BF ■'.''..''• Class _£lilJi^kI Book. . , CojpgM^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT; GPO 32-? Lessons in Palmistry LESSONS IN PALMISTRY STUDIES OF THE EYE AND PLANETARY INFLUENCES BY Cornelia Ten Eyck Gaffney WITH ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK FEEDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY PUBLISHERS THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received JUN. 25 1901 Copyright entry CLASS O^XXc. N« COPY B. Copyright, 1897, By Cornelia T. Gaffney. Copyright, 1901, By Frederick A. Stokes Company. CONTENTS. Chapter I Introductory •••. 1 How to Read the Hand 5 Chapter II. The Elementary Hand 8 The Square Hand 10 The Spatulate Hand 12 The Scientific Hand 14 The Mixed Hand , 16 The Psychic Hand 18 Chapter III. Fingers 20 Thumb 22 Mounts 23 Jupiter 24 Saturn 24 Apollo 24 Mercury 24 Mars , 25 Moon 25 Kails 27 iv LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Chapter IV. Line of Life ! 30 Line of Head 34 Line of Heart 37 Line of Saturn or Fortune 40 Line of Apollo or Sun 44 Hepatica or line of Liver 47 Chapter V. Girdle of Venus 49 The Kascette 50 The Marriage Lines 51 The Triangle 52 The Quadrangle 52 The Crosses .' 53 The Stars.. 54 The Square • ■ * 55 The Island - • • • °° The Triangle • ^ The Grille * ' The Circle and Crescent 5T Chapter VI. Hands of Eminent People • • \ • 58 Chapter VII. The Eye ^ 8 The Planetary Influence i2 First Lessons in Palmistry* Chapter L The hand, as Aristotle says, is the organ of the organs. It is the most powerful member of the human body, for by its form, size, colour, and texture it is the true indicator and epitome of our natures — the subtle power which characterises the workings of man ; an element of the soul. The Bible, in referring to man and his attainments, says, Reve- lations, chapter xxiv., yerse 9: " And receive this mark (God's) on his forehead or in his hand/' Job xxxvii., verse 7 : " He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know His work." Desbarolles says : " Hands may resemble, but nature never repeats herself, and in objects ap- parently the most similar, she places sometimes, by an imperceptible touch, a complete diversity of instincts." The human race can not find two 2 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. characters alike ; likewise, in the signs of Cheir- osophy (Palmistry) no two hands have been found where the lines, mounts, and fingers are the same ; thus, in no part of the body can be found such a book of revelations as in the hand. It is perfectly constructed, and so thoroughly marked that the ideas with which at birth the subject was en- dowed, the development, also the lack of cultivat- ing the talents, are distinctly imprinted upon different portions of the hand. James Russell Lowell claims : " No man is born into this world whose work is not born with him/' Lucretius, Cicero, Jesuite Peneda, De Arptigny, Desbarolles, and Honore de Balzac, with many others, were firm advocates of the advancement of this science. The question that labour will change the lines, and form of the hand is true ; but never the in- dividuality ; never the natural lines which reveal the language expressed by the delineation and de- velopment. The hand keeps constantly before us the proof of its special adaptation ; and why should this not be so ? It is a portable tool chest capable of the finest, most delicate and strongest work. It is the thumb that is the subtle machine of the sculp- LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 3 tor and the chief instrument to complete the ob- ject glass of a telescope. The hand is the voice of the mute, the eye and ear to the blind. In referring to the animal creation, the horse is known by its hoof, which indicates the work for which he is intended. By its paw, the hunter can tell of what value the dog is. If the science of Cheirosophy could be thoroughly understood and appreciated by those governing children, more places of trust would be filled by those competent to perform the duties of the office. To-day men and women are struggling in fields which they never should have entered ; thus the consequences, their nature revolts. A child, by shape of hand, combined with physiognomy, shows i distinct talent for art, music, literature, or tome other line ; yet parents, in many cases, edu- cate them for different avocations. In one of our large cities there lived a physi- cian who, during his residence, acquired a lucra- tive practice. His patients considered him ca- pable, but lacking that softness of touch, that delicacy of organism which is required in any person coming in contact with the afflicted. One evening at a small social gathering a lady student of Cheirosophy was asked to read the different 4 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. hands ; among them, the most interesting was the physician's, because the fact was revealed that the natural talent was not the study of the human body, as a subject, but the animal kingdom ; he would have made an excellent veterinary sur- geon. If upon meeting, a person grasps your hand cordially with a straight-forward glance into your eye, the subtle power expressed is earnestness and sincerity. O.i the other hand, if the fingers only are presented in a nervous, oily manner, it reveals deceit, cunning and selfishness. Have little or no intercourse with the latter, bearing that trade- mark. The true test of friendship — an indication of a noble character — is the hearty grasp of a friendly hand. There are many different types which to a stu- dent may seem strange, but after careful study is marvellously clear. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. HOW TO READ THE HAND. In learning the art of gaining an insight into the character and habits of a subject, take the hand firmly in yours, noticing the fdrm, colour, size, and texture. The thumb, being the most important factor, comes first into consideration ; the first phalanx, will ; the second phalanx, logic. Having looked carefully into the details of the thumb, pass on to the fingers, which are divided into three parts or phalanges : First, or nail phalange, intuition; second, reason ; third, materialism. The finger tips, whether square, spatulate, conic, or mixed. The Square or Mixed, indicates the natural instincts. The Spatulate, the material. The Conic, the religious. Then consult the mounts : Jupiter, under index finger. Saturn, at base of second finger. Apollo, at base of third finger. Mercury, at base of fourth or little finger. Mars, beneath Mercury. Moon, under Mars. 6 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Venus, encircling thumb. Examine them carefully, for by their develop- ment or absence is revealed the natural instincts. Following tne mounts then trace the different lines— life, head, heart, Saturn or Fortune, Hepatic or Liver, Apollo or line of Sun, and Girdle of Venus. Note their starting place, and where they end ; whether long or straight, or broken and crossed. If the line of Fortune traces clear and straight through the plain of Mars, from wrist to Saturn, in both hands, you can predict ultimate success. The mount of Jupiter developed with the above line will overcome all obstacles. Next follows the quadrangle, triangle, and rascette. When the above rules have been followed, look for the crosses, stars, grille squares, branches, islands, circle, crescents, triangles and spots; lines with or without branches. The colour and quality of the lines are of great importance ; therefore, the student should be very careful in regard to this point, as it is the indicator of the health and disposition. A line, if pale, denotes a sluggish, unfeeling disposition. If the line presents a livid colour, the subject is LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 7 of a morbid temperament, and shows a want of refinement. The red line denotes power, but of a fiery, passionate nature. The lines should present a reddish tint, but not too bright. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Chapter IL THE ELEMENTARY HAND. This class of hands exhibit a lack of vigour and activity. The character associated with this type THE ELEMENTARY HAND. is obtuse ; wanting in a moral and intellectual LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 9 force. Small self-esteem, with no executive abil- ity. If uneducated, found only in the lower ele- ments of society ; but if under perfect control, with a moderate education, the hand reveals domestic traits ; also, a great fondness for eating. With a disproportionately small thumb, especially in a female hand, signifies a relative lack of those domiciliary tastes so essential to a woman. Men- tal anxiety rarely troubles them. A system of physical, mental, moral, and social training is abso- lutely necessary for a child possessing this type ; such a course will overcome the weak tendencies, inasmuch as it holds the individual to a certain consisi-'^t course of conduct. 10 LESSONS IJSf PALMISTRY. THE SQUARE HAND. This hand inclines rather to size than to beauty, but shows a capacity for reasoning and practical THE SQUARE HAND. # common sense. The fingers and palm thick, but of fine texture ; joints developed, with both pha- LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 11 langes of thumb equal, and nail square. The dominant traits are force, calculation, and execu- tive ability. They possess a wide knowledge of human nature, together with fine mental endow- ment, which is requisite to comprehend the mo- tives of the people with whom they deal. With good line of life and head it is an additional sign of longevity. Great financiers have this sign. The scope which nature has placed within the reach of this type is an ever-widening field. De- tails and small events of life worry them; they simply enjoy the logic of facts. 12 .LESSONS IK PALMISTRY. THE SPATULATE HAND. The pronounced characteristics of the spat- uiate hand are energy, industry, caution, calcu- o 111 THE SPATULATE HAND. lation, and self-control. Its possessors exhibit the "most practical side of life. Some of our LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 13 greatest musicians and composers belong to this type. It is called the practical hand, because it possesses not the ardour and enthusiasm of the more conic form, but the patience, obstinacy, and faithfulness to any trust. Fond lovers of home ; faithful in friendship, yet lacking that deep sentimentality. In business they show great caution and shrewdness. It is decidedly wanting in beauty, but imbued with intelligence and justice, utilising the time given them upon this earthly plane in a manner which accords with this formation, denoting a quality of right- eousness, positiveness, and decision. It is shown that those who possess this type require a thor- ough course of systematic education, the unedu- cated being ungovernable. 14 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE SCIENTIFIC HAND, Is more bony than muscular, revealing a decided taste for natural sciences, a love of truth and THE SCIENTIFIC HAND. investigation, with an insatiable curiosity to study the laws of nature. Great sensitiveness, LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 15 and a fine, delicate organism generally accompany this type. They enter willingly into any reform, progress, or any plan tending to advance the principles of education and liberty. Great amount of individuality, independence of thought and action, together with untiring perseverance. They adopt their own creed, thoughts, and opinions, after weighing them carefully. The genius attached to this hand is characterised by a desire for facts which are absolutely true. They have an unquenchable desire to help humanity upward towards civilisation and progress. Deep philosophical science, mathematics and invention. 16 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE MIXED HAND. This band is quite prevalent in America, and partakes of the nature of the other types. It THE MIXED HAND. offers a broad field for study. If the texture of the skin is soft and flexible, the mental forces LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 17 are very acute and sensitive. If palm is large, firm, and soft, it denotes strong and noble in- stincts. With combination of good phalanx of will and reason, ability for surgery ; for it requires flexibility, constructiveness and a firm touch. The chief characteristics of this form are ama- tive, musical, social, speculative, and domestic ; possessing great vitality, courage, vigour, and magnetism. This hand depends greatly upon the construction, softness, and texture. If coarse, hard, and medium-sized thumb, the mind associated with this latter type is obtuse, lacking in fine sensibilities and ideality. The possessors are of the most> common order ; in- different to anything but their own natural interests. The hand of stupidity endowed with powerful animal instincts. This hand exhibits two diverse types ; the one being the inteilectual- aty, the other illiteracy. 18 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE PSYCHIC HAND. The chief characteristics of this type are ideality, imagination, and sublimity. Artistic THE PSYCHIC HAND. judgment and intuition enable them to express the divine in entirety of these faculties which the LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 19 sculptors, painters, and poets exhibit in their work. Guided only by impulse and inspiration, they have no thought for the realities of life, at- taching themselves to the picturesque side of ideas. To this type belong the roving nature, carelessness, simplicity, and luxury. Where the palm is large, with medium-sized thumb, the mind is wanting in intellectuality, lack of power and moral restraint. This hand, when long and tapering gradually, betokens liberality, conscientiousness, but want of spirit and action. The artistic hand has reared our pyramids and monuments. If fingers are knotted, inspirations will be stifled by calcula- tion. These hands should never be combined in mar- riage, for they require the square or spatulate to give harmony and action to their lives. 20 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Chapter III* FINGERS. Lokg fingers, love of detail apparent in every- thing. If excessively long, with second and third of equal length, a great desire for gambling. Observe, however, that this indication varies according to the strength of the hand ; if firm, with good headline, that trait is modified. Short fingers, less impulsive, taking things as an entirety. They are often dependent upon their environments, from which it is difficult to withdraw them. If flexible, a great interest in politics and speculation ; good organisers. Spatulate tips, clear-sightedness, order, and a continuity of occupation. Pointed fingers, imagination, emotion, and af- fection, rather than reason and logic. The strong pointed fingers, with long, thin hand, show a strong tendency to mysticism, sentimental, and very impracticable. Idealists and fanatics illus- trate this type. With cross on Mercury and LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 21 Moon, deceit, falsehood and dishonesty. The hand of jugglery. Should the first phalange be short in every finger, with a marked showing for squareness in tips, especially second finger, in- dicates a love for animals, and in combination with Mercury developed, gift for animal paint- ing. In sculptor's hand, second and third fingers are nearly of equal length, with first phalange broad, thick, and long, denoting inspiration, sublimity, constructiveness, and imitation. A large and comprehensive mind must accompany this type to develop the scientific side of art. First phalange of little finger long and square, shews strong desire for legitimate business ; long and pointed, eloquence. With second phalange developed, aptitude for argument. Generally under this type we find our most successful lawyers. Third phalange long, love of ease and luxury. 22 LESSONS IJSf PALMISTRY. THE THUMB. The most important factor/ for there we find the ruling forces of the mind — will, logic, and love. First phalange, will. Second phalange, logic. Third phalange, or mount of Venus, love. Small thumbs, governed by the heart. If head line is well developed, with knotty joints, the power of creative genius is strong. Large and well set down in hand, with first phalange long, an all conquering will, and a want of sentiment. Turning back of thumb, extravagance and generosity. Second phalange (logic) tapering, tact. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 23 MOUNTS. Mount of Venus, at base of thumb, love, chiv- alry, tenderness, and passion. MOUNTS. Excess of development, inconstancy, boldness, and indifference. 24 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Undeveloped, lack of tenderness. Sunken, and hand weak, debauchery. Much rayed, denotes perplexities, and worries. A well marked line, running from thumb across mount, cutting life line, an opportunity which if in the past or future, can be easily ascertained according to age of life line. Mount of Jupiter, under index finger, ambition and pride. Absence of mount, idleness and lack of reli- gion. A line from life, proceeding to Jupiter, clear- cut and uncrossed, success socially. Mount of Saturn, at base of second finger, pru- dence or fatalism, great love of music and suc- cess ; fatalism if hand weak ; rayed, obstacles. Mount of Apollo, under third finger, art, wealth and brilliancy. Excessive development, extravagance, egotism. Undeveloped, lack of application. One line clear and well marked, success in whatever talent indicated by hand. Mount of Mercury, under fourth finger, organis- ation and invention. Excessively developed, falsehood, loss of money and lack of confidence. Undeveloped, a weak and insipid nature. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 25 Three vertical lines on mount, success in medi- cine and chemistry. Mount of Mars, directly under Mercury, well developed, shows courage, aggression, and self control. Commanders of the army and navy have this formation well marked if successful. If in excess, resembling a lump on hand, injus- tice and hard-heartedness ; while if flat inclined to hollowness, childishness and timidity. Horizontal lines crossing Mars, enemies ; if broken, escape injury from them. Mount of Moon, under Mars, extending to wrist, imagination, ideality and susceptibility. Excessive development, fickleness and despon- dency. If much rayed, apt*) be governed by other people's opinions. Lines on mount, ascending toward plain of Mars, signify journeys. If line cut through voyage lines, unsuccessful in travels. A line from wrist, upward through line of travel, a fatal journey. A curved line, from mount of Moon to Mercury, occultism, presentiments. 26 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. If mount smooth, opinions firmly and persis- tently upheld. The normal development of each mount is a slight protuberance, and corresponds with the planet from which it receives its influence. Jupiter, happy marriage, religion, and ambi- tion. Saturn, prudence, success, sadness or solitude. Apollo ; glory, and celebrity, or pride and extra- vagance. Mercury, science and commerce, speculation and invention. In excess, cunning and perjury. Mars, courage, calmness, or cowardice. Moon, imagination, harmony, mysticism, or discontent and superstition. Venus, beauty, chivalry, tenderness, and love, or inconstancy and coldness. The character of the mounts will, therefore, be the quality, whether in excess or the absence. When these mounts are well developed, they share the good qualities of the planets. If not prominent, or absent they indicate the lack of such qualities. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 27 THE NAILS. The form, size, and texture of the nails par- take of the same qualities as the lines, mounts, and fingers. The texture reveals the character. Nails that are fine, delicate and smooth, show a refined and intellectual character. Thick and coarse nails belong to the strong, uncultured race of mankind. Highly arched nails are an indication of strong lung power. Dark nails show a weakness of the digestive organs, with imperfect circulation of the blood. Broad nails are an indication of a gentle and retiring disposition, while if narrow, they denote inquisitiveness. Round nails, with crescent well marked, show the subject to be full of liberal sentiment, and a lover of science. Mails bending over the fleshy part of fingers, show a loss of vitality. Arched nails, with colour bright, in a square or pointed type, are signs of strength, and mental development. 28 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. If very pale, infirmity, poor circulation. A person possessing this type is wanting in that warmth and sympathy when occasion demands it. Red and short, obstinacy. These people go to extremes in all things. A delicate pink is an indication of good circula- tion, tenderness, sociability, and activity. Yellow nails denote a highly nervous and bilious temperament. Lead coloured nails belong to those subject to fits of hypochondria ; a continuity of morbid fancies. Flat nails, devoid of colour, denote a general weakness of the organs. Flat, but well coloured, belong to a class of en- ergetic and aspiring minds, with good executive ability. Angular nails show a decided lack of courage, and in some cases deceit. Black spots indicate diseases. Too much acidity in the system is shown by the white specks appearing upon the surface of the nails. Biting the nails is a pernicious habit which should be stopped instantly, as it has a tendency to develop trouble in the vital organs, caused by small pieces entering the system. Many cases LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 29 have occurred in people possessed of this habit, the cause never being attributed to what they considered perfectly harmless. It also mars the beauty of the fingers, which in later years is a source of regret. It indicates extreme nervous ness and irritability. 80 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Chapter IV< LINE OF LIFE. The line of life begins at base of Jupiter, en- circling mount of Venus. Long, clear, and unbroken, good constitution, vigour and health. With good phalanx of will, a capacity for en- durance. Broken at intervals, delicacy, and numerous diseases. Chained, pale, and narrow, extreme nervous- ness. The most serious sign of illness, a complete break which, to prove fatal, must correspond in both hands. Many lines crossing life line, disappointments. Life line ending in crosses, a jack of all trades. A well formed head line, with strong will power, in many cases will overcome a break in life line. A line cutting from Venus to line of Fortune, LESSONS IN PALMISTRY 31 without breaks, opportunities. The point where it crosses indicates the age at which it occurs. LINE OF LIFE. Crosses and stars direct on line have bad effect upon health. Line from Venus, near line of life, ending at first ringer, in a woman's hand, indicates danger in maternity. The martial or sister line, running near line 32 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. of life, sometimes called the inner line of life, gives extra vitality ; in fact, any one with this indication can be assured of a strong influence in regard to health presiding over them. Often the small inner lines are confused with tli is sister line ; these simply have reference to the little influences in one's life. When these small lines connect like branches, it indicates an influence in your life of some one that will make many interesting hours — a deep, well-formed friendship. If life line in colour is pale or yellow, the sub- ject is of bilious temperament. If line divides, or forked at end near wrist, a constant change in life. Tasselled, poverty, unless strong will force overbalances it. Line turning back towards thumb, great pre- caution must be taken during illness. Line cutting through life line to head line, ending in a star, paralytic stroke. _ Stars formed on line near base of Venus, in- trigue and law suits. Branches tending downwards, unfavourable ; upward branches, increasing happiness. If joined with line of head and heart, in both hands, nearly always sudden death. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 33 Line of life and head separated, self-assurance. If space too wide, weakness of eyes. Small black spots throughout line, evil ten- dencies. If connecting heart line for considerable space, it indicates timidity, and a lack of confidence, which can be overcome by cultivating society, joining debating and oratorical clubs. If one branch extends from line to Jupiter, success in gaining honours, and satisfying one's ambition. This branch is rarely found in hands. The age at which any break in the line takes place is easily discerned, for the measurement is taken from the base of Jupiter to the wrist. 34 LESSORS IN PALMLSTliY* LINE OF HEAD. The line of head is usually united or separated from the line of life, crossing the hand toward the percussion. The line of head straight and clear, signifies calculation, good judgment, and a capacity for business. Terminating on the mount of Moon, imag- ination. If very long and straight, turning the percus- sion, egotism, positiveness and over-calculation. Sloping on mount of Moon, with one branch on Mars, combined with well developed Mount of Apollo, dramatic ability. If after crossing hand it turns down on mount of Moon without being forked, superstition and uncontrollable longings ; inclined toward spir- itualism. Forked, with mounts of Moon and Apollo de- veloped, such subjects will give colour and detail to a story which adds charm to the dreary facts, thus weaving a delightful romance. If the fingers, with such a termination of head LESSONS IS PALMISTRY. 35 line, are inclined to turn back, it is a dangerous sign of untruthfulness, and deception. Line turning toward certain mounts, signifies the qualities pertaining to the mount the line rests upon; thus: Mercury, commercial instincts and speculation. Apollo, art, music, literature. Mars, army and navy. A line broad and pale, poor judgment. Chained throughout, unreliable, A single line cutting line of head, is an injury to head or neck. If broken under Saturn, trouble with teeth, which are apt to decay in early youth. Red spots, wounds. White spots are generally signs of a scientific turn of mind. If long, almost imperceptible, faithlessness. Line accompanied by sister line, indicates a double mentality — a fortunate sign. Minus head line, ideas very small; indecision and absence of humour. If head line at junction of life line is forked, with branch ascending to Saturn, many crosses in business will occur. Lines cutting head line upward toward line of heart, often entangled in love affairs. 36 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Mount of Moon high, fingers conic, with forked line of head, idealistic imagination. With Apollo developed, artistic judgment and intuition enable them to express the entirety of their faculties. Sculptors, painters, and poets possess this sign, indicating principally a creative genius. All persons who follow a public life will meet with success if head line is straight and clear, separated from life line, with thumbs set low in hand; tact, shrewdness and adaptability. Crosses on head line indicate serious wounds. Line of head terminating under Saturn or Apollo in an educated hand, indicates that edu- cation has been acquired, but in most cases it has been with a struggle. Head line separated from life line, but with branches connecting it, a capricious disposition and misfortune. The space between the lines of head and life, if broad, large views and benevolence. Head line of livid red, recklessness. Head line too near heart line, palpitation; ten- dency to shortness of breath. Line of head attached to lifeline for a distance, shows excessive reserve. They require much sympathy and care. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 37 LINE OF HEART. The line of heart runs horizontally along the base of the mounts. Clear, and well coloured, starting from the mount of Jupiter, tracing itself across the hand to per- cussion, shows a strong and lasting affection, even idealizing the one loved. If rising on Saturn, the attachment strong but more pi atonic. Chained, inconstancy. It fragmentary, constantly in trouble with friends. A line of deep red, a strong ardent love, even to violence. Pale, heartlessness. Broad, without colour, profligacy. Line extending into root of index finger, ex- cessive jealousy. Heart line forked, sure indication of fidelity. Branches ascending, pleasure coming from those we love. Descending, disappointments. A small line cutting a branch on Jupiter, the person loved will prove wholly untrue. 38 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Breaks, with dark spots, weakness of heart. Break under Saturn, a fatal influence. A break under Apollo, loss through pride ; a highly sensitive nature. Under Mercury, acquisitiveness and narrow- ness. No line of heart, calculation rules, loveless. Drooping toward head line, in weak hand, a tendency to hypocrisy and evil instincts. If line of heart forms ring around the index finger, occultism. A line running parallel (which must not be confused with Girdle of Venus) with the heart line, shows a trait of kindly generosity ; always faithful. Line of heart turning down, with several lines following it, loss of one dear to you ; in a hand which is soft and flexible, the love survives ; but if hard, fingers inflexible, such hands will lacerate your tenderest feelings. The above line, with skin thick and coarse, sel- fish and unsympathetic. Bare and without branches, poverty of affection. Three branches on Jupiter, love and honour, if equal. Unequal branches, so many loves. Line running to index finger, ceasing at root, a happy and tranquil life. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 39 One branch rises on Saturn, while the other descends to head line in a forked line of heart, denotes deception. The one loved will prove false. A hand containing good line of heart, soft yet firm, will be true to a friend, whether right or wrong ; yet to their face will probably tell them their faults, but never cast them aside. A line on Mercury, ending in cross, indicates a loss through a friend — one in whom implicit trust has been placed. The line of heart encircling Mercury denotes excessive affection, leading to jealousy, in which loved ones suffer. White spots on line, love affairs. 40 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. LINE OF SATURN— FORTUNE. Line of Saturn or Fortune, starts from line of life,, the plain of Mars, or mount of Moon, but generally from the wrist. Starting from wrist, clear and straight to mount of Saturn, promises success and happiness. From mount of Moon and going direct to Sa- turn, fortune comes from outside influence. When line branches out from plain of Mars, many difficulties through life will be encountered, meeting with success late in life. Observe great care in choice of people in business connections. Line of fortune rising from line of life, simply success by own industry, followed by many sacri- fices ; it also shows a generous and forgiving na- ture. If line penetrates the root of second finger, an evil sign to fortune. One must be very cautious in all business relations with this sign in the hand. At end of line, if met and cut by other lines, fortune is followed by ill luck. If line starts from wrist, broken suddenly at line of heart, happiness is destroyed by love, un- less line of heart is short and weak. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 41 Stopping suddenly at line of head, opportuni- ties have been lost by poor calculation. No line of fortune, common-place existence. All lines cutting line of fortune are sure indi- cations of obstacles. A double line in hand, almost in same direction of the line of fortune, shows the pursuit of life has been suppressed, though some claim the in- terest doubles itself ; but observation proves con- flicts in business. Unequal as regards length and depth, denotes confusion and a condition of ceaseless^changing. If line starts from line of head, going straight to mount of Jupiter, entering the index finger, excessive pride retards fortune. Turning toward Saturn from line of heart, troubles and illness have caused loss. Branches from line is the sign of strength. One branch on Jupiter, ambition and a desire to shine socially. Another branch toward Mercury, success in science, commerce, and eloquence. Towards Apollo, happiness and fortune ob- tained by art, literature, and music. The line of fortune forked, both lines of equal length, on mount of Saturn, a bright, tranquil, fortunate life. 42 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. If .line is clear and unbroken in left hand, for- tunate at birth; untouched by reverses. The right hand will reveal whether the oppor- tunities thus given them in childhood were energetically improved, or permitted to slip through their fingers. If left hand is devoid of line of fortune, but clearly marked in right hand, they owe their position and success to their own industry. Line rising from Moon, cutting direct toward Jupiter, fortune gained through marriage. A cross or star at base of line, losses by parents in early youth. Zig-zag lines, a life of endless troubles. Lines clear-cut, crossing hand, denote sudden wealth, caused by complete change in business. With little finger pointed, first phalange, success in oratory. This sign is often found in the hand of a successful lawyer. An island on line, an evil sign. With well marked line of head and fortune, thumb set low, constructiveness, reasoning, and caution are the strong allies. A line springing from centre of palm, running toward mount of Mars, the dominant traits are will force, and great executive ability, succeeding LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 43 60 the highest ambition, especially if in military life. To ascertain the age at which anything occurs in life, measure from wrist upward, toward mount of Saturn. The head line closes the thirty-fifth year. In order to succeed in any pursuit of life, we must not allow our faculties to become dor- mant, even if fate has placed us in an unenviable position. 44 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. LINE OF APOLLO- The line of Apollo rises from the plain of Mars, mount of Moon or line of life, ending on mount of Apollo. One clear straight line, devoid of branches, celebrity and riches. Two branches, one turning toward Mercury, success in politics. Forked, both branches equal, unlimited success. Those possessing this sign generally rise to unen- viable heights. Three branches, talent, and riches which are never attained. Three equal branches, opening on mount of Apollo, is a sign of great fame. Often found in the hands of noted celebrities. If cut by small lines, or tracing a furrow on the mount, indicates many obstacles to fame, through envy. Starting from the mount of Moon, curving toward Apollo, the subject possesses the influence of powerful friends. A person possessing this line, together with line LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 45 of fortune and well developed thumb, should fol- low exclusively a political career. In a woman's hand, if socially launched upon society, she will possess fine linguistic abilities, tact, and a memory for names and faces, thus be- coming a leader in all movements. If palm is very hollow, it is an adverse influ- ence. Single line on mount of Apollo, indicates a struggle for fortune. If possessing talent for music, art, or literature, it will require steady ap- plication to meet with success. 1 have seen hands without line of Apollo or fortune who have- attained brilliant heights, the hand itself being perfectly constructed, with well developed mounts, equal phalange of will and logic, while thumb was beautifully set in hand. The line of Apollo well marked, with horizon- tal lines on Mercury, great talent for discoveries in medicine. Without these lines, and spatulate or square fingers, lacking that fineness of organ- ism, a veterinary surgeon, A line traced to Mercury, and turning toward heart line, every ambition will be sacrificed for want of application. The line of Apollo traced from mount of Moon, without breaks, in a scientific hand, shows a life 46 LESSONS IN PALMISTUY. devoted to research and a universal knowledge of the laws of nature. The line of Apollo, starting from the wrist, will replace the line of fortune, or correct it if broken. If the three branches, found in some hands, are cut by smaller lines, it signifies that the wealth and power acquired will be in danger; a powerful enemy working against the success you have ob- tained by your labour. Numerous lines on mount of Apollo, together with a star, denote success, which has been gained by strong application to business, with the required amount of cautiousness and calculation. If mount of Apollo is too prominent, with line, it shows a taste for several branches; not success- ful in any particular one. The line and mount of Apollo are the signifi- cations of intelligence and celebrity. Apollo endows the subject with a beauty and grace which adds a charm to this material existence. LESSOiVS IN PALMISTRY. 47 THE HEPATICA, OR LINE OF LIVER. This line starts from the wrist, near the line of life, and ascends across the hand to the mount of Mercury. Straight and well coloured, it indicates great vitality and longevity. With good line of Apollo, a disposition to loqua- city or fluency of conversation. United to line of life, gives too much vitality, which in most cases renders the heart weak. Separated from line of life, it gives strength and activity in all things. When it makes a special turn from line of for- tune, and head, it shows a strong power of intu- ition, an inclination to mysticism. If line of liver is not formed until near the mounts, it gives health and strength in the ad- vanced state of life. Thick, and broken, feebleness in old age. Black specks on line signify gastric trouble. Saturn, lines of head and liver joined in the plain of Mars, a tendency to bohemian life; a lover of the gifts of nature. 48 LESSONS IN PALMISTBY. The line of liver unequally coloured, denotes serious trouble with head. If colour is deep red, palpitation of the heart. Ending on the percussion at mount of Moon, a discontented disposition. Losing itself in the hollow of palm, giving the appearance as if sunken, the subject is placed with the ill-favoured. Broken and pale, stomach trouble, biliousness. Forked, avaricious disposition. If a cross forms on line, it predicts an illness which if warned in time, care can be taken to prevent it. In many hands it is absent, which is not an evil sign, for its indications are activity and viva* ciousness. Line from mount of Moon, unexpected success. LESSONS IN PALMIS TR Y. 49 Chapter V» THE GIRDLE OF VENUS, A half-circle, formed by a line rising between Jupiter and Saturn, and ending between the third and fourth finger. In a good hand the indications are affection and a power of retaining love. In a bad hand, lacking the development of spiritually, it signifies a dissolute life. If double, or followed by little lines, a desire for the lowest element of society. The Girdle of Venus gives strength and success, if hand is well endowed; the beauty of Apollo, and the prudence of Saturn which it encloses. When carefully guided and restrained, its power in the subject thus possessing this mark, is an additional help toward success in any under- taking. 50 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE RASCETTE, The lines marking, the juncture of the hand and wrist. The space between the lines should be free from furrows. A single line unbroken signifies happiness and a tranquil life. Chained, a laborious life, but modified by a strong phalanx of will power. Three clear, well traced lines promise a long and prosperous career. A cross in centre of rascette, an inheritance. Line terminating on mount of Moon, indicates travels. A line from rascette through mount of Moon, turning toward line of liver, indicates a life of adversity. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE MARRIAGE LINES. Horizontal lines on the percussion crossing the mount of Mercury; sometimes there are several of these little lines. The long ones indicate marriage. Short lines, the little affairs of the heart. A line forked at end, near Apollo, unhappiness in love, often occurring after marriage. One line clearly marked, without fork or cross, a long and happy marriage. If descending to heart line, a widow or wid- ower. A red spot on line of head, with broken marri- age line, indicates great grief. If followed by small lines on mount of Mars, enemies have influenced the one loved. A line cutting lower part of Mercury, near mount of Mars, curving at end, denotes a broken engagement. A confusion of small lines on Mercury, almost blurring principal lines, denotes trouble from interference in your love affairs. 52 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE TRIANGLE. The space between the lines of life and head. Clear, with line of life and head well traced, it denotes a happy disposition. If broad and not too highly coloured, it shows a mind of lofty ideas, and generosity. If the space is small, it denotes cowardice, cov- etousness, and obstinacy. If wrinkled, extreme irritability. A circle in triangle, a tendency to brutality. If triangle is unequal, and in a sense obscure, it shows a dullness of intellect, rudeness, indo- lence, and inconstancy. The triangle is also called the plain of Mars. THE QUADRANGLE. The space enclosed by line of head and line of heart. Broad and clear, regularity, faithfulness and temperance. Narrow, with dim lines, denotes injustice, maliciousness, and deceit. If the quadrangle is much rayed, it denotes a weak head. If the quadrangle is absent — that is, the line of head or heart missing — it is a sign of misfortune. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 53 CROSSES. A cross on mount of Jupiter, a happy marriage. If near base of index finger, it will take place early in life. On mount of Saturn, unfavourable influences. On Apollo, it denotes an obstacle in the way of success. On Mercury, an inclination to theft. One must closely observe whether the lines in the hands are weak or the thumb is lacking in will power. On mount of Mars, it signifies danger. On mount of Moon, self-deception and error. + *D <=> A CHOSS STAR SQUARE ISLAND TRIANGLE # O C —us GRILL CIRCLE CRESCENT CAPILLARY LINES. CROSSES. A cross at base of Venus, a single but sadly 54 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. terminating love. But if a clearly marked cross is on Jupiter, there is hope of recovery. One or more crosses on index finger denote strong and lasting friendships. A cross in triangle, a quarrelsome person. If cross is formed under Saturn, mysticism. . A well formed cross in quadrangle, indicates religious instincts and good nature. If cross is placed near mount of Mars, good fortune and happiness. A badly formed cross is an unlucky omen. A cross on third phalange, first finger, epi- curean. STARS. A star on mount of Jupiter, unexpected good fortune and happiness. If joined to cross, a marriage with one of high position. On mount of Saturn, a premonitory sign of danger. On mount of Apollo, a fatal influence over wealth and honour. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 55 A star on mount of Mercury, well marked, de- notes fraud. Connected with a line on Mercury, a loss by confidential friend. A star on Mercury, with a cross on index finger, successful in literature or science. On Mars, a star denotes honours in military life. If badly formed, and hand of coarse type, it indicates murderous tendencies, A star on mount of Moon, treachery. A star on the mount of Venus, denotes trouble arising in the marriage relation; also unhappiness through the opposite sex. At base of Venus, dissipation. THE SQUARE. A square in the hand indicates justice, and calmness in danger. A square on the mounts or lines gives addi- tional force to their qualities, and is also a pres- ervation from danger. , It will remedy the bad effects of the star or cross in any hand. 56 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE ISLAND. The island in any hand is a sign of weakness and losses, especially if found on the line of liver, it predicts bankruptcy. If warned in time, the danger can be in some way averted. On head line, subject to neuralgia and nervous headaches. On heart line, weakness of that organ. On line of fortune, an obstacle in the way of wealth, the time being ascertained according to the location of the island on line. If island is formed in botli hands, on line of heart and fortune, it denotes a love for the un- attainable. THE TRIANGLE. On Jupiter ; generally found in the hands of diplomats. Designers possess the triangle, which, as a rule, appears on mount of Apollo. On Mercury, political aspirations. On Mars, the triangle denotes conquest on the battle-field. A triangle on mount of the Moon shows a wide knowledge of human nature. The triangle on Saturn is found in the hands of magicians. On the mount of Venus, love intrigues. r LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 57 THE GRILLE, The grille is an obstacle wherever it is dis- covered, and denotes the weakness of the different mounts. On Venus, it denotes great sensitiveness. As on Jupiter, pertaining to the head, it is thus affected ; Saturn, the chest ; Apollo, the arms; Mercury, the legs ; Mars takes in the vital organs. THE CIRCLE AND CRESCENT. These signs found in the hand, indicate fatality. The only place where it figures as an omen of good is on the line of liver, denoting an energetic character. Also, the circle upon the mount of Apollo, signifies honour and success. On the line of life, a circle denotes the loss of an eye. A crescent on mount of Moon in a man's hand shows he is under the fatal influence of some woman. A crescent, likewise, in a Avoman's hand, de- notes the same influence of the opposite sex. Capillary lines denote weakness. 58 LtiSSONS IN PALMISTRY. Chapter VL HANDS OF EMINENT PEOPLE, Cynthia Westover Alden. The hand of Cynthia Westover Alden, the celebrated Author and President General of the In- ternational Sunshine Society, is a type of the "spatulate" and "philosophical;" betraying strong inventive abilities, originality, versatility and independence of thought. It also shows great efficiency in both mental and physical action ; having a wonderful vitality. The heart and line of mentality indicate a pro- found yet liberal mind, possessing the breadth, the sense of true proportion. In addition to this it is a. hand that would labour earnestly and unostentatiously with humanity, recognising in them the unity of purpose that unites their work with hers. The ready sympathy, adaptability and keen insight into human nature form a person- ality eminently fitted by nature for her chosen profession — a creator of universal sunshine. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 59 C'i/^fc^^ 60 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. JoHtf C. Bell. Congressman John C. Bell of Colorado haa distinctly the hand of a statesman. It is remark- able chiefly for the shrewdness and versatility it displays, independence, energy, strength, con- centration and keenness of intellect. The line of mentality is clear, analytical and deductive. It is self-reliant, outspoken and honest, denoting wonderful executive ability and a philosophical insight into human nature; in fact a power of influ- encing others. Another indication of strong- personality, which will overcome all obstacles, is the finger of Jupiter and Mercury, so distinct and separate in their outline, indicating a power to lead and to rule. Success is written in the lines of this great Western country-builder. LESSONS IN PALM1STBY. 61 m LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Social Type oe Hakd. This sketcli represents almost a perfect type of America's fascinating society leader. Naturally one would be led to suppose it was of a thoroughly artistic kind, for so vividly are they brought before us in their realm of magnificence, we picture the slender, delicate and tapering fingers. This is a combination of the practical and artistic, "spatu- late " and "psychic," in which is clearly marked, individuality, magnetism, and a great fluency of language.. The supple thumb reveals a nature which is charming, witty and adaptable, with a re- markable power of concentration which is essential for success in the social world. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 63 THE SOCIAL TYPE OF HAND. 64 LESSONS IK PALMISTRY Blanche Walsh. The left hand of America's great actress in- dicates the power born with her. From a child she was endowed with a wonderful ambition. The most prominent characteristic is found in the sloping head line, which shows a marvellous mag- netic force. The natural tendency is toward the artistic and poetical. The sensitive, emotional and impressionable nature belong to one possessed with a mediumistic power. The fine, indistinct markings characterise the earnestness of the. student, and is a key to success in the interpre- tation of dramatic ideals. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 65 66 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Hakd of a Child. As a study this sketch is excellent, being different from the majority of children's hands at the age of five years. It is intensively sensitive, wonderfully intuitive, and endowed with a power of feeling equal to a full developed hand. The mounts are in a fair way of cultivation, and if the young mind achieves the fullest intellectual ad- vancement he will make a successful surgeon. Nature has assigned to the surgical field only those possessed with broad, sympathetic ideas — others entering that sphere usurp the rights of the God-made physician. This hand is only one proof in many that Nature has placed her seal upon so plainly; of the vocation being born with the man. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 67 68 LESSONS W PALMISTRY. Chapter VIL THE EYE* The relation of the eye to the human mind is the same as doors to our homes. The place of entrance. Ancients claim that the eye is the window of the soul ; but we can more than see through it— we can enter into it and see revealed the true nature of the individual. As the indicator of our emotions it reveals the power of love, hatred, anger and charity. By its form, size and colour, it denotes the in- tellectuality or lack of mental force. Individuality is indicated by the shape of the fingers and the prominence of the forehead just above the eyebrow. A prominent or full eye indicates fluency of language, also fine observant powers. If half closed, naturally shrewd but often lack- ing in sincerity. Blue eyes*; affection, susceptibility, perception and ingenuity. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 69 A certain colour of blue which is decidedly pale,, indicates the person to be inconstant in both love and friendship. Brown eyes indicate strong affection, faithful- ness and truth ; a strong love nature possessing a delicacy of language and expression, a power of kindling emotion and sentiment ; love of home and children. A well-shaped mouth must ac- company this type. Black sparkling eyes are an indication of pene- tration, reflection, taste and elegance ; inclined rather to selfishness than generosity ; but ac- companied by a domestic, that is a round chin, tenderness and sympathy. Small eyes with high forehead neither attract nor repel, simply indifference. They belong to a crafty and penetrating people, great economists and disgusted with any sign of extravagance. Deficient in enthusiasm. Eyes which are large, open and clear under arched eyebrows denote elegance and pride, quick to anger ; a wonderful capacity for giving and receiving impressions. Eyes which roll, also of sunken appearance, when fixed on object of their affection, express no respect and fail to inspire reverence,- must not be trusted, for the one possessing that type cannot 70 LJESSONS IN PALMISTRY. love or be loved. Watch carefully this eye, espe- cially if forehead is high and perpendicular. One eye in particular is a great study ; the soft grey with a large pupil. One moment a flash of sunlight then a storm, a glance to win and hold you captive even if friendship is broken. Women possessing such eyes should be careful in marriage. Like the long tapering fingers and pink soft palm, the touch is gentle and sympathetic, or cold and cruel. Usually these subjects are very brilliant. Eyes which show the white above and below are of a restless, passionate disposition. The long narrow eye lacks the love nature. Eyes with thick lids covering part of the pupil, the corners being long, usually indicate talent. If the angle made by the eye is greater than the mouth when in profile, the subject is generally very stupid. In some rare cases persons are found who possess a peculiar colour of the eye which, to the close observer, has the appearance of green. Sara Bernhardt, for instance, has been classed with this type, expressing a wonderful power of force, en- ergy and perseverence. Slow moving eyes show great prudence and LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 71 ability, as a rule successful in the speculative field. Every eye reveals the power of love and re- ciprocity, thus care should be taken in choice of friends and partners for life. Great eyes awaken and stimulate each other to higher aims in life. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. THE PLANETARY INFLUENCE. If the planets act directly upon all objects of nature why should it be strange if our lives, which are so sensitive, are influenced by the luminous bodies of the celestial spheres. There are seven ruling planets which affect the earthly bodies— Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Venus. The other twelve signs of the zodiac, representing the twelve months in the year, thus having a direct influence upon indi- viduals born under their sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagit- tarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius belong to the Fire Triplicity. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are of the Earth Triplicity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are of the Air Triplicity. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are of the Water Triplicity. Under the fiery sign of Aries, March 21st to April 19th — which rules Great Britain, Germany and Denmark— Leo XIIL, Bismark, Thomas LESSONS IN PALMISTBY. 73 Jefferson and Christian IX. of Denmark were born. The higher attributes of this planet are intui- tion and reason. The strictly cultured Aries sub- jects possess wonderful executive ability, are earnest and determined, accomplishing what they resolve to do against all opposition. Good schol- ars, genial, witty and fine conversationalists. The men never back out of a quarrel, yet do not seek one. Women are not far behind the men in this quality. They are impartial to long seams, fin- ishing and felling as they go. A tremendous vitality and strong vibratory power pertains to this sign, giving to its subjects impetuosity, pride and courage. Natural reason- ers, novelists, poets, politicians and teachers are under the influence of Aries. These people should avoid stimulants and eat plain, nourishing food, with regularity. Those born under this sign should not be hurt or teased. Love is the conqueror of all. They are easily controlled, if permitted to perform their tasks in their own way. Mars and Neptune are the governing plan- ets. Bloodstone and sapphire have the strongest influence upon the individual. Of the flowery kingdom the violet and daisy directly influence 74 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY, Aries subjects. Physicians should be cautious with all patients, throughout the season of Aries. Magnetism is more potent than medicine. Those born under Taurus, April 19th to May 20th, are of the earth triplicity. Successful mer- chants, teachers and critics come in this sign. The most harmonious marriage is when these subjects unite with those belonging to the water and fire element. It takes the water to mould the earth and the fire to give it the vitalizing quality. These subjects when the gloom of their taci- turnity is once dispelled become broad reasoners. Through the stormiest of paths they will plod without flinching until they reach the goal. Strong in friendship, conscientious, fearless and magnanimous when not irritated. Children under this sign should be trained to fixedness of purpose along some chosen line. Environment is every- thing to a child born under this planet. Under the influence of Taurus, Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, Ulysses S. Grant and Nicholas, Czar of Russia were born. Venus is the governing planet and combined with Taurus gives love melody and grace. Gems, diamonds and emeralds significant of happiness. Astral colours, red, lemon and yellow. LESSONS IN PALMIST J F. 75 Those born under Gemini, May 20th to June 21st, are of the air triplicity, governed by the planet Mercury, giving science, commerce, specu- lation and eloquence. The avocations for Gemini are manufacturing and all active trades. Marri- ages to be harmonious must be with those born under the influence of the earth. All subjects of air and fire triplicities should be extremely cau- tious in regard to marriage. Gemini is the twin or dual nature wanting to do one thing at a time, then another. Fond of the arts and sciences. Good conversationalists, clever, witty and quick to see the point of a joke or story. The finest efforts of writers and poets are reached through inspiration and not by analysis or previous intel- lectual preparation. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller Oesoli and Harriet Beecher Stowe, are splendid illustrations of Gemini genius. Mercury is the ruling planet. All dark blue stones and colours are fortunate. If fitted with a higher education those born under the influence of Cancer, June 21st to July 22nd, head sign of water triplicity, will be gifted in many ways. They have excellent memories, therefore possess a quick and keen insight into matters of importance. Some of our most bril- liant speakers are subjects of Cancer. Women % LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. often become great writers following the theme which deals with lmmanitarianism. If subjects are undeveloped the men are cruel and covetous, the women fickle and inconstant. People born under this sign should devote much time toward higher development. In regard to marriage these subjects should not marry early in life, and before entering the state of matrimony should thoroughly understand each other. Congeniality will be found when uniting to Pisces, February 19th to March 21st, and Scorpio, October 23rd to Novem- ber 22nd. This sign is difficult to explain for these people have a persistent will, remarkable intuition and purpose, yet they often let go for a slight or for no apparent reason, some of their most important enterprises. Under this sign, Julius Caesar July 12th, 100 B. C. was born. The Moon, the ruler of the tides is the govern- ing planet. The black onyx has a potent influence over Cancer subjects. Leo, or the lion, which is the middle sign of the fire triplicity, July 22nd to August 22nd, is a strong jury sign of the Zodiac. Those born under the influence of Leo, if well developed, are usually LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 77 fine conversationalists and possess a remarkable individuality. They are fine organisers and have the hypnotic power of holding an audience, and moulding people to their opinion. Leo women are generally great lovers of home and children, in fact the motto of a Leo mother is, " My Life, before my Love." Leo comes directly under the influence of the Sun, which gives to his subjects impetuosity and sometimes arrogance. Discrimi- nation is the one thing which all Leo people should understand. A child must be carefully guarded by the parent, for without discipline and a higher education their children will be ruled by many vices. Their power is wonderful when they have the opportunity. They are intolerant of what they consider the short-comings of others, and are inclined to be suspicious and distrustful. Leo subjects are more apt to be successful in dramatic art and literature, being quick, bright and emotional in temperament. Under this sign, Bonapart August 15, 1769; Alexander Dumas July 24, 1302; and St. Francis de Sales August 21, 15GT; were born. AVhen educated the mentality is clear, analytical and deductive, with power of concen- tration strong. In selecting a husband or wife, harmony may be found by uniting with those born under their own sign or by the influence of earth, IS LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn. The governing planet is the Sun. The gems, ruby and cornelian. If fire unites with water the greatest care is necessary, for in many cases harmony is an utter impossibility. Those born under the influence of Virgo, August 22nd to September 23rd, belong to the earth triplicity. These people make fine proof- readers, and as writers and public speakers they attain great heights. Their intuition is so re- markable, that with practice they become quite psychometric. Those born under this sign should not take much medicine, but let nature be the physician. They are subject to certain diseases of the stomach which are generally due to care- lessness. Subjects of Virgo retain their youth and very little change can be observed between the ages of thirty-five to sixty. They are clever in ideas, diplomatic, speculative and sociable, and easily adapt themselves to their surroundings. Cultivating a continuity of purpose does much toward overcoming faults and compelling success. Under the influence of Virgo, Elizabeth Queen of England, Goethe, Tolstoi and Oliver Wendell Holmes were , born. Many Virgo subjects are emotional and logically swayed by feeling. Harmony in marriage will be more apt to exist LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 79 when Virgo unites with those born under their own sign, yet. being of the earth, fire and water, they may mingle. The governing planet is Mercury. Gems : Chrysolite and sardonyx. People born under the sign of Libra, September 23rd to October 23rd, are energetic and inspira- tional. As a rule the men are fascinating, but rather reckless in money matters. Women detest business and prefer a perfect home life. Among them are writers, musicians and elocutionists. Men are usually successful in any speculation, for a cultivated Libra man possesses remarkable per- ceptive faculties. It is well not to anger subjects under the influence of this sign. The effect is something like a tornado, leaving everything in chaos. The highest companionship will be found by Libra people uniting with their own sign, or even the combination of the fire domain, if careful not to fan the flame. The diseases which often attack subjects under this sign are dyspepsia and nervous prostration. Through worry they lose much of their vital force. They are very cute in calculation and intrigue, and soar high because the most rarified air is their nature-element. 80 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Very sensitive to discord. The greatest care should be exercised in any and all companionship. Libra subjects should never destroy the talent given them, but apply themselves and if possible secure a thorough training in their art. Venus rules in combination with Libra, making the higher attributes perception and inspiration. Bernhardt the great actress and Noah Webster were born under this planet. Black, crimson and the darker hues predominate during this period. People born under the influence of Scorpio, October 23rd to November 22nd, are of the water triplicity. They possess wonderful self-control ; their observation is so keen and touch so firm, that they make the best surgeons when thoroughly educated in that field. Those who have not learned the higher law of intellectuality become unsatisfactory as friends or even in business stations. Scorpio women, unless under great control, are apt to be suspicious and always on the lookout for unfaithfulness in husband and friends. A Scorpio man, undeveloped, would be a very un- pleasant companion ; therefore, it is absolutely necessary for all these subjects to be highly educated. LESSONS IK PALMIS Til F. 81 So marked is the electro-magnetic power in many of these subjects, that they possess a strong influence over the sick, especially the insane. The man who has attained pre-eminence in public life as a rule wins the admiration of the people. Under this planet, Lavater the founder of the art of physiognomy, November 15, 1741, and James A. Garfield were born. Scorpio people make good friends to Virgo people ; in fact, nearly all subjects of water and earth harmonise. Mars is the governing planet, and that indicates determination and good judgment. Sapphire and opal, a combination to comfort and ease the mind — such gems should be worn by these subjects. Those born under Sagittarius, November 22nd to December 21st, are of the fire triplicity. Be- ing of a progressive class, their talents are varied. Some of our greatest musicians are born under this sign. Almost all these people are very blunt and impetuous. The women are apt to sacrifice health in order to accomplish what they have undertaken. They are lovers of beauty and harmony, and should strive to make practical use of their artistic 82 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. abilities, if not, some unforeseen force sends them irresistibly in another direction. However materialistic their environment, their spiritual perception becomes more acute, and through generosity, kindness of heart and good deeds, they usually meet with success. Under this sign the poet Whittier, Phillips Brooks and George El iot, [Marion Evans] were born. A harmonious marriage will be obtained if Sagittarius persons will unite with those born under their own sign, or with those of the earth triplicity. In all cases they should be very cautious. Jupiter is the governing planet, giving ambi- tion and success. Sagittarius people can enter almost any field. The turquoise, which means success, and topaz, friends, are the birth stones which cast the strong- est influence over these subjects. Capricorn, December 21st to January 20th, belongs to the earth triplicity. People born un- der this sign are natural organisers and financiers. As it is called the occult sign, the subjects are apt to be deep thinkers. This is one of the most intellectual, and the most illiterate sign in the zodiac. It depends much on the environment of the subject. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 83 If blessed with a good practical business educa- tion, they will be able to promote and carry into completion large schemes. Women also are successful in any business they enter; also, some of the most famous actors and actresses are born under the influence of Capri- corn. Usually cautious in all business affairs, their intuition enables them to know when and where they are appreciated. These people as a rule are fine entertainers, and their personal qualities make them universally popular. They possess a magnetism that seems to speed them to the point of popularity. Under Capricorn, the statesman Gladstone, Admiral Dewey and Alexander Hamil- ton were born. It is a Saturniau sign, the higher attributes being inspiration and magnetism. Gems, onyx and moonstone. People born under the influence of Aquarius, January 20th to February 10th, are of the air triplicity and naturally endowed with great pos- sibilities. They are good readers of human na- ture, seldom being deceived in people. As this sign represents the emotions and nerves, these subjects are highly sensitive, and through their being in that condition they lose many good op- portunities. 84 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Great spiritual healers and physicians are born under this planet. If trained as a nurse the ability to control and ease the suffering is remark- able — almost a hypnotic influence. Women are very faithful as a rule and never suspicious of those they are fond of. Endowed with much natural discrimination, these people are very successful if they cultivate self control. Usually these subjects are easily affected by environment. If narrow, they often bury their higher self by means of dogmatic materialism and a routine of habit. The higher attributes are soul-memory and diffusive knowledge. Un- der the influence of Aquarius three of our presi- dents were born. William Henry Harrison, February 9, 1773; Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809; William McKinley, January 29, 1843. The combination of Uranus and Aquarius gives a great deal of psychic or controlling power of the eye, and the faculty of pleasing the public in any department. Some of the best national financiers belong to this sign. It can safely be prophesied harmony will exist if Aquarius people will unite with the earth and water triplicity. Garnet and amethyst are the distinguishing favourites. LESSONS IN PALMISTBY. 85 Pisces, February 19th to March 21st, belong to the water triplicity. The higher attributes are emotion and silence. A tremendous vitality and strong vibratory force pertain to this sign. Men should make all important decisions when entirely alone, because they are often influenced by those around them. Having a complex organ- ism, they must avoid solar influences, more suc- cessful with cooler and more determined minds. The interference of relations and friends often destroys the mere force of intellectuality, but should be overcome on account of the will force they are endowed with. These subjects should be cautious in regard to taking stimulating food or drugs on account of the digestive organ, the absorbent field and nervous system being of a highly sensitive nature. Presentiments, inex- plainable aversions are direct influences upon these people. They must never lose their indi- viduality. Should not permit circumstances to become their masters, but their slave. With strong muscles and large powers of obser- vation, construction and calculation, these sub- jects could rule the world. The most harmonious companions are found under Virgo, August 22nd to September 23rd, and all in their own sign. It is easier to break the neck of these people 86 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. than attempt to break the will. Under the influ- ence of this sign was George Washington, Feb- ruary 22, 1732; Andrew Jackson, March 15, 1767; James Madison, March 16, 1751; Grover Cleve- land, March 18, 1837; and King Humbert of Italy, March 14, 1844. The women of this sign are usually careful housewives, but persist in having their own way. Jupiter and Neptune govern all these subjects, giving honour, ambition and confidence. Under this sign also can be found many historians and travellers. The amethyst and bloodstone will have as gems the most potent influence. To all students of astrology the signs of the zodiac are very interesting, especially when the happiness of human beings are concerned. If we are governed by nature, why not follow her laws? One rule which will be of interest to many is the harmonizing of the planets. If a man be born under the influence of Leo, July 22nd to August 22nd, he belongs to the fire triplicity, therefore he should unite with a woman born during the period of August 22nd to September 23rd, or in any month directly under the earthly sign. His impetuous disposition needs the calm and chilling effect of earth, where he in return gives LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 87 heat. Fire and earth mingle and are more con- genial elements than air or water. Likewise a man or woman born May 20th to June 21st should unite with those directly under the same influence. People under these domains are usually good friends. Water subjects can unite in marriage with earth, as they can mould and form the great combination, giving life to the elements. Fire and water are not harmonious with us— a continual splatter and hiss. Air subjects are congenial companions and should remain together to avoid discord. Apollo is the guiding planet of art and literature, official positions and politicians. Saturn places his subjects in some patient, steady calling, where set rules govern the business. Jupiter gives to his children almost any field, great ambition and success. Mars guards officers of the army and navy and gives powerful perception and courage. A 7 enus, some light, fancy vocation, where no drudgery exists. Her proteges possess the love of grandeur, but they must beware of losses and change in locality. Mercury is the strength in literature, commerce, law, criticism, journalism and chemistry. If not 88 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. s educated, prying craftiness and sometimes dis- honesty. The moon is the divinity of actors, inventors and lecturers. She gives to her subjects sentiment, mysticism and poetry ; also to some people super- stition and sadness. LofC. LRB N F 25