TX 556 .B4 F7 Copy 1 C C^^^^ MMi^-^^ L^^-n^-' ^ 6>f /0€^ ^yi^^t:yC^f) Y^^ry^L.. PHOSPHORUS IN BEEF ANIMALS. \ / N^"^ BY r - d' Kit FRANCIS AND Pfr. 'TROWBRIDGE. I (From the Labobatory op Agricultitral Chemistry, University op Missouri, Columbia, Mo.) From JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. VIII, No. 1, July, 1910 r-l Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry; vol. vii, no. 6, 1910. i r^ PHOSPHORUS IN BEEF ANIMALS^ Part I. By C. K. FRANCIS and P. F. TROWBRIDGE. (Front the Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the University of A^lissouri.) (Received for publication, March 12, 19 10.) t Introduction. This study constitutes but a part of the results obtained from the experiment Uses to Which the Animal Puts its Food now being conducted by the University of Missouri, and considers the quan- tity and to some extent the character of the phosphorus contained in the organs, tissues, etc., of beef animals. The investigation is similar to that of Laws and Gilbert.^ "A knowledge of the quantitative relation of the organs or parts, and of the ultimate and proximate composition of animal bodies, is of great interest in many points of view. Especially is a know- ledge of the general composition of animals slaughtered as human food of great importance in the application of chemistry and phy- siology to dietetics. To the farmer, too, who is engaged in produc- ing animal food for consumption— it is very desirable to know something of the chemical relations of the substances so produced and sold, to the constituents expended in producing it. In other words, he should possess some data for determining — what is the probable proportion of the consumed food, or of its several con- stituents, which he recovers in the form of meat? How much he may calculate as manure and how much as expenditure or loss by the fooding process." ^From the thesis presented to the Faculty of the University of Missouri by C. K. Francis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ^Phil. Trans., part 2, 1859; "Composition of Animals," Rothamsted Exp. Sta., 1858. 481 482 Phosphorus in Beef Animals The investigators quoted above published their conclusions over half a century ago, and added another contribution later * but did not have access to modern apparatus or methods. The most recent work in this same field has had for its chief object the perfection of analytical methods. Especially promi- nent in this respect have been the researches of Zaleski,^ Hart and Andrews,^ Koch and Woods, ^ Ivanhoff,^ Schulze and Castoro,® and Emmett and Grindley.^ Hart, McCullum and Fuller ^ work- ing with pigs, have shown the rdle of inorganic phosphorus nutri- tion. Forbes^ has demonstrated that the tenderloin of the pig contains 0.195 P^r cent to 0.352 per cent of phosphorus. Emmett and Grindley*" claim that one-fourth of the total phosphorus in beef is in the soluble organic form and that different methods of cooking meat give products which differ as to the quantities and the nature of the phosphorus contents. The same investigators show the composition of several cuts from beef animals. From unpublished data obtained in this laboratory it appears that raw meat contains fully 75 per cent of its total phosphorus in the organic form, and that the cooking of meat changes the organic phosphorus to an inorganic form depending in extent upon the temperature at which the meat is cooked. Proescher and Abderhalden " demonstrated the relationship between the composition of milk of different species and the time required to double the weight of their young according to the following table. ^2 ^Phil. Trans., 1883, p. 865. ^Ber. hot. Ges., xx,p. 426, 1902. ^Amer. Chem. Journ., xxx, p. 470, 1903. *This Jourtial, i, nos. 2 and 3, 1906. ^Ber. hot. Ges., xx, p. 366, 1902. ^Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., xu, p. 477, 1903. ''Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, xxviii, p. 25, 1906; Journ. Ind. and Eng. Chem., i, nos. 7 and 8, 1909. ^Amer. Journ. of Physiol., xxiii, p. 246, 1909. ^Bull. 81, Missouri Exp. Sta. ^"Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, xxviii, p. 25, 1906; also Ibid.,xxvi, p. 1086, 1904; xxvii, p. 658, 1905. ^^Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., xxiv, p. 285. ^^Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., xxvii, p. 594. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 483 TABLE I. DATS FROM BIRTH RE- QUIRED TO DOUBLE WEIGHT PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF MILK SPBCIES Protein Ash Calcium Phosphorus Man 180 60 47 22 15 14 9.5 9 6 1.6 2.0 3.5 3.7 4.9 5.2 7.0 7.4 10.4 0.2 021 0.022 Horse 0.4 0.086 0.057 Cow 0.7 0.78 0.84 0.80 1.02 1.33 2.50 0.114 0.143 0.178 0.178 0.321 0.636 0.087 Goat 0.122 Sheep p. 127 0.135 Swine Cat Doe 0.223 Rabbit 0.437 This relationship is extremely interesting and important for it shows how essential to the development of the animal is the selec- tion of appropriate food. Characters of Animals Slaughtered. All the animals except nos. 504, 523, and 525 were fed a mix- ture consisting of 2.5 parts grain (8 parts cracked com to i part linseed meal) and i part alfalfa hay; the three mentioned received 2 parts grain to i part alfalfa hay, the grain consisting of 6 parts cracked com, 3 parts whole oats and i plart linseed meal. The general details of each animal are shown in Table II below. An animal on maintenance is held at constant weight. The medium ration was designed to give the animal maximum thrifty growth without laying on fat. The sub-maintenance animal was made to lose one-half pound per day. Method of Obtaining Samples. At the time of slaughtering, which was done by an expert butcher, the weights of all organs were obtained after which they were grouped according to their functions for laboratory analysis. Forty-eight hours later an expert from one of the large packing houses cut the right half of the carcass into the regular whole- sale cuts. These were weighed and then separated into lean, fat and bone. In some cases the lean and fat of several cuts was grouped into composite samples for regular analysis and for the 484 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE II. Character of Animals Slaughtered. NO. KIND OF ANIMAL AGE CONDITION CLASSIFICATION OF CARCASS REMARKS 18 Grade shorthorn steer 3 years 6 mos. Very thin . Cutter On maintenance 6 months 43 Jersey cow 7 years 6 mos. Fat No. 3 beef See note A. below. 48 Grade shorthorn steer 4 years 6 mos. Very fat No. 1 beef Full feed for 21 months. 121 Grade shorthorn steer 3 years 6 mos. Fairly fat No. 1 beef Full feed for 6 months. 504 Grade Hereford steer 1 year 9 mos. Fat Prime beef Full feed all his life. 523 Grade Hereford steer 2 years Medium No. 3 beef Medium ration all his life. 525 Grade Hereford steer 2 years Thin Good canner Ration fed so as to cause \ lb. gain per day all his life. 592 Grade Hereford steer 1 year 10 mos. Emaciated Poor canner Submaintenance for 11 months. See note B. below. 594 Grade Hereford steer 11 mos. Fat No. 1 baby beef Shorthorn Blood pre- dominant. Full feed all his life. 595 Grade Hereford steer 1 year 9 mos. Thin Canner Maintenance for a year. 597 Grade Hereford steer 1 year 6 mos. Medium No. 3 beef Fed until fat, then held at maintenance for 7 motnhs. Note A— Was kept on maintenance for a year, while giving milk, then dried up and held at the same weight until exact requirement was established. The feed was then changed to that mentioned above and the animal put upon full feed. Note B — The condition of the skeleton of this steer was remarkable; the marrow having practically dis- appeared, being replaced with a watery malodorous liquid with none of the properties of normal marrow ."ind totally lacking in greasy or fatty appearances. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 485 determination of the water soluble portion, the composition of which is discussed in this paper. Preparation of the Samples. The cut or composite of cuts was first weighed in a tared con- tainer, then cut into small pieces and the entire sample passed twice through a meat grinder. First a coarse disc was used in the grinder then a finer one, the sample being completely mixed be- tween each grinding. After quartering the sample was put through the grinder a third time. This process of grinding (with a gradual reduction of the coarseness of the disc used in the ma- chine) mixing and quartering, was continued until the sample weighed about i kilo. Details of Analytical Methods. A weighing bottle was nearly filled, about 75 to 100 grams, with the well mixed sample, leaving room for a small aluminum spat- ula and the glass stopper. After weighing an approximate amount was transferred by means of the spatula to the proper vessel and the exact weight obtained by difference. All determinations were made in triplicate. Moisture. The moisture content was determined on about 3 grams by the Benedict vacuum method as modified for this laboratory. ^ Fat. The thimbles from the above determination were placed in Soxh- let extractors and extracted for twenty-four hours with ether distilled from sodium. The ether remaining in the thimble was driven off at a tem- perature not to exceed 60° C. and the tubes were then dried in vacuum dessicators as per above. The loss in weight represented the fat content. The results were very satisfactory, the tripHcates generally agreeing closely. Ash. About 10 grams of meat (15 grams if fat) were placed in a No. o porcelain crucible, heated for about two hours in an oven at 80°, then the temperature gradually raised to about 120° until thoroughly dried. When dried the sample was charred at a very gentle heat over a Bunsen burner. Very slowly the heat was increased to complete the combustion of the organic material. It was necessary to exercise considerable care to *P. F. Trowbridge: U. S. Dept. Agric. Bureau of Chem., Bull. 122, p. 215, 1908. L. F. Shackell: Amer. Journ. of Physiol., xxiv, p. 325, 1909. 486 Phosphorus in Beef Animals prevent fusion of the ash, frequently two days being consumed in the process. The residue, cooled, weighed and calculated to ash in the fresh sample. Total Phosphorus. After the estimation of the ash was completed, each crucible was placed in a 250 cc. Jena beaker, sufficient nitric acid (sp. gr., 1.42) added to fill the crucible, then 10 cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr., 1.2 1 ) together with a few cubic centimeters (5 to 10) of water, and heated on the water bath for two hours. Some samples needed six or eight hours digestion. The crucible was rinsed with hot distilled water and the contents of the beaker neutralized with ammonia (sp. gr., 0.90); a slight excess of nitric acid was added, then 100 cc. ammonium molyb- date solution and the mixture heated to 65° in a water-bath for one hour. The solution was allowed to stand in a warm place for two hours; filtered (No. 597 S.&S. or no. 100 Swedish paper) and washed about five times al- ternately with a solution of ammonium nitrate which contained 100 grams in a liter, ^ and with cold water. The original beaker containing traces of the yellow precipitate was placed under the funnel and the precipitate dissolved with dilute ammonia and hot water. Usually about six washings with 2.5 per cent ammonia were sufficient to dissolve the ammonium phosphomolybdate precipitate. The solution was then neutraUzed with hydrochloric acid and a few drops of ammonia added, ^ cooled, and 15 cc. magnesia mixture added slowly, with constant stirring. After a few minutes 15 to 20 cc. of ammonia (sp. gr., 0.90) were added and the solution allowed to stand at least two hours. Filtered and washed with 2.5 per cent ammonia solution, until free from chlorides: dried, ignited to whiteness and weighed as magnes- ium pyrophosphate. Preparation of the Solution for Soluble Phosphorus. Of the lean meats exactly 120 grains were weighed out in three portions, or 180 grams of fat samples in four weighings, and distributed into twenty 100 cc. Jena beakers^ in approximately equal amounts. Fifty cc. of recently boiled, nitrogen-free water were measured out and the portion of meat in beaker no. i moistened with about 5 cc, then mixed with a stirring rod to a pasty, condition; more water added and mixed until the whole 50 cc. had been added. This operation was repeated with each of the 20 beakers. After standing about one-half hour with frequent stir- * Satisfactory results have been obtained by alternate washings of the filters with ammonium nitrate solution and water. 2W. Pawlenko {Vyestink Sakh. Promnish., No. 37, p. 417, 1906) finds that alkaline magnesia mixture gives as accurate results as the neutral mixture (Abs., Exp. Sta. Record, xx, p. iii, 1908). ' The beakers were numbered and the division of the different portions indicated, so that if a beaker was broken it was not necessary to reweigh the whole sample, but only that portion from which the loss occurred. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 487 ring, the extract was poured onto 1 1 cm. (No. 595 S.&S.) filters and filtered into 300 cc. Florence flasks without permitting the major portions of the residue to flow from the beakers. If during the process, any considerable amount of the meat residue collected upon the filter, it was returned to the corresponding beaker with the aid of the stirring rod. Next 25 cc. of the neutral, nitrogen-free water was added to the residue in each beaker, mixed thoroughly and poured on the filter when the first portion of the extract had all passed through. This was repeated until eight 2 5 cc. por- tions of the water had been used in addition to the first 50 cc. portion, making 250 cc. of extract from each portion. The residue in the beaker was transferred to the filter with the last 25 cc. of water, the beaker and filter washed twice with 10 cc. portions of water. This made a total of 270 cc. of water used for each flask. The extract was transferred to a 2 -liter measuring flask and then to a glass stoppered bottle of approximately 8 liters capacity. Each Florence flask was rinsed twice with about 12 cc. of water. The 6 liters^ of the extract were mixed, avoiding aeration, and filtered through a dry filter. Total Soluble Phosphorus. 500 cc. portions of the extract were meas- ured into 600 cc. beakers and evaporated on the water bath to a volume of about 50 cc; with the aid of 15 cc. of sulphuric acid and hot water this was transferred to 500 cc. Kjeldahl flasks. Then about 0.7 gram mercury together with 5 grams of potassium sulphate were added and the solution digested as for nitrogen determinations. After cooling, the liquid and any residue were washed into a 250 cc. beaker, slightly diluted with water and neutralized with ammonia. The operation was then completed as under total phosphorus. Soluble Organic Phosphorus.- 600 cc. portions of the extract were measured into 1000 cc. Erlenmeyer flasks, 5 cc. of 10 per cent barium chloride solution, 10 cc. of ammonia (diluted, i :i) and 45 cc. of water added making a total of 660 cc. representing 12 grams of the original sam- ple; thoroughly mixed, covered with a watch glass and allowed to stand over night or until the precipitate had settled. Filtered through a dry filter and 605 cc. (eleven-twelfths) of the filtrate,^ placed in a dry 1000 cc. Erlenmeyer flask, 10 cc. of 5 per cent potassium sulphate solution and 45 cc. of water added, making a total volume of 660 cc. Thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand long enough for the precipitate to settle, then filtered or decanted, according to the condition of the precipitate. 600 cc. (five- sixths of the original sample) were measured into 800 cc. beakers and treated in the same manner as under total soluble phosphorus above. ^Excess of solution was used for other determinations than those men- tioned below. ^Siegfried and Singewald: Zeitschr. f. Ndhr. Geniissni., x, p. 52, 1905. ^Representing 11 grams of the sample of lean meat or 16.5 grams of fat meat. 488 Phosphorus in Beef Animals Soluble Inorganic Phosphorus. The difference between the organio and the total soluble phosphorus was considered to be inorganic phos- phorus. Originally attempt was made to ascertain the amount of this constit- uent by means of the Hart and Andrews method' as modified by Emmett and Grindley^ but the results were not satisfactory. The method was used on a considerable number of samples, the results of which compared favorably with those of Emmett and Grindley, showing practically all of the phosphorus present to be in the inorganic form. However, it became apparent that the percentage of organic phosphorus, when obtained by differences, did not correspond with actual organic phosphorus according to the method of Siegfried and Singewald.^ It was thought that an error was introduced through the fact that in the Emmett and Grindley method, and all others met with in the literature, the solution was heated before precipitation. Data * obtained in this laboratory from experiments on the cooking of meats seemed to warrant the above assumption. These experi- ments, as previously mentioned, indicated that the inorganic phosphorus was increased through the cooking. In order to study this question and compare the methods a series of experiments were undertaken. Experiments with Water Solutions of Beef. The solutions were prepared by mixing 600 grams of the lean meat with about 1000 cc. of water and pouring on a cheese cloth filter. After squeezing, the residue was returned to the mixing vessel (a thick glass jar), another 1000 cc. portion of water added and after mixing again poured on the filter. This operation was repeated six or seven times. The volume of the . liquid was made up to 15 liters and then divided into three parts (a, b and c) of 5 liters each and each portion filtered through a dry filter (18 cm. S.&S.N0.59S). Part a was analyzed as follows : (i) Three portions of 500 cc. each marked G{H&A) for inorganic phos- phorus according to Emmett and Grindley's^ modification of Hart and Andrew's method. 'Hart and Andrews: loc.ctt. ^Emmett and Grindley: loc. cit. ^Siegfried and Singewald: loc. cit. *Journ. of Ind. and Eng. Chem., ii. May, 19 10. ^Journ. Anter. Chem. Soc, xxviii, p. 25, 1906. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 489 (2) Three portions of 500 cc. each, marked g,h, i, for total soluble phos- phorus by the method described above. (3) Three portions of 600 cc. each marked ;, k, I, for organic phos- phorus by Siegfried and Singewald's method already mentioned. Part b was placed in a large Florence flask of about 6.5 liters capacity, closed with a rubber stopper fitted with a reflux condenser and from which a thermometer was suspended in the liquid. The flask was then immersed in a deep water bath and stirred by shaking occasionally while the tem- perature was gradually raised to about 60° and maintained for 15 minutes. The temperature of the liquid and the bath were recorded every five min- utes and at no time were the two readings over a few degrees apart. After cooling, usually overnight, the solution was filtered and then ana- lyzed by the same methods mentioned for part a. Part c was also heated under the same conditions, but the temperature in each case was somewhat higher than that employed for part b. The time during which the maximum temperature was maintained was the same. The results of these experiments are set down in Table III. Discussion of Data. The results given include the data from the preliminary tests (Series 993) and while the figures are not as uniform as those obtained from later experiments, when the details had been per- fected, the general trend is to be observed. Attention should be called to the fact that part a 91 118, was prepared according to the regular water extract method, as de- scribed on page 486, while parts b and c were made by weighing another portion of the same sample and extracting by the special method adopted for these tests. The total soluble phosphorus determinations indicate the efficiency of the special method, at least so far as the phosphorus content is involved. Since in the regular analysis of the cold water extracts only the Siegfried and Singewald method was used, the determinations by the Emmett and Grindley method are lacking for part a. In the same series parts d and c, heated to 70.3° and 90.7° respec- tively, the inorganic phosphorus determined according to Em- mett and Grindley shows considerably lower results than with any of the other experiments; this discrepancy cannot be explained. A comparison of the total phosphorus in the cold solution with that obtained after removing the coagulum formed by heating at the different temperatures, indicates that practically no phos- 490 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE III Effect of Heat upon the Form of Phosphorus in Meat Solutions. SOURCE OF SAMPLE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE PHOSPHORUS (per cents) Total Organic Inorga- nic by dlffer- Inorga- nic by G. (H. &A.) 993o Round lean fllllSa. 9928o. Qin27a. Chuck and neck steer no. 523. . . . Round lean. Lean composite from cow no. 4. Cold (20°) 60.2° 70.2"= Cold (20°) 70.3' 90.7' Cold (20°) 50° 70.5° Cold (20°) 51.7' 70.2 0.164 0.165 0.162 0.164 0.164 0.164 0.146 0.143 0.144 0.131 0.130 0.127 0.106 0.067 0.014 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.059 0.095 0.150 0.151 0.152 0.134 0.131 0.017i 0.127 0.086 0.086 0.082 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.126 0.024 0.102 0.126 0.0221 0.104 0.126 0.023 0.103 0.125 0.016' 0.109 0.125 O.O22I 0.103 0.127 0.136i 0.070 0.146 0.146 0.147 0.147 0.146 0.144 0.146 0.146 0.104 0.092 0.067 0.066 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.118 0.062 0.137 0.080 0.083 0.098 0.139 0.111 0.139 0.025 0.033 0.027 0.028 0.147 0.142 0.146 0.145 0.139 0.131 0.125 0.126 0.129 0.094 0.079 0.077 0.070 0.079 0.066 0.132 0.042 0.054 0.080 0.081 0.120 0.121 0.122 0.056 0.057 0.125 0.129 0.126 0.131 0.133 0.125 0.130 0.127 0.118 0.118 0.117 0.073 0.118 O.lOei 0.119 0.117 0.111 0.120 0.118 0.139 0.028! 0.111 0.118 C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 491 phorus is precipitated with the coagulum. This conclusion agrees with that of Emmett and Grindley.^ A portion of the organic phosphorus is converted into the in- organic form when heated above 50° and therefore the method proposed by Emmett and Grindley, or any method which involves heating of the cold water extract before precipitation of the in- organic phosphorus, cannot represent the true condition of the phosphorus in the flesh. The relation of the inorganic and organic phosphorus to the total phosphorus as shown in the above table, may be seen in Table IV in which the data have been averaged and calculated to per cents in each case. In the samples examined it appears that the cold extracts con- tained from 52 to 65 per cent of the total soluble phosphorus in the organic form, which when heated to about 70°, was reduced to from 9 to 20 per cent, accompanied by a corresponding in- crease of the inorganic phosphorus. The change occurred to a greater or less degree at other temperatures, but seemed to be practically complete at 70° as is especially shown in Series 91 118. Here it will be observed that there was only 3 per cent less organic phosphorus in the solution after heating to 90.7° than was found in part b which had been heated to 70.3°. Water Extracts of Beef. The data presented in this part were obtained from the analy- ses of selected cuts from steers 504, 523 and 525. The history of these animals has been given on page 484 ; they were in the order named above, fat, medium and thin respectively. For purposes of comparison and to help interpret the results, water and fat determinations made on the original sample are included in the tables. All analytical data are expressed in per cents. From the data reported in Table V it is evident that the round lean contains more phosphorus, in forms which are soluble in cold water, than any of the other cuts ; the lean of the loin con- ^ Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc, xxviii, p, 1906. 492 Phosphorus in Beef Animals a, -5 m 05 ^ o ^H O (M t- 00 T— 1 — o O o t^ t>- t^ O O o (M ^ o ^ O lO >o o ^-H 10 05 t-- CT) 2 o S 00 CO T-H e o d 00 O o lo >— 1 CO •rf< 03 ^H lO CO 00 00 • o t^ CO CTi u o t^ O CO cc CO O <— 1 00 00 T— ( 1 o cc t>. CO a-. -o O O O: d o »o 00 lO o -^ iC 00 Cold 00.0 62.23 t^ o e I> CO 1> Q cc 05 rH S_ <=> o ■* t^ O iM oo -H 00 lO 1— 1 o lO lO ^^ . rO d d 00 1—1 lO t^ o ^ 00 CO Oi 2o?2 b- co « o§S ■* cc I— 1 CO o ^ in o- ;. d d o- c 00 t^ o cr 00 1—1 O CC l> '^ cq o c c: T-H fC ^ S d d i> N ■^ o- co o o- 00 2oJ5 o r~) O CO ^ O iC ^ ^ c CO '^ t- 00 rf 00 I— 1 1 a ^ w !>> ;>> nO ^ cc 73 3 =5 >. tr O sl^ tzi ^ ^ JS -73 3 <^ a a fl G- 2 "= ^ a: CO 73 •z- 25 J3 ^ S 3 03 r.C a ■i! 1- a. erat pho in n c3 C r^ a — ' c bC 1- S) "S £ 1 a -if £j O O Ih (-7 *" O ^ 1— 1 ^ Ph H H c HH C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 493 CQ s > -w s "w < ^ "» y CC ?». Ot^^cOoOOOCOOO £3 rt>— i-^-^GOOiOi— i^^io an 0000000000 oooocJooooo Oi— ioi^C0^C0^00»O OD 1 fl 0000. n i-Hi— (1— 1.— Ii— IOi-HOt— 10 dddddddddd --J "-do Ot^l:^t>.OiOC5(MCO(M »J 03 t-HOCOi— IIQOOOCOCOOO OQ 1 ll^ t^ioiocDoooa»o-*'»(N dddddddddd _ ooooit^^i-icoioooTf 03 OOOt:^00^(Mi— i(N^ O-HOO^O^O^O iri dooddddodd 3 lOCDC^OsCOOlOOOOt^ m 3 ■*Tt(d>d>odci n s ^^ f0CClr-'O'*O'— llOt^^H a TfirfiOOClCOOOiMcOiro ^rH,-HrtrtO^O.-IO Eh doodddoodd OC0J ■^5 H 3 J on cocciiMciiod»cd->*'d tJ Pi 03 4:: • 00 s riiT -r! -^ 1 (3 03 TO n< § lucks anks { umps . 72 " "^ J! % "o 'o 05 a o3 d fat d fat d fat round 3unds loins. )ins. . , fl flcn^iit^HJi^"?; o3 cSoSrto^O^O^ 1=1 5a3c3c3e3-i^o3-iJo3-iJ *^(Da)5C^C^ (M (NiMCaca(M(MiM(MiM & .— 1 IZ! 00 00 GO 00 00 00 GO 00 00 00 ' 494 Phosphorus in Beef Animals taining the smallest amount. The following table shows the quantity of the total phosphorus which is soluble. TABLE VI. Cuts of Steer No. 504 Arranged According to Percentage of Total Phosphorus which is Soluble. TOTAL PH OS- DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE PHORU8 WHICH IS SOLUBLE Round lean 93 . 3 Rib lean 76 . 6 Rump 72 . 6 Shin, shank, head and tail 68.5 Chuck and neck 68 . 4 Flank and plate 68 . 3 Loin lean 67 . 9 Loin fat 60.0 Rib fat 45.1 Round fat 36 . 6 The soluble inorganic phosphorus ranges from o.oii to 0.015 per cent in the fats examined; from 0.029 to 0.089 ii^ those cuts in which the lean and fat was combined; from 0.073 to 0.093 in the lean cuts. Table V seems to indicate that the lean round, a medium price cut, contained practically the same amount of total phosphorus as the lean loin, an expensive cut. Moreover, the amount of soluble phosphorus was considerably less in the lean loin. To aid in the study of these relations the data were arranged in the order of the total soluble phosphorus content as shown in Table VII. It appears from the above tables dealing with steer no. 504 that the fats contained very little soluble phosphorus, an average of 0.013 per cent ; the cuts in which the lean and fat were combined for analysis contained from 0.07 to o.io per cent; the lean cuts from 0.12 to 0.18 per cent. When the results are reduced to a dry and fat-free condition the percentage of total soluble phos- phorus in the fats becomes 0.2 to 0.43 per cent; lean meat re- ferred to the same basis contains from 0.59 to 0.85 per cent. When the meat is freed from both water and fat the results are raised considerably; the fats from 0.20 to 0.43 ; the lean cuts from 0.53 to 0.85. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 495 TABLE VII Cuts of Steer No. 504 Arranged According to Percentage of Total Soluble Phosphorus Referred to the following Conditions of the Cuts. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE WATER- AND PAT-FREE FAT-FREE WEIGHT OF CUTS Fat of rounds Fat of ribs Fat of loins Lean and fat of flanks and plates Lean and fat of rumps Lean and fat of shins, shanks, head and tail Lean and fat of chucks and neck Lean of loins Lean of ribs Lean of rounds Composite* 0.011 0.014 0.015 0.069 0.077 0.098 0.100 0.123 0.128 0.181 0.076 0.205 0.282 0.432 0.537 0.617 0.710 0.567 0.589 0.666 0.850 0.543 0.050 0.072 0.099 0.126 0.145 0.123 0.131 0.140 0.155 0.199 0.127 Grams 9818 6770 18340 49650 10846 16070 59808 33676 18506 37238 76566 * The results shown hero were obtained by calculation from the data reported on the fat and lean of the following: shin, shank, head and tall; flank and plate; rump. TABLE VIII Partial Composition of Selected Cuts from Steer No. 523. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE SOLUBLE PHOSPHORUS ea"c8 -3T) <» a fl fci H 91118 91121 91122 91123 91124 91125 91126 91136 Lean and fat of chuck and neck Lean of round Fat of round Lean of loin Fat of loin Lean of rib Fat of rib Composite of leans and fats exclusive of above samples* 8372.78 59 78 .0335 .8274 .82 .5975 .4924 10.290.1290.7620.1440.0430.086 1.930.1540. 60. 220. 027 ( 10.41( 777 0.1900 0.1520.9790 16.5077.940.0160.2860 9.300.1390.9080 1164.980.0290.2660 0.157 0680 1690 0730 1530 083 0.0290.125 0150.012 0530.099 0050.011 0670.072 0.0130.016 3.2363.8020.410.1050.6640.1320.029 0.076 * This composite sample was made by combining aliquot parts of the lean and fat of the following: shin, shank, head and tall; flank and plate; rump. 496 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE IX. Cuts of Steer No. 523 Arranged According to Percentage of Total Soluble Phosphorus. Referred to Different Conditions of the Cuts. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE FRESH CONDITION WATER AND FAT-FHEE CONDITION FAT-FREE CONDITION WEIGHT OF CUTS Fat of loin , Fat of round Fat of rib Composite Lean of fat and chuck and neck Lean of rib Lean of loin Lean of round 0.016 0.027 0.029 0.105 0.129 0.139 0.152 0.154 0.286 0.190 0.266 0.664 0.762 0.908 0.979 0.777 0.073 0.068 0.083 0.132 0.144 0.153 0.169 0.157 grams 3188 2278 761 24535 6016 12917 16946 The above tables referring to steer No. 523, show that the fresh samples contain a little more phosphorus than the corresponding cuts from steer No. 504. The relation does not hold though when the results are compared on a fat free basis; the average results of both only differing in the third place. This is of some interest in view of the fact that No. 504 had been well fed all his life, while No. 523 had had onlyamedium ration. However the former produced a carcass that graded Prime while the latter' s carcass graded No. j. It will be noticed in Tables X and XI referring to No. 525 that the lean of the round and loin cuts contains about the same amounts of soluble phosphorus when compared on either the fresh sample, or the same reduced to a fat free basis. When cal- culated to a dry and fat free condition the soluble phosphorus in the round is considerably increased over that of the lean loin and other cuts. Steer No. 525 was a thin animal having been so fed that he gained only one-half pound daily during his life of two years. When slaughtered he was thin, the carcass grading as a good canner. Or in other words, the carcass would be used by the packers for dried beef, corned beef, etc., the quality not being good enough for sale in the retail market as fresh beef. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 497 TABLE X. Partial Composition of Selected Cuts from Steer No. 525. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE O m SOLUBLE PHOSPHORUS ^ si 91168 91171 91172 91173 91174 91175 91176 91186 Lean and fat of chuck and neck Lean of round Fat of round Lean of loin Fat of loin Lean of rib Fat of rib Composite of leans and fats exclusive of above samples* 7772.99: 8.430 8379.85 3.330 29|40.19l56.250 7276. 66J 3.350 1225.5870.750 71 1.7730.36,61.43 3.71 70.51 8.680 65.43 1330 1580 0290 1590 0190 1410 0.0320 7160. 9330. 8140, 795!o 518|0, 677iO, 3890 1450 1630 0660 1640 0650 1540 0830 0400.093 ,0380.120 .0130.016 .031j0.128 ,007i0.012 .0190.122 .013i0.019 17.290.1120.64810.1350.028,0.084 ' Obtained In the 8ame way aa noted under Table VIII. TABLE XI. Cuts of Steer No. 525 Arranged According to Percentage of Total Soluble Phosphorus. Referred to Different Conditions of the Cuts. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE FHESH CONDITION WATER AND FAT-FREE CONDITION FAT-FRBB CONDITION WEIGHT OK CUTS Fat of loin 0.019 0.029 0.032 0.112 0.133 0.141 0.158 0.159 0.518 0.814 0.389 0.648 0.716 0.677 0.933 0.795 0.065 0.066 0.083 0.135 0.145 0.154 0.163 0.164 grams 1879 Fat of round 981 Fat of rib 332 Composite Lean and fat of chuck and neck . Lean of rib 17912 5833 Lean of round 13762 Lean of loin 9355 49^ Phosphorus in Beef Animals Discussion of the Data. The average per cents, disregarding the weights of the cuts, of total soluble phosphorus reduced to a fat free basis, for the loin rib and round fats of steers 504, 523 and 525 were 0.074, 0.071 and 0.071 respectively; the lean portion of the loin, rib and round contained o . 1 6 5 , o . 1 60 and 0.160. The soluble phosphorus in the same lean cuts when reduced to a moisture and fat free condition averages for the three animals as follows, 0.702. 0.888 and 0.802, named in the same order as above. The average per cents of the soluble phosphorus in the fats calculated according to weight are as follows : Fresh Substance. Round fats, 0.015 per cent; rib fats 0.016 per cent; loin fats, 0.015 P^r cent. Water and Fat Free Substance. Round fats, 0.298 per cent; rib fats, 0.282 per cent; loin fats 0.41 1 percent. The soluble phosphorus of the lean portions averaged in the same way as the preceding, appears as follows : Fresh Substance. Lean rounds, 0.169 per cent; lean loins, 0.135 per cent; lean ribs, 0.133 per cent. Water and Fat Free Substance. Lean rounds, 0.856 per cent; lean loins, 0.693 per cent; lean ribs, 0.715 per cent. F. W. Woodman, of this laboratory has shown' that the fat ether soluble, extracted from bones contained but 0.003 per cent total phosphorus. The above demonstrates very clearly that the phosphorus in beef flesh is found chiefly in the muscular or connective tissue. A comparative study cannot be made of the forms of phos- phorus found in the water extracts prepared from the three ani- mals because soluble inorganic phosphorus was determined in samples from steer No. 504 by the Emmett and Grindley method. It has been demonstrated, page 491, that their method gives results which are too high . It is possible that the condition of the animal may influence the relative amount of organic phosphorus and it is unfortunate that this point cannot be cleared up here. Another investigation conducted in this laboratory, working on the composite sainple from a very thin animal, shows that 26 per cent of the soluble ^ Journ. of Ind. and Eng. Chem., i, p. 725, 1909. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 499 phosphorus is organic. Cuts from, a very fat animal show from 52 to 70 per cent of the soluble phosphorus to be in organic forms. Another fat animal gives even higher figures for this component 72 to 87 per cent. To avoid variables, the weights of the lean and fat of each cut were added and from the percentage composition, a new per cent for soluble phosphorus was computed which then represented the entire cut. The per cent of soluble phosphorus thus obtained was reduced to a fat free, and moisture and fat free condition. The results of this computation are given in Table XII. TABLE XII Soluble Phosphorus in the Cuts Calculated to Fat-Free, and Water and Fat- Free Substances. BASIS OF COMPARISON Number of steer FRESH SUBSTANCE 504 523 525 WATER AND FAT-FREE 504 523 525 PAT-FREE 504 523 525 Chuck and neck Round Loin Rib Composite .... 0.100 0.145 0.084 0.097 0.076 0.129 0.139 0.125 0.126 0.105 0.133 0.149 0.135 0.135 0.112 0.5671 0.762 0.807 0.774 0.570 0.630 0.543 0.923 0.850 0.664 0.716 0.934 0.782 0.670 0.648 0.131 0.189 0.135 0.147 0.127 0.144 0.152 0.163 0.149 0.132 0.145 0.157 0.159 0.152 0.135 If we study Table XII, which really includes most of the others pertaining to the analytical results of the animals under dis- cussion, several things become apparent. The fresh substance of 504 contains less soluble phosphorus than the other animals, the round cut excepted; steer 525 con- tains more than 504 and 523 in every instance. The composite representing the cheapest cuts in the animal, contains the least, while the round, a medium priced cut, contains the most. When the soluble phosphorus is expressed in terms of water and fat free substance, the round of 504 and 525 are highest, but the loin contains the most in the cuts from 523. The cheap cuts remain uniformly low. It is difficult to surmise a reason why the round cut is high in phosphorus. A glance at the total solids which are soluble in water, seems to indicate the same tendency. The round cut consists of muscular tissue subjected to considerable work and 500 Phosphorus in Beef Animals but seldom relaxed; it contains more water than the other cuts and is high in total soluble solids. Such conditions would natur- ally favor the retention of soluble phosphorus compounds. More- over it would indicate more muscle plasma than the other cuts, the rib or loin for example. There remains to be discussed the influence of age and condition. Steers 523 and 525 were the same age, but the soluble phos- phorus content, fresh substance, of 523 is uniformly lower. Steer 504 was three months younger, and the cuts from it contain the least soluble phosphorus. A glance at the second division of Table XII will suffice to show there is no age relation on the water and fat-free basis. It is impossible therefore, to say that age has any influence in this respect. As to condition, it will be recalled that 504 was fat, 523 medium, and 525 thin. On the basis of the fresh meat, it appears that the thin animal contains in each cut more soluble phosphorus than the others; No. 523 more than 504 with the exception of the round cut. On the water and fat free basis it will be observed that the cuts of 525 are above those of 504 except the loin and rib; and if the round is not considered, No. 523 contains more soluble phos- phorus than 504. These results appear to show that the flesh of the thin animal contains more soluble phosphorus than the fat one ; also that the quantity decreases with increasing fatness even when reduced to a moisture and fat free basis. CONCLUSIONS. (i) A method which involves heating of the solution before precipitation of the inorganic phosphorus, does not yield results which represent the true condition of the soluble forms of phos- phorus compounds in cold water extracts of beef. (2) Soluble organic phosphorus compounds existing in beef and in cold water extracts of the same^ are converted into inor- ganic forms by heat. a. The change is practically complete when the temperature is maintained at 70° for fifteen minutes. b. From 52 to 65 per cent of the total phosphorus in cold -v^ ater extracts is in the organic form, but may be reduced to from 9 to C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 501 20 per cent if heated to about 70°, accompanied by a correspond- ing increase of the inorganic phosphorus. (3) The round cut of beef contains more phosphorus, in forms which are soluble in cold water, than any of the other cuts. (4) Phosphorus is found chiefly in the muscular or connective tissue, the fats contain but little. (5) The flesh of a thin animal contains more soluble phosphorus than that of a fat animal. (a) The quantity decreases with increasing fatness even when it is expressed on a moisture and fat free basis. Reprinted from The Journal or Biological Chemistry; vol. viii, no. i, 1910. PHOSPHORUS IN BEEF ANIMALS.' PART II. By C. K. FRANCIS and P. F. TROWBRIDGE. (From the Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.) (Received for publication, April 22, 1910.) Distribution of Phosphorus in Tissues and Organs. The fresh samples were analyzed by the methods previously described.^ Moisture and fat, ash and total phosphorus were de- termined on separate samples in triplicate. The average results are reported. Eight animals are considered in the following tables. Animals 592, 595, 597, and 594 were young and in various conditions as indicatedin Table II, previous paper. The next four, 18, 121, 48, and 43 were mature; also varying in condition. Method of Obtaining Samples. The samples of blood and the organs were obtained at the time of slaughtering. Forty-eight hours later, when the right half of the carcass was cut into wholesale cuts, the lean, fat and bone samples were taken for analysis. In each case the entire cut was ground, as previously described, before the sample was sent to the laboratory. Samples Analyzed. The following organs, tissues, etc., were analyzed. In many cases, owing to lack of time, it was necessary to combine several parts; these are enclosed in brackets following the designation under which 1 This is a continuation of the previous paper. This Journal, vii, p. 481, 1910. * Ibid. 82 Phosphorus in Beef Animals they appear in the tables of results. Analyses of bone samples are not included in this paper. Blood: Liver: Digestive and excretory system [tongue (total, less bones), gullet, stomach (clean, less fat), intestines (clean, less fat), spleen, pancreas, thymus (neck), thymus (heart), gall bladder and contents, kidneys, bladder (less contents), penis (or uterus and vagina), diaphragm (skirt)]: Circulatory system [heart, pericardium and fat, arteries]: Respiratory system [trachea, lungs and fat]: Nervous system brain, spinal cord]: Hair and hide : Offal fat [omentima or caul, fat from intestines, fat from stomach] : Kidney fat : Lean and fat of head and tail : Lean and fat of shin and shank : Lean of round: Fat of round: Lean and fat of rump: Lean of loin: Fat of loin: Lean and fat of chuck and neck: Lean and fat of flank and plate : Lean of rib : Fat of rib : Udder. It was not possible to adhere to the above outline with every animal, but any change made will appear in the following tables of analyses. TABLE I. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 592. 9151 9158 9154 9155 9156 9157 9152 9179 9178 9169 9170 9175 9173 9172 9171 9174 9176 9177 9168 Blood Hair and hide Circulatory system Respiratory system Nervous system Digestive and excretory system. Liver Kidney fat Offal fat Head and tail^ Shin and shank Chuck and neck Flank Rump Round Loin Plate Rib Composite of leans and fats . . . H pa « < m H ^ « S o W W O Pk 83.68 0.800 0.019 61.06 1.178 0.039 77.41 0.923 0.137 79.11 1.162 0.159 76.21 1.407 0.323 82.89 0.863 0.183 71.34 1.540 0.333 81.42 1.213 0.067 81.60 1.055 0.109 71.89 1.071 0.160 76.37 0.979 0.164 77.84 1.040 0.170 75.35 0.937 0.130 77.36 1.089 0.173 77.25 1.070 0.184 77.16 1.076 0.179 75.10 0.996 0.146 77.01 1.084 0.168 76.37 1.045 0.174 none 0.49 5.49 5.56 9.78 3.61 3.04 4.59 5.03 8.69 1.21 1.52 0.90 3.04 2.01 1.62 3.06 2.09 1.87 'In all carcass cuts lean and fat were combined for analysis, if not otherwise stated. C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 83 TABLE II. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 595. 9251 Blood 9258 Hair juid hide 9254 I Circulatory system 9255 Respiratory system 9256 Nervous system 9257 Digestive and excretory system 9252 Liver 9279 Kidney fat 9278 Offal fat 9269 Head and tail lean 9281 Head and tail fat 9270 : Shin and shank lean 9282 ; Shin and shank fat 9271 I Round lean 9283 i Round fat 9272 j Rump lean 9284 Rump fat 9273 Flank and plate lean 9285 Flank and plate fat 9274 Loin lean 9286 Loin fat 9275 Chuck and neck lean 9287 Chuck and neck fat 9277 Rib lean 9289 Rib fat 9268 I Lean composite 9280 ! Fat composite 80.63 64.09 63.68 77.99 67.21 75.34 70.85 26.88 31.36 72.88 49.89 75.08 51.45 75.86 40.07 73.29 26.40 70.63 36.94 73.21 27.65 74.73 41.67 72.82 26.96 73.52 36.79 0.747 1.422 0.744 1.013 1.492 0.784 1.473 0.334 0.319 0.961 0.587 0.997 0.629 1.044 0.495 1.050 0.419 0.983 0.516 1.003 0.419 0.998 0.529 0.996 0.554 0.997 0.492 n p^ P ^ K ^ « A< p< a CLi 0.029 0.061 0.145 0.179 0.361 0.148 0.319 0.050 0.050 0.182 0.071 0.187 0.065 0.203 0.062 0.205 0.069 0.180 0.058 0.199 0.064 0.187 0.080 0.191 0.082 0.196 0.069 none 1.47 21.65 4.05 18.60 10.92 3.39 69.66 62.23 7.33 32.28 3.00 27.62 2.41 45.19 5.60 62.39 8.34 46.84 5.48 62.78 4.21 46.04 5.67 58.13 4.91 48.54 84 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE ni. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 597. g 8951 8958 8954 8955 8956 8957 8952 8980 8979 8970 8982 8971 8983 8972 8984 8973 8985 8974 8986 8977 8989 8975 8987 8976 8978 8990 8969 8981 Blood Hair and hide Circulatory system Respiratory system Nervous system Digestive and excretory system. Liver Kidney fat Offal fat Head and tail lean Head and tail fat Shin and shank lean Shin and shank fat Round lean Round fat Rump lean Rump fat Flank lean Flank fat Plate lean Plate fat Loin lean Loin fat Chuck and neck lean Chuck and neck fat Rib lean Rib fat Lean composite Fat composite 80.60 61.60 51.37 74.75 71.26 71.74 70.30 7.50 17.97 70.97 35.69 73.48 40.19 74.32 26.64 70.77 18.18 67.08 22.24 63.90 24.90 71.64 18.96 73.07 29.46 69.01 21.86 71.29 25.49 0.339 0.646 0.764 0.956 1.726 0.672 1.376 0.115 0.462 0.859 0.435 0.881 0.326 0.956 0.285 0.919 0.223 0.907 0.215 0.762 0.253 0.945 0.250 0.866 0.315 0.862 0.286 0.928 0.292 0.025 0.051 0.125 0.162 0.417 0.122 0.332 0.014 0.032 0.164 0.061 0.170 0.046 0.193 0.052 0.185 0.040 0.176 0.031 0.148 0.038 0.183 0.044 0.171 0.055 0.164 0.051 0.178 0.048 none 2.29 37.15 6.16 13.20 15.19 2.70 90.22 77.88 8.98 49.97 4.07 44.31 3.69 63.61 8.18 74.18 11.35 68.20 16.18 66.17 5.94 73.76 5.69 58.72 10.26 70.19 8.54 62.82 C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 85 TABLE IV. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 594- 8232 8235 8240 8221 8233 8244 8245 8288 8289 8290 8297 8291 8298 8292 8299 8293 82100 8294 82101 8295 82102 8296 82103 8242 8243 Blood Hair and hide Circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems Digestive and excretory systems Liver Kidney fat Offal fat Shin, shank, head, tail, lean Shin, shank, head, tail, fat Round lean Round fat Rump lean Rump fat Loin lean Loin fat Flank lean Flank fat Plate lean Plate fat Rib lean Rib fat Chuck and neck lean Chuck and neck fat Lean composite Fat composite 79.34 64.38 65.74 71.70 68.82 5.48 10.96 73.64 41.91 72.64 20.75 71.22 13.52 70.22 13.41 65.64 19.57 65.09 22.99 68.90 14.27 72.95 23.29 71.31 20.05 0.318 0.965 0.863 0.932 1.340 0.072 0.170 0.916 0.445 1.024 0.243 1.023 0.181 0.986 0.168 0.905 0.151 0.861 0.268 0.856 0.202 0.916 0.269 0.985 0.231 0.055 0.072 0.181 0.193 0.347 0.020 0.034 0.182 0.077 0.207 0.043 0.212 0.036 0.191 0.031 0.176 0.025 0.170 0.044 0.171 0.035 0.178 0.046 0.193 0.044 none 3.62 18.94 12.27 5.27 93.16 85.87 4.94 44.84 5.34 71.01 7.23 82.36 8.30 82.47 13.71 72.85 15.47 69.75 10.53 80.82 6.81 70.25 6.88 72.90 86 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE V. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 18. 71156 71157 71167 71168 71161 71166 71189 71162 71190 71165 71180 71181 71182 71183 71184 71185 Blood Hair and hide Circulatory system Respiratory system Nervous system Digestive and excretory system Kidneys Liver Kidney fat Offal fat Shin, shank, head, and tail Round and rump , Loin Flank and plate Rib Chuck and neck 81.29 65.36 56.50 74.71 68.83 66.51 75.05 68.99 10.04 16.62 67.43 66.50 59.90 52.51 62.79 66.48 n a 0.688 0.868 0.751 0.959 1.757 1.634 1.085 1.253 0.120 0.172 0.771 0.883 0.788 0.649 0.821 0.818 0.022 0.068 0.123 0.151 0.422 0.129 0.211 0.311 0.021 0.027 0.145 0.172 0.157 0.124 0.161 0.154 none 2.88 30.07 6.46 17.62 18.13 8.74 3.47 86.96 79.72 11.99 13.26 21.72 30.10 18.04 14.07 C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 87 TABLE VI. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 121. 71250 Blood 71262 Hair and hide 71254 Heart lean 71255 Circulatory system less heart 71256 Respiratory system 71257 Nervous system 71258 Digestive and excretory system less stomach, tongue, liver and kidneys 71274 Stomach 71253 Tongue edible 71251 Liver 71260 Kidneys 71261 Kidney fat 71259 Offal fat 71265 Shin, shank, head, and tail 71273 Chuck and neck 71266 Round and rump lean 71267 Round and rump fat 71268 Loin lean 71269 Loin fat 71270 Flank and plate 71271 Rib lean 71272 Rib fat PER CENT MOISTURE PER CENT ASH EH ^ M « s H B- « PL. 77.97 0.248 0.028 54.42 0.758 0.056 77.38 1.000 0.211 27.42 0.205 0.039 63.96 0.808 0.170 68.36 1.562 0.395 55.54 0.633 0.126 78.26 0.971 0.200 60.40 0.642 0.132 68.36 1.312 0.353 76.58 0.950 0.229 4.48 0.070 0.012 9.52 0.129 0.022 62.30 0.733 0.142 59.14 0.702 0.142 69.96 0.957 0.191 14.41 0.153 0.030 67.22 0.943 0.185 9.08 0.133 0.024 40.07 0.500 0.095 60.98 0.777 0.153 10.68 0.135 0.027 none 4.97 4.39 65.27 19.69 19.50 31.73 8.21 25.27 4.72 5.56 94.67 88.02 18.18 24.43 8.18 80.61 11.40 87.84 47.70 20.87 86.04 88 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE VII. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Steer No. 4S- 91101 91112 91105 91104 91106 91107 91108 91110 91109 91102 91111 91134 91135 91120 91121 91122 91123 91124 91125 91126 91127 91128 91129 Blood Hair and hide Heart marketable Circulatory system less heart Respiratory system Nervous system Digestive and excretory system less tongue, stomach and kidney and liver. Stomach Tongue edible Liver Kidneys Kidney fat Offal fat Shin, shank, head and tail Chuck and neck Flank and plate Rump Round lean Round fat Loin lean Loin fat Rib lean Rib fat s H ^ ^ H ^ ^ « ^ H P m U H 2 O H « 2 « < « ^ w 2 m w o p. s 0. 79.41 0.775 0.021 59.24 0.197 0.048 65.83 0.835 0.158 10.07 0.145 0.026 49.42 0.669 0.117 69.63 1.813 0.425 64.16 0.697 0.128 74.75 1.073 0.227 56.02 0.743 0.126 69.73 1.392 0.307 70.75 1.154 0.199 3.76 0.126 0.016 6.22 0.093 0.012 57.84 0.829 0.142 49.67 0.693 0.123 30.15 0.421 0.064 36.91 0.509 0.093 64.43 1.015 0.192. 27.75 0.251 0.027 61.78 0.956 0.174 12.60 0.146 0.023 56.86 0.827 0.150 15.81 0.155 0.021 none 8.60 19.45 88.45 37.39 13.05 22.41 11.94 29.50 4.26 12.16 94.71 92.09 23.47 34.95 61.11 52.67 13.42 67.35 18.26 84.76 24.74 81.37 C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 89 TABLE VIII. Composition of Cuts and Organs of Cow No. 43. 91051 Blood 91057 Hair and hide 91054 Circulatory system 91055 Respiratory system 91056 Nervous system 91053 Digestive and excretory system 91052 Liver 91089 Kidney fat 91058 Offal fat 91068 Head and tail lean 91078 Head and tail fat 91069 Shin and shank lean 91079 Shin and shank fat 91070 Round lean 91080 Round fat 91071 Rump lean 91081 Rump fat 91072 Loin lean 91082 Loin fat 91073 Chuck and neck lean 91083 Chuck and neck fat 91074 Flank lean 91084 Flank fat 91075 Plate lean 91085 Plate fat 91076 Rib lean 91086 Rib fat 91077 Composite of leans 91087 Composite of fats 91088 Udder 80.40 63.30 47.45 71.86 72.72 76.66 72.17 6.14 11.63 68.81 27.64 72.44 53.49 73.20 30.25 67.67 24.02 71.11 16.40 67.27 19.96 67.37 26.04 63.27 23.00 65.45 22.86 69.86 19.50 69.37 0.742 1.252 0.505 0.902 1.441 0.736 1.341 0.095 0.074 0.889 0.345 1.067 0.618 1.026 0.406 0.955 0.225 0.959 0.189 0.968 0.247 1.016 0.289 0.888 0.250 0.907 0.317 0.966 0.247 0.805 0.030 0.072 0.103 0.164 0.354 0.140 0.339 0.016 0.020 0.169 0.044 0.196 0.061 0.195 0.059 0.185 0.035 0.186 0.029 0.184 0.039 0.188 0.029 0.165 0.041 0.173 0.044 0.186 0.033 0.138 none 4.27 46.74 12.84 13.48 10.80 2.21 94.29 88.20 13.41 68.24 5.65 35.27 6.92 65.23 12.71 79.34 12.27 82.97 12.33 78.00 13.52 70.87 18.80 79.23 17.87 78.45 12.71 78.75 17.19 90 Phosphorus in Beef Animals TABLE IX. Summary — Phosphorus Calculated to Water and Fat Free Conditions, Per Cents. NO. OF ANIMAL 592 595 597 Condition Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Blood 0.019 0.039 0.137 0.159 0.323 0.183 0.333 0.067 0.109 0.163 0.184 0.173 0.179 0.142 0.168 0.170 0.174 0.116 0.101 0.801 1.037 2.305 1.356 1.299 0.479 0.815 0.762 0.887 0.882 0.844 0.637 0.804 0.824 0.799 0.029 0.061 0.145 0.179 0.361 0.148 0.319 0.050 0.050 0.175 0.192 0.178 0.185 0.162 0.189 0.181 0.185 0.149 0.177 0.988 0.996 2.544 1.077 1.238 1.445 0.780 0.822 0.905 0.927 0.917 0.796 0.883 0.881 0.877 0.025 0.051 0.125 0.162 0.417 0.122 0.332 0.014 0.032 0.145 0.171 0.141 0.145 0.114 0.148 0.153 0.151 0.129 Hair and hide 0.141 Circulatory system 1.088] Respiratory system 0.849 Nervous system 2.683 Digestive and excretory system. Liver 0.033 1.229 Kidney fat 0.614 Offal fat 0.771 Shin, shank, head, and tail Round 0.708 0.846 Rump 0.827 Loin 0.791 Flank and plate 0.690 Rib 0.782 Chuck and neck 0.789 Composite of leans and fats 0.819 C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 91 TABLE IX.— Continued. 594 18 121 48 43 Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free Fresh Moisture and Fat Free 0.055 0.266 0.022 0.117 0.028 0.127 0.021 0.102 0.030 0.153 0.072 0.225 0.068 0.214 0.056 0.137 0.048 0.149 0.072 0.222 ro.i23 0.916 0.103 0.906 0.076 1.756 0.103 1.772 0.181 1.181 j 0.151 0.802 0.170 1.039 0.117 0.887 0.164 1.071 0.422 3.114 0.395 3.253 0.425 2.453 0.354 2.565 0.193 1.204 0.131 0.851 0.162 1.131 0.175 0.953 0.140 1.115 0.347 1.339 0.311 1.129 0.353 1.316 0.307 1.179 0.339 1.323 0.020 1.470 0.021 0.700 0.012 1.206 0.016 1.045 0.016 0.034 1.072 0.027 0.737 0.022 0.894 0.012 0.710 0.020 0.164 0.818 0.145 0.705 0.142 0.727 0.142 0.759 0.176 0.899 0.191 0.143 0.922 0.968 j 0.172 0.850 0.155 0.859 f 0.146 \o.093 0.842 0.892 0.182 0.126 0.983 1.176 0.158 0.883 0.157 0.854 0.124 0.857 0.098 0.872 0.141 1.168 0.125 0.798 0.124 0.713 0.095 0.776 0.064 0.732 0.125 1.018 0.149 0.821 0.161 0.840 0.120 0.839 0.082 0.804 0.149 1.112 0.163 964 0.154 0.792 0.142 0.864 0.123 0.799 0.158 0.923 0.167 0.869 0.153 1.085 92 Phosphorus in Beef Animals SUMMARY. In Table IX the phosphorus content for all samples has been calculated to a moisture and fat-free condition. The results for the young animals, 592, 595, 597 and 594, are quite uniform among themselves, but this is not so striking for the other four mature animals. The largest amount of phosphorus was found in the circula- tory systems and the nervous systems. Two of the mature ani- mals, a cow (43) and a steer (48), showed abnormally high results in the circulatory systems. Two animals, 18 — which was 3.5 years old and very thin — and 121 — which was also 3.5 years old, but fairly fat — contained more phosphorus in the nervous systems than the other animals. The Jersey cow, which was the oldest animal examined, showed the highest average amount of phosphorus. So far as the phosphorus in the flesh of the cuts is concerned, it is impossible to draw any final conclusion with the amount of data available. Steer 594, young, fat, and in a very thrifty condition, contained more phosphorus — moisture and fat-free basis — than steers 18, 121 and 48, three mature steers. It was also superior in this respect to 592, 595 and 597, which were young, but not in so thrifty a condition. The mature cow, however, showed in the flesh cuts a higher phosphorus content than any of the other ani- mals discussed. This can hardly be attributed to condition, be- cause 121 was fully as fat, and 48 much fatter. Whether it was due to age is a little doubtful, as she was only two years older than 48. We are more inclined to think that the breed or the high phos- phorus diet (bran, etc.) previous to the fattening period may have been influential. The wholesale cuts of the seven steers show an increasing amount of phosphorus, compared on the moisture and fat-free basis, in the following order: flank and plate; shin, shank, head and tail; rib, chuck and neck; loin; round; rump. In other words, those cuts thin in character and which have the largest amount of con- nective tissue contain the smallest amount of phosphorus. It is remarkable that the very thin steer 592, while comparatively low in phosphorus, showed a higher percentage of ash in every cut than any of the other animals. Steer 595, also thin, contained some- C. K. Francis and P. F. Trowbridge 93 what less, but still higher than the other remaining animals. Steer 121, well fed and in excellent condition, gave comparatively low results in ash. It is to be noted that there seems to be no relation between the phosphorus and the ash. An explanation of the fact cannot be attempted until the analyses of the various samples of ash are completed. I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PR ESS OF WIULIAMS & WIL.KINS COMPANY BALTIMORE