11 ill 1 III iP'jy;^iv1f"-'- ■'-' V^ "''': E612 I .A5 A83 Pi:. --^.^ 0' T'^.n^' .^^ ^ ^^^ .<<-\"''y-. \.'.'^"' /^V^'- ^-^.0 c^^^ yfii'i^ ''^^ a, -. '^yW/ .^^' F^ '* ,0 "^^'^ • T.^ ',^> ■o V %.lf\\^ •^a. ■\, lf»f •■ ,/ ;V .^^ , ,,A ^^_ -'Kr^,* '-v ;^.^> r:^ t/ o'* .'Vf ^,-S^^Q?. 5v" V ,< v>, •> V'^ ^XV. .v.''. .'^^ o •> -VlM' ,^ o » » -^^ '*.o^ .^SS'-, %.* .-J:^^ ,^' -fU-o^ ^-.„.^"^ ^^^i' ^. ^.^^, ..^. 1 ^ <-\ .-!,; ^J. 0^ . y ct: ^? ^ ->•' ^ 3' J:^l n-. :?:. ^ LIST UNION SOLDIERS BURIED AT ANDERSONVILLE. COPIED FROM THE OFFICIAI. KECORD IN THE SUEGEON'S OFFICE AT ANDERSONVILLE. By DORENCE ATWATER. J^otmore honorably die they who fall on the field in the moment of Victory! NEW-YORK : rCTBLISHED BY THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION, 154 NASSAU STREET. 1890. PRICE, 25 CENTS. INDEX TO STATES. i-AGE. ALABAMA CONNECTICUT g.lO DELAWAJKE ; 11 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA U ILLINOIS 11-15 INDIANA 15.18 IOWA 18-19 KANSAS 19 KENTUCKY 19-21 LOUISLi.NA 21 MAINE 21-23 MARYLj\JSID 23-24 MASSACHUSETTS 24-27 MICHIGAN 27-31 MINNESOTA 31 MISSOURI 31-32 NEW-HAMPSHIRE 32 NEW-JERSEY 32-33 NEW-YORK 33-46 NORTH CAROLINA 46 OHIO .: 46-51 PENNSYLVANIA 51-60 RHODE ISLAND 60 TENNESSEE 60-64 VERMONT 64-65 VIRGINIA 65-66 WISCONSIN 67-68 UNITED STATES ARMY 68-70 UNITED STATES NAVY 70-71 MISCELLANEOUS 71-72 MEN THAT WERE HANGED 72 NUMBER OF GRAVES CONTAINING UNKNOWN U. S. SOLDIERS 72 CHE DEAD AT ANDERSONVILLE. IN TRO D U CT ION BY DOKENCE ATWATEK. rO TriK SURVIVING RELATIVES AND FRIENDS 01'' THE MARTYRED "DEAD" AT ANDERSON- VILLE. GEORGIA; This record was originally copied for you because I ieared that neitlier you nor the Government of the Uuited States would ever otherwise learn the fate of your loved ones whom I saw daily dying before me. I could do nothing for them, but I resolved that I would at least try to let you sometime linow when and how they died. Tills at last I am now able to do. So many conflicting rumors have been in circulation In regard to these rolls and myself, that I deem it prudent to. give a brief statement of my entire connec- tion with this Death Register, and to show how and why It lias been so long withheld from you. On the 7th day of July, 1863, I was taken pris- oner near Hagerstown, Md., and talten to BeUe Island, Richmond, Va., via Staunton, where I remained five months. I then went to Smith's Tobacco Factoi'y, Richmond, where I hept the account of supplies re- ceive^ sunk in the hard soil to the depth of eighty feet. Th« m work was done with knives, spoons, sticks, and other m tools but little better. The diggers brought up the if earth in their pockets and blouses and sprinkled it 1< about the grounds to conceal the quantity. In some i!» wells excellent water was reached, and in others hori- H( zontal galleries were attempted for escape. In at ui, least one Instance a tunnel was carried tntlrely through *■ the hiU and a few prisoners are said to have got il' through. I The steep face of the northern hill is burrowed « throughout its whole extent. The little caves are f scooped out and arched in the form of ovens, floored, f» ceUed and strengthened so far as the owners had means with sticks and pieces of boards, and some of >i them are provided with fireplaces and chimneys. It i would seem that there were cases during long rains t where the house would become the grave of jts o-wner e by falling m upon him in the night. In these bur- t ro-ws are still fuunrt remnants of tlio -ivretched food it and rude utensils of the occupants— drinklng-cup': madi. t of sections of horns, platters and spoons wrouglit s from parts of old canteens, kettles and pans made li without solder from stray pieces of old tin or sheet i Iron. I brought away a considerable number of 1 these articles, whicli may one day be of interest to li the curious. • s Five sheds stand on the top of the northern hill, - servation during the time occupied in the work of the expedition : and while I would not dwell upon the terribleness of the sufferings imposed upon our pris- oners, nor stir the hearts already sunk in grief to deeper woe, still we owe it alike to the living and the dead that a proper knowledge and a. realization of the miseries wliicli they endured be entertained bv all. We are wont to attribute their chief suffering to in- sufficiency of food, and wliile tills is probably just, still, to tlie mind of one who has looked over tlie scanty, shelterless, pitiful spot of earth to whicli tlicy were confined, and taken into consideration tlie num- berless trials wliicli must have grown out of tlie pri- vation of space and tlie necessary conveniences of life, the conviction wiU force itself tliat tliese latter woes fell but little sliort of tlie former. It is to be remembered tliat during tliirteen long months tliey knew neitlier slielter nor protection from the change- able sliies above nor tlie pitiless, unfeeling earth beneath. Tlie treacherous nature of the soil, parching t; Boobur, Wm, 1 cav, Co 1., i - \ - Brice, J C. 1 eav, Co L. ili ■! ~ i.i J Guthrie, J, 1 cav, Co I, died Sept 1 Henry, P, 1 cav, Co F, died June 26, pneumonia. Jones, Jno P, 1 cav, Co K, died Mar 15. anasar^-a. MItchel, Jno D, 1. Co A, died Aug 4, scorbutus. ,-. Co H. died Aug 8, diarrhea r., died Aug 15. diarrhea c. 1. Co K. died Aug 25. diarrhi June 20 Redman, W K, 1 cav. Co G, died Oct It. sto Stubbs, VV, 1, Oo I. died AU2 4. l.r..nchiti-.. 3707 Chapin, J L, 10, Co A, died July 21, 'G4, fever : ,S949 Cottrell. P. 7, Co C, dieil Ju'y 25. diarrhea. €OA.\ECTItlT. 2380 Anderson, 8 r < d •d X' I 10 c , da- ends \ IC I dl.'d lulY 17, f'ver typ ns rlT Tho 11 CI .■a Julv 31. diarrh II 0, 6 Id r h Totn ir i'auL' 3T''s™"l)iit PI ri d J 8 So (. CI 80 8 re 1 M Col C-D Flbv \ 14 h <•: irrh.-» c. CONNECTICLTT. 10255' 12188 . Gordon John, 14, Co G, died July 7, diarrhea Gray, Pat, u, Co H, died July 27; piithisis 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 7. scorbutus. '"/. ^V,^"..^! <*'"^"' ■"^y 20. debilitis. Co C, died Aug 0, dlarrht-a. lilternian, J, Co K^ I Oft , dyse |"4'heI,'"ETi4! f^b^'Slfd j'^e-^o^^^trra"'"" Hitchoock, Wm A, 16, Co C. di.-d July l'' diarilu-i Hall, VVm G, 1, Go K, die.l .7nh 17 .] . ,;,,'' HoJconib, D, 14, Co D, died .inii "- -i ,. , > , Hileiithai, .r'a , 14, Co C, „ 16, Co D, dl. I ^;i'-hols. C.-IO, Co (i. died Ans 8, dysentery . Nichols. M, 7, Co I. died Oct 14. scorbutus. ' Orton, H C. Co 1, died Aug 9. rheumatism ;ol.r?''A,^14,'c?li,'d°ieds'ii,fl^fPscoVbu?SI'"'"'- : |oTn».T4.\^„ g»s-ef,?;!,->j «,,-rr-- Parker, fs B. 10. Co B, di.-J .Iiilv 31 diarrh Halv W, JG. Cu D, died Sept 3, I Hubbard. H D. 16. Co D. died Sep Hubbard, B. 16. Co A, died Sept 8 Haywodd. IS. Co E, died S.pt 1 I c IsJay, H, 11, died Sept ^ Jairjieson. Charles. 7. Ca 1). died April 2r,. dii 1590 King.sbury, C Klinel.ma, L. Ker,shotr.' B ., 8866 Kohlenbur" i Kearn, T. 10. 3^? Lendnn, H. 16 ,5499 Lew [J' /' s"r 6124 Ijr. ^;n(|, W , I Co D. died Ju 3516 3644 3410 V. Co E, died Ju rtil, Co H, died Co B. died July H I. 1 ea\ Horace. 7 « u' , '.| •' . ■. "'' "'*""''"'■'' IS. F, \v-'^ « ■• 1., d..-.l .iun.- 25. fev ■liMv 7. scorbutus. I July 7, diarrhea c. 7070 ,Ste„l, .'ll 1 ; ■ ' ;'.;;' / •^^^■' ■ dinrrhe 7975 Smith 8088 .'^hort 8235 .Smalli 9304 StarK-^ '■ 1 ■ . . .' i ,; 1 -' i!r'-jo. d 9435 Sut*ll'n mk. See. 1 'j 9987 Sline. 10138 Schiil. 10247 Sparri 10476 Steele ''h '' ,K- 10787 StanfT, I \ ''„'", li ."'('li.'.i ' ' 1 1 ■ '.'i '. 1 12005 Swift. .i.'i CoK di ed X.. : ■ ii ,•' ',",' 122S8 .Smith. J T 7. Co D. dl-i' l> 1 : , ', ,,:, 5tl Tavlor 5^79 Tihhel 10035 tSi! 10142 Tarlor 11089 Turner Mnv ^"\7' U \ died Aug 12. rfiarrhea c. 'lieil Aug 12. diarrhea. •■' F,. died Aug 3. diarrhea a ' -1 R. died Sept 29. scorbuti .1 1 11. C.. .'rt eil 0,t 1. scorbutus, died Oct 18. scorbutus. 3107 Valter H. 4. Co A, died July 10. ana.sarca. 401 Winsh ,, , 11 l-J r M;,,' !'■'',',:'!':. '\.]'r"l-';J^- 21.58 Weld.M 2601 Warn.' ' ■ '■ 1 ~ : irrhea.' 5543 Wlkeit 5222 Wriglil ^^^ ^::^ .1.. i... K K Co r' di.d '\ni' 14'.''gangren died Aug 19 diarrhea 01 :w War. H C. io.' Co I.'.MS Winfle wort! . ML 2 artll. Co H, died Aug 26, sco 8024 West. Chas 9°r'? Whe'r "• ■" H. 16 r.- ir Co I. died Sept 6. fever typhus n F. di.cl s.pt 17, scorbutus. 9512 Ward.' '..■]■ 'f '"' ] '■" 1 ,1 -!.'■"], ^'T''a^' ■'"■"'■biitus. 00.33 Welns, 2600 Ward, h'. IS \[ .'.■^ •1" 1 s',|,ri-, d?phtheHa. ili.il F.I, f>, -n-,, scorbutus. 6304 Young c s. 10. c Ul.--d Aug 21, '04. pneumoit.ii DELAWARE. lELAH ARE. i arr jl dUrrh Cun Dona J8t<) Hud H T (t \V J U I .rf ph W C 1 I Co U IHIU h U V M 1 Co 8 <) {^^ (-1 11- ^ir 1 i T r W 2 Co t d d Rol t 1 Co d d M r 31 II I Co D d Sits . E L 1 a Co L ^ ed S ] led No 1! d d Mar WisrKK I Ol i Ol.l VIKIi Kd • 11 lb K 68 4 St I II 8 8 S J. t I 1 11 1" St, 1 W H I 45 V a !■ 1 ca 81 5 1 ca Co I tl i \ Ij d Jo 1 ca Co D I d S 1 1 1 C I ca Co M d d V "i, d C K I. d Ja Wp Nat : W 1 o W 1 LI\OI«» -1 t S I I I 'Jn d r V d i \ ■> 1 fe d 1 s b died S, 1 90 Clark, A I (0 Ulark, C, ,' C'lark, r,. 5141 6 8 "8 Chf-!. •: ;m ■'04h •oi.., ,r..i,,, .'oiler, ,l..li 'olliiis, Wr o died June in, diarrhea. '(. r. (li.^rt .\ii!- 2S, dlarrhen 3111 irot »aU B 1 1% Co L d d 11 8 ^LO fcC Co D d IOjJI J .9 Co i dlLd t 1 8S4 (irli 1.. M i 4" Co 11 'J 4083 on". ■'l(i''j 1 ) Co L 1 1 jOI (JiORan, H. 6G, C o Ij d ]0 Ouj \V 11 an j' Madden, B, flO, Co D, died Ana 12, scorbutus, rs Mi.ldo.k i W ** 79, Co A, died Oct 2.3, scorbutus ,'. ' \;',,l,iH '\ 1",' Co A. died Oct 1.5, scorbutus, ; , I ,; ,,i.;. 1 H. 38, Co K, died July 25, diarrhea a. I \ 215, Co A, died July 4, debilitas. ,1, r 10 cav Co E, died Mav 8, diarrhea. Truntrerfor'l, N. I fTuntlov, R, S'.i ' ITurlburt. n. Si Hurrv. W n. 2:i nutchlns, S. lot Hu.«tand. R P. *• ITyber, John, G i Iverson, J S, IS ' 2G,')8 Jackson, TT, 51. 10287 .lacUson. M, 123 12797 Janks, J P, 3 ci 8080 Jarvis, J, 73. C cov, Co I, c 29, Co F, Co C, di. .1 Co F. dl. .1 ■ 27. dysentery. 14. diarrhea. 1 i! .rrhea. ■1 ^' (irhutus. ,1 ,,,,,, V - I' M 8-^ ('.■ li ili.il Mrli 7. 'f.,^. diarrhea, \i .- M n t- i^t Co 11 tii'-fi -Mav i:C diarrhea, Maxw.'il S, 8 cav, Co c'. died July 13, dysentery. Mav. M H. 89, Co I, died Sep'. 29, s jrbutus, Mc'Campbell, D, 104, Co B, died July 10, diarrhea a, McCleary, Thos, 10 cav, Co L, died March 17, pneu- monia. „ .,, J, J »» „ O" McClusky, James. 10 cav, Co B., died May 2/, McCray, A,' 103, Co A, died Aug 6, dysentery, McCready, Wm, 90, Co C, died June 4, anasarca. McCreary, J, 119, Co C, died Aug 22, pleuntls. McCone, R, 10 cav, Co K, died Aug iS, scorbutus, McCuime, H, 13, Co C, died July 8, diarrhea c. McEntlre. L, 10 cav, Co K, died July 17, dysentery. McGee. Wm. 30, Co D, died Aug 11 wounds. McOlvens J 119 Co A, died Oct 28. scorbi»tus. McLarens', B, 89, Co A, died Nov 10, scorbutus. McLaughlin, B, 90, Co I. dh-d .Tune 5, scorbutus. I McLlng, Beiij, * 23, Co E, died July 11, diarrhea. McMahon, M, 93, Co E, died Aug 4, diarrhea. IMcMillan, W B, • 112, Co E, died May 24, pleuritis. McMiller, W II, 78, Co D, died Sept 25. scorbutus. McSha«, B, 80, Co B, dl^ed April 23, diarrhea. McWorthy. W M, 92. Co li. died Sept 25. diarrhea c. 4887 Pierce, Chas,- IB ( Co H. died Aur I Meyers, J, 21, l u K, died Aug 14, d Meyers, J K, 110. Co C, died ,Iuue 17 Meyers, Samuel, 25. Co A, died Aug : 1011 Kaiusav, 1705 li.ani- 12703 Kiiiii- John, 79. Co I. 381 Mltchari, 11017 Mitchell, 9753 Mix, C. ; 12757 Mo.ssman, s 2993 Mulford, \' .; 2»34 Mulkev, 1> 11900 Mun?,.' P I , 50 Myers. (;i,,.i, pleuritis. 3080 Myers, C il.« : 6038 Myers. P. 16 52, C( dieil 81(36 .N. ■ :. ; 299 ^,■^^ („ 577S Newljy. 8129 Newlan 4896 Nicely, 6945 Nichols _ _ _ 7«47 Nicholson. R H 123. Co B. 7086 Nugent, T. 108. Co E, died .A 12460 Nillly, C, 120. Co A, died Ja 6519 Ooe-re. O B.' 11_', Co C. di 30851 O'Brian. D, 89 Cn Q. dirtl < 11274 on, I, v. Will. L'l. B. died sept 2(1. dlarrli...li, 1' 7128 Thompson. (>. .scorbutus. 2463 Thompson. John «831 Thompson. T. "J 3064 Topp. A. 1'.' . " . .1 847 Trailer, \.i-i 1. : pneunioniii 115.50 Tra.sk. J J. 7 cav, 1 761 Trowbridge, L. Ill va\ 1915 Trout, E. 21. Co I . ' 2502 TurnerlioUn, S U, r.i. ' S032 Tucker. K, 38, to li. 1 12736 Tucker. J. 7. Co K, d 10832 Tucker. J P. 8 cav, C< 10988 Turner, S, 120, Co A 11091 Underwood, D, 11, Co 6183 Vase, . 16 cav, ( .. 1026 VoTls. Uoss. 1 3271 Vou.T. lieorci 2015 VouKht, Wni, 6638 Vox. Wni, 24, died March 20. pneumonia. [I¥dia:\a. 4270 An 5680 A\i 6921 All 9043 All.Mi 9759 Alln il, 10473 AUvn. 11186 Albin ustin, .Mired, 5, Co K 2874 Bow I 30H Bru. 3359 BroM 4035 Ballii 4251 Bonlv 4179 Bak'i 4.563 Bak. I vsentery. 0, Co D, died atcrman, L, 95, 7895 6898 Watts, W 11619 W 6173 Wea 9317 Weavr, Alex, 93, Co A. (li..l >. i! .< 742 Wefh«, Wi-n;. ic, -t, . r . I,. 1 ,; ■ 10785 W.'i .! .1 w •:;...,, I .■ ' . . ; 4941 W. r. ■ I..' ,,.;'■, 10001 W . ■ \ J .1.1 I - ■ 11751 \\.i> I., I,, .,, . ,. I , I \, , 10085 W.lrh ., •,.-, , ,, \ ,;., ,, V, ,,, ■,,, 4358 Wentworth. ClKvvlrs, i;7, Co 1). dl.d Ji 7426 Westbrook, B D, 6 cav, Co B, died A«2 ; 3Wi7 Whalln, M. 23, Co B, died Julv 9, sio 3910 Wham, T. 21. Co (i, died Julv" 24, sco 9184 \Vheeler, J, 01. Co F, died Sept 18. 992 Wheelock, A. 90, Co II, died Mav 10 1496 Whitmoro, ~ Barne.s. Thomas dvsenter.v. nnhhtft W H 2 I All? I'L' d.vsenterr. :o 'b. dii-d Sept. 4, Sept 10 fiy~enter.y. y, Co D. died May 31. ana.sarca. 1B99 Whltmore, L. 104, Co J, died June 7, diarrhea, 1.0 G, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6998 Whitne 9S1f, Bixtcr, D. .i, Co B. died S.pt 27. .scorbutus. 103.50 Blackaher, Wm H, 42, Co 1. died Oct 5, scorbut 1"039 Benton. Tj 30. Co H, iUfi Oct 14, scorbutus, 11559 Bennett. R N. 72. Co D, died Oct 27. scorbutus. Ics, James, G, Co G, died April 1, diarrhea, leil. 1', cav, Co M, died Alil-il 15. dy^Seiitery ( i-oMir. S A, "00. Co i_i, died Aiiril 20. dlarrli.; l-'U(!.'t, W. 3 cav, Co C. died July 20, dyseniery. Fields. N. U cav. Co F, died Seyt 10, scorbutus. Fcntun, 1. 72, Co D. died Sept i:;, scorbutus. l''or»ard. .S, s cav, Co I, died Sep' ' ' For.-Uua. W, 25, Co H, died Sept : cav, Co I, died Oct 22, scorbutus. IV, Co H. died Oct 20. scorbutus. **93. Oo B. ded Nov 14, fever Inter. •121. DlMllIII Olid. J H M 2.11 > Denny 10-' 1 Devpll Dawley. J. 73. Co cav, Co M. died Sept IG. diarrhea, cav. Co E. died Sept 18. diarrliea W Co B died Kept 20, scorbutus. 11320 F.lKtoii 11420 F.stell,., 11712 F.ldrld'.- 11774 F.arl. r S2 Frecks. F, 3.5. Oo D. dl.rl m Fitter. R. 06. Co I. died 43 Fike. Tohlass. 30. Co D. (I 14 Fitwerald. I 30. Co D .M Feseher. D. 32. Co E. dl. 10S20 lUctur. E. 13. Co D. died Oct 12. scorbutus. 11231 Hasklns. H. 99, Co A, died Oct 20 scorbutus. 11243 Hasfle. J, musician. 1. Co F. died Oot 21. scorbutus 11790 Hill. R. 14. Co D, died Nov /.'scorbutus. 12249 Hamilton. D. 13. Co n died Dec 9. s'-'>'''>"'|;|: 12536 Hall, H H, 2. Co E, died Jan 27, '65, diarrhea. John. 22, Oo C. died Juno 20. diarrhea. MIL'S Wni M. 03, Oo D. died Juno 23. diarrhea I, per. Wm, 38. Co I, died July 10. scorbutus. ndd Henry,'** 2, Co D. died Aus 10. scorbutus. lulcrso. H.'2 --- "- ^ ■"-•' Co D. died Aug 19. 7J00 Jon 9iH8 Jon J2517 Jones. J. 121 - U , H C. 6. Co C. died Aug 20, scorbutus. , A, US. Co J. died Aug 2». diarrliea. died Sept 28. scorbutus. C. died J_.. .., „ C. died M«r 19. '6.5, diarrliea c. Klstner, GeorKC 42, Co B. died Apr 7, debllltas. Kliiiiau, A. 50. Co 6. died Apr lu. diairrtaeii. Ketchum, G W." 5 cav. Co I. died .May 3, diarrhea. Kellcv. John,»- 5 cav. died June 1.5. diarrhea. Kennedy, Amos, 2, Co II. ditrd June 24. diarrhea c. Kelso. R O. 3 cav. Co C. died June 13, diarrhea c. Kansa. J, 74. Co E, died June 20, fever remittent. Ki-nnedy, J W.» 3, Co I. died July 8. diarrhea. K.vs. Will. 72. Co E, di.^d July 20. deblllta-s. Co II. died Auk 9, dysentery. Co 10, . - - . .. - . scorbiitii.s. i I 1 i:;«, Co F. died Aub 28. diarrhea, i _■ i- ^1 Co A. di<"d Sept 13, scorbutus. I .1. r, 1. 40. Co B. died Oct 11. diarrhea c. i.Mtintf. 1, 79. Co A, died Dec 12. scorbutus. 1 • • r. P.« 10 cav. Co C, died Feb 4, '05. diarrhea. I. wig. J. 6. Co II. died Ma,v 12. '64, diarrhea c. Lawrence. U J. 30. Co G. died May 20. diarrhea Lower, N Ci, 116. Co I. died May 21, diarrhea. Lewis. James. 65, Co P. dUKl June 28, diarrhea c. Luir. C. 58. Co I. died July 1. diarrhea c. cnu; I.awv.-r. .7ari„«. 80. Co It. di.d Aug 14. dysentery. vnce. n T, 42. Co D. died Dec rty. John. 66. CoD. died Mar 23, .-n. James, cav, Co G. died Ap... .... - Masters. Wm, 65. Co G, died April 26. dia Milton. John, 18. Co C, died May 1, dyse) MvtlnRer. Wm, 117. Co P, died May 5. (Us dli-d May 8. dia Maloy. I. 11 v, Co < , died Sept 28, diarrhea ( 2007 Xossn.an. G. 117. Co G. dic-d June l.j. diarrhea. 3205 ^ewcoM.b. Georse. 22, Co A, died July 1.'. aiiasarc- 3519 Xu.ha. s. 3 eav. Co I. di.-d July la. diarrhea. 40-'7 Xappir. W H,- 6, Co I. died Aug 3. scorbutus. 0528 Norion. X " 38 Co B. died Aug 23, dysentery. 10187 Xote John H 39, Co P, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 12220 Nlchbl.-^. J. 38. Co G, died Dec 5. scorbutus. 0394 Xewbery, .M, 7 cav, 6o L, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 312 O'Nell. Thomas. 0. Co G, died April 2, diarrhea 1874 Oliver. John,- 42, died June 12, diarrhea c. 2778 Oliver, 11 H. 5 cav, Co M. died July 2, dlarrhe lied April l._ . dy.-e -ry c PavT. w. 23, Co A, died July 17, diarrh. A, 42. Co. P, died July 21, dy.sent-ry. -lOOS Parker. E,'' 29, Co A. died July 27, diarrliea. 4171 Park. John, 129. Co B. died July 28. fever remittent. 4551 Pettis, H. 53, Co C, died Aug 2, dysentery. 45.53 Prultt. H C, 7 cav, Co K, died Aug 2. scorbutus. .50'>7 I'rentlce. J M. 22. Co K. died Aug 14, wounds. 6159 Tenat. Alexander, 38, Co B. died Aug 19, dysentery. 0''7S Patterson. E, 4 cav. Co G, died Aug 20, marasmus. 0874 Parten, D It. 65. Co P. died Aug 26. diarrhea. 7710 Plough J \V.» 89. Co D. died Sept 3. scorbutus. 8001 Pnitt. William. 29. Co P. died Sept 13. anasarca. 9190 Plumer. .\. 2. Co D. died Sept 18. scorbutus. 9705 Pone, I T,* 5 cav. Co G. died Sept 24. scorbuttis. 9709 Patterson. -V S, 93, Co G, died Sejit 24. diarrhea. 10128 Packett, T C* 39. Co P. died Oct ]. scorbutus. 11880 Pangburn. -.** 20, Co B. died Nov 6. gangrene. 12572 Potts. 1, 99, Co H, died Feb 2, '65, scorlutus. A. 30. Co D. died Feb 4, '05. scorbutus. Samuel B, 6 cav, Co G, died May 20, ajs- l-henr.s, Paclter. 00. Co B. died May 4. fever remittent. , Co P. died Ma " ett. L.. 05, Co H. died Koll X C, 1 17, Co P. died June 2, diarrhea c. Kee,se, li, 110. Co I. died June 7. diarrhea c. Ilohinson, I/. 7. Co I, died June 18, fever remittent. KoOTian. — . 38. Co I. died Julv 26. diarrhea. 3887 S033 ass 4 7272 7510 7830 \iig 15. dysentery. ; 33. Co p. died Aug 15. scorbutus. rv. R. 80. Co P. died Aug 15. dysentery • ^ 7. Co I. died Aug 16. diarrhea. I ir. 30, Co I. died Aug 22. scorbutus. I J," 44. Co a. died .Micr 22. scorhutil M. 42. Co K. died Ahl- 23. I'-tus Sf.Ii-. I 5. Co J>. died A'lf -JT .!i,rrt 1 Mvera. A. 2 Moore. G.» : Mine. John Miller. W V McCoy. W.- 11935 12454 12523 Reeves, Wm. 42. Co P. (I Rierdon, M D, 5 battery Rutger. W.* 44, Co D, ili Russell. W II. 13. Co C. Robinson. R. 8. Co r ngs. E," 66. Co C, died Aug : . -. Go, Co I. died March 21. diarrhea. I'homas, 00, Co D. died March 23. dysentery. — , 05. Co I, died March 28, diarrhea c. -on. H. cav. Co G. died April 27, diarrhea. I (15, Co I. ilif-d .\r>ril 30 dlarrh.^a c. irnhy. J. 3.5 iils°"Mllton'. 1 . -. L D. 00. Co D. died June 7. diarrhea. 1. C. 5 cav. Co D. died June 8. diarrhea. V T W, 10. Co H. died June 17. pneumonia. -1 I it, D, cav. Co Ij. died June 17. pneumonia. >M,u '■' ■' >-"» -' -' Jo M, died Feb . rsentery, :;3', dlarr'lH iinrrhea '>401 Harris. J, 8 cav Co H, died Aug 13, dysentery. orl iitiis Sloe llastiniis. J.'* 11, Co B. died Sept 7, diarrhea. ,. IlDTn IThd, n.* 3. Co (i. died Sept 20. wountls. :,,f„,. ■ '1.(17 n.i.U..n M li; l-n R (li.-tl ,S,-pt -Jl. dini-rhea. 9, Co I, died Sept C(i II. died March 31. K. died April u. dlurrlira. Co II. dii'd April y, dv-suiiti-ry. 5, 4, Co C. died May 18, fevur lii- U72 Miller. MeCMn Mc.Wil Mi-Cali, I''. 5. Iv" I djud i^^J* diarrhea. May 30, >02- U'l > >l(i7 11 1 14 I." E di.-(I ~[ 1.-.. d ., ,M.r.l,:i t^ W , i:v .
  • 098 Bowman. Henry. 11 e 12777 Balsnn, L. 12, Co H. 11483 Cranch, J P. 10. Co 210 Conler. 'W'^n. 11. Co 1 484 Caldwell. Wm. 12 ea' 509 Cook. Theodore, 12 ca 672 Colvin. Georse. 11 ca 1SS8 D 1414 D I068 r KP.NTTTnKV 8 K n dy lane 11 5341 1 1 u L a la Co C d d ^ -If! F .-."' n 20 F t hp I K 1 Co \ r 4 Co r> Toh 8 Co \ d d M 1 Co D d ) n J 6 Co d d \ 4 1 CO C d 1 \ 11 C I d d t C R 2S Co H d d t T 1 c r d d N iri" C ton C 11 1 C D d T 1C18 Ct OS > 18 (.0 C 1841 r ton M 11 1 "iSS a on lohn a srso rrflln B 11 Co 1 5gp ...... 57 9 I o •l tt M Co K d d Ma 1 be a C d d \. " Co D d d M T 10 d d r A II d A ? d d ' D d 1 -r d d N C 13 Co A d d ' \ S Co K d 1 4 Co K d 1 1 I K 1 Co r d iin 11 C D d d Ma 31 d a 3 Co A d d Ai o lie t r C 14 Co K d d Air 13 h "80 II J" 1 3 S 1 n f d 40 Co K d 10.-. MtCa )23U Muiu :S-7 I'urctil, J, i CUV, Co U. di.d Di- -ja, srorbulii^. ;l4i Queata, J, 11 cav, Co E died Juno 18, diarrhea 45-.' Rurv,-,, 11, ■• J .-av i-f. K 577 Kol..-i:- i; 1^ .-;,, ( ,, 11 5U0 l;;u.,„ .. ::. . cii,.il M.iil '.1. d.'bilitas I i, A|.:. : ]'', diurrhea II : ■- , 17 d.vscnt i^OT Vandevier, J, L'VS Wost. .1 C. 11 , uv, Co A. died O.-t 10. seorhuius. IV Co A. died Oct 12. scorbutus. 11 cav, Co G.died Oct 14, scorbutus. cav, Co 0, died Oct 11, diarrhea, av Co K.died Mar 31. f ever, typhus. Co K. died AuE 12, dysentery. 3 cav Co C. died Apr 24. dysentery. u . i ,. D died May 15, dysent-py c. . , ;i died June 7. dysentery c. . I, 1 (lied June 8. diarrhea c. L died June r ■■ ■ - ..04 Tocomhs, H. 11 ™v. Ce D died Mav 5 l>l.tbi: ?.r4 T-^^S'.V^-I??.^^! 'ca?. Vc':''dtJS':i?7ne^ird ar r,sv) vea-er. u. ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ j^j^. „„ catarrh. 37.")7 Teas a. 4 Co G. died Aug 10. LOIISIAIVA. las. 2 cav. Co A, died An died Tune : Co K. died Ju U162 Baker. 10060 Ballast 7G03 Bartlcli > 1(1 Co K. iliid Nov 13, diarrhea c. T,** 5 cav, Co B. died Aug 13. enteritis. 4. 1 aitil Co A. died Aug 1,5. scorbutus. 4 Co I. died Sept 11. sicrbutus. ti-iii Carlton. 1:316 Olark,' Jamt's, BUS Clark, !• M,-^ 0376 Clark, 1.. la. IS, Co K diiyl Sept lu, J S. 31. Co D. Uaed Aug 13. diarrhea c. Co D, died Aug 17, dlarrnea. 104 ;;8 cohau, B, s, 6950 CoudLT, W H, 16. Co (., i^ > - . m hitis. 8037 Conley. VV. 5. Co F. di.tl > i i - 8943 Cook, Jaineii. 4, Co B, di •; .i • - . r . tvphus. 8433 Condon. I) H, 20. Co K, , died Jan 1, '05, scoilmtus. 80 Cutter, A, 20, Co E, ilied Mar 20, dysenter.r. 6171 Cross. Ncah, 1 artll, Co A, died Auk 9, Ictus soils. 8581 Crosby. W, 4, Co A, died Sept 12, dysentery. 8445 Davis, D, 3. Co C, 227 Davis, Wni T,. 20. ( eOlS Doeghertv. Thcoias. ?pt 11, scorbutus. iled Mar 29, diarrhe ; died Au? 14, dysi 1. of 42u'Macon, L, 8. Co A, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 709 Malcolm, il M, 10. Co A, died Apr 24, '64,er.ysii UOB M-arsuall, B V. 1, Co U, di. d Aug 23, '01, Ular 392 Mathews, Ja", ..- . ', I .1 ,-l u. i H , '.I ■."■rl. Oil Maxwell, .1 : , . : • 2200 McKinii. », ' i . . - , .< 12084 McFailan.: i - . l >; '•- .- ' ■ - 'TI' 4391 Medcair, 11,,.:-^' II .. .1 J , . ,.i .; ..: U' i. 12708 McFailuiel w :'.• ' K il • 'A >• n ;.■ - "rl, 3200 Melgar, .1 , , i i > ' i. ■; . - i 5(514 Messer, i' i: ,■'>!- U; ii .\nw H, -i Mil NitK.. 9399 Miller, C J, i tav, Lu U. Uiei! btpL -1. si...ul,utu! 2002 Miller, J U, 2, Co D, dud June 15, dianliea. 7573 Mills, M, 1, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 2808 Moore. Charles W. 8. Co B. died July 3. dysen 11042 Mccre. u, 18, Co D, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 7273 Moore, J D, 1 cav, Co B, died Aug 30, scorbutui 0940 Moore, W 0, 7, Co A, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 8118 Moyes, F, 32, Co V, died Sept 8. diarrhea. Newton, C, 9, Co K, died Au NIckerson, D, 4, Co K, died 1 Nolton, H, 7, Co B, died Se 31, dlarr: died June 18, dl: Eekhard, H, 7, Co C, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Edwards, N S. 1 cai', Co F. died Auk 29, diarrl RlUfi. A, 2 artll. Co H, died Sept 11, diarrhea. Emerson, H H. 3, died June 12, scoibutus. Farewell. E, 31, Co B, died June 28. dysenter Ferrell. P, 0, Co H, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Fish, Wni, 7, Co A. died Auk 5, dy.sentery. 1301 Pottle, 5098 Pratt, 8441 Puleini 106 Rosmer. 5796 Ruet, 11 8557 Russell, F, 8, Co F. died Oct 3, '64, scorbutus. K, died Aug 19, diarrhea, fr, t: ''■"' \'i:: 29, diarrhea. ' "i ' ' ' i i."diairhea. ' < I i : \ lii.' 17, scorbutus MAINE. 23 " ' , J 10 Co A dl d J 17 da h a 743t 11. . 1 d a Sept 1 dj cntery It J oKddJ lOOjdihd 8105 II mil. oEddSptSfv nt eat. t C 1 Co d d No 10 h butus 83;ks 1|:,i:. d fe t 10 d a rhea 1 W 3 Co H di d JU c d b itas. 91>32 II t 0.^ %''t%^8„''ut' ' t, J i 11 d d A t 12 fA IIOOVL J d Co d d Ja J fa or t s. «H0 \u tJVbol d&tb Ob L'b'.io Isaac, He y Co II dl d Ju y 4 da ■»■ 93 J DUOS, Da d 1 b It } Co A dl d Ma " r ei. ^1ARYI.A\1>. CO'J JlMlkl M " CO v'd d ] da a 8 \ 1028 ^ d \\ 11 1 d y J Ui -.'l4 Kel-fi J oHddArJd a I. d d AUK Up a- 13 J \ ]J 8 \ 10 88 \b 1 1 ::„ ;'-' ; J 1 "l a 18. ''"a I "!, 1 d d M J 3 d ar a Co 1 d J 10 c u ge t e 400 1 t, J a k ! ,- ■ - ■ 1 . . i' 1 d J e 3 la a H H d d J 1 a 1 bat V J •.'-;; •'■'"'' J "Coljl ,J .o J 1 b „,„s. 4;;V ;:,;■ J o 1. 1 d t C 8 I •ll.M. T-Vsi '',"/' 7327 ^l. l.i. 8043 Mark 10150 ilmi, J d J 10801 Mark W 1 I 1 i o t IS orbutu 11547 Math J 8 d i O t 2 t 12008 MeMi 91 Mil-. 371 Sm:: 975-2 Nuiri ^153 l'.)..l. 1 J \ lot 1 h P butu .. <_ a. 1 d da ,hea. 7!l81 I'i'l'id'i 5009 l-ami 252 11.1*1; D Ti "a L a OC d J JJ Ca i 1 r a I'.iiil i'' ' J- da ac IS T) r s n 23:.n i: la o 1) d d J }. Co H, died May 23, diarrhea i J w, 40, Co Wolfe, II, Yieldlian, Zeels. Wni J,' 7, Co E, died May 13, debilita-s 1, Chas, 9, Co E. died July 12. 2429 liutlur, A, 7:;, 4956 Buxton, Thos, uses Byems, I, 1 a ITIASSACHUSETTS. 10693 97tll 4065 , 2/, to H, died Get 12. scoibutus. 1 aitil, Co B, died Aui; 28, scorbul 27. Co G, died Sept 10. dysentery. -'0, Co A, died Aus 23. .scorbutus. , 34 Co C, died Aiig 25, diarrhea. , 35, Co A, died Oct 24, s.-orbutus, 20, Co B, died Sept 17, scorbutus. ■y. 20. Co K. died AJiril 20,f, ver tvj.li 8841 1088 11174 1075:< Jll.ike. Win I'.i 7100 Iil.,di;ett, A Z. ;( 3 37 Blood, T B, 18. 4470 BodTC. S D. 18, 8030 B..s\v,irtli. II. 'J,'. i2oi':t' i;,','r,rv, \-^ ,\ 10172 Cutler, C F, 2 artil. Co (i, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 3579 Pnlber, S A. 17. Co B. died .Tulv 10, diarrhea. IVLISSACHUSETTS. N< of No. of Gia Grave. 12 S Drak f. T, 4, Co D, died March 14, '65, ihevimatism. 8050 Haggcrt, P, cav, Co M, died Sept 7, scorbutus. Tllo 1 iel(!. John, 19, 1-0 E, died A.is L'8. scorbntM^. 7108 Haley, Wm j. Co F. di.'d Atie 31. s MoC 1 J.-,l ll;dst,.ad, J V 2 tax, Cu \1, di.d M:, ,k 25, pneu 8"i ■ ■ . .: i; , ■ V,' 11 1 ■ ' ■ ; - 3j g-'o 1 1 ; '■' . ■ , ' " ' 1 1 '',''.'■. ' .,'' 1 ''''.' ■ '".' . ' 1 ",'•'. ' I'l-' ''. ■ ' ' ' ,' , / >' '''' ,' i' . ',' 1 ' llbU '^ "-. ' . ■ '■ ,. ,,':..' . ■ ' .'..u'l'lL'^''' sj.rj. n"<"'. J II 'l :' 10 l> , ■ 1 -1 -rorbutus. 3804 Hank- ■ l'j'J75 ll'a'n 'l 44 4JU1 1-, j ,,111 .".•! \., : 1, -rorbutus. t. \\ , _ i;Li!, Cu ii, d.'.d A 1,; ., dysentery. Siy.17 Hai.lin "'1' ■'. ':', .: ';■': 1 diairhea. a"!' t IT N, 50, Co H, died Sept 8, diarrhea. HUIG 1 a W, «1 artil, Co E, died Sept 13, scorbutus. >'l '/'-Irutery. Slo l.a t nan, D, 35, Co I, died Sept 8, dysentery. lOOUO i ato 1, V W, 5. Co D, died Sent 29, scorbutus. 7 S4 I (1 o W. «li. Co F. died Aue 20. scorbutus. 700 Hiirtv, Joh ai.'d'Apni 27, diarrhea. 11S09 td a d c IJ Co A d I No 4 s butu 3505 Harvey, S « "artii: Co Cr, died July 1 (Jj^4 1 d d CI i 1 1 Co II d d A K "1 d a rl 10024 Hash, Wm, 1 irtll, Co H, died Sept 29 1 1 I ua ir 1 Co 1 d d M r "G pneumo a 3242 Hay. Wm, tU, Co H, dl 3d July 13, fever typhus 108 " 1 11 d T t 1 b tus 578;) H;iViii..utl.. 2 cav. Co M rtlfd Ans 1 5, scorbutus CO., IV d ar hea \1 1 pert 29, diarrhea SOI S ) u" 14 s b t 1 d A 13 da h I ly 14 d a r a ^n., '1 '' ,' '' J i'! "diarrhea 330 lCo4 I 0*t 8 d a r ea 5 3 1 1 d \ g 10 s but 2 78 J 1 J 1 cu 11 d d "da lea i il.vsei'itery 788 ) 1 t*. W A 1 a 1 1 Co A dl d sei t J d t v 4399 r r t T P arlll Co Cr d d J ly 31 d ar h a ,';■ ■ ; '■ 1 lyplius. fo r >nnr er r S 1 a t Co ir dl d & It 1 o but I'^'ci lliii- 1 r. huiThea. 111 s h 1 O 19 Co K d d No s rb t 11702 lliKii 1 ' ■ tus. E44i 1 d e 11 1 a tl o 1 <1 d J 1 da rh S9"i F a Jlllt CoPddJlOjdarha "li-Irrhea. ];8i VV o CO . d 1 V . ^b t 0907 HoL'iJii 1 > ■ ili'sentery ''.'■!'''i ]'!!"['" 1 i 780 7rn 11 01 i'^i-" 11, ii' .1 'r t ..' ' .'■' l' .: i' . 11 :lp';i ' ""' ''€ •(Ori Holland, !■ 4810 Holmes, S, J Co 1. lih • '•' '' ', ' , i.'i't'ls?'' 8712 Holt, E K ^1 artll, dkMl 31 071 Holt, T E, Co H. I 11 r C eo \ " artll Co r d ed A f. t i t dii'd s r 'lo4 F dCC'>srorddA''id :!'■!.";:;' .'r ,'.,'! ^i'l" - nd Any 1 . 9t0 "■'"- 1 " "' ; " ' i" 'i'', ,'''!!' Iiinc " ■ i: 43S 81 ! 8 Uiarrhea. •5 i:ps in-o'> 'i"'!', 'i ^ /;' ' r..' [ .'. ; 1 1 ■■ 1 ■ 8')l 3084 jol'.'i--"': \ 83 4 If 4 4" t s I 11 d d 1 loJ n i,eoi(; McKnJsht. 7!. 3 n.539 Milton. C. 21. Co A. died Si i , . , 8-.0n Mit.eliell, W C. 23. Co A. d,. .: i i 11807 Miteliell F. 14, Co A, di.d \ ^ 11771 Milehell, John, li). Co 0. di.d \ ,. ;; ,l:, 8S43 MIttanee. r.. 20. Co (i. died s.'pf, Ki v,.,„ii 40.13 Mlxter, O L. 1 cav. Co P„ died July 27. dia 0259 Monroe. J. 2 artli. Co M, died Ana 20. diar 24o6 Morgan, C II, 27, Co It. died Juno 25, fev R077 Mor'.'.iu. Pat 23. Co I!, dii'd Sept 7 seorhul artil, K, died 100 Mnor^v .\. 50. Co C 1490 Moere. c A, mnsiclo diarrhea. 0593 Moore. M. 57, Co ,\. n,-t 10, rtlnrrhea. S4U Moore, r, IS. Co. P, died July 10, diarrli MASSACHUSETTS. 12.)0.'i UobOil>, JIUO'J Uoblll>-o 38:13 Koblns.j 5059 Hue, \\i 4S7; Hofertv Co K, dud Aug , te\cr liiter- er typhoid. corbutuB. Co H, died Scot 13, oiarrhea. to <;, died Oet is, scorbutus. Co I, died June i;4, diarrli™. lit, Co B, died Jau 20, '6i, scor- , seorbutus. Walton. Nathanii u.lttuht 8822 .Sherwood, 4n.">f> Shiiidl.r, li(iC2 Sl.orr, .1 , 773.-.' s,!"'.', , ■ lO-ii:. > ., •■ 14.-.S ^ ■ . Co H died .Sent 15. diarrhea, art, Co 1, died Aup T. diarrhea I. F, di.'d ,\ns 23. ai:.irh.:i. A died Nov 14. seorbutus. W. 2. Co n. died Auk 1(1, srorliutu.s \v, 18, Co D, died Juiy 18, diarrhea. '.S, Co n. died .T\ilT 13, dlarrhpfi. Co A. died May 24, rheumatism, art, Co K. died Auk 27. dysentery. Co K. died Aus 2, diarrhea. WICHICJAIT. T>-s.- - . :■ . -.■ r. I'. ]. . 1, I; SS2.-1 Svlvestrr. K. 2 .irt C. 12033 S.vlvester, J. 4, Co A. d 110.17 Tabor. R. 3.J. Co C ili< innn- Tabor. P, '♦ 10, Co K. 2007 Tncirerd, .Tnhn. 17. Co 1 H308 Taylor. N' 37 Co T>. d ZBI."! Taylor. Th05, 2 eav. ( o fiSO,'; Temerts, T .1, ♦• 110 c Artfi*\ Tennev. Wni. 3. Cn O ^S12 Thayer, J, 27. Co A, d Banffhart. J. !) Co H. died Ju 1L-3U1 Case. S,' 5 cav, C 12474 Coras. E., 6 cav, ' lU'Ua4 ClianiljCTS. W. 8 Wilson. 8. Co A. died May 24, pneun 314a lirmjis, \ 3215 BiUlBV. J 3479 Brannori. 3517 Brush. J 3531 Bradle\ , 3591 Bulit. J' . 3777 Bohnmill 3798 Beardsl.i 4109 Billiaiii.~, 4339 Binder. .1 4395 Brown, i 4S10 Baker. A 5573 Betts. V. 8333 Brookini:. 5950 Bertan. 1 3ln Abe. Dult. '^5\l).-' Bradley. B, 9 eu\. Blair. John. 7. C" Barr. W.'* 8 cav. Brown. H S. 8 ca Bradley. E.** 11. Blanchard, Jas. 7, Brown, A. 3. Co C Bockley .' Ji, Cci I. died Aug 4. diarrhea. . , ' 17, Co H. died Aug 8. diarrhea c. I .. ,1, 0. Co A. died Aug 10. diarrhea. , V , ^ ( o B, died Aug 14, scorbutus. I. J , hi;;ii '. \v. 5 cav, CO 1, died Aug 20, dy9enter.T.. li 11.11 Dfiitiin. (i, 5. Co E. died Aug 21. dysentery. 7U54 UerUy, Wni, 1, Co H, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7789 Bumbnt. W, 30. Co H, died Sept 4, ilysentery. 8651 Daly, A,* 7 cay, Co E. died Sept 13, diarrhea. 099.'; Dver, J. 5, Co I. died Sept 29, scorbutus. IMir.i Tinrip. M. 1 cav, Co L, died Oct 1, scorbutus. H. 13. Co A. died s, died Oct 14. scorbutus. 1, Co H, died Oct 18, diarrhea c. I, 24, Co H, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 22. Co D, died Feb 2, '65, diarrhea. 22, Co K. died July 1064 Fitzpatri( bronch 3307 Polk. C. D. died May i Co K, diod 3800 luiiiiiii 3989 Clemen 4032 Cook. . 4020 Cronk. 4920 Cooper. 49.'-.fi Ciu-tis. 8586 Fetlit.'i. I I . I - i.rbutus. 10275 Plillii, 11 , ( .. I . ii'iis. ii.'.nn Fr.r li i . ^ u, _., - tus. l_'('.-s I ii'i,l'l:it,T'. H. 7 c'av.'cn C.llied Feb 22, •0.5. diarrhea, r I ■ i - lick. a. 9. Co (}. died April 23, '65. diarrhea- ." I .. '■. C. 1 s s. Co B. died Sept 9. scorbutus. i ' 1 i\, W. 22, Co E, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 145 lioodenough. G M, 23, Co K, died March 2.5, diarrhea c. 500 Grover. .lames. 20. Co n. died April 15. debilitas. 784 Grippman. J, 5 cav, Co M, died April 28, fever diarrhea c 4, anasarca 7. Co H. died Se|)t 3. diarrhea. 'n K. died Sept 3. scorbutus. Co D. died Sept 6. scorbutus. 1 cav. Co R. died Soiit 13. scor Co F. died Oct 9. scorbutus. i B. died Oct 11. scorbutus. •Grave. 11207 11302 11352 Co C. died Oct ; 818 Hutton. s 800 Hood. .I;i- 947 Hart. .1 1; cav Co E. died Aug 10, diarruea c Co H died Auk 15, bronchitis. , Co H. died AUE 17, diarrhea, 'o M. died Aug 24. dysentery. •av Co H. died Seiit 7. .scorbutus. Co D, died Sept 24. diarrhea. IV Co H. died tieiJt 25, scorbutus. Co D. died Oct 13, diarrhea. IV. Co P. died NOV 11. scorbutus. eav. Co K. died Mar 29 diarrhea ( :0, Co A, died Marcli 31. fever typhii, cKv Co B, rtieil April 14. nneuiiionu •.- i'o H. di.d Al.iil IS. diar.lvu. tviihus. scorbutus. 10011 Mnsi 12007 12012 1 9718 neraham. W L. .Tackson. .Tames, 7, Co T. ' .Tones. A. e. Co F,. died Jn .Tainet. F. B. 7 cav. Co ( 1.')S2 Monebv. D. iarrhea. , scorbutus, diarrhea c. 12010 ,1 V ■' -t, H, :, . i ' " II ': -! ^". 12390 .loinlro M 1 Co K (lied .T;iTi 5, T.r. d 12463 .Tohnson. A. 5. Co C. died Jan Ki. '05 SB9 Kins. Leander, 8. Co O. died April I died S'Pt ■'). dvsentery. -•n n died Sept 2fi. scorbutus. " Co H. died Sept 2S, diarrhea. :; cliolson, whurv v.. eav. Co a d Jas. 5 cav. Co A, died Jlay 19. f V^t. s 22. Co K. died .Tune 17. diarrhea c ii, n •" 9. Co F. died .Ti ne 1 -, pneumonia. 4 Co K. died .Tul diarrhea. pV. .T 20. Cn p. d ed '^ „!7 .eary. .T.' Is s. Co IT di. 11999 Osborn. .T Tj. B. ^^ J- J]":'\ 12500 Oathart. D. 18. Co C. died .T Parker, PeriKO, Parish, I 2G, diarrhea. a.JU Savrrcr, J M, : 7. Co U. died Sei.. _, _. 1, died Sept 6, scorbutus. 5 artil, U\J U, died aept 12. 9100 SuUiphar. H W, 15, Co P. died Sept 18, diarrhea. 94Gy Stewart, F, G cav, Co E, died Sept 21, scorbutus. ",14S1 Stiward, W V. 5, Co E. died Sept 21, anasarca. 11046 11980 Pettibone, E E, 7. Co D. .\ Porter, L, 1 s s, Co C. did Pentecost. W O. 18. died A Piant, Wm. 10. Co (i, di.U > i: !■■ iT m In i c. Pharrett, Wm, 22, Co D.. dir,i ' ...iium,. Piatt, R. 22, Co A. died on i , i Palmer, P, 5, Co H, died n. , i ■ Preston, U, 7. Co K. died Nm ii - -k nm Pllns, Wm, 5 eav, Co C, died J-in i., „iuibiaus. Preston, .T, 6, Co C. died ,lan 7, T..".. .sioiljutus. Pratt, L,, 8 cav, Co 0, died Feb 3. '05. diarrhea o. Parnialee. C* 8 cav.Co M. died Feb 12,'G5, pleuritls. 77 Rolofl. Jno 324 Russell, Peter. 23, Co (}, 623 Rowland, B, 6, Co M. die 922 Robinson, Wm. 2, Co H, 1804 Rhinehart, D. 5 cav, Co C 6885 6154 7507 Co E, died Ma '^typhus. Rnyrler. T;, 17, Co F, died Mar 24, hrnnc Smith. Wm, 7 cav, Co L, died Mar 20. Soper, Calvin. 27. Co H, died Mar 2n fe Sheldon. H S, 1. Co A. died Al.r 2 i\'r.,r Shannon. ,Tno, 20. Co H, di.d \|,i i.; ,l Smith. W W.» 5 cav, Co T> t : : . StiUman, Z. D. 6. Co M. di. .i '^ Stuck. L H. 2 cav. Co B, i - I ' L' dysentery. D. died Sept 28. scorbutus. Co K, died Nov 26. dysentery. Co K, di( '65". diarrhea 340 Wl jiu wuibiaKcr. J, 7, Co B, died April 2. diarrhea. 733 Whipple. G, 4, Co A, died April 25 diarrhea, 741 Wilson, Byron, 5 cav, Co D. died Apri 710 Wris-ht Wm A, 7, Co K, died April 21 22. Co K, died May 8, dy • - ~ •■ ' June 17. diarrnea c. , Co K, died Aug 7, dy.soi ''died . diarrhea dysentery c ntery. died March 3. 5323 Simpson. T. s r.nr\n Slmnns. a. 17. fln.'iO .=!mnlce, IT n ■7303 Sherman', Fred." (I Rer't 1" dinrrhea. Co A died Sep' 22 :o M. died March 2010 Yacht, E.«» 22, Co E, died July 5, dysentcrj. 202G Zett. J. 22. Co D, died June 2S, aenrbutu.s. m.\.^ESOT.\. 5904 Atkinson, Qen. 9, Co F. died March 17. scot G5G7 Adcock. Jas. 9. Co H. died March 23, Ictus si 11U77 Abrlan. (i. 1. Co B. died Nov 12, scorbutus. •(2'-'4 Heeker O. 9. ("o K, died July 29, scorbutus. Conner. I', 11, Co A. died July 1. diarrhea. Clabauffh. J, 9, Co V> died July 19. fever remittent, Conklln. S. 9. Co I. died July 27, diarrhea c. Conklln. K. 9. Co C, died July 27. diarrhea. Cassady, J, 9. Co F, died Oct 0. diarrhea. .S, diarrhea c. 8517 : 120.->fl ; 9905 4176 Holts, A, 14. scorbutus. 5079 7795 ISlfiS 12510 5400 7288 8180 9195 2829 Nichols, John, n, died .SiM)t 4, lied Sept 10, dl Co C, died Sept Pitcher, E, 5, Co B, I'ackett, C. Co K, dl( I'ericle, Jacob, 0, in S588 10327 10715 Ilriberts, llor.vln, KoI.ertso Thonnwon. W, 9, Co A, dl.d Sept 11. diarrhea, 'llltani, N M. 9, Co H, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Thomas, W R, 9. Co K, died Oct 28. scorbutus. .m!>i!$OlRI. 7, Co I, died Apr 1, pne ig, C, 2. Co I, died :o K, died Dec ; llas^".', ',l(.hn, 14 cav, L'u !>, dieu .'Mpt 0, fevor 1Ianiilton,'\V,'' 31. Co A, died Sept 17, diarrhea c. Uanahan, A, 29, Co B, died Nov 9, scorbutus. Key5n, M, 2, Co D. di.d ■ i '•■^ ' >■ Keller, A, 29, Co H. iln ' : i; . h.a. Kline, C S,*- 2, Co P, rti I '""-■ Kaunst, H, 18, Co G, di'-d " i '.' - mLMtn^. Kellur, I. 40, Co H, di.^rt Ani 1. ...., 'ii^niH-a c. Knhn, Jacob. 15, Co E, died bcpl J, dcbiUtas. Eowe, John, 18, Co B, died July 13, diarrhea. Lewlllcy Wm, 29, Co K, died Aup 5. scorlnitus. LanR, 0, 10 cav, Co B, died Aug 27. diarrhea. Litch. y, 4, Co A, died Dec 6. scorbutus. Lindsay, J, 18, Co A, died Aug 12, scorbutus. MH.li. J, 2, Co F, died Mar 12, '05, dlarrh( kirk, Chas, 15, Co F, died July 17, diarrhea "lit W, 2, Co E, died July IS, diarrhea a. on, John, 29, Co A, died July 28, diarrhea. nuiskian, U, Co A, died Sept 14, Co I, died Aug 8. diarrhea. O'Dc E, 44, Co B. died Mar 14, '65, debllitas. I'un-.'U, J R, 44, Co Ci, died Apr 5. T,.3. diarrhe:i. Phillips. Pat, 11, Co E. died Apr 27, dysentery. Payne, Joseph,* 29, Co A, died Apr IG, small-pox. Perkins, A H, 29. Co L, died Aug 7, scorbutus. Plasniine. A, 20, Co D, died Au^■ 24, diarrhea. Piumer E D 24, Co 15, died Oct 8, diarrhea. Reilly .., ^ _9, Co B, died May 25, rheumatism. UlrtdlV. f', S, Co D. died JiiU- IS, diarrhea. Ritteraan, John, 15, Co P, died Aug 9. scorbutu Remers. Jr. 4, Co G. died Aug 2G, diarrhea. Robertson, J C, 10 cav, Co P, died June 2o, Search, Henry, 15. Co D, died' June 4, diarrhea. Stickle. D. 4, Co D, (Tied June 24, scorbutus. I Stohck.- F l.'i, Co D, died June 25, diarrhea c stliKT <;..tii.h "0 c,i ,\, (li.'d Apr 17. sraall-po 530 Trask, Geo K, 29. Co A. died Apr 14, diarrh 770 Terrill, Christian, 27, Co E, died Apr 27, . entery c. ■"2 MISSOURI. No. of So. of ']509 Terrell, J, 12, Co A, died May 31, diarrhea. 5072 Tresler, li W, 4, Co I, died Aug 14. dy-sentery c. 12730 Turman, D, 44, Co B. diad Mar 4. '65, ■delMlitis. ''4ii2;i' Miller R, 11 7203 Millinf. P, 5, 7423 Monl.ol,. O Co H, died -Aug 3, diarrhea. Co I, died Aug 29. debilitas. ', '.1. Co C. (li,il Aug 31, siorbutus. i'80:i Vance, H J, 2G, Cu B, died July 3, dys.iit.iy. :''';', v'';':,'', \, ' ,' :^,^;'';,;'^!^J'l,' 1 ''''i',!m'?,,4i.^^^ 373 Walham, H,*» 4, Co C, died Apr .5, dinrrlu-u. G78 Watson, J J, 18, Co A, died Apr 22. diaiihcu. 3108 Wigan, M, 2. Co F, iieil ImI ■ T> .|. ,,■,!,,.., i^^i^^fe'i!.«,^eJ'',;'r';:^':: -• .\RW-HATBI>NHIRE. i(ir,8 '[■'■'" "• 1 ''■' r,18.-. rat.h, ,l,,l,n, 819 IV,,, I.-. -,:,„,,. 11121 I'!^ - :/;,•! ',,■;,■■ y^B:p:.n. oVlM At,ii!or,., I/w.'h.' ('„\',,' H, .1 i, ' ' .'W.llus. '.1832 Aj.d.i.Min, .1 .\, 7, Cu K, .1; ■ . imMis. 310(5 Ui,''l',',vds \V 11300 illiii::,,-. .1 K butus. ysvh^ijl^,:^^^^^ e. '05 Kieakiiiaii, A, 12, Co I, died Aug !57 Baker, D W, 3, Co G, died Sept i do C, died Sept 11, 11102 Carr, P, i, Co 'll,' died Oct 20, dysentery. 1370 Downs, E, 7, Co I, died May 25. (ever int 1300 Fuller, CtO 9400 Faggerty. died Aug 14, scor- Eschmoyer, H, 1 cav, Co B, died July 19, dysentery. E.stev. E E. 4, Co C, died Aug 10. diarrhea. Edwards, John, 9, Co P. died Sept 11, scorbutus. Elliott, A, 7, Co I, died Apr 21, '65, diarrhea. Co B, died May 26, diairhea. 3o C, (lied Aug iO, diarrhea. Co P. died Aug 24, d.ysentery. 3 K, died Aug 26, diarrhea, .son, 1 cav, Co A, died Sept 21, scor- Co H, died Jan 12, '65, pleurltis. . 2, Co E. died Julv 3, phthisis. A. died July 31, scorbutus. Co Cr, died Aug 4, diarriiea c. fl43 Hunter, C, 4, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea. «875 Hurd, Wni, 6, Co 1, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 7869 Hartford, H, 4, Co A, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 8537 Hally, H, 7, Co C, died Sept 12, erysipelas. 102R9 Huse, W,* 11. Co H, died Oct 3, diarrhea. 11156 Hamlin, » W, 1 cav, Co I, died Oct 19, scor 11430 Holmes, J,* 7, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11468 Holmes, J, 7, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 7733 Jones, J B, 9, 9198 John.son, O O, 11210 Jiiiitpluti', F, 1 6144 Lawrence, A, 1 cav, Co C, died 67S7 I.enert, D, 9, Co K, died Aug 25 8048 Libby, A G, 4, Co H, dl.'it s.-iit 19, debilitas. Smith, C, 3. Co F. died Se|,t, I:: ,!,,, -I,.:, ,-. Starlc, S, 15, Co A, died s, i.i ; 'i , Smith, .Tohn, 3, Co P, died s |. ;!,,,= . Smith, L, 12, Co B, died S.i,i ! ' Shant!, .T, 11, Co G, died 0,1 ^ -,,iM;iM~ Spaulding, T C, 4, Co K, died ,N,i\ ., ^.uibulus. Taylor A B, 5, Co H, died July 16, anasarca. Tohine, T, 6, Co A, died July 17, diarrhea c. Tilton, D B, 7, Co G. died July 26, diarrhea. Thompson, A. 9, Co K, died Sept 8, scorbutus. Tilton, L G, 11, Co B, died Aug 11, diarrhea c. i Upltins, A, 1 cav, Co B, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. Valley, John, 10, Co K, died Aug 12, diarrhea. Woodward, L A, 7, Co K, died Apr 29, diarrhea Williams, J, 7, Co I, died June 15. diarrhea c, '. Woodbury. A, 7, Co B, died June 23, diarrhea c. , Whipple,' Jolm,* 11, Co C, died June 27, debilitas. ; \Vcbster, J C, 6, Co I, died July 28, diarrhea. I Welson, W, 4, Co P, died July 1. diarrhea c. Whalen, >f, 9, Co M, died July 27, d.ysentery. I Welch, James, 7, Co I, died Aug 5, scorbutus. I Weston, W W, 8, Co A, died Aug 5^ dysentery. Wagne) Welsh, J. Wolt, Joli Weilztroii Williams. Wingerd. Wilson, J. Warren, I 8736 York, Charle: 15. scorbutus. iarr'hea. 7, diarrhea ( ,,rbutus. ^entery. died Sept 14, diarrhe; IVF\V-.1KR«EY. 4008 7138 8513 1548 II, :,, i,. 2181 Hr,aiuu 2260 B,-lls. . 2577 Buckle , I , : I (liurrhea. . , . \ '^ dysentery. , , ,, I ,1'. ,1 ^, |,i 12. diarrhea. ( t .. * a,,, I t',1, 24. scorbutus. ili.d Feb 13, •05, vulnus selop. Co A, died May 5. diarrhea. i;. died June 1, scorbutus. Co B. died June 19. debilitas. M. died June 21, diarrhea c. Co G, died June 27. fev.-r int 2087 Munitord, A, 12, Co A. 3052 M:illtove, J, 4, Co H, di 4284 Miller, F, 11, Co G, di,' NF.W-.1KRSEY. 13C82 nraiit, Charlfs, ** 1, Co E, died Oct 31, scorbutus. 121'HS Hnvoi-, A, 0. Co I, died Dw 7. ' ' IJCIO Iti.w.r. \V II, 10, Co D. diid h\ '63, scorbutus. 1. dlaiThea o. ■ssr, Dlsbrow, .1 P, 2473 Diivouiiort, J, 3444 Davis. H. ^■2. 4928 Davtnn. C. 2. 5H8 Bc.ll:..!.! \ II (1300 I). ■^• ill I 7076 Duiili I- I :; 7304 Dlliiii I .1 . 74B9 Drill I I III 77,34 Don-iinis. i\ - 1420 F.bncr. Chas, 1715 Kdi.rt, .lames 4303 Esligh. .lacob. Co H, died .June 18, diarrhea c. ■av, Co L, died .lulv 3, anasarea, ii-ob, 1 eav, Co B. died .lul.v 27, fevei nl.ST Townsend. J, MOO Gale, H, • 9, Co D.
  • ,* 10 cav, Oo E, died May 24, diarrhea. NEW-VORK. ■Gravfl. 1221 I 983« ' 7317 died May 19, anasarca. 1 Sopt 27, scorbutus. . died St'i)t 1, scorbutus. 1 .March 1(5, pleuritis. ^.ct 11, scortutus. I .Vu2 13. scorbutus. ilv L'T. bronchitis. LViS Carnev, b J, 132, Co G, died Aiis 10. dysentery a. :<7a CariH'v. Krancis, 2 artil, Co 0, died .Sept 27, dlar- 10, diarrhea. ) C, died Oct Sept 15, <>0>S Hrowii Junes 1 cr.<)i Kro»n raniL, 7>26 mown John ri ^n> Brown Willnm •ioS Brown Wan in 1 Co ,^ 428 nrown William 1_ o A. 7390 Bioxniln aiiOMia- 5, Co 16.9 Hrun.."1uM 1 I '" ,^' 447". Hmnt I> 7.18 llMaut II -((8 lir\an w 381 I 9')-'. Bu'i'di'i 1 lOW. 5711 1 l-'ll- , ]. ''. 75( IJ .0 ) SO-,) aoi 1 July 25, diarrhea. II, died Ma 0171 Bursha, Tho 12190 Cademu^ 07R.5 Cady, lif. 12377 Cady, .1, 2136 Cale, J, ,^ . 19040 Caldhani. 1. 11807 Caldwell. \ LWO CallInK, 1 •! 1770 Camp. 11 1238 Campbell. li.d Oct IG, diarrhea o. B, died April 30, diarrhea e. I K, died April 26. dysentery. id Aug 22, scorbutus, lied Oct 24, scorbutus. H, died Nov 15, 11 died Jan 17, '65, diarrhea. . Tc, died May 31, anasarca. B. died Aug 17, diarrhea c. NEW-YORK. UtlTJ. iiter.T. A. (lied July a( aiccl July 18, dysentery. 061 1 r.utler. r I 12434' Cutler. J ^• 4S4G Cutler. Wt, 81(13 Dalier. (i. ( SC.rM Daley, T. 4 10741 Bamnn, J 1 8577 Dailey, Wii P.nn Drlseoll. 8^57 Diuse. J94 UurfiM', «OUa Duuitir aiOl) DuUk-.v. 3957 Duwll, 4 Duiliuii 5810 Duniuiii SOliU Duani;, ' 8453 Bl'ltlimn, 2072 Dun.slui. 1 4832 Durai'iJ, SilO Dyer, s. IS S5. Co 0. died Juiip 25. fever tn.Uii •J, Co A, di.d AUS 1.-,. ,s,r,rhi:til-. NEW-YOi?K. i63-j uillen, M. 3u(. Co E, died July 15, diarrhea. i8U8 UIIIhW, Win, 85, C. i-', dit-d S.-pt 5. ^i-nyUnti: laajo liiiiiji.n-, M.- i;. 1 1, u. dn-a d.i ■': --torbuui- 3X1)6 I I, I'. I, 1 In, J] I J ,,,,', ,, K !';■ .1 I UG. Co Ct, diod Au 331'2 11985 3765 104 9;i 93-17 7089 1009a 2040 3638 10277 lilv.Mi, .1 6803 Gifur. Jol 6202 Green, O, 2184 Green man (liarrli.' 7034 av.-:--, 4322 i.p 1/..I ■ 7491; (. SlOl 3118.', 8351 diiftrhea. 4. diarrhea. ' 27, diarrhea. 170 Hallne, Gotfrled, tTphiis. ll.SlO Ilnll r 1 rt.-,.-A sSns ! 'i :' ■ , ■ , ' J 284.! ftCCI ^IT.^ ecoi llan.iltcn.Tlin., ( V, Co F, Aug 20, dlari , Co H, ilea Aug 26, dyseuter Co E, died Oct 12, diarrUca i I P, died .Iiilv 20, dvs*^nterv. 51B8 Kahbaun, li:i70 Kane, F, 7U2 Kane, I'.t 11244 Kenu 3572 Kenii 1250 Kenn 3071 Keiiii 4398 Kent, 7403 Kenw Ivc.-, W, .Tammys, R. n. r„ T,. died Jack, ,1 W, n.-.. Co IT, dl.-1 ■ Jaclison. A, ■"> f:iv c. F .1 .lackson, .1. i:< ^ - K' .1 ,1 Jackson, T A I _■ ' I ' Jackson, Joini ^ i !>■, , ,, i Jackson. Wiin un >-, » ,, i 44 Jewell, in^4 Johnson mS2 Johnson JiKW-VOKK. 11(197 LfDot, 2080 I^ent. 7499 Leoiiii ■I'l. Dhthisis corbutus. ', diarrhea c *fo. or Biau'.\UlJiuiv, V. 71. (li.-d t,,-. U. died Ai July iO, 3'.l, to F, aVwl uVl'fl,' SCO lOSiJ Morji 0014 Morri 3780 Moni 8031 Morn 1171';t M. 11780 Wi 1. r"Q C, dipd Sopt 10. car. To D, rtirrt S. pt 5804 Munilii -,018 Muvph; I Kr,nn Ml•!■pll^, S073 Noal. .1. 12. Co E. diet! B.'>H7 N'rdden. J. 82. Co A. di. 5439 O'Briwi, D, 0705 O'Brk-n, iM, 803S O'BriPii, S ; 1553 O-iiriL-i,, \V, 5270 O'tai. 1 I 7359 Och. s ' -5. scorbutus. 6390 Powers, 6. 5-135 Pratt, B F 1394 PresseliliMh Co I. dii-d 9737 0-K> 'J91U Olah: 100U9 01iii> lOH l>,triiMl (i3i;(i Oti,-, J .S4 47 O'R.-illy, MW Page, :;5H'2 Palm.'i 1- ;mk(i Park. 1 Park. ' 1 39? Pavkn,^... :;^^;: IMit iil.iiss, p. 11, Co K, cl, \ J. 99. Co 1, died s. Jidser, 10 cav, Co ]',. 9. Co E, di. died July 4, dianhca. oo.sr, pia.-,.. K. 47 Co F 'dir.l ' ■ 1 1 -■' V " '■ ■ S15 Plass. 120. Co'c;. ,;,,.' ■, ■■/ ,i;'-;'„t,-,.Y. 1379 Fli-iiK U.' I._l4n. m A ,i_ ■ . ■ ■, .■■i,..i,w-. 9549 P,.lri<-1 . J ■1432 rmio.- 1R43 Pr.lino ■1531 IMl,t. "■ '' VI rav.'co <._. (In It ,inne 11. dia'-rhea 'i 's.vVo B. rtie'd".7.ine'lirfever t'Tph"' - P.. 15 artil. Co .\. died Oct 18! sc 1120 Pc.^e, Ian croi Po.;!'' , 125 Co <; died Oit 15 MO'liiit" CO 11 died Jul L LdLll ■•■l. ^\ hin. Li 1 , 111. .1 M 29, diarrhea c. ir.'JS WubBter 137, Co C, died .In Vail llurell, diarrhea c. Van Bureii, 1 Van Belhiseu 9 Van Braiiii'i, djsen dud . died 050U 8731 >. died Si'pt 3, diarrhea. died July 24, diarrhea c. ~ ' died Aug 8. diarrhea IV, Co M, died Sept Wood, \V J, 95. Co H, diod Oct : Wood worth, B, 50. Co D. died Sej Woodland, H, 1, Co I. died ,Sept i .>1 Beaver, George E, 111, Co B, died Apr typhus. -■0 P.. rii.iui. llichard, 12.">, Co E, died Way 1, d ■,l Hi. I. h, ,-■■,. ,\T .„,,>i,.Kin. U4, Co K, died ■i:' I'. ,111, Ml 1,1 M -I ■,, 1.', flied May 8, d << >'■ •'■• •• ' ■■ i: Hird Mav 14, diaiTli I- '[ • ~ ,,..(. iii,.(t May 19, di'lji 74 33 Tales, W G, 71. Co II, died Sept : 4984 Yeneer, J D. 24 Imtt^-rv died .Mia 12501 Yeomand, G. 7. Co A. ili.d .Ian 2: 7480 12204 : 12017 ; IVORTH CAROI^IIVA. Collowill, B, 2, Co F. died Mar 31, fever congestiv Co.\, Wm C,** 2, Co F.died Apr 9, fever iiiteriiiltteli Checli, W F,' 2, Co F, died Mav 3, diarrhea o. 144 Dunbar, Alex, 2, Co : died Mar 25, ( 1057 10705 11844 Moss, wm, i, Co F, died Nov 5, scoi Noiifield, Warren. 1, Co G, died Sept : Stone, .rno A, 2, Co P, died Apr 5, dia Smith, Jas, 2, Co F, died .lune 29, d Smith, Geo, 2, Co E, died Aug 5, scoi OHIO. 2599 Bouglifman, .). an. Co C, died .Juno 2S. anasa 2696 Brandon, John, 15, Co F, died June 30, une 8053 Barnes, V H, 92, Co H, died July 9, diarr 3245 Brown, Charles, 23, Co D, died July 13, diarrhea ,,:.a. ,'s' •„;,'; •umatls ^'u's 13. siorbu diarrhe Burna, J M, 121, Co K, died Aug 14, diarrhea. Balmet, J, 19, Co I, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Brutch, E, 10 cav, Co I, died Aug 15, dysentery. Bond, S P, 123, Co B, died Aug 16, marasmu- Boyle, H, 130, Co B, died Aug 16. marasmu; Bower, P, 01, Co I, died Aug 17, dysentery. Birch. L P, 31, Co H, died Aug 17, marasmu %., 104, Co E, died Aug 17, diarrhea. Barrett, S C, 26, Co P, dh Bell. A, 70, Co B, died Aug 30, diarrhea. Baxter, P D, 121, Co D, died Sept 1, scorbutus. BrennlDg, 0, 14, Oo G, died Sept 1, d.ysentery. Brown, W, 26, Co G, died Sepf 1, scorbutus. Bear, E, 33, Co A, died Sept 4, dysentery. Bender, C. 54, Co C, died Sept 5, diarrhea. Brown. M.* no. Co P, died Sept 6, dysentery 8093 8872 8939 92S7 , Co P, died Sept 10. scorbuti I P, died Sept 11, scorbutus. G. died Sept 11, diarrhea. died Sept 12, anasarca. (*■() O, died Sept 12, diarrhea. '■ \, flied Sept 13, scorbutus. ■ ' i: ilied Sept 14, scorbutus. V;:::s}^'A 10425 Ail:i 10874 All. 11198 And 12495 AUe .1.11.:,, I , :-i. L, i . d:,d Li.l lli. i-forbu-tus. iiiill .loliii. -1. 1,11 K, died Oi-t 20. scorbutus J W,* 1, Co G, died Jan 20, '65, scorbutus. ^I'i't 28, diarrh llr.Mvrr l> 1' 11' ( 1 woundi 11, dl.arrhea. ^S'^'!S•nr^"^'^ / ■ ' • •'■ di.irrhea. ! " • ■ • seorbutus. d Oct 22, scorbutus. died Nov .9, diarrhea C Bccldcv, C;. 102, Co F, i'.l 1 •'■■■ diarrhef Barnes, E H, 2. Co D. Blackwood. J. 92. Co I. Bowens. W H, 100. Co A Carpenter, White,* 92, Co B. died Ma Cnneland. C, 1, Co A, died Apr r roates, "- ^- " '• o 01 ( q 1 ^ To r rt d r 1 27 S t o' r S 1 Co B 1 I Ma <)n T)l ■» W n r (0 11 M J %ot R Oo 5 4. Co C d d I om n a u 1 Co 13 d d M-.V D ga Tto 1 ca (0 5 d t ph s 1 oi Co r d n r r p 111 /» n dl " Co H d ol 1 ' ■Ma-; W "1 (or dec I 1 > n ■"> Co n a pd 1 •vin DaM r w 4'5 Co r dol 2<> J Dnndr on T td Co Id cn 8 OJ Dort, 875 Heiliy, 1 •J49 Hawkilli 1354 Henci, (( 1390 Hollowu 1534 Hai-risoi ICeO Jlazlptt, May 8, ft died May '^SL^n Co K. died Aug . Co a, died Au! Co C. died Aus 94 30 9080 inisn 10(107 r,802 Uii 7022 Hii 7388 Hn 7446 Hn 7825 Ho T946 Hii 8060 He ■ rles. 45, Co K, died M»v 22, diarrli ^'■ph. 1 artil, died May l'.j. diui-rUt;a < ■tO'J.- Long. JOhu. 45, 51i)5 Llghttoot, Wm, butus. Co H, died . 4. diarrhea. F?^ ■ 10. diarrhoa c. 1U0U4 Til-' ••! uiMiiids ':;■" LlvlnKood. C B. * 35, Co G, died Dec 16, scorbutus. Lonffstreet, W F, 31, Co A, died Jan 2G, '65, scor- r^civls, D, 7, Co A. died Jan 23. '05. diarrhea a. Little, Wni, 175, Co D. dud April 7, '.05, diarrhea. Jed March 19, fever Malsbrav, Asa, 40 cav. Co A. difd Maich 22. fever typhus. Moore, T J, *> 2. Cm I' -!.•''.:.' , ,'. ;.i McKcever. Jaiiies, .s. ^ : i . -■•- n:- Mlcliey. Samuel, i. i •■ i i Mi' , ■ i; n ■ ' , Murphey, John. 7 r:i\ . ' ■> l:. . died Sept 30, scnrbutus. ,\, 2:! Co n, rti.d Oft 20 scorbutus. 1 V 'I'^i rn\. t'n y 1! -'ii n r :;.-. scorbutus. IL'ooJ S-lOO Kogi 342U Kal-1 3613 KUSM IG, dysentery. 7980 Selb, Ja 8014 Shriver, 8015 Snider, "fiaS 13GCJ Reeir, i 1413 Rees, . l; , ■ 1646 Rajii., \ I ■ 1657 Robii.s I 1672 RBbiii-"! ■ I 1859 RouiK, :;366 Repaii, \ , 2647 Rapi,, n . 2692 RaWi,h,,M-„, \ 1763 Rei, j', 124. Co Co C. dii>d Marih 9. pn > B, died March 14. tevei ' I" K. died Marc-ti 18. ' ■• P. died March 29. ili.'d March 31. dial 1., died Mch 31, di: \V, 111. Co B, died May 22. t.- m is: .Smitli. Stultv 3288 3361 I S536 3602 Steward, .r, •• Steiner, M J. ' Smock, A, 93. Sniarz, A. 93, Shipple, .lohn. 2194 Vlning, W H H. 4 4, Co G. died June 19. diarrhea i 3902 Valentine, C. 123. Co H. died July 24. scorbutus. 4450 Vaugb. B, 125, Co P, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 4497 Vangrider. H. 103, Co H. died Aug 1, diarrhea. 5263 Vatier. J P, 6 cav, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 6170 Vail, John L, *• 17. Co O, died Aug 19, cerebriti! 6859 Vanaman. M, 21. Co E. died Aug 26. scorbutus. "r,9S.-> Vanderveer. A, 6, Co H, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 77r,(; Vi'-for. H. 1 artil, Co D, died Se_pt 4, gangrene. •i..7ii \ "li^. .1. 3(. Co H, died Sept 23, scorbutus. lit '..J \..i!, \ 1 L', Co K, died Oct 3. scorbutus. iii:is:p \ ;,ii (. M, 7, Co D. died Oct 5, scorbutus. I'll, J \aii I irri, H. 14, Co I, died Oct 7, scorbutus. ijii;':, V;Mii.iiii. i:, 135. Co B, died Oct 18, scorbutus. [ S07 \v' No. of died A UK IG, V, Co H, died April Winkle t.'T Mfl.aut'h UlV (|UUd run. dl d Mareli 1 -»r \\nrne 48Jt ^\ In ■K 101'. Co c . die >. Co Mel IG. 'C. d Ai.cr . diarrliea r% Ynl - : W ' ' ,1 1',:' ■'" ,l,,Ml,, , fiOBh -8C1 -8-( tit 2f,9 Yoimt "',' ,;.»■:'■,'; died I'-eb' ' u, -'oi,' pk'urUi^; i'^ Zubci-s J M TOO. Co ,?-,<' edJi ly 12. Bish. J. 103. C' PE.1}\SVI.VA\IA. 224 Attwood, Abraliam, IS eav, Co I, died dIaiThea. 350 Armidster, M, 4 cav, Co A. died March 3( 3294 Burn 3442 r.rinl 3477 Bake 3018 X317 3967 Alexander, Ji Ardray. .1 P, 3 anil, Co n. died . Co F, died July 25, diarrhea, n, J, •79. Co 1. died .lulv 27. dy.sentery. r J, 7, Co H. died .Inly 28, diarrhea, (ieorge W. \*r,, Co F. died .luly 28. dlarrht , II, 5], Co C, died July 29, diarrhea c. M. 50 (ii.ii .hii\ 26. d3i.seiTt.ery. di.d .Inly 2G. tRisentery. Adam. 116. Co (i, died July 27. fever ii>. termittent. Barrett J «. Co K. died July 30. diarrhea c. Brown,' J. 53, Co G. died .July 31. diarrhea t. Butler. P. 53. Co G. died July 31. fever intermittent. Barton .Tames. 4 cav, Co B. died Aug 1. scorbutus. Burke .T 90. Co A. died Aug 1. diarrhea. Baker. E> 4. Co K. died Aug 3, diarrhea. Behreas A. 7. Co E. died Aug 4, scorbutus. Bennett. Oeorge. 55, Co D, died Anp 5. scorbutus. PENNSYLVANIA. Burnliaiu, 11. 143, Uo Broudbuck. Adam, 1 A, aiel Aug 11 diod Aug 14, dys 0071 ■6099 «127 '6229 0244 (5359 ■G.542 •(•..151 0554 \;^^'!A IS, diarrhea. R T. 14 9. Co li:07U Bond, C C, 20 12098 Brady. N. 5 c 12108 Brubakur, B J 12177 Braddock, T, Oo K, died Nov 18, scoibutus. IV, Co M, died Nov 19, diarrhea c. ;,* 79. Co D, died Nov 2b, scorbutus Co D. died March 23, '65, diarrhea. 56,_Co_I, died July 5, diarrhea. '■ ' " - • iuritis. 4 cav, Co H, died March 25, F. died April 2, diarrhea c. died April 9. pleuritis. u I. died April 9. pneumonia. , Co A, died April 9, diarrhea c. , Co M died April 14. diarrliea. a\. Oo I,, died Aprjl 2r> diarrhea. 1206 raidwell. S A, 1232 Coburg. M C. 1490 Conn. .1 H, 18 7541 Bull 7fi84 Will 7747 Blui 7775 Bill 7940 Bro 7903 Bru 8073 Brit 807.5 Bnl; f-350 Brown, . 83.58 Bricken; 8363 Bruce. J S413 Blo-sser. . Co If. died s ptlO dial W. 101. Co 1. died.vSeiit 101. Co P, died ,Sept 10. diarrhea, s, 7 reserve, Co H, died .Sept 11, 4. diarrhea. I, dysentery. liarrhea c. 17. anasarca. 30, diarrhea. Auk 1 died J 5484 Conahan. M 115, Co B, .''1578 Carpenter, W C, 145. Co O, died "A 5.584 Campbell. R D. 11. Co E died Aue 1 .-023 Cov. II.' 7 rav, Co B, died .Mil.' 1 1. K 13. scorbutus 0430 0502 ORIS 20. marasmus. 27, diarrhea. Criser. M, 54. Co F. died R.-nt 3. diiirrhea. Crawford .1 A. 103. Co B. died Sept 8. diarrhea. Collins M. I'Ol. Co K, died Sept 8. scorbutus. Cole, .f C. 118. Co K, died Sept 8. diarrhea. Chapman. , 18. Co A. died Sept 9. diarrhea. Cavende Casey. J C oilman, PENNSYLVANIA. U131 CranuT, E, 55, Co P, died Sept 18. dii 10436 Dun 10917 Dal/ ll-'9.5 Drll 115U5 11014 11650 11659 11800 11815 11828 11876 May 9. diarrhea. butus. CrcKcer, \V H. 5 cav, Co G. died Nov 4. scorbutus. Oliacon. A W. 106. fo B, died Nov 4. diarrliea e. Crompton. 1 ^,. 71. . ■ ! . I Cone, S. 115 Cu K. rti.d 1>' Culp. !■ K, 13S. Co B. died Connor. S. 112. Co H. died euord. (•l:irK. .1, ,s;1, Co P. di. d .lai- 152 Davidson, H, 57. Co I, di. .■?0.S8 Ffii 3.i82 Fr.i PENNSYLVA^■IA. ■M. a.v=fiil,ury. Uoodinau, F, 55, CoH, died Sept ul, diurrliea. Jubb, J, 10a, (Jo J.'', died j Uleuu, ' diarrhea. I. ■'■iitery. SL'Ol llaiiiug 2 Headley 3S7y Height. :il30 Huglies. Wl Holliil"' 1. I"."* TTonipan, i ?0C Henry, r. PENNSYLVANIA. Lr, died fcit-nt lb, di K. died Sfapt IS. ( . Co D, died Sejit : arrlioi. ; 9, 3Cor- (liarrhca. 1213 Hunter. J. H 1495 Hardlnivlck. J 1009 Hosallock. II 11799 Haeortv 11S97 Hart. M 1221.'; Hyatt. T sheart. X. 18 < 10(U0 Ireton. S R. Co F. died Mar 30. feve l.">90 .Tamesot 1S17 Johns. 5295 Johnso.i 13 cav, Co L. died July 15. ana; 11. Co I. died July IB. dysentery. liie, 49. Co a. died July 17. tev , Co B, di^d July 17, di.irllieu o. rENNSVLVxVNlA. Lee, Jamos, 13 cav, Co B, diud July 18, diarrhea. Lour, d P B, 101, Co 1, died July 30, diarrhea, l.amij.rt, W, 4 cav, Co K, died jiilv 31, diarrhea. I,.. II. ..-11 Wallace, 14 cav, Co C, died Aug 4, diar- iMUjj., Augustus, 55, Co H, died Aur 10, diarrhe; Loudin, 11 N. 14, Co H, died Aug 10, scorbutus Lacocli, HuEh. lie - - .... Lodiss. H, rio. Co McCaiie, Charles, 14, Co C, died July 3, diarrhea. iVlcltath, J, 4S, Co C, died Xuly 7, diarrhea c. Morris, Calvin, 53, Co D, died July i), scorbutus. McCalasky, J E,— 4 cav, Co A, died July 10, dia • rhea. Mattiser, B, 57, Co F, died July L'50 My 374 Mil Mattiser, B, 57, Co F, died July ii, ajarrnea. Madden, Daniel, 149, Co G, died July 11, pueun "■ 103, Co E, died July 13, diarrhea. Jul 3 artil, Co A, died July IG, Meaner, K N, 155, Co H, died July 17. i McKeon, John, 101, Co H, died July 17, Mlhau, J, 138, Co D, died July 17, dysentery. MaroUT, John. 1 cav. Co D. died July 20, dysentery. 430.". M.I 4710 Math._-\v^ 4734 Moore, M 4796 McDevitt 4824 Miller, 11 4870 Mills, Wi 4898 Muldanv, 5008 Martaln, . 5069 Measler. . 5139'McCaffi. V 5159 Ma died V, Co A, died Aug 20, I. di.d .\n£r ?•-•, ^.orbu 105, Co (i. died Mar 27, i Co C. died March 28, dvs 13 cav. Co H, died Miir PENNSYLVANIA. n. 113, C 27\ dyseiiter JLajni, A E, IS . i:;048 Ruth, n s. 23. Kothe, C, 101, C ,141 siiringi 71'(>2 Slulv. I 7302 SineLT. 7358 Scoleto 7379 Scott. ' I diarrhea, ^•■orbutus. i^ 31, diarrhea 7U48 Bpenc^ Tr,i>2 Siiydr 0LI2 Slade. 8444 Shirk. 8.307 Simou- hil s. pt 17. diarrliea. >.|.i i.-^. diarrhea c. ••1 ^^-'I't l.s. diarrhea c. ied sept 20, diarrhea, ept 20, diarrhea. PENNSYLVANIA. , icvur typhus, imatisin. .mil, J, 73, Co E, ditid April 28, fcvcT con. r I ni:i , ., w ,1,1 iiiiv ,-,. d.vsentCM'y- \ Irlol Jol 1 To T I rndri"! \\ 4 lo B I tlpr \\ 4 ( IT 1 d \o\ "3 d arrl a i Mav "o r! cumat l,VeV„?a^ dlarrl a 1 (I irrl »a 1 'i 1 \\ kl s A 1 a CO L d d Mi i 1 t \ r c ^WlVl"""','. r" PENNSYLVANIA. 11750 11890 11978 11987 Wald. I Wider, Wfatlu 12222 Williams. .1, 10158 Van Dvkc, D L 11810 Vanniaikis. D, 12154 Vanliail.Tiii.i.i, 3958 VOL-Ir, \- TV < 5, Co A. died Dec 4, scorbutus. Co A, died Nov 23, scorbutus. , Co A, died Jan 2, '65, diarrhea < :03, Co A, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Co E, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 4, Co a. dicrt Nov 25. scorbutus. 6573 6818 11327 6231 1744 2521 ; S647 : 4261 : 4576 , Zane. Wm. 19. Co K. died Aug 23, ictus soils. Zcrl. S. 103. Co P, died Aug 25. scorbutus. Zane, M, 118, Co B. died Oct 23, scorbutus. RHODE I^f.\I\D. CaUalu 2832 Collins, J 11, a. died Apr 20. diarrhea, died Ma.v 19. pneumonia. V, Co K, died May 28, Peterson, John, Rathbun, J, 1 ( Co died April 18, dyscntei ., died Aug 29, debilitas Sweet, M, 1 cav, Co D, died June 23, diarrhea. Spink, J, 1 cav, Co H, died June 27, diarrhea. Slocum, George T, 2d lieut, 1 cav, Co A, died Jul Smith, P, 1 cav. Co A, died JuV 28, diarrhea. Stalord, J, 1 battery. Co A, died Aug 7, scorbutus. Slsson,Chas T, 5 artlI,Co A, died Aug 19, dysenwr Seymour, H, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 19. diarrhea. Sullivan, J, 5 artil. Co A, died Aug 21, diarrhea Sander, Chas, 5 artil, Co A, died Aus 28, ana-arc Slocum, C A,* 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 31, anasarc Wright, Moses, 2 cav, Co A, died March 7. levf remittent. West. H, 1, Co A. died June 10, diarrhea c. Wallace, Wm, 5 artil, Co A. died July 11, diarrhea i Wood, J B, 5, Co A, died Aug 16, diarrnea c. Wist, J, 2 cav, Co A, died Aug 21. diarrhea c. Wayne, .S, 1 cav, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. Wilson, J. 5. Co A, died Sept 4, anasarca. Withani, B, 1 light artil, died Sept 19, anasarca. TE.\]\ESSEE. !■ d July 20, aiui4;irca. died Aug 22, scorbutus d Aug 22, fever typhus id Aug 23, dysettteiT d Scut 2. diarrhea. 1538 Bradslun 1610 nrownln: llanlcT. T, .•. artil, Co A, dird Nov 15, scorbutus. Ide, S R, 1 cav, Co H, died June 14, dysentery. Johnson, A G. 5 artil, Co A, died July 8,' diarrhea. died Aug 25, diarrhea. -" "- ' 5, diarrhea. Co A, died Oct Miner. S, 1 cav, Co D, died Jun McKav, Thomas, 2. Co P. died J McKcnna. J, 3 artil, died Scut 3176 Blalock, 3198 Brown, . 6 Brnndon ferave. i 0142 Bayles, K, ■ (n9-l nurnett. S 9373 Dbdd, Chas, , Co B. dir-d Si-l>t ,v, Co K, diea Srpt 111 dtlzea, Dpriitiii I " 9453 9701 10014 10244 12119 12379 12498 12794 Dort, Duke, Dyer, Dodd ' Dyke i, Wm, 7, Co D, died Oct , died Jan 18. diaiThca. ,* 2. Co C. dl«l o I , 2, Co K, died Ori j,i - .irimi i^ A. 7, Co E, died Uli -1,. - .,ii,.t. 13. Co U. died Jan ."1. 'i;.-,. h, or 7, Co C. died Feb 8. '05. diarrhea 3, 7 cav, Co D, died Feb 16 ■av, Co B, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 2, Co B. died April 2. diarrhea. 1030 1751 183(1 .",'':•■'. 1 ]:.. ■hn. 8. Co H, died Au? 37. diarrhea o. !•," 13 cav. Co B. rtl.-d Auk 20, ill S 0133 Fin,- L'5n2 Fr:lli ."^Il'v'c ^ -" • ^ i; 'iiiMi ',h n •:i"''i'.-!,"d..|>illta3. V. Co I."dlk /uly 21 ."cliiVrlien. ■-'"'.', ;;;;';,,' '::'i^ , 2. Co B, died April 10, diarrhea. Co r. died .Tune 11 di-hilitas. = <; rii„.i I,,.,,. ir. diarrhea. 7 . iv ' " 1' ^l-'l iiHu. 27. diarrhea c ■ ' . 11 '1 ' luiv 4. diarrhea. 1' ■■'<'. ■'. .: M T.'U 18. smallpox. .■ ■ . I ; ; .pill 11, smallpox. 78S0 Cotter" nnoi Crum. . S'-'in Cree^r. ■l"0« CooloT. pons Chndwl 302 Dodd. Beniamin. 39!) Doss. .1 W. 2. C, -ISS Dudley. Snmuel. 0201 Dunn: 0901 Dvn. ^1 <'" Davis. i diarrhea. ■ .iiirrhea c. ■ t' 'i ■ '! \ i.r 1 2, diarrhea. :, .iii.l .vpril *.♦, iineumonia. 'lii.'fl April IS. diarrhea. B. died April 21. diarrhea. if'd .April 23. drsenterv e. B. died Aiir 24. bronchitis. .Vpril 29. diarrhea c. 844 Hughes •J58 HkKU-j 1030 Hicli,vo] Illil Hall. ,1 1159 Heutli^ 1491 Hkk-,H 1551 Hopkiii J554 Hui]l,, J 1766 Ham- 1774 HotiL-r . 1S46 Ham,:,, 6581 Hiljbni 6048 HailN 6681 Hortoii S486 Hale. 8529 Hayr 9044 HeiKl 9788 HodK 11791 Hickii,; 11801 He Will 11861 Hipfs 12423 Hoae 12655 HlltTu!- 12693 Hanb.i 49, Co F, (lied Sept 22. '■. bronchiti; orbutus. a rrbea. .Ian>cs, Co M. dlrd Mu 6262 Ni 7818 N 9068 N.. 9447 X. 9040 X- Ictus solis. 7. sforbiitus. diarrhea, iarrhea c. TENNESSEK. E, died S('i)t, :;u 1284 .Smith. 1313 Short. 1353 Smith. died .Tune 20. diiiiThe; 7. to .V. dli-.l .Inn \- II. •-'. Co D. di. 13. Co A. dl.'d .7 4.51S Underrate. A. Co E. died Mar IS, 'M. diarrhea. 1 A. died March 31. diarrhea c. . Co B. died April 2. fever typhus. I, died April 2, pneumonia. Co A. died April 12. dyscnterv. 2. Co I. died .Tune 16. diarrke* e. lel, 13. Co C. died June IS. scorbutus. S cav. died June 2S. dysentery , Co I. died July 7. scorbutus. Co K. died July 8, scorbutus. Co G, died .Tuly 12. scorbutus. 1 cav. Co E, died Apr 1 .5. smallpox. 1 T). died Apr 13, sniallpoN. TENNESSEE. West, W F. 2, Co H, died Aug 2. anasarca. Waid. John, citizen, died Aug 8, diarrhea. J\hUb.v, K B, 2, Co c, died Am- 1.5, smallpo.x. Weese. VV, 2, Co I, died Apr 23, smallpo.\. Weir, I, 1 cav, Co B, died July 14, diarrhea c Wilsxju, H 2. Co B, died Juiy 14, scorbutus. Wolf, A, 10, Co C, died July H WiU!am.s, A, 3 cav, Co E, died July Willis, Jas, Tenn State G, died I.-lr Webbe, J, 2, Co B, died July I'l Wilson, J, 12, Co F, died Julv "i . Wilson, S L, 2. Co D, died .Jiil\ • Waltord, w, 7, Co A, died Juli l: - Co C, died Aus 1 - 7 cav, Co B, died \ , Co A, died An- i Co B, died Auk i ■ 2, Co B, died -\ii 2S11 Chase, M, 6. Co H, died July 3, bronchi a351 Cole, A H, 9, Co H, died July 15. scorbi 3817 Croclier, D, 5, Co D, died July 23, diairl 3918 Clough, John D. 11, Co A, died July LM. c ■1205 Chamberlain, C, Co A, died July 29. dla 4S83 Crouse, N, 5, Co C, died Aug 6, Moiimls 51U3 Chester, A, 11, Co K, died Aug 9, diaiil Wallac Wright. J W, Withyde. S, ] SOUS Drew, F, 1 cav, Co F, died July 9. 5927 Donnhue, P. 1 cav, Co D. died Aut C104 Dunn. G 13. » 1, Co G. died Aug r.33S noviug. P W, I artil. Co F, died _■ Co F, died Oct 4, scorbutvis. L. ]4. Co H, died May 1, dial- died Ai>i il - 1 , , D. died .M:.\ 1. ilumli. 1, '. died May Ifi, an;is;nc!i E, died Apr 10, .smallix VERITIOilfT. Co G. died Sept 9, diarrhea c. ■o r, died Sept 28, diarrhea. ' 11. Co A, died Oct 11, diarrhea. artil, Co A, died Oct 21. s. orh.itus Co A. died Xov 11 il ,, i,, r, 'o C. died Marcli l:i .,-. }II¥IA. 821 Anderson, A, 2, ."JTli Armstrong, «* 8 ;H2 Ayers. S V. 11, lues Arnistron!;. (i U -'71)9 Ariulml: \V n ,-.011 Ariii.tin. . I ,1 3341 Arboiiu- ■ \\ ! 8803 Aber.i .\ 1152.- AUi-.iii '. I < C, died May died March 30, tevar lied Apr 0, fever typhus. IV, Co D, died May 1, diai 4, diarrhea. 1, diarrhea, anasarca. vseiiterv. butus. Varnum, E G J, 11, Co F, died Aug 15. scorbuti ihitney. A. 9, Geo O, 2174 Campbell, 647 Davis, S, 3, Co D. died Apr diarrhea. :, died Sept cav, Co fc. cav, Co Tj, died Oct 12, diarrhea vln, militia, die* !3, pneumonia, r 18. dysentery, diarrhea c. Fawkes, Wm, 14, Co D, diea Aug 15, Foster, S, S. Co A, died Aug 29, dvsei Feather, J B, 14, Co B, died Sent 5, dis Feasiey, Len, 1 artil, died Sept 14, seort Fusner, J E, e cav, Co D, died Seut H, Freeboru, 11 L," 14, Co B, died Oct 2 tent. Furr, E, 10, Co K, di.-d Oit n. (litinli.-; ', ditd Aug L'2, scorDutus. butus. '''"'■ "^'^ •'^'^ "■ '«5. ^^of- 241 O.xley^ Robt, 14. Co C, died Mar 30, diarrhea c. 7t)i Osborne, Thomas, 5, Co H, died June 9, dysentery. 30 I'atki^d, Myron C, 2 cav, Co I, died Mar 13, pleu- 7i!7 I'lirl. I ih Id, John, 4, Co F. died . ■■- i'"i;' .. ■■■11, c D, 10, 4738 Gordon, s, ; (5348 Guenant, A 10581 Garton, Wn 11574 Gluck, A E 11864 Gibson, A. §3^ iisi/;;;;;,,: 1013 Hess, J. 1421 HattieW, 41 Maddo 280 Mason 1209n M.ao, 1 12272 M'jCuu-i 9488 McGreg 12008 McWlIs .July 25, diarrhea, pt 2, d: Seirt 10S54 White, J N. 148 Young, A, .« 094 Tounii Ed,' Tl'lSCOiVSIlf. I M I 869-J ^ 10830 Bower, H, 1, Co a, Tiurk, O. 15,^0 iJ, ^:. - liawgarder, II, •_'. c i- liall, H, 7. Co A, rti.'il Bowhan, H A,-" 10, typhus. lirooRs, E, 1 cav, Co I!<...ii,.r, B F.** lA, r„ I; l.'>. diarrhea. (>. diarrhea, died June 18, tew June 22, diarrhea . Co D. died .Sept 20. scorbutus. ;o D. died Oct 6. scorbutus. 13, Co A, died Oct 25. scoibutus. . Co B, died Nov 3. scorbutus. Co IK died Nov 20, wounds. scorbutus. lug 13. wounds, c 19, scorbutus. s 30, dTsentery. \n<.' :m. gangrene. -' ir n. diarrhea. - 1 1-, diarrhea. I. died Oct 14, scorbutus. . died Nov 2. scorbutus, died Nov 1.5. scorbutus. K. dif-d Oct 28, diarrhea. ■ -1 .iiilv 2«, iysentery. \ .-> i , dysentery. U, died Aug 9, scor- ept 7,^diarrh Bavid, D P, 25, Co B, died Mar S, '05, diarrhea ! Knger, .T. 15. Co K. died .Tune 24, dysentery c. G W. T, Co C. W,* 7, Co E, di W P, 10. Co A. n, W R, 24, Co D, died Feb 14, rheumatism. • O.** 16, Co Ti, died May 31. diarrhea. '■.'■;- . Fred, 15, Co I, died Jon.' 21, ilKiiriua. 'iuth. H, 1. Co D, died Jiilv T lii- !, n utccnman, D."21. Co K, di-i i i- :'-.i,t.-ry. Grcenwall, M. 1 cav, Co r . ! ' < iitery. Orunds, L, 15. Co I, died A Groujpe, D, 4. Co P. died s. i ; , : :,. lUindiison, H." 13, Co I, diid ■_>•]■ ~ ■i':tus. Goon, John E. 30, died Aug 23, diavrli. a. Helt, Carl, 20, Co E, died Apr 1, dvsenterv. Hale. A C. 21, Co I. died Apr 24, fever tn.hus. nasliins, J, 1. Co E, died May 10, dyfen'ery. Hoffland, — , 1 set, 15, Co K, died Juno 5, anasarca. Jillett, J, 7, Co H, di..l Jennings, J R,» 45, Co I, Johnson, W H, 6, Co H, 1, Co H, died May 17, scorbutus. , 1.5, Co E, died June 26, dysentery c. lii B,* 21, Co B, died ,Tuly 27, fever Co C, died July 31, diarrhea died I uii.-s,* 24, Co H, died June 9, anasarca. II, died June IS, diarrhea. I NV. 3 battery, died July 1, dysentery. \1 . , li, E, 1 cav, Co L, died July 6, diarrhea. iMc Korini-, J, 1. Co F, died July 7, diarrhea. McLaulin, C, 36, Co I, died July 20, diarrhea. Mathison, E N, 2,- Co E, died Aug 6, diarrhea. Many, J, 24, Co D, died Aug 8. diarrhea. McP'adden, H. 1 cav. Co P, died Aug 9, diarrhea. Mnrtes. B, 10, Co D, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Main, Henry, 30, Co P. died Aug 15, diarrhea. , -, ... Jo I. died Aug 20, r Me.sser, P, 5, Co B, died Aug 21, dii Myers, s, 15. Co G, died Oct 4, scorbutus. Miilasky, E, 21, Co B, died Nov 9, scorbutus. Nelson, K, 15, Co R, died July 30, scorbutus. Northam, S R,*""10, Co C, died Aug 7. scorbutus. Nichols, Wm. 10, Co I, died Aug 18, dysentery. NelT, VVm, 33, Co I, died Oct G, scorbutus. 5683 5739 0231 McClury, diarrhea. 11, diarrhea. 6088 ilSOO 11812 Olson, O, 15, Co B, died Ju Ochle, P, 26, Co E, dii'd Oct 27, Olston, M, 15, Co B, died Nov Palmer, John,* 7, Co C, di.'rt A] Plum, A, 4 cav, Co K. di. d .liuj Peterson, A,* 15, Co K. •: i i! Picket, T B,* 1, Co F. ^ ' Purdy, M, 10, Co E. 'i : . Plrlrls, J, 17, Co P, d:. ; I Purdee, J, 10, Co I, di- d ^> i- i ; Peterson, S, 15, Co K, dud b. i Plllsbury, A J, 1 cav, Co H. di. i Patterson, 3, 21. Co A, died tri Painter, H,** ID, Co F, died S. ; Patterson, S,* 15, Co I, died h-. i Peterson, C, 15, Co J, died Scji i Roach, A, 21, Co P, died June Kenseler, H, 2, Co G. died July _ . . Reynclers, P S, 10, Co K. died July 20, dysentery. Reed, O, 1, Co K, died Aug 7, dysentfrv. .=;chkassen, J J, 7, Co F. died Mar 19, dysentery. Shrigley, H. 10. Co G, died Apr, 8. diarrhea. .■-liirus, R, 15. Co F, died July 3. diarrhea c. Sirbirth. P, 24, Co E. died July 9, anasarca. Shoop, W, 1, Co G, died July 18, diarrhea. 3583 SultoE, J, 10, Co B, died Julv 19, diarrhea. fsn Sharp, J W, 2, Co G, died July 30, diairhea. 4378 Smith, W F, 10, Co B, died July 31, djarrhca. 4436 Shun, J, 24, Co H, died Julv 31, diarrhea. 4788 Scott, E G," 21, Co D, died Aug !>, scorbutus. 4S82 SUngerland, John, 1 cav, Co B, died Aug 6, fever intermittent. CS43 Starr, E, 16, Co P, died Aug 26, wounds. 7014 Seaman, M,*« 21, Co B, died Sept 2, dysentery. H1G8 Sniith, i, 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 9693 Snvder, M, 26, Co E, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 11037 Smith, S M,* 21, Co F, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11047 Sales, A D, 4, Co K, died Oct 17, anasarca. 2148 Tung, S W, 21, Co D, died June 18, scorbutus. 2385 Tay, S, 1, Co K, died June 24, diarrhea a. 25S8 ToniUnson, Ilobt, 6, Co B, died June 28, dlariliea c Thompson, D D, 36, Co B, died June 10, diarrhea. Tyler, J," 10, Co A, died July 16, diarrhea. 3120 3375 3661 4467 6858 7160 8500 11236 11420 11475 TucKtr, Taylor, A L,, 25, Co E, aieu Aug Taylor, I, 6, Co E, died Aug 20 Thorn, F C, 1 cav, Co L, diid Ai TToutman, A, 2", died Sept lir, ;.< Thurber, D,* 36, Co G, died Oct Tyler, E P, 10, Co F, died Oct 2 Thorst»i, P, 24, Co G, died Oci : Thompson, O, 15, Co K, died Jai 2309 Updell, J S, 15, Co B, died June 22, diarrhe: 6, broiichitis. 8359 8427 ., .-, _. 11390 Voclee, F,* l6, Co E, died gangrc arbutus 9484 9938 10213 Webster, A C,*« 7, Co E, died May 7, bronchitis. Winleis, P, 1, Co M, died JVlay 6, diarrhea. Wilder, John, 1 cav, Co F, dieS May 10, diarrhea c. Welcome, E D, 1 cav, Co L, died May 31, diarrhea. Walter, fe P, 21, Co G, died June 7, diarrhea. Welton, M S, 1 cav, Co L, died June 13, diarrhea c. Winchester, Geo, 21, Co I, died June 28, scorbutus. Weaver, H, 10, Co F, died July 4, diarrhea. Wens, Charles, 7, Co B, died July 16, diarrhea c. Wakefield, D, 25, Co K, died Alig 4, diarrhea. Woodward, W B, 1, died Sept 21, scorbutus. Wick, J, 1 cav, Co H, died *iri,t. 2.S, scorbutus. WilUs, E, 7, Co E, died Oct L'. s. «ih>itus. WlncheU, S, 1, Co D, died Cirt C. s.„ii™tus. Whalen, M, 12, Co B, died Oct 21, Murbutus. Ward, A, 1 cav, Co C, died iec 31, scorbutus. 12G26 Tessen, 24, Co UiVITED STATES AR^MY Anderson, A, 16, Co C, died June 10. diarrhea c. Atwell, Thos,»* 6 cav, Co M, died Julv 20, phthisis. ^ —, died July 31, scorbutus. rcbritis. 14, Co C, died Aus 18, dysentery. Austin, Jas,** 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 7, dysentery. Annis, Chas, 8 colored, Co I, died Oct 26, scorbutus. Alfka, A H, 2 cav, Co D, died Sept 19, diarrhea. Blossom, Chas, 6 cav, Co E, died Mar 22, flvsentery. Bouphten, M, 16, Co E, died May 15, anasarca. Bailey, Andrew, 16, Co K, died M;i\ 1>' diuili.i, Britner, A, 10, Co K, died May Is .n i .!■ . Banks, E E, 17, Co C, died May 1" .i,. i . ' Burton, Geo, 8 colored, Co I, died Mi. i u i li,. ,i Barden, Chas S, 15, Co E, died .Mc J'. - - -^ Beal, H, 15, Co C, died Mav 28. ili.uii,,., ,. Becker, L, 2, Co B, died May -v. aim 1 1, .a. Brown, C. 16, Co I), died June '.i, ;iii;is;ii ca. Bates, E L, 6 cav, Co E, died .Iiijir 17, diarrhea. Branna-san, J, 18, Co D, di.d .lujie -i. dcbilitas. Bigler, ^ M, 2 cav, Co B, 9848 10621 11577 Bradshaw, H, marine corps, died July 1, diarrhea. Bush, W, 15, Co E, died July 15, diarrhea c. ~ " ■ ~ 19, Co A, died Aug 6, dysentery. Baldwin, Chisholm, J M,'* marine corps, died Apr L diarrhea c. Clemens, 1), 6, Co L, died June 14, diarrhea c. Clemburg, J, 16, Co D, died June 19, diarrhea. CassmaDj^ A, marine corps, died June 20, diarrhea Thos. 15. Co H. died Julv 16, Co H, diei Co A, died July 18, "dysen.i .=. Co H, died July 24 dia * ' '' . died .July 30, diarrhea. Cavanaugh, P, 16, Co H, died Julv 10, diarrhea. ' , H, 12, Co A, died July 18, dysen.tery. 24, diarrhea. 5156 Cu. . J.. 5234 Cms. 1, I 1 :. 5436 Chaiiipu.y, 1 6420 Canmiell, J. 7532 Coolidge, M, Oorst, James, 1 I. i .. I Connell, J, 14, c .. U, Chamberlain, 0, 17, C. Collins, M, 4 cav, Co Carter, C A, 1, Co B Clifford. J, (5 cav, Co Chase, L, 10, Co C, d 9034 9113 9186 Carroll. L, 2 9482 9814 10210 10557 congreve. E, a, en . Cuyler, W, 16, Co 1 Crocker, Chas, 2, < ■ Cargill, C, 12, Co 1' Clark, R W, 2 i Breen, A, d, Co if', died Aug 15, dysentery. Boyd, John B, 4, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea. Bradman, A M,** 6 cav, Co M, died Aug 23, diarrhea c. Burd, W H, 6, Co E, died Aug 23, anasarca. Bowers. J, 4, Co K, died Aus 26, anasarca. Burk. James, 1. Co K, died Sept 3, diarrhea. Brossessault, M, 2 artil, Co M, died Sept 5,diarrhea. Banvall, J, 4, Co F, died Sept 16, scorbutus. Bartlett, E K. 2 s s, Co D, died Sept 21, scorbutus. Barstow, J, 18, Co D, died Sept 24, diarrhea c. Barrett, J, 18, Co D, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Britzer, L B,* 15, Co C, died Sept 10. diarrhea. Brown, J, 12, Co H, died Oct 28, scorbutus. Brlokley, H, 1, Co K, died Nov 1, scorbutus. Ball, W, 12, Co C, died Nov 18, scorbutus. Boyer, J, 1 cav, Co K, died Nov 21, siorbutus. Bromley, J, 18, Co G, died Jan 31, '05, scorbutus. 76 Casey, Jno, 19, Co A, Co . Doney, .^ W, 6 cav, Co D, died May 21, diarrhea. Dunn, Wm, 19, Co F, died June 5, dysentery. Dunn, John, 18, Co H, died June 20, diarrhea c. Bonalan, M, 2 cav, Co L, died June 26, dysentery. Beyer, H.** 18, Co B, died July 7, dysentery. Barvin, W W, 2 s s, Co B, died July 31, diarrhea. Dinslow, B F, 12, Co G, died Aug 1, scorbutus. Belaney, Jacob, 5 artil, Co F.died Aug 3,scorbutus. Boll, ft, 14, Co C, died Aug 11, diarrhea. Bolan, P, 19, Co P, died Aug 12, phthisis. Davis, G,* 19, Co A, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Decker, James, 10, died Aug 18, dysentery. Davis, J W,* l5, Co E, died Aua 19, dJarrhe Doran, J M, 19, Co E, died Aug^20, diarrhea Douglity, D B. 3 artil, Co C, died Davidson, J H, 15, Co C, died Aiig 25, anasarca. Delaney, E,_19, Co F, died Aug 26, Delaney, J, bo P, 'died Auk''27, 'diarrhe Samuel, 4 cav. C Downlns, M, 10, Co T>. Doule, J. 10, Co D. III. Davis, Clarke, 1 butt • Draperj_L, 14, Co 1 ■ Bavy, H, 18, Co G. n Diller, O M, 5 cav. i > i Drummond, J, 18, C 1 Dunn, C, 15, Co C, die ' I. r L.s, scorbutus. 4, '05, 'scorbutus. 5648 Evans, T, 14, Co F, died Aug 14, dysentery. 6813 Edwards, Wm (negro). 8, Co A,died Aug 35,aiarrhea. 7576 Erick, J, 2, Co K, ded Serit 2. dysentery. 7616 Ellerton, N, 16, Co D, died Sept 2, scoibul 12689 Emmict, S S, 5, Co C, died Feb 22, ' 12 Fercuson, J, 6 cav, Co E, died Mar 15, catarrh. 13 Pit/gibbons, Thos, 2, Co C. died May 20. diarrhea. Ti r. i.ll, .T, 12, Co A, died May 31, diarrhea c. V. I 'I. - II, 18, Co E, died Mav 23, diarrhea i 37, July 3, fever remit- I. .:.. il . .T; i;i, scorbutus . oibutus. ■-'a 1 1; Fi.st.T," J, 4, C .'h. di ■(1 Itjr 19," sec rbutus. 272 GiUigan, Mat, ' 1, Co I. died Mar 31, dysentery. 1639 Gard?nei-, C. s ienal c orps. died Jut e 6, diarrhea 2801 Gulterman, S.- * 10. c , K. died July 2, diarrhea. 4977 Gray, Wm T 1'. d '.UL 7. d irrhea. 6182 Gal^,'Whl-.. , diaJThea c. 7220 Gulvere, l':t, JO, scorbutus. 8057 Griffith, S, 1 1 8671 Gunter, Join,. dhirrhea. 8857 Grace, Tlic.a .' l.''i: l;. d,._.l S..i,t 9851 ^^f\Sl- Co K, lied Sept 27, scorbutus. 2066 Co E, died Nov 16. dysentery. 7335 Golton, R, 16 Co B, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 397 Ha-tch, T C, 1 , Co A died Apr C. p died April 13, neumonia. Halbert, P, 2, Co H, dysentery. UNITED STATES ARirc. Halpin, P, 5 artil, Co H, died June 1, dianhea c. Haney, H, 16, Co D, died June 3, diarrhea c. Hurman. J H, •! cav, Co E, died June 4, diarrhea i Hendricks, J, 16, Co i), died June IT, anasarca. Hogan, M, 16, Co A, died June 20, diarrhea a. Hurley. D, marine corps, died July 1, dysentery. Hunt, Wm, 16, Co D. died July 7, diarrhea e. 5, Co C, died July 31, diarrhea. Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery. V4UO Harsham. J R, 15, Co G, died Aug 31, anasarca. 8004 Hallcy, J, 13, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 9104 Hook, H, 19. Co F. died Sept 18, diarrhea c. 9155 Heir, J, 14, Co A, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 9C.05 Hildri-th, Jas, 12, died Sept 24. diarrhea. 9918 Hanev, J, 12, Co C, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10054 Hasle'r, C, 13, Co M, died Sept 30. gangrene. 10439 Hlrshlleld, Or, marine corps, died Oct 7. scorbutus. 10857 Harman, J, 15, Co E. died Oct 14, diarrhea. 11136 Hamilton, S, 2, s s, Co D, died Oct 19, diarrhea c. 12309 Hill, M A, 2, fio G, died ,Ian 1. '05, debllitas. 121101 Holt, E lnesro),35, CoH, died Feb 6, '65, diarrhea c. 10322 Hamman, W H, lo, Co F, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 5532 ImhofT, I. 15, Co E, died Aug 13. 7647 Ireland. George, 14, Co E. died Se 10742 Ireson. I, 4 cav, Co A, died Oct 11 diarrhea c. Johnson. P, 2 battery, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 3U6 Jones, W. 1 artU, Co K. died Sept 10, scorbutus. 319 Jones. C B, 1 cav. Co H. died Oct 3, scorbutus. y23 Jerald, W H, *" 18, Co F, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 495 Klngcnr. J, 1, Co K. died April 12, diarrhea. 912 Kelly, Jolin, 16, Co C, died Hay 5, diarrhea c. 662 Kain, P F, ** lo, Co A, died June 6, dysentery. 256 Kenley. i>, 2, Co F, died July 13, dysentery. i», 2, (JO b', died July 13, y, F, IS, Co F, died .Truly 60B1 McClaiT, R, 11, Co G, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 6313 Munson, C, 12, Co X>, died Aug 20, scorbutuB. 6407 Mulhern, C, 4 cav, Co C, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6515 Mantle, J M, « 15, Co F, died Aug 22, fever typhus. 6851 Marston, B, 51, s s, Co G, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 6973 McKlnley, EW, marine cuius, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 7341 McGuire, J, 12, Co D, died Aug 30, scorbutus. 8293 Mun, W, 18, Co H, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 8473 McGlnness, A, 4 artU, Co E, died Sept 11, scor- Miller, H, 2 artil, died Sept 20, diarrhea. Morris. G J, IS, Co 1, died Sept 21, diarrhea Molirrnnff 11 1« fo T flifd Sept 26, scorbi M;uiiiii _• I l,> ( o .\ d .(1 ( ut 1, scorbutus. 12364 McGorren, J, 17, Co 6, died Dec 3i, scorbutus. 8003 6954 10240 Northrup, H E, 4, Co H, died July 3, diarrhea. Newcomlje. John, 18, Co G, died Aug 20, anasarca. Nichols, H, * 12, Co A, died Aug P" ■■ Naft, V, bugler. Co F, died Ja Co B, died April 16. diarrhea. 2368 7036 ew'el, 'l, 18, to G. (Ik-d March 17, '65, diarrhea ■ Co K, died June 23, O'Reilly, Theodore, ** ~ "" ' 10, Co A, di 11846 Osrans, J, ^ 492 Parfrld!:e, J ' died April 12, diarrhe 5643 K.llv, J, III! r,271 Kochel. .1, - 6577 Kelly, Wm, 6764 King, I, 7. 11949 Kennedy. J, Co E, died . I orps, died . F. dlod .\\ic Mulhall.I' Marze. .Ik Mct.au£:li;i;;, J McConaghy, 1', Meadow, John, i\ 10, diarrhea. 1 ', diarrhea. • \ May E4. diarrhea. li May 30. diarrhea. ! •' 10, diarrhea. If 14. diarrhea c. lied June 14, scor- cav, Co v.. died .Tune 25, scorbutus. .- ! corps, died June 30, dysentery. 29-.:0 Miller. C H. 6 cav. Cn F. died July 5. scorbutus. .'!054 McKlnn.v J. marino rnrps. died July 9. diarrhea C. 3083 Malonei", i; i ■ • - i;, Hi.d July 9. diarrhea c. 39.50 MerklU. i < . m died July 25. diarrhea. 4712 Murch. V, 1 I . > i!i,rt Aug 4. diarrhea. 4823 McClint.. I 11. died Auc 5. diarrhea c. 4863 Martin. M . i • 'i- died Auc 6. diarrhea. .lni'S Martin, J, 1 r:,v. > n k. died Auc 11, diarrhea c. 5364 McOann, n. IJ. Co R. died Auc 11, diarrhea. cav, Co K, died Aug 12. scorbutus. 5581 5769 6073 McT.ean, McCoslin. ilob. McDonald, 4 cc an, v^u o. uieu Aug lo. envere Co E, died Aug 18, dysentery. Quiiihaek, J, 18, Co G, died July 20, scorbutus. Ross, — , 19, Co A, died March 5, phthisis. Roonev, Mark, 14,- Co F, died March 27, pneumonia. Reardon, D, 13, Co G, died April 6, dysentery. Reynolds. Edward, marine corps, died April 23, 4957 5210 5984 Ronev, F J, 18, Co E, died July 15. diarrhea c. Ritzer, Geo A. 5 cav, Co H. died July 23, diarrhea. Robinson. W R, 6 cav, Co H, died July 30, diarrhea. Rouke, J, 10, 6a D, died Aug 17, diarrhe: Richards, Theodore, 2 cav, Co D, died Aug 2£ diarrhea. Rogers, Wm, 18, Co G, died Sept 11, scorbutus, Reynolds, D, 4 cav, Co C, died Sept 19, anasarca. Reillv. J, 3, Co B, died Oct 2, scorbutus. Rawson, J, 16, Co K, died June 30, diarrhea c. F. died April 2, diarrhea. p fli.-il Mr»v 20. diarrhea. :i . ' " ]\ *\\arca. Taylor, M ;■ - ' ■ ;■ .! ., ■ h. ;i. Turk, 11 ■ :l ,,■•'.,,, Thonia-, i : > i . i ■ , v n i ;lira c. Train. T, M . , . - i .1,. .! ^ i.i ■. .h.uriM ,. Thomas, 1^ (n.LToi, a, Co i>, di.d .'^ei.t 11, t.-ver Intel 7829 Unmucli, C, 1 aitil, Co K, died Sept 4, dysentery. 3657 Volmore, .1, 3, Co K, died .Jul 7042 Vaneotten, Wm, 16. Co D, dl 7135 Vickery, Wni, 1. Co H, died Aug 28, diarrhea. '2041 Van Buren, \V H, 16, Co B, di.jd Nov lij, scorbui 1259 Walker, Wm, 6, Co T>. di. .1 M .- ■! .ii...li..a. 1299 Worster.Chas B, 5 cav.C ii : ; ! r ; imrrhei 2752 White, Thomas. 1. Co J) .11 <':.'. rli.a. ■1023 Winia.ms, B. 18, Co D. (h ■: i Mitus. 4248 Warnej, S, 16. Co E, di.-.i i - ,- .. .-. 4306 Williams, .John, 4. Co I). . I irli.a. ,'>425 Walreor. 10. Co D. died A.. 0125 Wlcllham, Ci H. 16, Co 1!, .1 .n.ntu 0637 Wills. S, 15, Co E, died \: .; , ., 7048 Wright, C S, 12, Co C, di.-.l \.i ;j7, f. , . r . ..,ii;,.st 7109 Wadsworth, B H. 12, Co V, (li.'d Avs -n. diarrhe 7254 Warner, H, 2, Co D, died Auk 30. diarrhea. 9105 Whitney, J W, • 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 18, s. .. Samuel, 8, Co F. died Sept IS. diarrhea. ZTO), 8, C.I P. died S.^pt 14, si n854 10355 10374 Walker, John butus. Walter, I, 17. Co : 10756 Waldo, J M, 1 artil, Co K, .1: .1 1 1, ( i j ^. ..iimti 11137 Williams, C, 1 artil, Co K, di..il u.t i;i, s,'orbuti n,S95 Wlzmaker, a, 2, Co M, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 12009 Wilson, O W, 15, Co A. died Nov 14, scorbutus C-196 Targer, A, 18. died Aug 22. scnrbutns. 7101 Touns, Robert, 1 cav, Co K. dieii aiil' ?s, diarr 10754 TounR, E R, 2 artil, Co M .(i. .1 ... I |- -....i.iiti 11373 Young, J C, 19, Co A, di. .1 . ■ : ': : '.tus. M, 14, Co : UIVITED STATES IVAVY. 319 Akinson, A, G B Nepsia, died .Tune 27, diarrhea. 398 Anker, Geo. schooner Norman, died Aug 4, diai-rhea. 371 Anderson.Chas, » B Southlleld, died Sep 7,dlarrhca. 319 Bradley, John, G B Southfleld. died .Tiily 3,diarrhea. 175 Brodcriek, W. U S Navv, died ,Tuly 17,' diarrhea. 372 Bowers, W H, G B Wat.-r Witch, died Aug 8, diarrhea c. D47 Boucher, W, G B Shawshecn, died Nov 10, scor- butus. 314 Carnes, Wm, U S Navy, died .Tune 13, diarrhea e. 149 Conant. G- S, V S S Southlleld, died June IS, diarrhea. 580 Carter. W J, G B Montgomery, died June 27, ..luo ^^oiiHur, .J, u ib i\av.y, aieu &ept i. scorbutus. 9544 Culbert, J, U S Na^T, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 1G4 Dillingham, J N, G B Housatonic, died Mar 26. phthisis. 0437 Dullney, J, r S Navy, died Aug 22, diarrliea. 30SG Ellis, J It, U S S Columbine, died July 9, fever typhus. 4134 Evans. John, G B Shawsheen, died July 28, diarrhea c. 4462 Earl, Jas IT. paymaster Bte^vard, U S Navy, died Aug 1, scorbutus. (flarrh. Tlaniel, G B Soutlifield, dii-^d Aug 12 died Apr n Heald, Wni, a B Can _ diarrhea c. Jolui, seaman, died May 30, anasarca. Hilton, . Hodges, L, schooner Norman, died July 17 chitis. Ben;, U S S Wabash, died July 2: Hea^?, HH, . _ _.., Holas, Thos, Water Witch, Underwriter, died May Jones, Wm diarrhea Jones, Theodore, U S S Underwriter, died June diarrhea c. Journeay, John, fireman, U S Navy, died June diarrhea c. Jackson, J, G B Shawsheen, died Aug 22, scoilni Johnson, G B, U S Navy, died Sopt 9. diarrhe; James, F A, U S Navy, died .Sept 15, dysentery, Johnson, M. U S Navy, died Sept 20, diarrhea. Joseph, E, U S Navy, died Oct 2, diarrhea. Keete. John, G B Housatonic, died Apr 18. dy tery Kellv!' diarrh KInnev, John, G B Water Witch, died July 24, Lawton, James, U S S I,adona, died July 30, dysen- tery. Mays. A H, mate schooner Norman, died Mar 29, McOonald, John, U S Navy, died June 25, diarrhea. Moore, A, schooner Anm, di.d June 27, kcor Malaby, P, U S S Moiit<:orm.iy, di. d July 10, Murphy, M J, U S Navv. di.il .liilv 15, diarrl McDonald. .Tohn. V s X;ivv ili.d .inlv 17 dia Matthews. Jolin, U S ,S Und.rwrit.T, died Jii McHenrv. Daniel, G B Southford, died July 29. M.'Cartv. "t. G B Housatonic, died rrhoa. iig 5. dysentery, lie 13, pneumonia, lied Aug 21. diarrhea. Mathews. W C, U S Navy, died Aug 25, diarrhea. Mcliaughlin. B, U S NaiV, died Aug 26, scorbutus McGowan. J, U S S Powhattan, died Aug 3C 24 Noe, M, U S Na\-y, died Sept 4, 1 Parkham, Jas ( diarrhea. Peterson, J, U S Navy, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 2237 Kapan, ,Tohn, U S S T Ward, died June 20. fever Reynolds, T J, U S Navy died Aug 27, diarrhea. Stark, John, IT S Na\T. died March 20, diarrhea e, Sullivan, J, U S S 'Underwriter, died June 35, diarrhea. Smith. John W, G C Southfield, died July 3, fever Sampson, J R, Naval Battalion died July 13. dlar- Smlth' B N. G B Mendota. died Aug 3. scorbutus. Stanley, Wm, G B SouthHeltl, died Aug 23, (llar- Smlth. WTO, G B Water Witch, died Oct 22, sc3r- Thomas, Samuel, O B Southlleld, died June 7, diar- rhea c. Thomas, John, G B Southfield, dl.;d June 17, diar- Turner, Wm, U S Navy, died July 1, fever remit- P, G B Southfield, rv. died Sept 1, dlar. died Sejt 10, diarrhe UNITED STATES NAVY. ;l'7 Hudson, a W, eitii diei July 12, diar- 5820 5'J90 6458 7503 8104 Welch, V, U B bolU.lU 10565 West, Jolui, Sou',liUel(i, dlea Oe ITII§CEIiLAI\EOir!>$. i:4C0 Addlcy, A. .-I'lzen, died Oct 25. scorbutus. 887 AD10.S. J, Kliigold battery, Co C, died May 1, fever tyiJhvs. 2U77 Augar, A, died July 7, diarrliea. 282 Baiie.Snniplc, Uiiigo'.d batt»ry, Co A, died April ], :;072 Beauty, D,« kliisold battcr.y, Co *', died Juue IT, diarrhea c. 4327 Baiter, Jctui, citizen teamster, died July 30, diar- 4904 Bennniar. L, died Au^ 6. diarrhea. 6747 Butterilcld, Jauies, citizen, died Aug 15, dysentery. ClOO Blair. 11, citlren, died Aug IS. anasarca. 6300 Kidwell, C, eltizen teamster, died Au>i 21, dysen- 8102 Buruliead, W, I'runell's legion, died Sept 7, diar- 9344 !)591 J 0500 10002 10903 Rlood G P, died Sept 20. Bro,;dih, D C. dl.tl s ,■> - i liurk. C. .■,ti/.eii. M: .1 . ■ diarrhea c- 'licd May 18, pleurltis. r, dlea June 12, diur- scorbutus. Deems, r. Ufncold 2020 ssiir, ;2 Imhagg. . )4 Jones, Charles rlica c. cbs. W C. 12714 John 1772 Liall'Ertv, butiis. 3089 Lunimo, 10333 lilnton, . Sep; 14, diarrhea. izeu teamster, died Aug 5, diar- »n, died Aug 25, dysentery- Canada, died March 1, '65, dlar- 2535 McDonald, rhea. 184 Nowton, V Vm Kingold battery, died June 0, scor- Kiflgild battery, died Oct 5, dysentery. a. Knigold cav. Co A, died March 20, '■' s. diruThea. 1 aied March 29, diar- .: debilitas. Peter, died Ju 1 s, citizen team lie 23, dysentery. led'july 26, d.ysentery. ster, died Aug 12, diar- 1 Aug 17, diarrhea. iiied Aug 21, scorbutus. itizen. died Sept 0, scorbutus. iiied Sept 18. diarrhea- ilied Sept 19, scorbutus. tiaa, topog engineer, died Sept 23, H H, citizen (Ohio), died Jan 27, '85 M, citizen teams ter, died Aug 24, diar- March 27. pneumonia. 28, dysentery. ly corps, died Sept 12, v-en teamster. t April 25, 12, diarrhea. 2435 Farrell, J047S Klicklse 4808 Fitzccrn 11315 r's battery, died Aug 8, scor- teamster, died Aug 14, scor- ned Sent 3. diarrhea, o's Ind't cav, died Sept 18, ter. died Oct 22, scorbutus. '■ii ' >■■ I 'i;..l Oct n, diarrhea i;..,„r. I I : ■. M. died Nov '■!■'- \-. i i;, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 11. :nil. -,, > ,: ,\ March 29. Hancioiid, .^. Le.ini^i,er, died March 31 diarrhea c. lloiUnan, Chas, citizen teamster, died April 18, Harkhis, Jbiui, teamster, died May 22. diarrhea c. Hammond, J, citizen teamster, died June 23, diar- rhea. I: ■ :i :• '.'i -•■■:'. 1 .^.lit 29, dlar- 1 m m b, died Sept 30, diarrhea. y5:i Quinn, .lames, citizen, died May 3, diarrhea c. 5894 tiulnlan, I'at, citizen teamster, died Aug 12, soor- 57US Uuinn, ■ , citizen, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 3542 Reed, A K, independent, died July IS, diarrhea. 3779 Hand. J, citizen teamster, died July 22, scorbutus. rt'.ist; Kniih;\. .1. lUt d Aug 17 diarrhea, lull! i;t,d!/ I [! eitizen, died Oct 1, scorbutus. liM .:: i: II i . Miizen, died Oct 7, gangrene. ■ ! II 1. j.i^ier, died June 27, i.'.en teamster, died July. 6, pneu- citizeu, died July 7. debilitas. en, died July 20. dysentery, icj battery, died July 26, anasarca. MISCELLANEOUS. Sawyer, J D. diel Aug 6, dysentery. d Sept 25. diarrhea. Smayo, David, died Oct Thompson. John, teaiiistfe dlEorrhea. died Much Tullls, li B O. citizen, died June 1, diarrhea c. Thompson, George, died June 30, scorbutus. Thomas, J H, citizen teamster, died July 16, d 12337 Tucer. B, cltiz 9397 Ulmgender, G, jly 24, constlpatio. ed Dec 26, scorbutus. b, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhe.i. WUkliis, A.* Rlngold battery, died April 29. diar- rhea c. Welch, a L, citizen teamster, died May 14, dlar- Whlte, George, citizen, died May 15, dy>entery. Wilson, D K, Kingold battery, died July 2, debllltas. Weir, J, citizin teamster, died Oct 14. diarrhea. Wjcds, R G, Kuapps battery, die* Oct 2a, scor- butu.-<. Wright, Charles, citizen teamster, died A"ug 4, dysentery. Ward. John, citizen teftmstwr, died Aug 6, diar- 9497 Vanklrk, W, KUisoId battery, died Sept 21. scor butus. 9688 Vandier. W M, citizen, Phila, Penn, died Sept 24 4127 Young, Henry, ( dysentery. 12246 Young, D, citizen Itizen teamster, died July 28, teamster, died Nov 8, scorbutus. .T1EI% THAT WERE HAI¥OED. 1 Sarsfleld. John, 144 N Y. July 11, hanged. 2 Collins, Wm. 88. Penn, Co D, July 11, hanged, 3 Curtis, Charles, 6 R 1 artil, Co A, July 11, hanged. 4 Delaney, Pat, 83 Penn, Co E, July 11, hanged. 5 Muu, A. U S Navy. July 11. hanged. G Rickson. W R. U S Na\T. July 11. hanged. IVIITIBER OF GRAVES 1 0.\TAi:VIi\CJ IJ]¥K]¥01VIV lllflTED STATES SOLDIERS. 101 3142 4815 5492 8564 8786 8890 8979 9006 9181 9359 9G01 9803 10168 10382 10774 103 3143 4837 5509 8565 8787 8891 8984 9069 9182 9360 9608 9876 10173 10387 10777 104 3144 4839 5804 8566 8789 8892 8985 9070 9197 9364 9010 9877 10175 10391 10780 103 3145 4840 6031 8600 8790 8894 8989 9072 9199 9382 9613 9881 10177 10429 10798 106 3146 4841 6939 8604 8991 9074 9200 9391 9615 10178 10432 10801 107 3147 4842 7030 8G09 8801 8913 8993 9076 9201 9393 9G20 9837 10182 10470 10802 111 3143 4851 7047 8U10 8803 8916 8990 9077 9203 9394 9666 9891 10185 10475 10807 115 3171 4852 7545 8660 8808 8918 8997 9124 U204 9440 9609 9900 10188 10507 10830 120 3136 4864 8090 8672 8809 8920 9000 9120 9207 9442 9672 9908 10189 10532 10838 127 3200 4873 8179 8073 8811 8921 9007 9128 9255 9449 9073 9922 10191 10544 10800 138 3221 4891 8191 8674 8813 8927 9008 9130 9257 9455 9675 9923 10195 10G28 10807' 140 3229 4924 8251 8075 8816 8923 9010 9133 9259 9466 9083 9936 10209 10629 10927 147 3285 4938 8327 8677 8817 8929 9020 9132 9261 9485 0685 9939 10238 10630 10994 232 3364 4939 8394 8078 8825 8930 9029 0157 9202 9489 9695 9964 10261 10633 11003 326 3454 4972 8412 8G79 8826 8932 9030 9160 9264 9493 9697 10012 10263 10643 11007 345 3494 5032 8420 8829 8933 9031 9101 9207 9522 9749 10020 10264 10697 11010 2672 3502 6033 8424 8G84 9032 9163 9275 9523 9756 10021 10266 10701 11023 2719 4016 5052 8432 8702 8842 8935 9036 9165 9276 9524 9769 10025 10282 10704 11105 2721 4282 5096 8435 8703 8343 8936 9038 9167 9277 9529 9771 10034 10324 10707 11106 2722 4600 5111 8471 8704 8844 8040 9047 9168 9279 9565 9782 10038 10325 10712 11128 2779 4609 5157 8485 8705 8843 8941 9049 9171 9280 9569 9802 10041 10326 10713 11145 4671 5168 8706 8846 8945 9052 9172 9281 9586 9804 10090 10333 10714 11130 2866 4753 5204 3491 8847 8949 9053 9174 9282 9587 9800 10105 10343 10718 11190 3117 4754 5205 8494 8708 8870 8950 9054 9176 9285 9388 9810 10159 10344 10719 11208 3118 4755 6209 8535 8709 8880 8951 9055 9177 9286 9589 9815 10162 10345 10722 11237 3125 4756 5300 8552 8710 8881 8952 9050 9179 9346 9595 9337 10166 10363 10732 11340 3140 4757 5301 8558 8784 8953 905S 9180 9355 9596 9841 10167 10378 10755 11417 3141 4753 5302 8561 8785 8839 9061 HD ^0.3. ■.t'ife.- ^es^; ^..^^' /^SVvX./ :;M^^ v.v^'':^fc^Y <- o, * « « <. - ^0 .^ ♦'•:.'§^R''^^^^'. Wf: J.0' t''^!,.*.- ,^. ,V>C%'. / - m^.,;.- > %■■■???!?•■/ 'v^^»-\„o^ \--^\< ''^' '' '^V .^^ ,■ }\ ^S c"*"" .■'-'>*''' ' r v^'* ) /•".." '"'^^ - "-a; ". /,. .' ^'>.^' \ It X .. .^^ ^^^;' "^'^^^ C- --.. .S .. - .,C*^ -^ ^^S .^- - '° >^ -.^., ,^ -i,N °''° / ,.„ - .., ^^ ./% ■■\G: ,-^''., "Ml- A. ^1^ ST. AUGUSTINE • ^/""y.. .•_'"> " O V OV .-i^i^