L r^ . m-^m '^. . ^'^' "^H 4>^^^ ^' :?XF w;- ■•; •■ '/■.jt^ ^^q) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, &lstitZ~... @ojtijri5^1 !f 0.. Shelf.f.^.i'^ '^m^ I THE PRACTICE OF MECHANICAL DRAWING FOR SELF-INSTRUCTION, BY y WILLIAMS WELCH, Instructor of Drawing at Clemson College. NEWBERRY, S. C. Elbert H. Aull, Puewsher and Printer, 1895. <<.^ Copyright, 1895, by Wms. Welch. All Rights Reserved. PREFACE. This book is intended to enable mechanics and others to learn to make me- chanical drawings when thej^ cannot have the assistance of a teacher; and it is also intended as a text-book for beginners in mechanical drawing. Geometrical terms and problems, which are not needed in ordinary work,, have been avoided. WMS. WEI.CH. C1.EMS0N C0L1.EGE, s. c, Febrtiary 21st, 18 g^. CHAPTER IL CONSTKUCTION OF GEOMETEICAL PEOBLEMS. A draftsman should be familiar with the problems in this chapter, and should be able to construct them very accurately when necessary. In practice, they are sdldom used: but unless he knows how to draw them with precision, he will not be apt to get them so nearly correct when drawing them approximately. Problems of this kind are about the best exercises for beginners in mechanical drawing. The desired results will not be obtained unless extremely fine, hair- like lines are drawn, and all centres and other points taken exactly on these lines. Therefore it is important to use very hard pencils sharpened to a needle or chisel point, and to avoid making holes in the paper with the compasses. Given and required lines should be drawn fine in ink, and construction lines drawn in pencil only ; but, to distinguish them in these problems, given lines are heavy; required lines fine; and construction lines broken. An ARC of a circle is drawn by stickmg one point of the compasses, Fig. 15» in the paper and moving the other point around on the paper a short distance. The distance between the points of the compasses is the radius of the arc. An arc can be drawn when its centre and radius are given. PROB. 1 . Draw a line which will divide a given line into two equal parte and be perpendicular to it. (Take any line.) With the ends of the given line as centres, and with equal radii, draw arcs which will intersect on both sides of the line. The line joining the points of intersection will be the one required. PROB. 2. Draw a line perpendicular to a given line through a given point in the line. (Take any point in a line.) With the given point es a centre, and the same radius, draw arcs intersecting the line. With the two jDoints of intersection as centres and equal radii, draw- arcs intersecting on both sides of the line. A line joining these two last points of intersection will be the perpendicular required. PROB. 3. Draw a line perpendicular to a given line from any given point. (Take point 2 ins. from line.) With the given point as a centre, draw an arc which intersects the line at two points. With these two points as centres, and equal radii, draw intersecting arcs. The line joining the given point and the last point of mtersection will be the perpendicular required. An ANGLE is formed by two straight lines meeting in a point. Shcrttningor lengthening the lines does Eot change the angle. Fcr the purycse of mrasuriug angles and arcs, the whole circumference of anv circle is arbilr; rily divided into 6 MECHANICAI. DRAWING. 360 equal arcs, called degrees. If the vertex of an angle (point where the sides meet) is placed at the centre of the circle, the arc between the sides will contain the same number of degrees as the angle. A right angle contains 90 degrees. The radius of a circle will step around on the circumference exactly six times, dividing it into arcs of 60 degrees. PROB. 4, Draw a line which will divide a given angle, or arc, into two ■equal parts. (Take any angle.) With the vertex of the angle as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the sides of the angle. With the points of intersection as centres, and equal radii, draw intersecting arcs. The line joining the last point of inter- section with the vertex, will bisect the angle and the arc contained between its sides. Any point in this line will be equally distant from the sides of the angle. PROB. 5. Divide a right angle into three equal parts, thereby constructing angles of BO degrees. With the vertex of the right angle as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the sides. With the points of intersection as centres, and the same radius used in drawing the arc, draw arcs intersecting the first arc. Lines drawn from the last points of intersection to the vertex will trisect the right angle, forming angles of ■30 degrees each. PROB. 6. Construct an angle at a given point, equal to a given angle. (Take any convenient angle and point.) With the vertex of the given angle as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the sides; and, with the vertex of the required angle as a centre, draw an arc with the same radius. Make the two arcs between the sides equal and the angles will be equal. Lines are PARALLEL when they lie in the same plane and never meet if produced indefinitely in both directions. The surface of the paper is the plane in which lines are drawn. PROB. 7. Draw a line parallel to a given line, at a given distance from it. (Take 2 ins.) With a radius equal to the given distance, and two points in the line — one near each end — as centres, draw arcs. A line just touching these arcs will be the parallel line required. PROB. 8. Draw a line parallel to a given line, through a given point. (Take point about dh ins. from line.) Draw a line through the point and crossing the given line. Construct angles around the point equal to the corresponding angles formed by the intersection of the two lines. A side of these angles will be the parallel line required PROB. 9. Divide a given line into any number of equal parts. (Take 7 parts.) Draw a line through one end of the given line, and from that end measure off the required number of equal divisions on this second line. Draw a line through the last point of division and the other end of the given line, and draw MECHANICAL DRAWING. 7 liaes through all the other points of division parallel with this last line. These parallel liaes will divide the given line into the required number of equal parts. A TRIANGLE is a plain figure bounded by three straight sides. When one angle is a right angle the figure is a right triangle; the longest side of which is the hypotenuse, and the hypotenuse squared is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. When two of the sides are equal, the two angles opposite them are equal and the triangle is isosceles. The angles of any triangle added make two right angles The area of a triangle is equal to half its base multiplied by its height. PROB. 10. Form a right angle at the end of a given line by constructing a right triangle on the line. Measure off four equal divisions from the end of the line. With a radiu s equal to 3 of the divisions, and the end of the line as a centre, draw an arc. With a radius equal to 5 of the divisions, and the fourth point on the line as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the first arc. Draw a line from the point of intersection to the end of the given line and it will form a right angle with the line. Peoof. — The hypotenuse squared is 25; 3 squared is 9; 4 squared is 10; 9 and 16 make 25. PROB. 11. Construct a right triangle containing two angles of 45 degrees each. Construct a right angle, (Prob. 1, 2 or 10.) With the vertex as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the sides. Draw a line joining the points of inter- section and it will form angles of 45 degrees with the sides. PROB. 12. Construct a right triangle containing one angle of 30 degrees and another of 60. Construct a right angle. With the vertex as a centre and any radius, draw an arc intersecting one side. With the point of intersection as a centre, and twice the first radius as a radius, draw an arc intersecting the other side. Draw a line through the two points of intersection, and it will form the re- quired angles with the sides. A. POLYGON is a figure bounded by three or more straight lines in the same plane. When all the sides are equal, and all the angles are equal, it is a regular polygon; and a circle can be drawn around it, touching all the angles, and another can be drawn within it, touching all the sides at their middle points. PROB. 13. Draw a regular polygon of 5 sides in a circle of a given diameter, (Take diameter of circle 2 ins.) Draw a diameter of the circle, and a radius perpendicular to it. Take a point on the diameter, half way between the centre and the circum- ference, as a centre; and, with a radius equal to the distance from this point to the extremity of the radius, draw an arc intersecting the diam- eter. The distance between this point of intersection and the extremity of the radius will be a side of the required pentagon, and it can be completed by step- ping the side around on the circumference and drawing lines joining these points. 'S MECHANICAL DRAWIN©. PROB. 14. Draw a regular polygon of 6 sides in a circle. (Take diameter of circle 2 ins.) The radius of the circle will be the sides of the inscribed hexagon, and it can be completed by stepping the radius around oa the circumference and drawing lines joining these points. PROB. 15. Divide the circumference of a circle into 24 equal parts; thereby making arcs and angles of 15 degrees each. (Take diameter of circle 2 ins.) Draw two diameters perpendicular to each other. (Prob. 1.) With the radius of the circle as a radius and the extremities of the diameters as centres, draw arcs intersecting the circumference at 8 points. Bisect the arcs between all these points (Prob. 4) and the required number of 'divisions will be made. PROB. 16. Draw a regular pentagon with sides of a given length. (Take sides 14 ins.) Draw a side and erect a perpendicular to this side at one end (Prob. 2 or 10) equal in length to half the side. (Prob. 1.) From the other end of the side draw a line passing through the extremity of the perpendicular, and ex- tend this line a distance beyond the perpendicular equal to half the side. The distance between the end of this line and the nearer end of the side will be the radius of the circumscribed circle. It may be drawn and the polygon completed by stepping the given side around on it 5 times. PROB. 17. Draw a regular G sided polygon, the distance between the oppo- site sides being given. (Take distance 1-| ins.) Draw parallel lines the given distance apart (Prob. 7), and draw a line making an angle of GO degrees with them. (Prob. 5.) This line between the parallel lines will be the diameter of the circumscribed circle, and half of it will be equal to a side of the required hexagon. It may be quickly completed with a G0° triangle. Fig. 5. PROB. 18. Draw a regular 8 sided polygon in a given square. (Take a square 2x2 ins.) Find the centre of the square by drawing diagonal lines through the vertices (corners). With the vertices as centres, draw arcs passing through the centre of the square and intersecting the sides. These points of intersection will be the corners of the required octagon. The circumference of a CIRCLE is drawn by a point moving around another point (the centre) and remaining the same distance from it in the same plane. A line drawn from the centre to the curve is the radius, and a line drawn across the circle through the centre is the diameter. A line drawn across elsewhere is a chord, and any part of the curve is an arc. The whole surface within the circum- ference is the area, one-half is a semicircle, and one-fourth is a quadrant. The surface enclosed by two radii and an arc is a sector, and that enclosed by a chord and an arc is a segment. The circumference is equal to about 3 1-7 times the diameter, or more exactly, 3.14I592G53590 times. The area of a sector is equal Prob.7. -■ Prcb.8. Frob.^. __- — - / ^\ ' i ' 1 1 1 % / / / ^ 1 1 1 \ 1 / \' / \ \ -/ VrobJO. N N \ Prob.//, - ProbJZ. MECHANICAL DRAWING. 9 to half its arc multiplied by the raiias, and the area of the whole circle is equal to half the circumference multiplied by the radius. PROB. 19. Draw a straight line, equal in length to the circumference of a. given circle. (Take a circle with diam. 2 ins.) Draw two diameters perpendicular to each other, and draw a chord from the extremity of one to the extremity of the other. Draw a perpendicular to this chord through its centre. (Prob. 4.) The part of this perpendicular between the chord and the arc, added to three times the diameter, will be very nearly equal to the circumference. It will be about 1-208 of the diameter too great. Proof. — Take thechord=2; the radius will be\/2 = 1.414, and the part between the chord and arc will be .414-=- 2. 828 = .1464 which is slightly greater than .1416. The chord is equal to the radius of a circle which has twice the area of the- given circle. PROB. 20. Draw a square with an area equal to the area of a given circle. (Take circle with diam. 2 ins.) Draw a line equal in length to half the circumference Ol the given circles (Prob. 19) and extend the line a distance equal to the radius. With the middle point of the whole line as a centre, draw a semicircle passing through its ends. At the point where the two lines meet, erect a perpendicular. (Prob. 2.) The part of it between the line and semicircle will be a side of the required square. Proof. — The two parts of the diameter multiplied together equal the perpen- dicular squared; as it is a mean proportional between them. (See Wentworth's. Geometry, page 157.) A circle with an area two, three, four, five or more times as great as the area of a given circle may be drawn by making the shorter part of a diameter equal to the radius of the given circle and the longer part equal respectively to two, three, four, five or more times that radius. The perpendicular to the diameter, from the point where the two lines meet to the circumference, will be equal to the radius of the required circle. Proof. — Let r=: given radius; p= perpendicular, and ar the longer part of the diameter. Then ar^ = p^-, r23.1416 = given area; p23.1416 = required area= ar^d.14:lQ^^a times the given area. PROB. 21. Draw a circle equal in area to a given equare. (Take side of square ]f inches.) Draw a line from a vertex of the square to the centre of oae side. This line will be very nearly equal to the diameter of the required circle. It will be about 1-100 of the side too small. Proof. — Take side of square=l ; the diameter of circle will be 1.118, but it should be 1.128 to make the areas exactly the same. PROB. 22. Draw a circle passing through 3 given points. (Take points 1, 1|, and 2 ins. apart.) With two of the given points as centres, and with equal radii, draw arcs which will intersect at two points. Draw a line through these two points of intersection. With the third given point and either one of the others as centres. 10 MECHANICAI, DRAWING. draw arcs and another line as before. The point where these two lines cross will be the centre of the required circle. By taking any three points in the circumference of a given circle or arc, its centre may be found in the same way. PROS. 23. Draw, mechanically, an arc passing through 3 given points, with- out using a centre. (Take points 1^, Ig and 2 |- ins. apart.) Locate the three points on a piece of firm card-board, and cut straight lines passing from the intermediate point through the two extreme points. Stirkfine pins in the two extreme points on the drawing paper, aod hold a pencil in the vertex of the angle formed in the card-board while it is moved back and forth against the pins. The pencil will draw the required arc, and it can be inked with a curved ruler, Fig. 16. PROB. 24-. Draw an arc with a given radius without using a centre. (Take radius G inches.) Part of a regular polygon of twelve sides can first be drawn, and the arc drawn through three or more of the corners. (Prob. 23.) The angles at the corners will be 150 degrees (Prob. 5); and the sides can be found by constructing a triangle with the base equal to half the given radius, and the angles at the base 90 and 15 degrees. (Prob. 12 and 4.) The hypotenuse will be the required side. If the radius is quite large, any regular polygon may be taken. The angles can bo easily computed and the sides found by a table of chords. A line is TANGENT io a circle when, however far produced, it passes through hut one jyoint in the circumference of the circle. It will be perpendicular to a radius of the circle drawn to the point of tangency. PROB. 25. Draw a line tangent to an arc at a given point in the arc. (Take radius of arc 5 ins.) With the given point as a centre, draw arcs intersecting the given arc at two points equally distant from the given point. "With these two points as centres, draw intersecting arcs, and draw lines through the points of intersection. (Prob. 22.) A line drawn perpendicular to this line through the given point (Prob. 2) will be the tangent required. PROB. 26. Draw a line tangent to a circle from a given point outside of the citcle. (Take circle 2 ins. in diam.. point 3 ins. from centre.) With the given point as a centre, draw an arc which will pass through the centre of the circle. With the centre of the circle as a centre, and with a radius equal to the diameter of the circle, draw an arc intersecting the first arc. Draw a line from the last point of intersection to the centre of the circle. This line will cross the circumference at the point of tangency; and a line drawn through it from the given point will be the tangent required. Two tangents can be drawn. PROB. 2T. Draw a line tangent to two circles of different diameters. (Take circles 1 and 2 ins. in diam., centres 2 ins. apart.) Draw a line through the centres, and extend it beyond the smaller circle. Draw parallel lines through the centres of the circles. ProbJ3 ProbJ4 Prob./e Proh.l? J>TobJ8 A •:>-] .X \/ FTob. /£) JProh^O JProb.2/ Prob.£^ Prob.£J Prob.£' MKCHANICAL DRAWING. 11 Through the points where these parallel lines intersect the circumferences draw a line, and extend it until it crosses the line passing through the centres. From this last point of intersection draw a tangent to either circle. (Prob. 26.) It will be the tangent required. Four such tangents can be drawn; two will be interior, and two exterior tangents. PROB. 28. Draw a circle tangent to a line at a given point, and passing through another given point. (Take one point 1 in. from the line and 1| ins. from the point of tangency.) Draw a perpendicular to the line at the given point in it. (Prob. 2.) With the points as centres and with equal radius, draw arcs inter- secting at two places, and draw a line through the points of intersection. (Prob. 22.) It will cross the perpendicular at the centre of the required circle. PROB. 29. Draw a circle tangent to two lines and passing through a given point equally distant from them. (Take lines making an angle of 60 degrees, and a point 1 in. from vertex.) Extend the lines until they meet, and draw a line bisecting the angle between them (Prob. 4) Draw a perpendicular to this line through the given point (Prob. 2), and bisect the angle which the perpendicular makes with one of the sides. (Prob. 4,) The two bisecting lines will cross at the centre of the required circle. Note. — If the lines cannot be made to meet on the paper, draw lines parallel to and equally distant from them (Prob. 7) and bisect the angle formed by these lines. PROB. 30. Draw a circle tangent to three given lines. (Take one line 3 ins. long, and the others making angles of 45 and 60 degrees at its ends.) Extend the lines until they meet, and draw lines bisecting any two of the angles formed. (Prob. 4.) These bisecting lines will cross at the centre of the required circle. Its radius can be found by drawing a perpendicular to one of the given lines. (Prob. 3.) Two CIRCLES ARE TANGENT when the circumference of one passes through but one point in the circumference of the other. A line drawn through the centre of two tangent circles will pass through the point of tangency. PROB. 31. Draw a circle with a given radius, tangent to a line and a given circle. (Take radius of given circle 1 in., with centre 1^ ins. from line; radius of required circle, | ins.) Draw a line parallel with the given line at a distance from it equal to the given radius (Prob. 7); and, with the centre of the given circle as a centre, and a radius equal to the radius of the given cii'cle added to the radius of the required circle, strike an arc. It will cross the parallel line at the centre of the required circle. PROB. 32. Draw a circle tangent to a circle and a line at a given point in the line. (Take line and circle, as in Prob 31, and point in line 2 ins. from centre of given circle.) Draw a p3rp3niicular to the line through the given point 12 MECHANICAI, DRAWING. (Prob. 2) and extend it on either side of the line a distance equal to the radius of the given circle. Draw a line from the extremity of the perpendicular to the centre of the circle, and draw a perpendicular to this line through its middle point. (Prob. 1.) It will cross the first perpendicular at the centre of the required circle. Two such circles can be drawn; the given circle will be tangent to the ex- terior of one and to the interior of the other. PROB. 33. Draw a circle tangent to a line and to a circle at a given point in the circle. (Take line and circle, as in Prob. 31, and point in circle 1 in. from the line.) Draw a line from the centre of the circle through the given point, and draw another through the point tangent to the circle. (Prob. 25.) Extend the tangent till it meets the given line, and draw a line bisecting the angle between them. (Prob. 4.) The bisecting line will cross the first line at the centre of the required circle. Two such circles can be drawn; the given circle will be tangent to the exterior of one and to the interior of the other. PROB. 34. Draw a circle with a given radius, tangent to two given circles. (Take given circles 1 and 2 ins. in diameter, and centres 2 ins. apart ; radius of required circle | ins.) With the centre of one circle as a centre, and with a radius equal to its radius added to the radius of the required circle, draw an arc. With the centre of the other circle as a centre, and with a radius equal to its radius added to the radius of the i-equired circle, draw another ai-c. The two arcs will cross at the centre of the required circle. PROB. 35. Draw a circle tangent to two given circles at a given point in one circle. (Take given circles as in Prob. 34, and point in larger circle 30 degrees from aline between their centres.) Draw a line through the given point and the centre of that cii'cle. With the centre of that circle as a centre, draw three or four arcs crossing this line near the centre of the required circle. With the centre of the other circle as a centre, and a radius equal to its radius added to the distance from the given point to the first arc, draw an arc intersecting the first arc; then with the same centre and the same radius increased by the distance from the first arc to the second, draw an arc intersecting the second arc; then in the same way draw one intersecting the third arc and so on. With a curved ruler, Fig IG, draw a curved line through these points of intersection. It will cross the first line at the coutre of the required circle. Tae curve is part of a hyperbola (Prob. 44) and curves towards the smaller circle. PROB. 3G. Draw a circle tangent to three given circles of different diam-ters. (Take centres of circles all 2 ins. apart; with radii of f, | and 1 inch.) Draw two curves as in Prob. 35, and they will cross each other at the centre of the required circle. An ELLIPSE is drawn by a point moving around iwo other points in the same Prck25. Proh26. ProbZa, Pmh.29. ^ ProhSO. ProhJl ProKJ2. Proh.33, PwhJ4. Prch3§. Proh36. MECHANICAL DRAWING. IS plane, so that the distance between it and one point, added to the distance between it and the other point, remains the same. The two fixed points are the focii. A line drawn through the focii is the longer axis of the ellipse, and a perpendicular to it through its middle point is the shorter axif^. PROB. 37. Draw an ellipse with pins and a string; the axes being given. (Take axes 1^ and 2| ins.) Draw the shorter axis. With its ends as a centres, and a radius equal to half the longer axis, draw arcs intersectiDg at two points. These points will be the focii. Stick pins in the focii and in one end of the shorter axis, and tie a linen thread around the three pins. Remove the pin from the shorter axis. The point of a pencil held tight against the string will draw the required ellipse. The position of the focii and the length of the string can be computed: The distance from the point where the axes cross to the focii will be equal to the base of a right triangle; the altitude of which will be half the shorter axis, and the hypotenuse half the longer axis. The string will be equal in length to the longer axis added to the distance between the focii- PROB. 38. Draw an ellipse by taking 3 points on a straight edge; the axes being given. (Take axis 1^ and 2|^ ins.) Draw the axes perpendicular to each other through their middle points. Take 3 points on the straight edge of a piece of paper or a scale, Fig. 17, and make the distance between the first and second points equal to half the shorter axis; and, between the first and third, equal to half the longer axis. Keep the second point on the longer axis, and the third point on the shorter axis. The first point will draw the required ellipse. The straight edges of a square may be held on part of the axes, while a thin piece of wood, with pins in it for guides, is used for drawing the curve; or an instrument called a trammel may be used for drawing large ellipses, and an ellipsograph used for drawing small ones. PROB. 39. Draw an ellipse approximately with 4 arcs; the axes being given, (li and 2| ins.) Draw the axes as in Prob. 38 and from one end of the longer axis measure a distance equal to halt the shorter axis. Construct an angle of 45 degrees at this point meeting the shorter axes (Prob. 11). With this point as a centre, and half the hypotenuse of the triangle formed, as a radius, strike an arc intersecting the longer axis. With the point where the axes cross as a centre, and a radius equal to the distance from it to the further point of incersection, draw arcs crossing the axes at 4 points. Draw lines from the two points in the shorter axis through the two in the longer axis and extend them. These four points will be the centres, and the arcs will be drawn through the extremities of the axis, between the ex- tended lines. PROB. 40. Draw an ellipse approximately with 8 arcs; the axes being given. (1^ and 2 J- ins.) 14 MECHANICAL DRAWING. Eight centres are used; two on each axis, and one in each angle between them. Draw the two axes as in Prob. 38. From an extremity of each axis draw a line, 1 and 2, parallel with the other axis and forming a rectangle on half the axes. Draw line 3 from the extremity of one axis to that of the other, diagonally across the rectangle. From the outside corner of the rectangle draw line 4 perpendicular to the diagonal and it will cross the axes at two of the required centers, a and b. With the intersection of the axes as a centre, and half the shorter axis as a radius, strike an arc intersecting the longer axis at 5. With a point half way between this point and the farther extremity of the longer axis, as a centre, draw a semicircle 6 passing through these two points. With the radius of this semicircle as a radius and the extremity of the shorter axis as a centre, strike an arc intersecting the shorter axis. With the centre b on the shorter axis extended, as a centre, draw arc 7 passing through the point of intersection oq the shorter axis. With the extremity of the longer axis as a centre, and a radius equal to the length of the shorter axis between the centre and semicircle, as a radius, draw arc 8. It will intersect the last arc drawn at another one of the required centres c. Draw line 9 through the centres b and c, and line 10 through c and a. Three of the arcs will be drawn between these lines extended for one-fourth of the ellipse. The other centres and lines can be easily found from these. PROB. 41. Draw a perpendicular and tangent to an ellipse at a given point on the curve. (Take axes 1^ and 2 J ins. and a point about equally distant from the ends of the axes.) Draw a line from both focii through the given point, and bisect the angles they form (Prob. 4). One of the bisect'ng lines will be the required perpendicular, and the other the required tangent. PROB. 42. Find the two axes of an ellipse; the curve only being given. (Take same sized ellipse.) Draw any two parallel lines across the ellipse, and draw a line through the middle points of these lines. With the middle point of this line as a centre, draw a circle intersecting the curve at four points. With these four points as centres and equal radii, draw intersecting arcs and draw lines through the points of inter- section. These lines will be the required axes. A PARABOLA is drawn by a point moving in a plane, so that its distance from a given point remains equal to its distance from a given line. The fixed line is the focus and the line is the directrix. PROB. 43. Draw a parabola by finding points in the curve. (Take focus ^ in. from directrix.) Draw lines parallel with the directrix (use T-square, Fig. 4.) With the distance from the directrix to the first parallel line as a radius, and the focus as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the first parallel line at two points. With the distance from the directrix to the second parallel line as a radius, and the focus as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the second parallel line. In the MECHANICAI, DRAWING. 15 same way draw arcs intersecting the other parallel lines. These points of inter- section will be points in the required curve. It may be drawn in iak, free hand or with a curved ruler, Fig. 10, or with the compasses by finding centres and radii by trial, which will draw arcs through three of the points at a time. A HYPERBOLA is drawn by a point moving in a plane, so that its distance from a given point remains equal to its distance from a given circle. The fixed point and the centre of the circle are the focii. PROB. 44, Draw a hyperbola by finding points in the curve. (Take radius of circle 1 in. ; focii 1^ ins. apart.) With the centre of the circle as a centre, draw a number of arcs where the required curve is to be drawn. With the distance from the circle to the first arc as a radius, and the other focus as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the first arc at two points. With the distance from the circle to the second arc as a radius, and the same focus as a centre, draw an arc intersecting the second arc. In the same way draw arcs intersecting the other arcs. These points of intersection will be points in the required curve, and it may be drawn in ink in the same way as the parabola. A HELIX is generated by a point moving uniformly around a given line, and also moving in the direction of the line at a fixed distance from it. The given line is the axis. A corkscrew, a wire spring, and screw-threads are illustrations of a helix. Two views are necessary in a drawing to show a helix. The bottom view will be a circle and the side view will be reversed curves. PROB. 45. Draw a tielix with a given diameter and a given rise per revo- lution. (Take diameter 2 ins. and rise 1 in. per revolution.) Draw a circle for the bottom view. From the centre of this circle draw the axis for the side view. Measure the rise per revolution on this axis. Divide the rise into 24 equal parts (Prob. 9 or with Scale, Fig. 17), and draw lines through these points of division perpendicular to the axis (use T-square). Divide half the circle unto 12 equal parts (Prob. 15). From the first point of division on the circle, draw a line parallel with the axis (use a triangle. Fig. 5) and intersecting the first line which is perpendicular to the axis; from the second point of division on the circle draw another parallel line intersecting the second perpendicular line; from the third draw one intersecting the third, and so on. These points of inter- section will be points in the required curve. The curve may be traced on a piece of firm card-board or thin wood, and trimmed out smoothly with a keen pen-knife. With this curve a great many revolutions of the helix may be made neatly with ink in the drawing. A SPIRAL is drawn by a point moving uniformly around a given point in the same plane, and moving away from it at the same time. A watch spring is a^ illustration of a spiral. This curve is used for drawing cams. PROB. 46. Draw a spiral moving uniformly from the centre at given rate. (Take 1 in. per revolution.) 16 MECHANICAL DRAWING. Draw lines through the centre, making angles of 15 degrees (Prob. 15). Meas- ure the distance per revolution on one of these lines, and divide the distance into 24 equal parts. With the point as a centre and a radius equal to the distance to the ^rs^ point of division, draw an arc intersecting one of the lines; with a radius equal to the distance to the second point of division, draw an arc intersecting the n^^B. 2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iillllllliillllllili*! IMO 019 973 643 7 '^^'%^'^ 'y*- ^ % ^^'■5t ■ .% *. J-»'^. *'- 3^ *MJ5b^ ->* e-S^ Z-'*.^ ? M5l-r^.X'