LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDD173b34b jsy- .i'*^

■^ * » « ' ^4J,^ ^^°^ > '^^ ■-b V-' .0^. <.5°-^ ,-.. V Q H 9 ^ ^,^. .O^ ^°-^^ ■■/<. c- _-^ ^x. .-3 "^5 V "o>'^ ^OV^ ^ %,^' vO' :," -P. >0^ .3 ^<> .^'"'^. '\,-^^' ,C^ A -Crisis Cliaplw on GoYeri]iiiciit. y We -arc 111 thv* mulst of ont^ of thos« awful rnses, wlieo vindio- tivenoss. calJoJ "civil ^'mei-iiiuont,' -stiiiids aakcdi^ revealed, so tliat all who have eyes cjin phiinly *.;>c tii« ijorrihlo jiionster. • Nt»v"s the-tihie to toil the tnitli— the'w/* ,fe £<--/A— and " shame tlia devil." Now's Llie tiiSe t.o*bi-ike aa effuclnal blow fur rea/ freidnm, Gov'w 11 meats are trimnpUanfc moiiopones of luurck'r, robbery, swiridliui^-, axid all that is atrocious and detestable. Ever since the beg.iiuiiiig, they liave forced maiikiad to kilt <»r prejiare and hold tiieiuseVvcii iji readiness to kill each otlier by thuusarids and even inillions at a time, and by the cruelest iiiui uiost destructive means that spite can devise. All the so-called religions the world has j-et " er per kneed"" have solemnly declared that " Almij^hty <:;!<)d '' upljolds these £:overu- nients, all the moralists tliat have had any practical influence havo sanclioned that dt^'c{aration,a:id all the idSdcls and {uditical ecouo- mists h?ve f^aid Amen: soir.e of the iniidels nsosfc Hbelously sub- stituting the word " Nat(jre" — their miserably narrow comproluiii- sion of it--for "Almighty (iod." Whenever one of these governments gets conquered and over- thrown by another of them, or by internal revolution, (events that often ha|ipcn), "Almighty Ciod," tlie moralists, the infidels, and the liolitieal economists turn dead against the fallen government. Whenever rebellionists murder, ami steal, and devastate so magnin- cently that the police cannot put them down, they therebyl^aia "belligerent rights;" their murdering, robbing, (tc, U.i,>ervn>i(," whilst reimprisoning at hami'nering stone, about a hundred escaped convicts, whose "crimes did nol average tho ilamage of .$2M ! In demagogueries, the great brigands have to bo s.atcd with jd under every year; at farthest, every four years, la monarcliies, tiiey are only sated once in a life time. The legislature of a single State in the "JNIodel" Dema;roguery perjieiraU'd more and viler corruption in the year of grace " fses," , than did the most tyrannical monarchy in tiie world. But in spite of the murderers, and robbers, and swindlers, and imiiostors. and quacks that goveru mankind, liberty has gained «9;//e grouml, through tliose only possible iiberators, the i-ccvHsts avd firtis'x. It is now manifest destiny that tiiese will iinally rule the worhl; and then, freedom will bearm'ili/. It cannot be long before ;>,w«;< government runs tlie lengll: of 'ils t(;ther. Unless it bioi»s in ivs course, sucli hells as tiie peoiilo of the United States Iiope tiieyhave just got f.h:-ough the hotest of, (Mav 5, " 18U5,'") will come in such quick succession (hat no one will be at all pru- dent in guessing " it won't come in my day." The reins of power will then spontaneously fall into the hands of llnisc' who will abolish all viiulictivcuess and constraint; mankind will ihni be as I— (o Cs (o freeas the planets in tlieir orbits; " Heaven " \vi!I be realized (n» eartii; tlK earth itself will be physically ehaiiG;od so as to iiieel, the case, and all thi'throuo-h material development; throuyb science and art — the same that has o-iven ua the steandxjat anil tlie raili'oad^ The o-reat car of progress speeds on. Noiselessly but it will raieh its destination. Wealth will then be \n- comparably more valuable than it now is, thousands of times n|or(^ . .plenty, anil perfectly secure to its individiird owners. Machinery will do all labor that is repulsive, and be owned in shaves, by the Universal Mutual Guarantee Co. "The I'eople" will dwell its l)alaees, splendid as the faith-built " mansions in the skies." A'/- the women will be enehantingdy beautiful, all the men faultless, all .the children ?•<■«; ansyels. Love will be free and lunversally reci])- rocal, "virtue" and "vice" obsolete, all constraint banished, everybody completely happy. Between desire and its object, there will intervene only the exertioa requisite to impart due pleasurableness to possession. Life will last till all clearly \nm-j; inable varieties of deliiiht pall on the five senses from repetition. Sickness will be unknown. Death itself will be only a welcome, painless transit to everlasting forgetful ness. All this is clearly preconceived, and therefore must necessarily take place. For thought is not absolute, but relative. The im- possible, self evidently' cannot be conceived, even prospectively. Mentality does not transced materiality, but functionally depenils on it, objectively and subjectively. Perfection — " Heaven "—is preconceived even by common intellectual faculties; though mis- takenly, in toto, as to method. Perfection, therefore, will, self- evidenily, be realized. Nature — all which to or in man exists — \3 not, fixedly, a mere half and half of good and evil. Nature is "God," and will prove all-sufficient. Hark ye, my felhnv-citizens of the United States. You seem ■wholly intent on having another patch u]) of old government schenies and devices. That patch up won't last fifty years; then, or probably much sooner, you'll have a civii war, a great deal worse than the present one;' it will be felt both North and South. Do voir think it was the enslavement of the Negro that caused thi.s war '^ Pshaw 1 It in the enn/aueiw.nt of hniann va/.nre that //"< c.maed all the war that haa ever taken, p'a e! And human nature can't be conquered ; she is backed up, slowly but surely, by A'/nnfhfi/ l'(^'ivr; by the force of all cognizable existence, mar- shalled by Airr. STUBBORN QUESTIONS. 1. How much deeper in war debt has the detestable Monarchy of Ensland nm in a thousand years, than the "Model llciniblic " has in less than a century? Professor Lewis says our war debt is not over .$3,00i">,0()0,()t) ); but he don't reckon the state, county, city, town, and even village war debt. 2. Wouldn't it be perfectly true to call every "eledion" a Game of Caucus and Ballot Box — aGrand llatUe for the Public Treasury — a Stupendous Swindle? Are not the I'eople the mere cards of tin! politicians, in playing that game? Do they any more than decide for this or that spoil distributor, between wliotn the odds is merely the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee? ;S. If the State Capitol at Albany and the State Prison at Sing Sing had changed inmates in "186.5," wouldn t a great act of justice have been done? and wouldn't the "dear pco)>le" have gained immensely thereby? ami might not this (piesMon have been fairly raised wirh respect to the iiiciunbenis of the Federal Capitol any time since the commencement of Andrew Jackson's administration ? 4. Were the " angles" who sang "peace on earth and good will to men" "heavenly angels' or masked imps of" Hell," '•■ily iift the tree In/ itx frn'U? h. How much moi-e honorable is war (except war absolutely necessary in defence of jnost important rights) than assassination? How much more honorable is it to compel, or entice {generally bn f.,nna and intorjcailm,) pcac^ b-ird iind starve women and children by tlumsaniLs, tiiau to eree|>. ^«ver so stealthily, behind your sin-le enemy, and stab on'u Imn \n ^ the back-' What s the dillVvenee between eowanhee and the diltcr- 's.. ence between our treatment of seeessionists and State prisoners? "^ We are educated, and habituated to consider the most cruel and o* cowardly assassination as "honorable war !" and to submit to the most expensive and abominable oppression that can be imposed, X because that oppression is magically surrounded with a make- ^^ believe of freedom. i <• ii , Disdainful of Monarchies, the Great T^epublic syc .phantically ape" their relii>-ion, their law, their moralism. She even emulates ■ their cowardice, in knuckling to cicucro'^ in crime, whilst suvagely torturino- and hanging comparative volh'vr, .v/.s in crime. _ Abolish this horrid injustice; take the lead in delivering man kind fron. the relin-ious, political and m<,rnl. "Hell" in which they have always been tormented, and be the phr;/ <■/ Ih^ n:tuw.><, whd-t e.nih and 'Lin endnrp. By " whorawing." and calling onrselves a great people and all tiiat sort of thing, over such gross injustice, we are but preparing a volcano more dreadful than the one that lias just spent its worst fury, fi'f/ht >,s mii/hti/ avd wW. prem!.'. The distinction'that is made between scoundrels nvdar the law and scoundrels ovn- the law; between >' t-rhniunW' &niX off.n>^ve "»wr»-iorx " slaps justice full in the face, and kicks right, and honor, and mercy, and truth, clean out of court, and stinks most abomin- ably of cowardice. ■ Let us pardon .\r.L scoundrels, br/h^iuvr! with the henroost bur- olars and proceeding thence to pard(m the Secessionists oi ei-ery l,,f,d^ and then even those scoundrels at the very bottom of the pit of scoundrelism— the i-TTLRr.Y coaaui-r, i/iuby anointed legis- L\TORS. Then, let us have a new order of things ; a really NEW CONSTITUTION. \aTiCLF, I —All constraint shall be abolished ; every man. woman and child shall be fully developed or perfected, and be so situated as to do exactly as they please. _ ,v • .. . Vrtulk II— Con"-ress shall make an appropriation suihcient to rear every child born in the United States, in the best manner thatMATEiiTAL SCIENCE AM) ART _can_ devisc, aud similarly provide for tne mothers, during their lying-in. Article III.— Supernaturalism ; all that pretends to go t)cyond or 'exceed the powers or laws of nature, is henceforth and forever excluded from the domain of government. ■ There Fellow Citizens, that's just what's got to be done, and there wi'll only be worse and worse " Hell to pay " till it is d'.ne. Till just this 'is done, mankind will be worse and worse tormented by the reli"-ious political, and moral quacks, who screen themselves behind " jTivine Providence," aii:l teach and hdi'taate us to wor- ship a personification of their own unsurpassable loolishness and villainy, as " Mmighty God." "I accept this war as the providence of (xod, says Hardee, Secesh General and 1). I)., as reported by the N. Y. Herald. Nearly all the Union Generals and D. D.s agree with bnint Uanhe on this tremnidou^ point. But just tlnnk of it; just try to tim.k that any real "God" couldn t or wonldn t do what " He' wanted to do except by means of big guns and little guns and gut-inuuduu-s and bralnsplitters, and Libby prison horrors, and bhodAii. and honutii j>i7inrr>', and widows and orphans made by the hundred thousand, and a million or so of murders, including that of I resident Lincoln and more than live billion dollars otiier damage. Why, men can do things in /hat way, and the foolishest and wickedest men have done just exactly that. WMiat's the use of "Hun ?' If the thoolo'^y of General Saint Hardee and his brother tlieolo- o-ians in the States north of Dixie be true, isn't it the rankest bla.s- phemy to oiler those big rewards for Jeff Davis & Co., and call them n,'n-derer. m,d fugitives from ja>-tice ? Haven't they up to the ■ time of their hegira, acted andcr the " provuknce of God^ What 4 if JcffjinJ his eoITeng-nes sfumfd olfcr to sifrrfrnTi r.. {rrnf (irrv Sf.iid '>« ti'id'vcc apdi'int Iheir pihicipii', on condilion of beino- let ciV? What would Secrelrtiy Sainton, Oencrul lliirilce, and our othor civi! and miiitaiy d<;elur.-i of divinity do ia such a case? .In "Onrr.s" name, what vh''/ they do ? Tlierc f I've sj>olu'n the bold truth, and I'll bet it v.•^U " sham<> the devil " and a jjood maoy of his imps; that " devil,*' the only "devil" that ever wag or can be — Iii'uor.mce; alias M.stery; alias FooHsiiness ; he is '-ne of the tw ftxeijt O.nn'presenfs wh.' )iv(' on balderdash and have vhcJF thrones in the realms of iionsenKe; and his iii}j>s, a{! (jf them wiio instif^ate -Any harm worth notieini^. are the parsnis, poliijeians, and moralists. Tivcse mi.-erablc ivretches are chai-L;-e;d)le with all the woe raaidiind have ever endured. 1 wouMu't have a ihonsand billionth- (lait of their guilt re^tiri;^ on me, for all the gold in the universe. CALVIN BLAKCIIARD, A.v.N'oiT.vcBR OP TFiE TJi'r.rcroN of SfiKNeE, I'rokkssok ov Uf.i.tgio- PoLiiieAL Pmsics, Ex:'<>.-*rr'>:i of t;ik S'rATres and ])yN.\Mics of (4or> Ai.Miurrrv, Advocate kor rij": C'oNSTirirnoN m \>iiKi:sT ix IIcman Na- tii:r, ANO llEAr- Mkmh!;[: ITuMDC'G, Asi> Failurk, jSIo. 2J Ax.s SiuiiKT, N'ew Yo:ik, JIav 5, 1805, VucG.^a EuA. PARTICfTL/R NOTICE. I, the snid CALVIN IJi. \ XCIIAIM). publish that "greatest worlc ever written- :— THE IM-^iTIVI': 1M11L()S!)!'I1 Y OK AUCUS'iM': fJfJiMTE. As it is nearly, out of priiit, am\ I shall not reprint it, i have raised the price to "§5-"'^- ^ ^I'so {>ublish !^TRAU^S LIFE OF JESUS, two inrice octav(» voUinoes, $7.00. FEUEIIBACH'S ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY, the most able materialistie work that can be,f §-2.00. GllKGCJS CREED OF CHRHTENlX^iM ; Its FoDNOATioNs and SrrKi;«Tr.ueTfUE. The most er cover, 87 cents. Onite as radical a^ 'Torn Paine." VOLNEY S NEW' RE- SEARCHES ON ANt^IE.NT HISTORY, .«;:J.50. The stereotype plates of the five 1as1 inentiuneil books are unfo:-tnnately destr-iyed; so the price of those bo')ks will not be less, arid ma}' be more; some of them you will not fj(»t at all. unless you burrv ti]). VOLNEYS RUINS. W) cents; and TIK)MAS PAINF/S LIFE AND WORKS, two lar';e volumes, .^CJ.OO. constantly on hand. If you send for any of the I'oreL^oin^ books by mail, please ren)it 10 per cent, addiiional for po.-lac^e. I also publish several oilier hookx very dlffWenl from those jut vamcd. Y'ou «;an "ct thein by mail, " O. K.," or \)y express, " C. O. D.,"' or at my odice. Send your address, on a stan)ped envelope, and I will send you a Catalogue, with full particulars. * Except two. that I will neither name nor fell why. ■f The American pai-sons, both civil, military, and ecclesiastical, have declared that "(Jod " was on .'lo'h xldex during the Secesh war. The Chief Priest, or President at the North, claimed and invoked "Him" on all occasions, and so did the Chief Priest or President of the South, and both wei'e perfectly/ cmmstfut ; for the jiarsons' "God" is. as Feuerbach has so cleverly .shown in his " EssK.voE •»• Cnr.isiiAvrrv," a m.ike-up of human imi)erfecL:ons. and the Avorst of them at that. IJuL this "(unl" always i^ives Jinal victory to Ihe party tiiat the most edV'ctive means of human slaughter. That party liappens to bi; the least f;uiltyof the two in the Secesh war, and so JefV Davis has gone to make the best terms he can with the "Devil," Jlay 14. — Jeff, and his fellows are captured; oh! what a shameful misfortmie ! Wp shall now have to pay thosa big rewanis, and kneel in the very dust to tran- scendent crime. Hang Jeff. ? He'll sooner be IVesiOcut of the "Model Republic." Look at LEE! t • o \ ^> V *!^ l,*o V?;^. .-(J. ♦* vO-' o.

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