re f — 1 N V--W-V Ef ABLE 8 ->6 // #V ^R,p]Sf LId... f CONGRESS, TK^T ®^ap — d ^wW !f «♦ • Shelf J^lS^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. * FRENCH DISHES FOR AMERICAN TABLES. BY , PIERRE CARON (formerly chef d'entremets at delmonico's). ]£■ TRANSLATED BY Mrs. FREDERIC SHERMAN. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, I, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1886. \ A A A % \o Copyright, 1885, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. A FEW GENERAL REMARKS. The object of this volume is to present to the public a number of attractive receipts in a form so clear and concise as to render their execution prac- ticable and comparatively easy. This is a need which we believe has long been felt ; those books of value on the subject of cookery hitherto published generally having been written in French, and those which have appeared in English, while perhaps con- taining something of merit, usually so abound in the use of technical terms as to harass and puzzle the inexperienced. The general directions also are usu- ally of such vague and incomprehensible a character as to render their meaning quite unintelligible to the reader. In view of these difficulties, we have en- deavored to avoid those terms not generally un- derstood, and to condense each receipt as much as possible, compatible with a clear and thorough understanding of the subject. We have also studied simplicity of language, so that our book may come within the comprehension of all classes, and that which we consider of importance, to cooks them- 4 FRENCH DISHES. selves. We believe that we will not be met with in- dignant protest in venturing to assert that cooking as an art is greatly neglected in America, this fact being only too frequently and universally deplored. The wealthy who may afford a chef, or very experi- enced cook, are vastly in the minority of those who suffer from the incapability of cooks, and also from the lack of knowledge on their own part, leading to the neglect of one of the most important factors of comfortable living. We think, however, that the number of people of moderate income, desiring to live well, and yet within their means, is very large ; and it is to these, as well as to the more affluent, that we hope this book may be of use, for, while economy is not its sole object, the variety of receipts for pala- table dishes which may be prepared at small cost is very large. On the other hand, of course, there are a great number of dishes which are obviously expensive ; but these may be distinguished at a glance. In conclusion, we would remark that, as we know the furnishings of American kitchens to be very meager, we have forborne the mention of particular utensils for the preparation of certain dishes. There are, however, a few articles which are indispensable if the best results are expected — viz., a Dutch oven, for roasting meats, poultry, and game, before the fire, and not in the oven of the range, which bakes in- stead of roasting, and so dries up the juices of the meats. A mortar and pestle will also be required when A FEW GENERAL REMARKS. 5 ** pounding " is mentioned, as for chicken, meats, al- monds, etc. A fine sieve is necessary for the straining of sauces ; and two flannel bags, kept scrupulously clean, one for the purpose of straining soups and the other for straining jellies. SOUPS AND SAUCES. It must be constantly borne in mind that soups must be always allowed to simmer gently, and never to boil fast, except where express directions are given to that effect. Always be particular to remove every particle of scum whenever it rises. When stock is put away on ice to become cold for the next day's use, remove the fat on the top with a spoon, wipe over the top of the jelly with a cloth dipped in hot water, and then, with a dry cloth, wipe the jelly dry. It, however, seems to us a good plan to keep the stock-pot always filled, the stock simmering on the fire, so as to be at hand when needed for the preparation of different soups and sauces. In fact, this seems almost indispensable where a variety of dishes is required. The same rule in regard to slow boiling also applies to sauces. BROILING. Be careful to always grease the bars of your grid- iron before laying on it the object to be broiled. It is better to broil on a gridiron before the fire than on one which is placed on top of the range. Season 6 FRENCH DISHES. with salt and pepper while broiling, and not after the object is taken from the fire. FRYING. Be careful that your frying-pan is very clean, as anything adhering to the bottom of the pan is apt to burn, and therefore spoil the object to be fried. To fry well, the fat should always be very hot, as its success depends entirely on this. To judge of the proper temperature of the fat, when it becomes quite still, dip the prongs of a fork in cold water, and allow a few drops to fall into the fat, which, if it crackles, is sufficiently hot. Or, drop a small piece of bread into the fat, and if it fries instantly a light brown, the desired result is reached. Drip- ping and butter should be clarified before using, the former in the following manner : Put the dripping in a saucepan, on the fire, and when boiling pour it into a bowl, into which you have previously put half a pint of cold water. When cold, with a knife cut around the edge and remove the cake of drip- ping. Scrape off all the sediment adhering to the bottom of the cake, which wipe dry with a clean cloth. Many persons prefer lard rather than dripping for frying. Butter is clarified in the following manner : Put some butter in a saucepan on the fire, and when boiling remove the scum from the top, and pour the clear butter gently into the pan which is required for use. A FEW GENERAL REMARK'S. j It is quite indispensable to good cooking that every dish requiring to be served hot should never be allowed to wait in the kitchen, but should be served with the greatest promptitude possible, as a dish prepared with every imaginable care will be sure to fail of its effect if served lukewarm or cold. The first quality in a cook, therefore, should be punctuality, which should be encouraged and ap- preciated by the guests. The receipts as here given are all for eight persons. FRENCH DISHES FOR AMERICAN TABLES. CHAPTER I. SOUPS. i. Consomme, or Stock. Put in a stock- pot a roast fowl (or the carcass and remains of a fowl), a knuckle of veal, three pounds of beef, and three quarts of water. When the scum begins to rise, skim carefully until it quite ceases to appear. Then add a carrot, a turnip, an onion, a leek, two cloves, a little celery, and a little salt. Simmer very gently four hours. Remove every particle of grease, and strain through a flannel kept for the purpose. This soup is the foundation of most soups and sauces. To clarify : when necessary that the soup should be very clear, clarify it in the following man- ner : Put in ^a saucepan a pound of chopped raw beef (off the round is preferable), which mix with an egg and two glasses of water, and pour into your con- somme. Simmer very gently for an hour, and strain. 2. Bouillon, or Beef Broth. Put into a stock- pot three pounds of a shin of beef, one pound of a knuckle of veal, and three quarts of water, and simmer gently. As soon as the scum begins to rise, skim carefully until it quite ceases to appear. IO FRENCH DISHES. Then add salt, two carrots, the same of onions, leeks, turnips, and a little celery. Simmer gently four hours, strain, and serve. 3. Bouillon Maigre. Take six medium-sized carrots, as many turnips, a bunch of celery, and two leeks. Boil them in water for a few moments, drain, put them in cold water for a moment, after which put them into three quarts of water, adding two cloves, and boil gently three hours. Add a little salt, put through a sieve, heat again on the fire, and serve. 4. Bouillon Maigre of Fish. Put into three quarts of water two pounds of black bass, two pounds of pike, and one pound of eels. Add to these two onions, two carrots, one head of celery, two cloves, and a little salt. Simmer gently for two hours, and strain. This bouillon is used as a foundation for all soups and sauces composed of fish. 5. Pot-au-Feu. Put into a saucepan three quarts of water, two pounds of beef cut in slices, a fowl partially roasted, a knuckle of veal, and a little salt. Simmer gently, and as soon as boiling be- gins, skim carefully. Add two carrots, two turnips, two leeks, a few branches of celery, an onion stuck with two cloves, and boil four hours. Drain your vegetables carefully, remove every particle of grease from your soup, strain, pour it over your vegetables, and serve. 6. Soup a la Julienne (Vegetable Soup). Di- vide two medium-sized carrots in two, then cut into very thin slices of about an inch long ; take the same SOUPS. u quantity of turnips, leeks, onions, and a few pieces of celery, all cut into thin slices, and put them into a saucepan, with a piece of good butter, on a gentle fire, stir softly until the vegetables begin to color slightly, add three pints of consomme" (or stock, Art. i), and boil gently one hour. Ten minutes before serving put in three or four leaves of lettuce, the same of sorrel, and a little chervil chopped up, boil a little longer, adding a pinch of sugar, and a tablespoonful of green peas previously boiled. 7. Soup a la Printaniere. This soup is made exactly as the foregoing, except with the addition of asparagus-tops to the other vegetables, which, instead of being in slices, are cut out in fancy shapes with a vegetable-cutter, which may be procured at any hard- ware-shop. 8. Soup a la Brunoise. Cut into square pieces, as small as possible, a carrot, a turnip, an onion, a leek, and a few pieces of celery. Stew gently in a saucepan with a little butter, stir softly until beginning to color lightly, drain, and put into three pints of consomme (see Art. 1), which boil gently for an hour, skim off the grease carefully, and serve. 9. Soup a la Paysanne. Take two table- spoonfuls of white .beans, the same of green peas. Cut in slices a carrot, a little celery, a turnip, a leek, a cucumber, and a few string-beans ; add a dozen little onions and a pinch of sugar. Put these into three pints of consomme" (or stock), which boil gently an hour. Before serving you may add a few I2 FRENCH DISHES. pieces of bread cut in small squares and fried in butter, 10. Soup with (farcied) Lettuce. Boil ten moderate-sized lettuce, then dip them in cold water, drain and press the water from them. Separate them in two, season with a little pepper and salt, then lay a tablespoonful of farce on the half of one lettuce, and cover with the other half. Wrap up each lettuce with a piece of very thin larding pork, place them carefully in a saucepan containing half a pint of consomme (or stock, Art. i), and a few branches of parsley, inclosing a clove of garlic, three pepper-corns, three cloves, and tie all together. Aft- er boiling gently an hour, drain the lettuce, remove the larding pork, the parsley, and its seasoning. Have boiling three pints of consomme" (Art. i), into which place your lettuce, and serve. It would be well to tie the larding pork around the lettuce, so that the farce should not escape. n. Farce. Place in a saucepan four ounces of very fresh bread-crumbs and a cup of consomme" (or stock, Art. i). Simmer gently for ten minutes, at the end of which time stir constantly with a wood- en spoon, and boil for ten minutes longer, so as to form a soft paste. This done, put it on a plate to cool. Take four ounces of the breast of a chicken, from which remove the skin and sinews, and po"*"d ex- tremely fine. Add to this your bread-crumbs, in quantity about three quarters as much as you have of chicken, and pound together until well mixed ; season with a little salt and white pepper, a very lit- SOUPS. 13 tie nutmeg, and a piece of butter. Then pound again, adding by degrees two eggs, until you have obtained a fine, smooth paste. This mixture is used for all farces of chicken. Veal, fish, and game are treated in the same manner. Quenelles are also made of this mixture, by forming it into small balls, and poaching them in boiling water for two minutes. 12. Sorrel Soup (clear). Wash a good handful of sorrel, which chop up together with a lettuce and a teaspoonful of chopped chervil, and put in a sauce- pan with half an ounce of butter. When beginning to color lightly, add three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1), and boil gently twenty minutes. Add a pinch of sugar, and skim the grease carefully from your soup. Serve with small squares of bread fried in butter a light brown. 13. Cucumber Soup with Green Peas. Cut two cucumbers in small pieces, and, adding a pinch of sugar, cook in a little stock for about half an hour, then add a pint of green peas, previously boiled, and serve in three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1). 14. Soup a la Pluche de Cerfeuil (Chervil Soup). Fry in butter pieces of bread cut in small squares, after which drain them. Pick and clean a handful of chervil, and, taking only the ends of the leaves, serve, together with bread, in three pints of consomme. 15. Potage aux Pointes d'Asperges (Aspar- agus Soup). Take from two bunches of asparagus only the small green ends, wash them, and then put 14 FRENCH DISHES. them in a saucepan in boiling water with a little salt, and a very little soda, so as to make them very green. Then, having thoroughly boiled them, put them for a moment in cold water, drain, and serve them in three pints of consomme (Art. i), and add small squares of bread fried in butter. 1 6. Croutes atl Pot. Cut a carrot, a turnip, and a few pieces of celery in small pieces, blanch them in hot water, drain them, and boil with three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. i); take four French rolls, which divide in two, taking out all the soft part, and butter the inside. Put them in the oven, and, as soon as they become browned, serve them in your consomme, with the addition of a tablespoonful of green peas previously boiled. 17. Consomme with Poached Eggs. Put in a saucepan with some boiling water a tablespoon- ful of vinegar and a pinch of salt, in which poach eight eggs. Then take them out and put them in cold water, so as to pare the whites perfectly round, lay them again in hot water for a moment, and serve in three pints consomme (Art. 1). 18. Consomme Royal. Break into a bowl two eggs, Avith which mix thoroughly half a glass of milk. Butter a little saucepan, into which strain your eggs and milk. Then put your saucepan into a flat pan, which you have half filled with boiling water, and place in a moderate oven for about thirty minutes. Take it out to cool, and when cold, cut in little squares, and serve in three pints of consomme (see Art. 1). If desired, add a handful of green peas, a SOUPS. I5 few thin slices of carrots, a few string-beans cut in diamond-shapes, or a few green ends of asparagus, all previously boiled. 19. Soup a la Princesse. Boil a fowl in a little stock for two hours. Take it out and let it be- come cold. Boil two tablespoonfuls of barley, which afterward put in cold water for a moment. Also boil about a handful of green peas. Cut the chicken into small pieces, after having carefully removed all skin, and put into three pints of consomme* (see Art. 1), together with the barley and peas, boil for five minutes and serve. 20. Beef Soup. Boil two ounces of barley with a little salt for ten minutes, then put in cold water for a moment, cut into small squares four ounces of cold beef, which, with the barley, and about an eighth of a can of tomatoes, boil for ten minutes in three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1), and serve. 2i. Vermicelli Soup. Take four ounces of vermicelli, which boil in hot water for twenty min- utes, then put in cold water for a moment and drain. Put three pints of consomme (Art. 1) in a saucepan, and, as soon as it begins to boil, pour in the vermi- celli ; boil for ten minutes, and serve. 22. Vermicelli Soup with Green Peas. Pre- pare as the foregoing, and just before serving add eight tablespoonfuls of green peas previously boiled. 23. Farina Soup. Add to three pints of boil- ing consomme (or stock, Art. 1) two ounces of farina by degrees, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, 16 FRENCH DISHES. so as to prevent thickening into lumps, and, after boiling gently twenty minutes, serve. 24. Arrowroot Soup. Put in a saucepan four teaspoonfuls of arrowroot, which moisten with a little cold stock, so as to form a smooth paste ; then add to it three pints of hot stock, taking care to stir with a spoon from time to time, so as not to stick to the saucepan, and, after boiling gently twenty minutes, serve. 25. Soup with Italian Paste. Take four ounces of Italian paste and blanch in boiling water with a little salt for twenty minutes. Drain, and put in three pints of consomme (see Art. 1), boil for ten minutes, and serve. 26. SagO Soup. Take two ounces of sago, which boil gently in three pints of consomme (see Art. 1) for thirty minutes, taking care to stir con- stantly with a spoon ; serve. 27. Tapioca Soup. Put in three pints of consomme" (Art. 1) four ounces of tapioca, which stir constantly ; boil for forty minutes, and serve. 28. Potage de Nouilles (Noodle Soup). Take four ounces of flour, very little salt, and two yolks of eggs, with which make a tolerably firm paste. Roll it out very thin, taking care to sprinkle some flour on the table, so that the paste does not stick. Fold it in two ; cut it in very thin slices of about an inch long, and blanch them in boiling water ten min- utes ; after which put in cold water for a moment, drain, and serve in three pints of boiling consomme (see Art. 1). SOUPS. i7 29. Soup with Rice. Take four ounces of rice, which wash well, then boil for ten minutes, and put in cold water for a moment. Boil the rice in three pints of consomme (see Art. 1) for forty minutes ; skim and serve. 30. Rice Soup a la Creole. Take six ounces of rice, which prepare as the foregoing, and ten min- utes before serving add about an eighth of a can of tomatoes, and a little cayenne pepper; boil for a moment, and serve. 31. Chicken Consomme. Take a chicken, cut it in pieces and put in a saucepan with two quarts of water, and let it simmer gently until the scum begins to rise, skim until every particle is re- moved ; then add salt, a carrot, an onion, a turnip, and a little celery. Boil gently for two hours, strain, and serve. 32. Chicken Giblet. Cut a chicken, an onion, and a little ham, each in small pieces. Put all to- gether, in a saucepan, on the fire, and add half an ounce of butter. When beginning to color slightly, add three points of consomme (see Art. 1), and a pinch of rice ; and, after boiling three quarters of an hour, add two tablespoonfuls of tomatoes, boil five minutes longer, and serve. 33. Chicken Gumbo. Cut in very small squares one ounce of raw ham and an onion, which put in a saucepan, with a piece of butter, and the wings of a chicken cut in small pieces. When beginning to color slightly, add three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1) and a pinch of barley. Boil an hour. Half t 8 FRENCH DISHES. an hour before serving, put in ten okra-pods cut in slices, five tablespoonfuls of tomatoes, and a little red pepper. 34. Chicken Okra, with Oysters. Prepare as the foregoing, without the barley. Blanch two dozen oysters, which drain, and add to your soup just before serving. 35. English Mutton Broth. Take half a pound of cold mutton and an onion, cut each in very small pieces, and put in a saucepan with half an ounce of butter. When beginning to color slightly, add three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1), a carrot, and a turnip, cut in small even pieces. Boil an hour, skim off the grease, and just before serving add two ounces of barley previously boiled. 36. Mullagatawny Soup. Cut into small pieces an onion, a carrot, a few pieces of celery, and a slice of ham, which put in a saucepan on a moderate fire, with half an ounce of butter, until they begin to color slightly. Add one quart of consomme (or stock, Art. 1) and boil for an hour ; add a pinch of curry, a little mullagatawny paste, which moisten with a little cold stock, and, after adding a pint of stock, boil for five minutes, and serve. Cold mut- ton, veal, or chicken, cut in small pieces, may be added to this if desired. 37. French Ox-tail Soup. Cut an ox-tail in small pieces, also an onion, and put in a saucepan with a little butter. When they begin to color slight- ly, add three pints of consomme (or stock) and boil gently for two hours. Skim off the grease, add one SOUPS. 19 ounce of barley which you have previously boiled, and about an eighth of a can of tomatoes ; boil ten minutes, and serve. 38. English Ox-tail Soup. Proceed as for the foregoing, except instead of consomme add three pints of Spanish sauce (see Art. 80), with very little thickening. Boil for two hours, and add a little barley, a little salt, a carrot, previously boiled and cut in slices, and four tablespoonfuls of tomatoes. Twenty minutes before serving add a good glass of sherry, boil for a moment, and serve. 39. Mock-Turtle Soup. Take a scalded calf's head, boil it in hot water for twenty minutes, drain, and put it in cold water. Then place it in a sauce- pan with three quarts of water, a carrot, an onion, four cloves, three cloves of garlic, a few branches of parsley, a tablespoonful of vinegar, and a little salt. Mix well three tablespoonfuls of flour in a little wa- ter, which add to the other ingredients and boil gent- ly for an hour and a half. Drain, and when cold cut the calf's head into small pieces. Then add three pints Spanish sauce (see Art. 80), boil gently twenty minutes, and, just before serving, also add one good glass of sherry, a little red pepper, and two hard-boiled eggs chopped up, the yolks and whites separately, and the peel of a lemon cut in small pieces. 40. Calf s-feet Soup. Blanch two calf's feet for ten minutes, then put them in cold water for a moment. Afterward place them in a saucepan, with an onion, a carrot, a pinch of thyme, a bay-leaf, a 20 FRENCH DISHES. clove of garlic, a little parsley, the juice of a lemon, and a little salt. Boil about an hour, or until very tender, and let them cool. Then cut the calf's feet in small pieces, which put in three pints of boiling consomme (or stock), with the addition of two wine- glasses of sherry, and serve. 41. American Green-Turtle Soup. Take a turtle, and let it bleed for six hours, taking care that the head hangs downward. Then divide the two shells, pressing your knife on the lower one so as not to disturb the intestines, which take entire and throw immediately away. Detach the fins and fleshy parts, putting aside any not needed for the soup, and which may be put to use afterward in an entree, or broiled. After having cleaned them put them in a saucepan, with a sufficient quantity of water to cover them. Boil them, taking care to see from time to time that the shells of the fins detach themselves. Put them in cold water for a moment, drain, and cut them in small pieces, which place in a saucepan, with three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. 1). Boil gently for three hours, add four glasses of sher- ry and some Spanish sauce (see Art. 80). Boil hard four eggs, pound the yolks, adding a little salt and pepper, and the yolk of a raw egg. Form this mixt- ure into little balls, putting a little flour on your hands to roll them. Poach them in boiling water, throw them into your soup, and, after boiling an in- stant, serve. 42. Green-Turtle Soup a la Londonderry. Proceed as for the foregoing, but instead of Spanish SOUPS. 21 sauce add three pints of consomme (or stock, Art. i) and a glass of sherry. Boil gently half an hour, and serve. 43. Terrapin Soup. Take a live terrapin, and, removing the claws, soak in boiling water for about three minutes. With a cloth remove the shells, and, proceeding as for the green turtle, cut it in small pieces and boil it in consomme (stock, Art. 1). When the terrapin is cooked, add some Spanish sauce (Art. 80), with two glasses of sherry, boil gently for twenty minutes, make some little balls pre- pared in the manner described in green-turtle soup (Art. 41), and serve in your soup. 44. Soup a la d'Orsay. Wash the ends of a bunch of asparagus, which boil with a little salt and a very little soda, drain them and put them into cold water. Press them through a sieve, add two yolks of raw eggs and three pints of consomme (stock), and, when boiling, a pinch of sugar and an ounce of butter. Take the breasts of two roast pigeons, then add to your soup when serving, and eight small eggs, which boil soft (but sufficiently hard to remove the shells), and serve in your soup. 45. Soup aux Quenelles de Volaille. Pre- pare some quenelles (see Art. n) and serve them in three pints of consomme (Art. 1). 46. Consomme Rachel. Spread on a sheet of tin half a pound of farce (Art. 1 1) of chicken (Art. n) and put in the oven for three or four minutes. Put it aside to cool, and then with a cutter for the pur- pose form into round flat shapes. Place in a sauce- 22 FRENCH DISHES. pan four ounces of flour, which mix in three pints of cold consomme (Art. i),boil gently for half an hour, stirring with a spoon from time to time, so that it does not stick to the saucepan. Strain, remove from the fire, and add three yolks of eggs which you have mixed in a little water, a tablespoonful of green peas previously boiled, the small rounds of chicken farce, and serve. 47. Rye Soup k 1'Allemande. Wash well half a pound of rye, and add three pints of consom- me (stock, Art. 1), a few pieces of celery, three leeks, a little salt and pepper, and boil gently three hours. Remove the leeks and celery, and cut in very thin slices as for Julienne soup. Mix two ounces of flour in a little cold consomme, which pour into your soup with your vegetables, taking care to stir well with a spoon. Add a pinch of sugar, boil an hour, skim, and serve. 48. Giblet Soup of Goose. Take the giblets of a goose, which cut in small pieces. Singe and re- move the skin from the feet, and cut them in small pieces, as also four ounces of larding pork. Put all together in a saucepan, with one ounce of butter, and, when beginning to color brown, add two ounces of flour, and boil for five minutes. Then add three pints of consomme (stock), two green onions, a very little thyme, a clove of garlic, two cloves, a bay-leaf, and a little mace, around which put a few branches of parsley, and tie all together. Carefully remove all grease from your soup, add a wine-glass of sherry, and serve. SOUPS. 23 49. Soup k la Bohemienne. Cut a carrot in very small pieces, which put in a saucepan with an ounce of butter. When beginning to color lightly, add three pints of consomme (stock, Art. 1), boil for half an hour, skim, add a pint of peas, a pinch of sugar, pepper, and nutmeg. When your peas are cooked, make a paste with three ounces of flour, two yolks of eggs, one whole egg, a glass of cream, and a little salt and nutmeg. Put through a sieve into your soup, which must be boiling on the fire, stir with a spoon, boil for ten minutes, add a tablespoon- ful of chopped parsley, and serve. 50. Soup with Poached Eggs a la Styrie. Take three pints of consomme (stock, Art. 1), which boil, and add thereto, by degrees, two ounces of semolina, stirring constantly with a spoon. Poach in boiling water with a little salt, and a tablespoon- ful of vinegar, six eggs, which put into cold water. Blanch a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, which add to your soup, with three quarters of a pint of green peas, and, lastly, your poached eggs, which, just before serving in your soup, place in hot water for an instant. 51. English Hare Soup. Cut a young hare in small pieces, which put in a saucepan with four ounces of lard, cut in small squares, two ounces of butter, and, when beginning to color brown, add one ounce of flour, half a bottle of claret, and a quart of consomme (stock, Art. 1). Season with a little thyme, a bay-leaf, two onions, a dozen mushrooms, two cloves, a little salt, pepper, mace, and a very 24 FRENCH DISHES. little cayenne. Boil, and then remove your sauce- pan to the back of the range to simmer gently. Take off all grease most carefully, and, when your hare is thoroughly done, strain your consomme and serve with the hare. 52. Soup of Sturgeon a la Pierre Legrand. Take one pound of pike, one of perch, and the same of eels, which put into a saucepan, with an onion cut in slices, a carrot, a clove of garlic, a very little thyme, and a bay-leaf. Cut up your fish, add four wine-glasses of sherry, boil until all moisture is ab- sorbed, add three pints of consomme (stock, Art. 1), boil for one hour, and press through a sieve. Take two pounds of sturgeon, and boil gently with a carrot, an onion, a slice of ham, salt, pepper, a small garlic, a pint of consomme^ and a glass of sherry. Make a farce of quenelles (see Art. 11), form in small balls, which poach in hot water. Add them to the slices of sturgeon, also the ends of a bunch of asparagus, previously boiled, and two tablespoon- fuls of chervil, chopped very fine. Strain the liquid in which your sturgeon was boiled, add to the essence of fish prepared above, boil for a few moments, and serve. 53. Clam Chowder a la Thayer. Put half a pound of fat salt pork in a saucepan, let it fry slow- ly, and then remove it from the fire and put it aside to cool. Chop up fine fifty large hard-clams, also half a can of tomatoes, a handful of celery, the same of parsley, a quart of onions, half a dozen pilot- biscuit, a little thyme, and two quarts of potatoes SOUPS. 25 cut up in pieces about as large as a five-cent piece. Put the saucepan in which you have your pork again on the fire, add first the onions, and then the other ingredients, with the juice of the clams, and enough water to cover. Add black pepper, a little salt, and an eighth of a pint of Worcestershire sauce. Stir from the bottom so as to avoid burning, and simmer gently until the potatoes are thoroughly done. When the chowder begins to boil, you may add boilmg water if you find it too thick. Five minutes before serving, add half a lemon sliced thin. 54. Olla Podrida (Spanish Soup). Put in a saucepan two pounds of beef, a pint of dwarf or chick peas, which you have previously soaked in water for six hours. Then blanch in boiling water for twenty minutes half a pound of bacon and half a pound of raw ham, which add to the other ingre- dients, with enough water to cover them. Skim care- fully, and, after boiling gently two hours, add a fowl, a carrot, an onion, a clove of garlic, two cloves, and two bay-leaves, which inclose in some branches of parsley, tying all together. Boil again for an hour, adding two smoked sausages (choricos), which may be found at any Italian grocery, and a cabbage pre- viously blanched. Continue boiling gently for two hours ; soak a pinch of saffron in water, strain it into your soup on the fire, and boil thirty minutes longer, until the ingredients become yellow. Strain your soup, remove the meats, drain, arrange as neatly as possible on a dish, and serve with the soup. 55. Bouillabaisse a la Marseillaise. Put 3 26 FRENCH DISHES. into a saucepan an onion chopped very fine, with a tablespoonful of oil. When beginning to color slight- ly, cut in slices half a pound of pike, the same of perch, flounder, eel, and lobster, which wash and clean well. Place them in a saucepan with parsley, two chopped cloves of garlic, some pepper and salt, a little nutmeg, and a pinch of saffron, which mix in two tablespoonfuls of water, and strain into your saucepan. Moisten with three pints of fish-broth (see Art. 4), two tablespoonfuls of oil, and a wine- glass of sherry. Boil on a quick fire for twenty minutes. Take some rather thick pieces of bread, over which pour the liquid in which your fish was boiled, and serve the fish on a separate dish. PUREES. 56. Puree of Sorrel. Proceed as for clear sorrel soup (Art. 12), except with the addition of four yolks of eggs, mixed in a little water, just before serving the soup and when it has entirely ceased boiling. Serve with it some square pieces of bread fried in butter. 57. Cream of Sorrel. Boil one quart of sor- rel, drain it, put it in cold water, and press it through a sieve. Put it in a saucepan with not quite a quart of consomme (stock), and the same of cream ; salt, pepper, and an ounce of butter. Boil for a few mo- ments, and then remove the saucepan to the back of the range. When it has ceased boiling, take the yolks of four eggs, which mix in a little water ; add to your soup, and serve. SOUPS. 27 58. Puree of Green Peas. Take a quart of green peas and put them in a saucepan with boiling water, adding some parsley and a little salt. Boil rapidly, until the peas are thoroughly done, then drain them and remove the parsley. Pound them, and press them through a sieve, and return them to the fire, in a saucepan, with a pint and a half of con- somme and the same of cream. When boiling, add an ounce of butter, a little salt, a pinch of sugar, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. 59. Puree of Peas a la Princesse. Boil a chicken in a little more than three pints of con- somme (stock, Art. 1). If an ordinary chicken, it will take forty minutes ; if an old one, two hours. After it is done, let it become cold, and cut it in pieces to serve in your soup. Make the pur£e of peas like the preceding ; add to it the consomme - in which the chicken was cooked, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. 60. Split-Pea Soup. Take a pint of split peas, which, having washed well, place in a saucepan with an onion, a clove, half an ounce of ham, and two quarts of cold water. Boil until the peas are very soft, press them through a sieve, put them again on the fire, with the addition of an ounce of butter, three pints of consomme* (stock, Art. 1), and serve with some small pieces of bread fried in butter. 6 1. Puree of Lentils. Take a quart of lentils, wash them well, and put them in a saucepan with a slice of lean ham, the carcass of a partridge, a carrot, an onion, a few branches of parsley, a few pieces of 2 8 FRENCH DISHES. celery, and add three pints of consomme" (stock). Boil until the lentils are thoroughly cooked, drain, remove the ham, partridge, and parsley, press through a sieve, place on the fire again, adding one ounce of butter, boil for a moment, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. 62. Puree of White Beans. Take one pint of white beans, which wash well, and boil thoroughly in three pints of consomme (stock, Art. 1). When the beans are done, press them through a sieve, put them again on the fire, adding one ounce of butter, a pinch of sugar, boil for a moment, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. This soup can be varied by adding a plateful of string-beans boiled separately with a little salt and a very little soda, after which put in cold water for a moment, and then cut in diamonds. Chop a teaspoonful of parsley, and serve with the string-beans in your soup. 63. Puree of Asparagus. Take a bunch of asparagus, separate the heads from the stalks, wash them, and then boil them with a little salt and a very little soda, after which put them in cold water for a moment. Put into a saucepan one ounce of but- ter, two ounces of flour, a little salt, a pinch of sugar, and add the heads of asparagus, a pint and a half of cream, the same of consomme" (stock, Art. 1). Stir all together until boiling, strain, put back on the fire for a few moments, and, adding an ounce of butter, serve. 64. Puree of Rice. Take half a pound of rice, which wash well in several waters, boil for a few mo- SOUPS. 29 ments, then put in cold water, drain, and place in a saucepan with one quart of consomme" (stock), and boil for about an hour. Press through a sieve, and put back on the fire until it begins to boil, then add one pint of cream and an ounce of butter ; serve. 65. Rice Soup a la Crecy. Take two very red carrots, a turnip, and an onion, which cut in slices, and a clove. Boil these in not quite a quart of consomme (stock, Art. 1) for about an hour. Press through a sieve. Then boil four ounces of rice, after which drain and put it in cold water for a moment ; drain again, and boil for three quarters of an hour in nearly a quart of consomme. Add the puree of veg- etables, and, when beginning to boil up again, add one ounce of butter, and serve. 66. Puree of Barley. Take half a pound of barley, which boil for about five minutes, then put in cold water. Drain, and add it to three pints of consomme" (stock, Art. 1), boil about two hours, press through a sieve and put back on the fire until it be- gins to boil, adding one ounce of butter and two tablespoonfuls of green peas, previously boiled ; serve. 67. Puree of Celery. Take a bunch of celery, and wash it well ; cut it in pieces and place it in a saucepan with water, a little salt, and boil thoroughly, drain, and put it in cold water. In another sauce- pan put an ounce of butter (which melt), one ounce of flour, salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg ; mix all together, adding the celery, not quite a quart of consomme" (stock), and the same of cream. Put it 3° FRENCH DISHES. on the fire, taking care to stir until it boils, press through a sieve and again put it on the fire for a mo- ment ; serve. 68. Puree Soubise a la Princesse. Blanch six onions in boiling water, with a little salt, until they become soft. Drain and dry them in a nap- kin. Then put them in a saucepan with an ounce of butter, on a very gentle fire, so that they may only color slightly ; add two ounces of flour, a little salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg ; moisten with a pint and a half of consomme (stock, Art. i), and the same of cream. When beginning to boil, press through a sieve, heat again on the fire, adding half an ounce of butter, and serve. 69. Puree of Potatoes a la Jackson. Bake in the oven half a dozen potatoes. Take out the inside, which put in a saucepan with an ounce of butter. Mix thoroughly together with a spoon, and season with a little salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar, and a very little nutmeg. Moisten with a pint and a half of consomme" (stock), press through a sieve, put back on the fire, and as soon as beginning to boil add a pint and a half of cream ; heat without boiling, then add four yolks of eggs well mixed in a little water, and serve. 70. Puree of Jerusalem Artichokes. Clean a dozen Jerusalem artichokes, cut them in pieces, and put them in a saucepan with a little butter, salt, and a pinch of sugar. As soon as they begin to color slightly, add a pint and a half of consomme (stock, Art. 1), boil a little longer, and press through SOUPS. 31 a sieve. Put back on the fire until beginning to boil, add an ounce of butter, a pint and a half of cream, and when very hot, without boiling, add the yolks of four eggs, which you have previously mixed well in a little water. You may serve with small squares of bread fried in butter if desired. 71. Puree of Fowl a la Reine. Clean a chick- en, and put it in a saucepan with a quart of con- somme (stock, Art. 1), a carrot, an onion, and a clove. Simmer very gently for three hours ; take out the fowl, cut off the white meat, and pound very fine. Remove the grease carefully from your soup in which the fowl has been cooked, then add the pounded chicken, and put through a sieve. Heat it up again on the fire, add a pint and a half of cream, taking care that it does not boil, add very little nutmeg, pepper, salt, a very little sugar, an ounce of butter, and the yolks of four eggs, well mixed in a little water. Serve. 72. Puree of Partridge. Remove the shells of two dozen French chestnuts, which boil five minutes, remove the skins, and put the chestnuts in a saucepan with a little salt and water, and boil for about five minutes. Cut off all the meat from a cold partridge, which pound in a mortar, together with the chestnuts, and then press through a sieve. Boil the bones of your partridge for about half an hour in three pints of consomme (stock, Art. 1), adding a wineglass of sherry, strain, and add it to your chest- nuts and partridge. Put in a saucepan two table- spoonfuls of flour, with an ounce of butter, a little 32 FRENCH DISHES. pepper, and salt. Mix all well together, and add them to your pur6e, which should be very hot. When economy is no object, you may add two par- tridges instead of one, which will give a better flavor to your pur^e, to which, if you find too thick, you may add a little more consomme\ 73. Puree of Rabbit. Remove the fillets from an uncooked rabbit, and place them in a saucepan on a moderate fire, with half an ounce of butter, and simmer very gently. In another saucepan put the remainder of the rabbit with an onion, a clove, and a little nutmeg, and three pints of consomme 1 (stock, Art. 1). Simmer gently three quarters of an hour, remove the meat from the thighs and shoul- ders, pound it together with two ounces of rice well boiled, moisten with the consomme in which your rabbit was cooked, and put through a sieve. Cut your fillets of rabbit, which you cooked in butter, into small pieces, and serve in your soup. 74. Tomato Soup. Cut a carrot and an onion in slices, add a slice of raw ham and a clove, and put into a saucepan with half an ounce of butter. As soon as your vegetables begin to color slightly, mix well with them an ounce of flour, add a quart of tomatoes, and boil for thirty minutes. Strain, then season with salt and pepper, put again on the fire, add a pint of consomme" (stock), and boil for five minutes, and add an ounce of butter. Remove the grease from your soup, and serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. 75. Puree of Vegetables aux Croutons. SOUPS. 33 Clean and cut in slices a medium-sized carrot, a tur- nip, an onion, a leek, some pieces of celery, and add two cloves. Boil them for a few moments, and after- ward put them into cold water for a moment. Then place your vegetables in a saucepan, with four ounces of dried peas, moisten with three pints consomme (or stock, Art. i), boil for two hours, season with a little pepper, salt, and a pinch of sugar. Press through a sieve, put again on the fire with an ounce of butter, and serve in your soup, with small squares of bread fried in butter. 76. Rice Soup au Lait d'Amandes. Wash in cold water four ounces of rice, which boil for ten minutes, afterward put it in cold water, drain, then place it in a saucepan with three pints of milk, and boil very gently for forty-five minutes. Take four ounces of bitter-almonds with one of sweet, blanch them and pound them well, adding by degrees, as you pound, a glass of cold milk. Put through a sieve, add a pinch of salt and about a coffee-spoon- ful of sugar, and then with the rice and milk boil for a moment, and serve. 77. Bisque of Crawfish. Wash four dozen crawfish and put them in sufficient water to cover them, cut a carrot, an onion, and three cloves of garlic in slices, add two cloves, a few branches of parsley, a little salt, and a tablespoonful of vinegar, and boil for fifteen minutes. Drain them, and then pound them to a paste. Melt one ounce of butter in a saucepan, add two ounces of flour, which mix well with the butter. Then add the paste of craw- 34 FRENCH DISHES. fish, not quite a quart of cream, the same of con- somme (stock), three quarters of a cupful of toma- toes, salt and pepper, and a little cayenne. Boil, and stir with a spoon, press through a sieve, and put back on the fire, with one ounce of butter ; as soon as it boils up again, serve. 78. Bisque of Lobster. Take half a pound of boiled lobster from which you have removed the shell, and proceed as for the foregoing, adding half instead of three quarters of a cupful of tomatoes. 79. Bisque of Clams. Boil fifty clams in their juice for about five minutes, drain them, chop them fine, then pound them. Put in a saucepan on the fire four ounces of butter, with two ounces of flour, add your clams with their juice, two pinches of salt, one of pepper, one of cayenne, and two and a half pints of milk, stir constantly, and, just before begin- ning to boil, remove from the fire, strain, heat again over the fire, and serve. Bisque of oysters is prepared in the same manner. CHAPTER II. SAUCES. 80. Spanish Sauce. Melt two ounces of but- ter in a saucepan, to which add two ounces of flour, and put on a gentle fire, stirring until colored a nice brown ; then mix with the flour and butter a pint of consomme" (stock, Art. 1), an ounce and a half of lean raw ham, a carrot, an onion, a piece of cel- ery, two cloves, a pinch of salt and pepper, and stir until beginning to boil. Remove the saucepan to the back of the range, so as to simmer gently for an hour ; skim off the grease carefully and strain. 81. Sauce Allemande. Melt two ounces of butter and mix thoroughly with it two ounces of flour on a gentle fire. Add immediately a pint of consomme (stock, Art. 1), a little salt and pepper, and stir until boiling. After boiling fifteen minutes, remove from the fire and skim the grease off care- fully. When your sauce has ceased boiling, add the yolks of three eggs, well mixed in a little water, and stirred in quickly with an egg-beater, so as to make your sauce light. 82. Sauce Veloutee. Put in a saucepan two pounds of veal, the thighs of a chicken, two carrots, 3* FRENCH DISHES. two onions, a few branches of parsley, inclosing two cloves, two bay-leaves, a clove of garlic ; tie all to- gether, adding a little salt and pepper, and one quart of consomme (stock, Art. i). When beginning to boil, skim constantly, so as to clear the sauce well. Remove the saucepan to the back of the range and simmer gently two hours. Melt two ounces of butter in a saucepan on the fire, with which mix thoroughly an ounce of flour. When beginning to color slightly, add a pint of the liquid in which your meats were boiled, strain half a wine- glass of the juice of canned mushrooms, add it to your sauce, which boil forty-five minutes ; strain, and serve. 83. Bechamel Sauce. Melt an ounce of but- ter in a saucepan, add an ounce of flour, and mix well together. Then add an onion cut in slices, half an ounce of lean raw ham, and a little salt and pep- per. When beginning to color slightly, moisten with a pint of milk, stir well until boiling, after which boil ten minutes longer ; strain, and serve. 84. White Sauce, or Butter-Sauce. Put in a saucepan on the fire an ounce of butter, which melt, and add to it one tablespoonful of flour, a little salt, white pepper, a little nutmeg, and mix all well together, adding a glass of water ; stir until boiling, add an ounce of butter and the juice of a lemon ; strain, and serve. 85. Sauce Hollandaise. Put two ounces of butter in a saucepan, with a little salt, nutmeg, a glass and a quarter of water, and mix all together on SA UCES. 37 the fire. Put into another saucepan two tablespoon- fuls of vinegar, which reduce one half ; add it to your other ingredients, with a tablespoonful of Be- chamel sauce (Art. 83), and an ounce of butter, mix- ing all well together. Take the yolks of four eggs, which mix in a little water, and, removing your sauce from the fire, when it has ceased boiling, add the eggs, the juice of a lemon, strain, and serve. 86. Sauce Piquante. Chop four shallots very fine, put them in a saucepan with four tablespoonfuls of sweet-oil. When beginning to color slightly, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil slowly for a few minutes, then add two ounces of pickles, and serve. 87. Bread-Sauce. Chop an onion very fine, put it in a saucepan, with four ounces of bread-crumbs, which you have put through a sieve, add a little salt, pepper, and a glass of milk. Boil ten minutes, add a glass of cream, and serve. 88. Sauce Bearnaise. Chop up three shallots and put them in a saucepan with a pinch of chervil, a branch of tarragon, a green onion, and two table- spoonfuls of vinegar. Reduce one half, and let cool ; then add four ounces of butter, eight yolks of eggs, a sherry-glass of water, salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Put your saucepan again on a gentle fire, stir well until the sauce thickens ; strain, and serve. 89. Parisian Sauce. Put into a saucepan half an ounce of chopped truffles, a wineglass of sherry, some branches of parsley, inclosing a clove, a little 4 38 FRENCH DISHES. thyme, a bay-leaf, and tie all together. Reduce one half on the fire, put through a sieve, add half a pint of Allemande sauce (Art. 81) ; heat again on the fire, and serve. 90. Tomato Sauce. Put in a saucepan an ounce of raw ham, a carrot, an onion, very little thyme, a bay-leaf, two cloves, a clove of garlic, and half an ounce of butter. Simmer for ten minutes, add an ounce of flour well mixed in half a pint of tomatoes and a glass of consomme (stock, Art. 1). Boil for half an hour, season with a little salt, pep- per, a very little nutmeg, strain, and serve. 91. Sauce Perigueux. Chop an ounce of truffles, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with a glass of sherry and a glass of white wine. Reduce one half, then add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil five minutes, and serve. 92. Sauce Robert. Cut an onion in small pieces, and put it in a saucepan with half an ounce of butter. When it begins to color, drain off the butter, and moisten with half a glass of consomme (stock, Art. 1). Boil gently for thirty minutes, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), a wineglass of sherry, and a tablespoonful of English mustard mixed in a little water. 93. Italian Sauce. Peel and chop two shal- lots, which, with a little butter, put in a saucepan on the fire. When beginning to color slightly, moisten with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) and a wineglass of sherry. Boil for twenty minutes. Chop half an ounce of lean, cooked ham, half a dozen SA UCES. 39 mushrooms chopped fine, and a little chopped pars- ley. After skimming the grease from your sauce, add these ingredients, boil five minutes, and serve. 94. Sauce Soubise. Peel and chop three on- ions, which put in a saucepan on the fire with an ounce of butter. Simmer very gently, so as not to color too much, and, after three quarters of an hour, add a tablespoonful of flour, salt, pepper, a little nutmeg, and mix all together. Moisten with a gill of consomme (stock, Art. 1), the same of cream, boil for five minutes, strain, heat again on the fire, and serve. 95. Sauce Poivrade. Put into a saucepan a chopped onion, three branches of thyme, three bay- leaves, a clove of garlic, three cloves, six pepper- corns, half an ounce of raw ham cut in small pieces, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a little pepper, a very little cayenne ; reduce until almost dry, moisten with a claret-glass of red wine and half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil fifteen minutes, strain, and serve. 96. Sauce Hachee. Peel and chop an onion, a pickle, a shallot, a tablespoonful of capers, and moisten with two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Put them in a saucepan on the fire, reduce one half, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), a little cay- enne pepper, a pinch of parsley chopped fine, half an ounce of capers, and two tablespoonfuls of wine- vinegar, boil five minutes, and serve. 97. Hunter Sauce. Put the remains of a roast partridge in a saucepan with half an ounce of raw 4 o FRENCH DISHES. ham, a carrot, an onion, a clove of garlic, a little thyme, three bay-leaves, and three cloves. Moisten with a glass of white wine, reduce one half, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil half an hour, strain, and serve. 98. Sauce Colbert. Put an ounce of glaze (Art. 179) in a saucepan on the fire with a table- spoonful of consomme (stock, Art. 1). Mix well to- gether, and add half a pint of consomme (stock, Art. 1), half an ounce of butter in small pieces, and by degrees, stirring all the time. When all well mixed together, strain, add the juice of a lemon, a table- spoonful of chopped parsley, and serve. 99. Sauce Supreme. Cut up the remains of two roast chickens, which put into a saucepan with a pint of consomme - (stock, Art. 1), some branches of parsley, inclosing a clove, a clove of garlic, two bay- leaves, salt, and white pepper, a very little thyme, and tie all together. Boil one hour, and strain. Put two ounces of butter in another saucepan, a table- spoonful of flour, a teaspoonful of corn-starch, mix thoroughly together, and add the liquid in which the remains of the chicken were broiled. Stir with a spoon until boiling, reduce one quarter, pour in two wineglasses of cream and one wineglass of sherry. Boil fifteen minutes longer, add the juice of a lemon, strain, and serve. 100. Sauce Venetienne. Put two tablespoon- fuls of vinegar in a saucepan on the fire, with some parsley, a little tarragon, two cloves, a very little thyme, half an ounce of raw ham chopped up. Re- SA UCES. 41 duce one half, and add half a pint sauce veloutee (Art. 82). Boil five minutes and strain. Chop fine a tablespoonful of chervil, the same of tarragon, boil them in hot water five minutes, dry with a napkin, and add to your sauce just before serving. 101. Sauce Bordelaise. Peel two cloves of garlic, and put them in a saucepan, with a pinch of chervil, a few tarragon-leaves, two bay-leaves, a lemon, from which you have removed the peel and the seeds, two cloves, two tablespoonfuls of oil, and two claret-glasses of white wine. Reduce one half on a very gentle fire, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil half an hour, carefully remove all grease, and pour in another glass of white wine. Boil ten minutes, add the juice of a lemon, strain, put back your sauce on the fire, cut a dozen mushrooms in very small pieces, add them to your sauce, and serve. 102. Another way of making Sauce Borde- laise. Peel and chop very fine four cloves of gar- lic, which put into a saucepan with three tablespoon- fuls of oil. When beginning to color lightly, add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. This sauce should never be made until ready to serve on the instant. 103. Sauce a la Poulette. Put in a saucepan three sherry-glasses of water, three ounces of butter, the juice of half a lemon, and a pinch of salt and white pepper. As soon as beginning to boil, take off the fire, and, when boiling ceases, add the yolks of four eggs which you have previously mixed well, in about a sherry-glass of water. Stir constantly so that 42 FRENCH DISHES. the sauce does not break, strain it, and add to it a little parsley chopped fine. 104. Sauce Fleurette. Proceed as for the fore- going, except, instead of the parsley, add only the ends of some chervil-leaves, not chopped. 105. Sauce a la Mariniere. Cut a small eel and a pike in small pieces, put them in a saucepan, with an onion, a carrot, three branches of parsley, half a dozen mushrooms, a little thyme, two bay- leaves, and a pinch of allspice ; moisten with half a bottle of red wine, and boil forty minutes. Add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), and simmer at the back of the range for half an hour. Take out your pieces of fish and strain the liquid in which they were boiled. Peel twenty small white onions, which put in a saucepan with half an ounce of butter. When they begin to color slightly, add to them a very little of the sauce until they are cooked, then add to them the whole of the sauce, and serve. 106. Lobster Sauce. Take a boiled lobster, separate it in two, remove the coral, which wash well in cold water ; lay it on a table, with half an ounce of butter, mix well together with the blade of a knife, and press through a sieve. Pound to a paste quar- ter of a pound of the meat of the lobster. Put half a pint of white sauce (Art. 84) in a saucepan, and, when boiling, add the above ingredients, which stir well, so as to mix thoroughly ; strain, and serve. As there is not always coral in every lobster, it is well to preserve it in a little vinegar, and put. it by until needed. SA UCES. 43 107. Shrimp Sauce. Take half a pint of white sauce (Art. 84), which should be boiling; add a lit- tle lobster-coral and butter, as described in lobster sauce (Art. 106), or half a tablespoonful of anchovy sauce. Remove the shells from four dozen shrimps, and serve in your sauce. 108. Sauce Genevoise. Cut a medium-sized pike in pieces, which put in a saucepan with half an ounce of raw ham cut in small pieces, two cloves, two bay-leaves, a clove of garlic, a little thyme, a pinch of salt and pepper, a few mushrooms chopped up, and two claret-glasses of red wine. Reduce one half, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil thirty minutes ; then add a wineglass of madeira (or sherry) ; strain, and stir thoroughly into your sauce a teaspoonful of anchovy sauce. 109. Sauce Remoulade (cold). Put in a bowl two yolks of eggs, a tablespoonful of mustard, salt, and pepper. Mix well with the foregoing two table- spoonfuls of vinegar, and then, stirring constantly, eight tablespoonfuls of oil ; and, lastly, another table- spoonful of vinegar ; then chop a shallot, some cher- vil, some tarragon-leaves, and mix them with your sauce. no. Sauce Remoulade (hot). Peel and chop very fine six shallots and a clove of garlic ; put them into a saucepan with five tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and reduce on the fire one half. Pound the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs, which mix well with a tea- spoonful of anchovy sauce ; add to them half a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 81) and a quarter of a 44 FRENCH DISHES. tablespoonful of sweet-oil, and then the shallots, garlic, and vinegar ; heat without boiling, and add a pinch of tarragon, the same of chervil and of parsley all chopped fine, a little salt and pepper, and, just before serving, two tablespoonfuls of vine- gar. in. Sauce Ravigote (hot). Put into a sauce- pan half a pint of consomme (stock, Art. i), half a teaspoonful of vinegar, a very little green garlic, and the same of tarragon-leaves and chervil. Boil ten minutes, drain your herbs, press all moisture from them with a cloth, and then chop them very fine. Put on a table half an ounce of flour, and the same of butter, which mix well together and add them to your consomme and vinegar, which you have put back on the fire ; stir well with a spoon until boiling, then skim the sauce, add your chopped herbs, and serve. 112. Sauce Ravigote (cold). Take half a pint of sauce Mayonnaise (Art. 113), to which add a little chervil, parsley, tarragon, all mashed and chopped fine, and mix well with your Mayonnaise ; also a tablespoonful of mustard, and a tablespoonful of capers. 113. Sauce Mayonnaise. Put the yolks of two eggs in a bowl with salt, pepper, the juice of a lemon, and half a teaspoonful of dry mustard. Stir with a wooden spoon, and add by degrees, in very small quantities, and stirring continuously, a table- spoonful of vinegar ; then, a few drops at a time, some good oil, stirring rapidly all the time, until SA UCES. 45 your sauce thickens, and half a pint of oil has been absorbed. 114. Sauce Tartare. Proceed as for the fore- going, except that, instead of half a teaspoonful of mustard, add three. Chop a pickle and a table- spoonful of capers, which dry in a napkin. Also chop a green onion, some chervil, a few tarragon- leaves, and mix with your sauce. CHAPTER III. FISH. 115. Boiled Striped Bass a la Venetienne. Clean a striped bass of about four pounds. Cut off the fins with a scissors. Then wash your fish well, put it in a fish-kettle with four ounces of salt, and enough water to cover the fish. Simmer gently, and when beginning to boil remove it to the back of the range, to simmer for half an hour. Then serve with a sauce Venetienne (Art. 100). 116. Boiled Red Snapper with Butter Sauce. Proceed as for the foregoing, and serve with a white sauce (Art. 84). 117. Boiled Salmon, Madeira Sauce. Boil four pounds of salmon as in Art. 115, adding half a bottle of white wine, then serve with Spanish sauce (Art. 80), adding a glass of madeira or sherry. Salmon may also be served with the following sauces: Italian sauce (Art. 93), sauce Hollandaise (Art. 85), sauce G^nevoise (Art. 108), or cold with sauce Tartare (Art. 114), sauce ravigote (Art. 112), or sauce remoulade (Art. 109). 118. Halibut, Lobster Sauce. Boil four pounds of halibut, and serve with a lobster sauce (Art. 106). FISH. 47 119. Boiled Codfish, Oyster Sauce. Boil a codfish. Stew two dozen oysters, which drain, and add to a white sauce (Art. 84). Boiled codfish may also be served with caper sauce, sauce Hollandaise (Art. 85), and other white sauces. 120. Sheep's Head, Shrimp Sauce. Boil a sheep's head, and serve with a shrimp sauce (Art. 107). 1 a 1. Salmon - Trout, Sauce Hollandaise. Boil a salmon-trout, and serve with sauce Hollan- daise (Art. 85). 122. Pickerel, Anchovy Sauce. Clean a pickerel of four pounds and put it in a fish-kettle with enough water to cover it ; add four ounces of salt, a carrot cut in slices, an onion, six branches of thyme, six cloves, six pepper-corns, some parsley- roots, and a tablespoonful of vinegar. When be- ginning to boil remove the fish-kettle to the back of the range for about half an hour. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), into which mix two teaspoonfuls of anchovy sauce, and, when boiling, serve with your fish. 123. Black Bass, Burgundy Sauce. Clean a black bass of four pounds, put it in the fish-kettle to boil, adding half a bottle of claret. Then let it simmer for half an hour at the back of the range. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), put it in a saucepan with two wineglasses of red wine, re- duce one quarter, and serve with your fish. 124. Baked Blue -Fish, Tomato Sauce. Clean a blue-fish of four pounds and place it in a 4 8 FRENCH DISHES. buttered pan. Cover the fish with tomato sauce (Art. 90), on top of which put some bread-crumbs and a few little pieces of butter. Place in the oven for about forty minutes, or until you see that the flesh is detached from the backbone, and serve with tomato sauce around it. 125. Baked Fillet of Sole (or Flounder). Cut a flounder of four pounds into fillets, that is, in pieces of about five inches long and four in width, tapering to a point at each end. Each piece should be not quite an inch thick. Put them in a buttered pan, cover with sauce Allemande (Art. 81), on top of which sprinkle some bread-crumbs and a few small pieces of butter. Put into the oven until well browned. Place half a pint of sauce Allemande in a saucepan, with the addition of a wineglass of sherry, boil ten minutes, pour it around your fish, and serve. 126. Weak-Fish, Italian Sauce. Cut a weak- fish of four pounds in fillets, as described in the fore- going, and place them in a saucepan with a little melted butter, salt, pepper, a little nutmeg, and two tablespoonfuls of madeira (or sherry). Simmer gen- tly for twenty minutes, arrange your fish neatly on a dish, one piece overlapping the other, and serve with an Italian sauce (Art. 93). 127. Chicken Halibut aux Fines Herbes. Chop a little parsley, six mushrooms, and a shallot ; add to them a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and place all together in a saucepan on the fire for five minutes, with half a pint of white wine. Then put these ingredients on a dish, and place on top of FISH. 49 them four pounds of chicken halibut. Send to a moderate oven for about thirty minutes, taking care from time to time to pour with a spoon some of the liquid in the dish over your fish. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) in another saucepan on the fire, reduce your sauce for about seven or eight minutes, adding the juice of a lemon, and serve it around your fish. 128. Eels a la Tartare. Broil your eels on a gridiron. When the skin detaches itself on one side, turn them on the other. When done, with a nap- kin take off all the skin, cut the eels in pieces three inches long, remove the insides, and put the eels in a saucepan with a little salt, pepper, six cloves, six pepper-corns, two parsley-roots, a little thyme, four bay-leaves, and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Add enough water to cover your eels, and, after boiling fifteen minutes, take them off the fire, let them cool in the liquid in which they were cooked, and then wipe them dry with a cloth. Break in a bowl two eggs, which mix thoroughly with half an ounce of melted butter ; pour this over your fish, and sprinkle lightly with bread-crumbs. Broil them on a very gentle fire. When they are a nice brown, serve them with a sauce Tartare (Art. 114). 129. King-Fish, Sherry Sauce. Clean four medium-sized king-fish, split them in two, and broil them on a gentle fire. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) in a saucepan, add a wineglass of sherry, boil fifteen minutes, pour it around your fish, and serve. 5 5° FRENCH DISHES. 130. Fillet of Shad, with Puree of Sorrel. After cleaning your shad, cut it in equal pieces, leav- ing the skin underneath. Put them on a plate, and sprinkle a little salt on them, add the juice of a lem- on, and a few branches of parsley. A few moments before they are required to be served put them in a saucepan on a gentle fire for fifteen minutes, Avith a glass of white wine and an ounce of butter. Pick and clean a quart of sorrel, which blanch in boiling water, drain, and press it through a sieve. Put an ounce of butter in a saucepan with half an ounce of flour, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and, when beginning to color slightly, add your puree of sor- rel and half a glass of cream. Simmer gently ten minutes, when add the yolks of two eggs which you have mixed in a little milk. Boil five minutes long- er, pour over your fish, and serve. 131. Broiled Shad a la Maitre d'Hotel. Clean a shad, without removing the skin, split it in two, and put the roes on a buttered pan, which send to the oven until brown. Then broil the shad, and when done put it on a dish together with the roes. Melt an ounce of butter, in which put a little salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley, and the juice of a lemon. Mix well together, pour over your shad, and serve. Porgies, mackerel, and other broiling fish, may be served in the same manner. 132. Long Island Brook-Trout. Clean and wash a trout of about four pounds, and put it in a fish-kettle with four ounces of salt. When begin- ning to boil remove your fish-kettle to the back FISH. Si of the range for twenty-five minutes. Blanch four roes of shad in a little boiling water and a little salt, drain, and cut them in small pieces, as also a dozen mushrooms. Add these, with the juice of a lemon, to a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 81), and boil ten minutes. Serve the fish garnished with sprigs of parsley, and the sauce in a separate dish. 133. Trout a la Genevoise. Clean four little trout, cut off the gills, and put your fish in an earth- en pot for four hours, with a little thyme, four bay- leaves, two shallots cut in pieces, five branches of parsley, a little pepper and salt, and the juice of two lemons, after which drain, and place them in a sauce- pan on the fire, with a chopped onion, a clove of garlic, and a little nutmeg. Add enough red wine to cover your fish, and boil gently for twenty min- utes. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil for about an hour with one half of the liquid in which the foregoing ingredients were boiled. Chop four mushrooms and truffles, a little parsley, and add to your sauce. Put your fish on a dish, garnish with parsley, and serve with your sauce on a separate dish. 134. Scallops of Trout. Prepare as the fore- going a medium-sized trout, which cut in round pieces, or in the shape of an egg, and about three inches in length, and put into a saucepan in which you have previously melted two ounces of butter ; add a little salt, white pepper, the juice of a lemon ; and when they are done on one side, turn them on the other ; mash some potatoes, and with them form 52 FRENCH DISHES. a border on a plate, which may go to the oven. Moisten your potatoes lightly with some melted but- ter, and send them to the oven to brown. When done, arrange your scallops of fish in the middle of the potatoes, and pour over all a sauce bechamel (Art. 83). 135. Halibut, Sauce Supreme. Take four pounds of halibut, which cut in square pieces ; soak them for an hour in four wineglasses of madeira (or sherry) ; turn them over from time to time, first on one side and then on the other. Just before serv- ing, put them into a saucepan, in which you have melted two ounces of butter; add a little salt and pepper, put them on the fire for a few moments, and then send to the oven for twenty minutes. Arrange your fish on a dish, and pour over them a sauce su- preme (Art. 99). 136. Scallops of White-Fish a la Proven- cale. Cut a white-fish of four pounds into round pieces, or in the shape of an egg, and about three inches in length ; put them in a dish with a clove of garlic, a little thyme, three bay-leaves, two roots of parsley, an onion cut in thin slices, salt and pepper, and moisten them with a sherry-glass of oil : then peel three white onions, which cut in slices, blanch them in boiling water, with a little salt ; drain them and put them in a frying-pan on the fire, with a wine- glass of oil, which heat thoroughly, and, when begin- ning to color slightly, drain off the oil, and moisten with half a bottle of white wine. Then drain your fish, which put in the saucepan with your onions. fish. 53 Simmer gently for thirty minutes, drain, and in the liquor in which your fish was cooked put a table- spoonful of tomato sauce, reduce gently about one third, pour over your fish, and serve. 137. Eels en Matelote. Clean an eel, a pike, and a perch; cut them in slices ; place them in a saucepan with a clove of garlic, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, three cloves, a little basil, and a few branches of parsley ; add enough red wine to cover your fish. Put them on a very gentle fire, and, when beginning to boil, add a wineglass of brandy. Shake gently, so as not to break your fish, and, after boiling fifteen minutes, drain off your fish, and keep them hot. Put on a table half an ounce of flour and an ounce of butter ; mix well together with the blade of a knife, and add to the liquid in which your fish was boiled. Peel and press through a sieve twenty small white onions, which put in a frying-pan, with a little butter, on a very gentle fire; add them, with a dozen mushrooms, to your fish, which heat up again. Take the ingredients in which your fish was first cooked, and place them in a dish, your fish on top. Garnish with some boiled crawfish, and some pieces of bread cut in triangles, and fried in butter. 138. Red Snapper a la Chambord. Take a red snapper, about four pounds in weight. Remove the scales, and on one side of the fish cut a square in the skin, which take out, and in the flesh insert two dozen pieces of truffles, cut in squares, and pointed at one end. Over this tie a thin piece of larding pork. Put your fish in a fish-kettle, surround 54 FRENCH DISHES. it with a sliced carrot and onion, three cloves of gar- lic, six bay-leaves, six cloves, six branches of thyme, four parsley-roots, and cover the fish with half a bot- tle of white wine and a quart of consomme (stock, Art. i) ; put it on the fire until boiling, and then send it to a gentle oven to cook slowly for an hour, basting it often with its own liquor, on the side stud- ded with truffles. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which add two wineglasses of the liquid in which your fish was cooked, put your sauce on the fire to boil, skim off the grease, and strain ; then put it back again on the fire for a few moments, adding a dozen mushrooms, a dozen quenelles (Art. n), as many truffles cut in quarters, a dozen crawfish, and the same of chicken's kidneys which you have pre- viously blanched in hot water, with a little salt, for ten minutes. Lay your fish on a dish, pour your sauce around it, and serve. 139. Ray, with Caper Sauce. Cook your fish as the foregoing, with the exception of the truffles, and serve with it a white sauce (Art. 84), to which add some capers. 140. Ray, au Beurre Noir. Cut in moderate- sized pieces four pounds of ray-fish, which put in a saucepan with an onion cut in slices, three parsley- roots, four cloves, six pepper-corns, half an ounce of salt, and four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. When be- ginning to boil, put your saucepan at the back of the range for thirty minutes, so as not to boil. Then take off the skin from both sides of your fish, which put in the saucepan with your other ingredients to FISH. 55 keep hot. Put in a frying-pan four ounces of but- ter, and, when colored black, fry a dozen sprigs of parsley for a moment, remove them, and add to your butter two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Strain your fish, which arrange on a dish, garnish with the fried parsley, pour the black butter over the fish, and serve. 141. Fried Smelts. Clean about two dozen smelts, cut off the gills, wash them well in cold wa- ter, and dry them thoroughly. Put a pinch of salt and pepper in a little milk, into which dip your smelts, and then roll them in flour. Put in a fry- ing-pan about a pound and a half of lard, in which, when very hot, fry your smelts a light brown. Also fry some parsley, which place around your fish, and serve with a sauce Tartare (Art. 112). 142. Farcied Smelts. Prepare your smelts as the foregoing. Split them in two, taking care to make the opening in the under part of the fish, and, beginning at the tail, make the incision the length of the fish, without disturbing the head. Then take some chicken farce (Art. 11), and add to it half a dozen very finely chopped mushrooms, and a very little chopped parsley. Lay this on one side of your smelts, and cover with the other half. Place them in a buttered pan, cover each one with a very little melted butter, sprinkle some bread-crumbs lightly over them, and send them to the oven for about fifteen minutes. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), add a sherry-glass of white wine, boil for fifteen minutes, add a little chopped parsley to your sauce, which pour over your fish, and serve. s 6 FRENCH DISHES. 143. Oysters a la Poulette. Take fifty oys- ters, which blanch in boiling water, then drain them, preserving part of the liquid in which they were boiled. Take half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), add a little of the liquid in which your oysters were boiled, a little salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley, and, when your sauce has ceased boiling, the yolks of three eggs well mixed in a little water. Serve your oysters hot in the sauce. 144. Farcied Oysters a TAfricaine. Take twenty very large oysters, which blanch and then drain. Also take some chicken farce (Art. 11), chopping three truffles very fine, and mix with your farce, with which cover your oysters on both sides, and dip in bread-crumbs. Then beat up four eggs, the yolks and whites together, with a little salt, pep- per, and very little nutmeg added, and spread over your oysters, which dip again into bread-crumbs. Put the oysters in a buttered pan, and send to the oven for about fifteen minutes, a very little melted butter on each oyster. Take half a pint of Span- ish sauce (Art. 80), add to it a glass of sherry, and, after boiling twenty minutes, chop up two truffles, put them in your sauce, and serve with your oys- ters. 145. Fried Oysters. Take fifty large oysters, dip them in beaten eggs, in which you have put a little salt and pepper ; then roll them in bread- crumbs, and, if your oysters should not be very large, dip them again in beaten eggs, and again roll them in bread-crumbs. Fry them in very hot lard, FISH. 57 drain off the grease, and serve very hot. Garnish with slices of lemon. 146. Broiled Oysters. Take fifty large oys- ters, which drain and dip in four beaten eggs, to which you have added a little salt and pepper. Roll them in bread-crumbs, dip them again in eggs, and again roll them in bread-crumbs. Put a few drops of melted butter on each, broil them on a gridiron a light brown, and serve very hot. 147. Cromesqui of Oysters. Boil fifty oys- ters for about five minutes, drain them, and chop them fine. Put in a saucepan on the fire an ounce of butter, the same of flour, a pinch of salt, the same of pepper and nutmeg, and mix all well together. Add the juice of your oysters, and half a glass of milk, and stir with a wooden spoon until just before beginning to boil, then remove it from the fire ; add two yolks of eggs mixed in about a tablespoon- ful of water, and then your oysters. Put this mixt- ure on ice until cold, form it into balls about the size of a small egg, and wrap up each one in a very thin piece of pork. Break three eggs in a bowl, add six ounces of flour, and a little water, so as to make a smooth and very soft paste, but sufficiently solid to adhere to your cromesqui. Then mix a teaspoonful of soda with your paste, with which cover each one, and fry in very hot lard. When a bright yellow, drain, and serve hot. 148. Oysters on Toast. Put fifty oysters in a frying-pan with their liquor, toss them on the fire for about ten minutes, and sprinkle with chopped 5 8 FRENCH DISHES. parsley. Put the oysters on eight pieces of toast, the juice poured over them. Serve very hot. 149. Oysters a la Mosely. Take fifty oysters, the third of which put in a deep dish with a little pepper, salt, a little melted butter, and cover with bread-crumbs. Then put half of the remaining oysters on top. Proceed as above, add a third layer, pour in enough sherry to reach the top of your oysters, cover with bread-crumbs, and a little melted butter, and send to a moderate oven until colored a light brown. Serve very hot. 150. Oysters au Gratin. Take three dozen rather small oysters, blanch them, and drain them. Make a rather thick bechamel sauce (Art. 83), to which add two yolks of eggs well mixed in a little water. When beginning to boil, add your oysters, a little salt, pepper, and a little nutmeg. Mix all well together, and then put them, with your sauce, in the shells. Cover them lightly with bread- crumbs, and a few drops of melted butter on top. Send them to the oven, and serve when nicely browned. 151. Lobster au Naturel. Put in a saucepan two sliced onions, a few green onions, some parsley, four cloves, four branches of thyme, one of sage, a pinch of mace, a little piece of green pepper, two ounces of salt, and enough water to cover them. Boil them for twenty minutes, and then allow them to cool, after which add four medium-sized lob- sters, boil for half an hour ; take them off the fire, and let them become cold in their liquor. Then FISH. 59 drain them, split them in two, break their claws, and serve them garnished with parsley. 152. Lobster a la Havraise. Take three small live lobsters, cut off the claws, break them, and separate your lobsters in two, cutting each lob- ster in eight pieces. Put into a frying-pan three very finely chopped shallots, with a tablespoonful of oil. When beginning to color lightly, add your pieces of lobster, and, after cooking fifteen minutes, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), a glass of sherry, about ten mushrooms, a little chopped parsley, a little salt, pepper, and a very little nut- meg. Mix well together, boil five minutes longer, and serve. 153. Croquettes of Lobster. Chop fine the meat of two boiled lobsters and add half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), to which you have added the yolks of two eggs well mixed in a little water. Then add two tablespoonfuls of tomato sauce, a little pepper, salt, and a very little nutmeg, and put on the ice until perfectly cold — this is of the utmost importance. When thoroughly cold, form them into croquettes and roll them in bread-crumbs ; beat three eggs (the yolks and whites together), into which dip your croquettes and roll them again in bread-crumbs. Put about two pounds of lard in a frying-pan, and, when very hot, fry your croquettes, which, when a light brown, drain, and serve. 154. Broiled Lobster. Take four chicken lob- sters (uncooked and perfectly fresh), separate them in two, lengthwise, put a little melted butter upon 60 FRENCH DISHES. them, salt, pepper, and some bread-crumbs. Broil them on a gentle fire, and, just before serving, sprin- kle over them some chopped parsley. You may serve with them, if desired, a sauce Tartare (Art. 112) or a sauce remoulade (Art. 109). 155. Deviled Lobster. Prepare the mixture as described in Art. 153 for lobster croquettes, and mix with it a teaspoonful of mustard. Clean the shells of your lobsters, fill them with the above mixt- ure, which cover lightly with mustard, on top of which sprinkle some bread-crumbs and a very little melted butter. Put them in the oven, and, when col- ored a light brown, serve. 156. Lobster a la Bordelaise. Take the meat of three boiled lobsters, which cut in medium- sized pieces, and put them in a saucepan on the fire for about five minutes, with half a pint of sauce Bordelaise (Art. 101), and serve. 157. Crawfish a la Bordelaise. Boil four dozen crawfish as directed in Art. 77, drain, and put them in a saucepan on the fire for about five min- utes, with half a pint of sauce Bordelaise (Art. 101), and serve. 158. Farcied Lobster. Prepare the mixture as for lobster croquettes (Art. 153), adding a little chopped parsley, and with it fill the shells of two or three lobsters which you have previously washed. Sprinkle some bread-crumbs on top, and a very small quantity of melted butter. Send to the oven, and, when colored a light brown, serve. 159. Lobster a l'lndienne. Take two boiled FISH. 6 1 lobsters, divide them in two, and remove the meat from the shells and claws. Wash half a pound of rice, boil it five minutes in boiling water, then put it in cold water for a moment. Drain, and place it in a saucepan with three pints of water, and boil forty minutes. Take half a pint of sauce Veloutee (Art. 82), add your lobsters, place your saucepan at the side of the range so as not to boil, and mix with your sauce a teaspoonful of curry. Drain off your rice, form it in a border on a dish, and place your lobster and sauce in the center. 160. Fried Frogs' Legs. Put three dozen frogs' legs in an earthen jar, with salt, thyme, six bay-leaves, three branches of parsley, an onion cut in thin slices, the juice of a lemon, and three or four tablespoonfuls of oil ; turn them over on one side, then on the other, several times during an hour ; then drain them, dip them in milk, in which you have put a little salt and pepper, roll them in flour, and fry them a light brown, in very hot lard. Serve them with some fried parsley. 161. Frogs' Legs a la Poulette. Put three dozen frogs' legs in a saucepan, with an ounce of butter, a claret-glass of white wine, and half a cup- ful of consomme - (stock, Art. 1), an onion sliced thin, a little thyme, bay-leaf, parsley, a pinch of salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Boil for ten min- utes, and then drain. Put a tablespoonful of flour in a saucepan, with an ounce of butter, and mix well together. Strain the liquid in which your frogs' legs were cooked, add to it two yolks of eggs well mixed 6 6 2 FRENCH DISHES. in about a tablespoonful of water, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley ; boil three or four minutes, and serve. 162. Frogs' Legs a la Mariniere. Put three dozen frogs' legs in a saucepan, with a dozen chopped mushrooms, four shallots also chopped, and two ounces of butter, and toss them on the fire for five or six minutes ; then add a tablespoonful of flour, a little salt, pepper, a nutmeg, and moisten with a claret-glass of white wine and a glass of consomme (Art. 1); boil ten minutes. Mix the yolks of four eggs with two tablespoonfuls of cream, remove your frogs' legs from the fire, and, when boiling has ceased, add your eggs, stirring continually until thoroughly mixed, and serve. 163. Frogs' Legs a la Maitre d'Hotel. Boil in water two dozen frogs' legs for about twelve min- utes, with a pinch of salt, pepper, and the juice of a lemon. Drain them, and pour over them some melted butter to which you have added the juice of a lemon and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley; serve very hot. 164. Soft-Shell Crabs. Take eight soft-shell crabs, remove the gills and the sand. Wash them, then dry them with a cloth, dip them in a little milk, and roll them in flour. Put plenty of lard in a fry- ing-pan, in which, when very hot, fry your crabs. Five minutes will suffice. Serve with them some fried parsley. You may also dip the crabs in beaten eggs, and sprinkle with bread-crumbs before frying. 165. Farcied Crabs. Remove the meat from FISH. 63 four dozen boiled hard-shelled crabs and chop up fine. Put in a saucepan an onion cut in pieces, and an ounce of butter. When beginning to color slightly, add a dozen chopped mushrooms, a ta- blespoonful of chopped parsley, and four ounces of bread-crumbs, which you have previously soaked in consomme, and then pressed almost dry ; a pinch of salt and pepper, a little cayenne, and half a gill of tomato sauce (Art. 90). Mix all well together on the fire, and cook for five minutes. Wash your shells and fill them with the foregoing, cover them with bread-crumbs, and a very little melted butter on top ; send to the oven and color a light brown. 166. Deviled Crabs. Proceed as for the fore- going, putting a tablespoonful of mustard in the above mixture, and a layer of mustard on top of each crab before covering with bread-crumbs. 167. Clam Fritters. Take fifteen clams, which chop very fine, and put in a bowl with two ounces of flour, two eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a tablespoonful of parsley, which chop fine. Mix all thoroughly together. Put some lard in a frying-pan, into which, when very hot, throw a tablespoonful of your mixture at a time, until you have used the entire quantity ; fry on both sides, and serve. 168. Oyster Fritters. Prepare as the fore- going. 169. Fish-Balis. Wash and peel six potatoes, boil them in a pint of water, with salt, drain them, mash them thoroughly ; add an ounce of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, and an egg; mix all well 6 4 FRENCH DISHES. together, adding six ounces of boiled codfish from which you have removed the bones ; mix your fish well with your other ingredients, form into balls about the size of a very small apple, roll them lightly and evenly in flour ; fry them on both sides in about half their height of very hot lard, drain off the grease, and serve them very hot. 170. Codfish au Gratin. Take two pounds of boiled codfish, from which you have removed the bones, put in a dish with half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), in which you have mixed four ounces of American cheese. Sprinkle it on top with bread-crumbs and a little melted butter, and send to the oven until colored a bright yellow. Serve. You may, instead of the cheese, mix some chopped mushrooms with your fish. Other boiled fish may be prepared in the same manner. 171. Snails a la Provengale. Take four ounces of wood-ashes, which put in a cloth, and tie securely. Then place in a saucepan with about a quart of water, and boil fifteen minutes. Wash well four dozen snails, and put them in your saucepan, and boil them about fifteen minutes. Then take one out, and try with a larding-needle if you can remove it easily from its shell, and, if so, drain the snails, and take them out of their shells. Put into a saucepan on the fire a tablespoonful of oil, half a dozen mushrooms chopped very fine, some parsley, a clove of garlic, three shallots, all chopped fine, salt, a little red pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Add a tablespoonful of flour, and moisten with FISH. 65 three sherry-glasses of white wine, and, as soon as your sauce begins to boil, add your snails, and boil gently for thirty minutes. Your sauce must be thick. Mix the yolks of three eggs in a tablespoon- ful of milk, and add to your sauce when it has ceased boiling. Put a snail in each shell, and enough sauce to fill each one. Sprinkle bread- crumbs on top, send to the oven for about ten min- utes, and serve. 172. Clams on Toast. Take fifty clams and roast them very slightly, after which take them out of their shells, chop them fine, and, with all their juice, which you have carefully preserved, pu.t them into a saucepan with a little butter, and stew for a few moments. Just before serving, season them with a little red pepper and a very little Tobasco pepper. First serve to each person a piece of toast, and then the clams to be poured over the toast. 173. Soft Clams steamed. Put some boiling water in a saucepan, in the bottom of which lay a brick. Put fifty soft clams in a pan, or in some utensil which may be placed inside your saucepan, and on top of the brick, so that the water shall not touch the clams. Boil quickly about five minutes, covering the saucepan with a lid. Then, if your clams are done, serve them in their shells, with a sauce separately, composed of a little chopped shal- lot, a little melted butter, salt, pepper, and a little vinegar or the juice of a lemon. 174. Clams au Gratin. Prepare exactly as for oysters au gratin (Art. 150). 66 FRENCH DISHES. 175. Mussels a la Mariniere. Take fifty mussels in their shells, remove the black, stringy spe- cies of moss attached to them, put them in a covered saucepan on the fire, with about a quarter of a glass of water ; toss them for three or four minutes in the saucepan, or until the shells are opened, then drain them, remove one shell of each, leaving the mussel in the other half, and serve them in the following sauce : Chop fine two shallots, which put in a sauce- pan on the fire, with a tablespoonful of vinegar, re- duce one half, and add a teaspoonful of chervil and tarragon chopped fine ; boil for a moment, then add half a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 81), and a sher- ry-glass of sherry. 176. Stewed Terrapin a la Lucie. Drop three live terrapins into boiling water, and, if large, boil them three hours, or, if moderate sized, two hours and a half. Then pick them, throwing away all of the intestines, heart, head, and most of the feet ; also be very particular to cut out the gall, which will be found in the middle of the liver, and throw it away. Scrape out all the fat and meat sticking to the shells, and put into a saucepan with half a pound of very good butter, a good deal of salt, and cayenne pepper. Simmer over a slow fire for about two hours. Wine may be added, according to taste, after the terrapin is served. 177. Stewed Terrapin a la Maryland. Pick and clean, as the foregoing, two terrapins weighing about six to seven pounds. Boil them in some water with a little salt for about twenty minutes. FISH. 67 Drain them, cut them in moderate-sized pieces, and put them in a saucepan with enough cream to cover them, a pinch of salt, pepper, nutmeg, and three wineglasses of sherry. Simmer gently for three quarters of an hour. Mix four yolks of eggs with two tablespoonfuls of cream, add them to your ter- rapins, and serve very hot. 178. Stewed Terrapin (another manner). Pre- pare your terrapins as the foregoing, add to them half a pint of brandy, touch it with a lighted match, let it burn, and serve. 179. Glaze. Put two quarts of consomme - (Art. 1) in a saucepan on the fire. Reduce it by very gen- tle boiling until it becomes the color of chocolate. Put it in a bowl on the ice, and keep it until needed. CHAPTER IV. ENTREES. BEEF. 1 80. Beef Tongue, Sauce Piquante. Wash carefully a beef's tongue, boil it an hour, put it in cold water, then remove the skin. Take some strips of larding pork about two inches long, roll them in some parsley chopped very fine, a little pepper and nutmeg, and lard your tongue, which having done, place in a saucepan with a carrot, two onions, six cloves, six pepper-corns, four bay-leaves, and four branches of thyme. Add enough consomme" (or stock) to cover the tongue, simmer very gently for four hours, and serve with a sauce piquante (Art. 86). 181. Beefs Tongue a la Jardiniere. Pro- ceed exactly as for the foregoing, and serve on a mac^doine of vegetables (Art. 416). 182. Smoked Beef's Tongue, Wine Sauce with Mushrooms. Soak a smoked tongue in wa- ter the night before it is needed. Then put it in about four quarts of cold water, and boil it slowly about five hours; drain, place it in cold water a moment, remove the skin, trim the thicker end of ENTREES. 69 the tongue neatly, and put it again in hot water for a moment, drain, put it on a dish, pour around it half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which you have added, while on the fire, ten chopped mushrooms and a sherry-glass of sherry. 183. Hashed Beef. Take two pounds of cold beef, free from sinew and bone, and chop it up well. Peel and cut in pieces two onions, and put them in a frying-pan with two ounces of butter. When be- ginning to color very lightly, add your beef, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a pinch of thyme. Toss all together on the fire ten minutes. Just be- fore serving, sprinkle a tablespoonful of chopped parsley over your hash. 184. Beefs Brains au Beurre Noir. Put in- to cold water three brains, clean them thoroughly, removing all blood, fibers, and pieces of skin, after which change the water, and let them soak for two hours, being careful to change the water every half- hour. Then put them in a saucepan with six pars- ley-roots, four cloves, four pepper-corns, an onion cut in pieces, also a carrot, four bay-leaves, four branches of thyme, a teaspoonful of salt, and moisten with a pint of consomme (stock, Art. 1) and a claret- glass of white wine. Boil for half an hour, drain, carefully remove all herbs from the brains, and serve with a black-butter sauce. Black-Butter Sauce. Put in a frying-pan four ounces of butter, and when colored black add two tablespoonfuls of vinegar ; boil for a moment, add some branches of fried parsley, and serve. 7o FRENCH DISHES. 185. Beef's Brains a la Poulette. Prepare the brains as the foregoing, and serve with a sauce poulette (Art. 103). 186. Palates of Beef, Sauce Robert. Boil four beef's palates in enough water to cover them, and a little salt, for an hour. Then put them in cold water, and clean them well. Put them in a saucepan with four bay-leaves, four branches of thyme, four cloves, four pepper-corns, four parsley- roots, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Moisten with a pint of consomme - (stock, Art. 1), and simmer them gently for two hours. Then lake them from your saucepan, drain them, cut them in squares, and serve them with a sauce Robert (Art. 92). Other sauces, according to your taste, may be served with this dish. 187. Ox-Tails braised. Cut two ox-tails into joints, boil them for half an hour in two quarts of water, and half an ounce of salt ; then put them in cold water, drain and place them in a saucepan with a carrot, two onions, six cloves, six pepper- corns, four bay-leaves, four branches of thyme, three branches of parsley, and a little salt ; add a quart of consomme" (stock, Art. 1), and simmer gently for five hours; serve with an Italian sauce (Art. 93). 188. Beef-Kidneys, Sautes au Vin Blanc. Cut two beef's kidneys in thin slices ; then put in a frying-pan an ounce of butter, into which, when melted, put the kidneys, adding a pinch of salt, the same of pepper, and a very little nutmeg ; toss the kidneys in the butter for about five minutes on a ENTREES. 71 good fire ; moisten them with one gill of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), and a sherry-glass of white wine ; boil five minutes on the fire, and serve. 189. Sirloin Steak broiled, with Anchovy Sauce. Take two and a half pounds of sirloin steak, and put it on a gridiron on a moderate fire, with salt and pepper. Turn the steak often, so that both sides may be equally done ; ten minutes should be sufficient to broil it ; serve with a white or butter sauce (Art. 14), to which add a teaspoonful of an- chovy sauce. 190. Rump Steak broiled a la Maitre d'Ho- tel. Broil as the foregoing ; then put two ounces of butter on a very hot plate, so as to melt it com- pletely ; add to it a teaspoonful of parsley, which you have previously washed and chopped fine, a pinch of salt and pepper, the juice of a lemon ; mix all to- gether, and serve your steak on top. 191. Porter-house Steak a la Bordelaise. Broil a porter-house steak as the foregoing, on top of which place small pieces of marrow, cut round, about the size of a fifty-cent piece, and previously boiled ; pour around your steak half a pint of sauce Bordelaise (Art. 10 1). Steak may also be served with a sauce Bdarnaise (Art. 88), sauce Hachee (Art. 96), tomato sauce (Art. 90), and others. Pota- toes should also be served in whatever manner ap- propriate to the sauce. Onions cut in slices, rolled in flour and fried in butter a light brown, may also be served on top of a broiled steak. 192. Tenderloins of Beef, with Potatoes a 72 FRENCH DISHES. la Parisienne. Take three and a half pounds of the fillet of beef, and with a knife remove the skin on top ; cut some larding pork into strips, with which lard your beef on the surface. Then in a frying-pan put an onion sliced thin, a branch of thyme, three cloves, three pepper-corns, three bay-leaves, three parsley-roots, and a pinch of salt ; moisten with a sherry-glass of white wine and the same of con- somme (stock, Art. i), and place your fillet on top, on which put a few little pieces of butter ; simmer gently for about forty minutes, strain the liquid in which your fillet was cooked, pour it over the fillet and serve on a separate dish some potatoes a la Pa- risienne (Art. 438). 193. Fillet of Beef Saute, Madeira Sauce. Cut eight pieces from a fillet of beef about half an inch thick ; put into a saucepan an ounce of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, a very little nutmeg, and place your pieces of beef on top; toss them for about five minutes on a quick fire, and, when done on both sides, serve them (one piece overlying the other) with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which add a wineglass of madeira (or sherry) ; also serve with this dish some potato croquettes (Art. 423)- 194. Braised Beef, Tomato Sauce. Take three pounds of rump steak ; put in a saucepan four ounces of salt pork, which cut in small pieces, place your beef on top, and simmer gently for half an hour, turning it over from time to time ; then add as much consomme - (stock, Art. 1) as will entirely cover ENTREES. 73 your beef, and two sherry-glasses of white wine, a carrot, an onion, three branches of thyme, three bay- leaves, three cloves, three pepper-corns, three pars- ley-roots, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a little nut- meg ; simmer gently for four hours, drain, and serve with a tomato sauce (Art. 90) ; or you can serve your beef with the liquid in which it was cooked, after having removed all the grease, and strained carefully. 195. Beef a la Mode. Take a round of beef of about four pounds, cut half a pound of larding pork in strips about two inches long, which roll in a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Make incisions in your beef, and introduce your strips of pork there- in. Cut a carrot and an onion in slices, and put them in a saucepan with several branches of pars- ley, inclosing three cloves, six bay -leaves, three branches of thyme, and tie all together, then add your beef, two claret-glasses of white wine, and a quart of consomme (stock). Simmer gently for three hours, drain off your beef, and strain the liquid in which it was cooked. Then put the beef with its liquid in a saucepan with two carrots and two tur- nips, which you have previously blanched and cut in slices, and twenty small onions. Simmer gently for an hour and a half, skim off the grease from the liquid, and serve. 196. Boiled Marrow-Bones. Tie up in a cloth eight marrow-bones, neatly trimmed, and of about four inches in length, boil an hour, remove the cloth, and serve them on toast, a small napkin neatly arranged around each bone. 7 74 FRENCH DISHES. 197. Beefsteak Pie. Take two pounds of cold beef, cut it in small pieces. Put two dozen small white onions, with some butter, in a frying-pan on the fire, and cook gently until browned. Fry half a pound of bacon cut in small pieces, drain, moisten with a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), add your onions, boil for a few moments, add your beef, and put all together in a deep dish, which you have lined with paste, moistening the edges of your dish so that the paste shall adhere. Cut out some paste the size of your dish and lay it on top. Dip a small brush in beaten egg, with which brush the entire top of your pie, which send to the oven until well colored, and serve. You may mix in your pie, if desired, about twenty-five oysters. Paste for the Pie. Put on a table six ounces of flour, make a hole in the middle, in which place three ounces of butter, and add a claret-glass of water. Mix all well together, and roll it out to the proper thickness. 198. Broiled Tripe. Cut some tripe into long pieces, season with pepper and salt. Broil them a nice brown, and serve them on the same plate with an ounce of melted butter, the juice of a lemon well mixed with it, and some chopped parsley. Honey- comb tripe is more delicate than the ordinary tripe. 199. Tripe a la Lyonnaise. Cut two pounds of tripe in thin strips, as for Julienne soup, put a sliced onion, with two ounces of butter, in a frying- pan ; when well colored, add your tripe, a pinch of salt and pepper, and very little nutmeg. Toss all ENTREES. 75 together until all moisture is absorbed, then add about a quarter of a can of tomatoes, cook for a mo- ment longer, or until very hot, and serve with a lit- tle chopped parsley on top. 200. Fried Tripe. Cut some tripe in squares. Break two eggs, to which add a little salt and pep- per, and beat up your eggs well. Then dip your tripe in the eggs, roll them in flour, fry them in very hot lard, and when they are a light brown drain them, and serve with fried parsley on top. 201. Tripe a la Mode de Caen. Put in an earthen pot an onion cut in slices, a carrot in quar- ters, and four slices of bacon ; cover these with a layer of tripe, then a calf's foot cut in four, a pinch of salt and pepper, four cloves, four bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, six pepper-corns, and six pars- ley-roots. On top of these put a layer of bacon, an- other of tripe, another calf's foot, cut in pieces, and another layer of tripe, with some bacon on top. Fill your jar three quarters of its height with white wine. Put on the cover, and paste it all around the edge with some flour mixed in a little water, so as to ren- der the jar air-tight. Place it in the oven, and cook for five hours. Instead of white wine, you may sub- stitute cider if you wish. VEAL. 202. Calf's Head en Tortue. Take a scalded calf's head, put it in a saucepan with enough water to cover it, boil for half an hour, and then plunge it in cold water ; mix four tablespoonfuls of flour with a 7 6 FRENCH DISHES. little cold water ; cut an onion and a carrot in slices, and put in a saucepan, together with six cloves, six pepper-corns, six parsley-roots, four branches of thyme, six cloves of garlic, six bay-leaves, an ounce of butter, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and lastly your calf's head ; add enough water to cover it, and boil for two hours. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), put it on the fire in a saucepan with a wineglass of sherry, about ten mushrooms cut in pieces, and four chickens' livers which you have previously blanched ; drain your calf's head and put it on a dish with your sauce ; you may also serve with it the brains, from which you have re- moved all the fibers and loose skin, and also the tongue cut down the middle and the skin taken off. 203. Calf's Head a la Vinaigrette. Proceed as for the foregoing, and, just before serving, chop a little parsley, a little chervil, a small onion ; add a pinch of salt and pepper, four tablespoonfuls of vin- egar and eight tablespoonfuls of oil, and serve with your calf's head. 204. Baked Calf's Head a Tltalienne. Boil a calf's head as the preceding, cut it in pieces, which put in a pan, and cover with an Italian sauce (Art. 93) ; sprinkle some bread-crumbs on top, and a very little melted butter ; send to the oven, and, when colored a light brown, put it on a dish, and serve with an Italian sauce surrounding it. You may also serve with other sauces, according to your taste. 205. Calves' Tongues. Take four calves' tongues, which prepare as beef's tongue (Art. 180), ENTREES. 77 and, after cooking two hours, take them off the fire, remove all skin, and cut them through the middle of the tongue. Put them on a dish, and serve with them an Italian sauce (Art. 93), sauce poivrade (Art. 95), tomato sauce (Art. 90), or with a macedoine of vegetables (Art. 416). 206. Calves' Brains ail Gratin. Put into cold water four calves' brains, clean them thor- oughly, removing all blood, fibers, and pieces of skin, after which change the water and let them soak for two hours, being careful to change the water every half-hour, then drain them ; put for a moment in a saucepan on the fire, four ounces of butter and a large sliced onion ; add the brains, season with pepper and salt, and let them simmer gently, turning them over so that both sides may be done, and drain off the grease; butter a deep dish, which sprinkle all over with bread-crumbs ; add a very thick bechamel sauce (Art. 83) to the brains, which put in the dish, let them cool, sprinkle bread- crumbs and some melted butter on top ; send to a moderate oven for half an hour, and serve, 207. Calves' Brains a la Poulette. Proceed as for beef's brain, allowing only half the time to boil ; put four brains on a dish, and pour over them a sauce a la poulette (Art. 103). 208. Fried Calves' Brains, Tomato Sauce. Boil four calves' brains as the preceding, drain them, and cut them into medium-sized pieces ; beat up two eggs, to which add a little salt and pepper ; dip the brains in the eggs and then sprinkle them with bread- 78 FRENCH DISHES. crumbs ; put plenty of lard in a frying-pan, and, when very hot, fry the brains, and also some parsley ; drain, and serve with a tomato sauce in a separate dish. 209. Calves' Ears farcied. Take four well- scalded calves' ears ; put them in two quarts of boil- ing water on the fire for half an hour, after which put in cold water ; then clean the inside of the ears well, and place in a saucepan with a quart of con- somme* (Art. 1), a claret-glass of white wine, the juice of a lemon, four cloves, four branches of thyme, three bay-leaves, one clove of garlic, and a dozen branches of parsley tied together ; boil gently for two hours, drain them, and fill the inside of the ears with a chicken farce (Art. 11), to which add a table- spoonful of parsley chopped fine ; sprinkle with bread-crumbs and a few drops of melted butter; send them to the oven, and, when a nice light brown, serve with a tomato sauce (Art. 90) surrounding them, or a sauce piquante (Art. 86). 210. Calves' Liver Saute, Sauce Poivrade. Cut two pounds of calf's liver in equal pieces, put two ounces of melted butter in a frying-pan with your calf's liver, fry on both sides, and serve with a sauce poivrade (Art. 95). an. Broiled Calf's Liver. Cut thin two pounds of calf's liver in equal pieces, roll in flour, and broil on a gridiron ; a little melted butter on each piece ; broil on both sides and put them on a dish, with a little melted butter, a little chopped parsley, the juice of a lemon, salt, and pepper, well mixed together. ENTREES. 79 212. Calf's Liver with Bacon. Fry two pounds of calf's liver, cut in pieces, and serve with very thin slices of bacon, or with half a pint of Span- ish sauce (Art. 80), to which add a claret-glass of port or claret, and three tablespoonfuls of currant jelly mixed in a tablespoonful of water. Boil gen- tly for three or four minutes, and serve. 213. Braised Calf's Liver a la Bourgi- gnone. Take an entire calf's liver, lard it thickly with larding pork, and put it in a saucepan with an ounce of butter, four bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, three cloves, a sliced onion and carrot ; cook for ten minutes, moisten with a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) and a claret-glass of red wine. Sim- mer gently for an hour and a half, and take out your calf's liver, which keep very hot. Remove all grease from the liquid in which it was cooked, strain it, pour it over the liver, which should be left whole, and serve. 214. Calf's Heart aux Fines Herbes. Cut three calves' hearts in round or oval pieces, put them in a frying-pan in which you have melted an ounce and a half of butter, and, adding a little salt and pepper, cook gently, taking care to turn over until they are a good color on both sides, then drain them, leaving the butter in your pan, into which throw three chopped shallots. Toss them for half a minute in your butter, which pour over your calf's heart, and, when serving, put a tablespoonful of chopped parsley on top. 215. Calfs Feet a la Poulette. Prepare four 80 FRENCH DISHES. calf's feet as the foregoing, cooking half an hour longer ; drain them, cut them in pieces, and serve with a sauce a. la poulette (Art. 103). 216. Veal Pot-Pie. Cut two pounds of a shoulder of veal in medium-sized pieces, which boil in a quart of water ten minutes, then put them for a moment in cold water, drain them, and place them in a saucepan on the fire with a quart of water, some salt, white pepper, a little nutmeg, and several branches of parsley, inclosing three bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, four pepper- corns, tied all to- gether. Boil an hour. Mix in a bowl three table- spoonfuls of flour with half a glass of water, which add to your veal and boil ten minutes longer. Put in a bowl four ounces of flour with a teaspoonful of Royal Baking Powder, and mix well with a little wa- ter, so as to form a soft paste, with which make lit- tle round balls, poach them in boiling water, add them to your veal in the saucepan, having removed the parsley with its seasoning, and serve. 217. Sweetbreads aux Fines Herbes. Take some sweetbreads (in quantity according to their size), put them in a saucepan with some water, and simmer them gently for about ten minutes. Drain them, remove from them all skin and fat, shape them in round pieces, and put them in a frying-pan in which you have melted an ounce of butter and added a little salt and pepper. Let them simmer gently, turning them over now and then, and when they are a good color take them out. Chop three shallots and six mushrooms, put them in the butter ENTREES. 8 1 in which your sweetbreads were cooked, let them re- main on the fire for about two minutes, adding a lit- tle chopped parsley and the juice of a lemon, which pour over your sweetbreads, and serve. You can also prepare sweetbreads in the same manner, and serve with a tomato sauce (Art. 90), Spanish sauce (Art. 80), or stewed with sauce a la poulette (Art. 103), with a tablespoonful of chopped parsley added, or sauce Bearnaise (Art. 88). 218. Sweetbreads larded with Peas. Blanch some sweetbreads as the foregoing, pare them neatly, and lard them thickly with larding pork. Put in a pan very thin slices of ham, a car- rot, an onion cut in thin slices, two cloves, two bay- leaves, a clove of garlic, two branches of thyme, and place the sweetbreads on top. Cover them about three quarters with consomme* (stock, Art. 1), put them in the oven, and baste them from time to time with the liquid in the pan, and, when well colored, take them from the oven and serve them on top of about a quart of peas, previously boiled, a little but- ter, salt, pepper, and a little sugar added to them. 219. Sweetbread Croquettes. Boil four sweetbreads, and let them become cold ; then chop them very fine, add about ten mushrooms and some truffles also chopped fine. Take about half a pint of Allemande sauce (Art. 81), mix well with your sweetbreads, which put on the ice to become thor- oughly cold ; form the mixture into croquettes, dip them in two beaten eggs, roll them in bread-crumbs ; fry them a bright yellow in very hot lard, drain 82 FRENCH DISHES. them, and serve them with fried parsley or with green peas. 220. Veal Cutlets a l'Allemande. Take three pounds of veal cutlets, which cut in round pieces ; break two eggs in a bowl, adding some salt and pep- per and an ounce of melted butter ; beat all well to- gether, and dip into it your veal cutlets, after which sprinkle some bread-crumbs over them. Then put them on a moderate fire, in a frying-pan, in which you have melted two ounces of butter, and, when they are fried a light brown on both sides, serve with half a pint of tomato sauce (Art. 90). 221. Veal Chops a la Mayonnaise. Put eight veal chops in a fiat saucepan, moisten them with their height of consomme (Art. 1), add a little salt, pepper, nutmeg, and simmer gently for an hour, after which take them out and put them on the ice until very cold ; serve them in a circle with what- ever jelly remains, and in the center a sauce Mayon- naise (Art. 113), or a sauce ravigote cold (Art. 112). 222. Veal Chops Piques. Take eight veal chops, make six incisions in each, in which insert three pieces of truffles cut square at one end and pointed at the other, and three small pieces of boiled ham cut in the same manner ; put in a flat sauce- pan an onion and a carrot cut in slices, a thin slice of ham, three cloves, three pepper-corns, three bay-leaves, three branches of parsley, the same of thyme, two cloves of garlic, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Place your chops on top and moisten them with three quarters of their height of consom- ENTREES. 83 me (Art. 1) and a claret-glass of white wine. Send them to the oven for an hour, baste them every ten minutes with their liquor, and serve them with a sauce financiere, made in the following manner : Put in a saucepan half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which add a wineglass of sherry, a few truffles cut in quarters, also olives from which you have removed the stones, a few pieces of sweetbread blanched and boiled, and a few chickens' livers blanched, boiled, and cut in quarters. 223. Braised Tendons of Veal a la Mace- doine. Cut your tendons of veal three inches in length and one inch thick, put them in a pan with two slices of ham, a carrot and an onion cut in thin slices, two cloves, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, and a clove of garlic ; cover them about three quarters with consomme - (stock, Art. 1), and put them in the oven, basting them from time to time with the liquid in the pan. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which add a pinch of sugar, and, when your sauce is boiling, add a quart of macedoine (Art. 416), which put on a dish, your tendons of veal on top, and serve. 224^ Braised Tendons of Veal with Puree of Celery. Braise your tendons as the foregoing ; then put them on a dish and cover them with a very thick sauce Allemande (Art. 81) ; let them become cold, and, when the sauce is firmly set, beat up two eggs, adding a little salt and pepper, in which dip your tendons, and then sprinkle them with bread- crumbs. Put in a frying-pan about two pounds of 84 FRENCH DISHES. lard, in which, when very hot, fry your tendons. Serve them in the form of a circle, one piece over- lapping the other, and a puree of celery (Art. 392) in the center. You may also serve with a sauce supreme (Art. 99) around the tendons. 225. Fricandeau of Veal. Take three pounds from the tenderest part of the thigh, about two inches in thickness ; lard it well on the surface, put it in a saucepan with same ingredients as for braised ten- dons of veal (Art. 223), moisten with enough con- somme" (stock, Art. 1) to reach the surface of your veal. Put on the fire until boiling, then send to the oven, basting it frequently with its liquor. Let it remain in the oven three hours, and serve it with either the liquid in which it was cooked, after having strained it and removed all grease, or on a puree of peas (Art. 446), or a puree of sorrel (469). 226. Blanquette of Veal. Take three pounds of a shoulder of veal, cut it in pieces, which put in a saucepan with three pints of water, a pinch of salt, several branches of parsley, inclosing three cloves, three pepper-corns, three bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, two cloves of garlic, and tie all together. When commencing to boil, skim thor- oughly, and then boil an hour and a half. Put half a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 80) on the fire, but do not allow it to boil ; chop a dozen mushrooms, add them to your sauce, drain off your veal, and serve together with your sauce. 227. Minced Veal, with Poached Eggs on Top. Chop fine two pounds of cold veal, from which ENTREES. 85 you have removed the sinews, and add a little more than half a pint of sauce bechamel (Art. 83), a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and an ounce of butter ; put all together in a saucepan on the fire for a few mo- ments, remove it from the fire, and place it on a dish with ten poached eggs on top. Minced chicken is prepared in exactly the same manner. 228. Veal Kidneys Sautes. Take three veal kidneys, which cut very thin, and proceed as for beef kidneys (Art. 188). 229. Deviled Veal Kidneys. Take three veal kidneys, which separate in two, lengthwise ; then from the fiat side remove all fibrous particles from the inside ; cover them on both sides with mustard, and add a little red pepper ; roll them well in bread-crumbs, put a little melted butter on both sides ; broil on a gentle fire. Mutton, beef, and pork kidneys are treated in the same manner, except that they are cut in quarters instead of in halves. MUTTON. 230. Sheep's Brains. Prepare and cook the brains as for calf's brains (Art. 208). 231. Sheep's Kidneys en Brochette. Take ten sheep's kidneys, remove all the skin which covers them, split them without cutting the sinew, pass a skewer through them, sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over them, and broil them on a good fire, taking care to turn them so as to broil on both sides; after which remove the skewer. Put two ounces of melted butter on a dish, a tablespoonful of chopped 86 FRENCH DISHES. parsley, the juice of a lemon, mix all well together, and serve. 232. Mutton Chops a la Soubise. Take ten rib chops, season with pepper and salt, dip them in two ounces of melted butter, and cover them thickly with bread-crumbs ; broil them, and, when they are well colored, serve them on a dish, with a sauce sou- bise (Art. 94). You may also serve them with a sauce Robert (Art. 92), or a tomato sauce (Art. 90), or with a macedoine (Art. 416) in the center. 233. Mutton Chops Sautes. Take ten mut- ton chops, which put in a frying-pan in which you have melted two ounces of butter ; sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper, and cook them on a quick fire ; four or five minutes will be sufficient. Serve with puree of turnips (Art. 398). 234. Mutton Chops a la Pompadour. Take ten mutton chops, which cook as described in mutton chops sautes (Art. 233) ; then let them become cold ; peel and chop ten onions, which put in a saucepan with two ounces of butter. When colored lightly, add two tablespoonfuls of flour, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Mix all well to- gether and add about two sherry-glasses of cream. Reduce for about fifteen minutes, and then allow your mixture to become cold, then cover each chop with it on both sides ; beat up four eggs, into which dip the chops and cover with bread-crumbs ; again dip them in egg, and again cover with bread-crumbs and a few drops of melted butter. Send them to the oven, and, when a bright yellow color, serve ENTREES. 87 them with a puree of French chestnuts (Art. 442) in the center- 235. Mutton Chops en Crepinette. Put eight mutton chops in a frying-pan in which you have melted an ounce of butter, adding a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg; when the chops are col- ored on both sides, take them out and let them be- come cold. Chop fine three quarters of a pound of sausage-meat, add eight mushrooms, a little parsley and sage, all chopped fine ; mix all together, and cover your chops on both sides with the farce, and wrap up each chop with the caul of pork. Send them to a gentle oven on a buttered pan, and, when well colored, serve with a tomato sauce (Art. 90), sauce piquante (Art. 86), or sauce ravigote hot (Art. in). 236. Breast of Mutton. Take two breasts of mutton, which put in a saucepan with a quart of consomme (stock, Art. 1) and a quart of water, an onion and a carrot cut in slices, three bay-leaves, four cloves, three branches of thyme, two cloves of garlic, and four parsley-roots, and boil gently for two hours ; then drain them and put them between two dishes, with a weight on top to flatten them ; when cold, cut them oval, dip them in two beaten eggs to which you have added an ounce of melted butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. Sprinkle them thickly with bread-crumbs and a few drops of melt- ed butter, and send to the oven ; when well colored, serve with a sauce piquante (Art. 86). 237. Sheep's Feet a la Poulette. Split in halves a dozen scalded sheep's feet, and proceed as 88 FRENCH DISHES. for calf's feet a. la poulette (Art. 215) ; serve very- hot. 238. Roast Leg of Mutton a la Bretonne. Take a leg of mutton of about six or seven pounds ; put it to roast, taking care to baste it from time to time ; an hour and a quarter is sufficient to roast it. Put in the oven six onions without being peeled, and, as soon as they are done, peel them and put them in a saucepan, with a pinch of salt, pepper, and nut- meg ; add to them half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), which reduce fifteen minutes, strain, and serve with your mutton. 239. Boiled Leg of Mutton. Take a leg of mutton of about six pounds and place in a saucepan with a sliced onion, a carrot, three bay-leaves, three cloves of garlic, three branches of thyme, four cloves, six parsley-roots, an ounce of salt, and enough water to cover them. Boil for an hour and a half, and serve with a sauce bechamel (Art. 83), to which add some chopped parsley or capers. 240. Roast Saddle of Mutton. Take a me- dium-sized saddle of mutton, cut the flaps square and roll them up, tie some twine around the saddle, so as to give it a neat shape, season with salt and pepper, and roast it for three quarters of an hour ; remove your twine, and serve with some currant jelly. 241. Leg of Mutton en Venaison. Take a medium-sized leg of mutton, from which cut the knuckle-bone at the second joint and put it in an earthen jar with two sliced onions, a carrot, six bay- leaves, six cloves of garlic, ten cloves, ten pepper- ENTREES. 89 corns, six branches of thyme, six parsley-roots, a tea- spoonful of pepper, and a pint of vinegar. Let your mutton remain in these ingredients three days, and stir every six hours ; then take it out of the earthen jar, roast it, and serve with a sauce poivrade (Art. 95). 242. Irish Stew. Take four pounds from a breast of mutton, take off the skin and the fat, cut it in medium-sized pieces, which put in a saucepan with three pints of water, half an ounce of salt, a pinch of pepper, and a very little nutmeg. When beginning to boil, skim all the grease off carefully, add two carrots and two turnips cut in slices, six medium-sized onions peeled, and some branches of parsley, inclosing three cloves, one clove of garlic, six pepper-corns, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, and tie all together. Boil an hour and a half. Peel and cut in pieces eight potatoes, boil them, and add them to your stew. Mix two ounces of flour in a little water, making a smooth, soft paste, and pour it over your stew, stirring constantly. Boil ten minutes, remove the bunch of parsley, and serve. You may put a tablespoonful of chopped parsley over your stew if desired. 243. Shoulder of Mutton farcied. Bone a shoulder of mutton, take out a portion of the meat without breaking the skin, remove the sinews and chop the meat with half of its weight of fat salt pork, and an ounce of ham ; when chopped very fine, add a medium-sized onion also chopped fine, and four ounces of bread-crumbs which you have soaked in consomme (Art. 1) and then pressed al- 9° FRENCH DISHES. most dry, an egg, and a pinch of salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Mix all well together, and place this farce in the inside of your shoulder. Roll up and sew together with a larding-needle ; then put it in a saucepan with a sliced onion and carrot, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, one clove of gar- lic, three cloves, and three pepper-corns. Moisten three quarters of its height with consomme (stock, Art. i) and a claret-glass of white wine. Put it in the oven for two hours, basting it from time to time with its liquor. Drain your shoulder of mutton, reduce its liquor one half, skim off the grease, and serve it on the same dish with the mutton. You may serve with this a puree of turnips (Art. 398), puree of peas (Art. 446), or various other vegetables. 244. Epigramme of Lamb. Put a breast of spring lamb in a saucepan with enough consomme - (Art. 1) to cover it. Boil gently for an hour and a half ; place it between two dishes, with a weight on top ; when cold, cut it in the shape of chops and dip in two beaten eggs, to which you have added a little salt and pepper ; then roll them in bread- crumbs and send them to the oven in a pan, with a little melted butter on top. Put eight lamb chops in a saucepan with half an ounce of butter, a little salt and pepper ; color them on both sides. Re- move your breast of lamb from the oven, and serve together with the chops, in a circle, first a breast of lamb and then a chop, and some asparagus ends or macedoine (Art. 416) in the center. 245. Breast of Lamb, with Asparagus. ENTRIES. gi Prepare two breasts of spring lamb as the forego- ing, serve them in a circle on a dish, with a garnish of green asparagus ends in the center; then take the green ends of about two bunches of asparagus, boil them very tender, adding a little salt ; drain them, and add them to half a pint of very hot Alle- mande sauce (Art. 81), a pinch of sugar, and nut- meg, which pour around your breasts of lamb, and serve. PORK. 246. Pig's Tongue. Prepare and cook as for calf's tongue (Art. 205), and serve with a sauce piquante (Art. 86), or sauce ravigote (Art. no), or sauce tartare (Art. 112). 247. Fillet of Pork a la Fermiere. Take five small fillets of pork, divide them in two, shapihg them alike, and put them in an earthen jar; peel and slice a carrot and an onion, put them in a fry- ing-pan with a claret-glass of white wine, a clove of garlic, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, two cloves, four parsley-roots, a little mace, and a pinch of pepper. Boil them for five minutes, let them be- come cold, pour over your fillets of pork, and allow them to soak twelve hours ; then drain off your fillets and put them in a saucepan with three quarters of their height of consomme - (stock, Art. 1) and three tablespoonfuls of the liquid in which your fillets were soaked. Boil on a good fire for half an hour, drain them, keep them hot, reduce the liquid one half in which they were cooked, drain it, and serve with your fillets. 9 2 FRENCH DISHES. 248. Boiled Pigs' Feet. Take eight pigs' feet, and, if raw, tie them securely in a cloth so as to pre- serve their shape, put them in a saucepan with half an ounce of salt, three cloves, three pepper-corns, three branches of thyme, three bay-leaves, a little mace, two parsley-roots, a sliced carrot, a wineglass of vinegar, and moisten liberally with water. Sim- mer gently for six hours, let them become cold in their liquor ; remove the cloths in which they were tied, dip them in beaten egg, roll them thickly in bread-crumbs, broil them, and, when a deep yellow color, serve very hot. You may serve with them a sauce piquante (Art. 86). 249. Pigs' Kidneys Sautes. Chop two shal- lots and a small onion very fine, put them in a fry- ing-pan with an ounce of butter, color them very gently, and add four pigs' kidneys cut in thin slices, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a little nutmeg ; toss them for a few minutes without stopping, and, when they are almost done, add a teaspoonful of flour, which mix well with the kidneys, a sherry-glass of white wine, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley ; mix all well together, and serve, without having allowed them to boil. 250. Sausage of Fresh Pork. Take a pound of lean pork and the same of fat pork ; chop them very fine, adding half an ounce of salt, a pinch of pepper, a little nutmeg, a pinch of sage, a shallot and a teaspoonful of parsley, both chopped fine ; mix all well together, and put this farce in the thin skin used for enveloping sausages, by means of a ENTREES. 93 funnel ; tie all together securely in several places, and broil them a fine light color, and serve. Flat sausages are prepared in the same manner. 251. Spare-Ribs, Apple Sauce. Take eight ribs of fresh pork, put them in a pan, with a pinch of salt sprinkled on top, and some melted butter ; send to the oven for an hour, or until well colored. Pare a dozen apples, put them in a saucepan with two ounces of sugar, a little nutmeg, a very little cin- namon, the juice of a lemon, and a little water. Put your apples through a sieve, and serve, when very cold, with your roast. 252. Pork Chops, Sauce Robert. Take eight pork chops, put them in a frying-pan in which you have melted an ounce of butter, sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper, a very little nutmeg, a pinch of allspice, and color them on both sides on a quick fire ; serve them on a dish with a sauce Robert (Art. 92), Italian sauce (Art. 93), sauce ravigote hot (Art. no), sauce piquante (Art. 86), or tomato sauce (Art. 90). 253. Broiled Pork Chops. Proceed as for broiled mutton chops (Art. 232), and serve with any of the above sauces. 254. Pork Chops a l'lndienne. Fry as for pork chops, sauce Robert (Art. 252), and drain off the grease. In a saucepan put half a pint of Span- ish sauce (Art. 80) and a teaspoonful of curry ; add your chops, simmer gently for about ten minutes, and serve them with the sauce around them, and boiled rice in the center. 94 FRENCH DISHES. 2 55- Pig's Head, Sauce Poivrade. Cut the meat from a pig's head, divide in pieces of about two inches long, put them in an earthen jar with an onion cut in slices, three bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, three cloves, three pepper-corns, a pinch of pepper, two parsley-roots, two claret-glasses of vinegar, and soak twenty-four hours ; then put them in a saucepan with enough water to cover them, a carrot and an onion cut in slices. Boil gently two hours, drain your pork, and serve with a sauce poi- vrade (Art. 95). 256. Frankfort Sausages, with Sourcrout. Take ten Frankfort sausages, boil them five minutes in boiling water, and serve them with a garnish of sourcrout (Art. 417). 257. Roast Sucking Pig farcied. Take a sucking pig, make an incision in the top of the thighs and shoulders ; remove all sinews from the intestines, which chop fine with a pound of bread-crumbs which you have soaked in water and then pressed almost dry. Put two sliced onions in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of butter, for five minutes ; then add your mixture, half an ounce of salt, a good pinch of pepper, a little nutmeg, a pinch of allspice, three times as much of sage ; mix all well together, and with this mixture stuff the inside of the pig and sew up the paunch. Put it on a pan to roast for four hours, with a claret-glass of white wine. Baste it several times just before serving, remove the string with which it was sewed, strain, remove all grease from its liquor, and serve with the pig. ENTREES. 95 258. Glazed Ham. Trim a ham of about five pounds, cut the thigh-bone, and put it in cold water to soak, if old, twenty-four hours, during which time change the water twice ; if new, twelve hours will suffice. After soaking, wrap it up in a cloth and put it in a large pot, with enough water to cover it ; add a carrot, an onion, three bay-leaves, three cloves, one clove of garlic, six pepper-corns, and simmer very gently five hours ; after which remove the pot from the fire, and a moment afterward take out your ham ; unfasten the cloth, remove the thigh- bone, leaving the knuckle-bone. Drain your ham, put it back again in the cloth in a deep, round bowl, with a weight on top, until the next day, then take off the cloth, trim the ham carefully, and remove the rind within five inches of the knuckle-bone ; cut it in points, brush the ham over with glaze (Art. 179). Decorate with aspic jelly (Art. 278 or 279) ; garnish the knuckle-bone with a ruffle of paper, and serve. 259. Glazed Ham with Champagne Sauce. Proceed as for the foregoing, put half a pint of Span- ish sauce (Art. 80) in a saucepan on the fire, add a glass of champagne or champagne cider, boil for a moment, and serve in a sauce-boat with your ham. 260. Glazed Ham with Truffles. Proceed as for glazed ham (Art. 258), except that instead of boiling five hours, boil four hours. Then take out a quart of its liquid and substitute a bottle of white wine. Simmer slowly for an hour, drain, then re- move the napkin, take out the thigh-bone, leaving the knuckle-bone joint. Cover the back of the ham with 96 FRENCH DISHES. incisions, in which insert large slices of truffles, which you have previously cooked in a little of the ham's liquor, some of which now pour over the ham. Wrap it up again very tight in the napkin, and finish as for glazed ham. 261. Ham a l'Americaine. Take a ham of about five pounds, prepare as for glazed ham, put it in a pot with a quart of claret, and enough water to cover it. Simmer very gently five hours. Then take it out, sprinkle lightly with sugar, send to the oven, and, when well-colored, serve with a garnish of spin- ach, Brussels sprouts, green peas, or other green vegetables, according to taste. 262. Ham a la Zingara. Cut ten slices of raw ham rather thick, put them in a frying-pan, in which you have melted a little lard. Color them on both sides, take them out of your frying-pan and keep them hot. Mix with your lard two ounces of bread-crumbs, press through a sieve, and put them on the fire five minutes, stirring constantly; moisten with a sherry-glass of white wine ; add a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a little chopped parsley. Mix all well together, and serve with your slices of ham on top. 263. Roast Ham. Trim and pare a ham, of about five pounds, soak it for two days, changing the water about every eight hours, after which let it soak for about half a day in two bottles of white wine ; then put it to roast by a slow fire, for about four hours, covering it underneath with thin pieces of larding pork, and basting it often with hot water, ENTREES. 97 which you have put in your pan. When your ham is nearly done, take off the rind within six inches of the knuckle-bone, cut it in long points ; sprinkle the ham on top with bread-crumbs, and serve with a hunter sauce (Art. 97). 264. Ham Toast. Cut the crust from eight slices of bread of medium thickness, spread some butter thickly on top, and a little mustard, then some grated cheese and ham, very little chopped shallot, and some cayenne pepper. Send to the oven for a few moments, or until the cheese is dissolved, and serve immediately. POULTRY AND GAME, WITH ROASTS OF SAME. 265. Broiled Chicken. Take four spring chick- ens, put some alcohol on a plate, light it, and pass your chickens over the flame, to singe off any hair which may remain. Split them in two, clean them, wash them well, and dry with a cloth, flatten them with a cleaver ; broil them on a moderate fire, and, when well colored on both sides, serve them on a very hot dish, on which you have put an ounce of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, the juice of a lemon, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and mix all well together. Serve some water-cresses around them. 266. Broiled Chickens (Deviled). Take three medium-sized spring chickens, prepare them as the foregoing, spread them lightly with a layer of mustard, sprinkle them with bread-crumbs, and broil them on a very gentle fire. To be certain that they are thoroughly done, lift up the thigh, and if not red 9 9 8 FRENCH DISHES. underneath, they are sufficiently cooked. Serve very hot. 267. Roast Spring Chickens. Clean three or four spring chickens, truss them, put them to roast, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt, and a very little melted butter, with which baste them from time to time. From thirty to thirty-five minutes should be sufficient to roast them. When they are a fine color, remove your skewers, and take a gill of consomme (Art. 1), reduce it on the fire one half, mix it with the drippings of your chicken, strain, pour it over them, and serve with water-cresses around them. 268. Fricassee of Chicken. Clean and wash two chickens, cut off the thighs, legs, wings, and breasts, which put in a saucepan with a quart of water, and blanch them ten minutes ; then put them in cold water for a moment ; after which place them in a saucepan with a pint of consomme (Art. 1), a pint of water, several branches of parsley, inclosing four cloves, four pepper-corns, three branches of thyme, three bay-leaves, and tie all together, add one half ounce of salt, two pinches of pepper, and a little nutmeg. Simmer gently forty minutes. Put in another saucepan two ounces of butter, and the same of flour, mix well together, then add little by little three quarters of a pint of the liquid in which your chickens were cooked, and which you have strained. Boil gently. Take the yolks of four eggs, the juice of a lemon, and a tablespoonful of water. Remove your sauce from the fire, and, when it has ceased boiling, add your eggs, stirring until well mixed. ENTREES. 99 Put your chickens on a dish, pour the sauce over them, and serve. You may add mushrooms to your sauce, green peas, or the green ends of asparagus. 269. Chicken a la Marengo. Prepare and cut up two chickens as the foregoing, put them in a frying-pan with two tablespoonfuls of oil, color your chickens a light brown, then remove them from the frying-pan and put them in a saucepan with a half pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), six tablespoonfuls of tomatoes, a claret-glass of white wine, a pinch of salt and pepper, a little nutmeg, and boil for thirty minutes on a good fire ; add a dozen mushrooms, the same of truffles cut in quarters, and serve. You may also serve, around your chicken, eggs fried in oil and small pieces of bread fried in butter. 270. Chicken Saute a la Hongroise. Clean and cut up two chickens as for fricassee, and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter and two onions cut in small pieces. When beginning to color, add two ounces of flour, which mix well with your other ingredients ; moisten with a pint of milk, add a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, several branches of parsley, inclosing two cloves, two pepper-corns, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, and tie all to- gether. Boil very gently, skim off the grease, re- move your parsley with its spices, and serve. 271. Chicken Saute aux Fines Herbes. Clean and cut in pieces two young chickens, and put them in a saucepan, with four chopped shallots and two ounces of butter. Turn your chicken con- tinually, so as not to stick to the pan, add a little IOO FRENCH DISHES. salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80). Chop a dozen mushrooms very fine, boil five minutes longer, and, just before serving, add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, which mix with your sauce, and serve very hot. 272. Chicken a la Financiere. Prepare two young chickens as for a fricassee, put them in a frying- pan with an ounce of butter. When beginning to color, remove them from the frying-pan and place them in a saucepan with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), two wineglasses of sherry, a pinch of pepper, salt, and nutmeg, several branches of parsley, inclosing two cloves, a little thyme, and two bay- leaves, and tie all together. Boil for about thirty- five minutes. Cut in pieces six truffles, six mush- rooms, a sweet-bread tossed in a little butter, a dozen chickens' kidneys, let the sauce boil up again, and serve. 273. Supreme de Volaille. Take four very tender chickens, cut the skin which covers the breast, so as to remove the fillets. Pass the point of a knife between the breast-bone and the fillet as far as the wish-bone, then remove the fillet entire, without tear- ing it, and proceed the same with the other fillets. Place them on a table, and open them carefully, dividing the large fillets from the small ones (those underneath), but not separating them, and introduce between each fillet a tablespoonful of chicken farce (Art. n), with which you have mixed three truffles chopped very fine ; make three or four incisions on the top of each fillet, moisten lightly with a little ENTREES. I0I white of egg, decorate the top with thin slices of truffles cut in the form of small cockscombs ; again moisten lightly with white of egg, place the fillets in a saucepan, adding a wineglass of sherry, half an ounce of butter, three sherry-glasses of consomme (Art. i), put the lid on your saucepan, and boil gently ten minutes. Serve them in half a pint of sauce supreme (Art. 99), to which you have added about eight chopped truffles. 274. Chicken a la Toulouse. Take the eight thighs of the foregoing, and put them in a saucepan with some consomme (Art. 1), several branches of parsley, inclosing two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, two cloves, two pepper-corns, and tie all to- gether ; also, add an onion and a carrot, cut in slices ; boil gently for about forty minutes, and, if sufficiently done, drain them, place them in a circle on a dish, and serve them with a sauce Allemande (Art. 81) in the center, to which you have added a dozen chopped mushrooms. 275. Chicken with Rice. Clean and prepare two chickens, put them in a saucepan with enough consomme - (Art. 1) to cover them. After boiling forty minutes, drain them. Wash half a pound of rice and boil it for ten minutes, put it in cold water, drain it and moisten with a quarter of the liquid in which the chickens were cooked and which you have strained, add a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Simmer gently for forty minutes, add an ounce of butter to your rice, mix all well together, place on a dish, and serve your chickens cut up in pieces on top. I02 FRENCH DISHES. 276. Chicken Saute au Chasseur. Clean and prepare two chickens, cut up in pieces. Cut half a pound of bacon in small pieces, and put on the fire, in a saucepan, for about five minutes ; add your chicken, and, when colored on one side, turn over on the other. When done, pour off all the grease in your saucepan, moisten your chicken with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) and a claret-glass of white wine. Peel two dozen little onions, put them in a frying-pan with a little lard, and, when colored, add them to your chicken a moment before serving, with a pinch of pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a dozen mush- rooms cut in quarters. Remove all grease from your sauce, and serve. 277. Boiled Fowl, Caper Sauce. Prepare and clean a fowl, pass a wooden skewer through the thighs, put it in a saucepan with half a pound of salt pork, and enough water to cover the chicken. Boil for an hour and a half, drain, put it on a dish, and pour over it half a pint of white sauce (Art. 84), to which you have added a handful of capers. Instead of capers you may add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, or two dozen oysters, blanched and drained. 278. Aspic de Foie Gras. Heat three pints of consomme (Art. 1), to which add three ounces of gelatine, a branch of tarragon, a tablespoonful of tar- ragon vinegar, and two wineglasses of madeira (or sherry). Simmer gently, and, when your gelatine is dissolved, remove your saucepan to the side of the range. Mix the whites of four eggs with a glass of cold water, and add them to your jelly, also the juice ENTREES. I03 of a lemon ; stir until thoroughly mixed. Simmer gently at the side of the range for half an hour, then strain through a flannel several times, or until per- fectly clear. Take a round mold with a hole in the middle, place it on the top of some cracked ice, and pour in the bottom a few tablespoonfuls of jelly. When stiff, decorate it with truffles and the whites of hard-boiled eggs, cut in any fancy form which pleases you, then put on top another layer of jelly, let it stiffen, then add a layer of pate de foie gras cut in pieces, then another layer of jelly, and so on, in the same manner, until your mold is filled, then put it on the ice for an hour. Then turn out your jelly on a dish, and put in the middle a sauce remoulade (cold, Art. 109), or sauce ravigote (cold, Art. 112), or sauce tartare (114). Instead of pate de foie gras, slices of cold chicken, turkey, sweetbreads, or lobster may be used. The receipt for this jelly is given as it is generally made in this country, where gelatine is much used. 279. Aspic (another manner of making it). Cut in slices two onions and a carrot, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with two cloves, two pepper- corns, two bay-leaves, a branch of thyme, a few very thin slices of ham on top, four pounds of a knuckle of veal, two pounds of the lean part of a shin of beef, half a glass of water, and the remains of cold chick- en or turkey. When beginning to color, moisten with three quarts of consomme (Art. 1), add two calf's feet, which you have boiled ten minutes in boiling water. Simmer very gently for four hours, io4 FRENCH DISHES. remove all grease, and strain it through a flannel. Put it back again on the fire, mix the whites of four eggs with a glass of water, add it to your stock, also adding three wineglasses of sherry. Simmer gently at the back of the range for half an hour, strain it through a flannel until perfectly clear, and put it on the ice. This receipt is given in the manner in which aspic is made in France. 280. Boned Chicken. Boned chicken is pre- pared exactly in the same manner as boned turkey (Art. 292). 281. Larded Chicken. Prepare a chicken as for roasting, lard the breasts with pieces of larding pork, about an eighth of an inch wide and an inch and a half long. Put it in a saucepan with a sliced onion and carrot, six parsley-roots, two cloves, a clove of garlic, two pepper-corns, a branch of thyme, a bay-leaf, a pinch of salt, and enough consom- me" (stock, Art. 1) to cover three quarters of your chicken. When beginning to boil, send it to the oven for about an hour with all its liquid, with which baste it from time to time. Serve with a puree of artichokes (Art. 443), puree of celery (Art. 392), pur£e of French chestnuts (Art. 442), sauce Allemande (Art. 81), or other sauces preferred. You may also serve the chicken with a clear gravy. Grouse, partridges, and quail may be larded in the same manner. 282. Chicken Pie a la Christine. Clean two chickens, cut them in pieces, and put them in a saucepan with quarter of a pound of salt pork, an ENTREES. 105 onion, and a little celery, all cut in small pieces, some salt, a pinch of pepper, a very little nutmeg, several branches of parsley, inclosing two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, three cloves, and a clove of gar- lic, all tied together. Boil an hour, and skim off the grease carefully whenever necessary. Add two tablespoonfuls of flour with which you have thor- oughly mixed half a glass of water, boil ten minutes longer, make a paste as for beefsteak pie (Art. 197), line a deep dish with it, in which put your chicken, covering it on top with a round of paste the size of your dish, brush over it some beaten egg, and send to the oven, until well colored. Instead of celery, you may add some chopped mushrooms and truffles, and, instead of the pork, some small pieces of cooked ham, and hard-boiled eggs cut in slices. 283. Chicken Croquettes. Chop and pound fine in a mortar a pound of chicken from which you have removed all skin and sinews ; also chop fine about ten mushrooms, which mix with your chicken, and add half a pint of Allemande sauce (Art. 81) rather thick, to which you have added the yolks of three eggs, mixed in two tablespoonfuls of water or milk. Put your mixture on the ice until perfectly cold, then form it into croquettes, which roll in bread - crumbs. Beat up three eggs, with which cover your croquettes ; again roll in bread-crumbs. Put some lard in a frying-pan in which, when very hot, fry your croquettes, and, when a bright yellow color, drain, and serve with fried parsley on top. You may add to your mixture, before forming io 6 FRENCH DISHES. into croquettes, some chopped truffles or chopped parsley. 284. Puff Paste. Put a pound of flour on a table, make a hole in the center of the flour, in which by degrees pour half a pint of cold water. The water should always be added in very small quantities at a time, and thoroughly worked into the flour until perfectly absorbed before adding more. When all the water has been thoroughly mixed with the flour, work your paste out with the hands until round. Take a pound of butter, which has been on the ice, and which you have carefully washed. If very hard, knead it a little with your hands, then place it in the middle of your paste, flatten it, fold your paste over the butter so that it forms a square, and put it on the ice ten minutes. Then with a rolling-pin roll out your paste (having previously sprinkled the table with flour) about two feet long, then fold it one third of its length, roll it once with the rolling-pin, then take the remainder of the paste and fold it over the two other layers, and roll the paste two or three times, fold the paste again as be- fore, and put it on the ice fifteen minutes. Then proceed as before, and put it again on the ice. Re- peat the same operation once again. 285. P£te Brisee. Put a pound of flour on a table, make a hollow in the middle of the flour, in which put eight ounces of butter and not quite half a pint of water. Work this paste well, so as to be quite smooth. 286. Bouch6es de Salpicon. Take half a ENTREES. 107 pound of puff paste, and, after having given it six turns, roll it out half an inch thick, cut it out in ten rounds, with a muffin-ring or a mold for the pur- pose. Mark lightly in the center of each, with the point of a knife, a very small round. Brush them (with a camel's-hair brush) in beaten egg, put them on a pan, send them to a very hot oven, and watch them carefully so that they do not color too much on the outside before the inside is done. This paste should rise at least two inches. When the bouchees are thoroughly done inside, and colored bright yel- low on the outside, take them out of the oven, re- move the small rounds in the center which you have marked out, and also enough paste from the inside to make space for the following mixture : Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), with a glass of sherry, in a saucepan on the fire, boil it ten minutes, then add eight mushrooms, four chickens' livers, which you have previously blanched in boiling water ten min- utes, the breast of a cold chicken, some cold smoked tongue, and two truffles, all cut in small pieces. When hot, fill your bouchees, place the small covers on top of each, and serve. Instead of Spanish sauce, Allemande sauce (Art. 81) is often preferred. You may also add four ounces of chicken farce (Art. 11), which form into small balls, and poach in boiling water. Instead of chicken, you may substitute sweet- breads ; or you may fill the bouchees with oysters, to which you have added an Allemande sauce and some mushrooms cut in small pieces. 287. Croiistades de Salpicon. Take some IO S FRENCH DISHES. pate brisee (Art. 285), roll it out very thin, butter ten little tin molds, which line with your paste, prick a few holes in the bottom and fill the insides, and send them to a hot oven until done, take them out of the molds, brush the outsides with beaten egg, put them back in the oven for five minutes, re- move the flour from the insides, using a small, dry brush, so that none shall remain, and fill them with the mixture described in the foregoing article. 288. Cromesqui of Chicken. Make a mixture as for chicken croquettes (Art. 283), adding a little red pepper. When cold, form it into balls, about the size of a small egg, and wrap up each one in a very thin piece of pork. Break three eggs in a bowl, add six ounces of flour, mix well together, and then add a little water, so as to make a smooth and very soft paste, but sufficiently solid to adhere to your cromes- qui. Then mix thoroughly a teaspoonful of soda with your paste, with which cover each cromesqui, and fry in very hot lard. When a bright yellow, drain, and serve plain, or with a tomato sauce (Art. 90). 289. Timbale of Chicken. Chop fine, and then pound in a mortar half a pound of the white meat of chicken, from which you have removed the skin and sinews ; add to the chicken, little by little, while pounding, three sherry-glasses of very cold cream, a little salt, white pepper, and the whites of five eggs. When you have obtained a very fine, smooth paste, press it through a sieve, and then fill with it ten little tin molds, which you have buttered. ENTREES. 109 Place them in a saucepan, in which you have put the depth of an inch of water, cover your saucepan, and send to the oven for about ten minutes, or until the mixture is firm enough to turn out of the molds. Then serve with a sauce perigueux (Art. 91), or a sauce supreme (Art. 99), or a sauce Allemande (Art. 81). 290. Roast Turkey stuffed. Clean and pre- pare a medium-sized turkey for roasting. Cut two onions in pieces, and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of lard, and color them lightly. Soak a pound of bread in water, from which press the water, add the bread to your onions, with the turkey's liver and heart chopped very fine, a little salt, two pinches of pepper, the same of sage, a pinch of thyme, and mix all well together. Stuff the inside of the turkey with this mixture, sew up the opening through which you have introduced the stuffing, and put it to roast, with a little butter on top, and a wineglass of water. Roast for three quarters of an hour, strain the liquid in your pan, pour it over your turkey, and serve. 291. Turkey with Truffles. Clean and pre- pare a young medium-sized turkey as the foregoing. Melt four ounces of the fat of your turkey in a frying- pan with a shallot and a few truffles chopped fine, a pinch of thyme, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, a pound of sausage-meat, and a can of truffles cut in quarters. Mix all well together, and with this mixture stuff your turkey ; sew up the opening through which you have put your farce. Roast the turkey for three quarters of an hour, putting a little butter on the no FRENCH DISHES. breast and a glass of white wine in the pan, and baste it often. Serve your turkey on a dish, and pour over it the liquid in your pan, which you have strained. Proceed in the same manner for chickens, capons, partridges, etc. — the quantity of each in- gredient in proportion to the size of the piece roasted. 292. Boned Turkey. Take a hen-turkey of seven pounds, singe off the hair, by passing it over some lighted alcohol, cut off the head and neck, make an incision through the back its entire length, cut off the wings, and remove all the bones of the turkey. Take three pounds of chopped sausage-meat, the half of which place in the interior of your turkey, cover the farce with alternate strips of larding pork, half an inch wide, strips of cold ham, tongue, and some truffles cut in pieces intermixed. Season with pepper. Place on top of these the other half of your sausage-meat, which cover with another layer of larding pork, ham, and truffles. Then draw the meat at the sides to the center of the back of your turkey, and sew them together with a larding-needle threaded with fine twine. Place on top several slices of lemon, from which you have removed the peel and seeds, and wrap up your turkey very tight in a cloth, which tie firmly with a string, and put in a saucepan, in which you have put the bones of your turkey, a carrot, an onion, a little thyme, two bay- leaves, two cloves, one clove of garlic, and enough consomme (stock, Art. 1) to cover the turkey. Sim- mer gently for three hours, then remove the cloth, ENTREES. Ill which wash clean, and again wrap the turkey in it, tying it as tight as possible. Place it in a pan, put another pan on top, in which put a weight, so as to render the top of the turkey perfectly flat, and put on ice for a day. Skim off the grease from the liquid in which your turkey was cooked, strain, take of it three pints, which put on the fire with three ounces of gelatine and the juice of two lemons. Mix four whites of eggs with a glass of water, pour into your saucepan with the stock and gelatine, stir all well together, and when beginning to boil remove to the back of the range to simmer gently for half an hour, strain through a flannel until perfectly clear, add a wineglass of sherry, put on the ice until cold, cut in pieces, which place on top and around your turkey. 293. Tame Ducks roasted. Clean and pre- pare two ducks for roasting. Put them in a pan with a little salt, a little butter, a wineglass of water, and roast them by a good fire for about twenty-five or thirty minutes. When well colored, serve them, surrounded with water-cresses. Strain the liquor in your pan, and serve in a sauce-boat with your ducks. 294. Ducks with Olives. Prepare and cook your ducks as the foregoing. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) in a saucepan, let it boil, and add three dozen olives from which you have re- moved the stones, and a glass of sherry; boil gently ten minutes, pour your sauce around your ducks, and serve. 295. Duck with Turnips. Prepare two ducks II2 FRENCH DISHES. as the foregoing. Put in a saucepan a sliced onion and carrot, two pieces of larding pork, three bay- leaves, three branches of thyme, two cloves of gar- lic, four parsley-roots, three cloves, three pepper- corns, and a pinch of salt. Place your ducks on top, moisten them with sufficient consomme (Art. i) to barely cover them, and a claret-glass of white wine. Boil very gently for an hour. Pare some turnips, cut them round and small, in sufficient quantity for eight people. Put them in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of lard ; when equally colored, drain them, and place them in a saucepan with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), a pinch of sugar, a pinch of pepper ; boil until the turnips are done. Place your ducks on a dish, and your sauce, with the turnips, around them. 296. Ducks with Puree of Peas. Clean, pre- pare, and cook two ducks as the foregoing. Boil a quart of peas, put them through a sieve, then heat them in a saucepan with a little butter, salt, and a pinch of sugar, and serve, with your ducks, on a sep- arate dish. 297. Roast Goose. Clean and prepare a young goose for roasting. Put a little butter on top, a lit- tle salt, and a claret-glass of water in your pan, and roast for an hour. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce in a saucepan on the fire, mix with it a tablespoon- ful of mustard, a teaspoonful of vinegar, a pinch of pepper, and nutmeg. Let it boil a moment, and serve, with your goose, in a sauce-boat. 298. Braised Goose, Celery Sauce. Pre- ENTREES. "3 pare a goose as for duck with turnips (Art. 295). Cut a bunch of celery in small pieces, wash them well, and boil in water, with a little salt ; when done, drain them. Put in a saucepan half a pint of white sauce (Art. 84), add your celery, boil five minutes, drain off your goose, pour your celery sauce on a dish, place your goose on top, and serve. 299. Roast Squabs. Clean and wash eight squabs, put a little butter and salt on top, and roast them thirty minutes. Reduce half a pint of con- somme" (Art. 1) on the fire, one half pour over your squabs, and serve some water cresses around them. 300. Broiled Squabs. Clean and wash eight squabs, split them in two, flatten them with a cleaver, beat up two eggs, add an ounce of melted butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, mix all well together, spread over your squabs, and sprinkle them with bread-crumbs. Broil them on a gentle fire, and, when well colored, serve. 301. Squabs en Compote. Clean eight squabs, split them in two, put them in a saucepan with four ounces of butter, in small pieces. Color them slightly on the fire, and, when a good color, drain off the grease. Moisten your squabs with half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), add a pinch of pepper, nut- meg, and thyme, a glass of sherry, and boil thirty minutes. Peel two dozen little onions, toss them in a frying-pan with half an ounce of lard, and, when well colored, add them to your squabs. Cut a dozen mushrooms in quarters, boil ten minutes, and serve very hot. ii4 FRENCH DISHES. 302. Broiled Squabs (Deviled). Prepare ex- actly as for deviled chicken {Art. 266). 303. Squabs with Green Peas. Clean eight squabs, separate them in two, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of butter. When a nice color, add half a glass of water, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, two cloves, two pepper-corns, a clove of garlic, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook thirty minutes, drain and strain the liquid in which your squabs were cooked, add to it a quart of boiled peas, and serve with your squabs. 304. Broiled Partridge. Clean and divide in two, for broiling, three partridges, break the thigh- bone, and broil them on a gentle fire. When well colored on both sides, serve them on a dish on which you have put two ounces of melted butter, a table- spoonful of chopped parsley, a pinch of pepper and salt, and the juice of a lemon, all well mixed together. Garnish with water-cresses or slices of lemon. 305. Deviled Partridge. Broil three par- tridges as the foregoing, and proceed as for deviled chicken (Art. 266). 306. Partridge aux Choux. Clean three par- tridges, and put them in a saucepan with half a pound of bacon, two smoked sausages, a carrot cut in two, and a whole onion, several branches of parsley, in- closing four cloves, three branches of thyme, and a clove of garlic. Tie all well together, and cover your partridges with pieces of larding pork. Blanch a cabbage in boiling water on the fire for fifteen minutes, then put it for a moment in cold water, ENTREES. "5 drain it, and press from it all moisture. Lay it on top of your partridges, and cover with strips of lard- ing pork. Moisten with sufficient consomme (Art. i) to cover them. Simmer gently for two hours. Drain off your partridges, bacon, sausages, and cab- bage, from which again press the moisture. Remove your carrot, onion, and herbs, boil, and serve your partridges on a dish, with your cabbage underneath, and your bacon and sausage, cut in pieces, around them. 307. Roast Partridge. Clean three partridges, pass a wooden skewer through the thighs, tie on top of each a thin slice of pork, and roast them forty minutes. Put a claret-glass of white wine in the pan, and baste them from time to time. Remove your skewers, and the strings with which you have tied on your pork, and put your partridges on a dish. Add two wineglasses of consomme (Art. 1) to the liquid in the pan, boil for a moment, strain and pour in the dish with your partridges, which serve, gar- nished with water-cresses, or with bread sauce (Art. 87). 308. Salmi of Partridge. Cut up in pieces three cold roast partridges, which put in a saucepan with an onion cut in slices, two cloves, a bay-leaf, a branch of thyme, a clove of garlic, two parsley-roots, and six chopped mushrooms. Moisten with a claret- glass of white wine, and half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80). Boil very gently for half an hour, care- fully removing all grease, and strain. Then put your sauce again in the saucepan with your partridges, n6 FRENCH DISHES. add two dozen mushrooms, and keep them hot. Fry a bright yellow, in butter, eight pieces of bread, cut round at one end and pointed at the other ; drain them. Serve your partridges, the sauce poured over them, and garnish with your fried pieces of bread. 309. Truffled Partridge. Prepare three par- tridges as for roasting, make an incision in the skin of the neck. Pound together two chickens' livers and the same in quantity of fresh fat pork, adding a pinch of salt and pepper and a little nutmeg. Mix all to- gether, with half a pound of truffles, cut in quarters, and put the third of your farce in each partridge. Sew up the opening through which you have inserted the farce, and also the skin of the neck. Then put a little butter on them, and roast them for thirty-five to forty minutes, according to the size of your par- tridges. Serve around them a sauce perigueux (Art. 91). Grouse are prepared in each manner described for partridges. 310. Broiled Quail. Prepare and broil eight quails as for broiled partridge. You may also devil them, as described in deviled chicken (Art. 266). 311. Roast Quail. Prepare eight quails for roasting, with a piece of thin pork on top and a claret-glass of consomme (Art. 1) in the pan. Fifteen minutes on a good fire will be sufficient to roast them. Boil the liquid in your pan for a moment, strain it, put it in a dish with your quails, under each of which you have placed a piece of toast, and serve garnished with water-cresses. 312. Quail en Caisse. Split eight quails through ENTREES. 117 the back, without injuring the fillets, and remove the bones. Take half a dozen chickens' livers with as much fat pork, and pound together to a paste, then mix with this four truffles chopped very fine, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and fill the inside of your quail with this mixture, then wrap them up in thin strips of pork, and tie a string around each, so as to pre- serve their shape. Put them in a pan and send them to the oven for fifteen minutes. Then take eight paper cases, as wide and as high as your quail, put a little oil on the inside of the cases, and half fill them with a farce of sausage, with which you have mixed four chopped truffles, as many mushrooms, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Put your quail on top, and send them to the oven for twenty minutes. Put a tablespoonful of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) on top of each quail. 313. Quail with Truffles. Clean eight quails, split them through the back and remove the bones. Put in a saucepan on the fire for a moment the livers of your quails, five chickens' livers, and the same quantity of fresh fat pork. Take them out of your saucepan and pound them together, adding two truffles chopped fine, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, fill your quails with the mixture and sew up the opening. Tie on top of each a thin piece of pork, place them in a saucepan with slices of ham, and moisten half their height with an equal quantity of consomme (Art. 1) and white wine. Send them to the oven for about thirty minutes, remove the strings used for tying on the pork, and place your n8 FRENCH DISHES. quails on a dish. Skim off all grease from their liquid, strain it, put it in a saucepan on the fire for a moment, add to it a dozen truffles cut in slices, pour it over your quails, and serve. 314. Pigeons Poeles. Clean eight pigeons, and put them in a saucepan with a clove of garlic, two cloves, two pepper-corns, two bay-leaves, a branch of thyme, an onion cut in slices, a little salt and pepper, and moisten with quarter of a pint of consomme - and the same of white wine. Simmer gently, and, when they are cooked, drain off the liquid, remove all the grease, strain it, reduce it on the fire one half, add a dozen mushrooms, and serve with the pigeons. 315. Pigeons en Compote. Prepare and cook eight pigeons in the same manner as described for squabs en compote (Art. 301), with the exception of cooking them an hour longer. 316. Fillets of Hare Sautes. Take the fillets of two hares, and cut them in medium-sized pieces. Put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, an onion cut in slices, a clove of garlic chopped, two bay-leaves, two cloves, and two branches of thyme. After having been on a good fire ten minutes, add a tablespoonful of flour and your fillets ; moisten with quarter of a pint of consomme - (Art. 1), and the same of red wine, a pinch of salt and pepper, and boil on a good fire forty minutes. Remove your fillets, strain the liquid, put it back on the fire with your fillets, add a tablespoonful of vinegar, boil five minutes, and serve. ENTREES. II 9 317. Roast Hare. Clean and uncase a hare, then take off the skin on top of the thighs and fillet, lard them, and put them in a pan with a little salt and pepper on top and a little melted butter. Baste them from time to time, and roast them an hour. Serve with a sauce poivrade (Art. 95). 318. Hare a la Bourgeoise. When your hare is uncased and cleaned, cut it in pieces and put it in a saucepan, with a quarter of a pound of bacon cut in small pieces, several branches of parsley, in- closing three cloves, three pepper-corns, two branches of thyme, two cloves of garlic, and tie all well to- gether. Moisten with half a pint of consomme (Art. 1), the same of white wine, and about thirty pieces of turnips cut in small quarters ; reduce on the fire until nearly all the liquid has evaporated, and serve. 319. Ragout of Hare. Skin and clean a hare, cut it in pieces and prepare it in the same manner as for ragout of venison (Art. 331). 320. Rabbit Saute a la Minute. Cut in pieces two rabbits, which you have skinned and cleaned, put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, salt, pepper, a little allspice, and nutmeg. Put on the fire for about twenty minutes, then add four chopped shallots, a wineglass of white wine, boil ten minutes, add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and serve. 321. Ragout of Rabbit. After having cleaned and skinned two rabbits, cut them in pieces and cook exactly as for ragout of venison (Art. 331). 120 FRENCH DISHES. 322. Roast Rabbit. Take two rabbits and pro- ceed exactly as for roast hare, except that instead of cooking an hour, cook them three quarters of an hour, and serve with a sauce ravigote hot (Art. in). 323. Hash of Rabbit. Take the remains of two rabbits, or one whole rabbit, and the same quantity of a cold leg of mutton, and chop very fine. Break the bones of your rabbit and put them in a saucepan, with two chopped cloves of garlic, two cloves, two bay-leaves, a branch of thyme, a little mace, and a pinch of sage. Put them on the fire ten minutes, moisten with two claret-glasses of red wine and one of consomme (Art. 1). Boil three quarters of an hour, strain, then add them to your hash in a frying-pan, with a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Heat without boiling, and serve very hot; garnish with pieces of bread fried in butter. 324. Rabbit a l'Espagnole. After having skinned and cleaned two rabbits, cut them in pieces and put them in a saucepan on the fire for fifteen minutes with some butter. Moisten them with a claret-glass of consomme (Art. 1), a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a little thyme. Reduce on the fire until almost all moisture is evaporated, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), and three tablespoonfuls of tomatoes. Boil ten minutes, and just before serving sprinkle a little chopped parsley on top. 325. Supreme of Partridge. Take the breasts of four partridges and separate the upper from the lower fillet, so as to make an opening for stuffing; ENTREES. I2 i chop up the white and dark meat fine, which put in a saucepan with a little butter, and toss on the fire until done ; then mix thoroughly with quarter of a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), and a few truffles and mushrooms chopped fine. When this mixture is cold, stuff with it the under fillet of partridge and cover with the upper. Put them in a pan, cover with buttered paper, and send to a moderate oven for about half an hour, or a little more. Dust over with hashed truffles, and serve with puree of celery (Art. 39 2 )- 326. Timbale of Partridge. Proceed exactly as for timbale of chicken (Art. 289). Timbale of grouse may be made in the same manner. 327. Venison Chops, with Currant Jelly Sauce. Broil eight venison chops for about six to seven minutes. Put in a saucepan nearly half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) and the eighth of a pint of currant jelly ; let them boil a moment, or until the currant jelly is dissolved ; then serve your chops with the sauce around them. 328. Saddle of Venison. Take seven pounds of a saddle of venison, roast it about thirty-five min- utes, and serve with currant jelly. 329. Leg of Venison. Take seven pounds of a leg of venison, which roast forty-five minutes, and serve with currant jelly. 330. Venison Chops. Put eight venison chops in an earthen jar with four bay-leaves, three branches of thyme, six cloves, six pepper-corns, four branches of parsley, a clove of garlic, a sliced onion and carrot, 11 I22 FRENCH DISHES. and a pint of vinegar ; let them soak twenty-four hours ; drain them, and put them in a frying-pan with an ounce of butter ; shake them in the pan un- til done. Put four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, with a pinch of pepper, in a saucepan on the fire, reduce two thirds, add half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), boil five minutes, and serve with your chops on a very hot dish. 331. Ragout of Venison. Cut into pieces three pounds of a breast of venison, which put on the fire in a saucepan, with half a pound of bacon cut in small pieces, and a little salt, pepper, and nut- meg, for fifteen minutes; mix well with your ingre- dients two tablespoonfuls of flour, add half a pint of consomme (stock), and the same of red wine ; also several branches of parsley, inclosing three cloves, three pepper-corns, two branches of thyme, two bay- leaves, a clove of garlic, and tie all together. Boil three quarters of an hour. Peel two dozen white onions, color them in a frying-pan on the fire, with a little butter, and then add them to your stew ; boil fifteen minutes longer, add a dozen mushrooms cut in quarters, and serve. 332. Braised Fillets of Venison. Put four fillets of venison in an earthen jar, with half a pint of oil, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, for four hours ; drain them and put them in a saucepan on the fire, with two cloves, two pepper-corns, two bay- leaves, two branches of thyme, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a sliced onion. Moisten with an equal quantity of consomme* (stock, Art. 1) and white ENTREES. I23 wine, so as to almost cover your fillets. Simmer gently for an hour and a half; drain them, and serve with a sauce piquante (Art. 86). 333. Broiled Plover. Clean eight plovers, split them down the back without separating the two parts ; chop the livers very fine, add half of their quantity of butter, as much bread-crumbs which you have pressed through a sieve, a little salt, pepper, nutmeg, a pinch of thyme, either powdered or chopped very fine, the white of an egg, and a tablespoonful of parsley chopped very fine. Mix all thoroughly together, toast eight pieces of bread with- out the crust, spread your mixture upon them ; broil the plovers, place them on top of your toast, and serve garnished with water-cresses. 334. Roast Plover. Prepare and clean eight plovers for roasting; tie on top of each a thin piece of pork ; and roast them twenty minutes. Re- move the strings and place the plovers on a dish ; take the liquid from the pan in which the birds were roasted, add a wineglass of consomme" (Art. 1), boil for a moment, strain, and pour it on the dish with the plovers ; serve garnished with water- cresses. 335. Broiled Woodcock. Prepare eight wood- cocks for broiling ; preserve the insides, except the gizzard, chop them, finish as for the toast described in broiled plover (Art. 2>Zl)^ an d serve garnished with slices of lemon. 336. Roast Woodcock. Prepare as for roast plover. Roast them twelve to fifteen minutes. 124 FRENCH DISHES. 337. Snipe. Snipe are prepared as woodcocks, robins, and other small birds. 338. Reed-Birds. Take two dozen reed-birds and put them in a saucepan, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, toss them in the pan, on a quick fire, for about three minutes. Put them on a dish on which you have placed pieces of toast ; add a wineglass of consomme (Art. 1) to the butter in your saucepan. Boil a moment, strain, add the juice of a lemon, and pour over the reed-birds. Reed-birds are also roasted, served on toast, with sometimes a silver skewer passed through them. Four to five minutes, on a good fire, will be sufficient to roast them. 339. Roast Canvas-Back Ducks. Prepare and clean four canvas-back ducks, pass them over some lighted alcohol to singe the hair; wash them well, and do not cut off the heads. Pass a skewer through the thighs and under the wings, and put them before the fire for fifteen minutes to roast. Take out the skewers, garnish with water-cresses, and serve some currant jelly separately. 340. Red-Head Ducks. Prepare and cook as the foregoing. 341. Broiled Red-Head Ducks. After hav- ing cleaned and washed three red-head ducks, split them in two for broiling, and, when well-colored on both sides, serve them with a sauce poivrade (Art. 95), sauce piquante (Art. 86), or other sharp, highly-seasoned sauces. 342. Salmi of Red-Head Ducks. Take the ENTREES. "5 remains of three red-head ducks, or two whole red- head, cold, cut up in pieces, and finish as for salmi of partridge (Art. 308). Mallard, teal, and other wild ducks are prepared as described in the foregoing articles on ducks ; the time necessary to roast them depending on their size. CHAPTER V. VEGETABLES. 343. Green Peas a l'Anglaise. Put a quart of water in a saucepan with a pinch of salt ; when boiling, add three pints of green peas, and boil them for twenty-five minutes ; take one out and see if thoroughly done, if so, drain them, and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and sugar, and serve them very hot. 344. Green Peas a la Francaise. Put three pints of green peas in a saucepan, with ten branches of parsley tied together, a whole onion peeled, a pinch of salt and sugar, and a pint of water. Boil for twenty-five minutes, and, if sufficiently done, take out the onion and parsley. Mix on a table an ounce of butter with a teaspoonful of flour, which add to your peas on the fire, stir gently with a spoon, and, when thoroughly mixed and the butter dissolved, serve very hot. 345. Green Peas with Bacon. Cut the rind from a quarter of a pound of bacon, which cut in small pieces and place in a saucepan on the fire, when beginning to color add a tablespoonful of flour, a little pepper and nutmeg, and ten branches of parsley tied together ; moisten with a glass of VEGETABLES. 127 water ; add three pints of green peas, and boil about thirty minutes ; if sufficiently done, remove the bunch of parsley, and serve. Peas cooked in this way are often used as a garnish for different kinds of meat. 346. Green Peas a la Paysanne. Put three pints of green peas in a saucepan, with an ounce of butter, ten branches of parsley tied together, a whole onion peeled, a pinch of sugar, a little salt, half a glass of water, a lettuce cut in pieces (as for Julienne soup). Simmer very gently, and, when the peas are sufficiently done, mix three yolks of eggs with three tablespoonfuls of cream, and, having removed your parsley and onion, add the eggs to your peas ; mix all well together, and serve. 347. String-Beans a l'Anglaise. Take three pints of string-beans, string them, and put them in nearly two quarts of boiling water, in which you have put a little salt ; when the beans are sufficiently cooked, drain them and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, a very little chopped parsley, the juice of a lemon, and serve them very hot. 348. String-Beans Sautes. Prepare and cook your beans as the foregoing. Put in a saucepan three ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, the juice of a lemon, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and six table- spoonfuls of sauce Allemande (Art. 81) ; mix all well together, pour over your beans, and serve hot. 349. Beans Panaches. Prepare a pint and a half of string-beans, as the preceding ; put in a saucepan two quarts of water, a good pinch of salt, 128 FRENCH DISHES. and boil them until tender. Take the same of white beans, which boil ; drain them both and put them in a saucepan together, adding a pinch of salt, three ounces of butter, the juice of a lemon, and a table- spoonful of chopped parsley ; when very hot, serve. v 350- White Beans Sautes. Boil three pints of beans as the foregoing, and, when they are thor- oughly done, drain them and put them in a sauce- pan with three ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and the juice of half a lemon ; serve very hot. You may also add, after removing your saucepan from the fire, the yolks of two eggs well mixed in two table- spoonfuls of milk or cream. 351. Dried Beans. Soak, the night before they are required to use, three pints of dried beans, and proceed as for the preceding. The time required to cook them depends on the quality of your beans. 352. Puree of Dried Beans. Soak in water for twelve hours a quart of dried beans, drain them, and put them in a saucepan with boiling water and a little salt. When thoroughly cooked, press them through a sieve, and then put them in a saucepan with three ounces of butter ; when very hot, serve. * 353- Red Beans. Soak in water for twelve hours three pints of red beans ; then boil them in two quarts of water, with an onion, a carrot, a pinch of sugar and pepper, several branches of parsley, in- closing two cloves, two branches of thyme, tied all together, half a pound of bacon, and half a pint of red wine ; when your beans have absorbed all moist- VEGETABLES. I20 ure, remove your carrot, onion, and branch of pars- ley, add two ounces of butter, and serve, with the bacon cut in slices, around your beans. 354. Windsor Beans. Put three pints of very small Windsor beans in two quarts of boiling water, a good pinch of salt, and a branch of savory herb. When your beans are thoroughly cooked, drain them and put them in a saucepan, with a pinch of salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg, and a tablespoonful of savory herb chopped very fine. Mix two eggs in two tablespoonfuls of milk or cream, and add them to your beans, after having taken them off the fire. If, instead of small beans, you have large ones, the skin or peel must be removed. 355. Windsor Beans a l'Anglaise. Prepare and cook your beans as the foregoing, and, just be- fore serving, add a tablespoonful of mint chopped very fine. 356. Puree of Windsor Beans. Boil three quarts of Windsor beans in consomme (Art. 1), with a bunch of savory herb, and a little salt ; when thoroughly done, press them through a sieve, and then put them in a saucepan on the fire with three ounces of butter, a pinch of sugar, and two wine- glasses of good cream. Serve very hot, garnished with pieces of bread fried in butter. 357. Asparagus with French Rolls. Cut off the tops of eight oval, soft, French rolls, remove the inside, in which put a little butter, and send to the oven for three or four minutes to color lightly. Fill them with the green ends of about three bunches 130 FRENCH DISHES. of asparagus, which you have previously boiled, and about half a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 81), well mixed with the asparagus ends. Serve very hot. 358. Asparagus with Butter Sauce. Scrape and wash two bunches of asparagus, cut them in equal lengths, and put them in two quarts of boiling water, with a little salt. Boil them until perfectly tender, drain and serve them very hot, with a white sauce (Art. 84), or with melted butter. 359. Pointes d'Asperges au Veloutee. Cut the green ends, about an inch in length, of three bunches of asparagus, and put them in three pints of boiling water, with two pinches of salt. Boil rap- idly for about ten minutes, and, when thoroughly done, drain them, and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, nut- meg, two pinches of sugar, and about six tablespoon- fuls of sauce veloutee (Art. 82). Mix all well to- gether, and serve very hot. 360. Asperges en Petits Pois. Cut off in pieces about the size of a pea the green ends of four bunches of asparagus, which put in two quarts of boiling water, and half an ounce of salt. Boil them rapidly, and, when thoroughly cooked, drain them, and put them in a saucepan with two ounces of but- ter, a little nutmeg, two pinches of sugar, and six tablespoonfuls of bechamel sauce (Art. 83). Mix all well together, and serve garnished with pieces of bread fried in butter. 361. Lentils. Clean and wash two quarts of lentils, and boil them in two quarts of boiling water, VEGETABLES. I3I and a little salt. When thoroughly cooked, drain them, and finish as for white beans (Art. 350). 362. Cauliflower with Butter Sauce. Take some cauliflowers, in quantity according to size, wash them, trim off the leaves, and put them in two quarts of boiling water on the fire, adding half an ounce of salt, half an ounce of butter, and the juice of a lemon. Boil rapidly until quite tender, drain, and serve them with a white sauce (Art. 84). $65. Cauliflower au Gratin. Boil your cauli- flowers as the foregoing, then put them in a deep dish, add half a pint of sauce Allemande (Art. 81), in which you have mixed four ounces of grated cheese. Sprinkle thickly with bread-crumbs, and a little melted butter, and send to the oven until col- ored a light brown. 364. Cauliflower au Veloutee. Prepare as for cauliflowers with butter sauce (Art. 362), and serve with a sauce veloutee (Art. 82). 365. Artichokes with Butter Sauce. Take eight artichokes, cut off the stalks, and also about half an inch off the leaves ; then place them in three quarts of boiling water and half an ounce of salt, and boil about half an hour ; pass the point of a knife through the bottom of one, and, if soft, the artichoke is sufficiently done. Drain, and serve with a white or butter sauce (Art. 84). 366. Fonds d'Artichauts a l'ltalienne. Cut off the stalks, remove the leaves and the furze in the inside of eight artichokes, boil them as the forego- ing, and serve with an Italian sauce (Art. 93). 132 FRENCH DISHES. 367. Fonds d'Artichauts a la Macedoine. Cut off the stalks, remove all the leaves from eight artichokes, and also the furze which adheres to the bottom. Trim them perfectly round, and put them in three pints of boiling water, with a little salt, and, when thoroughly done, drain them, fill them with a macedoine of vegetables (Art. 416), and serve them very hot. 368. Fried Artichokes. Take eight artichokes, cut off the stalks and the ends of the leaves, and put them in a bowl for an hour, with half a glass of vin- egar, and a little salt and pepper. Break three eggs in a bowl, to which add two ounces of flour, a pinch of pepper and salt ; drain off your artichokes, dip them in your eggs and flour, and fry them one by one in hot lard ; drain them, and serve very hot. 369. Artichokes a la Barrigoule. Prepare and boil eight artichokes ; when done, drain them and remove the leaves in the middle, also the furze which adheres to the bottom of the artichokes ; let them dry thoroughly ; cover a frying-pan about half an inch deep with oil ; when very hot, add your arti- chokes, the tips of the leaves touching the oil ; when a fine color, drain them. Chop fine four ounces of fat fresh pork, two shallots, a tablespoonful of pars- ley, and a dozen mushrooms ; add a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a wineglass of sherry ; mix all well together, and with this mixture fill the cen- ter of your artichokes. Tie a strip of thin pork on each and put them in a saucepan, on top of an onion and a carrot sliced extremely fine ; moisten with a VEGETABLES. 133 glass of consomme - (Art. 1) and a claret-glass of white wine, heat them for a moment on the fire, send them to the oven for three quarters of an hour, remove the strips of pork, and fill the artichokes up to the top with Italian sauce (Art. 93). 370. Raw Artichokes a la Vinaigrette. Cut eight artichokes in thin slices; mix well to- gether eight tablespoonfuls of oil, three tablespoon- fuls of vinegar, a pinch of salt and pepper, and serve with your artichokes. Artichokes to be eaten raw must be very fresh. 371. Jerusalem Artichokes. Peel two dozen Jerusalem artichokes, boil them in two or three quarts of boiling water, with a pinch of salt ; when thoroughly done, pour over them a sauce bechamel (Art. 83). 372. Spinach a l'Anglaise. Pick three quarts of spinach, wash it very carefully, changing the water several times ; then put it in four quarts of boiling water, adding half an ounce of salt. Boil your spin- ach on a very hot fire, taking care to press it down into the saucepan from time to time ; boil it for about ten minutes, then put it in cold water for a moment, and press the water from it; chop it rather fine and put it in a saucepan with six ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, a nutmeg, and serve very hot. 373. Spinach a l'Espagnole. Boil your spin- ach as the foregoing, and, after chopping it extreme- ly fine, put it in a saucepan with four ounces of but- ter, a little salt and nutmeg, and an eighth of a pint 134 FRENCH DISHES. of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) ; serve it very hot, gar- nished with pieces of bread fried in butter. 374. Spinach with Cream. Boil your spinach as the foregoing, chop it extremely fine. Put in a saucepan on the fire four ounces of butter, a table- spoonful of flour, a little salt, nutmeg, half a tea- spoonful of sugar, and half a pint of cream. Stir all well together until boiling, add your spinach, and, when hot, serve, garnished with pieces of bread fried in butter. 375. Salsify with Butter Sauce. Scrape three bunches of salsify, dip them in three quarts of water and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, to prevent their turning black, then cut them three inches in length. Put two tablespoonfuls of flour in a saucepan, add, by degrees, some water, stirring constantly, until two quarts have been added, then a tablespoonful of vine- gar, a little salt, and your salsify. Boil about an hour, or until it is perfectly tender ; drain, and serve with a white or butter sauce (Art. 84). Instead of butter sauce, you may serve with them a Spanish sauce (Art. 80), velout£e (Art. 82), or bechamel sauce (Art. 83). 376. Fried Salsify. Prepare and boil your salsify as above, cut them two inches in length, and when very tender drain them. Put in a bowl half a pound of flour, two eggs, and some water. Mix well together until you have a soft, smooth paste, thin enough to pour from a spoon. Cover each piece of salsify with the paste, and fry one by one in very hot lard, drain them, and serve them on a dish, piled one on top of the other. VEGETABLES. 135 377. Stewed Tomatoes. Put a can of toma- toes in a saucepan, with four ounces of butter, a little salt and pepper, a pinch of sugar, and two tablespoonfuls of bread-crumbs. Boil five minutes, and serve. 378. Broiled Tomatoes. Slice eight tomatoes, sprinkle them thickly with bread-crumbs and a little butter, broil them on a moderate fire, and, when a bright yellow color on top, serve them on a dish in a circle, one on top of the other. 379. Farcied Tomatoes. Take eight medium- sized, firm tomatoes, cut a hole on top of each, and scoop out the inside of the tomato, chop an onion, put it in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of butter, to simmer gently. When slightly colored, add six ounces of bread-crumbs, which you have soaked in water, and then pressed out nearly all the moisture, a dozen chopped mushrooms, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a pinch of salt, pepper, and thyme chopped fine, a little red pepper, and four table- spoonfuls of tomato sauce (Art. 90) ; mix all well together, and then fill the inside of your tomatoes. Sprinkle the tops of each with bread-crumbs and a little melted butter. Send them to the oven, and, when colored a light brown on top, serve, with a tomato sauce around them. 380. Boiled Onions. Peel a dozen medium- sized white onions, boil them in a quart of water with a little salt. When very tender, drain them, and serve with a butter sauce (Art. 84), or a sauce bechamel (Art. 83). I3 6 FRENCH DISHES. 381. Fried Onions. Peel eight medium-sized onions, cut them in slices across the top, roll them in flour, fry them in hot lard, drain, and serve. 382. Onions Glaces. Peel a dozen small onions, color them lightly in a frying-pan on the fire with a little lard. Then put them in a saucepan with half a pint of consomme (stock, Art. 1), a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Simmer very gently until the consomme" is reduced three quarters, then pour it on a dish, your onions placed on top, and serve. 383. Fried Egg-Plant. Peel an egg-plant, cut it in slices about a third of an inch thick, dip them in three beaten eggs, to which you have added a pinch of salt and pepper. Sprinkle them with bread- crumbs, and fry them in very hot lard, drain, and serve them. 384. Egg -Plant farcied. Take four small egg-plants, peel them and separate them in two, scoop out the inside, which fill with a chicken farce (Art. 11), and sprinkle a few bread-crumbs on top. Cut an onion and a carrot in slices, and put them in a saucepan, with a branch of thyme, a bay-leaf, two cloves, and a clove of garlic. Place your egg- plants on top. Moisten within three quarters of their height with consomme (stock, Art. 1), and a claret-glass of white wine. Put them in the oven for an hour, pouring over them, from time to time, some of the liquid in the pan. Pour over thern half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which you have added a wineglass of sherry, and serve. 385. Cucumbers farcied. Divide four me- VEGETABLES. 137 dium-sized cucumbers in two, after having pared them. Scoop out the inside and fill with a chicken farce (Art. n). Put a sliced onion in a saucepan on the fire, with three slices of ham cut thin, place your cucumbers on top, moisten with a claret-glass of white wine, and the same of Spanish sauce (Art. 80). Then send them to the oven, pouring over them, from time to time, the liquid in the pan, which, when the cucumbers are sufficiently done, strain, pour over your cucumbers on a dish, and serve. 386. Cucumbers with Cream. Peel half a dozen cucumbers, cut them in medium-sized square pieces, soak them for two hours in some vinegar, and a pinch of salt. Turn them over from time to time, drain them, and dry them on a cloth, pressing the moisture from them. Put them in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of butter, half a pint of consomme" (stock, Art. 1), several branches of pars- ley, inclosing two cloves, two branches of thyme, a clove of garlic, and tie all together, add a pinch of salt. When they are cooked, drain them, add them to half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and serve very hot. * 387. Lentils a la Mattre d'Hotel. Wash three pints of lentils, put them in a saucepan with two quarts of water and a pinch of salt. Boil them very slowly for an hour, or until perfectly tender, then drain them, put them in a saucepan on the fire for a moment, with four ounces of butter, a little salt, a pinch of pepper, nutmeg, and a tablespoonful 138 FRENCH DISHES. of chopped parsley. Remove your saucepan from the fire, mix the yolks of two eggs in two tablespoon- fuls of water, add them to your lentils, mixing all well together, and serve. 388. Puree of Lentils. Prepare and boil as the foregoing, press them through a sieve, add about three ounces of butter, salt, pepper, and a very little nutmeg. Heat them on the fire for a few moments, and serve. 389. Celery with Marrow. Remove the green leaves from a bunch of celery, scrape the roots, cut the celery in pieces of about five inches long, wash them well, and put them in a saucepan, with plenty of water, and a little salt, and boil them ten minutes. Then put them in cold water for a moment. Cover the bottom of a saucepan with thin pieces of pork, a sliced onion and carrot, and several branches of parsley, inclosing three cloves, three pepper-corns, two bay-leaves, two branches of thyme, a clove of garlic, and tie all together, and then put your celery on top, nearly cover with consomme" (stock, Art. 1), add the juice of a lemon, and place a buttered paper on top. Simmer gently for an hour and a half. Heat half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80), with a glass of sherry, pour over your celery, and place on top some beef marrow, which you have previously soaked in water for four hours, then boiled ten min- utes, and cut in round pieces the size of a fifty-cent piece. 390. Celery with White Sauce. Clean and wash a bunch of celery, which boil until tender, in VEGETABLES. I39 plenty of water and a little salt, drain, and serve with a white or butter sauce (Art. 84), or a sauce Allemande (Art. 81). 391. Fried Celery, Tomato Sauce. Prepare and boil a bunch of celery as the foregoing ; then drain it. Put in a bowl half a pound of flour, two eggs, and a little water. Mix well together until you have a soft, smooth paste, thin enough to pour from a spoon. Cut your celery into pieces about five inches long, cover them with your paste, fry them in hot lard until a light brown ; drain, and serve with a tomato sauce (Art. 90). 392. Puree of Celery. Wash and clean two bunches of celery, cut them in pieces, and boil them in three quarts of water, with a little salt ; when boiled thoroughly tender, drain, and add them to half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Boil ten minutes, press through a sieve, put back in the saucepan to heat again, and serve. 393. Horse-Radish Sauce (cold). Grate four ounces of horse-radish, to which add four ounces of bread-crumbs, and press through a sieve ; add a glass of cream, a pinch of salt, and a tablespoonful of vinegar ; mix all well together, and serve. 394. Horse-Radish Sauce (hot). Prepare the same as the above, adding two ounces of bread- crumbs, instead of four ; heat all together in a sauce- pan, and serve. 395. Braised Lettuce, Madeira Sauce. Wash eight lettuce, blanch them ten minutes in boiling wa- 140 FRENCH DISHES. ter, then put them for a moment in cold water, and press out all the moisture. Spread thin pieces of pork on the bottom of a saucepan, a sliced carrot and onion, several branches of parsley, a little pepper, salt, and nutmeg, and the lettuce on top. Moisten three quarters of their height with consomme" (stock, Art. 1), cover with a buttered paper, simmer gently two hours, drain them well, and serve them with half a pint of very hot Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which you have added a wineglass of sherry or madeira. 396. Farcied Lettuce. Boil eight lettuce as the foregoing, and, after you have put them in cold water for a moment, dry them with a cloth and press out all the moisture ; divide them partly in two, with- out allowing them to fall apart ; place in each let- tuce about two ounces of chicken farce (Art. n), which cover with the leaves of your lettuce ; shape them neatly, wrap them and tie them up in thin pieces of pork, and finish cooking as the foregoing ; remove the pieces of pork, and serve with a Spanish sauce (Art. 80). 397. Turnips with Cream. Peel and boil in plenty of water and a little salt, ten white turnips ; when very tender, drain them and pour over them half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), to which you have added two tablespoonfuls of cream. 398. Puree of Turnips. Peel and wash about fifteen white turnips, boil them in plenty of water and a little salt until perfectly tender ; drain them, put them through a sieve, add two ounces of butter, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg ; and serve very hot. VEGETABLES. 141 399. Turnips Glaces au Jus. Peel and wash about ten white turnips, cut them perfectly round, boil them ten minutes, put them in cold water for a moment, then place them in a saucepan with a pinch of pepper, nutmeg, and sugar, and half a pint of con- somme (stock, Art. 1). Simmer gently until per- fectly tender ; mix with the blade of a knife, on a table, half an ounce of butter and a teaspoonful of flour, which add to your turnips ; boil for a few minutes, so as to mix thoroughly with your sauce, and serve. 400. Beets with Butter. Peel and wash a dozen small beets, boil them in three quarts of wa- ter, and, when perfectly tender, put them in cold water for a moment, cut them in thin slices, put them in a saucepan with two ounces of butter and a pinch of salt ; serve very hot. You may also boil them and serve them with a sauce bechamel (Art. 83), to which you have added two tablespoonfuls of cream. 401. Pickled Beets. Boil ten medium-sized beets, cut them in slices, and put them in a bowl with six cloves, six pepper-corns, six bay-leaves, three cloves of garlic peeled, and half an ounce of salt ; almost cover them with vinegar and water in equal quantity ; serve very cold. 402. Broiled Mushrooms. Take some mush- rooms, in quantity according to their size, peel them, wash, and then dry them on a cloth. Broil them on a gentle fire, a little butter on top, and, when colored on both sides, put an ounce of melted butter on a dish, the juice of lemon, a tablespoonful of chopped 142 FRENCH DISHES. parsley, mix all well together, and serve your mush- rooms on top ; or serve the mushrooms singly on very hot toast, on which you have put a little butter. 403. Stewed Mushrooms, Spanish Sauce. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) in a sauce- pan, with a sherry-glass of sherry, add your mush- rooms, stew about five minutes, and serve. 404. Stewed Mushrooms a la Princesse. Put into a saucepan a gill of sauce Allemande (Art. 81), a glass of cream, a pinch of pepper, nutmeg, an ounce of butter, and the juice of a lemon, add some mushrooms, which you have peeled and washed, and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Boil for a few moments, and serve very hot. 405. Mushrooms au Gratin. Reduce on the fire ten minutes a cup of Allemande sauce (Art. 81), pour it over some mushrooms, in a deep dish, sprinkle with bread-crumbs, and pour a little melted butter on top, send to the oven, and, when colored a light brown, serve. 406. Mushrooms au Gratin (another way). Wash and cut off the stalks of about a dozen as large mushrooms as possible. Peel and chop fine an onion, which put in a saucepan on the fire, with an ounce of butter. Simmer very gently, and, when the onion is colored slightly, add the stalks of your mushrooms, which you have chopped fine, six ounces of bread-crumbs, which you have soaked in consomme (Art. 1) and then pressed until nearly dry, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and four tablespoonfuls of tomato sauce. Mix all well together, and boil VEGETABLES. 1 43 ten minutes. Then fill your mushrooms with the above mixture, sprinkle some bread-crumbs, and put a little melted butter on top. Send them to a gentle oven, until colored a light brown, and serve on toast, or with a Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which add a glass of sherry, or with an Italian sauce (Art. 93), or a tomato sauce (Art. 90). 407. Squash. Peel and wash a squash, open it and take out the seeds, put it in a saucepan, with two quarts of water and a pinch of salt. When boiled tender, allow it to drain fifteen minutes, press it through a sieve, put it in a saucepan with four ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, and a little nut- meg, and serve very hot. 408. Carrots Sautes au Beurre. Scrape and wash some very young carrots, and boil them with a little salt, either whole or cut in pieces. When very tender, drain them, and put them in a saucepan, with some butter, a pinch of salt, and a table- spoonful of chopped parsley. Serve very hot. You may also serve them boiled, with a sauce bechamel (Art. 83). 409. Chiccory with Cream. Wash some chiccory, and boil for thirty minutes in three quarts of water, with a little salt. Then put in cold water for a moment, drain, and press the moisture from it. Chop it very fine. Put in a saucepan two ounces of butter, a tablespoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg ; mix all well together, and add a glass of cream, and the same of consomme - (Art. 1). Stir with a spoon on the fire until beginning to boil, 144 FRENCH DISHES. then add your chiccory, and boil ten minutes. Mix with the yolks of three eggs a tablespoonful of cream, remove your saucepan from the fire, stir in your eggs, and serve. Place on top of the chiccory two hard- boiled eggs cut in quarters. 410. Cabbage Saute aii Beurre. Wash a cabbage, of about two pounds, boil it in two quarts of water, with a little salt, for about an hour. Put it for a moment in cold water, drain it, press out all the moisture, chop it, not too fine, and put it in a saucepan, with four ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, and serve very hot. 411. Cabbage au Gratin. Wash a cabbage, of about three pounds, boil it in boiling water about twenty minutes, then put it in cold water for a moment. Drain it, carefully press out all moisture, and place it in a saucepan, with half a pint of con- somme (stock, Art. 1), four ounces of butter, a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Boil two hours. Place it in a deep dish, cover it with a sauce Allemande (Art. 81). Sprinkle bread-crumbs and grated cheese on top, and send to the oven until colored a nice brown. 412. Cabbage farcied. Wash a cabbage, of about three pounds, put it in boiling water and boil for half an hour, then plunge it in cold water for a moment. Chop fine a pound and a half of fresh pork, season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and a little thyme. Remove the leaves from the center of your cabbage, and fill it with the above ingredients. Tie a buttered paper around the cabbage, and place a slice of thin VEGETABLES. 145 pork on top. Then put your cabbage in a saucepan, filling it half the height of the cabbage with con- somme (stock, Art. i). Send it to the oven for about two hours, basting frequently with the con- somme\ Remove this buttered paper and pork, and serve around it a Spanish sauce (Art. 80), to which you have added the juice of a lemon. 413. Brussels Sprouts. Scrape and wash well two quarts of Brussels sprouts, put them in three quarts of boiling water, with half an ounce of salt. Boil rapidly until perfectly tender, drain them, and put them in a saucepan, with four ounces of butter. Mix well together, and, when very hot, serve in- stantly. 414. Stewed Corn with Cream. Boil ten ears of corn, then cut the corn from the cob, and put it in a saucepan, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, and two glasses of cream. Boil gently ten minutes, and serve. 415. New Orleans Corn Pudding. Grate six ears of raw corn, which mix with a pint of milk and four eggs well beaten, add a little salt and white pepper, and send to the oven until colored a light brown on top. 416. Macedoine of Vegetables. Cut two ounces of carrots (with a vegetable-cutter or with a knife) in small pieces, and two ounces of turnips cut in the same manner, boil them until tender, and "drain them. Also boil the same quantity of string- beans, cut in small pieces, and an equal portion of asparagus ends, and the tops of cauliflowers and green 13 14 6 FRENCH DISHES. peas, which, when boiled very tender, drain. Take half a pint of Spanish sauce, boil it a few minutes, with a pinch of sugar and nutmeg, add your vegetables, boil five minutes, and serve. Instead of Spanish sauce, you may also add your vegetables to a sauce Allemande (Art. 81), with a pinch of sugar and nut- meg. Heat your sauce until very hot, but do not allow it to boil. The vegetables for the above must all be boiled separately, as, in the same length of time, all will not be equally cooked. If you desire to avoid the trouble of preparing these vegetables yourself, they may be procured at any grocer's, canned or in bottles. 417. Sourcrout. Wash a quart of sourcrout, which drain, and put in a saucepan, with half a pound of bacon, a good pinch of pepper, and moist- en with sufficient stock (from which the grease has not been removed) to cover it. Boil gently an hour and a half, add eight small sausages, which place in the middle of your sourcrout, boil thirty minutes, remove your bacon and sausages, drain the sour- crout, which arrange on a dish, placing the sausages around it, and also the bacon, cut in small pieces. You may serve with this dish, if desired, a dish of mashed potatoes. 418. Lima Beans. Boil three pints of Lima beans in plenty of water, and a little salt, until quite tender. Drain them and put them in a saucepan on the fire, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Mix two yolks of eggs in a tablespoonful of water and the juice of a lemon, add VEGETABLES. 147 them to your beans, with a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and serve. 419. Succotash. Take a pint and a half of boiled Lima beans, and the same of boiled corn, cut from the cob. Mix them together in a saucepan on the fire, with six ounces of butter, half a glass of milk, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and serve very hot. 420. Dried Lima Beans. Soak three pints of Lima beans in water for twelve hours, and proceed as for fresh Lima beans (Art. 418). 42 r. Mashed Potatoes. Peel and wash eight medium-sized potatoes, cut them in pieces, and put them in a saucepan with a quart of cold water and a little salt. Boil until perfectly tender, drain, press through a sieve, and put them in a saucepan, with a pinch of salt and a glass of milk, and serve hot. 422. Baked Mashed Potatoes. Prepare your potatoes as the above, with the exception of the milk, place them in a pan in the oven, with some melted butter on top, and, when well browned, serve. 423. Potato Croquettes. Boil four potatoes, drain them, press them through a sieve, and then put them in a saucepan with an ounce of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, nutmeg, and sugar. Heat them well, and add an egg. Let your mixture become very cold, form it into croquettes. Beat up three eggs, into which dip each croquette, and cover en- tirely with egg, then roll them in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard. When colored a light brown, drain them, and serve very hot. I4 8 FRENCH DISHES. 424. Mashed Potatoes with Bacon. Cut a quarter of a pound of bacon in small pieces, also an onion, put them in a saucepan on the fire, and, when the onion begins to color, add a pint of water, several branches of parsley, inclosing two cloves, a branch of thyme, two bay-leaves, and tie all to- gether ; add eight potatoes, which you have washed, peeled, and cut in quarters, a pinch of pepper and nutmeg. When the potatoes are thoroughly cooked, remove your parsley with its seasoning, mash the po- tatoes well in the saucepan, and serve. 425. Potatoes a l'Anglaise. Wash eight po- tatoes, and boil them in cold water, with a pinch of salt. When thoroughly done, peel them, cut them in thin round slices, put them, with three ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, in a saucepan on the fire, and, when very hot, serve. 426. Potatoes a la Maitre d'Hotel. Prepare your potatoes as the above. Just before serving add the juice of a lemon and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Another manner of preparing them : Pro- ceed as for the foregoing, with the addition of half a glass of cream. 427. Potatoes Sautes. Prepare as the fore- going ; then put them in a saucepan on the fire, with four ounces of melted butter and a pinch of salt ; toss them in the pan until they are a good color, and serve them with a little chopped parsley on top. 428. Potatoes a la Lyonnaise. Boil your po- tatoes, and, when cold, cut them in round slices of VEGETABLES. 149 medium thickness ; cut two onions in slices, and put them with four ounces of butter in a frying-pan ; when your onions are colored very slightly, add your potatoes, toss them in the pan until they are a good color, drain them, and serve them with chopped parsley sprinkled over them. 429. Potatoes a la Prover^ale. Boil your potatoes, and, when cold, cut them in quarters ; put in a saucepan on the fire for five minutes four table- spoonfuls of oil, a pinch of green onion, and quarter of the rind of a lemon chopped fine ; then mix with your ingredients a tablespoonful of flour ; add your potatoes, a little salt, pepper, nutmeg, and two ounces of butter ; serve very hot, with some chopped parsley sprinkled on top. 430. Hashed Potatoes with Cream. Boil your potatoes, and, when cold, hash them fine, and put them in a saucepan with half a pint of cream, salt, pepper, a little nutmeg, and four ounces of but- ter; serve when very hot. 431. Baked Hashed Potatoes. Prepare as the foregoing ; then put them in a dish about an inch and a half deep, level the potatoes on top with the blade of a knife, put a little melted butter on top, and send to the oven until nicely browned. 432. Potatoes a l'Anna. Cut up some raw potatoes very fine, put them in cold water for six hours, then drain them, season with salt and plenty of pepper ; put them in a well-buttered pan, sprinkle bread-crumbs on top, and enough melted butter to cover them ; send them to a very hot oven for about i5° FRENCH DISHES. thirty-five minutes, or until they are well browned. Just before serving, drain off the butter, and put them on a dish. 433. Fried Potatoes. Peel eight medium- sized potatoes, cut them in slices, not too thick ; wash them, then dry them on a napkin, fry them in plenty of hot lard on a quick fire, and, when a light brown, drain them, sprinkle them with salt, and serve. 434. Fried Potatoes en Julienne. Prepare and cook them as the above, and cut them in long, thin strips. 435. Saratoga Potatoes. Peel a pint of rather small potatoes, wash them in cold water, dry them on a napkin, and cut them in as thin slices as possible ; then put half of your potatoes in a liberal quantity of very hot lard, taking care that they do not stick to each other. Fry them on a very quick fire, and, when a light brown and very crisp, drain them, and fry the remaining half. Sprinkle a little salt on top, and serve them on a very hot dish. 436. Potatoes a la Hollandaise. Peel and wash fifteen medium-sized long potatoes, put them in cold water with a little salt, boil them, and, when well done, put them in a saucepan on the fire with two ounces of melted butter, remove them to the back of the range so as not to boil, shake them in the saucepan from time to time, and, when they have absorbed the butter, serve them in a very hot dish, and pour over them a sauce Hollandaise (Art. 85). 437. Potatoes farcied. Wash ten medium- VEGETABLES. 151 sized potatoes — long potatoes, if you have them. Bake them, and cut the tops off with a sharp knife, and with a teaspoon scoop out the inside of each potato, which put in a bowl with two ounces of butter and the yolks of two eggs, a pinch of salt, pepper, and sugar. Fill the skins of your potatoes with this mixture, cover them with their tops, heat them well in the oven, and serve them very hot on a napkin. You may also prepare them with half po- tato and the other half chopped meat ; finish the same, taking care to serve very hot. 438. Potatoes a la Parisienne. Peel and wash ten potatoes, scoop them out in little round balls with a potato-cutter for the purpose, which may be procured at any hardware-shop. Boil them five minutes, then put them in a frying-pan on the fire, with four ounces of melted butter, stir them in the pan, so that every potato shall be covered with butter, and send them to the oven to color. Sprinkle some salt and a little chopped parsley over them, and serve. 439. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Peel eight potatoes, cut them in pieces, wash them, and put them in a saucepan, with a quart of water and a pinch of salt. When they are thoroughly boiled, drain them, and put the saucepan at the side of the fire for ten minutes. Then add to them two ounces of butter, two eggs, a pinch of salt, the same of sugar, and press through a sieve. Form this mixture into little oval loaves, flat on top, on which, with the point of a knife, make designs, according to your 152 FRENCH DISHES. taste. Put a little melted butter on top, send to the oven, and, when colored a nice brown, serve. 440. Potatoes a la Parmentiere. Peel some potatoes, and cut them in form of a cork about three inches long, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with enough Spanish sauce (Art. 80) to cover them, a pinch of salt, pepper, and sugar, and a glass of sherry. Simmer gently until the potatoes are perfectly ten- der, strain your sauce, pour it over your potatoes, and serve. 441. Ragout of Potatoes a la Paysanne. Cut a bunch of chiccory in two through the middle, which boil fifteen minutes, put in cold water for a moment, drain, and press out all moisture. Peel ten potatoes, place them in a saucepan, with enough con- somme (stock, Art. 1) to cover them, add your chic- cory, three leeks cut in slices, a little salt, and season highly with pepper. Boil gently until your potatoes are nearly done, then add a little chopped chervil, and boil ten minutes longer. Your potatoes should be soft, without breaking. Serve very hot. 442. Puree of French Chestnuts. Remove the shells from two pounds of French chestnuts, put them in a frying-pan on the fire, with an ounce and a half of lard. Turn them over in the pan every now and then, and when you see that the species of skin which covers them is softened, and may be re- moved without difficulty, take them off the fire, for the purpose of doing so. Then put them in a sauce- pan, with a quart of consomme 1 (stock, Art. 1), and, when the chestnuts are perfectly soft, drain them, VEGETABLES. 153 press them through a sieve, heat them again with four ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and sugar, and serve. 443. Puree of Artichokes. Take the under part of ten artichokes, from which all leaves have been removed. Boil them in water and a little salt, drain them, and put them in a saucepan with a table- spoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nut- meg, and a glass and a half of consomme (stock, Art. 1). Boil twenty minutes, press through a sieve. Heat again on the fire, and serve as a vegetable, or garnish to meat or poultry. 444. Puree of Jerusalem Artichokes. Scrape and wash fifteen Jerusalem artichokes, boil them until tender in a pint of consomme" (stock, Art. 1). Drain them, press them through a sieve, put them in a saucepan, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, and, when hot, serve. 445. Jerusalem Artichokes au Gratin. Pre- pare and cook some artichokes exactly as for cauli- flower au gratin (Art. 363). 446. Puree of Green Peas. Wash a quart of green peas, which put in a saucepan on the fire, with three pints of water, very little salt and pepper, half an ounce of ham, an onion cut in slices, and boil until soft. Then press them through a sieve, heat them again on the fire, adding four ounces of butter, a pinch of sugar, and serve. CHAPTER VI. EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. EGGS. 447. Poached Eggs. Put in a flat saucepan three pints of water, a tablespoonful of vinegar, and two pinches of salt. When the water boils, break your eggs into it, and let them poach two or three minutes ; lift them out with a skimmer, and serve each egg on toast. 448. Fried Eggs. Heat an ounce of butter in a frying-pan, break into it eight eggs, fry three or four minutes, lift them out with a skimmer ; serve plain, or with broiled ham or bacon cut in very thin slices. 449. Eggs sur le Plat. Butter well the bot- tom of a dish, in which break eight eggs ; put them in a hot oven for four or five minutes, and serve. 450. Scrambled Eggs. Break a dozen eggs into a moderate-sized flat saucepan into which you have put two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and white pepper, and half a glass of milk, stirring all together with a wooden spoon. When the eggs are thickened to a proper consistency, serve very hot. 451. Scrambled Eggs with Peas. Same as foregoing, adding half a pint of boiled peas. EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 155 452. Scrambled Eggs with Asparagus. Proceed as for the foregoing, and, instead of peas, add the green ends of a bunch of asparagus. 453. Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes. Proceed as for scrambled eggs (Art. 450), adding a quarter of a can of tomatoes, from which you have drained the liquid. 454. Scrambled Eggs with Truffles. Pro- ceed as for scrambled eggs, adding a small box of chopped truffles. 455. Scrambled Eggs with Ham. Proceed as for scrambled eggs, adding an ounce of lean cooked ham chopped fine. 456. Eggs a la Tripe. Peel and chop six onions, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nut- meg ; simmer them gently about an hour, and then add to them a tablespoonful of flour, which mix well with your onions ; moisten with half a pint of milk ; simmer gently, stirring every now and then to pre- vent your sauce sticking to the saucepan ; then put it through a sieve and heat again on the fire, adding a dozen hard-boiled eggs cut in round slices. 457. Eggs au Beurre Noir. Fry eight eggs ; then in a frying-pan put two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper ; heat on the fire until it becomes black, then add two tablespoonfuls of vine- gar ; let it boil up again, and pour it over your eggs. 458. Eggs a l'Aurore. Take a dozen hard- boiled eggs, to which add half a pint of bechamel sauce (Art. 83), and put them on a dish ; sprinkle I5 6 FRENCH DISHES. them on top with three yolks of hard-boiled eggs which you have previously pounded fine, and mixed with an equal quantity of bread-crumbs. Add a lit- tle melted butter on top, garnish with pieces of bread dipped in melted butter, and send to the oven ; when colored a light brown, serve. 459. Eggs with Cream. Boil three sherry- glasses of cream, which put in a large dish, break into it a dozen eggs, send to a moderate oven for about twelve minutes, and serve. 460. Eggs with Cucumbers. Pare and cut in slices six cucumbers ; put them in a frying-pan with two ounces of butter, a tablespoonful of chopped shallots, the same of chopped parsley, six tablespoon- fuls of consomme (stock, Art. 1), and mix all well to- gether with a tablespoonful of flour, a little salt, pep- per, and nutmeg; when the cucumbers are thorough- ly done, add a dozen hard-boiled eggs and a glass of cream ; boil five minutes, and serve very hot. 461. Poached Eggs au Jus. Put a pint of consomme" (stock, Art. 1) in a saucepan and reduce it one half ; poach eight eggs, put them on a dish, pour your consomme over them, and serve. 462. Poached Eggs with Asparagus. Cut off the green ends, about half an inch in length, of two bunches of asparagus ; wash them, then boil them about fifteen minutes in two quarts of boiling water and a pinch of salt ; if perfectly tender, drain them and mix them with a gill of sauce Allemande (Art. 81) and a pinch of sugar. Poach eight eggs, place them on top of your asparagus, and serve. EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 157 463. Poached Eggs with Wine Sauce. Poach ten eggs, which place on toast and cover with a sauce Allemande (Art. 81) to which you have add- ed a wineglass of sherry. 464. Eggs a la Marseillaise. Chop fine a clove of garlic, to which add eight tablespoonfuls of sweet oil, three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and a tablespoonful of anchovy sauce ; season highly with salt and pepper, mix all well together, add a table- spoonful of capers, and place on top a dozen cold hard-boiled eggs cut in two. 465. Eggs with Sauce Mayonnaise. Cut a dozen cold hard-boiled eggs in two, which place on slices of toast, and cover with a sauce Mayonnaise (Art. xi 3 ). 466. Eggs a la Huguenot. Put a glass of consomme (stock, Art. 1) in a saucepan on the fire; reduce three quarters, pour it on a dish, into which break a dozen eggs, sprinkle them with salt and pep- per, send them to a moderate oven for about six or seven minutes, and serve ; your eggs must be soft. 467. Eggs en Timbale. Break a dozen eggs in a bowl, add a little salt, pepper, and a glass of cream; beat them well, strain them, and put them in eight little tin molds which you have buttered ; then place these in a pan containing water; send to the oven, and, when the eggs are sufficiently consistent to turn out of the molds, serve very hot. You may serve with this dish, if desired, a sauce bechamel (Art. 83). 468. Eggs a la Jardiniere. Peel and cut in small pieces two onions, which put in a saucepan on 158 FRENCH DISHES. a gentle fire, with two ounces of butter, a little salt and pepper ; when beginning to color, mix well with them a glass of cream, which boil for a few moments and allow to become half cold ; then beat up well with the foregoing ingredient six eggs. Pour all to- gether on a dish, and send to a moderate oven for about six or seven minutes, and, when well colored on top, serve. 469. Poached Eggs with Puree of Sorrel. Clean and wash well two quarts of sorrel, put it in a saucepan with a pint of water and a pinch of salt ; after boiling a few moments, drain it and press through a sieve ; then put it again in a saucepan with two ounces of butter, a tablespoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg ; when beginning to color slightly, mix well with your sorrel two sherry- glasses of consomme (stock, Art. 1) and a glass of cream. Boil ten minutes, remove your saucepan from the fire, and, when boiling ceases, add the yolks of two eggs well mixed in two tablespoonfuls of wa- ter or milk ; poach eight eggs, place them on top of your puree of sorrel, and serve. 470. Aspic with Eggs. Prepare some aspic (Art. 278), pour a small quantity in a mold, let it become perfectly cold, then cover entirely with thin slices of cold ham ; put another layer of jelly on top, and allow it to become cold, as the first, then place on top of this cold poached eggs, which cover with a layer of jelly, and, when cold, continue with alter- nate slices of ham, jelly, and eggs, until your mold is filled, which, if hollow in the center, fill with either EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. I59 some of the jelly cut in small pieces, or a cold sauce remoulade (Art. 109). 471. Eggs au Gratin. Take two ounces of bread-crumbs, the same of grated Parmesan cheese, an ounce of butter, a pinch of pepper, salt, and nutmeg, and the yolks of three eggs ; mix all well together and send to the oven ; when beginning to color, break on top of this mixture eight eggs, sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on top, and, when the eggs are done, serve immediately. 472. Eggs a la Lyonnaise. Cut two onions in small pieces, put them in a saucepan on a very gentle fire, with two ounces of butter, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg; when colored, add to them a gill of bechamel sauce (Art. 83) and twelve hard-boiled eggs cut in round slices ; pour all to- gether in a dish, cover with bread-crumbs and a very little melted butter ; send to the oven, and, when col- ored a light brown, serve. 473. Eggs a la Portugaise. Divide five hard- boiled eggs in two, cutting them through their length ; pound the yolks in a mortar, with an equal quantity of butter, and fresh bread-crumbs which you have soaked in milk, and then press from them nearly all moisture ; add a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg, pound all well together, and then thoroughly mix with these ingredients a raw egg ; fill each half of your white of egg with the foregoing paste, giving to it the form of a whole egg ; dip each egg in beaten eggs, cover with bread-crumbs, fry in hot lard, and serve plain or with a tomato sauce (Art. 90). 160 FRENCH DISHES. 474. Eggs en Turban. Cut ten hard-boiled eggs in two around the middle ; make a farce as in the preceding article ; take the end, about five inches in length, of a round loaf, which place in a buttered- pan, with half of your farce arranged in a circle around it ; place your eggs on top of this, one quite close to the other, cover them all but the ends with your farce ; butter a paper, which should be the height of your eggs, tie it around them, put a little melted butter on top of the eggs, and send to the oven for about thirty-five minutes. See if your farce is firm, remove the round of bread in the middle, also the buttered paper ; pour in the middle a sauce bechamel (Art. 83), to which you have added a tea- spoonful of chopped parsley, and serve. 475. Poached Eggs with Anchovy Sauce. Take half a pint of white or butter sauce (Art. 84), to which add a teaspoonful of anchovy sauce and the juice of a lemon ; poach eight eggs, pour the sauce over them, and serve. 476. Poached Eggs with Anchovy Toast. Spread eight pieces of toast with anchovy paste, on which put a little glaze (Art. 179) ; poach eight eggs, place each egg on a piece of toast, and serve very hot. 477. Curried Eggs with Rice. Cut in two, lengthwise, ten hard-boiled eggs, add them to half a pint of very hot Allemande sauce (Art. 81), to which add a teaspoonful of curry paste ; serve them with a border of boiled rice, or the rice in the center and the eggs and sauce around it. EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 161 478. Omelette (plain). Take twelve eggs, beat them up with a fork for a moment only, so as to mix the yolks and the whites well together, adding a little pepper and salt. Put in an omelette-pan or frying- pan two ounces of butter, to which, when melted, add your eggs, stir them with a fork, and, when beginning to thicken, fold in two, and serve imme- diately. 479. Omelette aux Fines Herbes. Prepare as the foregoing, mixing with the eggs, before putting them in the pan, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. 480. Omelette with Cheese. Prepare as for plain omelette (Art. 478), adding to the eggs, before putting them in the pan, two ounces of grated Ameri- can cheese, or equal parts of American and Par- mesan cheese. 481. Omelette with Onions. Peel and cut in small pieces two medium-sized onions, and put them in a frying-pan on a gentle fire with two ounces of butter. When very slightly colored, add to them twelve eggs, which you have beaten for a moment with a fork, and seasoned with a little pepper and salt. Finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 482. Omelette with Peas. Beat up twelve eggs with a fork, add a pinch of salt, pepper, and sugar, a gill of boiled green peas, from which you have drained all moisture, and finish as for plain ome- lette (Art. 478). 483. Omelette with Asparagus Tops. Cut off the green ends, about an inch in length, of a bunch of asparagus, boil them in a quart of water, 1 62 FRENCH DISHES. with a little salt, drain off all moisture from them. Mix them with a dozen beaten eggs, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 484. Omelette with Sorrel. Clean and wash well two handfuls of sorrel, press out all the moisture, chop it very fine, and put it in a frying-pan on the fire, with two ounces of butter, for about five minutes. Beat up twelve eggs with a little salt and pepper, add them to your sorrel in the pan, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 485. Omelette with Tomatoes. Beat up twelve eggs for a moment, with a little pepper and salt, add to them about four ounces of tomatoes — if canned tomatoes, drain off the liquid from them. Put two ounces of butter in an omelette-pan (or fry- ing-pan), add your eggs, and finish as for plain ome- lette. You may pour a little tomato sauce (Art. 91) around your omelette. 486. Omelette with Mushrooms. Put half a pint of Spanish sauce (Art. 80) and a wineglass of sherry in a saucepan on the fire. Reduce ons half, and add half a box of mushrooms cut in quarters. Beat up twelve eggs (for a moment only, so as to mix the whites and yolks) with a little salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Put two ounces of butter in an omelette- pan (or frying-pan), and, when melted, add your eggs. When beginning to thicken, take out the mushrooms with a spoon from your sauce and place them on your omelette, which fold in two, and serve, with your sauce poured around it. 487. Omelette with Kidneys. Cut in pieces EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 163 six sheep's kidneys, from which you have removed the skin, and put them in a frying-pan on the fire, with half an ounce of butter, a little salt, pepper, and nut- meg. Toss them in the pan until they are quite firm, then add a teaspoonful of flour, a wineglass of sherry, and three times as much consomme (stock). Boil ten minutes, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 488. Omelette with Chickens' Livers. Cook six chickens' livers, as the kidneys in the foregoing, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 489. Omelette with Smoked Beef. Chop fine four ounces of smoked beef, to which add twelve beat- en eggs, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 490. Omelette with Ham. Chop fine four ounces of lean ham, to which add twelve beaten eggs, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478). 491. Spanish Omelette. Peel and chop fine two cloves of garlic, which put in a frying-pan on the fire with two tablespoonfuls of oil, let them color slightly. Break in a bowl a dozen eggs, which beat up with a fork, add four ounces of canned tomatoes (from which you have drained as much moisture as possible), a pinch of salt and pepper, and a table- spoonful of chopped parsley ; add an ounce of butter to your garlics and oil, beat all together, and add your eggs with the above ingredients. Allow them to remain a few seconds in the pan, fold the ome- lette in two, and serve plain, or with a tomato sauce (Art. 90) around it. You may also add to the ome- lette a little green pepper and a few mushrooms cut in slices. 1 64 FRENCH DISHES. MACARONI. 492. Macaroni with Cream. Put a pound of macaroni in a saucepan on the fire, with three quarts of boiling water and half an ounce of salt. Boil it about twelve minutes, or until very tender, then drain it. Put four ounces of butter in a saucepan, with a tablespoonful of flour, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Mix all well together, then add two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese and four ounces of Gru- yere cheese. Moisten with a glass of milk and a glass of cream; stir all together, boil for a moment, add your macaroni, and serve. 493. Macaroni a l'ltalienne. Boil a pound of macaroni as the foregoing, and drain it. Peel and cut an onion in small pieces, which put into a sauce- pan, with four ounces of butter. When very slightly colored, add a teaspoonful of flour, a little salt, pepper, nutmeg, and about four wineglasses of the juice of tomatoes; boil gently ; add two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese and the same of Gruyere cheese. Mix all thoroughly together, add your macaroni, and, when very hot, serve. 494. Macaroni a la Milanaise. Boil a pound of macaroni as the foregoing. Put it in a saucepan, with a pint of tomato sauce (Art. 90), two ounces of Gruyere cheese, and the same of Parmesan, an ounce of smoked tongue cut in thin strips, and the same of ham also cut in strips, and the same of truffles and mushrooms chopped fine. Mix all well together, and serve very hot. EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 165 495. Macaroni a la Napolitaine. Put two pounds of a leg of veal, with an ounce of butter, in a saucepan on the fire. When well colored on both sides, moisten with a quart of consomme (Art. 1), and boil gently about three hours, or until your consomme is reduced two thirds, then strain it, and put it in a saucepan, with a pint of tomato sauce, two ounces of Parmesan and four ounces of Gruyere cheese, grated, a pinch of salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and boil gently. Boil a pound of macaroni in water, with a little salt, add it to your sauce, simmer at the side of the range for half an hour, and serve. The veal is sometimes served on a dish, the macaroni on top. 496. Baked Macaroni. Prepare the macaroni as for macaroni with cream (Art. 492), put it on a dish and sprinkle some bread-crumbs on top, to which add a few pieces of butter. Send to a mod- erate oven, and, when colored a light brown, serve. 497. Spaghetti. Boil a pound of spaghetti in three quarts of water and a little salt. Boil gently until quite tender. Peel and chop fine two cloves of garlic, put them in a saucepan with four tablespoon- fuls of oil ; when very lightly colored, moisten with a quart of tomato sauce (Art. 90), two pinches of salt, the same of pepper, and a little nutmeg ; then add your spaghetti. Put it at the side of the range to simmer gently for half an hour, and serve very hot. 498. Risotto Napolitaine. Cut a medium- sized onion in small pieces, which put in a saucepan, with an ounce of butter, on a moderate fire, for about fifteen minutes, or until colored lightly. Wash 1 66 FRENCH DISHES. a pound of rice, blanch it for ten minutes in boiling water, then put it in cold water for a moment, drain, put it in a saucepan at the side of the range, with your onions, and a quart of consomme (stock, Art. i), simmer gently about fifty minutes, add three ounces of butter, the same of Parmesan cheese, a pinch of pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a little cayenne. Stir all well together, boil for a few moments, and serve very hot. 499. Risotto Hongroise (Hungarian dish. Cut half a pound of lean bacon into slices, which put in a deep saucepan, and let them fry slowly to a golden yellow, then remove the pan from the fire, and place on top of the bacon two large sliced onions, two large sliced knobs of German celery, a small sliced carrot, the tops of a small head of cauli- flower, half a pound of blanched, well-drained rice, a can of drained French peas, and four ounces of truffles. Sprinkle some salt and a little red pepper over them, and on top of all put two small spring chickens, which you have cut in quarters and sea- soned with salt. Put the cover on the saucepan, and stew very slowly for an hour. Do not stir with a spoon, but shake the pan from time to time. Serve with this dish some grated Parmesan cheese. 500. Risotto a la Finne. Fry half a pound of bacon as above, to which add a sliced carrot, two sliced onions, a bay-leaf, half a pound of blanched rice, and a quart of clams with their juice. Season with pepper. Cover the saucepan, and stew very slowly three quarters of an hour. Do not stir with EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 167 a spoon, but shake the saucepan at intervals. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese. SALADS. 501. Salad of Beans. Put in a bowl three pints of cold boiled string-beans (which cut in pieces about an inch long) and an onion cut in very thin slices ; add two tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, six tablespoonfuls of oil, two of vinegar, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix all well together, and serve. You may also make a salad of white beans in the same manner, except that the onion must be cut in very small squares. White beans and green beans may also be mixed together in a salad. 502. Salad of Lentils. Proceed exactly as for the foregoing. 503. Salad of Cauliflower. Prepare exactly as for salad of beans (Art. 501). 504. Salad of Celery-Roots. Boil about a dozen celery-roots in water, and a little salt ; when tender, drain, and let them become cold. Cut them in pieces, mix well together six tablespoonfuls of oil, two of vinegar, some pepper and salt, which add to your celery, stirring all well together, and serve. You may also make a salad of equal proportions of celery, cold boiled potatoes, cut in slices, and cold beets, also cut in slices. 505. Potato Salad. Chop fine a dozen cold boiled potatoes, also a medium-sized onion, and a teaspoonful of chervil. Put in a bowl ten table- spoonfuls of oil and two of vinegar ; season with ^8 FRENCH DISHES. pepper and salt, mix all well together, add your po- tatoes, chervil, and onion, stirring all thoroughly- together, and serve. 506. Salad a la Macedoine. Cut two carrots with a vegetable-cutter, or in small pieces with a knife, the same quantity of potato, cut in the same manner, an equal proportion of green peas, string- beans, a beet cut in pieces, and small ends of cauli- flowers. Boil each separately in water, with a little salt added. When perfectly cold, add an equal pro- portion of celery cut in small pieces. Make a dress- ing composed of six tablespoonfuls of oil, two of vinegar, pepper and salt, and serve with your vege- tables, all well mixed together. You may, instead of the above, serve the vegetables with a sauce May- onnaise. 507. Salad of Herring a l'Allemande. Take four cold boiled potatoes, two cold beets, two raw apples, three pickles, all cut in very small pieces of equal size, also three herrings, which you have pre- viously soaked in water for twelve hours, changing the water several times, add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and mix all together, with eight tablespoonfuls of oil, one tablespoonful of vinegar, season with pepper, salt, and a little nutmeg, and serve. 508. Parisian Salad. Cut in small pieces six cold boiled potatoes, the same quantity of beets, and also of boiled celery, both cold, and cut in small pieces. Mix the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs with two tablespoonfuls of anchovy sauce, press through EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 169 a sieve, add, little by little, four tablespoonfuls of oil, one tablespoonful of mustard, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a few tarragon leaves chopped fine, two pinches of salt, two of pepper, and the whites of your eggs cut in pieces. Stir all well together, and serve. 509. Italian Salad. Take four cold boiled potatoes, the same of cold beets, six pickles, four anchovies, and the cold boiled fillets of two floun- ders, all cut in small pieces ; add a little salt to your vegetables. Mix together three tablespoonfuls of oil, one and a half of vinegar, season with pepper, add them to the foregoing ingredients, with an ounce of capers. Put a Charlotte-Russe mold in a bowl sur- rounded by cracked ice, fill the bottom of your mold with the whites of hard-boiled eggs cut in pieces, some capers, or truffles, dipping them in some meat jelly (Art. 278) before it has quite stiffened. Then pour into your mold some liquid jelly, about half an inch in depth ; add to your vegetables about half a pint of liquid jelly, and, when beginning to stiffen, put them in your mold, which put on the ice for an hour. Dip your mold in a little warm water, turn out your salad, and serve, garnished with hard-boiled eggs cut in two. 510. Russian Salad of Truffles. Chop four dozen truffles, which put in a saucepan on the fire, with a wineglass of sherry, for five minutes. When cold, put them in a bowl, with a tablespoonful of oil, a pinch of pepper and salt, a teaspoonful of chopped tarragon, and the same of parsley. Mix all well to- 15 I7 . FRENCH DISHES. gether, and cover them with a sauce Mayonnaise (Art. 113). 511. Salad a la Toulouse. Chop ten truffles very fine, and the bottoms of four cold boiled arti- chokes, from which you have removed the furze at- tached to them, also the leaves, and chop them rather fine. Mix with two teaspoonfuls of mustard, eight tablespoonfuls of oil, two of vinegar, and the yolks of ten hard-boiled eggs. Arrange your chopped truffles and artichokes in layers in a salad bowl, mixing with each layer some of the hard-boiled eggs with their dressing. Then stir all thoroughly together, and serve. 512. Chicken Salad. Cut in small pieces a pound of the white meat of chicken, from which you have removed the skin and sinews. Put it in a bowl. Mix with it thoroughly two tablespoonfuls of oil, with one of vinegar, and season with pepper and salt. Take four heads of lettuce, wash them, re- move some of the leaves around the heart of the lettuce, chop them fine, and mix them with your chicken, which put on a dish, and cover entirely with a sauce Mayonnaise (Art. 113), spreading it over smoothly with the blade of a knife. Cut three hard- boiled eggs in quarters, place them with the hearts of the lettuce around your salad. Decorate the top with thin long strips of cold boiled beets, and a few capers, or olives, from which you have removed the pits. 513. Lobster Salad. Take about a pound of the meat of cold boiled lobster, chop it fine, and EGGS, MACARONI, SALADS, ETC. 171 finish as for chicken salad (Art. 512). If there is coral in your lobster, wash it, dry it on a cloth, chop it rather fine, and with it sprinkle the top of your salad. 514. Cold Slaw. Cut two pounds of raw cab- bage in long thin strips, and serve with a sauce May- onnaise (Art. 113). CHEESE. 515. Cheese Biscuits. Take a quarter of a pound of flour, the same of butter, and also of grated Parmesan cheese, add a little cayenne pepper and salt. Work all well together with the hand, roll the paste thin, cut it into biscuits, and bake in the oven. 516. Ramequins. Put in a saucepan on the fire two ounces and a half of butter, with half a glass of water. When boiling, add three ounces of flour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the paste becomes firm ; remove it from the fire, and, when it has ceased boiling, stir into it, as rapidly as possible, three eggs, one by one, then add an ounce of grated Parmesan cheese, mixing it well with your other ingredients. Lift out some of your mixt- ure with a spoon, drop it on a pan, forming it into small balls about the size of a nut, and brush them with beaten egg. Cut an ounce of Gruyere cheese into as small pieces as possible, sprinkle them on top of your balls, which send to a gentle oven, and, when firm and well colored, serve. 517. Cheese Straws. Take half a pound of flour and make a hollow in the center, in which put 172 FRENCH DISHES. four ounces of butter, two ounces of Parmesan cheese, an egg, a pinch of red pepper, and a gill of milk, which you have added little by little. Mix all well together, roll the paste out about an eighth of an inch thick, cut it in strips a quarter of an inch wide and six inches long, and send to a moderate oven until colored a light brown. Divide them in bundles of ten pieces each, around which tie very narrow ribbons of different colors. Serve very hot. 518. Cheese Souffles. Put in a bowl two ounces of grated American and the same of Gruyere cheese. Mix well with them the yolks of five eggs. Beat the whites of your eggs until very stiff, mix an ounce of butter with your eggs and cheese, then stir in lightly the whites of your eggs. Pour your mixt- ure into small paper cases, send them to a gentle oven for about ten minutes, and serve instantly. CHAPTER VII. DESSERTS AND CAKES. 519. Sweet Omelette. Beat up twelve eggs with an ounce of sugar, and finish as for plain omelette (Art. 478), sprinkle some sugar on top, and serve. 520. Omelette with Rum. Make a plain omelette (Art. 478), sprinkle some sugar on top, pour over it six wineglasses of rum, to which touch a lighted match, and serve while burning. 521. Omelette with Jam. Make a plain ome- lette, and, just before folding it in two, place upon it some strawberry, raspberry, or any other sort of jam, according to your taste. Fold your omelette in two, and serve. 522. Omelette a la Celestine. Boil a glass of milk, with which mix thoroughly two tablespoonfuls of rice flour, add four ounces of powdered sugar, and a teaspoonful of extract of vanilla. Simmer gently for ten minutes, stirring constantly, add the yolks of three eggs, mixed in a little water or milk, and half an ounce of butter; stir all together until quite smooth, and keep hot. Beat up ten eggs, with which make ten little omelettes of about four inches in length. Fill each one with a tablespoonful of the 174 FRENCH DISHES. above mixture. Heat three quarters of a pound of peach marmalade, to which add a little water. Place your omelette in a circle on a dish, pouring your marmalade in the center, and serve very hot. 523. Omelette Souffle. Separate the yolks of twelve eggs from the whites. Put the yolks of five in a deep dish, with half a pound of sugar, a tea- spoonful of extract of vanilla, and beat all together for ten minutes with a wooden spoon. Put the whites of your eggs in a large bowl, and with an egg- beater beat them very stiff, then mix them with your yolks and sugar. Butter a dish, into which pour the above, send to a moderate oven for about twelve minutes, sprinkle some sugar on top, and serve instantly. 524. Fried Bananas. Cut eight bananas in two, through their length, dip them in a paste com- posed of three eggs, six ounces of flour, well mixed together, and a little water, so as to make a smooth, soft, and rather liquid paste, but sufficiently solid to adhere to your bananas. Add a teaspoonful of soda, and mix thoroughly with your paste, then fry your bananas in hot lard, and, when colored a bright yellow, drain them, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, and serve. 525. Rice Croquettes. Wash four ounces of rice in cold water, which put in a saucepan on the fire, with a pint of water, and boil ten minutes, then put in cold water for a moment. Put your rice back again on the fire, with a pint of milk, a little grated orange and lemon peel, and two ounces of sugar. DESSERTS AND CAKES 175 Boil gently forty minutes. Let it become perfectly cold, then form it into croquettes, beat up two eggs, in which dip your croquettes. Roll them in bread- crumbs, fry them in very hot lard, and, when your croquettes are a bright yellow, drain them, sprinkle them with sugar, and serve. You may also serve them with an apricot sauce made in the following manner: Put four ounces of sugar and two wine- glasses of water in a saucepan on the fire ; when the sugar is melted, add half a pound of apricots, boil for a moment, press through a sieve, heat again on the fire, and serve. You may flavor with vanilla, maraschino, kirch, or any liqueur you wish. 526. French Pancakes. Put in a bowl six ounces of flour, with three eggs, and a pinch of salt. Stir well together with a wooden spoon until your paste is smooth, adding a gill of milk. Put a small piece of butter in a frying-pan, and, when melted, put into it about two tablespoonfuls of your paste ; when colored on one side, turn it on the other, and continue in the same manner until your paste is all used. Put them on a dish, fill them with currant jelly, or jam, roll them up, and powder them with sugar. Heat a poker or slender piece of iron red hot, lay it lightly for a second on each pancake, mak- ing several stripes across the pancake, and serve hot. 527. Cabinet Pudding. Soak in milk half a pound of baba (Art. 545), brioche (Art. 594), or sponge cake (Art. 567). Remove the stems and the seeds of two ounces of raisins, chop half an ounce of citron, blanch and chop two ounces of almonds, and 176 FRENCH DISHES. add six ounces of sugar. Mix all together and place in a buttered mold. Stir ten eggs into half a pint of milk, which pour into your mold. Put into a sauce- pan on the fire some water, about two inches deep, place in it your mold, which cover, and send to the oven for about an hour, or until firm enough to turn out of the mold. Serve with the following sauce : Put in a saucepan on the fire half a pint of milk, the yolks of six eggs, four ounces of sugar, and a tea- spoonful of extract of vanilla. Stir it well until it be- gins to thicken. Pour it over your pudding, and serve. 528. Bread Pudding. Soak a pound of bread- crumbs in cold milk, divide it in small pieces, so as not to form a solid lump, and add three ounces of currants, and the same of raisins, from which you have removed the seeds, the grated peel of an orange, an ounce of citron cut in very small pieces, six ounces of powdered sugar, eight well-beaten eggs, and half a pint of milk. Mix all well together. Pour into a buttered mold, which place in a saucepan, which you have filled with water the height of your mold. Boil about two hours, or until thoroughly done, of which you may judge by slipping the point of a knife in your pudding, and, if it comes out dry, the pudding is sufficiently cooked. Turn it out of the mold, and serve with the following sauce : Put a spoonful of corn starch in a saucepan on the fire, mix with it half a glass of water, four ounces of sugar, and the thin outside peel of a lemon, stir un- til boiling, then add three wineglasses of sherry, brandy, or rum. DESSERTS AND CAKES. 177 529. English Plum-Pudding 1 . Remove the skin and the sinews from half a pound of beef suet ; chop it very fine, adding half a pound of flour, and continue to chop until the flour is thoroughly mixed with the suet ; then add eight ounces of raisins from which you have removed the seeds, and the same of currants, two ounces of citron cut in small pieces, a little nutmeg, two apples which you have pared and chopped fine, a wineglass of rum, and six eggs. Mix all well together, and then put into a buttered mold, which place in a saucepan which you have filled with water the height of your mold, and simmer gently six hours, then turn your pudding out of the mold, and serve. Instead of boiling your pudding in a mold, you may tie it securely in a but- tered cloth, place it in a saucepan with some boiling water, and boil it six hours ; remove the cloth, and serve with a sauce, with rum, of the preceding arti- cles, or sprinkle powdered sugar on top ; pour some rum over the pudding, light it, and serve burning. 530. Pudding au Marasquin. Take an ounce of raisins, from which you have removed the seeds, and two ounces of currants ; soak them in a wine- glass of sherry ; then beat up slightly the yolks of six eggs, with half a pound of powdered sugar ; add your raisins and currants, a pint of milk, half an ounce of gelatine, a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, and put all together in a saucepan on the fire ; stir until the gelatine is dissolved, but do not allow your milk to boil ; then strain. Put a mold on ice, pour into it, about the depth of two inches, a part of your 178 FRENCH DISHES. mixture ; when it has stiffened, cover entirely with Savoy cake an inch thick and soaked in maraschino ; then pour on top some more of your mixture, about the depth of an inch high, and continue with alter- nate layers of cake and your mixture until the mold is filled. Put it on the ice until needed, then turn it out of the mold, and serve. 531. Rice Pudding. Wash well, rubbing it be- tween the hands, half a pound of rice ; change the water several times. Boil it ten minutes in boiling water ; then put it in cold water for a moment, drain it, and put it in a saucepan on the fire with three pints of milk, half a pound of sugar, and the peel of a lemon cut extremely thin and grated ; simmer gently for an hour, take it off the fire, add four eggs, stir- ring until well mixed, two ounces of raisins from which you have removed the seeds, two ounces of currants, and half an ounce of citron cut in small pieces. Butter a tin mold, sprinkle a few bread- crumbs on the bottom and the sides, pour in your rice, and send it to a gentle oven for an hour and a half ; turn it out of your mold, and serve with the following sauce : Put in a saucepan on the fire a tablespoonful of corn starch, four yolks of eggs, half a pint of milk, four ounces of sugar, the grated rind of an orange (or a teaspoonful of extract of vanilla) ; stir until beginning to boil, strain, and serve. 532. Rice Pudding (another way). Wash six ounces of rice, changing the water several times ; boil it in boiling water for ten minutes, then put it in cold water for a moment, drain it, and put it in a DESSERTS AND CAKES. jjg saucepan on the fire with three pints of milk, six ounces of sugar, a little grated lemon-peel, a pinch of allspice, and very little nutmeg. Simmer gently for an hour, add, one by one, four eggs, and stir until well mixed ; pour your rice into a deep dish which you have buttered, send it to the oven until well colored, then remove it from the oven, put it on ice, and serve it extremely cold. 533. Apple Charlotte. Pare three dozen ap- ples, put them in a saucepan on the fire with half a glass of water and half of the peel of a lemon ; when your apples are soft, remove the lemon-peel, add six ounces of sugar, four ounces of peach marmalade, and reduce one half, stirring constantly, so that the apples do not stick to the saucepan. Butter a tin mold, cut a piece of bread a quarter of an inch thick, the size and shape of the bottom of your mold, dip it in melted butter, and place it in your mold ; then cut some pieces of bread, the same thickness as above, the height of your mold and about two and a half inches wide. Place them around the sides (having dipped them in melted butter), one piece slightly overlapping the other. Pour the apples in the center, cover with a piece of bread dipped in melted butter, and send to the oven for about an hour ; drain off the butter, turn your charlotte out of the mold, and serve with the following sauce : Put in a saucepan half a pound of peach marmalade with half a glass of water, two ounces of sugar, and stir all well together until boiling, press through a sieve, heat again on the fire, adding two liqueur-glasses of rum. !8o FRENCH DISHES. 534. Apples a la Conde. Pare eight apples, in which cut a hole in the center ; put them in a saucepan on the fire with four ounces of sugar, enough water to cover them, and half of the peel of a lemon. When the apples are soft, remove the lemon- peel, drain them, and strain the juice, which reduce on the fire two thirds. Boil half a pound of rice (which you have previously washed) in boiling water ten minutes ; then put it in cold water for a mo- ment, drain, and put it in a saucepan on the fire with a pint and a half of milk, six ounces of sugar, and a teaspoonful of extract of vanilla ; boil gently three quarters of an hour ; put your rice, about an inch in depth, on a dish, arrange your apples on top, fill the center with currant jelly, or any jam you wish ; pour over them the juice which you have reduced, decorate them with blanched almonds cut in small pieces, citron, or angelica cut in small pieces, and then put them on the ice, and, when very cold, serve. 535. Compote of Apples. Pare ten apples, in which cut a hole in the center, put them in a sauce- pan with enough water to cover them, six ounces of sugar, and the rind of a lemon ; simmer very gently until quite soft, without breaking ; drain them, and reduce the juice three quarters on the fire, strain, pour it over your apples, which you have placed on a dish, and serve. 536. Pommes Meringues. Pare and cut in quarters two dozen apples, removing the core and pips. Put them in a saucepan on the fire with half a glass of water, six ounces of sugar, and the peel DESSERTS AND CAKES. j8i of an orange, grated. Reduce one half, stirring con- stantly ; then put them on the ice ; beat six whites of eggs very stiff, add to them four ounces of sugar, stir them lightly together, cover your apples with the meringue, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and send to a gentle oven until lightly colored, then remove them, put them again on ice, and serve very cold. 537. Beignets of Apples. Pare, cut in round quarters, and remove the core and pips of ten ap- ples. Put half a pound of flour in a bowl, in which break three eggs ; mix them well with the flour, and add a little water, so as to make rather a liquid paste, but sufficiently solid to adhere to the apples, which dip into the paste, covering them en- tirely. Put some lard in a frying-pan, in which, when very hot, fry your apples. When a bright yel- low, drain them, sprinkle them with sugar, and serve hot. Beignets of peaches are prepared in the same manner. 538. Beignets de Creme a la Vanille. Put in a saucepan four eggs, two ounces of corn starch, four ounces of sugar, and stir all well together ; add a pint of milk, a teaspoonful of vanilla, place on the fire, stirring with a wooden spoon until boiling, and pour into a pan which you have buttered. Let it become cold, then cut it into pieces an inch wide and three inches long. Make a paste as for the foregoing article, in which dip your mixture (which you have cut in pieces), and fry in very hot lard. When colored a bright yellow, drain them, sprinkle them with sugar, and serve. 16 1 82 FRENCH DISHES. 539. Beignets Souffles. Make a paste as for Eclairs (Art. 547), adding a teaspoonful of extract of vanilla. Put some lard in a frying-pan, which, when melted, should be about two and a half inches high in your pan, and, when very hot, take with a spoon some pieces of your paste about the size of a nut, drop them in your lard, and fry them a bright yellow; drain them, roll them in powdered sugar, and serve. 540. Almond Puddings. Blanch and chop fine a quarter of a pound of almonds, which mix thor- oughly together with two ounces of flour, four ouncet of powdered sugar, and two ounces of corn starch. Separate the whites and yolks of eight eggs. Beat the yolks well, flavor them with vanilla, and mix to- gether with the above ingredients. Then beat the whites very stiff, and stir them in thoroughly with the rest. Butter some little tin timbale - molds, which nearly fill with the mixture, cover with but- tered paper, and place them in a pan in which you have put enough water to reach about three quarters of the height of the timbale-molds, and send to a moderate oven for about three quarters of an hour, or until done, of which you may judge by inserting a straw in the cake, and, if it comes out clean, it is sufficiently done. Remove the cake from the molds. Serve with the following sauce : With a small coffee-cup full of currant jelly, to which add about the same quantity of claret, add a little sugar, a very little stick cinnamon, and a little nutmeg. Strain, and serve hot. Obs. — This pudding, instead DESSERTS AND CAKES. Z S^ of the almonds, may be made with macaroons (about twelve), which should be well browned in the oven, and then crushed fine with a rolling-pin, and mixed with the flour, etc., in the same order as de- scribed for the almonds. 541. Baked Custard. Break eight eggs in a bowl, to which add half a pound of sugar, a quart of milk, two tablespoonfuls of vanilla, and a sherry-glass of brandy. Mix all well together, strain, put in a deep dish, and send to a gentle oven for about forty minutes, or until well colored on top. Serve very cold. 542. Boiled Custard. Put in a saucepan twelve eggs, to which mix gradually a pint and a half of milk ; add half a pound of sugar, a tablespoonful of vanilla, and a sherry-glass of rum. Put on the fire, stirring with an egg - beater until beginning to thicken, then remove the custard from the fire, not having allowed it to boil. Strain, and stir until near- ly cold. Serve very cold. 543. Trifles. Soak some sponge cake in sherry, put it on a dish, place a layer of raspberry jam on top, which cover entirely with whipped cream, to which add some powdered sugar, and flavor with vanilla. 544. Brioche. Take a quarter of a pound of flour, make a hollow in the center, in which put half of a cake of yeast, and moisten with a little tepid water (about two ounces) until the paste is soft, then put it in a saucepan, and leave it in rather a warm place. Then put three quarters of a pound of flour on a table, make a hollow in the center of !84 FRENCH DISHES. the flour, in which put a pinch of sugar, seven eggs, one by one, mixing each thoroughly with the flour before adding another, and three quarters of a pound of butter, little by little, mixing it thoroughly with the flour and eggs. Then see if your yeast has risen twice its height ; and if so, add it to your paste, which put in a warm place eight hours; after which sprinkle a little flour on a table, form your paste into balls of about two ounces each, brush them over with beaten egg, send them to a hot oven, and, when well col- ored, remove from the oven. 545. Pate a Brioche Panachee. Take half the quantity of the foregoing paste, roll it out half an inch thick, on top of which place a layer of peach marmalade, and send to the oven for about ten min- utes; then sprinkle on top of the marmalade an ounce of currants, previously washed and dried, about twenty blanched almonds cut in small pieces, and a little citron, also cut in small pieces. Then divide your brioche in pieces three inches long and an inch wide. Serve cold. 546. Baba. Put four ounces of flour on a table, make a hollow in the center, in which put half a cake of yeast, and moisten with a little milk, so as to form a soft paste, which put in a saucepan, and leave in a warm place. Then put six ounces of flour on a table, make a hollow in the center, in which put ten ounces of flour, two ounces of sugar, six ounces of butter, and three eggs. Mix all well together, work- ing it with the hands, and adding, one by one, three eggs and a wineglass of rum. Then mix together an DESSEKTS AND CAKES. I8 5 ounce of currants, with three ounces of raisins, from which you have removed the seeds, and half an ounce of citron, cut in small pieces, and add them to your paste, also the rest of your paste, with the yeast. Fill a buttered mold a third of its height with your paste, and send to a moderate oven for about three quarters of an hour. Pass the point of a knife into the baba, and if sufficiently done it will come out dry. Then turn it out of your mold, pour over it two liqueur-glasses of rum, sprinkle a little sugar on top, and serve. Instead of putting the baba in a large mold, you may put it in several very small ones if preferred. 547. Eclairs. Put an ounce of butter in a sauce- pan on the fire, with about six tablespoonfuls of water. When beginning to boil, add about two and a half ounces of flour, stirring with a wooden spoon about five minutes, then remove from the fire, and add, one by one, four eggs, stirring rapidly, until each is well mixed. Then put your mixture in a cornucopia of stiff paper, with a hole in the point, through which press it on a pan, forming little shapes similar to lady fingers. Send them to a gentle oven for about twenty minutes, or until firm ; let them become cold, then make an incision in them, the length of each, through the middle, in which place some whipped cream, to which you have added sugar and a little essence of coffee. Then put in a copper saucepan, or one which is well enameled and thoroughly clean, half a pound of sugar, with a glass of water. After remaining on the fire a few moments, lift out a little 1 86 FRENCH DISHES. of the sugar with a wooden spoon, and drop it in a cup of cold water. Take the sugar between the thumb and third finger, separate them, and, if you may draw the sugar out in a fine thread without breaking, you have reached the desired result. Put it in a bowl, and add a tablespoonful of the extract of coffee, stir until beginning to thicken, cover with it the top of each eclair, and, when cold, serve. 548. Chocolate Eclairs. Make a paste as for the foregoing, which form into eclairs, and bake as the above. Put in a saucepan two eggs, two table- spoonfuls of corn starch, two ounces of sugar, a glass of milk, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and stir all together on the fire. Just before beginning to boil, remove from the fire and let it become cold. Then fill the inside of your Eclairs with your cream. Melt an ounce of chocolate in a tablespoonful of water, boil half a pound of sugar as the foregoing, mix thorough- ly with your chocolate, with which cover your eclairs. 549. Duchess Cakes with Peach Marma- lade. Make a paste as for eclairs (Art. 547), of which take about half a tablespoonful at a time, and place on a pan in oval form, as for meringues, only smaller, and about three inches apart. Brush them with beaten egg, send them to a gentle oven, and, when they are done, make an incision in each one through the middle, and fill the inside with peach marmalade, or any other preferred. Then put in a copper saucepan, or one which is well enameled and thoroughly clean, half a pound of sugar, with a glass of water. After remaining on the fire a few moments, DESSERTS AND CAKES. iSj lift out a little of the sugar with a wooden spoon, and drop it in a cup of cold water. Take the sugar be- tween the thumb and third finger, separate them, and, if you may draw the sugar out in a fine thread with- out breaking, you have reached the desired result. Then cover the top of each cake with the sugar, and, when cold, serve. 550. Gateau St. Honore. Take some pate brisee (Art. 285), roll it out thin, and with it line a round tin pie-dish, which you have buttered. Then take some paste, as for eclairs (Art. 547), and form a border of about an inch thick on top of your other paste in the pan, brush it over with beaten eggs, and send it to a moderate oven until thoroughly done, then remove it. Make a cornucopia of stiff paper, with a hole cut in the end, fill it with eclair paste, press it out through the hole on a pan, forming the paste into about a dozen and a half small balls the size of a French chestnut, prick a hole in the bottom of each, and send them to the oven until done. When cold, dip them in melted sugar, as described in the foregoing article, place them all around the top of your paste in the pie-dish. Whip a pint of cream, let it remain fifteen minutes on the ice, drain off all the moisture, mix well with your cream three ounces of sugar and half a teaspoonful of vanilla, and fill the inside of your pastry. You may, instead of vanilla, flavor your cream with rum, chocolate, or raspberry, and decorate the pastry with candied oranges, cherries, and other candied fruits. 551. Apple Tart. Peel two dozen apples, 1 88 FRENCH DISHES. which put in a saucepan with two tablespoonfuls of water and a little grated lemon-peel ; stew them until soft, then add three ounces of sugar, and stir with a wooden spoon five minutes ; then let them become cold. Take some pate bris£e (Art. 285), roll it out thin, and with it line a pie-dish large enough to contain your apples, which place in the dish. Roll out some more paste very thin, sprinkle it with flour, double it, cut it in strips a quarter of an inch wide, moisten the edges of your tart, and place the strips on top of your apples, a small space between each, fasten the ends to the edge of your dish, and brush the strips lightly with water ; place an equal quantity of strips across and on top of the others, making a sort of lattice-work ; brush them over with beaten egg, and send the tart to a hot oven ; when three quarters done, remove it, brush it over with a little melted currant jelly ; return it to the oven un- til thoroughly done both underneath and on top. 552. Apple Tart a la Portugaise. Line a pie-dish with some pate bris£e (Art. 285), then place on top a layer, about half an inch thick, of peach marmalade, and send to the oven until the paste is done. Peel eight apples, cut them in two, remove the core and the pips, put them in a saucepan with a pint of water, six ounces of sugar, and the rind of a lemon ; stew them until soft, without breaking ; then drain them and place them on top of the peach marmalade in your tart, strain the juice of your apples, reduce it two thirds on the fire, and, just be- fore serving, pour it over your tart. DESSERTS AND CAKES. ^9 553. Apricot Tart. Line a pie-dish with some pate brisee (Art. 285) rolled thin, sprinkle the bot- tom with powdered sugar, fill the dish with canned apricots, send it to a hot oven, and, when thoroughly- done, sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, and serve. Proceed in the same manner for tart of peaches, and currants (to which add more sugar), and cherries (first removing the stones). 554. Gateau d'Artois. Peel a dozen apples, remove the core and pips, and stew them with a tablespoonful of water in a saucepan. When soft, add two ounces of sugar and a little cinnamon, and stew ten minutes longer. Take some puff paste (Art. 284), roll it out thin, divide it in two equal parts, spread your apples on one part, covering them with the other ; moisten the edges of your paste, which fasten together by pressing upon the top layer with the thumb. Then mark out lightly, with a knife, ten equal pieces, about four inches long and an inch and a half wide. Brush the top with beaten egg, and send to a hot oven until well colored and thor- oughly done underneath. Cut the pieces through, which you have marked out, and serve. 555. Mince Pie. Chop very fine half a pound of beef suet, three quarters of a pound of cold beef, three apples which you have peeled, two ounces of citron, and a little lemon-peel ; add a pound of powdered sugar, half a pound of currants, the same of raisins, a teaspoonful of ginger, the same of nut- meg, half a pint of sherry, and a quarter of a pint of brandy. Mix all well together in a jar, which 190 FRENCH DISHES. cover, and let it remain for eight days. Take some puff paste (Art. 284), roll it out thin, and with it line a flat pie-dish, into which place your mince meat, and cover with another layer of paste, which moisten and press all around the edge so as to fasten it se- curely. Brush the top with beaten egg, and send to a moderate oven for about forty minutes, and, if sufficiently done, serve very hot. 556. Pastries a la Conde. Put four ounces of almonds in boiling water, remove the skins, wash the almonds, dry them, and chop them fine. Mix with them thoroughly two ounces of powdered sugar and half the white of an egg ; roll out some puff paste (Art. 284) half an inch thick, five inches wide, and fourteen inches long. Spread the almonds en- tirely over your paste, sprinkle lightly with sugar, and cut the paste in ten equal strips across the length. Send them to rather a hot oven, and, when well colored, serve. 557. Gateau Fourre aux Amandes. Put four ounces of almonds in boiling water, and remove the skins. Pound the almonds to a paste, with which mix thoroughly four ounces of sugar, an ounce of butter, the yolks of two eggs, and half a sherry-glass of rum. Take half a pound of puff paste (Art. 284), roll it a quarter of an inch thick, and, with a sufficient quantity, line a shallow pie-dish. Moisten the edge of your paste, fill the pie-dish with your mixture of almonds, make a border with the rest of your paste around the edge of your dish, then, with the point of a knife, trace some fanciful design on the top, brush DESSERTS AND CAKES. 191 it over with beaten egg, send to a hot oven for about forty-five minutes, and, if well done underneath, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, and, when melted, remove from the oven and serve. You may also serve this cold. 558. Gateau Fourre aux Pommes. Peel and cut in quarters a dozen apples, from which remove the core and pips. Put them in a saucepan on the fire with a sherry-glass of water, the peel of half a lemon, and four ounces of sugar. Stew them for about seven or eight minutes, stir them for a few moments with a wooden spoon, let them become cold, and finish as described in the preceding article. 559. Gateau Fourre a la Creme. Mix thor- oughly together in a saucepan two ounces of flour with two eggs, add a glass of milk, stirring well, so as to make a smooth paste, then a glass of cream and half an ounce of butter. Continue to stir with a wooden spoon until boiling, then let it simmer gently at the side of the range for fifteen minutes, stirring it from time to time. Let it become cold, and add to it three ounces of sugar, two pounded macaroons, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and mix all well together. Take some puff paste (Art. 284), and finish as for gateau fourre aux amandes (Art. 557). 560. Mars. Take some brioche paste (Art. 544), roll it out a quarter of an inch thick, six inches wide, and sixteen inches long. Cover it with apple marmalade, and send it to a very gentle oven for about ten minutes. Then let it become cold, and cut it into strips an inch wide, across the length of Ip2 FRENCH DISHES. the paste. Beat six whites of eggs very stiff, mix with them half a pound of powdered sugar, with which cover each strip of pastry on top, about three quarters of an inch thick. Blanch twenty almonds, cut them in long, thin strips, place them two by two on top of your pastries, the two points meeting in the center (six or eight pieces of almonds on each will be sufficient), sprinkle them with powdered sugar, and send them to the oven about twelve min- utes, or until colored lightly. 561. Fanchonettes. Roll out thin some pate brisee (Art. 285), with which line some little molds. Fill them two thirds with apple, peach, or any other marmalade preferred, and send them to a hot oven twelve minutes. Then let them become cold. Beat six whites of eggs very stiff, and mix well with them half a pound of powdered sugar ; cover your little tarts with it half an inch thick, and smooth it on top with the blade of a knife. Make a cornucopia of stiff paper, cut a hole in the end of it, put in it some of the white of egg and sugar, and press it through the hole, forming on top of each tart, in a circle, six very small balls, and one in the center. Sprinkle over them some powdered sugar, and send them to a very gentle oven. They should not be allowed to color. When they are firm, remove them from the oven, place on top of each little ball a very small piece of currant jelly, and serve. 562. Cream Pastries with Almonds. Take some puff paste (Art. 284), roll it out very thin, and cut it in ten pieces, each about three inches wide DESSERTS AND CAKES. 193 and four inches long. Send them to the oven, and, when done, take them out ; then cut ten other pieces of the same size as the above, and brush them with beaten egg ; blanch two ounces of almonds, chop them fine, mix with them a very little powdered sugar, a very little white of egg, and sprinkle them on top of your ten pieces of paste, which send to the oven until well colored, and let them become cold. Beat up half a pint of cream, put it on the ice about fifteen minutes, drain it on a sieve, mix with it, in a bowl, an ounce of sugar and a little extract of vanilla. Place your cream on the plain pieces of pastry, and cover with those on which you have sprinkled the almonds. 563. Gateau Madeleine a l'Orange. Put in a bowl half a pound of powdered sugar, the same of flour, four eggs, the grated peel of an orange, and mix all well together. Put half a pound of butter near the fire, so as to make it soft without melting it quite liquid, and add it to your other ingredients. Butter ten little tin molds, which fill three quarters with your mixture, and send them to a gentle oven for about twenty minutes, or until thoroughly done, of which you may judge by passing the point of a knife through one, and, if it comes out dry, your cake is sufficiently baked. Instead of the orange-peel, you may flavor, if you wish, with vanilla, adding some currants and citron cut in very small pieces. 564. Gateau Genoise. Put in a bowl half a pound of sugar with half a pound of butter, heated, so as to be a little soft. Beat up both together IT i 9 4 FRENCH DISHES. quickly with a wooden spoon for three or four min- utes, then add three eggs, one by one, mixing each thoroughly before adding another. Then add the yolks of three eggs, the grated peel of half a lemon ; stir all well together, adding half a pound of flour ; beat the three whites of your eggs, and add them to the foregoing. Butter a pan, into which pour your mixture about three quarters of an inch thick ; send it to a gentle oven for about thirty minutes, cut it in small pieces, and ice it as for coffee eclairs (Art. 547)- 565. Gateau Savarin. Put three ounces of flour in a bowl, with half a cake of yeast, adding about two sherry-glasses of lukewarm milk, so as to form a soft paste, to which, when risen double its height, add twelve ounces of flour, seven ounces of butter (a little warm), a pinch of salt, an ounce of sugar, and seven eggs. Beat up your mixture well with a wooden spoon, and, while beating, add, one by one, four eggs. When the mixture no longer sticks to the bowl, you have beaten it enough ; then add to it half an ounce of citron cut in very small pieces, and put it in rather a warm place for about two hours. Butter a tin mold, which sprinkle with a few chopped almonds, fill the mold one half with your mixture, and let it rise half as much again ; then send to a moderate oven, slip the point of a knife into the cake, and, if it comes out dry, it is suf- ficiently done. Turn it out of your mold ; put four ounces of sugar, with a glass of water, in a saucepan on the fire, boil five minutes, add a tablespoonful of DESSERTS AND CAKES. 195 anisette, two tablespoonfuls of rum, and one of cura- 90a, which pour gradually over your cake until ab- sorbed, and serve. 566. Manquet. Put the yolks of eight eggs in a bowl with half a pound of sugar, and stir with a wooden spoon three or four minutes ; then add the grated peel of a lemon. Whip the three whites of your eggs until very stiff, add them gradually to the above ingredients, also an ounce of melted butter, and stir all together lightly. Butter a tin mold, dust it with flour, pour into it your mixture, and send it to a gentle oven for about half an hour. Slip the point of a knife into your cake, and, if it comes out dry, it is sufficiently done. 567. Sponge Cake. Put in a bowl a pound of flour, three quarters of a pound of powdered sugar, two eggs, two glasses of milk, and the grated rind of a lemon. Mix all well together, and then add six ounces of melted butter, and a teaspoonful of Royal Baking Powder. Butter a tin mold, in which pour your mixture ; send it to a gentle oven, and, when sufficiently colored, slip the point of a knife into it, and, if it comes out dry, your cake is done. Turn it out of the mold, and serve. 568. Lady Fingers. Put four ounces of pow- dered sugar in a bowl, with the yolks of four eggs, and stir them well together with a wooden spoon, until they become white and slightly consistent; then add three ounces of flour and a little grated lemon-peel. Beat up the whites of your eggs until very stiff, then mix them lightly, in small quantities 196 FRENCH DISHES. at a time, with your other ingredients. Pour your mixture into a cornucopia made of stiff paper, with a hole in the end, through which press it on a pan (on which you have spread a sheet of white paper), forming it into lady fingers, about five inches long and not quite an inch wide, sprinkle each with pow- dered sugar, and send them to a very gentle oven, watching them, so that they do not color too much. When they are firm, slip the blade of a knife under- neath them, so as to remove them from the pan, and serve. 569. Savoy Cake. Put the yolks of three eggs in a bowl, with four ounces of powdered sugar, beat them well until slightly consistent, and add to them an ounce and a half of flour, an ounce of corn starch, a few drops of extract of vanilla, and mix all well together. Beat up the whites of your eggs very stiff, and stir them lightly with your other ingredients. Butter a mold, which sprinkle with sugar, and into which pour your mixture. Send it to a gentle oven, and, when it is done (of which you may judge by slipping the point of a knife into it, and, if it comes out dry, your cake is sufficiently baked), turn it out of the mold, let it become cold, and serve. 570. Macaroons. Put half a pound of al- monds in boiling water, remove the skins, then put the almonds in cold water, which drain off, and put them in the oven to dry. Pound them to a paste, adding, by degrees, the white of an egg ; then add a pound and a half of powdered sugar, again pound well, adding, little by little, the whites of two eggs. DESSERTS AND CAKES. 197 Spread on a pan a sheet of white paper, form your mixture in little rounds, somewhat smaller than a twenty-five cent piece, place them on top of the paper in your pan, each about an inch and a half apart from the other. Send them to a gentle oven for about twelve minutes, the door of the oven shut, and, at the end of that time, if they are well colored, remove them from the oven, let them become cold, turn the paper upside down, moisten it with a little water underneath, and remove the macaroons. 571. Tea Cakes. Put on a table a pound of flour, which you have previously sifted, make a hole in the middle, in which place half a pound of butter, six ounces of powdered sugar, a pinch of ginger, and four eggs. Mix all well together, and roll out your paste extremely thin, cut it out in rounds or squares, which put on a pan, which you have buttered lightly, brush your cakes with beaten egg, sprinkle them on top with half a pound of currants. Send them to the oven, and, when colored a bright yellow, remove them, and serve when needed. 572. Chocolate Cakes. Make the same mixt- ure as for Savoy cake (Art. 569), put it in a cornu- copia made of stiff paper, with a hole in the end, through which press it on a pan (on which you have spread a sheet of white paper), and form it into small rounds about the size of a fifty-cent piece. Send them to a gentle oven until they are quite firm, then let them become cold, and cut them all the same size with a small round cutter. Spread a layer of peach or other marmalade on the half of your cakes, I9 8 FRENCH DISHES. which cover with the other half. Melt about two ounces of chocolate in about two tablespoonfuls of water. Put in a saucepan on the fire half a pound of sugar, with half a glass of water, boil for about eight to ten minutes, lift out some of the sugar with a spoon, drop it into cold water, place it between the thumb and third finger, and, if you may draw the sugar out into a long fine thread without breaking, you have reached the desired result. Then put your chocolate in a bowl, add your sugar, stirring until beginning to thicken. Take as many little wooden skewers as you have cakes, sharpen them to a fine point, stick one into each cake, which dip into your chocolate and sugar, covering it entirely. Put a col- ander upside down on a table, and in the holes place the ends of your sticks, thereby allowing the cakes on the opposite end to dry, after which remove your cakes from the sticks, and serve when needed. 573. Angel Cake. Beat the whites of eleven eggs very stiff. Mix with half a pound of sifted flour, half a pound of sugar, and a teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Flavor with extract of almond or extract of pineapple. Then mix all together with the whites of eggs, and bake in a moderate oven for about forty minutes, or until thoroughly done, of which you may judge by passing the point of a knife into your cake, and, if it comes out dry, it is suffi- ciently done. Do not butter the pan for this cake. 574. Pound Cake. Put in a bowl half a pound of butter, which you have put in rather a warm place, so as to be a little soft. Add two eggs, which beat DESSERTS AND CAKES. I 99 well together with the butter for four or five min- utes. Add another egg, which also beat five min- utes, and then another, and beat all together the same length of time, and mix with the foregoing half a pound of flour, four ounces of currants, and the same of raisins, which you have stoned. Butter a mold, put a piece of paper in the bottom, and also around the sides, pour your mixture into the mold, and send it to a moderate oven for about an hour. Pass the point of a knife into your cake, and, if it comes out dry, it is sufficiently done. 575. Charlotte-Russe. Butter a tin mold, the bottom and sides of which line with lady fingers. Whip a pint of cream until quite firm, and put it on the ice. Dissolve half an ounce of gelatine in about a sherry-glass of hot water, then add four ounces of sugar. Boil a sherry-glass of milk, remove it from the fire, and mix with it four eggs, stirring rapidly. Strain your gelatine and sugar, and add them, with a teaspoonful of vanilla, to your other ingredients, and mix all well together. When beginning to stiffen, add your whipped cream, which remove from the bowl with a skimmer, so as to drain off all moist- ure. Fill your mold with the cream, put it on ice for an hour, take it out of the mold, and serve. 576. Bavarian Strawberry Cream. Dissolve a quarter of an ounce of gelatine in three or four tablespoonfuls of hot water, then add to it four ounces of powdered sugar, and put it through a sieve. Whip a pint of cream, and, when firm, put it on ice for a quarter of an hour. Press four ounces 200 FRENCH DISHES. of strawberries through a sieve, which put in a bowl with your gelatine and sugar. When beginning to stiffen slightly, add your whipped cream, which re- move from the bowl with a skimmer, so as to drain off all moisture. Mix all well together, and pour into a mold, which put on ice for about an hour. Then turn your cream out of the mold, and serve. 577. Bavarian Chocolate Cream. Prepare exactly as for the foregoing, adding two ounces of chocolate which you have previously melted. 578. Bavarian Vanilla Cream. Proceed as for Bavarian strawberry cream (Art. 576), except that instead of adding strawberries, flavor with a tea- spoonful of vanilla. 579. Bavarian Coffee Cream. Proceed as for Bavarian strawberry cream (Art. 576), but, instead of strawberries, flavor with a tablespoonful of essence of coffee. 580. Jelly of Rum. Dissolve two ounces of gelatine in a pint and a half of very hot water on the fire, and, when melted, add ten ounces of sugar. Beat three whites of eggs with half a glass of water, which mix with your gelatine, stirring quickly with an egg-beater. Then put all on the fire until boil- ing, then remove to the back of the range to sim- mer gently for half an hour. Strain your jelly through a flannel until perfectly clear, and add three sherry-glasses of rum. Pour it into a mold, which put on the ice until sufficiently stiff to turn out. 581. Wine Jelly. Proceed as for the forego- ing, adding a pint and a quarter of water (instead of DESSERTS AND CAKES. 2 oi a pint and a half), the juice of a lemon, a very small piece of cinnamon stick, a gill of sherry, and a sherry-glass of brandy. Finish as the preceding. 582. Meringues. Beat the whites of eight eggs as stiff as possible, then mix with them lightly three quarters of a pound of sugar ; but do not beat them after adding the sugar. Fill a tablespoon with your beaten eggs, which place in oval form on a board slightly moistened and covered with a sheet of white paper ; continue until your eggs are all used, and place each spoonful about an inch apart from the other. Send to a very gentle oven, with the door shut, for about ten minutes, and, if sufficiently firm, remove them, turn them over on a pan, which put in a very gentle oven for about three quarters of an hour ; take them out, press them in the middle with your thumb, so as to render them hollow, and, when cold, fill them with whipped cream to which you have added two ounces of sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla. When the weather is very hot, and it is sometimes difficult to whip cream, put it in a bowl, which place in a larger one, and surround the small- er with cracked ice, mixed with a little rock salt. 583. Jelly of Mixed Fruits. Dissolve on the fire two ounces of gelatine in three or four table- spoonfuls of water, add ten ounces of sugar, and, when melted, remove from the fire. Mix the whites of three eggs in half a glass of water, add to your gelatine, stirring quickly with an egg-beater. Then put all on the fire until boiling, then remove to the back of the range to simmer gently for half an hour. 202 FRENCH DISHES. Strain your jelly through a flannel until perfectly clear ; pour a little of it into a mold, and, when the jelly is sufficiently stiff, place on top of it two dozen very red cherries from which you have removed the stones, an ounce of white currants, the same of red, two ounces of pineapple, and the same of raspber- ries, or strawberries if in season. Pour the rest of your jelly into the mold, which put on the ice until sufficiently stiff to turn out of the mold. 584. French Chestnuts with Coffee Sauce. Remove the shells from three dozen French chest- nuts, boil the chestnuts five minutes in water, then peel off the skin which covers them, put them in a saucepan on the fire, with enough water to cover them, and two ounces of sugar ; boil them until soft, without breaking, and drain them. Put in a sauce- pan on the fire four yolks of eggs, three ounces of sugar, a teacupful of black coffee, and half a glass of cream. Stir until just before boiling, then strain it, allow it to become cold, pour it over your marrons, and serve. 585. Nougat. Put half a pound of almonds in boiling water for two or three minutes, remove the skins, wash the almonds, and cut them each in seven or eight long strips, then put them in the oven to dry. Put in a copper or well-enameled saucepan, on the fire, five ounces of powdered sugar, which be care- ful to stir very gently until colored brown, then add your almonds, which should be slightly browned and very hot. Mix all together, rub a little oil lightly over a pan, into which pour your nougat, cut it im- DESSERTS AND CAKES. 203 mediately into pieces about four inches long and an inch and a half wide, and let them become cold. 586. Vanilla Ice Cream. Put in a saucepan on the fire a quart of milk, three quarters of a pound of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of extract of vanilla, and eight yolks of eggs. Stir well with an egg- beater, and, when beginning to thicken without boil- ing, strain your mixture and allow it to become cold. Place the tin freezer into the pail belonging to it, sur- round it with chopped ice mixed with about half a pound of rock salt, pour your cream into the tin can, which cover, and then turn the handle at the side of the pail rapidly around for a few moments, take off the cover from the can, and with a spoon detach any of the cream which may have frozen to the sides. Again put on the cover, continue to turn the handle, repeating from time to time the operation just described, and pressing the cream down with the spoon, so as to make it smooth. When the cream is thoroughly frozen, put it into a mold, place a piece of thick paper on top, over which shut down the cover securely. Place your mold in a bowl, surround it with chopped ice, with which mix two handfuls of rock salt. Just before serving, turn your ice cream out of the mold by dip- ping it for a few seconds in warm water. Instead of extract of vanilla, the vanilla-bean will give a much better flavor. 587. Coffee Ice Cream. Put in a saucepan on the fire a pint and a half of milk, the yolks of eight eggs, fourteen ounces of sugar, and half a pint of very 204 FRENCH DISHES. strong black coffee. Stir well with an egg-beater, and, when beginning to thicken without boiling, strain your mixture, allow it to become cold, and freeze as the foregoing. 588. Chocolate Ice Cream. Prepare a mixt- ure as for vanilla ice cream (Art. 586). Melt four ounces of chocolate in half a glass of water, on the fire, add it to your mixture, strain it through a sieve, and freeze as described in Art. 586. 589. Strawberry Ice Cream. Press through a sieve a sufficient quantity of strawberries to obtain half a pint of juice, which put into a tin freezing- can with three quarters of a pound of sugar and a quart of cream, and freeze as vanilla ice cream (Art. 586). 590. Strawberry Mousse. Proceed as for straw- berry ice cream, and, when half frozen, stir into it quickly a pint of whipped cream, put it in a mold for two hours, surrounded by cracked ice and a little rock salt, then turn it out, and serve. Whipped cream may be added to all kinds of plain ice creams. 591. Neapolitan Ice Cream. Prepare a mixt- ure as for vanilla ice cream (Art. 586). Let it be- come cold, put it in the freezer, and, when not quite frozen, take out one third of it, stirring into it rapidly about an ounce and a half of chocolate, which you have previously melted. Put it into a mold, which place in a large bowl, and surround the mold with cracked ice, and about two handfuls of rock salt. When the ice cream is sufficiently stiff DESSERTS AND CAKES. 205 to support another layer on top, take out the half of that which is in the freezer, place it in your mold on top of the chocolate ice cream. Then mix with the remaining portion of ice cream not quite a gill of strawberry juice, and place in your mold, which leave two hours in the ice, turn the ice cream out, and serve. 592. Nesselrode Pudding. Remove the shells from two dozen French chestnuts, which put in a saucepan, with a little water, then peel off the skin which covers them, and put the chestnuts in a sauce- pan on the fire, with a pint of water and a pound of sugar. Boil them until very soft, then press them through a sieve, and put them again in a saucepan with a pint of cream, in which you mixed the yolks of four eggs. Just before beginning to boil, put your mixture through a sieve, add an ounce of raisins, which you have stoned, an ounce of currants, two sherry-glasses of yellow chartreuse, and freeze it, as described in Art. 586. When frozen, cut four candied apricots, also four candied green gages, and half an ounce of citron all in small pieces, add three ounces of candied cherries ; mix them thoroughly in your ice cream, which put in a mold, a thick piece of paper on top, and the cover securely shut down upon it. Put some cracked ice, mixed with two handfuls of rock salt, in a bowl, in the middle of which place your mold, covering it entirely with the ice and salt, where let it remain two hours, then turn the ice cream out of the mold, first dipping it for a few seconds in warm water. 18 206 FRENCH DISHES. 593. Frozen Apple Pudding a la Marie Heloise. Cut four ounces of almonds, and the same of citron, into long thin strips, and boil them in a thick sugar sirup, with four ounces of large raisins, and the same of candied cherries ; when boiled, let them become cold. Pare twenty-four large apples, which cut in quarters, remove the core, and stew them in a little water, then press them through a sieve, add half a pound of powdered sugar and a glass of orange marmalade or quince jelly. When cold, add the almonds, citron, cherries, and raisins, a sherry-glass of brandy, the same of maraschino, and put the whole into a freezer and freeze from ten to fifteen minutes. Then stir into it rapidly a pint of stiff whipped cream, and put into a mold, which place in a large bowl, and surround the mold with cracked ice mixed with about two handfuls of rock salt. Leave it for two hours, then turn it out of the mold on a dish, surround it with whipped cream, to which you have added about two ounces of sugar, and flavored with vanilla. 594. Orange Ice. Put a quart of water in a saucepan on the fire, with three quarters of a pound of sugar, which boil ten minutes, remove from the fire and allow it to become cold. Take the juice of a dozen oranges and four lemons, strain, rasp a lump of sugar with the rind of an orange, which add to the juice, mix all together with the water and sugar, and freeze, as described in Art. 586. Strawberry and raspberry ice are prepared in the same manner, except that they are pressed through a sieve. DESSERTS AND CAKES. 207 595. Pineapple Ice. For this, take a pint and a half of water, four lemons, three quarters of a pound of sugar, a pound and a half of pineapple, which chop fine and pound in a mortar, press through a sieve, and finish as the above. 596. Orange Baskets. Take ten oranges, as large as possible ; with a penknife, or the point of a small, sharp knife, form the handle of the basket, by beginning at the side of the orange and cutting a line across the top, stopping just opposite where you have begun. Cut another line exactly as the first, half an inch apart from it, then cut around the orange in the middle, stopping at where the handle is marked out. Remove the two quarters of peel, pass the knife under the handle, so as to loosen the orange, which remove as carefully as possible, and proceed in the same manner, so as to remove most of the orange from the basket, and the remainder scoop out with a teaspoon. Dry the baskets with a cloth, tie the handles with bows of narrow ribbons of all colors, fill them with orange ice as the foregoing, and serve. 597. Roman Punch. Put in a saucepan on the fire three quarters of a pound of sugar, with three pints of water, boil ten minutes, then put aside to become cold. Then put in a freezer, and, when nearly frozen, stir into it rapidly a gill of rum and the juice of four lemons. APPENDIX. A FEW AMERICAN RECEIPTS FOR BUCKWHEAT CAKES, WAFFLES, ETC. 598. Buckwheat Cakes. Mix a cupful of buckwheat meal in a bowl with enough water to make the consistency of cream ; add a pinch of salt and a wineglass of yeast, and allow it to remain over night ; then bake on a very dry griddle till the cakes are of a light brown. 599. Wheat Flannel Cakes. Mix together eight tablespoonfuls of wheat flour with a gill of yeast, the same of fresh milk, and a little salt; put in a covered bowl over night to rise, and in the morning bake on a griddle, and turn the cakes on one side and then on the other, until both are browned. If the above mixture should become acid, add half a teaspoonful of soda well mixed in a little water. 600. Indian Meal Griddle Cakes. Mix well together with a pint of Indian meal a quart of milk, a tablespoonful of butter, a little salt, and two eggs ; beat all well together and bake on a griddle. APPENDIX. 209 601. Corn Bread. With two teacupfuls of hot hominy mix a liberal tablespoonful of butter ; beat four eggs very light, and stir them into the hominy and butter; then add gradually a pint of milk, stir- ring constantly, and, when thoroughly mixed, half a pint of Indian meal. If thicker than the consist- ency of rich boiled custard, add a little more milk. Bake in a deep pan (so as to allow the mixture to rise), in an oven which is quite hot at the bottom and not too much so at the top. 602. Fairies. With a pint of flour mix a scant tablespoonful of butter, some salt, and enough water to make a dough which may be kneaded. When kneaded sufficiently, roll the dough out as thin as a sheet of paper ; cut it in rounds with a muffin-ring, prick them with a fork, and bake them for an instant in a moderately hot oven. 603. Waffles. Dissolve half a pound of fresh butter in a quart of new milk ; then thoroughly mix with the above a quart of flour ; add six fresh eggs which you have previously beaten very light, and a little salt. Bake in waffle-irons, which should be greased with good butter after the baking of each waffle. Butter the waffles while very hot, before serving, and serve with them one and a half table- spoonfuls of powdered cinnamon, well mixed with six tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. When very rich cream may be procured, three or four table- spoonfuls may be added to the milk in the above re- ceipt. 604. Gingerbread. Mix well with a pint of 2IO FRENCH DISHES. molasses half a pound of sugar, half a pound of but- ter, and three eggs. Dissolve an ounce of baking soda in a pint of water, which add to the above in- gredients, with also an ounce of ground ginger ; then add two pounds of flour ; mix all well together, and bake in a moderately hot oven. 605. Ginger Snaps. Sift half an ounce of baking soda through a pound and three quarters of flour ; also sift half a pound of sugar through the flour, which then mix well with half a pound of but- ter ; add half an ounce of ginger, the same of ground allspice ; mix together a pint of molasses with half a gill of water, which add to the other ingredients, mixing all thoroughly together ; roll out very thin and bake until very crisp. When ginger snaps are liked very hot, sometimes red pepper is added. 606. Cookies. Take four ounces of butter, three ounces of pulverized sugar, and six ounces of flour ; rub all together until in crumbs ; add two yolks of eggs, which mix thoroughly together with the above ingredients until quite smooth. Put this mixture on a plate, which cover with another plate, and let it rest in a cool place for half an hour ; roll it out an eighth of an inch thick, cut it out in small rounds a little larger than a silver dollar, and bake in a moderate oven until colored a very light brown ; spread some raspberry jam on half of the rounds, and cover with the other half. 607. Boiled Potatoes. Take about twelve po- tatoes, which wash well in cold water ; peel them, cutting out the eyes or any black specks which the APPENDIX. 211 potatoes may have ; then, put them in a saucepan in which there is enough cold water to cover them, sprinkle them over with about a teaspoonful of salt, and put them on the fire for about half an hour, then pierce them with a fork, to see if they are thoroughly done ; if so, drain them, place a cloth on top of them, cover the saucepan with its lid, and put it at the side of the range, to steam the potatoes until quite dry, and serve them very hot. Some persons prefer them boiled and served with the skins on, or boiled in their skins and peeled before serving. 608. Boiled Rice. Take three quarters of a pound of rice, which wash well in cold water, drain and rub the rice with your hands ; pick out the yel- low grains and specks of black ; then wash the rice again three or four times, changing the water, and rubbing it with the hands. After the last time, pour some cold water over it, and put it in a saucepan on the fire in which there are about five quarts of boil- ing water. Stir with a wooden spoon, and add half a teaspoonful of salt. Boil the rice rapidly for about twenty minutes, skimming off at intervals the scum which rises. When the rice is soft, drain it, and then pour a little cold water over it, which also drain instantly. Put the rice, without any water, into a saucepan, which half cover, and put at the side of the range. Stir every now and then, and, when the rice is perfectly dry, serve. INDEX. CHAPTER I. Soups. ART. PAGE 41. American green-turtle soup 20 24. Arrowroot soup 16 2. Bouillon, or beef broth 9 3. Bouillon maigre 10 4. Bouillon maigre of fish 10 20. Beef soup 15 55. Bouillabaisse a la Marseillaise 25 1. Consomme, or stock 9 17. Consomme with poached eggs 14 18. Consomme royal 14 46. Consomme - Rachel ; 21 31. Chicken consomme 17 32. Chicken giblet .^ 17 33. Chicken gumbo 17 34. Chicken okra, with oysters iS 40. Calf's-feet soup 19 53. Clam chowder a la Thayer 24 35. English mutton broth 18 38. English ox-tail soup 19 51. English hare soup , 23 23. Farina soup 15 37. French ox-tail soup 18 214 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 11. Farce 12 42. Green-turtle soup a la Londonderry 20 48. Giblet soup of goose 22 36. Mullagatawny soup 18 39. Mock-turtle soup 19 54. Olla podrida 25 5. Pot-au-feu 10 15. Potage aux pointes d'asperges : 13 28. Potage de nouilles 16 30. Rice soup a la Creole 17 47. Rye soup a l'Allemande 22 12. Sorrel soup 13 26. Sago soup 16 8. Soup a. la Brunoise II 49. Soup a la Bohemienne 23 44. Soup a la d'Orsay 21 6. Soup a la Julienne 10 9. Soup a la Paysanne 1 1 14. Soup a la pluche de cerfeuil 13 19. Soup a la Princesse 15 45. Soup aux quenelles de volaille 21 52. Soup of sturgeon a la Pierre Legrand 24 25. Soup with Italian paste 16 50. Soup with poached eggs a la Styrie 23 29. Soup with rice 17 27. Tapioca soup 16 43. Terrapin soup 21 21. Vermicelli soup 15 22. Vermicelli soup with green peas 15 Purees. 79. Bisque of clams 34 77. Bisque of crawfish 33 78. Bisque of lobster 34 57. Cream of sorrel 26 63. Pur£e of asparagus 28 INDEX. 215 ART. PAGE 66. Pur£e of barley 29 67. Puree of celery 29 71. Pur6e of fowl a la Reine 31 58. Pur£e of green peas 27 70. Puree of Jerusalem artichokes 30 61. Pur£e of lentils 27 59. Pur£e of peas a la Princesse 27 69. Purde of potatoes a la Jackson 30 72. Pur6e of partridge 31 64. Puree of rice 28 73. Puree of rabbit 32 56. Pur6e of sorrel 26 68. Pur6e soubise a la Princesse 30 75. Puree of vegetables aux croutons 32 62. Puree of white beans 28 65. Rice soup a la Cr£cy 29 76. Rice soup au lait d'amandes 33 60. Split-pea soup 27 74. Tomato soup 32 CHAPTER II. Sauces. 81. Sauce Allemande 35 103. Sauce a la poulette 41 105 . Sauce a. la Mariniere 42 88. Sauce Bearnaise 37 101. Sauce Bordelaise 41 102. Another way of making sauce Bordelaise 41 98. Sauce Colbert 40 104. Sauce fleurette 42 108. Sauce G6nevoise 43 85. Sauce Hollandaise ... 36 96. Sauce hachee 39 113. Sauce Mayonnaise 44 91. Sauce Perigueux 38 216 FRENCH DISHES. ART - PAGE 86. Sauce piquante 37 95. Sauce poivrade 39 111. Sauce ravigote (hot) 44 112. Sauce ravigote (cold) 44 109. Sauce remoulade (cold) 43 no. Sauce remoulade (hot) 43 92. Sauce Robert 38 94. Sauce soubise 39 99. Sauce supreme 40 114. Sauce Tartare 45 82. Sauce velout£e 35 100. Sauce Venetienne 40 83. Bechamel sauce 36 87. Bread sauce 37 97. Hunter sauce 39 93. Italian sauce 38 106. Lobster sauce 42 89. Parisian sauce 37 107. Shrimp sauce 43 80. Spanish sauce.. 35 90. Tomato sauce 38 84. White sauce or butter sauce 36 CHAPTER III. Fish. 115. Boiled striped bass a la Ven6tienne 46 123. Black bass, Burgundy sauce 47 124. Baked blue-fish, tomato sauce 47 119. Boiled codfish, oyster sauce 47 170. Codfish au gratin 64 137. Eels en matelote 53 128. Eels a la Tartare 49 125. Baked fillet of sole (or flounder) 48 169. Fish-balls 63 118. Halibut, lobster sauce 46 INDEX. 217 ART. PAGE 135. Halibut, sauce supreme 52 127. Chicken halibut aux fines herbes 4S 129. King-fish, sherry sauce 49 122. Pickerel, anchovy sauce 47 116. Boiled red snapper with butter sauce 46 138. Red snapper a la Chambord. . . . , 53 139. Ray, with caper sauce 54 140. Ray, au beurre noir 54 117. Boiled salmon, madeira sauce 46 136. Scallops of whitefish a la Provencale 52 120. Sheep's head, shrimp sauce 47 130. Fillet of shad with puree of sorrel 50 131. Broiled shad a la maitre d'hotel 5° 141. Fried smelts 55 142. Farcied smelts 55 133. Trout a la Ge'nevoise 5 1 132. Long Island brook trout 50 121. Salmon trout, sauce Hollandaise 47 134. Scallops of trout 51 126. Weak -fish, Italian sauce 48 Clams, Oysters, Lobsters, etc. 167. Clam fritters 63 172. Clams on toast 65 1 74. Clams au gratin 65 173. Soft clams steamed 65 157. Crawfish a la Bordelaise 60 164. Soft-shell crabs 62 165. Farcied crabs 62 166. Deviled crabs 63 160. Fried frogs' legs 61 161. Frogs' legs a la poulette 61 162. Frogs' legs a la Mariniere 62 163. Frogs' legs a la maitre d'hdtel 62 151. Lobster au naturel 58 152. Lobsters a la Havraise 59 19 2i3 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 154. Broiled lobster 59 156. Lobster a la Borclelaise 60 159. Lobster a l'lndienne 60 155. Deviled lobster 60 158. Farcied lobster 60 153. Croquettes of lobster 59 175. Mussels a la Mariniere 66 143. Oysters a la poulette 56 149. Oysters a la Mosely 5S 150. Oysters au gratin 58 148. Oysters on toast 57 144. Farcied oysters a l'Africaine 56 145. Fried oysters 56 146. Broiled oysters 57 147. Cromesqui of oysters 57 168. Oyster fritters 63 176. Stewed terrapin a la Lucie 66 177. Stewed terrapin a la Maryland 66 178. Stewed terrapin (another manner) 67 CHAPTER IV. ENTREES. Beef. 195. Beef a la mode 73 184. Beef 's brains au beurre no ir 69 185. Beef's brains a la poulette 70 188. Beef-kidneys, sautes au vin blanc 70 183. Hashed beef 69 194. Braised beef, tomato sauce 72 193. Fillet of beef saute, madeira sauce 72 192. Tenderloins of beef, with potatoes a la Parisienne. .. . 71 180. Beef tongue, sauce piquante 68 151. Beef's tongue a la jardiniere 68 182. Smoked beef's tongue, wine sauce with mushrooms . . 68 191. Porter-house steak a la Bordelaise 71 INDEX. 219 ART. PAGE 190. Rump steak broiled a la maitre d'hotel 71 189. Sirloin steak broiled, with anchovy sauce 71 197. Beefsteak pie 74 179. Glaze 67 196. Boiled marrow-bones 73 187. Ox-tails braised 70 199. Tripe a la Lyonnaise 74 201. Tripe a la mode de Caen 75 198. Broiled tripe 74 200. Fried tripe 75 Veal. 226. Blanquette of veal 84 206. Calves' brains au gratin 77 207. Calves' brains a la poulette 77 20S. Fried calves' brains, tomato sauce 77 209. Calves' ears farcied 78 215. Calf's feet a la poulette -r-sT'. '. 79 214. Calf's heart aux fines herbes 79 203. Calf 's head a la vinaigrette 76 204. Baked calf's head a l'ltalienne 76 202. Calf's head en tortue 75 213. Braised calf's liver a la Bourgignone 79 211. Broiled calf 's liver 78 210. Calves' liver saute, sauce poivrade 78 217. Calf 's liver with bacon 79 205. Calves' tongues 76 225. Fricandeau of veal 84 217. Sweetbreads aux fines herbes 80 218. Sweetbreads larded with peas 81 219. Sweetbread croquettes Sr. 221. Veal chops a la Mayonnaise 82 222. Veal chops piques 82 220. Veal cutlets a l'AUemande 82 223. Braised tendons of veal a la macedoine 83 224. Braised tendons of veal with pur£e of celery 83 220 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 227. Minced veal, with poached eggs on top 84 216. Veal pot-pie 80 228. Veal kidneys sautes 85 229. Deviled veal kidneys 85 Mutton. 245. Breast of lamb, with asparagus go 244. Epigramme of lamb go 242. Irish stew 89 234. Mutton chops a. la Pompadour 86 232. Mutton chops a la soubise 86 235. Mutton chops en crepinette 87 233. Mutton chops sautes 86 236. Breast of mutton 87 238. Roast leg of mutton a la Bretonne 88 23g. Boiled leg of mutton 88 241. Leg of mutton en venaison 88 240. Roast saddle of mutton 88 243. Shoulder of mutton farcied 89 237. Sheep's feet a la poulette 87 230. Sheep's brains 85 231. Sheep's kidneys en brochette 85 Pork. 258. Glazed ham g5 25g. Glazed ham with champagne sauce g5 260. Glazed ham with truffles g5 261. Ham a l'Americaine g6 262. Ham a la Zingara 96 264. Ham toast g7 263. Roast ham 96 248. Broiled pig's feet 92 255. Pig's head, sauce poivrade 94 249. Pig's kidneys sautes g2 246. Pig's tongue gi 253. Broiled pork chops g3 INDEX. 221 ART. PAGE 254. Pork chops a l'lndienne 93 252. Pork chops, sauce Robert 93 247. Fillet of pork a la fermiere 91 250. Sausage of fresh pork 92 256. Frankfort sausages, with sourcrout 94 251. Spare-ribs, apple sauce 93 257. Roast sucking pig farcied 94 Poultry and Game, with Roasts of same. 284. Puff paste 106 285. Pate bris£e 106 278. Aspic de foie gras 102 279. Aspic (another manner of making it) 103 277. Boiled fowl, caper sauce 102 286. Bouchees de salpicon 106 287. Croiistades de salpicon 107 272. Chicken a la financere 100 269. Chicken a la Marengo 99 274. Chicken a la Toulouse 101 271. Chicken saute aux fines herbes 99 270. Chicken saute^ a la Hongroise 99 276. Chicken saute au chasseur 102 280. Boned chicken 104 265. Broiled chicken 97 266. Broiled chickens (deviled) 97 283. Chicken croquettes 105 288. Cromesqui of chicken 108 268. Fricassee of chicken 93 23r. Larded chicken 104 282. Chicken pie a la Christine 104 267. Roast spring chicken 98 275. Chicken with rice 101 289. Timbale of chicken 108 273. Supreme de volaille 100 294. Ducks with olives Ill 296. Ducks with puree of peas 112 222 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 295. Duck with turnip ill 293. Tame duck roasted m 29S. Braised goose, celery sauce 112 297. Roast goose 112 315. Pigeons en compote nS 314. Pigeons poeles 118 292. Boned turkey no 290. Roast turkey stuffed 109 291. Turkey with truffles 109 339. Roast canvas-back ducks 124 340. Red-head ducks 124 341. Broiled red-head ducks 124 342. Salmi of red-head ducks 124 318. Hare a la bourgeoise 119 319. Ragout of hare 119 316. Fillets of hare sautes 118 317. Roast hare 119 306. Partridge aux choux 114 304. Broiled partridge 114 305. Deviled partridge 114 307. Roast partridge 115 308. Salmi of partridge 115 325. Supreme of partridge 120 326. Timbale of partridge 121 309. Truffled partridge 116 333. Broiled plover 123 310. Broiled quail 116 312. Quail en caisse 116 311. Roast quail 116 313. Quail with truffles 117 324. Rabbit a l'Espagnole 120 323. Hash of rabbit 120 322. Roast rabbit 120 321. Ragout of rabbit 119 320. Rabbit saute' a la minute 119 338. Reed birds 124 INDEX. 223 ART. PAGE 337. Snipe 124 300. Broiled squabs 113 302. Broiled squabs (deviled) 114 301. Squabs en compote 113 299. Roast squab 113 303. Squabs with green peas 114 332. Braised fillets of venison 122 330. Venison chops 121 327. Venison chops, with currant jelly sauce .: 121 329. Leg of venison 121 331. Ragout of venison 122 328. Saddle of vension 121 335. Broiled woodcock 123 336. Roast woodcock 123 CHAPTER V. Vegetables. 369. Artichokes a la Barrigoule 132 368. Fried artichokes 132 366. Fonds d'artichauts a. 1' Italienne 131 367. Fonds d'artichauts a la macedoine 132 443. Puree of artichokes 153 370. Raw artichokes a la vinaigrette 133 365. Artichokes with butter sauce 131 371. Jerusalem artichokes 133 444. Puree of Jerusalem artichokes • 153 445. Jerusalem artichokes au gratin 153 358. Asparagus with butter sauce 13° 357. Asparagus with French rolls 129 359. Pointes d'asperges au velout£e 13° 360. Asperges en petits pois 13° 351. Dried beans - 128 420. Dried Lima beans 147 418. Lima beans 146 349. Beans panaches 127 224 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 352. Pur£e of dried beans.. . . 128 353. Red beans 128 350. White beans sautes . 128 354. Windsor beans 129 355- Windsor beans a l'Anglaise 129 356. Pur£e of Windsor beans 129 347. String-beans a l'Anglaise 127 348. String-beans saut6s 127 401. Pickled beets , . 141 400. Beets with butter , 141 411. Cabbage au gratin 144 412. Cabbage farcied 144 410. Cabbage saute" au'beurre 144 408. Carrots sautes au beurre 143 363. Cauliflower au gratin 131 364. Cauliflower au velout£e 131 362. Cauliflower with butter sauce 131 391. Fried celery, tomato sauce 139 392. Pur£e of celery. 139 389. Celery with marrow 138 390. Celery with white sauce 138 442. Puree of French chestnuts ,. 152 409. Chiccory with cream 143 414. Stewed corn with cream 145 415. New Orleans corn pudding 145 355. Cucumbers farcied 136 386. Cucumbers with cream 137 384. Egg-plant farcied 136 3S3. Egg-plant fried 136 393. Horse-radish sauce (cold) 139 394. Horse-radish sauce (hot) 139 35i. Lentils 130 387. Lentils a. la maitre d'Hotel 137 388. Puree of lentils 138 395. Braised lettuce, madeira sauce 139 396. Farcied lettuce 140 INDEX. 225 ART. PAGE 416. Made'doine of vegetables 145 404. Stewed mushrooms a la Princesse 14 2 -405. Mushrooms au gratin 142 406. Mushrooms au gratin (another way) 142 402. Broiled mushrooms I 4 I 403. Stewed mushrooms, Spanish sauce 14 2 350. Boiled onions I 35 351. Fried onions I 3& 382. Onions glacis 136 343. Green peas a l'Anglaise 126 344. Green peas a la Francaise 126 346. Green peas a la Paysanne 127 446. Pur^e of green peas 153 345. Green peas with bacon 126 425. Potatoes a l'Anglaise 148 432. Potatoes a. l'Anna 149 439. Potatoes a la Duchesse I5 1 436. Potatoes a. la Hollandaise 150 428. Potatoes a la Lyonnaise 148 426. Potatoes a la maitre d'hotel 148 438. Potatoes a la Parisienne 151 440. Potatoes a la parmentiere , 152 429. Potatoes a. la Provencale 149 431. Baked hashed potatoes 149 422. Baked mashed potatoes 147 607. Boiled potatoes 210 423. Potato croquettes 147 434. Fried potatoes en Julienne 150 437. Potatoes farcied 150 433. Fried potatoes 150 430. Hashed potatoes with cream 149 421. Mashed potatoes 147 424. Mashed potatoes with bacon 148 441. Ragout of potatoes a la paysanne 152 435. Saratoga potatoes 15° 427. Potatoes saut6s 148 226 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 376. Fried salsify 134 375. Salsify with butter sauce 134 417. Sourcrout 146 372. Spinach a l'Anglaise 133 373. Spinach a l'Espagnole 133 374. Spinach with cream 134 413. Brussels sprouts 145 407. Squash 143 419. Succotash 147 378. Broiled tomatoes 135 379. Farcied tomatoes 135 377. Stewed tomatoes 135 399. Turnips glacis au jus 141 398. Puree of turnips 140 397. Turnips with cream 140 CHAPTER VI. Eggs, Macaroni, Salads, etc. Eggs. 470. Aspic with eggs 158 458. Eggs a. l'aurore 155 466. Eggs a. la Huguenot 157 468. Eggs a la jardiniere., 157 472. Eggs a la Lyonnaise 159 464. Eggs a la Marseillaise 157 473. Eggs a la Portugaise 159 456. Eggs a la tripe 155 457. Eggs au beurre noir 155 471. Eggsaugratin 159 477. Curried eggs with rice 160 467. Eggs en timbale 157 474. Eggs en turban 160 448. Fried eggs 154 449. Eggs sur le plat 154 459. Eggs with cream 156 INDEX. 227 ART. • PAGE 4G0. Eggs with cucumbers. 156 465. Eggs with sauce Mayonnaise 157 461. Poached eggs au jus 156 476. Poached eggs with anchovy toast 160 475. Poached eggs with anchovy sauce 160 462. Poached eggs with asparagus 156 469. Poached eggs with puree of sorrel 158 463. Poached eggs with wine sauce 157 450. Scrambled eggs 154 452. Scrambled eggs with asparagus 155 455. Scrambled eggs with ham 155 451. Scrambled eggs with peas 154 453. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes 155 454. Scrambled eggs with truffles 155 479. Omelette aux fines herbes 161 478. Omelette (plain) 161 483. Omelette with asparagus tops 161 480. Omelette with cheese 161 488. Omelette with chickens' livers 163 490. Omelette with ham 163 4S7. Omelette with kidneys 162 486. Omelette with mushrooms 162 481. Omelette with onions 161 482. Omelette with peas 161 489. Omelette with smoked beef 163 491. Spanish omelette 163 484. Omelette with sorrel 162 485. Omelette with tomatoes 162 Macaroni. 496. Baked macaroni 165 493. Macaroni a l'ltalienne 164 494. Macaroni a la Milanaise 164 495. Macaroni a la Napolitaine 165 492. Macaroni with cream 164 500. Risotto a. la Finne 166 228 FRENCH DISHES. ART. p AGE 499. Risotto Hongroise 166 498. Risotto Napolitaine 165 497. Spaghetti 165 Salads. 506. Salad a la Mac6doine 168 511. Salad a la Toulouse 170 501. Salad of beans , 167 503. Salad of cauliflower „ 167 504. Salad of celery-roots 167 512. Chicken salad 170 507. Salad of herring a. l'Allemande 16S 509. Italian salad 169 502. Salad of lentils 167 513. Lobster salad 170 508. Parisian salad 168 505. Potato salad 167 510. Russian salad of truffles 169 514. Cold slaw 171 Cheese. 515. Cheese biscuits ., 171 518. Cheese souffles 172 517. Cheese straws 171 516. Ramequins 171 CHAPTER VII. Desserts and Cakes. 533. Apple Charlottes 179 534. Apples a la Conde 180 537. Beignets of apples 181 535. Compote of apples 180 536. Pommes meringues 180 551. Apple tart 187 552. Apple tart a la Portugaise 188 INDEX. 229 ART. PAGE 553. Apricot tart 189 546. Baba, 184 524. Fried bananas 174 577. Bavarian chocolate cream 200 579. Bavarian coffee cream 200 576. Bavarian strawberry cream 199 578. Bavarian vanilla cream 200 538. Beignets de creme a la vanille 181 539. Beignets souffles 182 544. Brioche 183 545. Pate a brioche panachee 184 575. Charlotte-Russe 199 584. French chestnuts with coffee sauce 202 562. Cream pastries with almonds 192 525. Rice croquettes J 74 541. Baked custard 183 542. Boiled custard 183 549. Duchess cakes with peach marmalade 186 548. Chocolate eclairs 186 547. Eclairs 185 561. Fanchonettes 192 526. French pancakes 175 554. Gateau d'Artois 189 559. Gateau fourre a. la creme 191 557. Gateau fourre aux amandes 191 558. Gateau fourre" aux pommes 191 550. Gateau St. Honore 187 583. Jelly of mixed fruits 201 580. Jelly of rum 200 581. Wine jelly 200 560. Mars 191 582. Meringues 201 555. Mince pie 189 585. Nougat 202 522. Omelette a la C£lestine 173 523. Omelette souffle , 174 20 230 FRENCH DISHES. ART. PAGE 519. Sweet omelette 173 521. Omelette with jam 173 520. Omelette with rum 173 556. Pastries la Conde" 190 540. Almond puddings 1S2 530. Pudding au Marasquin 177 528. Bread pudding 176 527. Cabinet pudding 175 529. English plum pudding 177 531. Rice pudding 178 532. Rice pudding (another way) 178 543. Trifles 183 573. Angel cake 19S 572. Chocolate cakes 197 574. Pound cake 198 569. Savoy cake 196 567. Sponge cake 195 571. Tea cakes 197 564. Gateau G noise 193 563. Gateau Madeleine a l'Orange 193 565. Gateau Savarin 194 568. Lady fingers 195 570. Macaroons 196 566. Manquet - 195 588. Chocolate ice cream 204 587. Coffee ice cream 203 591. Neapolitan ice cream 204 589. Strawberry ice cream 204 590. Strawberry mousse 204 586. Vanilla ice cream 203 594. Orange ice 206 595. Pineapple ice * 207 596. Orange baskets 207 593. Frozen apple pudding a la Marie Heloise 206 592. Nesselrode pudding 205 597. Roman punch 207 INDEX. 231 APPENDIX. A Few American Receipts for Buckwheat Cakes, Corn Bread, Waffles, Gingerbread, etc. ART. PAGE 598. Buckwheat cakes 20S 600. Indian meal griddle cakes 208 599. Wheat flannel cakes 208 601. Corn bread 209 602. Fairies 209 606. Cookies 210 604. Gingerbread 209 605. Ginger snaps 210 603. Waffles 209 607. Boiled potatoes 210 60S. Boiled rice 211 THE END. GASTRONOMY AND HOUSEKEEPING. Household Hints % A Book of Home Keceipts and Home Suggestions. By Mrs. EiiMA W. Babcock. Flexible cloth, with illuminated design. 12ino. 60 cents. Contents : I. Introductory ; II. Bread, Tea, and Coffee ; III. 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