p 74 ■ ' ' ■ = .C5 S7 Copy 1 Souvenir Book of The Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908. CONTAINING THIRTY-FOUR VIEWS OF THE BURNED DISTRICT AND PROMINENT BUILDINGS. ALSO A DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH. Copyright, 1908, By The N. E. Paper & Stationery Co. Manufacturers of Souvenir Post Cards and View Books, Boston and Ayer, Mass. WAY 4J908 THe Great CHelsea Fire On Sunday April 12. 190J^ Evxicli Ave, \\'om Chcslnul Slrcel, another Vicnjo of the congested district. o- -1 Z 3 -t^Cfei^-.-^-'jr- — o Cherr'f Street from Everett Avenue. i-^ife^; L^^^.'^^-.V fv^fi Bellingham tiill (rom Chester A\"c. This hill vv^as Ihc site o\ man^ t'"^" residences ^A^^m^'%- -""-"T '.i._.i«. "^ ^ _- All Ihal remains of the residenlial section on Chester Ave. Z3 ^ Ut 3 C~> S ^' 3- 0. C ■" 5 § 3- 3 tw o. C 3 -^ S' ^ pr- Belhngham Stalion, BroadvJa^; Ruins of the Williams School, Walnut Sired. j!*^''- 1- , ; -^r^- mi Ruins of C\\^ Hall and C\\^ Hall School, Central Avenue. Ruins of the Shurtleff School, Esscjc Street, This N>Jas a magnificent granite structure, but the stone of ^hich it Njjas built vJas crumbled b^; the great heat of the fire. V>/reck of a L^nn Fire Engine, >>Jhich had lo be abandoned Ruins of Si. Rose Catholic Church, Broad^>Ja^/, Chelsea, Mass. After the big fire of April 12, 1908. m 1- o o "^ ^ o o ? c t= First Baptist Church and Cit^ji Ha!l, Central Ave. l- c m •a r> O -o <-> 3- 1 4 ^1 FUj Public Librar^i', destroyed in the Big Fire. r^—- t Birdse^je Vk'^ of Chelsea, Mass. from Po^>Jderhorn Hill. The entire district sho^oJn in this ^m^ ^ith the exception of the houses in the immediate foreground ^JJas entirel-f destroyed in the Big Fire Chelsea Square. The nearer end of Ih^s square marks the southern limit o( the fire on bro3cl^J;J^il LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 014 405 8 # A list of the more prominent buildings destroyed by the fire is given below, although this does not by any means include a complete list of the public or semi-public structures that were burned. CHURCHES Central Congregational Church St. Rose Catholic First Universalist First Unitarian First Baptist Polish Catholic Bellingham M. E. St. Luke's Episcopal Several Synagogues SCHOOLS Williams Grammar Frank B. Fay Shurtleff Bellingham Broadway Highland City Hall Shawmut St. ParochiaL PROMINENT BLDOS. City Hall Y. M. C A. Building Odd Fellows Building Chelsea Trust Co. Chelsea Saving Bank Granite Block State Armory Public Library County Savings Bank L-