,/SF 4 8y Copy j ' 2s^(r 5r^H°5v\fc S^H^ 5^(® 5/SjC» 5<&Cw 5^? 1® y^f»vw'v Poultry Pension. xr^5JS^v8^^«^ $ 100 Hens 200 Hens $8.00 per Month. $16.00 per Month. i Poultry Pension, | For the Average Farmer I or 'i Poultry Man. Exactly What to Feed. Exactly When to Feed. Exactly How Much to Feed. Price 40 Cents, Postage Prepaid. Poultry Pension, Sarcoxie, Missouri 1900. The Sarcoxie Tribune Print. Sarcoxie, Missouri. 3628 tvvo r- otftta of tkA <; jhn 9 -1880 rttjj-Uttr of CtpyffgHft ' SECOND COPY, COPYRIGHTED. BY W: R: GLASBY, SARCOXIE, MO. ' £Uj_ 62940 INTRODUCTION. This little book is devoted to poultry for fresh eggs for market, from a business point of view, not for fancy or pleasure. The greater the profit the more the pleasure shows up. A big majority of those who supply the mar- ket with esfofs, o-ood, bad and indifferent, do not know the magnitude of the business, noth- ing" the average farmer produces comes near it. It is not our intention to fig-ure out a great big thing for you — do your own figuring. We will put you in a position to figure correctly, when you do. You will find it a bigger thing than you are aware of, counting capital, labor, etc., invested, with little or no risk; no risk at all if you go at it as a business, in a business way. It is only risky when you undertake to overdo the thing, so go at it meaning business. After writing three times as much as was necessary, we carved it down to about one- third, as it was something- practical and to the point we were after, knowing from experience the average farmer or poultryman wanted it in short metre. We have tried to give it so you can almost 6 POULTRY PENSION. learn it by heart, leaving- out a great amount of figures, cuts, etc. We hope it will find its mark, for of all the reckless handling, or not handling, of poultry, it is done on most farms, the very place where it shouldobtain its great- est success. At the present time poultry for fresh eggs is in its prime, there being- a greater demand for fresh eggs than ever. Why? Simply because thev are, most generally, scarce. There are plenty of other kinds, stale, icehouse, etc.. but these will never supply the demand for fresh. Of course, if you can't get fresh, you take the next best, so with the market. Of late years the best of everything goes. Strawberries are graded right here (we are in a strawberry country) before being- put in the car, and at what kicking. It is the same in almost every line of produce, and why should it not be with eggs. You are in better shape to control that part of the market than most any other pro- ducer, let the produce be what it may. Cold storage cuts a big figure with almost all other perishable produce, not so with the fresh Qgg, they had just as well brand it "-not fresh", after storage, for it is known the min- ute it gets into market; so with your fresh egg\ it is known also. The same egg does not bob up in the market long as a fresh egg; you can't store it in an ice box and freshen it up every POULTRY PENSION. / morning". The average farmer and poultry man's fresh egg's bob up pretty reg-ularevery day. As tor the meat side of the poultry business. the big - packing- and cold storage corporations handle a larg-e quantity of dressed poultry. The big - corporation is all right in its proper place, but where is its place? They seem to have an awful appetite for all they g*o after. The big- cattle ranches are being - , or trying- to be, corraled by them. We have heard a great many say they would fin- ally corral the farmer. All they lack now is to shut the gate. What could the farmer do if he would? What sort of a job do you think they would do towards corraling- the poultry business? They can never corral theold hen, unless by buying- up poultry in larg"e quanti- ties, storing - it and then dish it out in differ- ent localities. The fresh eg-g - has g-ot the grip and you have only the hen that lays the egg to deal with, treat her rig-ht and you are perfectly safe, you are beneath the notice of these big - concerns, simply because they cannot handle you, nor can they crush you. In attempting- to tell exactly how to feed and manag-e poultry to make them pay we have taken the "Averag-e Farmer" for a tar- get, althoug-h any one w T ho may read this will see instantly that it is suitable to all who wish 8 POULTRY PENSION. to try it, and especially those of small means, also those in cities who are bound down to call of bell or whistle, with no certainty of their jobs lasting a month or maybe not a week. In a great many cases they may be do- ing" very well, if so, "let well enoug-h alone." Who ever may take up this calling- he also becomes an average farmer, as he will raise a great deal besides poultry, in fact the greater part of his living - , fruit, vegetables, milk, but- ter, etc., maybe some for market, as poultry alone, in accordance with this plan, will not keep him employed as we do not advocate very big- flocks. We call one hundred laying* hens an average flock. We do not for one minute advise any one to g-o into it by the thousand, as is the first thoug-ht by a great many, es- pecially the amateurs; they are the last ones who, at first venture, should attempt it on a iarg-e scale. Probably after trying- the plan on a small scale you mig-ht enlarge. If you are posted, just think a moment, how many of these one thousand hen poultry farms (for eg-g-s for mar- ket) you know of, not that you hear of, but actually know of. Some years ag-o poultry and other papers were full of accounts of big - farms, some of big extent, others contracted to town lots, but do- ing- big business, using- various incubators, POULTRY PENSION. 9 brooders, heaters, etc., turning-out broilers by the wholesale. What has become of them, and they were expert poultrymen (or writers, one or the other) . No, the fresh eggs are not sup- plied from the mammoth poultry iarms. There are special fruit farms, dairy farms, stock, etc., where would the market be if it were not for the average farmer and poultryman who steps up with his little package of fruit, but- ter, eggs, etc., drops it on the pile and moves on. The large farm egg is not in it at all, nor ever w T ill be, that is for fresh eggs for market. You read of so and so having; an eighty acre poultry farm, another, forty acres devoted to poultry, most generally they do not try to furnish eggs for the general market. They are fanciers or breeders and they are very es- sential to the average farmer, as you will rely on such to improve and keep your stock fresh by buying eggs or roosters from them for that purpose. On most farms they swap eggs or roosters amongst their neighbors; that may do in a few cases, but if you are up to date that won't suit. For the average farmer, on a reasonable scale, the fresh egg business for market, is a permanent thing. The meat side is furnished just as the egg side; every farmer having a few 7 extra chickens to sell keeps the market well supplied. The surplus helps pay the feed bill. 10 POULTRY PENSION. Some say the poultry business is overdone, or will be, if everybody goes into it. That is the beauty of the business, there is no prob- ability of it ever being - overdone. Where one goes into the business, two go out, not because it was overdone, for the simple reason it was not half done, so let us give you a pointer, the the greatest trouble will not be over doing", let you try ever so hard, so don't be backward. There are patents for fixtures for running the business on a large scale. Their advocates claim that the expense for labor eats up the profit. For about one or two thousand fowls, labor, lice, etc., are heavy pull on them. Take one hundred hens managed as w T e describe, or any good way, soyougetfull returns (that's the rub), let the average farmers's wife at- tend to the light work connected with it, the farmer himself, or boy, or hand, doing the heavy work. After deducting the feed bill, the wife will have at least $8.00 per month for her labor and she can tell anyone she never had to labor hard or long at a time. Children can also attend to a flock; when they are old enough let them become interest- ed in keeping account of everything. It is a good thing for them, they can pay you for feed, etc., but give them the proceeds after paying necessary expenses, and probably you might have to borrow money from them, but treat J POULTRY PENSION. 11 them fair and they will stay with you a long- time; boy or gfirl, it makes no difference. Only it is better for the g-irl than for the boy as she may not have to g-o out from home to work, as is the case on too many farms. How many g-irls now are, well no telling-- where, away from home, who could have been kept at home by this plan. They may earn $2.50 per week (not often) or $10.00 per month, when she could have stayed at home and earned, with one hundred hens, $8.00 per month, or with two hundred hens, $16.00 per month. Look at the satisfaction and pleasure to herself and her parents. As for the labor, you know the value of a hired hand in your locality. How many such flocks could he attend to and do a fair day's work besides? The labor is a stumbling- block for the big- concerns. You can very seldom g-et help to at- tend to hens as they should be. for that reas- on the averag-e farmer has the advan- tag-e — he is personally interested. .Instead ot following- after hired help to see if the work is properly done, he does it himself, only undertaking- what can be properly handled, in most cases where he undertakes it on a big- scale, he too g"oes to the wall. Labor saving - machinery may be all rig"ht, but it is hard on the laborer. Some condemn it, but in every vocation it is eag-erly soug-ht 12 POULTRY PENSION. after. The farmer himself bites at it as soon, or sooner, than any one, even though he may go in debt for it. As for labor saving- machinery for the poul- try business, we don't see where it can come in to any great extent. That also protects the business for the average farmer and poultryman It has been tried, is being tried now, to see if there is not an opening for capital to take hold of it, as in various other products. Capi- tal is all right and of course there is room for some of it in the business, but not in quanti- ties to suit the capitalists, it also being very risky. A limited amount of capital is neces- sary, so it naturally falls to the man with lim- ited means to furnish the egg market, and that is the man we are after — the average farmer and his family — and there are others who can also do well, man or woman, with or without families. Say three or four women club to- gether, live together on a few acres of land, handling what suit each. You say again, too many going into the business. In the first place, some never will make a success of it, even under a plain plan like we suggest. To be sure if all who are in it now and who have been in, and out, for years, the average farm- er, those that may. yet go into it, and all succeed, there would be plenty of eggs. At present we are short on fresh eggs. The case POULTRY PENSION. 13 is the same the world over. Takeour averagfe farmer, for instance, in other lines of produce: some do well, others fail almost entirely. So with poultry, some come across one of those pieces telling" what can be done with a thou- sand hens. In they go and out they come. Some can take our plan, attend strictly to details, enlarge by degrees, stop short at their limit, and do well. The little one or two hun- dred hen man is generally on deck. Others can not take fifty hens and get full returns. Is that any reason why you should fail ? We say you will suceeed if you mean business. We know of a cripple who is not able to do hard labor, that is constantly, but with the help of his g-ood wife, makes a gxxxl living easily with two one hundred hen flocks, g-etting his $16.00 per month pension from his two hundred hens, for fresh eg"g"s. Raising- most of his own food, vegetables, fruit, milk, butter, etc., on forty acres of land. His neighbor has one hundred and twenty acres of land with a mortg-ag^e hale and hearty, borrows money, in small amounts, occasionally from his crippled neighbor. He is a hard worker, is shiftless, but he says there is no money in chickens. There probably ain't for him. Just such cases level the supply on the market. Time and again we have been asked, "What 14 POULTRY PENSION. do vou do to <>"et so raanv esrsfs in winter, what kind of chickens have you. what d you feed, what isthe secret? Asfaras we are concerned, there isnosecret. and we willingly tell any one what we do, only hoping' they may profit by it. We have asked different ones the following questions in return : Have you a hen house? The greater number say no. Where do your hens roost? Some in the trees, some at the barn, on the fence and wood pile. Do you feed them regularly ? No, they get all the feed they want them- selves. Where do they get it? Around the barns, pig- pens, oh, all around the place. Did they g~et all they could eat yesterday and the day before? (Feb. 27 and 28, 1898). Well, no, lots of them never got off their roosts, some of them even froze to death on the fence. How many eggs did you say you are getting a day ? Eggs a day? Why, we don't g'et "no egg's" at all. How many hens did you set last spring? Seventy or eighty, in spring and summer. How many eg*g\s do you put under a hen ? When the old woman sets them she puts fif- POULTRY PENSION. 15 teen to twenty eggs to a hen. Who else set any ? A good many set out in the weeds and all around. How many young chickens did you take off? Don't know; 'bout two or three hundred. The f-ats and pole cats bothered the old hens a heap. Where did you say the hens were set? Most of them set at the barn,' some in a big brush pile. Who attended to them ? Tended to them how? The old woman and the children done all the tending to them, I guess. ' You say you took off two or three hundred chickens in all, where did you put them ? Some were in old barrels and boxes, some used under the brush piles. 'The boxes and barrels were open so they could go in and out as they pleased. I suppose you raised them all didn't you ? Hush, I don't guess there is seventy-five. What do you suppose became of them ? I told you the rats and pole cats were awful bad and a good many got drowned. Your coops were open so the chicks could go in and out as they pleased; do you think those pole cats and rats would go in and out as they pleased, too ? 16 POULTRY PENSION. They surely must, we are mightily put out with the chicken business. I guess next year we will just let them go on their own hook and not try to raise any; if they raise any them- selves all right, if they don't we won't be out anything". The above is literally true; at one time this very family had the "hen fever" terribly bad, and were going at it wholesale. Now they are just letting them go on their "own hook", and it would be hard to convince them that there is any money in the chicken business. Now just look around you and see if you can find any who are managing as they did (be- fore thev "just let them go on their own hook") and are getting "no eggs." As strange as it may seem there are a vast number who are in the same boat, maybe lack- ing the brush piles and other fixtures that these people had at hand. Will very much of such management ever overdo the business? Now we want to try and tell you how it is done, that is for the average farmer and poul- tryman. In fact tell you exactly how it is done. That is quite an assertion. Bear in mind we do not say it is the only way, but we believe as sure, as cheap and as reasonable as any plan that is successful, for those who are getting "no eggs", in particular. POULTRY PENSION. 17 To the average farmer or poultry man, we wish to state emphatically, this is a business proposition, not very complicated, butif not run on business principles you cannot expect full returns. It would indeed be strange if this plan as we describe, escaped criticism, as opinions differ widely in regard to poultry; more so in regard to feed, quantity, quality, etc. Should you be interested try the plan in full and you will succeed. "as sure as a gun is iron"; as before stated, some never will succeed, neither are all guns iron. This is from actual experience, as yet, has never failed. Twenty years ago we wondered why some one did not tell more particularly what to feed, how much. We have found out and propose telling it, so it can be profitably used by others whom we know are lost when it comes to the feeding for eggs for market. The average farmer, whenever attempting to feed regularly, generally feeds too much. On the other hand, when he becomes an old hand, he tries to feed them race horse or road- ster fashion. We hold to the opinion that the hen wants to be well fed to lay many eggs, more particularly in winter. On some farms they get "no eggs" — their hens are too fat. They are very seldom too fat, with plenty of 18 POULTRY PENSION. range, unless they are deprived of egg produ- cing" material, ground bone, animal food, etc. If not laying at all they may become too fat. At no time, by our plan, have we ever had any complaint to make, although when killing - one to eat, they are sometimes pretty fat. the re- turns from the flock always holding- its own, but they are surely well fed. Some say differ- ent breeds require different treatment, try this treatment on any of them, for eggs, with | range and scratching" pen. Compare it with the feed and care you read of in some places and see what is lacking". The "mush and milk" is lacking - . We have no fault to find with milk, as it is fine most any time, but soft teed is not in this to any very great extent, We are not responsible for failure if you do not follow directions, but will gaiarant.ee suc- cess if you attend to the details, which may appear of little importance. That is the key note, or secret, as some call it. LOCATION. Various sections are often mentioned as «-ood locations for poultry and fruit farms. Some localities are more favorable than others, the climate being- more suitable in the south and southwest, say for poultry, small fruits and vegetables in connection. Don't you think you can take this plan and make it pay where you are, with your poultry POULTRY PENSION. 19 house built warm enough to suit your locality, the scratching- pen being essential everywhere, it being a good regulator towards keeping your hens warm as well as busy. Probably in the extreme south the scratching pen would not appear so needful, where your fowls have range in both winter and summer. In some cases it may do to go to new locations to con- duct the business, but you must have the cap- ital, no big amount, to buy, improve stock and live for at least a year, or until you get your flock of laying hens to help you along. In this case be sure before venturing - too far. The man with "money to burn," needs no such caution. The man with small means can read what "the man from the east" has done, but he is an ex- ception. To the man with practically no means but big ideas try and see if you can not get a foot- hold where you are. We have heard some, yes, a great many, say a man in this day and age who has not accumulated something is not much account. Be careful — that is the very one" we are trying to reach. And great is the man with sword undrawn, And good is the man who refrains from wine, But the man who fails and yet still fight on, Lo ! he is the twin-born brother of mine. — Joaquin Miller. 20 POULTRY PENSION. Like kk the man from the east", we believe South and Southwest Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, etc., will some day be a great poultry producing 1 section, especially for winter egg production, the same being" produced there cheaper than in the colder climate of the north. We do not say the north will be depopulated, to the contrary the business will pay there as well as it ever did, or anywhere, north, south, east or west, according - to the management — that tells the tale in any locality. So go slow, make no rash moves to new lo- calities, unless you can go prepared, and it might be a good idea to go prepared to come back. HEN' HOUSE. We will take it for granted you have some fowls, if not you will have some, but don't overdo the thing-, only keep what you can take proper care of. If you already have a hen house add to it in any shape or style until you get the required ground space mentioned be- low, for if you expect to take the treatment, take it according to directions; but we don't expect you to give up what you already have, but you will see where you are lacking- and can act accordingly. The ground room in the house is what we want to commence on, and we must have it, as there are times when all the outside range in i POULTRY PENSION. 21 your state is of no avail, especially when cov- ered with snow, or very cold days, We will give you our plan for building - and assure you anv new building* you may wish to put up can not be put up much cheaper to an- swer the purpose. For one hundred hens we build 24 x 24 feet square, 4 feet high on each side and 10 feet in the center, with a roof slop- ing- both ways. Some may say, in fact often do. that four feet is not hig-h enough. We are building- for chickens, you spend butlittle time in the house under the 4 feet, and it rises very quickly to 10 feet. Be your own judg-e and ar- chitect, but save the ground room. One end of house should face the south, with doors in end to suit yourself. You may think that considerable ground room for 100 hens; my friend, we are coming- rig-ht close to the "secret" of winter laying - . If you expect eg-g-s in cold freezing- weather, you are bound to have it, you want some windows in the south end; say you have your door in center of south end, put window sash on each side of door, not over two feet irom the ground. It is hardly safe for us to tell you how much glass to put in as you might think we had glass to sell, but put in two sash side by side on each side of door, at the corners of the house. You want more glass on east side of the house. It would be "mighty nice" to commence at the southeast corner of 22 POULTRY PENSION. the house and go north half way. Now don't get excited, your hens will more than pay for it many times, if you follow directions. As for the material for the house, we see no use for very expensive houses. We do not propose to go into figures, esti- mating- cost of houses, cost of feed, labor, etc., nor do we intend trying- to fig-ure what a big thing you have in this plan of management, it is of no use whatever, to any one interested, as they are certain to figure the cost before ever making a move, besides one set of figures cannot suit all localities, so you must do your own figuring in every case, then you will know more about it than it we undertake it for you. You want your house close, no draft, warm in winter and cool in summer. We use common boxing, or barn siding, painted, with the crack well battened. For the roof you can use the same, shingles, felt or whatever you choose. Your locality will have something to do with it. How many in your«neighborhood have as good hen house? For inside arrangements we will only state the more particular parts. For the roosts, commence in the center of the north end and go six feet each way, put up ten roosting poles, each being twelve feet long, have them up five feet from the ground and fifteen inches apart. POULTRY PENSION. 23 We make the frames for roosts solid, not swing- ing - , all on a level, the five feet being- plenty high and handy should you wish to take chick- ens from the roosts. You now have north end of house, twelve by twelve feet square, for a roosting place We enclose this room up to the roof, in fact make a house within a house, the idea being- to keep your laying stock, all others of course, warm in winter. The room has no direct contact with the outside, only on north end, which must be close, and the roof also. This room in its present shape, becomes very warm in summer, we put two shutters, six feet long and one foot wide, even with the bottom of the roosts, in each, side of roosting room, north and south, the north doors or shutters opening on outside of main house. «SBy opening these doors and the corresponding- door in south end of main house, you obtain ventilation in the warmest weather. On each side of the roosting room you have a space six feet by twelve feet. One side is for the laying department; make and place the nests to suit yourself, but make them all movable. We use boxes when we can get them of proper size and shape; one foot square is about right. This room is ample for a flock at this house. In the southeast corner of main house put a dusting' bin, or box, rigmt in the corner in the sun. Do not make it too small, say eight by 24 POULTRY PENSION. eight feet; have it even with bottom of sash so the sun can get a good sweep at it; have a tight bottom and keep it supplied with dirt, say road dust, fill it in the fall; also have a few barels or boxes full for renewing. Step in some cold day and watch the hens in it, al- though they will use it the year through. For the floor of your house, take your choice, some prefer one and some another. We have always had a dirt floor; if too low, fill up and occasionally take out from eight to twelve inches, put it on your onion bed and put in fresh dirt well tamped down, sprinkling with water as you tamp, to make it solid. There is no fancy work attached to this plan, but if you attend to business you will soon be able to put on a few extra touches; but go slow. You are aware by this time that this book is intended for those at the bottom, that's the place to begin. We are now coming pret- ty close to the "secret" of healthy fowls. In first writing this book for the average farmer, we had fourteen pages devoted to lice, telling a lot nonsense about their habits, loca- tion, etc., having also anumberof cuts of same. After re-reading it, we politely threw the whole amount out! After getting started we carved right and left, but we want to assure you you have not missed a single thing by it; to the contrary, you are the gainer, as you POULTRY PENSION. 25 will make time by its omission. You will be just as able to deal with the lice without it- If vou neglect this part of the plan you had better build no house at all, we honestly mean it. "Just let them go on their own hook", roosting- where they please, for with a lousy hen house you have various diseases, so called, when in reality, the lice are the cause of the whole thing, in order to beat them you have got to be vigilant. Clean out from under your roosts, the year round once a week, going- into roosting room from a door in north end of same; with a wheel barrow, it is a short job, wheeling the manure right on to your g-arden, there is money in it. Sprinkle a little dirt under roosts occasionally. At anv time, should roosting pen smell bad, more particularly in damp weather, dissolve a small amount of copperas in the water and sprinkle, air slacked lime is g-ood. Whitewash, you know, won't hurt your house, but by cleaning out the ma- nure once a week you do not give the lice much show in that direction, which is a great source for them. There is another verse belonging - to this se- cret — the roosts. Some say sassafras poles, cedar, two by four scantling, with the corners rounded off, etc., etc. Take your choice. We have never found one any better than the other as far as lice are concerned. They do 26 POULTRY PENSION. just as well on one as the other, as they do not seem to be very particular. We get nice, straight poles from the woods, all knots cut off smooth. What ever your choice, oil them once a week with coal oil; we use a quart bottle, with a quill, or small pipe stem, put through the cork. The first time you oil them it will take some oil, but when you get them saturated and oil them regularly once a week, it won't take much at a time. The quantity does not cut much of a figure as the hens will foot the bill, provided you do your part. Build as fine a hen house as you wish, feed and care for them otherwise, but if you do not keep them clean and oil your roosts, your suc- cess, if any at all, will be very moderate. We have heard some say, all that is a heap of trouble. Right there the curtain falls. When we tell you how easy it is to obtain a pension of from $8.00 to $16.00 per month (more accord- ing to your ability, less according to your dis- ability) from your poultry, you will plainly see it is sure necessary to pay attention to these little details. Figure the cost; if you can beat it at any- thing else w r ith as little labor, don't be hoggish, let us hear from you. We mean on an average farm. Say, brother, right here we put up the bars. POULTRY PENSION. 1 1 We came very near asking you a question which it would take a good one to answer. Should we have asked it, we might have at- tempted to answer it, in that case we know some of you might have been offended, so we will just let it go until another time. If you will figure a little, you see you have three hundred and sixty feet of the ground space of your house left after cutting off your roost- ing and laying room. Here comes another "secret"; it ought not to be such a great secret as it has been pub- lished time and again, but there is no doubt of it beinjr a secret to some. You who have read of it often, don't see why it should be a secret, almost too true to mention, some take no pa- pers at all that ever mention anything relative to their especial calling. Instead of taking one or more good agricultural journals, and also poultry papers, they barely take their county paper, in lots of cases not even that. Say, for land sake don't say a word about it, but we have been in lots of houses where the only paper they get is one wrapped around some purchase made in the country town, and is not always on account of poverty that they take none. We wish to tell our average farm- er that we havcno ax to grind at all, but if you want to keep posted after starting in on this plan of managing poultry for fresh eggs, 28 POULTRY PENSION. take some good papers; they are almost giving some of them away. Keep posted and you will find many suggestions; you can't near try al] of them, but sift them and you will find many that are usetul. Some years ago we first read of the scratch- ing pen, had we tried it at that time we would have done a great deal better than we have After waiting eight or ten years we adopted it. With us it was the missing link; as it is in any other calling, so it is with the poultry business, to slight the undertaking in what may appear of little consequence, sometimes wrecks the whole thing. We aim to tell you just what is needful, no more, no less. Of course you may improve on it, but don't cut down. On some farms the only eggs they g'et in winter come from the barn; what few hens that get therethrough the snow, with those that roost there, on the farm- ing implements, etc., find a place to scratch, but even those do not lay as they should, lack- ing a full ration of egg* producing food, bone, meat, etc. Water also is scarce at barn and everywhere else in cold, freezing weather, if not provided. Yes, but they eat snow. So would you if you had to, but you know it won't satisfy. In the foregoing, we have merely given you a fair start at what is needed in the way of a POULTRY PENvSlON. 29 house. There may be other things needed which you will soon see. Say you want an ex- tra sash in north end of roosting pen, forlight, poultry do not like to go in a dark place to \ roost; or it may be more light in the laying j room, hens would rather lay in the dark, and rarely go in there only to lay, thus j keeping - out of mischief in a room intended only ■ for business. In the northeast corner of house, adjoining the roosting - room, we have a small grainery (a large dry goods box) with a partition in it. holding from twenty to twenty-five bushels, say ten bushels of oats and ten bushels of wheat, for scattering in the straw in the scratching pen. It is raised two and one-half feet from the ground, or floor, giving plenty of room for hens to g*o under to scratch. To look at it, under there would look like a good place for nests, don't put any there nor anywhere else, only in laying room. LAYING OR SITTING ROOM. In the division of house, we have left six by twelve feet for your laying and setting room. This room would also be better enclosed. You see there is only one side of it open, you might enclose it up solid the height of the low side, four feet, with lattice or wire, the balance of the way. By having the room tight you can just set an old setting hen on the outside or on 30 POULTRY PENSION. the roost, close it up and she can't get back to the nest at least until morning-. Such treat- ment will most generally break up a great many hens, especially hens best suited for eggs for market. In regard to the nests, you can make good and cheap ones for layers, out of common four foot lath, making the bottom, front and back with the lath, with a solid partition between each nest, high enough so hens won't bother each other. Make four nests to each length of lath, that number being easy to take out of house at one time for cleaning, renewing, etc. This room, as stated before, will be some- what dark; all the better for your laying hens, but as you will have to be in there occasional- ly attending to your setting hens etc., you might make a door in the north side to enter, leaving it open for your setting hens to come out for exercise, water, etc. Don't let the nests get filthy, renew them oc- casionally, sprinkling- sulphur or some insect powder in them, also keep the whole room clean and in shape; it won't take long at a time nor will it have to be done often. None of your fowls should be allowed to roost in there. The house, as divided, has one apartment for each certain purpose. For one hundred hens we provide twenty-five or thirty nests. Now listen, more trouble: every morning, the POULTRY PENSION. 31 whole year through, we put a nest egg in each nest, provided we do not have permanent nest esrirs. We have not missed doing so for five or six years, not even one morning. There are artificial nest eggs, but we have al- ways used the hens' eggs for the purpose, making a very small mark on one end w r ith a lead pencil, so there will be no possibility of us- ing the same egg twice for a nest egg, as they will soon spoil, especially in summer, and if taken to market will hurt your reputation as a fresh egg poultryman or farmer. The mark beinjr so small the merchant nor anvone else will notice them. It may look a little suspi- cious to some, as though the eggs might have been marked for setting purpose, or had been set, but we have never heard any complaint. On the contrary, it acted as our trade mark on one occasion. One afternoon my wife and self were away from home, and somebody came and cleaned up the hen house of eggs, amongst them being the nest eggs with the little pencil mark. We suspicioned certain parties, went direct to the store where they do their trading and asked the merchant il they had brought in any eggs lately. He said they had. We went direct to a tub of eggs and there found the eggs with the mark on them. The merchant had never noticed the mark; but am glad to say it is not necessary to mark them for that 32 POULTRY PENSION. purpose. The egg gourd makes a very good nest egg, but when seasoned they become rather light weight, the hens raking them around with their bills out of nest on floor, etc. We believe if there were made a small hole in one end and shot put in to make them heavier they would answer for nest eggs, but you will probably not notice your nests so closely as you would were you putting nest eggs out every morning. A great many will say that it is too much trou- ble. How on earth do you expect to earn your $8.00 to $16.00 a month, are you doing as well at anything else, especially something for nothing ? Now you see it and now you don't. Poultry confined in small quarters do not need nest eggs nor much of anvthing else but more room. Where they have plenty of range, as by our plan, we have found the nest eg'gs of benefit. Very few hens will lay anywhere else but in the room intended for the purpose; there is one thing you will get very nearly every single egg laid on the place, with nest eggs, provided you keep up all along the line; it all goes together. The young pullets long before beginning to lay, find out where the nests are and go right to them when they are ready for business. We do not claim that the nest egg will make the hens lay any more eggs, they will lay just POULTRY PENSION. 35 as many, but you may not find them all, and may have a great deal more trouble hunting- what you do find than the putting- out of nest eofg's would have been. Now can't you plainly see the shortest route of the two is the nest eg-g- ? You not only g-et all of the eg-g-s, but you g-et them regularly every day, while if the hens laid everywhere some eg-g-s are often from one to three weeks old when run across; then where would you be in the fresh eg-g- business? No, we are trying- conscientiously to save you trouble rather than otherwise. The eg-g-s are g-athered every evening- just before or after feeding-. It is better for one person to attend to the hens all throug-h, feed- ing-, etc.; hens are partial to a degree in that respect. There is no use of running- to the nest every time a hen cackles, as is the cus- tom on some farms, especially with the chil- dren, and somebodv else's come to stay all day, make a dive for the hen house, scaring- every hen off to see how many eg-g-s are under them. Children can be of great help in the business when old enoug-h, eventually tend to a flock of their own. Fowls are naturally shy but by kind and g-entle treatment they become quite familiar, but rush into their laying- room off and on all day and they are, from nature, inclined to move their place of laying- rather than be disturbed. It is not necessary, it is 34 POULTRY PENSION. handier to gather the egg\s at a regular time, one person attending- to them; especially when laving-, they are not near so shy. Should you wish a chicken to eat, don't call everv one at hand, armed with clubs, rocks, etc., and two or three dogs, and then sail out after a chicken. Have a coop for the purpose, putting- in what chickens you wish to dispose of or eat; you then have them handy. If spring- chickens are ripe just pick them up out of feeding coops while feeding- them, pen them up, feeding- and watering- them g-ood, they soon become fine for the table or market. Have a small iron rod about the size of a lead pencil, bent at one end in such a shape that it will g-o around their leg-, but will not slip over the foot as you draw them to you. When your neighbor calls to see you bringing- a dog or two with him, gets seat- ed and his dogs begin taking in the bone meal boxes, hens' nests, etc., just say, I'll be back in a minute. Go for those dogs with anything you can get hold of, you will miss them nine times in ten. A CHEAP POULTRY HOUSE. When approximating the cost of housing fowls comfortably and well, one dollar per head is considered a proper estimate here in New England. Nearly every hen house on my farm, in fact every one that is arranged for laying stock, POULTRY PENSION. 35 has its annexed stratching pen, tight roof, sides and back, with open front covered by wire netting- to admit the air. These fronts are provided with oiled muslin curtains which can be opened and closed at will during very cold, stormy weather, hinged at top or on the end, whichever may be most convenient for hooking- the frame up out of the way when not in use. In the fall ot '98 I had about 125 extra late hatched pullets that must need either be housed or sold then at a sacrifice. I bought some sec- ond grade spruce timber and hemlock boards for $14.00 per thousand feet. The sills 4x4 inches were set on cedar posts with a stone underpinning" between posts. Balance of framing, 2x4 spruce. The lumber was all 14 and 16 feet in length, which cui with very littje waste. The roof was covered with pack- ing paper and over this two-ply tarred felting- kept well washed with g-as tar. The interior is 14x28, with a partition from the front to rear, making two rooms 14x14. The platforms or floors or roosting- pens are raised two feet from the sills and are four feet wide. These extend the entire depth of each room, running- along the partition, which of c6urse, is in the hig-hest part of the house. This arrangement leaves the entire floor space to be used as a scratching room or pen. The 36 POULTRY PENSION. inside doors, or those over the roosts, are ar- ranged so as to shut down flush with the edge ot dropping" boards. During cold weather these make a cupboard-like arrangement for the hens to roost in, while in summer the doors are left hooked up at all times, which leaves the roosting place practically as cool as would be an open shed. Small windows for ligmt and ventilation are put in front of each roosting room, and one each on side of the shed part. The laying- nests are arranged around these latter pens. In buildings of this kind we can scatter the birds about the farm on the colony plan with- out having any yards. Where it was neces- sary to confine the flock the house could set in an enclosure or have adjoining yards. The pullets that were housed in this build- ing in November were quite small and imma- tured Barred Plymouth Rocks, but with these lodgings they developed rapidly and com- menced laying early, keeping up a remarkable egg yield throughout the entire season. I have another lean-to shed fixed up after the same principles, with only one pen, the pullets in this shed were the best layers on thefarm last winter. I have spent over twenty years of my life in connection with practical poultry keeping and different methods and have yet to learn of a POULTRY PENSION. 37 better plan to keep hens in a laying- condition during- the winter months. Apponaug-, R. I. D. J. Lambert. The above was taken from the "Farm Jour- nal" published at Philadelphia, Pa., by the Wilmer Atkinson Company, and written by a poultryman who has been in the poultry busi- ness for over twenty years and he finds the poultry house, as described to you by us, as just the thing - . We may differ a little, but in no case does it change the jreneral structure. You may also think a little different, but as a whole you can't beat it. It gives us pleasure to have the endorsement of such a man as D. J. Lambert, Apponaug-, R. I. Our plan is of our own selection, after trvin«- various other plans. SETTING THE HENS. In setting - the hens you have the same object in view as you do all throug-h, eg-g-s in winter. It is the early hatched pullet you have to rely on for eg-g-s in winter, consequently you must set your hens early Don't keep on setting- throug-h the whole year unless you have an object in it. If your object is to keep them throug-h the winter, you w r on't find much pension in a late hatched pul- let, as they won't lay until tow r ards spring-, but will eat just the same. Bear in mind we are fig-uring- on the one flock ol one hundred 38 POULTRY PENSION. hens. If you should only have fifty and do not wish to enlarg-e, take it at one half; if you have two hundred, double it and so on. The above may sound strang-e to some, but try it on ten by taking- it at one-tenth, and you are all rig-ht. For the averag-e farmer and poultry- man it is what we call a soft snap, written for your especial benefit. It is only necessary for you to raise fifty pullets every year to keep your one hundred winter layers in shape. Each fall fifty of your hens will two years old next spring- and fifty one year old next spring-. The fifty you raise each spring- takesthe place of your coming- two year olds; each fall you sell off your two year olds. There may be some exceptions, say in extra layers or early moulting - . Before describing- the manag-ement of the setting- hens, we will say it does not make so very much difference about what kind of stock you have, that is to beg-in on; you can improve them every year by g-etting- new blood, in eg-g-s or males. You can soon have a g*ood flock of any breed that may suit your fancy, but treat them well and any of them will respond to g-ood treatment. Sometimes you may thinkone certain hen an extra g-ood layer; set all her eg-g-s you can g-et. We have one hen, "Blackleg's," which isnine years old, "Old Blue" is eig-ht years old; they POULTRY PENSION. 39 were the best hens with young - chickens we ever saw. They are very uncertain now as to setting - , they do not commence laying- until near spring - ; they are privileg-ed characters, never having- had any disease, and I g-uess the lice have not hurt them. In the spring- when they commence laying- they make as much noise as any of them. We never fail to set all their eg-g-s that are on time. "Blacklegs" is an in- cubator chicken; as for their breed, they are more Leghorn than anything- else. In their early days we had all colors and kinds, but by keeping the best we now have a pretty gxx>d stock of Leg-horns of our own build. You can do the same with any breed you prefer. We have often heard a great many lay the blame altog-ether on their chickens, because they g-ot "no eg-g-s". It is not their fault at all, al- though some are, we think, better eg-g- pro- ducers than others, any of them will bearg-ood treatment. To supply the fifty pullets it is only neces- sarv to set ten hens. This will seem strang-e to a great many, but let me tell you, it is the number of chickens you raise out of a g-iven number, not the number of hens you set. If any one person had the amount of eg-g-s wasted insetting-, they would have a pretty fair in- come. To some, the idea of only setting- ten hens in 40 POUlTRY PENSION. one year we know appears strange, more so to those who are use to setting them the vear round, when and wherever they come across them. We never set a hen outside of the hen house, notwithstanding- the hen that steals her nest out gets great credit in some places, she has got to make a complete job of it before we come across her, if it were any trouble to get setting- hens in the henhouse, it would be dif- ferent. You know they are taught to lay in the house, and that's where they go to setting. They are taught, also, to lay in the winter, so by spring - there is no scarcity of setting hens, in fact a great many morethan are need- ed, by this plan, provided they are of the set- ting kind. We set our ten hens in each house from the fifteenth to the lasi of March, so as to have the chickens all off in April, which isearly enough, and the weather settled, the chicks all grow- ing off finely, will make good winter layers, if fed and cared for as directed. You know they will do better than those hatched in February or March and left to rustle for themselves, the old hen tied to a tree with a string to her leg; that is common. Of all the makeshifts that takes the cake, and some of these very people will tell you that they take good care of their chicks. They may think so, but w r hy they do it is hard to understand. If you have good POULTRY PENSION. 41 warm coops with a run for each coop, you can do the fair thing- bv them, but as stated be- fore, you can do a better job by waiting- until the proper time. In the early spring- how often do you hear, Have you g-ot any young- chickens yet? No. Why we have g-ot one hen hatched and eig-ht more setting-. How many young- chickens has your hen g-ot? Generally they say five or six. Ask them two months later and you will find you are ahead of them. At the end of the season they may tell you they have set from fifty to eig-hty hens, but the pole cats, rats and etc., were awful bad; that they did not get througm with many. After trying- the ten hen plan, with five g-ood coops and runs you can tell them you only set ten hens, took off one hun- dred and ten chicks (a low estimate some years) and raised one hundred and five. Which one, or are you both overdoing- the chicken business, only taking- different routes? It is all rig-ht to be up to date provided you are fixed for it. Our plan is comparatively easy, much more pleasant and profitable. Your hens, after laying- in fall and win- ter, will be plenty early wanting- to set; some too early, but don't get excited and set some so you can blow around the neig-hborhood that you have hens setting-. The principal time is 42 POULTRY PENSION. in the wind up, not what you set but what you raise. We have five double boxes to set the ten hens, a common cracker box does very well, with solid partition between each nest, always setting" two hens at the same time; don't fool away the time with setting- one hen at a time; shouldthere be only one hen wanting- to set, let her alone, not in your double box, as it is not in your hen house, they are only used for setting- hens in; when another hen is ready, fix up your double box, making- plenty of nest, sprinkling- some sulphur or insect powder on same, carefully select fifteen egg's for each hen, that is enoug-h. Some put twen- ty and even more, they think the more the bet- ter, everything- on a big- scale, only as to re- sults. This double box is perfectly tig-ht all over, having- a door, with leather hing-es, to close up so other hens cannot bother them, nor those pole cats, rats, weasles, etc., that your neigh- bor spoke of, but your hens must have air, so you will bore plenty of holes small enoug-h so a mouse cannot g-et in, all around, front, back and sides; it is also better to sprinkle the nests and hens occasionally with insect pow- der or sulphur up to the third week after set- ting-. When your hens have been setting- a day, take some corn in a shallow pan or box, open POULTRY PENSION. 43 each double nest and feed them on their nests. It may be neither of them will eat the first time but they will soon come to it. Have a regular time to feed them every day. notice that none of the grain falls in their nests, as it will tempt other hens to scratch in their nests while they are off, it is not often they wish to leave their nests more than every other day. Leave the doors down so they can go out for water, exercise, etc., the water, of course, al- ways being- handy and in the same place at all seasons, they know just whereto go. Most generally some laying hen takes their nest the moment they go off. Notice when the setting hens begin going back; see that they g-et their own nest; they may gx> on another nest. Put the laying- hen out of her nest and lift her on gently. You may not have gotten hold of a jrood hen in the start and she may stay off too long. Walk around her and most generally she will go back. If she does not appear to mean business, bear w r ith her until you g-et another, there are plenty most generally want- ing to set; put the other one up, she will soon go to laying- again. One of the greatest sources for lice is the setting hen. By this plan you do not spend much time with the setting hen unless you manage as some do. Never break up a hen; that won't do, put them in a coop a few days. 44 POULTRY PENSION. Don't let them hatch lice, there is no money in them. There being- one hundred hens in each tiock and you only set ten out of them, if of that nature or breed, all will want to set dur- ing- the season. We have a special double coop foT breaking- setting- hens, letting- out one side at a time, feeding- and watering- them well, after breaking- them up, or at the lime, is a a g-dod time to disposeof someof your two year old stock, as they will weig-h well. It is natural for some to say, too much trou- ble. Well, try the fifty or eig-hty hen plan, set here and yonder all through the season. Notice the ages of your pullets in the fall; see how many of them will lay that fall or winter. Have often read, not feed setting hens on the nest. In ten or twelve years' trial, have not found anv fault with it. After attending to your poultrv by this plan, in every detail, or any other good plan, if you do not make some headway in improvement in different lines you are not as deeply interested as you should be. You could, or may, have a different room for your setting hens; not a bad idea at all, pro- vided you also give them the proper attention. Our principal object is to start you, trying to get you to abandon some of the old time poul- try fixtures, brush piles, fence corners, etc. When your hens commence hatching, once a day notice and see that the egg shells do not POULTRY PENSION. 45 cover another egg. Take then out of the nest. When nearly through hatching" take one hen off, the one you may select as liable to be the best mother, put he'* with what chickens are dry* in a roomv box, leaving- the other hen to finish the job. When finished put the hen and chickens out in the coops, put your other hen in the setting - coop. She is in good condition, being well fed will soon gx> to laying. Grease • her well under the wing's and body before put- ting her in coop. Also your hen with the chickens, not the chickens at this time, but at any time if you think they are not looking right, standing sleeping, wing's drooped, grease every one lightly on the top of thehead. taking them out of back door in coop; if you have kept your hen house clean, oiled your roosts, you will not have much trouble with lice. The best feed we have ever used is the com- mon corn or egg bread, just as you make it for yourself. Before g'oing" any farther in the feed line we will tell you of the coops. In all profitable manufacturing establish- ments they have their plant, so with you in the poultry business for manufacturing fresh eggs for market. The hen does a manufacturing business that is beyond comparison unless it be to that piece of machinery that turns out the same product. Other fowls may equal her 46 POULTRY PENSION. but only to a limited extent, the reproduction, whether of animal or vegetable, is beyond comparison. Man has attempted and accom- plished wonders, but here he stops, and well he may. ' Your houses, coops, etc., are the permanent part of your plant, if properly constructed will last a long- time. We make our coops of the old style letter A, or roof fashion; make them two and one-half feet wide and two feet deep, two and one-half feet from eaves to comb. We make the frame or rafters out of 2x2 inch stuff covered with siding- overlapped so as to shed the rain. The bottom, to keep out those pole cats, rats, etc., is made of two 2x4 cross pieces, with most any kind of lumber for bottom, only letting- the lumber extend half way on the 2x4, leaving- room for the coop to set down in so the rain will run off clear of the bottom of coop. The above well painted will last a long- time. We make a sliding- (upanddown) door in each end of coop, the outside or back door being- handy to take your young- chickens out to grease, if necessary, also for inspection of coop. In making- the two ends of coop do not let your lumber g-o clear up, leave a hole you can put your fist in for ventilation, covering- it with wire cloth. In very warm weather bore small holes in front and back doors. In early spring- break the ends ot corn cobs in those POULTRY PENSION. 47 holes, punching them open when needed. Put a small piece, 2x1 inch sloping-, in front of each door to keep the dirt in the coop. Put the dirt in the cooo and you are ready for your chick- ens, but don't forget to renew it occasionally. In connection with the above coop, we have two lath coops to feed in. We lake common lath, cut them half in two, nail them to a full length (four feet) lath, one-half inch apart — four of such panels make the coop — to set right in front of your roosting- coop. Make the top out of lath; for a few days feed the old hen and chickens in this coop, drive stakes in the ground and fasten the panels to them with wire Most old hens are soindustrious scratch- ing- that they keep the teed in such shape the little chicks fail to j»*et enough to eat, so we have another coop for them alone. We cut the lath into three pieces, making" and staking- it at the corners, the same way as the other: this one only takes three lengths, as one end of the other coop makes one side of it. This addi- tional coop more than pays for itself in a short time in the saving- of feed, as the old hen can not g-et in there to scratch and waste the feed. Of course you must feed the old hen. When putting- up this additional coop raise the partition between the two so they can run from one coop to the other, but never raise the the small coop on the. outside as outside hen* 48 POULTRY PENSION. try to reach in under to get the feed. When your little chicKens get strong- and lively, raise the main coop up so they can run in and out and very shortly you will let the old hen out, but of a morning- when the dew is heavy the little ones can run out and in, also in wet weather. On such days and times a great many young- chickens are lost, the old hen dragging them through the dew and rain. Of course you know you have to shut them up in their house every night. We feed these little chickens in a trough two and one half feet long, six inches wide, with lath nailed around the edges, with a partition in one end four by six inches. As stated be- fore, feed the corn bread, don't feed soft feed at all. Some of you may go against us, but we are sure many young chicks are killed by feeding soft feed, especially corn meal made up a few minutes before feeding. There is old bread etc., on many farms, soak it, squeeze it as drv as you can, throw it to the main flock and give your chicks some small grain, millet seed, cane seed, cracked corn, wheat or some- thing similar, by putting a little in the coop they will soon get to eating it and you will need have no more bother with your corn bread. The partition in your trough is for bone meal. Keep it there constantly. You are aware this plan is for business as well as POULTRY PENSION. 49 pleasure, so you want them laying- by fall. In order to do so you must feed them for this pur- pose. Some time when you are admiring - your chickens and the "soft snap" you have by this plan, drop a little charcoal in (fine gTained) the troug-h, or a little cracklins (also fine) and notice your chickens g-o for it; they are fond of it and it is g-ood for them. We have known people who would never rest until they had a box in the coop for that purpose, and in the fall chuckle to themselves because their pullets commenced laying- so early, not telling- a soul the cause of it. You mav pick up lots of little tricks, but don't be selfish, tell it, it will do no harm, besides there ain't one in ten that will try it, they are afraid they mig-ht overdo the chicken business. There are various ways for watering- the little chickens, but by all means use something- that thev cannot g-et into with their feet. A pie pan or saucer is most g-ener ally used — about as poor a vessel as you can use, We use a common half g-allon fruit can. Set it in a saucer open end down, take a case knife, lay it level on top of saucer, mark on the can by rubbing- the knife backward and forward, take a peg - - ging- awl or small nail and make a hole in the can just below, not too low, the mark, "fill the the can with water, lay the saucer on top, give it a quick flop, set it on an inch block in one 50 POULTRY PENSIOX. corner of the coop. The water will, flow just as they drink it out, in a short time set it up two inches hig-her, a brick is good to set it on. The drinking - fountain is to remain in thema ; n feeding" coop all the time as the old hen will have to have water. Should she g"et restless at times, running - around in the coop trying" to g-et out and knock the can over, slip a piece of lath throug"h the cracks of your coop, in front of the can or put a loop of wire or string" around it. Keep plenty of water in the cans until your chicks are big- and bold enough to g-o to the larg-er vessels having" the water for the main flock. Recollect you want to raise every one of the whole five flocks, or say about one hundred and ten or twentv chicks, which is no trick, barring" unavoidable accidents. Prom now on pay a little attention to those who take off from two to three hundred chickens in a season and see what they have in the fall. Thev hate to tell. "Oh, I g-uess there is a hundred or hundred and fifty. " We don't say all are that way but we do say an overwhelming- majority are. You should keep feed in your little chickens' troug-h all the time until they are half grown, then feed them morning - , noon and nig-ht for a short time, then morning- and evening", event- uallv mersrinjjf them into your main flock. The old hen will quit her chickens sooner by this POULTRY PENSION. 51 double coop plan than she would otherwise. Some of her chicks may follow her to the hen house to roost; let them gx>, but they will still visit the feeding- coop and run with the others during- the day. When all the chicks are weaned, put several of thesmallcoops tog-ether in front of the larg-e coop nearest the hen house and make that the g-eneral feeding- place, calling- all up tog-ether, old and young-, putting- the feed in the pens for the young, scattering- it to the old, by this means you will soon feed all tog-ether. Do not take the big- coops from any of the roosting - coops, only what small coops you need, as they may still go home to roost, or some of them, nor do not raise the small coops off the ground, but let them go in through the big coop as before. The older ones are not apt to bother the feed in the small coops as they do not know how T to get in. You will have to raise the big coop to suit the size of your young- ones, from time to time; the older ones will learn the trick and go in there. You will have to let them go as there is no use scar- ing them out, by so doing your younger ones will get wild. You ought to take off twenty- five chicks to each two hens, at the least cal- culation, making- one hundred and twenty-five chicks all told. There is a screw loose some- where if you do not raise from ninety to nine- ty-five per cent, as you are prepared to pro- 52 POULTRY PENSION. tect them from all varmits. or conditions of the weather. The old hen and chicks are partial to their coops and will make for them when a rain comes up. We often round them up when it begins to look squally, by opening- the door and letting- the old hen in, all's well. Don't g-o in a whoop but be gentle, at the same time g-et a move on yourself. The chickensthat are lost by this route will compare favorably with the pole cat route. Some of us averag-e farmers take a notion to go to pa's and ma's Saturday evening- and stay until Sunday evening-, sometimes until Monday morning*. Every one the place go,' even to the do«\, more often dog's. Possiblv a near nei»-h- bor may milk the cow and teed the chickens. As for shutting- them up, it won't hurt this time; it sets into raining- some are drowned, the polecat, weasle, rats, etc., do love to ram- ble on a wet nig-ht, they take a turn at the chicks, which almost, if not completely ends the whole business, as they, or some of them, merely suck the blood and kill a great number in one nig-ht. When we return, what? The the chicken business don't near pay, so we "just let them g-o on their own hook." We don't say you do that but don't you you know some who do, or have done almost exactly that way? We told you in the start we were g"oing- to gfive it to you from actual ex- POULTRY PENSION. 53 perience. The above is positively so, but not personal experience. ,k Once upon a time we ourself, had one hundred and ten as fine chicks as vou would want to see in a brooder of our own make, it had a lid to shut down like a box. near the top there was a small opening - ; we thought it was just the thing- for air. So it was. One night something" came and killed every one of them and as near as I recollect, did not eat the whole of any one. The sig-ht was awful; we thought awful. We soon knew what the air hole was for. We just closed down the lid and left everything - just as we found it. The next nig-ht we put a steel trap down in where what ever it was would g-et it. The next morning- there was the mother pole- cat in the trap, with nine little kittens dancing around in the brooder. They were sure cute little thing-s — not half as cute as my little chicks were. That was twelve years ag-o; when we want air holes we always put wire cloth over them. Out of the number of chickens you raise you will have no trouble g-etting- your fifty pullets to renew your flock, the balance being- roosters, disposing- of them as you please. But don't forg-et to g-ive proper credit for them, as you oug-ht to keep a strict account so you will know if you are making - your $8.00 per month pen- sion, clear of all expenses. You are expected 54 POULTRY PENSION. to charg-e to your flock all thefeed fed to them; vou certainlv will jrive them credit for what you use or sell. Try it one season and see how interesting- it will become; but don't think be- cause you have done so well that you will in- crease your flock to two or five hundred and crow r d them into your one hundred hen house; it is often attempted. Then another one has overdone the chicken business and "-one out. leaving- another place to be filled. We will g-ive you a pointer here in reg-ard to proper credit for eg-g-s, Whenever eg-g"s are used in the family we drop a grain of corn in jar or bottle for every eg-g- used. At the end of each month the corn is counted and credited to the month in which thev were used. The ejrirs that are set should be credited in their proper month. It is not so particular what you use. you are the judg*e on that score, but if you are running- on business principle you have no rig-ht to use them and not g"ive credit for them. It is on that principle we are giving" this, on no other whatever, not for fun or pleasure, al- though you derive lots of pleasure if you are' interested. How do you expect to tell if your hens are laying- the amount of eg-g-s they oug-ht to if you do not keep close account of them ? You can also tell what comes in every month, otherwise you can not. You are expected to have dis- POULTRY PENSION. 55 posed of your fifty coming - three year old hens by or before the pullets are-leaving" their coops going to the hen house to roost, which they will soon do, as the mother hen has often taken them into the scratching pen, consequently this is no new place to them, but should any of them take a notion to a tree or fence to roost when nearly all the rest are on the roosts in the house, gently scare these off the fence or tree for as sure as they become accustomed to roosting" out, it is almost impossible to break them of it. By setting" your coops near the hen house when you first put the old hen and chiCKens out, and by moving' your general feeding" pen, on the wind up, close to house, the most of them will naturally take to the house. We have often read, don't set your coops near hen house on account of lice. For a great many that may answer, but by this plan of management, cleansing" your house and oiling your roosts as per directions, you need have no fear on that score, and as stated above, you must put them near the house you wish them to occupy when they are grown. At the end of the first season, after practi- cing this plan up to the above time, just call the "old woman", put your arm around her waist, stand in the door of the hen house, see if everything is snug and neat, see if you have fifty coming" twq year old hens and fifty coming 56 POULTRY PENSION. one year olds, pay close attention and see if they all have not plenty of room on the roost, notice what a mess you would make if you im- agine, next year we will set more hens and raise twice that many. Don't, not in the same house; hew to the line and you are in to stay. You and the "old woman" will be far better off. Of course in due time you may "expand", which is all right in some cases, but expand alongthe line; just multiply two, say two houses, twice the amount of feed, twenty set- ting- hens, ten hens and chickens, two hundred laying - hens, twice the amount of labor, twice the amount of dilig'ence, $16.00 per month pen- sions. The above reads fine, by experience you can accomplish it. Were we personally acquainted with you we might tell you by what figure to multiply the experience. We do not wish to frighten you for we are giving- you an exact plan by which it can be done; but will you do it? SETTING SIX HENS. In some cases, parties advocate that a three year old hen is in her prime as to laying*. By this plan we prefer the one and two year old hen, thoug-h there are good laying three year old hens, those especially thatmoult early in the fall. In many cases we have discarded an inferior pullet, keeping a coming three year old in her place. As you dispose of your stock POULTRY PENSION. 57 in mid summer, or coming" fall, all are called coming- so and so, as they are not evened up until spring", the time when all are supposed to be hatched out. We give you the six hen plan, which is all rig-ht for those holding the above opinion, also not wishing too much set- ting hen business. In order to fully explain the plan, we will suppose you start in the spring* of 1901 with the following aged hens : 50, 1 yr olds *} > Spring 1901 set 6 hens. 50, 2 " " ) to replace one-half, or 25, of your two year olds which you dispose of during summer. In spring of 1902 you have : 25, 1 vr olds ) 50, 2 " " } 1902 set 6 hens. 25, 3 « « ) Replace your 25 3-year olds. In spring of 1903 you have : 25. 1 vr olds ) 25. 2" '1 > 1903. set 10 hens. 50, 3 « » ) Replace your 50 3-year olds by setting 10 hens. In spring of 1904 you have: 50, 1 vr olds } 25, 2 " " > 1904, set 6 hens. 25, 3 " " ) You drop back to your six hens. By the above plan you will only set the ten hens every third year. The plan is feasible and will bear 58 POULTRY PENSION. investigation; the only advantage of the plan is you have fewer setting hens to bother with. The same as with the ten hens, in comparison to the brush pile, fence corner plan, you get all your chicks at the proper season, raising a greater per cent, in fact nearly every one, with no trouble at all compared with the old plan. But to any whodesireto set more hens, there is no one to stop them even from one year's end to the other. Some believe they have to set hens the year through to get eggs the year through; that is a mistake. The early hatched pullet is the queen of layers the year through if fed for the purpose. INCUBATORS. Of all poultry fixings, the incubator is terri- bly abused by both the manufacturer and the unskilled user. We remember how th,ey used to say the chicken business was gone up the spout, the incubator was going to revolution- ize the whole thing; things were going to be done on a grand scale, by the wholesale; that did the business for the incubator, as it does for every branch of the business today, a sure thing to the amateur. Manufacturers said, raise chickens by the thousand, or rather hatch; a child can run it, etc., etc. The amateur jumped at it, loaded it with various brands of eggs collected from various sources, not even having enough hens to sup- POULTRY PENSION, 59 ply egg's for breakfast, much less for an incu- bator. But they were too deeply interested to let the children try to run it, they were actual- ly out of joint until the time for results rolled around, and then — well, you know the rest. Of course the incubator was to blame. Some put in fair egg-s, had a fair hatch and raised only a few to maturity, after a short while they quit entirely. Others did better and are still using - them. We know of various makes of incubators that can be purchased for "name the price and take it". At the start some of them were as g-ood as any on the market, and in proper hands, are all right. Learn to raise chicks with the old hens before tackling - an incubator. The brooder is the thing- that has to be perfect. Most incubators do very well when started with good eggs, no better than you ought to put under the hen, and faithful care. Don't risk them with children. The raising" of the chicks is the rub with a new beginner, and we don't know as any one has it down to perfec- tion. When you are in the business up to the two hundred notch, an incubator mig-ht come in good play. Should you take a notion to try one, get one of some reliable manufacturer. With your two hundred hen plan it ought not to be a big job to keep up your flock, as you () Q POULTRY PENSION. will only want one hundred pullets each year. You could start your Incubator say the first of March, have everything- in good shape to care for the chicks. Don't feed too much soft feed; you can't beat the feed you used to feed in your one hundred hen business, before you ex- panded. Keep the chicks warm; they hatch in a pretty good month, April, you may be able to do well. Don't think because you have an incubator you will keep it fired up and going the year round. True, it is idle capital most of the time— in a great many cases had better be. Personally, we have used them, and do not blame the incubator as much as the man, not the child, who is trying to run it. Be your own judge; if you should fail with the incubator your old hen is still on deck ready for business at the old stand and you have a good plan, which, like the incubator, needs a certain amount of attention. Go slow, don't expand too much, there is a limit to everything— you may bust. FEED AND CARE OF LAYING HENS. We now come to a part of the plan on which a great deal depends, whether you get the full amount of vour pension, more according to your ability, less according to your disability. You cannot do any feeding in your house, only in your scratching pen; neither can you POULTRY PENSION. 61 put your water in the house because of the dust which the hens raise in scratching - . Your bone meal boxes will also have to be outside on account of the dust. Your house being" twenty- four feet square g"ives you plenty of room on either side, according- to the wind or weather. We use two two-gallon crocks for water ves- sels; they are easy kept clean by scalding- them occasionally. A board fence running-out from the house, from either side you prefer, makes a g*ood shelter for your water crocks and bone meal boxes. We make the fence ten feet long- and two feet hig-h, haying- rafters across the top, extending two feet on each side of fence, with movable cover or roof, shifting from one side to the other, in case of wind, rain or sun. In freezing weather you, of course, will emptY the crocks at nig-ht, setting- them just inside of house with the bone meal boxes. The above is very handy; atter you get straightened out, doing- a "land office" busi- ness, you may see some way to improve on it, as you oug-ht all along - the line. It did not take the "man from the east" long- to catch on. In freezing- weather we keep the tea kettle hot all the time, pouring- water into the drink- ing- vessels, no telling" how often during- the day. Good, clean water (warm in winter) is as necessary as any other part of the feed. 62 POULTRY PENSION. Some say water three times a day; that raav do, we know certain it is better than not at all, as we have heard people say sheep and poul try did not need water. Poultry may be taught to drink three times a day, we won't dispute that, but what would be trained bv it? The three times a day is advocated for a purpose, for what we can't say; if it is to save labor, by our plan it is no go. In winter when we see our hens pecking away at a frozen up vessel, we would sure thaw it out, or else put it out of sight, which you would have to do by the three times a day plan. We notice our hens on the coldest of days come from the scratching - pen at all hours of the day for water, and they al- ways look to us like they could hardly wait until the regular time, if it was far off. The same with the hen when she lays her egg. She comes from her nest cackling, goes straig'ht for the water. If it suited the hen, it would suit us. Ours don't like the plan, but it may be the way they are raised. I know the way thev are raised has a heap to do with their laying, it may be so with watering. So water for results. Let your hens be the judge. After you teach them the trick, you can load up your water tank, setting them to go off at the re- quiredtimes a day, and you are in it up to your neck and if your poultry are not there to drink the water at stated time, you may get 1 POULTRY PENSION. 63 drowned. There are lots of yfood fountains now on the market where the hen herself touches the button, that's more like it. Look in your poultry paper or farm paper and see if you don't find lots of "food hints from corre- spondents, etc. In winter when a big - snow falls, we are up before daylight clearing- the snow away from the hen house, more particu- larly where the water crocks and bone meal boxes set. also paths around the hen house and to various other places. Make yourself a snow plow out of lumber, something - in the shape of a big - hoe with the handle on the bot- tom, well braced so it will push easy. Some say they never let their hens out in the snow at all. Like the watering - , they may be taug-ht that way; ours g-o to the barn, in fact, wherever we have our paths plowed out. As we don't like to wade around in the snow we soon have all around the place looking - like a switch yard of a railroad, someof the branches running - out to a grass patch. When it is extremely cold they don't go very far, some hardlv coming* out atall, not because they are shut up. The coldest days of last winter (1888 and 1889) they laid equally as well as before and kept at it, increasing - all along towards spring - . From the start we have faithfully tried t avoid almost anv figures at all, for the reason 64 POULTRY PENSION. that we did not want to mislead any one. Should we have attempted it we could surely have given figures as straight as a string, of results from this plan of management, which are hard to beat. Not for one, but sever a- years" faithful practice, showing an increase, every year, of eggs to the individual hen, or in other words, the average to each hen, knowing that if you try the plan faithfully you will do the same and you are just as apt to try it with- out the figures as with them. We will say the increase in eggs, commence in the fall in November, increasing each month, more in December, January, February, March and April, with May a good second, gradually decreasing until September; September and October being the least months of the year, al- though with plenty of eggs in the above two months to more than pay running expenses . The above is just as good as figures and as true as steel. Brother, we have no desire whatever to deceive you and do not know of anything that would give us more pleasure than to see or hear of you doing equally as well, it is easy enough. The laying is done by the early hatched chickens we told you of and how to get them. We also told you it was of no use to keep up the whole year unless you had another object. The boxes for your bone meal are not partic POULTRY PENSION. 65 ular as to shape. We g-et tobacco caddies, if toohig-h we cut them down to aboutfour inches, nail lath flat down on top, letting- project over on inside of box; that keeps the hens from flip- ping- the bone meal out with their bills; then nail lath across each way in center of the box, to keep the hens from scratching- with their feet. Should you prefer, you can make a troug-h, nailing- lath on the'edges and across the top. Whatever you use, scrape the meal from out of the corners occasionally, keep it supplied the year round with bone meal; it will take more in fall and winter, as that is the time they are g-etting- ready, also laying-. You will notice your laying- hens visit it pretty reg-ularly,|also hens when moulting- find use for it. When you quit putting- it in your chicks' feed coops, watch them hunt it up. We will tell you our way of obtaining- the bone meal. We buy the bone meal that is sold for fertilizer, as raw, pure bone meal, coarse ground. It is easy to g-et most everywhere, and we have yet found no fault with it. In an- other place we will tell you of other kinds and sources of obtaining- bone meal; having- never used them we cannot put them as belonging- to our plan, but you might find them to your idea. We have no doubt they are just as good, no better, nor as cheap. In buying the bone meal get the pure bone, not a mixture of bone and 66 POULTRY PENSION. some other stuff for fertilizer. It is no trouble to get if you call for it. Buy it by the quan- tity, or at least by the one hundred pounds, if you have to have it shipped to you, as the rate is^the same on a less amount. You will need for each flock of one hundred hens, about four hundred and fifty pounds a year; make it say, five hundred. It may be you can get your neighbors interested in the business, go to- gether and buy it by the ton, delivered. Make no secret at all of the way you manage to get so many eggs, especially in winter, for when you try this plan according- to directions you are sure to get the eggs, and if your neighbors are like a great many neighbors they are sure to want to know, as they think you have a se- cret. It does seem it is a secret to some. It is nothing new at all, although vve have given it to you in a bunch and in a shape so it is easily understood or practiced. There is one more box to provide, or if you prefer, can make a trough, for winter use, es- pecially when the ground is covered with snow; it is for grit and charcoal, neither one being hard to furnish. If you have ever paid much attention to chickens, you have often no- ticed them hunting the ash pile for charcoal. They are very fond of it so we furnish it to them when they cannot get it themselves. It is very little trouble to lay up a quantity for POULTRY PENSION. 67 them. You can easily make a sieve to sift the ashes in; say a box, with neither top nor bot- tom, with common wire screen tacked on one side. The ashes after sieving-, make good fer- tilizer for either putting- in the hill or broad- casting-. It won't take very long- to sieve enough charcoal to last a long- time. For grit you can save all the broken crockeryware, grinding- the same in a mill made for the pur- pose, answering- also to grind your charcoal; or in case of necessity you can pound it up, which is slow, for the old crockery, but if you are up to business it won't be long- before you can afford to buy a mill. There is grit al- ready prepared, on the market now for sale, but it looks like theaverag-e farmer or poultry- man could furnish plenty of grit for his poul- try, sharp gravel, etc., as it is only needed when there is snow on thegroundashort while at a time. They are both needed for your win- ter layers, otherwise we would not have said a word about them. You can have a partition in your box for both the charcoal and grit. These little tricks are of more consequence than a great many are aware of. Your poul- try pension, or the amount, is g-overned to a great extent by just such little things, that ijti reality cost comparatively nothing. In regard to the feeding of the flock, as stated before, we are up early, in fact a great (,g POULTRY PENSION. part of the time, in winter particularly, before the chickens are off the roosts, getting- their bone meal boxes, water crocks, etc., in shape. On most farms, the chickens, when fed at all, are the last thing- to be attended to. That is a losing- g-ame; just as soon they come from their roosts they should be fed, by this plan they come off pretty early, going directly into the scratching- pen. We have long 1 since come to the conclusion that one certain person should attend to the feeding", watering, etc., having a regular time and system. Have you not often heard some member of the family, way up in the clay, maybe near night, say. Has anybody fed the chickens? Do you call that business? When it is one person's duty it is more apt to be attended to, sure to if they are taking any interest. Chil- dren, when old enough, are all right, one at a time, attending to chickens; but don't drive them, give them an interest, it will stimulate them not only for the present, but will give them good ideas. You are aware hens generally commence laying in the spring, even the brush pile, fence corner stock, simply because nature pro- vides them with the certain foods necessary for the egg. one of which is bugs, worms, in- sects, etc. In order to obtain eggs in winter, you may provide similar food. The best sub- POULTRY PENSION. 69 stitute for bujrs, insects, etc., is animal food of some description. We could give you page after page describing certain different things that an egg contains, what a certain grain contains toward making an egg and so on. We don't propose to take your time to read such, besides it does not interest very many. We plainly tell you that how to get the egg it- self, which we believe is of far more import- ance to an average farmer and poultryman. Animal foool being what you want to supply in the place of insects, we propose telling' you what we have used, we will also tell you other substances, all being easy to get. On most farms there is generally enough cracklins to supply a big portion of the animal food. In case you run short you may be able to g-et them at your nearest butcher shop. Should many in your neighborhood try this plan, cracklins at the butcher shops become scarce. In an- other place we tell you how to obtain some- thing else. The cracklins are cheap but they are sure hard to cut, as they must be cut pret- ty fine. The butcher shop cracklins are easier to cut on account of being pressed so much harder. It takes a heavy tool to cut them, we use an ax for the purpose. Some tear the cakes up and throw them out in that shape; no use going to the expense of buying cracklins to feed in that way, chips. 70 POULTRY PENSION. old boots, or shoes are just as good, as the hens can come as near eating- one as the other. There are bone mills on the market that cut them, they have knives that shave them, so it said. We have never tried them, but may do so, as the ax cutting is a hard job. We commence feedingthecracklins, or what- ever food you use, in the early fall, when bug's, grasshoppers, etc., begin to g-et scarce; better a little too early than too late, as you want to start your hens into the winter laying-. To do this you must commence in time, time is money in this case. You need not expect full returns unless you do this. When you refer to the feed tables g-iven in the following - pag-es, do your own figuring - , you will find it a money making- investment. Some have come to us in dead of winter wanting- to know what we do to get so manv eg-gs, then when we tell them thev pull out for cracklins and bone meal, expect- ing* to g-et a full flow of eg-g-s. So bear in mind you must commence early, attend to the details in full, if you expect complete success; if you take the treatment, take a full dose. The first of August is earlv enoug-h to com- mence feeding- the animal food in small quan- tities (see table). When you commence feed- ing- the animal feed (Aug-. 1), mix it with your bone meal until the nights beg-in getting- cold, but continue the bone meal. For feeding the cracklins, in cold weather, POULTRY PENSION, 71 we feed it in steamed grain. We put wheat, corn or oats in a pot, pour boiling- water over and let it steam on the stove; when ready to feed, pour it out in a large vessel, dish pan is good enough (this is expected to be only steamed grain, not a lot of water in it, if so drain it off), mix your cracklins and a little bran to take up the moisture. By letting- it set a while the cracklins become soft. This you feed every other morning- in cold weather. From the tables you will see the amounts to feed, we merely tell you how to feed at this time, the tables belong entirely to themselves. You must be your judge in a great many cases, say in regard to feeding- the steamed grain, which we feed whenever the weather is cool, that is in fall; if you become interested yotl will do the same, wh'le others may not take such interest and feed altogether by the tables, principally dry. The steamed grain is only for a change and you know that is a benefit, even of the same grain, although we change from one grain to another, but no mush anywhere in it. We have a reg-ular feeding- place all the time. We take the steamed grain, drop a handful in a pile briskly. Sbould the ground be wet and muddy, we omit the steamed grain, feeding- the animal food mixed with the bone meal, making- the grain lood dry, of whatever 72 POULTRY PENSION. grain we take a notion to. According- to the table, most generally wheat, that is of a morn- ing', and in the scratching- pen, also on bad days when the hens cannot get out and rustle, we scatter small grain of almost anv kind, at noon in the scratching - pen, In the even- ing- just before going to roost, we feed them corn straig-ht from the hand on the ground. It is very seldom but what corn can be fed broad- cast, often all throug-h the year in muddy, rainy weather. We feed it in the place of wheat for the evening- feed, as spoken of in table for summer feeding- of wheat. Some farmers think wheat expensive feed for chick- ens, such is not the case. Wheat is an expen- sive crop. To feed it to chickens according- to this plan, you will realize more for your wheat than in any other way. The grain fed to your chickens is supposed to be good, sound wheat, not the rotten, mouldy refuse that anything- else won't eat. Feed according to tables and see that they get good weight of some good, sound grain. You need not weigh every feed, have a measure of some kind, box, bucket or such, after testing the grain, you can feed it by measure. Some grain will not weigh out. Whenever you change grain, change your quantity by measure to correspond with your weight per bushel. Take oats, for instance, some seasons a bushel will over run the 32 pounds, more often they fall short. Some years oats are not fit to feed your poultry at all. In that case change to wheat. You can starve a POULTRY PENSION. 73 hen awful easy on such kinds of grain. When your eggs begin falling off, slip out and weigh your grain, you will soon see where the trouble is. Often you. read in the papers, correspond- ence from the women how they are doing with poultry. Frequently they say, the old man don't believe in chickens, they eat too much, waste too much, etc. Such "old men" are a tough proposition. We have known such "old men ', one in particular; he raised a big rack- et in the family on account ol the chickens. It went so far the lady quit trying to raise any chickens, not even setting a hen. Pretty soon the "old man" began to notice the children were not shoed and clothed as before, the table lacked in several things. Don't you think they began raisingchickens again, what would you have done? Now honestly, don't you know several such old men, only they did not go far enough to choke off the supply of extras the chickens afforded without taking- money directly out of his pocket. Now in regard to the waste and destruction, it is the fault of the "old man", if he had his grain cribbed so the fowls could not get to it, they w r ould not soil it. If you will give them time they will eat it all and not waste a grain, but feed them as they should be, they are all right and more profitable. Some, of course, 74 POULTRY PENSION. claim they g-et all they want at crib, pig- pen, etc. On very cold days, ground covered with snow, they sit on the roost and if by chance some one thinks of them they may throw them some corn in the snow; but w T hen spring - comes and nature provides for these poor, neglected fowls, all are ready and eag-er to get the eg-gs and market them, but no one hardlv thinks of them at other times. Not on all farms -is the above the case, but it is positively so on some. On one farm, we knew of two yOung- ladies who took week about — not feeding- the hens — g-athering- the egg-s to sell for their own es- pecial benefit, the hens took careof themselves. Either one of the above ladies could take a flock, manag-e them properly, pay the "old man" for his grain and make from $8.00 to $16.00 per month. More according to their ability, less according- to their disability. Have no fear of the hens, they will discount you. Let us talk to the "ofd man" a while. As we told you in the start, he is a hard proposi- tion. He says they don't pay for their feed. We want to tell him he has no other stock on his place that will come anywhere near pay- ing- like the hen. The trouble with such "old men" they expect one hen to equal one cow. Now, "old man", just try it and find out for yourself. Put the same amount of money into POULTRY PENSION. 75 poultry that you have in one of your cows, counting - everything-; you will soon find out what a big- difference there is, and in favor of your poultry. The old man would rather sack up and haul thirty bushels of wheat to the mill or market at sixty cents per bushel, the miller making it into flour, when he could have let the hens grind it, and get adollar a bushel for it. taking the egg's, a finished product, to town with less trouble than he could the orig- inal thirty bushels. Say, old man, you are standing in vour own light. On a great many farms, not only the old man, but others think any kind of grain or waste is good enough for chickens. That is a big mistake. They also think they only need feeding during the winter and even then onlv in stormy, bad weather, another mistake. While it is true there is no other stock on the farm that will come as near taking- care of themselves and still give returns, we yet say she will give more clear profit, above feed and care, than any other stock kept by the average farmer. It is not profitable to feed and care for any stock unless you get full returns. The hen, without care will not lay near the amount of egg-s she would if proper attention was given, in which case you will make a good profit. In order to g-et full returns you should feed 76 POULTRY PENSION. regularly the whole year through. Do you know that some of you really feed more than is really necessary ? That may sound strange to some, but it is so. We mean the storm v, cold day feeders. What can you expect of your hens when you do not try to get them ready to lay when eggs are high? Consequent- ly you must keep them in good shape all the time. The following" tables are given for hens who are supposed to have good shelter, a place to work in scratching pen. The tables were not intended for hens that have no house or any- thing else, although it is more feed than prob- ably most of them get, generally. Take the amount named in the tables and vou will find out it is not a large amount of grain, etc., for one hundred hens, but a little every dav in the year, with some idea of busi- ness. DECEMBER 1, TO APRIL 1. A. M., 6 pounds of wheat (or oats). P. M., 6 pounds corn. 4 pounds cracklins (every other day). 2 pounds bone meal (every day). With this four months feeding you can feed any apple, potatoes and other vegetable peel- ing's, etc., of a morning in your steamed grain, also with this four months, or any time during the year, give any surplus milk you may have. Feed the steamed grain whenever you can, that POULTRY PENSION. / / is, every other day. After a while you may be able to fix up like "the man from the east.' You can feed it under shelter whenever you wish. Nice days do not put too much feed in your scratching- pen at noon. On most farms there is generally plenty of grass range. We have found it of gTeat benefit to sow a piece of wheat, sown a little earlier than for the gen- eral crop, it makes fine picking to go with this four months of winter feeding. With this four months you will pay close at" tention to your charcoal, grit and bone meal boxes, particularly in bad weather. There is nothing very hard about this four months, al- though it requires a little closer attention, which will repay you well, as you should get lots of eggs, at a season when they are high, to pay you big" for your time and trouble. As for the time, it will take probably an hour all told. Keep a garden rake in your scratching pen to loosen up the straw, leaves or whatever you have in your scratching pen. After your flock has gone on the roost is a good time, it will then be readv for the morning- grain. Your hens generally come off the roosts pretty early, a great deal earlier than they would if they were roosting out of doors on fence or trees, as they will not have to fly down in the snow, and your glass or canvas makes it light and com- 78 poultry pp:nsion. fortable. Say, brother, you have got a snug- little business "under your own vine and fig- tree. " Give plenty ol water and warm it whenever needed. Of all the seasons, this is the time to get there, the other seasons, or tables for feeding-. are all making ready for this one, getting- them in shape, ready for business w T hen your neighbor's hens are idle, provided they have not been attended to on the same plan or one similar. , Tell them the secret, it won't hurt your business one iota. The above feed is all you will need for the four months named, but we will state again, you will substitute oats for wheat occasionally in your steamed feed, which does not increase your feed bill. The oats aregood for a change, provided they are sound and of full weight. If not, don't fool with them, for we want to fully impress it on your mind, poor oats are next to nothing as food for poultry. Recollect, you ought to charge your poultry for everything you feed, market prices. ' It is no more than fair that you should deliver it, not by the w r agon load, but as they need it, the same as you would do for the merchant. Fill your little grainery with so much grain, of any kinds needed, keep account of number of bush- els put in; when fed out you know just what it takes. While you are doing all this charging, POULTRY PENSION. 7 l > don't forget to give your poultry proper credit for everything", then you will know what vou are doing. You may talk as you please, that is the only correct way of doing- it. APRIL 1, TO AUGUST 1. A. M., 3 pounds wheat. P. M., 4 pounds wheat (or corn). 1 pound bone meal. In most of cases, those who feed the four months previous, during- cold spells, fail to feed any more until cold weather comes again. That won't near pay, that is if you are in the business for profit, nor do vve know of any other case where it is the rig-ht thinjr to do. This four months' feed is less expensive, but just as essential. It is about the only time during the year in which they can get animal food, bugs, etc., consequently, it is not neces- sary to feed your substitute, but put out the bone meal. There are times when you will feed corn in place of the wheat mentioned above, when the ground is muddy or sloppy, it is much handier for your fowls to pick up, you can feed it on the short grassaround your house for evening feed. The morning meal you can throw in your scratching pen, as your hens never give it up during the whole year, and will spend about as much time in there as any where else. Same with the hens with chickens. The chickens, when about full grown, run in 80 POULTRY PENSION. there out of rain the same as the older ones. Pay attention to the little details, neglect in small matters sometimes makes great loss, a missing- link in any chain weakens the whole chain; so with this plan, one part depends on the other for success and the size of your monthly poultry pension. You will g-et plenty of eg-g-s the year round to more than pay your expenses, even if you had to buy your grain, etc., from day to day. Some few years ag-o there was a great cry about corn being- too fattening-; such is not the case, when fed properly. We often use it for evening- feed; if fed according- to the tables it is all rig-ht the year around, if short on wheat. AUGUST 1, TO DECEMBER 1, A. M., 4 pounds of wheat. P. M., 5 pounds corn (wheat occasionally.) 1 pound bone meal (Nov. and Dec. \)A lbs.) 2 pounds cracklins. This four months is sure a business period. You will have to keep the machines supplied with the rig-ht kind of fuelasevery pulley (pul- let) must be started at this time. This period's feeding- almost settles the question in reg*ard to the winter laying- of your stock. If attended to properly will greatly aid your hens when moulting- or shedding-, which is quite an item. Some people (town lot poul- trymen) say moulting- and laying- hens should POULTRY PENSION. 81 be fed differently. Not by this plan, where they have plenty of range, for you know we are out in the open. The latter part of the summer, especially if dry and hot, does not furnish sufficient animal food, bug-s, etc.. so we commence on our crack- lins, or substitute. You must g-et your hens started to laying - , or under the spell, before winter sets in; if you do not, it is a hard matter to g-et them started in mid- winter, whatever the feed, they may lay a little earlier in the spring-. For that reason, we say commence in time. This four months' feed cuts quite a fig-tire and if you wish to keep a sure secret in regard to winter laving-, never mention how you feed this period; if you do you have let a bird go. Say, don't be foolish, you have noth- ing- to g-ain by such secrets. It is really true some try to keep such things a secret, when if they would stop and think they must know they are not a drop in the bucket when it comes to keeping- the markets supplied with eg-g-s. It is all rig-ht to know such so called secrets and practice them, that is the one who is at the top, but how many will do it if you tell every one yon see ? On most farms the above season is when most of grains are ripe and are being - , or are, harvested. When the grain is near the fowls they may help harvest some of the grain; don't 82 - POULTRY PENSION. give up feeding-, call them up at night and give them some grain different from the grain they have been harvesting-. Here comes the same "old man" bellowing- and shooing- them oft his shocks of grain, but leaves them still stand in the field to tempt them, and it might be long- enoug-h for the wet weather to set in and spoil them. It is of no benefit to the chickens; under our plan it our purpose to give them all the grain they need, but should they have access to such grain, feed them only at nig-ht as long- as they g-etthe grain outside, but don't make a habit of it. In feeding- the crackling, or substitute, this four months it is not necessary to steam, al- though it will do no harm, and the steamed grain, in October and November especially is a good inducement to start them laying- and also a g-ood chang-e in the matter of feeding-; but if you wish to take the shortest route, take the sieve for sifting- ashes and sieve the cracklins, putting- the fine with the bone meal, saving- the coarsest to feed with the steamed grain. You can mix the cracklins and bone meal in the bulk, two pounds of cracklins to two pounds bone meal, putting- it out in the boxes used for bone meal. The above mixture is a g-ood eg-g- producing- mixture; if it were not for feeding- the steamed grain in late fall we would feed it as described. POULTRY PENSION. 83 We have given the above tables for the aver- age farmer or poultry man, not for the one who has his poultry in little pens; but with the scratching- pen the big - range is not as essen- tial as it would be without it, but on an aver- age farm there is no lack of range. You should get — well, now, how many eg-g\s do you say you should get? Of course you have no idea. It all depends on the manage- ment, not alone in the feed and shelter, but in getting the early hatched pullet we told of at first. You may not have the flock 'to suit you, but come at it by degrees. When you get down to business, be sure and have the early hatched pullet. The way the average farmer, the majority, manage, they get from seven to nine dozen eggs from each hen in the course of a year, more often seven dozen. You have probably often heard of your neighbor having hens that lay every day. That might be so for a few days, but not long at a stretch. One man told us of a Hamburgh hen that layed every day for a year. The Hamburghs % are good layers and a good breed for this plan, but no Hamburgh, nor any other hen, ever was guilty of such a trick. Any of them that put in one half of the time in a year are good ones, and there are some that have beat it, but only under good conditions and where there were 84 POULTRY PENSION. but a few hens in the bunch, not by the one hundred hen plan. But come to think of it, we read, not long - ago, of a poultry man who got an average of one hundred and ninety-six eggs from each hen in a flock of six hundred White Leghorns. Now that is very seldom heard of, much less accomplished. We have no reason for disputing it as the Leghorns are noted lay- ers and such is not improbable, which beats the half time we spoke of. Counting 365 days to the year, the whole six hundred went 14 day soverthehalf time. Say. thatis business and if you ever reach that number you are a good one. Note difference between the seven dozen we generally get, us average farmers, and the sixteen and one-third dozen he gets from each of his six hundred hens, but don't let that worry you, you don't need that many to keep your pension up to $8.00 per month. But you ought to get eleven dozen from each of your 100 hens; that will pay the pension and leave some, but should you keep along with the crowd, managing by the brush pile, fence cor- ner plan, you may get seven dozen, often not that. Do your own figuring and see if this * way of managing" won't pay. BREED OF FOWLS. As regards the different breeds, we would say, if you are just starting in the business, start with the best you can get. Of course for POULTRY PENSION. 85 fresh ej»i>s for market, vou want to any deeper it's your look out; be careful when you go to expanding", it is risky in almost every case, let alone poultry, but it is sometimes advisable. If you run your 200 hens up to the notch, and still improving-, you are almost sure to expand, and then what! We prefer the houses close together, not jam up: "the man from the east" is working- them on a g-ood plan. You have to feed them alto- gether so you had just as well have the houses close together, for they will all come if they see or hear you. Some arg-ue that 200 hens are too many for one flock, so say we, in one POULTRY PENSION. 107 house, especially a 100 hen house, but it is no trick at all too feed 200 hens out of their houses, on the ground. Just stand in one place and throw the grain broadcast over a small space; don't throw one handful and watch the hens pick that up. keep it going-, watch where they are cleaning- up the fastest. The above is for corn. Should you take a no- tion to feed wheat outside of house, in summer, iust trail it along- in a circle big" enough for them to g*et around it. In winter you will have to do most of your feeding - in the scratching* pen unless you g-et a move on yourself and clean the snow away from the house. Manag-e just as you did your 100 hen flock when ..you first went into the business for profit, only a little more so. When running a 200 hen flock, if you expect to use the eggs for setting, it will take several roosters and they cause a heap of bother, more particularly in winter, when the flock uses the houses during- the day. When you g-et up the 200 hen flock you can surely af- ford a breeding- pen, you know it don't take so very many eg-g-s to set, considering- the size of your business. You only want 100 pullets each fall and you oug-ht to g-et them easy out of 300 eg-g-s set. With a g-ood breeding- pen you can build up some trade in your neigh- borhood selling eggs for setting. When you also reach perfection with your 200 hen flock 108 POULTRY PENSION. vou will commence thinking of an incubator. Well, a good 200 egg - incubator run and man- aged with the same energy, should enable you to tackle the 200 hen plan, it being - sufficient to set it Only twice to keep your layers fresh. Should you undertake it, the first thing- is a reliable machine, and vou can onlv jret one of a reliable firm. Don't go for one because it is cheap, but of course get it as reasonable as possible. Get a good brooder also, that is of more consequence, to very many, than the in- cubator. By this plam the Chicks ought all come off in April and May, two good months for raising" chickens, Read your poultry and ag-ncultural books and you will find lots of good suggestions on raising" them; that is for warmth, etc., you can't beat the plan already given for feeding - them. Only when raising - them in a brooder, you are to supply them animal food and grit. You will find from time to time various suggestions in your papers that will equal, and you may think beat ours; go for it, that is what makes the thing - g-o. We don't care how near the head of the procession you get. We simply want to g-et you started in on the tail end be- fore the whole thing moves off and leaves you. The average farmer and poultryman belong in the front. Some are away up now, but for the lands sake, look around and see how many POULTRY PENSION. !()'> you know who are being* left fast. When you yet to talking- to them, tell them if they can't do any better, build a straw shed for their hens to scratch in, even if they have to roost out of doors. We don't like to mention it to them, they might g"et offended. Let them have your book to read if they can't afford one, any- thing to start them, it's for their own g-ood. SUBSTITUTES. There are various substitutes for furnishing- the animal food, bone meal, etc. We don't know much about them from actual use. We used beef meal a short time on account of the cracklins becoming scarce. You can g*et it from same parties you g-et the bone meal from, but you cannot mix it with the steamed feed: of course von can but we believe it is better mixed with the bone meal as described in the table. There are bone mills on the market for cut- ting- or shaving- green bone as it comes from the butcher shop, but like the cracklins, will be hard to get when manv are wanting- it, un- less in larg-e towns and cities. In some sections, rabbits are plentiful enough to supply meat in winter. Boil them, season as you would were you g-oing- to eat them yourself, chopping-them up fine, bone and all. steaming- the grain in the water they were cooked in. To some, the rabbit may not seem like the proper thing - ; to others, it is just the 110 POULTRY PENSION. the thin«-, as there are localities where it is no trouble to get them, sometimes catching" enough to last a long time, during- a big snow. The beef meal, in the long" run is the most reliable, as it is no trouble to get. Now it may seem extravagant to furnish animal food for your hens; we will just say it is far more extravag-ant not to furnish it, as it is a dead loss, for you cannot get full returns with- out it, not only once in a while, but regularly- Some have tried it occasionally, once or twice during the winter. Regular or not at all, that is the plan all through; the investment is some- thing- like laying down a dollar and taking up two. There is also, on the market, granulated bone, about the size of wheat grains or larger, which is fine, but for the average farmer the bone meal is cheapest and, from our experi- ence, answers the purpose. The granulated is claimed to be green bone; we hardly think it is. in every case, but believe it is all bone, that is all we have handled, but what it may be after while is another thing. The bone meal we speak of is sold as pure, fresh ground; it may have been when ground. In buying any of it you want to buy irom some reliable firm. There is a brand we intend trying, it is sold as pure flesh, blood and bones, if so it seems like it ought to be very near what we want. POULTRY PENSION. Ill At the present you will be all rig-ht with such as we first mentioned, and when vou be- g-in expanding-, just keep posted with papers, and if you don't find enoug-h to satisfy, you are among-st the first. Be economical in buying- but don't try to be economical by not buying 1 at all. THE MAN FROM THE EAST. For an example, we g*ive you a partial ac- count of the operations of "the man from the east." He formerly worked in a manufactur- ing- establishment in a northeastern state, running or tending- a certain class of machin- ery. The proprietors, from time to time, have been adding- other machinery, making- it so the one man who formerly tended one machine now tends to three. His health besran to fail: was in one strike; he beg-an thinking- of other machines being- put on to replace more men: his health also beg-inning- to fail, he thoug-ht he had better begin making- other arrange- ments while he had a little money saved up, knowing- if he lost his job his money would not last long-. He corresponded with the land ag-ent of the Frisco R. R. in reg-ard to land in Southwest Missouri and Arkansas. During- a shut down of the mills, he pulled out for Arkansas. He says it was a hard pull, as he hardly knew what was o-oinod as the country af- forded, which was far above what he had ex- pected, set out three acres of strawberries, twenty-five apple trees, with various other small fruit. The first year came very near doing" him up. His wife could hardly stand it, being- raised in the east and eominif to that ••wooded country" it was sure hard to stand. Now it is all chang-ed, neither himself nor wife cares to g"o back. His stock now consists of 196 laying- hens, his first poultry house; another built of pine lumber, 20x30, sawed right there in the neigh- borhood. There is a stone foundation under his new hen house, the stone also g"otten close at hand. His two houses are 30 feet apart, with a covered run between the two, 12 loot wide, with door connecting" each house to this run. POULTRY PENSION. 113 It is used for feeding- purposes in bad weather, mostly in winter. There are hinjred troughs all around this feeding- room, the sides of house making- one side of trougfh. Bv unhook- ing- at each end and' center they are easily let down for cleaning-. On south side of this run there is plenty of lig-ht and sun, having* lig-ht glass and oiled muslin in plenty. The above run makes a fine place for feeding- the steamed grain, in the troug-hs around the sides. All the above building-s have eave troughs for run- ning the water away from the houses. To come right down to the point, everything is in good shape. Now we come to a new idea of his own «et up. When he first undertook the business, he knew very little about chickens. As he has to have 100 pullets every fall, it is a hard matter to pick out what he wishes to discard every fall, as they are now all full blood Brown Leghorns and look almost exactly alike. He is starting two breeding pens, one of Brown and the other of White Leghorns, one house to be whites and the other browns. One year set all browns and the next year all whites. By that means he says he will have no trouble in picking out what he wants to dispose of. If there is no sale for the eggs for setting pur- poses, he lets which ever pen he is not using run with the main flock. 114 POULTRY PENSION. He prepares his oiled muslin in the following" manner : Stretch the muslin tightly on a frame the size you want, get one quart of linseed oil, one ounce of sugar of lead and three ounces of rosin. Pulverize the sugar of lead in a little oil and add it to the other materials. Put all into an iron kettle and, heat it until the resin is dissolved and all is thoroughly mixed; ap- ply while hot. At the end of five years, he says he is all O. K. He is head boss, runs his own machine, has his own living, butter, milk, veg- etables, fruit and honey, as he now has fine bees. He thinks his section of country will soon be noted for the poultry business, the climate alone being- a great inducement, to say noth- ing of cheap land, building material, etc. Transportation to market is ample, with talk of more routes being laid out. At present, there is a pretty good market, winter resorts using a good supply of both poultry and eggs, with egg buyers by the wholesale. At any rate he thinks he made a safe venture, having plenty of everything, good health, with two fine baby boys. My reader, don't you think a man of the above type i« a "winner" most anywhere? He is talking of expanding, purchasing a 200 egg incubator, enlarging his flock, etc. It POULTRY PENSION. 115 is almost certain he will succeed, the firm that sells him an incubator and brooder can rest assured that the children won't run it; all the better for them, as a machine in such hands is a trood advertisement. THE MAN FROM THE WEST. This man was born and raised in the west, or rather Southwest. His parents were wealth}'. The boy was not a complete success (according - to our plan) in the city in which his parents lived. They moved to the city from a fine farm to "educate their children." They, him. or some one, concluded he was only fit to make a No. 1 poultry man. We have often thought it was against his own will. They purchased land in a near by county and set him up in the business. Let me tell you there was no discount in the "set up". He had everything- you ever heard of in the busi- ness, as far as fixtures are concerned, incu- bators, brooders, houses, glass and wooden, heaters, etc., he and his business were the talk of the whole section, and are yet. There was one grand mistake in the start, there were no children. to run those incubators and they would not, or did not, run themselves, and they had a fair and impartial trial, as he left them entirely alone, while he spent the great- er part of his time in a near by town, telling - the bpvs just how he was going" to stampede 116 POULTRY PENSION. the broiler market, and the boys all thought a great deal of him and always will, as long - as the old folks at home foot the bills. After cooking- a batch or soof eg-g-s, smother- ing- or starving- any chickens he may have hatched, he concluded the incubator was not reliable and g-ave them up. He then went after the fresh eg-g- market; he served it just as he did the broiler market. At last accounts he was still in the chicken business, drawing- regularly on the old folks for funds to keep him (and the boys) g-oing-. The markets that he was g'oing- to glut remain the same as before. Take vour choice. THE END. I ite o 1 MAY g LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 866 898 3