nmmTm i jflnrrrrr i 1 . 1 . . .. - BRIEF HISTORY OP ILLINOIS ELBERT WALLER 5> TAMAROA, ILLINOIS <£ .cCh,,.* «_c£h-_ ^F - * '"W Class Book, GopyrightN . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Many free countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers; but if she shall, be it my proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert, but that I never deserted her. TO the sacred memory of the brave pioneers who made this Great State possible, this little book is affectionately dedicated by the author. WALLER'S BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS BY ELBERT WALLER, Ph. B. ii TAMAROA, ILLINOIS 1910 THIRD EDITION PRICE 40 CENTS WAGONER PRINTING COMPANY GALESBURG, ILLINO IS %f^ , Trtr* \ COPYRIGHT 191^ BY ELBERT WALLER £CI.A280276 PREFACE Illinois has contributed so largely to American history that we cannot fully comprehend the story of our beloved country unless we know something of the trials and triumphs of the people who have given to Illinois its prominence in national affairs. The author attempts here to present the import- ant facts in Illinois history in chronological order and in brief and tangible shape without making any at- tempt at rhetorical display. Grateful acknowledgements are du? to Ex-County Superintendent Mrs. Emma M. Bryan, of Murphys- boro, County Superintendent O. J. Kern, of Rockford, County Superintendent Maurice A. Mudd, of Ches- ter, County Superintendent C. L. Gregory, of Aledo, County Superintendent C. F. Easterday, of Vandalia. Dr. J. T. Marlow, of Tamaroa, Editor H. L. Farmer, of Tamaroa, Hon. Henry Clay, of Tamaroa, and Mrs. Jessie Palmer Webber, Sec'y 111. Hist. Society, Spring- field, all of whom have made prompt and gen- erous responses to inquiries ; also to Prof. C. E. Hef- lin, of Viola, and Miss Edna Stallings, of Viola, each of whom has given valuable assistance in preparing the illustrations. Whether this little volume will endure the keen and relentless critical spirit characteristic of this age. remains to be seen, yet it is certain that we are justi- fied in being proud that our state history is such as to allow us to record the facts herein contained. The Author. WE ARE ININI" While on his journey down the Mississippi, Mar- quette discovered human footprints near the mouth of the Des Moines and by tracing them a distance of five or six miles he reached an Indian village. He called out in the Algonquin tongue, ''Who are you?" and received the reply, "We are Inini" This was in- terpreted to mean real men as distinguished from the Iroquois, whom they hated for their crueity. From Inini it changed to Jllini; the adjective ending, ese or ois, was added and it became Illincse and finally Illinois. From that time on, Illinois was a general term applied to all the Indians of this region. Cahokia Mound near East St. Louis— the Largest Pyramid in the World— 102 feet high, 780 feet wide and 1080 feet long. Erected by hand, probably as early as 500 B. C. CHAPTER I. THE ABORIGINES. 1. Who were the first men on Illinois soil and whence came they? These are questions that are as puzzling as the Sphinx's Riddle and questions that wiil never be answered. They have left us their graves and their mounds, their only history. Whether these mounds were for the worship of a Supreme Being or whether they were for defense, we know not. As a race, whither did they go? Was each race exterminated by a succeeding one or were they all the ancestors of the Indians? These questions are likewise unanswerable. They gave us their country, but its history vanished with those who made it. All we know is that the Indians were here when the white man came. Of those who were here we shall try to tell you. 2. Since the Indians were more or less nomadic it is hard to classify them and to tell just what lands 10 ILLINOIS each tribe occupied. Early explorers arrange those east of the Mississippi into three great groups; the Muscogees, living in the south ; the Iroquois or Five Nations (rather eight nations), inhabiting the coun- try from New York to the St. Lawrence and west- ward to the Great Lakes; the Algonquins, the most powerful of them all, occupying practically all the remaining territory. 3. When LaSalle came he found the Indians, lat- er known as the Illini Federation, occupying most of the region drained by the Illinois river and its trib- utaries. This federation may be said to have been composed of the following: the Kaskaskias, the Ca- hokias, the Peorias, the Tamaroas, and the Mitchi- gamies. 4. Next is the wise and daring Miami Federa- tion. It was composed of the Miamis, the Eel-Riv- ers, the Weas, and the Piankeshaws. They occupied a broad expanse of territory to the eastward. 5. Other tribes not in federations were : the Win- nebagoes, the Kickapoos, the Pottawatomies, the Sacs and Foxes who settled together on Rock River, and the Shawnees who were not Algonquins but who came from Georgia and settled in the Ohio Val- ley.* Of the Winnebago tribe, Blanchard in his His- tory of the Northwest, says : "The Winnebagoes * A Piankeshaw tradition says that they themselves al- ways lived here and that the Shawneese just came up out of the ground. ILLINOIS 11 were of the Sioux stock and may be set down as the most heroic of all, they never having been con- quered on the field of battle, either by other tribes or even by the armies of the United States, as the fate of Custer's army in 1879 gives melancholy experi- ence." 6. Wars among these tribes were common, each struggling for the best hunting ground. The most noted will, alone, require our attention. The Winne- bagoes from the west, the Sacs, the Foxes and the Kickapoos from the north and the fierce Iroquois from the far east, made such inroads on the Illini that they became weak and discouraged. The Tamaroas were followed to the Mississippi and after hundreds of the "braves" were killed, 700 women and children were carried away as slaves. 7. In 1679 LaSalle built Fort Creve Cour on Peoria Lake, but while he was on an expedition down the Illinois and the Mississippi rivers the fort was destroyed. Not to be dismayed, he, in 1682, built Fort St. Louis on what is now known as Starved Rock. The Illini, with a rallying of their old courage, came to him and built up prosperous villages around him. 8. In 1700 the Kaskaskias left Old Kaskaskia (where Utica now stands) and founded a New Kas- kaskia, near the mouth of the river then given that name, (now called Okaw.) The Cahokias and the Tamaroas made a settlement at Tamaroa, later known as Cahokia, in what has long been known as the 12 ILLINOIS "American Bottom, v south of the city of East St. Louis. The Peorias went to the lake which now bears their name. Fear of the Iroquois seems to have been the principal reason for moving and now. when they were at peace, many of them concluded to go back to their old hunting ground. Then other old but unex- pected enemies appeared on the scene. Starved Rock. 9. In 1769 a Peoria Indian, being bribed for a barrel of rum, killed Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, at Ca- hokia. This brought on a war from the tribes that had so long been loyal to him. The Iroquois had troubles at home and never joined in, but the Sacs and Foxes, the Pottawatomies, and the Kickapoos "never forgot" and in that same year, the last of that noble Federation, took refuse on the site of old ILLINOIS 13 Fort St. Louis and there perished of thirst and hun- ger. From this tragic incident, Starved Rock gets its name. 10. The maps on the two succeeding pages will show you about where they were when the white men found them and where they were when their lands came under the control of the United States of Amer- ica. 11. Their further history is uneventful except as they appear in the War of 1812 and in the Black Hawk War. "No more for them the wild deer bounds, The plow is on their hunting ground ; The pale man's axe rings through their woods, The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods." LOQMTJOff OF I/JDIRNS /68Z LOCATION iriDlAN5 i '782. Marquette's First Glimpse of Illinois. CHAPTER II. EXPLORATION,, CONQUEST AND SETTLEMENT, 1673-1818. 12. Father Marquette, a Jesuit priest and Louis Joliet, a French fur trader, were the first white men to set foot on Illinois soil. In 1673 they crossed what is now Wisconsin, westward to the Mississippi River. They sailed down that river and finally up the Illinois. Crossing overland from the headwaters of the latter, they returned by Lake Michigan to the mission at Green Bay, whence they started. Joliet returned to France and was given the island of Anticosti. Mar- quette returned to the Ulini country, preached to the ILLINOIS 17 Indians and established a mission — the first church in Illinois. He soon became afflicted with that dread disease, consumption, and started to return to Can- ada. On the south shore of Lake Michigan he died and was there buried. Later the Indians took up his re- mains and, with great reverence, took them to the mission at St. Ignace. Joliet had command of the expedition and Marquette went along as a subordin- ate. Public opinion honors Marquette the more and why not justly so? He wanted nothing for his ser- vices. He was a man of God "whose saintly char- acter will long remain an inspiration to men of every creed and calling." "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Robert Cavalier de LaSalle. 13. The French now resolved to take possession of the Illini Country and sent Robert Cavalier de La- 18 ILLINOIS Salle and Henry Tonti (an Itaiian) to build a line of forts. In 16 79 they went to the south end of Peoria Lake, where they built Fort Creve Cour, the oldest fortress in the state. An enemy of LaSalle's told the Indians that LaSalle was an Iroquois spy and caused them to be unfriendly to his party. They sailed down to the Gulf of Mexico, claimed all the country for France- and returning, built Fort St. Louis on Starved Rock, organized the Illini tribes and other tribes into another federation (see 3) in 1682. "From this fort- ress, inaccessible as an eagle's nest, LaSalle looked, down upon the homes of more than twenty thousand Indians." Leaving Tonti, he went to France and tried to return by way of the Gulf of Mexico, but he could not find the mouth of the Mississippi. He was fin- ally assassinated by one of his own men. Thus died in the prime of his manhood, Robert Cavalier de La- Salle, "without doubt one of the most remarkable explorers whose names live in history." "Never, under the imperishable mail of paladin or crusader, beat a heart of more intrepid mettle." Father Henne- pin was with LaSalle and was sent to explore the upper Mississippi. He got as far as the Falls of St. Anthony, was captured by the Indians, escaped, re- turned to France and wrote what is thought to be a true account of his expedition. After LaSalle's death, Hennepin wrote a different story, retracting his form- er one and claiming to have been the first to explore the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. The latter story is an impossible one as his dates are badly mixed. ILLINOIS 19 14. Other Frenchmen came over bringing their families. The Kaskaskias decided to abandon their old village and, in 1700, they formed at the mouth of the Kaskaskia River what has since been known as Kaskaskia. Here with them some of the French formed a settlement. Some of the white people also went to the Tamaroa (now Cahokia) settlement. It is thus evident that the first two white settlements in Illinois, Tamaroa and Kaskaskia, were simultaneous — 1700. Since they were going down the river it is quite probable that the Tamaroa settlement was a day or two the earlier. 15. In the year 1718 Louis XIV, King of France, appointed Pierre Duque Boisbraint as Mili- tary Commandant in the Illinois Country. About 18 miles up the Mississippi from Kaskaskia he built a fortress and called it Fort Chartres. The stone of which it was built was brought from the bluffs to the east. It was not completed for about thirty years, but it cost a miliion dollars and practically bank- rupted the government of France. It was the greatest structure of its kind on the Western Continent, but it never fired a hostile shot. 16. In the year 1719, just a hundred years after slavery was introduced into Virginia, Philip Renault bought five hundred slaves in San Domingo and brought them to Kaskaskia and Fort Chartres ex- pecting to use them in mining precious metals, of which the bluffs were supposed to be full. After this hallucination disappeared the slaves were sold to the 20 ILLINOIS planters. These slaves were the forefathers of the slave population of Illinois. 17. When the brave General Wolfe and his men defeated the French at Quebec, the fate of the future Illinois was practically decided, for it led to the sign- ing of the Treaty of Paris September 3d, 1763, which provided that France give all her territory east of the Mississippi to the English. The English proceeded with caution to occupy their new territory and it was October 10th, 1765, when Capt. Sterling, with his 42d Highlanders, took possession of Fort Chartres, which we have said before was the seat of French govern- ment in Illinois. On the above date the Lilies of France came down from the flagstaff and the Union Jack, (the flag of Great Britain adopted in 1707) went up in its place. The people were guaranteed religious freedom and all the rights of British sub- jects if they would take the oath of allegiance to the King of England and if they chose to remain French subjects they were at liberty to go to French terri- tory, taking along all their goods and chattels. Pos- sibly as many as two-thirds of them went to St. Louis, not knowing that region had been secretly ceded to Spain. 18. On the 24th day of October, 1765, George III issued a proclamation which forbade any of his "lov- ing subjects" to acquire title to any of this territory wrested from the French. That he intended to di- vide the whole country west of the Alleghenies into baronial estates and thus establish a government sim- ILLINOIS 21 ilar to the old Feudal System in a vast inland empire, cannot be doubted. 19. Hitherto the peopie had been content to al- low the Priest to act as judge and jury in disputed cases but the English wanted something different and the jury system was adopted. The first court in Illinois was convened at Fort Chartres December 9th, 1768. Powder Magazine -the last relic of old Fort Chartres. 20. In 1772 the Mississippi overflowed its banks and swept away a part of Fort Chartres. The British had now an enemy that no bravery could daunt, so thev built a fort near Kaskaskia and called it Fort 22 ILLINOIS Gage, in honor of General Gage who had command of the British troops in Boston. 21. In the year 1774, the British Parliament passed what was known as the "Quebec Act," which annexed all the territory north of the Ohio to Canada. By virtue of their original charters, Virginia, Massa- chusetts and Connecticut claimed this territory. As, might be expected, the people of these colonies did not like this high-handed way of doing business and resented it in words that forebode revolution. The sequel to this resistance to British tyranny may be at- tributed greatly to the character of the people and to their manner of living. The soil was fertile and it yielded abundantly to those who tilled it. Like-wise the forest furnished plenty of game for the hunter. So bountiful was the supply from field and forest that many of the people were employed in taking flat- boats filled with produce down to New Orleans. While most of them were of a reverential turn of mind, yet they were a "happy-go-lucky" sort of people and life passed merrily among them. Frolics were common and the Reverend Father was often the leading figure among them. 22. On July 13th, 1775, the Continental Con- gress which was then in session at Philadelphia, es- tablished three Indian departments, viz: the Northern, the Middle and the Southern. The Illinois Country belonged to the Middle. This law never amounted to anything but it is worthy of mention because it was the first legislation in America concerning Illinois. ILLINOIS 23 23. George Rogers Clark conceived the bold project of taking the Illinois Country from the British. This pleased Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia, who on January 2d, 1778, commissioned him Lieu- tenant Colonel, gave him orders to organize seven companies of fifty men each and to proceed to take the British post of Kaskaskia. The real object of raising these companies was kept a secret and, in or- der to delude British sympathizers, a public order was given to proceed to Kentucky and protect the settlers against the Indians. 24. Colonel Clark, with three companies, went down the Ohio from Fort Pitt to Corn Island. Here he was joined by about a hundred Kentuckians. For the first time he made known the real object of the campaign. About a hundred men deserted, leaving him about the same number as before but undoubtedly of better mettle. 25. While going down the river he was over- taken by Captain Linn who bore a message that France and America had formed an alliance. Smith's History of Illinois says this was Providential. It might be said to have been Providential also that a party of hunters who knew the trails fell in with them. 26. Believing the Mississippi to be fortified. Colonel Clark chose to go overland to Kaskaskia, and landed about a mile above Fort Massac. On the 29th of June he started across the country. On the third 24 ILLINOIS day they got lost in what is now Williamson County. Suspecting the guide (one of the hunters), they threatened to kill him, but he found a trail and they reached the bluffs overlooking Kaskaskia on the sixth day, July 4th, 1778. 27. The attack was well planned. His little army was divided into three divisions and under the cover of darkness, the left one was to cross the Kaskaskia River below the town ; the right was to cross above ; both to await orders from Clark who led the center into town. A big "frolic," for which Kaskaskia was famous, was in progress and all were there, even the garrison. Leaving his men outside, Clark boldly walked in and stood, an interested spectator. An Indian brave discovered him and gave a war-whoop All was excitement but Clark tried to quiet them bidding them to go on with the dance, adding that he had "jest drapped in" to tell them that they wer dancing under the flag of Virginia instead of the flag of Great Britain. They were all ordered to give up their arms, to go to their homes and not to attempt to leave under penalty of death. The word was given to all the soldiers who immediately took possession o: the town. The Union Jack came down and the Stars and Stripes went up. (See Clark's Memoirs). The little army whose bravery had won this bloodless bat- tle, paraded the streets all night, yelling like savages. Nobody slept. 28. The next day "with fear and tremb! : ng," a ILLINOIS 25 number of the old men, led by Father Gibauit, begged for mercy for their peopie. Never did a bright man- hood shine more brightly through a rough exterior than when Clark answered, "Do you take us for sav- ages?'' and explained to them that their French breth- ren were in alliance with the Americans and that Eng- land was a common enemy. They all took the oath of allegiance to the United States of America. Cahokia and all the adjacent community promptly yielded and Young. America became firmly established on Illinois soil. 29. In the autumn of this year, Captain Helm, with a small force, not enough for a corporal's guard, went over to "Vincennes on the Wabash," persuaded the people to place themselves under American rule, and Captain Helm became Commandant. 30. On the 15th of the following December, Sir Henry Hamilton (the hair-buyer), with eighty red- coats and four hundred Indian braves, advanced upon the fort at Vincennes and demanded its surrender. Captain Helm demanded the honors of war. His terms were granted, and the "entire garrison, consist- ing of one officer and one man, walked out with colors flying." 31. "I must now take Hamilton or he will take me," said Colonel Clark. Accordingly, on February 10th, 1779, he started a keel boat down the Mississippi with forty-six men and some supplies, to co-operate with him in command of his old soldiers and a com- 26 ILLINOIS pany of Frenchmen, one hundred seventy in all, march- ing overland to Vincennes. In a brief work we can- not enumerate the hardships experienced on this expe- dition. Crossing the drowned lands of the Wabash would discourage anyone but men of mettle. By wading, swimming and rafting, they got through, the stronger helping the weaker, and on February 22d they saw Vincennes. Clark Crossing: the Drowned Lands of the Wabash. (From Anderson's Grammar School History, published by Chas. E. Merrill Co., Chicago and New York.) 32. The next day Colonel Clark sent in the fol- lowing note: To the Inhabitants of Vincennes: Being now within two miles of your village with my army, determined to take your fort this night, and not being ILLINOIS 27 willing to surprise you, I take this opportunity to request such of you as are true citizens and willing to enjoy the liberty which I bring you, to remain still in your houses and those, if any there be, who are friends of the King, let them instantly repair to the fort and join the hair-buyer general and fight like men. If any of the latter do not go to the fort and shall be discovered afterwards, they may depend upon severe punishment. On the contrary, those who are true friends to liberty, may depend upon being well treated and I once more request them to keep out of the streets, for every one I find in arms on my arrival shall be treated as an enemy. Respectfully yours, George Rogers Clark. 33. As indicated, fire was opened on the fort that night. The fire was returned. This continued all night and practically all the next day. Late in the af- ternoon Hamilton signed articles of capitulation and the fort was formally delivered February 25th, 1779. Colonel Clark's army, two hundred sixteen men, had taken from Great Britain territory enough for an empire. 34. Shall we follow this great man's career further? We fain would do so but a few words must suffice. It often happens that those whom God means shall do good works are to be wrongly treated by the very ones whom they are to benefit. This case was no exception. Personally he was never paid anything nor was he in any way rewarded. He suffered many years with rheumatism contracted in his country's service, and died neglected and in poverty, the same year that the Illinois Country which he had gained for America became a state — 1818. 35. In 1778, the Legislature of Virginia created the office of Lieutenant-commandant of the Illinois 28 ILLINOIS Country and Governor Henry appointed John Todd : of Kentucky, to fill the place. Todd arrived at Kas- kaskia the next year and issued a proclamation organ- izing Illinois County. He appointed a Magistrate at Kaskaskia, one at Cahokia, and another at Prairie du Rocher, to hold court at their respective places. He also appointed a Captain of the Militia at each place to assist the Magistrate in carrying out the laws. Among the early settlers superstition held sway and many still believed in witchcraft. One negro at Kaskaskia and one at Cahokia were sentenced to be burned at the stake and their ashes scattered. Mr. Todd signed their death-warrant in 1779, and they were duly exe- cuted. Doubtless there were others but these are the only ones of which we have any reliable record. Mr. Todd went to Kentucky in 1780 and was killed in a fight with the Indians. For the next ten years, Illinois was practically without any government. (See 41.) 36. France (not individual Frenchmen like La- fayette) had agreed to help the United States in the Revolution more on account of her enmity to Eng- land than her good feeling for America, and when the negotiations which led to a treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain were in progress, it was plain that the French representative was warm- ly supporting the claim of Spain to all territory west of the Alleghenies. England, dreading the combined power of France and Spain, did not prolong the con- troversy and the treaty of peace was signed Septem- ber 3d, 1783. This relinquished all of England's claim ILLINOIS 29 to territory east of the Mississippi River and con- firmed the title of the United States. 37. This same year, 1783, Samuel J. Seeley taught the first school in Illinois. It was at New Design in what is now Monroe County. 38. After the close of the Revolution some of the men who had been with Clark emigrated to the west and settled in the Mississippi bottom above Kaskaskia. From them it got the name "American Bottom," which name it has ever since retained. 39. The states of New York, Virginia, Massa- chusetts and Connecticut claimed the territory north of the Ohio River. The first had but little ground for its claim and gave it up in 1784. Virginia mag- nanimously ceded her claim in 1784, with the under- standing that the lands be sold to pay the war debts of the states. Massachusetts followed the same yeai and Connecticut ceded her claim in 1786. 40. On July 13th, 1787, Congress passed a meas- ure proposed by Thomas Jefferson. It was a code of laws for the government of the Northwest Territory : and was known as the Ordinance of 1787. Some of the principal provisions were: that Congress should appoint a governor, a secretary and three judges to administer the laws; that religious freedom should be guaranteed ; that within its borders neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime should ever exist in any of the territory ; that it should eventually be divided into not less than three 30 ILLINOIS states and never into more than five states, each of which could be admitted into the Union when it had sixty thousand free inhabitants. Nearly fifty years afterwards Daniel Webster said, "We are accustomed to praise the great law-givers of antiquity, we help tc perpetuate the fame of Solon and of Lycurgus but I doubt whether one single law, ancient or modern, has produced effects more distinct, marked and lasting in character than the Ordinance of 1787." 41. It may be said to have been three years after the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 before Illinois had any government at all. On October 5th, 1787 : General Arthur St. Clair was appointed Governor of the Northwest Territory. He spent some time in the present limits of Ohio and Indiana and reached Kas- kaskia in 1790. On April 27th of the same year, he organized St. Clair County with Cahokia as the county seat, the first in the present state of Illinois. It included all the Illinois country south of the Illinois River and west of a line drawn from the mouth of Mackinaw Creek near the present city of Pekin, to Fort Massac near the present city of Metropolis. 42. Rev. Joseph Lillard founded the first Metho- dist church in Illinois in 1793. It was at Shiloh in the New Design settlement. 43. Randolph County was organized October 5th, 1795. It included part of St. Clair County, being all of the Illinois Country south of a line drawn due east from the Mississippi, through the New Design ILLINOIS 31 settlement to the Wabash River. This division was made as a result of a misunderstanding between two of the officers. One was to be judge in Randolph County, the other in St. Clair. 44. The first Baptist Church in Illinois was or- ganized by Rev. David Badgley, at New Design, in 1796. 45. By act of Congress, May 7th, 1800, Ohio was cut out of the Northwest Territory and the remainder was called Indiana Territory. It was to be a territory of the first class, in which all the officers were appoint- ed by the Governor. This law went into effect July 4th, 1800. "Saint Vincennes" (Vincennes) became the capital and General William H. Harrison was ap- pointed governor. Old Fort Dearborn— The Beginning of Chicago. 32 ILLINOIS 46. Almost immediately after the close of the Rev- olution, British subjects began to plan to annex the territory, north and west of the Ohio, to Quebec, and did all they could to create a hostile feeling between the Indians and American citizens. Accordingly, the United States Government thought it best to build a fort in this region. A spot on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan was selected at first, but the Chipewas and the Ottawas objected. The next place chosen was at the mouth of the "Chicagou River." Here Fort Dearborn was built in 1804. It was named in honor of General Henry Dearborn, who was then Secretary of War. (See 51, 52, 96.) 47. Tradition says that Fort Massac was built by Ferdinand DeSoto, the Spanish explorer, in 1542* Whether this is true, we know not, but it is a fact that the French occupied it as early as 1701. "Here Wilk- inson, Sebastian, Powers and others, with Spanish. French and Creole women plotted to dismember the American Union. Here the gifted Aaron Burr rested refreshed himself and planned his southern expedi- tion ; his plot to make an empire out of the southwest and if events favored, to set himself on the throne of the Montezumas," (111. Hist. Library, Vol. 8.) 48. The first Masonic lodge in Illinois was organ- ized at Kaskaskia, September 13th, 1806, by seven pioneers who were bound by the mystic tie. The name of this lodge was Western Star. 49. On February 3d, 1809, the State of Indiana ILLINOIS 53 was cut out of the Indiana Territory and the re- mainder was called Illinois Territory. Kaskaskia was the capital. An old atlas gives the following picture of the first capitol. m ! i -TO Capitol of Illinois Territory. 50. Illinois Territory was changed to the second class on May 21st, 1812. This gave them the right to elect all town and county officers. The same year Gallatin, Johnson and Madison counties were organ- ized. Ali these had a tendency to encourage immi- gration and the country rapidly filled up. 51. Prior to the war of 1812, British agents had been among the Indians of the Illinois Country and poisoned their minds against the Americans. With the declaration of war against England, the Indians began. The Americans had not been asleep but had built a line of forts or block houses from Alton to Kaskaskia, another from Kaskaskia to the salt works 34 ILLINOIS in the Wabash Valley, another along the Wabash and the Ohio, and one — Old Fort Dearborn — where Dear- born Station, Chicago, now stands. The largest and strongest of these, Camp Russel at Edwardsviile, was made military headquarters for Illinois. 52. Captain Heald commanded a garrison of seventy men at Fort Dearborn and was ordered to evacuate it and go to Vincennes. He started, but on the next day, August 15th, 1812, the men with their women and children were attacked by overwhelming numbers of Indians and most of them were horribly massacred. This is known as the Dearborn Massacre. 53. Colonel William Russell, of Kentucky, or- ganized a regiment of rangers, Kentuckians and Illi- noisans. Governor Edwards ordered him to Peoria, the Indian "hot-bed." Captain Craig went up the Illinois River with supplies to co-operate with him. The latter arrived first and received such a hot fire from the Indians that he could not land until Colonel Russell arrived. The Indians, seeing themselves con- fronted by a superior force, fled. Captain Craig landed, burned the town, captured the remaining in- habitants, mostly Frenchmen, and took them to Alton. (This last act was cruel and unnecessary.) The next year they returned to Peoria and built Fort Clark, burnt several Indian villages, then divided the force into three parts, leaving only a small garrison. One part went up the Illinois River and the other went among the Sacs and Foxes on Rock River. ILLINOIS 3S 54. Lieutenant Campbell, with two boats, led an expedition up the Mississippi, in 1814, and had a deadly encounter with the Indians on what has since been known as Campbell's Island. Later in the same year, Major Zachary Taylor, the same man who be- came president, made a similar expedition and had an encounter with British and Indians. Neither expe d.tion was a success, but the enemy won dear vie- tones. 55 The experiences growing cut of this war caused Congress to pass a law requiring all able- bodied men to practice military drill once each month, the days on which they met were called "Muster days. After the officers had "bawled themselves hoarse they would have a barbecue, meantime they swapped yarns" and "Sleights of art and feats of strength went round." These old-time Muster days, after they had served so good a purpose, degenerated into drunken brawls, usually ending in a free-for-all fight When Andrew Jackson became President he recommended that musters be discontinued, and it was done. 56 On September 6th, 1814, Matthew Duncan published the first copy of the Illinois Herald This was at Kaskaskia, and was the first newspaper in the state. There are now about two thousand. 57. The Bank of Shawneetown, the Bank of Kas- kaskia and the Bank of Edwardsville were chartered by the territorial legislature in 1816. This was the 36 ILLINOIS beginning of ''Wildcat Banks." Hitherto the settlers never had much money, though it must be remem- bered that anything of value served as a medium of exchange. 58. The first Cumberland Presbyterian church in the state was organized by Rev. James McGready at Sharon, White County, in 1816. 59. In 1817, Rev. Samuel Wylie organized the first Covenanter Presbyterian church in the state. This was in a little grove just across the Kaskaskia River from Kaskaskia. The well respected family of Wylies in Randolph County are his descendants. 4 % »;;* ■■■■' • %;-:■■ ;:- \i < Up*- ■ & | A- • ^ 3gt "%^ '- \<*& ■""■ A Train of Prairie Schooners. (F'rom Woodburn & Mnran's American History, published by Long- mans, Green and Co., New York ) ILLINOIS 37 GO. The quarter of a century immediately pre- ceding and as long a time following the admission of Illinois as a state (1818), we might properly call "Pioneer Days." The complete story of the trials and triumphs of the brave pioneers of those days will never be written, but not even a brief work would serve its purpose if it said nothing of them. When the Englishman, the Scotchman, the Frenchman, the Irishman and the Swede left the "OU Home," they did not come at the rate of forty miles an hour on a passenger train, but they came in a covered ("kiv- ered") wagon drawn by oxen, "way cut west" to Illi- nois. Those who came from the New England states — New York, New Jersey and Delaware — settled prin- cipally in the northern part. People of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana settled in the central part, while people from Maryland, The Carolinas, Georgia, Ten- nessee and Kentucky settled in the southern part. For mutual protection several families came together and they formed a settlement near some stream where timber and water were plentiful. Every man had an axe, a rifle, a frow (fro), a drawing-knife, and he soon made a shaving-horse. Among them they would own one or more whipsaws. Thus equipped, they built their single-room log houses with "stick and clay" chimneys, their puncheon floors and their clap- board roofs. They made their furniture, for all the furniture ( ?) they brought along was a skillet with an iron lid. The Lord sent manna from heaven to feed the Israelites and he was not less kind to the 38 ILLINOIS Pioneers. He rilled the forest with deer which might be killed for food. Thus, through the help of Divine Providence, they had venison to eat and, figuratively and literally, kept the wolf from the door. Nor were the women and children idle while this was going on. They worked in the ''clearing" or did anything there was to do. This is the "start'' these brave and good people had when they came into a region filled with wild animals and merciless Indian savages. 61. In the summers of the earlier days the feet were not hidden, "In the prison cells of pride" for they all went barefooted. The clothing was made of "buckskin" and they wore "coonskin caps. These were their "everyday" and their "Sunday" clothes, too, except that occasionally the girls were "Decked in their homespun flax and wool" which they had brought from the "old home back east." The fashion scon changed and they grew their own wool and cotton, they carded it, wove it, spun it and, on a home-made loom, wove it into cloth. Then it was made into clothes for all the family. When "Father" went to a "log-rolling," "Mother" went too and took her "knitting" along. The "husk- ing-bee" and the "apple-cutting" were common forms of sociability and of combining business with pleasure. G2. The neighbors went into the forests and built the rude log church. On one side they put seats for the men and boys, and on the other they put seats for ILLINOIS 39 the giris and their mothers. The preacher was one of their number who worked through the week, studied his Bible at night and preached for two or three hours on Sunday. "At church, with meek and unaffected grace, His looks adorned the venerable place ; Truth from his lips prevailed with double sway, While fools who came to scoff remained to pray.'" The old "camp-meeting,'' once so great a factor for good, is now a reality only in memory. 63. Smith says, "The teacher was like the sea- sons ; he came and he went." He took anything of ^alue for tuition and "boarded round." Though the people, «ai| declared how much he knew," it is evident that his scholarship, as a general thing, "would not pass muster" now. Here is a copy set by one of them, "luck at the coppy carefull." Often the Bible was the only reader in the school. All were in the same Arithmetic class. They used slates and home-made soapstone (talc) pencils, home-made ink and quill pens. 64. There were no fever thermometers and the good old mother was the family physician, the neigh- bors were the undertakers. "Yet e'en these bones from insult to protect, Some frail memorial still erected nigh, With uncouth rhymes and shameless sculpture decked, Implores the passing tribute of a sigh. Their name, their years, spelt by the unlettered muse, The place of fame and elegy supply, And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die." 40 ILLINOIS 65. The following is taken from an atlas pub lished in 1878: ''A song for the early times out west, And our green old forest home, Whose pleasant memories freshly, yet Across the bosom come ; A song for the free and gladsome life, In those early days we led, With a teeming soil beneath our feet, And a smiling Heaven o'erhead ! Oh ! the waves of life danced merrily, And had a joyous flow, In the days when we were pioneers, Some fifty years ago! But now our course of life is short, And as from day to day, We're walking on with halting steps. And fainting by the way. Another land more bright than this, To our dim sight aopears, And on our way to it we'll soon Again be pioneers. Yet while we linger we may all A backward glance still throw, To the days when we were pioneers, Some fifty years ago." Seal of the State of Illinois. CHAPTER III. A GREAT STATE WRESTLING WITH GREAT PROBLEMS, 1818-1860. 66. On April 18th, 1818, Congress passed what was known as the Enabling Act. This law provided that the boundary of Illinois should be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of the Wabash River; thence up the same and with the line of Indiana, to the north- west corner of said state ; thence east with the line of said state to the middle of Lake Michigan ; thence north along the middie of said Lake to north latitude 42 degrees and 30 minutes ; thence west to the mid- dle of the Mississippi River; thence down along the middle of that river to its confluence with the Ohio River ; thence up that river along the northwestern 42 ILLINOIS shore to the point of beginning. It further provided that when this territory had 40,000 inhabitants, the people were authorized to form a constitution and that it might become a state. Nathaniel Pope was our territorial delegate in Congress at the time and he drew up the Enabling Act, making the northern boundary 41 degrees 39 minutes. In that form it was recommended by the committee having it in charge, but when it was before Congress for passage he pro- posed an amendment which made it 42 degrees 30 minutes north latitude. The amendment carried after much debating and thus it remains. 67. The American Atlas published in Philadel- phia a few years later says the population of Illinois in 1818 was 35,220, but by a peculiar manipulation of figures in taking the census, it was claimed that Illi- nois had 40,000 people. Delegates were elected to a constitutional convention. The constitution was drawn up and agreed to by the delegates (August 26th, 1818), but was never voted on by the people. An election was held for Governor, Lieutenant Governor. Congressman (one), and members of the General As- sembly (State Legislature). The Legislature met at Kaskaskia, the capital, on October 5th, 1818, and Shadrach Bond, the Governor-elect, was duly inaug- urated on the next day. John McLean had been elect- ed to Congress and the Legislature elected Jesse B. Thomas and Ninian Edwards to the United States Senate. McLean, Thomas and Edwards went to Washington but Congress would not swear them in ILLINOIS 43 until it had approved the constitution. After stren- uous opposition, a bill approving it passed December 3d and President Monroe signed it the next day. Illi- nois thus became a state on December 4th, 1818. The home of a French planter was used as the capitol. G8. The advocates of slavery knew that Congress would not admit Illinois to the Union unless the con- stitution contained an anti-slavery clause. With this in view they inserted a clause providing that, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall hereafter be introduced/' The trick in the word, "hereafter," was discovered but men like William H. Harrison did not believe it was so intended and it passed. Subsequent events confirmed the views of the most pessimistic in the matter. G9. By studying the history of our flag it will be seen that Congress had just adopted the present style of flag, i. e. thirteen stars and thirteen stripes, with one star added for each state added to the original thirteen. Illinois' star appeared in the flag on July 4th, 1819. 70. In 1819, Governor Bond called the Legisla- ture together and it passed a law locating the capital at Vandalia. It also passed what was known as the "Black Code." As the name might imply, it was concerning the negro. It provided: That a negro could not bring suit nor testify in any court; that if he were found ten miles from home he could be taken before a justice and whipped twenty-five lashes; that 44 ILLINOIS unless he had a certificate of freedom his services for one year could be sold by the sheriff ; that he might be sold on execution or mortgaged for his master's debts ; that no person could legally bring a slave to the state for the purpose of freeing him without giving a bond of $1,000 guaranteeing that such slave would be a law-abiding and self-supporting citizen. The negro slave had a home and a master that would protect him but the free negro was an outcast liable to all kinds of indignities even to being kidnapped and sold down the river. He therefore often made himself a volun- tary slave to some master. 71. In the fall of 1820, at a cost of only twenty- five dollars, a young man, Sidney Breese, who later became United States Senator, moved the records to the new capitol, a two-story frame building at Van- dalia. As an incident of pioneer life it might be noted that while Vandalia was the capital the members of the Legislature became tired of venison and wanted "civilized meat." 72. Banks everywhere in the country were falling and times were extremely hard. In order to satisfy a popular clamor, the Legislature, in 1820, passed a law organizing a State Bank. It was to be at Vandalia and to have branches at Brownsville near where Mur- physboro now stands, at Edwardsville, at Albion and at Shawneetown. State Bank bills were issued to the amount of a haif million dollars. Several of our wisest financiers were opposed to the state's going into the "wild cat bank" business, but the masses wanted ILLINOIS 45 it. The bills depreciated to thirty cents on the dollar and times were harder than before (except with members of the Legislature. That body passed a law that state officers should be paid in this money at cur- rent value.) 73. In 1821, Timothy Burnett was hanged at Belleville for killing Alonzo C. Stewart in a duel. This was the only legal execution for dueling in Illinois. Edward Coles. 74. In 1822, Edward Coles was elected governcr. In his inaugural address he advocated the repeal of the Black Laws, and this brought on a contest thut lasted during his entire term. The slavery men claiming to no longer be bound by the Ordinance of 1787, wanted to amend the constitution so as to legal- ize slavery in Illinois. Accordingly, in 1823, the Leg- 46 ILLINOIS islature, after unseating Nicholas Hansen, who opposed the amendment, and seating John Shaw, who favored it, passed a resolution to submit to the people, the ques- tion of calling a convention to revise the constitution. Governor Coles spent his entire salary for four years ($4,000), fighting this measure. Morris Birkbeck, i liberty-loving Englishman, Rev. John Mason Peck, a Yankee Baptist preacher, Hon. Henry Eddy, editor of the Illinois Emigrant at Shawneetown, and many oth- ers did valuable service in the fight. It was voted on. August 2d, 1824, and the anti-slavery men won by a majority of 1GG8. It might be added that Governor Coles, like many other good men, was very unpopular, in his lifetime, but his name will long live in history as the one who did most to prevent the legalizing of slavery in Illinois. 75. In 1824, a new capitol, a two-story brick structure which cost $12,381.50, was built to replace the one built in 1820 which had been destroyed by fire. 76. The first law providing for a free school in Illinois was proposed by Joseph Duncan, Representa- tive from Jackson County. It passed on January 15th. 1825. About the same time the public-spirited citi- zens of Edwards County built a schoolhouse with "real glass windows." It was the first of its kind in the state. 77. In 1825 General Lafayette visited the state of Illinois and was received with great honor at Kas- kaskia, at Vandalia and at Shawneetown. Reynolds ILLINOIS 47 says he was lame from a wound received in achiev- ing: our liberties and it seemed that his lameness add- ed to his noble bearing as it told to the heart the story of the Revolution. 78. In 1825 Rev. George Wolf organized a church not far from the hill known as Bald Knob in Union County. It was dedicated to "Religious Lib- erty" but was composed mostly of Dunkards and Uni- versalists. 79. Ninian Edwards, a former territorial gov- ernor, was elected governor in 1826. One of his first acts was to openly charge the management of the State Bank with wilful violation of the law. The Legisla- ture "investigated" and as modern politicians put it, the whole thing was "whitewashed." One member of the Legislature, who was sent to Shawneetown to examine the bank there said he found plenty of good whiskey and sugar to sweeten it. Governor Edwards was what might be termed an aristocrat. He wore a coat trimmed in gold lace at his inaugural. 80. On New Year's day, 1827, Dr. John Mason Peck organized "The Theological Seminary and High School" at Rock Springs, St. Clair County. It was the first seminary in the state. Later it was moved to Alton and is now Shurtleff College. 81. The so-called Winnebago War, in 1827, is one of the most disgraceful things recorded on the pages of history. The Winnebagoes lived near Ga- lena and the "Palefaces," by hundreds, were over- 48 ILLINOIS running their lands in search of lead. Some boatmen from Fort Snelling, in a drinking carousal with the Indians, forced their squaws on the boats and pulled away, not returning until the next day. The Indians had sobered up and in their righteous indignation at- tacked them. Several on each side were killed in the fight. Sixteen hundred soldiers came to the scene. Several Indians were arrested, tried for murder and executed. Ye Gods ! talk of Helen of Troy ! Had American womanhood been thus disgraced, the United States would have fought the world or the cfTender — not the defender — would have been pun- ished. 82. McKendree College was founded by Rev. Peter Cartright in 1828. It is located at Lebanon. 83. In 1829 the Duncan Free School Law was repealed and a new one passed providing for the sale of the lands which had been donated by Congress for the benefit of the public schools. The object in sell- ing it was, not to help the schools, but to loan this money to the state and heip the tottering State Bank which had been the spoils of politicians for so many years. 84. In 1830 John Reynolds was elected governor. In the same year the Salt Works near Equality which the United States had recently ceded to Illinois, were sold and the first state penitentiary was built at Alton with the proceeds. 85. After the state had lost a half million dollars ILLINOIS 49 in "high-handed financiering," the State Bank went out of business in 1831, its charter having expired. Wfh ' "^ §,'v •"• $&$# Wr 4 ^ £■ V | >■%> i ! t" 14HI 11 Black Hawk. 86. The Black Hawk War occurred in 1831-2 Several years before some Indians of the Sac and Fox tribes, while intoxicated, had transferred to the United States most of the lands in the region of Rock River belonging to the tribes, reserving it until the land was sold to actual settlers. Black Hawk, the Sac Chief., objected on the ground of fraud. Now that Keokuk, a rival chief, had ceded all his lands east of the Mis- sissippi, and that his own village had been taken while 50 ILLINOIS he was away hunting, he could no longer endure it. His war-like spirit was for a while appeased by an ol4 friend, a fur trader at Rock Island. The people, who were themselves usurpers, did not feel secure, and called on Governor Reynolds for protection. Sixteen hundred soldiers were soon on the scene. Black Hawk and his famishing followers of men, women and children, crossed the Mississippi westward. On Jan- uary 26th, 1832, the troops burned his village. Four days later he gave up all claim to Illinois soil. 87. In the spring of 1832 he started across the northwest corner of Illinois, going to his friends, the Winnebagoes, in Wisconsin, to beg a place to plant corn, and was ordered back. He did not heed. Gov- ernor Reynolds, with all the pomp of an Alexander with eighteen hundred men, met him near Dixon. Here a man named Stillman, while leading a recon- noitering party, met a half dozen "Braves" under a flag of truce and fired on them. "Black Hawk's spirit rose high in his bosom" at such an act. He attacked Stillman and killed twelve of his men, putting the rest to flight. This disgraceful scene was the real begin- ning of the war. 88. The time of most of the soldiers had now ex- pired and they went home, but a new army of twenty- seven hundred men was raised. This was in addition to General Scott's army of one thousand men at Fort Dearborn which did no service on account of the cholera. Black Hawk, seeing this formidable force arrayed against him, fled. He was pursued and in a ILLINOIS 51 series of conflicts more than a hundred of his men were killed. He finally surrendered to the Winneba- goes and was turned over to the United States au- thorities, August 27th, and the war was over. 89. It had taken over seven thousand troops and had cost over a million dollars to put four hundred men with their starving families off the land of which they had been robbed. The Federal Court decided that nothing but honorable warfare could be charged against him and he was released in 1833. "Black Hawk is an Indian ; he has done nothing of which an Indian need to be ashamed. He has fought the battles of his countrymen against the white men, who came year after year to cheat them and take away their lands. You know the nnT, °, °k r m f; kln g war— it is known to all white men-they ought to be ashamed of it. The white men despise the In- dians and drive them from their homes, but the Indians are w!l de f Ce i t - ful - T h | white men speak bad of the Indian and look at him spitefully, but the Indian does not tell li~> In- dians do not steal. Black Hawk is satisfied. He wilf go to the world of spirits contented. He has done his dutv. His Father will meet him and reward him.'— Extract horn a speech delivered by Black Hawk when he was turned over oy the Winncbagoes to the United States authorities. 90. In 1834 Governor Reynolds was elected to Congress and on November 17th of that year he re- signed the office of Governor, whereupon Acting Lieutenant Governor William L. D. Ewing became governor. 91. On December 3d, 1831, Joseph Duncan was inaugurated governor. He advocated a free school system, a series of internal improvements and a state bank. The Legislature ignored the school question 52 ILLINOIS but the same year it passed a law to incorporate a company to construct the Illinois and Michigan canal. Then, in anticipation of securing loans from the gov- ernment according to President Jackson's policy, they passed other laws organizing the State Bank and to revive the defunct Bank of Illinois at Shawneetown. For political reasons these banks never got any money that was distributed to "Pet Banks," though in 183G Congress divided among the states, the money that had accumulated in the national treasury. Illinois re- ceived $335,000. It was to be added to the School Fund and is known as the surplus revenue. This was technically a loan but really a gift. The state used the money and pays interest on it into the school fund. Last State House at Vandalia. (As it was.) ILLINOIS 53 92. On Christmas day, 1835, the first lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the state was organized at Alton. It was named Western Star Lodge. 93. The state was beginning to need a new cap- ital and several cities were rivals with Vandalia for its location. Hoping to settle the matter for all time to come, the public-spirited citizens of Vandalia, in 1836, tore down the capitol that had been erected in 1824, and built a commodious brick structure at a cost of $16,000. It is now the Fayette County Court House. 94. The people were wild on internal improve- ments. Governor Duncan awakened to the situation and strongly counselled economy, but to no avail. In 1837, the Legislature authorized the construction of a series of railroads, canals, etc., that raised the state debt from $217,276 to $6,668,784. 95. On November 7th, 1837, Elijah P. Lovejoy was murdered by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, be- cause he published an anti-slavery paper.. Several presses had been destroyed and he was defending a new one against an excited crowd when the fatal shot was fired. Almost prophetic of his impending death he had said only a few days before, "The present ex- citement will soon be over ; the voice of conscience will at last be heard and in some season of honest thought you will be compelled to say, 'He was right' ". He was the first to lay down his life in that awful strug- 54 ILLINOIS gle for liberty, and his martyrdom is spoken of as the beginning of the end of slavery. Lovejoy Monument, Alton, Illinois. 96. The city of Chicago was incorporated in 1837 and William B. Ogden was elected the first mayor. A short time previous to this, the Pottowatomie band consisting of over five thousand, visited Chicago for the last time and found substantial buildings where the grass had grown for ages. This war-like band had already made a treaty to go west of the Missouri, and now fully realized that they must take up the lot of the exile. They engaged in a mimic war-dance, then silently and sadly took their departure for the unknown west. 97. The Great Northern Cross Railroad which ILLINOIS 55 had been planned to run from Springfield to Quincy (see 94), was completed from Springfield to Mere- dosia, a distance of about twenty-five miles. An en- gine was brought from Pittsburg and put on it No- vember 8th, 1838. This was the first in the state. 98. Thomas Carlin was inaugurated governor December 7th, 1838. He became alarmed at the financial difficulties confronting the State and, follow- ing the example of his illustrious predecessor, he "about-faced" and counselled economy. The Legis- lature now saw that they were right and tried as hard to save money as previous ones had to spend it. 99. In the summer and fall of 1838, a great epi- demic of chills and fever raged in Southern Illinois. For a period of over four months there was scarcely any rain. The dews no longer fell and the sun was mercilessly warm. In the meantime suffering and death reigned supreme. In going through these re- gions, travelers would often find homes in which every member of the family was sick. What a bless- ing it was that a stranger should be guided by Divine Providence to the lonely cabin to give a cup of cold water to the sick and the dying! It continued until after the great eclipse of the sun on September 18th. The Indians said the Great Spirit was angry and many others thought the Judgment Day was at han I. but the sun came out bright as ever and that was fol- lowed by a good rain. The air was purified and the pestilence vanished. 56 ILLINOIS 100. The capital was moved to Springfield in 1831). The old Presbyterian Church was used as *i • pitol pending the completion of the one being built by the state. (The capitol built this year is now the Sangamon County Court House.) James G. Birney. 101. In the presidential canvass of 1840, other things besides <4 iog cabin and hard cider" were thought of. The martyrdom of Lovejoy had its re- sults, the question of slavery was brought into national politics and James G. Birney of Fulton County became the first candidate for president on the Anti-slaverv ticket. 102. Thomas Ford was inaugurated governor December 8th, 1842. The state was in deplorable ILLINOIS 57 shape, financially. Many wild expenditures had been made until in 1842 the Bank of Illinois at Shawnee- town and the State Bank at Springfield became bank- rupt. The state lost heavily in each of these and in all its speculative schemes. The people awakened from their delusive dream of munificence and splendor, found the state $14,000,000 in debt, its credit to such a low ebb that its bonds sold with difficulty at fourteen cents on the dollar and nothing to show for it except a railroad from Merodosia to Springfield (97) which was after- wards sold for $100,000 in state bonds. There was now open talk of repudiating the state debt but Gov- ernor Ford took a very decided stand in favor of pay- ing the whole of it without defalcation or discount. His wise counsel prevailed and the credit of the state was saved. 103. In 1844 the Secretary of State was made ex- officio State Superintendent of Schools. 104. The Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, set- tled at Nauvoo, in Hancock County, and became a power in Illinois politics. They secured favors from each party, Whigs and Democrats, until they became so strong as to maintain their own militia and to defy the authority of the state. Things came to a crisis in 1844 when Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, his brother, were arrested for counterfeiting, placed in the county jail at Carthage and were murdered by a ir.ob. A reign of chaos followed but in 1846 the Mor- mons went to Utah and established Salt Lake City. 58 ILLINOIS There were sixteen thousand of them, and it is said to have taken twelve hundred wagons. 105. In 1845 the United States Supreme Court decided that the descendants of slaves brought to the state prior to the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 ; could not be held as slaves. 4 General James Shields. (Kindness of Dr. J. F. Snyder, Virginia, Illinois.) 106. On May 13th, 1846, President Polk called for volunteers to serve in the war with Mexico. The call on Illinois was for three thousands troops, but it was met with six thousand of our brave men who acquitted themselves creditably in every battle. They were led by that great statesman and soldier, General James Shields. "From Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma westward to Monterey the intrepid fighters ILLINOIS 59 marched, and then across and down to Saltillo, Vic- toria and Tampico until they routed Santa Anna on the field of Buena Vista. In the south of Mexico the conquering host mowed a swath of glory from Vera Cruz until they reached the heart and center and camped within the capital of Mexico." 107. When the Mexican War was over, General Shields came back to Kaskaskia and was elected to the United States Senate. After he completed his term he moved to Minnesota and was honored by that state with the same office. He then went to California, en- listed in the Civil War and, with the rank of Briga- dier General, was assigned to the Army of The Poto- mac. After the Civil War was over he went to Mis- souri and was elected to the United States Senate. When his term of office expired, he went to Iowa where he died. 108. Wisconsin was admitted to the Union in 1846. This is worthy of note in Illinois history, be- cause the former state tried to gain back the strip of territory which had been added to the latter in 1818. 109. Augustus C. French was inaugurated gov- ernor on December 9th, 1846. There were so many problems before him for solution that it would have frightened the faint-hearted. The Mexican War was in progress. The state had out-grown the old consti- tution and changed conditions made a new one neces- sary. The internal improvement question which had agitated the minds of the people for so many years, was up for settlement and the failures of the past had 60 ILLINOIS made it extremely difficult to do anything now. Each of these questions were met face to face and solved in course of time, much to the credit of those who did it. 110. In 1818 the Illinois and Michigan Canal was completed. It had been under consideration for twenty-five years and work had been carried on at in- tervals for twelve years. The United States had given each odd-numbered section in a strip of land ten miles in width along its entire length to aid in its construction, and it had cost the state over $5,000,000. but after all, it paid and has since been deepened until water flows through it from Lake Michigan down the Illinois River. It is now the Chicago Drainage Canal. This same year a railroad was builr from Chicago, ten miles westward, by the Galena & Chicago Union Railway Company. This was the be- ginning of the great Chicago & North-Western Rail- way System. The Pioneer— First Locomotive in Chicago. (Kindness of M. J. Clay, Chicago, Illinois.) ILLINOIS 61 111. By a vote of the people, a new constitution was adopted March 6th, 1848. It contained a clause prohibiting slavery and was the first state constitution to prohibit imprisonment for debt. It also provided that an election for state officers should be held that year. Since Governor French had thereby been leg- islated out of two years of his term, he was given a second term practically without opposition. On Jan- uary 8th, 1849, he was inaugurated the second time. 112. The trouble between the Flatheads and the Regulators or what is sometimes called the "Carnival o of Crime" was carried on in Massac and adjoining counties in the forties. In the early days most of the immigrants to Southern Illinois came across or down the Ohio River. That region then became the chosen location of a band of outlaws, for there they could easily trade or sell to the unsuspecting immigrant, stolen horses or buy goods of them paying therefor counterfeit money or forged warrants on the State Treasury. They made it a business also to kidnap free negroes, take them South and sell them into bondage. These outlaws became so strong as to con- trol elections and the courts. If people interfered, their property was destroyed and sometimes they themselves were killed. The law abiding citizens or- ganized the "Regulators" and the outlaws were given the name, "Flatheads." Finally, in 1849, through the influence of Ex-Governor Reynolds, who was again in the legislature, a law was passed where- by persons accused of crime could be taken to adjoin- Z - - - - : km l:z: i : "■ - :.— :.: : :.:.r-.- . v ":.-,: -_• -. ;-; :: 5~. :-. r : '."■: ~ ' - - - - r - . ■ . • IK. I: - . . • - VOIS other tilings : : teachers ta pass an exa a- tion in reading writing - g 9 g aphy. Strange as it ma seem to us now. the peo- ple thought these re ots toe severe and they s later. 11?. In 1856 the Republican party v. is The anti-slavery people of Illinois wei e in this ;. put in the field an entire state ticket which though Tames Buchanan the state for president. Locomotive used bv the I. C. K. K. Co. i: iM. The Dlii] s : . was completed in roenc urage and help the Illinois Central Rail- road •:>- to build it, the - : . granted all the land given by the government for that purpose. (113). There is a pop v. lion that the Illinois Central Iroad Company pays no tax. but in lieu thereof pays to the st - sent of the g ss 64 ILLINOIS Here are the facts as taken from their charter : it pays no tax except to the state. It must pay five per cent of the gross earnings and a state tax not to exceed three fourths of one per cent of the valuation of ail the assets, provided that if these do not equal seven per cent of the gross receipts, the said Company must also pay the difference to the state. It will thus be Illinois State Normal University, Normal. seen that the state is entitled to the alternative that will bring the most money into the state treasury, (153). Much censure was heaped upon the legisla- ture for giving all this land to a corporation, but il was a wise move, financially and otherwise. Land through which the road ran was offered in 1851 at ILLINOIS 65 $1.25 per acre with no buyer. In 1856 the same land sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 per acre. The money re- ceived by the state was applied to its interest-bearing obligations and in course of time the immense debt of the state was paid (140). The above conditions concerning taxes applied only to the original lines and not to lines which have been bought or leased since. 119. William H. Bissell was inaugurated gov- ernor January 12th, 185T. This same year three im- portant laws were passed. One provided for the es- tablishment of a State Normal University, which was located at Normal. Another provided that people of any school district could vote a tax for school pur- poses not to exceed two per cent, in addition to the tax authorized by the law of 1855. The last one au- thorized the building of the penitentiary at Joliet. 120. In 1858 Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas became candidates for the United States Senate. It would be decided by the legislature, many of the members of which were to be elected that fail. Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of debates. The challenge was accepted and they debated at Ot- tawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charleston, Galesburg Quincy and Alton. Against the protest of his friends.. Lincoln asked Douglas if he favored popular sover- eignty. The latter answered in the affirmative. Lin- coln had said, 'This may lead to my own defeat, bu^ it will keep Douglas from ever being president." (Can it be that Lincoln foresaw that this answer 66 ILLINOIS would split the Democratic party and open up the way for the ultimate success of his own party?) The Republican ticket received the majority, but by rea- son of an unfair apportionment the Democrats had 54 in the General Assembly and the Republicans only 46. Douglas won, but Lincoln's sound logic and fore- sightedness made him the successful candidate for president two years later. This debate is sometimes spoken of as "The Battle of the Giants," and was probably the greatest event of its kind in the Nine- teenth Century. 121. An event of which we are not proud now requires our attention. In 1859 it was discovered that Ex-Governor Joel A. Matteson had defrauded the state out of about $250,000. His property was siezed by the state and it thus regained most of the money. He was never prosecuted, but his latter days were days of sorrow and regret, and he died without money or friends. 122. On March 8th, 1860, Governor Bissell died and Lieutenant Governor John Wood became gov- ernor. 123. From early days in Illinois, slaves from the South fled northward and were pursued by the slave catcher. While those who sympathized with slavery assisted the pursuers, the anti-slavery men helped the slave in his flight toward Canada and for that purpose conducted what has been known as the underground railway. It was a violation of the law, but they felt ILLINOIS 67 that unfair means had been brought to bear in the elections and in the courts and that the slave-catcher and kidnapper were daily violating the law in their in- human traffic. Thus they felt justified in appealing to a "higher law.'' 124. The southern terminus of one of these routes was on the Ohio near Metropolis, another was at Chester, another at Alton, and a fourth one at Quincy. They came together near LaSalle. Here the negroes either hired out among the farmers or made their way to Lake Michigan and got aboard a steamer, where they were purposely not discovered until they reached a British port, then, with great show of indignation, they were put off. By this plan hundreds of negro men, women and children were taken from slavery to freedom. 125. "The engineers, conductors, brakemen and station agents upon these lines were God-fearing men. who had the courage of their convictions, and, if oc- casion required, did not hesitate, when on duty, to use force to protect their passengers from the interference of slave owners and slave-catchers, whom they loathed and despised." CHAPTER IV. 1860-1908. 126. On May 16th, 1860, the National Republi- can Convention met at the Wigwam in Chicago and nominated Abraham Lincoln for president. He was elected over Stephen A. Dcuglas, his closest rival, the following November and for the next five years — dur- ing the trying years of the Great Rebellion — the his- tory of Illinois becomes an important part of that of the Nation. "Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois Illinois. Can be writ the Nation's glory, Illinois Illinois." Richard Yates, Sr. 127. Richard Yates, the "War Governor," was inaugurated January 14th, 1861. We were now en- ILLINOIS 69 tering into a great conflict. On April 14th Fort Sump- ter was fired on by the Confederates and the Civil War had begun. The next day President Lincoln called on each loyal state for troops and the men from every hill and dale in Illinois responded, "We are com- ing, Father Abraham." Acting under instructions from the War Department, Governor Yates ordered Cairo to be fortified, then removed thirty thousand muskets, a number of cannon and a lot of other sup- plies from the United States arsenal at St. Louis, at that time a secession hot-bed, and without orders tele- graphed the troops at Cairo to capture two boats of supplies that the Rebels were taking down the river. Stephen A. Douglas, the '• Little Giant.' 70 ILLINOIS 128. When the clouds of war fell like a pall over the land, Stephen A. Douglas was patriotic enough, like Jonathan of old, to rise above blasted hopes and disappointments, above partisanship and prejudice, to help his successful rival and he came out for the Un- ion, declaring: "There can be no neutrals in this General John A. Logan. war ; either patriots or traitors." Many who had voted for Douglas ("Douglas Democrats") remained Demo- crats and came out for the Union. A few who were seces- sionists at heart voted with the Democrats but did ail in their power to further the interests of the seces- sionists, generally joining such an organization as the ILLINOIS 71 Knights of the Golden Circle, a band of organized traitors. Still others of them became ''Lincoln Re- publicans" (nicknamed "Black Republicans" because they were opposed to the extension of slavery) and were loyal to the Union. The author's father voted for Douglas and became a Republican and more than once did the Knights of the Golden Circle attempt to t^ke his life. 129. General John A. Logan was in Congress when the war broke out, but he resigned his office, went back to southern Illinois, and, in defiance of op- position, made speeches for the Union in localities where it was unsafe for it to be known that he was not in favor of secession. He did more than any other one man to save southern Illinois for the Union. He started from Cairo as Colonel, fought in more than a hundred battles and by dauntless courage won the rank of Major General. He later served his state in Congress and the United States Senate and was the candidate of the Republican party for vice president in 1884. He stands without a peer as a soldier, as a statesman and as a man. 130. When President Lincoln called for volun- teers, Ulysses S. Grant volunteered to serve the country in any capacity and soon demonstrated his ability as a military leader, inscribing on his banners such victories as Donelson, Shiloh, Iuka, Corinth and Vicksburg. By act of Congress he was then made Lieutenant General. This office was created that he might be placed in command of all the armies of the 72 ILLINOIS United States. He at once took command of the Army of the Potomac in person because he wanted to fight General Robert E. Lee, the ablest Confederate general. The world knows the tragic story of the capture of General Lee's army after four long, bloody years. After the war was over, Grant served two terms as President of the United States. I I fl if i m t|§§§§ ':".;;■:':.■: ■ 1 4 ' f t 'i ; ifii : ■ \ ■ General Ulysses S. Grant. 131. More than two centuries ago, Andrew Fletcher said, ''Give me the making of the ballads and I care not who makes the laws of a nation.'' That his logic is correct was never better demonstrated than in the Civil War, but he might have added, "I care not ILLINOIS 73 who fights the battles." The patriotic songs: "King- dom Coming," "Brave Boys are They," and "March Through Georgia" were all written by Henry Clay Work of Illinois and "Just Before the Battle, Moth- er," "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," and "The Battle Cry of Freedom," were written by G. F. Root of Illinois. If the battle went ill or well, when the soldier heard these patriotic melodies his heart rose high in his, bosom and he was eager to renew the conflict. 132. In 1863, the Legislature expressed itself de- cidedly against the Union and Governor Yates ad- journed it against its will. This reminds us of Oliver Cromwell's dissolving the Long Parliament more than two hundred years before. The war dragged miser- ably on while the patriot mothers — bless their sacred memory — bore the burdens at home. 133. On January lGth, 18G5, General Richard J. Oglesby was inaugurated governor. On February 1st of the same year President Lincoln signed the Thir- teenth Amendment. The fact was telegraphed to Governor Oglesby, transmitted to the General As- sembly and adopted all in the same day. A few days later the Black Laws (70) were repealed. The war ended April 9th with the surrender of Lee's army and Lincoln was assassinated April 14th. Thus ends the story of slavery, so full of sadness yet so full of glory. Illinois had furnished Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr President; Ulysses S. Grant, the greatest military strategist since the time of Hannibal ; John A. Logan, the greatest volunteer soldier the world ever knew ; 74 ILLINOIS and 259,000 of her gallant "men behind the guns," who carried their blcod-stained banner through the very region that cradled and nurtured and from whence sallied forth on its mission of crime, misery and blood, the disturbing and disorganizing spirit of secession and rebellion. "Ah ! never shall the land forget How gushed the life blood of her brave — Gushed warm with hope and courage yet Upon the soil they fought to save." Geueral Kichard J. Oglesby. 134. England was much in sympathy with the South, and, when it was evident that the Union would be preserved, prophesied that such a vast army could never be disbanded peaceably as each soldier, practiced to the arts of war and unused to peace, would become ILLINOIS 75 practically an outlaw, but he returned to the aban- doned office or shop or farm when the war was over. "And quietly took up the broken ends of love and life as best he could, a better citizen for having been so good a soldier." 135. To Dr. B. F. Stephenson, who had served the country as surgeon of the 14th Illinois Infantry during the Civil War, is due the honor of originating the Grand Army of the Republic, he having organize I Post No. 1 at Decatur, Illinois, April 6th, the fourth anniversary of the battle of Shiloh. Engineering: Hall, University of Illinois. 136. In 1867 a law was passed which established the State University at Urbana. The expense of build- ing it was greatly offset by a gift of 480,000 acres of land which the government gave to the state for that purpose. 7n ILLINOIS Present State Capitol. 137. On October 5th, 1868, the corner stone of the new State Capitol was laid. It took twenty years to complete it and cost nearly five million dollars, but it is one of the finest in the United States. (Briefly reviewing : the Territory of Illinois had one capitol though it never owned it ; the State of Illinois has had three capital cities — Kaskaskia, Vandalia and Spring- field and seven capitol buildings, five of which it owned. See 67, 71, 75, 93, 100.) 138. General John M. Palmer was inaugurated governor on January 11th, 1869, and on July 2d of the ILLINOIS 77 next year our third state constitution was adopted. Among many other good features, it contained a pro- vision prohibiting the state or any political division thereof from giving aid to any private enterprise and another providing for minority representation. Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale. 139. In the year 1870, the Legislature passed a law to establish the Southern Illinois Normal Univer- sity. After a spirited contest among different cities of southern Illinois it was finally located at Carbondale and its doors were opened four years later. 140. On October 8th and 9th, 1871, the great Chicago fire occurred. It covered an area of 2200 acres — burning nearly 16,000 buildings with a total valua- tion of $200,000,000. The death roll was over 300 78 ILLINOIS and 200,000 were rendered homeless. Insurance for about $100,000,000 was carried by 201 companies; 68 of these companies were forced into liquidation and only about half the insurance was ever collected. From the ruins of the old wooden city a "New Chi- cago" immediately sprang up that has been the won- der of the world. It is said that the fire was caused by a cow's kicking a lantern over. It may seem strange if we say that the smoke was seen over the entire state. 141. General Richard J. Oglesby was again in- augurated governor on January 13th, 18.3. Eight days later he was elected to the United States Senate. He resigned the governorship and Lieutenant Gov- ernor John L. Beveridge became governor. 142. Shelby M. Cullom was inaugurated govern- or January 8th, 1877. During this administration the last burdensome dollar of state indebtedness, which at one time amounted to $16,000,000 was paid and Illi- nois alone of all the states was out of debt until Gov- ernor Altgeld's administration. Governor Cullom was re-elected in 1880 and re-inaugurated January 10th, 1881. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1883 and Lieutenant Governor John M'. Hamilton suc- ceeded to the governor's office. 143. General Richard J. Oglesby was for the third time inaugurated governor on January 13th 1885. On May 4th, 1886, a mob collected on Hay- market Square, Chicago, and when the police ap- proached seven of the latter were killed by the explo- ILLINOIS 79 sion of a bomb thrown among them. Eight men were tried for this crime, four of whom were hanged and three were sent to the penitentiary. The other com- mitted suicide. 144. Joseph W. Fifer, popularly called "Private Joe," was inaugurated governor on January, 14th. 1889. This year a law was passed for the construc- tion of the Chicago Drainage Canal. It was to be along the route of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and was to be deep enough to allow the water to flow from Lake Michigan into the Illinois River. 145. The Mississippi River had a number of times overflowed its banks and was changing its course in the region of Old Kaskaskia to such an ex- tent that the site of that once proud metropolis of the Mississippi Valley had almost disappeared and the graves of those who had lived there in the early days of Illinois seemed soon to be washed away. In 1892 the Legislature appropriated $10,000 for the purpose of removing the remains from the cemetery to one to be selected on higher ground. On account of objec- tions raised by their descendants, the graves of a few were left to be washed away, but there were probably more than 2,000 removed to "Garrison Hill," a beauti- ful site overlooking the Mississippi as it flows placidly over the old. The exact number will never be known, as the Mississippi had broken in and badly mixed some of the graves and part of the removal was of neces- sity a "wholesale" affair, however the work was done with much credit to all concerned. In the new ceme- 80 ILLINOIS tery on Garrison Hill stands a beautiful monument, bearing this inscription: Those who sleep here were first buried at Kaskaskia, and afterwards removed to this cemetery. They were the early pioneers of the great Mississippi Valley. They planted free institutions in a wilderness and were the founders of a great commonwealth. In mem- ory of their service, Illinois gratefully erects this monument. 1892 The original site of town and cemetery is now en- tirely covered by the Mississippi River, but as we view this "City of the Dead" our minds wander back more than two centuries to the time when the people of Kaskaskia laid the foundation of the "Grand Old Commonwealth of Illinois." 146. John P. Altgeld was inaugurated governor January, 1893. The World's Columbian Exposition was held at Chicago during the summer of that year. On June 2Gth, 1893, Governor Altgeld pardoned the three Haymarket rioters (143) who were in the pen- itentiary. This made him very unpopular, as they were considered anarchists. 147. Through the efforts of County Superintend- ent O. J. Kern, Winnebago County has combined a number of its rural schools into Consolidated Graded Schools. By this plan several districts unite and the ILLINOIS 81 children are taken to and from school at public ex- pense. It has gone beyond the experimental stage and bids fair to revolutionize the rural schools of Illinois. On January 30, 1904, Seward Consolidated School, the first consolidated school in the state, was dedicated, 148. In 1894 the American Railway Union went out on a strike in the city of Chicago. Chaos reigned until President Cleveland ordered Federal troops to the scene to preserve order. Governor Altgeld took offense at this alleged usurpation of authority, but he finally ordered out state troops to take their places. Eastern Illinois Normal, Charleston. 149. The Legislature passed laws in 1895 creat- ing two new normal schools. One is located at 82 ILLINOIS Charleston and is known as "The Eastern Illinois Normal," the other is at DeKalb and is called "The Northern Illinois Normal School." In completing the history of Governor Altgeld's administration, one thing, at least, must be said to his credit, i. e., that he Hitlt rA t - %&& iSSf^ m ^ .. - %*%* i Northern Illinois Normal, DeKalb. believed in substantial buildings and to such an ex- tent did he enforce his opinions on the architects, that the buildings erected by the State stand as monuments to what is known as Altgeld architecture. 150. John R. Tanner was inaugurated governor January, 1897. This year the Legislature passed a law ILLINOIS 83 to establish "The Western Illinois Normal School." It is located at Macomb. Western Illinois Normal, Macomb. 151. In 1898 the Spanish-American War was fought. Governor Tanner promptly offered the service of the State Militia and within three days the entire eight regiments were ready for the fray. Several other regiments were organized and were anxious for a fight hut the services of only one more regiment was needed. 152. Richard Yates, son of the "War Governor," was inaugurated governor January 8th, 1901. This same year a law was passed providing for Farmers' Institutes. This law has already proven a great help 84 ILLINOIS to the farmers of the State and the wisdom of those who favored it can no* longer be questioned. The campaign for governor in 1004 was quite exciting. Seven avowed candidates were in the field for the nominaton on the republican ticket and there were several so-called "dark horses." The State Conven- tion lasted nearly a month. Finally, Charles S. De- neen, of Chicago, was nominated and he was elected over Hon. Lawrence Stringer, the democratic nom- inee. Charles S. Deneen. 153. Charles S. Deneen was inaugurated gov- ernor January 9th, 1905. That year a Primary Elec- tion Law was passed, but the next year the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional. Governor Deneen ILLINOIS 85 then called the Legislature together in special session and a new one was passed. 154. In 1907 the Legislature passed a Local Op- tion Law which provides that the people of any cit\v township or county may vote on the question of li- censing the saloon. As a result of this the liquor traffic has been greatly reduced. Adlai E. Stevenson. 155. In 1908, the Legislature repealed the Primary Election Law then on the statute books, and passed another, but the Supreme Court declared it unconsti- 86 ILLINOIS tutional. This was another campaign year. The re- publicans nominated Governor Deneen to make the race again, and the democrats offered that deservedly popular man, Adlai E. Stevenson, of Bloomington, who* had honored the State by serving as the efficient vice president of the United States from 1893 to 1897. This "battle of the ballots" was fought along political lines and the former was re-elected. 156. On August 14th, 1908, a race riot broke out in Springfield, almost under the shadow of the mon- ument of the immortal Lincoln, and for nearly two days, in fact until four regiments of militia were on the scene, lawlessness reigned supreme. Seven people were killed and more than fifty wounded, while prop- erty valued at more than $100,000 was destroyed. The next year, Miss Anna Pelley, of Anna, was mur- dered by a negro at Cairo. He was arrested and put in jail, but it became known that a crowd was being organized to resort to "lynch law," and the sheriff left with him, via the Illinois Central Railroad, but was headed off near Dongola. The negro was taken back and hanged in the heart of the city. Miss Pelley was buried at her home and the public spirited citizens of Anna and Cairo erected a beautiful monument to her memory. Mob law is wrong, but back of it all is the fact that the politicians catered for the negro vote and did not enforce the laws against them. CHAPTER V. SOMEWHAT GEOGRAPHICAL. 157. The length of Illinois is 388 miles. It has an area of 5G,000 square miles and contains nearly 6,000,- 000 people. It ranks third among the states of the Union in the production of manufactured goods and of iron and steel products ; second in the production of coal; first in farm products. It contains more miles of railroad than any other state. In the manufacture of watches, farm implements, railroad cars and pack- ed meats it leads the world. 158. There is now strong probability that the Chicago Drainage Canal, the Illinois River and the Mississippi River will be converted into a deep water- way connecting the Lakes with the Gulf. The mater- ialization of this enterprise would make a seaport of every town along these rivers. There can be no rea- sonable conclusion reached as to the vast possibilities opening up before us. IN CONCLUSION. 159. Attempting to give only the important facts we have now traced the history of the great state of Illi- nois from its discovery by Marquette and Joliet to the present, telling of many brave deeds and brilliant achievements of the men of Illinois with but few ref- erences to the women of Illinois, and, without any de- 88 ILLIXOIS sire to detract from : g] ry due the men. we wish here to direct attention to the sainted old mother who out of unbounded love, read the Bible., the best of ssics, to her sons and daughters, teaching them by precept and practice to imitate that "Perfect Model" of love and faith and duty. "Be a good boy. is what she says to the little fellow each day as he starts to school. Be a good boy. is what she says to the youth as he leaves for college. Be a good boy is stili her sacred charge, when, standing at the gate, she gives him her blessing as he goes out into the world." 160. Xor would we forget the good and faithful teacher., who takes the little urchins from a variety of homes, teaching them how to be useful citizens, often quelling miniature rebellions, giving them stories of loyalty and patriotism, instilling in them a reverence for our forefathers and a love for our country's flag and ail it represents. 161. When the Civil War broke out, no less did the "Woman of Illinois" expect of her son. h;r brither or her lover than the Spartan mother did of her son whom she told to come back bearing his shield tri- umphantly or be brought back dead upon it. The soldier "sang of love and not of fame" when he took up the sweet refrain of "Just Before the Battle. Mother." Well does the author remember that when each regiment of Illinois troops went to the front in Spanish-American War its band would play. "The Girl I Left Behind Me." Such influences ILLINOIS 89 through childhood and youth and manhood would make him feel happy to die fighting for his country. The immortal Lincoln had these in mind when he said : "Let reverence of the law be breathed by every mother to the lisping babe that prattles in her lap ; let it be taught in schools, seminaries, and colleges ; let it be written in primers, spelling-books and almanacs ; let it be preached from pulpits, and proclaimed in leg- islative halls, and enforced in courts of justice : in short, let it become the political religion of the nation/' 162. "Through the long vista of departed years. The kindling eye now gazes — dimmed with tears And now with magic power behold it brings The sweets of memory without its stings." • When we view our great state in the light of past, present and future events, witnessing its tri- umphs of both peace and war, it makes us proud to be an Illinoisan and there is added greater wealth of pride than ever before to that beloved boast, "I am an American citizen." As La Salle looked from his fort on Starved Rock, "inaccessible as an eagle's nest." over his thousands of Indian Braves that roamed over valley and plain, little did he dream that instead of a vast French Dominion, a state like ours would exist with a name that had always been magic in his ears — Illinois. Every acre of ground, every house and lot, every bit of personal property in the State gets its value largely through the development of standards of intelligent appreciation and intelligent desires. When the savage roamed over this rich land it was worthless, because he had not the intelligence, not the education, not the training to understand the land and its resources. The .safety of property depends upon the honesty of the people. The honesty of the people depends upon their respect for law and property. This respect for law and property is largely a creature of education. I believe the value and safety of property depend upon the universality and soundness of our education. APPENDIX GOVERNORS AND LIEUTENANT GOVERN ORS OF ILLINOIS D., Democrat; R., Republican; ** Resigned; * Died in office. Date Governor 1818— Shadrach Bond D 1822— Edward Coles D 1826— Ninian Edwards D 1830— John Reynolds* D 1834— William L. D. Ewing. . D 1834 — Joseph Duncan D 1S36— 1838— Thomas Carlin D 1842— Thomas Ford D 1846— Augustus C. French D 1848 — Augustus C. French D 1853— Joel A. Mattison D 1857— William H. Bissell**. . .,R 1860— John Wood R 1861— Richard Yates, Sr R 1865— Richard J. Oglesbv R 1869— John M. Palmer R 1873— Richard J. Oglesbv**. . .R 1873— John L. Bevcridge R 1S77— Shelbv M. Cullom R 1881— Shelby M. Cullom**. .. .R 1833— John M. Hamilton R 1885— Richard J. Oglesby R 1889— Joseph W. Fifer R 1893— John P. Altgeld D 1897— John R. Tanner R 1901— Richard Yates, Jr R 1905— Chas. S. Deneen R 1909— Chas. S. Deneen R Lieutenant Governor Pierre Menard D Adolphus H ubbard D William Kinney D William L. D. Ewing. ...D See 90 Alexander Al. Jenkins*. .D William H. Davidson. ..D Stinson H. Anderson. . . .D John Moore D Joseph B. Wells D William McMurtry D Gustave Koerner D John Wood R See 122 Frances A. Hoffman D William Bross R John Dougherty R John L. Beveridge R See 141 Andrew Shuman R John M. Hami.ton R See 142 John C. Smith R Lyman B. Rav R Joseph B. Gill D William A. Northcott. . .R William A. Northcott. . .R Lawrence Y. Sherman . . . R John G. Oglesby R 92 ILLINOIS U. S. SENATORS FROM ILLINOIS 1818— 1909 "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years." ' No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen." * Died in office; ** Resigned; D., Democrat; R., Republican ; Ind., Independent. Name Residence In Out Ninian Edwards D Kaskaskia 1818 1819 Jesse B. Thomas D Kaskaskia 1818 1823 **Ninian Edwards D Edwardsville 1819 1824 Jesse B. Thomas D Edwardsville 1823 1829 John McLean D. . . .Shawneetown 1824 1825 Elias Kent Kane D Kaskaskia 1825 1831 * John McLean D Shawneetown 1829 1830 David J. Baker D Kaskaskia 11-12-30 12-11-30 John M. Robinson D Carmi 1830 1835 *Elias Kent Kane D . . . . Kaskaskia 1831 1835 John M. Robinson. ...D. ...Carmi 1835 1841 W. L. D. Ewing D Vandalia 1835 1837 Richard M. Young. . .D. ...Jonesboro 1837 1843 *Samuel McRoberts. ..D. .. .Waterloo 1841 1343 Sidney Breese D. . . .Carlyle 1843 1849 James Semple D.... Alton 1843 1847 Stephen A. Douglas . . .D . . . . Quincy 1847 1853 James Shields D . . . . Springfield 1849 1855 Stephen A. Douglas . . .D . . . . Chicago 1853 1859 Lyman Trumbull D. .. .Belleville 1855 1361 ♦Stephen A. Douglas.. D.... Chicago 1859 1861 Lyman Trumbull R. . . .Chicago 1861 1867 O. H. Browning. R. . . .Quincy 1861 1863 W. A. Richardson D. . . .Quincy 1863 1865 Richard Yates R . . . . Jacksonville 1865 1871 Lyman Trumbull R . . . . Chicago 1867 1873 John A. Logan R... .Chicago 1871 1877 Richard J. Oglesby .... R ... . Decatur 1873 1879 David Davis Ind Bloomington 1877 1883 John A. Logan R... .Chicago 1879 1885 Shelby M. Cullom .... R ... . Springfield 1883 1889 ILLINOIS 93 Name *John A. Logan Charles B. Farwell.. Shelby M. Cullom. . . John M. Palmer. .. . Shelby M. Cullom... William E. Mason . . Shelby M. Cullom... Albert J. Hopkins. . . Shelby M. Cullom. .. W. R. Lorimer Residence In Out R Chicago 1885 1886 . R Chicago 1887 1891 .R Springfield 1889 1895 . D Springfield 1891 1897 .R Soringfield 1895 1901 ,R Chicago 1897 1903 .R Springfield 1901 1907 R Aurora 1903 1909 .R Snringfield 1907 .R Chicago 1909 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COUNTIES OF ILLINOIS The star indicates that the county is not under township organization. Name Organized Sq. mi. Pop. 1910 Origin of Name Adams 1825.. 830.. 64588. .. J. O. Adams Alexander* .. 1819.. 220.. 22741 .W.M.Alexander Bond' 1817. . 380. . 17075. .Shadrach Bond Boone 1837.. 288.. 15181. . .Daniel Boone Brown 1839 . . 306 . . 10397 .... Jacob Brown Bureau 1837.. 840.. 43975 P. de Buero Calhoun* .. ..1825.. 251.. 8610. . J. C. Calhoun Carroll 1839 . . 450 . . 18035 .... Chas. Carroll Cass* 1837.. 460.. 17372 Lewis Cass Champaign . .. 1833. .1008. . 51829. .A Co. in Ohio Christian .. ..1839.. 702.. 34549. . ..A Co. in Kv. Clark 1819.. 513.. 23517... Geo. R. Clark Clay 1824.. 466.. 18661 Henry Clay Clinton 1824.. 487.. 22832. DeWitt Clinton Coles 1830.. 520.. 34517. ..Edward Coles Cook 1831.. 890. .2405233.... Dan P. Cook Crawford .. ..1816.. 470.. 26281.. W.H Crawford Cumberland .. 1843.. 350.. 14281 .. Cumberl'd R'd DeKalb 1837.. 650.. 33457. .Baron DeKalb 94 ILLINOIS Name Organized Sq. mi. Pop. 1910 Origin of Name DeWitt . . . ...1839. . 440. . 18906, DeWitt Clinton Douglas . . . . .1857. . 410.. 19591. .S. A. Douglas DuPage . . . . .1839. . 340. . 33432. .DuPage River Edgar . . . ...1823. . 640. . 27336. . . . John Edgar Edwards* . . ..1814. . 220.. 10490 Ninian Edwards Effingham . . . 1831. . 486.. 20255. .Ed. Effingham Fayette . . . .. .1821. . 720.. 28001. .... La Fayette Ford . . .1859. . 580.. 17096. . . . Thos, Ford Franklin . . ...1818. . 430. . 25943. .Benj. Franklin Fulton . . . . ..1823. . 864. . 49549. . . Robt. Fulton Gallatin . . ...1812. . 3±u. . 14628. .Albert Gallatin Greene .... ..1821. . 540.. 23363. . . Nath. Greene Grundy . . . . ..1841. . 440. . 24162. . Felix Grundy Hamilton . . ..1821. . 440. . 18227. . . A. Hamilton Hancock . . ...1825. . 780. . 30638. . John Hancock Hardin* . .. ..1839. . 180.. 7015. . .A Co. in Ky. Henderson* . . 1841. . 380. . 10727 Henderson R'vr Henry .... ..1825. . 825. . 41736. .Patrick Henry Iroquois . . ...1833. .1100. . 15543. . . Indian name Jackson . . ...1816. . 580. . 33143 Andrew Jackson Jasper . . . ...1831. . 484. . 18157. .Sgt. W. Jasper Jefferson . . ..1819. . 466. . 29111. . . . T. Jefferson Jersey .... ...1839. . 360. . 13954. . . . New Jersey Jo Daviess ...1817. . 650.. 22654. .... Jo Daviess Johnson* . . ..1812. . 340. . 14331. .R. M. Johnson Kane .. .1836. . 540. . 91862. .Elias K. Kane Kankakee * . ..1851. . 680. . 40752. . . Indian name Kendall . .. ...1841. . 321.. 10777. . Amos Kendall Knox .... . ..1825. . 720. . 46159. . . Henry Knox Lake .. .1839. . 394.. 55058. .Lake Michigan LaSalle . . . ...1831. .1152. 90132. ..LaSalle, Exp Lawrence . . ..1821. . 362. 22661. .Jas. Lawrence Lee ...1839. . 728. 27250. R. H. Lee Livingston . .. 1837. .1026. 40465. .Ed. Livingston Logan .... .. .1839. . 620. 30216. Dr. Jno. Logan ILLINOIS 95 Name Organized Sq. mi. Pop. 1910 Origin of Name Macon . . ..1829. . 580.. 54186. . Xath. Macon Macoupin . . ..1829. . 864. . 50685. . Indian name Madison .. . ..1812. . 740. . 89847. . Jas. Madison Marion . . . ..1824. . 576.. 35037 ] 7 rancis Marion Marshall . . ..1839. . 350.. 15679. John Marshall Mason . . . . ..1841. . 518.. 17377. .A Co. in Ky. Massac* . . ..1843. . 240.. 14200. . Fort Massac McDonough ..1826. . 576. . 26887, T. McDonough McHenry . . ...1836. . 612.. 32509, Wm. McHenry McLean . . . ..1830. .1161. . 68008. John McLean Menard* . . . ..1839. . 311.. 12796. Pierre Menard Mercer . . ..1825. . 550. . 19723. .Hugh Mercer Monroe* . . ..1816. . 380. . 13508. . Jas. Monroe Montgomery ..1821. . 740. . 35311 R. Montgomery Morgan* . . . .1823. . 563. . 34420, Daniel Morgan Moultrie . . ...1843. . 340. . 14630. Wm. Moultrie Ogle ..1836. . 773.. 27864. . Joseph Ogle Peoria ..1825. . 630. . 100255. . Indian name Perry* . . ..1827. . 432. . 22088. ..O. H. Perry Piatt ..1841. . 440. . 16376. . . . Benj. Piatt Pike ..1821. . 756. . 28622. ...Z. M. Pike Pooe* ...1816. . 360.. 11215. Xathaniel Pope Pulaski* . . ...1843. . 190. . 15650, Casimir Pulaski Putnam . . . ..1825. . 170.. 7561. . Israel Putnam Randolph* . .. 1795. . 560. . 29120 ] im'd Randolph Richland . . ..1841. . 380.. 15970. .A Co. in Ohio Rock Island ...1831. . 420.. 70404 1 sl'd same name Saline ..1847. . 396.. 30204. . . Saline creek Sangamon . . ..1821. . 875. . 91029. . Indian name Schuyler . . ..1825. . 414. . 14852. Philip Schuyler Scott* ..1839. . 252. . 10067. . . . A Co. in Ky. Shelby .... ...1827. . 760.. 31693. . Isaac Shelby Stark ..1839. . 290. . 10098.. . . . John Stark St. Clair . . . ..1790. . 680.. 119870. .. .A. St. Clair Stephenson . ..1837. . 573. . 36821 ] 3enj. Steph'son 96 ILLINOIS Name Tazewell . . Union* . . . Vermillion . Wabash* . . Warren .... Washington Wavne .... White ... . Whiteside . Will .... . Williamson* Winnebago Woodford . Organized . .1827.. ..1818. . ...1826.. . .1824.. ..1825. . .1818. . ..1819. . ..1815.. . .1836.. ..1836.. . .1839.. ..1836.. ..1841. . Sq. mi 650 400 882 2550. 540 557. 720 500 676 850 440 540. 556. Pop. 1910 Origin of Name 34027. L. W. Tazewell 21856 The Union 77996. . Vermillion R. 14913. . . Indian name 23133 Jos. Warren 18753.. G. Washington 25697. .Anth'y Wayne 23052.. Leonard White 34507. . . S. Whiteside 84371... .Conrad Will 45098.. A Co. in Tenn. 63153. . . Indian name 20506. ..A Co. in Kv. Population of Illinois, 5,638,591. STATE OFFICERS GOVERNOR Charles S. Deneen, Chicago, re-elected 1908. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR John G. Oglesby. Elkhart, elected 1908. SECRETARY OF STATE James A. Rose, Golconda, re-elected 19C8. AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS James S. McCullough, Urbana, re-elected 1908. TREASURER Ed. E. Mitchell, Carbondale, elected 1908. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Francis G. Blair, Charleston, re-elected 1910. ATTORNEY GENERAL William H. Stead, Ottawa, re-elected 1908. CLERK OF SUPREME COURT J. McCan Davis, Springfield, elected 1908. ILLINOIS 97 JUDGES OF SUPREME COURT First District — Alonzo K. Vickers. Second District — William M. Farmer. Third District — Frank K Dunn. Fourth District — George A. Cooke. Fifth District— John P. Hand. Sixth District — James H. Cartright. Seventh District — Orin N. Carter. James H. Cartright is Chief Justice. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. University of Illinois, Urbana — Dr. E. J. James, President. State Normal University, Normal — Dr. David Felmley, Pres. Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale — Dr. D. B. Parkinson. President. Eastern Illinois State Normal School,, Charleston — Dr. L. C. Lord, President. Northern Illinois State Normal School, DeKalb — Dr. John W. Cook, President. Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb — Dr. Alfred Bavliss, President. INDEX Aborigines, 1. A. F. & A. M., 48. Albion, 72. Algonquins, 2, 5. Alleghenies, 36. Altgeld, John P., 142, 14G, 143. Alton, 51, SO, 84, 120, 124. Amendment, Thirteenth, 133. American Bottom, 8, 38. American Ry. Union, 148. Americans, 51. Anarchists, 143. Badgley, Rev. D., 44. Bank of Kaskaskia, 57. Bank of Edwardsville, 57. Bank of Illinois, 102. Bank of Shawneetown, 57. Banks, Private, 114. Bank, State, 72, 83, 85, 91, 102. Banks, "Wildcat," 57, 72. Baptist Church, 44. Beveridge, John L, 141. Black Hawk War, 11, 86, 89. Birney, James G., 101. Birkbeck Morris, 74. Bissell, Wm. H., 119, 122. Black Laws, 70, 133. Block Houses, 51. Boisbraint, Pierre Duque, 15. Bond. Shadrach 70. Boundary of Illinois, 66. Breese. Sidney, 71. British, 20, 21~ 51, 54. British Sympathizers, 23. (Numbers refer to paragraphs.) Brownsville, 72. Burnett, Timothy, 73. Burr, Aaron. 47. Cahokia, 3, 8. Cairo, 113, 127. Campbell's Island. 54. Campbell, Lt., 54. Camp Russell, 51. Canals. 91, 110, 144, 158. Capital, 67, 70, 71, 100. Capitol, 48, 67, 71, 75, 93, 100, 135. Carlin, Thomas, 98. Carbondale, 137. Carthage, 91. Cartright, Rev. Peter, 82. Carnival of Crime, 110. Charleston, 120, 149. Chartres, Fort, 15, 17, 20. Chester, 124. Chicago, 46, 51, 96. Chicago Fire, 140. Church, Baptist, 44. Church, M. E... 42. Church, Cum. Pres., 58. Church, Cov. Pres., 59. Civil War, 126, 133. Clark, George Rogers, 23, 38. Coles, Edwarld, 74. Congress, 40, 45, 66, 83, 110, 113. Connecticut 21, 39. Consolidated Schools, 147. Constitution, 67, 74, 109, 111, 138. ILLINOIS 99 Corn Island, 24. Counties, see appendix. Court, Federal, 89. Court, U. S. Supreme. 105. Court, First in Illinois, 19. Counterfeiting, 104, 112. Craig, Capt, 53. Cullom, Shelby M., 142. Dearborn Massacre, 51. Debt, State, see State Debt. Debt, War, 39. DeKalb, 146. Deep Waterway, 158. Democrats, 104. Deneen, Charles S. } 150. Dixon, 77. Douglas, Stephen A., 120, 128. Dueling, 73. Duncan, Joseph, 7G, S3, 94. Duncan. Matthew, 56. Dunkards, 78. East St. .Louis, 8. Eddy, Henry, 74. Edwards Co., 76. Edwards, Ninian W., 115. Edwards, Ninian, 79. Edwardsville, 79. Eel Rivers, 4. Enabling Act, 66. England, 33, 36, 51, 134. Epidemic, 99. Ewing, L. D., 90. Exposition, 146. Farmers' Institutes, 152. Federal Court, 89. Fifer, Joseph W., 144. Flag, 27. 69. Flatheads. 112. Ford, Thomas, 102. Fort Chartres, 15, 20. Fort Clark. 53. Fort Creve Cour, 7, 13. Fort Dearborn, 46, 51, 52, 88. Fort Gage, 20. Fort Massac, 47. Fort Pitt, 24. FortSj 51. Fort Snelling, 81. Fort St. Louis, 7, 9, 13. Fort Sumpter, 127. Foxes, 5, 6, 9, 53. France, 17, 36. Fraud, 121. French, A. C, 109, 111. Galena, 71, 9S. Galesburg, 120. Garrison Hill, 145. George III, IS. Gibault, Father. 2S. Grant, U. S., 130 133. Great Northern Cross R. R. 97, 102. Hamilton, John M., 142. Hamilton, Sir Henry, 30, 33. Harrison, William H., 08. Haymarket Riot, 143. Heald, Capt, 52. Helm, Capt., 29. Hennepin, Father Louis 13. Henry, Patrick, 23. Homestead Exemption, 114. Illini, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 41. Illinois, 12, 13, 15, 35. 41, 51, 66. Illinois and Mich, see canal. Illinois Cen. R. R., 114, US. Illinois Herald, 56. Illinois Territory, 49, 50. Indiana, 41, 49. Indiana Territory, 45. Indians, 1, 14, 23, 27, 30, 51, 52, 54. Internal Improvement, 94, 109. 100 ILLINOIS I. O. O. F, 92. Iroquois, 2, 6, 9, 13. Jackson, Andrew, 55, 91. Joliet, 119. Joliet, Louis, 12. Jonesboro, 120. Juries, IP. Kaskaskia, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 2G, 27, 35, 38, 41, 56, GT, 77, 145. Kaskaskia Cemetery. 145. Kaskaskia River, 14, 27, 51. Kaskaskias, 14. Keel Boats, 31. Kentucky, 23, 52. Kentuckians, 24, 53. Keokuk, 86. Kickapoos, 5, 6, 9. Kidnappers, 112, 123. Knights of Golden Circle, 128 Lafavette, Gen., 77. Lands, Indian, 86. Lands, Railroad, 113, 115. Lands, School, 83. Latter Day Saints, 91. LaSalle, 113, 124. LaSalle, Robert, 3, 7, 13, 162. Lebanon, 82. Legislature, 59, 70, 72, 74, 94, 112. 132, 145, 153. Lillard, Rev. Joseph, 42. Lincoln, Abraham, 120, 126, 128, 130, 133. Linn, Capt, 25. Liquor, 114, 151. Logan, John A., 129, 133. Louis XIV, 15. Love joy, Rev. Elijah P., 95. Macomb, 147. Marquette, Father, 12. Masonic Lodge, 4S. Matteson, Joel A., 115, 121. McGready, Rev. James, 5S. McKendree College, S2. McLean, John, 67. M. E. Church, 42. Meredosia, 97. Metropolis, 41, 124. Mexican War, 106. Miamis, 4. Michigamies, 3. Minority Representation, 13S. Mormons, 104. Monev, 57. Monroe, James, 67. Mounds, 1. Murphysboro. 72. Muscogees, 2. Muster Days, 55. Nauvoo, 104. Neeroes, 16, 40, 68, 70, 74, 101, 105, 115, 123, 125, 133. New Design, 37, 42, 44. Newspapers, 56. New York, 39. Normal, 119. Normal, Eastern, 149. Normal, Northern, 149. Normal, Southern, 139. Normal, State, 119. Normal, Western, 150. Northern Cross Road, 97, 102. Northwest Territory, 45. Odd Fellows, 92. Ogden, W. B., 96. Olesby, Richard J., 133, 141, 143. Ohio, 41, 45. Ordinance of 1787, 40, 74. Ottawa, 120. Palmer, John M., 138. ILLINOIS 101 Peck, Rev. John M., 74, 80. Pelley, Anna, 156. Penitentiary, 84, 119. Peoria, 53. Peorias, 3, 8, 9. Pet Banks, 91. Piankeshaws, 4. Pioneers, 60-65. Polk, James K., 106. Pope, Nathaniel, 66. Pottawatomies, 5, 9, 96. Primary Elections, 152, 155. Quincy, 97, 120, 124. Quebec Act, 21. Railroad Lands, 113, 115. Railroads, 89, 97, 102, 113, 114. 118. Randolph County, 43. Rangers, 53. Rebellion, 126, 133. Regu 1 ator.s, 112. Reugious Freedom, 40. Renault, Philip F., 16. Republicans, 117, 126. Reynolds, John, 46, 84, 86, 90, 110. Rock Island, 86. Rock Springs, so. Russell, William, 53. Sacs, 5, 6, 9, 53, 76, 86. Salt Works, 84. School Lands, 83. Schools, 37, 76, 83, 91, 103, 115, 116, 119. Scott, Winfield, 88. Seeley, S. J., 37. Sharon, 58. Shawnees, 5. Shawneetown. 57, 72, 77, 79. Shields, James, 106, 107. Shiloh, 42. Shurtleff College, 80. Sioux, 5. Slavery. 16, 40, 68, 70, 74, 101, 105, 123, 124, 125, 133. Smith, G. W., 25. Smith, Joseph, 104. Songs, 131. Spain, 36. Spanish-American War, 151. Springfield, 97, 99. Starved Rock, 9, 160. State Bank, 83, 85, 91. 102. State Debt, 94, 102, 142. State Normal, 119. State University, 136. St. Clair, Arthur, 41. St. Clair County, 41, 43. Stephenson, B. F., 135. Stevenson, A. E., 155. Stewart. A. C, 73. Sterling, Capt, 17. Stillman, 87. St. Louis, 17, 127. Supt. of Schools, 103, 115. Supreme Court of U. S., 105. Surplus Revenue, 91. Tamaroa, 8. Tamaroas, 3, 6, 8, 14. Tanner, John R., 149. Tavlor, Zacharv, 54. Teachers. 64, 116, 161. Theological Sem. and H. S., 80. Thirteenth Amendment 133. Thomas, Jesse B., 59. Todd, John, 35. Tonti, Henr-. 13. Township Organization, 114. Treaty of Paris, 17. Underground Railway, 123, 125. L T nion Jack. 17, 27. Universalists. 7S. University, 136. Urbana, 136. Utica, 8. 102 ILLINOIS Vandalia, 70, 71, 77, 93. Venison, 60, 71. Vincennes, 29, 31, 52. Virginia, 21, 23, 35, 39. Wabash River, 29, 31, 43, 51. War Debts, 39. War of 1812, 11. War Governor, 127. Weas, 4. Whigs. 104. Wigwam. The, 126. Wildcat Banks, 57, 72. Winnebagoes, 5, 6, 81, 87, 8S Wisconsin, 12, 87, 108. Witchcraft, 35. Wolfe, Rev. George, 78. Wolfe, Gen. James, 17. Women, 132, 160, 161, 162. Wood. John, 122. World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 146. Wylie, Rev. Samuel, 59. Yates, Richard, Sr., 127. Yates, Richard, Jr., 152. HISTORY OF COUNTY, ILLINOIS One copy del. to Cat. Div. IAN 21 1