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APR 27ISI6 )GI.A427S53 FOREWORD 111 compiling this compendium of history and bi- ography and preparing it for publication its publish- ers have been engaged in a work of very unusual interest. The story told in these pages is substan- tially that of a rich and fertile region awakened by the commanding voice of mind from its wasteful sleep of ages to a condition of intensifying and expanding productiveness and the conversion of its vast re- sources, prior to that time unused, into serviceable forms for the benefit of mankind. The various stages by which that region has ad- vanced from a wilderness to a highly developed sec- tion of country, rich in all the elements of modern civilization — basking in pastoral abundance, re- sounding with the din of fruitful industry, busy with the mighty volume of a multiform and far-reaching commerce and bright with the luster of high moral, mental, and spiritual life — the home of an enterpris- ing, progressive, and all-daring people, as they founded and have built it, are depicted in detail or clearly indicated in the following chapters. Such a theme is always and everywhere an inspiring one. But happily for the world, though unhappily for the historian, among us it is one fast fading from current experience and comment into the realm of the anti- quarian. For in this land of oi;rs civilized man has established his dominion over almost every region, and there is little of our once vast wilderness left to be conquered. The book contains biographies of many of the progressive residents of Polk County, past and pres- ent, and some of men living elsewhere now who were once potent in the activities of this region — those who laid the foundations of its greatness and those who have built and are building on the superstructure — and is enriched with portraits of a number of them. It also gives a comprehensive survey of the numerous lines of productive energy which distinguish the peo- ple of the county at the present time and of those in which its residents have been engaged at all periods in the past since the settlement of the region began. And so far as past history and present conditions dis- close them, the work indicates the trend of the coun- ty 's activities and the goal which they aim to reach. In their arduous labor of preparing this volume the publishers and promoters of it have had most valu- able and highly appreciated assistance from many sources. Their special thanks are due and are cor- dially tendered to Judge William "Watts for his serv- ices as a reviewer and fountain of information ; to Mr. Elias Steenerson for his complete and entertaining contribution descriptive of the early Norwegian set- tlements in the county; to Mr. W. E. McKenzie for his discriminating history of the press in this section ; to Mr. N. P. Stone, Historian of the Old Settlers' So- ciety, for information obtainable from no other per- son ; to Mr. Edmund M. Walsh for thrilling remi- niscences of the early days at Crookston ;to ]\[r. James ]\I. Cathart for his equally valuable history of the city of Crookston ; to Mr. Charles L. Conger for his graphic account of the rise and fall of Columbia County ; to Professor N. A. Thorson for his able and FOREWORD suggestive history of tlie Polk County school system ; to Mr. C. G. Selvig for his fine exposition of the Nortli- vvcstern School of Agriculture and the Experiment Station operated in connection with it; to j\Ir. Thomas B. Walker, of Minneapolis, for his lucid and highlj' in- teresting presentation of the salient features of the lumhering industry in this region; to Mr. James J. Hill and Mr. W. J. Murphy, of Minneapolis, for valu- ahlc, timely, and helpful encouragement in the work : to Mr. Warren Upham, secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society, for comprehensive and accurate information on the geography and geology of Polk County; to IMr. E. D. Childs, of North Yakima, Wash- ington, for a chapter of sparkling reminiscences of the early days; to Rev. William Thieliion for his ex- cellent article on Gentilly and his church there and the cheese factory conducted bv its members under his supervision and started by his initiative; to Peter Allan Cumming for his article on the Marias Com- nnmity, and to many other persons whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged but who are too numerous to be mentioned specially by name. Without the valu- able and judicious aid of all these persons, those who are named and those who are not, it would have been impossible to comiiile a history of Polk County of the completeness and high character it is hoped and be- lieved this one has. Finally, to the residents of Polk County, to whose patronage the book is indebted for its publication, and whose life stories constitute a large part of its contents, the publishers freely tender their grateful thanks, with the hope that these per- sons will find in the volume an ample recompense for their generosity and public spirit in making its pro- duction possible. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF POLK COUNTY 9 By Waeeen Upham. CHAPTER II. THE EARLY INDIAN INHABITANTS. LACK OP INFORMATION ABOUT THE VERY FIRST PEOPLE OF POLK COUNTY THE MOUND BUILDERS DOUBTLESS NEVER LIVED HERE, AND THE MOUNDS IN THE COUNTY WERE BUILT BY THE RED INDIANS THE CEEES WERE THE FIRST MODERN INDIANS TO LIVE HERE, ALTHOUGH EXACT PARTICULARS OF THEIR OCCUPATION ARE NOT KNOWN — THE CHIPPEWAS FOLLOWED THE CREES, FOUGHT THE SIOUX, AND DROVE THE MAJORITY OF THE LATTER FROM THE THIEF RIVER COUNTRY ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THIEF RIVER — THE SIOUX AND CHIPPEWAS BATTLE FOR THE RED RIVER COUNTRY SIOUX DEFEAT AT PEMBINA FLAT MOUTH, THE CHIPPEWA CHIEF, THWARTS THE TREACHERY OP BEAVER, THE SIOUX CHIEF, AND HAS HIM MURDERED NEAR EAST GRAND FORKS — COL. ROBERT DICKSON, THE SCOTCH TRADER AT EAST GRAND FORKS, PROTESTS THE MURDER AND ALSO HELPS THE BRITISH IN THE WAR OF 1812 17 CHAPTER III. THE FIRST WHITE MEN IN POLK COUNTY. THE NORSEMEN WHO MADE THE KENSINGTON RUNE STONE WERE FIRST— THE EARLY WHITE EXPLORERS — OTHER FIRST VISITORS TO MINNESOTA THE LA VERENDRYES DISCOVER THE RED RIVER VALLEY — FIRST PRINTED DESCRIP- TION OF THE REGION BY A CHIPPEWA HALF BREED RED LAKE NAMED "fROM THE COLOUR OP THE SAND " — NOT MANY OTHER EARLY EXPLORERS 28 CHAPTER IV. FUR TRADERS THE FIRST WHITE RESIDENTS. THE Hudson's bay company — dunc.^n graham comes to east grand forks prior to 1800 — d.wid Thompson FINDS JE.\N BAPTISTE CADOTTE HERE IN 1798 — THE NORTHWEST FUR COMPANY FORMED AND SENDS IN TRAD- ERS — THE COLUMBIA AND AMERICAN FUR COMPANIES 34 CONTENTS CHAPTER V. EARLY AMERICAN EXPLORATIONS IN RED RIVER VALLEY. MAJOB long's expedition IN 1823 — ITS HISTORIAN DESCRIBES BED LAKE KIVEB AS THE "BED FORK" AND NOTES THE SALT DEPOSITS OF THE REGION — COUNT BELTRAMI, OP ITALY, ACCOMPANIES THE MAJ. LONG EXI'EDITION, DESCRIBES THE COUNTRY, AND CALLS THE RED " THE BLOODY RIVER " THE SELKIRK SETTLEMENT AND ITS CONNECTION WITH THE HISTORY OF POLK COUNTY — SELKIRK COLONISTS WERE THE COUNTY 's FIRST WHITE RESIDENTS — THE AREA OF THE PRESENT COUNTY FIRST PURCHASED OF THE INDIANS BY LORD SELKIRK — CAPT. JOHN POPE, IN 1850, RECORDED THE FACT THAT THE COLONISTS CAME TO EAST GRAND FORKS BETWEEN 1814 AND 1820 — A FEW OF THEIR NAMES 40 CHAPTER VI. CHIEF HISTORIC FEATURES OF EARLY TIMES. THE OLD RED RIVER CARTS AND THEIR TRAILS — NORMAN KITTSON 's FIRST TRAIL ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE RED RIVER THROUGH POLK COUNTY ITS HISTORY AND LOCATION, AS MAPPED BY CAPT. POPE AND DESCRIBED BY OTHERS WHO TRAVELED THE ROUTE — IT CROSSED THE RED LAKE RIVER WEST OF FISHER — WAS THE TREATY OP 1863 HEI.D AT THE PROPER CROSSING? — THE GOVERNMENT EXPEDITION UNDER MAJOR WOODS AND CAPTAIN POPE TO PEMBINA IN 1849 — IT FOLLOWED THE OLD KITTSON TRAIL AND CROSSED THE RED LAKE RIVER AT THE OLD CROSSING, WEST OP FISHER — THEY DESCRIBED THE COUNTRY NOW THE WEST SIDE OP POLK COUNTY AS GOOD FOR WHEAT BUT NOT PROMISING FOR CORN — THE TREATIES WHICH BOUGHT THE LAND PROM THE IN- DIANS — THE "old crossing" TREATY HELD AT THE NEW CROSSING OF RED LAKE RIVER 46 CHAPTER VII. EARLY HISTORICAL DATA AFTER 1850. FIRST NATIONAL CENSUS FROM 1850 TO 1860 — HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY RETURNS TO MINNESOTA — BUILDING OP FORT ABraCHOMBIE — CREATION OF POLK COUNTY 56 CHAPTER VIII. HISTORICAL ARTICLES OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. REMINISCENCES OP THE SETTLEMENT OP POLK COUNTY, BY ELIAS STEENERSON — E. M. W.VLSIl'S DESCRIPTIONS OF PI- ONEER BUSINESS LIFE— LUMBERING OPERATIONS IN POLK COUNTY, BY T. B. WALKEK^EARLY BUSINESS ENTER- PRISES, BY E. D. CIIILDS — GENESIS OF THE PRESENT HISTORY OF POLK COUNTY, WITH A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE county's RESOURCES, BY N. P. STONE, HISTORIAN OF THE POLK COUNTY OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST. PETER, CENTILLY, MINN., BY REV. E. THEILLON — THE MARAIS COM- MUNITY, BY PETER ALLAN GUMMING; ITS EARLY PERMANENT SETTLEMENT, ITS PROGRESS AND PRESENT CONDI- TION FIRST PERJIANENT SETTLERS — THE CHURCHES — SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS 63 CONTENTS CHAPTER IX. CROOKSTON AND ITS INSTITUTIONS. By James A. Cathcart, Secretary of the Commercial Club. HISTORICAL SKETCH — CITY BUILDINGS AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THE COMMERCIAL CLUB THE BANKS — MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES — THE CITY SCHOOLS — OTHER SCHOOLS — LODGES AND OTHER CIVIC ORGANIZA- TIONS — THE NORTHWESTERN MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION HOSPITALS, ETC 85 CHAPTER X. THE NEWSPAPERS OF POLK COUNTY. By W. E. McKenzih, Crookston Times. NEWSPAPER conditions PAST AND PRESENT LAND NOTICES PAID THE PIONEER PRINTERS E. M. WALSH AND THE crookston PLAINDEALER — FIRST PAPER WAS THE POLK COUNTY' JOURNAL BROWN AND HIS " BROAD AXE " THE TRAGIC TALE OF THE NORTHERN TIER THE CROOKSTON CHRONICLE THE FISHER BULLETIN THE PAPERS OF 1882 RED LAKE FALLS DEMOCRAT AND THE CROOKSTON TIMES FIRST DEMOCRATIC PAPERS THE m'INTOSH TIMES — CROOKSTON TRIBUNE THE VESTESHEIMEN THE PEOPLE'S PRESS OTHER POLK COUNTY PAPERS ALIVE AND DEAD 90 CHAPTER XI. THE SCHOOLS OF POLK COUNTY. By N. a. Thorson. BASIS for school DEVELOPMENT — THE COMING OP THE COUNTY 's SCHOOLS — COUNTY SCHOOLS IN 1877 AND IN 1878 — FIRST PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER, LUELLA MAY THOMPSON — OTHER EARLY TEACHERS — THE COUNTY SU- PERINTENDENTS — REPORTS OP SCHOOL YEARS FROM 1882 TO 1908 — THE CONDITIONS IN 1910 — SOURCES OP SCHOOL SUPPORT — APPORTIONMENT — STATISTICS OP STATE AND OTHER AIDS — PRESENT CONDITIONS OP POLK COUNTY SCHOOLS 96 CHAPTER XII. THE CROOKSTON SCHOOL OP AGRICULTURE. By C. G. Selvig. a red river valley institution new building dedicated death op superintendent wm. robertson the school's ADVANCEMENT AND GROWTH MOVING YEAR SCHOOL FACULTY — ^EQUIPPING A TECHNICAL SCHOOL THE SCHOOL 's GROWTH — ITS WORK OUTSIDE SCHOOLROOM DOORS 106 CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII. THE NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND EXPERIMENT STATION. By Superintendent C. G. Selvig. ORIGIN AND EARLY HISTORY — SECURING THE LAND FOR A SITE — BEGINNINGS IN 1895 — THE SOIL AT THE STATION — PLANS OUTLINED THE WORK OF EARLY YEARS DRAINAGE INSTALLED DRAINAGE WORK BEGUN A NEW AD- MINISTRATION — EXPERIMENTS IN CROP PRODUCTION FIELD CROP WORK THE HORTICULTURAL DIVISION LIVE STOCK DEPARTJIEXTS, ETC Ill CHAPTER XIV. HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN POLK COUNTY. By Prof. C. G. Selvig. location op the coi'nty — early geological history soils temperature settlement and first set- tlers — red river carts immigration after 1876 pioneer wheat farming agricultural devel- opments and production statistics present farming conditions — corn potatoes — fruits live stock industry dairying poultry raising — live stock farming caj'tle statistics — growth of live stock raising — statistics of farm products and live stock — drainage work in polk county, by GEORGE A. RALPH, C. E r 116 CHAPTER XV. THE RISE AND FALL OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. By Charles L. Conger. some proceedings of the board business done regularly and in order defeat and disaster after all — the new county fight of 1896 the leaders of columbia's fight for existence 125 CHAPTER XVI. THE BANKING INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY. SKETCHES OF SOME OF THE IMPORTANT AND TYPICAL BANKS OF POLK COUNTY CROOKSTON STATE BANK— THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF M 'iNTOSH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP CROOKSTON POLK COUNTY STATE BANK — SCANDIA AMERICAN BANK, CROOKSTON — FIRST STATE BANK OF FERTILE FIRST STATE BANK OP EAST GRAND FORKS — STATE BANK OF ELDRED THE STATE BANK OF ERSKINE — FARMERS STATE BANK OF WINGER — FIRST STATE BANK OF MENTOR — CITIZENS STATE BANK OF FERTILE — FARMERS STATE BANK OF FERTILE — FIRST NA- TIONAL BANK OF EAST GRAND FORKS — STATE BANK OF FISHER — FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY FIRST STATE BANK OF BELTRAMI 131 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS To face page / To face page Polk County Court House 9' The Consolidated .Seliool at Trail, Tolk County 96 The Old Crossing of Red Lake River, near Fisher, in 1858 48 1^ District 69— Polk County 96 K First Depot in Crookston— Picture taken in 1874 70 '^ District 372— Polk County 90 K Main Street, Crookston, in 1883 7o/ N. A. Thorson, County Superintendent 96 J^ Crookston Lumber ]Mill in Height of its Activities 72 "^ Central High School, Crookston 101 >^ Pioneer Fire Fighters 76 New Armory, Crookston lOlK Bird's-Eye View of Crookston in 1885 76/ Owen Hall, Robertson Hall, Stephens Hall, Kiehle Build- Robert Houston's Claim Shanty 85'^ ing and Home Economics 107'^ Crookston's Water Power in Early Days 85 / Home Economics Building and Stephens Hall 109 l^ Crookston's First Flour Mill 85 / Senior Hall and the Hill Building 110 C-^ South Broadway, Post Office in Foreground 86 '/' Another View, Including Superintendent's Residence 113 C/ A Corner of the Railroad Yards, Crookston 87 ^' Stock at Northwest Experiment Station 115 >^ The Crookston Dam (Built by V7. J. Murphy in 1914) 88 / First National Bank at Jlclntosh 131 •^ INDEX OF PORTRAITS Anglim, W. S 465 '-^Jlorris, Tom 153 ' ^ Mossefin, Ed SS*"^ Bagley, Sumner Chesly J"^ ""^Murphy, W. J 8^58 Berg, CM 131-343 Buckler, Hon. R. T 194'>-'^e!son. Dr. Arne 413i— ' ,/ Nelson, Theodore 375 ^""^ Conger, Charles L 161'' ,/Opheim, Andrew 407 " Duckstad, Brown 391 Q^nstad, Jens, M. D 399 l^ Flaskernd, K. E., Mr. and Mrs ■'51 ^ Pp„op TNT 32i ^ Hanson, Norman 495 i/Remick, Mr. and Mrs. .John ~'^'^ ^ Hendricks, John Albert ,367 '-^Rosaaen, Hans Olus ^'^'Z^ Hill, James Jerome 11^444 Ross, Charles 384 .Tohnson, Edward W SOO'^Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 283 l^ . Selvig, Conrad G 430 *^ Keck, Bert D 253 ^Stecnerson. Elias 167 1^ Kelley, Andrew J 431 ' Steenerson, Gunder 201 t^ Kronschnabel, George 307>^ Kteenerson, Hon. Halvor 363 ^^ Krostue, Hon. Gunder 175 v/stowe, Edmund L '. 3S3 \^ Larsen, L. W - 243^^*°"^' ^=^t'-" ^ ^'^'^ McKenzie, William E 233^ '^'^-^'^•^'' ^°"''^'^' ylll MeKinnon, John R 2,.^ Thorson, N. A 9(1-395 ^ Vasenden, Nels 315 Marin, W. A 216 1^ V' Melbo, Hans H 358 *^ Walker, Thomas Barlow 74-451 Merrill, Anson Charles 411"^ Watts, Hon. William 141 "^^ Misncr, Harvey Chase 146'^ Wheeler, Jerome Winthrop 187 *^ HISTORY OF POLK COUNTY CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF POLK COUNTY. By Warren Upham. PRINCIPAL RIVERS. The great watercourses of Polk County are the Red River, which here flows nearly north-northwest, form- ing the western boundary of the county and the state, and its principal tributary, the Red Lake River, which takes a more meandering course. If the many small loops and bends of the latter stream are disregarded, however, its general route, from which the bends mostly deviate only a quarter to a half of a mile on either side, is seen on the map to be quite direct, run- ning west and northwest through the central part of the county. The cities of Grand Porks and East Grand Porks are named from their situation where these streams unite, or rather where the lower river forks as it was seen by the Indians or the Prench voy- ageurs when coming up in their canoes. Both these rivers have received translations of their Ojibway or Chippewa names, which these Indians gave to them on account of their being the outlet of the great Red Lake. Above the Grand Porks, indeed, the main Red River, as it is named by the white men, was called Otter Tail River by the Ojibways from the lake of that name on the upper part of its course. We may also go a step farther back to note that the name of Red Lake is likewise translated from its Ojibway name, given very long ago, according to the late Rev. Joseph A. Gilfillan, for twenty-five years a missionary on the White Earth reservation, from the bright red and vermilion hues of the sunset sky reflected upon the placid water of the lake; while Otter Tail Lake derived its Indian name from a long point of land, shaped like the tail of an otter, between the east end of the lake and its main inflowing stream. FOREST AND PRAIRIE. The southeast part of this county is sparingly tim- bered, mostly with groves of small poplars, being on the western limit of the originally forested region of the eastern United States; but it also has consid- erable expanses of original prairie, interspersed with the wooded and brushy areas. Westward a heavier growth of forest trees, including oaks, elm, basswood, box-elder, cottonwood, and other species, borders the rivers, usually reaching only a few rods and rarely a quarter of a mile from their banks. Otherwise the main western tract, forming a part of the broad and flat Red River Valley, is an extensive prairie, richly carpeted with grasses and flowers, being the eastern margin of the great prairie region of western and southern Minnesota, which thence continues west in the Dakotas and is gradually succeeded by the drier treeless plains that reach to the Rocky Mountains. SURFACE FEATURES. Although no very conspicuous hills or ridges diver- sify the surface of Polk County, it includes in its highest southeastern part two tracts of low drift hills, small ridges and knolls, called moraines, which were COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 10 amassed on the borders of the continental ice-sheet at times of pause or readvauee interrupting its general departure from this region. The more northern of these tracts begins close east of Fertile and reaches about thirty-five miles northeast and east, with a width from one to five miles, passing close soutli of Erskine and onward to Gully station, near the east boundary of the county. The more southern morainic tract is part of a wider and longer hilly belt, stretch- ing from Fosston southward into Mahnomen County and northeastward into and through Clearwater County. Hills in each of these moraines occasionally rise 50 to 75 feet, or rarely more, above the adjoining and intervening hollows. Nearly all the surface is strewn with plentiful drift boulders, vai-ying in size up to five feet or sometimes ten feet in length or diameter. Their abundance on the moraine belts is in remark- able contrast to their infrequent occurrence on other and smoother glacial drift areas that form much of this southeast part of Polk County and also the greater parts of Red Lake and Pennington counties, ■which originally were included in this county. No rock outcrop is found in these counties, nor indeed in a very large region of western Minnesota, which is overspread with a vast sheet of the glacial and modified drift deposits to a depth commonly ranging from 100 to 200 feet or more, mantling and concealing the bed rocks. Westward, along the low and flat valley of the R^d River, fine alluvial silt, destitute of drift boulders or even pebbles, is spread over both the underlying rocks and the glacial drift, reaching in general about twenty or twenty-five miles from the river. This deposit, which has given this valley its fame as a very fertile wheat raising area, was laid down chiefly by river floods that flowed northward after the ancient lake of the valley had been drained away. If the valley silt were mainly of lacustrine deposition, it would extend farther from the Red River to the old lake beaches on each side of the valley at consid- erable heights above the flat river plain. FLOODS OF RED KIVEK. The range between the lowest and highest stages of the Red River much surpa.sses that of any other river in Minnesota. At Breekenridge the range is about 15 feet, but it increases rapidly northward, liecoming 32 feet at Moorhead, attaining its maxi- mum of 50 feet in the south part of Polk County, and continuing nearly at 40 feet from Grand Forks to the international boundary and Winnipeg. Floods rising nearly or quite to the high water line thus noted have been rare, occurring in 1826, 1852, 1860, 1861, and 1882. They are caused in the spring by the melting of unusual svipplies of snow and by heavy rains, and often are increased by gorges of ice, which is usually broken up along the southern upper portion of the river earlier than along its lower course. These floods attain a height only a few feet below the level of the adjoining prairie where that is highest, and along the greater part of the distance between Moor- head and Winnipeg the banks are overflowed and the flat land on each side of the river to a distance of two to four or five miles from it is covered with water one to five feet or more in depth. HEIGHTS ABOVE THE SE.\. It is of much interest, for our consideration of the ancient water levels, that a brief notice be given to the altitude and general contour of Minnesota, and more especially of the basin of the Red River. The topographic features of the state may be summed up for its western three quai'ters as being a moder ately undulating, sometimes nearly flat, but occa- sionally hilly area, gradually descending from the Coteau des Prairies and from the Leaf hills, re- spectively about 2,000 and 1,700 feet above the sea, to half that height, or from 1,000 to 800 feet, in the Red River Valley and to the same height along the valley of the Mississippi from St. Cloud to Min- neapolis. The lowest land in Minnesota is the shore of Lake Superior, 602 feet above the sea; and the Mississippi flows pa.st the southeast corner of the state at the height of 620 feet. COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 11 Lakes in northern and central Becker County, forming the sources of Ottertail River, the head stream of the Red River, are 1,400 to 1,500 feet above the sea; Ottertail Lake, 1,315 feet; and Red Lake, 1,176 feet. Rainy Lake is 1,117 feet above the sea; the Rainy River descends 23 feet at International Falls, two miles and a half from the mouth of this lake ; the Lake of the Woods is at 1,060 feet; and the Winni- peg River thence falls 350 feet to Lake Winnipeg. At Fergus Falls the Red River descends about 80 feet in three miles, from 1,210 to 1,130 feet; at Breckenridge its height at the stage of low water is 943 feet ; at Moorhead and Fargo, 866 feet ; at Grand Forks, 784; at St. Vincent and Pembina, near the northwest corner of Minnesota, 748; and at the city of Winnipeg, 724 feet. Heights of railway stations in this county, noted in feet above the sea, are as follows : Beltrami 901 East Grand Forks. . 831 Russia 892 Burwell 914 Kittson 885 Benoit 1019 Carman 877 Dugdale 1138 Crookston 863 Mentor 1167 Shirley 900 Erskine 1187 Euclid 890 Mcintosh 1218 Angus 870 Fosston 1288 Fisher 852 Fertile 1140 MaUory 837 Tilden 1116 GEOLOGIC ERAS. During the early geologic eras of Archean and Paleozoic time, which were almost inconceivably long, Polk County appears to have been a land surface, re- ceiving no rock formations. Probably then, as now, it was in the interior of a large continent, which with many changes has become the North America of today. Through the greater part of the ensuing Mesozoic era, so named for its intermediate types of plants and animals, Minnesota was wholly a land area. The floras and faunas of this time were gradually chang- ing from their primitive and ancient characters, called Paleozoic, but had not yet attained to the relatively modern or new forms which give the name Cenozoic to the next and latest great division of geologic time. Toward the end of the Cretaceous period, in late Mesozoic time, western Minnesota was depressed be- neath the sea. Frequent outcrops of Cretaceous shales and sandstone, continuous from their great expanse on the western plains, occur here and there in the central and southern parts of this state; and in numerous other places deep Avells, after passing through the thick covering of glacial drift, encounter these Cretaceous strata, which sometimes are found to reach to a thickness of several hundred feet. Ever since the uplift of the Red River basin from the Cretaceous Sea, it has stood above the sea level and has received no marine sediments. It was in- stead being slowly sculptured by rains and streams through the long periods of the Tertiary era; and during a part of the relatively short Quaternary era it was deeply covered by snow and ice similar to the ice-sheets that now envelop the interior of Green- land and the Antarctic continent. These two eras, or principal divisions of geologic history, may be here classed together as a single Cenozoic era, distinguished by the evolutionary crea- tion of new and present types of life. Nearly all the plants and animals of the preceding eras have dis- appeared, as also many that lived in the early Cenozoic periods, while new species succeeding them make up the present floras and faunas. THE ICE AGE. The last among the completed periods of geology was the ice age, most marvelous in its strange contrast with the present time, and also unlike any other period during the very long, uniformly warm or tem- perate eras which had preceded. The northern half of North America and northern Europe then became enveloped with thick sheets of snow and ice, prob- ably caused chiefly by uplifts of the lands as exten- sive high plateaus, receiving snowfall throughout the year. But in other parts of the world, and especially in its lower temperate and tropical regions, all the climatic conditions were doubtless then nearly as now, permitting plants and animals to survive and flourish 12 COIUPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY until the departure of the ice-sheets gave them agaiu opportunity to spread over the northern lands. High preglacial elevation of the drift-bearing re- gions is known by the depths of fjords and sub- merged continuations of river valleys, which on the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific coasts of the north part of North America show the land to have been elevated at least 2,000 to 3,000 feet higher than now. In Nor- way the bottom of the Sogne Fjord, the longest and deepest of the many fjords of that coast, is 4,000 feet below the sea level. Previous to the Glacial period or Ice age, and doubtless causing its abundant snowfall, so high uplift of these countries had taken place that streams flowed along the bottoms of the fjords, chan- neling them as very deep gorges on the borders of the land areas. Under the vast weight of the ice-sheets, however, the lands sank to their present level, or mostly some- what lower, whereby the temperate climate, with hot summers, properly belonging to the southern portions of the ice-clad regions, was restored. The ice-sheets were then rapidly melted away, though with numer- ous pauses or sometimes slight readvances of the mainly receding glacial boundary. On certain belts the drift was left in hills and ridges accumulated during this closing stage of the Glacial period along the margin of the ice wherever it halted in its general retreat or temporarily readvanced. Upon the greater part of Minnesota and North Dakota the only hills are formed of this morainie drift, rang- ing in height commonly from 25 to 75 or 100 feet, but occasionally attaining much greater altitude, as in the Leaf Hills of Ottertail County, Minnesota, which rise from 100 to 350 feet above the moderately undulating country on each side. GLACIAL LAKE AGASSIZ. When the departing ice-sheet, in its melting off the land from south to north, receded beyond the water- shed dividing the basin of the Minnesota River from that of the Red River, a lake, fed by the glacial melt- ing, stood at the foot of the ice fields, and extended northward as they withdrew along the valley of the Red River to Lake Winnipeg, filling this broad valley to the height of the lowest point over which an outlet could be found. Until the ice barrier was melted on the area now crossed by the Nelson River, thereby draining this glacial lake, its outlet was along the pres- ent course of the Minnesota River. At first its over- flow was on the nearly level undulating surface of the drift, 1,100 to 1,125 feet above the sea, at the west side of Traverse and Big Stone counties; but in the proc- ess of time this cut a channel there, called Brown 'a Valley, 100 to 150 feet deep and about a mile wide, the highest point of which, on the present water divide between the Mississippi and Nelson basins, is 975 feet above the sea level. From this outlet the valley plain of the Red River extends 315 miles north to Lake Winnipeg, which is 710 feet above the sea. Along this entire distance there is a very uniform continuous descent of a little less than one foot per mile. The farmers and other residents of this fertile plain are well aware that they live on the area once occu- pied by a great lake, for its beaches, having the form of smoothly rounded ridges of gravel and sand, a few feet high, with a width of several rods, are observ- able extending horizontally long distances upon each of the slopes which rise east and west of the valley plain. Hundreds of farmers have located their build- ings on these beach ridges as the most dry and sightly .spots on their land, affording perfectlj- drained cel- lars even in the most wet spring seasons, and also yielding to wells, dug through this sand and gravel, better water than is usually obtainable in wells on the adjacent clay areas. "Wliile each of these farmers, and in fact everyone living in the Red River Valley, rec- ognize that it is an old lake bed, few probably know that it has become for this reason a district of special interest to geologists, who have traced and mapped its upper shore along a distance of about 800 miles. Numerous explorers of this region, from Long and Keating in 1823, to General G. K. Warren in 1868 and Professor N. H. Winchell in 1872, recognized the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 13 lacustrine features of this valley ; and the last named geologist first gave what is now generally accepted as the true explanation of the lake's existence, namely, that it was produced in the closing stage of the Glacial period by the dam of the continental ice-sheet at the time of its final melting away. As the border of the ice-sheet retreated northward along the Red River Valley, drainage from that area could not flow, as now, freely to the north through Lake Winnipeg and into the ocean at Hudson Bay, but was turned by the ice-barrier to the south across the lowest place on the watershed, which was found, as before noted, at Brown's Vallej', on the west boundary of Min- nesota. Detailed exploration of the shore lines and area of this lake was begun by the present writer for the Minnesota Geological Survey in the years 1879 to 1881. In subsequent years I was employed also in tracing the lake shores through North Dakota for the United States Geological Survey, and through south- em Manitoba, to the distance of 100 miles north from the international boundary, for the Geological Survey of Canada. For the last named survey, also, Mr. J. B. Tyrrell extended the exploration of the shore lines, more or less completely, about 200 miles farther north, along the Riding and Duck mountains and the Porcupine and Pasquia hills, west of Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis, to the Saskatchewan River. This glacial lake was named by the present writer in the eighth annual report of the Minnesota Geolog- ical Survey, for the year 1879, in honor of Louis Agassiz, the first prominent advocate of the theory of the formation of the drift by land ice. Its outflowing river, whose channel is now occupied by Lakes Traverse and Big Stone and Brown 's Valley, was also named by me, in a paper read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its Minneapolis meeting in 1883, as the River Warren, in commemoration of General Warren's admirable work in the United States Engineering Corps, in pub- lishing maps and reports of the Minnesota and Mis- sissippi River survej's. Descriptions of Lake Agassiz and the River Warren were somewhat fully given in the eighth and eleventh annual reports of the Minnesota Geological Survey, and in the first, second, and fourth volumes of its final report ; and more com- plete descriptions and maps of the whole lake, in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Manitoba, were pub- lished in 1895 as Monograph XXV of the United States Geological Survey. Several successive levels of Lake Agassiz are re- corded by distinct and approximately parallel beaches of gravel and sand, due to the gradual lowering of the outlet by the erosion of the channel at Brown's Val- ley, and these are named principally from stations on the Breckenridge and Wahpeton line of the Great Northern Railway in their descending order, the Her- man, Norcross, Tintah, Campbell, and McCauleyville beaches, because they pass through or near these sta- tions and towns. The highest, or Herman, beach is traced in Minnesota from the northern end of Lake Traverse eastward to Herman, and thence northward, passing a few miles east of Barnesville, through Mu3- koda, on the Northern Pacific Railway, and around the west and north sides of Maple Lake, which lies in Polk County, about twenty miles east-southeast of Crookston, beyond which it goes eastward to the south side of Red and Rainy lakes. In North Dakota the Herman shore lies about four miles west of Wheat- land, on the Northern Pacific Railway, and the same distance west of Larimore on the Pacific line of the Great Northern Railway. On the international bound- ai"y, in passing from North Dakota into Manitoba, this shore coincides with the escarpment or front of the Pembina Mountain plateau; and beyond passes northwest to Brandon on the Assiniboine, and thence northeast to the Riding Mountain. Leveling along the upper beach shows that Lake Agassiz, in its earliest and highest stage, was nearly 200 feet deep above Moorhead and Fargo, a little more than 300 feet deep above Grand Forks and Crookston; about 450 feet above Pembina, St. Vin- cent, and Emerson; and about 500 and 600 feet, re- 14 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY spectively, above Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg. The length of Lake Agassiz is estimated to have been nearly 700 miles, and its area not less than 110,000 square miles, exceeding the combined areas of the five great lakes tributary to the St. Lawrence. After the ice border was so far melted back as to give outlets northeastward lower than the River War- ren, numerous other beaches marking these lower levels of the glacial lake were formed, and finally, by the full departure of the ice. Lake Agassiz was drained away to its present representative, Lake Winnipeg. While the outflow passed southward, seventeen suc- cessive shore lines, marked by distinct beach ridges, were made by the gradually falling northern part of this lake ; but all these, when traced southward, are united into the five beaches before noted for the southern part of the lake. During its stages of north- eastern outflow, a lower series of fourteen shore lines were made. Thus Lake Agassiz had, in total, thirty- one successive stages of gradual decline in height and decrease in area. The earliest Herman beach has a northward ascent of about a foot per mile, but the lowest and latest beaches differ only very slightly from perfect horizon- tality. It is thus known that a moderate uplift of this area, increasing in amount from .south to north, was in progress and was nearly or quite completed while the ice-sheet was melting away. Before the Gla- cial period, all the northern half of our continent had been greatly elevated, producing at last the cold and snowy climate and the thick ice-sheet; in a late part of that period the land was depressed under the weight of the ice. which in consequence melted away; and latest, at the same time with the departure of the ice-sheet, the unburdened land rose a few hnnd- dred feet, the uplift having a gradual increase toward the central part of the country formerh^ ice-covered. In comparison with the immensely long and an- cient geologic periods that had preceded, the final melting of the ice-sheet, the deposition of its marginal moraines and other drift formations, its fringing glacial lakes, and the attendant uplifting of the land. occupied little time and were very recent. The en- tire duration of Lake Aga.ssiz, estimated from the amount of its wave action in erosion and in the accu- mulation of beach gravel and sand, appears to have been only about 1,000 years, and the time of its ex- istence is thought to have been somewhere between 6.000 and 10.000 years ago. BEACHES AND DELTA IN THIS COUNTY. The south line of Polk County crosses the highest beach near the middle of the south side of Garfield Township, about two and a half miles southeast of Fertile. In the east edge of the southeast quarter of section 28 and the west edge of the northwest quar- ter of section 27, Garfield, this beach is a typical ridge of gravel and sand, with its crest 1,166 to 1,173 feet above the sea. There is a gi'adual descent toward the west. The depression on the east is a sixth to a fourth of a mile wide, sinking 6 to 10 feet below the beach. Farther eastward the land is moderately undulating glacial drift, rising 20 to 30 feet above the beach and Ijearing frequent groves of small poplars, bur oak, and canoe birch. When Lake Agassiz stood at its greatest height, the Sand Hill River brought into its margin a delta six miles long from south to north and three miles wide, reaching from the upper beach to the west side of Gar- field and continuing south through the northwest part of Sundal in Norman County. The surface of this delta deposit of stratified gravel and sand descends slowly westward and is ci'ossed by the lower Herman and Norcross shores, though these lake levels are not there generally traceable. The Tiiitah shores pass along its western margin, which in some portions was worn away to a low escarpment, steeper than its origi- nal frontal slope, while the eroded sand and gravel, after being carried some distance southward, but not wholly beyond the delta, were deposited in beach ridges. Upon the delta plain many dunes of small and large size, seen from a distance of ten or twelve miles across the lower expanse at the west, have been- heaped iip by the winds, probably mostly before vege- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 15 tation had spread over this area after the withdrawal of the glacial lake. In the south half of section 32, Garfield, and in a belt which thence extends approximately north and south, the surface of the delta, as it was originallj' deposited, falls toward the west with a slope of 25 or 30 feet in a mile, from 1,125 or 1,130 feet to about 1,100 feet above the sea. Beneath the original sur- face, however, channels have been eroded by the winds, and sand hills 25 to 75 feet above it have been blown up in irregular groups and series, scat- tered over a tract about a mile wide and extending three or four miles southward from the Sand Hill River, in section 29, the northeast part of section 30, and in section 31 and 32, Garfield, and reaching south- ward in sections 5 and 8, Sundal. An isolated group of these hills lies north of the Sand Hill River, in the northwest quarter of section 16, Garfield. These sand dunes are in part bare, being so freqiaently drifted by the winds as to allow no foothold for vegetation; other portions are clothed with grass or with bushes and scanty dwarfed trees, including bur oak, the common aspen or poplar, cottonwood, green ash, black cherry, and the frost grape. The upper Herman beach, the first of the series which was formed in the vicinity of Maple Lake con- temporaneously with the single Herman beach farther south, runs approximately from south to north, through or near the northeast corner of section 4, Gar- field. It is a smooth gravel ridge, with its crest 1,165 to 1,175 feet above the sea. The second Herman beach, in the east part of section 5, this township, and section 32, Godfrey, about a mile west of the upper beach, has a height of 1,149 to 1,153 feet, being a ridge of gravel and sand about fortj' rods wide, with very gentle, prolonged slopes toward both the east and west. A half or two thirds of a mile farther west, the third Hennan beach, passing through .the northwest quarter of section 5, Garfield, and the west part of section 32, Godfrey, has a height of 1,130 to 1,135 feet, forming a distinct ridge in its southern part, but farther north being a flat area of gravel and sand, slightly elevated above the land next east. Thence the Herman beaches are very finely devel- oped for a distance of six to eight miles northward, passing through Godfrey Township into the southeast part of Tilden, where they curve to the northeast and east. From this great bend of their course, these beaches pass eastward by the noi'theast end of Maple Lake and by Mentor and Erskine. The highest Her- man beach is traced onward northeast and east to Trail and Gully railway stations; and it continues tlirough Clearwater and Beltrami counties, passing close south of Red Lake. Maple Lake, the largest of the many lakes in the southeast part of Polk County, is 1,169 feet above the sea. In its curving course west and north of this lake the highest beach of Lake Agassiz is magnificently ex- hibited, forming a massive, gently rounded ridge of gravel and sand, about thirty rods across, with the crest of its highest portion, along a distance of two or three miles, at 1,178 to 1,186 feet. On the Fosston line of the Great Northern railway and on the same latitude with the eastwardly curving beaches north of Maple Lake, three small beach ridges are crossed about two and a half miles east of Benoit, the elevation of their crests being successively 1,062, 1,069, and again 1,069 feet, in their order from west to east. These probably represent the upper Tintah beach. One and a quarter miles farther east a more massive beach is crossed, with its crest at 1,092 feet, which is probably the lowest Norcross shore line. Other beach ridges crossed nearly one mile and a half and again nearly two miles east of the last, with crests respectively at 1,114 and 1,120 feet, are apparently referable to upper Norcross stages of the lake. The next beach noted on this railway, three quarters of a mile farther east, at the height of 1,142 feet, belongs to the lower portion of the Herman series. In section 34, Liberty, close south of the Sand Hill River, the Campbell shore is marked by a low eroded escarpment of the glacial drift or till, the top of which is 1,010 feet above the sea, being probably 10 feet 16 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY higher than the lake level when it was made. It runs in a nearly due north course, parallel with the well developed JlcCauleyville beach ridges which lie a half to two thirds of a mile farther west. Continu- ing northward through Liberty and Onstad townships and the southern two thirds of Kertsonville, the Campbell shore is almost continuously a terrace cut in the till, having a descent of 10 to 30 feet within as many rods. Numerous boulders, remaining from the wave erosion, are strewn on a narrow belt below the terrace. The erosion was in progress along the greater part of this terrace during both the upper and lower Campbell stages of the lake ; but a beach ridge of gravel and sand, which was accumulated along its base during the lower stage, extends through section 5, Onstad, and into the adjoining sections. From the southeast part of .section 9, Kertsonville, the Campbell shore takes a north-northeastward course for the next ten miles to the southwest corner of the township of Red Lake Falls and to the Red Lake River. Along this extent it bears a conspicuous beach deposit, on which several farmhouses are built, their cellars being dug to the depth of six or eight feet in gravel and sand, Avhile the surface on each side of the shore line is till. For the greater part of this distance there are two parallel beach ridges, usually occupying to- gether a width of about fifty rods. The crest of the eastern and higher beach is 1,012 to 1,015 feet above the sea, and that of the lower beach about 1,000 feet, varj'ing from this only one or two feet. Each ridge has a descent of four to six feet toward the east, and their western bases are respectively at 995 and 985 feet, approximately. The upper and lower Campbell levels of Lake Agassiz, which heaped up these beaches by their waves, were very nearly at 1,000 and 990 feet. Several much later and lower stages of this ancient ice-dammed lake, after it had ceased to outflow at Brown's Valley, are represented by beach ridges traced in nearly parallel south to north courses through Crookston, Pamell, Belgium, Euclid, Angus, and adjoining townships. The lowest beach observed in this count}', passing through sections 10 and lo, Tabor, is referred to the Gladstone stage of the lake, named from Gladstone in Manitoba. The southern end of the waning Lake Agassiz had then receded from Brown's Valley to the vicinitj* of the mouth of Sand Hill River, and its depth of water above the present Lake Winnipeg was reduced to less than 200 feet. Two relatively small deltas were formed in the east edge of the lake by the Buffalo and Sand Hill rivers, while its west edge received four deltas, each much larger in both area and thickness, namely the Shey- enne. Elk Valley, Pembina, and Assiniboine deltas. All of these remarkable tributary .sand and gravel deposits were brought by inflowing streams during the earliest and highest Herman stages of the lake, though each was considerably channeled and in part borne farther and to lower levels during the later and lower stages. In every instance the delta formations were supplied mainly by drainage from neighboring por- tions of the melting and departing ice-sheet. Alike on the east and west sides of the Red River Valley, the retreating border of the continental glacier nearly adjoined the ancient lake, being melted back from south to north as fast as the lake grew northward and made its earliest beaches. Above the Sand Hill delta, southeastern Polk Coun- ty was yet covered by the ice, melting fast away every summer, when its drift supplied the sand beds of the delta. Not far distant northward, the front of the ice-sheet stretched across the valley, but it was grad- ually yielding its place to the great glacial lake. Soon the originally .smooth delta expanse, laid bare by the land uplift and the declining lake levels, was partly blown by the winds into high and picturesque sand hills, before protecting vegetation could overspread the surface. CHAPTER II. THE EARLY INDIAN INHABITANTS. LACK OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE VERY FIRST PEOPLE OF POLK COUNTY THE MOUND BUILDERS DOUBTLESS NEVER LIVED HERE, AND THE MOUNDS IN THE COUNTY WERE BUILT BY THE RED INDIANS THE CREES WERE THE FIRST MODERN INDIANS TO LIVE HERE, ALTHOUGH EXACT PARTICULARS OP THEIR OCCUPATION ARE NOT KNOWN THE CHIPPEWAS FOLLOWED THE CREES, FOUGHT THE SIOUX, AND DROVE THE MAJORITY OP THE LATTER FROM THE THIEF RIVER COUNTRY — ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THIEF RIVER THE SIOUX AND CHIPPEWAS BATTLE FOR THE RED RIVER COUNTRY — SIOUX DEFEAT AT PEMBINA — FLAT MOUTH, THE CHIPPEWA CHIEF, THWARTS THE TREACHERY OP BEAVER, THE SIOUX CHIEF, AND HAS HIM MURDERED NEAR EAST GRAND FORKS — COL. ROBERT DICKSON, THE SCOTCH TRADER AT EAST GRAND FORKS, PROTESTS THE MURDER AND ALSO HELPS THE BRITISH IN THE WAR OF 1812. The record of the early human occupation of the Red River Valley of the Noi'th is very incomplete and imperfect. It seems quite probable that from creation until a few hundred years ago it was not occupied at all by human beings, and its only denizens were the wild birds of the air, the wild beasts of the prairies and scanty forests, and the fishes of the lakes and streams. There are no signs of a remote settlement or other form of ancient civilization in the Valley. That very ancient and very mysterious race, which, for inability to coin a more suitable name, we call the Mound Builders, and which lived at one period in the southeastern part of the State, never dwelt, for any considerable time in the Red River Valley. At any rate, none of their mounds and tumuli, which invari- ably denote and prove their former presence, are found here. There are mounds but they were not built by the old Mound Builders. The so-called Red Indians were the first human occupants, but their oc- cupation was fugitive, unstable, and disconnected. It is true that there are mounds or tumuli within the present boundaries of Polk Countj', and that some authorities have pronounced these to be the work of the old Mound Builders; of course these authorities are of those that believe the Mound Builders were the immediate ancestors of the Red Indians. The princi- pal mound in the county is now within the limits of Crookston, and only three-fourths of a mile from the center of the city. It is on the south bank of the Red Lake River and 35 feet above the stream. In about 1890 Prof. Moore, then principal of the Crookston City Schools, and some of his pupils made excavations in this mound and found in it human bones, including skulls. From the reports made to the compiler of this examination it does not seem that any pottery, flint, stone, or copper implements, or any other reliable evidences of Mound Builder work or oc- cupation were found. These evidences certainly would have been unearthed had the old pre-historic race been the buildei-s. Their work and former sites of occupation are almost as readily determined as those of the ancient Greeks and Romans. In noting the Crookston mound Hon. William Watts plausibly suggests that it marks the site of the cemetery of an old-time Sioux village. This may be a correct theoiy, although we now know a great deal of the early and very early history of the Sioux, and we do not know that (at least within the proper time when skulls and other human bones would be pre- served for a long time in the earth) there was ever a 17 18 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF PObK COUNTY considerable Indian village at the site of Crookston. If the Sioux had such a \dllage, it must have been of the Sisseton band (Sissetonwaus, or People of the Marsh), because the Sissetons were later located not very far to the west or south; we know their early history fairly well, and we have no account of such a village in that part of the country. Possibly the mound may have been the burial place for a village of Cheyenne Indians, for we well know that they were in this quarter for several years before they were driven out by the Sioux and went into various parts of South Dakota and the southeastern part of North Dakota, and mainly upon the river which still bears their name as it is commonly pronounced. Both the Cheyennes and the Sioux built mounds over their dead; both tribes made and used pottery. But their mounds were simple sepulchres and their pottery was solely for domestic purposes. In 1680 Father Hennepiu found the Sioux of Mille Lacs boiling their food in fire-proof earthen pots, which they had made. But neither tribe built large, high mounds, for temples of worship, for observation or watchtowers, and for the bui-ial places of their chiefs or kings, as the Mound Builders always did. Neither tribe made flint and stone implements, either arrow and lance heads or axes, spades, etc., and the Mound Builders constantl.v made these things. The Sioux, Cheyennes, and other Red Indians picked up the flint arrow points and lance-heads and used them (though many of them had come from quarries as far off as West Virginia), but they could not make them — and none of them ever Inieir ivho did! It is probable that the Crookston mound was made to cover the remains of their warriors slain in some pre-historic battle, in which the Sioux were the victors and had flie opportunity of decently interring their (lead. The Sioux often, and indeed almost commonly, raised a slight mound of earth over the .skeletons of their dead. If not slain in battle, their dead were sus- ])ended in trees or ])laeed upon high scaffolds until the flesh was gone, and then the bones were taken down and buried. Sometimes the remains were buried in receptacles made in the banks of streams and coulees, and even in the big mounds made by their predeces- sors in the country, the Mound Builders. The idea probably was to honor the venerated remains and to preserve them from destruction or desecration. Many a modern Indian 's bones have been found in a Mound I'uildcr's sacrificial mound, and thus fairly .iustifying the belief that the mound itself was the work of modern Indians. There is a possibility that the great battle between the Sioux and the Chippewas described by Warren as having occurred on Sand Hill River, and mentioned on anotlier page, was really fought on the Red Lake River and that the Crookston mound is the grave of the Sioux warriors killed therein — as suggested on an- other page. But there is no positive evidence in sup- poi't of this suggestion, and Warren is clear in his statement that the battle was on the Sand Hill River. Tliere is no moiuid on the Sand Hill near the supposed site of the battle, although the Sioux held the field and had the opportunitj' to bury their dead properly ac- cording to their custom, with a heap of dirt raised over them. Prof. Winchell's "Aborigines of Minnesota" men- tions (p. 361) the Crookston mound and gives its dimensions, when he survej^ed it, in 1880, as "7 feet higli and 120 feet in diameter." The location is, how- ever, erroneously given as ' ' about two miles southwest from Crokston. " The "Aborigines" notes (p. 362) another mound in what is now Polk County, and which is described as having a diameter of .58 feet and a heiglit of four and a half feet. Its location is given as in township 148, ' range 45, not far from Melvin Station. The Sand Hill River mounds are also noted on page 362 of "Aborigines." These are three small mounds, averaging about four feet high and 55 feet across, which are located in township 147, range 45, west of Fertile. It is difficult to tell without examination by digging into them whether these are natural or artifi- cial. There are numerous erroneous statements in "Aborigines" — 'typographical errors often — regard- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 19 ing tliese mounds. Oue, now in Red Lake County is described (p. 362) as in "section 90," when section 9 is meant. The absence of dense forests filled with deer and other game, and furnishing fuel and material for habi- tations, was one reason why the Red Indians avoided the Valley region. There was little other kind of country here save the big prairies, which were almost untraversable save by horseback, and these aborigines had no horses, and indeed never saw one ; since horses were not original to Minnesota, nor, indeed, indige- nous to the United States, but had to be introduced from Europe. The aborigines of the Red River Val- ley, with their flint arrow heads and lance heads, and traveling altogether on foot, had a difficult job to kill buffalo and deer. Their best and common mode of securing these animals was to creep upon them as they grazed in the high grass of a lowland, near a lake or river, and, suddenly bounding forth, stampede the herd and chase its members into the water, where they often came up with them and speared them to death. Farther westward the tribes were accustomed to chase the buffalos over high precipices. THE CREES WERE THE FIRST RED INDIANS. The identified Indians who first visited, and prob- ably lived at intervals, in the section of the Red River Valley no\v embraced within Polk County were the Crees. There were others before them, of course, but we do not know who they were or what to call them. The Crees were in this region, especially about Pembina, Lake Winnipeg, and the lower Valley, when the first white men came. The Jesuit Fathers men- tion them, in their "Relations" for the year 1640, as "dwelling on the rivers of the northern sea, [mean- ing Hudson's Bay] where the Nipissings go to trade with them." Lacombe, in his "Dictionary of the Cree Language," says that, according to their tradi- tions, the Crees — in, say about 1750 — "inhabited for a time the region about the Red River, intermingled with the Chippewas and Maskegons," but were at- tracted to the plains by the buffalo. The Maskegons were practically themselves Crees, being an offshoot of the tribe. They were often called the Swamp Crees, because Maskeg (or Muskeg) means a swamp. Many authorities regard the Crees as Chippewas. Their language is virtually a Chippewa dialect; their manners and customs are much alike; they too were a forest people, and finally they had a tradition that they were descendants of a band that in the long ago seceded from the Chippewas in northern Minnesota and went to dwell on Lake Cree. The Smithsonian Institution "Handbook" (1907) says: "The Crees are closely related, linguistically and otherwise, to the Chippewa. Prof. Hayden regarded them as an off- shoot of the latter and believed the Maskecons another division of the same group." Many bands of the Crees were nomads and were generally unsettled, their movements being governed largely by their food supply. In their wanderings they mingled with the Assiniboines, who were offshoots of the Sioux, and in- termarried with them and the old Chippewas from whom they had sprung. Father Belcourt, the good priest of Pembina, who lived so long with them on the Assiniboine, Saskatche- wan, and Red Rivers, says the Crees, in 1850, called themselves Ke-nish-ti-nak, meaning held by the winds. They lived long at Lake Winnipeg, whereon, when the winds blew hard, making the waves run high, they were checked by the winds and could not travel in their little frail canoes. Radisson, who, in 1659, either saw them or heard of them, says the Cree canoes were so small that they could not carry more than two persons. The name of the tribe was written by the French as Kri-stin-aux ; then it became Christenaux, Kilistinos, Kenistonas, etc., but the chief French form was Chris-ti-naux, which was pronounced Crees- te-nose; and the French finally contracted the word to Crees, as they contracted Naudowessioux to Sioux. Now, when the white traders of the Hudson's Bay Company came to the Lake Winnipeg region they found the Crees. The poor savages were overjoyed to meet men who could furnish them steel implements in exchange for (to them) such simple and easily-pro- 20 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY cured things as beaver and other skins, buffalo robes, and various other kinds of furs and pelts. Many of them came up the Red River in their little boats, made villages in the groves along the river and its tribu- taries, and remained in the country a long time en- gaged in trapping and huntiug. The products of their efforts were sent down the river to the Hudson 's Bay fort on Lake Winnipeg, whioh post was for a long time called Fort Garrj-. The Hudson's Bay Fur Com- pany was chartered by King Charles II of England, "the Merry Monarch," May 2, 1670; but it was not until in 1799 that its agents took possession of the Red River proper and established trading posts in the rogion. Prior to the advent of the Hudson's Bay Company into their region, the Crees were practically savages of a very wild and unenlightened sort. Their slight contact with the Fi-ench did not improve them. In the Jesuit "Relations" of 1670-71 Father Dablon writes: "Finally the Kelistinos [a name for the Crees] are dispersed through the whole region to the north of this Lake Superior — possessing neither corn, nor fields, nor any fixed abode, but forever wandering through those vast forests and seeking a livelihood there by hunting." Their condition remained prac- tically unchanged until after the traders came. Then their women married many of the traders and their employes; the families thus created lived after civil- ized fashion, and in time the missionaries and school teachers came. The Crees were attacked by smallpox from time to time, and the tribe was greatly reduced by the rav- ages of this disease. They left Minnesota, as a whole, before 1820 and went up into Manitoba and other Canadian provinces. About 10,000 of them are now in Manitoba and about 5,000 elsewhere in northwest- ern Canada. They have always been a peaceful tribe, were never at war with their Algonquian neighbors, and left northern Minnesota rather than fight the Chippewas. In 1885, however, the mixed bloods of the tribes rose in rebellion against the Canadian au- thorities, because it was sought to remove them from their lands on the Saskatchewan to a more inhospitable region to the northward ; but in a little time their rebellion was subdued and their leader, Louis Riel, was executed by hanging, November 16, 1885. It is reasonably certain that, during the period they were in Minnesota, the Crees visited the country now called Polk County, and dwelt there from time to time. To be sure no particulars of their connection with the early history of the county can now be given. We can only assert that, as they were generally through northern Minnesota, and especially along the Red River, they must have been at intervals in Polk County. The Cheyenne Indians have a tradition that at one time they were settled upon Otter Tail Lake and Lake Traverse and were driven out by the Crees into the upper Minnesota River country, below Big Stone Lake. From the Minnesota Valley, fearing trouble with the Sioux, they removed into what is now South Dakota and North Dakota, many locating on the river bearing their name. THE CHIPPEWAS FOLLOWED THE CREES. Although the Chippewas and the Crees were kin- dred people, and of the same blood and lineage, they had separate tribal organizations and are always spoken of and referred to as two different nations or tribes. The word Chippewas is a corruption of Ojib- ways, by which name these Indians formerly called themselves, and which means "roast till puckered up," referring to their manner of cooking meat or of torturing their prisoners. They once lived about the Sault Ste. Marie. The early French often called them "Saulteurs, " v/liich is the equivalent, in old French, of Sauteurs in "Francaise moderue," mean- ing leapers or jumpers. Sault, which is pronounced so or soo, is an old French word meaning leap, and is not found in modern French vocabularies. Sault Ste. Marie, therefore, is literally in English, the Leap of Saint Mary. The Sioux called the Chippewas "Hkah- hkah Tonwau," or Waterfalls People, meaning the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 21 people of the Waterfalls of St. Mary. Hka-hkah meaning waterfalls and Tonwan meaning people. The Chippewas occupied the Red River country as the result of a war of conquest. About the beginning of the XVIII Century — probably between 1710 and 1736 — they drove the Foxes from northern Wiscon- sin down to Iowa and Illinois and compelled them to confederate with the Sauks (or Sacs). Then, some time after 1736, they turned on the Sioux and drove them (first from Lake Superior and then from North- ern Minnesota generally) southward and westward down to the Minnesota and across the Mississippi and the Missouri. The Smithsonian Institution's "Hand- book of American Indians" (Vol. 1, p. 278) indicates that after driving away their enemies from northern Minnesota, the Chippewas continued their westward march into North Dakota until they occupied the head waters of the Red River and had a large band as far west as the Turtle Mountains, in the extreme northern section of North Dakota. It is alleged by the "Handbook" referred to (ibid) that one cause of the dispossession of the Sioux by the Chippewas was to obtain possession of the wild rice tracts about the numerous lakes and streams of northern Minnesota. For a long period the Sioux con- trolled the wild rice output of Minnesota and would not allow the Chippewas to gather it without a sort of tribute payment, and to this tribute the Chippewas vigorously objected. Warren (History of the jib- ways) and other authorities cite that the French trad- ers of the posts on Lake Superior furnished the Chip- pewas with fire-arms and then instigated them to attack and drive away the Sioux, because they sold their furs to the English traders of the Hudson's Bay Company, instead of to the French of the Lakes. It is probable that the real reason of the Chippewa at- tack was a double one — the instigation of the French and the desire to possess the wild rice beds. The Chippewas were largely dependent upon the wild rice for food. They called it mahnomen, and revered as a goddess the spirit that controlled it. When the Sioux occupied the Mille Lacs country, in Minnesota, the Chippewas had to travel many miles from their Lake Superior homes, and often to risk their lives, for the wild grain, which was virtually a staff of life for them. They still use large quantities of it. According to the report of the Bureau of American Ethnology for 1900 there were 10,000 Chip- pewas in the United States using wild rice for food. The Sioux, too, use it when they can get it. The de- cisive battle between the Sioux and the Chippewas for the ownership of the wild rice beds of Minnesota is believed by many to have occurred on the eastern shores of Mille Lac, at the supposed Sioux town of Kathio, in about 1750. (See Brower's "Kathio," p. 92.) According to the estimate of Warren, himself a half-blood Chippewa, the battle occurred in 1657 (Minn. Hist. Socy. Collections, Vol. V, p. 157, et seq. ) , a difference in dates of the two eminent authori- ties of 100 years. Warren further says, however (p. 162), that, after being defeated at Kathio, the Sioux went down near the mouth of Rum River and did not finally leave the Mille Lacs region until 1770. SIOUX DRIVEN FROM THIEF RIVER. Practically ever after their advent into the country, the Chippewas continued to hold northwestern Min- nesota, including Polk County, against the Sioux. Warren's History of the Chippewas (p. 356) relates that, for a number of years after the Chippewa occu- pation, a camp of ten tepees of Sioux had their camp on the upper Thief River and succeeded in evading and escaping the guns and tomahawks of their heredi- tary enemies. The surrounding hunting grounds were so rich, and wild rice was so plentiful, that life was easily lived, and they were loth to leave the local- ity. They built a high embankment of earth around their camp and took every means in their power to conceal themselves from their merciless foes. In hunting they would not discharge their guns, because of the loud noise, but used their bows and arrows in killing game. At last they were discovered by their relentless ene- mies. The Crees and Assiniboines of the Pembina and t 22 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COFNTY DeviFs Lake regions made a treaty with the Yanktou and Sisseton Sioux, and a short term of peace resulted. During the deliberations at this treaty, the Crees learned of the existence of the isolated Sioux band and the locality of its camp. When the peace period closed, some Crees gave the information to their Chip- pewa relatives, and the latter, from about Red Lake, soon raised a war party and marched upon the hid- den Sioux. A total surprise was made, and after a brave but unavailing defense, the ten lodges, and all their inmates, were totally destroyed. The embank- ment or breastwork of earth which once surrounded the little Sioux village was plain to be seen in 1852. Warren received his information of this affair from Wa-non-je-quon, then chief of Red Lake, whose father helped destroy the Sioux. From the hiding place and secret occupation of the Sioux on the little river, the Chippewas afterward called it Ke-moja-ke Se-be, or Secret Place River ; but the French traders and coureurs pronounced Kemoj a-ke as Ke mod a-ke, which means .stealing. Then the stream began to be called Stealing River and Thief River, and by the latter name it is laid down on Nicollet's map of 1842, and is still so called. THE INDIANS BATTLING FOR THE COXJNTEY. About 1808 (as near as can be conjectured) a band of Sioux defeated a larger band of Chippewas down on Long Prairie River, in Todd County. The Sioux were Sissetons and Wahpetons, from western Minne- sota and eastern South Dakota, and had come over to hunt on their former rich game preserve. The Chip- pewas were on the way to attack the Sioux on Rice River. The fight lasted all day and was very fierce and bloody. At the close only seven unhurt Sioux were left, but they were enough to drive back the Chippewas, because they had gun.s, furnished them by the Hudson's Bay Company's traders on the Red River. The Chippewas also had some guns, but each party used bows and arrows in addition to their fire- arms. The Chippewas captured 36 horses (or ponies), but could not learn to manage them, and, after many of them had been crippled by kicks and falls, they finally slaughtered every pony and devoured them. Old Hole-iu-the-Day, then a young man, and his elder brother. Strong Ground, were among the leaders of the Chippewas in this battle. SIOUX DEFEATED AT PEMBINA. The same day on which the battle at Long Prairie was fought a large Sioux war party of Sissetons, Wah- petons, and Yanktons attacked the Chippewa villages near Pembina, whose chief was Little Clam. They were defeated with considerable loss and chased back i up the Red River. (Wan-en, p. 354.) As a result of ' their defeat on this and other occasions in the same period, the Sioux were forced to retreat to the west- ward of the Red and Mississippi Rivers and south of the Shayenne. Then, for an indcfuiitely long period, in order to control the beaver dams and the buffalo preserves of the Red River, there was war between the Chippewas and the Sioux, from the Selkirk Set- tlement to Big Stone Lake and the headwaters of the Minnesota. The Assiniboines and Crees were allies of the Sioux in this war. It was during the early years when they made the short peace with the Sioux re- ferred to, and upon its termination when they be- trayed to the Chippewas the existence and site of the little Sioux band on Thief River. TREACHERY AND TREATIES. The year after the battle on the Long Prairie Riv(>r, or about 1819, the Sioux along the whole line of the eastern frontiers became tired of fighting the Chippe- was in open field and sought to defeat them by secret action involving the foulest treachery, even from the Indian point of view, which considers everythiTig fair in war. They made an extraordinary and apparently sincere attempt to enter into a general and permanent peace with the Chippewas. Chah-pah (or the Beaver), head chief of the Yankton, or Yanktonnais Sioux, who were then about Lake Traverse, had a Chippewa woman for one of his wives. He put her on a good horse, gave her his peace pipe, and bade COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 23 her go to her former people at Pembina and tell them that, in a week or more, he would come to them with a large delegation of Sioux and smoke with them the pipe of profound peace and good will. At the ap- pointed time the Sioux chief, with a large number of his people, arrived at Pembina, and the Red River Chippewas heartily accepted his offers of peace and friendship. At the same time the Sisseton, Wahpeton, some Yanktous, and a large number of Medawakanton Sioux, met the Mississippi, the Sandy Lake, and the Mille Lacs Chippewas in a treaty on the Platte River, near its junction with the Mississippi, and ten miles south of the present town of Little Falls. The peace pipe was smoked by these former foes, and games of various kinds were played by the young men of the two tribes. For some time all went merrily, friendly, and well. But a certain Medawakanton Sioux was one of the seven survivors that fought ofif the Chippewas in the Long Prairie battle. He had not forgotten nor for- given. He picked a quarrel with a Chippewa warrior and struck him with a ball stick. The blow was re- turned and a general fight would have resulted had not young Wah-nah-tah (the Charger), a son of Chief Chah-pah, rushed in, forcibly separated the combat- ants, and chastised the offending Sioux. He feared that the Chippewas would become suspicious that the apparent friendly intentions of the Sioux were not real, and they certainly were not. The intent was to cause the Chippewas to be off their guard, and then the Sioux would fall upon them and either extermi- nate them or drive them from the country. The end would justify the means. FLAT MOUTH THWARTS THE BEAVER 's TREACHERY AND HAS HIM KILLED. But while the peace councils were being held above and below him, Flat Mouth, chief of the Pillager band of Chippewas, about Leech Lake, did not attend them. He quietly but industriously hunted beaver on the Long Prairie River. The peace pipe had been sent him, but he refused it. He said the Sioux were not in earnest in their professions of peace so soon after their bloody battle on the Long Prairie. He said he knew the Sioux character, and felt sure that they were in- sincere in their protestations of desire for a future permanent peace between the two tribes. Heading twenty or more of his band, Flat Mouth, in the fall (of 1819?), went to Otter Tail Lake with his beaver traps and canoes. But he and his men took their guns with them and kept their powder dry. At the outlet of Otter Tail Creek, one evening, the chief became impressed with a sense of danger. He had his bark canoe (which he had brought up the Crow Wing to the Otter Tail portage and then across to the lake) and, fearing to go to sleep on the shore, he embarked himself and family in the boat and passed the night on the lake. The next morning he discovered the trail of a war party of apparently 400 Sioux. They had been at the site of his camp of the previous evening and had gone in the direction of Battle Lake. From a rude drawing on a blazed tree. Flat Mouth deter- mined that one of the Sioux leaders was Chahpah, the chief of the Yanktons. There were no Chippewas at Battle Lake, south of Otter Tail, but at the Leaf Lakes, to the eastward, there were quite a number. Working his canoe through the chain of lakes with their links of streams, like a great rosary of water, Flat Mouth reached Leaf Lakes and sounded the alarm. That morning two of his cousins were killed and their bodies muti- lated by the Sioux, but in the fight they killed three of their enemies and wounded many others. The Sioux soon learned that their plan had failed, because the Chippewas had discovered it and were fully aroused. At once they hurried southward, back and away from the Chippewa country, and soon were in their villages, near the sources of the Minnesota and Red Rivers. Flat Mouth repaired to his village and sent his war- pipe and war club by fleet messengers from band to band, informing his people that he was going on the war path against the Sioux and wanted their help. It 2i COMPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY was as in the days of Roderick Dhu, when he was wont to send the fiery cross among his clansmen to rouse them to war. The Chippewas were soon ready to march down against the Yanktons at Lake Traverse. But meanwhile Chahpah had reached home, and alarmed at the discovery of his treachery, again sought to make peace with the Chippewas. He induced his white brother-in-law, Col. Robert Dickson, "the red- headed Scotchman," to act as mediator. Col. Dick- son's wife was Chahpah 's sister. At the Beaver's request, the Colonel sent a swift courier to Flat Mouth with a message from the Sioux chief denying all participation in the late war party of his people, and especially denying that any of his warriors had killed the two cousins of Flat Mouth. He also invited the Chippewas to meet him in another peace council at Col. Dickson's trading post, which was on the Minnesota side of the Red River, at or near "La Grande Fourche," (the Grand Forks) for the purpose of smoking the peace pipe and re-establishing and strengthening good will between their respective people. Flat Mouth accepted the invitation and, tak- ing 30 of his best warriors with him, set out for the Grand Forks. He arrived in due time at Dickson's trading post, where he found four Frenchmen in charge of the establishment. Col. Dickson being ab- sent. On the next day Chahpah arrived, but with only two of his Yanktonnais as a body guard. Flat Mouth refused to smoke the peace pipe with Chahpah, and the Sioux chief then realized that his treachery had become fully known and was to be pun- ished. He was undismayed, however, and told his sisfter, Mrs. Dickson, that if he had to die he would go like a "brave Dakota." That night it rained heav- ily and the thunder roared, but amid the tumult the Chippewas could hear the death song of Chahpah as he chanted it amid the gloomy surroundings in the trading house of his brother-in-law. The Chippewa warriors wanted to kill him and his companions out of hand, but Flat Mouth forbade them. He said they might kill the Sioux, but must not "shed blood on the steps of these white men, nor in their presence." Then he added : ' ' You know my heart has been sore since the death of my cousins, but though their mur- derers deserve death I do not wish to see them killed. Though it is my doing, I shall not be with you. ' ' The next morning early Flat Mouth departed for Gull Lake, and the three Sioux, brave to the last, set out for Lake Traverse, guarded by the Chippewa war- riors, who had murder in their hearts and eyes, as an escort. Out on the prairie the escort shot the hap- less and helpless chief and his companions, took their scalps, cut off their heads, and ran swiftly with the bloody trophies until they caught up with Chief Flat Mouth. Sha-wa-ke-shig, who was F'lat Mouth's head warrior, killed Chahpah and took his scalp. The chief's American medal, which he wore conspicuously on his breast, was taken by Wash-kin-e-ka, or Crooked Arm, a Red Lake warrior. This incident occurred in Polk County, perhaps a mile below the present site of East Grand Forks. COL. ROBERT DICKSON, THE TRADER, PROTESTS THE MURDER. Colonel Dickson was greatly exasperated when he learned of the killing and the mutilation of his In- dian brother-in-law. He sent word to Flat Mouth that thenceforth the smoke of a white man's trading house would never more rise toward the sky from the camp of a Pillager band of Chippewas. The Pillager chief laughed at the threats, and afterwards, in relat- ing the story to Warren, he said that the traders con- tinued to visit and trade with him as usual, and that his village continued to grow larger, "notwithstand- ing the words of the red-headed Scotchman." But these traders were not the agents of Col. Dickson, who refused to trade with the Pillager chief and injured him in every way he could. Perhaps his treatment of the chief in this respect alienated Flat Mouth from the British interest and conduced to strengthen his predi- lections toward the Americans. During the AVar of 1812 Col. Dickson was the prin- cipal agent of the British in Minnesota. He recruited scores of Indians from the Sioux and Chippewas and COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 25 sent them to fight against the Americans. Some of these red mercenaries served with the British Army as far to the eastward as in northern Ohio. But Chief Flat Mouth remained firm in his friendship toward the Americans, although he knew but little about them; he persistently refused to fight them in aid of the British, and was true to the pi'omises he made Lieuten- ant Pike in the council of Leech Lake, February 16, 1806. Dickson sent the French Canadian, St. Ger- main, from Fort William to Leech Lake, and made rich presents to Flat Mouth to induce him to lead the Pillager band into the British camps, but Flat Jlouth sent back the wampum belts, etc., with this message : "When I go to war against my enemies, I do not call upon the whites to join my warriors. The white peo- ple are quarreling among themselves, and I do not wish to meddle in their quarrels. I do not intend to ever strike a white man or even break a window in his house." (Warren, p. 369.) THE SIOUX SWEAR VENGEANCE AGAINST THE CHIPPEWAS. The Yanktonnais received the news of the killing of their chief with horror and indignation, and swore vengeance against every living Chippewa thing. The Beaver (or Chahpah) was succeeded by his sou Wali- nah-tah (or the Charger), previously mentioned, and who became one of the most influential and celebrated warriors and chieftains of the great Sioux nation. He was so celebrated and well known among the whites that his name was given to one of the original coun- ties of Minnesota Territory, in 1849. Wahnatah County was about 60 miles wide from north to south, and extended from the mouths of the Crow Wing and the Clearwater westward to the Missouri. During his military career the great chief amply revenged the death of his father by repeatedly striking bloody blows upon the Chippewas of the Red River. After the killing of the Beaver, active warfare was renewed between the Sioux and the Red River Valley Chippe"was. Less than a month after the tragedy, Wah-nah-tah started from Lake Traverse, with a large party of Sioux warriors, to go into the Chippewa 2 country at and about Red Lake. At the same time, a body of Chippewas, headed by Chief Wash-ta-do-ga- wub, started southward to attack the Sioux at Lakes Traverse and Big Stone. They were largely Red Lakers, although Flat Mouth aud a detachment of his band were with the party. Nearly opposite the mouth of Goose River, orig- inally called by the French, ' ' la Riviere Outarde, ' ' or the River of the Canada Goose, in what is now the southwest corner of Polk County, a little north of Neilsville, the two armies met. Two of the Chippewa scouts, in advance of the main force, were suddenly fired upon by the Sioux and one of them was killed. The Sioux then rushed forward and a bloody fight ensued. The Chippewas were taken somewhat un- awares and the Sioux pushed them back to Sand River,* after a series of stubbornly contested en- counters. The Chippewas "dug themselves in" at the little river by letting themselves down behind its south bank and by digging rifle-pits and improvised breast- works. The battle lasted till dark, when the Chip- pewas, believing that they had the worse of the fight, crossed the Sand River to the north and hastened to- ward their wigwams. They carried their badly wounded along and threw the bodies of their dead into the river, to prevent them from being scalped and otherwise mutilated. One Chippewa warrior, named Black Duck, particularly distinguished himself by * It is possible that the stream here mentioned as the Sand Eiver should really be called the Red Lake River, and that the battle took place at the present site of the City of Crookston. It may be that the mound on the south bank of the Red Lake, about three-fourths of a mile from the center of the city, marks the site of the burial place of the Sioux that were killed in the action. The bones found by Prof. Moore and his scholars in this mound about 25 years ago may have been those of Wah- nah-tah 's slain warriors; they could not have been those of Mound Builders. After the Chippewas retreated the Sioux may have gathered up their dead in a group and heaped the earth over them, as was frequently their custom in finally disposing of their dead. The data which warrants the assertion that the battle was at Sand River is reasonably clear, but yet there have been no tangible evidences of a deadly conflict there. And if the bones disinterred by Prof. Moore at Crookston were not relics of a battlefield, what were they? True, we have no account, and not even a legend, of an Indian battle at the Crookston mound, but many a battle between aboriginal tribes has been unre- corded and its victims gone "unhonored and unsung." — Com- piler. 26 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY killing and scalping seven Sioux, lie was a Red Laker and liis name was given to tlie lake on wliieh he lived, and whieh is a dozen miles south of Red Lake and is the source of Black Duck River. In recent years a railroad station on the Minnesota & Interna- tional was established near the lake and a town laid out called Black Duck. The Sioux, too, retreated dur- ing the night, and thus there was a military spectacle, often seen where white men's armies were the actors, of two hostile forces running away from each other after a battle. The Sioux soon returned and cared for their dead and sent scouts after the Chippewas without results. It would not be practicable to detail all of the bat- tles and other hostile and sanguinary encounters be- tween the Chippewas and the Sioux while they were fighting for the control of the Red River Valley and the rest of the country embraced within the northern part of Minnesota. The narration of these incidents which occurred in other counties belongs in the his- tories of those counties. Except those here mentioned, it must be said regarding the old Indian fights which took place in what is now Polk County, that no reliable data regarding them can be found by the present writer. Plenty of mention is made of fights and hos- tile campaigns made in the valley bj- the two tribes, but no dates can be fixed when they occurred, and no localities determined; nor can it be stated positively and under conviction that these affairs took place with- in Polk County, and therefore belong solely to this history. Doubtless there was many an Indian fight in Polk County which will never be noted. Yet the history of the county will not sutfer by such an omis- sion, for, really, three-fourths of the fights between hostile bands of the Sioux and the Chippewas in Min- nesota were inconsequential, and of no more impor- tance than the combats between packs of ravenous wolves on the prairies in the days long gone by. The incidents here narrated are derived, in by far the greater part, from Warren's History of the Minnesota Chippewas; and Warren's presentations are based upon the statements made to him by the renowned Chippewa chieftain and warrior, Esh-ke-bug-e-coshe, or Flat Mouth. AN OLD-TIME INDI.\N BATTLE ON RED LAKE. It may be well, however, to give one tradition of a great Sioux-Chippewa battle which is said to have occurred at some time between 1785 and 1800 on the east side of Upper Red Lake. There is no written rec- ord of the affair that the compiler can find; and the only evidence that there was such an affair is the testimony of Indians or mixed bloods long since dead, and such testimony is almost altogether legendary or traditional. And yet this evidence is not to be alto- gether disregarded or despised, when the character of the testimony and of those delivering it is considered. Writing to the compiler under date of January 8, 1916, Hon. Wm. Watts, than whom there is no one more interested in or a better authority upon early Polk County history, says: "After being driven from this part of the Red River Valley, the Sioux made several attempts to recover it, until they were finally defeated in a great battle by the Chippewas on the east side of Upper Red Lake. I have never seen a description of that battle. • • * "I do not think this was a battle identical with that described as taking place on Thief River when the Sioux band hid themselves, etc. Battle River, whieh flows into Upper Red Lake from the east, is said to get its name from being near or on the site of this battle. I have heard it frequently spoken of, but cannot get anything like a definite description of it. "According to what I have heard it was fought about 125 years ago, and was the last great battle be- tween the two tribes in northwestern Minnesota. I have heard that Pierre Bottineau frequently told of what he had learned about it from pai-ticipants. The story is that it was a very bloody battle and that the Chippewas were victorious. I think Paul Beaulieu, of Mahnomen, Minn., would be able to give the tradi- tionary account. The father of Jloose Dung, the lat- ter a signer of the 'Old Crossing treaty' of 1863, was one of the Chippewa chiefs engaged in the bat- tle, and Moose Dung often told what he had heard about it." Neither Warren's History of the Chippewas nor Prof. Winchell's "Aborigines of IMinnesota," both ex- cellent authorities on the wars and feuds of the two tribes, make any reference whatever to the alleged COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 27 old-tiiue battle on the Upper Red Lake. And yet there may have been such a battle, and certain of the mounds found on Red Lake may be the sepulchres of some of the Sioux warriors slain in the conflict. THE CHIPPEWAS FINALLY HOLD THE COUNTRY. In the end the Chippewas remained in control of the country, although in many instances this control was disputed and disturbed. War parties of Sioux came up into the Chippewa country on forays and warlike excursions, at intei'vals, until 1863. The Chip- pewas raided the Sioux during the same period. De- tachments from the eastern band at Pokegama and the St. Croix raided Little Crow's band near St. Paul in the spring of 1842, and in April, 1853, attacked and killed fugitive members of the same band fairly in the streets of the Capital City. In May, 1858, Chippewas from the Mille Lacs and Gull Lake bands went down and attacked the Sioux village of Chief Shakopee, on the lower Minnesota, and at the town bearing his name, but were defeated with a loss of 20 killed, and wounded. THE TWO TRIBES FIGHT UNTIL THE SIOUX OUTBREAK. August 15, 1862, only a very few days before the great Sioux Outbreak, some Red Lake Chippewas slipped down to near Red Iron's village, on the Min- nesota, not far from the Yellow Medicine Agency, and killed a Sioux man and his son and got away with their scalps. The 20th of July a detachment of the same band, presumably, had shot and killed two Sioux within 18 miles of Yellow Medicine; while in May a hunting party of R^d Iron's band was attacked on the upper Pomme de Terre b}' a band of Chippewas (presumably Red Lakers) and chased out of the couu- tiy, losing two men killed. The bodies of the Sioux man and his son that were killed in August were taken to their village and ex- posed in the street and thus lay in state, as it were, for two days. At last a war party of 25 was made up to go northward to the Chippewa country and avenge the killing. All but three of the party (who were Yauktonnais) were of the Wahpeton band of Sioux and the leader was Eta-zha-zha, or Gleaming Face, who, under the Christian name of Lot, died at Sisse- ton. South Dakota, only a few years since. In 1901, before a commission that was investigating the conduct of the Sisseton Sioux during the great Outbreak, Lot testified to the foregoing facts, and further stated that the Sioux were absent from their villages about two weeks, during which time they were mainly in the Otter Tail Lake region. AVhen they had returned to Iheir own country, they found, to their amazement and distress, that during their absence a great and bloody outbreak had been made against the whites. (Minn, in Three Cents., Vol. 3, p. 288.) Certain careless or reckless writers on Minnesota history have asserted that the great Sioux Outbreak of 1862 was the eifect of a long meditated and care- fully planned movement of the Sioux and Chippewas in combination ; that Little Crow and other chiefs for the Sioux, and Hole-in-the-Day and other leaders for the Chippewas, had been in constant communication and engaged in preparing for the uprising long before it occurred, etc. These assertions are wholly false. The two tribes hated each other too viciously and im- placably ever to found a friendly alliance for any pur- pose. The tragic incidents mentioned, and others that might be given, show that these long-time foes con- tinued to fight one another up to the very date of the Outbreak and prove the utter falsity of the claim that they ever were engaged as allies in plotting against the whites. CHAPTER III. THE FIRST WHITE MEN IN POLK COUNTY. THE NORSEMEN WHO MADE THE KENSINGTON RUNE STONE WERE FIRST — THE EARLY WHITE EXPLORERS OTHER FIRST VISITORS TO MINNESOTA — THE LA VERENDRYES DISCOVER THE RED RIVER VALLEY — FIRST PRINTED DESCRIP- TION OF THE REGION BY A CHIPPEWA HALF BREED — RED LAKE NAMED "FROM THE COLOUR OF THE SANd" NOT MANY OTHER EARLY EXPLORERS. It is always interesting to every citizen to learn (so a stone with an inseription to this effect. This stone as to l)eliove') the facts connected with the early his- has come to he known as the Kensington Rune Stone, tory of his country. Among the items composing these hecause it was found near the village of Kensington, a facts one of those of rarest interest is the identity of station on the Soo Railroad, in the southwestern por- the first Caucasians or white men to visit his district tion of Douglas County, and because the inscription or locality. Sometimes this may be ascertained with on it is in the ancient Riuiic dialect. The stone was accuracy; but generally, especially in Minnesota, the found on the farm of Olaf Ohman, three miles north- information is impossible to secure beyond and with- cast of Kensington, November 8, 1898, by himself and out a reasonable doubt. The present writer is unable liis two j'oung sons. Nils Olaf Flaaten, owner of an to assert positively, and to furnish proof of the asser- adjoining farm, was present immediately after the tion, who were the first white men to visit the dis- finding. All the parties are Swedes, and though plain triet of country now comprised within the boundaries people, in modest circumstances, are honest, upright, of Polk County. He can only furnish certain infor- and highly esteemed citizens. None of them have mation on the subject, all that is readily accessible, any other than a primary education, and let every intelligent reader pass upon the ques- The stone was thoroughly discussed and examined tion and decide it for himself. by several Scandinavian and otlier archaeologists and scientists, and carried back and forth for two or three WERE NORSEMEN HERE IX A. D. 1362? ^.^^^.^^ g„i„„ j,, ij)|i ^^ ^^^^^^^ p^.^^^p j^ j,, ^g,,. j„ It is fairly probable that the first white men that the custody of Mr. Iljalmer Rued Holaud of Madi- visited and traveled over the soil of Polk County were son, "Wisconsin, who obtained it in 1907 from Mr. 32 Norsemen, who came some time in A. D. 1362. If Ohman, the finder. Mr. Holand has spent much time they were here at that time, they probably came from and money and made extensive research in his inves- the very early Norse Colony of "Vinland" which is tigation of this tablet and is thoroughly enthusiastic said to have been on the northeastern Atlantic coast in his belief that it is genuine. This opinion is firmly in what is now the State of Maine, or either of the held by a large majority of the experts that have ex- Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, or New- amined it. Those who doubt its authenticity do so on foundland. seemingly insufficient gi'ounds. The strongest argu- The evidence that these men were here, or at least ment in its favor is the stone itself, which is of the somewhere in this portion of the Red River Valley, is variety that geologists call graywacke, which is 28 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 29 abundant in the locality where the stone was found. The whole subject is well presented in 66 pages of Volume XV of the Minnesota Historical Society Col- lections, and in Castle's recently published State His- tory. An English translation of the inscription reads : "Eight Goths and twenty-two Norwegians upon a journey of discovery from Vinland westward. We had a camp by two skerries one day's journey north from this stone. We were out fishing one day. When we returned home we found ten men red with blood and dead. Hail, Virgin Mary, save us from evil. "Have ten men by the sea to look after our vessel 14 (or 41) days' journey from this island. Year 1362." The term Goths means Swedes, because they were from Gothland, in the southern part of Sweden. The characters on the stone translated "Hail, Virgin Mary" are the equivalents of A. V. M., meaning in Latin, "Ave, Virgo Maria." It is uncertain whether or not the characters translated 14 should be 41, as some Runic writers put the figure denoting units be- fore the figure denoting tens; the custom varied at different times and in different countries. Assuming the genuineness of the stone, the author- ship of tlie inscription may be determined with reason- able probability. The party, con.sisting of at least 40 persons, had set out from Vinland on an expedi- tion of exploration and discovery. Uuiformlj' a priest accompanied such an expedition as its chaplain, and at that period, and for 200 years thereafter, all Chris- tians were Roman Catholics. In this instance the priest of the ill-fated party was, it may be presumed, a Runic scholar. The other members doubtless were illiterate. To record the tragic incident of the kill- ing of ten of their number and the fact of their pres- ence and condition in the country, for the benefit of civilized people that might come after them, the stone was prepared and inscribed. Probably the priest drew the Runic characters on the stone and a proper artificer cut them out. The priest would almost naturally offer a prayer to the Blessed Virgin for protection and preservation of the survivors from the fate of their comrades whom they had found "red with blood and dead. ' ' The theory of those believing in the genuineness of the Kensington Rune Stone and in the authenticity of its inscription may be here stated. It is believed that the starting point of the expedition was, as the inscrip- tion says, in Vinland (or Wineland) the Scandinavian Colony on the eastern coast of America. Although unchallenged records prove that there was such a col- ony between the XI and the XJV Centuries, its exact location has never been determined. It may have been in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick or Maine or Massa- chusetts. It is supposed to have been founded by Leif Erickson, in about A. D. 1000. The records also prove that this colony sent out numerous exploring expedi- tions. It is further believed that the expedition left Vin- land in a ship of the prevailing character of the period and sailed successively through Davis Straits, Hud- sou's Strait and across Hudson's Bay to the mouth of the Nelson River. Here the ship was left in charge of ten men, as the inscription states, and the remain- der of the party, including the priest, ascended Nel- son River in smaller boats to Lake Winnipeg. Pass- ing through the lake, they ascended the Red River, probably to the Grand Porks. Here, for some reason — perhaps on account of low water — they left the stream and marched overland in a southeasterly direc- tion, through what are now Polk, Norman, or Mahno- men, Becker, and Otter Tail Counties, and then into Douglas, where the ten men were killed and where the stone was found. What finally became of the party can now never be known. It is barely possible that it, or the most of its members, succeeded in returning to Vinland ; it is more probable, however, that all perished under the stone weapons of the savages of the country that killed the ten men in the camp by the two skerries (or big rocks in the water) of the lake now believed to be Pelican Lake. These savages may not have been the ancestors of the Red Indians of modern centuries ; for there is a belief that the ancestors of these Indians are 30 COMPENDIUJi: OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY not the barbarians that drove away the Mound Builders. If the Kensington Rune Stone be genuine, it can be readily accepted that the members of the party that made it were the first Caucasians or white men to visit and tread upon the soil of what is now Polk County. For they must have come up the Red River from Win- nipeg in boats or canoes, since they could hardly have proceeded on foot through the swampy valley vrith its rank vegetation ; and they must have struck out over- land when the navigation of the river further south- ward became impracticable, which would be at the mouth of the Red Lake River, or "the Grand Forks" of the olden time. All depends upon whether the stone is genuine or not. And at present a very large majority of those that may be considered authorities on the subject are of the decided opinion that it is what it purports to be, and that it is in no respect a fake or fraudulent. The latest history of Minnesota which is by the accom- plished and conservative Capt. Henry A. Castle, gives it full endorsement. THE EARLIEST WHITE EXPLORERS. Following the party of Scandinavians that made and left the Rune Stone in Douglas County— assum- ing that there was such a party— the next Caucasians to visit the region of what is now northwestern Min- nesota, including Polk County, came in perhaps be- tween the years 1655 and 1660. These were the two French adventurers, Radisson and Groseilliers. It is not certain through what portions of northwestern Minnesota they passed, if indeed they passed through any. Warren Upham (Minn, in Three Cents., Vol. 1, p. 274) says that their journeys extended into the present area of Minnesota, ' ' but not, as I think to its western or northern boundaries." Yet the accom- plished George Bryce, in his History of the Hudson's Bay Company, (p. 6) states: "They visited the coun- try of the Sioux, the present states of Dakota, and promised to visit the Christinos (or Crees) on their side of a lake evidently either the Lake of the Woods or Lake Winnipeg." Radisson left a "journal," written in English, which has been printed, and this is substantially the authority of all historians and writers for their asser- tions concerning the two unscrupulous adventurers. But the statements of Radisson in the "journal" of his alleged travels and adventures is confusing rather than enlightening. It is not certain where or when they went, what rivers or lakes they saw, or what peo- ple they met. No two writers agree on these points. Bryce and Upham disagree as to whether or not they visited western Minnesota and the Dakotas, and Bryce can be no more definite about a certain lake they reached than to say it was either Lake of the Woods or Lake Winnipeg, which are 100 miles apart. The "journal" says thej' passed fourteen months on "an island," and Blakely, writing in the Minnesota His- torical Collections, saj's this "island" was in a lake on the northern boundary of Minnesota, while War- ren Upham says it was in the Mississippi, near Red Wing. It is certain that Groseilliers and Radi.sson were in the Lake Superior region and in the service of the Hudson 's Bay Company, but it is hardly possible that they ever saw northern Minnesota, or any part of what is now Polk County. OTHER E.VRLY VISITORS TO MINNESOTA. After Groseilliers and Radisson, the first Europeans to come to Minnesota were some other French traders and adventurers, whose leader was Daniel Greysolon Du Luth, for whom the present city of Duluth was named. These people came first in 1679 to northwest- ern Minnesota, below Duluth. Du Luth claimed that he went that year to the great Sioux village on the largest of the Mille Lacs, but this can hardly be be- lieved. He was there the following year, however. For in the spring of 1680 came Father Louis Henne- pin, a Belgian Franciscan priest, and two Frenchmen named Accault and Auguelle to the Mille Lacs as pris- oners of the Sioux. They were coming up the Mis- sissippi in a canoe, when met by a Sioux war party at Rock Island, made prisoners and taken back to the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 31 villages of their captors. The following July they were released and started with a large Sioux hunting party down the river. Below the mouth of the St. Croix they met Du Luth and his party and returned with them and the Indians to Mille Lacs, where they arrived August 14. Here they remained until the end of September, when they set out in canoes for Can- ada. They passed down the Rum and the Mississippi to the Wisconsin and then up that river and on to Green Bay, where was a large French trading post. Neither Du Luth or Father Hennepin ever saw the Red River Valley. Subsequent white explorers, traders, and visitors to Minnesota — Capt. Perrot, Pierre La Sueur, and a few others — confined their investigations and operations to the southeastern part of what is now Minnesota and never visited the Red River Valley. They do not seem even to have gone very far up the Minnesota or the Mississippi. Le Sueur went up to the Blue Earth and a few miles xip that stream, where he said he found extensive copper mines and took 30,000 pounds of their ore to France. He also said he had but 32 men, yet for a winter's meat supply he and his men killed 400 buffaloes. Of the buffalo meat so furnished, he and his chronicler, M. Penicaut, said that the party ate on an average six pounds a day, besides drinking four bowls of broth and that this diet "made us very fat, and there was then no more sickness among us." Every one is at liberty to believe as much or as lit- tle of these portions of Le Sueur's reports as he pleases. If there was ever any copper ore on the Blue Earth River, Le Sueur must have taken it all away, for none has ever been found there since, although it has been diligently and thoroughly sought for. Le Sueur also claimed that he ascended the Mississippi "a hundred leagues" above the Falls of St. Anthony, which would have taken him up into Manitoba, al- though he says he went only within "ten days' jour- ney, ' ' or 250 miles, from the source of the great river. Had Le Sueur visited the Red River Valley, which he ■did not, what wonderful reports he might have made ! It is an unpleasant fact that nearly all of the earli- est white visitors and explorers in Minnesota have given us incorrect, erroneous, misleading, and even knowingly false statements of their adventures and of conditions in the country. Father Hennepin made no mischievous or hurtful statements, but even he wrote that, a little above where Fort Snelling now stands, he killed a snake "as big around as a man's thigh," and other of his assertions are gross exag- gerations. Du Luth and Le Sueur make numerous incredible asseverations and falsifications of history. Radisson, as a narrator and historian, is simply pre- posterous and ridiculous. Capt. Jonathan Carver was a great liar, but every other American visitor that came after him in early days, as Pike, Long, Cass, Cat- lin, and others, wrote the truth, or at least tried to be accurate. THE LA VEEENDRYES DISCOVER THE RED RIVER VALLEY. The first Caucasians to look upon any portion of the Red River and its valley were a party of Frenchmen whose principal members were Pierre Gautier de Varennes, Sieur (or Lord) de la Verendrye, his sons, and a nephew named De la Jemeraye. The senior Verendrye (pro. Vay-ron-dr-yay) was, in 1728, a "chief factor," or head trader, in the fur trade at Lake Nipigon, north of Lake Superior. From what the Indians told him, he was induced to undertake a rather formidable expedition to the far westward, ex- pecting to secure large quantities of furs, to establish permanent trading posts or forts in the country, to get great gain for himself, and to advance the interests of his government. Verendrye was born in Canada, but was loyal to the French Government and its authorities. With the permission of the French authorities of Canada and the financial aid of some Montreal mer- chants, the senior Verendrye, with his sons and his nephew — the latter the Sieur Jemeraye — began, in 1731, a series of explorations and developments far west of Lake Superior. They followed rather closely a line which is now practically the northern boundary of Minnesota. They built a trading post, which they 32 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY called Fort St. Pierre, at the mouth of Rainy Lake; another which they called Fort St. Charles, on the west side of the Lake of the Woods, near the 49th parallel of latitude, and finally other posts as far west as on Lake Winnipeg and the Assiuiboine and Sas- katchewan Rivers. The Verendryes and their asso- ciates were probably the first Caucasians to see the Red River of the North, and this at its entrance into Lake Winnipeg. The senior Verendrye was far more anxious to cross the continent and reach the Pacific Ocean than to dis- cover and note the local geographic features of the country through which he passed. He left very mea- ger and unsatisfactory records of his travels and those of his sons. He sent the latter very far west- ward and they discovered some considerable elevations which they called "the Great Shining Mountains." Some modern historians and investigators think these were the Big Horn Mountains of Montana, while oth- ers think they were the Black Hills of South Dakota. In June, 1736, a party of 22 French voj'ageurs ac- companied by a priest and one of Verendrye 's sons, were murdered by the Sioux Indians of northern Min- nesota on an island in the Lake of the Woods. The Sioux considered that the Frenchmen were too friend- ly with their old-time foes, the Crees. Thereafter the Verendryes kept out of tlie Sioux country, and kept within the country controlled by the Crees and the latter's kinsmen, the Chippewas or Ojibways. Verendrye 's sons built a trading post on the south- em shore of Lake Winnipeg, near the mouth of the Red River. Only the sons were here ; the father re- mained at Lake Nipigon. We cannot tell what his sons reported to him, but in his records he makes no mention of any stream which can now be identified as the Red River of the North. Of course his sons were familiar with the river, but they either did not tell their father of it, or else he did not think it worth mentioni)ig. It is not probable that they ascended the river any considerable distance, because, for one rea- son, they were afraid of coming upon the bloody- minded Sioux. In 1734, Verendrye, or his sous, built a fort near "Lake Ounipegon," at the mouth of the Maurepas River (which is now known as the Winnipeg River), and not far from the present Fort Alexander, on the southeastern projection of the lake. Here the French- men passed at least a year, engaged in trading with the Indians between Lake Winnipeg and the Grand Portage (Bryce's History of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, p. 85), and during this time they must have become acquainted with the Red River, although they made no written mention of it. A CHIPPEWA HALF-BLOOD GAVE THE FIRST PRINTED DESCRIPTION OF THE RED RIVER REGION. The earliest printed description of the northern part of Minnesota, and especially of the lower Red River region, was published by Arthur Dobbs, in London, 1744. Among other articles it contains a narrative by a French-Chippewa half-breed named Joseph La France, who, from 1740 to 1742, traveled extensively through what are now the northern parts of Minnesota and all of Manitoba. He reached Lake Winnipeg (or "Ouiuipique") in September, 1740, and spent the autumn there hunting beavers with the Crees. From these Indians he learned of the big Red Lake of Minnesota, but he understood them (or else his amanuensis misunderstood him) to say that it lay west instead of south of Lake Winnipeg. His descrip- tion reads : "On the west side of this lake [Winnipeg] the Indians told me that a River entei'ed it, wliich was navigable with Canoes ; it descended from Lac Rouge, or the Red Lake, called so from the Colour of the Sand. They said there were two other Rivers run out of that [the Red] lake, one into the Mississippi, and the other westward into a marshy Country, full of Beavers." This is the earliest kno\vn printed description of the lower Red River Valley. It will be noted that La France says Red Lake was so called "from the Colour of the Sand," presumablj' to be found on its beaches and shores. Some other observers saw the reflection of a red sunset on its surface and thought the derivation of the name came from the apparent 1 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 33 color of the water they saw, and which of course the aborigines had seen. During the summer and autumn of 1741 La France canoed to a lake which he called ' ' the Lake du Sieus. ' ' "Warren Upham concludes that this lake is probably the present Rice Lake, in Clearwater County, fifteen or twenty miles northwest of Lake Itasca, and on the Wild Rice River, near its source. The Sioux word for wild rice is psin, pronounced as spelled, and Mr. Upham thinks La France corrupted the word into "Siens. " Why he should use a Sioux word in a region peculiarly Chippewa to describe a natural fea- ture cannot here be explained. Moreover La France's ' ' Siens ' ' may be a corruption of the French ' ' cygnes ' ' (pro. seens), meaning swans. However, Mr. Upham 's theory is rational and quite plausible. Mr. Upham is also of the opinion that a river which La France called the ' ' River du Siens ' ' is the present Red River; that a "fork" of this river, which he mentions, is at the mouth of the Wild Riee River, and that an "eastern tributaiy" which he noted would be the Red Lake River. Although the conclusions of Prof. Burpee, in his "Search for the Western Sea," differ from Mr. Upham 's regarding the lakes and rivers mentioned by La France, Mr. Upham still thinks he has identified these natural features cor- rectly. (See Minn, in Three Cents., Vol. 1, p. 302.) EARLY WHITE EXPLORERS OP THE REGION WERE NOT NUMEROUS. After Verendrye and La France the English trav- elers and explorers were the first to come to what are now northern Minnesota and southern Manitoba. These were first of all fur traders, and their explora- tions in behalf of development and civilization were secondary considerations and operations. Some of them visited the Red River but others of them never saw it, confining their observations to the country eastward of the river and its valley. Two of them wrote out and committed to print instructive and valuable descriptions of the country they visited and interesting accounts of their experiences therein. Alexander Henry, the senior, traversed the central route along a portion of the northern boundary of Minnesota in 1775, but did not get as far westward as to the Red River. In 1809 he published in book form a record of his investigations as a traveler, trader, and explorer, and his book "Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories Between 1760 and 1765," is frequently consulted and quoted from by modern historians. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, who, in 1789, discovered the great northern river which still bears his name, came to the Minnesota shore of Lake Superior in 1785 and finally crossed the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Range to the Pacific, going by the way of the Peace River. In his book of "Voyages," etc., pub- lished in 1801, he narrates much concerning the white men and the Indians of northern Minnesota during the latter part of the XVIII Century. But he makes no particular mention of the Red River, which he never saw. David Thompson, born in London in 1770, entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company when he was 19 years old, or in 1789. In 1797 he joined the Northwest Fur Company and in the Spring of 1798 he traveled through the Red River Valley, visiting Red Lake and even Turtle Lake, the latter about seven miles north of Bemidji, in Beltrami County. His other explorations for the Northern Fur Com- pany were important. He became renowned for his maps of the country and his plats, field notes, etc., fill forty large record books of the public surveys department at Toronto. Portions of his records were published by the Canadian Institute in 1888 and by the eminent historian, Dr. Elliott Coues, in 1897. It is unfortunate, however, that his description of the Red River and its region is not very elaborate. The younger Alexander Henry, as he is called, a nephew of the senior Alexander Henry, spent from 1799 to 1808 in the region of Lake Winnipeg and the Red River. He was engaged in the fur trade and his principal posis were at the mouths of the Park and the Pembina Rivers. His journals, in which he gives many geogi'aphic names of Northern Minnesota, were edited and published by Dr. Coues in 1897. Henry's names of very many of the lakes and rivers of the region are still used. CHAPTER IV. FUR TRADERS THE FIRST WHITE RESIDENTS. THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY — DUNCAN GRAHAM COMES TO EAST GRAND FORKS PRIOR TO 1800 — DAVID THOMPSON FINDS JEAN BAPTISTE CADOTTE HERE IN 1798 THE NORTHWEST FUR COMPANY FORMED AND SENDS IN TRAD- ERS THE COLUMBIA AND AMERICAN FUR COMPANIES. The first white men with fixed residences and steady occupations in the country to visit and occupy por- tions of what is now Polk County, were fur traders in the service of the Hudson's Bay and the Northwest Fur Companies, both English corporations. THE Hudson's bay company. In 1668 an American ship, the Nonsuch, Capt. Zaehariah Gillan, a New Englander, sailed from Lon- don into Hudson's Bay and landed at the mouth of the Nelson River. It was sent out by some London furriers to investigate the fur and pelt resources of Hudson's Bay, which great inland sea had been dis- covered by Henry Hudson fifty years previously. A full ship-load of furs and peltries was easily secured, and on the return of the Nonsuch to London a great corporation was soon formed to make permanent occu- pation of the Hudson's Bay region and make thorough exploitation of its resources available for traffic. The corporation called itself, "The Governor and Com- pany of Adventurers of England Trading into Hud- son's Bay." King Charles II, England's "merry monarch" of the time, readily gave the company a charter which was dated May 2, 1670. The first Governor of the Company was Prince Rupert, the dashing English cavalier, whose titles were Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria and Cumberland. The region of country in which the company was to operate was styled Prince Rupert's Land, whicli name is still in use. The gen- erous King Charles gave the adventurers a vast expanse of country, which of course he did not really own, and which, according to the terms of the charter comprised, — The whole trade of all those seas, streights, bays, rivers, lakes, creeks, and sounds, in whatsoever lati- tude they shall be, that be within the entrance of the streights commonly called Hudson's streights — to- gether with all the lands, countries, and territories upon the coasts and confines of the seas, streights, bays, lakes, rivers, creeks, and sounds aforesaid, which are not now actually possessed by any of our subjects or by the subjects of any other Christian Prince or state. Of course, by the terms of the charter, the Red River region was included in the trade territory of the great corporation, since the water of the river whose name it still bears flows finally into Hudson's Bay and may be said to lie "within the entrance of the streights commonly called Hudson's Streights." Into Lake Winnipeg run both the Red River and the Saskatchewan, the latter rivaling the Mississippi in some respects, springing from the very heart of the Rocky Mountains. The vast territory drained by these streams was all legitimately covered by the language of the company's charter. It must be borne in mind, however, that at the time the charter was given, the French owned Canada, including the country south of Hudson's Bay; and this great empire they continued to own and control vmtil it was taken away from them by the English after the French and Indian War and by the treaty 34 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 35 of Paris in 1763. The charter recognized the facts, and therefore provided that the Hudson's Bay Com- pany was not to interfere with the trading posts already in the country in the actual possession of "the subjects of any other Christian prince or state." Hence it was that the Verendryes, La France, and other French subjects acting under the French au- thority, visited Lake Winnipeg and the Red River and made establishments long before the Englisli came. How far they ascended the Red River, if they ever ascended it at all, or what they did, if anything, in the Polk County country, is unknown to the pres- ent writer, and it seems now that it is too late to inquire into the subject. There is no known record of the French exploitation of this district beyond what has been noted, and it is not probable that the operations connected therewith were of much impor- tance or there would be such a record. Moreover, it was many years after the Hudson's Bay Company began operations when its agents began to operate in the Red River region. We only have disconnected accounts of the presence of these traders in the country, and these accounts refer to only the latter part of the XVIII Century. DUNCAN GRAHAM AT GRAND PORKS. The first engagee of the Hudson's Bay Company to ascend the Red River, so far as the present writer is informed, was a young Scotchman named Duncan Graham. He came to Winnipeg and the Red River some time during the last half of the XVIII Century. A fairly reliable biographical sketch of the young trader was published in the Minnesota Pioneer of April 15, 1851, over the signature of "F." The author was probably Dr. Thomas Foster, a prominent pioneer newspaper man and a noted writer on Min- nesota early history. In this article it is stated that some time prior to the year 1800 Duncan Graham was ' ' connected with a trading post of the Hudson 's Bay Company at the Grand Forks on Red River. Later he was for a long time in charge of an establishment at the place which is still called Graham 's Point, south of the Grand Forks." On which side of the river at the Grand Forks stood the trading establishment with which Graham was connected cannot with certainty be stated. Pre- sumably, however, it was on the Polk County side, for the Indians who were its patrons lived chiefly on that side, being the Chippewas of Red Lake and the other lakes and rivers directly east of the post. Graham had associates, of course, and he may have had predecessors, but we do not know who they were. He is the first white man whose identity has been clearly determined that established himself within what is now Polk County. A sketch of him seems proper in this connection. Captain Duncan Graham was a native of the High- lands of Scotland, and a member of a prominent family of the region. The Clan Graham, or Graeme, is one of the most renowned in the early history of Scotland. He was not born in Edinburgh, as one account says. He was born about 1766, although there is ground for belief that his birth occurred near 1760. He came to the Northwest when a very young man, presumably in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company. He was in the Minnesota country in the latter part of the XVIII Century. According to the sworn testimony of Michael Brisbois (as reported in Vol. 2, Wis. Hist. Coll., p. 130), Captain Graham, James Aird, Brisbois himself, and others were traders in the Sioux country on the Minnesota in 1781. If the Captain had been born in 1766, he would have been in 1781 but 15, or too young for an Indian trader. Judge Lockwood, who was a trader at Prairie du Chien and also on the upper Minnesota, in 1816, says Graham was in the country about 1786 or 1787 (as is noted in Vol. 9, Wis. Hist. Coll., p. 467), and it is certain that he was at Men- dota, the mouth of the Minnesota River, in December, 1802, for at that date he was one of the witnesses to the will of Archibald Campbell, a prominent trader, who was killed in a duel, and his will recorded at Mackinaw. Near Mendota Captain Graham married a mixed- blood Sioux woman, a granddaughter of a noted Frenchman of the earliest times named Penichon, who 36 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY was at first a trader among the Sioux but became chief of one of their small sub-bauds. Succeeding him in the chieftainship was his sou, whose Indian name was Nah-zhin Okauko, or Stops Suddenly, but who was generally called Son of Penichon ; he was one of the signers of Lieutenant Pike's treaty with the Sioux at Mendota in 1805. The true name Penichon is vari- ously misspelled. His band was in time presided over by Chief Black Dog, and its last chief was Maukato. During the war between the United States and Great Britain (1812-15) Graham became first a lieu- tenant and then a captain in the British military service, and was very active against the Americans. He had a command of Sioux Indians in northern Ohio and participated with his warriors in the battles of Maumee and in the unsuccessful assault on Fort Stevenson. He assisted in the capture of Prairie du Chien in July, 1814, and in the following September went down to the Rock Island, with 30 Indians and three small cannon, and utterly defeated and drove back down the river a force of 400 Americans under Colonel Zachary Taylor (afterwards President), who had a rather strong fleet of armed boats and was coming up to recapture Prairie du Chien. Graham was but a lieutenant at the time, but for this exploit was made a captain. After the war Captain Graham remained in the Northwest and became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He was as faithful thereafter to his adopted country as he had been to British King George. He became an Indian trader in Minnesota, and a prominent one, and his operations ranged over the extent of country between Pembina and the Cana- dian border on the north and the latitude of Prairie du Chien. In 1819, when the crop failed in tlio Selkirk Colony, and the people on the lower Red River were starving. Captain Graham and another trader, named "William Laidlaw (or Laidlow), went from Pembina to Prairie du Chien and brought back to the suffering colony three big boat loads of wheat and oats and 30 bushels of peas, which furnished plenty of seed for planting and quite a stock for eating. How the supplies and the boats were transported from the head of navigation on the Minnesota over to the Red River can only be conjectured. (See Neill's Hist, of Minn.) Captain Graham had by his marriage four intel- lectual, fairly accomplished, and altogether worthy daughter, who married four prominent Minneso- tiaus, viz. : Alexander Faribault, Joseph Buisson, Oliver Cratte, and James Wells. The son was Alexander Graham, who also became prominent in Minnesota. Some of the Captain's grandchildren have long lived in Minnesota and at Devil's Lake, North Dakota, and are well known as honorable and useful members of society. Captain Graham died at Mendota, Minn., at the residence of his son-in-law, Alexander Faribault, December 5, 1847, aged between 81 and 87. His wife, whose Indian name was Hahzah-hota-wiu, or Gray Huckleberry woman, also died at Mendota, March 2, 1848. D.WID THOMPSON HERE IN 1798 AND FINDS JEAN CADOTTE. We know for certain that Captain Graham was not the only trader at East Grand Forks at an early day. David Thompson, the explorer, astronomer, cartogra- pher, and general investigator before mentioned, vis- ited the Forks in March, 1798, and found there Jean Baptiste Cadot, engaged in the Indian trade. Dr. Bryce (Hist. H. B. Co., p. 138) suggests that this was the son of the Cadot (or Cadotte), the veteran master of the Sault Ste. Marie, who for a long time refused to acknowledge the English sovereignty of the country but remained faithful in his allegiance to his "beau- tiful France." Thompson particularly notes iu his journal the establishment of Monsieur Cadotte at the Forks, where he remained a few days. Then he determined to find the true source of the Mis.sissippi, which had long been an object of interest to geographers and explorers. This, too, had been one of the duties laid upon him by his employers, the officers of the Northwest Company. COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 37 For it must be understood that, although Thompson had originally entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, lie had disagreed with its authorities as to wliat he should do, had withdrawn from its employ, and had, in 1795, eutei'ed the service of its strenuous rival, the Northwest Company, which had been organ- ized in 1783-84. His position was that of chief sur- veyor and astronomer. Making a detour from Grand Forks, in order to avoid the ice then in the Red Lake River, Thompson struck the upper banks of that river and followed the banks until he reached Red Lake. Leaving this lake, he made a portage to the south some 12 or 15 miles and came to Turtle Lake (in what is now the southern portion of Beltrami County), and this lake he con- sidered to be the source of the Mississippi ; but of course he was mistaken, for 40 years later Schoolcraft determined that Lake Itasca (in the southern corner of Clearwater County), some 35 miles to the southwest of Turtle Lake, is the true source of the great Father of Waters. But in early days many geographical mistakes were made. Thus when the treaty between the United States and Great Britain was made, in 1783, following the close of the War of the Revolution, the Turtle Lake visited by Thompson was thought to be farther north than the northwestern angle of the Lake of the Woods. After leaving Turtle Lake, Thompson visited Red Cedar Lake and Sand Lake, in the direction of Lake Superior, and at length reached the Northwest Com- pany's trading post near the mouth of the St. Louis River and the Fond du Lac. On the Sand Lake River he found a trading post of his Company. Indeed about this time posts of the Northwest Company fairly dotted the country now comprising the northern por- tion of Minnesota. Singularly enough, however, when Thompson, in March, 1798, came to the present site of Winnipeg there was no trading post or other white habitation there. The Verendrye post of Fort Maure- pas, built 70 years before, and succeeding white men's establishments had all disappeared. THE NORTHWEST COMPANY FORMED. The profitable operations of the Hudson's Bay Company excited the envy and cupidity of certain in- dependent traders who in 1783. and 1784 organized a rival corporation which they called the Northwest Company. The leading members of the Company were Simon McTavish, Benjamin and Joseph Frobisher, Peter Pond, and William McGillivray. Peter Pond was a Connecticut man but an early trader in the Northwest. At one time he had a post near the mouth of the Minnesota River. He was of an impetuous, violent disposition and killed at least two other traders in quarrels over business matters. The Northwest Company entered with great energy upon its enter- prises and soon had more trading posts in Manitoba and noi'thei'n Minnesota than the Hudson's- Bay Com- pany. Then, in 1795, the New Northwest Company, com- monly called the XY Company, was formed, with Alexander IMackenzie as the leading spirit. This be- came a strong corporation and a formidable rival of both the Northwest and the Hudson's Bay organiza- tions. But in 1804-5 it was merged with the North- west Company under the old name. This Company now drove out, practically speaking, nearly all the Hudson's Bay traders from lower Manitoba and north- ern Minnesota. When Lieut. Pike came up, in 1805, he found Northwest Company trading houses on the upper Mississippi at the mouth of the Red Cedar, at Sandy Lake, at the mouth of the Prairie River and below Pokegama Falls, on Upper Red Cedar Lake, and the main establishment at Leech Lake, with Hugh Mc- Gillis as the general agent or chief factor. He noted that there were numerous other posts to the north and northwest of Leech Lake. All of these establishments were flying the British flag in token of their allegiance to Great Britain, notwithstanding the scenes of their operations had been American soil, fairly won by the War for Independence, ever since the treaty of 1783. Lieut. Pike made all the traders with whom he came in contact haul down the Union Jack and run up the 38 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY stars and stripes aud Chief Factor MeGillis promised to send word to all the other traders in the country that they must do the same. Seven years after Pike 's visit came the War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States, and then, of course, the stars and stripes came down from the trading houses. Practically every British trader was an emissary for King George. Robert Dickson, a factor of the Northwest Company, recruited a num- ber of Indians in Minnesota and led them into the British service. They .served against the Americans on the upper Mississippi, in Jlichigan, aud in northern Ohio. After the close of the war, in 1815, they re- sumed their trading operations in Minnesota. They were openly defiant of the authority of the United States, kept up their British flags, held frequent coun- cils with the Indians, distributed British medals among them, and whispered to them that another time was coming when their great English father would need their services in a war against the Americans! A few American traders had ventured up into the country, l)ut the British traders conspired against them and drove them out. They controlled the trade from Win- nipeg to as far south as the lower Des Moines River and constituted a formidable menace to American in- terests. Upon the complaints of the American traders Con- gi'ess enacted that none but full American citizens should have licenses as fur traders. The British fac- tors evaded this restriction by having some humble employee in their service w'ho was an American take out the license in his name and then they conducted the business as theretofore. Finally the Executive Department of the Government acted. In 1819 the Secretary of War, John C. Calhoun, of South Caro- lina, determined that the laws and authority of the United States should be respected. He ordered mili- tary posts established on the northern and northwest- ern frontiers, and that these posts should be supplied with sufficient garrisons to bring the defiant British trading malefactors to terms and to enforce the United States laws in those regions. Posts were established at the mouth of the St. Peter's River, now Fort Snelling; at Council Bluffs, on- the Missouri ; at the month of the Yellowstone, on the upper Missouri, and at the " " Palls of St. Mary's," now commonly called Sault Ste. Marie. Not long after the U. S. troops came up and built Fort Snelling the Northwest Company began to lose business in this region. Fort Snelling was built and properly garrisoned in 1819-20, and in March, 1821, the great Northwest Company virtuallj' surrendered the field and was absorbed by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany under the latter 's name. The strife and warfare between the Northwest and the Hudson's Bay Companies, involving attacks against the members of the Selkirk Settlement, on the Red River, in 1815 and 1816, the actual fighting of lit- tle battles — in one of which Govei-nor Semple, of the Hudson's Bay Company w-as killed — the slaying of perhaps 50 other men, etc., need not be moi'e than ad- verted to here. What is of importance in a history of Polk County is that it was the traders of the Northwest Company that were within what is now that county between 1790 and 1820. Just where they all were, and who they were, cannot now and here be stated. David Thompson found Jean Baptiste Cadotte with a trad- ing post at East Grand Forks, in March, 1798, and we know that Duncan Graham was here in this period. There was no trading post then at the Red Lake, but traders came and went, and they may have been at the big lake the year before or the year after. That the traders of the Northwest Company were scattered along the upper Red River and along the Minnesota from its source to its moutli from 1790 to 1820 is a fact well established. THE COLUMBIA FUR COMPANY. The Hudson's Bay and the Northwest Fur Com- panies consolidated in March, 1821, and the follow- ing year a number of their former traders that had done business for them in the Red River and upper Minnesota region concluded to form a new Company to COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 39 operate in the Minnesota country and did so. The in- corporators were Joseph Renville, Thomas Jeffries, Kenneth MeKenzie, Wm. Laidlaw, and perhaps Dun- can Graham, and one or two others. They named the new organization the Columbia Fur Company. Its central establishment was the post on Lake Traverse. All of their posts were licensed by the U. S. Indian agent at Fort Snelling. When, in July, 1823, Maj. Long's exploring expedi- tion reached Lake Traverse on its way down the Red River, it found an important post of the Columbia Company in charge of Mr. Jeffries and others. (Keat- ing 's ' ' Narrative, ' ' p. 444 et seq. ) The village of the Sioux chief Wahnatah, the Charger, was near by and the expedition spent some days in the neighborhood. By the year 1825 the Columbia Company had a number of licensed trading posts in Minnesota. These posts were called by the pretentious name of ' ' Forts, ' ' and were as follows : Fort Adams, at Lac qui Parle ; Fort Washington, at Lake Travei-se; Fort Union, at Traverse des Sioux ; Port Barbour, Falls of the St. Croix ; Fort Bolivar, at Leaf Lake ; Fort Confedera- tion, on the Des Moines River, where the city of Des Moines now stands. THE AMERICAN FUR COMPANY. In 1808 John Jacob Astor founded the great busi- ness organization known as the American Fur Com- pany. He was its President until in 1834, when he was succeeded by Ramsay Crooks, father of Col. Wil- liam Crooks, for whom Crookston was named. After 1822 this company had absorbed or swallowed up ita smaller rivals and was conducted in the country east of the Missouri by what were termed its Northern and Western Departments. The Northern Department em- braced the region of the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi and was conducted by Ramsay Crooks, whose headquarters were in New York, but who spent much time at Mackinaw and at other of his trading posts in the Northwest. Pierre Chouteau, Jr., of St. Louis, superintended the Western Department, com- prising, at first, the Missouri River country and the Rocky Mountains. Later Chouteau & Company pur- chased the Western Department, including the coun- try west of the Mississippi. In Minnesota the chief post or "factory" of the company was at Fort Snel- ling, and Gen. H. H. Sibley was the "chief factor" for many years. In 1825 the American Company had a post at Red Lake called Fort Pike. Other of its posts in the Min- nesota country were at the ' ' upper sand hills, ' ' on the Cheyenne ; at Crow Wing, on the Mississippi ; at Lit- tle Rapids (Carver), on the Minnesota; at Leech Lake, Devil's Lake, below Big Stone Lake, Sandy Lake, and at the Forks of the Red Cedar River. It is unfortu- nate that the names of the traders at these posts have not Deen preserved. CHAPTER V. EARLY AMERICAN EXPLORATIONS IN RED RIVER VALLEY. MAJOR long's expedition IN 1823 — ITS HISTORIAN DESCRIBES RED LAKE RIVER AS THE "RED FORK" AND NOTES THE SALT DEPOSITS OF THE REGION COUNT BELTRAMI, OF ITALY, ACCOMPANIES THE MAJ. LONG EXPEDITION, DESCRIBES THE COUNTRY, AND CALLS THE RED "tHE BLOODY RIVER " THE SELKIRK SETTLEMENT AND ITS CONNECTION ■\VITII THE HISTORY OF POLK COUNTY — SELKIRK COLONISTS WERE THE COUNTY'S FIRST WHITE RESIDENTS THE AREA OF THE PRESENT COUNTY FIRST PURCHASED OF THE INDIANS BY LORD SELKIRK — CAPT. JOHN POPE, IN 1850, RECORDED THE FACT THAT THE COLONISTS CAME TO EAST GRAND FORKS BETWEEN 1814 AND 1820 — A FEW OP THEIR NAMES. MAJOR long's EXPEDITION OF 1823. In the spriug, summer, and fall of 1823, pursuant to orders from the War Department, a miscellaneous' expedition, under the command of Maj. Stephen H. Long, with a corps of scientists for observations of a general character, went from Washington to and through a considerable portion of the Northwest, in- cluding the Red River Valley and a great deal of northern Minnesota. Coming into the Minnesota country in July, the expedition passed from Fort Snelling up the Minnesota Valley to Lake Winnipeg (then called Winnipeek) thence up the Winnipeg River to the Lake of the Woods and thence eastward along the Canadian boundary to Lake Superior. A very interesting and valuable history of the expedition was written by Prof. Wm. H. Keating, its geologist, recorder, and historian. The expedition left Fort Snelling for the ascent of the Minnesota in the latter part of July, 1823, and comprised two small parties, one on horseback riding along the shores, and the other up the river in boats. Lake Traver.se was reached July 23, and here three days were spent with the authorities of the Columbia Fur Company, at their main post. They struck the Red Lake River a few miles from its mouth, and found their position to be latitude 47 degrees, 47 minutes, and 25 seconds north, and longitude 96 degrees, 53 minutes, and 45 seconds west. Keating calls the river "the Red Fork of Red River," and says that where the party forded it the width was forty yards. Its banks were steep, and the carts were crossed with difficulty; its bed was sandy and its current very rapid. The party went along the east bank of the river to Pembina, which was reached August 5. The village — or rather settlement — of Pembina had then a poj)ulation of 350, most of whom were Metis, or half bloods, and who lived in 60 log houses or cabins, near- ly all of which stood on the west bank, adjacent to a former fort of the Hudson's Bay Company, which had been recently abandoned. It will be borne in mind that the Hudson's Baj' Company originally claimed the country of the Red River Valley as far up as the "Red Fork," or Red Lake River. In 1812 the Company granted to Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, for his colony, the country of the Valley, including both banks of the Red River, "up to the Red or Great Fork," assuming ownership and control to that extent. But when, after the War of 1812, the international boundary line was estab- lished, as a result of the successful issue in 1781 of their War for Independence, the Americans acquired 40 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 41 the country far down the Red River, including the site of the Pembina Settlement. Keating notes that in the spring of 1823, a few months before Maj. Long's arrival, the astronomers of the Hudson's Bay Company had made observa- tions which had led them to suspect that the Pem- bina settlement was south, and not north, of the boundary line. They, therefore, removed "Fort Pem- bina" down the river to Fort Douglas, at the mouth of the Assiniboine River. Keating records that Fort Pembina was 120 miles by water up the river from the Assiniboine, "and near the mouth of a small stream named by the Chippewas the Anepeminansepe, from a small red berry termed by them anepeminan, which name has been corrupted into Pembina. The theme of the word is anepin, meaning summer, and minan, meaning berry, while sepe means river or creek." The berry is identified as the high bush cran- berry; scientific name, viburnum oxycoccus. Many writers say that the discovery of the fact of their illegal location and the removal from Pembina to Fort Douglas occurred in 1820 or 1821 ; but Keating was there in August, 1823, and says that these events oc- curred the previous spring. Describing the rivers and other natural features of the Polk County region, Prof. Keating writes : "The Red Fork, which by the Indians is consid- ered the main branch of the Red River, takes its name from the Red Lake, in which it rises. Both are said to be translations of the term bloody, used by the In- dians, and which is doubtless derived from some slaughter committed in that vicinity, and not (as is the case with many other rivers which have the same appellation) from the color of their beds.* "In times of flood the Red Fork is navigable for barges throughout its length to Red Lake, a distance of 120 miles ; in ordinary stages of water, canoes can ascend to its source. This is the mo.st important trib- utary of the Red River, containing an equal quan- tity of water with the main stream above the Grand Fork. Mr. [Thomas] Jeffries [of the Columbia Fur Company, and guide to the expedition] informed us that the Red Lake has, at the western part of the main lake, the form of a crescent, with its back to the southwest. * But La France, the first visitor, says the lake was named for the color of the sands on its shores. 3 ' ' The general course of the Red Fork from this lake is northwest. It receives a few small tributaries, the most important of which are the Clear River, enter- ing about 30 miles from its mouth, on the southwest side, and Thief River, entering it from the northeast. The woods along Red Fork are very thick and extend to about half a mile on either side. Hazelnuts were very abundant and nearlv ripe at that time [August 2J. ' ' Below the junction of the Red Fork with the main stream, the Red River was observed to be about 40 yards wide and its current was about one knot an hour. The bed of Swamp or Marsh River was dry. At the confluence of the two branches of Two Rivers there is a considerable salt spring. # # # There are doubtless in this country a great many salt springs, especially below the Red Fork; we saw none, but we were informed that fine springs exist on Big and Lit- tle Saline Rivers, on the Two Rivers, and in other places, where the salt is found in white efflorescences, so as to be annually collected there by the colonists of Pembina. And yet, notwithstanding its abundance in the country, and the ease with which it can be gath- ered, the price of this article is from |4 to .$6 per bar- rel of 80 pounds. One of the residents on the river cleared $500 in one winter by the salt which he col- lected. Probably by boring te a small depth abun- dant springs would be found." Recent investigations show that salt exists in in- calculable quantities in Kittson, Marshall, and the northern part of Polk Counties, and at no very con- siderable depth from the surface. Time alone can de- termine whether or not this great resource will ever be developed. COUNT BELTRAMI VISITS RED RIVER AND RED LAKE. There accompanied Maj. Long's expedition from Fort Snelling (or Fort St. Anthony) to Pembina, an Italian gentleman named Giacomo Costantino Bel- trami. He had come to America on a journey of ad- venture under the patronage of an Italian countess; his elaborate published account of his "Pilgrimage in Europe and America," etc., is mainly a series of de- scriptive letters addressed to this lady. Anglicized, his name would be James Constantine Beltrami and on the title pages of his books it is given as J. C. Bel- trami. The accomplished but eccentric Italian joined the Long expedition as a guest, but his relations with the 42 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY party were unpleasant almost from the start at Fort Snelling. When Pembina was reached, there was an open rupture and he left the party to complete his "pilgrimage" by himself and on his own account. Leaving Pembina (which he calls "Pembenar") Bel- trami set out, with two Chippewas and a half-breed interpreter, and traveled southeastwardly to the junc- tion of the Thief and the Red Lake Rivers, and thence his journey was by canoes up the latter river to Red Lake. He calls the Thief River ' ' the Robbers' River ' ' and gives the name "Bloody River" to both the Red Lake and the Red Rivers. He considered the former the principal branch of the latter, which in one place (Pilgrimage, Vol. 2, p. 400) he mentions as "the Red River, or, more properly speaking, the Bloody River." But he does not call Red Lake "the Bloody Lake." After a number of perils and privations Count Beltrami finally reached Cass Lake and Leech Lake, and then went down the Mississippi in a canoe to Fort Snelling, and thence to New Orleans, etc. En route, on Thief River, the Sioux fired on his party, severely wounding one of his Chippewas. The next day both Indians and the half-breed deserted him and took a short route to Red Lake. For four days the Count waded up Red Lake River, towing his canoe, in whicli was his baggage; once the canoe upset, throwing everything into the water. On the evening of the fourth day he met some Chippewas, and one of them assisted him in paddling his canoe to Red Lake after two days of hard work. He skirted a great deal of the shores of the main Red Lake and finally made a portage from the south shore to waters which eventu- ally led him into Mud Lake, which he said the Indians called the "Puposk.v-Weza-Kanyaguen," or End of the Shaking Lands. The chief of the Red Lake Chip- pewas was called Big Rabbit, and on the north shore was another band of some 300 souls whose chief was the Big Elk. THE SELKIRK SETTLEMENT AND POLK COUNTY. Reference has been made to the settlement by Scotch, Swiss, and French Canadian Colonists of the district obtained in 1881 by Lord Selkirk from the Hudson's Bay Company and which was on the lower Red River. It was called generally the Selkirk Set- tlement, and sometimes referred to as the Red River Settlement. The first colonists came from Scotland in the fall of 1812 and located at the mouth of the Assiniboine, near the present site of Winnipeg. The Selkirk Settlement is definitely and in some respects rather prominently connected with the his- tory of Minnesota, and especially with that of the Red River Valley. The first permanent settlers and residents of the State, and of that part of the Valley within the State, were refugees and fugitives from the Selkirk Settlement, or Red River Colony. They had been driven out by grasshoppers, floods, drouths, and other calamitous visitations and they sought safety to the southward, where the}' believed conditions were better. By the year 1840 nearly 700 Red River ref- ugees had come to Port Snelling and many of them had made permanent settlements about St. Paul and elsewhere in Minnesota. (Minn, in Three Cents., Vol. 2, p. 76.) And so, too, regarding the first white settlers in the Polk County district of the Red River Valley. They too came from the Red River Settlement. Only a few of these were farmei"s, however. They were traders, but had cabins along the Red, and perhaps on the Red Lake River, and doubtless they cultivated gardens and small tracts of grain. There was also consid- erable coni raising in the country in early days, more perhaps, in proportion to other crops, than there is now. In 1826 the Chippewas of Red River were rais- ing plenty of corn, potatoes, and turnips. In 1832, when Schoolcraft and Boutwell were on their famous expedition to Lake Itasca, they stopped, in the first week of July, at the trading post at Sandy Lake. In his journal (Minn. Hist. Socy. Coll., Vol. 1, p. 158) Boutwell writes: Com for this post is mostly obtained at Red Lake, from the Indians, who there cultivate it to a consid- erable extent. The trader tells me that he bought 105 bushels from that place this spring, and that it is not a rare matter to meet a squaw who has this quantity to sell. COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 43 On page 168 (ibid.) BoutweU refers to corn raising by the Indians at the Red Cedar Lake and says: "They originally obtained the corn, which they have cultivated here for many years, from Red River. ' ' The Histoi-y of the Minnesota Agricultural Society (p. 11) says that at intervals between 1827 and 1838 the quartermasters at Port Snelling bought corn from the northern Chippewas, and that in many instances the Indian women had carried the grain on their backs from their granaries to the shipping points on the upper Mississippi. So that it is quite probable that the early settlers in the Polk County region raised corn, notwithstanding the difficulties of its cultivation, when it was subject to the injurious attacks of blackbirds, wild pigeons, and grasshoppers from its planting to its harvesting. The Selkirkers, in their settlement at Pembina, had these pests and other obstacles to contend against in their agricultural operations, and this was why so many of them left the country for the lower Minne- sota districts, and other more favored regions. Some of the Red River refugees went as far as to Indiana. Selkirk's colonists first polk county settlers. The fact is not generally remembered that many of the early members of Lord Selkirk's Colony settled in what is now Polk County prior to 1820, under the mistake that they were locating on British territory. They were quite excusable. They knew but very little about the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions, as established after the War of the Revolution by the treaty of Paris, in 1783. As has been previously stated, the charter given the Hudson's Bay Company by King Charles granted the Red River Valley to the company— at least as far south as to the Sioux Wood River. In 1811, when Lord Selkirk purchased the land for his colony from the company, the deed gave (in part) the boundaries of the grant as extending from the Assiniboine River "due south from that to the height of land which separates the waters which run into Hudson's Bay from those of the Missouri and the Mississippi. ' ' (Ross's R. R. Settlement, p. 9.) The "height of land" mentioned is equivalent to the watershed between Lake Traverse and the mouth of the Sioux Wood, in Traverse County, Minnesota, and Roberts County, South Dakota. This is more than 200 miles south of the 49th parallel, or the boundary line between Canada and the United States, and of course the Hudson's Bay Company had no right to dispose of any land on American soil or below the boundary. But it seems that neither Lord Selkirk nor any one else in that quarter of Canada knew (and perhaps did not care) anything about the interna- tional boundary. Selkirk (or Lord Thomas Douglas) was apparently innocent. He had paid a good round sum for the land of his proposed colony and he was determined to have a perfect title to it. He recognized the title of the Cree and Chippewa Indians to the country and he was bound to extinguish it so that there should be no cloud upon his own. So, at ' ' the Forks of Red River, ' ' July 18, 1817, he made a treaty with certain chiefs and warriors of the tribes mentioned by which they ceded to him their claim to the territory described as follows : All that tract of land, adjacent to Red River and Assiniboine River, beginning at the mouth of the Red River and * extending along the same as far as the Great Forks, at the mouth of the Red Lake River, and along Assiniboine River as far as Muskrat River — otherwise called Riviere des Champignons, [the River of Mushrooms] and extending to the distance of six miles from Port Douglas, [near Winnipeg] and like- wise from Port Daer, [at Pembina] and * also from the Great Forks and certain other parts extending in breadth to the distance of two English statute miles back from the banks of the said rivers, on each side, together with all the appurtenances whatsoever of the said tract of land, to have and to hold," etc. The consideration given the Indians was 200 pounds of tobacco, 100 pounds to each tribe, for the entire grant amounting to about 110,000 square miles. (Bryce's H. B. Co., p. 207; but his "Romantic Settle- ment of Selkirk's Colonists," p. 42, says 116,000 * The italicizing is by the compiler. u COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY square miles.) What Selkirk paid the Hudson's Bay Company is not certainly known; it is stated at $50,000, $125,000, $500,000, etc.* The treaty was signed by Selkirk and by Chiefs the Sounder, Black Blanket, Big Ears, and Black Man, the first two of the Crees. As stated, the land ceded extended two miles on either side of the Red River from its mouth practically to Lake Travei-se. It particularly included the coun- try comprising the west two miles of Polk County. The Selkirk colonists came to the Red River fij^t in 1812, locating near its mouth. Soon after, when the French Canadians had joined the Colony, many of them, Scotch and French, came up the river and set- tled at various points. A good many were on the Red Lake River, "some leagues from the Great Forks." (Ross) John Mclntyre is recorded as dying at la Grande Fourehe in 1817. The list of these set- tlers has been lost so far as the present writer knows. But former writers have established the facts of tlie settlement. In his official report of his expedition, Capt. John Pope states : The settlements along the Red River of the North were made first about the year 1812 by a colony of Scotch, English, and Canadian French, who were located upon a grant of land made by the Hud.son's Bay Company to Lord Selkirk, t extending along both sides of the Red River to about the parallel of 47 de- grees north latit%ide. It was supposed at the time that the grant was contained in the possessions of the English, and t the settlements were therefore made near the mouth of Red Lake River, or what is now called "La Grande Fourehe," on the "Great Fork of Red River." * Lord Selkirk died, broken in heart and fortune, in 1820, and in 1836 his heirs sold back to the Hudson's Bay Company the territory of his Colony for 84,111 English pounds sterling, or about $408,000. (See Justin Winsors Crit. Hist, of Amer., Vol. 8, p. 61.) His was a noble character. He was a real phil- anthropist and the most generous and disinterested man in the history of American colonization, but died a victim to the predatory selfishness of other men, that were his business rivals. It is not well known that in 1818 he went by land from Pem- bina to the mouth of the St. Peters (now the site of Meudota and Fort Snelling), and thence by river to St. Louis, Cairo, Louisville, Pittsburg, and thence overland to New York, where he took ship for Europe. He never saw America afterward. t The italicizing is by the compUer. Large numbers of Indians were soon attracted to the settlements by the presence of so many strange people and the display of so manj' tempting articles of traflBc; moreover mauy of the colony were at once induced to take to themselves Indian wives, and in a few years the half bloods that resulted from these connections amounted to several thousands. It was not until about 1820 when it was ascertained that these settlements had been made within the territories of the United States. It then became necessary for the traders that had settled among the people, and who belonged to the English trading companies, to remove their stores to points within the British pos- sessions, and they forced all the peoples who had by this time become dependent upon them for goods and supplies, to break up their settlements and remove to points lower down or north on the Red River. They now [1850] extend along both banks of the river from the northern frontier of the United States northward to the entrance of the river into Lake Winnipeg, in latitude 51 north. (See Pope's Report to Secy, of War, Senate Ex. Doc, p. 30, No. 42, in 31st Cong. 1st Session.) A FEW OP THE FIRST WHITE RESIDENTS. Not many names can now be given of the Selkirk Colonists that settled on the Red River in or near what is now Polk County. Biyce's "History of Lord Sel- kirk's Colonists'' (p. 167) mentions a French family that afterwards was in the Colony as having been at "the Forks of Red River" as early as in 1811. The name of this family was Lajimoniere. In 1815 the family had joined the main colony and Mr. Lajimon- iere distinguished himself by carrying a packet of letters for Lord Selkirk from Red River to Montreal. Another former member of the Selkirk Colony was Charles Bottineau (father of the noted mixed blood Pierre Bottineau, who was prominently identified with Minnesota history'), who became a fur trader and lived for a considerable time near the present site of East Grand Forks. He had been a hunter for Alex- ander Henry, at Pembina, in 1803, later a partner with Charles Grant, at St. Joseph, and joined the Colony several years later. In 182 — , he had "a hun- dred acres in crop." (N. D. Hist. Coll., Vol. 1, p. 304; Ross's Red River Valley, 176.) Some time after this he became a trader in the Gi'and Forks region. It is commonlj' stated that his noted son, Pierre, was COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 45 born in the Red River Settlement, in Manitoba; but surviving members of his family state that the historic old guide, scout, pioneer, town builder, etc., was born, in 1810, at the trading post of his father, at Bear Point, on Turtle River, 12 miles northwest of Grand Forks, and in North Dakota. His last years were spent on the Red Lake River, and he died at Red Lake Falls in July, 1895. Donald McKay and Alexander McBeth, both Scotch- men, were two other Selkirkers who engaged in trade in 1821 at "the Great Forks" and on the "Red Fork." Joseph LaBissoniere was a French Canadian with a half-blood Chippewa wife, who left the Selkirk Col- ony and about 1830, was a trader on the lower Red Lake River. Prior to that time he had been a North- west Company trader at "La Grande Fourche," or the Great Fork, and had also been on Turtle River, a few miles to the westward. His son, Isaac LaBisson- iere, was born at his father's post in North Dakota in 1823, and died in St. Paul, in June, 1910. The fam- ily removed to St. Paul in 1837 and Joseph and Isaac lielped build the little log Catholic church at St. Paul in 1841. The church was called St. Paul's and the city took its name from it. This was the first Chris- tion Church building erected in Minnesota. 1 CHAPTER VI. CHIEF HISTORIC FEATURES OF EARLY TIMES. THE OLD RED RIVER CARTS AND TUEIR TR.4ILS — NORMAN KITTSON 's FIRST TRAIL ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE RED RIVER THROUGH POLK COUNTY ITS HISTORY AND LOCATION, AS MAPPED BY CAPT. POPE AND DESCRIBED BY OTHERS WHO TRAVELED THE ROUTE IT CROSSED THE RED LAKE RIVER VTEST OF FISHER — WAS THE TREATY OP 1863 HELD AT THE PROPER CROSSING? THE GOVERNMENT EXPEDITION UNDER MAJOR WOODS AND CAPTAIN POPE TO PEMBINA IN 1849 — IT FOLLOWED THE OLD KITTSON TRAIL AND CROSSED THE RED LAKE RIVER AT THE OLD CROSSING, WEST OF FISHER THEY DESCRIBED THE COUNTRY NOW THE WEST SIDE OF POLK COUNTY AS GOOD FOR WHEAT BUT NOT PROMISING FOR CORN THE TREATIES WHICH BOUGHT THE LAND FROM THE IN- DIANS — THE "old crossing" TREATY HELD AT THE NEW CROSSING OP RED LAKE RIVER. THE RED RIVER CARTS AND THEIR OVERLAND COMMERCE, nappi pony. " A loaded cart generally contained Reference has been made to the passage, in former «'">"* ^^0 pounds weight. A good pony could often times, through what is now Polk County, of trains of '^''^''' ^"«^ ^ 1°^^ ^0 miles a day, but a slow, plod- two-wheeled vehicles called the Red River carts. These '^'''" ^x could not compass more than 20 miles in that carts were originally built wholly of wood and raw- t''"^- The axles of the cart were not greased or lubri- hide, not a particle of metal being used in their con- ^^^ed in any way, and the wheels turned with a dread- struction. The wheels were large and clumsy, being ^"1 squeaking and screeching which could be heard on sometimes five feet in diameter and three inches thick, ^lie open prairie for more than a mile. The felloes were fastened together by tongues of wood, and pressure in the revolutions of the wheel assisted in keeping them from falling apart. The hubs were thick and strong, the axles were all wood, and even the lineh-pins were wooden. A light box frame, tightened by wooden pegs, was fastened, also by pegs, to and poised upon the axle. The common price of such a cart was, in Manitoba, two pounds; in Minnesota, ten dollars. Each cart wai5 generally drawn bv a single ox, and sometimes by a tough, strong Indian pony, or "ea- yuse. " The animal was hitched between shafts, and its harness was made of i'oughl_y tanned ox hide or buffalo hide. This leather was called by the Red River Metis, or mixed bloods, "shagganappi," and The carts generally moved in trains. Ten carts con- stituted a "brigade," in charge of three men. Five or six or more brigades made up a train, which was in charge of a guide or leader, who assumed much au- thority. He was on horseback, rode backward and for- ward along the line, yelling at the drivers and those in charge of the extra oxen or ponies, and marshaling his forces in pomp, flourish, and style. He had to be an intelligent man, for the stopping places for the night, where there were plenty of grass and water; the time of halting and starting; the disciplining of the crews, and all the other details of the successful management of a considerable caravan were all under liis charge and responsibility. The history of these Red River cart trains which often might be likened to the horse that drew the cart was called a "shagga- ancient Midianitish caravans, may be briefly sketched. 46 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 47 Prior to 1844 the import of goods to and the export of furs from the Red River Colony and the trading posts in that quarter were made tlirough the circuit- ous, difficult, and uncertain Hudson's Bay route. This route was open and navigable practically only two months in the year and was beset with difficul- ties at all times. In 1843 Norman "W. Kittson (for whom both Norman and Kittson Counties were named) established a trading post of the American Fur Company at Pembina. The first season he se- cured about $2,000 worth of furs and buffalo robes, but there was the greatest difficulties in the way of sending them to market. He had to deliver them at iMendota (Fort Snelling), the headquarters of the Minnesota division of the Company, and formerly the way of transporting furs from the upper Red River posts to the "factory" at Mendota was up the Red to and through Lake Traverse, then by portage to Big Stone Lake, and thence down the Minnesota. But this method of transportation involved much hard work and its success depended largely upon the proper stage of water in the rivers. After due deliberation Kittson procured six of the rude carts which have been referred to, loaded his furs, and in the spring of 1844, set out for Mendota, which he reached after a toilsome and expensive jour- ney. Presumably he had six or eight men with him. The route he followed was that which had been taken by the Red River refugees when they had left the Selkirk Settlement for Fort Snelling; it ran along the west side of the Red River to Lake Traverse, then crossed into what is now Minnesota, thence ran to Traverse des Sioux, near St. Peter, and on down the Minnesota Valley to Mendota, or what was then com- monly called the St. Peter's. THE OLD RED RIVER C.\RT TRAIL. Mr. Kittson's firet ventures in cart transportation were failures. On the first trip he lost $600 ; and on his journeys the two following years he lacked over $1,000 in coming out even. But he was of stubborn Scotch courage and believed in his scheme and fol- lowed it up and in time a great success crowned his efforts. He soon realized that he had made mistakes and he corrected them. First, he changed his route. He crossed the Red River near Pembina and went down the east side of the river to near the mouth of the Otter Tail ; then he struck across by way of Otter Tail Lake to Sauk Rapids, on the Mississippi, near St. Cloud, and then it was an easy march down to Fort Snelling and Mendota. His carts, too, brought back goods and supplies for the use of his patrons and for the people of Pembina generally. The trail from Pembina down to the Otter Tail was always a few miles east of the river. The new route crossed the Red Lake River near and west of Fisher. This passage way was long known as "the Old Crossing of the Red Lake River." It crossed Sand Hill River near Beltrami. It passed through the western part of Polk County from north to south a distance of about 50 miles. This was called the "western route," to distinguish it from others. It was also called the Kittson Trail, the Half Breed Trail, and the Crow Wing Trail. One reason for its selec- tion by Mr. Kittson, in addition to the fact that it was most direct, was that it avoided the route by Big Stone Lake and Traverse des Sioux, the country of the Sioux Indians, who were in a chronic state of deadly hos- tility against the Chippewas, including Kittson's mixed-blood cart drivers. The latter were whole- somely in fear of their old enemies and struck against being employed among them. In time the upper Red River traders, who did business with the Sioux sent their trains down the Minnesota Valley and brought back goods and supplies. This route was selected by Wm. Hallett, a noted scout and trader of the region acting for Mr. Kitt- son. For a long time it served its purpose well. Maj. Woods and Lieut. Castor, with the dragoons of Capt. Pope 's party, came over it in August and September, 1850. Capt. Pope shows it on his map accompanying his official report, and the map shows where Maj. Woods and the dragoons encamped every night. It crossed the Red Lake River apparently seven miles 48 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY from the mouth. The map also shows the trail on the Dakota side which the partj- followed in going up, but lays down no other trails in the lower Red River than it and the one mentioned as on the east side. The latter is labeled by Capt. Pope as "the Half Breed Trail." In his report Major "Woods says as to the route he and the dragoons followed on the return from Pembina: The route we followed is well known and traveled every summer by large "trains" of carts from the Red River settlements. » • * "We left Pembina on the afternoon of the 26th of August on our return, and had for about 15 miles the same difficulties to con- tend with that we encountered going out ; but at this point the prairie began to improve. There had evi- dently not been so much rain as at Pembina, and 25 or 30 miles farther on the roads became good and we traveled without any serious interruptions, averaging more than tiventy miles a day until we reached Fort Snelling the 18th of September, 1849. "We made the distance from Pembina to Fort Snelling, coming down, 471 measured miles, in 231^4 days. We were 57 days going up. (Wood's Report, p. 21; Exec. Doc. No. 51, 31st Cong., 1st Sess.) "We have other evidence that the old Kittson Trail was identical with the "western trail," the "old Crow Wing Trail," and the "Half Breed Trail" mapped by Capt. Pope. In 1859 the late Capt. Rus- sell Blakeley and others, who were engaged in open- ing the Red River to commerce, went from George- town by way of this trail to Pembina. In "Vol. 8 of the Minn. Hist. Socy. Collections, p. 55, Capt. Blake- ley says: • • * We resumed our journey by way of the old Kittson trail, the location of which can be found on the map of Capt. John Pope, in his report of the topographical survey of the Tei-ritory, in 1849. Other early and reliable authorities confirm the statement of Capt. Blakeley, that the line marked by Capt. Pope as the "Half Breed Trail," and which ran only a few miles east of Red River, was identical with the old "Kittson Trail," opened by Wm. Hallett in 1844. But this trail was at least partially aban- doned in about 1858 (or perhaps in 1860) and wholly disrused after the Civil war. When it was first followed, it was used only in the early spring, in August, and in the late fall. At such times the gi'ound was frozen in the spring and fall and dry in the late summer, and could be easily traversed ; at other times the muddy and swampy conditions of the Red River bottoms rendered this route impassable. In April, before the ground had thawed, the carts came down with the furs of the winter's hunt, and soon returned with supplies. In the late fall they came down en route to St. Paul for the trader's win- ter supplies. IMaj. Woods and his dragoons came down late in Augiist and the first part of September, when the rains were over, and the major says that 15 miles from Pembina the road was good. He had sev- eral wagons, in which his provisions and baggage were transported, and thej' were easily hauled along. Manton Marble, a noted American journalist, for a long time editor of the New York World, made with a party, a tour of Minnesota and the northern part of North Dakota in the summer and early fall of 1858. He went down the river from Georgetown to Pembina on the west or Dakota side, but returned via the old Kittson (or Pope) trail, on the Minnesota. Appar- ently he crossed the Red Lake River near where Fisher now is. In the February, 1861, number of Harper's Magazine he presents a descriptive illustrated sketch of the crossing of the little river by his party; he both wrote and illustrated the article, for he was a good artist and an accomplished penman. He made a fine sketch of where his party crossed the Red Lake, and this sketch clearly shows a scene resembling the topography near Fisher, with no boulders or other features such as are seen near Huot, but with heavy timber, high banks, etc. In describing the situation, Mr. Marble wrote : Red Lake River is the largest of the tributaries of the Red River, excepting only the Assiniboine. • * * It is itself the main stream. We came to its banks one afternoon at the spot figured in the sketch here given, dined, and then attempted the passage. The water was higii and the river wide. By wading it on horseback, we soon found the easiest spot to cross. It was necessary to enter the stream from a projecting spot of land, make head against its cur- ==?? THE OLD CROSSING OF EED LAKE RIVER, NEAR FISHER, IN 1858 From a sketch made by Mauton Marble in tlie summer of 1858 aurl priuted in Harper's Magazine for January, 1861. COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 49 rent for a few rods, then turn where the deep chan- nel was narrowest, wade through it, and keep on a long shallow bar to the opposite shore. The force of the current in the deepest part was more than any but a strong man could stand against; and, to wade, even over the shallow bar, was like forcing one's legs through dry sand. The party had great trouble in getting their cart, with the provisions and baggage on it, across the stream. The water was too deep to haul the stuff in the cart, and so the latter was floated across and the provisions and baggage carried over on the men's shoulders. This was on September 23 (1858), when the trail was dry but the Red Lake River was at a good stage where the crossing was made. Apparently, under the conditions .stated, this crossing was near Fisher.* In the early years of the decade of 1850 — say, in about 1855 — the Red River cart trade had increased to such proportions that trips had to be made at all seasons of the year, except in very cold weather. The old Kitt.son trail, on the east side of and only a few miles from the Red River, was practically im- passable during many months, by reason of watery, muddy, and swampy condition. At the breaking up of the river in the spring it overflowed its banks and sometimes its swollen current was more than a mile wide. On such occasions several Aveeks of clear and warm weather were required for the waters to sub- side and the mud to dry so that the carts could pass down the valley. Supplies were demanded by the traders at all sea- sons, and in almost every month, and Kittson and his chief lieutenant, Joe Rolette, were forced to procure them from Fort Snelling and St. Paul, the headquar- * Too late for inserting in the proper place, Hon. Win. Watts writes to the compiler: "There was an old trail that crossed Red Lake Elver about a mile west of Fisher; hut in the Reventies, when settlers first came this way, the survivors said that this trail did not seem to have been much traveled. In this respect, they said, it was in very marked contrast to what was known as the Pembina Trail, which crossed Red Lake River near Huot. " Of course, as the trail had been abandoned for at least ten years and had never been graded or otherwise improved, it soon fell into decay and obliteration, and to the settlers from 1878 to 1880 did present the aj^pearance of infre- quent use. — Compiler. ters of the Chouteau Company with which they were allied. A new route for the cart trains which should be traversable at almost any time of the year was demanded — and secured. Just who established it, or first passed over it, cannot now be .stated. Nor can it be said with certainty when it was established. But upon its definite location it ran eastward for some distance until it crossed the valley and then went up on the permanent di"y land and then went south- ward until after it had crossed the Red Lake, the Sand Hill, and other rivers to Detroit Lake, etc. Lieutenant Governor John Schultz, of Manitoba, went over this trail in 1860, and (in his pamphlet on "the Crow Wing Trail," in the Collections of the Manitoba His- torical Society for 1904) he says that it "went from Pembina across to the country eastward." He de- scribes this country as "of fine gravel ridges, running north and south, with willow and balsam poplar trees." It was said to extend from Snake to Sand Hill River, when another sort of country was entered upon. It then went successively to Detroit, Rush, and Otter Tail Lakes, thence eastward, along the Leaf River, to the Crow Wing River, and thence down the latter to Crow Wing. This new route could not have been the "old" Crow Wing Trail, except in part. There seems to have been no map made of it until in 1865. It was called the "Crow Wing Trail," but not the "Old" trail of that name for many years afterward. It was called, at least in later years, by Polk County people the "Pembina Trail." It crossed the Red Lake River near where is now situated the village of Huot, in the southwest corner of Red Lake County, whereas the ' ' old ' ' trail crossed near the site of Fisher. From the upper or Huot crossing, the new trail passed through the central part of Polk County southward about 26 miles, and is now part of a judicial highway. It crossed the Sand Hill River near Fertile, while the old trail crossed near the site of Beltrami. In addition to the two trails here mentioned. Gov- ernor Schultz, in the pamphlet heretofoi-e mentioned, says that in I860, when he explored the country, there 50 COMPENDIU.AI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY were three others in this region, viz. : (1) The military, stage, and early Red River steamboat route, from St. Paul to Breekenridge and Georgetown, and then down the Red River to Fort Garry. (2) The Breck- enridge Flats route, which skirted the west bank of the Red River from Pembina to the junction of the Sioux Woo^ : ffi K &^ [a -< of -< O ^l^^&' IH Ml nl V 'A' ^ s y. < c o M O CHAPTER IX. CROOKSTON AND ITS INSTITUTIONS. By James A. Cathcart, Secretary of the Commercial Club. HISTORICAL SKETCH — CITY BUILDINGS AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THE COMMERCIAL CLUB THU BANKS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES THE CITY SCHOOLS — OTHER SCHOOLS LODGES AND OTHER CIVIC ORGANIZA- TIONS THE NORTHWESTERN MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION HOSPITALS, ETC. Crookston, Minnesota, known as the Queen City of the Red River Valley, is the County Seat of Polk County and the largest and most important city in northwestern Minnesota. In size, Crookston ranks fourteenth in the state, its population (from 1915 city directory), being about 8,500. Early history shows the township of Crookston was organized March 28, 1876. The town was incorporated in 1879 by a spe- cial law signed by Governor John S. Pillsbury. The name Crookston was given to both the town and town- ship in honor of Colonel William Crooks, of St. Paul, who was chief engineer in locating the first railroad in this section. This road was then known as the St. Paul & Pacific Railway, and during the year 1872 was constructed from Glyndon through Crookston to the Snake River, where is now the city of Warren, Minnesota. Later the St. Paul & Pacific Railway was put in the hands of receivers, and for a number of years railroad construction work was at a standstill. In the fall of the year 1875 part of the rails north of Crooks- ton were taken up and used to turn the line to Fisher's Landing, a distance of eleven miles west of Crooks- ton. No other railroad extension work was attempted in this section until the year 1877, when the St. Paul & Pacific Railway, still in the hands of receivers, again took up the construction work of connecting certain portions of the road left unbuilt after the financial crisis of 1873. In 1878 the line from Crookston to Warren was reconstructed and the road extended to the Canadian boundai-y. During the following year, the road was also extended from Fisher's Landing to Grand Forks, North Dakota. In subsequent years the St. Paul & Pacific Railway was purchased by Mr. J. J. Hill and his associates, who rapidly increased the line by purchase and construction, building up what is now known as the Great Northern Railway System. Crookston is a Great Northern Railway Di- vision point, having the main lines to St. Paul, Winni- peg, and Duluth, connecting lines to the Pacific Coast, and branches to Fargo, Warroad, and St. Vincent. The Northern Pacific Railway was constructed from the south to Crookston and from Winnipeg to Grand Forks in the year 1889. It was not until 1890, how- ever, that, by the construction of the road from Crookston to Grand Forks, a through line was pro- vided from St. Paul to Winnipeg via Crookston. The year's delay in connecting the line was occasioned by right-of-way and crossing controversies between the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railways. From the above facts, Crookston 's importance as a railroad center is quite evident, her transportation facilities including eight lines reaching directly to St. Paul and Minneapolis, to Duluth, to Winnipeg, to Fargo, to the Lake of the Woods country and across the State of North Dakota to the Pacific Coast. 85 86 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY THE city's buildings AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Crookston takes just pride in its civic improve- ments. Its streets are clean and probably the best lighted of any city in the northwestern part of the State. It has thoroughly modern water and sewer systems, an efficient police department, a paid fire department, with modern equipment, a large and beautiful municipal park, and a children's play ground. The city engineer's report for 1915 shows the following improvements to December 31st : — Miles. Westrumito Paving 2.00 Street Asphalt Paving 7 Macadam Paving 7 Gravel Paving 6-7 Sewerage 11-2 Cement Walks 2.3.7 Water Mains l-^-O No. of Hydrants 98.0 Telephone Lines — Pole 9-5 Underground 2.U5 Electric Line (C. W. W. P. & L. Co.) 17.0 JSo. Arc Lights 66 Blocks of White Way 10 Gaa Mains 8.0 The city's public buildings are modern and up-to- date, among the most important of which are the fol- lowing : City Hall $ 30,000.00 Polk County Court House 75,000.00 U. S. Post Office 90,000.00 Armory (Seats 1,500) 40,000.00 Grand Theatre (Seats 850) 30,000.00 Library (4,600 Volumes) 17,500.00 High School 150,000.00 The United States Land Office for the Crookston district, covering the territory of the Minnesota Red River Valley, is located here, offices being provided in the United States Postoffice Building. The city has a Charter form of government with power vested in its executive officer, the mayor, and members of the city Council consisting of Aldermen, elected one from each of the various wards of the city and one Alderman-at-Large. At the County Election in the spring of 1915 Polk County was voted "Dry" and from November 27, 1915, Crookston has been without saloons. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB. For its population, Crookston has one of the strong- est and most active commercial organizations in the northwest. The membership numbers over 400 indi- viduals with a sufficient number of shares subscribed to provide an annual income of over ten thousand dol- lars ($10,000). A secretary is paid to devote all his time to looking after the Club's interests. Large and well-equipped club rooms are provided. The Club maintains the well-known Citizens Band of Crook- ston, one of the best municipal, mu.sical organizations in the state. Crookston is a well built city with many handsome brick and stone business blocks and a beautiful resi- dential section. The splendid hotel and other facili- ties makes the city an excellent meeting place for conventions. BANKS. The city has five banks representing a capital stock of Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars (.$280,000). The deposits in these banks, on Decem- ber 1, 1915, aggregated the sum of Three Million, Eight Hundred and Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($3,885,000). The banks are as follows: Name Capital Stock Crookston State Bank $40,000 First National Bank 75,000 Merchants National Bank 75,000 Polk County State Bank 40,000 Scandia American Bank 50,000 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Crookston is rapidly assuming importance as a manufacturing center. Manufactured goods, to the amount of about five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), are put out annually and hundreds of men are given steady employment in the various plants. Among the most important of Crookston 's manufacturing industries is that of the Crookston Milling Company, whose plant is valued at one hundred thousand dol- lars ($100,000.00), and who have just completed a new 75,000 bushel capacity elevator at a cost of twenty-five / COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 87 thousand dollars ($25,000.00). This plaut is being run at capacity (500 barrels per day) the year around and employs twenty-five men. The value of the Crookston Milling Company's products aggregates one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) annually. The Bridgeman-Russell Company manufacture at its local plant over one million pounds of butter each year. Among the other manufacturing industries of the city are numbered bakers, two; blank book manufacturers and binders, one; bottlers, two; box and tank manu- facturer, one; brewery, one; brick and tile, two; cereal, one ; cigar manufacturers, four ; foundries, ma- chinists, and boiler makers, three ; ice cream and con- fection manufactures, five ; machinery manufacturers, two; marble and granite works, two; printers, four; sash and door manufacturers, two; sign and motor car enameling works, one; silo manufacturer, one; tannery, one ; tent and awning, one ; upholsterers' tow, one; wagons and sleighs, two. The city also has two substantial wholesale grocery houses and three grain elevators. Crookston is fortunate in having a big supply of water power (electrical). This is derived from the Red Lake River at two points, one station situated within the city limits and the other about four miles to the east. Cheap electrical power, excellent railroad facilities, and plenty of labor at reasonable wages make Crookston a desirable location for manufactur- ing indu^ries. CROOKSTON CITY SCHOOLS. One of the chief problems to solve in any commun- ity is the provision of adequate educational facilities for its young people. Crookston believes that every child within its borders is entitled to a school environ- ment which is conducive to its highest development, mentally, morally, and physically. One will be con- vinced of this fact by a visit to the new $150,000 Central High School, with its equipment for all de- partments of secondary education, which are in the hands of well trained and experienced instructors, and also note that another $150,000 is invested in five grade buildings located in various sections of the city, which care for the pupils below the seventh grades. The upper grades are organized on the junior- senior high school plan, which is now being followed in all the leading schools. Beginning with the seventh grade, three courses are offered — academic, industrial, and commercial, which afford the boy or girl an opportunity to select what will be of the greatest value to him or her, if it be not possible to complete the high school course. Other advantages are that promotion is made by subject instead of by grade, thus bridging over the gap between the eighth grade and the high school, which previously was the means of preventing many from continuing their work in the higher grades. In the Crookston schools last year only eleven per cent did not enter the senior high school from the eighth grade. The Senior High School is directed by a principal who has sixteen assistants. Complete courses are offered in the following: Academic subjects, teacher training, commercial, industrial, art, and public speaking. Specialists in music and drawing super- vise these subjects throughout the entire system. The following statistics will be of interest as indi- cating the extensiveness of our school system: Total enrollment is as follows: Senior High School, 300; Junior High School, 250; grades below the sixth, 850. Fifty persons are on the faculty, whose annual salaries amount to $35,000. Adding to this money paid for janitor and office help, the total salary schedule for the year amounts to nearly $45,000. School property is valued as follows: Grounds, $35,- 000; buildings, $300,000; furnishings, $10,000; equipment, $5,200, or a total of $350,000. OTHER SCHOOLS. In addition to the public schools, Crookston has also the Cathedral School, providing various grade work and full high-school courses. The high-school enrollment is forty and the grades one hundred sixty. The school is under the superintendence of the Bishop and directed by a principal who has eight assistants of the Sisters of St. Benedict, of Duluth. 88 COMPENDIUiM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY The Cathedral School building is a fiue structure, erected and equipped at a cost of $75,000.00, and con- tains club rooms and gymnasium and an auditorium with a seating capacity of seven hundred. Another institution of education is the St. Joseph Academy, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Joseph. The courses provide, including high school work, grade and kindergarten, the attendance in each being twenty-five, one hundred and forty, and thirty- five respectively. This school is housed in a beautiful structure, located on Houston Avenue, and erected and equipped at a cost of appro.ximately one hundred thousand dollars. Other Crookston educational institutions include the Crookston College, providing commercial courses, shorthand, typewriting, and preparatory work; also automobile, gas and steam engineering. The faculty consists of the president and five assistants ; the enroll- ment is about two hundred and fifty. The Crookston College property and equipment are valued at forty thousand dollars. A branch of the University of Minnesota, the North- west School of Agriculture, is located at Crookston. Elsewhere in this volume a special chapter is given to this institution. CHURCHES. The religious field of Crookston has not been neglected. Nearly every denomination is represented and the city has fourteen splendid church edifices, two Catholic, one Episcopal, and eleven other Protestant churches, divided as follows, one Congregational, seven Lutheran, two Methodists, and one Presbyterian. There is also a Christian Science society. LODGES. Nearly all of the important secret societies, lodges, etc., are well represented in Crookston, among which are, Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons, Royal Arch Masons, Knights Templar, Order of Eastern Star, Odd Fellows, Rebecca Lodge, Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order United "Workmen, Degree of Honor, Elks, Catholic Order of Foresters, Ladies of the Catholic Order of Foresters, Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of America, Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees, Modern Samari- tans, Moose, Modern Brotherhood of America, the Equitable Fraternal Union, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Independent Order of Foresters, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Sons of Norway, Independent Scandinavian Workmen's Association, Sons of Her- mann, United Commercial Travelers, and Women's Christian Temperance Union. Among other associa- tions are numbered the Crookston Commercial Club, Germania Hall Association, Crookston Rod & Gun Club, Tennis Club, Citizens' Band of Crookston, Mer- chants' Association, Crookston Automobile Club, Vi- king Chorus, Red River Valley Medical Association, and the Northwestern Minnesota Agricultural As- sociation. NORTHWESTERN AGRICULTUR.\L ASSOCIATION. The grounds of the Northwestern Minnesota Agri- cultural Association consisting of sixty -eight acres are located one half mile north of the city. The annual fairs are put on in July, and draw exhibits and patronage from all of northwestern Minnesota, parts of North and South Dakota and Wisconsin. Particu- lar attention has been given to the matter of exhibits and the institution has become a farmer's affair in the broadest sense. Good amusement features have also been provided and the excellent manner in which the yearly fairs and expositions have been handled has made the enterprise very beneficial and popular with the people. HOSPITALS. Three high class hospitals are located at Crookston, namely : The Bethesda Hospital, the St. Vincent Hos- pital, and the Polk and Norman County Tubercular Sanitarium. These hospitals are strictly modern and up-to-date. The Bethesda and St. Vincent are each equipped to handle about thirty-five patients and the Sanitarium thirty patients. The Bethesda Hospital is THE GROOKSTON DAM Built hy W. J. Murphy in ]ftl4 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 89 operated under the direction of the Bethesda Hospital grounds and equipment are valued at approximately Association, and the investment in building, ground $50,000. The Sanitarium is a Polk and Norman and fixtures is approximately $25,000. The St. Vin- County institution and their property is valued at cent Hospital is under the direction of the Benedictine about $70,000. Sisters' Benevolent Association and the buildings, CHAPTER X. THE NEWSPAPERS OP POLK COUNTY. By W. E. McKenzie, Crookston Times. newspaper conditions past and present land notices paid the pioneer printers e. m. walsh and the crookston plaindealer — first paper was the polk county journal — brown and his " broad axe " the tragic tale op the northern tier — the crookston chronicle — the fisher bulletin the papers OF 1882 — RED LAKE FALLS DEMOCRAT AND THE CROOKSTON TIMES FIRST DEMOCRATIC PAPERS ^THE m'iNTOSH TIMES — CROOKSTON TRIBUNE-^HE VESTESHEIMEN — THE PEOPLE'S PRESS — OTHER POLK COUNTY P^ERS ALIVE AND DEAD. i'E-^l The history of Polk County newspapers is largely within the period of the personal experience and ob- servation of the Writer. It is the period of the great- est evolution of the newspaper and publishing busi- ness of any similar lapse of time in the history of the world — the period of the perfecting press, and the linotype machine, of the big penny paper, and the rural free delivery, which has put tlie daily news- paper into the hands of the farmers and people liv- ing in outlying country villages all over the United States. It is a period coincident with the period of accomplishment in all lines of human endeavor in all climes and countries. To go back to the early history of Polk County newspaperdom — not the earliest histoi-y by a few years — is to go back to my boj^hood, and, with the aid of a halting memory, to recapture, so far as possible from the dim storehouse of things, half forgotten, the incidents connected with the propitious birth, the illustrious or inglorious career, and in many cases the untimely death, of Polk County newspapers. Thirty years ago Polk County supported twenty- one newspapers. To-day there are but nine in the county, and twelve in the territory composing Polk County at that time, but now divided into the coun- ties of Polk, Red Lake, and part of Pennington. The falling off in the number of papers is due to two main causes — the establishment of rural mail routes, and the loss of patronage derived from the publication of final proof and contest notices on Government Land. LAND NOTICES PAID THE PIONEER PRINTERS. In the early history of Polk County newspapers the final proof and contest notices were the chief, and in some cases practically the entire, support upon which the pioneer publisher leaned. Wherever there was a postoffice, and considerable quantities of Gov- ernment land being proved up, there the intrepid edi- tor, with a big case of nonpareil type for setting land notices, and a cigarbox full of long primer for setting the two or three inches of news and the editorial, pitched his tent, and began to accumulate a fortune. Three dollars for final proof notices and five dol- lars for contest notices was the rate allowed by the Government. The notices had to be published in the paper nearest the land, so as to make no slashing of rates or dividing up with "the attorney in the case," which has taken many thousands of dollars in money which belonged to tlie newspapers and distributed the sum among the "poor and needy" in the legal pro- fession. 90 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 91 Some of the papers in those days carried as high as two or three pages of land notices, set in solid nonpareil, and their incomes from this source ran as high as $150 or $200 a week. No wonder those early publishers were optimists of the most virulent type! No wonder they were boosters of the brightest luster ! No wonder the publisher at Red Lake Falls saw in his town, of one store and two saloons, a "Second Minneapolis," and the editor at St. Hilairc, with two stores, three saloons, and a blacksmith shop, went his rival one better, and christened his town the "Second Chicago," and in leaded long primer proved it, too, to his own satisfaction at least. But their dreams of future greatness, colored by the roseatg-hue of their present prosperity, were not to be for long. The country was rapidly settled. The public land passed from the Government to the pioneer farmer, and the fat pickings from final proof notices began to dwindle, until now the publisher of a Polk County paper would not recognize a laud no- tice, if he tripped over it. The rural mail carrier was the next shadow to be cast across the sunlit path of the early Polk County publisher. He pushed out daily into the highways and byways, where the local weekly had reigned supreme, and brought with him the daily papers of the neighboring towns and the big cities, and, with circulation decreasing and income diminishing, the life of the pioneer publisher began to be cast along hard lines. The big city papers, es- pecially the weekly editions, competed with the local journals to the letter's great disadvantage. Many a Polk County man, disgracefully deficient in public spirit and local patriotism, cut off his home paper and subscribed for a city sheet instead. Some branched into other, and more profitable fields, others folded their tents and sought new pas- tures, and others hung on and on, and weut down with their colors flying. Of the twenty-one papers that flourished in Polk County thirty years ago, but four are in existence today, and of the publishers of thirty years ago the writer of this article is the only one who survives in the business. E. M. WALSH AND THE CROOKSTON PLAINDEALEB. E. M. Walsh was Polk County's first editor and publisher. In 1874 he established the Crookston Plaindealer. It was printed at Grand Forks in the office of the Grand Forks Plaindealer, which was es- tablished and then being conducted by his brother, George Walsh. The Crookston Plaindealer was con- ducted as a side issue to ilr. Walsh's other activities. He was postmaster, storekeeper, real estate dealer, land locator, and a few other things in those days, and when John McLean, now long since dead, but then in the hey-day of his youth, came up from Audu- bon to practice law and establish the Polk County Journal, Mr. Wal^Ji gladly transferred the literary, social, and political burden to his shoulders, and the Plaindealer ceased to exist. POLK COUNTY JOURNAL FIRST PAPER PRINTED IN THE COUNTY. The Journal, like the Plaindealer, was at that time a branch or offshot of another publication. It was the offspring of the Audubon Journal, published by Harvey E. Cooke, and was printed in Audubon for several months after it was established here. But about that time Crookston began to assume the airs of a civilized community. Settlers were coming in, the trees had been chopped out of the ground on Main Street, and one or two other stores had been estab- lished; the Pioneer Hotel had been erected, the tin horn gambler, the tent saloon, and the dance hall were established institutions. The Crookston offspring of the Journal soon reached a stature, where it over- topped its parent. It looked as if Crookston was to be "some town," and Mr. Cooke wisely decided to leave Audubon to rot in ignorance and folly, and to move his plant to Crookston. The Audubon Journal was accordingly discontinued, and in 1878 the Polk County Jom-nal, the first paper to be published and printed in the County, was born. For over a quarter of a century Mr. Cooke was the guiding star in the Journal's destiny, and never was there an issue of that paper that was not made in- 92 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY teresting to a large family of readers while he was its editor and publisher. He was a ready and entertain- ing writer, possessed a great fund of dry humor, com- "bined with much common sense; he knew, better per- haps than any other man who had ever occupied an editorial chair in this County, how to shape his edi- torial expressions, and present the news most effect- ively. He was not as good a business manager as he was an editor, and while the Journal prospered fairly well, it did not make any big fortune for its owner. Mr. Cooke died in the harness in 1900, and Mi-s. Cooke took charge of the Journal for a few months, when it was sold to N. S. Gordon. He began, shortly after his purchase, the publication of a daily edition, which was continued with many ups and downs, and under various managements, until 1910, when it was tiually discontinued and the plant was purchased and the paper merged with the Times. BROWN .\ND HIS BROADAXE. The next paper to embark upon the treacherous sea of Polk County journalism was the Broadaxe. "Broadaxe Brown" is the only name which the editor was ever known by. He was an itinerant printer of the tramp variety. The motto of the Broadaxe was "Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may." The line was rather a crooked one in Brown's case; but the chips were plentiful, and many was the good citizen who was banged in the neck with one of them. The Broadaxe, i;nder those circumstances, had a short and exciting cax-eer. It was started one bright, sun- lit day in the spring of 1880; but before the frosts had nipped the foliage in the fall the Broadaxe had ceased to hew. In the last issue, which was printed on butcher's straw wrapping paper. Brown — in delight- fully frank, if not overly elegant, language — expressed his opinion of the town, and of a lot of the leading citizens, and he then quietly disappeared. He left in the night, a proceeding which showed his com- prehensive conception of the axiom that "discretion is the better part of valor." There were many look- ing for Broadaxe Brown the next day — those with bills to collect, as well as those with grievances to avenge; but Broadaxe Brown has been but a troubled memory from that day to this. There are people still living here who do not like the name of Brown. THE TR.VGIC TALE OF THE "NORTHERN TIER." Captain Arnold was the next soldier of fortune to tilt a lance against the windmill of early day journal- ism. His paper was the Northern Tier, named for the four counties of large proportions, though limited population, that constituted the territory along the northern boundary of the State. The Northern Tier was started at the same time the Broadaxe was cut- ting the deepest gashes into the characters of leading citizens. Its life was also fleeting. Captain Arnold was a man of distinguished military appearance, and brilliant attainments. lie was a good mixer, but a poor financier. The local columns of the paper were crowded with personal "jollies" for Tom, Dick, and Harry. Every citizen was mentioned by his or her Christian name, and they were all smilingly present when the roll was called in the local items each week. There was no room left for advertising, and the ghost failed to walk after the first few weeks — and then the Northern Tier's light went out. A year or two later (in the year of 1883 to be exact), Captain Arnold came back. He had found a financier in the person of H. W. McCall. McCall was also a capitalist, in a limited way, but made no claims to being a newspaper man. Arnold and McCall had also gathered together a number of brilliant young fellows, whom they had induced to cast their lot with them and gather riches and renown in the revival of the Northern Tier and its publication as a daily. There was Billy Stark, a live wire reporter; J. A. McNair, an up-to-date advertising manager; an Eng- lishman of studious mien, and Cockney accent whose name I have forgotten, who was to be city editor, and Albert Kaiser and E. U. Ilauser, who were just print- ers. But the craft was too heavy — too many officers on the bridge, and too few seamen before the mast. When the waves of financial disaster began to roll COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 93 over its decks Captain Arnold was the first to be tossed overboard. He drifted to St. Paul, and from there to the Soldiers Home, where he remained until he died. The others hung on a month or two longer. Then came the crash. A fact worthy of mention in connection with the passing of the Northern Tier is, that the only two men whose whereabouts are known are the two who acted as deck hands on the wreck — Albert Kaiser and E. U. Hauser. The former is the wealthy president of the Pirst National Bank of Bagley, and the latter is a millionaire member of the firm of the Grant Smith Company, one of the largest firms of railroad con- tractors in the United States. THE CROOKSTON CHRONICLE. Previous to the revival of the Northern Tier, or in 1881, W. R. Dunn, a young newspaper man in search of a location, drifted in this direction. He found Crookston a thriving town of over 1,000 people, the county seat of a county big enough, and rich enough in natural resources, to support a nation. Brother Crooke, with his Journal, was fighting the battle for education and reform all alone. Mr. Dunn was not deaf, or near sighted. He heard the call of duty and rushed forward and dug himself in with the Crooks- ton Chronicle. The Chronicle was a good newspaper, as newspapers went in those days — newsy, well edited, clean and able. Mr. Dunn was a lovable, upstanding, kindly man, an able writer, honest and straightforward in his convictions, and in his business methods. The Chronicle prospered, and in a short time became the leading paper in Northern Minnesota. Owing to the ill health of the editor the Clironicle was sold in 1884 to J. G. McGrew, and Mr. Dunn went to Washington, D. C, where he secured a government appointment in the census department, which he held until his death a couple of years later. Mr. McGrew, who succeeded Mr. Dunn, was a law- yer. He had been practicing in Crookston for sev- eral years previous, and continued to practice for a year after making the purchase. The writer was then put in charge of the Chronicle until Mr. McGrew closed up his legal practice, and assumed personal control. Mr. McGrew was not a success as a news- paper man. He was a profound and able editorial writer ; but not a good news gatherer or business man- ager. He soon realized this, and turned the paper over to a nephew, who was even more proficient in his inability to make ends meet in a financial way. W. H. Palmer and his son, Harry Palmer, were the next to try to rejuvenate the paper. They tried it as a daily ; but it would not go somehow, and in a month or two they discontinued it for good — -with numerous creditors bewailing its loss. In the meantime the County was filling up rapidly with new settlers. Towns were springing up, and what perhaps was the nearest approach to a boom ever known in this section was on. THE FISHER BULLETIN. In 1882 the Pisher Bulletin was started, by A. Dewey. He was a product of the celebrated Kindred- Nelson Congressional fight inaugurated that year. A politician, a political writer, stump speaker, and a man of recognized ability, but of questionable finan- cial strength, he existed for a time on the returns from the plethoric Kindred coffers and then drifted back to a place on the staff of a Metropolitan paper from which he had emanated. He was succeeded by C. C. Knappen, and he by a son of Erin, named Shaugh- nessy, who conducted the last wake over the remains of the Bulletin. Fisher has not had a paper since. THE PAPERS ESTABLISHED IN 1882. The Red Lake Palls Gazette, the St. Hilaire Spec- tator, the East Grand Forks Courier, and the Fertile Journal were all started during the year 1882, and all are still in existence. The Red Lake Palls Courier, and the Fertile Jouimal, if my memory serves me, were founded by Fred Puhler, long since dead. The East Grand Forks Courier was started and conducted for many years by P. J. Duffy, who, by combining it with other business interests, made a fortune upon which 94 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY he is now living. The writer was responsible for the St. Ililaire Spectator. THE THIRTEEN TOWNS. In the year 1883 Albert Kaiser went to Fosston, and founded the well known journal called the Thir- teen Towns. He possessed the rare combination of a good newspaper man and a good business man. In a year or two he had saved enough money to go into the banking business at Fosston, and sold the Thir- teen Towns to W. A. Foss, who is still conducting it successfully. FIRST DEMOCRATIC PAPERS — RED LAKE PALLS DEMOCRAT AND THE CROOKSTON TIMES. The same year F. J. Rothpletz, a Southei-n fire- eating Democrat, started the Red Lake Falls Demo- crat, but the surroundings were not congenial to one of his fiery temperament. The Chronicle was then started on its downward journey to oblivion, and he came to Crookston, and engaged the distinguished services of the writer to help launch a Democratic paper, which was named the Times. This was in the summer of 1885. Things went swimmingly until the icy bla.sts of winter began to howl upon us. Then Mr. Rothpletz began to pine for his sunny Southern clime, and I nursed a lusty ambi- tion to be the sole owner, and publisher of the Times. Mr. Rothpletz went to Tennessee, I went to work, and I also went into debt. In 1887 the Daily Times was launched. Both Daily and Weekly are still pub- lished at the old stand. Subscription prices on appli- cation. THE M 'iNTOSH TIMES. In the year 1886 there was a demand for a paper at Mcintosh, and I joined with C. F. Lommen in es- tablishing the Mcintosh Times. After a year or two Mr. Lomman became obsessed with the idea that he was healthy and wealthy enough to monopolize the whole business, and I, in turn was magnanimous enough to let him — after I had gotten a good price for my interest. He conducted the paper success- fully for ten or twelve years when he, aided and abetted by a frugal wife, and a growing family of boys, had gained sufficient intelligence and filthy lucre to own and stock a dairy farm, which he is now conducting with ability and profit. Since then the Mcintosh Times has passed through various hands; but, though ancient, is not yet extinct. THE CROOKSTON TRIBUNE. Tlie Crookston Tribune — first a weekly, then a daily, and then a memory — was a later Crookston venture. It was published by Hammond & Allen, the former a good practical printer, but not a trained newspaper man ; the latter a humorist, whose forte was on the vaudeville stage instead of the editorial sanctum. After its demise Hammond went back to setting type, and at last accounts Allen was doing a monologue stunt in tank towns. Then there was the Gully Sunbeam, established by Mr. Hunt, and noted for its phonetic spelling, and athletic English. It is still running, but under new management, and is to-day a well l)alanced and suc- cessful local paper. THE VASTESHEIMEN. The Vastesheimen is a Scandinavian paper, started in Crookston in the early nineties, by Adolph Bydal, and continued later by A. J. Johnson, and is now being published by G. T. Hagen. It is a paper of extensive circulation and much influence among the Scandinavian readers. THE POPULISTIC PEOPLE'S PRESS. When the Crookston Chronicle gave up the ghost, the plant was taken over by C. C. and Harry Knappin — the latter a well known political writer connected with the Twin City papers for many years — and was used in publishing the People's Press. This was in the days when Populism was rampant in the political bull ring. From them it passed to A. R. Holston, an attorney with Socialistic tendencies, now of Los An- COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 95 geles, California. He was succeeded by Mr. Hagen, the present publisher of the Vastesheimen who added a prohibition hue to its editorial policy. Ellas Steen- erson, then Postmaster, had it wished ou him, and it became the distinguished exponent of pure and unde- filed Republicanism. Three years ago Crawford and Egley purchased the Press, and are now conducting it successfully as a semi-weekly. OTHER COUNTY PAPERS LIVING AND DEAD. The Erskine Echo, and the Climax Chronicle are the only two of the later-day weeklies not previously mentioned that are still in existence. There are sev- eral others, like the Mcintosh Tribune, the Euclid Eagle, the Beltrami Chronicle, most of which died ' ' aborning, ' ' and left hardly a scratch, on the tablets of fame. There are many side lights and incidents connected with the history of Polk County journalism, proclaim- ing the joys of temporary victories or the sorrows of disastrous defeats, which would make a long and inter- esting chapter; but they cannot be recorded here. Sufficient to say that the newspaper history of Polk County is coincident with the material progress of the County itself. In every instance, in every sec- tion, the newspapers have been the advance guard in the march toward a higher and better order of things. They have had their ups and downs, their trials, temptations, and disasters; but their tendencies have always been cast on the side of better living, and better citizenship, for greater striving and bigger ideals. CHAPTER XI. THE SCHOOLS OF POLK COUNTY. By N. a. Thorson. basis for school dkvelopment — the coming of the county's schools — county schools in 1877 and in 1878 — first public school te.vcher, luella may thompson other early teachers the county su- perintendents — reports op school years from 1882 to 1908 — the conditions in 1910 — sources op school support — apportionment — statistics of state and other aids — present conditions op polk county schools. MATERIAL BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. OF SCHOOLS. The State school system embraces the schools of each individual county, and one cannot be considered without the other. In order to understand better why the schools in Polk County have developed thus, we need to call to mind some of the factors in education in Minnesota. The Federal Government gave to the people of Min- nesota certain tracts of land, the benefits from which were to go to the common schools, the University and other public institutions. No grants were made to normal schools. The people were given these lands in trust, and, as trustees of a great wealth, it was their duty to increase the same for the benefit of themselves and the generations yet unborn. No restrictions were placed upon the State as to the disposition and use of school lands, and as a result, through the wise plan- ning of our early law-makers, we own a permanent school fund excelling that of every other state. Amounting to $3,191,042 in 1875, shortly after Polk County was organized, it had grown to $24,668,248 in 1914, and is now increasing at the rate of nearly a million dollars yearly. Sections 16 and 36 in every congressional township were designated as "school lands," as the result of an act of Congress of 1849, when Minnesota was formed into a Territory. In 1851, by a similar act, grants for the State University were made. These were doubled in 1857. To one man more than to any other perhaps, must be given credit for the satisfactory condition of our permanent school fund, and that man was Governor Alexander Ramsey. In Minnesota history he is styled, "the Father of the School Fund," which title he justly earned in bringing before the people the question as to whether the school fund should be one with deferred blessings and administered along the sanest and safest lines, or if we should look for immediate benefits which would prove to be premature before long. In his mes- sage to the Legislature in 1861 he said : " * * * Of this magnificent gi-ant, the gift of the nation to all the millions who are to inhabit the soil of Minne- sota, you are the stewards in their behalf, and it de- volves upon you to see that the sacred trusts involved are faithfully executed." When some held that the administration of the school lands was too great a task for a central State authority to perform, and that it had better be left to each county to use the school lands within its boundaries as seemed best to that county. Gov. Ramsey's idea again won the day and the result is the administration by State authority of 96 o ii; a o H cr' W o UJ H ro --I Cj 1 1 (• t- u t^ n. 1- s c r"! o ►V o H (— ' K^ ro rt> fi3 o o CO o CO o o O o o o a COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 97 all school lands. That this was the wisest policy may be concluded from the fact that not one dollar of the public school fund has been lost through investment. A minimum price was placed upon school lands and the disposal of the same was to be at public auction. Timber school lands proved very valuable and soon the sale on such lands was discontinued until the tim- ber had been cut and sold. The Legislature of 1855 provided that, except when in danger of waste or in- jury, timber lands should not be sold. There remain, therefore, today school lands whose maturing timber accrues to the general fund. The discovery of iron ore on some of the school lands added a new chapter to the story of the almost fabulous fund. No more ore lands were sold as be- fore, but instead they were leased for twenty-five cents on each ton of iron ore mined. Mineral rights are now reserved for the State on all lands sold in the future. The funds obtained from the direct sale of school lands, timber sale, and ore revenue invested in good securities yields the money which together with the State one-mill tax is paid to school districts as appor- tionment on the basis of the number of pupils who have attended forty days or more in a school year. Here then is the material basis for our public school system. The following table is a vivid representa- tion of growth of the school fund : APPORTIONMENT PER PUPIL. 1873 1904 1906 1908 1910 1912 1914 $0.96 $2.65 $3.80 $4.60 $4.90 $5.12 $5.80 It is not likely that this fund will ever be large enough to support the school system without the local district tax and State aid, but it will always guaran- tee free education to all. EARLY HISTORY AND THE COMING OP THE SCHOOLS IN POLK COUNTY. As has already been alluded to, Polk County was officially organized in 1873. The nation at large would soon celebrate the centennial anniversary of its birth. Minnesota had existed as a Territory since 1849 and as a State since 1858. The superintendent of public instruction had already issued his thirteenth annual report which would seem to indicate that the school system had progressed to a considerable degree. Things governmental were in the very beginning, how- ever, in the vast region of northwestern Minnesota which then bore the name of Polk County, almost a veritable empire in extent, or at least several times larger than the present county. The U. S. census showed no return.s for 1870 from Polk County. Im- migration from neighboring States and Canada soon resulted in early settlements, mainly along the Red River and in the vicinity of Crookston and Fisher. Despite the iive years of hard times, the population had grown to nearly 1,000 in 1875. It was here that hopeful and courageous people were to work out a future. With the early settler came also the country school, to keep open the channels of literacy by teach- ing mainly reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetie, the time- honoi'ed "3 R's." The rural school— there was no other — arose originally as essentially a local com- munity affair. Apportionment and other financial aids from the State were almost nil, but the school district and the district school arose in response to community needs. While the organization of school districts took place under the provisions of State law, much local concern and control of the most detailed kind characterized school-building in the early days. Here was a form of "extended democracy." When a school had once been decided upon, it became the concern of the community in a marked degree. The construction of the furniture ; the length of the school term, if it can be said to have had length ; the choice of teacher and how much to pay her ; the itinerary in the now obsolete "boarding-around" plan,— these and other details were the direct concern of parents. The extreme simplicity of the country school made it well adapted to pioneer days. State control existed, but manifested itself in a lesser degree than now. THE teARLY COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. LTnder proceedings in 1872 which were not legalized until the creation of the county the following year, 98 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Richard J. Reis was appointed County Superintend- ent of Schools for Polk County. The real beginning of the schools, however, came in 1876, when District No. 1 was organized at Crookston. The same year, by action of the county board, Christopher Steenerson, who now resides at Climax, this county, was dulj' ap- pointed Superintendent of Schools with a salary of fifty dollars the first year. He served in that capacity until the next election, when he was chosen by the people to serve two more years. In view of the un- authorized proceedings mentioned above before the county was duly formed, and in view of the fact that Mr. Steenerson was the first person that was either appointed or elected to the office under authorized proceedings, he too, has been termed the first County Superintendent of Schools in Polk County. He served until the close of the year 1879. The following are the first educational reports sent to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction from Polk County. They are reproduced here, as we may gather from them the first intimate knowledge of the beginnings of the Polk County schools. COUNTY SCHOOLS IN 1877. "Of the fourteen organized school districts in this county, seven have had school during the past year. "Di.strict No. 1, Crookston, had four months of sum- mer school. This district also voted bonds in the amount of $2,000 for the erection of a schoolhouse. One new schoolhouse has been built and one is in course of construction. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Synod has a schoolhouse in District 4 and the North Dakota Conference one in District No. 6. Portions of this county are settled by Scandinavians, many of them coming direct from the old countrj', wholly unacquainted with the English language. These I have tried to assist in organizing districts and in conducting school meetings. "A great obstacle to the progress of English educa- tion among the Scandinavians is the indifferent, and in many cases hostile, attitude toward our schools of many of the better educated among them, particularly among the clergy. These enemies of secular educa- tion have for some time been crowding the Scandi- navian press with the most virulent and heedless at- tacks on the public schools of this country. But these enemies of the public schools are perhaps not very numerous and they have many able opponents among the more enlightened and liberal-minded Scandi- navians, which probably accounts for the fact that the violent discussions of the former do not seem to have ap- very serious effects upon the mass of the people. This county is increasing in population very r . idly, and we hope next year to be able to report simi- lar progress in educational matters. — C. Steenerson, County Superintendent." county schools in 1878. "There are in this county at present seventeen or- ganized districts, eleven of which had school during the past year. ' ' Competent teachers have hitherto been very scarce, but the rapid influx of intelligent immigration has partially supi)lied the deficiency. "There are only five schoolhouses in this county. One of the reasons for this neglect of erecting suitable school buildings, is the size of the districts. Many of them comprise a whole township, and in some cases districts are twelve miles in length, these having been organized by the first settlers who took the timbered claims along the streams. Some of the inhabitants of such districts are in favor of dividing the district ; others think it wiser to build two or three school- houses in one district and others think that one good school is all they can afford, but they cannot agree on the location. Many of the residents of the county have settled on railroad lands which are not yet in the market, and the settlers feel unsafe to incur heavy expenses until they can obtain title to their lands. "The Scandinavians, who constitute the majority of the population of the county, have also parochial schools, and I think nearly all their children attend these from four to eight weeks during the year. These schools are, however, not taught in the English lan- guage and but little instruction is given in secular branches. Crookston has nearly completed its new school building, pleasantly situated, and will cost when completed nearly $4,000. — C. Steenerson, County Superintendent; P. 0. Address, Frog Point, Dakota Territory. The year 1876 saw the formation of not only the first district in the county, but also five other districts, as follows : Districts No. 2 and No. 3, embracing East Grand Forks and some of the surrounding country; District No. 4, in Bygland Township ; District No. 5, in Hubbard Township, and District No. 6, in Vine- land Township. Just as Miss Harriet E. Bishop, a teacher from the far-off East, came, under a commission from the Board of Popular Education, to teach the first school in Min- nesota, in 1847, so came a young lady from Wiscon- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 99 sin to teach the first school in this county. The first school at St. Paul was conducted in an unused black- smith shop, fitted with the standard school equip- ment of that day, consisting mainly of bench seats, desks supported by pegs driven into the walls, and a home-made teacher's desk. The first school in Polk County was held in a shanty, built from coarse lum- ber and tar paper, near the edge of the timber at Crookston. The first teacher of this school soon gave up teaching and became Mrs. Luella May Thompson, as a result of her marriage to Mr. Hugh Thompson, one of the leading mei'chants in the county. She was succeeded in succession by Mrs. Kelsey D. Chase. EUery C. Davis, E. M. Walsh, and Robert Houston constituted the first school board at Crookston and first in Polk County. Schools soon sprang up in other parts of the county, and the first district created in the extreme eastern part of the present Polk County was District No. 8, northeast of Lengby, in the Township of Columbia. Miss Kraukie Beams (later Mrs. Bernt Anderson), Atty. A. Marin, and Mr. John P. Kirseh were among the earliest teachers in this district. In describing some of his early experiences as a teacher in the county, Mr. Kirseh writes as follows : I believe I was teaching in Dist. No. 18 in 1887. This school was on what was then known as the ' ' tote road ' ' between Fosston and the Bagley Dam Lumber Company. I did not find it necessary to board around, as was the custom for teachers in those days, for the reason that I was taken in by Mr. E. H. Noel, who kept a stopping-place for teamsters and lumber- jacks. For a school house we used a log shack on a bachelor 's claim. One side of the room was so low that one found it necessary to stoop down while passing along that wall. We had every conceivable kind of a chair, bench and church pew for desks and seats. The country was quite wild and my first real experience with the woods was getting lost in them, be- tween the homes of Director Lillo and Clerk Aspelie. Once, when I lost my watch, we unintentionally dismissed school at noon, and another time, the children were kept till nearly dark. We then took to marking the sun light on the wall until some one went to town to ' ' get the time ' ' for the school. The children gave their names as ".Anderson," "Larson," "John- son," etc., and we had them take family names as " Scabebo, " "Aspelie," etc. The boys came to school on skis, usually carrying a rifle, and they often reported a deer hung up for the homeward trip. Most of the families were very poor. We kept a hair clipper in the school and the teacher especially received practical training in hair-trimming, which was con- sidered one of the school's distinctive services to the com- munity. The children's clothing and footwear were as varied as the school furniture. One family had footwear made from a green and untanned brindle cow hide, hair out, which, when they entered the school, often was frozen and ' ' clumped ' ' like wooden shoes. As was common ia those days, the bachelors were in the majority and several school meetings were held before a school building was voted, and this not until we had the bachelors befuddled iu parliamentary practice. It did not take long however before all were satisfied with the prospects for a better school home. THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. Polk County has had ten county superintendents of schools which follow in chronological order : Richard J. Reis, appointed in 1872, before the county was duly organized; Christopher Steenerson, 1877-79; V. D. Carruth, 1880-87; E. F. Elliot, 1887-89; Thomas Casey, 1889-1891; E. J. Grefthen, 1891-93; Andrew Lommen, 189-3-95 ; 0. McCrillis, 1895-97 ; I. I. Kassa, 1897-1901 ; Thomas Casey, 1901-9, and N. A. Thorson, 1909, present term expiring 1919. One of the special duties of the early superintendents was the examina- tion of teachers and issuing certificates to teach. The result was that a very indefinite standard existed for the grading of teachers. Later the examining of teachers was taken over by the State. The following, based upon excerpts from some of the special reports made by the county superintend- ents of schools to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, indicates certain developments: 1882 — Superintendent Carruth. When Norman County was set off, nineteen school districts were also taken from the county. The following remarkable growth is noteworthy: 1879. 1882. Organized School Districts. 24 82 Valuation. $ 7,000 37,000 Pupils Enrolled. 5.58 1,701 Twenty new schoolhouses, at a cost of $18,000, were built in the year 1884. The greatest needs were school buildings and teaching facilities. 1888 — Superintendent Elliot. Low wages and short school terms combine to keep out many good teachers. The Crookston School was commended for good teach- ing work. The professional study by teachers has grown and some efforts have been made to grade and systematize the school work. ' ' The law on temperance- hygiene has produced some good results, but the use of intoxicants and cigarettes still exists, ' ' adds Super- 100 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY intendeiit Elliot. The county sj-stera of examining teachers is not satisfactory. 1894 — Superintendent Lommen. Both a training school and an institute for teachers have been held in the county. The uniform text-book plan is in vogue, and the number of school libraries is increasing. A tine new school building has been erected at East Grand Forks. 1898 — Superintendent Kassa. Thirteen new school districts and fourteen new schoolhouses are the prod- uct of one year. Little attention is given to ventila- tion in school building construction. There is a greater demand for efficient teachers. 1902 — Superintendent Casey. The supply of teach- ers is insufficient. Agitation for school consolidation appears to be growing. "General prosperity" is said to exist. 1908 — Superintendent Casey. The number of school districts has now reached 215. Nearly every school has free text-books. One hundred and nine dis- tricts have libraries. No schools have been closed in connection with transporting children, but some par- ents haul their children to neighboring towns to at- tend school. It is claimed that school consolidation is better on both economic and pedagogical grounds, and the objections to this form of school merger are overbalanced by the advantages. The yearly meetings of school officers have had a salutary effect upon the schools. Many schools have installed special systems of heating and ventilation. The depression always noted in the unventilated school disappears where these devices are used. COUNTY SCHOOLS IN 1910. The varying conditions, ranging from the very best to the very poorest schools in the county, present an almost true picture of the evolution of the rural school. An occasional brick-supported stove still remains, but up-to-date heating and ventilating systems are going in at a rapid rate. Fifteen schools added libraries. Antiquated text-books are being replaced by new ones. The progressive teacher is in growing demand. In- quiries relative to the establishing of consolidated schools are increasing in number. Four special par- ents' and officers' meetings for the consideration of consolidation were conducted. In view of the fact that the compulsory law defines the duties of parents and children with respect to school attendance, it would be only right that the State should guarantee a term of stated length, a course well-defined and suit- able, a school building commodious and sanitary, a complete and usefnl e(|uii)ment, and teachers that are professionally and academically trained. A special state aid for transportation is urged. Several school stables have been erected. Two teacher-training departments, one at Crooks- ton and the other at ]\IcIntosli, working in the interest of the rural schools, are turning out teachers .some- what professionally trained. These activities prove a boon to the country school. Educational literature receives more attention. The use of a course of study is becoming more general. The number of State-aided schools has increased one hundred per cent, and these schools are the most prosperous in the countj'. School officers' meetings, with practical programs, continue to attract large numbers. Many teachers are volun- tarily preparing themselves to teach agi'iculture. In- du.strial contests have been started and promise to foster activities of special interest to the home and the school. Many schools oi3fer systematic work in ag- riculture and sewing. Such subjects tend to ward off a dislike for agricultural pui*suits. Two hundred and one schools have free libraries. In 1910 there were 778 trees planted on school grounds. The Crookston School of Agriculture and the special departments in the high schools offer excellent opportunities for our people along the lines of industrial education. SOURCES OP SCHOOL SUPPORT. The common schools in Polk County, as elsewhere in the State, have derived their support from (a) ap- portionment, (b) special State aid voted by the Legis- lature out of the general tax fund of the State, (c) certain small fines, and (d) the local district tax. ifj CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, CEOOKSTON NEW AUMOEY, CEOOKSTON COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 101 APPORTIONMENT. each county is smaU, and on each district only a trifle, This support has been paid to districts where school ^ cents, has been in session five months during the year, on the ^^^^'^ ^"^ *» ^^'"^ ^''^"^''^^ ™ ^""^^ ^o""*-^ ^^^ g'"''^^ ^"^ basis of the number of pupils who have attended forty considerable proportions of late. The five high schools, days or more in any year. Under the new law of 1915, '''""^l^ '" l^^^ received altogether $6,895, received $18,- apportionment will be paid to districts where school is ^^^ ^" ^^^^' distributed as follows : in session at least six months during the year, in pro- ^""^ff I '^dusu-ial Associated J^'^f^^f^ portion to the number of pupils that attended school C'lookston $1,700 $i,ooo Kast Grand Forks. 1,700 $2,000 $480 1,000 at least foi'ty days during the preceding year. In Fertile i,700 . ■ ■ . . , u -1 ^ e I'osston 1,700 1,440 recent years apportionment has been paid out of a Mcintosh i,700 2,000 312 998 fund consisting of the interest on the permanent school ,,,„,, .„ , ^^ , , , Ihe graded schools at Fisher, Erskine, Carman, and fund and the State one-mill tax. Under the new law, _, , , „ . . , Eldred received each $600 State aid in 1915. the only source oi apportionment will be the perma- ^ . , „ , ■,.,,,, During the period stated above for high schools, the iicnt school fund, and will be known as the endow- . , _,, ., State aid to one and two-teacher schools in the county ment iund. The state one-mill tax for schools will be . „ , , , „ , . „ . . increased from $3,110, given to 29 schools, to $13,380, known as the current school fund. This fund is in- . , „ ... , , . ,. . . , . „„ "ith 127 schools participating, tended to assist districts in which a fifteen-mill levy . ^„„ „ , , , . . The consolidated schools in the county received will not produce $oOO for such school, in session seven , ^ .„ , , , , , „ . . State aid as follows in 1915 in addition to the regu- months. It will also be used to make up deficits in , . , „, , , ^ „ „ . ^ ^, , ., , f , ;■ f -1 \ -1 • laraitl: Eldred, $1,200; Trail, $600. State aid and tor tuition for non-resident pupils in ^ „ , . , , „ , . , , , , ,. Each of the schools received building aid equal to industrial departments of high, graded, and consoli- one-fourth of the cost of the building, not to exceed dated schools. ^ . „ ,. Q cKo -1 11 J • 11 ii u 1 £ $1,500. The new law allows a building aid up to Out of the 8,653 pupils enrolled in all the schools of , „ ^„ „„ ^ . ,„, , „ „„^ , „ $2,000 on the same basis. Polk County in 1914, 7,720 were counted for appor- tionment at the rate of $o.80 per pupil. present polk county schools — the high schools. The high school is a part of our common school sys- STATE AID. . . tern; it IS under no separate control or tax levy, and A child residing in the poorest section of Minnesota is maintained by public tax and governed by a Board is as valuable to the State as the child whose of Education, through its administrative officer, the home is on "Millionaire Street" in our large cities. City Superintendent. The State tries to equalize educational opportunities The first high school in Polk County was organized for all the children by a system of State aid, which under Superintendent S. A. Farnsworth, who was it takes out of the general taxes of the State and pays succeeded by Supt. John Moore. The latter served for to school districts. This question has often been fifteen years. Others who headed the Crookston asked : "Of what good is State aid ? We take it out schools previous to the present incumbent were Super- of one pocket and put it in another." But this is not intendents Hitchcock, Sellek, Mclntire, and Hess, so. Over half of all the State aid money is paid by There are now five high schools in Polk County lo- the three large cities, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Du- cated in the larger towns and superintended as fol- luth, and the counties in which they are situated. The lows : Crookston, Superintendent G. Sanberg ; East other portion, less than half of the State aid, is there- Grand Forks, Superintendent F. E. Lurton ; Fertile, fore paid by over eighty counties. The amount on Superintendent E. M. Hauge; Fosston, Superintend- 102 COMPENDIUM OF niSTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ent, L. G. Mustain ; Mcintosh, Superintendent E. E. Hanson. Tlie combined value of their sehoolhouses and sites is over a half million dollars. All of them maintain departments of domestic science and manual training. Crookston and East Grand Forks have spe- cial departments in school music (under separate su- pervisors), art, commercial subjects, and normal train- ing, in addition to those named. Mcintosh, also, main- tains a normal training department. East Grand Forks, Fosston, and Mcintosh also have strong depart- ments in agriculture. The activities in this subject extend also to associated rural schools at Mcintosh and East Grand Forks, affiliated for instruction in indus- trial subjects. In connection with the normal training departments at Mcintosh and Crookston, a special rural practice school at each place is arranged for, where the prospec- tive teachers, through actual school room practice, may gain valuable experience before they are licensed to teach. These are real rural schools, in charge of the regular teachers, and are located about five miles from the central school. Students in training for teaching are required to spend a stated time in the practice school. A definite plan for vocational guidance has been in- augurated at Crookston recently. Departmental work for the upper grades below the high school is established in the larger places. Under this arrangement pupils are taught by several teachers in any one term. Each instruction teaches a lesser number of subjects, but more grades. The Junior High School involves this plan. The generous State aid to high schools is a trust fund given them to maintain certain departments and courses which shall be open to any person of school age in the state. Tuition in the high school is free. GRADED SCHOOLS. The smaller villages of the county have a problem of their own. Here we find pupils ready for nearly all grades, from the primary up through the high school. The number of teachers and the housing facil- ities are naturally somewhat limited. The defijiite control by the State Board, as to certain definite stand- ards — such as the quality of the teachers and their certification, the material equipment of the school, the course of study, adequate provision for light and heat- ing, books, etc., has been the result of the State's great concern for the schools in such places. Our graded schools — which, together with sites, are valued at nearly $45,000 — are located at Carman, Fisher, Erskine, and Eldred. Classes covering sub- jects belonging to the first two years of high school usually are offered in most of these places. At Erskine, five teachers are employed, while the other schools each have four. The Eldred School is of the consolidated type and oflrers courses in domestic science, manual training and agriculture. Here the people have realized and crystallized into a living reality the theory that pure academic knowledge alone does not spell achievement, as of old. Eldred has a school auditorium where the people of the community frequently come together. THE COUNTRY SCHOOL. A school system must be all-containing. To accom- plish this we have retained very largely the historic one-room school in the open country. Its numbers have continued to increase as new lauds have become occupied. In the 216 districts, outside of those main-, taining high and graded schools, there are now three schools having three teachers each ; nine two-teacher schools and 220 one-i-ooin one-teacher schools. The three-teacher schools in the county are at Beltrami, Mentor and Trail. The last named is of the con- solidation type and offers industrial courses. Two-room schools are found at Angus, Climax, Dug- dale, District No. 69, Euclid, Gully, Lengby, Niels- ville, and Winger. At the last named place, evening classes for adults are organized binder the supervision of the day school teachers. Schools with two or three teachers are classified as semi-graded schools. Some of them offer work in the ninth and even the tenth grade. Recitation periods COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 103 are naturally crowded and these schools are very lim- ited in caring for school needs of the oldest pupils. Most of our semi-graded schools offer good nuclei for consolidation. About 60 per cent of the children enrolled in the public schools of the county attend schools having only one teacher. The average attendance in days by each pupil, which is nearly 95, is 57 days less than the average for pupils enrolled in the high and graded schools, despite the fact that the average has been ad- vancing steadily. Two hundred and seven of these districts have free text books; 66 districts have more than 10 pupils enrolled, but less than 20, while in 15 districts less than ten are enrolled. Among the com- mon schools, eighteen hi^ had some form of trans- portation for pupils. We have over 125 State aided rural schools which are really standardized schools that have met certain requirements in equipment, school buildings, school term, library, heating and ventilation, school grounds, and outbuildings. These schools must employ teachers with special training or actual experience for at least seven months during the year. Such schools will here- after be known as Class B schools. Class A schools must maintain school for at least eight months. A plan of giving school credit for work at home is practiced in some districts. This ties the school up closer to the parents, who ai'e glad to have their chil- dren consider the chores and smaller jobs about the home as something worthy of recognition which ap- peals to the children's pride in performing. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS. At the present time Polk County has two consoli- dated schools, one at Eldred organized in 1912 and one at Trail organized in 1914. Both these schools have modem buildings, equipped with fan ventilating sys- tems, indoor flush toilets, and pressure water foun- tains. In addition to these modern appliances the school at Eldred has an electric lighting system. Both schools offer courses with regular and systematic in- struction in agriculture, manual training and domestic arts. The Eldred school is a graded school with four teachers. The Trail school is a semi-graded school with three teachers. The advent of these schools marks a new epoch iu rural education in Polk County. In addition to fur- nishing better teaching facilities and an opportunity for country children to pursue advanced studies and industrial subjects while living at home, these schools are reaching out to the community at large, and as a result we find literary societies, choral clubs, lecture courses and other notable community enterprises springing up. The consolidated school at Trail was the first one in the state to be organized by unanimous vote. The school at Eldred was organized under bitter opposi- tion, and not until more than one legal battle had been fought did some of the opposition subside. In both these schools, transportation under state control is sup- plied by the district. It has been safe and regular. People in general concede the advantages of the consolidated school over the old plan. That consolida- tion is coming soon in different parts of the county, can be gathered from the fact that at least four com- munities are now considering the formation of con- solidated districts, which will make full high school courses possible, with six or more teachers. Several other consolidation projects are under consideration. The success of consolidation where tried has laid its claim to the attention of our people, and each new year finds a larger number giving serious thought to this all-important school problem — the most important which the countryside has yet to solve in the secular education of the children. SUPERVISION. By means of a system of monthly reports to the county superintendent, which recently inaugurated in this county the work of the schools, is more closely supervised. This has resulted in a more thorough and systematic preparation of the work by many of the teachers. The condition of the attendance each month is watched. The keeping-up of records is constantly 104 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY before the toaelier. The material needs of the school reported in duplicate to tlie clerk, can now receive the speedier action of the board. The scope of work cov- ered in each suljject and class and the monthly stand- ings of pupils go into the records of the county siiper- intendent. This system, while it requires additional time for checking up on the reports, and the making of the same once a month, has proved to be fruitful of many good results. Time used in systematizing school work is not in vain. VISITATION. The common schools are inspected by the county superintendent and his assistant. While the time spent at any one school is not great, yet the occa- sional "dropping in" by an official visitor has a salutary effect. Four hundred and twentj'-five school visits were made in the county last year. Close supervision like tliat in a city school system is not possible luider the present plan. More and closer supervision is the crying need of the country school today. teachers' clubs. In the fall of 1915 a plan of teachers' study clubs was launched in the county, with the result that twenty clul)s of small groups of teachers have met at various times. Some of the clubs, at their pres- ent rate of holding meetings, will register about ten meetings by the close of the school year. The number of members in these clubs varies, ranging from three or four to ten. Reading circle books with a plan for giving credit, and other topics of special interest to teachers, are discus.sed. These clubs aj.'e proving popular and helpful. WARM LUNCHES IN SCHOOLS. The practice of catering to the physical welfare of the children by .serving w-arm dishes to them dur- ing the noon hour is not confined to the high schools — alone, where the practice is quite general, but is to be found in many of the country schools that are fitted up with special equipment for this purpose. The teacher usually appoints from among the larger pupils those who are to look after the serving of the lunch each day. A general pantry supply is often kept at tile school to supplement the eatables bi-ought from the homes for cooking. Several plans for furnishing the materials are in vogue. The parents generally favor this innovation. The rural schools associated with Mcintosh and East Grand Forks, or most of them, have good lunch outfits. boys' and girls' CLUBS. A practical form of club work, closely affiliated with the school, includes such projects as corn-grow- ing, bread-making, and pig-raising. Through the special efforts of the high school agriculturists and the county agent, instructions from the State Agricul- tural School, the office of the county superintendent, and a number of enterprising private citizens the club work in Polk County has become well estab- lished. No less than ten boys' corn clubs existed in 101.5. A number of bread clubs sent representatives to a county bread-making contest held at Crookston in July, and they competed for the right to represent Polk County at the State Fair. The pig clubs at East Grand Forks and Fosston figured prominently in the State pig-contest last year. CROOKSTON SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. This branch of tiie State University, located at Crookston, while naturally established to serve the State at large, is, by virtue of location, an educational asset of special benefit to us. Many of the graduates of this school are carrying on extensive and up-to-date farming in this county. Summer training courses for teachers, with special inducements for the pur- suit of industrial subjects, are maintained. In connection with the regular school year, a spe- cial course for rural teachers is offered. One of the aims of this course is to fit young persons for work in consolidated schools. COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 105 FROM 1876 TO 1916. cational systems far in advance of what we have We have lived through forty years of school-build- attained. Education which is a business of universal ing in Polk County. The past has seen many school concern must continue to engage our people even laws and administrative regulations come and go. more in the future, to the end that the paramount The last word in education has not yet been spoken, issues shall be wisely solved and the purposes of and forty years more will find our schools and edu- schools better understood. CHAPTER XII. THE CROOKSTON SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. By C. G. Selvig. a red river valley institution — new building dedicated — death op superintendent wm. robertson the school's ADVANCEMENT AND GROWTH — MOVING YEAR — SCHOOL FACULTY — EQUIPPING A TECHNICAL SCHOOL THE school's GROWTH — ITS WORK OUTSIDE SCHOOLROOM DOORS. The Crookston School of Agriculture must be con- sidered separately from the Northwest Experiment Station, although they are located at one and the same place, and their work is carried on together. The Experiment Station had been organized and in operation for ten years before the School came into existence. The Crookston School of Agriculture is also a part of the Agricultural Department of the University of Minnesota. It was created by an act of the Legisla- ture in the session of 1905. An appropriation of $15,- 000 was provided for the building known as the School Building (now named the Home Economies Building), which was completed in 1906. No funds for maintenance were voted. In order to have school open that fall it was necessary to secure funds for salaries and expenses. A sum of $2,500 was privately subscribed by patriotic citizens of Crookston and vicinity. This fund, and assistance from the North- west Experiment Station funds, made it possible to begin in 1906. Thirty-one students, all the school could accommodate in its cramped quarters, were en- rolled. Their names were as follows : Emma Agusta Anderson, Hallock; Agnes Bjoin, Crookston; Henry L. Blackmore, Baggs, Wyoming; Carl Carlson, Ken- nedy ; William Dewar, Crookston ; Walter Dewar, Crookston; John Distad, Perley; Hans Forseth, Cli- max ; Christopher, Lewis, and Molly Fossbakken, Foss- ton ; Clara Hagan, Hendrum ; Christian Hanson, Bel- trami ; Floy Ingersoll. Crookston ; Thor Lonne, Crooks- ton ; Christian Lindberg, Beltrami ; Leroy Lytle, Crookston; Gustaf Nelson, Northland; Olaf F. Nel- son, St. Hilaire ; Simon Nelson, Climax ; Carl Nord- lum, Beltrami ; Lena Opdahl, Beltrami ; Elmer 01s- lund, Beltrami ; Albert Petterson, Crookston ; Wil- liam H. Rager, Crookston; Lewis Regeimbal, Crooks- ton ; Carl Seeger, Red Lake Falls ; Joseph Skala, Red Lake Falls ; Julie Swisse, Faribault ; Nels A. Thompson, Birkholz, and Ida Thompson, Beltrami, Minnesota. The school building was a combination dormitory, dining hall, office, and class room building. The boys had rooms on the third floor, while the farm house was improvised into a ladies' hall. On the second floor were located the class rooms, the adminis- trative office, and the library, while on the first floor were the kitchen and dining room. JIany interesting experiences happened during the iirst two years of the school. Both the faculty and the student body acquired an enthusiasm for the aims and work of the institution and a loyalty to it that counted greatly in its influence upon the community. By the time the 1907 Legislature had convened and sent commit- tees to inspect the school, it was found that a full- fledged institution had sprung into being. Two new buildings were provided at that session, Stephens 106 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 107 Hall, a dormitory for boys, and the Industrial Build- ing (later named S. M. Owen Hall). A modest sum was provided for annual maintenance, and the sum of $2,500 was appropriated to reimburse the private contributors who made the first year of the school possdble. The school is what might be classed as a technical agricultural school, and is intended to round out the education of the farm boys and girls after they have left the rural schools, fitting them either to go back to the farm or to enter the University, should they desire to take up professional work in the line of agriculture. Students attending the institution are boarded at the School, and are thus in a continual agricultural atmosphere, expenses being only the actual cost of living. The course of study includes farm botany, mechanical drawing, music, farm mathe- matics, poultry, English, agriculture, blacksmithing, carpentry, military drill, cooking, physical training, sewing, study of breeds, laundering, agricultural physics, dairying, fruit growing, farm accounts, stock judging, breeding, household art, agricultural chem- istry, vegetable gardening, field crops, forestry, en- tomology, algebra, handling grain and machinery, veterinary science, civics, geometry, plant propaga- tion, dressing and curing meats, feeding soils and fertilizers, home economy, domestic chemistry, domes- tic hygiene and meats, rural economics and sociology, and teachers' training subjects. As a result of the loyal support of the people of the Red River Valley, the school, early in its life, was well cared for in the way of current expenses, and in buildings. -It was not long before, with its numerous attractive buildings and pleasant surround- ings, and the practical work which it was doing, that the institution became a source of pride to the people of the Red River Valley. A RED RIVER VALLEY INSTITUTION. Many questions were raised as to the advisability of creating a school in the Red River Valley, or any- where for that matter, when there was a great cen- tral school and experiment station at St. Anthony Park, between Minneapolis and St. Paul. It was not possible those days to prophesy just what work such an institution would find to do. Its justification lies in the fact that the agricultural problems of one part of the State differ from those of another part. The problems of the timbered country of the North are certainly not those of the prairies of the West. Like- wise, the problems of the Red River Valley are not those of that part of the Mississippi Valley adjacent to the Twin Cities. Naturally, too, the problems of the Red River Valley cannot be worked out under the different conditions which prevail in the part of the Mississippi Valley named. The physical factors of farming are not portable. Furthermore, the object of a technical agricultural school is to train young men so that they may go back to the land and cultivate it with success. Obvi- ously, the thing to do is to train them on the kind of farm to which they are to return, or as nearly that as possible, and not on some other kind, where dif- ferent conditions rule and different problems have to be worked out. The Experimental Station, then, was established in the first place to work out the agricultural problems of the Red River Valley, and the school came later as a means of training young men from the Red River Valley farms, on a Red River Valley farm, in order that they might go back to Red River Valley farms to build them on sounder principles. This and more fundamental problems of agriculture are not at all neglected at the Crookston School, but it is simply to say that the special problems of the region receive the special attention they demand. NEW BUILDINGS DEDICATED. The fall of 1908 was an auspicious one for the new institution. Two magnificent buildings were ready for occupancy, and the School had gained a reputa- tion for earnest efficient effort, and was rapidly forg- ing ahead. At the time of the dedication of the boys ' dormitory, it was named Stephens Hall, in honor 108 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY of Senator A. D. Stephens, of Crookston, who repre- sented Polk County in tlie State Senate during these years, and to whose successful efforts to secure funds for the school building and equipinpnt, as well as ade- quate provision for its support, much credit is due. James J. Hill was present at the dedication exercises, and delivered a prophetic address. Stephens Hall is a beautiful three-story brick build- ing, a model of comfort and convenience. The two upper floors are used as a boys' dormitory, and the iirst floor for the dining club, with its dining room, kitchen, bakeshop, and other necessary quarters. The dining club quarters were installed temporarily, as a separate building is planned eventually to accommo- date that department. Stephens Hall will then provide comfortable rooms for 150 young men. The in- dustrial building provided the same year, now named S. M. Owen Hall, contains the blacksmith and carpen- try shops, stock judging room, dairy room, mechanical drawing room, and a large addition constructed in 1911 provides commodious quarters for the farm en- gineering department. One hundred and one students attended during the third year of the school (1908-1909), more than double the second year's enrollment of 41. DEATH OF SUPERINTENDENT VV^M. ROBERTSON. The year 1910 was one of many changes. Early in January occurred the very sudden and deeply re- gretted death of the first superintendent of the School, William Robertson. His death cast a pall of gloom over the entire School that could not be re- moved. His services and enthusiasm had been mighty faetore in establishing the School and in out- lining policies and plans. The School's pioneer days were passed under the direction of Prof. Robertson and his estimable wife, who was also his co-worker in all the numerous activities necessary during these early days. THE school's advancement AND GROW^TH. The Legislative session of 1909 fairly outdid its pre- vioTis record in the matter of having a larger vision regarding the School's future work and usefulness, both in the matter of providing buildings and equii>- ment, and also in the very important matter of es- tablishing an annual maintenance fund suflicient to permit the School to increase the faculty and extend the work. These buildings were under construction when the new superintendent came to Crookston. For this position the Board of Regents selected Mr. G. G. Selvig, whose work began August 1, 1910. Two new buildings were completed in the fall of that year, viz. : Robertson Hall, named in honor of William Robertson, the first superintendent of Crooks- ton School of Agriculture, and a girls' dormitory, which provides accommodations for 75 young leidies, and is a model home for girls attending the school. It is a three-story brick building, with beautifully tinted interior walls and with good architectural lines exteriorly. Climbing vines which eventually will cover the outside walls greatly add to its homelike appearance. The other building, the David L. Kiehle Building, was named in honor of former State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Regent, and University Professor, Dr. David L. Kiehle. This, the fifth of the school buildings, and one of the largest, is also one of the most useful on the campus. It con- tains a well equipped gymnasium and a beautiful au- ditorium (which is pronounced by all as one of the most beautiful rooms in the State, seating about 500), administrative offices, and the library. MOVING YEAR. The Experiment Station buildings were located on a tract of slightly elevated land near the northwest corner of the farm. It was found that the school campus required more room. During 1911, therefore, numerous changes were made. A class room building and minor station buildings had been provided by the 1911 session of the Legislature. In order to find a suitable location for this structure and others that the School would soon require, due to its rapidly increas- ing attendance, it became necessary to remove the horse barn, dairy barn, poultry house, and the farm COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 109 house to new locations on a permanent campus plan. Four cottages for married members of the station and School faculty were also Iniilt that year. The class room building, which was completed in 1912, was named the Hill Building, in honor of James J. Hill, who was present at the dedicatory exercises. It is a fine three-story structure, beautifully finished in oak throughout, and admirably arranged to accom- modate the various departments. With the horticul- ture and botany departments on the first floor, agronomy on the second, and English, agricultural chemistry, and physics, and normal training depart- ments on the third floor, it made possible a degree of efficiency in actual school room work hitherto impos- sible at the Crookston School. SCHOOL FACULTY. The policy of building up the departments of the Agricultural School and Experiment Station by se- curing well trained and able specialists for each was given prominence by the new administration. Prof. C. E. Brown, in charge of poultry investigations and teaching, continued in his position. Prof. J. D. Bils- borrow became the Station 's first agronomist, followed by Prof. 0. I. Bergh, who in turn was succeeded by Prof. F. L. Kennard, the first two leaving to accept positions which lack of means and opportunity pre- cluded the Northwest's station from offering them. In 1911, Prof. T. M. McCall came from Iowa State College, at Ames, to take charge of the horticultural and botany departments, a position he still holds and in which he has rendered very efficient services to the State. Professors P. H. Sargent and Robert B. Bax- ter carried on the dairy and animal husbandry work until 1913, when these departments were merged, and put in charge of Prof. AVm. Dietrich, formerly of the Illinois Experiment Station, an able teacher and investigator. Prof. T. R. Sewall, the present head of the farm engineering department, came from the Cen- tral School at St. Anthony Park, in 1911. Prof. J. P. Bengston, now in charge of the boys' dormitories and who is also an instructor, resigned his position as su- perintendent of the Roseau City Schools, in 1913, to accept a position with this institution. Miss Bess M. Rowe, Miss Laura Franklin, Miss Mabel H. Olsen, Miss Faith S. Brown, and Miss Grace B. Sherwootl occupied responsible positions at the school, the latter having charge of the teachers' train- ing department. The progress that the School and Station has made is due to the strong, earnest efforts of the faculty members and station workers. In this bi'ief sketcli it is impossible to state more fully an account of their services. EQUIPPING A TECHNICAL SCHOOL. The Legislature in 1913 continued its interest in the Crookston School, providing two major additions to the buildings, besides placing the annual support fund on a more substantial basis. A central heating plant was constructed in 1913, and a second dormitory for young men, in 1914. A greenhouse and a grain storage eciuipment, as well as other minor buildings, completed the station group on i^resent basis of work. A spur track was constructed in 1911 which, with the completion of the new heating plant, produced decided economics in annual maintenance. THE school's GROWTH. We can look to the buildings and equipment, the school campus and grounds, class rooms, and other outward evidences which indicate increasing prepar- edness and efficienc}^, but no institution must be per- mitted to gauge its service by these things. The students of a school and its graduates must be sought out if a school's real history is to be written. The State Institution at Crookston is closing its tenth j'ear at this time. Six hundred and eighty-one students have enrolled during the regular school terms, with 181 in i-ts junior course, 835 in its summer course for teachers, and manj' thousands at its farmers' short courses and farmers' week meetings, which are held in Crookston every February. Twenty Northwestern Minnesota counties have learned of the school and the work of its students, not only in the class rooms, 110 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY lahoratorios. and shops, but of its work in creating power, in adapting itself to the social life one is to live, in meeting the fuller requirements of citizenship and of co-operative community life wliich must char- acterize the bountiful and full country life which all recognize is desired. The school is a dormitory insti- tution whereunder men and women of poise, iutegritj-, lofty aims, and high visions, the young men and women, acquire ideals of conduct that shall last as long as there is life. Sports, indoor and outdoor, social activities; music, in band, orchestra, glee club and chorus, piano and voice, — all contribute to the upbuilding of the individual and to increasing the joys and happiness of the group. Public speaking and debates are recognized as essentials in the courses and are required of all. At an agricultural school, where farmers are to be trained, the ability to think clearly, to write or speak easily, is an important work to do. Nothing can be said about the extensive courses in agriculture and home training, nor aboiit the more recently organized courses in teacher training. Bul- letins and circulars describe this w'ork in detail. ITS WORK OUTSIDE SCHOOLROOM DOORS. The history up to the present time of the North- west School of Agriculture and E.xperiment Station would not be complete without a statement regarding its work and influence outside of the class rooms and experimental plots. Reference has been made to the organization, in 1903, of the Red River Valley Dairy- men's Association, of which Superintendent T. A. Hoverstad was the guiding spirit. Prof. Robertson continued the interest of the station in this organiza- tion, and was followed by Superintendent C. G. Selvig, who is the present president. This organization has accomplished much in the interest of dairy farming and manufacturing. The Red River Valley Horti- cultural Society, under the leadership of Station men, is an active organization, its members being interested in tree and fruit growing. In these various organiza- tions, the Station and School workers are simply the means which various conuuittees may use in accom- plishing certain things. The Farmers' Short Course and Agricultural Exhibit, begun at the Agricultural School in 1911, was branched out and increased so much in magnitude that in 1913 it was necessary to hold the meetings at Crookston. The Farm Crops Show and Meetings have come to be annual clearing house for ideas and plans to make the Red River Val- ley not only more productive, but to make home and school, city and country, better and more fit to live in. The Northern Minnesota Poultry Association, the Red River Valley Live Stock Breeders' Association, and the Red River Valley Seed Growers' Association are all broadly educational. Thej' serve to increase the spirit of co-operation, to break down community distrusts and to realize more fully the possibilities and potentialities of that full and abundant life which is vouchsafed every one, in city or country. This brief sketch of the Northwest School of Agri- culture and Expei'iment Station can well close in testifying to the influence and service of farmers' clubs and of community centers in consolidated schools of this great section of the State. The exten- sion service of the institution sprang into existence in helping to organize clubs and to promote the or- ganization of such schools. This service is justifying itself and those groups are increasingly flnding their full value as agencies for action and service. .SEMOB HALL IPy ^^rm HILL BUILDING i i CHAPTER XIII. THE NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND EXPERIMENT STATION. By Superintendent C. G. Selvig. origin and early history — securing the land for a site — beginnings in 1895 — the soil at the station plans outlined the work op early years drainage installed drainage work begun a new ad- ministration — experiments in crop production — field crop work the horticultural division live stock departments, etc. THE NORTHWEST EXPERIMENT STATION. Sometime before 1894 Prof. Willet M. Hays, of Minnesota Experiment Station, St. Anthony Park, had made a study regarding the best location for two other experiment farms in Minnesota besides the one at St. Anthony Park. There were two great areas of the State considered in this survey, viz: the Red River Valley and the adjacent parts of the northwest part of the State, and the lighter soils of the great north central timbered section. By consulting the State geological surveys, and doing some traveling, he had formulated a general plan as to where these farms should be located. There had been some agitation of this question among the citizens of the Red River Valley, resulting in a delegation being sent to urge the establishment of an experiment farm before the Legislative committee to whom a bill had been referred. Favorable action resulted, for at the Legislative session of 1895, $30,000 was appropriated with which to procure equipment, and for the two following years to conduct two sub- experiment farms. They were placed under the direc- tion of the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota. Several tracts of land were considered for the loca- tion of the Northwest Experiment Farm by the Agri- cultural Committee of the Board of Regents, consist- ing of Wm. W. Liggett, Chairman; J. S. Pillsbury, S. M. Owen, and W. W. Pendergast, and by Prof. W. M. Hays who had made a study of the northern half of the State. It was finally located by the Board of Regents at Crookston, Polk County, on land do- nated by the Great Northern Railway, through the generosity and liberal mindedness of President J. J. Hill and Samuel Hill. It was considered that prob- lems to be solved upon this area were the problems of many communities in the Red River Valley, espe- cially the problem of drainage. This reason weighed largely in the minds of the Committee, for the land selected was extremely low, there being higher land on the north, east, south, and southwest. A shallow coulee drained a part of the waters to the northwest. The ditch established later followed this natural out- let. It was regarded as advantageous to have such a tract of land for experimental purposes and for investigational use. The tract donated to be used for the Northwest Ex- periment Farm contains 476.61 acres, according to a United States Government survey which was made in 1872. It comprises the north half and southeast quarter of Section 19, Crookston Township. Its south line is the northern limit of the city of Crookston. The farm buildings were located in the northwest corner of the section, approximately two miles from the center of the city. Ill 112 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY SECURING THE LAND. This tract of land remained in the possession of the General Government until March, 187S, when the ownership of this tract was transferred to the State of Minnesota, which in turn transferred it on the same date, to the St. Paul & Pacific Railway Com- pany, now a part of the Great Northern Railway system. All of it had remained unimproved in the possession of the railway, excepting about fifty acres which had been broken, cropped, and filled with mus- tard and other weeds liy trespassers, until 1895, when the University of Minnesota was given permission to use it for an experimental farm. In 1903 an agree- ment was made with the railway by which tlie Uni- versity could become the purchaser of the land at any time at .$25 per acre, but could have the posses- sion of it free of charge so long as it was used for educational or experimental purposes. BEGINNINGS IN 1895. Work at the experiment farm began in 1895, when the city of Crookston and the County of Polk each gave $1,000, which was utilized for drainage and mak- ing of roads around and through the Northwest Farm. Prof. "W. M. Hays was placed in general charge of the equipment and plans for experimental work, and Mr. T. A. Hoverstad was chosen assistant agricul- turist, and was given the local management of this Northwest Farm, at Crookston, a.s Superintendent. SOIL AT NORTHWEST STATION. The surface soil at the Northwest Experiment Farm is a blackish color, usually about twelve inches in depth, although at places it becomes very thin, while at others the dark material extends in slender s-treaks for 18 to 30 inches down into the lighter subsoil. Two distinct types of soil were mapped on the farm. The larger portion is of Fargo clay loam soil, which con- tains a very large per cent of organic matter. This renders the soil loamy and easily cultivated, when in a dry condition ; but when wet, it is sticky and tenacious, clods badly, and does not scour well, mak- ing plowing almost impossible. The other type of soil, called the Fargo fine sandy loam, is easily cultivated, and can be plowed much earlier in the spring and summer after heavy rains, than the heavy type of soil. PLANS OUTLINED. The plans outlined for the Northwest Fann in- cluded the production for dissemination of the best grains produced by the station ; the testing of varie- ties of grains, roots, trees, and fruits; field manage- ment ; tillage and weeds ; pastures and meadows ; for- age and pastures from annual crops; prairie fores- try; road making; feeding work horses and other .stock; breeding animals; and dairying. All of these were to be studied with reference to conditions in this part of the State. These plans involved extended investigations to answer questions which could be properly studied only in this peculiar part of the state. WORK OF EARLY YEARS. The work froiu 1896 up to tlie installation of the drainage ditch, in 1909, was difficult and the results uncertain, on account of excessive rainfall and lack of drainage during the greater time of this period. The reports of the Northwest Experiment Farm present these difficulties very vividly. In the spring of 1896 the rainfall was so constant and excessive that the season for planting grain crops had practically passed before the seed could be planted. In 1897, floods just before harvest nearly ruined the wheat and oats. The need of an adequate drainage system was early recognized ; but the problem was one requiring a considerable expenditure of money and the co-op- eration of several agencies, which it took some time to secure. A yield of 23 bushels of wheat to the acre is reported for 1897, with an average of 20.9 for three- year period. Oats averaged 47 bushels to the acre in a three year test, and barley varieties averaged from 26.6 bushels to 31.7 busliels to an acre. A con- siderable number of trees were planted which afford at the present time both windbreak and shade. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 113 July 25, 1897, lightning caused a fire whicli de- stroyed the harn with several horses and a larger por- tion of the collection of farm tools and conveyances. The total loss v*^as $6,000. A new barn was con- structed for the $3,000 received from insurance on the one destroyed. The season of 1899 was somewhat unfavorable for field experiments at the Northwest Farm, as seeding was delayed until the latter part of May and the first part of June. A heavy hail storm came just before harvest. Successful work was done with clover and with cultivated forage crops. Com tests were begun. The forestry planting was considerably increased. In 1900, excessive rainfalls and inadequate drainage again feature the reports, interfering with the small grains. Tests in growing fodder corn proved suc- cessful; seedling plums fruited; six thousand trees were planted in the nursery ; and a poultry plant was successfully started. A cattle barn was authorized by the Legislature in 1901. During these years, con- siderable work was done in preparing for a complete system of drainage, which it was hoped could be put into operation in 1905. DRAINAGE INSTALLATION. William Robertson was appointed superintendent of the Northwest Farm in 1904, entering upon his work in 1905. The three years preceding 1905, he reported as having been unusually wet in the Red River Valley. Most of his energy was devoted to the matter of securing suitable drainage for the farm. In 1903, an appropriation of $5,000 was made by the State Legislature for drainage, and in the follow- ing summer the highway and railway ditches which had been opened up were suppleinented by 1,285 rods of capstan plow ditch. This ditch extended east and west across the farm, thence northwest through a shal- low coulee to Lowell Ditch No. 1. These ditches re- moved some of the surface water, but were not of suffi- cient capacity to remove the water quickly at the spring thaws, or after heavy rains. The Legislature of 1905 made an additional appropriation of $4,000 to be used in drainage and experimenting with tile drainage. DRAINAGE WORK BEGUN. A district survey was made by the Department of Agriculture in the fall of 1895, and a petition was circulated for a county ditch passing the north side of the farm which would also furnish drainage to con- siderable territory north and east of the farm. In April, 1906, this petition was granted, and Polk County Ditch No. 60 was established. The office of Experiment Stations at Washington, D. C, was in- vited to co-operate, and John T. Stewart was ap- pointed to supervise the work for the department. Plans were drawn for laying about 50,000 feet of tile and digging of one and one-half miles of open ditch. A portion of the farm was to be supplied with sur- face drainage for comparison of results. The tiles were laid at different distances apart, and at different depths, and wells were established at different dis- tances from the tiles to determine the effect of tiles upon the water level. Tests were to be made of the alkali content of both the water and the soil at times before and after the drainage was installed, in order to determine the effect of drainage upon this feature. Expense data on the installation was kept. The seasons of 1906, 1907, and 1908 were given up to the work on ditching and laying tile. Bulletin No. 110 was written describing this work. The year 1908 was one of the driest years on record. Experi- ments with clover and alfalfa showed favorable re- sults. Five additional varieties of alfalfa were seeded that year, selected as to hardiness and yield. NEW ADMINISTRATION. Superintendent William Robertson died in Jan- uary, 1910. He was succeeded by Mr. Selvig. A fuller account of Mr. Robertson's work and services is to be found in the school section of this history. In 1911, the work at the Northwest Station became largely experimental and investigational work was conducted under station specialists in direct charge 114 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY of departmental projects. The superintendent was in direct charge of both the Agricultural school and ex- periment station, and assumed specific charge of the drainage work and of co-operative work with school students and farmers in the Red River Valley. This plan brought extensive additions to the station work, and has already succeeded in making the station a clearing house for the solution of vexed questions that arise in connection with farming in Northwestern Min- nesota, which it was originally intended the experiment station should become. With the completion of the drainage system, this new work was made possible although many handicaps and drawbacks still had to be met. The problems of lack of surface drainage, of foul weeds, or general adaptation to the new work were met, however, and the station has taken forward steps which are increasing every year. EXPERIMENT IN CROP PRODUCTION. At the present time, the experimental work em- braces, besides the drainage investigations which have been outlined, the following lines of work: In the agronomy section, there is work in cultural meth- ods with farm crops, including rate of seeding wheat, oats, and barley, using six rates for each; date of seeding winter wheat, alfalfa, winter rye, and barley, using four dates for each ; and plowing and sub-soiling, packing subsoil, a comparison of tractor and horse plowing and disking, dates of plowing and disking stubble before plowing. The work in varietal tests of farm crops includes variety tests of all farm crops, with the object of getting the varieties best adapted to northwestern Minnesota conditions, and eo-opera.tive tests, with various divisions of the College of Agriculture, Uni- versity of Minnesota, St. Paul, and the United States Department of Agriculture in testing wheat, for mill- ing purposes; flax, for fiber; wheat hybrids, for rust resistance ; and corn varieties. FIELD CROP WORK. The results of the season of 1915 at the Northwest Experiment Station indicate what is being done there along crop production lines. The station has been drained since 1909, and each year's results are more and more indicative of the improved conditions re- garding plant growth. In 1915, the highest yield per acre of oats was 98.7 bushels in a rate of seeding plot. The lowest in this series was 80 bushels. The next highest was 95.3 bushels per acre in a fertilizer plot series, with the lowest yield in that series of 70.3 bushels to the acre. A 16.3 acre field averaged 77 bushels, and a 28.5 acre field averaged 75.5 bushels, and a field of Early Roosevelt oats yielded 82.2 bushels per acre. The highest yield of barley per acre, was 65.2 bushels in the fertilizer plot series. A field of 19.7 acres averaged 43.4 bushels per acre, and a field of 44.85 acres averaged 42.5 bushels per acre. The highest yield of wheat per acre was 40.8 bush- els per acre, and in the rotation series the highest yield was 32.46 bushels, and in the variety series the highest was 40.8 bushels per acre. These yields are the result of improved strains of seed, drainage, man- agement, and soil condition. Seeds and trees are distributed to co-operators, in order to determine the varieties of farm crops and trees best adapted to Northwestern Minnesota. In this work it will be necessary to distribute improved strains of seeds of cereals, forage, root, and vegetable crops, and hardy varieties of trees, grown at this Sta- tion, to test them on farms located where soil and moisture conditions are different. The sale of pure bred seeds and of nursery stock is included in this project. Tests on fifty farms were in progress in 1915. This number will be materially increased. The corn breeding work has for its object the secur- ing of corn with early maturity. Several crop rotation plans are being followed, and a study made of resulting crop yields, soil fertility, and weed conditions. Extensive fertilizer tests are being made in co-op- eration with Division of Soils, University Farm, St. Paul. These tests comprise an investigation of the effects of commercial fertilizers, with and without STOCK AT NORTHWEST EXPERIMENT .STATION COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 115 manure, for ordinary farm crops grown iu rotation. This work is to be extended for tests of typical soils of Northwestern Minnesota, including peat lands. The weed eradication work is planned so as to de- termine and test methods of eradicating noxious weeds common to Northwestern Minnesota. This work is to be done on Northwestern Minnesota farms in typical areas. This project will be greatly extended. HORTICULTURAL DIVISION. In the Horticultural Division, one of the principal lines of work is with the potato plant, including va- riety testing, to determine the varieties best adapted to Northwestern Minnesota ; a study of tuber and leaf diseases, to determine the best methods of handling these diseases; a test of several methods of planting, to determine the method giving most profitable yield ; and seed selection of potato seed, to determine relation to yield, vigor, and resistance to disease. Extensive fruit, tree, and shrub investigations em- bracing variety and hardiness tests of tree fruits, small fruits, trees, shrubs and vines are in progress. Garden crops and field root crops are being grown to determine the best varieties for Northwestern Minnesota. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENTS. In the animal and dairy husbandry work, feeding experiments with horses, cattle, swine, and sheep are in progress. The station herds include animals of the different breeds which are used, in addition, for school stock judging work. In the poultry department extensive trials com- paring artificial with the natural incubation of chick- ens have been conducted. Cockerel fattening work, egg preservation, goose feeding, wet versus dry mash feeding, the influence of various plans and methods of poultry house construction, have been tested. Sev- eral bulletins have been published dealing with poul- try raising. The experiment work at the Northwest Station can now be said to be well organized. A report published early in 1916 dealing with the preceding five years, showed an extensive program of work, much of which gave immediate results, but many projects seemed to require longer periods of time for results to be of anj' value. CHAPTER XIV. HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE IN POLK COUNTY. By Prof. C. G. Selvig. location of the county — early geological history — soils — temperature — settlement and first set- tlers red river carts — immigration after 1876 pioneer wheat farming agricultural devel- opments and production statistics — present farming conditions corn potatoes fruits — live stock industry — dairying — poultry raising — live stock farming — cattle statistics — growth op live stock raising statistics of farm products and live stock — drainage work in polk county, by george a. ralph, c. e. Polk County, Minnesota, is located in the heart of Valley, spread a gray drift over most of the western and southern parts of the State. This gray drift, de- rived in larger part from shale and limestone, has proved to be intensely fertile. Polk County is located on this gray drift area, and in that part of it that was covered by the ancient glacial Lake Agassiz. This lake was formed during the recession of the ice sheet. At its ma.xiraum development, it exceeded in size the five Great Lakes of today. The finest parts of the soil carried by the ice, or carried from the surrounding land were deposited towards the center of the lake where the water was deepest. This was the origin of the heavy clay soils which have made the Red River Valley one of the greatest grain growing regions in the world. There are patches of sand and gravel in this area where glacial streams formerly reached the lake, and long ridges of sand, flanked on either side by sandy loam, which mark its early shore lines. In Polk County these shore lines cross through the center from north to south. This glacial formation of the Red River Valley cre- west and entering Minnesota through the Red River ated a problem in securing adequate drainage, but a 116 the Red River Valley of the North. When first estab- lished, it extended from the Red River on the west to Lake Itasca and the Mississippi River on the east. In 1866, all east of the Hue between ranges 38 and 39 was taken to form part of the new county of Beltrami. In 1881, Norman County was created by taking the four southern tiers of townships from the county of Polk, and, in 1897, the county of Red Lake was or- ganized by taking twenty-four full and seven frac- tional townships in a somewhat irregular form from its northeastern part. Polk County, as it is today, is forty-six miles from east to west in its main part, and about thirty miles from north to south. It has several streams and in the eastern part there are innumerable lakes. The average elevation of the western half of the county is between 750 aud 1,000 feet. The south half has an elevation of between 1,000 and 1,200 feet, while in the south-eastern corner, the elevation is between 1,250 and 1,500 feet. E.\RLY GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. The Kewatin ice sheet, advancing from the north- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 117 great deal of work has been done which is proving satisfactory for the successful production of crops. SOILS. The soils of Polk County may be divided into three distinct areas as follows : First. The Eastern area of glacial-till, of a clayey nature, with a marked undu- lation to a hilly topography dotted with lakes, and which was originally wooded with hardwood timber. Second. The "sandy ridge" area, a strip of land several miles wide and running north and south across the middle portion of the county. Third. The prairie fiats to the west of the "sandy ridge" area which extends in a magnificent plain to the Red River of the North, and which has a soil won- derful in its richness and fertility. It is of a lacus- trine and alluvial origin, being deposited there by the waters of Lake Agassiz and the flood waters of the streams that emptied into the plain at a later day. The top soil varies from a sandy loam to a heavy clay loam. This dark rich loam varies from a depth of 12 inches to 30 inches. It is underlaid by a silty clay, which, in most cases, is almost impervious to water. The plain has been cut through by numerous streams and rivers whose beds lie from ten to forty feet below the level of the prairie, affording excellent outlets for the numerous drainage ditches that have been constructed by the state and county. These ditches have a fall of several feet per mile and where these ditches have been made, drainage forms a simple problem to the farmer, which can be easily and cheaply effected by shallow surface ditches. TEMPERATURE. The mean annual temperature of Polk County is between 37° and 38° Fahrenheit. The mean annual temperature during the months of April to September is between 57° and 58°, and during June, July, and August between 65° to 66°. The average date of the last frost in Polk County is between the dates of May 15 and May 20. The average date of the first fall frost is September 22. This gives an average grow- ing season for the county of between 120 and 130 days. The average annual precipitation of the county is 22 inches, being greater in the eastern two-thirds of the county, where the average is 24 inches. The average of precipitation from October to March varies from 3.73 inches in the northwestern part to 5.31 inches in the eastern two-thirds of the county. The precipitation from April to September is 15.37 inches in the northwestern part of the county, and 17.07 inches in the eastern section. The evaporation varies directly with the temperature, and is, there- fore, less rapid in northwestern Minnesota than in regions farther south. A rainfall of 24 inches in Polk County is equal in crop producing power to 40 or even 50 inches in lower latutudes. In the north- ern Red River Valley as much as 77 per cent, of the precipitation occurs in the growing season. This, and the fact that the average annual depth of evapora- tion from a free water surface in Polk County is from 20 to 30 inches, makes conditions that are favor- able for crop producing and, particularly, for rais- ing of small grains. SETTLEMENT OF POLK COUNTY. The settlement of Polk County was a part of the general movement that occurred in the late years of the decade of 1860 and the early years of that of 1870. In 1843, Norman Kittson established a trading post at Pembina, in the Red River Valley, which later became the location of a Hudson's Bay Company's post. In 1823, Major Long had ascended to the Minnesota portage through to the Red River, returning later by way of Rainy River and Lake Superior. This indicated the means of entry into Polk County, located in the center of the Red River Valley. Between the Mississippi and the Red River, the principal water route led up the Minnesota River, and over the portage at Browns Valley, from Big 118 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Stone Lake into Lake Traverse, and thence north on the Red River. The distance by this route from St. Paul to Pembina was said to be 448 miles, and the time taken by carts was 30 to 40 days. The stage route over which the early settlers in Polk County arrived was laid out in 1859, following an inter- mediate course along the border of the hardwood belt by way of Sauk Rapids, Osakis, Alexandria, Pomme de Terre (near Ashby), and Breckeuridge. It is esti- mated that during 1869, 2,500 river carts passed up and down the valley. The first steamboat was called the Anson Northup and was launched on the Red River in 1859. Funds for its construction had been obtained in part by pub- lic subscriptions in St. Paul, the purpose being to secure the trade for that city of Fort Garry (Winni- peg) and the Red River Region. The period of most active navigation in the Red River Valley was dur- ing the years following 1871, when the Northern Pacific Railroad had reached Moorhead, the usual head of navigation, and while the river north of that point was not yet paralleled by railroads. Dur- ing this period, there were four or five boats on the river which made from 35 to 65 round trips an- nually, depending largely on the stage of the water and the length of the season. POLK county's first SETTLERS. It was during this period that Polk County received its first settlers. The following is from an article by Judge Watts in the "History of the Red River Val- ley:" "In 1871, there came from southeastern Minnesota some Norwegian families that settled along the Red River and near it, in what are now the towns of Hub- bard, Vineland, Tynsid, and Bygland. Farther north, at, and near the place where the Red Lake River joins the Red, and along the Marais, at this time also came a considerable number of Scotch and Canadian people, who had been attracted ])y accounts of the lower part of the Valley in the Dominion of Canada, but finding the desirable lands there already taken or reserved, returned to this place, one of the garden spots of the Northwest, to make fine homes for themselves and their families. A line of boats had been established by Norman Kittson plying the waters of the river be- tween Moorhead and Winnipeg, and upon them, most of these settlers reached their new homes. Among those who came thus, and made the deepest impres- sion upon the future of the county, were Robert Coul- ter, John Coulter, and William Fleming." RED RIVER CARTS. These Red River carts and steaml)oats — and es- pecially the steamboats — were, undoubtedly, great factors in promoting immigration, and in developing agi-iculture in the Red River Valley. Owing to the earlier establishment of agriculture by the Selkirk settlers, more immigrants seemed to have come into Canada by this route, than stopped off in the Minne- sota part of the Valley. The railroad was constructed from Glyndon to Snake River in 1872 and, in 1875, from Crookston to Fisher's Landing. Interesting in- cidents are told of the early traffic on the railroad between Crookston and Glyndon. The people at Crookston built a platform on two pairs of railway trucks, and attached sails, and used them in making trips down to Glyndon, bringing back supplies. Polk County was declared to be a legally organized county by an act of the Legislature approved March 3, 1873. Within the space of ten years, and for the most part within five years, the development of settlement in Polk County dependent upon Red River carts, stage lines, and river navigation for intercourse with the outside world, came to an end, and a way was opened for the rapid settlement of the agricultural develop- ment of the country. IMMIGRATION TO POLK COUNTY. The population in 1876 was 937, of mixed nation- alities, but largely Norwegians. In 1877 lands sold for $2.50 per acre. The immigration during this period was largely from Norway and Sweden, and about one-half the population were Scandinavians or of Scandinavian descent. In 1878, a large immigi-a- tion of French Canadians and their descendants set in. In 1877 the railroad had been extended to St. Vincent. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 119 EARLY WHEAT FARMING. The period of wheat farming in the Red River Val- ley began in 1870. In 1872 the average production per acre was 17.4 bushels as against 12.28 bushels in 1871. The use of middlings, through the invention of a middling purifier, in 1870, greatly increased wheat production. This invention was in general use by 1876. The invention of iron or porcelain rollers, re- placing the old mill stones, added another strong factor in increasing wheat production. These inven- tions resulted in increased prices for wheat. During the years 1877 to 1884 there was a boom period in Polk County. This was followed by additional rail- roads tapping the county. In 1884, the raih'oad was laid from Shirley to St. Hilaire. In 1886 the D. & M. road was built fi*om Fertile to Red Lake Falls, and west through to Grand Forks. In 1898 the Great Northern line was built from Duluth to Grand Forks The territory included in Polk County at that time comprised the present counties of Polk, Red Lake, Norman, and Mahnomen, with a population of 11,400 persons. In the same year, only 4.3 per cent of the land area of Polk County was improved. The acreage of wheat in 1879 in Polk County was 31,000 acres, producing 535,000 bushels of wheat, or an average of seventeen bushels to the acre. Wheat farming con- tinued up to 1895, when diversified farming began to be practiced. The population of Polk County in- creased to 30,192 in 1890, and to 39,209 in 1895, and with Red Lake County taken out, to 35,499 in 1900; 37,212 in 1905 ; and 36,001 in 1910. AGRICUIVrURALi DEVELOPMENTS AND PRODUCTION STATISTICS. The same condition of agricultural depression ex- isted in Minnesota during the decade of 1870 as in other "Western States, though apparently in a less extreme form. As a result, farmers, on the average, found themselves able to accumulate little except through the rise in value of their lands. The infer- ence seems warranted that it was this relative un- profitableness of agriculture which started the rush to the cities and likewise furnished the motive power both of the Grange movement to regulate railroad rates, and of the several cheap money campaigns designed to check the fall of prices. There were no noticeable changes in the average size, value, and tenure of farms in Polk County from 1860 to 1910, as shown by census figures. The larger increase in the average value per acre of land and buildings between the years of 1900 and 1910 indi- cates one important result of the transition from specialized wheat farming to diversified farming. AVERAGE SIZE, VALUE, AND TENURE OF FARMS IN POLK COUNTY FROM 1860 TO 1910. Val. of Av. val. per Per cent land acre land worked Year. Av. Size. and bldgs. and bldgs. byowners. 1860... . 3.56.7 Acres $ 16,000 $ 7.48 1880... . . 215.4 Acres 3,189,394 8.45 98^7 1890... . 193.2 Acres 9,085,270 10.21 92.7 1900... , . 224.3 Acres 16,054,900 16.50 88.5 1910... . . 2.52.2 Acres 29,738,082 33.46 81.1 Polk County early became one of the foremost coun- ties in the Red River Valley group. The rapid ad- vancement made in production of the principal crops is here given : In 1880 there were 7,000 acres of oats with a pro- duction of 240,000 bushels ; 1,000 acres of barley with 20,000 bushels; 11,000 acres of hay with 7,000 tons. No statistics for wlieat, rye, corn, and potatoes are available. In 1890 there were 237,439 acres of wheat with 3,013,361 bushels; 44,215 acres of oats with 226,221 bushels ; 16,474 acres of barley with 300,439 bushels ; 153 acres of corn with 4,100 bushels; 2,393 acres of potatoes with 283,382 bushels. In 1900 there were 305,807 acres of wheat with a production of 4,128,620 bushels ; 65,267 acres of oats with 1,873,450 bushels ; 28,194 acres of barley with a yield of 682,230 bushels; 575 acres of corn, with 15,- 030 bushels; 1,651 acres of potatoes with 252,965 bushels. In 1910 the wheat area had shrunk to 164,229 acres with 2,621,256 bushels; 96,774 acres of oats with 2,747,- 228 bushels; 53,268 acres of barley with 1,173,579 120 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY bushels ; 2,903 acres of corn with 96,890 bushels, and 3,900 acres of potatoes with 524,374 bushels. PRESENT FARMING CONDITIONS IN POLK COUNTY. The results of numerous chemical analyses of the soils of Polk County show them to contain all the plant food elements in abundance. Their high lime- stone content would class them with the best lime- stone soils in the world. They are, also, exception- ally rich in organic matter and potash. Many of these soils which have known no other than grsiin crops since first they were broken in the "eighties" still produce in a normal season, with good tillage, from 15 to 25 bushels of wheat to the acre. Where a rotation of crops has been followed, good plowing done, some manure applied, and good seed used, with proper preparation of the seed bed and adequate drainage, this soil will produce from 40 to 80 bushels of oats; 20 to 35 bushels of wheat of the finest qual- ity; 30 to 50 bushels of barley; 15 to 25 bushels of flax ; 18 to 20 bushels of winter rye ; 30 to 50 bushels of corn, or when cut for silage, 10 to 15 tons per acre. Timothy and clover yield from one and one-half to three tons per acre; alfalfa from two to four tons; potatoes from 200 to 300 bushels on clover land, where manure has been used, and from 100 to 200 bushels following grain, without manure. Maximum yields are often reported doubling the minimum of those stated above. CORN. Corn, it may be said, has completed the conquest of the State, since, according to the census of 1910, com of some sort was grown in every county but two. Polk County has shared greatly in this development, as it is gradually becoming a standard crop. POTATOES. The opportunities for siiccessful potato growing in Polk County are unsurpassed. The soil and climatic conditions are such as produce potatoes of excellent flavor, splendid keeping qualities, and high yielding power. The counties of the Red River Valley have long been known as the home of the Early Ohio seed potato; however, both early and late varieties grow here to great perfection. This region is not subject to many of the serious diseases of other potato re- gions of the United States. It is because of their great constitutional vigor that the Red River Valley seed potatoes are much sought for in the seed potato markets of the middle west. FRUITS. Contrary- to the view of those not acquainted with Polk County conditions, tree and small fruits are easily and profitably grown here. Native fruits, such as plums, grapes, blueberries, high-bush cranberries, gooseberries, and many others grow in great abun- dance in the woods along the watercourses. The standard varieties of plums, gooseberries, cur- rants, and crab apples grow with but little care, and produce large crops of fruit. Hardy varieties of ap- ples given intelligent care and attention yield abun- dantly, as has been proved by the many bearing trees and orchards of Polk County. The same as in any other region, the successful growing of fruits is more dependent upon the man than it is upon the climate, and an increasing number of persons are proving that there are no handicaps of note to prevent success along this line, here. LIVE STOCK INDUSTRY. Beginning in 1890, live stock came to be gradu- ally introduced into Polk County. It had been recog- nized all the time that the county possessed excep- tional advantages for the growing of beef cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, as well as for dairying. The fundamental conditions which are necessary for live stock raising are amply filled here. There are many varieties of cheap feeds which will furnish the different food nutrients for growth and fatten- ing, such as are found in home grown feeds, as al- falfa, shock corn, or corn silage, barley, oats, and flax. Another great advantage is found in the dry COJIPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 121 climate, free from sudden and extreme changes. This fact regarding the climate is of greatest importance. The temperature in the winter is somewhat low but with the dryness of the atmosphere, this is not a seri- ous matter with beef cattle, and especially those that are being fattened. Suflficient shelter can be pro- vided at a very small cost, as, for example, simply a straw shed with openings at the south side. Beef cattle are different from dairy cattle in this respect, because they retain all the body heat, a large propor- tion of which, in the dairy cow, is withdrawn when the milk is removed twice each day. Live stock raising with beef cattle production as the main ob.iect can be operated with probably the smallest amount of labor of all the different classes of farming. Polk County has the farms and the labor can be secured. The general conditions apply- ing to beef cattle also applj' to sheep and swine. Great success has followed iu this work. In raising beef, mutton, and pork, the good water, the dry cli- mate, and the easily grown feeds present unusually favorable conditions for the man of even moderate means. Many splendid herds are hei'e now, with increasing numbers each year. DAIRYING. It has been demonstrated year after j'ear, that corn, clover, and alfalfa can be depended upon for a good crop in Polk Countj^ With these crops, dairying is assured of its proper place in the fi'ont rank. Dairy- ing means a constant monthly income from the sale of the products, the utilization of the farm help dur- ing the winter months, when labor is comparatively cheap, and above all, the use of the home grown feeds upon the farm and the return of the fertility to the soil. Polk County has all the elements of a dairying section. Dairy herds are springing up around every town. A co-operative creamery is the proud boast of nearly every community in the county. There are 21 creameries in the county, 19 of which are co-oper- ative. This can be said of only four other counties 8 of the state. These 20 creameries paid to the farmers of this county, $492,346.12, in 1912, for butterfat alone. There is room for mauj' times as many dairy cows as there are at present. The earning ca- pacity of Minnesota cows has grown from $15.40 each iu 1890 to $53.10 each in 1912. With such a showing the prospects are favorable. POULTRY RAISING. There is no section of the country that presents greater opportunities in poultry raising than Polk Countj^ The markets are at its door, the Twin Cities to the south, Duluth and the Iron Range cities to the east; and numerous summer resorts, scattered over a wide area, give access to the greatest markets in the Northwest. The climate of this part of the State is exti'emely favorable to poultry raising. The stead.y, unvariable winter weather insures the best of health and vigor in the flocks, while tlie long cool summer days are conducive to the most rapid and steady growth of its young stock. Indeed, it is freely admitted by buyers of national reputation, that nowhere in the United States can be found young stock of chickens, ducks, and turkeys, that exhibit such marked indications of rapid growth and freedom from disease as are pro- luced in this part of the state. LIVE STOCK FARMING. The greatest asset of any county is the number of farmers that are using the natural advantages sur- rounding them to the best advantage. Live stock farming, be it with beef cattle, sheep, dairy cows, brood mares, or poultry, is profitable every year, and annually leaves the farm in better shape. This is what the Red River Valley counties are going into, and Polk County is going with the rest. The move- ment is strongly in evidence in every community. The following table shows the total number of cat- tle and per cent of dairy cows in Polk County for 1860 to 1910, with the exception of 1870. The table following shows the dairy production of Polk County for the same period: 122 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY CATTLE STATISTICS. Total No. Dairy Other Per cent Year. Cattle. Cows. Cattle. Dairy. 18C0 114 15 99 ia.2 1880 7,304 2,774 4,530 38.0 1890 39,397 14,413 24,984 36.6 1900 41,015 16,021 24,994 39.1 1910 5.3,491 24,650 28,841 46.1 of the county consists of liigL rolling laud, partly tim- bered. The following elevations of land and water surfaces at various places in the countj' will show at a glance the practicability of drainage : D.URT PRODUCTS OF POLK COUNTY. Milk pro- duced on fanus, gallons. Mim, gH lions sold. Cream, gallons sold. Butter made on rarnis, IHjuiids. 1,4.50 110,253 Butter. pounds sold. Cheese made on Clieeec. farms, pounds pounds, sold. Sear. 1860 1880 1,.565 110,253 738 1890.. 4,157,202 981,314 16,162 1900.. 7,494,300 314,389 3,000 1,438,801 676,660 33,272 30,714 1910.. 8,039,937 338,421 127,238 1,377,339 665,911 466 VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS. Total value Per capita of all farm Per square Per acre of county's Year. l)roJuets. mile. imi)roved. population. 1880... . . $ 61.5,304 $ 138.27 $ 5.02 $ 63.03 1890... . . 2,223,310 736.68 5.25 93.33 1900... . . 3,662,269 1,850.57 5.62 145.63 1910... . . 7,216,630 3,646.60 11.21 326.15 The number of farms at present, 3,500. The number and value of live stock in Polk County from the years 1860 to 1910 with the exception of 1870 is given in the following table : NUMBER AND VALUE OP LIVE STOCK IN POLK COUNTY, 1860-1910. Year. Number. Value. 1860 139 $ 5,450 1880 12,653 549,002 1890 76,214 1,8.38,973 1900 91,686 2,435,827 1910 95,989 3,704,380 There were two creameries in 1890. The number increased to three creameries and five cheese factories in 1896. In 1910 these increased to thirteen cream- eries and seven cheese factories, and in 1915 to twenty- one creameries and one cheese factory. DRAINAGE WORK IN POLK COUNTY, BY GEORGE A. RALPH, C. E. The western lialf of Polk County is in the Red River Valley, and, to a casual observer, has the ap- pearance of very level prairie land. In reality it has a good general slope towards the northwest ranging from three to sis feet to the mile. The eastern half Eler. above sea, (land surface) Fosston 1,290 Mcintosh 1,220 Fertile 1,144 Mentor 1,168 Crookston 890 Beltrami 902 East Grand Forks 835 Mouth Sand HiU Biver . . 865 N. W. corner of county. . 810 Kiev, above sea, ( water surface) 1,275 1,200 1,120 1,156 848 882 790 801 770 Lake surface Sand Hill River Sand Hill Kiver Maple Lake Red Lake River Sand Hill River Red Lake River Red River Red River The valley portion of the county is separated from the rolling land to the east by a well defined gravel ridge claimed by geologists to be the eastern beach of ancient Lake Agassiz, which at one time covered the entire Red River Valley. The old Pembina Trail be- tween Fort Garry and St. Anthony Falls followed this ridge. Polk County has always been in the front rank in any movement having for its object the reclamation of the wet lands of the state. Her citizens have reached drainage in season and out of season, and were the first to take decisive action. FIRST DRAINAGE CONVENTION IN THE STATE. The first drainage convention in Minnesota was held in Crookston July 1 and 2, 1886. The subject of draining the Red River Valley had long been dis- cussed by the citizens, but public attention was drawn toward its investigation by a newspaper article writ- ten by Hon. Frank Ives, of Crookston, and published in the Crookston press in the spring of 1886. Fol- lowing the publication of Judge Ives' article, there was an outburst of comment and approval throughout the Valley, and the result was a call for a convention of the citizens at Crookston on tlie dates heretofore mentioned. There was a large attendance of farmers and busi- ness men, fully representative of the interests in- volved. Mr. Springer Harbaugh, of St. Paul, pre- sided ; Fred Puhler and H. E. Cook were secretaries. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 123 The convention lasted two days; and during its ses- sions the necessity, practicability, and advantages of a general drainage of the low lauds of the county were thoroughly discussed. Near the close James J. Hill, president of the St. Paul, ^liuueapolis & Mani- toba Railway (now the Great Northern) proposed that a drainage survey of the Valley be made. He further promised that if the several counties inter- ested would pay one-half of the expenses of such a survey, the railroad company which he represented would pay the other half. An executive committee was created consisting of one member from each county interested in drainage and three members ap- pointed by Mr. Hill. There were six counties that had declared themselves interested and the original members of the committee from these counties were : E. D. Childs, of Polk; S. A. Farnsworth, of Norman ; F. J. Burnham, of Clay; D. McCauley, of Wilkin; C. W. Culbertson, of Marshall, and H. W. Donaldson, of Kittson. Mr. Hill appointed M. R. Brown, of Crookston; J. T. Fanning, of Minneapolis, and C. E. Page, then of Ada, afterwards of Fergus Falls. Upon organizing, M. R. Brown was chosen president, S. A. Farnsworth, secretary, and E. D. Childs, treasurer. Mr. Farn.sworth removed to St. Paul (where he still resides), and C. E. Page was elected to succeed him. THE RED RIVER VALLEY DRAINAGE COMMISSION. Thus was constituted the organization called the Red River Valley Drainage Commission so weU known in northwesteru Minnesota. It was largely a Polk County organization. The headquarters of the com- mission were at Crookston and two of its most active members were Polk County men. The purpose of this commission was to take charge of the work of making a complete drainage survey of the Red River Valley. Mr. Hill, on behalf of his company, agreed to and did contribute one-half the cost of the survey, besides furnishing free transporta- tion to those engaged in doing the work. The several counties affected furnished the other half. The head- quarters of this commission was in Crookston. The survey was completed and maps aud reports compiled and published early in the year 1887. This survey was in charge of C. G. Elliott, of Illinois, chief engi- neer of the commission, who had twelve assistant engi- neers employed. The writer was one of the engineers employed on this work. J. T. Fanning was chosen as consulting engineer of the commission. This survey proved very conclusively that the Red River Valley lands were not as level as generally be- lieved to be, but had a slope of from three to six feet to the mile, and that complete and effective drainage was not only practicable, but could be secured at com- paratively small cost. THE LEGISLATURE AIDS THE WORK. The members of the Legislature from Polk and other Red River Valley counties fortified with this drain- age report and backed by a strong delegation from Polk County tried, for several sessions of the Legis- lature, to secure the passage of drainage laws and appropriations for reclaiming swamp lands, but not until the legislative session of 1893 were they success- ful in securing the desired legislation. At this session an act was passed creating the Red River Valley Drainage Commission, and appropriating $100,000 for drainage work ; also an act which provided for a general state law for the drainage of wet lands under county management, and assessing the cost of doing the work against lauds benefited tliereby. The first ditch constructed under this law was County Ditch No. 1, Polk County, about six miles in length and run- ning south and emptying into Red Lake River two miles west of Crookston. The first state ditch com- pleted by the Red River Valley Drainage Commission was the Sand Hill River State Ditch, Polk County, extending from Beltrami along the Sand Hill and emptying into that stream nine miles WTst of the vil- lage. Drainage work has progressed without interruption since 1893. There is, at the present time, approxi- mately 800 miles of public drainage ditches in Polk County which have been constructed at a cost of a 124 COMPENDimr OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY little over $1,000,000. This expenditure, while it may seem large, represents a little over $1 per acre for the lands l)enefited. GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED. The rise in farm laud values from !{!25 per acre in 1900 to $60 and $75 per acre in 1915 is, in a large measure, due to the extensive drainage work which had been carried on during tliis period. Nearly all of the drainage work done in Polk County consists of open ditches. Tile drainage has just begun. The tile drains that have been constructed fully demon- strate the practicability as well as the great benefits that will result from this kind of drainage. I am convinced tliat tile di-ainage will now supple- ment open ditches wherever additional drainage is re- quired. The open ditch w-as necessary, not only for the purpose of removing storm water, but also to fur- nish an outlet for under drainage, and under drainage is necessary in order to get the greatest returns from the land. The effect of tile drainage on the lands of Polk County is just as marked as on lands in other States. A well-drained, well-cultivated farm in Polk County should give fully as good returns to the farmer as the best lands of Iowa or Illinois. SOME OF THE DITCHES CONSTRUCTED. Among the most important county and judicial ditches are the judicial ditches numbered 1, 3, 4, and 60, and the county ditches niuiiliered 2, 9, 12, and 66. Judicial Ditch No. 1 is one of the largest ditches in the county. It ha.s an average width of 50 feet, an average depth of 10 feet and is 12 miles long. It drains the northwestern part of the county. Judicial Ditch No. 3 drains the southwestern part of the county. It is 16 miles long, has an average width of 30 feet, and an average depth of 9 feet. Judicial Ditch No. 4 drains a large area in the eastern part of the county. It is 18 miles long, has an average width of 35 feet and an average depth of 8 feet. Judicial Ditch No. 60 drains the territory' northeast of Crooks- ton. It is IG miles long, has an average width of 30 feet and depth of 8 feet. County Ditch No. 2 drains the territory between Angus and tlie Red River. It is 12 miles long, has an average width of 35 feet and depth of 8 feet. County Ditch No. 9 drains the territorj' south of Russia village extending west to Sand Hill River. It is 11 miles long, 30 feet wide and 7 feet deep. County Ditch No. 12 drains the territory north and west of Bel- trami. It is 16 miles long, 26 feet wide and 7 feet deep. County Ditch No. 66 drains a large area north and northeast of Crookston. It is 8 miles long, 25 feet wide and 6 feet deep. State Ditches numbered 6, 23, and 61 are in Polk Count}'. No. 6 is known as the Sand Hill River Ditch. It is 12 miles long, 6 to 8 feet deep and 40 feet wide. No. 23, known as tlie Grand IMarais State Ditch, is 5 miles long, from 5 to 15 feet deep, and 40 feet wide. It consists of opening the outlet of this old river bed No. 60, known as Lost River State Ditch, and is an improvement consisting of opening up and straighten- ing the channel of Lo.st River. It is 21 miles long, from 5 to 8 feet deep and 36 feet wide. The work done by the Drainage Commission is and lias been of incalculable value, especially to the lands on the west side of Polk County. The reclamation of so many thousands of acres of these lands from watery and swampy conditions, forbidding cultivation, to areas of fine, fertile, and highly productive fields, has been a work of the greatest benefit to the county, the region, and the State. In its scientific character it is a very rare and unsurpassed piece of drainage engineering, and the best proof of this assertion is that the ditches have done the work assigned to them and expected of them. In some instances the sandy nature of the soil forming the sides and bottom of the ditch has been responsible for its washing away and its enlargement, but there is no danger of destruction, or even great damage from this cause. The damages to the entire ditch system will not be serious or consequential ; the benefits from the great enterprise will be magnificent and perpetual. CHAPTER XV. THE RISE AND PALL OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. By Charles L. Conger. some proceedings of the board business done regularly and in order — defeat and disaster after all — the new county fight of 1896 — the leaders of columbia's fight for existence. For some years after the year 1890 certain citizens lation and controlling influences in northwestern of what are commonly called the Thirteen Towns — Minnesota's business and commercial affairs. They being the thirteen Congressional townships in the denied that there was any necessity for a new county southeastern part of Polk County — had agitated and promoted the project of the formation of a new county to be composed of the townships named. The grounds assigned for the change in the composition of the original Polk County were various. Some persons said the district was too far from the county seat (Crookston) and that the people could not at tend court or transact other county business without trouble and difficulty. Others were prohibitionists, to be taken by a sort of Caesarian operation from the body of the mother organization. They also charged that the advocates of the new scheme only desired that the towns or villages in which they were interested should become county seats, or that they should become county officers. Late in 1900 the partisans of a new county in the Thirteen Towns took decided action. December 13 a petition was filed with the Secretary of State, pray- or zealous temperance advocates, and feared that the ing for the creation of the proposed new division, which was to cover the area of the Thirteen Towns and called Nelson County (in honor of Ex-Governor and then Senator Knute Nelson), with its county seat at the village of Fosston, five legal voters were also named to constitute the first board of county commis- sioners. The next day, December 14, another and sim- western part of the county would some day become so strongly "wet" that Polk County, as a whole', would allow liquor selling throughout its borders. There Avere of course other reasons which were not either strong or attractive. There was a large ele- ment in the western part of the county which favored a new county that would be "dry" and allow the old ilar petition, describing the same territory precisely, county to remain "wet." was presented and filed with the Secretary of State. Those opposed to a new county favored keeping In this petition it was proposed to call the new county Polk undivided and undisturbed, in symmetrical shape, and strong and influential as a political divi- sion, which, they argued, would be better for the whole people. The area of the county with its 3,030 square miles, was larger than either the States of Rhode Island or Delaware, with their 1,248 and 2,376 square miles, respectively, and that Polk and its big sister county. Otter Tail, might, if not dismembered or mutilated, become powerful factors in State legis- Columbia, with Mcintosh as the county seat and five other and different legal voters to constitute the board of county commissioners. More than a year later, or July 22, 1902, a third petition was presented and filed asking for a new county with identically the same territory as named in the petitions for Nelson and Columbia. It was proposed to call this county Star, and its county seat was to be at Erskine. These several petitions were duly considered by 125 126 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Governor Hon. John Lind, Secretary Peter E. Han- son, and Auditor K. C. Dunn, and December 17 the Governor issued his proclamation declaring that fact. The Governor further proclaimed that the question of the creation of the proposed new county was sub- mitted to the voters of Polk County to be voted upon at the next general election, November 4, 1902. All these proceedings were under Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1893, as amended by Chapter 124 of the Laws of 1895. Later a proposition to create the county of Valley was made and ordered voted upon. There was a very earnest and heated canvass over the new county question by the respective rivals. The newspapers of Fosston and Mcintosh conducted a spirited discussion of the question, each editor argu- ing plausibly if not convincingly for his own town. As the canvass progressed the rival villages made what they considered liberal offers to the voters. Each said that if its county with the favored name should be created, then the town would not only give the site for the public buildings but would build factories and mills which should furnish employment to many and add to the development and prosperity of the old Polk County. At the election November 4, 1902, the vote on the new county question was : For Columbia County : Yes, 1,513 ; no, 813. For Nelson County: Yes, 1,381; no, 112. For Star County : Yes, 132 ; no, 18. For Valley County : Yes, 135 ; no, 918. It seemed, on the face of the returns, that "Colum- bia County," with Mcintosh as the county seat, bad won, and great was the rejoicing in Mcintosh ! But the partisans of Fosston and "Nelson County" pro- tested that they had won the fight, and Star County had hopes; only "Valley County" was out of the running. The Nelson County forces set up the claim that under the Red Lake County decision (State ex rel. Atty. Childs vs. Comrs. Red Lake Co., 67 Minn., 352) it was entitled to be the county, since on its proposition it had received a majority vote, and more- over its petition was the first filed, preceding that of Columbia County by one day. Chief Justice Start and Associate Judge Buck had said that the law did not authorize the submission of conflicting or com- peting petitions, and that the one first legally filed was the only one that ought to be submitted to a vote, "Columbia County" stood upon the decided majority it had received, and that all its proceedings had been regular and legal, and contended tliat it made no difference whether its petition had been the second filed — or the first or the fourth — because all four propositions. The result of the vote having been canvassed and announced. Governor Van Sant, following the rule announced by the Supreme Court in the Red Lake County case, issued his proclamation declaring the proposition for the creation and organization of Co- lumbia County carried. Thereupon the County Commissioners of the new county — who were named in the petition and the proclamation, and who were Lawrence O'Neill, Henry G. Mitchell, Ingebret Larson, llalvor Off, and Olaf Stardig — met at the temporary courthouse in ilc- Intosh December 23, 1902, and organized according to the forms of law and proceeded in the usual man- ner of County Commissioners. There was great satis- faction and even jubilation among the new county's people. For years they had labored for the creation of a county all their own and now they rejoiced that they had lived until their eyes had seen the glory. SOME PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAUD. The Board chose Commissioner Mitchell as Presi- dent and Commissioner O'Neill as Clerk. The first business was the division of the county into five dis- tricts, as follows: District No. 1 was composed of the townships (or tovras*) of Garden, Winger, and Kuute and the village of Erskine. District No. 2, townships of Woodside, Grove Park, Badger, Lessor, and the village of Mentor. District No. 3, townships ' Political divisions of counties in the Eastern States are called towns; in Western and Southern States they are called townships. In the West and South a town is either a village or a small city. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 127 of Sletten, Brandsvold, King, and the village of Mc- intosh. District No. 4, townships of Johnson, Gully, Chester, Hill River, and Eden. District No. 5, town- ships of Queen, Rosebud, Columbia, and the village of Fosston. Thus the county was composed of eigh- teen Congressional and civil townships, every Con- gressional being a civil township. The Commissioners also elected a full list of county officers, who were : Auditor, Charles MeCarty ; Treasurer, F. E. Le Page ; Register of Deeds, Andrew Trovaaten ; Sheriff, Edward L. Stowe ; Judge of Pro- bate, Anton I. Solberg; Surveyor, J. E. Beime, of Fosston; Attorney, Harvey W. Stark; Clerk of the Courts, George E. Flatten ; School Superintendent, Gunstein D.Aakhus; Court Commissioner, Thomas R. Brownlee; Coroner, Dr. Archibald McBachren. At the second meeting of the Board it was announced that Geo. E. Flatten, who had been chosen Court's Clerk, had failed and refused to qualify for the posi- tion, and Charles Hanson was elected in his stead. The annual salaries were fixed at a subsequent meet- ing and the County Auditor was to receive $1,200, the Treasurer $360, the County Attorney $1,200, the Judge of Probate $825, and the Superintendent of Schools $10 per district. At the first meeting, December 23, it was announced that Attorney General Douglas had brought an action in the name of the State, which would bring up and determine the legality of Columbia County. The case was entitled ' ' the State of Minnesota on the relation of Wallace B. Douglas vs. Ingebret Larson." When the votes were canvassed at St. Paul, the Attorney General had said that, as to the election over the new county proposition Columbia County had won over Nelson and the other counties. But he said he was not certain as to the validity of the law under which the election was held, because it permitted four prop- ositions to be submitted to the individual voter, who, however, was restricted to voting only upon one. In his formal opinion he said, among other things, that to deprive the voter from voting upon each of the propositions submitted, where there is no question but that he has the right to have his vote counted and given force and effect, "seems to me," he said, "to be beyond the power of the Legislature." A fort- night or so later, he brought the action to test the law. He named Mr. Larson and the other Commis- sioners who alleged themselves to be officials of Col- umbia County and sought to have them ousted as one having no official authority. The Board granted the County Attorney assistance in defending the case, and Columbia's lawyers were County Attorney Stark, Gideon S. Ives, of St. Peter, and A. A. Miller, of Crookston. Representing the State were De Forest Bueklin, Martin O'Brien, J. H. Hendricks, and the strong St. Paul firm of Childs, Edgerton & Wick- wire. The writ of quo warrants were served on the Board January 6. But until the election was declared invalid, and "Columbia County" declared to have never legally existed, the County Board went ahead with its as- sumed duties. A transcript of its records* shows that on December 30 the Commissioners conferred with the Mcintosh Village Council in regard to providing a suitable room or rooms to be used as a sort of tem- porary court house, and that Chas. L. Conger, the President of the Council, agreed to have partitions put up in the village hall and the building wired for electric lights in order to accommodate the Board and the public business. Later the Council proposed to lease the city hall to the Commissioners for the use of the several county officers; to build a good and substantial vault, of sufficient size and security, in which to keep all records of the county, and to fur- nish a hall room for court purposes. The propositions were accepted and the County Attorney was in- structed to procure a lease from the proper village officials. Among other proceedings of the Board were the letting of contracts for the public printing for 1903 to the Mcintosh Times and the Thirteen Towns ; the owners and conductors of these papers — respectively, * Kindly furnished for this history by Chas. L. Conger, Esq., of Mcintosh. 128 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Charles T. Lauman and Arthur W. Foss— were to publish the county financial statement, delinquent tax list, Commissioners' proceedings and other official notices, and to do the job printing. The First National Bank of Mcintosh, the Citizens' Bank of Mcintosh, and the Bank of Mentor were des- ignated the official depositories of the county. Geo. D. Barnard & Company agreed to furnish the county a $600 steel vault for the preservation of the public records. This company had already agreed to do $1,975 worth of printing for the county, and now the steel vault M'as to cost $600 more. But how it turned out that Barnard & Co. were the victims of misplaced confidence, and never received a cent for their con- tract, Avill be explained on another page. BUSINESS DONE REGULARLY AND IN ORDER. The officials of Cook County upon appointment im- mediately organized their respective offices and be- gan the transaction of appropriate business. The Register of Deeds began transcribing the records at Crookston so far as they pertained to Columbia County, and new deeds, mortgages, and other trans- fers were recorded as fast as ofllered. The Polk County officials relinquished all claim to any deeds or mortgages sent to the Register of Deeds of that county and sent them to the proper officers of Colum- bia County. The Clerk of the Courts transcribed from the Polk County records all judgments recorded therein which affected lands in Columbia County and recorded them in the latter county's books. Ilis of- fice at Mcintosh was open every day. The County Treasurer received all fees and pay- ments due to Columbia County and deposited all sums in the county's name. At the spring election of 1903 a full complement of justices of the peace and constables was elected and they filed their official bonds with the Columbia officers; bills from justices' courts were duly allowed by the Columbia authorities. All former Polk County notaries residing within Col- umbia were re-appointed in the new county. The Judge of Probate committed a number of per- sons to the insane asylum and the bills for their trans- portation were audited and paid. He also probated a number of estates. His office, too, was open every day. In the Clerk of Court's office Joseph Ekstadt, Mrs. Samuel Hanson, and Guro Anderson, aliens, made their proper declarations to become U. S. citizens. The following named couples were licensed to marry : Lars Enguster and Ingeborg R. 0])pegaard. both of Mcintosh; Carl A. Johnson and Anna Sophia John- son, both of Gully ;01af Axel Engdahl,of Park Rapids, and Abigail M. Olsen, of Mcintosh ; Ingval E. Solberg, of Winsor, and Florence Coon, of Mcintosh; Johu N. Sanden and Anna W. Ahman, both of Mcintosh ; Thomas Oystad, of Winnipeg, Man., and Inga Ander- son, of Fosston ; Ole Kamplien, of Gossen, and Emma Josephine Faylestda, of Fosston; Ole Jlykleby and Krestene Lokken. Thus tlie county of Columbia, while it existed, was a de facto county and as such was recognized by the State and sister couuty authorities. A subsequent Legislature passed a sjiecial act legalizing all the acts of the de facto officials of the county, thus preventing much confusion and embarrassment. DEFEAT AND DISASTER AFTER ALL. But all the while officials and common citizens were apprehensive and uneasy. The result of the Attorney General's action to have the proceedings, the elec- tion, etc., leading to the county's organization de- clared illegal was uncertain. There were devout wishes that the Supreme Court would decide in favor of Columbia, and there were fond hopes in certain quarters — yet there were many doubts and misgiv- ings. At last, on April 16 (1903) the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the Attorney General against Larsen and Others case, and that decision was that the pretended organization was invalid and of no effect and its pretended officials were ousted from the offices which they claimed to hold. In brief, the Court's decision was (and it is still the law) that COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 129 under Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1893, but one propo- sition for creating a new county involving the same territory can be submitted at the same election. In Columbia County's case there had been four proposi- tions at the same election. It was also decided that the first petition presented to the State officials for the organization of a new county must be given pri- ority by them in deciding which petition should be acted upon in calling an election. The late Judge Loren W. Collins, who wrote the opinion of the Court, declared : "It is impossible to believe that the Legislature intended by the act to permit and authorize an un- limited number of petitions to be filed for one county — that is to say, several petitions describing the same territory. * * • With three petitions, each de- scribing the same territory, there could be but one inuin proposition to be submitted, namely, the crea- tion of one new county, and but one. The petition first filed complied in form with the statute and de- manded that the creation of certain described terri- tory into a new county be submitted to the electors of Polk County. The subsequently filed petitions were mere repetitions as to this essential question, and invalid." (Italics Compiler's.) For the full de- cision, see Vol. 89 of the Minnesota Reports, pp. 123- 131. The Revised Laws of 1905 changed the wording of the law to conform to the decision. THE "new county" FIGHT OF 1896. In the contest before the Supreme Court in 1905 Columbia County's attorneys relied upon a former decision of the Court in 1896, in what is known as the Red Lake County case. The main facts in that case were these: May 8, 1896, four petitions for the organization and location of four new counties, to be formed out of a portion of Polk County, were filed with the Secretary of State. These proposed counties were to be called respectively "Nelson," for Hon. Knute Nelson; ' ' Hill, ' ' for James J. Hill ; " Garfield, ' ' for the former President; "Red Lake," for the lake itself. The propositions for the creation of these counties were not inconsistent or competing, because no territory included in any one of the proposed counties was in- cluded in any one or more of the other. In the Co- lumbia County case of 1903 the territory was the same in each of the proposed counties. July 14, 1896, two other petitions were filed for the creation of two more new counties out of Polk County, to be called "Mills County," for Hon. Ira B. Mills, and "Columbia County," for the "Gem of the Ocean." Each of these two propositions were com- peting ones with the previous Red Lake and Nelson. Columbia competed with Garfield, each having part of the other's territory. More than half of the pro- posed Red Lake and pai-t of Nelson were included in ilills. A part of Red Lake was also included in Col- umbia, and Columbia included part of Garfield. At the general election of 1896 the propositions were voted upon and the vote resulted : Nelson County : For creation, 765 ; against, 1,050. Garfield County : For creation, 603 ; against, 608. Hill County : For creation, 553 ; against, 1,574. Red Lake County : For creation, 992 ; against, 449. Mills County: For creation, 334; against, 56. Columbia County : For creation, 575, against, 107. The Governor proclaimed that, as a result of the election, the proposition for the creation of Red Lake County had been adopted. In a case brought by At- torney General Childs against the Commissioners and other officials of Red Lake County the Supreme Court sustained the Governor's proclamation and the crea- tion. It decided that, "an elector may sign two or more non-competing petitions for the creation of new counties, but that only one of the competing propositions can be adopted at the same election, and to secure this result it must receive a majority of all the votes cast thereon, and also a plurality of the votes cast on the propositions with which it is com- peting." (State ex rel. Childs vs. Comrs., 67 Minn., pp. 352-360.) A comparison of the two decisions is both instructive and interesting. THE LEADERS OF COLUMBIA 's FIGHT FOR EXISTENCE. The prominent men of Mcintosh who fought for and led the movement to organize Columbia County were John P. Johnson, who is considered to have been 130 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY the leader, and his principal lieutenants were C. T. Lanman, of the Mcintosh Times ; Dr. Archibald Mc- Eachren, Charles L. Conger, S. H. Drew, 0. E. Sto- vern, Anton Jensen, W. G. Hunt, and C. F. Page. These men started and led the movement originally. In the contest of 1902 the leading fighters were Johnson, Lanman, Conger, Drew, Jensen, and Hunt, and they were re-enforced by Thomas Lawrence, Wells S. Short, Paul W. Carpenter, E. A. Webster, Andrew Trovaaten, T. N. J. Reese, John L. Ilagen, Thomas R. Brownlee, and Leslie Shadduck. A prominent former Columbia County partisan, who has furnished much information for this article, writes the compiler on the subject and says: "The separation of the Thirteen Towns from Polk County and the creation of Columbia could yet be made at any general election were it possible for the villages of Fosston, Mcintosh, and Erskine to agree upon a county seat. But as each village will vote against any proposition that will locate the county seat in any other village, all hope of dividing the county has been abandoned. The only loser of a claim for money against Colum- bia is Barnard & Co., the St. Louis printers, who furnished the blank books and other stationery, amounting to over $2, .500. When Columbia County vanished they brought suit against Polk County as "the successor" of Columbia. But Polk County de- nied that it was anybody's "successor." It declared it had no sort of responsibility for Barnard & Co.'s claim, and eventually the Supreme Court (98 Minn., p. 289) sustained this county's contention. The Court's decision declared that when the attempt to create a new county out of the territory of an ex- isting county results in a de facto county, which is subsequently dissolved the original county is not liable for debts contracted by the de facto count}'. The old county is not the successor of the de facto county. o ~z C - < PS -. c -• E- - < c s t^ — O £ CHAPTER XVI. THE BANKING INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY. SKETCHES OP SOME OF THE IMPORTANT AND TYPICAL BANKS OP POLK COUNTY CROOKSTON STATE BANK THE PIRST NATIONAL BANK OP M'INTOSH THE PIRST NATIONAL BANK OP CROOKSTON — POLK COUNTY STATE BANK — SCANDIA AMERICAN BANK, CROOKSTON — FIRST STATE BANK OF FERTILE FIRST STATE BANK OF EAST GRAND FORKS — STATE BANK OF ELDRED THE STATE BANK OF ERSKINE FARMERS STATE BANK OF WINGER — FIRST STATE BANK OF MENTOR CITIZENS STATE BANK OF FERTILE FARMERS STATE BANK OF FERTILE — FIRST NA- TIONAL BANK OP EAST GRAND FORKS STATE BANK OF FISHER FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY FIRST STATE BANK OP BELTRAMI. CROOKSTON STATE BANK. The Crookston State Bank is one of the important financial institutions of the county and was organized May 1, 1909. It had operated for a number of years as a private bank, having been incorpoi-ated as such, May 1, 1902, with a capital of $20,000. L. E. Jones was elected president, J. A. Northrop, vice president and L. D. Foskett, cashier. E. S. Ellsworth was also interested in the enterprise. Upon its re-organization into the Crookston State Bank, the capital stock was increased to $40,000 and J. A. Northrop chosen presi- dent with S. C. Johnson as vice president and Mr. Foskett retained as cashier. These officers with E. A. Mills and L. Sargent are the directors of the bank. This institution is justly popular in all its business relations and all its interests have been attended with steady prosperity. It is widely known in the north- west, its activities being identified with the associate banks, the Farmers State Bank at Fosston ; the Secur- ity State Bank of Borup, Minn., the Ulen State Bank at Ulen, Minn., and Ellsworth & Jones at Iowa Falls, Iowa. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF M 'iNTOSH. The Fii>st National Bank of Mcintosh was founded on January 1, 1903, and was the outgrowth of the State Bank of Mcintosh, which had succeeded the old Bank of Mcintosh, which was founded in 1889 and was owned by James and Sol. H. Drew, and who continued in the banking business until 1901. The First National Bank has a capital stock of $25,000, with a surplus of $5,000, undivided profits of $6,000 and deposits of $200,000. The bank building is a beautiful pressed brick, 23x52, with offices in second story. Present officers are : C. M. Berg, president ; K. K. Hofford, vice president, and Geo. A. Beito, cashier. The majority of the stock is owned by the people of Mcintosh. The bank is modern with safety boxes, vaults, etc. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CROOKSTON. The First National Bank, of Crookston, is one of the oldest and best known financial institutions in northern Minnesota and during the many years of its successful and extensive transactions, has been instrumental in promoting the development of this region. The bank was founded in 1881, with a cap- ital stock of $50,000. The directors were, Ansell Bates, William Anglin, Conrad Utzimer, Morris Brown, J. I. Case and R. H. Baker. Mr. Baker was made the first president, Morris Brown, vice president and Ansell Bates, cashier, serving in that position 131 132 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY for a number of years. George Q. Erskine succeeded Mr. Baker as president with K. D. Chase as vice presidcut and in 1883 the capital stock was doubled. In 1895 Jerome W. Wheeler became cashier of the bank and has continued to be prominently identified with the administrations of its affairs and in 1905 was made president. The capital stock was reduced from $100,000 to $75,000, which is the present capital, with a surplus of .$50,000 and deposits exceeding one mil- lion dollars. It is an institution whose substantial prosperity has been founded upon capable manage- ment and the natural resources of the country and has advanced steadily with the latter 's growth and devel- opment. The present directors are-. J. W. "Wheeler, Edmund M. Walsh, John R. ]\IcKinnon, Samuel A. Wallace, Ole 0. Christianson, Harry L. Marsh and Sam A. Erickson. Mr. Wheeler continues as presi- dent and Edmund M. Walsh, vice president, Harry L. Marsh, vice president. C. F. Mix holds the office of cashier with Sam A. Erickson as assistant cashier. POLK COUNTY STATE BANK. The Polk County State Bank, of Crookston, is one of the leading banking institutions of the county and since its first business transactions on September 2, 1913, has met with unusual success and wide favor among the depositors of the county and in the finan- cial world. The bank was organized August 27, 1913, with a capital stock of $40,000 and a surplus of $10,000. Peter M. Ringdal was elected president, L. W. Larson, vice president, G. 0. Hage, cashier, and these officers with G. A. Anbal and Henry O'Neil formed the board of directors. These men continue to direct the affairs of the bank which under their capable management has rapidly won its way to a substantial and prominent position in the banking circles of northern Minnesota. SCANDIA AMERICAN BANK, CROOKSTON. This bank was organized in the summer and fall of 1887, and opened its doors for business on the first day of December, 1887, at the corner of Robert and Main Streets, in what was then the new McKinnon Block, with the following officers: Carl Hendrick- son, of Grafton, North Dakota, president ; G. M. Bar- ber, of Crookston, vice president; A. G. Gallasch, of Crookston, cashier, and L. Ellington, of Crookston, assistant cashier. The paid in capital of the bank was $40,000. The bank continued in busness at this location until about three years ago when it purchased the building upon the opposite corner and remodeled the same and moved into it, where it has since continued business. The personnel of the Board of Directors and of the officers changed but slightly for several years. The only one of the original officers who now has any con- nection with the bank is Mr. L. Ellington who has always been connected with the bank in some official capacity from its organization to the present time. Carl Hendrickson, the original president, continued with the bank until the year 1904. At this time a controlling interest in the bank was purchased by the firm of Miller & Foote, at which time Mr. J. P. Foote became president of the bank and Mr. Ellington cashier. Under the new arrangement the bank was conducted for six years at which time Messrs. Miller & Foote sold their stock to Mr. L. Ellington who thereupon became president of the bank, with II. D. Reed, now of Comfrey, Minnesota, as cashier. In February, 1913, Miller & Foote again purchased a controlling interest in the stock and the official board was reorganized with J. P. Foote as president, H. Steenerson, vice president; C. C. Strander, vice president; Oscar Fredericks, cashier; George F. Van Pelt and H. H. Clapp, assistant cashiers, which or- ganization continues at the present time. The business of the bank has steadily grown from the time of its organization until the present time. The statement of its resources and liabilities as re- turned to the Superintendent of Banks on November 10, 1915, is as follows : COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 133 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $534,205.23 Overdrafts 905.40 Bonds and securities 4,000.00 Banking house 15,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 9,055.20 Other real estate 34,450.90 Cash and due from banks 205,765.07 $803,381.80 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided profits 4,238.17 Deposits 739,143.63 $803,381.80 The present Board of Directors is as follows : J. P. Foote, president; A. A. Miller, attorney; H. Holte, physician and surgeon ; L. Ellington, city clerk ; Charles Loring, attorney; C. C. Strander, president Strander Abstract & Investment Co. ; J. H. Ruettell, president Ruettell Clothing Co. ; H. Steenerson, mem- ber of Congress; R. C. Ruettell, manager Ruettell Clothing Co. FIRST STATE BANK OF FERTILE. Tlie First State Bank of Fertile was the first bank establi.shed in that locality and has ever furnished the sound financial backing and co-operation which has so materially advanced the growth of Fertile and the surrounding territory to one of the most progressive and prosperous centers in Polk County. It was or- ganized in 1887, the first year of Fertile 's existence, as a private bank, owned by W. H. Matthews, E. L. Matthews and Frank P. S. Miller, who comprised the firm of Matthews & Company, and Norman Hanson. Re-organization as a State bank was eflPeeted in 1892 and the capitalization increased from $10,000 to $25,- 000, with W. H. Matthews, president, Otto Kankel, vice president and Mr. Hanson continued in the posi- tion of cashier, which office he had held from the initial movement of organization. After nine .years' operations under this incorporation, the bank was changed to the First National and six years later, in 1907, again became a state bank and has since con- tinued as the First State Bank of Fertile. No change in the capital was made and a surplus of $7,500 was set aside. The same officers remained in charge until 1912 when Norman Hanson, after twenty-five years' able service as cashier, became president and the for- mer president, W. H. Matthews, who is now a resi- dent of Spokane, Wash., was made vice president. Two years later Mr. Hanson bought out the interests of Matthews & Company and secured controlling interest, owning one hundred and fifty-eight of the two hun- dred and fifty shares of bank stock. All the stock is owned by local shareholdei's. In June, 1915, the pros- perous conditions of that section advanced the com- bined deposits of the three banks of Fertile to $650,- 000, an increase of $60,000 in three months and $25,000 of that amount was placed with the First State Bank. The bank operates with a cash reserve fund of $30,000 and has loans of $240,000. The officers are Norman Hanson, president ; Brown Duck- stad, vice president; and Elmer B. Hanson, cashier, and these with C. F. Kankel, Nels Vasenden, Odd Eide and George Kronschnabel comprise the board of di- rectors. The bank was housed for twenty years in the two-story brick building which had replaced the original frame structure in 1894, but in 1914 was moved into its present sumptuous quarters in the splendidly equipped building erected for its use. This is furaished with every thought for the convenience of patrons and the facility of banking operations, be- sides appealing, in its inch appointments, to the ad- mirer of architectural considerations. Statement of the condition of First State Bank of Fertile at the close of business December 31, 1915 : RESOURCES. Loans $213,467.92 Bonds, etc 8,235.57 Banking house 7,500.00 Furniture and fixtures 3,500.00 Overdrafts 166.44 Cash and due from banks 84,827.16 Total $317,697.09 134 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY LIABILITIES. former of Climax, Polk County. The bauk was started Capital $ 25,000.00 as a private institution with a capital of $10,000 and Surplus, earned 5,000.00 oi „ m, i • nr m Undivided profits 5;848.57 ^^''' Thompson as cashier. Mr. Thompson gave way (Now, Jan. 26, $7,500.00) iu August, 1908, to T. E. Johnson, who has served as Deposits 281,848.52 cashier of the bank ever since. Other banks belong- Xotal $317 697 09 ^"^ to Messrs. Rosholt and Larson are located at Hal- sted. Climax and Neilsville. Directors: Norman Hanson, B. Duckstad, Nels The banking house used by the bank was erected Vasenden, C. F. Kankel, Geo. Kronschnabel, Odd jq 1908. Deposits in the institution now (1916) ag- Eide, E. B. Hanson. gregate $86,000. Its loans total $85,000, and its sur- plus is $2,500. These sums are steadilv increasing and FIRST STATE BANK OF EAST GRAND FORKS. ,. . dividends are paid regularly and promptly by the The First State Bank of East Grand Forks is one bank, which is one of the progressive and enterprising of the most aggressive and efficient financial institu- ones of its rank in this part of the country, and is tions in Polk County and thoroughly identified with continuously strengthening its resources, augmenting the development of the resources of the region and the its business in volume and intensifying its hold on the prosperity of the community. This bank was organ- confidence and regard of the public throughout the ized in 1906 by N. J. Nelson, who has since directed territory subject to its operations. its affairs as cashier, with a policv which extends most rp. u 1 i, 4. 1 i •*! ^ -i. ' ^ * The bank has not, however, been without its expen- liberal acconnnodations to local enterprise, which with ^^^^^ j,^ ^^.^^,^j^ 0,^ 0^^^^^^. 33, if,n, its safe was well known financial responsibility has won the con- dynamited and robbed of $1,400, but the loss was fully fidence of its patrons and a wide popularity. The j v • m, 4. 4.1, 1 j « 4.1 ' 1- r- .' covered by insurance. The men at the head of the bank is capitalized at $25,000 with a surplus and un- , , j n/r t 1 ^1 1 ■ *. ' ' ' bank and Mr. Johnson, the cashier, are enterprising divided profits of $12,000 and its deposits are ap- , • 1 • * i ■ i 1 1 j _ ' ^ ^ and progressive business men 01 high rank and demon- proaehiug the half million mark. The men associated . ^ , i-i-^ i *i • v 4-*i xi, • * n '^ ° strafed ability, and their merit entitles them in full with its management as officers are C. J. Loggren, pres- ^ .1 \ ■ .11 o °° > ^ measure to the business success they have won tor ident ; Frank J. Zeidlik and H. A. Bronson, vice pres- ^1 • • *•* *■ t*. • j ^ .. u 1 ■' ' f their institution. It was reorganized as a state bank idents; N. J. Nelson, cashier and Paul Johnson, as- ^^^^^ -^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ sistant cashier. The board of directors comprise the first four named above with J. W. Wheeler, C. M. the state bank of erskine. Sprague and F. W. Sprague. The bank is located in a fine building equipped with every modern facility ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^'^^^ institution has been one of the for efficient banking and which stands as a credit to financial bulwarks and sources of strength and con- civic pride as well as to the enterprise of the bank ^'enience to the village of Erskine and the several directors. townships of Polk County lying around it. The bank was organized and started on its useful and prosperous state bank t)F ELDRED. • ii 4. 1 TT 1 c. TJ- T HT 1 career in that year by Halvor Sfeenerson, H. L. Mel- This sound and flourishing financial institution, gaard, Carl Hendrickson, and Louis Ellington, and which was the first regularly organized banking house A. F. Cronquist was chosen cashier. It was a private in the town of Eldred, this county, was founded on institution until 1903, when it was incorporated as February 29, 1908, by Messrs. Rosholt & Larson, the a state bank under its present name with a capital latter of whom is now a resident of Ilalsted and the stock of $10,000, Louis Ellington as president, Halvor COMPENDIUM OF HISTOKY AND BIOGEAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Steenerson as vice president and A. F. Cronquist as cashier. The history of the bank wa^the same as that of many similar institutions — a stea9y^growth of busi- ness, an increasing hold on public confidence and re- gard, and a firm standing in financial and banking circles — until December, 1912, when some forty-six merchants and farmers bought it. The surplus at that time amounted to $3,000 and the deposits to $140,000. Under its new ownership A. D. Stephens was chosen president, Gilbert K. Espeseth vice presi- dent and Theodore Nelson cashier. He had been the assistant cashier of the bank for ten years. The other directors are John Clementson, A. J. Haugen and 0. T. Rovang, all farmers living near Erskine. Mr. Stephens has since been succeeded as president by G. K. Es- peseth and T. K. Berg chosen vice president, but none of the other officials have been changed since the pur- chase was made. The surplus of the bank at the time of this writing (October, 1915) is increased to $5,000, and the de- posits have increased to $210,000. In 1903 the fine modern building in which the bank now conducts its business was erected. The bank makes loans, does insurance and carries on all other departments of banking according to the most approved present-day methods, and is one of the soundest and best managed institutions of its rank in the Northwest. FARMERS STATE BANK OF VflNGER. This popular financial institution, which is render- ing great and appreciated service to the community, was founded September 1, 1904, as the First State Bank of "Winger, with a capital stock of $10,000, A. N. Eckman as president and Gilbert Bratland as cashier. In 1908 Messrs. Simons & Bourdon became the own- ers but continued under the old name and with only minor changes in its management until May, 1912, L. C. Simons being the president, Chas. N. Bourdon, vice president, and Edward Randklev, cashier. May 27, 1912, the bank was purchased by local men, some fifty-five of them, nearly all farmers, becoming stockholders. They elected J. 0. Hovland president, H. A. Loitten vice president, and A. I. Solberg cashier, and in December following the name was changed to the Farmers State Bank of Winger, the capital stock being increased to $12,500. At that time the bank had a surplus of $2,500 and deposits amounting to $50,000. At the present time (1915) the officers and the capital stock are the same as in 1912, the surplus is $3,500 and the deposits are $150,000. Loans and discounts amount to $140,000. The bank building was erected in 1905. FIRST STATE BANK OP MENTOR. The First State Bank of Mentor was established in 1901, as a private bank, by A. D. Stephens and Joseph Tagley and operated as such until 1908, when it was incorporated as the First State Bank of Mentor, with a capital of $10,000. The president, A. D. Stephens, Joseph Tagley as cashier, M. Tagley, vice president, and Nels Paulsberg, assistant cashier, the first three comprise the board of directors and are the owners of the stock. Mr. Tagley, in the capacity of cashier, has directed the management of the bank in its pros- perous activities as the financial center of business enterprise in Mentor. The present capitalization of the bank is the original amount, with a surplus of $2,000 and deposits of about ninety thousand dollars. Aside from general banking interests, the State Bank maintains a real estate agency and deals in insurance. The brick structure which it occupies was erected in 1901 and is equipped with modern banking facilities. CITIZENS STATE BANK OP FERTILE. The Citizens State Bank of Fertile, one of the most prosperous banking institutions of northwestern Min- nesota, was organized on December 7, 1904, as the successor of the Citizens National Bank, which, in turn had succeeded the Citizens Bank in 1901. The latter corporation had been effected in 1897 by Lewis Lar- son, of Britt, Iowa, M. B. Dahlquist, and B. E. Dahl- quist of Forest City, Iowa, Louis Ellington, of Crooks- ton and M. J. Pihl, of "Wells, Minn., and these men 136 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY continued tlieir association with the institution upon its reorganization into a National bank, merging their interests with several others. The Citizens National was incorporated with a capital of $25,000 and Lewis Larson became president of the board of directors, Mr. Ellington and Mr. Pihl, vice presidents and Mr. M. B. Dahlquist, cashier, and B. E. Dahlquist assist- ant cashier. In 1901 K. J. Taralseth and 0. H. Taral- scth, of Warren, Minn., Mr. Ellington, and Ed Mosse- fin and A. P. Hanson, of Fertile, took over all the assets and the l)uilding of the Citizens National and organized the Citizens State Bank, with a capital of $15,000. The able direction of its affairs, which has resulted in unusual benefit to the stockholders and a wide popularity in financial circles, has been under the management of Jlr. Mossefin and Mr. Hanson, as resident stockholders and officers. Mr. Mossefin be- came president of the bank in 1911 and Mr. Hanson has served as cashier from the start. 0. II. Taralseth is the present vice president. The bank's interests are housed in a fine modern brick building of two stories, which was erected in 1901 and is splendidly furnished with all modern conveniences, including reinforced concrete vaults and safety deposit boxes for individual use. The second floor is utilized for office room. The bank engages in general banking business, making loans on real estate and also are writers for several lines of fire and cyclone insurance. The substantial condition of its affairs appears in the recent statement is-sued of a surplus and undivided profits of $9,000 and deposits of $180,000. FARMERS STATE BANK OF FERTILE. The Farmers State Bank of Fertile was organized September 6, 1912, through the co-operation of a num- ber of prominent business men and farmers and has enjoyed a steady prosperity in all its activities, con- tributing notably to the accommodations afforded by the splendid financial institutions of Polk County. The men who were associated in the establishment of the bank and who composed the first board of direct- ors were James F. Hanson, Martin G. Peterson, An- ders 0. Morvig, Ole H. Vidden, Nels Clementsen, Albert 0. Gullickson, E. G. 0. Hoglund, A. L. Hov- land and Hans Paulsrud. The latter, who had been the assistant cashier in the First State Bank for a number of years, was made cashier of the new bank and in that position has continued to capably direct its affairs. The bank was incorporated with a capital of $25,000, with James F. Hanson as president and Nels Clementsen, vice president. In 1913 the present fine modern banking building was erected and excel- l(>nt fixtures installed, making it a worthy addition to the busiues-s district of Fertile. The stock in this corporation is owned by the above-mentioned direct- ors, which is the present executive body with the exception of Andrew Hoffe who has been elected in place of E. G. Ilogluud and Andrew Peterson, in place of James F. Hanson, and some ninetj' share- holders, most of whom are local farmei-a. Nels Clementsen has succeeded Mr. Hanson as president and Albert 0. Gullickson is vice president, with Mr. Paulsrud retaining his position as cashier, with Ole Lutnes as assistant. The latest statement issued by the bank reports a surplus of $5,000, with the original capital of $25,000, deposits aggregating $2.'^2,000 and loans of .$210,000. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF EAST GRAND FORKS. The First National Bank of East Grand Forks, an important banking house of which Polk County is justly proud, has been materially identified in all its activities with home industries and development, its record of noteworthy prosperity having advanced steadily with the growth of the country. It was or- ganized in 1890 as the Bank of East Grand Forks with a capital of $25,000 and its first officers were William Busge, president; Alex Griggs, vice presi- dent; and E. R. Jacobi, cashier. In the following year reorganization into a national bank was effected and the capital stock doubled. Alex Griggs was made pres- ident of the board of directors, E. R. Jacobi, vice president, and W. H. Pringle, cashier. The other members of the board were Ole Lukkason, C. Madson, COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 137 B. A. Griggs, Paul Hagen and Robert Jarvis. The excellently equipped and modern banking building which houses its interests was erected in 1893 at the cost of $15,000 and aside from the commodious quar- ters provided the bank, furnishes office space in the basement and second story. The present board of directors was elected in 1905, with E. Arneson as pres- ident, J. R. Johnson, vice president, and G. R. Jacobi, cashier and the other members, J. H. McNicol and August Nelson. The stockholders of this institution include many of the influential citizens of East Grand Forks, men whose successful careers have been identi- fied with the interests of the community and its policy of administration has always rendered it a strong financial support to local enterprise. During the twenty-three years of its operations this bank has not foreclosed a mortgage and pays four per cent interest on savings deposits, a record which is loyally rewarded by the extensive patronage extended it by the farmers and business men of the district and which is one of the ways in which its management has demonstrated its keen interest in the development of the farming community tributary to East Grand Forks. The First National is a member of the Federal Reserve Banks and is allied with the important banking activities of the country, selling drafts payable in all the principal cities of the world. Its present substantial standing is attested to with deposits of some three hundred and fifty thousand dollars and surplus of $10,000. Condensed report of the condition of the First National Bank, East Grand Forks, Minnesota, at close of business, November 10, 1915 : RESOURCES. Loans $303,419.89 Overdrafts 2,219.68 U. S. Bonds 37,500.00 Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 1,800.00 Real estate 24,800.00 Banking house 14,500.00 Redemption fund 1,875.00 Cash 149!602.87 LIABILITIES. Capital $ 50,000.00 Surplus and profits 10,906.36 Circulation 37,500.00 Deposits 437,311.08 Total $535,717.44 Total $535,717.44 They pay 4 per cent on savings, 4 per cent for six months and 5 per cent for twelve months on time cer- tificates. E. Arneson, president; J. R. Johnson, vice president ; G. R. Jacobi, cashier. STATE BANK OP FISHER. The State Bank of Fisher is one of the pioneer banking institutions of that region and has been iden- tified for many years with the prosperity and the more substantial progress in Polk County, the history of its activities being marked with notable success and able management and a large and steadily increasing patronage among the citizens of that district. The bank was first organized as a private bank, in 1879, by Hugh Thompson and Frank DeMers. Subse- quently Marcus Johnson bought out the interests of the other stockholders and he has continued to main- tain a prominent and active interest in the bank. In 1896 after the unfortunate death of the cashier, Mar- tin Sanaker, by suicide, the bank was reorganized as a State bank, with a capital of $10,000. Gunder Kros- tue was made president and Marcus Johnson and S. Torrison were the stockholders and directors. The first cashier of the new state bank was Ed Kingsland, who served in that capacity until his removal west, when he was succeeded by Andrew 0. Stortroen, the present occupant of the position, who is also a stock- holder and a member of the board of directors. Upon the death of Mr. Krostue in 1912, Marcus Johnson succeeded to the office of president and has since capably directed the administration of its affairs, which include the many interests accruing to the $200,- 000 of deposits and loans of some one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The bank occupies the build- ing which was erected for its use in 1879. 138 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. The Farmers Mutual Insurauee Company, with office at Fertile, is one of the co-operative enterprises of this section which attests to the enterprise of its citizens and has proved of benefit to local interests. The company has met with an extensive patronage in Polk and Norman Counties, the territory cov- ered by its operations, and has over nine hundred policy holders with $1,677,629 insurance in force. Through the disinterested service of the men who have been identified with the organization as officers, the expense of operation has always been small, a fact which has contributed to the rapid growth and prosperity of the company. It was incorporated in 1891 by 0. P. Renne, Hans Juelsou, T. II. Nesseth and Martin G. Peterson. The articles of incorporation were drafted by Mr. Peterson, who has been active in the direction of company 's affairs as treasurer and secretary. FIRST. STATE BANK OF BELTRAMI. The First State Bank of Beltrami, one of the most substantial banking houses in the county, was organ- ized in 1905, as the successor of the Bank of Beltrami, a private bank which had been in operation since 1901, when it was established by William Mathews, with D. E. Fulton as cashier. In 1903 C. C. Heath and H. H. Reed became the owners and continued for two years when it was organized as a State bank with a capital of $10,000. J. W. Wheeler, president ; E. M. Walsh, vice president ; and C. C. Heath, cashier, com- posed the first board of directors, which was replaced in 1914 by the present board, with J. W. Wheeler as president, C. C. Heath, first vice president, E. M. Walsh, second vice president, and T. 0. Hafdahl, cash- ier, with II. A. Wilson as assistant. This bank ranks high among the financial institutions of northern Min- nesota and handles an important share of Polk County business. It occupies one of the most handsome and finely appointed country bank buildings in the county, a brick structure, equipped with modern banking con- veniences, with time-locked vaults and safes, which was erected in 1914 at an expenditure of $10,000. The bank receives deposits amounting to $160,000 and car- ries a surplus of $5,000 and undivided profits, $4,000. The man most thorougldy identified with prosperous transactions of this institution is C. C. Heath, who has directed its management as owner, cashier and vice president during the last twelve years. Mr. Heath came to Beltrami in 1903, when he became an owner of the bank and is widely known in financial circles through the eminent success of his able and enterprising career and enjoys the respect and confi- dence of his associates, who are among the leading financiers of northern Minnesota. Mr. Heath is that tj'pe of aggressive and broad-minded citizen, whose influence and efiforts extend beyond his private inter- ests to the public progress and the prosperity of the commonwealth. Another flourishing enterprise of ex- tensive operations with which he is prominently asso- ciated as organizer, president and manager is the Heath Investment Company, a corporation organized in 1914, with a capitalization of $50,000, which en- gages in the buying and selling of real estate and com- mercial interests and owns and operates some three thousand acres of farm land near Beltrami. J. W. Wheeler and E. M. Walsh are associated with him in this successful activity also, Mr. Wheeler being vice president and Mr. Walsh, secretary. Mr. Heath is a native of Delaware County, Indiana. BIOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT HON. WILLIAM WATTS. The subject of this sketch has been judge of the District Court for the last seventeen years, having been elected to that position in 1898 and twice since that time without opposition. He ranks among tlie ablest of the district judges in Minnesota. Before becoming judge he was county attorney of Polk county, city attorney of Crookston, a member of its city council twelve years, member of the school boai-d and referee in bankruptcy. He was born June 9, 1850, in Stanley, Huron county, Ontario. His father ■was Matthew Watts, a native of Yorkshire, England, who came to Canada in 1842 and his mother, Hannah (Simpson) Watts of Cumberlandshire, England, who came in 1832 at the age of six years. They settled in the backwoods near the shore of Lake Huron in 1848, enduring the hardships of pioneers who make farms from heavily timbered lands with their own hands, and there they are buried, the father dying in 1854 at the age of thirty-four years and his wife in 1912 at the age of eighty-six. Judge Watts received his education in the common schools and worked at farming, lumbering and teach- ing school in Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin and Min- nesota until 1875 when he entered the law department of the University of Michigan, graduating therefrom in 1877 with the degree of bachelor of laws, and was admitted to the bar of Michigan. He came to Crooks- ton in January, 1878, and has lived there contin- uously since that time, making him the first lawyer now living to locate in what is now the Fourteenth Judicial District of Minnesota. He soon became a good trial lawyer and had a fair share of the law business of the region tributary to Crookston while at the bar and has also done considerable farming in the Red River valley. Judge Watts was united in marriage with Edith E. Webb whose father. Rice Webb was one of the pio- neers of Polk county and who is a descendant of John Alden and Priscilla, immortalized in the verse of Longfellow. They have four children, William A., lawyer, residing at Duluth, and Mai*y Ella, Anna M. and Matthew S., at home. HUGH THOMPSON. Hugh Thompson, of East Grand Porks, an eminent citizen of Polk county, is widely known as a pioneer, whose career has been significantly associated witli the development of the various important interests of northern Minnesota. He was born in Huntington county, Canada, July 4, 1850, the son of John L. Thompson, a well known farmer of that region, who continued to reside in Huntington county until his death. His son, Hugh Thompson, spent his early youth on the Canadian homestead and came to this country when sixteen years of age, securing a posi- tion as a clerk in a store owned by his brothers, at St. Croix Palls, Wisconsin. Two years later he left St. Croix for Menominee, where he engaged in similar employment. In 1873 he came to Crookston, then in the earliest days of its settlement and has since been actively identified with growth and progress of Polk county. Por a few years he was employed in the store operated by W. D. Bailey but in October, 1875, he embarked upon his independent commercial career, opening a general store at Pisher's Landing. This proved a successful venture and in 1879 he extended his activities to the milling business, erecting a flour- ing mill which was destroyed by fire some three years 141 U2 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY later. In 1879 Mr. Thompson organized the Fisher bank as a private banking house and as president, capably directed its affairs during the first years of its operations. This bank became a State bank in 1896 and is one of the mast substantial and pros- perous financial institutions of the county. In 1885 I\Ir. Thompson became associated in his various busi- ness interests with Marcus Johnson, buying the mer- cantile business owned by Andrew D. Stephens and erecting a flour mill which they operated for nine years when it was merged with the North Dakota Milling Association, of which Mr. Thompson became president. This corporation had extensive milling interests in North Dakota and Minnesota and Mr. Thompson remained at the head of its Ijoard of di- rectors for se\eral years. During these busy years of commercial enterprise, he found time for active co-operation in public affaire and gave his services in public offices, as county commissioner, and was the first postmaster appointed at Fisher. In 1891 he was appointed registrar of the United States land office at Crookston and during the four years of his incumbency of that position, resided in Crookston. He removed to East Grand Porks in 1896 and since that time has given his attention largely to the direct service of public interests in the various official posi- tions to which the confidence and regard of his fellow citizens have called him. Aside from the local offices which he lias held, Mr. Thompson was also an able member of the State board of Equalization for ten years, being first appointed to the board in 1882. He has been prominently identified with civic affairs as mayor and president of the town council and for four years was county commissioner from the fiftli district. As a pioneer citizen, merchant axid banker, his career has been notably marked with that intelli- gent and constructive citizenship which lays the foun- dation for the steady prosperity and rapid develop- ment of all commercial and social activity. Mr. Thompson has been twice married, his first union was with Luella May Thompson in 1875. She was born in St. Paul and was a teacher in the first school of Polk county, at Crookston. Three cliildren were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The death of the mother occurred at Fisher in 1888 and she was survived by one daughter, Luella M., who is the v\-ife of Bert TowTisend. Mr. Thompson's mar- riage to Lees McMaster, a native of Olmstead county, ilinnesota, and a teacher in the Fisher schools at the time of her marriage was solemnized in 1891 and they have two children, Charlotte H. and June. REVEREND J. B. A. DALE. Reverend J. B. A. Dale, pastor of the United Lu- theran church at Mcintosh, was born at Avue Bergen, Stiff, Norway, Jiine 29, 1854. He remained in his native land i;ntil his seventeenth year, coming to the United States in Jime, 1871. For several months he made his home in Columbus, Wisconsin, and then lo- cated in Chicago, where he spent three years and then returned to Wisconsin, living for a time in Eau Claire. Being ambitious to secure an education and prepare himself for the ministry, in the fall of 1875 he went to Minneapolis and enrolled in tlie Augsburg Semi- nary. He completed a four years ' course of study in that institution, meanwhile working during the vaca- tion mouths and finding further employment as a teacher in parochial schools. He then attended the Nor- mal school at AYinona, ]\Iinnesota, during one winter and subsecjuently entered the University at Columbus, Ohio. In 1882 he became a student in the Red Wing Seminary and completed his studies in the following two years, receiving his degree in June, 1884. He was ordained in Lee county, Illinois, and his first pastorate was in Newman Grove, Nebraska, remaining with that congregation for some fourteen years. On leaving he came to Minnesota to accept the charge at Twin Val- ley in Norman county, where he sei'ved for six yeare. In July, 1904, he removed to Mcintosh, as pastor COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 143 of the United Lutheran church, with eight churches iu Polk comity in his circuit, wliieh has since been divided into two pastorates, ilr. Dale has devoted his life to his ministei'ial labors and enjoys the high regard of his many warm friends through his faithful service during the many years spent as a leader iu religious interests. He was married at Roland, Iowa, in July, 1882, to Julia Olson, who was born at Leland, Illinois, November 23, 1865. Fourteen children were born to this union, twelve of whom are living. Mar- celius A. Dale died at Mcintosh, in his twentieth year and the death of Melviu Dale occurred when he was fourteen years of age. The sui-viving children are, Jeanette, who married E. G. Schlanbusch ; Cas- par, Erwin, Christina, the wife of Reverend A. B. Hinderlie, Clara, Elnora, Andora, Ingeborg, Bea- trice, Marcellus, Marguerite and Jens. WILLIAM J. RASMUSSEN. William J. Rasmussen, municipal judge at East Grand Porks and one of the leading membere of the Polk county bar, was bom in Duck Creek township, Taylor county, Wisconsin, June 22, 1885, the son of Jacob and Caroline (Olson) Rasmussen, who were natives of Norway. Jacob Rasmussen continues to make his home at Phillips, Wisconsin, where the death of his wife occurred in her sixty-ninth year. William Rasmussen spent his youth in Phillips and there received his early education, later entering the University of Wisconsin. Subsequently he matricu- lated in the state university of Minnesota and there prepared himself for his professional career, grad- uating from the law school of that institution in 1909. He immediately engaged in the practice of law in East Grand Forks and rapidly won recognition 83 one of the able young attorneys of that section. In 1911 he was elected municipal judge and has since given most efficient and zealous service in discharg- ing the responsibilities of his position. As public official or private citizen, Mr. Rasmussen is that type of broad minded and progressive citizen, whose in- fluence is felt in every phase of community develop- ment. His political affiliations are with the Republi- can party. In fraternal orders, he is a well known member of the Masonic fraternity and a Knight Templar. JOHN J. VAATVEIT. John J. Vaatveit, a prominent merchant of Mcin- tosh and well known citizen of King township, is a native of Norway, born in Village of Vass, on August 13, 1856. He was reared on a pioneer farm home in Dodge county, Minnesota, the family emigrating to the United States in spring of 1857, and spent his early manhood in Dodge county. In 1856 he went to Grand Forks, North Dakota, and began his career in the com- mercial world as a clerk in a general store. After spending seven years in that employment, he made his first independent venture in the mercantile business and for five years continued his successful operations, establishing a store at Northland, North Dakota, and was appointed the first postmaster at that place. la 1895 he sold his interests, resigned from the office of postmaster and transferred his attention to farming, removing to Polk county and buying a quarter section of land in King township, where he engaged in agri- cultural pursuits for some twelve years. In 1907 he resumed his commercial activities, opening a general store at Mcintosh, where he has since conducted a prosperous and steadily growing trade. During the many years of his residence in King township, Mr. Vaatveit has won the respect and confidence of all his associates through his ability as a business man and his public spirited citizenship. He has been 144 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY prominently associate with township affairs and has capably discharged the duties of various public offices, as chainnan and member of the township board, a member of the school board of Mcintosh and in sev- eral minor offices. He has been further identified with public interests as the president of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, serving for a term of nine years. He was married in Dodge county, Minne- sota, to Martha Alrick, who is a native of Norway and they have reared a family of four children, Eng\-old, George, ilinnie, who is the wife of Oliver Henson, and Mabel. Mr. Vaatveit and his family are faithful supporters of the Synod Lutheran church and ;ire actively identified with all its interests. EMIL JORGENSON. Emil Jorgenson, of Mcintosh, local agent for the St. Anthony and Dakota Lumber Company, is a na- tive of Polk county, born in Knute township, June 15, 1885, the son of Marcus and Iledda Jorgenson, na- tives of Norwaj', who settled in Polk county in 1884; the father becoming a well known farmer of the county, where they continue to make their home. Emil Jorgenson was reared on the Knute township liome- stead and received his education in the country schools. He remained on the farm until he was twenty- two years of age and then entered upon his comnicr- cial career, his first activity being in the lumber busi- ness and with the exception of two yeai*s spent in the employment of a telephone companj^, has continued to devote his attention to the lumber interests, where his ability and successful experience have won him rapid promotion and wide recognition. In July, 1913, he located in Mcintosh, as the local manager for the St. Anthony & Dakota Lumber Co. ilr. Jorgenson is one of the progressive and enterprising business men and citizens of the town in which he lives and is actively interested in matters of public moment and in the promotion of the general welfare and growth. He is a member of the St. Johns Lutheran church. JACOB P. SOES. One of the leading merchants and the capable and popular postmaster of tlie village of Climax, this county, where he has lived and been well and favor- ably known by the people for many years, Jacob P. Soes is a very u.seful citizen and is universally esteemed in accordance with his demonstrated merits as a business man, public official and enterpribing and progressive citizen of public spirit and breadth of view. Mr. Soes is a native of Denmark, where he was lx)m Feb. 14, 1871, and where he lived until he reached the age of seventeen years. lie then emi- grated to the United States in May, 1888, and came direct to Crookston. During tlie first two years of his residence in this county he was employed at the Artesian "Water Works, selling the water all over Crookston. But he was frugal and thrifty, and had ambition for a higher sphere in life. So he saved his earnings and applied them in preparing himself for a business career. He attended the Crookston Business college nights, and when he had completed its couree of instruction he entered the employ of A. G. Anderson in the drug business. Mr. Soes remained Avith Mr. Anderson nine years, and during that period he pursued a course of thor- ough training at the School of Phannacy in Minne- apolis, thereby becoming a registered pharmacist and a complete master of his business. After leaving the employ of Mr. Anderson Mr. Soes made a visit of several months to his native land, and on his return to Minnesota in the fall of 1901 he located at Climax and engaged in the drug business, also serving as'as- sistiint postmaster under C. Steenerson for about twelve years. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 145 At Christmas, 1914, he was appointed postmaster of Climax, and this office he has held ever since. He has also been president of the village and a justice of the peace for a year. In these positions of trust and responsibility he has been able to put into practical operation the deep and intelligent interest in the welfare of the community which he has always felt and shoAvn by active participation in every under- taking for the good of the people. He was married in Crookston in 1904 to Miss Emma Oieren, who is a native of Minnesota but of Norwegian parentage. They have two children, their daughters Myrtle and Evelyn. lu addition to his business and other hold- ings in Climax Mr. Soes owns 160 acres of land near the village of Erskine. GUNNER HUSBY. Gunner Husby, a retired farmer and well known citizen of King township, now residing at Mcintosh, was bom in Nor\\ay, April 13, 1852. He remained in his native land until thirty-one years of age, when he came to the United States and in the spring of 1882 took a homestead claim on section eight of King township in Polk county. He immediately engaged in the developmeut of his land and devoted the efforts and interests of his successful farming career to this farm, building up one of the most prosperous prop- erties of the section. In 1914, after many years of business activity, he sold the homestead and has since made his home at Mcintosh. As one of the early set- tlers of the township he has been prominently iden- tified with public affairs and has taken an active interest in the promotion of the general welfare. He has capably discharged the duties of various local offices to which he has been elected and has served as a member of the school board and township board. Mr. Husby is a memljer of the St. Johns Luthei-an church. He was married in Norway, to Marit Haaven and they have seven children, Magnhild, Louis, Peter, John, Ingvar, Gertrude and Gottfried. ODD EIDE. During the last fourteen years this prominent and enterprising young business man of Polk eountj^ has been a resident of Fertile and actively engaged in helping to build up and improve the village and min- ister to the enduring welfare and comfort of its inhabitants. He is now only thirty-two years old, but he has alread.y established himself in the confidence and regard of the community around him as a good business man and a progressive, enterprising and pub- lic-spirited citizen with the welfare of the town al- ways foremost in his mind. Mr. Eide is a native of Nonvay, where his life began Feb. 16, 1883, and where he lived until 1899, when he came to the United States. In 1901 he located at Fertile and began his business career as a clerk for his uncle, Andrew Opheim, with whom he remained until death ended the uncle's labors on April 5, 1915. Mr. Opheim was one of Fertile 's hon- ored pioneers. He was born and reared in Norway and became a resident of the United States in 1871. In 1882 he located in Polk county and opened a drug store one mile east of Fertile, where he remained until 1887, then moved his store to Fertile, forming a partnei-ship in the drug trade and general mer- chandising with Dr. Arne Nelson, which lasted from 1882 until 1893. When he died Mr. Opheim owned 600 acres of land in Polk county, and throughout his residence here he took an earnest interest and an active part in pushing forward the growth and improvement of the county. Mr. Eide was appointed administrator of his uncle 's estate and succeeded him in the management of the 146 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY store and the uncle's other business. He was mar- and is a daughter of the late Dr. Arne Nelson. They ried in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, Novenaber 30, have two tliildren, their son Kuute Arne and their 1910. to Jliss Clara Nelson, who was born in Fertile daughter Anna Bessie. HARVEY CHASE MISNER. Harvey Chase Misner, pioneer business man of the state and for a number of yeare prominently identi- fied with the business interests of Crookston as vice president of the First National bank and president of the Wheeler-Misner Loan company, was a native of Wisconsin, Ijorn near Batavia. January 9, 18.34, the son of Ira P. and Arvilla (Chapin) Misner. The latter was a native of Michigan. His father, Ira P. Misner was born in Pennsylvania, went to Wisconsin in his early manlioi'd and there spent the many years of his active and useful career as a farmer and citizen. In 1861 he enlisted in a Wisconsin i-egiment and gave gallant service in defence of the Union throughout the four years of the great struggle and was thrice wounded. His death occurred in 1905, at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He was survived by the wife of his second marriage and three sons by his first wife. Harvey C. ;\Iisner was reared on the Wisconsin farm and attended the schools at Fond du Lac. After being employed for a time as clerk in a feed store, lie made his first independent business venture and engaged in the tea and coffee business in Fond du Lac. In 1879 he came to Minnesota and located in Euclid where he opened a general store under the firm name of Misner & Lindsley. This business was later I'eor- ganized as E. Taylor & Company and was still later known as H. C. Misner & Company and was most successfully and profitably conducted by Mr. Misner for a number of years. In 1904 he removed to Crooks- ton and founded one of the important business organi- zations of the city, the Wheeler-^Misner Loan company and was actively identified with the substantial pros- perity of this corporation as secretary and treasurer and for the last two years of his life, as president, having been elected to that position in 1912. He was also prominentlj- associated with the financial inter- ests of the county as vice president and manager of the First National bank, one of the largest banking institutions in this section. From January, 1912, to January, 1914, he was extensively interested in farm lands and in the agricultural development of the northwest. After many j^ears of indefatigable effort and achievement but with a future bright with pros- pects of larger activities, failing health necessitated his witlulrawal from the business world. This was in January, 1914, and his death occurred on June 1 of that year. He had a long and successful experi- ence in his chasen occupations and in every phase of his bus}' life demonstrated his peculiar adaptation to business and his sterling integrity as a progressive citizen, and enjoyed the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. Mr. Misner was married, June 15, 1881, to Ida Jlay Taylor of Lyons, Iowa, who sur- vives him, retaining her residence in Crookston. She is the daughter of Alfred C. Taylor, one of the early settlers of Iowa, a wortliy pioneer citizen who gave his sen"ices to his country in the war of the rebellion, with an Iowa regiment. Three children were born to ]\Ir. Misner and his wife, two of whom died in in- fancy. Harvey W. Jlisner, one of the leading young business men of Crookston, has succeeded to his father's interests in the firm of Wheeler & Misner. ^Ir. ]Misuer was a faithful supporter of the princi- ples of the Republican party and took an active part in tlie direction of the political affairs of the state as a member of the county and state central committees. In fraternal orders he was widely known and was a prominent member of the Masonic order, a thirty- second degree JIason, a member of the Scottish and York Rites, and served in 1908 as the eminent commander of the Crookston conunandery. He was also an Elk and a charter member of the Modern ^. £. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 147 Woodmen of America. Although not a member of any religious organization, he was interested in the church and its purpose and gave his generous support and services as trustee and treasurer to the First Presbyterian church of Crookston. VICTOR H. HOGLUND. This enterprising, progressive and broad-minded business man of Fertile is engaged in several under- takings which minister to the service, enjoyment and improvement of the people of his home community and help to make life more tolerable and comfortable for them, as well as to add to their facilities for carrying on their several occupations and pursuing their chosen i)athways of advancement in business or social activity. Mr. Hoglund is a native and wholly a product of Polk county, having been born on his father's farm in Garfield township July 23, 1885, and having been reared on that farm and educated in the school in the neighborhood. He is a son of Eric and Christi'na (Johnson) Hoglund, natives of Sweden, and residents of this county for thirty-five years. The son remained at home with his parents and worked on the farm until he reached the age of twen- ty-one years. He then turned his attention to tele- phone work, in which he was employed for six years. At the end of that period he installed an electric light plant at Fertile, which he began operating March 15, 1910. He erected the building in which the plant is located and he now has in the neighborhood of 100 patrons, and the number is steadily increasing. For two years Mr. Hoglund was superintendent of the Gordon Valley Telephone company, and his expeidence in that position has been very valuable to him in his own business. He owns 160 acres of well improved land in Columbia township, and is also pro- prietor of the Picture theater at Fertile. Every branch of his business seems to be in direct line with his tastes and mental trend, and he is making the utmost of his opportunities in each, using every, gain in his progress as a step to something higher and more advanced, for he is enterprising and far- seeing, and knows his business thoroughly to date and is always studious of its further possibilities. ANTONE M. GAMME. Having come to this country at the age of twenty- two years with no capital but his resolute spirit, strong physique and well-balanced mind, and having won from the soil of Polk county a substantial com- petence, Antone M. Gamme, a prominent farmer now living retired from active work in the village of Fer- tile, has shown that he chose wisely when he sought the United States as a land of opportunity in which industry, thrift and good management were bound to win success and prosperity. By his activity in public affairs as a good citizen but not as an office seeker, he has also shown that the country gained in sturdy and sterling manhood when he became a resi- dent of it. Mr. Gamme was born in Norway April 23, 1861, and remained in his native land until 1883. He was reared on a farm and obtained a common school edu- cation. Late in tlie spring of 1883 he emigrated to America, landing at New York and coming direct to Polk county, Minnesota. During the first eight years of his residence in this country he worked as a farm laborer. At the end of that period he pre- empted eighty acres of land in Godfrey township which he proved up on, owned and improved for a number of years, then sold it. In the spring of 1891 Mr. Gamme took up a home- stead in Rice township and subsequentl.y purchased an additional tract of 160 acres. On this land he had 148 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY his home and expended his labors, improving it with good buildings and bringing the greater part of it to advanced productiveness, and occupying it until the spring of 1915, when he gave up all active work and moved to Fertile. His land is all in Rice town- ship, and, during the years of his activity, he carried on a general fanning enterprise with vigor, pro- gressiveness and success, making his fann one of the best in the township in fruitfulness and an attractive one in appearance. On July 15, 1891, Mr. Gamme was married to Mrs. Baroline Shefloe, the widow of Isaac Shefloe. Slie, also, was bom in Norway, her life beginning on June 23, 1856, and Mas thirteen years old when she came to the United States. In 1882 she became a resident of Polk county, and here her first husband died, pass- ing away at Beltrami when he was at the age of fifty- two. By her first marriage she had three children, Jlortimer, Amelia and Florence. She and her present husband are the parents of four children, Elmer and Joseph, twins, and Jessie and Orlie. The father and mother are zealous members of tlie Lutheran churcli and devoted to the welfare of the congregation they are in. KNUTE NELSON. When Knute Nelson, the present capable and oljlig- ing postmaster at Fertile, this county, whs appointed to that office by President Wilson on August 25, 1914, he was well prepared for the duties he had been selected to perform, for he had already performed similar duties in other places at different times, had served as assistant postmaster at Fertile, and had rendered the public good service in other positions of trust and responsibility. Moreover, he is a man of extensive general intelligence, good judgment and a resourcefulness that makes him e(iual to any re- quirement. Mr. Nelson was born in Norway February 28, 1857, the son of Nels A. Nelson, who died in that country May 16, 1915, at the age of eighty-nine years. His son Knute was the fourth of his eight children in the order of birth. He remained in his native land until he reached the age of sixteen, then came to the United States, arriving in 1873. In June of that year he located in Dodge county, Minnesota, and for two years thereafter he devoted himself wholly to hard labor as a farm hand. During the next two years he worked on a farm and attended school, and in 1877 and 1878 he was clerk in a general store in Vernon Dodge county, in which the postofifice was kept, and he al.so acted as assistant postmaster in that town while clerking in the store. On May 1, 1879, he started driving a "prairie schooner" across the state to the Red river valley and reached Crookston on May 15. He at once took up a homestead in Garfield township, this county, on which he filed on May 19, and at that time he, his bi'other Ener and his uncle, Lai-s Bolstad, were the only white settlers in that township. During the summer and spring of 1879 he worked on his home- stead, and in the winter of 1880 began clerking in a store in Crookston, and after doing that for about five months he returned to his claim and went on improving it and making it productive. By this time ^Ir. Nelson's ability had become known to his neighbors, and they looked upon him as one of the men among them best fitted for public office. In June of that year he was appointed as- sessor for the townships of Garfield, Gordon, Bear Park and Sundahl, and in the fall he became assistant grain buyer at Edna station, a position which lie filled for two months, after which he again turned his attention to clerking in a store and looked after the Edna postoffice until April, 1881. Soon afterward he opened a store at a small place named Aldal, and there he was appointed postmaster during President Garfield's administration and served until the office was discontinued in August, 1887. He was also in the lumber business at Fosston and in COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 149 Columbia towiiship, Polk county, until 1889, and from then until 1908 he gave his whole attention to his farm- ing operations, which he had continued at intervals all the time. In 1910 and 1911 he kept a store at RindaJ, Polk county, and during the next three years he clerked in a store in Clearwater county. Through- out a large part of this time his family was living at Fertile, and when he was appointed postmaster there he was reunited with it, and he also returned to an old job, for he had been assistant postmaster under his brother. Dr. A. Nelson, who died in 1909, and also under Brown Duckstad from May 1, 1898, to January 15, 1899. Mr. Nelson was elected county commissioner in the fall of 1882. He has also been a justice of the peace and filled other local of3fices. Always enterprising and progressive, he has been an important factor in build- ing up and improving his township and county, help- ing to organize the Farmers' Elevator compan}' in June, 1893, and serving as its secretary for eleven years. In political affiliation he has been a Democrat since 1890, taking an active part in all campaigns and frequently serving as a delegate to county con- ventions of his party. His religious connection is with the Lutheran Synod church, and he has been zealous and energetic in its service also. Mr. Nelson was married in Garfield township June 24, 1882, to Miss Martha Brunberg, who was born in Wisconsin March 2, 1863. They have nine children : Norman 0., Richard A., Edd R., Luella, Leonora, Knute M., Olga I., Arthur and Thea L. The parents own a good farm of 160 acres in Gai-field township, on which the father has expended a great deal of labor to good advantage, making it productive and improv- ing it according to present day ideas. The farm is located in Section 16, and was all wild land when he took possession of it. It is wholly the product of his skiU and industrj^, and is highly creditable to him. SVEN PHILIP SWENSON. The late Sven Philip Swenson, a leading farmer of Vineland township for many years, was a pioneer of Polk county, having become a resident of it about 1874. He located on a homestead in section 20 which he took up soon after his arrival in the county, and on which he passed the remainder of his days. When he located in that township it was yet almost wholly a wilderness, and his own land was virgin to the plow and yielding nothing for his sustenance. But he made a good farm of it and added to it until, at the time of his death he owned 340 acres, all of which he had under cultivation. Mr. Swenson was born in what is now the city of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on November 21, 1845, and came to Houston county, Minnesota, about 1860. A short time after reaching this state he moved on up into the northwestern part of it and for two years was employed on the Red river. In 1874 he became a resident of Polk county, taking up the homestead al- ready mentioned. He worked on his place when he had opportunity and followed other pursuits for a living for several years, but always looked forward to having his home on the farm which he was grad- ually bringing to productiveness. On July 3, 1882, Mr. Swenson was married to Miss Elizabeth Aasmork, a native of Norway, and they at once took up their residence on the Vineland town- ship farm. From then until his death, which occurred on April 20, 1903, he continued to improve and cul- tivate his land, and when he was able put up good buildings on it. He and his wife were the parents of six children all of whom are living. They are Knute, Olianna, Lena, Annie, Ole and Carl. Olianna is the wife of Edward Opsahl and Lena is the wife of Heniy B. Hanson. The father was well esteemed as a sturdy and upright citizen and an industrious and progressive farmer. He took a good citizen's helpful part in local public affairs, although he never sought or desired prominence or influence as an office holder or active partisan politician. 150 COMPEiNDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Kntjte Swenson, the oldest son and child of Sven voice in reference to all matters connected with the P. and Elizabeth (Aasmork) Swenson, who is now government of the township. He was bom and reared one of the leading citizens of Climax, and a courteous on his father's farm in Vineland township, and was and companionable gentleman, has followed in his father's footsteps as an active force in the affairs of his township, but in a more direct and energetic way. He has served the public well as a constable and as village recorder, and has had an influential educated at the country school near it. On July 3, 1912, he was united in marriage with Miss Nora Louisa Poulson. They have one child, their son Earl N. MARTIN HOOGENSON. Martin Hoogenson, of Mcintosh, a well known farmer and real estate dealer, has been a resident of King township since early infancy. He was boni in Otter Tail county, Jlinnesota, July 12, 1883, the son of Lauris and Kjestine (Rudshaugen) Hoogenson, na- tives of Norway. On coming to the United States, Lauris Hoogenson located in Otter Tail county and later removed to Polk county and took a homestead in King township, where he made his home until his death in 1900. Martin Hoogenson was the eldest of three children and grew to manhood on the farn^ in King township and received his education in the common schools. His interests have always been identified with that township, where he is extensively associated with the farming activities, owning two hundred acres of land. Since 1913 he has resided at Mcintosh and has established a prosperous real estate business at that place. Mr. Hoogenson has always faithfully discharged the duties of citizenship, taking an active interest in township affairs and has given able service in official capacity, as justice of peace and assessor. He is a member and a faithful sup- porter of the United Norwegian Lutheran church. Mr. Hoogenson was married in King township, March 1, 1906 to Anne Tronby, the widow of Peter Tronby, and they have three children, Berthur, Melvin and Lillian. ANDREW STEENERSON. Revered as a pioneer of Polk county, successful in business and enterprising and broad-minded in re- gard to public affairs, the late Andrew Steenerson of Climax was esteemed during his life as one of the county's iiseful and progressive citizens, and he is remembered since his death with cordial appreciation as a man of sterling worth, steadfast integrity and a citizenship that was elevated in itself and elevating in its influence on others. Mr. Steenerson was native to the soil of Minnesota and from it drew the invigorating forces that gave him his stature and his strength. He was born in Houston county February 9, 1855, and became a resi- dent of Polk county in 1875, when he was about twenty years old. Soon after his arrival in this county he took up a homestead of 160 acres near Climax, and this he increased by purchases made later until he became the owner of 480 acres, of which he was the possessor at the time of his death, which occurred in Climax, at the attractive home he had built there, on May 18, 1908. Mr. Steenerson was a brother of Elias Steenerson, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere and in which a full history of the family is given. After living on his homestead for a number of years Mr. Steenerson moved to Crookston and became a dealer in farm machinery. He adhered to this line of mercantile life for five or six years, then re- turned to his farm and continued to live on it until COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 151 1901, when he changed his residence to Climax, where he passed the remainder of his days. He was always public-spirited and progressive in the affairs of the locality of his home, wherever it was, and among the public positions he held was the office of sheriff of Polk county, which he filled with gi*eat accepta- bility for two years. His untimely death at the early age of fifty-three, when he was at the height of his vigor and the full measure of his usefulness, was universally lamented. On October 10, 1881, Mr. Steenersou was united in marriage with Miss Bertha Flang, who was born in Norway and came with her parents to the United States when she was about twelve years of a^e. The family located in Ottertail county, Minnesota, and there Mrs. Steenerson lived ten years, changing her residence to Polk county about 1879. She and her husband became the parents of seven children, four of whom are living: Steener, M'ho is a resident of Crookston ; Arne, who has his home at Climax ; Nora, who is a school teacher, and Oretta, who is still liv- ing at home. The other three children died when they were very young. Mi-s. Steenerson is a Lutheran in religious affiliation, and is earnestly interested in church work. She takes an active part in the activi- ties of several of the agencies at work in the commun- ity for the good of its people, and is highly respected by all classes of them. AUGUST LINDBLAD. Beginning life for himself as a blacksmith and working his way up by his native ability, good busi- ness capacity and persistent industry and good man- agement to the position of a leading merchant and business man, August Lindblad, one of the wide- awake and progressive residents of Climax, this county, furnishes in his successful career a fine illus- tration of the value of strong personality, determined perseverance and resolute self-reliance in a land of many exactions and keen competition in all the activi- ties of life, but, nevertheless, abundant in opportuni- ties for advancement. Mr. Lindblad is a native of Sweden, where his life began July 12, 1871, and where he lived until he reached the age of twenty and learned the trade of blacksmith. In 1891 he emigrated to the United States and at once came West, locating at Mar- quette, Michigan, and there finding employment in building bridges for a railroad company for two years. From Marquette he moved to Norman county, Minne- sota, and during the next two years worked at the forge in that county. He became a resident of Polk county in 1895, and for something over a year op- erated a blacksmith shop on the farm of Christian Steenerson in Vineland township, Polk county. About the time when he was ready to give up his shop on the farm to seek a better opening he saw one in the village of Climax, and he at once opened a shop there. This shop he continued to conduct until 1905, when he sold it and began handling agricultural implements, a line of trade in which he is still engaged. He is also manager of the Climax Shipping associa- tion, which includes live stock and farm produce among the commodities it handles, and has been sec- retary of the Climax Co-operative Mercantile com- pany from the beginning of its activity in the com- munity. The public affairs of Climax have always deeply interested Mr. Lindblad, and he has taken an active and serviceable part in helping to administer them wisely, serving for many years as a member of the village council and three terms as mayor. In addi- tion to his other pursuits he assists in superintending the cultivation of 120 acres of land in Vineland town- ship, in which he owns a one-half interest. Mr. Lindblad was married December 30, 1895, in Ada, the coimty seat of Norman county, to Miss Hilda Kirkevold, a native of Norway. They have six chil- dren, Esther, Hardin, Pearl, Alvin, Russell and Ira. The parents are held in the highest esteem by every- 152 CO.MPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY body who knows thum, aud throughout the North- genuine and well-founded popularity in his home west Mr. Lindblad is regarded as a first class business town as a man, as a merchant, as an influential force man and a public-spirited aud progressive citizen. He for good and as a social potency, is genial, sociable aud companionable, and enjoys JOHN J. ALRICK. John J. Alriek, a well known citizen of Mcintosh, was born at Vernon, Dodge county, Minnesota, Sep- tember 13, 1872. His parents, John and Mary (Ten- nefos) Alriek, were natives of Norway and came to this country in the spring of 1872, settling in Dodge county, where they made their home until 1898, when they removed to Mcintosh and have since continued to reside in that place. They reared a family of ten children, of whom John J. Alriek is next to the young- est. He grew to manhood on the homestead in Dodge county and attended the common schools. On remov- ing to Polk county, he located in Winger township aud spent seven years in successful farming activi- ties in that township. Subsequently he engaged in the restaurant business but since 1907, has given his attention chiefly to his service as a rural mail carrier, which position he holds at present. Mr. Alriek has given able service to the public interests as citizen and official and has ever been influential in promoting the best interests of the community. He is a member of the Synod Lutheran church and in fraternal organiza- tions is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Scandinavian Workiugmen of America. Mr. Alriek was married in Dodge county, Minnesota, ]\rarch 3, 1897, to Marj- Thorsness, who is a native of that county. Three children have been born to this union, Landor 0., Milo B., and Eunice N. HANS SAMUBLSON. After passing many years in active pursuit of vari- ous kinds in a number of different places, making each occupation minister to his advancement in life by his industry, constant attention to duty and good management, Hans Samuelson, formerly one of the leading farmers of Vineland township, is now living retired from hard labor, maintaining his residence in the village of Climax but still exercising active personal supervision over the management and op- eration of his fine farm of 160 acres, all of which is under cultivation and yielding good returns for the labor spent upon it. Mr. Samuelson was born in Norway November 6, 1864, and emigrated to the United States in the sum- mer of 1882. He landed in New York and from there came direct to Minnesota, locating in Grant county and there working at farm labor for two years. He then went to North Dakota and during the summer months found emplojnnent on a large farm in that territory. The following winter he passed working in the lumber woods of Michigan, and when spring came he took up a timber claim in the neighborhood of Bemidji, on which he passed the next three years. Early in the nineties Mr. Samuelson moved to Polk county and bought 160 acres of land in Vineland township. On this land he lived until the Great Northern railroad was built through from Halstad to Crookston. He next kept a hotel and saloon in Climax until 1905, when he sold his business in the village and resumed his farming operations, but continued to live in Climax, where he owns an at- tractive residence. He has always taken an active interest in the public affairs of Climax and Vineland township, serving as constable in the township and president of the council in the village, filling the latter office three terms. He has also been a member of the TOM MOREJS COJIPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 153 boai'd of school directors for some j-ears and is now its chairman. Being a strong advocate of temperance, he has rendered imjjortant service to the cause as a member of the County Option League. On October 20, 1890, Mr. Samuelsou was married in Polk county to Miss Anne Steenerson, who was bom in Houston county, Minnesota, May 1, 1860. She is the daughter of Steener and Bergit (Rohalt) Knut- son, and lived with them in Houston county until the fall of 1876, when she came to Polk county and began a useful career as a school teacher, her first school being in Traill county. North Dakota, which she taught dui-ing the winter of 1876-7. She con- tinued to teach in that state and Minnesota for about five years and was then assistant postmistress at Fisher, this countj-, for three years. After that she attended the University of North Dakota two years and then again taught school in this county five years. Mr. and Mrs. Samuelsou have two children living, their daughter Bergit and their son Stanley. Bergit is a graduate of the State Normal School at Moor- head, Minnesota, and Stanley is a student in the Crookston High School. Their first bom child, Hans A., died at the age of seventeen, and another son, uamed Stanley B., at the age of two years. MADS W. JENSEN. Mads W. Jensen, postmaster at Mcintosh, has been identified with interests of the region of the Thirteen Towns since 1880, when he settled on land in Gar- den township. He is a native of Denmark, born August 15, 1854, and came with his parents to Wau- paca county, Wisconsin, in 1863. There he attended the country schools and made his home on the Wis- consin farm until 1879 when he went to Goodhue county, Minnesota, and in the spring of the follow- ing year, removed to Polk county aud took a home- stead in Garden township. He was one of the first settlers in that section and was prominent in the or- ganization of the township and the early adminis- tration of its affairs. He remained on the farm until 1889 when he came to Mcintosh and engaged in the milling business, in partnership with Anton Jensen, J. P. Johnson and 0. P. Johnson, under the firm name of M. W. Jensen & Co. After several years of suc- cessful operation as a miller, Mr. Jensen sold his in- terest in the company and has since given his atten- tion to various business activities. For ten years he was employed as a rural mail carrier and in 1915 was appointed postmaster at Mcintosh, an appointment which met the hearty commendation of the citizens of the town. He has given able service in ofiicial capacity as village assessor and has held the office of justice of peace for sixteen years. As a public spirited and progressive citizen, Mr. Jensen has been actively influential in promoting the best interests of the com- munity and has put his interest and service into every project to advance the growth and prosperity of the village. He was married in 1879, at Red Wing, Minnesota, to Hannah Johnson. She is of Norwegian parentage and was bom in Goodhue county, Minne- sota. They have a family of three daughter and one son, Marie L., who married A. K. Anderson, Wil- lie A., Florence, the wife of J. H. Espeseth and Mabel. Mr. Jensen is a member of Modem Woodmen of America. TOM MORRIS. Tom Morris, mayor of Crookston and a pioneer 1857. He is the son of Mark and Ann C. (Stoddard) business man of that city, is a native of Canada, Morris, the latter a native of Scotland. Mark Morris bom at Goderich, Huron county, Ontario, June 22, was bom in Waltshire, England, and came to Canada 154 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY in 1831, where he engaged in farming and worked at his trade of millwright, erecting many of the small saw mills in the region where he lived. He died in 1866, the victim of an accidental death by drown- ing. His wife survived him for many years, living to the age of seventy-seven. Tom Morris spent the early years of his life in his native town and there attended the public schools. In 1873 he came to Waupun, Wis., and as a lad of twelve began to tit himself for an efficient career in the business world, apprenticing himself to the jewelry trade. He re- mained in Waupun for three years and then removed to Milwaukee. Two years later, in 1878, he came to Crookston and in partnership with Mr. W. W. Hough- ton established the pioneer jewelry firm of this city. The firm was dissolved the following year, Mr. Mor- ris having owned and conducted the business from that time. Aside from this prosperous enterprise and his private interests, he has been notably asso- ciated with public affairs and the history of the devel- opment and rapid expansion of Crookston. As a wide-awake citizen and merchant he merits the re- spect and popularity which is his. It is his pi'ivilege to compare the little hamlet surrounded by the primi- tive forest with the city of today and to know that his zealous services were freely given to promote its welfare and prosperity. He is particularly identified with organization of the city fire department. His efforts in this part of civic service became state- wide and he was made president of the state asso- ciation and has been elected a life member of that body. It was after the first big fire in Crookston, in 1880, that he instigated the organization of the first fire company. He was chief of the department until 1883, when it was reorganized into its present form. Although the period of his most active service is past, he continues his connection with the department. Several offices of public trust have been conferred upon Mr. Morris by his fellow citizens. In 1881 he was elected alderman and has .served in the office of mayor since 1912. On January 22, 1890, he was mar- ried to Nellie Heith, who is a native of Wisconsin. In fraternal orders, Mr. Morris is prominently and widely known throughout the state. He has been affiliated with Masonry since 1883 and has filled all the chairs, occupying that of Master for thirteen years. In 1906 he was elected the Grand Master of Minnesota and is the present Grand Captain General of the Coramandery. He is a charter member of the Elks lodge and was chosen the second Exalted Ruler. He is a member of the Republican party. EDDY BOLSTAD. Prominent and successful in business; a man of commanding influence in local public affairs; every- wfhere recognized as an upright, progressive and highly serviceable citizen, and a forceful factor in all undertakings for the farther development and im- provement of his home town and county, Eddy Bol- stad, the present mayor of Fertile, has reached an elevated place in the regard of the people around him, but he richly desei'\'es his standing and has won it wholly by his own efforts and genuine merit. Mr. Bolstad was born in Dodge county, Minne- sota, May 3, 1872, the third child of Knute and Inge- borg (Olsen) Bolstad, natives of Norway. The family moved to Polk county in 1880, when the future mayor was but eight years old, and settled on a homestead which the father entered in Gai-field township and on which he is still living. He and his wife are the parents of twelve children. They are industrious and thrifty farmers and are held in esteem by all classes of the people wherever they are known. Their son Eddy grew to manhood in Polk county and obtained his education in its schools. At the age of sixteen he left home and began his business career as a clerk in the store of Messrs. Nelson & Opheim at Fertile. When the partnership was dissolved two years later and ]\Ir. Opheim became the sole proprie- COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 155 tor of the store Mr. Bolstad remaiued in his employ aud continued to clerk for him seven years longer. At the end of that period he became a clerk in the clothing store of Leo Baer, with whom he was asso- ciated in that capacity for eight years. In 1907 he bought the business of Mr. Baer, and he has conducted it himself ever since. Throughout his manhood Mr. Bolstad has taken an earnest interest and an active part in the civil affairs of his community, and has been very helpful to it. He has served as village assessor, and in that office he gave the people sers'ice so entirely satis- factory that in the spring of 1915 he was elected mayor of the village. As the chief village executive he is performing his duties with the same zeal, in- telligence and fidelity that he exhibited in the office of assessor and has always shown in the management of his private business and personal affaii-s. In religious affiliation Mr. Bolstad is connected with the Synod Lutheran church, and in fraternal relations he is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. On August 31, 1895, he was united in marriage with Miss Tina Westad, the marriage being solemnized in Crookston, this county. They have one child, their daughter Edith Thelma. Mrs. Bolstad is a Norwegian by nativity but has been a resident of this state and county for many years. LEWIS M. HESSELDAHL. While he has sought nothing of renown or spectacu- lar display in his life to the present time, but has been content to live as a plain, industrious, frugal, upright and useful citizen, Lewis M. Hesseldahl, a retired farmer now residing at Fertile, this county, has, nevertheless, had some exciting experiences in the service of his adopted country and seen the other side of the world from here while rendering that serv- ice. He was a United States soldier in the Spanish- American war and as such was assigned to duty in the Philippines during that short but decisive contest. Mr. Hesseldahl is a native of Denmark, where his life began Februaiy 24, 1874. When he was but one year and a half old his parents brought him to this country and took up their residence in Kendall county, Illinois. Some time afterward they moved to Minnesota and located in Faribault county, and there their son Lewis remained until 1901, when he came to Polk county and located on a farm near Fer- tile. His farm is in Garfield township and contains 240 acres. It is well improved and by his skill aud industry in cultivating it he has brought it to a high state of productiveness. A few years ago he gave up active work on the farm and moved to Fertile, where he has since had his home, but he has continued to superintend the operations of his farm industry. On March 4, 1905, Mr. Hes.seldahl was united in marriage with Mrs. Anna (Frandahl) Underdahl, for- merly the wife of Reginald Underdahl, who was liorn in Norway. They also moved from Faribault county, Minnesota, to Polk county in 1901, and settled on a faiTn in Garfield township. Mrs. Hesseldahl was bom near Madison, Wisconsin, November 28, 1856, and was married to Mr. Underdahl in Faribault county. She has six children living, the fruits of her first marriage. They are : John, Julius, Ole, Christina, Ada and Eddie. JOSEPH MELAAS. While he has been a resident of Fertile but five years Joseph Melaas, manager of the Monarch Ele- vator company, has made his mark on the business activities of the village and established a reputation for good judgment, enterprise and determined per- sistency in whatever he undertakes and has risen to 156 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY a high rauk in the estimatiou and regard of the people as a business man and a wide-awake and progressive citizen, keenly alive to the general welfare of the eora- niunity along all wholesome lines of development. Jlr. Melaas was born and reared on a farm in Win- neshiek county, Iowa, one of the younger of the fif- teen children of A. John and Grunhild (Blegeberg) Melaas, natives of Norway. He obtained a good com- mon school education iu his native county, and after attaining the age of twenty-one yeare clerked in a store at Ridgeway, in that county, for a period of five years. In 1902 he went to North Dakota and took up a homestead on which he lived until the spring of 1906. He then sold his claim and moved to Clearwater county, Minnesota, where he was occupied iu the liv- ery business for two years, and also served as census enumerator of four townships in Clearwater county, and in addition lie was a member of tlie Shevlin school board and the village council. In November, 1910, he located at Fertile and again entered the livery business, which he followed here for one year. During the next year he was employed by the Thorpe Elevator company at Milnor, North Dakota, and at the end of that period was appointed manager of the ]\Ionarch Elevator company at Fer- tile, which position he has held continuously since, and since he came to Fertile he has held the office of village assessor here. His farm of 160 acres in Godfrey township, this county, is well improved and nearly all under cultivation. It is verj^ productive and steadily increasing in value, for he gives it in- telligent attention and conducts its operations accord- ing to the most approved methods of present-day farming. Mr. Melaas was married June 6, 1903, in "Wild Rice church at Twin Valley, Norman county, Minnesota, to Miss Louise Ask, a native of that county. They have two children living, Beatrice J. and Vera E. The parents are members of Synod Lutheran church and take an active part in all its good works for the im- provement of the community, throughout which they are well esteemed as thev richly deseiwe to be. STEEN A. HOFTO. Having come to the United States a boy of thirteen years of age and successively worked as farm hand, as a farmer on his own account, as a merchant and again as a farmer, Steen A. Hofto, one of the best known and most highly esteemed residents of the vil- lage of Mcintosh, this county, has had a varied experi- ence in life and borne his share of trials and priva- tions. But through every part of his career he has made steady progress financially and in the good will and regard of his fellow men. Mr. Hofto was born in Vallc, Norway, Febiiiary 13, 1855, and is the son of Arue and Gunnel (Aaki-e) Hofto, who were also natives of Norway. They emi- grated to the United States in 1868 and located on a farm in Waseca county, Minnesota, on which they lived about twelve years. In the spring of 1880 the family moved to Grand Forks county. North Dakota, where the father died when he was seventy-three years old. The mother died at the home of her son Steen after she had passed the age of eighty. They were the parents of nine children, of whom Steen A. was the fifth in the order of birth. He came to this country with his parents iu 1868 and lived with them in Waseca county, IMinnesota, until 1878. He then accompanied them to Grand Forks county, North Dakota, and there took up a homestead of 160 acres and a tree claim of 160 acres in Americus township. He lived on his land until 1891, breaking and cultivating it and putting up good build- ings for the shelter of his family and himself and the protection of his crops and his live stock. In the fall of 1891 Mr. Hofto moved to Polk county and entered the hardware business in Mcintosh in partnei-ship with his brother, Knute Hofto, and during the next five years they conducted the business to- gether under the firm name of Ilofto Bros. At the COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 157 end of five years he bought his brother's interest in the business and became its sole proprietor. After- ward he again turned his attention to farming and followed that occupation for about ten yeai-s in King township, this county, and at the expiration of that period rented his farm and took up his residence in Mcintosh, where he has since had Ms home. He still owns his farm of 160 acres just east of Mcintosh, which he has improved with commodious and comfort- able buildings. He also erected the block just north of the West Hotel in Mcintosh. While living in North Dakota Mr. Hofto held sev- eral township offices, among them that of township assessor, of which he was the first incumbent, and since locating in Polk county he has served as a mem- ber of the village council of Mcintosh and township assessor of King township. In the autumn of 1883 he was married in Grand Porks county, North Dakota, to Miss Gyro S. Jora, who was born in Norway August 23, 1863. They have three children, Ame, Samuel and Knute. The parents are active members of the Norwegian Lutheran church. ERIC J. ERIKSON. Having come to this country and settled in Polk county in the full maturity of his manhood and with his ambition for his own advancement and the im- provement of the land of his adoption in full vigor, and having devoted all his time and energy to the aceomi)lishment of his desires, Eric J. Eriksou, one of the leading business men of Fertile, has proven himself to be a very useful citizen and a productive power for good in the community of his home. Mr. Erikson was born in Sweden June 28, 1852, and was reared and educated in that country, where he remained imtil he reached the age of twenty-nine, en- gaged principally in farming. In 1881 he came to the United States and in the autumn of that year took up his residence in Polk county. He entered a claim for 160 acres of land in Bear Park township, and on this tract he lived and made improvements for about ten years. At the end of that period he sold the home- stead and bought another farm, which is located in Garfield township, and also contains 160 acres. This farm was his home and employed his energies for five years. He then sold it and moved into the vil- lage of Fertile. After locating in Fertile Mr. Erikson first engaged in keeping a restaurant, but soon abandoned this line of trade and became a dealer in farm produce. He is now also largely interested in real estate in the village and the surrounding country. He has served several tei-ms as a member of the village council, and in many other ways has contributed to the develop- ment, improvement and growth of the town, and has taken an active and helpful interest in the United Lutheran church, of which he has long been a mem- ber. He was married in Sweden to Miss Johanna Anderson, a native of that country. They have six children, Hannah, Hulda, Hjalmar, Julia, Lillie and Eugene. REVEREND L. J. NJUS. Reverend L. J. Njus, of Mcintosh, pastor of the Synod Lutheran church at that place and a well known clergyman of the county, lias given able serv- ices in the ministerial field of Minnesota for the past fourteen years. He was bom in Norway, December 6, 1870 and there received his early education, com- pleting an academic course of study before coming to this country in June, 1888, at the age of eighteen years. For two years he engaged in farm labor in Minnehaha county. South Dakota and was then enabled to pursue his educational ambitions and en- tered the Lutheran Normal school at Sioux Falls. On 158 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY leaving this school he secured a position as a teacher iu a parochial school and for three years continued to be occupied in that profession, teaching in southern Wisconsin and in other places and then enrolled in the Luther Theological Seminary at St. Paul where he prepared himself for the clergy. He was gradu- ated in 1901 and received his first pastorate at Lake- field, Minnesota, where he served for over a year and was then transferred to Grove City, Minnesota. In 1905 he was appointed to the Synod Lutheran church at Mcintosh, where his chai'ge includes four Polk county congregations. During the years of his pas- toral labors in that vicinity, Mr. Njus has won the respect and esteem of all through his able and sincere service to the community. He has given his influence and active interest freely in the promotion of matters of public betterment and, as a member for several years of the school board and president of that body, has been prominently associated with the educational affairs of the town. Mr. Njus was married in Rock county, "Wisconsin, October, 1892, to Susan Johnson, a native of that state, whose death occurred at Mcintosh, iu January, 1910. His second marriage was solemnized in June, 1912, with Ingeborg Sime, who was bom in Norway. Two children have been born to this union, Ingemar J. and Martha Matilda. JOHN 0. BUHN. This gentleman, who has contributed a great deal to the enjoyment of a large number of persons for nearly twenty years in a specific way, and at the same time aided in building up and improving the locality in which he lives, is the founder and sole proprietor of the popular Maple Lake summer resort in Woodside township, this countj'^, where he has a completely equipped modern hotel and otlier facilities for the en- tertainment of patrons and pleasure seekers and lias built up a flourishing, extensive and profitable busi- ness. Mr. Buhn was bom in Norwa}' July 5, 1861, and came to the United States with his parents in 1869. They were Ole and Elsie (Peter.son) Buhn, and both of the same nativity as himself. When they reached this country in 1869 they located in Jackson county, Wisconsin, and there the father died before the end of the year. After the death of her husband the mother took up a homestead in Jackson county, and on this tract of land, which she developed into a fnait- ful and valuable farm, she passed the remainder of her days, dying in 1894. Of the five children born in the family John 0. was the youngest. Orphaned by the death of his father when the son was but eight years old, John 0. Buhn passed his boy- hood and youth in hard labor and under severe priva- tions. But he accepted his lot with a resolute spirit and faithfully met the requirements of his duty from the first. He remained at home with his mother until he reached the age of seventeen years, then went to Prescott, Wisconsin, where he lived and worked two or three years. In December, 1881, he came to Crooks- ton and began learning the blacksmith trade under the instruction of his brother George. He finished his apprenticeship of four years but realized before the end of it that the work of his trade was too hard for him and when he completed learning it he aban- doned it. In order to prepare himself for a new career in life ;\Ir. Buhn attended the Northwestern College of Com- merce for two seasons, and in the fall of 1887 he located at Mentor and opened the first store at that place and also became its first postmaster. For six yeai^s he continued merchandizing at Mentor, then sold his business and began improving the summer resort of which he is the proprietor. In connection with his enterprise as a resort keeper he ships lai'ge quantities of ice to points in North Dakota during the winter months and has been doing so since 1903. He also owns a quarter section of land in Grove Park town- ship, which he has improved and has under skillful cultivation. He takes an active part iu public town- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 159 ship affairs aud has been school treasurer of Mentor for a long time. On June 24, 1888, Mr. Buhn was married at Mentor to Miss Ella Anderson, a native of Saint Ansgar, Iowa, and the daughter of Thor Anderson, who was a Polk county pioneer and died ou his farm in Godfrey town- ship in 1905. lie took up this farm when it was in the wilderness and made it productive and a valuable home. Mr. aud Mrs. Buhn have eight children. Lil- lian is the wife of George Kitman. Emma is the wife of Elmer Knutson. The others are Raymond, Arthur, Dora, Elmer, Elba and Claris. HENRY ANDERSON. Having come to this country fi*om his native land of Noi'way when he was but eight years old, and hav- ing met all the requirements of his situation in various places and amid differing surroundings, Henry Ander- son, now one of the euterpi-ising and successful farm- ers of Badger township, this county, has shown him- self to be a person of sturdy qualities of head and heart and of sterling worth as a citizen. He was bom August 12, 1852, aud in 1860 accompanied his parents, Andrew and Anna Anderson, to the United States. They first located in Wisconsin, where they lived for some years, and where the mother died. From Wisconsin the father and his children moved to Nor- man county, Minnesota, and a short time afterward to Walsh county, North Dakota. In 1888 they came to Polk county and settled in Badger tovsmship, and here the son took up a homestead on which he has ever since made his home. The father died in that township in about 1900 when he was eighty-two years of age. Henry Anderson's land was all wild aud unbroken to the plow when he took possession of it, and all that it is now in the way of improvement and productive- ness he has made it by his enterprise and skillful cul- tivation. The attractive and comfortable buildings with which it is enriched are also the products of his labor, and in this he has been so successful and man- aged so judiciously that he has been able to add an- other 160 acres to his holdings aud put a considerable quantity of the new tract under cultivation also. On January 19, 1886, Mr. Anderson was married in Walsh county. North Dakota, to Miss Sarah Ameud- son, whose life began in Norway June 15, 1854. She came to America at the age of sixteen and grew to womanhood in Wisconsin. She and her husband are members of the Norwegian Lutheran Synod church. They have four children. Aimer, Tillie A., Almon S. and Ingval. Mr. Anderson has been active and help- ful in his efforts to build up his township and quicken the development of its resources. While he has never held a public office or taken a verj^ active part in party political affairs, he has been earnest and prudent in his attention to the interests of his locality, and is held in general esteem as one of its progressive and public- spirited citizens. HERBERT B. SYKBS. The subject of this brief review is one of the lead- ing farmers and most public-spirited men in Park Grove township, Polk county, and has reached his position of prominence and influence solely through his own merit and his unaided, individual efforts. He lives on his fine farm near the village of Mentor, but is known throughout the county as one of the substantial and progressive farmers and most repre- sentative citizens of his township. Mr. Sykes was born in Monticello, Wright county, Minnesota, October 9, 1876, the son of William E. and Luzema (Mitchell) Sykes, the former a native of Montreal, Canada, and the latter of Wright county, where they were old settlers. Their son Herbert was 160 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY the first born of their seven children, and remained at home with them until he reached the age of twenty- ty-four. He was reared on the farm, and from his boyhood bore his part of the labor of cultivating it, which interfered with the full use of his opportunity to obtain even the limited common school education that was available to him. On September 20, 1898, Mr. Sykes was married to Miss Lois Canfield, a native of Lyon county, Jlinne- sota, and a daughter of Frank L. and Flora (Hall) Canfield. The marriage took place in "Wright county, where Miss Canfield was living at the time. After their marriage they continued to live in that county for two years, Mr. Sykes being engaged in buying and shipping live stock. In 1890 they moved to Itasca county, this state, taking up a homestead 125 miles distant from a railroad. On this tract they located and lived for about seven years, during which I^Ir. Sykes worked at logging during the winters. In the spring of 1908 the family moved to Polk county. During the two years following his arrival in this county Mr. Sykes lived on land which he rented and farmed in Park Grove township. He then liougbt eighty acres, on whiuh he now has liis home, but ho farms a much more extensive tract, directing the operations on 560 acres in all. His farming is of a general nature in the main, but he makes a specialty of raising potatoes on a large scale, and shipped the first full carload sent out from Mentor. In the public affaire of his township Mr. Sykes has always taken an earnest interest and an active part. He has served as chairman of the township board and as school clerk. He is now one of the directors of the creamery in Mentor and also a director of the co-operative store at that village. No movement for the good of the township or the benefit of its resi- dents ever goes without his energetic support, and all his efforts in this behalf are guided by good .judg- ment and public spirit and governed by prudence and enterprise. He is vice president of the Park Fann club and in fraternal relations holds mem- bership in Camp No. 5288, Modern Woodmen of America, in which he has held all the important offices. He and his wife are the pai"ents of six children, Mil- dred E., Milton F., Hazel L., Mabel M., Roy E. and Earl H. OLE T. ROVANG. Now prosperous and well established as a success- ful farmer, with a progressively cultivated and highly improved farm of nearly 400 acres in Badger and Knute townships, Ole T. Rovang is one of the leading citizens of his part of Polk county, and enjoys in a marked degree the esteem and good will of its people and all others who know him. He has made a good record for work and good citizenship in several places in the Northwest since he came to the United States in 1876 from his native land of Norway, where he was born September 4, 1854, and where he was reared and educated. On his arrival in this country at the age of twenty- one and one-half years he located in Rock county, Minnesota, and there found employment for one sea- son as a farm hand. He then changed his base of operations to Decorah, Iowa, and until early in tlie eighties he worked out on farms in the neighborhood of that city. From Decorah, Iowa, he came to Polk county and preempted 160 acres of land on Badger creek in Badger township, but two years later lie moved to Sletten township, where he lived for a num- ber of years. Mr. Rovang 's next home was at Erskine, and there he carried on a hotel and livery business for some years. "While living at Erskine he bought the farm on which he now lives and sold his hotel and livery business. He has improved his farm with good build- ings and has on it two flowing wells and a modern well house. These are of great advantage to him in his operations, all of which are conducted according to up-to-date methods and with studious attention CUAKLKS L. CO^'CiEK COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 161 to making every day of his lalwr and every element of his enterprise and intelligence tell to his advantage and promote his progress. In the mercantile and other business and public affaire of his township and county Mr. Rovaug has always taken an active part. He was one of the foun- ders and is now a director of the State Bank of Erskine and also owns a one-fourth interest in the Oslo Trading company of Oslo, Minnesota. He was married in 1884 in Badger township to Miss Christina Espeseth, a sister of G. K. Espeseth and the daughter of Knute Espeseth. They have reared four adopted children, Ida O., Peter, Albert and Lydia. The pa- rents are zealous and serviceable members of the United Lutheran church. CHARLES L. CONGER. Charles L. Conger, cashier of the Citizens State bank at Mcintosh, was born at Eau Claire, Wis- consin, January 17, 1869, the son of William and Susan (Wright) Conger. He is the descendant of revolutionary and colonial stock, the Congers having been soldiers and patriots since the settling of the colonies by England, the residence of the family dating from 1640. In 1667 a John Conger located on land in New Jersey, near Woodbridge, and about a century later, in 1770, Gersham Conger, the great- grandfather of Charles L. Conger, removed from that state to Vermont. He was one of the followers of the Quaker faith who by their sturdy qualities played such an important part in the building of the nation, but despite his religious belief gave valiant service during the war for independence and died in Vermont In 1835. His son, Asher Conger, was born at Danby, Vermont, in 1799 and his death occurred in 1852, in his native town, which was also the birthplace of his son, William Conger, who was born November 10, 1819. The latter went to Wisconsin in 1867, two years before the birth of his son, Charles Conger, and later removed to Northwood, Iowa, where he died on August 16, 1898. He is survived by his wife, a native of Utica, New York, born May 19, 1835. She now makes her home with J. P. Foote of Crookston, who is her son by a previous marriage. Charles L. Conger was two years of age when the family removed to Northwood, Iowa, and was reared and educated in that place. In September, 1891, he came to Crooks- ton, where his half-brother, Mr. Foote, resided, and in the same month secured the position of assistant cashier in the Citizens State bank at Mcintosh, of which Mr. Foote is president. Mr. Conger has since devoted his business career to the able discharge of his duties as cashier, his successful association with this institution winning him recognition in the finan- cial circles of this section. The position of assistant cashier of the Citizens State bank has fitted a num- ber of the influential bankers of the state for more important positions; among the former occupants of these positions are, Alfred Hoel, now vice president of the Firet National bank at Gilbert ; First National of Biwabik, Minnesota, and State Bank of Arura, Minnesota; Charles Hoel, cashier of the Miners' Na- tional bank at Eveleth; A. J. Hoel, assistant cashier of the First National bank at Cass Lake; A. I. Sol- berg, cashier of the Farmers State bank at Winger, and T. A. Thompson, who was the first assistant cashier appointed in the Mcintosh bank and has held the office of registrar of deeds of Polk county for ten years. Mr. Conger is further identified with the busi- ness interests of the county as a landowner and farmer and is the proprietor of two farms, of 240 and 160 acres, and several tracts of land, and has also made investments in timber land in St. Louis and farm lands in Pennington counties. He takes great interest in the management and the direction of the work of improvement of his farms, which are occu- pied by tenants. He is a member of the Democratic party and is widely known for his services in the political field and is active in conventions and in the 162 COMPEXDIUiM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY direction of party affairs, he has aever sought the honors of office, but has served as mayor for the past seven years and as treasurer for the past fourteen years, and has also served on the school board. He was appointed by Governor Hammond to the board of visitors to the state institutions but recently re- signed from his membership in that body. Mr! Con- ger's favorite recreation is a good game of the national diversion of baseball, which he enjoys from the stand- point of a former player, and he has given his support and influence to the encouragement of local enthu- siasm and the home team. In fraternal circles he was one of the organizers of the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias and is Past Chancellor and a member of the Grand Lodge. He is a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Elks lodge at Crookston. Mr. Conger was married at Litchfield, to Leona Halvorson, and her death occurred on September 1-t, 1902. His sec- ond marriage was solemnized with Louise A. Heiser of Albert Lea, Minnesota, December 8, 1903. He has one child, William L. Conger, who was born in 1901 and is a student in the junior year of the Mcintosh high school. Mr. Conger is a member of the board of managers of the Minnesota Society of the Sons of the Revolu- tion. He is also a member of the executive council of the State Bankers association from the Ninth con- gressional district, and has served as president of the Ninth district group of bankers. He also served as vice president and director of the Northern Minne- sota Development association and as president of the Commercial club. MARTIN BENSEN. Having reached a position of substantial wordly comfort and consequence, good social standing and influence in local public affairs wholly through his own efforts and by perseverance and industry and good management, although encountering many diffi- culties and being called on to endure many privations, Martin Bensen, one of the successful, progressive and prosperous farmers of Knute township, Polk county, is entitled to great credit for his steady advancement in every part of his career, and justly enjoys in full measure the esteem and good will of all who know him. Mr. Bensen is a native of Norway, where his life began December 28, 1859. He is a son of Bearnt L. and Bertha Mary (Christianson) Bensen, also Norwe- gians by nativity and parentage. The father came to the United States in 1867 and located in Dakota county, Minnesota. In 1869 the mother brought the children then living in the family over and the resi- dence in Dakota county was maintained until 1883. But in 1882 the father came to Polk county and took a homestead in "Woodside township, and the next spring the family moved to that tract of laud in the wilderness. The parents remained on it until old age compelled their retirement from active pursuits. They then made their home with their children, liv- ing awhile with their son Martin and afterward with their daughter, Mrs. M. B. Nelson, in Knute township, where they died, the mother on October 11, 1909, at the age of eighty-five years and the father on Sep- tember 9, 1912, aged nearly ninety-three. Martin Bensen was the fifth of the eight children born to his parents. He was reared on the parental homestead and obtained a common school education. Being a farmer's sou he naturally took to the occupa- tion of his father, and to this he has ever since stead- fastly adhered. In the spring of 1883 he took up a homestead in section 22, Knute township, and on the 160 acres of good land of which he thereby became possessed he has passed all of his subsequent years. But he has added to his estate as he has made head- way, and now owns 600 acres, improved with good buildings and other necessarj^ structures and nearly all under systematic and skillful cultivation. He has taken an active part in the public affairs of his town- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 163 ship and has served it wisely and faithfully as con- stable and supervisor. On April 14, 1886, Mr. Bensen was married iu Da- kota county to Miss Marj- Sjolie, who was boni in that county December 27, 1865, a daughter of Mar- tin and Engebord Sjolie, natives of Norway who came to this country in 1864 or 1865 and settled in Dakota county, where the father died when he was about fifty- five years of age. The mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Bensen have had eleven children, ten of whom are living. They are Benjamin, Ida, Guida, Louis, Malton, Minnie, Joseph, Martha, Myrtle and Georgia. The other child, a daughter named Lavine, strayed away from home in the early spring of 1892 and was found frozen to death about a mUe distant. She was two years old at the time. The parents are members of the United Lutheran church and active in all its work for the improvement of the community. EINAR 0. MELSNESS. Conducting his farming operations and other lines of business with enterprise, vigor and judgment, and rendering the people excellent service as clerk of Badger township, Einar 0. Melsness, whose fine farm of 240 acres near the village of Erskine is almost wholly the product of his own industry, skill and good management, is a highly useful and esteemed resi- dent of Polk county and one of its representative citizens. Mr. Melsness is a native of Dakota county, Minne- sota, where his life began March 23, 1872. He lived there with his parents until he reached the age of twelve, and then passed one year with them in Walsh county, North Dakota. In 1885 the family moved to Polk county and located on a farm in Badger town- ship. The parents. Christian 0. and Olia (Enersdat- ter) Melsness, were natives of Norway. The mother died at their Badger township home February 9, 1915, aged seventy-five years. The father is still living. Einar 0. Melsness was educated in the common schools and at a private college in Crookstou. For seven years he taught school in Polk county, but his principal occupation in life has been that of farming. During three seasons, however, lie was also occupied in buying and shipping grain, and throughout one summer he was employed in the State Bank at Er- skine. He has always taken an earnest interest and an active part in township affairs of a public nature, and has rendered his full share of service in their proper administration, having served during the last fifteen years as township clerk. He was also secretary and manager of the Erskine creamery several years. On April 10, 1912, Mr. Melsness was united in mar- riage with Miss Christine Jorgenson, a native of Bad- ger township and a daughter of Peter Jorgenson, of Erskine. They have one child, their son Martin 0. Mr. and Mrs. Melsness stand high in their home local- ity and well deserve the universal esteem in which they are held. GILBERT K. ESPESETH. Gilbert K. Espeseth, of Erskine, president of the State Bank of Erskine and prominent merchant, has been notably identified with the business activities of that place since the days of its settlement. He was bom in Norway, February 27, 1863, and was reared in his native land. In 1882 he accompanied his parents to this country, and a^ter a short time spent in Grand Forks, North Dakota, removed to Polk county, Minnesota, where his father, Knute Espeseth, took a homestead claim, being one of the pioneer set- tlers of Badger township. Gilbert Espeseth remained on the farm until 1889, when he embarked upon his commercial career, and in partnership with Henry T. Gilbertson, opened a store on the town site of Erskine, 164 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY which had been but recently platted, and engaged in the hardware and agricultural implement business. This firm has enjoyed a prosperous and steadily grow- ing patronage and is one of the leading establishments of that region, handling furniture in addition to their original lines. As a business man and citizen, Mr. Espeseth has been widely identified with the gi'owth and success of the various interests of Er- skine and has actively promoted every project which would advance its prosperity. Both he and Mr. Gil- bertson are shareholders in the Erskine Elevator company and have extensive land interests in Polk county and elsewhere. Their commercial activities include the Oslo Trading company, at Oslo, Marshall county, Minnesota, in which they own a quarter in- terest each, Mr. Espeseth has been associated with the State Bank of Erskine, one of the flourishing financial institutions of the countj', since 1913 and in 1915, succeeded A. D. Stephens as president of the board of directors. Mr. Espeseth enjoys the confidence and esteem of his associates, his many activities indicating his enterprise and ability in all phases of his successful career. He is a member and an active and faithful supporter of the United Lutheran church. His marriage to Annie Ramseth occurred in 1898. She was born in Norway and has made her home in Polk county since childhood. They have tliree children, Cora, Phillip and Fritjof. KNUTE RYGGEN. The resolute and heroic mother and the filial, serv- iceable and praiseworthy son are presented woi'king together in the life story of Knute Ryggen, one of the enterprising, progressive and successful farmers of Badger township, this county. He was bom in Nor- way Febriiary 3, 1869, and orphaned in his boyhood by the death of his father, Jacob Ryggen, in that country. After the death of her husband the mother, whose maiden name was Engebord Hagden, brought her five children to the United States with the hope of bettering conditions for herself and them in this land of rich promise and abounding opportunities. They came over in 1882, and, after living one year in Grand Forks, North Dakota, moved to Polk county, Minnesota, where the son took up a homestead of 160 acres of government land on which the familj^ has since resided. Mr. Ryggen and his brother Arne worked hard improving this new home in the wilder- ness, and so well applied have been their labors and so wisely have they managed their afl:'aii-s that they now together owti and have under cultivation 500 acres improved with good buildings and equipped with all the requisites for advanced and systematic fannhig according to the most approved present-day methods. The mother is still living and she, also, still has her home in Badger township, this county. Her fidelity to her children has been rewarded by the realization of all her hopes of good fortune in the New World, and slie furnishes in her career a shining proof that devotion to duty bi'ings its own rewai'd, and sometimes, at least, in a substantial, tangible way that is patent to all observers. All the members of the family belong to the United Lutheran church and take an active part in the affairs of the congi'egation in which they are enrolled. MARTIN B. NELSON. This progressive and prosperous Knute township farmer is one of the substantial and enterprising citizens of Polk county, and for thirty-two years he has been active in helping to build up, develop and improve it in a judicious and commendable way, add- ing to its material wealth and aiding in directing its public affairs along lines of wholesome progress. He is a native of Norway, where his life began COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 16E March 30, 1857, and where he lived until 1880, when he determined to seek his fortune in the New World. He landed at Quebec, Canada, but soon afterward came over into "the States" and took up his residence in Wisconsin. About a year later he changed his base of operations to Northfield, Minne- sota, and in 1883 he moved to Polk county, Minnesota, and took up a homestead in sections 10 and 15, Kunte township, on which he has since made his home and expended his energies to good purpose. Mr. Nelson now owns 310 acres of choice land improved witli good buildings and furnished with all the most approved appliances for systematic and advanced farming. His land lies partly in Knute and partly in Badger township, and he has brought it all to a high state of prodvictiveness and made his home attractive in appearance as well as comfort- able in equipment and a model in scientific and up- to-date tillage. On December 12, 1883, Mr. Nelson was married in Crookston to Miss Mary Benson, who was born in Norway Februaiy 25, 1865, the daughter of B. L. and Bertha Mary Benson, also natives of Norway. The father came to this country in 1867 and located in Dakota county, Minnesota, and in 1869 the mother came over with her children and joined him. They lived in Dakota county until 1883. In 1882 the father came to Polk county and took up a home- stead in AVoodside township to which the family moved the next spring. The parents occupied and improved this homestead until they retired from active work, when they made their home with their daughter, Mrs. Nelson. The mother died on Mr. Nelson's farm October 11, 1909, when she was eighty- five years old, and the father September 9, 1912, in his ninety-third year. These venerable pioneers were the parents of eight children. Anna M. became the wife of Nels Lillemoe and died in 1907. Louis lived in the village of Er- skine. Christian died a number of years ago. Martha is the wife of Julius Bradley. Martin and Bernt are residents of Knute township. Mary is the wife of ]\Ix'. Nelson and Gida died when twelve years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have ten children, Bernhard, Melvin, Bertha (the wife of Melvin Peterson), Gilbert, Nicalie B., Alfred, Moses, Oscar Robert, Martin L. and Eunice M. The parents are members of the United Lutheran church. They take an active part in all its undertakings and also manifest an earnest and serviceable interest in all good agencies working for the general welfare and happiness of their home community. OLOF STARDIG. Having come to Polk county in the early days of its history, while a large part of it was still a wil- derness, sparsely settled and almost without the ordi- nary conveniences of life and destitute of all the advantages brought about by civilization, Olof Star- dig, now one of the prosperous and substantial farm- ei-s of Knute township, saw all the hardships and privations of frontier life and met thetn with the heroic courage of a hardy and resolute pioneer, daunted by no danger and deterred by no difficulty in his determination to win a home and a position of comfort and standing in the New World. Mr. Stardig was bom in Sweden May 4, 1848, and remained in his native land until 1882. In Decem- ber of that year he emigrated to America and located in Douglas county, Minnesota. In August, 1883, he came to Polk county and filed on 160 acres of land in Knute township, but returned to Douglas county and remained there until January, 1884. At that time he took up his residence on his Polk county claim, after building a log cabin, the logs for which he car- ried on his shoulder through about three feet of snow. He had left his family in Sweden and, as he had but $3 in money, he was unable to send for his wife and children until spring. In the meantime he worked out at whatever he could get to do, and was thankful 166 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY for any cmploymeut tliat was given liiiu. He saved his earnings with scrupulous care and in the spring of 1884 was able to bring his family to his new home in the wilds. From that time until now Mr. Stardig has con- tinued to improve his fann, and liy his .steady and well applied industry he has made it one of the best in his township. The log cabin has been replaced by a comfortable modern dwelling house and other build- ings have been erected as need required and the finan- cial progress of the family permitted, and during all the passing years close and studious attention has been given to the cultivation of the land and the ap- plication of new discoveries in agricultural science for its improvement and the expansion of its fruit- fulness. Mr. Stardig was married in Sweden to ^liss Marina Ostenson, who was bom in that countiy October 1, 1846. They have had nine children, .seven of whom are living: Otto, Sebner, Anton, Ida, Albert W., Min- nie and Emilj'. A daughter named Anna died when slie was eleven yeai's old and a son named Mortiu passed away at Grand Rapids, Minnesota, when he was about thirty. The parents are members of the Swedish Lutheran church. The father has held the office of supei'vi.sor in Knute township for a number of years and that of school treasurer for a much larger number. LEVOR A. BJELLA. Levor A. Bjella, a well knowu contractor and builder of Mcintosh, is a native of Norway, where he was bom March 31, 1876. He gi'ew to manhood in his native land and came to the United States when nineteen years of age. He came directly to Minne- sota and for two years was employed in farm laljor in Nonnan county. In 1897 he entered the carpenter business and during the three years of his operations in that trade, became an efficient and successful work- man. He located in Mcintosh in July, 1900, and for two years was employed with his brother in black- smith work and then engaged in tlie contracting and building business and has since given his attention to his rapidly gi-owiug trade; his tliorough technical training and business ability mai-king him as the leading contractor in Mcintosh. Mr. Bjella is a member of the Synod Lutheran church. His mari'iage to Amelia Erickson occun-ed July 10, 1903, at Mcin- tosh. She was born in Freeborn county, Minnesota, and is of Norwegian parentage. Mr. Bjella and his wife have si.x children, Anna, Oscar, Laura, Oliver, Kalmer, and Mabel. TALLAK H. AAKHUS. This gentleman, who is one of the enterprising and successful farmers of King township, this county, came to the United States in his youth in search of better opportunities than he thought his native land of Norway promised. He has been successful in his quest, having won a good estate and prom- inence among the people by his industiy, frugality and good management and his abiding and service- able interest in the welfare of the land of his adop- tion, and especially the .section of it in which he lives. He was born October 9, 1864, and emigi-ated to Amer- ica in 1881. Landing at New York when he arrived on this side of the Atlantic, he found the East unattractive to him and came at once to Polk county, Minnesota, lo- cating at Fisher's Landing. He lived there about a year and a half, working out at farm labor. He then went to the Paeitic coast and passed six years in the states of Washington and Oregon. Returning to Polk county at the end of that period, he purchased 160 acres of land adjacent to the vilhige of ^Mcintosh, and on this tract he is still living. Mr. Aakhus has improved his farm with good build- ings and has it all under cultivation. He has taken liILlAS STEEXEK80X COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 167 an earnest interest and an active part in local public affairs and has filled the offices of constable, town- ship treasurer, supei-visor and township clerk, holding the last named several years. He is also chaiinnan of the board of supervisors of King township for a num- ber of years, and has long been one of the leading promoters of educational interests and activities in that township. Mr. Aakhus has been married three times. His first marriage was with Miss Anna Torbinson and took place in Grand Forks. She was bom in Minnesota but of Norwegian parentage. Five children were bom of the union, Halvor, Torbjor, Theo, Olaf and Ben- jamin. Torbjor is now the wife of N. W. Phillips. The mother of these children died in King township May 11, 1904, and the father was married some time afterward to Miss Anna Nornes, a native of King township, this county, and the daughter of Gunsten Nornes, who was one of the first settlers in that town- ship, where he died upward of fifty years of age. By his second marriage Mr. Aakhus became the father of one child, his son Carl. Carl's mother died Januaiy 28, 1907, and afterward his father married his present wife, who was iMiss Engeborg Nornes, a sister of his second wife. The offspring of this union numbers five, Andy, Arnold, Melvin, Harold and Thelma. All the members of the family belong to and are active in the work of the United Lutheran church. IVER JOHNSON. This gentleman, who is the present capable and obliging postmaster of the thriving village of Bel- trami, Polk county, has had a somewhat varied and interesting career, through which he has worked his way by his own pluck and ability, making evei'y ad- vance in his progress a stepping stone to something better. He is a native of Norway, where his life be- gan March 27, 1871, and where he lived until 1882, when he emigrated with his parents to the United States and found a new home in the New "World in Ottertail county, Minnesota. The next year the fam- ily moved to Polk county, and for a few succeeding years lived in Garfield township. In 1892, when Mr. Johnson was just twenty-one years old, he took up his residence in the village of Beltrami, and there he was employed as a clerk in a store for about four years. At the end of that time he attended the Grand Forks college for a year, and on his return to Beltrami he engaged in mercantile business on his own account. In the spring of 1904 he was appointed postmaster of Beltrami, and this office he has filled with acceptability to the people ever since. He has always taken a warm interest in the welfare of the village, and has given it excellent sei'vice as village recorder, and the township the same in the capacity of township clerk and justice of the peace. In addition to his business and other holdings in Beltrami he owns fifty-five acres of good land in Reis township, which is close to the village and stead- ily increasing in value. On February 9, 1907, Sir. Johnson was married to Miss Matilda Agneberg. They have four children living, Norman J., Ignatius M., Constance B. and Katharine M. The religious affilia- tion of the family is with the Lutheran church. ELIAS STEENERSON. Elia« Steenerson was bom in Houston county, Rushford, Minnesota. In the spring of 1876, he Minnesota, November 4, 1856. He worked on his took a teacher's examination, securing a certificate father's farm and attended the district school in the to teach; but he did not then take up that line of town of Sheldon and a term in the graded school at work, as different plans were in progress, his parents 168 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY having decided to move to the Red River Valley, and Elias was eager to follow Greeley's advice to "go AVest and grow up with the coimtiy. " In September, 1876, he started for the Red River Valley with a team and a covered wagon, several head of horses, cattle, and sheep, belonging to his father, who had taken a homestead in the town of Vineland in 1875, and who was establishing a new home in the west where all his sons and daughters could become land owners if they wished to. He arrived at Sand Hill River, town of Vineland, November 3, 1876, after a six weeks' journey in the then modern prairie schooner. Few men are more intimately identified with the settlement and develop- ment of Polk county than the subject of this sketch. In the winter of 1876-1877 he taught school in District No. 5, Polk county, a territorj^ embracing nearly two townships. The school was held at the homes of the scattered settlers along the Red river, between Marsh and Sand Hill rivers, at periods of two weeks at each place, so as to get all children of school age enrolled. He applied to purchase the east half of the south- east quarter and the east half of the northeast quar- ter, section twenty-five, township one hundred forty- eight, range forty-nine, fi-om the railroad company, and also pre-empted the southeast quarter, section six, township one hundred forty-seven, range forty- eight. He secured the title to these lands by purchase from the railroad company and by homestead from the Government. He still owns these lands and takes pi'ide in the fact that there is no mortgage on them. He has added some to this acreage, and through a renter fanns six hundred acres near Climax; he calls his farm Walhalla. In 1879 he was selling machinery in Caledonia, North Dakota, and in 1880 in Grand Forks. In 1881 he established himself with his brother as the firm of Steenerson Brothers at Fisher and Crookston, deal- ing in Walter A. Wood's harvesting and other ma- chinery. He claims the distinction of selling and delivering the first twine binder in Polk county. The firm distributed forty-two twine binders from Fisher, and forty from Crookston in that year. The same year the firm opened a genei-al store at Fisher. He was mayor and postmaster of Fisher for several years. In 1887 the firm retired from machinery and mer- cantile business and our subject moved to Crookston, where he opened a real estate and insurance office, devoting a large portion of his time to farm insur- ance, which cari'ied him all over the county and gave him an intimate acquaintance with the farmers such as few others enjoy. He has been identified with the farmers' movement in many ways. In 1892 he instituted the famous Steenerson Grain Rate Case which established the principal of State control of Railways. He has been delegate to various farmers' and marketing conven- tions. He helped to create the sentiment which brought about legislation for the Railway and Ware House Commission; for grain inspection and grad- ing ; for the reclaiming of swamp and over-flow lands by a system of state drainage; and for extending the College of Agriculture by establishing branch agri- cultural schools throughout the state as part of the University — in particular in the Northwest School of Agriculture, located at Crookston. He is an advo- cate of placing boards of trade and chambers of com- merce under control of the state. In 1900 he traveled over the Northwest as special agent for the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, lu 1901 he was interested in lumbering near Black- duek, Beltrami county, and furnished the lumber that built the fii*st houses in that village. In 1904 he was appointed postmaster at Crookston by President Roosevelt, and was re-appointed in 1909 and served with distinction until succeeded by a Democrat, in July, 1913. During his incumbency tlie Crookston postoffiee was raised to a high standard of efficiencj' and cleanliness. The rural delivery system was in- creased from two carriers to six, giving service to within a mile of every farmer within a radius of sixteen miles from Crookston. A Federal building was built during his term, the furnishing of which COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY he well knew how to provide, and where he presided for several yeai-s with dignity and decorum. In 1914 he resided part of the time in Minneapolis, and at the solicitation of his farmer friends, he filed on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, and, although scarcely making an effort worth mentioning, he made a run that threw the scare into his opponent and the machine politicians who supported him, re- ceiving a total vote of nearly seventy-eight thousand (78,000), and cariying every county in the Ninth Congressional District with big majorities. In the spring of 1915 he returned to Crookston to live where he has a neat and cozy home, and is again to be found at his desk in his office, on Main Street, where he conducts a real estate and insurance busi- ness, and looks after his farming interests through- 169 out the county. He is a member of the Crookston Lodge of Elks No. 342, and the Native Sons of Min- nesota. He is a liberal contributor to all public enterprises. Mr. Steenerson was married in 1884 to Oliama Iloug. They have had one son, Vivian, a promising young man who died at the age of twenty-one years. Mr. and Mrs. Steenerson enjoy traveling, and spend part of their time in that manner, having visited nearly all points of interest in North America, in- cluding Mexico and Cuba. Their next trip will be to Europe, and were it not for the great war they would be there at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Steener- son hold membership in the Lutheran church, where Mrs. Steenerson takes an active part. HOGEN B. HOGENSON. This useful citizen of Polk county and resident of the village of Fertile for years met the requirements of duty as an industrious and successful home-steader and farmer, redeeming a tract of virgin land from the wilderness and making it fruitful with the prod- ucts of systematic cultivation, and he is now engaged in ministering to the comfort and general welfare of a large number of persons as the United States mail carrier on Rural Route No. 2 running out of Fertile. He was bom in Norway December 27, 1859, the sou of Thorsten and Guro (Hanson) Hogenson, and passed the first thirteen years of his life in his native land. His mother died in Norway, and in 1872 he came with his father to the United States. They located in Olmsted county, Minnesota, where the son lived until he reached the age of twenty-two. He then changed his residence to Polk county and entered a homestead in Garden township. On this homestead he continued to live and labor, breaking up and cul- tivating his land and making needed improvements year after year, until August, 1905, transforming his wild claim into a good farm and a comfortable home in his twenty-two years of residence and well applied industry on it. In August, 1905, he moved to Fertile and was ap- pointed rural mail carrier on Route No. 2, in which capacity he has ever since rendered excellent service to the public. His farm comprises 200 acres and is well developed and improved. Wliile living on it Mr. Hogenson filled several township offices with credit to himself and benefit to his township. He served as assessor, justice of the peace, chairman of the board of supervisors and member of the school board, taking an active part in all township affairs and helping to develop and advance the locality by all the means available to him. His work in the town- ship is appreciated and the people there have high regard for him because of his genuine worth and the service he rendered them. In church connection Mr. Hogenson is a Lutheran. He was married in Olmsted county, Minnesota, June 3, 1882, to Miss Gunnild Gunnufson, who was born and reared in this state. She died September 8, 1914, at the age of fifty-four years leaving eight children : Anna, Thomas, John, Christine, Ida, Clara, Helmar 170 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and Gladys. A sou named Hogen died when lie was five years old. Anna became the wife of All)ert Holm and died June 20, 1908. Christine is the wife of Wil- liam Olson, who is a farmer and lives in Garden town- ship. JOHN A. ERIKSON. Although a native of the state of Wisconsin, John A. Erikson, a prominent hardware and farmiun; imple- ments merchant of Fertile has been a I'esident of Polk county, Minnesota, for thirty-three years and of the village of Fertile for twenty-eight. He is therefore fully in touch with the people of this county and has an earnest interest in all their a.spirations and under- takings for advancement and elevation in their stand- ards of living, and he has contributed his full portion of the effort necessary to promote their w-elfare. Mr. Erikson is the son of Hemming and Elizabeth (Johnson) Erikson. They were both Norwegian by birth. The father came to the United States in 1854 and took up his residence on a homestead he entered in Waushara county, Wisconsin, near the village of Mount Morris. There his son John A. was born June 19, 1867, and there the family lived until April 26, 1882, when the family home was changed to Lib- erty township in this county. In 1904 the father sold his Polk county farm, and since then he has made his home in Minneapolis. John A. Erikson remained on his father's farm in Liberty township until September 1, 1887, when he changed his residence to the village of Fertile and took a position in the employ of George Kronschnabel, who was then conducting the leading hardware store in the village. Mr. Erikson later became his partner in this business and they were associated in the manage- ment of it until June, 1896, when Mr. Kronschnabel sold his interest in the firm to W. L. Vannet, with whom Mr. Erikson was in partnership until 1906. Since then he has carried on the business alone, carry- ing an extensive stock of hardware and farming im- plements and building up a large and active trade throughout a considerable scope of country. By his activity in behalf of every project designed to build up and improve his home community Mr. Erikson has made himself an important factor in pro- moting the progress of this region and won the esteem of its residents as one of its most enterprising, public- spirited and sei-viceable citizens. He has served as assistant postmaster and for over four years has been seeretai-y of the Commercial club. Frateraally he be- longs to the Woodmen of the World and in religious affiliation to the United Lutheran church. Feeling that his education was deficient when neap- ing the dawni of his manhood, Mr. Erikson attended the Central school in Crookston in the winter of 1886- 87, and for a short time in the late summer of 1887 he was employed as a clerk by Charles M. Old at Bel- trami. He was married in Faribault, Minnesota, in 1902, to Miss Carrie Oehler, who was born in Iowa. They have two children, their sons Earl and Luther. HARRY M. HALVORSON. Although he was bom and reared on a farm and has himself followed farming, Harry M. Halvorson's taste and inclination have always been toward busi- ness, and the greater part of his life since reaching maturity has been passed in business operations, chiefly as a liveryman, which he is at present, and one of the leadei-s in his line in Polk county. He is studious of his calling and makes evei-y effort to keep his equipment for it strictly up to date, and he also studies his trade and strives vrith all his resources to meet every requirement of his patrons. Mr. Halvorson is wholly a product of Polk county COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 171 and a representative man among its people. His life began on his father's farm in Liberty township June 23, 1891, and he continued to live there until he reached the age of twenty years, obtaining a common school education at the school in the neighborhood of his home. He also worked on the farm from the time when he was big and strong enough to do it until he left the parental rooftree and started out in life to make his own way in the world. Mr. Halvoi'son is a son of Hans and Hamiah (Gulickson) Halvoi'son, the former a native of Nor- way and the latter of Iowa but of Norwegian parent- age. They were among the early settlers of Liberty township, this county, where the father entered a homestead in the early days and has since been en- gaged in farming. Seven children were born of their union, and of tliese their son Harry was the fifth in the order of birth. When he left home he rented a farm for a year in Scandia township and then took charge of one in Rice township for a few months. In December, 1913, he purchased the livery business and outfit of J. I. Hamre in Fertile, and to the manage- ment of that business he has since devoted himself with constant industry, good ability and profitable results. He is an excellent citizen and esteemed as such throughout the community. THORVALD A. BYDAL. Thorvald A. Bydal, of East Grand Forks, a well known citizen and leading merchant of that place, was born in Norway, May 8, 1865. He remained in his native land until twenty years of age, when he came to the United States and for a year resided in Portage county, Wisconsin. In 1886 he remoA'ed to Polk county and became associated with the grocery trade as a clerk in a store in East Grand Forks and continued in that employment for a number of years, making his independent venture in the commercial world in 1907. In May of that year he opened a gro- cery store under the firm name of Bydal & Bydal and has since devoted his attention to the successful man- agement of that business. This store is one of the largest and most attractive in that locality, furnishing the town with excellent trading facilities and enjoys a steady prosperity and lucrative patronage which attests to the ability and integi'ity of its management. Aside from his commercial activities, Mr. Bydal is interested in farm lands, owning three hundred and twenty acres of North Dakota land. During the many years of his residence in the county, he has given his ready support to every project which tends to public betterment and has taken an active interest in the affairs of the community. He is an influential mem- ber of the Commercial club and one of its directors. Also vice president of the Retail Merchants association of East Grand Forks and Grand Forks. Mr. Bydal was married in Minneapolis, October 12, 1903, to Anna Leewy, who, like her husband, is a native of Norway. They have one child, Laila. WILLIAM STREET. Being one of the extensive, progressive and success- ful farmera of Reis township, this county, William Street is a useful and stimulating force in the part of the county in which he lives and has done a gi-eat deal toward helping it to progress to its full develop- ment and most advanced improvement. He also han- dles live stock extensively, and in this branch of his industry he is an additional help to the industrial and commercial activities of his township and the Northwest in general. Mr. Street was bom near the town of Ringwood, Hampshire, England, November 6, 1845, and was reared on his father's farm there and educated at the school in the neighborhood. From his boyhood he 172 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY looked forward to fanning as his chosen occupation for life, and through all his subsequent years he has largely adliered to this choice. In 1873 he emigrated to the United States and took up his residence at Glyndon, Clay county, Minnesota, and there, for a few months, was employed by the Northern Pacific Railroad. While railroad work was not entirely to his liking it pleased him well enough to hold him for the next five years, during which he was in the employ of the Great Northern company, earning fair wages and saving them for future use. At the end of the period named he once more turned his attention to farming, becoming foreman on the large W. H. Fisher farm in Norman county, and serv- ing there in that capacity thirteen years. In 1891 he engaged in farming for himself, taking up a home- stead in Section 22, Reis township, this county, which he lived on and improved as his home until 1897. He then took school land on Section 16 of the same town- ship, and on this he has ever since resided. But he has added to his holdings until he now owns 640 acres, all of which he has improved and brought to a high state of productiveness. In addition to his farming operations, which are of a general character, he han- dles live stock in considerable numbers, having at the time of this writing (Nov. 1, 1915), some 22 head of horses, 90 of cattle and 50 of hogs. Mr. Street has always taken an earnest interest and an active part in the public affairs of his township and county. He has acceptably filled several local offices and was one of the principal men in organiz- ing the Beltrami Co-operative Creamery company, in which he is still largely interested. In the spring of 1892 he was married in Crookston to Miss Lizzie Sav- age, who is a native of Faribault, Minnesota. They have six children, Emma, William, Walter, JIabel, Clara and Herbert. Emma is now the wife of Dr. Fred Lvman. OLE A. THORESON. Ole A. Thoreson, a former postmaster at East Grand Forks and a Avell kno\^^l citizen of Polk county, was bom in the northern part of Norway, in the parish of Bardo, December 26, 1845. The early years of his life were spent in his native land, where he lived until he was sixteen years of age, when in the spring of 1862, his parents brought their family to the United States, making St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin their des- tination. Shortly afterwards they took homesteads north of St. Croix Falls in Burnett county, which was the home of Ole Thoreson for a number of years during wliich he engaged in farming and was actively associated with the public interests and political af- fairs and was elected to the oflSces of county auditor and county commissioner. After spending about fif- teen years in Wisconsin he became desirous of remov- ing westward and in 1877 visited Polk county, look- ing for a new location for his agricultural activities. About one j'ear later he came to Polk county and took a preemption claim of one hundred and sixtj' acres in Sullivan towniship. He devoted his attention to the development and improvement of the farm until 1889 when he was appointed postmaster of East Grand Forks by President Harrison and served in that office for four years. In 1902 he was again called to public service, being elected probate judge of Polk county and in 1904 was returned to the office but resigned before the end of his term to accept his second appoint- ment as postmaster of East Grand Forks, and con- tinued in office through the administrations of Roose- velt and Taft. Through the many years of public service which have marked his career vdth honor and merit, Mr. Thoreson has met all the demands of his position with an efficiency and diligence that have brought liim the confidence and unfailing support of his constituents. As a public spirited citizen and successful farmer, his influence has been exerted in all phases of the rapid development of the eountr>' which he entered as a pioneer. He is a member of the Lutheran church, of which he has always been a COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 173 faithful aud generous supporter and has been actively interested in the extension of its activities, having been prominently associated with the erection of two churches, one in Wisconsin and in the First Lutheran church in Grand Forks. Mr. Thoreson was married at Grantsburg, Burnett county, Wisconsin, December 31, 1876, to Albertiua Hilnian, who like her husband is a native of Norway, born at Frederickshald, Novem- ber 25, 1855. She came to the United States with her parents when ten years of age and after residing for several years in Lafayette and Green counties, the family settled in Burnett county, which remained the home of Mrs. Thoreson until shoi"tly after her mar- riage. Seven children were born to Mr. Thoi'eson and his wife, of whom five are now living. The death of a daughter. Alma Thoreson, occurred November 11, 1911, in her thirtieth year and that of another daugh- ter in her infancy. The surviving members of the family are, Ida H., Theresa E., Olaf A., Hannah M. and Elmer T. CHARLES STREET. This enterprising and successful farmer of Reis township, this county, is a younger brother of William Street, a sketch of whom will be found in this volume, and is living on the old homestead taken up by his brother William in Section 22, which was the first home of the latter in Polk county. Charles was boi-n near the town of Ringwood, in Hampshire, England, December 18, 1858, and was reared, like his brother William, on his father's farm, obtaining his education at the country school in the vicinity of his home. In August, 1884, he emigrated to the United States, and during the next eight years he lived in different places in this country and was employed at various occupations, doing with interest and energy whatever he found to do. In 1893 he became a resident of Polk county, and for six years thereafter he was in the employ of his brother William. He then bought his brother's old homestead of 160 acres in Section 22, Reis township, and on this he has expended his time and energies in a general farming enterprise ever since. He is a pro- gressive and studious man, and has brought to bear on his farming operations whatever he has been able to learn by study and obsei-vation that has seemed likely to improve his methods and accelerate his prog- ress. His farm is an example of the good results of forethought and intelligence as applied to modern agriculture, and he is, besides, an excellent citizen with a broad-minded and public-spirited interest in all the public alfairs of his township and county. lie has found good opportunities for his industry and enterprise in this country, and has profited by them. The countiy has also been the gainer by his having selected it as the seat of his operations, and he is highly respected as a thi'ifty and upright man by all who know him. WILBUR G. LYTLE. Having given up active pursuits of a laborious kind and taken up his residence in Crookston, where he is living retired, Wilbur G. Lytle, formerly one of the enterprising and progressive farmers of Polk county, is enjoying in the quiet way agreeable to him the fruits of his long and arduous labors during tlie years of his greater activity. He was born at Lisbon, St. Lawrence county. New York, August 10, 1845, the son of John A. and Lucinda (Scripture) Lawrence; the former a native of the state of New York and the latter of Vermont. They were farmers and both died in St. Lawrence county, New York, where they passed the greater part of their lives. Wilbur G. Lytle remained at home assisting his father on the farm until he reached the age of eight- een. He then came West and located at Bronson, 174 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COLNTY Branch county, Michigan, where he followed farm- ing and lumbering for nearly four j'ears. At the end of the period named he returned to his native county and again devoted his energies to farming there for a number of years. But the West still wore a winning Biiiiie for liim iuid he came to St. Croix county, "Wis- consin, where he operated a grain elevator and also farmed until 1877. In June of that year he changed his base of operations to Polk county, Minnesota, and located on a farm in Andover township. This farm he sold in 1908, but has lived in Crookston since 1888, and for some years has been nearly free from business eai'es. Mr. Lytic has always taken an active interest in public affairs and has filled several local offices in Andover township with credit to himself and benefit to the township. He has l)cen the owner of a consider- able amount of real estate- in this county. On Decem- ber 20, 1876, he was married at Richville, New York, to Miss Mary Fisk, a native of the same county as himself and born August 10, 1855. She is the daugh- ter of Edwin R. and Ruth A. (Brown) Fisk, the for- mer born in the city of Rutland, Vermont, and the latter in St. Lawrence county, New York. They came to Polk county, Minnesota, in 1882, and here they passed the remainder of their lives, dying well ad- vanced in years and high in general esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Lytic are cordial supporters of the Congregational chui'ch and all its work for the im- provement of the community. Mr. Lytic is a member of the Masonic Order, in which he has reached the rank of Knight Tcmplai-. He has served as warden of Constantine Commander\- No. 20 for more than twenty years and still fills that office. Has been a member of Blue Tjodge for forty-eight years. JOHN HELDSTAB. Starting in life for himself at the age of twenty-one, with nothing but his strong arm, clear head and de- termined spirit as capital, the late John Hcldstab, one of the enterprising and successful business men of Crookston, steadily pursued his way through a variety of trials and occupations to consequence in a worldly way and a position of high esteem and regard among the people of the city in which tlie greater part of his activities were shown. Mr. Heldstab was a native of Switzerland, born in the city of Davos, December 2, I860, where he was reared on a farm and remained until he reached the age of twenty-one. He was the son of Honus and Anna (Travaner) Heldstab. Both parents died in Switzerland. In the spring of 1882 he came to the Ignited States in company with his brothers, Chris- tian and Martin, and located at Alma, Buffalo county, Wisconsin. In that locality he worked for about one year at farm labor. Early in 1883 he changed his residence to Crookston, Minnesota, and here also he worked out on farms for a few years, but passed most of the time in the neighborhood of Warren, in Mar- shal county, during this period. Mr. Heldstab 's next move was to form a partner- ship with Matthew Ridi for carrying on an active business in the ice trade. The partnership lasted only a few years, as Mr. Heldstab saw a more favor- able opening for his energies in a short time and sold his interest in the ice firm. He then turned his atten- tion to the draying industry and also occupied him- self to a considerable extent in collecting buffalo bones and shipping them to markets where they were in demand. He continued his draying business for a number of j-ears and then sold it to advantage. In 1896 he purchased the ice business of John Schajitzen, which he conducted with increasing trade and pros- perity until his death at his home in Crookston, 420 North Main street, on September 8, 1915. He was fifty-four years of age when he died, and twenty-two years of his industrious and useful life were passed in Northwestern Minnesota. During the whole of his residence in this country COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 175 Mr. Heldstab took an earnest interest and an active part in the affairs of the community of his home and contributed essentially to its progress and develop- ment. He was not, however, an active political par- tisan and never sought or desired a public ofSce of any kind. His work for the advancement of his city and county was that of a good citizen outside of political contentions and hopes of direct personal reward except what came from the improvement of his locality. He belonged to the German Lutheran church and was one of the earliest and most active members of St. Paul's congregation of that sect in Crookston. On December 20, 1891, Mr. Heldstab was married in Crookston to Miss Lena "Weber, who was bom in Oberstein, Germany, November 12, 1871, and came to this country in 1888, when she was seventeen years old. Seven sons were born of their union, one of whom, Paul Walter, died when he was about one year old. The mother and six of the sons are living and have their homes in Polk county. The living sons are : John W., Gustav M., Christian R., Theodore E., Harold D. and Willard A. At the time of his death the father owned a fine farm of 320 acres, which was well improved and under good cultivation. HON. GUNDER KROSTUE. As a large landholder, an enterprising and success- ful merchant, a member of the state legislature, the postmaster for many years of the town of Fisher and a pi'ominent, influential and highly esteemed citizen, the late Hon. Gunder Krostue dignified, adorned and ad- mirably represented the best manhood and citizenship of Polk county in many lines of usefulness and bene- ficial labor and example to the locality of his home. Mr. Krostue was bom June 10, 1851, on a farm named Krostue in Saetersdahl, Norway, and was brought to the United States by his parents when he Avas but ten years old. The familj' located in Waupaca county, Wisconsin, where the son grew to manhood and obtained a limited education in the country schools. At an early age he began to work at farm labor and later was employed as a lumberman, driv- ing logs down the Mississippi river to St. Louis. These occupations, however, were too precarious and un- promising to satisfy his ambition, and he determined to do something more in line with his tastes and em- bodying better prospects for him. In 1880 Mr. Krostue took up his residence in Polk county, and here for a time he served as engineer with a threshing crew and then worked on the survey of the Great Northern railroad between Grand Forks and Crookston. Later he proved up on a homestead claim in Grand Porks county. North Dakota, which he then sold. He at once located in the town of Fisher, this county, and for four years thereafter was employed as a clerk in the store kept by Messrs. Thompson & Johnson. At the end of that period he entered upon an independent mercantile career, opening a store in Fisher for general merchandise and farming imple- ments. This proved to be one of the most successful of his many activities, and carried him to a promi- nent place in connection with the business interests of the county. He became an extensive landholder, owning some 2,100 acres of farm land near Fisher, and was also president of the Fisher Bank from the time of its organization until his death. In addition he served as postmaster of Fisher for many years until the pressure of other engagements compelled him to retire from the ofiSce. Mr. Krostue continued to live in Fisher until his death on July 7, 1912, when he was in his sixty-first year. He belonged to the class of men who rise to success and influence through their native ability and industry and win the regard of all who know them by their sterling worth and admirable manhood. He freely bestowed the gifts of his strong personality in the service of his fellow men and left the memory of many commendable accomplishments as a citizen, 176 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY many noble traits as a friend and many wise and fruitful achievements through his enterprise and pub- lic spirit, as well as that of his eminent success as a business maji. In the public life of his community this far-seeing gentleman always was a trusted leader, and in the fall of 1902 his fellow citizens selected him as their representative in the lower house of the state legis- lature. In the session of 1903 he was chairman of the House committee on drainage and a member of the committees on grain and warehouse and roads, bridges and navigable streams. He was re-elected in the fall of 1904, and in the session of 1905 he was again chair- man of the comniittee on drainage and was also as- signed to duly oil the committees on binding twine, public health, dairy and food products and temper- ance legislation. In his religious aflfiliation Mr. Krostue was connected with the United Lutheran church, of which his widow is also an active member and earnest supporter, llei- maiden name was Christine Benson and she is tlie daughter of Lars Bensou. She was born in Waupaca county, Wisconsin, and at an early age removed with her parents to Goodhue county, Minnesota, where the family resided until the accidental death of the father by drowning at Red Wing. After that sad event the mother and her eight children changed their residence to Pope county, Minnesota, and there Miss Christine lived until her marriage to Mr. Krostue, which took place on December 2, 1882. Of the children born of their man-iage seven are living: Lawrence, who is a farmer, and Clara, Lottie, Myron, Theresa, Clayton and Glendora. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Krostue has continued to make her home at Fisher. JULIUS WENTZEL. Having Imnie faithfully and with good results for The land taken up by Mr. Wentzel was wholly un- himself and the localities in which he lived the heat cultivated and unimproved, and he began to devote and burden of a long day of toil, in which he experi- himself at once to transforming it into a farm ami eneed many privations and hardships, Julius Wentzel a good home for himself and his family. He con- of Crookston, one of the former prosperous and pro- tinned to live on it and develop and improve it until gressive farmei-s of Polk county, has retired from ac- the fall of 1909, making it over into a highly produc- tive pursuits and is passing the evening of his life in tive and valuable rural estate and an attractive coun- comfortable leisure and enjoying in a sensible and try home. In the fall of 1909 he decided to quit farm- nseful way the fruits of his former well-applied in- ing and all active work of a laborious character, and dusti-y and good management. moved to Crookston, where he has since' resided. Mr. Wentzel was bom jn Pnissia August 28, 1847, After taking up his residence in Crookston he sold and remained there until he reached the age of six- his farm. teen. He then came to the New W^orld and took up On December 11, 1873, IMr. Wentzel was united his residence for a year in the province of Quebec, in marriage with Miss Caroline Radi, who was born Canada, where he was variously employed. From in Prussia March 19, 1858, and came to the United Canada he moved to Detroit, Michigan, and there he States with her parents in 1863, when she was about also passed a year in work of different kinds. After five years old. The family located in Manitowoc that he lived in Manitowoc county, AVisconsin, until county, Wisconsin, wliere Mrs. AYentzel was reared January, 1878, when he came to Polk county, Minne- and where she was living at the time of her marriage, sota, and pre-empted a tract of 160 acres of land in She and her husband became the parents of twelve Lowell townsliip. children, eleven of whom are living. They are COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 177 Charles, William, Au^st, Julius, Minnie, Anna, Fred, Alvina, Ida, Freda, John and Pauline, the youngest child, was drowned in Red Lake river at the village of Fisher July 22, 1910, when she was twelve years old. ROBERT ANDERSON. Approaching now the evening of his life in peace and prosperity after many years of arduous labor, care and the usual difficulties incident to the exist- ence of a farmer in the Northwest of this country, Robert Anderson, of East Grand Forks, has retired from active pursuits with an unstained record of clean, good and serviceable citizenship to his credit and favored with the esteem and good will of every- body who knows him. He was bom in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, January 28, 1847, and in June, 1874, came to the United States, locating temporarily at Grand Forks. On July 2, of the year last named he took up a homestead in Grand Forks township, Polk county, and on this he lived until the spring of 1913, when he gave up fai'ming and moved to the city of East Grand Porks. He has sold his farm and is living retired and free from all business cares. Mr. Anderson has, however, taken a very active and helpful part in the public affairs of Polk county in times past and has never lost any degree of his cordial and judicious interest in the county's growth and improvement. He was the first township clerk of Grand Forks, Huntsville and Rhinehart townships, his jurisdiction extending over the present city of East Grand Forks, and he held the office of clerk of Grand Forks township continuously until 1918 and that of school director of DLstrict No. 2 in that town- ship for thirty-six yeai-s. He was also a charter mem- ber of the First Presbyterian church of Grand Forks, and is now an elder of the Mendahall Presbyterian church in East Grand Forks. Mr. Anderson was first married April 8, 1874, to Miss Mary Patterson. They had four children, Charles H., Margaret J., Aaron L. and John H. The mother of these children died in Grand Porks town- ship August 4, 1898, and on December 19, 1906, the father contracted a second marriage which united him with Miss Jennie Rintoul, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, but long resident in this country. Like her husband, Mrs. Anderson is held in high esteem for her genuine worth and her warm and serviceable in- terest in everj'thing that contributes to the welfare of Polk county and the Nortliwest in general. AUGUST AKERLUND. Since March 18, 1879, August Akerhind has lived in Crookston and been actively and profitably engaged in contracting and building and general carpenter and cabinetmaking work. He has done liis part in help- ing to develop and improve the city and surrounding country, and many of the substantial buildings now standing in this part of the state are monuments to his industiy and ability as a builder. He was born in Sweden August 8, 1845, and learned the trade of a cabinetmaker in that country, where he remained until 1869, when he emigrated to this country, reach- ing New York November 23. With his arrival in this country began a new era in the life of ]\Ir. Akerlund. The West attracted him and he located at Whitehall, Illinois, and there worked at bridge building for about three years. He then changed his base of operations to Dubuque, Iowa, where he passed one year building bridges for the railroads. From Dubuque he moved to Bellevue, Iowa, and in that locality he turned his attention to 178 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY factory work and house building and followed these lines until he came to Crookstou, aiTiviug March 18. 1879. Mr. Akerlund was married at Bellevue, Iowa, May 4, 1874, to Miss Anna Louisa Turneblad, whose life began in Sweden July 24, 1855. They have three chil- dren, Augusta, Charles and Aimer. Charles is a mail carrier in Crookston, and Aimer is working with and under the instructions of his father. The father owns 160 acres of land in Pennington county, Minnesot-a, and the building in which he carries on his business was erected bj- himself. He has always taken a cor- dial interest in the welfare of the city and county of his home, and the people respect him highly for his upright life, public spirit and sterling manhood. MEDRIC COLLIN. Through many trials and difficulties and a variety of occupations Medric Collin, who is now one of the successful and prosperous merchants of Crookston, has made his way by persistent industry, frugality, pluck and good management to his present condition of prominence in business and substantial comfort in a worldly w^ay. He is the proprietor of the well known and popular Crookston Supply house, wdth which he has been connected about twenty-three years and which he has owned and conducted for about three years. Mr. Collin is a native of the Province of Quebec, Canada, where he was bom August 9, 1860, and where he lived until he reached the age of twenty-eight, and was engaged in farming during the ga'eater part of the time. Wlien he left his native land he took up his residence in Minneapolis, and there he lived and was variously employed until the autumn of 1892. In No- vember of that vear he came to Crookston and entered into partiiersliip with his brother, F. X. Collin, and together they carried on an active mercantile business for about twelve years under the firm name of Collin Bros. At the end of the period named the partnership was dissolved and the brother retired from the busi- ness. Since then it has been wholly owned and car- ried on by Mr. Collin of this sketch. Mr. Collin's store is widely and favorably known through this part of Minnesota as the Crookston Sup- ply hou.se, and is especially well esteemed for the ex- tensive stock of general merchandise which it carries, the superior quality of its goods, the upright and pro- gressive manner in which its operations are conducted and the enterprise which keeps it always up to date in the style, quality and general excellence of its mer- chandise. Mr. Collin stands well in the community and deserves tlie esteem bestowed upon him. CHRISTIAN T. BROWN. The dairy business has grown to great proportions in the Northwest and become very active. It sup- plies some of the wants and meets several of the requirements of a vast number of persons, increasing with the growth of the country and keeping pace with the ever expanding demands for its service. One of its enterprising and progressive representatives in this part of the country is Christian T. Brown, of Crookston, who has been engaged in it in that city since the fall of 1886. Mr. Brown was bom in Non\-ay, July 31, 1845, and was reared and educated in his native land, where he remained until 1882, following farming as his prin- cipal occupation. In August of the year last men- tioned he emigrated to the United States, landing at New York. He came at once to Crookston, and during COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 179 the next thi'ee years he was employed in various ways to his advantage. In 1886 he started a mercantile career in the dairy trade, and in this he has ever since been actively' and profitably engaged. Some years before leaving his native laud Mr. Brown was married there to Miss Mary S. Johanason, the marriage being solemnized in 1874 in Christiania, the capital city of the country. Mrs. Brown was also a Norwegian b}' nativity and was born in 1851. They have had eleven children, four of whom have died. Three passed away in infancy, and a daughter named Josephine died February 17, 1904, when she was twenty-six years old. The children who are living are: Anna, who is the wife of Jacob Knudson, of Minneapolis; Julia, whose home is in Montana; Thea and Carl J., who are living -at home; Sophia, who is the wife of James Calverwell, of the state of Wash- ington; Mary, who is a teacher in Polk county, and Minnie, who is also living at home. JOHN A. The city of Crookston, which is the home of John A. Johnson, one of the leading carpenters of Polk county, and the country surrounding that city contain many evidences of the most substantial character of the productive usefulness of his life and his skill as a mechanic. For he has erected a large number of houses in the city and its vicinity, and they all stand forth visibly and tangibly to his credit. He was born at Smolands, Sweden, December 18, 1855, and re- mained in that country until 1882, growing to man- hood on his father 's farm and then learning his trade as a carpenter and working for some years in a sash and door factor}^ In the summer of 1882 Mr. Johnson emigrated to the United States, landing at New York and coming at once to Polk county. He took up his residence at Fisher's Landing, but moved to Crookston at once, and in this city he has since resided. He has made JOHNSON. working at his trade and contracting in the erection of buildings his principal occupation throughout his residence in this county, and he has reached a liigh rank in his business. He is also esteemed as a pro- gressive and public-spirited citizen deeply interested in the welfare of his home community. Mr. Johnson was married in his native place Sep- tember 27, 1875, to Miss Augusta Johnson, who was of the same nativity as himself and born April 19, 1856. They have had twelve children, one of whom died in infancy. Those living are Mary, Pauline, Ida, Amelia, Albert, Gustav, Louisa, Esther, Eliza- beth, Ella and Elmer. The parents are active mem- bers of the Swedish Lutheran church, and the chil- dren have been reared in the same faith. All the members of the family stand well in popular esteem and are deservedly respected. KNUTE E. Having followed the vocation of a farmer in his native land of Norway, where his life began Decem- ber 16, 1836, and in two counties of this state in suc- cession, through a long career of useful and pro- ductive labor, Knute E. Messelt of Winger, this county, has rendered good service to two of the pro- gressive countries of the world and has lived in each according to the requirements of upright and manly citizenship. MESSELT. Mr. Messelt remained in his native land until 1869 and was married there November 25, 1860, to Miss Gertrude Halvordater Evenstad, also a native of Nor- way and bom May 3, 1841. In 1869 Mr. Messelt brought his wife and the two children they then had to the United States and lo- cated in Goodhue county, Minnesota, where he lived for about fifteen years. In November, 1883, he came to Polk county and took up a homestead in Winger 180 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY towiisliip. On this tract of land he livi'd and labored, cultivating and improving his farm and erecting good buildings on it, until the fall of 1914, when he re- tired from active work and moved to AVinger. He and his wife have had three children, Herman K., Ingmar K. and Carl G. Ingmar died at Mentor, Polk county, November 26, 1902. The other two are living. Carl G. Messelt was married at Winger Decem- ber 18, 1912, to :\riss Ellen Stai, a native of Winger and the daughter of Engebn-t Stai of Winger town- ship. They have one child, their son Conrad E. Carl has filled school and other offices in the township, and has won the esteem of the people by his sturdy and sterling citizenship and devotion to the welfare of his locality. He and his wife are zealous and consistent members of the Synod Lutheran church. A separate sketch of Mrs. Carl ^Messelt will be found in this volume. ORIN DANIELS. Orin Daniels, of Crookston, ex-.sheriiif of Polk county and a retired farmer, was born August 17, 1874, in Dane county, Wisconsin, and came to jMinnesota with his parents when eight years of age. He is the sou of Anun and Tone (Bergland) Daniels, the latter ii native of Dane county, Wisconsin. Anun Daniels was born in Illinois and engaged in farming in Wisconsin, where he enlisted in the service of his country during the Civil war and was an officer in his company. In 1882 he came to Polk county and located on govern- ment land near Crookston, which he developed into a prosperous farm property and sold iu 1891. He is now living, at the close of a useful and active career, in Spokane, Wa.sliington. Orin Daniels is the only one of the family of eight sons and a daughter, wlio resides in Minnesota. He was reared on his father's homestead and received his education in the public schools of the county and for a numlwr of years de- voted his attention to farming activities, his first association with official service being in 1901, when he was appointed deputy sheriff under Mr. Sullivan. He continued to hold this po.sition for eight years, through the terms of office of Mr. Sullivan and his successor, Mr. Gonyea, becoming well known through the county during these years of able service and in 1908 was elected sheriff and capably discharged the responsibilities of this office for two terms, being re- elected in 1910. Beside his official duties and public services, Mr. Daniels has always been actively in- terested in agricultural enterprises and gives some time to the successful management of his farm of two hundred and four acres. He has always been a loyal supporter of the Republican party and is a member of the Elk lodge. His marriage to Sadie Reindahl, of Dane county, Wisconsin, occurred in 1903 and they have one son, Truman. THORE H. BANG. The late Thore H. Bang, whose death occurred in Crookston August 14, 1905, was an early settler in the city and helped materially to build and develop it from its small beginning to something near its present magnitude and importance as a trading, manufactur- ing and commercial center. He was born in Valberg, Norway, in 1843, and was reared and educated in that country, where he followed farming for some years after reaching his maturity. In 1882 Mr. Bang came to the United States and located iu Polk county, iMinnesota, on a homestead which he entered east of Crookston, and which he partially improved and then sold. After .selling his farm he took up his residence in Crookston and be- came a member of the city police force, on which he served five years. He was aftervvai'd variously em- jjloyed in Crookston until his death. Mr. Bang was married in his native land to Miss NATHAN P. ST(.).\K COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 181 Anna Larson. Four of the children born of their union are living: Gilbert H., Charles L., Carrie (now Mrs. Simpson, a widow) and Laura, who is unmar- ried. The mother died in 1913. The father was a Republican in political allegiance and took an active part in the affairs of his party. He was well known throughout Polk county, and was held in esteem by all classes of its people. Gilbert and Charles Bang, the two sons of the household, are now operating the Crookston Bottling Works, which they purchased in 1908. They sell their products all over Northern Minnesota and in parts of the adjoining states, and have a large and active trade. They are good business men and are enterpris- ing and progressive in looing after the needs of the territory tributary to their establishment. Gilbert H. Bang was married in 1899 to Miss Thora Griebrok. They have six children, George, Charles, Edmund, Irene, Edna and Florence. Gil- bert's brother Charles was married January 6, 1906, to Miss Pearl Fox. Their childi-en number two, Ken- neth and Lillian. The brothers were both born in Norway, but they were brought to this county at early ages and here they grew to manhood and were educated, the greater part of their lives to the present time having been passed in Crookston. They are men of sterling worth and zealous in the performance of all the duties of citizenship. NATHAN P. STONE. A New Englander by nativity but having passed more than four-fifths of his life to the present time (1916) in the northwest, Nathan P. Stone, a retired business man of Crookston and a valued citizen of Polk county, has been able to acquire an accurate knowledge of the tendencies and aspirations of two widely different sections of the country and become well acquainted with the institutions and methods of thought of each, and he has profited by this sweep of vision and made it of advantage to the locality of his present home in business, in citizenship and in social life. Mr. Stone was born in Bristol county, Massachu- setts, January 21, 1838, the son of Mason and Abigail (Patten) Stone, both of the same nativity as himself. The father operated a cotton mill and kept a general store at Norton, in his native county. He also took a leading part in local public affairs, and was the colonel in command of the state militia which escorted Presi- dent Jackson when he made his tour through the New England states. The mother died in 1842, and the father afterward married Miss Mary Holman. He died in Pierce county, Wisconsin, in 1888. He was the father of three sons and two daughters who grew to maturity, and one of the sons is still living in Mas- sachusetts. Nathan P. Stone remained in his native county until 1853, when the family moved to Pierce county, Wis- consin. There the father engaged in farming until he was elected probate judge. He afterward was active in the grain trade until his death. The son began his education at the district school in Norton in his native county and completed it at the academy in River Falls, Wisconsin. After leaving school he followed farming four years, then changed his resi- dence to Prescott, Wisconsin, and engaged in mer- cantile business. In 1879 Mr. Stone became a resident of Crookston and a merchant in the farm implement trade, which he carried on alone until 1900, when his sons, William M. and Walter P., were taken into partnership by him. Recently the father has retired from active control of the business and it is now conducted by the sons under the firm name of N. P. Stone & Co. Mr. Stone was married at River Falls, Wisconsin, in 1873, to Miss Ada L. Powell, a native of the state of New York and a daughter of Lyman and Lucinda (Taylor) Powell, who were pioneers of that state, locating in it in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are the parents of five children : William M. and Walter P., who are in buisness with their father; Ida P., who is a school teacher in Helena, Montana; Gertrude L., 182 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY who is the wife of Thayer C. Bailey, of Bemidji, Min- nesota, and Lucia, who is living at home. In the public affairs of Crookston Mr. Stone has taken an active part from the time of his arrival in the city. He served as alderman five terms and as a member of the school board and its official treasur- er two terms. He is also a member of the charter commission of the city. In political faith and alle- giance he is a Republican, in fraternal relations a Freemason and in religious connection a Congrega- tionalist, being a tru.stee of the congregation of that sect. He also belongs to the Old Settlers' association of Polk county and is its official historian. When he became a resident of Crookston it was a straggling hamlet, and he has witnessed and taken part in all the phases of its growth to a city of 8,000 people. A. M. SIVERTSON. A. M. Sivertson, of Crookston, a pioneer business man and prominent citizen, was bom in Norway, in 1855, the son of Sivert and Hanna (Halsteson) Sivert- son. His parents spent their lives in their native land and A. M. Sivertson remained there until his twenty- fifth year, employed in farm work and for five years was in the militarj' service, in the regular army dur- ing the fii-st two years and later with the resei-ves. In 1880 he came to the United States and located at Crookston, where he learned the carpenter trade and engaged in this work for some time and then advanced to the larger activities of the contracting business and also conducted a successful trade as a lumber dealer. During the fifteen years of his extensive operations as building contractor, Mr. Sivertson erected many of the best buildings in Crookston and has been actively associated with the growth and progress of the city through the creditable achieve- ments of his industrial career as well as by his public spirited support of eveiy enterprise. He is now retired from the contracting business and devotes his attention to his real estate interests, in which he has made many investments, owning the opera house block and a number of residence properties and farms. He has given able service to his fellow citizena as a member of the city council and has been a member of the library board for seven years. Mr. Sivertson is widely known throughout the State and county as a successful business man and highly respected citi- zen of Polk county. He is a member of the Repub- lican party and of the Sons of Norway. He was married in 1855 to Dora Sockem, who was a native of Norway. She died in 1911, leaving five children, Hanna, the wife of Mr. R. Tetley; Sophia, who is a teacher in the Crookston high school ; Herman, Albert and Margaret. In 1914 Mr. Sivertson was married to Mrs. Hillman, who was a widow. He is a member of the United Lutheran church. JULIUS SPOKELY. Although born and reared on a fann and beginning his life work as a tiller of the soil, Julius Spokely has such natural adaptability to and eapacitj' for merchandising, that in eleven years of active and enterprising devotion to this line of business he has made himself one of the leading merchants in the city of Crookston, a field in which there is strong competition and rivals of ability are numerous. Mr. Spokely is a native and wholly a product of Polk county whose life began in Hubbard township in 1877. His parents, GuUick and Gonvor (Simon) Spokely, were bom and reared in Norway, and came to the United States in the sixties. They were married in Houston county, Minnesota. They located in Houston county, Minnesota, and entered a tract of government land in Chippewa county, but in 1871 took up their residence in Polk county when it was nearly all still a wilderness, being among the very COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 183 earliest settlers in that part of it where they live. The father took up homestead, pre-emption and tree claim, and on the land which he thus acquired he is stiU residing at the age of seventy-three, the mother being sixty-eight. They made the trip to their new home through the wilds in a "prairie schooner," patiently enduring the privations, hardships and dangers of the journey buoyed up with the hope of obtaining a good reward for their enterprise and daring. These hardy and resolute pioneers have four sons and two daughters living: Albert, a farmer; Julius and Adolph, twins; Alexander, a farmer, and Annie and Sophia, who are living at home with their par- ents. Julius grew to manhood on his father's farm and obtained his education at the school in the neigh- borhood. After farming a short time he began his mercantile career as a clerk in a store at Nielsville. In 1899 he moved to Crookston, and during the next five years he clerked in stores in this city. At the end of this period he opened a store of his own, and this he has since conducted vnth a steadily increas- ing trade and strengthening hold on the confidence and regard of the people of the city and county. He was also associated with his brothers in keeping a store in Fargo, North Dakota. Mr. Spokely is a citizen of public spirit and pro- gressiveness, and takes an active and helpful part in the public affairs of his community. He was a mem- ber of the local school board, and was its treasurer at the time when the new school house was erected. Fraternally he is a Freemason and a member of the Order of Elks, the Sons of Norway and the Scandi- navian Workmen. In 1907 he was united in mar- riage with Miss Minnie Tisdel, who was bom in Aus- tin, Minnesota. They have one child, their son Roland. MARK RAUENBUEHLER. Having become a resident of Crookston in 1879, Mark Rauenbuehler is one of the pioneer residents of Polk county; and having been the first harness maker in Crookston, he is also one of the pioneer manufacturers and merchants of that city. More- over, having borne his share of the privations and hardships of the early days, and helped to build the town to its present state of advancement and import- ance, and having, at the same time, made his own advancement in business and material gains keep pace with the progress of the community, he is en- titled and prepared to enjoy his share of the pleasures and prosperity of the present period and look with pride upon the structure his hands have helped to build and improve. Mr. Rauenbuehler was born in Baden, Germany, July 5, 1852, a son of Alois and Mary A. (Stahlberger ) Rauenbeuhler, who were natives of the same province as himself, and passed their lives in it, profitably engaged in fanning. They were the parents of three sons and five daughters, of whom all of the sons and one of the daughters are now living in the United States. The father took an active part in the public affairs of his native land and served as a soldier in the Revolution of 1848 in that country. His son Mark remained at home until he reached the age of seventeen, then, in 1869, came to this coun- try and located at Fort Madison, Iowa, where he learned his trade as a harness maker. He next passed four years in Wisconsin, and then moved to Anoka, Minnesota. In 1879 he located at Crookston and opened a small harness shop on Second street, in front of which he planted the first hitching post in Crookston. During the first three days of his venture his cash receipts amounted to ten cents, but as the town grew his trade increased until it reached a con- siderable magnitude, and for many years it has kept him busy all the working hours of the day. Mr. Rauenbuehler was mamed in 1881 to Miss Emily J. Martin, a daughter of Swiss and German 184 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY parents, and wius boni on the Atlantic ocean while they were on their way to America. Five children were born of the union, three of whom are living, Louisa, Paulina and George. Their mother died in 1889 and in November, 1890, the father contracted a second marriage in which he was united with Mrs. Johanna Netzer, a widow. They have two children, JIadouna and Eugene. The parents are members of the Catholic church. HARRY L. MARSH. Harry L. Marsh, vice president and manager of the First National bank of Crookston, is a native of New York, born at Bridgewater in 1881. He was reared in that village and there received his early education. After completing his preparatory studies, he entered Oberlin college and graduated from that institution in 1903. During the following year he held a position with the Citizens' Trust company at Utica, New York, and then came to Crookston, accept- ing the position of book keeper in the First National bank. Here his able and efiScient services have won him rapid promotion and as vice president and man- ager of the First National bank, he is prominently associated with the financial interests of the North- west. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Crookston commandery. He was married to Annie Miller, the daughter of A. A. Miller, a well known attorney and financier of Crookston. Mr. Marsh and his wife are members of the First Congre- gational church. CARL RIEDESEL. This pioneer shoe merchant of Crookston has a fun- damental knowledge of his business not possessed by every man who is engaged in it by reason of his hav- ing learned the trade of shoemaking in all its features and requirements under competent instructors in his native land of Germany, and he makes this knowl- edge tell to his own advantage and that of his cus- tomers, because he is able to distinguish between good and poor material and workmanship in the manu- facture of the goods he handles. His judgment in this respect is considered first rate and his work in reference to the (|uality of foot gear always carries great weight with the purchasing public. Mr. Riedesel was born in Westfallen, Erndtebrueck, Germany, in 1854, where his parents, Henry and Louisa (Wiekel) Riedesel, passed the whole of their lives. The father was a shoemaker, a sturdy and ster- ling citizen, and devoted to the welfare of the working people. He rendered his country good service in the Revolution of 1848 in Germany, through which many men of prominence in the Fatherland were driven to seek safety in foreign lands, some of the most eminent of them becoming residents of this country. Six sons and five daughtere were born to the parents, but only two of the number are residents of the United States, Carl and one of his sisters, Louisa. Carl Riedesel remained in his native land until he reached the age of twenty-six and there learned his trade as a shoemaker. In 1880 he came to America, locating in Carver county, Minnesota, and finding employment on farms in the neighborhood of Waconia. On December 29, 1882, he became a resi- dent of Crookston, and here he worked at his trade for four .years in the employ of Mr. Sehvvark, who carried on a harness and shoe business. In 1889 Mr. Riedesel purchased the shoe department of the busi- ness and this he has since conducted continuously, which makes him one of the oldest merchants in the city in unbroken connection with the same line of trade. Mr. Riedesel has given the city valuable and ap- preciated service as a member of the city council and COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 185 the school hoard. He is a Repuhlic-an in party alle- giance but not an active partisan, although he is always deeply interested in the welfare of his county, state and adopted country. Fraternally he is a Free- mason, and also belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. In each of these organizations he has held important offices and of the Camp to which he belongs in the Woodmen he has been secretary for twenty years. In 1883 Mr. Riedesel was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Reinhardt, like himself a native of Germany, and by this marriage he has become the father of seven children, Frederick C, William E., Helen (now Mrs. Misner), Louisa, who is a school teacher, George M., Lillian and Anorma. The par- ents are members of the German Lutheran church. They are well and favorably known throughout Polk county and in other localities, and are evei*ywhere held in high esteem. FRANK A. GRADY. Frank A. Grady, a well known attorney of Crooks- ton, was born in Olmsted county, Minnesota, March 2, 1870, the son of James and Bridget (Towhey) Grady. The latter were natives of Ireland. They were married after coming to the United States and located in Olmsted county about 1854, in the eai'ly days of the settlement of the new territory. After living here for many years, in 1878 they removed to Brookings county, South Dakota, where they con- tinue to make their home. Frank Grady received his early education in the country schools of Minne- sota and of Brookings county. He then entered the South Dakota State college where he received the degree of B. S. in 1889. The following four years he spent teaching school in Iowa and Montana. On returning to Minnesota, he began to prepare himself for the legal profession in the law department of the state university. He graduated in 1894, was ad- mitted to the bar and on June 8 of that year, began the practice of law at Anoka where he remained for a year and then went to Thief River Falls. In 1897 he located in Red Lake Falls, where for fifteen years he was a prominent member of the bar. During the years of his able and successful practice in Red Lake Falls, Mr. Grady became widely known in northern Minnesota and made many friends in Polk county. He served as county attorney for Red Lake county for four years and was a member of the school board. In 1912 he came to Crookston and is one of the lead- ing attorneys in that city. His marriage to Harriet E. Ryan occurred December 29, 1897. Three sons have been bom to this union. Clarion, Willard and Lowell. Mr. Grady and his family are communicants of the Catholic church. CHARLES LORING. Charles Loring, a lawyer of Crookston, was born in St. Croix county, Wisconsin, in 1873. His parents were Lyman and Eugenie (Hutchinson) Loring, the former a native of Maine and his wife of Vermont. Lyman Loring was a farmer, one of the sturdy pioneers who pushed steadily westward as more and more land was opened for settlement and cultivation. He located in Wisconsin in the fifties and in 1877 came to Clay county, Minnesota, and re- sided here until 1890. He then removed to Missoula county, Montana, where he engaged in ranching until his death in 1898. His wife survived him several years and died in Crookston. He rendered his coun- try valuable service in the Civil war, enlisting in Company G, Fourth Wisconsin volunteer cavalry, in 1861 and serving throughout the war. This regi- ment was with the army of the Potomac in its cam- paign. For a time he was transferred to naval duty 186 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and later accompanied his regiment on its western maneuvers, receiving his honorable discharge at the close of the war. Charles Loring was the only child and was reared from early childhood in Min- nesota. He was educated in the Moor head Nonnal school and in the Phillip's Exeter Academy. After completing his preparatory studies, he entered the law school of the State University and graduated in 1898. In the same year he was admitted to the bar in Montana by the supreme court of that state and practiced there for one year. He then returned to Minnesota to be associated for a year with Judge Nye of Moorhead. In 1900 he located in Crookston where he enjoys a large practice. For several years he wa.s associated in his professional interests with Halvor Steenerson. This firm was dissolved in 1905 and he formed his present partnership with Mr. G. A. Youngquist. Mr. Loring gives some attention to the management of his farm in which he takes great interest. He is also a director of the Scandinavian American bank. His political affiliations are with the Republican party. He has never sought political prominence nor run for any political office. Mr. Lor- ing was married in 1900 to Bertha Darrow, the daugh- ter of Dr. Darrow of Moorhead. They have two daughters, Helen and Genevieve. Mr. Loring is a member of the Masonic order and of the Elks lodge. CAPTAIN PETER J. EIDE. Diligent and enterprising in attention to one of the pursuits of peaceful industry, yet ever ready to move at his country's call in armed resistance to its enemies, Capt. Peter J. Eide of Crookston, is a fine example of the citizen soldiery of the United States, and in all the relations of life he maintains the ster- ling and elevated manhood of the military spirit, ex- emplifying in private life all the devotion to the interests of his country that men exhibit on the battlefield. The captain, who is now one of the leading busi- ness men of Crookston, was bom in this county in 1878. He is a son of John P. and Albertina (John- son) Eide, who were born and reared, educated and married, and began their career of domestic life in Norway, but emigrated to the United States in 1877 and located on a homestead in the township of Roome, this county. They made their virgin land over into a good farm, and the mother died on it in 1898. The father remained on the farm until 1908, when he re- tired from active work and changed his residence to Crookston, where he died in 1913. They had two children, the captain and his sister, who is now the wife of J. E. Michael and has her home in the state of Oregon. The parents were zealous and serviceable members of the Norwegian Lutheran church and took an active part in promoting all good agencies working for the benefit of the people around them. They were warmly esteemed wherever they were known. Captain Eide grew to manhood in this county and obtained his education in the public school in Crooks- ton, a business college and the State Agricultural Col- lege at St. Anthony Park in St. Paul. For some years after leaving school he was employed as a clerk in Crookston. In 1905 he began business for him.self as a manufacturer of ice cream and proprietor of a confectionery store in Crookston. He has continued his enterprise in these lines until now, and his business has grown to considerable magnitude. He ships ice cream all over this section, and his product has a high rank wherever it is known, for it is made with intelli- gence and skill and of the best materials for the purpose which can he obtained. On May 15, 1903, Captain Eide became a private in Company I, Third Minnesota National Guard. He has been constant and studious in attention to his duties as a member of the company from the time of his enlistment, and has risen by successive promotions on merit to his present rank as the head officer of his company, having been elected its captain on February JEEOME W. WHEELER COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 187 22, 1911. He was the prime promoter of the move- ment for the erection of an armory at Crookston, and by persistent effort in spite of many discouragements and difBculties, he succeeded in obtaining the object of his desire in this respect in the erection of a build- ing that cost $40,000, and is a model sti'ucture for the purpose for which it was designed. It is a source of great pride to the community and he is entitled to the credit of having obtained it. Captain Eide's company has never been called into active service, but on several occasions it has been put in readiness for calls to suppress riots and was also prepared for an order to the Mexican border in 1914. The captain is a member of the Masonic Order, the Order of Elks and the Modern Woodmen of America in fraternal relations. His church affiliation is with the English Lutheran sect. He has lived in Crookston from the time when it was an uncomely village of log shacks until now, and has aided materially in promot- ing its growth and improvement to its present condi- tion. The people of Polk coiinty value his sendees and esteem him highly for his genuine worth. a A. YOUNGQUIST. G. A. Youngquist, of Crookston, county attorney' and a prominent member of the bar in Polk county, was born in 1885, near Gothenburg, Sweden, and was brought to this country in his infancy by his parents, Andrew and Margareta (Abrahamson) Youngquist, natives of the same locality as their son. Andrew Youngquist brought his family to Bui-eau county, Illinois, in 1887 and worked at his trade of blacksmith in that place for two years and then removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, and with the exception of several years spent in Carver county, made his home in that city until his death in 1907. He is survived by his wife and seven children, of whom G. A. Youngquist is the only one not residing in St. Paul. He was reared there and received his early education in the city schools and in the schools of Carver county. He entered the St. Paul college of law in 1906 and com- pleted his professional studies in 1909, received his degree from tliat institution and was admitted to practice before the supreme and federal courts. In the same year he opened a law office at Thief River Falls and in the following year located in Crookston where he has since been associated with Mr. Charles Loring in his professional interests. Mr. Yoiingquist is one of the younger attorneys of the county and has already attained a high reputation as an able and successful barrister and has earned the respect and confidence of the courts. He was elected county at- torney in 1914. He is widely kno^vn through his active interest in political activities and was a mem- ber of the state central committee of the Republican party during the campaign of 1912, He is a member of the Swedish Lutheran church and in fraternal cir- cles is affiliated with the Masonic order, Vasa Orden and Independent Order of Scandinavian Workmen. Mr. Youngquist was married June 29, 1915, to Scharlie M. Robertson, who is a native of Crookston. JEROME WINTHROP WHEELER. Long known as one of the most capal}le, enterpris- ing and sagacious bankers of Minnesota, Jerome Win- throp Wheeler, president of the First National Bank of Crookston since 1905, has a record in his chosen line of business which justly entitles him to the rank he holds and is a firm foundation for his high and widespread reputation iu financial circles in Minne- sota and all other parts of the Northwest. He has been a man of action and done things, leaving to others the pleasant task of talking about achievements. Mr. Wheeler was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Jan- uary 15, 1863, and is a son of J. B. and Kate (Dem- 188 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ing) Wheeler. He began his education in the public schools of his native town and was graduated from JleMynn Academy, Racine, "Wisconsin, in 1880. Ou leaving the academy he entered the employ of the Kenosha Bank and remained in its service for five years. From 1885 to 1892 he was bookkeeper and teller of the First National Bank of Crookston, and during the next three years was cashier of the Scan- dinavian-American Bank of that citj'. From 1895 to 1905 he served as cashier of the First National Bank of Crookston, and since 1905 he has been the president of that institution. In addition to his close and serviceable connection with banks already mentioned Mr. Wheeler has been president of the First State Bank of Humboldt, also Beltrami, Minnesota, and a director of the State Bank of Stephen, also in this state. He has been president of the Wheeler-]Misner Loan company of Crooks- ton, Minnesota, and to each of these enterprises he has given the same careful and productive attention that has distinguished him in all his business undertakings and everything else in which he takes an interest. In 1912 Mr. Wheeler was chosen president of the Capitol Trust company of St. Paul, and since taking his place at the head of that enterprising and pro- gressive institution he has given every detail of its management his studious personal supervision, there- by promoting its welfare and quickening its progress toward the great development and impressive financial influence it has attained with an impetus that keeps it ever on the move for the accomplishment of still greater results. Mr. Wheeler has taken a sympathetic interest and an active part in the fraternal life of Minnesota as a member of the Masonic Order, the Order of Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America. While earnestly and loyally devoted to the abiding welfare of his state and country, political con- tes-ts have had no attraction for him, and he has never sought or desired a political office of any kind. He was married August 24, 1886, to Miss Eva J. Hill. EDWIN F. KELLEY. Edwin F. Kelley, sheriff of Polk county, was born at Jackson, Michigan, November 22, 1872, and was brought to Minnesota in his early infancy by his parents, Andrew J. and Ella (Fleming) Kelley, na- tives of Indiana and Michigan. The father of Andrew Kelley was born in New York state and served in the War of 1812, later removing to Kelleys Ford, Virginia, and from there to Ohio. Andrew Kelley is a cabinet maker by trade and w'as employed in this work until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the defense of the Union in the Seven- teenth Michigan volunteer infantry and served with distinction during the great conflict, his valiant serv- ices being acknowledged by congress in the awarding of a medal. After the close of the war, he was ap- pointed a keeper in the penitentiary and made his home in Jackson, Michigan, for some time. In 1873 he came to Minnesota and was the first settler in the vicinity of Crookston, locating on government land. one mile and a half east of the town, and this home- stead farm continues to be the home of Andrew Kel- ley and his wife. Edwin Kelley 's earliest recollec- tions are of the pioneer life of the county and he has witnessed the rapid growth and the evolution of the wild frontier country into the modern agricultural and civic communities and the interests and successes of his career have been identified with its iiistory. Among the first playmates of his childhood were the children of the Indian tribes, before the increasing activities of civilization left no room for their wan- dering bands. He received his education in the county schools and engaged in farming, later removing to the coast where he owned a stone and timber claim for some time. In 1898 he enlisted in Company L of the Fourteenth Minnesota regiment and served in the Spanish war from April to November of that year, completing the honorable military record of the .services of three generations. On returning to Polk COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 189 county, he again engaged in farming and for four years was deputy sheriff of the county. In 1911 he was elected to the office of sheriff and reelected in 1913 and has discharged the duties of his position with commendable ability, his services incurring a well merited popularity among his fellow citizens. He has always been a faithful supporter of the principles of the Republican party and is a member of the Pres- bj'terian church. In fraternal circles, he is affiliated with the Elk lodge. Mr. Kelley was married in 1910, to Estella Barlow, of Iowa and they have two chil- dren, Gordon and Dorothy. L. D. FOSKETT. L. D. Foskett, of Crookston, cashier of the Crooks- ton State Bank and prominent citizen, was born in Northfield, Massachusetts, in 1865, the son of Elmer C. and Celia M. (Darrin) Foskett. Elmer C. Foskett was a native of Massachusetts and his wife of New York. They have made their home in Iowa for a number of years and now reside at Primghar in that state. L. D. Foskett was educated in Drake Univer- sity at Des Moines, Iowa, and upon leaving the uni- versity in 1898, he located in JIarshall, IMinuesota, where he engaged in the abstract and loan business for several years. In 1902 he removed to Crookston and promoted the organization of the Crookston State Bank and since that time has continued to be identi- fied with its successful transactions as cashier. In addition to his banking interests, Mr. Foskett is ex- tensively associated with the agricultural enterprises of the county and devotes considerable attention to the operation of about two thousand acres of farm land. His career has been marked by worthy accom- plishment and success and, although he avoids active interest in political matters, as a public spirited citi- zen, he is widely known and popular in all circles. He is a member of the Commercial club and in fra- ternal orders, is a Mason and member of the Com- mandery and a member of the Elks and of the Modern Woodmen of America. He was married, July 25, 1905, to Bernice Addison, who resided in Marshall, Minnesota, and they have two children, Florence and Elmer. Mr. Foskett and his wife are members of the Congregational church. WELLINGTON H. JEWELL. When Wellington H. Jewell, the oldest employe in length of continuous sei'vice in the Northern Division of the Great Northern railroad, first saw Crookston in 1872 it was a straggling hamlet of a few log cabins and gave little promise of becoming a city of 8,000 inhabitants, alive with quickened industrial, mercan- tile and commercial activities and blessed with all the concomitants of modern municipal progress. He has been a resident of the city from that time to the pres- ent, and has contributed his share of the enterprise and force required to build and develop it to its pres- ent stature. Mr. Jewell was bom in the state of Maine in 1858, the son of Emanuel and Katharine (Houston) Jewell, the former a native of England and the latter of Scotland. The father was a farmer and carpenter. He emigrated from his native land to Prince Edward Island. After living there for a number of years he moved to Maine, but later he took his family back to Prince Edward Island, and he and the mother died there. They were the parents of thirteen children and three of their sons are now residents of the United States. Wellington H. Jewell remained on Prince Edward Island until he reached the age of fourteen, then came to Crookston with his uncle, Robert Houston, who owned a part of the townsite. For a number of years the uncle conducted a popular and profitable grocery 190 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY store in Crookston. He is now living in the city of Everett, Washington. The nephew found employ- ment in a modest capacity in the roundhouse of the Great Northern Railroad in 1875, and in October, 1880, was given an engine, and from that time until now he has been running one on the Northern Di- vision of the road. He is a member of the Masonic Order in several of its advanced branches, including the Mystic Shrine. JVIr. Jewell was married in Crookston in 1886 to Miss Annie Dreeland, who was born in Ottawa county, Province of Quebec, Canada. They have three chil- dren: Katharine, who is the wife of John Bow, of Crookston; William E., who is in the railroad service, and Albert E., who is a machinist in the railroad shoi)s in St. Paul. The parents are widely knovim and held in much esteem for their genuine worth and the cor- dial and helpful interest they manifest in every un- dertaking for the good of their community. 0. H. BJOIN. 0. H. Bjoin, of Crookston, well known citizen and pioneer of the county, was born in Dane county, Wis- consin, September 19, 1852. His parents, Halvor and Annie (Week) Bjoin were natives of Falamaskau, Norway, and prominent farmers of Dane county, Wis- consin, where they had extensive land interests ou Coskland Prairie. The father came to this country in 1843 and the mother in 1844 and they were married in Wisconsin where they reared their family of six sons and three daughters. Two sons, Thomas Bjoin and 0. H. Bjoin, are residents of Polk county. The latter remained in his native state until 1880 when he came to Crookston. For a year he engaged in farming and then for some time operated a liveiy business, working for his brother, Thomas Bjoin. In 1883 he filed on land and gave some attention to his claim, later serving for a time ou the police force of Crookston. He again engaged in the lively business in 1885, September 21, and has continued in this occupation during the past thirty years and is widely known as the pioneer liveryman of the county. Throughout the many years of his business career and citizenship, Mr. Bjoin has maintained an active inter- est in public activities and in advancing the ra])i(l development of the country and justly enjoys the respect accorded tlie worthy settlers of the city and county. He was married at Red Wing, in 1886 to Lena Carlson, who was born in Norway and they have three children, Anna, Cora and Harold. JOHN R. RASMUSSON. Being one of the pioneers who helped to open the Red River valley to settlement and improvement, and liaving also tried his hand in the stirring engagements of the farther West, John R. Rasmusson of Crookston has had an extensive, varied and valuable experience among men. Mr. Rasmusson was bom at Kilbourn, Wisconsin, in 1864. His parents, Halvor and Liv (Johnson) Rasmusson, were natives of Norway and came to the United States in 1860, locating in Wisconsin, where the father taught school and clerked. In 1866 he moved to Winona, Minnesota, and in 1878 to Moor- head, this state. There the mother died in March, 1909, and there the father still has his home. lie served as clerk of the courts in Clay county sixteen years, and prior to that time liought grain in various parts of Southern Minnesota. Of the three sons and two daughters of his par- ents who are living, John R. Rasmusson is the only one living in Polk county. He attained his manhood and got his education in Minnesota, and at the ag* of twenty-six changed his residence to Spokane, Wash- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 191 ihgton, where he served as deputy clerk and city clerk for two years. In 1893 he returned to Moorhead, and in 1896 removed to Crookston, where he has since resided and is now actively and profitably engaged in the hardware trade. He takes an intei'est in the public affairs of his home city and county, but has not sought office or been an active political partisan. In 1892 Mr. Rasmusson was united in marriage with Miss Elisa Dahl, who was born in Norway and brought to the United States in her childhood. They have two children, Harold D. and Dagna J., both of whom still abide with them in their pleasant home. The parents are members of the English Lutheran church and take a sei-viceable part in its activities, as they do in every undertaking for the good of the community. They stand well in the city and county, and deserve in full measure the cordial regard in which they are held by all classes of their residents. AUGUST MILLER. The late August Miller of Crookston, who died in that city June 8, 1913, was the founder of the Crooks- ton tannery and for nearly twenty years was one of the leading manufacturers and business men of Polk county. He was born in Sweden in 1853 and was reared and educated in that country. There also he learned his trade as a tanner and followed it until 1888. In that year he brought his family to the United States and Minnesota and located in St. Paul, where he operated a tannery until 1894. He then moved to Crookston and started the first tannery operated in this state north of the Twin Cities. He began his operations on a small scale but steadily in- creased them until now the plant he founded handles about 3,000 hides a year. The tannery is completely equipped with modern machinery, occupies two large buildings and draws its trade from a large part of this state, the two Dakotas and the province of Mani- toba, Canada. Mr. Miller was married in his native laud to Miss Eva Johnson. They became the parents of eight chil- dren, all of whom have died except three. Their mother is also still living. She is a member of the Swedish Lutheran church, as was her husband dur- ing his life. They were among the founders of the congregation of their faith in Crookston and zealous in its service from the beginning of its history, being persons of sturdy and sterling qualities and helpfully interested in all good works among the people around them. Herman U. Miller, the sou of August, is also a native of Sweden, where his life began in 1884. He was a child of four years when he came to this country with his parents, and in Minnesota he grew to manhood and learned the tanning trade under the tuition of his father, and since the death of that es- timable man he has managed the business of the tan- nery with enterprise and expanding trade and grat- ifying success. Though one of the younger set of Crookston 's business men he is one of the most capable and progressive of them all, and is generally esteemed as such. Mr. Miller, the younger, is a member of the Masonic order and the Crookston Commercial club. In relig- ious afiSliation he adheres to the faith of his parents. He was married in 1908 to Miss Marie Amundson, who was bom and reared in Polk county. Her par- ents were pioneers of the county, locating and living in the thirteen towns. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have two children, their son Ronald and their daughter Irene. JOHN W. O'BRIEN. One of the few remaining members of the fast W. 'Brien, a retired hardware merchant of Crooks- fading remnant of our pioneers in Polk county, John ton, is highly respected by everybody because of his 192 COiMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY early and later services in the Northwest, his sterling integrity and useful citizenship, and the fine example of business capacity and enterprise which he has given the people in this section of the state. While he has retired from active work in connection with the hard- ware business he founded, he is still a member of the firm which conducts it and gives it the benefit of his advice. Mr. O'Brien was born in County Mayo, Ireland, July 14, 1849. His parents, Michael and Mary (Tighe) O'Brien, were also County Mayo folks and their ancestors lived for many generations in that part of the Emerald Isle. The father came to the United States in 1849 and the family joined him in this country in 1852. He took up his residence at Belvidere, Illinois, and there worked at his trade of stonemason and carried on business as a building contractor. He died at Belvidere in 1867, and the mother died there in 1898. They had seven sons, six living, and two daughters, one dead. One daughter and three of the sons are residents of Crookston, and the other son lives at Devil's Lake, North Dakota, and two reside in Illinois. John W. O'Brien came to Minnesota and located in Duluth in 1869. He worked on the Lake Superior railroad for a time and was then employed on the Northern Pacific when that road was building into Moorhead, Minnesota, his position on each I'oad being that of foreman, and in this capacity he helped to build the Great Northern into Beltrami. In 1873 he passed a short time in Crookston and in 1878 located in that city permanently. There he started in business for himself, which he followed until 1885, when he opened a hardware store in partnership with his brother James, and this is the one the brothers still own. Mr. O'Brien is a Catholic in church affiliation and has been a zealous and serviceable Democrat in politi- cal allegiance from his youth. In 1882 he was united in marriage with Miss Johanna Donovan, a native of Canada but of Ii'ish parentage. She died in 1907 leaving no children. Throughout her married life she met every requirement of her duty with energy and a cheerful spirit, and she stood deservedly high in the good will and regard of the whole community of her home, as Jlr. 'Brien does now and always has wher- ever he is known. CHARLES A. HITCHCOCK. In the twenty-two years of his residence in Crooks- ton Charles A. Hitchcock, one of the city's leading men, has built up an extensive business and an excel- lent reputation as a shrewd and far-seeing business man and an enterprising, progressive and public- spirited citizen, warmly and intelligently interested in the welfare of the community and willing at all times to do his part of the work necessary to promote it. Mr. Hitchcock was born in Dubuque, Iowa, Decem- ber 2, 1864, a son of Rollin G. and Lucy E. (Nelson) Hitchcock, natives of Vermont. The father was a farmer in his native state and continued to be one after he came "West. In 1855 he located in Iowa, where he purchased a tract of veild land which he con- verted into a well improved and valuable farm. He and his wife died at the home of their son Charles at the age of eighty-nine years, their deaths occurring within one month of each otlier. They were the par- ents of three sons and four daughters, Charles A. being the only one of the seven living in Minnesota, of which he has been a resident for twenty-seven j-ears. Charles A. Hitchcock grew to manhood and was educated in Iowa, and followed farming until 1888. In that year he removed to Mcintosh, this county, and began auctioneering stock, and this has been his principal occupation from then until the present time. In 1893 he changed his residence to Crookston, which has ever since been his home. But his business takes him periodically to Dlinois and Iowa, Avhere he is COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 193 as well known and highly esteemed as he is in Min- nesota, and where he devotes himself to his chosen calling on an extensive scale and in a very active way. Mr. Hitchcock was married in 1888 to Miss Mary E. Barr, a native of Iowa, in which state the marriage took place. They have one child, their son Hariy W., who is living at home with them and is connected with the Times Printing company. In the local pub- lic affairs of his community Mr. Hitchcock has long taken an active and helpful part. He served the city of Crookston as mayor from 1900 to 1903, and during his administration the first street paving in the city was done and other improvements of value were made. He also served a.s a member of the city council for a number of years. Fraternally he is connected with the Masonic Order and the Order of Elks. He also belongs to the United Commercial Travelers' Associa- tion, and his wife and son are members of the Con- gregational church. JAMES M. CATHCART. Although yet a young man, and by no means of a wildly roving or adventurous nature, James M. Cath- cart, the accomplished and accommodating secretary of the Crookston Commercial club, has seen a great deal of this country and had an experience of ex- tensive variety. He is a native of Elkhart county, Indiana, where his life began in 1884, and the son of John F. and Florence (Boyer) Cathcai't, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Penn- sylvania. Their son James began his education in the district schools of Indiana and completed it at the select school kept by Rev. Dwight L. Moody at Mount Hermon, Massachusetts. Mr. Cathcart began his career of self-support and advancement in the employ of the Lake Shore & Mich- igan Southern railroad, working in the engineering department at Elkhart, Indiana. Later he was in the same service in New York state and the general offices of the company in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1908 he came to Minnesota and located in St. Paul, where he entered the employ of the Great Northern railroad. In 1912 and 1913 he was general manager of the department of hotels and camps in Glacier National Park, super- vising the operation and assisting in the construction of buildings, trails and other developments there for the railroad company. In the fall of 1913 Mr. Cathcart returned to Indi- ana, and in March^ 1914, when the Crookston Com- mercial club was reorganized, he was chosen secre- tary of the revived organization, and has served it in that capacity ever since. He is also secretary of the Northwestern Fair Association of Crookston, and a member of the Order of Elks and the Masonic Order, in the latter holding his Blue Lodge membei-ship in Indiana and belonging to the Royal Arch and Com- mandery of Knights Templar and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was mar- ried in Grand Forks, North Dakota, October 24, 1915, to Miss Elva Gilbert, a native of South Dakota. HELVOR HOLTE, M. D. This pioneer physician and surgeon of Crookston, who is widely and favorably known as a professional man of extensive attainments and skill and a citizen of great enterprise, public spirit and progressiveness, is a native of the city of Stavanger, Norway, where he reached the age of sixteen years. In 1873 he came to the United States with his parents and located with them on a farm in Fillmore eoiuity, Minnesota. Dr. Holte remained with his parents and assi.sted them on the farm for a number of years. He then his life began July 11, 1857, and where he lived until entered St. Olaf college, at Northfield, this state, and 194 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY iu 1893 was graduated from the medical departmeut of the University of Minnesota. He at once began practicing his profession with Crookstou as liis head- quarters, and he has since then been continuously engaged in an active practice with special attention to the surgical branch of the profession. lie has served as county physician of Polk county ajid is now secretary of the Tuberculosis Sanitarium Commission for Polk and Norman counties. In 1897 Dr. Holte built the Bethesda Hospital in Crookston, and for a number of years thereafter he was in active control of it. This valued institution is now owned by the Bethesda Hospital Association of Crookston and is conducted by the organization known as the Lutheran Deaconesses. Dr. Holte is a member of the state, county and Red River Valley medical societies and the American Medical Associa- tion. He is also a member of the American Public Health Association, and director of the Minnesota Public Health Association, and in business circles is a director of the Scandia-Americau Bank of Crocks- ton and the Crookston Commercial club. His religious aliiliation is with the English United Lutheran church, and he is one of the deacons of the congre- gation in which he holds his membership. On Sep- tember 25, 1902, he was united in marriage with Miss Henrietta Lunde, of Franklin, Minnesota. They have three children, Harold Oliver, Evelyn Irene and Junius Augusten. With nearly a quarter of a cen- tury of upright and serviceable living among this people, during all of which he has always been at their command for high-grade professional work, it is not surprising that Dr. Holte is universally esteemed throughout the Northwest, and the fact that he is is creditable alike to him and to the people among whom he has lived and labored so long and to such good purpose. HON. R. T. BUCKLER. Carrying on extensive industries in farming opera- tions and raising livestock ; taking an active and very serviceable part in the public affairs of his county and the whole state of Minnesota ; looking to the best and most wholesome progress and development of this part of the country, and holding a high place in the regard and good will of his fellow men, Hon. R. T. Buckler, at present (1916) state senator for the Sixty- sixth Senatorial district, is an ornament to the man- hood of Polk county and one of the county's most progressive, enterprising and useful citizens. Mr. Buckler was born in Coles county, Illinois, October 27, 1865, and gi-ew to manhood and obtained his education there. His father died when the son was but fourteen years old, and as he was the oldest boy at home, the care of the family devolved in a measure on him. At the age of twenty-one he rented a tract of land in his native county and began to raise broomcorn on a large scale. His average acreage devoted to this production ranged from 120 to 160 acres, and his crops were the largest ever raised in that part of Illinois. He prospered in his venture and bought land until he owned 370 acres, all of which he made through his own unaided efforts. He bought his land at $50 an acre and sold some of it at $100 and the rest at $150 an acre, but he expended a considerable sum on improvements also. The senator became a resident of Polk county in the spring of 1904, having purchased the year before some 800 acres of land in Andover township. Later he sold a part of this but subsequently added more, and now owns 1,040 acres all in one body on Burn- ham's creek, six miles west of Crookston. On this land, a part of which is the old Alexander Burnham home, he raises great crops of grain and numbers of horses, cattle and sheep. In 1915 he had over 16,000 bushels of oats, 13,000 bushels of barley and 7,000 bushels of wheat. In his farming operations he employs four men and thirteen horses all the time, but does his plowing and threshing with a gas tractor. His usual /^ . Y. /3^e/ction with great fei-vor and effect. Even wlien out of office Mr. Stephens has devoted considerable activity to i)romotiiig tlie welfare of the state and its public institutions. He was the leading force in bringing about improved methods of admin- istration at tile State Reformatory for Boys at Red AVing. He preferred charges before the legislature against the management of that institution, and the investigation that followed resulted in the abolition of corporal punishment there and other reforms in the discipline and government of the institution. In 1878 Mr. Stephens was united in marriage with Miss Christie Cameron, a native of Canada. They have two sons, Marcus, Merriam and one daugh- ter Andrea. The sons are employed in the Merchants National Bank of Crookston and Miss Andrea is attending school. Fraternally their father is a mem- ber of the Masonic Order, the Order of Elks and the Swedish Order of Vass. During his service in the senate he introduced the bill which provided for the payment of inmates of state penal institutions for labor performed. The first law of its kind in the world and on which the state is now paying from $75,000 to $80,000 per annum, and which has worked wondrous good among the inmates. Is also a member of State Iiiiinigratioii board serving second term. THOMAS A. HARRIS. Thomas A. Harris, of Crookston, a well known citizen and pioneer, has been a resident of that city since 1877 and actively associat-ed' with the history of its growth and progress. Pie is the son of George P. Harris, a native of Ireland and Jane (Burns) Harris, who was born in New York state. George P. Harris was a clei'gj'man of tlie Methodist Episcopal church and came to Canada to undertake inissionarj' work. He gave eminent service in this field and became the presiding elder of the district of upper Canada. In 1861 he removed to Waba.sha county, Minnesota and soon afterwards, enlisted in Company I of the Fii-st Minnesota mounted rangers and re-enlisted a year later in Company D, Second Minnesota cavalry, serving in the Indian wars of the northwest during four years and took part in all the engagements of the uprising of 1862. His son, John Harris, was also active in the subjection of the insurrections of that year. George Harris was one of those, who by integrity of character and noble service lay the foun- dations for the progress of civilization. His death occurred in California and that of his wife in Wash- ington. Their two sons .survive them ; John Harris now residing in Spokane. Thomas A. Harris was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1848 and came to Minne- sota with his father when a lad of tliirteeii. In 1877 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 207 he located in Crookston, then but a village of a few log cabins and has pursued a long and honorable career as business man and citizen and enjoys the respect and esteem of all for his many worthy services. He has conducted an extensive business as a contractor for the moving of buildings and also has farming interests in the county. He is a member of the Republican party and has been honored with several public offices, giving efficient service as a member of the city council for ten years and as deputy sheriff. Also served as first justice of the peace and assessor of Crookston in 1878-79. Mr. Harris is a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted at the age of seventeen in Company I of the First Minnesota battalion of infantry and serving with his regiment in Virginia during the last few months of the war. He was married in 1870 to Adelaide L. Gordon, who is a native of Michigan. Five children were born to them, of whom the eldest son, Albert G. Harris, is dead. The surviving members of the family are, Frederick B., Bruce F., Arthur, Elmer D. and Ethel A. Mr. Harris is a member of the Elk fraternity. HENRY 0. BALSTAD. Henry 0. Balstad, stock farmer and well known citizen of Sletten township, is a native of Minnesota, born at Fergus Falls, June 2, 1886, the son of K. 0. Balstad and Gina (Weiby) Balstad. When he was nine years of age his father located on a farm in Slet- ten township and here Henry Balstad was reared and received his early training. He decided to devote his attention to farming and to the practical experience which he had already attained, he added two years of study in the State Agricultural college at St. Anthony Park, in preparation for his work. He has always lieen associated with his father in his business opera- tions and transactions and like his father, devotes his farming interests to the stock business. His farm of one hundred and sixty acres is in section twenty-eight of Sletten township and he is using three hundred and twenty acres in his farming operations. He is breeding Hereford stock and grazing and feeding cattle for the market. Mr. Balstad is one of the younger farmers who are capably carrying on the development of the county, increasing the prosperity established by the thrifty pioneers. Able and in- telligent management and alei'tness to anything which will promote the efficiency of his work combine to render him successful in all imdertakings. He with his father were among the first to build silos in the township. Aside from his private interests, Mr. Balstad finds time to consider matters of public moment and welfare and serves as clerk of the school board. He was married to Olga Olson who was a resident of Sletten township. H. L. LARSON. H. L. Larson, a prominent manufacturer and ex- mayor of Crookston, is a native of Norway, born near Bergen, December 11, 1864, the son of Ole M. and Helen Larson. The father engaged in farming in age, in company with a sister and located at St. Peter, where he worked as a laborer for a time and then secured employment with an uncle in a factory. He later removed to St. Paul, where his older brother his native land during his lifetime and the mother was living and worked at the carpenter trade with still resides at the old home. Of their family of him, for several years and then engaged in the con- seven children, four emigrated to America, H. L. tracting business at Little Falls, enjoying an ex- Larson came to Minnesota when seventeen years of tensive trade and erecting many of the more sub- 203 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY stantial liomes of that city. Subsequently he removed liis coutraeting business to Ada, in Norman county, where he remained for nine years. He then located in Crookston and has since been notably associated with the business interests of that city. During the first four years of liis residence, he continued liis lucrative operations as a contractor and then estab- lished a manufacturing plant for the production of sash door and store and office fixtures. This enter- prise has become one of the leading industries of the city and commands a steadily growing trade. As a successful business man and prominent citizen, ^Ir. Larson enjoys the esteem and confidence of his busi- ness associates and fellow citizens and was honored with public office in 1911, when lie was elected mayor, with the additional distinction of being the only mayor ever elected on the socialist ticket in this part of the State, and won the approval of his constituents for his competent executive sendee. He was married in 1886 to Mary Johnson, whose death occurred in 1900. Three children were born to this union, all of whom reside in Crookston, Lilly, who was married to Mr. Waade ; John and Elmer. Mr. Lai-son contracted a second marriage in 1915 with Mrs. Lee, who was a widow. In social organizations, he is affiliated with the Sons of Norway and the order of Eagles and Sc-andinavian Workmen Association. ANTON JENSEN. Anton Jensen, of Mcintosh, proprietor of the Mc- intosh Flour mills and of the electric light plant, is a native of Denmark, born July 7, 1857, and came to this country when six years of age, with his parents. They located in Waupaca, coiinty, Wisconsin, and there Anton Jensen grew to manhood. In 1880 he came to Polk county and took a homestead claim four miles east of Fertile and spent the next few years developing his land and also worked as a harvester and in other farm woi'k. In the fall of 1883 he went to Crookston and in the following year entered upon his first venture in the commercial world, opening a general store at Valley and operating the postoffice in conjunction with it. This enterprise which was established with a small capital met with a marked success, represented by an increase to a $4,000 stock and under able management was soon commanding an annual trade of $8,000. In 1893, Mr. Jensen sold the store and removed to Mcintosh, having bought, at some time previous a cpiarter interest in the flour mills at that place and has continued to be identified with this industry as manager and as sole proprietor since 1897, when he bought the interests of the other shareholders. The mills, one of the leading business institutions of that region, were erected in 1889 by the J. P. Johnson company, with an investment of some twelve thousand dollars, and are operated by the roller process, with the capacity for handling seventy- five barrels per day. Mr. Jensen has enlarged the original building and has installed machinery for the milling of rye and buckwheat; the plant now repre- senting a capital of about twenty tliousand dollars. He conducts a custom and exchange business with an extensive patronage in the surrounding territory and as a grain dealer, ships many car loads of wheat. In the mercantile trade, his I X L brand of flour has attained a high reputation among the retailers. In 1900, he installed the electric light plant, using the mill power to operate the machinery, which required an investment of $5,000. This enterprising under- taking received the ready approval and support of the citizens of Mcintosh and the company, which is managed by William Jensen, supplies lights for the streets and homes. Aside from his business activities, Mr. Jen.sen has given some attention to agricultural pursuits and makes his home on his farm which adjoins the town, the residence standing within the city limits. He also owns a quarter section of farm land north east of Mcintosh and two hundred acres of swamp land wliich he is reclaiming with drainage cyjy^-^ COMPENDIU:\I OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 209 and developing. During the many years of his career in the county, Mr. Jensen has become widely known as a successful business man and public spirited citi- zen and has been prominently associated with the public interests of the community, giving active service in various offices, as a member of the school board and of the town council and was president of the latter body for several terms. He is a member of the Lutheran church and of the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of America. He was married, at Fertile, in 1884, to Nicoliue Hendricks, of Nicollet county, Minn. They have a family of six sons and one daughter, Arthur C, who is employed in a bank in North Dakota ; Alvin H., who lives at Trail and is in the lumber business; George E., the manager of the home farm and Clara S., Eraest C, Ralph W., and Vernon B., all of whom make their home with their parents. E. E. HANSEN. E. E. Hansen, superintendent of the Mcintosh public schools, was born at Thor, Humboldt county, Iowa, on November 19, 1880. He was reared on a farm and received his preparatory education in tlie country schools, later matriculating at St. Olaf coUege, at Northfield, Minn., where he graduated iu 1909, with the degree of bachelor of arts. He imme- diately entered the teaching profession and taught iu the graded schools at Donaldson, Minn. In 1911, he came to Polk county, to accept the position of super- intendent of the graded school at Fisher and con- tinued to give competent service there until 19].'], when he taught at Henning in Ottertail county and in the next year, returned to this county to assume the superintendeney of the schools at Mc- intosh. This is one of the notable educational insti- tutions of the county, a record of its achievements being found elsewhere in this work, and its direction entails one of the most responsible pedagogical posi- tions in the county, for which Mr. Hansen has proven himself eminently fitted. His rapid promotion in his vocation attests to his ability and marks him for further distinction in his profession. His theories of education are broad and peculiarly adapted to the direction of an agricultural and vocational school and he considers a healthy interest in athletics, a beneficial phase of school activity. He is himself an out of door sportsman and enjoys his favorite recrea- tion of fishing. Mr. Hansen is an accomplished saxo- phone player, having been a member of the band of St. Olaf college, which made a tour of the Scandi- navian counties in 1906 and in 1909, played a week's engagement at the Alaskan Exposition at Seattle. He was married in 1915, in Ottertail county, to Edna Evanson, a former teacher at Henning. She is a native of Seattle and was educated in the Nonnal school at Moorhead and before her marriage, had been successfully engaged in the teaching profession. SUMNER CHESLY BAGLEY. Sumner Chesly Bagley, prominent lumberman and well-known farmer of Polk county, was born at Ar- gyle, Maine, June 1, 1831, and died at his home near Fosston, July 27, 1914. Throughout the greater part of a long and active career he engaged in the lumber business, where his wide experience and native ability brought him deserved success. In 1860 he left Maine and went to California, where he remained for nine years occupied in lumber and mining projects. He came to Minnesota in 1870 and became associated with T. B. Walker of Minneapolis in the lumber business, Mr. Bagley taking charge of large logging contracts. He operated on the Clearwater and Mississippi rivers, and got out about thirty million feet of timber during each winter season. During the summer months he took contracts with the railroads for grading and em- 210 COMPENDIU.M OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ployed some two luindred men the year aroinul, with an equipment of one hundred teams which he owned. He built part of the grade on the Duluth division of the Great Northern railroad and engaged in similar work in Montana. Soon after coming to Jlinnesota he took a homestead claim in section 17 in Rosebud township and made this farm his home throughout the remainder of his life. "When failing health neees- sitated his retirement from the contracting business he turned his entire attention to his farming interests, which comprised 1,000 acres. He later sold 200 acres from his estate. Mr. Bagley was a man whose influ- ence was to be felt back of any cause which enlisted his allegiance. He was actively identified with mat- ters of public concern and interested in the growth and development of Fosston. The naming of the village of Bagley stands as a memorial to his citizen- .sliip. He was a member of the Republican party, and although he evaded political honors, he gave his ef- forts tVecly to promote its success. lie was possessed of great individuality and was strong in his convic- tions; a great lover of nature in all its forms, he refused to see life taken from animals, saying that "one should not take that which could not be re- stored." He took the keenest enjoyment in the life of the woods and lakes and camp life in the wilder- ness was one of his favorite recreations. He was married in Argyle, Maine, to Lydia Fernald. Three years after his marriage his wife died, leaving two sons, James, who is in the government employ in Maine, and Alfred, engaged in the manufacture of wooden articles at Bemidji, Minnesota. In 1897 Mr. Bagley was married to Gertrude Nelson, a native of Norway, who came with her parents to this country and located at Crookston. No children were born to this union and Mi-s. Bagley has taken her nephew, Lilmer Tygson, into her home. ALLAN J. MoKINNON. Allan J. McKinnon, a prominent business man and pioneer manufacturer of Crookston, was born near Montreal, Canada, on May 29, 1858. He is the son of Archibald and Jeanette (Gillis) McKinnon, natives of Inverness, Scotland, who emigrated to Canada in 1854. Allan McKinnon is one of five brothers who have been eminently identified with history of Ci'ookston since its early daj's. He was reared in Canada, where he attended the public schools until he was eighteen years of age when he came to the United States and for three years worked at St. Croix, Wisconsin, learning the trade of wagon maker. In 1879 he came to Crookston where his brother Alexander McKinnon had opened a wagon and carriage shop and in the following year, John R. McKinnon joined them in their business operations. This was the first industry of the kind in the county and they engaged in the manufacture of a full line of wagons, carriages and sleighs, finding a ready market in the surrounding territory and building up an extensive trade that kept pace with rapid settle- ment and development of the town and county. In 1888, Alexander McKinnon retired from the company and the firm was dis.solved, Allan J. McKinnon and Archie McKinnon a.s.suming entire cliarge of the business, which has met with steady prosperity under his management. The selling of farm implements was added to the manufacturing enterprise and this has become the principal activity, although Mr. Mc- Kinnon still engages in manufacturing to some extent. As a successful business man and pioneer citizen, Mr. McKinnon is popularly known throughout the county and is liighly respected by all his associates. He is a member of the Democratic party and has been honored with various positions of public trust and has been prominently identified with the direction of city affairs as mayor and as a member of the city council for twelve yeara. He also served for three terms on the library board. He is a member of the Catholic church. Mr. McKinnon was married in COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 211 1888 to Rose M. Powers, of Canada, and they have five children, Archie, John, Allan, Donald and Annie. In fraternal organizations, he is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. PAUL K. FOSSBAKKEN. Paul K. Fosshakken, for many years a prominent farmer of Brandsvold township, was a native of Nor- way, bom October 20, 1860. In 1879, at the age of nineteen he was married to Ellen Dalen and soon afterwards came to this country to find a home on western land. He spent two years in Ottertail county, Minn., where he had a farm of forty acres. In 1885 he came to Polk county and took a homestead in Brandsvold township, six miles north of Fosston; the southeast quarter of section 10. He later Iwught another tract of land, increasing his farm to two hundred and eighty acres, all but fifty of which, he cleared and put under cultivation. With unceasing industry and skillful effort he developed this plat into one of the finest fanns and most attractive country homes in the county. He devoted his best interests to this work and took a just pride in his achievements. A county ditch crosses the farm and with the exception of the barn all of the present buildings, which occupy a pleasant situation, a quarter of a mile removed from the public highway, were erected bj' him. He kept a large herd of dairy cows and was a stockholder in cooperative creamery at Olga. In 1908, his bam burned and during his heroic efforts to save the other buildings, he suffered injuries which resulted in his death on February 25, 1908. He did his share toward founding the agri- cultural prosperity of the county and is gratefully remembered by its citizens as a worthy pioneer of Brandsvold township. He was a member of the Republican party and an efficient member of the school board for several years. He was a faithful supporter of the United Lutheran church at Brands- void. Mr. Fosshakken wa«4 twice man-ied. Five children were born to the first union, MoUie, who is a teacher in the Polk county schools, Cliristopher, Lewis, Ida and Ella. His second marriage was with Anna Hansel, who survives her husband. They had four children, Elmer, Ira, Ruth and Esther, all living at Dalton, Minn. The five older children are the present owners and managers of the Fos.sbakken homestead and are capably advancing the interests of the estate which their father founded. They have all attended the agricultural college at Crookston and their farming enterprises are flourishing under pro- gressive and able management. The place is well equipped with a silo, with a capacity of one hundred tons, a fine well and tank, a gas engine and windmill. In 1912 they began to breed Holstein cattle and have four head of registered stock and a large herd of blooded cattle. They engage in the dairy business and sell their produce to the Fosston creamery, and are further interested in the stock business in the raising of pure bred Yorkshire hogs. The Foss- hakken family are members of the United Lutheran church at Brandsvold. JOHN D. MacPHEE. Successful in all departments of his private busi- ness and displaying commendable energy, progres- siveness and judgment in the administration of public affairs, in which he has been engaged for some years in various capacities, John D. MacPhee, former mayor of Crookston and present county commissioner from the third district, is a typical representative of the citizenship of this section and creditable alike to it and to American manhood in general. He was bom in Ontario, Canada, May 14, 1855, the son of 212 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY John and Hester (Galbraith) MaePhee, natives of Scotland who emigrated to Canada in 1847. They were farmers iu their native land and held to the oceupation of their youth in their new home, whui'e the mother died in 1894 and the father in 19((:5. Their offspring numbered six, four sons and two daughters. The parents were highly respected where they were known for their genuine wortli. John D. MauPhee grew to manhood in Canada and was engaged in farming there until 1879, when he came to the Red River valley and took ui> his resi- dence in I'olk county. From the time of his arrivMl in this county he has been actively employed in farming, having been manager of the Loekhart farm of 6,000 acres for seventeen years and since the end of that period in charge of several farms of his own in Polk county. Although his private affairs have been exacting iu their requirements at all times, Mr. MacPhee has always taken an active and leading part in local public affairs also. He served in the city council of Crookstou for some time, and was mayor of the city from Sept., 1906, to Jan. 1st, 1910, being the first mayor under the new city charter. Since 1912 he has been a memlier of the board of county commis- sioners. Politically he is a Republican. Fraternally he is a Freemason and a member of the Order of Elks. He is widely known in this part of the country and everj'where he is highly respected. In 1888 he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Cheney, a native of Bellevue, Jackson county, Iowa. They liave one child, their daughter Lucy. ANDREW PETERSON. Andrew Peterson, a well known business man of Mcintosh, has been a resident of the county since 1883, when he located on land in Hill River town- ship. He was born in Sweden, August 8, 1860, and there grew to manhood, apprenticing himself to the trade of cabinet maker and engaged in that work until 1881 when he came to the Ignited States. He settled in North Dakota and took a preemption claim near Grafton but after two years removed to Polk county and filed a homestead claim on the .southwest quarter of section seven of Hill River township, eight and a half miles northeast of Mcintosh. Here he built a log cabin and entered upon tlie task of clear- ing the land which partly covered with brush and small timber. A few years later he erected a larger log house and for several years devoted his efforts to the development of the farm, putting about one hun- dred acres under cultivation. He continues to own the homestead which is one of the good farm proper- ties of the region and in 1914 replaced the log house with a modern frame building. In 1901 he withdrew from his farming activities and returned to his trade and engaged in carpentering work in Mcintosh for a time and was then employed in the sash and dom- factory at Crookston for a year. He opened his shop in Mcintosh, for cabinet and general wood work, in 1903, and has Iniilt up a successful business and is widely known for the skill and thoroughness of his workmanship. He conducts a prosperous trade in the various lines of his production and enga|res iu the construction of store fronts, doors and makes a specialty of church fixtures, his handicraft being represented in a number of the church interiors of the county. He has also given his attention to the contracting business. Mr. Peterson has ever given freely of his sei'V'ices and interests in the promotion of the general welfare of the county and as business man and citizen has won the respect of all his asso- ciates. Although his ready support is given any worthy project of public moment, he has always avoided official recognition in local government, pre- ferring not to incur any restrictions on the independ- ence of his activities. He is a member of the Lutlieran church. His marriage to Olivia Enarson occurred in 1893, in Hill River townsliip. She was born in Sweden and came to Polk county when eleven years COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 213 old with her father, Olaf Eiiarson, a well known fanner and land owner. Mr. Euarson, upon his arrival in the county, suffered the loss of his entire capital, which consisted of a twenty doUar gold piece, in attempting to extricate his wagon from its lodg- ment in a stream, en route to his new home, and so began to build his fortunes in this county with no financial assistance, but with native ability and un- ceasing labor and thrift has become the largest land owner in Hill River township. A brother of Mr. Peterson, John Peterson, was also a homesteader in Hill River township and was well known in the county as registrar in the United States land office at Crookston, serving in that position until the appointment of the present registrar, Mr. Ringdal. John Peterson resides in Crookston but has been compelled to retire from all activities because of fail- ing health. A. J. HEATH. A. J. Heath, editor and proprietor of the Mcintosh Times, one of the popular newspapers of the county, was bom near Portland, Maine, and came west in his childhood. In his youth he devoted his ambitions and energy to securing an education and with deter- mined effort and steady application to his purpose, after receiving an academic training in the night schools at Minneapolis, pursued his studies through the collegiate course. Since his early activities in the commercial world, he has been identified with the printing business and was employed for some time as a pressman and later as a reporter on a metro- politan daily. Subsequently he spent three years in southern Minnesota, where his work supplied a thorough mechanical and literary training for the newspaper business, his duties ranging from the job room and type setting to the editorial chair. Since August, 1914, he has been the proprietor of the Mc- intosh Times, where his able management has not only advanced the popularity of the sheet and the prosperity of the business but has attested to his intelligent understanding of his profession and his efficiency and natural ability as a newspaper man. The Mcintosh Times was established in 1887 and is Democratic in its editorial policy. The plant is fully equipped for competent operation, with a good four page press and linotype machine and commands a successful trade in job work. The paper is a weekly publication and is a clean, progressive sheet of eight pages and is all home print, with a circulation of one thousand subscribers. EVERETT A. WEBSTER. Everett A. Webster, of Mcintosh, a leading busi- ness man of the county, extensively identified with the interests of the north west as a merchant and land owner, was born at Daleville, Lackawana county. Pa., May 20, 1873, and has been a resident of Minne- sota since his early childhood. He was reared in Lake City, and there attended the public schools, graduating from high school in 1891. For five years he was in the employ of Miller & Foote in Crookston and subsequently spent a year in Colorado. In 1902 he located in Mcintosh and embarked upon an inde- pendent commercial career, buying a half interest in the Larsen & Carpenter Co., dealers in hardware, agricultural implements and furniture, forming a partnership with Paul Carpenter. The firm of Car- penter & Webster have conducted a steadily in- creasing trade during the eight years of their operation and since the destruction of their building by fire in 1909, which entailed a loss of about fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. Webster then became sole owner of the business and has erected a large modern business block, with a frontage of over two hundred 214 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY feet. Beside his commercial activities, Mr. Webster was also associated with his brother iu the manage- ment of farm on a quarter section of land near Mcintosh, wliere they engaged in dairy farming and the breeding of Holstein cattle. The success of this project led to larger ojjerations and they sold the farm iind estal)lished a wholesale house at Virginia, Minn., as Webster Brothers, with Walter Webster as resident manager. This company engages in the ship- ping of stock and hay and the buying and selling of general produce and commands a large territory, including such trade centers as Ilibbing, Inter- national Falls, Grand Rapids, Deer River and is the distributing point for hundreds of miles of surround- ing agricultural country. They buy seven or eight car loads of blooded Holstein cattle, annually, in Wisconsin, which they .sell in Jlinncsota and North Dakota, and in 1914, shipped one hundred and sixty- three eai's of hay, a record which the steady growth of the business will advance to two hundred, in 1915. Mr. Webster is that type of business man and citizen who is never content with present achievement but who uses each success as a stepping stone to larger accomplishment and is possessed of those positive qualities which have led inevitably to his valuable services in the public interest and to ramification of his business enterprises throughout the northwest. In 1906, he erected the first building in Epping, North Dakota, establishing a hardware, agricultural implement and furniture store, which he operated for seven years in partnership with C. F. Carpenter and P. W. Carpenter. Epping has now grown to a population of 100 and is a thriving village with four elevators, two banks and various mercantile com- panies and enjoys the unique distinction, which like- wise attests to its prosperity, of owning, in its twenty- eight machines, automobile accommodation for its entire population. ]\Ir. Webster's most recent enter- prise is the Webster Mercantile company, of Mc- intosh, which represents an investment of .$10,000. Mr. Webster is the sole proprietor and opened the store for general mercantile and retail trade on March 1, 1915. As one of the large property owners of the section, he has conducted extensive land transactions in this region and in North Dakota and has also become interested in tlie lumber business. His keen understanding of the elements of success has contributed to his notable industrial career and he has applied the .same confident and foi-ceful service to the promotion of the public welfare, and is ever alert to the w-orth of public or private enterprise and an energetic and fearless advocate of any cause which he espouses. As a member of the town council, he was influential in the regulation of the liquor traffic and the construction of side walks and has also been associated with civic affairs in official capacity as president of the Commercial club. In political belief he is pledged to no party organization and among fraternal orders is a member of the Modern Wood- men of America and the Independent Order of Odd Fellow's. Mr. Webster was married, in 1904, to Martha Munch, of Crookston. She was bom in "Wisconsin and is the daughter of the late William Munch, who was for many j-ears a grain buyer at Crookston. They have four children, Leslie, Marie, Tom and John. L. SHADDUCK. L. Shadduek, a well known citizen and business man of Mcintosh, was born in Clinton county, Iowa, April 14, 1865, and came to Polk county in 1886. For a year he was in the employ of his cousin, H. C. Misner, a merchant and grain dealer at Euclid, whose son is now engaged in the abstract business at Crookston. In the fall of 1887, Mr. Shadduek went to Douglas county and for several years operated an elevator at Garfield for the Minneapolis & Northern Ele- vator company. He returned to Polk county in 1894 to assume the management of the company's elevator at Mcintosh and during the nine years of his asso- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 215 ciation with that entei-prise conducted a successful business, handling some six hundred thousand bushels of grain. In 1903 he left this position to engage in an independent business venture and became the pro- prietor of the Mcintosh Dray line and has since devoted his attention to its management, employing two teams in his prosperous operations. Through his recognition of the responsibilities of citizenship and his ready services in the promotion of the best in- terests and progress of the community, Mr. Shadduck is widely known and respected and, as an influential citizen and a member of the town council has en- thusiastically supported all local improvements, his own home, in its attractiveness and pleasant sur- roundings suggesting the sincerity of his efforts for the best civic conditions. Mr. Shadduck is prom- inently known in fraternal circles as a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias and has given efficient service in various lodge of- fices, having passed all the chairs in Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is the chief consul of the local camp of Modern Woodmen. He has also been honored with office of representative to the grand lodges of both organizations. He was married at Alexandria, Minn., to Diana B. Sweet. She is a native of Illinois and came to Minnesota when ten years of age with her father, Stephen R. Sweet, who was for many years a farmer near Alexandria and whose death occurred in August, 1908, at his daughter's home in Mcintosh. Mr. Shadduck and his wife have five children, Vera A. the wife of JMorris Narverson of Mcintosh ; Harold, who grad- uated from the high school in 1914 ; Hazel, Grace and Martha. TOLLOF KJOLHAUG. Tollof Kjolhaug, a successful farmer of Rosebud township, was born in Norway, November 7, 1873 and is the grandson of Tollof Kjolhaug, one of the pioneer settlers of that township. The latter had been a farmer in his native land and had also served as a sailor on merchant ships. He came to the United States in 1881, bringing his family to Fergus Falls, Minn., and in May 1883 located on the farm in Rose- bud township which continued to be his home through- out his life. He was one of the organizers and a faithful member of the United Lutheran church at Fosston. He never acquired the use of the English language but preferred to speak his native tongue. He was married to Gurine Berg and they had seven children, Simon, Iver, Oliver, Mary, who still lives in the old home; Caroline; Karey, wife of E. 0. Esten- son, living near Climax, Polk county, and Trine, who married Anton Hanson and resides near the same place. Tollof Kjolhaug died March 8, 1906 at the age of eighty-one and is survived by his wife, who is living on the homestead farm with her grandson, in her eighty-eighth year. Simon Kjolhaug took a claim in section fourteen of Rosebud township and was a well known thresherman in this region. He was active in township affairs and was one of the oi'ganizers of the township and held the office of assessor until his death in 1893. He married Anna Anderson of Polk county and they had two children, Martin, who is a graduate of the Crookston high school and county surveyor in Clearwater county. Minn., and Selma who with her mother makes her home in Gonvick, Minn., with Martin Kjolhaug, and is employed as teacher in the public schools. Iver Kjolhaug was a farmer in section fifteen. Rosebud township, for a number of years and since 1907 has resided in British Columbia, which is also the home of his brother Oliver. The subject of our sketch is the son of Andrew and Caroline Kjolhaug. His father died in Norway and he was reared by his grandfather and when eight years of age accompanied him to this country. He has always lived on the farm which was his grandfather's homestead, devot- 216 CO:^IPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ing his efforts to its development and since 1895 lias had the entire management of it. The farm is equipped with good barns and the original house has been remodeled into a pleasant home. He has drained much of the marsh land with ditches and is now engaged in the construction of a county ditch, which will cross his land. He engages in diversified farm- ing, raising grain and cattle and is interested in the dairy business, keeping a herd of cows for that pur- pose. He was an organizer of the Fosston Coopera- tive creamery company and has served as president of the company since its organization. He is a mem- ber of the Republican party and is active in political matters and has been delegate to a number of con- ventions. Mr. Kjolhaug is interested in the public welfare and progress ajid has given able service in local affairs as supervisor and chairman of the board of supervisors and is the present treasurer of the township. He has never married. ALEXANDER FYFFE. Alexander Fyffe, a prosperous farmer, of Brands- void township, is a native of Ireland. Born in 1864, he was reared on a farm in a northern county of the old country and receiving an opportunity to come to the United States, having his fare paid to Boston, he began to win his way to success and prosperity in the new land. For about seven years he engaged in farming in Maine and 1890 came to Fosston. He spent several years working in the woods in the sur- rounding country and rented farming land until he finally secured the quarter section, which is his pres- ent home, purchasing it in 1896 from the bank in Fosston. It contained about seventy acres of pro- ducing land and he has now twice that acreage under cultivation. When he purchased this land and started his farming enterprise, he possessed a capital of two hundred and fifty dollars and a few head of stock, and from this with capable management and steady effort he has developed a fine property, and has erected good buildings and a delightful country home, pleasantly located on an elevation and in a grove. The land is in section twenty-two, and four tniles north of Fo.sston. Mr. Fyffe also operates another quarter section. He is devoting particular attention to dairying and keeps blooded stock, Guern- sey cattle and fine strains of draft horses. Mr. Fyffe is a self made man in the best sense of the word and as farmer and citizen enjoys the respect of all. He was married to Bertha Carver of Maine and they have six children. Angle, who married Carl Tuffte, a farmer in Canada, Albert, Rose, Mark, Everett and Vernie. Mr. Fyffe and his family are members of the M. E. church at Fosston. He takes great pleasure in out-of-door sports and is an enthusiastic hunter and fisherman. W. A. MARIN. W. A. Marin, of Crookston, a well-known attorney and prominent citizen of the county, was bom at Lexington, Sanilac county, Michigan, January 13, 1874, the son of William and Adelaid (Moore) Marin. The latter was born in Canada and was the descend- ant of the English family of Moore, of which Sir John Moore, the famous Scottish general, was a mem- ber. William Marin is a native of Ontario, Canada, and of Irish ancestry. He engaged in the contract- ing business and in 1879 came to Crookston, then a small village, and opened a lumber yard and con- tinued for many years to be identified with the business development of the town as a contractor and lumberman. He now makes his home at North Yakima, Washington, and his family of three daugh- ters and a son are all residents of the state. W. A. W. A. MAEIN COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 217 Jlarin was reared from early childhood in Polk county and was a member of the first graduating class of the Ci'ookston high school, in 1891. He spent some time as a teacher and for one year was the principal of the schools at Thief River Falls, but his ambitions cen- tered on a legal career and he began his preparatory studies by reading law in the offices of ]\Iiller & Foote. He completed his law course with two years' attend- ance at the Universitj' of Minnesota and in 1898 was admitted to the bar and began to practice in Crookston, where he has established a high reputation as a successful lawj'er and is widely known in the state for his noteworthy professional attainments and efficient services in the public offices with which his ability has been recognized. He is actively asso- ciated with political matters and maintains independ- ence in his opinions and vote, but is a forceful supporter of the principles advocated by the Progres- sive party, and as a presidential elector in 1912 cast the vote of his district for the candidate of that party. In local affairs, he has served the public interests in various offices, as chairman of the sinking fund committee, as alderman at large in 1902 and is at present the chairman of the charter commission. In 1910 Mr. Marin was a candidate for member.ship in the state legislature. He is i^rominently identified with the interests and activities of the legaf pro- fession as president of the Northwestern Lawyers association, and is associated with the business enter- prises of Crookston as a stockholder in the Scandia bank. Among the fraternal orders he holds member- ship in the Masonic fraternity and Elks lodge. Mr. Marin was married in 1899 to Emma Poelhler, of Minneapolis, and two daughters have been born to this union, Pauline and Adelaide. Mr. Marin and his family are members of the Episcopal church. ANDREW E. WOLD. Andrew E. Wold, a farmer in Brandsvold town- ship, is a native of Norway, born August 24, 1861. He was reared on his father's farm and came to the United States when twenty years of age, locating in Ottertail county, Minnesota, where his brother, Lars Wold, had settled in the previous year. Here he was employed in farm work for several years, his first wages being used to repay his passage money which he had borrowed. In 1887 he came to Polk county and bought a quaiter section of land in Brandsvold townshijj and entered upon the ardu- ous task of clearing his land for cidtivation. The only investment in stock whicli his meager resources allowed him at that time was a Polled Angus calf which he bought in Ottertail county for twenty- five dollars and this purchase marked the standard for Mr. Wold's farming activities, his farm has al- ways been stocked with finely bred animals. He de- voted all his time to the clearing off of the timber on the tract and for .several months, his brother assisted him in the work. In the second year, he 14 put in a crop and had it destroyed by the frost and in the following year suffered the same loss, saving but a small part of the crop for harvesting. This led to his determination to dispose of that place and secure a farm on higher ground and in 1891, he bought his present farm, the northeast quarter of section twenty-one of Brandsvold township, three miles and a half northwest of Fosston. This had been the former homestead of Sam Hanson, who had met his death by suicide and its primitive wildness had been practically undisturbed, a few acres having been cleared and a log shanty built on the claim. Mr. Wold was able to pay about half of the purchase price of $860 and with thrifty management, in a short time, cleared his property of debt. He now owned a number of head of stock and the work of developing the farm progressed steadily. The place was very advantageously located and included no waste land and required very little artificial drain- age. He has put one hundred and thirty of the one hundred and sixty acres under cultivation and 218 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY the rest is utilized for pasturage, Mr. Wold engaging quite extensively in stock raising in addition to his grain farming. He raises short horn and red poUed cattle, breeding to secure a strain best adapted to general farm purposes and keeps a herd of sixteen dairy cows, selling cream to the cooperative creamery at Fosston. The farm is well equipped for eflBcient and profitable operation, the bam has modern con- veniences for the care of stock and accommodates some forty head. An excellent water system has been installed with tanks and troughs supplied by a gas engine from two spring wells. Mr. Wold r''- ealls that in the earlier days, in his Norwegian home, his fatlier had quite as convenient a plan in his barn for the watering of stock. The house which he first built on locating on this place, has been remodeled and included in the present modern structure which is pleasantly situated on a sightly elevation. I\Ir. Wold is associated with the business interests of the county as a stockholder in three important cooperative cor- porations, the creamer}^. Farmers Elevator and store companies at Fosston. He was actively identified with the organization of the Lutheran Brotherhood church at Fosston, of which the Reverend Gunhus is pastor and continues to be a faithful member of that congregation. His favorite recreation has been hunting, although he does not engage in this sport as much as formerly, making a frequent substitute for out-of-door pleasure with automobile trips. His marriage to Marie Joten occurred in Polk county, in 1887. She is a native of Norway and had been a resident of Ottertail county. Of the family born to them, eight children are now living, Inger, wlio married Andy Possett and lives in Enderline, North Dakota; Edwin, Olga, Melvin and Lena, who are students in the high school at Fosston; Alfred, Selma and Bennie. OLE MELLESMOEN. Ole Mellesmoen, a pioneer citizen and successful farmer of Brandsvold township, was born in Norway, September 26, 1859, and came to the United States when twenty-two years of age, the first of his family to seek a home in the western land. He came to Minnesota and a short time afterward was joined by his father, B. 0. Mellesmoen, who located in Wadena county where he lived until 1911 and since that time has made his home with his son, Ole Mellesmoen. After two years in the new home, the latter helped two brothers to secure their passage to this country. Ole Mellesmoen lived for two years in Ottertail county and in 1883 removed to Polk county, taking a homestead claim on section twenty-three of Brands- void township, the southwest quarter. This was tim- ber land and his first home was built of logs cut from the place. To the development of this farm he has devoted the able efforts of many years and has been eminently .successful in all phases of his enterprise. It is one of the model farms of the region and one of the best locations, being situated on the main road north of Fosston, about three miles from that place. He has put over one hundred acres under cultiva- tion, the remainder being in timber land and in pro- ductiveness and equipment the farm can be favor- ably compared with those in the older and famed agricultural districts of the middle west. He has good buildings, attractively situated in fine natural groves and in 1908, erected his comfortable country- home. His farming interests have been directed to the raising of gi-ain and to daiiy farming, selling his dairj- produce to the cooperative creamery at Fo.ss- ton. Mr. Mellesmoen has been identified with tlie affairs of the township since its organization and at- tended the first election which was held in one of the pioneer homes. He was one of the first members of the Brandsvold United Lutheran church, of which he continues to be a faithful supporter. Mr. Mel- lesmoen was married in 1899 to Tnga Sagmoen, who was born in Norway and accompanied her parents COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 219 to Polk county in 1881. No children have been born to them but they have taken a girl and boy into their home, Clara, M'ho has made her home with them since her fourth year and is now sixteen years of age and Ole, aged two and one-half yeai's. Jlr. Mellesmoeu is associated with the business interests of the county as stockholder in the Cooperative Creamery and in the Farmers Elevator companies in Fosston. E. G. EIvLUND. E. G. Eklund, well known farmer and prominent citizen of Polk county, has been for many years actively associated with its development and progress as public official, farmer and business man. He was born near Folland, Sweden, January 21, 1865. Here he attended school and as a young lad apprenticed himself to the trade of shoemaker. In 1882, at the age of seventeen, he came to the United States, join- ing an uncle who was then living in Alexandria, Minnesota. A year later he was able to financially assist his father on the journey from Sweden to a new home in the western state and some time later they were joined by his mother and half brother and sister. E. G. Eklund and his mother and half sister are the only members of the family now living. His first year was spent working on his uncle's farm and burning lime on the shores of Lake Carlos in Doug- las county. During this time he devoted all the time possible to the study of English in the countiy schools. He formed a i^artnership with another boy who was ambitious to acquire a thorough training in the language of their adopted country and they lived in a sod shack, attending school and taking contracts from the settlers for grubbing the wild land. One of these contracts involved a daily wage of fifty cents. In 1888 he made liis first trip to Polk county and two years later located here. In the fol- lowing year, 1891, he purchased eighty acres in Rose- bud township for five hundred dollars. This was timber and prairie land and only a few acres had been broken for cultivation. He was able to pay one hundred and .seventy-five dollars of the purchase price and it took ten years of arduous labor and thrifty management to complete the payment. In the meantime he bought another eighty acres, a mile and a half from the first tract, and this is part of liis present farm, three miles south of Fosston, and was all wild land. After selling the first place at a profit of thirteen hundred dollars he bought one hun- dred and twenty acres of partially developed land, paying twenty-two hundred and now owns a fine farm of two hundred acres, all of which is under cul- tivation. He has reclaimed the low land with open ditches and the county ditch which crosses the farm has completed an excellent drainage system. For a number of years he devoted his attention to the rais- ing of grain. He now keeps thoroughbred cattle and dairy cows, selling to the county cooperative eream- eiy company in which he is an original stockholder. His pleasant farm home was erected in 1905 and is attractively situated in a large grove of poplar and other native trees. In 1915 he added to his fann- ing equipment a fine bam. The successful manage- ment of this property has not monopolized Mr. Ek- lund 's efforts and he has devoted much time to the larger interests of the count}', generously support- ing and promoting important business enterprises which are identified with the general prosperity of the community and giving many years of able serv- ice in public offices. He was active in the organiza- tion of a creamery company in 1896, an unsuccess- ful venture, and in its re-organization into the pres- ent county cooperative company which handles the dairy produce of over two hundred and fifty farm- ers. He was one of the organizers of the Farmers Elevator company at Fosston, a company that has been of great benefit to the agricultural district, in- suring good prices at home. Mr. Eklund was the first president and has continued to be active in the ad- ministration of its transactions. Mismanagement on 220 coMPEXDiu:\r of history and biography of polk county tho part of an agent in cliargo, caused the loss of several thousand dollars and Mr. Eklund served on the eonnniltee which reorganized and put the com- pany on a substantial basis which has brought suc- cess. Tliey incorporated witli a capital of .$10,000 and appointed as manager an efficient wheat buyer. In 1914, this companj' handled 61,000 bushels of grain. Another important institution in which he is interested is the Farmers Cooperative company, which operates a general store in Fosston. He is the president of the corporation. It has a capital stock of $73,000 and receives an annual trade of $22,000. Since 1894 Mr. Eklund has given continu- ous and valuable service in pulilic affairs. In that year he was elected township supervisor on the Pop- ulist ticket and was made chairman of the board of supervisors. In 190.'! he was elected county com- missioner from the Fourth district and held this office for twelve years, serving for a number of years as chairman of board, during which time he was active in promoting the construction of new roads and bridges. He is a member of the township board and has been chairman of it for over eighteen years. Sir. Eklund is now a member of the Republican party but has also been elected to office on the Populist and Independent tickets. He is that type of progressive and industrious citizen who are the chief factors in building up states aud is well known in the county. In 1890 he was married to Maria Hammergren, who was born near Alexandria, Minn., in 1870. They have raised a fine family of ten children, Harris Emil, Arnold Theodore, Alice Ruth, Raymond Wilfred, Hilma Viola, Eilert Jennings, Bertha Elvira, Stella Irene, Clarence Waldemar and Doris Evelyn. JOHANNES R. HOVE. Johannes R. Hove, of Queen township, a prosper- ous farmer and influential citizen of the county, was born in Norway, ]\Iarch 22, 1855. lie spent his boy- hood on a farm and was educated in the public schools of his native land. In 1882 he came to the United States and lived during the first year in Worth county, Iowa, and then removed to Polk county. Here he preempted land on section seven of Queen town- ship and after proving up on this land, six months later, in December, 1883, he took a homestead claim in section twelve of Brandsvold township, just across the township line from the first farm. With the ex- ception of marsh tracts, all of this land was covered with heavy timber, for the most part, poplar, and with thrifty enterprise and unceasing industry, he has put practically all of the three hundred and twenty acres under cultivation. During the early stages of the development of the farm, he employed various means of support, working during the har- vest seasons in Dakota and selling wood which he hauled to Fosston, receiving from one dollar and a quarter to two dollars a cord for it. Mr. Hove has devoted his life to his farming interests and witli intelligent study of every phase of his occupation and able management, has developed one of the finest farms in the county. He has installed an adequate ditching system which with a county ditch ha.s re- claimed some sixty-seven acres of slough land. The comfortable country home was erected eight years ago and in every particular, the farm demonstrates the successful application of modern and progressive ag- ricultural methods. The large new barn is thoroughly equipped with especial regard for winter feeding: the extensive watering s.ystem including troughs in the barn. He gives his attention to grain and stock raising, breeding short horn cattle and has met with unvaried succes"S in every enterprise and has never known a crop failure, one field yielding, in 1904, forty bushels of wheat to the acre. He has estab- lished equally high records in the dairy business, in which he engages extensively, having realized, in one month, $173.40 from dairy produce, with a herd of fifteen cows, beside what was required for family consumption. He is the largest producer in the Olga COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 221 cooperative creamery, of which he was an original stock holder. Mr. Hove has been prominently as- sociated with the promotion of the best interests of the community in which he lives and was actively identified with the organization of both Queen and Brandsvold townships. He has been a faithful sup- porter of the Brandsvold United Lutheran church since its organization, in which he took an active part and has given efficient service for many j^ears as a church officer. His marriage to Betsy A. Yerstad was solemnized in his home in Queen township, in 1887, by the Reverend Rude of Fosston. She was born in Norway in 1858 and was reared in the same neighborhood with her husband. They have a family of six children, Lena, Sonva, Olaf, Roy, Hans and Johanna. JOHN E. TUVENG. John E. Tuveng, a prosperous farmer of Brands- void township, is a native of Norway, born Septem- ber 10, 1860. He came to the United States and to Minnesota in 1880 and lived for a few years in Otter- tail county, employed at farm work during the sum- mer months and spending the winters in the Wiscon- sin lumber camps. In the fall of 1883 he came to Brandsvold township and filed a claim on the north- east quarter of section twenty-two and in the follow- ing summer, moved on his land and began the ardu- ous task of developing wild timber land into a cul- tivated farm. He built a one room, two story, log house with timber cut from his land and devoted what time he could to the clearing of his fields, and meanwhile found employment on neighboring farms. During the first year he worked without a team and then purchased a yoke of oxen. A few years later he bought forty acres of railroad land in section four- teen about three-quarters of a mile distant from his homestead, paying four dollars an acre. This tract is drained by a county ditch and has all been put under cultivation. He has cleared one hundred acres of the home farm and engages in the raising of grain and hay and keeps about twenty head of stock. He erected his present home in 1910 and has provided his place with good buildings and an excellent water sys- tem, with a well ninety feet deep which supplies tanks in the yards and barn. Mr. Tuveng has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the community and has voted in all the township elections with the ex- ception of the firet one. He was one of the organ- izers of the Brandsvold United Lutheran church, of which he is a faithful supporter. Mr. Tuveng was married in Norway, in 1898 to Lena Leiu and they have three children, Edwin, Palmer and Selma. Aside from his successful private enterprises, Mr. Tuveng is identified with the business interests of the county as stockholder in the Cooperative Creamery and Co- operative Elevator companies at Fosston. HANS 0. DUNRUD. Hans 0. Dunrud, a farmer in Brandsvold town- ship, was born in Norway, June 10, 1858. He is one of three brothers who filed on land in Eden township in the spring of 1884, before that township was sur- veyed. The other brothers, Ole Dunrud and Peter Dunrud, still reside on their homesteads there. Hans Dunrud was educated in the common schools of his native land and came to the United States in 1880, his parents lending hiin the money for his passage. On landing in this country he went to Clay county, Minnesota, where he worked at various employment and managed to repay his passage money in the first year, saving from his meager wages. As a farm laborer, he received twenty dollars a month and for the strenuous work of clearing laud of brush and timber, seventy-five cents a day, with fourteen work- 222 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ing hours in the day. In the second year he was able to send money to his parents and later they joined him in the western land. His father, Ole H. Dunrud, took as a homestead claim, the land in section one of Brandsvold township which is the present farm of Ole Dunrud and this remained the parents' home until their death. Hans Dunrud embarked upon his farming enterprise in Polk county with a capital of seven dollars, a yoke of oxen and cow and from this start with thrift and industry, he has steadily made his way to success and prosperity. During the first years he worked in Dakota and at Ada, Minnesota, in thfi harvest seasons, meanwhile giving what time he could to the clearing of the land, which was cov- ered with timber and draining the marsh land and ponds with ditches. The first home was a shack which was later replaced with a good log house which was in use until I'Jl^J when it was destroyed. He erected the present barn in 1905 and the modern frame house which is his home, was built in 1913. He has put all of the one hundred and sixty acres in cultivation except that reserved for pasturage, and aside from his general farming entei-prises is inter- ested in dairy farming. Mr. Dunrud is identified with the important business interests of the section as stockholder in the cooperative creamery at Olga and in the Farmers Elevator and cooperative store at Fosston. As one of the organizei-s of the Zion United Lutheran church in Eden township, he has been actively identified in its interests. His marriage to Mattie J. Haugen, a native of Norway, was sol- emnized in 1885. They have four sons, all of whom reside with their parents, Oscar, who owns a farm in Clearwater county, Martin, John and AVilliam. MARTIN TORGESON. Martin Torgeson, a well known farmer and thresh- erman of Brandsvold township, is a native of the state, born in Houston county, April 10, 1860. Bom in the pioneer days of the northwest, his life has been spent in the constructive work of the farm builder, who lays the foundation for the progress of civiliza- tion. From early childhood he was familiar with the vicissitudes and dangers of frontier life. In Jackson county, in 1862, the year of the Indian outbreak, the Torgeson home was under the fire of the warring bands for a whole day but owing to its advantageous location, the defendants were able to withstand the attacks. But many of the neighbors were killed and all the stock destroyed and although the government troops soon quelled the uprising, the Torgeson fam- ily left the scene of the massacre and returned east, to Fillmore county. After several years there, they again ventured into the more unsettled regions and in 1868 took a homestead claim in Ottertail county, near Dalton, and about eleven miles southeast of Fer- gus Falls. Martin Torgeson was reared on this farm and made his home with his father until 1883 when he went to Polk county and located on a claim in sections twelve and thirteen in Brandsvold township. He had been married three years previous, to Ingre Sonmor, who like her husband, had been reared in the hardy school of frontier life. She was born in Norway in 1858 and liad come to the United States with her parents, in early childhood. After spending some time in Wisconsin and Iowa, they located on land in Ottertail county, Minnesota, in 1868, being among the first settlers of that county. Ingre Tor- geson accompanied her husband to the new home in the wilderness, cheerfully accepting her share of the hard labor and privations and during the first years when it was necessary for Mr. Torgeson to seek work in other places and to be absent for months, she bravely endured the loneliness and the moments of terror when even the solitude of nature .seemed filled with threatening dangers. ]Mai*tin Torgeson embarked upon liis farming enterprise without stock or team and could give little time at first to the devel- opment of his land, having to earn his support at whatever einplojmient he could find but unceasing COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 223 industry steadily advanced liis success and in 1886, he became the owTier of an ox team and wagon, and in the same year began his operations as a thresher- inan. He had threshed his first crops with a flail and was one of the first to engage in the thrashing business in the county. The first outfit which he operated was equipped with the first self traction engine used in the Thirteen Towns. In the fall of 1886, he covered seven townships, the season's crop being small and all the neighbors cooperating in their common interests, the crews eating and sleeping in one small cabin. On Christmas eve of that year, they were still threshing in Columbia township. For thirty-five years Mr. Torgeson was employed in this business, becoming widely known throughout the county and enjoying an extensive patronage and has handled millions of bushels of Polk county grain. He has been in charge of many different outfits, seven of which he has owTied and has employed crews of twenty-five men. For three seasons he operated an outfit in Dakota. Aside from the requirements of this eminently successful enterprise, Mr. Torgeson has devoted every interest to his farms. He lived on his homestead for many years, putting some sixty acres under cultivation and in 1905, sold the property for thirty-three hundred dollars. He then bought the land in section three of Brandsvold township, six and a half miles north of Fosston, which is his present home, paying two thousand dollars for the land, with no buildings. But a small tract had been cleared and he again engaged upon the arduous task of develop- ing a productive farm. He now has seventy acres in cultivation and has erected good modern buildings and beside his general farming activities, is inter- ested in dairy farming. His political affiliations are with the Republican party and he is a member of Brandsvold United Lutheran church. Mr. Torge- son and his wife have a family of nine children, the four younger children, Nina Pauline, Theodore, Hilda, Amanda, Ruth and Reuben William, still living with their parents. A daughter and two sons reside in Canada, Josephine Amelia, the wife of C. A. Larson of Saskatchewan, and Carl Oscar and Noble Peter who are farmers in the same region. Otto Torgeson is employed with a lumbering and railroad contract- ing firm and Melvin I. Torgeson is engaged in farm- ing in North Dakota. OLE M^aCLEJORD. Ole Myklejord, a farmer of Brandsvold township, was born in Norway, January 19, 1864, the son of Ole Tollefson, his baptismal name being Ole Olson, but preferring a less common surname, he later changed it to Myklejord. He came to this country' when he was seventeen years of age and located in Becker county, Minnesota, where he remained for a year and then came to Polk county, taking a pre- emption claim on section ten of Brandsvold township in 1884 and on coming of age made it a homestead claim. In the same year, his father, Ole Tollefson, joined him taking land in section fifteen of the same township. He died here in 1890 and was survived by his wife, his son, Ole Myklejord, and three daugh- ters. The former lived for several years after his death and made her home for some time with Mr. Myklejord. One daughter is a resident of Polk county, the wife of John Lee of Brandsvold township. Mr. Myklejord experienced all the privations and strenuous labor of the pioneer farmer who starts with no capital but a tract of wild land. He built a one-room log house which was his home for eight years and gave what time he could to the clearing of his land, working at farm labor and in the Dakota harvest fields and after a time bought a yoke of oxen which he broke for driving, himself. In 1899 he was married at Mcintosh to Anna Norgaard, who was born in Norway and had come to this country in 1885, just a few years later than Mr. Myklejord. She was ten years of age when she accompanied her 224 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY mother and two brothers from Norwaj' to Polk county where they bought the old Mcintosh farm, one and a half miles east of the present village of Mcintosh. This place continued to be the home of the mother until six years ago when she removed to Brandsvold township where she lives with her younger son, Sam Norgaard. Ben Norgaard is a farmer in Eden town- ship where he took a homestead claim. Jlr. Mykle- jord has developed his land into a prosperous and productive farm of two hundred acres. He has re- claimed much low land with ditching and a county ditch now crosses his place. He has eighty acres under cultivation, devoted niainlv to wheat. He also engages in dairy farming, selling cream to the co- operative creamei-y at Fosston. A comfortable mod- ern home has been erected and the farm is pleasantly situated six miles and a half north of Fosston. Aside from his farming enterprises ^Ir. ]\lyklejord is as- sociated with the business interests of the community as a stockholder in the Cooperative Creamerj' com- pany and the Cooperative Elevator company at Foss- ton. ilr. Myklejord and his wife have five children, ]\Iary, Oscar, Albert, Selmer, and Harold. He and his family aie members of the Froen Synod Lutheran church of Brandsvold township. JOHN A. WIDNESS. John A. "Widness, a successful farmer of Brands- void township, is a native of Norway, born March 2, 1865. His father, Arne J. Widness, has been a well known citizen and farmer in that township since 1884 when he located on the northwest quarter of section fourteen. He was born in Norway on September 11, 1835, and came to this country and to Rice county, Minnesota in 1880. He engaged in farming and spent the next few years here and in Goodhue and Otter- tail counties. In 1884 he removed to Polk county and bought out the claim rights of a homesteader in Brandsvold township, acquiring the possession of a shanty, a few acres of cleared laud with the rest of the tract covered with brush and timber. The hard work and able efforts of the next twelve years were attested to by the rapid development of the property and the success of all his enterprises. One hundred and twenty acres of the land were cleared and put under cultivation and a new house and buildings erected. A county ditch which affords fine drainage for several farms was started by him and built across his farm in addition to the private ditches w-hich he installed ; the construction of the county ditch costing him $1,400. His sons, Hans C. Widness and John A. Wid- ness, had taken claims and had joined their land and farming interests with his, making a farm of four hundred and forty acres, and were associated with him in the work of developing and improving the land. He also bought one hundred and sixty acres, located one-half mile from the homestead, and devoted his attention to the raising of grain on the two farms until 1896, when he retired. Mr. Widness has never acquired the use of the language of his adopted couutiy but has always been interested in the welfare and progi-ess of the community and gave active assist- ance in the building of the Brandsvold United Luth- eran church, of which aU his family are members. His wife, Maren AVidness, died in 1910, a faithful companion during the fifty-two years of the trials and successes of their career. They had three sons, Andrew, who is the proprietor of a hotel in Seattle, Washington ; Hans C, who lived on the Brandsvold township farm for some time and is now engaged in the mercantile business at Windsor, Minnesota ; and John A. John A. Widness was fifteen years of age when the family removed to this country and he grew to manhood on the Polk county homestead. He took charge of the one hundred and sixty acres near the original tract which his father had purchased and remained here for eleven years, clearing the land and erecting farm buildings, and when his father retired, in 1896, he returaed to the home farm for a short .lOIIX i;. MiKl.WON COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 225 time. But in the following year he withdrew from agricultural pursuits aud located at Shevlin, Minne- sota, which was then enjoying a prospei'ous lumber trade. He engaged in the hardware business aud conducted a successful trade for five years, when the failure of a large lumber company brought disaster to the smaller business enterprises of the place. After spending a part of the year 1902 visiting in his old home in Norway, he returned to Minnesota and settled in Warroad, where misfortune again overtook him, when, after a year and a half residence, the town was destroyed by fire and his home and mercantile stock wiped out, he and his family barely escaping with their lives. However, his property was insured and he did not suffer a total loss. For some years he lived in eastern Washington, where he was employed in a hardware store and later removed to Seattle and invested in property in that city which he still owns. The news of his mother's failing health brought him back to Minnesota. She died in the spring following his return and since that time he has operated the homestead in Brandsvold township which had been rented for a number of years. He has added eighty acres to the estate aud has remodeled the old home and lias all of the land under cultivation. He is particularly interested in dairy farming and keeps a large herd of cows, selling his produce to the co- operative creamery at Fosston, five miles distant. Mr. Widness was married in Polk county in 1889, to Anna Hogan, a native of Norway, from whom he was later divorced. They had two daughters, Minnie and Letta. During his visit to Norway in 1902, he was married to Christopha Torgesou and four children have been born to this union, Marvin, Arnel, Iva and Joyce. JOHN R. McKINNON. John R. McKinnon, retired capitalist and ex-mayor of Crookston, has been notably identified with the business activities of that city for many years. He is a native of Scotland, born at Inverness, on Septem- ber 13, 1850, and was brought to America when four years of age, by his parents, Archibald and Jeanette (GiUis) McKinnon, who came to Canada in 185J: and located in Glengarry county, Ontario, near Montreal. The father engaged in farming there until his death in 1884, having survived his wife twenty-one years. They reared a family of seven sons and two daugh- ters and five of the sons became residents of Crooks- ton. John R. McKinnon remained in his Canadian home, attending the public schools, until his seven- teenth year, when he began to work in the lumber region of Michigan. He remained in that state for thirteen years, employed as a lumberman, and also mastered the trade of carriage maker, and in 1880 came to Crookston and joined his brothers, Alexan- der McKinnon and A. J. McKinnon, in the manufac- ture of wagons and carriages. The firm of McKinnon Brothers was one of the pioneer industries of the county and conducted a thriving business as manu- facturers and dealers in farm implements. In 1897 the company was disorganized and Mr. John R. McKinnon gave his attention to other enterprises until 1905, when he retired from active business pur- suits. His has been an eminently successful career, which has included many able sendees in the promo- tion of the best interests of the community, and he has been actively associated with the development of Crookston since the first years of its growth. In 1887 he erected the McKinnon block, the first good business building to mark its progress from village to city. As a director of the First National bank, he has been interested in the direction of its affairs for thirty years. In 1895 Mr. McKinnon was elected mayor and capably discharged the executive duties during one term. He is a member of the Democratic party. His marriage to Henrietta McDonald, a na- tive of Ontario, Canada, took place in Michigan, July 22, 1874. Her death occurred in March, 1909. Eight 226 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY children were boru to this union, two of whom are father. Mr. McKionon is a member of the Catholic now living, Margaret, the wife of Mr. George W. church. Capser, and Henrietta, who makes her home with her JOHN A. HAGEN. John A. Ilageu, a pioneer farmer of Queen town- ship, is a native of Norway, born February 8, 1855. He was married there to Olava Guiiderson, and in 1883, in company with her father, Ole Gundersou, came to the United States, locating in Wisconsin. In the following year he was joined by his wife and three sons, August, Olaf and Julius. In the spring of 1886 John A. Hagen removed with his family to Polk county, taking as a homestead a quarter section which lay in both Queen and Eden townships and has continued to devote his interests to this farm. Since 1896 Ole Gunderson has also been a resident of the county and a member of the Hagen household, and has reached the advanced age of eighty-six years. Mr. Hagen contended with the usual privations and hard work of the pioneer farmer, with no resources but native ingenuity and untilled acres. It had taken his small capital to make the payment on his land and the first log shanty which he built was destroyed by fire before ever occupied by his family. The second house was also constructed of logs and was used as the residence until 1907 when the present farm home was erected. Mr. Hagen later bought an additional forty acres and now has two hundred acres, one hundred and forty of which he has put under cultivation. Al- though the land was not naturally adapted for most successful farming purposes, either by location or soil conditions, by intelligent study and able manage- ment, he has through his own efforts developed it into one of the most productive farms in that region. With an extensive drainage system he reclaimed some fifty acres of marsh for profitable use and has steadily advanced the efifieiency of his operations. He has erected a good barn, which stands in Eden township, but his home has always been on the Queen township land. He is a shareholder in the cooperative creamerj^ at Olga and a member of the Salem or Norwegian Synod Lutheran church at the same place, and during the many years of the faithful service of his member- ship has been actively identified with its interests. His wife died May 9, 1915, at the age of sixty-two years. Five children were born to Mr. Hagen and his wife after they came to this country: Helena, who married Andrew Alrick of Clearbrook, Minne- sota ; Ingmar, a farmer near Williston, North Dakota ; and Orgine Josephine, Evan and Otto, who live with their father. Of the older sons, August Hagen is a well known farmer of Eden township, a sketch of whose life is included in this work; Olaf Hagen is engaged in the restaurant business in Crookston, and Julius Hagen resides in Clearwater county, where he is a farmer. AUGUST HAGAN. August Hagan, a prominent farmer and influential citizen of Eden township, has been a resident of the county since 1886, when a lad of eleven years, he accompanied his father to the old homestead in Queen township. August Hagan was bom in Norway, July 28, 1875, the son of J. A. and Olava (Gunderson) Hagan, and came to the United States with the family in 1884. He grew to manhood on the Polk county farm, assisting in its management, and was associated with his father's successful farming operations until 1908, dividing his work and interests between the home place and his own farm, which he had bought in 1898. He paid $950 for this land, which was in Eden township, and had been the homestead claim of COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 227 Tilda Ostliug. No buildings had beeu erected on the tract and but thirty-five acres cleared, and -there were a number of acres of useless slough land. With an adequate drainage system he has converted this into fine meadow land. Mr. Hagan has devoted his entire attention to the operation of this farm since his re- moval here in 1908 and with creditable industry and ability has made rapid progress in developing its resources, having put some ninety-five acres under cultivation, and equipped it with modern buildings and impi'ovements. He engages in general farming pursuits and dairy farming. Aside from his private enterprises Mr. Hagan is prominently identified with the advancement and success of important business activities in the county. He was one of the promotors of the organization of the cooperative creamery at Olga and has capably directed its aiifairs as president and treasurer of the company since its incorporation in 1906 with sixty-two stockholders. This enterprise has met with steady and marked prosperity and dur- ing the nine years of its operations has distributed a quarter of a million of dollars among its one hundred and twenty patrons. Mr. Hagan is also a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator Company at Posston; also president of Cooperative Live Stock Shipping Asso- ciation. He is a member of the Democratic party and is actively interested in all questions of public moment and is giving his efficient services in the ofiSce of township supervisor. One of the original members of the Salem Lutheran church at Olga, he has continued to give it his faithful and genei-ous support. Mr. Hagan was married, June 30, 1910, to Mabel Clara Martinson. She was born in Clay county, Minnesota, in 1888 and is the daughter of Carl Martinson, a farmer of Eden township. ANDREW M. EATON. Andrew M. Eaton, a well known farmer of Brandsvold township and one of the first settlers in the Thirteen Towns, is a native of Switzerland, bom May 6, 1852. He was brought to this country when two years old by his parents, who made their first home in Chicago and later removed to Milwaukee and then to Iowa. In 1862, just before the Indian outbreak of that year, they settled on land in Stearns county, between St. Cloud and St. Joseph. When he was seventeen years of age Andrew Eaton left his father's farm and went to Ottertail county, where he took squatter's rights to a tract of land but did not file on it. Some years later he went to Becker county, and was living in Frazee in 1878 when he was visited by John A. Flesch and Herman Eikens, who were enroute from their home in Douglas county to a new location in the section known as the Thirteen Towns, which had just been opened for settlement. A month later Mr. Eaton joined them in their new home, taking a claim on section nineteen of what is now Rosebud township. Of the eight men who were the first settlers of this district, four still reside here, Herman Eikens, John Flesch, Andrew Eaton and George Herschberger. Edward Lebree removed to Canada, W. J. HiUegoss now lives in Tacoma, Wash- ington, and Jerome Thayer and Matt Portz are dead. Several others who took claims about this time gave up their land when the region was withdrawn from the market by the government. During the first years these pioneers struggled with all the privations and hard labor of frontier life. For a time they lived in the open, using their wagons for shelter, and a clock belonging to Mr. Flesch and fastened to a balm of Gilead tree, marked the passing of the days. Mr. Eaton hired a few acres of prairie land broken for cultivation and in the spring of 1879 brought his family to the wilderness home. The first house was built of oak logs, with the floor of hewed poplar, and roofed with elm bark. In 1883 the land was re- opened and rapidly settled and a church and school established. Before that time a small store, known as the Wild Rice trading post, was kept on the Flesch 228 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY farm by a hall' breed, Mon-do-ba-shika. Trading posts were also operated by Mr. Ilillegoss and Mr. Lebree. The local tribes of Indians from AVhite Earth and Red Lake were frequent and friendly visitors of the settlers and never threatened their .safety. Their name for Mr. Eaton was Wiud-de-go, signifying in their vernacular that his strength demanded their respect. ]Mr. Flesch was known as Mo-ko-gee, be- cause of his alert manner and the quickness of his movenieuls. In 1883 Lewis Foss started a store and the postoffice of Fosston on the Flesch homestead, on the present site of the home of John Newton, a son- in-law of John Flesch. The following year he removed to the present location of Fosston, and another store was built by Jacob Hansen and the postoffice of Hans- ville started. Supplies were hauled from Detroit City, and the nearest wheat markets were Beltrami and Detroit. During the first years Mr. Eaton cleared about fifteen acres of his land and raised some wheat, and meanwhile industriously employed every means of supporting his family that the frontier country afforded. For two years he returned to Becker countj' during the harvest season, and in the spring and fall he trapped for muskrat, mink and otter skins. He also dug snake root, finding a good market for it, either dried or green. He often walked to Bolieu with his produce and packed the provisions home on his back in primitive fashion, and did not buy his first yoke of oxen until 1883, when he mort- gaged his land to make tlie purchase. His wheat crops were thrashed by flailing over poles, laid over a cleared space. With ]Mr. Flesch he once thrashed two hundred bushel by this laborious method. "When T. B. Walker opened his lumber operations on Clearwater river Mr. Eaton worked in his employ, driving the teams in the winter, and during one summer was carrier for the camps, carrying mail and calks for the lum- bermen's shoos from Detroit. It took a week's time to make the route, traveling all day and camping at any place that darkness overtook him, but the friend- liness of the natives never failed him, and, although a police patrol was not established until later, he was never molested. With steady determination and liard work Mr. Eaton developed his farm, putting some forty acres under cultivation and erecting a comfort- able home. The able qualities which brought him success in private enterprises prompted his efticicnt service and influence in behalf of the public welfare, and as a worthy pioneer of Rosebud township he was identified w'ith every phase of the history of its found- ing and development. He was present at the first election in 1883, held in the old house on the Flesch farm, which also housed the first school in the town- .ship, taught by A. D. Wishard, who later became superintendent of the schools at Red Lake Falls. Mr. Eaton was a member of the school board for many years and served as clerk of tlie school district, and for eight years was road supervisor. In political matters he maintains independence in his views and is allied with no party organization. He is a member of the Catholic church and attended the first mass, which was held in the Flesch home by Father Lozier of White Earth. The church at Hansville was built about seventeen years ago, and previous to that time occasional services were held in the liomes. In 1897 Mr. Eaton removed from his homestead to his present home on section eleven of Brandsvold township, six miles north of Fosston. Here he again undertook the work of the farm-builder, much of the land being uncultivated and the only buildings a log shanty and barn. He has developed a fine farm, with a pleasant home and good buildings, and with the exception of pasture land has every acre under cultivation. A county ditch crosses the place and furnishes good drainage. He gives some attention to dairj' farming, keeping a herd of twelve cows. He was married in 1876 at St. Joseph, Becker county, to Mary Brench, w-ho was born at St. Joseph in 1858 and is of German parentage. They have seven children : Veronica Mary, who taught in the Polk county schools for several years and married C. S. Richardson of Roseau, Minnesota ; Albert Stephen, a farmer near Davidson, Minnesota ; Joseph Lewis, residing in Montana ; Gert- rude Louisa, living with her brother, Albert Eaton ; COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 229 Andrew Matthias, who has taken a claim in Montana ; makes her home with her parents, and Christopher Ida Agues, a teacher in the schools at Ashley; D., who William, who is in charge of the home farm. R. J. MELQUIST. R. J. Melquist, a well known farmer of Brands- void township, is a native of Minnesota, born in Free- born county, June 10, 1872, the son of John and Randa (Jacobson) Melquist. John Melquist was born in Sweden and was married to Randa Jacob- son in Norway, her native land. They came to the United States about the time of the close of the Civil war and located in Minnesota, in Freeborn county. Here his death occurred and she was later married to Ole Runhoug and in 1883 the family removed to Norman countv and in 1888 came to Polk countv. left in his charge. For two years he worked at the clearing of his land without the assistance of a team and then became the owner of a yoke of oxen which he later exchanged for horses. The timber which he cut from his land he sold in Fosston and Mcintosh as cord wood, receiving from one dollar and a quar- ter to three dollars a cord. He has now seventy acres under cultivation and engages in the raising of grain, wheat being his principal crop. His farm is pleasantly situated six miles northwest of Fosston and about the same distance from Mcintosh. During They bought a claim of Ole Trunson, paying five the years of his residence in this county, Mr. Mel- hundred dollars. A log house had been built on the place and but three acres of land had been cleared. Soon after settling here, the departure of his step- father loft the management and development of the homestead to Mr. Melquist, then a lad of seventeen years. He capably shouldered the responsibility and has continued to devote his efforts and interests to the farm which with careful management and hard work, lie lias built from the primitive timber land quist has ever taken a public spirited interest in the welfare of the community and has given able serAdce as a member of the local school board. He takes keen pleasure in hunting and en.joys frequent trips, in pursuit of his favorite sport, in the deer country. Mr. Melquist has never married and his mother made her home with him until her death, April 4, 1912, at the age of eighty-six. He is a member of the Synod Lutheran church at Fosston. C. P. HOLE. C. P. Hole, the editor of the Erskine Echo, has l)een successfully associated with newspaper interests of the county for some twenty-five years. He is a native of Norway, born October 2, 1876, the son of B. K. and Mathea Hole, and when five years of age accom- panied his parents to the United States and to Fargo, North Dakota. B. K. Hole was a graduate of Lille Hammer, a famous educational institution of Norway, and had taught for a number of years in the parochial schools of that country. After locating in Fargo he became employed in carpenter work, but also taught for several months in a school in the vicinity. In 1883, at the opening of the land of the Thirteen Towns for settlement, he took a homestead in King township, a few miles south of Mcintosh, and brought his family to the new home in the following spring. His activi- ties as a pioneer fanner were of short duration, his death, from typhoid fever, occurring in the autumn of the same year. He was survived by his wife and three small children : C. P. Hole, who was then eight years of age; P. B. Hole, who is now a resident of Mcintosh, at the age of six, and Marie, then in her infancy. The latter is the wife of C. II. Hendrickson of Moorhead. After two years spent on tlie home- stead the mother married Charles Johnson, a settler of Knute township, whose farm was three miles east 230 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY of the present site of Erskiiie. He liad also been previously married, his wife having died in their pioneer home. The Hole claim was sold and the family received a pleasant home with their step-father on his homestead. He has now retired from farming and with his wife makes his home in Melntosh. C. P. Hole was reared on the Knute township farm and when fourteen years of age apprenticed himself to the printer's trade, entering the office of the Mcintosh Tribune in 1890 and continued in the employment of the editor, P. P. Bodine, for a time, Icannng the rudiments of his trade and then advanced to typesetting for Mr. McKenzie of the Crookston Times. After completing his apprenticeship he be- came the foreman of the Mcintosh Times under C. T. Lanman, who was the editor at that time. In 1903 he made his first independent venture in the publish- ing business and established the Mentor Herald, the first and ouly newspaper ever published in that village. This venture became a successful and pros- perous enterpiise and Mr. Hole continued the sheet for several months after becoming the editor of the Ei-skine Echo and then consolidated the two papers and covers the combined circulation with the Echo. His plant is fully equipped with a power press and type setting machine and is one of the competent and popular country printing offices of the county. Mr. Hole has devoted every interest of his career to his paper and with intelligent appreciation of the respon- sibilities of his profession and the power of the press in public welfare is ably advancing the best interests of the county. He is also identified with public activities in an official capacity as recorder of the village, a member of the school board and the chief of the fire department. His marriage to Edna Wade- kamper, of Mentor, occurred May 4, 1905. She is a native of Ottertail county and is of German and Norwegian parentage. Five children have been born to this union, Earl, Ethel, Loren, Ray and Kenneth. AV. D. HAMILTON. \V. D. Hamilton, a successful merchant of Fisher and a member of the firm of Hamilton Brothers, is one of three brothers who have been prominently associated with the commercial activities of the county. They were born at Hibbard, Ontario, and the first removal to Polk county was made by Frank Hamilton in 1878. In 1880 he was joined by the father, Francis Hamilton, who resided at Fisher for two years and then removed to Grand Forks county, North Dakota. Frank Hamilton engaged in carpenter and contracting work for several years, and in 1886 opened a furniture store at Fisher, in which prosperous enterprise his brothers, W. D. Hamilton and Donald Hamilton, later became associated with him. W. D. Hamilton first became connected w-ith the business in 1896 as clerk and continued in that position for two years and then became a partner, and in 1890 Donald Hamilton entered the firm. The latter retired from his mer- cantile relations in 1905 and has since engaged in farming near Fisher. The business met with marked success and a rapidly growing trade that early warranted the addition of a hardware stock and agricultural implements which have been further sup- plemented in late years with the harness trade. Frank Hamilton remained at the head of the firm and active manager of the store until 1898. when he withdrew from active cooperation in the business to devote his attention to the undertaking profession, locating at Grand Forks, North Dakota. After a year there and in Fargo, in 1900 he removed to Seattle, and haa since engaged in the undertaking biisiness at that place, retaining his interest in the store at Fisher, where he was succeeded as manager bj- W. D. Hamilton. The present store building was erected by Frank Hamilton in 1895 and is still his property. The com- mercial reputation of the firm has been capably upheld by "W. D. Hamilton, and under his direction its interests have steadilj^ prospered. From the original COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 231 iuvestment of $2,000 the capital has increased to $20,000, with the annual sales amounting to some $30,000. Aside from his business activities Mr. Hamilton is interested in fann lauds, both in Polk county and in Dakota, one farm of one hundred aud sixty acres being near Fisher. The Hamilton brothers are all members of the Republican party and are well known in lodge cii'cles, where W. D. Hamilton is allied with the Elks, being a member of the chapter at Crookston, Frank Hamilton with the Masonic order and Donald Hamilton with the Elks and the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. W. D. Hamilton was ' married at Fisher to Mary Quigley, the daughter of Patrick Quigley, a pioneer farmer of Fisher township, who stiU resides on his old homestead near the town. Mr. Quigley located there in 1871 and recounts many interesting experiences of that time, recalling event- ful trips for provisions to the trading station kept by Bob Ray, at Frog Point across Red river, when the skiff used as a ferry ofttimes proved a perilous and disastrous conveyance for their goods. Mr. Hamilton and his wife have three children, Helen, Douglas and Catherine. MATT ROSE. Matt Rose, a prosperous farmer of Brandsvold township, was born in Norway, January 30, 1859, the son of Peter and Olena Rose. His parents came to the United States when he was ten years old and settled in Freeborn county, Minnesota, where they bought forty acres of land. In 1875 Peter Rose re- moved with his family to Iowa, buying scliool land in Winnebago county and engaged in farming there for six years, during which time his crops were de- stroyed by the devastating chinch bug and his mis- fortunes culminated in the loss of all his property with the exception of his stock. He then returned to Minnesota, living in Faribault county for several years. In 1884 the family came to Polk county and Matt Rose and his brother, John Rose, bought the claim rights for the southeast quarter of section eight of Brandsvold township from a homesteader, for one hundred and fifty dollars. The parents made their home here until their deaths. The mother's death occurred in 1888 and the father survived her until his eighty-ninth year. The homestead land was un- developed and a small log house with a sod roof had been erected on it. The brothers shared in the ardu- ous labor of clearing the land and after proving up on the claim, divided the tract. They had put over one hundred acres under cultivation when the death of the older brother, John, occurred and since that time the farm has been under the management of Matt Rose, he having acquired the title to his brother's share after the latter 's death. On coming to Polk county, he owned a team of horses and was able to stock his farm with several head of cattle and during the first seasons before the land could be broken, he worked at farm labor in the neighborhood. He en- dured his share of the misfortunes and adversities which visit the pioneer farmer and with unfailing industry has won his way to his present prosperous position, building up one of the fine farm properties of the county. He has erected good buildings and in 1910 built the pleasant country home which occu- pies a well chosen and sightly location. The place is conveniently situated five miles north of Fosston and the same distance east of Mcintosh. Several small ponds have been drained with ditches and all the land has been made productive, with one hundred and forty acres under cultivation and the balance used for pasturing purposes. Mr. Rose has installed a fine water system, using a well fifty-eight feet deep, equipped with an engine which supplies the large water tanks. He is successfully engaged in stock raising, breeding high grade stock, and keeps a herd of dairy cattle, selling cream to the creamery at Foss- ton. As a citizen, Mr. Rose has given able and effec- tive service in the office of township supervisor for 232 co:mpendium of history and biography of polk county seven j-ears. He is a member of tlie United Lutheran ehureh at Fosston, Jlr. Rose was married in Fari- liault county, in 1888, to Gertie Giste, who was born in Norway in 1862, and seven children have been born to this union, Olena, Peter, Minnie, Hilda, Thor- wald, Annie and Gina. The sous, Peter Rose and Thorwald Rose are now in charge of the Rose farm. PALT, J. HUSHAGEN. Paul J. Hushagen, a well known farmer and early settler of Eden township, was born in Norway, August 19, 1864. His mother died in his early child- hood and his father, J. P. Hushagen contracted a second marriage and in 1876 brought his family to the United States, settling in Ottertail county, Min- nesota, where he took a claim of one hundred and twenty acres and has since devoted his interests to this farm which is operated by his son, John J. Hush- agen, the father being now in his eightieth year. Paul J. Hushagen was reared on the Ottertail home- stead, attending the country schools during the few months that could be spared from the many duties and hard labor on the frontier farm. He continued to make his home there, assisting his father until he was twenty-four years of age and then embarked upon an independent career as a farmer. He came to Polk county in 1887 and located on land in Eden township, filing his claim in June of the following year when the region was opened for settlement. The first house was built of logs cut from the land with a sod roof but a good wood floor and he entered upon the responsibilities of a newl_y established home and the laborious task of developing a farm, with a capital of three dollars in cash, a yoke of oxen and wagon and a meager household equipment. From this start, with ambitious and able efforts and hard work, he has gained success and Imilt up a fine prop- erty with one hundred acres under cultivation. Dur- ing the first summer on his claim, he worked in the harvest fields in Red river valley and was not able to give much time to the clearing of his own tract Init industry and thrifty management soon put his operations on a profitable basis. He has engaged in general farming activities, making wheat his princi- pal crop and is interested in dairy farming and the raising of thoroughbred stock, having started a herd of thoroughbred Guernsey cattle. As a stock farmer, he also keeps sheep. The present home was erected in 1902 and the place is well equipped with good buildings, the large barn having been built in 1914. Mr. Hushagen has ever taken a public spirited inter- est in matters of public moment and has been actively identified with the affairs of the community, capably discharging the duties of citizenship in the elections of the township and in official capacity, having given service as poor master and in charge of road construc- tion. He is associated with local business interests as a stockholder in the cooperative creamery at Olga, the Farmers Elevator and Store companies at Foss- ton and the Farmers Elevator company at Trail, on tlie Soo railroad. He is prominent in church circles as an active supporter of the Zion United Lutheran church, in which he has given faithful service as an officer for many years and it was largely through his influence that the initial etforts were made to effect its organization. ^Ir. Hushagen was married in May, 1888 during the first year of his residence in Eden township to Anne Anderson of Ottertail county. She is a native of Norway and was brought to Min- nesota by her parents in her fourth year. A family of four sons and two daughters have been born to them, Jorgen ; Joseph ; Anton and August, who now live in Alberta, Canada, where they have land in Peace river valley; and Inga and Clara, who reside with their parents. Jorgen Hushagen was married to Petra Flathang, of Hill River townsliip and was a student in the agricultural college at Crookston for two years. He is now the proprietor of a flour and feed store at Trail. Joseph Hushagen is associated COiMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 233 with his fathex' iu his farming interests and is the farm is located on section eighteen of Eden township, manager of the home farm. He was married to Caro- twelve miles north of Fosston and four miles from line Swenson, of Pelican Rapids. The Hushagen Trail. HANS C. SORBY. Hans C. Sorby, for many years a prominent citi- zen of Hill River township, was one of four brothers who were associated in their farming operations in that township. He was born in Skane, Norway, May 11, 1852, and was reared in his native land. With his brother, Lewis, he went to sea, as a sailor on merchant ships, and it was on one of their voyages that Lewis Sorby received an injury, while in the port of Quebec, which disabled him for active duty for the time and he decided to visit a sister, who was then living in Stevens county, Minnesota. In 1881, he located in Minnesota and in the following year M^as joined by his brothers, Andrew and Christ Sorby. Hans Sorby came to Polk county in 1883 with his parents and three sistera, Margarita, Sophia and Jacobine, Margarita being now the only one living. She married Christ Olson, a fanner of Eden town- ship. Sophia Sorby was married to B. A. Engebret- son, a sketch of whose life is found in this work and died at her home in Eden township in 1911 and Jaco- bine Sorby became the wife of Lars Rasmusson of Stevens county, where her death occurred in 1915. The father erected the house which is the present farm residence and was associated with his sons in the management of the place until his death in 1888. His wife sui-vived him a number of years and died in 1903. The Sorby brothers continued to be associ- !ated in the management of the homestead, which is situated eleven miles north of Fosston, and in all their business interests, their joint enterprises meet- ing with unvaried success and prosperity. They made many profitable land investments, adding to the original tract and have displayed keen business ability in all their operations. Their agricultural in- terests have been devoted to general farming and they have engaged to some extent in dairy farming and are shareholders in the cooperative creamery. Hans C. Sorby was ever prominently identified with public interests of the county and gave almost con- tinual sei'vice in official capacity from the time of the first election held in the township when he was made supervisor. He was later elected treasurer of the township and then returned to the office of township supervisor. His able services and unselfish response to other demands than those of private interests, to- gether with his native geniality won him many warm friends throughout the county. He was one of the substantial and progressive citizens whose loss is deeply regretted by the community in which he lived. He died, July 25, 1915, in his sixty-third year, and is survived by his wife, Moneta (Paulson) Sorby and their five children, Melvin, Christopher, Selmer, Ilelga and Alvina. Hans C. Sorby was the only one of the brothers who married. In 1914, Andrew Sorby and Christ Sorby visited their native land and returned to Minnesota well pleased with the farm home which they have made for themselres in their adopted country. WILLIAM E. McKENZIE. With a longer record of continuous service in news- paper work and a more varied and spectacular experi- ence in it than almost any other man now in the northern part of this state, or perhaps in the whole 15 Northwest, William E. McKenzie, founder and editor of the Crookston Daily Times, has had excellent preparation for the work in which he is so success- fully engaged, and his career in it shows that he had 234 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY made his traiuiiig tell iu all respects to his advantage aud for the benefit of the people for whom he labors. Mr. MeKenzie was born in Dunkirk, New York, in 1863, the son of James and Margaret (Laughlin) McKenzie, the former born in Glasgow, Scotland, aud the latter a native of Ireland. They were married iu this countiy, however, in the state of New York, and became the parents of two sons and five daughters, but William E. is the only member of the family now living in Minnesota. The parents died in Crookston, where they located in 1883. The father learned his trade as a machinist in his native city and was em- ployed on boat construction there and on the Clyde until about 1845, when he came to the United States and obtained a position as assistant superintendent in the Brooks Locomotive Works at Dunkirk, New York, where he was employed for over a quarter of a century. William E. McKenzie obtained his education in academic lines in schools in Ontario, where the family lived about four years; and iu Buffalo, New York, where he was graduated from the high school. He then pursued a course of special training at Bryant & Stratton's College in that city. He began liis news- paper career with Norman E. Mack, whom he helped to start the ^Morning Times of Buffalo, with which he was connected for a few mouths as reporter and part owner. When the Morning Times was discontinued and before the Evening Times, which is still in exist- ence, was started, Mr. McKenzie came to Crookston. This was in the ^\anter of 1881, and after a stay of a week or two went to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he finished the winter, returning to Crookston in March, 1882. He was at once engaged as foreman on the Weekly Chronicle, which position he filled until the fall of that year. Then, in company with W. R. Dunn, he founded the St. Hilaire Spectator. The railroad had not yet reached St. Hilaire and the presses and other equipment for the Spectator had to be taken to that city from Crookston by ox teams. One year later Mr. ]\IcKenzie sold his interest in the Spectator to Harry Ives, who until four years ago owned and conducted the paper. When he left St. Hilaire Mr. JIcKenzie again took charge of the Crookston Chronicle, which he published for J. G. McGrew until 1885. But in that year he joined hands with F. J. Rothpletz iu founding the Crookston Weekly Times. Mr. Rolhpletz soon parted with his interest in this paper and Mr. McKenzie con- tinued to publish it only as a weekly until 1891, when the daily edition was started, and this is still in active aud increasing circulation. In 1905 a stock company was formed to take charge of the two papers, and on January 1, 1906, Mr. McKenzie retired from the active management of the publications, but retained a one-half interest in the business, which he held iu that way until the company was reorganized in its present form in 1912. When the stock company was organized Mr. McKenzie had retained as his own the job and book department of the Crookston Times, and had carried it on in partnership with E. W. Robbius under the name of the McKenzie-Robbins Printing company. Mr. Robbins had charge of the business while Mr. McKenzie went to Seattle, Wash., and founded a wholesale business under the name of the McKenzie-Hunt Paper company, and he continued to carry on that enterprise until June, 1911, when he sold out and after settling up his business affairs again returned to Crookston in 1912 and bought the interests of Mr. Dotson and others in the Daily Times company and consolidated it with the McKenzie-Rob- bins Printing company, and since then the two indus- tries have been combined under the management of a stock company of which Mr. McKenzie is president and treasurer and Mr. Robbins is secretary. The Daily Times supports the Republican party in its political policy. It has a circulation of about 8,000, independent of the weekly edition, and is prosperous, wielding a strong influence throughout a considerable scope of country and standing well in newspaper cir- cles in all parts of the Northwest. Mr. McKenzie, in addition to his other work in the newspaper field, founded the Mcintosh Times at the town of Mcintosh, in this county, and the Michigan City Times, at Michigan City, North Dakota. In 1893 Mr. McKenzie bought the Grand Forks Plain Dealer, COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 235 which was conducted for many years by W. J. ilur- phy, now of the Minneapolis Tribune. In conducting the Plain Dealer Mr. McKenzie was associated with E. C. Carruth, and they were in charge of it until 1910, when they sold it. He is at present vice presi- dent of the Merchants National Bank of Crookston and a director of the Crookston Milling company, the Crookston Cordage company, and the Northern Town- site company, which founded the towns of Strathcoua, Middle River and Greenbush in this state. Frater- nally he is a member of the Masonic Order, the Order of Elks and the Knights of Pythias. In Freemasonry he is a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. While firm in his loyalty to his political party he has never sought any of its honors or emolu- ments for himself. In 1883 he was united in mar- riage with Miss Emma Mason, a native of Wisconsin. They have three sons, Norman W., Glenn E. and Donald A., all of whom are associated with their father in conducting his business. He has won high and widespread regard for the success with which he has managed his business affairs but his chief title to public esteem, aside from his excellence as a citizen, is his conspicuous ability as an editorial writer, which has fixed his fame at a high mark throughout the Northwest. EVAN A. ENGEBRETSON. Evan A. Engebretson, a well known farmer of the county and one of the first settlers of Eden township, was born in Norway, November 26, 1868, the son of Andrew and Anna Engebretson. He was brought to this country by his parents in his early infancy. In 1869, they came to Goodhue county, Minnesota, later removing to Faribault, ^Minnesota, where they lived for eight years. In 1878 Andrew Engebretson located on frontier land in Ottertail county and the family made their home on that fann until 1886. In that year they came to Polk county, taking claims in the old Indian reservation land which had been opened for settlement. They located on land in what is now Eden township, this was before a survey of the land had been made and Peter Dunrud, Ole Edevold and John Erickson were the only other settlers in the township. Andrew Engebretson continued to make his home on his homestead in section thirty until his death in 1897, the farm having since been sold. His wife survives him and has lived at Clearbrook, in Clearwater county, ]\Iinnesota, during the past ten years. E. A. Engebretson and his sister Anna, who was married to Peter Dunrud, are the only members of the family now residing in the county. The ma- ternal grandmother had accompanied them to the new home in Eden township and also took a homestead claim in section nineteen and adjoining that of her son-in-law. Evan Engebretson made his home with her in the little log cabin which she had built on the tract and which has long since disappeared. On his coming of age, she gave him the land, which with able effort and industry he has developed into his present valuable farm property. Mr. Engebretson has given his attention to general farming and keeps a herd of dairy cows, selling his dairy produce to the cooperative creamei-y at Olga, in which he is in- terested as a shareholder. He has met with success in all his activities and conducts his agricultural en- terprises with the most modern and efficient methods. He has converted several acres of marsh into valuable fields by building ditches to which a county ditch gives outlet. His first home was a log house, in which he lived for eighteen years and which still stands on the place. He erected the present comfortable coun- try home in 1906. Aside from the management of his private interests, he has aided in the promotion of important business activities and is a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator and Cooperative store com- panies at Fosston and in the elevator company at Trail, located on the Soo railroad and about five miles north of his farm which is situated ten and a half miles northeast of Fosston. Mr. Engebretson has 236 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY also given able service in public ofifice and has been a member of the township board for many years and for twelve years was chairman of the board. He is a member of the United Lutheran church. He was married to Sophia Sorby, the daughter of a promi. nent pioneer familj- of Hill River township and her death occurred February 14, 1911. A family of nine children was bom to this union, Alma, Laura, Clara, who is a student in tlie high school at Fosston, Amanda, Dagana, Carl, Ena. Esther and Lloyd. On January 10, 1912, Mr. Engebretson was married to Otilda Roas of Fargo, North Dakota, who had been a life long friend of the mother of his children and who has given them loving care. HANS L. HANSON. Hans L. Hanson, a prominent citizen of Hill River township, was born in Mitchell county, Iowa, June 20, 1862. His parents were natives of Norway and were among the first of their countrymen to emigrate to the United States. The father located in Wiscon- sin in 1848 and a little later bought government land in Mitchell, Iowa, and was prominently identified with the early history of that section. The father devoted his life to his farming interests and was also one of the promoters of the organization and platting of the to\ni of St. Ansgar. Hans L. Hanson was reared in his native county and made his home there until 1884 when he came to Polk county and took a homestead claim on the southwest quarter of sec- tion twenty-nine of Hill River township. His first home was a log shanty in the woods which he later replaced with a more comfortable log house. The clearing of the land progressed slowly, as he owned no team and he had no crop during the first year. For several seasons, he worked in the Dakota hai*\'est fields and after a few years was able to purchase a team and to devote his attention to the development of his farm and has put the greater part of the place under cultivation, reclaiming some of the low land with ditches. He has also invested in land in Dakota and spent one year on that farm but with this ex- ception has been a continuous resident of the county since 1884. He has engaged in diversified farming, raising grain and is particularly interested in clover culture, for which his land has proven peculiarly adapted, although, as is genprallj- the case in this sec- tion, his experiments with alfalfa have not been profit- able. He keeps a large herd of dairy cows, sending the cream to the cooperative creamery at Mcintosh, about seven miles from his place. The fann is equipped Avith good buildings, tlie large barn having' been erected in 1895, and in 1902 lie built the pleasant farm home which is delightfully situated on the banks of a small lake. The Amundson homestead which adjoins his land is now part of his property, this having been taken as a preemption claim by his wife, Anna (Amundson) Hanson, to whom he was married May 10, 1889. She was bom in Dane county, Wisconsin, November 15, 1863, the daughter of Lewis and Ann Amundson, who had come to the United States in 1860. They removed to Minnesota, settling in Hill River township. The death of Lewis Aniund- son occurred three years later and his daughter Anna filed on a claim and proved up on it. She is now the only surviving member of the family of Lewis and Ann Amundson, all of whom made their homes in this county. The eldest son, Lewis, died in October, 1912, in his fifty-sixth year and is survived by his wife wlio lives on their homestead in section nineteen of Hill River township. Ole Amundson also was a farmer in this vicinity until his death. Betsj- Amundson became the wife of Ole Thompson and lived during their lifetime on the farm now owned by their son, Oscar Thompson. The other daughter, Delia Amundson, was married to John D. Kuntson of King township, who survives her. Mr. Hanson is a member of the Democratic party and has been prominently identified with public affairs through- out the years of his residence in the county. He has compendiu:m op history and biography op polk county 237 generously recognized the responsibilities of efScient citizenship, having given able service in the various offices of the township ; as a member and chairman of the township board ; as clerk and as a member of the school board. He was one of the promoters and organizers of the cooperative creamery at Mcintosh with which he continues to be identified as a stock- holder. He was active in the organization of the Vernes United Lutheran church in Hill River and has given further service to its interests as secretary of the church. Five children are now living of the fam- ily born to Mr. Hanson and his wife, Clarence, who is a farmer in Canada ; George, Edward and Mabel, students in the high school at Mcintosh ; and Edith, who remains at home ; Edward, has taken a course of study at Pargo, North Dakota. George Hanson grad- uated from the Mcintosh high school in 191i and subsequently attended the business college in Pargo. He is now employed in a real estate office in North Dakota. OLE E. SONSTELIE. Ole B. Sonstelie, a pioneer farmer and prominent citizen of Sletten township, was born in Valders, Norway, December 27, 1845, the eldest of the eight children born to Elling and Maret (Higden) Son- stelie. The Sonstelie family came to the United States in 1865 and located in Vernon county, Wisconsin, where they remained for about four years. They then removed to Chippewa county, Minnesota, and later to Dakota where the parents died at an advanced age, she in her eighty-fifth year and he living to the age of eighty. Ole Sonstelie went to Dakota in 1882 but only remained a year, being dissatisfied with condi- tions there. On hearing of the springs of "13 Towns" he came to Sletten township and although the land was not yet open for settlement, he located on the creek bottom meadows, making a squatters claim to the land. About a month later, July 13, 1883, this district was declared open to settlers and on August 8, he filed on his claim. His start in his farming enterprise was with thirteen head of stock and his first house was a sod-roofed dug out. He has interested himself particularly in stock farm- ing, his first ventures being with sheep but he novi' confines his attention to the raising of blooded short horn cattle. He has been eminently successful in the stock business, the rich meadows which were his choice as a homestead, providing excellent grazing land. He now owns three hundred and sixty acres of land in Sletten township, all of which he has made productive. He has ei-eeted good farm buildings and his comfortable home commands a delightful view of the valley of Sand Hill river. He also engages in the dairy business and was one of the original share- holders in the Sletten cooperative creamery company. As president of this corporation, his capable services have done much to promote its rapid growth and success. The company was organized in 1902 with thirty-two stockholders. It now cares for the dairy produce of forty-five farmers and in the months of June and July, 1915, distributed over thirty-eight hundred dollars among its patrons. As an early set- tler of this region Mr. Sonstelie has been identified with every effort to further its welfare and prosper- ity, giving his services and support freely to every worthy cause and has earned the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens, who have invested him with various offices of authority in the local govern- ment. He was present at the meeting of October 10, 1883, at the home of Lars Saue, when the township was organized and was named Sletten in complimen- tary respect for Paul Sletten, at that time the incum- bent of the land office at Crookston. He was elected chairman of the first township board, the other mem- bers being Lars Saue and James Vanvert. Aside from his private and public interests, Mr. Sonstelie has had charge of several estates to which he has been appointed administrator or guardian. Wlien the Sletten postoffice was established, he received the 238 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY appointment of postmaster and served in this capac- ity until the innovation of the rural delivery which took away from Sletten township its only postoffice. Mr. Sonstelie pledges his allegiance to no political organization and maintains the independence of political opinion. He was married June 28, 1885, to Miss Gertrude Sorlien, wlioni he had met in Dakota. She, like her husband, is a native of Norway. Her parents, J. P. Sorlien and his wife are now living in Sletten towTiship. Seven children were born to Mr. Sonstelie and his wife, three of whom died. The oldest daughter, Ragua, died in her twenty-second year and the four surviving children are at home, Emil, who was a graduate of Mcintosh high school in 1912, Maria, Julia and Gerhard. Mr. Sonstelie was one of the organizers of the Sand Hill Lutheran church and continues in active membership. TALLEF B. LAXDESVERK. Tallef B. Landesverk, well known farmer and influ- ential citizen of Sletten township, was born in Norway. IMay 12, 1864. In 1882, Mhen eighteen years of age. he came to this country and to Polk county in com- pany with his brother, George Landesverk. These brothers were among the early settlers of Sletten township, who through years of hard labor and determined effort laid the foundation for present prosperity. Tallef Landesverk and George Landes- verk, with Edwin McManus, ai-e the only pioneers in tliis region who still reside here. George Landes- verk, after eleven .years on his Polk county homestead, died in 1894. His wife and three children, who survive him, are now living in Canada. On coming to Polk county the two brothers worked at farm labor and in 1883 filed on homesteads on the second spring at the "13 Towns," and Ole Landesverk secured another tract of land through the purchase of a relinquishment. Tallef B. Landesverk has endured all the hardships and trials which beset the settler of an undeveloped country and has steadily won his Avay to success and prosperity. For seven years he was compelled to fight in the courts for the title to his claim; during this time decisions were made and reversed and possession of the land shifted from one contestant to the other. ^Meanwhile all that he earned at farm work was required to meet the expenses of the law suit. After he succeeded in establishing the legality of his title he sold the laud and took another claim of timber land in Beltrami countv. In 1803 he bought the farm in section three of Sletten township, which is his present home. This farm comprises five hundred acres and is well equipped with good barns and a pleasant country home. He has paid as high as twenty-five dollars an acre for undeveloped land and floating bog which he has cleared and drained, developing valuable farming property. He installed a drainage system in one marsh tract of sixty acres, the reclamation of which for fine meadow land was completed by a county ditch. Mr. Landesverk himself took the contract for the con.struction of this ditch, which included the straightening of the course of Sand Hill river into which it empties. He did this work without the assistance of mechanical equipment, with hand labor and a scraper operated by a team. He engages in the raising of grain and stock and is a Iireeder of full blooded cattle. He is interested to some extent in the dairy business and is a stockholder in Sletten Cooperative Creamerj' company. Starting, a lad of eighteen, with no capital but the sturdy (|uali- ties wliich make success, he has progi'essed to the possession of large land interests, owning nearly one thousand acres, six lumdred and ton of which are in Polk county, his propertj- outside of Sletten township being near Erskine. The other tracts arc in North Dakota and Canada, where he and his neighlior, Edward McManus, are the owners of a section of JIanitoba land, located near Dominion City. Mr. Landesverk is a shareholder in the Farmers Elevator Company and store company and is on the lioard of COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 239 directors of the latter enterprise. His political afBlia- tions are with the Republican party and he has served on the township board and school board for a number of years. His marriage to Anna Dalle, who is a native of Norway, occurred in 1892. Five children have been born to them, three of whom are living, Tilda, Emma and Georsre. EDWIN McMANUS. Edwin McManus, well known grain dealer and the superintendent of the elevators of the Superior Ter- minal Elevator Company, was born in Canada, Mont- calm coimty, Quebec, November 23, 1859. His parents, Francis and Jane Louisa (Lindsay) McManus, were natives of Canada, he of Irish and English descent and she of Scotch parentage. His father was pos- sessed of considerable inventive genius but died in his thirty-ninth year. As a lad Edwin McManus appren- ticed himself to the carpenter trade in Montreal. In 1877, at the age of seventeen, he came to Fillmore county, Minnesota, and in Spring Valley began his association Avith the grain trade, a business to which he has devoted the greater part of his life with note- worthy success and achievement. In 1882 he was employed in bridge construction work for the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroad. The follow- ing summei-, accompanied by II. S. Leech, he spent six weeks in the vicinity of the "13 Towns," which was about to be opened for settlement, and later filed a preemption claim on the southwest quarter of section fifteen of Hill River township. His mother, who had joined him in Spring Valley in 1878, now took up the homestead in Sletten township which is his present home. In the spring of 1884 he erected a house for his mother on her claim, hauling the lumber from Wild Rice river, where a government sawmill liad been installed for the Indians. This first home is included in the present fann house. His mother lived here for several years and afterwards made her home with her son, Edwin, until her last illness, when she was removed to the hospital at Superior, Wisconsin, where she died May 19, 1913, at the age of seventy- nine years. After a year of possession he disposed of his claim and in the fall of 1881 again entered the grain business as assistant manager of an elevator at Nitche, North Dakota, and later was put in charge of an elevator at Devils Lake, North Dakota. He was also interested in a wood yard at Crookston, where a brother, George J. McManus, engaged in the real estate and insurance business. In 1888 Edwin McManus returned to Polk county as manager for the Red River Valley company of their elevator at Mcintosh, which was the first to be operated there. A year later his efficiency in his chosen field of work was recognized by his appointment to the office of state weighmaster by Governor Merriman. He served in this office for four j'cars, ably discharging his duties, which included the management of the weigh- ing departments at Duluth and Superior and the direction of twenty-five deputies and some thirty employees. During this time the department handled three hundred million bushels of grain and installed numerous weighing equipments in new mills. He resigned from this office to accept his present position as superintendent of the elevators of the Superior Terminal company, grain receivers, storers and ship- pers. As superintendent he has entire management of the elevators which have a capacity of about five million bushels, and of the forty to one hundred men employed. Thorough application and steady industry as well as native ability have had their share in this successful career. Mr. McManus understands eveiy phase of the grain business and has superintended the construction of two large elevators. His main office is at Superior but for the last four years he has made his home in Sletten township on his mother's home- stead. For many years he had assumed the manage- ment of this place and after the death of his mother he became its owner, purchasing the shares belonging 240 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY to other heirs. This farm is conveniently located four miles west of Fosston and five miles and a half south of Mcintosh, on the northeast quarter of section ten, and is one of the attractive properties in this region. Sand Hill river crosses tlie land aixl affords natural drainage, and in 1913 Mr. McManus completed a flow- ing well, the first to be utilized in "13 Towns;'" this well is one hundred and seventy-si.x feet deep with force enough to carry it to all the farm buildings. He engages in general farming, raising grain and stock and keeping dairy cows. IMr. McManus recog- nizes readily the duties of citizenship and takes an active interest in public welfare and progress, giving every effort to promote the prosperity of the agricul- tural interests of Polk county. He is identified with township affairs and has served as township assessor. He was married February 3, 1892, to Mary A. Hanson of Fillmore county, Minnesota. She is the daughter of Charles Hanson, a prominent citizen of that place, who was a member of the first constitutional convenliou of the state of Minnesota. He died in Duluth. .Mr. McManus has one son, Charles Bernard, who was l)orn in Superior. May 26, 1894. He was a student in the agricultural school at Crookston and is in charge of his father's farm. Mr. McManus is a member of the Crofton lodge of the I. O. 0. F. at Devils Lake, North Dakota, and is a past noble grand of that order. lie is a member of the Commercial club of Superior and the Pure Seed club at Crookston. ^Ir. McManus and his family are members of the Episcopal church of the Redeemer at Superior, Wi.seonsin. OLE EDEVOLD. Ole Edevold, for many years a successful farmer and well known citizen of Eden township, was one of the pioneer settlers of that section and prominently identified with the development of the agricultural and social interests of the comunity. He was born in Norway, April 23, 1865, the sou of Ole and Maret Edevold, who later brought their family to the United States and lived for a time at Starbuck, Minnesota. They subsequently took land in Dakota, where they resided until the region of the Thirteen Towns was opened for settlement, when they removed to Polk county and located on section thirty-three of Eden township, Ole Edevold and his son Ole each taking claims on adjoining quarter sections. None of the members of the Edevold family are now living; the father died in 1899 and his wife survived him but six years. Of their children, one son, Martin, died when a lad of sixteen years ; Elnie Maria, who was married to Ole Tonten, a neighboring homesteader, later re- moved to Wisconsin, where her death occurred, and the other daughter, Anna Marie, died in Polk county, the wife of Hans Eggen, a former resident of Brands- void township, now living in Canada. The greater part of the laborious task of clearing the half section belonging to himself and father was accomplished by Ole Edevold, and after the death of his father he l>ecame the owner of the entire tract, which he developed into one of the finest and most productive farm properties in the county. During the first years he was compelled to divide his attention between the cleai'ing of the land and employment which would provide ready funds, and worked in the harvest fields and in a sawmill, but with thrift and hard work he was soon able to advance his farming enterprises to a profitable condition and continued to meet with steadily growing prosperity and success in all his interests. He engaged in general farming and gave particular attention to the dairy business, keeping a large herd of dairy cows and breeding thoroughbred cattle. Mr. Edevold was a man of broad interests and that type of progressive citizen who through years of active service in promoting the public welfare leaves at the close of his career memorials in the institutions of the community. He was the organizer of the co- operative creamery at Olga, where his farm was located and was the first postmaster of that place. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 241 with the office in his home until the erection of a store a short distance away when it was installed there. With his father he was influential in the organization of the Synod Lutheran church, one mile north of his farm. He also sei'ved in township offices, capably discharging the duties of township clerk for many years. Mr. Edevold died March 27, 1915, in his fiftieth year. He was married to Thea Hoff of Queen township, August 15, 1897. She was horn in Otter- tail county, the daughter of Thore and Torgen Hoff, natives of Norway, who were married in Ottertail. Thore Hoff is still living in Queen township, having survived his wife many years. Seven children were born to Mr. Edevold and his wife: Mabel Estelle, Oscar Theodore, Marie Theresa, Martin Hjalmar, Arthur Edwin, Elmer Eugene and Lloyd Ernest, all of whom make their home on the farm with their mother, who since the death of Mr. Edevold has as- sumed the management of the estate which she is conducting with eminent success. OLE HOVEN. Ole Hoven, a prominent citizen and successful farmer of Eden township, has been a resident of the county since 1891, when he located on the land which is his present home, ten miles northeast of Fosston. He is a native of Norway and came to this country in 1881, making his first residence in Eau Claire, Wis- consin. For a number of years he was employed in the lumber woods of that state, working on the river drives and also in railroad construction crews, mean- while clearing out about twelve acres of timber land for cultivation. During this time, by thrifty manage- ment, he saved some twelve hundred dollars from his earnings and with this capital determined to embark upon farming enterprises in Minnesota. After spend- ing a year in Norman county he came to Polk county, where he tiled on a homestead and boiight a preemp- tion claim, paying three hundred dollars for the latter. Only two acres had been cleared and a small shanty was the only building upon the tract. He at once erected a house, which has since been incorpo- rated in the present modem home, and engaged upon the development of the land. He continued to add steadily to his property, building up his prosperous estate with careful and judicious investments, putting his faith and money in the future agincultural pro- ductiveness of the country. His second purchase was a quarter section of section twenty-five of Hill River township, a little over a mile distant from his home- stead. This was all wild land for which he paid the same price as for his first land, but was later compelled to buy off another claim in order to clear his title. He then bought two hundred acres in section thirty-six of Hill River township, paying two thousand dollars, eighty acres having been cleared. His land interests now include five hundred and twenty acres, of which over foiir hundred are in cultivation, nearl.y all of the one hundred and sixty acres in the home place having been developed into fine farm land. Mr. Hoven also bought an improved quarter section which he gave to his son, Carl Hoven. In all his business pursuits and entei*prises Mr. Hoven has met with unvaried success. He engages extensively in dairy farming and keeps a large herd of cows, selling the produce to the cooperative creamery at Olga, and is a breeder of short horn cattle. Mr. Hoven is that type of successful man whose able and sturdy qualities are freely devoted to the best interests of the com- munity in which he lives, and he has been largely influential in every matter which would promote tlie general progress and welfare. He is associated with the business activities as stockholder in the cooperative creamery at Olga and in the Farmers Elevator com- pany at Fosston. He is a member of the Republican party and a faithful supporter of the Zion Lutheran church. Mr. Hoven was married in Wisconsin to Carrie Kolden, who was bom in Norway. They have seven children : Elsie, the wife of Albert Bakken, of Alberta ; Lena, who married Soren Oistad and lives 242 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AXD BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ill the state of "Washington; Albert, associated with Olga ; Carl, \vho makes his home with his parents and his father in the management of his farms; Lucy, who is a farmer; and Elmer, resides in Jlontana. the wife of James Shandorf; JOHN A. NEWTON. Joliu A. Newton, of Rosebud township, well known farmer and proprietor of Oak Dale farm, was born at Newcastle, Penns3'lvania, December 25, 1859. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools of his native state. He taught in the schools for a time and then went west and spent the next five years traveling through Montana and South Dakota, em- ployed during part of the time in teaching. He came to Minnesota in 1883 and decided to locate in Polk county, taking a claim on the southeast quarter of section ten in Sletten township. In the fall of 188-t a school supported by subscription was established in the i-esideuce of Mr. Peterson, and Mr. Newton was appointed the teacher. This was the beginning of twelve years of able and eificient service in the schools of this vicinity. The settlers, realizing the importance of a competent school system, took a deep interest in the development of the local educational advantages and gave their earnest support to the project. The attendance of pioneer schools includes a variety of ages among the scholars, and during the first term taught by Mr. Newton twenty-eight pupils, young and old, but all seriously bent upon securing the privilege of the school, were enrolled. Mr. New- ton also taught for a number of yeara in Rosebud township, in school number III, which had sueeoeded the first school in the township, on Mr. Plesch's farm. As a teacher and a member of the school board for over twenty years he has been notably associated with the growth and progressive administration of the educational interests of the county. He sent out a number of county teachers from his class rooms, one of whom, Henry "Welte, is the present county auditor. Mr. Newton lived for nine years on his homestead in Sletten township, putting all the land under cultiva- tion. After selling this place he bought a farm on section twenty-one of Rosebud townshij), where he remained for eleven years, engaged in developing the property, erecting new buildings and improving the land. In 1901 he removed to his present home, the old Flesch homestead of two hundred acres, five miles southwest of Fosston. This place was settled by John Flesch, a sketch of whom is found in this work, in 1878, and was the first claim filed in the Thirteen Townis. Mr. Newton has successfully conducted the management of his agricultural interests and devotes his attention to the raising of grain and hay and dairy farming. His farm is equipped witli modern build- ings, the pleasant farm home having been erected in irtll on the site of the first Fosston postoffice, later known as the llansville postoffice. Mr. Newton is a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator Company at Fosston. His favorite recreation is hunting and he enjoys an occa-sional deer hunt as an outing. lie was married, in 1894, to IMary Flesch, daughter of John A. Flesch, pioneer of Rosebud township. They have four daughters, Jessie, Elizabeth, who is a teacher and is at present continuing her professional studies in a training school. Pearl and Jennie. LANE R. FISHBECK. Lane R. Fishbeck, well known and successful farmer of Sletten township, was bom near Oshkosh, "Wiscon- sin, December 16, 1859. His parents were natives of that state. The death of his father occurred in his eai'ly childhood, and his mother, Betsy (Stokes) Fish- beck, married Freeman D. Dowd. "When he was six L. \V. LARSEN COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 243 years of age he accompanied his mother and step- father in their removal to Mower county, Minnesota. In 1881 Mr. Dowd brought his family to Polk county, and two years later took a soldiers' homestead in section eighteen, Sletten township. This farm re- mained his home until 189G, when he removed to Bermidji, settling on land elo.se to the town, which has since included part of his property within its corporation limits. Since his death there in 1910, in his seventy-second year, his wife has made her home in Bermidji. Lane R. Fishbeck was the only child in his step-father's home and continued to make his home there until 1883. In March of this year he was married at Jane-sville, Minnesota, to Julia Seha, the daughter of a pioneer family of Lcsueur county, Minnesota. Two years after his marriage he located on a preemption claim of eighty acres in section thir- teen of Sletten to\\aiship and soon after he bought an adjacent quarter section, with forty acres of improved land, the former claim of James E. Vanworth. He continued to add to his farm, buying for the most part improved land. His present property includes fi\'e hundred and twenty acres, all of which is under culti- vation with the exception of the pasture land. Very little ditching has been necessaiy as he has required the low land tracts for pasturage. With capable management he has developed a notably productive and prosperous farm, raising grain and hay and en- gaging extensively in the cultivation of the latter, harvesting about two hundred tons annually. In 1903 he erected the pleasant farm home, which is delightfully situated in a grove. He is a shareholder in the cooperative creamery. ]\Ir. Fishbeck is a mem- ber of the Republican party and voted at the first township election in Sletten township. He has a family of three sons and four daughters: George, Lillian, Mabel, Alfred, Etta, Victor and Winnie, all of whom are at home with the exception of the two older daughters. Lillian became the wife of Peter Klein and lives on an adjoining farm, and Mabel is the wife of Wilfred Raboin of Grand Rapids, Minne- sota. Mr. Fishbeck 's family are members of the Catholic church at Hansville. L. W. LARSEN. This enterprising gentleman, who is one of the pioneer merchants of Crookston and prominent in the farm implement trade throughout Polk county, was bom on a farm in Wabasha county, Minnesota, Sep- tember 11, 1860. He is the son of Jorgen and Annie M. (Sobije) Larsen, the former born November 19, 1826, on the Island of Fyen, in the Great Belt, off the coast of Denmark, and the latter also a native of Denmark. They came to the United States in 1854, and for four years lived in the state of New York. In 1858 they located at St. Paul, Minnesota, and the next year moved to Wabasha county, where the father took up a homestead and improved it into a good farm. In 1880 they moved to Wisconsin, and there the father died. The mother returned to this state and passed the rest of her life in Crookston, where she died January 22, 1901. They had three sons and four daughters, but only L. W. and two of his sis- ters are now residents of Minnesota. L. W. Larsen grew to the age of seventeen on his father's farm in Wabasha county, and during the next three years worked on lumber rafts and steam- boats on the Mississippi. Life on the river then was M'ild and daring, and the adventurous youth had many thrilling experiences. In 1882 he came to Polk county and took up his residence on a farm in Ando- ver township near Crookston. He followed fanning until 1886, when he moved to the city, and during the next six years he was employed by several firms in the implement trade, serving them as a salesman. In 1892 he went into partnership with George F. Carpenter in the same line, and until 1907 the busi- ness was conducted under the firm name of Larsen & Carpenter. In the year last named Mr. Larsen be- 244 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY fame its sole owner, ami since then he has carried on the enterprise himself. He was one of the founders of the Polk County State Bank and is now its vice president and one of its directors, and he takes a serviceable interest in other business institutions in the city and county. He also erected the Larscn block, one of the best business and office buildings in the city. In political faith and allegiance Mr. Larsen is a Republican and an energetic and effective worker for his party. He has served as alderman at large in Crookston, and always manifested deep and produc- tive interest in the growtli, improvement and pros- perity of the city. Fraternally he is a Freemason of the Knights Templar rank and also a member of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and takes an active part in the work of the fraternity. Mr. Larsen was married in 1890 to Mrs. Christine (Andereon) Larsen, who was born at Lillehammer, Norway, and brought to the United States in her childhood. They have four children : Roy W., who is assistant cashier of the Polk County State Bank; Clarence M., who is a student at the University of Minnesota ; Lawrence Howard, who is living at home, and Helen M., who is also still a member of the parental family circle. E. M. HAUGE. E. M. Hauge, superintendent of tlie schools at Fertile and one of the i)rogressive educators of the county, is a native of the state, born at AVinona, Sep- tember 9, 1886, the son of Reverend A. Hauge, a member of the Lutheran clergy in Minnesota for over thirty-three years. E. M. Hauge received his early education in the Normal school at Winona and then attended a private academy, which is conducted in connection with St. Olaf college at Northfield, Minne- sota. After completing his preparatoiy studies he entered St. Olaf college for a collegiate course and graduated from that institution in 1909. In the fall of the same year he came to Fertile as principal of the high school during the superintendeney of H. R. Tonning, and after two years' of effieient service in that position was promoted to the office of superin- tendent. During the four years under his direction the school has made rapid advance in educational efficiency and has witnessed notable accomplishment in the educational field. Mr. Hauge conducts the school along the modern lines of pedagogical theory. The mea.sure of his success and the intere.st accorded the school bj' the citizens appears in the almost unani- mous vote cast on the bond issue for the new school building, which is being erected at the cost of some forty thousand dollars. The school district includes eight sections of Garfield township and has an enroll- ment of two hundred and forty-nine pupils, with a teaching force of eleven. The high school was estab- lished in 1900 and is a commissioned state high school, with an attendance of forty-nine and a faculty of five instructors. The school graduated eleven students in 1915, which is the average number of graduates for the last four years and has ninety-nine members in its alumni association. Reverend A. E. Strom is the president of the school board, with J. A. Gregerson, clerk, and Norman Hanson, treasurer. The other members of the board are A. P. Hanson and Rev. J. il. Sundheim. O. EDWARD BRATRUD, M. D. 0. Edward Bratrud, M. D., of Fertile, an able November 7, 1888. He is the son of Hon. 0. C. member of the medical profession in the county, is Bratrud, a prominent pioneer citizen of the state, a native of Minnesota, born in Fillmore county, who was among the first of his countrj'men to emi- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 245 grate from Norway to the United States, he having settled in Wisconsin in 1848. In 1855 he removed to Fillmore county where his death occurred after a useful and notable career. He was elected to the state legislature, as a Republican, in 1870 and served as a member of that body for two years. Dr. Brat- rud was reared in Fillmore county and there re- ceived his early education. After completing his studies in the high school, he entered the state Uni- versity and received the degree of Bachelor of Sci- ence in 1910. He enrolled as a medical student in the same institiition and graduated from the medical college in 1913. He continued his professional train- ing after graduation and became a resident house physician in the city and county hospital at St. Paul, serving for a year in this capacity and then secured further training and experience in post graduate work in the eastern clinics. He began the practice of his profession in Fertile in September, 1914, where his thorough qualification and efficiency have brought him a successful practice. He is a member of the District, State and American Associations and a mem- ber of a medical fraternity. Dr. Bratrud is an en- thusiastic out of door sportsman and is allied with the Gun club of Fertile. He was married at Litch- field, Minnesota, in August, 1914, to Hazel A. Parsons, who was a student of the University of Minnesota. GILBERT H. HOYNE. Gilbert H. Hoyne, for many years a prominent farmer of Polk county, was a native of Minnesota, bom in Freeborn county, December 18, 1863. His parents, Hoven and Dorothy Hoyne were born in Noi-way and came to this county before their mar- riage, which occurred in Iowa. They came to Min- nesota in 1859 and later spent several years in Dakota but preferring the Minnesota region, re- turned to Albert Lea and settled in Hayward town- ship. Subsequently they removed to a farm six miles south of Albert Lea, which became the perma- nent home of the family and is still owned by one of the sons. The mother of this pioneer home is now living at Albert Lea, at the advanced age of eighty- three years. Gilbert H. Hoyne grew to manhood on the old homestead and received his early education in the schools at Albert Lea and then pursued his studies at Northfield and in the normal school at Mankato. For a short time he engaged in teaching and then became apprenticed to the tinners trade and was employed in that work until taking charge of his father's farm which he operated for three years and from that time continued to devote his attention to agricultural pursuits. In 1892 he took a homestead in Pine county, fifteen miles from Hink- ley, Wisconsin, and two years later suffered serious losses through the disastrous fire which destroyed Hinkley and swept over that section of country. A brother of Mrs. Hoyne, K. E. Flaskerude, was then living in Polk county and in 1895 Gilbert Hoyne brought his family to this county and bought a farm in Rosebud township, where he engaged in success- ful farming operations for eight years and then re- moved to King township and bought a quarter sec- tion of land four miles southwest of Mcintosh. No buildings had been erected on the tract and the land had been but partially improved. Mr. Hoyne gave the zealous efforts of the remaining years of his life to the development of this place, building up a fine farm property through his experienced and able man- agement. He engaged in the various farming activ- ities, raising grain and stock and was also interested in dairying, meeting with success in all his enter- prises. His death occurred in his country home, April 8, 1909, after several years of failing health, and the interment was made in the cemetery of the Gosen United Lutheran church in Knute township, of which he was a member. Mr. Hoyne was that type of man whose influence is felt in every phase of community life and his many worthy services 246 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY live in the memories of his frieuds and associates. As a farmer and citizen, his career was marked by successful accomplishment and he was honored by his fellow citizens with various offices of public trust and was particularly active in school and township affairs in P^rceborn, Pino and Polk counties. In the political arena, he was an enthusiastic and loyal supporter of the principles of the Republican party. His marriage to Carrie E. Flaskerud, was solemnized at Albert Lea, on February 5, 1888. She was born in Winneshiek county, Iowa, and is a sister of K. E. Flaskerud, a well kno\ni farmer of Brandsvold town- ship. Mrs. Hoyne, like her husband, enjoys a wide circle of friends and is actively a.ssociated with the interests of the locality in which she lives, as a mem- ber of tile women's clubs and church organizations of Mcintosh. Three children were born to 'Slv. Iloyne and his wife, two of whom are now living, Hattie Ellen and George Daniel, who assumed the manage- ment of the farm after the death of his father and is now a student in the Aakens Business college at Grand Forks, Nortli Dakota. Hattie E. Hoyne has been a teacher in the schools of Polk county for five years and has met with eminent success in her profession. She was educated in the high school at Mcintosh and in the normal school at Moorhead and has also been a student at summer schools, the measure of her qualification appearing in her attainment of a first grade certificate as a teacher. In 1915, the Hoyne family removed from the farm in King township to Mcintosh, where they have erected a pleasant home. A. F. CRONQUIST. A. F. Cronquist, of Erskine, an eminent citizen and cashier of the Scandinavian State bank, has been a resident of Knute township since the early daj's of its settlement. He is a native of Sweden, born on March 10, 1866, and came to the United States when sixteen years of age. He lived for a time at Minne- apolis and later at Ellsworth, Wisconsin, where he attended the public schools. In 1884 he came to Polk county and two years later was joined by his mother, who took a homestead in Knute township, two miles west of the present site of Erskine. This farm re- mained her home until her death in 1913 and then became the property of her son. When thej' located in the township, it was in the early stages of develop- ment, before the establishment of any postofifiee or business enterprise in its precincts. Two years later, in 1888, the railroad was built through the region and George Q. Erskine, who was then president of the National bank at Crookston, purchased the homesteads of Martin Rathstock, Mr. Mitchell and Daniel Cam- eron, a pioneer whose name is given to one of the local lakes, and platted the village of Erskine, selling the lots privately. Commercial activity immediately started ou the town site and one of the first projects was a general store opened by Eber Cameron on what was formerly the Cameron land and is now the loca- tion of the variety store on the corner of Vance avenue and the railroad right of way. Other enterprises were the hardware store of Gilbertson & Espeseth Co., where the first postoffice was kept, with H. T. Gilbert- son as postmaster, and the general stores operated by 0. T. Berge and Tollof Torgeson. A hotel was opened by G. T. Torgeson and about a year later a second one was erected on the present site of the Merchants hotel by 0. T. Rovang. Mr. Cronquist entered upon his business career in early manhood and .spent eight years in Mcintosh, employed for a time as clerk in the J. P. Johnson store and then working for the South- mayd & Balstad company. In May, 1899, he re- turned to Erskine and embarked upon his successful career in the financial world, establishing a private bank, with L. Ellington, of Crook.ston, president, and Halvor Steenerson, vice-president. A bank had been started two years previous by Frank Drew and Ed Drew of Mcintosh and had proved an unprofitable venture and had been closed, but the Bank of Erskine, COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 247 organized by Mr. Cronquist, met with steady prosperity! and growth and became one of the successful banking institutions of the county, ilr. Cronquist was promi- nently identified with its management and the busi- ness interests of the township as cashier for thirteen years. The bank had, at first, occupied the building vacated by the first bank and was later removed to a building erected by the directors, and had been re- organized as a state bank. Under the able manage- ment of Mr. Cronquist it had grown, to the time of its sale in 1912, to a capital stock of $10,000, with deposits of $170,000 and loans aggregating $150,000. During the years of his association witli tliat institution his able services as cashier had won him a wide popularity in the section and soon after selling the bank, upon the urgency of his many fonner patrons, in 1913 he organized the Scandinavian State bank of Erskine, with a capital stock of $15,000 and deposits of $85,000. Mr. Cronquist assumed the responsibilities of the posi- tion of cashier and has been largely influential in its rapid gro\vth and success. Julius Bradley is the president of the board of directors, with Carl Christianson, vice president; A. F. Cronquist, cashier, and I. I. Steenerson, assistant cashier. The other stockholders are D. W. Wheeler of St. Paul and Carl Paulson. Aside from his financial activities, Mr. Cronquist devotes his attention to the direction of his farming interests, giving the same keen business ability and careful study to all phases of agricultural enterprise, that have brought him success in com- mercial circles. One of his successful experiments in seeking to advance the efficiency of farming methods is known as the cheap man's silo, his demonstration showing that the stacking of green corn in the .same manner as in silo use produces an ensilage equal to the more complicated and expensive method. The novelty and simpleness of this idea has been given much favorable comment in a number of farm pub- lications ajid enthusiastically received on its presenta- tion at various conventions. He conducts his farming operations on the old homestead, to which he has added, making an estate of three hundred and eighty acres, which he has equipped with good modeim build- ings. He engages in diversified farming but gives particular attention to the raising of stock and dairy- ing and has stocked his place with Red Polled cattle, Poland China hogs and Shropshire sheep. He has taken an active interest in advancing the prosperity of the district through the promotion of dairy and drainage projects and has reclaimed some fifty acres of valuable meadow land from the small ponds which were on his land. He was the first treasurer of the local cooperative creamery and continued to serve as treasurer and director for twelve years. And for the same length of time gave competent service as a mem- ber of the board of education and was actively iden- tified with the progress of school organization and the erection of the present building. He has been twice honored by his fellow citizens with the ofBce of mayor, his election effecting the elimination of the liquor traffic in the village. Mr. Cronquist was married in September, 1889, at EllsM^orth, Wisconsin, to Nellie Robbins, a native of that state, and four children were born to them, one of whom, a daughter, died in her infancy. The family are Floyd Clark, Ruth Marie, Vera Irene and Bernice Audria. Mr. Cronquist and his M'ife are active supporters and faithful members of the Rodness Congregational Lutheran church, five miles west of Erskine. MARTIN G. PETERSON. Martin G. Peterson, of Fertile, an eminent citi- family of Nicolet county. His parents were natives zen and leading business man of Polk county, has of Norway and crossed the ocean to this country on been widely identified with the history of northern the Christina, a sailing vessel, that was thirteen weeks Minnesota and is a member of a well knoAvn pioneer in making its destination and it was during this voy- 248 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY age to the new home, on May 17, 1854, that Martin Peterson was born. A brother of his father was then living in Dane county, Wisconsin, and Gilbert Peter- son set out with his family for that place. At White- water they reached the end of the railroad and the father continued his journey on foot and on arriving in Dane county, dispatched Knute Nelson, now U. S. Senator, with a wagon to convey his wife and four children. This wagon was of home manufacture, the wheels constructed from section of logs and was drawn by an ox team. A most interesting account of the trip has recently been recorded by Peter Peter- son, the eldest son, in his recollections of the early days. Peter Peterson and Knute Nelson became close companions and schoobnates in Wisconsin, a comrade- ship which was further strengthened during the trou- blous times of the Civil war, and has continued throughout the various experiences of their busy careers. Peter G. Peterson was a member of Com- pany H of the Fourth Minnesota regiment and active service in important campaigns under Grant and Sherman. In 1856 the Peterson family removed from Wisconsin to Minnesota, making the trip in a lum- ber wagon with oxen, there being but one span of liorses in the party which included seven families. They located in Nicollet county, where Gilbert Peter- son took a preemption claim, four miles north of the village of Nicollet and here experienced the hard- ships and triumphs of pioneer life. In 1862, at the time of the Indian outbreak, all the settlers in this region were compelled to desert their homes and crops and seek refuge at St. Peter. Dui-ing the days of organization and agricultural development, Gil- bert Peterson took an active part in public affairs and served in various offices. His death occurred on his eighty-fifth birthday, on the old homestead which has since been operated by Peter G. Peterson, who like his father, is widely known in the public activities of the county and served as township clerk for many years. IMartin G. Peterson grew to man- hood on the farm and received his early education in the countrj' schools and later spent two years studying in a school in Illinois and in Luther col- lege at Decorah, Iowa. His marriage to Emily Baker, who was born in Norway, occurred in his twenty- fifth year and for three years they made their home on the Peterson farm. In 1882 he came to Polk county and took land on the northeast quarter of section seventeen of Garden township, eight miles east of the present site of Fertile, being one of the early homesteaders to settle in that town.ship. For the ensuing ten years he gave his attention to the l)uilding up of his farm. In 1892, failing health de- manded the cessation of such arduous labor and he sought recuperation during the winter months in Norway, enjoying the mild climate of the west coast. He returned to his farm the following summer and again resumed his agricultural pursuits until 1898 when he was summoned to public service by an ap- pointment from the county commissioners to the of- fice of county treasurer, filling a vacancy occasioned by defalcation. Mr. Peterson had previously served as township clerk and chairman of the township board and this appointment received the hearty ap- proval of his fellow citizens as was evidenced in the next two elections when he was returned to the office, serving for five years as county treasurer, and dis- charging the duties of the office in the notably capa- ble and conscientious manner which has character- ized the many services in public interest of his busy career. At the close of his second term, in January, 1903, he located in Fertile and entered the commer- cial circles as a member of the firm of Nesseth & Peterson, dealers in flour and feed and agricultural implements and engaged in that business for three years when he returned to his farm. In 1905 he again took up his residence in Fertile a.s the secretai-y of the Farmers Mutual Insurance company. This com- pan.y, which is one of the most thriving co-operative enterprises of the northwest was organized in 1891 in the interests of the farmers of Polk and Norman counties, by O. P. Renne, Hans Nelson, T. H. Nes- seth and Martin G. Peterson and has exceeded all expectations in its rapid growth and prosperity. It has now some nine hundred policy holders, with over one and a half millions of insurance in force. The COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 249 men who have directed its affairs so successfully have demanded no large remuneration for their work and since the first j'ear, the fees on policies have met all the expenses of operation. I\Ir. Peterson has been prominently identified with the company since its incorporation, when he drafted the constitution and by-laws and was made treasurer. He has served almost continuously on the board of directors and became secretary as the successor of Mr. Nesseth, who held that position until his death. Mr. Peter- son retains his farm interests and has added forty acres to his original quarter section in Garden town- ship and is further associated with the business activities of the community as a director in the Farm- ers State bank at Fertile. His influence has always been a potential factor in the broader interests of the town and county and his many seiwices have been recognized by important appointments of pub- lic trust and as a business man, public official or private citizen, his career has been mai'ked by hon- orable achievement and disinterested enterprise. He is now serving, as a director of the Batesta Hospital association, having been active in the raising of funds for the erection of the new hospital building at Crookston, and as vice president of the board of five commissioners appointed by the county commission- ers to build and operate the Polk and Norman counties Tuberculosis sanitarium, which is now under construction. He has ever been a leader in the political arena and has given particularly forceful support to the temperance cause. As vice president of the Minnesota Total Abstainers society and aa an active worker in the educational movement fos- tered by that organization. Mr. Peterson is a mem- ber of the United Liitheran church. BEN TYNDALL. Ben Tyndall, a successful farmer of Rosebud town- ship, was born in Wicklow, Ireland, May 8, 1844. At twelve years of age he went to sea on a sailing vessel that traded between England and Guiana. He re- mained for several yeai-s on merchant ships, touching on many coasts and sailing around Cape Horn. When he was fifteen yeai*s old he enlisted in the British navy and for four years served in the Mediterranean fleet. The years spent as a sailor were years of wide experience; he became familiar with the seaports of the world and acquired the hardy training and love of adventure which finally sent him into the western world to win a home from the wilderness. He came to the United States in 1867 and worked in the lumber district near Chippewa river in Wisconsin for a year and then removed to Dodge Center in Dodge county, Minnesota. Here he was in the employ of T. B. Walker as a lumberman, working on the spring drives on Clearwater river and driving freight from Detroit, Minnesota, to the Walker camp. After living for three years in Becker county, near Detroit, he located 16 in Rosebud township in 1883, filing a claim on a quarter section which is in both section ten and section three. The land was covered with light timber and has proven exceptionally fertile, some fields having produced wheat for twenty-seven seasons that have been very rarelj^ successive. Mr. Tyndall has developed a fine farm with about one hundred and forty acres imder cultivation and has erected good buildings. He has taken interest in providing his place with pleasant groves of box elder and jack pine and the spruce trees which date their growth from the 4th of Novem- ber on which McKinley was elected president. The farm is conveniently located just one mile east of Fosston. Mr. Tyndall has engaged in the raising of grain and hay and is now devoting some attention to the breeding of Guernsey cattle. Mr. Tyndall is not affiliated with any political organization and main- tains a liberal and intelligent outlook on questions of public import and was one of the first voters in Rose- bud township. Like most of the men who have spent the greater part of their lives in the great out of 250 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY doors, he is a huuter and fisherman. Mr. Tyudall was married at Dodge Center to Susan Digby, who is a native of England. Nine children have been bom to them, six of whom are now living: Susan, who married William Kent, an attorney in Chicago; Ben, residing in Montana; John, living in Canada, in Saskatchewan; Arthur, who is employed as an elec- trician in Alaska by a big power company of British Columbia; Martha, the wife of John Dorsey, who is the present manager of Mr. Tyndall 's farm ; and Fred, who is located in Canada. Throe of the chil- dren died at early ages, one in infancy ; a son, Wil- liam, at Thief River Falls, in his 30th year, and another son at the age of fourteen. 0. T. NELSON. 0. T. Nelson, a well known business man of the county, has been engaged in the furniture and hard- ware business at Gully since 1910. He was born in Norway, May 1, 1882, the son of Torger and Mary Nelson, and was brought by his parents to this country in his early infancy. Torger Nelson came directly to Crookston from his native land and in the same year, 1882, took a homestead near Woodside, in Polk county, and as a worthy pioneer citizen his career has been identified with the privations and failures, the steady development and ultimate prosperity of the frontier country. On the claim in the wilderness he sturdily encountered all the hardships of the times, with one particularly harrowing experience, when his wife was lost for two days in the surrounding forests, the sound of his signaling shots finally reach- ing her in her wanderings. After about six years spent on this tract he removed to Badger township, locating again on wild land. In 1892 he sold his farm and went to Crookston and invested in the hotel busi- ness, and in the following year suffered the total loss of his property by a fire, from which his young son, O. T. Nelson, narrowly escaped, being rescued by a fireman. For a time this disaster brought the family to most straightened circumstances, from which enter- prise and ambitious efforts .soon rescued them. They made their home in a shed which stood at the rear of the former hotel structure, and Torger Nelson secured work in a sawmiU, and his wife assisted in the rebuilding of their resources. With thrifty manage- ment in a few years he accumulated some capital, and, in partnerehip with Severt Henson, started a general store at Erskine, in Polk county, meanwliile continuing to work as time keeper in the sawmill at Crookston, his son, 0. T. Nelson, looking after his mercantile interests in Erskine. This enterprise proved eminently successful and enjoyed an extensive patronage, dra,wing trade from fifty miles or more. Torger Nelson later removed to Erskine, and through his management of the business became widely known throughout the county. He remained in charge of the store for fifteen years and then retired froju commercial activities, but continues to reside in Erskine, where he has been associated with public affairs as township assessor and member of the school board. Of his five sons four are now living and two reside in Erskine; Anton, who was employed for a time in a sawmill and is now rural mail carrier, and Theodore, who is cashier of the First State bank at Ei'skine. Oscar Nelson, the youngest son, has held the position of teller in the Northern National bank at Bermidji for several years. The death of William Nelson occurred in his twenty-second year, September 10, 1911, at Gull}'. He was a graduate of the Univer- sity of North Dakota and was a student in the second year of the medical course at the state university. 0. T. Nelson attended the high school at Erskine^ meanwhile giving his attention to his father's business interests in that place and spending his vacations at work in the store. He then became tower operator on the Soo railroad and after four years in this position made his first independent venture in the business world, opening a store at Pierz, Minnesota, in Morrison county, in 1907. This was one of the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 251 older towns of the region but had just been reached by a railroad and he operated the only exclusive hardware business in the town for three years. When the Soo road was built to Gully, in 1910, he estab- lished his present hardware and furniture business, being the first merchant to sell goods on the new townsite. He was also the first to bring lumber to the site and in September of that year began the erection of a warehouse in a wheat field on one of the streets of the future village. All the previous build- ing at Gully had been about a half mile distant near the location of the Ohm mills. His first business operations were with a small stock and meager equip- ment, it being late in November before he could occupy his atore building. The I. 0. Manger Lumber com- pany had brought lumber to the place and several other merchants were engaged in building. Mr. Nelson has built up a prosperous and steadily growing trade and also conducts an undertaking business. In his hardware department he employs a competent tinner and handles contracts for roofing and cornice work, beside general repair work. As a successful business man and respected citizen Mr. Nelson is and lias always been associated with the promotion of the best interests of the county and is well known as one of the j'ounger and a1)le members in business circles. He is a member of the school board and secretary of the Commercial club of Gully. Mr. Nelson was mar- ried January 30, 1907, to Margaret Brogan, who was bom at EIroy, Wisconsin. Her parents died in her infancy and she was reared by a sister, receiving her education in the high school at Ontonagon, Michigan. She entered the teaching profession and pursued a successful career as a teacher for some time and was employed in the schools of Clearwater county, Minnesota. TOM 0. SOLBERG. Tom 0. Solberg, a prominent fanner of Rosebud township, has been a resident of Polk county since 1885. In 1884 he filed on a homestead claim and on July 4th of the following year he moved on this land. Since then he has added to the original tract, buying the adjoining uncultivated land at a maximum price of six dollars and a half an acre, and eighty acres of which he has sold for twenty dollars an acre. His present valuable farm property of three hundred and eighty-five acres attests to the thrifty management and unfailing industry of Mr. Solberg, who possesses all the sturdy charactei-istics of the men who wrestle with the wilderness and claim it for civilization. His has been the laborious task of clearing this tract of land and developing it into productive fields. He has en- gaged principally in the raising of grain and cattle, breeding blooded stock. He keeps a number of dairy cows and finds this a lucrative enterprise. Some low land has been reclaimed by ditching and the farm is equipped with good buildings, the pleasant home being rendered the more attractive by its well chosen situa- tion. Mr. Solberg was married at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, to Julia Nelson, and they have eight children : Fred and Arthur, who are farmers near Max, North Dakota ; Tillie, the wife of Martin Hanson of Stanley, North Dakota; Bertha A., who is a teacher in the Polk county schools, and Elmer, Clifford, Mabel and Walter, who remain in the home. OSCAR THOR. Oscar Thor, of Gully, secretary and treasurer of the was employed in that work in Sweden until 1900, Melbo Mercantile company, was born in Sweden, May when he came to Stillwater, Minnesota, where an 4, 1882. He was reared in his native land and ap- uncle, J. F. Thoreen, a railroad contractor, resided, prenticed himself to the trade of butter-making and He resided at that place for six months and then 252 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY removed to Polk county and continued to be employed as a butter-maker in Polk county, Todd county and other localities for some years. Wlicn the Soo rail- road was built through Gully, J. F. Thoreen handled the contract for the construction of several miles of the road bed and became interested with H. H. Melbo, a pioneer merchant of that region, in the organization of the Melbo Mercantile company and persuaded Mr. Thor to become a stockholder and to become active in its management as the representative of both their interests. The company was incorporated in 1910, and in the same year Mr. Thor located in Gully and has since been identified with the extensive and pros- perous operations of the corporation as secretary and treasurer. Though .still in the inception of his busi- ness career, he has proven himself eminently fitted for successful accomplishment as an enterprising and progressive merchant. He has been associated with the growth and general welfare of the town in which he lives through able and public spirited co-operation in community interests, and as clerk of the school board was actively identified with the erection of the new school house at Gully. Mr. Thor was married February, 1906, to Nellie 0. Ramstad of Todd county, Minnesota, and they have one son, Clifford Thor. BERT D. KECK. This gentleman, who is the leading architect in Polk county and resides in Crookston, has erected many monuments to his .skill and excellent taste and judgment in the Northwest and is still carrying on an extensive business in his chosen profession. He is a native of Louisa county, Iowa, where his life began in 1876. In the year 1877 his parents moved to Mercer county, Illinois. His parents, Frederick and Susana (Harvey) Keck, were pioneers in Iowa, the father having driven from Ohio to that state by ox team about the year 1850 and entered a homestead in the wilderness. He was born in Germany and came to the United States with his pai'ents in 1838, his father having been the progenitor of the family in this country. The mother of Bert D. Keck was born of English parentage. She and her hu.sband died in Illinois, where they lived for many years. Bert D. Keck grew to manhood in Mercer county, Illinois, where he obtained his elementary education in the common schools and higli school at Aledo, Illi- nois. He afterward pursued a course of special and more advanced instruction under the tutorage of prominent architects of the country and by his studious efforts completing his preparation for his life work through post gi'aduate courses in spe- cial lines of architectural teaching. In 1902 he became a resident of Crookston, where he at once opened an oflSce and l>egan the active practice of his profession. To this he has ever since been sedulou,sly devoted, doing his work in a way to win general commendation and getting plenty of it to keep him steadily occupied. Mr. Keck designed the Carnegie Library, the new high school building, the Franklin school building, the First Presbyterian church and the new armory, in Crookston, the Cathedral of the Emaculate Concep- tion, the parochial school, many stoi'e and office build- ings and fine residences which are among the most modem and satisfactory structures for their several purposes in the Northwest. He has also designed and superintended the erection of many school buildings, lianks, residences and stores in North Dakota, and a number of school and other buildings in parts of ilinnesota outside of Polk county. In fraternal life Mr. Keck is a member of the ]\rasonie order, including the Mystic Shrine, and holds the rank of past commander in the Knights Templar branch of the fraternity. He is also a mem- ber of the Order of Elks and the Order of Modern Woodmen of America. In religious affiliation he is connected with the Jlethodist Episcopal church, and socially he is president of the Crookston Automobile BERT D. KECK COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 253 club. Politically he is a Republican but not an active partisan, and has never held, sought or desired a pub- lic office. He was married in 1901 to Miss Elsa M. Hansen, of Jamestown, New York. They have two children, their daughter Madeline and their son Kon- rad M. A. STARK. A. Stark, cashier of the First State bank at Gully and an influential citizen of that place, is a native of Sweden, born September 12, 1883, and was brought to this country in his eai'ly childhood by his parents, who located in Mille Lacs county, Minnesota, which continues to be their home. Mr. Stark was reared in that county and was educated in the public schools. He then engaged in the teaching profession and after three years came to Polk county, accepting a position in a school near Mentor which he shortly after resigned to enter upon his successful business career as assist- ant cashier in the bank at Mentor, of which A. D. Stephens of Crookston Avas president. Since that time Mr. Stark has continued to be associated with the banking institutions of the county, his able achievements in this field earning him rapid promo- tion and recognition. After two and a half years in the bank at Mentor he was employed in banks at Hallock, Minnesota, and in Bottineau county, North Dakota, spending a year in each place and in Sep- tember, 1910, came to Gully. The First State bank was incorporated in that year, with L. C. Simons as president and Mr. Stark was made cashier, and in this capacity has been identified with its notable progress and prosperous activities and has devoted every effort and interest to the promotion of its enterprise. He is now the only one of the original stockholders actively associated with the bank. A. D. Stephens is president of the insrt;itution. Aside from his business operations Mr. Stark takes an active inter- est in every matter of public import and is an enthusi- astic promoter of the general welfare and growth of the town in which he lives. As a member of the school board he has given valuable service and was largely influential in securing the new school building, in which two teachers are employed with eighty pupils in attendance. Mr. Stark was married at Middle River, Minnesota, on September 21, 1910, to Elvina Olson. JAMES E. CAMPBELL. James E. Campbell, a successful business man of Fosston and senior member of the livery firm of Campbell & Son, was bom in Portage county, Wiscon- sin, November 10, 1855. His father, James V. Camp- bell, was for many years a well known citizen of Ada, Minnesota, where he was a dealer in agricultural im- plements. He was actively interested in political affairs as a member of the Republican party and served as postmaster during the presidential teimis of Harrison and Roosevelt. He retired from the office in 1906 and removed to Crookston, and in March of the following year his death occurred in Ada. James E. Campbell came to Minnesota in 1878 and engaged in the livery business in Ada for a number of years. For thirty-seven years he has been extensively iden- tified with the lively and horse trade of northern Minnesota, shipping many carloads of horses annually and doing his buying for the most part in South Dakota. In 1889 he located in Fosston, where he has operated a profitable livery business, to which he added, in 1909, a garage and automobile service. In 1915 he erected the present garage, which is con- structed to accommodate every modern improvement and ample equipment. It is a large cement building with a pressed brick and plate glass front and a tru.ss roof which leaves the interior free of impeding sup- 254 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ports. He transacts a large business and canies a full line of automobile supplies and is local agent for the Ford and Buick companies. Mr. Campbell is a member of the Republican party and a zealous supporter of its interests. He has been actively asso- ciated with public affairs in official capacity, serving as deputy sheriff of Norman county for twelve years ; four years under E. T. Salverson, who was a county commissioner in Polk county before the organization of Norman county, and for two terms under Knut Lee. Mr. Campbell is a member of the city council and has been elected to the office of mayor a number of times. As mayor he rendered the city valuable service in promoting and capably managing the in- stallation of the city water works and electric light plant. His marriage to Helen M. Richmond occurred in Portage county, Wisconsin, and they have one son, Frank Raymond, who has been associated with his father in the livery and garage business for eight yeai-s. Frank R. Campbell was born at Ada, Minne- sota, in December, 1886, and reared in Fosston, where he attended the public schools. After graduating from high school he entered the business college at Fargo, North Dakota. He was married to Alice Cor- son of Ada, Minnesota, and they have two children, James and Helen Elva. He is one of the popular young business men of Fosston and unlike his father is an ardent sportsman and hunter. JOHN A. FLESCH. John A. Flesch, a pioneer farmer and eminent citi- zen of Rosebud township, was one of the first settlers in the Thirteen Towns in 1878, and has been promi- nently and actively identified with the history of the development of this section of the county. He was born in Germany, December 12, 1838, and when twelve years of age accompanied his parents to the United States. After a number of years .spent on their farm near Fond du Lac, "Wisconsin, he came to Steams county, Minnesota, shortly before the out- break of the Civil war. He enlisted in Company G of the Ninth Minnesota regiment and gave valiant service during three years of the great struggle. He was made a corporal in his company and received his honorable discharge in 1865. When the Thirteen Towns was first opened for settlement in 1878 he was one of the eight men who took claims at that time. For several years previous he had been living in Douglas county and he was accompanied from there to Polk county by Herman Eikens and Edward La Bree, who located on land adjoining his. Mr. Eikens is still living on his homestead, which is separated from the Flesch farm by a small lake, small enough' to carry across the sounds of friendly voices in the pioneer days of wilderness and few settlers. Mr. Flesch located on sections nineteen and twenty of what is now Rosebud township, five miles southwest of Fosston, and was the first homesteader to file his claim at Detroit City, which was over fifty miles distant and was the nearest trading place for this region. In the same year the land was withdrawn from the market and was not reopened until 188.3, when it was rapidly settled. Although it was uncertain that the land would again be opened, Mr. Flesch set about the clearing and improving of his farm and forsaking the temporary shelter of the pioneers in tents and wagons, erected the first house in the Thirteen Towns, on section nineteen. This house played an important part in the early histoiy of the township, sheltering the first store, the first school house and first post- office in the Thirteen Towns. A small store was started here by a half breed and he was succeeded by Mr. Foss, who operated a store and the postoffice of Fosston until 1884, when he removed to a location on the railroad, the present site of Fosston. Mr. Hansen then had the store on the Flesch farm, and the postoffice of Hansville. With the high ideals and native culture of the men who founded our western civilization, Mr. Flesch gave every effort to the early establishment of educational and religious activities. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 255 In 1883 a school was organized and housed on his land with A. D. Wishard as teacher. John Newton next presided over the school and it was later made a district school and a log school house built two miles distant. Mr. Flesch did not allow the laxity of frontier life to affect the strictness of his religious observances, and he was instrumental in the building of the Catholic church at Hansville, where Father Simon officiated for a number of years, the settlers bringing him for the services, in the early days, from his mission church on Rice river. He is now in Cloquet and since 1908 the church at Hansville has been served from Crookston. Mr. Flesch has devoted the best part of his life to the building up of the community in which he lives and has given his faith- ful and generous support to the advancement of its welfare. At the time of the second opening of the land he located a number of the permanent settlers and has always been active in the administration of township affairs and a member of the township and school boards, although he has avoided county offices and political honors, preferring the unobtrusive service of responsible and intelligent citizenship. At the organization of the township it was he who gave it the name of ' ' Rosebud, ' ' prompted by the thought of the wild flowers which had adorned the native wilderness and by the name of the first child born in the township. Rose Eikens. In 1897 he retired from his farm, and it is now owned by John A. Newton, who married his daughter, Mary. Mr. Flesch was married in Stearns county, at the close of the Civil war, to Susanna Rodstine, who, like her husband, was a native of Germany. Her death occurred in January, 1910. A family of one son and five daughters were born to this union: Barney; Lena, the wife of Matt Brink, of Frazee, Minnesota; Mary, who married John Newton and lives on the old homestead ; Kate, who now resides at Funkley, Minnesota ; Libbie, the wife of Dick "Walker, of Floodwood, Minnesota; and Laura, the wife of Pete Stotrun, of Funkley, Minnesota. Despite the restricted advantages of pioneer life Mr. Flesch reared a family of charm and culture and marked intellectual ability. Mr. Flesch is that type of man and citizen whose influence and efforts are largely interwoven into the life of a com- munity. Possessed of great natural ability and strong personality, alert and progressive in all his views, he enjoys the high esteem and regard of all and still exerts the attractive companionability which made his home the social gathering place of the district. EMANUEL PEDERSON. Emanuel Pederson, a successful farmer of Brands- void township, was born in Norway, May 20, 1855. When he was fifteen years of age he went to sea on a ship carrying a cargo of coal and grain from Holland to England. He was seven months on his first voyage, sailing into the Baltic before returning to Holland. He next served on a Norwegian vessel engaged in the Baltic lumber trade, loading lumber from Scandinavia for Russia. For ten years he worked as a sailor, sailing on a number of different ships and visiting many ports, crossing the ocean several times to New York and Baltimore. During these years of hard and continuous labor he did not share in the improvident, adventuring spirit of the average sailor but saved his earnings and centered his ambitious upon acquiring land of his own in some good agricultural region. He came to Minnesota to join an uncle living in Otter- tail county, who had sent for him, offering to make him his heir. After two years in Ottertail county he went to Polk county, and in the fall of 1883 filed his claim on the southeast quarter of section eighteen in Brandsvold township. In the following year he began to develop his farm ; his first house was a small shanty, but was soon replaced by a comfortable dwelUng place. He has built up a good farm by thrifty and able management, with one hundred and twenty acres under cultivation, and engages in diver- sified farming. His farm is well stocked and he keeps 256 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY a herd of dairy cows, selling cream to the cooperative creamery at Mcintosh. The Pederson place is con- veniently located four miles west of ilclntosh and a little over six miles northwest of Fosston. Mr. Peder- son spent three years in Canada, leaving his farm in charge of his sons, and took a claim there, which he now owns. He also assisted his sons, Ingewald Pederson and Edward Pederson, to secure Canadian land. Since the first election held in Brandsvold to\vnship he has been actively identified with the public interests and gave efficient service in the oftice of supervisor for twelve j-ears. His marriage to Maria Wick took place in Ottertail county in 1885. She is a native of Norwaj', born in 1867, and came to this country in the same year that her hu.sband did. They have nine children : Cecilia, wife of Ben Norgaard, of Eden township; Ingewald and Edward, who are farmers in Sa.skatchewan, and also in charge of their father's land there; luga, who keeps house for her brother Edward ; Conrad and Melvin, who assist their father in the management of the home place; Elmer, living with his brothers in Canada ; Hjalmar and Hilda. Mr. Pederson is a faithful supporter and one of the charter members of the Kingu Lutheran church at Fosston. RICHARD OHM. Richard Ohm, of Gull}', a well known miller and citizen of that township, is one of the pioneer business men of the county, having been employed in milling operations here since 1881. He is a native of Ger- many, born in Brandenburg, December 3, 1861. He was apprenticed to the miller's trade and lived in tlie fatherland until he was twenty years of age, when he came to the United States, arriving in Crookston, Minnesota, August 15, 1881. His first position was with his uncle. Otto Kankel, in the construction and equipment of a buhrstone mill at Fertile, which Mr. Ohm operated after its completion. After about a year and a half there he went to Norman count}' and operated a mill for Mr. Sohler and Mr. Kankel, and after running it for a time rented it until 1885, when he bought it, paying $6,000 for the plant. During the five years of his able management of this invest- ment he cleared the property of the debt incurred by the purchase and then returned to Polk county, bouglit a mill at Thief River Falls, in partnership with R. R. Jacklin ; this was a small steam mill. The railroad had not yet reached the town and the business por- tion consisted of a hotel and a few stores, and after two years here Mr. Ohm moved his machinery to Terreboime, also in the first days of its development. He had previously dissolved partnership with Mr. Jacklin and was associated in the new project with two cousins, conducting a profitable business here until 1899. Meanwhile, on a trip over the county, he liad passed through the old reservation land opened for settlement in 1896 and had noted the prospective agi'icultural activity as contributing to an advanta- geous location for a mill, and in 1899 sold his former interests and located in Gully township. He had a capital of $6,700 to promote the new enterprise, but expended $9,500 in the ei-ection and equipment of his mills, a custom and merchant mill, with full roller process and a capacity of seventy-five barrels. His excellent modern equipment and marked business ability have won the Gully Flour Mills a large patronage and steadily growing prosperity. He handles only home grown wheat. When the Soo rail- road was built through this section he gave his support to the organization of a town and sold forty acres of land to the town site company and has continued to be interested in the growth of Gully, although ho does not live in the village, his home being near the mills, about a quarter of a mile from the village. He has cleared some thirty acres of his land. Mr. Ohm has taken an active part in public affairs since his resi- dence in the township and gave valuable service as treasurer for a number of years, and for eight years COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 257 was the clerk of the school board. He holds mem- bership in the fraternal order of Modern Woodmen at Red Lake Falls. He takes his occasional recreation in his favorite out-of-door sports, enjoying fishing and hunting. Mr. Ohm was married in 1883 to Lena Norby of Faith, Norman county, Minnesota, and eleven children have been bom to them : Pauline, M'ho married Elmer Goodrich and lives in Canada ; Otto; Walter, associated with his father in the mill; Clara, now residing in Canada ; Hattie, who was in the employ of the Central Telephone company for several years and is now at the home in Gully; and Richard, Ruth, Charley, Roy Eveline and Florence, all of whom are living with their parents. A. P. HANSON. A. P. Hanson, of Fertile, cashier of the Citizens State bank of that place, was born in Denmark, March 31, 1855, and came to the United States in 1869 with his parents, who were pioneer farmers in Ottertail county, Minnesota, where their homestead was located near Fergus Falls. Mr. Hanson remained on the farm until he was nineteen years of age, when he secured a clerking position in St. Paul and was employed in that work for several years, in St. Paul and later in Fergus Falls. In 1878 he came to Polk county, and as one of the substantial and influential pioneer citizens of the county has been actively identified with the development of its resources and the notable progress made within its borders. His first activity in the financial field was as bookkeeper in the Merchants National bank at Crookston. His ability has been recognized by steady promotion through the many successful accomplishments of his career, and after six years spent in the position of bookeeper he became the assistant cashier of the Scandinavian American bank and served in that capacity for sixteen years. He removed to Fertile in May, 1904, and was one of the organizers of the Citizens State bank, in December of the same year becoming its cashier. As business man and citizen Mi\ Hanson enjoys the confidence and esteem of his associates, and as a member of the school board has been actively influential in the erec- tion of the new high school building. He is further identified with the interests of the section as the owner of farm lands near Fertile. In fraternal cir- cles he is allied with the Masonic chapter at Crooks- ton and is a member of the IMinnesota Bankers' association. Mr. Hanson was, in 1869, married to Miss Christine Charlotte Jacobson of St. Paul and they have four daughters : Elene C, who is engaged in teaching in the schools at Sanger, California; Cora E., the wife of L. R. Clements, of Ormond, Florida; Mabel G., who is studying music in Northwestern University, and Gertrude F., at home. HANS PAULSRUD. Hans Paulsrud, cashier of the Farmers State bank at Fertile, is a native of Norway, bora July 8, 1866. He was reared on a farm in his native land, making his home there until he was fifteen years of age, when he went to Sweden and for three years was employed as a clerk in a store. He then returned to Norway and remained there until 1889, when he came to the United States and joined his brother, Anton Paulsrud, in Crookston, where the latter had settled about a year previously. For a time Hans Paulsrud worked on the farm which was owned at that time by Sheriff Pauls- rud, meanwhile attending the schools at Crookston and fitting himself for wider activities in his adopted country. In the spring of 1890 he came to Fertile and secured a clerical position with the banking firm of Mathews & Company and has since devoted his career to the banking business, attaining noteworthy siiccess in all his operations and meriting the eonfi- 258 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY dence and esteem of all bis associates. When the First State bank was organized as the successor of the old company Mr. Paulsrud was made the assistant cashier and continued to serve in that capacity through the subsequent change in the organization to the First National. In 1912 he assisted in the establishment of the Farmers State bank and was appointed cashier. He has since devoted every effort to the interests of this bank, which has enjoyed marked success and prosperity. The bank was incorporated with a capital of $25,000 and occupies a fine modern building which not only affords every accommodation for its business interests but is a notable addition to the superior architectural possessions of Fertile "s business sec- tion, occupying a prominent site on the main street of the town. Mr. Paulsrud is actively associated with affairs of public moment and has given able service as village treasurer. His marriage to Gerda John- son occurred in Fertile. She is a native of Sweden, the daughter of John Mattson, who engaged in farm- ing in Polk county until his death. Mr. Paulsrud and his wife have a family of three daughters and one son, Anna, John, Hilda and Agnes. ALBERT 0. GULLICKSON. Albert 0. GuUickson, of Fertile, vice president of the Farmers State bank and a prominent business man of the county, was bom in Allamakee county, Iowa, March 24, 1875, and has been a resident of Gar- field township since his early childhood. His father, Hans A. GuUickson, was bom in Norway and was brought to the United States by his parents when five years of age, the family being among the first of their countrymen to emigrate to this country. Hans Gul- lickson was married in Iowa to Mary Christianson, who like her husband was a native of Norway, and in 1880 they came to Polk county and were pioneer set- tlers in Garfield township, where Hans Gullicksou took a homestead claim in sections eleven and four- teen, some three miles east of the present site of Fer- tile. Here he experienced all the arduous labor and privations of the farmer in a new country. His en- tire capital was represented in a team of oxen and a few head of stock and the tract, being covered with timber, required some time in preparing it for culti- vation. During the first seasons he worked in the harvest fields and then devoted his attention to his prospering farming operations and put one hundred and twenty-five acres of his two hundred and forty acre farm under cultivation. He became a well known citizen of that section and was active in all public interests, serving on the township board and was prominently associated with the organization of the Lutheran church, which was erected on the home- stead of the father of his wife, Ole Christianson, in section fourteen of Garfield township. Mr. Chris- tianson lived on his homestead until his death in 1909, at the age of eighty-three years. His son, Ole Chris- tiansen, is now a resident of Crookston. The GuUick- son home was on the land in section fourteen, on the banks of Sand Hill river and here the death of Hans GuUickson occurred in his fifty-eighth year, in June, 1907. His wife survives him and continues to make her home on the farm with her daughter, Viola Gul- licksou, and the three sons, Carl GuUickson, Orton GuUickson and Melvin GuUickson, who operate the estate. The other members of the family of nine children are Albert 0., Martin, a former Polk county teacher, who has held positions in a number of Min- nesota schools and is now principal of the schools at Atwater, Minnesota; John, who taught for a time in Polk county and is now engaged in the practice of law at Great Falls, Minnesota ; Otto, associated with Albert 0. GuUickson in the mercantile business, and Robert, a farmer in Garfield township. Albert 0. GuUickson grew to manhood on the homestead, en- gaging in farming until 1904 when he began his commercial activities, forming a partnership with T. H. Nesseth and buying the interests of Martin G. ED. ilOSSEFIN COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 259 Peterson in the agricultural implemeut business. After ten years of successful business operations, the firm was dissolved by the death of Mr. Nesseth, Mr. Gullickson buying his interests of the heirs and be- coming sole proprietor of the business. He conducts an extensive trade in all lines of farm machinery and implements, handling silos, windmills and engines and also engages in the flour and feed business. His store is equipped with an attractive show room and large storage capacity and is justly popular among its many patrons. Mr. Gullickson is prominently as- sociated with the various interests of that region, l^ing well known in financial circles as one of the organizers and the vice president of the Farmers State bank, at Fertile, and in public affairs has given capable service as a member of the village council and is the present recorder. He has ever recognized the duties of good citizenship and has exercised a potential influence in promoting the general welfare of the community, giving effective and notable as- sistance in the direction of the campaign against the saloons. In political belief, he is allied with the Re- publican party and an active supporter of its cause. Mr. Gullickson was married in 1906 to Sophia Sletto, the daughter of Sven and Jorand Sletto, who settled on a homestead in Garden township in 1882. Two sons have been born to them, Solon and MUes. The family are members of the United Lutheran church, in which Mr. Gullickson holds the office of trustee. ED MOSSEFIN. Ed Mossefin, of Fertile, president of the Citizens Stat€ bank and a successful business man of the county, is a native of Minnesota, born at Wilmar, June 5, 1878. His parents. Mads A. and Joran Mos- sefin, came to the United States from Norway in 1872 and located in Chicago, where Mads Mossefin worked at his trade of tailoring for several years, and in 1876 removed to Wilmar, Minnesota. In 1879 he brought his family to Crookston and engaged in the mercantile business at that place until his death in April, 1914, at the age of sixty-seven years, his son, Norman Mossefin, succeeding him in his business interests. His wife siirvives him and continues to make her home in Crookston. Mads Mossefin was well known in the church circles of Crookston as a trustee and influential member of the Synod Lutheran church and is remem- bered as a worthy and substantial citizen of that community. Ed Mossefin was reared in Crookston and has been identified in all his interests and activi- ties with the growth and development of Polk county. He attended the common schools and after one year of study in the high school entered the business world as a clerk for Fountaine & Anglin and was employed by that firm for four years. He then took a position aa bookkeeper in the hardware store of J. E. 'Brien Co., where he remained until 1901 and then made an independent venture in the mercantile world, open- ing a general store in Crookston, which he operated for five years, conducting a prosperous and steadily growing trade, which attested to his ability and enterprise in business activities. In 1905 he removed to Fertile, having been one of the organizers of the Citizens State bank in that place in the preceding December. He was appointed assistant cashier of the bank and has since been prominently identified with its notable success and rapid growth, devoting his entire attention to its management. In 1907 he was made vice president and assumed active direction of all the bank affairs, the president, K. J. Taralseth, residing at Warren, and in 1911 became president. The Citzens State bank is one of the most prosperous banking houses in this region, and as president Mr. Mossefin is widely known as one of the able financiers of the county. Mr. Mossefin is also interested in agri- cultural pursuits and owns two farms near Fertile. He takes great pleasure in out of door sports and is an enthusiastic huntsman, enjoying frequent outings in quest of game in the northeni woods as well as the 260 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY sports in his home locality. He is a member of the Gun club and an active aud interested participant in all shooting contests and has given his influence to the encouragement of the athletic spirit of the community, faithfully supporting the baseball and other teams in all their interests. He is a member of the Elks lodge. Mr. Mo.s.sefin is that type of bu.siness man and citizen whose interest touches every phase of the life of a community and whose services are given freely in any project which tends to the progress and general welfare. He was married in 1901, at War- ren, Minnesota, to Lena Taralseth, the daughter of K. L. Taralseth, who was bom at Minneapolis and is a graduate of Carleton college at Northfield, Minnesota. ;Mr. Mossefin and his wife are memlxTs of the Synod Lutheran church. HON. JOHN HOLTEN. Hon. John Holten, of Fertile, an eminent citizen, business man and statesman of Polk county, was born at Sundahl, Norway, September 18, 1849, and grew to manhood in his native land. In 1872 he came to the United States and settled in "Winneshiek county, Iowa, where he spent seven years before coming to Minnesota and taking a homestead claim in Norman county. There he was active in public affairs and in the organization of Sundahl township, which upon his petition, received its name from his old home in Nor- way and he also served as the first township clerk and assessor. His father, John J. Holten, had come to Iowa in 1873 and joined his son in Norman county, jnakiiig his liome on an adjoining homestead where he continued to reside until his death, February 16, 1910, at the age of eighty-six years. Tlie death of his W'ife occurred some two years earlier, in her ninety -first year. Mr. Holten 's career as a merchant dates from the start of the village of Fertile, when in partnership with Mr. Carlson he engaged in the agricultural machinery business. The usual success and extensive operations of this firm has set a worthy pace for the rapid growth of the town ; from a busi- ness started with but capital sufficient for the freight charges on a carload of machinery, it has advanced to a twenty thousand dollar stock and totals the an- nual sales at forty thousand. In 1886 Mr. Holten had become a wheat buyer at Twin Valley and in Decem- ber of that year transferred his operations to Fer- tile and this enterprise continued to receive his atten- tion for a number of years, the majiagement of the store being left to his partner, Mr. Carlson. In 1892 the latter removed to Tennessee and Mr. Holten be- came sole owner of the business, two years later add- ing a stock of general merchandise. Mr. Carlson returned to Fertile in 1897 and the old relation was again resumed and the firm has since continued as Holten & Carlson. They are the owners of the at- tractive business block which they occupy, one of the largest in Fertile, and the adjoining building which was formerly utilized for farm machinery, a depart- ment which was discontinued in 1915, the firm inter- ests now being directed solely to a general mercantile trade. Mr. Holten is still the owner of his Norman county homestead which comprises 220 acres and, in partnership with Mr. Carlson, owns a quarter section of land four miles north of Fertile. Mr. Holten 's achievements have not been confined to the private interests of the business world but his talent and attention has been given freely for the benefit of the public welfare and progress where the worth of his service has marked him as a leader in the activities of the commonwealth. His influence has been prom- inent in the furthering of all civic improvements and as president of the Fair association, he has assisted in putting the Fertile fair on equally notable basis with the County fair at Crookston. In local offices he has filled the positions of village treasurer, village recorder, and a member of the board of education for fourteen years, the last six of which he was president of the board and for three terms has been president of the town council. In 1907 his field of service was COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 261 widened through his election to the lower house of the State Legislature as representative from the sixty- second district. An issue of that election was the county option law and he made his stand as a staunch defender of temperance, in which cause he has always been a valiant fighter. He was re-elected for a second term and in 1911 without making a personal cam- paign for favor, and was again returned to office, re- ceiving a larger majority from his fellow voters than in previous elections. His activity and ability as a legislator brought him a wide reputation and the con- fidence and high regard of his constituents. During his membership in the House he sei-ved on numerous important committees, on the State Prison and Re- form committee, the several committees regulating commerce and retail trade, public lands and the state fair and in 1911 was chairman of the drainage com- mittee and was appropriation commissioner for roads and bridges. He also sat in the special session of 1912. He was not a candidate for re-election in 1913 and has given his attention to his business interests. Mr. Hol- ten is a member of the Sons of Norway and of the United Lutheran church and has given faithful service as a trustee in that congregation for many years. His favorite recreation is found in out of door life and he has collected many trophies which attest to his skill as a hunter and fisherman. Mr. Holten was married in 1892, to Elina Hofif, of Battle Lake, Ottertail county, and they have a family of two sons and five daughters, John Chester, who is associated with his father in the mercantile business; Melvin Stanley, employed in the Citizens State bank ; Frances, who is a student in the Normal school at St. Cloud; Esther and Agnes, members of the high school classes of 1916 and 1917, and Lillian and Ena. B. E. BEARSON. B. E. Bearson, of Fertile, well known i-eal estate man and proprietor of the Bearson & Son garage, has been actively associated off and on with the busi- ness activities of that place for some twenty-five years. He is a native of the state, bom in Fillmore county, November 20, 1864, and grew to manhood in a pioneer farm home. When eighteen years of age he embarked upon his commercial career as a dealer in horses, meeting with steady success in his venture and within a few years began to ship into the north- ei'n pai't of the state. He came to Polk county in 1890, locating at Fertile and continued as a horse dealer for several years, buying in southern Minne- sota and shipping to Fertile and Fargo, North Dakota, and the adjacent agricidtural districts. Sub- sequently he made Britton, South Dakota, his ship- ping point for several years and then returned to Polk county and opened a general store at Mentor in 1903 and during the three years of mercantile opera- tions began his activity as a real estate dealer, having previously invested in farm lands near Fertile and Mentor. In 1904 he removed to Fertile and bought land adjoining the town, where he has made a spa- cious and attractive country home, situated on a forty acre tract. He began his business operations in the county with a capital of $2,000, and the success to which he has attained and the steady prosperity of his efforts, attests to his marked ability as a business man and to his worth as a citizen. He continues to engage in the shipping of horses in Polk county but devotes the most of his attention to the real estate business and now owns some twelve hundred acres of land in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Dakotas and is interested in town property and business buildings in Fertile and other places. His land includes both wild and cultivated tracts and through his policy of improving every piece of property in which he in- vests, he has signally contributed to the progress and development of the country. He has recently ex- tended his interests to the automobile business and has erected a modern garage in Fertile and operates a repair shop and automobile agency; his son, Edwin 262 compendiu:m of history and biography op polk county Bearson, being in charge of this business. Mr. Bear- son has ever given his active co-operation in affairs of public moment and has given able service as a progressive and public spirited citizen but has always avoided political activity. He enjoys the hunting and fishing in which his native state abounds and makes these out of door sports his favorite form of recreation. Mr. Bearson was married at Bi-itton, South Dakota, August 7, 1893, to Eli7>a Bundrock, who was born in Wisconsin in 1874 and accompanied her parents to Dakota in her early childhood. Two children were bom to them, Edwin, the manager of the garage of Bearson & Son; and Gertrude, who graduated from the Fertile high school in 191.5 and is now engaged in the study of music. Mr. Bearson and his family are members of the United Lutheran church. Mr. Bearson 's parents were Engebret and Guneld (Cresthaug) Bearson. They were natives of Norway and were among the pioneers of Fillmore county. The father died in that county and mother in North Dakota. They were farmers. They have five sons and three daughters living. HOGEN MERRILL HOGENSON. Hogen Merrill Hogenson, of Fertile, rural mail car- rier and well known citizen, was bom in Rock county, Wisconsin, November 29, 1857, the son of Peter and Sonva Hogenson, who had made the long trip across the waters from their native land of Norway to this country in a sailing vessel, taking several months to make the voyage. In 1863, when Hogen Hogenson was a lad of six years, the family removed to 01m- stead county, where Peter Hogenson located on laud and devoted his attention to the development of a fann. The parents made their home on the home- stead during the remainder of their lives. H. ]M. Hogenson resided there until 1880, when he took a homestead claim in Clay county, Minnesota, and proved up on the tract, acquiring the title within two years, with a cash payment for the land. In 1886 he came to Polk county to secure more land and pre- empted a claim in Garden towiiship, filing one of the last preemptions permitted under the law. Here he engaged in the arduous labor of clearing and culti- vating the wild land, working during the first years wnthout a team and then became the owner of a yoke of oxen. For seventeen years he gave his attention to agi-icultural pursuits and built up a prosperous farm property which he left in 1903 to remove to Fer- tile, where he has since made his home. For a time he was employed in draying and other occupations and in October, 1905, secured his appointment as rural mail carrier and for ten years he has continued to capably discharge the duties of this position, which entails the responsibilities of a twenty-eight mile route, through Garfield, Woodside and Godfrey town- ships, with some eighty patrons, the number of de- liveries each month passing the six thousand mark. Jlr. Hogenson is still interested in farm land near his old place in Garden township and on coming to Fertile, bought his present home which is one of the attractive residences of the town. As a progressive and public spirited citizen, Mr. Hogenson has always been identified with public activities and has earned the confidence and respect of all his associates for his integrity and ability in all phases of his career. He is widely known through his service in official capac- ity, having filled the various offices in Garden town- ship, and the office of constable in Fertile, from which he resigned to accept his position as mail carrier. He is a member of the order of the Sons of Norway. Mr. Hogenson has been three times married. His first union was with Christine J. Grimsrud, who is survived by three children, Peter E., employed as a motorman on the railway in St. Paul ; Serena, who married Kittle Moen and resides in Dodge county, Minnesota; and Anna, who is married and resides at Turtle Lake, North Dakota. Mr. Hogenson 's second marriage was with Martha Johnson. His present wife, Bertha Souders Hogenson, is a native of Ohio and ^-^.^^^^/-^^^-^^e,J^^^^-uAti/^r^ COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 263 of German pajentage. She is prominently associated Mrs. Hogenson is the bonded substitute for her hus- witii the social life of the community and takes an band on the mail route and has ably served as such active interest in the affairs of the church and club for the past two years. circlea They have one son, Max, aged eleven years. HON. HALVOR STBENERSON. A strong man, verily, is Halvor Steenerson — strong in physique, strong in mental power, strong in moral force and strong in the influence he wields in public life. For a member of the National Congress is he, and, as such, has rendered such valiant service that he has been re-elected by his constituents no less than six consecutive times, having thus been a member of the 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st, 62nd, 63rd and 64th Con- gresses. As his name would indicate, the Honorable Halvor Steenerson is of sturdy Norwegian stock. His father, Stener Knudson, was an educator of no mean ability. A biographical sketch of him appeal's elsewhere in the volume. Halvor, when about seventeen .years of age, was entered as a student at Rushford High school, and after attending that institution for two j-ears was licensed to teach. By teaching and doing farm work he was enabled to pay his way at school for another year, and he then entered a law office as a clerk and law student. In 1878 he went to Chicago and entered the Union College of Law where he pursued his legal studies for two terms. He then essayed the bar exam- ination, passed with distinction and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Illinois in June, 1878. Returning to Minnesota, he was admitted to practice there, opened an office at Lanesboro, Minnesota, in which city he remained till spring, 1880, when he moved to Crookston, Minnesota, which is still his home. Such was the native ability and thoroughness of the work of Mr. Steenerson that, within six mouths after locating in Crookston, he was elected County Attorney. As a prosecutor he was markedly success- ful and he began to be at once recognized as a rising lawyer of ability. Two years later he was elected State Senator, being the youngest member of that body. He served on the Judiciary Committee and helped to frame the law creating the Board of Rail- road and Warehouse Commissioners of 1885. This was the first attempt at railroad and warehouse regu- lation in Minnesota, and was two years before the Congress of the United States passed the Interstate Commerce Act. He served four years, his term end- ing in January, 1887. He then, for fifteen years, devoted himself to general practice, his reputation extended throughout the Northwest, and he took part in some of the most noted trials of those days. Before his election to Congress he was twice sent as a Dele- gate to the Republican National Conventions (1884- 1888). His success as a lawyer may be said to be due to natural talent and great industry, his tact and skill in the management of his case, and his ability to com- mand the respect and confidence of court and jury. Though not unskilled in the arts of advocacy, he rarely resorted to appeals to the emotions, but mainly relied on the logic and reason of his position. These traits have also marked him as a political speaker and de- bater. In 1893, Mr. Steenerson brought a proceeding under the laws of the state of Minnesota to force a reduction in the transportation rates on grain. This important litigation he conducted, refusing all compensation therefor, and, through his masterly presentation of the facts carried to a successful conclusion, the ' ' Steen- erson Grain Rate Case," as it is known, which has since been cited in nearly every important case in- volving the regulation of the cliarges of pubUc utilities. 264 COxMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY The state of Minnesota in 1901 adopted a direct priniai-y law for the nomination of Representatives in Congress, and Mr. Steenersou was nominated and elected by a large majority. As already stated, he is now serving his seventh consecutive term, and is the ranking Republican member of the Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, one of the most important Com- mittees in Congress. During the sixtieth and sixty-first Congresses he was also Chairman of the Committee on the ]Militia, and was largely responsible for the enactment of the "Dick-Steener.son Militia Law," an act, "To promote the efficiency of the Militia," approved May 27, 1908. The merit of this law is being more and more recog- nized as tlie years go by. Mr. Steenerson has favored the Hepburn Law, and all legislation for the effective control of interstate railroads and utilities, the conservation of natural resources, and progressive legislation generally. He has aided in opening large areas of the public domain to settlement and development, and, being familiar with pioneer conditions, and appreciating the courage, fortitude, and sufferings of the pioneer settlers every- where, has favored liberal laws and administration in public land matters so far as the settler is concerned. He has frequently secured the passage of acts for the relief of settlers on the public domain, where the harshness of general rules or administration has justi- fied such action. In northern Minnesota were large tracts of land ceded by Indians, which were subject to homestead entry only upon pa>nnent of from $1.2.^ to !|;4 per acre, the price at which the Indians had sold the land to the United States. This land was so wet and swampy as to be unfit for occupancy until drained. He secured the enactment of the Act of -lune 21, 1906, providing for a drainage survey of ceded Indian lands and free public lauds, which was executed by the United States Geological Survey, and the report thereon demonstrated the feasibility of the proposal. Later Congress passed the Act of May 20, 1908, which made public, as well as these ceded, unsold Indian lands, and entered lands not yet proved up, — all sub- ject to the assessment for drainage improvements under the State law, the same as privately owned lands, and directed, in default of payment of such drainage assessment, the sale of the land to any qual- ified homesteader and the issuance of a patent to such purchaser upon his payment of the drainage assess- ment and the price, if any, due to the Indians. The effect of these laws has been the reclamation of more than two millions of acres of land and the construc- tion of three or four thousand miles of main and lateral ditches without a single dollar having been expended from the United States Treasury-. The proj- ects are initiated and carried out under state laws, and financed by the issuing of county bonds. A son of a veteran, himself, Mr. Steenerson has always taken an active interest in legislation and administration aft'eeting the veterans of the Civil War. He has gladly devoted his legal ability sind his time to the prosecution of their claims, both before the Department, and before Congress. His most important service to the public, however, has been rendered as a member of the Post Office and Post Roads Committee of the House of Representa- tives. He has aided in perfecting the laws against fraudulent use of the mails, he has favored the im- provement of the postal semee in every branch, and has worked especially to better the wages and work- ing conditions of the thousands of faithful and hard- working employees in the humbler and lower grades of the service. He was active in the establishment and development of the Rural Free Deliveiy Service, and the establishment of parcels post and postal savings lianks. He is a friend of civil service, and lead the opposition in the Sixty-third Congress to the proposi- tion to abolish the position of "Assistant Postmaster," in first and second class offices, and to put rural de- livery on a contract basis, as an attack on the merit system and civil service. Although these propositions were supported by the administration and a majority of the Democratic members of the House, they were COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 265 defeated, largely through the skillful leadership of Mr. Steenerson, acting as ranking member of the Post Office Committee, and in charge on the Republican side. Though a believer in reasonable military prepara- tion, he has also been active in the cause of interna- tional arbitration and the peace movement. He is a member and one of the Vice-Presidents of the Amer- ican Group of the Interparliamentary Union for Inter- national Arbitration, and was chosen a Delegate to represent this country at the last meeting appointed to be held at Stockholm, Sweden, in August, 1914, but which, on account of the breaking out of the Euro- pean War, had to be abandoned. He, together with other delegates, started to attend the meeting, but on arrival in England, had to return home. Personally Mr. Steenerson is of athletic build, stands 6 feet, 3 inches in his stocking feet, weighs 225 pounds, and is fond of out-door life, camping and fishing. A study of the career of Mr. Steenerson — the noted, progressive Republican leader of Minnesota as nar- rated in the preceding pages, gives rise to the observa- tion that rather remarkable is the likeness in his life with that of the eminent Democratic leader. Speaker Champ Clark, of Missouri. Steenerson 's father was a teacher, Clark 's father was an educator also. Steen- erson was bom on a farm in Wisconsin, Clark was born a few months sooner, on a farm in Kentucky. Work on the farm in Minnesota developed Steenerson into one of the biggest and strongest men physically now in public life ; one of the two largest men of the Republican side of the House of Representatives in the Congress of this great republic. Work on the farm in Kentucky developed Clark into a physical giant. He towers above all of the men on the Demo- cratic side of the House of Representatives, and he is easily the heavy weight of his party in Congress. Steenerson and Clark, hundreds of miles apart, and unknown to each other, were much alike mentally, in their purposes and ambitions, although of course 17 wholly unknown to each other. Each of these eminent and worthy statesmen worked hard when young and earned their education, and each entertained a laud- able ambition to accomplish results really worth while in the higher walks of life. Clark went to Cincinnati, studied in one of the best law schools of that city, and then settled in the temperate climate of Missouri and began the practice of his profession. Steener.son went to Chicago, studied in a college of high reputation there and then returned to the severe climate of Min- nesota and began practicing the same profession, imme- diately achieving success. Unknown to each other, the orbits of these patriotic statesmen were widening, and approaching each other. Finally, because of their worth, merit, dignitj^, honor and uniform courtesy, the number of their friends so increased that they were elected to Congress, and there each recognized in the other a man of merit. They have become great personal friends. Each one of them is recognized as a leader. No man on the Republican side of the House of Representatives can secure recognition of the Speaker sooner than Steenerson ; and, if the people only knew it, such recognition makes a man exception- ally valuable to his constituents and to his State. As all who are versed in parliamentary procedure and customs know, no member of Congress can obtain an important chairmanship in the House of Repre- sentatives unless his people elect and re-elect him con- tinuously for several years. Mr. Steenerson 's constitu- ents have done wisely and well by returning him again and again for seven terms. Mark the result. Because of seniority of faithful service Mr. Steener- son is now the ranking Republican member of the powerful and important Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads. That means much more than can be told in writing or in print. When the Republicans next have a majority in the House of Representatives Mr. Steenerson will be in all probability Chairman of that Committee; a position of great influence and power over the postal affairs of this vast Republic, from ocean to ocean, from the great lakes to the gulf, and over 266 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY our National possessions in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Possessed of the genius of labor, Representative Steenerson is regarded as one of the most arduous and tremendous workers in the House of Representatives. In laying the foundation for a superstructure of a worthy and busy life, he, like Champ Clark, taught a country school while in his teens. It is apparent that, early in life, Mr. Steenerson realized that in this woi-ld of strife and endeavor, to work strenuously and intelligently means to attain. His aim was high. He desired to achieve, and he has amply succeeded. Work, faithful and disinterested, forms the keynote of the character of this man who is looked up to by his colleagues in Congress ; whose advice is sought by men from other states on almost all topics which call for consideration by the Congress. In the caucuses of his party, when considering questions affecting the prosperity and honor of this gi-eat nation, his col- leagues always want to hear from Ilalvor Steenerson. They are usually glad to follow his counsel, because they know it will be sound and wise. Halvor Steenerson is a man of deep religious con- victions, and his faith and hope has never wavered, even in many afHictions. Those who know liim best, comprehending his inherent force, expect Ilalvor Steenei-son to go ou achieving still greater things, as the days and yeai-s of his public life give further opportunity for nobler effort. Mr. Steenerson is a member of several fraternal orders, among them the Free Masons, the Elks and the ^lodern Woodmen of America. He married at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, in November, 1878, ^laria Fjaugesund, born on Fjangesuud estate, Thclemarken, Norway, daughter of Christoffer Fjaugesund and Maria, his wife. Mr. Steenerson and his wife had issue as follows : One boy, died in infancy. Clara N., born June 3, 1881, graduated from Crooks- ton High School 1900, died 1901. Edwin, born 1882, died 1885. Benjamin Gilbert, born Feb. 21, 1884, graduated from George Washington University of Washington, D. C, 1906, drowned at Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Feb. 16, 1908, while serving in United States Marine Corps, in an attempt to rescue a comrade who had fallen overboard. Thus, to the great grief of the parents, none of their children survive. The earnest sympathy of every American citizen is theirs in their repeated bereave- ments but especially in the loss of their beloved son who died a hero and gave his life while trying to save that of another. H. S. AASEN. H. S. Aasen, the well known hardware merchant of Winger, was boni at Telemarken, Norway, January 20, 1874, and came to the United States and to Fill- more county, Minnesota, when seventeen years of age. He removed to Polk county ahout a year and a half later and was employed for a time in farm work. In 1896 he embarked upon his commercial career as the proprietor of a store at Gosseu in Winger township, in a building which had been erected and used for business purposes, by a Mr. Hughes. Mr. Aasen con- ducted a general store here for some eight years, starts ing with an investment of one hundred and thirty dollars and building up a profitable business. He also discharged the duties of postmaster until the office was discontinued. He located in Winger in 1906, after giving his attention to fanning interests for two years, and bought the hardware store which had been estab- lislied by A. K. Ingebo. Under the management of ilr. Aasen, this enterprise has met with marked pros- perity and a steadily growing trade. He has added a warehouse to the original building and handles a gen- eral line of hardware and agricultural implements. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 267 the success of his operations readily appearing in the rapid increase in the capital invested from $2,000 to $11,000 and in the receipts of $32,000 in 1914 as com- pared with the eight thousand dollar trade of the first year. In 1913 he opened a hardware store at New Folden, in Marshall county, which has also enjoyed a large patronage. Aside from his mercantile interests, Mr. Aasen has conducted a successful real estate busi- ness and is extensively identified with the various business activities of Winger, being a stockholder in the Farmers State bank and elevator and in other local enterprises. He also gives his attention to the management of his farm property, owning two hun- dred acres in Polk county and is especially interested in the cultivation of clover. His substantial standing in the community and the notable success which he has won through his individual efforts, bespeaks his ability and worth as a business man and citizen. He has been active in all matters of public moment and has served as township clerk and justice of peace, occupying the former office for some seven years. He is a member of the Free Lutheran church. Mr. Aasen was married in 1901, to Lena Carlson of Winger and they have three children, Harold, Anna and Noi-^'al. A. I. SOLBERG. A. I. Solberg, cashier of the Farmers State bank at Winger, was born in Norway, July 23, 1863, and came to the United States when a lad of seventeen. On landing he came direct to Wabasha county, Min- nesota, and for six years worked on the Mississippi river, employed on steamboats and in rafting logs. During the winter season he devoted his time to fitting himself for more efficient activity in the business world by attending the business college at La Crosse. He came to Crookston in January, 1887, as a sales- man and bookkeeper in the store of Joseph and Andrew Locken, the latter being the captain of the steamboat on which he had been employed, and re- mained in that position for three years. The store being sold in 1890, Mr. Solberg and Andy Locken, a fellow clerk, made an independent commercial ven- ture in Crookston, opening a clothing store which proved to be an unsuccessful enterprise. Subse- quently he worked in the office of John Amundson the registrar of deeds and in 1895 again entered the mercantile business, investing a small capital in the grocery trade and conducted a prosperous business during the next three years. In 1899, selling his interests, he bought a one hundred and sixty acre farm in Knute township, five miles south of Erskine. Very little of the land had been developed and for the ensuing eight years he devoted his attention to its improvement, placing fifty acres into cultivation and equipping it for successful operation. In 1908 he became assistant cashier in the Citizens State bank at Mcintosh so serving for several years, in associa- tion with Mr. Charles L. Conger, the cashier. In 1912, he returned to his farm but soon becoming in- terested in the re-organization of the Farmers State bank at Winger, as one of the new stockholders, was made its cashier June 1, 1912. He made his home on the farm until 1914, when he sold and removed to Winger, where he platted a twelve acre addition, part of which he still owns. Aside from his private interests Mr. Solberg has been prominently identi- fied with public activity and enjoys the esteem and regard of a wide circle of friends. He has been hon- ored with various offices, serving while in Knute township as township clerk, justice of peace and member of the school board ; and, was elected probate judge for Columbia county, the action of the supreme court in dissolving its organization, annulling his office. Mr. Solberg is a Democrat and in 1910 was candidate for Clerk of Court, being the only member of his party on the county ticket in that election. Mr. Solberg was married January 1, 1892, to Mary E. Johnson, of Crookston, the daughter of Mrs. Annie Johnson, who had been a homesteader in Knute town- ship in 1884. Five children have been born to this 268 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY union, Agnes, who was a teacher in the Polk county schools for a time; Hilma, Phillip, Ralph and Arthur. Mr. Solberg is a member of the United Lutheran church and is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America. JOSEPH TAGLEY. Joseph Tagley, cashier of the First State bank of Mentor and vice president of the State bank of Gully, has been associated for many years with the business interests of this section. He is a native of Wisconsin, bom in St. Croix county, October 26, 1867, the young- est of five brothers and one sister, children of John J. and Bertha Tagley. The family, after fourteen years residence in Jackson county, Minnesota, came to Polk county in 1883 and John J. Tagley became a home- steader in Woodside township about four miles south- east of the present village of Mentor. In the same year, in partnership with his father, Joseph Tagley engaged upon his initial venture in the business world with a small store at Rothsay, Minnesota, and three years later transferred his operations to Polk county, opening a store at the location of the Woodside post- office, in section twenty-two, the first store and for a few years the only one in Woodside township. Under the able direction of the young merchant, this proved a most successful enterprise, he bought out his father's interest and rapidly advanced from his modest .start with a three hundred dollar capital to a two thousand dollar stock of genei*al merchandise. In 1892 he sold the building and removed his goods to Mentor, seven miles distant, where he opened a general store with a marked increase on his former activities, putting in a six thousand dollar stock. Although he was not able to entirely finance his opera- tions during the first few months, this ambitious endeavor was made possible through the confident cooperation of the wholesale firms and one of the flourishing mercantile enterprises of the county was auspiciously started on its career. Mr. Tagley con- tinued his prosperous relations with this business until 1900 and in the later years was conducting an annual business of $30,000. He then sold the store to 0. Moreau & Son but continues to be the owner of the building in which it is located. Upon retiring from the mercantile field, his interest turned to other financial activities and in 1901, in company with A. D. Stephens, he opened the Bank of ^lentor and has since given his attention to the direction of its af- fairs. In 1908 it was incorporated as the First State bank of Mentor, with a capital of $10,000. Mr. Stephens became president; Mrs. Tagley, vice presi- dent; and Mr. Taglej', cashier; in which capacity he has become well known in financial circles through the substantial results of his management. A more exhaustive comment on the merit and activity of this institution is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. Tagley also has extensive land interests in the state, owning some two sections in Polk, Clearwater, and Rosseau counties, over one-half of which is in Polk county. All of his Polk county land is being operated by Mr. Tagley through tenants. His agricultural interests have been mainly centered on grain and stock farming and he has given much attention to the improvement of stock, keeping a high grade and breeding Holsteiu cattle. He has further been identified with the business interest of the community in his association with A. D. Stephens, in the estab- lishment of a creamery in 1900. LTnder the manage- ment of Mr. E. Axelson, this proved a valuable enterprise to the farmers of the territory. This led to the organization of a new company upon a co- operative basis which has now ninety stockholders, of whom Mr. Tagley is one. The importance and success of Mr. Tagley 's interests have inevitably con- tributed with the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens to make him a forceful factor in public af- fairs. In official capacity he has served as township clerk, village president, and in other local positions JOSEPH TAGLEY COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 269 and was postmaster under the Cleveland adminis- tration. He is a member of tlie Modern Woodmen of America, having served as Venerable Council for fifteen years. I\Ir. Tagley has recently made a notable addition to the residence district of Mentor in the fine modern home which he has erected, which in addition to its architectural attractions, is provided with all the modem conveniences with which the vil- lage has not yet supplied its citizens, including an electric light and watering plant, power laundry, and hot water heating system. Mr. Tagley was married in 1895 to Milla Olson, of Pislier, Polk county, the daughter of Evan Olson, a retired business man of that place. They have one child, Elmer J. Tagley. ]\Ir. Tagley and his wife are members of the Congre- gational church. RICHARD MULCAHEY. Having been engaged in productive, jDrogressive and profitable fai*ming, live stock raising and dairy- ing for sixteen years in Polk county, and having also taken a helpful part in promoting the development and improvement of the county in general and the township of Fairfax in particular, Richard Mulcahey, who is now living retired in Crookstou, has rendered this part of Minnesota good service and justly earned universal esteem and good will. His home farm com- prises the west half of Section 17, in Pairfax town- ship, and is just two miles southeast of the corpora- tion limits of Crookston. Mr. Mulcahey was born about seventy-five years ago and reared in the province of Ontario, Canada, and followed farming in a general way there until 1897, when he came to Polk county. He bought 480 acres of wild prairie, paying !|!l6 au acre for 320 acres and $23 au acre for the other 160 acres, and going in debt for nearly all the purchase price, as his capital, consisted of three horses, two cows and less than $100 in cash. He broke up the land and began raising grain and keeping horses and cows. In time he put up comfortable buildings, and by in- dustry and good management has made it worth at least $100 an acre. He also bought a quarter section of land north of the city, for which he paid $7 an acre. This he broke up and improved, sunk an arte- sian well, and then sold at $23 an acre. The stock-raising industry which Mr. Mulcahey carried on was rendered very successful and profit- able by his excellent system of operating also an active dairying busLuess in connection. Keeping fourteen milch cows and makes butter for private cus- tomers. His daughters became expert butter makers, and one of them took many prizes at the county fair for the best butter. The father made a specialty of having live stock of a high grade, and he also made exhibits of prodiicts at the fairs. A deep artesian well furnishes an abundant supply of excellent water for stock and other pui-poses. He has experienced, however, some mishaps. One season being so wet that he was unable to cut his grain and another was so that he could do no plowing at the proper time. Two crops were also destroyed by hail. In 1913, he gave up active work and took up his residence in Crookston, where he owns a pleasant home and other valuable property. While he has always manifested a deep and serviceable interest in the welfare of his township and the county, he has had no taste for public affairs and has never dabbled in politics or sought or desired a political office. His private affairs have so absorbed him that he has de- voted his time and energies to them. He is a member of the Cathedral congregation of the Catholic church. At the age of twenty-six Mr. Mulcahey was united in marriage with Miss Mary Jordan, who was, like liimself, a native of Canada. She died on the farm •Januaiy 13, 1910. They were the parents of seven children, two of whom are living in Canada and four in Polk county. A daughtei*, Agnes, died in this county while still in her teens. The living children in Polk county are: Prancis, who is managing the 270 COilPExXDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY fanu; Andrew, who is living with his father; Eliza, ■who is the widow of John Larsen aud is also living at home, aud Miunie, who is the housekeeper lor the famil}'. IGNATIUS KINGMAN. Ignatius Kiugmau, of East Grand Forks, proprie- tor of the Kingman Pharmacy and one of the prom- inent and progressive business men of the county, is a native of Holland, born at Bakhuizcn, in the Province of Friesland, July 3, 1865. He was edu- cated in his native land and remained there until twenty-four years of age, when he came to the United States and located in St. Paul aud there fitted him- self for his .subsequent successful career as druggist. In 1896 he left St. Paul for Grand Forks and .spent a number of yeare there, employed as a prescription druggist and in 1903 removed to East Grand Forks and engaged in his present prosperous enterprise, which as tlic only pharmacy in that town and as one of the best equipped and most efficient in the north- west, enjoys a wide reputation and patronage which notably attests to the competence and ability of Mr. Kingman as a druggist and business man. Mr. King- man is a registered pharmacist in Minnesota and North Dakota and has proven himself amply fitted to conduct his business interests in a manner that insures a lasting prosperity and redounds to the sub- stantial accomplishments in the community. The Kingman Pharmacy occupies a fine brick block and handles a complete line of drugs and the usual acces- sory lines of the drug store, to which has recently been added an attractive stock of victrolas and sup- plies. Mr. Kingman is the secretary of the Sacred Heart Catholic church of which he is a prominent and influential member. His influence is readily of- fered in every activity affecting the general welfare of the community and he is a well known member in club and fraternal circles, being affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, the Elk lodge and the Commer- cial club. His marriage to Johanna Ribbentrop, of St. Paul, occurred February 17, 1897, and they have three children, Gerhart, Josephine, wlio are memlwrs of the high school classes of 1916 and 1918, and Henry. JOHN PERRY. Although he bought the farm on which he now lives as an investment, with no intention at the time of locating on it himself, John Perry, one of the prin- cipal farmers and leading citizens of Andover town- ship, soon afterward became a permanent resident of the county, and has never had occasion to regret the circumstances which induced him to do so. His fine and highly improved farm is Section 15, Andover township, five miles southwest of the Crookston court- house, and near the Girard elevator, embi'aces 632 acres, the whole of the section except the railroad right of way, and is one of the most d('sii"il)le in the county. Mr. Perry was born in Polk county, Missouri, November 26, 1873, and reared on farms in Boone and Story counties, Iowa. In 1902 he came to Polk county, Minnesota, and bought tlie farm on which he now lives. It had been a grain farm and posses.sed only a small house and other inconsiderable build- ings in the way of improvements. He intended to operate it as a tenant farm, but not being able to rent it satisfactorily he located on it himself in the spring of 1903. The land was in a foul condition, with many varieties of weeds greatly injuring the grain it produced. He paid $35 an acre for it, and he now determined to himself develop his purchase into a first-rate investment. For four or five years he devoted his energies to raising wheat, then began the raising of live stock, corn and potatoes. He put fifty acres in corn and COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 271 more in hay, timothy, clover and alfalfa, these being now among his principal crops. He also handles a great deal of yoniig live stock and milks ten cows to supply an active dairy trade. In 1912 he erected a new eleven-room dwelling house, with full base- ment and installed an acetylene gas lighting plant. He has two barns having stabling for all stock. One of these was built in 1915, being erected as a special horse barn. The difiSculties which confronted Mr. Perry at the beginning have been removed by enterprise and de- termined industry. He has eliminated tlie noxious weeds and now raises excellent crops. In 1914 the yield per acre was 50 bushels of com, 20 bushels of wheat, 45 of oats and 20 of flax, and in 1915 his grain crops aggi'egated some 15,000 bushels. Mr. Perry has spared no effort to make his farm productive and valuable. He has dug open ditches through the fields and arranged to drain all pond holes. He has excellent facilities for tiling and a good outlet. He has also taken an active part in the affaire of the township, and during the last ten years has been either supervisor or township clerk. He was first married in Story county, Iowa, to Miss Laura Woodruff, who died in 1907, leaving five chil- dren, Clifford, Hazel, Clarence, Charles and Laura. His second marriage was with Miss Lena Grodal, a native of Norway. They have no children. Mr. Perry belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. The present Mrs. Perry belongs to the Andover- Fairfax Ladies' club. The latter is a social organ- ization which does a great deal to mitigate the lone- liness of farm life and furnish entertainment for its members, who are some twenty-five of the leading ladies of the two townships whose names it bears. REVEREND WILLIAM KLINKHAMMER. Reverend William Klinkhammer, pastor of the Sacred Heart Catholic church at East Grand Forks, is a native of Minnesota, born in Le Sueur county, April 21, 1879, the son of Peter and Louise (Wilt) Klink- hammer, who were natives of Germany. Peter Klink- hammer came to the United States as a child and to Minnesota in 1852 and as a pioneer settler of Le Sueur county, was identified with the hardships and priva- tions of the early days and all the activities attending the organization and development of the prosperous farming community. In the troublous times of 1S62 the mother suffered the loss of friends and relatives in the Sioux massacre and he gave sei-viee himself, in a Minnesota regiment, in the quelling of the uprising and was a member of the guard in charge of the thirty- eight Sioux braves at Mankato. His influence was prominent in the organization of the St. Johns Cath- olic church in his home county and in all matters of public welfare. He was elected to various offices of local importance and gave able seiwice as a county commissioner. He is still living on tiie old homestead. William Klinkhammer was reared on his father's farm and educated in St. Johns University, the leading Catholic school of Minnesota, where he was ordained in June, 1908, by Bishop Trobec of St. Cloud. His first pastorate was at Park Rapids, Minnesota, where he remained for three years, during which time the present church building was erected, and the parish well organized for efficient service. In July, 1911, he was transferred to the Sacred Heart Parish where his admirable ministrations have proven him amply quali- fied to advance the work of tliat ah'eady splendidly equipped organization. The Sacred Heart Parish was organized in 1893 by the Catholics of East Grand Forks and the surrounding territory and from its first establishment evidenced the vital and worthy activity which has marked its rapid growth. The loss of the newly finished church building, which was erected through the zealous efforts of the members, by fire in 1895 only resulted in a renewed strength of purpose and from the ashes of the first structure, rose a larger and finer building. The first pastor was Father Hend- 272 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ricks, who was succeeded in 1900 by Father J. F. Greene, who served the parish until his death in Feb- ruary, 1909. It was during this periotl that the pres- ent pai-soiiage was built at an expenditure of $8,000 and the furnishing of the chui'ch completed. After the death of Father Green, Father J. Hogan was put in charge and under his administration the organiza- tion of the various interests of the church advanced notably, Father Kliiikhammer succeeded Father Hogan after the return of the latter to his former diocese of Duluth which had been divided in 1910 for the establishment of the see in Crookston. Father Klinkhammer combines a rarely genial and compan- ionable personality with a marked executive ability which has happily forwarded and consecrated labors of his life and resulted in the increased efficiency of the parish through the splendid parochial school which he instituted under the encouragement of Biahop Cor- bett of Crookston. The finely equipped school building was finished in September, 1912, and put in charge of seven teachers who are Sisters of St. Benedict from Villa Sancta Scholastica, Duluth. The school now enrolls two hundred pupils and furnishes an excellent curriculum of preparatory studies for the high school. The membership of the Sacred Heart church numbers some fourteen hundred souls. HON. TIMOTHY A. SULLIVAN. Hon. Timothy A. Sullivan, well known real estate man of East Grand Forks and eminent citizen of Polk county has been most prominently identified ^yith the progress and development of northern Min- nesota in the many interests of his career as business man and public spirited citizen and official. He was bom at Ferguson Falls, Ontario, August 18, 1864, the son of Timothy and Honoria (Enright) Sullivan, who were also natives of Canada. The former was born in County Lanark, Ontario, in 1829 and is one of the honored pioneers of Polk county, having been a leader among that notable band of men who by stalwart industry and enterprise laid the foundation for present prosperity. He came to Polk county in the fall of 1877 and located on land, two and a half miles northeast of East Grand Forks and also secured claims for four of his children, James T., who still resides on his farm; Michael, now living in East Grand Forks; Mary, who became the wife of James Mclh-ath and whose death occurred some years ago, and Catherine, who married Edwai-d Kennedy and lives at Houston, Texas. All of this land was located in the district, which upon its orgnization as a town- ship, received the name of Sullivan in recognition of the worthy services of its pioneer. His influence was ever directed to advancement of the countrv and he was the first to insist upon the urgency of good roads, buying a road grader and making the first graded roads in Polk county. He was elected to various local offices and as chairman of the board of county commissioners gave able service for a num- ber of years. The business interests of his career were devoted to his farm of four hundred and eighty acres which he developed into one of the fine properties of the county and part of which he later gave to his sons, Timothy A. Sullivan and Edward J. Sullivan. In 1889 he retired and removed to East Grand Forks, where he is now residing, in his eighty- seventh year. The death of his wife occun-ed in 1906, at the age of seventy-six. ilr. Sullivan has always been an active woi'ker in the political field and a zealous supporter of the Democratic party. He is a member of the Catholic church and was a communicant in St. Michaels church at Grand Forks until 1893 when he became a member of the congre- gation of the Sacred Heart parisli at East Grand Forks. Of his family of seven children, all reside in Polk county, with the exception of Catherine, and Anna, who married C. L. Cumings and lives at Great Falls, Montana. Timothy A. Sullivan was a lad of thirteen years when he accompanied the family in their removal to Jliunesota and since that he has been COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 273 allied in all the attainments and ambitious accom- plishments of his successful career with the activities of this section, worthily discharging the responsi- bilities of citizenship as exampled in the life of his senior. He received his early education in the schools of East Grand Forks and later matriculated in the State University of North Dakota. In 1891 in part- nership with his brother, Edward J. Sullivan, he entered the real estate and loan business in East Grand Forks. The active management of the business has always been directed by T. A. Sullivan and the firm of Sullivan Brothers is widely known as one of the most important and extensive operators in this field in northern Minnesota, their loans in the Red River valley having aggregated some two millions of dollsirs. They are also writers of insurance. Mr. Sullivan's real estate investments include farming lands in the far famed Red River valley and large interests in East Grand Forks, including several busi- ness buildings and a forty acre tract, known as the Lake Park addition, located in the most desirable residence part of the city and about half of which has already been transferred to private property owners. The same competent management and honest dealing that have marked his business enterprises have combined with an aggressive zeal for the public wel- fare and progress, to render his sei'vices in public affairs of signal foi-ce and prominence. In 1893 he was called to ofiScial position by the election to the office of mayor, on the reform ticket. After holding this position for two terms, in 1895, he was appointed by Governor Clough judge of the municipal court and was retained in that capacity by the voters for seventeen years. He has also held many other offices, his effective services marking him as a leader in aU matters of public progress and in the political arena, where he is a staunch upholder of the I^epublican party, being an active worker in conventions as a member of the County Republican committee. He was also a member of the State Central committee, during the candidacy of Hans Jacobson for the gubernatorial election. Mr. Sullivan was married at Hastings, Minnesota, September, 1894, to Maiy A. Shilling and they have five children, Linus, who is a student in the high school of East Grand Forks, Louis, Mary, Angela and i\Iadonna. JAMES MULLALLY. James Mullally, of East Grand Forks, a retired railroad man and pioneer citizen, was actively asso- ciated with the development of Polk county, in the early days of railroad construction and was emploj^ed on the Great Northern road, in the vicinity of Grand Forks for almost twenty-six years. He is a native of Ireland, bom in County Tipperary, July 22, 1836, and when four years of age was brought to Lanark county, Ontario. After reaching manhood he engaged in farming and in railroad woi'k and had spent some nine years in tlie latter employment before coming to Polk county. On May 15, 1879, accompanied by his wife and their family of nine children, he removed to Grand Forks, where he made his home for a year, meanwhile buying a farm and taking a homestead claim in Nesbit township, about eight miles east of East Grand Forks. In January, 1880, he entered the employ of the Great Northern railroad and. for a short time worked on the con- struction of the side tracks at Grand Forks, his experience and ability soon winning him the position of foreman over a crew of twenty men and in the following year lie removed to East Grand Forks. The tracks from Fisher to the Red river had been completed and in February, 1881, after the erection of a temporary bridge, the first engine crossed the river. The crew on this historical trip were, John Burton, engineer, Peter Engles, fireman, Tom Stahl, conductor, with John Burnett and Peter Nolan, brakemen. After the completion of the main road to the river, Mr. Mullally was made foreman of a section running east of Grand Forks for six miles 274 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and often during the first years, personally dis- charged all the work on his section, which until the laying of new iron, required much cutting and patch- ing of the track. During the summer months he was in charge of extra gangs of workmen, constructing the side tracks at various stations. He retired Sep- tember 9, 1897, after twenty-six years as a successful workman and efficient employee of Jas. J. Hill, the empire builder of the northwest. During these years he had thriftily availed himself of the privileges of the Employees Investment Company, Limited, which received monthly payments from the road's employees until a total deposit of $5,000 had been made and paid seven percent interest on the savings, and had also erected a pleasant home in East Grand Forks, where he is a well known and highly respected citizen. He was married to Euphemia May, on June 2, 1859, and thirteen children were boni to them, of whom ten are now living. Thomas MuUally, a railroad bridge carpenter, died in Van Couver and one daugh- ter, Mary, died in her eleventh year in Ontario. The surviving children are, Sai'ah, the wife of George Shannon, of Grand Forks; Daniel and Isabel, who ai"e twins, the fonner, a locomotive engineer on the Great Northern road, residing at Grafton, North Dakota ; and his sister, the wife of Morgan Curran, of Grand Forks, also an engineer on the Great Northern ; John, of Grand Forks, and James, of Staples, Minnesota, both railroad engineers, the latter on the Northern Pacific route; Alice, the wife of Hany McNichol, the Northern Pacific station agent at Grand Forks, and a fonner teacher in the I'olk county schools as is also her sister. Alberta, who married Gute Purcell, associated with Timothy Sulli- van in the real estate and loan business; William and Edward, residents of East Grand Forks, and Lillie, wlio lives at Mandan, North Dakota, the wife of Otto Wurdemau, an employee of the Northeni Pacific rail- road. ]Mr. Mullally was one of the original membere of the Sacred Heart Catholic church and is devoted to all its interests. EDWARD A. BUCKLEY. Edward A. Buckley, postmaster at East Grand Forks and well known citizen, is a native of Minne- sota, born at Compton, Ottertail county, July 5, 1886. His father, Hugh Buckley, w^as born at Chatham, New Brunswick, and was married in Maine to Catherine Moore, a native of Ireland. In 1870 they came to Minnesota and settled on a homestead in Ottertail couut.y, where as a pioneer citizen, Mr. Buckley became prominently associated with public interests and was active in the organization of the township in which he lived. His death occurred on the old homestead in his sixty-third year. His wife survives him, making her home in East Grand Forks, where several of her children reside. Edward A. Buckley was reared on the farm and was seventeen years of age when the family removed to East Grand Forks, soon after the death of the father. He engaged in various employments, working in a mill and with his brother, William J. Buckley, until 1906 when he secured the position of bookkeeper in the First State bank and for some six years, maintained most propitious relations with that institution, his ability being recognized with the promotion to the position of teller. During this period he spent .several months in California, again taking up his work in the bank upon his return. In 1914 he received the commission to his present ofRce, an appointment w-hich received the hearty commenda- tion of his fellow citizens and which has been justified by the splendid efficiency of his services. Mr. Buck- ley is a Democrat in political allegiance but party lines do not define his many friends and supporters in his home town. He is a communicant of the Sacred Heart Catholic cluirch and in fraternal orders is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and the Modern Woodmen of America. He was married COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 275 August 15, 1914, to Anna Butler of Fargo, North Dakota. Mr. Buckley is a follower of the pleasures of the out-of-door sports and devotes his vacations to hunting, the sport so naturally favored by the sons of Minnesota. The postoffice at East Grand Forks reflects the prosperity of the region and was advanced a few years ago to a second class office. Its rapidly increasing business requires the services of three clerks and an assistant postmaster, which later position is capably filled by Miss Theresa Thoreson, who held the same office for eight years under her father, 0. A. Thoreson, the immediate predecessor of Mr. Buckley. The office maintains four rural routes, serving the localities of Northland, Davidson, Byg- land, and Key West, where all local offices have been discontinued. Other well known citizens who have been identified with interests of the office as post- master, previous to the administration of Mr. Buck- ley, are, W. C. Nash, J. R. Johnson, who served for eight years and 0. A. Thoreson, whose re-appoint- ments to the position total twelve years of occupancy. AARON BROWN. Aaron Brown, city treasurer of East Grand Forks and formerly a prominent building contractor of that place, has been a resident of Polk county since 1881, when he located in Fisher, then in the first days of its settlement. He is a native of Canada, born in County Dundass, Ontario, September 8, 1830, and until his removal to Polk county, made his home in his native land, employed as a stone cutter and brick layer. In 1881, the business district of Fisher con- sisted of a store and postoffice and two or three saloons, but other enterprises were under way and Mr. Brown engaged in the construction of an engine house for the elevator, which was being erected by Thompson and DeMere. He left Fisher after two years for East Grand Forks, where he has since resided. In the same year of his removal, 1883, he spent some time on the Indian reservation at Fort Totten, Devils Lake, North Dakota, employed by Major Cranby, the agent, in the building of the mission schools. In East Grand Forks, one of his first contracts was with Budge & Eshelman for the erection of the Syndicate block, one of the first brick edifices in the town and which is still standing. Sub- sequently, in his capacity as one of the most success- ful eontractoi-s of that region, he was identified with all the important building enterprises of the locality and continued his business operations for a number of years, retiring in 1905. Aside from his many private interests, he has ever acknowledged the responsibilities of good citizenship and has devoted his talent and ability to the promotion of the general welfare and has been honored by his fellow citizens with various offices of public trust. He is a member of the Republican party but in local politics, places the best interests of the community above the restrict- ing bounds of party lines. He has given capable service as mayor for three years and has also served as alderman and justice of peace. In 1913 he was elected city treasurer and in this office, is in charge of the city funds of $32,000 annually. Mr. Brown is devoted to his home and enjoys all the interests of his own fireside and garden plot with the keen zest of the man who finds his greatest recreation in the cultivation of those interests. Of a personality, quiet but forceful, with his career marked by able accom- plishment as business man and citizen, he enjoys the esteem of his many associates, most particularly among the substantial pioneer citizens, and has entex'- tained a friendship of many years with Judge Watts. He was married in Canada, in 1862, January 1st, to Helen M. Henry, who is a native of Scotland and several years have passed since the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their union. Twelve children were born to them, three of whom are dead. The surviving membere of the family are, Ellen, who married William Benson, of East Grand Forks; 276 COMPExXDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY George, living at tlie same place; Agnes ; the wife of George Coulter, of Bemidji, Minnesota; James, who is a piano dealer; Libbie, the wife of Freeman L. Corliss, a contractor in East Grand Forks; Christie and Mai-y who are both married and at present resid- ing on homesteads in Canada ; ]\Iargaret, who married Arthur Yickeiy and lives in East Grand Forks, and Robert J., who resides in East Grand Forks. Mr. Brown is a member of the Presbyterian church, iu the organization of which he was influential and has continued to loyally sen'e its interests as an elder. SAM T. EVANSON. Sam T. Evanson, a prosperous farmer of King township, came to Polk county in 1894 and has since devoted his interests to the affairs of this community as citizen and farmer. He was born in Dane county, Wisconsin, June 25, 1858, and in early diildhood accompanied his family to Goodhue county, Minne- sota, where his father took a preemption claim and resided until his death. Sam Evanson remained in the parental home until twenty-one years of age and then availed himself of the homesteader's privilege in Trail county. North Dakota. Here he took an active part in the organization of the pioneer com- munity, faithfully performing the duties of citizen- ship in the establishment of township and county. During the years of his residence there, he gave his attention to his agricultural interests and developed his land into a productive farming property, which he later sold for $25 an acre. On removing to Polk county, he bought the former homestead of Ole Quale, in section twenty-four of King township, two and one-half miles east of Mcintosh, and this has since been his home. He also was the owner of another quarter section of Polk county land which, after improving it for cultivation, he sold in 1914. His home farm has developed under his able management into one of the prosperous estates of the section. Upon coming into his possession, but thirty-five acres had been cleared and the usual log buildings of the settlers, occupied the place. The clearing of the remainder of the land which was covered with brush presented years of arduous labor. He has now one liundred acres under cultivation and has equipped his property witli buildings of modern convenience and appearance. In his agricultural operations, he has given his efforts to the various farming enter- prises and is a patron of the co-operative creamery, keeping a herd of twelve cows. Mr. Evanson was married, in Polk county, in 1895, to Lena Bagstad, of North Dakota. She was a native of Norway and had come with her pai'cnts, as a young eirl, to her home in North Dakota. Her death occurred April 11, 1912. Their only child, Ilenrj^ died at the age of sixteen. Mr. Evan.son survives with the two nieces of his wife, Clara Brovold and Sena Brovold, who since their entrance into the Evanson household in their child- hood, have been reared as daughters of the home. Clara Brovold is the home maker for Mr. Evanson and Sena Brovold is the wife of Odwin Johnson, residing on a farm two miles distant, in Brandsvold township. Mr. Evanson is a trustee in the Synod Lutheran church, where he and his family have always been devoted members. HANS OLUS ROSAAEN. Extensively engaged in the lumber trade and bank- important factor in the mercantile and financial life ing for a number of years, with centers of business of Polk coiinty and one of its most useful and enter- at several different places, the late Hans Olus prising citizens in connection witli its public affairs Rosaaen, whose life ended on July 9, 1904, was an and governmental activities in a variety of ways. -rT^^^S^^^^a ": ^^^^^^■B^B^j^T^^^^I J 1 Jd^(D^a,yL<:c^orer for four vears. In 1883 he came to COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 285 Polk county and purchased 160 acres of land south- east of the village of Fertile, paying $800 for the tract. He improved his land as much as he could, but as he was still compelled to earn his living by working for other farmers, his efforts in this direction for some time were limited. But he continued them until the spring of 1899, when he moved to the farm on which he now lives, and he has kept them up ever since, both on that farm and on all his other tracts. He now owns 1,240 acres of fii'st-rate land improved with good buildings and constituting one of the most desirable and valuable homes in his township, all of which has been acquired by his own industry and thrift. Mr. Hoffe was married in Grand Foi*ks, North Dakota, in the spring of 1888 to Miss Sarah Dall, who, also, is a native of Norway. They have two children, their sons Nels and Peder 0. The head of the house has served for some years on the township board and also as a member of the school board, and he is one of the directors of the Farmers' State Bank of Fertile. He and his wile are members of the Synod Lutheran church. WILLIAM HOLLEY. William Holley was for a quarter of a century actively engaged in farming in Polk county, but since 1905 lived retired from active pursuits and making his home in East Grand Forks, until his death December 9, 1915. William Ilolley contributed a liberal share of enterprise and assistance in building up and devel- oping this county, and won the lasting esteem of all who knew him by the uprightness of his life, his suc- cessful management of his own affairs and his cordial and helpful interest in the progress and enduring welfare of his locality. Mr. Holley was born near Toronto, Canada, August 1, 1842, and remained there until 1880 progressively engaged in farming after leaving school. In March, 1880, he became a resident of Polk county, locating in Grand Forks township, where he purchased a farm of nearly eighty acres. He developed and improved this farm and made his home on it until the autumn of 1905, when he retired from business and changed his residence to East Grand Forks. His farm now com- prises 240 acres and is all under cultivation and well improved with good buildings and all necessary equipment for its vigorous and systematic tillage according to the most approved present-day methods. On February 6, 1877, Mr. Holley was married in Canada to Miss Margaret Wallace, of the same nativity as himself and born March 4, 1859. They had one child, their son William Henry Wallace Holley, who was born in Grand Forks township, this county, August 31, 1890. The parents were zealous and active members of the Presbyterian church, and the father always took a good citizen's part in the work of pushing the progress of Polk county forward along all lines of wholesome development and seeing that its public affairs were wisely, honestly and economically managed. OLE F. BRUUN. Coming to the United States at the age of eighteen, with no capital but his resolute spirit, active mind, habitus of industry and frugality and quick perception of opportunities for advancement, and using all his chances to better his condition to good advantage, Ole F. Bruun, one of the leading and successful farmers of Vineland township, this county, has accumulated a well-earned competency for life and raised himself to influence and general esteem among his fellow men by his sterling citizenship and useful services to his community. His career furnishes a striking illustra- tion of the value of pluck, energy and persistency, 286 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY coupled with determination to win, especially in a land of such abundant opportunity as this one dis- plays. Mr. Bruun is a native of Norway, bom October 27, 1862. In the spring of 1880 he emigrated to the United States and located first in Ottertail county, Minnesota, where he arrived May 24 and worked at farm labor until October. He then came to Polk county, and here he continued to work out as a farm hand until the spring of 1888. On June 4, of that year, he was united in marriage with Miss Gea Thore- son, who was born in Filhnore county, Minnesota, September 8, 1868. After his marriage Mr. Bruun took up his residence on a farm in Section 24, Tynsid township, Polk county, buying eighty acres of land, which he still owns and which he has improved with good buildings and made highly productive. In 1901 he bought 363 acres in Section 2, Vineland township, and changed his residence to that tract, on which he also erected a fine set of buildings. He now owns 683 acres in all, and has the whole extent under cultivation and yield- ing excellent crops under his judicious and progressive tillage. He has served as a member of the township board of supervisors, township treasurer, assessor and treasurer of his school district. For some years he has also been the treasurer of the Lutheran Free church, of which he and his family are members. Mr. and Mrs. Bruun have twelve children : Clara, Julia, Helga, Freda, Thelma, Frederick, Ida, Harold, Georga, Olinda, Norman and Alpha. Clara is the wife of Ole Dahlen, and has her home in Crookston. The other children are living at or near the home of their parents. OLE N. OLSLUND. Neither the favors of fortune nor adventitious cir- cumstances, except as he found or made them, have had anything to do with the progressive and successful career of Ole N. Olslund, one of the enterprising and prosperous farmers of Polk county, whose comfortable and attractive country home is located in Section 24, Reis township. Every step of his advancement in life has been hewed out by himself, and all his acquisi- tions and possessions are the fruits of his own diligence, thrift, good management and fine business capacity. Mr. Olslund was born in Norway December 3, 1856, and when he was betwen eight and nine yeai*s of age came to the United States with his father and brother John. They located first at Rockford, Illinois, and two years later moved to Allamakee county, Iowa. The father died in that county at the age of seventy years, and Mr. Olslund 's brother John also died there when he was about twelve. Mr. Olslund himself con- tinued to live in Allamakee county, Iowa, until he reached the age of nineteen, and then made his home at different places until 1881. In April of that year he became a resident of Polk county, Minnesota, taking up a homestead of 160 acres in Section 14, Reis town- ship. He improved his land and lived on it for some years, then sold it and bought the fine farm of 200 acres in Section 24, Reis towaiship, on which he now has his home, and on which he ei'ected the buildings. The public affairs of the county, especially those of his own township, have always deeply and practically interested Mr. Olslund, and he has been of great serv- ice to the people in helping to administer them wisely, having filled every local office except that of township clerk, and winning high approval by the excellent record he made in each. As a private citizen, too, he has been very useful by the force of his example, his enterprise, progressiveness and breadth of view in all undertakings for the general welfare, and his un- hesitating readiness to assist in promoting them. Mr. Olslund was married March 13, 1884, to Miss Hannah Johnson, a native of Allamakee county, Iowa, and the daughter of John G. Johnson, who settled in Reis township in 1879, and was one of its revered pioneers. He died in that township in the autumn of COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 287 1914, when he was about seventy-six years old. Mr. and Mrs. Olsluud are the parents of ten children, Elmer, Grace, Milton, Orley, Harrietta, Myrtle, Reuben, Ethelyn, Curtis and Lewis. Grace is now the wife of Earnest Dennison. The parents are active and zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Beltrami. ERICK 0. STORTROEM. This progressive and successful farmer of Vineland township, Polk county, is one of the foreign born men of sturdy and sterling worth who have come to this country for better opportunities for advancement than their native lands seemed to offer and have not only helped themselves but have also aided vastly in the development and improvement of the country by tloing so. He is a good representative of the reliable manhood of Norway, where he was born September 1, 1855, and where he was reared to the age of twenty- two and obtained a common school education. In June, 1877, Mr. Stortroem emigrated to this country and located first in Pierce county, Wisconsin, where he remained until the spring of 1878, then came to Polk county, Minnesota, and pre-empted 160 acres of land in Section 20, Vineland township. Two and a half years later he turned in that 160 acres as part of a homestead in the same section, and on that he lived until the fall of 1883, when he moved to Section 19, on which he has since had his home. He now owns 200 acres, all of which tract is improved and under advanced cultivation according to the most approved methods of present-day farming and yielding excellent crops. Mr. Stortroem has taken a cordial and helpful interest in all the public and business affairs of his township and rendered the people good service in con- nection with many of them. He has held the ofiSce of secretary of the Vineland Mutual Fire Insurance com- pany for ten years and now held the same position again, and has been township treasurer, township assessor and for a long time a member of the board of supervisors, of which he has been chairman for a number of years. He is also treasurer of the Sand Hill Norwegian Lutheran church, to which he and the members of his family belong. On June 1, 1883, Mr. Stortroem was united in mar- riage with Miss Mary B'angen, who is, like himself, a native of Norway. They have seven children, Serena, Ole, Jennie, Walberg, Stella, Mabel and Ernest. Serena has become the wife of Thomas Gilbertson. The rest of the children are still members of the parental family circle. OLE H. DALE. Since the age of twelve years Ole H. Dale, one of the successful and progressive farmers of Knute town- ship, Polk county, and at the time of this writing (1915) chairman of the township board, has been a resident of the United States and the northwest. He is, therefore, fully in touch with the residents of this section of the country and heartily in sympathy with all their proper aspiration and undertakings. The people of his township regard him as one of their most useful and enterprising men and a representative citi- zen among them, sterling, sturdy, public-spirited and reliable. Mr. Dale was bom in Norway July 3, 1850, the son of Halvor T. and Anna (Jacobson) Dale, who belonged to families long domesticated in that country. In 1862 they emigrated to America and took up their residence in Dane county, Wisconsin, where they remained about two years. At the end of that period they moved to Faribault county, Minnesota, and on a homestead in that county, which he took up soon after 288 COJIPEXDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY his arrival there, the father died in 1871 aged nearly eighty-three years. The mother also died in that county in 1891 at an advanced age and well esteemed, as was the father wherever he was known. Their son Ole reached manhood on his father's farm in Faribault county and completed his education in the State Normal School at ilankato. For a number of years he taught school in Waseca county, Minne- sota, and in the spring of 1883 came to Polk county and filed on 160 acres of land in section 27, Knute township. For the first fifteen years of his residence in this county he again taught school while improving his farm and bringing it to productiveness, but since the expiration of the period named he has devoted his energies wholly to his farming operations except what have been i-equired in the performance of public duties to which the people have chosen him. lie has the greater part of his land under cultivation and the farm is well improved with good buildings suitable to its needs for every purpose. Mr. Dale has always taken an active and serviceable part in the public affairs of his township. He has served as assessor three years, town clerk six years, justice of the peace fourteen years. During the last thirteen years he has been chairman of the town board. In 1886 Mr. Dale was married in Knute township to Miss Anna Levorsoii, a native of Waseca county, this state, and tlic daughter of Ilalvor Levorsou, who was one of Waseca county's pioneei-s. Jlr. and Mrs. Dale have had five children. Hilda, Agnes, Henry and Ella are living. Emma died September 16, 1913, at the age of sixteen years, four months and two days. The parents are active members of the United Lutheran church. CYRUS H. HOLMES. Born and reared in the west, and with the whole of his Life to the present time (1915) passed in the Missis- sippi Valley, part of it amid the privations and hard- ships of the frontier, Cyrus H. Holmes, one of the prominent farmers and public-spirited citizens of Onstad township, this county, is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of this section of the country and fitly represents its stalwart, sturdy manhood and elevated, progressive citizenship. Mr. Holmes is a native of Pike county, Illinois, VFhere his life began January 19, 1857, on a farm located about four miles from Pittsfield, the seat of the county government. When he was about twelve years old his parents moved to Champaign county, in the same state, and there the son remained until October, 1880, when he went to Kansas and located on a farm near Wellington, Sunmer county, on which he lived about two years and a half. In the spring of 1883 he became a resident of this county, and the next year he settled on the farm on which he now lives, in Section 21, near the village of ]\lelviii, in Onstad township, the tract being 160 acres which he bought of the railroad company, and on which he lived until 1897. In the year last named Mr. Holmes moved his family to Litchfield for the purpose of obtaining better edu- cational facilities for his ciiildreu, and in that city he remained six years, his fann being operated by a tenant during that period. In 1903 he returned to the farm and lived on it three years longer, and in 1906 went back to Kansas, locating at Moran, in Allen county, and engaging in the oil business during the next three years. He retumied to his farm in lf)10, and since then he has made it his home continuously. He has added forty acres to his original purchase and now owns 200. In 1909 the railroad companj' opened a gravel pit on his farm, and this has proven very profitable to him. He has erected good buildings on the farm, set out a fine grove and added other features which have greatly increased its value and attractive- ness as a rural home, and he has carried on a general farming industry with studious attention to the qualities of the soil and aecording to the most approved methods of present-day farming. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 289 On February 23, 1881, Mr. Holmes was married in Sumner county, Kansas, to Miss Addie Dillon, who was born near Danville, Illinois, July 28, 1862, and reared to womanhood in the adjoining county of Champaign. They have three children, Mabel E., Melvin D. and Roland W. Mabel is the wife of Rein- hold Lohi. Melvin married Miss Jessie Cunningham and lives at Melvin. Roland is a student at the high school in Fertile. Mr. Holmes has taken an active part in township affairs and has filled with credit to himself and benefit to the people several township offices. He has been assessor, treasurer and supervisor in Onstad township, and has served as a justice of the peace for many years. He and his wafe and chil- dren are members of the Christian church. J. H. McNICOL. J. H. ^IcNicol, station agent for the Northern Pacific at Grand Forks, North Dakota, and a prom- inent citizen of Ea.st Grand Forks, is a native of Canada, born at Renfrew, Ontario, June 10, 1877, the son of Duncan A. and Lucy (Wright) McNicol, who were also natives of Ontario. Duncan ilcNicol came to Grand Forks in 1880 and in the following year was joined by his wife and family. He was a millwright by trade and previous to his removal to Polk county, had engaged in the contracting busi- ness. On settling in Grand Forks he entered the lumber trade on the Red river, buying and shipping logs and later returned to the contracting business in which he engaged for many years, until 1901, when he removed to Anaconda, Montana, and is employed in the construction work on the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific railroad. J. H. McNicol was the eldest of five children and became a resident of Polk county at six years of age, when after two years in Grand Forks, the family settled in East Grand Forks. He attended the public schools and at fifteen years entered the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad company as a call boy and received steady advancement, working as car tracker and night clerk and was then made ticket clerk at Grand Forks. Subsequently he was employed as assistant ti'ainmaster and traveling freight agent and after serving as assistant agent at East Grand Forks, in 1901 was appointed agent. His rapid pro- motion and efficient services for many years as an official attest to the marked success of his career as a railroad man and in public affairs, he has been prominently associated with all projects for the advancement of the general welfare. As a member of an important committee he was particularly influential in securing the present valuable water works and sewerage system and also served for five years as secretary of the Commercial club. His marriage to Alice Mullally occurred in East Grand Forks, Decem- ber 26, 1898. She was bom in Ontario, the daughter of James and Euphemia (May) ilullally, who settled in East Grand Forks in 1879. A sketch of the former, a pioneer railroad man of Polk county is included in this work. Two children have been bom to Mr. Mc- Nicol and his wife, Lucy Geraldine and Ruth Isabelle. Mr. McNicol is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and of the Masonic fraternity. PETER J. PAULSRUD. Bom and reared to the age of seventeen in a land far distant from this and with institutions, scenes and associations very different from ours; coming to this country alone in his youth with no capital but his pluck; making his own way in the world to a con- dition of substantial comfort and independence, Peter J. Paulsrud, one of the leading farmers and citizens of Hubbard township, Polk county, has been a hard wise head, strong arms, willing hands and unyielding worker and a good manager, and is entitled to full 290 COMPENDimi OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY credit for the excellent use he has made of his oppor- tunities, as he is also for the general esteem he enjoys for his sterling citizenship and usefulness. Mr. Paulsrud was born in Norway May 22, 1865, and emigrated to the United States in the spring of 1882. He landed at New York and came direct to Ada, Norman county, Minnesota, and from there worked his way across the country to the farm of the late Nels Paulsrud, who was distantly related to him. He worked for his relative two years, receiving $150 and his board and lodging for his first year's labor and $20 a month and board and lodging for the second. He then went to North Dakota and worked out as a farm hand for three years in that state, or territory as it was then. In the spring of 1887 Mr. Paulsrud was married to ]Miss Lena Gillebo, who was, like himself, bom in Norway. Returning to Polk county after his mar- riage, he took charge of his relative's farm for four years while the latter served as sheriff of the county. At the conclusion of this period he rented another farm in Hubbard township, which he occupied for six years, then bought one of 200 acres which he after- ward sold in order to buy the tract of 200 acres in Section 32, Hubbard township, on which he now lives. He has improved his farm with good buildings, arranged it according to a good system and made it attractive as a rural home. His farming is of a general character and he is very successful in the management of it. Mr. Paulsrud has served as assessor of Hubbard township during the last ten years, and has also been a constable and town supervisor. He is an active member and one of the trustees of the Norwegian Lutheran church at Nielsville, of which his wife is also a member. They have one child, their son Julius, who was born in 1890 and is a graduate of the School of Agriculture at Crookston. He is now a resident of the state of North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Paulsrud have also taken into their household a-s a member of their family Ida J. Olson, who bears to them the relation of foster daughter. EDWARD W. JOHNSON. Edward W. Johnson is one of the leading mer- chants of Beltrami, this county, and also a land- owner of substance and prominence, and stands well in the regard and good will of the people of the whole county because of his enterprise and upright- ness in all business transactions, his progressiveness and public spirit as a citizen and his genuine worth as a man in every respect. He has lived in the county thirty-six years, and during the greater part of that period has been active in contributing to the advancement and general welfare of this section and the service of its residents. Mr. Jolinson is a native of Lansing, Allamakee county, Iowa, where his life began February 4, 1867, and where he passed the first twelve years of it. His parents, John G. and Gunhild 0. (Dahl) Johnson, were bom and reared in Norway and became residents of Polk county, Minnesota, ia 1879, settling on a farm in section 12, Rice township. They lived on their farm until 1913, when they moved to the village of Beltrami, where the father died September 26, 1914, and the mother is now living. Edward W. Johnson came to Polk county in 1879 with his parents and lived with them until 1887, when he began his business career as a clerk in a general merchandising store in Beltrami. He worked as a clerk seven years, then bought the business of C. E. Ford, of which he has since been the proprietor and manager. He carries a general stock of goods of all kinds, including agricultural implements, and has an extensive trade. In conducting his business he is enterprising and progressive, studying the wants of the community and doing everything in his power to meet and fully provide for them. The public affairs of his village and township have always interested Mr. Johnson and he has taken an EDWAKD W. JOHNSON COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 291 active part iu them, serving as treasurer of Rice township and filling other local ofBces with ability and to the satisfaction of the people. He is also deeply interested in the farming interests of the county as the owner of 500 acres of land, the culti- vation of which he superintends personally. His brother, Herman Johnson, is associated with him in the mercantile line of his activity, the firm name being E. W. Johnson & Company. E. W. was mar- ried in 1891 to Miss Caroline Halvorson, a native of Norway. They have had six children, five of whom are living, Edwin, Myron, Otto, Elmira and Thelma. Mr. Johnson is a leading man in Beltrami and rep- resentative of the best attributes of its citizenship, and he is universally respected for his sterling quali- ties of manhood. ALBERT SPOKELY. Whatever there is of credit in the career of Albert Spokely, one of the extensive and successful farmers of Hubbard township, this county, and there is a great deal that is entitled to warm commendation, reflects in large measure back upon the township and county of his present home, for he is a native of that town- ship and has passed almost the whole of his life to this time (1915) within its borders. He was also educated iu that township and married there, and, therefore, all his interests center in it. Mr. Spokely 's life began in Hubbard township, Polk county, Minnesota, April 21, 1874. He is a son of Gunleik and Gunvor (Hagen) Spokely, natives of Norway, and a brother of Alexander G. Spokely, sketches of whom will be found in this work. The parents became residents of Polk county in 1871, but emigrated to the United States several years earlier. They were pioneers in this county, and when they ai-rived here the father took up a homestead in Hub- bard township, which was then largely a wilderness, and on that farm, as by his industry and skill he has made it, the parents still have it as their home. Of the twelve children born in the family Albert was the third in the order of birth, and he is now the oldest of those who are living. He was reared on his father's farm and educated at the school iu the neighborhood. For a short time after reaching his manhood he conducted a saloon at Climax, but, with the exception of this venture in mercantile life, he has devoted his time and energies wholly to farming. He owns 440 acres in Hubbard township, on which he has put up good buildings and developed a large industry in raising potatoes and wheat, of which he makes specialties. On October 9, 1897, he was united in mariage with Miss Johanna Myrland, a native of North Dakota. They have four children, Guy, Earl, Delight and Syla. R. T. WEBSTER. Conducting with enterprise, skill and success the farming operations on about 800 acres of land, which he has greatly improved and made increasingly fruit- ful since taking charge of it, and taking an active and sei'viceable part in all the public affairs of his section of Polk county, R. T. Webster, whose home is on Section 15, is necessarily one of the leading and most useful citizens of Reis township, and is respected by the people according to his rank. Mr. Webster was born near the city of Rock Island, Illinois, October 18, 1859, and is the son of C. U. and Mary (Caruthers) Webster, who are also residents of Polk coiinty and now far advanced in age. The family moved to Buffalo county, Wisconsin, while R. T. was in his childliood, and lived there until he was about seventeen years of age. The parents then changed the family residence to St. Croix county, Wisconsin, and the son remained in that county until 1878, when 292 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY they all became resideuts of Polk county, ^Minnesota. They located in Fisher township, where they were pioneers, and wliere the fatlier took a leading part in all public affairs, filling numerous local offices and that of county auditor, which he held for four years. Of the eight children born in the parental house- hold R. T. was the second in thi' order of birth. He lived in Fisher township, this county, until the spring of 1913, and, with the exception of si.\ years, he has been engaged in farming since his boyhood. He was assessor of Fisher township for several terms, and in other ways has shown his interest in tlie abiding wel- fare and improvement of Polk county, in the fall of 1890 he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Kane, of Buffalo county, Wisconsin. They have five children, Ray, ZueUa, Clifford, Mary C. and Allen II. Mr. Webster's farm is one of the best in Reis town- ship, and his .skill and enterprise have made it tliis. JACOB BJONTEGARD. Jacob Bjontegard, a successful farmer and dredge contractor, of Queen township, has been a resident of the county since 1886. He was born in Norway, March 6, 1860, and was educated iu the under officers school at Christiania. When twenty years of age he enlisted in the regular arm.v as corporal and within a year was promoted to the office of sergeant and detailed to service as a drill master for recruits and made an excellent i-ecord in military training. He received his honorable discharge after five years service and in 1886 came to the United States and to Minnesota. For a time he rented a farm near Fisher, Polk county, and then bought two hundred and forty acres, of which eighty acres were wild land. This was prairie land and after six years of successful operations in that region, he decided to move to a timber country witli a milder climate and sold the farm with the inten- tion of investing in Oregon property but on visiting the eastern timber section of Polk county, concluded to locate there. He bought the homestead claim of Halkinrud in section twenty-eight of Queen township, seven miles northeast of Fosston, paying $2,500 for the property with a small frame house and sixty acres of cleared land. The greater part of the land was covered with large timber, for the most part, oak, spruce and ash and Mr. Bjontegard has sold a great deal of first class lumber cut from his place and has now all the land in use in his various agricultural activities. This region, being a tine grass country and naturally adapted to the raising of clover, has proven peculiarly advantageous to dairy farming and Mr. Bjontegard has given some attention to this enter- prise. During the fifteen years which he has spent on this place, he has built up a fine, modern farm, erecting good buildings and has advanced the effi- ciency of his operations with the improvements and conveniences of progressive farm equipment and has a good watering .system with a drilled well. Aside from his farming activities he has engaged in the ditch contracting business and has constructed some eighteen miles of the county drainage in three dif- ferent ditches and has at times employed a force of twelve men in this work. Previously he was selected as the viewer and assessor for a number of the county ditches. On his own farm, which is named "Meadow Brook Farm," lie has reclaimed thirty acres of val- uable meadow land. Mr. Bjontegard is a member of the Republican party and has always taken an active interest in public affairs and has been honored with numerous local offices, his able services beginning as a member of the school board to which he w-as elected a few days after locating in Queen township and he has filled the offices of chairman of the board of super- visors, treasurer and justice of peace and has served continuously on the school board. He is a member of the Norwegian Free church, one mile east of his home, and is associated with the business interests of the community as a stockholder in the cooperative cream- ery and Farmers elevator at Fosston. He has also for a number of years been director and agent for the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 293 Local Farmers Fire Insurance company, a most suc- cessful organization. Mr. Bjontegard has been twice married. His first union was solemnized at Grand Forks in 1887, with Minnie Moe, who was a native of Norway and died in 1893, leaving two children, Thor- wald and Mary. In 1896, Mr. Bjontegai'd was mar- ried to Carrie Berg of Red River, Polk county, and they have four children, Ingmar, Mamie, Clara and Arthur. MICHAEL L. ENRIGHT. Michael L. Enright, proprietor of the Edenvale farm and one of Polk county's leading agriculturists, has been a resident of Huntsville township since 1878, when his father located on tlie land which is his pres- ent home. Michael Enright is a native of Canada, born in Plyinpton county, Ontario, February 4, 1869, the son of Dennis and Catherine (O'Neil) Enright, of whose family of nine boys and two girls, but four sons are now living in Polk county, the subject of this sketch, Richard, Edward F. and Thomas, all of East Grand Forks. Michael Enright has devoted his life to the farm. After receiving a common school education and after the death of his father in 1884 he assisted his mother in operating the homestead and upon the death of the latter in 1906, became the owner of the three hundred and sixty acres. Edenvale farm now includes five hundred and twenty acres and is one of the model stock and dairy farms of the region, located two miles east of East Graud Forks, on the Red Lake river. This farm with its products, is one on which Polk county bases its high standard of agricultural prosperity and attests notaVily to the enterprise and ability of its owner. As a stock farmer, Mr. Enright has captured many high honors at the state and local fairs, with his thoroughbred Holstein cattle and as a business man, is operating a stock and dairy enter- prise of a net earning capacity of five thousand dol- lars. His milk and cream shipments are made to the Sanitai-y Milk company of Grand Forks. He has notably promoted the efficiency and grade of local stock in the fine specimens of cattle which have been l)red on his estate. He keeps some eighty head of registered Holsteins and a large herd of dairy cows and also is intei-ested in the raising of farm horses. Aside from his extensive grain operations, he culti- vates coi-n for ensilage use and was one of the first to demonstrate the value and successful culture of alfalfa and has steadily increased his acreage for this crop and now has eighty acres devoted to it. As a pro- gressive farmer and citizen, Mr. Enright is interested in the advancement of public welfare. In political relations, he recognizes no distinction of party preju- dice in his selection of candidates and policies. He is a stockholder in the Farmers Mutual Insurance com- pany and president of the Sanitary Slilk company of Grand Forks. In 1903 he was married to Annie O'Connor, who was boni near Grand Forks, in North Dakota, the daughter of Ed O'Connoi-, a successful farmer and well known pioneer of that region. Mr. Enright and his wife have seven children, Josephine, Jerome, Frances, Helen, Michael, Margaret and Mary. Ml'. Enright is a member of the Knights of Columbus and with his family, is a communicant in the Sacred Heart church of East Grand Forks. ANDERS 0. MORVIG. For more than forty-two years Anders 0. Morvig, one of the prosperous and progressive farmers and leading citizens of Garfield township, has been a resi- dent of Minnesota, and during over thirty-six years of the period he has lived in and helped to develop and improve Polk county. He came to this county in 1879, before Garfield township was organized, and was one of the early sellers in that part of the county, 294 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and, as he was a raau of intelligence and force of character, he had an important part in starting the new township on its course of progress and develop- ment when it was organized. Mr. Morvig was bona in Norway December 29, 1848, and grew to the age of twenty-five in his native land, where he was engaged in farming after completing his education. In 1873 he emigrated to the United States and came direct to Freeborn county, Minnesota, and there he was employed at farm labor until the fall of 1877, when he revisited Norway and remained until spring. On his return to Minnesota he again took up his residence in Freeborn county and renewed his farming operations, which he carried on until the spring of 1879 in that county, then moved to Polk county, making the journey from Freeborn with teams, and through the veritable wilderness part of the way. On his arrival in this county Jlr. Moi'V'ig took up 160 acres of land in Section 15, in what is now Gai'- field township, and on this land, with a large addi- tional acreage which he has since purchased, he has lived and expended his energies ever since, greatly to his own advantage and the benefit of the town.ship and all its interests. He now owns a whole section of land and some beyond that, his holdings being partly in Garfield and partly in Garden township, and nearly all under fruitful cultivation. Soon after lie located here the new township of Garfield was organized, and the county commissioners appointed Mr. Morvig its first judge. He has also held the oflSces of constable and township supen'isor, and has at all times taken an earnest interest and an active part in all township affairs, serving for a time as township treasurer and frequently in some ofiice in connection with the admin- istration of the public school system. He is a director of the Fanners State Bank of Fertile and of the Co- operative Creamery company and the Elevator com- pany of that village. On December 28, 1883, Mr. Morvig was married in Garfield township to Mrs. Ingre (Vidder) Nelson, the widow of Ole Nelson, who died in that township. Siio also is a native of Norway, where her life began July 18, 1859. By her first mariage she became the mother of one child, her daughter Olava, who is now the wife of G. G. Haugen. Mr. and Mrs. Morvig have had eleven children, nine of whom are living, Clara, Matilda, Alfred, Olaf, Ida, Ivar, Lloyd, Melvin and Edwin. Their son Carl T. died January 1, 1915, when he was twenty years of age, and their daughter Anna Maria in childhood. The parents are zealous members of Little Norway church in Garfield township, which the father helped to organize and in which he has ever been an earnest worker. HAFTOR B. HAFTORSON. Although not a native of this country Haftor B. Haftorson, one of the enterprising, progressive and successful farmers of Polk county, is thoroughly imbued with tlie spirit of its people and loyal and devoted to all its public institutions. He came to the United States when he was but five years old, and all of his subsequent years have been passed in the north- west and more than half of them in Onstad township, this county, in the progress and improvement of which he has been a potent factor in private and public life. Mr. Haftorson was bom in Norway March 24, 1860, the son of Berssvend and Anna (Balstad) Haftorson, with whom he came to America and located in Alla- makee county, Iowa, iu 1865. There the family lived until 1883, and there the son grew to manhood and obtained his education. In the fall of 1883 they all moved to Polk county, Minnesota, and took up their residence in Liberty township, where the parents resided for many years. Late iu life they moved to the state of Washington, but four years afterward returned to this county and made their home with their son Haftor. The father died June 24, 1912, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, and the mother COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 295 March 17, 1913, when she was eighty -five. They were the parents of seven children, five of whom grew to maturity. They were Haftor, his sister Mary, and his brothers Eleseus, Albert and Louis. Mary is now the wife of G. K. GuUickson. Eleseus died in the state of Washington. Albert is a resident of Idaho and Louis has had his home in Oregon for many years. Haftor B. Haftorson has lived in Polk county con- tinuously since 1883, except for two years and a half, during which he was engaged in publishing the Evan- geli Basun, a Norwegian religious paper. Throughout the rest of his life here he has been engaged in general farming principally. About 1885 he purchased the fann on which he is now living, and this he has greatly improved with good buildings and systematic cultivation until he has made it one of the choice farms in his township. He has taken an active part in all township affairs and has held and ably filled the offices of chairman of the township board and township assessor in Onstad township. In December, 1883, Mr. Haftorson was married in Liberty to^vnship, this county, to Miss Sarah Olson, who died in Onstad township February 23, 1893. They became the parents of five children, only two of whom are living: Carola, who is the wife of Ole Leiran, and Hannah. Bennie and Alton died near together of diphtheria, the former in his seventeenth and the latter in his fifteenth year. Fifth child was bom dead and buried with its mother. On October 1, 1894, Mr. Haftorson contracted a second mariage, which united him with Miss Belle Olson, who was born in Norway August 28, 1868. Of the eight children born of this union three died in childhood. The five who are living are Harry, Willie, Oluf, Ruth and Irene. SEVER QUARBERG. During all of the last forty years this progressive and prosperous farmer and enterprising, public- spirited citizen of Fairfax township, this county, has been a resident of the northwest and at two periods of the time has manfully braved the hardships, priva- tions and dangers of the frontier. Through all diffi- culties, however, he has made his way with steady pi'ogrcss, relying whoUy on his own industry, ability and good management to advance his interests, and forcing every step of his advancement to tell to his benefit. Mr. Quarberg was born in the city of Ringsaker, Norway, May 20, 1861, and came to the United States with his parents when he was about fourteen years old. The family located in Buffalo county, Wisconsin, on arriving in this country, and there Sever grew to manhood, obtained what education was within his reach and helped to make a tract of wild timber land over into a productive farm. He remained at home with his parents until he reached the age of twenty- five, then came to Polk county in 1885 and bought a prairie homestead claim in Onstad township some miles east of his present home. The homestead had been proved up on, and Mr. Quarberg paid $800 for it, although he had only $600 in cash at the time when he made the purchase. On that farm Mr. Quarberg lived twenty-eight years, making good improvements, adding another for which he paid $1,000, and raising good crops of wheat, oats, flax and barley, and also raising and feed- ing live stock for his own use and for the markets. In 1910 he sold his land at a good advance over the original cost and bought the old Ilimmelsbach farm of 400 acres, on which he now lives, and on which he has erected new buildings at a cost of about $5,000 to take the place of the old shacks the farm contained when he bought it. He has also sunk a deep artesian well on the place, and this furnishes him an abundant supply of excellent water for every purpose. Mr. Quarberg paid $29 an acre for his new farm and has since devoted his time and energy to mixed farming and his dairy business and live stock industrj'. 296 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRxVPHY OF POLK COUNTY In 1915 he raised about 8,500 bushels of grain, 3,700 bushels of which were wheat. He also keeps regularly some forty head of cattle and milks fifteen cows, sell- ing cream to the Ci'ookston creamery. The sire of his herd is a thoroughbred Shorthorn, and his stock is always in good condition. He does not confine him- self to cattle, however, but also raises good draft horses and uses them in his plowing. While this good citizen is wholly devoted to his farm and its interests, he never neglects the affairs of his township or the public welfare in any way. He helped to organize Onstad township, which was named for a pioneer who is now living at j\laple Bay in God- frey township, and has served on the township board in both Onstad and Fairfax townships. He also helped to build Ilafslo church, now in Russia town- ship, and is still a member of it and one of its trustees, anil he has served for years on tlic school board wherever he has lived and taken an active interest in educational matters. Mr. Quarberg was married while he was living in Wisconsin to Miss Anna Sylverstereon, also a native of Norway. Tiicy have three sons and one daughter. The daughter is JMay Matilda, now the wife of Sever Lee, a butter manufacturer in Crookston. The sons are : Alfred Selmer, who is living on the home farm ; Oscar Melvin. who is a graduate of the State Agricul- tural School at Crookston, and Arthur Oliver, who juirsucd a course of special training at Crookston college and is now a salesman and })ookkeeper in Crookston. DANIEL ANDERSON. Daniel Anderson, a well known farmer of Kuute township, was bom in Sweden, July 26, 1848, and spent his early manhood in his native land. He was a blacksmith by trade and after coming to the United States in 1879 worked at his trade for some years in Douglas county, Minnesota. He came to Polk county in 1883 and filed on a preemption claim September 3 of that year but did not make his home on the land until four years later. From the first years of hard toil and privations of the pioneer farm life with a meager income, he has risen through native ability and thrift to his present success and now owns a half section of Polk county land which he has put in the front ranks of its notably prosperous farming section. Seventy-five acres of the home farm, in section fourteen of Knute township, and sixty acres in the second quarter section are under cultivation and his enterprises also include stock farming and dairying. He keeps a herd of twelve dairy cows and is a stock- holder in the cooperative creamery at Melntosh, four miles east of his farm. His natural aptitude and liking for mechanics led to his operation of a private work shop on his place for many years, where he worked at his old trade aud at wood work for his own benefit and occupation, lu his farming activities, ilr. Anderson has displayed the results of enterprise and careful study and has triumphed with notable success over the old belief that apple culture was impossible for this .section, and has had some splendid crops of fine grade apples. Willwater lake, of some sixty acres in extent lies entirely within the boundaries of his farm and provides excellent fishing sport beside adding to the natural attractions of the home. The first log farm house was replaced in 1002 hy a eomfort- iil)le modern home wliirh occupies a 7nost happily cliosen site on the banks of the lake. Mr. Anderson has given his influence in all affairs of public welfare and has given able service as a memlK>r of the town- .ship board. He has always been an enthusia.stic hunts- man, having enjoyed elk hunts as a young man in Sweden and is still a devotee to the hearty out of door sports. He has been twice married. His first mar- riage was in Sweden to Johanna Larsen, who died in Douglas county, and was survived by five children, John, owns a farm in Knute town.ship ; Erick, now farming in Canada; Willie, who is in the livery busi- MK. AND MES. JOHN EEMICK COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 297 ness at Erskine and owns a farm in Knute township ; Daniel, who operates a threshing machine outfit, and Andrew, who has a claim in Montana. Mr. Ander- son's second union was with Christina Peterson, of Douglas county, and they have five children, Arthur, Selma, who like her brothers owns a Montana claim ; Minnie, Albin and Esther is at home. Arthur Tlnder- son has secured a claim in Montana. John and Arthur operate a threshing outfit. J. F. KING. J. F. King, of Euclid, proprietor of a full line of agricultural implements and a hardware store and well known citizen of the county, is a native of Ontario, Canada, and has been a resident of Polk county since 1890, when he was appointed station agent for the Great Northern railroad, at Mallery. Until recent years, his career has been devoted to railroad work, having been employed by the Great Northern road as station agent in Polk county for twenty-two years and previous to that time he had spent several years in the same occupation in North Dakota. In 1904 he was transferred from Mallery to Euclid and here he retired from his former interests after the many years of his able and competent service as a railroad man. He entered upon his present mercantile enterprise in 1915, establishing a hardware and agricultural imple- ment business and erecting a modern and well equipped building. During the years of his residence in the county, Mr. King has earned the respect and confidence of its citizens and has been given a pros- perous welcome in his commei'cial activities. He was married to Mary 0. Hunter, in 1891. She is the daughter of Thomas Hunter, who for twenty years, was section foreman at Mallery, for the Great Northern railroad and now makes his home in Alberta, Canada. Nine children have been born to Mr. King and his wife, Catherine, Nellie, Clara, "William, who is associated with his father in the hardware business, John, Mary, Hazel, Edward and Estelle. The two oldest daughters, Catherine King and Nellie King are graduates of the high school at Warren and of the State Normal school and are both employed as teachers in the schools of Polk county, the latter being the principal of the high school at Euclid. The third daughter Clara is bookkeeper and secretary of the firm 's accounts. JOHN REMICK. Jolm Remick, one of the progressive and prosper- ous farmers of Grove Park township, this county, is practically a self-made man in the best sense of the term, as he has made his advancement in life wholly by his own efforts, unaided by the favors of fortune or propitious circimistances. Every step of his progress has been planned and worked out by himself, and none that he has taken has ever been retraced because he was unable to hold his ground. Mr. Remick was born in Rice county, Minnesota, November 15, 1871, the son of Joseph and Lizzie (Ault) Remick, natives of Germany. He was the sixth horn of their nine children, five sons and four 19 daughters. He grew to the age of nineteen on his father's farm in Rice county and obtained his edu- cation at the country school in the neighborhood. In 1890 he came to Polk county, and here he has ever since resided. For a while after his arrival in this county he lived with his sister Mary, who is the wife of Charles Damann, and worked out on farms in the vicinity. He then rented land and farmed on his own account as a tenant until 1894, when he bought 160 acres of land in section 3, Grove Park township, on which he has since maintained his home. By subsequent purchases Mr. Remick has doubled the size of his farm, and his whole tract of 320 acres 298 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY is in an improved condition, under systematic culti- vation and yielding excellent returns for the labor and skill he expends upon it. He has erected attrac- tive and comfortable buildings, making his place one of the desirable rural homes in his township, lie follows general farming and does it in an intelligent and progressive way, making all of his industry tell to his advantage, and add, also, to the attractiveness and prosperity of the township. On October 23, 1894, Mr. Remick was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Quesnel, who was born in Canada, October 12, 1875, a daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Christine (Charien) Quesnel, also natives of Canada. They were the parents of ten children, of whom Mrs. Remick was the fourth in the order of birth. She and her husband have five children, Viola, Lloyd, Herbert, Robert and Roy. ilr. Remick has taken an active part in the public affairs of his town- ship and filled several of its important public ofiSces, as a member of the township board, with credit to himself and benefit to the township. He and his wife are members of the Catholic church. JOHN E. TICE. John B. Tiee, a prominent farmer of Grove Park township, was born near Niagara Falls, Ontario, December 23, 1856, and came to the United States and to St. Paul October 29, 1878. For two years he was employed in farm labor in Ottertail county and in April, 1880, filed on his Polk county homestead, in section twenty-eight of Grove Park township. In the following spring he suffered the loss of his farm house, the erection of which had required the investment of his entire capital and he was compelled to build up his finances in other occupation for a time. He worked in the harvest fields and became foreman in the brickyard at Crookston, 1881, where he directed the manufacture of the material used in the First National bank building. In 1882 he went to Fergus Falls and for two years was foi-eman of the brickyard there, some of the output being used in the construc- tion of the Grand Hotel. Since then he has devoted his attention to his farm which in the original tract consisted of px-airie and timber laud. lie has now added sixty acres to his homestead and lias one hun- dred and forty acres in cultivation. This is one of the most prosperous estates of the community and a notable example of the thrift and enterprise of tlie farming population of Polk county who have advanced the general welfare of the r^on to its present high standard of development. Mr. Tice engages in grain and stock farming and as a dairy farmer is a patron of the cooperative creamery at Mentor. Although he was not present at the first election held in the town- ship, being employed at brick making in its season, he has always been prominently associated with the direction and promotion of public interests and a foi'ceful supporter of any project which tended to the welfare of the community. As a pioneer of the section he recalls the significance and associations of the naming of the township and town, the first receiv- ing its name from the many groves which dotted its territory and the postoffice town having been named Mentor by Mrs. E. E. Abbott in honor of President Garfield 's home. Mr. Tice is a member of the Demo- cratic party and has ever been interested in political activities and was allied with the Farmers Alliance and Peoples party of earlier days. His official serv- ice has been almost continuous, in the various offices, as treasurer for 19 years, justice of peace 2 yeare,. and as a member of the township board, being chair- man of that body for seven years, and as a mem- ber of the school board. He is now president of the school board of Mentor. In business enterprise, he is associated with the cooperative elevator creamery and store as a shareholder. Mr. Tiee has been a mem- ber of the Modern Woodmen of America for many years and wa-s one of the organizers of the Episcopal church at Mentor and has since served its interests. He was married in Fergus Falls, July 3, 1883, to COMPENDIUIiI OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 299 Louise Kenline, a native of Dubuque, Iowa. Eight children have been born to this union, Essica, for- merly a teacher in Polk county schools and now the wife of Albert Strand, of Staples, Minnesota ; Frankie ; Elwood, associated with the mercantile interests of Reed's Store at Black Duck, Minnesota, for six years; Dorothy ; Anna, a student in the Mentor high school ; Joyce, who is attending high school at Crookston ; Rob- ert and Elaine, attending the Mentor school. Frankie Tice and Dorothy Tice have both been employed in the Polk county schools. The former who has taught ten yeai's continues to teach near East Grand Forks, while the latter, a teacher of four years, is a student in the business college at Crookston. The Tice home is an attractive residence and is situated but a short distance from Mentor, as the farm is partly within the village boundaries. LEWIS E. LARSON. Lewis E. Larson, a well known farmer and early settler of Esther township, has been a resident of Minnesota since he was a lad of ten years, when he came with his parents to Vemon county. He was born in Norway, in November, 1852, the son of Erick and Caroline Larson, who after living for several years in Vemon county, settled in Chippewa county, where the latter is still living, having survived the death of her husband some fourteen years. Lewis Larson grew to manhood in Chippewa county, work- ing at farm work and in the winters was employed in the pineries of Wisconsin and during the years spent as a lumber man made a number of log drives down the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers to Hanni- bal, Missouri, St. Louis and other river ports. In the spring of 1877, in company with James Peterson, he traveled through Dakota with the intention of securing farm land but Minnesota became their choice and they secured land in Polk county where they have since remained neighbors. Mr. Larson's homestead was in section thirty of Northland township, along the JIarais river and he made his home in a log house ou that tract for several years meanwhile purchasing eighty acres of school land, bordering the river and a quarter section of railroad land in section thii-ty-one of North- land township. After six years he moved on the school land and this place has since been his home. On coming to Polk county, he possessed a small capital and a team of horses and during the first season put some fifteen acres under cultivation which yielded him a good crop and that fall, in company with his brother- in-law, James Peterson, with whom he had formerly been tissociated in the threshing business, he journeyed back to Chippewa county, where they invested in a threshing machine, which they operated that season near Climax, in Polk county. In the following fall they transferred their activities to the Marais river and to ten-itory in Dakota. Their machine was the first to be brought north of Grand Forks and after selling this, some years later they bought a steam thresher and continued in partnership for some time. Mr. Larson has met with success in his agricultural interests and has built up a fine farm property which he devotes mainly to the raising of gi'ain. He also is interested in stock and dairy farming and breeds a fine grade of Short Horn cattle. Ajs a pioneer citizen he was identified with the early organization of Esther and Higdem townships and was a member of the first township board and has continued to give efflcient service as a member of that body ever since, serving for many years as chairman. His influence has ever been prominent in matters of public betterment and he has been especially active in the interests of educa- tional movements and the public school system. He has always been a loyal supporter of the Grand Marais Lutheran church and was one of the original members of that organization. Of his family, two sisters lived in Polk county and a brother, Andrew Larson resides at Oslo, Minnesota. The sisters were Carrie Larson, the wife of Erick Peterson of Northland township and 300 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY Severina Larson who married Ole Bosgai'd and lived iu Esther township. Both are now dead. Lewis Larson was married in Chippewa county, to Agnes Peterson, a sister of James Peterson, and a native of Sweden. Five children were boi'n to this union, Adolph, of East Grand Forks; Annie, who died at the age of nineteen, a few months after her marriage to Peter Baker of Goodhue county; Aretrander, who lives on the home place; Julius, who resides iu East Grand Forks, and Amanda, the wife of Oscar Steele, a mail carrier on an East Grand Forks route. The death of Mrs. Larson occurred eleven yeara after their marriage and in 1889, Mr. Larson contracted a second union with Anna Dalberg, who is a native of Sweden and they have four children, Elmer, who is a graduate of Aaker's business college at Grand Forks, Wilhelm, Elvin and Rudolph. After twenty-six years union, the latter Mrs. Larson died on December 6, 1915. Mr. Larson is still on the farm. CHARLES W. WILDER. Since March 15, 1899, Charles W. Wilder, of Crooks- ton township, has been a resident of Polk county, and during nearly all of the time has been engaged iu market gardening on a large scale and the leader in that industiy in this part of Minnesota. He has also been carrying on general farming operations for a number of years on three diiferent farms which he owns and has cultivated under his direct personal supervision and control. He was not the pioneer in the market gardening line but has been very successful in it, having the best years of the trade at his com- mand during the activity of the big lumbering mill iu Crookston, which is now dismantled. His success in the business has led to active competition, but he is still the leader in the particular line which he started in this locality. Mr. Wilder was born and reared in the province of Ontario, Canada, and in 1883 went to Dickey county, North Dakota, and took up a pre-emption and a tree claim. He lived on these claims sixteen years and was engaged in raising grain. When he went to North Dakota he had no capital, and was one of the first settlers on the prairie in what is now Dickey county. The prairie was then covered with buffalo in that region, and the soil is strewn with their bones, for thoy were slaughtered with relentless extravagance. On his arrival in this county, with $2,500 in cash as his capital, Mr. Wilder began operations as a market gardener on 34 acres of land. He raised vegetables and small fruits for sale and disposed of them at houses and stores in Crookston. He put up a hothouse of fair proportions to which he added others as his trade increased. From time to time he bought addi- tional land, and he now owns and cultivates his home farm of 164 acres in Section 32, Crookston township, and another river farm of 160 acres and one of 40 acres on the prairie in Section 33, Fairfax township. For some of this land he paid $50 an acre, but he has made good use of it and rendered it far more valuable. He also erected all the buildings on liis farms, expend- ing in doing so upwards of $5,000. In his truck gardening Mr. Wilder has about 40 acres devoted to raising potatoes and 15 in tomatoes and sweet corn, onions, cabbage, etc., regularly with other products in proportion. He employs several per- sons in carrying on his woi'k and uses modern machin- ery of the most approved models. He also conducts a general farming industry principally devoted to rais- ing grain, and lias averaged 38 bushels of wheat to the acre on a tract of 15 acres, and reached averages almost as high on other tracts from year to j^ear. Mr. Wilder was married while living in Dickey county. North Dakota, to Miss Lillian Coddington, a native of the state of New York. They have four children : Florence Elizabeth, who was graduated from the Crookston high school and taught school in Polk county three years, one of them in the town of Beltrami, and is now the wife of J. D. Dewar, of COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 301 Hammond township ; Jessie H., who is also a graduate of the Crookston high school and was a Polk county teacher, and is now the wife of F. R. Hedley, of Faii"- fax township ; Jay E., who is a graduate of the Agri- cultural College at Crookston, and Harvey A. Mrs. Wilder is a member of the Andover-Fairfax Social club and takes an active part in its proceedings and is zealous in promoting its welfare. Mr. Wilder has sei-ved as treasurer of the township board and also as a member of the school board while living in North Dakota. His home farm is located just one mile east of the center of Crookston and is one of the best in Crookston township. ANTHON LINDEM. Anthon Lindem, a prominent farmer of Bygland township and an ex-county commissioner, came to Polk countj^ in 1878, from Buffalo county, Wisconsin. He was born in Noi'way, September 11, 1855, the son of Arund and Maren Christine Lindem, who located in Buffalo county in 1868, and there Anthon Lindem grew to manhood, receiving his education in the com- mon schools of that count}'. He assisted in the development of the pioneer farm, working for his parents and then thriftily extending his operations to those of a labor contractor, hiring men to clear and break tracts of farm land and also handling town con- tracts for road building. This proved a profitable venture and in 1878 he came to Polk county, where a friend Peter Anderson had settled some years pre- vious. Mr. Lindem secured a tree claim in Russia township and resumed his former occupation of break- ing new land and during the first summer experienced the inconveniences of frontier life, securing feed for his two teams with great difficulty and at the expense of a troublesome and tedious journey. In the fall of the same year he disposed of his land and removed to Bygland township, taking a homestead of eighty acres in section twenty-two which he later increased to a quarter section, and later by purchase increased to 241 acres. His first house was a frame shaclv and he later moved to the log house which occupied the second tract of land, which remained his home until the erection of the present structure in 1890. He con- tinued to invest in land and has owned various tracts and has made many h^crative transactions in timber lands. He also owns a tract of fruit land in the Sacramento Valley, California. Although he lias devoted his attention principally to his farm, he was, in company with Peter Wardner, also interested for a time in a store at Big Fork, Itasca county. His son, Martin Lindem, was in charge of this store and both he and his sister, Anna Lindem, are owners of land in that county. For many years, Mr. Lindem confined his agi-icultural activities to the raising of grain but has latterly turned more attention to stock farming, breeding Short Horn cattle for dairying and )narket- iug purposes. Botli from natural location and impi-oved equipment his farm ranks among the finest of this region and attests to its owner's progressive methods and business ability. As a public spirited citizen and public servant, Mr. Lindem has given efficient service in various township offices and has been actively associated with educational matters as clerk of the school board for man_y years. In 1891 he was elected county commissioner and held this office for eight years, during which time, in company with his associates, M. E. Kirsch, of Crookston, and A. C. Reinhart, of East Grand Forks, he was identified with the erection of the county jail building and other important public improvements. He is a member of the Republican party but does not pledge himself to any political powers, pi'eferring to maintain the inde- pendence of his opinions. He was married in 1882, in Buffalo count}', Wisconsin, to Christine Thompson, who is a native of that state. They have a family of five children, Anna, who was educated in the University of North Dakota and is a Polk county teacher; Martin, who was in charge of the store in 302 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Itasca count}' for some years and is now fitting himself for the medical profession, in the University of North Dakota; Alfred, who was also a student at Grand Forks and is now managing liis father's farm; graduating from Concordia college, at Jloorhead, Minnesota, and Selma, a member of the sophmore class of the Grand Forks high school. Mr. Lindem and his family are all active members of the United Lutheran Oscar, who has entered the same University after church. JAMES DRISCOLL. James DriscoU, successful farmer of Huntsville township and a county commissioner, was born in County Lanark, Ontario, May 1, 1860, the sou of James and Johannah (O'Hearn) Driscoll, natives of Ireland, the former from County Cork and his wife from County Kerry. They came to Polk county from Canada in 1879 and the father bought railroad land in Sullivan township, four mile and a lialf from East Grand Forks, on the Grand Marais. Two sons, Michael Driscoll and John Driscoll, had preceded him the year previous and had secured homestead claims. The father became a prosperous farmer of that region, operating an estate of four hundred and eighty acres. He lived to an advanced age and died March 9, 1894, his wife surviving him until 1912. Of the family of five sons, all were farmers in Polk county. The death of the eldest, John Driscoll, a resident of Sullivan township occurred September 24, 1907. Michael Driscoll, Jerry Driscoll and Thomas Driscoll are farmers in the same township, the latter being the present owner of his father's farm. James Driscoll and the members of his family were all eonununicants of the Sacred Heart church at East Grand Forks. The subject of our sketch has resided in this county since his youth and for a number of years was associated with two of his brothers in the operation of the home farm. In 1891 he purchased tlie south lialf of section nine of Huntsville lownslii]) and entered upon bis independent career. This tract has continued to be his home, although he has extended its boundaries to include five hundred and eighty acres and also owns a quarter section on the Grand Marias, some two miles distant. The home farm is located four miles south- east of East Grand Forks and includes the former homestead of Z. M. Hunt, in whose honor the township was named. Mr. Driscoll is one of the progressive and enterprising agriculturists of the county and has l)uilt up a prosperous model estate in a justly famed farming community. Aside from his large operations as a grain farmer he is extensivel.y interested in stock raising and also keeps a herd of dair,y cattle. His place is stocked with Ilolstein and Short Horn cattle and he devotes a quarter section to pasturage use. His farm is equipped with good building and modern facilities for efficient farming. Not only in his private interests but as a citizen, Mr. Driscoll stands for progress and the best interests. He has given able .services in public office and has been honored with various local offices of the township, serving as super- visor and chairman of the township board and has ever exercised his influence for tlie development of the country's resources through drainage and good roads projects. He was appointed county commissioner as tlie successor of his brother, John Driscoll, whose death occurred during the third year of his term and at tlie next election, his appointment was endorsed at the polls and he was again returned to office in 1912. Mr. Driscoll is a member of the Republican party. His marriage to Anna Sullivan was solemnized November 23, 1891. She is a native of County Lanark, Ontario, the daughter of Maurice and Anna (Cunningham) Sullivan, of East Grand Forks. i\Iaurice Sullivan is a brother of Tim Sullivan, an eminent citizen of this county, and came to Minnesota when his daughter, Anna, was a small child. Mr. Driscoll and his wife have nine children : James, Lillian, Alda, a graduate of the normal school at East Grand Forka and a teacher in the school at Melville; COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 303 Edna, a student in St. Marys Academj' at Milwaukee ; Louise, who is attending high school at East Grand Forks; Leonard, Charles, Mary and Ruth Frances. They are all members of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. WILLIAM HENRY BAILEY. William Henry Bailey, a prominent farmer of Knute township, was born in Winnabago county, Wis- consin, July 5, 1855. His parents were of English nativity and were married in Wisconsin. After the death of his father, his mother became the wife of William Rostron and was a resident of Crookston in the early eighties. William H. Bailey came to Crook- ston in 1880 and has shared in tlie activities incident to the rapidly developing prosperity of Polk county, as a public spirited citizen and successful farmer. In his youth he was appi-entieed to the mason trade and when twenty years of age, went to Michigan, where he was employed for a time and later removed to Iowa. He made the trip to Crookston in an open buggy and made his home there for years, having secured a posi- tion with the Great Northern railroad as fireman and brakeman. Being temporarily disabled for railroad work through an injury received in coupling cars, he decided to turn his attention to fanning and without inspecting the land which was to be his future home, filed on a homestead on Section 19 in Knute township. He continued his employment with the railroad for a few years and then devoted his efforts to his farming enterprise and has resided on his place since January 8, 1884. During the first years, limited financial resources and the inconveniences of the sparsely settled and undeveloped frontier country added their share to the hardships which confront the pioneer farmer. Crookston, thirty-five miles distant acro.ss countrj', was the nearest railway station and the most accessible trading point was at Maple Bay, and this ten mile trip could not be made with a wagon, making it necessary to pack provisions on foot. For several years he worked at harvesting and at the various employment presented by local conditions, assisting in clearing land and digging wells and cellars and found a further source of revenue in dealing in cord wood, buying the wood for one dollar a cord and selling it in Erskine at a profitable increase. His first house was built of lumber which he hauled from Crookston. After three years he was enabled to purchase a team of oxen and to make rapid progress in the develop- ment of his own farm, clearing the land of the heavy timber and building up his present fine property. He has put sixty acres of the homestead under cultivation and has purchased eighty additional acres, all of which is devoted to grain and stock purposes. Like all progressive farmers, he is interested in raising the standard of farm stock and raises blooded animals and also keeps dairy cattle, being a patron of the co-opera- tive creamery at Erskine, in which he is a stockholder. Mr. Bailey has never been an active worker in political circles but in the interests of the community has senred as justice of peace and on the school board and has ever been influential in behalf of the general welfare and progress. In all activities of life, he has displayed the capable and intelligent management and enter- prise, which have marked his highly efficient accom- plishments as farmer and citizen. His estate is equipped with modern buildings, the house having been erected in 1911 and commands a fine panorama of Lake Sarah, one of Polk county's most beautifully wooded lakes and popular resorts. In 1915 Mr. Bailey made a valuable addition to his attractive residence in the installation of a carbide lighting plant, a material advance in the conveniences of the modem country home and the first innovation of the sort to be made in the Thirteen Towns. The plant is also utilized in lighting the bam. Mr. Bailey enjoys hunting and recalls the experiences of the earlier days when the large game visited this section and he shot bear and deer upon his own land. He was mar- 304 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ried in 1879 to Elizabeth Bradt, of Mankato, wlio was Robert 0. William R. Bailey aud Thomas L. Bailey born in "Wisconsin. Foui* children were boni to this are residents of Crookston, William R. Bailey being union, AVilliam R., Thomas L., Celia A., the wife of an engineer on the Great Northern railroad and the Herman Newman of Everett, Washington, and latter being emploj-ed in the postoffiee. HANS P. SOLSTAD. Hans P. Solstad, one of the pioneer Norwegian Lutheran pastors of the Red River valley, was the first preacher of the Norwegian Synod church to minister to congregations of that denomination in Polk county. After about seven years work in the ministry he was compelled by failing health to retire from active pastoral labor and has since resided on his homestead in Bygland township. Reverend Solstad was born in Hapedalen, near Christiania, Norway, August 15, 1843, he was educated in the public schools and gi'ew to manhood in his native land. At eighteen years of age he entered the military service of Norway and served for five years in the artillery corps stationed at Christiania. At the end of his military service he decided to emigrate to the United States. In July, 1866, he arrived at Albert Lea, Minnesota. He at once secured work. From 1866 to 1869, he worked as a farm laborer, on railroad work, and in a machine shop, all the time in the southern part of the state. In 1869 he entered Luther College at Decorah, Iowa, as a student in the normal course, graduating from that course three years later. He then taught parochial school for one year in congregations near Albert Lea. Several of his friends working as ministers had for several years been encouraging him to take up the study of theology preparatory to enter- ing the field as a minister of the gospel to his Nor- wegian American countrymen. This also became his choice for a calling and accordingly in 1873 he en- rolled as a student in the Concordia Theological Seminary of St. Louis, Missouri. This institution had at that time the great German Lutheran theologian Dr. C. F. Walther as its president. After two years of study at St. Louis i\Ir. Solstad was transferred to the Seminary at Springfield, Illinois. Here he was graduated in the spnng of 1876. After his graduation he received through tlie Church Council of the Norwegian Synod a call from three recently organized frontier congregations in Polk county, Minnesota, and one in Grand Forks, North Dakota.. In July, 1876, he was ordained with five other young men for the ministry by President, Rt. Rev. H. A. Preus in the Washington Prairie church, near Decorah, Iowa. In the fall of 1876 he came west to take charge of his call: The Bygland, congregation in Bygland township ; Our Saviours, at Crookston ; St. Peters, on the Sand Hill river and Walle, in Grand Forks county. North Dakota. These congregations were organized about two years previous by Rev. B. Harstad, of Mayville, North Dakota, who had tem- porarily under great difficulties and hardships minis- tered to their spiritual needs. The Bygland congre- gation had begun the erection of a log church in 1876. The other congregations had no .special building for worship. Services were held in the sod houses and log cabins of the early settlers. In some of the congre- gations served by Rev. Solstad the beautiful custom prevailed that the family at whose house sei*vices were held very hospitably entertained the whole gathering for dinner. Rev. Solstad made his home in Bj'gland township. He received no definite salaiy from his congregations. In those early days of struggle and hardships no one had much to give. What the members of his congre- gations had to give, they gave gladly and generously towards the support of the pastor and his family. In 1877 in order to get a home he filed on the piece of land that since has been his homestead. The same COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 305 summer members of the Bygland church hauled oak logs to the claim and the minister got the house built with the aid of the congregation and moved his family into it. In those early years what he could raise on the farm was a necessai*y supplement to the financial assistance his parishioners were able to make towards his living expenses. Rev. Solstad cheerfully cast his fortune with his people, dedicating himself to the advancement of his blaster's work and laboring shoulder to shoulder with the settlers for the upbuilding of the best in com- munity life. Besides his congregations he was assigned to minister to the spiritual needs of the scattered Norwegian settlers on both sides of the Red river extending north to the Canadian boundary. In performing his pastoral duties he endured all the hardships of the early days, of no roads and bridges and the settlers few and far between. Ilis mission field included aboiit one hundred miles of territory. The first year he traveled on horseback, in summer crossing streams in a canoe and swimming his horse across. Rev. Solstad organized four new congregations and did the first church work at many other places where since flourishing churches of his faith have grown up. But the many arduous demands and strenuous exertions of the work told upon his strength and after seven years of ministration failing health required his retirement. Since that time he has engaged in farming on his homestead which is located on section twenty-two, Bygland township. A son, Alfred Solstad, is associated with him in working the farm. Mr. Solstad was married in Freeborn count}', Minnesota, in 1876, to Annie Marie Hanson, who was educated at St. Olaf College at Northfield. Six chil- dren were born to them : Joseph, Peter, Martin, Alfred, Tiedmand and Albertina. The latter died in infancy and Mr. and Mrs. Solstad adopted a daughter Elena, who is now Mrs. Joel Ohnstad of Montfort, Wisconsin. Joseph, Peter and Martin were employed for several years as teachers in public schools in Minnesota and North Dakota. Martin and Tiedmand are now engaged in the mercantile business at Lang, Saskatchewan, while Joseph is superintendent of Rheinhardt's Sheet Metal Works at Grand Forks. Peter has also followed a mercantile career and is located at Eld red, Minnesota. Rev. Solstad is one of the oldest living settlers of the valley. He has many memories of the early years — of their struggles, disappointments and hardships, and treasured, deai'ly — memories of the friendships, joys and prosperity the yeare brought him ; and he is deeply grateful that his life was cast among the people in this of the-Lord-richly-blessed, Red River valley. FRANCIS MARION SLYTER. If he who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before is a public benefactor, much more is the man who starts a new enterprise in a community, the development of which leads to increased prosperity and comfort for hundreds and greatly augments tlie industrial and commercial importance of the com- munity, entitled to this distincion and large credit for fruitful enterprise. Francis Marion Slyter, an exten- sive and progressive farmer of Andover township, has earned the right to such consideration. Wlien in 1912 he located on the farm which he still occupies there were not twenty-five dairy cows within six miles. Now there are nearly ten hundred in the same territory, and the business is a source of great wealth and progress. Mr. Slyter brought ten cows and began making butter for sale, others having since followed his example with excellent results. Francis M. Slyter was born in Grundy county, Illinois, January 16, 1853. He moved to Benton county, Indiana, in 1872, and lived there nineteen yeai*s. In 1894 he changed his residence to Kossuth county, Iowa, where he bought a farm of 240 acres, which he sold in 1901 for more than double its cost. His two sons, L. E. and D. S. Slyter, had bought 160 306 compendiu:m of history and biography of polk county acres of Polk county land in Fairfax township, four miles southeast of Crookston, and their father came to visit them and take a look at their purchase, hut with no intention to make one himself. The county proved so attractive, however, that he soon made a selection of his present farm purchasing at a cost of $27.50 an acre. It comprises 320 acres and was then almost wholly unimproved. He has expended about $5,000 in substantial and lasting improvements, and has the land well drained and all under cultivation and yield- ing excellent crops. Mr. Slyter's place is the north half of section 25, Andover township, and lies four miles south of Crooks- ton. It is devoted principally to raising oats and barley and raising and feeding cattle, the strain pre- fei-red being the Shorthorn breed. He has an artesian well 227 feet deep, which furnishes an abundant supply of excellent soft water for all purposes. His grain crop in 1915 amounted to some 7,000 bushels, and the yield per acre has been fair for years. He feeds regularly about 20 head of cattle and milks seven cows. Almost immediately after coming he began to set out some fruit trees and practically all tlie small fruits, including gi'apes, his success with them having been very gratifying. Mr. Slyter had $6,000 in cash, live stock and some portions of a farm equipment. These combined with iudustiy, good management and up-to-date farming methods he has wrought out results that are in the highest degree satisfactory. His land was at first over- run with wild growths destructive of regular crops, lie follows a judicious system of crop rotation, thus keeping the land in prime condition. In 1913 his profits totaled $3,300 and in 1915 they reached $3,700. He has refused offers of nearly $75 an acre for his fann and discouraged all attempts to get him to sell. Mr. Slyter was married in Grundy county, Illinois, in 1870, to Miss Anna E. Steep, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. They have five children ; Lewis Edward, who lives at Red Lake Falls, Minnesota; Derwin Sheri- dan, a farmer near Akron, Colorado; Ada Helen, the wife of J. F. McAdams, of Sioux City, Iowa; Clai'a Belle, the wife of Ray Murphy, of Chariton, Iowa, and Irene Winifred, the wife of Walter Mergan, of Andover township. During the last few years Mr. Slyter has been a member of the school board and he is now also supervisor of the township. He is a Re- publican in political alliance and a Presbyterian in j-eligious affiliation, membership being in Crookston. HEURICK JOHANSON. This progressive and prosperous farmer of Higdem township, this county, proprietor of the Valley Home farm, fifteen miles north and one west of Grand Forks and seven miles southeast of Oslo, has demonstrated iu his career in this locality the value of persistency and determination when conditions are discouraging. He was born in Sweden May 3, 1856, and came to tlie United States in June, 1879, locating in Renville county, Minnesota, where one of his sisters was then living. He still o^ved for his transportation from his native land when he arrived in this state, but he worked at his trade of shoemaking in the different homes around him, making shoes for whole families, also did farm work and was employed one Avinter in a shoe shop at Sacred Heart in Renville county, and so got a start after having devoted all his earnings to helping his parents before leaving home. On May 8, 1880, Mr. Johanson filed on his first quarter section of land, Carl Krinersberg having come to this county with him. His location was in Section 24, Higdem township, and the next fall he built a dwelling on it, borrowing some of the money needed for the purpose as he had paid part of the passage nioney for one of his parents and a brother. His dwelling was a little log house the logs for which he had to bring from Snake river four miles cast of his home. For some time he cut cord wood in the winter and worked on railroad grading in tlie summer, hiring u Koiui 1-; K Kc).\ isi '1 1 N A l;i;l COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 307 a mau to break and cultivate his land. lu the spring of 1883 he bought a yoke of oxen and rented a piece of land in order to get a crop. The laud was wet and tlie crop was poor, and the next year the frost injm-ed his graiu and it brought a low price. Many settlers left the neighborhood at this time but he determined to remain, and in a short time he began to prosper. As soon as he was able he bought forty acres of railroad land at $6 an acre, and a little later another tract of forty acres at $10 an acre and still later forty acres more for which he paid $32.50 an acre. He also began to buy young cattle, but butter was only six cents a pound and eggs six cents a dozen, so he could not make much of his venture in this direction. His farm now comprises 280 acres and is registered on the county records as "Valley Home Farm" in English, "Dalhem" in Swedish. It has a fine grove or wind- break planted by Mr. Johanson in 1896, and the .judi- cial ditch, No. 1, through Polk and Marshall and into Pennington and Red Lake counties, forming an outlet from Snake to Red river, passes his farm on the section line, although he had good drainage without this aid. He also owns ten acres of timber land on Red river. Mr. Johanson was married in 1886 to Miss Eliu Johanson, whom he knew in Sweden, her native land, and who came to this country to become his wife. They have four children : Elin, who is a senior in the Duluth Normal school and has been a teacher in Polk and Marshall counties; Hjalmar, Hilma and David, who are living at home. The members of the family hold membership in the Swedish Mission church. In relation to public affairs Mr. Johanson is independent, striving always to give his support to the candidates best qualified for the offices they seek. He is now in his twenty-fifth year of continuous service as town- ship assessor, an office he does not desire but continues to fill from a sense of duty, and has been chairman of the school board for nineteen or twenty successive years, also one year town supervisor, one year road overseer and three years justice of the peace. GEORGE KRONSCHNABEL. Having been a resident of Polk county for thirty- five years, with the exception of about eighteen months, during which he lived in Winona, Minne- sota, and having been in business in Fertile since 1886, and all the time zealous and enterprising in the service of the community in various ways, George Kronschnabel, president of the Fertile Brick and Tile company, has proven himself to be a valuable citizen and a stimulating force for progi'ess among the people of this section, and he is esteemed by them in accordance with the services he has rendered and is still rendering them and his sterling integrity as a man and fidelity and ability as a public official. Mr. Kronschnabel was born in Cleveland, Ohio, June 14, 1857, the son of George and Mary (Kling- hom) Kronschnabel, who moved to Minnesota in 1862 and located in Carver county. The father died in San Antonio, Texas, in 1903, at the age of seventy- six years. He operated a sawmill for a number of years in Carver county, and his son George assisted him in the work. He was educated and grew to man- hood in Carver county and there learned the trade of tinsmith. This trade was his regular occupation for about sixteen years, but other and better oppor- tunities opened before him and he was prompt in embracing them and making them serviceable to his advancement. In January, 1880, Mr. Kronschnabel became a resi- dent of Polk county, and in 1886 he opened a hard- ware store at Fertile. He continued in this line of trade until 1898, since which time he has given his attention wholly to the manufacture of brick and tile and the management of his farm of 160 acres in the vicinity of Fertile, except what has been required by his position as director of the First State Bank of Fertile and as president of the village council, 308 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY which lie also served for a time as treasurer. He was the first president of the eouncil and has oeeu- pied that office altogether seven years, filling it with ahility and studious attention to the welfare of the community and to its entire satisfaction. In 1897 Mr. Kronsehnabel started what is now the tile factory as a sand mold brick plant. In 1900 the business was incorporated with him as president of the company, which he has been ever since, and in 1903 the manufacture of tile and hollow blocks was added to the operations of the factor}-. It has a capacity of 40,000 brick a day, or 4,000,000 a year. Mr. Kronsehnabel is the manager of the business as well as president of the company. Brown Duckstad is vice president of the company and E. B. Hanson is secretary and treasurer. The industry is a leader in this part of the state and has an extensive and steadily expanding trade. It is admirably managed and enjoys hearty and widespread popularity, which is based wholly on the excellence of its products and the strict intejn'ity which governs the business. Mr. Kronsehnabel is a member of the Order of Odd Fellows and the Workmen of the World. He has been a director of the First State Bank of Fertile from its organization, and has taken an earnest and serviceable interest in every worthy undertaking for the good of his home community. On June 27, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss Sophia Oehler, a native of Rice county, Minnesota. Four children have been born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The two living are Alma O. and George C. JULIUS BRADLEY. Julius Bradley, jiresideut of the Scandia Bank of Erskine and a well known farmer in Knute township, was born in Norway, February 15, 1859. He grew to manhood in his native land and came to the L^nited States in 1881 to seek his fortunes amid the oppor- tunities of the northwest. He possessed no capital but sturdy ambition and iiidustriousness and paid for his passage from his first earnings in the new coimtiy. During the first years he worked in the harvest fields and at other farm labor, in Wisconsin and Minnesota, coming to Northfield, Minnesota, in 1882. In the following year he secured a homestead in the newly opened Thirteen Towns. The payment on his claim demanded all his savings and for a few years he continued to work as a harvester and in other employment. During tlie winter months he was employed in the lumber woods and also worked on the log drives on tlie Clearwater and ^Mississippi rivers. Able and thrifty management soon brought success to his farming operations, which have stead- ily increased. Mr. Bradley now owns six hundred acres of land in Knute township, which is included in three different farms and loerted in sections tliirtv- two, twenty-eight, twenty-one, twenty-two and twenty-seven. This land is all operated under the direct management of Mr. Bradley and he has put under cultivation some three hundred acres of wild land. Aside from grain farming he engages in the raising of high grade short horn stock and keeps a herd of ten dairy cows. Mr. Bi'adley lias always been active in township affairs and has ably served his fellow citizens as township treasurer and as treasurer of the school district, having held the latter office for many years. He is a member of the Repub- lican party but has never allowed party lines to influence his personal convictions in political ques- tions. Mr. Bradley is further identified with those who have established the agricultural and financial prosperity of Polk county as one of the organizers and the largest stock holder in the Scandia Bank at Erskine. He has been most prominently associated with the direction of this successful institution, having been president, since its incorporation. Mr. Bradley was married in 1886 to Martha Bensen, who came to Minnesota as a child and to Polk county in 1883. They have a family of seven daughters and COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 309 two sons: Gust; Gina; Bertha; Julia; Ida, who is engaged in the millinery business at Fergus Falls; Anna, a trained nurse and employed in the same town ; Gyda, Joseph and Martha. The Bradley home is four miles south of Erskine, in section twenty- eight of Knute township and occupies a delightful location on the shore of a beautiful lake. ANDREW THORESON. Andrew Thoreson, a well known farmer of Lessor township, is a native of Minnesota, born in Dakota county, March 3, 1861, and has devoted all of his career to the agricultural activities of the northwest, tleveloping wild land and advancing the growth of prosperous farming enterprises. At the age of twenty-one he took a pre-emption claim near Grafton, North Dakota, and lived on that place until 1892, when he came to Polk county, having heard of the merits of this section through relatives who were then living there, and bought the two hundred and forty acres of laud in section twelve of Lessor township, which is his present home, paying about thirteen hundred dollars for the tract, which had no improvements and but a few acres cleared. - He has put some one hundred and forty acres under cultivation and also owns one hun- dred and twenty acres in section thirty-six of Lambert township, in Red Lake county, about two miles north of the home farm. This latter place is crossed by Hill river and is unusually rich bottom land and devoted to the raising of grain. All of this land has been developed by Mr. Thoreson, who has also been instrumental in securing good roads through that section and a substantial steel bridge on the river. His home farm provides much good pasturage and he engages in stock and dairy farming, raising thoroughbred Short Horn cattle, and is a patron of the Clover Leaf creamery, manufacturers of cheese, a local enterprise operating to the profit and advan- tage of the farmers of that region. Mr. Thoreson has ever taken an active interest in any project tending to the general welfare and progress and has given able service as a member of the township board and school board. Like many of the settlers of northern Minnesota he is a great enjoyer of out of door sports and participated in the deer hunts which formerly afforded great sport in this country. He was married in 1893 to Julia Sunstahl of Polk county, and they have seven children : Tena, Salma, Bertha, Len, Alpha, Lillie and Alphonso. PEDER K. ESPESETH. Peder K. Espeseth, of Badger township, is one of the successful farmers of this region who have notably demonstrated the latent riches of Polk county soil and advanced it to its present prosperous standard as an agricultural community. He was born in Norway, December 27, 1868, and is the son of a well-known pioneer of Badger township, Knute Espeseth. His brother, G. K. Espeseth, president of the State bank of Erskine, is prominently allied with the commercial activities of the county. The Espeseth family came to the United States in 1882, when Peder Espeseth was a lad of fourteen, and after spending a short time in Chippewa county, Minne- sota, Knute Espeseth squatted on land in the Thir- teen Towns, awaiting its re-opening for settlement. A nephew, Gilbert Espeseth, and Mr. Evanson accom- panied him to Polk county and also chose locations. On the opening of the land in 1883 he filed on his homestead, which is the present home of Peder Espeseth, in section three of Badger township. Knute Espeseth devoted his life to the development of his land and died there in 1906, the death of his wife occurring in the same year. Peder Espeseth 's life has been spent on this homestead, which, in his youth, 310 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY he assisted his father to elear of timber and break for farming. During the later years of his father's life he assumed entire direction of the place and since his death has become the owner of the three hundred and sixty acres, which includes the home- stead and part of a half section, which they pur- chased iu partnership as partially improved land. The first home, a long house, was replaced by Knute Espeseth with a modern structure, and he also erected the good barns which now occupy the estate. Peder Espeseth applies the most progressive and enterprising methods to his farming interests and has met with marked success in all his activities. He has two hundred acres in cultivation for grain and harvests an annual crop of some 3,500 bushels, but does not give his entire attention to this phase, utilizing the balance of his fertile acres for his extensive operations as a stock man. He keeps a large herd of Short Horn cattle, is a breeder of Percherou horses, and raises sheep and hogs, selling two carloads of stock each year. He also has fifteen dairy cows and is a patroa and stockholder in the co-operative creamery at Erskiue. Mr. Espeseth 's prosperous and busy farm exhibits the results of careful management and intelligent study of the farm business, in its adequate equipment and effi- ciency and profitable operations. In his barn is to be found modern improvements for the feeding and watering of stock, and to facilitate the routine farm work. Mr. Espeseth is a stockholder in the First State bank at Erskine. He was niaD'ied in IIUO to Gina Rud, who is the daughter of Jorgen Rud, a farmer in Garden township, near Fertile. They have two children, Mildred and Clarence. Mr. Espeseth and his wife are members of the Saron United Luth- eran church, of which his parents were original members. FRANK 0. JOHNSON. Frank 0. Johnson, a well known farmer of Lessor township, is a native of Sweden, born December 29, 1861. Since coming to Polk county he has been engaged in successful farming operations and has been actively associated with all phases of public development. Mr. Johnson came to the United States, as a young man, in 1880 and spent four years working on a stock farm in Yellow Medicine county, Minnesota. Industry and ambition led to successful retrenchment of his wages and he was enabled to send pa.ssage money to his parents, that they, with the other members of the family, might join him in his new life. In 1883 his father, J. H. Johnson, secured a homestead claim in section six of King township, and in the following year Frank Johnson purchased two yoke of oxen and conveyed his mother and family to the Polk county home. The purchase of the oxen and the outfitting of the family in their new quarters exhausted his funds, and before em- barking upon his own farming enterprise he was compelled to return to his former employment that he might accumulate the necessary capital. In a year or so his thrifty endeavors provided him funds to attain his ambition, and in 1885 he returned to Polk county and filed on a homestead in section twenty-seven of Lessor township, about three and one-half miles north of Mcintosh. His parents re- mained on their farm for several years and now reside in Mcintosh. Frank Johnson erected a small log shack and barn and entered upon laborious tasks of the pioneer farmer. The years of labor and able management have developed a prosperous farming property and some eighty acres have been cleared of timber and put under cultivation. The present house was erected in 1900 of spruce and tamarack logs which were hauled from Gully, twenty miles distant, and in the following year a good barn was built. The house has since been converted in out- ward appearance to a modem ft-ame home. Mr. Johnson also owns a quarter section in section nine- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 311 teen, Lessor township, four miles from the home farm, which he utilizes as hay and pasture land, engaging quite extensively in stock farming and raising Short Horn and Red Polled cattle. Through- out the many years of his citizenship Mr. Johnson has been identified with the public activities of the community and has been honored with the various local offices of public trust, serving for many years on the township board and for twenty years as treasurer of the school board, but perhaps his most notable service to public progress has been as road boss and supervisor, an office which he has held off and on since 1885 and in which capacity he has directed the construction of many roads in the township. He was identified with the movement which instigated the building of the first church by a Swedish congregation. This edifice was erected of logs and stood until 1915, although the congre- gation had been for some time disbanded. Mr. Johnson has spent two years in Canada, where he held a claim for his son and also invested in a half section of land near the Lake of the Woods. Mr. Johnson has been twice married ; his first wife, Bena Hanson, of Chippewa county, Minnesota, to whom he was married in 1886, died in the following year. In 1889 he was married to Hannah Sjoden, like her husband, a native of Sweden, who came to Winnipeg as a young girl and later visited her sister, Mrs. J. E. Carlson. To his second union were bom seven children : Henry, Bannard, Fred E. and Arthur, who are located on land at the Lake of the Woods, Can- ada; William, Hilmer and Olive. JAMES I. PETERSON. James I. Peterson, a pioneer farmer of Grand Forks township, was born in Sweden, July 24, 1853, and came to the United States with his parents in 1869, when sixteen years of age. After locating for a short time at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, they removed to Goodhue county, Minnesota, and later to Renville coxinty, where James Peterson secured a homestead of eighty acres. After several years there, in com- pany with Louis Larson, with whom he had been associated in the operation of a threshing machine, he traveled farther west looking for land and after driving through Dakota, located on a pre-emption claim in Polk county. In May, 1877, he was married to Hannah Larson, born in Christiania, Norway, June 26, 1858, at the same time his two sisters were united in marriage, Agnes Peterson to Louis Larson and Emma Peterson to Andrew Norleen, and the three couples immediately set out to find homes in the western part of the state. Mr. Peterson and Mr. Larson located in Polk county and there Mr. Norleen joined them later and for a number of years has made his home at Winger. Mr. Peterson settled on his land in Grand Forks township in June, 1877, and with a few dollars and the thrifty ambition which Avas the usual capital of the pioneer entered upon the arduous and often discouraging task of develop- ing a profitable farming enterprise. Buying out the right of a settler on a tree claim, he filed on the claim himself and here set out six acres of box elders, which now presents one of the most attrac- tive sights in the county and is one of the finest groves in the northwest. During the first summer he broke some eight acres of land and in the winter was compelled to seek employment in the lumber woods near Brainerd, Minnesota, but this proved an unfortunate year for lumber work and his months of labor brought him little financial advance. There- after he devoted his efforts to his land which has since brought him steadily increasing prosperity with the exception of two years when the crops were destroyed by hail stonns. He resumed his partner- ship with Mr. Larson in a threshing outfit and they enjoyed a large patronage among neighboring farm- ers for a number of years. His first agricultural activities were devoted entirely to the raising of grain, but of recent years his interest has included 312 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY stock and daii-y farming. His first home was a log cabin on the pre-emption claim, where he also erected his second house. In 1897 he built his pres- ent home on the tract secured as a tree claim. This is in section two of Grand Forks township and five miles north of East Grand Forks. Mr. Peterson has ever been actively identified with the best interests and local development and has served as township supervisor and as one of the first directors on the school board, ably jiromoted the establishment of the present eflScient school system. He is a member of the Grand Marais Lutheran church, which was erected on his land which he donated for the pur- I)ose and of which he continues to be a faithful sup- porter. Mr. Peterson and his wife have five chil- dren, Emma, the wife of Thorjus Morken, of Thief River Falls ; Arthur, who also resides in Thief River Falls; AValter, Clarence and Oscar, who reside at home. BERNT J. HAGEN. This now prosperous and well conditioned farmer has reached his estate of worldly comfort and inde- pendence through much tribulation, but he has never lost his nerve or spared his efforts to advance his interests, and in spite of his adversities and serious losses he has made steady progress by reason of his persistent and wisely directed industry and good management. He was bom in Norway, November 17, 1851, and came to the United States in 1871, locating at Spring Grove, Houston county, Minne- sota. He did grading work on the railroads and followed farming for a few years, but lost his crops by the ravages of chinch bugs. In spite of this dis- aster, however, he managed to save $200, and then made jaunts about the country looking it over with a view to selecting a permanent location. In the spring of 1876 his money was all gone, and he came to Polk county. One year later, 1877, his sister, Mrs. 0. 0. Hoff, came and homesteaded a quarter section joining Mr. Ilagen. Soon after his arrival in this county he pre-empted eighty acres of his present home and took up eighty more as a home- stead. He located on that land in the spring of 1876, being the first man to settle on the prairie in what is now Grand Forks township, his farm being in section twenty-four, two miles north of East Grand Forks, and his dwelling house on this farm being one of the best in the county of its class and size. His first house was a little log shack twelve feet square, with a straw and sod roof. Yet poor as this was its destruction by fire was a serious embarrassment to him. After the loss of the little shack ilr. Ilagen built a larger and more pretentious log house, which was about the best one in that part of the county for years. It was long used as a church alternately with the residence of Mrs. A. D. Steele, there being at that time no real church edifice within many miles of this section. In the course of a little while Jlr. Ilagen obtained a yoke of steers. He bought them wild and then broke them so that he could drive them anywhere. He used the opportunities available to him to break up as much of his land as possible, and in the mean- time obtained some work on barges on the Red river, which helped to provide him with the necessaries of life. For a number of years he either kept a bach- elor establishment or had a sister keeping house for him, but in 1882 he was married to Miss Dorothy ilidtmoen, a daughter of Ole and Ella Midtmoen, and born in Norway, but brought to this country when she was eight years old. She is a sister of Peter Olson, a sketch of whom will be found in this work. The first five years of Mrs. Ilagen 's life in this country were passed in Iowa county, "Wisconsin, and at the end of that period she accompanied her par- ents to this county. Her father had settled on land close to Mr. Hagen's and built a house on it. Then, in 1878, his wife, Dorothy, and her brother Peter, COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 313 came to the farm where he was. Mr. Hagen met the wife, son and daughter at Fisher's Landing with his ox team and hauled them to the farm. Ilis marriage with Miss Dorothy occurred when she was but seven- teen years of age. She was resolute in spirit, always ready to take what came in the way of duty, and for one summer worked out in the employ of Robert Anderson's family. Her father's old homestead is now owned by Andrew Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Hagen were mari'ied by I. Thorelson, of Grand Foi'ks, a minister there. By this time he owned horses, and he was more prosperous and making better progress than he had been, but he still lost crops by hail, one storm being so violent that it killed everything he had growing, scattered his stock and forced him to protect his head with his boots, and the hail stones lay in heaps on the ground for hours after falling. Frost also injured his crops frequently. He was early in the field in this section with a threshing outfit, but he was obliged to steer his first engine with teams. He has been a member of Grand Marais Lutheran church and one of its prominent workers ever since he settled here. He and his wife became the parents of ten children, nine of whom are living: Olof, Thoi-val, Emma, Ode, Bennett, Julia, Ida, Nina and Arthur. They are all at home with their parents yet, the only break in the family circle occurring by the death of a son named Adolph, who died when he was five years old. ANDREW L. STEELE. Andrew L. Steele, a successful farmer of Gi'and Forks township, is a native of Sweden and came to Polk county in 1879. He was born IMarch 5, 1855, and grew to manhood in his native land, where he was employed in an iron mine. In 1877 he came to the United States and for a time worked in the lum- ber yards at Minneapolis. Subsequently he spent a number of years as a lumber man and railroad laborer, spending the winters in the lumber woods and the summer season in railroad grading. It was in the pursuit of the latter occupation that he came to Polk county, Avorking on the eonstniction of the road bed between Fi-shers Landing and Grand Forks. Ambitious to secure an education, he availed himself of every opportunity to advance himself, using his carefully saved capital for this purpose. After gaining the use of the English language through his own studies, he spent two years in the public schools at Red Wing, Minnesota, and later studied for a year in the Gustavus Adolphus college, at St. Peter. In 1879 lie took a homestead in section eight of Northland township and since that time has devoted his attention to farming, living on his homestead until 1887, when he was married to Caroline Eriek- 20 son. She is a native of Sweden and came to Brain- erd, Minnesota, 1877, as a young girl, to join her brother, Peter M. Lagerquist. In 1880, she came to Polk county, immediately after her marriage to Ole Eriekson, who had located in Grand Forks township two years previous. She has since continued to make her home on this farm, where the death of Mr. Eriekson occuiTed in 1884, at the age of thirty-five. He was a well known farmer of that section and was prominent in township affaii'S. There were four children bom to this marriage, three of whom are now living, Edith Caroline, the wife of Adolph Lar- son, of East Grand Forks; Minnie Amanda, who married her cousin, Andrew Eriekson, and lived on the farm which they bought of P. M. Lagerquist, until her death three years after ; and Oscar Herbert, who is a rural mail carrier, located at East Grand Forks. Upon his marriage, Mr. Steele assumed the management of his wife's farm, which he operated with his own land until some ten years ago, when he sold his homestead in Northland township and has since added to the home farm in section two, Grand Forks township, making an estate of two hundred and ten acres. In 1898 he erected the present pleas- 314 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ant farm home and has steadily added to the im- provement of the property, prospering in his various agricultural enterprises. As a member of the school board he has given able service to the advancement of the best interests of the community. Mr. Steele and his wife have two children, Carrie Mabel Eloise, Avho married James Power and lives in East Grand Forks, and "Walter Andre. Mr. Steele and his family are faithful supporters of the Swedish Lutheran church. DAVID WILL. David Will, a successful farmer of Huntsville township, is a native of Wisconsin and came to Polk county in 1882. He was born in Waukesha county, Wisconsin, July 29, 1862, and at an early age re- moved with his parents to Blue Earth county, Min- nesota, where he grew to manhood. On coming to Polk county, he worked at whatever livelihood the country afforded, at Fisher for a time and for sev- eral years on the farm of Mr. Gilmour in Nesbit township. After six years of steady labor he had accumulated a small capital which enabled him to finance a farming enterprise on rented land, where he remained for three years and then bought the ([uarter section in section two of Huntsville town- ship, which is his present home. This tract con- tained no buildings and but a few acres of cultivated land and Mr. Will entered upon his operations under the handicap of debt. He erected buildings and began the development of his property and has worked his way lo success through determination and unfailing industry, energetically overcoming failure and discouragement. In the first year he suffered the loss of his crops and for a number of years was able to make but little progress toward prosperity but able management and hard work have brought him to the goal of the successful agri- culturist. He later bought eighty acres of railroad land and for many years has rented laud and operates two hundred and forty acres aside from the home quarter. lie engages principally in grain farming, harvesting some 8,500 bushels in 191.5 and also is interested in stock and dairy farming, and selling dairy products to private customers in Grand Forks. I\Ir. Will is interested in all matters of public moment and community welfare and is a township supervisor. His marriage to Mary Fergu- son occurred in 1892. She is the daughter of Donald Ferguson, a farmer in Winona county, Minnesota. LUDWIG LARSON. With a farm of 306 acres in Esther township, fourteen miles north of Grand Forks, in section ten, which is one of the best farms in the Red River val- ley, and owning in addition a well improved home- stead, which is occupied and cultivated by his son, Ludwig Larson is well fixed in a worldly way and in a position to almost bid defiance to adversitj\ He was born in Nor^vay, June 12, 1862, the son of Johannes and Maren Larson, and came with them to the United States in 1872. The family at first located in Renville county, Minnesota, and lived there until 1877, when its residence was changed to Polk county. On his arrival in this county the father took up a homestead, which is the northwest quarter of sec- tion ten, and is a part of the farm on which his son Ludwig now lives. The father built a log house which is still standing, but which he was not allowed to occupy long, for he died about two years later at the age of forty-seven. His widow afterward maiTied Martin Ilillard and passed the remainder of her days on the adjoining farm, where she died in 1892, and where Mr. Hillard also died. The Larson famil.y was one of the first to settle in this locality. Its nearest neighbor was Mr. Hanson, ) KELS YA8E.\DEX COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 315 whose farm was north of the Larson home. All the rest of the surrounding country for many miles was prairie in its wild condition. The father was a carpenter, but after his arrival in this county de- voted himself to fanning, but worked incidentally at his trade. He and his wife were the parents of five children, four of whom are living. Those be- sides Ludwig are : Gena, who is now the wife of H. H. Flatten; Martin Juel, who is now a city coun- cilman in Southern Minnesota, and Carl, who is in business at Thief River Palls. Anton died at the age of ten j'cars. Ludwig Larson was seventeen years old at the time of his father's death and had to take charge of the farm as all the other sons were still young. When he reached the age of twenty-one he took up a homestead for himself, the southwest quarter of section tAvelve, Esther township, on which he erected some buildings and lived until after his mother's death. He then bought out the other heirs of the old place and to this he has since added 200 acres, so that his home farm now contains 306 acres, about eighty acres of which is timber laud but none of it touches the Red river. He paid $30 an acre for the additional 200 acres. He has erected a new dwelling house on the farm and some three years ago he built a new barn and other outbuildings. Grain is his principal production and in 191.5 liis crop was 2,060 bushels of wheat and 1,400 bushels of other cereals. He also keeps thirty head of cattle, Red Polled stock being his favorite brand, and raises a number every year, keeping the steers until they reach maturity. Mr. Larson has taken an active part in public affairs in his township, having served on the town- ship board almost ever since he came of age. He is a republican in politics and a Lutheran in religious affiliation, belonging to the United Lutheran church at Grand Marais. At the age of twenty-one he was married to Miss Annie Erickson, a native of Nor- way, who came to Polk county about two years prior to her marriage. They have had eight chil- dren, seven of whom are living: John, who is operating the homestead taken up by his father; Clara, who is the wife of Arthur Peterson, of Pen- nington county, Minnesota; Gena Matilda, who is the wife of Henry Bang, of Higdem township, and Regna, Carl Ludwig, Alma Christine and Mabel Sophia, who are living at home. A son named Emil Albert died when he was about twenty years old. NELS VASENDEN. During the thirteen years of his residence in Polk county Nels Vasenden, a prominent business man of Fertile and secretary of the Polk County Agricul- tural Pair association, has contributed in many ways to the progress and development of the county, hav- ing taken an active and serviceable part in its busi- ness activities, social life and public affairs. While he is still a young man, he is very energetic and pro- gressive, with extensive intelligence, good judgment and a spirit of enterprise that overcomes obstacles and meets every I'cquirement of dutj^ witli courage and resourcefulness. Mr. Vasenden was born in Norway, February 2-5, 1881, and was reared and educated in his native land, where he remained until he attained his majority. In December, 1902, he came to the LTnited States and located at Fertile, where he was employed for a time by his uncle, Dr. Arne Nelson, then the leading phy- sician and druggist of this part of the county. After a time he left the employ of his uncle and pass'^d about eight months working on a farm, but at the end of that period he returned to Fertile, and thereafter he lived with the doctor until the death of the latter, which occurred in May, 1908. This event opened a new chapter with enlarged op- portunities in the life of Mr. Vasenden. He was appointed administrator of his uncle's estate, and in October, 1909, he took over the drug business which 316 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY that estimable geutlemau had started and which ho owned at the time of his death. He has always taken an earnest interest in the affairs of Fertile and has served as village recorder. He is now secretarj^ of the Polk County Agricultural Fair association, and in this position he has wide scope for his ability and enterprise and is employing them igreatly to the advantage of the association and the general benefit of the people of the county. He is also a director of the First State Bank of Fertile, and is interested in farm lauds to the extent of 274 acres in association with E. B. Hanson. In church activities he also takes an active part as a member of the Synod Lutheran congregation. In fact, there is no line of endeavor for tlie good of the community in which he is back- ward, and all his efforts are guided by breadth of view and governed by prudence. OLE 0. HOFF. This gentleman, Avho was formerly known as Mr. Olson, and whose fine farm lies two miles and a half north of East Grand Forks, adjoining that of Bernt J. Ilagen, was born in Solor, Norway, February 4, 1854, and came to the United States in 1882, with no capital but his strong arm, clear head and cour- ageous spirit, his pas.sage across the ocean not having been paid, and he being l>ound under a strong obli- gation to work even that out before he could lay up anything for himself or with a view to starting any pro.iect of his own. On his arrival in this country- Jlr. Hoff came direct to Polk county, ■where his brother, Bernt Olson, was already established on a homestead which he had taken up in 1877. Ole's first year in this county was passed in the employ of Samuel Ormeson as a farm hand, doing work to which he iiad been reared. When his brother Bernt took up bis homestead he also took uj) a ti-ee claim, and that is the land which Ole now owns. Bernt was killed by accident on the rail- road on his way home from Crookston, and at his death left a widow and a son named Bernhardt. A daughter named Teolina was born after her father's death. Both of these children died early of diphtheria. Bernt Olson's widow, whose nuiiden name was Olena Johnson, took over the homestead after her husband's death, and for one year Ole worked on it. He then moved to the place he now owns and occupies, and he has since bought an additional 160 acres in Roseau county. The widow liad only a log house on the land when he took hold of it, and he has since built the present buildings. He raises princi- pally wheat, oats and barley, and for thirty-three years he has been devoting all his time and energies to the improvement and cultivation of this farm, of which only thirty acres were broken when he located on it and began to develop it. Three years after set- tling here he was united in marriage with his brother Bernt 's widow. They have three children, Olof, Emma and John, all living at home. Mr. Hoff has been a member of the township board for the last si.K years, and has also been a trustee of Grand Marais Lutheran church. He was for many years a Republican in political faith and allegiance, but of late j'ears he has been independent of party control and uses his judgment of men in disposing of his vote, and in connection with his activity in public affairs. He is entei-prising and progressive, and is universally esteemed as an upright man and a very u.seful citizen. ROBERT KERR. Robert Kerr, of Grand Forks township, has been a resident of Polk county since 1879, and during these years has been identified with the development of the agricultural interests of the county. He is a COMPENDIUM OF HISTOKY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 317 native of Scotland, born in Roxburgshire, March 2, 1859, and came to America when a lad of fourteen years, his parents settling near Newcastle, county Durham, Ontario. He grew to manhood on the Canadian homestead and in the spring of 1879, came to Polk county, ambitious to secure a tract of land. He reached Grand Forks, a stranger in a strange land and without sufficient funds to engage immedi- ately upon his project. During the summer he worked for John Ireland, a Polk county farmer, and after several months secured a homestead in Grand Forks county. North Dakota, but ill health com- pelled him to relinquish his claim after a year's resi- dence and in 1880 he returned to Polk county and for a few years rented land along the river. He then purchased a part of his present farm in Grand Forks township, from the Culver estate, paying $25 an acre for the tract which was wild prairie. For some years he gave his attention to his farming interests, which also included a quarter section of land which he rented. In January, 1891, he was married to Annie Gagnon, who was then residing on her father's homestead, which had come into her posses- sion at his death. The former Gagnon homestead has since been the home of Mr. Kerr and his family. Mr. Kerr is one of the successful farmers of this region and devotes the greater part of his half sec- tion farm to the raising of grain, harvesting some seven thousand bushels of small grain in 1915. He is also interested in dairying and keeps a herd of Short Horn cattle. His record of public service in local interests has been a long and worthy one and dates from the time when the country was sparsely settled and the important projects of road and ditch build- ing were promoted by a few citizens and officials. He has been a member of the township board for twenty-seven years and has served as chairman for a number of terms. In political affairs, he is a non- partisan, preferring to fonn his opinion and allegi- ance independent of party decision. His wife is a native of St. Paul and the daughter of Leander Gagnon, who was born in Canada and was of French lineage. The latter was employed as a car repairer in Minneapolis for some years and in 1879 secured a homestead in section twenty-three of Grand Porks township, Polk county, where he lived until his death in 1889 when the farm became the property of his daughter. Mr. Kerr and his wife have four children, Evelyn, Ella, Walter and Hazel. Mr. Kerr was reared as a member of the Presbyterian church and his wife and family are communicants of the Sacred Heart Catholic church at East Grand Forks, RICHARD BARRETT. Richard Barrett, a pioneer of the county and well known farmer of Huntsville township, was born in Jefferson county, "Wisconsin, July 26, 1846. His parents were natives of Ireland and removed to Wis- consin from Rutland, Vermont, in 1830. Their Wisconsin homestead still remains in the possession of the Barrett family. Richard Barrett has been a resident of Huntsville township since 1878. In the year previous he had visited Polk county with Thomas Nesbit and returned to Wisconsin for a short time before locating and drove from Milwaukee to his new home, taking twenty-two days for the jour- ney. His homestead claim was the southeast quarter of section four and he later purchased the northern quarter and continued adding to his estate to the extent of seven hundred and twenty acres, all of which was under his management until recent years. One quarter section lies in Sullivan township and other tracts in sections one and nine of Huntsville township, his home having been on the latter place for the past thirteen years, it having formerly been the homestead of W. C. Sproat, who piirchased it as railroad land. Mr. Barrett's first home on his claim was a log house which a few years later he replaced with the farm house which now occupies it. On his home place he has erected good modern buildings ■318 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and has brought all his property to a high standard of development and ranks notably among the pro- gressive and enterprising agriculturists of Polk county. He has given his attention principally to the raising of grain and in 1915 harvested 13,000 bushels, of which oats was his principal crop. Al- though not a stock farmer, he recognizes the import- ant feature of this phase and his farm has always been stocked with high grade animals and he has also successfully experimented with the culture of alfalfa and now devotes some forty acres to it. Mr. Barrett has ever given his earnest support to the promotion of the best interests of the community and as a public spirited citizen has rendered able service in the general upbuilding of the eountrj'. He actively seconded the opening up of the county's resources by railroads, giving the right of way for one-quarter of a mile through his farm, to the North- ern Pacific road. He has been called to services by his fellow citizens in official capacity and has capably discharged the duties of chairman of the township board for twenty years and was the first treasurer of the school board, continuing in that office for twenty-five years. Ilis marriage to Mary E. Salisbury occurred in 1878, in Winona, Minne- sota. She is a native of Columbia county, Wiscon- sin. Four children were born to this union, Allen W., who has assumed charge of home farm; Fred, also operating a part of his father's estate; Grace, a teacher in the Polk county schools, and Elsie, who married James Chaplin and lives in East Grand Forks. SIMON P. PEDERSON. This energetic and progressive fanner of Higdem township, whose residence is on the northwest quar- ter of section 26, and who formerly owned all of the south half of section 25 but has given his son 160 acres of this tract, was born in Noinvay, March 1, 1856, with the family name of Perhus, which his ancestors bore for generations, but which he has changed to the one he now bears since coming to the United States and taking up his residence in Polk county. He was 24 years old when he came to this country and located in Renville county, Min- nesota, in 1880, and still had his passage across the ocean and to this state to pay for. After doing this out of his fir.st year's labor in Renville county, where he worked on farms and at railroad grading, he had only $30 left, but he felt independent and full of enterprise. In 1884 he moved to Polk county and took uj) a homestead on which he built a small shed as a shelter. As he had no money then he was obliged to work out for other farmers, and this he continued for ten years before he did much on his own land. His first team was a yoke of oxen, which he used seven or eight years. As his property increased he bought additional laud, purchasing a railroad tract of eighty acres in section 25 at $7 an acre, another tract of eighty acres at $13 an acre, and a quarter of a section of A. D. Stephens at $20 an acre. About twenty years ago he bought 120 acres of the railroad at $10 an acre, but this tract he has since sold. Mr. Pederson has devoted his energies mainly to raising wheat and other cereals and flax. In 1915 his crops were 4,000 bushels of wheat, 3,000 bushels of oats, 1,300 bushels of barley and a large quantity of flax. He also keeps seven or eight milk cows and raises some other live stock. In the public affairs of his township he has long taken an active part, giving special attention to the improvement of the roads and doing for their betterment a great deal more than the law required of him in the way of a road tax. He has also rendered the township val- uable and appreciated service as supervisor. He is a man of advanced and progressive ideas and does all he can to put them in practice in the adminis- tration of the township government and all matters connected with or growing out of it. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 319 About twenty-eight years ago, that is, in or about 1888, Mr. Peterson was united in marriage with Miss Anna S. Pederson, who was a native of Sweden. She died in 1907 leaving eight children: Peter S., who married Miss Lena Nelson and lives on a farm of 160 acres in Section 25, Higdem township, given him by his father; Oscar, who died at the age of twenty years; Hans, who married Miss Lydia Wal- berg and lives on part of his father's fann; Ragna, who is her father's housekeeper, and Albin, Harold, Joseph and Amanda, the last named being reared by another family. The father is a member and one of the trustees of Kongsvenger Lutheran church, two and one-half miles distant from his home. He is well known and highly esteemed in all parts of the township of his home. THOMAS HENDRICKSON. The late Thomas Hendriekson, who was for many years one of the leading farmers of Western Polk county, and who died on his little farm in Sandsville township June 30, 1912, was a native of Sweden, province of Vermland, where his life began December 22, 1855. He came to the United States with his father, Hendriek Leeden, and located with him in Renville county, Minnesota, where he lived until 1878, when he moved to Polk county and bought the south- east quarter of section 28, in Higdem township, to which he afterward added eighty acres which he pur- chased from the railroad company, and still later he also took up a homestead, which was the northwest quarter of section 26, Higdem township. On these tracts of land he lived until he retired from large operations and removed to a small farm in section 17, Sandsville township, on which he passed the re- mainder of his life. Owing to a rule long in use rather generally in Scandinavian countries the children of a man take as their surname the father's given name with the suffix "son" added. Thus this gentleman as the son of Hendriek Leeden became Thomas Hendriekson, and his children received the patronymic ' ' Thompson ' ' as their designation, and this all his sons and unmarried daughters still bear. They are alluded to in this sketch under that name. Mr. Henderson developed his homestead and other land into good farming ground and improved his several tracts with good buildings, especially the homestead, on which he made his headquarters for many years. He had 400 acres in all in Higdem township, and when he moved to the Sandsville town- ship farm, five and a half miles east, he turned the Higdem farm in section 28 over to his son, Henry Thompson, and the old homestead over to his son, Nels A. Thompson, whose sister, Miss Christine Thompson, keeps house for him as he is unmarried, although warmly interested in every phase of his township's welfare and everything that ministers to its progress and further development. The principal industry of the father on the farms was raising grain. He was also the first man to operate a threshing outfit in this section of the county, beginning his work in this line with horse power and continuing it with steam power for many years after that became feasible. For many years he was in partnership in the thrashing business with H. H. Oberg, of Sandsville township, and they were also owners of imported Percheron stallions and gave a great deal of attention to improving the grade of horses in their part of Polk county and the adjoin- ing country. In his later threshing activities he had Ole Lind as a partner. Mr. Hendriekson covered a wide area as a thresh- erman and was best known to the people of the North- west in that capacity. He served as treasurer of Higdem township for some time, and for a long period was one of the members of Kongsvenger Lutheran church, which stands one mile and a half south of his old home. When he located in this county he had no capital and his experience during his first few 320 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY years here was very discouraging. His land was so wet that he could not get his team over it, and hia crops were more frequently less than half of what they should have been. But he was a man of resolute spirit and adhered to liis industries until success at- tended his efforts and prosperity followed thcni. Soon after he became a resident of Polk county Mr. Hendrick-son was married at Cokato to Miss Anna Nelson, also a native of Sweden but brought to this country and state in her childhood. She died in 1898 leaving a family of children, seven of whom are now living (1916). They are: Christine, who is keeping house for her brother Nels on the family homestead, as has been stated; Henrj', who married Miss Chris- tine Nequist and lives in section 28, Higdem town- ship; Matilda, who is a trained nurse in Grand Forks; Nels A., who owns and cultivates the homestead; Al- ma, who is the wife of John Lind and lives near her old home; Esther, who is a student in the University of Minnesota and has lier home at her brother's Nils Thompson, and Annie, who has had her home in the family of Axel Mathisen, of Sandsville township, since the death of her mother, which occurred in giv- ing lier birth. I\Ir. Ilendrickson contracted a second marriage, which united him with Miss Mina Hend- rickson. They had one child, their daughter Ruth, who is with Iier mother on the Sandsville township farm. Nels A. Thompson, the second .sou of Thomas Ilendrickson, was born June 20, 1889, on the farm on which he is now living, and has passed almost the whole of his subsequent life on it. His education, which was begun in the district school near his home, was continued at the State Agricultural College at Crookston, which he attended when it was only an experiment station and later for some terms, being one of its first students. He raises wheat, oats and barley, principally, and breeds Duroc-Jersey hogs. For some years he worked with his father on the threshing outfit, but latterly he has devoted himself exclusively to his farm. He is one of the enterpris- ing, highly respected and influential young men of the westei'n section of the county and a very force- ful agency for good in his immediate neighborhood, with a firm hold on the confidence and esteem of tho people in all other parts of Polk county. WALTER LATTA. Now living in comfort on his fine farm of 1 20 acres on the edge of Crookston, two miles east of the county courthouse and on the south bank of Red Lake river, Walter Latta, one of the progressive and prosperous farmers of Crookston township, this county, has not reached his present condition of independence with- out a struggle and some very discouraging mishaps. Yet he never lost courage or slackened his industry, and has long been triumphant over every obstacle and difficulty that once impeded his progress. Mr. Latta was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1856, and reared on a farm on the Grand Prairie in that state on which his parents settled about 1848, moving to it from Niagara county. New York. They were among the earliest settlers on the Grand Prairie and lived on their farm there over sixty years. Their son Walter remained at home with them until he reached man's estate and then pas.sed two years working on a farm in Wisconsin. In 1879 he came to Crookston to get land of his own. He took up a homestead in Fanny township on the prairie, ten miles and a half from Crookston. There were tlien only two other buildings in the township, one being at a gravel pit on the road leading from Crookston. Having no capital, Mr. Latta had to begin opera- tions on a very limited scale. He put up a frame house 18 by 14 feet in dimensions, and for two years worked out to make a living, hiring help to plow his land and put his crop in. He lost his first crop by hail and two or three times later suffered the same disaster, one year having 140 acres of wheat destroyed. At the end of twelve years of only partial success on COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 321 this farm he decided to sell it and seek a more favor- able location. Before doing this, however, he served on the township board and in other local oflSces, doing his part to aid in the development and improvement of the township. In 1900 Mr. Latta bought his present farm, which is known as the "Christ Sathre farm." It contains 120 acres, is bordered by the river on the east and is in the Crookston school district and formerly touched the city limits. He carries on a general farming in- dustry, raising grain and live stock and keeping a small number of cows for milk. Six years ago, in 1909, he put up a new dwelling house to take the place of the old log cabin in which he lived until then, and which was one of the first houses built in the township. The new dwelling is modern in every particular and attractive in appearance as well as convenient in arrangement. On December 23, 1880, Mr. Latta was united in marriage with Mis.s Mina Jones, a resident of Polk county at the time of her marriage but a native of Wisconsin. They have four children: Lois, who is the wife of H. C. Mcllbraith, a druggist in James- town, North Dakota; Edith, who is the wife of Ed- ward Carlson, proprietor of a lively business in Crookston; Harlow, who is farming near Fosston in this county, and Elmer, who is living at home. Both daughters are high school graduates and were school teachers in Polk county. Mr. Latta belongs to the Order of Woodmen. He is too busily occupied in managing his farm and other business to take an active part in political affairs, but is, none the less, deeply and serviceably interested in the welfare of his home county. ROBERT E. SMITH. Profitably engaged in farming and raising live stock in this county since the spring of 1883, and having improved large tracts of wild land, helped to raise the standard of cattle and hogs in his town- ship, served the people faithfully and wisely in sev- eral township offices, and generally performed the duties of citizenship in a highly commendable man- ner, Robert E. Smith, whose home is on the southwest quarter of section 19, in Fairfax township, has been a very useful man in his locality and won on merit the universal esteem which he enjoys among its residents. Mr. Smith was born and reared at Shelburne, Frank- lin county, Massachusetts, and belongs to old New Eng- land families. In 1880 he came west and located in Kane county, Illinois, where he passed two years and a half, then changed his residence to Polk county, Min- nesota, where he has ever since had his home. He bought the nucleus of his present farm of the railroad company in 1882, almost immediately after his arrival in the county, paying $10 an acre for his purchase. On this land he built a house 14 by 20 feet in size, and in the spring of 1883 began to break up and cultivate his tract. He broke up about one-fourth of it and thereby obtained the rebate on his purchase money so conditioned in the deal. He had less than $400 which he had saved from his earnings at farm labor in Illi- nois and other places when he bought his land, and his early years here were years of struggle and privation. In the spring of 1883 Mr. Smith was joined by his brother, Frank R. Smith, and they worked the land in partnership, afterward purchasing the Northeast quarter of section 30 in the same township, cornering with the quarter section they already owned. The new purchase was a part of the homestead of Jacob Francis and the only improvement on it was a claim shanty. The Smith brothers paid $2,000 for the land, and they worked the two tracts together until 1896, getting them both under cultivation and in good farming condition. In the year last mentioned they divided their land, the farm in section 30 going to Frank. He continued to farm it until 1902, then moved to Ohio after a resi- dence of over twenty years in Polk county. In 1896 Robert E. Smith bought an additional tract of eighty acres not far from his home but in Andover 322 COilPEXDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY township. This was an improved farm and he paid $20 an acre for it, although there were no buildings on it. He has since cultivated all of his 223 acres with excellent results. The railroad runs diagonally through his home fai-m. He raises large quantities of grain, Shorthorn cattle and Poland China hogs, and also carries on an active dairy business, milking 17 to 20 cows and selling cream in Crookston. He usually has about 40 head of cattle and 100 of hogs fattening for the markets, and puts about 50 acres of land in corn for ensilage and field food for his stock. He has about five acres in alfalfa every year, and he has very little trouble with his crops, as his land is well drained with open ditches leading into a county ditch run- ning along the northern line of his land, and there is no loss, his excellent silo enabling him to preserve everything not devoted to immediate use. Mr. Smith has served several times on the township board and is now a member of it. He and all the members of his family belong to the First Baptist church in Crookston. He was married in the spring of 1883 to Miss Lizzie Roese, of Pierce county, Wis- consin. Their second child, Roy E., died when almost two years old, but they have two living, Louise and George R. The daughter is a graduate of the class of 1904 of the Crookston high school and lived at home until her marriage with Charles Musselman, and they now have their home with Mr. Musselman 's parents. Tliey have three children, Mariam, Robert and Donald. Mrs. Musselman and her mother are members of the Fairfax-Andover Ladies Social Circle, a very useful organization formed by the ladies of the two townships. George R. Smith, the son of Robert E., is also a graduate of the Crookston high school class of 1909 and was for a short time a stu- dent at the University of Minnesota but finished his education at the Stout Institute in Menomonie, Wis- consin, from which he was graduated in December, 1911. For two and one-half years he taught manual training at the high school in Aberdeen, South Dakota, and is now teaching the same thing at the high school in Globe, Arizona. TORKEL DANIELSON. Torkel Danielson, a prominent farmer of Bygland township, settled in Polk County in 1877 and is a member of a well known pioneer family of this region. He was born in Norway, at Ose, Satersdahl, February 20, 1849, the son of Daniel E. and Anna (Torkelson) Ose. Daniel Ose was the first of his countrymen to settle in this district and his name is revered by all those familiar with his many worthy services in be- half of the commonwealth of which he was a pioneer. In his native land, he had been a farmer, but turning over his farm to his eldest son, Eivend Danielson, he came to the United States, that amid larger opportuni- ties, he might secure a patrimony for his other chil- dren. He came direct to Polk county in 1872, and located on the northern half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-four of what later became Bygland township. Mr. Ose entered upon his farming enter- prise in a new land with but a small capital but arrived at success and prosperity through years of industry and able management. His influence and his cabin home were the center around which clus- tered the various interests of the growing community and through him many of his countrj-mcn came from Wisconsin, Illinois and Norway and were assisted by him in securing a home. His ready services were abetted by his wife whose friendly assistance was a cheerful element in the lives of the neighboring families. They shared the experiences incident to the time and locality and at one time were warned to leave their home because of an approaching Indian raid, but this alarm proved to be without founda- tion. At the time of the organization of the town- ship it was thought to be a fitting tribute to the worth and services of its pioneer to confer upon it his name but this honor he firmly declined and refused a similar recognition upon the organization of the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 323 Lutheran church in which he was active as an or- gaJiizer and faithful member. Upon his suggestion both township and church received the name of Bygland, because of the prevalence among the citi- zens of natives of that town in Norway. Mr. Ose continued to reside on his homestead until his death, December 28, 1885, in his seventy-ninth year. His wife survived him a number of years, spending the last few years of her life with her son, Toi-kel Daniel- son, and died December 14, 1913, at the age of eighty- nine. Of their family of four sons and two daughters, all but Eivend Danielson, who has always made his home on the Norway farm, live in Polk county. The fourth son, Ole Danielson, Junior, is a farmer in Huntsville township. Ole Danielson, Senior, sold liis farm of 180 acres some twenty years ago and returned to Bygland fjord, Norway where he now lives re- tired. Ingeborg, the younger daughter, is the wife of E. Proirak, of Mcintosh and Gro, oldest, married E. Aakhus, who resides in Grand Forks. Torkel Danielson is second oldest son and spent several years in Stearns county, Minnesota, before coming to Polk county, where during the many years of his residence, he has not only prospered his farming interests but has ably upheld the worthy record of his father in community affairs as a highly respected and progres- sive citizen. His first home was built of logs. This was destroyed by fire and lie then erected his present house which has since been remodeled. During the years of active traffic on Red river, Mr. Danielson operated a grain warehouse and since has devoted his attention entirely to his farm, engaging in both grain and stock farming. His place includes one hundred and twenty acres in section thirty-five, a short dis- tance from the Red river and he formerly owned a one hundred and eighty tract which he sold to his son. He has given able service on the township board and school board and is a trustee in the Bygland Lutheran church. He was married in Stearns county, in 1872, to Sigrid Bjornson, who some ten years earUer had come with her parents from the neighbor- hood of his home in the old country. To this union, four daughters and two sons were born, Anna, Jose- phine, a talented musician; Daniel, who married Matilda Thompson and is a farmer in Huntsville township; Thora, the wife of L. Larson, a commer- cial salesman, residing at Grand Forks ; Bennie, who was married to Bessie Kjelleberg and is on a farm near the old home and Regina. The latter was a musical instructor in the schools at Minot, North Dakota, and is now the wife of J. E. Anderson, the present superintendent of the schools at Janesville, Minnesota. DUNCAN B. FERGUSON. Duncan B. Ferguson, prominent farmer of Hunts- ville township, was born at Fremont, Winona county, Minnesota, April 23, 1861, the son of Duncan and Elizabeth (Roberton) Ferguson, pioneers of the state. The former was a native of County Lanark, Ontario, and his wife was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and died December 17, 1915. Her bi'other, Joseph Roberton, was a pioneer of Huntsville township, where he lo- cated in 1875 and lived for many years, his death occurring in 1891. The senior, Duncan Ferguson, came to Minnesota in 1854 and built the first house on the prairie in Fremont township, on his claim in Winona county. He was an influential citizen of the frontier community and sei-ved in various local of- fices and died there at the age of forty-nine. His son, Duncan B. Ferguson, was reared on the home- stead and after receiving a rural school education and course of study in a business school at Winona, came to Polk county in March, 1882, and worked for an uncle, Thomas Nisbet, a prominent pioneer. After several months, Mr. Ferguson returned to Winona county but in the following spring, 1883, he became a permanent resident of Polk county, buying a tract of school land, which is his present farm in section ^ 324 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY thirty-six, Huntsville township, and is located near Mallory and nine miles southeast of East Grand Forks. From a modest beginning, Mr. Ferguson has built up a fine farm property, s-toadily increasing his opera- tions and improving the ecpiipment of his farm. His first house was a one room frame building which upon his marriage he replaced with a more preten- tious structure and the present modern farm home was erected in 1910. The barn was built in 1891. His estate now includes two hundred and eighty acres and is crossed by the Great Northern railroad. Mr. Ferguson is that type of progressive and enterpris- ing farmer and citizen whose activities are largely evident in the advancement and prosperity of agri- cultural interests. With intelligent and able manage- ment, he has successfully demonstrated various prof- itable phases of farming operations, raising prize corn, which has brought many trophies from fairs and experimenting along original lines with alfalfa. He has given particular attention to stock and dairy farming, raising thoroughbred Short Horn cattle and Percheron horses, being a frequent exhibitor at stock shows. His dairy produce he markets to private cus- tomers in Grand Forks. Aside from his Polk county land he was also the owner of timberland, near Black Duck, Beltrami county, which he secured aa a claim, in 1900, but later sold. He has ever maintained an active interest in all matters of public activity and has discharged the duties of oflSce as a member of the township board and of the school board for many years and has been active in promoting the develop- ment of soil utility through county ditches. In fra- ternal orders he is a well known member of Masonic lodges at Grand Forks and Crookston, and is also affiliated with the Modem Woodmen of America. Mr. Ferguson finds his favorite recreation as a fisher- man and enjoys frequent outings in pursuit of that sport. He was married in 1886, to Margaret Gun- ness, who was born in Ontario, Canada, the daughter of Christopher and Catherine Gunness. who were of Irish and English descent and .settled in Kcy.stone township, Polk county, in 1880. Seven children were born to Mr. Ferguson and his wife, all of whom make their home with their parents : Effie, who was for- merly employed as bookkeeper in a store at Barnes- ville ; Arthur, who attended a business college at Grand Forks; Royal, who was a student in the agri- cultural school, at Crookston ; Mollie, who attended the Grand Forks high school ; Earl, a student in the high school at East Grand Forks; Lawrence, died at the age of six years, and Lois still attends the rural school at Mallory. The Ferguson family are mem- bers of the Bethel Presbyterian church. T. N. J. REESE. T. N. J. Reese, of Mcintosh, druggist and piano dealer, is a native of Wisconsin, born in Vernon county, on July 13, 1871. The death of his father occurred in his early childhood and he remained with his mother until entering college. He pursued a classical course at the college at Decorah, Iowa, and was graduated from that institution in 1891. When the Red Lake Indian reservation was opened for set- tlement in 1896 he came to Polk county with the intention of securing a claim, but Mcintosh seeming to present a propitious location for a drug business, he decided to embark in that trade. He established the business in partnership with Dr. Nerall and liad a very small capital to invest, but the success which attended the enterprise soon enabled him to buy out other interests and he has continued to conduct the store with a steadily growing patronage and owns the building in which he opened operations. The store, under able and progressive management, with mod- ern equipment and a fine soda fountain and refreshment dispensary, is one of the most attractive and popular business establishments in that section. Mr. Reese is a graduate of Dr. Drew's celebrated College of Pharmacy at Minneapolis and is ranked as T. X. J. EEESE COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 325 oue of the most efficient pharmacists in the county. He has always been actively identified with the pro- motion of the general welfare and progress of the community in which he lives and enjoys the respect and confidence of all as a public spirited citizen and business man. He has added the sale of pianos and musical instruments to his commercial activities and employs several salesmen in this department, cover- ing an extensive territory. Mr. Reese was married in 1899 to Caroline Matson, who is a daughter of Christ Matson, of Hill River township. They have five children, Nytar, Harto, Kermit, Entrup and Gunilda. OLOF M. SANDIN. Olof M. Sandin, a well known pioneer and promi- nent citizen of Esther township, was born in Sweden, July 7, 1843, and came to St. Paul in 1872. Previous to that time he had lived in his native land, where lie had engaged in farming and in the mines of Nor- way and had also given two seasons of service in the military training camp. He reached his destination in the new country without any financial resources and secured his first employment on a farm at Men- dota, wielding a scythe in the hay fields. He was at first refused full wages but with his great prowess and expert skill, he soon proved himself the most com- petent among the Avorkmen. In the fall of the same year he entered the Northern Pacific railroad shops at Brainerd, Minnesota, and continued as a railroad employee for several years, starting as a laborer in the yards and steadily advancing until he was offered the position of an engineer, but he did not care to devote his attention to that career as his ambition was fixed on the free life of out of doors on the farm. In the spring of 1877 he worked at well digging along the company's line from Fargo to Bismark and with his fellow workmen experienced the dangers of the fron- tier, their lives being seriously threatened by armed desperadoes. On returning to Fargo, in company with two of his companions, one of whom was his brother, John Sandin, he worked his passage on the river to Grand Forks, by driving a small raft of 90,000 feet of lumber. This proved a tedious and laborious journey, the crookedness of the stream re- quiring the attention of the drivers night and day for two weeks. Grand Forks then comprised a few dwell- ings and a Hudson Bay Company store and no settle- ment had been started on the eastern side of the river. Mr. Sandin immediately began his search for land on which he might achieve his farming ambitions and in partnership with his brother, John Sandin, settled on the land, which has ever since been his home, in Section 36 of Esther to\vnship, seven miles north of Grand Forks, on the Marais river. His brother con- tinued to be allied with him in all his interests until his death. They settled on their land in August, 1877, and were among the first settlers of that region, their neighbors of the early day being "William Jackson, James Pederson and Louis Larson, and two years after their coming, Mr. Dangerfield located on the tract across the Marais from their place. The land chosen by the brothers was school land and was not put upon the market until the following year, when Mr. Sandin secured possession at the auction held at Crookston, for $7.25 an acre, a neighbor bidding against him for the title to the eighty acres which bad been Mr. Sandin 's home for several months. He later bought one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land adjoining his farm, and in the next section. It is not only as a successful and prosperous farmer that Mr. Sandin is known through the county; undoubtedly his largest claim among the people of Polk county is as a pioneer and a public spirited citizen. A man of genial nature, wide capabilities and commanding physique, he is one of those unique personalities who are ever largely identified with life and development of any new country; their worth and ready service laying the foundations for civilization's progi-ess. He 326 COJIPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY was one of tlie organizers of the township, named for the daughter of ex-President Cleveland, and was chairman of the fisrt township board. In educational and religious affairs his influence was prominent and it was through his efforts that the Betheseda Swedisli Lutheran church was established, Mr. Sandin donat- ing some of his land for the site of the church and cemetery. He has ever been a loyal supporter of the Republican party. He was married December 31, 1888, to Ursilla Larson, of Grand Forks, and they have three children, Miranda, who attended North Star col- lege at Warren, Minnesota, and is now engaged in teaching; Lillie and Oscar. Mr. Sandin and his family are all faithful and active workers in the interests of the church of which they are members. From the wealth of his experiences in the days when western Minnesota was frontier countrj-, ilr. Sandin recalls many entertaining tales. He was on friendly terms with the Indians who passed through the territory and they often encamped on his land. One party, in 1878, had in their possession a white horse which had belonged to General Custer and had been given them at Devil's Lake. A blood hound which had also belonged to Custer, became so savage while in this neighborhood that Mr. Sandin was asked to shoot it. As a sportsman he possessed no little skill and at Brainerd brought the noted deer "Stub Toes" to ground, after the latter had been the coveted prey of the local hunters for many seasons. He has also killed deer on his own laud and during the first few years, engaged quite extensively in trapping small fur animals. KNUTE F. UG6EN. Knute F. Uggen, a well known farmer of Knute township, is a native of Norway, born July 15, 1863, and has been a resident of Minnesota since childhood, having come to Rice county in 1871 with his parents, F. A. and Anne Uggen, who made their home in that county during the remainder of their lives. When he was fifteen years of age, Knute Uggen found employ- ment at farm labor and thriftily saved his earnings that he might embark upon an independent career as a farmer. In five years he has accumulated two hundred dollars and with this and an unfailing capital of ambitious industiy, he bought wild land in Otter- tail county. He remained on this place for several years during which he cleared some fifty acres of timber land and put it into cultivation. In 1888, he removed to Polk county and bought a claim and filed on a homestead in King township. At this time he had advanced his financial prosperity to two thousand dollars axid during the ensuing years he steadily increased the value of his property, through unceasing labor and capable management. He was a resident of King township thirteen years and broke one hundred acres on his tract for cultivation. In 1901 he sold the homestead for $3,200 and bought his present farm at an additional thousand. This is in section twelve of Knute township, a little over two miles east of Erskine and not far from Mcintosh and is one of the most attractive country estates in Polk county, with one hundred and twenty acres in the highest condition of productiveness, and a pleasant farm house, delightfully situated on the shore of Oak lake. The Great Northern railroad crosses the farm not far from the house. The tract comprises two hundred and thirteen acres by government survey and upon coming into the possession of Mr. Uggen, had ninety acres in cultivation, with a log house and small barn. He has built it up to its present pros- perous condition, erecting the home and a good barn. He gives his attention for the gi-eater part to grain raising and in 1915 harvested some thirty-seven hun- dred bushels of wheat, oats and bai-ley. his wheat crop averaging thirty-four bushels to the acre. He also engages in stock and dairy farming. During the busy years of his successful career, Mr. Uggen has been actively interested in the promotion of the best interests of the community and has served in local COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 327 offices both in King and Knute townships, and is at present a member of the school board. He is asso- ciated with business enterprise as a stockholder in the cooperative creameries in Erskine and Mcintosh and was one of the organizers from King township of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, a flour- ishing corporation of Polk county, of which he was president at one time and is now treasurer. His mar- riage with Agnes Hoffard, a native of Norway, was solemnized December 30, 1889, in Dakota county. Minnesota. Seven children were born to them of whom six are living: Frithjof and Christ, who are twins; Gunda, staying at home; Julia and Agnes, students in the high school at Mcintosh, and Emma. A daughter, Ingeborg, died in her fifteenth year. Frithjof Uggen is associated with his father in the management of the home farm and Christ Uggen is living on a Montana claim, Dawson county. Mr. Uggen and his family are members of the Synod Lutheran church. H. H. FLATTEN. With a fine farm of 160 acres in Section 24, Esther towDsliip, eight and a half miles north of East Grand Forks, and on the boundary line between Esther and Northland townships, which is improved with good buildings and in a condition of high productiveness, H. H. Flatten is one of the most comfortably fixed farmers in his part of Polk county, especially as he owns an eighty-acre tract of hay land in Sandsville township in addition to his home farm. And the best part of it all is that everything Mr. Flatten has he has accumulated by his own industry, thrift and good management. He was bom in Norway July 2, 1850, and was reared on a farm and educated in that couu- tiy. In the spring of 1875 he came to the United States and located in Goodhue county, Minnesota. He had only a few dollars in money, and so for thi-ee years he worked out at farm labor for a compensation of $20 a month and his board in summer and for his board alone in winter. He was very frugal and .saving with his earnings, and at the end of three years he had $350 laid by. About this time Jens I. Peterson, who had come over a year before and located in this county, wrote to his friend C. M. Lindgren in Goodhue county to join him in Polk county, and Mr. Flatten accompanied Mr. Lindgren to this part of the state, arriving in March, 1878. He took up his home place as a homestead by the side of one selected by Mr. Lindgren, and built on it a one-room log house, with a sawed roof and floor, which made him a comfortable dwelling for the time and his circumstances. He procured a team of oxen and broke up fifteen acres of his land, which he put in wheat the next season. The first year he worked out at hai-vesting and threshing but also put up some hay for his own oxen and cows. He and Mr. Lindgi'eu each had a yoke of oxen and they joined forces and made crops in 1879, Mr. Flatten 's yield being about 300 bushels. He then broke up more of his land and put in more wheat. After two or three years hail storms wasted his crops and caused him serious loss, but he persevered and kept on making progress, and he was soon able to buy a tract of eighty acres of railroad land in Sands- ville township, four miles northeast of his home, for which he paid $7 an acre. This is excellent hay land, and it is nearly all devoted to that product. Mr. Flatten lived in his little log house nine years, then erected his present dwelling. This was an am- bitious structure for the section twenty-eight years ago, and many persons thought it was too large. But the owner felt confident he could pay for it, and he accomplished that duty years ago. "Wheat, oats and barley have been his main crops, with wheat leading. He has taken an active part in the affairs of the town- ship, serving on the township board in Higdem town- ship before the division, then helping to organize Esther township and serving on its township board. He has also been a member of the school boai'd in 328 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COL'NTY each, but lie has never held or sought a county office. For two years after settling on his farm Mr. Flat- ten lived in the barl)aric splendor of a bachelor's hall, but in 1882 he was united in marriage with Miss Gina Larson, a sister of Ludwig Larson, and a Polk county arrival of 1877, coining here with her father, Johanes Larson, who took up a homestead that year in Section 10. IMr. and Mrs. Flatten have two daughters, Hilma and Julia. Hilma is now the wife of Carl Thompson of Esther township and has one child, their daughter Genevieve. Julia is the wife of Richard Rice and is living at home with her parents. She attended the high school in Grand Forks and the State Normal in Moorhead, and for four years was a teacher in the Polk county public schools. All the members of the family belong to the North Lutheran church at Grand Marais, of which the head of the hou.se has been treasurer for fifteen years. JAMES ADAIR. The late James Adair, of Esther township, who died February 17, 1909, at the age of sixty-three years and eight months, and who was for over twenty years one of the wide-awake and energetic farmers and live stock men of Polk county, was Iwrn in Sim- coe county, province of Ontario, Canada, the son of an Irish father and Irish mother. He was reared and educated in his native county, and at the age of twenty-five married there Miss Margaret Patterson, whose father was Irish and mother Scotch, both born in Ireland but married in Canada, where her life began in the same county as her husband's. In the spring of 1878 Mr. and Mi's. Adair emigrated to the United States and located in this county. Mrs. Adair's brother, Thomas Patterson, had come across the line four years before and settled on the Red river five miles north of Grand Forks. He lived there several years, then moved to Grantsdale, Mon- tana, where he now has his home. Mrs. Adair also had a sister in this county, Mrs. Robert Anderson, who is now deceased, and whose life storj' is briefly told elsewhere in this volume. On their arrival in this county the Adairs bought railroad land in Esther township at $10 an acre, the same being part of the farm in Section 35 of that township on which Mrs. Adair is still living. They bought cows, oxen and other necessary things for the farm, and built a small log house with a floor and shingle roof but no chimney, the smoke being allowed to escape throtigh a hole in the roof. When they settled in their new home they had just enough means to supply them with the absolutely necessary things for their living for a year. They had a stove and made benches and a table, but were without dishes. In a little while Mr. Adair had sixteen acres ready for a crop, and after that matured they were able to live in some degi'ce of comfort. When his progress enabled him to do it Mr. Adair bought an additional tract of eighty acres of land at $25 an acre, and still later 160 acres more, paying $5,000 for the last tract, which is half a mile distant from the home farm. He raised grain and cattle, milked 8 to 10 cows and made butter for private cus- tomers, and worked as hard as anj- man in the county, keeping up his industry without abatement until seven years before his death and retaining the care of his cows to the last. In 1886 he built the dwelling house which is now on the fariu and the home of the family. Mr. Adair had no taste for public life and never sought office or took an active part in political con- tests, although he was an unwavering Democrat and loyal always to his party. But he always manifested a deep and helpful interest in the building of roads and other public improvements. In religious faith he was a Presbyterian and at first belonged to church of his sect in Grand Forks, but later he helped to start the Presbyterian church in East Grand Forks and was a member of that until he died. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Adair number three. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 329 Edward Alexander, William Jolm and Annie Belle. Edward is now living on the home farm. He has operated a threshing outfit for nine years, threshing in 1915 nearly 80,000 bnshels of grain. William owns the farm of 160 acres half a mile from the home farm. His first wife was Miss Runa Belle Peters, who left two children when she died, William Roscoe and James Monroe. After her death the husband married Miss Iva Beulah Haas. They have five children, John Edward, Walter Earl, Clarence Millen, Emmet and Karl. Annie Belle is the wife of Hugh Blue. They cultivate the home farm and have three children, Annie Luella, Edward Donald and Leonard. Mrs. Adair has her home with them. PETER OLSON. Passing through severe trials to enduring triumph, and winning a comfortable estate by his own perse- vering and wisely applied industry, Peter Olson, one of the substantial and progressive farmers of Higdem township, has well illustrated in hi.s career the sturdy hardihood and determination of the pioneer and the strong fiber and resolute self-reliance of the sterling citizenship of Polk county, Minnesota, and the North- west in general. Mr. Olson was born in Norway October 22, 1860, the son of Ole and Ella (Midtmoen), and with them came to this country and located in Iowa county, Wisconsin, when he was twelve and a half years of age. In the spring of 1878 the family moved to Polk county, Minnesota, and Peter located on eighty acres of railroad land two miles north of East Grand Forks. Later he changed this land for a homestead in Sec- tion 24, Grand Forks township. During his first winter in this county he had only two pounds of but- ter and ten bushels of potatoes from October 21 to spring, and would frequently walk three miles through the snow to cut cord wood at 50 cents a cord and dine on frozen pork and bread. On the arrival of the family in this county the father took up railroad land in Section 25, Grand Forks township. He died at the home of his son Peter December 30, 1893, having passed his last year there. While living in Wisconsin Peter worked out on farms and he did the same after coming to this county, doing anything he could get to do to make a living. The first ox team belonging to the family here was bought jointly by him, his father and his 21 brother Andrew, who all went in debt for the purchase price, $90. They all lived together until Peter took up his homestead. Peter Olson's homestead was improved with a little log shanty with a sod roof and other accommodations in keeping with this. He lived in that one winter, but after that made his home with his brother Andrew until the latter married. In 1903 Andrew moved to the state of Washington, where he is now living. Peter improved his homestead and sold it. In 1898 he bought his present farm in Higdem township, which is in Section 32, bordering Red river, and seventeen miles by road from East Grand Forks. The farm comprises 2'42 acres, eighty of the acres being in timber, the balance on the prairie. Lars Ericksen was the original homesteader on this land, but he returned to Sweden. When Mr. Olson bought this land he paid $6,100 for it, including the live stock and machinerj' on it. He has enlarged and improved the dwelling house and put up a good barn and other structures needed for his purpases. Raising grain has been his main de- pendence, but he lost on crop by hail, the first one destroyed on this farm in thirty-seven years. He milks nine or ten cows regularly and raises some other live stock but does not make this a specialty. Mr. Olson is at this time (1916) chairman of the township board and has been for seven years, and for twelve years he has been a member of the board and taken an active part in all township affairs. He is a Republican in politics, and a Lutheran in religious faith, holding membership in Grand Marais church. 330 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY On December 31st, 1896, he was married to Miss Anna Anderson of Grand Forks, who was born in Sweden. She died April 9, 1906, leaving four small childrun to the care of her husband. They are still living with him and helping him with the duties of the farm and household. They are Esther Alice, Alma Ovelia, Mabel Helen and Dagmar Rosetta. WILLIAM CAMERON. William Cameron, prominent citizen and business man of Fosston, is a native of Ontario, Canada, born November 22, 1848. In 1878 he came to the United States, joining a brother-in-law who had previously located in Grand Forks, North Dakota. After a short time spent in that city, Mr. Cameron took a homestead claim, ten miles from Grand Forks in Nesbit town- ship, Polk county. He later purchased anotlier quarter section of land and for a number of years devoted everj' attention to the development of his farm, putting it under cultivation and engaging principally in the raising of wheat. He erected good buildings and built up a valuable farm property which continues in his possession. In 1894, after six- teen years spent in Nesbit township, he came to Foss- ton and engaged in the livery business. At that time Fosston presented an unusually advantageous location for this enterprise ; situated at the end of the i-ailroad and the Soo line to the north not yot built and ho conducted an extensive and lucrative business. He was the owner of several lots on Main street and for ten years his stable occupied the present location of the Campbell garage. On removing from here he erected the present livery building. His stables were widely known among the horsemen and were always the center of the horse trade in this region. After almost twenty years of successful activity in this business he retired from the livery trade. During this time he had also engaged in the hay trade, being the first dealer in hay in Fosston which is the market for many small towns, and since 1913 he has given his attention exclusively to this business. He employs a number of men and bales from two to three hundred tons of liay and ships as much more for patrons. The same qualities which have brought him success in the business world are disclosed in his citizenship. He is ever alert to that which will promote the public welfare and a faithful suppoi-ter of its best interests. He has given able services on the village council and served in office in Nesbit township. He is a member of the Republican party. He has always taken a keen interest in athletics and has been instrumental in pro- moting local endeavor in this line. ]\Ir. Cameron was married in Ontario, Canada, to Anna Campbell and they have three children, Laura, who with her son, Harold, has made her home with her parents since the death of her husband, John Cumyn ; William, living in St. Paul, where he operates a garage, and Waltei", who has taken over his father's livery interests. Mr. Cameron is an enthusiastic hunter and has enjoyed much good sport in early days hunt- ing elk and moose near Thief lake, and never failed to pull down his limit of game each season. OLE H. FLATTEN. This good citizen of Polk county and progressive farmer of Esther township, whose choice farm is located in Section 23, ten miles north of East Grand Forks, and adjoins that of Ole S. Basgaard, is a brother of H. H. Flatten, a sketch of whom is to be found in this work, and like him was born in Nor- way, where his life began January 19, 1858. He came to Polk county and joined his brother H. H. here in 1880, two years after the arrival of the brother. Wlien he reached tliis county he had no COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 331 money left, and during the first summer of his resi- dence here he worked out at farm labor and railroad construction. In the winter following he was em- ployed in the lumber woods near Brainerd and in looking after drives of ties to Little Falls on the Little Elk river, spending forty days in each of two or three seasons in such labor as the drives of ties required. Having made a little stake by his industry and frugality, Mr. Flatten purchased a yoke of oxen and during the next eight or ten years he rented land and followed farming as a tenant. In 1895 he bought 160 acres of his present farm, which now comprises 260 acres in one body, and he also owns 120 acres in Northland township three miles distant from his home farm. In addition to spending $400 for im- provements on his home farm, Mr. Flatten paid about $13 an acre for it. The original price was $10 an acre, but it was railroad land, and by the time cer- tain disputes over it \\ere settled the improvements made by him raised its value to $13 an acre. For the additional tract of 100 acres, Avhich is crossed by the Grand Marais river, he paid an average of $12 an acre, but none of the land was above a reasonable price. Mr. Flatten 's attention has been given mainly to raising grain. He has fine facilities for raising live stock but has never done much in that line as yet. He built a part of his present dwelling house in 1895 and the rest of it since. It is in a commanding location on the bank of the Grand Marais overlook- ing a large extent of the surrounding country. He also has a good bam and other buildings and improve- ments in keeping with these. The farm is one of the most desirable in this part of Polk county, his land being now worth $100 an acre, its value havmg been greatly increased by what he has done to it in the way of development, improvements and advanced cultivation. The affairs of his township have always deeply interested Mr. Flatten, and he has take an active part in the management of them, having served on the township board, of which he is now a member, most of the time since he located here, and for many years having been also a member of the school board. He was married in 1893 to Miss Mary Fjeld, who is like himself a native of Norway. They have had eight children, seven of whom are living and all of them still at home with their parents. They are Henry, Christine, Mabel, Clara, Clarence, Olga and Melvin. A son named Carl died at the age of seven yeai-s. All the members of the family belong to the Swedish Lutheran church at Grand Marais, of which Mr. Flatten is a deacon and a trastee. NICK WELTER. This wide-awake, enterprising and progi'essive Polk county farmer and live stock breeder, who owns and lives on the East half of Section 27, Fairfax town- ship, eight miles southeast of Crookston and one mile and a half west of Harold station on the Northern Pacific railroad, came to his present condition of independence and comfort in a worldly way through many diflfieulties and discouragements but with a spirit of determination, industry and perseverance that triumphed over all obstacles. He is a cousin of Frederick Baatz, who lives two miles south of him on Section 4, Russia town.ship, a brief account of whose life will be found on this work. Mr. Welter was born in the Grand Duchy of Lux- emburg, Germany, September 20, 1858, and came to the United States in 1888, joining an uncle in Wabasha county, Minnesota, with whom he remained a few months and then came to Argj'le in Marshall county, where his uncle owned a large tract of land. For six years he lived on one of his uncle's farms and during the next three on another belonging to him. He improved 200 acres of his uncle's land, having some good years in Marshall county but losing his first three crops by frost. As he had only $150 in money when he came to this country the loss of his crops was a serious setback for him. But his 332 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY I uncle carried him along at a high rate of interest on loans and deferred payments, and in the end he won his way out of all embarrassments and through all difficulties. "While farming his uncle's land Mr. Welter was in partnership with his own brother Frederick until 1894. On April 16 of that year he was married to Miss Susan Clemen, then a resident of Wabasha county, Minnesota, but born in Luxemburg, Germany, August 3, 1867, and brought to America in her infancy. Two years later, in 1896, Mr. Welter came to Polk county, and until April, 1914, he rented land in Fair- fax township, 320 acres of which he now owns, liaving paid $50 an acre for it in the spring of 1914. Four years before buying this land, however, which he had farmed for twelve years as a tenant, he bought 160 acres partially improved in another section, paying $25 an acre for it. He has since built a good barn at a cost of $1,000 and made other improvements of value. Mr. Welter has one of the best farms in Fairfax township, and it is very productive. But what it is his industry, good judgment and skilful farming have made it. He raises wheat and other grain, and in 1915 his crops reached a total of about 4,000 bushels of wheat and the same amount of oata and barley. He also keeps 18 to 20 head of cattle and 10 horses and always has a few cows for milking pur- poses. His success in his farming operations in this county is very gratifying to him, especially as it is all the result of his own unaided efforts and good management. Five children have blessed and brightened the Welter household, all of whom are still living at home with their parents. They are: Fredei'ick Peter, aged twenty -one; Peter Aloysius, aged nineteen; Andrew Nicholas, aged seventeen; Theodore Johann, aged fifteen, and George William, aged five. The members of the family have all been reared in the Catholic faith and belong to the Cathedral parish in Crookston. ERICK NELSON. One of the enterprising and progressive and there- fore successful farmers of Higdem township, Erick Nelson, who lives on Section 20, sixteen miles north of Grand Forks, has made his own way in the world from nothing to his present condition of worldly comfort and independence, and has taken pride and pleasure in the struggles by which he has advanced. He was born in Norway August 22, 1839, and in 1861 came with his father to this country and located at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. From there he worked iu the lumber woods and in saw mills for eleven years, living frugally and saving his earnings. In the fall of 1880 he came to Polk county with a cash capital of $250 and more due him in Wisconsin, which, however, he never got. He bought seventy- eight acres of his present farm as script land, paying $6 an acre for it. The tract lies along the Red river and about eighteen acres of it is in timber. He has since bought eighty acres additional, forty of which adjoins his fii*st purchase and forty lies about two miles and a half east of that on the prairie. For the prairie land he paid $300 and for the other forty acres $600. When he settled on his land Mr. Nelson first built a little log house, which is still standing, but it is no longer his residence, as he built the dwelling he now occupies in 1902. For the first two years all his labor was in vain. His crops were drowned out and he was driven to other resources to make his venture pay. lie began keeping cows, starting with four or five and gradually increasing the number as his butter trade increased. This is no longer extensive, and he now depends on his general farming operations for his profits and they have been so successful that they have fully satisfied him. Mr. Nelson has taken an active and helpful interest KD.MUXU L. STOWE COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 333 iu the affairs of his township. He has served as super- visor and for a number of years as a member of the township board. His political allegiance and service have always been given to the Republican party, and he has at times been very active in behalf of its can- didates. In religious affiliation he is a Lutheran and a member of Kongsvinger church of that denomina- tion, which is about four miles distant from his home. For .ten years or longer he served as a member of the school board and its treasurer, finally growing tired of the office and giving it up. In 1881, one year after his arrival in Polk county, Mr. Nelson was married in Grand Forks to Miss Oleauna Farder, a sister of Ole S. Parder. She was bom in Norway and died at her Polk county home on January 11, 11)12, leaving six children living. Anna Dorothy is now the wife of A. N. Anderson, a merchant at Birkholz, a sketch of whom will be found in this volume. Sigward N. conducts his father's home farm. He married Miss Ada Finseth. They have no children. ^lary Sophia is living at home with her father. Emma Olena, who was the wife of Albert Anvinson, died in February, 1913, at the age of twenty-three. Agnes is married to Carl L. Larson. Oscar Edwin is still living at home. Another son, also named Oscar Edwin, died in infancy. Mr. Nel- son was something of a hunter in his youth and young manhood, and while living in AVisconsin killed many a deer. EDMUND L. STOWE. Edmund L. Stowe, of Mcintosh, a successful busi- ness man and well-known citizen, has been promi- nently identified with the interests of the county since the early settlement of the eastern townships. He was born in Saline county, Missouri, May 5, 1859, and is the son of Dr. L. S. Stowe, an eminent pioneer of Polk county, where the memory of his hospitable and generous character and able services still linger in the reminiscences of the earlier days. Dr. Stowe had removed from Grant county, Wisconsin, in 1857 to Missouri, but in the storm center of those troublous times his native frankness and fearless championing of his convictions soon incurred the disapproval of the prevailing local sentiment and he was given no- tice to leave and he returned to Wisconsin to enlist in the Sixteenth AVisconsin regiment and to serve throughout the four years of war in defense of those convictions. After the close of the war he resumed the practice of medicine near Bloomiugton, Illinois, and later went to Sangamon county in that state, where he remained until 1881, wlieu he came to Polk county and took a claim some thirteen miles south- east of Crookston. This pioneer home was open to everyone and the cordial welcome and good cheer made it a popular stopping place for travelers en route to Fertile or the Sand Hill river country. Dr. Stowe made his home in the county for about ten years, devoting his time to his professional duties and farming, and subsequently removed to Hawley, Clay county, Minnesota, where he engaged in a successful practice until his death in 1899, at the age of seventy- five years. His wife died in the early childhood of his son, Edmund Stowe, and the latter, at an early age, assumed all responsil)ility for the securing of an education and the direction of his carreer. Willi ambitious determination, he managed to attain suf- ficient training to fit him for the teaching profession and taught in 1879 and 1880 in Sangamon county, Illinois, and in 1881, after coming to Polk county, taught his third school, which was near Crookston, and for the next few years continued in this occupa- tion, devoting the vacation periods to his land. On coming to the county he had filed on a homestead, near his father's tract, and the law of that time permitting him to prove up on the claim in a few months, he secured a tree claim near the present station of Melvin, on the Northern Pacific railroad, and there set out ten acres of ash, box elder and cot- 334 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY touwood, whiL-h lias siiK-e grown into the finest grove in the country and is a worthy tribute to the pioneer labors of ^Ir. Stowe. The years spent as a teacher were the years of the settlement of the Thirteen Towns and he is associated with the activities of the period as the first teacher in an organized school dis- trict, in Polk county, east of Crookston, and he re- calls many experiences of that interesting day. At the close of the fall term of the Ilafterson school, No. 68, in 1883, he first learned of the organization of two school districts in the Thirteen Towns, No. 120 and No. 122, which had not been supplied with instructors, and having been previously acquainted with John Flesch, an influential settler of Rosebud township, determined to apply for the latter posi- tion, which was the Fosstou school. The Fosston post- office and store were then located on the Flesch farm, five miles southwest of the pi-esent site of the town, and with no definite direction for reaching his desti- nation, Mr. Stowe began his cross-country journey on foot anil after many miles of weary travel throiigh the January snow, he met the Indian, Bolieu, mail carrier to the postoffices of King and Fosston and obtained the first intelligible explanation in English of his route. He was directed to the home of John D. Knudson, the clerk of District No. 120, and as Fosston was some miles further, he decided to end his journey here and made his application for this school, and his services were accepted by the director, K. N. Newton, with a monthly salary of thirty dol- lars. He taught in this school for two j'ears, mean- while boarding in the Newton home, where his ac- quaintance with a daughter of the house soon cul- minated into a happy union. The first term was of but six weeks' duration and had an enrollment of over thirty pupils, who ranged from children of five years to studious men of thirty-seven. Ole Hoven, a well-known farmer of King township, and Fred Han- son were among the older students. During the winter term of the next year C. K. Hofi'ard, the vice president of the First National bank, was one of his pupils. In this year John A. Newton taught the school at Fosston and much interest centered about the educational intei'ests of the neighboring communi- ties. Mr. Stowe organized a spelling school which proved a most popular form of entertainment, and closed the term with a school exhibition which was attended b^- a large and appreciative audience. lie was married March 17, 1885, to Anna Newton. They immediately made their home on the claim near Melvin and for the ensuing seventeen years Mr. Stowe devoted his attention to the development of his farm. After selling that property, he purchased a farm on section 31 of Hill River township, five miles northeast of ilclntosh. This land had been improved and put under cultivation by his brother- in-law, Bennie Newton, and Mr. Stowe successfully conducted his farming operations here for several years. On being appointed deputy sheriff under Louis Gonyea, he removed to Crookston, but in Jlr. Gonyea's second term resigned to become the buyer at Mcintosh for the Minneapolis & Northern Eleva- tor company. During the five years of his association with this company he handled some two hundred thousand bushels of Polk county grain. He left that position to establish an independent trade as a dealer in grain and hay and has been prosperously identified with this business. He makes extensive shipments of hay, buying the greater part of the large crops of the prairie section of the county and shipping to the Iron Range towns. Throughout the many years of his activities as farmer, business man and citizen Mr. Stowe has won the esteem of all his associates for his able attainments and many services and has been elected to various offices of public trust in the locali- ties in which he has resided, serving as assessor in King and Hill River townships and as census enu- mei-ator in 1900 for the latter and in 1910 for King towmship and the town of Mcintosh. He is a mem- ber of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Modern Brotherhood of America. Mr. Stowe and wife are faithful and active supporters of tlie Con- gregational church, in which he is a trustee. Mrs. Stowe is a native of Waseca county, Minnesota, and COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 335 accompanied her father, K. N. Newton, in his removal to Polk county in 1883. She, like her husband, is popularly known in the social life of the community and is a member of the various local organizations. They have reared a family of twelve children, New- ton, living at Grand Forks, where he is engaged in the auto livery business; Grant, a ditch contractoi'. operating in Iowa and southern Minnesota; Sarah, the wife of Barney Davis, vi^ho is the proprietor of a hotel at Kellog, Idaho; Nobel, who is a teacher in the schools at Trail; Charles, who is associated with Grant Stowe in the contracting business, and Dewey, Joyce, Nellie, Eunice, Laura, Phyllis and an infant. ADOLPH N. ANDERSON. Actively and profitably engaged in general mer- chandising at Birkholz, in this county, twelve miles north of Grand Forks, during the last eleven years, and for fifteen rendering the township of Higdem good service as a public official, first as a justice of the peace for two years and since then as township clerk for thirteen, Adolph N. Anderson has well earned the cordial regard and good will of the people around him which he enjoys in such full measure as a merchant, as a progressive citizen and as an upright man. Mr. Anderson was bom in Chippewa county, Wis- consin, February 11, 1871, and became a resident of Minnesota in August, 1893. He is a son of Jens and Dorothy (Nelson) Anderson, natives of Norway. The father came to the United States prior to the Civil war and settled in Wisconsin. During that war he served in the Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantrj-, and felt the effects of the hardships and privations he was obliged to undergo in the army to the end of his life, which came on his Wisconsin farm in 1877. Adolph N. Anderson left the farm in 1891, when he was twenty years old, and during the next two years worked as a hired man on other farms. In 1894, having relatives in Polk county, he came here in search of employment and soon obtained an engage- ment on a threshing outfit, on which he worked as a hand one season and was then given full charge of it. During the next six seasons he operated this outfit for the Eliason brothers and during the next six seasons he operated one for Ole H. Bang. The business was extensive and gave him plenty to do. the aggregate of his threshing in 1895 being about 60,000 bushels of grain, with other seasons in pro- portion. Wlien Mr. Anderson first came to Minnesota he located at Hinckley, in Pine county, and was there on September 1, 1894, when the great fire in which 380 lives were lost and the town was entirely de- stroyed occurred. He lost all his possessions by the fire and escaped out of the burning town on the ill- fated train which was destroyed by the same fire at Skunk Lake. At Skunk Lake, six miles north of Hinkley, it was discovered that the fire was getting ahead of the train and it was stopped on the bridge to give the passengers a chance to save themselves by getting into the water, which many of them did. The train was entirely destroyed by the fire where they left it on the bridge. In 1904 Mr. Anderson bought the store he is now keeping. It had been opened three years before by M. 0. Kleven. The stock and buildings at that time amounted to $1,500. Now the investment in the busi- ness, including the real estate used for it, aggregates several thousands of dollars and the trade is growing all the time. On January 1, 1915, the store and its contents were destroyed by fire at a loss of about $2,000 above the insurance. Mr. Anderson imme- diately rebuilt his store and opened up on a larger scale than before. He handles farm produce, butter and eggs as specialties and a regular stock in general, and his business has more than doubled within the last few years. In 1900 Mr. Anderson was elected a justice of the 336 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY peace. He held this office two years, and at the cud was but seventeen at the time of her marriage. She of his term was elected township clerk, in which and lier husband belong to the Kongsvinger Lutheran capacity he has been serving ever since. He was mar- church near their home. They have four children, ried on June 17, 1899, to Miss Annie Nelson, a daugli- Elmer Johnsie, Oscar Daniel, Alice Doris and Mary ter of Erick and Oleanna (Farder) Nelson, a brief Eldora Adeline, sketch of whom appears in this work. Mrs. Anderson 0. T. WOLD. O. T. Wold, a successful farmer of Badger town- ship, is a native of Norway, bom June 9, 1858, and came to the United States in 1877, in his early man- hood. He had been trained in the carpentering trade in his own country and worked for a few years at his trade in Wabasha county, IMinnesota. After some three years, in 1881, he returned to Norway, remained but a few months and in 1882 again resumed his resi- dence in this country, locating in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where he was employed in carpenter work until 1889, when he availed himself of the opportunity to become a land owner and filed on a homestead in section eight of Badger township in 1883. He entered upon his farming enterprise with but a few dollars and a few head of stock and with unfailing industry and able management has advanced his fortunes to his present prosperous standard. To the original quarter, he added an adjacent eighty acres and now has two hundred acres of his farm under cultivation, some ninety acres of which was devoted to gi'ain in 1915. He is also extensively interested in stock farm- ing, raising cattle for the market and keeping dairy cows. He has recently added alfalfa to his crops. The first house, a log cabin, was replaced in 1900 by a com- fortable modern home and in 1912 i\Ir. Wold erected a fine large bam. Aside from his agricultural activi- ties, he has been associated with local enterprise as a director and stockholder in the cooperative cream- ery at Erskine and in various offices of public re- sponsibility, having sei'ved for a number of years as township supervisor and as a member of the school board. The sport of the hunter has never made its appeal to Mr. Wold and he has never owned a gun. He was married in 1889 in Grand Forks, to Anna T. Sather, who was born in Nonvay and four children were born to them, two of whom died in early eliild- hood. Talmer Wold resides on the home farm and is a stockholder in the State Bank of Erskine. Magna Wold has been a student in the Ei-skine high school. Mr. Wold and his family are communicants in the United Lutheran church. JOHN LETNES. Mr. Letnes is one of the wide awake and progres- sive farmers of Andover township, this county and therefore one of the successful ones. He was born in Norway October 30, 1867, of well-to-do parents and emigrated to this country in 1888, located in North Dakota and in 1891 he became a resident of Polk county, Minnesota. When Mr. Letnes came to this county he was a single man. He worked on farms in the vicinity of Climax for several years until la- was married. He was prudent and thrifty and luid saved up some money. When the railroad came through that part of the county he bought a lot and put up a dwelling in the new village of Climax. While living in Climax, in company with his brother- in-law, Levi Steenerson, he traded in wheat for a while. During the railroad land boom he bought land, which was the start of farming for liimself. First he COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 337 bought land in Vineland township. He put up build- ings on this farm and farmed there two years. In 1900 he sold this farm for a good price and bought an improved farm in Andover township. This he sold in 1902 and then bought his present home farm. He bought one hundred and sixty acres more four years ago, making it one-half section of well im- proved land he owns to date. Mr. Letnes has all his land under cultivation, and devoted to raising grain. His crops in 1915 amounted to 8,000 bushels of oats, wheat and barley, oats being the leader. He keeps Ills farm well stocked with graded stock. The build- ings on his farm are of good dimensions, most of them being erected by himself, and the land is of superior fertility and fibre and very productive. It is well drained and skillfully cultivated. His methods of farming are altogether modern and progressive. He plows with a gas tractor, and all his other ap- pliances for his work are strictly up-to-date, and in addition to carrying on with vigor and energy the cultivation of the land, he oijerates his own threshing outfit. The public affairs of the township have always enlisted the active interest of this progressive citizen, and he has taken a helpful part in administering them. He is at present a member of the board of township supervisors and its chairman. In 1894 he was married to Miss Margaret Oustby of Climax, but a native of Norway. They have nine children, Lawrence, Thomas, Pauline, Anna, Lars, John, Mag- nus, Daniel and Isabelle. Lawrence is a gas engineer, Thomas is a student at the Crookston Business Col- lege and Pauline is a student at the Northwest School of Agriculture at Crookston. FRED HANSON. Fred Hanson, a farmer of King township, has been a resident of Polk county since the opening of the section of the Thirteen Towns in 1883. He was born in Norway, April 16, 1857, and came to the United States at seventeen years of age, with his parents and three sisters. A brother, J. B. Hanson, had preceded them to this country and the family joined him in Vernon county, Wisconsin. For seven years, Fred Hanson was employed in farm work at that place and then spent some time in Dakota. In the spring of 1883, accompanied by his brother, J. B. Hanson, he came to Polk county and located in the Thirteen Towns some months previous to its opening for settlement in August, when he filed his preemption claim on the land in section five, King township, where he has since made his home. The death of his father had occurred in Wisconsin and his mother lived with him in the house which he erected on the claim. J. B. Hanson also settled in King township and lived here for some twelve years before removing to a homestead near Bermidji, Minnesota. He was the pioneer blacksmith in the Thirteen Towns and the shop which he operated on his farm received the patronage of a wide teri'itory. The two brothers shared in the ownership of their first yoke of oxen and during the first years worked at the clearing of the land under this partnership before securing teams, individually. At that time work horses were rarely used in that section and- Mr. Hanson accomplished the greater part of the labor of clearing and breaking his land, which was covered with small timber, with the oxen, which were his only farm team for a number of years. In addition to the usual tasks of the settlers, he installed ditches which have developed some fine meadow land. During the years of his residence he has ably con- tributed his share to the industry and enterprise which has brought the conveniences and prosperity of the modern farming community, rapidly advancing the country 's development from the days when Crook- ston, forty miles distant and a four days journey in an ox cart was the trading point and the nearest wheat depot was thirty miles away. He was active in the first township election in which the name of the well knowTi pioneer, Mr. King, became permanently •S38 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY associated with the distritt. Jlr. Ilausoii served as township supervisor and elerk of the school board, liolding the latter office for four years. Mi\ Hanson was one of the men, who ambitious to receive training in the language and customs of the adopted country, eui'oUed as pupils in the first school organized in that region, of which Ed Stowe was teacher. In 1888, Mr. Hanson was married to Augusta M. Johnson and the ceremony was solemnized in a neighboring school house. She is a native of Sweden, wlio came from Waseca to Polk county with her father, Andrew John- son, who settled on a homestead in Lessor township, which since his death has continued in the possession of his family. Mr Hanson and his wife have a family of two sons and five daughters, Regina, Uilma, Selma, Julia, Henry, Alfred, and Anna. The oldest daugh- ter, Regina, was employed as a teacher in Norman and Clearwater counties before her marriage to Harold Cas-selmau, a farmer near Ada. Ililma taught paro- chial school in Dakota and Minnesota, is the wife of John Ilegge of Williston, North Dakota. Mr. Hanson and his family are members of the United Lutheran church of Mcintosh, in which church he is an active worker and trustee. He takes great enjoyment in the good sport afforded the lover of the hunt, by his state and often devotes his vacation to hunting trips after big game. JOHN A. ORVOLD. John A. Orvold. of Gully township, is a prominent citizen and well known farmer of the county and was actively associated with the founding of the village of Trail on the Soo railroad. He was bom in Norway on Februaiy 7, 1853, and was reared on a farm in his native land, coming to the United States when eighteen j'eare of age and joining an uncle who resided in "Wis- consin. In 1874, he went to Goodhue eoiuity, Minne- sota, and spent the next five years in various employ- ments, working as a farm laborer and for two seasons in the lumber regions of Wisconsin and then made his permanent location in Minnesota in 1879, when he bought raib'oad land in Stevens county. He developed this farm and remained in that county for fourteen years, engaging in farming with the exception of two years residence in Hancock. In 1892 he removed to Clay county and rented a large farm of a Minneapolis land company, which he operated until 1899 when he took a homestead claim in tlie Red Lake Indian reservation, which is part of his present farm in section twenty-nine of Gully township, three miles west of Gully and sixteen miles north of Fosston. He has since added more land to his estate and owns a quarter section in Chester township. He has devoted all his business activitv to his aericultnral interests and has met with unvaried success in all his pursuits, developing a fine farm. He raises blooded stock and devotes some attention to dairy farming. Mr. Orvold has ever lived that progi-essive and broad citizenship which has earned him the respect of all and is widely known in that section for his many worthy services in the public interests. He was present at the organiza- tion of the township and has served continuously in tlie various offices and is a justice of peace and a member of the school board at present. When the Soo railroad was liuilt through the township, he sold eighty acres of his homestead for the site of Trail which is one-half mile west of his home and has been identified with its growth and is a shareholder in the co-operative creamery there and was largely influen- tial in the organization of the Synod Lutlieran church. This village has grown to a goodh^ population and has proved of great convenience and benefit to the surrounding agricultural district and the low plains immediately to the north of the town are being rapidly developed by di'ainage into valuable farming land. Mr. Orvold was married in Stevens coimty to Thurine Olson, who was bom in Norway and eleven children were bom to them, of whom nine are now living. Ida, the eldest daughter, died July 26. 1914, in her twenty- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 330 ninth yeai- and the youngest member of the family, Myrtle died in early childhood. The surviving chil- dren are, Amos and Tomine, who are both living on homesteads in North Dakota, the latter in McKenzie county ; Josephine, who is a trained nurse and resides with her parents; Lillie, the wife of Ed Carlson, of Clay county, Minnesota; Clarence, who lives in Dakota ; Mabel, a student in the high school at Fosston and member of the graduating class of 1917 ; Johnnie, Ole, and Hazel. Mr. Orvold was a member of the Lutheran church at Gully for a number of years, until the establishment of the Synod Lutheran church, in Trail of which he has since been a faithful supporter. JAMES T. SULLIVAN. Having had a large share of difficulties and losses in his career as a Polk county farmer, and yet having won a substantial and impressive success through his oper- ations as sucli by his good management and pereisteut industry, James T. Sullivan, proprietor of the Sullivan farm, which comprises the North half of Section 30, Sullivan township and is four miles and a half northeast of East Grand Forks, has shown that he possesses the qualities which always count well in the struggle for advancement among men. He was born in Lanark county, province of Ontario, Canada, December 10, 1853. He was prepared for the work of teaching school but did not enter the profession. His first money was earned as a timekeeper in a lumber camp when he was eighteen years old. He passed eleven months in the camp and on the river, and received a check for .$270 for his services. The next season he returned to his father's farm in Canada. His father came to Minnesota and Polk county in 1877 and the next year James T. and the rest of the family joined him here. The children all remained with tlieir parents until 1881. On the arrival of the family in this county iu 1878 the father filed on claims for his sons, that of James T. being the Noi'theast quarter of Section 30, on whirh he now lives. Before he took posses.sion of his claim it was jumped, but the man who jumped it afterward abandoned it and Mr. Sullivan retained the ownership of it without a contest. In 1882 he returned to his native county and there married Miss Elizabetli Hol- linger whom he at once brought to the new dwelling he had built on his land in 1881. He also bought the Northwest quarter of Section 30, and thus became the owner of the whole North half of that section, his new purchase having been improved by its former owner, 0. E. Thoresen. For many years Mr. Sullivan devoted his attention to raising grain and did well at it. But during the last six years he has been keeping cows on a large scale and breeding high gi-ade Hol- stein cattle. His herd consists of at least fifty head as a rule, and he milks twenty-five cows regularly, and to be supplied with feed for his cattle he uses two silos of generous proportions. Mr. Sullivan has been township clerk ten years, township assessor fifteen years and a member of the school board and its clerk and treasurer from the time when the school district was organized. His wife died in 1908 after they had lived together twenty-six years. She was the mother of five children one of whom, a daughter named Stella, died in 1898, aged eight. The four who are living are Charles and Well- ington, who are living at home, and Elizabeth and Wilfred, who are married. Elizabeth is the wife of Ralph Van Voores, who is employed in the office of the Northern Pacific railroad at East Grand Forks, and Wilfred married Miss Emily Jacobson, a resident of that city also. On November 8, 1911, Mr. Sullivan contracted a second marriage, which united him with Miss Eliza- beth Ryan. She was a teacher in the Polk county public schools for fourteen years, teaching her fii*st school at Mallory when she was but seventeen years old. She was also a stenographer in a law office in Grand Porks three years, and cared for her parents 340 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY to the end of their lives. .She belongs to all the elubs and other useful organizations in her neighborhood and is an active worker in them and the ehureh societies and a very forceful and effective occasional speaker. She and her hasband are active members of the Catholic church of the Sacred Heart. Hail and other storms have seriously injured Mr. Sullivan's crops at times, and in 1887 a cyclone destroyed a new horse barn which he had just built and injured his house, causing a loss of several hundred dollars. In 1884, when his whole crop was destroyed by hail he was appointed deputy county auditor under P. J. McGuire, who was the auditor for years but is now a resident of St. Paul. OLE S. TiASGAARD. In his thirty-seven years of residence in this county Ole S. Basgaard, who is now one of the enterprising and prosperous farmers of Esther township, has shown himself to be a man of progressiveness and energy, wise in the management of his aifairs and judicious in his support of undertakings for the wel- fare of the county and especially his home township, turning down none of merit aaid assisting none of doubtful propriety. He is an excellent citizen and is esteemed as such wherever he is known. Mr. Basgaard was born in Norway, March 25, 1847, and was brought to this country by his parents when he was about one year old. The parents located at Noskes, in Dane county, Wisconsin, about fourteen miles east of the city of Madison. After living there six years they moved to Coon Valley, Vernon county, Wisconsin, and there they died. Their son Ole remained at home until he reached the age of twenty- one, but when he was nineteen he was married to Miss Sevrena Theresa Vigesaa, also a native of Nor- way and brought to this country by her parents when she was young. When Mr. Basgaard reached the age of twenty-one he moved into this state and took up an 80 acre home- stead in Chippewa county, where he continued to live seven years, but he did not come to Polk county to live until May, 1878. He then took up a homestead of eighty acres on the prairie, but he did not prove up on this, aa he sold it before the proving up time came. His brother-in-law, Ole E. Larson, came to this county in 1878, and had acquired the ownership of 160 acres of the land Mr. Basgaard now owns, and the latter traded his interest in his prairie homestead to Mr. Larson for this quarter section. A few acres of it were broken up but there were no buildings on the place. It was railroad land and in dispute, but he proceeded to farm and improve it. When the dispute over it was settled he received the sum of $350 as a rebate for the buildings he had erected and the work he had done on the place. The Grand Marais river winds across the land, and for some time a great deal of it was overflowed and swampy. But it is all well drained now and produces excellent hay. The first dwelling Mr. Basgaard had on this land was made of bark and sod. In a little while this gave way to a little log house, and in this he made his home until he put up his present residence, Mhich was one of the best in its locality when it was built. Grain and hay have been his principal products on this farm until recently, when he has given a portion of his attention to raising live stock, preferring the Short- horn strain in cattle. In addition to his home farm he owns 120 acres of prairie land in Northland town- ship, three miles and a half distant from his home, but this is farmed by a tenant and is also devoted to grain, principally wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Basgaard were members of the Grand Marais Lutheran church. Mrs. Basgaard died March 1, 1897. They had nine children, five of whom are living. Hilda is now the wife of John Rule of Bellingham, Washington. Laura is the wife of A. C. Corliss, a street car conductor in Fargo, North Dakota. Stephen is living on a farm in Beltrami county, Minnesota. Eddie and Mandus are still living at COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 341 home. Hendry married Miss Ida Johnson and died at the age of thirty-four. His widow and two chil- dren, Clarence and Walter, are living with his father- in-law. Sigvart was killed by lightning at the age of twenty-six. Carl died at the age of twenty-five. Emma, who was the wife of Peter Mattson, died at the age of thirty. JAMES 0. HOVLAND. This esteemed citizen of Polk county, who has been a prominent farmer in Northwestern Minnesota for many years and is now president of the Farmers' State Bank of Winger, was born iu Rock county, Wis • consin. May 25, 1861, and is a son of Lars J. and Ingeborg Hovland, who were born and reared in Nor- way and came to the United States in 1857, locating in Goodhue county, Minnesota, and remaining there until 1882, when they moved to Norman county, where the father took up a soldier's homestead. He had served nine months in the Civil war as a private iu Compau}^ M, First Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Artillery, and after his location in Norman county he continued to live there until his death in 1908. He was a faithful and consistent member of Faaberg Lutheran church. James 0. Hovlaud got his academic education at St. Olaf 's school at Northfield and afterward pursued a course of special instruction in a business college in Rochester. In 1884 he moved to Rindal, in this county, where he opened a general store in partnerehip with Martin Anderson. As the firm had only $2,000 capital the store was a small one, but the sales were large, and the venture was profitable. Mr. Hovlaad sold his interest in the biisiness at a profit at the end of three years, and then opened a store at the old Winger postoffice one mile and a half east of the site of the present village of Winger. The goods for this stoi-e had to be hauled from Beltrami, a distance of 37 miles, and the freeze of 1888 injured the farmers' crops to such an extent that they were unable to pay their bills. Iu consequence of these difficulties the store was closed. Mr. Hovland 's next move was the purchase of his father's fanu in Norman county, which he still owns and has enlarged to 400 acres. He operated this farm until 1908, and since then it has been cultivated by a tenant, but Mr. Hovland made his home on it until 1914, when he changed his residence to Winger. In connection with his farming industry he bred graded cattle for dairy purposes and also raised numbers of 0. I. C. hogs, of which he still owns a fine drove. He also erected substantial and commodious buildings on the farm and equipped it with every modern machine needed for its advanced and progressive cultivation. In 1912 Mr. Hovland conceived the project of reorganizing the old state bank at Winger and induced many farmers to take stock in the enterprise. The reorganization was efi'ected under the name of the Farmers' State Bank of Winger with Mr. Hovland as its president. He has since devoted a part of his time and energy to the affairs of this institution, and it is flourishing vigorously under his prudent and energetic management, taking rank as one of the strongest and best managed fiscal institutions of its class in this part of the state of Minnesota. HANS 0. LEE. Hans 0. Lee, of Badger township, a prominent farmer of the county and proprietor of the Badger "Valley Farm, is a pioneer of this region, having located in Wisconsin in the early seventies. He was born in Norway, April 30, 1858, and came with his parents, Ole and Martha Lee to Grant County, Wis- consin, when ten years of age. There the father died. He assisted in the clearing of the timber land in Wis- 342 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGR:\PHY OF POLK COUNTY consiu. Wheu he was sixteen years of age he left home to seek employment as a farm laborer and for ten years worked on a Fillmore and Norman county farm. During this time he helped defray expenses on the home place in Wisconsin, and thus was not able to advance his own interests by saving from his wages. Upon the opening of the Thirteen Towns, in 1883, he filed on land in section seven. Badger township, and entered upon his farming career with a capital of seven dollars. During the first years he worked in the hai-vest fields in Norman county and had but little time to give to the improvement of his tract. In 1886 he was married to Lena Weger of Fillmore county, Mincsota, and his finances permitting but a small pay- ment, he purchased a team of horses and wagon from her father, on credit, and brought his wife to the new home in the wilderness. Their first home was in the sod claim shanty with the humble surroundings of pioneer life. The thrift and competent management which marked the years that followed appear in the model farm and prosperous interests of Mr. Lee. He has steadily added to his property and owned five hundred and twenty acres, but has given two hundred and forty to his sons, Ole Lee and Herman Lee. Badger Valley Farm now comprises two hundred and eighty acres of land, which in natural advantages of fertility of soil, as well as in its great productiveness under the direction of its owner, ranks as one of the most desirable farms in the county. The extent of his operations may be seen in his harvest of 5,000 bushels of grain in 1915 and in his successful enter- prise in stock farming. He keeps a large herd of cattle, raising for the market and dairying purposes and is breeding Short Horn stock. In 1903 he erected the present country home, which replaced the log house which was the second home of the family. Jilr. Lee has always manifested an active interest in the welfare and progress of the community and has given able service to public interests as a member of the township board and of the school board. He has also been associated for five yeai-s with the co-operative creamery at Ei-skine as stockholder and director, and is a shareholder in the Scandia Bank at Erskine. He is a member of Sorum Lutheran Clmreh and is prom- inently identified with church affairs as trustee. Mr. Lee has a family of five children, Ole, Herman, Nels, Carl, and Martha, who married 0. T. Fretta, and lives about three miles east of her old home. Ole Lee is the owner of a one hundred and sixty acre farm, and Herman Lee of eighty acres, given them by their father, and they are associated with him in his agricultural interests. C. M. BERG. C. M. Berg, president of the First National bank at Mcintosh, has been a resident of the county since early childhood. He was born in Norway, at Grue Prestegjeld Solor, April 10, 1873. In 1888 his par- ents came, with their son and two daughters, from Norway to Minnesota, where the father, Martin T. Berg, settled on land in King township, Polk county, and became a well-known pioneer of that section. He is now a retired farmer and resides in Mcintosh. C. M. Berg was reared on the Polk county homestead and attended the public schools. "When he was seven- teen years of age he entered upon his business career and for some years was employed as a clerk in a general store at Mcintosh and later sold agi'ieultural implements on the road. His association with the banking interests of the county began in 1901, when he secured the position of bookkeeper and later wa.s made assistant cashier of the State bank at Mcintosh, and since that time has been identified with the successful operations of that institution. In 1901 "W. S. Short was the president of the corporation and S. H. Drew was the cashier. Two years later the bank was con- verted into a national bank and continued to be eon- ducted by the same officials until 1911, when Mr. Berg became president, having serv'ed as cashier from 1905 until 1911, and in that position and as activo COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 343 manager has displayed able executive ability and financial genius in directing its activities to a steadily increasing prosperity. In 1913 the present bank building was erected at the cost of $11,300 and was adequately equipped with interior furnishings and safety deposit vaults. Aside from his financial enter- prises, Mr. Berg has interested himself in quite ex- tensive investments in farm lands. As a public-spir- ited and progressive citizen, he has freely contributed his services and influence in behalf of the develop- ment and general welfare of the town and count}' and enjoys the respect and confidence of his asso- ciates in every field of activity. He is a member of the Minnesota and American Bankers associations and of the Independent Scandinavian Workingmen's as- .soeiation. Mr. Berg was married November 18, 1896, to Bertha Bjorgo. Mrs. Berg's parents were among the early settlers of the Thirteen Towns. Mr. Berg has served on the school board for nine years, one year of which he was jiresident (in 1914), and was appointed mayor of Mcintosh in 1906, serving as such until April, 1907. In church affiliations he is a mem- ber of St. John's church of the Norwegian Lutheran church, serving as treasurer for the past twenty-three yeai-s. He is a stockholder and treasurer of the North Star Dairy association, of Mcintosh, and is now presi- dent of the Mcintosh Commercial club. OLE LIND. This progressive and prosperous farmer, who owns the Southwest quarter of Section 22, Higdem town- ship, this county, and has his residence but one- quarter of a mile from that of his father and brother John, who live on the adjoining tract, is a native of Sweden, where his life began June 7, 1875. In 1888 he was brought to the United States by his parents, Nels and Carrie Lind, who located for a few months at Warren, in Marshall county, Minnesota, and in the fall of the same year took up their residence on the farm on which the father stiU lives, and which he then purchased. The farm had 30 acres of its land plowed and contained a small log house which the family used as a dwelling until the father erected the present larger and more convenient residence. During the first summer the father worked out but did not save much, as the living of the family took nearly all his earnings. He went in debt for his land, but soon after locating on it bought a yoke of oxen and began to make it yield something in the way of cropa To keep the family, however, during the winter he cut cord wood and hauled it eighteen miles to Warren, where he received about $3 a cord for it. The father has added forty acres to the farm and made all the improvements there are on it. He has recently sold it to his son John but continues to make his home on it. The mother died January 28, 1914. The father has served as road overseer. The four sons in the family, Peter, Ole, Johann and John, aU worked at home during their minority. When they left home Peter, Ole and Johann bought 240 acres of land which the three worked together until the death of Johann at the age of twenty-one. One year later Peter and Ole divided the land, Peter taking 160 acres and Ole eighty acres. Each has since bought an additional tract of 160 acres, the two purchases constituting the South half of Section 22. The boys all made their home with their father until 1911 except Johann, who died prior to that year. Ole Lind's farm was originally the tree claim of Robert Olson, and that gentleman set out ten or eleven acres in trees which have already yielded a profitable supply of sawlogs, the trees being principally cotton- wood and box-elder. Mr. Lind has set out 500 or 600 additional trees mainly to sei"ve as windbreaks. He has built a good dwelling house and made other improvements on his land and is engaged principally in raising grain, but he also keeps five or six milk cows regularly. He has taken an active and helpful part in the affairs of the township and served it as supervisor. On July 16, 1908, Mr. Lind was married to Miss 344 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Clara Olson, a daughter of Ole E. Olson, of Higdem township, who came to Polk county in his young man- hood. ]Mrs. Lind was born in Marshall county but not far from her present home. Two children have been born of the marriage, Matilda Caroline and belong to the Kongsvinger Lutheran church, of which Ole Lind is now one of the trustees, and in which his father has been active during the whole of his resi- dence in this county. During seven years of the life of the late Thomas Hendrickson Mr. Lind was his Nicholas Oliver. All the members of the family partner in operating a threshing outfit. STEENER KNUTSON. Steener Kuutson, father to the Steenerson family who have been prominent in the history and develop- ment of Polk county, was born in Telemarken, Nor- way, June 30, 1819, and was the only son of Knut and Annie Steenerson, of Berge, in Margedal, Norway. He was educated in the common school of that Parish and graduated as teacher from the Kvitseid Seminary, and taught school for several years in neighboring parishes. In 1844 he married Birgit Liefson Roholt, who was bom jMarch 30, 1821. They bought a farm named Roumdal, but sold it iu a short time and removed to another farm named Moaas, which they owned and operated for several years, and finally sold out in 1851 and sailed for America. At this time three sons had been born to them, Knute, Leif, and Christopher. He used to say his resolution to leave his native land was based upon economic conditions. His earthly possessions were small and there was little prospect of any increase in them, except in the item of children, in which line he had already made a good start. Reading about the opportunities in America and its free institutions, he desired to get there before his family would be so large and his purse so small that he would be unable to get away. This calculation proved quite correct, for when he arrived in Dane county, Wisconsin, he had just enough mone.y left to buy a cow and a couple of two year old steers. Here he rented forty acres of land, and taught school in the neighborhood for a time. Finally, hearing of Minnesota Territory and its cheap lands, he decided to go there and locate a home. Leaving his family in Dane county, he reached LaCrosse and was told by Mons Anderson, a merchant there, that he could get a homestead north of what is now LaCrosse, and he went out to look at it, but thought the soil was too sandy; so he went on across the Mississippi into Houston county, Minnesota, and selected a homestead at Luna VaUey. Here he hired out to cut cord-wood for some one at LaCrosse, and was cheated out of his pay. One day, towards spring, he was walking across the Mississippi on the ice with an ax on his shoulder. The ice, being weak, broke under him and he fell in and in the struggle to get out the ax fell on his left hand and cut the middle finger clean off. This laid him up for the balance of the winter. When spring opened he was so far recovered that he was able to go to work and hired out to go on a raft from LaCrosse to St. Louis, which trip netted him fifteen dollars. In 1853 the family joined him at LaCrosse and they settled down on their claim at Luna Valley. Bj' this time the family had increased to four, another boy having been born and named Halvoi". They came riding behind a yoke of oxen on a wagon, with wheels made of blocks sawed from a log. The names of the oxen were "Duke" and "Dime." The cow was also along, her name was Jevrei, meaning precious and she proved herself to be precious in fact as well as in name; she was the mainstay of the family for years, and was famous far and wide for the quality and quantity of her milk, and the fine calves she raised. On the trip on the raft to St. Louis he contracted the fever and ague and was laid up with the disease for nearly a year. When his wife told of these times and of the hardship endured it was enough to moisten the eyes of the most stolid. The countrv was full of COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 34E Indians, wliieh constantly engendered fear, as the county was sparsely settled, the buildings poor, pro- visions low, want and starvation staring them in the face, and she the only provider and protector to the sick husband and the four small childi'en. The yoke of oxen had to be mortgaged to get flour and pro- visions. A year and a half passed before Steener got his health back, and a chance to sell his claim for enough to get out of debt and to make a new start. They then moved to the town of Sheldon, Houston county, and took up a claim in Section 30, where they resided for over twenty years and raised a big family ; the children, in addition to those already mentioned, being Andrew, Ellas, Ellen, Anne, and John. At the outbreak of the Civil war the parents had a nucleus for a small army, which taxed their ability to the utmost to keep in proper discipline ; but under the stern orders of their superiors the younger ones soon became efficient in planting, hoeing, and husking corn, and other duties on the farm, and chafing under the situation that all were too young to partake in the defense of their country. Mr. Knutson finally, in 1864, volunteered in Company K of the Eleventh Min- nesota, and served to the close of the war. In 1871 the two older boj's took land in Polk county, Minnesota, and selected a claim for the father in Section 30, town of Vineland, to where he went in 1875, and the rest of the family followed in 1876. Here he lived until he passed to the other life, in 1881. He served as Town Supervisor of Vineland for several years. He was also active in church work, and one of the organizers of the first Lutheran Church in Houston county. Mother Steenerson died twelve years later, or in 1893, and both are buried in the Climax Cemetery, where appropriate monuments mark their last resting place. Few have been more closely identified with the growth and development of the State than they were ; and few have reared as large a familj' of boys and girls, under adverse conditions, all of whom grew to manhood and became prominent citizens of Polk county, and elsewhere. The following is a chronology of the offices held in the County and State by the Steeuersons: Knute, sheriff of Chippewa county in 1876 ; Levi, county com- missioner of Polk county for several years; Christo- pher, the first superintendent of schools of Polk county, in 1876, and later clerk of court for many years; Halvor, county attorney of Polk county, state senator, and member of Congi-ess ; Andrew, sheriff of Polk county ; Elias, postmaster of Crookston for nine years, and mayor of Fisher in the early eighties ; John, mayor of Esmond, North Dakota ; Anne, teacher and member of the school board at Climax ; Ellen, teacher. No doubt but that the old folks longed to go back to their native land during the times of distress, when pioneering in Houston county, and possibly felt they had made a mistake, yet that thought never found an utterance. Their faith in their adopted country and its institutions seemed to be implicit, and their hope for final success seemed to be instinctive. They be- came part of their adopted country, and that they had made no mistake they were well satisfied during their declining years. JAMES NISBET. James Nisbet, an early citizen and for many years a prominent farmer of Huntsville township, was born in county Lanark, Ontario, June 7, 1846, and died in Polk county, November 27, 1910. He was the son of "William and Cristena (Lindsay) Nisbet, who were natives of Scotland. James Nisbet was one of four brothers who located in Polk county in the earlv 22 seventies and were widely identified with the settle- ment and development of the western part of the county. David Nisbet died a number of years ago; Robert Nisbet was a resident of Nisbet township, which was named in his honor and Thomas Nisbet was for many years a farmer in Huntsville township and was living in Grand Forks at the time of his death in 346 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGR,\PHY OF POLK COUNTY 1914. James Nisbet remained in Canada until his early manhood when he went to AVisconsin and for nine years worked in the lumber woods on the Chip- pewa river, employed in the camps in winter and during the summer season, driving logs on the river. In 1875 he came to Polk county, where his brother, David Nisbet had already located, and secured a homestead. For several years in company with Joel Robertson, he lived at the bachelor home of David Nisbet, each member of the household owning and operating his own farm. In 1880 lie returned to Canada and was married in February of that year to Cristena Morrow, daughter of William and Margaret (Geddes) Morrow. David Morrow, a brother and Mary, a sister, the wife of Thomas Welch were already residents of Polk county and another sister Janet, who married Robert Bain, later located at Fisher, where she now lives. After his marriage, Mr. Nisbet erected a house of hewed logs, cut from the timber along the Marais river, which crossed his fann. This house which is still standing, with a few simple fur- nishings was the finst home of the family and they continued to live there until 1883 when the present modern house was built. Mr. Nisbet steadily pros- pered in his farming enterprises and built up a fine property, setting out groves and equipping the place with large barns. He was ever actively interested in behalf of the general welfare of the community and gave able service as a member of the school board. In fraternal circles, he was a well known member of the Masonic chapter at Ci'ookstou. His death occurred on his homestead, in his sixty-fourth year. He is survived by his wife and two children, Margaret Evelyn, who married William Porter, a grain dealer at Grand Forks; and William James. Myrtle Chris- tina, the youngest daughter, died in childhood. Wil- liam J. Nisbet was married to Eva, the daughter of James McDonald, of Nisbet township, and they have one child, Herbert James. Mr. Nisbet is a farmer, owning a part of his father's estate of four hundred and twenty-five acres. Mrs. Nisbet has continued to make her home on the farm since her Inisbaud's death and is interested in its management. She is a member of the Farmers club at Mallorj'. Although reared as a member of the Methodist church, Mrs. Nisbet has always been a loyal supporter and active worker in the Bethel Presbyterian church, of which her husband was a member. PATRICK QUIGLEY. Patrick Quigley, a pioneer of Polk county and well known citizen, has been a resident of Tynsid township since 1871. He came to the United States from Ire- land and for a number of years was employed in rail- road construction work and during the time that he was employed on the Union Pacific road, witnessed the driving of the Golden Spike at the union of the east and west branches. He gradually worked west- ward, visiting Chicago before its historic fire, and came to Minnesota to work on the Great Northern road, which was being extended west from Brainerd. In September, 1871, he took a preemption claim in Tynsid township. He was accompanied by Matthew Martin, Michael Quirk and Barney Haggerty, who located on adjoining tracts of land. This was before any survey had been made in that region and when choice of location permitted them to settle on the timber land along the river. Mr. Quigley erected a log house and engaged upon his task of farm build- ing, subsequently purchasing railroad land for whiih he paid from five to eight dollars an acre. He con- tinued his farming operations for some sixteen years, developing a fine farm of six hundred acres, equipped with modem buildings, his farming enterprise for the most part being devoted entirely to the raising of gi'ain. Of late years he has divided his land among his children and retained seventy-five acres for his own use. This is in section fifteen of Tynsid tovvn.sliip. Mr. Quigley is one of the oldest and best known citizens of the county, where the many yeare of his COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 347 residence have been enriched by the kindly service and genial friendsliip which have characterized his career. Like many of his gifted country men, a native humor and genius for relating tales, enlivened his rich store of interesting anecdotes of pioneer days; his memory retaining many amusing incidents which made for a good laugh in that period of privations and hard work. He has always been a loyal supporter of the demo- cratic party and influential in public affairs and has given able service in the various local offices of public responsibility. Mr. Quigley was married to Elizabeth Cookman, whose death occurred in 1911. Nine chil- dren were born to this union, of whom seven survive, Mary, the wife of W. B. Hamilton, of Fisher, Nicholas, Fred, Tom, who is living in Seattle, Washington, Patrick, Frank, and Nellie. The latter has kept the home for Mr. Quigley since the death of the mother. A son and daughter, Willie and Laura, died in their yoiith. Fred Quigley, Patrick Quigley and Frank Quigley are all Polk county farmers, operating the land given ihem by their father. Mr. Quigley was one of the original members of the Catholic church at Fisher. CARL QUERN. The scion of a family that has played an important part in the affairs of Polk county from the early days of its history, Carl Quern, one of the progressive and prosperous farmere of Higdem township has well sustained the record and traditions of the family in his own career. He is a native of Minnesota, born in Renville county, July 2, 1871. In 1895, when his father, C. C. Quern, bought 480 acres of land in Sec- tion 21, Higdem township, Carl and his brother-in- law. Gust Nelson, rented the tract together and occu- pied it as tenants for six years. The next five yeai's were passed by Carl in Roseau county, Minnesota, where he had taken up a homestead. He proved up on this and then sold it for $1,600, having put fully one-half of it under cultivation. In 1905 he returned to the Higdem township farm of 480 acres in this county, of which he was given charge, and the next year he w as placed in control of the whole section, his father having bought the remain- ing East quarter for $5,600, although the whole of the other three-quarters had cost him only $<3,000. The son managed the whole section until two years ago, when Mr. Nelson returned from Roseau county, where he also had taken up a homestead. Since then each of them has operated one-half of the section, but Mr. Quern farms 80 acres lying near by that is owned by his wife. The dwelling house on the land occupied by Mr. Quern was there when his father bought the tract, but the son has done some building almost eveiy year, and among his works of construction are commodious and convenient barns. He keeps over fifty head of cattle and has a fine herd of Shorthorns started. In 1915 he raised 8,000 bushels of wheat, oats and barley, the crops to which he has given his attention princi- pally, but he also plants regularly about forty acres in com, of which his crops are also quite large. The public affairs of his township have received Mr. Quern 's interested and servieable attention at all times. He has served on the township board and is now the township supei-visor. While living in Roseau county he helped to organize a new township there. He is independent in politics and a Lutheran in relig- ion with membership in Granville church, of which he is also one of the trustees. On January 17, 1901 , he was united in marriage with Miss Ella Syrstad, wlio was born on the farm of eighty acres which she now owns. She is a daughter of Andrew and Ellen (Rek- stad) Syrstad, who settled on that farm in 1878, after having lived eight years in Wisconsin, where they were married. Both were born in Norway and both died on the farm in Higdem township, the mother passing away when her daughter and only child, Ella, was in her infancy, and the father in 1911. 348 COMPEXDIUM OF HISTORY AXD BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Mrs. Quern's father married as liis second wife Miss Marit Solstad. They had four cliildren who reached maturity : Mrs. JIary Seines and her brother Ole Syrstad, who live on parts of the old homestead; Martin Syrstad, who has been reared from his child- hood by ilrs. C. C. Quern, and their sister Annie, who is the wife of Samuel Dahl, of Xashwauk, Jliunesota. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quern are Arthur, Evelyn, Oscar, Jlildred and Iner. JOHN AMUNDSON. Being the onlj- one left of the I'csolute and self- reliant men who broke into the wilderness of Fairfax township, this county, and laid the foundations of its civil institutions and started it on its career of prog- ress, development and service to mankind, John Amuudson, whose fine farm is located in Section 22 seven miles southeast of Crookston, is entitled to special consideration as a type of hardihood and endurance that is fast fading from view, and also for the service he has rendered to the localitj- in which he lives and the people of Polk county in general. Mr. Amundson was bom in Norway, August 24, 1848, and came to the United States in 1867, when he was nineteen years of age, joining his two sisters and one brother, who had come over a year before and were located in Dunn county, Wisconsin. He passed eleven years in that state, working as a cook in lumber camps, a cutter in saw mills and a clerk in stores. In 1878 he came to this county, and during the next three years clerked in the .store of W, D. Baile,y, then ren- dered the same service for three years in the large general store of Fontaine & Anglim, and during the two years following in otlier stores. When he arrived in this county, however, he took up a lioniestead, which is part of the farm on which he now lives. It was necessary that the new homesteader should make his living at some other occupation until his land could be put into condition to yield one, so he kept on clerking and hired others to break up his farm and make improvements on it. He proved up on it in due time at $1.25 an acre and lived on it during the year 1881. He then returned to Crookston to live, and since then has dwelt in the cit3' at several different times. He was an excellent writer, very skillful with his pen, and a good accountant in those days, and his services were frequently required in different county offices. In 1884 and 1885 he served as deputy register of deeds under John Patterson, and in 1890 and 1891 filled the same position under John Loeken. In 1892 he was himself elected register of deeds as the candi- date of the People's party, for a term of two years. Mr. Amundson also rendered the federal govern- ment valued service for some eight months, taking the census of three townships in 1890 and afterward doing abstract work in the court house for the United States census bureau. He was a potent force in helping to organize Fairfax township and was its first clerk, serving it afterward in various other positions. The first township election was held at his residence, and that has since been the township meeting place for all pulilic duties. For many years in succession he was school clerk for his district. In addition to his original homestead Mr. Amund- son now owns 400 acres of good land, his farm being all in one body, and all well improved and mostly under cultivation. He raises grain and live stock, keeping generally about 35 head of Shorthorn cattle and a large number of hogs. He also milks 25 cows to furnish cream for an extensive wholesale trade he has built up. During the last three years he has had 20 to 25 acres in corn, and the yield has been abun- dant as his land is well ditched and drained. There is a county ditch half a mile south of the farm which his influence and enterprise were most forceful in procuring. At the age of twenty-eight Mr. Amundson was mar- ried in Wisconsin to Miss Hilda Jensen, also a native of Norway. They have six children: Alfred, who is COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 349 living ou the farm; Arthur, who is employed in the Crookston office of the Great Northern railroad ; Josie, who is the wife of Edward Simpson, of Crookston; Olive Giua, who is the wife of Gust. Barnass, of Crook- ston; and Sophia and "Olive," who are living at home. All the children have attended the Crookston high school, and all the members of the family belong to the United Lutheran church in Crookston. ARNE J. HAUGEN. Arne J. Haugen, a well known farmer of Badger township and a director in the State Bank of Erskine, was born in Norway, March 3, 1867, and came to the United States as a lad of eighteen years, borrowing the money for his passage from his brother. For a few months he worked on a farm in Ottertail county and in November, 1885, joined his father iu Polk county, where they located on the land, in section twenty-six of Badger township which is Mi*. Haugen 's present home. They continued to work iu partnership and his father lived there until his death in May, 1911, at the advanced age of eighty-two. His wife's death pre- ceded his by eight years. Arne J. Haugen has never married and with his sister, Gustava Haugen, is the only surviving member of the family. The latter makes her home with her brother as housekeeper. The Haugen farm was formerly the homestead of Julius Bradley and upon coming into Mr. Haugen 's posses- sion was for the most part wild land and occupied only by a claim shack. He has put eighty acres in cultivation and has reclaimed some low land with ditching. The remaining tract is retained as pasture land, Mr. Haugen being interested in raising high- grade stock. He also engages in dairying. Through his able efforts and farming ability he has built up a prosperous estate of two hundred acres and has also given his service and attention in other fields of local activity, being identified with two notable enterprises of that region, as vice president of the co-operative creamery at Erskine and stockholder and director iu the Erskine State bank. He has been frequently called to public service by his fellow citizens and has held the ofSces of township assessor and township treasurer, chairman of the board and for fifteen years was a member of the school board. PETER J. HEDLUND. This highly esteemed and truly representative farmer of Higdem township, who, in compauj' with and assisted by his sons, eiiltivates 410 acres of land that is highly improved and very productive, was born in the province of Vermland, Sweden, May 15, 1846, and came to the United States in 1888, coming direct to Polk county on his an-ival in this country as he had relatives living here. He had been a farmer in his native land but had no capital, as all his early manhood had been devoted to the service of his parents. He had, however, increased and intensified his self-reliance through service in the Swedish army, and felt equal to any requirement his new home might make of him. Soon after his arrival in this couuty he bought eighty acres of land of the railroad company at $7 an acre, going in debt for the purchase money and work- ing out at farm labor to provide for his living and pay the debt. In 1888 he put up a little log house as a home for his family, and this was occupied by it until 1915, when he erected an eight-room modern farmhouse with every present-day convenience, includ- ing a hot water heating plant, the cost of the structure being more than $4,000. Mr. Hedlund and his sons are engaged in general farming and raising live stock, and they have pros- pered at the business on a large scale. The parents of the household were married in Sweden and had six 350 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY children before comiug to this countri^, the youngest of their seven being bora in Polk coimty. The mother's maiden name was Mary Johnson, and the children are Peter X., John, Annie, Johannes, Emil, Maria and AVilliam. Auuie is the wife of John Strong and lives in Marshall county four miles from her father's home. Maria is the wife of Lars Kleven and they are engaged in farming in North Dakota. Emil, the fourth son of the family, has a homestead in Beltrami county, but he still lives at home with his parents and his brothers, all of whom are, like himself, unmarried. Peter, John and Johannes own 290 acres of laud near the family homestead and they all work together, farming their own and their father's land to the best advantage. Being progres- sive and studious young men, they apply to their farming operations the results of their study and observation and conduct them according to the most approved methods of the present day. They and their father usually vote with the Republican party in gen- eral elections, and they all take an active and service- able part in the affairs of their township, being keenly alive to everything that is likelj- to improve conditions for it and its residents. OLE n. BANG. This enterprising, progressive and very successful farmer is probably the best known man in North- western Polk county, and his fine home on the bank of the Red River of the North, Section 17 and adjoining sections, Higdem township, is one of the most attrac- tive and valuable in the county, and one of the most hospitable and popular rural resorts in this part of the countrJ^ It is one mile south of the county line, three miles south of Oslo and about twenty miles north of Grand Porks. Mr. Bang was born in Valges, Norway, October 17, 1847, and came to the United States in the spring of 1869, locating at Madison, Wisconsin. He had lived in Christiania, the capital of his native land, and had there worked at his trade as a tailor until he saved enough money to bring him to this country and give him a start here. He had relatives at Madison, and worked at his trade in and about that city three yeare, saving his earnings and getting ready for future undertakings of greater magnitude. In 1872 Mr. Bang moved to Taylors Palls, Minne- sota, and there during the next five years he carried on a prosperous merchant tailoring business. At the end of the period named he moved up the St. Croix valley to Grantsburg, Burnett county, Wisconsin, where he opened a general store on the $3,000 capital he had saved in his eight years' work in this eountrj-. While conducting his store he also bought tax titles in timber lands about thirty miles up the St. Croix river until he had acquired title to about two sections. The sale of such titles then being over, he began to cut the timber on his holdings, which he continued to do for three years. The land had been cut over but there was still timber standing on it amounting to about one million and a half feet, and ^Ir. Bang found cutting this very profitable. At the end of six years of storekeeping and timber cutting he found he had accumulated a capital of $15,000, and he deter- mined to change his base of operations. In 1883 Mr. Bang came to Crookston and ])ought the Scandinavian Hotel and saloon, then owned by Evan Overland, and in these he conducted a profitable business for six years. He then invested in 160 acres of his present farm on Red river, and located on it and began the improvements which have made his place so productive and valuable. He kept on buying land at low rates until he owned 2,000 acres, pui*- chasing a whole section of school land at $6. .50 an acre, railroad land at $9 to $18 and other land at $10 an acre. He has since sold all but 900 acres. He im- proved the whole body and made it productive, how- ever, while he owned it, giving his whole time and attention to it and seeking no other occupation except for four years, during which he was associated in the p COMPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POIaK COUNTY 351 hardware trade with John Brant at East Grand Forks, and of late years being a stockholder in the Arneson Mercantile company of East Grand Forks. Half of Mr. Bang's 900-acre farm is in timber, making a fine pasturage. Still he raised in 1915 some 10,000 bushels of wheat, barley, oats and flax. He keeps forty head of Shorthorn cattle and thirty of horses, and milks fifteen cows to make butter for private customers in Grand Forks. He has shown fruit can be raised to advantage here, having 300 bearing apple trees whose products have taken pre- miums in exhibits at Crookston. In politics he is a Republican and in religion a Lutheran, being an active member and foreman of the governing board in the Mesopotamia United church. Mr. Bang was married at Blue Earth, Minnesota, in 1876, to Miss Jennie Olson, who was born on the ocean. They have six children living: Emma, who is the wife of Victor Peterson of Grand Porks ; Annie, Henry, Rose, and Elida, who are living at home ; and Clara, who is the wife of Ole Quern, as indicated in a sketch of C. C. Quern, to be found in this work. Mr. Bang is a fisherman of some devotion to the sport and frequently visits the trout streams of Wisconsin to gratify his taste in this direction. K. E. FLASKERUD. K. E. Plaskerud, of Brandsvold township, a well- known farmer and the clerk of that township, is a native of Iowa, born in Winneshiek county, in 1861. His parents were natives of Norway and were among the first of their countrymen to emigrate to the United States. In 1864 they removed to Freeborn county. Minnesota, from Iowa, and there K. E. Plaskerud was reared. When he was twenty-three years of age he went to North Dakota and bought land in Grand Forks county and lived there until 1891, when ho came to Polk county and purchased the 160 acres on section 17 of Brandsvold township, which is his pres- ent home. This place had been the homestead of Andrew Thronson, who had settled on it in 1883. He had cleared about twenty acres and built a one-room log house and received $1,300 from Mr. Plaskerud for the property. The latter has put 120 acres under cultivation, reclaiming some twenty-five acres of low- land with ditches and has every acre in use. With capable management and progressive farming meth- ods he has increased the value of his land to seventy- five dollars an acre and has equipped his farm with good buildings. He engages successfully in dairy farming and stockraising, breeding Red Polled cattle, and sells his dairy produce to the creamery at Poss- ton, four miles northwest of his place. Mr. Plaskerud is a carpenter and aside from his farming occupa- tions has been busily employed at that trade. He has ever taken a public spirited interest in the wel- fare of the community and has given his services and influence freely in support of the best interests of the county and has capably discharged the duties of the various township offices to which he has been elected. He has served as chairman of the township board, treasurer of the township, justice of the peace and eleven years as township clerk, which office he now holds. As a member of the school board for nineteen years, he has given his particular interest to the development of the educational system of the dis- trict, and school No. 282 stands on land which he donated for school purposes. Mr. Plaskerud is not pledged to any political faith, but reserves the right to vote for his own views and the man of his choice. He is a shareholder and secretary and former director of the Farmers Cooperative store at Posston, a pros- perous enterprise which has proved of great benefit to the agricultural district. The company has over seventy stockholders, with a capital stock of $73,000, and conducts an annual business of about twenty-five thousand dollars. Mr. Plaskerud was married in North Dakota to Gunueld Milfald, who was bom in Norway in 1868. Ten children have been born to this 352 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY union. The two oldest sons, Edwin and Clarenee, and Melvin, are all living with their parents. Jlr. have taken claims in Montana and the other children, Flaskerud and his family are members of the Synod Gilbert, Selmer, Clara, Olga, Mabel, Henry, Autou Liztheran church at Fosston. ANDREW HEIERSTAD. This wide-awake and progressive farmer, who is prosperous at his business because he knows how to manage it to good advantage and make every hour of his time and cvei'y ounce of his energy profitable, has a large and fertile farm in section thirty-four, Ilig- dem township, fifteen miles northwest of East Grand Forks, which he has acquired wholly by his own in- dustry, thrift and good business capacity, and which by his skill as a farmer he has made one of the attrac- tive and valuable rural homes in the township of its location. Mr. Heierstad was bom in Norway, January 22, 1843, and came to the United States in 1869, locating for a time in Winneshiek county, Iowa. There he was employed as a farm laborer at $16 a month, and he lost even that meager pay. He worked at harvesting and threshing and loaned out his money and never got some of it back. In the spring of 1878 he came to Polk county with $1,000 in cash and took up a home- stead and a tree claim, and on these he has passed his time and expended his energies ever since. He planted five acres of his homestead and ten acres of his tree claim in timber, and he now has fifteen acres of fine wood land which he has kept clean and culti- vated and developed into one of the best tracts of artificial timber in the county. It consists of ash, box elder and cotton wood trees and is very flourish- ing. Mr. Heierstad 's first dwelling on his land was a small log house which has been built in as a part of the more modern and commodious residence he has since erected. For breaking the first ten acres of his land he was obliged to hire the service, as he had no oxen of his own, but since then he has depended on himself and has made progress nearly all the time, although he has several times had the greater part of his crops destroyed by hail, sometimes scarcely saving enough for seed, and had three horses and two cows killed in his barn by lightning in one storm, but saved the barn. His principal attention has been given to raising grain, and in 1915 he produced 2,000 bushels of wheat, 1,200 bushels of oats and 500 bushels of barlej'. He has recently purchased twenty acres of timber land on the Red river two miles distant from his farm, but which he uses in connection with the farm. After living in dreary loneliness as a bachelor for twelve years on this farm in Higdem township, Mr. Heierstad was married in 1890 to Miss Christine Torgeson, who died six months later. Then, on Feb- ruary 22, 1891, he contracted a second marriage, which united him with Miss JIaret Sletteu. They have three children : Mary, who is the wife of Henry Hanson and has one child, their son Arthur, but who, with her husband and child, is still living with her parents; and Gina and Hilda, who are also living at home. All the members of the family belong to the Synod Lutheran church and take a very cordial and helpful interest in the affairs of the congregation in which they hold their membership. ARNT OLSON. Owning one of the finest farms in the northern part of Polk county, which he has redeemed from the waste and made what it is, and which he has improved with a fine large dwelling house, commodious barns and other necessary structures, Arnt Olson, whose land is the Northwest quarter of Section 10 and the Northeast COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 353 quarter of Section 9, in Higdem township, is well fixed in worldly possessions, and he has the satisfac- tion of knowing that all he has he has acquired by his own persistent industry, his careful frugality and his good judgment in the management of his affairs. Mr. Olson was born in Norway about eighty years ago, and when he first came to the United States passed about six j-ears and a half in Wisconsin work- ing in tlie pineries, at sawmills and on river drives. He then returned to his native land, where he remained two years and a half. On his return to this country in 1879 he located in Polk county, Minnesota, and took up a homestead which is pai't of the farm on which he now lives. He had only $200 in money, but settled down determined to win his way in spite of all difBculties that might arise in his progress. He built a little log house with no floor in it, but this he occupied only a few months. He then built a better dwelling with a floor and turned the first structure into a stable. The second quarter section of land Mr. OLson acquired was railroad land for which he paid $8 an acre. This was flat and wet, as was a large part of his other land, and he was not able for some time to raise any crops of value. The new section was devoted largely to raising hay, but this was often spoiled by the water on the land and his other crops were injured by early frosts. But he persisted in his efforts, grad- ually getting his farm drained and improved, and then it began to respond to the persuasive hand of the husbandman in a very fruitful manner, which it has done in an increasing volume steadily ever since. In addition to this farm he owns a tract of eighty acres half a mile distant in Marshall county, the farm being on the line between that county and Polk, two miles east of the Red river, three and one-half miles southeast of Oslo, five and one-half miles southwest of Alvardo and twenty miles north of Grand Forks. He raises wheat, oats and barley, and produces large quantities of each. Two years ago, that is in 1913, Mr. Olson built his present large dwelling house and fine new bams. He has had three sons. One of them died in childhood. Another is now a resident of Seattle. Carl, the third son, is still living with him and now has charge of the home farm. The father has long been one of the active members of the church at Granville. He has taken none but a good citizen's part in public affairs and never held or desired a political office of any kind, either by election or appointment. THOMAS SANDBM. The life of this enterprising and useful citizen of Scandia township, this county, has been the unevent- ful one of a quiet and unostentatious farmer, and he has sought no place in the limelight of public esteem or prominence among men. He has, nevertheless, ex- hibited the qualities of sturdy and sterling manhood and the public-spirit and progressiveness of wide- awake, initiative and productive American citizenship of a serviceable character. Mr. Sandem is a native of Norway, where he was born February 21, 1863, and where he lived until he reached the age of twenty years. In 1883 he emi- grated to the United States and located in Minnesota. During the first year of his residence here he worked at whatever he could find to do in this state and Canada, and after that confined his operations to Minnesota, but continued to work for other men until 1887. In that year he took up a homestead of 160 acres on Section 26, Scandia township, on which he settled in 1889, and on which he has since resided. To make a tract of wild land over into a productive and profitable farm, and to build a comfortable and attractive home in a new locality on the frontier, is a work of magnitude and requires constant and well- directed industry, along with the endurance of much privation, a considerable degree of hardship and some danger. Mr. Sandem has achieved this great work because he had the qualities needed for its accomplish- 354 COMPENDIUxM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ment, and he is uow enjoyiug the fruits of his long j'ears of toil and endurance in a comfortable home of 280 acres of good land enriched with buildings suited to his needs erected by himself. He has also given good service to his fellow citizens and the general public around him as township treasurer and treas- urer of School District No. 211. On April 12, 1893, in the city of Crookston, Mr. Sandem was united in marriage with Miss Selma M. Johnson, who is a native of Sweden and came to this fountry in May, 1892. Five children have blessed tlieir domestic shrine and brightened their home. They are Marie, Thorine, Esther, Soffus and Eveline, all of whom are still members of the parental family circle. ED SALVERSON. Ed Salversou, for many years a successful farmer of By gland township, was born in Norway, January 2, 1842, and died at his home in Polk county, Febniary 15, 1912. When Ed Salverson died he was the owner of 104 acres of land. He was brought to the United States by his parents when four years of age and was reared in Wisconsin and lived until 1890 in Waupaca county in that state. He owned also 160 acres at Waupaca and a big building. His life was devoted to farming interests and the years of industry attended by marked business ability brought the noteworthy success attested to in the large and prosperous estate which he built up. For twenty-five years his activities were confined to Polk county and he was one of the leading farmers of Bygland township where he owned and operated two farms. The home farm is a four hundred and eighty acre tract in sections one and twelve, located on the south bank of the Red Lake river, six miles west of Fisher and the other farm lies but one mile distant and comprises two hundred acres. Mr. Salverson was three times married. Two children were born to the first union, who are both dead, the son, Oscar Salverson having died in 1911, in Washing- ton, and Thea Caroline, who was married to Elias Erickson and died one year after. His second mar- riage was contracted after coming to Polk county, with Seger Krostue, a sister of Gunder Krostue and a son, Sherman, survived the death of the mother. On March 15, 1896, Mr. Salverson was married to Berget Stallemo and five children were born to them, Annie, Gertie, Julia, Josephine and Norman. They also took in their home, in her infancy, a little girl, Alice, who is now four years of age. Since the death of Mr. Sal- verson, the direction of the estate has been most capably assumed by his wife who is ably forwarding the prosperous interests. She was born in Norwa.y, the daughter of Nels Stallemo and was brought at an early age to Wisconsin where the family remained until 1879 when Nels Stallemo removed to Polk county and took a homestead, five miles west of Fisher, in Bygland township. Both he and his wife spent the last years of their life in the Salverson home, where he died in September, 1912. Her deatli occurred one year later. Their son, John Stallemo, is a farmer in Polk county, operating the 160 acre farm in Bygland township, for his sister, Mi-s. Salvei-son. OLE G. OLSON. Ole G. Olson, a pioneer of Polk county and prom- inent farmer of Huntsville township, was born in Norway and died at Grand Forks, February 26, 1909. His sons, Gustav Olson and Andrew Olson have oper- ated the Olson homestead for a number of years and have extensive farming interests in Polk county. Ole G. Olson was eighteen years of age when he accom- panied his parents to the United States. This was in the early forties, during the first movement of emigra- tion from Numdalh, Norway. Wisconsin was the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 355 destination of the family but tlieir funds giving out at Rochester, N. Y., they were compelled to i-emain there a year before completing their journey. From Milwaukee, they traveled with ox teams to Rock county, Wisconsin, where they located and were among the first Norwegian settlers in tliat country. In 1852, Ole Olson heard the call of the west and sailing around Cape Horn, joined the prospectors in California. Here he remained for six years and then returned to Wisconsin, having saved sufficient capital from his Californian sojourn to finance a mercantile enterprise. For a few years he engaged in business at Edgerton, Wisconsin, and then removed his in- terests to Deeorah, Iowa, where after several years, in 1865, he sold his store and invested his capital in a woolen mill, of which he was one of the organizers. This venture proved a failure but during the j^ears of its operations he visited the Red River valley several times, selling the products of the mill and in 1878, when the end of the milling enterprise left him prac- tically penniless, he decided to secure land in that region and rebuild his fortunes, and took a homestead claim and a tree claim in Sullivan township, three miles east of East Grand Forks. With a few hundred dollars and a team of horses, he entered upon his farm- ing activities in the frontier country, working his way to success and prosperous accomplishment during the fourteen years of his farming operations. His first buildings were a small shanty for a home and a sod stable which he was soon able to replace with good modern buildings. The tree claim, he turned over to his son Gustav Olson, who filed upon it, and secured the title. In 1892, Ole Olson retired from the farm, renting his property to his sons and took up his resi- dence in Grand Forks where he opened a feed store and continued active in the business circles of that city for several years. His death came at the end of* a long and useful career, marked by successful busi- ness attainment and worthy service as a pioneer citi- zen. He is survived by his wife and three children, Gustav, Andrew and Ellen, who married G. L. Holton, a retired farmer, living at Grand Forks. Mr. Olson was married in 1861, at Deeorah, Iowa, to Betsy Amundson, who like her husband was a native of Nor- way, coming to the United States in early childhood. She was reared in Dane county, Wisconsin, and since the death of her husband has made her home with her daughter. Gustav Olson and Andrew Olson have suc- ceeded to their father's farming interests and since assuming management of the estate in 1892, have steadily added to the property and now own eight hundred acres of Polk county land, which includes four farms, all of which are devoted to their extensive operations as dairy farmers. Although they harvest large crops of grain their principal interest has been given to dairying and stock farming, in which they have been eminently successful and they operate a milk route in Grand Forks. Their farm is stocked with blooded stock, cattle and horses, among the latter being many fine specimens of Percherons. The Olson brothers are both that type of citizen whose earnest co-operation is freely given to the broader interests of the community and whose ability is devoted not only to the advancement of their private interests but for the development of the commonwealth. They have each served as a school director and actively promoted good roads and drainage projects. Andrew Olson was married to Bertha Olson of Postville, Iowa, and they have four children, Oscar, who is a student in the North Dakota Agricultural college at Fargo ; Anna, Theodore and Bertina. CHARLES J. BYE. Endowed by nature with a keen insight into the purposes and motives of men, which has been intensi- fied by extensive contact with his fellows, and possess- ing clearness and quickness of vision in seeing and alertness in seizing opportunities and using them for his advancement, Charles J. Bye, one of the leading 356 COxMPENDlUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY and successful mercbauts of Niclsville, this county, is justly regarded as an excellent business man, and bis abiding and serviceable interest in the welfare and progress of bis community has given bim a high rank in the confidence and esteem of the people around him as ail enterprising, far-seeing and productively useful citizen. Mr. Bye is a native Minnesotan and devoted to the enduring good of the state. He was born in Houston county, March 28, 1867. In 1871, bis parents, John 0. and Matbea (Jacobson) Bye, natives of Norway, moved to Cass county. North Dakota, and there tbeir son Charles remained until the fall of 1884. For five years he was assistant in the oiSce of the county trea-surer of Cass county. North Dakota, and during that same period of five years and until 1891 be was manager of a musical organization at Fargo, North Dakota. In 1891 Jlr. Bye again became a resident of Minne- sota, locating at Comstock, Clay county, where he was employed as a bookkeeper for about four years. In the fall of 189-1 be moved to Niclsville, this county, and started the mercantile business in which be is still engaged. He carries a general stock of merchandise and conducts his business with enterprise and breadth of view, studying the needs of his community and taking every necessary step to provide for them com- pletely in every particular. Since taking up bis residence in Polk county, Mr. Bye has been active and stimulating in connection with every project for the good of the community in which he has lived and zealous and discriminating in promoting all that be has considered wise and worthy. He was appointed postmaster of Nielsville in May, 1897, and he has held the office continuously since that time. His services in it have been very acceptable to the patrons of the office and there has been no dis- position to disturb him in tlie occupancy of it. In January, 1895, Mr. Bye was united in marriage with Miss Gertie Kittleson, who was born in Fillmore county, Minnesota. HENRY G. MITCHELL. Henry G. Mitcbell, a prominent farmer of Wood- side township, is one of the pioneer citizens of Polk county. He is a native of New England, born in 1845 and as a youth, saw much valiant service in defense of the Union. He enlisted in the Second Connecticut, Heavy Artillery and participated in the campaign of the army of the Potomac. In the engagement of Cold Harbor be was wounded by a minnie ball and was forced to spend several inactive montbs and returned to his regiment, where he was detailed to special duty and continued to give honorable sei-vice to the close of the war. Upon his return to the occupations of peace, in 1865, he turned his attention to the opportunities presented in the increasing activities of the northwest and for several year.s resided in St. Paul, working at his trade of carpentering and in other employment and upon the completion of the Great Northern road into Polk county in 1878, came to Crookston, where he continued in the carpenter work. In 1881 he took a preemption claim on section eleven, of Woodside town- ship, five miles southeast of the present village of Mentor, and this has continued to be his home. The land was covered with large timber which he sold as eordwood at Mentor. During the first years the work of clearing advanced slowly as most of bis attention was devoted to building work, he being engaged in the erection of the elevators for the Red River Valley Grain Company and in construction contracts in Crookston. In 1893 he retired from bis trade and has since devoted his efforts to his agi-icultural interests and cleared some sixty acres for cultivation and de- veloped a prosperous farm. Mr. ]\Iitchell is now en- gaged in the remodeling and improving of his home which occupies a most sightly and pleasant location, but a short distance from Maple Lake, a popular re- sort lake, and has a delightful view overlooking a COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 357 smaller body of water. Mr. Mitchell has given active cooperation in all matters of public moment ; has given able service in official capacity as township super- visor and clerk and has been prominent in the busi- ness progress of the farming community as organizer and president of the Mentor Co-operative Creamery Association, which was organized in 1914 and has some eighty shareholders. He is also a member and a director in the coopei-ative store. He was married in 1874, in Rush City, Minnesota, to Melvinia Hicker- son, who is a native of Wisconsin and removed in her early childhood to Chisago county, Minnesota. They have a family of eight children, Guy, living on a home- stead at Dora Lake, Itasca county, Minnesota ; Ruf us, a farmer near Big Forks, Minnesota; Laura, the wife of A. G. Cayler, of Ci-ookston ; Ida, who married Walter F. McLaughlin of Mentor; Roy, on the home farm; Etta, a teacher in the Polk county schools; Grace, also a teacher in the local schools and Ruth. Roy Mitchell is the present township clerk, being his father's successor after the twenty years of able serv- ice by the latter. ALEXANDER G. SPOKELY. A brief account of the history of the Spokely family will be found in a sketch of the parents of this enter- prising, progressive and successful farmer of Hixb- bard township, Polk county. They are Gunleik and Gunvor (Hagen) Spokely, also residents of Hubbard township, whei'e they settled in 1871, among the pioneers of the township. Their son Alexander was born on the parental homestead in that township August 30, 1879, and remained at home assisting his father on the fann until he reached the age of twenty- one. He then joined his brother Adolph in keeping a saloon at Climax, with which he was connected about five years. Farming presented more attractions to Mr. Spokely as an occupation for life than merchandising of any kind, and at the end of the period mentioned above he returned to it. In the fall of 1910 he took up his residence on the tract of 160 acres which he now owns and occupies in Section 28. Hubbard township, on which he has good buildings and other improvements, making it one of the comfortable and attractive homes in the township, and which he has brought to a high state of productiveness by his industry and intelli- gence as a farmer. He is wide-awake and progres- sive, and makes his attributes in these respects tell to his advantage in conducting his business. He is also an active participant in local public affairs, aiding in promoting the welfare of his township by his public spirit and breadth of view. On October 30, 1900, Mr. Spokely was married in North Dakota to Miss Nellie Myrland, a native of that state. They have three children, their daughter Grace B. and their sons Glenn E. and Lowell D. A. The parents are held in high esteem for their sturdy and sterling citizenship and the helpful interest they take in everything designed to promote the welfare of the township. AVLE P. BRANDVOLD. Avle P. Brandvold, a farmer of Knute township, is a native of Minnesota, born in Goodhue county, Jan- uary 17, 1869. A cousin of Mr. Brandvold was one of the pioneers of eastern Polk county and in his honor the family name was conferred upon one of the towii- ships in the Thirteen Towns. The parents of Avle P. Brandvold came to Minnesota prior to the Civil war and located in Goodhue county. The father was a native of Nonvay and worked in the lumber woods in Wisconsin for some years after coming to America. He became a prominent farmer in Goodhue county, where he owned a half section of land and also owned 358 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY a quarter sectiou iu I'olk county, south of Mcintosh. Avle Brandvold was reared on his father's home- stead and on reaching manhood became the owner of a Goodhue county farm wliich lie operated unlil 1899 when he traded his property for his present farm in section twenty of Knut« township, which had bcfu owned by Martin I. Haugen, who lived near Fertile. The tract was partially improved, with forty acres of cleared land and a log barn and Mr. Brandvold erected the hoiise which is the present home. From this start and with a few head of stock he has ad- vanced to his present extensive agricultural interests. Beside the home quarter, he now owns one hundred and sixty acres of improved land one mile north and another quarter section in Rosscau county. Mr. Brandvold has developed one of the model estates of this section and applies the most efficient and progres- sive methods in his farming enterprises, having equipped his barn with improved facilities for the care of stock. He has put one hundi'ed acres of the home fann imder cultivation and is also interested in stock farming, raising Short Horn cattle. He was married in 1894; to Gurine Haugen, a sister of Martin Haugen, of whom previous mention has been made. Of the family born to this union, eight children are now living, Peter, Agnes, Mabel, Ilelmer, Carl, Ida, Gladys and Arley. Mr. Brandvold and his family are members of the United Lutheran church at Rodness. HANS H. MELBO. Hans H. i\Iclbo, of Gully, president of Ihe ilelbo Mercantile company and postmaster of that place, was born in Norway, October 2, 1872, and came to the United States as a lad of sixteen, locating at Wilmar. Minnesota, where he was employed as a farm laborur. After two years there, he removed to Lyon county, working on the farms in that county until 1896, when he went to the Red Lake reservation, which had just been opened for settlement, and took a claim in sec- tion 11 of Eden township, near the present site of Gully and about sixteen miles northeast of Fosstou. lie was one of the first settlers of this region and has continued to be notably identified, as an influenlial and public spirited citizen and progressive business man, with its growth and development. He embarked upon his farming enterprise with a capital of siiTOO, which he had thriftily accumulated, and this enabled him to advance the laborious work of clearing the land for profitable operation, and for some years he spent several months of each year working near Ben- son, Minnesota. His first home on this farm was a pioneer log cabin built of timber cut from the land, and he later erected a larger log house. He devoted his attention to the management of this farm for seven years, putting fifty acres under cultivation. In 1903 he entered upon his successful career in the com- mercial field, and in partnership with Nels M. Bol- stad, opened a general store at Gully, about four years before the Soo railroad was built to that place. Mi". Bolstad, as a member of the firm of Kronschnabel & Bolstad, had operated the first store established at Gully, in a building which stood on the site now occu- pied by the Gully flour mills, which were erected in 1899. The firm of Bolstad & Melbo succeeded the first company, which had disposed of the old stock upon dissolving. Two years later, after the death of his partner, Mr. Melbo became the sole owner of the business, and when the railroad reached the town h(.' organized the Melbo IMercantile company, one of the most prosperous and popular stores in this section. This was the third store to open in the new village, the others being operated by Hans Pladsen and Gust Watnebiyn. The companj' was incorporated in De- cember, 1910, with a capital of $10,000. Mr. Melbo is the president, with Oscar Thor, secretary and treas- urer, and John F. Thoreen, of Stillwater, vice presi- dent. A fine commodious building, constructed to give front-age on two streets, was erected at the cost of $6,000, and is owned by the company. Its rapidly growing trade justified the addition of a department HANS H. MELBO COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 359 for farm machinery which was iustalled, with sales- room in the rear of the huilding. The enterprise has met with steadily increasing prosperity and now transacts an annual business of about thirty-five thou- sand dollars. Mr. Melbo is a member of the Repub- lican party and has ever given capable service to the public interests in official capacity. He was super- visor and also clerk of Eden township for several years and in 1900 was the census enumerator for that townsliip and Queen township ; the population of the two, totaling 1,212 in that year. In 1907 he was appointed postmaster at Gully and has continued to serve in that position. The office now supports one rural route and its transactions command a quarterly salary of $275. JMr. Melbo is a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge and was active in its organization. He enjoyed frequent hunting trips in the days when game was abundant in this section, and recalls the hunting and killing of deer in the vicinity of the present site of Gully. His marriage to Hilda Berg- dahe, of Fosston, occurred September 4, 1907, and they have three childi'en, Ervin, Alplia and Rolf. IMr. Melbo and his family are members of the Lutheran church at Gully. MICHAEL DRISCOLL. Although he is one of the largest landholders in Polk county, and one of its most successful and pros- perous residents, Michael DriscoU, who lives on the East half of Section 28, Sullivan township, five and one-half miles east of East Grand Porks, has accunui- lated all his property by his own industry, thrift and good management, which qualities he has also employed in the service of his township greatly to its advantage. He was born in County Lanark, province of Ontario, Canada, June 26, 1856, and came to Polk county, Min- nesota, in company with his brother John in 1878. When they arrived in this county each of the two brothers took up a homestead, Michael getting the Northeast quarter and John the Northwest quarter of Section 28, in what is now Sullivan township. Ed- ward Sullivan took up the Southeast quarter of this section and Michael bought it of him after he proved up on it, paying him $20 an acre for it. Mr. Sullivan had also taken up the Southwest quarter of the same section, and later John bought this of him. The Dris- coU brothers then had a half-section apiece. When they reached this county they had about $50 each in money, which they had saved from their earnings while working in the lumber woods. Mr. Sullivan had located here the fall before, and when the Driscolls left home they intended to locate either in the Red river valley or the valley of Forest river in North Dakota, where they also had a friend. When they inspected the North Dakota region they found that only two filings had been made in it, and they concluded to locate in Polk county, Minnesota. In 1879 John returned to his old Ontario home and the next spring he brought the other members of the family to Minnesota. Each of the boys had broken up twenty acres of his land, giving their work for the use of oxen to do it with, and together they liMd built a claim shanty in the spring of 1878. In the winter Michael cut cord wood on the Dakota side of the Red river at 75 cents a cord, paying $4.50 a week for board, and he and a man he had with him each cleared $150 on the winter's work. Michael had bought a yoke of oxen and the next spring he bought another yoke. He then i-emained with his father and brothers, and worked for his father for ten years. His brother John married in 1882, but Michael remained single until February 14, 1887, when be was married to Miss Margaret O'Neill, the daughter of a neighbor of the family and eighteen years old at the time of her marriage. In 1888 he built part of his present dwelling and took up his residence in it. By that time he had his land all broken up, and in 1891 he set out trees for a windbreak. He has since bought the Northeast quarter of Section 16, the Northeast quarter of Sec- 360 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY tion 22, the Southwest (luarter of Section 15 aud ciglity acres of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, enlarging his holdings here to 880 acres, and in addi- tion he owns some timber land on the Red river, and he and his brother John together own 800 acres in Manitoba, none of which has yet been invaded by the plOAV. Recently he has given ICO acres in Seel ion 15 to his son, John James Driseoll. Mr. Driseoll operates his farm with the aid of his sons. He raises corn for feed for his live stock and other grain for market. In 1915 he produced 20,000 bushels, using twenty horses in the work of cultivat- ing his land. He also keeps fifty head of cattle and milks fifteen or sixteen cows. In addition he has bred Pereheron horses of a high grade, his exhibits in this line taking first honors at the North Dakota state fair. From the beginning of his residence in this county Mr. Driseoll has been active and serviceable in local public affairs. He helped to organize his township, the meeting for the purpose being held at the resi- dence of Timothy Sullivan, and the township being named in honor of that gentleman, who is now living in East Grand Forks retired from active pursuits. jMr. Driseoll is now and for twenty years has been chairman of the township board, and he was a member of it before his chairmanship began. He has also long been a member of the school board. His children number ten, and all of them except one of his two daughters are still living at home. The children are John James, Cecilia, Michael, Francis, Josephine, Ernest, Leslie, Lawrence, Earl and Clarence. Cecilia is the wife of Thomas Hanrehan, a farmer in Montana. LOUIS FONTAINE. One of the most forceful and fruitful influences for good in the early history of Polk county, particularly in the direction of peopling the wilderness and re- deeming it to usefulness and the service of mankind, was embodied in the work of the late Louis Fontaine, for a long time the inspiring and controlling spirit of the most extensive and active mercantile business in this part of the state of Minnesota. His efforts were devoted, however, not to Polk county alone, but a large part of the whole Red River Valley. As early as 1872 he passed through a part of this valley, and he repeated his visit to and study of it several times during the few years following. His familiarity with the valley enabled him to speak and write with authority on its possibilities, which he very diligently did, and in 1878 he came to Crookston to reside, and within the same year his efforts, in connection with thase of Pierre Bottineau, the noted scout and guide, who moved here from Minneapolis, and Isaiah Gervais, who came from near St. Paul, were instrumental in directing large numbers of French-Canadians to this section. What followed is histoiy, and the results of the foresight and enterprise of these resolute pioneers are seen in the present state of development aud progressiveness of the region. Mr. Fontaine was born at St. Hyacinthe, in the province of Quebec, Canada, January 11, 1840. He was a son of Louis and Justine (Martel) Fontaine, who were devoted to his welfare. But his adventurous disposition led him to quit the shelter of their roof and fireside at the age of fourteen and go forth to hew out his own career in the world. He came to Minnesota and found employment on a farm near St. Paul until 1858. He then moved to McLeod county, which was just opening to settlement, took up a claim and began farming on his own account, continuing to be so engaged until the Civil war began. In November, 1861, ^Ir. Fontaine enlisted for the defense of the Union in Company E, Fourth Minne- sota Infantry. This regiment helped to bear the brunt of the mighty sectional strife, and Mr. Fontaine was with it in all its engagements. He took part in the battles of luka, Corinth, Fort Pemberton. Champion Hill, Jackson, Duval's Bluff and others, and the long siege of Vicksburg. He was also in the engagements at Altoona and Missionary Ridge, and with Sherman COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 361 iu the historic "Marcli to the Sea"; aud when the momentous conflict was ended he participated in the grand review of the Federal armies iu Washington, D. C, being discharged from military service in July, 1865. Immediately after his discharge from the army Mr. Fontaine returned to Minnesota. He arrived at St. Paul at 9 o'clock one morning, purchased a restaurant, saloon and fixtures before noon, aud began business in his new place before nightfall. At the end of three years, during which his business was very prof- itable, he sold out and engaged in general merchandis- ing, in which he was occupied for ten years in St. Paul. In the meantime he took up a soldier's home- stead near Mapleton, North Dakota, which he sold a year later. His visits to his homestead brought him to Crookston, whose location and seeming possibilities impressed him so favorably that he determined to locate here. In the summer of 1878, in association with William Anglim, he purchased the stock and business of W. D. Bailey, a general merchant at Crookston, hurried back to St. Paul to close his business there, and in September returned to Crookston to remain. Timber then covered the site of the town, there was not a street opened, and there were very few improvements of any kind. The settlement, however, contained two stores in addition to that of Messrs. Fontaine & Anglim, but all three were in primitive log buildings. At the end of two years these gentlemen erected a brick building, in which they conducted their grocery department when later they put up two additional rooms, which gave them three fronts. They carried a stock of $75,000 and employed ten clerks after their business reached its development, and had the most extensive as well as the most profitable trade in this whole section of the Northwest. In 1882 they put in a large stock of farm machinery, but they were so busily occupied with their numerous other lines of trade that they soon abandoned this one. Mr. Fon- taine, however, had an interest in a general store at Argyle, in Marshall county, which also did a very ex- tensive business. Mr. Fontaine held a high place in the regard of the people of this part of the state and wherever else he was known. He was a man of fine business capacity, great force of character and sterling integrity. He was also public-spirited and progressive to the last de- gree, and was universally esteemed as one of the truly representative men of Polk county. He was a Cath- olic in religious faith and a devout and serviceable member of his church. On September, 19, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Rosie Trombley, a native of Kankakee, Illinois, and the daughter of Mitchelle Trombley. They became the parents of nine children : Lizzie, Cora, Albert, George, Ermine, Victor, Albert, Blanche and Alma, six of whom are living. The useful and stimulating life herein briefly chronicled ended in St. Paul, November 7, 1914. The mother of the household is still living and now has her home in St. Paul, where, although she lives retired aud in an unostentatious way, she is well known in many parts of the city and most highly respected by all classes of the people. H. C. H. WIK. H. C. H. Wik, a farmer of Woodside township, has been a resident of the county since 1881 and has been actively associated with the agricultural interests of the community. He is a native of Norway, born August 8, 1845, and came to this country immediately after his marriage to Caroline Olson in 1871 and after spending a year with a brother who was living in St. 23 Paul, then located in Dakota county, Minnesota, where he engaged in the development of a small farm. In 1881 he came to Polk county and took a homestead claim in section seven of Woodside township on the .shore of Maple lake, about six miles southwest of Mentor. This land he has developed into his present productive farm and has cleared and cultivated fifty 362 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY acres of the tract, which was covered with timber. He gives his attention fo both grain and dairy farming. He has always taken an active interest in the affairs of his adopted countrj' and has capably discharged the duties of good citizenship. In local activities and progress, he has been influential as assessor and mem- ber of the township board, serving as supervisor for ten years. In political opinion and allegiance he is independent. He is allied with the business intei-ests of the community as a stockholder in the cooperative creamery and cooperative store at Mentor. Mr. Wik and his wife have reared a family of five children, Hans Oscar, who now lives in Bottineau coimty, North Dakota; Marj^ the wife of D. E. Clark, of the same state; Bertina, who married Christ Fulstaid and whose death occurred at Melvin, Minnesota, in 1905 ; Carrie A., a teacher, who after seven years employment in Polk county schools, is now teaching in Bottineau county, North Dakota, and Olof, in charge of the home farm and who was married to Sophia Iverton. Mr. Wik was one of the organizers of the United Lutheran church at Maple lake and has continued to- be a faithful supporter of its interests. KNUTE KNUDSON. Knute Knudson, a well known pioneer of western Polk county and prominent farmer of Bygland town- ship, came to tliis county in 1873 from Wisconsin. He was born in Norway, in November, 18-17, and was but twelve years of age when his parents brougiit their family to the United States and settled in Wapaca county, Wisconsin, where Knute Knud.son be- came familiar with the labor and vicissitudes of pioneer life, assisting in the work of clearing the timber land for cultivation and working in the lumber woods. During his first winter in Minnesota, he hauled logs to the Red river for the Hudson Bay com- pany and in the spring took his homestead in what became section four of Bygland township and was joined in his new location by Aspen Olson, his brother- in-law and Osman Isaacson, whose sister. Bertha Isaac- son, later became his wife. He assisted Mr. Olson to erect a home and later replaced the loss of his own shack, which had been destroyed by a prairie fire, with a more substantial structure, which is now in- eluded in his present home. With thrifty manage- ment he had saved several hundred dollars and he continued his lumber work along the river, and this enabled him to purchase a yoke of oxen and imme- diately engage in the breaking of his land. He en- dured discouragements and misfortunes and suffered the loss of one of his first crops through the devasta- tions of grasshoppers. Some years later he bought two hundred acres of railroad land and continued adding to his property until it comprised an estate of four hundred and fortj' acres. His principal agricul- tural interest has been the raising of grain, to which lie devotes a quarter section of his land and he has an annual crop of several thousand bushels. He also keeps a herd of Short Horn and Polled Angus cattle and dairy cows but has never engaged in stock farm- ing. As one of the first settlers and a man of progres- sive interests, he has ever been associated with public affairs and the general advancement of the com- munity. He was present at the first election held when the township received its name from those present who were natives of Bygland, Norway. He was elected the first township treasurer and has given almost continuous service since on the township board, in various capacities. His interests were always ac- tive in church and school affairs and he was one of the organizers of the Bygland Lutheran church. He is a member of the Republican party but maintains the independence of his political judgment from the strictures of partisan views. His marriage to Bertha Isaacson, whom he had known in his Wisconsin home, occurred in 1876. Ten children were born to this union, of whom two are dead, Isaac, whose death came in his eighteenth j-ear and Neal, who died on his COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 363 Canadian homestead. Margaret is the wife of Ole Torkelson, of Red Lake county ; Martin is now living on the western coast; Toney married Lars T. Larson and lives in Canada; Birget is the wife of Osmau Sannes, of Grand Forks and Osman Salve and Ole re- main with their parents. Theodore Knudson, the eldest son of the family took a homestead in Pen- nington county, near Thief River Falls and after ac- quiring the title to his land, sold and returned to Polk county, purchasing a portion of his father's homestead and has since combined the operation of his farming interests with those of his father. He is a member of the Socialist party. BERNT L. BJUGSTAD. Reared to manhood and strength in his native laud of Norway and inheriting the hardiness and resolute spirit of his Norwegian ancestry, Bernt L. Bjugstad, one of the progressive and wide-awake farmers of King township, this county, has succeeded in winning his way to a comfortable prosperity in the New World, as all who knew him in youth and observed his in- dustry, determination and perseverance, expected him to do, wherever he might be. He was born December 14, 1860, and emigrated to the United States in 1880, landing at Boston and from there coming at once to Minnesota and locating in Ottertail county, where he remained about two years. The next year was passed by Mr. Bjugstad near Fargo, North Dakota, on the Buffalo river, and in 1883 he came to Polk county and took up 160 acres of land in section 11, King township. On this tract he has since lived, and by his industry and good management he has converted its wild expanse into a good farm and enriched it with good buildings, mak- ing it an attractive and valuable country home. He has also taken an earnest and helpful interest in the public affairs of his township and has given his dis- trict valuable and appreciated service as school director. On February 4, 1891, Mr. Bjugstad was married to Miss Anna G. Moy, who was born in Norway May 9, 1872, and came to the United States with her parents in 1881. Her father was Guuder Moy, who lived in Polk county until 1894, then sold his farm and moved to Bemidji, where he passed the rest of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Bjugstad are members of St. John's Lutheran church. They have two children, Nettie and Gunda. The genuine worth of the parents has won them the lasting esteem of all who know them. FREDERICK BAATZ. The interesting subject of this brief review has been one of Polk county's most progressive and esteemed citizens. His industry and thrift, which are char- acteristic of the German people, and his persistent and devoted attention to his own affairs, have been potent factors in his success and have also won him the respect and good will of his whole township, which is largely populated by persons of a totally dis- tinct nationality. Mr. Baatz was born in the grand duchy of Luxem- burg, Germany, December 7, 1854, and came to the United States in 1871, joining ar uncle who lived in Wabasha county, Minnesota, with whom he remained until the spring of 1878. He then came to Polk county and took up the first homestead in what is now Russia township, which later he helped to organize. He came to this county to get a home, and he has not only had a good one for himself ever since but has helped very largely to make the region habitable for other persons. The land on which Mr. Baatz lives, and which he has made over into an excellent farm, is the Northwest 364 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY quarter of Section 4, in Russia township, and is ten miles southeast of Crookston. When he settled on it there was no other resident for many miles south or east of him and there were but few north of him in the direction of Crookston. He now owns three quarter sections, 480 acres in all, one quarter in Sec- tion 5, Russia township, and one in Section 34, Fair- fax township, but all contiguous so that they make one farm. For one quarter he paid $800 and the rest of liis land he paid $26 an acre. When he located in Polk county he had only $200 with which to buy teams and get a start, but he has now a competence for life, all due to his own efforts. Live stock and grain are the staples of Mr. Baatz' productions. He keeps 30 to 60 head of cattle every year, mostly Holsteins, and milks 10 to 12 cows the year round, selling cream to the creameries. In 1915 he raised 4,000 bushels of wheat and 2,000 bushels of oats and barley, and he has in the neighborhood of 40 acres in com on his land every year. His farming operations are conducted on a large scale and with decided enterprise and energy, and they are very profitable on that account. It is easy to see that Mr. Baatz' own affairs are very compreliensive and exacting, but they have never kept him from taking an earnest and active part in the affairs of his township. He has been treasurer of the township board nine years and its chairman fifteen years, being a member of it almost from the organiza- tion of the township, and has served for thirty years on the local school board. In fact, he has scarcely been out of office a day since Russia township's cor- porate existence began, and his services in every offi- cial position liave been highly satisfactory to the resi- dents of the township. Mr. Baatz was married in Wabaslia county, Minne- sota, in 1882, to iliss Emma Schwirtz, a German by birth. They have had five childi-eu, all but one of whom are still living and at home with their parents. Their son Frank died when he was twenty years old. The living children are Rosa, Mary, Annie and John. The last named attended the State Agricultural School at Crookston for a special course of instruction. All the members of the family are Catholics and belong to the Cathedral parish in Crookston. HON. KNUTE S. AKER. Two things are plainly demonstrated in the public life and services of Hon. Knute S. Aker, a leading citizen of Hubbard township, this county, and a mem- ber of the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1911 and 1912, and the highly approved incumbent of sev- eral other offices from time to time. These two facts are that he fully imderstands the needs of the people around him and is both wise and industrious in his efforts to provide for them. In every official position to which the people have elected him he has seemed to catch the exact drift of public sentiment as to the performance of his duties and to hit upon the most effective and satisfactory manner of discharging them so as to obtain the best results. Mr. Aker lives on Section 9, Hubbard township, and has been a resident of this county since June 12, 1878. He was born in Norway September 19, 1853, and when he was but seveu years old was brought to this country by his parents, Sondre and Ingebor Aker. On arriving in the L^nited States the parents located in Winneshiek county, Iowa, and there they lived until the spring of 1881, when the family moved to a home- stead in Golden township, Walsh county, North Dakota, which was taken up by the subject of this review. He l)uilt a dwelling for his parents and broke up forty acres of the land for them, and they passed the remainder of their days on the homestead, the motlier dying on it when she was seventy years old and the father when he was seventy-three. Knute S. Aker reached the age of nineteen and obtained his education in Winneshiek county, Iowa. He worked out at farm labor until he was about twenty-five, then came to Polk county, arriving on June 12, 1878, and bought 160 acres of railroad land, COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 365 wliifli is still a part of his home farm. Wheu he made his first purchase he incurred an iudebteduess of $1,250. Now he owns about 1,200 acres of good land, all of which is paid for, well improved and prac- tically under cultivation. By his industry, thrift, wise business management and good judgment he has added about 1,100 acres to his original purchase and won for himself a substantial competence for life. Mr. Aker has also risen to a position of consequence and influence in connection with public affairs in his township and county, and at every step of his progress in this line of advancement has fully justified his title to the continued confidence and esteem of the people. He has been chairman of the local school board for twenty-two years, a justice of the peace for seventeen years and supervisor and assessor of Hub- bard township for five or six j'ears. In 1885 he took the state census in Hubbard township and he has also taken the government census three times. Through- out his residence in Polk county he has been very active in the service of his townsliip, neglecting no public interest and allowing none to go without his zealous support and assistance. He has long been one of the directors of Bethesda hospital in Crookston, and it has profited by his systematic attention to its affairs. In the fall of 1910 Mr. Aker was elected to the state House of Representatives. He served in the regular session of 1911 and the special session of 1912 with credit to himself and benefit to the state. He was a member of several important committees in the House and was constant in his attention to his legislative duties both in committee rooms and on the floor, giv- ing careful study to all bills introduced and keeping himself well posted in reference to every need of the state and every danger that threatened its welfare. Mr. Aker was married in Bygland township, Polk countj', on June 3, 1880, to Miss Ales Thompson, who was born in Howard comity, Iowa, of Norwegian par- entage. Nine children have been born of the union, seven of whom are living, the first and second in the order of birth having died in infancy. Those wlio are living are Ole, Bella, Sander, Gurie, Carl, Annie and Mabel. Bella is now the wife of John Tofsley ; Gurie is the wife of Ole Bramseth, and Annie is the wife of Harry Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Aker are very genial and companionable persons, with a cordial and help- ful interest in all their fellow beings. Their agreeable home is a center of bounteous and gracious hospitality and a popular resort for their friends, who are num- bered by the host, and who find it the seat of refined and illuminating social culture. CHRISTIAN C. QUERN. Christian C. Quern, an early settler of Esther town- ship and for many years a prominent farmer of Polk county, was born in Norway, April 20, 1838 and died at his home in Esther township, February 14, 1911. He came to the United States as a young man and located in Fillmore county, Minnesota, in 1861 and later lived for a time in Renville county, where he was married in 1866 to Olia Manrud, who was born and reared in Norway and had come to Minnesota some years previous to her marriage. In 1877 Mr. Quern removed to Polk county and took a homestead on the north west quarter of section fourteen of Esther township, being the first settler to locate north of the Marais river. With a small capital and a few head of stock, Mr. Quern entered upon his new enter- prise and with thrifty management built up one of the large and prosperous estates of this section. His first home was a primitive cabin which he soon re- placed with a log house and in 1888 erected the com- fortable modern house which was his home until his death. This home was built on the four hundred acre tract of railroad land, which he bought in section fifteen of Esther township. He also became the pos- sessor of the quarter section adjoining his homestead, for which he traded land in Renville county. His property later included a section in Higdem town- 366 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY ship, six miles north of his home place. The greater part of this was railroad land which secured at six dollars an acre, and has been devoted to the raising of grain. Mr. Quern gave his entire attention to his farming operations and under his management the estate was brought to its present splendid condition. He confined his personal operations to the Esther township land and rented the section in Higdem towTi- ship. His death occurred in his seventy-ninth year at the close of a long and active career, marked by the constructive service of the pioneer farmer and progres- sive citizen. He is survived by his wife and five chil- dren, three of whom reside on the Quern estate, Carl, Olivia, whose husband, Gust Nelson, operates a part of the Higdem township farm, and Ole, who since the death of his father has capably assumed management of tiie home place, ilartin Quern entered the com- mercial world and is a merchant at Gunvick, Minne- sota. Carrie Quern married John Hofsteen and lives at Grand Forks, North Dakota. Ole Quern was mar- ried to Clara Bang, the daughter of a well known citizen of Higdem township and they have two chil- dren, Adea and Erma. DALECARLIA GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. S. E. ERICKSON, PROP. Owning and occupying one of the finest homes in the Red River valley, with native trees surrounding his house, which stands on the banks of the Marias river and overlooks a wide sweep of the country lying around it, and cultivating a large, well improved and productive farm in the most progressive way, and en- joying in a marked degree the esteem of all who know him, S. E. Erickson, of Dalecarlia Farm in Section 25, Esther township, seven miles north of East Grand Forks, has made great progress in his worldly estate since he came to Polk county on June 3, 1883, a pen- niless youth of nineteen years of age. Mr. Erickson was born in Sweden September 23, 1864, and when he arrived in the United States came direct to this county, where his brother Andrew, now a resident of Roseau county, Minnesota, and his uncle, 0. Metz Erickson, were then living. The uncle had come to Becker county, Minnesota, in 1868, and had acquired a homestead in that county. In 1878 he changed his residence to Polk county and bought the Northeast quarter of Section 25, in Esther township, which was then railroad land and is now a part of the farm of S. E. Erickson. The uncle paid about $7 an acre for this land. It is now worth $100 an acre. He passed his remaining years on the farm, dying on it in 1902. He had a family of eight daughters. They are living in various places but none of them in this county. After his arrival in Polk county S. E. Erickson and his brother Andrew, who lived in this county about sixteen years, rented a farm for six years. S. E. also bought railroad land in Section 29, Northland township, two miles east of his present farm, which he improved and still owns. He at first rented a part of his home farm from his father-in-law. Erick Dick- son, who bought it in 1880 and took up his residence on it in 1891. ]\Ir. Dickson was also a native of Sweden, born September 3, 1843, and came to the United States in 1868, locating for a time at Elkhart, Indiana. He worked in the Calumet and Ilecla copper mines in Michigan for seventeen years. He was killed by a falling tree on his farm in 1904. He .served several years as township treasurer and otherwise took an active part in local public affairs. His wife died in St. Paul in 1869, leaving an infant daughter, Matilda, who was born at Elkhart, Indiana, the same year that her mother died in. She was reared by her grand- parents at Becker, Sherburne county, Minnesota, and in 1878 came with her grandfather, 0. Metz Erickson, to this county, where she remained until 1880, then joined her father at Calumet, Michigan. In 1890 she ^ f^ JOHN A. IIKXUKICKS COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 367 returned to this county, and on January 1, 1891, was married to S. E. Eriekson. They have no children of their own but they reared from the age of six an adopted daughter, Lottie May Eriekson, who is now the wife of Henry Lillisve, of Roseau county, Min- nesota. Mr. Eriekson 's farm now comprises 640 acres and is in a highly improved condition. In 1915 he erected a fine dwelling house on it, built according to plans furnished by an architect and constructed of stucco on a cement foundation. It has hot and cold water throughout and is lighted by electricity from a power plant in the basement. The house cost about $10,000. In digging a cistern Mr. Eriekson found, about twelve and a half feet below the surface of the earth, the bones of an animal unknown to him. He has given his attention mainly to raising wheat, oats and barley, and in 1915 he produced over 13,000 bushels. He has been chairman of the township board. And for eleven years has been township treasurer, having succeeded his father-in-law in that office. He and his wife belong to Bethesda Swedish Lutheran church near their home, and he is its treasurer and one of its trustees, while Mrs. Eriekson has been its Sunday school super- intendent, organist and choir leader for twenty-four years. The Sunday school has regularly thirty to forty scholars and is kept during six months of the year. JOHN ALBERT HENDRICKS. John Albert Hendricks, a prominent lawyer resid- ing at Fosston, is a native of Minnesota, born in Da- cotah county, December 14, 1865. His father, Henry Peterson, who was a resident of Polk county during the latter years of his life, was a native of Norway and was among the first of his countrymen to seek a new home in the United States, a worthy pioneer in the wilderness of the northwest. This was in 1850 ; a few years later he returned to Norway. In 1864 he came to Dacotah county, Minnesota, where he lived for three years and then took a homestead claim in Renville county and made his home on this fann until 1900, when he removed to Polk count}'. His death occurred here in 1907, in his seventy-sixth year. John A. Hendricks was reared on his father's homestead in Renville county and received his early education in the common schools, later attending business col- lege in Minneapolis and Minneapolis Academy, which is now called Minnesota College. He then spent sev- eral yeare teaching in his home county, in the public schools and also in the parochial school which is main- tained by the Augustana Synod. But his ambitions were centered upon a professional career and in 1901 he entered the law school of the State University. Upon his graduation in 1903 he was admitted to the bar and immediately established himself in Renville county, where he remained for about a year and a half. On February 14, 1895, he came to Fosston, where for twenty years he has engaged in the general prac- tice of law with eminent success, becoming widely known through his capable and masterly handling of important land controversies. During the early years of his career the courts were largely concerned with title contests and land cases and it was in such liti- gation that he scored several notable and significant victories. One of these involved the reversal of a supreme court decision ; this was the case of Theodore Torgerson vs. the Crookston Lumber company, relat- ing to the overflow of Clearwater river. The Crooks- ton Lumber company was then the largest lumber corporation in Minnesota and arrayed against Mr. Hendricks, in defense of its interests, the best legal talent of the state. But he carried his cause to a favorable decision through the nine days' trial in the circuit court and a long and hard-fought contest which covered three years. This decision, which establishes the rule that the defendant must disclose the facts and the plaintiff is not required to prove the facts in each case, is recorded in volume 144 of North- western Reports, and in Minnesota Reports, and has :{68 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY been regarded with great favor in subsequent judicial proceedings in its application to many and various conditions. Another case which concerned one of the important (juostious of the time, in which Mr. Hen- dricks acquired further fame, was in reference to the land allotted to Indians of mixed blood, the courts ratifying his contention that the proceeds of a sale of such land differed from the proceeds of a sale of homestead land and was subject to attachment and garnishment. Mr. Hendricks takes an active and public-spirited interest in the affairs of the commun- ity in which he lives and as a member of the Repub- lican party has given much efificient service in political campaigns and state conventions. He has been a candidate for the nomination for state's attorney and for a numhcr of years has served as village attorney and as a nu'iuber of the school Ixiard, and in the latter capacity lias promoted the erection of the present high school building. In addition to his professional work he is interested in agricultural develoj)ment and finds time for tlie management of his farms. In 1S9G he was married to Bertina ]\Iaria Bakke of Willmar, Minnesota. They have three children, Camilla, who is a member of the 1916 high school class; Horace, and Byron A. Mr. Hendricks is an enthusiastic out- of-door sportsman, enjoying hunting and fishing and recreation at his cottage on the lakes. He is a mem- ber of the United Norwegian Lutheran church and has earnestly supported the plan for the union of Lutheran churches. WILLIAM JACKSON. William Jackson, a well known pioneer and success- ful farmer of Grand Forks township, located in Polk county in 1876 and has since been prominently identi- fied with its agricultural development. He was born at White Haven, in Cumberland, England, January 22, 1833 and lived there until 1868, when he came to Canada. As a youth he learned the trade of the iron molder and worked at this trade for many j'ears, in his native land and later in Canada. Becoming am- bitious to secure farming land, in 1876, he started west to Winnipeg where he had a large grant but his journey was destined to end at Fishers Landing, where, an acquaintance on the steam boat, George Walsh, persuaded him the most desirable land was to be found. In Grand Forks he heard of a tract of rail- road land in Grand Forks township, the first to be opened for settlement north of Grand Forks and this land he bought. With some cash capital and a team of oxen he was enabled to begin immediately his farming activities and in the first year put sixty acres under cultivation. The first home was a log house which was replaced in 1898 by a comfortable country home, pleasantly situated on the banks of Red River. Mr. Jackson has met with steady prosperity in his agricultural enterprise and has developed one of the model farm properties of Polk county. This place is in section three of Grand Forks township, on the river and conveniently located, six miles north of Grand Forks. For many years he devoted his attention to the raising of grain but of later years has extended his interest to stock farming, raising Short Horn cattle and dealing in dairy produce for private customers. As a pioneer and able citizen, Mr. Jackson enjoys the respect of the community, being essentially that type of man, who receives the best from all associations, having maintained friendly and co-operative relations from the early days when the Indians were his fre- quent visitors to the times when a more aggressive citizensliip is demanded. As a member of the town- ship board lie has given active service in public affairs, promoting the improvement of roads and schools. He is the descendant of a long line of faithful adherents to the Presbyteiian creed and is a member of the First Presbyterian church at Grand Forks. He was married in his native land to Mary Ann Wild, who is also a native of Cumberland and thev have three COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 369 sons and two daughters, William, Thomas, John, who is a carpenter and resides at Brainerd, Minnesota ; Etta and Ida. William Jackson and Thomas Jackson are associated with their father in the operation of the home farm. MICHAEL MAGUIRE. Prosperous and successful in his farming operations because he has the grit, industry and good manage- ment to make himself so, Michael Maguire, who is one of the substantial residents of Sullivan township, in which he owns the greater part of 741 acres of highly productive laud, has won his own way to worldly comfort and independence, and is entitled to all the credit for his advancement. He was born in Lanark county, province of Ontario, Canada, May 30, 1838, and came to Polk county and his present farm in 1878, obtaining his first tract of land as a home- stead. He had a pair of horses and $800 in money. He built a small frame house and soon afterward bought 160 acres of railroad land in Section 19, with a rebate for breaking the soil. His present farm of 741 acres lies partly in Grand Forks township. For some of it he paid $70 an acre. He has 700 acres under cultivation, 560 of which are in his home farm. During the first fifteen years of his operations here Mr. Maguire devoted his attention almost wholly to raising grain, but during the residue of the time he has made the live stock industry equal to his general fanning operations, keeping regularly more than fifty head of cattle and doing his dealing in live stock in Grand Forks, emphasizing the purchase and sale of cows in all his transactions. He has given his time and energies Avholly to his interests on the farm, keep- ing out of politics, although he is a firm adherent of the Democratic party in state and national affairs. In 1879 Mr. Maguire was vmited in marriage with Miss Catherine Sullivan, a sister of James E. Sullivan, who, also, was born in Renfrew county, Ontario. Michael's family consists of four children. Ida is the wife of J. C. Sherlock, of East Grand Forks. They have no children. Ethel is the wife of Thomas Devitt, a railroad man. They have two children, their sons Eugene and Edward, and live in St. Paul. Sylvester is living at home and assisting his father in the man- agement of the farm. He married Miss Norah Logan. They have no children. Gertrude married William Schipers, also a railroad man living in St. Paul. They have one child, their daughter Gertrude. All the members of the family who are still within reach of it belong to the Catholic church of the Sacred Heart, of which Mr. and Mrs. Maguire have been members from its organization. FERDINAND E. Le PAGE. As a merchant, a hotel keeper and the postmaster at Mentor, this county, Ferdinand Le Page has many ways of being useful to his community, and he uses them to aidjn promoting its progress and the welfare of its residents. He was born near Montreal, Canada, August 4, 1854, and lived there until 1858, then moved to L 'Original, Ontario, with the family, at- tended common and high school there until 1875. Went into the mercantile business at Ottawa, Canada, remaining there until 1881. On March 2d of that year he came to Crookston and opened a store. This he conducted until 1886 and also kept a hotel in the city until that year. He then took charge of the St. Louis hotel and kept it for two yeai"s. During the succeeding four years he was on the road as a travel- ing salesman for the house of J. A. Shea of Minne- apolis. In the spring of 1893 Mr. Le Page was appointed postmaster of Crookston. He assumed the duties of the office on April 1st of that year and held it four 370 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY j'ears, after which lie served as assistant postmaster for one year. On April 1, 1899, he moved to Men- tor and again became a hotel keeper and also engaged in the livery business in connection with the hotel, and in these lines of public service he is still engaged, in addition to being postmaster of Mentor, which he became by appointment of President Wilson on January 1, 1915. Mr. Le Page has taken an active part in the affairs of the village and township, and has acceptably filled all the different offices in their gift. He has also been a justice of the peace for a number of years. On Au- gust 17, 1875, Le was married in Ontario, Canada, to Miss Emma Seguin, a native of that province. They have had twelve children, eight of whom are living. They are Anatole, Arthur A., Louis F., Endora E., Ferdinand H., Alma E., Eva C. and Theodore C. All the members of the family belong to the Catholic church, in the welfare and progress of which they are deeply interested. OLOF M. GROVEN. Mercantile circles in and around ilentor, one of the thriving and progressive villages of this county, has no more enterprising, energetic or resourceful mer- chant among their business men than Olof M. Groven, the junior partner of the hardware firm of Ellingson & Groven, dealers in shelf and heavy hardware, furni- ture, stoves and ranges, farm implements, threshing machines, harness and horse furnishings. He was born at "Winger, Polk county, Minnesota, March 10, 1892, and is a son of Ole T. and Tone (Hauge) Gro- ven, natives of Telemarken, Norway, who were among the first settlers at Winger, where they located early in the eighties, and where they now o\vii the east half of Section 26. The sou grew to the age of twenty years on his father's farm and obtained his education in the dis- trict schools and at the college in Crookston, fi-om which he was graduated in 1911. During about four months of 1912 he served as bookkeeper for the Mentor Co-operative company, then formed a part- nership with Eric Ellingson for the purpose of engag- ing in the hardware and implement trade. The part- nership still exists and the firm is in the front rank of business men in its part of the count}'. It carries an extensive stock of goods at all times and studies how it may best meet the requirements of the community in which it operates, please its patrons and continue to build up its trade and enhance its reputation and that of its store. Mr. Groven is a young man, but he takes an active and helpful part in the affairs of Mentor, Grove Park township, in which the village is located, and the whole county of Polk. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the Order of Modern Woodmen of America, and is a gentleman of fine social ([ualitics and warmly interested in everything that ministers to the welfare of the people among whom he lives and labors. HON. A. L. HOVLAND. The testamentary interests of the people of Polk county were placed in capable and careful hands when they were put in charge of Hon. A. L. Hovland as judge of probate by the fall election of 1912. He was well prepared for his official duties and since entering upon them he has been diligent, conscientious and thoroughly fair and discriminating in the perform- ance of them. He was first elected as a non-partisan candidate and in 1914 was reelected with general approval in all parts of the county. Judge Hovland was born in Goodhue county, Min- nesota, December 31, 1863, and is the son of Lars J. and Ingeborg (Throsseth) Hovland, who were bom in NorwaA' and came to the United States in the late COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 371 fifties. They located ou a homestead in Norman county, Minnesota, in 1883, and there they passed the remainder of their days, the father dying at the age of seventy-nine and the mother some years later after she was over eiglity. Their son, A. L., remained in Goodhue county until 1893. He tlien passed four years on a farm which he owns in Norman county. He was educated in the public schools and by private study and reading. In 1897 he took up his residence at Fertile, in this county, where he was employed as manager of the Farmers' elevator for thirteen 3'ears, after which he spent three years on the road as a salesman for a grain commis- sion house in Minneapolis. He was elected judge of probate in November, 1912, and took possession of the office January 1, 1913, since when he has given his attention wholly to the duties of the position and discharged them to the satisfaction of the people. Judge Hovland was married in 1885, in Goodhue county, to Miss Anna Caroline Foss, a native of that county. They have five children, Myrtle Idella, Leonard Adelbert, Mabel Constance, Joseph Lincoln and Arnold Clinton. IVIyrtle is a graduate of the high school at Fertile and pursued a special course of training at the normal school in Moorhead. She was afterward a teacher in the public schools of Norman county. She is at present a deputy in her father's office. All the members of the family belong to the United Lutheran church and take an active part in its work for the welfare of the community. RIGHT REVEREND TIMOTHY CORBETT. Right Rev. Timothy Corbett, bishop of the See of Crookston, the fifth and latest organized in Minnesota, to which he was appointed in 1910, is one of Minne- sota's native sons, having been born at Mendota in 1858. "While yet a lad, his parents removed to Minne- apolis, where he grew to maturity, attending the parochial school in Father, now Bishop, McGolrick's Parish, receiving private instruction in Latin, Greek and English from Father MeGolrick himself. In those boyhood da.ys his native inclination and habits gave an indication of the possible future worth of the man, and he was induced to enter more fully upon a thorough course of study, Father MeGolrick accompanying him to Mexemieux, France, where he became a student in the same school in which Arch- bishop John Ireland and Bishop 'Gorman had com- pleted courses, and where he continued four years, the progress made fully justifying the judgment of his teachers. Returning to America, he made his philosophical and theological studies in Grand Seminary at Mont- real and in Brighton Seminary at Boston, where he was ordained Priest in 1886. His initial pastoral work was in his own old home as assistant to Father MeGolrick, though three yeai-s later he was made pastor of Sacred Heart in Duluth, where he devoted the succeding twenty-one years, and until his elevation to the Episcopate. In 1892 the church and residence were destroyed by fire, entailing a serious loss to the weak congregation ; but with faith in the future, steps were at once taken to rebuild. The foundation was secured, but the financial conditions of that period were such that the cornerstone was not laid till the next year, and the present Sacred Heart Cathedral was finally dedicated in 1896, standing a worthy monument to his persist- ence and devotion to a cause and to the support of a loyal people. Coming to that church while it was still small, pastor and people grew and developed together, and it is said that few congregations in the state can show a closer intimacy and mutual confidence than was the case here for more than twenty years. Soon after his going to Duluth, his old friend Bishop MeGolrick followed him there, so that the intimacy of earlier years became closer, and it was not long till he was chosen Chancellor of the Diocese, so serving fif- teen years and until his own elevation to the place he now holds. The history of the church and collateral 372 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY institutions bfing found elsewhere in this worji it is not necessary to speak of them here ; but reference to the personality oi' the IJishop and expresisons of others will not be out of place. May 9, 1910, he was consecrated in St. Mary's Chapel of St. Paul Semi- nar}', the occasion being one that called for the pres- ence and assistance of twenty-one visiting Bishops, six Bishops, three Archbishops and the Papal Dele- gate. Catholics and non-Catholics alike indicated earnest interest and appreciation, among the many present being the Governor and staff. As a priest Bishop Corbett is a dauntless defender of truth and justice, though of a retiring rather than of an aggressive nature, he has become a power and hesitates not, whatever be the occasion, to speak in no uncertain tones for the great principles of religion, social betterment and good citizenship. He has been called "The Thundering Orator," and while ever in private conversation has convincing argument and inspires coniidence, he is at his best when in the pulpit, warmed by the subject, his logical and forceful ora- tory carries the largest audience, and much of his success is attributed by his friends to this wonderful facultj'. As Chancellor of the Diocese he displayed highest business tact and judgment, not a little of the strengthening of the smaller churches being due to his personal attention and appeal. As Bishop the administration has already met with the uncjualified approval of all church authorities. One of tlie leading secular press said upon his eleva- tion, that "his appointment will prove a boon to the Diocese of Crookston, but with relative loss to the Cathedral of Duluth." As an American citizen he is thoroughly imbued with sound patriotic principles, no suitable occasion passing without his substantial indorsement of the cor- rect l)asis of our institutions. ELLSWORTH D. GUILDS. Now of North Yakima, "Washington, was for many years one of the most active business men of Crooks- ton. He was born at AVestboro, Mass., April 7, 1843. Soon after finishing the grade work in the local school, in 1856, he went with his parents to Pierce county Wis- consin. The end of the railroad was then at Dubuque, from where the trip to Preseott, at the junction of the Mississippi river with Lake St. Croix, was made on the steamer "War Eagle," under command of the noted old riverman, Capt. Harris. This boat and this old captain had much to do with the making of the gi-eat noi'thwest, both being frequently mentioned in the annals of its history, nearly all the first settlers having come up the river on the "War Eagle." The family home was made on a tract of wild land in Clifton township nine miles from Preseott, where was found the nearest church and school. The next ten years were spent in assisting in clearing and operating this farm. In October, 1861, his elder brother enlisted in the Union Army and went south, leaving Ellsworth alone to assist his father, who was accidentally drowned in Lake St. Croix soon after the departure of the elder brother ; the full care of the farm, mother, and sister then fell upon the young man. On Christmas day, 1864, he married Miss Esther Hamblin, of whose companionship and assistance he was deprived of by death less than two years thereafter. When his brother returned at the close of the war, Ellsworth left the old farm, but continued at farming on rented land, for two years. Having taken all the meagre advantages offered he secured a license as a teacher, and for some years was so en- gaged during the winters; while the summers were spent largely in a stave mill at River Falls. For parts of two years he was engaged in selling musical instru- ments, traveling with team over much of Wisconsin and Minnesota. In the fall of 1872 he bought an interest in the firm of Stone & Gray, grain dealers, and which contin- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 373 ued as Stone, Gray & Childs until 1878, having in those years been extensive dealers not only in grain but also in agi'ieultural implements. In the historical department of this work will be found a very interest- ing reminiscence of Mr. Childs relative to early days in Crookston, to which the reader is referred, and which will be found well worth perusal, and which gives so much of his own relation to the Red River Valley that we will not repeat it here. July 7, 1873, Mr. Childs was united in marriage at Norwalk, Ohio, to Eliza McLorinan, whose death of paralysis oc- curred November 4, 1904. Of four children born, one died in infancy. In 1907 Mr. Childs removed to the west, engaging in the extensive growing of fruits at North Yakima, Washington, where he still resides. CORNELIUS J. KELLEHER. Cornelius J. Kelleher, mayor of East Grand Forks, and a prominent business man, has been a resident of Polk county since 1906. Prior to that time he had resided for a number of years in Grand Forks, where he engaged in the plumbing and heating business, to which activity he has devoted his business career with notable success. He is a native of Ireland, bom in the city of Cork, March 2, 1867, and accompanied his parents to this country when twelve years of age. For a few years they resided at Ithaca, N. Y., and in 1882 removed to St. Paul, where his parents continue to make their home. As a youth he became apprenticed to the plumber's trade and steadily worked his way to an independent business and for ten years con- ducted a profitable trade in Grand Forks. In 1906 he located in East Grand Forks, where he is recognized as one of the substantial and capable business men of the eit}'. Not only in commercial circles but in every phase of civic interest, Mr. Kelleher has made his influence a factor in behalf of progress and higher achievement, and while his preference is for the serv- ice of a private citizen, his aggressive and capable cooperation has compelled a more active and responsi- ble position. He served as a member of the city coun- cil during the term which was marked by the installation of the city water works and was also a member of the charter commission. Upon the launch- ing of a citizens' ticket in the political arena, through which the voters advocated enforcement of city ordi- nances and a clean and efficient government, Mr. Kelleher was chosen to head the ticket and led it to victorious election and a commendable fulfillment of its pledges. He was married in East Grand Forks to Nellie Racine, daughter of Louis and Mary Racine, pioneers of the city. Mr. Kelleher and his wife have four children, Mary, Firmin, Louis and Cornelius J., and he with his family, is a communicant of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. PETER A. HOTVEDT. The late Peter A. Hotvedt, who made a quarter of Section 8, Sullivan township, and some other land into choice farms, well improved and highly pro- ductive, and who became one of the leading citizcnj of his township, began his career in this county with almost nothing in the way of capital, continued it through many difficulties and rendered every step of it one of progress and service to his locality. He was born in Portage county, Wisconsin, February 26, 1856, and died on his Sullivan township farm July 22, 1905. On April 1, 1878, in company with his brother, Nels Hotvedt and 0. T. Onnelaud, he came to the Red river valley, whose promise had been painted in glowing colors to his two companions while they were working on farms in Fillmore county, Minnesota, by a traveling merchant tailor. Each of the three adventurers selected a homestead, Peter A. Hotvedt taking the southwest quarter, his COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 374 brotber Nels the southeast quarter and Mr. Onneland the northeast quarter of Section 8, in Sullivan town- ship. They decided to pool their issues and built a shanty nine by fourteen feet in size on the line be- tween the homesteads of Nels Hotvedt and Mr. Onne- land, with a bed on each side of the one room. They then cut basswood logs on railroad land on the Red river five miles away, and with them they built a house fourteen by eighteen feet for Peter, who had been married the year previous. The three had about $300 among them and they bought two yoke of oxen at $125 a yoke. The two bachelors slept in their own house but boarded with Peter after the arrival of his wife and tiret child. The wife was Miss Clarissa Lind before her marriage, and tliey were married young. Soon after they settled here Andrew Anderson, who had been their neighbor in Wisconsin, homesteaded on the remaining quarter of Section 8. A little later Mr. Hotvedt bought eighty acres of railroad land in Section 9 at $6 an acre, with a rebate of $3 for each acre he should break up, and his brother and Mr. Onneland made .similar deals. Peter passed his time on his land until the death of his first wife five years after she came to this county, and for some time longer, his sister keeping house for him. He then passed two years keeping store at East Grand Forks, but in 1889 returned to his farm and remained on it the rest of his life. He sei-ved as township clerk for several years and in other ways rendered good service to the people, as be was always interested in their welfare and ready to aid in promoting it. By his first marriage Mr. Hotvedt became the father of two sons and one daughter, William L., Charles and Gertrude. Charles is now a resident of Rocky Ford, Colorado, but still owns a farm near the family home- stead. Gertrude died in infancy. William was born in Portage county, Wisconsin, March 31, 1878, and was reared on the Sullivan township farm. He at- tended school in the country near his home and at East Grand Forks, and was with his father until the death of the latter except during five years which he passed on a homestead he took up in Marshall county, Minnesota, in 1899, which he still owns and now devotes to raising hay. He also owns 160 acres near his old home, the father a.ssisting him in the purchase of it, as he aided the otlier son in making a similar purchase. They all worked together with their father, and the two sons remained in partnership for two j'ears after the father's deatli. William withdrew to his own farm at the end of the partnership and Cliarles worked the home farm until 1909, when William returned to it and Charles rented a farm in Grand Forks township. Now William works his own farm, the home place and Charles' farm, 560 acres in all, and raises large quantities of grain and other products, his crops in 1915 being more than 10,000 bushels of grain and a great output of potatoes from the twenty to thirty acres devoted to that vegetable. He also plants a few acres in corn and keeps a number of cattle of good strains and raises his own horses, having three four-horse teams with which he plows and does other work. Mr. Hotvedt is a Democrat in his political faith and allegiance, and is at present (1915) a justice of the peace. His father was a Republican in the early life but became a Democrat Ijefore he died. By a second marriage he became the father of four children, Ger- trude M., Clara, Walter and Arthur. Gertrude mar- ried 0. E. Bjoring and died at the age of twenty-five, leaving a daughter, Margaret, who lives with her grandmother. Clara, Walter and Arthur are living at home. Clara has been a teacher in the scliools in North Dakota. She was educated in Grand Forks, pursuing the summer normal course and also a course in business training. For two years she was em- ployed as a stenogi-aphor in Grand Forks. Peter A. Hotvedt's second marriage took place in East Grand Forks, November 28, 1888, and united with him Miss Mary Bergman. His venture in mer- cantile life was an unfortunate one. The business was conducted largely on credit and turned out disas- trously. When he died his estate was heavily encum- bered, but his widow displayed rare business ability as the head of affairs, and within a few years had all THEODORE NELSON COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 375 the indebtedness paid off and the new buildings now standing on the farm erected. She assumed a weighty burden with the heroic fortitude of a Spartan woman and bore it to a triumphant release with the self- denial of a devotee and the skill of a veteran financier. THEODORE NELSON. Theodore Nelson, cashier of the State bank at Erskiue, is a native of Polk county, born in Badger township June 14, 1885, the son of Torger and Mary Nelson, who came from Norway to Polk county in 1882. Torger Nelson became a well-known pioneer citizen and merchant and after many years of a suc- cessful career, retired from commercial activity and is now living at Erskine. Three of his sons are resi- dents of the county, Anton Nelson and Theodore Nel- son, who live in Erskine, and 0. T. Nelson, a promi- nent business man of Gully, and Oscar Nelson, the fourth son of Mary and Torger Nelson, is teller at the Northern National bank at Bemidji, Minnesota. Theodore Nelson was educated in the schools at Erskine and all the interests of his career have been confined to his native county. He has earned his responsible position in the financial world through native ability and ambition backed by competence and industry. His first position in the bank was that of bookkeeper, which position he held from 1902 until 1906, when he was advanced to the position of assist- ant cashier and in 1912, at the time of the reorganiza- tion of the bank, he was elected cashier and became financially interested in the institution. Mr. Nelson is one of the younger business men of the county who have already won their mark of success and enjoys the confidence and respect of a wide circle of friends and associates. He is interested in farm lands but devotes his attention to the affairs of the bank. EDWARD HAMLIN NESBITT. To avoid confusion it should be remembered that this family name is spelled three different ways by the persons who bear it in Polk county. The name of the township, which was chosen in honor of the mem- bers of the family who were the first settlers in it, is ' ' Nesbit ; ' ' the name of the family to which the subject of this sketch belongs is "Nesbitt," and that of still another family is "Nisbet. " Edward Hamlin Nesbitt, who lives on Section 27, Nesbit township, four miles and a half north of Fisher, was born in Kalamazoo county, Michigan, four miles south of the city of Kalamazoo, September 19, 1845. His father went to Michigan from Ireland and his mother from the state of New York. The son grew to manhood in Michigan and then traveled some years through the south after the Civil war. On his return to the north he located near Rockford, Illinois, on a prairie farm which was already improved. After remaining four years in Illinois he returned to Michi- gan and passed another year with his parents in that state. The south had still a winning voice for Mr. Nesbitt, however, and he was unable to withstand its per- suasiveness. He went to Florida and passed four years in the cotton country near Tallahassee. But he found that a region must have more than climate to make it attractive. The soil in Florida was poor for what he wished to do, and he determined to return again to the north, where he could raise wheat and other grain. His attention was drawn to the Red river val- ley, and in June, 1880, he came to Polk county, Minnesota, and bought a whole section of railroad land at $7 an acre, with a rebate of $3 an acre if three- fourths of the land should be broken up within a speci- fied period of time. Mr. Nesbitt had left then about .$1,300, and he put 376 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOORxVPHY OP POLK COUNTY up a frame house, which cost him $800, aud which he lived ill until 1912. Ilis first teams were oxen. These were superseded iii a little while by mules, and later he used only horses. He broke up as much of his laud as he could, but, while he suffered no total loss of crops, he had no grain to sell during his first three years on the farm. The land was so wet much of the time that it could not be worked and the farmers were helpless for years under this condition. Then, hail storms would come aud destroy a large part of what a fairly good season gave them hopes of harvesting, and so discouraging were the circumstances that there was no demand for the land, and it was at times impossible to give it away. Since the present ditching system was inaugurated about sixteen years ago all have been able to raise good crops and the value of the laud has risen rapidly, Mr. Nesbitt's being now worth at least $100 an acre. In 1912 Mr. Nesbitt erected his present dwelling house, which is a very good one, and he also has good barns and other improvements, among them ten acres of trees which form an attractive and useful grove. In 1915 his farm yielded about 13,000 bushels of grain and a large quantity of hay. He is at present town- ship assessor and has also served as supervisor of the township. At the age of twenty-two he was married in Michigan to Miss Celia M. Van Hoesen. They have three children, Cora B., Victor H. and Irene, all of whom are still members of the parental family circle. Ml-. Nesbitt gives a good deal of attention to raising white-faced Hereford cattle of superior strains in ad- dition to his general farming operations, and is suc- cessful in the enterprise. MARTIN SANDS. This first settler and long the leading citizen of Sandsville township, this county, which he helped to organize and which was named in his honor, has had a varied career in his struggle to aid in making the wilderness docile and productive. The fine farm which he has made of his wild and for years very wet land in the southwest quarter of section 8, with its northern border on the line between Polk and ^Marshall coun- ties, lies one mile and a half south of Alvarado, seven- teen miles north of Grand Forks and forty-two miles northwest of Crookston, and is now one of the choice ones in the township. Mr. Sands was born in Norway November 23, 1854, and came to the United States with his parents in his fifteenth year, locating with them near La Crosse, Wis- consin. The father soon afterward took a homestead in Kandiyohi county, this state, on which his son Mar- tin grew to manhood. In 1875, when he was just twenty-one, the j'oung man visited the Red river valley and stopped a .short time at Fisher's Landing. But he returned to his father's home and remained there two years. In 1877 he eame back to Polk county and select- ed his homestead and also chose one for each of his two brothers, Ole and Casper, and another for JIartin Johnson, their cousin. In making his selections Mr. Sands chose land suit- al)le for grazing with an extensive open range around it, for he concluded that it would be years before the locality was much settled. In March, 1878, he built three shacks and slept one night in each of them. He then returned to Kandiyohi county, and in May or June, as soon as the grass was fit for pasture, he brought over ninety head of cattle, two yoke of oxen and one pair of mules and three saddle ponies. He and his two brothers owned all the land, and all their subsequent operations were carried on in partnership, although Casper, who died in 1914, was a conductor on the Great Northern railroad for thirty years, and necessarily absent from the land a great deal of that time. When Martin drove his cattle to his land miles of the distance between it and Grand Forks were all under water. Ole Sands was married, and his wife and one-year old son accompanied him to his new home. Martin also COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 377 brought his sister Maren with him to be his house- keeper. She afterward married Martin Johnson, and is still living near Alvarado. The live stock did Avell and the Sands boys found a ready market for all they had to Bell among new settlers, and they kept bringing up new supplies from Kandiyohi count}'. But in the course of a few years the settlers were all supplied and the market grew slack, especially as the range for the cattle was settled up. In this contingency Martin Sands moved to Crooks- ton and had a meat market, where he remained three years, and also handled live stock on his own account. He then traded young stock for mares and bronchos in Montana, and hired a man to care for them. In 1889 he returned to his farm. He then had some thirty acres of his homestead under cultivation, and also had a tree claim some distance away, which he plowed up. He had helped several persons to come over from Nor- way, among them his three uncles, Amun Berg, Ole Holt and Ole Gulbrandson, bringing their families with them. The Sands brothers paid their passage over and helped them after they came. Each of the uncles took a homestead. They have aU died here, but their children are still living in the locality. Mr. Sands has bought and sold a great deal of land, but he now owns only one half-section. For many years he has devoted his attention to raising grain as his principal dependence, but in 1901, on account of floods had only partial crops and lost several of his hoi-ses from swamp fever. For eleven days that year he was forced to go about on his place in boats, and the crops on 600 acres of his land were wholly spoiled. Because of this disaster he moved to "Warren and opened a meat market. Merchandising was not to his taste, and Mr. Sands and his brothers organized a ditch district and suc- ceeded in having a ditch dug direct to the Red river at a cost of $80,000, which was not finished, however, for four or five years. When the Soo railroad was building and Alvarado was started he moved to that town and built a hotel to aid in starting the town, but afterward sold the structure without making any money on the deal. When the new ditch was com- pleted he decided to return to his farm, and he has had excellent crops ever since, the ditch being the making of this region as a farming country. When the township was organized it extended IY2 miles farther north than it does now, the extra strip of ly^ miles being now in Marshall county. Mr. Sands has filled every office in the township from time to time, has served many times on juries in Crookston, has helped to build roads, and in every other way has aided in promoting the progress and development of the township. He and his brothers procured the building of the first road from the Red river back into the prairie, and this has been a great help to the region. Mr. Sands was married in 1884 to Miss Annetta Larson, a daughter of Andrew Larson in Higden and the sister of Louis Larson, now of Sandsville town- ship. They have ten children, Clara, Hilma, Effie, Alfred, Ella, Agnes, Stella, Frederick, Marvin and Margaret. Clara is the wife of Anton Frugard of Devon Mount. Hilma is the widow of Robert Fering, of Alvarado. Effie is the wife of Adolph B'atalden, of Cottonwood county. Agnes is a teacher in Mar- shall county. Frederick is a student in the high school at Warren. The others are all at home. The members of the family all belong to the Novst Luth- eran church, which Mr. Sands joined with thirty others in starting. The church edifice they built was moved to Alvarado when that town was begun. In the early days Mr. Sands shot many deer in his neighborhood, also one big bear and a wolf. AMUND CHRISTIANSON. Amund Christianson, who is one of the progressive and successful farmers of Polk covintv, and whose 24 choice farm is located in section 18, Sullivan township, five miles northeast of East Grand Forks and half 378 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAFHY OF POLK COUNTY a mile back from the main road ruiming through this locality, is a native of Norway. When he came to the United States he located in Renville county, Minnesota, where he was variously employed for six years, then took up a homestead which he converted into a good farm. In 1878 Mr. Christiansen came to Polk county and took a pre-emption claim on the land on which he now lives, which is the southeast quarter of section 18, Sullivan township. He was accompanied to this county by his present brother-in-law, Ole Rice, and Mrs. Rice, the mother of Ole. Mr. Rice took a pre- emption claim on the northwest quarter of section 18 and his mother a tree claim on the east half of the northeast quarter of that section. Ole Rice lived iu this county about twenty years, then moved to Oregon. His mother died here, and her tree claim became the property of her daughter, Mrs. Chris- tianson. Mr. Christiansen, who is now living retired from active pursuits has sold a large part of the land he once owned, and now owns only his original farm, the cultivation of which he supervises. When his son Christian married he gave him 160 acres. Grasshoppers destroyed the crops of ]\Ir. Chris- tianson in Renville county, so he hooked up his ox teams and drove to this county for a new start and a better opportunity for advancement. His first home here was a crude dugout on the banks of the IMarais, but this was soon succeeded by a log house, whicli lasted until he built his present abode. To his first marriage was born one child, his son Christian Amund- son, who was named according to the Scandinavian custom. Mr. Christianson 's first wife was Miss Gena Rice. She died in 1897. His second marriage, in 1903, was to Ingeborg Ollestad, whose son John by a former marriage, is making his home with them, ilr. Christianson is a devout and zealous member of Grand Marais Lutheran church. Christian Amundson, the only son and child of Amund Christianson, was born in Norway September 9, 1868, and at the age of eighteen years came to Polk county, Minnesota. In 1898 he was married to ^liss Sena Ilotvedt, a sister of the late Peter A. Hot- vedt. At the time of his marriage he bought his pres- ent farm of Ole Rice and the tree claim which belonged to Ole's mother first and Christian's step- mother afterward, the tree claim being the tract on which he is now living. He had in addition the 160 acre farm in Northland township, five miles north of his home, which once belonged to his father. Mr. Amundson completed the house on his farm begun by Ole Rice and put up all the other l)uildings on the place. He has since bought another farm of 160 acres, which adjoins his home farm and is cul- tivated in connection with it, the whole body of 400 acres being treated as one farm. His principal in- dustry is raising wheat, oats, barley and flax. In 1915 his crops aggregated 7,000 bushels. His farm lies along the Marais river and is one of the choice ones of the valley. It contains a grove of stately trees planted by Mrs. Rice and her son Ole. For ten years Mr. Amundson has served as town- ship supervisor, and he lias long served as a member of the school board. His religious connection is with the Grand Marais Lutheran church, of which he was one of the trustees for a number of years. He and his wife are the parents of six children, Elcanora, John, Alice, Harold, Clara and Clarence. JAMES McDonald. Cultivating with enterprise and skill 560 acres of land in one body, only part of which lies in his home farm, James McDonald, of section 32, Nesbit town- ship, is doing as much as almost any other man to aid in promoting the industrial and commercial power of Polk county and minister to the general welfare and progress of its residents. He was born in County Frontenac, province of Ontario, Canada, December 6, 1853. and in the spring of 1876 came to Blue Earth countj-, Minnesota. During his first summer in this COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 379 state he worked as a farm hand in Blue Earth county, and in the winter was employed in lumber camps on the Chippewa river in Wisconsin, running logs on the drive when spring came and while it lasted. When he quit the lumber job he went to Duluth expecting to get work on the railroad. But in Duhith he met some of his old friends from Ontario who wei-e on their way to the Red river vallej', where the Xes- bit boys had already started a settlement on the Marais river, but were the only men located there. Mr. McDonald and his companion, David Morrow, who had come with him from Canada, joined their old neighbors and came to this section. He filed on a part of his present farm as a pre-emption claim, but afterward changed his claim to one for a homestead in order to get a full quarter-section. He had about $350 in money to start with. David Morrow selected at the same time a place about one mile distant, and each of the two newcomers hired the breaking up of twenty acres of his land. This was in the spring of 1877. They cut logs and hewed them for a dwelling house, and the next winter they put up a house of the hewn logs sixteen by twenty feet in size. This house is still standing and in a good state of preservation. The winter was an open one and Mr. McDonald and Robert Nisbet built several houses, hauling logs to Grand Porks to have them sawed into lumber for finishing the houses. The next spring Mr. McDonald planted the twenty acres he had plowed. He had bought oxen but these he sold after he got his crop in and could dispense with their serv- ices for a time. At that time Mr. McDonald and Robert Ncsliit went back to their old home in Canada and were mar- ried on the same day. May 8, 1878, Mr. McDonald being united with Miss Isabella Miller, who had been his schoolmate in earlier years. He brought a car- load of stock on his return trip and his wife followed with Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit. Several other settlers ac- companied them, the party including James Lee, wife and family, William Hannah, Daniel H. McDonald, a brother of James, Mr. Bromelee, Sandy McLean and George Island. In his carload of live stock James McDonald had horses for David Alorris, James Lee, Robert Nesbit and George Island, of this neighborhood, and one for James Miller, of Pargo. That spring (1878) Mr. McDonald's grain came up well but dry cold winds injured his crop. In the following winter he hauled wood to Pisher, a mile and a half distant, to supply the railroad with fuel for its engines, and got 55 cents a cord for it. In this way he earned the cost of a wagon, having none the first summer. He kept on breaking land for himself and others, raising grain and hay, and was soon enjoying substantial prosper- ity with good prospects of getting ahead rapidly. In the course of time Mr. IMcDonald bought eighty aci'es of railroad land at $5 an acre, with a rebate of $3 an acre for breaking up three-fourths of it. He also acquired another tract of eighty acres which was already plowed, and in 1898 he bought an additional half-section for $7,000, all plowed and ready for seed- ing. He keeps twenty-five to thirty head of cattle, but grain has been his main dependence, and in 1915 his crops totaled 3,550 bushels of wheat, 3,500 of barley, 4,000 of oats and 140 of rye. Mr. McDonald iielped to organize Nesbit township, which was named in honor of the Nesbit boys, al- though only one of them was living in it at the time, but they and Joseph Jarvis were its first settlers. lie has served on the township board many years, a large part of the time as its chairman ; has aided actively and extensivelj' in road and ditch work; has been a member of the school board almost continuously from its organization, and in all ways open to him has done all he could to help push the township along to better development and greater progress. His religious con- nection is with the Bethel Presbyterian church, which he has served well as a deacon and a member of its official board. His father was one of the founders of the church and he is devoted to it. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald became the parents of nine children, all of whom are living. They are : Ethel Ellen, who is the wife of George White, of Saskatoon, Canada; William J., who lives on the Mallory farm; Eva Belle, who is the wife of William Nesbit ; Daniel 380 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Lloyd, wlio is living at home; Mabel Jennie, who is the wife of Robert Stewart, a sou of T. D. Stewart, of Huutsville township ; Margaret Fern, who was a teacher in Polk count}' but is now teaching in Bemidji; Roy Herbert, Kate Gladys and Mary Edith, all of whom are living at home, Kate being the housekeeper of the family. She attended the State Agricultural school at Crookston, and Mary is a student of music iu Grand Forks. Their mother died November 17, 1903, and since then one after another of the daugh- ters has looked after the affairs of the household. The lather is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has passed through all the chairs of his local lodge and sensed as its representative to the Grand Lodge of the Order at different times. J. FRANTv BOLES, D. D. S. This gentleman, who stands high in professional and fraternal circles, being one of the leading den- tists of the northwest and a very enterprising and progressive citizen, has shown an active and help- ful interest iu everything that makes for a better town and the general welfare of Crookston, the city of his home for nearly seventeen years, or since November, 1899. He was born in Clinton, province of Ontario, Canada, July 30, 1875, and obtained his professional training at the Detroit Dental College, of Detroit, Michigan, fi'om which he was graduated in May, 1809. In November of that year he located in Crookston, where Judge William A. "Watts, his mother's brother, was living at the time. Dr. Boles and two others in the city are the only dentists of that period who are still living in Crookston. Dr. Robertson and Dr. Spencer both preceded him. Dr. Boles has an e.xten.sive and exacting general practice, and he gives it close and continual attention. He is a member of the District, State and National Dental associations and one of the ofEcers of the Dis- trict association. His profession absorbs him almost wholly, the only recreation he takes being occasional bass fishing expeditions to the lakes in Minnesota. He is a diligent and thoughtful student of the litera- ture of his profession and makes every effort to keep abreast of its latest discoveries and all its advances in every way. He is unmarried and about the middle of 1913 he induced his mother and his sister to take up their residence iu Crookston. Fraternally he is a Freemason and the Eminent Commander of Con- stautine Comraandery No. 20, K. T., and a member of the Grand Comma ndery of Minnesota. Socially he is connected with tlie Crookston Commercial club and an Elk. HELMER IIORKEN. Succeeding to the ownership and management of the farm on which he now lives after the death of his parents, and giving close and careful attention to his work, Helmer Horken, one of the enterprising and prosperous farmers of Sullivan townsliip, this county, juis made his way steadily forward and is now recog- nized as one of the sterling and substantial residents of the part of the county in which he lives. He was born in Deeorah, Iowa, August 1, 1875, and is a son of Hans E. and Martha Horken, who were born, reared and married in Norway and came to Polk county, Min- nesota, after residing ten years in or near Deeorah, Iowa, following a residence of one or two years in Wis- consin. The father took up a homestead in Sullivan town- ship in 1877 and lived on it until his death in the spring of 1890. He was born October 28, 1831, and liis wife February 3, 1838. She died in August, 1906. They had no means when they came to this county witli their seven children, and the father had to hire COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 381 a man to break up his land while he worked as a fireman on a Hudson Bay company boat on the Red river to support his family. He also did some black- smithing, thereby working at the trade he had learned in his native land. Two or three years after his ar- rival here he obtained a yoke of steers and broke them, and by that time his farm was yielding a living for the family. The elder Mr. Horker bought another tract of 160 acres two miles and a half east of his homestead and built the present dwelling house on the home place ten or twelve years after taking possession of it, the first residence of the family on the farm being a little log shack with a sod roof. He also set out a lot of trees which now make a fine grove. When he died his son Helmer, who was living on the homestead, took charge of it for his mother, who continued to operate it until she died except for three years, during which she lived in Grand Forks. When she died he bought out the other heirs, and now owns the whole place, ou which he has built a new bam and made other im- provements. Mr. Horken's principal industries are raising grain and live stock. He has seventeen head of high grade Percheron horses, twenty head of cattle and ten milch cows, the cattle all being Herefords of a superior strain. In 1907 he was married to Miss Martha Eids- ness, a native of Norway. They have four children, Ella, Arnold, Harold and Stella. The father is a Republican in politics and a member of the township board and township supervisor. PETER E. SWANSON. For nearly eighteen years after coming to this county and settling down to build up for himself a new home in the American wilderness Peter E. Swan- son, who now has a fine farm in sectiou 22, Northland township, this county, wrestled with almost overpow- ering difficulties and encountered an almost continu- ous succession of disasters and discouragements. Yet he stuck to his purpose and the place on which he had determined to carry it out, with the result that he has conquered bad fortune and achieved a gratifying suc- cess. As the portion of the county in which he lives is flat and low, in the early years before there was any systematic drainage on a large scale in the neighbor- hood, water often covered a great part of his land for many months and he was unable to work it in time to raise a crop. When this condition did not prevail either frost or smut would spoil his crop, and he was no better off than in a wet season. At times he has had to walk in water waist-deep to get to his house when he was away from it. Since the judicial ditch was dug about 1898 the water has not troubled him and his crops have been good. Mr. Swanson was born in Sweden October 13, 1839, and came to the United States and this county in 1880. He homesteaded ou the southwest quarter of section 22, and was the second settler in that neighborhood, John Eriekson, on section 14, two miles farther north- east, having come first. But Mr. Swanson was about three miles farther northeast than any other settler. What money he brought with him from Sweden was lost and he had nothing when he arrived here. He built a little log house, which is still standing, and in this he lived until 1915, when the present larger and more comfortable dwelling wa-s put up. Other im- provements were made from time to time as he was able. During the first year of his residence in this county Jlr. Swanson worked for other farmers in the sum- mer and in the fall he cut hay, which he sold in Grand Forks at $3 to $4 a ton. He lias always stuck to his farm, seeking no other business and no public life or official position of any kind at any time. He is a fer- vent member of the Swedish Lutheran church, which he helped to build about 1887. Mr. Swanson was married and had an adopted daughter when he came to Minnesota. His wife died 382 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY in October, 1890. Emma, the adopted daughter, is uow ^Irs. Ekdahl, and has been a widow for twenty- three years. Her son, John "William Ekdahl, aged twenty-four, carries on the farm for Mr. Swauson. OLE B. DAHL. Living retired from active pursuits Eifter his term of privation, toil and trial, with a comfortable com- petence and an agreeable home in East Grand Forks, Ole B. Dahl has well illustrated in his career as a pro- gressive and successful farmer the value of persistent industry, frugality and thrift, and has honestly earned the comforts and advantages they bring. He was born in Norway April 1, 1840, and was there reared to manhood and taught his trade as a shoemaker. He came to the United States in 1866 and located in Winona, Minnesota, where he passed a year working at his trade in a shop in wliich twenty men were em- ployed, a large number for a far western town in that day. Mr. Dahl next took up a pre-emption claim in Ren- ville county, Minnesota, when that county was just opening to settlement. He proved up his claim as pre-emption and paid $1.2.) per acre, but made slow progress in developing and improving his land. In 1874, 1876 and 1877 the grasshoppers devoured his crops. He had a good crop in 1875 but the growing vegetation in other parts of the county was all con- sumed by the pests, which no effort seemed sufficient to eradicate for some years. In 1879 Mr. Dahl moved to Polk county, having sold his land for $2,000 which was then considered an exorbitant price. He was unable to sell his cows, however, as butter was selling at five cents a pound. He took up a homestead in section 12 of what is now Esther township but was then a part of Higdem, his location being about ten miles north of East Grand Forks. He worked the farm for a number of years and improved it with good buildings. In 1885 he rented it to a tenant and moved to East Grand Forks. He bought a few acres of land near that city but he has not given it his personal labor as he has since been living retired from work. Before leaving the farm he added to it twenty acres of timber land, and he has since bought another farm, but he has sold both the old one and the new one. Mr. Dahl never allowed himself to become wholly absorbed in his own affairs. He always took an active and helpful interest in the affairs of the locality of his home, and served as township assessor of Higdem township three years while it included Esther town- ship, the division being made after lie left his farm. He also served on the school board and filled other local offices in Higdem township. "While he was living in Renville county Mr. Dahl was married to Miss Hannah Lareon, a daughter of Bernt and Martha Larson and a native of Norway. She came with her parents to Dakota count}-, Min- nesota, in 1862, and took up her residence with them in that county, accompanying them to Renville county in 1865. The Indian outbreak of 1862 so frightened them that the father did not take up a homestead until 1865. In 1877 they changed their residence to Polk county and took a homestead in section 10, Esther township, as it is now, being among the very first .settlers in that part of the county. The father after- ward added 200 acres of railroad land to his farm in order to have timber for use on his fai'iii. Later he built a dwelling house and other buildings on the rail- road land at the edge of the tini])er, and there he died in June, 1902. The mother is still living and has her home with Mr. and Mrs. Dahl. The Larson farm is now owned by the two daugh- ters of the household, Mrs. Dahl and Mrs. Melsness of Renville county. Mr. Dahl cultivated it for five years, and since he left it it has been under the man- agement of his son-in-law, 0. J. Norgord. Mr. and Mrs. Dahl have seven children living : Caroline, who is the wife of B. K. Johnson, of Esther township; "Mary, who is the wife of 0. J. Norgord, and lives on COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 383 the old Larson farm which he now has charge of; Sophia, who is the wife of H. Ellingson, a railroad man who lives in Grand Forks ; Hildah, who is the wife of H. M. Erickson, a banker at Upham, North Dakota; Ole, who resides in Seattle, AVashington; Clara, who is the wife of R. M. Jensen, assistant cashier of the Scandinavian-American Bank of Grand Forks, and Gunda, wlio is the wife of W. M. Ludwig, a council- man. A daughter named Minnie, who was a stenog- rapher, died at the age of twenty-one. All the mem- bers of the family belong to the Lutheran church in Grand Forks. After coming to East Grand Forks he helped organ- ize school district No. 3 into an independent school and held office as director for seven years and treas- urer most of that time. OLE HENDRICKSON. Ilavmg helped to redeem large acreages of land from the wilderness and make them fruitful in pro- ductiveness and highly serviceable to mankind, Ole Hendrickson, for many years one of the leading farm- ers of Esther township, this county, has well earned the rest and leisure he is now enjoying in his life at Grand Forks, North Dakota, retired from all active pursuits except that of supervising the cultivation of the land he still owns, which comprises eighty acres in Higdem township and a half-section in Esther township, the former taken up as a homestead and the latter as a tree claim in 1878. Mr. Hendrickson was born in Sweden, July 27, 1852, and in 1869 came to this country with his parents, Hendrick H. and Walborg Grubb, who lo- cated in Carver county, Minnesota, and passed two years there. At the end of that period the father took up a homestead in Renville county, where the family remained seven years. In 1878 they came to Polk county, and here the father obtained a pre-emption claim in Esther township, on which he died in May, 1899, after transforming his wild claims into good farms. His children numbered three, Ole, his sister Betsy, who is now the widow of Ole Nilson and is living on her homestead in section 2, Esther town- ship, and their brother Henry. The last named took up a homestead in section 34, Higdem township, but later traded this for Ole's tree claim, on which Ole had proved up and planted a ten acre grove. In later years Henry worked his father's farm until he moved to California in 1902. He is now living at Orland in that state, and Ole A. Olson now owns his old tree claim farm and his father's farm in section 2, Esther township. After proving up on his homestead in 1902 Ole Hendrickson bought his half section in Esther town- ship two miles south of the old place, and he lived on it until he moved to Grand Forks, which he did in 1913. He made extensive improvements on the farm, draining out some lakes whereby he raised about fifty acres of valueless land to high productiveness. The draining cost him about $1,000, but the land it redeemed is now worth as much as the land is around there. Since he removed from the farm it has been operated by his son August Herman. Mr. Hendrickson was married in 1879 to Miss Ber- tha Halvorsen, of Renville county. They became the parents of seven children, one of whom, a son named Oscar Bernhart, died at the age of thirteen years. The living children are : Johann Wilhelm, who mar- ried Anna Olena Kleven and lives on his farm in section 13, Esther township. He served for a time on the school board in Higdem township. Henry, who married Ada Cornelia Dahl, lives on his homestead in Higdem township. August Herman lives on and cul- tivates his father's farm. Walborg Josephine is a mute. She passed four years being educated at a school for the deaf and dumb. Anna Maria is house- keeper for her brother August on the home farm. Hildah Christine and Olga Berthene are living with their father. The parents also have an adopted daugh- ter, Lilah Geneva, who is now four years old and whom they have had from her infancy. Ole Hendrickson served as township clerk for many 384 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY years and as a member of the school board almost from the organization of the school district. He also served as treasurer, holding the office one year after his removal to Grand Forks, and was succeeded in it by his son August. He has been a member and one of the trustees of Kongsvinger Lutheran church, and president of its congregation, which he helped to or- ganize. For many years he was a Republican in pol- itics, but lately he has been independent, voting for men rather than in accord with partisan considera- tions. Both Mr. Hendrickson and his wife have had their share of hardships. During his first years of farming lie was obliged to use oxen as his motive power in aU his work. He had no capital and his father did not have over $500. In Renville county grasshoppers destroyed all their crops for two years. But his per- severance and pluck took him over all obstacles and through all difficulties until he compelled fate to yield him success. Mrs. Hendrickson, before her mar- riage did housework, toiling early and late and often doing men's as well as women's work, at a compensa- tion of .$1 a week. Her industry and good manage- ment in her own home were large factors in winning her husbaTid's prosperity. CHARLES ROSS. Charles Ross, of Fertile, a leading building con- tractor of the county and prominent citizen, was bom in Norway, October 7, 1865, and has conducted ex- tensive business operations in the count}' for nianj- years, handling individually the largest amount of work of any contractor. He located in Fertile in 1893, having previously resided at Rej^nolds, and has continued to make his home there and at Crooks- ton with the exception of some nine months spent in his native land in 1904 and 1905. Mr. Ross has at- tained a notable efficiency in his profession and through the years of his able business activity has won the confidence and regard of all his associates by his integrity and skill. He is that type of man who, through their honest and genial personality, add to their attainments as business men and citizens, a wide circle of warm friends. He has erected many of the most substantial and pretentious buildings in the county, structures which are importantly noted among the architectural possessions of which this section boasts. Among his past contracts have been the Carnegie library, the Elks' home and numerous business blocks in Crookston, man}- of the homes in tlie attractive residence district of Fertile and the bank buildings in that place, which rank among the splendidly equipped and modem banking houses of northern jMinnesota. He is now engaged upon !he construction of the high school building at Fertile, which involves a .$27,000 contract and will be finished for occupancy in January of 1916. ilr. Ross employs as many as twenty-five men in his operations, work- ing to architects' plans, and personallj' supervises the work on every contract. Aside from his many pri- vate interests, Mr. Ross is actively associated with all matters of public moment and served for two years as a city commissioner of Fertile. He enjoys out- of-door sports and makes hunting his favorite recrea- tion. Mr. Ross is a member of the Elks lodge at Crookston. JOHN DRISCOLL. The late John Driscoll, who was an extensive land- holder in Polk county, one of the leading men and most active and influential citizens of his locality and a great force for progress and development, died tragically on September 26, 1907, when his dwelling house was destroyed by fire, and the mystery of his CHARLES ROSS COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 385 deatli has uever been fully solved. His body was not consumed or injured in the fire but was found in a woodshed that the flames did not reach. No investi- gation of the case was ever made and the immediate cause of Mr. Driseoll's death has not yet been dis- closed. John Driscoll was bom in County Lanark, province of Ontario, Canada, January 14, 1855, and came to Polk county, Minnesota, and was soon joined by his older brother Jlichael, a sketch of whom, including the family history, will be found in this volume. John Driscoll entered a homestead soon after coming here on section 28, and in the course of a few years bought one-quarter of section 34, Sullivan township, for $1,500. A little later he paid $2,500 cash for 160 acres in section 29, then paid $2,000 for another quar- ter section and later became the owner of more land. He sold some of his land and owned only one whole section at the time of his death. During his life Mr. Driscoll cultivated all the land he owned that was tillable and built all the improve- ments on it except the present dwelling house, which was erected by his widow in 1909, two years after the fire. Some years before his death he and his brother Michael began operating a threshing outfit, and they continued in this enterprise together until death ended his labors. He was also school director from the organization of the school district, and when he died was serving as a county commissioner, hav- ing been first elected to this office in 1904. He was an ardent Democrat in political relations and a very ener- getic and effective campaigner for the principles and candidates of his party. His religious connection was with the Catholic church of the Sacred Heart in East Grand Forks, in tlie service of wliich he was always effectively active. Mr. Driscoll Avas married in 1882 to Miss Nellie O'Brien, who was also a Canadian by nativity. She died young leaving one child, John J. Driscoll, who owns a farm in Sullivan township but is still a bach- elor. On March 3, 1886, at Grand Forks, the father contracted a second marriage which united him with Miss Catherine Enright, another Lanark county, On- tario, lady, who came to Grand Forks three years before her marriage with her parents, Michael and Catherine Enright. Mr. Enright took up a claim in Polk county but passed his remaining years mostly in East Grand Forks, where both he and his wife died. By his second marriage Mr. Driscoll became the father of five children, James Edward, Catherine, William, Anselm and Loretta. James Edward is a high school graduate and pursued a course of special training at a commercial college. He is now a book- keeper in a Grand Forks wholesale house. The other children are still living at home with their mother. They are all members of the church of the Sacred Heart. After the death of her husband Mrs. Driscoll as- sumed her great responsibility of rearing her children and caring for the property of the family. She built a new house in place of the old one, and it is one of the finest in the township. She has also directed the operations of the farm with great vigor and success and made them very profitable. She is a heroic lady and richly deserves the high and i;niversal esteem in which she is held. OSCAR ULVE. Owning a highly productive, well improved and pleasantly located farm in section 8, Sullivan town- ship, this county, seven miles northeast of East Grand Forks, which he has helped to make what it is, and standing well in the regard and good will of the peo- ple of his township, Oscar Ulve is as comfortably fixed in a worldly way as most men, and he has the satis- faction of knowing that all he has he has accumulated by his own efforts and good management. He was born in Grant county, Wisconsin, November 25, 1872, and first came to Polk county in 1891. He passed the summer of that year working for Andrew E. Odegard, 386 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY theu returued to his native state, where he remained with his parents until 1898. April 1st of that year he came back to this county, and during the following winter he was employed on the farm where he had formerly worked. January 1, 1899, ]\Ir. Ulve began working for August Nelson on his farm in Sullivan township, with whom he remained for three years at a compen- sation of $22 to $26 a month in summer and less in winter. On November 13, 1901, he was united in marriage with Jliss Anna Olena Nelson, the oldest living daughter of his employer, who was born on her father's home farm and was in her twenty-first year at the time of her marriage. In April, 1902, he bought the farm on which he now lives, of ]Mrs. Annie N. Hotvedt and the Hotvedt heirs, but the house was not finished and the barn was built in May, 1910. Raising grain and live stock have been his prin- cipal industries. He keeps twenty-one head of cattle and millvs eight cows, all of good Shorthorn breeds. He has always taken a good citizen's part in the public affairs of his township, and has rendered it excellent service as supervisor for nine years, as clerk for some time and as treasurer of the school board for five years. Mr. Ulve has no children. He and his wife are active members of the Grand Marais Norwegian Lutheran church and take part in all its works of benevolence and whatever it does for the improvement of the community. His farm is one mile from the Marais. It was originally the home- stead of Nels Hotvedt, a brother of Peter A. Hotvedt, whose life story is briefly told on other pages of this volume. JOHN DAVIDSON. This prosperous and highly esteemed farmer of Polk county, who owns what is known as "The Sprague Farm," taking the name from its former owner, but which might appropriately be called "White Oak Farm," has one of the most attractive and valuable country homes in the section of the county in which it is located. It lies on the Marais river, in section 5, Fisher township, four miles northwest of Fisher, and contains 472 acres. Mr. Davidson bought it in 1915, and has since made many improvements on it. Mr. Davidson was born in County Carleton, prov- ince of Ontario, Canada, November 15, 1859, and came to Minnesota in 1879. He had former friends and neighbors in his native place here, the members of the Driscoll family, and he took a pre-emption claim in Nesbit township and proved up on it at $1.25 an acre. He built a shanty on his claim and broke up forty acres of the land, working out for the neighbors while he did this. In 1880 he went to Grand Forks county, North Dakota, and took up a homestead, and in that county he remained until 1896, sixteen years, acquiring the ownership of one quarter-section of land there, which he cultivated in grain. In 1896 he returned to Minnesota and bought all of section 27, in Sullivan township, this county, pay- ing $26 an acre for it. The farm was already im- proved, but the new owner built a new house on it, erected a silo and made other improvements, putting up several miles of fencing, and seeded the land in timothy grass. For a number of years he kept a good deal of live stock, raising and fattening cattle for the markets. In 1914 he sold his Sullivan township farm at $60 an acre for the whole section, and the next year he bought his present farm, which cost him about the same rate per acre. The farm contains about sixty acres of timber and is well watered. As soon as he took possession of it Mr. Davidson began to rebuild and repair on an ex- tensive scale, and he has greatly improved the prop- erty in this way. He has sunk a weU 150 feet deep, which supplies him with soft water for his stock, his domestic use and all other desired purposes. He is now giving a great deal of attention to diversified farming and stock raising. Mr. Davidson was married August 1, 1889, in Grand Forks county, North Dakota, to Miss Mary Manson, COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 387 who was boru iu Renfrew county, Ontario, and moved to North Dakota. They have nine children, Claude, William, Ethel, Pearl and Viola (twins), Ella, George, Florence and Stanley. Ethel is a saleslady in a jewelry store in Grand Forks. Pearl is a telegraph operator iu the Western Union Office in the same city. Viola is a teacher in the schools of Kittson county, Minnesota. She pursued a course in normal training at the State Normal school iu Crookston. The rest of the children are liviug at home with their parents. ELLING T. DOKKEN. Among the progressive and enterprising fanners and public-spirited citizens of Tynsid township, Polk county, Minnesota, none has ever stood higher in the esteem and good will of the people than the late EUing T. Dokken, who departed this life on his farm in that township November 10, 1910, at the age of sixty-eight years, one month and nineteen days, after a residence of some thirty-nine years iu that township, during all of which he was devoted to its welfare and zealous in promoting its progress and development. Mr. Dokken was born at Hoi Hallingdal, Norway, September 22, 1842, and grew to manhood and was educated in that country, where he remained until late in the sixties, when he emigrated to the United States and located in Worth county, Iowa. In 1871 he moved to Polk county, Minnesota, and pre-empted 160 acres of land in section 36, Tynsid township, and on this land and the additions he made to his tract by subsequent purchases he passed the remainder of his days. He owned 270 acres at the time of his death, all under cultivation and the farm improved with good buildings, the result of his ability and industry as a farmer and his judicious management as a business man. The trip from Iowa was made with ox teams and covered wagons and the party consisted of a number of families from the same neighborhood in Worth county, Iowa. The joui-ney consumed several weeks and while there were no real dangers encountered en- route they experienced all the hardships and priva- tions incident to pioneer life. Mr. Dokken was among the first settlers iu the township and a picture of his early home erected iu 1878 is still in possession of the family. Mr. Dokken was married in Clayton county, Iowa, on April 2, 1878, to Miss Ingrid Houg, who was born in that county October 24, 1853, of Norwegian par- ents, and lived there until her marriage to Mr. Dok- ken. They had six children, only two of whom are living: Minnie S., who still has her home with her mother, and Thilda, who is the wife of Knute Eriek- son, a resident of Tynsid township. The deceased children all died in infancy except a daughter named Lena, whose death occurred when she was twenty- seven years of age. Mrs. Dokken conducted the farm after her husband's death until the spring of 1915, since when it has been operated by her son-in-law, Knute Erickson. As was her husband, she is an active and zealous member of the Sand Hill Free church. HANS HANSON. The late Hans Hanson, for many years one of the leading farmers of Esther township, this county, whose useful life ended on August 13, 1908, was born in Norway April 13, 1834. He was married near Dui'- ham, Wisconsin, to Miss Caroline Eliza Johanson, who was also a native of Europe. She died at the age of thirty leaving four children, only one of whom, how- ever, grew to maturity. This was a daughter named Carrie, who was born April 15, 1872, at Brainerd, Minnesota, and was six years old when her mother died before they had been on the farm one whole year. She is now the wife of Frank E. Nelson and lives on her father's old homestead. Mr. Hanson had been engaged in various lines of 388 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY work and business at Brainerd, in Duluth and in Win- nipeg, and in 1877 made a trip up the Red river on one of the Hudson Bay steamers under Captain Griggs. He was pleased with the outlook in this sec- tion and chose the farm on which he afterward lived and labored until his death. His first 160 acres is located half a mile from tlie Red river and fourteen miles by road north of Grand Forks. He later added a tract of eighty acres, making liis farm 240 acres all in one body. He built a log cabin, the first shack put up in a radius of six miles, although he soon had a few neighbors. But for two or three years he was obliged to work out at farm labor to get the common necessaries of life. His wife's illness caused him to spend all the money he had and when he landed at Grand Forks he carried all his earthly possessions on his back. Fisher was then the terminus of the rail- road. j\Ir. Hanson's daughter soon became his house- keeper, and her work as such was her education. She had no opportunity to go to school. Her father, too, gave himself up wholly to his home duties, taking no part in anything outside except the Synod Lutheran church, of which he was an active and serviceable member. His remains were buried in a graveyard at the schoolhouse standing on his own land, and which he had donated for the purpose. Miss Carrie Hanson, the daughter of Hans, was married November 25, 1892, to Frank E. Nelson, who was born in Sweden April 21, 1869, and came to the United States in 1887. He journeyed direct to Polk county, where his father, John P. Nelson, a brother of August Nelson, had settled five years before. John P. Nelson was a carpenter and pas.sed the rest of his life in this county, dying January 1, 1907. Frank was only seventeen when he arrived here, but he at once went to work at farming and railroad gi-ading, going as far west as Montana in liis grading opera- tions. He has canned on the Hanson farm since his marriage, and has bought 240 acres adjoining it, so tliat he now has 480 acres all in one body, about seventy-five acres being in timber. Mr. Nelson's principal products are wheat, oats and barley, and in 1915 he raised over 9,000 bushels of these cereals. He also milks eight cows generally for butter to supply a lively trade among private cus- tomers. His cattle are Shorthorns, and of good .strains. The buildings on his farm are good and the property is a veiy desirable and valuable one. He has taken an active part in township affairs, serving ou the township board six years, and he has now been school clerk for three years. He and his wife are the parents of seven children, all of whom are living at home. They are John Henry, Elof, Albert, Arthur, Lizzie, Florence and Clifford. They also took in Lillie Halvorson at the age of six years and have reared her as their own child. She still abides with them as a member of their family circle. N. J. NELSON. N. J. Nelson, cashier of the First State bank at East Grand Forks and prominent citizen, is widely known through the county as a progressive business man who measures his success by the development and prosperity attending the community in which he lives. Mr. Nelson is a native son of the state, bom in Good- hue county, March 15, 1867. His early life was spent on a farm and his business career was initiated as a traveling salesman. In 1891 he located in Crookston which was his home until 1906 when he removed to East Grand Forks. As cashier of the First State bank of that city, he is in active charge of the affaii-s of that popular institution and through his policy of capable and far seeing administration is also identi- fied with the important interests of civic and commer- cial circles. He has particularly given his attention and cooperation to the advancement of the agricul- tural enterprises of the region and in recognition of his services holds the office of county director of the Red River Valley Development association. Aside COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 389 from, his business activities he takes an active interest in civic affairs and has given six years of able service as alderman and is also a valued member of the board of education. He is a member of the Republican party. Mr. Nelson was married in 1894 to Bertha S. Langford, of Dodge Center, Minnesota, and they have two children, Walter L. and Winifred. Mrs. Nelson is well known in the club and church circles of the city and is a member of the Baptist church. Not only is Mr. Nelson the cashier of one of Polk county 's most substantial financial institutions but he was the organ- izer as well and has thoroughly worked into its char- acter his theory of cooperative benefit which makes it one of the strongest banks in the county today. The bank is located in a fine building with every modern facility, which stands as a credit to civic pride as well as to the enterprise of the directors of the institution. THOMAS NISBET (Deceased). Thomas Nisbet, whose death occurred at his city home in Grand Forks on the 18th of August, 1914, was one of the worthy makers of Polk county having come to it when it was practicallj' all a wilderness, with a choice of where he should secure a home. He was born in Sherbrook, Countj- Lanark, Ontario, December 24, 1843, and was the fourth of several brothers to come to Polk county, of whom David was the first. James, of whom further mention is made elsewhere, followed, Robert and Tliomas coming in turn. Of these David died about 1880, a bachelor, in middle life, and was buried in Nisbet Cemetery, which was named in his honor. Their mother Christena also died here at an advanced age. One daughter Chris- tena was the wife of James Lee, and another, Mar- garet, married James Gilmore, both now being deceased. Thomas Nisbet was married in Winona county, Min- nesota, December 30, 1871, to Miss Janet Robertou, cousin of James Robei-ton of Hunstville township. She was also born in County Lanark and as a child was brought to Winona county, where her parents remained till death. One of her brothers, Joseph Rob- erton was for several years a resident of Huntsville, dying some twenty-four years since. Mr. Nisbet was a blacksmith by trade, working as such about eight years before marriage in Winona county, and so continued at Mallory finally operating a shop on his farm, his preference being to work at the forge rather than on the farm. He secured railroad land at $7 per acre, securing the usual rebate for that part put into cultivation. He became the owner of 400 acres which comprises the present fine home of James Cummings, and which was drained by the Marais, making it a vei'y desirable tract, especially when natural drainage was depended upon. When Joseph Roberton died, his farm was also purchased by Mr. Nisbet making 640 acres of which he was proprietor, even after selling the original home. Leaving the farm, he operated a shop in Mallory, two miles distant, for twelve years, when he retired to Grand Forks, although he continued to supervise the operation of his lands. He was chosen township treasurer for several years and was a member of the Town Board. He was a stanch Republican and was once candidate for county commissioner. Mr. Nisbet was an enthusiastic Mason, having been made one by Tom Morriss, ex-mayor of Crookston. He took practically all the work of the fraternity in- cluding both lines — the York and the Scottish Rite, being one of very few in Polk county who were ad- vanced to the thirty-second degree. He frequently attended the National Conclaves, and attained a great local reputation as a lodge worker, being specially well fitted by temperament and physique to carry the work of the third degree, the character of Jubal Um being one that he appeared in almost to perfection. His family are four — Ada E., at home; William G., 390 CO:\lPEXDIUi[ OK HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY wlio superintends the farm and has two children, Janet Olive and Keith Horace; Jennie F., at home and May T., wife of Frank Hankey of Grand Forks. Few men who have lived in Polk county had a larger circle of warm friends than Jlr. Nisbet. He was large of body and of mind and possessed to a great degree those qualities of head and heart, coupled with aflfabil- ity, enthusiasm and optimism that not only made him an ideal citizen but also a valued friend and companion. CHRISTOPHER H. EVJE. Christopher H. Evje, a successful farmer of Eden township, is a native of Norway, born November 12, 1843. He was reared on a farm and spent his early manhood in his home land and was there married to Engeborg Sophia Novesta. But ambitious to secure a home in the western land across the sea, in 1886, he brought his wife and six children to the United States. His savings enabled him to purchase all but one pas- sage and for this he had to borrow funds. He fii-st located in Norman county, ilinnesota, where for two years he worked at farm labor and in 1889 removed to Polk county which has since been his home. His farm had been the homestead of Hans Thompson, who died in 1888, leaving his interest in the place to the wife of Mr. Evje. It was located in section 21 of Eden township, a little over thirteen miles northeast of Fosston and near the old Indian reservation ; no land had been cleared but a small log house stood on the tract and was the first home of the Evje family and is now included in the construction of the living room of the present comfortable home. Mr. Evje has put eighty-five of the one hundred and fifty acres in cul- tivation and has added an additional forty acres to his estate. He has engaged in grain raising and dairy farming, keeping about ten dairy cows. He has de- voted every effort to the development of his farm and with noteworthy ability and skillful management has built up one of the best country homes as well as one of the model properties of the county, directing all his operations along progressive lines and includ- ing the modern improvements in his equipment. In 1907 he erected a large barn. Although Mr. Evje has never acquired the use of the language of his adopted country, he is a wide-awake and public spirited citi- zen, interested in public matters and well informed on the questions of the day. He is a stockholder in Farmers store company at Fosston and in the cooper- ative creamery at Olga, one mile south of his place. His wife died, January 14, 1902, and is survived by Mr. Evje and ten children, Hans, who operates the home farm ; Dina, the wife of Erick Nyborg, a neigh- boring farmer; Tobine, who married Ole Engebret- son and lives at Cleai-brook, Minnesota ; Tonnes, en- gag'-..-^ in farming in White Earth : Carl, a farmer of Eden township ; Clunstine, the wife of Harry Boon of White Earth ; Clara, who is in charge of her father's home and Herman, John and Tenny. One daughter, Gjertine Evje, died when twenty-three years of age. She was the wife of Bronnel Bronnelson. Mv. Evje is a member of the Zion Lutheran church. RICHARD ENRIGHT. After a busy and successful business life, the results of which have made him one of the most substantial citizens of Polk county, Richard Enright is now en- joying the fruits of energy in rather a retired condi- tion, though not by any means having entirely laid aside attention to business details. He was born near Almont, Ontario, and grew to manhood near Port Sarnia, coming to Grand Forks in 1877 to seek employment. James E. Sullivan was his first employer and he worked for two months, in 1877, on the farm of John O'Brien and for others. The next j^ear after his own coming, he was followed by iiliOWX nrcKSTAO COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POUC COUNTY 391 his parents, Dennis and Catherine (O'Neill) Enright, and their eight sons and two danghtei's. Of these, John is a ranchman in California ; Thomas lives in Sullivan township ; Dennis J. is also in California ; Jerry is in Alberta as is also James. William was drowned in the Red river at the age of twenty-three ; Michael L. is a farmer of Huntsville; Edward F. is an employe of the Arneson Mercantile company, while Mary Ann was the wife of Thomas Mason, who came to the county in 1879, and both of whom are since deceased. Maggie became the wife of George Tinkler and lives in western Canada. The father liought the homestead, where his son Michael L. now lives, to which he added at various times till he owned upwards of 1,000 acres lying along the Red Lake river a few miles from East Grand Forks. For several years, in fact till his death in 1886, the sons all remained at home, the operations being carried on an extensive scale. The widow con- tinued, with the younger sons, to manage the farm, however she finally retired to the city, where she passed away October 18, 1906. In 1880 Richard was married to Johanna Forn, and at once assumed charge of his own farm. In about one year thereafter he had the misfortune to lose his companion, when he rented the farm, which he origin- ally bought as railroad land. He began to add more land when it could be had from the railroad com- pany at about $6 per acre. His operations were more than usually successful, investing in land as opportun- ity offered till he possessed six quarter sections or 960 acres in one body, all lying in Huntsville township. Generally this has been operated by tenants, Mr. En- right giving more personal attention to making and keeping up improvements. Five years ago he decided to dispose of his lands, since when he has made some investments in Cali- fornia, although much of his present business interests are in farm loans. No man has had greater faith in the future of the Red river valley, in every phase of whose development he has taken an active part, being ever an ardent advocate of a system of farming that tends to greater production and increase in valua- tion. He has rather kept aloof from public life, but has yielded to the extent of serving the township as Supervisor for some fifteen years. He has ever stood for better living conditions and it is not a little to the efforts of such men that East Grand Forks is now fast faking its place among the better residence towns of the Red river valley. BROWN DUCKSTAD. One of the leading pioneers, business men and pro- moters of the village of Fertile, and for years a valued public official in various capacities. Brown Duckstad has contributed much to the improvement and benefit of the land and locality of his adoption, and he has also embraced, greatly to his own advan- tage, the opportunities it has offered him for his own progress in a material way and along lines of social and political influence and consequence. Mr. Duckstad is a native of Norway, where his life began December 6, 1865, and where he was reared to the age of nineteen and obtained his education. In the spring of 1884 he came to the United States and at once to Polk county, Minnesota, where he has ever since resided. During the first five years of his resi- dence in this county he was employed as a farm hand, working hard, living frugally and saving his earn- ings to enable him to begin at the earliest practicable time the business career to which he was steadily looking forward. In 1889 he located at Fertile and opened the hard- ware store which he is still condiicting there. His business was started on a small scale, but by enter- prise, close attention to eveiy detail and excellent business capacity he has steadily expanded his trade and enlarged his operations until he is now one of the leading merchants in the part of the county in which he lives. His trade soon outgrew its first 392 CO.MPENDIU.M OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OB^ POLK COUNTY meager facilities and he was obliged to provide for its growth by erecting the comiuodious and substan- tial building in which his store is now located. He has also kept up his interest in agricultural pui'suits and now owns about 1,200 acres of land in the vicin- ity of Fertile, and he is also vice president of the First State Bank of Fertile and of the Fertile Brick and Tile company. Although he has never for a day neglected his own business or the claims of dutj^ to himself and his family, Mr. Duckstad has also at times taken an active and helpful part in the public affairs of his community and county, and the people have had the benefit of his integrity, ability and good judgment in the administration of several local ofRees. He was postmaster at Fertile from 1898 to 1907, and at dif- ferent times has also filled other positions with credit to himself and advantage to the people. His political affiliation has always been with the Republican party and his church connection with the congregation of Synod Lutheran church. Mr. Duckstad was first married at Fertile in 1889 to Miss Bertha Skime, who was, like himself, a native of Norw^ay. She died in 1901. They were the parents of seven children, three of whom are living, Benjamin, Lisa and John. Benjamin is a graduate of the West Point United States Military Academy and a lieu- tenant in the United States army. In 1903 Mr. Duckstad contracted a second marriage, uniting him- self with Miss Sophia Skime, who was born in Iowa. They have six children, Norman, Volbarg, Volter, Sylvia, Paul and Eleanor. The family stands well in the community and richly deserves the general esteem bestowed upon its members. THEODORE A. THOMPSON. During all of the last eleven years Theodore A. Tiiompson, who is now a resident of Crookston, has rendered the people of Polk county excellent service in their register of deeds' office, and for seven years of the period has been the register, filling the position of deputy register for the first four j'ears of his con- nection with the office. Before he went into that office, however, he had a useful and prosperous career, in which he showed his mettle. He was born at Waseca, Minnesota, September 20, 1871, and is the son of Ole and Betse.y ( Aniundson) Thompson, natives of Norway. The mother came to this country about 1860, when she was eleven years old, and the father in 1866. They were married at Black Earth, Wisconsin, and moved to this county in 1888, locating on a homestead in Hill River township, which the father selected at the time. He was a .slioemaker and worked at his trade in Crookston ten years, during a part of which time he was the manager of a shoe store. He died in North Yakima, Washington, and the mother passed away on the farm. The family lived on that farm a long time and still owns it. Seven children were born and reared to maturity in the household. Anna B., who is now living at home, has been a teacher in the Polk county schools and a stenographer. Lewis passed his life on the farm and died there at the age of thirty-nine. Tilda was also a Polk county teacher. She died unmarried in 1908. Louise, a school teacher and stenographer in this countj^ is also now living at home. Emma, who died at the age of twenty-one, also taught in Polk county schools, and Oscar B. is operating the old family homestead. Theodore A. Thompson spent ten years on the home- stead. He was seventeen when the family took pos- session of it and had just been graduated from the high school at Waseca, and he began his career in this county by teaching Public School No. 120 in King township, near Mcintosh. He continued teaching ten years, still living on the home farm, and during two years of the time was also interested in a mer- chandising enterprise in Mcintosh. In 1898 he be- came assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank at Mcin- tosh, and this position he held continuously for six years. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 393 On January 1, 1905, Mr. Thompson was appointed deputy register of deeds by J. H. Stair, the register, and he served the county in this capacity until Jan- uary 1, 1909, when he took over the office of register, to which he was elected in the fall of 1908, being the nominee of the Republican party. He was re-elected in 1910 without opposition, and again in 1912 and 1914, the last time for a term of four yeai-s, accord- ing to the provisions of a law passed by the legislature of 1913. He employs three assistants in the office, and it turns over to the county annually, after all its expenses are paid, an average revenue of about $2,500. Mr. Thompson was married in 1901 to Miss Caro- line M. Jensen, of Brandsvold township, this county, where her father, Peter C. Jensen, now deceased, set- tled in 1888, coming to Polk county from Wisconsin. Mrs. Thompson was a teacher in Polk county three years prior to her marriage. She and her husband have had five children, one of whom died in infancy. Those who are living are Harlow B., Florence Lucille, Kenneth F. and Marjorie A. The parents are mem- bers of the English Lutheran church, of which Mr. Thompson is secretary. He is well known through- out the county and very popular. ERICK ELLINGSON. During the last four years Erick Ellingson, head of the firm of Ellingson & Groven, hardware and farm implement merchants, has been a stimulus and an in- spiration to business activities in and around the vil- lage of Mentor, Grove Park township, this county, and has fully justified the rank he holds as one of the township's leading business men. He was born in Green county, Wisconsin, September 27, 1864, and was reared and educated there. In the spring of 1909 he moved to Alexandria, Minnesota, and during the next three years he was occupied in farming near that town. Farming failed to meet all the requirements of Mr. Ellingson 's desires, and in the spring of 1912 he changed his residence to Mentor and his pursuit to mercantile activity. He formed a partnership with Olof M. Groven at that time, and since then they have carried on a flourishing and growing business under the firm name of Ellingson & Groven as dealers in shelf and heavy hardware, furniture, stoves and ranges, farm implements, threshing machines, harness, horse furnishings and other articles of general mer- chandise, conducting their operations with studious attention to the needs of the community and the com- fort and satisfaction of their patrons. Mr. Ellingson was married in Green county, Wis- consin, April 11, 1906, to Miss Emma Anderson, who was born in Minnesota and reared in Wisconsin. They have four children, Marion G., Goldie T., Charlotte N. 0. and Russell K. The father of the family is a member of the village council of Mentor and clerk of the local school board, and is highly esteemed as one of the most useful residents of the township. He and his wife are active and valued members of the United Lutheran church. GEORGE J. FLATEN. Deprived in part of his left hand in a hunting ac- cident at the age of eighteen years, the subsequent career of George J. Flaten, the able, industrious and conscientious treasurer of Polk county, has been largely shaped by that occurrence. It seemed like a cruel aflflictiou when it occurred, but it has led him to 25 lines of work for which he is especially fitted and to a position at length for which he seems to have been destined. He was born in Goodhue county, Minne- sota, November 4, 1876, the son of J. J. and Anna (Brandsvold) Flaten, who now live in Garden town- ship, this county, five miles east of Fertile, on a home- 394 COMPENDimr OV HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COLWTY stead which was taken up by the father in 1880. The lather is a native of Norway who came to this country and located in Goodliue county, Minnesota, soon after the Civil war. The mother is a cousin of Knute Brandsvold, in whose honor Brandsvold township in this county was named, and who now lives at Dalton, ]\Iinnesota. George J. Flaten grew to manhood on his father's farm, remaining there until he reached the age of twenty-three, and was educated in the district schools and at Concordia college in Moorhead, in which he pursued a special course of commercial training. In 1900 he was appointed a clerk in the office of County Treasurer ]\Iartin G. Peterson, and was continued in his position under Treasurer W. L. Vannet, holding it for six years. In November, 1908, he was elected county treasurer, taking the office on January 1, 1909, and he has been re-elected at the end of every term since, in the fall of 1914 for a term of four years iu accordance with the provisions of a law passed by the legislature in 1913. He was the nominee of the Republican party in 1908, 1910 and 1912, and a non- partisan candidate in 1914. Mr. Flaten is wholly devoted to his official duties and gives eveiy phase and detail of them his personal attention. He employs one deputy, who is Miss Sophia Stromstad. He also owns a grain farm near Harold Station, but that is cultivated by a tenant. On Decem- ber 24, 1903, he was married to Miss Grace Lothe, of Wisconsin. They have no children. Both belong to the English Lutheran church and are active in its service. Fraternally Mr. Flaten is a Fx'eemason and a member of the Order of Elks. G. H. SANBER6. This enterprising, progressive, broad-minded and highly capable superintendent of the public schools of Crookston acquired his knowledge of school work and success in directing it by long experience in the school room and thoughtful and observant study of its requirements. He was born in Scott county, Alin- nesota. May 1, 1873, the son of Swedish parents who came to the United States and settled in Carver county, Minnesota, in the early fifties. The father was a blacksmith and worked at his trade in Carver county and at Blakely, this state, where he and his family located in 1870, the parents having been mar- ried in Carver county. The father died at Blakely but the mother is still living and has her home at Le Sueur, Minnesota. The son was graduated from the Mankato State Normal school in 1897 after completing its most ad- vanced course of instruction. He has also taken work in the College of Education at North Dakota State University. He was president of his class at the nor- mal school, and he has passed all of his subsequent years since his graduation in the school room. He was principal of the graded school at Bellingham, Minnesota, four years, and was then superintendent of Bird Island high school, with eight to ten teach- ers under his direction, seven years. The next six years he passed as superintendent of the schools at Wiudom, with twenty teachers to direct. In June, 1914, without any solicitation on his part, he was selected as superintendent of the schools in Crookston. The school board sent out a committee to investigate the work of several superintendents who were not candidates for the office it had to fill, and on the report of the committee the board volun- tarily offered Mr. Sanberg the position. He has con- ducted teachers' summer training schools for nine years, and been active in all teachers' organizations. For a time he was president of the Southern Minne- sota Teachers' association which meets annually at IVIankato. He also was largely instrumental in reor- ganizing the Northern Minnesota Teachers' associa- tion. Mr. Sanberg is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal church and very active in all its benevolent and COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POL.K COUNTY 395 improving activities, especially its Sunday school work. He was married at Garden City, Minnesota, in 1897, to Miss Berda M. McBride, a native of that place and a teacher of music. They have six children, Ruth, Beatrice, Keith, Glenn, Wilbur and Marion. Mr. Sauberg is a Freemason of the Past Master's rank, having served as Worshipful Master of the Lodge at Bird Island, Minnesota. He usually passes his vaca- tions in outing camps, and is highly favorable to ath- letic games when they are propei'ly supervised. WILLIAM T. NICHOLSON. Coming in daily contact with the residents of Crookston as assistant postmaster of the city during the last fourteen years, and winning their high and lasting regard by his ability and devotion to duty, William T. Nicholson has shown traits of admirable manhood and citizenship which fully justify the good opinion the people have of him. He was born in County Simcoe, province of Ontario, Canada, Jan- uary 2, 1862, and was reared in County Grey of that province. On January 22, 1888, he emigrated to this country and located in Crookston, where he had friends living. Mr. Nicholson's first employment here was as a school teacher, and this lasted three years. He first taught the school in District No. 105, near Gentilly, and then had a berth in the Central building in Crookston. During the next six years he was a fire- man and during the succeeding four an engineer on the Great Northern railroad, running between Crooks- ton and Grand Forks. In 1902 he was appointed as- sistant postmaster by Postmaster Andrew Eiken, with whom he served two years. He next served under Postma.ster Elias Steenerson nine years, and since then has been as.sistant to Postmaster C. L. Skoug. He is a member of the state and national Assistant Postmasters' associations, and is wholly occupied with the duties of his ofSce. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is a trustee, and was superintendent of its Sunday school four years, suc- ceeding in that position a man who had held it twenty- five years, and he has himself been in the school as teacher and superintendent twenty-six years. In all church and social work he takes an active and serv- iceable part. On November 1, 189.3, Mr. Nicholson w'as married to Miss Rachel Nicholson, who is a daughter of John Nicholson, a pioneer in Crookston, who settled here in 1879. The daughter was born in Ontario, Canada, but was reared in Crookston. She is president of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church. She and Mr. Nicholson are the parents of four chil- dren : Marietta, who is a graduate of the high school and State Normal school in Moorhead and is now a teacher at Lake Park, Minnesota; Harry, who is a student at Hamline University, in St. Paul ; Sadie,, who is a graduate of the Crookston high school of the class of 1916, and Walter. N. A. THORSON. N. A. Thorson, the present county superintendent of schools, was born in Nicollet county of this state December 22, 1881. He claims the county poor farm as his birth-place, where his father was then siiperin- tendent. Many of the older inmates of the poor farm were persons of considerable leisure and they con- tributed a great deal to the early rearing of the sub- ject of this sketch. With them he went fishing, boat- ing and berry-picking, and played with the home-made toys which they so generously supplied. With his parents and the family of five children he moved to Winthrop Minnesota, in 1887, where later he spent many years of his life working on his father's farm. In 1898 he entered a secondary school at St. 396 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Peter, Minnesota, from wliieh he graduated in 1900. In the fall of the same year he entered Gustavus Adolphus College at that place from which institution he graduated and received the degree of A. B. in 1904. During the spring of his graduating year, he was chosen by his college to take part in a state oratorical contest in which he later won the right to represent the state in the interstate contest at Springfield, Illi- nois, the same summer. Upon his return he attended the summer session at the Maukato Normal School. The same fall he was engaged to teach at Crookston and during his connection with the high school at that place for four years he taught principally the sciences and mathematics. He attended the University of Min- nesota during the summer of 1905 and the following year was a member of a group of teachers who en- rolled for the first summer training course at the St. Anthony School of Agriculture. He built and operated the first wireless telegraphy outfit wit- nessed in Crookston. He also served as athletic director of the high school and together with other school anthorities in the Valley labored to place athletics among the schools on a high standard. In the fall of 1908 he taught for a short time under Sui)t. Wni. Robertson at the Crookston School of Agriculture. The same year Mr. Thorson entered the race for county superintendent of schools of Polk county and has now served his constituents seven years. During this time he has tried to sys- tematize the work of the common schools and has always stood for progressiveness in educational work. He has given his support to industrial movements in the county by inducing the pupils in the schools to en- gage in practical home and school projects. Mr. Thorson has served on the State Teachers' Reading Circle Board for a number of years and is at present secretary of this organization. He is also a member of several musical organizations, including the English Lutheran Church Quartet, the Viking Chorus and the Citizens' Band of Crookston. In 1913 he was married to Miss Sarali Rollefson of Montevideo, Minnesota, and their marriage has been lilessed with two children, Sue and Paul. ANDREW M. MALMBERG. Among those who came to Polk county, while it was still in its primitive condition, is he whose name heads this article, and who is looked upon by those who know him as one whose efforts did much toward the making of the county. After many years of industrj', during which he became financially inde- pendent, he is now living in retirement in Crookston, the operation of his large farm being in the hands of his sons. Mr. Malmberg was born in Sweden March 8, 1842, and came to America in 1866, securing work in the harvest field near Davenport, Iowa. That fall he came to Red Wing, Minnesota, and the following spring be- gan work on the grade of the Hastings & Dakota Railroad, when it was first started at Hastings. The next four years were spent in farm labor near St. Paul, and in 1870 he assisted in the construction of the Northern Pacific road west from Braiiicrd so con- tinuing till the road was built through to Moorhead. While working at Glyndon he was induced to take a preemption on a tract of land close to that village, which, being the junction point was thought would become quite an important place. In the spring of 1872 in company with others he came to the Red Lake River country, it being said to surpass in fertility other sections of the country. He was pleased with it and at once secured a homestead some eight miles west of Crookston along the Red Lake River two miles southeast of Fisher. He also secured similar tracts for his brother and for a friend, Olof Erickson. But two or three others were there before him, so that he thus had his choice, and selected lands along the small creeks, which were lined with valuable timber. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 397 He soon sold his Glyndon tract for $400, but with such payments that he derived little benefit from the sale. He hired a few acres broken out that first year, so that when he came the next year to make it his home, he had a small crop ; but there was no market and it was not sold but was stored in a bin in one cor- ner of his cabin and not sold till the next year, 1874, when it was part of the grain that loaded the first car ever purchased at Crookston. When the Great Northern Railroad was built through to Fisher's Landing (so named in honor of the superintendent of the road) a store was started by Hugh Thompson, to whom Mr. Malniberg sold much produce. There being no crossing of the river he ar- ranged a raft out of dry logs, which had been peeled for the bark when he built his cabin and this was the first means of getting farm produce to the market. He was active in all the first road making, and in fact every line of local improvement found him ready to do his part. He was one of the organizers of the township and was chosen supervisor, in which position he served for many years, as well as having been chosen to other local offices. He soon began to buy other lands, mainly of the railroad company at prices ranging from $8 to $10 per acre. This was at a time when title of these lands was still in dispute and many would-be purchasei's were fearful of buying. He finally became the owner of four hundred acres of as fine land as there is in the state and which he converted into one of the really valuable farms of the county. In the early years he would get but small returns owing to frosts or water, but being so close to the river, his land was fairly well drained, and progress was satisfactory, he becoming one of the independent farmers, whose success came from faith in Polk county soil. His original cabin, covered with bark, was later much enlarged and became a convenient home, but which was totally destroyed by fire ; when he erected the present commodious country residence. In 1908 he turned the farm over to two sons, him- self buyinig a small farm on the river and but two miles west of Crookston, where he remained seven years, when he came into the city, where he has since lived in easy retirement, enjoying the fruits of a well- spent life. His marriage in St. Paul in 1872, to Miss Ellen Angdahl, who had come from Sweden at the age of fifteen, has resulted in the birth of four sons and one daughter. Oscar Albin and Carl Emil are partners in the operation of the old farm. William Haniel is one of the well known teachers of the county, having entered upon that work at the age of sixteen and so continued for several years. James Montaine and Ella Johanna complete the family, the latter being a successful music teacher and living at home. AVhile the life of Mr. Malmberg has not been filled with unusual events, it has carried a valued influence in shaping the affairs of liis community, and it is to such lives that the future historian will refer to learn of the details of empire building. DANIEL H. Mcdonald. This enterprising and progressive farmer and pub- lic-spirited citizen of Polk county, who is one of sev- eral members of the same family, lives at Davidson Station on the Northern Pacific railroad, sixteen miles and a half northwest of Crookston, in section 29, Nes- bit township, where he has redeemed from the wilder- ness and highly improved a large farm. He was born in County Frontenac, Province of Ontario, Canada, May 20, 1861, and came to Polk county in 1878, his brother, James McDonald, having come to Blue Earth county, this state, two j-ears before. He changed his residence to Polk county the next year, and is still living here, as will be seen in a sketch of him else- where in this history. ^98 COMPENDIU:\r OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COrXTY Daniel IT. McDonald is a son of Donald and Ellen (Hannah) McDonald. He bought eighty acres of his present farm from the railroad company at $5 an acre, with a rebate of $2.50 an acre for l)reaking three- fourths of it, and three years later was allowed 50 cents an acre in addition for all he had under cultiva- tion. He worked out on other farms the first year but broke up eijjht acres of his own land although he had no buildings on it. In the winter he hauled wood. The next .year he rented for cash what he had plowed and broke up more, and so got twenty acres broken up in a short time. Soon afterward he bought the other half of the (piarter-section in which his land lies, and in four years he had 120 acres broken and got the rebate on it all. During this four years Mr. McDonald continued to work out and rented his own plowed land. He then built a little house and stable, but continued to make his home with his father, Donald McDonald, who came to the county two years after the son did. The father bought a homestead right and on this land he lived until his death on February 20, 1915, having survived liis wife fifteen years. He was a zealous Presbyterian and took the initiative in founding the Bethel church of that sect, and of this church he was a very active member the rest of his life. His son Daniel worked his own land and his father's until his marriage, which took place in 1889 and united him with Miss Tena Lee, a daughter of James and Tena (Nisbet) Lee, and also a native of Ontario, com- ing to this county with her parents when Mr. McDon- ald came. She died in 1899, leaving four children: Winifi'ed, who is a teacher in the Polk county schools; Earl, who was a student at school in Crookston ; and Lee and Lindsey, who, like Earl, are living at home with their father. Mr. McDonald's second marriage was with Miss Annie McDougall, also a Canadian by nativity, and occurred at Elphin, Ontario, March 2, 1904. They have four children, Grace, Gilbert, Maurice and Mar- vin. Since his first marriage Mr. McDonald has ad- ded 160 acres to his farm and it now comprises 320 acres, his last purchase costing him $23 an acre, with improvements. Ilis main dependence for a time was grain, but in late years he has devoted more attention to live stock, keeping regularly about thirtj' head of cattle with twelve milch cows. He has seventeen acres in potatoes and generally plants thirty in corn, and the buildings and other improvements on his place are good. The public affairs of his township have always in- terested Mr. McDonald and enlisted his service. He has served on the township board one term, being its chairman. He was also town-ship treasurer for three years and has been a member of the school board for many. His religious connection is with the Bethel Presbyterian church, of vsiiich he has been an elder for a long time and is now an occupant of that office. IVER HOYE. Born, reared and married in Norway, and coming to the United States and the Northwest in the full vigor of his young manhood at the age of twenty-four, Iver Hoye, who has a productive and attractive farm in section 8, Sullivan township, this county, which is known far and wide as the "Hoye Farm," brought to his new home a stimulating force which has been serviceably emploj'cd in pushing the further devel- opment and improvement of the locality in which he lives, as it was in doing the same in other localities in which he lived previous to settling where he is now. Mr. Hoye's life began in Norway February 28, 1854, and he remained in his native land until 1878, when he came to this country and located in "Winneshiek county, Iowa, where he remained one year. In 1879 he moved to Yellow JFedicine county, ^linnesota, where one of his sisters was living. He made his home with her until 1881, and then bought a homestead in Grand Forks county. North Dakota, near the village of Honeyford, twenty-five miles northwest of the city of Grand Forks, driving with oxen to his new home from Yellow Medicine county. JF.X.S OIl.XSTAD, M. I). COMPENDIU]\I OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 399 For a few years hail storms destroyed Mr. Hoye's crops on his homestead and he encountered many other discouragements. He discovered that his laud at best was none of the most choice, and after living on and cultivating it fourteen years he changed his base of operations to this county. In 1891 he bought a quarter of section 34 in Northland township, for which he paid $1,500, it being all wild land. In 1895 he came to this county to live, but instead of locating on his Northland township land he bought a quarter of section 8 in Sullivan township, two miles distant from his first piirchase, and has made his home on that ever since. This second purcliase in Polk county was made on a contract for 8,000 bushels of wheat to be delivered within a certain term of yeai's, and Mr. Hoye 's enterprise and good management in the opera- tion of his farms was such that he was able to meet the requirements of his contract promptly and with- out any default whatever. Mr. Hoye has since sold his Northland township farm and erected new buildings on the one in Sul- livan township. He has also bought a quarter section half a mile distant from his home place. By these deals he has made money through the advances in the value of the land. He raises grain principally on his two quarter sections and keeps ten to twelve cows of good grades. His interest in the welfare and advance- ment of the township in which he lives has always been warm and active. He has served on the school board for a number of years and has show-n his pro- grsssiveness and public spirit in many other ways. In his young manhood Mr. Hoye was married in his native land to Miss Ingeborg Wistad. They have had seven children, three of whom are living. One daugh- ter named Anna died at the age of sixteen. Another, who had the same name, died at the age of twelve. Theodore died when he was eight and Emma when she was four. The three living children are : Martin, who is still with his parents, and who has been the township assessor for four years ; Henry, who married Miss Alma Onneland, has two children and is living in Montana, and Matilda, who is the wife of Non^al J. Bolstad. The members of the family all belong to the Grand Marias Norwegian Lutheran church. JENS OHNSTAD, M. D. Jens Ohnstad, M. D., of Mcintosh, one of the lead- ing physicians of the county, was born in Dane county, Wisconsin, June 20, 1868. His parents were uatives of Norway and came to the United States in 1846 and were pioneer settlers of Dane coiinty, where his father is living at the close of a long and useful career, hav- ing reached his eighty-eighth year and being one or the few survivors among those who initiated the emi- gration of his compatriots to this country. Two brothers and a sister are also living at advanced ages, all having passed their eightieth year. Jens Ohnstad was reared on the Wisconsin homestead and was edu- cated in normal school at St. Ausgar, Iowa. He grad- uated in 1892 and in his early manhood engaged in teaching school in Fillmore county, Minnesota, using this work to secure the financial aid to attain to his professional ambitions. In 1899 he entered State University for a four-year course of study iu the college of physicians and surgeons and received his degree from that institution iu 1903 and iu October of that year located iu Mcintosh, where he has con- tinued to pursue his practice with eminent succes.s:, with the exception of two years, during which time he transferred his professional activities to Minne- apolis. Dr. Ohnstad has kept in touch with the prog- ress of medical science and has taken post-graduate courses in advanced scientific studies, in Chicago. He has gained a wide reputation for his skill and pro- fessional achievements and his able services have been distinguished by notable victories over serious epi- demics of malignant diseases. He has devoted every effort and interest to the duties of his vocation and has increased his opportunities for efficient service bv the establishment of the Dr. Ohnstad Hospital, 400 COilPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY which is amply equipped, with professional muscs in attendance, and has proved of unmeasured benefit to the community in providing immediate relief for local distress, obviating the disastrous delays entailed in reaching city hospitals. Dr. Ohnstad is that type; who, by their broad, progressive and unselfish service, furnish the substantial support of the welfare of any communitv and has made a most honorable record as a physician and citizen. He is a member of the Red River Valley, the Minnesota State and the American iledical associations, and in fraternal societies is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias and the Mod- ern Woodmen of America. He was married at Red Wing in 1908 to Jlabel Hooverson, of that place, who had resided for a time at Mcintosh. Two sons have been born to them, Peter Rolf and Karsten Jerdee. JOHN N. BOLSTAD. Although a native of a foreign land in which his ancestors lived for many generations, John N. Bolstad, one of the enterprising and successful farmei-s of Sullivan township, this county, has passed the whole of his life to the present time, except the first four months of it, in the United States and the Northwest. He was boni in Norway March 15, 1858, and was brought to this country by his father, Niles Bolstad, in July of the same year. The parents settled in Crawford county, Wisconsin, and passed the remain- der of their days there. They converted a tract of wild timber land into a good farm on which they both died. Their son John remained at home until he reached the age of twenty-one. His father died when the son was twelve years old, and although the latter had four sisters older than himself, the management of the farm rested largely on him and his brother Nels, who op- erated it under the supervision of their mother. Nels now owns the home place. Another brother, Louis, is a homesteader in Bowman county. North Dakota, and their sister Josephine, the wife of Ole Miller, a retired farmer, lives in East Grauk Forks. This sister accom- panied John to Polk county in 1879. Each of them took up a homestead, the two comprising the northeast and southeast quarters of section 28 in Northland township, and each built a shanty. Josephine proved up and paid all that was required on her claim, and remained on it until she sold it when she moved to East Grand Forks. She was married to Mr. Miller in 1882. The shanty built by John N. Bolstad on his home- stead M'as twelve feet in size each way and had a board roof covered with tar paper. He and his sister worked their land together as they had opportunity. But as they had only $7 or $8 between them at the start they were obliged to work for other persons in order to live. The sister worked in Grand Forks and John N. obtained employment on the great Grandin wheat farm in Dakota in the summer of 1879. In a little while he bought a pair of steers and with them he broke up what ground he could that year. But his land was low and flat, and it was generally too wet to plow until June, and crops sown after that would not mature. Owing to the conditions told above Mr. Bolstad rented a farm in Dakota for three years, and when the third year brought him good crops he traded his oxen for three mules and bought two horses. Meanwhile he had held on to liis homestead and kept on working on it. In 1886 he rented the farm on which he now lives, which then belonged to William Colby. It contained all of section 7 except eighty acres, but it had not been properly cared for. Mi-. Bolstad plowed 100 acres that had been without crops for a number of years and obtained good returns for his labor. After rent- ing tliis farm for several years he bought one-half of it at !f!27 an acre and a few- years later bought the other half at a higher price. Mr. Bolstad has devoted his attention principally to raising grain. He has erected all the buildings on the place, lias a deep well with a wind pump and a COaiPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF FOLIC COUNTY 401 pressure tank to force the water to all parts of his house and barn and many other modern conveniences. A few years ago he sold the north half of the section to his son Norval, hut in 1914 he bought an additional tract of 160 acres at $65 an acre, and he now cultivates all he owns. He helped to organize Northland town- ship and obtained a good deal of employment from W. C. Nash, the first settler in it. In Sullivan town- ship he has served several years as a member of the township board and the school board. In 1883 Mr. Bolstad was married in this county to Miss Bertha Jaeobson, who came to the Northwest with her father, Jacob Jaeobson, and her married sister, Mrs. Anna Christlund, and took up her residence with them on a farm in Dakota. She afterward lived with her brother, Hans Jaeobson, on his homestead in the northwest quarter of section 6, in Sullivan township, where his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Bolstad have had four children, but only one, their son Norval J. Bolstad, is living. Their first born, Matilda, died when .she was fifteen. Norval J. was born on the farm and has passed the whole of his life to the present time on it. He was educated in the local and the Grand Forks schools, and has now been operating his part of the home farm for two years. He married Miss Matilda Hoye, the daughter of Iver Hoye, who lives on the adjoining section. Three children have been born of their union, Joseph, Bernice and Florence. All the members of btoh fami- lies belong to the Grand Marias Lutheran church, of which John N. Bolstad is an original member and was one of the men who built the church edifice. EDWARD LA BARGE. Having come to the locality in which he now lives in the early days before there were any internal im- provements in it and while it was yet largely in its primeval state of wildness, Edward La Barge, who is now one of the enterprising and prosperous farmers of Sullivan township, this county, was called upon to experience many of the hardships of frontier life, as was also his wife, but they endured them with pa- tience and an unyielding detei-mination to overcome all difficulties and make their way to independence. Mr. La Barge was born at Hudson, St. Croix county, Wisconsin, January 10, 1861, and is a son of David La Barge, who located on a farm near Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1849. The father converted his wild land near Fond du Lac into a good farm and some years later moved to St. Croi.x country in the same state. His son, Edward, remained with his par- ents until 1880, working on the home farm in sum- mer and driving teams in the lumber woods and logs on the St. Croix river in winter. In 1880 he came to Polk county to get land for himself with only about $50 in money, but he bought the Southwest quarter of Section 9, Sullivan township, of the rail- I'oad company for $750, and on it he has since made liis home. He broke up his land as rapidly as he could, board- ing at a neighbor's while doing it, and hiring some help in the operation. In the spring of 1881 he bought four horses, intending to push the improve- ment of his farm rapidly. But the land was low and wet, hail storms came and other disasters to his crops followed in almost continuous succession, so that some years elapsed before he raised any crops worth speaking of. During all this time the Grand Marais was often full of water and totally unbridged, and all who crossed it with teams were obliged to swim their horses, as the water was often twelve feet deep. Once, when Mr. La Barge was taking a seeder across it got tangled up in the heavy tall grass which grew in the Marais and the horses could not pull it out. He was forced to unhook his team and abandon the seeder, and it was not found until more than a month later when the water subsided. Owing to his inability to raise crops for seven or eight years Mr. La Barge spent the winters in the Wisconsin lumber woods and used his teams there. 402 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AXD BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY lie afterward worked about the same period iu the lumber woods of Minuesota. In the winter of 1896 he took a contract for lumbering near Black Duck and had a camp of his own. lie employed ten men in carrj'ing out his contract and got out about one million feet of lumber. That winter Jlrs. La Barge passed the winter in the camp and acted as cook. Her husband had a timber claim near the place, but this he has since sold. The first house Mr. La Barge built on his land was a tar paper shanty. In that he lived as a bache- lor three summers while working his farm, and in it afterward his wife kept hou.se three years. Part of their present dwelling was built in 1889 and the rest in 1903. The fine bam now on the place was erected in 1915. ]\Irs. La Barge's maiden name was Jessie Johnson and she was born in Pierce county, "Wiscon- sin, Init her marriage to ]\Ir. La Barge took place in St. Croix county of that state. They have no chil- dren. The principal industry of the farm has been rais- ing grain, full-blooded Shorthorn cattle and graded hogs. Twelve to fourteen milk cows supply large quantities of butter for customers in the city. Horses are also raised to some extent. Jlr. La Barge has sei*ved on the school board but has sought no other office. For twenty years he operated a threshing out- fit, wearing out three engines and several separators. His present engine is a tractor. He is one of the best known threshermen in the Red river valley. In 1903 Mr. La Barge took a contract to dig eleven miles of ditch for the county, extending from the Jlarais into Keystone township, the amount of money to be paid for his work being $7,200. He let the greater part of the w'ork to sub-contractors, but dug about two miles of the ditch himself. His record in this coiuity shows impressively that persistency and pluck are winning factors in the battle of life. In spite of all his difficulties and setbacks he now has a fine farm which is well improved and highly pro- ductive. JERRY DRISCOLL. Pleasantly located on a fine farm comprising the Northwest quarter of Section 34 and the Northeast quarter of Section 33, in Sullivan township, Jerry Driscoll has a substantial acquisition to show as the result of his thirty-six years of life and labor in this county. His farm is five miles east of Grand Forks, and one mile north and four miles east of the farm made memorable in this locality as having been the home of his father and his brothers, Michael, John, James and Thomas Driscoll, all well known residents of Sullivan townsliip for many years. Jerry Driscoll was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, April 19, 1858, and in the spring of 1879 he came to Polk countj% Minnesota, arriving here just before the twenty-first anniversary of his birth. He lived and worked with his father and brothers until 1892, when he moved to his present farm, the first quarter-section of which was taken up by him as a tree claim and afterward changed to a homestead. During the same year be built the dwelling house which he now occupies. The other part of his farm, the Northeast quarter of Section 33, was a part of his father's estate, which he had helped to purchase of the railroad company at $6 or $6.50 an acre, with a rebate for breaking it up. His whole life in Minnesota to the present time (1916) has been pa.ssed on these two farms, his father's and his own. He i*aises wheat, oats and barley, keeps twenty-five head of graded Shoi'thorn cattle and milks eight to ten cows. He has studiously kept out of political tangles and resisted all importunities to become a candidate for any public office, finding at all times plenty to full.y occupy his time and attention in his own affairs. On November 10, 1896, Mr. Driscoll was united in marriage with Miss Minnie Genereau, the daughter of Paul and Selina ( ) Genereau, na- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 403 fives of Canada who came to this county in 1881 and are now living on the Point in East Grand Foi'ks. Mrs. Driscoll was born in ^lichigan. She and her hus- band are the parents of three children, James, George and Linus. James is a student at the high school in East Grand Forks. All the members of the family belong to the Catholic church of the Sacred Heart in East Grand Forks. ANDREW PETERSON. Andrew Peterson, a well known business man of East Grand Forks, is a native of Sweden, born Feb- ruary 22, 1864. He was reared on a farm in that country and came to the United States when nineteen >ears of age and for a number of years lived at Fargo, North Dakota. In 1891 he removed to Grand Forks and two years* later to Ea.st Grand Foi-ks where he embarked in the restaurant business. From a capital of fifteen dollars he has won his way to success and substantial prosperit.y, with a career of creditable ac- complishment in the local commercial activities. His liusiness interests have been confined to the hotel and restaurant business and to the management of his farming property. As an extensive property owner in both East Grand Forks and Polk county, his influence has ever been a factor in the promotion and develop- ment of the best interests of the community. He has invested some thirty-five thousand dollars in city prop- erty, owning a number of residences and has erected two business blocks on De Mers avenue. His farming interests have been equallj^ profitable and here his attention has been given mainly to the cultivation of grain, the annual crops attesting to able management and intelligent farming. This property is situated in Grand Forks township, where he owns a half section, two and a half miles north of East Grand Forks and in Northland township, where he operates a quarter section. Mr. Peterson was married in 1892, in Grand Forks, to Ellen Satten, who was born in Norway and they have two children, Bertha, and Arthur, who is in the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad. Mrs. Peterson is a member of the Zion Lutheran church. TORKEL G. ANDERSON. Torkel G. Anderson, a successful farmer and well known citizen of Bygland township, is one of the pio- neers of the county, having settled on the land which is his present home in 1874. He was born in Nor- way, October .30, 1852, and in 1861, a lad of nine years, accompanied his family to Dane county, Wisconsin. Five years later, his father, Gunder Anderson, re- moved to Stearns county, Minnesota, and there resided until 1876, when he followed his son to Polk county and bought forty acres of railroad land in Fisher town- ship, on the Red Lake river and continued to reside there until his death in 1909, at the age of eighty-two. Another son, A. G. Anderson, also located in Fisher township in 1876, where he is a well known farmer and a daughter, Gunhild, became the wife of Ole Paul- son. Torkel Anderson made the trip to Minnesota and later from Stearns county to Polk county by the primitive use of ox teams and in the fall of 1874 drove oxen through to Winnipeg, where scarcity of supply and abundance of demand, enabled him to se- cure from $180 to $200 for a team. His homestead lay in section ten of Bygland township and he later bought a quarter section of railroad land in section eleven. During the first years of his operations he suffered loss of crops through hail and endured the various hardships which visit the pioneer farmer, slowly win- ning his way, by unfailing industry and thrift to suc- cess and prosperity. For eighteen years, he operated a threshing outfit and owned the first steam thresher in the township and has invested extensively in farm machinery, availing himself of advanced and efficient methods in agricultural activities. He has given par- 404 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY ticular atteiitioii lo the raising of small grain and also has his place well stoeked with cattle and horses. Mr. Anderson is a man whose enterprise and ability have carried his influence and activity beyond the marked success of his private interests and have made him a leader in tlie jiromotion of best intei'csts and progress of the community in which he lives. He has given able service on the township board and was ac- tive in the organization and building of the local church, of which he is still a loyal supporter. He was united in mari-iage to Miss Aspar Isaacson, wliose death occurred in 1908. Six children were born to this union, of whom five survive, Torand, the wife of Ben Krostue, of Thief River Falls; Gunder, who is living at the same place ; Isaac, Toney, and Birget, who live in Dakota, the former being the wife of Mr. Gunder- son ; and Nora, who resides in Bygland township. A son Ormand, died in his sixteenth year. Isaac Ander- son lives on the home farm and is as.sociated with his father in its management. He was married to Julia Qualick and tliey have five children, Tovald, Aspar, Emma, Oscar and Anna. THOMAS D. STEWART. Thomas D. Stewart, a well known pioneer farmer of Polk county, now living retired on his farm in Huntsville township, is a native of Canada, born in County Lanark, Ontario, February 9, 1854. At an early age he became employed in the lumber woods and worked as a lumberman for a number of years, thriftily saving from his wages to later finance his farming venture. In 1878 he came to tlie United States and took a preemption claim in Grand Forks county. North Dakota, but the soil proving unsatis- factory he soon removed to Polk county wliere he pur- chased a quarter section of railroad land in Nesbit township. He owned two yoke of oxen and witli these he broke ten acres for his first year's crop and was able to clear quite a sum of money selling ties and cord wood to the railroad. With thrifty management and industry, his farming venture prospered steadily and he soon built up a fine farm propertj'. After eighteen years in Nesbit township, he sold the tract and purchased four hundred and sixty acres in sec- tion eleven of Huntsville township and this place has continued to l>e his home. His principal interest has been the cultivation of grain and his wheat crop alone in some years has yielded some six thousand bushels. Of later years he extended his activities to stock farm- ing, starting a herd of thoroughbred cattle. In 1912, after many years of successful and creditable accom- plishment, he retired from the active management of Ills estate and the operation of the farm lias been as- sumed by his sons. Robert Stewart and Stanley Stew- art. Throughout the yeai-s of his residence in Polk county, Mr. Stewart has given his influence and serv- ice in all matters of vital import in the development of the conununity life and has earned the respect accorded to the public spirited intelligent citizenry of a commonwealth. As a pioneer of Nesbit township he assisted in the organization of the disti-ict, when it was named in honor of one of its earliest settlers, David Nesl>it, and subsequently served during his resi- dence there in various official capacities, as township treasurer, chairman of the township board and clerk of the school board. In Huntsville township he has been prominently identified in the promotion or edu- cational progress, particularly in the district in which he lives, the organization of the local school having been effected through his indefatigable interest and preserving efforts in the face of opposition. Mr. Stewart was married in March, 1880, at Fisher, to Agnes Ferguson, whom he had known in his Ontario home. A year after the marriage, her parents fol- lowed her to Polk county, settling on land in Hunts- ville township which is now included as part of the Stewart farm. Her father, James Ferguson, is now a resident of East Grand Forks. Seven children were born to Mr. Stewart and his wife, Ida, who married Joseph Mills, a surveyor, located at Granada, Minne- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 405 sota; Robert; Edith, the wife of Lee Bryson, a Polk county farrnei", living near Euclid ; Kate, who married Willie McDonald, a farmer near Mallory; Maggie, Stanley and Ella. These children and Mr. Stewart survive the death of the mother and wife, whose death occurred in 1906. Robert Stewart and Stanley Stewart are among the capable and progressive younger generation of farmers and are capably carry- ing on the labors of the pioneer father. Robert Stewart was married to Mabel McDonald, sister of Willie McDonald and they have four children, Donald, Bert, Dorothy and Marian. ANN COX. Among the pioneer families of the county, none were more actively associated with the early history and development than the Cox family, who settled here in 1872. They were of Irish descent and came to Minnesota from Ontario, Canada. Ann Cox and Johannah, who married Paul Jones were the last of the five brothers and sisters wdio were early settlers of Polk county. Mrs. Jones ' death occurred December 17, 1915, and Miss Cox passed away January 22, 1916. Catherine Cox was married to James Rowe, previous to coming to the county and died here in 1875. Miles Cox joined the others in 1879 and took a claim in Iluntsville township, near the farm of Paul Jones and made his home there until his death about ten years ago. He is survived by two children, Thomas C!ox and Mary Ann Cox, who married Peter McManus. In 1872 the land had not yet been surveyed and broth- ers and sisters each selected a tract of land which they later purchased as railroad land. Both Patrick Cox and his brother-in-law, James Rowe, located on the north side of the Red Lake river, the former's land being in .section thirty-six of Huutsville township. where he became a well known citizen and farmer and acquired much local fame as a hunter. James Rowe later sold his property and removed to Saskatchewan. Ann Cox shared with her brothers the experiences of pioneer days, sturdily weathering the hardships and capably meeting all the responsibilities of the times. She secured a homestead in section two of Bygland township, which she later sold and upon the death of her brother Patrick Cox, purchased his farm, which adjoins that of Paul Jones, where she made her home with her sister. Prom the experiences of the early days, she recalled many interesting tales of significant events which can claim few living witnesses; the his- torical value of the story being enhanced by the gift of a keen observant mind. Ann Cox was a notable type of pioneer womanhood which had always founded the solid fabric of social organization, trained in the rigorous school of service to discern the true values of life. She with the other members of the family were members and faithful supporters of the Sacred Heart Catholic church at East Grand Forks. AUGUST NELSON. August Nelson, of East Grand Forks, for many years a leading farmer of that region and identified with business activities as a director in the First Na- tional bank, has been a resident of Polk county since 1877. He was born in Sweden, July 12, 1848, and came to this country, a young man of twenty-one years ; locating in Duluth, where he secured work in a sawmill and for the next eight years continued to be employed in the mill or in lumber woods. Thrifty management during this time enabled him to realize his desire to become a farmer and an owner of land, and removing to Polk county he took a home- stead in Sullivan township, five miles northeast of East Grand Forks. His former employers furnished 406 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY him the lumber for his first home and he entered upon a career marked with the creditable achievement of the man who rises throuj^h his own efforts to success and affluence. He added steadily to his property and now owns eight hundred acres which is operated as one farm, is one of the largest estates in the western part of the county and equipped with good buildings and modern efficient methods for stock and grain farming is also one of the most profitable farms in the region. Aside from this enterprise, Mr. Nelson is associated with various important business interests, being one of the original directors and stockholders of the First National bank, a stockholder and director in the Arneson Mercantile company and was for- merly a stockholder in a boat operating on Red river. Since 1905 he has resided in East Grand Forks, where of late years, ill health has confined him to his home and necessitated his retirement from business activi- ties. Mr. Nelson is a member of the Ziou Lutheran fliurcli and was actively influential in the organiza- tion of the Grand Marias Lutheran church. He has been three times married. The first marriage was con- tracted in Duluth and six children were born to that union, three of whom are now living. Edward, who is engaged in the grocery business at Centennial, Wyoming, Annie, the wife of Oscar Ulve, a farmer of Sullivan township, and Carl who operates a part of his father's estate. To the second union, with Martha Brandon, of Grand Forks, two children were boin, William, with the Arneson Mercantile com- pany and a director in the company, and John, em- ployed in the offices of the Great Northern railroad, at East Grand Forks. On October 17, 1905, Mr. Nelson was married to Annie Peterson Anderson, the widow of Nels Anderson, of Grand Forks. Mrs. Nelson has two children by her former marriage, Oscar Ander- son, who lives at St. Paul and Lillian Anderson, who makes her home with her mother. L. S. KOLDEN. As a merchant, banker and farmer L. S. Kolden, cashier of the State Bank of Neilsville and president of the State Bank of Leonard, Minnesota, has had a busy and productive life to the present time (1916), and one that has been of great service to the com- munities in which he has operated. He was born in Norway August 28, 1857, and became a resident of the United States in 1873. After his arrival in this country he lived eight years in Wisconsin and devoted seven of them to clerking in a drug store at Sparta in that state, during which he exhibited fine business ability. In 1881 he moved to Ada, Norman county, Minne- sota, and for two years clerked in a general store there, then srtarted a general store of his own at Neils- ville, which he conducted with great success for nine years. He began his business on a capital of $1,000 and sold it at a handsome profit in 1891, having built it up to large proportions and made the store widely popular and its trade very extensive and active. When the railroad was built through Neilsville he started a lumber yard, which he continued to operate continuously for three years. During almost the whole of his residence at Neilsville until 1911 he was also engaged in cultivating his fine farm of 290 acres, which lies close to the village and is one of the most valuable and attractive in Hubbard township. Since 1911 tenants have farmed it. In July, 1911, Mr. Kolden was elected cashier of the State Bank of Neilsville, and he has held that position ever since greatly to the advantage of the bank and its patrons. He is treasurer of Hubbard township and has been all of the last fifteen years, and has served as school treasurer or clerk continuously for twenty-two years. He is also treasurer of St. Peter's Lutheran church at Neilsville. Mr. Kolden was married in 1883 to Miss Mary Christianson, who was also a resident of Wisconsin while he was living in that state. They have one child, their daughter Lucy Clara, who is now the wife of AXDEEVV OPHEIM COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 407 David Payne, a partuer of Mr. Kolden in a lumber business at Holt, Minnesota. Mr. Kolden and his brother, S. S. Kolden, are also keeping an agricul- tural implement store at Holt, and for some years they handled hardware also in it. They have had charge of this store six years. In 1915 Mr. Kolden organized the State Bank of Leonard, Clearwater county, on the Soo railroad line, and he is president of that bank. The State Bank of Neilsville was organized July 18, 1904, with a capital of $10,000. It now has a surplus of $3,000 and deposits amounting to $134,000, w bile its loans and discounts amount to $132,000. The banking house occupied by the institution was built in 1904 by Nels Muns and A. D. Stevens. The bank was known as the Stevens bank until 1906, when B. B. Larson and Norman Rosholt bought it and changed its name to the State Bank of Neilsville. L. S. Kol- den was chosen cashier in 1911. The bank is in a flourishing condition and carrying on a general bank- ing business of extensive and steadily increasing scope and volume. ANDREW OPHEIM. Entering this section of the state of Minnesota and the Northwest while it was still largely an unbroken wilderness and founding a business which soon be- came, and has continued, a leader in its line ; taking a very active and helpful part in laying the founda- tions of civilization in the section and giving its pub- lic institutions form and direction, and using his wide acquaintance and strong personal influence to bring settlers into the region, the late Andrew Opheim, whose death occurred at his home in Fertile April 5, 1915, was, for a period of thirty-three years, one of Polk county's most useful, representative and esteemed citizens, and well deserved his rank. Mr. Opheim was born in Voss, Norway, November 14, 1844, the son of Styrk and Anna (Opheim) Opheim, also natives of that country, who passed their lives in it and whose mortal remains were at last laid to rest in its soil, which they had hallowed by their long and productive labors. The sou was reared in hia native land and obtained his education in its pub- lic schools, completing it at one of the excellent nor- mal schools it contains. He taught school for a few years in Norway after attaining his majority, then came to the United States, arriving in 1871 and locat- ing in Dane county, Wisconsin, where he passed two years. From there he went to Chicago and was em- ployed as a laborer in that city until 1875, when he moved into Southern Minnesota. There he worked on farms and taught school until 1882. In that year he came to Aldal and entered into partnership with the late Dr. Arne Nelson in a general merchandising and drug business, which they conducted at that place until 1887, then moved both stock and building to Fertile. Their business grew and flourished at Fer- tile, as it had done at Aldal, and they became as widely and favorably known as merchants and pro- gressive, enterprising and public-spirited citizens as any residents of the Northwest have ever been. Their partnership continued until 1893. In that year it was dissolved by mutual consent and the business was divided, Mr. Opheim taking over the general mer- chandising department and Dr. Nelson the drug stock and trade. In 1895 Mr. Opheim erected at Fertile the building which bears his name and is one of the best in that village. The business founded by him is still con- ducted in it by his nephew, Odd Eide, a sketch of whom appears in this work. Mr. Opheim was one of the founders of the First State Bank of Fertile and served it as a director until his death on April 5, 1915, at which time he was also vice president of the bank. He long took an active interest in the Feiiile Brick and Tile company and was one of its directors to the end of his life. His political allegiance was given to the Republican party and he was an ardent and effective worker for its success in all campaigns. 408 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Locally he took an energetic and serviceable part iu public affairs, serving as president of the village of Fertile for ten terms. Fraternally he belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was zeal- ous in his membership and his devotion to the fra- ternity. As Air. Opheim never married he was able to give earnest attention to every public interest, and he did this diligently. CHARLES NELSON. Living retired from active pursuits in his pleasant home at Climax, this county, Charles Nelson has plenty of food for interesting meditations in the many features and numerous thrilling experiences of his long years of useful labor. He was born at Num- medal, Norway, June 30, 1844, and lost his mother by death when he was but two years, seven months old. In 1857 his father brought him to the Uniter", States, locating in Dane county, Wisconsin. In 1862 Mr. Nelson and his father moved to Kandi- yohi county, Minnesota, with a view to bettering their opportunities for advancement. But the time was badly chosen, for six weeks after their arrival and the filing on a preemption claim by the father the Sioux outbreak came and, with many others, the new- comers were obliged to leave that part of the state. Many of the settlers gathered on Indian island, and on the historical Wednesday afternoon of that period thirteen neighbors of the Nelsons were massaei'ed by the Indians there. Mr. Nelson and others afterward visited the neighborhood to ascertain if there were any wounded persons on it, but they found only dead bodies. Sixteen wagonloads of fleeing settlers left the coun- try Saturday morning under the guard of an escort, which conducted them well out into the prairie and then left them. The teams proceeded to Paynesville and from there to Goodhue county. The Nelsons never returned to their claim, and the father passed the remainder of his life in Goodhue county, where he died at the age of fifty-two. Charles' brother Nels died in 1901 by falling from a tree which he was prun- ing. Charles remained in Red Wing working at his trade as a painter until 1878, when he was married iu Minneapolis to Miss Carrie Olson Romoe of Good- hue county, whither slie was brought by her parents from her native town of Stordalen, Trondhjem Stift, Norway, when she was twelve j-ears old. After spending some months at the home of his wife's parents he visited Crookston and other parts of Polk county on a tour of inspection, in July, 1879, and in May, 1880, bought a proved-up homestead of 120 acres of Halvor Steenerson in Section 29, Vine- land township. He also bought 200 acres of railroad land at an average price of $7.50 an acre with a rebate of $3 an acre on all that he broke and seeded within three years. He broke up three-fourths of the tract and got it sowed, and thereby he saved the rebate on that much. On April 17, 1880, Mr. Nelson arrived at Crook- ston with a carload of live stock and farming imple- ments, and the wife and ohild arriving in May. When the railroad was constructed through here it was built along the section line nearly the whole length of his land, and when Climax was made a railroad station Mr. Nelson sold a part of his land along the road in town lots, and he has since sold more, as the village of Climax is partly on his farm, and his own residence is in the village, although the farm build- ings are half a mile away. The Nelson farm now contains 295 acres. Mr. Nel- son cultivated it in wheat, oats and barley for about twenty years, and since he retired it has been farmed by tenants under his direction. He has served four years on the village council of Climax, l)ut has given his attention mainly to his farm. In politics he is a Democrat, but in connection with local affairs he is independent of party ties. His first presidential vote was cast for Gen. George B. McClellan in 1868. His religious connection is with the Lutheran church at COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF PODK COUNTY 409 Climax, but he was confirmed in a class with R. B. Anderson, the Scandinavian writer of Wisconsin, in a church near his old home built the year of his birth, which is the center of Norsk activity in Wisconsin. He and his wife have had six children. Nels Olaf, the tirst bom, died in 1911, aged thirty-two. Carl Marcus is a rural mail carrier at Climax. Clara Cecilia is the wife of Jas. Crook, of near Beach, North Dakota. Lilly, who formerly taught the Climax and other Polk county schools, is the wife of C. N. Knutson, as- sistant cashier of the State Bank of Climax. Valborg is the wife of Gust Benrud, of Goodhue county, and Ralph Melvin is a student at the high school in Crookston. OLE ENGEN. Having passed many years in hard labor making portions of this western wilderness of his earlier days docile and systematically productive for the service of mankind, Ole Engen, formerly an energetic, enter- prising and progi'essive farmer iu three big western states, is now living retired from all active pursuits and enjoying in peaceful leisure the fruits of his labors at his comfortable home in the village of Climax. He was born in Norway June 17, 1854, and was brought to this country in 1857 by his parents, Ole N. and Mary Engen, who settled in Houston county and were among the earliest Norwegians who came to Minnesota. The father bought a pre-emption claim iu Hous- ton county and the son remained with his parents until he reached the age of twenty-five years. In 1879 he went to Traill county, North Dakota, where he obtained a pre-emption and a homestead claim, both of which he improved and on which he lived fifteen years. During that period he improved three prairie farms in North Dakota and erected build- ings on all of them. He found the winter winds too strong to be agreeable, and the unpleasant ones not confined to the winter season, and he longed for a landscape with stretches of timber in it. Yielding to his ardent desire in 1894, Mr. Engen then returned to Polk county, Minnesota, and bought 163 acres of land on the Red river adjoining the farm of Christopher Steenerson, three miles and a half west of Climax. He made his purchase of Jens Siverson, paying him $3,200 for the 163 aei-es out of the proceeds of his North Dakota property, which he sold before 2(5 leaving that state. Later he purchased another tract of eighty acres, and for this he paid $25 an acre, and for nearly ten years he cultivated these lands. About 1904 Mr. Engen desired a change of climate, and in search of it he went to Montana and procured one and a half sections of land, one section being desert land, fifty miles west of the city of Great Falls. He occupied, improved and cultivated this land nearly three years, then sold it to advantage and returned to his home in this county, and farmed two years. Then passed a year and a half in Crookston and at the end of that period took up his residence in the vil- lage of Climax. Mr. Engen 's agricultural operations comprised gen- eral farming and raising Shorthorn cattle. His farm is well adapted to live stock breeding and he used it extensively for that purpose. He served on the town- ship board while living in North Dakota and has also been a member of the village council of Climax. He was married in Houston county, Minnesota, to Miss Maria Classen, a native of Iowa and eighteen years old at the time of her marriage, while he was in his twenty-third year. She died December 19, 1909, at the family home in Climax, aged a little over fifty years. Seven children were bom in the Engen family, and six of them are living. Olof is on a homestead of his own near Leech lake, Minnesota. Alfred lives on and cultivates Andrew Steenerson 's farm near Climax. Amanda is the wife of Martin Erickson, a merchant at Climax. Non*is C. runs a garage at Climax. Severt T. also lives at Climax. Cora is the wife of Alfred 410 COMPENDIUM OF HISTOKY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Carlson, who is on his homestead near Leech lake and lis a school teacher as well as a farmer. He has taught the Climax school. The members of the family are all Lutherans, and the father is an oiEcial in the con- of a hunter in his time, and has a fine deer head, Artis- tically mounted, in his home, its owner having been one of the victims of his prowess as a Nimrod. lie also has a cane of diamond willow grown on his Mou- gregation to which he belongs. He has been something tana farm and richly carved by himself. NORMAN ROSHOLT. This highly capable and accomplished banker and business man, who has been the cashier of the State Bank of Climax since 1899, was born in Waupaca county, Wisconsin, September 26, 1874, and moved to Minnesota in 1897. He passed two years at Halsted as assistant cashier of the bank at that place, whicli is under the same management as the one at Climax, and in 1899 was assigned to duty in his present posi- tion. He gives the affairs of the bank his close and careful personal attention, and its business has flour- ished vigorously under his judicious management. Mr. Rosholt seeks recreation in local hunting trips and fishing expeditions to the lakes of Minnesota, es- pecially those in Ottertail and Polk counties. His interest in banking matters has led him into active membership in the State and National Bankers' asso- ciations and he takes a helpful part in their pro- ceedings. In 1903 he was united in marriage with Miss Gertrude M. Johnson, of Houston county, this state. They have one child, their daughter Thelma. Mrs. Rosholt is a daughter of the late Hon. Tosten Johnson, at one time state senator from Houston county, member of the state house of representatives at another time, and also for some years a member of the state board of equalization. He served in the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery during the Civil war, and after the close of that sanguinary contest was a farmer in Houston count}'. He passed his last years in Climax and died at the home of Mr. Ros- holt in that village in 1914, nearly eighty years old, and universally esteemed throughout the state. The State Bank of Climax was founded in 1897 and the banking house it occupies was buiiL the same year. It has a capital and surplus of $25,000 and deposits aggregating over $185,000 at this time (January, 1916). B. B. Larson is president; James Larson vice president; Norman Rosholt cashier, and C. M. Kuut- son assistant cashier. Mr. Rosholt is in partnei'ship with B. B. Larson and they have four state banks in their ownership and under their management. One is at Halsted, and was established in 1892. Another is at Neilsville, another at Eldred and the fourth at Climax. They are all doing well and held in high regard in the communities in which they operate. CHRISTOPHER STEENERSON. Belonging to a prominent and influential family, Christopher Steenerson, who retired from the office of postmaster of Climax, this county, in 1914, after having filled it acceptably for a period of thirty years, has served his adopted land as well and worth- ily in his way as his distinguished brother, Hon. Hal- vor Steenerson, has in liis in the halls of congress and his other brothers have in their quieter but not less fruitful ways in their chosen lines of endeavor in this new home of their familj', which they have all done their pai't to improve, strengthen and magnify. Christopher Steenerson was born in Norway Feb- ruary 22, 1850, and became a resident of Polk county, ilinnesota, in 1875. He was graduated from the nor- mal department of Luther College at Decorah, Iowa, in 1868, and for two years attended the State Normal School in Winona, Jlinnesota, soon after it was opened. In the meantime, between the ages of sixteen and ANSON CHARLES MERRILL COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 411 twenty-five, he taught school in Houston county, this state, and he also taught two winters in Polk county after locating here, being the first teacher in what is now Vinelaud township. His first school was kept in his own cabin on his claim in 1876. His services were given free of cost to the pupils and State Super- intendent Burt supplied the necessary books. Twelve students attended this school, some of them being grown persons newly arrived fi'om Europe. Mr. Steenerson settled on a section of school land on which another man had built a shack. Finding that he was on a school section, the first comer had abandoned it and the shack served Mr. Steenerson as a home and a schoolhouse. It was 24 by 14 feet in size and very crude in construction. The pioneer school teacher had driven sixty head of cattle to tliis section from Houston county. His brother Levi was his partner in the enterprise, and the cattle were driven to Pembina, where part of them were sold and the rest were disposed of in Winnipeg after reaching that city. After this trip Mr. Steenerson went to IMoorhead and built a flat boat for shiping grain. He loaded his own and his brother Levi's grain on this boat and the grain of some other persons, and with about 2,000 bushels on board started down the river. The time wa.s November and ice was forming in the river. Progress became slow, and about ten miles south of Winnipeg the boat was frozen in. This event hap- pened at a mill on the river, however, and although the grain was sold in Winnipeg it was left at the mill. This was in 1876 and the last of the shipment of grain in that way at a profit. In 1877 Estenson school district No. 6 was organ- ized and the school house was located about three miles from Mr. Steenerson 's farm. He taught this school the first winter it was in operation, and it was the fii"st public school taught in that region. Before the end of 1877 he was elected county school super- intendent, the first occupant of that office, and he filled it until he was elected clerk of the district court in 1879. At the end of one term as clerk of the district court he took a pre-emption claim in Clearwater county, on which he lived three years and was en- gaged in lumbering ou the Clearwater river. He then returned to his Polk county farm, ou which he has made his home ever since. It is one mile and a half from Climax. The first postoffice in this neigliborliood was that of Meos, which was established about 1878, the name being that of Mr. Steenerson 's father's farm in Nor- way, and his father was appointed postmaster. When Christopher returned from Clearwater county the of- fice was moved to liis home and he was made post- master. At that time the name of the office was changed to Climax, and when the railroad was built in 1896 he moved the office to the station and induced the railroad company to adopt the same name for it. But this did not happen until some months after the trains had begun running. He also built tlie house in which the postoffice is now located. ISlr. Steenei'son owns 300 acres of land and lias it nearly all under ciiltivation. He manages his farming operations with vigor and raises good crops as the result of his industry, judgment and skill as a farmer. In addition to all his other public activities he has served as a justice of the peace from the time of his arrival in the township. Late in life he was united in marriage with Miss Dorothy Lee. They have no children. ANSON CHARLES MERRILL. The late Anson C. Merrill, who lived on Section 10, Fisher township, two miles north of the village of Fisher, was one of the greatest farmei-s Polk county has ever had, and when death cut short his usefulness on January 21, 1897, at the early age of thirty-four years, everybody who knew him or of him felt that a career of imperial magnitude and consequence had come to an unfortunate and verj' untimely end. Mr. 412 COMPENDIU.M OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COINTY Merrill was born in Illinois October 10, 1863, aud came to Polk county in his boyhood with his parents, J. B. and Polly (Braiuerd) Merrill. The family located on the farm which is a part of the one owned aud operated bj' the widow of their son Anson C, the father having sold it to him when he was ready to take charge of it. The parents then moved to Fisher, and there the father kept a general store in partner- ship with his son, C. B. ]\Ierrill, until the father died as the result of an accident, his wife also pa.ssing away at Fisher five years afterward. Some time later C. B. Merrill moved to the state of Washington. A. A. Merrill, another son of the fam- ily, was a farmer in Nesbit township, one mile north of the old family home, and died on his farm in July, 1014. The members of his family are still living on that farm. Still another son, G. E. Memll, owned a farm half a mile east of the old home. He is now liv- ing at Hood River, in the state of Oregon. Their sis- ter Ella is the wife of 0. J. Tinkham, of Fisher town- ship. The elder Mr. Merrill owned a considerable body of land which became the property of his children. Anson C. got the old home place of 160 acres, and to this he kept adding by successive purchases until he owned two whole sections and a quarter of another one, also 40 acres of timber or 1,480 acres in all, and the whole body of this land is still in the possession of his family. He raised great quantities of grain and kept six to eight men in hLs employ all the time. He also raised and handled large numbers of cattle, fat- tening beeves for the markets himself and buying and shipping all the live stock in the neighborhood that was intended for the market. The dwelling house on the farm was built by him, but the barn and some of the other improvements were added after his death, but were included in his plans while living. ]Mr. ^Merrill was married Januai-j- 22, 1893, to Miss Ida Strande, a daughter of Ole K. and Carrie (Skat- rud) Strande, of Nesbit township. She was born in Jlanitowoc county, Wisconsin, aud was seven years old when the family moved to Polk county and twenty- one at the time of her marriage. Three children, Alvis, Ellen and Anson, were born of the union, and all of whom are living. Ellen was a Polk county school teacher for two years. At the time of Mr. Merrill's death the oldest of the three was only three years of age. He is now twenty-one. He has given careful at- tention to a course of study in agriculture at the state farm. Mrs. Merrill has won warm admiration and high praise from the whole people of her own and the sur- rounding townships. Left a young widow, with three small children and a very large body of land to look after, she entered upon her heavy and momentous duties with a resolute spirit and the heroic fortitude of a Spartan matron, and she has met the requirements of her position with great iidelity and ability. She has continued to carry on the farm on a scale equal to that of her husband and made every pha.se and feature of its business profitable. She has also reared her children with the utmost care and developed them into very useful and worthy members of the com- munity, furnishing an admirable example of sturdy American womanhood at its best under severe trials and responsibilities. JOHN E. ELG. As the founder of the village of Eldred, for which he obtained its selection as a station on the Great Noi'thern railroad, and as one of its leading merchants and business men, John E. Elg has been aud is a source of service and benefit to the part of Polk county in which the village is located for which its residents are grateful. By his course he has shown himself to be enterprising and progressive, aud these qualities have won for him all the success he enjoys in life. Mr. Elg was bom in Sweden January 8, 1858, and in 1872 he came to the United States and located in Washington eountv. Minnesota. In 1888 he moved to DR. AENE NELSON COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 413 Polk county, and for some years thereafter he was employed in Montana in the service of the Northern Pacific railroad. He had no capital and was obliged to work at whatever he could get to do to make a living. But before going to Montana he bought 160 acres of land of the Great Northern railroad at $3 an acre, and four years later he bought 160 more at $7 an acre. On his return to this county Mr. Elg spent ten to twelve years on his farm and got it practically all under cultivation, then sold it in 1903 at $25 an acre. When the railroad was built through this section he donated the right of way for a mile to the company and thereby induced it to establish a station at Eldred. For a number of years he conducted a confectionery store at Eldred and for three years he was postmaster of the village. In 1915 he opened the general store he is now conducting. His fii'st store was the second one in the village, the first being kept by T. M. Boyer, who is now in Beltrami and a sketch of whom appears in this work. Eldred was platted in 1897 by Mr. Elg, who laid out twenty-eight acres as its site, and of this he has sold about one-fourth to residents. The first building erected in the village M'as the Northwestern elevatoi-, the first store put up was that of T. M. Boyer, who was the first merchant at the place, and the second store building was that of Mr. Elg, which was erected in the fall of 1898. The postoflfiee was established in 1899, Mr. Boyer being the first postmaster. Mr. Elg's present store building, the one occupied by his own business, was put up in 1915. He has also built a small residence in the village. It is on the Great Northern railroad between Moorhead and Crookstou, in Roome township, and has about 200 population. It has a union school formed by a combination of four districts, and in this agriculture and domestic science are taught, the state aiding it to the extent of $2,200 a year for the purpose. The school has 120 pupils and employs four teachers, and two years of its course are in the high school grades. The school is very popular and is considered a source of great benefit to its patrons and the whole region lying around it. DR. ARNB NELSON. The name of this pioneer physician and surgeon and leading merchant for many years in this part of the Northwest is remembered with cordial esteem and his memory is cherished with veneration by all who had the benefit of acquaintance and association with him in his lifetime or enjoy any part of the fruits of his usefulness and great service to Polk county and the Red river valley in general. In the early years of his residence in Polk county he was an active promoter of immigration to the county, and he dealt in lands for the purpose of carrying on this business extensively. And during the whole period of his residence here he was in active practice as a physician and in mercantile business as a druggist, so that every phase of his activity was serviceable to the region and its residents. Dr. Nelson was bom in Voss, Norway, in March, 1851. He was a brother of Knute Nelson, the present postmaster of Fertile, a sketch of whose life will he found in this work. The doctor was reared in his native land and obtained his academic education at the state public schools and a normal school in that country, and after completing hLs course there he followed teaching for five years. In 1873 he en me to the United States and located in Southern ilin- nesota. He found employment with Dr. McNamara at Owatonna, Minnesota, and in the eourae of a little time afterward began the study of medicine under the direction of his employer. He began his practice at Hartland, in Freeborn count}', Minnesota, where he remained two years, then moved to Aldal, Min- nesota. In 1882 the doctor became a partner of Andrew Opheim in a general merchandise and drug business at Aldal. They carried on an extensive trade at that place until 1887, when they moved to Fertile, 414 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BI0GRAPir5r OF POLK COUNTY taking their store building and all their stock to the new site, and their continuing at the head of an active and profitable business until 1893, when they dis- solved partnership and divided their stock. Dr. Nelson taking the drugs and Mr. Opheim the other goods. The same year he erected the building now used by hia nephew, Nels Vasenden, in conducting the same business. The doctor carried on his drug business and kept up his practice as a physician until his death on May 2, 1908. He was widely known in Polk county and the counties adjoining it as an able physician and a progressive and public-spirited citizen, of great force for good in this region. He held membership in sev- eral different medical societies, was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and took an earnest interest and an active part in everything that pertained to the progress and improvement of his community. Dr. Nelson was married in 1878 to Miss Bessie Hatleberg, a native of Wisconsin. Tliey became the parents of five children, all of whom died in child- hood except their daughter Clara, who is now the wife of Odd Eide, of Fertile. In political faith the doctor was a Republican of strong convictions and he was a leader in the councils of his party in this locality. His religious connection was with the Nor- wegian Lutheran church. For a number of years he .served as president of the village council of Fertile. IIELGE H. THORESON. This gentleman, who is now serving his third suc- cessive term as one of the county commissionei's of Polk county, is not only one of the most useful public men but also one of the most enterprising and success- ful farmers in the county. He located in it in 1878 with his parents, who had nothing whatever in the way of capital or property, and he now owns 600 acres of highly improved and well cultivated land, with good buildings on it and everything necessary for car- rying on his extensive fanning operations, and he has a record of public service to his township and the county of which any citizen might justly feel proud, but which his modesty forbids him to mention. His farm is in Roome township, Section 19, sixteen miles southwest of Crookston, two miles and a half east of the Red river and eight miles north of Climax. Mr. Thoreson was born in Norway May 2, 1864, the son of Helge and Johannah T. (Volden) Thoreson. and was brought by them to the United States in 1868. The family located in Fillmore county, Minnesota, and remained there until 1871, when it moved with oxen to Ottertail county, the father taking up a homestead at Parkdale in that county. The family was very poor in those days, and the father bad to make all the furniture for the home and shoes for the family. In 1878 he sold his land in Ottertail county and moved with oxen to Polk county, locating on Section 13, Tyn- sid township, one mile northwest of the present home of his son Helge, on which he died in 1892, aged fifty- five, and his wife fourteen years later. The elder Mr. Thoreson bought prairie railroad land at $5 an acre but broke enough within the prescribed time to reduce the price of his whole tract to $3 an acre. He built a good frame house and other build- ings in time, and owned 680 acres of land at the time of his death. But his first house was the first one on tlie prairie, and he had many hardships and privations to undergo. When he arrived on his land he camped one night on the prairie, and the next morning he began plowing on two tracts of land before daylight in order to get the start of other men who were on the road to locate on it. He was a member and one of the founders of Sand Hill Free Lutheran church and served some years as township treasurer and as school treasurer. All of his eleven children are living and held a reunion in 1915. His farm is now owned ]iy his youngest son. Helge H. Thoreson remained with his parents until COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 4ie he reached the age of twentj'-two. At fourteen he attended a school half-way to Crookstou, walking to it and back home once a week. The next winter they had a school at home, which was taught by a Miss Sprague from Fisher. Helge carried the mail two years between Fisher and Neby, three miles south of his home, and the next year also on to Climax, going to Neby three times a week and to Climax once, and was the first carrier paid by the government on that route, receiving $340 the first year, and $375 the sec- ond year ; by the time he was of age he had saved $300. In the fall of 1885, when he was almost twenty-two, he bought eighty acres of land, the tract being a part of his present farm, for which he paid $9 an acre. In 1886 he began to farm his land, borrowing oxen from his father and starting plowing May 17. The ground was so wet that the oxen mired in it, but by the last of May he had twenty-three acres plowed and seeded, and from this he got a fair crop. He was then living with his parents, but on January 6, 1887, he was mar- ried to Miss Anna B'angen, a daughter of Ole and Caroline T. (Bangen) Bangen, of Tynsid township. The young couple began housekeeping under great difficulties. They had a little shanty, which is still standing, that gave them some shelter, but they were obliged to sleep on the floor and eat off a dry goods box. On the night of February 25, their first in the shanty, Mrs. Thoreson took a lamb into the shanty to protect it from the cold, but it froze to death that night. But they were not dismayed and put all their energies at work to get ahead. Mr. Thoreson paid for his first land and as he prospered kept adding to it until he now owns 600 acres, 520 acres of which are in Section 19, Roome township. He has about 320 acres under cultivation, mostly in grain, and in 1915 raised 8,000 bushels, an average of about 25 bushels to the acre. He keeps graded Holstein cows and supplies cream to the co-operative creamery at Climax. The barn now on the place was built in 1892, the granary in 1896 and the house in 1898. Mr. Thoreson was township treasurer six years, as- sessor two years, and has served on the school board since 1889, except during one term of three years. He was elected county commissioner in 1906 for a term of four years, and was re-elected in 1910 and again in 1914. He is a Republican in politics, but is devoted to the welfare of the county without regard to partisan considerations. As lie is on the road and bridge com- mittee of the board he is obliged to devote a great deal of his time to his official duties. His religious con- nection is with the Sand Hill Free Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Thoreson have a family of eight chil- dren living. Josephine is the wife of Martin Larsen, a farmer living near her father's home. Christine is the wife of John Holm, also a neighboring farmer. Amanda, who was for a time a Polk county school teacher, is now the wife of Carl Olson, of Beltrami county, Minnesota. Thilda is the wife of Hans Han- stad, a near-by farmer. And Olga, Ole, Eddie and Ingman are still at home with their parents. A son named Helge died at the age of fourteen. HENRY C. HENDRICKS. The late Henry C. Hendricks of Garden township, this county, who died February 13, 1912, at the age of sixty years, when it appeared there were still many years of usefulness before him, was bom in Norway May 4, 1852, and came to the United States with his parents when he was sixteen years of age. His parents were Christian and Sophia Hendricks, also natives of Norway. The mother died in Nicollet county and the father at the home of his son Henry in Polk county, passing away there in 1909 in the ninety- third year of his age. Their son Henry C. came to Polk county in 1880, and was one of the first settlers in what is now Gar- den township. He took a homestead which is still a part of the farm on which the family lives, and put up a little log house in which he lived for a number of 416 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY years, with bis sister keeping bouse for bim before his marriage and bis wife doing the same afterward, the present dwelling house not being erected until 1900, although the barn was built some years before that time and other improvements were also made earlier. The farm, whicli is five and a half miles east of the village of Fertile, now comprises 320 acres, Mr. Hendricks having bought the adjoining quarter-sec- tion of land for .•i;2,200 about 1895. About 225 acres are under cultivation, nearly all of which was cleared by the owner during his lifetime. For many years he depended mainly on raising grain, but of late he gave more attention to raising live stock, and always kept twelve to sixteen milch cows for furnish- ing milk to the co-operative creameries at Fertile and Eindal, in both of which be owned stock. Mr. Hendricks was a Republican in his political faith and always made it a matter of duty to vote at every election. He was one of the first members of Faaberg United Lutheran church at Rindal, but aside from his duties in the church and as a citizen, he gave his attention exclusively to his farm, except that for a number of years he was in partnership with his brother, N. C. Hendricks, in carrying on a dry goods store at Fertile, remaining in the firm, which bore the name of the Hendricks Dry Goods company, until his brother left the count}'. On August 8, 1884, Mr. Hendricks was united in marriage with Miss Laura Larson, a daughter of John and Eli Larson, who lived in Nicollet county, this state, for a time and moved to Polk county in lb80, also becoming homesteaders in Garden township not far from Rindal. Mrs. Hendricks was not yet nineteen at the time of her marriage, but she imme- diately took charge of the housekeeping for her hus- band, although she iiad very little furniture and her culinary supplies were often scant and limited to a few very plain articles of food. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks were the parents of ten children, one of whom, a son named Arnold Theodore, and the eighth child in the order of birth, died at the age of seven years. The children who are living are : Ella Sophia, now the wife of Thomas P. Bugge, of Seattle, Washington ; Wilbert Eugene, who is liv- ing at home ; Cora Josephine, who is a school teacher in Norman county and has taught in Polk county; Hilma Lorando, who works in Seattle; Lawrence Joseph, who has charge of the home farm ; and Clarence Julius, Clara Matilda, Norma Luella and Arnold Leland, who are still members of the parental family circle, and take an active part in all its inter- ests and industries. CARL LUDWIG HANSEN. Making jiis way in a new world under difficulties incident to a wild frontier and seriously handicapped by the loss of his right arm when he was but thir- teen years old, Carl Ludwig Hansen, one of the sub- stantial and progressive farmers of Garden township, this county, with a tract of 320 acres of land in sec- tions 28-26, 29, which he has made into a fine farm, with 200 acres yielding good crops, has worked out steady progress for himself by his persistent industry, prudent frugality and excellent management of his affairs. Mr. Hansen was born near the city of Christiania, Norway, December 15, 1849, and in 1854 came with his parents, Lewis and Anna Maria Hanson, to the United States, locating at St. Peter, Nicollet county, Minnesota, where the mother died six weeks later, and was the first white person to die in the township of their residence. What is now the city of St. Peter was then called Travers de Sioux, and there was a missionary family living there. This family took charge of an infant daughter left by Mrs. Hansen, and reared her as their own child. She never knew until after marriage that she was not the daughter of the missionary. Then she learned who she was and opened a correspondence with her brother Carl. The father improved a farm three miles from St. Peter, COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 411 but passed his last years at Big Stone Lake in what is now South Dakota, where he died, aged more than seventy years, after a long continuance of useful labor. Carl L. Hansen took up his residence at Crookston June 18, 1881, when the settlement was but a strag- gling hamlet with big stumps in the middle of its main street. Ole Rindahl, Andrew Olson, Christ Olson, and Ole, Steffen and Martin Horstad, friends of his in Nicollet county, had located here the previous year, and two of them, Ole Horstad and Andrew Olson, are still residents of Garden township. Mr. Hansen took up part of his land in 1881 as a pre-emption claim and built his present dwelling of logs cut on the place, which was all covered with timber. "Garden" was suggested by Mr. Hansen as a suit- able name for the township when it was organized because of the abundance of wild strawberries in it, and his suggestion was adopted. \\Tien he located here he had a wife and seven children, a team of horses and a wagon, two cows and $15 in his vest pocket. So he worked out to provide for his family, especially in harvest times, and gradually got a start. In the meantime, when he had opportunity, he worked on his own land and by persistent industry he has transformed its wild expanse into a well improved and highly productive farm. ilr. Hansen's main dependence has been growing grain, but he keeps ten to twelve cows to furnish milk for the Co-operative Creamery association at Rindal, in which he is a stockholder, as he is also in the Co- operative store at the same place, which is a mile and a half from his home. There is a feed mill at the creamery which is operated in connection with it and does an extensive business and is a great convenience to the farmers. In the early years Mr. Hansen served in sui-vey and road work, on the township board and in other public capacities. He has built a good new barn on his farm but is still living in his log house, which, however, is commodious and comfortable enough for his needs. He and his family are connected with Faaberg United Lutheran church, which is near his home. At the age of twenty he was married in Nicollet county to Miss Sarah Clementson, a native of Norway. Slie died January 3, 1893, leaving eight children : Chi-ist, who is a merchant at Fort Atkin- son, Wisconsin; Lewis, a farmer near his father; Charles, who is living at home; Edward, who culli- vates the farm ; Mary, who is the wife of Oscar Fugle- seth and lives near her old home; Alvin, who works in North Dakota ; Christina, the wife of Peter Hogan- son, of St. Paul, and Bertha, who is the housekeeper for her father. THOMAS H. NESSETH. The late Thomas H. Nesseth, of Fertile, whose tragic death on July 5, 1911, east a heavy pall of gloom over the whole community of his home, was one of the most enterprising and progressive farmers and business men in Garfield township and one of its most highly esteemed citizens. He was born in Nor- way March 18, 1859, and came to the United States with his parents, Helge and Margaret Nesseth, in 1871, when he was twelve years old. The family lo- cated at Harmony, in Fillmore county, Minnesota, and there its members remained until 1881, when they all came to Polk county together. Five of them are still living in Garfield township. The father took lip a homestead in that township on which he died about 1890. The mother is still living and has her home with her daughter, Mrs. B. M. Benness of Gar- field township. She is now more than eighty-two years old. Thomas H. Nesseth took up most of the land on which his family is now residing as a homestead in 1890; the farm has, however, been enlarged to 200 acres, and about 160 are under cultivation. Soon after locating here Mr. Nesseth became a dealer in farm implements at Fertile and was the second mer- 418 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY chaut there in that line of trade. He was active iu the business for over twenty years and kept his inter- est in it until his death. Albert GuUickson was his partner and later took over the management of the store, Mr. Nesseth retiring from active connection with it. They built the double store building which the business now occupies about 1900. When Mr. Nesseth retired to his farm he expected to gather a fine herd of Holstein cattle, and erect a new dwelling house and barn. But all his designs were cut short by his sudden death. He had been exhibiting some of his cattle at the Fertile fair, and, on his return with them to the farm, when he was leading the bull into the pasture the animal became infuriated, turned on him and injured him so badly that he died five hours later. His plans with refer- ence to the house and barn have been carried out and the family now has one of the finest rural homes in Polk county. Mr. Nesseth had served on the school board, been mayor of Fertile and president of the village coun- cil, and was one of the organizers and the secretary of the Farmers Insurance company and secretary of the Co-operative Creamery company. He helped to organize Little Norway United church, whose church edifice is one mile and a half east of his farm and near his old family home, when he first came to Polk county, and he was one of its most active and service- able members and its secretary to the time of his death. lie was first married to iliss Margaret Rude, who died, leaving no children, and on August 6, 1892, he contracted a second marriage with Mrs. Anna Henderson, the widow of A. S. Henderson, who then had two children: Lillie, who married Robert Erickson and died at the age of twenty- eight; and Arthur, who lives with his mother and operates the farm. Mrs. Nesseth 's maiden name was Anna GuUickson and she is a daughter of Andrew and Helen GuUickson, who also were homesteaders in Garfield township and occupied the farm adjoining the present home of their daughter. By her second marriage Mrs. Nesseth became the mother of four children : Mabel, who is a teacher at Greenbush, in Roseau county; Ida, who is teaching at Glyndon, in Clay county, and has taught in Polk county ; Ilelmer, who is a bookkeeper in the Farmers State Bank at Fertile, and Albert, who is living at home. Mrs. Nes- seth is a lady of unusual natural ability and her home is a center of refined and elevated social activity and generous hospitality. H. G. FLOAN. H. G. Floan, whose well cultivated and highly im- proved farm of 157 acres lies in Section 26, Onstad township, this county, two miles southeast of the village of Melvin, eight and a half miles west of Fer- tile and seventeen miles southeast of Crookston, was born in Norway, and reared, educated and married in that country. In 1880 he came to the United States, bringing his wife and one child with him, and located in Goodhue county, Minnesota, where for seven years he worked by the year for farmers. In that period he saved $100 and became the father of three additional children. In 1887 Mr. Floan moved to Polk county and bought the farm on which he is now living at $5.06 an acre. It was a full quarter-section when he bought it, but the railroad has since cut off one corner, taking about three acres. He had eight years in which to pay for his land and had to put up with many inconveniences during a great part of the time. For years his family lived in a one-room shanty with a little crude furni- ture, but he had a team of horses and two cows which he brought with him from Goodhue county. Mr. Floan now has all his land under cultivation or in pasturage. The dwelling house he now occupies was built in 1911 and most of the other improvements were made earlier. He keeps eight to twelve milch cows to supply material for the Co-operative Cream- ery at Fertile, in which he is a stockholder, as he is COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 419 also in the Farmers State Bank in that village. Ilis cattle are Shorthorns of good grades. He has served as road overseer and on the school board for fifteen years continuous!}', and his son Lawrence is now treas- urer of this board. At the age of twenty-eight Mr. Floan was married in his native land to Miss Chris- tina Anderson. They have had ten children, nine of whom are living, Gunder, Anna, Louisa, Albert, Henry, Lawrence, Clara, Giiia, and John. A daugh- ter named Sarah died at the age of sixteen years, nine months and twenty-two days. All the members of the family belong to the Varness United Lutheran church. ANDREW K. HOLEN. Andrew K. Holen, who lives on a fine farm in Sec- tion 22, Liberty township, four and a half miles west of the village of Fertile, came to this county in 1887, when he was twenty-six years of age, with just $100 in money and no other property, and he now owns 400 acres of highly improved and well cultivated land, has stock in the Fertile Co-operative Creamery and the Farmers State Bank of Fertile, and is one of the substantial, enterprising and public-spirited citizens of the county, influential among his fellow men and highly respected by all who know him. Mr. Holen was born in Norway April 21, 1861, and came to this country with his parents, Knute and Carrie Holen, when he was six years old. The family located in Allamakee county, Iowa, and there the par- ents remained. The son attended the district schools and as soon as he was big and strong enough worked out as well as on his father's farm, continuing this course until he reached the age of twenty-six. Then, in 1887, he came to Polk county, where his two brothers, Ole Holen and Hans Knudson, were living and had been for eight years, Ole in Liberty township and Hans near Lee station. Ole is still residing on his farm, but Hans has been a resident of Marshall county, this state, for twenty-five years. Andrew K. Holen bought the farm on which he is now living as a tree claim and converted it into a homestead claim, paying $550 for it. There were no buildings on it and only fifteen acres had been plowed when he bought it. On March 15, 1888, he was married to Miss Hannah Peterson of Allamakee county, Iowa, where she was born, her parents hav- ing come to this country before the Civil war. Her assistance enabled him to pay off his indebtedness on his farm and make some improvements. His first house was a log cabin, and its furniture consisted of a homemade table and cupboard, some stools of his own manufacture, six plates, cups and saucers, and a second hand stove. He rented his land to get crops and worked out to support his family. During tlie first three years he was able to sell only 100 bushels of wheat, but he had a cow and some chick- ens, and these helped to keep the wolf from his door. Coffee was a thing to be thought of and longed for, but not to be enjoyed. At the end of three years Mr. Holen began to devote his whole attention to his farm, but successive droughts injured his crops leaving him little more than chicken feed for a year or two. He now has his whole farm of 400 acres under cultivation and raises good crops. For some of his land he paid $10 an acre and for some $25 an acre. He built his pres- ent dwelling house in 1896 and his fine barn, 40 by 100 feet in size, in 1914, and has other first-rate improve- ments. Grain was his main dependence for many years but he now has a good deal of dairy stock in- cluding ten to twelve milch cows. Mr. Holen has served three years as chairman of the township board and has filled several other local offices, having been a member of the school board for thirteen years. He sides with the Republican party in political affairs, and he and his wife are members 420 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY of the Verness United Lutheran church, of which he on the operations on tlie farm, relieving their father is treasurer. They have two sons, Carl, aged twenty- of all the hard labor incident to them, five and Herman, aged twenty-three, who now carry CONRAD G. SELVIG. Conrad G. Selvig, superintendent of the Northwest School of Agriculture and Experiment Station of The University of ^Minnesota at Crookston, was born at Rushford, Minnesota, October 11, 1877, being the son of Guilder C. and Marie llogerstad of Norway and wlio came to the United States as a young married couple. A few months were spent in work on the Great Lakes, when, in 1874, they settled at Rushford. After graduating at the local high school, young Selvig, in 1896 was appointed by Hon. James A. Tawney a cadet to the Military Academy at West Point. After his return, he entered upon the duties of a teacher becoming Principal of the public school at Granger, Minnesota. In 1901 we find him in a similar position at Harmony, Minnesota, where he was re- tained for five years. From Harmony he went to the University of Minnesota where he graduated in 1907, receiving his A. M. degree in 1908. Then he became superintendent of schools and principal of Stevens Seminary at Gleucoe. The needs of more practical educational methods were keenly realized at this time and in order to meet the demands as he saw them, he here introduced departments of Agriculture, Home Economics, Manual Training, and Teachers' Training. This was a time when such ideas were being discussed in the state and nation, but had been but feebly tried in actual school life. The result of his efforts were such as to attract attention, not only among teachers and patrons, but also among the public officials, and it was but a matter of a few months when his services were sought by the state to handle the station but recently established at Crookston, he being selected as its superintendent in 1910. The history of this institution being found elsewhere in this work, we will not repeat it here. It is conceded by all interested that Mr. Selvig has proved to l>e the right man in the right place, his optimism, enthusiasm and business tact being the es- sential qualities needed at the head of a school designed to instill similar traits into the numerous students, whose future is largely determined by what they may obtain here. Mr. Selvig 's work has so broadened that it has gone beyond state limits, and is attracting attention wher- ever advanced ideas are being introduced not only in general educational matters and methods but more especially where communities ai'e awakened to better farming, better social and better living conditions. He assisted in organizing the Northwestern Agri- cultural Fair association, the Red River Development association and is president of the Red River Dairy- men's association and he is a director of the Alumni association of the State University, treasurer of the Minnesota Educational association, a member of the American Association of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, a member of the National Edu- cational association and is a charter member of the American Association for the Advancement of Agri- cultural Teaching. His addresses are filled with valuable suggestions showing a depth of thought and are delivered with such ease and assurance that hearers are captivated and permanently benefited. Possessed with natural urbanity ripened by a broad culture and experience, his personal relations with all with whom he is thrown in contact are ever of the most agreeable, admiration of him as a teacher being excelled only by that accorded him as an individual. He has written extensively, many of his treatises ]>eing published as bulletins by the National Bureau of Education. C. G. 8ELVICt COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 421 Although his interest in politics is only such as is clue from every true American citizen, he has been alive in party matters, once at least serving as a dele- gate to a state convention. He is a Knight Templar and a member of Acacia Fraternity of the State University. His marriage, June 17, 1903, at Mabel, Minnesota, to Miss Marion E. Wilcox, a graduate of the Central High School of Minneapolis, has resulted in the birth of three children — Helen Mai-iou ; Margaret Elizabeth ; and Conrad George. AUGUST C. SCHMIDT. One of the leading painters, decorators and paper- hangers in the Northwest, and chief of the fire depart- ment of the city of Crookston, August C. Schmidt contributes essentially and substantially to the service of the people around him by pleasing their taste and promoting their safety and aiding greatly in the pro- tection of their property as well as their lives. He was born in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, August 3, 1859, and came to iliunesota in 1878, locating at Still- water. He had learned his trade in his native state and was in charge of a shop in Stillwater two years. He then passed six months in Minneapolis, and at the end of that time moved to Hastings, where he was in charge of a shop until 1880. At that time he saw an advertisement from McKin- non Bros, of Crookston, stating that they were in need of a first class carriage painter, and as he had heard much in favor of the Red river valley, he determined to seek this job. He came to Crookston and for two years was in charge of the McKinnon Bros.' paint shop, and then started his own business in 1883. He has adhered to his enterprise continuously since that time, and his is now the only business that has been in operation in Crookston steadily for thirty-three years. He has given his attention mainly to interior decorating, and he is sought for to do this kind of work on all of the best residences and public buildings nearly all the way from Crookston to Duluth. His sons, E. W. and Harry F., are associated with him in the work, and he employs regularly twelve to fifteen men in addition. In 1882 Mr. Schmidt helped to organize the Crooks- ton fire department, which was a volunteer hook and ladder company with a truck and a chemical engine, which was familiarly called "The Old Soap Boiler." The company had sixteen members, and Mr. Schmidt is the only one of the number who is still active in the department, which is a volunteer one to this day. When the company started its work he was foreman in charge of the apparatus at fires. In 1895 he was elected chief, and he served as such for two years. After the end of that period he served in the ranks until January, 1915, when he was chosen chief again, and he is still filling that office. He has had some thrilling experiences and some narrow escapes from serious injury, and has rendered valuable service at many big fires, especially the largest one Crookston ever had, the one that destroyed the Auditorium and some adjoining buildings at a loss of $250,000. At present the department has twenty-four members, three of whom are paid officials and devote their whole time to the work. The department also owns two liose wagons, one hook and ladder truck, forty-five hundred feet of hose and four horses, besides chemical engines and other apparatus. Usually five of the members sleep at the engine house. The company formerly took part in many tournaments of the North- ern Minnesota Firemen's association, and carried off many honors in them. In these tournaments Mr. Schmidt's son Harry was the leader in ladder climb- ing contests and won glory for his organization in many a hot one. Mr. Schmidt was a member of the city council from the Second ward in 1894, when the Northern Pacific Railroad was built through Crookston. He was made a Freemason in 1886 and is still active in his lodge, 422 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY A'SD BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY his Royal Arch Chapter, his Commaudery of Knights Templar and the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Order of Elks. On December 18, 1884, he was married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Ross, the daughter of John Ross, for many years janitor of the court- house and the high school. They have had eight chil- dren, seven of whom are living, Edward W., Harry Frank, Lillie, Ross Owen, Helen, Allen and Grace. A daughter named Isabel died when she was twelve years old. Lillie is now the wife of Thomas Morteu- sou, of Crookston, and Harry married Miss Blanche McDonald. Mr. Schmidt and his son Harry are mem- bers of a hunting club which has had a deer camp twenty miles from Hibbiug for twelve years. The club has an outing at the camp every year, and they usually get a bountiful supply of venison while the outing is in progress. NELS CLEMENTSEN. In many ways this enterprising and progressive farmer and bank president has shown his capacity to advance his own interests and aid materially in pro- moting the welfare and advancement of the region around him. He was born in Goodhue county, Min- nesota, June 30, 1859, the son of Knut Clementsen who came to this country and located in Illinois in 1855 and moved to Goodhue county, this state, in 1858. He took up government laud there and con- verted it into a fine farm, and is now living retired at Zumbrota. At one time he owned two tracts of land in Polk county, one in Liberty township and the other partly in Russia and partly in Onstad township. His son Nel.s, whose home is in Section 15, Liberty township, five miles and a half west of the village of Fertile, remained at home until he reached the age of twenty-seven, farming his father's land as a tenant for some years. On May 20, 1887, he came to Polk county and bought a quarter-section of land adjoining his father's. He then took charge of both places and now owns both, his home farm comprising 580 acres, his first purchase having cost him $3 an acre. He has 200 acres of the home place in grain and raises beef and milch cattle, keeping generally about fifteen milch cows. He also owns timber lands, some in St. Louis and some in Cook county, which he is holding as in- vestments. When he came to this county in 1887 he had no cash but owned four horses, a wagon, a plow and some other farm implements. Mr. Clementsen 's first dwelling on his farm was a one-room shack 14 by 16 feet in size. His present residence is a fine modern structure built in 1903, and he has a first clas.s barn 40 by 72 feet with a T 40 by 42 feet in dimensions, which was built in 1908 and gives him stabling for all his live stock. He is a stock- holder in the Co-operative Creameiy company of Fer- tile and also in the Farmers Elevator company, which he helped to organize in 1894, and which he has served for about ten years as president. He was also one of the organizers of the Mutual Fire Insurance company and has been its president for eight or ten years. When he saw that the hour was ripe for the enterprise he helped to organize the Farmers State Bank of Fertile and of this he has been president from its organization. The public aifairs of the township have always in- terested Mr. Clementsen in a leading way and he has taken an active part in them. He served as township clerk five years and twelve as chairman of the town- ship board, and he is at present (1916) township treas- urer. In politics he is a Republican, but in local affairs he is never a partisan Init always eager to promote the best interests of his township. In reli- gious connection he is affiliated with the Varness United Lutheran church, which is one mile north of his home, and for some time has been secretary of the congregation. Mr. Clementsen was married in 1896 to Miss Jennie Landsverk, a native of Norway. They have seven children, all of whom are living at home with their COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 423 parents. The children are Norman, Josie, Millie, Mabel, Ida, Nellie, and William. All the members of the family attend the church to which the head of the house belongs, and they all take a warm interest in it and its work for the betterment of the community. HON. JOHN CLEMENTSON. This very active, highly useful and thoroughly rep- resentative citizen of Polk county, whose fine home farm of 160 acres is in section 17, Knute township, three miles south of Erskine, was born at Pine Island, Goodhue eoiuity, Minnesota, December 6, 1866, and is the son of Knute and Gunhild Clemeutsou, who were bom in Norway and married in Iowa. In 1857 they moved to Goodhue county, this state, where the father took up a pre-emption claim, they being among the first residents at Pine Island. In their old age they changed their residence to Zumbrota, and there the mother died in tlie winter of 1913 at the age of eighty- nine. There also the father is still living very far advanced in years. Three of their children, Nels and Marie, who live near Fertile, and John are in Polk county. Marie is the wife of P. J. Bollie. John Clementsou remained with his parents until he reached the age of twenty-five. He completed his education at St. Olof College, Northfield, which he at- tended two yeai's. In 1893 he came to this county and bought 600 acres of railroad land at $8 an acre, having about $1,500 to start with. He engaged in mixed farming and raising live stock, put 500 acres of his land under cultivation, made permanent im- provements, and then, in 1903, sold his land at $21.50 an acre. He helped to organize Seandia township and was its first clerk and justice of the peace, holding these offices until he left the township, moving to his present home. When he came to Knute township in 1903 Mr. Clem- entson bought three separate tracts of 160 acres each, one in section 17, the home place, another in section 18 and the third in section 20, but he has farmed them all as one farm, and now has 275 acres under cultiva- tion in the three. There was only one set of little log buildings on the three tracts and only 115 acres were partially cultivated when he bought the land. Mr. Clementson paid for the land at an average of $18 an acre, and he has since sold none of it except two acres for a school lot. He has put up a good house and barn and other necessary buildings, and has kept regularly about fifty head of cattle, with fifteen milch cows to furnish material for the Co-operative creamery, in which he is a stockholder. Mr. Clementson has served as chairman of the town- ship board one term and for a number of years on the school board. In the fall of 1912 he was elected a member of the State House of Representatives. On March 2. 1893. Mr. Clementson was married in Goodhue county to Miss Clara Mithangen, of that county. They have had nine children. Gustav died at the age of twelve. Conrad, aged nineteen, was graduated from the Agricultural College at Crooks- ton in 1915. Joseph, aged seventeen, is a .student at Concordia College, Moorhead. Cora, aged fifteen, is in the high school at Erskine. Oscar (twelve), Philip (ten), George (seven), Ruth (five), and Clarence (one), are at home. The parents belong to the United Lutheran church at Erskine, of which the father is secretary and one of the deacons. CHARLES M. LOHN. It is a high tribute to the ability, correct deport- ment and skill and conscientiousness of any man to say that he has occupied a trying and important public position in the service of the public for nearly eighteen years continuously without having any com- plaint made against him or his work or a word of 424 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY disagreement with his superior ofBcers. This has been the experience of Charles M. Lohii, reporter of the district court at Crookston over which Judge "Watts presides. Mr. Lolni was born in Mitchell county, Iowa, De- cember 18, 1872, and is the youngest member of a fauuly of which his brother Lewis, cashier of the First National Bank at Fosston is the oldest. He was reared and educated in his native count}% completing his preparation for the duties of life by a course in commercial training at the Cedar Valley Seminary at Osage, the county seat of that county. In 1895 he came to Crookston and for three years and a half thereafter he was employed in the Merchants Na- tional Bank of that city. In 1899 he was appointed reporter of the district court by Judge Watts, and he is now in his eighteenth year of service in that position. On August 28, 1901, Mr. Lohn was married to Mi.ss Mary J. Fairbairn, a native of Stillwater, Min- nesota, of Scotch and English ancestry. They have four children, Kenneth F., Howard, Lois and Charles M., Jr. The parents are active workers in the under- takings of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which they both belong, and Mr. Lohn is one of its trustees. In fraternal relations he is a Freemason, and an Elk and he also takes an earnest and helpful interest in the affairs of the fraternity. He is zealous in the performance of all his duties as a citizen and is highly esteemed as a good one. ROBERT II. BALFOUR. Robert H. Balfour, of Euclid, a well known grain dealer and local agent for the Red Lake Falls Mill- ing company, was born in Lanark county, Ontario, May 8, 1880, and came to the United States when seventeen years of age, locating at Fisher, in Polk county, where he resided until his removal to Euclid in the following year. During the first five years of his residence in Euclid he was employed in clerking, also spending a short time on a farm and then began his association with the grain business with the Min- neapolis, Northern, Red Lake Elevator company, who operate an elevator at Euclid with a capacity of thirty thousand bushels and also retail flour and feed. Mr. Balfour i-emained with that company for a num- ber of years, until the establishment of the Red Lake ]\Iilling Company in 1911, when he was put in charge of the office at Euclid as the grain buyer for that region, and has since given his attention to the able management of the extensive operations of this company, in the year of 1914, shipping some seventy car loads of grain, handling wheat and oats for the nio.st part. Mr. Balfour is also agent for the Stand- ard Oil company and is in charge of the local tanks. In political belief, he is an advocate of the principles of the Democratic party and is actively identified with the various interests of the community in which he lives, in official capacity, giving capable service as township assessor. I\Ir. Balfour is a member of the Presbyterian church. He was married at Crookston, in 1908, to Margaret Bieven, whose father was for many vears a farmer near Euclid. K. 0. BALSTAD. K. 0. Balstad, well known stock farmer of Sletten township, was born in Norway, January 4, 1854. He has been a resident of Polk county since 1897 and has been notably associated with the development of the stock business in this region. He came to Minnesota with his parents in 1866. For .several years they lived in Goodhue county and in 1870, just before the lay- ing out of Fergus Falls, they removed to Otter Tail 1 XORMAX IIAXSOX COIVIPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 425 county, where his father, Ole E. Balstad, continues to make his home. K. 0. Balstad remained on his father's farm until he was twenty-one years of age when he decided that the cities and towns offered the greater opportunities for success. For twenty-two years he engaged in various business pursuits, for the most part in the mercantile business, in Duluth, Fer- gus Falls and other places. During this time he had kept in touch with the agricultural growth of the country through his investments in farm land and association with the stock business and in 1897 he reversed his earlier decision and returned to the farm. He came to Polk county and bought one hundred and sixty acres in section thirty-one of Sletten township, he has since added to this tract and now has eight hundred and forty acres in the home farm. Much of this land and that adjoining was flat and high and possessed no natural drainage, which depreciated its value and rendered the construction of good roads an impossibility. Mr. Balstad, at once, began to give every effort to this drainage project. He was the manager of some four thousand acres belonging to a company in Chicago and with this company he began the building of ditches, expending four thousand dol- lars to secure the main outlet. Eventually, he re- ceived the cooperation of neighboring property own- ers and this section is now well drained. Mr. Bal- stad is considering further improvement of the drain- age system by installing tile. He has devoted his farming interests to the raising of stock, achieving not only financial success, but he has been instrumen- tal in arousing and promoting general interest in the breeding of blooded stock, an important phase in the development of any agricultural district. He raises Hereford cattle and Duroc Jersey hogs. Years of experience and study have persuaded him that the hardy Hereford stock is peculiarly adapted to conditions in northern Minnesota, and he owns many fine specimens of this strain and has won honor as an exhibitor at the county fairs. Beside forty head of registered cattle he keeps a herd of about one hun- dred steers and he has sold many fine animals for breeding purposes, the greater number of which are in Polk county. Clover for grazing and hay is his principal crop and one in which he has never had a failure. He raises some alfalfa but considers the roll- ing land of the region singularly fine clover country. He has erected good barns, one being utilized for feed- ing purposes alone and his farm is well equipped for the successful management of a large stock business. Mr. Balstad, also has extensive interests as a dealer in farm lands and has met with equal success in all his activities, making many profitable investments. He is the present owner of the former Bagley farm which is located two miles south of Fosston and of three hundred and twenty acres, adjoining on the north of this estate. His home farm is thirteen miles south- west of Fosston and four miles southeast of Winger. Mr. Balstad was married in 1885 to Gina H. Weiley of Otter Tail county and they have six children, Henry 0., a successful young farmer of Sletten town- ship, a sketch of whose life is found in this work; Manda C, Edward C, Carl 0., Rudolph G., and Marvin. The older sons attended the Agricultural college at St. Anthony Park and are associated with their father in the stock and real estate business under the firm name of K. 0. Balstad & Sons, R. F. D. 1, Fosston. Mr. Balstad and his family are members of the Lutheran church. NORMAN HANSON. Having begun his business career with no capital and in a humble and very poorly paid position, and having risen by studious attention to whatever he had to do in every position to substantial comfort in a 27 worldly way and high esteem among his fellow men, as weU as to an exalted rank in business circles, Nor- man Hanson, cashier of the bank of Matthews & Co., at Fertile, this county, has demonstrated the value of 426 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY ability, industry and fidelity as means of advancement in the world, and has given an excellent example to the young niun of the coining generation. Mr. Hanson was born on a farm in Allamakee county, Iowa, in 1857, the son of Gunder and Kjersti Hanson, who were born in Norway. He was the oldest in a family of twelve children. The sou worked on the farm and attended school until 1877, when he moved to Rock county, Minnesota, where he first worked on a farm and after\\'ard obtained a position in a general store at $12 a month and board. His compensation was raised in a short time to .$20 a month and board, and at this very moderate wages he continued to render faithful sei-yice to his employer until 1880, moving then to the Red river valley. In this part of the state Mr. Hanson was first em- ployed as a day laborer, but before long was given a position in a real estate and insurance office in Glyn- don, Clay county. Later he accepted employment in a general store at $50 a month, and some time after- ward was transferred to Ada to take charge of a store owned by the same firm at a salary of $75 a month, which was soon raised to $100 a month. In 1887 he took up his residence at Fertile and in part- nership with W. H. and E. L. Matthews and F. F. S. Miller founded the bank of Matthews & Co. with a capital of $10,000, which was furnished by the Messrs Matthews and Mr. Miller. During the nearly twenty- nine years which have elapsed since then Mr. Hanson, has had charge of the operations of this bank, the last several years as its president. This sound and progressive financial institution is now known as the Fii-st State Bank of Fertile. It has a capital of $25,000, a surplus of $5,000, individual profits amounting to $6,000 and deposits aggregating $280,000. It carries on a general banking business, and has out loans, bonds and other investments total- ing $220,000. Under the skillful and prudent man- agement of ]\Ir. Hanson it has grown .steadily and flourished continuously, and it is now regarded in business circles as one of the best of its rank in the northwest. Mr. Hanson now owns a controlling inter- est in it and is also interested in several other banks in IMinnesota, North Dakota and Montana. He was married in 1881 to ]\Iiss Julia Christianson near where Fertile now stands. They have had seven children, six of whom are living. The oldest son of the family is cashier of the bank of which his father is president. PETER STUHR. For a number of years after reaching his majority Peter Stuhr, now one of the leading merchants of the village of Euclid, in this county, was an enterpris- ing and successful farmer. He was bom in Hanover, Germany, April 13, 1868, and is the son of Carsten and Elsie (Rogge) Stuhr, also natives of Germany. The family came to the United States when Peter was about two years old, and about one year later located in Goodhue county, Minnesota. In March, 1880, the family residence was changed to Polk county, the father having taken up a homestead in Section 4, Eu- clid township, the year before. Peter Stuhr remained at home until 1896 and fol- lowed farming until 1899. In the year la.st mentioned he moved to Euclid, and during the next five years was the agent of the Minneapolis & Northern Grain Elevator company at that place. Since 1904 he has been engaged in mercantile business at Euclid, con- ducting a general store with farm implements as a large part of his stock. He has built up an extensive trade bj' his enterprise, his knowledge of the needs of his community and his excellent management, and is now considered one of the leading merchants in his part of Polk county. On June 2, 1896, Mr. Stuhr was married, at Euclid, to Mrs. Bertha Misner, the widow of Wells Misner, and a native of "Wisconsin. They have two children living, Florence and Gordon, and lost one son who died in infancy. Mrs. Stuhr had three children by her fir.st marriage, Harold, Vasta and Ruth. Mr. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 427 Stuhr has taken an active and helpful part in all township affairs. For eighteen years he served well and wisely as a member of the school board, and he has also filled most of the other township offices and all with credit to himself and benefit to the township. His parents are still living in Euclid township. Their six children are Anna, Peter, Katie, Mary, Henry and John. Peter owns 360 acres of land near the village of Euclid. ERICKSON BROTHERS. Emil and Martin Ericksou, who carry on a general merchandising business at Climax, this county, in which they succeeded A. & E. Steeuerson November 20, 1906, and have been engaged ever since, are sons of Hans Erickson, one of the leading farmers of Traill count}'. North Dakota. He lives ou a fine farm in that county nine miles west of Climax, on which he settled in 1877 or 1878, and was one of the pioneers of the county. His farm comprises a whole half-sec- tion of land and is well improved. He was born and reared in Norway, and came to the United States in his young manhood, locating in Mitchell county, Iowa, and there his son Emil was born, September 20, 1874. Martin's life began in Traill county. North Dakota, December 23, 1880. Emil Erickson remained with his parents until he reached the age of twenty-five years, then returned to Iowa and took up his residence in Worth county, opening a hardware and agricultural implement .store at Joice. He kept this store seven years and built up an extensive trade for it, then sold the business and for a year lived in Grand Forks. In 1906 he and his brother Hildus bought the business of the Steener- sons, at Climax, and the next year Martin joined them in the store, taking Hildus' place as a member of the firm. Hildus died several years later at Bellmont, North Dakota. The two enterprising merchants, who are trading under the firm name of Erickson Bros., have about $10,000 invested in their business and it is very flour- ishing. Their trade is growing steadily and their hold on the confidence and good will of the people is con- stantly increasing and intensifying. They are strictly up-to-date business men, and they please the commu- nity around them because they study how and try hard to do it. They make it their first consideration and leading desire to know the needs of their trade and their prime undertaking to provide for them. Emil Erickson was married at Joice, Iowa, in 1901, to Miss Sophia Holstad. They have seven children, Reuben, Hazel, ]\Iaynard, Lillian, Gladys, lona and Wilma, aU of whom are still with their parents. Mar- tin's marriage took place in 1904 and united him with Miss Amanda Engen, a daughter of Ole Eugen, of Climax, a sketch of whose life will be found in this work. Martin and his wife have two children, their daughters Vivian and Orpha. The brothers and their wives belong to the Lutheran church at Climax. OLE KNUDSON. Ole Knudson, who is one of Polk county 's advanced, enterprising and successful farmers, lives on Section 10, Roome township, nine miles west of Crookston, four and a half north of Eldred and five southeast of Fisher, owns 480 acres of excellent land improved with good modem buildings and up-to-date conven- iences, and carries on extensive operations with great vigor, progressiveness and profit to himself and the region in which he lives. He was born in Norway, September 23, 1848, and came to the United States in 1870. After spending some months at Decorah, Iowa, he moved to Reed's Landing in "Wabasha county, Minnesota, and there he worked on the railroad. In the spring of 1871 he began running lumber 428 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY rafts on the Mississippi river to St. Louis. A steam- boat was used to push and steer the rafts, and each trip to the Missouri metropolis consumed about three weeks. Mr. Knudson next spent two winters as a driver in the lumber woods near Menomouie, Wis- consin, and at the end of that period made a trip to the Black Hills to prospect for gold. He had no luck, owing to lack of water, Eind remained in the diggings only about one month, leaving there the day of the Custer massacre and in the midst of excitement over the theft of a pony in the locality by Indians. His experience as a gold seeker cost him about $400. In 1878 Mr. Knudson decided to turn his atten- tion to farming and came to the Red river region in search of land for his purpose. He selected a home- stead in Section 11, Roome township, and Andrew and John Locken, who were then, or afterward became, his brothers-in-law, did the same. They all obtained railroad land and located on it, building a house and living together and doing their own house work. In 1882 Mr. Knudson sold his laud to the Lockens and bought a part of the place on which he now lives in Section 10, which was a homestead belonging to Ole Lee. This homestead was improved with a little log shanty and a sod stable, and about twenty-five acres of it had been plowed. Mr. Knudson agreed to pay Ole Lee $1,800 for it and was soon able to make the whole payment. He had broken some 200 acres of his first farm and seeded it in wheat. He liarvested a good crop from this and got $1.25 a bushel for wliat he sold, and so he had money to clear his new home of debt. But he had no team with which to cultivate the land, and had to work for other farmers to get one. He succeeded in buying a team that same year, and at once proceeded to devote his attention to his own land. From this time on Mr. Knudson was in debt for thirty years. But he bought eighty acres more for $600, an additional tract of 160 for $2,000 and still another of eighty for $1,100. His farm is now half a mile wide and a mile and a half long, with the build- ings at the north end, the house in which he now lives having been built in 1891. His crop in 1915 aggregated 9,000 bushels of wheat, oats and barley. He also keeps nine milch cows and furnishes cream for ice cream factories in Crookston. His cattle are Shorthorns and Holsteins of good quality, and he keeps fifteen horses for his work. He has recently in- stalled a complete acetylene lighting plant for his buildings. Mr. Knudson served as chairman of the township board for twelve or fourteen years and then refused to accept the office longer. He has also been a mem- ber of the school board for eighteen years, and has taken an active part in all drainage and good roads movements in his township. He has been married three times. His first wife was Miss Guro Locken, sister of John and Andrew Locken, who died three years after her marriage, leaving no children. His second wife was Miss Mary Locken, a sister of tlie first wife. She died a year and a half after her mar- riage, leaving one son, George, who is now 26 and still with his father. On December 19, 1897, Mr. Knud- son solemnized his third marriage, which iinited him with Mrs. Josephine Carlson, a widow with one son, Wilfred, who is now 27. By her marriage with Mr. Knudson she has become the mother of another son, Richard, M'ho is 16. Mr. Knudson is a RepTiblican in politics and he and his wife and sons belong to the Lutheran church. OLE CHRISTIANSEN. The late Ole Christiansen, who developed and im- proved a fine farm of 224 acres in Section 29, Lowell township, and who died February 14, 1908, aged fifty- five years, was one of the sturdy and sterling citizens of Polk county for many years. He was born at Shal- land, Denmark, and came with his parents. Christian and Caroline Hansen, to the United States and settled in Ottertail countv, Minnesota. There the mother COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 429 died, and sooii afterward tlie father and son moved to Polk county, where Mr. Christiansen bought rail- road land. Thej' settled here in the j'ear 1878. The country at that time was new and unimproved; there were few settlers, but the land was soon taken up. The farm is on the Red Lake river, and is part timber land and part meadow bottom and upland, and the latter is devoted to growing grain and hay. Mr. Christiansen continued to manage his farm until his death. He erected most of the buildings now on it and improved it into a fine farm and an attract- ive country home. He served in township offices near- ly all the years of his life in Polk county, being a member of the township board, supervisor, clerk and assessor at different times. He was married in this county to Miss Anna Olson, who died within one year after his demise. They had five children, all of whom are living. Carl and Alfred have the real estate. Christiana is the wife of Martin Gulseth. Lorena is the wife of Otto Nelson, of Polk county and Alice is unmarried. Alfred is now cultivating the farm. He was born on it May 4, 1882, and when he was thirty-one was married, in Denmark, March 18, 1914, to Miss Cather- ine Marie Christensen. They have one child, their daughter Anna Harriet. Mr. Christiansen keeps an average of twenty -five head of dairy and beef cattle, his milch cows numbering five to twelve according to circumstances. He was elected to his first public office, that of township clerk, in 1915, and he is giving its duties devoted attention and gives the residents of the township good satisfaction in his performance of them, as it was expected he would when they elected him. Carl Christiansen was married to Miss Olga Ek- lund, November 4, 1915. He also was born on his father's farm in Lowell township. He succeeded his father in the office of school treasurer and served in it several years. He now owns and operates a thresh- ing outfit, and also lives on the farm, and, in partner- ship with his brother Alfred is also operating a feed mill, and a saw miU on the home farm on the bank of Red Lake river, the output of the mill being 40,000 to 100,000 feet of lumber every winter. OLAUS BENSON. One of the pu.shing, thriving, up-to-date and suc- cessful farmers of Polk county, Minnesota, is Olaus Benson, who lives in Section 1, Hubbard township, owns 320 acres of land in addition to the farm on which he lives and is a member of the firm of Ben- son Bros., general merchants, at Neilsville. He was bom in Hoi;ston county, Minnesota, April 3, 1868, and is the sou of Bendick and Gunhild Breiland, his surname being formed by the addition of the suffix "son" to part of his father's given name, according to the Norwegian custom. The mother died in Hous- ton county, in 1871, leaving five children, of which two still live, Annie and Olaus. The former is living near Gonvick, in Clearwater county, this state. The father was married twice afterward. His sec- ond wife had one son, Halvor Benson, who is in part- nership wrni Olaus in the store at Neilsville. A few mouths after the family located in Polk county the second wife died. The third wife had two childi'en, Andrew, who is living on his father 's homestead near Trail, in Polk county, Minnesota, and Geline, who is married and has her home at Duluth. The family came to this county in 1880, and the father lived here until 1887, when he took up a homestead near Trail, where he died in 1910. Olaus Benson began to work out for wages early in life and gave part of his earnings to his parents. But by the time he reached the age of twenty-one he had $300 saved. He then rented a farm belonging to Tollof Tollofson, an uncle of Olaus' half brother, Halvor, whom Tollofson reared. Olaiis married Mr. Tollofson 's only child, Turin, and when her father died she inher- ited his farm of 185 acres. Mr. Tollofson was born in Norway and came to the United States before the Civil 430 COMPENDIU.M OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY war. He served iu that war for three years iu a Wis- eousin regimeut, and came to Red River valley in 1871, one of the first settlers. He lived there until he died, in 1890. His wife, Sigred, died in 1905. Mr. Benson has built one of the best country resi- dences in Polk county on his farm, which comprises 320 acres in addition to the Tollofson land, and on this he raises large crops of grain and potatoes. His crop in 1915 amounted to 4,000 bushels of wheat, 2,000 of barley, 1,500 of oats and an abundant yield from forty acres of potatoes. He keeps regularly thirty head of good cattle, employs two men all the time, owns his threshing outfit, plows with a tractor engine and uses an automobile for driving and hauling. He and his wife are the parents of one child, their daughter, Gina; and Ilanna Arneson is reared at the Benson home. In 1905 Mr. Benson and his half-brother, Halvor, started a general store at Neilsville. Halvor has been in charge of the store ever since, while Olaus has given his attention mainly to his farming operations. Both eutei'prises have flourished through careful manage- ment and good business ability, and both are steadily growing in value and the volume of their operations, and the men at the head of them are everywhere held in high and general esteem by all who know them. OLE 0. ROMO. Having come to this county about thirty-six years ago with no earthly possessions except about $20 saved out of slender and hard-earned wages paid him in another county in this state, and having acquired the ownership of 200 acres of well-improved and pro- ductive laud and other property by his industry, thrift and good management, Ole 0. Romo, one of the sub- stantial and enterprising farmers of Vineland town- ship, has made his time and ability tell greatly to his advantage and worked out a career of usefulness and success that is highly creditable to him. Mr. Romo was born iu the ancient and historic city of Trondhjem, Norway, July 7, 1860, and was brought to the United States by his parents, Ole and Kjersti Romo, when he was nine years old. The fam- ily settled on eighty acres of railroad land about thirty miles southwest of Red Wing, Minnesota, and there the parents died some years later. Of their seven children only Ole and his sister, Mrs. Charles Nelson, are residents of Polk county. The others are living in different parts of Minnesota and the adjoin- ing state of North Dakota. Ole 0. Romo came to this county in 1880 with his sister and her husband, Charles Nelson, and worked for the latter, breaking nearly all of his land, includ- ing the part that now lies in the village of Climax. He next worked for Levi Steenerson, who lived at that time in a little cabin about where his present residence stands. He was with Mr. Steenerson six years, and at the end of that period had .$700 to invest in a farm for himself. He bought the homestead of Ole Bramseth, a pioueer, in Section 28, Vineland town- ship, one mile and a half cast of Climax, agi'eeing to pay $1,630 for the 160 acres of land, whose improve- ments consisted of a little log house, a stable and a granary, all covered with straw and sod. The land was nearly all plowed and Mr. Romo was allowed ten or eleven years in which to complete his payments on it, and these he at once began to make provision for. Soon after taking possession of his farm Mr. Romo built a small frame house on it, and that lie and his family occupied until a few years ago, when the pres- ent dwelling was erected, as were the barn and other buildings. Becoming at once an intensive farmer, Init devoting his forces mainly to raising grain, he prospered from the start. His crop in 1915 averaged 30 bushels of wheat and 53 bushels of oats to the acre. He keeps a good-sized drove of cattle, including nine or ten milch cows, and owns stock in the co-operative creamery, the co-operative store and the telephone company at Climax. In addition, he has bought forty acres of other land and has a lot and house in the village of Climax. Mr. Romo was married just before he located on ■ ^^H ^HF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^1 mi' '^n^^^^^l ^ V, JjHp'^''^. ^^^^^^^^H 1 ANDREW J. KELL^Y COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 4J1 his farm to Mrs. Sigre Amuudsou, a native of Norway, and the widow of Ole Amundson, who had a farm of 145 acres in Hubbard township. She had oue child by her fii-st marriage, Alfred Amundson, who is a farmer in Hubbard township. By her second mar- riage Mrs. Romo has become the mother of seven chil- dren : Oscar, who is cultivating her farm in Hubbard township; Oliver, who is variously employed in the neighborhood; Clara and Thea, who are employed in the central telephone office in Climax; Bertha, who is living at home ; Josie, who is a high school student in Climax, and Olga, who is attending the district school there. The members of the family all belong to Skatvold Lutheran church, of which Mr. Romo is the treasurer and one of the trustees. He has also served as town- ship supervisor for three years and is now president of the school district. He is a director of the co- operative store and tlie co-operative creamery at Climax, also treasurer for the Ladies Aid at Skatvold. ANDREW J. KELLEY. Andrew J. Kelley, whose pleasant home is located on the Red Lake river one mile and a half east of Crookston, is a scion of a military family, and was himself a valiant soldier in our Civil war, and during that momentous struggle gloriously did he sustain the examples and spirit of his family. His grandfather, Andrew Kelley, was a soldier in the Revolution and fought under Washington. His father, John Kelley, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and he also fought under Harrison at Tippecanoe, where he was left on the field as dead from a tomahawk woimd from the effects of which he died young. Andrew J. served three years in the Union army, Company E, Seven- teenth Michigan infantry, from 1862 to the close of the war, and his son Edwin, the present sheriff of Polk coimty, was a soldier in the Spanish-American war, of short endurance but decisive results. Andrew J. Kelley was born in La Grange county, Indiana, September 2, 1845, and moved to Adrian, Michigan, where he passed his boyhood and youth. He enlisted in 1862, served to the close of the conflict and received a medal for specially meritorious conduct in trying situations. He took part in more than thirty battles and had some very trying experiences, being selected at different times for particularly hazardous duties. Space is not available for a detailed account of his military exploits, but on one occasion he volun- teered to burn a house in which the Confederates were quartered and steadily picking off the flower of the Union command, and in company with five others suc- cessfully achieved the result desired. After the war Mr. Kelley became an officer in the Michigan state prison. One of the prisoners had a book describing the Red river country, and this in- duced Mr. Kelley to come to this region in 1872. Rail- road operations were almost suspended in this locality at the time, and he journeyed from Glyndon to Crooks- ton on a hand car, his wife being with him and holding the present sheriff of the county in her arms. He selected a homestead in the northwest quarter of sec- tion 28, Crookston township, two miles northeast of Crookston and about one mile from the Red Lake river. Spending the summer in the shack on his home- stead, Mr. Kelley found the conveniences of life almost wholly lacking in his neighborhood. The settlers put a sail on a flat car and with this would run to Glyndon for groceries when the wind was favorable, and there they would remain until it shifted so that it would bring them back, as the trains on the railroad were not running regularly. Mr. Kelley was married in 1869 to Miss Ella A. Fleming, a daughter of Rev. S. Fleming, D. D., a Presbyterian clergyman in Indiana. In May, 1873, his wife and children joined him on the homestead. His house was the only one on the prairie between Crookston and Red Lake agency. In- dians often visited it for food, but they never showed any violence. Sometimes they brought their wives and 432 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY children with them. Elk and other large game were plentiful, and all the incidents of frontier life were at hand. Since settling here Mr. Kelley has given his atten- tion mainly to his farm. But he has served as town- ship clerk since the organization of the township. In the course of time he acquired another quarter-section of land and later bought forty acres on the bank of Red Lake river, and on this tract he now has his home. His principal dependence for many years was raising grain, but during the last fifteen he has given a great deal of attention to dairj'ing. Mrs. Kelley is a native of Michigan and she and Mr. Kelley were married at Burr Oak in that state. They have seven children: Herbert, a civil engineer, whose home is now in Vancouver, British Columbia ; Edwin Fleming, who is now (1916) sheriff of Polk county; Clara, who is the wife of Bert Cochrane, of Crookston ; Mabel, who is the wife of David Fleming, a member of the Crookston police force; Maude, who is the wife of M. J. 'Boyle, a machinist in Crookston ; and Lulu and Leonard H., who are stiU membei-s of the parental family circle. The parents are members of the Congregational church and were among its first communicants. ]Mr. Kelley was the first Sunday school superintendent in Crookston, presiding over a union Sunday school which he started in 1874, and he has been continuously interested in Sunday school work since. In political faith he is a Republican Pro- hibitionist, and rejoices in now seeing Crookston "di*y," which it never was until veiy recently. MICHAEL QUIRK. This extensive, enterprising and successful farmer of Polk county, who managed all his own land until a short time ago, has been a resident of the United States for about fifty-four years and of Polk county, Minnesota, about forty-five years. He was bora in County Galway, Ireland, some seventy-five years ago, and left his native land for America while our country was in the terrible throes of the war between the North and South. He landed at New York and for some years was employed in railroad work in that state, Pennsylvania, and the states westward a.s far as l\Iis- souri. In 1872 he was in St. Louis, Missouri, and fi'om that city, in company with Barney Haggerty and Mattie Martin, all of whom were unmarried except Mr. Haggerty, he traveled by boat up the Mississippi to St. Paul and from there overland to Moorhead. At the place last named they heard accounts of the value of the land farther down the Red river, and all of them came to Polk county and all squatted on unsurveyed land. Patrick Quigley joined the party at Moorhead, and he also took up land. When the land was surveyed Mr. Quirk filed a homestead claim on his tract of 160 acres, and he now owns, in addition to his homestead, a whole half-sec- tion in Fisher township and another fai-m of 160 acres in Tynsid township, the homestead being in Section 15, Tynsid township, and bordering on the Red river. For many years Mr. Quirk farmed all of these farms and got large returns from them. He came to this county with only about .$500. His first home in it was a little log cabin, and his first team was a yoke of oxen. The log cabin has been replaced by a com- modious and comfortable frame house, and the oxen have given way to horses and steam and gasoline mo- tive power. Thus the hard.v and adventurous pioneer of the W'ilderness has kept pace with the progress of events and improvement, and he has shown himself to be of a progressive and productive nature, and well qualified to make the most of his opoprtunities, sur- roundings and resources. But he has devoted his en- ergies wholly to the requirements of his farming in- dustry, raising wheat as his main crop, and has never held or sought a public office, although he has been in- terested in the development of his locality and done his part to promote that with ardor and intelligence. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 433 Mr. Quirk was married three years after comiug to this county to Miss Lizzie Lealos, also a uative of Ire- land but residing at Red Lake at the time of her mar- riage. Their offspring numbered eight, three sons and five daughters. Of the sons Edward is living on a farm near that of his father. John is a resident of Bygland township, and Matthew is cultivating the home place. Only four of the daughters are living, the oldest, Maggie, having died in early life. Annie is the wife of John Gannaw of Grand Porks. Lizzie and Mamie are living at home, and Delia is the wife of Patrick Quigley, the nearest neighbor of the home family. Mr. Quirk is a Democrat in political faith and allegiance and all the members of his family belong to the Catholic church at Pisher. ODIN J. BJORNSTAD. Although he is one of the younger farmers of Polk county and also one of the youngest of the public offi- cials of his township, Odin J. Bjornstad, who lives on Section 24, Hubbard township, one mile west of Neils- ville, is one of the most aggressive grapplers with prob- lems involving advanced agriculture for the welfare of his locality and public interests for the good of the whole county now residing in this part of the state of Minnesota. And he has already made a record for progressiveness and breadth of view that would be creditable to a man much more advanced in years and experience. Mr. Bjornstad was born on the farm on which he is now living October 15, 1886, the son of J. J. and Karen Bjornstad, natives of Norway, who came to the United States and direct to Polk county in 1875 and at once took up a homestead which is a part of the present family home. They had only $1 when they arrived here, and Mrs. Bjornstad went to Grand Forks to get employment for her support, while her husband lived in a dugout and did his own cooking until they got a start in the New World. A little later he built a little log cabin on his land, but still worked out for his liv- ing, being employed by his brother-in-law, Nels Pauls- rud. Times have mended for the family since then, and in the course of a few years Mr. Bjornstad, the elder, bought an additional quarter-section from the estate of his brother Hans, who took it up as a homestead on which he died. J. J. Bjornstad cultivated the whole half-section until 1909, when his son Odin took charge of it, and the father has since lived retired from active pursuits but maintained his home on the farm. He and his wife became the parents of .seven children, five of whom are living. Mary has her home with her par- ents. Eliza is the wife of George Burd, of Hubbard township. Odin J. has charge of the home farm. Net- tie has taught in the schools of Ottertail county in this state and during the last five years in those of North Dakota. She is now teaching in the high school at Hillsboro in that state. Hans is living on the farm with his parents. Odin J. Bjornstad completed his academic educa- tion at Concordia College, in Moorhead, from which he was graduated in 1907, in the classical course. Since assuming control of the farm he has made a specialty of raising potatoes, devoting about seventy acres to this one product annually. He Ls a partner with T. A. Thompson in the ownership and operation of the potato warehouse at Neilsville and has a one-half interest in it. They store about 18,000 bushels of potatoes in this warehouse and they are all held for seed, the Red River Ohios being the favorite species, and the most of their stock is shipped to Kansas City, Missouri, more than 300 carloads being sent from Neilsville to that mart for seed in 1914. Mr. Bjornstad has also taken a warm and helpful interest in the public affairs of his locality and is at present (1916) chairman of the township board and in the third year of his service as such. He is independent in political affairs. Like the other members of his family he belongs to St. Peter's United Lutheran 434 C0MPEND1U.M OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY church aud he has been for some years secretary of aci-es of land in Traill county, North Dakota, three the congregation. He is unmarried. In addition to miles west of Neilsville, which he has farmed by a his holdings in Polk county, Minesota, he owns 285 tenant. THEODORE M. BOYER. Theodore M. Beyer, who is now one of the leading merchants at Beltrami, was born in Wisconsin, July 31, 1870, and was brought by his parents to Becker county, Minnesota, the next year. His parents, Peter 0. and Barbro Boyer, are still living in Becker county, where the son was reared to the age of eighteen on the home fann. He began his education in the district schools and completed the academic part of it at a college in St. Paul and the State Normal school in Moorhead. He also pursued a special course of train- ing for business at a commercial school in St. Paul. After leaving school Mr. Boyer clerked in a general store in Steele county. North Dakota, for a year and a half and after that in a store in Becker county, this state, for two years. On March 9, 1897, he came to Polk county, and for a short time clerked in a store at Climax. He was then appointed postmaster at Eldred, receiving the appointment in May. By June he had completed the second building and the first store house in the new village and opened the first store there. He had about $1,500 to start the store with, including the building, and he kept the store until the spring of 1912, a periocl of fifteen years. In 1903, in partnership with his brothers, M. P. and C. A. Boyer, he opened his present store at Beltrami under the firm name of Bover Bros. & Co. M. P. Boyer had been associated with him in conducting the store at Eldi-ed, but in 1903 he took charge of the Beltrami store, and later he returned to Eldred, where he died January 3, 1912. The other brother, C. A. Boyer, was in charge of the Beltrami store one year. After that Theodore took charge of it, and he has since been its sole proprietor. He liandles all kinds of farm pi'oduce, uses $8,000 to $10,000 in his business and employs two clerks. His trade has grown from the start and is steadily increasing all the time. Mr. Boyer served as treasurer of Roome township two years while living there. He was married at Eldred on June 1st in 1890 to Miss Angeline Arness, a daughter of Alexander P. and Randine Arness, who are now residents of Fisher, in this county. Mrs. Boyer was born in Norway but brought by her parents to Polk county, Minesota,, when she was eight years old. She and her husband are the parents of five children, Pereival, Alexander, Theobald, Ruth and Lucille. Mr. Boyer, in fraternal relations, belongs to the Order of Woodmen and takes an active interest in its welfare, and of which he was venerable consul for one year and clerk for five years. After moving to Beltrami he has served on the village board as council- man for six years. JOHN 0. CHRISTI ANSON. John 0. Christianson, who owns and lives on a fine farm in Section 10, Garfield township, on which he located in 1892, is one of the enterpi-ising, progressive and succes.sful farmers of Polk county and enjoys the respect and confidence of all who know him. He was born in Allamakee county, Iowa, October 14, 1864, his parents having located there just prior to the Civil war and his father's brother three or four years earlier. They both took up government land, and in 1880, the parents of John 0., who were Ole and Anna Christian- son, moved to this county and took up a homestead in Garfield township, which is now owned and occu- pied by their son Otto. John 0. Christiansen's farm, which comprises 160 COMPEiNDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 435 acres, is located three miles and a half northeast of Fertile, and is now under cultivation to the extent of ninety-five acres. He bought it in 1892 at $16 an acre. Fifty acres were then in a partial state of culti- vation, but the land had on it no buildings fit to use. He built a log house, of logs cut in hLs own timber mainly, and chose an excellent location for it on an elevation thirty-five feet above Lake Arthur, an ex- panse of 200 acres, which it overlooks, and in the midst of a beautiful grove. The other improvements on the farm are also of good quality. Mr. Christianson raises grain, hay and mixed live stock, one of his specialties being white Chester hogs. He keeps ten cows for milk for the Co-operative Cream- ery company at Fertile, in which he is a stockholder. He served as road overseer for a number of years and as a member of the school board for a long time. His first venture in land in this county was on a homestead in Onstad township, and his brother Ole took up the present farm as a homestead for himself. Later John 0. sold his homestead in Onstad township and bought his brother Ole's, on which he is now liv- ing. Ole is in the real estate and insurance business in Crookston. In 1889 Mr. Christianson was united in marriage with Miss Carrie Nesseth, a sister of the late Thomas II. Nesseth, a sketch of whose life will be found in this volume. Ten children have been born of the union, and nine of them are living. Henry 0. has been operating a threshing outfit for six years. Albert M. has a homestead in Canada on which he lives. AVilliam T., Clifford I., George N. and John ai'e living at home and helping to operate the farm. Mabel S. i.s the teacher of the school near the family home. She is a graduate of the high school at Fertile and of a course of training at the Moorbead Normal school. Clara and Lillie are living at home with their par- ents. All the members of the family belong to the Little Norway United Lutheran church. Mr. Chris- tianson 's father donated three acres of ground for the church site and the cemetery belonging to it. F. GUY STEARNS. As proprietor of the Climax Roller Mills, which make 100 barerls of flour a day for merchant and cus- tom trade, supplying a large local and an extensive Eastern market, F. Guy Stearns is carrying on a very useful industry and ministering in a substantial way to the comfort and general welfare of his fellow men as well as to the industrial and commercial consequence of his home township, coimty and state. The mills were built in 1898 by Brasseth Bros, at a cost of nearly $20,000. They have five double stands of rollers and a feed roll, and are operated by water and steam power. In 1909 the mills were bought by Messrs. Nel- son & Gilbertson, and in 1913 Mr. Stearns purchased them and has made many improvements in them, hav- ing installed modern machinery throughout. He is now installing an electric light plant to supply the mills and the village of Climax with light. The plant M'ill be one of thirty horse-power and the current of 220 volt D. C. strength. It should be stated that Mr. Stearns manufactures in his mills a cream of wheat food and also Graham flour in addition to the large quantities of wheat flour he turns out. Mr. Stearns was born in "Webster City, Hamilton county, Iowa, in 1879, and learned his trade as a miller and all the details of the flour-making industry under the instruction of his father, who was in charge of a large mill in Webster City, where the father and son had built the Stearns mill. The son spent eleven years as owner and manager of the Webster City mills. He then sold them and in 1910 went to North Dakota, where for three years he was manager of a flour mill, grain elevator and electric light plant at Walhalla, North Dakota, until he bought the mill at Climax and became a resident of Polk county, Minnesota, in 1913. He served as a justice of the peace in North Dakota and has served as a member of the village council of 436 COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Climax and is now president of the Climax Community Development Association. In fraternal relations Mr. Stearns is connected with the Ma.sonic Order and its auxiliary, the Order of the Eastern Star, of which his wife is also a member, the Order of Elks and the Order of Woodmen. He was married in Illinois in 1903, to Mis.s Geneva Mer- shon, daughter of Dr. J. I. Mershon, a native of Mount CarroU, Illinois. They have four children, Robert Maynard, Dorothy Florence, Frances Jeannette and Raymond Guy. At stated periods, when the father needs relief from the exacting cares of his business and physical recreation he seeks them in fishing and hunting trips, which never fail to give him the benefit he looks for. WILT,TA:M FLEMING. With his early manhood filled with hard.ships, pri- vations and adventures and his later years devoted to arduous toil in the struggle for advancement and the full development of the land on which he squatted when other human habitations around it were few and far apart, William Fleming, who is now living retired at 501 Nortli Third street in East Grand Forks, has had an interesting career. He battled bravely with adversity and through all circumstances and conditions he maintained his steadiness of pui-pose, and in the course of time he won a substantial triumph over all obstacles and wrung from unwilling fate a comfortable competence for life. Mr. Fleming was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, November 24, 1835, and emigrated to Hamilton, On- tario, Canada, in 1860. He was a farmer in his native land and in Canada, and wa.s constantly on the look- out for better opportunities in his chosen occupation. In 1867 he came to Olmsted county, Minnesota, and during the next four years worked at railroad ])uild- ing and in other lines, and in 1871 he became a resi- dent of this county. Before leaving Canada he was married to Miss ilary Ann Dodds, a native of Dum- fermline, Scotland, and when he settled in Polk county they had two children. At that time Mr. Fleming had about $500 in money and two yoke of cattle, but after being one day on the road to this county, when near Rochester, his cattle wandered off into the brush and for four days were lost to him. A heifer and calf that went with the cattle were never recovered, but the yoke cattle were, and for some time were of great service to him. At Rochester Mr. Fleming fell in with Robert Coul- ter and Thomas McVeety, known as "Long Tom," who had yoke teams and were on their way to Canada. Mr. Coulter was married and had his wife and two children with him, but Mr. McVeety was single. They traveled together and reached the Red river, which they swam and then moved down the west bank to "The Salts," about twenty miles north of where Grand Forks now stands, there being no settlement there at that time. At that place their longing for Canada ceased and they decided to locate in Minne- sota. They chose a region on Red Lake river about seven miles east of what is now East Grand Forks and all settled close together. The Hudson Bay company had a store at the Forks, and they made their head- quarters in this, until they swam their cattle across the river to get to their land. They were almost alone in the wilderness, N. C. Nash, a ]\Ir. Hunt and a Mrs. ^Vlley being the only persons within miles of them, and they had come that spring. For awhile our adventurers lived under a tree and began at once to break their land. They got fifteen acres broken the first year, and then had a long fight with the blackbirds in getting their seed covered, and they also planted a few potatoes. Mr. Fleming used his yoke teams for some years, then traded them for horses, which he found more satisfactory. In winter he took a load of lumber to Grand Forks, a distance of seven miles in a straight line, but eighteen traveling on the ice on the Red Lake river. In March the ice broke under his team and he lost both of his horses, during the deepening gloom of a dark night, and COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 437 within eighty rods of his home. The Sioux and Chip- pewa Indians were frequent visitors at his home, and they would dig potatoes and do other work for food. He huilt a log house as soon as he was able, and his neighbors did the same, each putting up one for him- self. Upon one occasion three bears were shot within a few rods of the log house. In the course of a few years Mr. Fleming became the owner of 423 acres of land, through which he gave the railroad company a right of way. He raised grain and live stock, good horses and Shorthorn cattle, and was the first man in his locality to own an im- ported stallion. By his first marriage Mr. Fleming became the father of ten children, one of whom died in infancy. His son John died of fever January 26, 1894, aged twenty- two, and his son Robert of the same illness two days earlier at the age of twenty. The children who are living are : William, who is a farmer in California ; Mary, who is the wife of John Silcox and lives in Saskatchewan, Canada; David, who is a member of the police force in Crookston; Margaret, who mar- ried Thomas Cameron and is also a resident of Sas- katchewan ; Isabel, who is Mrs. John Chaplin, of Sas- katchewan ; Thomas, who is living on the old family homestead, and Frank, who is a mechanic and a resi- dent of East Grand Forks. In 1898 Mr. Fleming revisited Scotland, and on his return he built the fine dwelling house now on his farm. He has also put up good barns and other struc- tures needed on the farm at a cost of $6,000. He has taken a very active and helpful part in the affairs of the Bethel Presbyterian church, which he helped to build, on the bank of the Marias river, and which all the members of his family living near enough attend regularly. Mrs. Fleming died in California October 23, 1903, and in November, 1911, he sold the place and moved to his present residence in East Grand Forks. ASA ALVERN MERRILL. Owning 480 acres of well-drained, highly improved and very productive land in sections 33, 34 and 35, in Nesbit township, and knowing how to farm it to the best advantage, the late Asa A. Merrill was one of the substantial and prosperous farmers of Polk county, and he was what he was because he had the ability, pluck and self-reliance to make himself so. He was born in the state of New York May 14, 1861, and was something more than a year older than his brother, C. A. Merrill, a sketch of whom, containing the family history, is published in this volume. Mr. Merrill came to Minnesota with his parents after a residence of some time in Boone county, Illi- nois. He remained at home until February 16, 1887, when he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Speiser, a native of Germany, who came to this coun- try alone when she was twenty years of age. She lived with her brothers in Minneapolis and visited Polk county, and she thus became acquainted with Mr. Merrill, to whom she was a helpmate in the best and most serviceable significance of the term. After his man-iage Mr. Merrill formed a partner- ship with his brother, A. C, and together they pur- chased their father's farm, on which A. C. afterward lived. The partnership was dissolved at the end of two years, and then Asa A. Merrill moved to the farm on which he lived until his death. His father gave him this 160 acres unimproved and without buildings of any kind, the son having erected the buildings now standing on the farm in 1889 at a cost of over $4,000. Mr. Merrill, after living some years on his first 160 acres, bought 160 acres more in section 35 and another in section 34, making 480 acres in all. He also owned a tract of timber land on the Red Lake river. For the prairie land he owned Mr. Merrill paid $20 an acre. He raised grain on a large scale and farmed in the most enterprising and progressive manner after he got his land drained and in a condition to work 438 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY with some degree of certainty. A picture still extant showing him and his force engaged in harvesting one season exhibits a long line of reapers with plentj' of men to iiandle their operations. His plan was to har- vest, thresh his grain, stack his straw and do his plow- ing all at one time and with the same motive power, and he employed thirty hands in this work. But he did not reach this leading position among the farmers of the county without many disasters and misfortunes. For years hail storms destroyed his crops. At other times the heat in dry seasons burned them lip, and at still others the land was so wet that it would not produce much. One year the whole crop on 400 acres was lost. But in time the ditch was dug, and after that conditions were far better and prosper- ity came rapidly and kept coming with steadily in- creasing volume. Mr. I\Ierrill served as treasurer of Nesbit township three years, and as school director of his district many more. Fraternally he was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and in religious matters was friendly to all churches but favored none in par- ticular. He died July 20, 1914, and, as he was a reso- lute and energetic man, was his own manager to the time of his death. He and his wife were the parents of four children. Myrtie was drowned in the Rfld Lake river at the age of thii'teen. Ira is operating the farm. Floy is the wife of E. F. Hollands, an engineer, and lives in Winnipeg, and Arthur is still living with his mother, who continues to live on the farm. GEORGE COULTER. This gentleman, who built up and developed the Forest Home stock farm of 800 acres in Huntsville township, this county, and gave it a national reputa- tion, turned his attention to a new enterprise, that of clearing, improving and transforming into a good farm 320 acres of brash land iu Beltrami county, ten miles south of Bemidji. He bviilt his dwelling near a fine spring on the farm and at once began cleaning np the land. In the two years of effort which he has devoted to this work he has cleared seventy-five acres and built two miles and a half of good road, being still very enterprising, although well advanced in age. He paid $20 an acre for his land and it is now worth .$.35 and steadily increasing in value. Mr. Coulter was born in County Lanark, Ontario, January 31, 1856, and became a resident of Polk County about 1875. He took a homestead at what is now the village of Mallory on the Great Northern rail- road, and on this he lived about ten years, several of them as a bachelor and doing his own housework, often having other young men visiting him. His next home was the renowned Forest Home stock farm, which is now occupied by his son George. He bought a small part of this at fir.st and kept on increasing it until he now owns 800 acres in one body in this farm. He con- ducted it.s cultivation and live stock industry until 1912, when he turned it over to his son. On this farm Mr. Coulter, the elder, bred Aberdeen- Angus cattle for beef and exhibition, and showed specimens at local and state fairs in Minnesota, win- ning many first prizes, keeping up the industry until he left the farm and sometimes raising 100 head of beef cattle in a year, but selling most of his product for breeding purposes. He also bred and exhibited Scotch collie dogs, being an enthusiast in these as well as iu Aberdeen- Angus cattle. The Forest Home stock farm is composed in part of railroad and school land and the residence on it is on the bank of Red Lake river in a fine location. A good house which Mr. Coulter had previously built was destroyed by fire in 1906. Grain was his principal agricultural product while he managed the farm, and of this he was one of the most extensive producers in Polk county, but he was also a leader in the live stock industry, and takes no backward place in any line of endeavor in which he engages. On May 1, 1882, when there was a foot of snow on the ground, Mr. Coulter was married in Grand Forks COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 439 to Miss Agnes Brown, a daughter of Aaron Brown of East Grand Forks, a sketch of whom appears in this work. She was not yet seventeen at the time of her marriage, but she at once took charge of the house- keeping at the old homestead, and there one daughter was born in the family. She and tive of the subse- quent children are living, one having died in infancy. Margaret is the wife of Jesse Coulter, at The Point on Red River, and has four children, Clara, William, Kenneth and Myra. George L., who has charge of the stock farm, married Miss Mary Cole and has two children, Lorna and Robert. Harriet, a graduate of the Agricultural college at Crookston, is the wife of Irving Bjerke, of Bemidji. Florence, who completed her education at the University of North Dakota, is the wife of Benjamin Dietz and lives on her father's old homestead. She has two children, her daughters, Agnes and Jean. Alvin and Elsie are living with their parents, the latter being a student at the high school in Ea.st Grand Forks. All the members of the family have been reared in and hold to the Presby- terian church. OLOF ERICKSON. Almost single handed and alone this hardy adven- turer dared the dangers and defied the hardships and prirations of the frontier when he located on 160 acres of the farm he now occupies in Section 34, Fisher township, this county, which he took as a homestead in 1874. He was then the resident dwelling farthest south in this region, but Andrew and Nels Malmberg, who came with him, were perhaps not very far away. They had all worked on the Northern Pacific railroad, and the Malmbergs had helped to build it into Crooks- ton. On February 21st and 22d Mr. Erickson walked from Glyndon to Crookston alone, a distance of 68 miles. In April, 1874, he dug a cellar and put up a log house. No trains went to Crookston that winter. Mr. Erickson was born in Sweden April 12, 1843, and remained in that country until he reached the age of twenty-six years. In 1869 he came to the United States, stopping at Red Wing, Minnesota, for a short time, then going to Sioux City, Iowa, to work on a railroad in course of construction from Lemars east through Cherokee to Storm Lake, which is now a part of the Illinois Central system. The only railroad into Sioux City at that time was the Missouri "Valley from Council Bluffs. In 1871 Mr. Erickson joined the force on the North- ern Pacific and helped to build that road to Moorhead. He saved $300 of his earnings at railroad work, but felt that this was insufficient for his venture in the wilderness. Therefore, after he filed on his homestead he went to Winnipeg and for a year he worked in a brickyard in that city, thereby laying up more money, and a few years afterward he bought eighty acres of railroad land at $9 an acre, with the usual rebate con- ditions included in the contract. This tract contained forty acres of timber, which the owner has found to be enough for all his needs. Mr. Erickson built the dwelling house which he now occupies in 1900 and made the other improvements on the place at different times. His principal industry has been raising grain, mostly wheat, but he has also raised a large number of heavy draft horses for sale in the neighborhood and elsewhere. He has served as road overseer, and in that capacity has helped to im- prove roads in his township. He and his neighbors Imilt the first bridges on the creeks and the river at Fisher. He farmed with oxen six years and was the first one to cross Fisher bridge with an ox team. In all the early activities of this part of the North- west Mr. Erickson had a busy hand. He helped to load the first ear filled with wheat that ran out of Crookston in the fall of 1875, he and five or six of his neighbors having sold 400 bushels for the purpose at 90 cents a bushel. But he did not forget the "girl he left behind him" in the old country. After he had been in the United States three years and got a good start here he sent back to Sweden for her to come 440 COilPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY over. She came and they were married in Duluth, and when they took possession of their Polk county home they had one child. This first child, a son named Alex, died at the age of fourteen. Six others were born in the family, and they are all living. Abel is a well digger. Axel is living at home. Lena is the wife of R. 0ms, of North Dakota. Mary is the wife of Christ Engen, of Lari- iiiore, and Julia, Hulda and Lottie are milliners at Larimore, North Dakota. Mr. Erickson has been something of a hunter and fi.sherman in his time, and in the early days his wife often shot prairie chickens. She died in 1896, and her remains and those of the deceased son are buried on the farm. For many years Mr. Erickson rendered good service to the community. JOHN G. VRAA. This gentleman is one of the prosperous, progressive and successful farmers of Polk county and also one of the leading citizens of Vineland township, on Sec- tion 33 of which his fine farm of over 200 acres is located. It is two miles southeast of Climax, and is improved with a very good dwelling house, and he is now (1916) completing a large and substantial barn on it. He was bom in Norway January 7, 1865, and came to this country in 1872 with his parents, Ger- raand Nereson and Leve (Olafsen) Vraa, who located in Faribault county, Minnesota. The mother died in Norway in 1868, and in 1876 the father brought his five children to Polk county and took a homestead in Vineland township eighty acres of which are included in the farm now owned and occupied by his son John G. The father, who died in 1897, also owned eighty acres of railroad land and had all of both tracts under cultivation. He devoted his whole attention to his farm and the rearing of his children, who are : Ole, a resident of the village of Climax ; Michael, who lives on the farm adjoining the home place; Gunder, who has part of the family homestead ; Hage, who was the wife of Ole Bramseth (and the youngest of the chil- dren), and who lived also on a farm adjoining the homestead, she died in 1902, and John G., who car- ried on the home place in partnership with one of his brothers for six years before their father died. On the death of his father John G. Vraa got 125 acres of the old farm, and to this he has added eighty acres half a mile distant but cultivated as a part of his farm. Raising grain has been his main depend- ence and industry on the farm, and his crop in 1915 aggregated 1,800 bushels of wheat, 1,200 of oats and 600 of barley. But he also keeps eight to ten cows and does some trading in dairy products. This is, how- ever, only incidental, as his general farming activities engage nearly all of his attention, as they always have from the time when he entered upon them. Mr. Vraa was married in December, 1887, to Miss Maria Anderson and they have four children, Lena, Albert, Cecil and Minnie, all of whom are still at home with their parents. He has been supervisor of the township board for five years and clerk of the school district for twenty-five. He and his wife are mem- bers of the church congregation near his home whose meetings are held in the schoolhouse, and they take an active part in all its work. JOHN LOGAN. Living on an excellent farm of 300 acres fronting on Red river and lying sixteen miles west of Crooks- ton, John Logan is very comfortably fixed in a worldly way, and he has the satisfaction of knowing that all his possessions are the fruits of his own energy, thrift and good management. He was born in County Gal- way, Ireland, and came to the United States in 1865. Until 1878 he lived in New Jersey and worked at COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 441 ■building railroads as a section hand. In the year last named he came to this county with his mother and a sister with a view to getting land on which he could establish a home and work out a prosperous and use- ful career in a line of endeavor that embodied some- thing beyond a daily recompense for migratory toil. 3Ir. Logan had about ,$1,000 when he came here, and he at once bought a tract of railroad land at $5 an acre, with the usual rebate agreement in the contract. He procured a team of oxen and with this he broke up fifty acres of his land the first year. He had a fairly good crop and has continued to raise grain as his chief product ever since. His first residence on the land was a log house with a shingle roof, something very unusual in this locality at that time. The dwell- ing in which he now lives was built about 1895, and is a verj' substantial and comfortable one. From time to time Mr. Logan bought additional land until he owned 500 acres and had nearly all of his acreage in seed, his annual crop averaging about 4,000 bushels. The most of his land in 1891 was in Section 1, Tj'nsid township, but the farm on which he now lives is in Section 3. It comprises 300 acres, the rest of his holdings having been sold. He paid $6 an acre for what he has, and, through his well-applied industry and the general improvement of the region, it is now worth at least $60 an acre. In connection with his own place Mr. Logan for years cultivated one belonging to his mother, with whom his only living sister dwelt. The mother died when she was far advanced in years, and after that his sister made her home with him. He was married in 1885 to Miss Margaret Quirk, a daughter of Mat- tliew Quirk, who died in Craokston in 1914. Mrs. Logan came to this county from Pennsylvania soon after her uncle, Michael Quirk, settled here. She was born and reared in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Logan are the parents of thirteen children, Martin, Nellie, Edward, Matthew, Thomas, William, Leo, Ambrose, Blanch, May, Leslie, Margaret and Louise. They and the parents belong to the Cath- olic church at Fisher. Mr. Logan has served as super- visor on the township board at different times. In state and national political affairs he is a firm adherent of the Democratic party but in local matters he holds himself aloof from party ties and acts independently according to his judgment. CARL J. GILBERT. After years of experience in sevei'al occupations in different places, and a successful career in each, ac- cording to the time he devoted to it, Carl J. Gilbert has found a field of operation well suited to his taste and capacity and profitable in its returns in well drill- ing over a large extent of country radiating in every direction from the village of Eldred, of which he is the present postmaster. He was born in Buffalo county, "Wisconsin, June 10, 1870, and came to this county with his parents, John and Karen Gilbert, in 1878. The parents were born, reared and married in Nor- way and came to the United States just before the Civil war. The father was a farmer and improved a good farm in the wilds of Wisconsin, which he occu- pied until 1878. 28 On his arrival in Polk county in 1878 the elder Mr. Gilbert took up a tree claim and bought railroad land on the prairie, in Sections 3 and 4, Roome township, nine miles west of Crookston and several miles from any neighbor. He had about $500 in money when he came here and a wife and seven children to provide for. He became the owner and cultivator of 360 acres of land; reared his children in comfort; raised large crops of grain ; held different offices in the township ; helped to found and maintain Bardo church, a mile distant from his home, and after the death of his wife sold his farm and retired to Pelican Rapids, in Otter- tail county, where he died in 1914 at the age of seveuty-three years. Carl J. Gilbert grew to manhood on his father's 442 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY farm ami obtained a limited education at a country school. At the age of twenty-two he was married to Miss Bertha Lunos, who was then twenty, the daugh- ter of Halvor Lunos, who located in Roome township in 1879. lie and his wife later joined the Bella Coola colony in British Columbia, and their two sons went with them. The father died in that colony in 1913, and the mother is .still living in it with her sons. The family was successful and prosperous in the colony. Mr. Gilbert farmed rented ground for three years after his marriage and then bought his father-in- law's farm of 160 acres. He made many improve- ments on this farm and conducted its operations un- til 1901, then sold it at a good profit, having accumu- lated $2,800 in nine years with nothing to start on. He invested in a new hardware store at Berthold, North Dakota, and also filed on land near the village. He was its first merchant, the first treasurer of the township in which it is located and a member of its first village council after he helped to organize it as a village. He also served on its school board, which, under hi.s influence, built a good schoolhouse at a cost of $7,000. The village had a population of 300 when he left it after residing in it and doing business there four years. Mr. Gilbert's trade at Berthold grew large and his experience in it was very satisfactory. But in 1905 he sold the store and moved to Crookston, where he bought a $9,000 stock of hardware and an old stand. He carried on this business three years, then sold it and moved to Eldred in 1908. Since then he has been engaged in well drilling on a large scale, running two rigs and drilling wells 200 to 300 feet deep. He has also been active in all movements for the improvement of the village and township, and is now serving his fourth year as president of the school board. He also helped to organize and has aided liberally in support- ing the Lutheran church at Eldred. One of the achievements for which ]\Ir. Gilbert is entitled to special credit is the establishment of the consolidated school at Eldred, which was formed by consolidating four districts. Mr. Gilbert, T. E. John- son and H. P. Boukin were the principal backers of this enterprise, and they had to work hard to carry it to success, but now the consolidated district has a fine four-room school house, which is one of the best of the kind in Polk county. When he came to Eldred Mr. Gilbert found that the schools showed little im- provement from the time when he was a pupil in thera himself, and he began to agitate for a better arrange- ment, with the result as stated above. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert have five daughters and one son. Cora, the oldest child, had a course of special training at the Crookston business college and is now a stenographer. Emma is a student in the high school, and Mary, Carroll, Helen and Andrea are at home and attending the union school. OLE 0. ESTENSON. Ole 0. Estenson and his parents, Ole and Ingro (Peterson) Estenson, were all born in Norway, where the son's life began October 28, 1848. In 1857 the family, consisting of the parents and seven children, the youngest born on the railroad train near Chicago, arrived in Green county, Wisconsin, and there found a new home near the village of Argyle, which is just over the line in Lafayette county. After the birth of her child on the train the mother was obliged to lie on the floor of a waiting room in the Chicago railroad sta- tion because of tlie lack of other accommodations. The child died soon after the arrival of the family in Wis- consin. Ole E.stenson, tlie father, was a day laborer in Nor- way, and when he left that country he had only enough money to pay the the way of the family as far as Milwaukee, and was obliged to leave his trunks in bond in that citj' for the fare to Argyle. He had to send $20 to Milwaukee to get his trunks, and this he earned chopping wood and doing other work at thirty- COMPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 443 seven and a half cents a day. In 1860 he moved to Pierce county, Wisconsin, and there for two years he worked at farm labor. In 1862 he changed his resi- dence to Freeborn county, Jlinnesota, where he bought and improved some land and then sold it to advantage, and after passing one winter in Ottertail county, he brought his wife and six children, of whom Ole 0. was the oldest and then twenty-two, to Polk county in the spring of 1871, traveling in wagons and driving his cattle along. Peter 0. Satermo and Ole Jevning, then unmarried, accompanied the family on this trip. Before reaching this county, however, Ole O. left the party and returned to Freeborn county, finding his parents in their new location on July 4 the next year, they having reached it on June 10. The father took up a homestead in Section 14, Vineland township, on which E. 0. Estenson, the youngest son of the family, now lives. The parents passed the i-emalnder of their lives on this farm, the father dying on it at the age of seventy-six years and six months and the mother at the extreme age of ninety years and eight months. Their six children are all living except one. Peter 0. lives on his homestead ad.ioining the home place. Ingeborg is the wife of Ole Jevning, a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Elizabeth married Peter 0. Satermo and died in 1914. Esten 0. owns and cultivates part of the old homestead, and Maret is the wife of Ole 0. Stortroen and lives on another part of the old family farm. Ole 0. Estenson homesteaded in Section 23 half a mile south of his father's place and has since bought eighty acres in addition to his homestead and forty more farther oiit on the prairie. His home farm of 240 acres borders on the Red river and is three miles northwest of Climax. He had no money when he lo- cated on his homestead, but he, Mr. Satermo and Mi*. Jevning united in building log houses on their thi'ee places and plowing five acres of each. They did no out- side work except cutting cord wood for the Hudson Bay company's boats on the Red river, and to the men in charge of these they also sold beef, butter and other supplies, there being no other market for them. His first crop, which was harvested in 1872, was 200 bush- els of wheat, a large yield for the acreage seeded. He got some live stock from his father but he lived as a ])achelor for three years, hLs mother doing the house- work for him as well as for her own household. In 1875 Mr. Estenson was married to Miss Pauline Hanson, a daughter of Evan Hanson, who came to tliis county from Freeborn in 1874, and whom Mr. Estenson had known in Freeborn county. Five chil- dren have been born of the union : Emma, who is the wife of Martin Strommen and lives near her parents ; Helmer, who is a resident of Climax and has a sketch i)i this work ; Peter, who is cultivating the home farm, and who married Miss Josie Ellingson and has two children, Celia and Ordin; Ida, who married Severt Rostvet and resides at Newburg, North Dakota, and John, who is living with his parents and is a bach- elor. He assists in the work on the farm. Mr. Estenson has about 180 acres of his land under cultivation. He keeps a good deal of live stock, in- cluding cattle for beef and cows for milk and butter, and raises large crops of wheat and oats. During the last four years he has also devoted about thirty acres to potatoes with excellent results. He built his pres- ent dwelling in 1907 and tlie other improvements were made at different times. When the time came for the organization of Vineland township he was one of the most active men in the work, and he has served one term as county commissioner. His associates on the board were Messrs. Frederick, Jarvis, Higdem and Salverson, and during his term the old court house, which stood on the site of the present one, was built. The county was then several times as large as it is now, but he has not held any other position in its government. He was one of the founders of the Vine- land Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1885 and has been the treasurer ever since. He was also one of the founders of the Climax Co-operative creamery in 1903 and has been the manager ever since. In his political affiliation Mr. Estenson has been a Prohibitionist from the organization of tlie party. He is a total abstainer himself and firmly opposed to the manufacture and sale of intoxicants as beverages. He does not use tobacco and never hunts, although the 444 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY locality was full of game when he settled in it. A gnu was accidentally discharged in his hands and the charge came near hitting one of his sisters when he was a young man, and he has never touched one since. He was one of the founders of the Free Lutheran iliureh at Xehy, three miles noi-th of his place, and has been connected with it ever since in a leading way, serving as one of its trustees and as a participant in all its useful work of everv kind. JAMES JEROME HILL. There are names which in themselves are a history and an inspiration — themes which are their own elo- quent interpreters beyond the power of speech or writing — and who is there that can add a word or a thought to the story involved when before the people of the northAvest, or any part of it, one mentions the name and calls to notice the achievements of James J. Hill? The record of this master producer and empire builder is written in his work, and that is ever present under observation in the appreciative regard and service of millions of our people. It is beyond tlie purpose of the present writing, however, to present a narrative of IMr. Hill's life, and happily such an act is no longer anyw'here necessary. The salient features of Mr. Hill's career are so well known, the world over, that they need no repetition in any part of it. But his fruitful connection with the early history and development of Polk and the adjacent counties, especially in drainage, railroad building and agricultural progress, and the valuable results which have flowed from his activities here, have been so potential for good to this region that they are deserving of special mention in a work devoted exclusively to Polk county chronicles. In- deed, so productive of large consequences have those activities been that no compendium of Polk county history would be complete without some account of them. Mr. Hill passed a number of the years of his early manhood at Fisher's Landing, as the village of Fisher in this county was then called. Early in the seventies the thought of a possible railroad through the north- west began to occupy his mind. The thought came from his experience in Northwestern transportation problems, his faith in the productive powers and natural resources of this part of the country, and of the state of railroad conditions at the time. The feverish activity in obtaining land and cash in con- cessions to railroad enterprises during the sixties had brought on a collapse, and a great many of such enterprises were wrecked in the panic of 1873. But Mr. Hill retained his faith in his project and began to prepare for carrying it into tangible realization. The fragments of the old St. Paul & Pacific system were available for the development of the northwest if converted into real assets, and the holders of their securities were eager to sell them for what they could get. Their value lay to a considerable extent in what was left of a land grant, and they were in the hands of a receiver. "Yet so great seemed the task and so uncertain the reward, in the general opinion," accord- ing to Mr. Hill's own statement, "that any plan of acquiring and reorganizing the property was re- garded as visionary in those days by most holders of capital and most men of affairs." Mr. Hill did not share this view. In company with the late Lord Strathcona, George Stephen, afterward Lord Mount Stephen, and Norman "W. Kittson, he bought the defaulted bonds and at once began opera- tions. The gaps in the lines that first required filling were those between Melrose and Barnesville and Crookston and St. Vincent. Filling the former was necessary to save the land grant, whose time limit, already extended, was about to expire ; and filling the latter was required for connection with a railroad projected by the Canadian government from Winni- peg south. These gaps were soon filled, and the sub- COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 445 sequent progress of the Great Northern system has been steady and uninterrupted. The land grant enabled the promoters to push the road and open the country to settlement. They sold the railroad lands to actual settlers at $6 an acre on a partial payment plan and with a rebate of $3 on every acre broken up and seeded at the time when the last payment was made. Sales were rapid and new settlers began to come into the region in very promising numbers. Then a new difficulty of magni- tude arose, and this, too, severely taxed the resources of the master mind that was so vigorously stimulating the colonization of the northwest. The difficulty was this: A considerable part of Polk county is low, and in the early days water covered it to such an extent during several months of the year that the land could not be cultivated regularly, and even after seed was put in and gave promise of a good yield a wet spell would often ruin the crop. A comprehensive plan of systematic drain- age was requisite to overcome this difficulty, and Mr. Hill inaugurated and directed this with the sweep of vision and practical ability which have character- ized everything he has done. He sent oiit an engineer to make a survey and determine the elevation at each section corner. He then had an elaborate drainage map made to show how the drainage woi'k should be done. A few years later the legislature enacted the present drainage law and appropriated $100,000 for a drainage system for Polk county. Mr. Hill agreed to add $25,000 to the fund on condition that the railroad company be allowed to name a competent civil engineer as one member of the drain- age commission. This was the beginning of the admirable system of drainage work that has so materially helped to bring about the advanced agri- cultural development of the present day in Polk county. But this step, serviceable as it soon proved to be, was not in itself sufficient to fully accomplish the purpose desired. Mr. Hill was a laborious and criti- cal student of the science of agriculture and he realized that there was great need among the people of the northwest of more general and exact practical knowledge of that science based on experimental study of it. He therefore induced the railroad com- pany to donate 400 acres of land for an agricultural school and experiment station at Crookston. The land lay idle for years, and he then informed the state authorities that unless they decided to carry out the purpose of the donation without further delay the land would revert to the company. Hon. A. D. Stevens, then a member of the state senate, per- suaded the legislature to appropriate $50,000 for the erection of the first buildings, and since then the school has advanced in progress and usefulness at a very gratifying rate. Mr. Hill did not, however, stop with this effort to elevate the farming industry in Polk county and other parts of the northwest. During all his subse- quent years he has been very active in this behalf, and in frequent public addresses on notable occasions and pamphlets widely circulated has continued to lead the farmers of Minnesota to higher aims and greater profits in their work, and to teach them how to reach the goals he has pointed out. His interest in everything that pertains to the welfare of this region is now, when he is well advanced in age and laying aside many of the burdens of a long term of great activity, as great as it has ever been, although the need of his personal stimulus in the matter has largely passed aAvay. GUSTAV CHRISTIANSON. This enterprising farmer and public-spirited citizen of Minnesota, who lived for a number of years in Scandia township, Polk county, and improved a large farm there but is now a resident of Norman county, dwelling on a farm two miles south of Rindal, was born in Norway in 1864 and came to this country 446 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY with his parents iii liis boyhood. The family located in Goodhue county, Minnesota, for a few years and in 1881 moved to Norman county, where the father took up a homestead and passed the remainder of his days. When Gustav was eighteen he obtained employ- ment on the Harriot farm near Beltrami and worked on it two years. In 1885 he filed a homestead claim on part of the land now owned by his sons Alfred and Benjamin, and that fall he put up his first dwelling on the farm, the one that is now used as a chicken house. On November 15, 1885, he was married on the Harriot farm to Miss Anguina Anderson, then twenty-one years old, who came to the United States at the age of two with her mother, Guria Andei'son, who was her brother Olous' housekeeper. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Christianson made their home on a farm they rented for a year and then moved to their homestead. They had a couple of cows and a few chickens, but only one chair and one stove, and what little more they had of household goods Gustav made himself. He continued to work for other farmers off and on for three years, during which time he purchased a colt and a young yoke of oxen, which he used to cultivate and improve his own place, and this he continued to do for twenty-two years, until he sold his Polk county land to his two oldest sons and moved to his present home in Norman county. Before he left this county, however, the father added another 160 acres to his Scandia township farm, making it a half -section, and this also he owned and cultivated for a number of years. In addition he bought another tract of eighty acres and gave each of his sons Alfred and Benjamin half of it. He was chairman of the township board some years, and filled the office of township clerk when he left the county. He helped to start the Lutheran church near the homestead, raised a good deal of shorthorn stock for the purpose of supplying cream to the co-operative creamery, produced large quantities of grain on his farm, and erected all the buildings now standing on the land. In 1909 Alfred and Benjamin Christianson bought the farm from their father, which he priced to them at $30 an acre. They are in partnership in all their industries, raise grain and live stock, keep forty head of cattle, milk fifteen cows and raise annually a large number of hogs. They have added eighty acres to the farm in recent years, making it 480 in all, and put in enough small grain to raise some 5,000 bushels a year and have forty to fifty acres in corn besides. The roads in and around the farm are all ditched, the out- let being the big swamp to the west of them. Alfred Christianson was born on the farm adjoining his present home October 24, 1886, and was married November 15, 1913, to Miss Alice Marj' Carlson, of Norman county. They have one child, their son George. Alfred is chairman of the township board now (1916) and in his fourth year of sei'vice as such. He succeeded his father as township clerk. Benjamin Christianson was born in Shelly township, Norman county, Minnesota, September 12, 1888. He was mar- ried July 6, 1912, to ]\Iiss Nellie Boen, of near Rindal, Norman county. They have two children. Alma Katharine and Orville Gilraan. JOHN STROMSTAD. Overtaking good fortune after it had fled from him for a number of years, John Sti'omstad, one of the leading farmers and live stock men of Scandia town- ship, he and his son Theodore owning and cultivating all of Section 34, has kept a firm grip on his oppor- tunities and made the most of them ever since. His fine farm and pleasant country home is twenty miles south of Crookston and seven miles southwest of Bel- trami. He was born in Norway October 5, 1850, and came to the United States alone in 1871 and located in Houston county, Minnesota. He had a little money left when he reached his new home, but did not invest COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 447 it immediately. For two years he worked at farm labor in Houston county, and then, in 1873, was mar- ried there to Miss Martha Christianson, a native of that county, where her parents settled in 1853, when they came over from Norwaj' among the first emi- grants from that country to locate in Minnesota. After his marriage Mr. Stromstad bought a farm in Houston county, but chinch bugs and other pests de- stroyed his crops, hard luck attended him in many forms, and in 1884 he was worse off than having noth- ing. He owned a team but it was not paid for. That year he determined to seek a new basis of operations and came to this county and took up as a homestead the northeast quarter of Section 34 in Scandia town- ship. He built a small frame house on his land, haul- ing the lumber for it from the Red river, and covered the building with tar paper inside and out. Until he was able to get some of his own farm into condition for cultivation he worked with his team on other farms, especially during harvest times. Mr. Stromstad and his son Theodore now together own all of Section 34 and carry on flourishing indus- tries in raising grain and beef and dairy cattle. They have stock in the co-operative creamery at Beltrami and keep sixteen to twenty milch cows from which they furnish cream to that institution. They breed their dairy cattle from a thoroughbred shorthorn sire and keep them in good condition by giving them care- ful attention. Their grain product is also large, the crop of wheat, oats and barley in 1915 totaling over 10,000 bushels. For one quarter-section of his land Mr. Stromstad paid the sum of $4,400, but it is worth a great deal more than that now. Mr. and Mrs. Stromstad have two children. Their daughter Milla is now the wife of Andrew N. Mjelde and lives two miles distant from her father's farm. Theodore, who is the other child of the household, lives with his parents. He married Miss Helene Evje, of Norman county, Minnesota, and they have one child, their son Melvin. Theodore is at present town- ship supervisor and has been on the board some years. He has also operated a threshing outfit for ten or twelve years. His father was one of the founders of Helleland United Lutheran church near his home, which was organized soon after his arrival in the township, and all the members of the family belong to it and are active workers for its advancement. Part of the dwelling house now on the farm was hauled from Beltrami, seven miles away. It was built in por- tions at different times. The first barn put up by Mr. Stromstad was constructed of sod and covered with marsh hay. He and his son have a genius for im- provement and have lately taken contracts to do ditching along the public roads to the great advan- tage of the town.ship and its residents. ALP THORSON. This now prosperous farmer, who lives on Section 26, Roome township, one mile northwest of Eldred, and owns a well improved farm of 200 acres, one corner of which the railroad crosses, came to Polk county in 1879 almost penniless, with his firm heart and strong limbs as his only sources of encouragement and means of advancement. He was born in Noi*way June 24, 1845, and came to the United States in 1867, locating in Winneshiek county, Iowa, where his brother Thomas, who had served in the Union army during the Civil war, was living. Alf bought 160 acres of land in Iowa, for which he paid $1,100 he had saved out of his earnings, and lived on this land five years without making any progress whatever. Prices were low and times were hard, and there seemed to be no prospect of improvement where he was. So he concluded it was best for him to abandon what he had and seek a better opportunity in a different locality. When Mr. Thorson located on his homestead in 1879 only two other men, Ole P. Krogen and Martin Likeness, were living in the neighborhood. Mr. Krogen had two yoke of oxen but none of the three 448 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY had a sleigh or drag of any kind. lu fact, Mr. Thor- son had spent his last two cents for postage on a letter informing his people in Iowa that he had obtained land. The winter was a very severe one, and it was necessary for the three men to get food and fuel. They constructed a log sled and opened a road through the snow six miles to the Red river to get wood and another nine miles to Fisher to get food. And, as the snow drifted frequently, they had to work hard to keep these tracks open or risk having to make them all over again. Mr. Thorson passed his first winter with his two neighbors in a log house they had built, and the next summer they all joined in building one for him, hauling the logs for it from the Red river through sloughs and across creeks which sometimes covered the wagon and its load. But the logs made a warm house, and he lived in it until 1905, part of the first seven years as a bachelor doing his own housework and part with his sister as his housekeeper. There was so much water on his land that only the high ridges could be plowed, but he got work on other farms, especially in harvest times, and so was able to live and make some little progress. In 1905 Mr. Thorson built the dwelling he now lives in. That vear he harvested 1,800 bushels of wheat on 65 acres. He sold liis crop at Fisher at forty-two cents a bushel, which was very little, but it enabled him to pay for his new house. In 1915 he rai.sed 3,000 bushels of grain, averaging over twenty bushels of wheat to the acre. He had ditched his farm thoroughly by this time, and high water has not troubled him for a number of years. He had also made a purchase of forty additional acres. Mr. Thorson helped to organize the township, which was named in honor of one of its pioneers, and he has worked on every road in it. He has always been a firm and loyal member of the Republican party and above all other considei'ations a thoroughly true and consistent American from the time of his arrival in this country. He is also well pleased with Minnesota and devoted to its welfare. He was married some years after he .settled in Polk county to Miss Ida E. Gudvaugen. They have had two sons and five daugh- ters. One of the sons died in childhood. The children living are: Alven, aged si.Kteen, but not the oldest; Dena, a dressmaker ; Sena Marie, a graduate of Akers Business college, and Tillie, Mrs. Elmer Foss, Mabel and Edith. They all make their living in useful occu- pations. Mrs. Thorson and the daughters are mem- bers of the Synod Lutheran church at Eldred. OLE JEVNING. Owning 480 acres of fertile laud in Polk county, in several different tracts, most of them containing im- provements of value and large parts of them under cultivation, Ole Jevning, one of the entei-prising and progressive farmers of Vineland township, has used his time to advantage since he became a resident of the United States, for all his possessions are the fruits of his own iudustrj', frugality and good manage- ment. His home farm is in section 14, Vineland township, four miles northwest of the village of Climax, and the rest of his land lies near this. Mr. Jevning was born in Norway April 12, 1845, and came to the United States in 186G, making the journey in a sailing ship which kept him nine weeks and three days on the ocean, landed him at Quebec, Canada, and was one for which he waited three weeks at Bodo, in his native land. From Quebec he traveled by rail to Sarnia, Can., from there by boat to Milwau- kee, and from there by rail to La Crosse, then up the Mississippi to Winona, and from there by rail to Rochester, which was then the end of the railroad line. He had started for Freeborn county, Minnesota, and he reached his destination the last day of August. After living two years in Freeborn county Mr. Jevning moved to Ottertail county, where he started to improve a farm. But in 1871 he was induced to COMPENDIUM OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 449 accompany Ole Estensou aud his family and Peter Satermo to the Red River country. When they reached the Red river valley, after many privations and adventures, they had to build a bridge of elm logs in order to get across Wild Rice river. This occupied them three days, and while they were doing it Gulik Spokely and others joined them, and they all traveled on together to where the village of Neilsville now stands. Mr. Jevuing, Ole Estensou and Peter Satermo journeyed farther, reaching the land on which Mr. Jevning now lives June 10, 1871, and on which he immediately squatted. The next year it was surveyed, and he then entered it under a preemption claim for which he paid $200. It contains about sixty-five acres of timber, and the rest of the quarter- section is prairie. The new settlers in this wilderness were alone. There was no resident to the north of them on the east side of the Red river, and their nearest neighbor was a long distance off. Mr. Jevning 's first house was a log cabin 16 by 16 feet in size and covered with straw and sod. His present dwelling house was built in 1876, and the other improvements on his land were made at different times as they were needed and he was able to make them. In 1872 Mr. Jevning was married to Aliss Ingeborg 0. Estensou, a daughter of Ole Estenson, one of his companions from Ottertail county, and twenty years old at the time of her marriage. They managed to live on the farm, as his neighbors broke up five acres for him and the same quantity for each of themselves, and he had an ox team to cultivate his with. Later, at different times he bought railroad land at $5 to $10 an acre farther out on the prairie until he owned all of the 480 acres he now has, and he put all his pur- chases under cultivation as rapidly as he could. Raising grain was for a long time Mr. Jevning 's principal industry, but for a couple of years he has been putting about twenty-five acres in potatoes with good results. He has served some years as township supervisor and in other local offices. He and his wife became the parents of nine children, one of whom, Ingvard, died in childhood. Of those who are living Ingeborg is the wife of Andrew Stortroen of Fisher. Johan and family have a farm near Pitt, Minnesota. Ole and family live at Fisher. Ida is the wife of Christian Munson of Minneapolis. Inga is the wife of Peter Evenson of Vineland township. Anna is living at home ; Olivia is the wife of Cecil Neal, who is ope- rating the home farm. CHARLES L. RYAN. Representing the second generation of his family in this county, and conducting extensive farming opera- tions here in the manner for which that family has long been noted, Charles L. Ryan, who lives three miles east of East Grand Forks on the north bank of Red Lake river, is one of the substantial and highly serviceable citizens of Polk county and a very worthy representative of the sturdy and sterling Irish ances- try from which he sprang. He was born in County Lanark, Ontario, January 3, 1866, and was in his thirteenth year when he came with his parents, John and Elizabeth (Hollinger) Ryan, to find a new home in Polk county, Minnesota. John Ryan, the father of Charles L., was born near Perth, County Lanark, Ontario, January 3, 1822, of parents who came to the Dominion from Ireland, and were among the first settlers in the neighborhood of Perth. In consequence of the remoteness and sparse- ness of the settlement the father was compelled to carry the first seed wheat he sowed on his back for a distance of sixty miles. He became possessed of a farm of 200 acres, and on that farm his son John grew to manhood, helping to till the soil in summer and acting as a logging contractor for leading lumbermen in winter. In March, 1878, Mr. Ryan bought a carload of horses in Carleton Place, Ontario, and shipped them to Fisher in this county, which was then the railroad 450 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY terminal and four miles east of the homestead on which he afterward lived. He drove his horses across the country from Fisher to Grand Forks, crossing the Red river on a ferry at that place. There he sold some of the horses for cash and traded the rest for land at Portage la Prairie in Manitoba, sixty miles west of Winnipeg. The Sullivan boys, old friends of his in Ontario, were living in Polk county, and in May or June, 1878, he returned to their residence and bought the Bert Haney and James Jenks homestead, which is a part of the farm now owned and occupied by his son Charles. The homestead contained 200 acres on the Red Lake river, and he paid $10 an acre for it. Sixty acres were in seed and there was a little frame house on the place and some straw shacks had also been put up on it. Mr. Ryan rented his land, went back to Ontario, sold his property there, and on October 17, 1879, re- turned to this county with his wife, his sons Thomas, John and Charles L. and his daughters Theresa and Elizabeth. The mother was Miss Elizabeth Hollinger before her marriage. Their eight horses and house- hold goods were brought by rail to Fisher and con- veyed from there to the farm. Mr. Ryan put more land under cultivation and bought 120 acres from the railroad company. In 1902 he sold his land near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, and bought more here. His holdings finally totaled 840 acres, 520 in his home farm and 320 in Sullivan township, some miles dis- tant. He also found that he had made a good invest- ment in the land for which he traded horses. The father worked all his land as soon as he could get it ready to be farmed. His oldest son, Thomas, had 160 acres adjoining his own home place. Thomas had married Miss Mary Jane Dougherty, who died about eighteen months previous to his demise, which occurred in June, 1901, when he was about forty-eight years of age, leaving five children, Mary, John, Ed- ward, Thomas and Francis, and they still own the fai-m that belonged to him. Charles' brother John died at the parental home in 1883 at the age of twenty- three or twenty-four. Thomas, John and their sister Theresa each took up a homestead in Grand Forks county, North Dakota. Theresa married John Bowes, a Great Northern railroad man, and they are now living in East Grand Forks, where he is connected with the management of the church of the Sacred Heart and the school attached to it. As soon as Elizabeth was old enough she filed a home- stead claim on a tree claim in Sullivan township taken up by her father, and she still owns it. She married James T. Sullivan and has her home in Sul- livan township. After the death of his brother Thomas Charles L. Ryan returned to his father's farm and took charge of it. He cultivated a half-section of land and also acted as salesman and collector for the McCormick Harvester and Machinery company, covering the ter- ritory around Grand Forks. He soon became man- ager of the whole farm, however, though his father continued to live on it until his death on January 2, 1903. The mother lived until September 21, 1908. They were of nearly the same age. In the early days the father was township clerk for some years. He was a Democrat in his political relations and a Cath- olic in his religious faith, being one of the original members of the church of the Sacred Heart. He took an active part in all movements for the improvement of his locality and was widely known and very much esteemed. All travel through this region in the early times was over the Indian trail along the river through his farm. Charles L. Ryan grew to manhood on his father's farm and completed his academic education at the University of North Dakota. In 1886 he pur- sued a course of special training at a commercial col- lege in Minneapolis. For seven years he bought wheat at various stations and also wrote insurance. But after taking charge of the farm and assuming the interests of the other members of the family in it he began to devote himeslf wholly to its management. He has bought 320 acres more, and the farm now contains 930, and includes the old Zebina Hunt farm of ninety acres, which was one of the first on Red Lake COMPENDIUai OP HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 451 river. He also cultivates his brother Thomas' old farm, thereby conducting the operations on 1,090 acres. He raises grain and live stock, producing about 18,000 bushels of wheat, oats and barley a year in nearly equal quantities and keeping 80 to 90 head of cattle regularly and fattening many head of steers for the markets every season. In addition to his extensive farniiug and live stock operations Mr. Ryan carries on an active dairy busi- ness, milking 24 cows and selling cream by wholesale to the ice cream factories. He also raises horses for his own use, requiring fourteen to work his land, having three four-horse terms and keeping them busy, and he employs two men all the year round and others as he needs them. For twelve years past he has filled the office of township assessor and is still filling it, and for many years he has been the treasurer of the school district and a trustee and the treasurer of the Sacred Heart church and school in East Grand Forks. In addition, he is treasurer of the Huntsville Mutual Fire Insurance company, which does business in twenty-two townships in Polk county. On December 27, 1899, Mr. Ryan was united in mar- riage with Miss Luella M. Dinnie, a native of Morris- burg, Ontario, who was brought to Grand Forks when she was two years old by her parents, John and EUen (Sehwerdefeger) Dinnie. The father was a leading contractor and builder in Grand Forks and mayor of that city for eight years in the nineties. He died there in December, 1910, and his widow is stiU living there, Mrs. Ryan being the only member of the family residing in this county. She and her husband are the parents of two children, Mary Louise and Charles John. Mr. Ryan is administrator of his brother Thomas' estate and guardian of his children, and they also have their home with him and his family. THOMAS BARLOW WALKER. Many events, seemingly unimportant in themselves and some of them even accidental on surface appear- ances, have contributed largely to the rapid settle- ment and development of Polk county since its great virgin natural resources and vast industrial and commercial possibilities were first seen and made luiown by a few master minds. Like Caesar, in his campaign in Asia Minor, these men of broad vision and daring nerve could claim they came, they saw, they conquered; but, unlike him, they did not sub- jugate peoples and put them under the yoke of a foreign government. They subdued only the wild forces of nature and helped to turn the enormous wealth those forces held in useless thrall into market- able shape and make it serviceable on a gigantic scale to the children of men. One of these events, to which no special importance was attached at the time, even by the chief actor in it, was the arrival in this region of Thomas Barlow Walker, of Minneapolis, as a member of a United States surveying party. Mr. Walker, who now enjoys world-wide renown, was then in the dawn of his manhood and unknown to fame. But he had the forces of giant creative and productive genius slum- bering within him and only waiting for a proper occasion to awaken them and call them into action. He was born, reared and educated in Ohio, had taught a district school in that state, and had then come into the northwest as a traveling salesman of grind- stones, wooden bowls and wagon wheel spokes. Mr. Walker's engagement as a surveyor occupied him only a part of each year, but he continued in it for a long time, and during his connection with the party he helped to survey a considerable part of Northern and Western Minnesota and divide it into townships and sections. His experience in this work proved to be of great advantage to himself and the country in general in business lines, and it was of special benefit to Polk county and the upper Red river valley in helping to open up the country to settlement and prepare the way for the great indus- trial and agricultural development that has since been wrought out in the region. In his work as a surveyor Mr. Walker acquired 452 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY intimate knowledge of the white pine regions of Minnesota, and this knowledge led him to unite with other men in purchasing extensive tracts of the white l)iue lands for the manufacture of lumber. This changed the whole course of his career. lie aban- doned his previous purpose, and the man who gave promise of winning commendable success and promi- nence as a surveyor and builder of railroad lines became one of the leading lumbermen of the world. He and his associates purchased large areas of pine land on the head waters of Red Lake and Clearwater rivers, beginning in 1880, and to utilize the timber there he and his oldest son, Gilbert M. "Walker, organized the Red River Lumber company and built two large mills, one at Crookston and the other at Grand Forks on the North Dakota side of the Red river. For a long time these mills were in full operation the year round, giving employment to thousands of men, ministering to the comfort and happiness of hundreds of homes and supplying the means for the education and improvement of hosts of children in this region. They also aided greatly in swelling to large proportions the manufacturing and commercial business of the region, whereby its influence in the affairs of the state was noticeably augmented. All the currents of life in Polk county, moral, mental and material, were visibly quickened and enlarged by .Mr. Walker's activities and the forces he set iu motion here, and by the stimulus of his inspiring example. His energies, in every region in which he has taken sufficient interest to exert them, have covered the whole field of human needs, and his fostering hand, which has been kind as well as firm and skillful, has been helpful in every part of that field. An account of Mr. Walker's zealous, comprehen- sive and serviceable work in other localities is not within the purview of this volume. It is enough to say that his efforts everywhere are and always have been commensurate with his expansiveness of mind and vision. AYhat he has done for the progress and improvement of Polk county is a fair sample, but only a sample, of what he has done for many localities in ways adapted to their needs. Moreover, all his activities have ever been guided and governed by moral powers as well as mental endowments of a high order. He has a clear head and a strong mind, and these have been cultivated throughout his long career by reading, study and observation, and by constant intercourse with many of the best citizens of his own and other states, all of whom he numbers among his friends. His whole life, commercial and domestic, has been marked and directed by fixed principles of purity and benevolence. FRANK J. ZEJDLIK. This enterprising and prosperous farmer and busi- ness man, who is vice president of the First State Bank and owner of an imposing and valuable business block in East Grand Forks and also the owner of 1,235 acres of land in Polk county, one tract in Tabor, another in Northland and the third in Keystone and Huntsville townships, was born in Bohemia October 27, 1859, and came to this country in 1876, locating in McLeod county, Minnesota, where he remained until the spring of 1880. He then moved to this county and took up a homestead in Tabor township eighteen miles northeast of East Grand Forks and eight miles west of the village of Angus. This location was remote from human habitations at the time, but before the end of the year there was quite a settlement of newcomers in it, among them John Majerchin, Joseph Hunderley, Mr. Zejdlik's brother Vaclav, and John Zavoral, and the next spring ]Mr. Zejdlik's father, also named Frank J., John and Joseph Bren, Andrew Palya, Frank Kolars, James Hullifer and others came and helped to swell the population. COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 453 When he came to this county Mr. Zejdlik had no capital. He worked on the railroad running between Euclid and St. Vincent for a time, and in 1884 he bought a farm and broke up forty acres of it with hi.s yoke of cattle and sowed the tract by hand. He then went West and was unable to drag his land, but he got a crop of 800 bushels, which he sold at $1.13 while other wheat growers got very little for theirs, some not more than 25 cents a bushel. This gave him a start, and in 1885 he bought eight}' acres more, and he kept on buying until he acquired the ownership of 1,235 acres, paying for some $37.50 an acre. He erected good buildings and made other substantial improvements and lived on the farm until 1901, when lie moved to East Grand Forks. While he cultivated his land Mr. Zejdlik raised corn and small grain and handled a good deal of live stock. He also took an active part in the public affairs of his localitj', helping to organize Tabor town- ship, which was first called Osseta, and served on the township board as supervisor. His extensive farming operations and his public duties kept him very busy, and in the course of about twenty years he accumu- lated a comfortable estate and decided to retire from the arduous labors of the farm. In 1901 he bought a home in Ea.st Grand Forks and moved to that city to give his childx'en good school facilities. He then had $17,000 loaned out. This he collected in and invested in a business Hock, which he built in the heart of the town on De Mers avenue. He is a member of the city Light and Water commis- sion and otherwise interested in the advancement and improvement of the community. He also bought stock in the First State Bank of East Grand Forks and became its vice president. Mr. Zejdlik was married in McLeod count.y, Minne- sota, in 1888 to Miss Anna HoUob. They have seven children, Edward, Matilda, Annie, Frank, Emily, Bessie and William. Edward keeps a meat market in East Grand Porks and Frank, who is a graduate of the high school and the onty one of the children living away from the family, cultivates the home farm. All the members of the family stand well in the commu- nity and richly deserve the esteem they enjoy. ANDREW ELEVEN. The course of this enterprising and energetic farmer and stock breeder, whose fine farm of 720 acres in and adjoining Section 9, Roome township, and his other place of eighty acres near Eldred are models of skillful cultivation and high productiveness, has been one of steady progress since he became a resident of Polk county in 1877 and bought his first tract from the railroad at $8 an acre, with a rebate of $3.50 an acre for clearing, plowing and seeding three-fourths of it. He had nothing then but enough mone.y to make a small payment on his land, two teams and a few farm implements. Mr. Eleven was born in Norway in May, 1849, and in 1874 he came to this country and located in Good- hue count.y, Minnesota, where he remained nearly three years. In the spring of 1878 he built a little frame house on his land and set in to breaking up the stubborn glebe with his horse and ox teams to get crops and save his rebate. Two years later he bought more land, and he has kept on buying from time to time until he is now one of the most extensive land- holders in the Red river valley. He owns 800 acres and has all under cultivation, grain being his princi- pal product. His crops in 1915 aggregated 18,000 bushels, 8,000 being wheat and the rest oats, barley and flax. The farming operations of Mr. Eleven are con- ducted on a large scale, as must be the case. They keep fifteen horses busy most of the time, and he also has 30 to 40 head of cattle and milks ten to twelve cows regularly, supplying cream to the creamery at Fisher in which he is a stockholder. His home farm is well located, the dwelling house, which was built in 1910, commanding an extensive view in all directions. The 454 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY farm is well eqiiippetl with modern raaehinery of the most approved designs, and everything is at hand for the most skillful cultivation of it, including the mind (if a master workman in the person of its owner. ]\Ir. Kleven made two trips to Norway since coming to this country. The last trip was made in 1914. At this time (1916) Mr. Kleven is chairman of the township hoard, a post of responsibility and trust which he has filled with credit at different times dur- ing his residence here. He has long taken an active jiart in all work for good roads and ditching, and lias given intelligent and stimulating attention to all other public interests in the township. Before the end of the first year after his arrival in Polk county he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Tiklen, also a native of Norway. They have six children living: ]\Iinda, who resided in Grand Forks ; Lucas, who is his father's main assistant on the farm, and Cora, Toma, Hartuig and Joseph, and are also merabei-s of the parental family circle. ESTEN 0. ESTENSON. This gentleman is a member of a family that has been prominent and stood high in the regard and good will of the people in the southwestern part of Polk county for two generations of human life, and this period covers nearly the whole history of settlement and civilization there. He is a son of Ole Estenson, one of the esteemed pioneer farmers of Vineland township and is living on eighty acres of his old homestead, on which he filed when thei-e were very few families in the locality and almost all of it was Avilderness. He is also a brother of Ole 0. Estensen, one of the county commissioners who built the court house which was destroyed by fire some years ago. The family hi.story is told in a sketch of Ole 0. on other pages of this work. E. 0. Estenson was born in Green count}% Wiscon- sin, February 22, 1861, and was old enough to note when his father entered the Civil war as a Union sol- dier and returned to his home at tlie close of that sanguinary conflict. He remembei'S these incidents vividly and he also remembers incidents of the trip of the family through many wilds and some infant settle- ments from his native county to this one in 1871. His boyhood was passed on his father's farm in Vineland township, that part of the period which belongs to Minnesota, and his experiences were much like tho.se of other boys in his situation. He hunted the small game with which the region abounded, went to school when he could and assisted in the work on the farm year after year until he attained to man's estate and was then married. After his marriage Jlr. Estenson took up his resi- dence in Crookston and became janitor of the old court house, the one his brother Ole 0. Estenson helped to build as a county commissioner, and also served as engineer of the steam heating plant in the jail, then recently built. He remained in Crookston seven years, then returned to the country and located on eighty acres of his father's old homestead. He has added eighty acres to his farm and for years has given his whole attention to the cultivation of his 160 acres of superior land and the industries incident to that. Mr. Estenson 's main dependence on his farm was grain until recently, but some j'cars ago he began to keep bees and gradually increased his business in this line until he had 100 hives or more. He kept this number for over ten years and produced about two tons of honey annually. His hives are fewer in num- ber now, but he is still warmly interested in bees and gives them a great deal of attention. He also raises large quantities of apples on the 200 trees which he planted and has guided to maturity, and by this in- du.stry he has dissipated an old belief that apples could not be successfully raised in the Red river valley. For a number of yeai-s Mr. Estenson has followed the trend of his neighborhood and produced large quantities of potatoes, which are sold in Kansas and Missouri for seed. His crop in 1914 was about 10,000 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 455 bushels and the same in 1915, the yield being over 350 bushels to the acre on special parcels of land. In 1904 he entered a homestead in Beltrami county, and on this he passed five years. He has added to it until he and his sons together own more than 640 acres there, nmeh of the tract being covered v^ith cedar, spruce and similar growths of timber. He has held no public office except that of school clerk, which he filled for a number of years. Mr. Estenson was married in 1883 to Miss Karen Kjolhaug, of near Fosston. They have six children living and lest four in infancy. Those living are Oliver, Thomas, Ivan, George, Esther and Haaken Mouris, the last named born on the day of the corona- tion of the present king and queen of Norway, Mouris being the Norwegian equivalent of Maud. The father 's farm extends to the Red river and the dwell- ing on it is on the bank of the Evje Marias, Evje being the Scandinavian for slough or bayou. FRANK W. KOLARS. Frank W. Kolars was born in Bohemia November 12, 1848, and came to the United States with his parents in 1860. They lived one year in Chicago and then moved to Le Sueur county, this state, where the father bought a farm and became an influential citi- zen, serving in several township offices and contrib- uting generally to the advancement and improvement of the county. He and his wife both died on the Le Sueur county farm several years ago. Their son Frank obtained a common school educa- tion in his native land, in Chicago and in Le Sueur county. In 1873, when he was but twenty-five, he was elected clerk of District Court of Le Sueur county. Judge Chatfield being then on the bench. Mr. Kolars was elected for a term of four years, and two years later he was elected register of deeds, and dui'- ing the next two years he filled and discharged the duties of both offices. He was elected court clerk for three successive terms, serving thirteen years in all in the office, ending his tenure of it in 1886. In 1890 he was the nominee of the People's pai-ty for clerk of the state supreme court, but only one man on the ticket of that party was elected, and he had the indorsement of the Democratic organization and the rank and file of that party. Some years later Mr. Kolars was the People 's party 's nominee for register of deeds in Polk county, but the party had grown weak, and he was not elected. Since then he has been a Democrat and was the Democratic candidate for the state house of representatives in 1908 in Polk county. In March, 1892, Mr. Kolars moved to Polk county and bought 480 acres of land in Sullivan township ten miles northeast of East Grand Porks. The land was wild, unbroken prairie, and he paid $8 to $10 an acre for it. He improved it with comfortable buildings, reduced it all to productiveness and made his home on it until 1910, when he retired from active pursuits and has since lived in East Grand Forks. But he still superintends the cultivation of his farm. After quitting official life he kept store in Le Sueur county a year and a half, then conceived the idea that by coming to the Red river region he could operate a large farm (farming being more to his taste) and make an easy fortune. He found on coming to his present location, however, that very little ditching had been done in Sullivan and Keystone townships, and there was gi'eat difficulty in getting rid of the water on the land. Soon afterward the two townships established county ditches along each mile of the roads east and west and throwing the dirt up to form a grade. This was found to meet all the requirements, and thei-e has been no difficulty with the water since. The plan has also resulted in good roads all over both townships and given the people satisfaction in other ways. Mr. Kolars was twice married, his first wife died in 1888, after having become the mother of eight (8) children, three having died in Le Sueur county. The second marriage of IMr. Kolars took place in Le Sueur county in 1889 and united him with Miss Alice 456 COMPENDIUJI OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY Cantwell of that county, where her parents settled in 1859. She -was educated in the schools of her native county and at tlic AVinona State Normal School, and was a teacher in Le Sueur county ten years, four of them in the graded school in the town of Le Sueur. She is a member of the East Grand Forks Civic League and Women's Club, and is one of the two lady members of the East Grand Forks school board, elected in 1915, Mrs. Mattie Massee being the other. By his second marriage Mr. Kolars has become the father of five children. Alice is a teacher at Beach, North Dakota. She is a graduate of the high school in East Grand Forks and the University of North Dakota, and is doing special work in the teaching of mathematics. Margaret is a teacher in the high school at Kensal, North Dakota. She is a graduate of a high school and the Teachers College. Grace is a student at the University of North Dakota. Paul and Henry are students in the high school in East Grand Forks. HON. JAMES GUMMING. South View Farm, the highly developed, richly im- proved and completely equipped family seat of Hon. James Gumming, in Section 13, Huntsville township, is not only one of the charming show places of Polk county but an impressive object lesson in advanced and progressive scientific farming which is of great benefit to the section of country in which it is located and to all who visit and studiously inspect it. The farm is also a strong and striking proof of the enter- prise, ability and sagacity of its owner, and very creditable to his judgment and good taste. The farm comprises 400 acres and is six and a half miles southeast of East Grand Forks and twenty miles west of Crookston. It is improved with a commo- dious modern dwelling supplied with a hot water heat- ing plant, hot and cold hard and soft water all through, and many other conveniences and comforts usually found only in city residences. The farm also has separate barns for cattle and horses, both of which are large and almost unique in the completeness and comprehensiveness of their equipment and facilities. The barn for the cattle is 36 by 100 feet in ground floor dimensions and 41. feet from the ground to its peak. It has a basement under the whole of it and patent stanchions, concrete floors of the latest pat- tern. There is a root cellar in connection with it capable of storing 1,700 bushels of roots. The barn cost $4,000 and accommodates 75 head of cattle. It will also hold 2,000 bushels of grain and 150 tons of hay. Jlr. Gumming was the first man to build a silo in this part of the Red river valley. He now has two silos, connected by full alleys, and uses a 12-horse power engine to cut ensilage, grind feed and other work of this kind. He uses steam power in doing bis plowing and threshing, owning outfits for both operations, each of which is complete in every particu- lar. His house and barns are supplied with water from a tank under ground, which is in no danger of freezing, and the water is moved by air pressure. A two and a quarter horse-power engine pumps water, milks the cows, separates the cream from the milk, chums the butter and runs the washer. On this farm Mr. Gumming raises about 4,000 bxishels of wheat a year, and he has other land, about 700 acres, part of which is a half-section in Section 3, Huntsville township, two miles and a half from his home place, which is farmed by a tenant and yields large quantities of clover and alfalfa. Until recently Mr. Gumming also owned two quarter sections of tim- ber land on The Point on Red river, which he bought cheap in a swampy condition, improved into good farms and sold at $100 and $105 an acre. The home farm Is the seat of the proprietor's chief activities. He raises grain, including 60 to 70 acres of corn for feed, and full-blooded Holstein and thor- oughbred Shorthorn cattle, keeping some 75 head and milking 35 to 40 cows. For years he was the leading butter maker in the valley, but of late he has been sending his milk to Grand Forks by auto delivery, the COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 457 trade amounting to $300 a month, as he emphasizes the dairy feature now. He also raises horses for sale besides what he needs for his own use. Hon. James Gumming was born in County Carle- ton, Ontario, Canada, October 17, 1861, the son of William and Elizabeth (Whyte) Cumming, natives of Scotland and farmers in Canada, where the father died in May, 1880. Soon afterward the mother, James, his brother Peter and their sister Annie came to the Red river valley, Henry and John, two other sons of the family being already in this locality and working as blacksmiths in Grand Forks. The new- comers took up land in Grand Forks county. North Dakota, and lived on it two years. In the fall of 1882 they moved to the land Mr. Cumming now occupies, paying $20 an acre for it. The Northern Pacific rail- road was later built through here and Cumming 's Sid- ing, a grain loading station, was located on the farm. Mr. Cumming has been active in school work locally and served as chairman of the township board twelve years. In the fall of 1898 he was elected as the can- didate of the People's party to the state house of rep- resentatives. He served on the committees on agricul- ture, towns and counties, state capitol and claims and also other standing committees and was chairman of a special committee. He worked to obtain provisions for draining the Red river valley ; for allowing small municipalities to build or acquire their own water and light plants, his bill for this being killed in the senate ; for increasing the tax on the gross earnings of rail- roads from 3 to 4 per cent, and for county option. In 1904 he was nominated for the state senate but was defeated by Hon. A. D. Stevens, who then was sent to the senate for the first time. In religious affairs Mr. Cumming has always taken an active interest. He was one of the founders of Bethel Presbyterian church on the Marias and has served as one of its elders for more than twenty years. On March 16, 1887, he was married to Miss Katie Ferguson, a native of Canada but of Scotch Highland ancestry. He was living in Grand Forks with a sister at the time of the marriage. They have had eight children. William James is a graduate of the Agricultural college at Crookston and is now farming in Huntsville township. He married Misa Nettie Ellen Hannah and they have one child. Mary Isabella is a graduate of the high school in Grand Forks and a teacher in North Dakota, and is now mar- ried to I\Ir. Melvin Johnston of Kensal, N. D. Peter Allan is a graduate of the Grand Forks high school and a junior in the University of North Dakota. Eliz- abeth Gladden, who was graduated fi'om the Grand Forks high school in 1915, is a stenographer. Anna Zella will graduate from the high school in 1916, and Leslie Ferguson is a student in Grand Forks. Daniel died in infancy and John Russell September 27, 1915, aged sixteen and just ready to enter the high school. Fraternally Mr. Cumming is a Freemason and a mem- ber of the Order of Woodmen. For years he was one of the directors and the president of the Fair Associa- tion at Crookston three years. GULIK S. SPOKELY. Owning a fine farm in Section 13, Hubbard town- ship along the Red river, 1 mile north and 1 and i/o mile west of Neilsville, Gulik S. Spokely is comfort- ably fixed in a worldly way and almost beyond the reach of ill fortune. He is now living retired from active pursuits, but his period of toil was a long, exacting and very trying one. His life began at Fyresdal, Norway, June 12, 1842, and he came to the 29 United States in 1866, locating in Houston county, Minnesota, and there working as a farm laborer to make a living. In 1871 Mr. Spokely moved to Polk county and squatted on a quarter-section of land in a section not yet surveyed. The law was that such land had to be taken up on a pre-emption claim at $1.25 an acre, but he preferred to take his as a homestead and he sue- 458 coMPENDir:\r ov history and biography of polk county eeeded in doing so. For two yeai-s he lived in a dug- out in till' liillsidc, and worked for other settlers, as he had very little money. At the end of two years he put up a little log oahin, and in that the family lived until 1913, when the present dwelling house was built, the fine barn on the place having been erected earlier. IMr. Spokely bought eighty acres of railroad land adjoining his homestead, with a rebate provision for $2.50 an acre when he should have sixty acres plowed, and an allowance of fifty cents more for every acre seeded in grain. He came to this county from Hous- ton county with a yoke of oxen, and with these he broke up most of his land. He also sold cord wood to the settlers on the prairie. For a time the hard- ships and privations of his life in this country made him long earnestly to return to his native land, but it was long before he had the means to gratify his wish in this respect, and by the time he got it he was over his longing and well satisfied here. At times ilr. Spokely worked in the lumber woods, where the labor was very hard but the wages were good, and after coming to Polk county lie was em- ployed on Red river boats going to Winnipeg and back. But in time he became a prosperous farmer and devoted his whole time to the cultivation of his land. For years he raised grain principally, but about ton years ago he began to give up a great deal of ground to potatoes, being the first man in his part of the county to raise them on a large scale. He devotes 5G to 100 acres a year to this product and it forms his leading crop. He usually sells liis potatoes as he digs them. Mr. Spokely has taken a great interest in school matters. He served as school treasurer of his district as long as he was willing to hold the office. lu 1870 lie was married in Houston county to Miss Gunvor Simon, and they had one child when they came to Polk county. Eleven were added to their offspring later, and of the twelve six are living: Albert, of Neils- ville; Julius, of Crookston; Adolph, liLs twin brother, of Fargo ; Alexander, of Neilsville, and Annie and Sophia, at home. Julia, Theresa and Jlollie died in young womanhood and the other three in childhood. In religious connection Mr. Spokely belongs to the United Lutheran church at Neilsville, but he was one of the organizers of the Conference church at Nebj'. One year after his arrival in the United States his father, Salva Olso Spokely, came over and took a homestead in this county, on which he died at the age of sixty-six. Gulik's brother Ole also took up a tree claim on the prairie and passed the remainder of his days on it, dying when he was about fifty years old. W. G. jVroRPHY. It is not the purpose of this work to give a complete narrative of the life of Mr. Murphy. But his fruitful connection with the earlj' history and development of this region, especially with the development of tlie water powers along the Red Lake River have been so potential for good to this community that they are deserving of special mention in a work devoted ex- clusively to Polk county. Indeed so productive of large consequences have his activities been that no his- tory of the county could be written without some ac- count of them. Mr. Murphy was born in Hudson, St. Croix county, Wisconsin, July 23, 1859. Shortly after his birth his parents moved to a farm in Troy and later to a farm in Hammond. It was on this farm in Hammond tliat he chiefly spent his boyhood. He was educated in the country schools of the neighborhood and at Notre Dame, Indiana, and the University of Wisconsin. He went to Grand Forks in 1880 almost immediately after taking his degree from the law school and opened a law office. He had practiced law but a short time when the opportunity was presented him of taking over the Grand Forks ' ' Plain Dealer. ' ' He took con- trol of the paper and applied himself to the manage- ment Avith such energy that he soon had it in prosper- ous condition. It became a political power and wielded COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 459 a strong influence in determining the territorial elec- tions. A subsidiary book-binding and job-office estab- lishment was built up with the newspaper and proved remarkably successful. Record books for the use of government clerks were prepared with exceptional care and the results were not slow in vindicating the pains which had been expended. Competition was practically driven out of the field. Mr. Murphy's legal experience was invaluable to him in the prepara- tion of these books which would have been worthless had any technical errors been permitted to creep into them. It was about this time that he became affiliated with the Gas Company in Grand Forks. He sold out the "Plain Dealer" in 1889 and then took complete con- trol of the Gas Company. He improved it and de- veloped it with such success that he was enabled to dispose of it at a handsome figure in 1910. In 1890 Mr. Murphy bought the controlling interest in the Crookston Water Works, Power & Light Com- pany, Crookston, Minnesota. At that time the com- pany was in the near state of bankruptcy. The ma- chinery was delapidated and outgrown and the build- ings ready to tumble down. Instead of trying to re- pair them he decided to rebuild the plant entirely in a new place, which was accomplished in 1892 at a con- siderable cost. At that time Mr. Murphy lived in Minneapolis but visited Crookston at least once a month. After the completion of the building opera- tions, he set about to increase the market for water and electric service even to the extent of giving con- sumers free installation of service. This policy was continued for several years until the business was built up to the extent that it would compare favorably with the most improved plants of its kind. In 1898 he sent representatives East to investigate the new sys- tem of central .station steam heating and after receiv- ing a favorable report from the representatives, he decided to install such a plant in Crookston in connec- tion with the steam reserve necessary for the water works and electric light plant. This was a new inno- vation and of great benefit to the community, giving as it did heat on tap at any time of the day or niglit to the business portion of the city. In 1905 Mr. JMurphy started to look up suitable loca- tions on the Red Lake River between Thief River Falls and Crookston for the construction of dams and water powers and in subsequent years acquired title to sev- eral locations including the dam, water power and electric light plant at Red Lake Falls. Several of the water powers, including the Red Lake Falls Water Power & Electric Light plant was sold at the same time as the Grand Forks Gas & Electric Com- pany but he still retained title to several others. In 1912 he began operations to construct a dam and water power five miles east of Crookston. This plant was completed and put in operation in the spring of 1914, having a capacity of 3000 H.P., part of which has been sold to the Crookston Water Wks. Pr. & Lt. Co. and the balance over a transmission line to the Red River Power Company of Grand Forks. These activities in Polk county have been an im- portant factor in its development. The high class of service furnished the City of Crookston has been much commented on. It has made Crookston a better place to live in because of it. ]\Ir. Murphy's foresight in developing latent water powers along the Red Lake River has effectively benefited a large number of the residents of the county. The land values in the neigh- borhood of the completed development five miles east of Crookston has increased the price of the land prob- ably as much as $10 per acre and besides the farming community adjacent to the dam and transmission line are enabled to receive electric power and light service the same as the people living in the city. Mr. Murphy has made a lasting impression on the life of Crookston and Polk county that will survive for generations to come. In 1891 he went to Chicago intending to take a short rest before going to New York where he expected to resume the practice of law. Mr. Lowry, of this city, who had heard of him tlirough Senator Pierce, met him in Chicago with a proposition that he take charge of the business affairs of The Tribune. Mr. Murphy 460 COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY then took up liis home in Miimeapolis and became as- sociated with The Tribune which he later came to con- trol completely. The Tribune was in a precarious financial condition when he first became connected with it and only escaped failure in the panic of 1893 bj' the narrowest of margins. One particularly bad fire a few years afterward proved the only striking event of its subsequently prosperous career. The "Minneapolis Times" was absorbed by The Tribune in 1905 £ind in 1910 Mr. Mui-phy took over the Cen- tury Building which was converted into The Tribune Annex. Jlr. Murphy was married in 1886 to Miss Josephine Hopkins of Chicago. Four children, two sons and two daughters, have resulted from the union. Mr. Murphy continues to exercise direct supervision and control of his newspaper and other properties, giving to them the benefit of a trained mind and business experience which have made them successful and highly efficient. He lives during the summer at Lake ;\Iiiuietonka and finds much pleasure in a splendid house boat and motor boat which he has had built under his special directions. He usually spends a por- tion of each winter in California or Florida. HALBERT P. BOUKIND. Although he is now engaged principally in culti- vating and improving his fine farm of 320 acres, in Section 32, Roome township, three miles west of Eldred, Halbert P. Boukiud has tried his hand at various useful occupations and has done excellent work and won a good reputation in each. He was born in Wisconsin December 11, 1873, and is the son of Peter and Maria Boukind, who were born, reared and married in Norway and came to this country and located in Wisconsin in 1870. In 1878 they drove to this county with a team of horses, and the father filed on the land now occupied by his son Halbert, which he at once began farming with oxen, having lost his horses. In 1894 the parents turned the farm over to Halbert and joined the Bella-Ceola colon}', which was organ- ized by Rev. Mr. Sangstad to start a settlement on the Pacific coast in Briti.sh Columbia 400 miles north of Vancouver. After passing seven years in the colony the Boukinds returned to this county, and three years later the father was stricken witli paralysis, from which he has never recovered. He is now living with Halbert. The mother died in 1913. They had seven children. Karen married Halvor Lunos and became the mother of eleven children. She died in 1909. Ole died in January, 1913. He was unmarried and passed the whole of his life on the homestead. Nellie is the wife of Paul Bjornerud and lives on tlie farm adjoin- ing Halbert 's. Clara is the wife of Thomas Twite, a commercial salesman living in Crookston. Peter is a dealer in lumber and real estate in Crookston. Minnie is the wife of Olof Myckle, of Devil's Lake, North Dakota. Halbert P. Boukind never went to school until he Avas sixteen years old, as there was no district school in his neighborhood, but when he started he made rapid progi*ess. After attending three terms of three months each in his home district, three months in Grand Forks and nine months in Crookston he re- ceived a certificate as a teacher, and during the next ten years he taught schools in the vicinity of his home, the first one of which he had charge being tlie home school, which he taught for four terms. lie was very successful and was rapidly promoted. His pay at the start was $35 a month, but it soon reached $50, which was the highest then allowed. During his teaching he took an active part in all institute work. After leaving the profes.sion of teaching Mr. Boukind passed five years at Eldred as manager of the co-operative store and postmaster, manager of the co-operative creamery and agent on construction work for the railroad company. He then succeeded to the ownership of the store, and during the next four years he conducted it on his own account. About the end COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY 461 of this period his brother and his mother died on the farm, and his services were required in connection with the management of his interests there. So he sold the store and returned to the farm in 1913. He is also interested in a threshing outfit, and in 1915 closed his second successful season as its manager. One of Mr. Boukind 's specialties on his farm is rais- ing black Orpington chickens, of which he alwaj's has a large lot, well-bred and reared with the utmost care. His products have taken a number of first prizes at the shows of tlie Northwestern Poultry Association. He is also still deeply interested in school work and was one of the leaders in obtaining the establishment of the new consolidated school district at Eldred. In addition he is editor of ' ' The Boo.ster, ' ' a publication that has attracted the attention to literary societies by the excellence of its contents in a literary and educa- tional way, and is a justice of the peace and has served as towushiiD assessor four years. He and the other members of the family belong to the Sand Hill Luth- eran church, and he is also active and helpful in con- nection with the affairs of the Community church at Eldred, singing in its choir and taking part in all its work of every kind. He is a firm believer in the value of athletic activities and outdoor sports of every proper character, and has zealously encouraged baseball games and other contests of strength and skill. Being a bachelor he can find time to give such matters atten- tion, and being a hustler he boosts them, as he does everything else in M'hich he takes an interest, with all his might. During the June term of the United States district court held in St. Paul in 1914 Mr. Boukind was a member of the petit jury drawn by Judge Page Morris, and during his service in that capacity he met many of the leading legal lights of Minnesota and the country. He found his experience in this jury service very interesting and profitable to him, as he is a dili- gent inquirer in all lines of intellectual activity. PAT LEALAS. Pat Lealas, the pioneer settler of Bygland town- ship, is widely known throughout the county as one of the few survivors of that sturdy band of men who with the steady perseverance of the race of frontiers- man surmounted all difficulties and hardships lay- ing the foundations for the prosperity and accomplish- ment of today. As citizen, farmer and neighbor, his career has been marked by a personality, strongly typical of the virtues of his countrymen, possessed of a geniality, the ready humor and adventurous spirit which lends peculiar charm to Irish character, Mr. Lealas has made the people of Polk county his friends, and as a worthy and able citizen enjoys the respect and esteem of all. He was born in County Wexford, Ireland, and was reared in his native land, becoming apprenticed to the carpenter trade. On coming to America he located in Ontario, where he spent eleven years working at his trade. In 1871 a brother, Edward Lealas settled in Huntsville township, and in the following year Pat Lealas came to Minnesota, being the first of a number of settlers who came from County Lanark to Polk county. He was the first .settler in Bygland township, which was not yet siu-- veyed, and squatted on the northwest quarter of section one, the tract being traversed by the Red river, a boundary which later involved Mr. Lealas in litigation with the railroad company in which he established his title to the contested tract. He erected a shanty on the site of his present home and doing the first years supported his family trapping otter and other small game in which the country abounded, being instructed in this new means of livelihood by Mike Ferry, the partner of his brother, Edward Lealas. His reminicence of these days are unusually enjoyable, being enriched by numerous appreciation and the genius of a natural recounter of tales. The many adventures of the hunter and trapper in a land abounding in wild game furnishes ample material for 462 COMPENDIU:\r OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF POLK COUNTY anecdotes of greatest interest to the resident of today. Bear were among the wild visitors of that day and the largest specimen seen here was shot by Mr. Lealas near his cabin. In later years be added to his homestead, purchasing a quarter section of railroad land and has devoted his life to the development of his agricultural interests, and has given particular attention to raising well bred horses. As one of the organizers of the township he has given faithful and intelligent co-op- eration in furthering the best interests of the com- munity, and is one of the original members of the Catholic chvirch at Fisher. Edward Lealas was a well known pioneer of the region and made his home on his land on the south side of Red Lake river until his death. Two sisters also became residents of Polk county, Ann, who married James Martin, and Eliza- beth, who married Michael Quirk. Pat Lealas was married in Canada to Bridget Power, who is a native of Waterford, Ireland, and to this union were born eight children, si.^: of whom are now living, John, on the home farm; Joe and James who are located at Bermidji; Mary Ann, the wife of James 'Grady; Maggie, who married Henry Schustmer, and Alice, the wife of Tim McManus, all of whom are residents of Bermidji. Two sons, Patrick Lealas and Edward Lealas, are dead. After almost a half century in Polk county Mr. Lealas is enjoying the latter years of a busy life, keenly interested in and allied with the affairs of the day through his many friendships with men of achievement and accorded the full regard due the sturdv American citizen. KORNELIUS H. VALOR. During all of the last thirty-seven years Kornelius H. Valor has lived on and cultivated his fine farm in Section 26, Tynsid township, this county. He came here in 1877 and took the pre-emption on 120 acres and jiroved up one forty of this in 1879 and then bought 80 acres of a homesteader, which made 160 acres as a homestead. He now has 200 acres, and the fann is pleasantly located nine miles nortliwest of Climax, twent.y miles south of Grand Forks and eighteen miles southwest of Crookston. In 1914 he built on it a very convenient and comfortable twelve- room dwelling house, but the barn and other outbuild- ings were erected some years previous to that time. The farm was originally prairie land, and there was nothing but a little log cabin standing on it and but few acres were broken when he bought it. Nearly all of it is now yielding annual crops of magnitude and good quality, wheat, barley and oats being the staple productions, but dairy products from seven to ten milch cows also forming a substantial factor in the business. Mr. Valor has conducted the farming and cattle operations himself from the beginning until recently, when his son Rudolph took charge of them. relieving his father of all necessity for laborious work or business cares in connection with them. Mr. Valor is a stockholder in the co-operative cream- ery at Eldred, seven miles from his home, and he sup- plies it with cream. His grain crop in 191.5 was 2,600 bushels of wheat, 1,450 of oats and 300 of barley. He was born in Norway August 4, 1850, and became a resident of Ottertail county, Minnesota, in 1876. He was reared and married in his native land and there also he learned the carpenter trade. This, with his wife and two children, constituted his whole earthly estate when he came to this country, and he was in debt for a part of his passage money to his new home. A few months after his arrival in IMinnesota with his family he moved to Polk county and located on his present farm. He hired a man to break up four acres of it and worked at his trade while waiting for his crops to become sufficient to provide for his household. In the affairs of his township Mr. Valor has always taken a good citizen's active and helpful part. He served several terms as supervisor at different times and for years as a member of the school board. His political affiliation was first with the Republican party COMPENDIU]\I OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OP POLK COUNTY 463 and afterward with the Populist party while it flour- ished, but for soiue years lie has voted with the Demo- *5-v \.-;f.r.-\.^ %'-?^-> \ ••y.^T-- .*"%•-?«?»?.•/ '*. y.* V^^ \ ,^ .. .V 0' ,'•»- *> v* % ^^ .^'^'' *i<\1fA'= "^-s- ^■^ ''^ 'o V-" ,<5 -^v ■4.^ V ^^.^ . .* A "^^ <^_. - ^°-^^. ". -> 0^ »1*_°' > 0^ r"-'" o ^■b^^ °o^(^Ay** .^"^. ^. A^ o ° " ° . ^>,