SHORT TREATISE OIX HORTICULTURE: EMBRACING DSSCRIPTIOKS OF A GREAT VABIETX 0? Fruit and Omamental Trees and Shriihs. Grape Vines, Btdhous Floicers, Green-Bouse Trees and Plants, Sfc. SfSABLY ALL 0? WHICH ABE AT ?BESEST COMPRISElJ IN THE COllICTIO^S OF TBE liltSTIIBATI BOTANIC GABBED, At* Flushing, near New-York. WITH Directions for their Culture, Management, &c. BY WILLIAM PRINCE, PROPRIETOR OF THE ESTABLISHMENT, C. M. of the Linnsean Society of Paris, of the Horticultural Society of London, and of the Imperial Society of the Georgofili at Florence, &c. I L \ JVEW-YORK. PRINTED BY T. AND J. SWORDS^ No. 127 Broadway. 1828. Southern District of JVe^v-York, ss. ■OE IT REMEMBERED, that on the ISih day of April, ■'^ A. D. 1828, in the fifty -second year of the Independenee of the United States of America, William Prince^ of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he elaims as author, in the words following, to wit: *'A Short Treatise on Horticulture: embracing descriptions of a great Tariety of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Gr.ipe Vines, Bulbous Flowers, Green-House Trees and Plants. &c. nearly all of whirh are at present comprised in the collection of the Linnsean Butanic Garden, at Flushing, near New-York; with Dii-ections for their Culture, Manage- ment, &e. By William Prince^ Proprietor of the Establishment, C. M. of the Linnsean Society of Paris, of the Horticulcural Society of London, and of the Imperial Society of the Geox'gofili at Florence, &c." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States^ entitled ** An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the \uihors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the time therein menfioned." And also to an Act, entitled " \n Act, supplenventary to an Act, entitled an Act for the Encouragement of Learaing, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Au<= thors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times tlierein rnentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the Arts of Designing, Engraving, and Etf huig Historiifai aad other Prints." FRED. J. BP:TTS, Chrk of the Southern JDistrict of JVe-'MfYerk^. X ENGLISH INBEX, ^; page Abele, cr ^,=!7er leaf tree 86 Ailanthus, Chinese 82 Althea frulex 96 Alder, European 132 Almonds, culture of 21 for stocks 15 Amaryllis, varieties of, described 175 Anemone 157 Antholyza 178 Angelica tree 85 Andromeda 140 Apricots, somevarietiesdescribed 20 Apples, nfw ones described 6 for cider 6 Arbor vitse S3 Artemesia 151 Ash, European, different sorts described 95 Ash, Chinese _ 96 Mountain 117 Asparagus 76 Astiapaa, Wallack's splendid 194 Azale», Indian 191 Azarole 91 Barberry, holly leaved 139 Beech, varieties of 95 Bitteisweet, American 137 European 137 Bl-.iddernut I'^O Bladder senna 86 Box, varieties of, described 86 Boxthorn,different sorts described 1 05 Bramble 116 Buckthorn 112 Budding, or inoculating 8U Bulbous and tuberous flowers, directions for the culture of 155 Cactus, different sorts described 189 Camellia, or Japan rose 167 some new var. described 1 67 Camphor tree 191 Candytuft, ever flowering 19(' Gibraltar 190 Cape jasmine, varieties of 175 Carolina yellow jasmine 141 Carob tree 164 ^Carnations, directions fw cul- tu-e of 153 Catalpa 132 Cherri- s, some varieties described 28 Chestnuts 34 Cherimoyer 163 page Chinquapin, common 35 Prince's large 35 Christ's thorn 112 ' hrysanthemum 151 Cinquefoil shrub 110 Clematis, or virgin's bower 87 great Japan do. 189 Clethra, alder leaved 86 Coboea, a climber 194 Concluding remarks on culture ot ornamental trees and shrubs 142 Corrsea 190 Coriaria, myrtle leaved 92 Creeping cereus 189 Currants 40 Cypress 92 Dahlia 179 Date, Chinese 162 Datui a, great Peruvian 174 Dogwodd 89 Dyer's broom ISO madder 76 Eardrop 195 Elder 117 Elm, different sorts described 128 E^pacris, heath-like, purple flower- ing 191 Euphoria long yen 162 litchi 162 Ficus, or fig of the East-Indies, varieties of 192 Fig, European 38 Gilberts 37 P'ir trees 83 Fire blight 8 Flax, New-Zealand 195 Franklinia 140 Fringe tree, purple, or Vene- tian sumach 114 Fi inge tree, white, or chionanthus 92 Fruits, nomenclature of 77 synom ms iu 77 acclimation of 78 Geranium, family of 180 to 189 Gladiolus 179 Grapes, varieties & culture of 41 to 70 Gianadilla 164 Green-house trees, shrubs, and plants 160 Greville rose 147 •iroundsel tree 136 Guava 164 iv ENGLISH INDEX. page Hand plant of Mexico 195 Hawthorn 90 Heath 193 Hercules' dub 85 Hibiscus, Chinese rose 174 Ciiinese changeable 174 Holly, different soits described 98 Honeysuckle, different kinds de- scribed 103 Honey locust 133 Hops 75 Horse-chestnut 83 Horse-tail 94 Hoy a carnosa, or wax flower 194 Hyacinths, and other bulbs, to bloom in pots or glasses 157 Hyacinths, remarks on culture of 159 Hydrangea 97 Indigo shrub 85 Indian currant 139 India ru bber tree, or ficus elastica 1 9'2 Ingrafting 80 Ivy, evergreen 101 deciduous 102 Ixia 178 Japan globe flower 1 38 Japan lily 157 Jasmine 99 Carolina yellow l4l double Arabian 178 duke of Tuscany 's 178 Jei-seytea 96 Judas tree 90 Jujuba 16'2 Juniper 108 Kentucky coffee 101 Kidney-bean vine 100 Koelreuteria 142 Laburnum, or golden chain 93 Lachenalia 178 Larch 132, 133 Laurel, varieties of 191 Lemon tree 166 Lilac, varieties of, described 121 Linden, or lime, different sorts ilescribtd Liquorice Live hedges Lobelia, or cardinal flower Locust tree Lote tree Madder Magnolia, Araerican,varietie9 of 81, 82 Chinese, var. describe*! 173 Mango 16 Maple, some varieties described 8 Medlar, European 37 22 19 137 17 79 110 94 161 166 79 81 134 178 172 150 123 75 84 179 115 162 76 page Medlar, Japan 163 Mountain nsh 117 Mulberries for table use 33 for ornament 33 for- silk worms 33 Myrtle, varieties of 178 Nandina, Chinese 193 Nectarines, culture of 18 to c tuse them to hold their fruit varieties described Nettle tree Nomenelature of fruits Nursery soils Oaks, different sorts described Oleaster Olive Orange tree, culture of Orchards near the sea-shore Ornamental trees, shrubs, &c. Osage orange Oxalis PiBony moutan, or tree pseony some varieties of Chinese herbaceous pseonies de- scribed Passionflower, varieties of 164,165 Pears, culture of 8 varieties described 8 to 12 Peaches, culture of 14 some varieties described 17 Periwinkle, varieties of Persimmon Phylica, neath leaved Pistachia PittosporUm, varieties of Plane tree Planting of trees, directions for Plums, culture of some varieties described Poplar, varieties of Pi-lvet, or prim Priile of India Purslane tree Pyracanthn, or evergreen thorn Quinces, culture of Chinese Japan Ranunculus, culture of Raspberries, culture of Rhubarb for tarts Roan tree Ruses, some varieties described Chinese and hybrids Rose acacia Rose apple 131 37 190 163 190 106 4 22 23 107 103 134 13G 109 3a 32 157 39 76 76 117 143 146 116 165 ENGLISH INDEX. pstge Rose bay, or Rhododendron 1 1.3 St. John's wort, varieties of 97 — 190 Scirpus tuberosus, an article of food Scor^jion senna Snowberiy Snowdrop, or white fringe tree Soil, culture, kc. Spii'sen, different sorts described Staphylea Stone pine Strnwheriy tree Str;\wberries,vRrieties& cultureof 71 Sumach, tanner's ll4 Venetian, or purple fringe tree Sycamore, European American Synonyms in fruits Sjringo, different sorts described 107 Tamarix 1'22 Tenner's sumach 114 T«^a tree, bohea and hyson 155 Thorn, evergreen, or pyracantha 109 Three thorned acacia 133 Toothache tree 130 Traveller's joy 87 Transplanting, season of 3 165 9^ 139 92 5 119 120 164 93 114 84 106 77 page Trefoil shrub 110 Trees, &c. on their arrival at the place of destination 4 to cause th< m to thrive 5 Trumpet creepei', different sorts described 140 Tulips, some remarks on 158 Venetian sumach, or purp. fr.tree 114 Venus' fly-trap 193 V^iburnum, some var. described 124 Virgin's bower 87 large flowering of Japan 189 Virginia silk, or periploca 106 Virgiii a, or yellow wood 138 Walnuts, some new var. described 36 culture of 35, 36 Water chestnut 165 Wax tree of China 191 Wkx flower, or hoy a carnosa 194 Weeping Itirch 136 Wendlandiu 138 Whin, or furze ISO Willow, varieties described 127 over the tomb of Napoleon 126 Witch h^zel 103 Yellow wood 158 Yew tree 83 Yucca, some varieties described 149 LATIN INDEX. page page Acacia julibrissin 135 Amaryllis formosissima 175 Acer campestre 85 gigantea 177 montanum 85 johitsoni 176 negundo 85 longitblia 176 platanoides 85 purpurea 176 pseudo-platanus 84 rcgin«e 176 rubrum 85 sarniensis 176 sacharinum 84 vif.t'^ta 176 striatum 85 undulata 176 JEsculus pallida 83 Amorpha fruticosa 85 macrostacbya 83 Andromeda talyculflta 140 rubicunda S3 paniculata 140 Ailanthus 82 Anona cherimolia 163 Agapanthus umbellatus 192 Antholyza 179 preecox 192 Aralia spinosa 85 Alnus glutinosa 132 Arum crinitum 193 Alstrosmei ia ])elegrina 192 arisarum 193 ligtu 192 ternatum 193 Amaryllis atamasco 176 covsicum 193 aurea 176 macu latum 193 Lelladona 176 tenuifolium 193 curvifolia 177 Arbor vitje 83 n LATIN INDEX. page Artemesia 151 Astrapaea walliclii 194 Atriplex haliraus 136 Azalea indica 191 Bacchnris halimifolia 136 Berhei'is aqui folium 13'J Betula pendula 136 Bignonia catalpa 13!^ radicans, v. flammea 140 V. coceiDea 141 cruci^era 141 grandiflora 141 capreolata 141 Brunsvigia josephinse 192 Buxus sempervirens 87 balearica 87 Cactus flagelliformis 189 grandiflorus 189 speciossissimus 189 speciosus 189 triangularis 289 Calycanthus glaueus 84 floridus 84 pensylvanicus 84 l8evig9tus 84 Xn-iecox-Iutea 84 aiba 84 Calla jethiopica 19^2 Camellia jv^ponica 167 sasanqua-alba 17l» rosea 169 Ceanothus amerlcanus 90 Celtis austrtilis 137 crassilblia 137 oici-ifinalis 137 Celastnis scandeiis 137 Ceratonia 164 Cercis siliquastruna 90 canadensis 90 Cheirostemon platanoides 195 Chionanthus njontanus 92 marifimus 9 Chrysanthemum sineiise 151 Cissus hederacea 10£ arapelopsis 10. stans 10. Clematis virginica 87 vitalba 87 viticella 88 crispa 88 viorna 8S ere eta 88 integrifolia 89 i sericea 89 flammula 89 1 oritntalis 89 Aorida 189 page Clethra alnifolia 86 Cobcea scandens 194 Colutea arborescens 86 halepica 86 cruenta 86 Corchorus japonicas 138 Coiiaria myrtit'olia 92 Cornus sanguinea 89 florida 89 alba 90 mascula 89 stricta 90 CoiTjeaalba 190 virens 190 CoroniUa em eras 93 glauca 191 juncea 191 monophylla 191 prostrata 191 Grat^gus oxycantha 91 raonogyna 91 azarolus 91 crus galli 91 flava 91 glandulosa 91 salicifolia 91 apiifolia 91 Crinum 155 Crowea saligna 193 Cupressus distieha 92 sempervirenis- 9S Cydonia japoRica 32 Cytisus laburnum 93 sessiiifolius 9S> hirsutus 93 capitatus 93 nigricans 93 Dahlia 179 Datura arborea 174 Diane lla caerulea 192 divarieata 192 j)iervilla lutea 105 ')!0u2ea muscipula 193 '>leagnus 94 'pacris grandiflora 191 ilihedra distichya 94 rica 193 >no!iotrya japonica 163 Eiucomis regia 192 punctata 192 striata 192 undulata 192 Kugeniajambos 163 malaceensis 163 Euonymus eurnpajus 93 atropurpureus 94 americanus 94 LATIN INDEX. Yy Euphoria longyiem IJtchi Eutaxia myrtifolia Fagus sylvatica Feraria Ficus australis bengalensis capensis cordata elwstica macrophyllfl putniia stipulata religiosa Franklinla Fraxinus atrovirens aurea excelsior rotuiidifolia chinensis Fuchsia cocdnea excorticata gracilis lycioides arborescens serrati folia ovt*ta inacrosterama tenella virgata Gardenia floHda campanulata lucida ■ longiflora niicrantha radicans rotandifolia Gelserninum nitidum Genista dncloria Geraniaceae Geranium Campylea Ciconiura Di.n;u"ria Erodium Hoarta Isopetalum O.idia Pelargonium 181 Phytainttnthes Gladiolus Gleditschia macrOHcanthos monosperma ti-iae.nthos Glycine frtitesctns sinensis Glycyx'rhiza page 162 Gordonia 16'2 Gymnocladus 192 Hamanthus 95 coccineus 155 Hammamelis virginica 195 Hedera helix 19-i Mibiscus rosa-sinensis 192 mutdbilis 192 syriacus 192 rioya carnosa 192 Kyacinthus orientiiUs 192 'iydrangea hortensis 192 querci folia 192 vulgaris 140 radiata 95 Hypericum kalmianum 96 prolificum 95 hircinum 96 monogynuHi. 96 Iberis gibraltarica 195 semperQoreos 196 Ilex opaca 196 aquifoliura 196 priuoides 196 fxia 196 Jasminum fruticans 196 humile 196 rewlutum 196 Juniperus suecica 196 sabina 17.i Kennedia coccinea 175 monophylla 175 prostrata 175 rubicunda 175 Kcelreuteriapanieulata 176 Laclienalia 175 Laurus cMmphnra 141 borbonia 13U canariensis 180 carolinibosis 188 fcEtens 188 gbuca 188 indic.a ISS Llgustrum vulgare 180 Lilnini japonicum 187 Lo'ieli!< f'llgens 180 Lonicera cap riff) lium 180 grsttura to 187 sempervirens ISO fraseri 179 putjtscens 134 taitarica 153 xy iosteum 133 ptryclemenura 100 Lycium b rb^ •um 101 europceutu 75 sint^nse page 140 101 155 192 103 101 174 174 96 194 158 97 97 95 97 97 97 98 199 190 190 98 98 99 178 99 99 100 168 109 191 191 191 191 142 178 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 103 157 179 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 104 105 106 106 Vlil JLATIN INDEX. Ligustrura iacidum Madura aurantiaca Magnolia tripetela acuminata auriculata conspicua cordata gracilis annoiiEefolia tlioinpsoniana glauca macropliylla pyi-amiflata graiidiflora obovata fuscata pumila Mangifera indica Maur;»ndiH semperflorens Melia azederach Mespilus arhutifolia amtlancliier lotr}apium japonica pyracantha Mimulus glutiuosus Monsonia speciosa filia vel. pilosa lobata Morus italica lasciniata lohata oblongata ovali folia macrophylla nana rosea Myrtus tomentosa Nandina domeslica Nelumbium luteum Oley europea Oxalis Pseonia moutan banksii papaveraeea rosea whitleji humei fr«grans Passiflora edulis Iwuri folia maliforinis ligularis quadrangularis, &c. Periploca Philadelphus coronarius graiidifforus iuodwus page l>age 19J Philadelphus latifolius 107 134 gracile 107 81 lax us 107 81 napalense 107 82 Phylica ericoides 190 82 Pinus microcarpa 132 82 larix 133 82 Pistachia 163 174 Pittosporum corinceum 190 82 revolutum 190 81 tobira IgO 82 viridiflorura 190 82 undulatuo; 190 82 Platanus occidentalis 106 82 jtcerifolia 107 174 Populus alba 86—107 174 ans^ulata 108 163 b»lsamifera 108 191 dilatata 107 134 hudsoiiiea 108 loy grsecH 108 110 nioniliferj^ 108 no tremuia lOS 163 tiepida 108 109 nigra 108 191 nana 108 177 grrtndidentata 108 177 Potentilla fruiicosa 110 177 floiibunda IIQ 34 Psidium cattley-Hnura 164, 34 pyriferum 164 34 Ptelia trifoliista 110 34 P>rusjapouica 32 34 Quercus robur 111 34 pedunculata 111 34 cenis 111 34 exoniensis 111 178 ilex 111 193 suber 112 165 virens 112 161 Rliamnus calhttvticus 112 178 paliurus 112 17'/ lihododendron ponticum 113 173 maximum 113 173 Khus cotinus 114 150 coriaria 114 150 Robinia pseud-acacia 115 150 Rosa odorala 146 164 albiflora 148 164 banksiae 148 164 grevilii 147 164 laureiicia 148 164 sub alba 148 106 sanguiiiea 148 107 speciosH, &c. 148 107 Salix babylonica 126 107 alba 127 LAtiN INDEX. It Salix caprjea-varlegata pa-,e 1'27 rilia europaea page 123 helix li'S parvifolia 124 forbyana 128 pubescens 124 lucid a 127 Trapa natans 165 nigra 127 » ulipa gesneriana 158 napnieona 127 V^elthemia viridifolla 192 rulira 128 glhuca 192 Tiniinalis 127 Viburnum lanJ-ana 125 vitellina 127 Isevigatum 125 Sarahucus pubescens 117 nudum 125 Scirpus tubeiosus 16n opulus-mseum 125 Solanum dulcamara 117 oxyc<)C<'US 124 Sorbus Mucaparia 117 pubescens 125 atia IK' Vinca herbacea 131 ainericana U> major 131 domestica in media 131 hybrids iif; minor 131 Sowerbsea jnneea 19. '•''irgilia lutta 13S Spartium scoparium 121 Ulex europaeus 130 Spirsea crenata 120 Ulnms alata 129 hypericifolia 119 americana 129 salicifolia 119 campestris 129 opulifolia 119 chinensis 129 sorbifolia 120 montana 12S tomentosa 120 suberosa 129 Staph3'lea trifoliata 120 Wendlandia populifolia 138 pinnata 121 Xylosteum caucasicum 105 Symphoria racemosa 139 ceruleum 105 glauca 139 ciliatum 105 glomerata 139 lute a 105 Syringa vulgaris 121 nigrum 165 persica 122 Yucca gloriosa 150 chinensis 122 filanientosa 149 Tamarix gallica 123 flaccida 149 germanica 123 Zanthoxylum fraxineurl 130 Taxus 83 Zizyphus lotus 162 Tilia alba 124 sinensis 162 americana 124 vulgaris 162 corailina 124 ERRATA. I'age 35, line 26, for " as," read ' for.' Page 36, line 5, for " permantiy," read * permanently.' Page 44, line 7, from bottom, for Oxford "county," read 'township.' Page 53, line 30, for " Nacbacker," read ' Naebacker.' Page 54, line 25, for "Menuier," read ' Meunier.* Page 64, line 23, for '* Gomraier," read ' Gromier,' and at line 25, for "khefner," read 'khlefner' Page 66, line 19, " Fromante," it is now supposed, should not be inserted as a synonym of Meunier, but is believed to be a synonym of Gros Mus- cadet in the 13th line. Page 83, line 5, from bottom, for " Arbour," read * Arbor,' and for "va- rieties," read * species.' Page 180, line 35, for "flowers," read * seed vessels.' ¥» 11 E P A C E< The object of this small publication is merely to give a few brief remarks as to the Culture of Fruit Trees, &c. by throwing together some of the leading rules, whose adoption has proved most successful ; considering that it would be satisfactory as an accompaniment to the Catalogues, and might aid those who are ignorant on the subject — but it is not to be considered as addressed to the connoisseur of Fruits, to whom the most of its details must already be familiar. It was not intended to annex any descriptions of Fruits, as the Author is now engaged in preparing a copious work on that subject; but, in the course of the arrangement, descriptions have been added of many kinds which have re- cently been brought into notice, and of a considerable number of others, which, although long cultivated, are of acknow- ledged celebrity. The numbers attached to the respective Fruits refer to their enumeration in the last edition of the Author's Cataloguci A SHORT TREATISE On the Management of Fruit and Ornamental Trees^ Shrubs^ Plants^ Isfc. nuith cursory Descri/itions of some •ivhich ars of recent introduction and acknowledged merits HE Proprietor of the Linn^an Garden, in supplying the orders for trees, Sec. from remote parts of the United States, having frequent applications for directions for their management to accompany them, concludes that the follow- ing remarks, though brief, will be found acceptable. Season for Transplanting. Spring is the season when we find the most pleasure in making our rural improvements, and from this circumstance probably it has become the most general season for planting trees — but experience has proved the fall planting to be the most successful, especially in those parts of the United States which are subject to droughts, as the trees plant&d in autumn suffer little or none from a drought, when those set out in spring often perish in consequence of it. Notwithstanding, with regard to those fruits that have been originally brought from warmer climates — such as the peach, apricot, nectarine, and almond, which are natives of Persia, Armenia, Sec. — it is necessary for us to consult the operations of climate also, and from a consideration of these attendant circumstances, I have come to the following con- clusion : — In localities south of New-York, the fall season is ])referable for transplanting all trees — north of New-York, the fall is preferable only for the apple, pear, plum, cherry, quince, and all other trees of northern latitudes ; whereas the spring is to be preferred for the peach, apricot, necta- rine, and almond, which, for the reasons before stated, might, during severe winters, suffer from the intensity of the frosts. Still I do not mean to assert, that trees of these ( 4 ) liods are certain to be injured by the winter, as rn very many seasons they are not in the least affected, still they are exposed to vicissitudes which may or may not occur. Many gentlemen, however, of excellent judgment, make theii* plantations in the fall, which only serves to prove, that even- in the most intelligent minds a diversity of opinion exists. Trees^ Isfc. on their arrival at the filace of destination. As soon as the trees arrive at the place where they are to be planted, l^t a trench be dug in eultivated ground, the bundles unpacked, and the roots well wet, and immediately covered with earth in the trench, observing to ir»ake the earth fine that is spread over them, so as not to leave vacan- cies for the admission of air to dry the roots — it having been found by experience, that the thrifiiness of trees, the first season after transplantation, depends much on the fine fibres ©f the roots being kept moist, and not suffered to dry from the time they are taken up until they are replanted — a pre- caution which is always attended to with respect to the trees- sent from the Nui'series of the Proprietor, as the roots are invariably kept moist froni the time they are taken up until they are packed ready to be shipped. Their success, there- fore, must depend principally on the subsequent management" on their arrival at the place of destination ; for if, when the bundles are unpacked, the trees are carelessly left exposed to drying winds, the young fibres of the roots must perish, and th« trees, if they live at all, cannot thrive the iirst sea- son, as they can receive little or no nourishment until those fibres are replaced. Manner of Planting., Let the holes be dug somewhat larger than is sufficient t® admit the roots in their natural position, and of sufficient depth to allow the tree to be placed two or three inches deeper than it was before transplanting — take care to cut off any wounded parts of the root, and to reduce the top full one third, by shortening the branches or thinning them out. Let from two to four shovelsful of well rotted stable manure, in proportion to the size of the tree, be incorporated with the earth, and the whole made fine previous to filling it in ; and, during the operation of filling in the earth, let the tree be several times shaken, in order that the soil may be admitted ( 5 ) among the finer roots; and when completely filled in, let the ground be well trodden down, and finish by making a hollow or basin around the tree, to catch the rain and convey it to the roots, or to receive the watering which it will be neces- sary to give it, should the season prove dry. To cause the Trees to thrive. The ground where they are planted must be kept culti- vated — young trees will not thrive if the grass is permitted to form a sod around them ; and if it should be necessary to plant them in grass ground, care must be taken to keep the earth mellow and free from grass for three or four feet dis- tant around them, and, every autumn, some well rotted ma- nure should be dug in around each tree, and every spring the bodies of the apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees, and others that it is particularly desirable to promote the growth of, should be brushed over with common soft soap, undiluted with water — this treatment will givea thriftiness to the trees surpassing the expectation of any one who has not witnessed its effect. Should the first season after transplanting prove dry, regular waterings will be necessary ; as from a neglect of proper attention in this respect, many lose a large portion of their trees during a drought. Soil^ Culture^ cfc, APPLES. Rich strong loams are the soils most conducive to the growth of the apple — the roots of apple trees being more horizontal than perpendicular, they require a soil less deep than the pear, and it is on this account that moist soils are more requisite for the apple, as the roots, extending them- selves near the surface, are not benefited by the moisture which is found at a greater distance from the surface of the earth. Apple orchards will, however, succeed on any soil, except a quick sand or a cold clay, if proper attention is paid to keeping the ground in constant cultivation, and manure is regularly dug or ploughed in around the trees. Old well rotted stable manure, decomposed vegetable mould from swamps or woods, and river mud, have been found most s-uitabie for this purpose. A 2 C 6 ) APPLES FOR CIDER. Although it is much to be doubted whether any foreign apples are to be found, from which cider can be made to surpass that of several of our native fruits — still, as the en- lightened President of the Horticultural Society of London, Mr. Knight, has brought forward several which he supposes will for this purpose surpass all others, and as the specific gravity of the must is looked upon by many intelligent gen- tlemen to be the point on which superior excellence for this object mainly rests, every enterprising farmer should at least reduce the thing to experiment in a manner satisfactory to himself. Among those enumerated by Mr. Knight are the Grange, specific pjravity 1079 — the Downton Pippin, the Foxley, and the Yellow Siberian, 1080 — and the Siberian Harvey, 1091 — the heaviest must of the old cider fruits appears hot to have exceeded 1079. Some well informed gentlemen consider that these new varieties of Mr. Knight >vill be richer in saccharine matter when reared in this coun- try than they are in England ; and that the cider will be of such strength as to prevent danger from fermentation. A correspondent of much intelligence on the subject, seems also to consider that our apples are only better, because they have a warmer and a dryer climate to mature the juices ; perhaps on this latter ground some parts of France might claim a preference, when in fact it is well known her apples are inferior to those both of England and America. 3n conclusion, it seems proper to recommend that the far- mer, in planting his orchards for cider, should select only the choicest of both countries, for in this way he will be sure, even if some of them do not fully realize his expecta- tions, at least no part of his collection can fall very far short of ito I will now proceed to describe a few varieties of apples 'Which have recently come into notice. 119. Mexander. — This apple, which has attracted much Botice in England, is of recent introduction to this country. It is extremely beautiful ; has in some instances measured 16 inches round ; and notwithstanding its great size seldom ( 7 ) falls from the tree if sound ; it is in eating from October to January, and ihe tree producer xvell. It is esteemed more particuiaiiy as a fine sauc?: apple. Kiressk'ji. — An appi . by the above name is mentioned in Morse's Geography as being cultivated in Russia, and weighing 4 lbs. I have made many attempts to ascertain if a fruit of this name and description existed there, but as yet without a satisfactory result. I am inclined to think the apple referred to is the same as the " Menagere,'* which has, been sent to me as the largest of all apples known in the north of Europe. To what weight this fruit has attained I am not fully apprized; but as our native apple, the New-- York Gloria Mundi, or Monstrous Pippin, sometimes called Ox Apple, has been publicly, exhibited weighing 35 oz., which is about 3 lbs. Troy weight, it may be possible that an apple exists which, in extreme cases, may weigh 48 oz,, or 4 lbs. Troy, and thus verify the statement of Mr. Morse, , who doubtless quoted his information from some European author, whose publication has not met my eye^ 129. Menagere. — Of this apple I have received no other- information than that previously referred to, which is from a gentleman residing on the border of the Rhine, whose opi- nions and statements I consider as the highest authority. He mentions, as I have already remarked, that it is the largest apple known in the north of Europe. 149. Transparent Moscow. — This apple, which is be- yond doubt the same that Mr. Morse has mentioned under the thle of '^Nalivui,'* I have succeeded in introducing, and have already increased it, and disseminated it throughout our country. It is said to have been originally from China,, whence it was introduced to Moscow, and to be most re- markable for its beauty and transparency. In fact, its claims on these points seem to be generally conceded ; and, there- fore, although its introduction has been so recent, that I have not yet seen its fruit, still I doubt not but all that is antici- pated from it will be fully realized. There are several other apples celebrated for their transparency, viz.— -Transparent Zuric, TraBsparent Codlin, and the Transparent, or De Glace. 2. Sinequanon.—''Vh\% title I gave myself to the most pleasant flavoured early apple I have ever seen, perhaps not excepting the " Yellow Harvest ;" from the belief that those who become familiar with it, will deem it an indisfiensable appendage to their orchards, It is nearly green wheo full ( 8 ) ripe, and in eating: "about the same time as the other appte just referred to. For the table, or for cooking, I consider it not surpassed by any of its season. The original tree stands in a field about two miles from my residence, and is a wild- ing. PEARS. These require a deep light soil, in which their perpendi- cular roots can easily penetrate — clay, compact, cold, and wet soils, do not suit their growth. When the roots of the pear penetrate so as to r6ach the water, the branches be- come long and slender, and the leaves narrow, changing speedily to a yellowish appearance, and the ends of the branches often perish, as if burned. With regard to manur- ing and keeping the ground cuUivated, the pear requires the same attention as that prescribed for the apple. This tree is, however, subject to one malady peculiar to itself, com- monly called the Fire ii/z.^-A?, or ^rz^/f^r, which attacks trees in the most flourishing state, generally commencing at the top, or extremity of the branches, and extending downwards. This is caused by a stroke of the sun, which extracts the sap from the uppermost branches of the tree, or from such as are most exposed to its influence, w\\.\\ more rapidity than it can be replaced ; or from powerful rays of the sun heating the bark to such a degree as to arrest or nullify the progress of the sap. It is therefore recommended to plant trees in pear orchards much closer than in those of the apple. The only remedy against these attacks is to immediately saw off the branches one or two feet below where the blight extends, in which case they generally revive. The pear will flourish near the sea-coast, where no other fruit will succeed, except the Sea-side Plum ; and pear trees may often be seen even on a sandy beach, exposed to every storm, and to the perpetual operation of the breezes of the ocean. Under such circumstances their growth how- ever is proportionably diminutive. 4. Early Green Chisel. — This is a green pear of middle size, very full of juice, and the finest flavoured pear of its season ; it ripens about the end of July 9. Jargonelle. — This is a fine fruit, ripening shortly after the preceding ; it is of a green colour, with a little russet on the side next the sun, and has a long neck ; it bears remark* ( 9 > ably well, and is sent in large quantities to the New- York market. In France it is called Cuisse Madame. 42. jiutumn Bergamot. — This pear is rather of a small size, but is one of the finest flavoured melting pears ; it is in perfection in October. 52. Crasanne Bergajnot. — This is an extremely fine fruit; the flesh is very tender, and full of delicious juice; it is one of the finest pears in eating from November to January. 86. Colmar. — Is a fine rich pear, but is not so great a bearer on a standard as on a quince stock ; it is in perfec- tion about January, and is frequently called Winter Berga- mot ; it is highly esteemed. 74. Virgouteuse. — This is a fine melting pear, full of rich juice when fully matured ; ripens in December and January. 49. Virgalieuy or St. Michael. — This delicious pear is known in Europe and America by no less than twelve names, a circumstance that generally proves that a fruit has been, held in great esteem. It is of a fine orange colour, and when left to ripen on the tree, has often a touch of red next the sun. It is a delicious melting pear; highly valued for its expellence of flavour ; is of a good size, fair and hand- some, and ripens from September to November, when gathered from the tree and laid on shelves. There are se- veral new varieties of this pear which have originated at Long-Island, and are highly esteemed. 57. Seckel.'— This incomparable little pear, which is now becoming so widely disseminated in our country and abroad, originated on the farm of Mr. Seckel, about four miles from Philadelphia. It is at least equal to any European pear I have met with, and is by far the highest flavoured pear that has originated in this country. The fruit is of a russet co- lour, with a red cheek next the sun, and grows in clusters of from two to seven in each. I have noticed, that much of its fine spicy flavour is contained in the skin, and in eating it this should not be taken off. It grows more slowly than any pear tree I am acquainted with— and, in fact, at maturity, forms a tree of only moderate size, but peculiarly compact and regular in its form. Although this pear has been figured in the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London, and both European and American gentlemen con- versant on the subject have stated, that no fruit similar to it existed in Europe, still there is a pear which has been long ( 10 ) cultivated in France and England, and almost every other country in Europe, so extremely similar to it, that I venture to assert, that beyond all doubt, it is the jiarent of the SeckeL The pear to which I refer is the "Rousselet de Rheims, or Petit Rousselet," called also in Europe " the Musk^ or Spice Pear.** The growth of the respective trees is similar, and the fruit so much alike, that persons have mistaken them for each other. The difference consists in the part of the fruit next the stem being more pointed in one than th© other, and in the spicy flavour of the Seckel being much higher than that of the Rousselet de Rheims. The colour and size are much the same. 1 1. Skinless. — A tree of strong growth and very produc- tive ; fruit of medium size, pyriform, green and yellow, with some touches of red ; melting and high flavoured ; ripens in August. 75. French Si. Germain. — This is a fine dark green melt- ing pear, very juicy, and of delicious flavour; but the tree in some parts of the country does not produce well, and the fruit is apt to crack. They should be gathered in October, and laid singly on shelves, where they will continue to ripea in succession daring the whole winter. 72. Princess St, Germain. — This pear is a seedling of the French St. Germain, impregnated by the St. Michael, and was originated from seed by myself. It is of a larger siz« than either of its parents, of a yellowish green colour, with a red cheek. Its flavour is similar to that of the French St. Germain, but it has the advantage of always being a perfectly fair fruit, and a great bearer. They should be gathered in October, and laid separately on shelves, where they will gra- 'dually ripen for several months. Next to the Seckel, I consider this as the finest table pear our country has ever yet produced. 158. Franc hefianne.—'K pear of medium size, and cblong, of a fine yellow colour; half melting, sweet and sugary — finely flavoured; ripens end of October. 101. Imperial Oak Leaved. — A spreading tree, \\\\.\\ fruit- of medium size, resembling the Virgouleuse, to which it is rather inferior in quality. The tree is remarkable for its luxuriant foliage, and the fruit matures during the winter months. 63. Boston Epergne. — This tree bears the characteristics of a native fruit, and without doubt originated in the vicinity of Eoston, where it has acquired much celebrity. It bear^ ( n ) v/ell when at an age sufficiently mature, and the fruit is about the size and shape of the French St. Germain, and by some considered equal to that and the St. Michael in fla- vour. It is yellow on one side, and red on the other, and ripens near the same time as the St. Michael It is fre- quently called at Boston "L*Epergne," and has in conse- quence been supposed by many to be the French fruit of that name, until I detected the error, and explained it in my last Catalogue. 30. English Red Cheeks — This pear, cultivated at Rhode* Island under the above name, whence it was brought to Long-Island, is a bell shaped fruit, of a beautiful yellow co- lour, with a red cheek. It is not quite as large as the St. Michael or Virgalieu, but is considered a very fine fruit, and bears well ; it ripens in September. 61. Rushmore^s Ben Chretien. — This is a native pear of very large size, and one of the greatest bearers. The growth of the tree is particularly strong and rapid, and it soon ar- rives at mature bearing. When ripe it is a pale yellow, with a red cheek. The fruit is breaking when ripened on the tree, but becomes buttery when matured in the house. It is considered but a tolerable table fruit, but when this is taken in connexion with its being a most excellent pear for cooking, and ripe at a season when few other pears are so, and producing very abundantly, it may be considered as one of the most useful pears in a general view ; it ripens in suc- cession, from the end of August to the end of September. 78. S/ianish Bon Chretien. — This is a good winter pear for baking or preserving ; it is not so large as the common Pound Pear, but when ripe changes to a yellow, with a red cheek, which gives it a much finer appearance for a market fruit, and it is also more deiicate, and possesses less of the roughness and astringency of the former; keeps till April and May. 73. Found Pear.— -This is one of the largest pears known, and on vigorous trees, in good soil, attains to an immense size. They are green, with a red cheek, when one side is exposed to the sun ; they are good pears for baking or preserving, and become much better towards spring than when gathered from the tree ; keeps till May. 141. Turkish Bon Chretieny or B. Turc, -^-This is the mosi beautitul of all the Bon Chretien pears, and the largest in siz It IS also said to be superior to them in flavour, al- though it partakes of the general characters of that cltiss. ( 12 ) 142, Calebash. — A very large pear, of good quality ; it is a breaking pear, and ripens in September and October. 157. Forty Ounces. — This is said to be the largest fruit of the pear kind known in France and the north of Europe; its principal use is for baking or preserving. A pear was exhibited in this vicinity, during the season of 1826, weigh- ing 40i 02., which was of the Bon Chretien family. 177. Red Floiveringy or Sanguine d* Italic. — The blos- soms of this pear are red, and of singular appearance ; the fruit has within the resemblance of the Blood Peach, being marbled with red. It is a breaking pear, and esteemed as a curiosity. 34. Strified Dean.—K long pear, striped lengthwise white and green ; it is a pleasant flavoured fruit, and a great cu- riosity ; ripe in September. 95. FrancreaL—K. very large flat shaped pear, of a yel- lowish green colour, suitable for cooking from October to December. I have had this pear to weigh 17^ oz. 151. Double Flowering. — This tree, in addition to its flowers forming a great ornament, produces also pears of a very large size, pi'oper for cooking ; they are yellowish in colour, and keep till February. 194. Bartlett. — This pear weighs about 10 oz. when at full size, shaped like a Bon Chretien, very yellow, and slightly tinged with red on one side; quite juicy, and by many considered a first-rate fruit. It is not, however, equal in flavour to the Seckcl, or even to the Boston Epergne, bu* its size and beauty render it greatly admired. It much resembles in flavour and consistence the St. Michael, and is said to command a high price at market. It is no doubt a native, and appears to have originated in the vicinity of Bos- ton ; and it does not seem at all strange that many fine new pears should have originated there, as that city, and its en- virons, has for a long period been inhabited by a great many gentlemen extremely intelligent on the subject of Horticul- ture, who took much pains, at an early date, to introduce the choicest fruits, and particularly the finest varieties of pears^ of which fruit they are skilful connoisseurs. The following are among the fine pears which have been originated in the Netherlands, and other parts of Europe, and which have recently been brought into notice by the London Horticultural Society, S^c, ( 13 ) 190. Urbaniste. — A pear nearly globular, the colour yel- lowish green, flavour similar to that of rose water, the fruit large, and ripens in November. 167. Marie Louise. — Fruit of a pale yellow colour, mid- dle size, and fine flavoured ; the flesh is melting, and very juicy ^ it is at maturity from November to December. 132. Beurre J\I'alioleon,'-—Fv\\\\. exceedingly fine, melting and juicy; in size not quite as large as the foregoing ; ripens from November to December. 131. Beurre Knox. — Fruit yellow, of large size, and pear shaped, flavour excellent; ripe from November to Decem- ber. 1 56. Florelle. — Fruit of nearly a scarlet colour, with very small dark spots, shape pyriform ; it is of middle size, fine flavour, and greatly esteemed ; ripe in November. This pear is called in some publications Forelle, and the Poire Truite is by some considered to be the same. 125. Beurre cCAhremberg, — A very fine greenish pear, form and size of the Beurre Gris ; it is considered by some as the best of all the Beurre pears. 123. Beurre Coloma. — A pear of medium size, of excel- lent quality, and ripe in September. 173. Basse Colmar. — This is one of the pears reared from seeds by Professor Van Mons. It is between buttery and melting, and very sweet ; fruit of good size, and pyriform, but particularly broad towards the eye. It is a melting pear of exceeding fine properties, and may by proper attention be matured for the table from January to April. The tree is abundantly productive. 133. Beurre Ranee. — This is also called Hardempont de Printems, and is another of the fruits reared by Professor Van Mons. It is a pale green pear, of large size, and rather rough skin, and the tree is very productive ; it is not usually fit for tije table till March or April, and will continue ripen- ing till May ; its flesh when thus matured approximates to the Brown Beurre, so universally esteemed as an autumn fruit. 120. Beurre Cafiiomont. — This is one of the new pears reared from seeds by Professor Van Mons, of the Nether- lands. The fruit is crimson and yellow, fine flavoured, very beautiful, and of good size ; ripening in October. I take this to be the same pear sometimes called at Boston '' Cas- siomoni," which variation may have arisen from a misread- ing of the name in the original invoice, as no such name as B ( 14 ) the latter is found either in the Catalogue of the London Horticultural Society, or in those of other eminent establish- ments in Europe. PEACHES. The preferable soil for a peach orchard is a rich sandy loam, but this fruit will succeed in any soil with proper at- tention to cultivation and manuring ; particular care, how- ever, should be taken not to plant a new orchard on the site of an old one. It may be necessary also to remark, that the ground where they are planted should be kept in a constant stale of cultivation, as they become bark-bound and unthrifty the second year after the grass has formed a sod around them. There are two causes which have operated against the success of this tree, and which seem peculiar to it — the one is a ivorm which attacks the tree at the root, near the furface of the ground, and often totally encircles it ; the other is a disease usually dcnomijiated the yellonvs. The %uorm. — The most proper course to obviate the de- predations of the worm, is to examine the trees every sprint^ and autumn, and to make an application of a mixture of fresh cow dung and clay to the wounds which have been made by them, at the same tinie destroying any worms that may be found. Lime or ashes thrown around the roots of peach trees are found to prevent, in a great measure, the depredations of the worm. Yelloivs. — This disease, which commenced its ravages in New- Jersey and Pennsylvania about the year 1797, and in New-York in 1801, and has spread throu£i;h several of the states, is by far more destructive to peach trees than the worm, and is evidently contagious. Tliis disease is spread at the time when the trees are in bloom, and is disseniinated by the pollen or farina blowing from the flowers of diseased trees, and impregnating the flowers of those which are liealthy, and which is quickly circulated by the sap through the branches, foliage, and fruit, causing the fruit, wherever tlie infection extends, to ripen prematurely. That this dis- ease is entirely distinct from the ivorm^ is sufiicientiy proved by the circumstance, that peach trees which have been in- cculated on plum or almond stocks, though less afl'ected by tjhe ivorm^ are equally subject to the yellows — and a decisive proof of its being contagious is, that a healthy tree, inocu- lated from a branch of a diseased one, instead of restoring the ( 15 ) ^raft to vigour and health, immediately becomes itself in- fected with the disease. As all efforts totally to subdue it must require a long course of time, the best method to pur- sue towards its eventual eradication, Is to stop its progress, and prevent its farther extension — to accomplish which, the following means are recommended, which have been found particularly successful. As soon as a tree is discovered to possess the characteris- tics of the disease, which is generally known by the leaves putting on a sickly yellow appearance — but of which the premature ripening of the fruit is a decisive proof — it should be marked, so as to be removed the ensuing autumn, which must be done without fail, for if left again to bloom, it woujd impart the disease to many others in its vicinity ; care is also necessary, in its removal, to take out all the roots of the dis- eased tree, especially if another is to be planted in the same place, so that the roots of the tree to be planted may not come in contact with any of those of th.e one which W£vs diseased. If your neighbour has trees infected with the yellows in a quarter contiguous to yours, it will be necessary to prevail on him to remove them, that yours may not be injured by them. By being thus particular in speedily removing such trees as may be infected, the disease is prevented from ex- tending itself to the rest of the orchard, and the residue will consequently be preserved in perfect health at the trifling loss of a few trees annually from a large orchard. PEACHES, APRICOTS, AND NECTARINES, ON ALMOND STOCKS. In France a particular variety of the almond is used as a stock on which to inoculate the different varieties of the peach, apricot, nectarine, and cultivated almond. This va- riety has now been introduced into cultivation in the author's establishment, and trees budded thereon can be supplied in the autumn of 1828. It is said that this almond is not subject to the attacks of the worm ; and if so, it will furnish a pre- ventive against these depredations which have been so great a cause of complaint throughout our country. It is neces- sary to observe, that this variety of almond is very different from the common bitter almond frequently used for stocks in the United States. ( 16 ) PEACHES, APRICOTS, NECTARINES, Sic. ON PLUM STOCKS. In England the plum is preferred as a stock for the same trees that the almond is used for in France — but there cer- tainly exists a great disadvantage in using the plum as a stock for these fruits, as the growth of the latter being much more vigorous, they are apt to overgrow the plum ; and the latter being in many instances unable to furnish an adequate portion of sap to promote the growth of the former, they cannot attain to their natural developement, but form onlj? trees of diminutive stature. This retarding of the growth, however, may cause the trees to arrive at a stato of fruition at an earlier period ; awd if they are intended as appendages to small gardens, and not for orchards, where great space could be allowed, their minor size might be deemed a con- venience, if not an advantage. Preservalion of Peach Trees in WirUer. It has been discovered by the farmers about Utica, and Jiorth of that town, that if a heap of stones is placed round each tree, of four feet in diameter, and of about the height of the usual depth of snow, that the trees are not killed by the winter, and several flourishing orchards exist in that section of country, where this practice is pursued. The effect of these collections of stones is to prevent the frost penetrating, to the roots, thus proving, that where the roots are preserved free from frost, the other parts of the tree will be less sensi- ble to its attacks. I have also been informed, that a mound or embankment of earth around the body of the tree has the same beneficial effect ; and have recently understood from an inteliigent,gentleman, that such is the practice in Swit- zerland ; and as I have a correspondent in that country who is extremely well informed on horticultural subjects, I will make it a point to obtain from him a statement of all the precautions found to be successful in that climate, which in- formation will no doubt greatly aid those who reside in the northern sections of our country. Could not this plan just referred to be pursued with success with many of the more delicate varieties of the Grape Vine? Chinese Flat Peach. — This most curious of fruits, intro- duced from Chiua by the Horticuiliiral Society of London^ ( 17 ) and figured and described in iheir Transactions, may be con- sidered an anomaly of its species. The fruit is described as 2 3 inches wide, and only 41^ of an inch through from the stem to the outer side, and the existence of such a fruit has always been doubted until actually received from China. Both the external appearance of the fruit, and the pit so singularly compressed in its form, would seem to be the re- sult of art rather than of nature. It is represented as being an early peach. About 20 trees are in possession of the au- thor, which have been inoculated from the original intro- duced by himself. 84. Dwarf Orleans. — This peach is of most singular cha- racter ; the joints of the shoots are very near to each other, and the growth exceedingly slow. It forms a small head of about 18 inches to 2 feet in height, and may with all ease be cultivated in a (lower-pot in the same manner as a gera- nium. Notwithstanding its diminutive size, the fruit, which is round, is not small, but as large as a fair sized nutmeg- it ripens quite late. I paid half a guinea for a tree of this kind introduced two years since. 81, Monstreuse. — This clingstone, celebrated for its great size, is the largest known in France. It is nearly white on the shade side, and of a lively red next the sun; the flesh is firm, flavour good, and it is highly esteemed for preserves. It is well calculated for transportation a considerable dis- tance ; ripens in September and October, and is the most beautiful peach for market of that season. 80. Perseque. — This is a very large fruit, of oval form, and fine red colour ; the tree is very productive, and its fruit ripens in October. 79. Vinous Purfile. — This peach, called in France Pour" fires Vineuse^ is one of the finest varieties allied to the Mig- nonne ; the fruit is large, flesh fine and melting, vinous and juicy ; ripens in August. 63. Kenrick*s Heath. — I received this peach from Mro Kenrick, of Brighton, near Boston, and he informed me that it was received from the late General Heath. It is con- sidered as an uncommonly fine fruit, and has been sold for a great price in the Boston market. It is very large and ob- long, and some of the peaches have weighed over^ lb. The colour is red and white, and it ripens about the tinie of the lemon clingstone. lis size and shape distinguish it from most other peaches of the season. 18. Gold and Purfile. — This is a peach ripening before? B-3 ( 18 ) the lemon clingstone, and of about the size of the red rare- ripe, whicli it resembles in shape ; its flavour is agreeable, though not equal to the lemon clingstone; it is of the finest gold colour on one side, and the deepest crimson on the other. There is no tree more productive, and when you consider at one view the beauty of the fruit, and the im- mense quantities which load the branches, the appearance is truly striking. 66. Sargent's Rarerifie. — This peach is a seedling va- riety well worth attention. It is yellow, round, rich in fla- vour, and the tree very productive. It is best known in the vicinity of Boston, where it originated. 13. Jacques* Yellow Rarerifie. — This peach, which I re- ceived from the vicinity of Boston, is represented to be very fine. I have a number of the trees, but they have not yet produced fruit. 82. Yellow Afiricot, — This peach is of very large size ; its colour is yellow, a little touched with red on the sunny side ; the flesh also yellow and solid, with a little of the apricot flavour j it is a late fruit, not ripening in general till October. The limits of this little work will not allow me to describe the numerous delicious varieties of this fruit — but, to the lovers of the peach, I can promise a rich treat in the co- pious publication I am preparing for the press, for in addi- tion to the choice collection already enumerated in the Ca- talogue, I have received from the south of France and Italy, 48 new varieties, comprising all the choicest and highest Jia- uoured Peaches of that favoured region, being determined that the amateurs and connoisseurs of fruits throughout our country should have it in their power to gratify their taste •with these fruits without the expense of a trip to the Medi- terranean. It has been remarked by travellers, that the fruits above referred to possess a degree of odour (fiarfum) which renders them particularly delicious. We shall now be able to give ultimate decision on this point ; for if any clime is peculiarly favourable to the culture of the peach, it is from the Potovvmac to Louisiana. NECTARINES. With regard to the soil and culture proper for this fruit it is unnecessary to go into detail; as whatever directions have ( i9 ) been given on those points with regard to the peach, are equally applicable to the nectarine. Being a smooth skinned fruit, it requires the same precau- tions with regard to the attacks of the curculio as are pre- scribed for the plum and the apricot. I have been informed by the Hon. Asher Robbins, of Rhode-Island, of a circumstance that has come within his notice, which merits investigation^ which is, that in an orchard where peach and nectarine trees were planted promiscuously, the former have gradually died of tRe yelloivsy while the nectarines remained in perfect health and vigour. In my own grounds, I have occasionally lost trees of the nectarine by the ycUows^ but have never made a particular investigation whether they were less or more susceptible of such attacks than the peach. 13. Elruge. — This is a fine nectarine, of good size, and- a great bearer; the colour dark red next the sun, and a yel- lowish green on the other side ; the liesh is fine, melting and juicy ; ripens late in August. 9. Red Roman. — This fruit is of a deep red or purple next the sun, and rather yellow on the other side ; it is a fine fruit, and a good bearer ; ripens in September. 19. English Brugnon. — This is deep red on the sunny side, and pale yellow on the other. It is a fine fruit when ripened on the tree, but inferior when matured in the house» 5. Golden C— This is the most beautiful fruit I have ever seen. It is a large sized nectarine of the finest orange colour, delicately mottled with red next the sun, which gives it a clear vvaxen appearance, so that it greatly resembles an artificial fruit ; ripens in September. 10. Fcrrnash. — A fine late fruit, of a greenish colour, a little reddened on the sunny side ; ripens in September. 20. Musk Violet. — Fruit of good size, of a lively red on the sunny side, fiesh yellow, juicy^high flavoured, and some- what musky. This matures well in the house j ripe in Sep- tember. 15. IVilliams^s Pitmaston. — This nectarine has recently been brought into particular notice in England as a new va- riety of very superior qualities. It has not yet produced fruit in this country, but there can exist no doubt that its claims to merit are accurately stated. N. B. The limits of this v/ork will not allow me to de- scribe more kinds j but it may be said of nectarines gene- ( 20 ) rally, that they are exceedingly fine fruits, and peculiarly unique and beautiful in their appearance, and among the greatest ornaments of the desert. Many exceedingly fine new kinds have been recently introduced from the south of France, and other parts of Europe, the most of which will be found enumerated in the Catalogue. APRICOTS. This fruit thrives in the same soil, and with the same cul' lure, as the peach and the nectarine, and requires the same precautions against the curculio as are prescribed for the plum, further comment on those points is therefore ren- dered unnecessary. It may, however, be well to remark, that the apricot is very apt to produce too great a quantity of fruit — in such cases it is necessary to thin them out, other- wise they will be inferior in size and quality. I will now pro* ceed to describe a few varieties. 1. Red Masculme. — This Is considered the earliest of apricots ; the fruit is not large, and is also less juicy thaii some others, and the colour red on the side next the sun; it is esteemed for its early maturity, and for being a very great bearer. There is also a white variety ; ripens end of July. 15. Blacky or Pojie's. — This apricot, which comes from Siberia, and is consequently the most hardy, seems interme- diate between the plum and the apricot. The fruit is of good size, of a red or violet colour on one side, and of a blackish purple on the other. It ripens later than most of the others, and is a very agreeable fruit, but I have not found it to bear well, which perhaps it would do when planted far- ther north. The Peach Leaved Black, No. 23, is also from Siberia, and produces fruit considerably resembling the above. 8. White. — This is an apricot of a whitish or pale yel- low colour, of middle size, and pleasant flavour. It forms an agreeable variety among others more deeply coloured. 5. Peachy or De JVancy. — This is an apricot of very largo size, and of excellent flavour ; the tree is, however, some- times so productive, that unless the fruit is thinned out, they cannot arrive at their proper size. It is considered to differ, but little from the Moorpark, and is in fact one of the finest varieties known. 1.4. Turkeij. — This is a good fruit, of a deeper colour, ai)^ ( 21 ) less juicy than the foregoing, and ripens rather later in the season. 4. Roman. — This is a large yellow fruit, of good flavour, and held in esteem. 12. Breda, — This is an excellent fruit, of large size, and yellow colour, juicy, fine flavoured, and a good bearer. 7. Brussels. — This is rather a snriall fruit, but is a great bearer, and consequently much esteemed. The fruit is red next the sun, and of fine appearance ; it has rather a tart fla- vour, which is admired by many persons, and is also one of the latest in ripening. 21. Monstrous Peach. — This is considered the largest of all Apricots; the growth of the tree is very strong, and the fruit highly esteemed. I obtained it from the south of France, with a number of others of great excellence, several ^f which are enumerated in the Catalogue, and the others will be in the next edilion. 2'0. Common jPrd-ric/;.— This is one of the largest apricots known in France, when the tree is in a good situation ; flesU fine flavoured ; it is a vigourous growing tree, and delights in an airy situation ; ripens in July. 23. Provence. — Fruit of moderate size, flesh yellow, sometimes rather dry, but with a sugary and vinous flavour, the pit is sweet ; ripe in July. N. B. The apricots now in my collection exceed 35 choice and select varieties. ALMONDS, The soil and culture proper for the almond are the same- as those necessary for the peach, with this exception, that as the root of the almond penetrates to a greater depth than the peach, it would be well to select a soil of good depth ; but, if inoculated on the peach or the plum, this precaution is unnecessary. This tree is a source of abundant profit to the cultivators in the middle and south of France and in Italy; and when we consider the perfect ease with which its^ culture can be carried to any extent, and the constant and in- creasing demand for its fruit, it seems almost incredible that no persons have devoted their attention to raising an adequate supply. In any part of Virginia, and south of it, all the more delicate kinds of almonds may be cultivated profitably to any extent, and a few hundred acres of land of what now lies use- less and unproductive, could be made to yield not only a large ( 22 ) revenue to the proprietors, but by superseding the importa- tion from abroad, strike one more link from the chain of de- pendence on foreign nations. Varieties. — Of the almonds there are a number of varie- ties. Those t^enerallv cultivated for the table are the " Ladies* Thin Sheij," the " Sweet Sultan," the " Small Soft Shell,'' and " Larg-e Soft Shell." Tiiere are also the " Sweet Hard Shell," and the " Bitter Almond." These two last are used for other purposes. Of the almond there are also a number of varieties for ornament only — such as the Dwarf Double Flowering, and the Tall Double Flowering — the latter growinj^ as large as a Peach tree; also the Silvery Siberian, and the Oriemal. PLUMS. The plum is not difficult in adapting itself to almost any soil ; indeed, it flourishes in every situation but in a clay, marshy, or too sandy soil. A light rich soil is however pre- ferable, and the same care is necessary as has been recom- mended for fruit trees generally, in keeping the ground cul- tivated around them when young; for although it is a com* mon observation, that plum trees succeed best in a hard trodden soil, and though such a situation may cause the trees to retain their fruit, still it must be decidedly unfavourable to their growth. Plums, apricots, and nectarines, are smooth skinned fruit, and are in some parts of the United States subject to be injured by a small bug called the cur- culioj which stings the fruit, and causes it to drop before it has attained its proper size. Their depredations may be effectually prevented by paving round the trees as far as the branches extend-^ as it has been incontestibly proved, by frequent experiments made by the author and others, that the curcuUo will not infest those trees where they cannot find means of immediately concealing themselves in the ground on dropping from the branches. Plum trees are also subject to injury from another insect, which stings the branches, and causes large protuberances to form on them, which, if not cut off, produce a canker that in time destroys the tree. There are a nurnber of kinds, however, which arc very little subject to the attacks of this insect, and some vj'hich are not at all so. Among these may be enumerated the Yellow and Red Chicasaw, American Cherry, American Red and ( 23 ) Yellow, Yellow Eo:g:, Washington, Hullng's Superb, Tom* linson's Charlotte, Imctcrial Violet, and a number of others. But even when trees are slung by these insects, if proper at- tention is paid at an early stage, and every branch carefully cut off in February or March, below where any appearance of the canker extends, and these branches in which at this period the eggs of those insects are deposited are immedi- ately burned, such attention will, in a short period, totally eradicate them. Still, if your neighbour has trees near at hand which arc thus attacked, it will be necessary that the same course may be pursued by him simultaneously, other- wise the insects whicli are winged will find their way from his trees to your own, which would render your individual efforts useless. To shov/ the ease with which the difficulty referred to can be remedied, I will merely mention, that in iny Nurseries, where there are more than 20,000 plum trees, it is an uncommon circumstance to meet with a tree thus attacked. 32. Hulinga* Sufierb. — This plum, I have little hesitalitjtn in saying, is the laigest known eiiher in Europe or America. The largest white or yellow plum in Europe, as far as my information extends, is the Yellow Egg, or White M-jgnum Bonum, which is an oval fruit ; and the largest red or purple plums are the Imperial Violet, Jerusalem, and some of ihe ])runes. The Hulings' Superb I received from Dr. William E. Hulings, of Pennsylvania, a gentleman distinguished as much for his zeal and perspicuity in the introduction of new and valuable fruits to proper nt)tice, as far the extreme liberality evinced in their dissemination to others. To that gentleman I am indebted for the following remarks: — "I iiave had a fully ripe and delicious plum from my tree, weighing three ounces and seventy-eight grains, and measur- ing round six inches and seven-tenths." I saw the fruit of this tree, which stands immediately beside a Wasliington plum, and it was decidedly the largest of the two. The iVuit is of a roundish form and greenish colour, bearing an afiinity to the gage, from which it doubtless originated. Were I to venture a supposition as to its parentage,! should suppose it to have originated from the Green Gage, impreg- liated by the White Magnum Bonum. It is three years since I began to cultivate it, and 1 have already sent a num- ber to different parts of the Union, and several hundred arc tJt>w in the Nurseries. In a more recent letter from Dr. II., ( 24 ) he remarks, that this plum " is very fine flavoured and sweet, and the first in rank among filums*' — in which opinion I fully concur ; its present title was given to it by me, in ho- nour of that gentleman. 23. Washington, — This plum, sometimes called the Bol- mer, is of doubtful origin, and it is but of latter years that it has iDcen known by either of the above titles. Some few years ago, Mr. Bolmer, a very respectable merchant of New- York, finding it in his collection, and deeming it a new va- riety, it was presented by him to a number of his friends, and from one or more of them received the appellation of Bolmer's Washington. Its extraordinary size and fine gage flavour caused it to attract much notice, and supposing it a novelty, I procured a tree for myself, for which I paid three dollars, a price at which they were readily selling at the time ; but what was my surprise, when, as its foliage and fruit were developed, to find it an old and familiar acquaint- ance, which had been cultivated at the Nurseries at Flushing during a long course of years, under the title of '* Superior Gage ;" and of which trees, of the thickness of a man's thigh, were to be seen throughout the country, and particularly in the garden of Mr. Van Sindren, and others in this vicinity. Mr. James Bloodgood, of Flushing, (since deceased) made also the same discovery about the same time. Three years since, happening to be on a visit at Albany, I was again sur- prised to meet the same plum in the garden of Isaac Denni- sen, Esq., under the name of the " Double Imperial Gage.'* The trees in his garden were of very large size, and he stated to me, that he had obtained them under the above name 18 years before, from the vicinity of New-York ; it having been long an object with that gentleman, who is distinguished for his judgment and discrimination of fruits, to concentrate all the most valuable varieties of the plum. I have taken some pains to ascertain the origin of this plum, and particularly whether it was brought originally from Europe, being anxi- ous to establish the native country of so superior a fruit, and I have come to the conclusion, that it is of American origin, as I have never been able to trace it farther than to the Nur- series at Flushing. I will mention one circumstance which may throw some light upon the subject. It has always been the custom at the establishment of the author, at Flushing, to plant annually the seeds of the finest fruits, for the purpose of originating new varieties; and, about the year 1790, his father planted the pits of 25 quarts of the Green Gage plum j ( 25 ) these produced trees yielding fruit oF every colour ; and the While Gage, Red Gage, and Prince's Gage, now so well known, form part of the progeny of those plums ; and there seems strong presumptive evidence to suppose that the Washington Plum was one of the same collection. Since the foregoing was written, a small branch, with 24 of these plums on it, has been sent by Leonard Richards, Esq. of Newark, to the Editors of the Statesmen, in New- York, presenting probably the greatest weight of that fruit ever produced on so small a space. Many plums on the same tree were six and ihree-cjuarter inches round, and in one or more instances weighed four and a quarter ounces; which is a greater weight than has been heretofore known. The tree whearer. The skin appears so delicate, that I do not think it so well calculated for transportation as some others, and I have also noticed that, probably from the same circumstance, the fruit is apt to rot durins^ long continued rains at the period of ripening. At Boston this cherry is sometimes called the Carnation, and by otliers the Bigarreau, the latter term in- variably indicates hard cherries. 38. Elkhorn. — This is one of the largest black cherries I have ever seen, its size varies little from that of the Black Tartarian, but it ripens two weeks later, and is peculiarly distinct from every other kind; the flesh, when eaten, having a liver-like consistetice and very solid. It is perhaps less highly fluvo\ired than some others, but still a superior fruit; and from its solidity is well calculated for tiansportation to the markets, and its ripening at a later period causes it to be most suitable for filling up the space between the ripening of the earlier Duke and Heart Cherries, and the common Kentish and Morello varieties. I discovered this variety on a tour through Maryland about 30 years ago, growing in the garden attached tea hotel, and finding it very different from any that I had seen, I In ought home some scions for inoculation ; the landlord called it the Elkhorn, which nj^me I adopted for it. { 29 ) 4. Black Tartarian. — This cherry, now well known in many parts of the Union, is not surpassed by any other Heart Cherry with which I am acquainted. It is of the largest size, of a fine black colour, very superior in flavour, and the tree is a great and constant bearer. Its period of ripening is the same as the Black Heart, but for all purposes it is far more desirable. It is, without doubt, the best market cherry of its season, and in connexion with the Yellow Spanish, may be considered not to be rivalled for the dessert. It has been the fortune of this, as of most other choice fruits, to receive in England a great nun^ber of titles, and no less than ten are enumerated, by which it has been sold in that country. It has even in our country, from the before mentioned circum- stance, been disseminated under two names, different from the one that heaas this list — the Ronald's Black Heart, and the Circassian, both of which refer to the same fruit. 5. White Tartarian. — The cherry long cultivated by this name in our country I have ascertained to be incorrect, and is nothing more than a haif barren variety of the White Heart. I have recently introduced the genuine kind, which is a most beautiful tranapurent fiuit, of a very fine quality, but not of very large size. 28. Prince*a Duke. — Of all cherries this is the largest that I have seen, though not greatly varying from some I have enumerated. It was reared by myself from the seed of the Can-nation, and is consequently of the class termed Duke Cherries The fruit is red and very luscious when fully ripe. The tree partakes of the appearance of the Car- nation, and is not a great bearer. 4'8 Florence. — This is a cherry of excellent flavour, and a most beautiful fruit for the dessert. It produces well, and the frui*. is of good size. 47. Waterloo, — Tiiis is one of the fine productions of Mr. Knight. It is a fine flavoured fruit, agreeably sweet and productive. 44. Flumstone Morello. — The varieties of the Morello are considered the finest fruits for tarts and preserves, and also for putting in brandy ; but the European varieties are far surpassed in size and value by the present one, which is a native, discovered by myself in travelling through Virginia. It is far larger than any other variety, extremely rich and fine, and has pits shaped like those of the plum, whence its name. I have never found either this or the large English Morello to be attacked by the insect which perjforates the C 2 ( 30 ) branches of the common Morello, and causes lart^e excres- cences to be formed, whicli, it' left to increase annually, and not lopped off in time, destroy the tree ahoi^ether. 60- JVajioleon Bigarreait. — Tlie i^rowth ol" tliis tree is the strongest I recollect to have seen, exceptinp^ the Tobacco Xeaved Cherry. Its general appearance is indicative of a superior fruit ; and alihougli I have not yet myself seen its produce, stili it may reasonably be supposed that this tree, "\vhich originated in France, W(;uld not have received the name of the greatest favourite of the nation, without its \)os- sessing superior merit. It was introduced to this country but three years since by myself. 20 Griottt (VALLemagnt. — Ft uit of a red colour and very juicy, of a good size and much t-sieemed ; ripe in July. 65. Select Beauty. — '^ruit very large, with long petioles; of a fine red colour and excellent fiavour; the tree is not "very productive; ripe in July. 36. Cluster. — Tisis is a great curiosity, for on a single stem or petiole, which of other kinds supports but one cherry, this has a number united, thus forming a cluster of cherries on one stem ; the fruit is delicate, but acid; the tree produces ^vell, and the fruit ripens in June. 64. Pigeon's Heart. — Fruit of fair size, the skin shining ®nd marbled ; ripens in July. 12. China Heart. — Tiiis cherry I raised from the seeds of the Ox Heart, and it is dift'crent from any other that has met my view. It is but ot moderate size, but beautiiuUy mottled, more like a waxen fruit or some representations un Cnina ware ; the flesh between the solid and the melting, quite •sweet, and with a flivour peculiar to itself, differing from all others; it is an exceedingly productive tree, and the lower l^ranches, as it advances in size, assume in many cases a pen- <3ant form; it ripens just after the Black Tartarian and many others are past, and forms a link between them and the later varieties. 39. Remingt07i White Heart. — This is the latest cherry v/hich has originated in this countrv, and indeed, with few ex- .<:eptions, later than any known in Europe. A buneh of the fruit was St r.t to me from Rnode-IslauM, abuut the 10th of September, which was jiist then ripe, but at Long-Island it yipens in August ; the fruit is t>f pleasant flavour, but nothing superior; the tree is very productive; bui the iate period of ripenmt: us fruit forms its greatest merit. 52» Tobacco Leaved, — Relative to this tree, more com- ( 31 ) monly known by the title "Four to the pound,'* and whic!* has been recently received from Eur >ipe with high accounts of its merit, I propose to i^ive some details. There are some statements which reach us iVoni sources which we deem so respectable, and accompanied with such other coin- cident circumstances, that to an unprejudiced mind they ap- pear conclusive. Such are the statements which have ap- peared in Europe under high names, with regard tothislruit, supported by the altogether unique appearance and monstrous size of the foliage of the tree. In the '' Bon Jardinier" of 1822, published at Paris, and edited by Messrs. Pirolle, Vilmorin, and Nosette, page 316, we find the following de- scription under the head of" Cerisier quatre a la livre," or Four to the pound, which I translate literally " Fruit the largest of all, flesh very firm, but uiferior to the Oris Cceuret ; ripens in August, tree remarkable for the size of its leaves.'* In the edition of 1824, the same statement is 'continued. Similar remarks appearing in various other European pub- lications, induced the author of this work to suppose they were founded in truth, and he consequently staled his opinion to that effect; but he now has to remark from his own ex- perience, that he does not anticipate that any advantage can be derived from the culture of this tree for its fruit, although the immense size of its leaves, and its very peculiar general appearance, will always render it interesting as an ornamental tree; and as the former title -is delusive, he shall hereafter use the cue here ad;)pled. A recent statement mentions tl^at the fruit is of a pale yellow colour, transparent, firm, and sweet, but of little importance. 70 Large Double Floivering-. — This is one of the most ornamental trees that can deck Mie garden ; its flowers, which are exceedingly double, resemble beautilul clusters of deli- cate roses, and as the tree attains to considerable size, the display is particularly striking. It is a variety of theMazard. 71- Small Double Flowerdng — The flowers of this variety are equally interesting with ihe foregoing, excepting their not being so large ; this tree is also of much smaller growth, being a variety of the Kentish, and is consequently better suited where dwarf trees are required. JVote — The number of valuable varieties of the cherry latterly introduced into notice, is very considerable. The Lon- don Horticultural Society particularly mention * Knight's i;ariy Black,'* the " Black Eagle,*' the " Waterloo,'* the ( 22 ) "Florence,** &c. ; and in Fiance many very larj^e and choice vanetit;s fsave been originated, wnich having b^en bui re- ceniiy iuiifjduced here, are yel but pariiaily known to our Ho. liculturalists. Oui country also has not been idle, tor some of the fiijest cherries known have originated in America ; the total number of these which are now cultivated in the establish meii( at Fhishing, exceeds 80 varieties for the table, and about 15 or 20 suitable for ornamental only. QUINCES. This tree may be cultivated by scions and layers, or by budding on stocks of the same, or on the pear, hawthorn, Sec. It flourishes best in a moist s Jl, where it proriuces the greatest crops, but. will thrive in almost any good upland soil. It requires little attention as tn pruning, but must be kept clear i'lom suckers at me root ; an occasional thinning out, however, of superflous upper brandies, where tnd forms; and taking every point into considera- tion, they are as well calculated to beautify, adorn, and af- ford a fine shade, where trees are wanted more spreading than lofty, as any with which I am acquauited. 3. While Chinese^ or Italian Mulberry. — This is the species which has always been cultivated for rearing silk worms. It is originally from China, but, from being so ex- tensively cultivated in Italy, it is more generally called the Italian Mulberry. The tree is very easy of cultivation, and of very rapid growth, and may be reared to any extent with- out difficulty, as it agrees so well with our climate, that they are found growing spontaneously in the hedges on Long- Island, fron^ seeds which have been scattered by the winds or birds. But there is one circumstance which I do not recollect to have seen noticed in any American publication, which I consider of the utmost importance, it is that in the silk rearing countries the kind generally known here as suitable for feeding worms, is not the only one used, but they have a number of varieties, produced by a long course of culture from the same species, which are deemed far more suitable for their purpose. In the south of Fiance nine of these varieties are cultivated, and the produce ot the worm is found to be materially different, acccjrding to the particular variety on whose leaves it has been fed. Tnese results have consequently reduced that part of this interest- ing occupation to the following distinctions with regard to ( 34 ) Ihe different trees used, and their effects upon the produce of the worm, viz. — Varieties causing the production of particularly fine silk. Ditto causing the production of silk of a coarser tex- ture. Ditto causing the production of very strong silk. Ditto producing a greater quantity of silk. The enumeration of the varieties used in the south of France is as follows : — Morus macrophylla^ or grosse-reine, '• 7'osea, or feuille-rose. — — iasci72iata. orfeuilles decou/iees» lobata^ orfeuilles lobees. oblongata, or langue de b(Zuf. — ovalifolia, or Roinain. — nana, or nain. — italica, or hois rouge d'' Italic, — Constantino/lie. In other parts of France they also enumerate, la reincy la feuillc d^Espagne, and la feuille de Floes, but there is little doubt that these local names apply also to some of those before enumerated. When the great ease with which this tree can be culti* vated to an almost interminable extent is taken into con- sideration, in connexion with the immense national import- ance which must attach itself to the manufacture of silk, if not wholly, at least in a measure, to supersede its extensive importation, the permanent establishment of such manufac- tures could not fail to be considered as forming as great an epoch in the history of this country, as its first introduction did in that of France. Another great consideration is, that while the rearing of silk may be pursued in any part of the Union, it seems to be particulary adapted to the Southern States, and it will be doubtless there found to flourish most; and our government may, by fostering and protecting this species of manufacture in that portion of the Union, form a counterpoise to that degree of protection which it has thought proper to extend to the manufacturies of the Eastern and some of the Middle States. CHESTNUTS. These will thrive in any good soil, and a numt)er of varie- ^es are enumerated in Europe suitable for the table, but ( 55 ) tliose generally cultivated as such in this country are thff following. 11. Sfianish^ or Marron. — With fruit as large as the Horse Chestnut, of fii.e flavour, and excellent when boiled* highly esteemed by every one. 12. jimtrican Chestnut. — Found throughout our forests. Fruit of m^ •derate size, pleasant when raw, and alsd excel- lent when boiled, and when moderately baked may be pre- served a long time. 13. Common Chinquafiin. — The smallest fruit of the chestnut kind, being about the size of hazlenuts ; excellent when collected from the tree, and superior to either of the foregoing when boiled. It is a tree of veiy dwarf growth, and commences produchig fruit when not above two feet high, and at extreme age seldom attains more than eight feel. It is found wild along the roads in Maryland and several other States, and generally on qmie poor ground. 14. Princess C/iingua/iin.-^TW\s tree was originated at the nurseries of the auihor, by itupregnatinj: the one last described with the pollen (vf the Spaiusti Chesnut, and is intermediate betv/een the parents. The fruii is of good size, and very fine when raw or boiled, and the tree is a dwarf of rather larger stature than the preceding. It com- mences producing fruit wlien very snuul, and attaitjs, when advanced in age, to the height of about 12 feet. It is ex- tremely well calculated as a garden chestnut, and has been eagerly sought after by the lovers of horticulture in Europe. A^ore.— -There are various species calculated for orna- ment, such as the Wiiite, Yellow, and Red flowering Horse Chestnut ; the Dwarf White seldom exceedmg five feet in height, and particularly beautiful, the Rubicundaof Europe, ^c. Sec. WALNUTS. 1. Persian Walnut^ or Madeira JVui. — This tree, gener- ally called English Walnut or Madeira Nut, is a native of Persia, consequently neither of the specific titles have any application. It was formerly the practice, wiien the United States were colonies of Britain, to call every thing that came from there, English; but we soon discovered that the fruits most prized in that conntry, were the accumulated tributes ( 36 ) which her gardens had received from other climes ; it is now, therefore, high time, that we should discard every such title, and where they have no proper application, that they should be permantly exploded. There are many varieties of this tree in Europe, and several in this country; these vary in the size of the fruit, in being more or less pnjductive, or in yielding a greater or less quantity of oil. For the latter purpose, this tree has not been cultivated in this country. I will, therefore, con- line my remarks to the two first mentioned points, viz. size and fertility. The most productive is the Common French ; the shape is a rounded oval, the kernel is excellent ; it is highly esteem- ed, and extensively cultivated in France. Late Flowerings or Serotina. — This is in great repute in the northern parts of France, and also in Germany and Switzerland, as it does not flower till June, and consequently escapes any injury from the late frosts. 1 have taken much pains to introduce this last variety, believing it would be advantageous to the northern part of our country, and also to Canada, Sec. 2. French Double. — This is so called, because the nuts are of very large size, being nearly twice that of many others ; the tree is, however, less productive than the two before inentioned. American Walmits.*~-Oi these there are a number of varieties, those of most import are the Pecan-nut, Kiskytora or Shelbark,the Black Walnut, and the Butternut ; the first is an oval shaped fruit of great delicacy, brought in quanti- ties to our markets from the Southern States ; the others are too well knovi^n to every one to need any description. All the varieties of the walnut easily accommodate them- selves to alnu)St every kmd of soil, but the French varie- ties of the Persian walnut had better be placed in an ex- position where they will have the full influence of the sun. All walnuts may be propagated by seeds or by ingrafting, and there is no doubt that all the commoner walnuts through- out our country may, by this process, be changed to trees of the most valuable kinds, which is a subject well worth the consideration of every farmer and horticulturalist through- out our country. ( 37 ) GERMAN MEDLAR. Tills tree, the peculiar flavour of whose fruit, when fully maiured, has many admirers, will flourish in any soil but one that is wet or marshy, and in any exposition whatever; it exacts no particular care in its culture. The principal va- rieties are the Common Dutch or German, the Royal Dutch, the Nottingham, and the Seedless. The fruit is of a brownish colour and harsh flavour before it is ripe, but if collected the beginning of October, and placed on shelves, it changes to reddish, and the pulp becomes softened and acquires a sweetish taste, which is pleasing to many person*, but not admired by every one. DATE PLUM, OR PERSIMMON. The European Date Plum, or Diospyros Lotus, called also the European Persimmon, will thrive in almost any soil or situation. It is of indifferent quality, and inferior to the American, and, like the latter, needs the aid of frost before it becomes mellow for eating. The American Persimmon is so universally known it needs no description. The Dios- pyros Kaki, or Japan Date Plum, is said to produce fruit of a cherry colour, and fine flavour — it supports, without pro- tection, the winters of Long-Island. FILBERTS. This shriib, or, in some cases, tree, accommodates itself to every exposition, and to every variety of soil, but prefers a moist loam on a sandy bottom, with a northern exposition. It is easily multiplied by seeds, layers, or inoculation. In fact, these nuts, which are vended in large quantities in our markets, grow as well in our climate as the common hazel- nut, and produce very abundantly. Such being the case, it is hoped, ere long, sufficient will be produced from our own soil to supersede the necessity of importation, as plantations of this tree would amply remunerate the possessor, or, if planted as a hedge, would be found to be very productive. A single bush of the Spanish filbert in my garden has pro- duced a half bushel annually. The varieties most valued are the English White Skin, and Red Skin, the Spanish, and the Cobnut ; these two last D C 38 ) with very large fruit ; also the Prolific, the Frizzled, and the Colurna or Constantinople. Of American hazelnuts, which partake of the same properties, but have much smaller fruit, there are two species, the Common Hazelnut, and the Cuckoldnut. None of the abuve need much aitention, ex- cept occasionally to thin out the older branches, and to keep them free from suckers near the root. FIGS. This tree delights in rich sandy and gravelly soils, but no tree will accommodate iist-lf to a greater diversity of soil. If, however, the ground selected is too moist, the fruit is less flavoured. It requires a warm exposition, for it has been noticed, that the more it received the operation of the sun's rays, the more sugary and high flavoured have been its fruit. It is easily increased by cuttings, layers, and suckers. The fig trees should, however, be kept free from suckers, as these draw cfi' the nourishment in a great degree irom the niain tree, thereby causing the friiit to be very small, and often immature : but in northern localities it is necessary to form them into low shrubs, that they may be less exposed in win- ter, and the more easily protected from cold if necessary. In the micidle and northern states, where the fig trees are killed nearly to the ground by the severity of the winters, two crops of fruit may be obtairied each season, by planting the early kinds in a warm or sheltered situation, if pains are taken in autumn to bend the trees down, and cover them with earih, sloping the c mbankment so as to cast of the rain ; but, early in April, they should be uncovered and set up- right. By this treatment they will produce one crop of fruit early in the summer, and another in September oi October. There are some varieties wi.ich are more hardy, and ripen their fruit more re^^niarly in cold siiuations, t! an others — such as the Eurly Biown, Large Laie Brown, Large Wiate Genoa, Long Fiuited, or Printanicre, and some others. Autong those of the fines', quality, and which are held in the highest esteem in the s(mih of France and Italy, are, the Versailles, Servai»tme, Napolitaine, Pouittte, Large Greenj Violet, Marseilles Yellow, Bourjassoite Blanche, Sec. GOOSEBERRIES. These may be proj-fcigated from layers or cuttings; if in the latter way, it is customary to cut out the eye at each ( 39 ) joint of those that go below the surface of the grouted, ex- cept the two lower ones, which prevents a superabundance of suckers from aiiei wards being thrown up by the roots; and, in transplanting ihe young layers, it is best to pursue a similar course. The gooseberry flourishes most in situations where it can- not feel the effects of our intense noonday sun, and it will withstand an exposure to cold far better than to one of heat. It seems to have reached the achme of its excellence in Laitcashire, in England, and in Scotland, where the air is rarefied by the breezes of the ocean, and where tiie atmos- phere may be considered as possessing a considerable de- gree of humidity. The climate of Rhode-Island I have no- ticed as being particularly favourable to it, which may be accounted for by the strong approximation it bears in cU* mate to the countries before mentioned. In all cases, the gooseberry should be kept free from suckers, and trained near the ground to a single stem, this mode of training them being found to cause a far greater product in quantity, as well as an increase in tiie size. They need much attention in other respects, and une-third of the old wood must be re- gularly trimmed out every autumn, by which means a suc- cession of thntiy bearing wood vvill be kept up ; as the finest fruit is pioduced on the yrjung shoots of the previous year's growth, it is also necessary every antumn -to dig in a plenty of Old well rotted manure around them. This treatment will cause them to grf)vv strong, and the fruit to be large and fair Where tiie summers art- very hot, a northern aspect is preferable, and the fruit will be twice the size, if they are planted agaiiist a north fence, or in any other situa- tion where tiiey are sheltered from the mtense heat of noon- day, which, when difiPcrentiy situated, often scorches the fruit to such a degree as to entirely stop its growth. Varietifs — These are so numer-us that it would be use- less to att<-mpt to debctibe thi^m — about fifty of the finest kinds will be found in the Catalot^ue. RASPBERRIES. This fruit was originally discovered by the Greeks grow- ing on M junt IdcW, whence the specific i\Mwe. Idcsus. At preseiit we have not only many varictie-i of tiie above, but several other spu/ie^, ^vhich are cultivated f )r their frtiit in our gardens: among which the Conuiion Red, which is sent ( 40 ) to our markets in immense quantities, and is largely used in the niakintj; of raspberry brandy ; is oi fine flavour and much esteemed, and is the most productive ; also the While and the Red Antwerp, wliich are of very large size and high fla- vour — of these the White is generally preferred — they are both productive and excellent fruits. Tlie American White and American Black are inferior in flavour, but are never- theless esteemed by many persons, particularly the white va- riety. The Twice Bearins::, if properly managed, is quite an acquisition. In genera!, they produce one crop at the usual period, and a less one late in the season, but as a full crop is most desirable, it is said to be best to cut off the whole of the stalks quite to the ground early in the spring, in order to force a strong growth of young wood, which will yield a large quantity of fruit, as it is the wood of the same summer that produces the fall crop. The Red Cretan is a raspberry of delicate flavour ; the Cane is also considerably cultivated, and a number of others; the Purple Flowering is only use- ful as an ornamental plant, its fruit being of no value. Raspberries may be increased by cuttings, layers, or by the young suckers which spring up in numbers from the root ; tlie latter method is generally considered to produce the strongest and most fruitful. Although this plant is no way difficult as to soil, still it is preferable that this should be fresh and rich, and as it does not flourisli for a long period on the same ground, it will be necessary to form new plan- tations every three or four years. The situation should be half shady, or in a location not exposed to excessive heat. Every autumn the old wood should be thinned out, and only that which is youjig and thrifty allowed to remain — at the same period some well rotted manure should be dug in around them. CURRANTS. This fruit will flourish in all expositions, and in every soil, except one absoluiely wet. Tlie plants are generally in- creased by cuttings, with which the same precautions should be used as prescribed for those of the gooseberry. In au- tumn the Old wood should be trimmed out, and it would be well at the same time to have manure dug in around them. There are a number of varieties, among which are the Com- mon Red and White, the Dutch Red and White, the Cham- pagne, or Transparent Pale Red, Wilmot's Pale Red, ( 41 ) the Black English, and Black American — the forec^oint^ are those cultivated for their truit. There are also tl»e Yellow Flowering, wiih iruit siiailar to the Black American, but of lai ger size arid better flavour ; and the Yellow Flowering, with yellow tVuii, but not pn-duclive — these two are very ornamental lor their flowers; also the Variegated Leaved, with red truii — the Biack English, with variegated leaves-«- and a number ot others, calculated more for ornament than use. GRAPES. Of all the fruits cultivated in the United States there is none more generally esteemed than the grape ; yet, in the mii'lle and northern states, this fruit is seldom met with in perfection except in cities. The Proprietor having attended particularly to the cultivation of the grape ior twenty years past, can confidently assure those who wish to have this fruit in perfection, that they may depend on their vines producing well if tfiey will attend to the following directions; for al- though a season may sular, that although it flourishes "without protection in the city of New-York, yet I have never known a grape more sensible to the early frosts in the coun- try, vyhere, if unprotected in winter, it is, when young, killed to the ground. It is therefore not recommended for the country in this latitude. ( 43 • ) 9. Black Sweet Water. — This is a roundish fruit, growing in small compact bunches, is very sweet, and ripens in Sep- tember. 6. Meunier^ or Miller'* 3 Burgundy. — This is one of the earliest grapes; the berries are black, of moderate size, ra- ther oval, and pretty chjsely set on the bunches, which are short. Its leaves, particularly when young, are covered with a white down, which easily distinguishes it from others, and whence it derives its title. The juice is pleasant and vinous; it is an excellent wine grape, and produces well ; is very hardy, a sure grape for a crop, and is one of those that will succeed fartherest north. It enters largely into culture in the vineyards of France, and is well calculated to succeed for the same purpose in this country. 89. White AIoriUo7i. — The berries are nearly round, and form a bunch of good size ; the fruit in flavour resembles the Black M')riUon, but is rather more sweet ; it is a plea- sant early table fruit, and ripens at the end of August or be- ginning of September. 80. Strified Alffijio — This is a variety of the Morillon ; the berries are on some bunches black, on others white, but very frequently black, white, and striped on the same bunch ; the fruit is similar to the Morillon Noir in quality, l)eing pleasant, and ripening early. It is sometimes called Raisin de Suisse, and by others Morillon Panache. I consider this grape would mature its fruit at Boston, and for some (iisi- tance to the north of it ; ripens at the end of August or be- ginning of September. 7. Auvernaty or Pineau JVoir. — This is a wine grape, much cultivated in Burgundy ; the berry is not large, but closely set on the bunch, and of agreeable flavour ; the bunches are but of moderate size. It is often called Pineau Noir, but is q^jite distinct from the following ; ripens the be- ginning of September. Pineau Franc— -A fruit of minor size and oblong, with small bunches of a form somewhat conical, and the berries closely set on the bunch ; it is not the most productive, but its fruit is of excellent flavour, and produces the most deli- cate wines of Burgundy The finest vineyards of that part of France are most composed of the varieties of the Pineavj and of the Morillon. They all ripen about the same period, and in this vicinity are at maturity the beginning of Sepr tember. 70 Pineau Gris, or Grey Burgundy. — This grape, also called Auvernat Gris, is used in connexion with the Auvei'- ( 44 ) nat Blanc, and Auvernat Rouge Claire, to form the far- fanned Chasupait^ne wine Tiic bunch of this is short, un- equal in its torm, and nioderatt iy lari^e ; the berries are round, pretty close, sweet, fiiie flavourerl, and of a i^reyish colour. Formerly, many vineyards in France were entirely composed of this grape, and at present it forms a lari^e pro- portion of several. It is sometimes called Griset Blanc; ripens in September. 68 Pineau Blanc^ or White Burgundy. — This grape is also called B urguii.>;ni>n Blanc ; the berries are somewhat oblong, and so closely set on the buixh, that in very rich- soils it is not uncommon for a portion to fall off in order to give space for the remainder. The fruit, when ripe, is of a yellow colour; ripens in Septe'ribtr. 98. Bourguignon JVbir — This is another variety of the Morillon, and is somewhat allied to the Pineau ; the berries are, however, less closely set on the bunch, and toe fruit less oval than the latter ; they are black and, sweet, and the hunch is often winged <>r shuuidered. It is cultivated in connexion with the others referred to in the fine vineyards of Burgun- dy, and ripens at the same time. 26. White Chassrias^ Royal Muscadine^ D'* Arboyce^ or Chasselas Blanc. — This has round amber-coloured berries, of moderate size, thin skin, and soft juicy flesn; the biriciies are very large; it is a great bearer, and riper;S in Sep- tember. This grape, vvhicli is the most cultivated for the table in the middle of France, but which does not conae to perfection in the north of that country, unless in very favourable locali- ties, does not fail to regularly ripen its fruit in the vicinity of New York ; and when excellent wines are made far north of where this graj)e is found to succeed, it proves at nnce the fallacy of the assertions made by some, vineyards cannot succeed in this vicinity. One ciicumstance is fully proved in the experiments with the above grape, which is, that if our season is in reality shorter than in some parts of France, where it flourisiies, still, that its greater iniensity compensates for the s:if»rtness of its duration. Col. Clapp, of Oxford county, New-Y(>rk, has found this grape to ripen perfectly well in that locality, but he covers the vines in winter; they ripen with him the beginning of September. This is sometimes called Chasselas de Fnitdii^bieau'. The varieties of the Chasselas are consi'iered in Frmce among the fiiest of their ra!)!e grapes, and are very extei> sively cultivated for that purpose. (. 45 ) 27. Red Chasselas. — This is similar to the white in size and shape, but is of a red colour next the sun ; it is con- sidered a good grape, and ripens rather later than the white. o5. Goldtn Chasselas. — A round fruit, of amber colour, melting, sweet, and of excellent flavour; the skin rather thick, and the bunches are of good size ; leaves pretty deeply indented, and on a long petiole ; ripens in September. Musk Chasselas. — Rather smaller than the abuve, and ripens later; a white round berry, sweet, and of a musky flavour. 40. Cioutat, or Parsley Leaved. — This is a variety of the Chasselas, with finely cut or divided leaves ; fruit of fine quality, delicate and juicy ; the berries and bunches size of the White Muscadine ; ripens early in September. There are two varieties, the red and the white. 13. White Frontignac-, or Muscat tUanc, — The berries are of good size, somewhat oval, and of an amber colour next the sun ; the bunches are long, and terminating to a point, and the berries pretty closely set ; the juice luscious and musky, and of exquisite flavour ; perhaps no grape is superior to this as a table fruit. It has been remarked, that this grape does not come to maturity in the north of France, except in situations particularly favourable ; at Long-Island it ripens in September. 16. Red Frontignac^ or ATuscat Rouge. — This grape ripens earlier than the preceding, its berries being less closely set on the bunch ; it is also less highly flavoured. The fruit is of a lively red colour, and round ; the bunch is oblong, and the peduncle which supports it is remarkable for its size ; ripe in September. 15. Black Frontignac^ or Muscat JVoir. — This has. very large round fruit, covered with a meally bloom, and of a very fine flavour. It is called, at the Cape of Good Hope, the Black Constantia ; ripens in September. 17. Violet Fretntignac^ or Muscat F/o/e^.— The leaves are similar to the white variety; the berries are large, oblong, of a violet colour, and high musk flavour; they are povi^dered wit!' a fine bloom, and are very delicious. I consider it one of the best table grapes ; ripens in September. 14. Grizzly FrontignaCy or Muscat Grf.s.— -The berries are round, tolerably large, colour brown, red, and yellow in- termixed, and they have a high musky perfumed flavour; ripens in September. 18. li'hite Muscat of Alexandria ^ Malaga, or Alexan* ( 46 ) driaft Frontignac, — This is of high musk flavour v;hen it is- at n>atuniy, (or which purpose itrequiresa very warns situa- tion ; the berriea are very large, oval, and ot regulai form, without being too closely set; bunches of btautiiul appear- ance; uhen perfectiy ripe they are of a fine amber colour, I C(/nsider this the same as the White Muscanel. 19. Black Aluscat of Alfxanciria — This is similar to the above in its general properties, except in point of colour^ which, as its natue inciicates, is biack. I consider this the same as the Biack Muscadel and Black Malaga. 81. Morocco^ or Le Cozur, — The berries are unequal in size, of a heart shape, and violet colour, fomiuig very large bundles ; every part of the plant indicates a vig.,rous stiie ; the leaves are large, and deeply indented ; it is not consider- ed as a very high flavoured fruit, and should have a warm situation. 56. Cornishon^ or Cucumber Grafie, — This is a grape of peculiar form, whence its name ; it is very long, swelled in the middle, and pointed at the ei^is ; ihe berries are not clofely set, but the bunch is of good size, and composed of many divisions; the fruit is sweet, and (*i fine flavour; the^ usual colour is white or yellow, but there is a red variety. 60. lVhi(f Seedlefis Corinth, — This is the smallest giape I have evei seen; white, roun?;, sweet, and of cielightful fla- vour; its size, a;)pearance, and beinji seedless, make it par- ticularly interesting; the bunch is long, winged, and regu- larly- formed, ihf herries not beir^g too compressed ; it ripens early in Si.ptenih whir; hucccsb I) ay be insured. In tne vicinity of New-York, and south of it, this grape will need no such at- ( 47 ) tention, as it will mature its fruit with certainty in the open air. This gsape, which is black, and inclJninL; to oval, is re- markably fine fldvoured; both the berries and bunches are ex- tremely larj^e, the latter beinir shouldered — the only fault is thai the skin is rather thick ; it is a lijreat bearer, and njuch esteemed for that and its other qualities; ripens in Sep- tember. 39. Red Hamburg, or Gibraltar — The berries are dark red, bkin thick, "flesh juicy and delicate; the shape of the berry and f'*rrn ot the hunch both resemble the foregoiiisj. 1 1. Purple Madeira — This is a small pale purple t^rape, loosely set on long bunches; they have a vin .us perfume and flavour wi;en ripe, but are not suitable for ttje table. 41. Brown, or Chocolate Coloured. — This was received from France about thirty years since ; the vine is of very vit^orous growth, and a great bearer, and s-enis to suit our climate well, and to be as hatdy as our native wild grapes; the fruit is oval, of a sprightly flavour, and the bunches large ; it is an excellent wine grape, but in this vicinity ripens late, being at the end of September. 42. Red Aluscadel. — The berries are very large, oval, of an equal size thr.jughuut the bunch, and of a beautiful red colour; the skin is tlnick, and the flesh hard. 136. Teinturier, or the Dyer — This grape has character- istic distinctions not »nly in the form of its fruit and leaves, but also by the very deep red colour of its juice ; the bunches are irregular, and with s'louiders ; the berries round, and of unequal size; the leaves deeply indented, and five lobed. It is cultivated for the colouring of other wines, and to dye silks of a deep red colour, Tiie wine, when made separately of tliis grape, has a harsh and disagreeable taste ; the berries are black, and of a r-uind form. It has no less than ten names, Tuiteau. Gros Noir, Noireau, Sec. 79. Black S/ianish, Alicant, or Gros JVoir d'£s/2agne.~^ This grape has some resemblance to the preceding in the colour of its juice, but it is of a quality greatly superii^r for wine; botii the berries and the bunches are larger, the wood stronger, and the leaf more broad. It is this grape from which port wine is made. Gros Muscndet. — Ttie colour of this grape is very pecii- Jiar, being between a white and a rose colour; the bund) is of moderate size, as well as the ft uit, which is extremely sweet and luscious; it yields welt, and t'le fruit lipcDs early in September. I consider it (;ne of the mobt debirabie grapes for the table which ripen at that period. ( 48 ) 97". Mt^dier. — This grape, whose bunches of fruit at first view much resemble the Chasselas, and which in fact is called by that name in some vineyards of France, differs from it, however, in many respects. The fruit, which is yel- lowish, often contracts a russet appearance next the sun; its berries are round, not closely set, and ripen pretty well even in the north of France; its juice is pleasant and sweet; the kaf is quite palmated. This grape the author considers as nearly approaching the White Muscadine, and may possibly prove the same. • 52. White Sauvignon. — Formerly many vineyards were almost wholly formed of this grape, but it is now more rare. Its high flavour gives to the wine a particular character, but being less productive, it has been latterly much neglected ; the bunches are short, of medium size, and the berries yel- lowish white, with small dots when fully ripe ; it is considered to be a variety of the Pineau or Burgundy. Rochelle JVoire. — This is a round black fruit, pretty plea- sant to the taste, but in France principally cultivated for wine. It is remarkable for its elegant formed leaves, of a Sne green abx)ve, and downy beneath. The Rochelle Blanche is similar to this, with the exception that the fruit is white. 238. Perle. — The berry is oblong, large, and white; the bunches have many small shoulders, and it would seem that it with difficulty supports the grapes which give it an oblong form. 212. Folle Blanche. — This grape is of medium siise, thin skin, and berries closely set. Even when at perfect matu- rity it has a sweetish acid flavour not considered pleasant. It generally yields a great abundance, and is in high repute for making brandy ; the berries are round and whitish. 77. Ferjus, or Bordelais. — This grape does not ripen in the north or middle of France, but, in the vicinity of Bour- deaux, it comes to perfect maturity ; the berries are oblong, quite large, and form very large divided or winged bunches ; it is considered of value in the vineyards to mingle with other grapes; the leaves are large, and particularly sensible to frost. This grape, it is expected, will suit our country south of the Potowmac 85. Fvhite, very sweet, and of a good size; the latter circum- stance depending much on the vigour of the vine. They are pleasant for the table, and contain a large quantity of saccha- rine matter, so happily united with the acids of the fruit, as to render them finely flavoured for the palate, and highly prized for wine. It is the opinion of many intelligent per- sons, that the Scuppernong, or Roanoke wine, has a richness and a peculiarly fine flavour unknown in the foreign wines which reach this country. The fruit ripens about the last of September or the first of October The wood of this vine is very peculiar for its greyish appearance, and is very small in its growth ; the leaves are smooth, and it blossoms in June. All its advantages considered, it promises, at no distant day, to form the basis of innumerable vineyards in different sec- tions of the country. 111. BlaiicVs Grafie. — This is a round grape, of a pale red colour, middle size, and very pleasant flavour ; it is an agreeable table fruit, and is also a wine grape of very supe- rior order to the Alexander, and many others cultivated as such ; indeed, a person has but once to taste this grape to form his decision on this point. It has been supposed, for Tnany years, to be a native of Virginia, and its origin has been ( 53 ) the subject of much comment. To those who feel interested on this point, I have the pleasure to state, that I am at pre- sent in possession of information which I consider will set that matter at rest to the satisfaction of every one, and Mfhich will bt brought forward in a subsequent publication. 107. Alexander's^ or SchuylkiU MuscadeL — This grape, which has been erroneously called, at the Spring Mill vine- yard, and at Philadelphia, the Constantia, or Cape of Good Hope Grape, is unquestionably a native of our own country, and originated in the vicinity of Philadelphia. The berries aie black when fully ripe, sweet, and of a slight musky fia» vour, but contain a pulp. Wine of a fair quality has been iTiade from this grape in different sections of the Union ; and Mr. Adlum, of the District of Columbia, and a number of other gentlemen, have succeeded in making from it wine of quite a pleasant flavour. I have also in my possession some vine made from it several years old, but find it inferior to that made from the Isabella Grape. It seems proper here to remark, that Mr. Adlum makes a distinction between the Alexander's, or Schuylkill Muacadel, and the Spring Mill Constantia. The leaves, he states, are very similar, but there is a difference in the appearance of the clusters of fruit, the latter being the handsomest; both have a pulp, and the Akxaiider's has a little of the Fox Grape flavour, but the SpiiDg Mill Constantia has none of it ; it is sweet, without any musky flavour. Mr. Adlum, however, considers both as AiDerican grapes. The author has cultivated them sepa* ralely, so that amateurs might gratify themselves by con- trasting the two in their experiments. J\facback€r^s. — This is a very luxuriant growing vine, a native of the country, but is not considered productive. jidlum^s Late White. — This is considered one of the hardiest white grapes. It was discovered in the vicinity of Georgetown, District of Columbia, where the original now remains. It is a great bearer ; the clusters are very long, and hang on the vine till Christmas; the berries are not large, and the fruit is not considered pleasant until after frost. It is called, by Mr. /\dlum, the Muscat. 1 10. Catawba. — This is a large grape, of a lilac colour, and, in some situations, covered with a beautiful bloom, giv- ing to them a blucish purple appearance. They have a slight musky taste, and delicate flavour ; hang loosely on the bunches, which are of good size ; and, in fact, tliey are beau« til'ul to the eye, very abundant bearers, make an excellent E2 ( 54 ) tvine, and are tolerable for the table. Although this grape is said to be from the river Catawba, still there is mucb un- certainty on that point — as I am informed by Thomas M'Call, E^q., of Georgia, a gentleman now far advanced in years, that, in his boyhood, he knew the Catawba from its source, to where it loses its name in that of the Wateree, and that no such grape was known there. Mr Adium states, that he procured it from a Mr SchoU, at Clarksburg, Mont- gomery county, Maryland, and that it was called by this name by that gentleman. The grape called, by Mr. Ad- ium, Red Muncy, and found by him wild ii> Maryland, has proved to be the same as the Catawba. Mr. A. considers this grape " to be worth all others, indigenous or exotic, as Si wine grape.** 108. Orwigsburg. — The highest authority for informationi relative to this grape, is that of Dr. William Hulings, who named it, and brought it into notice. That gentleman, at first, thought it decidedly an indigenous fruit ; he now con- siders it probably may be only an American -variety of a foreign grape ; and in this latter opinion I concur, on account of the appearance of the foliage, and the general growth of the vine ; the flavour is excellent, it is very juicy, and ex- tremely productive, consequently is very worthy of cultiva- tion ; the colour is white, the skin thin, berries larger than the Menuier, and quite sweet ; the wood of this grape ripens well, and the vine is very hardy. It was found growing in a •wild state, in Schuylkill county, about three miles from Or- wigsburg ; it ripens in September. Missouri Seedling. — The fruit is as sweet as the Meunier, and has not more seeds ; its appearance is similar to the Elsingburg; some of the grapes of that region have been found to have a superabundance of seeds, from which this is free. This grape may, by culture, prove a valuable acqui- sition, but being new, its various qualifications remain to be tested. 119. Long's j^rkans a. -^Thh grape, which was found by Major Long on or near the Rocky M'.uniainsj possesses foliage so very peculiar as to distinguish it from all others I have seen. The leaves are deeply indented on the edges, the wood rather delicate in point of thickness, but sur- passing every other, except the Vitis riparia, in its rapid growth, and overrunning every thing in its vicinity. The fruit, however, is small, sour, very full of seeds, and will not bear comparison with the Missouri; and other American ( 55 ) grapes. This, and the Isabella, are considered to be the best to use a& stocks to ingraft on. 1 17. Luf borough. — This is a Fox grape, found about two and a half miles from Georgetown, District of Columbia. It is larger and better than the Elkton, and has a very rich ap- pearance, 118. Muncy. — This grape was discovered in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, and also in Maryland. The fruit is of a pale red colour, and hangs loosely on the bunches; they are of good siz«, and ripen late — the fruit is sweeter than many nati* e grapes, and the vine is productive. It is considered by Mr. Adlum, of Columbia, quite an acquisition to our coUecii'/n of American grapes, as being capable of producing excellent wiiie This grape has, by clone com- parison, been found so similar to the Catawba, as. not to be distinguished ; which would seem to favour the idea, that the Catawba did not originate in Georgia, but is, in fact, a native of Maryland. 109. Elsingburg, or Ellsenborough. — This grape was^ found near the town vvhose name it bears, in Salem county^ New-Jersey, where it would probably have remained unre- garded, had it not been brought into notice and cultivation by Dr. Hulings. It is a very sweet, juicy fruit, and of a blue colour; it is very hardy, exceedingly productive, and promises to be valuable for wine ; the bunches are of middle size, and the berries hang loosely ; it ripens at the same time as the Meunier, and is free from pulp or musky taste, and has generally but two seeds. It is undoubtedly a native, all the characteristics of which it bears. Its wood re- sembles that of the Isabella : but the fruit approximates more to the Meunier of France than any other American grape. Eaisin du Cote. — O! this grape, a native of Louisiana^, there are two varieties, which are found through a vast ex- tent of territory, from the Atacarpas to tiie Missouri. The variety, or species, most known, is dark blue, and round ; skin rather thick, and the fruit somewhat pulpy — extremely sweet, and not musky. Louisianian Dwarf. '■^1 have received a grape from Upper Louisiana, which I have named as above. The person who sent it states, that they do not run much to vines, but grow about three or four feet high, and then bend over, and fall ta the ground ; and that they produce a great abundance of very good grapes. I have also received a number of vines from Texas, whose characters are yet unknown to me. ( 56 ) 113. Worthington, — Tltis is a native, found near Anna- polis, Maiyland It is ot middle size, arul black ; it yields £^ higb coloured juice, is a very threat bearer, and, by some, is considerably esteemed ; the juice has been useti to mix with that of other grapes in making wine, to which it imparls a fine colour, and a tjood flavour. 1 13. Elkion. — A very large native Fox grape, of a deep purple colour, witli beautiful crimson coloured juice ; the fruit quite fragrant. It has been considered, by some, as capable of making good wine, though 1 do not know that the experiment has bten tried. 116. Columbia. — This grape was found, by Mr. Adlum^ on his farm, at Georgetown, The bunches are srnail, and the fruit deep purple, approaching to black, and about the size {'fa small Fox grape, but have not that peculiar scent which Fox grapes possess; it is quite sweet, and yields a high coloured juice ; in rich grounds its shoots are as strong, and its leaves as large, as the Isabella Warrenton. — This grape, a native of Warren county, Georgia, was sent to me by my esteemed correspondent, Thomas M'Call, Esq., and is also cultivated by the Hon. Mr. Milledge, of that state. It yields excellent wine, and its juice is white. I am mformed, by Mr. M'Call, that the first pipe of American wine was made at New-Bourdeaux, Georgia, by Christopher Gerb, otie of a company of viue- dressers, who, under Mr. L. de St. Pierre, settled that town- ship, about the year 1770. JRed Fox. — The fruit is large, round, and of a brick red colour; it has a hard pulp, and not a great deal of juice, but is very odorous or musky ; it makes the most exquisite con- fectionary, in the form of jelly — this is made with an equa- lity of sugar, the fruit being strained to separate the skins and seeds — (water with it of course) — it must then be eva- porated slowly, until of the proper consistence ; the flavour of the jelly is rich, and delicately musky. CULTIVATION OF GRAPES. - Soit and Situation, The grape delights in a deep light soil, where the roots can penetrate to a great depth with perfect facility. It flourishes in gravelly soils, where the land is rich and not heavy, and will even scarcely fail to grow vigorously in any land, except a hard clay. The ground should, however. ( 57 ) be made perfectly mellow to the depth of two feet, and if not naturally rich, should be made so with old well rotted stable or cow-yard manure, the latter always preferable. The situation should have a southern aspect ; an eastern as- pect is found to render the fruit and foliage most liable to mildew, and a south-west exposure is found to be preferable to all others. Tranafilanting^ Either the spring or autumn answer for transplanting vines, but the latter is the preferable season. In removing the vines, it is necessary to keep the roots moist from the time they are taken up until replanted. Let the holes be dug two feet deep, and the same square, and some virell rotted cow-yard or stable manure be incorporated with the earth that is filled in around them, and let them be watered as soon as they are planted. Pruning of Young Vines, In the arts of Horticulture, I have never taken as a posi- tive guide the rules of any other country — convinced, as I am, that the exercise of common sense reasoning, will bring one to the best conclusions as to the course to be pursued. Thus, with regard to grapes, as the small lateral branches are for the most part unproductive, and as their absorbtion of a vast portion of sap, which ought to pass into the main and fruit bearing branches, renders them worse than useless, they should be in no way encouraged farther than is abso- lutely necessary to the safety of the vine. The first year, therefore, I would only allow one, or at most two, shoots to grow ; and an examination for this purpose should com- mence as soon as the scions be^in to shoot, leaving only one of the most promising, and rubbing or pruning ( ff the rest 5 and this should be carefully pursued every two weeks throughout the season, during which period, every lateral branch should be quickly taken off, as they not only impo- verish the main shoots, but greatly prevent the wood from ripening. In October, or November, this shoot should be shortened to about three or four eyes, according to the strength of the plant, and where very weak, it would be best to leave but two eyes. Your pruning should invariably be done in the fall| or very early in the wintero ( 58 ) After having completed your fall pruningj, if your vines are of the more delicate kinds, you can proceed to cover them as hereafter directed ; but if they are of the hardy description, they will need no farther attention till the spring. At the opening of the second season, the young vines should have the earth carefully loosened around them, but not so as to injure the roots. During the second summer, there will be no further attention necessary, but to keep down the lateral shoots; in doing which, you should proceed thus : — Having left two of tl^e most promising shoots, and rubbed off all the others, continue to examine the vines every two or three weeks, and carefully prune off all lateral shoots whatever, throughout the season ; in doing which, I have found it of advantage, where the lateral shoot was strong, to leave the first joint remaining, that it may take off the superfluous sap, and prevent the bursting of the main bud, which should not push out till the ensuing season. These single joints thus left remaining, can be altogether taken off at the final pruning in autumn. This course will bring you to the conclusion of the second season, when, in October or Noveusber, you should proceed to prune them down, as follows: — To the very strong ones, I would leave eight buds ; to those less so, six ; and, to those which still seem quite weak, from three to four buds, according to your own judgment on the snbject. The third and subsequent years, no further directions are necessary, than to prune them frequently and sufficiently, so as to stop, at all times, the la- teral branches, where they are calculated to impoverish the vine without any manifest advantage ; in a word, to force by art into the nsain branches of the vines that sap which, with- out such aid, would be lost in superfluous, weak, and use- less blanches. It will be seen by the foregoing directions, that the culture of the vine is in no wise difficult ; for any person of the least information, having a single vine pruned, may, with the greatest ease, pursue the same course, with- out deviation, through a wjioje vineyard. It is, therefore, a culture, where one heac' can serve to direct a large number, and where, after once instructed, no after difficulties need ensue ; and this consitit-raiion, in connexion with the pecu- liar situation of the labouring population of the southern states, is calculated to insure success in that quarter. All those desir. us of pursuing this culture, may rest assured, that the numerous difficulties which have been thrilled in ( 59 ) our ears, for the thousandth time, only exist in the brains of those who have propagated them. Training. Lattice fences, five feet high, ranged north and south> and at a distance of six feet from each other, answer ex- tremely well for vmes, which should be planted along thenj at the distance of from six to eight feet asunder. On these fences the shoots should be trained in a hori- zontal or oblique direction, and each branch singly, so as to allow the air to pass freely through, and cause the wood to ripen well, on which invariably depends tlie success of the ensuing crop. At Thomery, a town near Paris, cele- brated lor its fine grapes, the vines are trained on trellices eight feet liigh. These lattices possess this advantage, that the sun can shine on both sides of the vines in the course of the day, and that they allow a free passage to the air, which is of great benefit as vveli in maturing tiie fruit, as in ripen- ing the wood. In those parts of France, however, where the culture of the vine is carried to so great an extent, a very simple mode is pursued, which is, to place two poles to each vii»e, atid to trasn up two shoots to each of the poles. This method will be found advantageous in this country on the principle of economy, when it is contemplated to establish extensive vineyards — and this is the course which will doubt- less be pursued in the vineyards now establishing throughout our country. Protection^ Ijfc. It is preferable in winter to protect some kinds of foreign grapes in the following manner, though there are many which do not require it : — In the course of the month of November, a few days after they have been trimmed according to the abfwe directions, bend each vine gently down, and if long, form it into a coil, then stake it to keep it in its place ; after this, proceed to cover it with earth or litter, hilling the earth up well around, and sloping it to cast off the rain. In the beginning of April, they must be carefully uncovered, and trained along the lattices designed for them, or tied up tothe poles in such a way that the branches are kept separate from each other, and, if it is the first season after transplatning, allow but three or four of the most vigorous buds to grow, and rub off the others. It has been urged, by some, that the ( 60 ) necessity for covering some kinds of vines in our northern states, precluded their culture for the purpose of making wine; but it must have been unknown to them, that the vineyards in some parts of Germany, where large quantities of wine are made, are treated iu this manner. However, even this objection may be remedied, by planting only those vines which are cultivated in the north of France, and which there withstand, without protection, a degree of cold full as great as that of the middle states ; the new varieties which have originated in our own country, bid fair also to do away every difficulty on this point. It has been considered, by many, that those grapes which require protection, when quite young, will continue to require it; which is not, however, generally the case, for many varieties which need protection the first, and perhaps the second winter, will succeed without a continuance of it. The ground around the vines must be kept mellow, and free from grass and weeds ; and, every au- tumn, immediately after pruning them, it will be necessary to have from two to four shovelsfull of old well rotted ma- nure dug in around each vine. It is to be understood, that the directions for covering the vines during the winter, and the selections of early fruit, &,c, are cmly necessary for the climate north of the Potowmac ; for, in the more southern states, no protection of course is necessary, and all the later kinds of grapes may be cultivated with every reasonable pro- spect of success; but all the other directi<;ns relative to pruning, training, manuring, See. will be found necessary as well in a southern as in a northern clime. Profiagation of Grafies, Grapes may be propagated from cuttings, layers, or seeds ; the former, however, is the customary mode both in France and elsewhere. For this purpose, you should select well ripened wood, of the growth of the previous season, and form it into lengths, containing from three to four joints* — as to their exact length it is of no consequence — but the lower end, or base of the cutting, should be just below a joint. Being thus prepared, about the month of November, a hole can,be made in sandy soil, so deep as to be out of the reach of frost, where they can be placed, with a layer of sand or other earth, between each layer of scions, and in this situa- tion they can safely remain till the middle of March, or the beginning of April, when they can be taken out and soaked ( 61 ) for some hours in water, to refresh them previously to plant- ing. You can then proceed to plant them in the places de- signed for them, which may either be in nursery rows, whence they can be transplanted afterwards to the places finally allotted to them, or at once into their permanent situa- tions. If intended for a vineyard, they should be planted ai the distance of six feet each way, after the ground has been pro- perly prepaired ; from two to three scions should be set in each place thus laid out, the uppermost bud of the scion alone to remain above ground — and I consider it preferable, that two scions should be left to grow, and the third, if it should not fail, (which there is fair reasons to suppose it may,) can be transplanted or destroyed. By planting an extra number of scions, you secure yourself against the injury resulting from failure, and you increase the chance of a successful growth three to one ; and the value of the extra scions is nothing, when compared with the time that might be lost, and tlie disappointment that often ensues, from planting single scions. Produce of Vineyards. The estimated quantity of wine produced in France, an- nual!y, is 10 millions of casks, averaging 60 gallons each, which is computed to occupy two millions of arpents of land. Much of this land is of a very inferior quality, being sides of hills, gravelly soils. Sec. ; in fact, such as, m many cases, would be unsuitable for other culture. This quantity of wine, valued at 50 francs (about %\0 the cask or hogshead, would amount to a sum three times as great as the medium value ot the whole cotton crop of the tJnited States for the years 1818 or 1819. When, in connexion with these reflec- tions, we consider, as Americans, liow much tribute we at present pay to foreign nations in the purchase of wines; when those equally good, and yielding equal profit to the cultivator, can without doubt be produced within our own country ; when, in fact, a small portion only of the lands that now lie useless and uncultivated, could be made by attention to save to the nation not only the immense sums at present paid for the importations, but, by the culture being suffi- ciently extended, might render it an article whose exporta- tion could be made a source of revenue to our country, not even secondary to our export of cotton. To what conclu- sions does it not irresistibly bring the mind. Much stress has been laid on the circumstance of particular soils, and F ( 62 ) particular exposure. On these points, even were attention to them positively necessary in ail cases, the immense ex- tent of our country would afford ample facilities ; but in France, it appears, every situation is turned to account for this purpose — for A. Young, Esq., relates, in his travels through that country, that every variety of soil, from a heavy clay to a light blowing sand, and all exposures whatever ; and every situation, from a perfect level to the steepest hills, produce profitable crops of grapes : for, where their quality is not suitable for the finer wines, they are made use of for distillation into brandy, and it is the refuse wines, in a great measure, that are used for the latter purpose. In fact, intel- ligent men can no longer doubt that the introduction of the vine into extensive culture, although there may be numerous failures at first, under peculiar circumstances, must finally result in the absolute ind-spendence of this country for its supply of wines ; and that m time, and with perseverance, the United States will enjoy in abundance that most wholes- some and pleasant beverage, to the exclusion of ardent spi- rits, so destructive to the health, and ruinous to the morals, of its inhabitants. It has also been remarked, that the most delicious wines of France never reach this country, as they are said not to bear a transportation across the Atlantic, and that it is those wines only, whose excellence is greatly lessened by adultera- tion with brandy, and other mixtures, and which principally consist of the harsher wines of Europe, to which we shall be necessarily restricted, until we can rival the finer wines of France, Spain, and Italy, by the produce of our own terri^ tory. Varieties, Every Department of France cultivates its particular va- rieties, and such as are there found to succeed best ; but it is considered that much improvement might be made in the vineyards of certain Departments, by the introduction of the finer varieties from others ; which course, however, is greatly neglected, and the coBtinuance of the culture of the same vines is so much a matter of habit, that the improve- ments above referred to are but partially acted upon. And when great precautions are deemed necessary in the selec- tion of vines for different localities in that country, where it has attained to such a height of perfection, it may easily be ( 63 ) inferred, bow necessary it is for us, in commencing the for- mation of our vineyards, to make our selections with great judgment and circumspection. It has been the folly of many persons to send to Paris for every French fruit, and to send to London for every Eng- lish one, without considering that they were much more certain to obtain them with accuracy from other quarters. The Government Garden of the Luxembourg, it is true, contained a very great variety of the grape, but that esta- blishment has been discontinued, and the collection no longer exists. At present there is no extensive collection of tke grape at Paris, althouj^h some persons there will not fail to execute an order for every variety which may be demanded : for I have received the same grape, in one invoice, under no less than ten diflferent names— in consequence of which, some years since, I totally discontinued all my importations from that quarter. Above one hundred varieties of the grape, enumerated in the Catalogue recently published, have produced fruit, and have been tested to my ample satisfaction ; and all others there mentioned have been obtained from persons who have dealt most honourably with me, in regard to other importa- tioBLS, and on whose confidence I can fully rely. And I am happy to say, that lime and experience has taught me to make those discriminations, and brought me into correspon- dence with those who are above deception. I will now proceed to state the European grapes under the following heads :— Grafies of Germany, Switzerland^ and the north of France j Grafies of the middle of France ; and Grafies of the south of France, This arrangement will aid those in this country who wish !o make selections for their respective localities. ( 64 ) Grapes cultivated in Germany^ Switzerland, and the north of France. w designates the white or yellow, and d the coloured grapes. The numbers refer to the enumeration in the author*s Ca- talogue. Alexandrie noir, d 143. L'AIlemand,^facun 144. L'Allemand, rouge, d 387. Aspirant b\?iUCy seedless^ w 68. Auvernat blanc, or pineau, w 70. gris, or pineau, i(f 189. rouge claire, d Bourdelas de Jura, d Burger, w 206. Chopine, w 40. Cioutat, or raisin d'Autriche, w Corinthe la grande \ 60. Corinthe la petite, seedless, at 133. Feldlinger, d 184. Fondant vert, w 141. Frankenthaler, or gros noir, d Garnet noir, d 216. Gommier violet, cJ 315. Gouais petit, w Grand khefner 224. Kishmish, or Uva passa bianca, w 167. Kni perle, w Z7. L'Yverdun, or Teric^ noir, d 97. Meslier blanc, w 229 Melon de Jura, d 6. Meunier, d 1 . Morillon hatif, d 3. noir, d 80. panach^, or Aleppo, stri/ied Muller reben 235. Neirret, d 145. Olwer, nvhose wine is said to be a valuable remedy /or the gravel 146. Ortliebscher, much esteemed 7. Pineau noir, d Pineau franc, d Raisin perle, w I 65 ) Raisin vert, iu 248. Raisin suisse, d 147. Rciuschling le grand 246 Rauschling ie petit 185. Red Swiss, d 148. Riessling, Clairette de Limoux, w 149. Riessling le grand 142. Rothe hintche, d 53. St. Pierre blanc ou Moscow, iu 136. Teinturier, d ' 46. Tokai gris d'Hongarie, or Tokai blanc, w 48. bleu, d noir, d 16S. Weiss klefeln blanc, w Weiss-klefeln gris, grey I have the best authority for stating, that these grapes (above enumerated) mature their fruits for the table, or for wine, on the borders of the Rhine ; and I have further to re- mark, that every grape in my Catalogue, from No. 186 to No. 257, with but one exception, were obtained by me from that locality, under the impression, as stated hereafter, that although many of them were originally from the more southern parts of France, yet their having been a long time cultivated in the northern Departments, had, in a measure, naturalized them to a climate more allied to the northern and middle stales of our Union. The different varieties of ihe Chasselas, and of the Muscat or Frontignac, are also cul- t,ivated there, but need favourable situations to mature their fruit. Grapes cultivated in the middle of France. N. B All the preceding varieties of Germany and the north of France will, of course, flourish here ; but the following are the most extensively cultivated. 190. Aligote, IV 187. Aspirant blanc, rf 194. Bordelais 98 Bourguignon noir, d 195. Blussard blanc, iu 26. Chasselas blanc, or White, w 35. dore, or golden, w 27. rouge, or red, d F 2 . ■ ( 66 ) 29. Chasselas musquee, or musk, w 40. Cioutat, ou raisin ri'AiUriche 60 Corinthe bianc, seedless^ w 135. Epicer, /ar^e, d 212. Folle blanche, nu Garnet noir, d Gouais noir, or petit game, d 214. Gouais blanc, %u 100. Gris meie 217. Grand blanc, u) 120. Gros Maroc, large Morocco, or Turkish, d Orleans, iv Muscadet, grey 222. Jacobin 223. Kilian blanc, w 134 Malvoisie rouge d'ltalie, d Mansard 97. Meslier, w 6. Meunier, or Fromanle, d 1 . Morillon hatif, or Madeleine, d 3. noir, d 89. blanc, iv 80. panache, or striped Aleppo 13. Muscat blanc, or white Frontignac, w 17. violet, or violet 15. noir, or black 16. rouge, or red 14. grib, or grizzly 236. Nerre, rf 238. Perld, diamant, w Pernan, d 162. Piquant paul, w 68. Pineau blanc, or Bour^uignon blanc, w 70. gris, or petit Muscadet, greyt 7. noir, d franc, d 249, Raisin de Genes, d Rochelie blanche, w 138. Rochelie noire, d Saint Marillo 251. San Moireau, d 52. Sauvignon blanc, w 336. Teinturier, or Moireau, d 77, Verjus, or Agyras; d do. d do. d do. d do. ( er ) Grapes cultivated in the south of France, In this favoured region every t^rape will flmirish; conse- quenily no distinctions need be made on tnat point. I will, however, desigiaie those which there hold the fiist rank as table grapes, to distinguish ihem from the vari«^ties culti- vated for wine, and arrange them according to colour and form. Black round grafies, 120 Gros Maroc, or Raisin Turc 121. Marroquin, or Espagnin 11. M .rillon hatif 15. Muscat noir Pi yran noir 122. Raisin prune 123 Ter!€ ;im ureau noir 124. Terre de barri noir 125. Ugne noir Black oval grapes^ 126. Aspirant Grand Guillaume 17. Muscat violet 127. Olivette noire Ou liven Raisin noir de pagez Uliiade White, or yellow oval grapes^ 150. Calitor blanc 151 Clarette blanche 152 Columbau 56 Cornichon blanc 153 Dure peau 154. Gaiet blanc 155. Jouannen blanc 18 Muscat d*Altxandrie 156. Olivette blanche 237. Panse commune 96 Panse musquee 157. Picardan Raisin blanc de pages Raisin des dames ( 68 ) W/iUe and yellow round grafies. 158 Augibert blanc 35. Chasselas dore de Tomery de la Magdelene 29. musquee 40. Cioutat, or Raisin d'Aulriche 159. Clareite ronde 60. Corinthe sans pepins 160. Doucinelle 13. Muscat blanc de Frontignac Riisin de Notre Dame 161. Ugne blanche Lombarde de Maiade Grey, or violet oval grapes. 128. Clarette rose 129 Dainas violet 130 T'-es dur ou de poche 131. Martinen Grey, or violet round gra/iee. 202. Chasselas royal 152. Grec rose 14. Muscat gris Plant de la barre rouge Ugne de Marseilles American wine grafies. It is the opinion of Mr. Adlum, who has made many ex- periments with the American varieties, that for the purpose of making wine, the Catawba stands^rs^, the Bland secondy and the Alexander, or Schuylkill, third; but, at the time this opinion was expressed, he had not made any experi- ments with the Isabella, which I had just introduced to nO' lice. At the present period, having made wine from the Isabella, which has been considered by myself, and by some of the most intelligent men in our country, unrivatled as jlmerican wine^ I cannot withhold my opinion, that it stands pre-eminent for that purpose — after which I accord with Mr, A, as to the respective rank in which he has placed the ( 69 ) otheF three varieties referred to, with the exception, that the merits of the Scuppernon being less known both to him and myself, we give no ultimate opinion with regard to that grape. Ju ices of the grafi e . It is stated by some writers, that no very sweet pjrape will make good wine, because they are found deficient in tartaric acid, and the juice is too dense to lerment well ; that no very tart grape will make good wine, because, if saturated with sugar, the must will be too dense, the fermentation con- sequently imperfect, and the wine will be both sweet and tart. There must be a just proportion of the respective qua- lities. Very sweet, luscious, and high flavoured grapes, are necessary to mix with others less sweet and flavoured, in making wine — as they substitute the saccharine quality, and impart an artificial flavour, which easily approximates, being so nearly allied by natural production. J^aturalization of grafies. It must be well known that many varieties of the grape, which were originally produced in the southern and middle Departments of France, have been, by long culture, ac- climated to localities far north of where they originated. This gives rise to a particular consideration as regards our imports of vines from that country. Shall we obtain them from the most southern or from the northern Departments ? My opinion on the subject is this — If desired only for cul- ture in our southern states, it is a matter of no moment whence we derive them ; but if intended for vineyards in the middle and northern states, it is far preferable to obtain them from the most northern locality to which time and cul- ture has naturalized them — as by this means we gain the advantage of that time and culture. Impressed with this idea, I have obtained, from the most northern Department of France, bordering on the Rhine, 170 varieties of grapes, including many which originated in the south and middle of France ; also, from Germany, the finest wine and table grapes they possess ; from the middle of France, such as are there extensively cultivated and highly valued ; and, from the south of France, I have received the whole number of their choicest table grapes, amounting to 53 Kinds, and alsa (70) those most highly esteemed for wine. In fact, viewin.g the introduction of the vine to be an object of national import-- ance, I have, regardless of extra expense, and extra trouble, obtained the different varieties under such circumstances, and from such localities, as I considered calculated to ren- der the most permanent benefit to the country at large. Concluding Remarks* It is a subject of gratulation that the public attention seems so fully drawn to the culture of the grape. It was not till after immense difficulties that the grape was brought to its present state of successful culture in France i and it should be no cause for discouragement, if some expe- riments are made in this country without the anticipated success. In fact, &o many causes exist where an error in judgment, or the want of the necessary information,, may produce a failure, that it would be a miracle if all were to succeed. Already, for years, has the vine been most suc«=^ cessfully cultivated on the Rhine ; and in latitude 50 de-^ grees, the most choice Rhenish wines are made. Recent accounts tell us of vineyards having been successfully esta* blished in the more northern parts of Germany, and i» high, latitudes in Russia ; and the Swiss have been, for a course of years, most plentifully supplied with wine from their owa soil. Shall, then, America alone be debarred from this, one of the bountiful gifts of nature ? Shall a country, pos- sessing every variety of climate which is combined in all the wine countries of Europe, and extending, through all the degrees of latitude which are there deemed the most genial to its growth and produce, be said to be totally inappro- priate to its success ? Shall it be said that a plant, which culture has accommodated to almost every other clime to which it has been introduced, can find no spot whereon to flourish, in a country extending from the 25th to the 47th degree of latitude, and that we can boast no such congenial soil in an empire, whose bounds are the St. Lawrence and the Gulf of Mexico, and whose settlements already extend from the shores of the Atlantic to the sources of the Mis- souri ? It is high time such delusions of blinded theorists should give way to the lights of reason and of judgment, and thai the culture of the vine, to every variety ofivhich we have a soil and climate suitable to offer, should assume that iznportance to which it has already attained in countries pos-? ( ?! ) sessing comparatively few advantages. Let, then, the beams of intelligence, which are imparting so much benefit to man- kind by their wide diffusion, disperse these clouds of igno- rance and error from the enlightened horticulturists of the American republic ! < STRAWBERRIES. Soil and Situation, The situation should be an open exposure, but somewhat sheltered from the excebsive heat of noonday. Moisture, and a degree of shade, are natural lo this plant, aS'may be inferred from the situations it occupies in a wild state. A sandy soil may cause an earlier maturity of the fruit, but will not be conducive to an abundant yield. A light rich loam is considered the most favourable, being soft and plia- ble, so that the runners may easily penetrate it with their roots. A mixture of bog earth is found advantageous ; and, in enriching the soil, cold manures are to be used In the southern states, I should consider the best situations for this plant to be the north sides of hills, or the shady borders on the north side of a garden fence, or a hedge. The planta- tions in the vicinity of New-York, and which furnish that city with this fruit, are generally made, by plain farmers, on good loamy soils, which are light and mellow, and occupy open and unsheltered fields. The yield from them is im- mense, and they are considered among the most advantage- ous appropriations of the soil. Forming Beds, The most favourable season to form beds is in September or October, which gives the plants sufficient time to esta- blish themselves, and become well rooted before the ground fi^eezes, and thereby prevents their being thrown out by the winter frosts. In formitig these beds, you should select strong and vigorous runners, or off-sets, in preference to tak- ing old plants ; these may be placed in beds from three to four feet wide, and from ten to twelve inches apart each way, according to the extent to which the variety usually expands in its growth. Most varieties do best when allowed to run together, so as to form a complete matt — as in this caso one forms a shelter for the other from excessive heat— => ( 72 ) feut where the fruit is desired of the largest possible size, the plants must be kept distinct, and at the distance of one foot asunder, and the runners should be cut off as fast a« they appear. By some persons it is recommended to make plantations in the autumn, as before stated, and to keep them divested of all runners till after the maturity of the fruit the ensuing season. As beds of strawberries generally want renewing every two or three years, it will be necessary, in forming the new beds, to select the plants in the proportion of nine bearing plants to one barren ; and, m order to do this with certainty, it will be best to mark them when in fruit. If, however, your bed%> are not encumbered with a superfluous number of barren plants, this precaution will not be indispensably ne- cessary ; the ugh it is generally requisite with the varieties of Huutbois, the Red Ci'ili, Pine Apple, and some others, which are apt to produce a great proportion of barren plants — and even, without proper attention, beds of these, and ot some other kinds, will become almost totally unproduc- tive. With respect to the varieties of the Alpine, or Monthly, it is preferable to forai new beds t very autumn, as the run- ners of the previous year produce a much greater quantity of fruit than the old plants. I will now proceed to describe some of the varieties. 1. Scarlet Virginian. — A native of our woods; fruit high flavoured, and ripens very early. It is the parent of all the strawberries of that class denominated Scarlets, of which 43 varieties are known. 2. English Red Wood. — This is sometimes erroneously called Red Hautbois, although it is smaller in size, and in- ferior in flavour. It is, however, one of our most productive varieties, and not apt to have a superabundance of male flowers ; and, as the fruit does not all come to maturity at one time, but continues to ripen gradually for a considerable period, it is a very useful family strawberry. 3. English White Wood- — This is also sometimes errone- ously called White Hautbois. It has precisely the same qualities as No. 2, except in point of colour. 4. English Red Hautbois. — This is musk flavoured, very fine, and nearly twice the size of No. 2. This variety is very apt to be overrun with male plants, in which case new beds ought to be- made when in fruit; in making which, ( 73 ) they should be planted in the proportion often fruit bearing, or female plants, to one barren, or male plant ; and beds thus formed, will produce so abundantly as amply to com- pensate for the labour bestowed. If preferred, the plants can be carefully marked when in fruit, and be transplanted afterwards. 5. Hudson's Bay. — An excellent variety, with fine fla- voured scarlet fruit. Whether it came originally from the Bay whose name it bears, seems somewhat a matter of doubt. 6. Red Chili. — This is a conical shaped fruit, with a neck between it and the hull, from which it is consequently de- tached with ease It is exceedingly productive, ai.d is raised in great quantiiies for the market of New-York ; it is in- ferior, however, \\\ flavour to the Roseberry, Hautbois, Li- ma, and many others. 7. Blush^ or Greenish Chili. — This is called, in England, the White Chili, anvl was imported by me from there under that name — it is also frequently there called the Green Pii'ie Apple. It produces fruit more flat shaped than any other I have seen, which is always of a greenish and imma- ture appearance on one side, even when perfectly ripe, and of a light red on the other. It possesses a high musky fla- vour, tne taste being somewhat peculiar, and by some, at first, considered disagreeable ; it ripens late, produces well, and quickly covers a large space of ground v/ith its numer- ous runners. 8 Bourbon Blush. — A pale red fruit, less productive than many others, but of fine flavour, 9. Pine Afifile., or Carolina. — This is another native of our country, and is the parent of nineteen known varieties, among which are Keen's Imperial, Keen's Large Seedling, and many others of the largest size. It is distinguished by its> large and vigorous foliage, and fine flavoured fruit, but is subject, like No. 4, to be overrun with male plants; but, by pursuing the same course as prescribed for that, this may be successfully surmounted. 10. Caroline. — This is a seedling of No. 6, of good size, but less productive. 1 1. Red Alfiine., Monthly., or Everbearing. — It is no un- common thing to gather fruit of this kind when the autumn is mild, in the open air, at Christmas. In size and flavour it is similar to No. 2, and produces fruit throughout the season. G ( 74 ) 12. IVhiie Jl/iine. ^-This possesses the same properties as the preceding, except as respects colour. 13. Keen^s Large. — This is much celebrated ; foliage and runners vigorous ; fruit large, and fine. 14. Keen*s Imfierial, — One of the largest and most noted English varieties ; fruit fine flavoured, and well worthy of cultivation. So much admired was this fruit on its first ap- pearance, that the plants were sold at one guipea each. 15. Roseberry. — This is a variety of the scarlet, or Virgi- nian strawberry, of our woods, produced by culture in Eng- land. It is a high flavoured fruit, of fair size, and produces so abundantly, that it is cultivated more extensively for the supply of the London markets than any other ; it is also deemed the best tor forcing in winter. 16. Black, — A blackish red fruit, of good flavour. 17. Bath Scarlet. — -A fine variety; fruit of good size, and well flavoured. 18. A''ew Hautbois. '-'This is also called Black Hautbois; fruit of the largest size of this class, and of a fine musk fla- vour; when full ripe, of a very dark or blackish red. It is exceedingly productive, and I consider it one of the most valuable kinds. 19. Donvnton. — This is highly esteemed ; fruit large, and of good flavour ; the foliage very large and vigorous ; it pro- duces well. 20. Knight's JVo. 14. — This is also called the Narrow Leaved Scarlet. It is one of the finest varieties of No. 1 ; fruit large, and of fine flavour. Bostock. — A variety of the pine class. It has been known by no less than sixteen names in England, which is of itself a strong proof of the estimation in which it has been held. MontreuiL ? -ri -, r? u • .• ^ ^, ' „, , > ravourite French varieties. Kasfiberry Flavoured^ ^ Bush jil/iine, or Monthly. — -This is exactly similar to No. 11, with the exception of its having no runners; a circum- stance to which some amateurs are particularly pariial. French Hautbois.— Tins much reseoibles No. 18, ex- cept that the fruit seems not quite as large ; but it is one of the greatest bearers I b.ave ever seen. Large Lima. — Ti)is is one of the very largest and finest flavoured kinds I have ever seen ; the fruit is of a long co- nical form, and is very high flavoured. I consider this one of the very best for a family garden, and perhaps it may prove equally so to cultivate as a market strawberry. I un- C 75 ) derstand it was imported direct from Lima, by T. P. Ives, Esq., of Providence, Rhode-Island, and I doubt its being yet in Europe. Early Hudson. — This has round fruit, of a pale red co- lour, ripens about ten days earlier than the Red Chili, and forms, with that, the principal bulk of this fruit sold in the New-York market. It is a good bearer, and of fine flavour. IVilmoVs Suficrb. — This seems a monstrosity of its spe- cies, and I never could have supposed a variety could have been produced of such enormous size. I have now be- fore me the coloured plate and descri/ition from the origina- tor himself, Mr. VVilmot, of Isleworth, near Loadon. He states, that this strawberry is from six to eight inches in cir- cumference: and as this fact is corroborated by the publica- tions of the London Horticultural Society, by Loudon in his Gardener's Magazine, and others, we cannot doubt its accu- racy. It ripens later than the Pine, and most other kinds. It is represented as not so highly flavoured as some others, but it is probably equal to the Red Chili, with which the New-York market is supplied. Jiis/io/i's Orange. -—'The largest of the scarlets. Grove End Scarlet.-^ A good bearer, and of fine flavour. HOPS. This plant, English writers state, flouriehes most in a loam, on a light sandy bottom. In forming plantations, suckers are preferred, which should be cut short at planting, and well manured every two or three years; they should also be fre- quently topped, and kept down to six feet, till they have gained strength. In Massachusetts, large plantations of the hop exist ; but it is very probable that this culture might afi'ord greater remuneration, it" some of the finer varieties, which are cultivated near London, were introduced to our plantations, as great distinctions are made in Kent, and other parts of England, on this point. LIQUORICE, OR GLYCYRRHIZA. This plant, which produces the Liquorice of the shops, is cultivated in England for the use of brewers and distillers-— ])ut Liquorice is manufactured from it only in Sicily and Spain. It grows naturally in these countries, and in Langue- doc ; and in such abundance in some parts of Sicily, that it is considered the greatest scourge of the cultivator. Its roots penetrate to a great depth, and the deeper the ground is opened, with a view to eradicate them, so much the more ( 76 ) vigorous is the succeecliiiRj crop, as is pretty nearly the case in digging up a crop of Horseraddish. No other culture is given than removing the crop thus spontaneously produced every third year. The juice is pressed from the roots much in the same way as oil is from olives — they are first washed perfectly clean, then crushed in an olive mill, then boiled four or five hours, pressed in the olive press, and the juice slowly boiled in an iron vessel. — (Bull. Univ. J RHUBARB. The different species of this plant flourish best in a light, tieep soil, more dry than moist, and an exposition to the morning sun. The seeds should be sown as soon as col- lected, and the plants may also be increased, by dividing the xoots in the spring. TARTS. There are several species used for the table — the Undu- latum, the Hybridum, and the Rhaponticum — the first and second ones mentioned are the most cultivated at London for that purpose. In France, the Rheum compactum is more generally cultivated than any other. MEDICINAL. It has, for a long period, been considered, that the Rheum palmatum was the rhubarb used for medicinal purposes ; but it has now been proved and decided, by the best autho- rity, that it is a species totally distinct, the Rheum australe, which is used for that purpose. ASPARAGUS. This plant, which is cultivated very extensively for the markets, requires that the soil be made very rich and light, and that it be made mellow to the depth oi 18 or 20 inches. The preferable mode of planting is in long narrow beds of about five feet wide, and tlie plants should be placed one foot apart each way in the beds. DYER'S MADDER. This plant, of so much importance in manufactures, and of which "we have annually to imp(;rt large quantities from Holland, will succeed in this country as weii as in any part of Europe. It will thrive in any soil except a sand, and ■would amply remunerate those who would undertake its cultivation on a large scale, as the daily increase of our ma- nufactories will cause an enlarged demand for this indispen- sable article. ( 7? ) JVomenclature of Fruits, J) u ring a number of years, the author has been engaged in a most extensive and general investigation of all the fruits that have been introduced to this country from abroad, in or- der to test their accuracy, and the correctness of their names. This critical inquiry has convinced him, that not less thart 100 varieties of the different fruits at present extensively cultivated in this country are incorrect, as to the identity of their names, and consequently quite different from those they are intended to represent. This has arisen either from errors being made when they were sent from Europe, or by esiabiished naines being adopted here for doubtful fruits. The author himself has, in common with others, been grossly deceived in the varieties of fruits from Europe, even when received from the best nurseries of England and France. This has long since led him to scrutinize every variety he receives, and the original tree is invariably planted out fop bearing, that its accuracy may be tested. The author has gone into these remarks, to account for any present differ- ences which exist between fruits from his establishment, and those from others bearing similar names, as above 100 kinds will be found to essentially differ both in appearance and quality. Those persons wlio are conversant with Duham- mei, the Luxtn^bourg Catalogue formed under the auspices of tlie French Government, the Bon Jardinier, and other French publications; or with Miller, Forsyth, Speechley, and the publications of the London Horticultural Society, can have the identical fruits sent them that are described in those works, and in every case the identity is guaranteed^ Synonyms in Fruits. The author is taking extreme pains to regulate these pro* perly and conclusively, as so much of the success of horti- culture depends on critical accuracy. The Catalogues of his establishment bear witness Xn his anxiety, that the same fruit should never be disseminated under a plurality of names, and it contains naore synonyms attached to the re- spective fruits than any other publication existing; but the author intends, in his " American Horticulture," to extend this necessary pan of horticultural information, so as to set G 2 ( 78 ) at rest a great many of the errors which have hitherto ex- isted, in consequence of a want of information on ii)is iiead. It was quite amusing, on calling to see a peach which an acquainlance called by the charming name of " Maria Antoinette/* to discover, that it was the identical fruit which had been long sold as the " Yellow Rareripe," and which originated in a field about two miles from his resi- dence, whence he obtained it, and called ii by the latter title. I have also noticed, that a peach, which is now selling as a new variety, by the high sounding name of *' Emperor (if Russia,'* is the same fruit known for 30 years past under tiie unpretending title of " Serrated Leavtd Peach." Various other instances of this kind have come within my notice, which it is unnecessary to enumerate here. There is nothing more calculated to lessen the saiisfaciion of the horticul- turalist than this re-christening of old and well known fruits, either by the name of the person who happens to find a tree growing in his garden, or with some fanciful production of Iiis imagination, as it will create the same endless conrusion that has for a long period existed in England, and which their Horticultural Society is now attempting to remedy — for it is a fact which can be proved, that many of the fruits of Europe may at present be obtained with more accuracy from some of the American nurseries than they can, in most cases, either from England or France. jiccli7nation of Fruits. Deciduous trees, natives of the same latitude, are far more hardy than evergreens; which proves, that tiie foliage of the latter possesses, even in winter, a great degree of sensibi- lil«. Efforts, therefore, to naturalize the fruits of the warmer climes, should be commenced in preference with those which are deciduous. The deciduous trees of Portu- gal, Italy, and Spain, and of South-Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana, will endure the wiiiters of New- York, when the evergreens from the same places perish if unprrtecied. Though in England, where the winters are more moderate, these survive and flourish, while, from the want of heat in their summers, many of the deciduous trees do not ripen their wood sufficiently to support their climate in winter ; whereas, beneath the powerful sun of our country, the wood becomes so well matured, that it, in many histances, resists the rigours of our winters uninjuredt A consideration of C 79 ) these circumstances, and effects of climate, may g-reatly aid those conceined in the acciimalion of ti'tes caicuiated for fruit or for ornament. JVursei'y Soils.- As a prejudice has prevailed from time immemorial, that trees, like cattle, when removed from a rich to a poorer soil, cannot thrive ; and, as nursf^ry grounds are iijeneraliy sup- posed to be kept in the richest possibie state, it is a duty which the author owes to hin.seif to remark, that for many years he has not made use of as much manure on iiis grounds as is commonly put on the same quantity of ground by farmers in their usual course of agriculture — not from any belief in the above nientioned dortrine, bat from motives of econonu', resulting from actual experinrtent, he has sub* stituted culture for manure, by having his grounds, previ- ously to planting, plougned m'.ire than t vice the usual depth, and by having the ground each year dug alongside of the rows of trees. By this tnanagement they are continued in the most thrifty state until the period for transplantation. The doctrine of trees not thriving when removed from -x rich to a poorer soil, has long since been exploded in Europe. Marsliall, a celebrated English writer, is very particular on this subject, and gives instances that have come under his observation to prove its fallacy, in his "Rural Economy of the Midland Counties of England,'* vol i. p 85. It is abso- lutely necessary that the young trees, at the time of trans- planting, should be vigorous and thrifty, and it is of no con- sequence whether this is produced by strength of soil or by culture, as the young trees will then have a constitution pre- pared to feed themselves on coarser food. To those who insist on the point that nurseries of trees should be reared on poor ground, the reply may be made, that it might, with equal aptitude, be asserted, that a decre- pid man is the best calculated to sustain the toils of a jour- ney. Orchards near the Sea-shore, It is recommended, in localities wholly exposed to the ocean — such as Nantucket, and other islands — that those who desire to succeed in cultivating fruits, should first plant a row of red cedars, willows, or other hardy trees, to break ( 80 ) off the gales ; next to these, they might plant their pears, aa the fruit best calculated to support the situation, and afier them peaches, and other fruits ; perhaps it would be better thai the cordon of cedars, willows, Sec. should be extended on three sides of the plantation. As the red cedar flourishes uninjured on the sea-shore, and from its being an evergreen, is capable of affording protection against storms in all sea- sons, I consider it as decidedly the most proper to be selected for the before mentioned purpose. Budding'^ or Inoculating', The proper season for this process is from the middle of July to the end of September ; but, in fact, any period, when the bark peals freely, will be found suitable for this purpose. Tne biuN to be preterred are those that are strimg and well formed, and borne on vigorous and healthy shoots. In taking the bud irom the twig, the knife should be inserted about half an inch above it, and a thin slice of the bark, incluiing a small portion of wood with it, siiould be taken off, extend- ing about one inch below the bud — this bud is to be inserted in the follovviiiii manner: — Select a smooth part of the body of the tree m which you wish to insert it j make a transverse section through the bark, down to the wood, with a budding knife ; from this, make a longitudinal cut downward, so that the two incisions will resemble a T — then proceed to loosen the bark on each side of the longitudinal incision ; alter which, place the bud at the upper end of it, and draw it gently downward to the end of the incision — the upper part of t; e bud can then be cut off at the transverse incision, leav- ing the upper bark of the bud to meet that of the stock. It should then be carefully bound round with strings of bass mat both above and below, but leaving the bud, or eye, per- f Liiy free and uncovered. These strings can be taken off irj fr« m two to four weeks after, or when the bud shall seem perfectly united with the stock. The tree must remain in this situation till the ensuing March or April, v^hen the head can be taken off, about an inch above the bud, which projec- tion can be gradually smoothed off as fast as the young shoot advances in strength, Ingrafiing. This is a process far more simple and easily acquired thari inoculating. There arc innumerable modes of performing^ C 81 ) it, but those most pursued, and most easy and useful, are split, or cleft grafting, and whip, or tongue grafting — these two methods I will, therefore, proceed to describe. Sfilit^ or cleft grafiing. — In doing this, the head of the tree or branch is to be carefully cut oft" in a sloping direc- tion, and the upper part is then to be smoothed off hori- zontally, to about one-third the diameter of the stock ; a per- pendicular slit is then to be made of about one and a half to two inches deep, with a sharp knife or chizel, which must cross the centre of the smooth surfl\ce of the slope ; the graft having been prepared in the form of a lon^^ thin wedge, it must now be fitted into the upper part of this incision, and be placed in such manner that the inner bark of the stock and scion exactly meet each other ; this being done, the stock should be bound up with a band of bass mat, and the parts be carefully clayed over to prevent the operation of the air, and to keep it moist, leaving about three to four buds of the graft to project uncovered. IVhifi^ or tongue grafting. — When this method is pur- sued, the top of the stock and the graft should be of nearly equal diameter; the stock and the graft should each be sloped about an inch and a half, arid made to match each other ; in some cases they are bound together ; in others, the addition of a tongue is made to one part, to match in an incision of the other. In either case, if the barks are made to meet, and they are well bound together, there is little doubt of success. They must be clayed over the same as in split grafiing — the clay will need to be mixed up with water, and to be made soft and pliable for the purpose. ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, Sec. Magnolia. — Of this there are a large r.umber of species and varieties, and all of the species are natives either of N(»rth- America or of China. The Magnolia tripetela, or Um- brella tree, attains a large size, and is of rapid growth. It has very large leaves, and large while flowers. The Mag- nolia glauca has small leaves, of a sluning green colour, and the flowers, which are of moderate size, and white, are of exquisite fragrance. The northern varieties of this never forms more than a large shrub, or small tree ; but the southern variety, which has longer leaves, rises to the height of 30 or 40 feet, in its native localities. The Magnolia acu- minata has blue flowers^ of no great beauty, but its foliage is ( 82 ) fine, and it rises to the hci.ejht of from 80 to 100 feet in its native forests, and fornns a lofty timber tree. The Magnolia cordata, or Yellow Flowering, is one of the most interesting. This species, when ingrafted, will flower freely at the height of two feel, and continue to do so until it forms a large tree. It is highly interesting, as being the only species with flowers of this coh^ur; and the more so, from its producing them twice in each season : once in May, and again in August, whence it has received the lilie of "Twice Flowering Magnolia." The Magnolia macrophylla is greatly admired, and has the largest foliage of all the species ; the flowers are also larger than any other; they are white, with a touch of pur- ple in the centre, and of very pleasant odour. The Magnolia auriculata,or Ear Leaved, has large flowers^, of a cream colour and pleasant fragrance. The Magnolia pyramidata has also its foliage ear shaped., but fur smaller than the foregoing, and also differs in other respects. The Magnolia grandiflora is an evergreen, with fine glossy leaves and flovvers-^white, and of pleasant fragrance. Of this there are a number of varieties. The Magnolia Thompsoniana is a splendid hybrid, be- tween the grandiflora and the glauca ; and its flowers par- take of the size of the former, and of the exquisite fragrance of the latter. Ail the foregoing support our severest winters, except the two last, and these are often injured ; besides which, the Mag- nolia obovata, conspicua, and gracilis, three splendid Chinese species, support our winters without protection. Chinese ^ilant/ius.-^TWis splendid tree, whose rapid growth and pinnated leaves are frequently of the lenRth of three and a half to four feet, is greatly admired. It was in- troduced from one of the London nurseries by the author, under the name of Tanner's Sumach, and the error remained uncorrected for a number of years. It is now beconung ex- tensively planted for ornament, as it forms one of the most beautiful trees when at maturity, and withstands the severest cuid. In Rhode- Island, where it is frequently called Tal- lov/, or Tillou tree, there are a great number v.'hich are se- veral feet in circumference. It was there supposed, for some time, to have been brought from South AiT>erica, but latterly, its introduction has Ijeen traced direct to China. As few trees are calculated to make as fine an appearance ( 83 ) in so short a space of time, it is particularly suitable for put- poses where trees are required to promptly form an orna- , ment. Horse-chestnut .~-*0[ this there are various species, vary- ing from very lofty to very diminutive stature, and producing flowers of various colours. The most common is the Euro- pean White Flowering, which forms a tree of immense size, and whose while flowers, beauiifuiiy mottled with red, possess, at their season of bloom, an elegant appearance. Another species of great size, is the Aesculus palhda, or Ohio Buck- eye. The Scarlet Flowering, and the Yellow Flowering, form trees of about 15 to 20 feel in height, but commence blooming when only Irom three to four feet high. The Dwarf White Flowering, or Aesculus macrostachya, is par- ticularly beautiful, as it never forms more than a handsome shrub of about five to six feet in height, but produces a great abundance of very showy flowers. The Aesculus rubi- cunda and carnea, having been but recently introduced to this country, are at present less known ; they are however described as greatly to be admired. ^ Fir trees* — In this class of ornamental trees, those most ^ esteemed are the Balsam Fir, or Balm of Gilead Fir, a na- tive of this country; the European Silver Fir, somewhat rc» sembling the foregoing ; the Red Spruce, Black Spruce, Hemlock Spruce, Scotch Fir, Pineaster,or Clufster Pine, and the Stone, or Eatable Fruited Pine of Italy — but none is su- perior in point of ornament to the Norway Spruce, which has also the advantage of growing on poor soils, and of sup- porting the severest blasts of winter in any clime. Yew. — Of this there are three species usually cultivated, the Taxus baccata, or English Yew, used very generally in England as an appendage to their burying grounds, on ac- i^ count of its dark green foliage and sombre appearance. This ! is ccitainly one of those shrubs which impart a great deal of ] beauty to a varied shrubbery, by its uncommon dark green I and very dense foliage. The American Yew is of much I humbler growth, seldom rising over three feet in height. ; The Irish Yew much resembles the English, except in its i^ growth, which is much more upright. Arbour Vitcc. — Of this there are two varieties, both ex- tremely ornamental ; the foliage is peculiarly formed, the; leaves on each branch having a flat or compressed appear- ance. The Chinese Arbour Vit3S has foliage of a pale green — that of the American is of a much tiarker hue. ( 84 ) Calycanthus, or Allspice tree. — Of this there are seven species and varieties, all of which withstand the winters of Long-Island. Four of these are natives of the United States, viz. the glaucus, floridus, pensylvanicus, and laeviga- tas. These vary in the colour of their flowers, the form of their foliage, and in possessing, to a greater or less degree, a delightful strawberry-like fragrance, both in the flowers, and in the bark and leaves. The three others are from China, viz. the prsecox var. (uica, or Yellow Flowering ; the var. alboj or White Flowering ; and the grandiflorus, with larger flowers. These also possess a delightful fragrance, and their flowers are of very curious structure. Live hedges. — The trees mostly used for hedges are the White English Hawthorn, the Hi-lly, the Red Cedar, and the Privet. In the vicinity of Baltimore and Washington cities, they use two species of American Hawthorn, which appear to have decided advantages over the European. The Rhamnus catharticus forms a most beautiful hedge ; and I consider the Madura, or Osage Orange, and ti^e R. binia pseudacacia, or Common Yellow Locust, might be used to great advantage for this purpose. If the latter should shi;ot up, so as to become strong trees, they might, every ten years, be cut down for timber, and the numerous shoots from the roots would speedily renew the hedge. Li addition to the foregoing, the MrspUus pyracantha, or Evergreen Thorn, is frequently used for !>cdi/es. Ma/ile. — Of the Acer, or Maple, there are many species, of some of which I will proceed to give cursory descrip- tions. Sugar Maple^ or Acer sacharinum. — This is one of the loftiest native trees of our country, and so well known for its stately growth, and for its useful properties in the pro- duction of su^ar, and as a tiniber tree, tiiat a lengthy de- scription would be deemed superfluous. I would only ob- serve, that it is becoming one of the most favourite trees in the United States for shade or ornament. Eurofiean Sycamore^ or Acer pseudo-platanus — This grows to a great height and ample size, throwing out a wide spread top. Its leaves are vine shaped, and, on their first ap- pearance, are of a fine green ; but, as the season advances, they lose much of their primaiy beauty.. It is, however, much admired as an ornamental tree, and is useful for its timber. Striped Sycamore, — This is a variety of the precediog, ( 85 y w^iich r-cver attains to n large size, but its neatly varies^atcd foliage renders it very desirable as an orr.amcnial shrub. JV'or^vay Ma/ilc, or Acer filatanoidts. — T!us has the largest leaves ot any mapie I have seen, at)d is coiisidered as one of tiie finest ornamental trees. The flowers are hand- some, come out early in the spring, and are of a fine yellow colour, Afih Leaved Mafile^ or Acer negundo. — This is a tree of rapid growth, a native of our country; its leaves are of a pale green, and well calculated to add to the variety of tint in pleasure grounds. Scarlet Mafile^ or Acer ruhrum. — Of all the species I consider this the most desirable as an ornamental tree ; lis flowers are cf a bright scarlet, and come out very early m the spring, before the leaves ; and, when every other tree of the forest seems naked and unadorned, this gives a cheerful and brilliant appearance at a season when scarce a vestige of verdure decks the landscape. English Mafile^ or Acer camfiestre. — This is a tree of di- minutive size, iorming, by its curious shaped leaves and ge- neral appearance, a great diversity among trees of this genus. Strified Mafile^ or Acer striatum. — This is a tree -of fine foliage, and medium stature; the bark of the young branches is most singularly striped with white. Mountain Maplc^ or Acer niontajiiim. — This is more di- minuiive in its growth than any other native species, pro- ducing its seeds when not over four or five feet high, and seldom attaining more than ten or twelve feet at its ma- turity. Indigo Shrub^ or Amorfiha fruticosa, — This shrub does r.ot expand itb foliage till late in spring; they are large, bcauiii'ulty piimaied, with a terminate lolioie ; the flowers are of a bkJel^n jnirple coKiiir, with bright yeiiow staniinSE, and are produced in spikes oi from seven to eight inches loiig, at the ends of the branches — these are very numerous, and make a fii>e anptarnnce. Angtiica Tret^ Hercules' Club^ or Aralia s/dnosa. — This attains to the height of from 16 to 20 feet; the stem, which is of a dark brown, is defenried by sharp spines ; and even the leaves are defended in a smiiiar way. From these appear- ances, it has derived the second name given to it above. The flowers are produced in very large umbels, from the H t; 86 ) extreme ends of the branches — they are of a greenlsli yel- iow colour, but not showy. Jihcle^ or Silve?' Leaf. — This tree, a variety of the poplar, is highly calculated to ornament pleasure grounds, &c. It attains to a large size, and is of quick growth ; but its great beauty consists in its foliage, ot a fine green, on the upper surface, and of a perfectly white silvery hue on the under side. The leaves being supported by slender petioles, are easily agitated, and hang quivering, with the least breeze, like the trembling aspen; and the green and white surfaces of the leaves mingled thereby, present a contrast which, at a distance, gives to the tree an appearance of being covered with numerous flowers. This tree has also the advantage of holding its foliage late in the season. ^Ider leaved Ciethra^ or Ctethra alnifolia. — This shrub rises to the lieight of from ft>ur to six feet, and produces very numerous spikes of white flowers in July and August, at the extremities of the shoots, which are of delightful fra- grance. Being a native of our low swamps and woods, it imparls, at the season of bloom, a most agreeable sweetness to the surrounding atmosphere. There are several other American species. Bladder Seiima^ or Volutea. — Of this there are several species ; they have fine pinnated leaves, and papillionaceous flowers. Those most admired are the following : — Colutea arboresccfifiy or Yelloiv Floiverivg, — This is the tallest growing species ; it is a native 'of France and the south of Europe, and is found particulaily plenty about Mount Vesuvius. The flowers are yellow, a)id are pro- duced in June and July, and again in September and Octo- ber. At the latter period the plant has a singular appear- ance, from the circumstance of having the ripe pods of seeds of the first bloom hanging on the branches, and interspersed with the autumnal flowers. This, as well as the following species, are of easy culture, and will grow on almost any soil. Colutea halefiica^ or Pocock^s Senna. — This resembles the foregoing in general appearance, but the flowers are of a dark yellow, touched with red. Tt has the same property of flowering twice in the manner of the fi re going. Colutea cruenta^ or Jied Flonvered. — This is not of quite as vigorous growth as the two preceding ; the foliage is si- milar, but the flowers are red, spotted with yellow. Box^ or Buxus. — The Box is an evergreen, two species ( 87 ) of which are usually cultivated, the sempervirens and balca- rjca. Buxus semftervirena. — This is the common species of our gardens, of which there are the following varieties : — Tree Box, — This grows to the height of from 15 to 18 feet ; the leaves are shining and smooth, and tl>e branches of a yellowish hue. It is considered, when it attains a large size, as one of tiie first among ornamental evergreens. It wiil flourish in very bleak situations, and on barren soils; it even flourishes beneath the shade of forest trees, and may b& used as under shrubbery in ornamental plantations. Gold Strified Box — A variety of the Tree Box, with beautifully .striped foliage. Silver Strified Box. — Also a variety of the Tree Box. Gold Marifined Box. — This is a third variegated variety, with the yellow stnpe on the margin of the leaf. Divarf Box. — This is the low growing variety, generally used for edging of garden walks and flower beds. Its growth is slow, but at very advanced age it attains to a shrub of frora mx to eight feet high. It is this variety which is so widely spread and well known throughout the country. J^arrow Leavtd Box. — This is also of dwarf growth, with smaller and more narrow leaves than any other variety. It forms naturally a regular head, and the whole shrub has a delicate appearance. Strified J^arrow Leaved- — This is similar in appearance to the above, except that its leaves are prettily striped. Buxus balearica, or ]\finorca BoxTree.-"Tb\% has broader and larger ler'ves than any of the foregoing, which give it a fine appearance; and althougli it supports our winters in this latitude, it is doubtful whether it would do so further north. A new species of Box has been recently obtained from China, but not having yet been riiuch cultivated, its. merits are less known. Clematis. — Of this there are numerous species, all of which are climbing plants, except three. I will proceed to describe some of those most generally cultivated. Clematis virginica^ or Firginian Virgin's Btiiver. — This is ©f most rapid growth, and produces, in July and August, a g;reat abundance of white flowers, which are very fragrant; it is well calculated to cover arbours and bowers. Clematis vitalba^ or Traveller's Joy. — This, although a native of Europe, greatly resembles the one just described. Its growth, however, is far more strong and vigorous j its ( S8 ) Uranches arc very numerous, and will quickly overtop hedges, or any thing they can climb by ; the leaves are pin- nated, of a blueish green, and moderately large ; the flowers are while, and are produced in clusters all over the plant in July and August ; these are succeeded by seeds, each with a hairy plume, which remam on during winter, and ii is IVom the appearance of these covering the lops of hedges, &c. m "winier, and giving them an aj)pea?'ance calculated to anjuso the traveller, tliat it has resceived the appellation of Travel- ler's ,1<'y Ctematis uitlcella^ or European Virgin*s Boiver. — This is a native of the south of Europe, and is greatly adnured as a vine for covering bowers, or training against the sides of houses, or in other situations where vines are wanted. There are several varieties, varying in the colour and form of their liowers, a° fuilov/ j — Hed Flowering, Jilue Flowering, Fur/ils Floivermg* IVhite Flowering. Double Purfilc Flowering. These are all free growing climbers, and will grow to the height of 20 feet or more. The leaves are compound, and are produced in abundance, so as to yield an effectual shade. An intermixture of tiie different varieties produces a fine appearance when the plants are in flower. Cle7natis cris/ia, or Curled Flowered. — Tliis is a native, and rises tirens, or Live Oa/c.~— This is the tree Vi'hich yields the imperishable timber used in the construction of our national and merchant ships. It also forms one of the finest ornamental trees that our cotmtry can boast of; its fo' liage much resembles the varieties of the common Olive, and on ihe young plant these will be of a great variety of shapes'; its growth is slow, and it will not suppfirt the win- ters in the vicinity of New-York without protection, althotigh it does those of England. It may, in the course of time, be- come acelimaied^^^is Jatitude, but, until then, its full dc" velopment must'^^wf^Viiaid to moi'c southern localitie'v Buckthornii or Rhar/in%a. — Of this genus I will particu- larize but two species, viz. Rhavinus catharticus^ or Sea Buckthorn. — The leaves of this tree are oval, and pointed at the ends, and about two inches long, with serrated edges; the flowers are green, and produced in clusters from the sides of the branches, and are no way conspicuous ; it rises to the height of 14 or 15 feet, throwing out numerous shoots on all sides, and produces, during the autumn, abundant clvisters of black berries, whicii form its principal ornament. It has long been used in Eu- rope for hedges, and has latterly been planted in this country for the same purpose ; and I have seldom seen a more beau- tiful hedge of any other shrub, and consider it extremely eli- gible for that purpose. Ehamnus fialiurua^ or Christ's Thorn. — This grows na- turally to the height of from 12 to 14 feet, sending forth numerous slender branches on all sides, which are armed C 113 ) with sharp thorns ; two of which are at every joint. One of these thorns is straight and upright, the other is bent baclc- ward. Hanbury says, this is undoubtedly the species of which the Crown of Thorns for our Saviour was composed. It grows naturally about Jerusalem, and in many parts of Judea. It is on this account more particularly that it has been introduced to the gardens of the curious. Rose Bay^ or Rhododendron. — Of this there are numer- ous species, all of which are delightful appendages to the garden — several being evergreens, which, for the most part, have fine foliage, and in every case producing beautiful flowers. I shall, however, in this limited work, confine my descriptions to a small number of the most conspicuous. Rhododendron fionticum^ or Pontic Rose Bay. — This has been more extensively cultivated than any other ; its leaves are large and glossy, of an oval form, or pointed, according to the variety ; the flowers are produced in clusters at the ends of the shoots, and, in the common species, are of a fine purple colour : they expand in July, and, taken in connexion with the handsome foliage of this plant, render it one of the most ornamental and desirable shrubs. It flourishes in any- good common soil, but it is said a situation somewhat sandy suits it best. There are about 20 varieties of this spe- cies, which have been obtained by long cultivation, and rear- ing from seeds ; these are of various colours and shades, and are now in the author's ebtal:)lishment in a course of ia- crease. Rhododendron maximum^ cr j^merican Rose Bay. — This is not unfrequently called the Mountain Laurel, which tern\ is also often applied to the Kalmia latifolia. This is one of the finest species known, and is found growing natu- rally upon the sides of mountains, and in wet swamps of White Cedar^ and other trees, where it flourishes beneath the shade of the forest that thickly overffangs it. Tiie leaves are very large and beautiful, and of an oval form ; the flowers are produced about midsummer, in large clusters, ai the ends of the shoots: these are very abundant, make a fine show, and continue to flower in succession for a long pe- riod. When planted in gardens and shrubberies, they gene- rally form branching shrubs of about six feet in height, but, in their native wilds, they often rise to 16, and even 20 feet. The most proper situation for planting them, seems to be beneath the shelter of large trees, but they will succeed when placed in an open exposure. I have found a, mixture of bog K2 ( 114 ) or wood mould, and some sand, with any good common soilj, to be suitable for them. Both this and the preceding one are evergreens. Sumach, or Rhus, — Of this tree there are numerous spe- cies, the most of which are natives of this country, and ge- nerally well known. I shall limit my observations to two species, which are interesting exotics. Rhus cotinus, or Venetian -SMwacA.— This is also well known by the name of Purple Fringe Tree. It gene- rally forms a large shrub of nine or ten feet, but a tree of it, which had grown for a long course of years in the ancient garden of the author, and which had been planted by his fa- ther, attained to the height of 18 or 20 feet. The leaves are nearly oval, and stand singly upon long petioles : they are of a pleasant green, quite smooth, and add greatly to the beauty of the shrub ; the flowers are produced at the ends of the branches during the month of July, and continue for a long period : they are of most singular formation, being produced in large hair-like bunches, of a fine russet colour, which afterwards change to brown : these are so numerous, as almost to cover the tree, and give it that most singular and unique appearance which renders it so universally admired. The wood is said to dye yellow, and the leaves and young twigs to dye black. It is a tree of the most easy culture^ accommodating itself to almost any soil. Rhus coriaria^ or Tanners* Sumach.— 'Thi^ grows to the height of about 10 feet, and the branches are covered with a brownish hairy bark ; the leaves are alternate, of a pinnate form, and generally consist of eight pairs, and a terminate foliole : they are of a light green colour, and hairy on the under surface, with serrated edges; the flowers, which are of a whitish green, and no way showy, are produced in large bunches at the endsgDf the branches. It is this shrub which furnishes the celet)rated Sicily Sumach, so useful and ne- cessary in tanneries, immense quantities of which are thence exported throughout the v/orld. It has long been a deside- ratum to obtain this shrub, and those imported under this name, from three extensive nurseries in England, proved in every case incorrect : other trees being substituted, and, ir^ two cases, those of distinct genera. Attempts to obtain it from France were also unsuccessful ; and the author then turned his attention to the Island of Sicily itself. 'I^he two first parcels which were thence received failed to survive the voyage, but the third attempt was emmently suceessfal^ ( lis ) and those then obtained are now in a most nourishing statCj having been received in the summer of 1826. Acacia^ or Robinia. — This genus comprises many beauti- ful shrubs and trees, principally natives of Siberia and our own country, a few of which I will mention. Robinia fiseud-acacia^ or Yellow Locus t.-^^T Wis I mention first, as being the most important. Its lofty stature, invalu- able properties as timber for ships, and other purposes, are well known to every one. In fact, it is to the northern what the Live Oak is to the southern states, the English Oak to Britain, and the Teak to India. The immense and increasing demand is, however, fast sweeping away our large forests of this valuable tree, and it is high time our attention should be directed, in a national point of view, to the re-planting of forests so invaiuable to our commerce, and so indispensable to our rising navy. For, unlike the I/ive Oak, which advances with a slow pace, this is of rapid growth, and soon attains to a size applicable to the various parts of ship building. The attention of the British nation has been much attracted to this tree, and, within a few yenrs, millions have been planted in that country. Pamphlets have been there published, pointing out its usefulness in a na- tional point of view, and seem to have awakened them to a sense of its importance, in re-placing the forests of the Oakj which are gradually diminishing. Within a few years, many of our enterprizing landholders have been devoting their attention to planting extensive tracts with this tree, the wood of which is in so much request for our shipping. An acre of these trees, planted at two feet distant each way, will contain 10,890; at three feet distant, 4,840 ; and at four feet distant, 2,722 ; and it is said no appropriation of land is more lucrative than that devoted to this purpose. Aside from its usefulness, it forms one of the finest ornamental trees, where those of a large size are required. Its fine pinnated leaves, and long pendant clusters of white blossoms^ scenting the air with their fragrance, give it a just claim to our admiration in this respect. Robinia viscosa^ or Pale Red JRowering. — This will at- tain to the height of 15 feet, and forms a highly ornamental tree. It is easily known by its dark coloured aixl glutinous bark. It commences flowering when not over five or six feet in height, and the flowers, which aue papilionaceous, are of a pale red, mixed with white, hanging in pendant clusters in the sa^e manner as the preceding. At this ^- ( ns ) riod the tree is exceedingly beautiful. Its roots are creep- ing, and form numerous suckers, which it is troublesonie to keep down. This tree succeeds best in a s'dudy soil. Michaux, in his Sylva, states, that some well informed cul- tivators have stated to him, that seeds of this species have produced the Common White Locust. On a point so im- probable, and so completely put at rest, by a consideration of their native localities, we, on this side of the Atlantic, may be allowed to be a liitle sceptical. Robinia hisp.ida^ or Rose Acacia. — This is easily distin- guished by its more humble stature, seldom rising above four feet, and by the young shoots and footstalks of the flowers being covered with hairs ; it produces abundance of very large rose coloured blossoms, which bang in numerous clusters on all sides of the shrub, and being interspersed among its fine pinnated leaves, give it a beautiful appear- ance; and, in addition to those which bloom early in the sea- son, it frequently flowers a second tin»e, though in a less de- gree towards autumn, on the young shoots of the same year. This little shrub merits a place in every garden ; it is of the easiest culture, increasing rapidly from the roots, and seems most to flourish in a sandy soil. There is a variety of this ef much larger growth, of which the flowers are very si- milar. Both may be ingrafted on the common Locust. Rubus, or Bramble. — I shall enumerate a few species, which are objects of curiosity and ornament. There are a number which are particularly useful for their fruit, but are too well known to need remark. Rubus jfruticosusy or Eurofiean Bramble,— 'The, varieties of this worthy of notice here are the Double White Floivering. Double Pink Floivering. Thornless Bramble. Parsley Leaved. Variegated Leaved .^ The Double White Floivering produces large clusters of Mowers', of great beauty and delicacy, which resem1)le small roses; the vine is very strong, ofien running 20 feet, or more, in a season, if not impeded. The Double Pink Flower- ing is less vigorous in its growth, and produces abundance of small flowers, of a delicate rose colour. The Thornless Bramble, so long a desideratum, produces suigle pink co- ( 117 ) loured flowers, but its principal curiosity is beitscy devoid of thorns. The Parsley Leaved is particularly interesting, on account of its delicate foliacje, which, being finely cut, has a handsome appearance. The Variegated Leaved is also very beautiful, on account of its varied foliage — the single flowering kinds produce small black eatable berries, similar somewhat to those of our native species, but of less size. There is, in addition to the foregoing, the IVhite Fruited Jiramble^ wliich has been considered as an anomaly in na- ture. I have once possessed this kind, and had k to pro- duce fruit, but by inattention lost it; I expect, however, soon to receive it again. This variety has given rise to a bull : for, when pes-sons have first seen it, they have ex- pressed their surprise, by exclaiming — " Here is a Bramble with while black berries I" Saryibucus^ or Elder. — Of this there are the following, \t'hicli are curious or ornamental : — The Gold Strified Leavedy producing on some shoots only green leaves, and on others those that are beautifully variegated. The Parsley Leaved, with foliage finely cut, and of an interesting appear- ance, on account of its singuiarhy. The Red Flowered, or Sambucus /iubesce?iSy producing clusters of buds, which, when they first push out, are red, but afterwards vary in ex- pansion. There are also other varieties, such as the Silver Striped, Silver Dusted, White Berried, Sec. EngUfifi jYig/its/iade, or Solarium dulcarnara. — This is a vine whose foliage has no great beauty ; its principal value consists in being a quick and vigorous climber ; it produces numerous clusters of blue or purplish flowers, wliich much resemble those of the potato, and art succeeded i)y bunches of oblong red berries, which ripen towards autumn, and add much to its appearance at that season. There is a variety with beautifully variegated leaves, which does not run so much as the preceding; and another is said to exist, with white flowers — the latter I have not been able to obtain. Mountain jisli, or Sorb — Sorbus. — Of this genus there are several species worthy of cultivation as ornamental trees, in describing which I will commence with the most inter- esting. Sorbus aucu/iaria, or Mountain Ash. — This is also called, in Scotland, the Roan Tree, and has long been considered as one of the greatest ornaments of Highland scenery. The flowers are small, white, and produced in large corymbs during spring ; the foliage is very fine in every respect ; the ( ns ) Jeayes arc pinnated, and of a fine dark green ; added to which, they are retained until very late in ihe season. The trees generally attain to the height of 25 feet, with a fine compact and well formed head; but its principal beauty is its fruit, which consists of bright red berries, united in very large clusters on the end of almost every branch.of the tree, where they remain from the end of summer until winter, and serve to adorn and beautify when nature seems to become naked and cheerless. In very productive years, such is the appear- ance of the tree, when clad with its scarlet fruit, that at a dis- tance it seems as in a blaze. It will thrive on almost anyt soil, either rich or inferior, moist or dry, and is never af- fected by severity of weather ; it will, therefore, bear an ex- position in the most bleak and exposed situations. From all; considerations, this may be considered as one of the first; among ornamental trees of medium stature. In some in- stances, trees of this kind have liad their bodies partly covered with a flat grey insect, but these may be easily and' effectuallyremoved, by the application of soft soap, spread over the body and branches with a common white wash, brush 5 or, if much covered with the insect, the bodies of the trees should be scoured with soap and sand till the bark is freed from them, and manure dug in around the roots, to re- new the vigour of the tree. Sorbus amerkana^ or ^inerican Mountain ^s/^.*— This somewhat resembles the preceding, but its leaves are much larger, and of a paler green ; the berries which compose its clusters are also smaller, added to which, it loses its foliage much sooner, as autumn advances; the tree is also of less stature than the preceding, and, in gardens, seldom rising above 12 or 14 feet, and forming a far less regular top than the foregoing. Its large clusters of bright red fruit are nevertheless beautiful, and although it is not equal to the Europeanj it possesses claims to our attention. Sorbus dwmesticay or Euro/lean Service Tree. — This is distinguished for producing eatable fruit, which, in some parts of France and Italy, is served up in desserts, for which purpose the tree is there cultivated. It forms a tree of ra- ther larger size than the European Mountain Ash, and is a fine tree for ornament. The young shoots during summer are downy, as if covered with meal, and in winter they are of a purplish colour, with white spots ; the leaves are finely pinnated, and downy on the under surface ; both the foliage and white flowers much resemble those of the Mountain ( 119 ) Asii. There are several varieties differing in the size and shape of the fruit, as well as in the time of their ripening. Sorbus hybrida, or Bastard Mounfam ^«A.— This appears to be a hybrid, between the one first described and the Sorbui aria. It is of upright growth, not forming a very spreading head ; the leaves are quite downy, and half pin- nate ; the flowers and fruit are produced in the same man- ner as the preceding. Sorb us ariay or White Beam. — This is also called White Leaf. It grows naturally in the colder parts of Europe, and will attain to the height of 20 feet. The leaves are green on the upper and white on the under surface: they are oval, serrated, and about three inches in length ; the branches appear as if powdered with meal, and, in connexion with the foliage of two colours, have a very curious and striking ap- pearance.; the flowers are white, grow in large bunches., having whitish or meally footstalks, and are succeeded by red berries, which ripen in autumn. This, as well as all the foregoing species, will flourish in any common soil, and are trees of easy culture. They are occasionally subject to be injured by the same flat insect as the Mountain Ash, but soft soap, brushed over the bodies of the trees once every spring, will destroy them. Sfiiraa. — This genus comprises many shrubs of delicate and beautiful appearance, which are mostly natives of Sibe- ria and North America, viz. Sfiiraa hyfi€ricifoliaarked, with regard to their cul- ture, that they generally prefer a moist suii, but will also thrive in any good upland situation. Bluddernuty or Stafihylea, — There are two species of this shrub, VIZ. Staphytea trifoliata., or Trifoliate. — This is a native ; it grows to the height of six feet, or Uiore ; the old branches aie tiiarkcd ail < ver with greyish spots; the bark on the young shoots is smooth, and of a yellowish colour. In addi- ( 121 ) lion to the leaves being trifoliate, they are produced by threes on the stalk, whence it has been also called the Three Leaved Bladdernut; the foliage is cf a lij^ht green, and the flower buds appear very early in spring, but do not fully ex- pand until May: they are white, and produced in pendulous bunches from the sides of the branches, and are succeeded by large inflated seed vessels, like bladders, which are both curious and ornamental. Stafihylea /linnata^ or Pinnated, — This is easily distin- guished from the preceding by its leaves, which have five folioles : they are of a pale green colour, and quite orna- mental ; the flowers are white, and are produced from the wings of the leaves in long pendulous bunches, and although the buds present themselves very early, do not open until May: they are followed by large inflated bladders, in ihe manner of the foregoing one, and the seeds, which are con- tained in them, are used by Roman Catholics in some coun- tries to form their rosaries. The bark of this shrub is ex- ceedingly smooth, the twigs are pithy, and, when broken, have a strong scent. It forms a shrub at maturity of about eight feet in height. Lilac, or Syringa. — Of this shrub, several varieties of "whicii are so well known, and have been so long cultivated in our country, there are a nun^ber of species, and a still greater number of varieties, all of which are perfectly hardy, and of the easiest culture, assimilating themselves to any common soil, and increasing rapidly by radical shoots. They consist of the folio winxi^ — Syringa vulgarif, or Common Lilac — This species is a native -A Persia, but some of the varieties are now so plenti- ful in our garr/ens and hedge rows, that they seem as com- mon as natives of the soil. The varieties are as follow :— pur file Lilac. Red Lilac. White Lilac. Large Flowering White, Variegated Leaved. The Purple, which is the most common, has, in some in- stances, attained to the height of from 16 to 20 feet, but, in general, seldom exceeds 10 or 12 feet. The Common White sometimes rises to the height of 12 or 14 feet, but the others are of less stature. The flowers of all the kinds L ( 122 ) are produced in May, at the ends of the shoots, in large co- nical shaped bunches, and have a delightful fragrance. Syringa fierakuy or Per^/an.-*— This fine shrub does not rise higher than froni five to six feet ; the branches are long, slender, and covered with a smooth brownish bark, With a bluish tinge ; the leaves grow opposite, and are of a fine green; the flowers are delicate, and are produced ih pani- cles, in the same manner as the Common Lilac, but of much smaller size. Thus far, the remarks apply to all the varie- ties, of which there are three, viz. Purple^ or Blue Persian, White Persian. Cut Leaved Persian* The flowers of the White variety have a blue tinge when first expanded, but which passes off by degrees ; in foliage, it resembles the Purple, the leaves of both being lanceolate. In the Cut Leaved variety, however, the foliage is very dif- ferent, each leaf being finely divided into a number of seg- ments, which gives them a delicate and interesting appear- ance, and renders thib variety greatly admired. The flowers of this kind are exactly similar to those of the Purple va- riety. Syringa chinensis, or Chinese. — This is also called the Siberian, for many of the plants received from China, and supposed natives of that climate, l.^ve been ascertained af- terwards to have been brought to that country from Siberia. It has thence arisen that many species, wi.ich were supposed at first to be delicate, and were treated a^s tender plants, have, by experiment, been found to withstand our severest winters, which at once proves, that they were either natives of the northern provinces of China, or of some other locality equally cold. This species of Lilac seems intermediate be- tween the species already described ; the foliage is consider- ably larger than the Persian, and smaller than the Common ; the panicles of flowers bear also the same proportion : they are similarly formed, and purple. It attains to the height of six or seven feet, and forms a very thrifty branching shrub. The foregoing include all that are known to Botanists, ex- cept the Syringa media, which appears greatly to resemble the one just described. Tamarisk^ or /"amar/or.— There are two hardy species known to our gardens, both of which thrive in any good ( »23 ) soil, but being natives of low grounds, they prefer a moist situation ; they may be propagated by seeds, layers, or cut- ting s. Tamarix gallica^ or i^renc/;.— This forms a shrub of from 10 lo 12 feel in height, and sometimes more. When it hai arrived at a large size, the branches spread in an irregular manner, some being upright, some horizontal, and others drooping, but when young it is remarkable for the erect appearance of its shoots ; the leaves are narrow, of a pale green, very beautiful, and give a delicacy to the shrub, for which it is greatly admired ; the flowers are produced appa- rently in loose panicles at the ends of the branches, but, on examination, will be found to consist of numerous small spiKcs of flowers, arranged around the extiemities of the shoots; the time of flowering is in July, but it often pro- duces flowers later in the season. This is erroneously called, by some persons, the German Tamarisk, from which it is very distinct. Tamarix germanica^ or German. — This is of much lower growtli than the preceding, seldom rising ©ver seven or eight feet ; the branches are brittle, and covered with a yellowish bark ; the leaves stand closer than the preceding, and are of a pale green colour ; the flowers are produced in long loose spikes at the ends of the branches. The plant is much ad- mired both for foliage and flowers. It does not seem to do well in a dry sandy soil, but, as has been before remarked, prefers one that is moist. Linden^ or Lime, — Tilia. — This genus comprises some of the finest ornamental trees in nature, many of which are of lofty size, and elegant form. They are all propagated from seeds or layers, and they delight in a rich upland soil, where their growth will be proportionably rapid. TiLia eiirofiea^ or Common Eurofiean. — It is the common variety of this tree which has been already so much planted in various parts of the Union, and particularly in the city of Philadelphia. It rises in strong soils to the height of 70 or SO feet, and in some instances in Europe has attained to 20 feet in circumference; the foliage is particularly soft and de- licate for a tree of such large dimensions, and its white pen- dant flowers are very fragrant. It naturally forms a per- fectly elliptical head, and even in winter, its appearance is rendered pleasing by its long and slender shoots. As a lofty standard tree, it is particularly eligible; and perhaps, for this purpose, there is none to excel it for oinamcnt. In a ( 124 ) rich deep soil, it is of very quick growth, which is a great advantage. The wood is soil, light, and fine grained, resem- bling that of the Sycamore and Pcjplar, and is much used by carvers. It is from the bark of this tree that the Russian bass matts are made. In addition to the common kind just described, there is a variety called Tilia aurea, or Golden Barked, which has been recently introduced to the gardens of the author. THia corallina, or Red Twigged. — This, in growth and in other respects, resembles the foregoing, but possesses the striking characteristic that its young shootsareof adeej) blood red colour, which renders them particularly beautiful dur- ing the winter months, when deprived of foliage. Indeed, this species of the Linden is considered by many persons as much the more desirable on this account. By some authors it had been deemed only a variety of the common Tilia eu- ropaea, but in Sweet's Horlus Britannicus, it is arranged as a distinct species, under the title of Tilia rubra. Tilia fiarvifolia^ or Small Leaved. — This, in growth and flowering, resembles the two already described, but has much smaller leaves. It is rare in this country. Tilia alba^ or Silvery Leaved. — The young foliage of this is particularly beautiful, on account of the under side of each leaf being soft and downy, and of a white or silvery appear- ance. In other respects it resembles the species first de* scribed, but is one ot the scarcest species. Tiiia amcricana^ or Common American. — This is well known in our country by the name of Basswood. It rises to the height of 70 or 80 feet, in a conical or elliptical form, but when young does not seem to form quite so regular a shaped head as the European, and is not so rapid in its growth. When standing distinct, however, in its native lo- calities, it is justly admired for its loftiness and grandeur. Tilia fiubescenSf or Pubescent American. — This much resembles the preceding, except its leaves being somewhat pubescent. It has not yet been extensively planted for orna- ment, but in its native wilds it is particularly admired for the general properties for which the trees of this class are so much esteemed. Viburnum. — There are various species of this shrub more or less ornamental for their flowers, fruit, or foliage : they are of easy culture, and accommodate themselves to almost any soil. Viburnum oocycocus^ or Cranberry «S//rM6,— This obtains C 125 ) its common name from the appearance of its bright red fruit, which is produceil in large clusters, and resembles the Cranberry in colour, form, and pleasant acidity, and would be eligible for the same purpose, were it not that they con- tain pits, which form a considerable proportion of the size of the fruit. It forms a shrub of the lieight of from four to five feet; the foliage resembles that of the Common Snowball j the blossoms are white, and produced in numerous clusters, but it is the bright red fruit which is the greatest ornament, and which continues for a long time during the commence- ment of autumn. Viburnum o/iulus-roseum, or Snoivball. — This is the shrub which serves as a common ornament f>r almost every shrub- bery under the last named title. The numerous large bunches of flowers which it produces, and its general ap- pearance, are so well known, that a particular description would be superfluous. Tiie author has recently obtained a variety with variegated leaves, which has been increased by inoculation on the common one. Viburnum fiubescens^ or Pubescent. — This has been by some called the Rose Leaved. It forms a shrub of from six to seven feet in height ; the leaves are dentated, and quite handsome; the flowers are white, and produced in clusters, and are succeeded by black berries. Viburnum lantana^ or Wayfaring Tree, — This forms a ■ large shrub; the branches in winter are covered with a smooth greyish bark, and the young shoois are white and downy ; the leaves are large, heart shaped, serrated on the " edges, and full of large veins; their upper surface is dark green, but beneath they are white, and like cotton ; the ' flowers are white, and expand in June, forming large umbels, and' are somewhat ornamental : these are succeeded by ber-* ries, which are at fiist red, and then change to black. There is a fine variety with variegated leaves. This species of Vi- burnum likes a dry situation. Viburnum nudum, orOvalLeaved —-This is by some called the Entire Leaved ; it grows to the height of seven or eight feet, and sometimes more ; the leaves are pretty large, of a fine shining green, and grow opposite; the flowers are white, are produced in July, at the ends of the shoots, and much resemble those of the Laurustinus : these are succeeded by clusters of berries. Viburnum l^vigatum^ or Cossfoiffrry.— This is a shrub thai seldom rises over four feet, but has the advantage of L2 t 126 ) holding much of its foliage during winter, which renders it a sub-evergreen ; the leaves are oblong, lanceolate, and ser- rated; the flowers are white, and are produced in small and delicate clusters, and are succeeded in autumn by small ber- ries. There are numerous other species of the Viburnum, such as the cassinoides, dentaium, prunifolium, acerifolium, &c. all of which have their peculiarities, and are suitable for an extensive and diversified shrubbery The Laurustinus is also a species of Viburnum, but although it withstands the winters of England, ii will not support those of Long-Island, and cannot therefore be treated of under the head of hardy shrubs. Willow^ or Salix, — This genus includes trees from those of very lofty growth down to the most diminutive shrubs, natives of regions far remote from each other. They may all be increased by seeds, layers, or scions. Salix babylonicaun- tains during the famous tour of Lewis and Clarke, and will consequently withstand the severest rigours of winter. The flowers form a most brilliant display — each is small, and of a fine yellow — but such numbers are congregated as to form large heads or clusters of great beauty. It appears to be a shrub of low growth. None of mine have attained to more than two and a half feet in height. Several persons have killed this plant by superfluous attention, and by treating it as a tender shrub. I have found, that when kept in pots, the plants lingered and died. There are two other species of recent introduction to our gardens, the nervosa, and pinnata. Snotvberry^ is also a very fine climber, and has the advantage of being evergreen; the leaves grow in pairs, and these pairs are opposite, so as to form four at each joint : they are of an oblong form. This vine is furnished with claspers, or tendrils, by which it easily ascends where there is any thing to attach them to. The flowers are curious, and of a brown and orange colour. Bignonia cafireolata, or Cafireolate.'-^TWis I have ob- tained from different quarters as a distinct species from the last mentioned, but the general character is very similar. It is considered as having rather larger leaves and flowers, and that the latter expand more than those of the B. cru- cigera. Carolina Yelloiu Jasmine^ or Gelseminum nitidum. — This is justly celebrated as one of the most beautiful climbers ; the shoots are small and delicate, but if trained against a wall, or any other support, they will mount to a great height by their twining stalks ; the leaves are single, lanceolate, and ornamental ; but it is the fine bright yellow flowers of a trumpet form, and exhaling the most delightful fragrance, that give such value to this plant. In our more southern states, where it is found wild twining round the trees of the forest) it perfumes the air for 9 considerable distance around ( 14.2 ) during the season of its bloom. This requires protection in winter. Chinese Koelreuteriay or Koelreuteria fianiculata. — This is a shrub or smali tree of recent introduction to our country; the leaves are pinnated, and the branches spread around in raiher an irregular manner ; the fli>wers are yellow, of singu- lar form, and are produced in large panicles : these are suc- ceeded by bladder-like seed vessels somewhat similar to those of the Bladdernut. Some of these shrubs now in my ground's are 10 feet high, and I know not to how much greater height they may attain. Concluding Remarks on the Culture of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, As in most cases the soil best adapted to the respective species has been stated, I will only make some few general remarks, grounded on the experience of a long course of years, which may be found useful to those who would be willing, by a small additional trouble and expense, to gam in the growth and vigour of their trees and shrubs what the same period of lime could not otherwise effect. Autumn is the best reason for removing hardy forest trees, except ever- greens, li taken from a nursery, they are naturalized to an upland soil j but if taken from the woods or swamps, they should be planted in soil similar to that from which they were removed. The common method is to dig a hole scarce large enough to force in the roots of the tree, by this process the roots are more exposed to the frost in the win- ter, and to drought in the summer months. Where a rapid growth and vigorous tree or shrub is required, let the ground be opened to double the dimensions of the root, and one or two feet deeper than where the bottom of the root will ex- tend, which, when planted, should be two or three inches deeper (according to its size) than its former position, first fiiling up the hole to that depth with a compost of some fine rotted manure, mixed with the best soil taken out of the same hole, if the tree is from a nursery; but if from a swamp, then let two-thirds of the earth filled in the hole be ot bog earth from a swamp, mixed with common earth and some rotten manure. If the situation is exposed to the winds, stakes may be necessary to keep the trees in their places. In the spring have some litter placed around them, which ( 143 ) will keep the gfound moist, and prevent tlie grass and wee^ forming^ a sod, observing to have the earth hollowed a little when the litter is placed there. The e^round should be turned over and mellowed in autumn, and any trees or shrubs that are observed to become mossy or bark-bound, should have the bodies brushed over in April with common soft soap. With this management, they will make more pro- gress in three years than they would in six or seven years in the common way. Evergreen Trte^ and Shrubs, These, if taken from the woods, should be planted in win* ter wiih balls of frozen earth ; but if taken from a nursery, where they have been naturalized to an upland soil, the pre- ferable season for many kinds is the spring, as some ever* greens fail when transplanted in autumn in a northern cli- mate, especially if the earth falls entirely from the roots, and the frost penetrates to the earth below them when planted, wi)ich it seldom fails to do in the northern and middle states; this, however, may be remedied by strewing litter around them, to prevent the frost penetrating to the roolSi ROSES. No class of platits, so easy of culture as this, yields morfe intrinsic delights to the amateur ; the diversity of size, coiouf) fragrance, and form, have been varied by art to an almost in- fin-te degree; and in the collections of Europe, above 1.400 varieties are enumerated. Since the catalogue of the au- thor's establishment was put to press, above 100 new varie- ties have been received, and the collection now exceeds 600 varieties, including 100 kinds of China and India Roses, and 15 varieties of the M *ss Uose. Enduring, as most of thera do, the rigour of the severest winters uninjured, and yielding with so little attention such a rich accumulation of beauty and fragranccj every garden should possess at least all the more conspicuous varieties of this unrivalled flower; and it is hoped, ere long, we shall see the fashion followed in this country, which has fof years prevailed in England, of train- ing the hardy climbing varieties of the Chinese and other ( 144 ) twining Roses against the sides of our country houses and cottages, as the profusion of flowers which they daily afford from spring to autumn, gives to the retirement of these rural scenes a degree of Floral enchantment, and throws an air of magic round the spot. Soil. — The Rose, with few exceptions, delights in a light fresh soil, not subject to become sodden with rain and wet. I have found a mellow loam very successful in causing them to flourish, and to throw out vigorous shoots and abundance cf flowers ; but the Rose is by no means difficult to accom- modate to almost any soil not saturated by superabundant moisture. Propagation. "-Tht Rose is generally increased by sucktrs from the root, or by layers ; there are also many kinds which succeed by cuttin,i?:s, but these arc principally the Chinese varieties. They may also be increased by inoculat- ing and grafting, but tliese seldom survive beyond the third year, when others should be budded from them to supply their places. Varieties, — These are so numerous, that it is impossible to give descriptions of them in this limited work. Mary of them, however, have brief remarks attached to their names in the catalogue, descriptive of their characters. Although the author's collection is very numerous, still the selections have been made with great care, iind they combine a rich accumulation of the varied beauties of this favourite flower. 1 will now prciceed to make a few remarks relative to some particular varieties. Moss jRose.— Of this there are a number of varieties, vary- ing; in colour, size, and other circumstances. The one most p;enerally known is the Red Moss. The others aie the Blush Moss, with very large flowers of an exceeaingly doli- cate colour, and by many considered to surpass all others; the New Red M(;ss, and the Scarlet Moss, are very fine; the White and the Striped M-jss, the Small Moss, Dark Moss, Single Muss, &c. are also much aomired, and the whole form an unique collection in this family ol fl -wers. Ycliov) Roses. — There appears to exist some difficulty in making the D' uble Yellow to flower well — I will therefore remark, that it requires an airy situaii n, and does best in dry and gravelly soils; and that the old wood should be cut out near the ground every autumn, which wili cause a succession of thrifty blooming shoots. When budded on the Common China, or the White Musk, it is said to bloom exceedingly ( 145 ) well ; and one instance is mentioned by Loudon, where it was budded on the China rose at the height of 10 feet from the ground, in which case it was found to flower abundantly. The following remarks are also extracted from his Ma- gazine : — The Double Yellow Rose flowers better on an east or west, or even a north wall, than on one exposed to the south ; it should never be pruned further than cutting out the dead and irregular shoots, and thinning out the blos- som buds ; it has flowered under such treatment for several years on the south and west ends of a house. It flowers as freely budded on the Rosa indica, as Rosa odorata does on the Comnnon Blush Rose. Another writer recommends a northern aspect in preference *o a southern one, and men- tions one that bloomed very freely on an east or north-east wall, and others that had produced abundance of flowers when planted on a very dry chalky soil. The Single Yel- low, and Red and Yellow Austrian, bloom freely in almost any soil, and with little or no care. There are various other yellow roses, viz. the Single and Double Yellow Scotch, the Yellow Tea Scented, the Yellow Mulnflora, &c. Black Roses. — The desideratum of a black rose has long been a subject of comment, but does not in fact exist. Those so denominated are of an exceedingly deep purple colour, with some shades of black intermingled. Of these some are darker than others, and they vary in point of size, form, and in being more or less double, &c. The author has imported from every country those which are there considered the darkest or blackest, which have all produced flowers, he is consequently able to give bis opinions with accuracy. The darkest of these is the La Belle Africaine — next are the Im- perial, the Sable, the Black Mogul, and the Gloriosa Superba Noir — then follow the other twelve varieties enumerated in the catalogue, including the Tuscany, which was a fev/ years since the darkest then known, and is still considered as one (if the most beautiful roses. Tricolour^ or Belle .Alliance. -^Th\s is a most singular and beautiful rose ; there is no other that at all approaches it in appearance. When first expanded, the petals are a fine red, striped with white, the colour afterwards changes to shades of lilac, united with the red and white, at which period it is most interesting. It was obtained from a very skilful Florist in the interior of Holland, and by him more highly prized than any other rose in his collection. Sweetbriar^ or Eglantine, — This delightful species of the N ( 145 ) rose family is well calculated to train against the sides of houses, or up the pillars of the piazza, or to intermingle with the vines which entwine bowers, &c. There are a numbef of varieties, the most common is the Single Red, which is found frequently growing in wild luxuriance by the sides of roads, hedges, 8cc. ; the next is the Single Blush, imported from Europe ; after which follow the more rare varieties, viz. the Semidouble Red, the Double Red, Double Blush, Double Marbled, Double White, the Evergreen, and the Chinese White. Some of these are as large as a middle sized rose, and two inches in diameter After training these in the situation they are to occupy, the branches may be in- oculated with numerous other kinds of roses at a consider- able height from the ground, which will render them parti- cularly interesting. CHINESE ROSES AND HYBRIDS* iiosa odorata^ orTea Scented Rose. — This exquisite variety of the rose is now becoming widely disseminated in our coun- try. The flowers are double, and of very large size when ex- panded, of a fine and delicate blush red, and possess a most de- lightful odour, resembling that of fine tea. It produces its flowers throughout the year most profusely. I have found it more difficult than any other China rose to strike root from cut- tings. If budded on the While Mu^k Rose, it is said to flourish exceedingly well* A fine purple variety has been latterly in- troduced to our gardens' of a similar delightful fragrance. There is also a variety with single flowers, and another with double yellow flowers, which are yet rare. The Centifolia odorata, or Sweet Hundred Leaved, is more double than the foregoing, but its fragrance is not so strong. Knight's Ani- mating is another very sweet scented variety. Chamfineys* Blush Cluster. — This is a double rose of small size, of a delicate blush colour, and the flowers are produced in numerous clusters. It was originated from the seed of the White Cluster Musk, (probably impregnated by accident with the pollen of the Biusli China,) by my esteemed friend, the late John Champneys, Esq. of Charleston, South'^ Carolina, and from it have originated all the race of roses termed Noisette,which should therefore be placed assubvarie- lies of the Champneys. All the roses of this class are particu- larly beautiful, as their small and delicate flowers, produced in large clusters during the autumnal season, form a splendid additional appendage to the garden at that period when it ( 147 ) seems most to need their aid. The Champney, Noisette, and most of the varieties, may be trained against the sides of houses, over bovvers, &c. to a very considerable length, al- lhouti;h not quite so rampant in their growth as the different varieties of the Multiflora. JVoisette. — This rose, which is a variety of the preceding, is very similar to it in the size and colour of the flowers, but these are more double, and produced in larger clusters. It is an admirable variety, producing its flowers in large num- bers together after the manner of the White Musk. It flourishes most in a free exposition, and needs no protection in winter. There are two other varieties, one with deeper red, and the other with single flowers. Rosa Grevillii^ or Greville Rose. — This species has at- tracted much notice in different parts of Europe and in this country, being quite a novelty in its genera] characteristics, and in commenting upon which I cannot perhaps give a better idea to the reader than by extracting the statements made in other publications- In the fourth number of Lou- don's Magazine, page 467, is the foUowmg description given, in a letter from a correspondent to the editor : — " You will no doubt recollect the shoot I show^ed you of my Greville Rose, which grew 18 feet in a few weeks — it is now in bloom, and is the most singular curiosity of all the rose tribe that has come under my observation ; it grows on an east by north aspect, on the gable end of my house, covering above 100 feet square, with more than 100 trusses of bloom. Some of them have more than 50 buds in a clus- ter, and the whole will average about 30 in a truss, so that the amount of flower buds is little short of 3.000. But the most astonishing curiosity is the variety of colours produced on the buds at first opening ; white, light blush, deeper blush, light red, darker red, and purple, all on the same clusters." In the report of the Horticultural Society of London for the month of June, 1826, the following remarks are made : — " Rosa Grevillii, in a single fasciculus of flowers, are roses of every shade of purple, and from white to the darkest tint ; it is one of the handsomest of climbing roses.'* The leaves are beautifully serrated on the edges, and those on the young 'shoots have a pink border running en- tirely round the leaf, and which, contrasted with the green, gives them a delicate and beautiful appearance; the petiole or leafstalk is broad at the base, and deeply indented on the ( 148 ) sides, so as to form narrow hair-like segments ; the uppei part where it joins the leaf is narrow and of the usual size, I have succeeded during the past season in rearing about 150 young, vigorous plants, two-thirds of which have been already disseminated throughout the Union, and near 500 more are in a progressive stale, and will be fit for transplant- ing the ensuing season. JRosa banksiis, or Lady Banks* Double White Multifiora. —This rose, whose Howers are about the size of the blos- soms of the Double Flowering Cherry, is fragrant, and pos- sesses the odour of the Violet ; the flowers are white, full double, and produced in clusters. It is an evergreen, and about as hardy as the Common Muliiflora. It does not thrive when confined in a pot, but needs a large space for the expansion of its roots, and will then attain to its full de- velopment, throwing out numerous vigorous shoots to a great length. A plant is mentioned in the Transactions of the London Horticultural Society which covers a space of 40 feet. In this latitude it may in severe winters re- quire some covering, but south of the Potowmac it would not tieed that attention ; and its exceedingly fine evergreen fclinge and delightful flowers render it one of the most de- sirable that can be cultivated in the southern states. Reinarks. — Having now given descriptions of some of the China roses, I will conclude by a few remarks on the other varieties. The Sanguinea is a deep crimson, and flowers very profusely ; by many it is confused with the Old Double Velvet, Otaheite, or Semperflorens Rose, from which it dif- fers by the flowers being more double, and the foliage of a deeper red. The Dwarf, or Pompone Rose, is admired for its very small flowers and delicate foliage. The Lawrencia Rose is the most diminutive one known both in leaf and flower. The Resplendent Rose has very dark fail double flowers of middle size. The Speciosa, or Splendid, lias large and elegant flowers, which have buds frequently in the centre. The Subalba is a fine double rose, nearly white. The Albiflora, or Maiden's Blush, is very large, and of a pale pink colour — it is one of the most beautiful varieties, and greatly admired. The Blueish Changeable varies in the colour of its flowers after expansion, and is variegated with small white stripes. The Gold Striped is very singular, its bark being most curiously striped yellow and green ; the flower is similar to the Common China, being large and blush coloured. The Hybrid China produces delicate lilac ( 149 ) coloured flowers in clusters. The Boursaultian Rose is of a fine colour: the Howers are in clusters, and much es- teemed. The Microphylla has very delicate foliage ; but I have not seen its flowers, as it has only been introduced into this country the present season, when I paid a guinea for a small plant of it. The Bichonia Rose is curious, as the edges of the petals turn white after being sometime expanded. The climbing, or running roses, suitable to train against build- ings, or on arbours, bowers, 8cc. are the following: — Com- mon Multiflora, Roxburgh*s White Multiflora, Lady Banks' Double White, Greville's Superb, Champneys, Noisette, Boursaultian, Hybrid, Macartney's, Sec There are a few varieties of the China rose that require winter protection in this latitude, which are designated in the catalogue, but I consider that even these will not require that attention south of the Potovvmac. Yucca. — Of this very curious genus there are several spe- cies which are already cultivated considerably as hardy or- namentals in our gardens, and doubtless some others will equally withstand the rigours of winter. Yucca Jilamentosa^ or Jdam*s Thread. — This is in our vi- cinity the most common, and has long lanceolate leaves, pointed at the ends, with numerous threads on both edges, and which attain to a considerable degree of strength; the leaves are spread near the ground in a radiate manner, and remain during the winter. In summer the plant throws up a flower stem to the height of six or eight feet, which branches somewhat at its summit, and is garnished with numerous tulip shaped white flowers, which give to the plant a striking appearance. After these are past, the shoot which produced them dies away, and is replaced by another, which springs up in the course of the season from the same root. There is a most beautiful variety with variegated leaves. Yucca Jlacciday or Flaccid T/iready. — This at first sight much resembles the foregoing, from which, however, it may easily be distinguished, the leaves of the former being more stiff and upright. On this they are quite soft and flexible, somewhat glaucous on the under side, and the filaments less numerous ; the flower stem does not attain to near the height of the preceding one, seldom rising over three or four feet ; the flowers are very similar, but as this species throws up more suckers from the root than the preceding, it has generally more flower stems, and makes a fine show. It N2 ( 150 ) is this species which is frequently seen in the gardens around Philadelphia, where the former is far the most rare. Yucca gloriosa^ or Dwarf Adam*s Needle. — The above botanic title has by different authors been considered as re- ferring to species widely distinct, the one of low growth and hardy, th6 other growing to the height of 16 or 20 feet, and lender. It is the former of these two to which I have ap- plied it. This has leaves more broad and stiff than either of the foregoing, placed in a radiate form, and wholly devoid of filaments. It will form in the course of a number of years a stalk from about one foot to 18 inches from the ground, gaining but two or three inches each year ; on the summit of which are placed the leaves, and from their centre pro- ceeds a strong stem supporting numerous flowers much re- sembling the preceding. The plants of this species require a longer time to come to maturity, and produce flowers less frequently than the two first described. The other species, which are considered hardy, are the Y. tenuifolia, angustifolia, Sec. Peonies. — No class of flowers has recently attracted more attention in Europe than this, a monograph of which has lately been published in London* Most of the varieties are extremely splendid, and others possess striking peculiarities. Anticipating that a similar taste would be evinced in iliis country, the author has by great exertion obtained every va- riety possible from Europe, and also a number from China; and so very splendid are many of the varieties, that descrip- tions would be given of the whole number, if the limits would permit ; but the author must confine himself to three mag- nificent varieties from China. Paonia IVIiitlejL — This produces double white flowers of very large size, and of the greatest splendour, and which have also a most agreeable odour. From three to five flowers are produced on each stem, and they rise to the height of two and a half feet. There is perhaps no herbaceous Px!)ny which surpasses this either in magnificent appearance or in abundance of flowers. Paonia Humei. — This produces very large crimson flowers ; the stems are from two and a half to three feet high, with two or three flowers on each stem. Ptzoniafragrans, — The flowers of this are of a deep rose colour, and of a most delightful fragrance, equal to the rose j the flower-stalks are taller than any other species, being ge- nerally three feet high, and producing from two to three ( 151 ; flowers on each. The best soil for Pseonies is a light loam with a little sand, and no plants flourish with less care. js/'ote. By reference to the catalogue, it will be seen that the collection now amounts to about 40 varieties, conibinini^ a great diversity of colours and shades. An airy exposition and a fresh loamy soil suits all species, and they will flourish and increase annually the number of their showy flowers. By recent experiments, it is ascertained that the varieties of the Shrubby Pseony, or Moutan, will stand our winters ; but as they are generally considered as Green-house plants, they are treated of under that head. Chinese Chrysanthemum^ or Chrysanthemum sinense.-—' This plant is sometimes called Anemesia. The first va- riety was introduced to this country about the year 1798, having been carried from China to Europe in 1790. This was the Dark Purple, and was imported by John Stevens, Esq. of Hoboken, New-Jersey, a gentleman distinguished for Ins love of botany, as well as for other departments of science. About the years 1814 and 1815, many other varie- ties were introduced ; but it remained for the last four years to present to the view the rich accumulation of splendid va- rieties which had doubtless been cultivated for ages in China, unseen and unknown to the rest ©f the world. The numerous varieties of this, and of other plants which have recently been obtained from China, have excited much astonishment; and have proved incontestibly,that the Chinese are not only very able and experienced horticulturists, but that this taste must have existed for a very long course of years to bring it to its present state of perfec tion. The num- ber of varieties of the Chrysanthemum already obiained from that country exceeds 50, among which are many of very great beauty, and others possessing striking peculiarities. Many persons have an opinion, that all the varieties change into each other, but I have only found this the case with the Pale Buff" changing to pink, the Lilac and Wiiite to plain lilac and plain white, and with one other variety. Although the great facility v/ith which they are increased quickly renders them the appendages of every garden, still they should not be the less valued, I consider the entire collection of this plant to form as in- teresting an assemblage in point of beauty and variety of form, Sec. as can be found in Flora's domain, particularly as ihey fill up a period of the year to which are allotted few of her charms, and afford a most brilliant display at a I ( 152 ) period when the ciiilling blasts of autumn have left us but the vestiges of departed verdure. Great pains have been taken to obtain as many varieties as possible, and the following form the collection of the au- thor ; — White Quilled. Pale Buff, or Orange^ changeable^ red and orange Ji Givers on the same plant. Buff. Purfile. Lilac Quilled. Rose Coloured,, or Pink. Lilac and JVhite^ changeable, the Jloivers vary to lilac, nvhite ivith a lilac centre^ and to pure white. Dark Crimson, or Spanish Broivn, Straw Coloured (Quilled. Golden Yellow. Tusselled White. Superb White. Semidouble. Quilled White. Paper White. Quilled Flame Yellow, Sulphur Yellow. Superb Clustered Yellow. Sfnall Yellow. Single Yellow. Quilled Pink. Semidouble Quilled Pink. Quilled Orange. Semidouble Quilled Orange. Marly Crimson. Curled Lilac. Quilled Light Purple. Expanded Light Purple. Quilled Salmon. The following are entirely new, having been introduced by the author the last year ;-^ Double Indian Yellow, Double Indian White. ( 153 ) Brown Purfile, Jiarly Blush. Golden Lotus, Quilled Purple. Starry Pur file. Park's Small Yclloiv. Quilled Yellow. Semidouble Quilled Pale Orange. Two Coloured Red. Curled Buff^ or Salmon. Large Lilac. Late Pale Purfile. Late Quilled Purfile. I'asselled Lilac. Tasselled Yellow. Two Coloured Incurved Yellow IVaratah, All the varieties of the Chrysanthemum are of the easiest culture, and vvill flourish in any common soil uninjured by the rigours of winter ; and the plants may be divided in the spring into as many as there are shoots, each of which will take root with ease, and form in its turn a large plant in the following autumn. The neatest plants, however, are ob- tained by planting the cuttings in June in the common way : these will quickly strike root, become handsome and bushy, and produce abundance of flowers the same season. The advantage of these is, that the plants are low set, and not so tall and straggling as those reared in the usual manner. Car nations. "—Iw European gardens Carnations are gene- rally kept in pots, but in the United States they are com- monly planted in the open ground. In the northern states, it is also customary to protect them during the winter season by small boxes, each with a light at the top, or to transplant them in the month of October, and cover tiietn with common hot-bed frames. In removing them, as much earth as pos- sible should be retained to the roots; they should be mode- rately watered inniiediately after removal, and occasionally afterwards, until perfectly established. The glasses should not be placed over them until the weather becomes severe, and tiien they will require to be frequently aired during fine weather. The principal care requisite is to guard them against the effect of wet and dampness. In April the plants, ( 154 ) can be aj^ain transferred to their respective stations; in doing which it is particularly recommended to use a scoup trowel ; by this process each platit may be taken up and transplanted with a ball of earth, and some of the compost mentioned be- low can be filled in around each plant at the time it is set out, unless the borders have been previously dutj and ma- nured, and prepared to receive them; but if it is inconveni- ent to provide frames for the purpose of winter protection, the Carnations may be covered with any common box that will shelter them from the wet, as they will bear a consider- able degree of frost, but not cold and wet at the same lime. Attention should, however, be paid to them when the wea- ther is moderate, to take off the boxes in the middle of the day in order to give them air. When the plants are of sufficient size, some of the strongest siioots should be layered as soon as the flowers are on the decline ; and when rooted, in September, the layers may be taken off, observing to keep a little earth to the roots: these can be planted in a piece of ground dug and manured for the purpose, and immediately covered with a glass frame, and shaded from the sun, giving them air morn- ing and evening for a few days, until they are rooted. They may then be left open until the frost commences, when the glasses can be put over as already stated. The Comjiost recommended in Maddock's Florist's Di- rectory for Carnations is — one half rotten horse-dung one year old, or that which has been used as a hot-bed, one third fresh sound loamy earth, and one sixth of coarse sea or river sand ; these ingredients are to be mixed together in autumn, laid in a heap about two feet thick in an open ex- posure, and turned three or four times during the winter. ( 155 ) DIRECTIONS ton TBE Culture of Bulbous and Tuberous Flower Roots, Situation. — A southern aspect, dry and airy, and shel- teretj from the north winds, is preftruble for most Biubs. but AneniOnes and Rar-unculuses will do best in a situ^uon combiijin^; a southern aspect, and is at the same time shel-' tert d from the intense heat of a noonday sun. Snil. — One third common sanil, one third old well rotted cowyaid manure, and one third good garden mould; let the bods thus formed be well pulverized to the depth of 18 or 20 inches, that the three component parts may be com- pletely mixed together ; a fourth part of rotten wood, or de^ composed vegetable mould from a wood or swamp, if con- venient to be had, may be added with advantage to the above, and will at all limes be beneficial in giving additional lightness to th.e soil ; and when thus jjrepared, the soil need net be removed for five or six years. The beds should be raised iVom four to six inches above the level of the walks, and moderately arched, which will give an opportunity for ail superfluous moisture to run off; some sand strewed in the trenches, both before and after placing the roots, would be of advantage. Time of Planting. ^-Y or Hyacinths, Tulips, Crown Im- perials, Lilies, Poleanthus Narcissus, Common Narcissus, Jonquils, Irises, Crocuses, Colchicunjs, Star ( f Bethlehem, Winter Aconites, Snowdrops, SnowHakes, Gladiolus, and most other hardy Bulbs, the preferable season for transplant- ing is the months of August, September, and October ; and it would be well here to observe, that the above mentioned Bulbs (Tulips excepted) will thrive best if not taken from the ground oftener than every second or third year. The different species of Ferraria, Anlholyza, Ixia, Cri- num, and Hsemanthus, the tender kinds of Amaryllis, Pan- cratium, and Gladiolus, with most other delicate Bulbs, may be planted during the months of November or December in pots, when intended to be sheltered during winter, or they can be kept in dry sand until the months of March or April, and then be planted in the open ground when it has become free from frost and perfectly settled. ( 156 ) Defiths and Z)2»fat7Cfs.*-Hyacinths, Martagon, and other Lilies ami Pae<>nies, should be planted at a depth of four inches; Ciovvn Imperials, and Poleanthus Narcissus, six inches; Tulips, Double and Single Narcissus, Jonquils, Colchicums, and Snowflakes, three inches; Bulbt^us Irises, Crocuses, Arums, Small Fritillaries, Pancratium, Gladiolus, and Snowdrops, two inches ; Ranunculuses, Anemones, and Dog*s Tooth Violets, one inch ; always measuring from the top of the Bulb. The rows should be about ten inches apait, and the roots placed from four to six inches apart in the r()ws> according to their size. Frotfction during Winttr, — On the approach of winter, it would be berttficial to cover the beds with tanners* bark, withered leaves, or light rotten earth from the woods, such as is formed by the decay of leaves, to the depth of two or three inches, as it prevents arjy ill effects, which a very se- vere season might have on the roots ; but it should be care- fully raked off again early in the spring. Taking ufi Bulbs after Blooming, — The only advantage to be gained by taking- up Hyacinths and other Buibo, (Tu- lips excepted,) is either to divide the roots when they have become too numerous, or to renew a worn out soil, neither of which can occur ofiener than once in three years; with Tuiips, however, it is different : for as the fine and delicate tints they possess do not originate with the rearing of the plant, but are the result of art practised in their after culti- vation, and as variations ot colour thus produced are rather the effect of disease in the plant than of any other cause, it is necessary to continue the course of annually taking up the roots of all the finer varieties, in order to preserve their beauties in perfection. Tulips may be kept from the ground two weeks or more at the option of the owner; but H>a- cinths and other roots, it is preferable to plant as soon as they are separated, and a fresh bed prepared according to direc* tions already given. About a month after the bloom is passed, the foliage puts on a yellow decayed appearance. This is the proper season for taking them up; on doing which, you must cut off the stem and foliage within an inch of the Bulb, leaving the fibrous roots attached to it. After thus preparing them, they must be spread singly in an airy room for two or three weeks to dry, and then each root must be wrapped carefully in paper, or put in dry sand until replanted. ( IS? ) Hyacinths and other Bulbs to Bloom in Pots orGlasses.-" For this purpose Single Hyacinths, and such as are desig- nated as earliest among the Double, are to be preferred. Double and Single Jonquils, Poleanthus Narcissus, and Double Narcissus, also make a fine appearance during the winter season. Bulbs intended for blooming in pots during the winter should be planted in the months of October and Novem- ber, and be left exposed to the open air until it begins to freeze, and then be placed in the Green-house, or in a warm room. They will need moderate occasional water- ings, and should be exposed as much as possible to the sun and light, to prevent the leaves from growing too long, or becoming yellow. Those intended for glasses should be placed in them about the middle of November, the glasses being previously filled with pure Water, so that the bottom of the Bulb may- touch the water, then place them for the first ten days in a dark room, to promote the shooting of the roots, after which expose them to the light and sun as much as possible ; the water should be changed as often as it becomes impure, and care be taken not to suffer it to freeze. Jnemone and Ranunculus.-'— Much error is fallen into with regard to the culture of these plants, which, by appa- rently rendering difficult what is perfectly easy, deprives many of the gratification which these delightful flowers would afford them. The soil should be compact and rich, not light and sandy. A stiff loamy soil suits them very well, with which should be mixed one fourth rotten ma- nure ; in doing this the earth should be well stirred. In Eng- land they are planted about the lOih of February, and here ihey may be planted as near that time as possible ; but I have had them succeed well when planted at the end of Oc- tober, and protected durhig the winter with a covering of leaves, which should be removed early in the spring. As soon as our severest frosts are past, they will bear a consider- able degree of cold, but heavy rains injure and rot them, they should not therefore be put in ground that retains wa- ter. As soon as the foliage begins to fade, they must be taken up and dried in an airy room, and then packed in dry sand till planted. Liiium jafionicum^ or Jafinn Lily. — This has been con- sidered by many when in perfection to be the mo^t splendid of all lilies. It often rises to the height of five feet, with O ( 158 ) several stems to each root, and generally two flowers on each stem, which are perfectly white and very large, with a tube at the base of the flower, which gives it an elongated form. It is perfectly hardy, and thrives most in a soil of half bog earth and half strong loam. The roots should be placed about three inches deep. REMARKS. Tulifi — Tulifia gesneriana. — In no class of plants has na* lure so varied her delicate tints as in this ; it would seem as if each change which nature or art is capable of fVjrming, was included in the varying beauties of the Tulip, above 1,100 varieties of which are cultivated in some of the gardens of Holland. All the finer varieties, however, of this delightful flower, have been obtained by cultivation and art during the last two centuries, through the perseverance of the Dutch, French, and Flemish florists ; several kinds of which possess a delightful fragrance, although persons who are ignorant of this circumstance have made the want of it an objection to this splendid flower. About the middle of the 17th century, the rage for the Tulip was so great in Holland, that from four to twenty-five thousand florins were given for a single root. The Tulip called Semper Augustus -was sold for ten thousand florins, {% 4,000,) and the one called Viceroi, for twenty-five thousand florins, (g 10,000.) This extraordinary traffic was, however, soon checked by the interference of the Legislature, who enacted, that no Tulip, or other flower, should be in future sold for a sum exceeding fifty gui- neas ; and so effectual has been this law, that at present the highest price of any Tulip in that country is only one hun- dred and fifty florins, (S 60,) and the highest priced Lily about the same sum. '1 ulips are divided into early and late Blowers; the former begin blooming about the 15th of April, and are followed by the latter kinds in succes- sion until the end of May ; the late kinds produce the largest flowers, the stems of which are generally from 20 to 30 inches in height. Hyacinths — Hyacinthus orientalis. — This favourite flower which, with its great beauty, combines also the most exqui- site fragrance, has been cultivated in Holland to an equal ex- tent with the Tulip, and 1,300 varieties are found in the gar- dens of that country. The first Double Hyacinth known in Holland was raised from seed about the end of the Ifth cen* ( 159 ) tury, by Peter Voorhelm, from which all the fine double va- rieties we now possess may be traced. So threat was the value of a fine Double Hyacinth formerly in Holland, that from two to ten thousand florins were given for a single root ; and Mr. Dutens mentions, that in his travels in that country in 1771, he saw ten thousand florins (S 4,000) refused for a single Buib. So extensive has their cultivation, however, now become, that many acres are occupied by individuals solely for that purpose, and many hundred thousand roots are annually exported to other countries ; and the prices have been so reduced, that no Hyacinths are sold at more than one hundred florins each, and few higher than from two to five guineas, arid by far the greater number at much less rates. Single Hyacinths are held in less estimation than double ones; their colours, however, are more vivid, and their bells, though smaller, are more numerous: they are preferable for flowering in winter to most of the double ones, as they bloom two or three weeks earlier. It has been supposed by many that Hyacinths, Tulips, and other Bulbous Flowers, are difficult of culture, and that our country being unfavourable to their growih, they would dwindle and decline after a few years cultivation. This is altogether a mistaken impression ; and if it ever occurs, must be owing to improper treatment, as no country in the world possesses a climate more congenial to the culture of Bulbous Flowers than the middle states ; for the disadvant- ages of great fogs and a humid atmosphere, which are so much complained of by the Dutch as appertaining to their climate, do not exist in ours. The great ascendency which Holland has ever held in the culture of Bulbous Flowers is the result of its soil, which is of peculiar forma- tion, being a combination of marine sand made fresh by cul- tivation and bog mould ; the proper means, therefore, to succeed equally in their culture, is to form a soil as near as possible of the same component parts, which is by no means a difficult task. And, in fact, after all that has been said and written on the particular cultivation of Bulbous Roots, we often see the finest flowers in gardens where little or no attention is paid to them ; and perhaps there is no class of plants which aff'ords us so many delights, and so richly re- pays us for each little care bestowed on them. The collections of Bulbous Flowers have been so greatly extended within these several years past, by a careful and scrutinizing selection of the most exquisite flowers of every ( 160 ) country at all celebrated in their cultivation, that although some lew collections in Europe may exceed the author's in the number of varieties, still it is believed few or none surpass it in the selection of the most choice and intrinsic flowers ; and prices have been paid in many cases altogether unwar- ranted by the demand this country has yet afforded, but with the expectation that the increasing botanic taste evinced throughout our country, would also in time devote to this class of plants the attention which it merits. It may be well to remark, that the Bulbs virhich are frequently sent out on consignment to this country from Holland, and sold at our auctions, are the mere refuse, and such as are held in no es- teem either by amateurs or connoisseurs, and no idea can be formed by them of the beauty of the more estimable kinds ; and it is to be regretted that our citizens should have been so often duped in their purchases of these roots, under the imposition of high sounding names. GREEN-HOUSE TREES, SHRUBS, AND PLANTS. Among the plants which have hitherto been introduced to this country, none exceed those which have been received from China and Japan ; in the former of which countries they are said to excel all other nations in the cultivation of tlovvers. It is also a happy circumstance, that nearly all the plants which have yet been received from either of those countries, are among the hardier kinds of Green-house plants, and succeed with very little attention ; and indeed a number of them are found to withstand the winters of the middle states. It being therefore so desirable an object to obtain all the valuable plants of those countries, arrangements have been made, by which that part of the author's collec- tion has been greatly augmented, and it is at present in this respect very complete. I will now commence by giving de- scriptions of some fruits cultivated here in Green-houses, but which it is expected may in time become perfectly na- ( 161 ) turalized to the United States, and a few of which are already becoming so in some sections of the Union. Oiive^ or Olea europea, — This tree, whose cultivation seems now advancing in Florida, may be considered as cal- culated to impart immense riches to that portion of our country which may be found congenial to its culture. But perhaps it is not generally known, that in France and Italy they enumerate no less than 17 different varieties of the cul- tivated Olive, all of which are esteemed for possessing to a greater or less degree the different properties for which this tree is valued. Some varieties are said to produce oil in greater quantity, others that of a more delicate quality, while others are deemed more suitable for preserves, Sec. The whole number of these varieties has been introduced to this country by the author, and are now under culture at his esta- blishment, and will be found enumerated in his Green-house catalogue. In England the Olive produces fruit plentifully in a common Green-house. The Olive — Emblem of Peace. — " In old Rome, every new married couple were crowned with garlands of the Olive, to represent that quiet and peace which attend, or rather which ought to attend, the hymeneal union. The victor at the Olympic Games was honoured with an Olive crown. Noah's dove is represented with an Olive branch in its beak, as bringing the promise of peace to a desolated world. The bird of the American banner has its branch in one talon, and arrows in the other, as if offering either peace or war to the nations of the earth. The Olive was consecrated to Pallas, and was the favourite tree of the virgin goddess. When the god of the trident quarrelled with her for the honour of giv- ing name to the city of Athens, their peers resolved, that the one who should give the most useful present to mankind should name the city. Neptune dashed his trident on the sea-shore, and instantly the war-horse arose with leashing eyes and streaming mane ; Minerva touched the earth with her spear, and the gentle Olive raised its mild head above the earth — the goddess was triumphant." Pomegranate. — This tree has produced fruit in England against a south wall, and also at Long-Island by being pro- tected during winter. It is far from being tender, and may without doubt be acclimated to the country south of the Po- towmac. It does not seem to be generally known that there are several very superior varieties of this fruit, such as the Large Malta, the Sweet Fruited, the White Fruited, &c. 5 02 I ( 162 ) besides which there are a number of varieties that are particularly beautiful as ornamental flowering plants, such as the Double Crimson, the Monstrous Double Crimson, the Double White, the Yellow Flowering, the Dwarf Floweruig, 8cc. General Forman, of Maryland, informs me, that the Pomegranate flourishes with him without the least protection. Eufihoria Long Yen. — Among the fruits enumerated in the publications of the South-Carolina Agricultural Society as worthy of introduction into the southern parts of our Union, I find the above particularly noticed. This tree is one among the number of valuable additions which have been made to our collections from the gardens of China, and it has already perfected its fruit at the seat of John Knight, Esq. of Lee Castle, England, which was found to be of an excellent quality. In this section of the Union it requires the protection of a Green-house ; we therefore cannot ex- pect to receive the full benefit of it as an addition to our vo- cabulary of fruits, but the southern states will no doubt be found congenial to its full development, where, at no distant period, it will probably form one of the appendages of the dessert. The Euphoria litchi, another species of the same genus, is said to be still more interesting, and I find this also mentioned by the South- Carolina Agricultural Society. These plants are sometimes ranged under the genus Dimo- carpus. Zizyfihus sinensis^ or Chinese Date. ^— This, tree is exten- sively cultivated in China, and the fruit is much esteemed.^ The varieties of this fruit in that country are said to be al- most as numerous as those of the Plum in Europe. It has latterly been introduced into cultivation in the gardens of Europe, to which it promises to be a great acquisition. Both this and the two following would suit the climate of the southern states. Zizyfihus vulgaris^ or Common Jujuba.-—T\{\^ fruit H well known in the south of Europe, and is generally called the European Jujuba. Its fruit is excellent for preserves, under which form it is sold in the shops of Paris, London, and other cities of Europe. Zizyfihus lotus, or Lote Tree. — This produces a drupe of very pleasant flavour, and in North Africa is said to be an article of much importance to the natives, a particular tribe of whom anciently derived their name from living upon thei Lote. ( 163 ) £riobotrya Ja/ionica.-—T\ns tree, whose foliai^e is very at- tractive, was fijrmeriy called Mespilus japonica. The Hor- ticultural Society of London rtmarks, that " of all the tropi- cal fruits, it is probable this will be the soonest broui>ht into use in England." The plants are pretty hardy, and with a little protection will bear the severest winters of that country against a south wall. In the south of France and at iVLnlta it has already become a garden fruit. It is well calculated to succeed in the southern states, and has been meniioned by the Agricultural Society of South-Carolina in their De- siderata. It requires only the simplest attention in its cul- ture, and will no doubt ere long be naturalized even to the middle states. Eugenia, or Rose jififile, — -This is also a tropical fruit, which has matured its fruit in England, but not without the aid of a house for the purpose. There are several species. The Eugenia jambos, or Yellow Rose Apple, produces very pleasant fruit, and bears abundantly in England in a cool con- servatory. The Eugenia malaccensis is said to produce the finest fruit. These fruits would be sure to succeed in Flo- rida, and no doubt could also be acclimated to Louisiana, Georgia, 8cc. Cherimoyer^ or Ariona cherimolia. — This fruit is in very high esteem in several pans of Souih-Anierica, and is said to possess qualities of the highest character. It is decidu- ous, and thrives and produces fruit in the south of Spain, where it has become acclimated. It is supposed that it may be made to flourish in England against a wall. Under these circumstances it should be introduced into our southern states, and gradually naturalized to those further north. The fruit resembles a middle sized apple, filled with a sweet soft pulp. Of the Anona there are several other species producing eatable fruits, such as the Sour Sop, Sweet Sop, Rinyon, 8cc. Mango^ or Mangifera indica. — This is another fruit held in high esteem in warm climates, and which at no distant period will be naturalized to the southern regions of our country. The fruit has occasionally found its way to the New-York markets. Pistachia. — This tree succeeds in England when planted against a south wall. In the south of France it has become completely naturalized. At Long-Island they have sup- ported the severest winters protected only by a common frame, fronm which circumstance I am inclined to suppose ( 1S4 ) it would succeed any where south of the Potowmac. The fruit is held in esteem, and the tree being dioecious, it will be necessary to possess both sexes. Stone Fine. — The fruit of this tree is in high esteem in Italy, and has occasionally found its way to the New-York markets. Their taste is similar to the Almond, though more delicious. In England the fruit is seldom brought to perfection, on account of the want of sufficient sun, but in this country there exists no difficulty of that kind. Ceratonia^ or Carob Tree. — The pods of this tree contain a pleasant eatable substance, for which it is extensively culti- vated in the south of Europe, and it is supposed to be the fruit of this tree which supported St. John in the wilderness, whence its common appellation of " St. John's Bread." It would suit the climate of the southern stales. Fsidiuniy or Guava. — The Purple Guava, or Psidium catileyanum, has been cultivated with success in the Green- houses of England, and would no doubt succeed in the southern regions of our country without any protection. This is considered as possessing the highest merit. The Chinese Guava, and the Red Apple Fruited Guava, are also valued for their fruits. The Psidium pyriferum, or White Pear Shaped Guava of India, which is naturally far more tender, has been naturalized to that part of France on the Mediter- ranean, and will doubtless ere long, as well as its congeners, be acclimated to South-Carolina and Georgia. The Guavas may be raised by seeds, cuttings, or ingrafting. Pasfsifiora^ or Passion Flower. — Of this genus there are a number of species producing fruits of great excellence, viz. Passiflora quadrangularis, or West-India Granadilla; P. maliformis, or Sweet Calabash ; P. laurifolia, or Water Lemon ; P. edulis, or Purple Fruited ; and P. ligularis, or Mexican Granadilla. Of these the two first are now culti- vated as dessert fruits in England ; the third is from Brazil, and is very productive ; the fourth is very plenty in the West India and Bahama Islands ; and the fifth is common in the vi- cinity of the city of Mexico. There are doubtless other spe- cies which produce fine fruits. There exists no good reason why these would not flourish in the more southern parts of cur Union; and indeed one of our native species, the Passi- flora incarnata, produces fruit in a wild state as far north as the Potowmac, which, although inferior, is eaten by children,, and known by the name of Pocock, or May Apple In South America the fruit of the Passiflora is called Purchas. ( 165 ) The entire collection of this plant now in possession of the author exceeds 60 species. The general characters of the flower, which are well known, and considered as emblematic of tiie Passion, or Crucifixion of our Saviour, prevail in all the species. The leaves vary to every form in the different kinds, and many of them are most singular : the flowers are also of every colour Among the most admired are the Common Blue, the Purple, the different shades of Red and Scarlet, the Blue and Scarlet, the Orange, the R)se Colour-r ed, the Yellow, the Cluster Flowered, the Laurel Leaved, &c. Taking the whole collection together, they form as curious a combination as it is possible to conceive in one class of plants, and the flowers are of every size, from one to five inches in diameter. They are all vines, and can be trained on stakes or small lattices attached to the pots, or up the pillars and rafters of the Green-house, and many of them can be kept in a common cellar, or in any room free from frost in winter, and be used during the summer season to train over the piazza, or to ornament bowers, arbours, Sec, Scir/ius iuberosus, and Trafia nutans. — These plants have been enumerated in the list of Desiderata by the Agri- cultural Society of South-Carolina, as worthy of introduction and culture as articles of food. The Trapa natans, or Eat- able Water Chestnut, has already been cultivated with suc- cess in England. The following description is from the London Horticultural Society's Catalogue : — " This is an aquatic floating pliant, producing a singular kind of nut with four horns, which is esteemed in the south of Europe, where it is a native. The kernel resembles a chestnut in flavour, and is eaten either raw, broiled, or roasted." In England it requires artificial heat to bring it to perfection ; but I have little doubt that, on account of the intensity of our sun, it could be made to flourish in our ponds even as far north as New-York, by its being planted at a depth below the ac- tion of freezing, especially as the Nelumbinm luteum has been found flourishing in the ponds of Connecticut. Green and Bohea Tea.— These are very hardy Green- house plants, and would no doubt withstand the winters of any part of the Union south of Wilmington, North-Carolina, The leaves of the Green Tea are more than double the size of the Bohea, and both produce fine flowers in abundance during the autumn and winter, and are cuhivated with as much ease as any of our most common trees. It is said that all the finer teas are perfiimed by the Chinese with the de. ( 166 ) 1 se II iightful flowers of the Olea fragrans, or Fragrant Chinese Olive, and the Aglaia odorata. Orange and Lemon Trees^ iJfc —The Orange, Lemon, Citi'on, Shaddock, and Linne, are easily cuhivated, and no trees will bear hardier usage if they are only secured from cold and frost. They may be removed every month in the year, and yet grow well with the aid of shade and moisture. Early in October they should be taken out of the boxes or pots in which they are growing, with the balls of earth en- tire, and should then have the sides and bottom shaved off about an inch deep with a sharp knife, to make room for fresh earth ; after which they can be replaced in the pots or boxes, first covering the holes at the bottom with shells or broken earth, and some fresh compost ; then fiiU in around the tree with the compost prepared as hereafter directed. If, in the course of replanting, the earth should have been much separated from the roots, the tree should be placed in a shady situation for a few days. If it is desirable to promote the growih, and to form large trees, then let boxes be made a size larger at every annual transplanting ; but if the boxes should be too large in proportion to the tree, fruit will not be produced so soon, nor in as great a quantity. Com/iost suitable for Orange Trees^ and many other Green-house Plants. — Take one third good rich earth, one third well rotted stable manure, and one third swamp or wood .mould; but where swamp mould cannot be procured, let two thirds be good rich earth ; these must be well incorpo- rated together, and if mixed a few weeks previous to the time of using, it will be the better for it. The Orange Tree — Emblem of Genius. — " This is the prince of trees. It bears at the same time blossoms and fruit. Its leaves are ever green, and as it increases in age and size, it increases in beauty and fruitfulness. Its flowers load the air with the richest perfume, and its fruit is one of the most delicious and exquisite on earth. This superiority overall other trees, and these inestimable qualities, render it a happy emblem of genius, that magnificent and splendid boon of nature, which, like t'nis tree, is ever green, and which grows more and more beautiful beneath the hand of time. Thus genius surpasses every other attribute of mind, and is continually producing new blossoms while it is loaded with mature fruit. " The Orange tree has also been considered typical of the passion of love, because although its fruit be goldenj its. ( 16'^ ) odours exquisite, and its taste delicious, its rind is bitter. Perhaps none can understand the emblem, except those who are so lucky or unlucky (as the case may be) as to be caught in the gossamer web of the capricious little god. When the young bride of Provence plights her faith and her affections before the sacred altar, her waist and her brow are en* wreathed with a chaplet of Orange flowers, which is called the * Chapeau rie la Marine.* " Camellia j a fionica, or Jafian T^osf.— Much as we are in- debted to Japan and China for elegant plants, still we are more peculiarly so for the different species and varieties of the Camellia, which, for the many beauties it concentrates, may emphatically be called the " Queen of Flowers." The different varieties of this plant form the most brilliant display of the Green-house from December to May, and the splen- dour of their flowers,.and richness of their foliage, are sur- passed by no others. The flowers of many of them equal in size the largest garden rose, and combine a regularity of form and richness of colouring, which present an admirable contrast with their dark shining green leaves, and render them the greatest ornaments of a room or the Green-house, They need less protection than almost any other Green- house plants, and four of them which were left in the open ground during several winters, and which were protected merely by a common frame, received no injury, although the ground in the frame was frozen to the depth of five inches. In England several of the varieties are now cultivated in un- protected shrubberies, and it is there anticipated to naturalize all the others, so as to form a permanent appendage to the hardy shrubbery. No plants have ever yet been introduced to the gardens of Europe or America which have received so much admiration, and been so much sought after, as the varieties of the Camellia; and in common with other ama- teurs, the utmost pains has been taken by the author to ob- tain all the splendid new ones, and his collection now includes above 50 varieties, with a prospect of additional extension. The following are among the most beautiful and rare ; the others will be found enumerated at pages 91 and 92 of the catalogue of the author's establishment. Camellia cliandleri^ or C/iandler*8 Sufierb Strified IVara* tah, — This produces flowers firjely variegated, and others nearly scarlet, of an Anemone form, on the same plant. It is considered by the gentleman after whom it is named as the most superb in his collection. The following is the de- ( 163 ) Bcription given in his publication : — "The colour is a vivid scarlet, almost as bright as the Nasturtium, broken with oc- casional splashes of the purest white, which vary very much in their relative proportions ;'* so that one flower will have copious touches of white, while another will be almost wholly scarlet. The long duration of the flower is highly gratifying, the bloom of one having remained in full beauty for six weeks ; the foliage is of the darkest glossy green, and independent of the beauty of the flowers, forms an attractive evergreen. Camellia altheijiora^ or Hollyhock Floi\)ered. — "The flowers of this plai.t are surprisingly large," and with the exception of the preceding one, Messrs. Chandler and Buck- ingham state they have seen nothing to compete with it^ the colour is a fit»e crin.sun, approaching to a scarlet. Camellia Jiorida^ or Cluster Floioerini^. — The colour of this is intermediate between the Warraiah and the Red Paeony Flowered Camellias, from a union of which this was produced. The foliage has however the character of the former, but tiie buds have this advantage, that the calyx which covers them has not that dark appearance resembling decay which is a regular attendant on the Warratah. Camellia corallina^ or Coral Coloured. — This variety has been also greatly admired. It blooms profusely, and its title is sufficiently indicative of the colour of its flowers. Camellia itisignis^ or S/ilendid Flonvered. — This is of the form of the Red Warratah, or Anemone Flowered. The outer petals are bright red, and the small centre ones are intermingled with white, which gives to the flower a Car- nation-like appearance, and in connexion with its fine colour renders it greatly admired. Camellia anemoneflora alba^ or White Warratah. — " The foliage of this .nearly resembles the Striped ; the flower bud previous to expansion is quite round, and presents an appear- ance of great promise, which the blossom fully realizes;'* the outer leaves are a transparent white, and tde centre is of an Anemone shape, thus forming a White Warratah Ca- mellia, which it hud been considered quite a desideratum to obtain. Camellia rosa fiinensis, or China Rose Flowering. — This is a fine double flower of a deep red, with dark green fo- 1 age, and a complete absence of antliers. From its resem- blance to the China Rose it has received its title. Camellia jiit07iia, or Jiton's Large Single jRec?.— -The ( 169 ) flower of this is of great size, and the delicate pencilling of the petals, together with the singular holdness of the an- thers, render it a beautiful specimen of a single flower ; and its tendency to produce seed far exceeds any other Ca* mejlia I am acquainted with. Camellia fulgensy or Fulgent Flowered. Camellia woodsiij or IVood's Sufierb. Camellia ivarratah rosea^ or Roae Coloured Warratah.—^ This has light red Anemone shaped flowers. Camellia coccinea^ or Double Scanel. — This has exceed- ingly fine foliage, which resembles that of the Striped. It produces flowers wholly scarlet, and others very finely varie- gated, on the same plant. Camellia concMJiora^ ot Shell Flowered- — This has flowers which greatly resenribie the preceding, and it also produces in like manner plain red and variegated ones on the same plant. It is, however, distinguished by its foliai^e, which somewhat resentblts that of the Common Single Red. Camellia sasanqua-rosea^ or Double Rose Coloured Sa- sanqua. — This has exceedingly beautiful blush col« ured flowers, which are full double, and about the size of a dol- lar ; it blooms with great profusion, and is one of those most highly admired ; the leaves are small, and it forms a hand- some compact plant of jnocleraie size. Camellia Jimbriata^ or Double Fringed While. — The flcnversof tliis are ai)out the size of the Common White, and they are beautifully fringed on the edges, which causes it to form a striking contrast to all the other varieties. It differs also in the period of its flowering, which is in September and October. Camellia axillaris^ or Axillary Flowered, — This has larger leaves than any of the others, which are very showy and in- dented on the edges ; the flowers are also produced differ- ently from the others, and come out at the axils of the leaves. Camellia oleifera^ or Oil Rearing. — This has small foliage and delicate single white fl 'wers. Cameitia Grevillii^ or Greville*8 Red. — This is of a much more brilliant colour than the Common Red, and approaches a scarlet. Camellia alba-simplici^ or Single White. — This has large flowers of a very pleasant fragrance and fine appearance. Camellia myrtifoliay or Myrtle Leaved, — This has small foliage, and fine double rose coloured flowers, the petals of which are reflexed. It has a pleasant fragrance. P ( 170 ) Camellia mutabilis^ or Changeable. — This is also called Pompone and Kew Biush ; the flowers are olteia pure \vi\ite, and others more or less touched with red, being quite variable in this respect. CameUia flavescens^ or Buff — This is also called Maiden's Blush and Hume's Blush, with flowers of great regularity of form and beautiful appearance, which have a yellowish tint, and are of a pearl or cream colour. Camellia IVelbankiania, or White Paony Floivered. — Tbis variety is yet very rare. Camellia rubricaulisy or Lady Cam/ibeirs.-^Th\s has double red flowers mottled with white. Camellia hexanguiaris^ Starry, or Six Angled, — This is so called from the peculiar arrangement of its petals. Camellia carnea, or Middlemist— This has very fine rose coloured flowers, which are produced in great profusion. Camellia lo7igi/olia, or Long Leaved. — This has very long leaves and single red flowers. Camellia sasanqua-alba, or Lady Banks* White Sasan- qua. — This has small white semidouble flowers about the size ot a half dollar, which expand in December, and greatly re- semble those of the Tea. Camellia maculata, or Blotched Leaved. — This has leaves blotcned or spotted wiih white, and double whiie flowers. Camellia pcsonijiora^ or P.s Rose when half expanded ; in fact, it is the most perfect rose colour, and the flower spreading out to a size far surpassing either of the foregoing, presents a degree of magnificence which has by many amateurs been declared unrivalled. Tlie flowers measure from 20 to 25 inches in circumference, and of one which exceeded the latter size a drawing has been taken, which is in the possession of the author, who received this plant direct from Canton. A good garden loam seems to suit these plants, or the same compost may be used as prescribed for Orange trees. They may be all increased by seeds or by parting the roots, but a blooming plant cannot be produced from seed in less than six years. Chinese MagnoLias.—Qi these there are six species, all highly interesting ; two have been found to support the win- ters of Long-Island unprotected, and others will no doubt be acclimated in time. Magnolia obovata, or Chinese Purfile Flowering Magno- lia, — This is esteemed for the uncommon richness and beauty of its flowers, which, in the house, are produced in March. They are bell shaped, of a delicate violet purple outside, and white within, from which circumstance it is sometimes called the Two Coloured Magnolia. It supports our winters unprotected in the vicinity of New-York, and perb.aps may do so further north. Magnolia consfiicua — Chandelier Ma gnolia^ or Yulan.—' This has very large flowers of a pure white colour, very splen- did in appearance, and shaped like a chandelier In the house it flowers in March, but wiil support our winters unprotected. A tree is mentioned by the London Horticultural Society as grooving at the seat of Sir Abraham Hume, in England, P 2 ( 174 ) which is 14 feet high, 15^ feet broad, and which produced 956 flowers in one season. Magnolia gracilis^ or Delicate Branched Magnolia. — This is far more rare than any of the other Chinese Matjnohas, being but latterly introduced to this country. With its flowers I am unacquainted, it not having yet produced any with me, though the plants promise to do so the ensuing season. It is sometimes called M Kobus, or tomentosa. Magnolia fuscata^ or Olive Coloured Magnolia. — This is an evergreen, with fine glossy foliage, and produces small brownish or olive coloured flowers of extreme fragrance. It does not form so large a plant as the three preceding, but becomes a compact and beautiful bush of moderate size, and is closely clad with its shining leaves. It produces its flowers during summer. Magnolia annonxfolia^ or Smallest Flowered Magnolia.—^ The leaves of this much resemble the preceding, but are more long and narrow ; the flowers are olive coloured, ex- ceedingly fragrant, but smaller than those of any other spe- cies. It is perpetually verdant, and its leaves have a fine glossy appearance. Magnolia fiumila^ or Chinese Dwarf Magnolia, — This is the most diminutive in size of all the species. A plant in a number of years will not attain to more than 15 or 18 inches in height, but will regularly produce its flowers, however small : these are of good size, pure white, and extremely sweet. Hibiscus rosa-sinensisy or Chinese Rose Hibiscus. — There are few plants which produce flowers of more magnificent appearance than the varieties of this species. Of these there are five double ones, which are of the following colours:— Crimson, rose coloured, variegated crimson and white, bufF, or orange, and yellow. There are also some single varie- ties. The flowers are produced for many months during summer and until late in the autumn. The foliage is of a shining green and very luxuriant appearance. Hibiscus mutabilis^ or Chinese Changeable Hibiscus.— This flowers in November and December ; they are the size of a large garden rose, and their peculiarity consists in their changing from white to blush colour and then to purple, thereby presenting to view flowers of three difl'erent colours on the same plant. There are two varieties with single and double flowers. Datura arborea^ or Great Peruvian Datura. — This plant j ( 1''5 ) which is of vigorous growth, produces very splendid flowers during the months of October and Novtn.ber ; they are pure white, of a pentangular form, with angular extensions, possess an agreeable fragrance, and are generally near a foot in length. Gardenia. — Of this there are a nuniber of species, many of which produce flowers of great beauty and fragrance. I will proceed to enumerate some of the most conspicuous. Gardenia Jlorida^ or Cafie Jasmine. — This is the best known ; the foliage is very beautiful, and it produces white flowers of a delightful fragrance. There are three varie- ties, viz. the common one, with large double flowers and broad leaves, another with smaller flowers and narrow leaves, and a third with single flowers. Gardenia radicans, or Dwarf Trailing: — This seldom rises above one foot or 18 inches in height, but spreads near the ground, and produces a great abundance of flowers, which are rather smaller than those already described, pure white, delicate, and of equally fine fragrance ; the foliage is also smaller, but much similar in form and appearance. Gardenia camfianulata. — This is a native of the East In- dies; the flowers are of a campanulate or bell shape; the foliage is similar to the preceding. Gardenia micrantha. — This is from China ; the flowers are quite small, and the foliage of a fine green. Gardenia lucida. — The foliage of this surpasses all others by its luxuriant appearance; the leaves art large, broad, and very glossy. It is from the East Indies, and is of recent in-t troduction both to the gardens of Europe and America. Gardenia rot.undifolia. — The leaves of this are nearly round, and the flowers quite pretty. It is a native of Peru. Gardenia longijiora. — This is from the East Indies ; the flowers are of an elongated form and peculiar structure. J^ote. The whole number now cultivated in the Green- houses of the author exceeds twenty species, many of which are very singular both as respects their foliage and flowers, and they are among the plants most prized in the rarest col- lectioiis of Europe. Jmaryllis. — The species of this plant are very numerous, and descriptions of but a few can here be given. Amaryllis formossissima^ or Jacobea Lily. — »The flowers of iiiis are of a fine scarlet colour, with two ascending and two drooping petals ; the other two spread laterally one on each side. The roots can be planted about the first of May C 176 ) in the open ground, end be taken up in October. It needs very little care, and regularly produces iis splendid fiowers in July, never failing to t^ratiiy you in this respect. Amarijtlis vittata^ or Riband Lily. — This is one of the most beautiful species; t^ e petals are crimson, striped with white, and a number of flowers are produced on each stalk. Roots of mature size flovvei very regularly about the months of June or in July- jimaryliis Jo/insoni, or Sjilendid Striped Lily. — This is deemed one of the most magnificent species ; the flowers are somewhat similar to the last, being crimson, striped with white ; but are still more beautiful, and produced in greater abundance, as this frequently bloovns twice in a year. Amaryllis fiurfiurea. — This lily should have received a different specific title, as it is not purple, but scarlet or flame colour; the flowers are very beautiful, generally several on a stalk. It blooms very freely, increases fast fri.m the root, and flowers at various seasons, accuble Duke of Tuscany's Jasmine; both of which are white and of exquisite fragrance ; the latter is nearly twice the size of the former. Myrtle. — These are among the hardiest Green-house plants, and the species and varieties are so well known, that particular descriptions woul- be superfluous. Those most generally admired are the Double Flowering, the Profuse Flowering, the Broad Leaved, the Orange Leaved, the Bird's Nest, the Three Leaved or Jew's, the Silver Striped, and the Gold Striped. But the most beautiful and rare spe- cies is the Myrtus tomentosa, from China, with large- r-'se coloured flowers. Its foliage is much admired, and it Houiishes and blooms profusely with a* little attention usony of the others, and particularly in the winter season. Laclienaiia, — Of this there are many species, nearly all of which bloom during the winter months. They are bulbous roots, requiring little care, and producing abunciance of flowers, many of which are exceedingly beautiful : these are bells produced on stalks from six to eight inches high, in the manner of the Hyacinth. They are of various colours, and some of them have from three to four colours most sin- gularly and delicately combined in the same flower. They easily increase from the root in the pots, and flourish with little attention. There are altogether about 30 species. Ixia. — These have bulbous roots, increase fast in pots, and require little care, except to divide the roots as they be- come too numerous. The diff'erent varieties comprise every possible shade, even including green ; and the flowers, which are produced from February to April, form a brilliant appen- dage to the Green-house. Oxalis. — Tnese are also bulbs requiring little attention, and becoming very numerous by increase in the pots. Some ot the varieties commence blooming during the autumn, and others succeed them throughout the wirier and sprmg months. The foliage varies greatly in shape in the respec- ( 179 ) tive species ; the flowers are of every colour, and they form a deligi.lfui chain in connexion with the Lachenahas and Ixias as winier H. werintj^ plants, Anthotyza — The different species of this produce very beautiful flowers from February to April in threat numbers, on tall stems of two feet high, in the fnanner of the Tube- rose. They somewhat resemble the Gladiolus in form, and are of various cohiurs. The root is a flat cake shaped bulb, increases fast, and needs but little care or attention. Gladiolus, — There are a number of hardy varieties of this fl'wer, but those requiring the protection of the Green- house are far more numerous, include a very great variety of cohmrs and shades, and form a highly interesting collec- tion. They are Cape bulbs, and need no more attention than Ixias, 8cc. Da/ilia. — Of this plant more than 150 varieties are now known, the most of which have double flowers. It is a na- tive of Mexico, whence it was carried to Spain, and from thence was disseminated throughout Europe. The flowers, whicii are often from five to six inches in diameter, combine pvobably a greater degree of magnificence than those of any other plant, as they comprise every gradation and shade of colour from the darkest lake to the lightest shades, and every hue but green. The collection of the author contains above 100 varieties, 90 of which are double. They have been se- lected with great care, and comprise the must brilliant that could be obtained. To attempt a detailed f escription of them would occupy too much space, and must consequently be omitted. The roots are tuberous, and must be taken up in the fall belore the frost has ii.jured them, and should then be placed in boxes filled with sand, or laid in a dry situation during winter. About the first or 10th of April they can be again placed in their situations in the open ground. Here they generally attain to the height of four to seven feet, and sometimes more, and frequently produce from 30 to 40 flowers on the plant at one time. The double varieties are the most splendid and highest esteemed ; the single ones, however, possess extremely vivid colours, and many of them have much to excite admiration. This plant, except the circumstance of protecting it from frost in winter, needs little or no care, and its flowers form the pride of the garden from .Tuly to November, surpassing all others in their varied and gaiuly display. Lobelia fulgcns, — This splendid plantj whose merits are C 180 ) little known, but which has been for many years in the gar- dens at Flushing, can be cultivated with the greatest ease The following practice has been found the most successful : —In October take off the young suckers, and pot them ; place them in a common frame till the first of March, then transplant them from the pols to the open ground. The soil selected for this purpose must be very moist, and made quite rich. In case of a drought, a basin should be made around each plant, and kept plentifully supplied with water. By this mode they will be made to grow to the height of five and a half or six feet, and produce in July and Augusta most magnificent display of scarlet flowers. GERANIUMS, OR GERANIACEiE. Under this head are included, according to the present Botanic arrangement, the folWtwing genera : — Geranium, Pelargonium, Erodium, Ciconiuu), Hoarea, Campylea, Di- macria, Isopetalum, Jenkins(.nia, Oiidia, and Phytamanthes, all of which were formerly viewtd as one genus, and may now be considered under the same general head, well known as the Geranium family. They form (united) a beautiful natural assemblage of planis, com.preheiiding numen-us spe- cies, herbaceous, suffruticose, and shrubby, all of which stme- what partake cf a succulent nature. Those most commonly kn< wn as inhabitants of our Green-houses and parlours, are of the division termed Pelargoniurtis, with flovveis resen>bling a stork*s bill; xhe Etudiums and Geraniums, according to the above arrangement, are nearly all herbaceous plants; tlie Dimacrias and Hoareas have tuberous roots^ and entirely lose their foliage for a part of the year, at which period they can be transported (wrapped in paper) in the same manner as Hyacinth or Tulip A work has been published in London by Mr. Robert Sweet, which beautifully illustrates t* is del ghtful class of plants, anrl contains coh ured engravings of above 300 varie- ties. This work the author of the present Treatise imported at a great expense, from which he made a selection of the most beautiful and interesting, which he has since obtained ( 181 ) from London, and they are now under cultivation at his esta- blishment, and will be found enumerated in his catalogue; and they may contsequently be offered with confidence to the public as a collection not to be surpassed in beauty and mag- nificence. I will now proceed to describe some of the principal va-^ rieties, arranging them under their i^spective divisions. PELARGONIUM. P. striatum^ or Davey*8 Kiiry Queen Geranium.-~'T\\i.% is also called Streak-floWered Stork's Bill ; the flowers are prettily striped, and appear early in the spring; the foliage is large, and of a fine appearance. P. quatermanU or Quaterman*s Sfilendid — This has leaves of exceeding large size, and is of very vigorous growth, forming a strong robust plant ; the flowers are also exceedingly large, and resemble those of the Commander- in-Chief imported froni London : they are of a pale colour, inclining lo white, ?nd of great beauty. It was originated about five years since by Mr. Quaterman, who was then foreman of the Green-house department at the author's es- tablishment. P. ignesc-ns^ or Fiery Flowered. — The leaves are cor- date, and che flowers scarlet and black : they are produced in abunt'ance for the greater part of the year. There are two ot.'ier varieties, viz. ign^acens-major^ and coccineoy which are held in high esteem. p, blandum-^ Blush Flowered^ or Z)/ana.— The leaves of this are cordate, and five lobed ; the flowers are of a light colour, and appear in succession from April to September. P. melissinumy or Balm Scented. — The leaves of this are deeply five lobed ; the flowers dark red and black in abund- ance. The leaves when rubbed have exactly the fragrance of common Balm. P. mostyn£, or Mrs. Mostyn*s.-— This has an upright stem with few branches ; the leaves are cuneiform and pu- bescent on both sides, and the flowers are of a fine red. It flourishes with little care, and blooms early. P. solubile^ or Dutchess of Gloucester^i. — This is also called Dissolvible-coloured, from the circumstance that wa- ter will dissolve the colour of its petals ; the leaves are kid- ney shaped; the flowers are large, of a fine deep red, mixed with darker red. Q ( 182 ) P. muUinerve^ or Many Nerved. — An upright shrub not much branched, the leaves of a roundish kidney shape, and the flowers of a deep ved. It is of easy culture, and con- ^ tinues to bloom till late in autumn. P, eximium^ or Select. — This has an erect stem with hairy branches, and its growth is strong and vigorous; the leaves are cordate and undulate ; the flowers are large, and "unite pale and dark shades of red and black. P grandijlorum^ or Great White Floivered. — This has an erect stem but little branched, with smooth glaucous leaves, . deeply five to seven lobed. As its name denotes, the flowers are large and white. P. involucratum maximurn^ or Large Br acted. "-^The stem is erect, growing to a lar^e size, and but moderately branched; the leaves are cordaie, or kidney shaped; the flowers are extremely large atul white, with some streaks of purple. It is a thrifty growing plant w'uh fine foliage, and the flowers are among the most beautiful of the whole fa- mily. The Waverly Geranium much resen»bles the forego- ing in the splendour, size, and colour cf its flowers — the fo- liage, however, distinguishes it. P. ornatum^ or Ornate. — A shrubby stem much branched; the leaves small, broader than long, betwetn cordate and wedge shaped ; the flowers have a blotch of pi^k in the up- per petals. P. fiavonium, or Peacock Sfiotted. — The stem shrubby and branching ; the leaves wedge shaped at the base> inclin- ing to cordate ; the flowers of a fine bright red above, and the lower petals of a pale scarlet. It grows freely, and con- tinues in blossom all summer, and tiil late in autumn. P. ardens — Burnished, or Glowing. — This has a suff*ruti- cose thick stem but little branched, the leaves of which are scarcely two alike, cordate, oblong, or ternate; the flowers are small, of a very dark scarlet and black. It is a handsome plant, much admired for the brilliancy of its flowers, and for their being produced during the greater part of the year. * P. ofiulifolium, or Guelder Rose Leaved. — It has a shrub- by erect stem, with few branches, and cordate, wide, concave leaves, which are five lobed ; the flowers are very large, of a deep red, finely streaked with a darker red. It is a free growing plant. P. echinatum, or Prickly Stalked. — The root of this is fleshy, and has tubers ; the stem is shrubby, succulent, and C 183 ) iiiorny ; the leaves cordate, from three to five lobed, and the Howers white, with bright red spots. It loses its foliage entirely for several months in the year. p. glaucum — Glaucous^ or Lance Leaved. — A shrubby erect stem, which, as well as its branches, is of rather small and delicate growth ; leaves lanceolate, entire, smooth, and glavicous ; flowers white and pale yellow spotted with red, which are neat and pretty. It is a plant of rather singular appearance when contrasted vvith its congeners, and is also apt to be injured if too much watered during the winter season. /*. sa/iijlorens, or Frequent Flowering. — A. shrubby brown stem, wiih flat, cordate, five lobed leaves, and red fl >wers with darker red and black, spots It is a most de- sirable variety from its remaining so long in flower, and at the most desirable season, for it begins t'l bloom at the end of summer, and if kept in a warm situation vviU continue to flower through the winter and spring months P. gibbosum^ or Gouty — This is so called from its having large swellings or knots at the joints, which give it a must singular appearance; the branches are erect, or sl'ghtly spreading ; the leaves lernate, smooth, and glaucous ; and the fluvvers of a greenish yellow colour. It is a curious plant, and esteemed for its fragrance during the eveniiig, al* though it is scentless i'uring the day. P, ofitabile^ or Desirable. — A shrubby stem, much branch- ed with rough, cordate, five h^bed leaves, and large flowers, which are white biotchecl with dark purple. It is of easy culture, and makes a compact little bush about 18 inches high. P. breesianum^or Breese's. — A branching stem, with oval, cordate, slightly lobed leaves, and fine deep red flowers, va- ried with white and dark red spots and lines. It grows well with liitle care, and flowers freely for the greater part of the year. P. imbricatum^ or Imbricate Pctaled. — This has a shrubby flexuosc stem, irregularly swollen at the joints ; the leaves are nearly tnfid, curled, and plaited ; the fluvvers are pro- duced in large heads, the petals obtuse, white round the edges, and dark red in the middle. It is a strong growing plant, and produces abundance of flowers during summer, and until late in the autumn. P. cordatum^ or Heart Leaved. — A shrubby erect plant, with few branches ; the leaves flat, cordate, acute, and den^- ( 184 ) tate ; tfie flowers large, purplish red with dark streaks, and produced in clusters. It is a very free growing plant. There is a variety called cor datum-major. P. australcy or J^eiv- Holland. — This has a short stem, •with numerous hairy branches, and cordate leaves with large unequal crenatures; the flowers white and bright red in streaks. It is a neat little plant, flowering and ripening its seeds abundantly. P.fulgidum, or Fulgent Celandine Leaved. — A shrubby flexuose stem, with few branches; the leaves lernate, and leaflets sessile, deeply toothed, and pinnatifid ; the flowers small, of a deep scarlet, with dark spots and lines : the flower is one of the most brilliant of the genus. The plant being rather succulent, requires care not to water it over much. P, coarctatum — Lavalettesj or Close Leaved. — A shrubby much branched stem, with numerous crowded leaves of a cordate or kidney shape ; the flowers are large, deep red striped with black. Its culture is easy, and it is a pretty plant. P. sanguineum, or Crimson. — This has a shrubby succu- lent stem, not much branched, and knotted at the difl*erent joints; the leaves decompound, smooth, and of a light green ; the flowers of a deep scarlet or blood colour marked with black. It is quite a rare variety. P. versicolor^ or Various Coloured. — A shrubby branch- ing stem, with flat, cordate, five lobed leaves, and large flowers, whose colour is of a dark and light red streaked with red and black. It grows freely, and flowers abund- antly. P. macranthon^ or Large Flowered. — This has a flexuose stem, with large leaves, hairy on both sides, reniform, and deeply toothed ; the flowers are extremely large and splen- did, being white finely striped and blotched with purple. It is one of the largest flowering of the wliole genus. P, baileyanum, or Bailey's. — A branching stem, with kid- ney shaped truncate leaves and large flowers, which are white and dark brown. It flourishes with but little atten- tion, and blooms freely. P. husseyanum^ or Lady Hussey*s. — This is also called Brown's Duke of York. It has a branching stem, with dark green cordate lobed leaves and fine large dark red flowers« It is a strong and robust plant, flowering abundantly all the summer. ( 185 ) P. scutatum^ or Shield Leaved. — A very branching stem, with peltate five lobed leaves and large white flowers finely marked with red. It is a handsome plant, and was reared from seeds brought from the Cape of Good Hope. P. difforme^ or Various Leaved, — This is also called Da- vey's Princess Augusta. It has a shrubby much branched stem, wiih rigid, deformed, cordate, or cuneate leaves, and large peialed flowers striped and blotched with dark red and brown. It is a hardy plant, easily managed, and requires very little water during winter. P. concinnum, or Comely. — This has a branching stem, with truncate, tnfid, undulate leaves, and fine scarlet flowers, marked with a darker streak of the same colour and with black lines. It is of low growth, but flowers abundantly. P. scarborovice^ or Countess of Scarborough* s. — This has a shrubby branching stem, with small subtrifid or deeply three lobed leaves, and fine dark and light red and w^jite flowers. Ii blooms early in spring and late in autuipt') and lias a lemon-like scent. P.formosu?ny or Variegated Flowered. — This Ws a branch- ing stem, with rtundly cordate, undulate, concave leaves, and a large l»cad of dark and pale red flowers It is a hardy free flowering kind, and blooms from sprii"v< to autumn. P. candidum^ or Fair Flo^vered —This has a branching stem, with cordate three lobed leaves, and large white flowers, marked with red. It ^s a pretty plant, and an abund- ant bloomer. P. uuaisoni, or Watso'i's. — The stem of this is not much branched ; the leave.* are roundly cordate and five lobed, and the flowers a'^= large, red, marked with dark and brown- ish red. It is a pretty plant, and an abundant bloomer till iaie ill autumn. P. hoareajiornm.^ or Hoarea Flowered. — This has a tuber- ous root and subcaulescent leafy stem, which is succulent; liie leaves arc radiate, pirmate, and canescent,and the flowers deep red marked with black. It is a curious and handsome hybrid, requiring the same culture as is given to the other tuberous species. P. sfiectabile^ or Showy. — This has an erect branching stem, with cordate, undulate, deeply toothed leaves, and bright red flov/ers marked with darker red. There are sd- veral varieties of thi?) species, all of which are splendid plants, and of easy culture. P. /irincipissc^j or Princess Charlotte, — This has an erect q2 ( 186 ) stem, with cordate, reniform, slightly lobed leaves, and dark red flowers marked with black blotches and lines. It is a beautiful plant, rather tender, and suffering more from too much wet than from cold. P. potteri^ or Patterns Scarlet. — A shrub with a rather succulent branching stem, and leaves slightly cordate, deeply three cleft, and many nerved ; the flowers are of a deep scar- let, finely marked with black. It is apt to lose its foliage in winter if not kept in a warm and dry situation ; but in sum- mer, as Mr. Sweet observes, it grows very luxuriantly, and its flowers are much finer when growing out in the open air, and continue to expand till late in autumn. P. robinsoniy or Robinson's. — This forms an erect stem, with very large leaves four or five inches long and wide, cor- date, acute, and undulate ; the flowers are large, pale red, with marked blotches and veins of a darker red. It is of ro- buu growth, and prolific in its flowers. P-jenkinsoniy or Mr.Jenkinson's. — This is also called at London ^he John Bull Geranium. The stem is branching, with rigid, roundly cordate leaves, and pnle red, white, and very dark put^lish red flowers. It is an elegant free grow- ing plant, and blooms profusely. P. crenulatu7n^ 01 Crenulated Leaved. — This has an erect stem, but little branchcri ; the leaves are large, reniform, and notched with small rouncitrl teeth ; the flowers are large, of ^ a purplish red, shaded and vuned with darker colours. P. murraya?ium, or Lady Murray's. — An erect branching stem, with large broad cordate lea-ies, and fine red flowers marked with darker red or brown. U is a handsome strong plant, flowers abundantly, and continues to bloom the greater part of the year. P. tomentosum^ or Pefifiermint Scented. — This is often called in this country Velvet Leaved, but in England it is also called Pennyroyal Scented, which title is here applied to a very different one. The present species has a shrubby thick succulent stem, much branched, and is of rather straggling growth ; the leaves are cordate, five lobed, and have the softness of velvet to the touch ; the flowers white and purple, and of small size. It has been long in cultiva- tion, and is an original species, obtained from the Cape of Good Hope. P.fragrans^ or JVutmeg Scented. — This has an erect stem, very much branched, but the shoots are all of moderate thickness, and form a neat and busby plant of medium size ; ( 187 ) the leaves are small, roundly cordate, and three lobed; the flowers small and pale, tinged with blue It continues to bloom the {greater part of the year, and is highly es- teemed ibr its fragrance. By some it is called Spice Gera- nium. P.flexuosum^ or Zig-zag Stalked. — This has a flexuose shrubby stem, with oval, cordate, and deeply incised leaves, which are also nerved ; the flowers are deep scarlet and black. It is a beautiful hybrid, originated by Mr. Colvill, of London, and flowers a great part of the winter. It needs but a moderate supply of water. For a plant of this the author paid a guinea at London. P. atrofuscum^ or Dark Brown Flowered. — This has a branching stem clothed with long hairs ; the leaves are wedge shaped, with short foot-stalks; the flowers of a dark or purplish brown, marked with a still darker brown. It is a free growing plant, and flowers abundantly. P. carduifolium or Cockle-shell Leaved. — This has a branching stem, growing to a great size, with large rigid I leaves, wedge shaped at the base, and large red and black flowers. It is a very showy plant, and easy of cultivation. P. reniforme^ or Kidney Leaved. — This has a stem with succulent branches and small kidney shaped leaves; the flowers are of a deep red colour. It is valued for flowering late in autumn when most of the showy kinds have past their bloom. P. tyrianthintim^ or Royal Purfile. — This is also called the Princess of Denmark Geranium. It has a stem much branched, with flat cordate leaves, which are five lobed ; the flowers are large, and of a bright rosy purple colour. It is easy of culture, and blooms abundantly. P. erectum^ or Ufiright. — Tiiis has a suff'ruticose erect stem, with cordate, jagged, lobate leaves, and rosy and white flowers. It is succulent, and requires but little water. P. fiulchellum, or J\''onsuch. — A short succulent stem with oblong sinuate leaves, and pale whitish flowers with streaks of red. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and flowers from March to May, and should be but sparingly watered when the season of bloom is over. HOAREA. //. nutans, or JVodding Flowered. — This has a tuberous carrot-like root, with foliage resembling that of the same vegetable; the flowers are pale yellow. It may be con- sidered as one of the most easily cultivated of its genus. ( 188 ) //. radicata^ or Fringed Leaved. — This lias oblong ellip- tic entire leaves, which are hairy; the iV.wcrs are yellow. If kept in a warm situaiion it bei^ins to grow about Christ- mas, when it should be re-potted with tVesh soil, and have a moderate v.atevini; occabionally. H. corydali/hra, or Fumitory Flowered. — This has a tu- berous root, Irum which rises a cluster of pinnate hairy leaves; tl\c flowers are small, and of a pale yellow colour. //. atro.sunguinea^ or Dark Crimson. — The leaves rise on the root ii» a radiate ntianner : they are pnuiatifid and hairy ; the flowers are small, and of a dark red colour. All of the Koareas licre described are stemless. DIMACRIA. D. fiulfihurea^ or Suifiher Coloured. — This has a tuberous branciun}^ root, v;itU erect pinnate carrot-like fo!ia;^e, and a head'of sulpiici- coloured fluvvers. It is of free growth, and blooms abundantly. GERANIUM. G. wallic/iimium, or IVallick^s JVcfial. — This is a peren- nial with spreading branches and tnfid leaves, which are re- ticu lately veined ; the fljwers are of a fine deep red, and' striated. G. anemonifoliu7n^ or jinemone Leaved. — This has divided leaves rehembhng the plant from which it receives its specific title ; the flowers are pretty, but not particularly showy. JENKINSONIA. J. quinatay or Quinate Leaved. — This has a shrubby flexuose stem, and the branches covered with a powdery pu- bescence; the leaves are alternate and five parted, and the flowers yellowish white marked with red. It is a handsome, rare, and curious plant, requiring the warmest part of the Green-house. It grows best in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. CAMPYLEA. C. cana, or Hoary Leaved. — This has a shrubby erect branching stem, with roundly ovate obtuse leaves, and pale red flowers, which are as large as any of the genus. C. blaitaria^ or Downy Leaved. — This has a. shrubby branching stem, with rounded oval plaited leaves, and pur- ( 189 ) pic and white flowers. It blooms at an early period in the spring, and continues flowering until late in autunon. CICONIUM. C. reliculatum, or Netted Veined. — This has a shrubby stem with lew branches ; the leaves cordalely uniform, ob- tusely five lobed, an:l strongly marked with a zcine ; the fl )\vers are of a fine deep scarlet, veined wiih a darker co- lour. It is easy of culture, and fl )wers profusely. C. cerinum^ or Waxed Leaved. — A shrubby erect stemi with roundly uniform leaves, and deep red and paler flowers, having an airy appearance. It is of a succulent nature, and must not be over watered. In other respects it is of easy culture. Tnere are numerous other splendid varieties of tiie differ- ent div^isions of the Geranium family, but the limits of this work will not allow me to describe them ; among which are the Pelargonium nervosum, jonquillinum, paucidentatum, &c. &c. Cactus. -—O^ this genus there is an immense number of species, forming a family of succulents of very peculiar cha- racters, many of which produce extremely beautiful flowers. The most common is C. flagelliformis, or Creeping Cereus, which has fine rose coloured flowers. There are also C. speciosus, with large showy flowers of a rose colour; and C. triangularis, producing a great number of beautiful flowers. But the most interesting are C. grandiflorus, or Great Night Blooming Cereus, with very large yellow fl'jwers; and C. speciossissimiis, which latter exceeds all others; the flowers of this species are of the most superb velvet crimson, and measure five inches or more in diame- ter. In fact, the flowers far exceed every other species in magnificence. The culture of this genus is not difficult — > they require a warm situation, and to be but little ivatered in the winter season ; and the most of them may be propa- gated from cuttings with ease. Clematis floriday or Great Jafian Virgin's Bower. — The flowers of this exceedingly fine species are white, and very large. They expand during the summer months, and are produced on peduncles springing from almost every joint of the long and delicate shoots of this vine, and give to it a great degree of beauty. These shoots may be trained to the ( 190 ) length of 12 or 15 feet over a lattice or bovver, and in winter can be taken down and formed in a coil, and be covered by a con>nnon frame or box, with the earth raised around it, which I have found sufficient protection for it durinj> the winter months. Indeed, this is by far the preferable mode of treatins^ it ; as in a pot it is stinted in its yjrowth, whereas in the open ground it attains to a full development. There is a sit'iijle and a double variety, the latter of which is far the most btaut.ful. Broad Leaved Candy-tuft, Iberis semfierjlorens, a native of Sicily ; fl .vverinq^ in white umbels all the year. /. gibratiarica, Gibraltar Candy-tuft^ a native of Spain ; flowering in May and June. These are ornamental little everp:reen shrubs, and ad- mired for their delicate tufts of white flowers, which are pro- duced on the first sort throughout the winter in the Green- house. They thrive in a light soil, and are readily increased by cuttings in ihe same soil ui der a hand-glass. Pittonpurum coriaceum, Thick Leaved Pittosfiorum, a native uf Mafi»-ira, flviw crinp: in May ; the fl -wers are white. P. viridifloruin^ Green Flowered Pittosfiorum^ a native of the Cape ot Good Hope; fl iwers in May and June. P. tohira, Glossy Leaved Piitosporum, a Tiative of China, a hardy Green-house plant; fl .wers from March to August. P undulatum^ Wave Leaved Pittos/iorum, from New- South- Wales ; flf;wers from February to June. P. revolutum^ Donony Leaved Pittosfiorum, from New- South- Wales; fl iwers from Fcbruaiy to April. All these are hardy evergreen Green-house shrubs of plea- sant fragrance, and easily cultivated in sandy loam. They are increased by laying or graliing on each other, or by cut- ings of young wood planted in sand, and covered with a bell-glass. Chinese St. John's Wort^ Hyfiericu7n mono/irunum, a beau- tiful liltle shrub, producing its large yellow fl -wers through most of the winter and summer. It is easily increased by dividing the roots. Cornea alba, White Flonvering Corraa, a native of New- South Welles; fl Aversfi'om April to June. C. virejis, Green Flowered Corrcda, from New-South- Wales; fl )wering from November to May. These are handsome and very liardy plants. They grow in loamy soil, and are increased readily by seeds or cuttings. Phylica ericoidesj Heath Leaved Phylica^ a small heath- ( 191 ) like shrub from the Cape; flowering from September to April in a warm Green-house. It grows in sandy peat, and is propagated in the same manner as heaths, but with much less trouble. Eutaxia myrtifolia. — This is a pretty New-Holland shrub, fl Avering from March to June. It grows in sandy loam and peat, and as it grows fast and tall, should be cut in to furm it into a bushy shrub. . Y-.ung. cuttings root in sand under a glass. Ktnnedia rubicunda, coccinea, /irostra(a^ and monofihyllay are New-Holland shrubby twiners, flowering from March to August. Coronilla juncea^ glauca^ and valentina^ are showy yellow flowered shrubs from the south of Europe, flowering the greater part ut the year, and growing in aiiy sandy soil. Jzatea indlca^ an Indian shrub of great beauty and fra- grance. It grows in sandy turfy peat well drained, and re- quires a warm part of the Green-house. Ejiacria grandijiora. — Among the numerous shrubs im- ported from New-Holland there is none more admired than this. Its appearance is delicate and yet showy ; its slender branches are bent over with the weight of the flowers, wliich set so close the whole length that they almost touch each other: they are ot a tubular bell shaped form, of more than an inch in length ; the tui)e is of a bright purplish crimson, and the extreme end of each flower is of a pure white. It fl.'wers all winter and nearly all the summer,^ and has some resemblance to a heath. It grows in a turfy, sandy peat soil, and is propagated by cuttings in sand under a bell-glass. Ligustrum lucidum^the Wax Tree of China. — This grows in sandy loam, and is readily increased by cuttings. Its fo- liage is very fine. Mimulus glutinosus^ a shrub from California; it flowers all the year, and is of the easiest culture on any light rich soil. Maurandia semfierjiorens^ an ornamental climbing shrub from Mexico, of easy culture, and does not exceed due bounds in a Green-house, Laurus camfihora^ glauca^ indica^ fcefens^ canariensis^ barhonia^ and carolinitnsis^Q^GrgrGtu shrubs, which grow in loam and peat, and cuttings root in sand under a bell-glass, or a moist heat. The first, Laurus camphora, is the tree from which camphor is manufactured ; and from informa- tion I have had respecting a tree of this kind growing in ( 192 ) Georgia, I am led to believe it may be advantageously cul- tivated in that and the more southern states, as it was found uninjured by the severest frosts experienced there. It forms a tree of very large size in India. Its leaves, as well as the wood and roots, are strongly impregnated with the fragrance of camphc-r. Ficus cordate^ macro/i/iylla^ australisy elasiica^ stifiulata^ fiumila^ ca/icnsisy bengatensis^ religiosa^ and other sptcies, are trees, shrubs, and creepers or climbers, of the easiest culture and propagation in any light rich soil. Hamanthus coccineusy^nd various species, are Cape bulbs, which grow in sandy loam with a little peat ; they require no water when not in a growing state, and are increased by offsets. Brunsvigia josefi/iincSy and different species, are a beauti- ful family of buibs, some of which grow to a great size, and require large pots to have them flower in perfection. They grow in sandy loam with a little peat, and require ample sup- lies of water when in a growing state, but very little when dormant. They are increased by offsetts or seeds. Agafianthus umbellatusy firecox^ ijfc.y handsome plants, which thrive in loom with a little rotten dung, and are in- creased by dividing at the root. There is a variety with flowers nearly white, and one with beautifully variegated leaves. Vslthe7nia viridifolia^ and glauca^ Cape bulbs, which grow in light loamy soil, and are increased by offsets or leaves. Eucomis regiuy undtilatUy punctata^ and striata^ Cape bulbs, which grow in any light rich soil, and are increased by offsetts, seeds, or leaves. ASower<^^a^'wnc(?a, a New- Holland perennial, which grows in peat soil kept moist, and is increased by dividing at the root* Dianella ccerulea^ and divaricatay plants of New South- Wales, which grow in loam and peat, sftid are increased by dividing at the root. Astrcemeria Jielcgrina, and ligtu^ fine plants, which grow in loam and leaf mould, and are increased by dividing at the root or by seeds, which, as they speedily lose their vegetative power, should be sown as soon as ripe. Calla (Sthiofiica may be treated as an aquatic, lind grown in deep water in pots of rich loam, or it will grow in loam and peat on the common stage of the Green-house. It is in« creased by offsets. ( 193 ) 'Arumcrinitum^maculatum^corsicum^tenuifoliumyternatumi and arisarum, frame herbaceous plants, which grow in sandy loam, atid are increased by suckers or dividing at the root. JVandina domestical a Chinese garden shrub, said to pro- cluce fruit. It grows in loam and peat, and young cuttings root in sand under a bell-glass. Cfjwca saligna^ grows in sandy peat and loam, and is in- creased by you.ig cuttings in the same soil. Dioncsa muscifiula — Venus' i^/z/-/ra/2.-»-This plant thrive? best wnca planted in a pot of moss with a little earth at the bortom, and the pot placed in a pan of water, and shaded froin the meridian sun. Leaves slipped off, and planted in moist moss, wiU root and become plants. Ericuy or Heath. — This genus comprises natives of differ- ent countries, but most of the fine varieties are from the Cape of Good Hope and its vicinity. Some of the species are in flovver all the winter, a few regularly blossom in March and April, and a great variety in every month to November inclusive. The flowers of most of them are small, delicate, and belt shaped ; others long and tube shaped, of all shades of pink, and purple ; others white, yellow, orange or scarlet, and being produced in great profusion over the whole plant, intermixed with the most delicate foliage of the finest green of various shades, according to the species or variety, causes them to be justly admired as some of the most pleasing orna- ments of the Green-house. They have in England four or five hundred species and varieties, the most of which are figured in Andrews's Heathery^ and many of them in the Botanic Magazine Heaths are so difficult to transport over sea, that only about fifty kinds have been received alive in this country, but many have been reared from seeds. The only soil in vi'hich Heaths will grow is earth of peat — if any substitute can be found it is leaf mould sifted very fins, and mixed with fine sand; or bog earth from a swamp where there is turf used as fuel, taken out in the summer when the swamps are free from water, and laid in heaps to drain ; and at the commencement of winter spread thin about a foot in depth, that the frost may penetrate through and decompose it ; in the spring have it turned over and made fine ; and if it is found not to contain sufficient sand, it will be necessary to add some fine sand to it, and have it well incorporated to- gether: fit^e sand of any colour will answer, provided it be free from irony impregnations. Tiiis sand admits the water to penetrate into the soil and reach the roots of the plants^, R C 194 ) and also to drain away from the roots so as not to rot them. The climate for Heaths is not required to be warm during the winter; if the frost is excluded, that will be enough. Some species are so hardy that they will bear considerable frost without injury. They require air and light in the Green-house. Heaths are propagated by cuttings and seeds, and a few kinds by layers. Cobma scandens. — Tliis is a most vigorous climber, with large purple flowers, and is in bloom all summer. Great care must be taken to keep it within bounds, otherwise it will overrun every thing in the course ol one season. It has been known to grow at the rate of a foot a day for upwards of two months together. The best method to show it to ad- vantage is to plant it in the open ground early in May, and let it run on a long fence or irellice, which it will soon cover over, and produce its flowers in abunriance. Hoy a carnosa. — -This has red and white flowers in June and July, with the odour of honey. It is frequently called the Wax Flower, as it has the appearance of wax-work. It is a most singular plant both in its foliage and flowers. The leaves are of a rich green, very thick and firm. It requires a warm Green-house, and as it is a climber, should be train- ed up the rafters where there is a glass roof to the Green- house. It is propai^ated by layers and cuttings. jistra^iea ivallichi, or Waltack's Sfilendid AstrafKRa,^-* This is one of the most rare and splendid plants ever mtro- duced to our country. It is a native of Mauritius, and has been but recently brought into notice, and belongs to the class Monadtifihia^ order Dodecandria, The leaves are of a circular form, and of very large size; and on a plant now but two and a half feet high, measure ten inches in diameter. The flowers are produced on long pendant peduncles, which ho'ig witii a graceful curve from the axils of the leaves ; the buns, previous to expansion, resemble thnse of the common Holyhock, except tnat tncy are much larger. The flower when open has exactly the form of a tassel, such as is usually suspeu'led to window curtains, and the long peduncle which supports It boars a striking resemblance to the cord which is attached to a tassel. la fact, the similarity is so great in' both respects, that I thmk this plant may most appropriately be termed the Tassd Flower Tree. E^ch of its flowers is composed of numerous scarlet fl jrets, with brig:ht yellow stamens pro] xlins in North-Car hnaand Virgiv»ia ; and vs^ould constitute a vevy iniportant substitute for hemp. Fuchsia. — Of this genus ten varieties are now cujtivated in our Green-hoiisc^, all of which are natives of Mexico and Soutii-A'j.erica but one, and that is fn-m Nevr-Zealatid The F. coccinea^or IScarlet Floivering^ often railed the Eardrop, is so old an inhabitant of our rooms anrl Green-houses, that it is familiar to almost every one — and the same general cha- racters, as to formation of the flowers, pervade all the other species in a greater or less dei^ree. Tlie most beautiful in point of foliage is the arborescensy which attains to a larger ( 196 ) shrub than either of the others, and has largje broad laurel shaped leaves. The graciiis, teneUa^ macrosteminay excorti- cata^ -vata^ lycioidesy aerraiifolUiy and virgata, {orm th^e re- sidue of this iiiiereiitiiig griupj and serve to cheer us with their neat and beautiful flowers and varied foliage. They are of easy culture frona cuttings, and should be but mode- rately watered. Condusion. — I have riovv completed my remarks as far as the limits of the present work would authorize, and which in fact have been extended much beyond what was at first anticipated. That some inadvertent errors may have escaped the author*s notice is very probable ; and if apprized of them, they will be corrected in a subsequent publication, and he will receive with pleasure any new tight which may be thrown on the subjects herein discussed- At present he is only apprized of the follo'-ving : — At page 56, the Warren- ton Grape is stated to be a native ; but the author's personal observations since have convinced him, that it is either an exotic grape^or a seedling from one of that description, and not a genuine native ; and, in regard to the Golden Chasse-; lasy and Chasselafs de Fontainbleau^ recent publ-cations state them to be identically the sauje as the well known White Muscadine^ or Early SweeC Wafer. I have only to add, that since my statement was printed (at page 7) respecting the " Menagere^* Apple.- a gentleman on the Rhine has in- formed me, that ks weight is from half a pound to three- -quarters, and although it is conbidered as the largest of their a\)pies, it falls far shoit of many American varieties. Tii his various friends and correspondents the author ten- deis bis warm acknowledgments f