n > >-' ' V > n * %;■:'#'/ -o^'-^f^^''/ \;'t!e-;/~ 'v) O ,0 r -^J- J*» -ciU. 1 * » » jk o ° 1 " -r '^O ",^ o » t. <^' O N, -< 0^ y^ ^. I. ' e T ^ . <' .^^ <•' - -^^ .0 -^ c 0^' c ° " " ^^ ' • • ' \ *■ \ ■^oV \^ V /r* V' ^ ' * ^' # .^^' I* • ^. 'mm'' e o '^^ c t ^ ■♦ o .^ ,^ '/ o 5 , n "^ -^'^-iwv^ ^ ^i". '^^ .^C' ^ V<1 o ^«^ =^ o r3 ^. *jy \ -r -^^ aO ' >v>^» ,^^' ^0^ :^ ^' ■•: "bv^ •fen^<^^ ^^ 4 O •l .^ ^ < ^ (S__Si t r^ N .^ ^ O ^^ A HISTORY of a part of the Family, and Near Connections. From Data collecte. March 3d. 1733, d. Nov. 1st. 17^)7. Their children, Mary, b. Sept. 'Js 17(ii> and d. 179S. She marr. Xedebiah C'ady. IJeinoved t() I'eading, \ t. in 17S0. Hannah, b. Se})t. li") 17*il anl. I\em(»ve 1774 d. June 'jr, IS-Jd. Simeon, b. INIay 14 1773 d. Juiu- 13 1S(>1. Marr. Martha Spear d. June 2:5 18fi3. Martha, b. Jan. 19 1 77(1 d. July 1 sr>3. Marr. T.ieonard Bug-bee. Samuel 1st. and Samuel 'id. were buried in the same yard near Joseph Buck's in Killiugly, Ct. Samuel 2;liaii. l^ucia, uiarr. Mi-. Russel. l*<)lly, luari". Mr. Pratt. (Vdia, luni-r. Asa Moore of Pom- fret, Vl. IJetsev, marr. David Dav of Vx. Perley Cady's Faiuily. Sare})ta, b. F(d). 19 17S1 d. .Jan. 27 1S7(;. She marr. Leonard Davis, 1st., Lyman Ilolden, 'Jd. Eliza])eth, b. Feb. -28 17s;5 d. Sept. 179s. Xoah, b. May (5 17S5 d. Apr. 20 \X-\'A. ALirr. Mrs IIub])ard, 1st., Hannah Da- vis, 2d. Sh«^ d. June 21 \X'^H. Sarah, b. Apr. 21 1787 d. Mai'. 14 1X7(1. Marr, Sanuud Davis, f^erley, b. May 2^) 171M) d. Sept. 179S. Hannah, b. Auo-. 2S 1792 d. Fel). IT) 1S7S. .^larr. Aziel Willard. Samuel, b. Apr. 4 179^) d. .Ian. 2;> 18S4. Marr. Anna Cabot. Lyman, b. Mar. 2ratll('l)()r<) .Vsyluni. BUCK HISTORY. Joseph and Dorcas Fairbanks Buck's Family. Chloe, b. June 26 1793 m. Wm. F>ragij Jan. 17 1815 moved to Warren, Vt. 181(3 and d. Aug. 1S59. Simon, b. Sept. 3 1795 m. Eunice Williams 1st. Mary Danielson 2d. and buried in Daysville, Ct. 1839. Abigail, b. May 8 1798 m. Wm. Bartholamew Apr. 2 182U. Annis, h. Jan. 4 1801 d. Sept. 17 182(3. Joseph Jr., b. 1803 m. Eliza Alton Apr. 1831. Mary, b. June 7 1805 m. Geor- ge Record Apr. 10 1S28. Maitha, b. July 5 ls07 m. John Perrin Mar. 24 1835. Fli. a, h. Is09 m. George Perry Feb. 2 1835. Ehsha Fairbanks, b. Apr. 9 ISII d. July 28 ISll. Dorcas Caroline, 1). Dec. 3 1813 not m. Beniamin and Ellen Leavens Buck's Familv. Benjamin Jr., b. Nov. 10 1791 \u. Gharlott Bragg Jan. 7 1819 and d. June 29 1880. Martha, b. July 1(3 1794 m. Joseph Bliss Mar. 25 1830 Mann all, b. Dec. 15 179() d. Apr. 8 185« Ellen, b. Nov. (3 1 .S02 d. Feb. 24 18(35. Rufus, b. June 2 lso5 m. Sophia iMillam Oct. 22 1S35. She was b. Sept. 1 1.S09 d. Aj.r. 13 Fs,s9 He d. Oct. 22 1891. Dexter, b. INI ay 2C. IS Id m. Sarah Jane Davis June 1 1.S40. She b. Mar. 15 1S13 d. June 24 1900. He d. Aug. 9 189(>. Caroline, b. Mav 22 1812 m. Ru- fus Stearns Dec. 4 1833. He was b. Dec. 30 1811 and d. Mar. 27 1895. She d. June 12 ISSl. Benoni and Mary Leavens Buck's Family. Elisha, b, May 18 179(3 m. Julia Thatcher Jan. 19 1823. She b. Oct. 4 1795 d. Dec. 8 1889. He d. Aug. 2(3 1873. Charles, b. Sei)t. (3 1797 m. Hannah Sawyei- Apr. 12 1825. She b. Feb. 13 1802 d. Nov. 28 1887. He d. Sept. 8 1889. Benoni Jr., b. Oct. 24 1799 m. Candace Goddard Nov. 24 1824. She b. Nov. 4 1800 BUCK HISTORY. d. Sept. 24 1865. He d. Aug. 28 1879. John ].. b. Jan. I 1802 m. Mary Ann Hildreth Nov. 29 182(3. She b. Dec. 12 1803 d. Nov. 6 1864. He d. Feb. 27 1881. J<)se})h Warren, b. July 4 1807 m. Adeline Fuller Mar. ao 1831. She b. Mar. 29 1809 d. 1888. Ira and Era, b. .Mar. 8(1 IMl d. Mav s IMl. Mary, b. June 15 1812 d. July 7 1812. Simeon and Maitlia Spear Buck's Faniily. IJy adoption, Menassa Hagoett, m. Mehitable Harrison. She d. 18(,4. lie d. Se})t. !' 1S;'(;. Leonard and Martha Buck Bugbee's Family. Mai'v Ann, m. llenrv W'eavei'. Martha, m. James C'oregdon is.'il. Benjamin, m. Betsey Jonson. Joseph, m. Adeline Mathews. Nedabiah and Lydia llubbai'd C'ady's Family. By adoption, Azro X'aughn. Moi'i-is and Linda Hubbard C'ady. No children. and I*oll\ Cadv Fratt's Family. 1st. no name no date. Eliza, m. Elijah Hawkins. Asa and Celia Cady Moore's Family. Alexandei- m. Mary Bishop. Lewis. Frank and Rebecca Cady Jenne's Family. Elvira, m. Babbitt. Frank Jr. Aziel and Hannah Cady \Villard\s F^amily. Josiah. Aziel Jr. Hannah. Lucius and Salome Cady Hathorn's Family. Edwin. Lizzie. Leonard and Sareota Cady Davis' Family. Marcia, m John M. Jewell. Leonard Jr., m. l>rown. Ann, m. Hayens. Betsey, m. Chamberlin. Sare])ta, m. Holden. BUCK HISTORY. Lyman and Louisa Rogers Cady'^ Family. William. Lorenzo. Horace. George. Julia. Mary. Samuel and Anna Cabot Cady's Family. Fred. Ransom. Frances. Kate ct Carrie Susan & Lucia. Noah and Mrs. Hibbard & Mrs. Davis C-ady's Family. Angeline, b. LSI 8 m. Washington Ordway, d. May 11 1888. Emeline Elvira, m. James Madison I'aylor. lie b. Aug. 29 1812 d. Feb. 12 1888. Matilda, m. (Gideon Barnes. Perley. Albert. Norman. Samuel and Sarah Ca ly Davis' Family. Alden, b. Mar. 7 1S(J.') drowned Auo-. 11 lSl,s. Saphronia, I). Nov. 2^i 18(17 m. ( hai-les (i. IJlanchard Sept. 28 1S82 and William Felcli July 20 1S7(J. She d. Feb. 24 1S90. Samuel, b. ^Mar. 17 ISII m. Aphia Sands Oct. 14 1.S89. He d. July ! lS(i9. She <1. Oct. 28 1865. Sarah Jane, b. Mar. 15 JS18 m. Dexter Luck June 1 1840 d. June 24 1900. Perley, b. Sept. 15 ISK) m. Julia Home Oct. 22 LS87 d. Oct. 12 ISSS. Oliver, b. Feb. 10 1819 m. Lmnia Tondinson Jan. 15 LS52 d. Mar. 18 1902. Samuel and Martha H. Oady Weeden's Famih . * t William, m. Maria A11;m"<1. Samuel Jr., m. Selemna Doton. She b. Lee. •_9 IS 19. Lucius IL, b. June 18 1820 m. Lorena Thompson d. Feb. 25 1898. Warren, m. F" ranees Wood. Benjamin Frank, b. May 28 1885 m. Sarah A. Shaw b. Aug. 80 1884. Edwin, b. 1889 m. Salina Wiley d. Oct. 29 1879. Samuel and Betsey Amsden I>uck's Family. Philamon, m. Abigail Densmore. She b. Aug. 27 1811 d. Feb. 6 1882. Susan, m. Whitcom. Lomira, m. BUCK HISTORY. (Granville Farwell. Lora Aim, iii. llichard Amsden. iMarv, Til. Tuell 1st. P'arwell 'id. Thomas Fletcher od. Olivia. Aurelius, h. Apr. Hi IX'IX m. Lncia Wilkiiis d. July 4 1891). .loiiathaii and Kdna Cleniejit l>iu'k"'s Family Sarah, m. Krastus F()rl)ush. Klenor, m. Dr. Charles Bari'et. Kiiiily, in. Ira White. Azro, m. (Vlia Taylor. Flynn and Sally Huck I^ersons' Family. Ciihnan. (omelius F., 1>. Nov. o 1 -SiJG m. Rogers 1st. Taylor 'id. Brown :M. d. Sept. liMI'J. Leonard and Pollv Buck Persons' Family. Henry Sylvester, m. Elizabeth Fitield d. Jan. S 1S94. (^elestia, h. .Iidy :>8 IS'JG m. .Alaynard d. .Inly 29 1.S94. ( larence Filield, m. Sarah Starks. William and Chloe Bnck Bra^Vs Family. William Angustus. Frances Maud, m. Childs d. Feh. 1S.")*J. Mary Louisa. Cai-oline IJosetta. Daniel .\zro. Simon anh ami P^liza Alton Buck's Family. Lewis. Elizabeth. (Tcorge and .Mary l>uck Record's Family. Lizinia \. m. Silas Hyde. George Paine. James. Doi-cas. Caroline. BUCK HISTORY. John and Martha Buck Perrin's Family. Joseph B. Maltha Jane. Chloe Ann. John Xelsoii. William Henry. Simon. Benjamin Jr. and Charlotte Bragg Buck's Family. Caroline, b. 18-JG d. Aug. 1 LSTl. Mary, m. Burrill. Joseph and Martha Buck Bliss' Family. Mariah. Frances. Hannah Fidelia, m. I.eet <1. Nov. •JO 1869. Augusta A., b. 18-24 m. Fred ilaubiich and d. Feb. 1 1883. Eliza Ann, b. 18:S9. Rufus and Sophia Fullam Buck's Family. Alonzo, b. 1837 d. Apr. 23 1849. Benj. Clermont, b. July 12 1839 m. Lizzie . Flton Fullam, 1). Nov. 17 FS40 m. Emma North Feb. 23 l.s(i8. She b. Feb. 7 1844. Abby, b. Julv 3 1S42 m. John W . Town- send June 9 18()8. He b. Nov. 14 1S39. Dexter and Sarah Jane Davis Buck's Family. Ambrose Dextel", b. June 19 1843 m. Estella Kmogene Perkins d. Sept. 24 1899. She b. Sept. 1 184r>. Maril- la Sophronia, b. June 15 1845 m. Norman Eugene Elli- ot Perkins Nov. 18 1869. He b. Oct. 28 1841. Ethe Sarah, b. June 8 1817 m. Darwin Fiber Washburn Jan. 1 1873. He b. Oct. 31 1844. Rufus and Car(>line Buck Stearns' Family. P] iS92. Orpha, m. John Gould d. June '22 1^12. .Mil<> Sjiow, h. Auo-. 20 1«44 m. Laura (4oddard (.iddinus Mav 1 li 1SS9. Mary A., m. Gehial \V. Putnam Au^-. l;{ l.s,"s.") d. Jan. 1S94.E]. 44 years. Elhiidoe, ni. Ella Peed. — and Mai-N Buck Tueirs Faniih . « • By adoption, Lucy Dean, m. Elroy ^hattuck. lied. 1902. Washintrton and Antrfliiie C a4 d. July 7 l.sb4. BUCK HISTORY. 10 Charles G. and Soplii-onia Davis BlaiicharcFs Family. « Saimiel 1). m. I.avina Dorr. Charles C„ b. Aug. I'J 1S;^8 m. Annie Maria Simonds d. Jan. 28 1904. She d. Dee. 1908. Samuel and Aphia Sands I )a\ is' Family. Nellie, m. Chai'les Jenkins. Li/zie. Samuel, (iteoraje. (irrace. Samuel and Selemna DotoTi Weeden's Family. Lueia, d. vF. '2'2 years. Mairella, d. JE. 17 years, l^osamoml, m. N. (t. l>io\vn. Sarah. William and .Marin .Mlanl Weeden's Family. (ileoi-ge. Dana. Willaid. John M. and Marcia Davis .Icweirs Family. Marcia M., h. A|»-. '10 \X'2\ m. Mareellus Wheeler. Sarah J., h. Jan. 9 lSl!8 m. Samuel A. Washburn Dec. 7 1S4;J. Mary H., 1.. May '24 IS-i.) ni. IJ. Mareellus Amsden Oct. 80 lS4s. Frances C. b. Mar. 80 18:27 m. Daniel Ha\yley. Ilaniah C, b. May 4 l(S:i9 m. Marcel- lus Wheeler. Infant son, no name. Samuel A. and Sarah J. Washlmrn's Family. Darwin Fiber, b. Oct. 81 1844 m. Efhe 8. Buck Jan. 1 1S78. Samuel Kdward, b. May 15 1850 d. June 14 lS.-)0. Florabelle Hannah, b. Feb. 25 1855 d. Dec. 2S 18(;8. Mary Frances, b. Jan. 8 1858 m. William H. S\vit/er .Ian. 1 1S78. K. Marcellus and Mary IJ. Amsden's Family. Leon A., b. .lulv 81 1849 m. Alma R. Smalley Nov. 80 1S82. A. .Mar<'ell(», b. May 17 d. 18 1851. Charlie J., b. May 81 1S;VJ m. .Vbbie TI. Dibbell Dec. 25 1878 d. Mar. 25 1S97. .1. Herbert, b. Apr. 12 d. July 22 1854. 11 BUCK HISTORY. ^Farcia A., b. .Afav 81 1855. Edwin I.., h. Jan 10 is.'^S m. Ida M. Atwood Jan. 12 1879. Fred K., b. July i-:igo- C'hilds' H'amily. diild d. Feb. isfrj. (Teorofe A. and Annis I>. liailow's Family. Daughter, no date. Irxin Ijigene. and Mar\ liuck liurrelfs Family. Son and Dauglitei". n<» names, no dates. Beni. Clei'mont and Lizzie l>uck*s Family. oNIaude, b. A\)V. '1 isTb. Son, d. in infaney. Kllt(»n F. and i^mma \. June 19 1887. John W.and Abln" IJuck Townsend's Family. Fred Almon, b. Oct. 20 1S69 m. Jennie A. C'hamber- lin Nov. 5 1S94. Ira and Emily Buek White's Family. Herman. Herbert ()., m. Mary A. Bumrill. Josiah. Wilbur. Foster. BUCK HISTORY. 12 l*ei'lev aixl Julia Horn Davis"' F'ainilv. Cliarles. Kliza. Marv. Eniiiia. Oliver ami Kinina Tonilinsoii Daxis' Family. KiiiTiia. Annie. Jessie. Waller. K(li>;ar. ( 'harles and Nellie Davis Jenkins' Family. Helen. Samuel I), aixl Lavina D. lilancharuz/ell. Charles ('. and Atmie M. Blanehai-d's Familv. Alice Lambert. Lucien K. and .Mvra l>uck Heed's Familv. Marry. Clifl'oitl. Uaymond. Kdtjar and iMuily Ivoot Steai'ns' Family. Chailes, 1>. Sej>t. 1 v.")!'* d. May 1 7 lSf)9. Kd<»ar and i^']-aii(('s Darbv Stearns' F^'amily. Mary. h. .Mar. 10 1 sc,:} d. Oct. 7 1874. Daniel H.. 1). Jan. 1(1 1S74 m. Kat<' M . Boyd Sept. '27 1905. I-. 1 I 1S7-J d. Oct. 1 1872. Ada. b. Sept. '2'2 1^7(). (\arrie. b. June '10 1881 m. Klihu G. Luce. Ambiosc 1). an 1 Fstella Perkins Buck's F'amily. Karl Arthur, b. .Mar. 10 1871 d. May 11 1890. Ned Cai'i-ol, b. Mar. lb 1874 m. F^mon-ene S. Buck Aug. 9 1899. (iuy .\n)bi'()se, b. June 2 187() m. Vivian M. Bro<»ks Sept. s 19(i:;. Fred Eugene, b. Aug. 2 1878 m. .\nnie llatton A|.r. ;;() 190-2. She d. Oct. 29 190;L He ni. Kva r»('ll.' Hayes Nov. 22 li)Or>. Frank Wait and Floyd Dexter, b. .lune 1 1880. Frank W. d. June 4 ;innck Perkins" Family. Fred Valentine, b. Feb. 14 1uck Maish's P^amily. Hattie, b. Aug. lU 1854 m. Charles W. Jackson Sept. 10 1874 d. Jan. IS 1881. Frank, b. Jan. '27 isc.-Jd. June 14 1865. Katie, b. Nov. 20 LStio m. Alexander J. Struthers July 1^9 1898. Jubal B. and Can dace Jones Buck's Familv. Annie Elizabeth, b. June 12 1852 d. Aug. 12 1n9«".. Annis Laura, b. Feb. 2 1S54 m. .Inmes C. Huntley. Jonathan Byron, b. i'eV). 7 185(> m. Cai'i'ie Stockweil Xov. 22 1888. Twins, boy and gii-1, b. and d. 1S57. IJollin J. 1>. 1). July 14 1S59 m Eva .Mori-ow 1885. Infant bov, b, and d. ISCO, « Charles M. and .viar\ L. liuck I\eves' Famih . Mary Annis, b. Dec. 2S 18.".(; <1. Sept. 17 1S7(). Charles C. and Sai-ah M . Dow Buck's i'amilv. By ado])tion, Willard Benjamin, b. Aug. 12 1878. Abbie Dow, b. A|)i-. 18 1n7.'> m. Henry \\' . Emery Dec. 22 1897 d. Apr, 10 1901. John n. and llaniet Fletcher f^uck's Family. John Fletciier, b. Dec. IS55 d. .Mar. 1^5(1. Mary Anna, b. Jan. 27 1857 m. Spalding Evans Aug. 20 1N79. (iertrude Ellen, b. Dec. 25 ls5s d. Se|)t. 19 1859. Champlin P4etcher, b. Oct. 8 lS(;i. Harriett, b. Nov. 28 18(»8. Fannv Fletcher, b. Aiiii. 22 18(i(;m. Xalhan .M. (Mark Nov. 14 1891. Dr. H. N. and Albertine liuck Boy ISAl) m. Marv Weston Auo-. 81 1878 d. Dec. -JH 1S79. Byron (t. b. Aug. 4 1 sr)2 ui. 1st. Hattie Solger, 'id. Ida Boutwell od. . Eunice, b. Nov. '2 iSoS m. David E. I^urnham Sept. Id 1S9(I. Carroll & Carrie, b. May lb ISbO. Carroll, killed on Hail Road .Ian. -Jl I SSI. Carrie, m. lluoh White May IS 1884 'id. llarrv A. Burn- ham Oct. b iSiM',. Simon anc] Sarah Fuller Buck's Family. Warren > m. Mary .lane Damon. George, b. lS5b. Linn W ., m. .\nnie E. C^ulley .Ian. 21 1884. Wallace W. b. isr>2 <1. 1902. Mcses. Elmer and .Maria Ilussel Buck's Family. Addie, b. ISSC). Delia, b. Mar. 8b 189-2. Milo S. and Lama (t. Giddinos Buck's Familv. Leslie (xoddard, b. Apr. 21 1888. Ray Milo. b. .lune 19 I8S.-). .lohn and Orpha Buck (irould's P^amily. Annis, b. Aug. 27 lS()b. Hattie, b. Oct. 14 1867. .lehial and jV]:ir\ Ihick 1 utnnni's Family. .lulia, b. .July 17 1880. Abbie, d. Mar. 27 1905. Laura. \\'. II. II. and Adelaide Taylor Ralph's F''amily. Etta Emeline, m. Elwin A. Nichols Nov. 80 1892. Hugh Henry, m. Alice M. Wyman Dec. 10 1896. .lames C. and Charlotte Bridge Taylor's Family. Luna Mabel, b. Dec. 15 1872 d. Mar. 14 1893. Guy (^ady, b. May 81 1S7S. Emily (Gertrude, b. Sept. 4 1S84 d. Apr. 4 1S9(). 15 BLCK HISTORY. Aurelius and Lucia Wilkins Buck's Family. Carroll, Everett. Corridon. iMary. IJalph. Myra. Maggie. Harry. Nellie. Elihu and Carrie Stearns Luce's l^'aniily. Emma, b. :\[ar. 5 1899. Harold E. h. Oct. 14 UMio d. El win A. and Etta E. Kalph Nichols' Family. Ray, b. Mar. 15 1894. Alice, b. Apr. 1(> 1994, Hugh H. and Alice Wyman Ralph's Family. A son, b. Nov. 1(3 1898. Ernestine, b. Jan. IS 19U-J. Charles W. & Hattie Marsh .Jackson's I^'amilv. A dau. b. Julv 4 1875 d. Oct. Is75. .Jeanie Mitchel, b. Aug. 187(). Gustavus Marsh, b. Feb. 14 187s d. Dec. •29 I8s::3. Charles H. b. Jan. 19 l.sSld. 1881. Spalding & Mary Annie Buck Evans' Fainily Mary, b. Sept. 5 1880. (A poet ) Henrv VV". & Abbie 1). Buck F^merv's Familv. Maurice Cecil, b. Apr. 7 189s. James C. ct Annis L. Buck Iluntlev's Family. Nellie, b. Nov. 1879 m. Ralph Libby Aug. 19 190:;. Candace P^meroy, b. Aug. 1881. Jona. J^yi'on S: Carrie Stockwell Buck's F^amily. Abbie, b. Mar. 1886. N'olta Byron, b. Mav -^7 1 s99 d. Apr. 1S91. llollin J. ix ct Eva Morrow Buck's Family. a. Annie, b. 18S8. Sarah. Hollin, b. 189o. Ilut'us and Martha I>uck Pierce's F'amilv. Bufus, b. 1 S(j5. Warren and Mary J. Damon Buck's F^amily. P'annie Damon, b. 1S7S d. in N. Carolina LSSH. BUCK HISTORY. 16 Linn and Annie Tiillev Buck's Familv. A uck's Child. Maud, b. ISSC. d. 19(l'2. Walter K. and Marv Weston BuckV Chihl. Lena, b. I (ST 9. Hugh and Carrie Buck White's (niild. Gracie, b. Julv b 1S.S5 m. Gny Bryant 190:5. (tuv and (Gracie WMiite Bryant's Child. Leland, b. 19(lo. Herman and White's Family. Lucius, m. P^mma Merrill Mar. 15 1890. Lizzie. Harry. Mattie. Charles and Pollen Ordway Haskell's Child. Nettie. Hugh H. and Alice Ordway Henry's F'amily. Emma, b. June '20 1.S75. LI ugh Horatio, b. June Li 1888. Fred A. and Jennie Chamberlin Townsend's (^lild. A son, b. June 20 1908. BUCK HISTORY. It is presumed the following- were relatives of the Buck t'aniih hei-eiu described, but it beiiiii" uncertain from lack of information, it is thought best to put their names here. Thev were buried at Killino-ly, Conn. David r>uck, d. ISIU .E. 72 years. David r>uck Jr., d. Oct. '2 1799 ^E. 80 years. Aaron l>uck, d. Oct. o luck, his wife, d. Julv 1847 J£>. 74 years. Errata. Page '2 line 11 Hubbard should be IIil)bard. „ 4 Ilagget ,, „ Hackett. „ S line -25 ISSl „ „ 1880. „ 10 X. (4. Thrown „ „ Diamond Brown. George If. Buck m :id. Kate Warren ; od. Mrs. M. G. Gurney. He d. Jan. '21 1880- BUCK HISTORY. 17 Additional information obtained since foregoing was in type. Lucius Weeden's Family. Lucius \Vee, m. I41a Jane Fuller Oct. 27 18()6 and had Lusius A., b. Nov. 24 1869. Lizzie M. b. Feb. 2s 1S74. Harry J., b. Feb. 19 1879. Mattie A., b. Jan. 18 1884. Oliver Davis' F'"amily, Oliver m. Emma Tomlinson at Old Point Comfort Va Jan. 15 1852 atid ha5 1897. Jessie O. Davis m. John A. Devine June 'J\ 1898 and had Leslie Allen, b. May •_;4 1(S94. John A. Jr b. May 18 1895. Harvie Hlair, b. Mar. 12 1897. Oliver Davis, b. Oct. 18 1898. Jesse l^pshur, b. July 10 1900. Deaths. Oliver P., Feb. 20 1858. Oliver \)., July 16 1861. Lillian C, July 1868. Alice P , Aug. 26 1864. Leslie, Feb. 17 1875. Infant, Oct. 9 1876. Carl Percy, Apr. 8 1890. Oliver, Mar. 18 1902. Oli- ver L^pshur Tiller, Jan. 12 1890. Charles G. Blanchard's Familv. Charles G., b. Sept. 8 1806 m. Sophronia Davis 1882. They had Charles Cady, b. Aug. 12 1888. Samuel. D. b. Feb. 26 1888. Charles G. d. Dec. 15 1867. Charles C. m. Marie E. Jewett Mav 81 1857. She d. Nov. 28 1858. He m. Annie M. Simonds Jan. 2 1862. and had Alice Lambert, b. June 12 1867. Charles C. d. Jan. 28 1904 and Annie M. d. Dec. 12 1908. She was b. Oct. 19 1887. Samuel D. m. Lavina F. Dorr May 20 1861. She b. May 14 1837. They had Mary Alberta, b. May 29 1862 Effie Lillian, b. Feb. 18 1865. Nellie Frances, b. Apr. BUCK HISTORY. 19 15 1874. Charles Samuel and Florence Ella, b. Nov. 5 1S7(). Mary Alberta m. Samuel M. Douglass Aug. 4 1885 and had Clarence S., b. Aug. 4 1888. She d. June 19 1890. Effie Lillian m. Samuel M. Douglass Oct. 23 1898. Nellie Frances m. Harry A. Buzzell Apr. 15 1897 and had Koy Harold, b. Apr. 'I'l 1898. Frances Joseph- ine, b. Apr. '10 1900. Lillian Alberta, b. Sept. 4 1902. Deaths. P'lorence Ella, d. July 24 1877. Charles S., d. Sept. 22 1878. Simon M. Buck's Family. Simon M. m. Sarah D. Fuller Sept. 29 1852 and had Warren M., b. July 5 1853. George H., b. Nov. 2 18r,6. Lynn W., b. Jan. 18 1859. Wallace W., b. Aug. 23 1862. Moses P., b. Feb. 5 1865. Warren M. m. Mary J. Damon 1873 had Fannie, b. Mar. 1878 d. July 13 1886. George H. m. Mary Z. Tilton 1879 had Robert, b. Apr. 1881. Florence, b. May 1S,S4. Lynn W. m. Annie E 'Lulley 1884 had Helen, b. 1887. Wallace \V. m. May A. Daws 1890 had Ethel, b. Aug. 1S91. Luna, b July 1895 d. Dec. 1 ,/^. ^w:^ .^x r ^ -^^ J-^^-^ -WS^ y^o ^^^ 0^^ o r/^ V • O *> ,i>) A-, ^ :#?^^ ^' ^ . s * * ^ O » ' * - > V ^ * * ' ' '- ^"^ . < • o - >i%\ ^/ ^i&i "^Z' ^ #%": s ^ * ' ' O ^."^ ^ .\^' * fS^iC^ 0-- ll!ili;l ^il;iil;--i; :;^^nii;^^ '•v'';-'; ■■■;■:■;' ::-:l:'.:v •* ■ :t'. C 0^ Jj IS ^-o^^: » A ^ r?- ^' -M^:- ;vX t* <, O DOBBSBROS. '^ * .0-^. - ^} {> "^ LIIRARY BINDINO ^ ^ ' . F C "? 8 '* A^^ *^