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Your known zeal in the cause of the Church and the liberality of your parishioners towards the cause of truth, gives assurances of your kind othces in our behalf. Our friend, Dr. Xorman, will be absent some months, and should it not be convenient to do anvthine- for us while he is in Baltimore, perhaps on his return home it will be. He will take a letter to Dr. Henshaw from my son-in-law, ]\[r. Scott. With great respect, your friend and humble servant, LAMBERT REARDO^^. A. D. 1842, MARCH 31. Little Rock, Ark., March 31, 1842. To the Right Rev. IFm. Meade, I). D., Bishop of Virginia: My Dear Sir — I am perfectly aware of the continued claim upon your time and attention to administer to the wants of Churches more immediately under your own Bishopric, yet I am nevertheless constrained by a knowledge of your great zeal and liberality in such cases, and by the personal regard which you have ever manifested toward the writer, to solicit your influence in obtaining pecuniary assistance for our infant association of Episcopalians now struggling for exist- ence in this city. We have but a limited population in this city and the Church-going portion of that number was previously enlisted by the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist societies, which have been long since established. These have each collected their owm adherents, and doubtless proselyted those who would have given 'Hhe Church" a preference had one been then in existence. But with all these disadvantages a very small band of persons attached to the service of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, have associated themselves together for the ]iur- pose of procuring a ministei and erecting a building, wherein we, and all those similarly disposed, might have an oppor- tunity of worshiping our heavenly Father in the mode prac- ticed and taught to us by our earthly j)ai'Pnts, and in which THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 7 service all our early associations and best feelings are strongly enlisted. The Missionary Society have (^out of their limited means) very liberally assisted us by contributing $400 per annum towards the support of a minister, but the expense of living at this place being very great and our present minister having a family, it is incumbent on us to contribute at least $600 more for that object, besides which we have contracted for (exclusive of the ground) and nearly linished a brick Church at a cost of upwards of $4,000, and, when our means and strength are somewhat enriched, wish to j^ut up a parson- age house to avoid the excessive charge of rent. We are also desirous of procuring an organ, not, as I think you will readily believe me, from any desire of ostentatious display, but in order that the praises of God (in chants and hymns) may be performed with uniform propriety and devotion, and as our minister's wife is a perfect proficient in music, we are the more desirous of giving all the aid in our power towards ren- dering that portion of the service as perfect as our feeble capacities are able to make it. The society in whose cause I am now pleading is the first, and at the date of its commencement, was the only association of Protestant Episcopalians within the w^hole State ! The monied obligations to carry out the objects in contemplation are too heavy to be sustained by the few persons engaged in it, and we call earnestly on our Episcopal brethren to assist us in making the "first start" and by God's help on our endeavors, we trust hereafter not only to support our own Church and minister, but to pay back into the general treasury, for the benefit of other needy churches, the sums which are now- bestowed on us. I am the more earnest in taxing the exertion of my personal friends, from the circumstance of having luit recently awakened to a sense of the impropriety of my own conduct in suffering a month of personal feeling to withdraw me (for a reason) from my duty toward the Church. That stumbling block is now removed, and T thank God that He has shown me the error of my course. The chano-e of times 8 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. and great reduction of salary has, however, materially lessened my own ability to contribute to the work and likewise prevents others from snbscribing thereto, under which consideration, I am impressed witli a deep sense of the duty imposed on me to use the greater diligence and exertion in repairing (to the utmost of my ability) the injury which I have done the cause, by withdrawing from its support. If the occasion will not give warrant for my public appeals within your diocese, suffer me to request that you will personally apply to some few friends of the Church, whom the Providence of God has ren- dered abundantly able, and whose uniform benevolence has proved them to be ever ready to conti-ibute towards any proper cause. Our own resources are exhausted, leaving us in debt, with the Church unfinished, and donations, however small, will be most thankfully received and acknowledged. Before I close, permit me, dear sir, to tender my grateful acknowledgments for your kindness and protecting care of my much beloved and bereaved daughter, Jane I^elson, the recollection of which is indelibly imprinted on all of our hearts, and the prayer of the widow and fatherless will daily ascend to the Giver of every good and perfect gift, that His richest blessing may descend on you and 3'ours. Mrs. Crease desires to join in affectionate regards to every member of your own family, and to our worthy frieiuls at Long Branch, and kind remembrance to all others Avho have any recollection of or regard for us, and with sentiments of the highest respect and regard. I remain most truly yours, T. TI. CREASE.* Letter from Tiishop Meade, of Virginia, respecting col- lections for church : *Courtesy of the daughters of John H. Crease. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 9 Stuunton, Va., May 19, iS-t^. To Mr. J. II. Crease, Little Roch, Ark.: My Dear Friend — Lest yon should for a moment sup- pose that I neglect your letter, I seize a moment of leisure in the midst of convention, and with a bad pen and paper write to say that I have just received your -kind communi- cation. Would that I were able to enclose you something or knew who were both able and willing to do it. My dear friend, if you knew all we have to do in Virginia, how many A\ish to beg for new Cliurches, plain ones, without organs, but dare not, and how liard the times are with us, you would not be surprised at my doing nothing. T hope in a few weeks to see Jane and her chihlren. They are well, I hear. I trust God will bless them. Business calls me away. Love to all yours. Your sincere friend, WILLIAM MEADE. There is a list of the subscribers to the building fund of the first Episcopal Church, carefully entered in a little account book, by J. II. Crease, and his successor as treasurer of the fund, Lambert Reardon. The names are liere given, ai.>^ will be read with interest : Bishop Polk's check, $800, sold for $970. The cost of the lots was $900, which was paid from this check. The list is headed with the names of those who made the collections from the citizens generally : Dr. Yeager, John H. Crease, Wm. C. Scott, and Jos. Grubl). The list continues with the names of Wm. S. Fulton, Wm. E. Woodruff, Edward Dunn, J. Mitchell, John Adamson, Wm. Prather, Jas. De Baum, White & Le Part, Archibald Yell, Richard F. Dunn, Jas. C. Anthony, S. M. Weaver, Jno. Humphries, Charles Bapley, W. W. Adams, Julian Imbeau, Jno. Brown, E. Y. Baker, 10 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Joseph Feiiiio, James B. Keatts, Chas. B. Magnider, Elias X. Conway, Bichard C. Hawkins, Alexander Boileau, Sam H. Webb, C. A. Harris, Wm. Vance, Jr., H. Mitchell, S. C. Fanlkner, B. B. Sutton, J. A. JIutchings, Johnson and Lewis, Martin George, Sr., Arthur Whitfield, L. D. Evans, Young Stephenson, Wm. CHimmins, B. T. Bedman, Wm. Pelham, Samuel Fasmacht, Philip L. Anthony, M. C. Sale, J. W. Tappe, J. Both, J. B. Badgett, Wm. Brown, Jacob Tute- weiler, Ebenezer Cummins, H. Haberman^ Geo. A. Worthen, Jos. Grubb, Stephen S. Tucker, Mr. McGowan, Geo. W. Johnston, John Henderson, Josiah Gould, H. E. Blanck, J. Wilberwomen, D. F. Shall, G. X. Peay, cash of Haroldson, John Bobins, F. W. Trapnall, D. J. ilaldwin, B. F. Duval, Albert Pike, E. H. Boane, Mary E. Dickinson, M. Killian, B. A. Watkins, Bishop Otey, B. C. Byrd, Judge Bingo, B. W. Johnson, M. Schelthom, Anthony H. Davis, General Hillj Witter, Silas Craig, W. H. Gaines, Simeon Jaseph, Thomas Thorn, David Bender, S. P. Buckner, W. B. Buckner, AV. Boardman, (\ A. Cunningham, J as. Lawson, Sr., Lambert Beardon, L. J. Beardon, John Hutt, Jas. S. Conway, Major Butler, Jno. W. Johnson, L. E. Barber, W. B. Dunn, M. P. Stewart, Dr. J. P. Xorman, Jno. L. Berg, John W. Cocke, ISTathaniel Clifton, George N. Causine, Thos. Butterworth, N. T. Gaines, Thos. W. :^rewton, Geo. C. Watkins, M. G. Daven})ort, A. Whitfield. There was an additional list of donations made by non- residents of Little Bock to the Vestry of Christ Church for the purpose of completing their building. These gentlemen lived on plantations on the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers, and in the interior of the State, viz: Simeon Buckner, Wm. B. Wait, Wm. S. Fulton, Jas. S. Conway, Wm. P. Beyburn, Young Ste])heiison, S. C. Faulkner, David Walker, Anthony THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 11 11. Davis, G. Hill, and 1). Twitten, Silas Craig, Wm. H. Gaines and Tlios. Thoni. Little Rock, May 20, 1843. To the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Little Bock: Gentlemen — The undersigned members of the congrega- tion of Christ Church, with the assistance of other ladies of Little Rock, held a fair in December last to raise funds for the benefit of the CJhurch. It was our intention to appropriate the profits of the fair to the purchase of an organ ; but in consideration of the embar- rassment under which jou labor in consequence of the debts of the Church and the difficulty in raising money to pay that debt, which we are informed is large, when compared with the means of the congregation, we have thought that the interest of the Church would be better promoted by diverting the fair money from the original object to the debts of the church. For these considerations we are willing to forego our individual wishes for an organ, and now tender to the Church the money in our hands, amounting to $1,10G.50, to be applied by you to the payment of her debts. Trusting that you will approve of our views and accept our contribution, and that it may relieve you of embarrassment, and tend to promote the interests and })rosperity of the Church, we remain Yours very respectfully, This list of names was signed individually, the last two in pencil : Jane P. Crease, Mary C. Watkins, Frances M. Trapnall, ]\rildred Field, Ann Reardon, S. F. Johnson, P. A. Reardon, L. L. Butler, M. M. Johnston, Jane J. Holt, Mrs. Cocke, Mrs. Cook. Cost of Christ Church, from treasurer's book, $4:, 2-13. 17. Cost of the lots donated by Bishop Polk, $900. Acknowledgment from Vestry of Christ CUiurch to "J.ady Managers of Fair," for amount of $1,106.50: 12 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. To. Mrs. Crease, Wa fir ins. Etc. : The Vestry of Christ Church, Little Rock, acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th of May, tendering to the cliurch, to be applied in payment of her debts, the sum of $1,106.50, being the profits of a fair held by you for the pur- pose of purchasing an organ. We thank you for ourselves, and, as the guardians of the temporal interests of the Church, we thank you in her name for your kindly relief in removing the heavy pecuniary respon- sibilities inider which she labors. And in accepting your con- tribution, we cannot but admire the generous self-denial of which you have given evidence by this disregard of private wishes when the necessities of the Church have called u})on your sympathies. We trust that you may always remember with pleasure and an approving conscience this act of generous self-denial ; that you may continue to grow more and more in every Christian grace, and become worthy members of the body, by whatever name called, of many of which He is the Head. ^ Following these faithful records of the planting of the Church in Arkansas, the annalist will place the biographies of the first Bishop and the first Wardens and Vestry, that of the first Missionary Rector having been given. Note. — Bishop Tolk left Little Rock March, 1830, and on the 2Cth of June, 1840. sent' Dr. Yeager. first minister to Christ Church. The fair, held December, 1842, net proceeds. .$1.106.50. — J. 11. Crease. Note. — Rev. .Tames Young arrived on steamer Governor Morehead, De- cember. 184.3. John Robins contracted for the brick work, plastering, etc. (ieo. S. Morrison conti acted for carpenters' work. — J. H. Crease. KT. HEV. LEONIDAS FOLK, S. T. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 13 RT. KEY. LEOA'IDAS POLK, D. I)., l-IRST MlSSilOXAKY ISI;>1101' OF AKKAXSAS AND THE SOUTHWEST. A. D. 1838. On September IG, 1S38, the Rev. Leonidas Polk, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Temi., was elected missionary bishop of xVrkansas, Indian Territory, and the Soutlnvest. A. D. 1 806-1 841 . He was born in 1806, in ^"orth Caro- lina; graduated at West Point Military Academy in 1S27, and was appointed brevet second lieutenant of artillery. Re- signing this position, he entered the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Va. Soon after his marriage, in 1830, to Miss Frances Devereux, of Raleigh, X. C, he was ordained deacon and priest in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and entered upon the duties as assistant to Bishop Moore, in the Cure of the ]\[onumental Church at that place. Eight years afterward, December 9, 1838, he was consecrated bishop and appointed missionary of the Southwest, Avliich included Texas, Indian Territory, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama — too large a field, it seems, for the jurisdiction of one man. In 1839 he made his first visita- tion to Arkansas. Bringing to his work exalted piety, enthusi- asm and energy "his labors so multiplied that he was com- pelled to restrict the arena and, on May 20, 1811, Avas elected bishop of the separate Diocese of Louisiana.'' A. D. 1839. During Bishop Polk's first visitation to Little Rock, in March, 1839, he was the guest of Hon. Chester Ashley, who had previously made his acquaintance, during a journey, either to or from ^ew Haven, Conn., where young William Ashley matriculated at Yale College. ]\[rs. Chester Ashley on that occasion had emphasized the fact to hiui that 14 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. all the prominent Christian denominations were represented in Little Keck except the Episcopalian. On this, his lirst official visit to the diocese, Bishop Polk was also entertained at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jared Xewton Causine and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crease. Besides these, there were but few families familiar with the Prayer Book at that time, and these were the families of Mr. Lambert Keardon, Mr. 1). W. Gallowav, Mr. Lnke E. Barber, Senator William S. Fulton (former territorial governor). Judge Daniel Bingo, Hon. Frederick W. Trapnall, Mr. John Wassell, ]\Ir. Abner S. Washbui'ii, iiiid ]\rr. Xicholas Peav. The Presbyterians kindly granted the use of their Church for Bishop Polk's first service. This was on ]\rain street, near the corner of Cherry (now Second), and, as there was no vestry room, the bishop robed at the residence of his host, Mr. Causine, on the corner of ]\Iain and ]\Inlberrv (Third street), and walked along the square in his official vestments to the ( 'hurch. This occasioned open-mouthed sjieculation on the part of the uninitiated vil- lagers and may have heljK^d to collect the bishop's first audience. ITe afterwards gathered together the little band of Episcopalians and organized a ))arish with the folloAving gentlemen as wardens and vestrymen :" John IL ('rease. Senior Wai'den. Luke E. Barber, Junior Warden. kanibert Beai-don. ( 'harles Jvai)ley. John Ilntt. J. 1*. Xoi'nian. John Aihimson. *It was tlio ilesiro of tlip annalist to jrivo liiiof hiojiraphies of each of thpsp trentlpmen, bnt in four instances, after iniuh .oiiespondence failed to procure the neces.sarv information. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 15 Lambert J. licardoii. F. W. Trapiiall. D. Butler. John Wasscll. William Pratlier. Bishop Polk selected the site for the Church building on the southeast corner of Orange (Fifth) and Scott streets, and donated nine hundred ($900) dollars for the purchase of the lots, the deed to Avhich is here copied from the records of the clerk of the circuit court and ex-ofjicio recorder made two years afterwards. A. D. 1841. ''Thomas W. Xewton aud wife to John Wassell and .Vbner S. Washburn, wardens of Christ Church, dated February '1, 184-1. Consideration of the sum $900 conveying lots 2, 3, and -t, block 29, city of Little Rock." Another deed is also recorded, eight years later, for an additional lot on the south side: A. D. 1849. '^Joshua F. Green and wife to Daniel Itingo and John Wassell, wardens of the Protestant Episcopal Church, dated May 1, 1849. Consideration $250, lot 1, block 29, city of Little Rock." A. D. 1841-1863. It is thought that Bishop Polk did not visit this mission after he was made bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana in 1841; but his memory has been reverently cherished in the traditions of those who survive, and, in the history of this, his first Episcopal chai-ge, he will ever figure as the beloved Apostle who planted the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. J^ater, he belonged to the South, where, as the bishop-general, the embodiment of Christian chivalry, his memory has been perpetuated by a nation. In 1861 he took up ai'ius against the L^nion ; was ajipointc^d nuijor-general of 16 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. the Confederates; occupied (Jolumbus, Kj., September, 1861, and evacuated it March, l.^G2; commanded a division at the battle of Shiloh in April, 1802, also at Murfreesboro, Chatta- nooga and Chickamauga ; served as lieutenant-general at the battle of Stone River in 18Go. A. D. 1864. He ^vas killed June 15, 18G4, near Kene- saw or Pine. Mountain, Ga., where, as he was reconnoitering the enemy in company with some comrades, a cannon ball, well aimed, released him from further duty, '■'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down hi>: life for his friends.*" now BISHOP POLK DIED. Tin-; -VUVK STOKV Ol- HIS KILLING XOW FIRST :MADE Pl'P.fJC- A T1IRILLIX(; XARRATIVE FROM THE PEX OF CAPTAIX IxtVLE, WHO WITNESSED THE FIRING OF THE FATAL SHELL GENERAL HOWARd's TRIBl'TE TO HIS ANTAGONIST. [Copyright l).v American Press Association.] Captain .1. E. I'. Doyle, wlio died some time ago. left among his unpub- lished manuscripts the following article, which is of great historic value, as it is the first authentic account made public of Bishop Polk's death. — Editoii. The writer at various times has read many alleged accurate narratives of the manner in which Lientenant-Gen- eral and Bishop Polk met his death on Pine Mountain, Ga., June 15, 1864; but not one has at all approached the true facts. Even Dr. Lossing, in his "Civil War in America/' volume 3, page 378, in a foot note, says that ''Polk, Johnston, and Hardee were upon the summit of Pine ^Mountain when the cannonade commenced reconnoitering. Seeing the group. General Thomas, it is said, ordered a shot to be fired at them from Knap])'s battei-y. This caused them to retreat to a place of safety. Polk soon reajipeared, when another shell was fired which exploded near him and killed him instantlv. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 17 The two shells were fired bv a young man named William Atwell, of Alleghany City, Pa., attached to Knapp's battery." I have generally found Dr. Lossing's accounts of military oj^erations that came under my personal observations correct, but in this case he has most certainly been imposed upon. I propose noAV to tell the incident just as it occurred, and I believe its accuracy will not be questioned by General O. O. Howard or any other witness living who that morning formed a group of which I was one. I was at that time attached to the headquarters of General Howard, then commanding the Fourth Corps. On the night of the 14th the corps bivouacked about tAvo miles north of the mountain, with General Stanley's division under orders to lead the advance on the morrow. About sunrise General Howard, with his staff, rode to the front. We found that Stanley had broken camp, and his command were waiting on the road with stacked arms for orders to advance. When we joined General Stanley and his staff at the extreme front, after the usual exchange of morning salutations between the two generals, Stanley remarked to General Howard : "General, direct your glass to that mountain" — pointing with his hand to its summit — "and see if you can make out that group. I think there is a woman in the party." We all whipped out our glasses in a moment and looked at the point indicated. Sure enough there was a group of about twenty in full view. In the fore were three persons standing up, the one in the center being dressed in what appeared to be a long dressing gown, and behind a number of men apparently seated. After a careful survey througli JUS glass General Howard said : "It does look like a woman, General. I think probably it is Bishop Polk. He is in the habit of wearing a morning gown sometimes. They are evidently there to reconnoiter." "Well, suppose we give the bishop a shot or two before we advance," said General Dave Stanley, '"'just to disturb his morning meditations." General Howard interposed no objections. Stanley then turned to Ca]itain Sampson, his chief of artillery, and 18 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. remarked, "Saiiipsuii, snpjxise voii order up a section, iiulini- bcr and stir up the bishop I" AA\-ay rode Sampson. At that time I sat on my horse between General Howard and Captain Leonard, his chief signal officer, on the right of our party. The Captain, Captain liowgate, Captain Taylor, Captain Messenger and. other signal officers during the winter previous, while we lay in garrison at Chattanooga, had inter})reted the whole signal cipher code of the Confederates, and during the entire Atlanta campaign all dispatches signaled over the mountains were almost instantly translated by the Union signal corps. Presently Sampson arrived with two field pieces of some Indiana battery, I believe, under a lieutenant. One gun was placed in position on the right of Signal Officer Leonard, and about twelve feet distant. The lieutenant, after the gun was loaded, took the elevations, the gun was lired and the shell exploded, as far as we could tell by our field glasses, a little to the rear, over and on the right of the grou]> on the mountain. When the gun was reloaded Sampson threw himself from the saddle of his horse, whose flanks touched those of Captain Leonard's horse, and rushing to the gun remarked : "Let me sight her, lieutenant, I think I can do better than that.'' Down on his knees he fell, sighted the gun, it was dis- charged, and as the shell burst on the mountain we noticed a sudden scattering of the group. The gun had been recharged and Sampson was on his knees sighting it for a third messen- ger of death, when Signal Officer Leonard exclaimed : "Tliat shot killed General Polk!" 'AVhat !" exclaimed several. '^Bishop Polk killed V "Yes," was T^eonard's answer; '^'they are signaling it over the mountains." "What's tluit f exclaimed Sam]ison, still ou his knees sighting the gun. Captain Leonard told hiui the news. Lor a moment Sami)son's head dropped forward and his haiids rested ou the breech of the piece. Then looking up lie rciiiai'kcd : "Tliaidc God ! Thev killed mv brother the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 19 other Jay — only a lieutenant. 1 have killed a lieutenant- general." The third shot was not tired, Sampson rising and remounting his horse. All of our party were visibly attected by the incident, no one more so than General Howard, who, after recovering from the effects of the news, solemnly remarked: "Bishop Polk killed! Then we have killed a Christian gentleman." Shortly after the signal officer reported that the enemy was evacuating the mountain, and an advance was ordered. I went up the mountain with the lirst troojJS to the spot where the C^onfederate group had been stationed, and there found a fallen tree, about thirty feet long, before which Bishop Polk and his associates had stood, and upon which their staff" officers had been seated. On the fallen timber I found what colored guides told us was the blood of General Polk. Thus did General Polk fall at Pine Mountain. Xeither Thomas nor Sherman was near us at the time, as they did not roach the front until later. J. E. P. DOYLE. LTXEAGE. A. D. 1777-1659. ir^jhi Rec. Leonidas Polk, 1). D., was the seventh son of Lieutenant-Colonel William Polk, of Mecklenburg County, X. C., and Sarah Hawkins, his second wife, wdio was a daughter of Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Jr., one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. ''Lieutenant- Colonel William Polk was with General Washington at Brandywine (September, 1TT7, and Germantown October -t, 1777) where he was wounded. He was then ordered South and was with General Gates in the battle of Camden (August, 1780), and with General Greene at Guilford (March 15, 1781), and the hard fought battle of Eutaw Springs (Sep- tember 8, 1781), at which battle he received a severe wound, 20 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. tlie etfceTs of wliit-li lie carried to his grave. '■•'■ Grandson of 'J'lioiuas Polk, Sr., and Susan Spratt, his wife. Thos. Polk was a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, declared at Charlotte May 20, 1775, and colonel of the second battalion of minute men in 1775, and afterwards colonel of tlie Foui-th Regiment of the Continental Army in 1776 ; great grandson of William Polk and Priscilla Roberts, his wife; great great grandson of John Polk and Joanna Knox, his wife; great great great grandson of Robert Pollock (the original name) and Magdalen Tasker, his wife (widow of Colonel Porter, Chancellor of Ireland), who emigrated to ]\raryland, United States, in 1050; and great great great great grandson of John Pollock, of Lanarkshire, Scotland, situated not fai- from the Cathedral City of Glasgow. The children of Bishop Polk and Frances Devereux, his wife, were : Alexander Jlamilton, deceased. Frances Devereux (Polk) Skipwith (Mrs. P. H. Skip- with), of Oxford, Miss. Katherine (Polk) Gale (::\rrs. AYilliam D. Gale), of Xashville, Tenn. Sarah Hawkins (Polk) Blake (Mrs. Francis D. Blake), of 2\ew Orleans, La. Susan Rayner (I'olk) Jones (Mrs. Joseph Jones), of ( 'oliiinbia, Tenii. Kli/.abeth Devereux (Polk) Tluger (Mrs. AVm. II. linger), of Xew Orleans, La, Dr. William A[. Polk, who married Miss Ida Lyon, Xew York City. Rebecca Lucia (Polk) Chapnnin (Mv^. Edward Chap- man), of Chestnut Hill Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. 1. See Whpdcr's History of North Carolina. ST. JOHNS CHURCH, ASHWOOD, TENNESSEE. JOHN H. CREASE, FIRST SENIOR WARDEN. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 21 A numerous posterity are descendauts of these worthy ancestors.^ As Bishop Polk's tirst coniuiuuicatiou relating to the Church in Arkansas was addressed to Mr. John H. Crease, who became Senior Warden, the annalist places his biography in the first place among those of the laity. JOIIX H. CREASE, FIKST SEMOK' WARDEN OF CHKIST OJIURCU, LITTLE ROCK. A. D. 1780-1789. Tn Bishop Meade's interesting work, ^^Old Cliurches, Ministers and Families of Virginia/' the reader is especially attracted to the account of the Church at Alexandria, Va., where, in 1780, the Rev. David Griffith officiated. Among his congregation was George Washington, who, though ^'having just been engaged in the erection of Mount Vernon Church, which was finished the same year and in which he had a pew, gives the highest price for one in Christ Church, Alexandria, Fairfax Parish. This pew was occupied by him and his family during his life, and has been by some of his name and family ever since." In the list of Vestrymen of this parish of Fairfax in 1789 (George Taylor and Edmund J. Lee being named as Church Wardens), occur the names of John H. Crease and his brother, Anthony Crease. A, D. 1851-1872. John H. Crease was called from Alexandria to Little Rock to fill the position of cashier of the State Bank. He was afterwards made treasurer of the bank, and served in that capacity from 1851 to 1855 and from 1856 2. For account of Bishop Polk's ancestors, see American Archires, vol. 11 fourth series, pages r)o-Sr)8, May 20-31, 1775 : and vol. 1. fifth series, pages 11. 489, 1343. —3— 22 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. to 1859. He came in advance of Lis family, a wife and six children, in 1839, and took up liis residence in the State Bank building, corner of Markham and Center streets, which had been arranged with a suit of living rooms with a view to his occupation. Mr. Crease was a man of slight stature, with nervous, energetic action, cheerful, affable and courteous to all. In character he was inflexibly honest, almost to stern exact- ness, incapable of deceit or treachery. His rigid sense of justice cost him his place twice in his life, but with him "a good name was rather to be chosen than great riches," and he carried one unspotted to his grave. He and his wife were earnest and devoted Church people. John H. Crease and lAike E. Barber were AYardens of the first Episcopal C'hurch. The new building was consecrated by Bishop Otey in 1842. Mrs. Crease's maiden name was Jane ISTewton. In West- moreland County, Va., the Newton family was one of note and the name occurs frequently on the Vestry list of the Church. At ''Wilmington," the family seat of the INTewtons, an inscription on a grave arrests attention. It is this: ''Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mrs. Sarah Newton, daughter of George Eskridge, and late wife of Cap- tain Willowby Newton, of Westmoreland County, who, after having justly established the character of a dutiful child, a faithful friend, an affectionate mother and sincere Chris- tian, departed this life on the 2d of September, 1Y53, in the forty-sixth year of her age." This was an ancestress of Mrs. Crease, who perpetuated her virtues. Mrs. Crease died on Good Friday, March, 1872. As she was passing away, she turned to her husl)aud and said, "We have journeyed long togotlier," to which he replied, ''I shall not be long in follow- ing you." She was buried on Easter Sunday by Rt. Rev. H. N. Pierce. The chancel had been beautifullv decorated THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 23 with flowers for the Easter service. These were draped with black crepe for the funeral, which was attended bv a large ccnconrse of relatives and friends. Her husband did not long survive. He died nine months later in the following Decem- ber of the same year. They were both buried from the Church they had helped to build and sleep together in Mount Holly Cemetery, having left a numerous posterity. The children of John H. and Jane l^ewton Crease are : 1. Jane Crease. Married first Rev. George W. Xelson, of Virginia. Children: George W. Jr., Jane Crease, and Thomas Crease Keelson. After his death she married Philip I^elson. Children : Frank, William, and Caroline Peyton ISTelson. George W. Xelson, now Episcopal minister of Warrenton, Va., married Mary iSTelson Scollay, of Virginia. Children : Page, Thomas C, Harry Lee, George W., Philip, Charlotte, Carrie P., Scollay, and Mary I^elson. Page Nelson married Hugh ISTelson, of Virginia. Children: ISTancy and Hugh. Thomas ISTelson married Miss Withers, of Virginia. The rest unmarried. Jane Crease ISTelson, unmarried ; principal of Episcopal Female Seminary, of Chatham, Va. Thomas Crease I^elson, dead. Frank Nel- son married Miss Withers, of Virginia. Children: Page, Blanche, Frank, and Caroline. William NelsoUj M. D., of Danville, Va., married Miss Moorehead, of jSTorth Carolina ; one child, William. Caroline Nelson, dead. 2. Louisa Crease. Married Thomas Johnson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas from 1836 to 1844, eight years. Children: Anthony, John and Thomas (twins), and Benjamin Johnson. 3. Anthony Crease. Died unmarried. 4. Mary Crease. Married George C. Watkins, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas from 1844 to 1852, 24 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. eio-lit years, wlicn lie resii-iied otHce and resumed the practice of law. Their children are (1) Anderson Watkins, killed in Civil War; (-2) Dr. Claiborne Watjyins, who married Mildred Parley, and had Annie, Mary, :\iildred, and Gertrude Wat- kins; (3) ]Vallon Wallans, who married Sue Trezevant, and had Anderson and Ueyward Watkins; (4) Louisa Watkins, who married \Km. Fulton Wright, and had Moorhead, May, Watkins Fulton, and Louise Wright; May Wright married 8. F. Iloge, of Kentucky. They have three children, Virginia Briggs, Fulton Wright, and Charles Eugene Iloge. (5) Mary Watkins who died in the hloom of early womanhood imniarried, a heautiful and accomplished member of society. r>. Caroline Crease. Married Dr. Craven Peyton, a distinguished and beloved physician of Little Rock, who died in LS72. His widow still survives, and, as a sincere and juous (Miristiau, has wielded a silent, but power- ful influence in the Church of which she is a beloved member. The nunisoleum in ]\Iount Holl}^ Cemetery, the most promi- nent one there, which she caused to be erected to the memory of her idolized husbaiul, is but one evidence of her fidelity as a wife and widow. On the massive marble pedestal, a life- size marblf Imst of the deceased arrests the attention of all visitoi's. • !. Jlenrt/ Crease. JJied unmarried. 7. t, from which He expelled the venom in the form of a serpent, l\v mak- ing the sign of the cross. The children of Colonel Gordon JNT. Peay and Susan Crease, his wife, were: Jane (Mrs. W. W. ]\rorrison), Mary (Mrs. W. Booker Worthen), John, deceased, Sue, deceased, Nicholas, married Leicester Ilorni- brook, Elizabeth (Mrs. Antoine Bohlinger), Gordon Xeil, married Zilla Cole, and Caroline. U. La urn Crease. ]\Iarried ]\Iajor John \\'. Lewis, of Virginia. Their children are Laura Lewis (Mrs. Tighlman Howard Bunch), and Sue Peay Lewis, unmarried. l\lr. and Airs. Bunch have one son, T. LI. Bunch, -Ir. A. D. 1897. ]\Iiss Sojiliia Crease has l)een a ])Owerful factor in most of the philanthropic work of the parish. In the Arhansas Gazette of date May 2, 1897, appeared, as quoted here, a brief sketch of the "Jane Kellogg Llome," more frequently called "The Old Ladies' Home," which is under the su]iervision of a Ijoard of Gentlemen ]\fanagers and Lady Guardians, representing every C^hristian denomination in the city, of which board Miss Ch'ease is the secretary. JANE KELLOGG HO:\IE. AX INSTITUTION OF LOVE AXD MERCY KEPOUT OF MISS CREASE, TITE SECRETARY. The following very interesting annual report was filed on Eriday last by Miss Sophia Crease, secretary of the Board of Guardians: 26 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. To (he Board of Maiiaycrs and Lady Guardians: 1 must confess to a feeling of timidity, or, I should say, a full sense of incapacity, in ai)pearing before you in the role of reporter. I am most assuredly cognizant of the "still small voice," which tells of more good I might have done, than The little amount accomplished, had it not been for the well- known stumbling block, "pleasure before duty.'' The big "l" and little "you" fighting for the mastery resulting, as full many a time and oft it does to vulnerable humanity, in favor of the big 1. Craving your leniency for the rather egotistical prelude to this report, I will say: "The Jane Kellogg Home" is now in its fifteenth year. From a venture cast upon the waves of ])ublic o])inion and Little Rock charity in the year 1883, it lias grown until now the State at large recognizes it as an institution of love and mercy, which a Divine Providence seems truly to have smiled upon, so wonderful has been its support. It is true, there have been times when a very small exchequer would present itself to your view to cai-ry on the home's necessary existence, yet, through the over-shadowing clouds, there has evei- penetrated the sunshine of "help in the time of need," i})ibuing the trusting heart with a full sense of relief in the Father's watchful care. The past year seems to have glided onward not unlike its pi-edecessors. We have much to be thankful for, and but little to complain of. The health of the household has on an average been most excellent, especially when considering the advanced age of most of the inmates. There has been one admission into the home and one death. Of course, the regu- l.ii- monthly rejiort of the secretary embraces each month's l;;i|>p('niiigs, and is duly inscribed upon the record. The main- fciijiiicc of the home during the year has been accomplished pretty nnich in the usual way. The annual donation week, which cuts quite a large figure in the running of the home, v:as well cared for by the generous-hearted ones of our city, an.l the guardians felt very grateful for the liberal responses given to their a])peal. The renting of rooms in the building, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 27 donations of various kinds, with the very material help afforded by the board of managers — the institution presents a homelike and comfortable condition. The present matron, Mrs. Emory, has been with us for two years past, and we have no cause of complaint regarding her supervision of the house- hold affairs.* We deem her faithful in the discharge of her duties, and sympathetic in regard to the old ladies' M'ants, thereby establishing the peace of the home. In June last the board of guardians convened for its an- nual election of officers. Mrs. R. A. Edgerton was duly elected president, Mrs. James Pollock, first vice president ; Mrs. E. Longley, second vice president; Miss Crease, secre- tary, and Mrs. E. A. Van Etten, who has for so long and faith- fully served the board, re-elected treasurer. Our board has been pleasantly augmented during the present year by the board of managers placing thereon Mrs. Pauline Reichardt, Mrs. B. J. Brown, Mrs. I). L. Gray, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. P. K. Roots, and Mrs. C. M. Taylor. The board has ever been a most harmonious one, as certainly it should be, in this work of charity, and surely there is no greater charity than the care of the old and helpless. There are now in the home those who will very shortly cross the '"''silent river," having long since passed their three score and ten years. A refuge in the time of trouble has the institution been to them, and that it may continue to be a haven of rest for the unfortunate and wayworn pilgrims, surely should be the wish of each Christian heart. I cannot close this report without mention of the home's good and kind physician, I)r. Christian, who, from its organi- zation, has been the ever faithful friend, answering promptly calls at all hours, sympathizing and administering to the sick, without money and without price, ]U'oving indeed the "Good Samaritan" to the "Jane Kellogg Homo." A. S. CREASE, Secretary Board of Guardians. *Mrg. Elizabeth Upliam Reeve is her efficient snecessor. 28 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. In the southeast corner of the new Church may be seen a stained glass window, bearing the inscription, "In loving memory of John and Jane P. Crease," which represents Zacharias bearing the child, "who was to be the prophet of the hijilu^st,'' to the temple for circumcision, with Elizabeth ac- companying him. Among the numerous posterity of John and Jane Crease this custom of taking the children to be "baptized in Christ" has been religiously preserved, and the blessing of God has followed them. LAl\rBFJlT REARDOX, SR. A. D. 1841-1860. Mr. Lamhcrt Reardon, Si:, was a niend)er of the first Vestry of Christ Church. In May, 1841, he made the contract with ]\Iessrs. Robins and Wassell for building the first Church, Avhich Mr. Crease desired to be named "Christ Church," after the Church of his former devo- tion in Alexandria, Va. Mr. Reardon was a man of large experience. He was born in Virginia and married Ann Jef- frey, a native of Wilmington, Del. He came to Little Rock in 1830 and lived with his family in 1837 on West Markham street, on the summit of a hill, where his home, a commodious brick building, was seated. A deep dell or wooded ravine separated this hill from Broadway on the east. It was a favorite walk in 1849 for young people to descend into the valley and clind) to the op]X)sitc eminence for a visit to the widow Reardon, whose fine, intelligent countenance and portly figure would have arrested attention anywhere. The ravine was filled up and bridged and a street railway track now lies across it, all ni' which has ruthlessly shorn the locality of its natural beauty and charm, while the little stream at the bottom tliat oiice made music slipping over the stones, is hushed into silence like many wlio once passed over it. Bishop Polk and THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 29 Bishop Otey were entertained by Mr. and ]\lrs. Iteardon at this home, whose chiklren and grand children were baptized and coniirnied bj those holy apostles. Mr. Reardon died Xoveniber 10^ 184!). His widow snrvived him eleven years and died in IS GO. The residence became the property of Colonel Gordon X. Peay, whose children Avere bronght up there and is still the residence of his widow. The children of Mr. and ^frs. Land)ert lieardon, Sr., were: 1. Helen Eeai-don who married Wm. ( '. Scott, in Mary- land, lie was district attorney for the Western District of Arkansas in 1S46. Mr. and Mrs. Scott had one daughter, Blanche, who became the wife of Captain Sokolski, United States Army. She was the first person baptized in the tirst Episco])al Church, and was when a woman, a brilliant musician. 2. L'lrhiia Rearclun. who married William B. Wait. They had Land)ert, William, Herbert, and diaries Edmund. Only the last mentioned survived the parents. Charles E. Wait married first Miss Leila Beasley; had one daughter, Fanny, and second, Miss Hattie Morrilton, of Virginia, and had one son, Charles Edmund, Jr. .3. Lamheii Jeffrey Reardon, who married Priscilla Aylett Buckner and had Simeon Buckner, who died unmar- ried ; Anne Lavinia, who married Patrick Raleigh, broker and real estate agent, and had nine sons, of whom seven sur- vive — Richard, Lambert, Edwin, Frederick, Joseph, Robert, and James; Lambert Walter, who died unmarried, and Lallie, who married Dr. James A. Dibrell, a distinguished physician and surgeon of Little Rock, and had two sons who survive her — John Raleigh and James Lambert. 4. John E. Reardon who died unmarried. He was for a lone time bookseller and stationer on northeast corner of 30 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Scott and Markliaiii streets. He was liiglilj esteemed, espe- cially in musical circles, where he, with his guitar, was in Constant ro(iuisitiou. l.AMBERT JEFFREY REARDOX. A. D. 1837-1847. Lambert Jeffrey Rearclon, son of I.ambert Reardon, was also a member of the first Vestry of the Church, in the building of which his father had had so prominent a position. He was a man of marked ability and culture, for a long while editor of the Arhansas Banner, and was mayor of the city, 1845-1847. In social life he was a man of elegant manners and graceful as a conversationalist. He married Priscilla Aylett Buckner, who Avas, and has always been, a model of refinement and amiability. Her ]:»arents were C^aptain Simeon Buckner, of Kentucky, who married his cousin, Nancy Watson, of Virginia. ''In 1837 Captain Simeon Buckner received a commission from the goveruiiient to remove the Florida Indians from Vicksburg to Fort Gibson. He bought six or eight steamboats or their transi)ortation and finished his work in about a year, making a small fortune out of it. In the fall of 1837 he removed with his family to Little Rock, where they remained until 1839, \\-hcu h(^ went to Clark County and purchased the Richwoods y»Uintation, near Arkadelphia, one of the richest of the State. His son, William Perry Buckner, who had remained at school in Kentucky, came to Arkansas in 183s and attended school in Springfield, Hempstead County, boarding Avith ex-Governor (iarhuurs mother. ITe then went to Alexandria, Va., and while There attending the university was ap])ointed to the iiavy from Arkansas, and served on tlie Marion, the Bain- bridge, the Macedonian, the historic Constitution and other ~liij)s. He was the first midshijiman ever a])pointed from THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 31 Arkansas. He went through the war a member of the Federal navy, and in 1866, after twenty-six years' active service in the navy of the United States, was placed on the retired list — died July 10, 1869. Wife and one son died soon after; one son, William, still living." Captain Buckner, in his Pacific cruises, has unconsciously become a connecting link between the Manila of 1845 and the Manila of 1898. The log book kept b}^ him when a midshipman supplies an interesting description, quoted here from a copy i]i Arkansas Democrat of date May 19, 1898: FROM AN OLD LOG BOOK. DESCRIPTION OF A NOTED PLACE AND PEOPLE BY A MIDSHIP- MAN ON THE CONSTITUTION PKOPIIECY OF FIFTY YEARS AGO THAT THE ENSLAVED POPULACE WOULD SOMETIME RISE IN REBELLION^. [Arhmsas Democrat, May 19, 1898.] The historic man-o'-war, Constitution, which bore an active and valiant part in the early naval warfare of our coun- try, visited the city Manila over fifty years ago on a peaceful mission, in command of Captain John Percival. The log of its Pacific cruise records that the ship entered Manila Bay September 12, 184.5, and that the Spanish captain of the port visited the ship, also a French officer from the French frigate Sabine ; saluted the Spanish flag witli twenty-one guns, which was returned ])y the fort on shore. The log book of that cruise was kept by Midshipman W^. P. Buckner, and is now a precious relic in the possession of Mrs. Priscilla A. Reardon, one of Little Rock's oldest and most esteemed residents, and a sister of ^lidshipman Buckner. From the log is taken the following interesting descrip- tion of the bay and city of Manila, which will be especially iijteresting now on account of the great victory^ won there but recently by American arms: 32 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. ''The city of iMaiiila is situated on the southwest side of the island of Luzon or Luconia. It is said to contain about 90,000 inhabitants, most of whom are Indians and half-breeds. The city is built on an extensive flat and is surrounded by rice fields. The European city is on the south side of the river, and is walled in with a strong wall and encompassed on every side by a ditch about forty feet wide. The walls have many embrasures already filled with guns. Xo doid)t numy more are stored away in the arsenals. A river about 200 yards wide runs through the town; it has been walled up on each side for many miles — a beautiful and well built bridge crosses the river about one mile from its mouth. The Euro]:)ean city is well built and clean. Its houses are usually about two stories high, and are built of either stone or brick. The city is full of churches. Some of tliem have a very old look, and one or two were truly s])lendid, or rather grand, inside. A stranger would be (as I was) surprised at the number of priests who meet him in the streets. 'T is said ( and not much doubt of it either) that they are the smartest and most influ- ential men in the place. They certainly are very polite men, and have a sort of bon-vivant look about them that speaks of something else but spiritual food. The town north of the river is not walled. It is very well built and is the business part of Manila. The streets are quite regular. The town is cut up in tw'o or three directions by wide canals. These canals were no doubt dug to facilitate commerce, and also for defense. They are all crossed in many places by excellent si one bridges. "There are many diinese in Manila. They all keep little shops or stores in the principal streets. The cigar man- ufactories are well worth seeing. There are emploved in Manila under one roof ujnvards of 7,000 girls — it is a beauti- ful sight— all l)usv, but still they find enough time to smile on a young stranger, to say 'Buenos dias, sen or/ to a young inan, or '}fiichas (jrarias' to a eomjdiment. Some of these girls are (piite beautiful, and si)eak so softlv that I for one delighted to listen to their voices. The Manila cheroots are nearly as good as the Havana segars. Some persons like them THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 33 better. For my part I had rather smoke a cheroot made by the pretty Maiiihi girls than the Havana made by African negroes, though the Havana may be the best. '"^lanihx Bay is surrounded by high mountains. Many of them appear to be the craters of volcanoes. Shocks of tvirthquakes are sometimes felt in ^lanila. The bay is quite (.pen and almost entirely free from dangers. There is good anchorage about three miles from the town, on muddy bottom. It does not require a pilot to enter the bay. Near the city are e.s tensive fields of rice. The roads are in line order and the views pretty and pleasant. Part of the Indian town is built of bamboo. The Indians appear to be a very ingen- ious race. They weave a kind of cloth from the fibers of the pineapple which is nmch finer than any silk. Everyone in Manila is a Christian. The Spaniards establish their religion as they conquer. The sword is of great use to some nations, for it is only by tlie sword that they can be civilized. The sword has converted more nations to a religion than persuasion. But still, though these people have been con- verted by force, anyone can see the improvement of their country. 'T is said the population has doubled itself several limes since the conquest, I have heard a great many per- sons speak against the Catholics for their intrigues with sav- age nations, but in this instance 1 must say that, though they Jiave enslaved the country, yet they have enriched it. I believe that this slavery of the people will break forth one day so that they will enjoy a free and perfect liberty, and by being civilized they Avill know how to appreciate it. There are in Manila about 3,000 troops, mostly natives. Manila is ex- tremely well fortified and could make a stout defense, if stout hearts held it. But the Spaniards now have a saying that it takes a Spaniard to build, a Frenchman to take, and an Eng- lishman to keep their forts. The ditch is nearly filled up on the south side of the town. The ruins of the wall would enable a storming party to cross it. 'T is said, though, that a golden kev would unlock all the gates of Manila. There are two long moles built out into the sea ; on one of them is a lighthouse; the otlier has a battery of long brass guns. Of 34 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. ail evening it is a pretty sight on the paphao. All the pretty Spanish girls can be seen about sundown there in their valantes. The band of the garrison (a splendid one) usually attends; in fact, from 4 p. m. till 10 at night is the stirring- time of day, when everybody wishes to see and be seen. ''Manila city was founded in 1640. About fifteen miles above the city is a lake thirty miles across. It is sur- rounded by high mountains and bordered with Indian villages. The dress of the Indian girls is about half savage, half civi- lized. The skirts are worn loose from the body, and some- times rather low for our modest notions. The men dress much like the Europeans. They wear hats, while the women never wear anything more than a handkerchief or veil over their heads. The island of Luzon is about 360 miles long. It is a rich and fertile island, producing for exportation to- bacco, segars, hemp, sugar and rice." Simeon Buckner, of Iventucky, native of Virginia, father of Captain Buckner, F. S. X., married Miss Xancy Watson, of Virginia, and had three children : 1. PvisclUa Aijlctt who inarricd Lambert Jeffrey Bear don. •2. Win. Perry Bucloicr. U. S. X., who married Miss ^Lary ^lez/Ack, of Maryland. Their children were Mezzick Aylett, Joseph, and William ; the last only survives. o. Josephine Preston Buckner, who married Bobert ( 'leiiients and had one daughter, Irene Bebecca, who survived tlic mother but three months. The next most distinguished member of this band of <^ 'lii'Istiaii pioneers was THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 35 JARED XEWTO]N^ CAUSI:NE, who was one of the most pious and devoted churchmen on the list of memhers of Christ Church. lie was a native of Leonardtown, St. Mary (bounty, ]Md., and there married Eleanor Douglas Marshall, and afterwards moved to Arkan- sas. They had fifteen children, of whom five only reached maturity, viz: John, Jane P., William, and Mary Susan Causine. John Causine, a lawyer, on his return to Maryland, after a visit to liis family at Little Rock, died at Cairo, 111., from a stroke of apoplexy. lie was a man of hrilliant attainments and the pride of his widowed mother. The news of his death put a period to her life. The remains were brought back to Little Rock and mother and son were buried in one grave at Mount Holly Cemetery. He was never married. Jane P. Causme married at Leonardtown, Md., Luke E. Barber, of Charles County, Md. William Causine died unmarried. Mary Susan Causine married Robert Clements in 18G2, and had four children^ of whom two survive, John Causine Clements and Jenny Barber Clements. A. D. 1 836. Mr. Jared ^N^ewton Causine and ]Mr. Luke E. Barber came with their families to Arkansas in 1836, the year of its admission into the L^nion^ and settled on a farm in Jefferson County, near Pine Bluif. This farm was after- wards sold to Mr. G. ]\I. D. Cantrell, a banker of Xashville, Tenn., and brother of Dr. W. A. Cantrell, of Little Rock. A. D. 1838-1886. Lul-e E. Barber, the son-in-law of Mr. Causine, had practiced law in Maryland, was a member of the Arkansas State Legislature from Jefferson County in 36 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 1838, and moved to Little Koek in 1841, bringing a number of slaves with him. In 1845 he was appointed clerk of the Supreme Court of Arkansas, Avliich position he held until his death (with the excej^tion of one interval, when X. W. Gox held the office), on June 13, 188(5, being 80 years of age. He was a ^lason of high degree, and was buried from C^hrist Church Chapel by the Order of Knights Templars. Dr. T. C. Tupper, Rector of Christ Church, who had preached his fare- well sermon to the congregation from the text John xv. 12 : "Love one another," had left for Leavenworth, Kan., his new point of service. He w^as telegraphed to return and officiated at the burial. He, also a Mason, entered the Church, leading the funeral procession with a crosier or staff of Masonic im- port. On his breast was a large scarlet Maltese cross and an under robe of azure was just visible down the front line of his white surplice. The Knights Templars, the members of the Su])reme Court, and the Church Yestry supplied pall bearers from their several orders. After the pall, followed a body of Knights Templars and Masons, then the family, then the mendx'rs of the bar, all of whom occupied the transepts, the nave being filled with citizens. Dr. Tupper made some appropriate remarks and the procession followed the remains of this good man to his grave. A Avindow of staijied glass in the northwest end of the new Church, re])resenting the Good Sanuiritan, friend to the man who fell among thieves, was jilaced to his memory by his widow. Xothing could more ti.itlifully illustrate his character, A. D. 1897. Mrfi. Jane P. Barber, his widow, survived him eleven years. She had always been the spiritual ]u-op and stay of her family. Trained in piety from childhood, she had flourished under tlu apju-oving smile of her Maker — ''first the blade, llicu the ear, and after that the full corn in THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 37 the ear/' — and when the angel Death thrust in his sickle, the harvest was ripe. A childless wife, she was yet a ''Mother in Israel'' to the little ones of the Hock. Sunday after Suu- claA', for years, she was the only female teacher in the Sunday school ; godmother to a score of children, and the adopted mother of one, Mott Wehl), whose tragic murder at the age of 10, almost killed her with grief. The silver cross which adorned the chancel of the old Church was the memorial of the unfortunate youth. Her slight figure and placid face, vdiieh hecame more and more serene as deafness gradually closed the outward portals of life, and shut up her thoughts v.'ith the triune God, never failed to be seen in her pew, until actual weakness prevented, although she could not hear the preacher's voice or a sound of the organ near her. She was a mistress such as all slaves would delight to serve, who rejoiced v\-ith them when they were manumitted. She was a friend, wlioni it is a privilege to bemoan. She was a marvel of gen- tleness in her family intercourse, in which her slightest wish was law. She died December 2, 1897, and was buried from the new Church by the Rector, Rev. John Gass, in Mount Holly Cemetery, aged 83 years, nearly the whole of which had been spent in the service of God and the Church. She left request that her name should never be taken oif the roll of the Ladies' Aid Society, to which she bequeathed a fund for the annual dues. A. D. 1833-1891. Mrs. Sarah Ann Ally, a cherished friend of Mrs. Barber, and a devout member of the Church in Little Rock, was confirmed in St. Paul's Chapel, ISTashville, Tenn., by Rt. Rev. James II. Otey, on May 12, 1850, just after her marriage. She was the daughter of John and Mary Woodhead, and was born in the city of 'New York, August 18, 1833. The family moved to Xew Orleans, La., —4 — 38 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. by sea, in 18oU; left Kew Orleans in IS-il, and went to Xasliville, Tenn., where the father died in 1849. Sarah Ann Woodhead was married at Xashville, Tenn., to K. C. Ally in 1850. They had eight children. Granville and Maggie, the two elder, were born in ^Xashville, Tenn., the other six are natives of Little Eock. Mr. and Mrs. Ally and the widow Woodhead came to Little Eock in 1860, where the mother died in 1862. ]\lrs. Ally has been heard to say that the first persons to call on her in Little Eock were Mrs. Jane Barber, Mrs. Louisa Brown, and Dr. William A. Cantrell. She was a constant member of the Ladies' Aid Society, and at her death, December 29, 1891, resolutions of respect and regret were drawn uj) by a committee appointed for the purpose. eTOHX WASSELL, SENIOR WARDEN. A. D. 1813-1895. As shown by the deed, recorded in tlie office of the circuit clerk at Little Eock, John Wassell and Abner S. Washburn were wardens of Christ Church in 1841. John Wassell was born in Kidderminster, Worcester County, England, February 10, 181-3, and emigrated to Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, alone, hoping there to join an uncle. Failing in this, he a])i)renticed himself to a carpenter and soon attained to excellence in the trade. He obtained the contract for a building in Grand Gulf, Miss., through advertising medium, and afterwards he secured in the same manner, the contract for building the Statehouse at Little Eock, Ark. Li 1837 he married Miss Margaret Spotts, a resident of Louis- ville, Ky., though a native of Delaware, and brought his bride THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 39 to the scene of his labor. They went to housekeeping in a portion of the State buikling, and remained there until it was finished. Since that time he was successively a house builder, a farmer, an editor, and a lawyer; one of the origi- nators of the ]\Iemphis and Little Rock Railroad; founder and first president of the Deaf Mute Institute, to which he donated several scholarships ; first president of the Home Water Company; was af)pointed mayor of the city by Presi- dent Andrew Johnson, U. S. A., during the reconstruction, and was vice president of the First National Bank. In a v^ord, Mr. Wassell was recognized by his fellow-citizens as a philanthropist as well as an expert financier. Back of these benevolent characteristics was tlie chief motive power — his allegiance to the Church, from which his loyalty never waned. He was a liberal member of the first Vestry of Christ Epis- copal Church, contributing to the maintenance of the Church and. the clergy, and so continued until the time of his death, July 29, 1881. When the first Church was burned he was greatly interested in the building of another on the same site. He donated the stone water table that surmounted the stone foundation. He died before it was finished, January 29, 1881, and was buried from the Chapel, built for temporary use on the lot adjoining. The Rev. T. C. Tupper, who was at that time in charge, ofiiciated at his funeral. He was 68 years old when he died, and left a comfortable maintenance for his widow and children. Mrs. Wassell donated the costly stained glass window in the northeast corner of the new Church, to his memory. It represents the three ]\Iarys at the sepulchre seeking their Lord, and their interview with the angels. Mrs. Wassell was a faithful helpmeet and devoted Christian, tenderly beloved by her children and friends. In the south side of the chancel of the new Church, 40 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. a Credence Table has been erected to her memorv. It is made of beautifully carved brass, with an open circular center, filled with the mysterious monogram of the cross, being the initial Greek letters of the name of Christ (i. e., X for Ch. and P for r.) A cross of brass, encircled with a crown sur- inounts this monogram and a rim of brass encases a plane of walnut wood, on which the vessels of the Holy Eucharist rest during the Ante-Communion ser\'ice. On this plane is a plate of brass inscribed Avith these words : To the service of God, And in memory of our Mother, Margaret Wassell, Entered into rest September 6, 1895. The children of John Wassell and Margaret Spotts, his wife, who survive them, are : 1. Rehecca E., wife of William ]\r. Randolph, a prom- inent attorney of Memphis, Tenn. 2. Albert Wassell, who married Miss Leona McAlmont^ daughter of Dr. Corydon McAlmont. ' 3. Samuel S. Wassell, who married Miss Elizabeth McConaughey, daughter of J. W. ]\rcConaugliey. 4. Ilerhert Wassell, unmarried. Tlie children of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph are Mrs. Laura Randolph Norton; George Randolph, who married Miss Birdie Randolph, of Xew York ; Edward Randolph, who mar- ried :Miss Julia Ralbach, of New York; Amy Randolph, un- married, and Wassell Randolph, student at Knoxville, Tenn. The children of "^fr. and Mrs. Albert Wassell are Ruth TIclcii. Cni-ydou AlcAliiK.iit, and John Randolph. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH 41 The children of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Wasseli are Francis John, James Bracev (deceased), Samuel ]\IcCon- aughey, and Herbert I^ynn, all minors. Note — It has been in vain that the annalist has sought in various channels for accounts of AVmer S. Washburn, who served as Junior Warden with Mr. John Was- seli. He removed from Little Rock at an early date and no record of him can be traced. Charles Rapley was a prominent citizen here, alarere owner in real estate, but no answei's were obtained to several letters of inquiry addressed to his children. Of Dr. J. P. Norman nothing has been obtained, except the inscription found on his wife's tomb, which still may be seen in the yard of the Peabody School. It is this: "Sarah H. Samuel, wife of J. P. Norman, Vwm April 13, 1,H18; died Augvist 28, 1840. She believed that her God would be merciful." Of D.Butler and William Prather no reliable information has been obtained. PIOX. DAXIEL RIXGO. A. D. 1828-1854. Hon. Daniel lllncjo was Senior Warden of ( 'hrist Church in 1849^ as shown by the record of the purchase of an additional lot, lying adjacent to the three already owned by the Church : "Joshua F. Green and wife to Daniel Kingo and John Wasseli, Wardens of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Dated May 1, 18-1:9. Consideratiou, $2.>(). Lot 1, block 29, city of Little Eock." Daniel Eingo, a native of Kentucky, born in 1800, was identified with the history of Arkansas at an early date. He is mentioned in the archives of the State as clerk of the Ter- ritorial Legislature, which was in session in October, 1828, having been a resident of the county he represented, Clark, since 1825, where he was postmaster. Before that time, from 1820 to 1836, Avhen Arkansas was admitted into the Laiion, he practiced law.* He was then elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and in 1849 was appointed United States District Judge, which position he held until the War of Seces- sion displaced the civil authorities. He married Miss Mary *See Hempstead's History of Arkansas. 42 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Cocke, of K(nit.ucky. Her sister became the wife of Hon. Frederick W. Trai^iiall, who was the law partner of John W. Cocke (as well as brother-in-law). These gentlemen, also from Kentncky, were brilliant lights in the legal galaxy, and were regular attendants of the Episcopal Church. Judge Ringo was a grav(^, stately man, who had a lovely wife and several children. These were: J. Piohert Watl-ins, or "Wat," as he was familiarly called. He enlisted as a Confederate soldier and died in a hosj)ital during the war. ■2. Daniel, Jr., associated himself with a young man, John Xewbern, in the first literary enterprise of the city. The Arl.-diisas Magazine was issued by them in 1854, and lived a sliort wliilc. Ydung Uingo exchanged "the pen for the sword, Avas wounded in an engagement in Virginia and also died in a hospital. 3. Marl/ Frances, a beautiful young woman, on the evo of licr nujitials with ]\Ir. Harrison, died suddenly, and the broken hearted mother soon followed her. Judge Eingo sur- vived all these family shocks, but fell at last, like a well sea- soned oak, leaving two orphans, Frank and Lily (fourth and fifth). Frank also died not numy years afterwards and Lily died unmarried in 1800, in San Antonio. The entire family has thus passed away. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 43 I J OX. FKEDERICK W. TRAP:N^ALL. Hon. F rede rich IF. TnipnaU, whose name is on the first list of Vestrymen of Christ C^hurch, and who stands among the first in the h'st of distinguished lawyers of the Little Rock bar, married Miss Frances Cocke, the sister of his law partner, John W. Cocke. They owned and occui^ied the spacious, colonial brick residence, at the head of Commerce street, on Fifth, which then stood alone in the center of the block, sur- rounded by trees of native growth and sloping greensward. They had one daughter, JMary, who survived both her parents and died an orphan at 13 years of age. Ben. C. Trap- nail, brother of F. W. Trapnall, was unmarried. Philip l^rapnall, younger brother of Frederick, became a junior partner of the firm of Tra2)nall «!S: CVcke, and married Sallie, eldest daughter of Colonel Sandy Faulkner, who was the acknoAvledged beauty and belle of the city. Bettie, the second daughter, became the first wife of Major John C. Peay, who served in the Mexican War, as well as later in the Civil War as quartermaster. Mattie, the third daughter, married Mr. Buch- anan. The two oldest sons of Colonel Faulkner have passed away, as w*ell as the children of his old age, Philip and Minnie. All have paid the debt of nature, and what once formed the most hospitable circle anywhere to be found, is remembered as a flash of brilliant sunshine, extinguished in gloom. 44 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. JOHN IIUTT. A. D. 1 835-1 878. John Ilutt, Judge of the City Court of Little Rock, in the then Territory of Arkansas, 1835, was a member of the first Vestry of the first Episcopal Church, and his name appears often on the list of subscribers to the building. He was elected treasurer of the State of Arkan- sas in 1S38, and again in 1843. He was the son of William Spence Hutt, Sr., and Constance Eugenie Etienne Yillard, his wife, who, with her family, had been exiled from Paris, Erance, at the time of the French Revolution. Judge Hutt and Peter T. Crutchfield, receiver of public moneys at Little Rock for many years, married sisters. Misses Harriet and Elizabeth Field, daughters of William Field. John Hutt, William and Andre were brothers. William Hutt married Elizabeth Findley and Andre Hutt married Erancissa Gaines, widow of Benjamin Linebeangh, and niece of Peter Crutch- field. Her two daughters by her first marriage were Ellen, who dietl in early womanh.ood, deeply lamented, and Laura, who married Captain Lucian B. Xash, now of Spokane, Wash. Her other children arc rhe ordy persons left of the name of Jfntt in Little Rock. These are William S. Hutt and Mollie, wife of Edward C. Xewton. Her grand children, all bap- tized members of the Episcopal Church, are Edward Sevier> Andre Hutt, Frankie (Mrs. William Frederick Bracy) Mary Lizzie and Cornell Randol])h. The accompanying tribute to ]\[rs. Elizal)eth A. Crutchfield, died December 11, 1878, who was a devoted Church member, will be read with interest for iier sake, as well as for that of the distinguished writer. Chief -Instice Elbert H. English, and the wife of his youth, Julia I'isher : , ' i THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 45 TliliUTK OF liESPECT. MRS. ELIZAIJETII A. CRUTCIIFIELD. The justly merited tribute to tlie memory of the himented Mrs. Savage, published a few days since, reminded me that no one had written an obituary of her contemporary, the most estimable lady whose name heads this article. Elizabeth Ann Field first saw the light on the 29th of July, IS 13, in Dinwiddie County, Va. She was of a good family, and a niece of General Winlield Scott, famous as a militarv commander in the American wars. Like the daugh- ters of all of the \"irginians of means, she was well educated, and grew to womanhood accomplished and beautiful. In 1833, she came to Little llock, then a small village, clustered about the point of rock which juts into the Arkansas river, and from which the town took its name. It was called by the early navigators of the river Little Rock to distinguish it from Big Rock, a mile or more above. Just below the point of rock, the early keel adventurers landed their trading boats and carried on a commerce with the Quapaw Indians, then monarchs of the forest and the game. In after years it became and is now known as the steamboat landing. There are but few persons living now who remember Miss Field when she first came to Little Rock, and she was for a time the belle of the village. She was one of its early roses. How many, alike beautiful in tlie spring time, summer and even autumn of life, like her have bloomed and faded ! She intermarried with Peter Tinslcy Crutchfield, Esquire, at the residence of Major Prior, Spring Hill, Hempstead County, in 1834. Major Prior, a Red River planter, and fine specimen of the old Virginia gentleman, was a friend and acquaintance of Miss Field and her parents, and invited her to be married at his house. Major Crutchfield, as he was afterward called, was then a young member of the territorial bar, and became ir after years a prominent lawyer here and on the circuit. Lie, with Pike. Ashley, Ringo, Fowler. Walker. Royston and others, pioneer lawyers, strong men and learned in the old books (Do (^-)de fledu'linas) swam the bnvons, and at nio'ht 46 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. spread tlu'ir blankets under the shelter of the oaks and read tlieir destinies among the stars. Major Crutchfiehl filled several places of pnblie trnst, and was noted for his tidelity of character. lie was receiver of public moneys for the United States for some years before, and at the time of the outburst of the Civil War between the States ; and when armed soldiers went, under a military order, to seize the j)ublic moneys in his keeping, though a Southern man, he refused to surrender them, believing it to be his duty to preserve them, and he stood fearlessly guarding them until they were forced from him by superior numbers. He died not long after. Mrs. Crutch- field, at the time of the death of her husband, was well pre- served and a line looking woman, but remained a Avidow, devoted to his memory, until liev own sudden death, wdiich occurred December 11, 1878, at the family homestead. She raised but one child, a daughter, now" Mrs. Burrow. Many of the old citizens v/ill remember the brilliant wedding of Miss .luliet Crutchfield, beautiful and accomplished like her mother, and General Xapoleon B. Burrow, then the oily- tongued orator of Arkansas, and the peer of Yancey, of Ala- bama — now. having abandoned very much public life, he holds the |)low as it turns to the sun the solemn soil. All i-emember the hospitality of the Crutchiield mansion, and the pleasant, graceful and lady-like manner in which its mistress presided. Xow she has followed her husband to the tomb, and be it hoped to the better land, and others occupy the old homestead. IVIy acquaintance commenced with Mrs. C^-utch- field, at the ])oint of rock, on a Sabbath morning early in June, 1844. ^ 'Fhe river was at its flood, the June rise ujwn the rain rise, and a group were there assembled looking at the great cottonwoods that had been rifted from the shores and were floating on the foaming tide. jNfrs. Crutchfield was there, holding Juliet, a little girl, by the hand. The child cast a flower on the flood, and bade it take her compliments to tlie sea. The flower may never have reached the sea, but the grou]) of spectators Avere on another stream, which has borne most of them to another, a deeper and a wider sea — a shoreless sea ! THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 47 ]\Iary Melbourne, the canarv-tliroated songstress, after- ward wife of Senator Borland, was there, and the strings of her harp have been for years broken and her sweet tones hushed in the silence of the tomb. Chief Justice Ringo and wife, kSani li. Hempstead, a prominent lawyer, and wife; Charles P. Bertrand and Thomas D. Merrick, who were of the group, all sleep. One iras aniunrj them, (who need not be named) Avhose bright black eyes, bewitching face, and merry, ringing laugh, all who survive will remember, for none who knew can forget her. She rests near hei' friend and neighbor, ]\Irs. ( 'rutchfield. Mrs. Dr. Adams (sister of William and Ebenezer Cummins) still lives and looks but little changed. She is one of the roses that defies the winters, and in this resi)ect is like Mrs. Crutchfield, who M'as unusually well pre- served to the time of her death. .Tohn Karns and Dr. Dodge were of the group, and appear now about as they did then, and look like they might live as long as the Wandering Jew. So was Wm. B. Wait, then a mature man, and yet one of our most active and reliable business men. Peace to the memory of our de]iarted friend, INfrs. ( 'rutchlield, and may roses bloom upon her tomb ! E. H. E. JOHN ADAMSOX, SR. A. D. 1836-1876. John Adamson, Sr., mentioned in the list of iirst Vestry of Christ (liurch, married Rebecca Prather in ^Montgomery County, Md., and came to Arkansas in 1886. ]Ie had served as an officer in the War of the Revo- lution. He died ii! Little Rock, Ark., July 10, 1861. ]\Iention is made of him in the diaries of Bishop Otey. WlUia7n Adainson, son of John Adamson and Rebecca Prather, his wife, was born in ]\[aryland, and came to Little Rock with his father in 1S;}6, and mai-ried Louisa Petit, Sep- tomltcr 16, IS.^l. Tfe served in tlio AFexican War. 48 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. John Adamson, son of William Adamson and Louisa Petit, his wife, was born in Little Eock, Ark., ]Sroveml)er 19, 1852, and married Bettie Hendren, of Pine Bluff, Ark., JSTo- vember 2, 1871. William Custis Adamson, son of John Adamson (2d) and Bettie Hendren, his wife, was born at Willowdale, Ark., Pebruarj 11, 1873. L'nmarried. Joh7i Selden Adamson, son of John Adamson (2d) and Bettie Hendren, his wife, was born at Willowdale, Ark., January 17, 1876. '^■' NICHOLAS PEAY. A. D. 1829. Among' the very earliest citizens of Little Pock was Nicholas Peay. He was one of eleven children. Two of his brothers are mentioned as members of the House of Commons from Rockingham County, in the General Assembly of North Carolina, George Peay, in the years 1793, 1791, and 1795, and John Peay in 1797. Nicholas Peay went to Kentucky and there married Miss Juliet Neill. From there he came to Arkansas with his family in 1825 and became proprietor of the first liotel in the city of Little Eock. Their children were eleven in number. Those who survived to adult age were: L Mary Peai/. who married William F. Pope, relative and i)ri\'ate secretary of Governor John Pope, w^ho was the third governor of the Territory of Arkansas in 1829, and the brother-in-law of John Quincey Adams, president of LTnited States; Willaim F. Poj.e was the author of "Earlij Days in n^JJ^l^ cqofle<. the list of mpmhers r,f the first Vestrv of Christ Church. Bishop Otey s diary will supply such information as may be lacking. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 49 Arkansas." The cliilclren of ]Marv Poay and Win. F. Pope, live ill number, all died in infancy. 2. Gordon Neill Peay, avIio married Sue Nelson Crease, sixth daughter of John H. and Jane Xelson Crease, had Jane Feay, who married W. \V. Morrison. Thev had Gordon, William, Jane, Xorman Crease, C^aroline, Xelson, and Mary Morrison ; Mary Peay, who married W. B. Worthen, and had Sue, George, Elizabeth, Louisa, and Mary Worthen. Eliza- beth Peay married Antoine Bohlinger, and had Fred, ISTeill, Elizabeth, Eaura Lewis, Mary Sue, and Caroline Bohlinger. Nicholas Peay married Leicester Hornibrook, and had James, Leicester, Elizabeth, and Nicholas Peay. Gordon N. Peay married Zilla Cole, and had Gordon and Helen Peay. Caroline Peyton Peay, unmarried. 3. JoJin Coleman Peay, who married first, Bettie, second daughter of Colonel Sandy Faulkner, and last, Mar- garet Elizabeth Peyburn, third daughter of Samuel W. Rey- burn. They had Reyburn, ^Yilliam, Ashley, Juliet Mildred (died in early womanhood), and John Coleman Peay. Major Peay died August 29, 1898, deeply lamented by relatives and friends. 4. William Nicholas Peay, who married Nannie Nantz, orphan niece of Mrs. Frederick AV. Trapnall, and had one daughter, Katie. Both deceased, but the daughter survives. 5. Juliet Elizahetlh Peay, who married first. Dr. Wil- liam Hammond, and had Fanny G. (Mrs. Jesse Blocker), xVlice P., and William H. Hammond, and second, William Easley, and had one daughter, Sue C. (Mrs. Barclay), one grandson, Hugh. William Blocher is also a grandson. 0. Sophronia Peay, who married Dr. George Golder, deceased. Their children are Mary Alice Golder and Hen- 50 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. riotta Viola Gokler, who married June C. Browne, manager of Iron ]\I(»untain Telegraph Company. The family of Mr. Samnel W. JReybiirn were also devoted Chnroh members of the first Church. J. William Eeyburn. the eldest son, married Mary Fisher, who was the sister of Jnlia Fisher, first wife of CUiief Justice Elbert IT. English. They had one son, Elbert Wood- ward, who died. Mrs. Eeyburn after\vards became the wife of J. V. Zim- merman, and had three children. Two are living — Mrs. Julia liced and Jesse F. Zimmerman. 2. Joseph 1T\ Rcyhurn married Arkansas Lawson. Their children are Mrs. Caroline (Reyburn) Dutton, Mrs. Frances (Reyburn) Van Etten, Miss ISTellie Reyburn, and Samuel Woodward Reyburn. ?>. Cordelia ir<7^e/- married William Scull. Children: Reylmrn (deceased), Samuel Christian, Zoe de Villemont, William Riddle, and Melanie. 4. ]\Ianj Jane, or "Jamie," who married Dr. Benj. Scull, a distinguished musician, and for a long time organist of Christ Church. I'lieir only daughter, Eleanor Therese, or "iSTona," married William Joseph Dunklin. They had Jamie Barnes, Anderson, Prudilla, and Joseph Dibrell. Jamie Barnes married George Coit Davis, of Austin, Chicago, 111. The only son of Dr. and Mrs. Benj. Scull is Miles Scull, imman'icd. 5. Margaret Elizaheth, wlio married John Coleman I'cay. I\vo younger sisters, Annie and Fanny Reyburn, died in early womanluxxl. The siirviviug nifuilKTs of these families are steadfast in tlK'ir devotion to the Church, and their names should, and will be, ])erjx"tuated in the annals of the Church. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 51 WILLIAM B. WAIT. This iiaine, so familiar to the members of the congrega- tion of Christ Church, as the guardian of her financial interest from the time of Bishop Otey's first visitation till very nearly the time of his death, must have full space here as a trusted Church ofiicial and highly esteemed citizen. From "Tlie Encyclopedia of tJie New West/' published by the United States Biographical Publishing Company, at Marshall, Texas, in 1881, is quoted the subjoined accurate sketch of Mr. Wait's life: A. D. 1808. WilUam B. Wait was born in Groton, Mass., January 10, 1808. His father, Levi Wait, a Scotch- man, a farmer, a Mason, and an eventempered kind of man, moved to Albany, X. Y., in 1817, and died there in 1822. Mr. Wait's mother was Elizabeth Jones, born at Acton, Mass. Her mother was married three times. First to CajDtain Isaac Davis, who was the first ofticer killed in the Revolution, near Concord Bridge, Mass., who is named in one of Webster's orations, delivered at Acton, on the occasion of the erection of the monument at that place. A. D. 1881. ]\Ir. Wait's mother raised eight children, of wdiom the subject of this sketch is the oldest, and six are living. (1881.) There has never been a stain or scandal heard of any one of these children, and there is not an office- holder among all the kith or kin. A. D. 1824. IMr. Wait, leaving his home in Albany in 1824, went to Boston and remained five years, as a clerk, at $75 a year and his board, the first four years, and $100 for the last year, in a grocery store. 52 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. A. D. 1829. In July, lS:>y, he left Boston and went to Cincinnati to better his prospects. lie was in and about Cin- cinnati and Louisville two years, as a clerk in a store and on steamboats. Up to this time he had saved no money. After reaching Cincinnati and paying his second week's board in advance, he had 124^ cents left, and has never inherited any- thing since. A. D. 1830-1843. On the 28th of December, 1830, he landed in Arkansas, and, being previously engaged, took the position of clerk in the store of Frederick ^STotrebe, a general trader at Arkansas Post. He remained with him till May, 1834, then went to Little Rock and went into business with Edward Dunn, under the firm name of Wait & Dunn, general traders. Mr. Dunn dying in 183G, Mr. Wait continued the business until 1838, when he went back to Arkansas Post, and went into business with Charles F. Xotrebe, under the firm name of Xotrebe & Wait, successors of Frederick N^otrebe. lie remained there till tlie fall of 1843, when (Mr. :NTotrebe liaving died in 1841) he brought the stock to Little Rock in September, 1843. From that time till 1854 he was actively engaged in selling goods, and all kinds of mercantile trans- actions. A. D. 1854 1861. In February, 1854, he was burned out, and, from that time, went into the collection and exchange business, and so continued in that business until 1801, when the Civil War caused him to close np all business, as near as he could. During the war he remained in Little Eock with his family all the time, taking no part in it, except what is mentioned furtlioi- on. Since the Avar Mr. Wait has been retired, ddiug no regular business, beyond taking care of his city and country real estate and other ]n'0])erty. During the -ar liis princii)al business was trying to take care of what he THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 53 had. For about a year prior to General Steele's takinii; pos- session of Little lioek, lie was acting for Edward Cross, deposi- tary of the Confederate States, and handled and paid out $;5;;, 000,000. A. D. 1S43-1863. :Mr. Wait^s practice through life has been to deal fairly- with everybody. With the exception of five 3'ears at the Arkansas Post, he endeavored to do a cash business in selling goods. He never had trouble in buying goods on a credit from the beginning to the end of his mer- cantile career. From 1843 to 1854 he never sued but one man on a bill of goods sold. There was never a judgment rendered against him in any court in the State on an action of debt. Fie always paid his bills. Looking on all the busi- ness he has handled — his long and varied business career — this is a remarkable feature in his history. Xor was he ever forced into chancery that he did not beat the plaintiff. His note was never protested for nonpayment. He has not, as a rule, invested in public or general enterprises. He is presi- dent of the Little Rock Building Association, numbers three and four ; is director and vice president of the Merchants' l^ational Bank, of Little Rock, and was among the first direc- tors of the Cairo and F^ulton Railroad, and treasurer of that company from its organization till 1803, and was a director of the Bank of the State of Arkansas from its organization till L838. Fie never belonged to any secret society or military company. He seldom kept more than one clerk ; kept his own books; never hired a bookkeeper, and his success is to be lai-ge!y attributed to his handling his money himself, and to tlie close attention paid to his own business. He was never ashamed to sweep out his store, or to do anything necessary about his establishment. Expenses and bad debts did not swallow up his profits. This record is valuable as suggesting —5— 54 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. the pathway to tinancial success. Our voung readers who would be wise, wall be admonished hy the perusal of these statements. A. D. 1838-1869. Though :\lr. Wait has been a Demo- crat, he has occasionally voted for candidates on the other side. lie was against secession, but when his State went out he determined to remain at home and operate with the Con- federacy. For many years prior to IS 03 he served as an alderman in Little liock. He has been twice married. His first wdfe, to whom he was married in Little Rock, December 11, 1838, died there December 31, 1863. Her name was Martha Lavinia Reardon, sister of John Reardon, the book- sdler at Little Rock. She was born in Easton, Md., in 1800, the daughter of Lambert Reardon, a merchant in Maryland, first, and afterward in Little Rock. He was a man universally respected for his honest and correct character and gentle- manly manners, and was of Irish descent. By this marriage Mr. Wait had four chihlren, only one of whom is living, viz: Charles Edmoud, born in Little Rock, jSTovember 3, 1849; graduated at the University of Virginia ; married in August, 1879, Miss Leila Reasley, of Petersburg, Va., and by her had one child, William Beasley Wait, December 24, 1880. Charles is professor of chemistry and metallurgv and manager of the school of mines at Rolla, J\Io., a rising man, of whom any father might be proud.* Mr. Wait's second marriage, which occurred at Pittsburg, Pa., May 20, 1867, was with Mrs. Fannie Fast in Lyler, widow of William H. Tyler, lieu- tenant in the Fnitcd States armv. She was born and educated . *w '"• Charles E. Wait lost his wife and was married a second time to Miss Har- riet Morrison. By this marriage are two children. Chas. E. Wait, Jr., and Fanny. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 55 in Alabama. By this marriage Mr. Wait has one child, Kobert Eastin, born at Pittsburg, Pa., July 24, 1869.* Mrs. Wait belongs to the Episcopal Church. She is a sister of Mrs. W. W. Spotswood, formerly of the United States navy. Her sister, Matilda, was the wife of Colonel Alexander Montgomery, of the United States army. Mrs. Eannie Wait's father, Thomas Eastin, edited the first newspaper published at Key W>st, Florida. He was on General Jackson's staff al the battle of ISTew Orleans ; was navy agent at Pensacola, under Van Buren's administration^ and died in Florida in 1863. His wife (Mrs. Wait's mother) was Lucinda Gayle, sister of Governor John Gayle, of Alabama. She died at Mobile, Ala., in 1870. Mrs. Wait's first liusl)and, William H. Tyler, a relation of President Tyler, graduated at West Point. Her sister, Helen, is the wife of R. P. Pulliam, a lawyer at Fort Smith. Her sister, Lucinda, died the wife of Dr. Rossell, of the United States army. She left a son, William Trent Rossell, a graduate of West Point, who now belongs to the corps of civil engineers of the United States army. One of Mrs. Wait's cousins, Miss Mary Eastin, presided in the White House during part of General Jackson's administration, and was married there to Lucius J. Polk, the first marriage, it is believed, that ever occurred in the White House. Mr. Wait owns the finest residence in the State of Arkansas, f built by Alexander McDonald, ex-United States Senator, at a cost of $40,000. He owns and rents several storehouses, several blocks and lots in town, a small stock in the Merchants' National Bank, has $17,000 stock in the two Little Rock *Robert Eastin Wait married Miss Isahelle Evans Smart, daughter of Rev. Rich- ard Davis Smart, a distinguished divine of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have one daughter, Alice St. Clair Wait. fNow owned and occupied by Colonel Thomas W. Newton and family. 5(i THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. J3iiikliiig Associations, and owns 4,000 or 5,000 acres of land in Lincoln, Arkansas, Lonoke, Clark, and Pulaski counties. His height is 5 feet 4 inches; weight, 125 pounds; eyes, blue and of very amiable expression. He has been treasurer of the Episcopal Church of Little Eock for about thirty years, since 1843, and was chairman of the street committee in the city for several years before the war. .M]'. Wait was hrst vice president of the First JSTational Bank in this city. Upon his resignation, at the meeting of the board of directors, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That although we cannot expect our words to add to the honorable reputation of a man who commenced active business in this city more than half a century ago, and has been known of all men as a gentleman of business integ- rity, whose entire career has been without spot or blemish, yet we would violate our feelings and be recreant to our duty if we permitted our fellow-director, William B. Wait, to retire from the first vice presidency of this First Xational Bank of Little Rock, Ark., without some official acknowledgment (it our admiration for his many excellencies, Jie.solred, That we desire to bear cheerful testimony to the fact that during our years of association with William B. Wait, his n])rightness of action, his steadfastness of purpose and never failing kindness of consideration of all with whom he has ])een associated fills each of us with a sincere admira- tion foi- liiiii that will be as lasting as our memories. Jietiolced, That X. Kupferle, P. K. Roots, and M. M. Colin be ap])ointed a committee to present this expression of sf ntiments to Mr. Wait in such a manner and with such a sonvchiir as their tastes may dictate. The chiklrcn of ^Mr. Wni. B. Wait now living are: L Charles luhnond, of Knoxvilie, Tenn., who married tiiNf Lcihi iJcash-y, and had one daughter, Fanny. Both THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 57 luother and child dietl. Second wife was Harriet Murrisuii, of ^"irginia, who had one son, Charles Edniond, Jr. 2. Robert Eastin, who married Isabelle Evans Smart, danghter of Rev. Dr. liichard Davis Smart, of St. Louis Methodist Conference, and Julia Isabelle Evans, his first wife. A daughter, Alice St. Clair, was l)orn to them. WILLIAM S. EULTON. A. D. 1835-1844. ^yUnam S. Fulton, whose name heads the list of subscribers to the first Episcopal Church, in Little Rock (coming after the names of the collectors. Rev. Dr. Yeager, John II. Crease, Wm. C. Scott, and Jos. Grubb), served as fourth governor of the Territory of Arkansas in 1835. He was afterwards elected for the short term to the United States Senate in 1836, and died in 1844. His family attended the services of the Church. His father was Judge David Fulton, of Baltimore, Md., who married Miss Elizabeth Savin. Two sons and a daughter of this marriage were well- known citizens here, viz : 1. Hon. Wm. Savin F niton, who married ^fatilda ISTowdand. 2. Dr. John Fulton, who married C^aroline Scull. 3. Jane Fulton who married, first, Mr. Shall, and second. Dr. Holt. The children of ex-Governor Eulton and ^Litilda Xow- land, his wife, were : Elizaheth Fu.lton, who married Moorhead Wright, and had William Eulton, Elizabeth Moorhead, Imogene, Amelia, and Isaac Wright. William Fulton Wi-ir, and had George Watkins (died), William d., and Helen A. Turner. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 59 Georgie Claiborne married Pope Yeatman; no children. Ida married Marshall Shirk ; they have one daughter, Anne Bell Shirk. In the north wall of the new Church is a window with six lifesize figures representing Dorcas, ^Svho was full of good works and almsdeeds, which slie did," and inscribed with these words : Sacred to the memory of Sophia Watkins. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth. This window was donated by the two younger daughters of the deceased, Georgie and Ida. Idd Fulton, youngest daughter of ex-Governor Fulton, married William Hunter, aud had two children. All the family are dead. 2. Dr. John Fid ton removed from Little Rock at an early date. 3. Jane Fulton, sister of William Savin and Dr. John Fulton, married, first, Mr. Shall, and had three children — David Fulton Shall, who married ^lary Stout, and had one daughter, Mary Lizzie (parents and daughter, all dead) ; j\largaret Ann, who married James Galloway, and had several children ; only one of the name, David Fulton Shall Galloway, wlio married ]\lay Wesson, represents the family in this parish; Elizabeth Savin Shall, lives unmarried in this city. Jane Fulton's second husband was Dr. Holt, surgeon of the expedition sent out by the government under command of ('ai)tain B. L. E. Bonneville, IT. S. A., to make a reconnois- sance of the plain.* Xo children. The following biograjihy of James Ilervey Otey, whose name is a household word in Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, *See Early Days in Atkansas, by Wm. F. Pope, p. 152. 6U THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mississippi, and Florida, and his pocket diaries, which have been transcribed, will be read with especial interest, as they develop the life of the Church and its founders : RT. EEV. JAMES HERVEY OTEY, D. D. A. D. 1800. The Bt. Rev. James Hervey Otey, D. D., the first Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the Diocese of Tennessee, was born on the 27th of January, 1800, near the Peaks of Otter, in Bedford County, Va. He was a great lover of mountain scenery and cherished a special affec- tion for his native Peaks. He had, after he became a Bishop, an oil painting of them executed and presented by a friend, a local artist. His eyes sometimes filled with tears as he gazed ujxtn this picture and thought of all the scenes which it re- c;dk'd. Here he grew up on his father's farm and rendered some assistance in its work. But he early exhibited an inclin- ation for study. He was sent to what was generally termed an "old field" school ; but some of those neighborhood insti- tutions were very good ones. Afterwards he entered the Academy at jSTew London, in the same county, which has gen- (■i-;illy Ik'cii a place of education of an excellent grade from that day to the ])resent. There he made preparation for college and was matriculated in the University of Ts'orth ( 'ai-oliiia in his sixteenth year. He was well grown and athletic and was fond of outdoor sports, and especially of angling, for which he retained his love all his life, and was a great admirer of Sir Tsaak Walton. He was also attached to his violin, on which he became quite an expert performer. Thus he had an abundance of recreation, though, during his vacations, he cheerfully assisted his parents. He gave up his violin, but his son. Mercer, still has it. RT. REV. JAMES HERVEY OTEY. D. D., LL. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 61 LINEAGE. Bisliop Otey was one of the younger of twelve sons and daughters of Isaac Otey and Elizabeth Mathews. "' Isaac Otey was a well-to-do farmer, of sterling qualities of mind and heart, and a stern regard for moral principle, which he was careful to instil into his children. He was the representative of his people in the Legislature of Virginia for about thirty years, and as a State Senator, was so attentive to all appro- priations of the public treasure that he was called ''the Cer- berus of the Treasury." His wife was of a high and strong character also, and his worthy helpmeet. A. D. 1601-1613. Isaac was the son of John Otey and Mary Hopkins. The Oteys were, on both sides, of good old English stock and settled first in Xcw Kent County. John Otey was a valiant soldier in the war of '7G. There is a credited tradition that he, when the British had obtained pos- session of the Pamunky River, raised a company at his ow^i expense and captured one of their boats. The Hopkinses go l)ack to Sir John Fetters, Knight, member of the British Par- liament for jSTorwich, A. D. 1601 and IGO-t-lOll, benefactor of Norwich Cathedral and subscriber of £25 (two shares) to the Colony of Virginia, of which he was one of the founders. He died April 19, Kn.'J. A. D. 1840. Colonel Thomas Sellers, one of his descen- dants, settled in Virginia in 1S40. His daughter, Elizabeth, married T)r. Arthur Hopkins, and it was their daughter, Mary, who married John Otey. Hopkins became a Chris- *William Mathews, father of Elizabeth Mathews, Bishop Otey's mother, was one of the seven brothers and partakers of the wars of that period (Indian. Colonial, and Revolutionary ' . His wife was named Frances Crowe. She left a little prayer book to her children with the words, "Keep steadfast to this faith once delivered to the saints."' 62 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. tian name in the Otey family and John Hopkins Otey, of Franklin, Tenn., married one of Bishop Otey's sisters. One of James Hervey Otey's intimates at the University of North Carolina was William Mercer Green, who became an Episco])al clergyman, a j)rofessor in his Alma Mater and the 13isli(>]) of Mississippi. He has published a memoir of his very dcai- friend, Otey, in which he says: ^'He had a keen, dark eye, a com})lexion made nj) of the ruddy and the brown, with straight, coal black hair, and the striding gait of the true son of the forest. Xo wonder then that he was soon dubbed with the nickname of 'the Cherokee.' But there was nothing vulgar about him." This "Cherokee" developed into an ex- ceedingly fine looking and connnanding person, in stature over G feet. One of his lady friends was once pressing him 1.0 avow whether he was High or Low Church. He arose, erected himself and said: "1 am G feet 2 inches without shoes." He never would admit that he belonged to any ])arty in the ('hiirch, but only claimed to be "^'a Churclnnan." A. D. 1820. His career at Cliai)el Hill University was bright and lionoralde, and he was graduated with high honor in JS2(), receiving the title of "Bachelor of Belles Lettres," the first time it was conferred by that institution, an evidence of his taste and culture. Bislioj) Green remarks: "Here )nay be seen tlic foundation of tliat clear, vigorous and correct style wliicli marks his writings."' lie nuist have paid s])ecial attention to the precious classics, for he was appointed tutor of i,;itin and (ireek in ihc universitv. A. D. 1800-1821. Till- l:;tli ..f October, 1S21, he was iiiarrie.l t.. Kli/.;i Davis rannill, born :\rarch 27, ISOO, very near bis own age. She was the blooming daughter of William Pannill and his wife, witli wlioni lie had boarded whilst he was a snidcnt. llcr fatbcr and niight years he led a hard and laborious life, as teacher. 64 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. minister and missionary. There was only one clergyman to aid him — Rev. John Davis, a Deacon, sent out by a Mission- ary Society in the North. A. D. 1829-1831. In 1S29 he had the pleasure and encouragement of a visit from Bishop Ravenscroft. The Diocese of Tennessee was organized in liashville, July 1, 1829, and in 1830 Bishop Meade, of Virginia, held a conven- tion there. In 1831 Bishop Ives, of North Carolina, visited the Diocese, and in that year the Rev. J. H. Otey was called to weep over the death of his oldest son, Reginald Heber. A. D. 1833-1834. In 1833 there were five Presbyters and one Deacon in the Diocese. The necessity for a Bishop was seriously felt, and a convention was held, partly for the purpose of electing one, in Franklin, June 27, 1833, and Rev. J. II. Otey was chosen. He was consecrated in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on the l-tth of January, 1834. The Venerable Bishop White was the Consecrator and was assisted by the brotliers Onderdonk and Bishop Doanc, who preached the sermon. Bishop Otey was then just 34 years old and proved to be one of the great and commanding members of the American Episcopate. About this time he was greatly reinforced by the arrival of the Rev. Leonidas Polk, who became Rector of St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Maury County, Tcnn. A. D. 1834-1836. Bishop Otey had long been prac- tically, as well as theoretically, a friend of education and had commenced advocating it publicly as early as 1832. One of the first acts of his Episcopate was to urge it before his con- vention in Columbia, June, 1834. His plan always was to establish good schools for both sexes, and to have a college, ^^•hi(■ll would ciiiIir.KT. the |)rcparation of ministers of the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 65 gospel. He was strongly in favor of a native ministry so far as it could be obtained. It was not long before he conceived the idea of the Female Institute in Columbia, which was opened in 1836. In this he was warndy aided by Rev. 1-eonidas Polk, and his brothers, who were men of wealth and liberality. It w^as, however, a difficult task to raise all the funds which such an institution needed, but he stood firndy by it, and by his own efforts obtained, outside of the Diocese, from Boston and Xew Orleans, a large, if not the larger part oi the means necessary for its erection and continuance. Be- sides being its visitor, he was one of its instructors. He also established "Mercer Hall" at his residence near Columbia and tried to establish "Ravenscroft College," and induced the Rev. John Thomas Wheat, D. D., to resign the Rectorship of his Church in Xashville to take charge of that college, but this enterprise did not succeed. A. D. 1837-1860. Bishop Otey was also the originator of the germ of ''The University of the South," now in opera- tion at Sewanee, Tenn. The views which he had so often and earnestly presented to his Church friends, both in Ten- nessee and Mississippi, were at last embodied in a charter, which he obtained in 1837, for Madison University, to be situated at Jackson, Tenn., but to be for the three States of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. His warm friend and colaborer, Rev. Leonidas Polk, was one of the corporators, and undertook to visit the South for the purpose of obtaining funds for that university, but was prevented from carrying out his plans by the financial crisis of that year. Bishop Otey made various addresses in different parts of the Dio- cese and obtained some liberal subscriptions, but his hopes were again disappointed. Years afterwards, under more favorable circumstances and in a verv different condition of 66 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. affairs, in both the nmreh and the country, from 18o7 to 18(50, Bishop Polk very naturally and properly expanded the former plan, so as to make it embrace all the Southern Dio- ceses. An autograph letter qf Rev. James H. Otey to Thomas Adams, Esquire, of New Orleans, explains this plan : Memphis, January (i, 18(52. Thomas Adams. Esquire, New Orleans: Dear Sir — The following resolution was passed unani- mously by the Board of Trustees of the University of the South, at the late meeting at Charleston, S. C, to-wit : "Resolved, That the president of the board be requested to inform Thos. Adams, Esquire, that the trustees accede to his pro]:)osal to raise $25,000 by subscription for building pur- poses, and duly appreciate the interest expressed by him in behalf of the University." I need not say how much the friends of education gen- erally and the favorers of our enterprise in particular will be gratified l)v the successful accomplishment of the plan sug- gested by yon. That plan, if I understood it correctly, was for the citizens of (>ach of the States concerned in the Uni- versity to [U'ovide each a building at Sewanee by contributions in their States respectively, as Louisiana one, Mississippi one, etc. We shall be truly thankful to you if you can in- augurate a scheme which promises such happy results by suc- cessful application in Louisiana. If you are asked for any authority to raise funds in behalf of the University, the above resolution will be regarded as furnishing ample power. With the salutation of the season to yourself and Mrs, Adams and the expressicm of the hope of seeing you on the mountain next summer, I remain, very respectfully, Your friend and obedient servant, JAS. H. OTEY.* "Copied from the original bv the annalist. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 67 A. D. 1835-1844. In December, 1835, Bishop Otej removed from I'ranklin to the vicinity of Columbia, so as to be nearer the Female Institute, that he might watch over it and place liis daughters in it. lie afterwards removed into the town and again, a little out of it, to "Mercer Hall," which he opened for students. He had the pleasure of preparing for the ministry of the Church several promising young men. In 1838 Rev. Leonidas Polk was elected j\Iissionary Bishop of Arkansas, and Bishoi) Otey succeeded him as Rector of St. Peter's. This only increased his Herculean task, but he felt constrained to accept the proffered position. The resources of the Diocese were then very meagre. In 1841 Bishop Polk was elected Bishop of Louisiana, and the missionary work in Arkansas was, by the General Conven- tion, assigned to Bishop Otey, who was, most probably, the grandest missionary in spirit, zeal and actual labors, that the Church has ever had. His own Diocese was but a missionary field, a good part of his life. Shortly after his consecration the friends of the Church in Mississippi besought his assist- ance, and he afterwards became their provisional Bishop. At the request of the General Convention, he made a visitation of Florida. His efforts in Arkansas and the Indian Ter- ritory wera the more difficult and trying on account of roads and the means of locomotion, wherever steamboats could not be used. How he had to get along is shown by a letter from him to his friend, Mr. Wm. C. Hopkins, of N'orth Carolina, which is to be found in Bishop Green's memoir. He made full reports to the members of the Board of Missions, who published them in their organ, "T/ie Spirit of Missions." In 1844 he was compelled to resign this jurisdiction. One result of his services to the Church in Mississippi was the close friendship of Dr. William ISTewton Mercer. This estimable 68 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. and elegant gentleman was a wealthy and cultured planter near Xatcliez, but had a fine winter residence in Xew Orleans, where also the Bishop was his honored and welcome guest. Dr. ]\Iercer was also a great friend of the Hon. Henrj Clay, and on one occasion he entertained Mr. Clay and the Bishop at the same time. When Mr. Clay's son and namesake w^as killed in the Mexican war, and the sad intelligence reached New Orleans Bishop Otey happened to be there, at Dr. Mer- cer's, and was requested to write to Mr. Clay on the heart- rending subject. The Bishop put his own heart in that mournful epistle and it is thought that it had some instru- mentality in bringing the great orator and statesman into the Church. Bishop Otey named for Dr. Mercer his residence and school, near Columbia, and also his youngest child, who is still living at Oakland, Cal., and doing business in San Francisco. Dr. Mercer was very liberal and took him to Europe. The Bishop had an earnest desire to explore the Holy Land of Palestine and would have gratified it, but Dr. Mercer was afflicted with the death, in Paris, of his idolized daughter, an only child, and the Bishop gave up all idea of any furthei- travel and returned with his friend and his precious remains to the United States. A. D. 1851-1863. Bishop Otey's constitution and gen- eral physi(]ue wci'c strong and vigorous, but at last gave Avay under the character and extent of his devoted labors and he went to Europe in 1S51 for health and recreation and made trial of the water cure at Malvern, in England. The Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D. D., since Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo, in New York, met with him in his travels and gives an interesting account of him. lie attached Mr. Coxe to him- self, as he (lid everyone else. ]\Ir. Coxe says that the Bishop's health maiiifcslly improved from the time that he took with THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. (39 ]iini an early morning bath in the Baltic Sea. They sang together at the Bishop's suggestion ''Old Iljmdred" in Fin- gaTs Cave. The Bishop made a stirring missionary speech before a ineeting over which the Prince Consort of England 2)resided. This interesting and appreciative sketch by the llev. Mr. C^)xe is in the appendix to Bishop Green's Memoir. Whatever of Bishop Otey's views of the Southern Confeder- ate war were, at its commencement, and his letter to Hon. W. 11. Seward shows how he deprecated it, he became a warm sympathizer with the South ; and one of the late acts of his noble life was the writing of that encouraging letter to Gen- eral Leonidas Polk, whose mind was disturbed about his posi- tion in the Confederate Army. Bishop Otey remained at his home in Memphis during the war and died there, before General Polk was killed, April 23, 18G3, aged over 63 years. His two sons were in the (Vjufederate army. Two of his daughters were with him, and his eldest daughter and her husband tried to get there from ( 'olumbia, Mo., but were too late. His remains had already been consigned to the vault of a friend. They have since been interred at Ashwood, near Columbia, Tenn., where there are an Episcopal Church j.nd a cemetery.* The foregoing sketch of Et. Eev. James Hervey Otey, D. I)., first Bishop of the Diocese of Tennessee, and provis- ional Missionary Bishop of Arkansas after Bishop Polk's resignation, was kindly furnished at the request of the annalist, by B. B. Minor, M. T). LL. I)., of Kichmond, Va.f who, at the time of writing, is beyond "three score and ten years,'' but whose pen has lost none of the polish of the former distinguished lawyer, professor and journalist, nor tlie reverent grace of the Churchman. As it is, without *St. John's Church, Ashwood. tSon-in-law of Bishop Otey. 70 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. question, a faithful, trustworthy, though brief abstract of the life of the great num, who, throughout the South and South- west, bore the title of "the good Bishop," and thus furnishes a valuable introduction to his work as a missionary in Arkan- sas, it is here given intact. There are yet many in the Diocese who will read the sketch with personal and affectionate in teres?. A. D. 1 842. After Bishop Otey's death there was found among his papers a written request to him to consecrate the tivh^t Episcopal Church of Little Rock, Ark., dated Novem- ber 27, 1842. This paper bears the signatures of John H. Crease, Luke E. Barber, Wardens, and the following Vestry- men: Lambert Reardon, Sr., Charles Rapley, John Ilutt, J. P. Xorman, John Adamson, L. J. Reardon, F. W. Trap- nail, D. Butler, John Wassell, Wm. Prather. A. D. 1841-1842. The Bishop's first visitation was made in 1841, and the services were held in the same old Presbyterian Church, on Main and Second (or Cherry) streets, that had been j)roffered to Bishoj^ Polk, where he baptized and confirmed the members of the first congregation. At Bishop Otey's visitation in 1842 he confirmed a large class, among whom were Mrs. Reardon, Sr., and her deaughters. Among the first infants baptized were Lambert Wait, Ben Field, and Buckner Reardon. A contract for the building of the Church was made by Mr. Lambert Reardon, Sr., with Messrs. Robins and Morrison. Bishop Otey's zeal was infec- tious. The Senior Warden and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Crease, nobly sustained him. Mrs. Crease collected the ladies of the infant parish together and there was earnest discus- sion of ways and means for erecting the house of worship. It was resolved to hold "a fair" and thereafter all worked with one consent to supply articles for merchandise. How happy THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 71 thej ■s\'ere in their hallowed undertaking ! What germs of holy friendship were then sown, whose harvest is being rea]3ed to-day ! This fair was held in a large hall over the market house at the foot of Main street, near the river, and proved a great success, yielding $1,500 with, net profits of $1,106.50. The Church building was begun and completed. Bishop Otey's memory is indelibly connected with its progress by the old Church people. These were Judge William Hume Field's family, who had known him in Tennessee, the Waits, Popes, Hutts, Adamses, Weavers, Merricks, and Pikes, in addition to those already mentioned. To Mrs. Donna Otey Compton, of Washington, D. C, the youngest surviving daughter of Bishop Otey, the annalist is indebted for the loan of his pocket diaries, giving accounts of his tour through the missionary district of Arkansas, from the leaves of which a faithful transcript is here given. ^ Being herself an accomplished writer as well as a profoundly rever- ent and loving daughter, Mrs. Compton has also submitted for private inspection a graceful personal sketch of the Bishop, to- gether with other letters and papers concerning him, of great interest to the Church and the annalist, but nothing can so well put the heroic missionary before the ecclesiastical world as his own earnest, single-hearted chronicle of his daily effort and })rogress in the cause of Christ. While the opening campaign of the war with Spain for the independence of Cuba was in startling progress,^ and the glowing details were passing under the eager eyes of interested nations, the writer turned from the newspaper columns to the brief pages of this little diary with the consciousness that, glorious and thrilling as w^ere the deeds of our sailors and soldiers and their gallant 1. Diaries received from Mrs. Compton, July 13, 1898. 2. War declared April 21 ; May 1, opening engagement of the two fleets In Manila Bay. T2 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. eoininaiiders in the cause of war for humanity's sake, here was a hero greater than they, who, in the cause of peace and righteousness, had left behind these footsteps, which '"Iteniind us We can make our lives sublime;" and when it is remembered that Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida can bear similar witness to his zeal, it is in solemn choral that we of the South unite in doing honor to "the great missionary." In the words of the prophets '"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace ; that bringeth good tidings of good ; that publisheth salvation ; that saith unto Zion, thy God reign eth." A. D. 1842. Fehvuary 22, Tuesday. Montgomery's Point, Mississippi River. The Eialto is here this morning for Little Kock. Settle m\ tavern bill, which for three days is $6. * * * Eialto arrived at dark. Go aboard and find Colonel Jos. W. Clay and family going up Arkansas. * * * The Rialto leaves Montgomery Point about 11 ]). m. ; passes over to Victoria and leaves immediately for White River and the Arkansas. Wednesday, 23. Awake this morning ascending the Arkansas. Land on each side low and liable to overflow. Arrive at ]\lr. Clay's, about seventeen miles above the Post of Arkansas. The farm or cotton plantation is a beautiful one, reminding me much of the coast of the Mississippi, below Xatchez. * * * p^gg gome fine looking plantations on the river, ])articnlarly ]\rcLean's, Harrison Douglass's, Dye's, and L. C. Taylor's. Reach Pine Bluff at -S'o'clock a. m. Thursday, 24. Arrived at Little Rock, Y :30 p. m., and went to the Anthony House. Pound there Mr. C. A. Harris and family. Mr. Harris sick abed, but convalescent. Paid passage on Rialto, $10. Paid for trunk to hotel, 25 cents.-. Extracts from (iiaries shf)uld lie read with an atlap TriE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 73 Friday, 25. Slept comfortably last night. * * * At breakfast find that Mr. Anthony, the proprietor, is from Bedford, Va. Sent last night by Mr. Meigs two Prayer Books to the little Miss Nairs in the Indian Nation. Went out to see Rev. Mr. Yeager, whom I found at home. Went with him and visited the Church, a brick edifice with organ gallery, floors laid, pews yet to be made, pulpit and the walls to be plastered and house painted; will accommodate, when finished, 300 or 400 people. Called on Mr. Trapnell and delivered Dr. Greenfield's letter and take his receipt for three notes left with him for collection. Meet with Mr. Jeffreys and Mr. Haraldson. Go to Mr. Reardon's and take up my quarters there by his invitation. Many persons call in the afternoon — Colonel Ashley and lady, "Slv. Grubb, Mrs. Kear- don, Jr., and Lawyer W. O. Perkins. Fehraanj 2G. At night Mr. Yeager read prayers, after which I preached to a large and apparently intei-ested congre- gation. Returned to lodgings, the night being beautiful and bright with moonlight. * * * Many persons called this forenoon and among them a Mr. Stewart, a Methodist preacher, holding letters or orders from Dr. Thos. Coke. He is seeking orders in the Episcopal Church and had applied to Bishop Kemper, to whom I referred him, Avith the assur- ance that I could do nothing for him. Called on Mr. Sutton, who is very ill ; communed and ]u-ayed with him. Called at Dr. Yeager's. Went to steamboat landing and engaged passage on the Corvette for next Tuesday. Called at Colonel Ashley's, at Mr. Anthony's, at J\lr. Jeffrey's, and at Dr. Nor- man's. At night, after prayers by Dr. Yeager, I preached to a full house — very attentive congregation throughout. Sunday, February 27. After prayer this morning I baptized Lambert Reardon. son of Wm. B. Wait and Lavinia Wait ; Simeon Buckner, son of Lambert and Priscilla Rear- don ; rfolrn Henry, sou of Jno. W. and Margaret Johnston, and Clara Ophelia, daughter of Rev. Mr. Yeager and his wife. Preached to a large congregation. At night, not- withstanding the Aveather was inclement, after prayers by 74 THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mr. Yeager, 1 preached to a good congregation— very hoarse, and breast oppressed. This afternoon became acquainted with Dr. Desha and wife. Dr. Desha is a son of the former governor of Kentucky. Monday, 28. Weather warm and cloudy, threatening rain ; lioarseness increased. Write letters to Rev. Mr. Scull and Rev. Mr. Carder. Called on Mr. Sutton with Dr. Yea- ger, and again prayed with him. Dined at Judge Casseen's.* Called at hotel to see Mr. Harris, at Mr. Jeffrey's, and took tea at Mrs. Crise's.f At night, after prayers by Mr. Yeager, preached to a large congregation. Tuesday, March 1. Weather warm and cloudy. * * * Report in town that the government Moorehead steamboat has been blown u]) and several citizens of this place on her killed ! Dined at Mr. Anthony's and at 4 o'clock went to Dr. Norman's to meet the Vest^w, only three of whom. Dr. Norman, Mr. Grubb, and Mr. Reardon, with Rev. Mr. Yea- ger, were present, in consequence^ probably, of a storm of rain, thunder and lightning. I advised the Vestry by all means to recommend a reduction of their present number (twelve) to seven at their next election. I told them further- more, that tlie subscriptions made for the support of the minister ought and must be collected by the Vestry and not by the minister ; that care must be taken to have money mat- ters between them and minister, especially, entirely straight and easy ; that thej^ might do much themselves by reminding others of their duty ; that religious services were a public benefit, etc. Wednesday. 1 stayed at house nearly all day. * ^ * Thursday, March 3. * * * The Corvette steamer came down tlio river this morning and I go on board of her on my return. The diary then notes the course of the Bishoj) through Mississip])i and again, in November, of 1842, we find him in Arkansas and Indian Territorv. •Cansine's. tCrease's. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 75 A. D. 1842. Wednesday, November 16. Left Kev. Mr. iSciiirs (Fajetteville) this morning. Very misty and raining. Pass through some fine farming land ; prairie coun- ti'y. Saw a fine deer, nnmeroiis partridges, larks without number. Arrived at General Campbell's, on Canehill, in company with Dr. Yeager and Mr. Paradise, about 2 p. m. Very cold and covered with mud. * * * Monday, November 21. — Left Evansville this morning and rode to Van Buren, thirty-three miles. Some good arable land ; natural dam on Lee Creek ; fine mountain scenery. Stop at Mr. Duval's. Put up at Colonel Drennen's. Meet Mrs. Clemm, just from Tennessee. Dr. Yeager reads prayer and I preach. Congregation good. Tuesday, November 22. Breakfast and dine at Major Dillard's. Leave and ride fifteen miles to Major B. Moore's, which we reach long after dark. Buy buffalo robe at Van Buren for $4.50. Very disagreeable ride through woods, fol- lowing small trail. Much company. ]\Ir. Gregg and family and others at Major Moore's. Wednesday, November 23. Left Major Moore's late tliis morning and ride to Mrs. McLeland's, twenty-five miles. Weather again excessively cold — weary ! ! ! Thursday, November 24. Left Mrs. McLeland's this morning before sunrise. Very heavy frost and weather dis- tressingly severe. Mr. Hintsen keeps house for Mrs. Mc- Leland, whose daughter he married. Mrs. McLeland is a sister of Colonel Geo. Sevier, near !N'ashville. We rode rapidly to-day and crossed the Arkansas at Dardanelle before sundown, and came on to Ewing's early. Bill, $1 apiece, $3. Saw four deer near the road ; also a flock of turkeys. Arrived at Allen's, near Cadron, before sundown, thirty-six miles. Ferriage at Dardanelle, 7."3 cents; at Point Pemove, 37^ cents— $1.1 2|. Saturday, November 20. Left Cadron before sunrise. Bill, etc., $3. Rain in the morning. Saw a fine deer. Reacii Little Rock thirty-eight minutes before sundown, and stop at Mr. Trapnall's. 76 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Sunday, Novonher 27. Morning prayer by Mr. Scull ; lessons by Dr. Yeager. Consecrated Christ Churcli and preach ; congregation large. At night prayers by Scull ; les- sons by Yeager; sermon by myself. Weather very cold. Letter last evening from Dr. Anthon. Monday, November 28. Wrote letters to-day to Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Freeman, Dr. Anthon, Mr. Goodman and to wife. Paid Mr. Scull for traveling expenses- — $10. Was waited upon by a committee of the Legislature with a request to deliver an address on education, which I agreed to do. At night Dr. Yeager read prayers and Rev. Mr. Scull preached. Tuesday November 29. Wrote to the legislative com- mittee, appointing 11 o'clock to-morrow to deliver an address. \\"eather gloomy and lowering. Dined at Major Butler's. Governor Yell, (^aptain Xorman and others present. At night, after prayers by Dr. Yeager, I preached. Wednesday, November 30. Dined to-day at Mr. Rear- don's. Called at Mr. Dunn's and at Mr. Crease's. At night Dr. Yeager read prayers and I preached. Congrega- tion pretty large. Weather is clear and cool. llinrsday, December 1. Went to the Hall of Represen- tatives to-day and delivered an address on education. Well received. Dr. Powel muttered and mouthed and finally got up and left the room. Dined at Judge Causine's. Called at Mr. Rapley's, Colonel Ashley's and took tea at Mr. Dunn's. At night Dr. Yeager read prayers and I preached on the Apostolical Succession. Friday, December 2. Weut to Hall of Representatives and Senate Chand)er, called on General Conway. Our Dr. Yeager very sick. Met Vestry. Adjourned to to-morrow at 10 a. m. At night read ))rayers and baptized the follow- ing flr/?///.s: (1) Ann Reardon, (2) Priscilla Reardon, (3) Martha Lavinia Wait, (4) Helen Jane Scott, (5) Jno. Ed- mund Reardon, and (G) Judith Ellen Field; and the follow- ing children: (I) Daniel Walter Ringo, (2) Richard Wat- kina Ringo, (?>) Mary Frances Ringo, (4) William Field l^iplcy. (:>) Liuira Lotitin Raidey, (0) Ron Johnson Field, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 77 (7) Laura Virginia Adanison, and (8) Laura Crease; after which I addressed the congregation, which was large, on con- firmation. Satufday, December o. Met the Vestry tliis morning. They passed a resohition. granting Dr. Yeager leave of absence three months after the 1st of April, 1843. Appointed a committee to j^rovide Dr. Yeager and family boarding and pay his servant hire till next April, and the eight present agreed to lend $25 apiece to the Church to pay Mr. Crease's debt. Dined at Mr. Crease's. At night read prayers and preached. Sunday, December 4. Read Morning Prayer and Ante- Communion ; preached and confirmed thirteen persons: (1) Captain J. A. L. TsTorman, (2) Wm. C. Scott, (3) Mrs. M. L. Wait, (4) Mrs. H. J. Scott, (5) Mrs. Ann Reardon, (6) Mrs. John Adamson, (7) Mrs. Priscilla Reardon, (8) Mrs. Mary Watkins, (9) Miss C. Crease, (10) Mrs. Judge Hutt, (11) Judge Hutt, (12) Colonel Williamson Oldhani, (13) Robert Clements. At night read prayers and preached to a large congregation. Weather warm. Monday, December 5. Grant connnission as lay reader to Mr. Jno. A. L. jSTorman. At night read prayers, baptized John Field and Mary Elizabeth, children of Judge Jno. Hutt and wife; preached and confirmed five persons: (1) Phili]) L. Anthony, (2) Mrs. Mary Ann Ringo, (3) Mrs. David Butler, (4) Mrs. Jane Crease, and (5) Miss Harriet Dickin- son. Tea at L. Reardon's. Tuesday. December G. Staid all night at Anthony House. Mr. Crease called early and gave me a packet of letters to nuiil at Memphis. Left in the stage at 8 o'clock a. m., it raining hard, which continued all day; nine passen- gers in company. Captain Rogers, of Cherokee ]^ation, being one, a very large helpless man. Stage came near upsetting at the river in entering ferryboat; driver was thrown off. Paid for fare on the road to-day, $1.50. Reached Rock Row at 9 p. m. Stage leaked badly and we wore all uucnmfortnlilc and wet. Found sovfM'nl aroat rowdies 78 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. at Kock Row, blasphemous and profane wretches. Retired to bed and young Rogers, the Indian, presently turned in with me. Before we were composed for sleep w^e were aroused by the arrival of the mail boat ; Avalked to the river, a quarter of a mile off, in the rain and mud up to the legs, went aboard and got to bed. Wednesday, December 7. Very heavy rain all night; thunder and lightning. Boat started a little after light; still raining, which continued nearly^ all day. Long after night we approached the mouth of ^Vhite River, which, for half a mile from the Mississippi, is full of snags. By the merciful guidance of Providence we steered clear of them and at length entered the father of Waters. It had been lightning for some time and the storm burst upon us. Neither shore was visible and for a little time the pilot knew not which way to steer. At length we reached Montgomery's Point in safety, for which mercy God's holy name be praised. I never felt in greater peril. At the landing the Xarragansett was just ready to depart and the majority of our passengers, eight or nine in number, went aboard of her. It seemed to me like a tempting of Providence to go on the river, so dark, foggy and stormy a night. I was invited by Mr. Greenwood to his house and accepted the invitation. Saw^ Captain Stevenson here. Thursday, December S. Slept well last night, and be- fore breakfast was ended the "Josiah Nichol/' a Nashville boat, liove in sight. I w^ent aboard and took a berth and now, at 3 :30 p. m., we are lying to for wood. The day has been cool, somewhat cloudy and windy and the river rather rough. At night al)()ut 7 p. m. ran upon a sandbar. After struggling for an hour, we at length backed off and ran the remainder of the night without accident.* A. D. 1843. March IH. Our only prospect of getting on now seems to ho to reach Fulton and take horses, 110 miles "There is another jiccount in the diary of a visitation of Bishop Otev to Arkansas hy a rtififere^nt route Prom Memphis to New Orleans, fr. m thence up tlie Red River via Alexandria, Natchitoches, etc. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 79 to Fort Towson. It is doubtful Avhether our captain will go beyond the bayou. March 17. This morning met a rise in the river (Red River) and our captain resolved to take his cotton from the head of the bayou and return to the raft. Thus another whole day is lost. About sundown started down the river to the raft. Heard Lieutenant Armistead was on the "Hunter" in the bayou. March 18. Wrote letters this morning to Dr. Mercer and to Wm. C. Hopkins and sent by the Belle of Red River. White frost on ground this morning ; day clear and fine. Left Hurricane Bluffs second time at 3 :30 o'clock and proceeded up the river, expecting to land at Fulton. Our captain, after losing three days in going up and down the river to remove his cotton, is at length fairly under press of steam for Fulton. March 19. Weather clear and pleasant; river rising and drift wood running; banks higher and river wider; land good. Some fine plantations, particularly Garland's place, which is a prairie, also Bob Hamilton's plantation, called '^Little Prairie." We reach Fulton on the night of March 19. In the morning hire a horse and a guide for Washing- ton, which place we reach at 12 m. and stop at Mr. Britt's hotel. LTe hires us two horses to ride to Fort Towson, for $-'5. Road for six miles bad. See Captain l^orman, Mr. Sanders, Dr. Isaac Jones, and Mr. Trimble. Tea at Mr. Sanders. Mr. Sanders reads prayers and I baptize five children and preach. (Children of Benjamin Pendleton Jett and Hester Lett — B. P. J. Sponsor.) (1) Edward Davenport Lett, (2) Benjamin Pendleton Jett, (3) Rosinia Virginia Jett, (5) Emma Jett. Washington is a poor look- ing town of 300 or 400 people. :March 21. Leave Washington at 8:30 a. m. Mr. I'rimble rides with us several miles to show us a good road ; very kind in him. He married Miss Xeal, of Franklin, Tenn. Have a lonely ride with Mr. II. Country very poor and thinly settled. Cross Mine Creek and the Saline, and reach Stallcup's at 4:30 j). m. Saw to-day five or six deer, 80 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. eight wild geese, two turkeys, and two ducks. Distance from AVasliington to Stallcup's, forty miles. March 22. Leave Stallcup's at 7:15 a. m. ; arrive at L'ltinia Tliule, over an exceedingly poor country; pine ridges and forests ; timber dead, on lire ; wind high ; swamps terrible ; many deer. To-day entered the Choctaw jSfation. First act to l)aptize a child, Lucy Ellen, daughter of Lorenzo T. and Elizabeth Harris. Ride to Rev. Mr. Byington's, accom- panied by Mr. Harris and his nephew. The Harrises (uncle and nephew) married sisters of Colonel P. P. Pitchlym. Rev. j\Ir. Byington is a teacher and preacher in Choctaw jSTation. School under the control of B. C. F. M. Choctaws give seven-eighth or six-seventh for support of establishment. Everything seemed neat, cleanly, and in good order. Chil- dren appear happy and contented. Suggested to Mr. Bying- ton and ]\rr. Wright the importance of a '^Liturgy," which they received kindly. Stop at Colonel Pitchlym's. Lost his Avife. Reach Towson at 7 o'clock p. m. Weary! weary! weary! ! Mdich 24. ^lorning prayer Avas read by Rev. Mr. Harris. Sermon by myself. Afternoon prayer was read by myself and sermon by Mr. Harris, who also preached at night at Doakville. Saw Rev. ]\Ir. Kingsberry, missionary. At night visited 'Mvi. Bacon, a sick lady. Matxli 25. Very unwell for a week past with dyspepsia, worse to-day. Wrote this morning to Colonel A. M. M. Fp- shaw, at Fort Washita, dominate Mr. Wm. Johnson and ]\Ir. Gay for chaplain at this post. Mr. Gay unanimously cliosen. Rode to Doakville and to Mr. Kiiigsberry's with ^fajor Andrews, Dr. Baily and Mr. Harris. " Visited Mr. Kingsberry's school (female). It has thirty girls in charge with two teachers — ]\riss Arms and Miss Dickinson. Tlie eliildren do not look si)rig]itly, Imt dull, and their exhibitions show mucli stupidity. "Mr. Kingsberry and family appear to be amial)le and devoted to their work. Had a long con- versation with him about introducing a ^'liturgv." He pro- fessed to tliiidx well of the i>rojoet. Have experienced many THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 81 and marked attentions from the officers of the garrison. The commandant has every day detailed an orderly for my nse. Jiarch 'US. Ilain this morning. Write to Messrs. Gay and Johnson, of Ch. Hill, Ala. Lieutenant Armistead and lady arrived hy steamboat. Heavy rain. ]\Ir. Kingsberry calls. Write to Mr. Ch. Tomes and send draft on T. at Harford, X. Y., for $500. At night prayers by Mr. Harris and sermon by myself. March 27. Left Fort Towson. liain. Lieutenant Wet- more, three ])rivates and wagon. Dr. Baily, to Spencer Academy. Fifty boarders, under Rev. McHenny, ]\rr. Wil- son, and Mr. Dwight (Mr. U wight, Choctaw) ; $0,000 amount of allowance. Rode throngh a Avell watered and good coun- try at lirst, then very poor and rough. Stop and pitch tents about 5 p. m. March 28. Camp I'ecose. Slept comfortably under a tent. Fished last night. Lieutenant Wetmore and I caught a mess for supper. ]\Lirch at 6 :3(\ O, the mountains ! the blue mountains! how they remind me of my own I my native land! Prairies; Kimishi River, thunder cloud. Hi camp by ]). m. March, 29. In a prairie (Camp Pluviose). Thunder, lightning; high wind and heavy rain all night; propose fire; va'u\ and muddy in the morning; water courses all up. Left our camp at 8 a. m. Rains all day till at night it changes into snow. Reach Pursley's Creek; find it high, 10 or ^^ feet of water. Pitch our tent. Cold, wet and muddy ; high wind, etc. March, 30. Camp Moose. Snow half inch deep ; clear and cold ; light clouds flying. Slept with little comfort. Cross the dividing ridge l)etween the Red and Arkansas rivers. Waited eighteen hours to cross Pursley's Creek. Broke the king bolt ; roads very deep in places ; extensive pine barrens ; prairies ; mountains on mountains ! Marcl) 3L Sanday. Camp Terrill. Hay of vest. Reached Terrill's (Hidian) at sundown. The Poteau im- 82 THE ANNALS OF CHRlST CHURCH PARISH. passable. Slept in TerriU's house last night — the hardest floor I ever felt! Went to top of mountain and again dedi- cated myself and all that I have in solemn prayer to God. This is the anniversary of my wife's birth. Fervently have I pi'ayed for her ! April 1. Poteau still too high to cross, aud we have to wait here to-day, perhaps to-morrow. Went "afishing'' and caught nothing. Passed the remainder of the day in read- ing. Mr. Harris went with DeWit into the country to find some Indian families. Saw one family in a comfortable condition, etc. April 2. Clear. T cross the Poteau this morning. Road passes to-day through some good land and some of the most beautiful prairies I ever saw. Mountains on our right, the '"Sugar Loaf;" on our left, the "Caviniole" — called by the Indians, '"'Grumbling Mountain," an extinct volcano. Fine streams ; grouse, deer ; large mounds. April 3. Left camp early this morning and reached Fort Smith about 9 a. m. Was invited by General Zachary Taylor to his quarters. After dinner rode with ]\Iajor Hun- ter to see Mrs. Nowland. Saw Mrs. Berryhill, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Pease, Mrs. Magee, and returned. Mr. McManus is, T hoar. sick. April 4. Kodc with General Taylor this morning and viewed the new fortifications. Bought cigars, belting, bags, $6. Saw Colonel Loomis and lady, Mrs. Hunton, Houghman and daughter. Dined with General Taylor, then rode to Van Buren. Saw Mr. McManus, who read prayers at night, r preached in C. IL Congregation large and attentive. April ,5. Good Friday. Very unwell this morning. Mr. Harris came down and left on steamboat ''Roller" for Fort Gibson. Wrote to Bishop Whittingham and clergy in Baltimore. ]\iet with the Masons in lodge; walked in pro- cession and laid the ronicr stone of Trinity Church, Van Buren. I'hen drh'\('rcd an address after appropriate religious exercises, etc. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 83 April G. Boat eaiiu^ last nijziit at 11 p. ni., went aboard. Left \"an Buren about U :oO a. in. Scenery on the xVrkansas grand and imposing; liigli, beetling cliffs on the banks, espe- cially on the right side. Heavy storm of rain, thunder and lightning. April 7. Easter. Compelled to pass this blessed and lioly day on a steamboat. Rain, thunder and lightning this morning. Bev. Mr. Foreman (Cherokee) left the boat last night at Spadra, making it a matter of conscience not to travel on Sunday. Mountains approach very near the river at times ; sublime cliffs ! Bead prayers and preached in the afternoon. Ap)'il 0. Saw Mr. Brearly last night at Dardanelle. Bassed the wreck of the "Arkansas" this morning; afterwards came to the mouth of Fourche La Fevre, where a dead man (droAvned) was picked up from the Arkansas, the captain of which engaged a man to bury him — from Green County, Ohio. Breach at Little Bock and confirm thirteen. Letters from home. Write to Charles Tomes. April 9. Left Little Bock last night. A. D. 1 844. Bishop Otoy made another visitation to Arkansas in 1S44-. Bev. James Young, Missionary Rector. A list of those confirmed by him on April 8, 1844, thirteen in number, is here given : (1) Harriet Grafton, (2) Mrs. Samuel F. Johnson, (3) Mrs. Clarissa Beebe, (4) Miss Caroline Elliott, (5) Miss S. S. D'Estimanville, (G) Mrs. Martha F. Trapnell, (7) Dr. Skinner, (8) Mrs. Merrick, (9) Mrs. Miller, (10) Mrs. Field, (11) Miss Frances Field, (12) Miss Ellen Field, (13) Mrs. Charles Rapley. Copy of letter from Bishop James H. Otey to Rev. Otis PTackett, of Helena, Ark., which relates the appointment to jurisdiction of Arkansas, after the death of Bishop Freeman. Courtesy of Dr. B. B. Minor, son-in-law of Bishop Otey: 84 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Meiupliis, Tc'im., June 1, 1858. Jicv. and Dear Sir — 1 have just received a letter from the Kt. Rev. Senior Bishop T. C. Brownell, D. 1)., etc., ap- pointing nie to the office of Missionary Bishop of Arkansas, rendered vacant by the lamented Bishop Freeman's death. As I know not what clergymen or laymen compose the stand- ing committee, nor where to address the committee, I write to you and ask of you the favor to communicate to the com- mittee my acceptance of the charge, and furthermore to ask of the connuittee to communicate to me as speedily as possible the names of the standing committee, president and secretary, where it may be addressed, the names and residences of the clergymen belonging to the jurisdiction of the late Missionary Bishop, the organized parishes, missionary stations, and any other information necessary for me to have in order to the administration of the aifairs of the late Bishop's jurisdiction. I cannot probably make a visitation of the State before the fall, though I may find it in my ])0wer to do something in that way during the sunnner for the congregations near the Mississippi River. I remain, very truly. Your faithful friend and l)rother, JAS. II. OTEY. Jvev. Otis Ilackett, Helena, Ark. Froui a sermon prepared by the Rev. John A. Harrison for a service licld at Eastertide, on the tenth anniversary of his decease, during the session of a Diocesan Convention, the following beautiful trilmte is taken: J1ie aged Saiiu i-eceived his release in the sixty-third year of his age, in the thirtieth of his Episcopate, and the tliirty-eighth of his ministry. As he lay in the former cliancol of this Church (at Memphis) in his robes, pre- ])are(l foi- his burial, the long, large frame, with a cross clasj.ed in his hand, he looked as he was, the Christian warrior m repose. His dear remains are interred in the sweet God's acre of Sr. John's, Aslnvood* We have the comfort of a ♦See picture near tluit of Bishop Polk, who witl) his brotJiers erected it. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 85 I'luisonablo, religions and holy hope that he now rests from liis labors, "blessed in the Lord," in company with his wife and the children who had preceded him, in commnnion with the Stephens, Father and Son, and with Lytton, with Allston, and Tomes, and Fagg; with Ravenscroft, and Ilobart, and White ; with Cranmer, and Latimer, and liidley ; with Angnstine, and Chrysostom, and Pol^^carp ; with St. Panl, and St. John, and St. Peter, and with the faithfnl departed of all ages. 'J'heii dnst is gold! "If we believe that tTesus een mailed. 88 THE ANNALS OP^ CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. dercd valuable service. lie attended Kenyon College, Ohio, but was educated medically in Richmond, and in Philadel- ])hia, under the celebrated Dr. Muter. He married Mary Ann Bowles, of Holly Springs, :Miss., and became a planter near :\Iarianna, Ark. ; was a surgeon in the Confederate army ; lost his wife about the close of the war, and settled in Mem- j)his for the practice of his profession. They had no children, but adoi)ted an orphan girl, Avhom they reared to be ii fine woman, who survived them and married well. 5. Sarah McGavock. Died just as she finished her course at the Columbia Female Institute, and her eighteenth year. She was richly endowed in every respect. She was so beloved hy her father that her death was a crushing blow to him. 0. Mary Fogg. Married Daniel C. Govan, of Missis- sippi. He became a ])lanter near Marianna, Ark. During the struggle of the Southern Confederacy, he was the colonel of the Second Arkansas ; was promoted to the rank of briga- dier general ; was wounded and taken prisoner in the battle of Franklin. After the war he resumed his planting in Arkansas. ]]y the administration of President Cleveland he was a])])ointed superintendent of Indian affairs in Wash- ington State, wdiere he is noAv. His wife was, not very long- ago, killed by an accident on the street car in Seattle. They liave sons and daughters, several of whom are married. 7. Eliza Pilplcy {called Donna). ]^Iarried Robert Com])ton, of Lexington, Va. He Avas a student of the Vir- ginia ^Military Institute and a member of the famous Stone- wnll Hrigade. Since the war he and his wife lived several years in "Missouri, where he was a teacher. He died several years ago in Xorfolk, Va. She has lived for years in Wash- ington City, wliere she has some employment under the gov- THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 89 eminent. She has four interesting daughters, three of whom are married, and she is a grandmother. 8. Frances Jane Brctneij. Died in her verv promis- ing girlhood. 9. WiUiani Newton Mercev. Xamed for the Bishop's very dear friend, Dr. Mercer, of ISTew Orleans, La. Is now living at Oakland, Cal., and doing business in San Francisco. Has his second wife, Geraldine Gager, with three sons and two daughters. He left the Virginia Military Institute to go into the ( 'onfederate ami}' ; where he was engaged mostly ii, the signal service with General Polk's corps. After the war he married Patsy Compton (sister of Robert, who married his own sister Donna), and she and her first infant were buried at the same time. From the Richmond Dispatch, of date April 24, 11)00. we copy the notice of [Mrs. B. B. ]\Liiior's death : MRS. B. B. MIXOR DEAD. SlIK PASSES AWAY AI-TKlf A BRIEF ILLXESS. Mrs. Virginia ]\[aury Otey [Minor, wife of Dr. Benjamin Blake Minor, died at her home, jSTo. 520 West Grace street, last night, after an illness of short duration of pneumonia. Deceased was in the seventy-eighth year of her age. She was the eldest child of the Right Rev. James H. Otev, I). D., the Bishop of Tennessee, but a native of Bedford County, Va. Just after the completion of her education at "the Columbia Female Institute," of which her father was the founder, he brought her to Virginia for the purpose of restoring, at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, her health, impaired by earnest study, and of her visiting his and her mother's brothers, in Lynchburg and Petersburg. It was in the latter city that she first met the young lawyer who became her life companion for fifty-eight years. At the time of their enuage- 90 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Dieiit he removed to the city of Kichmond, and pursued his l)rofession here for one year before marriage. When she, a beautiful and brilliant bride, arrived here, in the summer of 1842, she was most cordially received by the very best people of Richmond. She was a fine musician and an exquisite vocalist, and played upon and sang to the harp and guitar as well as the piano. She was also a spirited and pleasing writer in prose and verse. Before her graduation she was a contributor to the magazine of the Columbia Institute, called The Guardian. She was a contributor to the Southern Literary Messenger, and gave some assistance in the editorial department during some absences of her husband. She was the author of the "Prize-Tale, Stephano Oolonna," and several others. She assisted her husband in his educational work in Staunton, Jiichmond, and St. Louis, Mo. Before her removal to the University of Missouri she took an active part in whatever interested the ladies of Rich- mond, and particularly in the efforts of the Mount Vernon Association, to purchase the home of ^Yashington. She, with a part of her children, returned to Richmond in 1S84, and liad resided here ever since. On the 26th of May, 1S92, she celebrated her golden wechling, which was largely attended by the friends of herself and family. For several years past she had been an invalid, but her malady only endeared her the more to her family and friends, jind yet it was an unexpected attack of pneumonia which rloscd licr long and interesting life. ]\or husband, B. B. Minor, and five children — Dr. B. B. Minor, Jr., of Texas; William P. .Minor, of Michigan; Misses Viohi, Jane, and Zelle Minor, of Richmond — survive her. togetlier with jMrs. G. R. Frost, B. L. ]\rinor. and Vir- ii'inia S. l\Iinor, her grandchildren, and (me sister, Mrs. Comp- ton. of Washington. Tlio Inncral arraniicnients have not been made. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 91 REV. JAMES YOUXG. A. D. 1844-1846. Rev. James Young succeeded Rev. ]VJr. Yeager in 1844^ bringing with liim a wife and several children, the youngest of whom, if not born here, was bap- tized here, for there is a tradition that when the name of Georo-e Washinjiton was sue,'a'ested to Mr. Youne;, he demur- red, on the plea "that too many George Washingtons had been hanged." In further evidence of his character, a letter written by him to one of his former parishioners has been kindly granted for use in these pages. It was written to the late Colonel Wm. E. Ashley on the occasion of his marriage with the beautiful Miss Fanny Grafton, and is here transcribed : Berlin, Worcester County, Md., December 7, 1846. Dear Will — I was truly gratified by the intelligence of your marriage, communicated by my cherished friend, Mr. Beebe, in a letter received from him a few days ago."^ I trust that both yourself and Mrs. Ashley will allow me to offer my heartfelt congratulations on this happy consummation, and assure you of my prayers and desires for the continued hap- piness and prosperity of both in your new relationship. May God, our Heavenly Father, bless your union, and make it tributary to the temporal and eternal welfare of both. For the dear girls, to whom you stand in the relation of husband and brother,- I have ever entertained the affection also of a brother. Their happiness secured would add to mine, however distant I might be from them, and the consciousness that in this union the happiness of one of the little band was made 1. The late Roswell Beebe. who married Miss Eliot, half-sister of the bride. Mr. Beebe lived in a large, handsome brick residence fronting on Markham .afreet, on the ground now occmiied by the post office. Oazi'tti' building, and H. t,. Rp-Trners insurance building. It was p.ainted white, and surrounded on all sides by trees of forest growth. 2. Fanny and Harriet Grafton, afterwards Mrs. Richard Fatherly. 92 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. sure, so far as happiness belongs to this life, afforded nie and my wife the sincerest and most lively pleasure and satisfac- tion. It would have added greatly to my gratification had I been present to officiate on the occasion^, and still more to have enrolled you both as meinbers of the body of Christ our Lord. This, I trust, will be done for you by some other in good time, and that you and yours will ever be found on the side of righteousness and truth. Do not leave the Church to which your hearty preference hitherto has led you ; but let that preference only give wav to princij^le, which shall draw the bond of connection closer until you become fully incorporated with the great body of the elect from every tongue and kindred under the whole heaven. And may every blessing in the gift of Him, from whom cometli every good and perfect gift, descend u])<)n you and abide with you always. My wife joins me in love and congratulations, and sends her warmest love to you and the dear girls, your sisters,^ and to Mrs. Beebe^"* and in affectionate remembrance to your esteemed mother and sister,'"* to whose kindness during the illness of our little boy, we owe so much. I assure you that when we look back upon our residence in Little Rock, now that all the asperities of a ])ortion of my experience there are worn off, we discover man\ bright and cheering pages of its history that will ever keep o])en a warm place in our hearts for the wilds of Arkansas, or rather, the warm hearts that exist there, and if ever it pleases God to put me in possession of the means I shall see you all again before 1 die, God will- ing. I find pretty much the same effect following my efforts to make known the gos])el in the C-hurch everywhere it has been my privilege to ])reach. 1 have a small parish of about fifty comnuinicants, composed of farmers, traders and ])ro- fessional men, with their families, and am getting to be quite a lion among them. My rough-hewn, straightforward, back- woods style seems to tell powerfidly upon them all. the most .3. Miss Carrie Eliott, afterwards Mrs. D. C. Fulton, and Miss Harriet Grafton, afterwards Mrs. Richard Fatherly. 4. Formerly Miss Eliott. 5. Mrs. Chi'ster Ashley, and Miss F.nnnv Aslilev. aflorwarrts Mrs A F. ]■ I'lM-inan. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 93 intelligent and the most illiterate alike, and 1 hope for good, both to the people and the Church, from the divine blessing upon my eiforts in this pleasant, but secluded nook. Re- member me affectionately to Mrs. Henderson •'^ and to your grandpa and ma,'^ to Mrs. Ringo and Mrs. Trapnall, and to all our friends in the Rock, and believe me, dear Will, Yours aifectionately, JAS. YOUXG."- GENERAL AXD ^[RS. WILLIAM ELIOT ASHLEY. (leiiernl und Mrs. Willitdn Eliot Ashley were the first citi/ens uiiited in marriage in the first Episcopal Church, Oct'iber :!(», 1S4(;, althougli one other couple is reported to have l)een wedded there, in passing through the city. (leTieral .Vshley was the eldest son of Hon. Chester -Ashley, United States Senator from Arkansas, and Mary W. Eliot, his V7ife, of Missouri. He married Frances Grafton, (l.'ingliter of Joseph Dana Grafton, of St. Genevieve, Mo., and Marv Lewis Eliot, his wife. The bride and groom were of a common ancestry and were distantly related. The name of William xVshley was the synonym of kind- ness, courtesy and culture. His genial temperament and quick sympathy caused his friends to be legion. In beauty of feature and symmetry of form Fanny Grafton, his wife, was acknowledged to be peerless. She had fine literary taste, and as a conversationalist was es])eeially attractive. As she advanced in years her graces of spirit crowned and sanctified all other charms, and disclosed to her friends the most endear- ing aspects of her character. Both have passed beyond the silent river, leavinc' a memorv that will h^nti' hf" cherished bv 6. Sister of Mrs. Chester Ashley. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Eliott. ■'By courtesy of the late Mrs. Wm. E. Ashley. 94 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. all who knew thorn. Of the live children born to theni^ only one danghter, Frances Ann, afterwards Mrs. Clifton S. Gray, snrvives. THE FIRST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. A. D. 1843-1873. The bnilding was a simple parallelo- gram. Imilt in brick, withont transepts or vestry. There were two aisles and two entrances from the west. The win- dows wer(^ made with the pointed arch, pertaining to the gothic style of architectnre. In the eastern part was the chancel, as is customary with all Episcopal Churches. This was enclosed with a circular railing, where a pulpit, placed within it, was reached by a short flight of steps. A reredos, carved in walnut, also of gothic design, was placed against the eastern wall, with the creed and commandments inscribed on a blue ground. On December, 3 843, Rev. Mr. Paradise, of Philadel])liiii, j)r(^8ented the silver communion service. On either side of the chancel were two wide pews. Those on the south side were occupied by the treasurer and secretary of State, :\lr. J. H. Crease and Mr. S. M. Weaver, with their families. Hon. Samuel M. Weaver, of JSTcav Orleans, La., came to Little Rock in 1840 and was Secretary of the State of Arkansas in ISGO. He M-as not a Church official, but his family attended the services regularly in the first Church. He married ]\Lary Eliza Rose, of Roseville, Ark. They had five children : (1 ) Omer R. Weaver, who lost his life at the battle of Springfield, Mo., August 10, 1861. The Confed- erate Camp of United Veterans perpetuates his name. {'2) Horace Boardman, deceased. (3) George Vance, married Alice Com])ton, now deceased. Their son, George, married M;iud Samstag. (4) Samuel :\Iontoomerv, married Effie THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 95 Coleman, deceased. (5) Mary, married Benjamin Johnson Field, deceased. Two of their children, Marj and Mildred, died in infancy. Four survive their father: Benjamin Johnson, Omer Weaver, Leila, and Samuel Weaver Field. As the Rector was compelled to robe in the presence of the con<;Tegation, after about eight years passed, there was l)uilt, during" the incumbency of Bev. Andrew F. Free- man, a Avooden tower on the western front. A Vestry room was arranged on the first floor, where the Bector robed and entered the Church from the outside, from which a nar- row staircase led up to the second floor. This opened on the organ loft, which was sustained by two large columns rising fi'om the nave, and from it the staircase led up higher to the Ix'lfry in the tower, from which a fine view of the city was had. ^Vn organ and bell were placed in the loft and tower later. This Church was located in the center of three lots, which were enclosed with a wooden fence. One magnificent oak of indigenous growth stood on the west, in comj^any with the tower, which it overlooked as a loving guardian. In the heart of the tree about six feet from the ground was a small natural hollow, which served as a depository for the Churcli keys. .Vs none but liahitucs and the sexton were in ])ossession of the secret a bank could not have been safer. One of the succeeding rectors. Dr. J. T. Wheat, conceived and perfected a plan of supplying the Churchyard with shade, Avhicli was that the head of each family should ])lant an ever- green for each child in the family within the enclosure and an elm or maple on the outside as a border for the pavement. All these trees which had grown into the afi^ections of the ^'hurch people, including the tower oak, were burned along with the Church on Sunday night, September 2S, 1S73. ^Tot until lS!)o wore these trees replaced l»y Bev. Wallace 96 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. C'ariirthaii. Later Dr. Caiitrellj Senior Warden, had tlieni boxed for preservation and iron hitching j)osts established. ])ur this is anticipating. KEV. WILLIAM T. SAUXDEKS. A. D. 1824-1857. licr. William T. Saunders succeeded the Ivev. James Yonng as missionary minister at Christ Church, which oitice he tilled not longer than two years. lie is described by those Avho remember him as a grave, taciturn, shy man, though an interesting talker and intelligent preacher when the barrier of his constitutional diffidence was overcome. He went from here to Apalachicola, Ela., where he was Rec- tor of Trinity Church for seventeen years. He married while there Eliza ]\Iorton, who was born January 24, 1^24, in Xew York V\X\. In the year l^iCT he published a snuill volume called ""The Fasloi-'s Wife." or "Memoirs of E. M. S.," whom he had the misfortune to lose after prolonged suf- feriiig, boi-ne with the heroism of a Christian martyr. Their children were John Alorton, William Lawi-ence, Walter Burns, Robert Duncan, and Jane Morton. The last was named for his deceased wife's devoted sister, whom he after- wards nuirried. At that time the family of Judge William Iluine Field was conspicuous in the early Church here. Judge Field was a native of Brunswick County, \'a., and canu^ from Tennessee to Arkansas in Ai)ril of 1S43. His wife was Mary Amanda Flournoy, of Giles County, Tenn. He was twenty years judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, which included Pulaski County, Ark. Mary FJiza Field was their second child and eldest daughter. On February 3, 184G, she was mar- ried t(. Wni. V. OHm-ci-. by Bishop Freeman, at the family THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 97 residence, on the corner of Holly (Eighth street) and Scott streets, where the eldest son, Wni. IJnnie Field (:^d), with his family, still resides. One son, Enstis Field Officer, was the only child of this marriage. Air. Officer died ahout live years afterwards. In 1857 Mrs. Othcer was married to ]\Ir. Gilbert Knap]), in Christ Clinrch, by Kev. Andrew F. Freeman. This Avorthy and highly esteemed pair has for years resided at their com- modions home, bnilt in colonial style, on corner of Rector avenue and Chestnut (Seventh) street, where the propliet's chamber was usually occupied. Bishop Lay, Bishop Pierce, with their families, and the Rev. T. 1>. Lee, all knew Mr. and Mrs. Knapp as the incomparable host and hostess. They now reside at their farm, Toltec station, a place celebrated for the Indian antiquities that have been obtained from the In- dian mounds on the place. A lovely little daughter, Myra Flournoy, was born to them, who became a feature of interest to the towii with her quaint sayings and earnest questions, and was lamented by all when the angel of death came to take her from the life she adorned. There was always a dainti- ness of fancy and speech, an exquisite delicacy of thought, that caused Mrs. Knapp to be called aesthetic and this was her patronymic for the first ladies' literary club of this citv, of which she was the sponsor, so to s})eak, and Mrs. Rufus T. Polk, the founder. This mantle of refinement that was better proof against assault than a coat of mail, Mrs. Knapp has transferred to the club she named, which is acknowledged to be the most refined in the city, during the seventeen years of its existence. Her sisters, Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Lennox, both dead, and her nieces, Mrs. Crockett, Mrs. Andrew Hunter, Misses Xannie, Jenny, Zaida, and Ernest, Afiss Adelina Lennox and brother have all been devoted mend)ers of Christ Church from infancv. 98 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. A. D. 1900. On May 20, 1000, the death of Mrs. Knapp's son, Mr. Eustis Field Officer, was announced as the result of injuries received ]\Iay 1-1, by falling from the Choctaw bridge in East Little Rock. From the Arkansas Democrat of 30th, is transferred the following notice: INTELLECTUALLY STROIs^G. TRIBUTE TO EUSTIS F. OFFICER. WHOSE FUNERAL OCCURS TO-DAY. The funeral of the late Eustis F. Officer will occur at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Christ Churchy llev. G. Gordon Snicade officiating. Mr. Officer was born in Little Rock April 0, 1840. He was a man of high intellectual attainments, a graduate of the Washington and Lee University of Virginia, where he gradu- ated with the highest honors, receiving the Robertson prize medal. He was j)articularly proficient in mathematics and attained a high rank in civil engineering. He was employed in this capacity with the Iron Mountain and Cotton Belt roads, and in the river works of the United States govern- ment in the Arkansas and White rivers, and was in charge of the government works in Pine Bluff. Lie also taught in the public schools of this city and was at one time principal of the Peabody Lligh School. Of late he has been associated with his stepfather, Gilbert Knapp, in cotton planting and merchandising at Toltee. His death was a particularly sad one, and is a great blow to his bereaved parents, to whom he was most affectionately devoted. Mr. Officer was a man of many noble qualities, a kind and affectionate son, and a gen- erous and faithful friend. The members of his family have tlie sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. RT. REV. GEORGE WASHINGTON FREEMAN, D. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 99 ET. REV. GEORGE WASHINGTON FREEMAN, D. D. A. D. 1635-1789. Ui. Rev. George Washington Free- ■man. D. D., Second Missionary Bishop of Texas, Arkansas and the Indian Territory of the SouthAvest, was a descendant of Edmond Freeman, who arrived in the ship "Abigail" from London in 1635, and located at Sandwich, Mass. In 17^29 he removed to the State of Connecticut and settled in Mansfield. George Washington Freeman was born in Sandwich, Mass., on the l;3tli of Jnne, 17^9. He was the twelfth child of Dr. Nathaniel Freeman and Tryphosa Cotton, of Killingly, Conn., who were married May 5, 1763. The wife died July 11, 1796, aged 53. Dr. Freeman was twice married, and the subject of this memoir was the youngest child of his first wife. From "The Life of Bishop Freeman, of Arkansas," by the Rev. John N. Norton, D. I)., is quoted the following record found in his father's commonplace book: "George had read the Bible throagli, wlien between six and seven years of age." * * * j)^ YyeQuy^n l^ad a very large family and he had little to bequeath his children beyond the precious example of his own useful, honored, patriotic. Chris- tian life. Our little hero was remarkable from his earliest years, for his amiable disposition, obedience to his parents, respect for the aged, a generous heart and a scrupulous regard for the truth and right. During one of the Bishop's latest visits to his native place, he expressed a desire to call upon some of the elders of the place, and among them was an excel- lent Quaker lady, whose memory was now most active, as. is often the case with the aged, in recalling the scenes and incidents of early life. On entering the room where she sat, the Bishop approached and gave her his hand. She not i.«rc 100 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. ap]u';irii)g to recollect liiiii, lie said: "Don't you know me?" Slie looked intently for a moment, when, her face brighten- ing, she replied : ''(>anst thou be he — he, that good little George C The Bishop was evidently both amus,ed and' iiratitied. She recollected him from a natural mark of a rasj^berry upon one of his eyelids. . She remembered very well that, whilst other boys of his age visited her father's cele- brated orchard uninvited, "George was a good boy, and always asked permission." '^ * * "It was not JBishop Freeman's privilege to be trained up in the bosom of the Church at whose altars he so faithfully ministered, his parents being rigid Congregationalists. Hi& Puritan descent will account for some of his peculiarities of opinion, especially his very strict notions in regard to worldly amusements. It seems, however, that althouoh Geor2;e Avas thus breathing an atmosphere most unfriendly to the growth of Episcopacy, he early formed an acquaintance with the Prayer Book, and learned to love it." This Prayer Book and Bishop Ravenscroft, of Xorth Carolina, converted him from (''alvinism to Episcopacy. He became a most zealous and devoted Churchman, although he was associated in teaching in Xorth Carolina with his brother, a Presbyterian minister, during his early manhood. A. D. 1818. in ISIS he married, while yet a layman, a most excellent and accomplished woman — Mrs. Ann Yates Gholsoii, of \'ii-giiiia. A. D. 1826 1827. On the Sth of October, 1820, Mr. Freeman was ordained Deacon by Bishop Ravenscroft, in the E])iscopal Chai)el, at Raleigh, in the thirty-seventh year of his age, and alxMit eight months afterward was admitted to the Priesthood by Bishoj) Ravenscroft, on the 20th of May, 1S27. The service was held in Christ Church, Xcwbern,, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 101 iST. C. When Bishop Ravenscroft died at Raleigh, N. C, ''Dr. Freeman ministered at his bedside and, by the Bishop's special reqnest, read the bnrial service over his remains." Dr. Freeman's first field of labor embraced Washington, Dur- ham's Creek, and Zion Chapel, North Carolina. At the time of his marriage, before he became a member of any Christian body, his wife was a pious and consistent member of the Methodist connnunion, to which she adhered, "after he obtained Baptism, Confirmation and Communion in the Church." But in a year or two, of her ow^n accord, after a diligent examination of the claims of the Church, she was confirmed by Bishop Moore, of Virginia, and was thence- forward a devoted Churchwoman. A. D. 1839-1841. Dr. Freeman labored eleven years at Christ Church, Raleigh, N. C, wdiere he left a host of loving and appreciative friends.* From there he removed to Colum- bia, Tenn., Avhere he officiated more than a year, when the feeble health of his wife obliged him to make a change. He next labored at Trinity Church, Swedesborough, N^. J., which place he held from April to ISTovember, 1841. He then accepted a call to Immanuel Church, ZSTew Castle, Del. "At the General Convention of 1844 it was determined that a Bishop should be appointed for tlie Southwest, and Dr. Freeman having been nominated, he was chosen, almost by acclamation. A delegate to that convention who sat in the same seat with him, thus graphically describes the eft'ect pro- duced upon the good man when his name was announced by the secretary as having been sent down from the House of Bishops for the action of tlie Lower House: " 'Dr. Freeman, Avliose hearing was a little impaired. *He received the honorary degree of D. D. from Chapel Hill, the Uni- versity of North Carolina, in 18.'?9. 102 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH, loaned forward, witli liis hand behind his ear. His head began to sink as his Christian name was uttered; and bj the time that the secretary iiad spoken his surname, it had (h-ooped below the top of the pew, and v/hen the message was Inlly concluded, he had grasped his hat and was passing out of the Church. On reaching his boarding house, he was seized with a chill, which was succeeded by high fever, and he was not able to leave his room for several days.' Here the exalted piety of his wife took effect, as the fol- lowing incident, related by Rev. Dr. Xorton, illustrates: "Mrs. Freeman's claim to distinction among the many excellent clergymen's wives in tlie Church rests mainly upon her missionary zeal. She was not only ready to give, ac- cording to her ability, to the support of missions, but was will- ing to sacrifice (and she did actually sacrifice) her health, and the most of her worldly comforts for the supposed good of the cause. When her husband was called to the Mission- ary Episcopate of the Southwest, they were delightfully and most happily situated in a parish that perhaps both would have preferred to almost any other in the (Jhurch, and they had just completed their arrangements for, as they fondly ho])ed, a lifelong residence among agreeable and most aft'ec- tionate parishioners. The call came upon him like a clap of thunder, and he felt that he could not accept it ; and, after twenty-four hours' deliberation with ])rayer, he had made up l:is mind that he must decline it. The distressed look with which the announcement of his purpose was received by her, and the alarming inquiry which she made, 'Are you sure you will not be found fighting against God if you decline?' lirought him to a pause ; and, aided by the remonstrance and persuasion of others, led him ultimately to suffer himself to l>nt on the niitr(>, although he knew it to be crowned with thoi'ns." A. D. 1844. He was consecrated as the IMissionary Bii^liop (.f Arkansas, Texas and the Indian Territory of the Southwest in St. Peter's Churcli. Philadelphia, on Saturday, THE AKIn'ALS of CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 103 October 20, 184-4. The venerable Bishop Chase acted as coiisecrator, being assisted by Bishops Doane, Otey, Hen- shaw, Kemper, Polk, Lee, Whittingham, Elliott and Johns. ''An able and appropriate sermon was preached by the Bishop of Georgia, from Isaiah liv. 2, 3." A. D. 1875. "It may be remarked that during the four- teen years of his Episcopate, his duties caused him to traverse a territorial region that is now (1875) served by five bishops, who, all, no doubt with good cause, complain of the vast extent of their several Dioceses. Bishop Freeman traveled on horseback, over the territorial extent of all these five Dio- ceses, after he was three score years old, the hearty and robust young clergymen who attempted to travel with him, breaking down by their efforts. Thus much may be said for Bishop Freeman's sturdy New England stock, and it may be added for his old England stock." The best account of his Episcopal labors is given by the Bishop himself, a portion of which is here appended : "Having yielded to the solicitation of Bishop Otey, that I would undertake a visitation to the Churches in Mississippi, on my way from Texas to Arkansas, I was obliged to confine my labors in Arkansas to those portions of the State in which our missionary operations have hitherto been conducted. This, however, was nearly all that I expected, from the late- ness of the season wdien I set out, to be able to accomplish on my first visitation. The points visited were Little Rock, Van Buren, Fort Smithj Fayetteville, Cane Hill, and the headwaters of White River. At Little Rock I found our missionary laborino- under a slight and temporary discour- agement, owing to the late strenuous, and but too successful efforts of one of the many modern sect's. And, regarding this af the most important station in the State, Little Rock being, as yet, the largest town, and, at the same time, the seat of government, I yielded to the entreaties of the Rev. Mr. Young, the missionary, and many of the principal members 104 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. of the congregation, and remained with them ten or twelve days, preaching ten times, and confirming, on two separate occasions, nine pei'sons. Notwithstanding the discouraging circumstances just alluded to, however, the Church is growing here steadily, and in a highly satisfactory ratio of progression. The services are well attended ; the congregation, embracing a fair pro- portion of the principal citizens, is large for the place, and increasing, and the missionary commands the respect and esteem of his parishioners ; and were the worldly circum- stances of the community at all prosperous, we might expect this soon to be stricken from the list of missionary stations. But, unfortunately, the people are poor and unable to do much for the su])port of a minister, and the probability is that for some time to come a full missionary appropriation will be necessary. From Little Rock I was compelled, from the loAv stage of water in tlie river, to make the journey to Van Buren and the other points visited, on horseback, a dis- tance, going and returning, of 450 miles ; so that much time v\'as necessarily occupied in traveling. To Van Buren I was accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Young, and was there met by the Rev. Mr. Scull, from Fayetteville. I found here no communicants, no candidates for confirmation, and, I may add, no congregation proper. The missionary has oificiated at this point, on alternate Sundays, in a house of worship common to all religious bodies, but to a mixed assemblage, of wlidui it is difficult to say what number, if any, consider themselves as Episcopalians. We held services here five times. I preached thrice, and, at the request of the mission- ary, baptized one adult and six children. At Fort Smith, where the missionary also officiates^ as I understand, on alternate Sundays, I found the same state of things existing as at Van Buren. To that place I Avas accompanied by the Rev. Messrs. Young, MclManus, and Scull, and we held two ser- vices, which vjvro well attended, particularly by the officers of the T"^nited States army, many of whom were present in attr'iidanco upon a court-martial. T preached on both occa- '^ions. and have reason to believe^ that our services left a o-ood THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 105 impression. From Van Buren I proceeded, attended by the Kev. Mr, Scull, to Favetteville, Washington County. At this place I remained, with the exception of two days at Cane Hill, enjoying the hospitality of Mr. Scull ten days, including two Sundays, having been prevented by high waters from getting to the headwaters of White River (as I intended) to pass the latter of them. I preached in Fayetteville, in a schoolroom, six times, and administered the Holy Eucharist to ten persons, of whom only six or seven belong to our com- munion. At Cane Hill, in a small storeroom, hastily fitted up for the occasion by the personal labor of General Campbell and Captain Chew, I preached twice and confirmed three persons, viz : Captain Chew, his wife, and their oldest son (originally from Fredericksburg, Va.). The Church at this point consists at present of but two families, General Camp- bell's and Captain Chew's; but more devoted, warndiearted Church people I have seldom met with. The services liere were well attended, and it was evident that a good, I hope, a lasting, impression was made upon the plain people, of whom the congregation was composed, and I felt encouraged to believe that the regular ministrations of one who could give himself to the work would be eminently fruitful in this inter- esting neighborhood. To insure the keeping alive, in some measure, of the flame which has been here enkindled by the occasional visits of the Rev. Mr. Scull, T licensed Captain Chew as Lay Reader, who has promised to officiate every Sun- day in their little hired room until their loo- Church, which they are about to commence, is finished. There are now in this neighborhood five communicants. "At the lieadAvaters of White River (Madison C\3unty, thirty-five miles southeast of Fayetteville), where I only spent the night, I confirmed, in his own house, at the family altar, William McElroy. He and his wife are both communicants, and I was pleased to observe, are scrupulous in the daily per- formance of family devotion. In this neighborhood there are three or four communicants. Among them is Colonel Sumner, a patriarch of more than four score years, an emi- grant from Vermont. The prospects for the establishment 106 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. and spread of the Church in this Northwestern and moun- tainous region of Arkansas appear, confessedly, not to be flattering. Yet, it would, I think, scarcely become us to abandon the field, and give up those few sheep in the wilder- ness which liave heretofore been folded^ with so much care, to the mercy of the wolves of the mountain, scattered though they be. Though the progress of the Church in that region must, from the nature of things, be very slow for some time to come, yet I doubt not that the labors of an able and prudent missionary, self-denying and capable of enduring hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, would in a few years be found productive of much fruit to the honor and praise of God's holy name, and the edification of His Church. I have, as yet, visited no part of the Indian Territory, but pur- pose visiting some portions of it in the fall." A. D. 1847. At the General Convention of 1S4T the Bisliop's first triennial report shows how he had improved the three years that had elapsed since his consecration. ''Besides visiting all the Churches and missionary stations within his jurisdiction thrice, he lias visited Columbia and Brazoria, in Brazoria County, Texas, twice; Richmond and Velasco, in the same State, once ; Cane Hill, Fayetteville, and Batesville, in Arkansas, twice; Washington, Spring Hill, Louisville, ilclciu!, Colund)ia, and Xapoleon, in the same State, once; and Fort Gibson, in the Indian Territory, twice. That in m. st of these places he has held confirmation, and in all of them })erf()rmed divine service, and preached at each visita- tion ; that ho has confirmed 1()() persons, baptized seventy- eight cliihli'cii and ten adults, consecrated one Church, and preached more than 200 sermons. To this, he would add that in the performance of this amount of duty, he has been compelled to travel more than 1 S,000 miles. The number of c'ininiunu-ants within his jurisdiction he reports to be, as THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 107 nearly as lie has been ablj to ascertain, 200 in Texas, and seventy in Arkansas ; whole number 270." There is another incident related by Rev. Dr. Norton, which reveals one striking characteristic of this upright man. At the General Convention of ]856, a meeting of the Sunday School Union and Church Book Society was held in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, during which matters of vital importance to the interests of the Sunday School Union v/ere discussed. ''After several hours' debate the practical part began with the contribution of money for its relief and benefit. The Bishop of Maryland was instantly on his feet and stated what he would give ; nay, more, with the energetic promptness peculiar to himself, he laid down the money then and there. Bishop de Laneey and the two Bishops Potter, and others, followed in his wake. Then a portly, dignified clergyman, about 6 feet in height, of robust and vigorous appearance, though evidently advancing in years, went to the secretary's table and put his name down for $100. It was Bishop Free- man. ^AMien this was done, he took his hat and cane (the cane which Bishop Ravenscroft had carried in his day) and quietly passed out through the Vestry door." Bishop Freeman was greatly sustained in his mission- ary labors by his excellent wife, whom the annalist affection- ately remembers as a punctilious Churchwoman, a stately, refined, and cultivated woman and worthy helpmeet for a Bishop. When Bishop Freeman first located at Little Rock he took a suite of rooms in one of the handsome brick build- ings erected by Charles Rapley, merchant, whose name is on the first Vestry list, on the north side of Markham street, between Scott and Main streets. The first floors of these buildings were occupied by dry goods merchants, the second 108 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. and tliird floors were arranged with spacious parlors and chambers in suites, with galleries surrounding the inner courts. The staircases to these stories opened from hallways on the street, with hahistrades of mahogany, obtained from Cuba, where Mr. Rapley's father had amassed a fortune. These buildings were destroyed by fire several years later. Charles Rapley was a member of the first Vestry of Christ Church, but afterwards became a leading member of the newly organized congregation of "the Disciples of Christ," \vhieh the BishojD denominates "one of the modern sects." I lis wife^ who was Ann Bailor Field^ also seceded from the Episcopal Churchy and their children were brought up in the new faith. The Bishop, his wife, and son occupied a suite of rooms on the third floor of the eastern building, and were greatly appreciated by the other occupants of the build- ing, all of whom took board with the landlady, the widow Burnett. Mrs. Freeman was the widow of Hon. Thomas Gholson, of Gholsonville, Brunswick County, Va. She was the daughter of Colonel William Yates and granddaughter of Rev. Bartholomew Yates. A. D. 1817. 'Tlon. Thomas Gholson, son of Thomas Gholson, Sr., was born at Gholsonville, Va., and educated at William and Mary College, Virginia. He married Miss Ann Yates and was a member of Congress from 1812 to 1 8 IG. He died in 1817 or 1818, four or five years after the receipt of tlie injury from a gunshot wound of the chest, in the war of 1812, so-called. He was acting, during a recess of the Con- gress, as volunteer aid, on the staff of some general, whose name escapes mo. He left a wife, two sons and a daughter— my father, William Yates Gholson, Thomas, and Gary Ann. My gran('r, Mrs. Ann Yates Gholson, moved to Rnlcigh, X. C, after the death of her husband, and there met THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 109 and married George Washington Freeman, who was Rector of a parish in that city. He was afterward made Bishop of Arkansas and Texas. Soon after his consecration he removed his residence to Little Rock, Ark., where my grand- mother and he died."* The children of Hon. Thomas Gholson and Ann Yates, his wife, were : Hon. ^ym. Yates Gholson, late member of the Supreme bench of Mississippi ; Hon. Thomas Gholson, member of the Tennessee bar, and Cavy Ann, who married her cousin, a very promising lawyer of Petersburg, Va., and had two daughters, Georgie and Cary Ann Gholson. The children of Bishop Freeman and Ann Abates Ghol- son, his wife, were : A. D. 1819-1895. l. George Russell Freeman. Born December O, 1810, in Raleigh, X. C. ; married to Kate Wal- thall, of Holly Springs, Miss. She was the daughter of the late J. B. Walthall^ and sister of Edward Cary Walthall, the lately deceased United States Senator from Mississippi, who sat continuously in the Senate from January, 1894:, to March, 1895. He served in Confederate army in the Civil War as major-general. 2. Andrew Field Freeman, afterwards Rector of dirist Church, Little Rock. A. D. 1826. 3. Charles Edward Freeman. Born October, 1826, in I^ewberne, !N^. C, of whom no further accounts have been obtained. ♦Extract from a letter of response to a request of the annalist by Dr. S. C. Gholson, of Holly Springs, Miss. 110 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. REV. ANDREW FIELD FREEMAN. A. D. 1822-1849. Her. Andrew Field Freeman suc- ceeded Rev. William T. Saunders in charge of Christ Church, in 1 S40, and served as the first elected Rector for nine years. ]le was horn in Warrenton, N. i\, December 3, 1822, and was a graduate of the General Theological Seminary of New York, in 1845. Mr. Freeman was ordained Deacon and Priest by the Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, D. D., of Delaware. The last ordination occurred in 1 845. He accompanied his parents to Little Rock, where^ on December 4, 1850, he married Frances Ann Ashley, only daughter of Hon. Chester Ashley, I'nited States Senator from Arkansas. This was an ideal union, and, Avhile it lasted, a blissful one. The Bishop and his son built a handsome residence on lots belonging to the bride on Holly (Eighth) and Cumberland streets, now owned by the widow of the late Hon. George H. Van Etten, a former niendx'i- of Christ Church Vestry. They furnished it com- fortably and tastefully for her occupation. She did not live to appropriate it, but died within the year, universally lamented, leaving a daughtei'. I>oth families Avere prostrated with grief at this sudden sinking of their ship of life, freighted with all that made life beautiful. Mrs. Bishop Freeman did not long survive. She liad been in failing health after exposures in a tour of visita- tion through Texas with her husband, and this great sorrow Avas too much for her strength. "On the 2Gtli of ]\rarch, 1856, the Rishoj) Ipft her, Avith hesitation and great reluctance, for a visitation of Texas, Avhich circumstances rendered liighly important, if not absolutely necessai-y. He shortened his x'isitation as niuch as ])ossible on her account; and after an REV. ANDREW FIELD FREEMAN. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Ill absence of two months and tifteen Jays, returned, to find her on that sick bed from which she never arose. A. D. 1856. He arrived on Monday, 11th of June, and in a week from that day, June IS, her spirit took its flight from earth to ''brighter worlds on high.'" She died in the serene faith of a holy immortality. Her funeral took place on Wednesday morning, June 26, 1856, from the Church, the services being conducted by her husband and son, according to her own request. The scene was most pathetic. Both father and son being thus bereaved, the property on Eighth street was sold and a house on Fifth and Scott streets was purchased. Here the Bishop died April 29, 1S5S, in the seventieth year of his age. The beautiful tribute which the Kev. Dr. Norton quotes from Bishop Hawks's address to the Convention of Missouri in May, 1858, forms a most fitting conclusion to the memoir of this distinguished Bishop, who conferred upon the annalist the holy rite of confirmation, and claimed her highest reverence. "As a subject of deep interest to the Protestant Episco- j)al Church in these United States, and one which has called up very tender emotions in my bosom, I may now mention the recent departure from this life of the Rt. Rev. George Washington Freeman, D. D., our Missionary Bishop in the Southwest. At an advanced age, though not aged in his Episcopate, after thirteen years of hard and unceasing struggle for the Church in the desolate region assigned to him, a Christian Bishop has gone to rest. But to me, the departed was something more than a Christian Bishop. In my native town in North Carolina, he was one of the pre- ceptors of my early youth, before my entrance upon collegiate duties as a student of the University. Boys do not always remember with tenderness the teachers who have had the charge of their youth ; yet Vv'ill I say that the manliness, truth- 112 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. fulness, and consistency of this good man claimed tlie love of nij boyhood — that manhood, with me, only mellowed that love into softer and yet deeper hues, until j)rofessional asso- ciation and sympathy fully proved to me that the affections of my boyhood had not been misplaced. There are those companions of my schoolboy days still living to whose bosoms the tidings of his death will bring like feelings to my own; for his fearless honesty, his hearty sincerity, his ceaseless fidelity, his Christian firmness^ and his unbending principle, were proverbial with us all. Well do I remember when T last met him at the time of our late General Convention in Phila- delphia. In company with another of his former pupils, I called upon him. We talked of former days. Among other things he showed us the staff upon which the godly and gifted Eavenscroft used to lean as he walked, and which had been given to him by one of his proselytes. What son of the Church does not reverence the name of Ravenscroft, the first Bishop of Xorth Carolina ? Yet, as we came away, we felt and rejoiced that the staff was still carried by one as honest and as true as Ravenscroft. Of the late good Bishop of the Southwest we may all say, 'he has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for him a crown of righteousness.' " On the day following his decease, the remains of Bishop Freeman were deposited in the same grave with those of his beloved wife. Jlis son, Rev. A. F. Freeman had marble tablets placed ill the north and south walls of the chancel of the first Church ill memory of his parents, which perished with the Church. In the new Church a Prayer Desk was contributed to the chancel furniture, of handsomely carved walnut, having a silver plate with this inscription : "In memory of Rt. Rev. George Washington Freeman, consecrated October 2(1, 1S44, died A])ril 20, 1S58." THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 113 A. D. 1858. Four months after the death of his father, July 8, ISSJS, Rev. A. F. Freeman was married a second time to Susan E. Dunlop, daughter of James Dunlop, Esquire, of Petersburg, Va. Previous to this, he had resigned the Rectorship of Christ Church, Little Rock. His letter of resignation is here given :* Little Rock, Ark., May 3, 185S. To the ^Yardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Little Rock: Gentlemen — Impelled by the state of my health to relin- quish all Parochial duty for a season, I do hereby resign the Rectorship of Christ Church, to take effect from the 1st instant, which completes the hrst half of the ninth year of my Rectorship. Respectfully, ANDREW F. FREEMA:^. The reply of the Wardens and Vestry was as follows : Little Rock, May 5, 1858. . Reverend and Dear Sir — Having seen your letter of the 3d instant, addressed to the AVardens and Vestry of Christ Church, of Little Rock, the undersigned beg leave to state, that while they sincerely sympathize with you in your pres- ent deep affliction, and acknowledge the propriety of your withdrawing for a season from the cares and labors incident to the Rectorship of said Church, yet having an abiding confi- dence in your ability to perform the duties of the charge advantageously to the cause of Christ and acceptably to the congregation when the remembrance of the afflicting dispen- sation shall have been softened by time and your health fully restored, which we hope may be the case at no distant period. *Thp annalist is indelited to tlip daughters of AA'arden John H. Crease for this letter. 114 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. WO trust you will then find it agreeable to resume your pas- toral duties among us, and in the meantime retain your position as Rector of our Church. Very truly, your friends, etc., ^ LUKE E. BARBER, JOHN II. CREASE, Wardens. DAlsHEL RliS^GO, THOMAS CHURCHILL, JOHN WASSELL, H. X. CASE, WM. B. WAIT, S. H. HEMPSTEAD, C^ F. M. POLAND, ROBERT CLEMENTS, WM. A. CANTRELL. A. D. 1862. Rev. Mr. Freeman went from here to Atlanta, Ga., from which place the annalist received a letter from him, dated April IS, 1S(]2, concluding with fhese words : . *'I should like above all things to look in upon you all ouce more. My own father and mother lie buried in your graveyard, and my child is amongst yon. You may be sure for these reasons, if for no other, my mind often fondly and sadly turns to Little Rock. You will have heard of our great victories before this reaches you. J\Iay God soon restore peace to our distracted land. With my kindest regards to 3'our liusband and to your mother and sister, I remain, ''Yours fMithfully, "A. F. FREEMAN." Later he went to Shell)yville, Ky., then to Vincennes, Lid., ;nid finally settled at Louisville, Ky., where he died in June, ISDC. 'rii(. daughtoi' referi-ed to in this letter was Mary Ashley Freeman, who married the Hon. Sterlint!; R. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 115 Cockrill, afterwards Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. Their chiklren are: 1. Ashley. Married Jennie, fourth daughter of Pro- fessor and Mrs. James Mitchelh 2. Annie McDonald- Married Maxwell Coffin, presi- dent of the Bank of Little Ilock. 3. Sterling R. CockriU. Xot married. 4. Etnmett, (5) Onrland, (6) Freeman, minors. One infant daughter, Mary. died. There are two grandchildren, James Mitchell Cock rill and Margaret Coffin, who died early. Of the second marriage, a daughter also was born, Fanny Ashley, named for the first wife, who married Mr. Carothers, of Bardstown, Ky. Mr. Freeman was a person of studious habits and reserved manner, with a countenance of purity, which ob- tained for him the title of ''St. John" by his admirers. His simplicity and truth of character were often misconstrued into austerity, but with those who understood him, there was absolute confidence in the gentleness of his nature and kind- ness of purpose. The Church flourished greatly during his incumbency. The organist at this time was Dr. Ben F. Scull, who was a musician of first rank. His choir was composed of Miss Blanche Scott (afterwards Sokolski), Miss Laura Crease (Lewis), Miss Eliza Tucker (Beebe), Miss Mary Ellen Tucker (Ives-Strong), Miss Maggie Keyburn (Peay), and Miss Arbadoo Gibson (Farelly), Messrs. Wm. E. Ashley, D. C. Fulton, Henry Ashley, Arlow Farmin, and John Wassell. Dr. Scull afterwards married "Jamie," the second of the five beautiful blisses Revburn. 116 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. A. D. 1858. The last ofilcial act of Et. Kev. G. W, Froenuni, as ^Missionary Bishop of Arkansas, occurred in Jannary, 1858, and is descrihed in a daily ])aper at Little Kock by an eyewitness, a copy of which lias been furnished the annalist, and apj^ears in the account given later in the life of Bishop Winglield.* A. D. 1 858. As has been related, Bishop Otey was ap- pointed to the office made vacant by the death of Bishop Freeman, by the Senior Bishop of the Church, Thomas ("hurch Brownell, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Connecticut, in 1858. In his visitation as BishojD of Arkansas during that yeai", his last jjerformance of the rite of confirmation took place. Mrs. Elvira Cuiirniins Adams was the last person confirmed in the first Episcopal Church. A. D. 1840-1842. She was the widow of Dr. W. W. Adams, a graduate of the medical college at Amherst, Mass., to whom she was married in 1842. He was for many years a practicing physician in Little Hock. She was born in Jefferson County, Ky., near Louisville, in 1820, and came to Arkansas in 1840. She had four distinguished brothers, William and Ebenezcr, shining lights at the bar of Little Rock before the war; Dr. David Cummins, a distinguished physician of Louisville, Ky., and John Cummins, who lost his life Avhile fighting for the independence of Texas. Her devotion to the Episcopal faith never wavered. She was a regular and generous contributor to the cause of the Cliurch. With refined grace of manner and well-stored mind, she was at all times an ornament to society. In the south wall of the new Church is a window, donated by her, representing our Lord as tlie great physician, healing the sick of the palsy, groujX'd with three other figures, in "Loving :Memory of W. W. Adams." Slie was a childless wife, but »Page 121. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 117 several nieces and nephews snrvive, who will cherish her memory as an example of rare virtue. She died December 31, 18i)8, and on Sunday afternoon was laid beside her hus- band in Mount Holly Cemetery, sincerely mourned by a legion of friends. MRS. ELIZABETH-RECTOR (BEALL) HEMPSTEAD. A. D. 1841-1858. Among the first accpiaintanees of the writer in Little Rock, in 1849, was Mrs. Elizabeth-Rector (Beall) Hempstead, wife of General S. LI. Hempstead, who lived on lower Markham street, then the fashionable residence street of the capital. She became the wife of General Samuel H. Hempstead at Little Rock in 1841, having formerly lived at Bardstown, Ky. General Hempstead was distinct in the galaxy of legal lights, that has been claimed to be the most brilliant in the records of the State. He was a Vestryman of the Church in 1858, during the Rectorship of Rev. A. F. Free- man. His beautiful wife was an acknowledged leader in society, where her influence for sincerity, kindliness, loyalty to her friends, and generous hospitality, which was nobly pro- moted by her husband, has been felt to this day. Later they purchased and occupied the large two-story brick house, built in colonial style, which crowned the hill on Walnut street (Fourth) in the eastern i)art of the city. This had been erected by Richard C. Byrd, president of Arkansas Senate in 1848-1849, and acting governor of the State in the brief inter- regnum after the resignation of Governor Thomas S. Drew and the inauguration of his successor, John Selden Roane. Having renovated and embellished this home. General and Mrs. Hempstead made it one of the most elegant and attractive in the city. Not a vestige of it remains, except the site, a part — 9— 118 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. of which is now occupied by the Forest Grove SchooL General Hempstead died in 1862. His wife survived him several years, and the memory of this noble woman, whose deeds of charity were seldom known to other than her God, still lingers, to embellish that of the husband, whom she so sincerely mourned. To the emigrant camps, so frequently set like a white village in the valley below her home, she appeared as an angel of mercy, as she passed in and out, accompanied by her servant, bearing delicacies for the sick. A family of inter- esting children was born to this worthy pair : Beall, Carl, Albert, Fay, Roy, Lena, Lee, and Shelby, all of whom were baptized members of the Church. Of the three brothers who survive, Messrs. Beall, Fay, and Roy, Mr. Fay Hempstead, poet and historian, is the only one married. His wife was ]\[iss Gertrude O'jSTeale, of Virginia. Their children are Carrie, Samuel, Lindsay, Evelyn, Janet, Beall, and Robert O'ISreal. Mrs. S. H. Hempstead's niece, Miss Ada Beall Coch- rane, became the wife of Rev. T. B. Lee, former Rector of Christ Church, and nov\' Rector of St. David's Church, Austin, Texas, whose biography appears in these annals. A. D. 1858. Bishop Freeman was the connecting link between Christ Church and the JN'orthern District of Cali- fornia, in 1858, by the Episcopal act of ordination, of one who is affectionatelv remembered bv the old citizens. RT. REV. JOHN HENRY DUCACHET WINGFIELD, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 119 ET. KEY. JOH^ HEXRY DUCACHET WIXGEIELD, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L., MISSIONARY BISHOP OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. Consecrated December 2, 1874, in St. Paul Church, Petersburg, Va. Died July 27, 1898, at his home, St. Augus- tine College, Benicia, Cal. On Friday, June 3, 1808, the annalist addressed a letter to Bishop Wingfield, asking for some notes of his residence in Little Rock, and his connection with Christ Church, where he was ordained Deacon by Rt. Rev. G. W. Freeman, in 1858. In the issue, August 4, 1898, of the Southern Churchman of Richmond, Va., under the article "liorthern California," I read the announcement of his death with grieved surprise. On August 16 a letter was received from his widow, ]\Irs. Anne M. D. Wingfield, enclosing notices of his death, with his picture and the following postal card : St. Augustine College, Benicia, Cal., August 11, 1898. I send you by this mail a photograph and some papers, and as soon as I can find cuttings from old Little Rock papers, will copy and send them, together with a letter written to you by Bishop Wingfield in answer to yours. Pardon this long delay. ANNE M. D. W. On August 17, 1898, Mrs. Wingfield again wrote, enclos- ing his letter and a copy of the newspaper clipping from a Little Rock paper.* *The letter and clipping from newspaper are here appended. 120 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. St. Augustine College^ Beiiicia, Cal., August 17, 1898. My Dear Mrs. Canlrell: Some days ago I sent you a photograph of my husband^ also newspapers containing notices of his death, which occurred July 27. The enclosed letter was written by him to you on June '27. I have not sent it to you because he asked me to copy whatever I could find in the form of a newspaper clipping, taken from an old Little Rock paper. His letter may be difficult to read, but I am very sure you will prize it, and more especially as his dear body is now laid to rest in Blandford Cemetei-y, at Petersburg, Va. I have a long letter from my sister, telling me of his burial. When he fell on the floor, stricken wdtli paralysis, on May 23, 1896, I made desperate efforts to help him, thinking he had fainted. I soon found that both my hands were sprained and heli)less. Rheumatism settled in them, and 1 have not been able to use them for even writing, without suffering very much. Otherwise I should Avrite more at length and give the particulars of his last hour. His death was unexpected after all his long, patient, weary time of suffering. His mind was deranged for a year lacking two days, and was fully restored. You can see from his letter how his memory has clung to him. He has always said he believed his body would be restored suddenly, and for some weeks past had seemed so well and so hoi)eful that I really believed he would get well. But, with- out any ]iremonitary symtoms, his heart suddenly failed — he did not suffer, but died quietly, like as of one going off in sleep. A young clei-gyiuan is a member of my household, and I have gotten him to copy the new^spaper clipping. I found it pasted in a blank Imok, and it was the only one from a Little Rnck |»;i|)er — the title was not giveu. Let uie know, please, wlictliei- the ])hotogra])h and news- THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 121 papers reached you. And now, I must close, my dear Mrs. Cantrell, with all good wishes for you. Faithfully yours, AX^^E M. DAXDPtlDGE WI^tgFIELD. ( 'opied from a newspaper clipping from a blank book containing scraps, belonging to Bishop Wingfield. — Annte ]\r. 1). Wingfield. Little Eock, January 18, 185S. ]\ressrs. Editors— It l)ecomes my pleasing duty to inform you of an ordination in Arkansas. This event was of singu- lar interest^ from the fact that it Avas the first in the State, except one, and the first ordination of a Deacon belonging to this ecclesiastical jurisdiction. On the second Sunday after Epiphany, the Rt. Rev. Missionary Bishop of the Southwest admitted to the order of Deacons Mr. J. H. D. Wingfield, principal of the Ashley Institute. There were present the Rev. A. F. Freeman, Rector of the Parish; the Rev. Otis Hackett, Missionary at Ilelenaj and the Rev. W. C Stout, of the Diocese of Mississippi. The morning service was read by the Rector, assisted by Mr. Stout. The ordination sermon was preached by Mr. Hackett, from Acts xxviii. 22. It was an able argument in behalf of the Church, and a strong defense against numerous popular prejudices. A painful interest was given to the occasion by the feebleness of the Bishop, who was conducted from his room, in his robes, during the sermon, his health and strength not being sufficient to sustain him through the whole service. The venerable Bishoj), after thir- teen years of hard service in this State, leaving his sick room to ordain the first Deacon, is a picture to look on. Should he not have the sympathy and prayers of his brethren ? No one out of this field of labor knows what hardness the Bishop has had to endure. And now that he is broken in health and op})ressed by his heavy charge, shall he not have help ? He has, at no time, had laborers to fill the places that were crying to him for the services of the Church. Fields have been ripe to the harvest, but there was no one to reap. 122 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. In the afternoon the Rev. ]\Ir. Wingfield, the newmade Deacon, put on his harness, and after service by Mr. Hackett, assisted by Mr. Stout, preached from Acts xvi. 34, a discourse giving much promise of future usefulness. Mr. Wingfield is the son of the Eev. John Wingiield, Rector of Trinity Church, Portsmouth, Ya. He was admitted a candidate in Virginia, and after pursuing his studies some time, was transferred to this jurisdiction. We trust that a field of great usefulness is before him, and that he is the pioneer of the many that shall follow in his steps. At night, after service by Mr. Wingfield, Mr. Stout preached from Luke xvi. 23, 24, on the certainty of future |)unishments ; and warning men against the seductions of "science, falsel}^ so-called." The day was altogether a joyful one to those who pray for the prosperity of our Zion in these parts. From some unaccountable reason, Arkansas has been ap- parently avoided by clergy seeking locations in the Southwest. The State is healthy. (See the census report on this matter.) Society is as good as it can be without the Church. The peo- ])le are kind and cordial, and no one can be here long without forming strong attachments. There are many places where the services of a minister are greatly desired, and a competent support can be had. Brethren, ''come over and help us !" VIATOR. St. Augustine College, Benicia, Cal., Monday, June 27, 1898. To Mrs. W. A. Cantrell, care Dr. ^Y. A. Cantrell. Little Rock, Ark. : ^ly Dear Old Friend — Your much esteemed letter is at hand aiul I take advantage of the ojjportunity to write a brief re])ly. I am delighted to receive it and to know that I still live in the memory of my old Little Rock friends, who are kind enough to remember mc when I have been separated from them for fortv years. Yours is tlie first letter T have i-ccoivod from tliat city since 1 left there, with the exception THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 123 of one from my old friend, Langstroutli, with whom I lived, yon may recollect, over the hank, and one from the Rev. Mr. Carnahan, when he was Rector of Christ Church. Strange to say, I have never met with any people from your city except General Albert Pike and Bishop Pierce, both of whom were so full of their -own business that I could never learn anything of my old friends and acquaintances. My ! what a flood of recollections is let loose by your valuable letter. It seems like a dream that T ever went to Little Rock and the two years I spent there were two of the happiest of my life. But to business ! You ask me foi a history of myself. I will try not to weary you. A. D. 1856-1897. In 1858 I was a student of Divinity in the Theological School, near Alexandria, Va., and in the summer vacation went on a trip to i^iagara Falls. From some imprudence I took a violent cold which left me with a wretched cough and this was followed by slight hemorrhages. Just at this juncture Colonel Wm. Ashley was looking for some one to take charge of liis school for his son Chester, called the Ashley Institute. His brother Henry, who was a class- mate of mine at St. Timothy's College, near Baltimore, where we had graduated together, recommended me to the place of principal. I accepted and took charge in October, 1856, and continued to pursue my theological studies under the Rev. Andrew Freeman. On the 16th of January, later, 1858, the Rev. Otis Hackett, of Helena, Ark., and the Rev. Wm. C. Stout, of the Diocese of Mississippi, arrived at Little Rock and I was examined for Deacon's orders, and the next day Bishop Freeman came across the street from his residence to <^)rdain me. In the afternoon I preached my first sermon and continued to assist the Rector until Jime, 1858, when I re- turned to Virginia, reaching Portsmouth, Va., July 4, and going at once into the pulpit to assist my father, the Rector of Trinity Church in that city. The following summer, 1859, I passed my examinations for Priest's orders and was married to Miss Mary Imogene Chandler, the youngest daughter of Surgeon John Chandler, 124 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. United States navy. Her sister is now the wife of Rev. Dr. Beard, of Birmingham, Ala. I remained Associate Rector in Portsmouth, Va., until 1863, when I fell into the hands of "I-]oast Butler," who condemned me to three months' imprison- ment in the penitentiary and to wear ball and chain and sweep the streets of Norfolk, Va, As soon as I was released from l)rison I went with my wife and babe to a country parish, near Bel Air, Harford County, Md. On September 17, 1864, the mother died of galloping consumption, leaving me with a lovely boy of four months. If he were alive to-day he ^vould be 35 years old, but alas! he was spared to me only to l)(' murdered on the streets of Benicia, July 8, 1889 ! Three of my brothers were in the army of Confederate States, one a colonel on General Blanchard's staif, the second on General R. E. Lee's staff as inspector general of all his hospitals, and the third, my youngest brother, was a lieuten- ant in one of the Norfolk companies. I was enlisted in a company but drilled only once, while I served as chaplain on two occasions to the soldiers in camp. All the rest of the time I was not confined in prison, I held continuous services in Portsmouth, Va., and in Harford County, ]\Id. In January, 1866, I returned to assist my father as Associate Rector of Trinity Church, Portsmouth, Va., and remained with him two years, when, in 1868, I accepted a call to Petersburg, Va. In 1866 I married Miss Lee, of Bel Air, l\Id. We were very happy in Petersburg and St. Paul's con- gregation of that city, but alas ! death entered my home and robbed me of my wife, in August, 1872. I received several calls while there. One in New York City, one in New Orleans, one in Galveston, and one in Savannah, but finally a call from Trinity Church, San Prancisco, came and it seemed that I must go. So I married a widow — Mrs. Anne Garland, of Mecklenburg County, Va., and went, on June 18, 1874, to take charge of my new field ou the Pacific Coast. In the fall of that year I was elected Bishop of Northern California, and in April, 1875, began my work here. r ])resume you have been wondering ivhy I should write to yon witli a poncil. Well, niv dear old friend, I will tell THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 125 you. All my life I Lave enjoyed most excellent health ; in fact, I fancied that nothing could break me down. My nerves seemed to be made of steel, and my muscles of adament ; so I gave myself up to hard and continuous work, until at last, on the 23d of May, 1896, I fell on the floor, stricken with paralysis." My whole left side was suddenly rendered utterly helpless. I was in a condition of entire unconsciousness. The doctor said I was paralyzed from overwork. I had on that day performed my fifteen thousandth service ; and do you wonder that I was paralyzed I I remained unconscious until May 21, 1897, on the morning of which day I woke from my sleep — once more myself. Thus, nearly a whole year I knew nothing and recognized nobody. Still my imagination was active, for I thought I was traveling all over the world and reviewing my life. My wife says I talked of all my old f]-iends who had lived in the various places where I had spent my early life. She says I talked of yoii and all my other Little Rock friends. It all seemed as real as though T had actually talked with them in the flesh. On the 7th of June, 1897, I was brought down stairs and have ever since occupied my parlor for a chamber. I sup]iose I must be getting better, but my progress has been slow- scarcely perceptible. My appetite is very good, and I have discharged my doctor, retaining only the continuous services of a trained nurse. ^\y wife watched me with constant care, and I expect to ]udl through in the course of time. It requires of me much patience, l)ut I am hopeful and cheerful. Bishop Graves, of the Platte, has been sent to relieve me and jierform all Episcopal offices, so that my jurisdiction has not suffered very much. If the good Lord should be pleased to restore me soon to health and permit me to go to Washington City next October to attend the meeting of General Convention, I'll promise to go by way of Little Rock and stop off a day to see my old friends. At present it looks dubious, however, and I can scarcely hope to be able to accomplish my fond desire, but // I am well enough to travel I'll surely make the ♦Caused bv cerebral hemorrliage. 126 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. effort to go. My only child, my daughter, j\Irs. Jas. Hamil- ton Scott, who lives in Hichmond, has exacted of me a promise to that effect. I am very sorry to learn that Christ Church was burned in 1873. If you have a j)liotograph of the old Church and its successor, may 1 take the liberty of asking you to send me a copy i My wife promises to send you copies of some clip- pings of newspapers which I preserved. I think they will interest you in making youi book. Bishop Pierce has a book called ''the Episcopate of America." Ask him to let you see it. Bishop Perry, of loAva, got it up a few years ago, and I am sure you will be pleased with it. Ask him if he has another book by Rev. Mr. Patterson called "The American Episcopate," also. My wife says I must stop, but I cannot close without asking after all the people of Little Rock, in w]iom you may think I am interested. Is General Churchill alive and his wife ? If so please tell him, I still prize a fine Piayer Book, which he gave me on my ordination day. I M'ould like to inquire after Dr. Hooper. I saw his name as a member of the Medical Society which met in San Francisco a few years ago, and intended to hunt him up, but was pre- vented doing so. I wonder sometimes if my old friends are still living — the Ashleys, the Waits, the Reardons, and many others T cannot recall now. Please write to me, and believe me, with love to everybody that remembers me. ^"onr affectionate friend, J. H. D. WI^TGFIELD. GONE TO HIS REWARD. BIJ^lIOP J. n. 1). WTNGFIELD IS NO MORE THE HEAD OF TITE EPISCOI'AL CIirKCTI O I'^ THE NORTIIEKX DISTRICT OE CALlKOItNIA SUCCUMBS TO PARALYSIS. This coiimnmity was startled on hearing the sad news of the death of the Pa. Rev. J. H. I). Wingfield, which occurred Wednesday aftci-iiocn at 4:4.5 oV-lock. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH 127 Notwitlistandinii,' the fact that he had been sick for the past two years, caused by a stroke of paralysis, it was generally supposed that he was in a fair way to recovery. The death of Bishop Wingfield is a great loss to the Church, of which he has been a prominent member since 1853. He had filled the position up to the time of his death — Mis- sionary Bishop of the Northern District of California — hav- ing been elected to this position in 1874. A short resume of his life will be of interest to his many friends on this Coast : Bishop Wingfield was a native of Portsmouth, Va., where he was born September 24, 1833, and educated at first privately and then at St. Timothy's, Maryland, at which in- stitution he was for two ve^^i'S an instructor. lie was gradu- ated at William and Mary C^ollege in 1853. lie pursued the vocation of a teacher until 1855, when he spent a year at the Theological Seminary of Virginia, and then resumed his pro- fessional work as the head of the Ashley Institute, in Little Rock, Ark. He was ordained Deacon in Christ Church, Little Rock, January 17, 1858, by Bishop Freeman, and ad- vanced to the Priesthood by Bishop Johns, in the Chapel of the Virginia Seminary, July 1, 1859. After serving as a curate to the Rector of CUirist Church, Little Rock, he assisted his venerable father, the Rev. John II. Wingfield, in Trinity Church, Portsmouth, Va., and sub- sequently served in Maryland at Christ Church, Rock Spring, returning to Trinity, Portsmouth, 1866. Lie served at St, Paul's, Petersburg, Va., 1868, where, in 1871, he founded St. .Paul's School for Girls; and in 1874 became Rector of Trinity Church, San Francisco, Cal. The College of William and Mary conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1869, and that of Doctor of Laws in 1874. The Missionary District of jSTorthern California having been created at the General Convention of 1874, Dr. W^ing- field was chosen as the first Bishop, and was consecrated in St. Paul's, Petersburg, Va., December 2, of the same year, by Bishops Johns, Atkinson, Lay, Pinkeney, and Lyman. On removing to his Missionary See he became president of the Missionary College of St. Augustine, at Benicia. 128 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Later lie assumed the lieadsliip of St. Mary's of the Pacific, in Benicia, and also became Rector of St. Paul's Church, Benicia. During a laborious and devoted administration. Bishop Wingfield has declined four opportunities for transla- tion — in 1S79, the Bishopric of Louisiana; in 1882, the As- sistant Bishopric of Mississippi; and in 1886 and ]8S7, the See of Easton. His administration, under many untoward circumstances impeding his work, and with a tragic episode in which all hearts were won to him in sympathy and marked respect, has l>een earnest, acceptable and successful. His eloquence, zeal, devotion and energy commended the Bishop and his work to all men. Ilis })ul)lis]icd works are '^The Sacrament of Wa)-riurs ;" ''Answers to the Charge of Uncharitahleness;" "The C'liiireJi- man's Gratitude;" Sermons, Pastorals, etc. Bishop Wingfield, as a mend)er of this community, was respected and loved by all who knew him. The mombci's of his ccmgregation of St. Paul's Church worshipped liim. His charity was unbounded and his hand was always open to the needy. All who were educated under him at St. Augustine's College will hear with regret of his demise. He always had a kind and hearty greeting for all, and to those who had gained his friendsliip he was a frind indeed, and his loss will be felt by many who had always looked to him for advice and counsel. He leaves a widow, Anne M. H., and one daughter, Mrs. ]\rary Scott, who now resides in Richmond, Va. THE FUNERAL. The funeral services were held on Friday at G :30 p. m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The remains were taken from his late residence to the Church, where the Rt. Rev. Wm. Ford ^Tjcliols. H. D., Bishop of California, in the full robe of his high office, and assisted by the Rev. J. T. Shirtleff, of Auburn; Rev. John Partridge, of Petaluma; Rev. James Cope, of Santa Rosa ; Rev. Chas. L. Miel, of Sacramento ; Rev. Wm. A. George, of Chico; Rev. A. A. McAllister, Chaplain r. S. A\, Valleio: Rov. Caleb Ben-Ham, of Napa, and Rev. THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 129 J. II. Waterman, of Beiiicia, met the funeral cortege at the outer door of the Church and escorted it to the Chancel, Bishop Nichols chanting a prayer. It was a most solemn and impressive scene, and one never to be forgotten by those who attended. When the words, "I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord" were spoken by Bishop Nichols there was hardly a dry eye in the congregation. The singing by the choir, which was especially chosen for the occasion, was beautiful. At the end of the burial service the remains were taken to the evening train for transmission to Petersburg, W. Va., where the remains will be interred in the family plot. The Church was handsomely draped in the Royal Purple, interwoven with white carnations and roses, and branches of the triumphal palm helped to make it a beautiful and impres- sive scene. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers : Colonel W. W. Lyman, of St. Helena ; W. W. Armstrong, of San Francisco; l)r. W. A. Moore, of Benicia; Judge J. M. Gregory, of Suisun ; F. W. Gabriel, of Suisun ; F. P. Wein- mann, of Benicia. The honorary pall bearers were as follows : Captain Geo. White, of Oakland ; W. R. Porter, of Watson- ville; Elliot McAllister, of Oakland; Jas. A. Nowdand, of San Francisco ; Geo. H. Andruss, of Oakland ; Major Wm. B. Hooper, of San Francisco ; Dr. T. M. Todd, of Auburn ; John A. Walker, of Benicia; Dr. S. A. Deuel, of Benicia; Herbert J. Show^, of Sutter Creek; Dr. R. P. Smith, of Santa Rosa;. P. Torelli, of Benicia. The world hath lost a man. His path he strewed AVith gentle kindnesses and words of grace. From all degrees of men his open face Won high regard or earnest gratitude. W^ith sturdy honesty and truth endued, His soul was w^ritten on his countenance. And all might read him at a casual glance, As on a world-wide pedestal he stood. By unclean pelf his hand and lieart unstained. Strong for ihe right, and turning not aside Whene'er the public weal was in debate, 130 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. lie justitied the honor he had gained. If specks in marble envious eyes espied, His faith in God was his sure armor-plate. The will of the late Bishop Wingtield was filed for pro- bate in the Superior Court of Solano County August 15. The estate consists of money in the savings bank, investments and promissory notes, amounting to $57,086, and real estate valued at $22,420; total $79,500. The will was dated January 16, 1893, and the entire estate was bequeathed to the widow, Mrs. Anne M. Wingfield, for her sole use during the term of her natural life, after the expiration of which it passes to the daughter, Mary Wingfield. — The Pacific Churchman, San Francisco, Cab, volume xxxiv. number 111, September 1, 1898. REV. WILLIAM C. STOUT. A. D. 1824-1858. Ber. ^yilllnm C. Stout, who assisted at the ordination of Mr. J. H. D. Wingfield, principal of the Ashley Institute, was the son of John G. and Mary Kirby Stout. He was born near Greenville, Tenn., February 18, 1824; ordained Deacon in Alexandria, Ya., by Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk, of Louisiana, in 1847 ; ordained Priest in Faycttevillc, Ark., by Rt. Rev. Dr. G. W. Freeman, in J 848. In 1851 Mr. Stout was married to Miss Mary Jor- dan, of Marshall County, Miss. In 1852-53 he officiated at Calvary Church, Memphis, Tenn., and in 1858, moved to Little Reck, Ark. A. D. 1860-1886. During the interval between his mar- riage and that date, Mr. Stout was almost always employed in the care of his wif(>'s possessions, consisting of slaves and li1nntnti(tns, of which she was the ori)lian heiress. The care THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 131 of these souls he felt to be imperative — a trust from the Creator, as well as a trust from his wife. She was left entirely alone on the death of her father and was very de- pendent on her husband. But whenever an opportunity for mission work offered that he could combine with his first, im- mediate charge, he embraced it gladly and wrought faithfully in the Master's vineyard, without compensation other than that bestowed in the blessing on his labors by the just house- holder. In the summer of 18G0 Rev. Mr. Stout took charge of Christ Church, as Acting Rector, during the absence of Bishop Lay and Dr. Wheat, the Rector in charge. He had many friends in the parish. The bulk of his wealth dis- solved during the Civil War, but in adversity as in prosperity he did not forfeit his allegiance to Him he vowed to serve. He died at Morrilton, Ark., on the 11th of December, 1S86, deeply mourned by his bereaved family and at peace with God. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Stout were: 1. WiUicDu Jordan Stout. Who married Miss Fannie Farrish, of Jackson, Miss., and died in 1883. 2. James Jordan Stout. Unmarried; died in 1885. 3. Arthur Path Stout. Unmarried; died in 1883. 4. Thomas Percy Stout. ^Married Miss Ida Wendel, of Brownsville, Tenn. 5. Wlary Irene Stout. Married Mr. G. P. Lane, of Mississippi. They have a son, De Lisle, and a daughter. 132 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. REV. JOIIX T110.MAS WHEAT, D. D. A. D. 1801-1867. Ber. John Thomas Wheat, D. D., who succeeded Rev. xVndrew F. Freeman as the second Rector of Christ Chnrchj was born l^ovember 15, 1801, in Washing- ton City, Avhere he lived until he became of age. He then re- moved to Alexandria, Va., where he studied for the ministry under Rev. Dr. Wilmer, of that city. While studying he also, at the age of 21, instructed thirty youths in the higher branches of learning. Under his good instruction and dis- cipline this school increased to eighty or ninety pupils, requir- ing two assistants. Mr. Wheat was then, in 1825, admitted to the Diaconate of the Episcopal Church by Bishop Moore, of Virginia, in Christ Churchy Alexandria, and in 182(3 he was ordained Presbyter by Bishop Kemp, of Maryland, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore. The next year he took charge of a Church in Wheeling, Va. From 1835 to 1838 he was Rector of St. PauFs Church, Xew Orleans, La. In 1839-49 he was Rector of Christ (Jhurch in Xashville, Tenn., leaving there to accept the chair of professor of logic in the University of Xorth Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he remained until 1859. He then became Rector of Christ Church, Little Rock, Ark. During the war, in 1863, while cut off by the fall of Vicksburg, from his parish in Little Rock, he was chaplain m the Confederate army. From July, 1867, until he retired from active service in the ministry he was Rector of the Monu- mental Church of St. Lazarus, at Memphis, Tenn., which he resigned after nearly half a century of clerical labor. The farewell services, on his taking leave of his congregation, were very impressive. Previous to the opening of the regular ser- vices. Dr. Carmicliel, of a iieioh])orin<>' Church, nuide an REV. JOHN THOMAS WHEAT, D. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 133 address, in which he paid a just tribute to Dr. Wheat's high standing and abilities, showing the effect of his eloquence upon his hearers. The MempJiis Appeal in quoting from the address, says : "Sixteen years ago, when the speaker was a young lawyer in Fredericksburg, Va., Dr. Wheat delivered an address to the young men of that town. The fervid eloquence, the lofty piety of the minister, and the great and glorious truths he re- vealed that day were not without their effect upon everyone there, and at once decided him to resolve to study for the min- istry. This resolve was carried into effect, and it was owing to the earnest efforts of Dr. Wheat that day that he, the speaker, became a minister. His gratitude, his ai:>precia- tion for the good man who had induced him to espouse the cause of the Lord Avcre deep and lasting." A. D. 1838-1866. Besides his local clerical labors. Dr. Wheat has filled the honorable position of Delegate to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, during the triennial meetings of 1838, 1841, 1844, 1847, 18.68, and 1871. In 1846 Dr. Wlieat received the degree of D. D. from the University of Xasliville, Tenn. In 1866 he published a "Preparation for the Holy Communion." On March 10, 1825, in the city of Alexandria, Ya., Dr. Wheat married Selina Blair Patten Roberdeau. In 1875 he celebrated his golden wedding. For that occasion he wrote and published a poem, dedicated to his wife, entitled '''Reminiscences of My Prc-Nuptial Life," containing the mention of many interest- ing incidents. Their children were: A. D. 1826-1862. l. Chatham Eohercleau. Born in Alexandria, Va., April 9, 1826. He fought under General Winfield Scott in the IMexican War. After peace was de- clared, fought under j\fexican generals for the State against the Church, going twice into the City of Mexico with a con- 134 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. quering army; first with General Scott, and afterwards w'ith General Alvarez, He went to the rescue of General Walker in Central America ; tried to liberate the Cubans under Lopez ; went to offer his sword to Garibaldi in Italy, and was there styled '"the Murat of America/' because of his fearlessness on the battlefield; returned to America at the beginning of the Civil War and commanded the celebrated ''Louisiana Tiger Rifles." He fell at the head of his command while carrying the colors that had five times been shot down in almost as many minutes, at the battle of Gaines's Mill, June 27, 1862. A. D. 1827-1872. 2. Sdina Patten. Born June 12, 1827. Married Dr. John Seay, of jSTashville, Tenn. Died November S, 1872. A. D. 1830-1862. -3. John Thomas. Born Decem- ber S, 1830. Was killed in the Civil War at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862. A. D. 1833-1853. 4. Josephine May. Born Febru- ary 22, 1833. Married Hon. Frances E. Shober, secretary of United States Senate, July 11, 1853. 5. Reginald Heher. Born January 5, 1837. Died June 7, 1839. A. D. 1841. 6. Leonidas Polh. Born May 5, 1841. A. D. 1888-1896. Dr. Wheat lived to be 87 years old, spending the last few years of his life among his children. He tntercd into the Life Eternal February 2, 1888, from the h(»ine of his iimch hn-ed granddaughter, Mrs. May Shober Boyden, at Salisbury, N. C, ministered to in his last illness by his faithful and devoted wife, his daughter, Josephine !May, his granddaughter, May, and her husband Archibald Boyden. He was buried from St. Luke's Church, Salis- bury, X. C, Sundav morning, Februarv 5, and interred in THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 135 the old English graveyard near the Church. Dr. Wlieat's old parishioners of St. Lazarus, Memphis, sent, as a memorial to their beloved pastor, a communion service of gold, enclosed in a brass bound oak casket, to St. Luke's Church, Salisbury. St. Mark's Church, Berkley, Cal., which he established while sojourning there in 1876, has placed on the altar a handsome brass cross and vases as a memorial to the founder of the parish. All Saints' Church, Concord, N. C, erected a hand- some chancel window to Dr. Wheat, who organized that parish and was the first Rector. This was his last work on earth. liis wife survived him nearly ten years. She fell asleep on the eve of Christmas, 1896, in the ninety-second year of her life, and was buried from St. Luke's Church, Salisbury, N. C, and laid to rest by the side of her beloved husband, there to await the resurrection morn. The Richmond Times (Virginia), of date December 2, 1896, published the appended special dispatch: MRS. SELINA ROBERDEAU WHEAT. SALISBURY, K C, December 20,.— {Special) — Mrs. Selina Roberdeau Wheat died night before last and was buried here to-day by the side of her husband, from St. Luke's Episcopal Church. She was the daughter of General Rober- deau, of Revolutionary War fame, and was born in Alexan- dria, Va., in 1805, and married Rev. John Thomas Wheat in 1825. She was the mother of Ma.|or Roberdeau Wheat, of the Louisiana Tigers; Captain John Thomas Wheat, Mrs. Selina Seay, of Nashville; Professor Leo Wheat, and Mrs. Colonel Shober, of this city, at whose home Mrs. Wheat died. She was a noble and illustrious woman and lived an honored and useful life of over ninety-one years. It is said her husband was the first child born in the city of Washing- ton, D. C, after its settlement, the family on Iwth sides lioing of illustrious blood. 136 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. As an unconscious witness to the unselfish heart and Christian graces of this remarkable woman, the annalist feels it a jjrivilege to transcribe one of Mrs. Wheat's letters taken from a treasured collection, premising that Mrs. Wheat had known her correspondent in childhood in Nashville, Tenn. The letter was addressed to her at *'Grape Leaf" plantation, where she was visiting her mother and sister, and brother, Colonel John M. Harrell: Little Kock, Ark., February 27, 1860. Mrs. Dr. CanireU : My Dear Young Friend — You are doubtless wondering why I have not replied to your very kind letter, which came while I was nursing a very sore eye ; but I was thinking you would be the gainer, as the doctor fully intended replying for me. He has been taking care of my correspondence, prin- cipally to our children, he confesses "to the utter neglect of all others." So I come to assure you that we, neither of us, have forgotten you or the doctor ; indeed, we begin to look for you soon, for we have missed you terribly. Say to the doctor, I have been a j^atient of Dr. Peyton, and have taken my first dose of quinine, which I had dreaded so much. I seldom go near your shutup house without wishing you were there. T ever miss your sweet children, with their answering notes <»f "little drops of water." Will you not come back in time for the Easter festival ? It is then the rewards are to be given. I do hope Lilly and May will be in the ranks. They do deserve their prizes. I will send them the Easter hymn and you will teach it to them. Bishop Lay sent it to the Sunday School. He was so delighted with our little Chris- tians. I was truly sorry I did not see your mother at her late visit. Wo exchanged calls without seeing each other. I have met your brother at several of the bridal parties. T hope yon saw tlie account of the dual wedding which took place in THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 137 our Churcli.* ^N^ever was there so beautiful a tableau iu our Church, and seldom could you find so quiet and well- behaved an audience. You might have heard a pin fall. Yet the crowd filled the aisles to the very "horns of the altar," No levity, no whispering, and not a movement was made to leave till the wedded pairs were out. The night was lovely, and the entrance street filled, as was the Church, to its utmost capacity. Judge Rector is to take a pew in our Church, which he says, his wife shall ahvays attend "if she chooses." By the way, there is such a demand for pews that I have given up mine to Mrs. Bertrand, who needed two and could not get one near to the one she still retains. The doctor is beautifying the Churchyard, which, you know, needed atten- tion. You wall find us with imj^erial ways ! jLeo has not yet come ; he was taken possession of by my friends in Rich- mond, who write "if you succeed in keeping Leo, you will have to come for him." My daughter Selina:|: has been in great trouble. Her loveliest child, 10 years old, has been laid in the tomb, or rather "has gone to live in heaven," which is her more devout expression. I was too unwell to go to her, and she is hoping to see me in the spring. We talk of visit- ing New Orleans after Easter, when Mr. Stout will l)e at home to take the doctor's place, who will need some rest about that time. Please excuse my poor return for your most kind letter and be assured I have not willingly neglected you. The doctor has a great antipathy, as most gentlemen have, to letters, except on business, wdiicli have accumulated on him since the Bishop's visit ; indeed, it seems that much of the duty of the Episcopate, that is not wholly official, has to devolve on the oldest Presbyter. The Bishop is to live at Eort *Jndg'e Henry M. Rect'^r, widower, afterwards Governor of Arkansas, was mar- ried to Miss Ernestine Linde, and Major Brown to Mrs. Sallie Trapnall, widow, nee Faulkner, by the same marriage service. tLeonidas Polk Wheat, youngest child' of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Wheat, and organist of Christ Church. tMrs. John Seay. 138 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Smith. The secretary of war has given him permission to occupy a part of the public building. He is to remove his family in May. With love to Dr. Cantrell and a kiss to the children, I am Yours truly, SELINA WHEAT. A. D. 1859-1886. Dr. Wheat's first object, when' he took charge of Christ Church as Rector, was ''to feed the lambs.'' The Sunday School was the field where he sowed good seed, looking for the harvest in the distant future. The children were gathered together, and before his encouraging eye and winning courtliness of manner, shyness vanished and enthusiasm spread through the ranks. A sketch of the first Easter festival held under his direction in 1860, referred to in the letter quoted in the Arlcansas Gazette of Wednesday, April 7, 1886, twenty-six years afterwards, was printed as a reminiscence, from which the subjoined extract is taken : "^The Church, which was much enlarged and improved under the direction of the former Rector, Rev. A. F. Free- man, has been further embellished by the good taste of the present Rector, Dr. J. T. Wheat. The Churchyard, spacious, grassy and shaded by fine trees, has been enclosed with a fence of appropriate design, paved from the gate to the two entrances and planted with evergreens on each side of the Church. Directly in front of the tower (which had been added by Rev. A. F. Freeman), and overlooking it, is a stately oak, whose branches extend in kindly guardianship, forming a group more striking and pleasing than the finest sculpture; and the whole, colored Avith a springday sun, the green foliage of the trees and the brighter green of the turf, and animated with groups of worshippers entering the holy temple, presented a scene worthy of poet's pen and painter's brush. A flight of steps in the tower led to the gallery of the Church, Avlierc the pipe organ and choir were stationed. ^\r. Leo P. Wheat, son of the Rector, was the organist. His THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 139 ie])utation as a skilled musician is a public one. On this Easter Sunday his voluntary was a transport of harmony, which merged into the anthem "The Lord is Risen To-Day^" sung triumphantly by his well trained choir,* as the prelude to the morning service. This was conducted by Rev. Dr. Wheat, assisted by Rev. Wm. C. Stout. The sermon, on the text from Colossians iii. 1-3, was a continuation of a series delivered during Lent, and was one of the ablest efforts of the gifted Rector. It has not been quite a year since the con- gregation welcomed him, and, at the altar, at the bedside of the sick and dying, in his constant round of parochial visits among the rich and poor, his daily life and conversation have been so effective, that, like sheep straying from the fold, the members have assembled at his call, and through green past- tures and by still waters have been refreshed at his hands, as the Master enjoined. The evening service, like that of the morning, was largely attended, and the series of sermons was concluded with one on the text, I John iii. 2, 3. ''On Easter ]\Ionday a parish festival was held at the Church. After morning prayer was said, the Rector made an address on the spiritual condition of the parish and the best means of promoting its prosperity. The secretary read his report of the finances. An interesting memoir of the parish was then read and commented upon^ after which the new Vestry was chosen. The members of the Vestry used the occasion for the presentation of a testimonial from the con- gregation to the Rev. W. C. Stout in appreciation of his ser- vices in the pai-ish as acting Rector. On Monday evening was celebrated the festival of the Sunday School. This sup- plied the crowning evidence of the Rector's zeal and success. Under his administration, supported by the superintendent, ^[r. jMatthews, a gentleman of rare culture and Christian ex- cellence, the original little band of fifteen or twenty scholars has increased to ninety, and thirteen teachers now perform the duty which formerly fell to two or three, oftener to one — Mrs. Luke E. Barber. The celebration in the evening Avill *It is a subject for re^et that the names of those who formed this splendid choir cannot be procured. 140 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. long be remembered bj our citizens. It was a brilliant and lovely scene — without btemish, complete and graceful in every detail. The scholars, with their teachers, occupied the front pews, the girls on the right, the boys on the left. The bap- tismal font (the gift of Mrs. Frederick W. Trapnall) was tilled and wreathed with flowers. The Chancel platform was unoccupied except at the extreme right, where a small table supported a collection of premium books handsomely bound. JS^ear the table sat Mr. Matthews, the superintendent of the Sunday School, and C^olonel Thompson, president of St. John's College, the teacher of the young men's Bible class. The altar was lighted brilliantly and embellished with vases of flowers. Dr. Wheat, in vestments, was seated on the north side of the altar, the Rev. Mr. Stout on the south side. Near the Chancel at the head of the south aisle was placed a parlor organ. Mr. Leo Wheat presided, and to the magic inspiration of his strains must be attributed the especial charm of the exercises. These were opened with the usual offices of devotion of the Sunday School, conducted by the Rector. A hynm, ''Glory to the Father Give," was sung by the school. Mr. Matthews then delivered an able address to the })arents. Tlie hymn, "Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feed- ing," led by the marvellously sweet voice of IMrs. Thompson, followed this. The rules were then given in order, first by a little girl of 5 years, who stood on the Chancel floor, and re- cited them without any prompting, and then by the classes who recited in concert after her. These were : 1. Regular and punctual attendance. 2. Cleanliness of person and apparel. 3. Careful preparation of lessons. 4. Quiet and order in and about the Church. 5. Kindness and courtesy to each other. 6. Cordial respect to teachers. <. Proni])t and cliecrful obedience. 8. Strict trutlifulness in all things, n. A jtlace for cverytliing, and everything in its place. 10. A time for all things, and everything at the proper time. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 141 11. Business for everybody, and everybody to mind his own business. After this the Rector catechised the children. The hymn, "Youth, When Devoted to the Lord," was then sung, after which the chisses were called in succession for their Easter offerings. These w^ere voluntary, had been collected in the previous half year and had been kept separate by the teachers to be devoted at Easter to missions in the Diocese of Arkansas. The classes responded to their names, descriptive of the Christian life, wdiich were : 1. Angels' Charge (little tots). 2. Lambs of the Good Shepherd. 3. Buds of Promise. 4. Crown Jewels. 5. Early Seekers. 6. Lleirs of the Kingdom. 7. Children in the Temple. 8. Little Missionaries. 9. Christian Brotherhood. 10. Young Pilgrims. 11. Soldiers of Christ. 12. Heavenly Racers. Each class, as it was called, advanced in succession, step- ping to the music, the tallest going first, bearing a banner of white silk with a cross of gold painted on it. As each class approached the Chancel rail, one of the number presented the offering in a basket of flowers or in the heart of a bouquet, which was received by the Rector, who announced the amount and then placed it on the altar. The circle then turned towai'd the audience, one member recited a few^ selected verses of Scripture appropriate to the class title, another a hymn and then all returned to their seats. When all the classes had performed a similar exercise, the hymn, "Little Drops of Water," was sung with great unction. Colonel Thompson then made an address to the children, in which he introduced an original, instructive, and most beautiful alleoorv. Then 142 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. was Sling tlic most aniiiiating of all the hymns, "Awake My Soul, Stretch Every Xerve." The premiums were next awarded, the teachers having given previously the names of those pupils who had received the greatest number of merit cards. An address to the teach- ers was then made by Kev. W. C. Stout. His commendations must have gratified both teachers and scholars, and it is hoped that hi? inspiring appeal may be long remembered to incite them to rencAved effort. An Easter hymn, sent to the chil- dren by our good Bishop Lay, concluded the exercises. Dr. Wheat pronounced the benediction, and from many hearts went up the silent prayer, ''God bless the Church ! God bless the clergy." A. D. 1886. This "Reminiscence" was sent to Dr. V.'heat, wliich he acknowledged most cordially at Barrytown, "N". y., April 13, ISSG, referring to the "little tots" who had become matrons, in conclusion : "How very glad I should be to see them now! Your good husband and your children all — God bless them ! And 1 should like mucli to see your new Church and worship with you in it. But, wife and I are too old (80| and S4^) to think of journeying so far again ; indeed, "I do not ask to see The distant scene: one step enough for me." "I wish you would write me a real gossiping letter about you all, and my old beloved friends and parishioners gen- erally. Wife sends you the accompanying wedding song, Avith her kindest regards. 'T^nto God's most gracious favor and protection I com- mit you all, and am, my dear daughter, "Yours truly, "J. T. WHEAT." THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 143 EPITHALAMIUM TO MY DEAR WIFE ON THE SIXTIETH ANNIVEKSAKY OF OUK WEDDING DAY, MARCH 10, 1885. Would you know, dear wife, the meaning Of the singular gradation III the value of the Weddings — Wood, Tin, Silver, Golden, Diamond — Which, by wide-prevailing custom. Are to Married Life accorded ? 'T is the sole consideration Of the rareness of the fortune AVhich befalls the Happy Couple Should both lives bo long continued. Half a century Golden Weddings Are so distant and uncertain That the cunning Twenty-fivers, Under plea of "Carpe diem," Introduced the Silver Wedding, Not so rare, therefore, less costly. Going down from Tin to Wooden, As the years were less in number, Less the value of the wedding. When we had, dear Wife, our Golden, Far too distant and too precious For our fondest hopes' aspiring Seem'd the grand climact'ric Diamond. Scientists, you know, have told us That the basis of the diamond Is, in truth, but common charcoal. Could there be a greater contrast ? See ! this black, coarse, soiling substance ; See ! the diamond pure and brilliant, So between ourselves, beloved, Vile and miserable sinners. And the Christ-like saints in Heaven Made illustrious Avith His glory, 144 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Still more striking is the contrast. Oil ! what power in earth or heaven Can effect such wondrous changes '( Only that of the Almighty. jSTot with human observatioUj But in secrecy and silence, This mysterious new creation. As in Matter, so in Spirit, Out of death the new life issues. That of matter, of course, painless ; Ours by sanctified affliction. And most gladly should we suffer If thereby we may attain to Meetness for the bliss of Heaven, Holy, pure, and undetiled, Christ-like, sharing in His glory. Welcome ! then the fiery furnace, If from dross it purify us. Welcome ! wheel of lapidary With unsparing, sharp abrasion, If it make the gem more lustrous. Welcome ! knife, if skillful pruning Give the vine still richer clusters. Welcome ! the strong hand uprooting From its habitat congenial. Keed, so delicate and slender, Stripping it of grace and beauty, Mutilating, scarring, notching, Pressing out its very life-]>ith. If, thereby, it may be fitted To breathe strains of heavenly music, When the anguish of the singer Gives the song its touching pathos. As our Heavenly Fsither orders All things lovingly and wisely. There must be a special fitness In His various disj>ensations THE ANNALS OF CHRIbT CHURCH PARISH. 145 To work out our soul's salvation ; This, dear Wife, has been His purpose In our married life's extension. Let us be devoutly thankful And go forward with fresh courage ; He that hath begun the good work Will assuredly complete it. But the question now arises — Years of Married Life — how many Must precede the Diamond Wedding? Some say Seventy-live, some Sixty, We have reached this latter period, But as we could not ask diamonds E'en from those who love us dearlv, While, alas ! Ave nmst confess it. All our charcoal's not transmuted — That, in Paradise, we hope for. Till then we must be contented With our Sixty years' attainment. What, dear Wife, shall be its symbol ? Pearl, I think, will be a2:)propriate ; Both have had a like formation. Let us note the wondrtius process. A grain of sand, or other substance Foreign to it, uncongenial, Finds a lodgment in the Oyster, Sorely hurts its sens'tive body, And the sufferer has no power To expel the mischief-maker. But, behold ! a nuirv'lous instinct Covers over the intruder With a formative secretion That by slow degrees gives roundness To the sharp, aggressive angles ; Moulds it to a sphere, whose surface, Finished to a polished smoothness, Causes no more irritation. 146 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Meekly, patiently accepting The inevitable presence As a part of its existence, And when dying, as its life-work, Yields a perfect Gem, all lovely With the sky-tint's soft reflections ; Lovelier far beyond the suif'ring, And of value, too, transcending The great cost of its production. So, dear Wife, it sometimes happens That in Married Life, the sweetest, There unfortunately enters Some discordant, most unwelcome, Foreign element of suff'ring And unrest — what the Apostle Calls a "thorn" — from which he vainly Prayed the Lord to be delivered, Or perhaps it is a burden Or a cross which must he carried. Some thus dealt with chafe against it, Till their feelings — lacerated By its hard and cruel edges — Become morbid and embittered, And thus make its very presence A perpetual pain and poison. Others, wisely recognizing The high purpose for which trials And afflictions are appointed In the training of God's children, ]\reekly take this dispensation ; Though it press them hard and sharply. Still they wear it with sweet patience, ]\raking it thei-eliy more easy. Day-by-day, to bear the burden, Till at length, 'tis seen to issue Tn their spiritual improvement And the growth of Christian G,races. Tims the character's developed. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 147 And tlirough suft'riiig is made perfect — Fully rounded out and radiant With the beauty of Christ-likeness — As the Dew-drop with the Sunbeam. I^ote, dear Wife, that I'm referring In these diif'rent illustrations ISTot to you nor me exclusive, But to our Married Life, distinctly, And for that I may claim fairly That these Sixty years' experience Has a Union formed between us — I^either giv'n nor tak'n in Marriage — But in nature like the Angels', Which our Blessed Lord has promised, Where no flesh nor blood can enter With earth's appetites and passions. This new life — the old transfigured — Pearl-like, full-orb'd, radiant, heavenly. Is to us, "of great price," "goodly," (In the Gospel nomenclature,) Therefore, with devout thanksgiving. We will take the "cup of Blessing," With glad hearts and voices singing, Here we'll raise our "Ebenezer" — Hitherto the Lord has help'd us — Surely all our past experience Should with Hope and Trust inspire us That His grace will be sufficient In the future. Let us, therefore, Keep the feast of our Pearl wedding, Plighting troth, and vows renewing. In the strength of an affection Holier, stronger, than our First-love ; What has here this blest beginning Must endure in heaven forever. J. T. WHEAT. 148 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Following this there caiiic^ some months afterwards, a brief note from the subject of the pearl wedding poem, accom- panying a second poem, from Salisbury, Ji. C. Mrs. Dr. CantreJl : Dear Ellen — I hope 1 replied to yours. * * * J have been nursing my dear husband for three months, and he has, only within a iew weeks been convalescing, after a severe attack of pneumonia. I am thankful to say he is much better. I send you my lovely poem, yet hoping you saw the one I sent to Major Adams, as I hoped. Do write me soon and tell me of your dear self and family also. Love to all you love, from your old Pastor and his wife, SELINA WHEAT. Do tell me of Mrs. Churchill — does she live in Little Rock ? Mr. Crease hopes still to visit your city. (This was Mr. Orlando Crease, of w^honi Mrs. Wheat had written in a former letter.) The wedding song is here given : TRIBUTAEY VERSES TO MY DEAR WIFE ON THE EIGHTY-FIRST ANXIVERSARY OF HER BIRTHDAY, SEPTE]\[BER 12, 1886. Eighty-one years, you have numbered In Life's pilgrimage, my darling ; Yet you keep your youthful spirits — What a marvel of endurance ! In your character's formation Many elements, and varied, Are harmoniously blended. France and Scotland, severally. Huguenot and Cath'lic mingling; Massachusetts and Virginia, Thrift and Chiv'lry, "met together," THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 149 North and South "have kissed each other." What a charming combination — "Useful and the Ornamental" — For the Wife of a poor Parson ! Energetic, sympathizing With whatever is occurring — All you read of in the papers, All you hear of friends and kinsfolk. Keeping up a correspondence With them all — their common center — Binding scattered ones together; Always some sage plan contriving, Often Airy-Castles building, Chiefly for the good of others. "Old Virginny never tire !" Your endeavor to help others Shows itself on all occasions. And embraces all creation ! Did kind Providence permit it, You would outvie Queen Victoria — Empress of more num'rous subjects. And far greater benefactions. My good wife is truly pious ; A Churchwoman, staunch and zealous. Yet, in Christian love, embraces All who, being God's dear children. Show it by their Christ-like spirit — By Avhatever name distinguished. Diligently reads her Bible, And her favorite ''Bogatsky" : Loves to go to Church, whatever Special service or occasion ]\ray call worshippers together ; Likes to roam through Cemeteries, Tracing on old, time-worn tomb-stones, Quaint devices and inscriptions. She's a lineal descendant. As, en hadinage, I tell her, 150 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Of that cjiieer man in Scott's novel, Old Mortality, the Sculptor. Wife's most striking characteristic Is her faithful, ardent, clinging To her family and kinsfolk, Whether gone to Paradise, or Still living — all are bound up In her heart of hearts, forever. She's the wonderfulest woman, Of whom I have an}- knowledge — Sui gen vis, no one like her ! Calmly brooding, as the Halcyon, In the smiling, summer weather ; Buoyant as the Petrel, riding On the crest of stormy billows. Wife's resiliency's a blessing For which I am very thankful. What if she had been despondent In the dark days of affliction ? Or an invalid, requiring Constant care, and whim-indulgence ? Oh, how diff 'rent my experience ! Saved from cares injiumerable, By a Helpmeet, self-reliant. Bent on all domestic duties, And yet thoughtful of her neighbors : Seeking out the poor and needy. Helping them in want or sickness, Not alone with worldly comforts. But with sjuritual consolations. Yes, dear Wife, I sing your virtues — Others, if they will, may fault you — But your husband, quoting Shakespeare, Tells you, "In your commendation I am fed"— a perfect ''Love Feast" — Like that of the early Christians. Paying you my Annual Tribute Or connneniorative verses. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 151 I would give congratulations, Not in customary phrases, — Wishing this day's oft recurrence — Thus implying that a limit May be put to your existence, When Earth's Birthdays shall have ended. Dear Wife, I would have you, rather, Rest on Christ's distinct assurance, "He that liveth and believeth Me, shall never die." Now, dearest, You are liting and believing In Christ, only, for Salvation, Therefore, You shall live forever! "Know God, and His Son Christ Jesus" — "This," He says, ''is Life Eternal." Cannot we, without presumption, Say we "know" our God and Saviour ? Though it be as little children Really know an earthly parent ? Little do they know about him — Whence he came, or what his business — But they know full well his person ; Fearless run each day to meet him ; Climb into his arms exulting; Give and take love's fond caresses; Tell him all their joys and sorrows; All their numerous wants and wishes; Oft olfending, oft repenting, Living in a state of pardon; Never for a moment doubting That he loves them, and will, always. "Who's your father ?" asks a stranger, "Don't you know him?" says the children, — Wond'ring much at such a question — "Why, ive know him just as easy! "Just as easy," does the Christian Know and love his Heavenl}^ Father. Constant intercourse assures us 152 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. That He is, and the Eewarder Of all those that seek Him, truly, Giving thanks, and praying, always : With all prayer and supplication, In the Sjiirit, and communing With the ever-present Saviour, A peculiar freshness, vigor. And reality, is given To the new life we have in Him: And His face, divinely tender, Seems, almost, an open vision. Kot from overwrought excitement, Or fanatical delusion, — Always short-lived, and unreal — But in constant, close comnmnion, In the stillness of the closet ; And, sometimes, beneath the shadow Of some overwhelming Sorrow, Which has wrought its special purpose, Chastened and subdued the spirit, 'Till, not only dwelling ^vith Him, But completely hiding in Him, With a sense, unutterable. Of security forever ! — Faith and Hope and Love made perfect. Multitudes of simple Christians, Ignorant of Controversy, Through the witness of God's Spirit, In their own hearts, have discovered That, in truth, the Blessed Bible Is the voice of God, there speaking In this Age of Skepticism. Faith grows strong by Contemplation, Not of abstract truth, or dogma. But of Christ, Himself, in Person — All that He has done and suffered; Death and Hell for us o'ercoming; At His Father's riirht hand seated. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 153 In the fulness of His power, ^'Bringing many souls to Glorj." Presently, another Birthday Both of us, dear Wife, will welcome — When we know not, neither ivhich, first, Or, if God please, both together — His good pleasure we're awaiting. The same Wisdom, Power, and Goodness, Which, when we were born, the First time, Made provision for our coming Into a new mode of being. Will do so, at our next Birthday, What more absolutely helpless Than the newborn, human infant ( Left uncared for, it would perish. But the Merciful Creator Brings it safely through all dangers. So, dear Wife, when God's "'ood Angels To a higher life transport us. We shall be, again, as helpless, But as absolutely safe, too. He who did so wisely order This life's opening, will as surely To that nobler one exalt us. Nothing shocking, nothing monstrous, Or unnatural, shall happen ; Left alone, for not one moment. Under convoy of good Angels, (As "was Lazarus, Christ tells us,) Into Paradise emerging, We shall not be among strangers : Th' older members of the fam'ly Into loving arms will take us, With unutterable gladness ; Friends and kinsfolk will come, eager To congratulate and welcome. We can, now, form no conception Of the mode of that existence: 154 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. But both Moses and Elias^ Though, then, disembodied spirits, Seen at Christ's transfiguration. Were both recognized by Peter. And those Spirits, ''in safe keeping," Whom our Saviour went and "preached to," Must have known and understood Him. If St. Paul thought it "far better," From the body to be "absent," That he might with Christ be "present," Surely, then, he must have thought of A Communion, far more perfect, Than is possible in this world. When, at parting, Christ Avould comfort His disconsolate disciples, Was it not with the assurance, That He'd come again, in Person, And unto Himself receive them. When a place was ready for them. In His Father's "many mansions ?" Yes, dear Wife, our "Elder Brother," (Oh, what wondrous condescension! He, Himself, claims that relation.) Gone to a far-distant country. To prej)are a new home for us — There to dwell with Him forever — Gives this comforting assurance, When we come to the last Station, We shall find Him there to welcome: He the ])atli of life will show us: Fullest joy is in his presence; At His right hand pleasures endless, Made like Him I To share His glory! What a destiny awaits us ! Take, dear Wife, love's benediction: May your Birthdays, all, be tending Toward the glorious consummation. Which my poor muse has, so feebly, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 155 Striven now to set before yon. May onr loving Heavenly Father Do more for yon, and far better, Than your hnsband can conceive of, Or find words wherewith to ntter. J. T. WHEAT. Mrs. Chnrchill, referred to in the letter of Mrs. Selina Wheat, is the wife of ex-Governor Thomas J. Churchill, who was lieutenant in the Avar with Mexico, and brigadier general in the Civil War; the daughter of Senator Ambrose H. Sevier, and granddaughter of Judge and Mrs. Benjamin Johnson. These grandparents were prominent members of the Christian Church, but their daughter, Mrs. Jordan, and granddaughters, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Shelby Williams, and Mrs. J. Cabell Breckinridge, Mrs. L. P. Gibson, Miss Matilda Jordan, Mrs. John McClintock, and great grandson, John C Breckinridge, Jr., are all baptized Episcopalians. General Churchill was a member of the Yestry during the incumbency of Eev. A, r. Freeman. The name of E. W. Jolinsoti, United States Senator from Arkansas for six years, and Confederate States Senator for four years, occurs on the list of subscribers to the first Episco- pal Church. He was the eldest son of Judge Benjamin John- son and Matilda Williams, his wife, who were among the founders of the sect called ''The Disciples of Christ," in Tittle Eock. Robert W. Johnson married Sarah Smith, and their children were Ben. S., Robert (deceased), Francis and Sarah. Bcnj. S. Johnson was baj)tized in infancy in the Epis- copal Church. He married Lina Vandergrift. Their children were Adele (deceased) and James Vandergrift, who all became members of the PresbvteriaTi Church. 156 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Francis Johnson, who married May Fulton Curran. Their children are mentioned in his wife's line, Fulton. Sarah, daughter of R. W. Johnson, married J. Cabell Breckinridge. Their children were Jolm C, Laura, who married John C. Ten Evck, and had Breckinridge, Julia, ail'! John, Eobert (deceased), and Benjamin.* Irene, daughter of Judge Benj. Johnson and Matilda Williams, his wife, married, first. Dr. John A. Jordan. Their children were Matilda Johnson, Robert W., who married Effie Williford, one child, Irene Effie ; Mary, Avho married L. P. Gibson ; their children are Irene, Louise, and Helen ; and Irene Jordan (deceased). Mrs. Jordan was married a second time to Dr. C. M. Taylor. Their daughter Maude married John McOlintock : Children, Alexander, Robert Johnson, Laura Breckinridge, and John. Annie Sevier, daughter of Juliette Johnson and A. H. Sevier, granddaughter of Judge Benj. Johnson and Matilda Williams, his wife, married T. J. Churchill. Their children were Abby (deceased), Sevier (deceased), Samuel J., who married Katie Hooper; children, Thomas J., Marie, and Hooper; Juliette married R. L. Goodrich; Emily married John Calef; Mattie married Edmund Langhorne; children, Annie Sevier, Churchill, and Agnes. Mattie Sevier, daughter of Juliette Johnson and Am- brose H. Sevier, married Shelby W^illiams. Their children ■ xu"^°^° C. Breckinridge, here named as a baptized member of Christ Church, was in the skirmish which preceded the taking of Coamo, Porto Rico, August 11, 1898, by the Sixteenth PeiniHylvania, General Wilson in command. Ten of the Sixteenth were wounded. Richard Harding Davis, special correspondent of the Herald, made a graphic report of the incident. "General Wilson's two aids. Captain Breckinridge and Lieutenant Titus, with Captain Paget, the British naval attache, and four cor- respondents (one of whom was the narrator) entered the town in full speed amid snouts and white flags, to find it empty of American troops and that unwittingly and unwillingly we had been offered its .surrender! Captain Breckinridge and Lieutenant ntus looked at eacb oth(^r\s shoulder strat)s and Lieutenant Titus congratulated his superior oftcer on having taken a town of five thousand inhabitants with six men. inen they borrowed a flag of truce and wigwagged to the Sixteenth that it was safe to come m. 1:T. i;KV. HENRY CHAMPLIN LAY, D. D.. LL. D, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 157 \vere Shelby, who married Mrs. Frazee ; Maud, who married Robert Bonnie; children, Mattie Sevier, Shelby, ISTannie Fassman, married Wentworth Johnston; children, Shelby and Sevier, a minor. Ambrose Hundley Sevier, who married Imogene Wright, was at one time treasurer of Christ Church. Children already mimed in his wife's line (Fulton). RT. REV. HENRY CHAMPLIN LAY, S. T. D., D. D., LL. D. A. D. 1823-1860. Ri. Rev. Henry Champlin Lay, S. T. D., D. D., LL. D., was born at Richmond, Va., December 6, 1823. He was the second son of John Olmsted Lay and Lucy (May) Lay, his wife. He went to school in Richmond and New York City ; entered the University of Virginia Oc- tober, 1839 ; received the degree of Master of Arts July, 1842. While at the university he was confirmed in Christ Church, Charlottesville, Va., by Bishop Moore; studied theology at the Virginia Theological Seminary, near Alexandria. While at the Seminary he taught Greek at the Episcopal High School near by, for some months ; was made a Deacon July, 1846, bj^ Bishop Meade and sent to take charge of the Churches in Lynnhaven Parish, Princess Anne County, Va. He remained there for six months. He became greatly attached to some of the people, especially to the family with whom he lodged, and they were much devoted to him, but Bishop Cobbs, whom he had known and loved for seven years, urged him to come to his help. He wanted him to take charge of the congregation in Huntsville, Ala., and said, "Henry, if you could see the field you would not dare to refuse." He was married to Elizabeth Withers Atkinson, 158 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. May 13, 1847, and arrived in Huntsville on June 10. The nearest Church or clergyman southward was 150 miles away; westward, 70 miles; northward the nearest was about 50 miles in the Diocese of Tennessee. Far away to the east, one might be reached in Georgia. For four or live months he held services in the courthouse, until a very attrac- tive, but small Church — begun before he came — was finished. There was but one male communicant, who had been a fellow- student at the University of Virginia. In this "Church of the Nativity" in Huntsville. Ala., he was ordained Priest, by Bishop Cobbs, July, 1848. In a few years the little Church became far too small and a new and beautiful one was built. Though not entirely complete, the first service was held in it on Easter Sunday, April 24, 1859. This he had to leave, for at the General Convention in Richmond, Va., on October 23 of that year, he was consecrated Missionary Bishop of the Southwest by Bishops Meade, Mcllvaine, Otey, Polk, Whit- tingham, Stephen Elliott, C^obbs, and Atkinson. The juris- diction assigned to him consisted of Arkansas, Indian Ter- ritory, New Mexico, and Arizona. He began his first visi- tation in December, 1859. In April, 1860, he set out with his family for Fort Smith, Ark., but owing to low water in the Arkansas Bivcr, did not reach there till June 24. A. D. 1862-1885. In March, 1862, he set oif to take his family to Huntsville, Ala., intending to return to Arkan- sas immediately, but on the third morning after his arrival tb.ere, the Federal troops entered the town and for several months he was not permitted to leave. Once, he was a close prisoner for two Vv^eeks, guarded day and night by two sol- diers, one on each side. No sort of charge was brought against him, but he was arrested, solely, as being a citizen of influence, in syui])atliy witli tlio South. It was hoped that THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 159 lie miglit be induced to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, and that thereby others might be induced to take it also. He never took it. In the autumn^ as soon as he could, he returned to his jurisdiction. Most of that win- ter was spent in Little Rock, holding services and doing all in his power to help and comfort the people. By request of Bishop Polk, who had been made a general in the Confederate army, he made a visitation in Louisiana. Early in 1864, having been asked by Bishop Elliott to hold confirmation service in the Confederate army in Georgia, he was for some months with General Joseph E. Johnston's corps, and after- wards was with it, when it was under General Hood's com- mand. When the war ended he, with Bishop Atkinson, of Xortli Carolina, determined to attend the General Conven- tion of 1865, which met in Philadelphia, Penn. How much inconsiderate action their presence averted, it is needless to inquire ; how much good it did, can scarcely be estimated ! He returned to Arkansas as soon thereafter as he could, but it was not till late in October, 1866, that he brought his family to Little Rock. In the summer of 1867 he attended the first Lambeth Conference at London.* After his return to the United States, at Cambridge, he received the degree of LL. T). He had previously, while still in Huntsville, re- ceived the degree of S. T. D. from Hobart College, and after- wards that of D. D., from William and Marv College in Vir- ginia. In 1869 he was translated from the Missionary field of the Southwest to the Diocese of Easton, in Maryland. He was one of the committee on the lectionary and spent much time and thought on the work. He also spent much time in the work of the committee on the enrichment of the Prayer Book, *Ijainbeth Palace has been the official residence of the archbishops of Canterbury for several centuries. 160 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. but did ]iot live to see the book authorized and printed. He died in Baltimore on 17th of September, 1885, after an ill- ness of six months, and was buried in Easton on St. Matthew's Day. Among his published writings are ''Letters to a Man, Bewildered Among Many Counselors," "Studies in the Church," "Keady and Desirous," "The Mysteries of Provi- dence," "The Church in the Nation," being the Paddock Lec- tures for 1885. It was while delivering these that he was taken ill, and the last lecture had to be read by another. They were his last work. Besides these, there were a good many sermons and articles in "TAc Churchman^ from his pen. Bishop Lay's wife was Elizabeth Withers Atkijison, daughter of Roger B. Atkinson, who was the brother of Bishop Atkinson, of Virginia, and grandson of Mr. Roger Atkinson, of Mannsfield, near Petersburg. He was the first Atkinson of this family who came to this country, and was an old ^'^estryman and staunch friend of the Church in that place. In Bishop Meade's book "Old Cliurches and Families of Virginia," volume 1, article XVII, page 220, there is an extract from a letter of his to his brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel Pleasants, of Philadelphia. In this letter, written before the Revolutionary War, he draws the portraits of the members sent to the first congress from Virginia, before the men he wrote of had made themselves famous. Of Patrick Henry he says : "lie is a real half-Quaker — your brother's man — moderate and mild, and in religious mat- ters a saint ; but the very d — 1 in politics — a son of thunder. He will shake tlie Sejiate. Some years ago he had liked to have talked treason into the House." Of Peyton Randolph he says: "A veneral)le man, whom I well know and love; an honest man ; has knowledge, temper, experience, judg- ment — al)ove all, integrity: a true Roman spirit. He, I find, is chairman. The clioico will do honor to the judges. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 161 and the chainnan will do lionor to the choice." Of Richard Henry Lee he says : ''I think I know the man, and I like him : need I say more i He was the second choice, and he was my second choice." Of .George Washington he says: ''He is a soldier — a warrior; he is a modest man; sensible; speaks little; in action, cool, like a Bishop at his prayers." Of Colonel Bland he says : "A wary, old experienced veteran at the bar, and in the Senate ; has something of the look 'of old musty parchments, which he handleth and studieth much. He formerly wrote a treatise against the Quakers on water- baptism." Of Benjamin Harrison he says: "He is your neighbor and brotlier-in-law to the Speaker (Peyton Ran- dolph) : I need not describe him." Of Mr. Pendleton he says: "The last and best, though all good. The last shall be first says the Scripture. He is an humble and religious man and must be exalted. He is a smooth-tongued speaker, and, though not so old, may be compared to old ISTestor — " 'Experienced Xestor, in persuasion skill'd Words sweet as honey from his lips distill'd' " A. D. 1 658. Mrs. Lay is also eighth in direct lineal descent from Richard Bennett, one of the Colonial Commis- sioners, who was elected governor of Virginia, to succeed Sir Wm. Berkeley, and who retired from office March 13, 1G58, having been succeeded by Edward Digges. She is also sixtli in lineal descent from Richard Bland, who married Elizal)etli, daughter of Colonel William Randolph. The Bennetts, Randolphs, and Blands were her paternal ancestors. On her mother's side she ascends through her grandmother, Elizabeth Withers, to Mr. and Mrs. Grammar, whom Bishoj) Meade describes as "saintly people, on whom, for a consid- erable time, by general consent, the very existence of the Epis- copal Church in Petersburg seemed to hang. I need not speak, or seek for any epitaph. They live in the hearts of children and children's children vet alive, and in the 162 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. memories of manv others who revere their characters and en- deavor to follow their example. The social prayer meetings held at their lionse, when the old ladv was nnable any longer to go to the House of God, were refreshing seasons to minis- ters and i)eople." — Vol. 1, art. XL., page 447. ^[v. Thomas Withers li\'ed' "hard by the Old Saponey Church," and ]\[rs. Withers "taught a Sunday School there for many years, often entirely unaided." After Henry C'hamplin Lay, when a youth of eighteen, was graduated at ihe University of Virginia as master of arts, he taught for two years before he entered the Theological Seminary. ''Dur- ing these two years he was a regular teacher in the Sunday School at Old Saponey, and in this way gave help to the old lady, who continued to teach there, furnishing all the books, tickets, prizes, etc., that were needed. She and her husband had the Church cleaned, fires made, etc., for fifty years." Into this atmosphere of piety and brotherly love came the young university student, and for his reverence and zeal was rewarded by Providence with the blessing of a wife trained under the same spirit and influences, for he after- wards married the granddaughter and namechild of this saintly old lady. That this influence was the predominat- ing one of hei- life, is shown by her reply to the question, "Why are you not an associate member of the Society of Colonial Dames of America?" "Because that takes time and money." The children of Bislio]) Henry C. Lay and Elizabeth W ithers Atkinson^ his wife, were nine. Five died young. Of these, Thomas Atkinson died in Fort Smith, Ark., and Klizabeth Withers in Little Kock. J/riirj/ ('., the oldest living child, is a civil and mining rngiiiecr, and superintendent of pid)lic schools in San ^liguel THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 163 County, Colo. Resides in Telluride, Colo. He is un- married. George is a Priest of the Church and a Master at St. Paul's School, Concord, X. H., of which Rev. Dr. Joseph Coit is Rector. He was married in Baltimore in June, 1894, to Anna Balch, a daughter of Rear Admiral Balch, who was retired and lives there. They have two children, George Balch and Elizabeth Atkinson. Beirne is a Master at St. Paul's School. Both George and Beirne went to St. Paul's School and afterwards gradu- ated at Yale. Beirne Lay is unmarried. Louisa Lay was born in Little Rock. OUR LORD, THE PATTERN TO THE BISHOPS OF HIS CHURCH: — A sermon preached in Grace Church, in the City of New York, on the occasion of the consecration of the Rev. Charles Franklin Robertson, S. T. D., as Bishop of Missouri, by Henry Champlin ].ay, D. D., LL. D., Missionary Bishop of the Southwest : The consecration of the Rev. Charles Franklin Robert- son, D. I)., to the Ejnscopate of Missouri^ took place on the morning of the twentieth Sunday after Trinity, October 25, A. D. l!sOy, at Grace Church, in the city of New York. Prayers were read by the Rev. Josiah P. Tustin^i D. D., of the Diocese of Michigan, assisted by the Rev. Sidney Corbett, of the Diocese of Illinois, and the Rev. John C. IMiddleton of the Diocese of Connecticut. The testimonials of the Bishop elect were read by the Rev. William Stevens Perry, Secretary of the House of Cler- ical and Lay Deputies, and the Rev. Henrv C. Potter, D. D., Seeretarv of the House of Bishops. The clergy in attendance 164 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. from tlie Diocese of Missouri were the Rev. Edward F. Berk- ley, D. D., of St. Louis, and the Rev. William B. Corbjn, D. D., of Palmyra. The presiding Bishop was assisted in the services by the Bishops of Michigan, "Virginia, Iowa and ISTew York. The sermon was preached by the Missionary Bishop of Arkansas. A large attendance of the clerical and lay deputies of the General Convention, together wath a congre- gation tilling every portion of the spacious Church chosen for this interesting ceremony, attested a widespread interest in these services, which were to add another to the number of our Bishojjs, and give to a bereaved Diocese its chosen head. The Holy Communion was administered to a large num- ber of the clergy and laity. At the close of services, the presiding Bishop having called the Bishops and clergy together, on motion of the Rev. William Stevens Perry, the thanks of the Bishops and clergy in attendance were unaniniouslv tendered to the Rio-lit Rev, Dr. Lay, for the vliscourse just delivered, and a copy of the same respectfully requested for publication. SERMON. '"When the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glonj that fadetJi not away." — 1 Peter v. 4. The names and titles of our Blessed Lord have ever funiished to devout minds themes of pleasant meditation. No one epithet can adequately describe Him; and thus prophet and psalmist, apostle and evangelist, and angel of the annunciation and the Exile of Patmos, have united to ransack the stores of language, to draw from them its sublimest words and its most endearing epithets, thus accumulating around the person of our Lord every title of worth and dignity until His name, in itself secret and incommunicable, is ponred forth as ointment and diffused throus'hout His THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 165 C'liiircli in the liundreJ varying titles Avliicli express His majesty and His mercy. Seldom, indeed, does the Church make mention of her Lord without adding some words expressive of her reverence and affection. She has no sympathy with the unseeming familiarity which utters commonly the name of Jesus with no added word of honor ; she invokes Him ever by some sacred title ; she speaks to us of Him with some reverent description of His person or of His work; she varies that description with the occasion of her speech. At the bedside of the suf- ferer, Christ is "the Saviour of the world, who, by His cross and passion has redeemed us." Beside the open grave, He is "The Resurrection and the Life ;" and yet again in the In- stitution office and in the Ordinal, she adopts the language favorite with St. Peter; she pleads "Thy merits, O Blessed Jesus, Thou gracious Bishop and Shepherd of our souls!" She encourages her newly-consecrated Bishop with the prayer that "When the Chief Shepherd shall appear," he may receive the never-fading crown of glory. Times there are, my brethren, in the experience of life, when one or another of our Lord's titles falls upon the ear with singular sweetness. Times there are of new" trial and added responsibility, when there flashes upon us the true force and meaning of some word that has been familiar to the ear and often upon the lips. Thus is it with the name before us. While every Christian delights to say "The Lord is my Shepherd," Avho can, as the Shepherd and the Bishop of Christ's flock, realize the comfort and the awfulness of the thought, that there is One who is himself Bishop and Chief Shepherd ; One who has exercised in person the ministry and oversight entrusted to us ; One in whose steps we tread, and at whose feet each pastoral staff is presently to be laid. Our Lord's life on earth is the fair pattern, wdiich none of us indeed can equal, but Avhicli men in eveiw station must strive to copy and reproduce. Woe is unto us, if Ave accept as our ideal anything below His sinless example and His finished Avork ! Our little children find in Him the example of filial duty ; to Him we are wont to direct the eyes of the worker —12— 166 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. and the siitl'erer. And is tliero no special lesson in that life for those to whom chiefly He has confided the interests dearest to His heart 'i As man, we present Him as the example for all men to follow ; as Bishoj) and chief Pastor well may we present Him to ourselves. Well may the Church, in form- ing her estimate of the Episcopal otRce, and in determining' the qualifications which should belong to the chief Pastors, keep ever in her view the Holy One, her Chief Shepherd and the Bishop of our souls. Ouit Lord, the Pattern to the Bishops of His Chukch. Such is the lesson which we attempt to unfold to- day ; a theme so sacred and so beautiful that we approach it tremblingly and with awe. Far be it from us, like the un- believers or half-believers of the day, to criticise the sacred story, and self-complacently to express our approbation of the words and methods of the Master ; no ! we stand in the pres- ence of an incarnate wisdom too vast for us to judge : and upon bended knee we follow the traces of its march on earth, happy if we may unquestioning tread where Christ's sacred feet have left their impress. In our Lord's work as in His person, the human and the divine so shade into each other that we can draw no absolute line of demarcation. Without pretending to divide, we may yet distinguish two elements in the office He discharged to- wards His infant Church. He was its Bishop and its Para- clete. Wlien He went away to Heaven, the divine function was assumed by that other Comforter, that ever-blessed Crea- tor-Spirit, whose living presence in the Church gives to the consecration in wdiich we are presently to engage all its energy and truth ; and the human function, the earthly Episcopate, was conferred upon the College of the Apostles and their suc- cessors in oflice until the end of the world. We may not even for a moment leave out of mind that divinity which separates by so vast an interval the Chief Shep- herd from those who are noAv set to feed His flock; but we may yet, I trust, without irreverence, fasten our thoughts upon the Inniian as])ect of our Lord's work on earth, and analvze the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 18 T character of His Episco})ate, as furnishing that true ideal which the Church should ever seek to realize. Let us then recall our Lord's Episcopate in His inter- course with His Pastors, in the guidance of the Laity, and yet again in its personal characteristics. We are to consider, I, — The ( 'jiiEF SiiEPiiEiiu Amoxo His Pastoiis. And here we are reminded at once, what unceasing care, and labor, and diligence, our Master expended upon His sub- ordinates in the sacred ministry ; a care almost disproportion- ate, one might say, in view of the multitudes who thronged His path and hung upon His words. Careful He was to select from among the believers such as He deemed competent to this sacred function. How imperatively He summoned the fisherman from his net and the publican from his engage- ments ! and how distinctly He repelled the proifered service of such as would volunteer in IHs cause, without realizing its responsibilities and trials I To say that He was accessible to His clergy would be a weak statement. He kept them habitually about His per- son, He was seldom separated from them ; and this, although He was doid)tless often weary of company, and longed for the repose of solitude and the society of His uninterrupted thought. He did not merely instruct them in the duties of their oliice ; He carried them with Him ! He showed them by exani])le how ignorance should be enlightened, how suffering should be relieved^ how favor should be borne, how agony should be endiired. With what marvellous skill did He train and strengthen them for usefulness ! as they made progress in Christian virtue, detaching them from His person, yet even then only for brief periods, and in little companies, so that one might strengthen another; leading them from one responsibility to another, from lesser trials to greater, now exposing them to danger with PHmself in the bark, and presently dismissing them to buffet the storm alone, unknowing that He upon the mountain top watched for their safety, thus leading them on lt)8 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Step by step until -that sorrowful moment when His visible presence was altogether withdrawn. Wonderfully considerate was the Chief Shepherd of His colaborers. He would not overwork them. "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place^ and rest awhile; for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat." Wonderfully patient was He with their defects of understanding and their infirmities of spirit. How did He bear with the unintelligence of Philip, the melancholy of Thomas, the impetuosity of Peter ! and then what mingled familiarity and dignity in His intercourse with them all ! He treated them as friends rather than as subordinates ! and yet there was a line of reverence which they might not overpass. If Peter, overzealous for BLis Master's reputation, under- takes that He shall pay His quota towards sustaining the ser- vices of the Temple, He rebukes him for the concession of the claim, while yet He works a miracle rather than expose His. disciple to the mortification of failing to meet the engagement. .A lid then, how beautiful the picture of John leaning on the Chief Shepherd's bosom ! In that holy familiarity, how mar- vellously do we see the profoundest reverence reconciled with the most genial friendship. In view of these things, we do not fear to affirm that every Christian Bisliop should regard himself first and chiefly as the Pastor of Pastors ; and among his varied responsibili- ties and duties should set in the foremost place, those which appertain to the calling of men to sacred ministries, prepar- ing them for their work, directing them in its prosecution, sus- taining them under its trials, i^ot content to accept such as come to him, to ]H'esi(le over their deliberations, to interpose when some great mischief impends, he wdio patterns after that ]>erfect example will identify himself with those in holy orders, and ex])end upon them the chief of his strength and the wealth of his affections. There is much complaint in these days of the deficiency of clergymen. We have need to exhort parents to consecrate their c]iildr(>n to the service of the altar, and the laitv in THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 169 general to facilitate the theological education and to sustain the clergy. But we must not forget that ordaining, sending and laying hands upon others is peculiarly the function of the Bishop. It is his special duty to make choice of lit persons to serve in the sacred ministry ; to suggest its claims to young- men before their profession is chosen, to call into its ranks such as seem adapted for its holy employments. What if it seem cruel to separate the sons of Zebedee from an aged parent ! what though the world may deem it extravagant to summon men from lucrative employments to comparative poverty ! The Gospel must be preached, and we must send the men to preach it. Surely we do not err, if, following our Lord's example, we break in upon men's repose ; now demand- ing, authoritatively, Go thou and preach the Gospel ; now entreating, lovingly, Come with us, and be with us fishers of men. The Bishop should be the friend and father of his clergy, extending to them a larger measure of confidence and sym- pathy than it is possible to give to all the members of the flock. ]^or is this any disadvantage to the flock ; for each instruction and consolation afforded the clergymen, is diffused through him to hundreds within his care. How much do pastors need a Pastor ! How instinctively does the Priest or the Deacon in his doubts and anxieties, in distress and need, look to his Bishop ! How little does the Avorld know of the filial confi- dence and the fatherly benignit}', the touching story of morti- fications and trials told Avithout reserve, the gentle pity and manly encouragement, which have often characterized the correspondence between the Bishops and their clergy ! Oh, how wondrous is the power of a Bishop who is a true father to his clergy! How does he mould the opinions of the lielp- ers, and impart to them his motliods, and infuse his own great thought into the minds of others ! The Chief Shepherd had ever patience with His apostles. He explained things to them when they were alone togetlier. He rebuked them, and sharply too, sometimes, but never, that I can recollect, in the presence of the people, where their credit might be impaired. He wrung the very soul of Peter once 170 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. with His rebuke, and yet while lie rebuked, renewed the expression of His coniidence and uttered no harsher word than "Simon, son of JonaSj lovest thou Me?" — And oh, brethren, a Bishop after this pattern ; who stands in the center of the sacred order; not afraid to take responsibility, but serene and firm, teaching men of less experience and more timid nature ; the Bishop who under no conceivable cir- cumstances will admit that any competition of interests can exist between himself and his brethren^ and in the midst of frowardness thinks only how to bring about a better mind ; the Bishop who can enlighten ignorance without wounding self-respect, who can direct energies witliout fettering them by undue interference, whose ready sympathy never wearies, whose cordial affection sustains his clergy in all their troubles ; such a Bishop may be after all but an earthen vessel, but in that poor earth men will recognize the outline and the likeness of Him in whom dwelt all the fulness of the God- head bodily, the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. How can Ave fail to obserA'e the persistence with which our Lord sought to elevate His chosen ones in their self- estimate and in the esteem of the people ! When He fed multitudes, did He not give them an important share in that work of love ? Did He not advise with them wlien He him- self knew what He w^ould do ? Did He not leave it to them to baptize the converts to the faith? Did He not within limits admit them into the mystery of IDs own griefs and troubles? With such an example well may the Bishop learn to make much of his clergy ; studiously to honor them before the people ; to choose from among them his confidants, and to invite the same sympatln' which he is so often called upon to extend. But, brethren, all this is impracticable unless there be something of dignified reserve, some recognitions of official superiority. We dare not claim for ourselves such reverence, such obedience, as the sinless One did rightly claim. But as rulers in God's family, and in the following of Christ's example, the Bishop should know how to assert the dignity of Ins office, how to re])el unwarrantable freedoms, and~how to THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 171 keep easy and confidential friendsliip from slipping down into unseemly familiarity. But I may not dwell further upon this theme which has rather heen suggested than expounded. Let us consider, II. — The Chief Shepherd among His People. If we regard our Lord as a Bishop among His people, we i^ecognize at once the fact that He was the chief preacher Avithin His self-appointed diocese of Judea. If we think of Him as the Missionary Bishop (for such He truly was), how great the activity of His personal ministry ! The sermons and the labors which are recorded are but specimens of his toil. Had the wliole been written, St. John intimates that the volumes of that record Avould have been innumerable. In public and in private, by the seaside and on the mount, at the rich man's table, in the synagogue and in the porches of the temple, He ceased not to teach and to preach. He drove back His sorrows resolutely into His own breast, and taught still in His trouble. In the very presence of death He kept not silence but spake still of the Comforter. Think of the long journeys, the villages visited in succes- sion, the long continued speech to attentive crowds, the patient dealing with an individual soul, the pause to bless the little babes, the thoughtfulness that encouraged Zaccheus to stand forth and speak out his religious purpose. Brethren, how plain is this instruction ! Make all allowance necessary to be made for a religion in its infancy which could be spread only by the living voice ; grant that in our day the Bishop must often sit alone and think ; must plan and organize and shape work for other hands ; and still there stands plain before us the lesson that the Bishop must go about doing good, and as he goes must preach. He cannot do all the work ])iniself ; it were vain to attempt it; but he can lead the Avay; he can show. his willingness to share in whatever toils and hardships belong to the clergy ; he can by his example teach others hoAv to recognize an opportunity and then how to use it; l)v his dealinii- with an individual soul he can 172 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. instruct the unexperienced man of God, as books would never teach him, how to silence the disputations, to cheer the penitent, to comfort the mourner. And this reminds us of that wondrous prudence which characterized our Master's ministrations among the people. What contradiction of sinners ag;ainst Himself did He en- dure ! What a throng of captious, prejudiced, unreasonable men surrounded Him. But He aroused no unnecessary pre- judice; again and again he stayed His speech or withdrew His person to avoid tumult. If men addressed Him with artful words intending to entrap Him, He did not hesitate to avoid the false issue, and to retort upon them the sharp ques- tion. How often did He make men who pretended ignor- ance, answer themselves, and turn away self-condenmed by the exposure of their insincerity ! How varied his teaching according to circumstances and persons ! In his example we find no warrant for that narrowness which utters ever the same formula and the same doctrine to all sorts of people. To the self-complacent Pharisee Pie held up the better example of the half-heathen Samaritan, wdiile presently conversing with the Samaritan He identifies Himself with the Jews, and affirms the authority of the Jewish Church. He taught the doctrine of the new birth of man's nature to one half-hearted and secret inquirer — while to Xathanael He uttered words of commendation only. I need not multiply illustrations. These things assure us that the Christian Bishop should, while valiant for the truth, be wise enough to avoid useless controversy ; while doing good to others, be careful to protect himself from needless animadversion. They tell us that the Bishoj:) should be large-minded in his work ; not going out furnished with a few set phrases or favorite dogmas, thrown out without discrimination ; but richly stored with all true doctrine and all right words, rightly dividing the blessed truth ; giving to each man his portion — urging repentance upon one, confession upon another ; now persuading a man to believe and now to do some act of self-sacrifice ; now rising in indignation at the profanation of holy things, and now pro- testing against the lading of unnecessary burdens upon the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 173 conscience of the faithful. Tliere is nothing in our Lord's life and example to encourage a narrow partjisni. How won- drously different, some might say almost contradictory, were His utterances according to the occasion that prompted His speech ! Persistently did He press the deep and spiritual truths of religion, yet did He not hesitate to give His testi- mony to the value of things external. There is a singular bunumness in our Lord's hovering around the temple during that sad week of expectancy which preceded His death. We know how a certain restlessness conies over men when death is near, and who, though they have wandered far, they come home to die. And as we read the story of the brief road so often traversed between Bethany and Jerusalem, the lingering in the temple, the pause in the twilight, and the musing eye fixed still on Zion, we recognize the truth that our Lord not only loved His Father, but held also in affection His Father's house. The Bishop, least of all men, should be the slave of party or of prejudices. Sobriety of judgment, love of truth, should characterize all his ministrations. Xo ridicule sliould avail to make him ashamed of the system which he ad- ministers, to hide its true features, or to explain it away to meet the demands of miscalled charity; while no admiration of a system or a method should restrain him from keeping always in the foreground the great essential truths destined to survive when all systems shall have passed away. ff we analyze in its human aspects that influence which our Lord wielded over the masses, we cannot fail to observe that it was largely due to the commingling of gentleness with severity ; oftenest He was gentle ; most full of pity, affable and ready to make allowance ; oftenest but not always. He was the Lamb of God, but when occasion demanded He showed Himself in the majesty of holy wrath, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Strange that a speech so full of gentleness should rise at times into so fearful an invective. But who save the habitually gentle can rightly be severe ? what wrath can so terrify the evildoer as the wrath of the Lamb ? Listen to that fearful denunciation : "Woe unto vou Scribes and Pliari- 174 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. sees, lijpocrites !" Woe folloAvs upon woe, anathema upon anathema, straining our hearts as He approaches the climax, and ahnost alarming us lest when it be reached He shall remand them all into the hands of inexorable justice. But when all that torrent of burning words has been uttered, and while the threat of "the damnation of hell" rings into our ears and thrills the inmost soul, there succeeds by most abrupt li'ansition the wail of pity, a cry of anguish such as defiance itself can scarce resist: ''O Jerusalem! O Jerusalem!" The world has enough of stern critics, and bitter censors ; but, oh, sweet pity ! angel of healing and of consolation ! If thou hast n home on earthy it should be in the breast of a Christian Bishop, causing liim,^ like his Master, as he looks upon the guilty city, to weep over it, teaching him where men discover only the sin, to recognize the sorrow, where men condemn, to utter words of absolution. Gentle pity ! be thou in our hearts, and how tenderly shall we bind up the spiritual wound, and how patiently will the sufferer endure the pains of heal- ing ! and then in the presence of wrong and outragOj of veiled hypocrisy and shameless effrontery, who can as the pitiful ;ind the gentle abash the scorner and terrify the wrongdoer, wliile he denounces against them the judgments of the ]\rost Higli! Such is the example afforded by this Chief Bishop among His flock ! ruling His people prudently, with all His power, yet gentle among them even as a nurse cherisheth her children. I pass on to consider — III- — The Chief Shepherd, with Kevere.xce be it Spoken, iisr the Personal Characteristics of His Episcopate. How overwhelming is the thought that He, the sinless one, used self-discipline; the discipline of fastings, watchings and voluntary retirement; that He, the all-wise, chose not the twelve, but after a night spent in prayer! that He illustrated by His example what He taught iis in precept, of certain THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 175 fierce professions, "this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting." liow single minded was lie in Ilis work ! What cared He for on earth save the welfare of His infant Chnrch ^ What were meat and drink to Him save as they strengthened Him for this gracious task ^ and yet how void was He of all asceticism ! Pie came eating and drinking like other men ; He dined with the rich man on the Sabbath day ; Pie was known as the friend of publicans and sinners ; He disregarded the ablutions and artificial tests of piety, of which the religion- ists of that day made so much. We are not left without numerous intimations of a constant regard to the welfare of His flock in His life and conduct. Recall such passages as these: "For their sakes I sanctify Myself;" " Notwithstand- ing lest we offend them," do thus and so. "The good shep- herd" (He seems here as in soliloquy, to utter the secret of His own pastorate), 'Svhen he putteth forth his own sheep, goeth before them." "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Thy name." These and the like utterances assure us how deeply the chief Pastor realized the respon- sibility laid upon Him in the guidance of the flock, and how He ordered all His life with reference to that responsibility. Thus, brethren beloved in the Lord, have I attempted to speak to you of a theme which I am not able to expound. But thus much, perchance, our poor words may have impressed upon you for a moment, that the blessed Jesus, King, and Priest_; and Prophet, is our Bishop, too ; One who has borne the pastoral staff on earth, and who did thus bear it, not only in love for the flock, but for the guidance of such as He should set over them in the latter days. Well may we study this pattern ! and well may the Church seek to put in her chief places Bishops eminent for those qualities which makes them most like the Chief Bishop ; men of lofty self-consecration, men of gentle hearts, men of prudence and discretion ; men Avho will take heed to themselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers. Into this company of Pastors, my brother-elect, it is now my privilege to welcome you. We have diligently inquired 176 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. concerning von ; and however severe may be the ordeal, let none complain that the Church should be jealous in behalf of her Episcopate, and should carefully scrutinize the qualifica- tions of such as are jDresented to her for so holy a trust. I am bold to say to you that the results of this inquiry have been satisfactory. God has not left you destitute of His manifold gifts, nor yet of grace to use them for His honor and glory in your ministry heretofore. Well may we, in view of the past, anticipate for you an Episcopate of solid merit and of steadily increasing usefulness. You go forth to a new country, an untried office, among a stranger flock. You are to diffuse abroad that Gospel which teaches as its sublimest truth that there is sympathy in heaven for man. Let that same word be your comfort in every trouble ! Henceforth there is to be another bond of sympathy between you and your blessed Lord. He himself was Bishop upon earth ; He knows the trial and the burden of the office. In becoming a Bishop, you pass in some things beyond the limits of ordinary sympathies, but you go up into a nearer and closer intimacy and communion with Him who gathered first the flock and guided them a little way with His own hand before He resigned them to our care. It is not presumptuous to affirm that He has a special tender- ness for His faithful copartners in this work, and that when we reach the farther shore He will stand ready to greet us with peculiar rewards of grace. Lean then upon the Chief Shepherd, and take His Epis- copate in its great features as the pattern of your own. No human art can make a good and efficient Bishop. That man will most excel who, with childlike simplicity, copies the one perfect exemplar. Oh, my Brother! take good heed to the three things whicli stand forth so ])lainly in the chief ministry of tlio Son of God. Cherish your clergy. Be the chief mission- ary within your Diocese. Show yourself a pattern of good works, and you will not live in vain. The erring shall be brought into the fold of Christ. Brethren shall dwell fogf'tlicr in nnitv. Your Diocese shall increase in strenjjth THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 177 and saintliness, and at the last when the Chief Shepherd shall appear receive a crown of glory that f adetli not away ! Perhaps the domestic side of Bishop Lay's life could not be more simply or more attractively given than in the letters to one of his parishioners, which are here transcribed.* A. D. 18661869. Huntsville, Ala., July 23, 1866. My Dear Mrs. Cantrell : I have been here some ten days with my little flock around me. I find Mrs. Lay quite well and the little girl has gotten quite fat. She has no muscle to speak of, but she is content to lie on her back and kick for an hour at a time. This change from complete emaciation, and within about three weeks, we feel to be a great blessing. Henry comes back to us in good health, and has, I hope, done well at school. I am considering what to do with him next year. Oh that we could have good schools in Arkansas ! The unexpected summons to Helena has deranged my plans for the summer. I became sick and found it would not do to travel on steamboat in July. I hardly know what my arrangements will be, only, if cholera does not prevent, I shall have to go north before I return to Arkansas. T long for the time when I shall have a home and be able to concen- trate my efforts. Our parish is in good hands and I hope ]\Ir. Robertf will find much encouragement in his labors. I am anxious to make it a model parish in spirituality and in missionary zeal. The Church music here is at present mainly performed by the children and is very SAveet. They chant the Psalter very well. I will bring back all the good ideas I can pick up. I have always a vei\y affectionate recol- *Bishop Tjay's first parish was in Princess Anne County Virginia, the birth-place of the Annalist. tAccented on the last .syllable. 178 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. lection of your hospitable home. Remember me most kindly to the Doctor, to Miss Mary,* and all the girls, especially kiss the baby for me. We have lately heard of the death of two saints very dear to us. The first was Mrs. Shipp, of Lincolnton, IST. C, one of the loveliest women I ever knew. We were perfect strangers to her; but she could not have been kinder if Mrs. Lay had been her own sister. The other is Mrs. Lay's great aunt, Mrs. Walker, of Petersbi-sj-g, with whom she lived for some nine years while at school. She was a woman of re- markable judgment and strong will. A widow of 55 years, she gave all her thoughts and efforts to the Church. She kept open house for the clergy and was known everywhere as Good Aunt Walker. The day of judgment alone will reveal how much good that quiet, sickly woman did in this wicked world. She was so giad to be released from sickness and pain. It is a comfort to know that there are such good people passing away into rest. May many such grow up in Arkansas ! Most truly your friend, HENRY C. LAY. Mrs. Cantrell, Little Rock. There is another extract from a letter w^-itten three years later, after he had arrived at his new Diocese, dated Easton, Md., April 28, 1S69. My Dear Mrs. Cantrell : Our journey was a very fatiguing one, the more so, for the many friends and acquaintances who occupied us at our halting places. We were taken possession of immedi- ately on our arrival by Mr. and Mrs. Golsborough, and car- ried to a hospitable home, where we shall spend some weeks. They have thrown themselves very heartily into our affairs, and will relieve us of much care and trouble in set- tling ourselves. The town of Easton is about a mile from ♦Miss Mary E. Harrell. THE ANNALS Of CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 179 the water. The steamboat runs in about five hours from Baltimore to Easton Point, the landing for the town. Just across a creek from Easton Point is a large farm of Dr. Adkins. He has just removed into town and rents us his farm home, with the garden, grounds and stables. The view is beautiful, looking out upon the salt water. Plenty of green grass and shady trees. The house is handsome, with six large rooms and a tower of three stories, each story giving a nicely finished room 16 x 16. There are porches and blinds enough to make it cool in summer. We expect to warm the main part of the house, five rooms and passages, with two stoves, burning hard coal. They have here what they call "self-feeders." The fire burns only at the bottom and the coal settles down as it is consumed, so that the stove burns straight ahead for twenty-four hours. We have an icehouse besides, and buy milk from a dairy on the farm. ]\ly little boys are amusing themselves to-day cutting asparagus, which grows wild along the water's edge. So we shall be comfortable, you see. We shall have troubles and trials I doubt not. I see enough to know^ that it will require energy and prudence to develop the Diocese., But we trust to be guided aright. With much love to the Doctor, the girls, and the baby, and all friends, Yours affectionately, HENRY C. LAY. A. D. 1 859-1 866. About the time Dr. J. T. Wheat was installed as Bector of Christ Church, Little Bock, or not long after, Bev. Henry C. Lay, of "The Church of the Nativity," in Huntsville, Ala., was consecrated Missionary Bishop of the Southwest, which included Arkansas. He made a visitation in the spring of 1S59, but having chosen Fort Smith as a place of residence, he did not remove his family to Little Bock until 1866. Dr. Wheat joined the Confederate army as chaplain in 1863. After his resignation, Bishop Lay was 180 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. elected Rector of Christ Churchy and for a time performed the duties of both offices — Bishop and Presbyter. He made his lodging in the Vestry room of the Church and took his meals at the homes of his parishioners, successively. In this way his flock came to know him intimately and to love him. Dignity, combined with gentleness, gave to his manner an unusual charm which was heightened by a voice of singular sweetness. This, with the friendly humor and sympathy that marked his intercourse with children, caused them to become his loyal subjects. When he, with his family, arrived from Alabama after peace had been established, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knapp received them at their hospitable home on Seventh street and Rector avenue. Afterwards they began housekeeping in the cottage on southeast corner of Sixth and Sherman streets. The eldest son, Henry, had been left behind at school, and two sturdy boys, George and Bierne, with baby Bettie, formed tlu? household. When the Bishop returned from the Pan-Anglican Conference of Bishops at London, which was held at Lambeth Palace, he occasionally indulged in a jocose reference to the ''Bishop's Palace," at Little Rock. He afterwards bought the property now owned by Colonel James Mitchell, on Fifteenth and Spring. To the original building he added, on the southwest corner, a commodious study. This was well equipped with books and I doubt whctlier he would have exchanged with the Archbishop of Canterbury, when once established. On one occasion the writer was entertained in this study. After discussing the new books and magazines, he said : "'Here is a charming poem, that I will read to you, if I may." Of course there was but one reply. Witli tones that made music to the Avords, he read — THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 181 CHRIST AND THE LITTLE ONES. "The ]\Iaster has come over Jordan," Said Hannah, the mother, one day ; He is healing the people who throng Him, With a touch of his finger, they say. "And now I shall carry the children, Little Rachel, and Samuel, and John, I shall carry the baby, Esther, For the Lord to look upon." The father looked at her kindly. But he shook his head and smiled : Now who but a doting mother Would think of a thing so wild ? "If the children were tortured by demons. Or dying of fever, 'twere well ; Or had they the taint of the leper. Like many in Israel." "Nay, do not hinder me, Nathan, I feel such a burden of care If I carry it to the Master, Perhaps I shall leave it there. "If he la}' His hand on the children lly heart will be lighter I know. For a blessing forever and ever Will follow them as they go." So over the hills of Judah, Alono' bv the vine rows sreen, W^ith Esther asleep on her bosom And Rachel, her brothers between. 'Mid the people who hung on His teaching Or waited His touch and His word, — Through the row of proud Pharisees listening. She j)ressed to the feet of the Lord. 182 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 'Xow wliv sliouklst thou hinder the Master?" Said Peter, "with children like these ? Seest not how from morning to evening He teacheth and healeth disease f Then Christ said, "Forbid not the children, Permit them to come unto Me I" And he took in His arms little Esther, And Rachel he set on his knee; And the heavy heart of the mother Was lifted all earthcare above, As he laid His hand on the brothers And blest them with tenderest love; As he said of the babes in His bosom^ "Of such are the kingdom of heaven," And strength for all duty and trial That hour to her spirit was given. — Julia Gill. It is a comfort to think that the mothers were objects of sympathy, to one v/hose beautiful utterances and persuasive eloquence had moved the reverend assembly of Bishops ! Surely a shepherd after the pattern of his Master ! As his Episcopal duties crowded in upon him. Bishop Lay called to his assistance, with the consent of the congregation, the Rev. P. G. Robert, of Virginia, late chaplain in the Southern army, who, in the course of a year, was elected Rector of Christ Church, the Bishop resigning all duty except that of his Episcopate. The Bishop was not robust in physique, and as he would set out in his ambulance to scale the moun- tains of Arkansas, his physician, Dr. Cantrell, would add many little comforts, that he foresaw would be needed to strengthen him on the route. He was better adapted to wield a pen whose influence would be felt through the confines of the Anglican Church than to carry the Gospel in person as a THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 183 missionary. So that he was translated to the Diocese of Easton in 1869, and Christ Church lost her most beautiful lecturer and sermonizer. One Good Friday sermon, "Alone ; Yet I am iSTot Alone, Because the Father is With Me," and another Easter sermon, ''Who Shall Roll us Away the Stone from the Door of the Sepulchre V will never be forgotten here. After Little Rock was occupied by the Federal army the ( 'hurch was appropriated for a hospital for the sick soldiers. Bishop Lay was the guest of Judge Ringo at that time and inaugurated home services, which were conducted by lay readers at private houses, principally at the homes of Judge Ringo and Mrs. Judge Watkins, the Sunday School organ having been moved from house to house to lead the singing. When the Church was cleared of the sick, the Rev. E, Steele Peek, chaplain of General Steele's division, held the usual Sunday services there. A few of the Sunday School teachers i-eturned to their charge. Mr. Peek inquired for the Sun- day School organ. LeaT'ning that it was at the house of Judge W^atkins, he requested one of the teachers to ask that it be returned to the Church. At that time such a request was felt to equal a command. Still Mrs. Watkins hesitated to comply, without advice from the Vestrymen of the Church. Another request was forwarded to her from Mr. Peek and the organ was delivered up and placed at the head of the aisle, near the chancel in the Church. For several Sundays the services went on peacefully. Mr. Peek was an upright, humane. Christian minister, bent on doing his duty. None felt the premonition of the explosion which soon followed. One Sunday morning at Sunday School, Mr. Peek was observed to go from class lo class interviewing each teacher. At length he announced in deprecating tones, to the consterna- 184 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. tion of all, that the organ had been taken from the Church! For some time subsequently a vain search was made for the missing instrument. After many months it was traced to a Church in one of the Xorthwestern States, where it had been sent by the Federal soldiers, probablv those who had been sheltered there in sickness, as confiscated property ! It was never returned, to Mr. Peek's undying chagrin. He did everything in his power to show his sympathy to a conquered foe, and won the love and gratitude of the community by his daily ministrations until death to the heroic martyr^ David O. Dodd, who was executed as a spy, January 8, 1864. REV. P. G. ROBERT.* Rev. P. G. Robert was first called from Virginia as as- sistant to Bishop Lay in the duties of Rector, but soon suc- ceeded to the full charge as Rector. From The Church News, the official paper of the Diocese of Missouri, Rt. Rev. D. S. 'J'uttle, D. D., Bishop, volume 26, St. Louis, June 15, 1895, the following corrected abstract of his life has been taken : A. D. 1827. '"Mr. Robert was born in Richmond, Va., December 16, 1827. He is the son of John Gibson Robert, of a Picard family, which traces back to the twelfth century; and of Amanda P. McRae, a lineal descendant of the Lord of the Isles. Ho received his preparatory education in the Richmond Academy, in the private school of Rev. Geo. A. Smith, at Clarens, near Alexandria. It was said of Mr. Smith that he "was as near to saintship as men ever get on tliis earth." Mr. Robert informs our interviewer that since then he has "pulled through by main force and stupidity." Ho was for a time clerk in Colonel Walter D. Blair's grocery in Richmond, and subsequently in the counting room of John D. Mayben, a large dealer in Virginia and Kentuckv tobacco. *Acc"«nted on the second syHaT)le. REV. P. G. ROBERT. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 185 Id 1846 his attention was turned toward the ministry, and he went to Clarens to brush up his Latin and Grreek, and entered the Theological Seminary, Alexandria, the next year. He passed his examinations under such men as Drs. Sparrow, May, and Packard; which examinations, Mr. Robert insists to doubting ears were far more rigid and severe than those he inflicts upon the candidates who fall into his hands now as examining chaplain ; and was ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Meade, July 12, 1850, at Christ Church, Alexandria. He was advanced to the Priesthood by Bishop Johns, Decem- ber 18, 1851, at Christ Church, Bruton Parish, Williams- burgh, Kev. Chas. Minnegerode and Rev. Edmund Withers, examiners. His first duty was assistant to the Rector of St. James Church, Richmond, then he was ordered by Bishop Meade to Meherrin Parish, Greensville County, and took charge as Rector-elect, October 6, 1850, where he remained for eight years. He married while there Elizabeth Scott, October 5, 1854. Erom 1858 to 1861 he was Rector of Christ Church, Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, and St. Andrew's, Southwark Parish, Surrey County, a Parish of which liis great grandfather. Rev. Christopher McRae, was Rector in Colonial times. On the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. Robert was commissioned chaplain in the Confed- erate States army, and served in the Second Louisiana, Thirty-fourth Virginia Regiments, Second Corps, A. IST. V., until he was surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, April 9, 1865. He was in nine general engagements, many skirm- ishes, and several affairs ; and tells his friends that he is en- titled to write "P. P." after his name, which means Paroled Prisoner, or Parish Priest, whichever you like. x\.fter the war, he '"tauglit school and jdoughed" for a year, when Bishop Lay invited him to Little Rock, Ark. He was assistant for one year and Rector for two years of Christ Church, Little Rock, and in 1869 came to St. Louis, and began to build up the Parish of the Holy Communion, preaching his first ser- mon as Rector July 6 of that year. Mr. Robert has made his impress upon the Church life of St. Louis, and always held important trusts in the counsels of the Church, and has 186 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. also kept an interest, and been an influence in the welfare of society and the citv, outside of his immediate work." Kev. ^fr. Tvobert is a rare type of a Christian Apostle. He presents a combination of virtues — courage, steadfastness, unswerving faith, unquestioning obedience, together with a great underlying tenderness. He is a man among men, even though consecrated to the life of isolation, usually assigned to ministers of the Gospel ; a man who holds the key to man's nature and knows how to adapt it ; who, while honoring the female sex as a great throng of handmaidens of the Lord by election, seeks to reach and strengthen those of his own as being in more deadly danger from the assaults of the enemy ; ■ — who holds a visible, though perhaps unspoken, scorn for a Avillful villian, but a heart full of great compassion for a repentant prodigal — a man, who, being the type of a soldier- apostle, has left an impression, large, chivalrous and indelible on all the people of Little Eock, irrespective of sect, and an influence which will be undying. Between Bishop Lay and his assistant, afterwards his successor as Parish Rector, there was an abiding friendship, sealed perhaps by their experiences as prisoners of war. In the wide divergence of paths which separated them after four years of comradeship and apostolic companionship, this affec- tion never failed. Each pressed on to the same goal, the one as the faithful Shepherd of the sheep, during twenty-six years of leadership, reaching it first; the other scouring the outposts foi- wandering sinners, viewiiiii the end from a calvary of suffering, but still sounding the cheerful call of invitation, rather than icarninr/. "Come and seer After Mr. Bobert had completed that portion of the Church ot the Holy Cumnmnion designed for the chapel, in THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 187 St. Louis, to which place he had been called from Little Rock, he made a journey to the Holy Land and shared the pleasures of the Oriental visit with his parishioners in weekly letters to his parish paper. These were graphic and interesting and much enjoyed. Mr. Robert Avas a power in the Sunday School. The festivals at Easter were conducted with enthusi- asm. He also prepared for the Sunday School of the Holy Communion ''Questions on the Llarmony of the Gospels, the Catechism and the Theme of Each Sunday." He is now an invalid with some heart trouble, but his trustful, loving words still warm the hearts and poiiit the hopes of his legions of friends. A scheme for an Orphanage in Little Rock origin- ated with him. The sum of $340 or $350 had been loaned to the Vestry in the first year of Rev. P. G. Robert's Rector- ship, M'hich '"was a sum collected by him towards starting an orphanage," says a correspondent. "I remember the circum- stance well," she continues, "because Mr. Robert told me at the time that everything was contributed, even brooms for the house. Then he looked for the orphans and could find none to put in it ! Therefore the money was loaned to the Vestry — a long loan, for when I left Little Rock, I suppose not less than ten years afterward, no account of it had been given." In reference to this orphanage scheme, Mr. Robert writes : "The loan to the Vestry and the failure to find orphans is correct. My Lutheran communicants used to adopt every orphan child they could find, according to their loving custom, God bless them !" But the scheme was revived when orphans became more plentiful, and at this date, October, 1898, there is an Orphans' Home established on Fifth and Connnerce streets, under the guardianship of Mrs. James Mitchell, president ; Mrs. J. W. Beidelman, vice president; Mrs. John Fletcher, secretary; 188 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mrs. John Levering Matthews, assistant secretary, and Mrs. Helen Norton, treasurer. There are twenty-eight inmates. Of these five are babies. The children of Rev. P. G. and Elizabeth Scott Robert are: 1. John Gihson. who married Miss Mary Thweatt Wil- son, of Richmond, Va. They have one child, John Gibson Robert, Jr. 2. Edward Scott, unmarried. Born in Virginia. 3. Dent Hayes, unmarried. Born in Virginia. 4. Douglas Wilkens. Born in Little Rock. Married Eliza Clendenin. 5. Lee Edward Roljert (Robert E. Lee reversed), un- married. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Two daughters have ''gone before," Amanda and Bessie. The members of the Vestry during the incumbency of Rev. P. G. Robert were L. E. Barber, Senior ^Yarden ; John Wassell, Junior Warden; Wm. B. Wait, Treasurer; S. L. Griffith, Gw^mn Barber, W. A. Cantrell, Daniel Ringo, U. M. Rose, T. J. Churchill, B. C. Trapnall, Gordon N. Peay. The organist was Dr. J. W. Beidelman. The choir was composed of Mrs. Mary Ellen Ives, nee Tucker, afterwards Mrs. Strong, Miss Laura Tucker, afterwards Mrs. Hardy, Miss Annie Reardon, afterwards Mrs. P. Raleigh, Miss Emma Scott, aftei-wai-ds Mrs. James Lawson, Miss Johnanna Scott, afterwards JMrs. Clay Ro Bards, Miss Johanna Krause, afterwards Mrs. Peter Hotze, Miss Alice Compton, afterwards ^Irs. George Weaver, General Albert Bishop, Major Smith, IT. S. A., Lieutenant Post, U. S. A., Lieutenant Gregory, U. S. A.. T. W. Bankes. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 189 FORMER CHRIST CHURCH RECTOR. [ArkcDisas Democrat^ December 15, 1898.] Rev. P. G. Robert, who will be remembered by old citi- zens as Rector of Christ Church in the sixties, has tendered his resignation as Rector of the Ej)iscopal Church of the Holy Communion, St. Louis, after nearly thirty years' continuous service. Dr. Robert's determination to resign was reached after much consideration of the subject, and at the earnest solicitation of his physician. The reverend gentleman is suf- fering from an affection of the heart, which causes serious illness whenever he exerts himself too vigorously. Dr. Robert was the founder of the Church from which he proposes to resign. He has been its only Rector. He has also been for many vears the examining chaplain of the Diocese. His resignation as Rector carries with it the resig- nation fi-om this office. From the Hot Springs (Ark.) Commercial, of date December 10, 1898, we transfer the following notice of the wife of the former Rector of Christ Church : SOMETHING ABOUT A DISTINGUISHED LADY DELEGATE TO THE ^"ATIOXAL UNITED DAl'CillTEliS OF THE COXFEDEKACY CIIAPTEK, WHICH COX VEXED HERE LAST WEEK. Mrs. P. G. Robert, a delegate representing the Daugh- ters of the Confederacy, of St. Louis, Mo., at the convention or chapter which met in this city on the 9th ult., was a Miss Bettie Scott, of Henrico County, Va. (in which is the city of Richmond), having spent portions of her early life in Louis- iana at her father's sugar plantation. She is a niece of the distinguished officer who commanded the armies of the United States in the war with Mexico, and still the ranking officer at the beginning of the Civil "War. ]\[ajor-General Wintield Scott. 190 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Miss Scott married in Kicliiiiond an Episcopal minister, who served during the war as chaplain in Stonewall Jackson's "foot cavalry;" carried a rifle^ and sometimes shot it, as he savs, in self-defense. He went on Jackson's long marches as often on foot as mounted ; and was near him when he met his calamitous death — most calamitous for the cause of the South as it proved ; for had Jackson been with Lee, who called him his ''right arm," the latter had not lost the battle of Gettysburg — and with it the Southern cause, as Great Britain was ready to "intervene'"' if Lee had won that battle. ^Irs. Robert, thoueh the mother of five 2;rown sons, two of whom are lawyers, one an editor, and one a doctor, in St. Louis, is a comely lady, who does not appear to have passed the vigor of her prime ; for, though somewhat fleshy, her luxuriant tresses do not indicate the rapid advance of age. She is jovial and kind, but of marked decision of character, and possessed of the power of exercising an influence over others. Her husband is Rector of the Church of the Holy Communion in St. Louis, able, zealous and greatly esteemed. Slie has been so long an Episco])al Rector's wife and made it a duty to her Cluircdi and her husband to learn human nature, that she is tactful and confident in her intercourse with ladies in all social I'elations. She made her impress upon the con- vention in many ways, as it was to that end she was urged by licr associates in St. Louis to attend the convention. IS'ot given to any disposition to shine in "oratory," or to any fondness for display of ■\\'hatever character, she was keenly alive to every detail of the proceedings, and promptly sliared in debate when she deemed it appropriate. During one of the sittings a point of order was endeav- ored to be settled upon the authority of a ruling of Speaker R('<'(1, of the laiited States House of Representatives. l\[rs. Robert was quickly on her feet and asked: "Is his, the speaker's, course to be reasonably thought to furnish so high a standard of parliamentary law? Is he not rather distinguished as a violator of parliamentary rules; a ])arlianientary despot, whom one of the members of Con- gress of this State has called a counterfeit of the 'Czar V Let THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 191 US not coiidnet our proceedings n})on the practices of Tliomas Bracket Reed, who is chiefly distinguished, like another ^ton of a man,' for Svrenching the true cause the false way.' " She then ex])lained her idea of the unfairness of enforcing the rule proposed — in her genial and matronly vcRj- Czar Reed's j)recedent was ignored. Mrs. Robert attended through the entire session, was present at all excursions and festivities. There was none who became acquainted with her who did not instantly admire her and even love her. She was but one of this gather- ing of many splendid women who met t<» honor the memory of the Southern soldier. REV. IIEismY HOB ART :\10RRELL. A. D. 1827-1889. Bee. Hennj llohaH Morrell suc- ceeded the Rev. P. G. Robert as Rector of Christ Church. He w^as born May 17, 1827; ordained Priest by Bishop Mcll- vaine in Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio, March 14, 1856, and married October 21 of the same year to [Mary Elizabeth Badger, and was in charge of the Church at Dayton, Ohio, at the time he was ordained Priest. In 1809 he accepted a call to Christ Church, Avhere his work was especially good among the poor and needy, his legacy to his successor having been a huge hamper basketful of clothing that he had col- lected from the congregation for distribution among convales- cent small-pox patients. He resigned the position during the fall of 1870. Six years after the death of his wife, in 1875, he married a widow, Mrs. Annie Ramage Smith, of Knox- ville, Tenn., where he had assumed charge of St. John's Church from April, 1881, to February, 1886. Following this he was engaged in missionary work in Georgia and Florida and West Virginia. He died at Wheeling, W. Va., Januarv 2, 18S1). There were six children: 192 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Emma J., unmarried. Mary J., married Charles Henry Waring, of Knoxville, Tennessee. Leonard Mcllvaine, who died June 17, 1877, aged 15 years. Charles K., unmarried. Norman Blake, unmarried. John Hampton, unmarried. The consecration of Henry jSTiles Pierce to the Bishopric occurred at this time, who succeeded Mr. Morrell for a limited time as Rector of Christ Church as well as Bishop of the jurisdiction of Arkansas and Indian Territory. From The Little Roch Churchman February, 1888, the following reference to this Rector is taken : The Rev. Mr. Degen's paper, "The Diocese of Arkan- sas,'' has reappeared, after a suspension of six months. The contents evince conscientious industry. The leading article is a historical sketch of Christ Church, Little Rock, illustrated by a beautiful engraving of the edifice. The materials at the command of the writer were evidently meager, e. g., no mention is made of the Rec- torship of the Rev. Dr. Morrell (1869-70), whose ministry amidst great difficulties was most faithful. The history of this parish remains to be written. RT. REV. HENRY NILES PIERCE, D. D., LL. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 193 RT. REV. HENRY NILES PIERCE, D. D., LL. D. A. D. 1 820-1 869. Bt. Rev. Henry Nilcs Pierce, D. D. LL. D., fourth Missionary Bishop of Arkansas and Indian Territory, was born in Pawtucket, R. I., on the 19th day of October, 1820. He was the son of Benjamin Bentley Pierce, a Deacon in the Baptist Church at Pawtucket, R. L, who was born in East Greenwieli, R. I., in 1786, and died in 1839. His mother was Susan Walker, born in Pawtucket, R. I., March 21, 1784, and died July 30, 1869. The history of the Walker family, of the old Plymouth colony, fills a volume of 450 pages. His grandfather was Moses Pierce, a ship captain, who died at sea about the year 1791, when his son, Benjamin Bentley Pierce, was only 5 years old. He was the great great grandson of John. Pierce of East Greenwich, R. I., who had removed from Newport. A. D. 1842-1854. The parents of Rt. Rev. Henry N. Pierce were both members of the Baptist Church, and at the age of 16 he was baptized into and remained a communicant of the same Church for five years. He left the Baptist Church because he found to his satisfaction that that Cluirch originated in the sixteenth century, and liad no descent from apostolic times. He became a communicant of the Episcopal Church when about 21 years old. On joining it he was hypothetieally baptized. He gvraduated at Brown University, Providence, R. I., in 1842; was ordained Deacon at Christ Church, Matagorda, Texas, April 23, 1848, by the Rt. Rev. George Washington Freeman, D. D. ; ordered Priest in the same Church on January 3, 1849, by the same prelate. From May, 1848, to May, 1852, four years, he labored as Mission- ary at Bre7iham, Washington, Independence and Chapel Hill, 194 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. in Washington County, Texas ; was the first minister of the Episcopal Church that ever settled there. From 1852 to the spring of 1851 he was Rector of Christ Church, Mata- gorda, Texas. At that place he married, April 18, 1854, Miss Nannie Haywood Sheppard, who was born near Selma, Ala., March 6, 1830, the daughter of Ahram Sheppard, a sugar planter and slaveholder, who was a native of North Carolina. Her mother was Eleanor Wallace, of Scotch, Irish, and Swiss descent. Mrs. Pierce Is the niece of the wife of William Henry Haywood, a leading lawyer at Raleigh, and, for a time. United States Senator from Xorth Carolina. She was educated at St. Marv's School, Raleigh, X. C. A. D. 1854 1880. In June, 1S54, Rev. H. X. Pierce took temporary charge of Trinity Church, New Orleans, but left there in December following. In the spring of 1855 he became Rector of St. Paul's Church, Rahway, jST. -J., and continued in charge until 1857. In October of 1857, he became Rector of St. John's Free Church, in ^Mobile, Ala., where his income, dependent upon the offering alone, amounted to $3,000 per annum until 1868. He established there the Church Home for Orphans. While residing there in 18C1-G2, he translated Muhlbach's Henry VIII. He re- ceived the degree of D. D. from the University of Alabama, at Tuscaloosa, in 1862, and that of LL, D. from the college of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., in 1869. From Mobile, Dr. Pierce went to Springfield, 111., where he was Rector and Dean of Springfield from November, 1865, to January 1, 1870. On January 25, 1870, he was consecrated Bisho]) of Arkansas and Indian Territory, in Chi-ist Church, Mobile, Ala., by Rt. Rev. William Mercer Green, D. D., Bishop of Mississippi, assisted by Rt. Rev. Henry John THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 195 Wliitc4iouse, D. D., LL. D., Oxon; D. C. L., Bishop of Illinois ; Rt. Rev. Richard Hooker Wilmer, D. D., Bishop of Alabama ; Rt. Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, S. T. D., LL. D., Bishop of Tennessee; Rt. Rev. Josej^h P. B. Wilmer, I). D., Bishop of Louisiana^ and Rt. Rev. John Freeman Young, S. T. D., Bishop of Florida. In March, 1870, lie settled in Little Rock, where he now resides in his own home, on Seventeenth and Center streets. He is a great student and has a library of more than 3,000 volumes. He also owns 3,000 acres of rich, wild lands in Matagorda County, Texas. The children of Bishop and Mrs. H. IST. Pierce are as follows : Ahrdluim Wallace, born in Rahway, X. J. ; grad- uated at Sewanee TTiiiversity, August, 1877 ; studied for the ministry ; has been Rector of Grace Church, Wash- ington, and the C^hurch of Our Redeemer, J^ashville; Rocky Comfort mission, Arkansas, and is now the successor of Rev. D. I. Hobbs, at Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. He is unmarried. Henry WalJicr born in Rahway, N. J.; educated at Sewanee; married May 4, 1880, Marie Moffat, of English birth ; died of rapid consumption, September, at Mobile, Ala., where, accompanied by his brother, Wallace, he had gone to recruit his waning strength. He was buried at Little Rock from Trinity Cathedral, September 4, 1886, by his father, the Bishop, assisted by his brother. Rev. A. W. Pierce, of Mobile, Ala. Elizahelli Powell , born in Mobile, Ala. ; educated at home bv her father, and is ranked in the first class of musicians as an artiste by the musicians of ]N"ew York^ where she studied music several vears. She M'as married at Trinitv Cathedral 196 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. to Gerry Austin Lyiiiau, of Boston. Her father performed the eeremonj'. Susan Sheppard, the youngest child, was born in Mobile, and educated under the parental roof. She was married to Mr. William C. Stevens, son of Bishop Stevens, of Pennsyl- vania. Over the non de plume of Sheppard Stevens, she has published two novels, "I am the King," and ^'Tlie Sword of Justice," both issued previous to the death of her father. Bishop Pierce has written sermons, essays, addresses, besides a volume of verse entitled ''The Agnostic," with other poems, issued by Thomas Whittaker, New York, in 1884. At the seventeenth annual Council of the Diocese of Ar- kansas, which was held at Christ Church, Little Rock, May 3, 1889, Bishop Pierce formally accepted the office of Dio- cesan, in lieu of ]\Iissionarv Bishop.* From The Daily Press Little Rock, of date January 24, 1895, the following sketch of the life and services of Bishop Pierce is reprinted. It was written on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his consecration as Bishop : RT. REV. HENRY NILES PIERCE, D. D., LL. D. TWENTY-KIKTU ANXIVERSARY OF HIS CONSECRATION AS BISHOP- — A VERY HAPPY SIIA'ER JUBILEE SKETCH OK THE LIFE AND SERVICES OF A MAN WHOM ALL ARKANSAS LOVES THE GROWTH OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, To-morrow, January 25, will witness an event of more than ordinary interest, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Henry Niles Pierce, D. D., LL. D., as Bishop in the Church of God. The silver jubilee of the pastorate of a simple flock, is an event of great interest and of congratulations, l)ut tlie silver jubilee of a Bishop, is a far *Abstrnct from the hiography of Bishop Pierce in "The Encyclopedia of the New West."18Sl. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 197 more notable event in that the Episcopate is one of the greatest monumental evidences of the truth of Jesus and the resurrec- tion. Indeed, the Ej^iscopate was raised up for this very purpose, that it should be a witness to the resurrection unto the end of the world. That one should be spared for a quar- ter of a century to participate in this monumental witnessing, is an event that must command the attention of all thoughtful and earnest men. The Kt. Rev. Henry ^"iles Pierce, D. D., LL. D., the fourth Bishop of the Missionary jurisdiction of Arkansas, and the first Bisliop of the Diocese, Avas born in Pawtucket, P. I., October 19, 1820. He was graduated at Brown Uni- versity in 1842. After passing his theological examination, he was ordained Deacon April 2o, 184o, so that he has been in the ministry for fifty-two years. On January 3, 1849, he was advanced to the Priesthood, and was successively Rector of St. John's Church, Mobile, Ala., and St. Paul's Church, Springfield, 111., his Rectorship of the two parishes covering a period of twenty years, or from 1850 to 1870. It Avas while he was Rector of St. Paul's Church that he was elected by the House of Bishops to be the Missionary Bishop of the jurisdiction of Arkansas and Indian Territory. His conse- cration to the Episcopate took place at Mobile, Ala., on the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, January 25, 1870, the consecrating Bishops being Bishops Green, of Mississippi, AVhitehouse, of Illinois ; R. II. Wilmer, of Alabama ; Quin- tard, of Tennessee ; J. P. B. Wilmer, of Louisiana, and Young, of Florida. It may not be uninteresting to note that Bishop Pierce was the ninety-fifth Bishop consecrated in the American line of the Episcopate. Of the Bishops then living there were fifty-one, there being thus fifty Bishops ranking as his seniors in ofiice. During these twenty-five years seventy-nine Bishops have been consecrated, making 174 in all. Of these eighty- two are still living, and Bishop Pierce ranks fifteenth in the order of consecration, thus showing what "manifold changes and chances" have characterized the history of the House of Bishops. —14— 198 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. When the Bishop took charge of the jurisdiction to which he was assigned he entered upon a life of hardship, sacrifice and unreniitting toiL The field he had entered was purely a missionary field, with a few scattered congregations, \-ery feeble, both in means and numbers, and far removed from one another. The Episcopal visitations involved great labor, fatigue and exposure. Only a very strong man physic- ally could undertake such work. The only railroad at that time in the State was the Memphis and Little Rock, and per- haps some portions of other lines. The great Iron Mountain system had not yet been completed. The railroad bridge at Little Rock was not built until 187:2-73. Traveling in the State was mostly by stages, private conveyances and by boat. Erom the Bishop's first published record of visitations the following extracts are given. Lamenting the small attend- ance of the clergy and laity at the council, he says : ''T know better than most, it may be, the difficulties of travel in a State so ill supplied with means of communica- tion as Arkansas is, and therein 1 find a partial excuse for the many vacancies in this body. ''May 2, 1871 — Started for Lewisville, but the roads being so bad and the carriage out of order, we were obliged to return. ''May 8 — At 2 o'clock in the morning started for Little Rock, arriving the next evening. "July 21 — At night took a" boat for Fort Smith ; the boat small and very greatly crowded. "August 18 — At 4 a. m. took stage for Camden, and, riding all night, reached my destination next day at 2 p. m." The above extracts are simply taken at random and give some idea of the missionary field and work upon which the Bishop had entered. The old journals, as well as the later ones, show that he traveled as many as 8,000 and 9,000 miles each year, which is a remarkable record of endurance and faithfulness of purpose. Shortly after the Bishop's arrival in the State steps were taken towards the organizing of the missionary jurisdiction of Arkansas into i Diocese. To this end a convocation was THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 199 held on Ascension Day, ]\lay IS, 1871, at which tlicre were present seven clergymen and three lay delegates from three parishes. At this meeting a full Diocesan organization was decided upon and the Bishop was asked to call the primary council of the Diocese of Arkansas to be lield on St. Bartholo- mew's Day, August 24, 1871. This primary council met in Christ Church, Little Eock, on the day appointed, and set forth a constitution and canons, and elected Bishop Pierce as Diocesan. The first annual council was likewise held in Christ Church, Little Rock, on May 9, 1872. Of these early days of the Bishop's Episcopate, very little can be found in the way of statistics, showing the condi- tion of the Episcopal Church in the State of Arkansas. But Church life w^as very feeble, the communicants few in num- ber and greatly scattered, and what parishes there were were simply at the beginning of things. Long years of patient toil, many discouragements and drawbacks, but withal an abiding hopefulness must be experienced before anything like an assured and confident life could be realized. The Bishop's work and that of his clergy was foundation work, and with but small means to carry on even that. But already there are many evidences of life and strength manifested in this still small Diocese that are an earnest of the future. When Bishop Pierce took charge there were but five church build- ings, one parsonage_, and G05 communicants, as reported by Bishop Lay, who was translated to the Diocese of Easton, in 1869. To-day there are twenty-six church buildings, six- teen parsonages, or rectories, one guild hall, one hospital, nearly 3,000 communicants, and a Church membership of about 15,000. The Diocese has property valued at some- thing over $225,000 and the offerings for religious purposes average about $30^000 a year. The Episcopal endowment fund has gradually grown, and without any special effort for its increase, until it now amounts to $13,000. One work in this enumeration must not be omitted. Bishop Pierce is to be congratulated that the twenty-fifth an- niversary of his consecration witnesses the completion of his Cathedral and its entire freedom from debt. It has been 200 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. a marvel to us who were mere onlookers how the Bishop ever managed to accomplish so much. Year after year witnessed some addition until to-day it stands forth as a fine specimen of old English Church architecture and as a monument to the Bishop's unfailing faith, business management and of the high purpose he has in mind. For several years a burden of debt rested upon it which it was thought would take many years to lift, but through the large-hearted liberality of a member of the Cathedral congregation the debt was paid and the Cathedral is now free and ready for consecration. Besides building Trinity Cathedral, the Bishop also built St. PhilijD's Church and parsonage for the use of the colored people of this city. This property is also free from debt through the Bishop's own efforts, and the Church is ready for consecration. It is used every Sunday by a con- gregation of colored people, a minister of their own race, Rev. Isaiah Daniels, officiating.* But the life of a Bishop is not simply Diocesan ; it belongs to the Church Universal ; it touches the throbbing, pulsating life of the Church throughout the world. And what great events and mighty achievements and advances has the venerable Bisliop of Arkansas witnessed during these twenty-five years of his Episcopate ! Want of space forbids the happy enumeration, but for a moment let us turn our eyes on the growth of his own branch of the Church in the United States. On the consecration of Bishop Pierce in 1870 the Episcopal Church had thirty-nine Dioceses and nine mis- sionary jurisdictions, fifty-one Bishops and 2,786 other clergy. The number of communicants reported was 170,000. In 1895 we find that the number of Dioceses has increased from thirty-nine to fifty-three, the missionary jurisdictions from nine to eighteen, besides eight missionary jurisdictions in foreign lands, and tlie number of Bishops has increased from fifty-one to eighty-two, wdiile the number of other clergy ♦In the Journal of the Twenty- seventh Annual Council of the Diocese of Arkan- Sm /J5. J'^^^fu^^ii^ ?' * ^"^ ^- ^- ^- ^"''"•'' th*" val"e of this church huildinff is eiven as l^m,(HK) hy the Rector, Rev. Douglas T. Hobbs: Rectorv .$i^,IIIIO. In the parochial report ot Rev, Isaiah P. Daniels, tlic colored Rector of St. Philip's Church for colored people, Its value is given as Sl.Oiin and Rectory SiOd. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 201 is now nearly 5,000. To-day the Episcopal Church has about 600,000 communicants, and a Church membership of more than 2,000,000. The proportion of communicants to the population twenty-five years ago was one in every 225 ; today there is one communicant for every 103 of the popula- tion. Or perhaps a more interesting statement will be to state that in 1820, the year in which Bishop Pierce was born, the proportion of communicants to the population was 1 in 416. To-day, as already stated, there is one communicant for every 103 of the population. In 1850, when Bishop Pierce was just beginning his ministry, the population of the United States was 23,847,884 and there were only 79,987 communicants in the Episcopal Church. To-day the State of Xew York alone, with only 5,997,853 population, has 240,- 000 communicants. These are remarkable figures and it is not surprising that they attract attention. The Roman Catholic News said recently: "The gain of the Episcopalians in this country, steady, onward, undeniable and that at the exi^ense of the denominations called evangelical, is one of the remarkable characteristics of our times." The New York Evening Post and Public Opinion have devoted much space to the consideration of this growth, the latter remarking: "The general growth of the Episcopal Church far exceeds, proportionately, that of the population at large, or of any other religious section of it in particular. Tt looks like the 'Church of the future.' " All this remarkable growth and advance the Bishop of Arkansas has witnessed. To-day he sees that there is not a State or Territory which is not under the pastoral care of a Bishop, many of the States having several Dioceses, each with its Bishop at its head. To-day he realizes and thanks God for it, that the quiet, persistent loyalty to the truth as this Church has received the same, the missionary zeal and enter- prise, the practical work enlisting so largely the labors and co-operation of the laity, the far-reaching influence on the religious thought of the day, the proposal of terms for Chris- tian unity, the multiplying of services and the more frequent communions, all manifest the inner and outward UTowth of 202 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. the Church of which he is an honored Bishop, and demon- strate the reality and high purpose of her mission. W. J. M. A. D. 1899. As the ''Journal of the Twenty-seventh Annual Council of the Diocese of Arkansas^ 1899/' relates in detail the last Diocesan work of the lamented Bishop while on earth, it is transferred to these pages intact : BISHOP'S ADDRESS. Dear Brethren of the Clergy and of the Laity: Almighty God has spared me to meet you once more in Council, and it is with unusual peace of mind and freedom from care, that I welcome you to your seats in this, the Twenty-seventh Annual Session of this body. For I now know, so far as we are able to see the future, and estimate the probabilities thereof, that in case I meet you here no more, there will be one who has already won your confidence and taken from my shoulders a large portion of the burden, to assume the remainder of it when I lay that dowm, or am unable to bear it. Until that time I have the satisfaction of feeling that peace has been restored to the Diocese and left it free, and, as I trust, resolved to work for Christ and His one holy Catholic and Apostolic Cliurch, which is His Body mystical, as it has never yet worked in its long years of struggles, sometimes severe struggles, for existence. To one and all, I say, let bygones be bygones indeed, and let us hope- fully look forward to and pray and work for a grand and a glorious future for the Church in Arkansas. In reviewing the events of the past conciliar Diocesan year, I find the most important, of course, to be the consecra- tion of our beloved Coadjutor-Bishop. Of that and of his Avork since his consecration I need say little, for you are all fully informed on that subject. I add merely tliis: Much good seed has been sown and some of it in wholly new ground, and even now first fruits by no means scant have been gathered, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 203 and the promised full harvest in Hue time is hopefully and joyfully anticipated in a not remote hereafter. The number of Clerical changes in the Diocese during the past year has been unusually large. I have given letters dimissory as follows : The Rev. John Gass, transferring him to the Diocese of Georgia. The Rev. E. J. P. B. Williams, transferring him to the Diocese of Springfield, 111. Rev. W. T. Allen, transferring him to the Diocese of West Missouri. The Rev. Douglas I. Hobbs, transferring him to the Diocese of Nebraska. I have accepted letters dimissory presented by the Rev. W. D. Buckner, from the Diocese of Southern Virginia ; the Rev. Caleb B. K. Weed^ from the Diocese of Newark, N. J. ; the Rev. R. W. Rhames, from the Diocese of Missouri. The Rev. George Gordon Smeade has resigned the Rec- torship of Trinity Church, Pine Bluff, and accepted the Rec- torship of Christ Church, Little Rock. The Rev. W. D. Buckner has succeeded to the vacancy at Pine Bluff. The Rev. William Cross resigned the Rectorship of St. Luke's Church, Hot Springs ; was chaplain for some months in the United States army, and is now out of the State, but still Canonically resident in the Diocese of Arkansas. The Rev. G. W. Flowers has recently resigned the Rectorship of Trinity Church, Van Buren, and is beyond the bounds of this Diocese at present, though Canonically resident here. The Rev. Mr. Weed has become Rector of St. Paul's Church, Batesville. The Rev. Mr. Rhames has become Rector of St. Paul's Church, Newport. The Rev. W. G. Coote, of the Diocese of Kansas, is officiating at St. Luke's Church, Hot Springs, and I have hopes of his becoming the Rector of that important parish. The Rev. I. M. Merlinjones, of the Dio- cese of Los Angeles, Cal., is officiating at St. Agnes's Church, Morrilton, very acceptably. The Rev. P. P. Boland, of the Diocese of Mississippi, is officiating at the parish of St. Johnson's, Fort Smith. Trinitv, Van Buren; St. Andrew's, 204 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Marianna ; The Church of the Good Shepherd, Forrest City, and the mission points vacated by the removal of the Kev. Mr. Williams, are still without stated clerical services. But I feel assured that the most important of these vacancies will be soon filled. I do not si^eak of a vacancy at Trinity Cathe- dral, because no absolute vacancy can occur there as long as the Bishop is in residence, though additional workers are needed, and will, I hope, be soon secured. I consecrated the beautiful new St. John's Church, at Helena, on Septuagesima Sunday last. Further particulars concerning this consecration will be found in the abstract of my journal under the date of January 29, 1899. On the 22d day of May, 1898, I laid the corner stone of the new St. John's Church, at Fort Smith. When I saw this fine stone edifice in December last, the workmen were finishing off the interior. Whether it was made ready for Easter services, as was then intended, I have not been informed. As there is on the building some debt, though not a large one, considering its beauty and substantial character, it may not be ready for consecration very soon. Great progress has been made in paying off Church debts during the year. A grand Easter offering very largely re- duced that of Christ Church, Little Kock. That of St.^ Luke's Church, Hot Springs, has been much cut do^vn. The debt on St. Andrew's Church Rectory, at Marianna, is being steadily lessened. A mere fragment is left of the debt once resting on the Deanery of Trinity Cathedral. Except the five mentioned, I believe none of the parishes of Arkansas are encumbored with debt. Few, if any, of the Dioceses of the American Church can show a better record than Arkansas in this respect. Spiritually, I have reason to believe the Diocese has advanced no little during the past twelve months. This is my conviction, though the small number of confirmations may seem to indicate the contrary. The past year has been, to a great degree, a broken one. ]\ren's minds have been deeply stirred by discords — discords international, political, and ecclesiastical — both in our countrv and in other lands. But THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 205 the grace of God has heeii, and is,, bringing harmony out of discord. That it has so far prevailed under circumstances so opposing and obstructive shows a decided advancement in the Spiritual life of the world, the nation, and the Church of Grod. I look for much greater and much richer fruits in the more peaceful years to conie. Of the missionary work in the Diocese and in the world I shall say nothing here. I leave that to our dear Bishop- Coadjutor, and to others. They will tell vou more fully than I am pre])arcd to do, what has been done, what needs to be done, what can be done, and what is required of all of us in order to accomplish it. And may the Spirit Divine stir up every soul to perform its duty to God and to man. On the Festival of the Annunciation of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary the Rev. Caleb B. K. Weed, Deacon, was ordered Priest by the I\t. Rev. Dr. Starkey, in Grace Church, Orange, N. J. T mention the fact as certified to me by the Bishop of Newark, because he, in this case, sim])ly acted instead of my- self, and at my written request. This ordination will be re- ported by Arkansas at the next session of the General Conven- tion, as a matter of course. As nothing further occurs to me which seems to require saying in this connection on the present occasion, I here add an abstract of my Journal for the year forever ended, that you may, in some small part, see what your Bishop has been officially doing during the past twelve months : May 8, Sunday. The fourth after Easter. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, Dean Hobbs said morning prayer ; the Rev. A. W. Pierce read the lessons ; I said the Ante-Communion ; the Rev. J. J. Vaulx reading the Epistle. The Rev. R. S. James, D. D., preached, and T closed the ser- vice. At 4 p. m. I attended a funeral in Trinity Cathedral. May 15, Sunday: The fifth after Easter. At 11 a. m. in Woodmen's Hall, Baring Cross, after a special service, said by Mr. J. Huntley, I baptized two children, made a brief address and preached. Mav 19, Thursdav: Ascension Da v. AtlOt.^Oa. m. 206 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. ir St. John's Cliurcli, Fort Smith, I jji-eached and received the Holy Communion. May 22, Sunday: After Ascension. At 11 a. m. in St. John's Church, Fort Smith, I preached, confirmed one person (1 female), and made an address. At 4 p. m. I made an address and laid the corner stone of the new St. John's Church, assisted by the Rev. W. T. Allen, the Rector, and niembers of the Masonic Lodge. May 25, Wednesday: I this day gave my Canonical consent to the consecration of the Venerable William Mont- gomery Brown to be Bishop-Coadjutor of the Diocese of Ar- kansas. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I confirmed three persons (2 males, 1 female) and addressed the class. These candidates were presented by the Rev. A. W. Pierce, and are registered as parishioners of the Church of the Redeemer, iSTashville. Ark. May 29, Sunday: Whitsunday. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, the Rev. A. W. Pierce said the Lit- any ; I said the Communion ofiice ; Dean Ilobbs read the Epistle and preached, and I celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by the Rev. A. W. Pierce. June 5, Sunday: Trinity Sunday. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, Dean Hobbs said morning prayer, read the Epistle, preached, and assisted me. T cele- brated the Holy Eucharist. June 12, Sunday: The first after Trinity. At 11 a. m. 1 assisted in saying morning services in Trinitv Cathedral, Little Rock. June 14, Tuesday: I this day gave to the Rev. John Gass letters dimissory, transferring him to the Diocese of Georgia. June 19, Sunday: The second after Trinity. At 10:30 a. m. in Woodmen's Hall, Baring Cross (St. Barnabas's Mis- sion), I preached, confirmed two persons (1 male, 1 fenuile), and addressed the class. June 24, Friday: Nativity of St. John the Baptist. At 1 1 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I received the Holy Connuunion. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 207 June 26, Sunday: The third after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I assisted in the service and received the Holy Communion. The Rev. Willard H. Roots preached, and the Rev. A. W. Pierce was celebrant. June 29, Wednesday: St. Peter's Day. In St. Paul's Church, ]^^ewport, at 8 :30 p. m., I joined in holy matrimony Thomas Jackson Gregg and Miss Lucy Lester Watson. July 3, Sunday: The fourth after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, the Rev. W. H. Roots said morning prayer, Bishop Brown read the lessons, I said the Communion office, Bishop Brown read the Gospel, and Ihe Rev. Mr. Roots the Epistle. Bishop Brown preached and I celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by the Bishop. July 10, Sunday: The fifth after Trinity.' At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, T assisted in saying the mxOrning service. July 17, Sunday: The, sixth after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I assisted at the morning- service, and received the Holy Communion. July 20, Wednesday : The Diocesan Board of Missions, At 5 p. m. Bishop Brown was present, and at my request presided. July 24, Sunday: The seventh after Trinity. My health did not allow me to attend services. July 31, Sunday: The eighth after Trinity. Crippled up by rhemuatism and unable to attend services. August 7, Sunday : The ninth after Trinity. At 1 1 a. m. in St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn., I preached and received the Holy Communion. August 14, Sunday : The tenth after Trinity. Too un- well to attend services. August 21, Sunday: The eleventh after Trinity. At 11a. m. in St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn., I i^reached. August 28, Sunday: The twelfth after Trinity. At 11a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, T received the Holy Communion. September 4, Sunday : The thirteenth after Trinity. 208 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. At 11 a. m. I received the Holj Communion in the Cathedral, Little Rock. September 11, Smiday. The fourteenth after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I assisted in saying morning service and received the Holy Communion. The Bishop said the rest of the service, ^^reached and cele- brated the Holy Eucharist. September 18, Sunday: The fifteenth after Trinity, At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I received the Holy Communion. The Rev. A. W. Pierce ofiiciated. September 19, Monday: I this day gave letters dimis- sory to the Rev. Edward J. P. B. Williams, transferring him to the Diocese of Springfield, 111. September 25, Sunday: The sixteenth after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity C^athedral, Little Rock, I received the Lloly Communion. The Rev. A. W. Pierce ofiiciated. October 2, Sunday: The seventeenth after Trinity. Owing to heavy rains and my rheumatism, I Avas housed all day. October 6, Thursday : At the House of Bishops, Gen- eral Convention, Washington City, D. C, all day. October 7, Friday: At the House of Bishops all day. October 8, Saturday: At the House of Bishops all morning. October 0, Sunday: The eighteenth after Trinity. At 1 1 a. m. I attended service in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C. October 10, Monday: The House of Bishops. October 11, Tuesday: House of Bishops and the Board of Missions. October 13, Thursday: House of Bishops. October 14, Friday: House of Bishops. October If), Sunday: The nineteenth after Trinity. At 10:4.') a. m. T preached in Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, N. ^ . At 7 :.'')0 ]). m. I preached again. October 23, Sunday: The twentieth after Trinity. Spent in the coimtry. tliree miles from Metuchen, X. T., want THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 209 of conveyance, added to bitter cold weather, prevented my attending services. October 25, Tuesday: At the House of Bishops again. October 30, Sunday : The twenty-first after Trinity. The weather too cold for me to attend services in the Cathe- dral. November 6, Sunday : The twenty-second after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Kock, I celebrated the Holy Eucharist. iSTovember 13, Sunday: The twenty-third after Trinity. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I read the pastoral letters of the House of Bishops. November 20, Sunday: Xext before Advent. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Bock, I received the Holy Communion. November 23, Wednesday : I this day accepted the letters dimissory presented by the Bev. W. I). Buckner, from the Diocese of Southern Virginia. November 24, Thursday : National Thanksgiving. The cold weather forbade my attending services. November 27, Sunday : The first in Advent. Again my state of health and the cold weather prevented me from attending services. December 4, Sunday : The second in Advent. A snowstorm last night kept me housed all day, the furnace in the Cathedral not being in working order. December 11, Sunday: The third in Advent. At 11 a. m. in St. Baul's Church, Fayetteville, I preached and cele- brated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by the Bector, the Bev. J. J. Vaulx. At 7 :30 I preached and confirmed two persons (2 males), and addressed the class. These confirmations were administered at the request of Bishop Brown. December IS, Sunday: The fourth in Advent. At 11 a. m. in St. John's Church, Fort Smith, I preached, con- firmed six persons (5 males, 1 female), addressed the class and celebrated the Holy Eucharist. December 25, Sunday: Christmas Day. At 11 a. m. 210 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I celebrated the Holy Eu- charist, assisted by Dean Hobbs. January 1, Sunday: The Circumcision. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I receiyed the Holy Com- munion. January S, Sunday: The first after Epiphany. I preached in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, at the morning- service. January 14-, Saturday: At 3 p. m. in Trinity Cathe- dral, Little Rock, I otHciated at a funeral assisted by Dean Hobbs. January 15, Sunday: The second after Epiphany. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by Dean Hobbs. January 22, Sunday: The third after Epiphany. I attended mornipg service in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. January 25, Wednesday: St. Paul's Day. The an- niversary of my consecration to the Episcopate. I celebrated the Holy Eucharist in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, at 10 a. m. The Venerable Dr. Webber was gospeler and preached. Dean Hobbs was epistoler. January 29, Sunday: Septuagesima. At 11 a. m. I consecrated to the service and worship of Almighty God the substantial and beautiful new St. John's Church, at Llelena. Tn this service I had the pleasure and honor of being assisted by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Dudley, Bishop of Kentucky, and the Rt. Rev. Dr. Brown, Bishop-Coadjutor of Arkansas. Judge Thweatt read the instrument of donation and Bishop Brown read the sentence of consecration. Bishop Dudley preached the sermon. I said the Communion office, the Bishop of Kentucky being gospeler, and Bishop Brown being epistoler. I celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by Bishop Dudley and Bishop Brown. January 30, Monday : T conducted the examination of the Rev. Caleb B. K. Weed, Deacon, for the Priesthood, aided by the Rev. A. W. Pierce, and the Rev. William Cross. The Rev. Mr. Weed has recenty presented letters dimissory from the Diocese of Xewark, X. J. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 211 February 4 : I this day gave letters dimissory to the Rev. W. T. Allen, transferring him to the Diocese of West Missouri. I was very reluctant to part with so able and faithful a Priest. February 5, Sunday: Sexagesinui. The ground being a glare of ice and the temperature much below the freezing- point, I necessarily remained at home. February 12, Sunday. Quinquagesima. The ther- mometer this morning was 12^ degrees below zero, the coldest weather 1 have known in Arkansas. I could not attend the services. February 15, Wednesday: Ash Wednesday. Crippled up by rheumatism and at home all day. February ID, Sunday: The first in Lent. Attended morning service, and received the Holy Communion. February 26, Sunday: The second in Lent. Attended morning services in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. March 5, Sunday: The third in Lent. I preached and received the Holy Communion in St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn., at the morning service. March 10, Friday: In St. Peter's Church, Columl)ia, Tenn., I preached at the night service. March 12, Sunday : The fourth in Lent. In the morn- ing I ba])tized an infant and preached in St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn. March 10, Thursday: I confirmed in my parlor one person (1 female), registered for Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. March 19, Sunday: The fifth in Lent. At 11 a. m. in St. Luke's Church, Hot Springs, Ark., I preached and celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by the Rev. W. G. Coote, minister in charge. At 7 :30 p. m. I preached again, confirmed seven persons (2 males, 5 females), and addressed the class. March 26, Sunday: T^ext before Easter. At 11 a. m. in Christ Church, Little Rock, the Rev. G. G. Smeade, Rec- tor, said the Ante-Communion. I preached, confirmed nine persons (2 males, 7 females), addressed the class, and cele- 212 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. brated the Holy Eucharist. At 4 p. m. I assisted in saying evening- service in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. J\iarcli 30, Thursday : I this day accepted the letters dimissory presented by the Rev. R. W. Rhames, from the Diocese of Missouri, and sent Canonical notice of said accept- ance. At 4 p. m. I attended services in Trinity Cathedral. March 31, Friday: Good Friday. I attended morn- ine- service in Trinity Cathedral. April 2, Sunday: Easter Day. At 11 a. m. I cele- brated the Holy Eucharist in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, assisted by Dean Hobbs, and the Rev. A. W. Pierce. At 4 p. m. I preached, confirmed eight persons (2 males, 6 females), and addressed the class. April 6, Thursday: At 5 p. m. I officiated at a funeral in Little Rock. April 9, Sunday: The first after Easter. At 11 a. m. in St. John's Church, Helena, I preached, confirmed fifteen persons (5 males, 10 females), addressed the class, and cele- brated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by Dean Lockwood. At 8 p. m. I assisted in saying evening service and preached in St. Andrew's Church, Marianna. April 10, Monday: At S p. m. I said the evening service and ]u-eached in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Forrest City. April 14, Friday: This day I accepted the resignation of tlie Rev. Douglas I. Hobbs as Dean of Trinity Cathedral, the same to take effect on the 1st day of May, 1899. April 10, Sunday: The second after Easter. At 11 a. m. in Trinity Church, Pine Blufi", I preached, confirmed eleven persons fG males, 5 females), addressed the class, and celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by the Rector, the Rev. W. D. Buckner. At niglit I preached again. April 23, Sunday: The third after Easter. I assisted at morniug service in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock. A])ril 30, Sunday: TJie fourth after Easter. At 11. a. m. in Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, I celebrated the Holy Eucharist. At 4 p. m. T said evening prayer and lectured. May 1, Alonday: T this day gave letters dimissory to THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 213 the Rev. Douglas I. Ilobbs, transferring him to the Diocese of jS^ebraska. SUMMARY. Sermons preached 24 Addresses made 17 Eucharists celebrated 17 Number confirmed 65 Ordinations, Priest 1 Letters Dimissorj accepted 3 Letters Dimissory given -1 Churches consecrated 1 C^orner stones laid 1 Marriages 1 Baptisms (infants) 3 Funerals 2 Miles traveled 7,145 The marriages, baptisms, and funerals referred to here are registered in the parishes Avhere they took place, and will be included in their reports. CO^v^FIRMATIONS. For St. John's Church, Helena 15 For Trinity Church, Pine Bluif 11 For Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock For Christ Church, Little Rock 9 For St. John's Church, Fort Smith 7 For St. Luke's Church, Hot Springs 7 For Church of the Redeemer, Xashville 3 For St. Paul's Church, Fayetteville 2 For St. Barnabas',? Mission, Baring Cross 2 65 The Bishop-Coadjutor will report the confirmations made bv him. 214 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. COLLECTIONS FOR THE CPIURCH DEBT AT DARDAXELLE. Hot Springs $22.00 Christ Church, Little Rock 17.12 Pine Bluff 16.00 Trinity Cathedral 3.26 Helena 6.50 Marianna 2.50 Forrest City 2.11 $69.4fy Before closing, I have one suggestion to make. I think that we have all found that in some few points our excellent Code of Canons are too indefinite, and, it may be, in some other points defective. I think it would be wise to create a small committee to carefully examine the matter and report to the next Annual Council what changes are absolutely required. The committee should be small — and it should invite the clergy and laity of this Diocese to express their views to them concerning what they may deem necessary changes. \ With this suggestion, I leave you to prosecute the work before you. May the Holy Ghost be with you to guide you in all of your proceedings, and in all of your utterances. HENRY NILES PIERCE, Bishop of Arlcansas. ABSTRACT OF JOURNAL BISHOP PIERCE. May 2, 1809. — I presided at a meeting of the Board of Missions at Bishop Brown's. We got through about mid- night. May 3. — I said the Communion office. Bishop Brown reading the Gospel, and ]\Ir. Vaulx the Epistle. I read my THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 215 annual address, and assisted by Bishop Brown, celebrated the Holy Eucharist. Then called the Council to order and presided all day. May 4. — Presided in the Council till 1-J :30 p. m., when the Council adjourned sine die. May 7. — I celebrated the Holy Eucharist at Trinity Cathedral. May 11. — Ascension Day. Attended celebration in the Cathedral and received the Holy Communion. May 14. — I said morning jorayer in the Cathedral and received. At 4 p. m. 1 closed the services. May 21. — Mr. Coote said the services and I celebrated the Holy Communion at St. Luke's, Hot Springs, and jjreached both morning and night. May 28. — Preached a sermon and received the Holy Communion at the Cathedral and closed the afternoon service. J une 4. — Attended service at St. Peter's Church, Colum- bia, Tenn., and at night preached the baccalaureate sermon. June 7. — Commencement exercises at the Institute, Co- lumbia, Tenn. I made an address and delivered the diplomas and certificates. June 11. — At 11 a. m., at St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn., I preached the sermon and received the Holy Com- munion. June IS. — At 11 a. m., in the Cathedral, I said morn- ing prayer and received the Holy Communion. At evening prayer I closed the service. June 21. — At 9 a. m. I presided at a meeting of the Board of Missions, held at tlie (.Uipital Hotel. June 24. — St. John Baptist Hay. I attended celebra- tion at the Cathedral and received the Holy Communion. June 25. — I said morning prayer at Trinity Cathedral and received the Holy Communion. At evening prayer I closed the service. t June 27. — Wrote llev. J. X. Perkins, chairman Church Building Fund Committee, Xew York, and inclosed a draft for $69.40 for Dardanolle Church debt, leaving a balance of $G0.27. 216 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. June 29. — St. Peter's Day. Tleceived the Holy Com- ijiunion in the CathedraL I this day accepted letters diniissory from the Diocese of Kentucky, and sent canonical notice of acceptance of Rev. W. G. Coote. Bishop Brown called and I handed over to him the statement concerning the Dardanelle Church debt, and have his promise to pay the balance, $60.27, out of funds collected by him from my field. June 30.- — At 2:15 p. m., at Trinity Cathedral, Rev, A. W. Pierce presented and I confirmed three persons and made a short address. July 2. — At 11 a. m., at the Cathedral, I preached and received the Holy Communion. In the afternoon I began a sermon on the "Catholic Oranda."' At 5 p. m. I closed the Choral Evensong. July 9. — xVt 1 1 a. m. I said morning prayer and received the Holy Communion. At Evensong I closed the service. July 12. — At 8 p. m. I j^reached in St. John's Church, Helena, ''The Spirit and the Bride Say Come." Confirmed eighteen persons and addressed the class. July 16. — At 11 a. m., in the Cathedral, I said the Bishop's part in the celebration and received the Holy Com- munion. July 19. — The Standing Committee of the Diocese met in my study at 10 a. m., I being present at their request. July 23. — In the Cathedral, at 11 a. ni., I took the Bishop's part in the celebration and received the Holy Com- munion, after which Rev. A. W. Pierce baptized William Starr Mitchell,'^ of Little Rock, and I confirmed him. At 5 ]i. m. I closed the Choral Evensong with benediction. July 24. — I gave my Canonical consent to the conse- cration of Rev. Joseph Marshall Erancis, Bishop-elect of Tjidiana. July 30. — At n a. m., in the Cathedral, I said the Bishop's ])art and received. In the evening I finished writ- ing sermon on the "Catholic Oranda." *Thi« was the Bishop's last confirmation. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 217 August 1. — At 9:10 I took the train for Fayetteville via Van Bureii. Rev. J. J. Vaulx met riic at the ears at Fayette- ville and I became his guest. August 6. — At 11 a. m., in St. Paul's Church, Fayette- ville, I preached the ''Catholic Oranda ;" said the Bishop's part in the celebration and received the Holy Communion. Kev. J. J. Vaulx celebrated. The next note found in the Bishop's diary is that on August 8 Mr. Vaulx started for Colorado Springs at S a. m. The last entry, August 9, is of letters written to Dr. James at Eureka Springs, to his wife at Little Rock, and to G. W. Millard at Poughkeepsie, J^. Y., which was the last letter written by him so far as known. On the next day he was seized with the illness which finally resulted in death. Having gone to Fayetteville for the express purpose of relieving ]\Ir. Vaulx so that he might have a month's vacation, the Bishop, notwithstanding his ill- ness, felt reluctant to omit a service, and on Sunday, August 13, he officiated for the last time l)y a celebration of the Holy Connnunion, without sermon, at St. Paul's, Favetteville. A. D. 1899. At Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, on Wednesday, May 3, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. m. tlie foregoing address was read by Bishop Pierce before the members of the Twenty-seventh Annual Council of the Diocese of Arkansas, which adjourned sine die on May 5. Hoping and trusting that, propped by the vigorous strength of the youthful Co- adjutor, and relieved of care that had burdened his infirm shoulders, his clergy parted from him, predicting a long sea- son of repose before he should be called to buckle on his armor to meet the conqueror Death. But this was not to be. On the 5th day of September of the same year, after the short interval of four months, he was summoned to "the eternal 218 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Sabbath of his rest." The morning issue of the Arkansas Gazette, of the 6th, carried a shock to the hearts of its readers in the announcement of his death, which occurred at Fayette- ville, Ark., at 10 a, m. the previous day. Bishop Pierce died there at the residence of Rev. J. J. Vaulx, Rector of St. Paul's Church at that place. For many years he had been accustomed to spend a three weeks' vacation with this stead- fast friend and favorite brother in Christ. On this occasion he was there to conduct the services of the Church, while the Rector, who had been ill, went to the mountains of Colorado for some rest. When it became evident that the Bishop's illness would be fatal, his family was summoned to his bed- side. His wife was ill and could not leave her bed, and Mrs. Lyman was in Paris, France, but his son. Rev. Wallace Pierce, and his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Stevens, were with him to the end, which occurred September 5, and accompanied the remains to his late residence in Little Rock. Rev. J. J. Yaulx and wife also were in the number of this funeral pilgrimage. From the Southern Churchman, of September 14, 1899, the account of his burial is reprinted : The funeral services were celebrated at Trinity Cathe- dral, Little Rock, Thursday, the 7th instant, and according to compact between father and son, the Rev. A. Wallace Pierce officiated. The services were very solemn and deeply im- pressive, as well as instructive to those who are unfamiliar with the best usages of the Church. At 10 o'clock the Holy Eucharist was celebrated, the Rev. Mr. Pierce, celebrant, the Rev. J. J. Yaulx and the Rev. D. B. Ramsay (two oldest priests in point of residence, and bosom friends of the Bishop) being Gospeler and Epistler, respec- tively. Nearly all the clergy of the Diocese, together with the Rt. Rev. Drs. Brown, Arkansas; Tuttle, Missouri, and Garrett, Dallas, wei-c present. On the casket were six candles lighted. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 219 At 5 o'clock, on account of the heat, the regular burial service was said. At this service all the clergy, and also the choir, were robed. The large building was crowded to its utmost capacity, the people thus bearing silently their testi- mony of love to their beloved Bishop, venerable in years, patri- archal in appearance, and venerated by hundreds and thous- ands of hearts throughout the State of Arkansas, where he gave the best years of his life in the service of the Master and humanity. At a meeting of the clergy of the Diocese of Arkansas, held at Little Rock on the 7th instant, the following minute was unanimously adopted : '^To-day the clergy of the Diocese, here assembled, bear witness to their grief at the death of our beloved Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. Henry Niles Pierce, D. D., LL. D. "As our chief in holy orders his scholarship and spiritu- ality were constant inspiration and guide. As our father in God he was essentially judicial-minded, in no case ever listen- ing to an ex parte statement, no matter from whatever source it came. "His sympatliy always responded to our experience of life. He listened with a patient ear to the story of all our trials and sorrows, and left the narrator cheered and com- forted. "His mind was particularly that of an instructor, and it was a liberal education to listen to and appropriate his views on any subject. "His hospitality was limited only by the circumstances of his habitation. "His works were manifold and will live after him. They were beset with the difficulties and hardships of an early Epis- copate — successes and disappointments which are matters of history, and will be discussed elsewhere. "These are some of the prominent characteristics of the Bishop and the man whioli endear his memory, sanctify his 220 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. intliienee, and impress the nobility of Bishop Pierce upon ns. ''While we mourn our loss on earth, we are not unmind- ful of the admonition 'not to sorrow as men without hope for those who die in the Lord.' Our Bishop's clear thought, firm faith, and childlike trust have been a blessing from our Lord and Master. "J. J. VAULX, "D. B. KAMSAY, "C. H. LOCKWOOD, • "R. W. RHAMES." The Bishops' testimonial to their departed brother is as follows : "The brethren of the House of Bishops gathered at the funeral of the late Bishop of Arkansas lay his sacred body with the offices of honor and reverence belonging to a soldier brother, with deep and aifectionate sympathy extended to his family and friends, desire to leave on record this tribute to his memory. ''The late Bishop of Arkansas was a man of unusual mental energy. Lie was a constant student, and delighted in keeping perpetually fresh the university attainments of his early years. He was a graduate of Brown, and also professor of higher mathematics there. "The young people of Little Rock know well how often they brought their mathematical problems and other puzzling questions to liini for solutions, always iinding a cordial wel- come and ready solution of their difficulties. "To the great force of natural ability the late Bishop united marked persistence of character, Avorking with un- abated courage towards the attainment of purpose. The building of the Cathedral illustrates these characteristics in an impressive manner. Almost single-handed he undertook the task of raising the necessary funds. The Cathedral was to express in the concrete certain ideals which were dear to THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 221 the Bishop's mind, but hicked anv exeiiiplitication in the Dio- cese. The buihling- in which the hist soknnn rites liave just taken place over his remains stands as at once the monument and memorial of liis oai^nestness and C^atholicitv of mind and feeling. "As a man, his scholarship and superior ability gave liim influence and authority ; as a Bishop, he ruled his large and dithcult held with courage and constancy. Everyone knew his views. PTis trumpet gave no uncertain sound. "Consecrated missionary Bishop of Arkansas and Indian Territory January 25, 1870, and dying at Fayetteville, Ark., September 5, 1899, while supplying the services of a faithful pastor, wdio was taking a little time of needed rest, the lit. Rev. Henry JSTiles Pierce, D. D., LL. D., was for nearly thirty years a leader of missionary work in one of the most eminently missionary regions of our domestic field. Obstacles were plentiful. Resources and help were meagre. But loy- alty to the Church and his Master kept him unyieldingly steadfast t^ his aim of standing in his lot and doing duty to the end. "His counsel given in the House of Bishops was of great worth to his brethren, as was his leadership in the field of value to the Church at large. The Church militant mourns his loss, while grateful to the loving mercy of Almighty God that his faithful servant was spared to do service to the last of his days and up to the seventy-ninth year of his earthly life. "DAN^ S. TUTTLE, "Bishop of Missouri "ALEXA^^DER C. GARRETT, "BisJiop of Dallas. "WILLIA^r :\I. BROWN, "BisJioj) of Arl'dii'^dS." 222 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. TRIJ3UTE TO BISHOP PIERCE FROM REV. T. B. LEE, RECTOR OF ST. DAVId's CHURCH, AUSTIN, TEXAS. Rev. T. B. Lee^ Rector of St. David's Churchy xViistin, Texas, paid the following tribute to the late Bishop Pierce last Sunday : "T have kept the faith." Beloved, last Sunday I took these words for my text, not knowing then that a "Prince in Israel" was on the point of departure from sharing his Mas- ter's cross to the radiance of his Master's crown. Of no one could these words l)e more fittingly said, "I have fought a good fight ; I have finished my course ; I have kept the faith," than of Henry Niles Pierce, D. D., first Bishop of Arkansas. Nothing was nearer his heart than the Catholic faith. Some of you may remember his definition, given from this pulpit. "Catholic," according to the whole Church. That held from the beginning — everywhere — and by all as distinguished from the accretions which have gathered upon it, from the opinions of diiferent schools of thought. Bishop Pierce was so well known for his learning and his extraordinary gift of language, being a master in seven or more languages, that he was one of the several appointed by the late Archbishop of Canterbury to serve on a committee to confer with the Greek Church in regard to the disputed translation of a word in the Nicene creed, on which the eastern and western branches of the Church Catholic disagree. The Greeks say "from the Father through the Son," and we "from the Eather and the Son." Bishop Pierce held with the eastern Church. When the Bishop held the Rectorship of Christ Church, Little Rock, I was his assistant and chaplain, and part of the time was an inmate of his family. I knew him as intimately as one can know another, and w^e loved one the other as father and son. I was taken into his great heart, and revered his com- manding intellect and wide learning. Withal he was gentle as a child and his sympathies embraced all of God's creatures. He never felt it condescension to put himself on a level with THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 223 the least of his flock. It was said of him by one leaving the Diocese, "Bishop, I will miss the great rock which you are to your people." This describes his character — a rock — im- movable — of firmness, of truth, of sincerity, of courage — and 1 say without hesitation that on the bench of Bishops he had not a peer. Bishop, doctor, shepherd, friend, weighed in the balance over against the high ideal of Thine own faith, thou art not found wanting. Therefore, we thank God on his behalf "for the grace of God which was given him by Jesus Christ, that in everything he was enriched by Him, in all utterances, and in all knowledge," and may his strength be given us that w-e may so live through the days of this earthly life that we and all God's faithful ones may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in His etei'nal and everlasting glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. IK LOVING MEMOKY. KESOLUTIOi^S ON BISHOP PIERCERS DEATH BY THE LADIES OF THE CHURCH. [^Arlrinsos Democnit, Sei)tember 23.] At a joint meeting of the Woman's Guild, the Woman's Auxiliary and the Daughters of the King, held in Trinity Cathedral September 18, 1809, the following resolutions were passed : "Our beloved Bishop having entered into the Cliurch Expectant, therefore be it "Resolved, That our heartfelt sym})athy be extended his family in their deep sorrow. May God in His great mercy comfort them. "We of the Cathedral parish are indeed thankful that it has been our great privilege to see him often and to know him well. Those of us who have felt his dear, gentle hands on our heads and the words, "Defend, O Lord, this tliy chihl," from his lips, will as long as life lasts remember him with love and veneration. 224 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. ^''Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent his family and spread upon our books. [SiG^-ED.] "MRS. S. M. APPERSOiS^, "President Woman's Guild. ''MRS. P. K. ROOTS, ^"President Woman's Auxiliary. ''MISS EMILY ROOTS, '^' Directress Daughters of the King." REV. THOMAS BOOTH LEE, M. A. A. D. 1861-1872. Per. Thomas Booth Lee, M. A., of Oxford, England, was born in Brynderwjn, Flintshire, England. The name Lee was originally spelled Legli, being Welsh, but was changed in spelling with the inheritance of some property. His mother was Miss Ann Uenett Booth, who, with her daughters, was heiress to a large property. At the time of her decease, a few years since, an English paper published the fact that in her youth she and a sister under- took the maintenance and education of forty poor children. Rev. Thomas Booth Lee was ordained Deacon in 1861, and two years later, 1863, Avas ordained Priest. In 1869 he was induced to come to this country and act as Chaplain to Bishop Quintard, on the return of the Bishop from England. (Meet- ing Bishop Quintard in England he was induced to come.) After attending the consecration of Bishop Pierce at Mobile, Ala., with Bishop Quintard, wlio was one of the consecrating Bishops, he accompanied the former to Little Rock, Ark., January, 1870, where he was induced to remain, and served the Bishop as assistant in the office of Rector of Christ Church. In the following year the Bishop resigned the office of Rector and Rev. Mr. Lee was elected to fill the vacancy. He was the incumbent Rector for nearly four years. On July 18, REV. THOMAS BOOTH LEE. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 225 1872, he was married to ]Miss Ada Beall Cochrane. Her father, Richard Ellis Cochrane, lieutenant in the United States army, fell at the head of his company* at the battle of Resaca de la Palma. He was a descendant of the Cochrane family of England, and one of his maternal ancestors, Colonel Cooch, was a colonel in the French and Indian war. Another, the Rev. Evan Evans, was first Rector of Christ Church, Phil- adelphia. Mrs. Lee's mother was a Miss Beall, of Kentucky, whose family was from Viri>inia, her grandmother, a Miss Rector. The governors Rector and (Jonway, of Arkansas, Avere cousins germane. The treasurer's books of the Ladies' Aid Society at that time show a loan to the Building Association of $1,000, ''which the Vestry appropriated at one time, but could not collect, as it was in Bishop Pierce's name, as trustee." At this time came the great calamity of the burning of the Church. Tlirough tlic kindness of Mr. Louis M. Samuel, who copied the account fr<^)m the files of the newspaper of that date for the annalist, a description is here subjoined: EPISCOPAL CHURCH BURNED. BATTLE OF TJIK ELEMENTS FIRE AND WATER LOSS ABOUT $10,000, INSURED FOR $5,000. (From the Daily Arkansas Gazette, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1873.) Sunday evening and night a continual storm of rain and wind, accompanied by lightning, prevailed, which increased to almost a tornado between 1 and 2 o'clock. About 1 o'clock, while the rain was falling in torrents, the alarm of fire was sounded at the Pulaski and Torrent engine houses, and in a *Acting Captain. 226 THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. very short time it was discovered that the Episcopal Church, on the corner of Scott and Fifth streets, was on fire. Owing to the storm, comparatively few persons turned out, but the fire laddies responded nobly, and were by far the largest portion of those present. Colonel Page, chief of the fire department, was promptly on the ground. The Torrent hand engine, with a good force of men, was the first at the fire, but owing to the small amount of hose, was unable to do any service, no cistern being nearer than Fourth and Main streets. The steam engine Cleburne threw the first water, of wliicli a limited supply was obtained at the corner of Scott and Third streets, two squares from the fire. Engineer Dale had steam up some time before men arrived to move the engine. Shortly after the Cleburne dropped the water a noble stream came from the hose of the Pulaski steamer, at the corner of Main and Fourth streets. Engineer Ives worked the engine handsomely, amidst the storm, about an hour, when the water gave out. The hook and ladder was pulled to the corner of Scott and Second streets, when the men gave out, and no one came to their assistance. The members who responded to the call Avere Bob Bruce, Bob Xewell, John Cowpland, Harry Thomas, and Geo. Wehr, who deserved to be set down as always ready. Shortly after the fire broke out a few men forced an entrance into the window of the churchy and removed the larger portion of the valuable furniture, which, however, was badly damaged by the rain. The organ was removed by Louis Bernays and Henry Brodkins, among the first on the grounds. At 1:20 tlio wliole tower was a mass of flames, burning like tinder, and the rain, which fell in volumes, seemed not to have the slightest eftect. At 1 :25 the bell, with a terrible crash, fell to the ground and two of the corner posts fell out. At 1 :45 the roof caught fire from the inside, and the front wall fell out like a crash of thunder. At 2 the whole building was a raging mass of flames, which no amount of water could subdue. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 227 Policeman Wolf, who was on the night watch, was the first to see the fire, which was burning in the lower portion of the tower. He sounded the alarm and deserves credit for his watchfvilness and prompt action. After the roof was burned, the rain, in a great measure, subdued the fire, and at 9 o'clock yesterday morning the three standing walls and a few burned and charred timber were all that remained of what a few hours before was a handsome house of worship. The cause of the fire is a mystery, but the general opinion is that it was occasioned by lightning. Assistant Kector Lee knows of but two ways in which it could have been fired — by lightning, or that some man went to sleep in the tower with a lighted cigar or pipe. The loss is about $10,000, and the insurance $5,000; $2,500 in the Franklin, of Philadelphia; $2,500 in the Peoples, of Arkansas. There was to have been confirmation in the Church Sun- day evening, but the storm prevented the service. This Church was of brick, and erected in 1841, by Mr. Geo. S. Morrison. Bishop H. IST. Pierce is the Rector and Rev. T, B. Lee, assistanl, and the communicants number about 300. The lot on which the Church was erected was conveyed to Judge John Wassell, who laid out the lots, made the plans, and had the edifice built. The successive pastors were Rev. W. H. C. Yeager, Rev. Jas. Young, Rev. Wm. San- ders, Rev. A. r. Freeman. During the two years, commenc- ing September, 1870, Rev. E. S. Peake, a Federal chaplain, occupied the position. Then came Rev. P. G. Robert, fol- lowed by Rev. H. H. Morrell, and then the present occupants. The Vestry of the Church desires to express their thanks to the firemen and other gentlemen who so gallantly aided in rescuing from the flames numerous articles of furniture, which, but for their timely assistance and presence of mind, would have been destroyed. The Vestry also desires to state that a temporary place of worship will be provided in time for the services of next Sab- bath, notice of which will be duly given. 228 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. EPISCOrAL CllUKOH. (From the Dally Arkansas Gazette, Thursday, Oct. 2, 1873.) The services Sunday will be held in the Opera House, on Main street^ at 11 o'clock in the morning, and 7:30 in the evening. Every member of the congregation is earnestly requested to attend. The Holy Communion will be celebrated at the Rectory, at the residence of Bishop Pierce, at 9 o'clock in the morning. At the time of the fire the old Church was scarcely large enough for the regular congregation. The plans for the second Church were accepted and the foundation laid during the incumbency of Rev. Mr. Lee. The members of the Vestry were Mr. Luke E. Barber, Mr. John Wassell, Judge Ringo, Mr. W, B. Wait, and others. The organist was Miss Mary E. Harrell. The quartette choir was composed of sopranos at successive times, Mrs. Helen Ames, Miss Edwards] the alto, Mrs. Wm. G. Whipple ; tenor. Judge W. I. Warwick ; bass, Colonel W. G. Whipple. The president of the Ladies' Aid Society at this time was Mrs. H. 1^. Pierce ; and Miss Ada Beall Cochrane, treasurer ; Miss Georgie Woodruff, secretary. The organist was Mrs. Kerr; the choir was composed of Miss Lily Wright and Miss Lillian Cantrell, sopranos ; Mrs. W. G. Whipple, alto; Major Smith, tenor, and Colonel W. G. Wlii])ple, basso. Eor four years the Rev. T. B. Lee administered the ser- vices of the Church in the Opera House and Chamber of C'Oni- merce. He was then transferred to the Diocese of IsTorthern Texas,' and became Rector of St. David's (^hurcli, at Austin, of which he now has charge. Eei\ Tidlius C. Tapper, D. D., was called to fill the vacancy, and for eleven years he ofliciated in the Supreme Court room, and in the Chapel, which the congregation had caused to be erected, watching the upbuilding of the temple which grew to be the ornament of the city. He resigned his office to acce])t a call at Leavenworth, Kan., jnst before the new Clnii-cli was com]ileted. CHRIST CHURCH, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. OCCUPIED EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1887. THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH 229 PART SECOND. THE BUILDIXG OF THE CHUKCH. MAKE TIIOU MINE EARTHLY HABITATION GLORIOUS. BY FAY HEMPSTEAD. Tall tower that risest fair and liigli, Toward the vault of yonder sky, And beamest o'er a prospect wide, Of city waste and country side ; Look down in grace and grandeur more. And stateliness than e'er before; Look on us drawn through many ways To lift the voice of grateful praise, For this the end of all the toil, The delving hand, the ceaseless moil ; Of all the labor and the care, That marked thy growth from year to year : And brought thee on by slow degree, To this full strength that crowneth thee ! Fair house, ye long in building rose; And now thy far-drawn labors close, Thou standest clad in splendid guise. All rich in tint and fair in dyes. Like the King's daughter art thou made In vesture glorious arrayed. O'er aisle and chancel, nave and beam. The sunrays, many-tinted, stream, As clear thy blazoned windows shine, Through vaulted arches roofed with pine. And holier seeming shalt thou make, Yon organ's rolling thunders shake ; —16— 230 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Or loud thy towered steeple clang, When some deej) clarion there shall hang, And scatter through the smitten air. The wide repeated call to prayer : Or yet o'er dirges sad and low, Shall toll a deeper note of woe. And what were all the past regret So slowly wert thou forward set ? Doth not this day for all atone ? The triumph of this day alone? 'Not this enough ? Doth not the end For all the past make fit amend ? Yea, should we rather honor those, Who from the dawning to the close, The zealous few, the willing hand, Who wrought watli ready heart and hand, Through hours of censure and dispraise; Through weary seasons, cheerless days ; Through days of failure, times of doubt, Till thus the end is brought about. And long mayest thou, O house of prayer. Stand in thy shining presence there ! Long may the years go by ere thou Shalt lightly show on breast or brow. The earlier traces of decay. Or that thy beauty fade away ! Long may ye stand to be indeed The center of thy people's need, And be for them the force that stays, Their footsteps through life's winding ways ! To thee oft come the trusting bride And pledge to him who stands beside. Her life entire with his entwined. One equal blend of heart and mind. To thee for long the child be brought. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. And in thy holy lessons tanght, To lisp the prayer, to hymn the praise, Through numberless succeeding days. In thee through time eternal be, The infant pledged to purity ; _ The cross be signed up(jn the front. Beside the waters of thv Font. And as the future time unfolds, Full many be the zealous souls. To dedicate their lives anew, To worship of the Pure and True ; Full many at thy sacred board, By faith feed on the risen Lord, And take through grace of Love Divine, As sacred types, the bread and wine ! And more: when past thy portal go, The feet that moving sad and slow, Bear lowly forth the bier and pall, To that low house that waiteth all, Oh, may the word from out thy place, Drv off the tear from many a face, O/ those who mourn the spirit fled. To those fair lands where rest the dead ; And be the well-springs of relief. To quell the rising pangs of grief. And thou, O servant of His grace. That speakest from the Holy place. What Minister soe'er shall prove Interpreter to speak His love. Be blessings showered on thy ways. And peacebe on thy forward days ! May all thy walk be whole and good. Thy labors crowned with plentitude; Thv pravers be voices of the heart, Inwhieii thy inner self hath part! 231 232 TE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Be purity in alb and stole, But typical of cleanly soul, And through the voice of fervor hurled, Preach thou the Christ to all the world ! — Fay Hempstead. EEPOKT OF COMMITTEE ox THE COST OF BUILDING CHRIST CHURCH^ ACCOMPANIED BY AN ITEMIZED STATEMENT. Little Ptock, Ark., 1887. To the Rector and Vestry of Christ Church: Gentlemen — Your committee have examined the books, and papers of the building committee of Christ Church, and after a thorough investigation, beg leave to submit the enclosed itemized statement of receipts and expenditures. This state- ment includes the names of subscribers and the amounts sub- scribed ; the cost of windows donated, and the names of the donors ; and the amounts paid for pews, and the names of the purchasers, and shows that — The foundation cost $10,719.14: The superstructure cost 45,799.01 $56,518.15 Amount received from subscribers, windows and pews $38,945.58 Amount received from sale of Rectory 3,361.75 Amount received from insurance on old church and interest 5,211.49 Amount received fi-om sale of ma- terial, etc 1,999.33 $49,518.15 $49,518.15 Leaving a debt of $ 7,000.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 233 It is but justice to the building committee to sav in this report, what is well known to every member of this congrega- tion, that they have built for us a most suitable and beautiful church at a remarkably low price, and the thanks of every member of Christ Church are due to them as a committee and individually. Colonel S. L. Griffith rendered a service in soliciting con- tributions, witli a degree of success that no one with h^ss than his great zeal and urbanity could have achieved. Mr. W. B. Wait has for years given to us the benefit of a ripe financial wisdom, that has guided the committee through difficulties that must otherwise have materially postponed the completion of the building. Such services could not be pro- cured for money. Mr. J. H. Haney for five years has superintended the work on the building; seen that everything was done in accordance with contracts and specifications ; rendering ser- vices that have certainly lessened the cost of the building 10 per cent, with faithfulness and love of the work which it would be impossible to hire. Mr. G. H. Van Etten has given the conunittee the benefit of his extensive acquaintance with the market price of build- ing material, enabling them to buy with rare judgmeut, and at the right time and place. Mr. Logan H. Roots has ever stood ready to furnish the means for the steady continiuTuce of the work, which but for Ills timely pecuniary assistance must have stopped many times. This willingness to advance money to a struggling Church is one of the rarest of virtues. Mr. W. G. Whipple, though not a mend)er of the com- mittee, yet eager to aid in the completion of the building, has taken upon himself the most disagreeable duty of soliciting subscriptions, and has performed the work in a manner that can only be appreciated when the large amount ])aid in is considered. L. K. STAEK, R. L. GOODRICH, F. D. CLARKE, Committee. 234 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. P. S. — It is only honest to state that the immense amount of clerical work and investigation imposed by you upon this committee, has been performed entirely by Mr. Ralph L. Goodrich, the other two members only verifying his results. 'l. e. stark, f. d. clarke. itemized statement. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS AND AMOUNTS SUBSCRIBED TO CHRIST CHURCH. Augspath, Mrs. Aldence $ 20.00 Arkansas Pump and Pipe Co 2.43 Anderson, Mrs 5.00 Adams, Sam B 68.75 Adams, Mrs. E. C. (window $300, cash $475) . . . 775.00 Adams, W. W 105.00 Allis, H. B 10.00 Adams, Mrs. K. and Mrs. Woodruti' (col. by) ... . 56.25 Abeles & Co., C. T 25.00 Abeles, Cook & Co 66.59 Alexander, J. C 10.00 Allis, H. G 90.00 Adams, A. F 6.75 Austin, J. W 1 5.00 Adams, Jno. D. (window $800, pew $2,000, cash $500) 3,300.00 Adams, Mrs. John D. (rugs) 11.00 Adams, J. Dudley 133.75 Barber, L. E. (window $300, cash $400) 700.00 Barber, Gwinn 25.00 Bay, J. L 7.00 Blass, Jacob 1.00 Butler, CM 100.00 Benjamin, M. W 25.00 Brower, K A 50.00 Blass & Co., Gus 20.00 Baird, J. W 25.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 235 Brevsacher, Mrs. and Little May 6.00 Breysacher, A. L 125.00 Bernays, L. C 100.00 Bein, H. H 5.00 Beach, A. D 5.00 Brack, G. S 180.00 Bunch, T. H 10.00 Bankes, T. W 175.00 Belding, A 5.00 Brown, Geo. Euss 25.00 Bartlett, B. J 32.00 Butler, Robert 5.00 Oc-hrane, Mrs. H. K 5.00 Clements, Miss Jennie B 20.00 Cribbs, Miss Lee 5.00 Caldwell, H. C 10.00 Carnes, P. H 10.00 Carroll, Mrs. Rachel 25.00 Carroll, Miss Fannie 5.00 Crease, Miss (col. by) 10.00 Christ Church Sunday School 83.00 Christ Church S. S. (Easter col. at Church) .... 174.35 Calef & Deshon 20.00 Colburn & Co., J. M 10.00 Cohen, Albert 10.25 Clark, Sol F 10.00 Cohn, M. M 15.00 Conrad, C. H 17-50 ( ^ole, C. H 100.00 Cockrill, S. R 250.00 Clements, Jno. B 2.10 Curran, W. S 8.75 Clark, F. D 25.00 Cantrell, W. A 30.00 Cherry, L. W 5.00 Carroll, C. S -l-OO Carroll, S. C 2.00 Cassenelli, L. D 2.00 236 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Deshon, A. G. (window $200, cash $100) 300.00 Duiigan, Jno 5.00 Dibrell, Mrs. Dr 10.00 Darragh, T. J 10.00 Davis, Oscar 10.00 Donations by ladies (col. bv Mrs. Haney) 9.00 Deuell, E. V ". 100.00 Dooley, P. C 85.00 Dougfass, E. E 25.00 Dean, C. C 10.00 Eletclier, John G 200.00 Fatherly, W. A 7.00 Eones ]3ros 84.80 Erolich, Mrs 25.00 Eaber, H 1.00 Eeeton, Jno 15.00 Earrell, Wm 50.00 Gibson, L. P 10.00 Goodwin, John W ." 100.00 Godbold, A 5.00 Gross & Leigh 35.00 Goodrich, Ralph L. (window $250, cash $370) . . 620.00 Griffith, S. L 205.00 Garland, A. H 35.00 Hooper, P. 50.00 Haney, J. H 200.00 Hutt, A. J 8.75 Hntt, W. S 33.75 Hughes, Geo. A 10.00 Hornibrook, Jas. A 10.00 Hempstead, E 5.00 Hall, Mr 5.00 Homan, Mrs 1 0.00 Halliburton, W. H 50.00 Jabine, John N" 110.00 Jabine, Mrs. Harry 5.00 Jones, D. E. . . . 15.00 Jordan, Miss Matilda 5.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 237 H. C. Jones lU.UU Jennings, K. G 100.00 Ivirkwood, J. B 1 7.50 Kirkwood, T. C 17.50 Kirkwood, Geo. F 12.50 Kramer, Fred 20.00 Kutner, Wm 1.00 Kirten, Wm 92.50 Kendrick, J. T 40.00 Knapp, Gilbert ">0.00 Krause, ]\Iiss Lou 50.00 Lawson, Miss Nellie 5.00 Ladies' Aid Society 5,G14.00 Ladies' Aid Society (carpets) 1,170.00 Ladies' Aid Society (upholstery) 125.00 Ladies' Aid Society (wardrobe) 25.50 Landeau, Alex 50 I^awson, Mrs. James (col. by) 4.50 Lewis, Mrs. L. (wiudoAv $300, with Peyton, Peay, and Crease) 1 5.00 Lincoln, C. J 100.00 Lenow, Mrs. J. 11 85.00 Martin, Mrs. A. E 100.00 Meade, Geo. H 325.00 Miller, Jas. E 200.00 Mortimer, H 1.00 :McCarthv, J. H 100.00 McNair,' Willis 2.00 McSwine, G. R 10.00 Marye, Travers 5.00 Maxwell, Mrs. Mary J 1 7.50 Murphy, Will J. . *^. 8.75 Matthews, E. J 50.00 Matthews, Jno. L 100.00 Mandlebaum, J. J 3.50 Martin, Fred 5.00 Mitchell, Jno. A 10.00 Miller, D 30.00 238 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Miller, Wiley B 297.00 Mivelaz, P. L 1.00 Maxwell, Family 100.00 Matthews, Miss Annie 5.00 Mitchell, John 10.00 Martin, R. W 10.00 Mast, J. W 2.50 Martin, Geo. W 5.00 McSwine, Mrs. P. A 5.00 Mivelaz, P 2.00 Morrell, Miss Lottie (Bible book mark) 25.00 Xewton, E. C 40.00 Newton, T. W 5.00 ISTavra, Sam 5.00 Peay, Mrs. Sue (window $300, cash $17) 317.00 PeaV, G. N. 145.84 Powell, T. C 5.00 Percival, J. M 20.00 Parker, Ed W 17.50 Percival, J. C 10.00 Pollock, A 2.50 Pettefer, Ambrose 30.00 Pettefer, H 30.00 Polk, R. J 75.00 Peyton, Mrs. C. (window $300, cash $40, Crease, Peay, etc.) 340.00 Phillips, Philip (concert) 42.75 Pollock, J. S 25.00 Pabodie, Mrs 5.00 Parkins, Mrs. S 10.00 Penzel, C. F 25.00 (^linn & Gray 25.00 Paiiland, Mr.' 10.00 Rudolph, C 1.00 Ruley, A. G 30.00 Reeves, W. L 15.00 Reeves, E. T 10.00 Rvan & Co., A. TT 1.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 239 Eoots, Mrs. E. M 50.00 Kees, S. P 5.00 Eector, H. M 10.00 Eose, U. M 233.33 Eoberts, W. L 6.25 Eeed, F. C 1 0.00 Eeiley, T. G 10.00 Eoots, P. K 300.00 Eoots, P. K. (altar) 135.00 Eather, H. C 5.00 Eoots, L. H. (window $1,200, two pews $4,000, cash $4,014.54) 9,214.54 Smothers, L. P 35.00 Shadinger, J. H 5.00 Sevier, "a. H 175.00 Stanus, W. N 5.00 Shuio-hter, J. A S7.50 Stark, Dr. L. E 20.00 Smith, Sam 100.00 Stewart, Bavlor E 1 7.50 Smith, Mrs.' E. S 4.00 Shaw, M. W 5.00 Stiflft, C. S 5.00 Sterling, Mrs. B. B 1 0.00 Stratman, G. II 50.00 Scott, Mrs. E. L 25.00 Seward, S. B 10.00 Sappington, Mrs. Colonel 10.00 Skipwith, Mrs 10.00 Sannoner, J. H 05.00 Smith, W. W 250.00 Smith, J. W 1 5.00 Sell, Mrs. H 5.00 Scott, Miss Fanny (by subs., altar cross) 52.50 Shall, Miss Mary and others (Com. service) .... 500.00 Turner, W. J. . .' 62.50 Trezzare, Miss A. E 2.00 Trezevant, J. T., Jr 142.73 240 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Townsley, H. S 10.00 Townslej, E. G 10.00 Terry, F. A 6.25 Tupper, T. C 75.00 Trumpler, J. F 1.00 Thompson, W. J 10.00 Tobey, W. E 10.00 Taylor, Dr. C. M. (col. by Miss Crease) 100.00 Urquhart, E. (pew $2,000) 500.00 Upham, Mrs. Lizzie (window $250, cash $25) . . . 275.00 Van Etten, G. H. (pew $2,000) 2,000.00 Vickers, H. L 10.00 Wilson, W. T 5.00 Woodruff, Wm. E., Jr 50.00 Woodruff, Mrs. W. E., Jr 20.00 Woodruff, dies. A 8.75 Woodruff, Miss Willie 5.00 Woodruff", Miss Georgia and ]\[rs. Jno. Jabine (Bishop's chair) T 75.00 Waters, CO 50.00 Whipple, Wm. G 150.00 Whipple, Wm. G. (C. C. concert) 44.30 Wright, W. F 300.00 Webster, Geo 10.00 Watkins, Miss Ida $105.00 Watkins, Miss Georgia C 100.00 Window 300.00 505.00 Wright, W. H 25.00 West, Henry C 8.75 Wilson & Webb 1 5.00 Watkins, Dr. Claiborne 475.00 Wells & Dungan 17.27 Woodsmall, W. H 20.00 Williams, Ham 5.00 Williams & Co., by Slaughter 100.00 Waters, D. S. . . .' 45.00 Worthen, W. B 00.00 Wait, W. B 1,203.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 241 Wassell, John (window $350, cash $510) SdO.OO Young Ladies' Guild (font) 205.00 Young Ladies' Guild (Bible) 50.00 Zinmiernian, J. V 70.00 Amount individual subscriptions $38,945.58 Kectory, sale of $ 3,301.75 jMaterials sold by Captain Haney 1.00 Proceeds of pressed brick 121.25 M. & L. E. K. E. overcharges 'J3.33 M. & L. E. E. E. overcharges 0.00 Overfreight 2 1 .00 Overwork 5.00 Insurance on old church 5,211.49 From sale of old material on foundation, etc 1,751.75 Amount derived from other sources than indi- vidual subscriptions $10,572.57 Forward individual subscriptions 38.945.58 $49,518.15 Debt 7,000.00 Total cost $50,518.15 LIST OF WINDOW SUBSCRIBERS. Adams, John I) $ 800.00 Adams, Mrs. E. C 300.00 Barber, Mrs. L. E 300.00 Deshon, Mrs. A. G 200.00 Goodrich, E. L 250.00 Peay, Mrs. Sue ;>,00.00 Peyton, Mrs. C. (Crease, Peay, Lewis) ;500.00 ITpham, Mrs. Lizzie 250.00 Wassell, Mrs. J 350.00 Warkins, Misses Ida and Georgia C 300.00 Eoots, L. H ^ 1,200.00 $ 4,550.00 242 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Actual cost of foundation as per books $10,719.14 Actual cost of superstructure as per books $35,704.67 Account paid 188.09 Account paid 180.00 Choir pews 74.00 Ventilating apparatus 105.00 Insurance 500.00 Altar cross 52.50 Altar 135.00 Bishop's chair 75.00 Bible 50.00 Font 265.00 Credence 20.00 Carpets 1,170.00 Stools 125.00 Wardrobe 25.00 Bible mark 25.00 Moving organ 75.00 Communion service 500.00 Bugs 11.00 Safe and furniture 130.00 $39,410.26 $39,410.26 $50,129.40 Less amounts not chargeable to cost of church as advances returned. $ 880.00 Repairs on rectory 281.25 Borrowed money now included in item "debt'' 4,000.00 $ 5,161.25 $ 5,161.25 $44,968.15 Debt 7,000.00 Windows 4,550.00 Total cost $56,518.15 REV. T. C. TUPPER, D. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 243 COST OF FOUXDATION. Received. Expended. Trezevant $ 8,983.08 $ 8,906.34 Wait 810.32 772.45 AVait 130.00 184.61 Wassell 795.74 795.74 $10,719.14 $10,719.14 COST OF SUPERSTRUCTURE. Total amt. received as per books, etc. $34,249.01 Total amt. expended as per books, etc. $34,249.01 Debt 7,000.00 7,000.00 Windows 4,550.00 4,550.00 $56,518.15 $56,518.15 Whole amt. subscribed to church, individuals and windows, etc $38,945.58 oale of rectory 3,361.75 Insurance on old church 5,211.49 Sale of materials, etc 1,999.33 Debt 7,000.00 $56,518.15 REV. TULLIUS C. TUPPER, D. D. A. D. 1846-1895. Bev. TuUlus C. Tapper, D. D., was born in Canton, Miss., December 6, 1846. His parents were of the old Southern patrician stock. His father, General T. C. Tupper, "whose name was a household word in Missis- sippi," was a very eminent lawyer and one of the most polished and courtly men of his State. He was appointed by Gov- ernor Pettus and commissioned major general of the Missis- sippi State troops during the Civil War. His wife, Mrs. 244 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mary Harding Draiie Tupper, was a descendant of a leading family in Sontliern Kentncky. Their son, Eev. Dr. Tnpper, was educated at the University of Mississippi, and afterwards for the law, and was admitted to the bar soon after his father's death, in 1867. In 1868-69 he served as clerk of the Circuit Court of Madison County, and in the following year resumed the practice of law, forming a partnership with W. C. Cal- lioon, brother of the Hon. S. S. Calhoon, late of the Supreme Court of Mississipi^i. In the latter part of 1871 Dr. Tup- l)er, having fully decided to prepare himself for the sacred ministry, was admitted a candidate for orders in that Diocese, and then entered and j)ursued his theological studies at the Xashotali Theological Seminary in Wisconsin. In 1873, soon after the death of his mother, he was ordained Deacon, and in July, 1874, admitted to the sacred order of Priests by Bishop Green, and assigned to an extensive field of missionary work in xsTorth Mississippi, from which point he was called to the pastorate of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Memphis, Tenn., and in the following year to the charge of Christ Church, Little Rock, Ark., where he served eleven years. A distinguished journalist, now of Atlanta, Ga., said of him: ^'He was not only a pastor of Christ Church but a citizen in every sense of the word. He was honored by the State with positions of trust connected with State institutions, and was r. potent factor in all works of charity in the city of Little Itock. Everybody loved and honored him there, if we may judge from the encomiums heaped upon him by the press of the State on his dejtarture. He is a classical scholar, and in evidence of the aj)preciation of him, both within the fold and outside of his Church, the Board of Trustees of the State University of Arkansas conferred upon him honoris causa in 1884, the degree of doctor of divinity. Since leaving Little THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 245 Rock, Dr. Tupper lias held important charges, both in paro- chial and missionary work, in the Diocese of Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama. In Jnly, 1874, he was married to Miss Imogen Hicks, of Sardis, Miss., a niece of Colonel John R. Dickens, who w^as a colonel in the Confederate army. From this union there were born six sons and four daughters, all of whom are now living. The eldest child. Miss Mary Dickens Tupper, was married in 1895 to Professor Philip Dudley Youngblood, of Atlanta, Ga., of fine family lineage, a distin- guished young teacher and chemist, both in the public schools and colleges of that city. Miss Viola Tupper, the second daughter, was married ISTovember 17, 1898, to Mr. Robert S. Barnett, a journalist, of Mexico City. Tullius C, the eldest son, is engaged in railroad business with the superin- tendent of the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad ; Vernon 8., the second son, has just entered the University of the South to study for the ministry. The other children, Clifton Haywood, Imogen, Walter Vivian, Rosalind, La- monte, and Noland, are living with their parents. The following named gentlemen, most of whom have gone to their reward, were the Wardens and Vestrymen dur- ing the Rectorship of Dr. Tupper : Luke E. Barber, Senior Warden. R. H. Parham, Junior Warden. William B. Wait. W. W. Smith. J. H. Haney. Robert J. Matthews. William G. Whipple. Logan H. Roots. Geo. H. Van Etten. Samuel L. Griffith. P. K. Roots. — ir — 246 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Judge Joliu Wassell was Junior Warden up to the time of his death, when he was succeeded by Major R. H. Parham. William B. Wait, Albert O'Neal, xVlbert Wassell, and E. H. Parham were respectively treasurers of the parish dur- ing this Rectorship. Mrs. Logan H. Roots and Miss Geor- gie Woodruff were president and treasurer of the Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. Kerr was organist. Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Ivatzenberg (Mandlebaum), Mrs. Williams, Miss May Can- trell, Miss iS^ellie Clark, Major Smith, Colonel W. G. Whipple were members of the choir, the greater part of the time ; also Miss Daisy Cantrell and Miss Isadore Cantrell, successively. Colonel and Mrs. W^hipple were connected with the choir for the entire eleven years. During this time the Sunday School was increased from forty children to 250 with a good corps of teachers, with Colonel L. H. Roots, suc- ceeded by Major P. K. Roots as superintendent, and Mrs. P. K. Roots as organist. During Dr. Tupper's incumbency the Cha2:)el was built and the new Church edifice was brought nearly to completion. He had held services in the Supreme C^ourtroom and in the Chamber of Com- merce, while the Chapel was in course of construction. All the energy and enthusiasm of the congregation were brought to bear towards the accomplishment of this object. Bazaars were held, and concerts and cantatas were given for the purpose. This Chapel was completed and used for wor- ship for nine years. The new Church gradually rose beside it. and the last touches were being added in the Avay of Avin- dcws, and furniture, when Dr. Tupper resigned. Besides the windows already described, there were three in the north wall of the nave and one in the Chancel. This was a beau- tiful representation of Christ blessing the little ones, with fifteen life-sized figures. The inscription is 'To the glory THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 247 of God and inemory of our sons," by Logan H. and Emily Koots. The window in the nave near the south transept^^ rep- resents the resurrection, with three figures, Christ, the Angel, and Roman soldier. The inscription is "In memory of Daniel Phillips Upliam, Xovember 18, 1882." It was donated by his widow. The next is "In memory of Hugh Hogart Bein, died April 18, 1884." This represents Apol- los, "an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures," with the angel- — two figures. Donated by the widow. The next window, representing two female figures, is inscribed "In loving memory of Albert Gallatin Dcshon, February 28, 1884." Donated by the widow. In the front of the C-hurcli and above what was intended to be used as an organ loft, is a beautiful rose window, with the Holy Dove on the wing. The light coming through this window is intercepted by an organ loft, which is reached by a staircase going up in the north side of the vestibule entrance. Neither the staircase nor the loft was in the original design of the architect, wlio left the sj^ace on the south side of the altar for the organ, as is usual in all Episcopal Churches of size. This space had been walled up for a room by the building committee, and the organ, when taken from the Chapel, was set up in the organ loft. The Rector, Rev. Wallace Carnahan, did not approve of this, and, on the Easter Sunday marked by the first service in the Church, a cabinet organ, placed tem]>o- rtirily near the chancel, was used. The next week, witli con- sent of the congregation, the room was torn away and the organ conveyed from the loft to the place thus made vacant, where it has since remained. In the wall of the north transept is a large window, representing tlie four evangelists, lifesize, Matthew, JMark, Luke, and John, witli their sym- bolic figures, the ]\Ian, the Lion, tlie Ox, and tlie Eagle, at 248 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. their feet. This beautiful window was donated bj Major John D. Adams. It bears no inscription. The window opposite, of the same size^ has been reserved for the portraits of the four Missionary Bishops, Polk, Otey, Freeman, and Lay, but the funds collected by Mrs. Sappington, president of the Chancel Guild, for that purpose, not proving to be suf- ficient for that object, were devoted to a handsome eagle lectern in memory of Bishop Otey and two prayer desks in memory of Bishop Freeman, and Bishop Polk, and a pulpit in memory of Bishop Lay. It is earnestly hoped that the original idea may be developed and the window completed, which is now merely stained in solid, light green. One other window in the northwest wall is still unappropriated. The Chancel walls to north and south are pierced with two rectang- ular windows in each^ while in the clere-story of the nave are eight trefoil windows. The altar table of carved walnut was donated by Major P. K. Roots as a "Thank Offering." The Bishop's chair was donated by Mrs. John 1^. Jabine and her sister. Miss Georgine Woodruff. The Rector's chair was donated by the Chancel Guild. The font and Bible were donated by the Young Ladies' Guild. The handsome vesti- bule is lighted from the south by two rectangular windows, the staircase closing the north Avail, originally designed for two similar ones. Dr. Tupper did not remain to enjoy the fruition of his eleven years' labor. His conservatism had been a rock of refuge in this age of radicalism. Secure in the affections and approbation of his congregation, which was uncompromisingly of Low Church principles, he had pursued "the even tenor of his way," making a sermon of his life. The ceremonial of pomp and display of vestments was not acceptable to the mass of Episcopalians in the State. Church history may bear witness THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 249 to the usage of this ehiborate ceremonial, but the testimony of the four evangelists and the apostles does not show it to have been established hy the Divine Head of the Church on earth. He wore a distinctive dress, it is true, described by St. John as ''without seam, woven from the top throughout," but there is no mention of albs, stoles, cassocks, chasubels, copes, and mitres in the accounts of His priestly wardrobe. "The breastplate and ephod, the robe and broidered coat, a mitre and girdle made of gold, of blue, of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen" may be the right things to wear in a Jew- ish tabernacle, but are they anywhere prescribed for the ministers of Christ ? Dr. Tupper decided to accept a call to Leavenworth, Kan., which seemed to come to him providentially in a painful crisis of mental doubt. He announced his inten- tion of leaving for that place and that he would preach his farewell sermon to his Little Rock parishioners on June 6. His resignation took eifect June 1. The farewell sermon was preached on the first Sunday after Ascension from the text "Love one another," John xv. 12. He left for Kansas without his family, but was recalled to conduct the burial ser- vices of the Senior Warden, Luke E. Barber, who died on Sunday morning, the 13th of June. On the 16th Dr. Tup- per took his departure for Kansas, accompanied by his family. The Church, which was begun when he took charge of the parish, was finished outwardly, but he did not see the completion of the work he had so long overlooked. "So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase." At this Avriting, Dr. Tupper is in charge of Christ Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, where he is most highly esteemed. An extract from a Portsmouth paper says : 250 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Dr. Tupper gave two excellent sermons at All Saints' Cliurch. The morning discourse was of the nature of a beautiful lecture upon the thought "As he thinketh in his heart so he is." The illustration used was Hawthorne's Intelligence Office and the ''Book of Wishes." For the evening sermon the text was St. Luke xix. 12-13. "A certain nobleman went into a far country, and he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them, occupy till I come." This sermon was a helpful, earnest talk. Dr. Tupper's dignity and polished diction and forcible gestures add much to the strength of his really fine sermons. The outlook for the Episcopal Churches in Portsmouth is exceeding promising. Dr. Tui^per comes to us when the w^eather is almost un- bearable, yet he has gone about among his people unceasingly and serenely as if the mercury registered at the most delight- ful point. There is hardly a member of his congregation who feels that Dr. Tupper is a stranger, his sympathies are so quick and his manner so cordial. A. D. 1833-1871. The Junior Warden who succeeded Luke E. Barber as Senior Warden, during Dr. Tupj^er's in- cumbency was Richard Henry Parham, son of Richard Hill and Henrietta Elizabeth Parham, who was born in Sussex County, Va., December 18, 1833. His ancestors have been residents of Virginia from early colonial days. His grand- parents on his father's side have been Methodist preachers in Virginia for more than a hundred years. Mr. Parham's ancestors on his father's side were Parhams and Hills ; on his mother's side, they were Parhams, Booths, and Blands. In 1843 his family moved overland from Virginia to Mar- shall County, Miss. So difficult then were means of travel that it took two weeks to make the trip of fifty miles from THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 251 their Mississippi home to Memphis. The only raih'oad in the South was the Petersburg and Weldon Kailroad. Mv. Parham's earliest recollections are associated with the cutting of timbers by his father's negroes for the construction of this railway. Mr. Parham was educated in the elements of learning in an old field school, as such schools were called in those days. In his seventeenth year he entered the freshman class in the University of Mississippi at Oxford, and graduated in 1854. After leaving the uni^•ersity, Mr. Parham taught school occasionally, but he spent the greater part of his time on his father's plantation pursuing his favorite studies. In those days he was strongly inclined to the ministry. Theology was his favorite study. In 1858 he was married to Ora C. Treze- vant, daughter of Brooks Robards Trezevant and Rachel Godwin Trezevant, in Memphis, Tenn. Rt. Rev. Bishop Otey performed the marriage ceremony. Since marriage, Mr. Parham has lived the greater part of the time in Little Rock, having moved to that city June 28, 1871. Since he came to Little Rock, except the first year, he has been con- tinuously engaged in teaching. He has two daughters living, Godwin, wife of ]\Ir. Gray Carroll, and Ora, wife of Mr. Powell Clayton, both of Little Rock. There are two granddaughters, Godwin and Courtney Carroll, and one grandson, John Middleton Clayton. ]\rajor Parham has been a valuable and highly esteemed member of Christ Church for many years, having served in the capacity of Secretary, Junior and Senior Warden. As he passes along the decline of life, his path is embellished with the tempered sunshine of an approving conscience and the flowers of good deeds done. He resigned the office of Junior Warden to 252 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. COLO^TEL S. L. GRIFFITH. A. D. 1818-1866. Colonel S. L. Griffith was born in Harford County, Md., in 1818, and on attaining his majority moved to Fort Smith, Ark., in 1839. He married Elizabeth K^icks in 1844. Of this marriage there were two sons, John JSTicks and George Nicks Griffith, w^ho both died in infancy. Colonel and Mrs. Griffith moved to Little Rock in 1866 and became members of Christ Church. He was for some years a member of the Vestry and was chosen Junior Warden in 1885. He died in Little Rock January, 1893, after a long and successful career as a leading dry goods merchant. He was a thoroughly refined gentleman, and is affectionately remembered by his early friends. He was buried in Mount Holly Cemetery. CHRIST CHURCH RECTORY. A. D. 1849-1866. During the incumbency of Rev. Andrew F. Freeman as Rector of Christ Church there was no demand for a Rectory, as he, with his father and mother, lived in their own residence ; but when Bishop Lay succeeded to the jurisdiction of Arkansas and also to the office of Rector of Christ Church, he saw the need of one, and urged his par- ishioners to enter upon some plan for erecting a home for future ministers. The ''Ladies' Aid Society," which was organized at that time, with Mrs. Sim Bostick president, and Mrs. Charles G. Scott as vice president, began to devise ways and means for collecting funds with this object in view. A. D. 1868-1875. "The (\u'onation of the Rose as Queen uf Flowers," a cantata, was ])resented at the city hall bv fiftv eliildren and vouna' liirls, in tliree successive vears. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 253 The net proceeds of the first presentation was $250j^ the second $500, the third $400, whole amount $1,150, the receipts for which were placed in the hands of the treasurer of the Church, Mr. Wm. B. Wait. About three years later "The Twin Sisters," an operetta, was presented twice ; at the first the sum of $180 was netted, and at the second representation $77.15. In 1881 another operetta^ "The Miracle of the Roses," was presented by children and girls and yielded a profit of $80. To this amount, $1,437.15, a handsome sum was added l)v the i:>roceeds of two or three concerts ; one, combined with a strawberry festival, was given at the Dutch Garden (situated in the block bounded by Third and Fourth streets and Commerce and Sherman), which yielded a clear profit of one thousand (1,000) dollars. Bazaars and suppers were also given and the proceeds added to this $1,437.15, with which the ground for the Tlectory was bought. This was located on the corner of Seventh and Cumberland streets. Mr. John E. Reardon gave to Christ Church a bond for title on February 5, 1867, and on August 11, 1874, executed the deed for lots 7, 8, and 9, block 28, in the city of Little Rock, consideration $1,866.66. On this site the Rectory was built, fronting south, with four rooms, two on each side of a hall, at the end of which was a fifth room. A back porch with a storeroom taken off the east end, with a kitchen and servant's room in the backyard, completed what was thought to be a comfortable cottage. The Rev. P. G. Robert, with his wife, four sons and a daughter, was the first Rector to occupy it. He had been residing at the Crutchfield home, on Sixth and Cumberland streets, which has since given place to two new buildings. When Bishop H. ]S[. Pierce assumed the jurisdiction of Arkansas and Indian Territorv, he was the cuest of Islr. and 254 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mrs. Gilbert Ivnapp, on the corner of Seventh and Kector avenue. After Mr. Kobert resigned the Rectorship of Christ C'hnrch for that of the Holy Communion, in St. Louis, Mo., the Bishoj) asked that a second story be added for his use, which was accordingly done by the congregation, and he moved into it with his wife, two sons and two daughters. To this building of eight rooms Avas afterwards added on the west a long music room, opening by folding doors from the parlor, to be used for the study, exercise, and advancement of the science of music, to which the Bishop's family were devotees. The expense incurred by the building of this room was covered by the proceeds of concerts given by the young people. It was afterwards moved to the rear. Bishop Pierce and family occupied the Bectory for eight years. When they removed to the Bishop's own residence, southwest corner of Seventeenth and Spring streets. Rev. T. C. Tupper and family, who had, for about three or four years, occupied a cottage on Rock street, near Sixth, took up their abode at the Rectory. When Dr. Tupper removed to Leavenworth, Kan., the property was sold by the Vestry before mentioned, to Mr. Henry M. Cooper, recorded as follows: "Lot E 110, and lots 7, 8, 9, block 28, in the city of Little Rock, $3,361.75." This hardly covered the original outlay. The amount was added to the building fund of the new Church, while the next Rector, Rev. Wallace Carnahan, was obliged to rent a dwelling house until the Chapel, vdiich had been in use during the last nine years of Dr. Tupper's ministry, while the Church was being erected, was conveited into a Rectorv. REV. WALLACE CARNAHAN. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 255 REV. WALLACE CARKAHAN. A. D. 1886. Rev. ^Wallace Carnalian, who succeeded Rev. Dr. T. C. Tupj)er as Rector of Christ Church, at Little Rock, September 1, 1886,* is a native of the Old Dominion, where his birth occurred April 18, 1843. His father dying whcii he was 8 years old, his mother moved with him to ]Srew- port, Ky., and there he received his literary education. He studied law and was admitted to the bar^ and afterward prac- ticed for about three years in jiartnership with the late Hon. Thomas L. Jones, member of Congress. At this period of his life ]\[r. Carnahan's attention was drawn to the ministry of the Episcopal Church. He abandoned the bar and entered upon the study of theology, which he pursued under Bishop Smith and the Rev. John IST. Norton, D. D. He was ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Smith, June 9, 1869, and ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Green in 1870. He spent the first four years of his ministry in the Diocese of Mississippi, and the seven years that followed in Western Texas as a mis- sionary. From Texas he was called to Grace Church, Annis- ton, Ala., and that parish was the field of his labors for six years. From Alabama he was called to Christ Church, Little Rock, September 1, 1886. In this Church Mr. Carnahan's work has been greatly blessed, and he is recognized as an able and eloquent preacher. Rev. Wallace Carnahan was married in Mississippi to Miss Mary S. Hart, a daughter of Captain John D. Hart, a planter of Madison County, Miss. He is the son of James and Caroline (Smith) Carnahan, natives of Virginia. The grandfather was liorn in County Antrim, Ireland, and was a *See Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Central Arkansas, published in 1889, by the Goodspeed Publishing Co., Chicago, Nashville and St. Louis. 256 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. noted Orangeman. The mother was a daughter of Major Henry Smithy a native of Maryland^ and one of the original settlers of Wheeling, Va. Mr. Carnahan's maternal grand- father was a eaj^tain of artillery in the Revolutionary war, and his services were acknowledged by an act of Congress. Mr. Carnahan resigned the Rectorship of Christ Church on account of failing health after eight years of service, so unremitting, so far-reaching in the purification of the Church in Arkansas, so helpful to the cause of missions, so unprecedented in the financial prosperity of the Chruch at home and throughout the Diocese, so uplifting in the standard of holiness in the parish, that the unanimous verdict of the public has been that he stands unequalled in spiritual fervor and eloquence, in culture and executive ability and the devoted allegiance of his parishioners, by any Rector of Christ Church Parish. A. D. 1887. In the second year of Mr. Carnahan's ministry he began editing a Church paper, which was pub- lished by the contributions of "The Young Ladies' Guild," and was entitled successively according to the expansion of the subscription list, "The Little Roch Churchman," "The Arkansas Churchman," and ""'The Anglo-Saxon Churchman" the last issue completing its third year in December, 1890, after "three years of steady progress in journalism." A. D. 1891. We quote from the May issue of "The Anglo-Saxon Churchman^ of ISOl, the following: THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 257 CHKIST OHUECH, LITTLE ROCK. Anticipating the iniblication of the "Year Book" of Christ Church, Little Rock, we give an epitome of the statis- tics of the parish for the five years ending April 30, 1891. Baptisms 205 Confirmations 172 Marriages 37 Burials 103 CONTKIBUTIONS. For Parochial objects $55,218.24 For Diocesan objects 953.60 For Domestic Missions 836.33 For Foreign Missions 210.18 For other objects beyond the Diocese 403.60 Total $57,651.95 PRESENT STATUS. Families 356 Souls (about) 1,700 Communicants 620 Sunday School — teachers, 36, pupils (about) 400. . . . 436 VALUE OF CHURCH PROPERTY. Church edifice and grounds $60,000.00 Rectory and grounds 8,500.00 Mission Chapel and lot 1,500.00 Total $70,000.00 OFFICERS OF THE PARISH. Rev. Wallace Carnahan Rector. Rev. J. E. IT. Galbraith Assistant Minister. Major John D. Adams Senior Warden. 258 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Dr. W. A. Cantrell Junior Warden. Major R. H. Parliam Secretary. ]Mr, John W. Goodwin Treasurer. It is i^roper to state that the Rectorship of the Rev. T. C. Tupper, D. D., extended over a few months of the first of the above mentioned years, and that the following are to be credited to his ministry : Baptisms 13 ]\Iarriages 2 Burials 2 Contributions (about) $900.00 Dr. Tupper left the parish with 329 communicants, and the new Church edifice nearly completed. As nothing could be so acceptable for accuracy and so interesting as an exponent of the zeal and influence of this magnetic preacher, some selections from his paper are here given : THE LITTLE ROCK CHURCIIMAX— Vol. 1, Xo. 1. January^ 1888. This little paper is published by the Young Ladies' Guild of Christ Church, Little Rock. It is edited by the Rector and the Assistant Minister, Rev. John Galbraith. Its object is the stimulation of parish work. To that end the doings of the various parish societies will be published, to- gether with the Diocesan news and items of general Church interest. Suggestions for the extension and advancement of the work will be ofl^ered ; and, above all things, true principles and right methods of work will be inculcated. Although it is expected that the circulation of the paper will be chiefly amongst the Churchmen of Little Rock, yet we shall be pleased to receive subscriptions from other parts of the Diocese, and even from "regions beyond." We shall be THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 259 grateful to our brethren, clerical and lay, for items of local Cliurcli news. This paper is not published to make money. If there should be a surplus after paying expenses it will be fiiven to missions. Some of the congregation will be glad to know that the temporary window in the south transept is to be tinted, so as to soften the light that comes through the opalescent glass. Better still, before many months a stained glass window, memorial of the four Bishops deceased, who have exercised jurisdiction in Arkansas, will take the place of the temporary window. The old parish Sunday School, now known as the Cliapel Sunday School, is advancing in every element of healthy growth. The Chapel is almost as full as it will hold, and the instruction of the excellent teachers is more and more ap- preciated l)y the scholars. The teachers in all three of our Sunday Schools are remarkably capable and faithful. The Sunday School chil- dren have just sent $88 for domestic missions, making $26-2 the Sundav School contributed to missions during the year 1887. The success of St. Paul's Sunday School is most cheer- ing. It was placed where it Avas supposed a Sunday Scliool was most needed. The only available room that could be found was a vacated barroom. All signs of the evil spirits were removed and the work was begun the first Sunday in November. Over eighty scholars have been enrolled, and the attendance averages sixty. The only trouble is to find room for the constant increase. After awhile, God willing, we shall have a Chapel in West End. St. John's Sunday School (East End) was begun last Sunday, January 8, in Forest Grove schoolhouse, the use of 260 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. which is kindly allowed us by the city school board. Five teachers and thirty scholars were in attendance. This is a grand field for loving, persistent work. In God's good time we look for the building of St. John's Chapel. There has been a marked improvement in the Church music of late. It is simple, devotional and Churchly, and well rendered. The congregation join in singing more and more, as they learn the music. The organist is a master of the instrument, and the choir is evidently in practice. The Christmas offerings amounted to $187.80. The largest the parish ever made. The Ladies' Aid Society, the most ancient organization in the parish, holds its own steadily. Besides keeping up its building association stock, this society has charge of the parish sociables, arranging, through committees^ for the musical and literary features of these delightful gatherings. For fear some reader outside Little Kock may suppose that our sociables are entertainments for raising money, we must explain that they are monthly meetings of the adult members of the parish for social intercourse and the refining influence of music and literary exercises. No admission is charged, and no collections are made. And we may add that in this parish no money is ever raised by fairs, suppers, concerts or other means, except direct giving. THE LITTLE ROCK CHURCHMAK Febkuary, 1888. EASTER OFFERIISTGS. One of the gems in the crown of the "Queen of Festivals'^ is the Easter offering'. The ideal offering for this great day is the devotion to God of the money value of all our self- denials of Lent. Another ennobling motive finds expression THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 261 ill a thank offering at Easter. If you have received a signal token of God's goodness during the past year, ask yourself how thankful you are — what per cent of your capital 'i What per cent of your income ? In this Diocese there is canonical offering on Easter day for the endowment of the Episcopate. This will be observed of course ; but another offering will be called for — to pay the Church debt. The two objects will be separately designated in the check of the contributor, or in envelopes to be used for that purpose. When the present Yestry came into office, last spring, they found a debt of $7,000 on the parish ; $4,000 of it secured by mortgage, and paying 10 per cent interest, $3,- 000 payable on demand. The Vestry borrowed $7,000 at 8 per cent and paid off all other debts. This loan w^as made on four years' time; $1,000 due next April, and $2,000 each succeeding year until paid. The Vestry took the loan on this time out of abundant caution ; but with the prosperous year we have had, and the bright outlook for the State, the city, and the parish, there is no need of this delay. W^e can pay off the whole $7,000 this spring and be done with the in- cubus. This debt stands in the way of so many things that we ought to do that it ought to be sw^ept out of the way. This parish is on the march, and ought not to tolerate any impedi- ment. After the debt is paid w^e must buy back those pews that were sold, and then all the seats in Christ Church will be made free. Then will follow the establishment of the parish hospital, the building of St. PauFs and St. John's Chapels, the Boys' Academy, the enlargement of the Sunday School room, the Rectory and the chime of bells; after that, we shall contribute two or three thousand dollars a year to the fund for the endowment of the Episcopate. ]^ow, we can't have all that good work hindered by this pitiful debt of $7,000. It is less than $15 apiece for the com- municants of the parish. There are, to be sure, some who can't pay $15, but there are twice as many who can each pay more than that. Let us pay off the debt, have the Church consecrated, and sing an ardent Te Deum. 18 — 262 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. REPORT OF CHRIST CHURCH, LITTLE ROCK, TO THE SIXTEENTH COUNCIL OF THE DIOCESE OF ARKANSAS. From April 19, 1887, to April 11, 1888— Number of families 331 Number of communicants 508 Number of souls 1,628 BajDtisms — Infants 40 Adults 17 Total bi Confirmations 38 Marriages 7 Burials 18 Sunday Schools — Teachers 41 Pupils 365 Total 405 OFFERINGS. PAROCHIAL. Salary of Rector $ 2,332.90 Rent of Rectory 587.50 Salary of assistant minister (seven months) 493.35 Communion alms 333.20 Church carpet and furniture 1,318.00 Church building and debt 3,804.79 Insurance on Church 498.15 Other parish expenses 1,402.32 Total $10,770.21 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 263 DIOCESAN. Council assessment $ 160.00 Episcopate fund 72.49 Diocesan missions 82. i 3 Fund for widows and orphans of deceased clergy . . 10.70 Total $ 325.92 BEYOND THE DIOCESE. Domestic Missions — Missionary box, $160; cash, $109.09 $ 269.09 Foreign Missions 100.78 Society for Conversion of the Jews 13.50 American Church Building Fund 12.60 'New York Bible and Prayer Book Society 10.00 University of the South 50.00 Total $ 455.9 Aggregate $11,552.45 Value of Church property $60,000.00 A RETROSPECT. This first day of September closes the second year of the present Rector's charge of Christ Church, Little Rock. It may be profitable for us to reflect upon the outcome of these two years of work and prayer. What have we — minister and laymen — done ? and what remains to be done ? The former is very little indeed, com- pared to the latter. Still there is no occasion for discourage- ment. We think all feel that these have been eventful years. Perhaps no parish and no Rector ever had the extraordinary experience we passed through during the winter and spring of 1887. But we do not wish to recall anything painful. On 264 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Easter Monday^ 1887, the Hector's administration was sus- tained by an overwlielming majority of the parishioners, and was again indorsed on Easter Monday last by a practically unanimous expression of approval and affection. We believe that this is now one of the most united and harmonious parishes in the country. Within these two years our magnificent Church edifice has been completed, including the finishing of the basement for Sunday School rooms. The old Chapel has been recon- structed for a Rectory, making it one of the most desirable residences in the city. A valuable property — the Camp- bell ite Chapel — has been purchased for our West End Mis- sion. So much for the material increase, not stopj)ing to mention things of minor value, like Chancel furniture., the organ for St. Paul's, the bank safe for the parish office, etc. But we must add to things material the total of money raised in the parish for C^hurch work, building and debt, amounting to over $23,000. Far more important than the above mentioned signs of progress, is the record of living increase. During this same time eighty persons have been baptized and sixty-four con- firmed ; the list of communicants has increased from 329 to 532, the average attendance at the Sunday services has doul:)led, and the number of Sunday School ])upils has nearly quadrupled; in the way of increased organizations, two mis- sion Sunday Schools have been started, and one of them has proved remarkably successful. The Young Ladies' Guild has been reorganized for the special work of supporting the assistant minister, and conducting the Little Each Church- man ; a chapter of St. Andrew's Brotherhood has been formed for work amongst young men ; a missionary society, composed of the communicants of the Church, has been made the very heart of the parish; and monthly sociables are held for social intercourse and the enjoyment of music and literature. Be it noted that these sociables are not used to raise money, the whole system of fairs, suppers, concerts, et id genus for bribing people to serve God, having been religiously abandoned two vears affo. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 265 But after all, these signs of iniprovenient that can be put into figures and minutes of meetings, are not the most signifi- cant elements of parochial prosperity; the spirituality of a parish is not susceptible of statistical statement, but for all that it is the real life of a parish, without which, all other signs of vitality are as the contortions of a galvanized corpse. We are almost afraid to speak of improvement in this regard, yet we think it not wrong to say that there has been a marked elevation of the religious tone of the parish. We know there was a strong element of spirituality in the parish two years ago, but we know also that the predomi- nant character of the parish at that time was a rejiroach to Christianity. But let all that pass, it makes one heartsick to remember it. Thank God, it is no longer prima facie evi- dence that a person has no religion to belong to Christ Church, Little Rock. We do not boast of these things ; we allude to these tokens of God's blessing on the labors of minister and people onh^ to thank Ilim for His mercy and goodness, and as an incentive to better work in the future. What is that work for the future ? First of all duties^ we must raise our stan- dard of personal holiness still higher, and as a part of the means to that blessed end, as well as a regard for the direct objects of Christian duty, we must pay off the balance of that wretched debt; we must build a Chapel for St. John's Mis- sion ; we must organize a Sunday School in Argenta ; we must establish a Church school to prepare boys for college ; we must build and endow a hospital, and avc must raise $10,000 as our share of the Episco])ate fund. After that we shall find plenty more to do. In the mean- time let us thank God that we are a united band, full of hope and courage. The Chancel Society is doing its sacred work diligently and with reverence and good taste. The arrangements for the celebration of the Holy Communion and the care of the vestments show that this society deserves the injunction, "Let all tilings be done decentlv and in order." 266 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. The sociables suspended during Lent will be resumed. The next will be held on Thursday night, 19th of April. There were nearly 100 in attendance at the last sociable, but we hope to see three times that many after all our members learn how delightful these gatherings are. The Vestry have had several interesting meetings during the past month. They are doing their part nobly in the matter of the Church debt, and if the whole $7,000 is not paid off at Easter it will not be their fault. The Rector takes this occasion to thank the Vestry for their cordial and generous support during the past year. The choir has laid the congregation under obligations for good Church music. We do not mean to say that it "tickles the ears of the groundlings," nor do we claim that it is "equal to a show." We say it is good Church music; that is to say, the congregation is led in devout praise, skillfully and reverently. The Young Ladies' Guild are doing good, solid work. Besides doing all the clerk work of the Little Rock Church- man, they raise over $500 a year towards the current expenses of the parish, not counting such little things as the $45 cliair which they have just bought for the Chancel. The Rector hopes that the young ladies may not work themselves to death. The Vestry of Christ Church is certainly one of varied elements ; amongst the eleven Vestrymen, eight vocations, both political parties and three shades of Churchmanship are represented. !N"otwithstanding these differences, they are a unit in their love of the Church, their devotion to the in- terests of the parish, and their cordial support of the Rector. The Ladies' Aid Society, at their last meeting, resolved to use the funds now in hand, some $150, to pay for the cover- ing and cushioning of the kneeling stools, as soon as the work i"^ completed. The missionary box which they are preparing THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 267 for a missionary in Western Texas is coming on finely. This venerable society lias taken on new life. We feared at one time that their purchasing the carpet (it cost $1,125) had exhausted the Ladies' Aid Society. The Missionary Society is a thoroughly organized, com- pact body; there is a steady advance all along the line. Through the labors of the members of this society objects of charity are relieved, new Church families are found and visited, and strangers haying no ecclesiastical belonging are brought under religious influence. Besides an interest in Diocesan, Domestic and Foreign Missions is constantly culti- vated. The monthly dues are 50 cents for men, 20 cents for married ladies, and 10 cents for single ladies, which are devoted to missions. Every communicant of the parish ought to belong to this society. The Sunday Schools are doing remarkably well. The Kector catechises each in turn ; St. John's on the second Sun- day in the month, the Chapel Simday School on the third Sunday, and St. Paul's on the fourth. The last catechising elicited unmistakable evidence of good work on the part of the officers and teachers. The three Sunday Schools will have their annual festival at Christ Church on Easter evening at 4 o'clock. St. Paul's will occupy the north transept, St. John's the south transept, and the Chapel Sunday School the front of the nave. The congregation will be welcome to the rear of the nave. We think the exercises will be interesting to vounff and old. May, 1888. PARISH DOIXGS. The Easter offerings amounted to $2,259, wdiich is pretty good; but next Easter we shall more than double that. 268 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. The Chancel Society deserves great credit for its ex- quisite decoration of the Church for Easter; and the regu- larity with which all its work is done, all the more acceptable because not overdone. A few weeks ago the parish had the honor of a visit from Archdeacon Eortin, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Rector begged him to occupy the pulpit whilst here, but his health would not permit. The Guild is as "busy as a bee-hive ;" it is making a suc- cess of the Little Bock ChurcJiman, and is preparing to do a larger work than ever, of which many will hear very soon. No work in the parish has borne better fruit than that of the Young Ladies' Guild. The Ladies' Aid Society paid off the debt for the kneel- ing stools, about $150, and finished and shipped "the box" for the missionary in Texas. We verily believe the prepara- tion of that box did our ladies as much good as the contents of the box will do the missionary and his family. The choir is constantly improving. Our music on Easfer day was most appro])riate and edifying. We have never heard music in Church that so thoroughly fulfilled the purpose of Church music — to lift up the heart in gratitude to God. The show feature was severely absent. Of the 800 or 900 souls that crowded the Church, we hope not one came to be entertained. The organist at the first service held in the new Church on Easter day, 1887, was Professor Brebegh. The choir v/as composed of ]\riss ]\rarve Rumbough, Miss Bessie Can- trell, ]\riss Sophie Field (Mrs. Andrew Hunter), Miss Susie Carroll, so])ranos ; Miss Hallie Jabine (Mrs. Sayle), Miss Georgie Woodruff and Miss ]S'annie Field, altos; Messrs. George Martin, D. H. Cantrell and Dunbar Pope, tenors ; Messrs. Llenrv ]\r:ix\v('ll. and Otev Clark, bassos. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 269 We congTatulate the parish upon the re-election of the Vestry on Easter Monday. It is evident that the congrega- tion is practically unanimous in the opinion that the affairs of the parish are in good hands. Certainly it is a good spec- tacle — a V^estry of eleven devout Christians, exemplary citi- zens, and everyone the warm, personal friend of the Rector. Happy is the parish and happy is the Rector thus situated. By far the most successful sociable we have yet had was that of the 19th. We never saw a large company (there were about 100 present) seem to enjoy rational and wholesome pleasure more thoroughly. When these sociables were pro- posed some predicted their failure. "Who ever heard," some said, ''of a Church sociable not intended for raising money?" Others remarked, "The idea of a party without either danc- ing or refreshments !" Well, strange things do happen. St. Andrew's Brotherhood is steadily growing in mem- bership and interest. The formation of another chapter of older young men is talked of. This society meets every Tuesday night in the parish office. A passage of Scripture is studied, a portion of some literary work is read and dis- cussed, and then the members engage in conversation about the work of the society — that is, inducing young men to come to Church. There is no cant, no humbug, no axe-grinding about the Brotherhood. The Sunday School festival on Easter evening was pro- nounced a success. There were nearly 400 children. When the Mission Sunday Schools marched in, 150 strong, there was some surprise and much joy amongst some of the old folks, who "didn't know that this work amounted to much." As each class came up and planted its banner and pre- sented its offerings, all felt that this work had been blessed. Each banner had a letter on it, these letters, when placed, making the sentence, "Children of God, being children of the resurrection." 270 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. The Rector is very grateful to the officers and teachers for their faithful year's work. The building of those Chapels is now in order. We think we know the names of the two men who are going to give us lots to build them on. Makch, 1888. THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. The society known as the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, is making rapid advances in the increase of its numbers and in the good work accomplished. This is an organization of young men in the Church for the purpose of inducing young men to attend Church, and for the mutual improvement of the mem- bers. The assistant minister of Christ Church proposes to organize a "chapter" of this society in Little Rock. We heartily commend the movement. THE VESTRY ELECTIOK On Easter Monday, April 2, the annual election for Vestrymen of Christ Church will be held. The present efficient Vestry ought to be re-elected. They are all good men and faithful to their trust. There is perfect harmony between all the members of the Vestry and the Rector. Mutual confi- dence and mutual support have characterized every meeting and every act, and as a consequence the parish has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, temporal and spiritual. The income of the parish since this Vestry came into office last Easter Monday has been $5^087. This does not include $1,125 paid by the Ladies' Aid Society for the carpet, about $400 raised by the Young Ladies' Guild, about $50 con- tributed by the Missionary Society, and the Sunday School offerings, amounting to over $200. The Easter offerings will add several thousand dollars to the year's income. Of the THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 271 $5,087 already received, parish expenses consumed $3,557 ; the balance, $1,530, was expended on the Church edifice and grounds, the interest on the debt. The financial success of the parish is largely due to the efficiency of the treasurer, Major John D. Adams. If the congregation want this Vestry to serve another year they ought to come out Easter Monday and say so. We give the names of the Vestry beltnv : R. H. Parham, Jr. W. W. Smith. John D. Adams. Dr. W. A. Cantrell. Tv. L. Goodrich. Dr. L. R. Stark. R. J. Polk. G. S. Brack. C. H. Dolbeer. F. D. Clark. J. H. Haney. "HOA^OR TO WHOM HOXOR IS DUE." The parish owes a debt of gratitude to Major John D. Adams and Mr. R. L. Goodrich for liberal contributions to objects outside the regular expenses of the parish. Their offerings are always made with the characteristic modesty of gentlemen. ]^o parade, no trumpeting, no bargaining for adulation and advertisement. The Rectory rapidly approaches completion ; the Rector expects to move into it the 1st of October. In the next num- ber of the ChurchmoM we shall give a description of the house. The parish is under obligations to IMajor R. IT. Parham for his faithful services as lay reader, especially during the Rector's vacation. Only an experienced clergyman knows how to appreciate a character like jVPajor Parham's. 272 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. May, 1888. The assistant minister of Christ Churchy Rev. John E. H. Galbraith, has organized a chapter of St. Andrew's Brotherhood. The study of the Bible, mutual improvement, and a Christian influence amongst young men are the objects of this societv. Most commendable. AucxUST, 1888. CHRIST CHURCHj LITTLE ROCK. An assistant minister has been called, but has not yet accepted. It will be hard to fill Mr. Galbraith's place. The sociables and the meetings of the Ladies' Aid Society and St. Andrew's Brotherhood are suspended until October, but the Missionary Society, the Vestry, the Guild, and Chan- cel Society are like Tennyson's brook. The basement of the Church being finished, was occupied by the Parish Sunday School for the first time on the 22d of July. There is one large comfortable room opening into the cosy i)arish ofllce, which will be used for the infant class. These rooms are a solid improvement upon the old Chapel. During the past few weeks there has been quite an exodus of Christ Church people to the mountains and the sea shore. The attendance at the services has consequently fallen off. The largest congregation in July numbered only about four hundred. The construction of the Rectory is going forward satis- factorily. When completed it will be one of the most com- modious and pleasant residences in the city. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 273 ST. PAUL'S MISSION. Our West End Mission has now a local habitation, as well as a name. The building once used by the Disciples of Christ (commonly called Campbellites) as a house of worship has been bought and is now St. Paul's Mission Chapel. The title of the property is vested in the Vestry of Christ Church, but will be conveyed to the future Vestry of St. Paul's when the mission becomes a parish, which evolution the Rector and Vestry will cordially encourage. The situation of this chapel is admirabl_y adapted for the work it is designed to do. It is removed about as far as possible from any other house of worship, and begins its work on this spot with a good nucleus carried there from the old temporary quarters of the mission. Those quarters had been a barroom — one of those "terrors to the neighborhood" — it now becomes a drug store. So we have converted this building as well, we trust, as some of those who came to our ministrations. September. 1889. THE ARKANSAS CHURCHMAN. The anniversary of the beginning of a minister's work seems to be a favorite time for review of the past. The present Rector of Christ Church took charge of the parish September 1, 1886. During these three years the Church edifice has been finished, the Sunday School room made ready for use, and the Rectory constructed; 113 persons have been baptized, and 120 have been confirmed; the net increase of communicants is 228, the average congregation has trebled, and the offerings have amounted to over $35,000. The parish is united, active and growing. How different the outcome of these three years of the "new regime" has been from what was predicted by some people who did not JiHOii' ihf Central Arkansas. r)uhlished by the Goodspeed Publishing Co., at Chicago, Nashville and St. Louis in 1889. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 317 Hospital. He was then appointed to relieve I)r. Winter- 'bottom, as physician of the JSTursery Hospital at Blackwell's Island, and remained there during the summer of 184(S. In the following year he went to New Orleans, La., where, feel- ing qualified, he proposed to enter upon his life work. The solitary condition of his father, however, impelled him to abandon his purpose. After one winter of medi- cal experience at ISTew Orleans, where he treated yellow fever, in epidemic form, he established himself at Pine Bluff, Ark., in the vicinity of which his father resided as a cotton planter, and later at Little Rock. Here, in LS-19, he met his future wife. Miss Ellen Maria Ilarrell, who had lately arrived with her family, from Xashville, Tenn., fleeing from the cholera, then decimating the city of ISTashville. On February 13, 1852, Dr. C^antrell and Miss Ilarrell were married in Little Hock by the Rev. A. R. Winfield. During what proved to be the last year of his father's life, Dr. Oantrell took his family to live on an adjoining plantation, and was with him at the time of his death, September 5, 1854. Afterward he resumed his practice in Little Rock, where he raj)idly built up a solid reputation as a practitioner. Dr. Cantrell has filled, successively and honorably, the positions of city physician, county ])liysician, president of the State Board of Medical Examiners, president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, delegate to the Medical Associa- tion, at Nashville, Tenn., besides attending to a heavy prac- tice. He is the only surviving member of the first medical association in Little Rock, which he helped to organize. The managing board included R. A. Watkins, j\L D., president; Wm. A. Cantrell, M. D., secretary: A. W. Webb, ]\r. D. ; Craven Peyton, ]\r. D. ; George Sizer, M. D., and Corydon McAlmont, M. D. On May 28, 1801, the president of the 318 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Confederate States of America, at jVIontgomery, Ala., ap- pointed liim surgeon of "First Arkansas Mounted Volun- teers," Colonel T. J. Cliurcliill, commander, in the Second Arkansas Regiment of the Provisional Army of the Confed- erate States. In this capacity he served in several engage- ments. After Lee's surrender he was solicited to take charge of the .United States Post Hospital, at the Little Rock gar- rison. He accepted and held this position of acting assistant surgeon during the command of Brevet Major-General Arnold, captain Light Battery G, Fifth Artillery, and that of Colonel C. H. Smith, Twenty-eighth Infantry, a period of five years. Llis record as a physician at this hospital added much to the reputation for sagacity and skill, already earned. Very lately he has had charge of the medical department at the School for the Blind, in this city, and was appointed trustee of that institution by Governor S. P. Hughes.* In 1855 Dr. Cantrell became a confirmed member of Christ Church (Episcopal) under the hands of Rt. Rev. George W. Freeman, who was his constant friend until death. He served as a member of the Vestry of Christ Church during the incumbenc}' of Rev. Andrew F. Freeman ; of Rt. Rev. Henry C. Lay, Bishop of the Diocese of Arkansas, and Rec- tor of Christ Church ; of Rev. J. T. Wheat, and Rev. P. G. Robert ; was Junior, and, later. Senior Warden with Rev. Wallace Carnahan ; Senior Warden with Rev. John Gass, and Senior Warden with Hox. G. Gordon Smeade. While the social amenity of his disposition and grace of manner have caused him to be sought bv the most *He is now (A. D. 1900) President of the County Board of Medical Examiners. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 319 polished circles, the earnest simplicity and sympathy of his nature have endeared him to the most humble in rank. Like a full river, bravely bearing its own burdens to the sea, yet dispensing life and refreshment on each side, his course has shown a long succession of private and public services, which prove that the prominent desire of his soul has been to be useful. Mrs. Cantrell is the daughter of Rev. Samuel Harrell and Ellen Catherine Collins, his wife. She was born at Princess Anne Courthouse, in Princess Anne County, Va., where her father was located, being a mem- ber of the Virginia Methodist Conference. He died at Mead- ville, Va., during her infancy, and is buried near McKendree Church, where he preached. Mrs. Cantrell is the grand- daughter of Rev. Asa Harrell and Rachel Beeman, his wife, of Gatesville, in Gates County, N. C, formerly of Harrells- ville, Hertford County, ]^. C, which town, now in decay, was orginally in Chowan County, from which Hertford was formed in 1759. Asa Harrell served in the War of the Revo- lution under General Horatio Gates, in 1780-81. He was ordained Deacon in the Methodist Church by Bishop Asbury, Gates County, ^N". C, and was ordained Elder by Bishop Mc- Candery at Somerton, Nansemond County, Va., on the 20th of November, 1820. He was the son of Jesse Harrell and Elishua Savage, his wife, and died at 80 years of age, leaving a numerous posterity. Mrs. Cantrell accompanied her widowed mother, brother and sister to Nashville, Tenn., where she was educated under the direction of her mother — a woman of unusual talent, superior education and varied accomplishments, which she employed in the support of her family, as principal of a semi- nary for young ladies, situated on Vine street, near Union, 320 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. JSTasliville. Later the family came to Little Rock, in the spring of 1849, and finally settled on a farm on the Arkansas river. Mrs. Cantrell is a graduate of the Nashville Female Academy, Dr. C. D. Elliott and R. A. Lapsley, principals, also of the French Academy, M. Audigier, principal, and is a proficient in music. She has been a writer for magazines and newspapers — her earliest contributions at 16 years of age, having appeared in Godey's Lady's Book. She repre- sented the State as essayist in the Woman's Congress at the World's Exposition at Chicago, also at the Exposition of ISTashville, Tenn., and has served as State Regent in the Na- tional Society of Daughters of the American Revolution. She was confirmed in the first Christ Church in 1855 by the Rt. Rev. George W. Freeman. She is now the secretary of the Diocese in the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. The children of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Cantrell, all natives of Little Rock and vicinity, each of whom has received a classical education, are: 1. Lillian — Mrs, Joseph Lovell Bay, of St. Louis, Mo. 2. Ellen May — Mrs. Decatur Axtell, of Richmond, Va. At Hot Springs, Va., their sunmier residence, Mr. and Mrs. Axtell have been the chief inspirers and contributors in the building of a Church, wdiich was opened for service on Good Friday, April 1, and consecrated October 14, 1899, by Bishop Arthur McGill Randolph, of South Virginia. 3. Daisy — Mrs. Lucius J. Polk, of Galveston, Texas. 4. Wendel — Who died, aged 11 months. 5. Isadore—Mri^. Philo H. Goodwyn, of Galveston, Texas. 6. Bessie — For some years secretary of ^'The Little Rock Memorial Cha]itor of the I"''nited Daughters of the Confederacv." ! ST. ALKMUNDS CHURCH, DERBY, ENGLAND. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 321 7. Decide rick Ilarrell — Of Little Kock, lawyer. 8. WiUiain Annour, Jr. — Of Fort Worth, Texas, rail- road agent. The children of J\ir. and Mrs. Bay are Lillian, Manstield Cantrell, Amy Axtell (]\[rs. Kobert Tyler Sturgeon, of St. Louis, Mo.), Lovell, Ellen Virginia, who died in infancy, and Margaret Wendel. The children of Colonel and Mrs. Polk are Armour Cantrell, Anne Leroy, Lucius Junius, Jr., Margaret Wendel, Daisy Cantrell, and Ellen Harrell, who died in infanc}'. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwyn are Philo Hiram, Jr., and William Cantrell. HOis\ WM. W. SMITH. Hon. Wm. W. Smith was i\.ssociate Junior Warden of Christ Church with Major John D. Adams. A. D. 1838-1888. Hon. Wm. W. Smith, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas, was born in Cokes- burg, Abbeville County, S. C, October 12, 1838. He was a graduate of South Carolina College, Columbia, S. C, and married Emma Connor, August 9, 1865. He came to Arkan- sas in 1866, was admitted to the bar in 1867, and entered into partnership with ex-Governor Simon P. Hughes (at present Associate Justice of Supreme Court) in the practice of law in the same year at Clarendon, jMonroe County. He served at the bar till 1882, when he was elected one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court. He died December 18, 1888. His Avidow survives. The children of Judge Smith and "Emma Connor, his wife, were Julia, Emma, Dennie, Frances,. 322 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Annie, and an infant son, William Wright Smith. Only two lived to be grown. Dennie was married February 24, 1892, to Harry B. Carter, and died August 18, 1895, leaving one eliild, Albert Carter. Judge Smith was an active and faith- ful member of the Episcopal Church. He served as Vestry- man and Superintendent of the Sunday School of the Church at Helena, Ark., where he lived in 1877, and, during his resi- dence in Little Rock, served as Vestryman and Junior Warden in Christ Church. As a staunch friend and counselor, he was inexpressibly prized by his Rector, Rev. Wallace Carna- han, who, in a time of parochial distress, was indebted to him for moral support and affectionate sympathy. His name adorns these annals as a beloved and honored Warden. In the fifty-first volume of Arkansas Reports of the Supreme Court the opening pages are set apart and entitled "In Memoriam." Of the beautiful tributes there presented by distinguished orators, two, by those who knew him as a Churchman, are transferred to these pages : Mr. Justice Smith died on the 18th day of December, 1888. The sad intelligence of his death was announced to the people of the State by the following proclamation: Again the State of Arkansas mourns the loss of one of her best citizens. The Hon. W. W. Smith, Associate Justice of the Su- preme Court, departed this life at 11 o'clock p. m. the 18th instant, at his residence in the city of Little Rock. In his death the family has lost a most excellent, kind and affection- ate husband and father; society, one of its most valued and best beloved members ; the bar of the State, a modest, earnest, able and upright member ; the judiciary, a just, conscientious and able judge; the State, a citizen of great worth, faith- ful, patriotic and true in all the relations of life; and the Church, a meek, devout and consistent member. In t(-ken of respect for his memory, the flag on the Statehouse will THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 323 be lowered to halfmast until after his funeral, and the offices of the State government will be closed on Thursday, December 20, after 12 o'clock m., that the State officers and employees may attend the funeral. SIMON P. HUGHES, Governor of the iState of Arkansas. Immediately after this announcement a meeting of the bar of the Supreme Court was held in the Supreme Court- room. The meeting was called to order by Governor Hughes and upon his motion. Chief Justice Cockrill was requested to act as chairman. On taking the chair, and after making- other remarks appropriate to the occasion, Judge Cockrill spoke of Judge Smith as follows : He came upon the bench six years ago, admirably equipped and prepared for the discharge of the duties of his office. His previous training had been rigid from close and systematic study. Those wdio knew him had no apprehen- sion as to his career upon the bench, for they knew that he brought to bear upon its duties an aptitude for labor, and a well-trained mind that was clear and logical and never uncer- tain in its conclusions. They have not been disappointed in the result. His labor was gigantic. Immediately upon his entry upon the bench it was perceptible that business was dispatched more expeditiously, and even the most critical will be compelled to acknowledge that his work was well done. He may have committed errors. He must have been more than mortal not to have done so. In the discharge of his duties he was industrious, unassuming and far seeing. He had the patience and willingness to hear and to learn, which, it has been said, is, in the assemblage of judicial qualities, perliaps the rarest and most valuable. His lucid and logical manner of statement is apparent to all who have listened to or who have read after him. His judicial style is sim])lo and direct. It was never diffuse and rarelv ambiguous. It was in these respects but 324 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. the reflex of his cliaracter, for he was ingenuous, frank and direct to a greater degree than any man 1 have ever known. These qualities, aided by his clear perception and power of mental concentration, enabled him quickly to detect nonessen- tials in a cause, and penetrate at once into the very heart of a controversy — rarely being led off from the controlling points by any wavering desire to follow up useless investiga- tions. The duties of his office circumscribed the limits of his ambition, and he delighted in their performance — not from any sense of j^ride of place or power, for he was of a sturdy mould that despised ostentation, and recognized more and more as the swift years went by, that officeholding is among the least of the pleasures or personal benefits of life. His ambition was to be useful to his fellow-men by the faith- ful performance of a sacred trust. ISTo standard of honor was higher or sense of justice more robust than his. He recognized that the importance of an upright and capable judiciary cannot be overestimated in its value to the State, His aim was to lend his aid in perfecting it as far as in him lay. His effort was not without its fruits; but wdiat he accomplished was not by the exercise of the qualities I have mentioned alone. It avails nothing that a judge is only patient, laborious and able. There is another quality, with- out which these are useless. It is courage. I do not refer to personal courage, though Judge Smith was endued, as I am informed by his war comrades, with as ti-ied a courage as ever marched up to the roaring throats of a dee]) ranged artil- lery — but I refer to a bravery of a higher and a rarer kind — - bravery which could be steadfast under the criticism of friends and against the assaults of enemies. In this, no man, I believe, in modern or in ancient times, excelled him. No popular prejudice or partisan clamor could move him. He was zealously devoted to duty and became a martyr to his devotion. He has as certainly sacrificed his life upon the altar of public service as did ever a soldier wlio, at his coun- try's bidding, meet fleath upon the field of battle. Weary and worn with the travail of hi^; office, he has dragged out tho past vear, bravelv batflinc" to recaiu the strenofh he had lost in the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 325 service of his peoj^le. lie is no longer trammeled. He is delivered out of bondage, Tliougii dead lie speaks. His voice, tlirougli bis decisions, will still lind audience among those to come after us. His impress is upon the bar and the judiciary, and through them upon the people. His influ- ence was always for good; wutli him there was no retrograde movement. He despised hypocrisy and detested wrong. While the hands of all who knew him are raised to do him reverence, would that mine had the cunning to bring the sweetest rose of all the field to deck his name, for none deserved it more. I trust that better words than I can speak will tell how his loss wall be mourned and felt. I do not think it the exaggeration of praise to say that now, when he has just reached the midday of his usefulness, the State could have better spared any other of her best and most loyal citizens. In reverent gratitude I do thank God that he has blessed this land with the birth of such a man, and made it my 2:)rivilege to know him. Mr. W. S. McCain was appointed secretary of the meet- ing. Upon motion, the chair appointed a committee on reso- lutions, consisting of Messrs. Sol F. Clark, U. M. Rose, E. W. Kimball, John Fletcher, J. W. Blackwood. The chair appointed Judge Rose to present them to the United States Court ; Mr. George W. Caruth to present them to the Supreme Court; Mr. W. C. Ratcliffe to present them to the Pulaski Chancery Court, and Mr. E. W. Kimball to present them to the Pulaski Circuit Court. The resolutions were presented to the Supreme Court by George W. Caruth, late United States Minister to Spain, him- self a faithful Churchman, in the form here quoted : Supreme Court of Arkansas, Saturday, May 18, 1880. Present: Sterling R. Cockrill, Chief Justice; Burrill B. Battle, Monti H. Sandels, Wilson E. Hemingway^ and Simon P. Hughes, Associate Justices. 22 326 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Mr. George W. Carutli addressed the court as follows: May it Please Your Honors : W. W. Smithy the Senior Associate Justice of this court, departed this life, after a long illness, on the isth day of December, 18SS. On that day his professional brethren, keenly alive to the great calamity which had befallen both them and the State, took order touching his death, adopted a series of resolutions, feebly expressive of their feeling of admiration, love and respect for their deceased friend, and deputed me to present them in this tribunal, that they may be writ upon your honors' records, there to remain as long as those records themselves remain, as an earnest, heartfelt, but inadequate tribute to that upright judge. As I speak these words I am painfully impressed with the frequency with which death has flung its awful shadow over and about this chamber. When I came here, but a few years ago, to be enrolled at this bar — and oh, how short and swift have been those years — there sat on the bench, English, whose kindly features look down on us from yonder speaking likeness ; Walker, whose strong, rugged personality made him so great a figure in our jurisprudence, and Har- rison. English and Walker, after serving their country with fidelity and ability, now sleep with their fathers. Harrison alone, is left. Then came the courtly and learned Eakin, who soon wearied of the struggle and went to join the wife of his youth, who had preceded him to the great hereafter. There at the clerk's desk sat Luke E. Barber, whose presence here was a benediction for so many vears, and by his side, his deputy, his brother, Gwyn ; both are gone. Following fast and quick after these distinguished dead, came our lamented friend, and another judge of this court ceased from his labors. In deliver- ing addresses of this character, one is naturally apprehensive, lest, following the admirable maxim, de mortius nil nesi honum, exaggerated phrases and extravagant eulogiums Avould find a place. But in this instance it is but the plain truth when T say my apprehension is not that T will say too much, but too little; in a word, that T will not be able to do simple THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 327 justice to the exalted character, great abilities and lovable qualities of him of whom I now speak. No language I could employ would be too strong in expressing my own estimate of the man and the judge. A. D. 1838-1882. Judge Smith was a native of South Carolina, born near Cokesburg, in the year 1838. He had the benefit of a college education, having graduated from the South Carolina College in 1859. The year after his gradua- tion he came to this State and settled in Monroe County. At the commencement of hostilities in the late war he joined the First South Carolina Regiment, commanded by Colonel Gregg. He subsequently served as Ca])tain in the Twenty- third Arkansas, under Colonel Adams. When the war ended, having shown himself a brave soldier and skillful officer, he returned to Clarendon, and in 1867 formed a partnership with Simon P. Hughes, afterwards governor, and now a justice of this court, in the practice of law. Judge Smith continued the practice of his profession at Clarendon until 1877, when he removed to Helena, where he remained until he was elected an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas in 1882. In the spring of 1888 a pulmonary disorder discov- ered itself, making it necessary for him to seek relief in rest and travel. He made a resolute and manly struggle with his dread antagonist, undertaking weary journeying, striving vigorously "To hold death awhile At the arm's end." Gallant as was his struggle, it was fruitless. To him the end was at hand, and finding himself mortally smitten in a distant State^ he came back to his home to die. Surrounded by his family, ministered to by loving hands, without a mur- mur, in full possession of his faculties, fully realizing that the supreme moment had arrived, he calmly bade the world farewell. Thus passed away a great jurist, and as clear souled and clean handed a man as this age has produced. Great intel- lectually, he was no less great morally and spiritually. ^fy 32S THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. acquaintance with him began in 1S78. To have known him was a privilege, and to have had his friendship I account one oi the most fortunate events of my career. He was an admirable practitioner, splendidly equipped in the learning of his profession, studious, careful, painstak- ing, and the very soul of honor ; but it was as a judge, in the discharge of judicial functions, that his pre-eminence was so marked. It is said of poets they are born and not made. I sometimes think it might with equal truth be said of judges. The profession knows that to be a good lawyer is one thing and to be a good judge is another. Something more is needed. It is the judicial mind, and Judge Smith had that to perfection. He had patience without limit, and although himself possessed of a quickness of apprehension which enabled him to grasp the situation in a moment, he was always willing to listen to the humblest and dullest of us with a courtly attention which made it an absolute pleasure to appear before him. As a judge in this court, I am sure I do but speak the unanimous sentiment of the bar when I say, no one could be more thoroughly competent to discharge its high, delicate and always responsible duties. With great learning ever at hand and ready for the occa- sion, whatever may have been its exigency, he was always most happy and felicitous in its application to the case under consideration. As for his judicial opinions, from the first to the last they were models. For purity of style, for clearness of thought, for felicity of illustration and vigor of expression they stand among the finest of judicial deliverances. His mind was clear, earnest and powerful, and all his faculties severely disciplined. His analytical and logical powers were remarkable. There was a delightful directness about all he said. He called things by their right names, and no man had to read twice to ascertain what he meant. There was, in addition, a simplicity of expression which was always charmins'. He wasted no Avords, but straightway went to the very core of things. This. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 329 characteristic directness and simplicity was lexemplified in one of his last earthly utterances. But a little while before his dissolution he was asked if he was conscious of his condi- tion. His response came clearcut and direct, "Yes, the end is near. I am all right." That was all he said, and why should he not be "all right V If this white-souled Christian gentleman, who had been faithful to every trust, had dis- charged every duty, coidd not afford to die, who could ? The Psalmist asks : "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ?" and on answering seems almost to have had our dead friend in view: "Even he that hath clean hands and a pure heart ; and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity, nor sworn to deceive his neighbor." He loved the truth for the truth's sake ; evenhanded justice was what he sought, and to accomplish that no amount of labor was too great, no extent of research too much. His convictions were always followed, and it never concerned him how his conclusions were received. He neither claimed nor sought applause. Ilis was indeed a striking and unique judicial personality. All his ambitions were centered on a faithful discharge of his duties. I have, if your honor pleases, no hesitation in saying that nearly as any one I ever knew he filled the measure of a perfect judge. With abilities of a character to have commanded attention at any time or place, he never sought distinction in the political world, nor was he ever induced to seek any of its glittering prizes, because he loved the law. He was, under all circumstances, a gentleman. T^o man more scrupulously observed those courtesies and amenities which do so much to soften and beautify life. 'No man endeavored more earnestly to fulfill all the duties of society as they came to him, and a truer friend or one more willing to oblige could not be found. He despised sham, cant and hypocrisy, and was as open as the day, being, indeed, an "Israelite in whom there was no guile." His life was blameless as became a devoted riiris- tian, for such he was. He believed iiii])Hcitly in the truth 330 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. of our liolj religion, lived accordingly, and could well say at the end, "I am all right." We have laid away in his last resting place our distin- guished and lamented friend, whither he went in the full faith and belief of a blessed resurrection. A stately and beautiful column of the State has fallen. This court can no longer profit by his wise and judicious counsel. His family, always so precious to him, is deprived of his protection and aifection. But, if your honors please, we have this consolation : We have left the recollection of a life full of purity, exalted abilities and duty performed. We have this remembrance. Let us cherish that — 'Tor memory is the only friend That grief can call her own." Pursuant, therefore, to the request of my brethren, I no^^' present these resolutions. Mr. Caruth then read the resolutions adopted by the bar of the Supreme Court, which may be found on pages 36-39 inclusive, in the same volume of reports. In Church, as well as State, this Warden was the pillar in the temple, whose top was finished with lily work, the name of which was Boaz — "In it is strength." MR. JOHA" WATTS GOODWIIT. A. D. 1831-1893. Mr. John Wath Goodwin, who had for some time served as treasurer of Christ Church, was elected Junior Warden in 1893. The death of Major John D. Adams, whose office of Senior Warden devolved upon Dr. W. A. Cantrell, occasioned a vacancy in the office of Junior Warden. This has been filled by Mr. Goodwin during the past seven years. He was born in l^elson County, Va., August 6, 1831; was confirmed in 1849 in the Chapel of THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 331 Jubilee College, Illinois, by Bishop Chase, and was married October 25, 1870, at Early Grove, Miss., by Rev. W. K. Ponglass, to Elizabeth Eose Bailey, who was born August 5, 1839, in Fayette County, Tenn. She was the daughter of Dr. Isham G. and Susan Bird (Smith) Bailey. By occu- pation Mr. Goodwin was a merchant, and later the treasurer of the Little Bock and Memphis Railroad. Since 1887 he has resided in Little Rock. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin are : (1) John Bailey, (2) William, and (3) Bessie. Mr. Goodwin's grandfather and great-grandfather were both in the Continental Army. He is the descendant in the sixth generation from IMajor James Goodwin, who came over from England and settled near Yorktown, Va., about the middle of the seventeenth century, in the following line : Son of James DosweJJ Good ir hi. who died June, 1869, in Memphis, Tenn., and is buried in Elmwood Cemetery. His wife was Catherine (Watts) Goodwin, wdio died January 27, 1851, in Ralls County, Mo., and is buried near Hydesburg, Mo. Their children are : 1. Marie Louise — Born October 6, 1826; married Leroy P. Stewart. 2. Jolut Watts — Born August 6, 1831; married Eliza- beth Rose Bailey. 3. Tirginia Ella — Born January 31, 1843; married Charles T. Hodges. ■1. James Overton — Born Juno 14, 1846; died July, 1876; unmarried. 5. Mary Catherine — Born May 27, 1849; died July, 1860; unmarried, and three others who died in infancy. Mr. Goodwin's grandfather was Thomas Goodirin ; born May 25, 1765, in Hanover County, Va. ; was married in 1789 332 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. to Temperance Harris, who was born also in Hanover County. She was the daughter of Overton and Ann (Xelson) Harris. He was a farmer, and in religion a Baptist. They resided in iS^elson County. Thomas Goodwin served an unfinished term of enlist- ment for his father in the Continental Army, and was a Revo- lutionary j)ensioner. He died in I^elson County, Va., April, 1838. Great-grandfather, John Goodwin; born iiovember IT, 1735, in York County, Va. ; married to Elizabeth Doswell ; born 1743, a daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Drummond) Doswell ; she, a daughter of a son of William Drummond, governor of the Carolinas. Great great-grandfather, James Goodivin ; born in York- Hampton parish, York County, Va. ; was married first, to Diana Chisman ; born October 12, 1715; a daughter of John and Eleanor (Howard) Chisman. Great great great-grandfather, Peter Goodivin, was mar- ried before 1607 to Rebecca Tiplady, a daughter of Captain John Tiplady, Justice of the Peace for York County, and son of John and Ruth Beale Tiplady. MAJOR JAMES GOODWIX. Major James Goodwin, the head of the family, married, first, Rachel , of York County, Va., whose tomb- stone on Back Creek, says, that she was born in 1G30, and died ]\ray 23, 1G60, leaving, as it states, by Major Goodwin five sons and two daughters, viz : 1. Robert ; married Anne . 2. J oil II ; married Elizabeth ]\[oore. 3. Peter; married Rel)ecca Tiplady. REV. JOHN GASS. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 333 4. Matthew. 5. Martin ; married Barbara . 6. Susannah ; married — — Duke. 7. Elizabeth ; married — — Blinkhorn. Though none, perhaps, phice a higher estimate on the value of an lionorable ancestry than does Mr. Goodwin^ he is yet entirely exempt from the charge of resting on that for his advancement in life. ''Who serves his country well has no need of ancestors," and in every charge of life Mr. Goodwin has endeavored so to perform his duty that he may leave the matchless legacy of a good name to those who come after him, rather than to look backward to those who went before for support. On his own merits he has won the esteem and confidence of the com- munity and the Episcopal congregation. REV JOHN GASS. A. D. 1894. Eev. John Gass succeeded the Rev. Wal- lace Carnahan, as Rector of Christ Church, having arrived at Little Rock, October 4, 1894. The newspaper chronicled the event thus : Sunday morning (October 9) at Christ Church a cordial and flattering reception was accorded the new Rector, Rev. John Gass, who recently came hither from Charleston, S. C. The distinguished young divine made his first appearance in this city before a very large representation of T^ittle Rock's best people, all of whom were favorably impressed with him. He took his text at the Sunday morning service from Exodus. iv, 2 : '^\nd the Tord said unto him. What is in thine hand ? And he answered, a rod." The eloquent young Rector's discourse was assuredly a splendid introduction of his force, intellect and capability to 334 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. the people of this city. He is one of the youngest divines in the country, yet he ranks with those much older than he is. He speaks without notes, and with a voice resonant and clear. When fairly inducted in the various duties of his well- organized charge he began to establish what he deemed of first importance, namely, a school for CUiurch girls. As doubts were felt and expressed as to the healthfulness of underground ({uarters for all-day sessions, and, as the patronage did not justify the expense of renting rooms in a more appropriate locality, the school was suspended after one year's experiment. A. D. 1896. On Monday, October 5, 1896, Mr. Gass opened a Bible class for ladies, with thirty-three members, and also one later for gentlemen. The first lived to be the most vigorous arm of his consecrated service, the other became merged in the order already estatblished by Rev. John E. H. Galbraith, the Brotherhood of St. xlndrew. The Bible class did more towards promoting the spiritual grow^th of the parish than any other means employed during Mr. Gass's Rectorship. Taking "Blakeslee Graded Lessons" wdth written questions and answers, as a Bible study manual, he enlarged and ex- pounded on each lesson with the lore he had accumulated by diligent study, in such clear style and with such winning friendliness that none ever went from the weekly meeting without being edified and strengthened to meet the demands of life. It seemed a marvelous thing to see fifty or more wives, mothers, grandmothers, and maidens seated in rows before him in the Sunday School room, with written answers carefully prepared, eagerly seeking instruction as it fell from the gra- cious lips of this gentle teacher. The good did not stop there. His familiarity with Scripture, obtained thus in constant study, brightened his discourses, like a thread of gold in a texture of fine cloth, and his hearers were sent back to the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 335 field of the world, armed with ''the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God." A. D. 1895. In October, 1895, the Rector issued the first number of a parish paper, under the ausj^ices of the Christ Church Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, The initial page is here given : OUR PARISH. VOL. 1. LITTLE ROCK^ ARK.^ OCTOBEK^ 1895. NO. 1. CHRIST CHURCH. Southeast corner Fifth and Scott streets. Rev. John Gass, Rector. Rectory, 509 Scott street. VESTRY AND OFFICERS. Dr. W. A. Cantrell Senior Warden. Jno. W. Goodwin Junior Warden. H. K. Cochran Treasurer, W. H. Ragland Secretary, Sam B. Adams, W. F. Wright, J. H. Ilaney, A. A, Rutland, J. M. Bracey, J. A. Van Etten, Gordon ]^. Peay, SERVICES. Morning Prayer Sermon 11 a. m. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon 7 :30 p Holy Communion, first Sunday 11 a. m Third Sunday at " Y :30 a. m 336 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9 :30 a. m. Rev. John Gass, Superintendent ; E. H. Tobey, Assistant; A. H. ISTewton, Secretary and Treasurer; Herbert Wassell, Librarian -^ Miss Irene Baird, Pianist ; Miss Hattie Cowpland, Violinist. MISSIONS. J. J. Huntley, Superintendent. St. John's southeast corner Second and Rector avenue. Albert Wassell, Assistant Superintendent. St. Paul's, Eleventh, between Rin2;o and Cross. Mr. Dunlap, Assistant Superintendent. J. M. Bracey, Bible Class Leader. St. Luke's, Argenta. Herbert Wassell, Assistant Superintendent. SOCIETIES OF THE PARISH. BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. E. H. Tobey Director. Albert Wassell Secretary. J. M. Bracev Treasurer. LADIES AID SOCIETY. Mrs. Thos. J. Dari'agh President. Mrs. Emma S. Lawson Vice President. Miss Sophia Crease Secretary. Mrs. T. J. Dill Financial Secretary. Mrs. G. S. Brack Treasurer. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 337 DAUGHTERS OF THE KIKG. Mrs. John Gass Directress. Miss Rose Miller Assistant Directress. Miss Caroline Peaj Secretary and Treasurer. THE WOMAN S AUXILIARY, Mrs. Catherine Skipwith Vice President. Mrs. John Gass Recording Secretary. Mrs. R. J. Polk Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. W. H. Ragland Treasurer. CHANCEL GUILD. Mrs. G. W. Sappington President. Miss Matilda Jordan Secretary and Treasurer. A. D. 1896. The Missionary Society had been doing splendid work in the parish under the direction of the former Rector, Rev. Wallace Carnahan, and his successor emulated his zeal in the furtherance of the devoted object of his life. At the tAventy-fourth annual council of the Episco- pal Church in Arkansas, which was convened in Trinity Cathedral May 8, 1896, the Bishop, Rt. Rev. Henry Xiles Pierce, reported the establislnnent in the Diocese of a branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions, with Mrs. John Gass, Diocesan Secretary, under the direction of the general secretary, Miss Julia C. Emery, at the Church Missions House, ]^ew York, a woman whose inspiring zeal and wise administration have greatly stimulated the interest and enthusiasm of the Church in Arkansas on the subject of 338 THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. domestic and foreign missions. Through the officers of the several branches she has transmitted much missionary litera- ture and statistics that have greatly enlarged the survey of missionary fields. Mr. Gass was the first Rector to introduce a vested choir of boys. These were supported by a double quartette of adults. On Easter Day, April 14, 1895, with Mr. R. Jeffer- son Hall, as organist and choirmastQl', the following members marched from the Vestryroom across the Chan- cel to the main aisle and from thence to the choir stalls in the south transept: Henry Gass, Elbert Brack, Gott- lieb Brack, Maurice Cowpland, Fletcher Kimball, Edwin Scott, Lovell Bay, Robert Johnson, Tim Allan Smith, Corydon Wassell, Cruger Smith, Jesse Dill, Mack Whiting, Charles Lawson, Will Skidmore, and Charles Polk. They took the front seats of the choir, those in the rear being already occupied by Mesdames Hall, Bailey, Cochran, Davis ; Misses Eield, Bobbins, Lawson, Bell, Heath, Parliam, Woodruff, Perry, Goodrich ; Messrs. C. P. Harnwell, Walter Polk, J. L. Hornibrook, Louis Dodge, Birkett, Leonard H. Camp. T. Mc K. White, Harry J. Hall, Dunaway, and Armistead, in all forty choir members. A brilliant programme of music was rendered. The Easter offering for Church debt was $1,350, the Sunday School offering not included. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 339 LIST OF CONTRIBUTOliiS TOWAKD THE PAY- MENT OF THE DEBT ON CHRIST CHURCH, LITTLE ROCK, ARK, 1896. The Vestry of Christ Church, Little Rock, issue an annual statement of the Easter Offerings for the Church deht. The following sums were given on Easter, 1896 : When the whole debt shall have been paid, a statement will be printed showing the total amount received from each contributor toward the building of the Church and the pay- ment of the debt : EASTER OFFERING^ 1896. Adams, Mr. John A $ 10.00 Adams, Mrs. Elvira 25.00 Adams, Mr. and Mrs. S. B 5.00 Adams, . Mr. C. S 5.00 Adams, Mr. J. D 5.00 Adamson, Mrs. J. S 4.00 Augspath, Mrs 4.00 Armistead, General H. B 5.00 Alley, Fannie 25 Allen, Mrs. A. D 5.00 Barclay, Mrs. Sue 1.50 Bond, Mr. J. B., Jr 2.00 Bovle, Jno. F 5.00 Brack, Mr. and Mrs. G. S 20.00 Blocher, Mrs. Jesse 1.50 Buchard, Mr. Geo. F 25.00 Bond, Mrs. S. P 3.00 Blackwood, Mrs. J. \Y 1 0.00 Bracey, Mr. J. M 10.00 Bailey, Mr. N. Y 5.00 Bateman, Mr. U. C 5.00 Burkett, Mr. R. L 1.00 Bentley, Mrs. E 5.00 340 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Butler, Mr. C. M 10.00 Bunch, Mr. T. H 15.00 Brack, Miss Imogene 2.00 Brack, Elbert 1.00 Brack, G. S., Jr 1.00 Brack, Clifton L 1.00 Brodie, Mr. John 10.00 Butler, Mr. Robt 1.00 Bernays, Mr. Louis C 2.00 Cantrell, Miss Bessie 5.00 Cantrell, Dr. G. M. D 5.00 Cantrell, Mr. D. H 5.00 Cantrell, Dr. W. A 10.00 Carroll, Miss Fannie 5.00 Carroll, Miss Susie 5.00 Calef, Mr. J. B 10.00 Carroll, Mr. Gray 10.00 Cunningham, Miss Kate 5.00 Churchill, Miss Juliette 1.00 Clements, Miss Jennie 15.00 Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. H. K 20.00 Church, Mrs. P. K 5.00 Coffman, Mr. C. T 5.00 Compton, W. A 10.00 Casper, J. E. L 5.00 Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. L. W 10.00 Crease, Miss A. S 5.00 Cockrill, S. R 25.00 Curtis, Mr. Zay B 2.00 Cowpland, Mr.' J. B 25.00 Cohen, Mrs. C. S 5.00 Carrol], Mrs. C. E 2.00 Carroll, Mr. Casey 5.00 Cockrill, Mr. Ashley 5.00 Daughters of King 20.00 Daughters of King 80.62 Dibrell, Mrs. J. A 10.00 Dunklin, Mrs. W. J 3.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 341 Deshon, Mrs. E. A 3.00 Darragli, Captain T. J 25.00 Denie, Mr. M. R :i.50 J)avis, iJorothy 1.00 Edwards, A. B 5.00 Eberts, H. F. H 10.00 Fox, Mrs. A. II 5.00 Fox, Miss Gertie 2.00 Fowler, Chas. F 10.00 Fletcher, Mr. F. M 1 0.00 Fletcher, Mr. John G 25.00 French, Mr. Ross 1.00 Galloway, Mr. D. F. S 5.00 Goodwin, Mr. John W 26.25 Gass, Rev. John 10.00 Gass, Mrs. John 5.00 Griffith, Mrs. S. L 10.00 Goodrich, Colonel R. L 25.00 Goodwin, Miss Bessie 5.00 Goodwin, John B 5.00 Gress, Mrs. R. B 10.00 Gress, Elizabeth 50 Hammond, Miss Alice 1.50 Hutt, Mrs. F. E 5.00 Ilntton, W. P 2.50 ITennegin, Miss 5.00 Jlempstead, Mr. Far 5.00 Hollenberg, Mr. F. B. T 10.00 ITnnter, Mr. A. J 5.00 Hodges, John P>.00 Harrington, Jas 2.00 Harbey, Mr. J. E 5.00 Hamilton, Robt 2.50 Jenkins, Mr. W. E 2.00 Jabine, Mrs. John 10.00 Johnson, M. H 10.00 Jordan, Miss Matilda 5.00 Jennings, Dr. R. G 1 0.00 23 342 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Johnston, A. H., and daughter 50 Johnson, T. T 2.50 Johnson, Francis 5.00 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. P 15.00 Jennings, Dr. Ches 5.00 Jones, Mr. H. C 10.00 Kendrick, Mr. Jos 15.00 Kramer^ Miss Emma 15.00 Kramer, Fred, Jr 5.00 Kramer, Mr. C. J 10.00 Knights Templar 6.25 Kirkwood, Mr. John 5.00 Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs. T. C 3.00 Leslie, Mrs. A 2.50 Lawson, Mrs. E. A 5.00 Low, Mrs. Geo. J 5.00 Leland, Mr. E. W 10.00 Lee, Mrs. G. H 10.00 Lange, Mrs. A 8.00 Ladies' Aid 2.00 Lenow, Dr. J. H 5.00 Ladies' Aid 51.20 Lewis, Mrs. C. H 2.00 Morye, Mr. C. T 5.00 Mayer, Mr. Max 2.00 McKay, D. A 5.00 Martin, Joe 1.00 Miller, Mrs. J. K 25.00 Miller, Marguerite 25.00 Miller, Wiley B 25.00 Miller, J. R.' 25.00 Miller, Miss Rosa 10.00 Miller, Miss Amelia 1 5.00 Meshon, Mr. Jeff 5.00 Mitchell, Mr. John A 25.00 Martin, Mrs. Fred 5.00 Matthews, Mrs. L. B 2.00 IForrison, Jennie 2.00 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 343 Matthews, L. and E 50 Morrison, Mr. H. W 10.00 Martin, Mrs. K. W 10.00 Miscellaneous cash 112.74 jSTeiley, J. B., and wife 5.00 "Norton, S. A 2.00 O'Connell, Miss Fannie 5.00 Perrie, C. T 2.50 Powell, W. J 2.50 Polk, Mrs. L. G 5.00 Polk, R. J 5.00 Polk, Eugene 5.00 Parkins, Mrs. S. . 2.50 Pillow, R. J 10.00 Pierce, Mrs. H. 'N 5.00 Parham, Major R. H 10.00 Paine, Mrs. Oscar 2.00 Pillow, Mrs. R. G 2.50 Polk, R. W 5.00 Penzel, Chas. F 25.00 Pevton, Mrs. C 5.00 Peay, G. N 10.00 Peay, Mrs. J. C 5.00 Rather, Mrs. H. C 5.00 Rutland, Mr. and Mrs. A. A 25.00 Rickon, F. J. H 2.50 Reyburn, Sam 5.00 Ragland, Mr. W. H 25.00 Read, Mrs. Julia 5.00 Scott, Miss Fannie 5.00 Speed, ]\rrs. J. S 5,00 Sholars, Dr. A. B 10.00 Smith, R. E 2.00 Sayle, Mrs. C. H 5.00 Southall, Dr. J. H 10.00 Sannoner, J. H 5.00 Spears, Miss Annie 2.00 Sannoner, Mrs. M. L 1.00 344 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Skipwitli, Mrs. K 10.00 Sappington, Mrs. W. A 10.00 Sundholm, Mr. Aug 5.00 Sterling, Mrs. B. B 2.00 Smothers, Mr. L. S 1.00 Shall, Miss L. S 25.00 Sheltz, Mrs. M. A 50 Thien, Mrs. C. E 1.00 Taylor, Dr. C. M 25.00 Tucker, Mrs. Jennie 2.50 Tunnah, J. K 5.00 Van Etten, Mr. J. A 25.00 Van Etten, Mrs. G. H 20.00 White, Juliette B .85 Wing, Mrs. CM 5.00 Worthen, W. B 50.00 Woodcock, F 5.00 Wassell, Mr. A 5.00 Whittemore, Mr. C. H 10.00 Wright, Morehead 5.00 Wright, Captain W. F 10.00 -Williams, Mr. Is'al 5.00 Wassell, Herbert 10.00 Zimmerman, J. V., and wife 7.50 Total $1,778.16 A. D. 1897. Two years later Professor R. Jefferson Hall conducted the Easter Services, with the following sub- joined programme: Easter Sunday services at Christ Church to-day will be inaugurated at 7 :30 a. m. with a celebration of the Holy Com- munion. There will be morning prayer Math sermon and celebration at 11 a. m., Simday School festival at 3 p. m., and evening prayer and song service at 8 p. m. The choir M'ill be composed of the following singers : Boys — John Gass, Ji-., Henry Gass, Jack Mitchell, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 345 Jamie Abbott, Thos. Howard, Hal Cochran, Oscar Scliaad, Frank Mitchell, Sam Cochran, Randolph Newton, Cleni Schaer, John Foulkes, Percy Skirving, Joe Kennedy, Allie Hemming, Gordon Blackwood, Gottlieb Brack, Chas. Lawson, Elbert Brack, Will Skidmore. Men — Messrs. Robertson, Brantley, Waters, Berbig, Martin, Whiting, Schaer, Lescher, Wilson, McGee, Field, Hornibrook. Ladies — Mrs. Hall, Misses Bell, Smith, Lawson, Ward, Johnson, Pickering, Carlisle, Deane, Freeman, Brack, and Mrs. McGee. Mr. Gass was a pleasant speaker, and delivered some in- teresting lectures, representing the Association of Pastors of the several denominations in the city, and the Young Men's Christian Association. One of his sermons that he deemed worthy of preserva- tion in the form of a small printed pamphlet is here inserted : SERMON PREACHED BY REV. JOHN GASS IN CHRIST CHURCLI, LITTLE ROC^K, ARK., TRINITY SUNDAY, LS05. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. — Matthew xxviii , 19. To-day is Trinity Sunday. It is the completion of the Christian year. All that has gone before looked forward to this truth ; all that is to follow will be drawn from it. The one purpose of the life and work of Jesus Christ was to reveal, to make known the Father. Advent was the heralding of the cry, '^'Behold I He cometh ;" Christmas was the incarnation of the Son of God. Then we beheld the life of the God-man in all its sympathy and helpfulness. Good Friday we saw the Lamb of God offering Himself for the sins of the world. Easter was LTis glorious victorv over sin and donth. Then 346 THE ANNALS OP CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Whitsunday was the giving of the Promise, the coming of the Spirit to guide us to God, to teach us the truth of God in Jesus Christ. So to-day we stand at the very height and limit of Christian knowledge — the Being of God ! The pur- pose of all Christian effort is to attain the vision of God, to be like God, so to-day we contemplate the end of our life — the Being of God ! What a profound thought ! When the Prophet Isaiah had the vision of the Lord, he said, ''Woe is me ! for I am undone ; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips ; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts." When the beloved John beheld his ascended Lord in glory he fell at his feet as one dead. What shall we do ? Pray to the Holy Spirit to make pure our hearts that we may see God. Xow, before going on, let me make a few remarks as helps and safeguards against error. (1.) The Trinity is not a doctrine about God that we must accept in order to be saved. It is not a theory about God that the Church or the clergy have formulated to force upon the laity. Sometimes I think persons in the pews think this. It is not necessary for salvation to accept any theory of the Trinity, The Trinity is not a doctrine even that Jesus Christ taught. The Trinity is a fact existing from all eternity. So the Trinity is not a doctrine about God, but the revelation of the Being of God. (2.) The Trinity is not n problem in heavenly arithmetic. Daniel Webster was once asked if he could explain the Trinity. He replied : "How can you expect me to understand the arithmetic of heaven, where three are equal to one and one to three ?" The mathe- matics of heaven are the same as that of earth. The Trinity has not been revealed as a problem to worry, to puzzle us, and to make demands upon our credulity. (3.) The Trinity is not irrational. It is not a doctrine we must accept in blind faith, feeling all the time a revolt and protest in our minds against it. If it is a question between our reason and any theory of the Trinity, then we had better give up the theorv, because reason is the highest, divinest part of us, and to be untrue to it, is to be untrue to ourselves. But haiijiily there THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 347 is no such question. (4.) We must be humble. We are finite, God is infinite ; we are limited, God is illimitable ; we are sinful, God is holy. We cannot expect to know all of God. We do not know about the eternal existence of God before time and creation and therefore cannot speculate about, or try to define it.* The Trinity is not a complete definition of God, it is the revelation of God to our finite understanding (IS He is to us. Let us be willing to confess, ''now we sec in a mirror, darkly ; but then face to face : now I know in part, but then I shall know even as also I have been known." ISTow: (1.) We confess the unity of God. The C^hristian religion springs from the stock of the Jewish relig- ion. It changes none of the truths of that belief, but takes them up, brings them into clearer light and fulfills them. The Jews were witnesses in history to the oneness of God. Their first and greatest commandment was, "I am the Lord, th}' God, thou shalt have none other Gods but Me." "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one God." The N"ew^ Testament never speaks of but one God. "One God and Father of us all." The unity of God is the very foundation of the Chris- tian religion. We confess the oneness of God as strongly as any. We are unitarians not tritheists ; monotheists not poly- theists. Now in the unity of the Godhead Ave say there are three Persons. The cause of all the confusion, de1)ate and schism has been the word, Person. I think it would hv well to change the word and to substitute another in its place. The most orthodox of theologians, Calvin, once said the same. It is an indefinite word. It gives cause for misunderstanding. It does not mean the same thing in theology as in common speech and the people always give to its theological use their meaning. The early teachers of our religion, when they used the words "three persons," did not mean by the word *We only know God as revealed to us in His relation to u-^. Wo cannot trv to explain hoir'Qod existed hefoj-e this. There are certain st-iteim^nts that the Word or Jesus or the Son was before all thinsrs, was with Gxi, was ti>d— had the Glory of the Father hefore the world was— is the imaare of the invisible Gid, the first -born of all creation. -John I, 1,3: John XVU. 5: Col. I. 15. But from these we cannot con- struct any doctrine of the eternal Trinity before time. "The name of the Holy Trinity expre.sses all that has been made known to us of the relation of the Godhead to ourselves as we are created, redeemed, sanctified. 348 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. person what we now mean. Person with ns signifies wiU. Yon cannot conceive of personality withont wilL It is the very center and core of the person. Take any three persons you know, A, B, and C, they signify three separate, distinct persons, because of their three separate, distinct wills. ISTow this has been applied rigidly to the Godhead in many theologi- cal books, and to-day it is the popular conception of God. God the Father with one will^ God the Son with another will. God the Holy Spirit with still another will. The will of God the Father is opposed in anger to the man ; the will of God the Son is moved with love to man and He reconciles the will of the Father ; the will of the Holy Spirit in a mysterious, miraculous way works upon the wills of men. So we have really three Gods. TJnitarianism was the righteous protest against this mechanical theory of God and has resulted in much good. Xow in truth there is but one will in the Godhead and in this sense really but one Per- son — the will of the Father^ manifested by the Son, energized by the Holy Spirit. According to the ancient teaching God i;:- one in essence but threefold in operation — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (a.) God is the Father. God is the source from which all things come, as the fountain from which all life pours is the Father. God, the Great "I Am" of existence, the eternal first cause — God in the primeval essence of His Being, is the Father. We do not know all of God, up in the heio:hts we cannot scale, back in the infinite distances we cannot see, God is the Father. "The infinite, eternal energy behind all things," is God the Father. God "whom no man hath seen nor can see" is the Father. (h.) God is the Son. But God is not self-contained, the fountain of life is not always shut up. Ever from all eternity God has been and is manifesting, revealing Himself, ever the fountain ha? been and is sending forth its life. That which comes from and is begotten of God is the Son. The Son is God manifesting Himself, "speaking out in phenomena and fact." God in revealing Hiniself has revealed Himself perfectly in the man Jesus Christ. "In him dwelleth the THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 349 Godhead bodilj-." '*God was in Christ revealing lliTnself unto the world." Therefore we call Jesus Christ the Son of God. (Compare John 1, i, 10; Colossians I, xv, 21.) {(■.') God is the Holy Spirit. But once more God has not left the world. lie did not make the world and then leave it alone as a mechanic will leave his work. He is living, working, energizing in the world. He is an immanent God. What is tlie power in human history always turning and shap- ing it strangely upward, onward ? What is the influence in human lives, speaking to conscience, stirring up from sloth and sin, arousing to action, quickening into life, producing holiness 'i This power, this influence, is the Holy Spirit of God. The personality of the Holy Spirit is the personality of God producing holiness, righteousness, in the world. ''And this God is indeed the same God who is beyond and above all as the Father and throngh all as the Son." (Compare John xiv, 26; Romans v, 5; Komans xiv, 17; xv, 13, etc.) To gather up our truth in a few words : (1.) There is God above all, the Source from which all things come ; tliis is God the Father. (2.) Then there is God manifested through the world, through nature, tlirough human life, sujiremely through Jesus Christ; this is God the Son. (8.) And then there is God energizing in human history, living in hmnan life; this is God the Holy Spirit — ''one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all and in all." "The Father is the Life Transcendent, the Divine Source "o^■('r uJ/:" The Son is the Life, the Divine Stream "tlirough dJL" The Holy Spirit is the Divine Inflow into the individual consciousness, giviiig inspiration to the conscience of each separate cliild of the Father of all "m a//."* Now, brethren, is all this theory and idle sjiecnlation I For what good ? Let us see: («.) What is the flrst serious (picstion that comes to the human mind 'I Is it not this, *This note is written for any theoloerianinto whose hands this sermon may come This may be said to be Sabellianism. Accordina; to that heresy the Son and .Sjiirit were but transient, t^-mporary modes assumed by God for a purpose: as soon as that purpose was accomplislied these modes of )ieinved Rector, the Rev. John Gass, was, on the morning of August 26, called by Almighty God to the life immortal, and we, the Vestry of Christ Church, desire to give expression to our personal loss, as well as that of the Church Militant in which he served so faithfully. Resolved, That in the death of the Rev. John Gass, Christ's vineyard on earth has been deprived of a distin- guished laborer, who never spared himself in doing his mas- ter's service. Resolved. That his eminent qualities of mind and heart com])leteh' endeared his life to all who tasted of its sweetness and sanctity. Resolved, That while humbly bowing to the Divine will, and fully believing this faithful workman has been sum- moned to a higher service, we cannot fail to express the irre- pressible sorrow which hovers as a shadow upon those who called him a friend and pastor. Resolved, That his labors in Little Rock as Rector and citizen were of the highest philanthropic and beneficent nature, and our city has been so abundantly blessed by his four years' residence amongst us that our people will never cease to hold his name in grateful remembrance. 354 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Resolved, That to those dear ones who knew him as wife and children, whose affliction and grief are of the heaviest and severest character, we extend the most earnest sympathy of our hearts, and we pray that the Divine Comforter will console their sorrow and dissipate their cloud by the bright- ness of His presence. (Signed:) C. C. Kramer, Priest in Charge; W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden; J no. W. Goodwin, Junior Warden; S. B. Adams, F. M. Jeiferson, Treasurer ; Gordon j^. Peay, Secretary; G. S. Brack, J, M. Bracey, H. K. Cochran, C. T. Coifman, A. A. Eutland, J. A. Van Etten. LADIES AID SOCIETY. In compliance with a special request, a brief synopsis of the life of this distinguished divine was prepared by his own hand, and bestowed as a parting gift upon the writer. In its simple modesty it is a fair epitome of his character. In its record of work done there is no doubt of his having been happy in performing it, in reverent imitation of the Master. It is here appended: (Eead by J. M. Bracey.) Rev. John Gass, born Greenville, January 16, 1857; educated at Greenville, and the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn, ; ordered Deacon in Christ Church, Green- ville, S. 'C, by Rt. Rev. W. B. W. Howe, October 29, 1883 ; first sermon preached ISTovember 5, 1882, in the same Church ; married Miss Ivy W. Perrin, of Abbeyville, S. C, January 17, 1884 ; ordained to the Priesthood by Rt. Rev. C. T. Quin- 1ard in St. Augustine's Chapel, Sewanee, Tenn., July 13, 1884; sermon by the Chaplain, Rev. Thos. F. Gailor, text II Corinthians, iv, 18; first charge was the twin parishes, Winsboro and Ridge Springs, S. C, from June, 1885, to October, 1880; then went to Augusta, Ga., the Church of the Atonement, October, 1886, to June, 1890; served as assistant minister in Grace Church, Charleston, S. C, from June, 1890, to October, 1894: was Rector of Christ Church, THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 355 Little Eock, Ark., from October, 1894, to June, 181)8. Dur- ing his KectorshiiJ in Christ Church, 188 persons were bap- tized, 151 conlirmed, 46 marriages performed, 105 burials." When the news of his death reached Little Rock a meet- ing of the Ladies' Aid Society was called for Friday after- noon, September 2, at the Church, by the vice president, Mrs. Francis Johnson, who, in the absence of the president, ap- pointed a committee to draft resolutions of respect and sym- pathy. They are liere appended : A new and solemn exj^erience has come to this associa- tion. For more than thirty years it has been, in all seasons, whether of success or failure, the main reliance of the Rector and the Yestry. Many times the members have met to unite in expressions of sorrow at the removal of an associate to a higher plane of service, but never before have they been called together to mourn the passing of their Shepherd from his place among them to the home eternal. Only three short months have slipped away since our beloved Rector, Rev. John Gass, bade farewell to this fold and assumed charge of another, but as his official successor had not as yet assumed the vacated place, and as four years of zealous leadership and loving guardianship had identified him with this parish of Christ Church, Little Rock, it seemed that this congregation should be accorded the place of chief mourner in the far- reaching processional of grief. That he was admired, respected and beloved at St. Luke's may not be questioned, but only this congregation, who knew him at the maturity of his physi- cal strength, in the completeness of his intellectual growth and splendor, and in the perfection of his goodness, "when faith and love, which parted from him never, had ripened his just soul to dwell with God," can do full justice to his memory. Whether in his robes of office at the font, at the prayer desk, pulpit and the table of Holy Communion, at the mar- riage altar, at the bedside and at the grave, in his daily walks through the streets and environs of the citv, wherever one of his flock needed ministrations, he seemed always animated 356 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. with tlie same single-liearted, earnest purpose, the saving of souls, so that in his warfare with "the world, the flesh and the devil," while not a Goliath in frame, he was a David in might, and a Goliath might envy his unheralded deeds of heroism. Admirals and generals may be commissioned by man, but an apostle, such as he, is only commissioned by God. He died at Pendleton, S. C, at the residence of Colonel B. E. Sloan, on Friday, August 26, 1898, and was buried on Sun- day afternoon at 4 o'clock at Greenville, S. C, the place of his birth. His remains were taken from the residence of his stepfather, Mr. H. C. Markley, to Christ Church, Greenville, where impressive services were held, and simultaneously at St. Luke's Church, Atlanta, Ga., his latest charge. He left a wife, who shared his highest aspirations, and whose greatest happiness was to sustain him in his parochial and apostolic work. He left also a group of lovely children, between the ages of 12 and 6 — Ivy, Henry, John and Catherine, and Bessie, the daughter of a deceased brother, who had become his charge. Their best inheritance will be the memorv of his virtues. As companions in their sorrow be it Resolved, That in losing our Rector, the Rev. John Gass, we feel ourselves bereaved of a brilliant teacher, a loving counselor, an affectionate friend, and a worthy examplar, who has passed like a shining light to the courts above. May we follow in the path he made ! Resolved, That we extend the united sympathy of this body to the bereaved members of his family, and the joint prayer that God may "give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for heaviness." Resolved, That these expressions of condolence be placed on the records of the society for our remembrance and admonition, and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the widow of the deceased. (Signed.) MRS. W. A. CANTRELL, MRS. SUE CREASE PEAY. MRS. J. M. BRACEY. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 357 DAUGHTERS OF THE KING. The resolutions of the Daughters of the King, Advent Chapter, in loving memory of Rev. John Gass, were read by Governor Dan W. Jones as follows: For years we have walked and worked and sat with him in heavenly places. He was our head, teacher, counselor, friend. He consecrated us and by two simple vows we were pledged to higher, deeper, spirituality. Pie bestoAved on us each the badge of our order, the little silver cross, bearing the Latin inscription, ^'MngnaJiimUer Cruccm Sastinc.'''' (Bear the cross courageously.) Week by week we met for prayer, for advice and for working orders, for his was a practical religion. ''Love is service." If we grew to be an inspiration to him (and wo are grateful for the high praise), it was only the reflection of what he was to us. The life and character of John Gass were an (>s])istle, seen and read by all men, telling them that he had been with Jesus and had learned Him. But sad tidings come to us ! He who was our head has been taken from us, and our hearts are filled with sorrow for his untimely death. The old accustomed places which he frequented are elo- quent reminders of him — the lecture room, where were S])ent those never-to-be-forgotten Lenten mornings, the chancel and pulpit which have echoed with his teachings, the altar where was broken the bread and blessed the chalice, seem yet to be filled with his presence. Not yet can we realize that the eloquent teacher, the ten- der, generous friend, the strong, pure soul, has passed away. "We have lost him ; he is gone : We know him now ; all narrow jealousies Are silent : and we see him as he moved, How modest, kindly, all accomplished, wise, 24 358 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. With what sublime rej^ression of himself, And in what limits, and how tenderly; ISTot swaying to this faction or to that, Not making his high place the lawless perch Of winged ambition, nor a vantage oround For pleasure, but thro' all this track of years Wearing the white flower of a blameless life." To the one dear Daughter upon whom this sorrow falls with such crushing weight, we extend our tenderest sympa- thies, and for her our prayers ascend. "May all love. His love, unseen but felt, o'ershadow Thee, The love of all Thy sons encompass Thee, The love of all Thy daughters cherish Thee, The love of all Thy people comfort Thee, Till God's love set Thee at His side again." JULIA M. BRISCOE, MABLE RITCHIE, Committee. BIBLE CLASS. Mr. R. J. Polk presented the following resolutions by the Bible class : Inasmuch as it hath seemed well to our Father in Heaven to call from earth to paradise our beloved Rector, teacher and friend. Rev. John Gass, we, the members of his Bible class, desire to add our tribute of love and profound respect to his memory and to exjiress our grief at our great loss. "For nearly three years it was our privilege to meet with him weekly for the purpose of studying God's Word, and it was then that his deep spirituality, universal love and broad Catholicity were best manifested. There we learned from him to know God as our lovina- Father, and Jesus Christ as THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 359 our tender elder Brother, and to realize, through searching the Scriptures, God's constant care and guidance of those who do His will. The imparting of these spiritual truths to the members of his loving and earnest class was, as he said at our last meeting, the work he had most loved and enjoyed. At times he seemed almost inspired, as if, with St. John, he had been allowed a vision of the holy city, jSTew Jerusalem, and had caught the reflection of its glory. He loved to dwell upon the beauty of holiness and the building of Christ-like character. He kept ever before us the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and God's faithfulness in the fulfillment of His gracious promises to those wdio keep His commandments. "We on our part deemed that no greater privilege than being led by him 'beside the waters of comfort' could have come into our lives, and we desire to express our deep appre- ciation of the blessing we enjoyed in being members of his class and listening to his words of wisdom. "To his loving wife and faithful companion in all his works, and to each member of his little flock, to whom he was a most tender father, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. We grieve with them, and for them, and mourn our own personal loss in his transition from earth to the mansions of God." "He is not dead, but sleepeth. "Asleep in Jesus ! O how sweet To be for such a slumber meet; With holy confidence to sing That death has lost its sting." MRS. RUFUS J. POLK, Chairman. BY THE CONGREGATION. Mr. C. T. Coft'nmn read the following, signed by a large number of the members of the cono'reo'ation : 360 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. "The undersigned members of Christ Church congrega- tion wish to express hereby our deep and sincere sorrow at the decease of our dearly beloved j^astor, Ilev. John Gass. The intelligence of his death comes with a suddenness that is ap- palling; its unexpectedness makes our grief all the greater. During his pastorate in this Church he had become endeared to us through the tenderest ties^ and it is dithcult to realize that we will see him no more. To us his life seemed to be an epitome of all the Christian graces, and his soul to be tilled with the Master's law of love^ which he so eloquently and forcibly taught. We can but pray that the Giver of all good will mercifully comfort his stricken family in their great bereavement." FIRST PEESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Hon. Jos. W. Martin, of the First Presbyterian Church, read the following tribute by the session of that congregation : ^''Resolved, That we have heard with profound sorrow of the death of Rev. John Gass, late Rector of Christ Church, and we desire to record here our great love and our high re- gard for this noble Christian man and minister. We bow with you to-day by his newmade grave and shed with you tears of profound sympathy and love. May the God of love minis- ter consolation to his bereaved and loved wife in her great bereavement, and to his sorrowing little orphan children. Though recently removed from us, we feel with all good people of every name and class that not only your Church has lost one of its most valued men, but that his untimely taking off is a loss to his country and to humanity. Truly a great man hath fallen in Israel." S. C. BOSSIXGER, Chairman. REV. c. c. kra:\[er. At the conclusion of the reading of the resolutions. Rev. C. C. Kramer delivered an eloquent sermon upon the text, "It is ex])edient that T i^o aAvav." — JoJin xvi, 7. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 361 Followiiiii,' is a synopsis of the address : The words were spoken bv the Savior at the Last Sn]iper — words freighted with the spiritnal character of Christ. The speaker reviewed the inner meaning' of the words in tlieir objective relations. It was to secure the incarnation of the divine nature that it was expedient for llini to go away. It is in this manner we contemphite the death of all men, such as the late Brother Gass. He had given sixteen years of his life to the militant service of God, but its effects cannot be measured within the bounds of years — rather by the flight of an unending eternity. God created humanity because he needed humanity. He needs our love and He needs our ser- vice. There is a continuity of existence not bounded by this life. In tender words he referred to the loving ministra- tions and the noble service of the deceased Rector, and laid upon his tomb a chaplet of eloquence that touched all hearts. The kingdom of God is the atmosphere enveloping the divine personality. Service is to open the eyes of the world to see celestial visions, to open the ears to hear celestial music — this was the mission which filled to the full the life of dear Brother Gass. Great qualities of mind and intellect do not make up the sum of a good life — its complement being great and tender heart (lualities. Where there is such a union the convictions of man are thoroughly saturated with divine love. Another quality much needed in this life is manly strengtli and earn- estness of purpose. Dr. Gass was so well rounded in all the quantities of tenderness and strength that all men could look upon his life and say, '"'He was a good man." The sermon was followed l)v the Eucharist, of which a large number partook. wo:\rAX s auxiliakv. The tribute by the Woman's Auxiliai-y was ju-esented by Mr. Fay Hempstend as follows: Whereafi. The Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Church, Little Rock, realize a sorrow that words can poorly express 362 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. in the loss of their beloved Rector, Rev. John Gass ; even though he was not with them they felt that they could rely on his valuable advice and guidance, and that his interest in this organization which he founded would always be maintained. But God, in His wisdom, has ordained otherwise, and called him to his reward in the heavenly mansions and left them to go on alone. We all know how deeply interested he was in this work, therefore let us do honor to his blessed memory by working more earnestly and follow closely in the path he laid out for us ; therefore be it Resolved, That our deepest sympathy be extended to our lamented Rector's most estimable wife and children, and our own prayer is that God will have them in His tender care, and comfort them in His mercy. Resolved, That these resolutions be placed upon the minutes and a copy sent to the bereaved family. MRS. CAROLINE COHEA^, MRS. SUSAN PEAY, Committee. TO THE LATE REY. JOHIvT GASS. BEAUTIFUL SENTIMENT ADOPTED BY THE MINISTERS ALLIANCE OF LITTLE ROCK. Tribute to the memory of Rev. John Gass by the Minis- ters Alliance, of the city of Little Rock : The Ministerial Alliance of this city, at its first meeting this fall w^as by the vacant chair again reminded that since their last meeting the Rev. John Gass, late Rector of Christ Church, had been called home. The shadows of sadness passed over the faces of all present as if they had fallen from a real cloud when his name was mentioned. Hearts were touched with sweetest memories — his most genial disposition, his sym- pathetic voice, his benign face, his words of wisdom, and his fraternal, Christ-like spirit. Tn the vision of our faith he is not dead, but glorified. We know that as his congregation THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 363 left behind poured out tears of lamentation that his parish- ioners who had passed on before waited for him in delight. The beautiful words of Bickersteth were fully realized by this sainted pastor when he entered Heaven : "In amaze I asked what meant such gratulations there, And one of many answered, 'From thy mouth We heard of Jesus' love, and thine the hand That led us to His feet.' It was enough; For all the Parent and the Pastor woke Within me ; all the holy memories Of bygone days flowed in a refluent tide Over my soul once more. Some I had known From rosy dawn of childhood ; Some I had shepherded — Yea, many. And Some in after years had poured the burden Of a wounded spirit into mine. And others, dying, heard me read of Him Who on the cross for mercy cried to Christ, Heard, and themselves believed. All these I knew, And quick as liaht their story flashed on me. But in that group of filial spirits came many I knew not — part of that great store Of unsuspected treasure Heaven conceals. And they, too, poured on mo beatitudes." We express to the bereaved companion of our dear brother our deepest sympathy and most fervent love. We commend her and the precious children into the hands of our most merciful Heavenly Father. He in this great habita- tion is a Husband to the widow and a Father of the fatherless. The committee was ordered to furnish a copy to be spread on the minutes of this alliance, to forward a copy to INfrs. Gass, and to give copies to our citv papers. S. G. MILLEK. Choinnan. 364 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. A. D. 1 898. The Rev. C C. Kramer, who officiated on this occasion, and whose profound and touching discourse was but inadequately reported, is Rector of the Church of the Epiphany, New Iberia, La., where, for ten years, he had been the constant officiate. He had just been granted a three months' leave of absence, when he accepted the invitation of Rev. John Gass to fill his vacated pulpit for one month. While per- forming the duties of the parish Mr. Kramer won the respect and regard of the congregation, by his scholarly and helpful sermons as well as by his winning personality. On Sunday, July 3, 1898, he preached at Christ Church and administered the Holy Communion. On Sej^tember 7, after a brief visit to Hot Springs, he left for Washington, 1). C, via the Lakes, having kindly furnished the annalist with an abstract of his life, which he pencilled down during his farewell visit. REV. C. C. KRxiMER. A. D. 1886-1894. The Rev. Charles Coleman Kramer was born in Baltimore, Md., January 8, 1858 ; attended the Episcopal Institute, Washington, D. C, where he graduated in 1876; entered the same year St. Stephen's College, Annan- dale, N. Y., and graduated in arts, 1880, taking his class prize for natural sciences ; was educated in Divinity at the General Theological Seminary, jSTew York City ; was ordained Deacon April 10, 1883, by the Rt. Rev. J. X. Galleher in Christ Church, New Orleans, La., and Priest by the same Bishop in Christ Church, Napoleonville, La. He was a missionary in the Diocese of Louisiana from liis ordination as Deacon, until his acceptance of the Rectorship of the Church of the Epiphany, New Iberia, in 1886, serving for one year as Archdeacon. He was Actina' Rector of Trinitv Church, New THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 365 Orleans, from 1892 to 1895. He returned to the ( 'liurch of the Epiphany, Xew Iberia, as Hector in 1894, which position he still holds. REV. JAMES NOBLE. A. D. 1886-1897. Rec. Jamc^ Nohic, a young Deacon at Oklahoma, previously from JWnv York, was called to assist Rev. John Gass, Rector of Christ Church, and made his first appearance in the Chancel at Friday afternoon service, June 12, 1886. He was admitted to the holy order of Priesthood by the Rt. Rev. H. X. Pierce and attending Priests, at Trinity Cathedral, May 11, 1897, during the session of the twenty- fifth annual Council of the Diocese of Arkansas, Rev. John Gass presenting the candidate. On the 15tli of September, Rev. Mr. Gass officiated at the nuirriage of Rev. James T^oble to Miss Mabel Hedges Simpson at El Reno, O. T. Mr. Xoble left the parish October 1, 1897, for Marianna and F'orrest City to take charge of the two Episcopal Churclies in the two towns. On December 17, 1897, he accepted a call to the Episcopal Church at Tyler, Texas. Mr. and ^Irs. Xoble have had one son, wh.o died soon after birth. Mr. J. J. Huntley, Missionary Superintendent and licensed Lay Reader of the Christ Church Missions, has kindly supplied the data of his mission work, whicli is here subjoined : ST. PAUL'S. A. D. 1890-1894. St. Paul's Sunday School and Mis- sion was organized in 1890 by Rev. John E. H. Galbraith, under whose ministry it prospered for some time. After 366 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. his ministry ended it began to decline, so that in January, 1S04, there were but six attendants. At the urgent request of Rev. AVallace Carnahan Mr. J. Huntley, as Lay ]\Iission- ary Superintendent, took charge of it. The attendance began to increase, and continued to do so until eighty members were enrolled. Much of its success was due to the faithful attend- ance for a year or more of Miss Bessie Cantrell, Avhose ability as organist and teacher was so willingly given. Monthly entertainments of a Churchly character were given in this, as in all the other missions. The Rev. John Gass, as Rector of Christ Church, and its missions, by his loving oversight, did much to help this, as well as the other missions. ST. JOHN'S MISSIOK A. D. 1892-1894. St. John's Mission was organized in the summer of 1892, as a Union Sunday School. In the spring of 1894 the superintendent, teachers, and scholars requested the Rev. Wallace Carnahan to receive in his charge as Rector of Christ Church, the mission, which was duly so received. The roll of membershij) was at this time seventy. Twelve baptisms and two confirmations was only a small part of the good done in this mission. ST. LUKE'S. A. D. 1894. St. Luke's was organized in North Little Rock in June, 1894, in a private parlor, Avith twenty scholars and four teachers. The attendance soon averaged thirty scholars, and the communicants twenty. In this mission there have been a large number of baptisms and six confirma- tions. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 367 ST. BAKNABAS'S— BAIUXG CEOSS. A. D. 1894. St. Bariiabas's Mission was organized in a private house on the 30th of December, 1894, with six scholars and two teachers. The attendance continued to increase until there was an average attendance of thirty scholars. After two years' successful operation, and during the ministry of Rev. James jSToble, Assistant ]\linist(>r of Rev. John Gass, of Christ C^hurch, the Sunday School was closed for nearly two years. In May, 1898, it was reopened with the ultimate intention of making it a Diocesan Mission. The Bishop officiated the fifth Sunday after Easter and baptized three children. The Bishop again officiated, baptizing five children of different ages, and confirming two adults. St. Barnabas's has now twenty-three baptized children and eleven communicants. ST. PAUL'S. A. D. 1896. St. Paul's Mission — house and lot on Eleventh and Pulaski streets — which had been the investment of the Ladies' Aid Society ($1,100), was sold for half that amount by the Vestry of Christ Church, in whom the title of the property was vested, and in December, 1896, a lot was bought for St. Paul's Parish by the Rev. James ^s^oble, As- sistant Minister of Christ Church, situated on Fifth and Victory streets, which location was then adjudged to be more favorable for the growth of a congregation. A neat brick chapel now stands on that corner, which was formerly occu- pied by a saloon, and several devout and active members of the Church have collected together the Sunday School, which had been scattered after the sale of the original mission chapel. The present Rector holds service there on Sunday afternoons. 368 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. In 1896 Mr. Gass assumed the editorial charge of The Arkansas Missionary , published quarterly in the montlis of February, May, August, and November, in behalf of the Diocese, with the subjoined list of the Clergy of the Diocese : LIST OF THE CLEKGY OF THE DIOCESE. BISHOP. Et. Kev. Henry Xiles Pierce, D. D., LL. D Little Rock. PRIESTS. Eev. W. T. Allen Fort Smith. Eev. C. E. Cabaniss Pine Bluff. Eev. D. I. Hobbs Little Eock. Eev. G. W. Flowers Van Buren. Eev. John Gass Little Eock. Eev. E. S. James, D. D Eureka Springs. Eev. J. W. Keeble Batesville. Eev. C. H. Lockwood Helena. Eev. W. J. Miller Hot Springs. Eev. A. W. Pierce Hope. Eev. D. S. C. M. Potter, D. D Morrilton. Eev. D. B. Eamsay Camden. Eev. D. L. Trimble Pine Bluff. Eev. J. J. Vaulx Fayetteville. Eev. E. J. Williams Forrest City. Eev. I. P. Daniels Little Eock. This had been edited for the two years previous by Eev. John Davis, whose resignation as Dean of Trinity Cathedral took effect in September, 1895, and who, not long after, went to Tokio, Japan, to take a professorship in the Theological Seminarv there. A powerful factor in the hands of the Clergy of Christ Church has been and continues to be the Chapter of ''The THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 369 Daughters of the King," an order which originated with the Episcopal Church. The Christ Church Chapter is here briefly described in its origin and progress by Miss Emma Kramer, one of the members, at the request of the annalist: A. D. 1894. Rev. Wallace Carnahan, in 1S94, asked the young ladies aud young married ladies to meet and form a Chapter of the Daughters of the King. At the first meet- ing in January there were present Carrie and Lina Carnahan, Nonnie and Queen Lawson, ]\Iisses Georgie Woodruff, Mary Hennigan, Zoe Scull, Susie Martin (Mrs. Mayfiehl, of Ala- bama), Mrs. Sample, Mrs. Pope, Emma Kramer. Mrs. Pope was our first directress. She then went to Alabama, after serving two months, and Miss Churchill took her place. Misses Maggie Dennison, May Wright (]\[rs. French Hoge, of Kentucky), C^arolyn Peay, Kosa Vickers (Mrs. John McClintock, of Kentucky), Hattie Bell, Leila Field, Jennie Clements, Juliette Churchill (Mrs. R. L. Good- rich), Annie Belding (the only member we have lost by death), Mary O'Connell, Rosa Miller. We were on proba- tion until October, when Mr. Gass came here. We then were initiated and formed the Advent Chapter. Some who were at the first few meetings withdrew. Mrs. Gass was elected directress and it was through her influence the girls began taking interest in the work. Mrs. Goodrich, Misses Peay, Miller, Bell, Woodruff, and Kramer are the only original members that now belong to the order, though others have joined, and we have forty members now who are doing good work. The work, or sewing committee, alone made seventy- four (7-1) dollars during Lent, and the two months pre- ceding. A. D. 1898. At a meeting of the Vestry of Christ Cluireh on the evenino- of June 7, after the rc^signatioji of the 370 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Eev. John Gass had been tendered and accepted and he had departed for Atlanta, Ga., it was decided to call the Rev. Geo. Gordon Smeade, Rector of Trinity Clnirch, Pine Bluff, Ark., to till the vacancy. On the 29th of June following, the Rev. Mr. Smeade signified his acceptance of the office of Rector of Christ Church, to assume the charge on 1st of October. Professor W. W. Lathurn, of l^ew York City, had been secured several weeks previously as organist. On September 29, 1898, Rev. Mr. Smeade arrived in Little Rock and became the spiritual head of Christ Church Parish. REV. GEORGE GORDON SMEADE. A. D. 1887-1899. Rev. George Gordon Smeade gradu- ated with degree M. A. at Roanoke College, Salem; Va., entered the Theological Seminary of Virginia, completed the three years' course, was ordained to the Diaconate June 24, 1887, by Bishop F. M. Whittle, of Virginia, and to the Priesthood, June 29, 1888, by Bishop A. M. Ran- dolph, of Southern Virginia, then Assistant Bishop of Vir- ginia. He was sent to Pulaski City, Va., as a Deacon, and remained there until he accepted a call to Trinity Church, Pine Bluff, Ark., having declined several previous calls. He was Rector of that Church nearly two years, which he re- organized- — it having long been dismembered and without a Rector — repaired and beautified the Church building, and hirgely increased the congregation, which reluctantly resigned him on his acceptance of the call to Christ Church, Little Rock. Mr. Smeade is a young man and unmarried and might well hesitate to assume control where such an illustrious line of leaders had preceded him, but he was well equipped for the arena, and, restinc on the arm of the Almio;htv he REV. GEORGE GORDON SMEADE. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 371 entered upon his work with a divine courage, which found him at the end of a year, victorious and undismayed. Suc- ceeding to a well organized and flourishing parish, with one incumbrance and one drawback, he set himself to remove that incumbrance — the remainder of the Church debt — and to restore peace, which had lately been disturbed in Episcopal waters. By way of numerical proof, showing the result of liis labor in the first and second years of his Rectorship, the number of candidates presented by him to Bishop H. N. Pierce for confirmation on Palm Sunday, 1899, was nine, and those presented on the First Sunday after Easter to Bishop Wm. Montgomery Brown numbered forty-four — the largest class that has ever been presented for confirmation in Christ Church. The financial ability of the Rector has also been fully demonstrated by his plan of canceling the Church debt. The Easter collection for this object was $2,529.70, of which the Ladies' Aid Society of the Church contributed $743.58. With pledges for $700, which Mr. Smeade still holds, augmented by $1,000 from the Ladies' Aid Society, which will fall due from the Building and Loan Association next Easter, the incumbrance will be removed and the Church be consecrated. The Vestry gave a vote of thanks to their indefatigable Rector, in which the congregation heartily con- curred. As a preacher, Mr. Smeade is logical, profound and persuasive and holds full congregations. His sermons have been blessed to his parishioners. Socially he is highly esteemed for his modest integrity. At the request of the annalist, Mr. Smeade procured from a cousin the appended lineage, which is reproduced from the letter of Captain W. Gordon McCabe, one of the most bril- liant and accomplished scholars in the country, and is now ])rincipal of the University School, Richmond, Va. 372 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHUnCH PARISH. LliS^EAGE. A. D. 1 781 . Rev. George Gordon Smeade, who was born at Old Point Comfort, Va., ''is the son of Lieutenant Abner Smeade, United States Army, who resigned, entered the Con- federate army and rose to be colonel and inspector-general on ^Stonewall' Jackson's staff, and Amanda Wentworth Gor- don, his wife. She was the daughter of Alexander George Gordon, Commodore, United States Navy, and granddaughter of George Taylor, who was one of the Wardens of (Christ Church, Alexandria, Va., during George Washington's attend- ance at that Churchy and was a member of the standing com- mittee of the Episcopal Church of Virginia. Said Alexan- der George Gordon, Commodore United States Xavy, was the son of George Alexander Gordon, of Alexandria, Va., and Mary Morris, his wife. Mary Morris, born in Dutchess County, J^ew York, was the daughter of John Morris, brother of Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution. Said George Alexander Gordon was the son of Lewis Gordon, of Easton, Penn., and his wife, Mary Jenkins, of Philadel- phia, lirother of Elizabeth Gordon, who married James Tay- lor, son of George Taylor, signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Lewis Gordon, your (Rev. G. G. Smeade's) great great-grandfather, was a most accomplished and cultured man. lie was a lawyer of eminence in Xorthampton County, Penn., and of direct descent from the Gordons, of Kenmuir, Kirkcudbright, Scotland — *''Kenmuir's up and awa' Willie !" *Williain of GordoTi, Sixth Visfoiint of Kenmiire, is the hero of the Jmcohite song referred to. In a letter to his dauerhter Sophia, Mrs. John Gibson Loekhart, dated London, April 3, 182n, Walter Soott writes: "We had a very merrv day yesterday at Lord Melville's where we found Lord Huntley (the late Duke of Gordon) and other friends, and had a Immper to the new Baronet name was Hitrhland anarel. She ran a set of variations on 'Ken- mure's on and awa'!' which I told her were epoui?h to raise a whole Country side. I never in mv life heard such fire thrown into that sort of music." See Loekhart 's Life of Sir Walter -Scott. Bart, Vol. VI, page 20. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 373 "Your Taylor relatives were people of character and hig'li position. Through them jou are closely related to Mrs. General Fitzhugh Lee and Governor Holiday, of Virginia ; you are the great nephew of Rear Admiral Taylor ; also great nephew of Colonel Frank Taylor, United States army, of Mexican War fame, who married the daughter of Chief Jus- tice Taney ; and you are connected with the Daingerfield's, Fowle's, and other distinguished folk." On his father's side Mr. Smeade is related to Justice Lamar and the famous Madame Octavia Walton Le Vert. The choir of Easter, 1800, with Professor Lanthurn, organist, was composed of the following members : Boys — Oscar Schadd, C^lem Scliaer, Jack ^Mitchell, Frank Mitchell, Sam Cochran, Hal Cochran, John Foulkes, Percy Skirving, Melchoir Eberts, Robt. Bogardt, Willie Feeders, Gordon Blackwood. Sopranos — Miss Heath, JMrs. Benj. Llarnwell, ^liss Edna Bragg, Miss Ernest Field, ]\Iiss Hudspeth, Mrs. McGee, Miss Fannie Bell, Miss Ilattie Bell, Miss Xonnie Lawson, Miss Rena Smith. Altos — Miss Nannie Field, ^[iss Imogene Brack, ]\Iiss I)e Xeler. Tenors — Mr. Tate Robertson, Mr. Chas. P. Harnwell. Bassos— Mr. Talbot Field, Mr. Jesse Dill, Mr. Terry Field, Mr. Chas. A. ]\[agee, :\Ir. Geo. Lescher, Mr. Chas. Lawson. PAROCHIAL REPORT FOR THE COIS^CILIAR YEAR 1 809-1000, TWEXTY-EIGHTLI AXXUAL COUXCIL. CHRIST CIirRClI. LITTLE HOCK. PULASKI COUXTY. The Rev. G. Gordon Smeade, ^F. A., Rector; residence, ,^)00 Scott street: the Rev. James Dickinson Simmons, As- 25 374 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. sistant; Major Parliam, Lay Reader; Dr. Win. A. Cantrell and John \V. Goodwin, Wardens; Frank M. Jelierson, Clerk; Gordon ]S'. Peay, Treasurer. jS^umber of registered Parishioners, 1,000. jS^ umber of families, 350, Baptisms, infants, 20; adults, 11; total 31. Confirmations, 44. Marriages, 14. Burials, IS. ISTumber of confirmed persons, 650. Communicants — Admitted, 44; received, 10 ; died, 3 ; removed, 2 ; present number, 538. Sun- day School — Teachers and officers, 46; jjupils, 318; total, 364. Public Services — On Sunday, 100; on other days, 100; Holy Communions, 50. Sittings in Church, free and rented, 650. Services are sui3ported by pew rents, by w^eekly envelope system and by voluntary contributions. Offerings. Parochial — Communion alms, $238.47 ; current expenses, $4,825.25; payment of debts, $3,200; Ladies' Aid Society, $968.68; Daughters of the King, $497.84; St. Cecilia's Guild, $323; Chancel Guild, $255; Christ Church Sunday School, $260.96; St. Paul's Chapel Sunday School, $378.60 ; total, $10,947.70. Diocesan — Dio- cesan assessment, $115 ; Diocesan Missions, $210.25 ; Bishop's salary, $113 ; total, $11,385.95. Missions— General, $82.67 ; Foreign, $25; Domestic, $25; University of the South, $30.11 ; total, $162.78. Total for all objects, $11,548.73. Value of all Parish land (exclusive of buildings), $14,- 500; value of Church building, $51,500; value of Rectory, $6,000; other Parish property, $1,000; total value of all Parish property, $73,000. Total indebtedness of the Parish, $1,200. This has been the most successful year in the history of Christ Church. Every department of the Church is alive with activity. The Assistant Rector (Rev. Mr. Simmons) will enter u]ion his duties this week. The Easter oflFerino- amounted to $2,554.70. After the pledges are collected, including $1,000 in the Buildinii' and Loan Association, the indebtedness on the Church will onlv bo $200. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 375 I cannot close this report without s})eaking of the won- derful work being done by Mr. Fay Hempstead at St. Paul's Chapel, a Mission of this Church. In a very short while 1 believe the work will be self-supporting. KEPOKT OF THE COMMITTEE OX STATE OF THE CHUKCH. The Committee on State of the Church beg leave to re- port, and they are highly gratitied and greatly encouraged by the improved condition in which they find the Church in Arkansas, and the signal progress made by the Diocese within the brief period of a few short months; that they have to record the grandest year in the history of the Church in this State. It is truly remarkable. The labors of the Bishop in the field, and outside of it, for its advantage, have both been untiring and eminently fruitful. The remarkable fund thus accunndatcd in aid of missionary work in the Diocese is far beyond all precedent. The Church in Arkansas has been placed in full touch wath the American Church, thus auguring the brightest prospects for future years of co-operation and advancement. It may well be believed that this beginning, stimulating as it is, is but the herald of a still more glorious day. That so much should be accomplished within so short a period by our new Bishop should fill our hearts with thanksgiving and gratitude to the bountiful Giver of all good. The blessed consequences are plainly visible in every quarter of the Diocese. The force of working clergy has increased within less than one year almost one hundred per ccmt, a marvelous augmentation of power for future good. Xew rectories, new chapels and Churches seem to be the order of the day. On every side there is life, energy and rapid develo|)mont. Parishes for long years stagnant have ex])orienced a haj^py aAvakening. Where before there was division and w(\ikness, in some instances to the ))oint of ])aralysis, now there is har- mony and strength. Funds are freely contributed even by isolated Churclimen and Churchwomcn Jouff denied the dear 376 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. pi'ivilege of the services of tlie Church. The Church is being planted in new places. Large confirmation classes are pre- sented to the Bishoj). All this, under God, is mainly the result of the diligent and tireless labors of the Bishop, and of the Archdeacons pro- vided, appointed and inspired bv him. He and thej have been unremitting in their journey ings to and fro into every corner of the Diocese, visiting and preaching and laboring, and especially appealing for assistance to help on the Holy Cause of Christ and the Church. Truly, this is a wonderful record. Heartily may we exclaim, What has God wrought '( Hopefully now may we move on in the good work, putting behind us the dead past and gazing steadfastly into the brightness of the coming years, wherein, with the steady and faithful exertion of the same forces and influences, we may reasonably hope, with the bene- diction of the Father, to enjoy a constantly increasing growth and expansion, until within a very few years, the Church in America will have cause to point witli ]iride to the great work done in Arkansas. G. GORDOIS^ SMEADE, For the Committee. TPIE AVAEDEXS AXD VESTRYMEJvT OF CHRIST CHURCH. A. D. 1 839. John H. Crease, Senior Warden ; Luke E. Barber, Junior Warden; Lambert Reardon, Charles Rapley, John Hutt, J. P. ]^orman, John Adamson, L. J. Reardon, F. W. Trapnall, D. Butler, John Wassell, and William Prather. A. D. 1 841 . John Wassell, Senior Warden ; Abner S. Washljurn, Junior Warden. 'No record of the Vestrymen has been obtained. A. D. 1849. Daniel Ringo, Senior Warden; John Wasscl], Junior Warden; William B. Wait, Treasurer. No further record of Vestrvmcn obtained. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 377 A. D. 1858. Luke E. Barber, Senior Wai-Jen ; John II. Crease, Junior Warden ; Daniel Tlingo, Wni. B. Wait, Thos. Churchill, S. H. Hempstead, John Wassell, C. F. 31. Xoland, Win. A. Cantrell, H. jST. Case, Robert Clements. A. D. 1867. Luke E. Barber, Senior Warden; .John Wassell, Junior Warden; Wm. B. Wait, S. L. Grithtli, Wm. A. Cantrell, U. M. Rose, Ben C. Trapnall, Gwynne Bar- ber, Daniel Ringo, T. J. Churchill, and Gordon X, Peay, Sr, A. D. 1885. Luke E. Barber, Senior Warden; \l. IL Parliam, Junior Warden; Wm. B. Wait, W. W. Smith, J. H. Haney, Robert J. Matthews, William G. Whipple, l^ogan PI. Roots, Geo. H. Van Etten, Samuel L. Griffith, P. K. Roots. A. D. 1886. R. II. Parham, Senior Warden; S. L. Griffith, Junior Warden ; W. B. Wait, J. H. Ilanev, Robert J. Matthews, William G. Whipple, Logan H. Roots, Geo. IL Van Etten, P. K. Roots, C\ H Dolbeer, F. D. Clark. A. D. 1 887. R. H. Parham, Senior Warden ; W. W. Smith, Junior Warden ; John D. Adams, Dr. W. A. Cantrell, R. L. Goodrich, Dr. L. R. Stark, Rufus J. Polk, G. S. Brack, J. H. Haney, C. H. Dolheer, F. D. CMavk. L D. 1888. R. H. Parham, Senior Warden; W. W. Smith, Junior Warden; John D. Adams, Dr. W. A. (^mtrell, R. L. Goodrich, Dr. L. R. Stark, R. J. Polk, G. S. Brack, J. H. Haney, John W. Goodwin, F. D. Clark. A. D. 1889. R. II. Parham. Senior Warden ; Dr. W. A. Cantrell, Junior Warden ; John D. Adams, John W. Goodwin, R. L. Goodrich, L. R. Stark, R. J. Polk, J. II. Ilanev, G. S. Brack, F. D. Clark, S. B. Adams. A. D. 1890. John I). Adams, Senior Warden; Wm. A. Cantrell, Junior Warden; R. II. Parham, G. S. Brack, L. R. Stark, Ralph L. Goodrich, J. IL Ilanev, Rufus J. Polk, Sam B. Adams, John W. Goodwin, T. C. Powell. A. D. 1891. Same Vestrv re-elected. 378 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. A. D. 1 892. John D. Adams, Senior Warden ; W. A. Cantrell, Junior Warden ; K. H. Parham, J. H. Hanev, G. S. Brack, K. L. Goodrich, L. R. Stark, J. W. Goodwin, S. B. Adams, T. C. Powell, W. F. Wright. A. D. 1893. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden; S. B. xVdams, W. F. Wright, T. C. Powell, W. H. Ragiand, H. K. Cochran, J. M. Bracej, G. N. Peaj, J. A. Van Etten, H. F. H. Eberts. A. D. 1894. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden; G. S. Brack, S. B. Adams, J. M. Bracey, H. K. Cochran, W. H. Ragiand, W. F. Wright, A. A. Rutland, G. IvT. Peay, J. A. Van Etten. A. D. 1 895. Same Vestry re-elected. A. D. 1 896. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden ; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden; H. K. Cochran, Sam B. Adams, W. F. Wright, A. A. Rutland, W. 11. Ragiand, J. H. Haney, J. M. Bracey, Gordon X. Peay, J. A. Van Etten. A. D. 1897. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden ; H. K. Cochran, S. B. Adams, J. M. Bracey, G. S. Brack, A. A. Rutland, Gordon N. Peay, J. A. Van Etten, C. T. Coffman, F. M. Jefferson. A. D. 1 898. Same Vestry re-elected. A. D. 1 899. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden ; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden ; G. S. Brack, H. K. Cochran, J. M. Bracey, A. A. Rutland, G. X. Peay, C. T. Coffman, J. A. Van JEtten, F. M. Jefferson, Robert E. Wait. A. D. 1 900. W. A. Cantrell, Senior Warden ; John W. Goodwin, Junior Warden ; G. S. Brack, H. K. Cochran, F. M. Jefferson, G. K. Peav, S. R. Cockrill, T. H. Bunch, G. H. Fee, R. W. Polk, H. C. Rather. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 379 TRExiSUREES OE C^HRIST CHURCH. John H. Crease, Lambert Reardon, William B. Wait, Ambrose H. Sevier, J. T. Trezevant, A. J. Slaughter, W. B. Cotton, R. H. Parham, John H. Haney, Albert O'Neal, Albert Wassell, John D. Adams, Samuel B. Adams, John W. Goodwin, W. E. Wright, H. K. Cochran, Erancis M. Jeffer- son, Gordon N. Peaj. PRESIDENTS OE THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY. (1) Mrs. Jane Newton Crease, (2) Mrs. Sim Bostick, (3) Mrs. Sue Crease Peav, (-t) Mrs. Charles Scott, (5) Mrs. H. N. Pierce, (6) Mrs. Logan H. Roots, (7) Mrs. Catherine B. Skipwith, (8) Mrs. James Lawson, (0) Mrs. George W. Denison, (10) Mrs. George Sappington, (11) Mrs. Sue Crease Peay (second term), (12) Mrs. Rachel Carroll, (13) Mrs. T. J. Darragh, (14) Mrs. James Lawson, from 1896 to 1900, continuously. VICE PRESIDENTS. Mrs. A. L. Breysacher, Mrs. Frances Johnson, Mrs. Julia B. Bond, Mrs. Sue Crease Peay. TREASURERS. Miss Ada Beall Cochrane (Mrs. T. B. Lee), Mrs. J. H. Haney, Mrs. G. S. Brack, Mrs. M. S. Horrocks. SECRETARIES OF THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY. Miss A. S. Crease, ]Miss Georgie Woodruff, Mrs. A. L. Breysacher, Mrs. H. G. Hollenberg, Mrs. Bessie Peay Bohlin- ger,'Mrs. W. A. Cantrell. Mrs. (George Denison, Mrs. J. M. bill, Mrs. R. B. Gross, ]\rrs. A. A. Rutland. 380 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. THE MISSIOXARY SOCIETY. This society, being understood to embrace all baptized members of the congregation, has no recognized head, except the Rector. Tlie ''Ladies' Aid Society'' usually supjilied the committees to work under Rev. Wallace Carnahan's direction. Some noble work was done in sending missionary boxes to clergymen in remote districts and donations in currency to feeble parishes within the Diocese. Later this association, under the Rev. John Gass, took the title of "The Christ Church Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions in the Diocese of Arkan- sas." The ^'Woman's Auxiliary" was organized by Mrs. Twing, honorary secretary, at the instance of the general sec- retaries of the board, the Bishops of the Church, and its own general secretaries of the board's appointment, in Xew York, January, 1872. The present secretary. Miss Julia C. Emery, entered upon her duties October 1, ISTfi, and has carried the work steadily on since that time, assisted by her sister, Miss M. T. Emery. A. D. 1 886. The Christ Church Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary in the Diocese of Arkansas was organized May 17, 1886, with the following officers. Rev. John Gass, President; Mrs. Catherine B. Skipwith, Yice President; Mrs. G. H. Yan Etten, Second Yice President ; Mrs. C. S. Cohen, Third Yice President ; Mrs. Rufus J. Polk, Fourth Yice President ; Mrs. W. H. Ragland, Treasurer; Mrs. John Gass, Record- ing Secretary; Miss ]\ratilda Jordan, Corresponding Secretary. In 1898-00 the officers were Mrs. C. S. Cohen, Yice President ; Mrs. Sue Crease Peay, Second Yice President ; j\rrs. Wm. A. Cantrell, Recording Secretary ; Miss Matilda Jordan, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Eds2,ar Ilolman, Treasurer. In 1800-1000 the officers were Rev. Geo. Gordon Smeade, President; ]\lrs. G. II. Yan Etten, Yice President; THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 881 JV'Irs. G. W. Sappini>toii, Second Vice Prositlcnt ; Mrs. (Jray Carroll, Secretary; Miss Matilda Jordan, Correspondiui;- Sec- retary and Treasurer. OFFICERS OF DAUGHTERS OF THE KLXG. First Directress, Mrs. Pope; Second Directress, Mrs. John Gass ; Third Directress, Mrs. X. Y. Bailey j Fourth Directress, Mrs. Andrew Hunter; Fifth Directress, Miss Emma Kramer. OFFIC^ERS OF ST. CECILIA'S GUILD. yOKMED IN 1S!)T 1;K\'. JOJIX GASS, IM-X'TOK. A. D. 1897. President, Mrs. Charles Martin (organ- izer) ; Vice President, Mrs. Edwin Bentley ; Secretary, Miss Minnie Cowpland ; Treasurer, Mrs. LI. K. Cochran ; (Corre- sponding- Secretary, ]\Irs. Frederick ]\Iartin. A. D. 1898. President, Mrs. Charles ALirtin ; Vice President, ]\Irs. Edwin Pentley ; Secretary, Miss Minnie (J'owpland ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Xell Dooley ; Treasurer, ]\Iiss Imogene Brack. A. D. 1899. President, Mrs. Edwin Bentley; Vice President, Mrs. Frederick Martin; Secretary, Miss Xell Dooley; Corresponding Secretary, ]\Iiss Bertie Ilndspeth; Treasurer, Miss Bohbie Jones. Advisory Board — Mrs. Gass, ]\rrs. Compton, Mrs. Sybert, Mrs.' Miller, Mrs. Bragg, .Mrs. Retan. ORGANISTS OF CHRIST (TIURCIL Mrs. Wm. II. C. Yeager, Dr. Ben Scull, Ah-. Leonidas P. Wheat, ]\Ir. Ives, Dr. J. 'M. Beidelman, :\Irs. Mar- garet Kerr, Miss Mary E. Ilarrell, Professor Levy, Professor Ellinger, Miss Laura Wiederman, Professor August Hoifman, Miss Mary Smith (Mrs. Dewey), ]\riss Lily Wright (Mrs. Putnam Dickinson), Miss Ludovica Krause, ^fr. Edward 382 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Cutts Gould, Miss Margaret Woodruff, Mr, T. 0. Deane, Mrs. Madison, Professor Brebegh, Mr. Palin Saxby, Mrs. P. K. Hoots, Mrs. W. 0. Denney, Miss Irene Baird (Mrs. Murray), Professor P. Jefferson Hall, Professor W. W. Lantliurn. SIA^GEKS. Mrs. Plelen Scott, Miss Lizzie Shall, Miss Frances Cocke (Mrs. Trapnall), Miss Mary Crease (Mrs. Watkins), Miss Lavinia Reardon (Mrs. Wait), Miss Helen Reardon (Mrs. Scott), Miss Harriet Grafton (Mrs. Fatherly), Miss Blanche Scott (Mrs. Sokolski), Miss Eliza Tucker (Mrs. Beebe), Miss Mary Ellen Tucker (Mrs. Ives-Strong), Miss Joanna Krause (Mrs. Hotze), Miss Arbadoo Gibson (Mrs. Farrelly), Miss Maggie Reyburn (Mrs. John Peay), Miss Laura Crease (Mrs. Lewis), Miss Lollie Tucker (Mrs. Hardy), Miss Annie Rear- don (Mrs. Raleigh), Misses Isadore and Lillian Pike (Mrs. Roome), Miss Jennie Whipple, Mrs. Ames-Billings, Mrs. Harris-Ryan, Miss Edwards, Miss Emma Scott (Mrs. Law- son), Miss Johanna Scott (Mrs. Robards), Miss Lily Wright (Mrs. Dickinson), Miss Imogene Wright (Mrs. Sevier), Miss Lillian (^antrell (Mrs. Bay), Miss Bessie Pierce (Mrs. Lyman), Miss May Cantrell (Mrs. Axtell), Mrs. Katzenstein, Mrs. Hanford, Miss Alice Compton (Mrs. Weaver), Miss Williams-Harnwell, Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Cavanaugh, Miss Daisy Cantrell (Mrs. Polk), Miss Nellie Clarke (Mrs. Ward), Miss Isadore Cantrell (Mrs. Goodwvn), Colonel Wm. G. Whipple, Major J. W. Smith, Judge W.' J. Warwick, Mr. Wm. Hunter, Mr. Geo. Gibbs, Mr. Victor ISTcwton (in the old Church and Chapel), Mr. T. W. Bankes, Lieutenant Post, IT. S. A. ; Lieutenant Gregory, U. S. IST. A. D. 1 899. ITpon the demise of the aged Bishop Henry Xiles Pierce, on September 5, 1.S99, after seventy-nine years of earthly pilgrimage, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wm. Montgomery Brown, Bishop-Coadjutor since June 2S, 1898, became Bishop THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 383 of the Diocese of Arkansas without further ceremony. lie liad been at his summer home at Galion, Ohio, and when notified of the serious iUness of Bishop Pierce immediately set out for Fayetteville, Ark., to attend on him. When there was no hoi^e of recovery and tlu^ end was at hand lie hd't Fay- etteville for Little Rock and was ready to receive the funeral cortege when it arrived here at 7 :50 p. m., on the Cth of Sep- tember, and take part in the funeral services before narrated. The biography of the latest Bishop will close the series given. It will naturally be shorter than those of his predecessors, as his career has but begun, but it is the sincere hope of the annalist that it will crown all that have gone before with a blessed fruition of their joint labors. The following summary of Bishop Brown's work is quoted from the Journal of the Twenty-eighth Annual Council of the Diocese of Arkansas : SUMMARY OF MY WORK IX ARKANSAS. Places visited, thirty-four; number of visitations, fifty- one ; sermons, sixtv-five ; addresses, seventy-five ; lectures, six- teen; baptisms, ten; confirmations, 108 ; communions, twenty- eight; marriages, one; letters dimissory received, three. Of the lOS confirmations mentioned, the candidates from Christ Church presented by Rev. George G. Smeade are : Little Rock— Christ Church, April 22, 1900: Mr. Yerne Ricord Stover, Mr. Rufus E. Brugman, Mr. Jno. C. Peay, Mr. W. A. Pickering, Mr. Reyburn R. Peay, Mr. Oscar Addi- son Schaad, Mr. James David Crockett, Mr. Ashley Cockrill, Mr. Shelby Tuppes Jabine, Mr. F. D. Beaming, Mr. E. II. Leaming, Mr. Clarence Shell Gordon, Mr. Robert Whittield Xewell, Mr. Robert Dorsey Wooldridge, Mr. Albert Retau, Major Claude H. Sayle, Mrs. Grace Anna Dean, .Miss Winnie Grace Dean. Mrs. Lida Leo]iard, Mrs. Xettie Williams, Mrs. Clara Whavne, Miss Prewitt, :\liss Irene Elizabeth 384 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Hamilton, Miss Ethel Marigold Sniitli, Miss Bettie G. Ward, Miss Gertrude Berbig, Mrs. F. 1). Learning, Mrs. E. H. Learn- ing, Mrs, J no. W. Mast, Jr., Miss Serena L. Abbott, Miss Abbigale Belle Becker, Mrs. Jennie Mitchell Cockrill, ^Miss Jessie Eliza Scott, Mrs. Robert E. Wait, Mrs. Beyburn R. Peaj, Mrs. Matilda Merriman, Mrs. Melissa Retan, Miss Zilla E. Retan, Miss Carrie May Retan, Miss June Sibeck, Mrs. Lucile Llillis Hooper, Miss Maggie Richard Henwood, Miss Martha Dickinson Brumnan. THE RT. REV. WM. MOA^TGOMERY BROWIs^ D. D. A. D. 1855-1898. The lU. Rev. Wm. Montgomery Broiot, D. D., second Bishop of the Diocese of Arkansas, was born in Wayne C^ounty, Ohio, near Orrville, iSToveniber 6, 1855. His academic studies were pursued in the High School of Cleveland, Ohio, at Seabury Hall, Earibault, Minn., and under private tutors. He studied theology at Bexley Hall, the Theological Seminary of Kenyon College. Was ordered Deacon by Bishop Bedell, June 17, 1883, in Trinity Church, Cleveland, and was placed in charge of Grace Mission, Gallon, Ohio. Was advanced to the Priesthood by the same Bishop on May 22, 1884, in Trinity Church, Toledo, Ohio. He re- mained at Gallon, building up that mission, and establishing missions in adjacent places to the number of seven, until 1891, when he became the General Missionary of the Diocese of Ohio, with the title of Archdeacon. In the latter capacity he had, under the Bisho]), oversight of all the missionary Avork in the Diocese, and was largely instrumental in establishing the Church in a great many places and of building twenty-one mission cha]iels. At the time of his election to the Episco- pate he was also secretary of the Diocesan Missionary Com- mittee and of the Diocesan Board of Trustees, and he was one RT. REV. WILLIAM MONTGOMERY BROWN. D. D. THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 885 of the special lecturers at the Kenjoii College Theological Seminary, Bexley Hall. He was elected Bishop-Coadjutor of Arkansas on December 1, 1IS*J7, and was consecrated in Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, June 24, IS'JS, by Bishops McLaren ((Jhicago), Seymour (Springlield), Whitehead (Pittsburg), Vincent (Bishop-Coadjutor of Southern Ohio), Leonard (Ohio), Atwill (West Missouri), Hale (Bishop Co- Adjutor of Springlield), and White (Indiana). The appointed consecrators were the Bishops of (Tiicago, Pitts- burg, and Coadjutor of Southern Ohio. The ju-esenters were the Bishops of Springhehl and Ohio, and the ])reaclu'r the Bishop of West Missouri. The attending Presbyters were the Very Rev. D. I. Hol)bs, of Little Rock, and the Rev. Professor Davies, of Gambler. Archdeacon Taylor, of Springfield, 111., acted as de))uty registrar. J]isho]i Brown received the degree of 1). 1). from Kenyon College and from the University of the South, 1SU8. He is the author of '^The Church for Americans,''' first published in ISOC), and now in its tenth edition. On April 9, 1885, Rev. Wm. Montgomery Brown nuir- ried Miss Ella Bradford, the adojited daughter of ^Irs. ALiry Scranton Bradford, of Cleveland, Ohio. His first (charge was in Gallon, Ohio, where he still retains his summer home. Lie moved to Little Rock with his family in Xovendjer, ISIJS, where he has since resided. The Right Rev. Wm. Montgomery Brown, I). I)., P>ishoi) of Arkansas, has just issued from the ]U'ess of Thomiis Whit- taker, New York, the tenth edition of his remarkal)le book, "'The Church for Americans." Libertas, writing in tlie B'ort Htnifh Times, says that it is remarkabh' not so much for its great popularity, which is evidenced by the number of editions through which it has run, as for its broad-minded spirit, liberality and entire freedom from invective, ridicule 386 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. or harsh criticism in discussing a subject which ordinarily contains more latent heat than any other — that of religion — wherein too often our advocates of a peculiar cult — '^Prove their doctrine orthodox By apostolic blows and knocks." The spirit of the work may be determined from the following paragraphs of the introduction : "It was impossible to cover the ground marked out for this book without instituting comparisons between the Episco- pal Church and other bodies of Christians. Where we are found to differ radically in matters of doctrine and govern- ment an uncompromising effort has been made to justify our position. But the uniform endeavor has been to speak the truth as Episcopalians understand it in a spirit of love and fairness, and it is hoped that we have nowhere been so unfor- tunate in our expressions as to wound the feelings of any who differ from us or to leave the imjDression that we are so nar- row and bigoted as not to perceive that the various denomina- tions of Churches have done and are doing a great ainount of good. We believe that countless millions will be in heaven who followed not with us. '^But though we are aware of the Christian graces, the good works, and the bright heavenly prospects of tens of thous- ands of the representatives of the Roman Church and Dissent- ing Protestants, yet this glad conviction does not justify us in forgetting our prolonged, causeless, hurtful and therefore sinful divisions, and the consequent obligation to do what we can to restore the visible organic unity of the primitive Church. We are indeed all journeying toward the Promised Land ; but how much better it would be for us and for the Avorld if we were going together in the straight and narrow way of God's appointment !" Bishop Brown's arguments are based upon the following broad tenets : THE AJSNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. 387 "(1. ) Christ founded a visible, organized (Jhurcli, and has laid upon us the obligation to ally ourselves with it. {2.) The way to that Church is not through the gates of Ivonie. (3.) Nor by way of Methodism, Presbyterianism, etc., but (4) Through the Episcopal Church.''' The writer follows the history of the Church in detail from the time it was planted in Britain in apostolic times, probably by St. Paul himself, through all its struggles with papacy, and gives a graphic account of the founding of the Church in America. His reviewer closes by commending "Church for Americans" to every fair seeker after knowledge, as one of the cleverest, wisest and most logical and least dog- matic presentations of Episcopal doctrine than can come to his hands. It will eradicate from the minds of many of us very mistaken impressions and till us Avitli a more wholesome respect for tenets, which perhaps we did not before under- stand. \_Arhmsas Democrat, April 19, 1900.] PtEY. BROWX ACTED AS A SUBSTITUTE AT ST. MATTllEw's CHUKCII IX NEW YORK. The following clipping from a New York paper will interest the friends of the Rev. Win. M. Brown in liittle Rock : "An unusual incident occurred at St. Matthew's Church upon the occasion of the recent visit of the Bishop of the Diocese. Dr. Krans was so ill that he could not take part and present the class. Bishop Brown, of Arkansas, who hap- pened to know of Dr. Ivrans's condition, because he made one of the Lenten week day addresses, volunteered to take his place as parish Priest, and did so, reading the lesson and presenting the class. Dr. Gallaudet reading the Collects and Psalter. 388 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Bishop Potter, as could be seen, tried to treat Bishop Brown as another Bishop, oli"ered him the chair, etc. But Bishop Brown refused. He was there to be the Parish Priest, and he refused to be anything else. Bishop Potter referred to the incident eloquently and touchingly, saying that while he had confirmed nearly one hundred thousand persons in this ]3iocese, this was the first instance he had known where the class had been presented by one Bishop to be confirmed by another. He recalled the story of St. Peter and St. John going to Samaria to confirm those converted under the preach- ing of St. Philip, the Deacon."' LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE AIS^XALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Bishop Wm. Monts'omerv Brown 5 Copies. Dr. Wm. A. Cantrell . .' 5 Dr. James A. Dibrell 2 Mr. J. H. Hanev 1 Mr. G. S. Brack 1 Rev. P. G. Robert, St. Louis, Mo 1 " Mrs. Sterling R. Cockrill, Little Rock 1 Mrs. John IS^. Jabine 1 " Miss Mary E. Harrell, Hot Springs 1 Rev. Wallace Carnahan, San Antonio, Texas. ... 2 " Rev. Geo. Gordon Smeade, Little Rock 2 " Mr. Robert E. Wait 1 " Air. John S. Adamson 1 " Mrs. Lillian Cantrell Bay, St. Louis, IMo Mrs. Cara Crease Peyton, Little Rock Mrs. Sue Crease Peay, Little Rock Miss A. S. Crease, Little Rock Mr. J. Huntlev, Little Rock ^1'r. C. T. Coffmau. Little Rock Jh: B. B. Minor, Richmond, Ya THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. :?89 Rev. T. C. Tupper, Savannah, Ga 1 Copies. Colonel Wni. G. Whipple, Little Rock 1 Mrs. C. M. Butler, Little Rock 1 Mr. Norman B. Morrell, Knoxville, Tenn 2 Mrs. Gilbert Knapp, Toltec, Ark 2 Mrs. Daisy Cantrell Polk, Galveston, Texas 2 Mrs. May'Cantrell Axtell, Richmond, Va 10 General B. W. Green, Little Rock . ." 1 Miss Hettie Denison, Little Rock 1 Mrs. P. K. Roots, Little Rock 1 Rev. Willard IL Roots, Chelan, Wash 1 Rev. Geo. F. Degan, Augusta, Maine 1 Mr. Fay Hempstead, Little Rock 1 AFr;:. ^^\ A. Compton, Little Rock 1 Mr. Wm. A. Cantrell, Jr., Fort AVorth, Texas. . 2 Mrs. Augusta Van Etten 1 Mrs. John C. Peay 1 Mrs. E. llpliam Reeve 1 Judge U. M. Rose 1 Miss Julia C. Emery, New York 1 Mrs. Isadore Cantrell Goodwyn, Galveston, Texas 1 ]Mrs. John Levering Matthews, Little Rock 1 AL's. Mary F. Zimmerman 1 Mrs. Susan Cantrill Christie, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . 1 Miss Louie Cantrill Christie, Brooklyn, N. Y". . . . 1 Gazette Publishing Company 1 Mr. R. O. Paul, Little Rock Mrs. Benj. Harnwell, Little Rock Mr. John M. Bracey, Little Rock Miss Matilda Jordan Captain Sam B. Adams Rev. C. C. Kramer, New Iberia, La Mrs. F. Wolcott Jackson, Newark, N. J Mr. A. F. Adams, Dallas, Texas Mrs. A. A. Rutland, Little Rock ]Mr. W. W. Lanthurn, Little Rock Ylrs. W. W. Smith, Clarendon, Ark Airs. G. :\r. D. Cantrell, Little Rock Rev. Arthur Howard Noll, Somerville, Tenn .... 390 THE ANNALS OF CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. Eev. Geo. W. Lay, Concord, iST. H 1 Copies. Major E. H. Parham, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. John Dudlev Adams, Little Eock 1 " Mr. S. S. Wasseli 1 Mrs. Sophronia Peav Golder 1 " Mrs. W. Fulton Wright 1 " Mrs. Fannie Kendricks 1 " Mrs. Francissa E. Hutt 1 " Mrs. Mary Causine Clements 1 " Mrs. Eliza Scott, Scott's Station 1 " Dr. Claiborne Watkins 1 " Mrs. O. P. Robinson, Ashvale, Ark 1 " Mrs. P. Foulkes, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. J. B. Pillow, Helena, Ark . 1 " Mrs. Rufus J. Polk, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. Laura Lewis Bunch, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. A. P. Howell, Little Rock 1 Mr. Deaderick H. Cantrell, Little Rock 25 " Mrs. Fanny Ashley Gray, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. J. Cabell Breckinridge 1 " Mrs. L. P. Gibson 1 " Mrs. A. V. Sappington 1 " Miss Frances M. Scott 1 " Mr. Herbert Wasseli 1 " Mr. John W. Goodwin 1 " Mrs. Mary C. Oppenheim, San Francisco, Cal . . 1 " Mr. J. G.'' Cantrell, Xashville, Tenn 1 " Mr. Wm. S. Mitchell, Little Rock 1 " Colonel Geo. W. Caruth, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. Logan H. Roots, Little Rock 2 " Mrs. Louisa F. Bailev, Little Rock 1 " Mrs. John G. Fletcher, Little Rock 5 " Mrs. Robert W. Johnson 1 " Mrs. Francis Johnson 1 " Mr. P. Hotze 2 " Mrs. Wm. C. Stout 1 " ]\[rs. D. G. Fones 1 " 150 copies $300.00 Engravings donated by W. A. Cantrell, M. D. 6 70 •*^4I93 1 •V ,'. ■'c- ''' ' ^5 "^ 'CO' .0 -ix^ .-y^ 'l\ ^^,^ --. . \ 1 B A '-<, .^^^ .^ %. ,<. . , V %J aV •/'. Oo, a\- %.^ \> :0^\ '^ <^ O'-,,^ o\> ^"5 '^.. C^^ ^7%'^ >:.^^ x^^ -%. ^All:^^v.^ ^ ^' o. ;^ '.^^ '?*>>„ '•^. c"^ V^' ;\.' s o. rO' , :* •"o 0^ ~' 'ii x^" '^'t. .. l^ ^■^ X^' ^^' **..': \^ ^ " t. 'V"... ,-^^ • S^ -^. ^>- V-' oV' .,\N^ V ./- o o^ './: ^^" "-^t. •:^*.*^ ill! iiilil i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 610 927 5 i