitesides, John... Sick; absent. Absent; with the sick. On furlough Absent with leave Absent . Appointed Paymaster to 1st Regt., on Apr. 28. WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 117 Capt. John Winstanley's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832; distant from the place of enrollment 330 miles. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. \ St. Clair Co. John Winstanley Belleville ... First Lieutenant. Aaron Stookey 1832. April 18 Second Lieutenant. David Snier Sergeants. Thomas H. Kimber.. Joseph Mc Adams James W. McMurty . . George Higgins Corporals. Nareisse Pincinneau Joseph McMurty . . James R. Grigeory.. George P. Dyke Absent sick Absent with leave. Absent with leave . Belleville Belleville .. Belleville Privates. Brumly, Thomas Barthunie, Alexis .. Brock, Bayley Blackwell, John A. Coon, Thomas Carr, Joseph Carr, James Decoto,Jno. Baptiste Belleville Eastwood. Jacob Q.. Hendricks, Elijah A. Hughes, Watson Hay, Richard Jarrot, Vital Jarrot, Francis Leaird, .Jarrot Long, Thomas LeCompte, Louis McBride, Thomas Macomson. Wm. B.. Mitchell, Wm Menard, Peter Meeker. Ambrose Orr, William Pincinneau, Laurent '. Pincineau, Louis... Roach, David Smith, Samuel Smith, Valentine ... Snyder, AdamW... Stubblefleld, John.. Tetter, Philip Tetter, Solomon Walker, Gilla Woods, John Whiteside, Joseph . Wildy, Rudolph Wemet, Louis Absent sick. April 18 Appointed Quartermaster April 29 , Absent with leave April 18 April 18 April 18 Absent with leave . Belleville April 18 Absent with leave Appointed Surgeon's mate April 29. Belleville April 18 Interpreter. Belleville April 18 April 29, appointed Adjutant 1st Regiment. Armorer Absent with leave . Appointed interpreter . 118 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. William T. Gtivens' Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States of America, at the mouth of Fox river, on the 27th day of May, 1832, being 220 miles from place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Captain. Franklin. 1832. William T. Givens. . . Morgan Co April 21. First Lieutenant. Walter Butler ' ' ' * Second Lieutenant. Thomas Wright * * * * Sergeants. Jacob Talkington . . . * * James Pryon ' ' * * Joseph Reynolds ' ' * * Asa Johnson Corporals. James Thomas ' ' ' * James Bryan ' ' ' * John Nail :::: ■' Jasper Roland Privates. Buchanan, Reuben.. • ' * * Burnett, Freeman... ' ' * ' Clayton, William C. ' ' Clayton, John ' ' * * Clayton, William H. * ' * * Deatherage, George ' ' * ' Greer, Robert ' ' * ' Gibson, William • * * * Haynes, Lewis ' ' ' * Jackson, Brice B ' ' * * McDonnell, Fredrick ' ' * ' Reynolds, Samuel... ' ' ' * Sollers, William ' ' * • Smith, Jacob ' ' * ' Tannohill, Alford.... ' ' * * Thomas, Joseph ' ' * * Van Winkle, Hiram . . ' ' * * Vickers, Henderson. * * * * Wiggs, Daniel ' ' ' * Weatherford, Wm... * * * ' Remarks. Furloughed and sent back on April 28; sick. Furl, and returned home April 28; sick Detailed as wagoner on April 20, 1832 i5etailed inl;o service of Q. M. April 27, 1832! _ [on April 29, 1832. Elected and appointed Lieut.-Col. 3d Regt. Capt. Erastus Wheeler's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on the 28th day of May, 1832; distance from place of enrollment, 295 miles; enrolled for 60 days Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Erastus Wheeler Troy 1832. April 18 First I^leutenant. Second Tyleutenant. Richard R. Randle. , , WHITESIDES BKIGADE. 119 Name and Rank. Residence. Sergeants. "William Tindall "VV. Torrence John Montgomery. Wm. Gr. Martin Troy Corporals . Josiah T. Randle — Milton Gingles Henry H. West Benj. Stephenson... Privates. Adams. O. M Beers, Henry Carey, Thomas Cochran, Hugh E... Cleveland, Loi-in — Cason, John Duffger, Alfred Gracey. Jas. T Gillespie, Joseph — Herrington. Charles Holman, Nathaniel Harailton, Samuel. . . Howard, Abraham.. Journey, NinianE.. Lusk, Marquis McCullock, Samuel. McElroy, James McMahan, Robert... Montgomery, Wm... Owens. John Otwell. CeylonY.... Pritchett, John Pearce, Robert B — Powell, Arkansas... Robinson. Allen Randle, Peter W.... Shields, G.R Shields, Alexander.. Stice, Chas Steele. Jesse Starr. Wm. E Vanhouser, Valent'e Voyles, Abel Walker, JohnL. Yates, Elijah Enrolled Remarks. 1832. April 18 bnfurloug'h. On furlough. On furlough . App'd Siirg's Mate in Spy Bat.. April 26, 1832. AppoinVed Sergeant-Major April 2'8". 1832 On furlough ------ Appointed Brigade Paymaster April 26, 1832. Capt. Samuei- Smith's Company, formerly Capt. Jacob Fry's, Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig. -Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fo.x river, Ilhnois, on the 27th day of May, 1832; distant 230 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Captains. Jacob Fry Samuel Smith First Lieutenants. Samuel Smith E.D.Baker Second Lieutenant E.D.Baker , JMathias S. Link — Residence. Enrolled Carrollton, Greene Co... 183; April 211. Remarks. Elected Col. April 30, 1832 . Elected Capt. April 30, 1832 Elected 1st Lieut. April 30, 1832 120 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name nd Rank. Eesidence. Enrolled Remarks. Sergeants. Mathias S, Link Frederick Atchison. David Miller T.J.Brown Corporals. Martin Rigsby.. John Miller AbtierP. Hill.... David Buson — Greene Co 1832. April 20 Elected 2d Lieut. April 30, 1832. Privates. Atchison, Fielden.. Adeock, Isam Burton, Lemuel. ... Brown, Erving D... Crane, Harvy Campbell. Nicholas Deeds, Philip Emerson, Henry ... Goan, Shedrick Hobson, John Lee. Archibald Lee, Richard G Link, David Lee, William Milton, David Miller, Lemuel Medkiff, David Nix, Elisha Nix. Joseph Powell, Dempsey . . . Poindexter. Harris'n Piper, Israel Renna, Wm. C Smith, Aaron Sanders, George ... Samuel, Thomas ... Scott, Benj.F Scott, James D Thomason, Spencer Thomason, William Tucker, James Tunnel, Luther Tunnel, William Trearney, James... Vandiver, Ervin West T. A Wattbni Thomas ii' Whittle, Wyatt Wallace, Wm. P.... Wood, Squire Absent with leave. Greene Co... April 20 Greene Co. April 20 Greene Co. April 20 Greene Co. Appointed 1st Corporal May 8 Deserted. Transferred to Spy Battalion May 10. In the staff Absent wil h leave . Elected 1st Sergt. May 13. Capt. Thomas McDow's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Whitesides. Mustered out of the service of the United Slates, at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 27, 1832; distant 250 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Greene Co 1832. April 20 First Lieutenant. Seco7id Lieutenant. Silas Grain Absent on furlough WHITESIDES BKIGADE. 121 Name and Bank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Sergeants. Thos. Briggs B. F. Massey Jas. Burke Jas. Whitehead Corporals. Josiah Dunn Wm.Phillips Jas. Walden Privates. Brown, Hezekiah ... Boren, Daniel Clifton, Thos Clark, Squire Cowan, Matthew Costly, Daniel Dobbs, John Erwin, Alfred Ferguson, James Fleming, Edward Green, Royal P Hurd, William Jamison. John M Lofton, Ben Lakin, Joseph Latham, Robert Means, John Morris, Lewis McCommack, John.. Means, Lewis Medford, Garrison .. Nairn, Wm Northam, Wm Rouden. Wm. H Swan, William Sutton, John D Saxton, Washington Thornton, Anderson Webb, Geo. W Greene Co 1832. April 20 Absent on furlough ... Absent on furlough . . . Absent on furlough . . . Absent on furloiigh . . . Absent without leave . Absent on furlough . .. Absent on furlough . . . Absent without leave . Capt. David Crow's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Militia Volunteers commanded by Brig.-Gen. Samuel White- sides, United States Army. Mustered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, on the Illinois, on the 27th day of May 1832; distant 250 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. David Crow..., Quincy.Ill... 1832. April 20 First Lieutenant. Christopher Howard Second Lieutenant. Elijah G. Lillard Sergeants. Jno. Crawford, 1st. . . George Campbell. 2d John F. Battell, 3d.. James Crawford, 4th Corpo7'aIs. Daniel Harty Coleman Talbert Jno. Fletcher Jeremiah Stone Sick and present. Furloughed. 122 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privatp.i. Beatty, Robert Campbell, ('layborn Campbell, Joseph.. Crow, Isaac Dnnlap, David Edwards. Andrew. .. Hatton, James Hillory, Alexander.. Hines, Wm , Harty, Abram Lang, John Lewis, Jno McCoy, Joseph McCoy. Robins Points, John Payne, Stephen O... Riddle, Ebenezer Ruddle, John Shephard, Jno Smith, Elisha Smith. Stedman Southward. Wm Williams, Benj Worrell, Atwell Quiney, 111.. 1832. April 20 Furioughed Furiouglied , Ret'd home from Henderson river on May I Furioughed; lost iiorse at Camp bixon Capt. L. W. Goodan's Company Of the Brigade of Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Gen. Samuel Whitesides. Mus- tered out of the service of the United States at the mouth of Fox river, Illinois, on May 28, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. L. W. Goodan. First Lieutenant. John Reed Second Lieutenant. Wm. Cantrell Sergeants. Alford Wood Hiram Watson.. John Ridge Milton Humes... Corporals. John Kline Wm. Smith Jairus B. Jones Geo. E. Cabenness. Moses Brunts Privates. Archey, Viucon Archey, Michael Baker, John Brunfleld, Closes... Brassle, Robert Brink, David M Bunts, Simoon Brown, John B Baker, James Crow, William Carpenter. William. Calhoun, John Constant. Wm Chilton, Mathias Devenport, Wm D arrow, Jesse Springfield. 1832. April 20 Furioughed, sick, on May 19, 1832; reduced.. Made Corporal May 19, 1832. Springfield. April 21 Furioughed, sick. Springfield. Springfield. April 21 Wagon Master from May 1. Appointed Paymaster April 30, 1832 April 21 Appointed Surgeon's Mate, 4th Regt., April 29 Furioughed, sick — WHITESIDES BRIGADE. 123 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Dawson, Charles Ditson, Simon Dotson. Jesse Dickison, D Easters, Asa. Erby. Jacob M Foster, Nathaniel Goode, Daniel Garet, Joseph Glasscock, George.. Hurst, John Henry, James D Hamilt n, Samuel... lies, Elijah Jones, Noah , Jones, James Jones, Edward Kindle. M.C King, Rheubin Kirk, Jack Keys. John McCollister, Wm ... McKinsey, Samuel.. Mann, Uriah Mason, Noah Malugon, Samuel Malugon, Zaeiah Morris, Achalis McCoy, Joseph Matheny, L. D Neale, T. M Neale, Samuel O Olesshart, E. P Potts, William gueenston, Richard. obison, George Ramer. Samuel Rutlage, John B Richardson, Daniel. Rolston, Joseph Richardson, Robert. Rusk.B.O Radford, Reuben Reed, James F Sims, Benjamin Said, Jesse Steel, William Sherill, Thomas Sanders, P. A Stewart, John T Sherell, James Thomas, Harden Taylor, James Welch, Jefferson Wills, James Q Wells, William E.... 1832. Springfield. April 21 Joined the Spies on May 1 Sick Appointed Surgeon of 4th Regiment April 30. Joined the Spies on May 1. Springfield. April 21 Appointed Major of the Spies on April 28, 1832 Springfield. April 21 Joined the Spies on May 1. . On furlough, horse muster. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. April 21 April '"2i Joined the Spies on May 1. Joined my company on May 1 . Joined the Spies on May 1 Springfield. April 21 Private; elected Lt. Uol. of 4th Keg. April 30. Springfield. April 21 Aprn"2i Joined the Spies on May 1. Sick; absent by leave Joined the Spies on May 1 . Springfield. .......A..... Springfield. April 21 April 21 On extra duty from May 1. joined tlie Spies on May i. Springfield. April 21 Joined my company on May 18. Joined the Spies on May 1 Springfield. April 21 April" '2i Joined the Spies on May 1. 124 BLACK HAWK WAR. FOURTH BRIGADE. FORTIETH REGIMENT. Capt. Geo. B. Willis' Company Of Mounted Volunteers belonging to the 40tli Regiment, 4th Brigade, 1st Division of Illi- nois Militia, commanded by Col. John Strawn, called into the service by the Governor of Illinois, and mustered out of service of the United States, at Hennepin, Putnam county, on June l«th, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. George B. Willis First Lieutenant. Timothy Perkins Second Lieutenant. Samuel D. Laughlin Sergeants. James D. Laughlin. . Thomas Water Anthony Turk Samuel Mann Corporals. Elisha G. Powers... Linas B. Skeels , Solomon Perkins... Maron Dimic Privates. Brigham, Sylvester, Blanchard, Roswell Burrow, John Benson, Lewis B... Chamberlain, O. G., Cole, John Corse, Christopher. Carey, Abijah Carey, Ellas Deloug, Henry Dunlary, James G.. Daniels, Henry Durley. Williamson Doolittle, Joel Dimic, Elijah Davis, Alex Forristel James G.. Griffin, John Gunn, Aaron Hart, Matthias B... Putnam Co. Hennepin ... 1832. May 21. May 21. " 31. " 21. By leave of Capt., went with team for U. S. [June 15. On foot . . . On foot .. On foot; 6 days off duty 21 . . I Returned, sick, June 6th ; not yet fit for duty. 24. 21. 31. 21.. Six days off duty Onfoot [for U. S. June 15. On foot; by leave of Capt. went with team Onfoot; six days off duty Horseman; 12 days off duty On foot FOURTH BRIGADE. 125 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Harper, James Henneuin . _. May 21.. " 26.. Left for the main army June 14 Hall, John ; :::: Hoskins, William Ham, Wm. H ;; 21. " 26;; On foot Hendricks, John Janess, John Kellerman, Michael. No service rendered On foot; taken up for stealing, and run away Leeper, Robert A " 21.. Leeper, Charles Laughlin, Alex. M... " 3i;; " 23.. " 26.. Had leave to team for U, S., but did not do it. One day off duty Laughlin, Thos. W.. McCormas, David... Horseman; 6 days off duty Mosely, Roland Moore, John On foot Morris, William Philips, Elijah " 21.. " 31.. " 21.. Killed by Indians on Bureau June 18 Prunk, Daniel Rexford, Joseph W . . On foot Ross, James G Roth, Solomon Roth, Leonard •' 3i;; ;; 31.. On foot By leave Capt.went with team for U.S.June 15 On foot; 6days off duty Shepherd, Nelson... Simpson, John H " 31.. Tompkins. Claud. L. Taylor, Adam No service rendered Willis. James W Williamson, John ... Wilmouth, Geo. P... Williams, John Bureau Co... Hennepin " 23.. Enlisted in the U. S. service On foot; 6 days off duty Williams, Curtis Warnock, Hugh On foot Zenor, Harsin K Capt. Robert Barnes' Company Of Mounted Volunteers belonging to the 40th Regiment, 4th Brigade, and 1st Division, of Illinois Militia, called by the Governor and Commander-in-Chief; was mustered into the seivice of the United States by Col. John Strawn, at Columbia, on May 20, 1832, and mus- tered out of service at Hennepin, Putnam county, Illinois, on June 18, 1832; distance. 25 miles from home. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Robert Barnes. Columbia 1832. May 20. First Lieutenant. William M. Neal... Lost 4 days. Second Lieutenant. John Weir Sergeants. James Dever James Hall James N. Reeder. Nathan Owen Lost 4 days. Corporals. Beli'tha(4riffith William Gallaher... James Harris Morgan Buckingh'm Privates. Burt, Joseph Burt, William Bird, John Bird, Robert Byms, William... Barnhart, Hiram. Barnhart, Peter.. Last 4 days. Lost 4 days. Crow Creek.. May 30. Columbia ;May 20. ;!;;|May 26. Lost 4 days. Lost 4days on foot. 126 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name andEank. Residence. Eni-olled Remarks. Babb, Benjamin Bullman. Joslma Cassel. Henry K Dawdy, Howell Davis, Milton Davis, AVilliam Davis, William W.... Darnell, John Eailher, George Edwards. Stanton... Forbes, William Hendrick, William A Hendrick, John P... Hawkins, Samuel... Hamilton, David Hiff, Robert Johnston, John Kemp, John Keys. Elmer MeGuire, Philip Phillips, Joseph Russell, Lemuel Sawyer, Jordan Smally, Jacob Swan, Elisha Statler, David Sh aw, George H Columbia Crow Creek Columbia .. Crow Creek Columbia .. 1832. May 20. May 30. May 20. May 30.. May 20.. May 30.. June 5.. May 20.. May 30. June 5. May 20. Lost 4 days.. Lost 20 days. Lost 4 days. Broke his leg May 30. No duty Lost4days Lost 13 days. Lost 10 days. Lost 4 days.. No duty Lost 4 days. Lost 4 days. Lost 4 days Said he must plough. No duty Capt. William M. Stewart's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, attached to the 40th Regiment, 4th Brigade and 1st Division of Illinois Militia commanded by Col. John Strawn; called and mustered into the service of the United States, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illi- nois, on May 21, 1832, and mustered out of the service of the United States at Hennepin, Putnam county, Illinois, on June 18, 1832 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William M. Stewart. Hennepin 1832. May 21. Firnit Lieutenant. Mason Willson Second Lien tenant. Livingston Roberts. Sergeants. William Myers James S.Simpson.. Jonathan F. Wilson. Joseph S. Warnock Corporats. William Patten Moses G. Williams.. William Walkup Privates. Bird, William Bird. Jolin '• Brock, Aquilla IDismissed bj' officers; served 3 days Coats, Benjamin Dugan, Robert Ellis, Peter Gunn, Daniel Galaher, Thomas, Sr Holterbrand, Isaac. Hunt, Richard Haily, Washington Dismissed by officers; served 3 days Jones, David Knox, Adam FOUKTH BRIGADE. 127 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Knox, Lewis Letts, David Richie, David Ramsey, John L Bturdwin, Madison.. Stewart, William Stewart, James T Stephenson, Adison Thompson, David... Thompson, Aaron... Thomas, Franklin... Willis, Stephen D... Willson, Alexander. Hennepin . 1832. May 21 Adison Stevenson rendered only 10 days. Capt. Wm. Haws' Company Of Mounted Volunteers, belonging to the 40th Re^t., 4th Brigade and 1st Division Illinois Militia, commanded by Col, John Strawn; called into service by the Governor of Illinois, and mustered out of service at Hennepin, on the Illinois river. State of Illinois, on June 18, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. I Enrolled I Remarks. Captain. William Haws First Lieutenant. James Garvin 1832. Hennepin May Second Lieutenant. Wm. M. Hart Sergeants. Thomas Gunn George Hilterbrand. Jacob Greenawalt .. John Hunt Corporals. John Hart William Kincade Wm. Knox Wm. Lathrop Privates. Allen. Hiram Ash, Reuben Ash, Joseph Boyle, Abner Dent, George Glenn, Thomas .. Graves, Obed Glenn, Samuel ... Harmon. Asael ... Hart, Wm Healey, Hartwell. Isaac, Elias Loyd, John Martin, George Neal, Little Stout, Hosa Stacey, Julius Winters, Christoph'r Whitacre, Aaron Wilson, Garrison Deserted 128 BLACK HAWK WAR. INDEPENDENT REGIMENTS. COL. MOORE'S REGIMENT. Capt. John B. Thomas' Company Of Volunteer Mounted Gunmen of Vermilion county, Illinois, called for by the Executive of said State, and received and mustered into service by Col. Isaac R. Moore, on May 23, 1832, and remained in service until June 23, 1832, both days inclusive. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John B. Thomas. First Lieutenant. William Nox Second Lieutenant. Gabriel G. Rice Sergeants. James C. McGee Richard F. Giddens. Mijamin Byers John Q. Deakin Corporals. John R. Jackson . . William 0. Neal.. William Trimmel. David Moore Privates. Atwood, William Buoy, Laban , Coddington, John. . . Cox, John Cook, Michael Cunningham, Wm... Creamer, Lewis Chandler, William.. Conner, Stephen B. , Deer, Thomas , Fuller, Abner Gill. George Humphreys, Enoch Ham. William Harris, James Jones, Crawford H.. Judy, Henry Jackson, Hiram Jackson, Elijah Jose, Michael H Lane, John INDEPENDENT EEGIMENTS. 129 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. McGee, John 1832. McDonald, Henry... Newell, Hugh Newell, David Newell, Wilson Reed, John A Reese, Morgan Shockey, Henry Shampaign, John B. Standford, Philip M. Smith, Jefferson Thomas. Joseph Tombs, Edwin B Wright, Jesse B , Wilson, Henry Wilson, Hiram Wilson, JohnM . We certify that Benjamin Tatam volunteered, mounted, armed and equipped and entered the service of the United States, on May 23, 1832, in Capt.Thomas" Company, but by consent of Col. Moore he was transferred and served part of the time in Capt. Ashton's Company, but rejoined this company and was mustered out of service with it; that he served the full term of 32 days; his name was omitted from this muster roll by oversight, and that he is entitled to pay and allowances with the rest of the company. (Signed.) JOHN B. THOMAS, Capt. (Signed,) ISAAC R. MOORE, Col. Capt. Alexander Bailey's Company Of Mounted Gunmen, belonging to Col. I. R. Moore's Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. Mustered into the service on May 23, 1832. Mustered out June 23, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Alex. Bailey First Lieutenant. George Ware Second Lieutenant. t Lieutenant. John Light Second Lieutenant. Joseph Jackson. ... Sergeants. Bluford Runyon.. Marcus Snow David Macumson. Thomas Froman . Corporals. Henry Streight Washington Lusher, Abner M. Williams.. David Morgan Mi(sicia7is. William H.Parkers'n Noah Delay Privates. Allen, Jared Atwood, Green Bandy, William Bandy, Washington. Brown, John H Bensyl, John Banta, Solomon Currant, William Currant, Martin Cloe, Alexander Chandler, James Cline, Jesse Cravins, James C Dunn, Ferrel Delay, Henry Delay, Jacob Delay, Isaac Fielder, Charles Foley, Francis Fithian, William Fry, Jona. W Going, John Griffith, Stephen Gebhart, William Hale. ElijahB Henderson, Ely Jenkins, Malachi Kinkenon. William P Kenedy, Franklin Kizer, Andrew Lewis. David Love, William Lewis, Solomon Lambert, James Lenman, William Lizer, David C Malory, D. W. C Morgan, Joseph .. . Macumson, Samuel. Mendenhall, Ely Oiler, Abraham Phelps, Jonathan Payne, Henry B Prince, Francis Reynolds, Davis INDEPENDENT REGIMENTS. 133 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Rock. James Rutlage, Peter S. Simpson, George. Thomas, John Wooden, Elmore . Yount, Jonathan . Capt. I. M. Gillispie's Company Of Volunteers of Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. I. R. Moore. Mustered into service May 23, 1832, and remained in service until June 23, 1832— both days inclusive. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. I. M. Gillispie. First Lieutenant. Barnet Wever Second Lieutenant. Edwin Stanfield Sergeants. George Lewis.. James Adams... Andrew Davis... Corporals. Locklin Madden. Wm. Nugent Elza Hoskins I. B. Prebble Privates. Bugely, Nicholas Brackall, Martin Bosely, Wm. M Don Carlens, John.. Don Carlos, Archelus Don Carlos, Wm Evans, Jonathan Foster, Samuel Freeman, James Gallion, Abram Gephart, Emanuel.. Howell, John Houghman, Jos. N.. Lyons, John H Millikan, Bi^ptist Morgan, Thos Morgan, Achelis Morgan, Levi Mayfleld, Stephen... Bitter, John Rowe, William Swearengen, Isaac. Swank, Richard Swank, William Swank, David Swisher, Anthony... Yeager, C. F Yoke, Charles 1832. May 23 134 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. James Gregory's Company Of Mounted Riflemen, belonging to Col. I. R. Moore's Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. Entered tlie service May 31, 1832, and remained in the service until June 23, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Gregory First LieMtenant. Wm. E. Williams.... Second Lieutenant. James Goodwin Sergea7its. Jas. Harnies Privates. Acton, James Bell, Elias B Cook, Steplien Collins, James Conner, Luke . . Cook, Isaac Evans, Tliomas J Tr. f'm Capt. Bailey's Co.; whole time, 31 days Farmer, Enoch Fuget, Bracston M Goodwin, Thomas Gilbert, James Jackson, Alexes James, Jesse.. Leaman, Jacomiah J Mace, Daniel McNeal, Benjamin Musgave, James McCoons, Thomas.. Morris, Thomas McCart, Edward McCart, John Staley, Jacob Stephenson, John... Smith, Zion Sigler, George. .. Watson, Charles M..I White, David W^ilkenson, Jacob. The men in this company, unless otherwise stated in "Remarks," each served 24 days. Capt. Corbin E. Hutt's Company Of Mounted Riflemen, belonging to Col. I. R. Moore's Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. Mustered into service May 23, 1832, and remained in service until June 23, 1832, both days inclusive. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Corbin R. Hutt First Lieutenant. William Jeremiah .. Second Lieutenant. John A. Green Sei'geants. Levin Watson Alex. McDonnell Jacob Hammer Moses Vest INDEPENDENT KEGIMENTS. 135 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Anderson, Hiram Alexander, Wash't'n Brown, Hiram Brown, David...". Cole, Edw'ard Cole, John Crusor, Robert Chittv, Ferguson Ellis, Henry Lee Foley, William Frazier, John Hathaway, Isaac Howard, Phillip Hammer, John Lowdowsky, Isaac. Lacev, Moses Lacey , Willie McDowell. JohnB.. Eheubv, John Scott, Fielding L.... Smith, Luke Todd. Samuel Williams, SamueL.. Williams, William... Wheat, John Yilkey, Joseph A 136 BLACK HAWK WAR. TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Capt. Milton M. Maugh's Company Of the 27th Regiment of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's order dated May 15, 1832. Mustered for discharge Sept. 0, 1832, and mustered out Sept. 8, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Maughs, Milton M. . First Lieutenants. Moses Swan Wm. Johnson Second Lieutenant. Mathew Johnson . . . Sergeants. John Turney John C.Bond Thomas Spriggins John D.Bell William Johnson.. Joseph Walker 1832. May 19 June 9 May 29 May 19 July 9 May 19 Corporals. A. M. Wallen John G. Hulett James .Jones Absolom McCorm'ck Chas. T. Saunderson Musicians. Abel Procter Greenleaf Warren... Privates. Alston, John Anderson, J. C Avery, David Avery, William Binninger. Jacob... Barnett, Lee L Birdsell, Renphus.. Britt, Leroy Blakely, J. P Bass, George Brown. A Brown, Julius Brice, G. W Bond, John C Bond, Wm. B Blundell, Wm Beaty, James Brock, Aauilla Crow, Albion T Culleran.T. B Cook, Pleasant Coey, Samuel Digney, Barney Davis, B.G.F Davis, B. G Davenport, James.. Dickinson, JohnL. May May May May Aug. Aug. May May May May May Resigned June 8. Resigned July 8. May 24 Elected 1st Lieut. June 9. June 11 Discharged Aug. 1 May 19 June 6 May 19 20 June 27 Joined Mounted Rangers. Absent Sept. 6 without leave Transferred to Capt. Gear's company Absent without leave Sept. 6. Discharged July 30. Absent without leave from June 1. Transferred June 9 Absent without leave from June 1. "10. Appointed 1st Sergt. July 9. Sick. 23 16 26 19'Absent with leave Sept. 6. 21 Attached to artillery Co. July 10. 19 Discharged July 13 21 " " 10 20 May 19 Absent without leave from July 1 . June 1 with leave Sept. 6 INDEPENDENT KEGIMENTS. 137 Name and Kauk. Remarks. Dillon. Levi Pooling, John Davidson. Oeorge... Dame, J. H Drummond. Rob'tH. Freth, Isaiah Farnsworth, Terra B Fore. Joseph Fanley, Jacob Fanchette, Alex Fultz, Frederick Foreman, Moses Gray, Patrick Gruwell, John Gillham. Lemuel Hunt. Benson Hendley.Esbrey — Hulett, John G Imns, Abraham Igo, Lewis Igo, William Igraham, John Journey, James Joslin, John Kelly, J Klean, Michael King. John H Lovell, Timothy Lytle. William K.... Lepage, Clement Lockwood. Ezekeil.. Manichael, Baptiste. Maughs, Henry Maughs, D. H. T Maughs, James K... McDuff, Wm MeClair, P Miller, Preston N Maxwell, J. J McAllister. Lem. S.. McRayney. Daniel .. Martin, Elkins Perregon, Wales Paul, John Patterson, John B . . . Rice, Sylvester Rice, Thomas Rice, James Roberts, John Rickman, Francis... Rose, Pleasant Robedeaux, Lawr'ce Stukey, John Stewart, James B Smith, Wm Smith, Orlando Smith, James Smith, Wm., 2d Smith, N Spears, Robert W... Stoner, B , Stephenson, Wm Saunett, Francis Sagau, Peter Strait, John Shaw, Wm Scribner, E Saucer, Robt Sherman, O.P Shaw, John Sincour, Jacob Shirmer, Philip Slayton, T Tharp, John Taylor, James Turney, John Templeton. Robt Usher, M. H Vansand, John 1832 May 2(1 May 21 May 24 May 19 Aug. 16 May 21 May^ 19 July 5 July 2H May 19 May 24 May 19 June May May May May May May May May July May May May May May May May May May May July May May May^ May May I May May June May July May May Absent without leave June 1. Hospital Steward Absent with "leave Sept. 6. without leave from June 20. Sept. 6 with leave from Sept. 6 with leave May 24 May 25 May 19 June 25 May 19 June 2H July 7 May 19 Attached to Mounted Volunteers June 1. Discharged July 27 Appointed Corporal June 6 Absent without leave from June 10. June 1 . May 20. Absent without leave from June 1 Sept. 6 with leave without leave from Aug. 1 Transferred to Capt, Gear's Co. July 1 Absent Sept. C with leave Detached to join artillery company. Discharged July 29 June 4 Absent without leave from May 24. Discharged June 11 Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!! Omitted in former rolls Absent without leave from June 1 Discharged June 1 Absent Sept. 6 with leave. Discharged Aug. 4 Sick Discharged June 27 Absent without leave from June 26. Joined rifle company June 1 Absent without leave from June 20. 1. " Julyl.. " Sept. 6 . Discharged May 25 Joined Rangers June 26 Absent without leave from June 1. 25 Absent without leave from July 24. 19 Omitted in former rolls I Absent without leave from June 1. . 'Absent Sept. 6 with leave. 21 Absent Sept. 6 with leave. 20 'Discharged July 27 138 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Willard, Henry .. Webb. Thos. J... Walker, James .. Wells, Guilford.. Walker, Joseph.. Wood, Jeremiah. Young, Lewis Young, Hiram 1832 May 211 May 19 Transferred June <; with leave iDischargedJAug. 1 Absent without leaA'e from June 1 lAppointed Sergeant; discharged Aug. 1. May 21 Absent Sept. (J with leave May 16 By a transfer from Mounted Rangers .. . May 21, Discharged June 27 Capt. Nicholas Dowling's Company Of Artillery, 27th Regiment, Illinois Militia,called into service of the United States by the Governor's order, dated May 15, 1832, and now mustered for discharge this Sept. C, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. I. R. B. Gardenier. Nicholas Dowling . First Lieutenant. G.W.Campbell.... Second Liexdenant. Charles Gratiot Third Lieutenayit Leonard Goss Sergeants. Nicholas Dowling. S. Gridley Z.Bell Daniel Argent George Ferguson. Corporals. A. M. Delong N. Barber Michael Byrne.. T. T. Davis Musician. Wra. Blair Privates. Byrne, Michael Byrne, Philip Brush, R. W Coligan, P CuUum, C. B Drum, Thos Davis, T.T Ellis, P Ferguson, George.. Farley, I. P Graham, Robert Gridley, S Garner, T Gray. M Gray.B Hempested, Wm Lockwood, Ezekial. Mitchell. A Mitchell, J Nevelle, E Nutting, Josiah Powell, R. B Reed, Samuel , Roberts, I Roundtree, S 1832, May 19 July 15 May 19 May 19 June 26 May July May May^ July May^ June July May^ July May July 15 July 15 Jun(3_ 20 June 30 July 14 June July May June June July By request acted as comd't of Co. until July [14, 1832, when^ he resigned. Detached to the staff , Elected Captain July 15, 1832. Lost his blanket. Drew no arms nor blanket from company.. Appointed Coi-poral July 8, 1832. Sick Appointed Corporal July 15, 1832 Drew no arms nor blanket from Co Corporal from May 25 to July 25, when ap- [pointed Sergeant Corporal until July 15, 1832, when he was ap- [pointed Sergeant. On extra duty in ordnance department Furloughed: drewno arms nor blanket Drew no arms nor blanket from company. Furloughed .♦. Drew no arms nor blanket from company. INDEPENDENT REGIMENTS. 139 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Savre, S. L Stahl, F Smead, H Sharp, C. P.... Taylor, Robert Towmer, Wm... Vaubuskirk. J. Weather. John Wann, Daniel.. 1832 [May 19 June May May :5,Siok 19 Discharged June 3, 1832. May July May Capt. Clack Stone's Company Of the 27th Regiment, Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's order, dated May 15, 1832. Mustered out September 6. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Clack Stone 1832 May June June June July May^ July May July May_ "25 15 25 23 13 25 13 25 16 25 First Lieutenant. Heber Morris Second Lieutenant. Samuel Jimmerson. Senjeants. George Lowry Quit June 15, with leave Jefferson Clark Privates. Armstrong, John Armstrong, David. .. Ecan, Joseph Iji-'un, Charles Absent June 26 to July Iti, on public duty Chuk, David Quit June 20; discharged " with leave Couk, Horace Crane, Westley Crane, Thomas Fowler. Daniel Quit June 25, with leave Hack, Washington.. Hack, John, Jr Quit August 13, with leave Hack, James Hack, John, Sr Hack, Milton Hitt, Tha.ieus Hulett, Samuel Howard, Stephen P. Killed in battle June 18 Immerson, JohnB.. Johnson, Robert B.. -lohnson, Wm., Jr... Kerkley, James B... Discharged July 16 Kilyan, Thomas Knox, John Lee. Jesse 1 awhoon, William.. • Discharged June 25 Morris. Natb"l Milligan, David Murdoek, Fergus I.. Milligan, Hezek Murdoek, John Matthews, Granville. Nutting, Josiaii Wounded and sent to hospital June 25 Rittenhouse, Obed'h Quit June 15, with leave Rollings, Ezekiel " Aug. 16, " Tart, Benjamin " June 26, " Thacher. Alfred.... " June 20, " Van Vaultingburg.H. Vanbuskirk, Jesse.. Quit June 20, with leave 140 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Wooton, Daniel 1832 June 19 May 25 Williams, Richard. . AVliite, Ambrose Capt. Charles McCoy's Company Of Infantry, 27th Regiment of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's order, dated May 15, 1832, and was mustered for discharge this 6tli day of September, 1832. Na!me and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Charles McCoy First Lieutpnant. James M. Miller... Second Lieutenant. Jesse Yount Sergeants. P. Thomas January. Dennison Billings... Hezekiah Young John Tyree Corporals. John W. Smallwood. William Barnhouse. Jefferson Crawford. John Brown JoDaviessCo. Privates. Barker, Allen Blundrett, James Baker, Sylvester Coffman. Abram Curtis, Horace Cottle, Oliver Curtis, Henry Eversoul, Chris'pher Field, William Gossett, Joseph . Gillett, Benoni R Green, Andrew I Gilbert, Braxton Grontjean, James... Hindman, John Igo, Lewis Lillipon, Vichel Langet, Francis Lewis, Lawson McGehee, Evan Miller, Vincent B MeNair, Thomas Mario w, Rudolph Nicholson, John R.. Ogan, Irwin Phelps, George Rand. Allen Reed, John Riehey, Milton Shultz. Christopher. Stewart, Wm. M Stewart, John Town, Warren Tessott, Daniel Tyrce, Jacob 1832. May 27 Drew no rations for himself or servant; had [a servant three months. Drew one month's rations only Drew one month's rations only May May May_ 27 29 27 July May 1 27 July May 1 27 July 1 May^ 27 May July May 29 1 27 July May July May 1 "l 27 July May 1 27 Dischai-ged July 25 Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to twenty-four rations. 27; Discharged August 20 29 Drew no rations 27 Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to twenty-four rations. Drew no rations Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to eighteen rations Drew no rations Entitled to eighteen rations Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to twenty-four rations. Drew no rations. Discharged Aug. 20 Entitled to twenty-four rations. Entitled to eighteen rations EntitliMl to twentv-four rations. Eiititird to eighteen rations Discharged Aug. 20 Discharged Aug. 28 Transferred to staff July 4 Entitled to twenty-four rations. INDEPENDENT KEGIMENTS. 141 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. July 1 May 27 Wolcott John Entitled to twenty-four rations ' ' " ' ' Vr»iincr* Wm C • • ' ' • ' Yoimt. Benjamin M i > < < • • • ' ' ' ' ' Capt. Benjamin J. Aldeneath's Company Of Infantry of the 27tli Regiment of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's proclamation dated May 15, 1832, and was mustered for discharge on the 6th of September, 1832. Name and Rank. Captain. Benj. J. Aldenrath. First Lieutenant. John C. Robinson.. Second Lieutenants. Daniel P. Price James Simonds Residence. Enrolled Remarks. JoDaviess Co Sergeants. James Simonds Joseph Campbell Barnett Whittimore. Mynot Selleman Samuel Moore George F. Smith Corporals. Noah Thomas.. Charles McGee. Enoch Thomas. Samuel Love... Privates. Billings, James... Beasley, Ephraim Bilto, Charles Brophy, Thomas. Chandler, Nathaniel Chaney, Osborn... Courts, Walter Carroll, Nicholaus Case, Aaron Crosby, Cyrus Cord, Stephen Dickerson, George H Duncan, John Dyas, William Dyas, John Dyas, David Dooley, Linville.. Fortune, William. Faherty, William. Faherty, John FuUerton, JohnV... George, Alexander.. George, Lewis George, Stephen Gentel. Ferret Gnthray, Thomas... Grafford, Lewis E... Gocky, Gabriel Hathaway, Samuel. Hanniman, Thomas. Hinman, Nelson Hoozer, Jacob 1832. May 18 June 10 May 18 June 21 June 26 May 18 July May May June May June May Resigned June 2 Elected 2d Lieut. June 9. Absent without leave May 26. Absent without leave June 10. Joined horse company July 1. Absent without leave June 19. June 10 July May July May Absent from August.with arms, blankets, etc. Quit June 19 Quit May 27 Shot-bag returned.. Quit May 27 r---; Did no duty; return'd noarmsoraccoutremi Quit June 19, with leave Quit June 3: returned no gun, blanket, etc. Quit July 1 Drew no rations — Discharged July 23. 23 Quit June 2 .- - - - 16 Joined after mustering into service. 18 Jxine 18 Absent without leave May 18. 142 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Remarks. Harrison, Daniel Hubbard, Thomas.. Hubbard, Goodrich. Hubbard, William... Hug^ll, Thomas Kenney, Patrick McGulpin, Samuel.. Moffltt, Benj. F McOausland, David. McKinney, Patrick.. Minett, Toosus Moore, Samuel Phillis, John Quinliven, Dennis... Quinliven, Mark Ross, Thomas L Stevner, Lewis Skinner, Thomas H. Shannon, Daniel Stockton. Thomas B Smith. George F Thomas, John Thomas, Enos Williams, Wm Williams, John Williams, James Whalon, John Ware, Reuben S Young, Josephs 1832. [June 25 July 11 May May May May May June May May June May May May May May June Quit June 1 . 20 18 28 18 19 18 23|Quit June 1 18 )uit June 7 oined Horse Co. June 1; returned no arms. Quit June 10 Absent without leave Quit May 28 Gave certif. for 1 mo. serv.; ret'd no arms, etc. Absent without leave ; Disch. Junel9, by order of Co!. Strode Over age. Absent without leave iQuit June 1 19 Two blankets not returned. 7|Quit July 17 Capt. H. H. Gear's Company Of Infantry of the 27th Regiment, Illinois Militia, called into service of the United States by general order, dated May 15, 1832, and now mustered for discharge this Gth of Septem- ber, 1832. Name and Rank. Captain. H. Hezekiah Gear. First Lieutenant. J. W.Foster Second Lieutenant. Alesworth Baker... Sergeants. Fountain Matthews. William AUoway B. Service John K. Robinson. . . Residence. JoDaviess Co Corporals. Francis Sheverell. Zelo Corey Timothy Lovell James Howerton.. Privates. Baganell, Charles... Boxley, William Bass, George Bias, Joseph Bryan, Leonard Bennett, G. W. B.... Bachelor, William , . . Cardinalle, Parish.. Campbell, Hamilton. Cardinalle, Eustace. Enrolled 1832. May 19 June June July May . I June .[May -July .June . I June .(May May 27 Remarks. Retained one blanket and lost one blanket. . . Arms not retain'd, 1 rug, 2 kettles; abs'nt, sick Abs'nt, furl.; furnish'd arms, etc; abs'nt,leave Deserted July 12; carried off U.S. musket,&c. Killed in battle July 1 1 Refuses to deliver U. S. musket Servant to Capt. Legate, U.S. A. ; disch. July 16 5 Deserted July 6; carried off U.Sarms 19 " June 12, " " & blanket Musket returned; one blanket not returned. One musket returned One musket and one blanket returned INDEPENDENT REGIMENTS. 143 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Craig, Martin Chapman. A. C Cole, J Carrigan, Charles.. Dodge, John Dt^shiiu, Thomas... Downey, Antoine... Dement, William... Elgin.F.C Gray. J. H Guest Samuel Gorton, William Hudson, M. W Hollman, Jesse Hallett, MoKes Howell, J. W Hughs. Peter Kirkpatrick, J. F... Lestrange, Patrick. Laport, Toulouse. . . Lepold, M Long, A Long, M Means, Jacob McBride, Felix Marstin, J Massey. H Mitchell. James McDonald, J Mitchell, Augustus. Messmore, George. Nigh, Edmund O'Neil, John Ontio. Peter Pelott, William Primer, John B Rice, Robinson. M. C Rhoads, Henry Randleman, Jacob.. Stuart, John Scott, Samuel Sincere, Michael Snider, S Simmons, Silas G Saunderson, Chas. F Thatcher, Alfred Truegate, Benjamin. Truegate, Meredith. Toulouse, J Tooley, Henry Urie, Samuel Urie, John Vaughn, Amos Williams, .John Williamson, S. N Webb, Thomas J .... Young, William 1832. May June [July June May June May^ jMay |May !july June June May May May May May July June June Juue June May June May June May May July May June June May June July June June May May June Discharged June 7 June 15 Deserted June 7 June 6; carried off 2 robes, 1 musket Detailed for extra duty, Ho.sp. Cook, July 17. 5 17 1 19 10 igiDiseharged June 7. Deserted June 12. 31 Deserted with blanket June 15 Junel2; absent without leave Junel2 Jjostone U. S. musket. [to Sept. 6; lostmusk't Found his own arms and eauipments 'Deserted July 6, and took off 1 U. S. musket.. June 10, and took off his blanket... Abs'ntwithoutleave; joined Capt. Craig's Co. Absent without leave July i6; present Sept. 6 Musket and accoutrements returned Discharged June 7 Furnished own arms; rec'd 1 robe, not ret'ed Discharged July 25 22 Detailed as an artificer 21 Absent without leave: never mustered 5!Deserted June 12; took musket and blanket. 2l!Absent without leave; never mustered 19 Discharged June 10 July 31 19 Blanket not returned; 2 months hosp. attend. Absent without leave; his arms taken July 12; returned 2Gth; paid by Dan'l Warm, .$13.25.. Furnished his arms and equipments Deserted July 6th Furnished his arms and equipments One musket returned; 1 blanket not returned Discharged August 5 Discharged June 7 Deserted July 12; took musket andbuf. robe. Deserted July 6; took musket and buf. robe. Furnished his own arms and equipments Discharged August 7 19 Deserted June 7 5 Returned musket and equipment. May_ 19 June 22 July 31 May 19 Absent without leave July 16. Discharged June 7 144 BLACK HAWK WAR. I f Capt. Samuel H. Scales' Company Of Infantry, of the 27th Eegiment of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's order dated May 15, 1832, and now mustered for discharge this 6th day of September, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Samuel H. Scales JoDaviessCo. 1832. June 16 July 22 June 16 First Lieutenant. , Second Lieutenant. George Wells Sergeants. James Smith . . .. John B. Woodson Quit June 16 William Davis John Nevib Quit June 16 Corporals. Richard Willis Robert Hendrix Samuel Cnry Privates. Brock, Elias Drew no rations Cook, Harris Charles, Elijah Quit June 16 Davis, Noah Davis, John Davis, Jonathan Frost, Benjamin Gibson, Julias Hendrix, James Hale, David Drew no rations Quit June 16 Hawkins, .James L.. House, William Lytchtenberger,Cyr. Lytchtenberger, Con Quit June 15 McMath, William.... Miller, Geo. B McKee, Joljn Roberts, John Streeter, John Shook, Samuel Smitch, Isaac Streeter, Joshua Walbridge. Hiram .. Wood, John Wood, George Woods, William Wadhams, William.. Wadhams, John Woodcock, James S. Quit June 16 INDEPENDENT EEGIMENTS. 145 Capt. Jonathan Craig's Company Of Infantry of the 27th Reprimont of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Governor's order of May 15. 1832, and now mustered for discharge, this 6th day of September, 1832; enrolled for three months and t\venty days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jonathan Craig. First Lieutenant. Thomas Kilgore... Second Lieutenant. Robert C. Bourne . . Sergeants. John Furlong Tarlton F. Brock Joseph Claig Nathan White — CnrporaJs. Lewellyn Brock. Hiram Morrison. William Caradiff Philip Rice Privates. Boy, John Bruno, Peter Brock, Elisha Bowman, Benjamin Brady, Bernard Buster, Robert B... Biggs. William Bilto, Charles Campbell, John Coyle, Peter Coyle, James Dalton, William Dowlin'g. Robert ... Dean, Elias Dugan, Patrick Dugan, John Fine, John Furlong, Walter Farrar, Robert Frost, Benjamin Foley, James ..: Graham. Thomas. . . Gilroy, Patrick Haines, Martin Kilgore, John Kirtley, J. W Kelley, James Leary, Thomas Liddle. George Langford. William . Lynch, Bernard McDermit, James . . Meara, Michael McCabe. James Maple, John L Morrison. William . Moore, Thomas Miller, Edward Murray, Keaven McNabb, Edward... McNair, David O'Leary, Peter Parkinson, John Richardson, Fount'n Rice, James Roberts, James Rice. Henry Smith. Abner Sherrill, Adam JoDaviessCo. 1832. May 19 June July May July May June May July May July May July 'July May July May July July May June Drew a blanket; did not return it; with leave Quit July 6, with leave. Quit June 19, with leave 19 Quit July 5, with leave. 26! 19: Quit July 23, with leave Quit July 4, with leave Dismissed July 6, with leave. June 27| Quit July 20, with leave 10 146 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Bank, Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Townseiid, John 1832. May 19 Drew blanket, and did not, return it Tobin, Bartlett July 19 Vanbuskirk, Jesse .. Willis, Noah July 2l State of Illinois, November 10, 1832. I certify that James M. Strode was, on Septembers last. Colonel of the 27th Regiment of Illinois Militia, acting in said office; said company was in service under my order, and their service was necessary in the defence of the country last summer. (Signed.) JOHN REYNOLDS. Commander-in-Chief Illinois Militia. Capt. Lambert P. Vansburgh's Company 27th Regiment of Illinois Militia, called into the service of the United States by the Gov- ernor's order, dated May 15, 1832, and now mustered for discharge this 6th day of Septem- ber, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. L. P. Vansburgh Firaf Lieutenant. John W. Blackstone. Second Lieutenant. Henry Cavener Sergeants. Zack Hillyard Thomas L. Potter... John W. Blackstone, Elias Griggs Alex. M. Neville Wm. Tomlinson Wm. Mattox (Jorporals. Thomas Reed Wm. P. Ravandaugh Edmund Mattox.. Wm. Tomlinson.. James Arwin Privates. Ashbrook, Chas. C Ammeman, Josh... Austin, Hiram Beard, Samuel Ballard, .lohnH... Ballard, Bartholo'ew Broody, Israel Brown, William.. Broody, Washington Crothers, Hamilton Cunningham, Wm.. Cunningham, John. Crigan. John Clary, Patrick Craghead, John... Dooly, Lindley Davenport, James Divin, David Donall, Jonathan.. East, William Eulton, W. J Fugate, Pi-eston. . . 1832. May 18 June 20 May 18 June 20 May 18 June 20 May^ 18 June 20 May 18 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Elected 1st Lieut. June 20 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Appointed Sergeant June 20 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n. July 9. joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. July 13 Furloughed May 18 Absent from July 9 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. June 20 May 18 June 20 May . 18 Absent since June 20 Absent since June 20 Sick in hospital Absent with leave July 9, sick .. Absent with leave June 20, sick. Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Absent since June 20. INDEPENDENT REGIBIENTS. 147 Name and Bank. Funtress, Eleanzer. Gallager, Patrick.. Hullgate, Weston.. Hoffman. Zack Humes, Thompson. Huling. Samuel Harden, Isam S Hays, James Ingraham, Alphs... Johnson, Wm Jourden, E Karnes, Patrick Knowland, Hardin. Larkin, James Lawliorn, Willin... Mattox, Wm.. Mattox, Edmund... Muiphy, Kichard... McKaney, Daniel... Obanion, George... Orm, Alexander...'. O'Brian, Wm Palmer, John Phalen. Lawrence. Eagan, John Kitter, Jacob Eobinson, Benj Ruggle, Edmund L. Stevens, George W. Smith, Wm Scott, George Sain, Philip Thompson, Willis.. Tracey, Charles Thomas, John C Williams, John Wilson, Henry M... Whittle, Levi Walker, Samuel Wright, Hezekiah.. Residence. Enrolled 1832. June May July May July May^ June May June May June May June May June May June May June July May Remarks. Absent since June 20. Discharged July 13.. Discharged July 9.. Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. Furloughed , () Sick in hospital 18 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. 201 18 Absent with leave July 9, sick 20 18 Appointed Sergeant June 20 Appointed Corporal June 20 29 18, 20 Absent since July 9 . 18 Discharged June 20. Absent since June 20, sick. 27 18 Absent since June 20, sick. 20 18 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. 20j Absent since July 9 I Sick in hospital 13 1 Furloughed 18 Joined Mounted Vol. with permiss'n, June 20. July 2l " May 18 Absent since June 20. June 26' 148 BLACK HAWK WAR. ',1 I ODD BATTALIONS. ODD BATTALION COMMANDED BY MAJOR N. BUCKMASTER. Capt. Holden Seission's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States, in defense of the Northern frontier of the State of Illinois, against the Sac and Fox Indians, from the county of Cook, in said State, in the year 1832. Mustered out August 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Holden Seission Cook Co 1832. July 23 First Lieutenant. Robert Stephens Second Jyieutenant. William H. Bradford. Se.rgeantH. James Sayres Uriah Wentworth . John Cooper Abraham Franciss.. Corporals. Armstead Runyan. . . Thomas Coons . . . Edward Poor Cornell's C. VanHorn Privates. Barlow, William . , Cox, Joseph •' ::; Clarke, Timothy B.. Clarke, Barrett Clarke, William Chapman, William... Crandell, David Crandell, Alva Darling, Enoch Fleming, Samuel Frame, Patterson .. Franciss, Thomas. . . Fi'iend, John Friend, Aaron Gougar. William Gougar, John Gougar, Nicholas Gougar, Daniel Haight, Daniel Henderson, Silas ODD BATTALIONS. 149 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Cook Co 1832. July_ 23 Johnson, James Lampseed. Peter — Lemsis, Peter Lamtear, Selali More, Aaron Maggard, Daniel — McDeed, John Mack Daniel Maggard, Benjamin. Pettijohn, George... Eowley, Calvin Rodgers, William... Robb Daniel Seott Wm. H Smith David Stephens, Oren I certify on honor that the company of Mounted Volunteers, under the immediate com- mand of Capt. Holden Scission, was organized for temporary purposes on the 2.3d of July, 1832, by the advice and consent of Major-General Scott, for the protection of the frontier, in Cook county. State of Illinois. Which organization was recommended and approved by the said Major General Scott (in consequence of the mustering two companies out of service which constituted part of the guard for the protection of that frontier under my command); that this organization was necessary for the protection of the frontier; that said company should be in service, and that they did actually perform the service, as mentioned in said roll, up to the 13th of August, 1832, under my command as Major of an Odd Battalion, wherein said company formed a part. Given under my hand, at Edwardsville, August 19, 1833. (Signed.) N. BUCKMASTER, Major Commanding. I certify that, at the time mentioned in the muster roll of Capt. Scission's Company of Mounted Volunteers, the above named Nathaniel Buckmaster was legally acting as Major in an Odd Battalion, including said company, and commissioned by me in that office, and. judging from the certificates of said Major Buckmaster and Capt. Seission, I have no doubt said company served as staled in said roll; and I state further, that the service of said company was necessary in the defense of the country, as stated above. (Signed.) JOHN REYNOLDS, August 20, 1833. Governor, and Commander-in-Chief Illinois Militia. Capt. Joseph Napier's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States, in defence of the northern frontier of the State of Illinois against the Sac and Pox Indians, from the county of Cook in said State, in the year 1832. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Captain. Joseph Napier. First Lieutenant. Alanson Sweet Residence. Cook Co. Enrolled 1832. July 19. Remarks. 150 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Second Lieutenant. Sherman King Cook Co 1832. July 19. Seraeants. S. M. Salisbury ...... Jolin Manning, Walter Stowell John Napier Corporals. T. E. Parsons Lyman Butterfleld.. J. P. Bladget Nelson Murray Privates. Ament, Anson Ament, Calvin Barber, William Clarke, Dennis Fox, George Foster, Caleb Fox, John Gaolt, William Gedtliens, Josiah H. Hawlev, Peres Harrison, Edmund.. Hobson, Bailey Langdon, Daniel Peck, P. F. W Parsons. T Paine, Uriah Paine, Christopher.. Stevens, John. .. Stevens, John, Jr Scott, Williard ' Stowell, Augustine.. Stowell, Calvin M Sweet, Richard M Waistcoat, Seth Wilson, Henry T.. WieofCe, Peter I certify on honor that the company of Mounted Volunteers under the immediate com- mand of Capt. Joseph Napier Avas oi-ganized for temporary purposes on July 19, 1832, by the advice and consent of Major-General Scott, for the protection of the frontier in Cook county. State of Illinois, which organization was recommended and approved by the said Major- General Scott (in consequence of the importance of mustering two companies out of service which constituted a part of the guard for the protection of that frontier under my command); that this organization was necessary for the protection of the frontier; that said company should be in service, and that they did actually perform the service, as mentioned in said roll, up to the 13th of August, 1832, under my command as Major of an Odd Battalion wherein said company formed a part. Given under my hand at Edwardsville, August 19, 1833. (Signed.) N. BUCKMASTER, Major Commanding. I certify that at the time mentioned in the muster roll of Capt. Joseph Napier's Company of Mounted Volunteers, the above named Nathaniel Buckmaster was legally acting as Major in an Odd Battalion including said company, and commissioned by me in that office, and judging from the certificate of Major Buckmaster and Capt. Napier, I have no doubt said company served as stated in said roll; and I further state that the service of said company was necessary in the defence of the country, as stated above. (Signed.) JOHN REYNOLDS. August 20, 1833. Gov. and Com.-in-Chief 111. Mil. I further certify that the United States furnished no forage for the within company, and the said company was in service when I Avas mustered out of service on Aug. 13, 1832. (Signed.) N. BUCKMASTER, Major Commanding. ODD BATALIONS. 151 ODD BATTALION OF RANGERS. Capt. Abner Eads' Company Of Mounted Rangers. Enrolled at Peoria, Illinois, by virtue of an order from the Com- mander. in-Chief of the Militia of the State of Illinois, to Brig.-Gen. Josiah Stillman. Mustered into the service of the United States April 23, 1832. Discharged June 28, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence.- Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Abner Eads 1832. April 23 Fimt Lieutenant. William A. Stewart. Second Lieutenant. John W. Caldwell ... Sergeants. Aquilla Wren Promoted to Quartermaster Sergt. May 17 '32 Hiram M. Curry . . . . j Edwin y. Jones John Hinkle Corporal.^. \ William Wright 1 John Stringer ; John Hawkins 1 Thomas Webb i Privates. Bristol, John E Brown, Harrison Cooper, Jeremiah • Clifton, John Carle, Stephen Conner, Joseph H... Cox, Jefferson Cox, John Clark, Ebenezer ' Cleaveland, Hiram.. Caldwell, Alexander Dotv, .James Dodge, John B .... Eads, William Love, Elias. Moffat, Alvah Moats, Jacob Moore, Sylvanus Mfi,v 8 Miner, Harris i May 3 Owen, John C . " Phillis, Joseph Anril 23 Redick, George Ridge way, David May 1 April 23 Root, Lucas Ross, David Ross, John Reed, Thomas B Reed, Simon. ... Sharp, Francis Smith, Rice Talifero, Jefferson.. Trial, William D.... Thurman, Johnson T Thomas, Henry ■ Wood, William L 152 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. David W. Barnes' Company Of Mounted Volunteer Rangers under the command of Brig. -Gen. Isaiah Stillman, acting as Major for the Battalion, according to the orders of the 19th of April. 1833, received from the Commander-in-Cliie of this State, and entered into the service of the United States against the hostile band of Sac and Fox tribes of Indians, on the 21st day of April, 1832, and discharged out of service at Levfistown, Fulton county, on the 25th day of June, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Uaiitain. David W. Barnes... First Lieutenant. Thos. W. Clark Second Lieutenant. Asa Langford Sergeants. Seth Hilton. 1st Josiah Marchant, 1st Reding, Putman... David C. Murray . . Frederick VVachel . Corporals. John Holcomb, 1st Medad Comstock, 2d Bird W.Ellis, 3d Hazel Putman, 3d . . JohnW. Ward, 4th.. Lugler. Jodisah Moore Fulton Co. 1832 April 21 Privates. Anderson, Joseph . . Bybee, Alfred Babitt, Jacob Barker, William — Brown, Elijah Baughman, Samuel. Brink, Henry Chein, Charles Cooper, Owen J Chase, Wheaton — Childs, Tyrus M.... Depriest, Charles C l>alton, Avery Dehart, William Ellis. Absalom Farris, David FaxTis, Jeremiah . . . Farris, Joseph B — Hoocky, David Huff, John Hilton, Seth Jones, Ahriah Jones, Williston Maxwell, Alex H — Marchant, Josiah . . . Miles, Christopher. Nichols, John G Pennington, Stephen Putman, Hazel Richards, Henderson Rice, Benjamin... Smith, Asa Shesin, Isaac Swann, Isaac Strickland, Isaac — Shirlock, Zachariah. Watchell. Henry Woolf, Jacob C Watkins, Pountaine. Wilcockson, Samuel Sergeant 30 days after being private 35 days. balance 1st Sergt. vice Hilton Wounded in battle on Sycamore C'kMay 14.. Paid passage home of R. Putman, w'nded; : May 14 April 21 May 9 April 21 May 9 May 30 April 21 Minor; killed in bat'l; discli. drawn to father Prom. 3d Corp. May 15, vice B.W.Ellis, killed. . Discharged at Canton May 30, 1832. sick June 2 May 9 April 21 May 9 April 21 Killed in battle May 14; disch. in favor of wife Discharged May 21. 1832 .... KiYledTnbattle"May'i4",'i832". Prom. ; served 1st Sergt. 30 days, vice S.Hilton ODD BATTALIONS. 153 I certify on honor that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. David W. Barnes' Company of Mounted Volunteer Rangers, in the Battalion commanded by Major Isaiah Stillman, for the periods herein mentioned; that the remarks set opposite the name of each offlcer and soldier are as nearly accurate and just, and exhibit in every particular the true state of the company, as possible. (Signed.) D. W. BARNES, Capt. Date, Lewistown, Fulton Co., 111., Aug. 30, 1832. Stationed as Rangers. Capt. Asel F. Ball's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, under the command of Brig.-Gen. Stillman, acting as Major for the Battalion according to the orders of the IBth of April, 1832, received from the Comman- der-in-Chief of this State, and entered into the service of the United States, Lewistown, Fulton county. Mustered out June 25, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. AselF. Ball Fulton Co. First Lieutenant. William D.Baldwin. Second Lieutenant. David S. Baughman Sergeants. William Miner. 1st.. John Walters, 2d.... Joseph L. Sharp, 2d. John Heinford,3d... John Thompson Corporals. Thomas J. Welsh. Francis Irwin Thomas, Walters. Hugh Finley Musician. Jonathan Cazad. Privates. Arrington, Ethelbert Austin. Nathan Anderson. George.. Bi-ush, John Barker, William Cary, Almon Denis, Thomas Dunawin, Levering Ellis, James Fonts, Elmsby Freeman, Moses F . Foster, James M... Foster, Harvey Garner, Denyson Howard, Zachius. Hoxton, Williamson Harness, Seton Hendricks, Price.. Harwick, Henry... Hill, William Langford, Thomas . . Lanpersel, Sumn... Laswell, James Morris, Thomas.... Maxfleld, Andrew H Murphy, Adam ... Morgan, James... Scovel, Norman. . _ Walling, Ebenezer.. Whipple, Sylvester.. Walters, John Wilson. Charles Yunt, Jacob 1832. April 28 May 15 April 28 April 28 Amount of property lost in battle $35.50 Amount of property lost in battle $75.00. Amount of property lost in battle $7.25 — Killed in battle May 14th, 1832; amt. lost $21. May 15| Appointed 2d Sergt. on 15th of May April 28 Amount of property lost in battle $26 May _ 15 April 28 May 15 April 28 May ^ 15 April 28 May_ 15 April 28 May 15 April 28 May^ 15 April 28 May 15 April 28 May 15 Amount of property lost in battle $9.37)2 . " $10.25... Amount of property lost in battle $.30.50. . " $24.87... Amount of property lost in battle $12.02 , " $12.25 Amount of property lost in battle $0.00 " .$5.50 Property lost in battle $17, horse killed $75.00 Prop, lost in battle $11.00: disch. May 25 '32. $36.75; 1 horse, $10.00 Amount of property lost in battle, $25.75 . " $21.12)2 Amount of property lost in battle, $6.75 154 BLACK HAWK WAR. I certify that the above return roll of all of the Mounted Volunteers under my command is a correct return, and of all the property lost in battle, and otherwise, by the said Vol- unteers, and who have duly certified on oath before an acting Justice of the Peace. (Signed.) ASEL F. BALL, Capt. Lewistown, Fulton county, .June 26, 1832 I certify on honor that I have carefully examined this muster roll of the above named Battalion and And it correct. (Signed.) THOS. W. TAYLOR, Brig.-Major 63d 111. Mil., acting Adjt. for above named Bat. Lewistown, Fulton county. 111., June 26, 1832. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. I certify that John Walters volunteered and served service as a second Sergeant in a company of mounted Rangers under my command, ordered on the 16tli day of April, for the protection of the Northern Frontier, in the Battalion command of Major Isaiah Still- man; that he was enrolled on the 28th day of April, 1832, and was killed in battle while in the line of duty, on thte 14th day of May thereafter, having served sixteen days. Given under my hand this 26th day of June, 1832. (Signed.) ASEL F. BALL. Capt. Amount of property lost in battle on the night 14th of May, $21. STATE OF ILLINOIS. I ScHUYLEE County. I Asahel F. Ball and David W. Barnes, being duly sworn, depose and saith that Jane R. Walters is the lawful wife of John W. Walters, deceased. Swoi-n and subscribed before me. (Signed.) H. FELLOWS. (Signed.) Justice Peace D. W. BARNES, ASEL F. BALL, The paymaster will pay whatever may be due me on the within contents, to Asel F. Ball, who is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for the same. Dec. 26th, 1832. her (Signed.) JANE R. + WALTERS, Witness, ,^x^ mark. JOSIAH MOORE, J cr-Ax ' Relict of JOHN WALTERS, deceased. THOMAS U. CLARK. I ^t^. \ , (Signed.) ODD BATTALIONS. 155 COMPANIES IN ODD BATTALIONS. Capt. Sain's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated 30th of May, 1S32. Mustered out September 4, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John Sain Fulton Co.... 1832. June 7 First Lieutenant. Livings Burrington. Second Lieutenant. Elijah Wilcoxson Sergeants. LeAvis M. Ross Jerry Farris William Hummell... Cyrus P. Fellows Corporals. Patrick H. Hart S. Harrington , Doctor Eccles James Carter Privat''s. AUrea, Nathan I Barnes, David W Babbit, Jacob Bartley,* Joseph Barker, William Bybee, Alfred Comstock, Medad . . . Gary, Alamaran Cooper. Owen I Chaw, Silas Doud, John Emerson. Reuben... France, John Franklin, Able Foster, James M Farris. David Griffln, William Harris. John .... Hull, Jess Hull, William Johnson, Hiram Kendi'ick, Price Long, Madison Long, Ranson Long, Lewis Long, William Langlord, Thomas.. Lancaster. John Morgan, James Manar, Antoin McKim, John H Maxwell. Alexander. Nichols, John Phelps, William Detached on extra duty Aug. 27 Detached on extra duty Aug. 27 Furioughed"from'20th of Aug. to this date — Sick; furloughed on the 22d Aug Horse crippled Sept. 27 Sick; furloughed on the 24th Aug Furiouglied; unable to march on 27th Aug... Detached on extra duty .:. Horse left near Winnebago swamp Detached on extra duty Sick on the 27th Aug iiorse lamed and left on 27th Aug i)e't ailed on extra duty on 2dth Aug Detached on extra duty the 2uth Aug Detached on the 1st Sept. to lind lost horse.. iietached to find lost horse on the 2dth Sept. 156 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Shaw, Zaehariah Fulton Co.... 1832. June 7 Shain, Charles ; :::: Smith, Asa... Detailed to fined lost horse 1st Sept Spencer, Oliver Ulmore, Daniel Vandyke, Minard Detached on extra duty on the 20th Aug Detailed with sick horse on the 27th Aug Wolf, David Detailed with sick horse on the 27th Aug Wileoxson, Samuel. Welch, Thomas J.... Westerfleld, A.M.... Yount, Jacob .■. Detached to find lost horse on 28th Aug .. It appears from certificates aceompanyiiig muster-roll that Jesse B. Wileoxson volun- teered as a Mounted Ranger on the 7th of June, 1832, and served as a private in the com- pany commanded by Capt. John Sain, and that he was honorably discharged therefrom on the 4th day of September. 1832. Capt. William McMurtry's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 30, 1832. Mustered out September 4, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William McMurtry.. First Lieutenant. George G. Lattimore Seco7id TAentenant. Turner R. Rountree. Sergeants. Edward Martin Benjamin Brown Josiah Vaughn James McMurtry Corporals. Edward Fuqua James H. Rountree. Thomas Maxwell, Jr. Obediah Fuciua Privates. Adcock, Edmund Adkins. Jesse Bell, Peter Brown, James Barber, Franklin B . . Brown, Wilson Brown, Alfred Brown, George Brown. Joshua Bell, Henry Criswell, JasMcM... Criswell, Ebnr Corban, William Coy, Erbin Davis, Solomon Fuqua, Daniel Frakes, Alexander.. Ferguson, James Fraker, John Gillett. Luster T Goff, James Hunt, Zachias Hilton, William Knox Co. 1832. June 24 June 25 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 June 25 June 24 June 25 June 24 June 25 June 24 June 25 ODD BATTALIONS. 151 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Hendricks, Robt. K . . Holiday, Joseph Jennings, Berryman Jennings, Theodore. Jones, Reese Lewis, William McKee, Thomas W . . McMurtry, John McGehee. James Max^vell, Thomas, Sr Maxwell, James Miles, John McCallister, Thos C Mc'Callister, ... Miles, Daniel Miles, Elisha Norton, John Nevett, James Osbourn, Andrew.. Osbourn, Stephen.. Owen. Parnick Pennington, Simeon. Rountree, John D . . . Robinson, John P.. Row, Joseph Rice, Jonathan Robertson. Alexan'r Stiliings, Josiah Vaugh, John White, Samuel S... Wallace, Joseph Williams, Calvin... Williams, William.. Knox Co. 1832. Jnne 25 Aug. 6 June 24 Aug. 6 June 25 June 24 June Aug. June June June June Sick 1st September, Henderson Block House June 25 Aug. 6 Capt. Asel F. Ball's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States, on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated 20th May, 1832. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1832. For 90 days. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Caplain. AselF. Ball Fulton Co.... 1832. July 27 First Lieutenant. Thomas W. Clark . . . " " Second Lieuienant. AsaLangford " " Sergeants. William Avery William Hill " •• William Crosby Absalom Maxwell... Corporals. Hiram Sanders John Miller '' ;::; " James R. Sharp Jesse Walden Privates. Anderson, Joseph... Ashby. William Bradshaw. James .. Brown, John Baldwin, William D. Cole, Henry •' ' ' Cozea, Jonathan D orris, Josiah Remarks. On furlough Aug. 28 for six days. On" furlough Aug. 28 for six days Detailed to find horse Sept. 1st.. Furioughed Aug. 26 for six days. 158 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Eesidenee. Enrolled Remarks, Dorris, Thomas Fulton Co Deprlst, Charles C. . Dixon. Hiram Enos, Horace B Grim, David Harness, Scaton Harrison, Samuel.. Laleiker, Frederick Lichfield, Lenard i Long, Weir Murry, Davi'l C McGehee, Allen Maxwell, Abner McGehee, Stephen .. Purtle, I'eter Purvin, Hozy Richards, Henders'n Strickland, Isaac Shaw, John Sharp, Joseph L Thaxton, Williamson 1832. July 27 Furloughed Aug. 20 for 6 days Furl'd Aug. 11; thrown|by horse; sh'lder b'kn Furloughed Aug. 5 for 6 days ; supposed sick July July 27 Capt. J. W. Kenney's Company Of an Odd Batt9.1ion, commanded by Major Bogart, called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 20, 1832. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John W. Kenney . . First Lieutenant Joseph Danforth . . Privates. Davis, Thomas Danforth, Manly.. Danforth, Samuel. Kenney, Samuel .. Kenney, Thomas.. McGee, Gentry McNeal, Henry McNeal, Neel Maskal, James Smith, Martin Sams. Wni. H Thompson. Joel... Thompson, Wm... W^clls, Ira Wells. Eri Wells, Asaph Wells, Nelson Wells, Rannah Wells, Joel, Jr Wells, .Joel, Sr Wells, Luke, Sr.... R'k Island Co Adams Co R'k Island Co 1832. May 20 July May July 1 May 20, June 12 On furlough May 20 July 1 May 20.. ODD BATTALIONS. 159 Capt, Butler's Company Of the Odd Battalion Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States, on the re(iui.sition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 20, 1832. Mus- tered out September 4, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Peter Butler.. First Lieutenant. J ames McCalen Second Lieutenant. John Wilson McDon'u'hCo Warren Co... 1832. June 11 Sergeants. Abraham Dover Asa Cook Erastus S. Denison. John Vernater Warren Co.. Corporals. Josiah Osborn I " Lewis F. Temple McDon'u'hCo Benjamin Tucker Warren Co... Daniel Craushaw Hancock Co.. Privates. Ambrose, Ezekiel. ..' Allen, Ezra G Warren Co... Butler, Ira F.M... Booth, Moses McDon'u'hCo Campbell, James M Clark, David Coffman. Jacob Cranshaw, Isaac... Carter. Thomas Craushaw. Paschal.. Hancock Co.. Cartwriight.Danias B Warren Co... Caldwell, James J... I Cash, William Hancock Co.. Davidson, .John Warren Co... Denison, William H. Ferington, Orsemus. McDon'u'h Co Gibson, Andrew Warren Co,.. Hardisty, John McDon'u'hCo Hays, Peter Hays, Nathaniel.. _ Hendricks, John Warren Co Hogus, Samuel L.. Jarves, Fields F... Jackson, John McDon'u'hCo Jones, Lace Jones, Berry Jones, John Kirkland, Zacheriah. Lathrope, John McGuffles, James J. Hancock Co McCoy, John | Warren Co... Morris, Isaac McDon'u'h Co Osborn, Larkin Pa.xton, William S... Warren Co. Penceno, Paschal Quinn, John Richey, Adam Richey, Thomas.. Richey, John D Russell, John L McDon'u'h Co Stiee, Robert L Warren Co.. Smai-t, Josiah __. Smith, Paschal H McDon'u'h Co Smith. Charles A Warren Co Sacket, William McDon'u'h Co Southward. William Stark, William Warren Co.. Tetherow, David McDon'u'hCo July June June June June July June 13 Sick at Yellow Banks August 30. Sick at Yellow Banks September 1. Sick at Yellow Banks August 25. Sick at Yellow Banks August 1. Sick at Yellow Banks August 20. Detached on extra duty September 1. Sick at Yellow Banks August 6 June June Sick at Yellow Banks September 1. 1832. July June Sick at Yellow Banks September 1. Sick at Yellow Banks August 20 Sick at Yellow Banks August 30. 160 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Tetherow, George... Tomberlin.Fount'n C Tombe Vertrec, Williams Vertrees, Isaac. Williams, Amos. McDon'u'h Co Warren Co.. 1832. June 11 Sick at Yellow Banks Aiigust 30. Capt. James White's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States on the requisition of Gen. Atkinson. Mustered out of the service of the United States Sep- tember 5th, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. •lames White. Hancock Co. 1832. April 30 First Lieutenant. John Reynolds Second Lieutenant. James Miller Sergeants. A. S. Foot, 1st Amasah Doolittle,2d William White, 3d... John Vance, 4th John Robinson, 5th. . Corporals. Gabriel Long Samuel Gooch... George Wilson . . Anabel Whiting. Privates. Atherton, JohnR... Buckanan, George.. Brown, Enoch D Burnet, William Barber, Samuel Coon, David Clark, Johnson Clark, Johnson, Jr.. Cheney, Richard Carpenter, Joseph.. Doolittle, Briar Donald, Jonathan... Delong, Perry Enslen. Squire D Felt, Cyrus Gregg, John , Goodwin, Samuel... Gray, James Horner, John , Harper, George W.. Higgins, Wm Hickason, Wm Hickason, Elisha Hill, Davis Kennedy, Nathan... McNitt, Benjamin... Miller, William Moffltt, James, 1st.. Moffltt, James, 2d.. Moffltt, John Middleton, George. Moore, Abraham... Smith, Andrew F... Spillman. Hezekiah Stevens, Isaac Tongate, Jeremiah. Furloughed Sept. 2, for 3 days. July 16 April 30 July 16 April 30 July 16 Sick at Fort Spillman on Sept. 1. April 30 July 16 April 30 May 1* July 16 Furloughed on Aug. 30, up to this day Sickon Se pt. i ; Musician Sick Aug. 28, 1832 July 16 April 30 July 16 Thrown from horse; shoulder dislocated. Sick'Aug.'3o"!l"!!''"'!!!^!!"'!!"! ODD BATTALIONS. 161 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Thompson. Daniel. Tanner, James Vance, Samuel Williams, Levi White, Joseph White, Alexander.. White, Hugh White, Edward Wilson, Hugh Wilson, William Willes, Thomas Wallace, James Wallace, William... 1832. July^ 16 April 30 July 16 April 30 2d Sergeant July 16 Furloughed; detailed to guard Indian pris'rs April 30 July 16 April 30 July 16 —11 162 BLACK HAWK WAR. ODD COMPANIES. COMPANIES ATTACHED TO COL. DODGE'S REGIMENT. Capt. James Craig's Company Of Mounted Volunteers of JoDaviess county, State of Illinois, called into service by the Governor on May 26, 1832. and by order of Gen. Atkinson, U. S. Army, attached to the com- mand of Uol. Henry Dodge, and now mustered by Lieut. Gardner, by order of Gen. Atkin- son, to be discharged Sept. 14, 1832. Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Craig First Lieutenant. H. T. Camp , Second Lieutenants Leonard Goss Orn Smith Sergeants. Whites'ds Horgess, 1 James B. Ketler, 1st John McDonald, 2d. Isaac M. Reynolds, 2d Albert Henry, 3d.... A.M. Wallace, 4th .. James Temple, 4th.. Corporals. David Morrison George Sparks Benj. Sutton Sam'l Warren Privates. Armstrong, James . Avery, Azel Averv, Elias P Bernard, John Bush, Michael Boles, John Bivins, John Bass, George Covel, Peter Chaney, Osborne... Collins, William Crant^, Thomas Charles, Elijah Dolton, William Davis, D. R Davidson, L. V Delereon, Bazell Detandeberaty. M.. 1832. JoDaviess Co. ' May " May 20 July 1 May 20 June 1 May 20 26 June 1 May 20 Aug. 15 May_ 26 May 20 June 1 May^ 26 June 1 June 20 Sept. 1 June 16 1 Aug. 15 May 26 June 1 20 !6 Two horses and boy Rode Bush's horse , Resigned June 26; horse lost, appraised at.1 Served as private from June 1 , Deserted with gun Diseh. for intemp'nce June 1; took 2 blankets Rode Capt. Estes' horse Rode R. Shores' horse Disch. to go to Cincin. Aug. 15; took gun, etc. Rode R. Shores' horse Rode F. C. Kirkpatrick's horse Absent July 20; rode public horse . Rode A. Kent's horse Discharged for intemperance July 4 ... to go to Fort Clark July 13. Rode D. Avery's horse Rode E. Brotherlen's horse Transferred to hospital; 2d Surg., July 7 Discharged for intemperance July 4 July 12 stayed at Fort Winnebago Absent with leave June 29 disch. to go to Selkirk's; acted as spy Trans, to Capt. E.Duncan's company Aug. 15 ODD COMPANIES. 163 Name and Rank. £nlo W.Enoch Foley. James Flack. -John Howell, Jesse Howell. \Vm Hereleroad. G. W. .. Head. N. T Hawkins. Jas. L Jordan. Thomas Kirkpatrick, F. C — Kirkpatrick, Jas. G.. Kirkpatrick. F. W. .. Kirkpatrick, Wm. M. Kirkpatrick. J. IS Kirkpatrick, John F. Langworthy. Edw'd. Langworthy. James. Lictenborger, Conr'd MoiTatt, Joseph Moffatt, Francis Montgomery. John.. ftlcColister. Reuben. McNair. David Mann, Harvey Mitchell, Isaac McKinney, Charles.. Nevil, John Osborn, Abraham Parishon, Eustach Porter, James C. .. Quinliven, Dennis. Swan, Moses Stevens. Sam'lF... Sancer, Robt Stocton, Isaac Slocton. William Smith, Orlando Sanderson, F. C Thomas, John Thomas, Noah Thompson, Willis ... Tracy, Charles Upton, Robert Webb, T.J White. Garey Woodson. John B. .. Woodcock, James S. 1832. JoDaviessCo.lJuly June July May Residence. lEnrolled Remarks. June May Rode G. Bass' horse ' ' J. Furlong's horse , Disch. for disobedience of orders July 13. Joined Jones' company in M. T. July 16... Killed by Indians at Apple River June 24 . Rode G. White's horse July 1 May 26 June 16 26 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 May 26 July 1 Aug. 1 June 1 ' ' 16 July 1 June 1 July 1 May 26 July 1 June 1 6 May 2(i July 1 May 26 July 1 May 26 June 1 ' ' 16 ' ' 16 Rode Grey'shorse - — --.- Rode J. Kitler's horse to July 20, then his own Rode Lockwood's horse Rode Brotherlin's horse Captain of Spy company Absent with leave; retains gun. powder horn. Rode Hillyard's horse Disch. Aug. 12; gone to M.T. ; rode Flint s horse Rode T. B. Farnsworth's horse 56 rations due him - — .--.-, — Discharged July 13 to go to Fort Clark. . . 5; rode Eades horse .. " 13: " Ketter's horse. Rode H. H. Gear's horse Absent with leave without leave Aug. 1 Rode H. H. Gear's horse Disch. June 29; acted as spy; rode pub. horse Rode Mullet's mule Rode public horse Rode John Tay lo i 's horse - - Disch. Jul. 29; gone to Quincy; rode pub. horse July 24 absent without leave Aug. 16 transferred to Capt. Duncan s Co Deserted June 10 with gun and 2 blankets... Julyl " " blanket Rode Hogan's horse Rode A. Philco's horse Rode Hillyard"s horse Rode Dubois' horse - -.- Disch. July 4 for intemp'nce; rode pub. horse Tohn Nevil Eliuih Charles John B.Woodson. Jas. S. Woodcock, J. L Hawkins and (^onf ad LfJtenber^er were detached from the company under my command to act as spies in the neighborhood of Scale's Fort, on the east fork of Fever ri\ er. Capt. Enoch Duncan's Company Of Mounted Riflemen, maintained in the service of the United States under ^ ^ifs'^Ke c;Ski?j^ftSLS;.°£^s!i^^^^^^^ Name and Rank. Captains. JamesW. Stephens'n Enoch Duncan ... First Lifutenants. James K. Hammett Alex. Kerr Harvey Cavanaw James L. Kirkpatrick Residence. Enrolled Remarks. 1832 May ' 19 Elected Major June 26 . June 26 May 19 Resigned June 4 . . June 4{ '■ "'26. Aug. 13' June 26;Resigned Aug. 13 164 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Second Lieutenants. Alexander Kerr 18C May June June May June June May Aug May May May June May Aug May Aug May i2. 19 4 20 19 4 7 19 12 19 25 19 > 28 19 12 19 \ > 16 19 Elected 1st Lieut. June 4 Enoch Duncan " Captain " 26 D S Harris Sergeants. Private since June 4 FredStahl Has not done duty as Sergeant from June 4.. On leave Musicians. On leave S.D.Scot Privates. Anderson, Wm. S Armstrong, Abner .. On furlough Bennett, William Bohannon, Isaiah On furlough Bennett, Thomas Boggess, William On furlough Burbridge, Benjamin Discharged July 19 Bennett, Charles R.. On furlough Bain, -John Blair, William Absent on leave, sick — Barnet, H. Cavanaw, Harvey Elected 1st Lieut. Aug. 13 Coates, John On furlough Collins, William Cook, G. M.. Cooper, A Discharged Aug. 12 Coates, Thomas On furlough Cormack, John Chastee, Samuel On furlough Coyle, Peter Caldwell, William... On furlough Chichester, Thomas. Discharged July 19 Darley, William Killed while on express May 19 Downs, Daniel D Duncan, Enoch Elected 2d Lieut. June 4 Davis, D. R Transferred to J.Craig's company Dennison, Joseph . . . On furlough Davidson, V. L Dudley, Wm Dudley N Dixon, Fred Eames, Charles Eames, George Killed in battle June 17 Furr, Chas Fields, Solomon Gleason, Isaac Garrison, E Gruell, John Green, Wm.B On furlough Gilbert, Hayden Ham, Matljias Harris, D. S Elected 2d Lieut. June 26 Hodges, H. W Harris. Kuler On furlough Hays, James Discharged July 19 Hoops, George Hammond, N. I Discharged July 26 Hood, Alexander On furlough Howard, Stephen P. Killed in battle June 17 Imus, Alfred Imus. Charles Job, Ira B Jonas, William Jourdan, James Jourdan, I. B Jourdan, William Kerns, Patrick Kirkpatrick, I. L Kirkpatrick, Jesse I. Koons, John • On fur lough ODD COMPANIES. 165 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Lukes, J Lovell, Michael Massey, H. L Mineclear, I. B , Morrison, Wm. H... McNulty, John McCabe, John , McDonnell. John Mann, Harvey McNair. Alexander . McBride, William... McKenney, Charles. Meeker, Jonathan .. Mulliken, John D Oliver, Solon Phillo, Addison Putnam. H Pease, H. H Prigg, G , Reed, Thomas Stocton, Isaac Stoeton, William Swan, A. C Stout.B.F Shull. Jesse W Smith, Malcomb Smith, Vincent Shore, Richard Shipton, John Shipton, Jesse Shanance. Thos Sublett, Thos Snyder.F Snyder, S Shanley, Thomas Shannon, D Sinoker, Samuel Tinan, Dennis Thomas. V.I Taylor. Mason Temple, James Thrailkill, John Vance, Samuel Vance, William Williamson, Samuel. Williams, Freeman. . Whitesides, Mac Whitesides, Abram.. Whitesides, Jno. B.. Whooten, Daniel Wallace, James M. . . Wheeler, Loring AVelch, Edwin Winters. J. D Young, Lewis 1832. May 19 .June 25 Quit, by honorable discharge. June 17, killed in battle Aug. May On furlough. Transferred to Capt. J. Craig's Co. July 1. Horse killed in battle On furlough Appointed Surgeon , On furlough; wounded in battle. On detached service; ordnance officer Discharged July 15 Sergeant from June 4. On leave Quit June 19 On furlough. Sick; wounded on express On leave 166 BLACK HAWK WAR. COMPANIES UNDER BRIG.-GEN. ATKINSON. Capt. William Gordon's Company, A company of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois Militia, organized as a company of Spies, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson, of the U. S. Army. The non-commissioned officers and privates having been taken from the lines of other companies in the service, and the offi- cers having been appointed by Gen. Atkinson, and continued in the service as a Spy Com- pany, during the period stated. Mustered out at Dixon's, August 14, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William Gordon St. Louis, Mo Peoria, 111... Kaskaskia ... Pinckneyville Kaskaskia . . . 1832. June 22 First Lieutenant. Peter Menard Second Lieutenant. William Morrison .. Sergeants. William Murphy Francis Swanwick.. William Myers Samuel Crawford... Corporals. Medard Menar Louis Wilmot i'eoria Kaskaskia ... Robei't Murphy Robert Caldwell Privates. Adams, Levi Banson, Lewis Brown, John Champine, Lewis... Doza, Joseph Hill, Lewis Jones, Slaughter Jerrard, Francis Kinion, James Kimmansa, Baptist. Lvnch, James Omelvany, John Pepper, L Pamiguvi, Baptist... Paschal, Francis Smith, Francis Sachappelle, Henry. Wliite, tfohn J ODD COMPANIES. 167 Capt. Cyrus Mathews' Company Of Foot Volunteers, in the service of the United States under Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Mus- tered out at Fort Wilbourn August 1, 1832. Name and Bank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Cyrus Mathews First lieutenant. William Hunter Morgan Co... 1832. June 2 On furlough since July 23, 1832 Second Lieutenant. W. R. Lindsay Sergeants. William Barker Resigned June 23, 1832 M. Q. Dennis Thomas Shepherd.. W, C.Harris Corporals. A. B. Shepherd Enos Hobbs Wiley Scribner R. S. Anderson Elected 2d Lieuterfant June 23, 1832 Privates. Anderson, J. 8 Busy, Thomas Bones, John Carson, Thomas Carson, James .-. Crowly. C. W Dickens. A. C Foster, William Grimsley, William.. Grimsley, Fielding.. George, Francis White Co...". Absent driving team, haul'g provis. for army Hamilton, William S. Holland, Berry June 2 Horton. William Morgan Co... Hart. Josiah Haymes, J. L Humphrey, B Huston, J. C Joiner, Peter Kurkendall, I Lutes, Daniel Loflin, Thomas Lynch, J. H McGinnis, L Myers, William M... Morris. William Moss, Isaac Eagen, L. B On furlough Rodes. Joseph Row, G. W Elected 3d Corporal June 23, 1832... Row, John Rose, Samuel " Reed, John A Sammons. Edin Morgan Co... June 2 Stinson, M. L Taylor, William Webb, William On furlough 168 BLACK HA.WK WAR. Capt. George McFadden's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States under Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Mustered out of service of United States June 29, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. George McFadden . . LaSalle Co. " 1832. May 24 First Lieutenant. W.F.Walker Second Lieutenant. Oliver Bangs On command Sergeants. H. A. Sprague Alex. K. Owen John Combs On command by order of Gen. Atkinson George A. Sprague.. Corporals. Henry Hicks S. Bartholomew Ezekiah Warren Samuel Warren On command by order of Gen. Atkinson On command Privates. Armstrong, Will Broomfleld, Benj Beresford, John Beresf ord, James Killed by Indians June 24, 1832 Brown, James Brown, Charles Gonsoles, Peter Galloway. James On furlough since May 24 Hogoboom, Richard Hogoboom, John On command by order of Gen. Atkinson Kimball. Russell Lewis, Will On command by order of Gen. Atkinson... Morgan, J. W Morgan, Josiah Richey, Will, Sr On command by order of Gen. Atkinson Richey, Will.Jr I . • i 11 Bucker, John Sprague. Abel Sprague, Ephriam.. On command by order of Gen. Atkinson... ... Shaw, Josiah E Walker, George Warren, Daniel On command by order of Gen. Atkinson Workman, John Wilcox, John Capt. Samuel Smith's Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States under the command of Brig.-Gen. H. Atkinson. Mustered out June 15. 1832, by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Enrolled for 20 days. Name and Rank. Residence. 1 Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Samuel Smith Greene Co 1832. May 27 First Lieutenant. James D. Scott Second Lieutenant. Jacob Waggoner ODD COMPANIES. 169 Name and Bank. Eesidence. Enrolled Remarks. Sergeants. Thomas Briggs Frederick Atchison Fielden Atchison Squire Wood Greene Co Morgan Co.... GreeneCo Corporals. George Sanders .. Harrison Poindexter R.G.Lee VincentLee Privates. Adcock. Isam Burns, Martin Barnet, Benj. F Burton. Lemuel Baker, John Boggus, Preston Bonner, A. V Clark, Squire Cook, William Crabb. Edward Dun, Squire Delany, H Doil, Gregory Dansworth. Chas.W. Fisher, James Fry, Jacob Gilliland, James Hopper, Thomas Hill, Jonathan Link, Mathias S Linli, David Laxton, Washington Lakin, Joseph Leighton, Jonathan. Moore, Isaac Massey, Benj. F Metton, David Meeker, Ambers M.. Piper. Israel Reddish, John Smith. Jeremiah Scott, John W Story. S. S Tourney, James .. .. Whitesides, Levi T.. Whitesides, Wm. H.. Whitesides* John B. Whitlock. James AValden, James Walden. Tho.s. R Walker, Gideon GreeneCo... Madison Co. GreeneCo... Madison Co. Greene Co... Greene Co.. Morgan Co... GreeneCo... St. Louis, Mo GreeneCo... Shelby Co.:. Greene Co... Madisob Co. GreeneCo... Shelby Co... May 27 June May Absent with leave On special duty as Wagon Master. On furlough On furlough. On furlough. Absent on leave Appointed Surgeon May 30,1832. On furlough Absent with leave On furlough Promoted Colonel May 31, 1832 . . On furlough Absent with leave On furlough Promoted Surgeon's Mate May 31, 1832. Absent with leave On furlough. Promoted to Paymaster May 31, 1832 Disch. June 10, 1832, by order of Gen. Atkinson Horse absent Promoted Q. M. Sergt. May 31,1832, Capt. B. James' Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States, under the command of Brig.-Gen. H. Atkinson. Mustered out of the service of the United States by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson, this 15th day of June, 1832, Enrolled for 20 days. Distant 250 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Benjamin James... First Lieutenant. Calvert Roberts Bond Co. 1832. May 27. Horse killed in the service. Absent with leave. Second Lieutenant. W. D. Shirley 170 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Eesidenee. Enrolled Remarks. Serfjeants. Sloss McAdams James Downing John W. West James Prior Corporals. James VValker Wm. Corruthers G. W. Conyer Benjamin Holbrooks Privates. Anthony, Abraham. Coffey. CleavlinS... Duff, G.D Glen, Robert Gill. Francis Griffith, William Gillispie, Joseph R. . Holdbrooks, Amos.. Lynch, William Lyles, Elbert Mills, Andrew P Mills, Daniel H McAdams. James ... McAdams, William.. Royer, Daniel Sellers, Benjamin E. Voluntine, Jackson O Walker, John T Bond Co.. 1832. May 27 Absent with leave; horse absent... Absent with leave Horse absent Absent with leave Absent witli leave Appointed Sergeant-Major 31, i832. Absent with leave Capt. Stennett's Company Of the Odd Battalion of the Brigade of Mounted Rangers, called into the service of the United States, on the requsition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation, dated May 30, 1832. Mustered out on Sept. 4, ls32. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John Stennett First Lieutenant, Daniel Mathoney . . Second Lieutenant. Joel Pennington ... Sergeant.^. John B. Smith .. Samuel L. Dark Norris Hobert. . Philip Horney.. Cornornls. Robart Martin.. Eli Williams. ... James Bell Isaiah Price Private.'^. Allen, William Brown, William. Briscow. Isaac Bristow, Mathew C. Briggs, Elias Brakewell, Charles. Busan, Jesse Friend, Abel , Glen. Fielding T Golston, Benjamin.. Howard, James Schuyler Co 1832. June 6 Absent on furlough from Aug, 27 to this date. Absent on furlough from Aug. 27 up to date. . Absent on furlough from Aug. 27 up to date. . June 26 June 6 Sick on the way home. Aug. 1 June 6 ODD COMPANIES. 171 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Hartley, Eli 1832 June July June July June \ug June June Aug. June Aug. June Aug. 6 18 6 18 6 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 1 On furlough from Aug. 27, up to this date Hunter, Jesse Holiday, Sandford.. Harrison, George H. Horney , 8amuel Isaac, Allen Schuyler Co Appointed Q. M. of the Battalion on June 15. Jones, John M Kennett, William Schuyler Co Luster. Jesse Absent on extra duty McGeehv, William.. MeKee, William Schuyler Co McKee, James Mathenv. Daniel, Jr Martin, Richard D . . . O'Neil, Simon P Detailed on extra duty OsViurn. Joseph On furlough, arm dislocated Pennington, Riggs.. Pennington, S. Schuyler Co Pennington, Riley.. Peckingham, Peter. Penningham Wesley Schuyler Co • Pettigrew, George M Rice, Nicholas Rose, Stephen Rose. John S Rigg, William T Smith, George Smith, Samuel Smith, Hugh Sallie, Oliver P Stewart, Samuel Tallis, Joel VanWinkle, John... Williams, Mervin White, Jeremiah Capt. M. L. Covell's Company Of Mounted Volunteers (Rangers), being an Odd Detachment under the direction of the Col. of McLean C'unty, under the command of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson. Mustered out of the service of the United States at Bloomington, Illinois, on August 3, 1832, at the place of en- rollment. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. M. L. Covell Bloomington. ia32. June 3 July 3 June 3 Fir at Lieutenant. Wm. Dimmet . .. . Absent with leave Second Lieutenant. Richard Edwards. Sergeants. Benjamin Depew John Vittito Stephen F. Gates George Wiley Corporals. Robert F. Harris . . . John Toliver Served 30 days, then employed substitute Harrison Flesher Charles Yezay Served 30 days as substitute for John Toliver John J. McGraw 172 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Atherton, Henry Benson, Thomas Busick, Henry Britton, Elijah Britton, Nalihan Cox. Henry Carlock, Reuben Carlock, George Cheney, .Jonathan.. Davis, Alexander... Down.s, T.awson Draper, Reuben Foster, William Gaylord, Horace Gridley. Asahel Gibbs, Elias ... Glenn, John P Harbert, Joseph A.. Harbert, Hez. M Harbert, Hiram Harper, William Johnson, James Lane, Harrison. 1 Lundy. Amos Merrytield, RoUa Martin, Franklin Mullin, John A Oatman, Clement... Provo, Franklin N . . Patton. John Rook, Frederick Ruth, Nathan Spaur, George Scott, Martin Vincent, William Vandoler. Jesse Wyatt. L. M Wright, James C Washburn, Thos. C. Young, Briant Bloomington, 1832. June Served as substitute for George Spaur. Take n sick July 27, '1832 .".!.'.'!".'.'."!!!!.'.'; Employed substitute for 18 day s Absent with leave Absent with leave Capt. John S. Wilbourn's Company Of Illinois Infantry, in the service of the United States under command of Brig.-Gen Atkinson. Mustered out June 9, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. 1 Enrolled Remarks. Oapfain. John S.Wilbourn 1832. May 22 First Lieutenant. William Chase Second Lieutenant. James H. Blackman. Sergeants. P. J. O'Connor David Edgar Privates. Bonner, Alexand'r V. ' Bertrand, Charles... Byas, Jesse Carver, James Crosier, James Davis, Aaron Davis, John Greene, William Harper, John ODD COMPANIES. 173 Name and Bank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Hill, William Hash, Alfred Hays, James Howard. Abraham. King, Allan Mullau, Joseph B... Morgan, Lewis Manard, Antonio... Morgan, John Moss, William Plasters, Lemond.. Rouse, Isaac M Smedley, John J Stuart, Enoch Trent, Martin S Taylor, E. S Young, Achriel 1832. May 22 Sick Capt. Solomon Miller's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States on a requisition o Gen. Atkinson on the Governor of the State of Illinois, and under the command of Gen. Atkinson. Mustered out at Belleville, St. Clair Co., on Aug. 2, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Solomon Miller St. Clair Co. First Lieutenant. Jacob S. Stout Second Lieutenant. William H.Phillips.. Sergeants. Enoch Luckey Lewis Doyle James Petitt Robert Higgins Corporals. George Higgins Nathaniel Smith Boneham Beer Benjamin I. Smith ., Farrier. Thomas Ervin Saddler. John D. Hughes Armorer. Michael Randleman Trumpeter. John W. Johnson Privates. Beer, William Carroll, William.... Callehan, Vance Collier, William .... Cornoyer, Nareisse. Dunn, John Eastwood. Daniel L. Franklin, John A Fike, Benjamin Fike, Ausby. , Gonville, Lawrence. 1832. April 27 May 30 April 27 May 30 April 27 174 BLACK HAWK WAK. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Gaskill, Samuel Hughes, Robert Holcomb. Joel Hill, William Hill, James Jarrot, Vital Jaekson, Jarvis M... Koen, John Krupp, John McMurtrie, George.. MaceuUey. John O'Harro. Charles Phelps, Michael Patterson, Samuel.. Payne, George W Quick, Daniel P Quick, George C Reynolds, Robert Rogers, Samuel Reames, -Jesse Stout, William Stubbletteld, John. . . Short, William B Scott, James Taylor, Charles Taylor, John Vertrees, John Vannosdal.Benjam'a Watson, William Walker, Gilley Wilson. Edward Whitesides, Samuel. St. Clair Co 1832 May April 3(1 June 5 May 30 April 27 In service of Governor. May 30 April 27 May 30 April 27 Note.— There is a discrepancy in dates relative to the service of this company, which requires corz'ection before it can be paid. The date of enrollment appears generally to have been April 27, 1832, whilst Gov. Reynolds' certificate says that it was called out by him under Gen. Atkinson's requisition of May 29 last. Paymaster-General's Olifice. Aug. 16, 1832. Capt. Elijah Iles' Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, in the service of the United States, under the command of, Brig.-Gen. H. Atkinson. Mustered out of service June 16, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Elijah lies Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Sangamon Co Macon Co Sangamon Co Fayette Co.. Sangamon Co Fayette Co... 1832. May 27 First Lieutenant. Jesse M. Harrison... Second Lieutenant. Henry B. Roberts Sergeants. George W.Glasscock Zachariah Millugent James A. Ward Benjamin Birch Corporals. Alexander Trent G. W.Foster Absent on furlough; no horse No horse G. W. Diamond Jesse Darrow Prirates. Archer. Michael Horse absent Alley, James Absent, sick ODD COMPANIES. 175 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Bell, A. W Brents, Moses Brannan, John Cole, Eldridge Crow. William Churchill, Lewis . . Coventry, John Dickinson, David Dewees, Samuel B.. Esles, Asa 1 Earley, Jacob M Ebey, Jacob Garret, Joseph F Ginger, Miles Gateley, John J Graft, John Hickerson, G. W Henry, James D Harrington, John Hanks, Joseph Hankins, John Johnson. Henry Kirkpatrick, John... Keys, John Kirkpatrick, William Kendall, John J Lincoln, A Letcher. John Long, Thomas Lane, Jacob Manly, John McAIister. Wm Mason, Noah McCoy, Joseph Matheny, Lorenzo D Millu^ent, Samuel.. McAlister, John Mc Jenkins, Hugh... Morris, Achilles Neale, Winston M... O'Neal, Samuel Oliphant, E. P Pierce, Thomas Potts. William L.... Pickerell, William S. Patterson. Joseph.. Paul, John Querry, James Rutledge, James Rutledge, JohnB... Reid, James F Rusk, Benjamin Saunders, Presly A. Stuart, John T Sliirley, John Taulbee, Isaac Wright, JohnD Welch, Jefferson Ward, James M 1832 Macon Co May Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Sangamon Co Macon Co Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Sangamon Co JoDaviess Co Fayette Co... Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Macon Co Fayette Co... Sangamon Co 27 Sangamon Co Macon Co Sangamon Co Tazewell Co. Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Tazewell Co. Macon Co Morgan Co... Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Macon Co Sangamon Co No horse Absent with leave ; no horse Elected Major; promoted Lieut. Col. May 31. Absent with leave Appointed Quartermaster May 31, 1832 Absent with leave; no horse Deserted June 1; no horse No horse Absent with leave No horse Appointed Adjutant May 31, 1832 Absent with leave; no horse Appointed Surgeon May 31, 1832 Absent witli leave Absent witlileave; no horse No horse ^ 176 BLACK HAWK WAR. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. Capt. Jacob M. Earley's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, mustered out of the service of the United States by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson, U. S. Army, on White Water river of Rock river, on July 10, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jacob M. Earley , Sangamon Co 1832. June 16 First Lieutenant. G. W.Glasscock.... Second Lieutenant. B. D. Rusk v/ Sergeants. Zachariah Malugin. . Noah Mason Jacob Eby W.fflh^eale t^ ^Vorporals. R: M. Wyatt M. H. Brentz William Crow Henry Johnson Privates. Bailey. David Baker, John Brewer, John Climon, James ^ Darrow, Jesse • Fanchier, G. B Gilbert, R.J Henry, James D Hubbard, G. S /Harrison, George ... Harrington. John ... Johnston, John D... ^Lincoln, A. /Loveless, J. R ' Morris, Achilles McJenkins, Hugh ... Matheny, L. D McCoy, Joseph McGarey, Hugh McGarey, Harrison. McRoberts, Samuel. Neal, Samuel O Paul, John Pickerel, Wm. S Potts, Wm. L Pickerel, B. F Reed, James F Rutledge, James Stephenson, John L. Smith, Adam Strawbridge, Wm. .. Stout, George Spencer, Roswell H. Stuart, John T Warrick, Montgom'y Warrick, John C Madison Co.. Sangamon Co Fayette Co... Tazewell Co. Sangamon Co Vermilion Co. Sangamon Co Coles Co Sangamon Co Vermilion Co Fayette Co Coles Co... Sangamon Co Sangamon Co Tazewell Co. Sangamon Co Vermilion Co Sangamon Co Morgan Co. Sangamon Co R'k Island Co Sangamon Co Hunting horse with leave .Absent on furlough since June 29, 1832. Remained at Dixon's without leave Absent horse hunting since June 29, 1832 June June June June Hunting horse Absent with leave, horse hunting Promoted from the ranks Hunting horse . June 16 Absent with leave from enrollment , Absent witli leave, horse hunting . .. Absent with leave from date of enrollment. Left sick at Dixon's since June 25, 1832 Hunting horse June June June June Hunting horse Hunting hiorse with leave ODD COMPANIES. 177 Capt. Seth Pratt's Company Of Illinois Volunteer Militia, stationed at Fort Armstrong, Rock Island, Illinois. In the service of the United States from April 21, 1832, to June 3, 1832, when mustered out. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Seth Pratt. . . . First Lieutenant. John M. Crabtree . . Second Lieutenant. Joseph Leister Sergeants. Simpson Stewart... William B. Sisk Elihu Sparks Abraham Crabtree. Corporals. James Stockton . George Yates James Kellar James Curry Thomas Burton.. Fifer. James Carr . . Privates. Acton, Golman Bradbury. Nathan. Brantlv, Henry Birdsell, Clark Booth, Isaac Brock, Daniel Bradley, Amos Bradshaw, John... Bohvare. John H.. Castlebury, Berry. Cooper, Stephen L Davis, John Ford, Henry Foster, William Gulliher. Isaac Hamilton, Parnell . Hunly, Harrison... Hopper, William .. Jackson, Alfred Leighton, Jonathan. Long, Nicholas ... Low, James M Lawrence, Iredell Langston, Martin Langston. Larkin B. Lcti'lier, John Melton, Henry McConnell, Francis McDaniel, Frederick New, James Overstreet, Wm. C Pervine, John Pointer, William .. Russ, Jonathan Smothers, Andrew Schmick, Isaac Smith, Samuel Wells, Samuel 1832. April 21. Commanding company. For duty. For duty. Appointed Drum Major April 29, 1832 . Dismissed May 12,1832; claimed as a deserter Sent to hospital sick May 10, 1832; f iirloughed. On detached service with army May 19,1832. Appointed Ass't Surgeon April 29,1832. On detached service with army May 19,1832. On detached service with army May 19,1832. -1-2 178 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Alexander D. Cox's Company Of Illinois Volunteers, in the service of the United States. Mustered out June 15, 1832, at Fort Wilbourn. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Alexander D. Cox... 1832. May 28 June 12 May^ 28 Fhst Lleutenard. Joseph W. Duncan Second Lieutenant. Thomas T. Clark Sergeants. Charlf'S Day Williiini F. Cox ' Robert Patten Corporals. Harvev Graham James MeCormick Daniel Waters / Pritmtes. Atwood, William C Eyas, James D.. Bvas, Jesse Joined my company on June 12, 1832 Foster, William Hedrick, Stephen Hutton, John Hamilton, Frederick Hays, John Hays, Harrison Hays, Jonathan Hays, James .. Massee, Elder Snyder, Solomon R Tompkins, Alfred... Wright, Moses Capt. James Walker's Company Or Detachment of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the Governor of the State of Illinois, and by his order of June 19, 1832, from the date of its enrollment to the 12th of August, 1832, when mustered out. Mustered out at Fort Walker, on DuPage river. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Walker. Cook Co. 1832. June 25 First Lieutenant. Chester Smith Second Lietitenant. George Hollenboch. Sei-geants. William Lee Edmund Weed Chester Ingersoll Corporals. ElishaFish Rueben Flagg Peter Watkins ODD COMPANIES. 179 Name and Kank. Musician. Edward A. Eogers . . Privates. Ament, Ed\vai-d G... Ament, Hiram Ament. Anson C Clark. David K Covell, Thomas K... Curtis, Elisha Fountain, Samuel... Gilston, James Jones, Henry Smith, Ealph Watkins, Benj.T Watkins, Peter. Jr... Wooley, Jeddiah Wooley. Thomas Walkeley, Henry Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Cook Co... 1832. June 25 Absent, on furlough till expiration. Capt. William Warnick's Company Of Mounted Volunteer Rangers, ordered out by the Governor, for the protection of the frontier of Macon county, Illinois. Mustered out of the service of the United States at Decatur, Illinois, on September 24, 1832. Name and Rank. Remarks. Captain. William Warniek... First Lieutenant. J. C.Pugh Second Lieutenant. E. Freeman , Senjeanis. F. G. Paine , J. H. Johnson A. M. Wilson R. Law Corporals. J. Smith A. Traviee J. Brown J. Miller Privates. Arnold, A Alsup, Thomas Burrell, N Brown, MJ Butler, E Church, T. G. D... Cunningham, H Cunningham, J Davis, J Edwards, J Farris, J Hall, A Howell, D Hooper, W Hendline, A Hall,D Ingram, L Johnson, R Jackson. L Lowry, J Decatur. 1832. June 4 Officers and privates found own rations, arms [and ammunition. 180 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence Enrolled Rernarks. Mounce, S McMennamy, J. H.. Newcomb, D Owen, T Paine, M Paine, Mason Piatt, J. A Smith, A. W Sinnett, S Stevens, J Slatten, Benjamin . Travis, F Widick, S Ward, William Wilson, T.F Warnick, James Warnick, J Walker, J Wheeler, R Decatur 1832. June Capt. Alex. M. Jenkins' Company Of Illinois Volunteers, called out on the requisition of Gen. H. Atkinson, by the Govern- or's proclamation dated , 1833, and regularly mustered into the service of the United States by Lieut. J. R. Gardine, U. S. A., on July 13, 1832, and now mustered for discharge this 10th day of August, 183t!, by N. W. Army Special Orders No. 45 of 1832, by Lieut. J. R. Gardine, U. S. A. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Alexan'r M. Jenkins. First Lieutenant. James Herald Second Lieutenant. Silas Hickman Sergeants. Milton Ladd John D. O wings Mathias Hagler Aaron Quillman Corporals. Binningson Boone.. Daniel House John Logan Jacob Schwartz Cornet. Wm. M. Bowring Privates. Burkley, David Blacker, James Blacker, David Casey, Henry Casey, John Cram, Sauire , Creath, Hiram Clark, John G Camron, James Deason, James A Deason, William Delaplain, John Davis, Joseph Davis, Ralph Davis, Samuel Etherton, James Jackson Co.. Jackson Co. Randolph Co. Jackson Co.. 1832. June 10 Horse shoes, $1; $1 due Bennett for care horse Horse shoes, $1 Horse shoes, $i Lost 1 blanket in the service, uppraised at $3. Horse shoes, $1 iiorse shoes, $1 2 Lost his horse, appraised at $45 Absent, sick Horse shoes, $i Lost i blanket in the service, appraised at $3. Horse shoes, $1 ■ iiorse siioes, $ i Absent, sick Horse shoes, $1 ODD COMPANIES. 181 Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Gardner, Robert R.. Griffith, Geo. F Hagler, Paul Huff, O. M Hinson, Nicholas Hagler, Edmund Holden, John Ireland, Alexander.. Logan, James Logan, John. 2d Lorrels, Walker Lafferty, Alexander. Owings, James F Orton, William Richards, John Sorrels. James Shumaker, William. Timmons, James M. Teague, Hezekiah.. Tavlor. Richard R... Vote, Gilbert B Vansel, George Walker, Nathan D... W^ood, Wilson D Jackson Co., 1832. June 16 Horse shoes, $1 iiorse shoes, $i Horse shoes, $1 Horse shoes, $1; Dr. J. Logan was app'd Surg. Bridie-bii^'sdc!!! !!!!!];!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!! !!!!!! Horse slioi s, $1 iiorse shoes, .$i " Detached service I certify that this muster roll exhibits the true state of Capt. A. M. Jenkins' Company of Illinois Militia, in the service of the United States for the period herein mentioned: that the "Remarks" set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are accurate and just, and that the recapitulation exhibits in every particular the true state of the company. (Signed.) A. M. JENKINS, Capt. Command'g the Co. The company marched, by order of th > Colonel, to the Wisconsin, while Gen. Atkinson, with the main armv, lay at Helena, and while there tendered our service to him to pursue the Indians, but were ordered by him to return to Fort Hamilton, to guard the provisions, as we had been ordered to do by Col. Holmes. The company have drawn, while in service, 97^2 bushels of corn. Capt. B. B. Craig's Company Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States, on the requi- sition of Gen. Atkinson, by the Governor's proclamation dated May 12, 1832, and regularly mustered into the service by Lieut. J. R. B. Gardiner July 13. 1832, and was mustered for discharge this August 10. 1832, by Northwestern Army Special Order No. 45, of 1832. Name and Rank. Enrolled Remarks. CaTftain. B.B.Craig Union Co... First Lieutenant. William Craig Second Lieutenant. John Newton Sergeants. Samuel Moland Solomon David Hezekiah Hodges. John Rendlemen.. Corporals. Joel Barker Adam Cauble Martin Ury Jeremiah Irvine... Privates.. Barringer, Aaron.. Barringer, John... Corgan, John Cheser, Mathew... Ellis, Daniel Farmer, William.. Farmer, Thomas.. 1832 June 19 Horse, etc., appraised at ,$79, lost in service.. Horse, etc., appraised at $70, lost in service.. Absent on furlough Horse, etc., appraised at $85. lost in service. Saddle, etc., appraisedat $17, lost in service. iiorse^ etc., appraised at $64.50, lostin service 182 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Pisher, Moses Ooodin, Abraham... Oavin, William G.... Gramer, Hiram ■Gramer, William Baneock, Lot. W Hill, Daniel P Huntsueker, Jackson Lance, Peter Lance, Andrew Langley, John Liveley, Moses Lingle, A. W Murphy, John McCall. P. W Morris, John Mcintosh, Nimrod.. Mcintosh, John A... Miller, Solomon McElyea, Thomas... Morgan, James McLean, Washingt'n McGraw, Elijah Penrad, John Parmer, John Qui 11 man, John fiiimsey, W. H Shepherd, Elijah Salmons, Daniel Staten, Preston I.... Vincent. John Wright, Jesse Union Co 1832. June 19 Absent on furlough Saddle, etc., appraised at $10, lost in service. iiorse, etc., appraised at $87. lost in service.. iiorse, etc., appraised at $67.50, lost in service Horse, etc., appraised at $43, lost in service.. Horse, etc., appraised at $126, lost in service. $40, $87, Horse, etc., appraised at $37, lost in service. . Capt. Wm. C. Ralls' Company, Illinois Mounted Volunteers, mustered out of the service of the United States by order of Brig.-Gen. Atkinson, June 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William G. Ralls. Schuyler Co. Monroe Co... First Lieutenant. Radford M. Wyatt.. Sergeants. John M. Jones Schuyler Co Samuel M. Pierce ... Adams Co... Stephen A. St. Cyr.. St. Louis, Mo. S. G. Bond Monroe Co.... Privates. Briscoe, John Brooks, Stephen Beebe, Erastes Crawford, John D... Coonrod, Jefferson.. Chapman, Johnston. Eves, Joel Johnston, James W. Johnston, Thomas.. Kirkland, Ezra Lane, Ruthford Moore, Daniel Morris, William Melvan, Andrew Owens, Luke Richardson, Jacob.. Richardson, Aaron.. Trail, Xerxes F Tiunor, Eben Wilkerson, Jacob ... Schuyler Co Monroe Co. Adams Co.. Schuyler Co Shelby Co. Adams Co.. Schuyler Co Missouri Schuyler Co Monroe Co. Adams Co.. Schuyler Co 1832. May 27 Lost his horse . ODD COMPANIES. 183 Capt. Alexander White's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the order of the Governor of the State of Illinois, and served from May 26 to June 15, 1832. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Alexander White.. First Lieutenant. Tolbert Shipley.... Sergeants. Ebenezer Higgins. John Waggoner... Ent. Perkins John O. Smith Corporals. Hugh Wilson — William Wallace Amzi Doolittle... Privates. Atherton, John R... Brewer, Thomas ... Buchaunan, George. Bradley, Hezekiah P Cash, William Chirk, Johnson, Sr.. Clark, Johnson, Jr.. Compton, Jacob Driskel, Riley Franklin, Wm, E Forrest, John M Goodwin, Samuel ... Hibbert, Davidson.. Higgins, William — Higgerson, Elisha .. Hiekerson, Wm. D.. 2Kenedy, Mathase VLincoln, Abraham .. Maffett, John Middleton. George .. Marfettt, James Moore, Abraham McKee, John Mutchler, Benjamin Owens, Joshua Owens, Thomas H... Perkins, Wm. G Perkins, Andrew H. Sailors, William Spillman, Hezekiah. Steiihens, Isaac Tumor, Andrew Tlmmpson, Daniel.. Willis. T'homas White, Hugh AVhite, Edward Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas 1832. May 26 State of Illinois, i Adams Co. ( Alexander White, being duly sworn, states that he is the person whose name appears on this muster-roll as Captain; that Lewis Ray was a private in said company, and entered the service on May 26, 1832, and continued in the service until the company was mustered out of service, and his name was omitted from the muster-roll by accident or inadventure, and not by design. ^ „^ . ,^ ^^,, „,„^^^ (Signed.) ALEXANDER WHITE. 184 BLACK HAWK WAK. Capt. Charles S. Dorsey's Company Of Mounted Volunteers, called into service by the order of the Governor of Illinois, on June 8, 1833, for one month, ending on July 9. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Charles S. Dorsey . . . First Lieutmant. Thaddeus Bowman. Second Lieutenant. William Burns Sergeants. James Harvey., John H. Reed.. Jonathan Reed Peter Cline Corporals. Peter P. Scott .. A. W. Vanmpter Wm. Holland ... James McClure. Privates. Bennington, Robt... Bennington, Thomas Bandy, Reuben Bird, Jas Bennington, Joseph. Conley, Levi P Huddleson, Abrah'm Huddleson, Benj Holland, Lawson Heath, William McCorkle. Rich. B... Reed, William T Shields, Thomas L.. Thomas, Hanson Wilson, William 1832. June State of Illinois, Nov. 20, 1832. I certify that said Chas. L. Dorsey was the Captain commanding said company of Mounted Volunteers; that it was necessary that said company should be employed for said period, while the excitement occasioned by the affair of Major Stillman continued. Said company ranged on the portion of Tazewell county, and prevented the settlers from leaving their homes. (Signed.) JOHN REYNOLDS. Com.-in-Chief, 111. Militia. Capt. A. W. Snyder's Company Of Mounted Volunteers. Mustered out of service on June 21, 1832, at Dixon's Ferry, Rock river, Illinois. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Adam W. Snyder First Lieutenant. Jas. Winstanley St. Clair Co.. Madison Co.. 1832. May 27 Horse and arms lost in battle June 16, 1832. (Not true. See note at end.) Second Lieutenant. JohnT. Lusk ODD COMPANIES. 185 Name and Eank. Residence. lEnrolled Kemarks. Sei-geants. \ Nathan Johnston Monroe Co.. Solomon Sparr St. Clair Co.. James Taylor ' Josiah R. Gillam Madison Co.. Corporals. H. Hartline Monroe Co.. Benj. McDaniel St. Clair Co.. Robt. B. Pierce Madison Co.. Thos. Cook St. Clair Co.. Privates. Abbott, Isaac I Ashby, J. W | Adams, Orlen M < Brooks. Benjamin. . . Baker, John T Cornelius, I.M.McTy Cleveland, Loren Dikes. George P Gillespe. Joseph Hendricks, Elijah A. Herrington. Charles. Hamilton, Wm Hill, Pendleton Harrison, Henry Hall, John Jarrott, Francis Kinney. George D... Lusk, Marcus Lawrence. John Lamsett, Pier Makenson. Wm. B... McElroy, Jas. E Motley, O.C McClain. Isaac Moore. John M McMoore, William .. McCalaugh, Samuel. Menard, Pier Needles, James B... Otwell. Ceylon G Owens, Lewis Randle, Josias Right, William Roman, Richard Randle, Hichard R.. Eight, John Smith, Levi Scott, Charles Stephenson, Benj... Shields, George B... Sample. James Scott, Benj Spencer, Russell H . . Thomas, John Thomas. W. S Teter, Solomon Teter, Philip Torence, Wm. W Whiteside, Joseph .. W^hitesides. Samuel. Woods, John w'elker. Joseph. .. Wilderman, Levi Wheeler, Erastus West, Henry H Whitten, B Wells, Lucius Wells, John 1832. i May 27] . Madison Co.. St. Clair Co.. Monroe Co.. Madison Co.. St. Clair Co.. Madison Co.. St. Clair Co., Madison Co., Monroe Co. Putnam Co. LaSalle Co. St. Clair Co. Madison Co. LaSalle Co! St. Clair Co. Madison Co. Moni-oe Co.. Madison Co. Randolph Co Monroe Co. Madison Co. Randolph Co Madison Co. St. Clair Co. Madison Co. Monroe Co. Madison Co. St. Clair Co. Madison Co. St. Clair Co.. R'k Island Co. St. Clair Co.. Madison Co.. St. Clair Co.. Madison Co.. St. Clair Co.. Madison Co.. St. Clair Co., PikeCo R'k Island Co, Gun lost in battle June 16. 1832. ... Killed on June 16, and horse lost. Horse killed June 16 On express... On command Gun lost June 16 in battle . . . Died in service June 12, 1832. Sick; absent On furlough.. On furlough. On command Killed June 16 in battle On command On furlough. Delivered to civil authority June 13, 1832. Absent without leave Absent without leave On furlough On command Killed June 16, 1832 , Promoted to Major Gun lost June 16 in battle On command On command; gun lost in battle June 16 Note as to Captain's horse: I was informed by the Major of the regiment, and various Other officers and soldiers, that this statement was entirely untrue. (Signed.) T. P. ANDREWS, Edwardsville, III., Paymaster U. S. A. December 14, 1832. 186 BLACK HAWK WAR. Capt. Earl Pierce's Company Of the Illinois Volunteers in the service of the United States. Name and Rank. Comm'ncem't of service. Term'n of serv'e Remarks. . Captain. Earl Pierce 1832. June 18 1832. Aug. 16 First Lieutenant. Banf ord Morris Second Lieutenant. Loring Ames Sergeants. A. Westfall P. Haynes William Smith Aug. 7 Reuben Turner Aug. 16 Corporals. William Carter J. Black .... P. Morris Aug. 7 J. Hanks Privates. Bridgewater, A Black, A . . i i Billington, CM i .- Benedict, D ' -- - - Benedict, J Brawelie. J. C Aug. 2 Aug. 16 Brooks, H Bateman, Henrv Chapman, G. W Childers, G Clark, W Aug. 2 Aug. — Dodd, C Dickerson, J Denson, B ' '■ Furguson, S | ' Feet, A ' ■ Hansucker, I) Hedrick, A Harrison. H. Homes, Hoi Aug. 16 Harris, A Howard, A 1 Jacobs, H Jeffers. J. E Lyell, J McCarty, N Aug. 2 Payne, S. Peter. J ' Roulston, J. H Roberts, J Shun, J Aug. 2 Shipman, Wm. M June 16 TuUy, H Williams, G. W j Warrick, J Aug.^ 16 Walker, J. B ODD COMPANIES. 187 COMPANIES IN SERVICE PREVIOUS TO 1832, Capt. James M. Strode's Company Of Galena Mounted Vohinteers, commanded by General Henry Dodge, and serving under the command of Brig.-Gen. Henry Atkinson, of the United States Army, on the Wisconsin, from August 26, 1827, to September ICi, 1827. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James M. Strode Firtit Lieutenant. John Larrison Second Lieutenant. Joseph Payne Sergeants. Moses B. Vance Charles Gear , Samuel Matthews... Jas. L. Kirkpatrick.. Gorporala. Charles C. Deprist .. John Ware John Loughary Privates. Alexander, Matthew Blake, Page Bono, John Cooper, Jeremiah... Dempsey. John East, H.E. W Hall, Richard James, Benjamin Kirkpatrick, Wm. M Kirkpatrick, John L Kirkpatrick, Rich. H. Kirkpatrick, Fraza. C, Pixley, John , Phillis, Joseph Palmer, James Rankin, Wm. S St. John, Willis Searles, A. D , Scott, Lyman Scott, Franklin J Scott. George Shults, JohnR Shannon, Daniel Thomas, Arthur Turley, John , Vibert, Henry , Williams, David Galena, 111... 1827. Aug. 26. Serving from Aug. 26, 1827, to Sept. 2,1827. Serving from Aug. 26, 1827, to Sept. 2, 1827. So7ving"from Aug.' 26^18271 Vo Sept. '2,'i827! Serving from Aug. 26. 1827, to Sept. 2,1827 188 BLACK HAWK WAR. BATTALION UNDER COMMAND OF MAJOR N, BUCKMASTER, 18 3 1 Capt. Solomon Miller's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Volunteers of the State of Illinois, commanded by Major Nathaniel Buckmaster, employed in the service of the United States by order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of tlie Militia of the State of Illinois, from June 2, 18oV, to July 2, 1831, day of its disbandment and discharge at Rock rive-r, 300 miles from the company's rendezvous. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Solomon Miller Belleville 1831. June 2 First Lieutenant. John Winstanley Second Llentenant. Samuel B. Chandler Sergeants. David Angle Enoch Luckey Robert Higgins Stephen Brooks Vorporals. David Phillips William" Tate Solomon Span Isaac Hendrick Priimtes. Blaekwell, John H.. Barker, Amos T \ '■'■'■ Appointed Q. M. Sergt. June 19,1831 Brewer, Wm. M Clampitt, Samuel... Coon, Thomas Carr, William Doyle, Lewis Davis, James Demint, William Edwards, Ninian W. Joined the Spies June 19, 1831 France, William Gardner, Stephen... Hartwell, Stephen A Holt, Jacob Joined the Spies June 19, 1831 Higgins, Ichabod... Hern, Abner Hill, Jonathan Higbee, Charles Krupp, John. . Appointed Surgeon June 19,1831 Appointed Armorer June 19, 1831 King, Ambrose Lacey, Caleb Lard, Robert A joined the Spies June 19, 1831 Lemming, Thomas.. McDowell, Garrett.. Joined the Spies June 19, 1831 McMurty, Geoi"ge...l * ODD COMPANIES. 189 Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Moore, Jacob Miller, Absalom Null, Henry L Owen, Hopson Owen, Josiah." Petitt, James Phillips, John Scott, JohnB Scott, William Smith, Nathaniel Smith, John, Sr Smith, John, Sr Smith, Daniel B Stooky, Aaron Skinner, Akeman... Skinner, Thomas Sulivan, Francis Swaggart, Samuel.. Stubblefield, John.. Taylor, John Threefall, John Threefall, William.. Touchette , Francis. . Visno, Joseph Wood, John Woods, William Wildy, Rodolph Whitesides, Samuel. Belleville... 1831. June 2 Sick; absent on furlough. Joined the Spies June 19, 1831 . Joined the Spies June 19, 1831. Capt. Aaron Armstrong's Cobipany Of Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Major Nathaniel Buckmaster, commanding a Battalion, and stationed for the protection of the frontier between Ottawa and Chicago, at Fort Walker, in the county of Cook, in the State of Illinois, 290 miles from Edwardsville, Madison county, where recruited. Mustered out of service July 26, 1832. Residence. {Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Nath'n'l Buckmaster Aaron Armstrong... First Lieutenant. Jacob Swaggart Spcnnd TAeutenant. William Tindall Sergeants. Samuel B. Gillam .. John P. Dyo Henry Beer Nicholas Felker Corporals. Martin Bridges. Calvin Kinner... Wm. Mc.A^ninch. George Milton.. Madison Co. 1832. June 2 Captain to June 20, when promoted 1st Lieut, until June 20, 1832, when prom. Capt. 2d Lieut, until June 20, when prom 1st Lieut. . Orderly until J*une. 20, 1832, when prom. 2d Lt. Privates. , , , « Atkins, Aber ' !Private to June 20, when, promoted to statT. Adams, Washing'n F, Armstrong, Wm A.yres, David Brewer, Rice Bensell, Chas. E Donev, Robert Day, Philips Fruit, Franklin Disch'd extra duties of Ass't Quartermaster.. 190 BLACK HAWK WAR. Name and Eank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Goodwin, Abner 1832. Gillam, John F 1st Corp. to -June 20; then Armorer toBattal'n Gillam, Isom M 2d " " " promoted to staff .. Gillam. Wm Private to Hank, Daniel Hart, Henry Hart, Pleasant ' Howard, Abram Johns, James i Jackson, Lon Johnson, Chas Disch'd extra duty of WagonmastertoBat'l'n Kennedy, George F - - - - Priv. to June 20, when app'd Adjutant ' ' MeFarland, William. Murphy, Robert :::::::::: Mrihwron, John i Piper, WMlliam 1 Rice, George Smith, Asa G , t Sampson, Peter | Swaggart, Samuel .. Shirtlofft, John Thompson. William. Taylor, Elijah Vincent, John Waddle, George - Whittington, James. Washburn, John A . Wethers. EifochB... Private to June 20, when promoted to staff... Wright, David 2d Sergt. to June 20, when prom. Q. M. to Bat. I The horses used in this service by George Milton. Pleasant Hart. John A. Washburn James Johns, Abram Howard and Henry Beer were the property of N. Buck master, who is to receive the wages for the same from the U. S. Government. Capt. William Moore's Company Of the Odd Battalion of Mounted Volunteers of Illinois, commanded by Major Nathaniel Buckmaster, employed in the service of the United States by order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of Illinois, from June 2, 1831, to July 2, 1831, the day of its disbandment and discharge at Rook Island, 300 miles distant from company ren- dezvous. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William Moore First hieutenant. Benjamin Chesney.. Second Lieutenant. William F. Hill Sergeants. Aaron Land Belleville .... 1831. June 2 Pay due as 3d Lieut, from 2d to 18th June, and elected Capt. June 19,1831. Pay due as private from June 2; elected 1st Lieutenant June 19, 1831. Pay due as private from June 2; elected 2d Lieutenant June 19, 1831. Pay due as private from June 2; elected 1st William Nichols William Million Charles S. Moore Sergeant June 19, 1831. Pay due as private from June 2; elected 2d Sergeant June 19, 1831. Pay due as private from June 2; elected 3d Sergeant June 19, 1831. Pay due as private from June 2 Corporals. Walcott A. Strong... .. '• Pay due as private from June 2 David Young Franklin J. Scott . . . . Samuel Gaskell . . . . > • Privates. Anderson, James Anderson, Stinson H " Adams, William " Brown, Hiram " ODD COMPANIES. 191 Name and Rank. Remarks. Brown, William G. . . Brown, Alfred Bradsby, Richard. . Briggs, Josiah Basey, Edmund Coleman, Jesse Crane, Lewis W Crocker, William Clemson EliB Davis, Robert Enocks, David Enocks, Samuel Fike, JohnJ Fike, A Griffin, George Galbreath, Undrell B Hipes, Joseph Hodge, James Herring, Elijah Herring, Abner Jackson, John Jones, John J Kinney, Geo. D Lane, Thomas Long, Thomas LaCroux. Rene M. . Larame, Lewis Mitchell. William D. Macom, Peter Macom. George McNabb, Laoni Mitchell, William.... Manage, Louis Ogle, Joseph Payne. Geo. W Pea, James Russell. William Reynolds, Thomas.. Rittenhouse, Elijah. Russell, James Russell, John H Russell, Isaac P Roman. Richard Sevmore, Grove Scott, Felix Tracewell, Edward. . Thomas, Charles Vernor, Zenas H Virgin, Hiram Woods, Lewis Woods, John W Wilson. John Williamson, A Winters, Joshua Whiteside, Joseph.. I 1831. Belleville June 2 AppointedPaymaster-General of detachment I I June 2, 1831. I Joined the Spies June 19 Absent on furlough Absent on furlough. Absent; sick Attached to the wagons Appointed Surgeon's Mate June 19, 1831. Absent on furlough . It is presumed this company was fully organized by the election of the officers and non- commissioned officers on June 19, 1831. ^.^^^^ (Signed.) J. BLISS, , ^^ , . „^ Major, and Mustering Officer. MEXICAN WAR. 18 4:6-8. —13 194 MEXICAN WAK. MEXICAN WAR. FIRST REGIMENT. Field and Staff of the First Eegiment Of late Col. J. J. Hardin'.s Illinois Foot Volunteers, commanded by Col. William Weather- ford, called into the service of the United States by the President, under act of Congress approved May 13, 184f), for the term of twelve months. From the 28th day of February, 1847 (when last mustered), to the 17th day of June, 1847, when discharged. Name and Rank. sSment. Enrolled Remarks. Colonels. John J. Hardin Wm. Weatherford. . Lieutenant- Colonel. Wm. B. Warren Major. Wm. A. Richardson Adjutants. Benj. M. Prentiss... Wm. H.L.Wallace. S%irrieons. James H. White C. Payton Assistant Surgeon. Chris. B. Zalviskie . A. A. Q. Ms. John Scanland , William Erwin , A. A. C. S. George S. Myers Sergeant-Major. Edward A. Giller.... Q. M. Sergeants. Thomas Smothers... Wm. Osman Principal Musicians Austin W. Fay Levi Bixby Jerome Gibson John Aug. Stemple.. Levi Bixby 1846 I Alton, 111 .... June 30 Killed in battle at Buena Vista. Feb. 23, 1847.. June 25!Elected at Buena Vista, Feb. 26, vice Hardin. June 25|Elected from Major, at Buena Vista, Feb. 26. Little R'k.Ark Alton, 111 .... June 26 June 18 June 22 June 23 June 20 June 26 June 27 June 18 June 26 June 23 June 25 June 22 Elected from Capt.Co. "E," at Buena V.,Feb,26 Appointed from 1st Lieut, Co. "A." Alton, 111., [June 30; elected Capt. Co. "I," Sept. 14. Transferred at Buena Vista, in March. Transferred at Panas, Mex., in December. Appointed from 1st Lieut. Co. " F," Nov. 1. [Transferred to Co. "F," Dec. 31. Died at New Orleans July 27 June 22 Killed in battle at Buena Vista. Feb. 23, 1847. . June 19 June 19 June 18 June 19 Reduced to ranks and trans, to Co. "B." Nov. I. App. at Agua Neuva, Mex., vice Fay, killed. Reduced to ranks, and transferred Nov. 1... FIKST KEGIMBNT. 195 Company " A." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James D. Morgan . , First Lieute)iant. William Y. Henry . . Second lieutenant James Evans George T. M. Davis. Sergeants. \ John Archer Edward Everett Ephraim B. Wood.. John W. Burns Corporals. George Evans Lewis W. Sweet John P. Brook Jno. T. Congers Privates. Arnold, Abraham. . , Beck, Jacob Beck. Joseph Beers, Lewis Bush, Daniel B Cunningh'm,01iverH Croes, William N Cassady, William ... Cooper. Wendell B.. Cooper, Benjamin... Collett.Leon Cassill, Joseph Congers. Enoch W.. Downard, Jordan Ewing, Charles L Finney, William Gri m m , G e orge Gramper, Joseph Grant. Richard Gladdish, Leander J. Hoyt.John W Hoffman, Isaac Humphrey, Charles. Hoag, Alamer Houck, Thomas L R. Innman, Andrew Jordan, James B Jordan, Wesley Jordan, Harrison Jordan, William J... Jordan, Miles Johnson, Smith Jenkins, .Jesse H Konkle, Philip Knapp, Charles R . . . Lewis, Zachariah Littlefleld, August P. Lawrence, Jasper... Meekempson,Jolin S Mills, Elisha Mt'ir, Francis Miller, William A.... McCoy. John McNeil, Daniel C... McLess, Henry Owen, John F Pounds, Benjamin A Pounds. Joseph M. . . Parsons, Jeremiah.. I'ounds, Samuel Piper, Albert R Peake, Joseph H Alton, 111. 1846. June 18 Detached serv., Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Shields Absent, wounded; on furl'gh at San Antonio. On furl'h in Q. M. Dep't, by order Gen. Taylor Deserted. On furl'h in Q. M. Dep't, by order Gen. Taylor Died at Saltillo March 15. On furl'h in Q. M. Dep't, by order Gen. Taylor Died at Saltillo May 17 On furl'h in Q. M. Dep't by order Gen. Taylor Died at Saltillo, March 11 Discharged for disability, at N. Orl'ns.Nov.— 196 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Painter, Joseph Roberts, John J Rupright, Martin... Renoud, John F Rossell, James Renck, Andrew J Richter, Ferdinand. . Ramsey, James Rust, George Slott, Handford Short, James Smith, MarinusG... Slouse, Michael Shepherd, Hedrick.. Shepherd, Oan Shear, Michael Sellon, William R.... Sellon, Charles J Tuttle, Abner J Vight, William S Vandenburg, JohnW Wren, Thomas Wade, George W.D. Wolfe, Frederick Webb, John B Williman, Joseph ... Alton, 111 1846. June 18 Absent, sick, at Presido, Rio Gr. from Oct. 16 On f url'h in Q. M. Dep't, by order Gen. Taylor This company was mustered out June 17, 1847, at Camargo, Mexico. Company " B." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. M. P. Smith Alton, 111 .... 1846. June 19 June 25 June 19 First Lieutenant. Patrick Higgins Second Lieutenants. William A. Clark Elias B. Zabriska... Sergeants. Aiithar. Perry Abraham Peters Chauncev H. Snow. Alfred Wrose Corporals. Patrick Mehan L. M. Matnews. Geo. Mackenzie. Geo. P. Wilmot Slusicians. D. M. Burdick . Levi Bixby Promoted from private, by Col. Weatherford Privates. Anderson, Wm. 0... • Burk, Patrick Blanchard, James A. •' ::: Sick in hospital, Saltillo Burkholder, John... Burr, Thos. J Bisbee, John Boneby, John D Conover, Peter Clemens, Patrick Crane, Henry FIRST REGIMENT. 197 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Chandler, Bradley.. Dilly, Junius Dolan, Peter Edbon. James T Ells. Simeon L Fitch, Leroy D Finton, Michael Gavin, Thomas Garregus. Edw'dD. Gun. Hiram Griffin, Dennis Gorman, Thomas . . . Gitty, James Howland, John Hodge, William Huzey, Edward Half, Michael Krebbs, Geo. W Kirkham. Solomon.. Murry. Patrick Malone, John Mains, Philip Moore, Thomas S... Orouke, James Quinn, Francis. Pratt. Joseph H Riley, Thomas Richards, B. A Smith. John L Sullivan, Jeremiah . Seary, Barney Tvler, 0. C Underhill, Geo. W... Wright. Edward White. Thomas P... Wool worth, S. T Died. Thomas Diley Alton, nil 1846. I June 19 On detached serv. in Q. M. Dept. from Aug. 8 Sick in hospital, Saltillo. To be Dishon. disch. by order of Gen. Wool. On furlough in Q. M. Dept. from May 20. On furlough "in " Q. M." D ept.' from" May"26 ." On furlough in Q. M. Dept. from May 20. Sick in hospital, Saltillo Died at General Hospital, Saltillo, March 10. This company was discharged June 17, 1847. Company " C." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Noah Fry Alton, 111... 1846. June 23 Fir. > > • Deserted: Sipe, Tilman. Alton, 111. 1847. May 29 Deserted July 22, 1847, at Ft. Leavenworth. This company was discharged at Alton, 111., October 16, 1848. Company "I." Name and Rank. Captains. Franklin Niles John H. Adams First Lieutenant. Aaron D. Treadway., Second Lieutenants, Thos. McDowell Jacob Brott Sergeants. Alexander Craig William H. Starr ..., Sylvester W.Bell... Dan'l W. Henderson Corporals. Wm. Harrison Lemuel Southard John Mise David R. Sparks Drummer. James Conner Place of Enlistment. Enrolled 1847. Alton, 111 IJune Remarks. 2 Died at 110 Creek, near Ft. Leav'th, July 24, '47 1st Lieut, from enrollment till July 28, 1847 2d Lieut, from enrollment till July 28, 1847. 2d Lieut, from enrollment till July 28, 1847. Private Appointed from private May 1, 1848 FIRST REGIMENT. 225 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remai'ks. Privates. Arnold, Lerry Caulk. Joshua C Caldwell, Wm. C Cowell.Benj. F Carter, Daniel Delaney, John Dougherty, John Davis, John Davis, Alfred M Dixon, Ambrose Dush, Geo. S Eldridge. John Evans, Wm. B Elwerthy, Walter — Fletcher. PaulisE... Foster. George J Gaskill, John Q. A... Hodgins. Henry Herrington, Harris'n Hodgman, Amos Humphries, Charles. Hartman. Louis HaxAveil, Ludrick . . . Huntermark, Henry. Herrin, Gorden Hocking, Ashberry . . Herrin. John Hamby, Jacob Hocking. Giles W. .. Herrin, Henry Jett, Benj.F Johnson, Samuel Keho, Joseph Laport, Alonso Lamoin, Eleaser Lewis, Richard C Lawrence, James . . . Loveless, John Little. Wm. A Little, Edward Marlow. Abraham . . Merry, Wm. H Pool, Hughy Potter, Theron Bobbins, Oliver 8weet, Peleg Smith. James H Seybolds, James ... Scroggins, Wm Scott, Joseph Sweeney, Nelson D.. Turner, James W Waklen, Frederick.. Walker, Newton Washburn, Elijah ... Walker, Andrew Wheeler, Wm. E Ottawa, 111. Alton, 111.. Feb.. June, Ottawa, 111. Alton, 111... Mch.. June, Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. '48 Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. '47! Ottawa, 111. Alton, 111.! Ottawa, 111. Alton. 111.. Ottawa. 111. Alton, 111 . Ottawa, 111. .. Belleville, 111. Mch., June, Mch., June, Mch.. June, '47 Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. Reduced from 2d Sergt. April 27 '48 Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. '47 '48 Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. '47 Mch., '48 Joined, a recruit, Aug. 15. Died: Blevins, Elihu Cook, John Cowell, Thomas D... Cave, John . Alton, 111 1847. June 2 Died at Savannah, N. M., Nov. 19.1847 Santa Fe.N. M., Nov. 27, 1847 San Antonio, N.M., Dec. 15,1847 Santa Fe,N. M., Jan. 19, 1848 Enstein, Balsom Evans. Ellis Oct.26, 1847 Alton,Ill.. June 19. 1847 Fetterling, Casper .. Grant, Daniel Jewitt, John Albuquerque, N. M.. Nov. 6, 1847 Secora, N. M., Jan. 6, 1848 Died on march to Santa Fe Sept. 17. 1847 McBroom, John Miller, James C Ossel, John DiedatSantaFe. N. M..Dec. 12, 1847 Feb. 12, 1848 March 3, 1848 Purviance, Samuel.. Scroggins, Jackson.. Vinson, James Died near Secora, N. M., Dee. 1 1847 Died at Santa Fe, N. M., Feb. 7. 1848 Sept. 24,1847 —15 226 MEXICAN WAR. Diseharged: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Fifer. Robert Weeks Privates. Brown, James Cox, Peter H Alton, 111 1847. June 2 Dis June 12 * June 2 ^ ch.. Las Vegas, N.M., June 10, *48; disability ch., Albuquerque. N.M., Apr. 12, '48; disabil. Las Vegas, N.M., June 10, '48; disability Grant, Dreary H Henderson, Benj. J.. Knight, William Lager, Gabriel Miller, Jordan Perrin, John . SantaFe,N.M..Aug.5,'48; termexpir'd " Oct. 12, '48; disability... Ft. Leavenw'th, July 12, '47; disability. SantaFcN. M., Aug. 15, '48; term exp'd Las Vegas, N.M., Aug. 19, '48; term exp'd Santa Fe, N.M.. Aug. 15, '48; term exp'd Pinekard, Amos G. .. Weathers, Enoch B. White, James A " Oct. 12, '47: disability... Council Grove, July 29, '47; disability. . with disgrace at Santa Fe Feb. 12, '47. Deserted: Bankson, Stephen . Gibson, Aaron B McCoy, Thomas Stewart, Riley . Thornbrough, Wm. Alton, 111. Deserted at Ft. Leavenworth July 5, 1847 Alton, III., June 3, 1847 Ft. Leavenworth July 5, 1847 This company was discharged at Alton, 111., Oct. 17, 1848. Company "K." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Israel B. Donalson.. William Kinman First Lieutenant. Manoah T. Bostick.. Second Lieutenants. Robert E. Hicks Constantine Hicks.. Sergeants. David K.Hobbs Andrew Main Austin W. Matthews Uriah Thomas Corporals. Daniel Gray Joseph W. Ingalls. . . George W. Freeman. Jarvis P. Rudd Musicians. William Riser John Moore Privates. Arnett, John Atkins, James H Barthelow, Jasper.. Broadwater, Henry. Barber. George Beard, Edward Beck, Christopher .. Alton, 111. 1847. May 22 Ottawa, 111 Elected Major of Reg't at Alton June 8. 1847. 2d Lieut, from enrollment to June 8, 1847 Jan., '48 Feb.. '48 Jan., '48 Jan., '48 Suspended 4 months Feb, 1,1848, sen. G. C.-M. 3 " " 6 " Resi'dAug. 11 Appointed from private May 1, 1848... Promoted from Corporal Sept. 1, 1848. Appointed from private May 1, 1848... Sept. 1,1848.'! joined, a recruit, July 31 '• 1848!!'.!.'!!"'.!! FIRST REGIMENT. 227 Name and Eank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Kemarks. Brown, Archibald A. Bobbett, William B.. Blair, Alfred I Bell, Jackson Bristow, Lawrence C. Baldwin. David P — Bulson, Frederick M. Bissell, Alfred Babcock, Robert F.. Cram, Ephraim Cooper, John Davis, Calvin Durall, Alney Durall.Duran Fuks, George W Filbert, Sebastian... Gray. Burton T Hart. Nathaniel P.. . Hawker, John Heavener, John C. . . Heavener, Christoph Henry, George Hedrick. Anderson.. Jennings, Jackson.. Jordan, Thomas I. . . Kneehind. John W. .. Kendall, Hiram G... Kinney. Joseph W. .. Lewis, James W Lippincott, Josiah.. Leeper, James Leonard, Joseph A. . Main. Philip Mastin. Benjamin L. Main. Nicholas Meredith, Daniel W. Madison. Franklin .. Mace, John Main, William McDade, Joseph — McDade, Reuben Neely, Andrew J Neely, John Peterson, Robert Parks, Lemuel Seybold, Jacob Seavers. John G Smart, Zachariah L. Spencer. Charles A . . Spencer, Hiram G.W Schanck, Samuel Underwood, John L. Wade, Benjamin F.. Welch, McDaniel Yorke. Henry P Yorke, Hezekiel D. . . Alton, 111. 1847. May 22 Ottawa, 111"!! Alton, 111 '.'.'. Mar., '48 JoineiJ, a recruit, July 31 Feb., '48[ " " " . May, '47 •-- Ottawa, 111!!! Alton, 111.... Jan., '48 May, '47 Joined, a recruit, July 31 Santa Fe,NM Feb., '481 Died: Privates. Brents, William H.. Burland, John Crawford. Josiah... Hobbs, William M.. Hughes, Hardin Howland. Nounan.. Smith. Ransom Seeley, Gersham... String, Thomas D.. Waller, Aaron .J Williams, Elijah W. 22 Died at Santa Fe.N.M., Oct. 3, 1847 Killed, affray on m'ch. R'k Corra].N.M..Aug.,'48 Died en route Santa Fe to Chihuahua.Nov.4,'47 " to " Aug. 31.1847 " at Santa Fe.N. M., Oct. 24. 1848... " en route San. Fe to Chihuahua, Nov. 15.'47 " at Santa Fe.N. M.. Feb. 12, 1848 ' * en mute to Santa Fe, Sept. 4, 1847 " atSantaFe.N. M.. Oct. 15,1847 " en route SantaFe to ('hiliuah tia,Dee.8,'47 " at SantaFe, N.M., Feb. 11,1848 228 MEXICAN WAR. Discharged: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Sergeants. Samuel N.Hoyt 'Alton, 111. Richard Lucas — Corporals. Samuel P. Mace. Anson Rudd Privates. Allen. Alfred Chandler, William Cavender, James.. Lester, John Nye, Seth S Powell, Elijah L... Seaver, William B. Shin, John H Smith, Hiram 1847 May 22 Disch. at Santa Fe, exp. of service, Aug. 11, '48 May 5, 1848, disability.... Disch. at Santa Fe, Feb. 19, 1848, disability. April 29, " Disch. at Las Vegas June 8, 1848, disability Santa Fe, March 7, " May 5, ' * Alton, 111., June 21, 1847, Santa Fe, May 5, 1848, Left sick at Ft. Leavenworth, July 15, 1847 Transferred: Musician. 1847. JohnL. Kiser | Alton, 111 May 22 Appointed Fifer Mar. .5, '48; transferred to staff This company was discharged from service Oct. W, 1848, at Alton, 111. SECOND KEGIMENT. '229 SECOND REGIMENT. The Field and Staff Of the 2d Regiment of Illinois Foot Volunteers, commanded by Col. Wm. H.Bissell, called into the service of the United States by the President, under the act of Congress, ap- proved May 13, 184i), for the term of twelve months, from the 28th day of February, when last mustered, to the 18th day of June. 1847, when discharged. Name and Rank. Enlfee^'it. Enrolled Remarks. Colonel. Wm. H. Bissell Alton, 111. Lieut. -Colonel. Jas. L. D. Morrison. Major. Xerxes F. Trail \st Lieut, and Adj't. August. G.Whiteside \st Lieut, and A. A. Geo. W. Prickett.... Surgeon. Edward B. Price Sergeant- Major. Christian H. Ketler. Q. M. Sergeant. Nelson S. Moore Principal Musicians. John Hopkins Reub'n M. Pendexter Corp'landA. C. S. Wm. Fuedlander 1846. June 17 Elected from Captain, at Alton, June 30 I [on furl, till expir'n of serv.; ill health. June le^Elected from Captain (in Raith's Co,) July 11; I [Julyl. June 24 Elected f'm Captain (in Miller's Co.) at Alton, [wounded in bat. at B. Vista. Feb. 23. '47. Appointed (1st Lieut, in Miller's Co.) July 1; June ItJ Appointed by Col. Bissell, Feb. 28. I Appointed by the President July 7. [in bat. at B. Vista Feb. 23, '47. June 16'App'd f'm 1st Sergt. Co. "H" Jan. 1; wounded [wounds at bat. of B. Vista, Feb. 23, '47. June 24,App'd f'm Sergt. Co. "I"; disch, on account of June 20, From Company "A". June 171 " " "E". June 17 Company "A. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Elzey C.Coffey First Lieutenant. Harvy Nevill Second Lieutenants. William B. Rountree Jackson Dennis Sergeants. Geo. W. Hotchkiss.. James W. Farmer... Hugh B. McElhanan Richard M. Clayton.. Alton, 111. 1846. June 20 [killed. Promoted from Sergt. Feb. 28, cice Rountree, Furloughed from May 15 Wounded in bat Feb. 23; cert. forfuU pension 230 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Corporals. James T. Christian.. Thomas M. Reed Joseph Kinyon Thomas Atchison . . . Musicians. John Hopkins Robert W. Fulton ... Privates. Atchison, George W. Auldridge, James ... Brazel, Robert Burnet, John Bird, William Bird, Thomas Brown, John W Brown, Jacob Cox, Adison Cooper, Gilbert Clark, Alfred Castleberry , Mark . . . Chapman. Edw'd R.. Chick, Edley A Coleman, Nathan T.. Cheek, Robert R Cheek, James A Davis, James H. H.. Dempsey, William .. Dickerson. Willis Folson, Thos. D. M.. Farmer, John Friend, Isaac Faulkner. Gilbert ... Gore, Gideon S Green, William L Hodges, James D Hensley, John M Hagans, William H.. Hutchings, Wes. W.. Hall, Jesse Johnson, Ai-cher B.. Johnson, Joseph W. Jolliff, James E Jenkins, Louis S Lee, Abner G Lee, James T Lee, Ephriam W Morris, Joseph Morton, James R Mitchell, William F.. Mansker, John G Myers, Dedrick R. .. Newman, John Pate, Joseph Raney, Geo. W Rountree, John M... Redferne, James Robins, John Ragland, Richard B. Raney, William Stoker, William Sronce, Stephen Slade, Andrew J Thomas. George L.. Williams, Alexander Wheeler, Allen B White, Willis West, Thompson C. Williams, Matth'wB. Alton, 111 184(5. I June 20; Wounded in battle Feb. 2.3 Left sick at Rio Grande from Oct. 2ti Wounded in battle Feb. 23. Wounded in battle Feb. 23; leg amputated Wounded in battle Feb. 23 Detached as Hosp. Attend't in San Antonio. Lost musket in bat'l, retreating, flag to carry Lost muskpt by being wounded Feb. 23. Wounded 'iii battie F Ab. 23 !;.".'!!].'!!.'.''! " Wounded in battle Feb. 23. Wounded in battle Feb. 23. Wounded in battle Feb. 23. SECOND REGIMENT. 231 Discharged: Name and Rank. Place of T'nrolIpH Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. rrivatfis. Boatriglit. Alex lAlton, 111. Flanagan. John B . . . Starkwell. Alberto.. Underwood. Wm. T..! Discharged at Camp Buena Vista May 30. Died: Private.^. Casnor, Jonas , Penter, George W... Stilley, Hezekiah. . . Died at Parros Dec. 25, 1846 .. Saltillo March 23, 1847 Buena Vista April 19, This company was discharged at Camargo, Mexico, June 18, 1847. Company "B. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Cap tail). Anderson P. Cordo . . / imt Lienienant. John W. Rigby Second Lieutenants Wm. W.Tate James M. Gaunt Sergeants. Watho F. Hargus .. Abraham S. Latta. . Calvin Brown John Delaney Corporals. .Tolin L. Barber Robt. E. Hall James Cuppin James H. Gorrell... Musician- Andrew I. Ring Privates. Abbott, John Anglin, Wm. C Bartleson, Edwin.. Bartleson. Augustus B-accus, Abner Boren, Welbourn... Barnett, John Burkhardt, Henry.. Crippin, William... Cole, Robert Cole, Jiles M Curry, John Davis, Marion M... Doebeaker, Henry. Evans, Joseph Echols, Miller Emerick, Daniel Goddall, Charles... ■Goodwin, John Harnback, Joseph B Hughes, William... Hale, James M Alton, 111. 1846. June 26 June 30 Detached service. Hospital Steward, Sept. 29. Absent, sick at Laracco, from Aug. li Taken prisoner at battle of i5uena Vista Taken prisoner at battle of Buena Vista Taken prisoner at battle of Buena Vista Wounded at battle of Buena Vista 232 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Johnson, Reason I.. Alton, 111 Johnson. William... Ladd, Elisha London, James L London, Thomas E. Lefler, Pleasant McGee, Patrick H... Metcalf, James H... Phillips. Enos A Purdy, George Parker, Framuel Russell, John B Russell, Pinkney Russell, John Renfrow, David Story. Jonathan Smith, Columbus C. Scott, Calvin L Summerville, Jack*n Shepherd, Elijah Stephens, Cyrus Thorp, James Tiner, Andrew J Tiner, William E.... Tiner. Isham L Thompson, Thomas. Vaugh, Reuben White. John Whittaker, William. Young, H. A 1846. I June 30 Absent, sick at Laracco, from Aug. 11. Absent, sick at Laracco. from Aug. ii. Taken prisoner at Buena Vista Absent, sick at Laracco, from Aug. 11. Died Privates. Bankston, Alfred. Jones, Thomas... Kelso, Enoch Alton, 111.. 1846. June 30 Died at Saltillo March 21 4 Laracco, time not known. Discharged : This company was discharged from service at Camargo, Mex., June 18, 1847. Company " C." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James W. Baker. Alt^n, 111. 1846. June 12 Wounded at Buena Vista; absent on furlough First Lieutenant. Turner R.DeButts.. Second Lieutenants John Brown James Smith Sergeants. North West Charles Chaney Emanuel Webber. . . Martin T. Smith Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23... SECOND REGIMENT. 233 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Corporals. Edward Twaddle John Robinson William Austin James Shelby Alton, 111 1846. June 12 Privates. Bings, John Black, Hugh Brown, Cornelius W. Bivins, Clayton Bryant, John M Bivins, James C Clarage, Francis A.. Crabb, John \V Dimond. John P Deft'enbacker, Jacob Easley, William Foyles, James Fletcher, George Grace, James T Groves, Jacob Griffith, William Griffith, Joseph Graham, John Hayse, John Harness, Joseph Johnson, Edward H James. Stephen McMichael. Obed... Mulligan, James McGrau, James A. . Mansure, Charles . . Montgomery, Thos. McCann, David Nolland, Jasper N. . NoUand, John M Nettelton, James M Parker, James Ricketts. David M.. Ryon, John J Stuart, John W Smith, Henry C Smith, Isaac P Stamps, George W^. Stratham, Charles H Sidel, Jacob Therman, Jesse T. Torum, Samuel VanCamp, Charles Whippill.Laurist'nW Whitmore, Samuel.. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. .. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. . . On furlough in Q. M. Departm't, from May 16. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23... Wounded, and on furl., in Q. M. Dep't May 8. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. . . On furlough in Com'sary Dep't from May 17.. On furlough in Q.M. Departm'nt from May i6 On furlough in Q. M. Departm'nt from May 16 Taken prisoner at Buena Vista, Feb. 23 On furlough from May 15 Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23... Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. WoVndedYn battle of"Buena vista. Feb. 'i3. Taken prisoner at Buena Vista, Feb. 23 On furlii Q. M.' Dep't;' wounded. Buena Vista. On furioiigh in Q. M. Dep't from May 8 Discharged: Privates. Burk. Robert Coil. Peter Kelly, Patrick Lanon, Patrick Loomis, Ralph I Luther, Francis Maxwell, George R. Alton, 111. 1846. I [Mounted Vols. May 29; wounded. June 12 Disch. by reason of joining Capt. Meyer's Co. empl't in Ordn'nce Dep't at Monterey; wounded at Buena Vista Died: Wounded, Buena Vista, Feb. 23; died April 25 This company was discharged at Camargo, Mexico, June 18, 1847. 234 MEXICAN WAR. Company "D." Name and Eank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Erastus Wheeler Alton. 111. First Lieutenant. Geo. W. Priekett..., Second Lieutenants, Joel Poster Wm. B.Reynolds... Sergea7its. Geo. T. Cochran Chas. W.Ward Wm. Peel Wm. B. Wheeler Corporal.'^. Gonstantine Smith.. Elisha Axley Wm. Calvert Jas. A. Henderson.. Musician. Joseph Shoemaker. Frivates. Aker, Stephan Bell. Wiley H BarnriKhter, Conrad Blake. Chas. W Bartels, Engelhart.. Biggerstaff, John W. Brown, John Borks, Richard Campbell, Dennis... Creed, Colby Douglas, Alexander. Davis. Ennels C DulT, Hiram D Davis, Jo.soph Devine, Charles Emmerson, James H Fulfer, James Gregory, Lisles Goodwin, John Goodwin, Richard.. Glaser, Ludwick Gayler, Joseph E... Hays, Andrew Hare, Jephtha Hoop, Philip Jackman, Asborne C Jackson, Andrew... Kinder, George Keppy, Christopher. Lancaster, James .. Lowdner, Wolf Lewis, Thomas Mings. Uriah Murphy, John D Murphy, Bonham... Muir. Jefferson Massey, Richard Malry. Richard G... McCoy, James S Paynter, Robert Preg, Andrew Paine, Moses R Parker, Wilson Pierce, Mortimer R. Robinson, Jesse Ramsey, Gardner... Robinson, James Ramson. Wm. F Swain, Andrew. Jr. Sobber. Charles 1846. June 16 Acting Q. M. for the Regiment from Feb. 28.. June 30 June 16 June 13 June 30 June 16 Absent, sick at San Antonio, from Oct. 14 Absent, sick at San Antonio, from Oct. 14 Absent on furl, fm May 8; emp. in Q. M.Dep. June 30 June 16 June 30 June 16 June 30 June 16 SECOND REGIMENT. 235 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks Squires, James Saunders, Marion. . Sachse, Lewis Taylor. James H... Tarkinton, Thos. J. Thomas, Leander.. IJpdyke. Holeombe VanCamp, Aaron... Van Shaffer, Elworth Warren, Hardy "Wingleman, Edward Alton. Ill 1846. ' June 16 Absent on furl, f'm May 9; emp. in Q.M. Dep. Disch. March 24. on Surg, certif.: disability.. Absent on furl, f'm May 9; emp. in Q. M. Dep. This company was discharged June 18, 1847. at Camargo, Mexico. Company "E." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Peter Lott First Lieutenant. John A. Prickett Seconu Lieutenants. James Catron Aston Madeira Sergeants. John Roberts William Kelley John S. Selden Corporals. Joseph Quigley Hardy R. Carroll Isaac E. Hardy Privates. Botkin, John B Burns, Myron S Carpenter, David M. Clark, Samuel Clark, Thomas Cruise, Patrick Duncan, John R Drury, Edward A Dought, Isaac H Davidson, John Dwyer, John Elwell, Joseph S Field, Aaron Falkner, William Falkner, James Garrison, John Hutchinson, Pierson Hill, George M Hatch, Edwin: Hunter, Charles Hoffmaster, Chris... Hackney, James Hill, Ephraim P Jenkins. Ezekiel Joice, William B King, Josephus Keller, John F Kennedy, William... Lovelace, Perry Lewis, James Marsh, Caleb N McGovern, James . . . Alton, 111. 1846. June 20 June 17 June 17 June 20 June 17 June June June June Ass't C. S. from July 17 to Sept. 14; then Capt. Absent on furl., wounds rec'd in bat'l Feb. 23. Disch. at Bueua Vista May 22; re-enlistment. Formei-ly Sergeant Absent on furlough in Q. M. Dept. from May 8 Absent on furlough in Q.M. IDept. from May 8 Absent on f'urfough in Q. M. Dept. from May 8 Absent "on furlough in Q. M. Dept. from May 8 236 MEXICAN WAE. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. O'Conner, James Alton. 111. - 1846. June 20 June 17 June 20 June 17 Priekett, Thomas J ::: Quick, John Koberts. George Roder, John B Riley, Michael Hogers, Andre wF... Sprague, William Reduced from Corporal from Oct. 2 Stewart, Charles Stanley, John R Twaddle, William A Wright. James H ... Wiswell, Benj.F Wright. William R. West, Horace B Waldron, Elias Wagner, Rufus M. .. Warniek, Fred'k E. .. Discharged: Spvgeant. Robert McFarland Privates. Bramble, Thomas. Brinker, Clark Graves, Jason Griffin, John W.... Nettleton, James.. Alton, 111. 1840. June 17 Disch. at Buena Vista May 23; re-enlistment. Disch. at Buena Vista May 23; re-enlistment. Died: Field, Edwin . Alton, 111.... 1846. June 17 June 20 Fisher, William Robinson, John Ryan, James " 1. Murdered near Saltillo March 26 This company was discharged at Camargo, Mexico, on June 18, 1847. Company "F." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. John S. Hacker Alton, 111.... 1846. June 25 First Lieutenant. Sidney S. Condon... Second Lieutenants. Alphonso Grammar. Joseph Martin Sergeants. John C. Hunsaker... Elected from Corp. Jan. 26, vice Selby dec'd. Alex. J. Nimmo Abram Hargrave John Grammar Corporals. Adam Creese Wright C. Pender... Henderson Brown .. Abram Cover SECOND REGIMENT. 237 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks Musicians. Jacob Greer ^ George H. Hemley.. Privates. Brown. Talbot Bevins, John Brown, John Barringer. Charles.. Burgess. John Z Cripps, Peter Casper. Peter H Coffman, Elijah Davie, Scipio A. B... Davie, John Dougherty, Daniel.. Fisher, Simeon Fiudley, Charles A.. Fike, James Gray, Jesse Geargus, Franklin . . Grammar, James Haugh, Henry Haniby, Wm. N Henry, William Hess, Samuel Hayward, Benj. F... Hacker. Henry C Jones, Fielding A... Jones, Silas Kerr, John King. Frederick Lingle, Adam Lewis, Philip Lingle, John Lingle, Henry Lyerley, Daniel W.. Lemons, Andrew J.. Lingle, Daniel Langley, Chesterfl'ld Manees, John McCoy, Hairison Maneese, Jefferson. Miller, William .. Milliken. John H Mohind, John Martin. Samuel Mrlntosh, Wash'n L. MoGinnis, John Phelan, James M Parker, Samuel Resink, Garrett Kegan, John W Sprey, Franklin Simons, AmalphusW Springs, Jas, A Thornton, Azel Thomas, LeRoy Toler, Jas. I Thurman, Thos. F.. Vick, Reuben Walker, James Alton, 111... 1846. June 25 On detached service in Q. M. D.ept. Dec. 30. Hospital Steward from July 25 to Oct. 5. and [from Dec. 17 to Jan. 20. Discharged: Private. Pless, Martin . Discharged at Saltillo, Mch. 21, on Surg. cert. Died: Privates. Anderson, Felix G.. Davie, Alexander ... Ledgerwood, Joseph Alton, 111. 1846. June 25 Died in Hospital at Saltillo April 9 ' ' at San Antonio, Texas; date not known. " in Hospital at Saltillo March 21 This company was discharged on June 18, 1847, at Camargo, Mex. 238 MEXICAN WAR. Company "G." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Joseph K. Lemen... First Lieutenant. Jacob C. Hinkley... Second Lieutenant. f. Gilb'rt P. MoFarland Andrew J.Miller Sergeants. William Wasttield... John Fincher James L.Roman Joseph Penn Corporals. William S. Peck Jas. L. Gurretson... Jas. G.Abbott John Gaston Musician. James H. Beach Privates. Benson, Wm. V Brown, MathewW.. Burnett, Thomas J.. Bragg, Solomon Bragg, Thomas Blair, Peter W Boone, Daniel Clark, John Evans, John D Forquer, Eli Fishter, Joseph Friedlander, Wm Green, Mahli in A Gel wicks, Daniel W. Glenn, Alexander... Gallagher. Arthur I. Gaskill, Clayton Goree, John C Holbert, David W... Hammond, Willis M. Hill, Thomas Hornett, John M. O. Hall, Robert James, Langsworth. Kertz, Gen. LaFay'e Kennedy, John J Long, Thomas Lockhart, Gideon... Lee. George F Mclvenzie, Calvin... McLain. Allen Miller. Robert C Million, Wm. K McNail, Pierson W . . Murray, William McKenzie, Elijah McKinney, Marcus E Martin, Henry Nelson, John 8 Owing, Washington. I'arks, Joseph M Reaves, Samuel Randleman, Joel Stuart, Charles H... Steele, Andrew J Shall. James Sterling. Henry C. .. Thomas, Samuel K.. Teters, David W.... Alton, 111. 1846. June 17 Elected from private, Dec. 17. July 1 June 17 Absent, sick, at San Antonio, from Oct. 14... On detach, serv.. Acting A. C. S., from Sept. 4 On extra duty, Hosp. Steward, from June. Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. July 1 June 17 SECOND KEGIMENT. 239 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Tunstall. James M.. Alton, III 1847. June 17 July 1 Wood, Alfred H Wiley, Joseph Walker, James Wounded in battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23. .. Discharged : Melton, Aaron B Melton, Guilford M.. June 17JDisch. at B. Vista; emp. in Q. M. D'fef'm May 1 Disch. at B. Vista: joined Capt. Myers' Co. Died Cheek, Allen Alton, III 1846. June 17 Died at Buena Vista April 21 Lewis, John Saltillo May 3 This company was discharged on June 18, 1847, at Camargo, Mex. Company "H." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Captain. Julius Raith First Lieutenant. Nathaniel Niles Second Lientenant.i. Adolph Engelmann. Louis Stock Sei'geants. Charles A. Fritz Robert Morrison Fridolin Schetterer. Corporals. Adol. Schlotterback. Charles Gooding Adam Ewing H. W. Waldmann.... Mnsicians. Gabriel W. Cox Jacob Kuebli Privates. Alexander. Tucker.. Becker, John Ph.. .. Becker, Urban Berry, John Berdoux, Charles ... Buyotte, T.ouis Bridges. Charles Busch, Herman Brownfield. William. Burg, Valetin Clark, John Clemen, Charles Doer, Jacob Edwards. F.O Eastes. George Erhard, William Enrolled 1846. Alton, 111 June 16 Remarks. Discharged at Buena Vista May 31, 1847 Absent on furl, f'm May 23 till expir'n of serv. Absent oh furl, f'm May 31 till expir'n of serv. 240 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. lEnrolled Remarks. Elimger, Augustus.. Funk, Valetin.. Frank, Jacob Francis. James Feldmeier, William. Gerh ard, John Gerstenshloeger, J.. Gollinger, John Hantz, Joseph King. William Knight, John Kirk, F. M Lambert, Caspar Ledergerher, Joseph Mauerer, Nic Meyer, John G McDonald, Daniel... Rice, George Roberts, Charles Rouneberg, Fritz Reeves, William. Scheel, Maxmilian .. Schenerer, John Schnebelin, Earth... Sauerwein, Michael. Bchloesinger, Henry Talbert, James Trautwein, Chas. H. Trautwein, Ph. John Traf'nkle, Conrad ... Toilil, Jackson Fpmann, Hermann.. Voelker, George Wedekimi.E.O Wilver, David West, James Wolf, John Weiseborn, John C. 1846. Alton, 111 'June 16 July June Absent on furl, f'm May 31 till expir'n of serv. Absent on furl, f'm May 23 till expir'n of serv. Discharged: Third Sergeant. Charles Sominoky.. Privat''s. Baker, Daniel Deuker, John Kruse, William Kurkman, Noble ... Newell. J. H Quenby, Abraham.. Wolf, Philip Discharged at Bueua Vista May 31,1817 Discharged at Buena Vista May 31, 1847 on Surg. cert, disabil. Mch. 25, '47. Died: Kuehfus, John Sentzinger, John Killed bet. Saltillo and Camp Bu. Vista Ap. 15 Died in hospital at Saltillo May 7, 1847 This company was discharged at Camargo, Mexico, June 18, 1847. SECOND REGIMENT. 241 Company "I." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Morrison Miller Alton, 111 First Lieutenant. August. G.Wliiteside Second Lieutenants. John L. Wilson James H. Waddle 1846 June 24 Sergeants. James C. B. Reed Thomas W. Morgan. William S. Agnew... Jacob Frick Corporals. Isaac Tolin John Agnew Jackson M. Lockert. Samuel McMurtry... Musicians. John Cook Henry Iman Irivates. Agnew, Francis Applegate, Aaron H Bruns, Frederic Clark, Felix Clark, Edward Carey, George Divers, Ananias Everett, Edward Fistier, William Finger, Theodore ... Hiltman, Lewis Hewett, Jacob Hinkler, Charles Hardin. James L Hill, Samuel G Harker, Thomas Hobbs. William Iman. Samuel Irmaker, Henry Johnson, William ... Klinkhard, Joseph.. King, William Kell. Solomon Lacey, William Lilly, .James H McMurtry, Joseph . Morrison, William .. Mummert, Michael.. Mohr, John Jacob.. Moore, Lewis W Moore, I. Milton Moore, Nelson S Murray, Carter O'Brien, John Pilliard, Jacob Sennott, James Sextan, Daniel Stong, John L Smith, Nicholas Thackeray, William Thompson, James.. Talbott, Elijah Tope, George W Wilson, Edward Warnock, Joseph. . . Werhein. Voluntine Detached service, Adj't of Regt., order Col Bissell, from July 1 Absent on furl'h from May 23 till exp. service Appointed from private March 1 Appointed from Corporal, March 15 Appointed from private March 1 15 1; wounded in battle of Feb. 23. Appointed from private Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Hospital attendant at San Antonio from Oct.6 Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Reduced from Sergt. Mar. 15; transfd to staff Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 -16 242 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Kank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Eemarks. Wallice, George Alton, 111 1846 June 24 Ward, Philip Helm, William Reduced from Corporal March 1 Long, John Discharged; Dainfe, William Runyan, Courtland . . White. John M Disch., Buena Vista, May 30; wounded Feb. 23 Died: Learning. George... Squires. Hiram W'ilcox, James M Alton, 111 1846 June 24 Died May 8. at Camp Buena Vista ' ' of wounds rec'd at Buena Vista. Feb. 23. " at Parros; time not known This company was mustered out at Camargo. Mexico, June 18, 1847. Company "K." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Chas. L. Starbuck... Alton, First Lieutenant. Nath'lB. Dilhorn.... Second Lieatenants. Niccodemus West... John D. Rees 111.... 1846. June 26 Sergeants. Davidson C. Moore. Richard H. Williams Jerome B. West Guilford H. Haggard Corporals. John A. Fanin John P. Ford John D. Bourland... Elias G. Cliappell Privates. Armstrong, Robt. W. Anderson, Wm. P... Brown, Isaac M Brown. Wm.G Bridges, Wm. W Campbell, Geo. W... Carmack, Samuel... Crawford, Marshall. Crawford, Hampton. Dailey, Hiram Dry, John M Dry. Edmund Fannin, Wm. P Foster. Wm. A Hawkins, Marcus C. Hoge. Marion D Wounded in battle of Feb. 23 Detached service; Ward Master in Camp [Hospital from Jan. 27. Wounded 'in b a t tl e of F e b . '23 .' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' ." '. '. '. '. '. .' .' .' .' '. i SECOND REGIMENT. 243 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Hamilton, Alex. A. .. Alton, 111 Humphreys. Ferd.G. Hammock. Lewis .. Johnson, Wm. L Kelley, Uriah D Lynch, Adam W Lynch. David G Lee, George E Malone, Edwin Marlow, William ... Marlow, Richard . . . Montague, Cave Montague, Geo. T . . . Neil, Wm Pyatt, John W Pritchett. Levi Pettit, JohnD Pettit, Geo. F P eague, Joshua Robinson, Larkin L Robinson. John Ramsay, Nathan ... Ragland, John B... Spong, David Stewart, James Terry, Hansel Taylor. Wm.B W(^st. VanR Wells, Giles Wilks, Richard 1846. June 26 Wounded in battle of Feb. 23. On furlough from May 28; carpenter in En- [gineer's Dept. Wounded in battle of Feb. 23. Abseni sick at camp near Savacea. from [Aug. 11; supposed to be dead. Died: Delinger, Wm. H Alton Higgarson, John P Terry, Carter Died at Saltillo. Mex„ May 13 Buena Vista, Mex., May 16 Saltillo, Mex., March 11 Discharged: Ramsey, Eli Stewart, Robt. W.... [and discharged. Re-enlisted at Buena Vista. Mex., May 28, This company was discharged at Caraargo, Mex., June 18, 1847. 244 MEXICAN WAR. SECOND REGIMENT The Field and Staff Of the 2d Regiment of Illinois Foot Volunteers, commanded by Colonel James Collins, called into the service of the United States by the President, under tlie act of Congress approved May 13, 1846, at Alton, 111. (tlie place of general rendezvous), organized on the 3d day of August, 1847, to serve for the term of during tlie war with Mexico. From the 30th day of April, 1848, (when last paid), to the 25th day of July, when discharged. The Regiment was organized by Col. James Collins, at Alton, III., in the month of August, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Colonel. James Collins Lieute)iant- Colonel. Stephen G. Hicks... Major. Thos. S. Livingston. Adjutants. Henry S. Fitch Jas. H. Sampson A. A. C. S. and A.A.Q.3L Elisha Lewis Lewis A.Norton Surgeon. John L. Miller Assistant Surgeons. Nathan H. Ash Franc's B.Thompson Galena ... Nashville 1847. June 22 Elected Col. f'm Capt. Co. F., Aug. 3, '47; dis- j charged at New Orleans July 8, '48. July 10 Present, commanding the Regiment Must'd as Major on day of elect'n, Aug, 3, '47. Whitehall , Galena Belvidere St. Charles... Appoiated by the President Appointed by the President Appointed by the President App'd Adjt. Aug. 3, '47; elect. Capt. of Co. "D" June 21 App'd Adjt. Feb. 29, "48 [Feb. 29, '48. on acct. of prolonged absence f'm reg't. June 4 App'd Aug. 3, '48; deprived of app't Feb. 1(3, '48, July l:App'd Feb. 16, '48; must'd out in Co. "I." Present Disch. at Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 22, '47; disability Date of commission, Mar. 29, '48; present NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Sergeant- Majors. Erasmus D. House. James B. Hinde Q. M. Sergeants. Thos. G. Coffy Wm. G.Taylor Principal Musicians. Ferdinand Pallaris.. Harrison Ramsey... Whitehall .. Mt. Vernon. Galena ... Waterloo. Galena 1847. May June 121 Appointed from Sergt. in Co. "D" Jan. 17, '18. 3 Appointed Aug. 3, "47; elected 1st Lieut. Co. "A," Jan. 17, '48. June 22 June 21 Appointed from Sergt. in Co. "F," Dec. 23, '47. Appointed Aug. 3, '47; died at Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 22. '47. Appointed and mustered Aug. 3, '47. Appointed Aug. 3, '47 SECOND KEGIMENT. 245 Company " A. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment Enrolled Remarks. Captains. James Bowman Levin H. Powell First Lieutenants. Eli Anderson James B. Hinde Willis B. Holder.... Second Lieutenant: Hezekirili B. Newby.l Jabers J. Anderson..' Alonzo H. Cox ! Jacob B.Keller j Sergeants. Jonathan Wells Gilford D. Connolly. John P. Newell Jonathan S. Cook ... Corporals. Edward Bond Robert R. Ingram . Elias M. Holmes... William Bullock... rritmmer. John W. Hartley .. Alton. 111. Fifer. Thomas Casey. Privates. Ames, John Anderson, Robert G. Brown, Calvin Cassidy, William Cummins, James Childers, Richard ... Clark, Martin Crey, Thomas D Elee, Julian Green. John B Godfrey, Caleb Gaston, Newton A... Hillhouse. Robert S. Johnson, Lewis Kimball, Henderson. Kaltenbach, Peter... Kinman, Andrew J.. Kennady, Damon C. McCormick, Josiah.. McCulloch, Preston. McCassilin, William. Mullen, Thomas Messechar. Aaron... McRorgh, Martin McDonald. James . . . Orton, Job A Osborn, James L Root, Welcome Rose, John Stephens, Andrew. . . Houle, Alonso Safford, Oliver Stull, Lawrence Sanders, Jacob Thornton, William A. Vance. Thomas J Wilson. Isaac Watts, John D Wevmon, Thomas. .. Weldon. BenettM... Wood, Sherman D . . . Wentworth, Henry. 1847. June 3 Died at Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 28, 1847 Must'd in as private; app'd 1st Sergt. Oct. 23; elected Capt. Jan. 17. Died at Very, Mex., Sept. 11,1847; yellow fever Must'd in as private; app'd Sergt.-Maj. Aug. 3 Died at Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 2, 1848 Died at Nat. Bridge, Mex., Sept. 16; yell, fever Must'd in as Sergt.; elec'd 2d Lieut. Mar. 2;:i.'48 private; " " Sept. 24.. Must'd in as private; elec'd Lieut. Sept.24,'47; resigned March 23, '48. Must'd in as private; app'd 1st Sergt. Jan. 17'48 corpor'l; " Sergt. Feb. 7, '48... private; " " Jan. 17, '48.. corpor'l; " " Mar. 24, '48.. Must'd as private; app'd corporal Mar. 24,1848 Feb. 7.1848 Mar. 24,1848 Jan. 17.1848 Chicago, 111.. St.Charl's, 111, Alton. 111.. .. St.Charl's, 111, Alton, 111 Chicago, 111. Alton, 111.... Chicago, 111. Alton, 111.... Chicago, 111.. Alton, 111...''. St.Charl's.Iu; Alton, 111 Feb.. Mar.. June, Mar,, June, Mar.. June. April, June, Feb., '48 June, Mar., June, '4'; Chicago, 111. Alton, 111.... Feb.. June. St.Charl's. Ill, Mar.. '48 246 MEXICAN WAR. Died: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Alton, 111 Enrolled 1847. June 3 Remarks. Se7-aeants. James Mathewson.. Benjamin F. Bogan.. Corporals. William C. Cook Jonathan Reilley Privates. Bodine, John Died Oct. 28, '47, at V. Cruz hospital •' Jan. 11, '47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa, Mex.. Died Dec. 2. '47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa, Mex.. ' ' Sept. 14, '47, at Gen. Hosp., New Orleans Died Nov. 13- '47. at Gen. Hnsn - New Orleans Ballard. Mathew . ... ' Nov. 22, '47, " " V.Cruz Bruce, Hiram ' May 17, '47, at Puebla, Mex . (Jummings, William. ' Dec. 18. "47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa, Mex.. ' Feb. 1. '48. " " " Grooms, John Carter, Dillard B.... ' Jan. 15, '48, " " " " . Clarke, William ' Dec. 14.' 47, DaM'son, Isaac ' Jan. 2, '48, Dorrell, Joseph ' Sept. 10, '47, at Gen. Hosp., V. Cruz Dornell, Geo. W ' Aug. 17, '47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa Griffith, James F.... ' Dec. 16, '47, Goodrich, Robert ... ' Aug. 28, '47, at Gen. Hosp., New Orleans. Gilbert, John ' May 4. '48. " " Pueblo Jenkins, John A. ' Sept. 17, '47 " " V.Cruz Knox, William ' April 21, '48, at Puebla, Mex Keller, John ' Jan. 11, '48, at Gen. Hosp., Jalapa Inglett, John ' Dec. 16, '47, Leonard, Hiram ' Dec. 28, 47, Long, Thomas M ' Nov. 24, '47, " " V.Cruz Lawson, Henry ' Dec. 1, '47, " " New Orleans.. Light, Reuben ' Dec. 2, '47, " " Jalapa Marlow, Zedick ' Dec. 1, '47, " " " . . . Maynor, William R.. McConnell, James... Moss, William N McLaughlin, John... Piper, Henry Alton, ili Bergara.Mex. Alton, 111 June 3 Aug., '47 June 3 ' June 30, '48, at Carrollton, La ' Sept. 12, '47, at Camp Bergara, Mex ' Aug. 16, '47, at Alton. Ill ' April 2, '48, at Gen. Hosp., Puebla ' Dec. 5, '47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa Pierce, William Redman, John Reynolds, William R. Stewart, William Stull. JohnH ' Oct. 12. '47, at Gen. Hosp., V. Cruz ' Dec. 29, '47, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa ' Mar. 5, '48, " " " ' Jan. 23, '48, " " " ' Sept. 5, '47, at Camp Bergara Taylor, Wright Worley, William G.. Weston, Charles ' May 6, '48, at New Orleans ' Sept. 10, '47, at Gen. Hosp., V. Cruz ' Sept. 2, '47, at Camp Bergara White, Thomas A. .. Wallace, Daniel ' Feb. 1. '48, at Reg. Hosp., Jalapa ' Feb.15,'48, " " " Discharged: SergeaJit. 1847. Jeremiah Morgan... Alton. Ill June 3 Disch. by certificate of disability Feb. 6,1848.. Privates. Baker. William ' ' " Disch. by certificate of disability Sept. 27, '47. Brooks, William C... Bergara.Mex. Aug. 31 Feb. 6, '48.. Brown, Clinton Alton, 111 June 3 Oct. 10, '47.. Ballard, Robert Sent to N. Orleans to be'disch. from Jalapa.. Forward, Oliver Disch. by certificate of disability Feb. 1, '48.. Green, George W Mar. 27. '48. Hovey, Simeon A Dec. 2, '47.. Leach, Arthur Jan. 12. '48. Osborn, Robert Sent to N. Orleans to be disch. at Jalapa, Mex. Vickory, John ... Disch. by certificate of disability Jan. 12, '48.. Deserted: Porter, Charles 1847. Alton, 111 June 3 Deserted July 6. 1847, at Alton, 111 This company was discharged at Alton, III., on July 21, 1848. SECOND EEGIMENT. 247 Company "B." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Eemarks. Captain. Calmes L. Wright... First Lieutenant. Bushrod B. Howard. Second Lieutenants. James H. Sampson.. Wm. A. Poillon Sergeants. James McFadden . . . George Nolan Wm. H.Noble Jackson Parks Corporals. Thomas Sheridan... Samuel Woodhouse. Franklin Ward Thomes R. Waring.. Fifer. Cornelius Mellinger. Drummer. Oliver P. Welker.... Privates. Adams. John Alexander, Samuel.. Auther, Robert Baggs, John T Beckwith. Ezra Casey, Patrick Casey. Francis Carnahan, Thomas. . Carr, Wm. L Childs, Charles Connor, John Cobb, Amasa Depue, Simon Ely, Mori-is M Flanagan, Warwick. Fisher. Thomas Funston, John Fitzgerald, John Hall, .John Hiyby, Wilder Ht'rrell, James Hare, Henry Jackson, Andrew Kupser, John Kuykendall, Benj... Long, James Mathews, Philip Miller, Christopher.. McKinney, Robert C. McKinney, John McGinnis, Keran McMillan, John Morris, Bluford S Noble, Albert L O'Leary, James Posey, David C Prickett, James K... Price, Thomas Rot)t, OrwinT Rogers, Coleman F. . Robertson. James... Rossiter, Wm. H Sample, Thomas Sasfleld, John Alton, 111. Tampico Puebla Max Max. 1847. June 21 June June July April, Appointed Adjutant 2d 111. Vol., 1848. . Private to March 22, 1848, then Corporal May 28, Private to May 1. 1848, then Fifer Private to Aug. 1, 1847, then Drummer , Left sick in Hospital at Vera Cruz, Feb. 6, *48. Left sick in Hospital at Vera Cruz, Feb. 6, '48. Left sick in Hospital at Vara Cruz, Feb. 6, '48. Absent, sick, from Feb, 11, 1848. [Mounted Men, Feb. 1,1848. Joined by transfer from Capt. West's Co. Joined by enlist, at Puebla, Mex., April 18. '48. 248 MEXICAN WAK. Name and Bank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Shaw, Robert I Shattuck, Munroe. Simms, J eremiah . . Sisler, John Spires. Fergus M.. Sumner, Alfred Taylor, James E... Tate, Samuel Thomas, John W.. Tong, Theodore F. Wade, James A Wolflnger, Thomas Zuller, John Alton, 111 1847. June 21 Mch., '48 Absent, sick, from Aug. 23, 1847 Drummer to Aug. i, 1847, then private Joined by enlist, at Puebla, Mex., Mch. 1, '48. Died: Corporals. McAllister, John C. Alton. Ill 1847. Jiine 21 Died atTampico, Mex., Sept. 27, 1847 Rhodes, Jacob Privates. Alvoid, Wm. B Barnett, George W.. Benhardt, John J Crankshaw, Peter J. Donley. Wm Jalapa, " May 28, 1848 Died atTampico, Mex., Dec. 20, 1847 New Orleans, La., June 7, 184s Tampico, Mex.,Dec.2. 1847 " on the Gulf of Mexico. June 25, 1848.; ' ' at Jalapa, Mex., May 20, 1848 Enos, Horace B Ellis, Francis M Faherty, Patrick Hawkins, Stephen .. High, David Tampico, Mex., Dec. 23,1847 " Jan. 23, 1848 " Nov.28. 1847 " Sept. 24, 1847 Vera Cruz. Mex., April 2, 1848 Leonard, Wm Loyd, John Puebla, Mex., Mch. 18, '48; poisoned.. Tampico, Mex., Oct. 3, 1847 McGuire, George " 25, •' Ramsey, Andrew Puebla, " May 1(), 1848 Sumner, Jerome B.. Stobaugh, Isaac Tampico, " Oct. 24, 1847 " Nov. 6, " Discharged: Corporal. John S.Miller Privates. John Applebury Keyes, Joseph L McGregor, Archibald Murphy, James Olmstead, JohnB... Discharged Mch. 22,1848; disability. Discharged Mch. 3, 1848; disability. Mch. 19, " Jan. 19, " Mch. 22, •* Jan. 19, " Transferred : Fifer. Ramsey, Harrison Privates. Kelley, Wm Quinche, Fred. L.. Alton. 111. 1847. June 21 Trans, to Staff 2dRegt. as principal Musician, Aug. 10, 1847. Trans, to Capt. West's Co., Feb. 1, 1848 Appointed Hosp. Steward March 23, 1848 This company was mustered out July 20, 1848. SECOND REGIMENT. 249 Company " C. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Harvey Lee First Lieutenant. Henry W. Good Second Lieutenants. William J. Hankins. Jesse W. Curlee Richard M. Hankins Sergeants. Samuel Fortney Thos J. Gillenwaters Hugh D.Kelly Levi McBride Alton, HI. 1847. iJuly 5 Corporals. James L, Ledbetter. William Owens Jonathan H. Tucker. Camm McBride Privates. Ashley, William Bryant, William Brown, William Carr, Charles Coy, Stephen Clark, Tillman Caudle, John Deleplain. John Davis. William ¥.... Diekman, George H. Davidson, William H Dornian, Benjamin.. Dunham, Henry Elliott, John, Jr Elder, DumaB Ehuu, William D Funk, Jeremiah R. .. Ginger, John P Gerrick, Christian .. Gillenwaters, Jas. S. Gillespie, Matthew.. Green, Pati'ick GeiI)ot, Frederick... Hviikins, Samuel F.. Harris, Joseph Lane, Joseph Ledbetter, H'nders'n Lecrone, Mathias... Loy, James B Loy, George VV Lee, Andrew .J Ludwick, Henry Martin, James. Maxfleld, Hiram Miller, Hampton ... Mills, Jesse A McCcjnkey, George. Martin, Eli Perkins, David Parks, William Porter, James Eadclifr, Simon Redfleld, Benjamin Rafferty, James Rhodes. Henry Shindle, George S.. Sears, George Shaw, Andrew StoUe, Ewing..: Sergeant to April 1. 1848; then elected 2d Lt.. Died at Puebla, Mex.. March 28, 1848 Sergt. to April 1, 1848; then app'nted 1st Sergt Private to Mar. 2, "48; then Corp'l; then Sergt. Nov. 1,'47; Corp. to Mar. 2, '48; Sergt May 2, 1848; then appointed Serg'nt Private to Feb. 1G,1848; then appointed Corp'l Private to May'28, 1848; then appointed Corp'i Reduced from Sergeant May 28. 1848 Left sick in Gen. Hosp., Vera Cruz, Feb. 6, '48 Left sick in hospital. Vera Cruz, Feb. 6, 1848. Corporal to Sept. 1. 1847; then resigned. Shelbyv'le, 111' Jan., Alton, 111 July, '48 -. ■- 47 Sergeant to Feb. 16, 1848; then resigned. Transferred to ranks from Musician — Corporal to Oct. 31; then reduced. 250 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Smith, Thomas Shelbyv'le.Ill Alton, [11 Jan., '48 July.^ '47 Tucker, James Thomps, Thomas H. Victor, Davis Priv. to Apr. 1.'48; thenSergt.; reduced May28 Wicke. Cyrus F Wright, William...... Absent without leave; supposed in Q.M. Dep. Died: Sprgeant. Isaac M. Willis Corporal. Joseph C. Sawyer.. Privates. Ames. James Browning, James M Brazil, Robert Buradge. John Crawford, Martin. . . Clark, Francis A Davis, Samuel I Dougherty, Ale.x. B Dutton, Abram H... Frankum, William . Laremore. William. Moore, Doris McMullin, William. Morgan, James Mills, Jesse Parks, Samuel A... Parks, Andrew C... Pomroy, John Tanner, Andrew Alton, 111.. Shelbyv'le.Ill Alton, 111 Shelbyv'le.Ill 5 Died in Hosp., Puebla, Mex., March 1, 1848 Died in Hosp., Tampico, Me.x., Dec. 8, 1848. Died in Hosp., Tampico, Mex., Sept. 25, 1847 Puebla, " Mar. 12, 1848 Tampico. " Nov. 1.5, 1847 Oct. 28, 1847 Sept. 2(), 1847 Oct. 29, 1847. Puebla, " Apiil8, 1848. '48 Died at sea (Gulf of Mexico), June 28, 1848 '48i " at Alton, 111., July 17, 1848 '47 Died in Hosp., Puebla, Mex.. Mar. 31. 1848 Tampico, ' ' Sept. 25, 1847 " Oct. 26, ' • " Dec. 25, " " Oct. 20, " Died at Alton, July It. 1847 Died in Hosp., Puebla, Mex.. April 30, 1848 " May 26, 1848 Tampico, " Oct. 24, 1847. Jalapa, Mex., June 9, 1848.. Discharged: Privates. 1847. Baker. JohnL Ewington, 111. May 28 Disch., Sui g. certif., atTampico,M..Ja,n.27, '48 Collier. James T Alton, III July 5 Cronie, Emanuel Sept. 28, '47 Edwards, John Edwards. Adam ' ' ' Greer, James T ' ' ' Lewis, James ' ' Jan. 27, "48 Philips, Henry Sept. 28. '47 Reynolds, Dosin T.. ... This company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 20, 1848. SECOND REGIMENT. 251 Company "D." Name and Eank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captai7is. John Bristow Henry S. Fitch First Lieutenant. John H. Hart Second Lieutenants. John Wyatt Hampton Hunter Lorenzo E.Carter.. Se7'geants. Ashley L. Sleetman. Henry P. Garrison.. William Bamber Corporals. James Bell Samuel Thompson.. Nathaniel Walker... Cyrus Little Dranimer. Edward B. Walker.. Fifer. Clinton A. Wood.... Privates. Bell, .John Barrett, Jonathan... Barr, James Brown, Jehu Carroll, Isaiah Crawford. Lewis... Conden, .Jacob F Davis, John Flatt, Dennis Frank, Abraham F.. Flagg. William Grizzle. James Gale, William H Hankins. Andrew J. Harrington, William Harrington, Thomas Harrow, Robert Miller, Milton Miller, Joseph A McClure, William... McFarland, James.. Nelson, John Richards, Thomas.. Roberts, Henry H... Stahls, John Scott, Oscar Scott, Robert B Simmons, Edward.. Sutton, Joseph Silkwood. Obediah.. Smith, James Slaton, Jesse Thompson, Peter Taylor, William Wheeler, Fielding... Wilder, Elias Alton. 111... 1847. June 21 July 6 June 21 June 2 July 6 iJune 21 July 6 June 21 iJaly 6 June 21 June 28 Aug. 6 June 21 July 6 June 21 July 6 June 21 Resigned, to take effect March 11, '48 Elected from 1st Lieut, to March 11, '48 Elected from 2d Lieut. March 11, '48 Resigned, taking effect Feb. 5, "48 Elected from the ranks, Feb. 5, '48 Elected from 4th Sergt., March 11, vice Hart, promoted. Appointed from 3d Sergt, June 18, '48 Appointed from the ranks, Feb. 17, '48 Appointed from the ranks. June 18, '48 Appointed from the ranks, June 13, '48 Appointed from the ranks, June 13, '48 Appointed Hospital Steward, March ii, '48 Reduced from 4th Corporkl, June is, '48 Reduced from 2d Corporal, June is, '48 Died : Sergeants. John B. King.. George Kain... Alton, 111. 1847. June 21 Died at Cerro Gordo, Mex., June 17, '48. I " Alton, 111., July 17, '48 252 MEXICAN WAE. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Remarks. Privates. Byram, Ephriam.. Brownlee, David.. Bader, Frederick.. Cannon. Andrew.. Carter, Joseph Crawford, James.. Denny, Bolivar Di.xon, Charles Day, Henry Edwards, William. Edwards, Henry L Griffith, Daniel.... Hammond. James. Henry, Patrick Johnson, John D.. Kasinger. William Kirgan, Arthur Lee, Michael Phillips, Samuel.. Shinantt, Stephen. Thompson, Thomas Wisely, James Alton. Ill 21 Died on boat en route to Mexico, Aug. 17, '47. " at Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 3. '48 April7, '48 Dee. 29, '47 Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. 23, '47 Jalapa, Mex., Aprill2. '48 Dec.8. '47 Vera Cruz, Mex., Jan. 25, '48 Napoluca, Mex., June 4, '48 Alton, 111., July IG, '48 Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 5. '48. Nov. 28, '47 :.... Perote, Mex., April 23, '48 En Cerro, Mex., June 12, '48 Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 2. '48 San Juan, Mex., Oct. 28, '47 Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 18, '48 Nov. 28, '47 Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. 28, '47 Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 20, '47 Vera Cruz, Mex.. Feb. 7, "48 Oct.23. '47 Discharged : Privates. Brown. Charles Barton, Andrew J... Bryant, Elijah Bowen, Asa Bowen, David Guthrie, Daniel Colclonzhh, Joseph. Harvill, Lewis Hunnicent, John Johnson, Moses Johnson, Andrew... Logan. John F Mcllvaine. William. Powell, Young Quinten, Samuel K.. Kountree, John D. .. Sisk, William B Alton, 111. 1847. June 21 Disch. at N. Orleans, Aug. 23, '47; disab Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 8, '48 Feb. 6, '48 N. Orleans, date unk'n Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 18. '48 Feb. 21. '48 N. Orleans, date unkn'n Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 18. '48 lity.. Transferred : Second Sergeant. House, Erasmus D.. Appointed Sergt-Major, Feb, 11, '48. Deserted : Privates. Conden, Christian. Gibson, William S. Stevens, John 1847 Alton. Ill July Deserted at Cape Girardeau. Mo.. Aug. IC, '47. Alton, 111.. Aug. 7, '47 This company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 20,1848. SECOND REGIMENT. 253 Company "E." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. William Shepard... First Lieutenants. Tliomas Gates , Lyman Andrews . . . Thomas D. Tinioney Sylv'us M. Geotchiut Second Lieutenants. William Haywood... Elisha Lewis , Sergeants. John Pook John Joel Moses Doyle. . Belvidere, 111. 1847. June Died at San Juan, Mexico. Oct. 2, 1847 Elect'd (from 2d Lt.) Oct., "47; resig'd Mar. 11. '48 App'd Dec. 24, '47; elec'd Mar., '47; died Apr. '48. '• Sergt. Mar.22,'48; elec'd IstLt. Apr. 25, '48 Supp'd resig'd; left at Jalapa, sick. Mar. 14, '48 Corporals. Leroy Benson William Bush George S. Whitman John Lower , Privates. Bowman, Ira Burton, liurwell Co.x, Robert L. Dewey, George S Dennis. George Durkin, Frederick... Harrison. John Hanlon, John Irish, John F Judy, Andrew Jones, Thomas C Kellogg, Lockwood. Kingsley, DeWitt U. Keenan, .John Rasters, Theodore.. Lynch, William Miller, Reuben Mier, John Murphy, Peter JNlullory. John Moore, William Ro.se, William L Pearsall, I'hiletus... Smith, Frank Shearer, Alvin Shepard, David N... Sehwatkin, John Thomas. John P Worrell, John St.Charles,Ill Mar.. '48 Belvidere, 111. June, '47 July, '47 Chicago, 111.. April, '48 .. Feb., "48 Belvidere, 111. June. '47 Appointed from Corporal March 12, 1848. private February 7, 1848. April 30. 1848 Appointed from private December, 1848. AprilSO, 1848 Chicago, 111.. Belvidere. 111. Chicago, 111. Feb., '48 June, '47 Feb., '47 Died: Sergeants. Matthew Smith Nathan Taylor Corporals. Oliver B. Whitmore Alexander Rice Henry A. Granger.. Musicians. Roman P. Holcomb Frederick Van Dyke Belvidere, 111, 1847. June July Died at Jalapa. Mex., Dec. 21,1847. Feb. 6, 1848.. Died at National Bridge Nov. 5, 1847 ' ' Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 29, 1S47. . Jan. 19. 1848.. Died at Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 21, 1847 . Dec. 12, 1847 . 254 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Residence. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. 1847. Astrop, John Belvidere, 111. June 4 Died at Jalapa. Mex., Jan. 25. 1848 -.. Allen, Conolly S Dec. 29, 1847 Allen, Simon ' ' * * Feb. 14, 1848 Applehoff, Adolphus ' ' ' ' Nov.27.1847 Beecham, George... ' ' Dee. 26, 1847 Brown, Charles Chicago, 111.. [Feb., '48 " New Orleans, La., July 4, 1848 " Puebla, Mex., Mav 5, 1848 Cunniman. Freder'k. May28, 1848 Doyle, Daniel " Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 9, 1848 Fuller, James E ' ' •' Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. 4. 1847 Harran, John •• Nov. 11. 1847 Hawes, Solomon ' ' " Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 13, 1847 Hyde, William " Vera Cruz, Mex., Nov. 15, 1847 Kraaganger. Wm Alton, 111 Aug., '47 ' ' Puebla, Mav 19, ■48; murd'd by Mexic's Kodling, William K. Belvidere, 111. June, '47 " YeraCrux, Mex., Nov. 22. 1847 Johnson. Thomas... ' • ' ' " Puebla, Mex., April 15, 1848 Lewis, James H ' ' Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 7, 1848 Manson, John M ' ' " New Orleans, La , Nov. 8, 1847 Mills. John J .. Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 17. 1847 Miller, Samuel H Dec.2.3.1847 Myers, Abraham ' ' Dec. 25,1847 Oswald, William H.. " Puebla, Mex., May 19, 1848 Phelps. AlansonH.. ' ' " Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 1.3, 1848 Phelps, Elisha Alton. 111.... iAug., '47 " Puebla, Mex.. May 10. 1848 Rollins, Charles iBelvidere, 111. June, '47 " National Bridge, Mex., Nov. 10.1847.. Robinson. George... iChicago, 111.. Mar.. '48 " St. Louis. Mo., July 14, 1848; drowned Reams, John Belvidere, 111. June, '47 " Jalapa. Mex.. Nov. 10, 1847 Sullivan, David E Dec. 22,1847 Schwatkin, Gerard H Jan.3. 184f< ^' " Dec. 25. 1847 Sponable. William... Dec.30,1847 Ward. John C Dec. 12,1847 Whltback. Jasper... Mayl9,1848 Young. Joseph A July, '47 " YeraCruz. Mex., Oct. 29, 1847 Deserted: Burlingame, Rhode Dunsing, Henry Koter. Ditherik Sutton, Ebbert Belvidere Deserted at New Orleans Aug. 24, 1847. Aug. 21, 1847! Jan. 15. 1848. Discharged: Sergeant it. 1847. James L. Kennedy.. Belvidere, 111. June. 4 Disch. at New Orleans, La.. June, 1848 Matthew McWorter. Yera Cruz, Mex., Jan. 3, 1848 Prira^e.s. Duvall. Augustus ' ' Left at Y. Cruz Hosp. Sept., '47; supp'd discli. Giese. Henry * * Disch. at Jalana. Mex.. Jan. 11. 1848 Gilmore. .Tames W.. .' ' • ' ' 7,0011. Murray... Dec. 19. 1847 Loop. Edgar S New Orleans, La.. June, 1848 Russell. Francis A.. Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 21. 1848 Rogers, John ' * Jan. 11. 1848 Sherwood, Jackson A New Orleans, La., June, 1848 'J'owner, Hiram G June 27 , t , . . Ward, Alfred June 4 March 15, 1848... Wheeler, John L Jalapa Mex., Jan. 11, 1848 Wyde, George July 7 New Orleans, La., June, 1847 Missing: John Coleman. Belvidere 1847. June 4|Lost on march from Puebla to Vera Cruz I June, '48; supposed captured. This company was discharged on July 24, 1848, at Alton, Illinois. SECOND REGIMENT, 25^ Company "F." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. James Collins David C. Berry Fimt Lieutenant. John Boaney Frank Wheeler :. Second Lieutenants. Spencer H. Hill Thos. J. Andrews Lorenzo D.VanHook Sergeants. John Alexander Abraham Leir Henry Conroy Thos. A.Sanders Corporals. Festus Gideon John A. Mullen John F. A. Eckard.. Ira Stevens Musicians. Miller Blair Samuel W. Earnest Privates. Bauder, Andrew Boss, James E Berry, Henry Barker. George Butterfleld. Chas. P. Bradlev. Wm. H Bos well. Geo. W Blxler, Noah W Currant, Alpheus Drury, John Dodson, James B... Gregory, William... Henry, Theodore Hannon, Patrick Hopkins, Vernon J.. Holeomb. Oscar M.. Hedges, William A.. Johnson. James M.. Jones, Washington. Jjiisure, John B Ijcakley, Thomas ]\l((Tiiire, Henry Mi'Lane, Thomas A. Mflton. James Mackay, Andrew May, John Mitchell, John Nelson, James A Price, David Pipkins, Jesse Procter. J;imes Reynolds, John Robinson, James Reese, Evan Simpson, William D. Smith, Martin Smith, Terrence Shulder, Henry Galena, 111 Chicago, 111 Galena, 111.. Chicago, 111. Aurora, 111.. Chicago, 111. Galena, 111... Chicago, 111. Galena, 111... Chicago, 111. Galena, 111... Chicago, 111 Galena, 111... Chicago, 111.. Galena, 111.... 1847. June 22 Elected Col. of regiment, Aug. 3, 1847 Elected Capt. (from 1st Lieut.) Aug. 3, 1847.... [died at San Juan, Mex. Sept. 2, 1847. Elected 1st Lieut, (from 2d Lieut.) Aug. 3, 1847; Sept, 25, '47. [resigned, April 23. 1848. Elected 2d Lieut, (from i)riv.) vice Van Hook, ' Aug. 3, 1847 " Sergt., Sept. 25. 1847; resigned April 23, 1848. Appointed from Corporal, Oct. 5, 1847 " private, Dec. 28, 1847. Feb Jun Feb June Feb June Feb June Feb July Feb . ijune '47 '48 Left sick at Jalapa; supposed discharged. •481 '47lLeft sick at Jalapa; supposed discharged. •471 ;48j •47 256 MEXICAN WAR. Died Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Serncants. J. M. Lichtenberger. Henry Whysall Corporal. James M. N orris. Galena, 111... 1847. , June 22 Died at Alton, 111., Aug., 1847. San Juan, Mex., Oct. 2, 1847 Died at Jalapa. Mex., Dec. 24, 1847. Privates. Biggs, Henry Brower, John T Brundige, Hiram Alton, 111.. Davis, Lewis I Galena, 111. Forbes. William Gentry, Thomas H.. " Gregory, Joel j Hull, Joseph Helmick, Gerand. Henly, William... Jasper, Francis... Long, John _ Pogue, William E... Robinson, Henry .W. Robinson, Henry Russell. Stephen Randall, Harrison P. Seaman, Peter F Shaw, James Simpson, Robt. K... Swayne, John W Shultz, William Sanders, David Stoner, Jacob Simpson, Thomas. . . Tindall, George S... Tindall, John Truett, Samuel Alton, 111. Aug. June Aug. Died at Jalapa, Mex., June 12, 1848 New Orleans, La.. June, 1848... Vera Cruz, Mex., Jan. 3, 1848. . . . " Oct. 25, 1847... Jalapa, Mex., March 23, 1848.... New Orleans, La., Nov. 19, 1847. , Perote , . Mex, , 1848 Jalapa, Mex., Dec, 30, 1847 Vera Cruz, Mex., Oct. 24, 1847... Died on Gulf of Mexico June 27, 1848... Died at Vera Cruz Sept. 30, 1847 Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 16, 1847 " 8,1847 " 1,1847 " 29,1847 March 30,1848.... New Orleans. La., Nov. 11, 1847. Vera Cruz, Mex., Oct. 5. 1847.... Jalapa, Mex., 1848 Puebhi, " May 13, 1848 Perote, " April 17, 1848 Jalapa, " Dec. 19, 1847 Alton, HI., Jul V 29, 1847 Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 24, 1848 New Orleans, La., Dec. 24, 1847. Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 18. 1847 Nov.30, 1847 Dec. 17, 1847 Deserted : Collins, John. Otis, Ralph... Wood, JohnW Galena, 111. 1847. June 22 Deserted at Alton, 111., July 10, 1847 Discharged: Private.':. 1847. Brown, Samuel Galena, 111 June 22 Disch. at New Orleans, June, '47; disability. Coleman, Paul E ' ' Jalapa Mex., Dee. 22, '47 Cottle. Orville ' ' Vera Cruz, Mex.. Jan. 25, '48 ' ' Duffey, Hugh ' ' New Orleans, June, '48 Beauchard, Edw. D. ' ' Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 7, '48 Gibbons, John ' ' New Orleans, June, '48 Gloder, David ' ' Junes. '48 Gaffnev, Thomas Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. 26, '47 • ' Harcourt, Gustavus. ' ' New Orleans, July 8. '48 James, Richard H... ' ' June, '48 McQuay. John * • Vera Cruz, Mex.. Jan. 15, '48 ' ' Stiles, Nathan ' ' Jalapa, Mex., Jan. 7, '48 Shultz, JohnG ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Vaughn, John ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Wilson, Edward * * ' New Orleans Transferred : SECOND KEGIMENT. 257 Missing Name and Bank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Corporal. Wm. H. Antis.. Galena, 111 1847. June 22 Supposed captured by guerillas Nov. 8, 1847 This company was discharged at Alton, Illinois, July 20, 1848. Company "G." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Captain. JohnM. Moore First Lieutenant. Edward O'Melveney Second Lieutenants. Wm. C. Starkey Austin James Thomas James Sergeants. James Close Lewis I. Eyman Solomon Varnum ... William Hillburn Corporals. Benjamin Atwell Peter Dowling John Hillburn Elijah Adams Alton, 111.... Musicians. Augustus Holley . Conrad Kimell Prirates. Abernathy. James Aired, Samuel Axley, James R W^aterloo, Burk, Andrew Alton, 111 Brant, Jacob Butcher. Solomon G. Clarke. Samuel C Clark, Millington Crowley. John Criley, Isaac Criley, Harman Chester. Samuel C Clover, James M Coleman, .John Denton, Liberty Dolson, John Ellis, Wm Frazer, Maxwell Glass, Michael Hartley, Wm Hinton, John Husband. Wm Hyson, Henry Haber, George Henley, Washington Jackson. Andrew Land, Moses Lybarger, Henry Lasouse, James Lakiu, John Lively, George —1/ 111 Enrolled 1847, July June 19 July 7 Remarks. Appointed from private May 1, 1848. Left sick in Hospital at Vera Cruz; supposed [to be discharged. 258 MEXICAN WAK. Name and Rank. Place of ■ Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. McCannah, John McCulloek. Wm. G.. Murphy, Patrick Mann, Joseph Oman, Martin Peterman, Philip Perry, John Rogers, Wm Reed, Wm Small, Wm Simpkins, Hawkins. Swank, John Smith, Wm. J Swear, Charles Willman, Jackson... Wilcox, Abraham . . . Wallace, Charles Alton, 111... 1847. July Puebla, Mex. April, '48 Died: Sergeant. 1847. Thomas Spencer Waterloo, 111. July 15 Died in Hospital at Tampico, Mex., Nov. 4, '47 Privates. Adams, Edward Died in Hospital at Tampico, Mex., Nov., 1847 Blunt, Britain * * " Nov. 4, '4V Bishop, George * ' " Nov. 10 47 Blackstone, George. * * Puebla, " Apr. 22, '48 Bishop, Evans * * Jalapa, date unknown Burgett, Charles New Orleans, May IG, '48 Brugel, Nicholas * Tampico, Mex., Sep. 25, '47 Burch, Gustavus ' ' Puebla, " April 24, ■48 Dicken, John * Tampico, " Jan. 10, '48 Foshee, Benjamin... * " Jan. 11, ■48 Holbrook, John A... ' Encerro, " June 9, '48 Locum, Wm Tampico, " Nov. 1, '47 Nixon, James N ' * " Nov. 25, '47 Rydenbork,Pasmore Puebla, ' ' May, 1, ■48 Tope, Andrew J * Tampico, " Sep. 21, '47 Taylor, Wm ' Jalapa, Dec. 22, '47; prom'd Aug. 3, in hospital at Tampico, Mex., Oct. IS, '47 Welch. John G '47 Wetzel, Henry " Feb. 11, '48 Discharged : 2Iu.'>icin7i. John H. Dixon Priiiates. Beabers, Thomas... Brewer, Henry Biggs, Asa Bennett, Franklin... Dickei-man, Manas'h McKinley, Hugh F.. Morgan, Solomon ... Spots Leonard Witmer, John Disch. at Vera Cruz, Feb. 7, 1848; disability. Disch. at Tampico, Sept. 14, 1847; disability " 18, " Jan. 20,1848; " 20, " Sept. 14, 1847: " 28, " " 28. " Vera Cruz, Feb. 7, 1848; Transferred: Sergeant. Wm. King Private. Edward Tilley . Corporal. Joseph Wilcox Waterloo. 111. July 15 Transferred by order of Col. Gates Transferred by order of Col. Gates Discharged at Puebla, Mex.. April 24. 1848 . SECOND REGIMENT. 259 Deserted: Name and Eank. Privates, Heath. Daniel L... Youngman, Jacob. Place of Enlistment. Waterloo, 111. Enrolled 1847. July 15 Remarks. Deserted at A Iton, Aug. 13, 1847 .... date unknown . This company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 21, 1848. Company "H." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Burns . 1847. Nashville, III. July 10 First Lieutenant. Mahichi Jenkins Second Lieutenants. George W. Walker.. JamesR, Lynch Isaac B. Jack Maniuis L. Burns . . . Sergeants. David A. Patterson.. Robert St. Livingston Tliomas W. Anders'n' John Robinson iJalapa, Mex.. Corporals. John C. Burns David W.Lowe Richard P. Carter. . . James B. Logan 3Iusician. Matthew M. Curtis . . Privates. Anderson, Richard.. Aldridge. Peter Cook, William Carter, Emanuel C. Crabtree, James Drew, Newton Darter, Nicholas H.. Franklin. David Forbes, David Gilien. Owen Hawkins, Benjamin. Hitt. JohnB Hitt, Thomas J Jones, Leander Jordan, Robert B Losson, John Livesay, Alfred Mills, Jesse Mathews, William... Moore, Samuel Morgan. Reuben M.. Norris, Alfred Newcombe. Levi Pitchfonl, George W Pitchford. William C Parker, Ellison W... Nashville, HI. Died on Gulf of Mexico June 2H, 1848. Resigned at Jalapa, Mexico, Dec. 17, 1847 Died at Vera Cruz, Max., Sept. 12, 1847 2d Sergt. Sept. 24, '47; prom. 2d Lt. Feb. 28,'48.. Elected Sergt. at San Juan, Mex., Sept. 23,'47. Appointed from private Jan. 22, 1848. Appointed from private Feb. 21, 1848 Nov. 24 Appointed from private Jan. 17, 1848. July lo! Appointed from private Jan. 1, 1848. 260 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Pate, Lewis Rogers, Sylvester... Rogers, Horatio Shelton, Cuthbert H. Smithers, Elisha Summers, William .. Taylor, John C Vanwinckle, Robert. Walker, John Walker, Thomas Waldron, George Weaver, James Nashville, 111. 1847. July 10 Died: Sergemifs. Anderson, James — Sanders, Thomas B. Privates. Carr, Ephriam W Christain, Charles .. Campbell, Alexander Field, John Nashville, 111. 1847. July_ 10 Died at Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 3, 1847 Vera Cruz, Mex., Sept. 7,1847 Died on Gulf of Mexico, Aug. 28, 1847 " at Vera Cruz, Mex., Oct. 16, 1847 " " " Sept. 15, " -- Killed in action at San Juan, Mex., Sept. 18, Died at Jalapa, Mex., Dee. 22, 1847 '• 15, " '47 Franklin, .John F Gibson, Josiah Hale, Enocli DiedonDulf of Mexico, Aug. 29, 1847 " at Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 5, 1848 May It, " Livosay, John C Milieu-, Cyrus Miller, Pleasant Owen William F " at San Juan, Oct. 30, 1847... " at Puebla, Mex., April 5,1848 June 2, " Pate, Simeon " at Camp Encerro, Mex., June 14, 1848 " at Alton, 111., Aug. 3.1847 Smith, George Summers, Major G " at San Juan, Mex., Sept. 28, 1848 " at Jalapa, " Jan. 19, " " 23, " Thurman, David W.. Feb. 18. " Walker, Ezekiah " atVeraCruz, " Sept. 10, 1847 Nov. 9, " Wright, James " at Jalapa, " Jan. 26, 1848 Deserted: Manseker. Thos.W. Morrison, Manly F.. Deserted from Hosp.,New Orleans, Jan. 15, ' 18 at St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 13, 1847 Discharged: Privates. Cameron, James D.. Craft, John A Edrington. James P Fitzgerald, James. . Gaskill, Thomas J.. Hutchings, Richard Harris, Caleb Harris, Gustavus... Ingram. Robert Jones, John Lossom, Thomas .. Livesay. Carter H.. Martin, John D Rice, John — berance. Peter Thurman, James M Underwood, John.. Walker, John Nashville, 111 1847. [ July 10 Disch. New Orleans, June 8, 1848, disability Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 4, New Orleans, Mar. 9, 184- Dec. 29. 18(7, Vera Cruz, Mex.. Jan. 2, 1848, New Orleans, Mar. 13, Jalapa, Mex.. Feb. i. 1848, New Orleans, Mar. 13. 1818, Vera Cruz, Mex., Jan. 2,1848, Dec. 29, 1847, Jalapa, June, 1848, SECOND REGIMENT. 261 Transferred: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Privnfp. Stephen G. Hicks Nashville. 111. 1847. July 10 Elected Lieut.-Col. of Regiment, Aug. 3, 1847. This company was discharged at Alton, 111., on July 22, 1848, Company "I." Enrolled Remarks. Captains. Edward E. Harvey. Sewell W.Smith.... St. Charles,Ill First Lieutenant. Lewis A. Norton Second Lieutenants. Hugh Fullerton William G.Conklin. Sergeants. Nelson, Warner Chas. E. Merrifield. Phillue Efner John Spencer Corporals. John A. Patten Timothy Ryan Henry Foot George A.Thompson Musicians. William H. Lawson. Spaulding Lewis Privates, Anderson, Joseph R. Benjamin, ArtemusL Blowney, Henry.. Boose, George Brewer, Jacob B^•nnett, Thomas. Brough, David Button, Enos Coreman, Aop Chase, Freedom.. Crap. John Dunfleld, Perry... Ellis, John I Pouts, Jacob Finch, Stephen... Gorton, Samuel A. I. Hicks, George HolTman, Paul Herrick, Edward Hill. Asal Johnson. Edward H. Jaqusch, Charles Kleyburgh. Charles. Keesar, Sallas Leibienstien, Lesser Leligar, John Lock, LaFavette Matthews, Peter Moran, Matthew Massey. Robert P.. . Chicago, 111 St. Charles.Ill 1847. July 1 Died at Puebla, Me.x., March 19. 1848. Elected from private March 22. 1848.. A. A. C. S. and A. A. Q. M. Feb Meh July Alton. Ill St. Charles.Ill Alton, 111 St. Charles.Ill Chicago, 111.. St. Charles.Ill Meh July Feb July '47 Appointed Sergt.. from Musician. Nov. 5, 1847 Elee'dCorp'l,fr'm priv.;elec'd Sergt. Feb.6,'48 Appointed Sergeant Feb. 14. 1848 Elected, from private. Feb. 7. 1848. " 6.1848. Nov. 5, 1847. Musfd as Corp'l ; reduc'd at own request Feb.6 262 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. .Enrolled Remarks. McDonald, Patrick. McGrill. Thomas Norton, John Norris, John S Newton, David Philip, Michael Philips, Orran H Paldy, Jacob Pridemore, Thomas Pollard, Thomas Riley, Hugh Rinte\v, George W. Sargeant, Philip H. Stickler, Henry Sloss, William Thatcher. Benj. B.. Walker, John M.... Wilson, Joseph P... St. Charles.IlI'Mar., '48 Puebla, Mex'May, '48 St. Charles.Ill' July, '47 Alton, 111 St. Charles.IU Chicago, 111.. Feb., '48 St. Charles.IU July, '47 Mar., '48 Originally must'd by name Benj. B. Hampton Died: ifusician. Welch, James St. Charles.IU July, "47 Died at Tampieo.Mex.. Nov. 2, 1847 Privates, Austin, Z. C .. Feb.. '48 July. '47 Died on Mississinni Julv 10. 1848 Bulson, Warren ' at Tampico, Mex., Nov. 2G, 1847 Brown, Charles P... Tampieo.Mex ' on march from Puebla June 5, 1848 Courtner, William... St. Charles.IU ' on Gulf of Mexico June 28, 1848. Dorchester, Fred'k.. ' at Tampico, Mex., Sept. 27, 1847 Frebert, George Friend, AsaM. ' ' " Oct. 2, 1847 ' ' Puebla. " March 14, 1848 Freeman. William... ' ' Tampico, " Nov. 10, 1847 Furgeson, Stephen.. ' ' " Oct.25, 1847 Henries, Henric ' ' " Oct. (J. 1847 Lewis, Isaac .. " Oct. 20, 1847 McDonald. Samuel.. VeraCruz, " Feb. 28, 1848 Mooney, David ' ' Tampico, " Dec. 3, 1847 Moore, Nicholas ' ' " Sept. 11, 1847 Marshall, Henry ' ' " Oct. 6, 1847 Mead, John .. ' Nov. 7, 1847 McColum, Malcolm.. VeraCruz. " Feb. 13, 1848 Price, James .. Puebla, " May 18. 1848 Portord, Stephen B. Tampico, " Sept. 28, 1847 Phelps. John ' ' " Sept., 1847 Phillips, Jedediah... ' ' " Dec. 20, 1847 Romine, Alfred ' ' Puebla, " April 13, 1848 Serber, Thomas ' ' Tampico, " Dec. 1!), 1847 Schoomaker, John D ' ' " Sept. 23. 1847 Smith, Henry ' * ' near Rio Frio, " March 3. 184S; killed. Tubbs, David ' ' ' at Tampico. " Oct. G. 1847 :.. Thompson, James... * * " Dec, 1847 Wilger, Frederick... Puebla. " May 11. 1848 Deserted: Sergeant. \ Reed Haywood St. Charles.IU Privates. Barnim, George W.. Dortort. Stephen Eglehough, Alfred.. Henry, Thomas Johnson. Sween Koose. John C Leet, Niles Munster, Augustus.. Mahar, John McLain, Robert Patrick. WilleyC... Pervis. Elisha 1847. I July 1 Deserted at Alton. 111.. Aug. 10. 1847. Deserted at CarroUton, La., Aug. 23. 1847. Alton, 111.. Aus. 9, 1847. CarroUton, La.. Aug. 23. 1847. Alton, 111., Aug. 9, 1847 Aug. 4, 1847 Drummed out, sentence Court Mar. Aug. 2. '47. Deserted at Alton. 111.. Aug. 4. 1847 SECOND REGIMENT. 263 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Thompson. Thos. H. 1847. July_ 1 D3serted at Alton. 111., Aug. 4, 1847 "17 1847 Wood, Samuel R Zahuki. Fornan Zahar, Jacob > • < < • > .1 Discharged: Sprgpant.i. 'Garfield, Benjamin F Berry, Smith M Corporal. Paddleford, Sam'l D. Privates. Carlisle, Wm. H. S.. Christie, Thomas Oanga, James Kleyberg, George... JVIcNelon, Alexander. Koberts, George D.. Alton, 111 1847. July 1 Aug. Disch. at Vera Cruz., Mar. 22, '48; disability.. Tampico.Mex., Jan. 19, '48; disability Discharged. Disch. at Tampico.Mex., Oct. 14, '47; disability Jan. 19, '48 Vera Cruz, Mex., Feb. 7, '48 Tampico " Jan. 20, '48 " This company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 24, 1848. Company " K. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. John Ewing Pierce, James R Mooneyham, Thos. J First Lieutenant. Mooneyham, Daniel Second Lieutenants, William P. Maddox, William Bates John H. Mulkey Sergeants. William Rogers James S. Rotramel.. William Faster Zachariah Young... (Jorporals. Dixon Glover William D. Coin Brunson Daniel Benton, 111. 1847. July 18 Musicians. Elijah Rotramel William G. Winn... Privates. Browning, Joseph Burket, James Burleson, James R Bramlet, Benjamin Briley, Gi-een W... •Collins. James Connuff, Edward.. Dawson, Francis.. Died at Tampico, Mex.. Oct. 3, '49, in quarters Elect. Capt. Oct.7; died Mch. 28, '48, at Puebla " April 4, 1848, from 1st Lieut Elected 1st Lieut. April 4, 1848, from 2d Lieut. Died in Puebla, Mex., Mfch. 28, 1848 Elected 2d Lieut. April 4, 1848, from private. . . " from Sergt Appointed 2d Sergt. April 4, 1848, from private 3d '• Oct. 8, 1847, " 4th " April 4, 1848, " Appointed 1st Corp'l Mch. 24, 1848. Chicago, 111.. St. Charles.Ill April, '48 264 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Eemarks. Dennis, .James H Elkins, Andrew P.. . Elkins, Gasaway Hamilton, Andr'w R. Hopper, Geo. W Isaac, John W Johnson, Nathaniel. Kidwell, Johnson. . . Lewis, Jeremiah T.F Martin, Oliver C Maddox, Moses I Maddox, Henry Melvin, John McAmv, William W. Odle. Martin Petty, William A.... Phillips, John H Pitchford, William.. Parker, Noah Pease, Anson Reed, John Roberts, Clark W.... Ryan, Timothy Rotramel, Walter I.. Redburn, John Roberson, Geo. W. . . Swafford, Emanuel I Shihorn, William Stricklin. Wm. H.... Shook, Hiram Williams, Benj. H... Wilkinson, James... Benton, HI... Tampico,Mex Benton, 111.. St. Charles,Ill Chicago, 111 Benton, 111. Chicago, 111. Benton, 111... July, '47 Aug. July Mar, April Feb July Feb. July Discharged June 15, 1848, for disability Died at Alton, July 17, 1848, while making roll Discharged: Priiiates. Burlison, Jonath'n H Cleevaland, And'w J Duff, Daniel Flint, James Isaac, George Lane, Jacob Price, Wi'sley Rice, JohnT Renche, John Summers Elisha Swafford, William A. Towns, Robert T.... Benton, 111. 1847. July 18 Disch. atTampico, Jan. 19, '48; disability — Sick at Tampico Feb. 1, '48; supposed disch. Disch. at Vera Cruz, March 4, '48; disability. Tampico, Jan. 19. '48; Vera Cruz, March 7, '47; Tampico, Oct. 2, '47; New Orleans, June 18, '48; Vera Cruz, May 18, '48; Jeff. Barracks; reduced to ranks.. Vera Cruz, Mch. 4. 48; disability ... Tampico, Jan. 19, '48; Died: Sergeant. Cornelius Martin Corporals. Lemuel Rancher Wm. D. McKeoun Benton, 111 1847. July 18 Died at Puebla, Mex.. March 30, 1848 Died at Puebla, Mex., March 18,1848 Alton, 111., Julv 14, " Cantrell Bluford " Puebla, Mex., March 14, " Privates. Avery , John Died at Tampico, Mex., Oct. '21, 1847 Baker, Reuben ::; " 20, " Crawford, George R. Crawford. John " " " March 14, " " Sept. 29, " Candle, John W " Oct. 10, " Crossner, George H. Clem, Jesse R Puebla, "April 13,1848 '' Tampico, '' Oct. 6, '' Crawford, Joel S " Sept. 9, " Corder, Andrew " " 27, 1847 30, " Eubanks John " Nov. 23. " Estiss, Thompson P. Foster, George E Flint, William " Oct. 4, " 15, " " Nov. 13, " Goff, John " Oct. 28, " SECOND REGIMENT. 265 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. 1847. Giles, John I Benton, 111 July Maddox, Noah Morse, Nathaniel Martin, James . Mooneyham, Heze'h Phillips, Wesley • Patton, Thomas I...' Rice. James ' Pla^Ylings, Nathan ... S^voaton, Richard R.i , Swafford. John L I Thomas, Joseph B.. Walter, James H. O. Ward, Willis I Wall, Frederick 18 Died at CampEncerro. Mex., June 11, 1848 . Puebla, Mex., May 21, 1848 Camp Encerro, Mex., June 9, 1848.. Jalapa, Mex., June 9, 1848 Tampico, Mex., Nov. 29, 1847 Oct. 20, Dec. 24. Sept. 15, Nov. 19, Sept. 6, Oct. 17, Nov. 3. Oct. 28. Aug. 28. Nov. 11. This company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 21, 1848, 266 MEXICAN WAR. THIRD REGIMENT. The Field and Staff Of the Third Regiment of the Brigade of Illinois Volunteers Militia commanded by Col. Ferris Formau, ordered into service of the United States by the President. From the 30th day of April to the 25tli day of May, 1847, Avhen discharged. Name and Eank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Colonel. F. Forman 1846. June 21 June 21 July 4 July 8 June 21 Lieutenant- Colonel. W. W. Willey ' Major. S.D.Marshall Adjt. and2d Lieut. C. Everett, Jr App. Sergt-Major July 9, '46; elected 2d Lt. Adjt. and \st Lieut. J. T. B. Stapp and app Adjt. Sept. 2, 1846. Resigned, Sept. 1, 1840 A. Q. M. and Capt. Nath'l Parker App. Asst. Q. M. July 19, 1840; mustered out of Surgeona. J. Mahan Aug. 29 June 23 Aug. 26 July 2 Sept. 17 1847. April 8 1846. Aug. 26 July 1 June 22 July 2 July 4 June 29 June 27 service May 22, 1847. [President. Detached to take charge of hospital; app. by J. O'Niel Left sick at N.Orleans, Aug. 6; died Aug. 13, '46 Asfiistant Surgeon. D. Turney Relieved by order of Gen. Patterson; app. by Actg. Asst. Surg. J. Burch President. Relieved by Asst. Surg. Turney Aug 26, 1846 . A. G. S. and Capt. J.S.Bradford Absent by leave Gen. Scott since April 1, '47: S. Hackleton app. by President. Appointed by President J. M. Campbell Relieved by Capt. J. S. Bradford Sept 17, 1846; Sergeaut-Major. Henry Hamilton app. by President. Mustered out of service May 25, 1817 Q. M. Sergeant. J. Willbanks App. July 9, 1846; mustered out May 21, 1847... Principa 1 Musicians Jas. Lamlturth Tran. to Co. "K;" reduced to private Dec. 9,1846. Thos. Mapes " Co. "C;" " Dec..31.1846. "W. W. Caton App. Dec. 9, 1840; mustered out May 21, 1847... A. Wiley 31, " THIRD REGIMENT. 267 Company "A." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistmeut. Enrolled Remarks. Captains. F. Forman Philip Stout First Lieutenants. James T.B. Stapp.. James W. Bootlie .. Second Lieutenants Richard Hawkins.. Cyrus Hall Charles Everett, Jr. Sergeants. Raford B. Reeves... James W. Welch ... William Terry Lansing B. Mezner. Corporals. Jacob Kifer William Beal Benjamin F. Rees .. Josiah Williams Music ia7i. Andrew Browning . . Pri rates. Arny, James Bowles. Robert Briton. Isah Beal, James Earriii^'(M-. Julius Buniard. James . ... Chandler, Samuel... Cluxton, Henry J Conner, Sherwood L Condra. Herod Cronk, American Cubbertson, James . . Croy, Piitliin Clark, James H Forbis. William B... Garland. Benjamin.. George, John Haley, George W Hinston, Hardy. Haiuilton. Henry Ishmael, James M. C Karney, Arnindith .. Leadbetter, Joseph. Larimore, Samuel... Miller, Jacob Meek, Wm Nowlin, Pleasant Nowlin, James Nowlin, William Nifong, Joseph Pennington, Josiah. Prater, Holloway Pioseberry, James... Sears, John Sears, Joseph Shears, William B... Stokes, Bird Stigall, Peter Tucker, Robert Thompson, John C Whitfield, Elan B.... Watwood, Addison.. Wiley, George 1846. June 21 Elected Col. Julys 2dLieut. to July 3. July June 21 Resigned Sept. 1. 1846 Elected 2d Lt. June 27, '46; 1st Lt. Sept. 1,'46. Resigned Sept. 2, 1846 Elected 2d Lieut. Sept. 2. 1846 App'd Sergt.-Maj. July 9; Adjt. Sept, 2, 1846. Corp'l from Jan, 1 to Feb. 12; then 1st Sergt.. Appointed Sergeant Sept. 2, 1846 Detached as Interpreter; private to Sept.2,'46 Pay due as Corporal from Feb. 12. . Wounded slightly at Ceri'O Gordo. Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846. Wounded slightly at Cerro Gordo. Appointed Sergeant-Major Detached in charge of wounded at Jalapa... Left in hospital at Jalapa; wounded by ac'd't 268 MEXICAN WAR. Discharged : Name and Rank. Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Sprgeant. John MeNicker. Privates, Aldrich, Jackson Baley, A.G Baley. John Daniels, Robert Forbis. Eli H Griffith. William C... Hartman, Benjamin Jackson, Able Netherby, Andrew J, Richards, James Shipley, Russell Stamps, Lewis Smith, Alexander... Williams, Thomas C Woolsey. John Whitfield, Charles... 1846. June 21lDischarged, disability, Aug. 13, 1846. Discharged, disability, Nov. .3, 1846. Aug. 13. 1846. Sept. 3. 1840. March 31, 1847. Nov. 3, 1846 ... Aug. 13.1846... Sept. 3, 1846... Feb. 21, 1847... Sept. 3, 1846... Oct. 28. 1846... Aug. 13, 1846... Sept. 3, 1846... Died : Corporal. Thomas I. Baley Privates. Bone, Marion , Ballinger, Leander.. Donton, John C Hays, Zachariah Innman, Robert K.. Innman, Joseph O.. Johnson, Geoi-ge W. Loveless. James Pissen, Nicholas W. Price. William Roseberry, William. Smith, David West, William White, James , 1846. June 21 Died at Camp Matamoras Dec. 26, 1846. Died at Camp Tampico, Feb. 23, 1847 Camargo, Oct. 29, 1846 Nov.3, 1846 Matamoras, Nov. 6. 1846 Dec 24. 1846 Camargo, Oct. 18, 1846 Point Isabel. Te.\., Mar. 3, 1847 " Camargo. Nov. 5. 1H46 Matamoras, Mex., Nov. 6, 1846. Camargo. Nov. 13, 1846 Matamovas. Oct. 8, 1846 Patterson, Tex., Sept. 3. 1846 .. Bureta, Max., Sept. 14. 1846 .... Camargo. Nov. 21, 1846 This company was discharged at New Orleans on May 23, 1847. Company "B." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James Freeman , First Lieutenants. Eli Hooper W.L. McNeil 1846. June 21 Second Lieutenant. David Evey Sergeants. John Casey Lemuel A. Rankins. Benjamin F. Chew . Orville Robertson .. Resigned Resigned Commanding company since Nov. 1, 1846. Was 2d Lieutenant THIRD REGIMENT. 269 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Corporals. William Price L.F.Doyle Sabin C. Stanwood. Joseph G. Harris... Musician. Samuel Bolyjack. Privntps. Bankson. Arthur C. Brown. James Beck, Benton Barns. John G Chatham, Franklin.. Chatham, James Cook. John Clair. Jones C Cooch, Martin Dixon, Lawson H. .. Delap.Grandville W. Griffith, William J... Gordon, Benjamin .. Gorden, Abraham . . . Hooper, Cla'borne R. Hooper, Joseph F. .. Henderson, Quant'n. Lang, Elon M. C Massey, Hezekiah .. Massey, Burrel J Matney, Leonard Matney, Walter Matney, Samuel K... McKenzie, George .. Mosley, John Norman. Solomon H. Phelps. Josiah Phelps. Henderson.. Row, John R Renfrow. William B. Ring, Stephen Riley, Josiah O Rogers, James F Smith, William Smith, Hardin Story, James Truitt, David Templeton, Geo. W.. Tetbrich. William... Turner, Martin L Walton, Benjamin... Wade, James Wheat, Levi Warren, Laborn 1846. (June 27 Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 Sick at Matamoras. Sick at Matamoras Dec. 14, 1846. Sick at Matamoras. Discharged: Scrgeajit. Nathaniel Corley. Corporal. Enoch R. Vanwinkle Musician. James Jones Privates. Armstrong, Joseph. Banning, Adoiph. A Banning, Clark Beck, Benjamin J. .. Branden, James P,. . Barker, Aaron M... Classon, Frederic ... Conner, Elijah W .. Corben, John L Daniels, John Fanning, Wash'n P.. 1846. June 2< Disch. Nov. 30, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Disch. Nov. 2, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Disch. Nov. 2, 1846, at Matamoras. Mex Disch. Nov. 2, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Aug. 13, 1846, at Brazos Is., Texas!.!!!! Sept. 18. '46, at Up. Camp Pat'rs'n, Mex! Nov. 3, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Nov. 2, 1846, Mar. 3, 1847, •' " Sept. 18, '46, at Up. Camp Pafr&'n, Mex. 270 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Eank Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Farlow, Nelson Jackson. William H. Kill am, William Milliken, Jesse Pierce. Solomon Eeed, Jesse J Scribner, Lewis Seales, Burrel Stafford, Thomas R. Vanwinkle. David C. Webb, Berry T 1846. June 27 Disch. Aug. 13, 1846, at Brazos Is., Texas. Mar. 3, 1847, at Matamoras, Mex Sept. 18, '46, at Up. Camp Pat'rs'n, Mex. Sept.6,'46, atLower Camp Pafrs'n.Tex. Nov. 3, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Nov. 2, 1846, " " Sept. 6, '46, at Lower Camp Pat'rs'n, Tex. Sept. 18, '46, at Up. Camp Pat'rs'n, Mex. Nov. 2, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex Mar. 3. 1847, " " Died: Corporal. Michager Holbrook.. 1846. June 27 Died at Camp Patterson, Tex., Sept. 6, '46 Privat'^s. Died at camp near Camargo, Mex., Nov. 12, '46 Dixon, Alexander W. Sept. 15, '46 Goodwin, James ' ' Matamoras, Mex., Oct. 2, '46 Henderson, Andr. J.. Camp Patterson, Mex., Sept. 18, '46... Jayne, John Moore, Washington camp near Camargo, Mex., Nov. 5, '46 . " Oct. 28, '46. Myers, John Matamoras, Mex., Nov. 4. '46 Williams, Calvin camp near Camargo, Mex., Nov. 3, '46. Deserted: Private. Spencer Smith 1846. June 27 Deserted July 7, 1846, previous to muster. This company was discharged at New Orleans, La., May 23, 1847. Company "C." Name and Rank. Place of Enlisiment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. James C. McAdams. First Lieutenant. Thomas Rose Second Lieutenants. John Burk John Corlew Sergeant.f. Jas. M. Wilford.. Miles Morris Jep. J. McDavid. Corporals. Wm. Stephenson... Benj. Blockberger. Chas. H. Rutledge. . Musicians. Joseph Mapep Jas. F. Witherspoon. 1846. June 26 Died, Jan. 4,1847, at Matamoras, Mex In command of company since Dec. 1, 1846. Promoted 1st Sergt. Jan. 31, 1847 Appointed Corporal, March 23, 1847. Left sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846. THIRD REGIMENT. 271 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Acres, Clahorn Anderson. Jas. B Boyd, Wm. R Bodkin, John Bennett, John Q. A.. Bennett, Nelson Card, Benson Corlew, Ransom Craig, John Cardwell. Lafayette . Davis, Robert W.... Edwards, Wm. A Edwards. Mark W... Frost, Johnson A... Fullar, John Finney, Jackson — Garner, James B Graf, Danb'l Gunter, Thomas Grubbs, Higgason B Harman, Stephen... Harman, Achilles... Isaacks, Wilborn Ishmel, Benj. R Kingston. William.. Koonts, John Lerla, Jacob Loomis, John T Lvnglo, John M M'cWilliams, Thos... MePhail, Joseph McPhail, James McPhail, Samuel Mapes, Thomas Penter, Joseph Pruett, John Pruett. Major Rose, George W Starr, Abraham B... Smith, Wiley B Scott, James M Turrentine, John Thomas, Alanson B. Varncr, Wm. H Wright, Joseph G-.. Wright, Thomas F.. AVilliams. James S.. Wiight, Jarrett Wilson, Joseph C... 1846. June 26 Left sick at Matamoras since Dec. 20, 1846. . Reduced to ranks from Corp'l, Mar. 23, 1847. Left sick at Matamoras Dec. 14, 1846. Discharged: Se7-geants. Jas. B. McDavid 1846. June 26 Disch. Disch. on Surgeon's certificate March 3, 1847. James M. Quellman. Jan. :3, 1847... Privates. Bishop, Isaac J on Surgeon's certificate, date unkn'wn Colyar, Wm. D Jan. 23, 1847.. Cress, Martin A Aug. 31. 1846.. Foglemen, Joel N date unkn'wn (irubbs, Edwin R. King. Samuel F Lewey, Isaac March 3, 1847. McCaslin, Wm. B ... Aug. 13, 1846.. Norman, Thos, A date unkn'wn Peacock, Eli l Aug. 31, 1846.. Seymour. William. April 23, 1847. Walker, James March 3, 1847. 272 MEXICAN WAR. Died Name and Rank. ESfe^L. lEnrolled Remarks. 1st Sergeant. Robt. Williamson. Corporal. Elijah Isaacs Privates. Barnett, William H. Burringer, Moses... Burk, Wm. O , Briants, George Card, Levi , Colman, John J Gaston, John G Hill. Henry , Halford, Wm. S Knight. EzraP Lazenby, Razin G... Lynch, Charles W... Pearson, Alex. W Roper, Franklin Williams, John A 1846. June 26 Died Oct. 26, 1846, at Camargo Died March 8, 1847, at Point Isabel Died Oct. 13. 1846, at Matamoras '• Oct. 22, 1846, " " Dec. 26, 1846, " " Dec.27,1846. " ' ' May, '47, at Jalapa, wo'nds rec'd C. Gordo " Oct. 21, 1846, at Matamoras " Jan. 8, 1847. " " Dec.27,1846, " " Sept. 8, 1846, at Camp Patterson " Jan. 8, 1847, at Matamoras " Nov. 25, , at Camargo " Oct. 9, 1846, at Matamoras ' ' Sept. 12. 1846, at Camp Patterson " Oct. 26, 1846, at Camargo " Sept. 24, 1846, at Matamoras This company was discharged at New Orleans, May 21, 1847. Company "D." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. , Captain. W. W. Bishop.. First Lieutenant. John J. Adams Second Lieutenants E. C. Jones H.C.Dunbar Sergeants. Burns Harlan Darius Wiley LeRoy Wiley James H. Bayley. Corporals. James C. Robinson John Chandler , S. W. Ewing •.... P.P. Miller Musicians. Arick Sutherland. Austin Wiley Privates. Brann, George Barney, David Benedict, Tera Cox, Ulysses D Co.x, James Cartwell, George W. Dyer. .Tames Dowling, Thomas... Downs, Samuel B... Firls, Jonathan Grant, Jesse K Grifflu, Alexander. .. 1847. June 27 Died at St. Louis, Mo., March 4, 1847 Left at Vera Cruz, in hospital, wounded, [May 7, 1847. Appointed OctVsi^ r8"46, vice Siiblett, reduced. " McCollister, " Meh. 7, " " McDaniel, disch. Transferred to regular Staff Oct. 31, 1846. Left sick at Matamoras, Mex., Dee. 14, 1846 . 1 THIRD REGIMENT. 273 Niime and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Good, Joseph 1846. June 27 Harmon, Samuel H. Hoge, Westley Havs, Tvne Hains. John Henry, William Ivins. John L Kelly, Thomas Luark, .John Lowthan. Henry W. Logan, William Miller, George W Miller, Samuel Marion, Francis Morgan, James Moore, Alexander... Left sick at Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 14 1846 Mitchell, Thomas McKelvy. Patrick.... McCoUester, Samuel Left sick at Matamoras Mex Dec 14 1846 Parker Nathaniel Appointed A. Q. M. July 19, 1846 '. Romines, George Rimmer, Nathaniel . . Thompson, Fred. G. Turner, Thomas Left sick at Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 14, 1846 White, Hiram White, James White Johnson Left sick at Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 14, 1846 White. William Winters .James P Weston, Isaiah Re-enlisted, May 11, at Vera Cruz Wiley, James Wiley Reason . . Discharged: Sergeants. S. B. Logan Alfred Jones... 1846. June 27 Corporals. Andrew Jeans George Wells Joseph Piper George McjDaniel Privates. Ashmore, Wm. C Abbott, John Bragg, Alex Bryant, Lewis Clements. Thomas .. Carter, Joseph Francher, Thomas . . Foster, J. C Grant, Adam Harmon, Wm. C Hart, Moses Hunt, George Lawrence, Robert... McCollister, Wm. C. Owings, James P — Pinnell, Henry H Parish, John R Poulten. John D Sublett, William.... "Wilson, Marcus Discharged Oct. 13. 1846, disability " 8. " Discharged Sept. 3, 1846, disability Oct. 13, " Dec. 6, " Mch. 6, 1847, Discharged Oct. 28, 1846. disability " 22, Sept. 3, Oct. 22, Sept. 3, Oct. 8, " 28, Sept. 3. Oct. 8, Nov. 17. Oct. 13, Nov.17, Oct. 13, Sept. 3, Nov.17. Oct. 22, " 8, " 22, 274 MEXICAN WAR. Died: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Corn well, Bennett. . . Dnimmond, William Eastin, Harmon Fetty, C. D Frost, Harvey D Hart. Thomas Jarvis. Marion Winkler, Joseph L.. 1846. June 27 Died at Matamoras, Jan. 13, 1847 . Sept. 27, 184G New Orleans, Aug. 2, " Matamoras, Sept. 27, " Tampico, Feb. 28, 1847 .... Matamoras, Sept. 27, 1846 Point Isabel, Mch. 3, 1847 Matamoras, Sept. 24, 1846 This company was discharged at New Orleans, May 21, 1847, » The company was at the seige of VeraCruz, and at the battle of Cerro Gordo on April 18. Company "E." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Benjamin E. Sellei'S. First L ientenants. James M. Hubbard.. Samuel G. MeAdams Second Lieutenant. Isaac Redfearn Serijeaiit.^. John A. Washburn. Theophilus Short... Feli-x McGower Richard Roberts ... Corporal.^. Lemuel I. Washburn Larkin Jackson George Allen William Ray Private.s. Alexander, John Alderman, William.. Adams, James J Brown, Calvin Boothe, Roberto... Cruthis, Henry , Cruthis, James C. . . Diamond, HarveyW Etzler, George P Elmore, Hardin Forbes, William Gilbert, Andrew W. Gilmore, James H . . Hilliard. Charles ... Harris, James A Higginbotham.N. D Kuykendall. James. Ledbetter, Job McCracken, John P McCracken.NathanC McCollum. Alexand'r Padfield, John.... Ray, Henry D Royer, Daniel Sn6dgras8,KilburnM Spratt, John Smith, Lowell Smith, John M 1846. June 21 Resigned, to take effect Nov. 15,.1846 Promoted from 2d Sergeant May 1, 1847 'I private April 4, 1847 " 1st Corporal May 1, 1 847 Promoted from private April 4. 1847 Mayl,1847 Left in hospital at Matamoras, Dec. 14, 184C. Reduced from 3d Sergeant April 4, iS47 Left in hospital at Tampico, March 1, 1847 . . Left in hospital at Matamoras. Dec. 14, 1846. Left in hospital at Matamoras, Dec. 14, 1846. THIRD KEGIMENT. 275 Name and Bank. ESment. Enrolled Remarks. Simmons, Charles T. 1846 June 21 Left in hospital at Matamoras, Dec. 14, 1846. . . Sugg, Josiah F Thorp, Calvin H ' ' Wade, John T White, Stephen Williford, Robert.... Webster, Francis White, Robert Discharged: Masician. Joseph Isaacs .. Privatp.f. Alexander. Henry B. Ames, Frederic Blankenship, James Douglas, James A.-. Douglas, John M Ewing, Thomas A. .. Evans, Wilson Gray, Samuel Gilmore, John M Hignight, James Hunter. William M.. Holland, John Jay, Joseph A Larrison, Thomas T. Lyttaker, Peter Netherly. Nathan H. Noland, Enoch M Patterson, John Phipps, David Reed. Isaac N Reed, George A Steele, Andrew J Sherrod, Joel H Thaeker, Henry C... Willis, Nathan B 1846 June 21 Discharged, disability, Aug. 31, 1846 Discharged, disability, Aug. 20, 1846 Oct. 20, " Aug. 2.5. ' ' . Oct, 20, ' • , Aug. 26, " . Oct. 5, Nov. 3, " Aug. 14, " . Oct. 20, " . Aug. 26. " , Aug. 20, ' ' , Aug. 20, ' ' . Oct. 5, Aug. 26, " . Aug. 26. " . Nov. 3, " . Oct. 31, " . Aug. 14, " . Aug. 31, " . Aug. 14. " . Aug. 26, " , Aug. 14, " . Nov. 16, " . Oct. 20, ' ' Oct. 10, " Died: First Sergeant. William S.Allen 1846. June 21 Died at Jalapa, May 1, '47, wounds at Cer Gor Privates. Arnold, Robert Died in hospital, Matamoras Oct 12 1846 Ewing, Samuel J Died at Camn Patterson Mpv Spnt l:^ ixifi' Grigg Joseph \V nearTampieo Feb. 25 1847 Jett. Thomas J ' Camargo. Oct. 26, 1846 .'.■.■.■ ' hospital, Matamoras March 2 1847 Jarvis, Henry W Larrison, James Camargo, Oct. 9, 1846 Lucas, William ' Matamoras, Sept. 28, 1846 .... . Oct.29,1846 Dec. 27, 1846 Maekay, JohnC Madray, William .... Patterson, Robert... Camargo. Nov. 6, 1846 . Seybert, William Matamoras, Dec. 24, 1846 Wood, William Canin Patterson. Sent. 13 I84fi Deserted: Privates. 1846. | Alexander. Rufus B.j Ijune 21|Deserted at Baton Rouge, La., July 29, 1846 Little, John I " [Leave of absence till July 16,1846, not heard of 1 ! 1 since. This company was discharged at New Orleans May 21, 1847. 276 MEXICAN WAK. Company "F." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. (Japtain. John A. Campbell .. First Lieutenants. Jacob Love Ephraim Merritt ... Samuel Hooper Second Lieutenant. Samuel J. R. Wilson. Sergeants. Austin Organ William Merritt James Turner Warren E. McMackin Corporals. Daniel Simpson John W.Wallace.... William B. Wilson .. Joseph J. R. Turney. Mu.'iician. JefCers'n W. Barnhill Privates. Armstrong. Wm. R.. Barnhill, Rigdon S.. Crews, Nathan Cox, James E Cook, Hiram H Cook, Hewlett H.... Cook, William M Clevenger, Benj. W.. Dorris, John G Day, David H Ellis, SterlinC. B.... Edwards, John Y. C. Ewing, John Euukhouser, Benj .. Fitzgerred, Samuel.. Frazier, William J... Gray, William Gray. Ellis S Harris. Sion Ham. William D Harlin, William E... Hulshcraft, John Johnson, Kiley V Johnson, Silas Kimmel, William Lard, Bluford Lacy, James Matthews, Wm. T. .. Morris, Willis Murphy, Davis McCullough, Jas. W. MeCoUura, David McCollum. Samuel.. Owen, David Phelps, Hosea C Phelps. William C. .. Reed, James Reed. William, 2d.... Rusher, Jeremiah .. Rusher. Hi^nry C Simpson, William C Simpson, Andrew J., Simpson, William.. Shannon, Rowl'nd H, Sloan, Jefferson Taylor, Ninian R Taylor, James H Tims, John White, John West, Alfred 1846. 'July 1 Died Oct. 6, 1846, at Camargo, Mex Resigned Nov. 28, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex. .. Elec'd 2d Lieut, from Sergt. Oct. 1,1846; pro- moted to 1st Lt. Nov. 28. 1846. Resigned Aug. 28, '46, at Camp Patterson, Tex. Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 Wounded at battle of Cerro Gordo Apl. 18, '47 Sick at Matamoras Dec. 14, 1846 . Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 . " Sept. 24, 1846. Sick at Matamoras since Dec. 14, 1846 THIRD REGIMENT. 277 Died: Name and Rank. Place of Fnrnllpfl Enlistment. -I^nrolled Remarks. Privates. Copeland. Joseph . Frazur, Jolin R — Locktiart. VVm. J .. Maybry, Wm. H. .. Merritt. Benjamin. Rister. Abraham .. Reed, William, 1st. 1846. July 1 Died Dec. 9, '4(5, at hospital, Matamoras " Dec.7,'46, '• " " Aug. 14, '47, at Brazos Island, Texas ' ' Aug. 10, '46, on ship cross'g Grulf of Mex. Shot at battle of Cerro Gordo April 18, '47 Died Sept. 24, '46, in hospital. Matamoras " Oct. 2, '46, at Camargo, Mex Discharged: Sergeant. Isaac S. Warmouth. Second Corporal. James H. Farley ... Pru^ates. Black, William Beech, Benjamin... Cox, David Campbell. Moses M. Clevenger, Dan'l H. Fitch, Henry Harris, James M — Harris, Thomas J... Holmes, John B. ... Linder, Abraham... MeCrary, James — Matthews, Geo. W. . Palmer, Jacob Reed, Henry Robinson, Tyra Trotter, Shirley 1846. July iDisch.on Surg. cert, of disability, Jan. 10, '47.. Disch. on Surg. cert, of disability, Aug. 14, '46 Disch. on Surg. cert, of disability, Nov. 5, 46. . Nov. 28, '46. Oct. 26, '46. " Aug. 31. '46. Mar. 31, '47. Nov. 28, '46. \\ \\ \\ Sept. 2. -46. Sept. 3, '46! Mar. 3, '47.. Oct. 20, '46.. Sept. 3, '46. Mar. 3. '47.. Nov. 28. '46. Aug. 31, '46. Sept. 3, '46. This company was discharged at New Orleans, La., on May 21, 1847. Company "G." Name and Rank. Captain. W. K. Lawler. First Lieutenants. Samuel S. M. Proctor Alexander W. Pool.. Second Lieutenants. William Stricklin — James S. Rearden... Sergeants. Timothy Ingram. Patrick Scully.... Alfred Karnes — John Howard Place of Enlistment. Corporals. Robert A. Boyd... George M. Weed. Edward Jones — Isaac M. Sketoe... Musician. James Creed... Enrolled 1846. June 29 Remarks. Resigned Oct. 20. 1846. Resigned Oct. 1. 1846. Promoted 1st Sergt. from Corporal Jan. 1, '47 Promoted from Corporal Jan. 13, 1847. Appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1847. •• " Jan. 13, 1847 278 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled! Remarks. Privates. Addison. Sir Sidney Baker. David P.... Barnett, David C Bennett, Joseph C. Brazier, Riley Carpenter. William Choisser, Attallas. Choisser. Edmund Crenshaw, Abraham Cummings. .Jacob.. Davenport, William Davis, John B. M... Donovoii. James — Duncan, Stephen... Evans, William (i. . . Fugate, John M G-aston, Wesley W.. Grayson.. Jesse F... Harmons, George.. Hardin, Joseph Hill, James. Holt, William Hubbs, James Hudgins, James — Ingram, John W Jones, John W Lewis, Charles Lowrey, Charles... Lynch. Logan Mann. John. MeChiskey, Hiram., Moore, Ransom , Page, William W... Parker, John Porter, Robert W... Price, Berry Reynolds, Thomas.. Scarborough, John.. Sisk, Albert - Sisk, Benjamin , Sitles, Henry Skelton, William J.. Smith, John Smith, William T.... Sneed. Eldridge Stiff, Nathaniel Stricklin, Lewis Wamack, Sheph'dF. Warren, Chas. M. C. Weddle, Andrew Weddle, William.... Weaver, Stokeley... June 29 Discharged : First Sergeant. Hanson Q. Roberts.. 1846. June 29 Disch. Sept. 18, '46, Camp Patter.son Disch. Aug. 17, '46, Brazos Santiago, Disch. Sept. 6, '46. Camp Patterson, Oct. 28, '46, Matamoras, Nov. 27. '46, Nov. 2, '46, Aug. 30, '46, Camp Patterson, Nov. 29, '46, Matamoras, Aug. 17, '46, Brazos Santiago, Aug. 31, '46. Nov. 27. '46, Matamoras, Aug. 30, '46. Camp Patterson, Aug. 31, '46, Nov. 2, '46, Matamoras, Nov. 29. '46, disabil'y Corporal. Amerieus Henrick.. disabil'y Privates. Bond, William disabil'y Bennett, Thomas Y.. Bramlet, Alfred J... Creed, Robert Daws, Edmund Emory, Jacob Griggs, Hubbard A.. Hamilton, James Karnes, David B Moodv, John Proctor, Giles Paisley, Joseph P. .. Reid, Johnson Slavens. A. Calvin... THIRD REGIMENT. 279 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Strii-klin. J. Garner. Taylor, Henry Yinson, Stokely Williams, William G. Williams, John 1846. •Tune 29pisch. Sept. 6, '46, Camp Patterson, disabil'y " Aug. 17, '46, Brazos Santiago, Aug. 30, '46, Camp Patterson, Died Seraeant. Safford B.Eddy. Privates. Baugher, John J.. Cain, James M MeCauslin. John. Oxberry. James.. Powell, John Died at Victoria Jan. 13. 1847 Died at Camp Patterson Aug. 30, 1846. Matamoras Dec. 20. 1846 Vera Cruz April 12, 1847 Camp Patterson Sept. 1, 1846. Matamoras Oct. 24, 1846 This company was discharged at New Orleans, La., May 21, 1847. Company "H." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. ('aptain. S. G. Hicks .... Firi^t Lieutenants. Lewis F. Casey William A. Thomas. Second Lieutenant. Thos. S. Levington. Sercjeants. John Bagwell Garaway Elkins . Jacob Casey Marcus D. Bruce . Corporals. Jos. F. Thomisson. John Q. A. Bay •William Sumnors . John McConnell... Privates. Atchison. Thomas 1. Bean. Peter Brown, James R liallard. Thomas H.. Elalock. Eli Brady, John Bullock, Samuel Butler, John Bateman. James C. Buckout, Benjamin.. Beal, Loring R Caldwell, James Donohoo, James ... Dorris. William H. .. Fly. Jesse I Fields. Abraham W.. Gray, Nicholas Garrison, Jeffers'n I. Galbreath, James M, 1846. June 4 Resigned Nov. 1, 1846, at Matamoras, Mex. Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut. Nov. 1. 1846 Appointed Sergt. Oct. 18, 1846. " July 8, 1846 . Appointed Corporal 15, 1846. " " April 30, 1847. Jan. 26, 1847.. Jan. 21, 1847.. Left sick at hospital. Tarapico. Mex........... Disch. Mar. 3, '47, on Surg. cert, of disability. 280 MEXICAN WAK. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Hull, James 1846, June i Harlow, Thomas ' Hawkins, John Hawkins, Jesse Hales, Marcus Hicks. William Hales, Albert Hatfield, Johnson . . . Lynch, John B Lisenbv, John R Lutz, James W Murphy, James Milborn, John McCarver, James ... McFarland, Pleasant McAtee, Edward Appointed Hospital Steward 18, 1847 Overby, James C Patterson, Benjamin Poston, John M Scott, Jnmes . Wilkinson, H. H Wilbanks, Quincy A. Left sick in hospital, Matamoras, Mex Westcoat. James Warren, David Discharged: Sergeant. William B. Braden. Privates. Atchison, Joseph T. Arant, Samuel W... Foster, William Hill, Alexander M. . Harvey, Elijah B... Ivy, Benjamin Crisel. William I Moss, Lucillus C McClendon, VVm. R. Owens, Sampson R. Newby. John E Rankin, Robert B. . . Sterns, Charles W.. Summors, James E. Stephenson, Wm. I. Smith, Daniel Thurman, Patrick T Teeters, James Veasey, Benjamin. . Wallace, John A Williamson, Yinc't P Wilkey, Harrison... Yearwood. John Williams, John 1846. June Disch. on Surg. cert, of disability Oct. 18, 1846 Disch.onSurg, cert, of disability Nov. 9,1846 Aug. 12. 1846 Nov. 30,1846 Sept. 1, 1846 Oct. 26,1846 Oct. 18,1846 Sept. 1,1846 Oct. 18.1846 Dec. 1,1846 Oct. 9, 1846 Dec. 1,1846 Jan. 21,1846 Oct. 18,1846 Aug. 15, 1846 Sept. 1,1846 Oct. 9, 1846 Aug. 15,1846 Sept. 1,1846 Died: Corpo7-als. James Bruce James Wimberly, Breeze, Jonathan H. Harlow, Moses Harvy, Joseph Newby, James C 1846. June 4|Died Jan. 16, '47, e?i route to Tampico, Mex. " AprilSO; killed near Jalapa, Mex Died Dec. 7, '46, at gen. hosp., Matamoras ' ' Oct. 26 at Matamoras, Mex., gen. hosp . . . ' ' May 13; fell overboard on way to N. Orl's ' ' Aug. 13, 1846, at Brazos Santiago, Tex. .. This company was discharged May 21, 1847, at New Orleans, La. THIRD REGIMENT. 281 Company "I." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Jonathan P. Harvey. First Lieutenayits. Charles Coker Enos A. Lasater Second Lieutenants. "Warden C. Coons... John J. Ritchie Sergeants. Charles Atchison. Hiram W. Hall.... Moses Hutson James Hughes ... Corporals. Joseph Roger , William G. Burnett. John B. Smith , Edward Trammel . . . Musician. Thomas Braden Privates. Askey, Jackson Barnes, Thomas — Brill, Solomon S Boster, Jacob Burnett, George — Clark. William Cross, John C Cri&ell, George W.. Coons, John Durham, John W... Denny, Joseph H... Davis, Alfred Estes, William Flannikin, David 0. Ford, Abr;im Farmer, William ... Gibson, James W... Galliher, James F.. Hays, William Heard, Wm. B Johnson, Jesse Lane, James Maulding, John May! erry, Wm. H.. Mayberry, James H Mayberry, Jacob. . McDaniel, Andrew J.| Shasteen, John K... Shell. Calvin 1 Stanfield, Thomas... Starnater, William.. Trammel, Elijah Trammel, Philip i Wheeler, Abner P... Webb, John 1846. June Resigned, to take effect Oct. 1, 1846. Elected from private, Oct, 1, 1846 ... Resigned, to take effect Nov. 15. 184o Appointed 1st Sergt., from private, June 6, '47 Appointed Sergt., from private. Nov. 9, 1846 .. Appointed from private Dec. 4. 1846 Appointed from private Oct. 12, 1846. " " " Nov. 17, " . Reduced to ranks, from 1st Sergt., Jan. 6, '47. On furlough, at Jalapa, May 6. 1847 . Reduced to ranks, from Sergt., Nov. 9, 1846. Deserted: Private. William L. Morris. 1846. June Deserted at Alton, 111., July 8, 1846. 282 MEXICAN WAR. Discharged: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Corporals. Jasper Ghorraley Wm. L. Stevens Musician. William Gross Privates. Allen. Dudley R Adaire, Pliilip Biggerstaff, Joshua Boyd, Lyle Beyer. Anderson Cape, Hiram Clark, John, Sr Coker, Leonard Cannada, William... Davis, Thomas P ... Frazer, John Fields, James Flanniken, James W. Gibson, Daniel Ghormly, Mic.hael... Hamilton, Parsons L Hayes, John Hardester, James . . . Lane, James. Sr Morris, Hiram Mundy, Elias Proctor, Saml. H. F. Sloane. Andrew Smiddv. Jeremiah .. Stelle, David Williams, William... Williams, Wm. K.... Willis, Eli S 6 Discharged Nov. 17, 184C; disability. Dec. 1, " Discharged Oct. 18,1846; disability. Discharged Aug. 17, 1846; disability, Oct. 17, •' Sept. 8. " Oct. 17, " Nov. 17, " Oct. 18, " Nov. 26, •' for disability; date unknown . No V. 17, 1846 ; disability Nov,26, '• '• Oct. 18, " '• for disability; date unknown Oct. 17.1846; disability Nov.17, " " Oct. 17, " " Aug. 31, " " for disability; date unknown . Nov. 25, 1846; disability Oct. 17, " " Sept. 8. " " Oct. 18, " " Nov.25, " '• Nov.17, " " for disability; date unknown . Aug. 31, 1846; disability , Died: Corporal. David Hutson.. Privates. Adams, John R Berry, William P.... Choice, John Cook, John Cheek, Aseur S Clark, John, Jr Epperson, James Flannekin, Ewing G. Hood, Dempsey McGuire, Wm. C McBroom, John S... Wright. Elijah 1846. i June 26;Died at Metamoras, Mex., Sept. 28, 1846 . 4, 1846. 30, ■• . 3, 2 28,' Died at Matamoras, Mex., Oct. " Nov. Rio Grande, " Nov. Camp Patterson. Sept. Matamoras, Mex., Oct. Camargo, " Oct. Matamoras, " Sept. 29, Matamoras, " Dec. 2i), " Brazos Santiago, Mex., Aug. 18, 1846. Camp Patterson, Sept, 6, 1846 " Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 3, " Camargo, " Dec. 3, " This company was discharged at New Orleans, May 21, 1847. THIRD REGIMENT. 283 Company " K." Name and Bank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Theodore McGinnis. 1846 July 2. Commanding company . Fir.tt Lientenanl. Oeorge Walker Second Lieutenant. OreenB. Field Third Lieutenant. James McDonald Sergeants. Stephen D. Kennard Williams. Hodge.... George F. James On furlough, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Abraham Gethings.. Corporals. John F. Johnson John I'. Compton Elijah E. Trevilion... Huberry G. Glass PrivateSi Aleock, Edmund 1 Bolan, Dennis On furlough. Vera Cruz, Mexico. Belford, Patterson.. Boze, Ambrose Boze, James Bowman, John A Craig. Nathaniel Church, William E.. Cranson, Daniel ' Cary, Benjamin R... Carr, John Dyke, David A Degan, John Egan, James F On furlough, at Jalapa, Mexico... Fath, JohnD Gray, Thomas S Green, Isaac Henry. Willis Holt, Rob'TtC Jackson, John T Sick at Matamoras, Mexico King. James Lamburth, James T. Lewis, Joseph .Murphy, Peter McDaniel, Jacob.. . McCosland, William. McGary, John McGuire, James McElhannv, Moses McLaughlin, Charles Pfeninger, John R.. Shoemaker, Moses Sherdon, Daniel Tomy, Patrick. ^ Wells, John Deserted: Privates. Foy, Peter Shaw, William. 1846 July 2. Deserted, Alton, July 7, before musfd in serv. 15 284 Died: MEXICAN WAE. Privates. Belford, John Boze, Calvin Grim, Martin Lemons, Alfred B... Young, Benjamin F. 1846 July Died on Gulf, near Brazos Sant'go, Aug. 12, '46 " atCamargo, Oct. 10, 1846 Oct. 13. 1846 Matamoras, Sept. 22. 1846 Camargo, JSov. 5, 1846 Disciiarged: Sergeants. James C. Hancock. Joseph Brannon Cnrpor'als. William P. Grace George Williamson. Privates. Bazore, Esau Breedlove, James E. Carrieo, Thomas Corey, Granville Ennis, Thomas Glass. John R Hancock, William F. Hodge. George D Keef, Benjamin F... Lamar, John P Lewis, Thomas C Moody, Samuel H... Modglin. James M.. Marsh, Josephus McDonald, John Paisley, Andrew J.. Eubel, Nathan Simpson, Jesse Thompson, Rufus L. Wel(j^i. Patrick ilusician. William Robinson. 1846 July 2. Disch. at Camp Patterson, Tex., Aug. 3, 1846. " 30, " . Disch. atCampPatterson, Tex., Aug.31, 1846.. Disch. at Matamoras, Mex., Oct. 20, 1846 Camp Patterson. Tex., Aug. 31, 1846! ! 28, " .. 31, " .. Matamoras, Mex.. Oct. 20, 1846 Brazos Santiago, Aug. 16, 1846 Camargo. Mex., Nov. 18, 1846 Matamoras, " Oct. 20, " Camargo, " Nov. 15, " Matamoras, " Oct. 20, " Camp Patterson, Tex., Sept. 6, 1846. •' Aug. 21, 1846 Brazos Santiago, Aug. 16, 1846 Fort Polk, March 3, 1847 Disch. at Camp Patterson, Tex., Aug. 17, 1846. This company was discharged at New Orleans May 23, 1847. FOUETH EEGIMENT. 185 FOURTH REGIMENT. The Field and Staff Of the 4th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, 3d Brigade of Volunteer Division commanded by ColonelEdward D. Baker, called into the service of the Unitei States by the Presi- dent, From the 30th day of April, 1847, to the 29th day ot May, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Colonel. Edward D. Baker Lieut.- Colonel. John Moore Major. Thomas L. Harris.. Adjutant. William B. Fondey Surgeon. Wm. M. P. Quinn.. A. C. S. and Capt. Joel Seth Post A. Q. M. and Capt. James A.Barrett... Sergeant- Major. James H. Merryman Q. M. Sergeant. Richard F. Barrett. Gilbert E. Winter... Levi Hite Principal Musicians. Samuel Barnfes Charles Brown 1846 June June June June June 13 Elected from 1st Lieut, in Co. "B, " July 4, 1846 June 16;Elected from Capt. of Co. "F," July 4, 1846 .... June 6 Second Lieutenant Regular Government appointee. Regular Government appointee Appointed from private in Co. "A," Sept. 7, '46. Appointed from private in Co. "A," July 19, '46. Aug. 10 Appointed from piivate in Co. " \," April 23,'47 Appoin'd; reduc'd; reappoin'd; again reduc'd App'd Dec. 22, '46; reduced Feb. 6,'47 Furl'h May 6,'47, to May 31.'47; to enlist for war Company "A. -^- Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled V Remarks. Captain. 1846. June 6 Fir.' > > > 11 Privates. Collins, Thomas '. Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 26,1846.. Clark. Peter Oct. 13,1846.. Douglass, James Davis, Robert Nov. 2,1846.. Gregory, L. M Oct. 13,1846.. Glenn, G. D FOURTH REGIMENT. 301 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Lee, Franklin Lucas. F. A Ray. .John G Robinson, George W Stapleton, James . . . Sullins, Wm Turner, Emanuel White, William 1846. June 14 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 26,1846. Oct. 13,1846. Aug. 26,1846. Nov. 3,1846. Mar. 2,1846. Died: Sprgeaiit. ITriah Davenport. Corporal. Nathaniel H. Milton. Privates. Beason, William Bowman, John Brown, John E Cavenaugh, John... Donavan, Joseph... Devault, Abram McGarvey, Alex'dria Mundy, Henry McGarvey, Henry Rudder. Thomas . Rees, Chas 1846. June 14 Died of wounds rec'd in action, Cerro Gordo, April 18, 1847 Killed in action at Cerro Gordo, April 18,1847. Died Sept. 15. 1846, on the Rio Grande " Nov. 15, 1846, at Camargo " March 15, 1847, at Matamoras Drowned in Mississippi, July 3, 1846 Died Sept. 15, 1846, on the Rio Grande " Nov. 7, 1846, at Camargo " July 11,1846 " Sept. 29, 1846, on the Rio Grande " reb.6.1847 Supposed to be killed by Mexicans Died Sept. 30, 1846, on the Rio Grande Wounded: Ist Sergeant. John M. Handchey. Private.^. Todd, James I. D. Fanning, Chas 1846. June 14 Wounded in action, Cerro Gordo, April 18, '47 Wounded in action, Cerro Gordo, April 18, '47 Deserted: Downing, Robert... Wilkinson, Andrew 1846. I June 14|Deserted July 9, 1846, Jefferson Barracks. " 20, " This company was discharged on May 25, 1847, at New Orleans. Company " K." Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Lewis W. Ross 1846. July 4 July 4 July 18 First Lieutenants. George W. Stipp • Resigned Aug. 30. 1846, at Camp Patterson.... Leonard F. Ross Elected 1st Lieutenant from private Sept 4, '46 302 MEXICAN WAR, Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Second LipiUeriant. Joseph L. Sliarp 1846. July 4 July^ 4 July 4 July^ 4 July 18 July 4 July^ 4 July^ 20 July_ 4 July 20 July^ 4 July 20 July_ 4 Resigned company at New Orleans Mav 23, '47 Bv't 2d LieutpnantK. Johu B. McDowell . Resigned Aug. 30, 1846, at Camp Patterson " Dec. 20, 1846, '' Matamoras Robert Johnson Sergeants. Marvin 8cudder, Jr . Samuel D lieynolds. Milton C. Dewey James B. Anderson . Corporals. Tracy iStroud 1 James W. Anderson 1 Edward Brannon 1 Simeon Cannon 1 Privates. Ackerson, Garrett. . . Andrews, Harman . - Bennington, George Bristow, Isaac M Clark, David Crittenden, Uriah ... Crawford, James Collins, David Carter, Simeon Coon, Ross Cannon, John Dalley, Charles Ellis, John Ellis. Ja.'ob Engle, William H.... Foote, Zachariah Freebourne, P. T Fitzpatrick. Michael J Gregory, Jesse Hoover, Richard Hammon, Joshua B . King, Horace B Kimliall, Myran Lyon, Eli Land John Morton, Richard W . Mavali. Joseph Millslagle. Ellas ['47, and left at Hosp. at Jalapa, Mex. Morris, William Wounded in battle of Cerro Gordo April 18, Detailed in Hosp. at Jalapa, Mex. April 18, '47. Mvers, Jonas H Murphy, William Patton, Hugh Powell, Andrew M .. Reid, John H Rigdon, Stephen Ross, Pike C. Shields. David Steele, John N Detailed in Hosp., Jalapa, Mex., April 15, 1847 Smith, James H Smith, Davis . . 1 Stephenson, Thomas Taylor, Julius I Discharged: First Sergeant, Robert. Carter 1846 July 4 July 4 July^ 4 1 Disch. on Surg. cert, of disability, Nov. 9, '46 . . Disch. on Surg. cert, of disability, Nov. 25, '46 Disch. on Surg-c^rtof disability, Dec. 20. '46 . Mar. 7, '47... Feb. 8, '47... Nov. 9, '46... Aug. 24, '46.. Aug. 24, '46.. First Corporal. Thomas H. Head Privates. Bevord. John Beadles, William ... Dobson, Joseph Dobbins, John F. P . Deiter, John Deiter, Joel FOUKTH REGIMENT. 303 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Kelley, Ephram Mason, William C .. McNeil, Malcolm... McKee, Patrick Monroe, Thomas . . . Painter, William C. Pigg, John Turner, Orren Wilson, Samuel B .. 1846. July July •July^ July July July July 20 Disch. on Serg. cert, of disability, 18 _ _ by order of Col. Baker 20 " Surg. cert, of disability 4 20 4 Sept. 18, '46. Aug. ;W, '46. Oct. 8. '46. July 17, '46. , Feb. 8, '47. Nov. 9. '46 . Sept. 28. '46. Oct. 8, '46 . Oct. 4, '46.. Died: Third Sergeant. Stephen D.Webb.. Second Corporal. James Dunsmore . . Privates. Carter, John S. S . Yan, Alonzo A July July July 4 Died Oct. 24, '46, at hospital, Matamoras. " Oct. 1, '46, ' ' Oct. 27, '46, ' ' Camargo . ' ' Sept. 10, '46, at Camp Patterson Deserted: Privates. Ashworth, Chris. Barker, James... Hamilton, J. E... Langford, Asa... July Deserted July 9, Jefferson Barracks, Mo ;; Juiy23. ■; •; Leave of absence 10 days; did not rejoin Co. This company was discharged May 26, 1847, at New Orleans. 304 MEXICAN WAK. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES Of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, called into the service of the United States by the President, under the act of Congress, approved May 13, 1846, to serve for the term of during the war with Mexico, from the date of enrollnnent, unless sooner dis- charged. Capt. a. Dunlap's Company, Called into the United States service and mustered in at Alton, 111., on May 21, 1847. The company was organized by Capt. Dunlap, at Rushville, 111., in the month of May, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Ca2]iain. Adams Dunlap Alton, 111. First Lieutenant . Samuel Lambert — Second Lieutenants. Simon Doyle Calvin Jackson Sergeants. Samuel W. Boring.. James B. Wright — George O. Backman Rich.W. Stephenson. Corpo7-al.'i. Victor C. Putman William Ritchey Newton D. Witt John W. Snider Bugler. Theodoi-e Smith. Charles Hynes... Farrier andBl'ks'ith. David Duff Privates. Angle, John Allen, Mark Brown, Robert Brown, Alexander. Bowen, James F... Bricklee, Henry Berry, Daniel T Beals, Sam'lO Boyd, David Boyd, Robert Chipman, Seth Chapman, William W. Nauvoo, 111.. Vermont, 111. Alton, 111. 1847. May 21 Mar. Feb. Was private from enrollment to July 9, 1847. Appointed from private May 16, 1848 Was private from enrollment to Feb. 16, 1848. '48 Joined, a recruit, in Mex., May 26, 1848. '48 May '47 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. 305 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Cumlngs, Alfred (Junlngham, Caleb... Chipman, Philip Cram, Henry Carden.Washi'gt'nA. Curtis. Jesse Corbridge, Thomas.. Carter. Rutherford .. Games. -John T Duhamell, Benj. F. . . Densmore, James C. Dirickson. Joseph M. Erwin, George W Easley, William Easley, Thomas M... Elliott, William Eisher, Jacob Oeiger, Davidson M. Gillett. Charles W... Gilbreth, Samuel Green, William Gitchell. Calvin L.... Green. David Gordon, Franklin Gibson. Isaac W Haverkluft, C. H. C Holloway, William.. Hatfield, Abraham... Hymer. George Hoy t, Albert Hurry, David Hopkins, Lemuel B.. Hopkins, David R Hanson, William B . . Jump, James D Jones, James B Jones, Levi Kelly, Patrick Lambert, Henry Lamaster, Erwin Lincoln, Jefferson... Mullane, Carroll Mauek, Abram R McGee. Elijah Myres, Jacob L Maynard, Robert H. . Mars, John L Martin, George W... McKinney, John McNeely , John McMasters. William. Murran, James Patterson, CharlesR. Parrott. Josiah Puler, Jefferson Presson, William Peirce, George Parker, Oscar J Roberts, Dewitt C... Redmon, William Rhodes. Hinman Scott, George R Scott. William B Spencer. Elijah Smith, William E.... Smith, Robert Sidwell, James C Seeraon, Cornelius.. Stetson, Clinton Turnbull, Thomas... Todd. Simeon S Tucker, William Troy, Jerome S Thompson, James .. Thompson, James D, Throughman, John.. Vance, John Vancourt, Benj. P... Winsor, Clark Alton. 111. 1>47 May 21 Rushville.IU. Vermont, 111.. Warsa^y, 111.. Vermont, 111.. Pittsfield, III. Alton, III.... Feb. '48 Joined, a recruit, in Mex., May 26, 1848. Rushville.IU Nauvoo, 111.. Alton. 111. Mar. Feb. April May Jan. Mar. '48 Joined, a recruit, in Mex., May 26, 1848. '48 " ■' •' " " . May '47 Rushvillelll.. Vermont, 111.. Warsaw, III.. Rushville. Ill Alton, 111.... Jan. Feb._ Mar. May May Rushville, 111 Vermont, 111.. Winch'ter, 111, Jan. '48 Alton, 111. Feb. April May Vermont. Ill Winch'ter, 111. Matamor's, M. Alton. 111.. Feb.. April July, May, Vermont, 111.. Feb. Matamor's, M. .July, Nauvoo, 111... Mar., Rushville, 111. Jan., Vermont, 111.. Pittsfield, 111. Alton, 111 Warsaw, 111. Nauvoo, 111.. Feb.. April, May, Mar., '48 Joined, a recruit, in Mex., May 26, 1848. Joined, a recruit, in Mex., May 26, 1848. Joined, a recruit, in Mexico, May 26, 1848. July 9, 1847 '. Joined, a recruit, in Mexico, May 26, 1848. July 9, 1847 . May 26, 1848. Joined, a recruit, in Mexico. May 26, 1848. -20 306 MEXICAN WAB. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Weatherbee. Wm. B. Whltehiirst, Willis G. Ward. Alfred Carthage. 111. Wineh'ter.IU. Alton, 111 Matamor's, M. Mar. '48 April. '48 May.^ '47 July, '47 Joined, a recruit, in Mexico, May 26, 1848 Whitlock, George C Wright, Isaac S. W.. Ward, Luke G Joined, a recruit, in Mexico, July 9, 1847 Died: Sergeant. Thomas Tyre Corporal. Anthony Porgolio... Privates. Beales, Augustus F.. Biggs, Henry — — Burton. George W... Castle, Henry Clark, John Cook. William W.... Dyson. Samuel Edmonson, N. H. R.. Fletcher, James C... Gipson, i3enjamin F. Gillett. Plinney P. .. Ren, Thomas Smith, John Alton. 111. Warsaw, 111. Alton, 111.... 1847. May 21 Mar., May, Died at Matamoras, Mex., July 10, 1847 . Died at Matamoras, Mex., Oct. 8, 1847. Died at Matamoras, Mex., Sept. 18, 1847 ■ • Oct. 23, 1847 . PointIsabel,Tex., JulylS, 1848.. Matamoras, Mex.. Oct. 28, 1847.. Aug. 1,1847... Sept. 28, 1847. Oct. 30, 1847.. Oct. 18, 1847.. Aug. 7,1847.. Oct. 13, 1847.. Alton, 111., Aug. 31, 1848 Matamoras, Mex., July 15, 1847 . " Sept. 27, 1847 Deserted: Brunt, (?) William ... Brooks, William Hoovey, Simeon A.. Smith, Thomas J... , Wright, David Alton, 111 Rushville, 111. Alton, 111 May '47 July, '48 May, '47 Deserted at Matamoras, Mex., Dec. 1, 1847.. Camargo, Mex., August Alton, 111., June 9, 1847 June 5, 1847 New Orleans, La., June 25, 1847. Discharged: Sergeant. Marcus Serrott . Privates. Cross. Thomas J Dickson, Francis Lansdon, William A. Whiteher, Pat'rs'n V. Alton. Ill Rushville. 111. Alton. Ill Warsaw, 111.. May '47 Discharged on Surg, certificate, April 27,1848. Feb.. '48 Left sick at San Antonio, Tex.. Sept. 9 May, '47 Mar.. '48 Discharged on Surg, certificate, April 27, 1848. Dec. 5, 1847 .. expiration of service. Oct. 3 This company was discharged at Alton. 111., on Nov. 7, 1848. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. 307 Capt. Wyatt B. Stapp's Company, Called into the service of the United States and mustered in August 10, 1847, at Quiney.IJI This company was organized at Monmouth, 111., in month of June, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. WyatB. Stapp. Quincy, 111. 1847. Aug. 6 Fir^t lieutenant. George C. Lanphere. Second Lieutenants. George W. Palmer.. John H.Mitchell.... Second Second lAeut. John G. Fonda ., Sergeants. John B. Holliday Brice M. Henry Thomas H.Davidson Elias Guthrie Corporals. Robert C. Armstrong Esau Brown Joseph D. Mackey .. Darius Dennis Btioters. Benj. I. Tifield Robert M. Snapp Blacl'smith and Farrier. Robert C. West Privates. Avarill. Wm Brownlee, David Barnard, Geo. R. A.. Berry, Isaiah Barnaby, Wm Beebe, Edward O ... Backus, Samuel I... Birch, Louis Cowan, David S Carter, Job L Daniel, Dickson S... Drain, Charles Dunlap, Nicholas... Eads, James D Furgus, James Gordon, James E Grover, Alonzo Hatton, Richard Harding, Samuel Henderson, Samuel. Howard, John D King, Michael Kelly, Calvin Lanphere, George.. Lillard, Augustine .. Monteith, Wm. H.... McWilliams, John T. Moffltt, John Motley, John B Poland, James H Pickenough,.\.bsarm Parmenter, James S Parmenter, Leinster Rhodes, Job Ruddle, John F... Ruddle, George H Reed, John Jeflfers'n Bar. Quincy, 111 Aug. 17 Aug. Perote. Mex Quincy, 111 Jan., Aug. '48 6,'47 Resigned Oct. 29. 1847 Elected from Sergt.. June 13, 1848 Appointed from private, Feb. 29, 1849. Elected from private, June 13, 1848 ... Feb. 29, 1848.... Elected from private, Feb. 29, 1848.... Dec. 31, 1847.... Elected from private,' Feb.' 29i 1848 '. '. '. '. 308 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Rodriguez, JanquineC'y of Mexico. Stanley, Leander Quincy,Ill.. Stigall, Geo. W.... Williams, Wm Wells, Cyrus Watkins, Luther P Worden, John I... Wilson, James E.. May 1, '48 Aug.6, '47 Died: Sergeant. 1847. Ishmael H. Holcomb Quincy,Ill Aug. 6 Died at Perote, Mex., March 10,1848 Vorporal. Wm. D. Day Died at Perote, Mex., April 3, 1848 Privafea. Bartram, Ezra G Died at Perote, Mex., Dec, 26, 1847 Black, John Jan.2, 1848 CuUip. Zacharlah... Dec.26, 1847 Clannin, Oliver Dec. 28, 1847 Fitzpatrick, Michael ' ' Vera Cruz, Mex., Dec. 14, 1847 Hatton, William • . - " Jalapa, Mex., Feb. 7, 1848 Morgan, Geo. W e?t ro'(^' to Mexico, Sept. 15, 1847 McNeil. Geo. W " Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 7, 1847 Miles, James A " Perote, Mex., Feb. 5, 1848 Nicholas, Ezra H Jan.2.1848 Owens, Wm. G Jan.26,1848 Porter, Orlando Jan. 7,1848 Sissell, John Jan. IC, 1848 Shields, James " Jalapa, Mex.. April 23, 1848 Webb, Albert " Perote, Mex., Dec. 2H, 1847 Wilson. Wan-en R... Jan. 4.1848 Wells, Larkin .... " Jalapa, Mex., Dec. 10, 1847 Deserted: Private. William Kelley. Quincy, 111.. 1847. Aug. 6 Deserted March 17. 1848. Discharged: Serqeantit. 1847. Samuel Douglas Quincy, 111 Aug. 6 Discharged March 11, 1848 James Townsley * * Disch. by certificate of disability Mar. 11, '48. Nicholas P. Earp * * * * Dec. 24, '47. Corporals. Geo. L. Shippey ' ' Disch. by certificate of disability, Jan. 3, '48.. James W. Robson... " " Feb. 6, '48.. Privates. Coe, Reuben M * * * * Discharsed, date unknown Daniel, Warner I " " March 14,1848 DeLaBar, Joseph M ' ' ' ' Disch. by certificate of disability Dec. 15, '47. Foster, Geo. W ' ' ' ' Jan. 29. '48. Hogue, Thomas G... ' ' ' ' Jan. 3, '48.. Kent, Ezekiel ' ' ' ' Dec. 15, '47. Lanphere, Clark ' ' ' ' Jan. 29. '48. Mitchell, Jas. W., Jr. ' ' ' ' Dec. 15, '47. Pike, Samuel '. ' ' • ' Jan. 29. '48. Wilson. Isaac ' ' ' ' Mar. 14, '48. Weston, Henry .... Discharged, date unknown This .company was discharged at Alton, 111., July 26, 1848, INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. 309 Lieut. G. C. Lanphere's Detachment Of Recruits belonging to Capt. W. B. Stapp's Company of Mounted Volunteers, mustered in on the date of their respective enrollment at Monmouth, 111. This detachment was or- ganized by Lt. G. C. Lanphere, at Monmoutli, 111. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Privates. Allison, Samuel M. . . Monmouth.IU 1848. April 12 May 13 Mar. 9 Mar. 29 Mar. 16 April 17 May_ 21 Mar. 11 June 1 April 5 Feb. 2(i Mar, 6 May 13 Allen. William F Bigelow. Debois Butler. Peter Day. John Dunham, Christ'er N. Dargin, John Elder. William Fitzjerrell, John Fuller. LimonP Grifflts. Thomas B... Rejected Hume, Charles R Huddleston, Richard Holmes, George B... Hurn, George W June 1 Lawrence, Sol. K., Jr. May 21 Mar._ 10 Mekemson, John S.. Meredeth, John J Norton, James L |May 21 Feb. 19 Pratt, Abram, Jr..;.. Peck, James M April 1 June 1 May 17 June 1 Mar. 14 April 14 Feb. 20 Mar. 8 Mar. 13 May 21 Pool. John Rumpf, Philip Rennard, John D Shelton, David R Shelton, Samuel Spencer, Franklin . . . Tadlock, Benjamin.. Tadlock, Edward I.. Teice, Tandy H Worthen, James This detachment was mustered out June 28, 1848, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Capt. Michael K. Lawler's Company, Called into the United States service, and mustered in at Shawneetown, 111., on August 13, 1847. This company was organized at Shawneetown, [11., in the month of August, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Michael K. Lawler.. First JAeutenant. Walter S. Clark. Shawn't'n.IU. 1847. Aug. 13 Second Lieutenants. Samuel L.M. Proctor John G, Ridgway Sergeants. Howell Sloo Theod're L.Lockhart George F. White Robert M. Peeples.. Corporals. Thomas J. Powell... Samuel H.T. Proctor Lorenzo W. Stone... John C. Mitchell Was private from enrollment to Oct. 25 Dec.l.... " Corpl. from " Mar. 25... " private " " June 20.. Was private from enrollment to March 25. May 1 " " June 16... 310 MEXICAN WAR. Name and Rank. Place of Trnrnllprl Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Biujlcrs. William J. Gatewood Sanford Coekran. Farrier. Benedict Crandle. Privates. Baker, William... Becraft. John Berry, Charles ... Bramlet. Sanford Bruce, James Buckner, Edwin.. Burrel, Mars Burrel, William... Calicoat. John Campbell, Chalon G. Catt, Levi B Catt, Pilate S Caughman, Charles J Caughman. John — Cay ton. William W. Chapman, Isaac Christian, Rufus Clark. Josiah Conyers, Isaac Crenshaw, Abraham Davis, James B Eastman, Jacob I — Eaton, William H.... Ensminger, Stephen Gaston, Robert... Gates, William — Gillerson, Pat'rson H Greathouse, Te vis . . . Greer, Payton Hair, James Harget, William Hargrave, Thomas.. Henson, Elijah Hill, Morris Hood, James Hood, William Hughes, Ale.xander . . Hughes, Cephas G.. Hughes, Champ. T.. Hughes, George Jameson, John D — Jones, Richard M Kennedy, Daniel Leavell, Benjamin... Lynch, John Q. A McClusky, Daniel... O'Malley, John Overbee, John Perry, Washington. Pennell, Willis Y.... Pipe, Thomas Rawson, Thomas Renwick. John G Reynolds, Isaac Ritchey, Williamson Roark, David H Robison, John Shirley, Nimrod Sinks, Zachariah Stickney, Geo. W Trimble, John Turner, John Walters, William.... Watts, Lewis F White, Joseph Wolf, Stephen Shawn't'n, 111, Shawn Tampico.Mex 't'n.IU, 1847. Aug. 13 Dec Aug, Was private from enrollment to Oct. 25 April 1 Was Sergeant from enrollment to Jan. 1 Was missing from enrollment to April i Hospital Steward from June 19 Died at'Equaiityi ITL.' Oct ■24Vi848! ! ■."".'. i".'.! ! Absent, sick at Garmi, from Oct. 3 Was Sergeant from enrollment to March 25. Was Corporal from enrollment to Sept. 18... Sick, in Shawneetown, from Oct. 24 Joined, a recruit, at Tampico, Dec. 8 Was Corporal from enrollment to Oct. 25 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. 311 Discharged: Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Bozman, Phineas ... Shawn'f n.lll Boyer, Wm.L I Brooks, Luke |New Orleans Crissup, Thomas Shawn't'n.Ill. Dorsey, Wm Eubanks, George W. Fowler, James Hill, Edward Hudgins, Ambrose.. Linderman, Isaac... McCarty, Charles ... Miller, John W Pool, Thomas Pelham. John Pillow. Parker B.... Reynolds, Thomas Ritchey. Francis P Sharp, H' limes Spivey, Lindley M. Sumpter, William . Vaugh, Thomas B. Webb, Asa B Wright, Robert.... Wright, Alanson G 1847. Aug.^ Sept. Aug. 13 Discharged Jan. 26, 1848; disability [Reports himself discharged April 1, 27 Ordered to N. Orleans to be disch.; fract. leg 13 Discharged Jan. 26, 1848; disability Ord. to N. Orleans to be disch. on exp'n term for fract. leg. on exp'n term Discharged Jan. 26, 1848; disability Ord. to N. Orleans to be disch. on exp'n term Discharged Sept. 20, 1847 ; disability Jan.26, 1848; •' Ord. to N. Orleans to be disch. on exp'n term Discharged Jan. 26, 1848; disability Ord. to N. Orleans to be disch. on exp'n term Discharged Jan. 26, 1848; disability. Died : Sfirgeants. Elias Umsnider John Cadle Shawn't'n, 111. TampiccMex Shawn't'n, 111. 1847 Aug.^ Dec. Aug.^ 13 18 13 Died at Tampico, Hex., Oct. 30, 1847 " June 19. Privatt'S. Burrell, John Gaston, John Hudson. Sanford Jones, Wm. H Mahoney, Cornelius. Di > 3d at Baton Rouge, La., Sept 21,1847 Tancasmqui, Mex., May 26, Alto Mora. " Dec. 10, Tampico, Mex., Oct. 1, 1847 Feb. 11, Morris, Robison B... Mulligan, Thos O'Ncil, Peter Tancasmqui, Mex., May 31, Alton, 111., Aug. 27, 1848 ' Tampico, Mex., Jan. 12, — Rearden, Henry T. . . Reeves, Jeremiah H. White, Beai. F " Oct. 15, 1847 Oct. 16, 1847 Jan.l, Deserted: Harbaugh, Jeremiah Baton Rouge. 1847. Sept. 20. Deserted Sept. 21,1847. This company was discharged at Shawneetown, 111., Oct. 26, 1848. 312 MEXICAN "WAR. Capt. Josiah Littell's Company, Called into the service of the United States at Alton, 111., and mustered in on Sept. 18,1847. This company was organized at Alton, 111., in month of September, 1847. Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Captain. Josiah Littell First Lieutenants. Charles P. Hazard.. Thomas L. Buck Second Lieutenants. Josiah Caswell Robert S. Green Sergeants. T.D.Linn James McMahon John Douthit Corporals. Jeptha Muer Thomas Bacon Jerome Taylor George D.P.Coonrod Bugler. William Edwards ... Privates. Adams, David Abbott, Howard W Benson, William .. Blanchard, JamesW Boyd, George M Buck, Andrew P Bush, Robert ... Chester, Solomon S Cumraings, Jesse. Condon, John Carroll, Hardy R Denton, Thomas I Darkham, Jonathan Elwell, Ellis , Eastep. Joseph R Fountain, Pleasant Finney, Clinton... Gowen, George A. Givinn, John Griffith, Jefferson Gray, William Hackney, Joseph B Higham, John L. . . Ho warton, William Harris, Rufus Hill, WyattR Hoover, Samuel . . . Holley, James H... Jonc^, Joshua Kueffell, Francis .. Lancaster, James . McGraham, Henry McWain. William.. Moore, John Moore. Samuel W. Miller, William E.. Mott, Sherwood Murphy, James C. Noels, William Nettleton. James H Parrish, Isaac Parrish, Samuel .. Powles, John Phelan, James Rice, Hugh Sprunce, William . Alton, 111. 1847. Aug. 28 N.Orleans, La Alton, 111.... Alton, 111. W Cityof Mexico Alton, 111., CityofMexico Alton, 111., City of Mexi'o Alton, 111., Oct. Aug. Feb., Aug., Jan., Aug.. Feb., Aug., '47 Died at Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1847.... Elected from 2d Lieut. Oct. 26, 1847 Elected from 2d 2d Lieut. Oct. 26, 1847 ... private Oct. 26, 1847 Appointed from private Oct. 26, 1847 Jan. 1.1848 Appointed Feb! 27Vi848 .'!'.!!!!!!!!!!."!!'.!.".' Appointed April nV 1848'.'.'.".'.!! '.'."". '.'.".'.'.'. Reduced from Sergeant Jan. 1, 1848 Resigned from 2d Corporal Oct. 26, 1847. INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. 313 Name and Rank. Place of Enlistment. Enrolled Remarks. Staits, William Alton, 111 City of Mexi'o Alton. Ill 1847. Aug.^ 28 Feb., "48 Aug., '47 Shelby, James Staggs, Pleasant Staggs, Thomas Tongate, John T Tilloisou, Willard... Resigned from 1st Sergeant Oct. 26, 1847 Tindall, Lewis W.... Turpin, Calohill Taylor, Jack R Taylor. Jeffrey M Thompson, Daniel E. Vestal, Jesse Re-enlisted in Mexico Vanhouton, John S.. Wells, IsaaeL Woods, Hiram D ... Webb, William W. .. Washburn, Coleman Woods, George W... Woods. John Weir, Gerd Died: Se7'geant. Isaiah Tetrick . Corporal. Jonathan G. Smith.. Blacksm'h & Farrier. John Murphy Privntp.^. Barrow, James Cameron. Joseph ... Judd, Corben C Jones, William T Kuhn, Herman McWain, William, 2d Odell, Allen Stone, Thomas iN. Orleans Sullivan, Jerry lAlton, 111 Schmidt, Hartman.. Wells, John E 1 Alton. 111. La 1847. Aug, 28 Nov. Aug. Died near Memphis, July, 1848 Died at Rio Frio, Feb. 27. 1848 Died Dee. 2, 1847, at Jalapa, of wounds. . , Died on Gulf of Mexico, June 25, 1848 Died atPuebla, Dec. 16,1847 Dec. 27. 1847 Rio Frio, Jan. 1, 1848 Alton, July 19,1848 New Orleans, Oct. 29. 1847 Vera Cruz, Nov. 17, 1847 Killed by guerrilas, Nov. 20, 1847 Drowned in the Mississippi, Nov. 3, 1847. Died at Camp Eneerro. June 16. 1848 Rio Frio. Feb. 12. 1848 Deserted: Charles Durand N. Orleans, La 1847. Oct. 28 Absent without leave from Jan. 6, 1848 Discharged: Corporal. Charles H. Cowden. Privates. Cork, Henry Davis, William Fleming, David Kuykendall, Peter .. Payne, Charles E Taylor, Henry , Alton, 111.... N. Orleans, La Alton, lil 1847. Aug. 28 Discharged on Surg, certiflcate, April 1, 1848. Discharged on Surg, certiflcate. Mar. 1. 1848.. April 6. 1848. April 4, 1848. Jan. 15, 1848'. This company was discharged at Alton, 111.. July 25, 1848. 314 MEXICAN WAR, REGULAR ENLISTMENTS. The following rolls of enlisted men wei-e furnished this office by the War Department at Washington, D. C. being of men recruited in the State of Illinois, under the act of Con- gress, known as "the ten regiment bill." Nothing is known of the particulars of their service further than is already given in the "Historical Memoranda," in the earlier pages of this book. The Adjutant-General of the army, when applied to for data as to the killed, wounded, discharged, etc., stated: " I have the honor to inform you, by direction of the Secretary of War. that the request cannot be complied with, it being contrary to the well established practice of the office, and not consistent with the interests of the public ser- vice." An application was made at the same time for the names of commissioned officers, but the War Department, for some unexplained reason, failed to furnish those also. 14th U. S. Infantry. Muster roll of the enlisted men of Co. "E,' who were enlisted in the State of Illinois: First Sergeants. William Y. Dillard, Harrison Q. Roberts, Sergeants. Alexander K. Hams, Benjamin It. Johnson, William H. Leeper, Jackson Rushing. William AVillett, William Waymond. Corporals. Reuben Davis, Robert Green, John W. Harvey, Bethuel Hitch, Henry Irvin, Lewis Varner. Drummer. Thomas Gilbert. Privat'^s. Allen, Wra. M. Barnsfleld. William, Baronett, Zadoch C. Baronett, Wm. H., Broad, David P., Burton, James, Boyles, Absolem, Blevens, Warden P., Bolerjack, Albert G., Culpepper, Joel, Clubb, Edward A.. Carbaugh, Simon, Cowan, Andrew J., Davis. Robert, Dobbs, Elijah. Durham, James I., Dorherty, John P., Doyei-. Antoine, French, Hansford, Franklin, William E., Harris, Hardin, HolTard, Adam, Holt, J sse. Hilt, Wm. I., Hewitt, Samuel R.. Hutchinson, Phillip S., Hopkins, Carlev, Hawks, William E.. Irick, George, Irvin, Willtam, 14th U. S. Infantry, during the Mexican War, Johnson, William E., Jacobs. Bernard. Jackson, James H.. JoUeff, Aaron, Kinnard, Wm. H., Kinnard, Simon, King, James, King, Robert, Kelley, William, 1st., Kelley, William, 2d., Knap, Andrew W., Laflui-e, Ralph. Lowery, Wm. I., Leslie, Wm. W., Metcalf, Jackson, Myers, Wm. C, Melton, Joel 8., Morgan, John S., Miller, Arch, Morris, Jesse C. Matthews, Nichols. Penington. Geo. W.. Phelan. Gideon I., Plunkett, Patrick. Pate William, Richey, John, Rabstock, Anton, Robinson, George, Rosser, Pt-ter, Roswell. Henry C, Sharp, John W., Stephen, James, Simes, Thomas M., Southworth, Perry, Smith, John G., Swards, David, Stoker, Gabriel, Southworth, James, Trout, Joseph, ' Trout, Erasmus, Trout, John H., Turner, Fielding C, Thomas, Augustus, Underwood, Edward. Williams, *Henry M., Williams, Reece, Warren, John. Williamson. Vincent P., Waymond. Edward. Williams, George, Withrow. William, Witzel, Frederick, Woods worth, Richard I., White, Adam M., Wilson. Aaron, Winter. Geo. W. EEGULAB ENLISTMENTS. 315 16th U. S. Infantry. Muster roll of the enlisted men of Co. "A," 16th U. S. Infantry, during the Mexican War, who were enlisted in the State of Illinois: First Sergeaiiis. Benjamin F. Keys, Robert B. McDowell. Q. M. Sergeant. William F. Peck. Sergeants. Charles S. Bagg, Gilbert W. Dean, Andrew G. Price, E. C. Bennett. Corporals. Benjamin F. Clark. Abram Courtright, Jason Pattee. Xiorence Kern. Musicians. Stephen P. W. Lord, John Van Arnum. Privates. Abbott, Henry, Allen, Andrew, Anderson, Andrew, Adderly, John, Brown, Ephraim, Eoker, John B., Bradley, A. St. John, Benson, A. F., Bailey, William, Bentley, Geo. W., Brown, Wm. S., Barton, George, Burger, Robert, Barber, William, Bryant. Edward W., Bemus, Geo. W., Brierton, Sylvester, Branch, Wheeler, Boggs, Wm. J., Brown, Henry, Congdonge, Thomas. Curtis. Jackson, Crampton, Eli, Cooper, Thomas L., Cole, Samuel C, Courtwright, Christopher. Cottera. Charles, Charterton, John M., Crim, James, Cunningham, John, Downs, E. A., Davis. Ransom B., Doty, Cornelius, Daley, Edwin, Ducey, Patrick B., Dewitt, Almond T., Evans, C. W., Estell, John W., Edmunds. William, Flucord, John E., Foley, John P., Fry, Chiistian. Fisher, Hezekiah, Muster roll of the enlisted men of Co. "G," 16th U. ■who were enlisted in the State of Illinois: First Sergeant. Daniel Gregg. Sergeants. JohnC. Parks, Edwin A. Partridge. Myron Whipple. Eager, Henry, Guthrie, James W.. Gilbert, Charles M., Gordon, Moriison, Goodwin, Robert, Hunter, Robert, Hart, Warren R., Hull. Joseph L., Hoaton, James A., Higgins, James H., Hoslie, Henry, Huston, George, Hicks, Theodore E., Hood, Thomas A., Johnson, Joseph, Jackson, Samuel B., Klinetop, Walton, Lysle, Matthew, Miller. Orson H., Mahone, Thomas, Miller, Isaac S. Moses. Byron, McNealey, Levi, McCarthy. Charles F.. McConnell, John, Mitts, William H. Mascrip, William L., Mitchell, Joseph B., McChesney, John, Mix, George, Newcomer, Martin E. Osterhoudt, Charles H. Ottei'son, James. Peacock, Francis J.. Phillips, Christian Y., Patterson. William, Roberts. Thomas, Rosebi-ook, Lyman, Read, George D., Reed, Elias, Ramsey, John, Sherman, A. D., Seofield, James, Steward, Isaac, Sternes. Daniel A., Stacy, Martin C, Slaymaker, Wm. A., Scott, Jerome, Secord, George, Smith, Orange P.. Stanover. Frederick. Taylor, William. Thatcher, John, Townsend, Philomen. Taylor, John, Van Horn, P. H., Vest, Wm. H., Wright, Pharris, Whelply, Mangle R., Willard, James, Waddle, Joseph, Ware, Levi, Watterbury. James W. Wiley, William H., Wause, David, Wilkinson, Thomas H., Williams, Cornelius, Youngeourt. Theodore, 5. Infantry, during the Mexican War, Richard Hudunt, Corporals. James S. Porter, George Watrod, Levi R. Smith. John E. Kimberly. 316 MEXICAN WAR. Fifer. Edwin H. Fay. Lriimmer. Henry E. VanDyke, Privates. Amidon, Henry, Adkin, Valentine, Butler, Geo. H. Bennett, William, Bennett, Elijah C, Benson, Bradford, Blackwell, Geo. W., Erown, David T., rovvn, Edward, Brown, Henry, Branch, John F., Brockbuler, John, Babcock. Benjamin K., Bowen, David T., Birch, Marcellas, Beecher, Geo. M., Bartley, John, Burnes, Charles B., Baldy, Geo. W.. Beaurgardt, Mathias, Clark, Lewis P.. Cecil, George, Coates, John, Colburn, William, Cook, David, Cluney, James, Chapman, Bela J., Childers, Calvin, Clark, Geo. W., Clasby, Dandridge B., Deane, Josiah, Dewitt, Martin, Duter, Anthony, Daskem. William H,, Dickson, John A., Devore, Nicholas, Dymond, John, Domback, Godfrey, Duncan. Joseph W., Durell. Charles W., Fearrow, William, Fielding. James E., Filley, Timothy, Fitzsimmons, Hugh D. K. Fowler, James, Fury, William, Gates, John E., Green, Herman, Godfrey, Scott C, Goodman, Thomas F., Getzler. Charles H., Ghuntley, Andrew, Haskill, Charles H., Hawley, Edward G., Horr, John A., Holdridge, Luther, Hefty, Samuel, Israel, Peter, Jeffords, Sidney H., Johnson, Arthur D., Johnson. Ashel C., Joslin, Almond,' Link, Anthony, Lan.sing, Henry, Leutz. Geo. F., Lake, Nelson P.. Loe, Fielding, McAllister, Hugh, McComlis, John M., McDonald, Edward. McWain, Clark, May, John. Martlett. Richard D., Morris, John, Miler, Sylvester, Murray, John. Nash, Isaac, Northcutt, Wm. W„ Owen, Evan, Otis, Charles, Power, Patrick, Perry, James. Perry, John, Plastridge, Francis, Pfister, George, Rogers, John W., Rogers. Wm. J., Skinner, Dempsey. Smith, Samuel M., Smith, Henry, Smith, Jacob F., Synot. Marcus, Spies, Andrew, Simpson, James M., Sammis, Benj. N., Styne, Levi, Teele, John W.. Ules, Frederick, Vogt. Jacob, Walton, Nicholas, Wilder, James, Wickham, Isaac J., Wheeler, John L., Williams, Ruel, Wise, Frederick, Walton, Mark, Wilson, William A., Walls, William R., Walker, Henry. ( APPENDIX. WAR OF 1810-'13. 318 APPENDIX. CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. PAGE, Ensign Whitesides Company 31!> Massacre of Chicago 320 Captain William Alexander's Company, 1811 320 Campaign of 1812 321 Destruction of Peoria 322 Muster Kolls — 1812. Capt. Thomas E. Craig's Company 323 Capt. Samuel Whiteside's Company 324 Capt. Jacob Short's (first) Company 326 Capt. John Scotts' Company 326 Capt. Samuel Judy or Henry Cooks' Company 327 Capt. William Hargraves Company ■. 328 Capt. Samuel Judy's Spy Company 328 Capt. Absolem Cox's Company 329 Capt. James B. Moore's 1st Company 330 Capt. James B. Moore's 2d Company 330 Capt. Philip Tramell's Company 331 Capt. Dudley Williams Company 332 Field and Staff Roll 333 Campaign of 1813 334 Muster Eolls — 1813. Capt. James B, Moore's (3d) Company 334 Capt. Jacob Short's Company 335 Capt. William Jones' Company 336 Sergt. James N. Fox's Detachment 337 Lieut. Daniel G. Moore's Company 338 Capt. Nathan Chamber's Company 398 Regimental Field and Staff, 1813 339 Capt. James B. Moore's (4th) Company 330 Campaign of 1814 840 APPENDIX. A RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF THE ILLINOIS MILITIA, RIFLEMEN AND VOL- UNTEERS, IN THE INDIAN WARS, 1810 tO 1813. In 1810 a series of massacres and depredations were committed by the Indians of Illinois Territory, upon citizens of Louisiana Territory, whicti led to a long correspondence between the Governor of Louisiana Territory and Governor Edwards of Illinois Territory. The most daring of these, and which caused great excitement at the time, was committed at Portage du Sioux, on July 19th, which resulted in the killing of four white men and the serious wotindiiig of a fifth. After some correspondence, in which it was made evident to Governor Edwards that the Pottawotamies were guilty of the outrage, and a requisition having been made on him for the murderers, Capt. Samuel Levering, on the 24th of July, 1811, was commissioned by Gov. Edwards to visit the tribes on the Illinois River, and demand of them, the author of the murders which had been committed. (Edwards Ill.v Of this expedition, Ninian W. Edwards (in his History of Illinois,) says: "Capt Levering departed on that day (July 24, 1811), from Kaskaskia, and arrived at Mr. Jarrot's, in the village of Cahokia, on the next day at 11 P. M. Capt. Ebert had engaged part of the crew for the boat, and on the 25th of July, the boat having been furnished by Governor Clark with the necessary equipments, provisions, etc., they left in the boat for Peoria, with the crew, consisting of Capt. Levering, Capt. Hebert, Henry Swearingen, N. Rector, a French- man (who passed as an interpreter but was intended for a spy), a Pottawotamie Indian named VVish-ha. and eight oarsmen, each armed with a gun. The names of the boatmen were, Pierre St. John, Pierre La Parehe, Joseph Trotier, Francis Pensoneau. Louis Bevanno, Thomas Hull (alias Woods) Pierre Voedre and Joseph Grammason, all of whom signed the articles of agreement as boatmen and soldiers of the expedition." (Edwards' History Illinois, p. 38). This ex))edition was met at Portage du Sioux three days after- ward by Captain Whiteside and his men, "who had just arrived from a blockhouse near the mouth of the Illinois river." Of Captain Whitesides company the records of this office show a muster roll of the date of Nov. 13th, 1812. We publish this roll complete. A muster roll of a detachment of mounted riflemen commanded by Ensign Samuel Whitesides, of St. Clair county, Illinois Teiritory. By order of his Excellency. Ninian Edwards. Governor of Illinois Territory. From August 7th to August 22, 1812: Ensign. Samuel Whitesides. Privates. Titus Gragg, John Swigert, Henry Taylor. Azor Gragg, Abram Howard, Wm. Pursley, John Pursley, Jos. Borough, Matthew Roach, John Lai'y, David Porter, John Howard, Abram Vanhoozer, Roland Hewitt, Alexander Biram, John Davison. Jacob Smi'lcer, David Gragg, Charles Kitchens, John Gragg, The record in Edwards' History continues: "On the morning of the 29th day of July, they arrived at Prairie' Marcot, about nineteen miles above the mouth of the Illinois river, where Lieut. John Campbell was stationed, with seveiiteen men." The records in this office contain no roll of these men. On the arrival of the party at Peoria a parley was held between Capt. Levering and a chief named Gomo. of the Pottawotamies. After several conferences Gomo gave up two stolen horses which he found in the possession of his men, but claimed that he could not find the murderers. Little Chief promised to deliver two more horses to Capt. Heald at Chicago, anil Gomo promised to deliver the murderers when they could be found. At this conference it was ascertained that the Missouri murderers were near Prophet's_ town,— Tippecanoe— and hopes were entertained of catching them in the fall. By expo-' sure incurred and disease contracted on this expedition, Capt. Levering died soon after his return to Kaskaskia. 320 APPENDIX. Throughout the whole summer of 1811 the English emissaries kept up. industriously the dastardly work of setting the Indians on the white settlers. Encouraged by their promises. Teeumseh had conceived the plan of combining the Southern tribes into a league with the Northern Indians to make war on the United States until their lands were restored to them. His attack on General Harrison with a force of over 700 men, under cover of darkness, and his ultimate defeat and flight, with a serious loss of killed and wounded, is a part of the history of our country which concerns us only, as our Illinois troops participated in the victory. This battle, which took place on the 6th day of November, 1811, cost the lives of 37 killed outright and 25 mortally wounded who afterward died, and these were the very flower of the young settlers of Indiana and Illinois Territories. Among the killed in this battle was Capt. Isaac White (for whom White county was afterward named), who com- manded a company of Illinois troops raised in Saline county, of which we possess no roll. Here also fell Major Joe Daviess, whose name is also perpetuated in the county of that name; and of the others whose names are not recorded— nor have they be en perpetuated— we can only say they did their duty bravely, and the sacriflce of their own lives saved those of hundreds of women and children who might otherwise have fallen ready victims to the cruelty of the victorious savages. The rolls of companies of rangers mustered into the United States service during the summer and fall of 1811. are no doubt preserved at the War Department. Of the militia who from time to time were called out by Governor Edwards, there are but few of the rolls preser>. ed. We find, however, a pay roll of militia from July 4th, to July 29th, 1811, as follows: Capt. Wm. Alexandek's Company. Pay roll of company of militia commanded by Captain William Alexander, of the county of Randolph, Illinois Territory, by order of Ninian Edwards, Governor of said Territory. Captain. William Alexander. Lieutenant. Wm. McBride. Sergeants. Amos' Chaffln. David Everett, George Wilson, John Anderson. Corporals. Adam McDonald, William Dees, George Cochran, Joseph Robinson. Privates. Joseph Vassume, George Martin, James Curry, James Murtry, Calvin Laurence, Idmer Patton, Drury Stephens, Leonard St. John, John Hill, John McBride, John Lively, (see campaign 1813) Daniel Hull, James McNabb, Jean B, londrow, Joseph Conway, Robert Robinson, Alexander Camudy, Joseph Petoin, John Pillers. Joseph Miller, i)aniel Winn, Jerome F. Pure, John F. White, Arch. Snodgrass, Amos Robinson, Edward Lay, John Crawford, Daniel Bilderback, Robert Haggins, Israel Bailey, William Welch, ^ George Creath, John May. James Gill, Robert McDonald, Edward Rolls, John Fisher, John Baptiste Pera, Joseph Butea, Louis Dore, Widiam Bilderback, Joseph Eberman, Henry Null, James White, Simeon Brundage, EliLankford, James Eden, During the winter of 1811-12 the Indians on the upper Mississippi were very hostile, and committed many murders. Gov. Reynolds charges in his "Own Times" that the British agent at Prairie-du-Chien —it was reported by Indian traders— "had engaged all the warriors of that region to descend the Mississippi and exterminate the^ settlements on both sides of the river." A few marauding parties penetrated far down in the State, killing Andrew Moore and his son on the middle fork of Big Muddy (Moore's Prairie, in Jefferson county, was named for him). Later in the same year thev attacked Hill's fort, and were repulsed. In view of the ti-oubled state of affairs Gov. Edwards, in March, 1812, dispatched Capt. Edward Hobert as a friendly messenger to the Indians living on the Illinois river, invit- ing them to a counsel, which met on the KUh day of April, at Cahokia, and in which all the tribes in the State were represented. After protracted speech making, in which the Indians rather had the advantage, they came away loaded with substantial presents. Reynolds says: "The wild men exercised the most diplomacy, and made the Governor believe that the Indians were for peace, and that the whites need dread nothing from them. They prom- ised enough to obtain presents, and went off laughing at tlae credulity of the whites." APPENDIX. 321 Some of the same Indicans who participated in tliis council were engaged in the Chicago massacre the August following. The Indians of the North-west, however, did not desire peace. They had been kept stirred up and excited by the British agents, so that when Congress, on the 19th day of June, 1812, declared war against Great Britain, they were ready to take advantage of the fact and throw their aid with the enemy in a general warfare against the settlers on the whole American frontier. In Illinois the militia was thoroughly organized in anticipation of the outbreak, and additional forts were built, one near the mouth of Little Wabash, and an- other at the mouth of La Motte creek. MASSACEE AT CHICAGO. The greatest massacre ever committed in the State occurred on the 15th day of August. 1812, near the site of the present city of Chicago. In 1804 the General Government had erected Fort Dearborn at the mouth of Chicago river, on the site of an old fort built by the French in the 17th century, and maintained in it a small garrison, usually consisting of 50 men and three pieces of artillery. Under this precarious protection there had gathered quite a number of Indian traders and their families, and a few settlers had established their homes in the immediate vicinity. For the eight years of the existence of the fort the history of the garrison had been free from incident. The relations of the officers, the soldiers, and even of the settlers and traders, with the S'avages were sup- posed to be of the most cordial nature. At the time of the massacre the garrison con- sisted of 75 men, few of whom were effective soldiers. The officers were Capt. Heald, Lieut. Helm, Ensign Ronan and Surgeon Voorhees. On the 7th of August Capt. Heald received an order from Governor Hull, commander- in-chief, to evacuate the fort. The captain and Lieut. Helm, as well as John Kinzie. the principal trader, had families there, and their condition was all the more critical. Mr. Kijazie, who was seconded strongly by the sagacious chief who brought the order, Wiii- nemeg, strongly advised against the evacuation, not believing it to be safe to leave the protection of the block-houses- But the commander, impressed more with his duty of obedience than of fear of danger, which he did not consider imminent, without consulta- tion with his subordinates gave the order to evacuate the following morning. The other officers immediately added their remonstrances, and urged the Improbability of being able to make a successful retreat with so small a force to so great a distance as Fort Wayne, thi-ough the country of so vigilant and hostile a foe. The publication of this order for a week previous to the intended evacuation, no doubt added much to the danger. Capt. Heald called together the Pottawotamies in council on the r2th, and promised them the goods belonging to the government, and in return they promised him to escort his force to Fort Wayne. Capt. Heald, when too late, found that it was indiscreet to give the ammunition and whisk. 'v to the Indians, so on the night of the 13th he destroyed all the ammunition by throwing it in a well, broke the extra guns and stove the whiskey barrels to prevent them falling into the hands of the Indians. A council of the savages held on the 14th expressed great indignation at this breach of faith on the part of the whites. Notice of the un- friendly attitude of the Indians was given during this day by Black Partridge, but Capt. Wells with 15 friendly Miamis having arrived from Fort Wayne, the despondency of the whites was somewhat dispelled. Capt. Wells M'as a brother of Mrs. Heald. and hearing of the intended evacuation, had hastened to strengthen the escort with the few men he could command at a short notice. The reserved ammunition, 25 rounds to the man, was issued, and the baggage wagons for the sick, and women and children, made ready, and on the morning of the 15th of A.ugust, nothwithstanding another message from a friendly Indian to Mr. Kinzie, warning them ot danger, they started on their ill-advised Journey, leaving the fort at 9 in the mornmg. headed by a band of martial music; about a mile and a half from the fort, they encountered the Indians, hid behind the sand-hills which follow the course of the beach ot Lake Michi- gan. The troops fought bravely, but were overborne by numbers; only 28 out of <>*! p"i;-. rendered. Capt. Heald in his report gives them at 54 regulars and 12 militia, of which 2f) regulars and all the militia were killed— all the other officers, including Capt. Wills, except the Capt. and Lieut. Helm, and most of the women and children* were killed outright, one savage tomahawking 12 children in one wagon alone. Of all who started out on the fatal morning, was left the Capt., 1st Lieut. 25 enlisted men. and 11 women and children, fortunately including among the latter the brave wite ot Lieut. Helm, who herself and Mrs. Heald, who although seriously wounded, escaped most fortunately with her life. A most notable incident of this massacre was the fact that Mr. Kinzie and family were unharmed, and restored to their house the next day, with the loss of but a small part ot theirgoods; they however ran a closechanceof destruction on the dayfollowing byaparty of Waliash Pottawotamies, who arrived too late for the main attack, and were only saved by the presence of mind of Billy Caldwell, a half-breed Wyandott, who placated them with good speeches in recommendation of Mr. Kinsie's kindness to the Indians, and trienasnip for them. Campaign of 1812. In the meantime Governor Edwards had not been idle. Anticipating for some months the action of the General Government, he had, on his individual credit, thoroughly organ- izeu and eciuipped the militia of the territory, built forts, and made every possible ellort. —21 322 APPENDIX. . General Hull having surrendered at Detroit on the 16th day of August, the British and Indians had full sway in the whole northwest, with the exception of Forts Wayne and Harrison. This emboldened them to penetrate further and further into the interior, even encroaching on the settlements in Southern Illinois. The British had descended the Mississippi to Rock Island and were distributing goods to the Indians through their notorious agent, Samuel Girty. In the latter part of August, General Harrison superseded General Hull in the command of the Northwest. The State of Kentucky had raised a force of 7,000 men, a portion of which, under the command of General Hopkins and Col. William Russell, was directed to the aid of Indiana and Illinois. On the 11th day of October, Col. Russell with two companies started from Vincennes to join Governor Edwards in an expedition then fitting out at Camp Russell. These companies were commanded by Captains Perry and Modrell. General Hopkins, in command at Viiacennes with over 2.000 of the Kentuckians, was to move off the Wabash to Ft. Harrison, pass over into Illinois, march across the prairies on the headwaters of the Sangamon and Vermillion rivers, destroying the Indian villages in the course of his march, and to finally effect a junction with Edwards and Russell on the Illinois, and, com- bined, to sweep the Indians from the whole length of that river. Governor Hopkins and his branch of the expedition succeeded very well in their plans, and about the middle of October crossed the Wabash at Ft. Harrison, but the men began to show symptoms of discontent, which on the 20th had assumed so violent a form that the generals were forced to return after having penetrated from 80 to 90 miles into the heart of the Indian country. In the meantime Gov. Edwards had collected 350 men of the Illinois militia at Camp Eussell, by the time Col. Russell had arrived with the U. S. Rangers, as the regular troops were then called. These he divided in two small regiments, commanded respectively by Colonels Elias Rector and Benjamin Stephenson. (Rolls of a portion of these com- panies are-yet preserved, and are published complete in the following pages). DESTRUCTION OF PEOEIA. It having been reported to Governor Edwards that the French settlers at Peoria were inciting the Indians to attacks on the settlers, he dispatched Capt. Thomas E. Craig, of Shawneetown.with his company (see roll) in advance of the expedition, with two boats on the Illinois river, one boat loaded with provisions, and tools to build a fort, the others armed with blunderbusses and a swivel, as a sort of a gun boat, whde both were "fortified so that the enemies bullets could not enter their sides." Craig was to wait at Peoria for further orders from the commander-in-chief, and was to make offensive war on the French inhabitants of that town. The latter instruction was carried out fully, by burning the place and taking prisoners the white inhabitants, who were afterwards sent as prison- ers to Camp Russell and from there sent to St. Louis, and discharged some months afterwards. Governor Coles, in a report made to the Secretary of the Treasury, several years afterward, gives the names of these settlers as, Thomas Forsythe, Jacques Mette, P. Larasier, (alias Chamberlain), Antonie Le Claire, Michael La Croix. Francis Racine, Sr., Francis Racine, Jr.. Felix Fontaine, Hypolyte Maillet, FrH.ncis Banche. heirs of Charles La Belle, Antonie La Pance, Antoine Barbonne and Louis Pencennau. The above list does not include women and children, the number of prisoners in the aggregate num- bering 75. GOVERNOR EDWARDS' CAMPAIGN, 1812. On the 18th day of October, Governor Edwards and his army took up their march. Their route was up the west side of Cahokia creek, thence to the Macoupin, which they crossed near the present tnwn of Carlinville, thence in a northeast direction, they crossed the Sangamon below the junction of the north and south forks east of the present city of Springfield; passing thenci; east of Elkhart Grove, they crossed Salt creek near the site of the present city of Lincoln; from thence marching still northward, they came upon a de- serted Kickapoo village on Sugar creek, which they set on fire and destroyed. After this, their course was directed to the head of Peoria Lake, where was located the village of Black Partridge, a chief of the Pattavvotamies. Having approached within ;i few miles of the town, Thomas Carlin, (afterwards Governor of the State) and Robert Stephen and Davis Whitesides were sent to reconnoiter the enemy, which they successfully accomp- lished by passing through and over the town in the night without discovery. Early on the following morning, the army, with Capt. Judy and his spy company in advance, under the cover of a dense fog moved upon the village, but the troops becoming entangled in the swamps, the Indians were apprised of their approach and fled without flghtmg or encountering any serious loss. Following the fleeing Indians for several miles across the yielding swamps, a small Indian town was reached and burned. The Indians having all made good their escape, and no news having been received from Governor Hopkins, and a rainy season having set in. the Governor deemed it prudent to retire. As Governor Reynolds quaintly observes in his "Own Times," "Our army returned home with all convenient speed." APPENDIX. 32a MUSTER ROLLS OF VOLUNTEERS-1812. Capt. Thomas E. Craig's Company. A muster roll of a company of Volunteer riflemen, raised in Illinois Territory, under the command of Capt. Thomas E. Craig in the service of the United States, by order of His Excellency Ninian Edwards, Governor of said Territory. From the 5th September to the 2d December, 1812. In column headed "date of appointment or engkgement," all appear to have enlisted Sept 5th and all were discharged December 2, 1812. been Captain. Thoman E. Craig. Lie.%Uenant. John Forrester. Ensign. Harrison Wilson. Sergeants. Walker Skantlln, Charles Hill, John G. Wilson, Phil. Buckner. Corporals, Robert Preston, Joseph Lepan, Joseph Gordon, Willis Wheeler. Music. John Ormsby, drummer, Nat. Reeves, fifer. Privates. Elias Hubbard Thomas Hatfield, Jacob Yocum, Stephen Fowler, Moses Uawlings John Hazelton, John Woods, Robert Harris, William Corn, Charles Druyer, Henry Jenna, Arthur Owens, James Drake, Samuel Kimberly, Richard Hayden, Robert Cox, Hiram Higgins, Randall Davis, William Gable, Lewis Young, Edward Farely, Sampson Dunn, David Stanly, James Wright, Enoch Brown, Edmond Stokes, Jacob Willis, Elisha Livingston, John Powell, Samuel Green, Dennis Clay, Russel £. Haycock, David Johnston. John Clendenin, Joel Crane, Squire Crane, Alex. Barbour, Spencer Adkins, Amos Paxton John Farney, George Glun, Michael Burris. John Lard, Lasadore Gander, Inlam Bart, Peter Bono, George Conner, Richard Hazle, John Campbell, David Sipley, George T. Woods, Antoine Sander, Lewis Freedom, John B. Genam, Edward Miller, Although Governor Edwards had several times during the years of 1811 and 1812 recom- mended to the Secretary of War the enlistment of one or more companies of "Rangers, ' to protect the frontier, and Congress having, iu 1811. passed an act authorizing the organ- ization of ten companies of rangers, which were afterward organized as the 17th United States Regiment, under Col. William Russell, of Kentucky, an Indian flghter_ of bravery and experience, it does not appear that more than one Company was recruited in the Illinois Territory. Davidson and Stuve say in their History, in reference to this force: "Four companies were allotted to the defense of Illinois, whose respective Captains were Samuel and William B. Whitesides, James B. Moore and Jacob Short. Independent Cavalry Companies Avere also organized for the protection of the remote settlements in the lower Wabash country, of which Willis Hargrave. William McHenry, Nathaniel Jour- ney, Capt. Craig, at Shawneetown, and William Boon, on Big Muddy, were respectively commanders, ready, on short notice of Indian outrages, to make pursuit of the depreda- tors." (D. and S. Hist. 111., p. 249.) We are, however, of the opinion that there must have been some mistake about the fact alleged of four Companies of the 17th Regiment being 324 APPENDIX. from Illinois, as, of the Captains mentioned, Ave have evidence that Samuel Whitesides , James B. Moore and Jacob Short were commanding Companies of Militia at the time, in the service of the Governor of Territory, all belonging to the Regiment which William Whiteside, as Lieutenant Colonel, was then commanding, (the 2d Regiment Ter. Militia.) The organization and size of this command appear from a regimental return, on file in this office, bearing date Sept. 1(5, 1812. which was no doubt made out at Camp Russell, signed by Lieut. Col. William Whiteside, Commanding, and Elihu Mather. Adjutant, and is as follows : 1st Battalion— Majoe John Muedock. Total. Capt. Jacob Short 80 Capt. John Scott 75 Capt. Abraham Stallions 55 Capt. Edward Ebart 91 Capt. James B. Moore 71 Total, 1st Battalion 372 2d Battalion— Majoe Samuel Judy. Total. Capt. Amos Squires 64 Capt. Samuel Whiteside 56 Capt. Solomon Pruitt 60 Capt. Henry Cook 79 Capt. Cale Jourango Total, 2d Battalion 259 3d Battalion— Majoe William Peuitt. Total. Capt. Valentine Brazil Capt. Isaac Griffin 30 Capt. Nathaniel Journey , 39 Shoal Creek Company Total, 3d Battalion 69 Aggregate 700 In a morning report, also made at Camp Russell, dated Sept. 12, 1812, "of the troops under the command of Major Benjamin Stephenson," we find companies under the com- mand of Captains James li. Moore, W. B. Whiteside, Absolem Cox. Jacob Short, Willis Margraves. Samuel Whiteside, Nathaniel Journey and Amos Squires, giving an aggregate of 570 men. Two companies on this return, viz: Absolem Cox's and William Hargraves' were probably independent companies or belonged to another regiment, and were reported because present at the same post. These returns were both made out and signed by Al. Whitney, Sergeant-Major, and a penman of no mean aiiility. In another morning report of "troops under the command of Lt.-Col. Whiteside," dated Oct. 10, 1812,— and also made out by A. Whitney. Sergeant-Major— their appears companies iifider the command of Captain N Ramsey, Thomas E.Craig. Willis Hargraves, Absolem Cox and James Trousdale, showing present an aggregate of 316 men, A "staff" return on the same blank shows present 1 surgeon, 1 surgeon-mate, 1 Adjutant, 1 Sergeant-Major, and 1 Judge Advocate. At the bottom of this return is the following: "N. B.— Six com- pany on command, Capt. Moore, S. Whitsid, Short. Whitesid, N. Journey, Squires," Of these companies mentioned in these returns we have rolls of a part only. Those we will now give: Captain Samuel Whitesides' Company. A muster roll of a volunteer company of mounted riflemen commanded by Captain Samuel Whitesides, of St. Clair county. Illinois Territory, by order of His Excellency Ninian Edwards, Governor of said Territory. Date of enlistment, Aug. 22;— enlisted to Nov. 13. 1812. Names. Remarks. Captain. Samuel Whitesides First Lieutenant. Titus Gragg (or Greig). Second Lieutenant. John Swigert APPENDIX. 325 Names. Remarks. Ensign, Henry Taylor. Sergeants. Jesse Creek, 1st A.zor Gragg (or Greig). Abram Howard , Wm. Simpson Reduced to the ranks Oct. 10, 1812. Corporals. John Piirsley John Waggoner,. William Parsley, Harmon Gragg... Prii-ates. Aaron Armstrong... Benjamin Bishop... Wm. Burgess Jos. Borough John Brisco Jonas Bradshaw Simeon Brundage .. George Barnsback. Louis Baimmie Daniel Cornelius... William Chelton . . . David Carter Samuel Davis Huber Delorme John Ferguson John Fulmore Joseph Ferguson.. John Gragg Wm. Howard John Howard Roland Hewitt Matthias Hanlon... George Hewitt John Higens Philip Hawk George Harmon John Jacobs James Johnson George Kinder Charles Kitchens... JohnLacey Samuel Lee Joseph Lee Raphael Langlue.. Batees Labrau Walter McFarling. . James Marney James McFadgin... Jesse Million Joseph Myars Jacob Ogle Jultilee Posey Pierce Plant Wm. Phillips John Pixley; John Powell James. Pullum John Paine Wm. Pruitt David Porter Maniel Pierce Matthew Roach Whi. Right Samuel Stockton... David Sampler Jacob Smelcer Robert Stockton. . . Moses Sweeten Thomas Smith James Tolley John Teeter Toussant Tramble. Napees Tuckee John Turner Reduced to the ranks Oct. 18, 1812. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 13, 1812. Made Sergeant Oct. 18, 1812. Made Sergeant Oct. 18. 1812. Absented himself without leave Aug. 23,1812. Made 1st Sergeant Oct. 10, 1812. One horse lost, $30. One horse lost, $30. Made Corporal 18th Oct., 1812. Deserted. Discharged. 326 APPENDIX. Names. Eemarks. Abram Vanhooser. Joseph Williams... William Groats Joshua Patterson. . Joel Whitesides Isaac Leeount Joshua Lamotte Allan Bridges Ellsworth Bayne Benjamin Samples . Benjamin Warren . . One horse lost, $40. I do certify on honor that the foregoing statement is correct, and exhibits a true ac- count of the men under my command. This 13th day of November. 1812. SAMUEL WHITESIDES, Captain. Capt. Jacob Short's First Company. Muster roll ot the mounted riflemen detached from the 2d Regiment of militia, Illinois Territory, for a three months' tour, by order of the Commander-in-Chiet, March 3, 1812. John Walker, David Eekman, Elijah Hoake, William Ritenhouse, James Wilderman, Henry Stout, Peter Hill, Peter Wills, John Bier, George Wilderman, Fulden Jarvifit Hiram Tidwell, John Briganee, Daniel McKinney, John Brigham, William Steele, Charli's IJadelifTt. Henrv Walker, William Middleton, John Waddle, Robert Middleton, Jeptha D. Williams, Hubard Short, Peter Risenbough, William Walker. Jacob Wilderman, John Cooper, John Eastes, John Myers, Sam'l Shook, Andrew Bankston. Adjutant 2d Regiment Militia, Illinois Captain. Jacob Short. First Lieiitenant. John Murdoch. Ensign. Henry Carr. Sergeants. Robert Middleton, Alexander Scott, George Mitchell, William Arundel. Privates. Adam Clover, David Kenedy, Thomas Marney, \Vm. Quigley. Thomas Porter. James Hendricks, Jacob Borrier, John B. Wisser, Isaac Carmack, Daniel Guyee, Zachariah Hayse, Samuel Scott, William Philips, llustered and inspected by me, Elihu Mather, Territory. Capt. John Scott's Company. A list of the third Company detached from Colonel Whiteside's Regiment, the 3d of March, 1812, as intantry. Captain. John Scotc. Lieutenant. Titus Gragg. Ensign. Phillip Roder. Sergeants. John Mitchell, Jacob Kandleman, William Cerns. Corporals. Birdett Green, Christopher Halterman, James Porter, John Stallions. Privates. Asyl Jerome, Prior Hogan, Thomas Todd. Alexander Wells, John Robins, Alexander Jamison, Daniel Sink, Jacob Trout, Geo. Atchison, Jacob Clover, Leonard Carr, Charles Goldsmith, Joseph Fry, I APPENDIX. 327 John Huffman, Martin Jones, Patrick Cullin, Eobert Pattou, John Winters, Isaac Toland, Absolem Bradshaw, Jacob Chirk. Abraham Miller. James Bradshaw, Thomas Ramey, James Johnston, James Whaley. Robert Hawk, Jacob Eymau, George Ramey, Baker Whaley, John Moore, John Porter, David Whiteside, Enoch Moore. John L. Whiteside, Phillip Cramer, William Mears. Mustered and inspected by me, Elihu Mather, Adjutant 2d Regiment Militia, Illinois Territory. Capt. Samuel Judy's Company, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS Capt. Heney Cook's Company. A list of the first Company detached from the 2d Regiment of Militia, Illinois Territory, for a three months tour, by order of the Commander-ia-Chief,3d March, 1812. Inspected at Cohakia. C'aiitain. Samuel Judy. Lieutenant. Henry Cook. Ensign. Christopher Barnhart. Sergeantn. Samuel Gillham, Wm. Bradshaw, Charles Gillham, Thomas Kitchell. Drummer. Hiram Beck. Fifer. Bolin Shepherd. Privates. Thomas Cox, David Moon, Jonas Bradshaw, Henry Rogers, Field Bradshaw, J. Clemont Gillham, John Hawks, John Kirkpatrick, Aaron Linvill, George Fase, John Finley, Meril Ledbetter, Jesse Bill, Thomas Rendell, Joseph Luster. Thomas Downing. Abraham Vanhoofer, Benjamin Samples, David Samples, John Talbott, Ezra Gragg, James Wilson, Hardin Wardin. James McFadgin, Absolem Wodams, Wm. Gillham, John Starkey, John Arons, Jacob Linder Thomas Blankenship, Wm. Frewitt. John Vickery, Royal Green, Joseph Ogle, Davis Waddle, John MoDow, George Hewitt, Robert Anderson, John Adkins, Willey Will banks, Alexander Elliott, Richard Acklos, Samuel Hutten. Robert Whiteside, Th. Andrew, Justis Kick, Jonathan Graham, Andrew Emert, John Newman, Bird Lockhart, Joshua Diliplain, Samuel CJuigley, Michael Dodd, Uton Smith. John Newman, Jr., Wm. Ryons, John Johnston, Charles Kitchens, Jacob Whiteside. Mustered and inspected by me, Elihu Mather, Adjutant 2d Regiment Militia, Illinois Territory 328 APPENDIX. Capt. Willis Hakgrave's Company, We the undersigned, being formed into a Company of Mounted Volunteers, under the command of Willis Hargrave as Captain, tender to your Excellency our services, to per- form a tour of dutv against the Indians on the frontiers of Illinois Territory, and hold ourselves in readiness to march at a minute's warning to any point you may direct. Captain. Willis Hargrave. First Lieutenant. Wm. McHenry. Second Lieutenant. John Graves. Ensign. Thomas Berry. Enlisted Men. James Long, William Maxwell, David Trammel (a spy), James Wilson, Thomas McKinney, John Smith, Taylor Maulding, Jeremiah Lisanoee, James Saiall, Thomas Trammel, Jame- Hannah, Charles Slocomb, Edward Covington, Nathan Young, Joseph Upton, James Garrison, Robt. D. Gates, Dickason Garratt, Thomas Boatwright, Richard Moulding (spy). Aaron Williams, John Summers, Seth Hargrave, James Trammel, Lee Moulding, Morris May, David Milch, Henry Wheeler, Joel Berry, David Whooley, Thomas McAllister, John Love, James Davenport, Thomas Stovery, James ("arr, Daniel Battenhouse, Gillam Harris, Abner Howard, Josiah Dunnell, Ely Stewart, Philip Sturn, Neadham Standlee, Charles Stewart, John Lawton, Alexander Hamilton, David Snodgrass. Philip Fleming, John Morris, George Morris. Thomas Upton, Martin Whitford, Joseph Lane, John Dover, Simon Cannon. John Mitrli,.!!. James McDaniel, Adam Winkler, William Wheeler, John Bradberry, Michel Deckers, Thomas Williams, Barnabas Chambers, Ephriam Blackford, Reubin Blackford, Rial Potter, Frederick Buck, Charles Sparks, William McCormick, William Fowler. Captain. Samuel Judy. Privates. Henry Cook, Isaac Gilham, Calvin Adams, Alexander Waddle, Ambrose Nix, Samuel Gilham, George Moore, Toliver Eight, Capt. Samuel Judy's Spy Company. Thomas Smith, Pierre Crossey, Joseph Newman, William Griffin, John Adkins, Davis Stockdon, Thomas Cox, William Going. William Radcliff, John Reynolds, Edward Clark, Robert Frazure, Patrick Larner. APPENDIX. 329 Capt. Absolem Cox's Company. Muster roll and inspection return of a detachment of the 1st Regiment of Illinois militia, under the command of Capt. Absolem Cox, at Kaskaskia, the 3d of Septem- ber, 1812. (This detachment did not go to Peoria, but was no doubt left behind to protect the settlers.) FROM CAPT. cox S COMPANY. Captain. , Absolem Cox. Lieidenant. Thomas Roberts. Ensign. Adam Wobrick. Seroeants. Robert Foster, William McDonald, Richard Robinson, Samuel Reiner. Corporals. John Irwin, Shadrach Lively, Amos Lively, Edward Clark. Privates. William Thompson, William Little, James Patterson. James McFarland, Shadrach Lively, John MeClinton, John Beatty, John Smyth, James Clark, Thomas McBride, ' George Baggs, John Willson, Reuben Lively, Archibald Steel, John Miller. Solomon Allen, John Pillere, Andrew Ross, Robert Thompson. Jesse Boggs, Matthew Jarvis, Hugh Robston, SethChalfln, FKOM CAPT. ALEXANDER'S COMPANY. Wm. McLaughlin, George Conner. John Worley, Chester Marvel. FEOM CAPT. HENKY LEVON S COMPANY. George Glenn, Patrick Lamer, Benjamin Vermillion, James Adkins, Abraham McMurtry. Jonathan Bowman, James Steele, David Johnston. FEOM CAPT. JOHN COCHEAN'S COMPANY. I William May, John Clendenon, I Sauire Grain. James Sleter, Cyrus Fulton, Thomas Beson, Adam Wingate. Alexander Barber, James Bail, FEOM CAPT. M'DINEY'S COMPANY. William Garver, Samuel Lard. Charles Garner, William Hall, George Belsher, David Petel. 330 APPENDIX. Feom Gapt. Geeknup's Company. Ralph Lee, Joseph Curry. Francis Toulouse, James D. Mitchell, Amos Paxton, Pascal Lessauree, Louis Segar, Jeau B. Gendeon, B. Lachasspell, N. Beatt. Louis Lemiene, George Baker, Robert St. Pierre. Manuel Troupa, J. Chinia, Alexis Beauvais, Louis Beatt, Andrew Charleville, B. Montrow, Francis Depreet, Alexis Beatt, James Smyth. Feom Capt. Gabriel Decoche's Company. Francis Tongue, Joseph Vassure, Joseph Tongue, Ettienne Louglore, Andre Barboure, Joseph Pilquer, Alexis Godere, Jean Marie Gidier, Andre Roy. Francis Louglore, Joseph Godere. August Alter, Signed: DAVID ANDERSON, Inspector, Adjutant 1st 111. Militia. Capt. James B. Moore's Company. 1st company— April 15 to May 3, 181'J Captain. James B. Moore. Fi7-st Lieutenant. Jacob Ogle. Second Lieutenant. John Vau&n. Ens ion. Simon Wheelock. Sergeants. John T. Lusk, Septemus Mace, Thomas Piper, Jesse Miller. Privates. J. Milton Moore, William Biggs, John Rutherford. Thomas Talbott, David Robinson, James Kirkpatrick, Henry Mace, Richard Wright. Isaac Biggs, John Davidson, Israel Robinson, Cath Wilson, Aaron Shook, William Lemon, Samuel Bonham. Joseph Bear. Philip Teter, Charles T. Walker. Joseph Ogle, Francis Kirkpatrick, John Bloom, Isham Gillham, Simeon Vanarsdale, William Gillham. Hiram Badgely, Arthur Morgan, Joshua Talbott. Pleasant Goings. William Goings. Capt. Jam^s B. Moore's (2nd) Company. A muster roll of a volunteer company of Cavalry, commanded by Capt. James B. Moore- of St. Clair county. Illinois Territory. By order of His Excellency Niuian Edwards. Gov ernor of Illinois Territory. F rom July 27. 1812, to Aug. 11, 1812. Captain. James B. Moore. First Lieutenant. Jacob Ogle. Second Lieutenant. Joshua Vaughn. Cornet. Simeon Wheelock. APPENDIX. 331 Se7-geants. John T. Lusk. 1st, Septemus Mace, Thomas Piper. Jem Miller, Corporals. Wm. Reed. James McKinney, John Davidson, Pleasant Goings. PiHvaies. James Kirkpatrick, Isham Gillham, Charles P. Walker, Aaron Shook. J. Milton Moore, David Robinson, Israel Robinson, Francis Kirkpatrick Daniel G. Moore, Samuel Bonham, Philip Teter, Henry Mace, Isaac Bisgs, Cath Wilson, Wm. C. Davidson, Richard W^right. Thomas Randle, Jesse Bell. John Good, Wm. Briggs, Jr., Thomas \V. Talbott. Ezekial Gillham, Simon Vailarsdal, Moses (^uick, Matthew J. Cox, Arthur Morgan, Hardy Wilbanks, Charles R. Matheny, John L. Whiteside. George Sanders, Joseph Ogle (son of B. Oglei Isaiah Dunnigan, ThoF. Blankinship, Bennet Nowlan, Wm. Talbott, John Crocker. William Otwell, Clement Gillham, John Deleplain, Absolem Bradshaw, Anthony Poucher. Isaac Clark, Isham Wright, Zachariah Hays, William Porter, Fielding Jervis, David Ackerman, Aaron Whitney, Guy Beck, John Huitt, Charles Gillham, Wm. Gillham. Capt Philip Tramell's Company. Muster roll of a detachment of Mounted Militia, called into the service of the United States, under the orders of His Excellency Governor Edwards, to guard military stores from Shawneetown to Camp Russell, under the command of Philip 'l'.ramell, Lieut. -Col. of the 4th Regt. Illinois Militia, acting as Capt. From the 12th day of October to the 31st day of October, 1812. Captain. Philip Tramell. Sergeant. Morton Ewbanks. Privates. James McFarland, John Murphy, James Lee, William Cumins, Covington Wilson, John Gillard, Isaac Sibley, W^ni. Wheeler John Campbell, David Sibley, Solomon Blue, James Inman, Pompey, servant to Philip Tramell. I do certify that the within muster roll exhibits a true statement of the detachment for the purpose mentioned therein, and that James Ratcliff furnished a wagon and team for the purpose of transporting military stores from Shawneetown to Camp Russell, which was emploved in the United States service from the 5th day of October until the 31st; the same month with Adam Croach, wagoner. William Morrison furnished wagon, team and driver, for the same purpose, from the 0th October to the 31st of same month. Meed Laughlin and Davis Gillard each furnished wagon, and team, and driver, for the above purpose, from the 31st of same month ^ , . ^,,. . „.,.,. PHILIP TRAMELL. Lieut.-Col., ^th Illinois Militia. now acting as Capt., in place of Leonard White. 332 APPENDIX. Capt Dudley Williams' Company of the 4th Regiment Militia. A muster roll of a Volunteer company of Mounted Riflemen, cailled into service of the United States, agreeable to an order of His Excellency Ninian Edwards, Commander-in- Chief of the Illinois Militia (against the late invasions of the hostile Indians), commanded by Capt. Dudley Williams. From October 14th to November 5th. 1812. Captain. Dudley Williams. Lieutenant. David Moore. Ensign. Reuben Linn. Cornet. AlfredLinsey. Sergeants. Joseph Ferguson, John Reed. Henry Griffin, James Moor. Corporals. Wm. Megee, James Brown, Thomas Armstrong, John Jarrat. Privates. Henry Fuel, John Walker, Asher Davis, John Neal, .John Hallin. Daniel Calhoun, Allen Barnes, Furnas Harrison, Hiram Dikerson, Matthew Thomas. Thomas Futral, Andrew Hallin, John Show, Isaac Davis. Micajah Fort, Jesse Rascow, William Cravens, Elijah Ladd, Thomas Casten, Samuel Reas, Redileu Wolf. Wilbourn Futral, Joseph Bridges, Samuel Walker, William Mathias, Ezekifl Stfvens, Robert Cain, Jeremiah Mitchell, James Woolf, Hiram Griffith, Samuel Jennings, John Matthews, Richard Clark, Danirl Co^hler, Josejih Williams, John Ferguson, Charles Brownfield, James Blasingham, William Armstrong, John Mabury, James Randolph, James Cook, Harvey Bramlett, Thomas White. DUDLEY WILLIAMS, Capt. I certify that the foregoing is a correct muster roll of my company, and that thev were mustered into service of the United States Saline, on the 14th day of October, 1812. Examined and approved, B. Stephenson, Brigade Major. Also endorsed by a certiflcate of Philip Tramell. Lieut.-Col. of the 4t;h Regiment Illinois Militia: "That this company found their own provisions from Christian county to the United States Saline and back again, which going and coming may be considered KiO miles." The foregoing comprises all the rolls of Companies which have been preserved in this office of those who enlisted daring and prior to year 1812. As the rolls of many of these Companies of Rangers are no doubt preserved in the archives of the War Department at Washington, and their publication would add much to the resources of the early history of the State, it is to be hoped that the General Assembly may see fit to take some steps to have them transcribed and published. As to the other most common means of security for families of the settlers in these early days, these consisted of block-house forts, a number of which were built extend- ing from the Illinois river to the Kaskaskia, thence to United States Salines, near the present town of Equality, and up the Ohio and Wabash rivers, and in nearly all settle- ments in Illinois. Some of these forts were situated as follows: One at the site of the present town of Carlyle, one a short distance above the town of Winston, and two on east side of Shoal Creek, known as Hills and Jones; all these in the limits of the present county of Clinton. One on the west side of Looking Glass Prairie, a few miles southeast of the present town of Lebanon, was known as Chambers' Fort. On the Kaskaskia river were Middleton's and Going's Forts; one on Doza creek, a few miles from its mouth, known as Nat. Hills.; two in the Jourdan settlement, in the eastern part of Franklin county, on the road from the Kaskaskia settlement-^ to the salt works; one at the mouth of the Illinois river, and later John Campbell, an United States officer, erected a small block-house on the west bank of the Illinois river (at Prairie Marcot). 19 miles above its mouth. Larger forts than these were erected opposite the mouth of the Missouri river, to guard the river; and on Silver creek, near Troy. The main fort, however, and military depot of the territory, was at Camp Russell, a mile and a halt northwest of the present town of Edwardsville, in Madison county, in honor of the Colonel, the commander of the Regiment of Rangers. (D. and 8. Hist. 111., pp. 249-250.) This fort was protected by the cannon from old Fort Chartres, and under the guns of Louis XIV.. under whose pro- tecting muzzles the Territorial Governor was wont to organize his expeditions, gather his military stores, and rendezvous his recruits under the various calls which the neces- sities of a desultory Indian warfare, of several years' duration, made it obligatory on his Excellency to make. At this fort, besides the rangers and riflemen mentioned in the various rolls above given, was also a small company of regular troops, under Capt. N. Ramsey, as the return APPENDIX. 333 of Lieutenant-Colonel Whiteside on the 10th of October, 1832, hereinbefore publi'^hed shows to have contained a total of 33 men. This company was the onlv company of regu- lar troops in Illinois Territory, during the war of 1812, which reached the headquarters of Governor Edwards, or tested the hospitalities of his fort. Among these old rolls we llnd one of perhaps the most interest, in an historical point of view, of any small paper connected with the history of the State. It reads as follows: GENERAL STAFF. Muster roll of general and staff offleers of a detachment of militia of Illinois Territory ordered into the actual service of the United States, and commanded by his Excellency Ninian Edwards, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Territory aforesaid: No. Names. Rank. Commence- ment of Service. Expiration of Service. Remarks. Ninian Edwards Elias Rector Benjamin Stephenson Nath. Pope William Rector Nelson Rector, i Robert Todd, ( Comm'nder-in- Chief Adjutant-General . . . Brigade Major 1st Aid lM Aid Volunteer Aids Sept. 2. 1812. iNov Sept. 10, 18121 Sept. 2, 1812. Sept. 20, 1812 Oct. 10, 1812. 1 Oct 18,1812. . 10. 1812. On the back of this roll is the following endorsement: "Examined, approved, mander-in-C'hief. "NOVEMBEE 23. 1812. certified and returned by me according to law. to the Com- "ELIAS RECTOR, "Adjutant General I. T." 334 APPENDIX. CAMPAIGN OF 1813. Early in this year, the country was put in as good state of defense as circumstances would allow, The forts and blockhouses were strengthened and the settlers in remote and weakly garrisoned blockhouses removed to those that were stronger. New companies of rangers were enlisted and stationed so as to cover the settlements. In addition to the regular forts, from the present city Of Alton to Kaskaskia. were twenty-two family forts, scattered along. These precautions, however, did not prevent numerous depredations by the savages. Of these, the following appear to be the most important: In Washington county, four miles southeast of Covington (then the county seat) on the Kaskaskia river, the family of John Livelv, an old ranger (see Alexander's company) were attacked ane five persons killed, including Mr. Lively. The bodies of all were shockingly mutilated. The Indians who perpetrated this outrage were supposed to be Kicka- poos, and were followed by Capt, Boon and his company, (see roll) but having four days the start, made good their escape. Near the present town of Carlyle a Mr. Young and a minister by the name of McLean were attacked by the savages. Young was killed, and McLean made an almost miraculous escape by swimming the Kaskaskia river, losing his horse and the greater part of his clothing. Murders were also committed on Cache river within the present limits of Alexander county. Near Fort LaMotte, about ISO miles above Vincennos, Mrs. Houston and four children wei-e killed. In a small prairie near Albion in Edwards county, Mr. Bolting- house was killed. This prairie was afterwards named for him. Notwithstanding these, and many other outrages, the general government had provided no means for the support of the rangers and militia, and those in the service, in Illinois, were discharged on the 9th day of June by the Governor. From a "daily and weekly report of a detachment of rangers of the Illinois Territory, under the command of Benjamin Stephenson, Brigade Majur, April 17. 1813," we find that the following companies were included in his command: Capt. B. Whiteside's, Capt. James B. Moore's (3d company), Capt. Samuel Whiteside's. Capt. Jacob Short's, and Capt. Nicholas Jarrott's. Rolls of Moore's and Short's companies at that time, are as follows: Capt. James B. Moore's (3d) Company. Captain. James B. Moore. First Lieutenant. David Robinson. Second Lieutenant. Arthur Morgan. Ensign. John Duitt, Sergeants. Thomas Jordan, Jacob Young. Benjamin Marney, James Hutton. (Jorporals. Isaac Basey, James Talbott, Henry Randieman, John Crawford. Privates. Enoch Moore, Jesse Miller, Joseph Miller. David Miller, Abraham Miller, John Enoch, Jonathan Knox, Anthony B. Conner, Samuel McFarland, George Lary, Thomas Johnston, Hugh Roylstou, Marcus Pelham, Peter Wills. Thomas Marney, Solomon Strong, Amos Shook, Francis Pelham, Fielding Porter. John Ryan. Stephen Lacy, Elihu Axely, William Ryan. Joh Stallings, David Porter, John Waddle, John Briscoe, John Moore, Jacob Clark, John Clover, William Harrington. David Moore, Thomas J. Mattingly, Willy Harrington, Felix Clark, Stephen Rector, Joshua Vaughn, Charles Glllham, George Richardson, WMlliam Griffin, Pleasant Going. APPENDIX. 835 William Forgason, Hiram Huitt, Joseph Forgason, Ornan Be man, John Fiuley, Fleming Cox, . Aaron Whitney. Martin Wood, Bennett Newlin, Henry Maee. Isaac Smith, Daniel Winn, Roland Huitt, Edward Crouch, Isaac Carmack, William Going, Elisha Taylor, Andre\y Kobinson, William Hogan, Prior Hogan, Examined and approved, Bartley Cox, Richard Windsor, Alexander Biron, Jude Converse, George Hawk, John Hogan, Eli Langford. William Chance. Jacob Luntzford, JosiahLangtord, John Marney, John Collins, Thomas Marney, Daniel Converse, John Ferguson, Robert Hawke, Benjamin Edwards, Janus Marney, Jesse Harrison. B. STEPHENSON, Brigade-Major. Capt. Jacob Short's Company. t Muster roll of a company of mounted rangers commanded by Captain Jacob Short, called into the actual service of the United States, by his Excellency, Niuian Edwards, Governor and Commander-in-Chief,— from the 27th day of February, 1813, to the 31st day of May, 1813, inclusive. Captai7i. Jacob Short. First Lieutenant. Nathaniel Journey. Second Lieutenants, Andrew Bankston. Ensign. John Journey, Sergeants. John Brigance, Alexander Scott, George Mitchell, James Wyett, Robert Thomas. Corporals. Richard Ackless, Robert Lynn, George Soy, Nicholas Darter, George Wise, Samuel Ware. Privates. Robert Anderson, William Adair. Solomon Allen, Hugh Alexander. Elijah Baukson, Ellsworth Barnes, Jacob Brimberry, John Boucher, Preston Brickey, Abraham Bateman, Taphney Brooks, William Burgess, Benjamin Cox, Isaac Clark, John Corathers, Jacob Drocker, Thomas Drocker, Janus Clark, Squire Craine, Isaac Darneal, John Duncan, Sr., John Duncan, Jr., James W. Davidson. Stanley Dodge, Matthias Edes, William Edes, Joseph Fray, Cyrus Fulton, Robert Gaston, Jacob Gragg, John Hopton, Nathaniel Hill, Jesse Hill, Burrill Hill. Martial Hawkins, Robert Huse, William Journey, David Johnston, Jacob Kerns, David Loyd, Samuel Lee, Sr., Samuel Lee. Jr., John Linley, John Lively, John Lard, Rueben Lively, James Lard, Jr., Alex. Mattocks, Daniel McKinney, James Moore, Thomas Morris, William Moore, William McElroy, Edward Miller, K])i'\ McXeal, Henrv Ni^ele, William O'Neal, Aden Posey. Samuel Patterson, Field Pruitt, Joseph Pruitt, Jacob Pritchard, John Rutherford, Francis Scott, Henry Sealey, George Swigart, John Swigart, Hubbard Short. John Stout, John Scott, Moses Short. William Stout. Abraham Smalley, Abraham Thomas, William Tilford, William Virgin. 336. APPENDIX. Charles Wakefield, George Wakefield, Henry Watley, John Woods, Jacob Wilderman, John Walker, John A. Wakefield. William Walker, Peter Wright, Andrew White. John Whitley, Mills Whitley. David White, Adam Winghart, Examined and approved. B. STEPHENSON, Brigade-Major, Besides the above which were included in the return quoted, we find the following, ■which appear to have been under the same command, about the same time, all of which are endorsed as the two foregoing. "Examined and approved." B. STEPHENSON, Brigade-Major. These following, as well as the two preceding, were evidently the rolls on which these companies weremusterd out of the service on June 9th, 1S13. Capt. William Jones' Company. A muster roll of a company of volunteer infantry, commanded by Captain- William Jones, ordered into the service bv his Excellency, Niniau Edwards, Governor of the Illi- nois Territory, Mav 9, 1813, to June 9th, 1813. Captain. William Jones. Lieutenant. John Springer. Ensign. Thomas Einley. Sergeants. Edward Reavis, John Whitley, Sr., David White. Robert Brazel. Corporals. Solomon Pruitt, Jacob Gragg, David Smelson. Andrew Lockhart. Privates. Simon Lindley. Sr., Simon Lindley, Jr., Joseph Lindley, Benjamin Henson, John He "Son. William Stubblefleld, EasleyStubblefleld. John Lindley, John Green, Ephrnim Cox, John Finley, James Finley, Howard Finley, Moses Finley, Fields Pruitt, Martin Jones, John Jones, William Roberts, Abraham Bateman, William Bateman, Samuel Lindley, Mills Whitley, John Whitley. Jr., Randolph Whitley, Elisha Whitley, Andrew Robert, Charles Tetrieks, Valentine Brazel, Aliraham Tetrieks, William Brazel, Jacob Tetrieks. Richard Brazel, Peter Tetrieks, Robert White, David S. White, John Holt, James Anderson, Sr., James Anderson, Jr., Abraham Howard, James Chilton, Sr., William Chilton, John Giger, William Howard, Mathlas Chilton, Isaac Fergu.'~on, John Higgins, Aauilla Dallarhide, Harmon Smelser, Joshua Chilton, James Chilton, Jr., Byrd Lockhart, Sr., George Tayes. George Hutton, Sr., Henry Green, Sr., William Lockhart, George Hutton, Jr., Henry Green, Jr., John Green, Bartlett Tayes, Abraham Van Hoozer, Jacob Neely, Joseph St. John, William Davis, Henry Walker, Henry Cox. I appendix: 337 Sekgeant James N. Fox's Detachment. Muster roll of a dctachmont of rangors, on the frontior of Johnson county, undor tKo command of ScrgeantJames N. Fox from February 17th, tS13, to March 1st. 18i:i. This detachment being called into service by order of his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, Gov- ernor of said Territory. Sergeant. James N. Fox. Privates. William Edwards, James Flanery, Bucknor Harris, James Biichan, George Deason, Daniel Griffin. Moas Blane, John F. Noi-ton, Shadrack llawlison, William Rawlison, John Davis. Captain William Boon's Company. Muster roll of a company of mount3d volunteers of Randolph county, Illinois Territory, commanded by Captain William Boon, and called into service by his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, Governor of said Territory, from the (ith day of March, 1813, to the 5th day of Juno, 1«13. Captain. William Boon. First Lieutenant. John Lacy. Second Lieutenant. William Bilderback. Ensign. John Bilderback. Sergeants. llobert Gaston, Louis La Chapelle, Michael Buyat, Amos Chaffln. Corporals. Joseph French. Adam Wolrick, Zophue Brooks, Henry Barbeau. Privates. James Lee, Charles Garner, William Tilford, David Bailey. Peter Dolin, Archibald Snodgrass, Ellis ChafQn, John Drury, Erne Godier, Joseph La Franbris. Louis Dory, William Gaston, John Young, Adam Winghart, Stace McDonough, Gregone DeGognie, ' Henry Teabeau. Charles Bilborback, William Barnett, llobert Thompson, George Cochran, Elias Roberts, Andre Roy, John Gadier* Levi French, Samuel French, Ralph Davis, John Wootan , Isaac Glenn, Thomas Glenn, Jacob Bowerman, Francis Garner, John Robinson, George Creatli, Jacob Philhart, Joel Craine, John Roberts, Daniel Bilderl)ack, William Fisher, Roi)ert Alexander, James Hughes, William Garner, Thomas Wadley, John Machan, Benjamin Buyat, Baptiste Gendron, Julian Bart, Francis Montroy, Peter Pillet, Henry Conner, Peter Cossy, Isadore Godier, Antoine Barbeau, Jacob May, Archibald Steele. Jacob Honnan, James Robinson, Daniel Hull, Shadrock Lively, Alexander Clarke, John Clyne. Pesio, Levi Tamaraoa, Cola, Poscal. John Babtiste Tamaraoa, Jabez Leone, Jacob Laz adder, —22 338 appendix. Lieutenant Daniel G. Moore's Company. Muster roll of a compauy of volunteer infantry commanded by Lieutenant Daniel G. Mooro, and called into service by his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, Governor of Illinois Territory, from May 9tli, 1813, to June 9th, 1813. Lieutenant. Daniel G. Moore. Sergea7its. Martin Jones, William P. Eowdon, Benjamin Stidman, Zadoch Newman. Corporals. George Moore, James Beaman, John Russell, Eli Savadge. Privates. John Bows, John Beck, John Kirkpatrick, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Harrison Kirkpatrick. Henry B. Riggor, Joseph Newman, William Jones, John Newman, Jesse Starkey, Abel Moore, Jesse Ennis, William Ennis, James Beck, John Braman, John Fullmore, Hezekiah Cosby, William Bartlett, Burrill Hill, James Hill, John Lorton. Capt. Nathan Chambers' Company. a muster roll of a company of militia in the Illinois Territory, under the command of Captain Nathan Chambers, as foot men. Called into the United States service by his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, from the 12th day of April to the 12th day of May, 1813. Captain. Nathan Chambers. Ensign. John Savage. Sergeants. Henry Carr, John Nichols, James Bankson, Joseph;.Duncau. Corporals. William Scott. James Crocker, Charles Cox, Henry White, Privates. George Nichols, Pleasant Nichols, Abraham Baker, Abram Minson, Francis Swann, Malcom Johnson, William Dunkin, John Broom, Robert Farrar, Thomas Nichols, Leven Maddox, William Armstrong, James Chambers. Samuel Scott, Abraham Fike, Nathan Langston, Joseph Holcomb, John Robertson, Daniel Peek, Bond Bernett, Benjamin Hagerman, Robert Middloton, Reuben Middleton, Robert Abernathey, Miles Abernathey, Robert Moore, Arthur Crocker, William Crocker, Job Vanwinkle, Simeon Wakefield, Henry Hutton, Jonathan Hill, Patton Bankson, John Pea, John Journey, Sr., Robert Dunkin, Sr., James MeCraeken, Barnet Bone. Robert Dunkin, Jr., James Petty. Bryant Mooney, John Crocker, Hugh Gilbreath, Paul Gasgill. Jonathan Gasgill, William Wakefield. Following is a Muster roll of regimental and staff officers ordered into service his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, Governor and Oommander-in-Chiefoi the Illinois ler tory,from the 18th day of February, to the 16th day of June, 1813: by APPENDIX. 339 Names. Rank. B. Stephenson Major. Phi li 1 1 Trampltle Major Nutliaiiiel Juniey Adjutant (tt'nrKe Fisher William Keynolds Surgeon's Mate '.'.'.'. '. V.V.V." Quartermaster Sergeant Major Daniel G. Moore Aaron Whitney, I do certify that the foregoing muster roll exhibits a just statement. of the regiment and staff oiTieers as above stated, this ICth day of June, 1813. B. STEPHENSON. Brigade-Major. Capt. James B. Moore's Company (4th Company.) A muster roll of Capt. James B. Moore's company of mounted rangers of the Illinois Ter- ritory, under the command of Major Benjamin Stephenson, from the first day of June to the sixteenth day of the same month, 1813— by order of his Excellency, Ninian Edwards, Governor, etc. Captain. James B. Moore. First Lieutenant. David Robinson. Second Lieutenant. Arthur Morgan. Ensign. John Hewitt. Sergeants. Daniel Converse^ Jacob Young, Benjamin Marney, James Hutton. Corporals. Isaac Basey, James Talbott, Hf»nry Randleman, John Crawford. Privates. Thomas Jordin, Enoch Moore, Jesse Miller, Joseph Miller, David Miller, John Enochs, Jonatlian Knox, Anthony B. Conner, Samuel McFarland, George Lary, Thomas Johnston, Hugh Royalston, Marcus Pelham, Peter Wills, Francis Pelham, Abraham Miller, Thomas Marney, Solomon Strong, Amos Shook, Fielding Porter, John Ryan, Stephen Lacy, Elisha Axley, William Ryan, John Stallings, David Porter, John Waddle, JohnBriseo, John Moore, Jacob Clark, John Clover, William Harrington, David Moore, Thomas G.Mattingly. Wylie Harrington, Felix Clark, Stephen Rector, Joshua Vaughn, Charles Gil ham, George Richardson, William Griffin, Pleasant Goings, William Ferguson, Hiram Huitt, Joseph Ferguson, Orman Beeman, John Finley, Fleming Cox, Martin Wood, Bennett Nowlin, Roland Huitt, Henry Mace, Isaac Smith, Daniel Winn, Edward Crouch, Isaac Carmack, William Going, Elisha Taylor, Andrew Robinson, William Hogan, Prior Hogan, Bartlett Cox, Richard Windsor, Alexander Biron, Jude Converse, George Hawk, John Hogan, Eli Lankford, Josiah Lankford, William Chance, Jacob Luntzford, John Marney, John Collins, Thomas Ramey, John Ferguson, Hobert Hawks, Benjamin Edwards, James Marney, Jesse Harrison, George Glenn. Simon Vanarsdall, Samuel D. Davidson, Elias Roberts, Aaron Whitney, 340 APPENDIX. The foregoing company was, no doubt, temporarily called into service to hold the forts and protect the government property from the Indians until some more definite arrangement should l>o made by the War Department to sustain a military force, 'i'ho following letter from Governor Edwards to the Secretary of War, will shed some light ■ on the subject: Elvikade, Randolph County, Illinois Territory, May 4, 1813. Sir: A shoi-t time ago I received a letter from Colonel Eond, informing me that you had authorized him to rcinmst me to raise and organize three additional companies of rangers. I immediately Winter you, that I supposed what had been done would be suffiiiient, and that those threi^ <'oiiipanics who, through me, tendered the President their services as rangers, would be accepted. They have been notified by me that they have been accepted, but lest some accident may have prevented my letters from reaching you, I will here give the names of these officers— all of whom have been chosen by their companies and approved by me: .lames B. Moore, Captain. David ]{oy:)inson, 1st Lieutenant. Arthur Morgan, 2d Lieutenant. John Huitt, Ensign. Samuel Whiteside, Captain. Joseph Borough, 1st Lieutenant. Samuel Gilbaur, 2d Lieutenant. Arthur Armstrong, Ensign. Jacob Short, Captain. Nathaniel Journey, 1st Lieutenant. Andrew Bankston, 2d Lieutenant. John Journey, Ensign. These ofHcers and those of the companies raised here last year, are all exceedingly anxious to be commanded by Benjamin Stephenson as their major, with the exct^ption of an ensign and a lieutenant, who were absent at the time. They have unanimously peti- tioned me on this subject. The privates comprising the battalion are equally desirous of it, and I can most conscientiously say, that, in my opinion, the territory does not admit of a better choice. The Legislature of this Territory, at its last session, by the solicitations of certain indi- viduals, was induced to ask for this force and to recommend Jolin Murdoek to be author- ized to raise and command it. But I beg leave to observe that the force I have raised has been upon a different plan altogether. Murdoek has not raised a man, and has endeavored to throw every impedi- ment in my way. Ho is not qualified, either by his knowledge or experience, for the command, and those who have recommended him will not pretend to say that his habiis do not form a most important objection. I have the honor to be. Your obedient servant N. EDWARDS. (Edwards' History of Illinois, pp. 347-8.) Second Campaign 1813. Large numbers of hostile Indians having gathei-ed among tne Kickapoosand Potawota- mies at their villages on Lake Peoria, and raaravuling iiarties from these being frequently sent out to liarass, rout and kill the settlers on the frontiers of both Illinois andMissouri, a joint expedition was projected of the militia of both territories, to disperse them from tiiinr convenient location. An army of 900 men was collected and placed under the com- mand of Gen. Howard, who had resigned the position of Territorial Governor of Missouri, tor that purpose. The Illinois contingent was ordered to rendezvous at Camp Russell. One company, however, was ordered to a point on the Mississippi called Piasa, where they remained several weeks and suffered seriously from sickness. The organization of the Illinois troops at Camp Russell was as follows: Colonel. Ben- jamin Stephenson, Randolph county; \V. B. Whitesides and John Murdoek, Majors, and Jos(!pli Phillips, Samuel Judy, Natlianiel Journey, and Samuel Whitesides, Captains. The Missouri contingent was commanded by Colonel McNair, afterwai'd Governor of that State. Both regiments marched up on tlu^ir respective sides of the Mississippi river, without any adventure, except a Slight skirmish by the Illinois troops with straggling Indians in search of wild honey in the present limits of Calhoun county. A junction was formed by the Missourians crossing the river at Ft. Mason, 100 miles above the mouth of the Illinois river, when General Howard took the principal command of the expedition. Passing a recently deserted Indian villag • on the site of the urescnt city of Quincy, they struck out eastward and reached the Illinois river at the mouth of Spoon river, not far from the present town of Havana, in Mason county. Here the provision boats arrived and took onboard their sick. The march was con- tinued up the Illinois river to Peoria, where there was a small stockade in charge of Capt. Nicholas of the U. S. Army, on which the Indians hail two days before made an attack, but were repulsed. But the Indians gaining knowledge of the advance of this force, had, with their usual cunning, fled northward. Of the conclusion of this expedition Davidson and Stuve. sav: APPENDIX. 341 "Tho army was marched up the lake to Goma's village, the present site of Chilicothe, and finding that the enemy had ascended the Illinois, two deserted villages were demolished under the shock of its onset, and burned, when it took up its rctrogade march. At the outlet of the lake, the present site of Peoria, the troops remained in camp several weeks, building Fort Olark, named in honor of Gen. George Rogers Clark. Major Christy in the meantime, was dispatched with a force, in charge of two fortiflea keel boats, up the river (Mississippi) to tlie foot of the rapids, to chastise and rout such of the enemy as might have lodged in that region. Major Boone was sent with a force to scour the Spoon river country, towards Rock river. Both expeditions returned with-Qut other discoveries than signs of alarm on tho part of the enemy, and his retreat into the interior. The army returned by a direct route to Camp Russell, where the volunteers and militia were dis- banded, October 22, 1813. (D. and S.. History Illinois, p. 277.) 1814. The year 1814 was prolific with horrible deeds of savage butchery. The Indians were incited by British agents and were active all along tho line of the advancing frontier. Illinois with her lai-ge line of explored settlements suffered severely. We will mention only a few of tho most aggravated of their outrages. Compiled from Reynolds Times, and Stuve's History of Illinois: In July, a Mrs. Reagan, living in the Wood River settlement six miles east of the present city of Alton, with her six children, were murdered by the Indians, who were pursued by Capt. Samuel V>liiteside and his company of rangers, to the Sangamon river, where all escaped except the leader, who was shot out of a tree top by Capt. Whiteside, with the SQalp of Mrs. Reagan fastened to his belt. In August, Capt. Shorfs rangers, who were encamped at the Lively cabins in Washing- ton county, discovered the trail of 7 Indians with 14 stolen horses. Capt. Short with 30 men followed them overtaking them on a fork of the little Wabash, near the east line of Fayette county, and killed them all. The whites lost but one man, William O'Neal, who was killed by an adversary quicker than himself. The military expeditions in which Illinois participated in this year were by water on the Mississii)pi. The first was that of Governor Clark (in the absence of General Howard) which left St. Louis on the 1st of May, composed of 200 men, in five barges destined for Prairie de Chieu. Dickson, a British agent, had recruited at that place, a short time previously, a force of 300 Indians for the British army, which ho had conducted to Canada, leaving a small gar- rison of "Macinoe Pencibles" under the command of a British olTicer to hold the pi ist until ins return. These Governor Clark had no difficulty in putting to flight, and quaitering his troops in the house of the Maekaw Fur Company, erected a fort which he called Ft. Shelby, and returned in June to St. Louis. But in July a large force of British and Indians under Col. Mackey, coming by water from Mackinaw, via Green Bay, and tho Wisconsin river, after a short siege captured the entire garrison, which they paroled, thus leaving the Bi'itish the gainers of all the material advantages of the expedition. General Howard having returned to his post in St. Louis in the meantime, and believing it desirable to strengthen the fort at Prairie du Chien, to this end sent 108 men in charge of Lieutenant Campbell of the regular army, in three keel boats up the river, as reinforce- ments. Of this force 66 men were Illinois rangers under the command of Capt. Stephen Rector and Capt. piggs, who occupied two of the boats. The remainder of tho force with Campbell occuined tho other boat. They passed as far as Rock Island, where they laid up for a night without molestation. At the rapids great numbers of the Sac and Fox Indians visited the boats with professions of friendshi{), yet gave hints to some of the French boatmen, who accompanied the expedition, that all was not right. Lieut. Camp- bell, however, disregarded these hints, and allowed his force to become scattered, when a gale blew his boat, which was two miles in tho x-ear, over towards the Illinois shore to a small island, when it was attacked by a large force ot the Indians from the shore,.under tho command of Black Hawk. The strong gale prevented the return ot the boats which had gone ahead, and the force on Campbell's boat had been mostly killed and wounded. When Rector, throwing over- board all provisions, with a gallantry deserving of commemoration, came to the rescue of the imperiled men and rescued the survivors, and removed the dying and all to their vessel, leaving Campbell's barge to the enemy, the contents of which furnished them material for a feast as unusual as it was enjoyable. Riggs' boat was for a time surrounded by the enemy, but toward evening the wind having become somewhat allayed, the boat, under cover of the approaching darkness, and tho crew made good their escape without the loss of a single man. After the two foregoing disasters still another expedition was projected this season for the Upper Mississippi. This latter was fitted up at Cape au Gris, an old French hamlet on the left bank of the Mississippi, a few miles above the mouth of the Illinois. It con- sisted of 334 men (forty of whom 'were regulars) in command of Major Zacary Taylor, Nelson Rector and Samuel Whitesides and Captain Hempstead being each in command of a l)oat. Their principal instruction was to penetrate well up in the Indian country and returning to destroy the corn growing within reach on both banks of the river down to Rock Island, where they intended to establish a fort and leave a permanent garrison. The expedition passed up as far as Rock Island unmolested, although the country swarmed with the enemy who were aided by the English, who were then in copimand, with a detachment of regulars and artillery. On the 2:>^ .^ » -0- . r^SNx " 'P r*^ t /^ >^'\ °^yic^ c c^ ♦ -^^ r o > "^ ^ n^ .•■'•* o AT "^ - *^ a"* '■^'^^/^.*o v?" <^ ♦ -1 C\' r -h\y* V/'U^V>\\i- \: /^-^^;mWJ V ?y" V. ..v^- -u^.,^. V" • ■ v.^^:,s: • • \o<