t INSCRIPTIONS UN THE TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS IN THE GRAVE YARDS WHIPPANY AND HANOVER, .VIOKRIS COIJNTV, N. J 189-4. INSCRIPTIONS UN THE TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS IN THU QRAVE YARDS WHIPPANY AND HANOVER, MORRIS County, N. J. 1894. VV- 9^ Note. — The first church erected in Morris County, N. J., was at Whippany, and in the ground about it the earliest settlers of this region were buried. The church was afterwards removed to Hanover, about three miles to the eastward, and subsequently burials were made both at Whippany and ai\)und the new church. Genealogists who have traced the families here represented, have had frequent occasion to search for and copy inscriptions on the grave stones found in these cemeteries. To preserve these records from destruction exact copies have been taken, and to make them convenient for examination this pamphlet has been printed. As far as possible, eccenti-icities of spelling, &c., have been carefully preserved. William OgdIjn Wheeler, March 1st, 1894. Edmund D. Halsey. 7- WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. Allen.— Albert Allen Died Oct. 5th, 1855 Aged 47 years. How quick and sudden was his flight, To yonder worlds unknown, But God doth what is just & right. Though friends are left to mourn. Allen.— John L. Son of Albert & Sarah E. Allen, died June 19, 1857, aged 9 years. Allen.— Went home— July 17, 1876 Melvie Stiles Infant son of A L. & J. C. Allen Aged 14 months. Baker. — In Memory of Albert A. Baker who died March 4, 1851 aged 47 years 11 mos. & 21 days. Also David K. son of Capt. Stephen & Julia Baker Died Dec. 28, 1826, aged 19 years 5 mos. & 5 days- Baker. — In memory of James Baker who died Aug. 7tL 1856 aged 27 years 4 months and 16 days. He has gone to rest. Baldwin. — Martain Son of Obadiah & Susannah Baldwin, Aged 3 years & 3 mo. Dec'd Aug. ye 6 1742. Bates. — Sacred to the memory of Capt. David Bates who died Sept. 7th 1820 Aged 95 Years. Bates.— In memory of Mary Dodd wife of Capt. William Bates who died Jan. '27th 1823 In the 46tli Year of her age. She was the orphans friend, And the poor mans blessing. Bates.— In memory of Phebe Wife of Capt. David Bates, who De- parted this hie March 7th 1803 in the 63d Year of her Age. Bates. — In memory of Capt William Bates who died June 3rd 1841 in the 70th year of his age. In life he was highly respected, In death he was truly lamented. Beach.— Catharine Beach. Died July 1847 In the 74th year of her age. '4 WHIPPANY GRAVE YAED. Begun.— Mary Wife of Elias Begun Died March 14, 1864. In her 74th year. Dear Mother though thy head is laid, Beneath the earths cold sod Full well I know thy spirit Pure Is dwelling with thy God. And often in the silent night, A vision bright I see ; Of my Mothers white robed spirit That pleads in Heaven for me. Begun. — In memory of Thomas Potter son of Elias & Mary Begun who died March 2nd 1826, aged one year 2 months & 10 days. This lovely bud so young and fair Call'd hence by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom. Benjamin. — Edward P. Benjamin Feb. 27, 1855, Sept. 16, 1883. " Beloved on earth though gone thou still livest in memory." BigloW. — Here lyes ye Body of Abigail wife of John Biglow Deed Jan'y ye 5 1754. Aged 63 years. Biglow. — Here lyes ye Body of John Biglow Aged 54 years. Dec'd Octr ye 25th 1733. Bleythlng. — Edmund Langstroth Bleything Born Oct. 18, 1811, Died March 4, 1875. Bleything. — In Memory of Emily Eugenie daughter of Joseph and Phoebe Bleything who died April llth 1827, Aged 1 Year 3 months and 6 days. Ah little sojourner below, O why from hence so quickly gone ; Say, is this world so full of wo That thou should'st quit thine earthly home. Alas how changed this lovely flowei', Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we are called to part. Bliything.— Georgie L. son of William H. & Eleanor J. Blything. Born June 20, 1873, Died Oct. 14, 1874. Bleything. — In memory of Jonathan Hughes son of Joseph and Mary Bleything; who departed this life May 26th 1827 in the 21st Year of his Age. Ye fleeting charms of earth farewell. Your springs of joy are dry ; My soul now seeks another home, A brighter world on high. WHIPPANY GKAVE YAED. 3 Farewell ye friends whose tender care, IJas long engaged my love; Your fond embrace I now exchange, For better friends above. Bleything.— In Memory af Joseph Bley thing who died May 12th 184^. Aged 58 years Have faith in God. Bleything.— Mary Ward Daughter of Capt. Timothy and Mary Ward Tuttle. And wife of Edmund L. Bleything Born July 25, 1804, Died April 20, 1882. " I sleep but my heart waketh." Bleything.— Sacred to the Memory of Mary Bleything Wife of Joseph Bleything ; who departed this life Feb'ry 24th 1822. Aged 34 Years and 10 months Soon shall the great archangels voice Make all that die in Christ rejoice ; May we like her be found prepar'd, To meet our Saviours great reward. Bleything.— In Memory of Phoebe Tuttle the wife of Joseph Bley- thing who died Dee. 22nd 1843, Aged 54 years. " Be ye also ready." Bleything.— Sarah M. daughter of Joseph & Mary Bleything. died Aug. 24, 1854. In her 37th year. " She sleeps where Jesus slept before." Bleything. — William H. Bleything Born August 31st 1809. Died October 11th 1836. Bleything.— Wm. H. Bleything Born Jan. 5, 1837 Died Feb. 21 1880 BLEYTHING. Bollen. — Here Lyes ye Body of Mary wife of John Bollen Aged 33 years Dec'd Sep'r ye 20th 1759 and Abraham Son of John & Mary Bollen Aged 10 mo. : Dec'd : Sep'r : ye 20th 1759. Buckman.— Benjamin E Died Feb. 28th 1857. aged 7 years 8 months & 4 days Also Francis G. died March 2d, 1857, aged 3 years 1 month & 2 days, sons of Frederick E & Caroline C. Buckman. Alas how changed these lovely flowers, Which bloomed and cheered our hearts ; Fair fleeting comforts of an hour. How soon we're called to j^art. Buckman. — Emma Daughter of Frederick & Francis Buckman Died March 1, 1864. Aged 1 year 4 mo. Buckman. — Francis C, wife of Frederick E. Buckman Died Feb. 14, 1875 Aged 52 years. Burke. - Edward Burke Born September 29 1796. Died March 28, 1876. Avaline Hopping His wife Born Nov 22, 1806 Died April 17 1885. 4 WHIPPANT GEAVE YARD. Burnet. — In memory of Aavon son of Lindsly and Elizabeth Burnet, who died Augus't 27 1783 in the lO year of his age Burnet. — In Memory of Elizabeth H. Burnet, wife of Lindsley Burnet, who died Aug. 18, 1824. Aged 80 Years 7 Months & 10 Days. Burnet — Here Lies The Body of Hannah Daughter of lindsly & Elizabeth Burnet who Died May ye22 1777 in ye 15th month of her Age. Burnet.— Job B. Burnet April 27, 1791 Nov. 9, 1800. His wife Mary Hedges, May 1, 1795, April 14, 1845. Keron H. 1830, 9 months. BURNET. Burnet. — In Memory of Lindsley Burnet who died Jan. 8, 1818, Aged 71 Years 'l Month & 11 Days. Burnet. — In memory of Luas son of Lindsly and Elizabeth Bur' net, who died June 16 1788 aged 5 years and 1 day. Burnet. — Sacred to the memory of Mary Burnet wife of Matthias Burnet Esqr who departed this life December 22nd 1782 aged 59 years 6 mo. & 19 days. In thy fair book of life divine My God inscribe my name Tbere let it fill some humble Place Benath the slaughter'd lamb. Burnet.— In Memory of Matthias Burnet who died May 27th 1811 Aged 62 years & 44 days. Beneath this r^ound a father lies, Who once possess'd pai-ental ties ; These ties are now dissolv'd you see The immortal spirit is set free. Burnet. — Sacred to the memory of Matthias Burnet Esq. who de- parted this life Oct. 17th 1783 aged 60 years 5 mo. & 4 days. The Glorious God thou didst love and fear And to his Sacred Word adhere Faithful in thy Saviours cause was ever seen In church and state a Useful member een. Then sleep thy dust beneath this earthy clod Thy flesh shall see its Saviour God When the bright morning shall appear And thus thy saviours Image bear. Burnet. — In Memory of Phebe Brookfield, wife of Matthias Burnet who departed this life Dec'r 10th 1828 ; in the 79th year of her age. Almost four score I've liv'd on Earth Alas ! how short back to my birth ; Children & friends prepare for death You must ere long resign your breath. I've lov'd & sought your earthly good WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. And led you to the house of God ; •Live prudend, virtuous, pious lives And join your friends above the skies. (14) Burnet. — In memory of Phinihas son of Liudsly and Elizabeth Burnet who died May 4iu 1783 in the 11th year of his age_ Burnet. — Sacred to the memory of Sarah Burnet daughter of Mat- thi is & Phebe Burnet — who died January 27th 1791 Aged 18 Years 11 Mo & 23 days. Bushnell. — Sarah Louise daughter of Rev. VVm. Bushnell died Nov. 18 A, D. 1835 aged 2 years and 6 months. Camp Edgar M. son of Matthias B. & Charlotte Camp Died May 22nd, 1846 aged 8 years 2 months & 4 days. Camp (see also Harrison). — Also Matthias B. Camp, Died March 32, 1838 Aged 25 Years. Canfi3ld. — S. H. Congar in a letter to John R. Burnet 12 March 1850 says, " In VVhippany on the bank of the rivei', broken down & sunken in the Sod I discovered the nearly obliterated headstone of John Canfield aged 64. died Aug. 5, 1741. This was wanting to connect the Canfields of the present with those of 1690 and its existence was unknown though tradition buried him at VVhippany. This is the John who had dealings with Caleb Ball. His son John is said to have been the first white male child born west of Newark mountains. His sou Matthew was father of R. B. Campfield Esq now in his 81 year." Charles, (see also Kelso) — Sarah K. Charles. Daughter of Robert & Puah Kelso, & Relict of Andrew Charles, Merchant of Charleston. An affectionate and Dutiful wife, A tender Mother, A steadfast Friend, and an exemplary Christian. She departed this life on the 28 Feb'y 1831 in the 61 year of her age. In full hope of that glorious immortality, which await the devout and humble Christian. Clarke. —Here Lyes ve Body of Daniel Clarke Dec'd Nov. ye 19 17-i8 Aged 64 ye'ars. Clarke.— Here Lies ye Body of Marcey Wife of Daniel Clarke Dec'd Aug't ye 8th 1738 in ye 63d year of her Age. Clark. — Sacred to the memory of Peter Cochran Clark, a native of Hancock Newhampshire : who departed this life Jan'y the 10th 1825, aged 25 years. So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail smileing solace of an hour. So soon our transient comforts fly And pleasure only blooms to die. Clark (?)— (Next to Peter C. Clark is broken stone) aged 23 years 29 days. 6 WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. Affliction sore long time she bore, Physicians aid was vain ; Till God was pleased death should her seize, And ease her of her pain. Clark. — Sarah Dau. of Thomas & Sarah Clark. Aged 3 vears 6 mo. Dec'd Sept ye 26 1731. Condit. — In Memory of David Condit who died July 27th 1837 Aged 34 years & 11 months. Condit. — Linus Condit Died Feb 23rd 1854 aged 87 years 2 months cSr 15 days. Condit. — In Memory of Sarah wife of Linus Condit who departed this life on the 18th of February 1845 Aged 78 years 3 months and 18 days. At length its jBinished ! yes, the conflicts o'er. And pain and sorrow shall molest no more ; blissful state ! where joys that never end. Reward the tender Mother, dearest friend. Self love be silent — dare not to complain, Compai'e your loss with her eternal gain. Cook. — Adolphus Burnet son of Timothy & Celinda Cook, died Dec 6th 1857, aged 10 years 4 mo. & 4 days. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time When what we now deplore ; Shall rise in full immortal prime. And bloom to fade no more. Cook. — Our Brother. Alexander Cook Died April 5, 1846. Aged 39 years 1 mo. and 12 days. Cook.— Anna Kibbler wife of Willard Cook Died May 2, 1875. In the 63 year of her age. There is rest in heaven. Cook.— Ira W. Cook Born Dec, 25. 1312, Died Nov. 25, 1867. " He giveth his beloved sleep." Cook. — Irena Celinda Daughter of Timothy & Celinda Cook, Died April 29, 1861, A 5 yrs 2 mo. & I day. A bud not yet a flower Torn in its sweetness, from the parent stem, The Saviour called her to her soft repose As frost in springtime, blights the early rose. Cook.— Mary Wife of Ralph B. Cook Died Feb. 25, 1885. Aged 78 years 8 mo's & 13 days. " Asleep in Jesus.' Blessed sleep." Cook. — Ralph B. Cook Died Sept. 5, 1875 Aged 67 years, 4 mo's. & 1 day. "He is not dead but sleepeth." Cooper.— David Cooper Born April 2, 1809, Died Feb. 17, 1882. Cooper. — Our parents Stephen Cooper Died Nov. 59th 1855 aged 84 years 9 months & 15 days. x\lso Elizabeth his wife Died Sept. 18th 1843 agd 68 years 6 months & 27 days. WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. 7 do not weep and greive for us • You know we must go home ; We was upon a visit here, And now we must return. Corey.— Caleb A, Corey, Died March 19, 1866 Aged 41 years 2 mo. & 20 days. Corey. — In Memory of David Corey who died July 14, 1811 Aged 64 Years. My flesh shall slumber in the ground. Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviours image rise. Corey. — Sacred to the memory of Phebe, widow of David Corey ; who departed this life January 7th 1830. Aged 79 Years. Her mind was tranquil and serene, No terrors in her looks were seen ; Her Saviours smile dispell'd the gloom. And smooth'd her passage to the tomb. Cubby. — Frances C. Daughter of Richard & Sarah Cubby Died Feb. 18, 1868, aged 13 mo. & 2 days. Then fare theewell a little while. Life's troubled dream is past ; And I shall meet with thee my Child. In Rfe — in bliss, at last. Cubby. — Margaret J. Daughter of Richard & Sai-ah Cubby. Died May 25, 1867 aged 4 years & 9 mo. Calm on the bosom of thy God, Young spirit rest thee now : Even while with us thy footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. Craine. — Asai Son of Edmaund & Abigail Craine Aged 5 months & 14 Ds Dec d Nov'r ye 18 1737. Crane. — Here Lyes ye Body of Elizabeth Wife of Amos Crane Dec'd Sep't ye 1st 1736 Aged 19 years & 12 D's Crane.— Here Lyes ve Body of John Crane Aged About 68 years Dec'd Feb'ry ye 22th 1738/9 Here from all earthly joys I'm flead Into the mansion s of the Dead Prepare thou Reader for you most Like me be turned into Dust. Crane. — Here Lyes ye Body of Mary Wife of John Crane Dec'd Sep't ye 10th 1741 in ye 68th year of her Age. Crane.— Ste'n Crane Age 24 1732. Crane Here Lyes the Body of Stephen Crane Who died May 30th Ano Do 1 732 Aged 23"year 9 monts A 11 Days. g WHIPPANY GRAVE TABD. Daily.— Ferdinand Daily Died April 5, 1890. Aged 32 years. (■Emma L. Died May 24, 1875. Dressel. < Elizabeth Died Nov. 14, 1878. (. Children of Leonard & Jane Dressel. Qpew. — Patience daughter of Job & Harriet Drew : died July 31 1852, aged 2 years & 6 mo. Alas ; how changed that lovely flower, Which bloomed and cheered my heart, Fair fleeting comfort of an hour. How soon we are called to part. Earl.— Willis F, Son of James M. & Phebe C. Earl Born May 12, 1879 Died April 16, 1881. Evans. — Perninah. wife of Daniel Evans, Died March 22nd 1852. Aged 44 years. Dearest Mother thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Also Mary Jane, Daughter of Daniel & Perninah Evens, Died Feb. 25th 1852 ; In the 10th year of her age. Short was thy race. And swift thy flight ; From this vain world. To bliss and light. Fable. — Benjamin F. Son of George & Jane Fable. Died Dec. 20th 1849, aged 1 year & 1 day. I take these little lambs said be And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in me In me be ever blest. Fable. — William Mason son of George & Jane Fable. Died May 8, 1855, aged 20 Years 3 Months and 5 days. Why do we mourn for dying friends, Or shake at death's alarms? 'Tis but the voice that Jesu^ sends, To call them to his arms. Fairchild. — In Memory of Abraham Fairchild, who died July 4th, 1843 In the 90th Year of his age. Fairchild.— Adele Wife of James C Fairchild, Died Feb. 2nd, 1882, Aged 27 Years 3 mo. and 2 davs. f John Fairchild Died May 9, 1863. Aged 82 years J. . , ., , and 14 davs. hairchlld. -, -^ucy Fairchild His Wife Died May 7, 1863 Aged i^ 84 years 1, mo. and 22 days. Fairchild. — In Memory of Lent W. Son of Abraham & Phebe Fair- child, who died Jan. 6th 1786 aged 1 year 5 mo. & 16 days. WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD, 9 Sleep dearest babe, And take they peaceful rest ; Thy God bath called thee, He thought it best. Fairchild.— May, Daughter of James C. & Adele 0. Fairchild Died July 17, 1882 Aged 3 yr's 2 mo. & 16 davs. Fairchild.— In Memory of Phebe widow of Abraham Fairchild who died Nov. 24th 1846. In the 88th Year of her ao-e Fairchild i Solomon Fairchild Died April 24, 1863, Aged 79 Years. ■ ( Margaret His Wife Died Aug. 4, 1856, Aged 67 Years. Farry.— Our Mother Mary Farry Died June 27, 1865, In her 74th year. Farry.— Michael Fany Died Sep. 2:i, 1862 Aged 64 years. Ford.— Catharine M Ford Born May 8, 1861 Died Dec. 10, 1862. Ford. -Amanda E.Ford, Born Nov. 29, 1858. Died Sept. 28,1885. Ford. — Our Father William K. Ford Died Oct. 5, 1879, Aged 62 years. Gardner. — Ezekiel Son of Samuel & Zeruiah Gardner. Aged 6 years & 11 mo. Gardner. — Here lyes ye Body of Samuel Gardner Aged 31 years 2 mo. who Died May ye 8th 1751. Genung.— Here Lyes ye Bodv of Deziar wife of Jeremiah Genung Aged 37 years Dec'd Sept. ye 27th 1741. Gildersleeve. — In memory of Phebe Gildersleeve who died Dec. 4th 1848. In the 71st Year of her age. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, yea, saith the spirit, for they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them". Gray. — In Memory of Charles A, Gray Son of Jacob & Phebe Gray, who died Feb'rv 23d 1802. Aged 1 Year 11 Months & 22 Days. Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. Gray. — Sacred to the Memory of Isaac Gray Son of Joseph & Han- nah Gray Who Died July 29th 1794."'Aged 3 Weeks & Days Happy the babe who privileg'd by faite To shorter labour and a lighter weight, Recv'd but yesterday the gift of brea'th Order'd tomorrow to return to death. Gray Monument. ^ — In memory of Jacob Gray who departed this life Oct. 25th ] 828 in the 7uth year of his Age I know Lord that thy judgments are right; and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. Psalms 119-75. v. Narcissa Born 1794, Died 1802. Charles A. Born 1800, Died 1802. Children of Jacob & Phebe Gray. 10 WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. mat^nifv the Lord with me and let us exalt his name too-e- thei- Psalm 34th 3 v. 1 nought the Lord, and ho heard nit', and delivered me from all my fears. 4th v. In memory of Phebe wife of Jacob Gray Born Nov. 27, 1775, Died April 14. 1843 " Sho is not dead but sleepeth". Greenwood. — John Greenwood Died April 4th 1848, in the 24th year of bis age. Gray. — In Memory of Narcissa Gray. Dau'r Jacob & Phebe Gray, who died Feb'ry 15th 1802 Aged 8 Years 2 Months & 15 Days. Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not wbat a day may bring forth. Gray. — Sacred to the Memory of Philip A. Gray, son of Joseph & Hannah Gray Who Died Nuv'r 20th 1793. Aged 1 Year 8 Months & 11 Days. Tis God that lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the Grave ; He gives, and blessed he his name. He takes but what he gave. Halliday. — David son of Robert & Sarah Halliday Died xMay 26, 1852 aged 20 years & 10 months. Hallidy. — In Memory of David Hallidy A native of Ireland who died May 18th 1856 Aged 52 years & 1 month. When living beloved In death lamented. Hallidy — James Died Sept. 23rd, 1853 aged 7 years. Also Eliza Ann Died Sept. 30th, 1853 aged 1 year 3 mo & 14 days. Children of David & Mary Ann Hallidy. Hansen. — James H. Hansen Born in Skien Norway Sept. 22, 1816. Died August 4, 1878. HANSEN. Hallor. — In Memory of Charles Hallor. A native of Saxony who died March 1st 1873 Aged 45 years. " May he rest in peace." Harrison. — In Memory of Emillia M. A. wife of John Harrison, & daughter of Samuel & Mary Camp. Died Jan. 30, 1837, In the 22nd Year of her age. Weep not for her, she is an Angel now. Also Matthias B. Camp. Died March 22, 1838 Aged 25 Years. Hayward. — Here lyes ve Body of James Hayward Dee'd Nov'r ye 5th 1732 In ye 52d year of bis Age. Heavens. — In Memory of John son of Jeremiah & Polly Heavens He Died Augst 19tb 1794 Aged 1 year 10 Months "& 9 Days. Here lies the greef of a fond Mother & the Blasted expecta- tions of an indulgent Father. Hopping. — Elijah Hopping Died May 12th 1847 aged 72 years ; •' Them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him". WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. 11 Hopping.— Franklin A. son of T. A. & H. L Hopping Died Aug. 27th 1864. Aged 1 year 9 mo's. and 23 days. But Little children do enjoy Health and beauty too above ; Far btyond the Worlds alloy, Secuif in Jesus love. Hopping.— Harriet Hopping Died August 10th 1852. Aged 38 years. " T will behold thy face in righteousness ; I shall be satisfied ; when 1 awake with thy likeness". Hopping.— Mary L. wife of Elijah Hopping Died May 1st, 1857. In tlie 75th year of her age. " Thou wilt shew me the path of life". Houston.— In memory of John Housten, who died Feb. 20th. 1848, Aged 67 Years. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hence forth that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them". Howell.— Adelaide Daughter of Francis K. & Emma C. Howell March 29, 1883, July 20, 1885. Howell. — In Memory of Albert Augustus son of Calvin & Char- lotte Howell who died Sep. 27th 1839. Aged 1 year 2 Months and 6 days. HOWELL. ( Calvin Howell Born Oct. 7, 1792, Died Oct. 8, 1868. Howell. } Charlotte Kitcbell wife of Calvin Howell Born March ( 19, 1800 Died Jan. 21, 1869. Howell.— Eddie. Edward Tuttle, son of W. H. & S. A. Howell Born Feb. 18, 1873 Died June 16, 1873. Howell.— J. Warren Howell Born April 24, 1831 Died March 7, 1864 Howell.— Mary Harrison wife of Francis K. Howell. Born August 2, 1846, Died July 20, 1876. Howell In Memory of Mary Ruckel Daughter of Calvin & Char- lotte Howell died May 7th 1837 aged 3 years 3 months and 21 days. Howell. — In memory of Matilda Kitchell Daughter of Calvin and Charlotte Howell who died May 10th, 1826 ; aged 1 year 1 month and 10 days. Howell. — In Memory of Matilda Kitchell Daughter of Calvin and Charlotte Howell who died April 19th 1833; aged 5 years 1 month and 29 days. Howell. — In memory of Nelson son of Calvin and Charlotte Howell, who died March 18th 1833 aged 8 months and 16 days. 12 WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. Howell. — In memory of Rodney son of Cilvin & Charlotte Howell Died March 20th 1837 aged 10 months and 11 days. Howell.— William H. Howell April 6. 1841— Julv 15, 1889. HOWELL. Howell.— Willie & Clarence Infant children of W. H, & S. A. Howell. Hubbard. — George Hubbard Died November 22d, 1854 aged (56 years. Hughes. — Sacred to the Memory of Ellen Hughes Wife of Jona- than Hughes Who departed this life Sept 2nd 1822. Aged 63 Tears and 8 months. IMy Saviour shall ray life restore, And raise me from my dark abode ; My flesh and soul shall part no more. But dwell forever near my God. Hughes. — In Memory of Jonithan Hughes born in England June 21st 1756 ; emigrated to America in 1807 ; died Dec. :i4th. 1823 : aged 67 years and 6 months. He was esteemed while he lived and lamented when he died. " The righteous shall h-i in everlasting remembrance". Psalm 112th 6th. The righteous dies and goes to rest, His spirit mounts the skies ; His memory will be ever blest, Till time and nature dies. Hunter.— Eliza H. daughter of John H. & Lucinda L. Hunter. Died Sept. 12th 1849 aged 9 months & 2 days. Jordan. — William J. son of William & Jane Jordan Died Dec. 11, 1862 aged 4 years 2 mo. and 22 days. Fare thee well my little Willie, Little Angel fare thee well ; For thou were too pure and love'y, In a world like this to dwell. Kay. — To the memory of Alexander Kay who died Jan. 30th, 1858, Aged 56 years. Gone but not forgotten. Kay, — Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth wife of Alex'r M. Kay, who departed this life Aug. 12, 1854, aged 42 years. A na- tive of Scotland. Dear Elizabeth thou hast left us, Here thy loss we doubly feel, But 'tis God that has bereaved us, He can all our sorrows heal. WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. 13 Kearney. — (From Kearney Burial Lot at Whippany.) Sacred to the memorv of CAPT. MICHAEL KEAENEY of His Britanic Majesty's NAVY. He departed this life at THE Irish Lott. The Seat of his Residence in Hanover on the 5" day A pril A. D. 1797 aged 71 years 6 months 28 days In the Naval Service he was a brave And intrepid officer which secured to him several marks of distinguished RESPECT and (JONFIDENCE In private Life he executed the Virtues of BENEVOLENCE HOSPITAL ITY and Genieel URBANITY. Kearney. — (In same inclosure as last.) Sacred To tho memory of ISABEL KEARNEY Daughter of Michael Kearney & Sarah Kearney late Sarah Morris of Morrisania who died on the 17 February 1806 at the seat of the late Capt Michael Kearney in the County of Morriii in the 90" year of her Age. Kelley.— Sacred to the meraory of Jared Kelley who died Septem- ber 3d 1822, aged 64 year. Kelly.— Our Father Jehiel Kelly, Died March 17,1825 In his 37th yaar. Kelso. — Sarah K. Charles. Dau^.hter of Robert & Puah Kelso, & Relict of Andrew Charles, Merchant of Charleston. An af- fectionate and Dutiful Wife. A tender Mother, A stea,dfast Friend and an exemplary Christian. She departed this life on the 28 Feb'y 1831 in the 61 year of her age. In full hope of that glorious immortality, which await the devout and humble Christian. Kelso.— Phoebe Kelso Daughter of Robert & Puah Kelso Departed this life in Peace on the 28th Sept. 1827, In the 53 year of her age. Kincaid. —Elizabeth wife of Robert Kincaid Died Nov. 14th 1847. In the 74th year of her age. 14 "WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. Kitchel. — Here lies the Bodj of Abigail Kitchel Deceased A-ug't 1, J 768 in the 18th Year of her age. A blooming youth her Mothers Hope Like a tender Flower grim Death do( s crop Let Friends & youth know they must die And meet her in eternity. Kitchel. — Here Lyes ye Eody of Deacon Abraham Kitchel Dec'd Dec'r ye 2d 1741 In ye 62d year of his Age. Kitchel!.— Albert A. Kitchell, Died Feb. 25th, 1856 in the 54th year of his age. Kitchel.— Alfred B. son of Robert R & Elizabeth Kitchel Born May 5th i851 Died Sept. 15th 1852. " The dead in Christ shall rise first". Kitchel.— Anna wife of Uzal Kitchel Died April etlTlSlS, aged 65 years. ''Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life ; he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live". Kitchell. — In memory of Anna C, wife of Albert A. Kitchell a native of Savannah Georgia who died June 11th, 1848, in the 56th year of her age. " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord". Rev. XIV-13. Kitchel.— Annah Tuttle Kitchel Born June 21, 1809 Died Feb. 27, 1880. Kitchel.— Bella Caroline Kitchel Born March 3, 1823 Died Nov. 17, 1876. Kitchel. — Here lyes ye Body of David Kitchel, Aged 30 years 1 mo. and 19 ds Dec'd Dec'r 26th 1753. Kitchell.— Fannie C. Fairchild wife of Wm. H. Kitchell Jr Died Oct. 5th, 1872, Aged ^5 years, 3 mo. & 15 days. Also Infant daughter May, Born Sept 14th 1872 Died Sept. 16th 1872. Kitchel.— Hannah wife of Stephen Kitchel Died Oct. 21, 1822, In the 66 year of her age. Lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided. Kitchel.— Dea. Jared Kitchel Died April 14th 1843 aged 59 years. Kitchel. — There is rest in heaven. Louisa wife of William H. Kit- chel, & Daughter of John & Sarah Marr Died Aug. 21st 1853, aged 39 years. Kitchell. — In memory of Mary daughter of Alexander & Victory Kitchell Born in the Island of Cuba died Jan. 17, 1836 aged 3 years 11 months aged 21 days. Kitchel. — In Memory of Margaret M. Tuttle wife of Albert H. Kitchel Born Aug. 24, 1811, Died Oct. 10, 1878. WHIPPANY GPAVE YARD. 15 Kitchel. — In Memory of Riath Relict of David Kitchel Died April 4tb A. D, 178'^" Age o7 years. Thi sweet remembrance of the just Sb 1 flourish when thev sleep in dust. Kitchel. — Here Lyes ye Body of Samuel Kitchel Dec'd Nov. 19 1832 in ye 28 year of his Age. Kitchel. — Sarah Freeman widow of Dea. Jared Kitchel Died May 30th 1854 aged 66 years. Kitchel. — Here lyes ye body of Sarah Wife of Abraham Kitchel Dec'd April ye 30th 1745 in ye 66th year of her Age. Kitchel.— Stephen Kitchel Died Oct. 16, 1822, In the 76th year of his age. " The memory of the just is Blessed". Kitchell.— Tillie, Charlotte M. Daughter of Charles & Sarah Kit- chell, And wife of Aaron K Fairchild Died Sept. 9 1874. Aged 42 years. Kitchell.— Timothy Kitchell M, D. Born Aug. 1, 1798, Died Aug- 12, 1869. " He stood between the living and the dead". Kitchel. — Uzal Kitchel, Died Jan. 22, 1818, aged 67 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord". f Wm. H. Kitchell Sept. 6, 1812 April S3, 1880. >/•♦ hnii J Louisa A. Mar, His wife Nov. 17, 1814, Aug 21, 1853. Micneil. i Phebe B.Burnet His wife March 12, 1818, April 21,1887. 1^ KITCHELL. Kitchel. — Here lyes ye Body of Zenas Son of David and Ruth Kitchel. Aged 1 year 7 rao. & 24 ds. Dec'd Aug't ye 6th 1754. Lanshou. — Infant son of John & Anna Lanshou, Died Dec. 3d, 1856. " Suffer little children to come unto me." Leonard. — In Memory of Joanna Wife of Elijah Leonard & Dau'r of Joseph & Jemima Tuttle, who Died April 22d 1800 In the 42d Year of her Age Watch and Pray for ye know not when the time is. Leonard. — Here Lyes ye Body of Zedekiah Leanard who Died March ye 14th 1753. Aged 24 years. Lewis.— Benning N. Lewis Died March 22, 1873, aged 16 years 10 mos. & 2 days. Lewis.— Eliza SVife of Lawrence Lewis, Died June 2, 1873, Aged 72 years. " We loved thee on earth and hope to meet tbeein Heaven". Lewis.— Hiram Lewis Died April 8, 1864. aged 60 years 8mo. & 11 days. 16 WHIPPANZ GRAVE YARD. Lewis. — John Son of Hiram & Louisa Lewis Died Feb'y 5th, 1851, Aged 8 months and 2 days. Lewis. — Lawrence Lewis Born Feb. 14, 1795. Died March 19 1879. Lewis. — Louisa M daughter of Hiram & Louisa Lewis Died Dec. 9tli 1848, aged 1 year 7 months & 26 days. Lewis. ---Louisa L. wife of Hiram Lewis Died Feb. 8, 1885, aged 73 years & 2 mos. At Rest. Lewis.— Sarah C. Lewis, Died May 6, 1882, Aged 48 years. Lindsly. — Here Lyes ye Body of Joseph Lindsly who Died May ye 23d 1753 Aged 11 years. Loper. — Frank Vincent son of Alpheus & Chi'istana Loper Died Nov. 17, 1869, Aged 2 years 5 mo. Loper. — In Memory of Sarah E daughter of Charles & Margaret Loper who died Nov. 8th, 1841. Aged 3 Tears and 8 Months. Lozaw. — William T. son of Jacob & Mary A. Lozaw, Died April 2d, 1839, aged 3 years & 4 months. 'Tis God that lifts our comforts high, or sinks them in the grave ; He gave and when he takes away He takes but what he gave. Lum. — Here lyes ve Body of Bethiah wife of Cap't Daniel Lum Dec'd Nov'r ye 2d 1752 aged 36 Years. Lum. — Here lyes ye Body of Cap't Daniel Lum Dec'd Oct'r ye 10th 1755 Aged 41 years. IVI. — E. S. M., This grave and the next are marked with boards with initials only painted on them. (S. W. corner |V|._W. M. of the yard.) Magee. — Here lies the body of Farrel Magee who departed this life Feb. 25th 1846 aged 73. Forty years a follower of Christ. A native of Ireland. But is he dead, ah nay, he 1 ves. His noble spirit flies To heaven above, and there i-eceives The long expected prize. Magie. — Eliza Magie Died Dec. 5, 1857, Aged 33 years. " Her life was devoted her end peaceful and would often say Jesus my all and all thou art my rest in toil my ease in pain". Magee. — In memory of Isabella, widow of Farrell Magee who died Sept. 2nd 1850. In sure and certain hope of a glorious im- mortality aged 74 years. She was much beloved. Away-away from human ties. We soon shall join this friend above ; WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. 17 with rich toned instruments on high, We'll sti'ike at once redeeming love. Magee.— John Magee Departed this life March 31, 1878, Aged 69 years. He died with a sure certain hope of a glorious immortality. Magill.— In memory of Barbara Magill who died February 25, 1877, aged 79 years. Martin.— James Martin, Died Oct. 3, 1860 aged 33 years. " Not dead but sleepeth". ' Robert McGee Died June 18, 1869 In the 69th year of his age. We marked the brighness of his eye, McGee -' That smile upon his wasted cheek, { They told us of his glory nigh { In language that no tongue can speak. I Jane wife of Robert McG-ee Died Nov. 15, 1887 Aged [ 84 years. McGee.— Samuel McGee Died Sept. 20, 1882 Aged 45 years. Meeks.— Irena wife of Wm. Meeks Born Jan. 6, 1805, Died March 22. 1866. " Prepare to meet thy God". Meeks.— John Meeks Born March 7, 1770. Died June 2, 1862. " And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment". Meeks.— William B. Meeks Born S^p. 20, 1808, Died May 16, 1861 . How vain are all things here below How false and yet how fare. Each pleasure hath its poison too And every sweet a snare. Miller. — Emma Mills wife of Joseph J. Miller Born Aug. 6, 1851, Died Jan. 3, 1892. Miller.— Our Mother Mary Wife of Levi Miller Died Sept. 20, 1875. In her 84th year. " I know that my Redeemer liveth". Moffatt. — My Mother Jemima Widow of Walter MofEatt, and daughter of the late Daniel Tuttle, Died Oct. 18,1818 In her 63rd year. Moffatt. — In Memory of Julia the Daughter of Walter & Jamiraa Moffatt Died 28 Sep't A. D. 1790 Aged 11 Months From New York. W. M. M. Moffat.— In Memory of White Mattack Moffat departed this life Feb'ry 17th A. D. 1804 Aged 17 Years. Here from all earthly joys I'm fled Into the mansion of the dead. Prepare O Youth for soon you must Like me be turned into dust. 18 WHIPPj' NY GRAVE YARD. Moore. — George H. son of James & Elizabeth A. Moore Died Feb. 19 1857 aged 2 months & 8 days. Our home is O how lonely. Yet we know the Saviour's love ; From cur arms hath took our darlinjr. To his better home above. lyioore. — To the Memoi'y of Margaret, wife of Henry Moore who departed this life July 5th 1851 Aged 58 years. 1 will say of the Lord he is my refuge, my God, in him will I trust. Morrison. — In Memory of Esther VV. wife of William Morrison Died Dec. 12, 1850 Aged 49 years 10 mo. & 26 days. Mount. f Phebe, wife of Joseph Mount, Died Dec. 15", 1865. I Aged 72 years. I S. M. In Memory of Deacon I Stephen Munson who died November 8th 1805 Aged ^ I 7'i years. Kind tender and affectionate As a hus- Munson. j ^^^^^^ father brother & friend, meek, humble, zeal- I ous, steadfast & examphvry as a christian. Long S I example of believers; as a Deacon & Elder in the I Church. Full of usefullness & years he died in i^ peace & his memoi-y is blessed. IVIyer. — Edwin L. Myer Died Nov. 3, 1854, aged 50 years. His end was peace. Myer.— Ruth Ann wife of Edwin L. Myer. Died March •26th 1853 ; In the 55th year of her age. " Many are the afiflictions of the righteous but the Lord de- livereth them out of them all". Ney.— Robert Ney a Native of Scotland : Died Oct. 5th 1851 aged 48 years 3 months & 20 days. How quick and sudden was his flight To yonder worlds unknown ; But God doth what is just and right Though friends are left to mourn. Ogden.— Amos Ogden Born Dec. 28, 1802, Died Oct. 15, 1878. Parrit. — Here Lyes ye Body of Phebe wife of Samuel Parrit Dec'd Oct'r ye 25th 1743 in ye 2S year of her Age. Parsons.— Adele wife of George S. Parsons, Born May 10, 1832, Died June 6, 1882. Paulmier.— Harriet wife of Stephen Paulmier Born July 29, 1802. Died Mar. 5, 1878. Dearest mother thou hast left us. And thy loss we deeply feel ; But in heaven we hope to meet thee Christ will thou to us reveal. WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. 19 Paulmier.— Sfenbrn Paulmiev. Born Aug. 10, 1801 Died Oct. 5, 1870. " God hath done it". Perrine.— Elizi S. Perrine, Died February 3, 1884 A.ged 78 years 1 mo. & 23 days. " For nie to live is Christ, and to die is gain". Perrine. — Jennie Daughter of David A. & Emma L. Perrine. Died April d, 1871 Aged 1 year & 2 mo's. Perrine. — Joseph B. Perrine Died March 26, 18T6 Aged 72 years & 8 days. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints". Piatt.— The grave of Keturah Tuttle wife of William Piatt dec'd who departed this life March 13, 1850. in her 86 year. Cradled in the Revolution she was devoted to her Country and her Grod. The days of our years are three scoie years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be four score years yet is thine strength labour and sorrow. Polhemus. — Josie Son of John H. & Mary A. Polhemus. Died Nov. 30 1874 Aged 3 years 1 mo. «Sr 11 days. [ Adaline wife of John Rawson Died March 3, 1862, Aged Rawijnn ' ^^ y^*^'^- nawbon. -^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ p^^.^^. j^-^^ ^,^^ J2, 1864 Aged 18 years [ 7 mo's & 12 days. Rawson. — In Memory of Grace Rawson Native of England Died Oct. litli 1853. Aged 73 years. Rawson. — At rest John Rawson Died Feb. 18, 1885. Aged 64 years. Riordan. — To Perpetuate the remembrance of Jane Baxter, wife of P. H. Riordan, who died June 25, 1852, aged 33 years & 5 months. In life she was esteemed and beloved in death mourned and regretted by her family and friends. Have mercy on her O God according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out all her iniquity. Richards. — Here Lves ve Bodv of John Richards Aged 63 years. Dec'd Deer ye'lOth 1718.' Riddle. —Walter Riddle Died Dec. 31st 1858, in the 36th year of his age. Although dead, thou art not forgotten ; Thy memory still lives in the hearts of many. Romig.— Phebe Maria wife of Solomon Romig Died Feb. 15, 1866 Aged 58 yrs & 21 d's. Sheldron. — Sacred to the memory of Mary Sheldron relict of Fra- 20 WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. zier Sheldron who departed this life 11th of June 1827 Aged 53 years. Happy soul thy days are ended. All thy mourning days below ; Go, by angel-guards attended, To the arms of Jesus go. Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh. Till my transplanted spirit comes, To put it on afresh. Shipman.— Daniel M. Shipman Oct. 23 1797 Sept. 17, 1866- Shipman. —Susan E. Hopping His wife May 30 1805, Oct. 27, 1881. SHIPMAN. Shipman. — Elizabeth H. daughter of Daniel M. & Susan E. Ship- man Born March 26th 1835, Died May 20th 1836. Shipman. — Jacob Shipman Died May 5, 1857, Aged 93 years. Mary Shipman Died Oct. 12, 1858 Aged 88 years, Sprmgsteen. ^Sophia L. Daughter of Charles & Sarah Springsteen. Died Mar. 5, 1874 Aged 1 year 1 mo. & 13 days, liittle darling thou hast left us. And thy loss we deeply feel, But it is God who hath bereft us- He will all our sorrows heal. Stllles. — Isaac Son of Jonathan & Eliz'th Stilles Aged 10 years )oloved an(l lespected, Now dead, lamented. Tuttle.— Capt. Timothy Tuttle Born Sept. 17, 1785. Died Sept. 7, lh55. " There is but a step between us and Death". Tuttle. — In Memory of Captain T motby Tuttle who departed this life June 15th, 1816. aged 67 years 8 months & 28 days. Tuttle. — Here lyes ye Bodv of Timothy Tuttle Esq'r oF Hanover Aged 58 years & 2 Mo. Dec'd Dec'r ye 31 1754. Tuttle. — Sacred to the Memorv of Uzal Tuttle. Who was born June 25th 1767, and died March 28th 1817, aged 49 Years 9 Months & 3 Days. Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Let sinners take their course, And choose the road to death ; But in the worship of my God, IL spend my daily breath. B"it I with all my car >s. Will leaneupon the Lord; 111 cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. C Isaac Vanderhoof Died Nov. 25, 1860, Aged 75 years I 5 mo & 25 days. Vanderhoof.^ His wife Phebe Died March 21, 1876 Aged 89 years I 8mo. & 9 days. \_ Farewell, Father and Mother dear. Vogal. — Amelia S. daughter of George & Christenia Vogal. died Jan. 2, 1857. aged 3 years 7 months & 2 days. Voorheis. — Eliza D. Ward wife of J. N. Voorheis Born July 7, 1803, Died March 7, 1874. Voorheis.— John N. Voorheis, Died Feb. 19, 1883, Aged 81 years 3 mo. & 13 days Wade.— )ur Pet. Inez Euceba Daughter of W. S. & S. J. Wade. Died Nov. 29, 1871 Aged 8 mo. & 2 d's. Ward. — In Memory of Jerusha, Wife of Timothy C. Ward, died March 21st 1811 aged 74 Tears & 2 Months Ward. In Memory of Timothy C. Ward, who departed this life the 13th day of March 1816 in the 81st year of his age. Wheler. In Memory of David Wheler who Departed this life May 6 1775 Aged 27 Years and 5 Mouths. Friends & Relations weep no more ; My Toils and labours, now are o'er : Be soon prepar'd to follow me. Death soon will also summons thee. WHIPPANT GRAVE YARD. 25 Wheler (?) Note. Broken pieces of a grave stone close beside the above when put together- In M Wife of died Jenuj 2 1771 in 2d year of her ■ Wilday.— Mable B. Daughter of Mahlon"& Susie Wilday Died Feb. 4, 1889 Aged 2 years 2 mo. & 4 days. God needed one more angel child amidst his shining band, And so on he bent with loving smile and clasped our darlings hand. Wilday.— Mary Ann daughter of John & Susanna Wilday, died Jan. 16, 1855 Aged 14 years & 9 months. Time swiftly flies and calls away Our spirits to thine home : Our bodies mingle with the clay. And rest beneath the tomb. Wilson.— Edwin Wilson Died March 28, 1868 Aged 64 years & o days. Missed at home. Wilson. — Isabella C. Daughter of Edwin & Jane A. Wilson Died June 9, 1851, Aged 8 yeai's 2mo. & 14 days. Wood. — Here lyes ye Body of Joseph Wood, Dec'd Aug't ye 9th 1754 In the 36th year of his Age. Wood.— Wm. E. Wood Died Aug. 30, 1860 Aged 26 days. Not lost but gone before. Wylie.— Edna B. Daughter of Hugh A. & Flavilla M. Wvlie. Born Oct. 12, 1878 Died Dec. 8, 1886. " Safe in the arms of Jesus". -8- Wylie.— James Wylie Born Jan. 26, 1825, Died Dec. 2, 1866. Wylie. — James Wvlie Jr. Born Oct. 18, 1850. Died in Atlanta Ga. Oct. 24, 1872. Young. — In memory of Isabella Eugenia Young Daughter of John and Catharine Young, who departed this life July 26th 1831 aged 14 years 10 months and 20 days. In faith she died in dust she lies, But faith foresees that dust shall rise ; When Jesus calls, while hope assures. And boasts her joy among the tombs. Young. — In memory of John Tuttle Young Son of John and Cath- arine Young, who departed this life Dec. 25th 1818 aged 5 months and 11 days. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time. When what we now deplore ; Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 26 WHIPPANY GRAVE YARD. Young. — Mary wife of Stephen Young Died April 18, 1874 Aged 91 years & 3mo. We have loved thee on earth, Mav we meet thee in heaven. HANOVER, N. J.. GRAVE YARD INSCRIPTIONS. Alleson. — In Memory of Mary widow of Samuel AUeson who died Oct. 2, 1824 in the 80 year of her age. My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpets Joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviours image rise. Alleson. —In Memory of Samuel Alleson who died Oct. 30, 1822 in the 79. year of his age. Here view the end of man below Sin sickness death mans overthrow The youth may weep awhile and hope But seventy ninth year laid me to sleep, His sleep is short time soon will end To better climes hope to ascend Here th(y who die in Christ will rise To blissful mansions in the skies Ailing. — In Memory of Isanc Ailing Junr who died May 23 1815 aged 33 years 11 months & 19 days. Ailing. — In Memory of Jerome Clisby Son of Isaac & Nancy Ailing who died May 13th 1815 aged 11 months & 9 days. Ailing. — In Memory of Mrs Mary Ailing Wife of General Prud- den Ailing who departed this life August 2nd 1807 Aged 53 years & 8 months. Draw near my friends and shed a tear My body lo ! lies purrid here Our mortal Fabrics to this end was born For dust we are and shall to dust return. Let all desolv'd in tears bemoan, The Matron mentioned by this stone In her was every Virtue join'd Meek, worthy, useful, good, and kind The sick distress'd and friendly poor Lament the loss that she's no more. 28 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. In raemorv of Samuel son of Isaac & Nancy Ailing who died 23d Oct 1815 aged 3 years 4 months & 3 days. S. A. In Memory of Samuel Son of Isaac & Nancy Ailing who died Sepr 17 1811 Aged 7 Months & 18 Days. Baldwin.— Eliza, wife of John Baldwin Born May 19, 1805, Died Jan. 23, 1873. " These are they which come out of great tribulation." Baldwin.— Elizabeth Wife of Stephen Baldwin Died May 2, 1849. Aged 73 years & 2 Months. " For our light ajBSictions which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." Baldwin.— Isaac Bald ,in Died Jan. 9, 1867, aged 79 years and 8 mo. Time like an ever flowing stream, Bears all its sons away ; We fly forgotten as a dream, Dies at the opening day. Baldwin.— John Baldwin Died April 34, 1869. Aged 65 years 5 mo. & 8 days. Baldwin.— Mary wife of Isaac Baldwin, died Aug. 30, 1864, aged 75 years & 3 mo. " Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he wei*e dead yet shall he live." Our Brother and Sister f Silas D. Baldwin Died at Harrisburg Pa. June 3, 1867 Baldwin J ^^ *^® ^^^^ y^^^' ^^ ^^^ ^o*^- ] Elizabeth Baldwin. Died Sept. 2, 1845. In the 20th l^ year of her age. Baldwin.— Stephen Baldwin Died Sep. 10, 1849. Aged 71 years & 8 months " For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth." Baldwin.- In memory of William Burnet Baldwin. Born Dec. 1810 Died Jan. 1836 " For I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart & be with Christ which is far better." Ball.— Alexander Ball Died April 19, 1841, In his 38th year. Farewell dear friends again farewell, Soon we shall rise to tbee ; And when we meet no toungue can tell, How great our joys shall be. Ball. — Benjamin W. son of Phineas K. & Maria Ball Died March 15th 1844, aged 5 years 1 month & 11 days. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 29 Ball.— Our Mother Charlotte Osborne, wife of Alexander Ball, Born May 7tb,1804, Died May 18th 1877. Entered into Rest Dear Fathers grave. Ball.— In memory of Daniel Ball, Died Nov. 10th 1863, Aged 73 years, 6 mos. & 15 days. Our loss is his gain, he dwells with his God, Where sin cannot enter, where death cannot come. Ball.— In Memory of Deborah Wife of Samuel Ball, who died Feb. 21th, 1806, in the 62d Year of her age. Ball.— Edward Augustus son of James H & Sarah Ball Born March 16 1816 ; Died August 21st 1835 ; Aged 19 years Sufferer rest thy task is o're Pain has power o're thee no more. Ball. — In memory of Edwin son of Daniel & Pamelia Ball, who died July 16, 1837, aged 4 years & 8 months. Ball.— Electa Beach, wife of Alfred Ball Died Nov. 15, 1886. In the 70th year of her Age. " Asleep in Jesus." Ball. — In Memory of Elizabeth Caroline Dau'r of Louis & Mary Ann Ball who died Sept. 18, 1842. Aged 5 Years & 8 mo. This lovely bud so young and fair, Call'd hence by early dawn ; Just came to show how sweet a flower, In paradise would bloom. We must part with the loved ones, we loved her because she was pleasant and mild we loved her because she was our dear oldest child. Ball. — Fanny Pamelia daughter of Daniel E. & Hannah F. Ball, Died Dec. 21, 1853, Aged 7 years 1 mo. and 18 days. Ball. — George Randolph, Son of Phineas K. & Maria Ball, Died March 1st 1849, aged 1 year 3 months & 13 days. Ball.— Harriet E. Ball Died Dec 17, 1853. In her 20th year. Dear Harriet now has gone to rest, With Christ her Saviour she is blest ; Her Spirit shines with spotless, ray — Her limbs are now decaying back to clay. Ball. — In memory of Dr. John Ball who departed this life Feb. 22d, A. D. 1837 : In the 59th Year of his age. For more than thirty years he discharged the duties of his Profession with dignity and ability, and was universally respected and esteemed. " He was a man ; take him for all in all, We shall not look upon his like again." 30 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Ball. — In memory of James Ball who departed this life April 6th 1833 ; in the 6oth year of his age. I know that mj Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth ; and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Job xix. 25, 26. Ball.— James H. Ball, Born May 18th 1780 ; Died August 8th 1846; Aged (i6 Years He professed his Saviour. Ball. — James M. Ball, Died Jan. 31, 1854, aged 21 years & 31 days. My youthful friends to you 1 say, Come walk in wisdom's narrow way ; T'will guide you to the path of peace, T'will land you soon in endless rest. Ball. — Sacred to the memory of Lewis C. Ball, who departed this life Oct. 10, 1841, Aged 28 Years and 9 Months. Useful in Life in Death resigned, He rests among the dead ; O may his offspring, left behind, Secure that heavenly rest. In his death his Mother is bereaved of an only beloved Son, his Children a tender Father, the Church and Sabbath School mourn His loss. Ball. — In memory of Louisa daughter of Daniel & Pamelia Ball, who died July 23, 1837, aged 9 years 9 months and 15 days. Ball. — In memory of Lucinda Ball, daughter of James and Eliza- beth Ball, who departed this life May 14th 1825 in the 25th year of her age. Now Lord to the I would apply On the alone ; depend, Thou art when creatures fail and die. An ever living fi lend. Ball. — Lydia Maria daughter of Phineas K. & Maria Ball Died May i5th, 1844, aged 3 years 4 months & 8 days. Ball. — Maria widow of Phineas K. Ball, Died March 15th 1851 in the 32d year of her age. Her soul has now taken its flight, To mansions of glory above ; To mingle with angels of light, And dwell in the kingdom of love. Ball. — Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann wife of Lewis C. Ball who departed this life Nov. 15, 1839 Aged 27 Years She died in Jesus and is blest, How kind her slumbers are ; From suffering and from pain released, And free'd from everv care. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 31 Ball.— Oscar, son of James H. & Marv S. Ball Died Oct 19 1855, Aged 10- years 8 mos & 20 days Ball.— Phebe wife of Aaron Ball, Died May 27th, 1847, in the 22d year of her age. The voice of this instructive scene Let every heart obey ; Nor be the faithful warning vain, Which calls to watch and pray. Ball.— Phiueas K. Ball Died June 7, 1818, In the 38th year of his age. At rest in Jesu's faithful arms At rest as in a peaceful bed Secure'd from all the dreadful storms Which round this sinful world are spread. Ball. — In memory of Robert Ball, who died Nov. 7th 1826, aged 28 years II months and 15 days. My dearest friends as you pass by, Remember too that you must die ; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death & follow me. Farewell my friends my time is past. My love for you while life did last ; Now after me no sorrow take. But love my children for my sake. Ball. — In Meraory of Deacon Samuel Ball who departed this life Jan. 12th A. D. 1810 Aged 75 Years & 6 Months " Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his." Ball.— Sarah widow of James H. Ball, Born March 16tb 1778, Died Feb. 4th 1861, Aged 82 y'rs 10 mo & 19 days. " Into thine band I commit my spirit ; thou hast redeemed me, Lord God of truth." Ball.— Stephen Ball, Died April 26th, 1848, aged 69 years & 7 months. God my redeemer lives And ever from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust Till he shall bid it rise. Ei-ected by his son Aaron. Ball.— Susan, Avife of Stephen Ball, died Feb. 2nd 1855, aged 69 years & 10 months. Farewell my friends the stream is narrow. Though its cold dark waters rise ; Jesus pass'd the flood before me, Guides my way to yonder skies. Baird.— Elisha Baird Born Aug. 12, 1803. Died April 9, 1876. 32 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Baird.— Eliza A. Shellev, wife of Elisha Baird Born Dec. 7th, 1806, Died April ] 1th, 1879. Banker. — Sacred to the memory of William A. Banker who de- parted this life July 31st 1839 Aged 32 Years 2 Months and 12 Dciy6. Bates.— Here Lies ye Body of Abigail Bates Dee'd Nov'r 29, 1763. In ye 74th year of her Atfe. In faith She Died In Dust She Iiies but faith foresees that Dust Shall Rise when Jesus Calls while Hope assumes, and boasts her Joy among ye Tombs. Beach. — Aaron Beach, Died Dec. 1st 1826 Aged 61 years 3 months & 8 days. Children behold your Fathers fate. Remember you must die. Prepare before it is to late To live with God on high Beach.— In Memory of Aaron T. Beach, Died Feb. 12th 1837. In the 36th year of his age. •' Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive, and let thy widow trust in me." Beach. — In memory of Caroline wife of William Beach who died Aug. 25th 1849 : Aged 38 years & 1 month. Deai"est Mother thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel ; But tis God that hath bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal. Beach.— In Memory of Darling Beach Who Died Aug'st 31st 1793 In the 29th Year of his Age. His life was exemplary His death was happy Live for eternity And ye king of terror will prove a friend Beach. — In memory of David Son of Stephen and Jemima M. Beach, who died June 29th 1825 Aged 28 days. Alas how changed that lovely flower, Which bloomed and cheer'd my heart ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part. Beach. — Elizabeth, widow of Noah Beach, Died Jan. 9th, 1857. aged b8 years. " She exchanged worlds for the better" Beach.— Elizabeth M. Beach, Died Dec. 10, 1890. In the 76th year of her age. "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." HANOVER (.RAVE YARD. 33 Beach. — Sacred to the memorv of Capt Enoch Beach who died March 7th 1814 Aged 77 Years. Reader; set thy house in order for thou shalt die & not live. Beach.— Ezra Beach Died Feb. 3. 1867. In his 76th year 43 years a ruling Elder in this Church. Beach. — In memory of Hannah Green Beach who departed this life Sept. 30th, 1824, aged 8 years 1 month and 6 days. In memory of Jemima Tuttle Beach who departed this life August 6th 1823 aged 6 years 11 months and 12 days. Twin daughters of Peter and Hannah Beach. They die in Jesus and are blessed, How Kind their slumbers are From suffering and from sin releas'd And freed from every snare. Beach. — Hannah Young, Late consort of Enoch Beach Eeq'r, Prior consort of David Wheeler. Dec'd Nov 14th, 1827, Aged 80 Years & 5 Months. Beach. — In memory of Hannah. Wife of Peter Beach, who de- parted this life Dec. 10th, 1829, aged 51 years 6 months and 26 days. Farewell ye friends whose tender care, Has long engaged my love ; Your fond embrace I now exchanf;e, For better friends above. Cheerful I leave this vale of tears. Where pain and sorrow grow ; Welcome the day that ends my toil, And every scene of woe. Beach. — (See Harriman & Mulford) Harriet Beach, Died Jan. 3, 1890 Aged 63 Years. Beach. — James B. son of Marcus & Mary Beach, died May 11, 184T, aged 6. years 4. months. This flower too fair for eai'ths bleak clime. Where gathering Storms o'erwhelm, Transplanted in thy meet spring time To yonder cloudless realm. Beach. — Jane Irene daughter of Israel & Rhoda Beach Died March 1st 1848 aged 27 years 1 mo. & 18 days. Thou hast gone we no longer Thy love, of form on earth shall see But we hope ere long to join thee In a blest eternity Beach. — In Memory of John Son of Enoch & Hannah Beach, who Died Aug'st 20, 1793 Aged 2 Years & 9 Months. 34 HANOVER GRAVK YARD. Beach. — Ketuiah, widow first of Darling Beach, last of David Young, daughter of Rev Jacob Green. Died Jan. 18th, 1856. In her 89th year. of these years 44 were passed, chiefly on her bed, in much bodily pain, cheerfully through the consolations of the gospel and the hope of soon seeing her God and Saviour. The various relations of life were sustained by her with ex- emplary fidelity. She was patient in tribulation never ceasing to pray. " Thy kingdom come." until she fell asleep in Jesus. Beach. — In Memory of Locky Daughter of Phinehas & Patience Beach, who died Sept 22d, 1809 in the 5th Year of her age. Beach.— Lydia T. Beach, wife of Ezra Beach died Dec. 26, 188B In her 82nd year. " He giveth his beloved sleep." Beach.— Mary C. wife of Ezra Beach. Died Oct, 3, 1852 In her 51st Year. Forgive ye bleijt, the tributary tear That mourns your exit from a world like this Forgive the wish that would have kept you here And stayed your progress to the seats of bliss. Beach. — In memory of Martha Widow of Phinehas Beach who died March 2'd. 1847, In the 63'd Year of her age. My Mother For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God — a house not made with hands — eternal in the Heavens. Our dear Mother Beach.— Mima wife of Wm D. Beach. Died Feb. 19, 1869 Aged 67 years 4 mo. & 3 days. For from this world of death & sin, Eternity with God shut in. Then in a nobler sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save. When this poor lisping stammering tongue, Lies silent in the grave. Beach. — In memory of Mulford Beach who died Jan. 14th 1827 aged 26 years and 15 days. " Sacrifices of God, are a broken spirit, a broken and a con- trite heart, 0, God, thou wilt not dispise." Beach. — In Memory of Noah Beach who exchaug'd this, for the world of Glory ■'July 20 1780 In the 76 Years of his Age. Beach. — Here lies the Body of Peter Beach who Departed this Life Jan'ry 10, 1777 Aged 87 Years. Beach.— Phebe, wife of Aaron Beach, Died April 20th 1852, Aged 85 years 1 mo & 16 days. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 35 Distinctions here no more are known Between the vassal and the throne, Princes, and courtiers in the grave, Are on a level with the slave. Beach.— Sarah B. Beach, Wife of Israel Beach Died Aug. 28th 1853, aged 67 years " Prepare to meet thy God." Beach. — In memory of one of the best of wives & of mothers Sarah wife of "Ezra Beach, who died Feb. 19, 1842 ; In her 47th year. Mourn not dear Husband dry your tears Childi'en weep not for me, Jesus calls I must not stay, May you rejoice in his all wise decree. Beach. — Stephen Beach, Died Aug. 13th, 1843, Aged 44 Tears •> Months & 26 Days. Beach. — Susan A Winans wife of William L. Beach Died July 11, 1888. Aged 51 years 2 mo's & 15 Days. BEACH. Beach. — In Memory of Susanna wife of Enock Beach who Joy- fully Departed this Life in full expectation of A happy im- mortality, June 8th 1777 Aged 38 Years. She was An affectionate parent An agreeable companion and friend and a sincere Christian Beach.— William D. Beach, Died Jan. 27, 1887, In the 87, year of bis age. He was converted at camp meeting Sept 1829 and commenced his labours in Verona and was the founder of the M. E. Church in that place, this stone is Erected by his friends of that Churci). Beaty. — Sacred to the memory of Eliza Bell Wilson wife of John Beaty who departed this life Sept. 29, A. D, 1848 aged 43 years 10 mo & 15 days. Bell. — Sacred to ye Memory of Jane Bell the wife of Samuel Bell of the City of New york and Sister to Capt Robert Troups wife who Departed this Life Sepr 3d In the Year of our Lord 1784 & In the 66 Year of her Age. Here lies quite free from lifes distracted care A tender parent and a friend sincere The best of wives, of Mothers and of friends Living was loved lamented in her end. Bertholf. — In memory of Elizabeth Kitchel daughter of Abraham & Elizabeth Bertholf who died Jan. 15th 1835 aged 1 year and 10 months. 36 HANONER GRAVE YARD. Alas how changed this lovely flower, Which bloomed and cheer'd our hearts ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're call'd to part. J. B. Boltenhouse. — In Memory of Jane Wife of Greorge Boltenhouse. who died Dec'r. 5th, 1805 in the 67th Year of her Age. A careful, industrious, and prudent wife & a good christian As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me. Broadwell.— Here lie's ye Body of Abigail Broadwell, Wife of Hezekiah Broadwell who departed this Life July ve 18th A. D. 1781 Anno ^tat 31 & 4 Mon's. Love to her God her Friends her Country shon In her, who lies Entombed beneath this stone Go passenger like her your utmost try To live to some good end for you must die. Broadwell.— In Memory of Mary Wife of William Broadwell, who died May the Tth 1788. In the 53d Year of her Age. In Anguish Pain, and bitter Groans My Days on Earth I end. But what is pain, or temporal Death, If Jesus be my Friend. Brown.— Here lies ye Body of Leah Brown, Wife of William Brown, who Departed this Life Octr, 7 1777. Aged 61 Years and 22 Days. Brundage. — Jane E. Ball widow of the late Rev. Abner Brundage, Born Nov. 27th 18u4, Died April 12th 1880. " Precious in the sight of the Loi'd are the death of his saints." Burnet. — In memory of Justus Burnet, who departed this life De- cember 5th A. D. 1826 aged 66 years. 5 months and 13 days. " Be ye also ready ; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh." Burnet. — In memory of Lois Burnet, consort of Justus Burnet, who departed this life November 7th, A. D. 1831, aged 64 years 2 months and 25 days. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ; Yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them." Burnet. — Here lyes ye Body of Ruth wife of henry Burnet Aged Jj8 years 4 mo. & 11 Ds Dec'sd march ye 4th 1750 Caffman.— In Memory of Anne Caffman Who departed this life Oct'br 9th 1789 in the 63d Year of her Age. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 37 Camp. — In Memory of Elizabeth Camp wife of William Camp who died A.pril 27th 1835 in the 65th year of her age. Almighty God tis right tis just, That earthly frames shonld turn to dust ; But ah ! forgive the wishful tear, That would detain a spirit here. Camp. — In Memory of Ephvaim Camp, who died Jan. 28th 1811, in the 76th Year of his age. He was modest, meek ; and good indeed. Courteous to all, helpful to those in need, A careful father and a loving friend Peaceable was his life and calm his end. (Camp Monument.) Isaac B. Camp, Died Sept. .5, 1855. Jennette Ely, His wife Died May 3, 1843. Camp. — Charlotte E. Camp, Died Mary S Camp Died Jan. 20, 1838. Freeman A. Camp, Died March 6, 1864. William H. Camp, Died Nov. 25, 1877 Camp.— Jacob S Camp Sept. 6. 1805. Dec. 4, 1836. Sarah Camp Aug. 27, 1807. May 3, 1867. Joseph C. Ward, April 14, 1798. Sept, 28. 1885. Eliza His Wife March 25. 1800. May 17, 1867. William Camp Sept. 26, 1784. March 14, 1883. Camp. — In Memory of Patience Dau'rof Ephraim & Rachel Camp, Who died April 8th. 1789 Aged 16 Years. Camp. — In Memory of Rachel wife of Ephraim Camp, who died May 10, 1811 aged 67 years. A pleasing form, a generous gentle heart, A good companion ; honest without art ; Just in her dealings faithful to her friend, Belov'd thro' life, lamented in the end. Camp. — In Memory of Sarah Dau'r of Ephraim & Rachel Camp, who died Janary 17th 1792 Aged 16 Years. Camp.— In Memory of William Camp Died March 29, 1842 In the 74, year of his age. Released fi-om all lifes weary cares So tranquilly they lie ; As if they fain would bid us know. They take their holy rest. Campfield.— Israel Campfield Died Sept. 5 1848 Aged 47 Years & 14 Days. I am weary of sighing o'er sorrows of earth, O'er joys glowing visions, that fade at their birth, 38 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. I long for that land where those partings are o'er And death and the tomb can divide hearts no more, I am weary but O, let me never i-epine, While thy word, and thy love, thy promise are mine. Campfield.— In memory of Jemima, daughter of William and Sarah Campfield, who died Nov'r 16lH, 1816, in the 25th Year of her Age. Campfield. — Here lies ye Body of John Campfield he Departed thi» Life May 4 1772 Aged 50 Years and 15 Days. Campfield. — In memory of Mary, daughter of Samuel & Mary Campfield. who died June 2d 1809 aged 16 years. Man like the grass that flourisheth to day. Or like the flowers more beautiful and gay Is in his verdure beauty & his prime Cut down & withers in a moments time. Campfield. — In Memorv of Marv Wife of Samuel Campfield who Departed this life Oct'br 27th 1788 Aged 85 Years 10 Mouths & 22 Ds A loving wife & Mother kind Through many troubles seeking God May all ye friends thats left behind With care walk in ye heavenly road. Our twin boys [Nelson Philip, son of William & Catharine Campfield I Born Aug. 12th 1856. Died March 14th 1857. Campfield. -j Franklin Matthew, son of William& Catharine Camp- I field l^Born Aug. 12th 1856, Died Sept 7th 1857 Campfield. — In Memory of Ruth, Wife of John Campfield, who departed this life April 18, 1802, Aged 81 Years and 8 Days. You living men as ye pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me. Canfield. — Sacred to the memory of Charles W. Canfield son of Elijah and Elizabeth F. Canfield. who departed this life Oet'r. 6th 1823 Aged 3 Years 8 Months and 3 days. Sleep on sweet babe. And take thy rest ; Thy Saviour call'd. Who thought best. Canfield.— In memory of Sarah Canfield born August 13th 1763 died Sept'r 22nd 1845. Farewell my friends dry up your tears I must lie here till Chx'ist appears. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 39 Canfield.— In memory of William Canfield born April 13th 1752. died August 28th 18:34. Thy voice great god has called away a soul that once was here. L. C. Chisholm. — In memory of Lydia Chisholm, dau'r of William & Lydia Chisholm, Born at St Catheriens U. Canada Dec. 1, 1821 ; and died at Hanover N. Jersey, Aug. 17 1822; uged 8 months & Id days. Sleep dearest babe among thy kindred clay Let angels waft thy infant soul away To better climes than these thy s,)iiit flies, To dwell with Jesus in the skies. Carle.— Chiliou Carle Died March 18, 1839 In the 41st year of his age. " There is no discharge in that war." Carle.— Joanna Carle Died March 12 1846 In the 81st year of her age. Our Mother taught us how to live and to die. Coddington.— Lydia Coddington Born April 17, 1818 Died Jan. 23 1891 " She hath done what she could." Coddington.— Millard Coddington, Died April 6 1862 Aged 8*^ years 10 mo. and 24 days. Coddington. — Sarah A Coddington, Died June 28 1871 Aged 61 years 9 mo's & 14 da3's Asleep in Jesus. Coddington. — William Coddington, Died at San francisco Cal. on the 4tb of Jan. 1874, Aged 62 years. " He lived for others." Condit. — In memory of Rev Aaron Condit, who was engaged in active service as a minister of the Gospel for more than forty years; and for thirty-five years was the devoted and success- ful Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this place. He died April 10th 1852, Aged 86 years. '• Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy uf thy Lord." Condit. — In memory of John Condit, Son of the Rev'd Aaron Con- dit, and Polly Condit, who died Sept'r 7th 1804 in the 5th year of his age. Almighty Father sanctify the rod, From creature comforts lead us up to God. 40 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Condit. — Julia Franklin, Daughter of Moses & Julia Condit, Died September 21, 1846. Aged 19 years & 9 Months. " Her sun has gone down while it is yet day." Condit. — Julia Ann Carle, widow of Moses Condit Died Aug. 1 1850 In th<; 57th year of her age. " We all do fade as the leaf Condit. — Linus, Son of Moses & Julia Condit Died March 1 1847 ag^d 27 years & 9 months " Prepare to meet thy God." Condit. — This stone is erected To the memory of the best of wives & of mothers Mrs. Mary Condit, wife of Rev. Aaron Condit, She died Feb. 23d, 1820. aged 50 years. Her virtues, in all the relations she sustained in life, Are not depicted on this monumental stone : They live in the hearts of all who knew her best : And the Lambs book of life will exhibit them, When this marble, this earth, & these Heavens Are no -nore Condit. — Sacred to the memory of Moses Condit who departed this life June 22nd 1831 in the 41st year of his age. How loved, how valued once, avails thee not To whom related, or by whom begot A heap of dust alone remains of thee Tis all thou art ! and all the proud shall be. Cook.— Agnes E.Homan wife of Frank P. Cook Died July 20, 1884 Aged 24 years. Cook. — Elenor Cook Died June 16, 1862, In the 92nd year of her age. Cook. — In Memory of Ellis Cook Esq'r who departed this life April 7th 1797 In the 66th Year of his Age. Cook. — Sacred to the Memory of Ellis Cook a captain in the Revolutionary Army who died A. D. 1832 and of Isabella Cook his wife who died A. D. 1825. Erected by their descendants A. D. 1860. Cook. — In Memorv of Elizabeth Dau'r of Ellis andliucy Cook, who Died Sep'br 30 1780 Aged 1 Year 4 Months and 2 Days. Cook. — Elizabeth wife of Samuel Cook Died Jan. 1, 1874, Aged 97 years. Cook. — Here lies interr'd the Body of Margret Griswould, wife of Coll Ellis Cook. She Departed this Life March 15 1777 Aged 41 Years and 3 Months, Here lies one bereav'd of Life, A Tender Mother and a Loving wife; Kind to Relations & a, faithfuU friend Happy in her beginning, no doubt so in her end. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 41 Cook.— Samuel Cook, Died Dec. 30, 1861. Aged 80 years 3 mo. and 9 days. Cook. —Sarah Cook, Died May 10, 1855. Aged 67 years ''There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God." Cooke. — Here lieth ye Body of Mary wife of Ellis Cooke Deed April ye 19 1754 Aged' 38 Year's. Cooper. — In Memory of Sarah Wife of Joseph Cooper Who De- parted this Life Oet'br 3d 1788 Aged 30 Years. Here lies one bereav'd of life, A tender mother & a loving wife ; Kind to her relations & a faithful friend, Happy in her beginning : no doubt so in her end. Cook.- (See Ely Monument). Stephen B. Cook. M.D. Died J.in. 7th, 1843. Aged 47 years. Cook. — In memory of Zebulon Cook Born March 22 1755 Died Dec. 12 1810. & Mary Jones His wife Born Mav 20 1758 Died April 14 1830 Cosgrove. — In merar»ry of William Cosgrove who departed tbivS life the 16th day of March 1821 in the 60th year of his age. Death struck, be fell, no warning given, He now is landed safe is heaven ; A voice from heaven has surely said, That blessed are the happy dead. Their toil and labour now are o'er, Safe landed on that happy shore. And seated by his side. Coulter. — William L. L. son of Jacob •& Mary E. Coulter born Oct 19. 1847 died Sept 13, 1848. Sweet babe thou hast left us. Thy loss we deeply feel ; But tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Crane. — Fannie and Willie, Infant Children of Isaac S. & Mary T. Crane r Isaac W. Crane, Born April 23, 1799. Died Aug. 30, 1874 Crane. < Hannah S. Condit wife of Isaac W. Crane Born Aug. 18. (1808. Died July 9, 1879. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. Psalms 17, 15. Crane. — Mary L. wife of Cyrus E. Crane, Died Dec. 11, 1865, Aged 38 years 9 mo. & 5 days. There is rest for the weary. Crane. — Mary T. Johnson, wife of Isaac S. Crane, Died May 1, 1873, Aged 38 y'rs & 11 mo. 42 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Willie Foster Day, Son of Isaac S. & Mary T. Crane. Aged 9 mo. Thus one by one the silken cords, By times rough hands wei'e riven ; But angels caught the severed threads, And made them fast in heaven. Cannon. — William H. son of Alexander & Phebe Cannon, died March 29 1F55 In his 11th year. Darcy.— (Darcy Monument). Patrick Darcy Died July 17, 1805 Aged 76 years. Eleanor Darcy his wife Died Nov. 14, 1815 Aged 94 years. Jane Darcy Died Nov. 6, 1802 Aged 48 years. Doct. John Darcy Died Feb. 13, 1822 Aged 62 years. Phebe Darcv his wife Died June 4 1800 Aged 33 years. William Darcy Died Sept. 25, 1809 Aged 17 years'. Alexander Darcy Died Dec. 4, 1817 Aged 19 years. DeKolf.— Pfcter C. DeKolf, Sept 23, 1839, Nov. 15, 1890. DeKOLF. Dennis. — Sacred To the memory of Hannah, wife of Michael Dennis, who departed this life July 29, 1843, In the 67, year of her age. Dennis. — Mary Richards, widow of Harvev Dennis, Born June 27, 1807, Died March 3, 1876. Dennis. — Michael Dennis, Died Nov. 13, 1847. In the 78rd year of his age. Dickerson. — Abigail Stiles wife of Stephen Dickerson Born Mav 22. 1804. Died Oct. 24, 1886 At Rest. Dickerson. — John A. Youngest son of Stephen & Abigail Dicker- son, died in defence of his country near Falmouth, Va. Mar. 20, 1863, Aged 19 years 6 mos. «&: 26 days. Alone unto our Fathers will, One thought hath reconciled ; That he whose love exoeedeth ours, Hath taken home his child Dickerson. — Lydia Dickerson Died Sept. 20th 1854 aged 77 years 4 months and 2 days. Dickerson. — Lydia Ann Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Dicker- son, Died Jan. 21st, 1849, aged 18 years 7 months & 9 days. Dickerson. — Stephen Dickerson Died Jan. 5th 1849 aged 47 years 7 months & 4 days. Dickerson.— W.M. H. Dickerson Died May 27, 1867 Aged 26 years & 5 mo. DIXON. Dixon (Broken). Daughter of John & Mary Dixon died Decra'rye 23d 1770 Ag'd 7 Mo's & 23 Days. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 43 Dixon. — Here' lies the Body of Hannah wife of William Dixon Jun.r Deceased Aug.t 9 1765 in the 33 Year of her age. Here from all earthly Joys I'm fled Into the Mansions of the Dead Prepare thou Reader for you must Like me be turned into Dust. Dixon. — Here lies ye Body of Sarah Wife of William Dixon who died Febru'y ye 17 1778 Ag'd 70 Year 11 Mo's & 17 Days. How lov'd how valu'd once avails ye not To whom related or by whom begot A heap of Dust alone Remains of the Tis all thou art & all ye Proud shall be, Dixon. — Walter Son of John & Mary Dixon died July ye 20th 1776 Ag'd 5 mo's & 16 Days. Douglass.— Daniel Douglass Died April 17th 1823, In his 51st year. Ouv life how short ! a groan a sigh, We live and then begin to die ; But Oh ! how gi'eat a mercy this, That death's a portal into bliss. Douglass.— Martha Douglass Died April 18th 1848, In her 73d year. My soul my body I will trust, With him who numbers every dust; My Savoir faithfully will keep. His own — thier death is but a sleep. Douglass. — Nancy Ball widow of Nath. F. Douglass, Died Jan. 9. 1887. Aged 80 years. Douglass. — Nathaniel F Douglass. Died September 29th 1855. In his 57th Year. " I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." Drennan. — The grave of Jane, wife of John Drennan who died Sept 14th 1825 aged 58 years. " Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord." Drennan. — The grave of John Drennan who died May 11th 1846 aged 84 years. " Blessed is he that watcheth." Dype. — The Dust of Ann Dyre Former wife of Isaac Ailing who died Jan'y 1st 1823 Aged 37 years 10 mo's and 23 days. Eckley.— In Memory of Mrs Katharine Eckley who by a sudden Accident died August ye 18th AD. 1772. Anno iEtat 46. To this sad Shrine the Reliques we commend, Of once the tender Mother, Wife & Friend, Too soon, alas those tender Tyes were broke, 44 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Friends, Husband, Children, felt ye fatal Stroke : Yet cease fond Grief — no niurmring Sigh arise, Heav'n struck ye Blow — and Heav'n is just & wise. Think dying Passenger : Life's final Date Steals on thee, heedless of impending Fate, While Pleasure courts thee with her smiling Charms Prepare to meet thy God — the Tomb alarms : Man Cometh forth like a flower and is cut down. Job. 14, 2. Eckiey. — In Memoi-y of Susannah Eckley, Who departed this life the 16th. February 1791. M 40: The sweet remembrance of the just, Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. Eckley. — In Memory of Thomas Eckley Esqr, who departed this life the 15th July 1793 M 72 We shall not all sleep. We shall all be changed, Then shall be bi'ought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in Victory. Ely.— Caleb H. Ely, Born April 17, 1796, Died May 17, 1867. "' I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live." I H S. Ely.— Calvin Ely Died July 22nd 1832. Aged 65 years. Betsy Hetfield, wife of Calvin Ely Died Sep. 26tb, 1852 Aged 81 years. Harriet Smith, Daughter of Calvin and Betsy Ely, Born Aug. 15th 1812. Died May 5th 1886. Phebe Ball, Daughter of Calvin and Betsy Ely Born Aug. 25th 1801 Died Jan. 6th 1889. Stephen B. Cook, M. D. Died Jan. 7th, 1843. Aged 47 years. William Freeman, son of Calvin & Betsy Elv, Born Dec. 19th 1805 Died at Santa Clara, Cal. Nov 1st 1850 John Muehmore, Died Jan. 5th, 1870. Aged 74 years Lucetta A Ely wife of John Muehmore. Died Jan. 18th 1882 Aged 82 years. Ely. — Daniel Sayre, son of James & Susan G. Elv. Born Aug. 3, 1842 Died Jan. 30, 1843. Ely. — Emma Augusta, Daughter of C. H. & S. E. Ely. Born Nov. 9th 1845. Died June 12 1865. " with Christ which is far better." HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 45 Ely. — Emma Florence Daughter of J. L. And J. E. Ely. April 15 1868. July 5 1880 J. L. ELY. Ely.— Frederic, son of C. H. & S. E. Ely, Died April 19 1839 aged 3 weeks. "It is well." Ely. —Our Sister Hannah Maria Daughter of Caleb H. tSr Sarah E. Ely. Born April 2 1834 Died March 23, 1851. She is not dead the child of our affection — But gone unto that school. Where she no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ himself doth rule. In that great cloister's stillness and seclusion By guardian angels led. Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution, She, lives ! whom we call dead. Ely.— James Ely Born March 30, 1798 Died July 30, 1870 Susan C. his wife Born Aug 22, 1802 Died Nov. 2nd, 1877. Ely. — In memory of Eachel Ely wife of E. S. Ely. who died May 27 1836 aged 31 years. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Ely. — Our Mother Sarah Eliza wife of Caleb H. Ely Born March 15, 1800, Died July 8, 1851. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Day after day we think what she is doing, In those bright realms of air ; Year after year her heav'nly steps pursuing, We know she now is there. Thus will we walk with her and keep unbroken, The bond which nature gives ; Thinking that our reme nbrance though unspoken May reach her where shi lives. Fairchild. — In Memory of Amelia, daughter of I-saac and Amy Faircbild. who Died August 28th 1819, Aged 19 Years 5 Months and 7 days. Receive O ! earth her faded form, In thy cold bosom let it lie ; Safe let it rest from every storm. Soon must it rise no more to die. Fairch'Id. — In Memory of Amy wife of Isaac Fairchild Who Died September 11th 1819 ; Aged 52 Years. No pain nor grief nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds, no mortal woes, Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. While angels watch thy soft re^>ose. 46 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Fairchild. — In memory of Isaac Fairchild who died August 2d 1815, in tlie 65 yeai' of his age. No sickness, no sorrow or pain, Shall ever disquiet him now, For death to his spirit was gain, Since Christ was his life when below. Fairchild. — In Memory of Jemima Fairchild who died May 21st 1824 in the 63rd Year of her age. " For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Fairchild In Memorv of Capt Lent W, Fairchild, departed this life Nov. 9, 1802 "Aged 44 Years. Softly his fainting head he laid, Upon his Saviours breast ; His Saviour kis'd his soul away, And laid his flesh to rest. Fish.— Abraham Fish, Died Nov. 8, 1842, Aged 28 Years & 2 Months. Peace, tis the Lord Jehovah's hand, That blasts our joys in death That mars that form to us so dear And gathers back the breath. Fish. — In memory of Charles Fish, who died December 3rd 1841, Aged 19 Years 3 Months & 16 Days. Dearest brother thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel, But tis God that hath bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal. Fish.— Erastus Fish, Died Nov. 3d, 1842 Aged 20 Years & 2 Months. Silent we own Jehovah's name We kiss the scourging hand. And. yield our comfort and our life. To his Supreme command. Fish. — Susannah Fish, Died Aug. 14th 1843 Aged 26 Years &: 10 Months Dearest sister thou has left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Fish Mary wife of Thomas Fish, Died March 29, 1869. Aged 90 years 7 mo. & 18 days. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Fish. — In Memory of Thomas Fish who died April 22d 1840 In the 81st Year of his Age. " And now Lord what wait I for? my hope is in thee." HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 47 Garabrant. — In memory of Laura Augusta, Daughter of Amzi &' Olivia M. Garabrant who departed this life February 10, 1843. Aged 4 Yrs. 5 Mo. & 20 Days. This lovely bud so young and fair Called forth by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In Paradise would bloom. Garrison — Elizabeth Fairchild, wife of Simeon Garrison, Born Mav 14, 1796. Died March 5, 1877. " Whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die." Garrison.— In Memory of Mary Van Allen Wife of Halmegh Gar- rison, who died April 25th 1846 ; Aged 72 Years 1 Month and 22 days Friends and Relations weep no more. My toils and labours now are o're; Be soon prepared to follow me. Death soon will also summon thee. Garrison.— Simeon Garrison, Died April 2, 1858. In his 59 Year. Also Isaac Augustus His Son Died Oct. 1, 1835 Aged 7 years 23 days Garretson. — Isaac Augustus Son of Simeon & Elizabeth Garretson Died October 1st, 1835, Aged TYears & 21 Days. Gaukrogw. — Sacred to the Memory of George Henry, son of Jos- eph Gaukrogw, of Brearley Hall, Halifax, England. Died July 7th 1866 of sunstroke ; aged 24 years. Genung. — Elias P. Genung. Born March 2, 1814. Died July lo> 1888. In memory of Jeremiah Genung, who departed this life Nov. 16, 1845, in his 23rd year. We're pained to feel our friend lies here, A son and brother dear ; At noon was well and ere 'twas night, Jehovah spake ! — we knew 'twas right, His call we must obey. Then strech'd upon a painful bed For twelve short days Jehovah said His kind physicians o'er his bed Stood night and day, till lo ! he's dead. A. G. Thou reader of this stone Shall quickly hither come. Death sure will bring thee down A. G. The grave is thy long home, Perhaps you'll read & thoughtless turn away, But death forbids you long from hence to stay. 48 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Green. — Anna, Wife of the Rev'd M. Jacob Green, Died on the 25 of Nov,r 1756 aged 31 Years & 4 raonths. A prudent tender amiable Wife A Blessing to her Relatives in Life Her Death their Loss beyond expression grate But she tis hop'd has gained the heavenly State. Green. — Sacred to the Memory of Deacon Benjamin Green, who died July 29th 1796, m tbe 74th Tear of his Age. Green. — In Memory of Benjamin Green who fell A victim To the Yellow Fever Au^'t 30th 1803 Aged 37 Y'rs 7 mo.s & 27 d'ys. Green. — In Memory of Calvin Green, who died Feb. 3, 1847, In the 82nd Year of his age. He was a Nathaniel. John 1, 47. E. G. Green. — Filial affection Ex-ected this Monument to the Memory of the best of mothers, Mrs Elizabeth Green, Daughter of the Rev'd John Pierson, and second wife of the Rev'd Jacob Green. Worthy of her father and her husband, Her mortal part here associates with their kindred dust, while the part immor- tal reunites with theirs where death can no more divide Her various virtues are not recorded on this perishable stone, they are written in the Lambs book of life, and in the hearts of her children and her friends. She died Aug't 3d A. D. 1810. In the 84th year of her age. Green. — Here repose the Remains of Elizabeth Green, Daughter of Calvin and Hannah Green. She died March 17, 1838 in the 29th year of her age. Few have suffered so much and so long with bodily pains : but fewer still have enjoyed so much, and testified so strong- ly, the abounding grace of the Redeemer. Green. — In Memory of Hannah Green, widow of Calvin Green, who died July 13, 1847, In the 79th year of her age. " This mortal must put on immortality." Green. — Under this Stone are deposited the remains of the Rev,d Jacob Green A. M. First Pastor of this Church ; who died May 24th 1790 Aged 68 Years of which 44 were Spent in the Gospel Ministry in this Place. He was a man Of temper even, firm and resolute : Of affections temperate, steady. And benevolent ; Of genius solid, inquisitive, HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 49 And penetrating ; Of industry, active and unwearied; Of learning, various and accurate ; Of manners, simple and reserved ; Of piety, humble, enlightened, Fervent, eminent. As a preacher he was instructive, plain, searching, Practical ; As a pastor, watchful Laborious : ever intent On some plan for the Glory of God & the Salvation of his flock. And by the divine blessing Happily & eminently Successful. Green.— In Memory of John C Green, Son of Calvin & Hannah Green, who died June 1st 1807 Aged 1 year 5 Months. Green. — In Memory of Nancy Green, daughter of Calvin & Han- nah Green, who died Oct. 22nd, 1812, in the 24 Year of her age. She was a dutiful daughter, an affectionate sister A constant friend and a sincere Christian Early she embraced the I'eligion of christ, Rapidly she advanced in the knowledge of her God, And all to prepare her for a triumphant death ; To ripen her for an early tomb. And a speedy dwelling where her Saviour is. Green.— Sacred to the Memory of Mary Wife of Deacon Benjamin Green who died August 1 1777 in the 49th Tear of her Age Green. — In Memory of Sarah Green widow of Benjamin Green who departed this life Apr. 21st, 1827. Aged 57 years 6 months & 15 days Oh ! mother dear, thy children all, Will never forget thy prudent hands ; That nourished us when we were small, We give thee up to God's commands Green. — In Memory of Willis Green, who died March 21, 1848. In the 46th year of his age. " In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." (Removed to the new cemetery.) Griffith.— Abner, son of Stephen & Evoline Griffith. Died Aug. 15th, 1846. Aged 3 years 6 months & 14 days. Griffith.— Evoline Douglass wife of Stephen Griffith Born Dec. 3 1810. Died Feb. 7, 1889. 50 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. " My Saviours name I love My Home Sweet Home above." Griffith. — Frnnie Tiindsley Daughter of Munson & Martha L. Griffith. Died Sept.' 21, 1868, aged 2 years 2 mo. & 12 days. " Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of God." Griffith.— John D. Griffith Died March 28, 1864, Aged 42 y'rs & 3 mo. He died in Jesus and is blest, H( wkind his Slumbers are ; Fn m sufferings and from sins released, A.nd freed from every snare Far from this world of toil and strife He's present with the Lord ; The labors of his mortal life, End in a large reward. Griffith. — Mary E. died June 6. 1855 aged 2 years & 3 months Ezra L died Dec. 1st 1858, aged 9 days. Children of John D. & Elizabeth T. Griffith. I take these little lambs said he, And lay them on my breast ; Protection they shall find in me, In me be ever blest. Griffith.— Stephen Griffith Died Nov. 8, 1853. In the 50th year of his age. His toils is past his work is done, And he is fully blest ; He fought the fight the victory won, And entered into rest. Halsey. — Sacred to the Memory of Will'm E. Halsey, Son of Ab- raham Halsey M. D. who Died 3d Aug. 1793 Aged 1 Year & 8 Days. Halsey. — In Memory of Electa daughter of Doct'r Abr'm Halsey who died at Stanhope N. J. the 22nd September 1806. Aged 2 Years & 10 Days. Halsey. — In Memory of Isaac Halsey sen'r Born August 31st, 1765, Died January 22nd, 1844. Farewell dear Father go, We part with thee in love ; Now we can meet no more below, We'll hope to meet above. And can our hearts with hopes like these, Be sullen or repine; No let the Lord take what lie please. We will to him resign. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 51 Halsey.— Isaac Halsey, Dec. 7, 1827. Aug. 26, 1889. Halsey. — Isaac Ludlum son of William & Maria Halsey Died July 12, 1826. Aged 4 months & 25 Days. Halsey.— Isaac Halsey Born March 8 1801. Died Dec. 21 1893. Halsey. — In memory of John E. Halsey, who departed this life 22nd June 1830 aged 42 years and 5 months. This languishing head is at rest Its thinking and aching's are o'er, This quiet, immoveable breast Is heaved by affliction no more, The lids that he seldom could close, By sorrows forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in the sweetest repose. Have strangely forgotten to weep. Halsey. — Sacred to the memory of Lucretia widow of the late Dr Abraham Halsey who departed this life Sept'r 26th, 1822. aged 60 years 3 months and 19 days Halsey.— Maria L. Halsey, Nov. 8, 1870. Feb. 21,1879. Halsey. — In Memory of Mary R. F. Halsey who departed this life February 2ud 1827 aged 27 years 11 months and 24 days. Also Isaac L. Halsey died February 5 1827 aged 6 days. O by what a glimmering light, We view that unknown world Were hastening to. God hath Lock'd up the Mystick page and Curtain'd darkness round the stage. Halsey. — In Memory of Marinus Willett, son of Isaac & Harriet Halsey, who died Oct, 12tb, 1841 Aged 2 Years 4 Months and 9 days. (On monument, see Hunter.) Halsey.— William Halsev Born October 29 1796 Died December 31 1878. Halsey.— (See Williams and Willett.) Harriet wife of Isaac Hal- sey Died July 4th 1863 A. M. H Halsted.— In Memory of Ann Maria Dau'r of David W. & Harriet Ann Halsted who died Aug'st 30th 1811 Aged 11 Months, Happy the babe who privilig'd by, fate. To shorter labour and a lighter weight ; Received but yesterday the gift of breath, Ordered tomorrow to return to death. Hamilton.— In Memory of Oapt David Hamilton who died March 7th 1813 aged 32 years and 11 Months. My wife and child behold, Your husband and your fathers fate, 53 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. And learn that you must die ; And do prepare before too late, To live with God on high. Hamilton. — Here lies the Body of Mary wife of John Hamilton. She Died March 15th, 1777, Aged 26 Years. A Prudent, Tender, Virtuous wife, A Blessing to her Relation in her Life Beyond Expression, her Death it is Great But we do hope She has Gained ye Heavenly state Remember then when this you See That you are Dust as well as She Harriman. — (On stone with Harriet Beach.) Jesse M. Harrimau, Died Jan. 80 1811 Aged 1 Year. Harrison. — Aseneth, daughter of Benjamin & Lydia Harrison, Died Sept. 25, 1822. aged 25 years. Harrison — In memory of Benjauiiu Harrison, Born March 10. 1776. Died May 23d 1858 " Our days on earth are as a shadow and thei'e is none abiding." Harrison. — Edward P. Son of William & Susana Harrison, Died March 8th, 1847, Aged 6 months & 14 days. Harrison. — In memory of, Henrietta Miranda, Daughter of Adonijah V. and Margaret Harrison, who departed this life August 14th 1832, aged 2 years 7 months & 2 d lys Alas how changed that lovely flower. Which bloomed and cheered our hearts ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part. Harrison. — Mary Woodruff, wife of A. V. Harrison, died Aug. 11th 1855. aged 47 years 7 months & 29 days. O ! weep not for the friends that pass, Into the lonely grave ; As breezes sweep the withered grass, Along the restless wave. For though thy pleasures may depart, And mournful days be given, And lonely though on earth thou art, Yet bliss awaits the holy heart When friends rejoin in heaven. Harrison. — Moses W. son of A. V. Harrison, died Sept. 5th, 1839, in the 13th year of his age. Harrison. — Sacred to the memory of Lydia, wife of Benjamin Harrison, who died Oct. 28, 1847. Aged 71 years 2 mo. & 21 davs. Oh yes happy spirit we'll meet thee again, HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 53 Where there's no sadness nor parting nor pain ; We'll meet thee in heaven united to I'aise, Our notes of thanksgiving our anthems of praise. Hathaway.— Triphena widow of Benone Hathaway and Daughter of Christopher & Jane Mulford Born Jan. 18, 1787 Died March 17, 1864 Havens.— In Memory of Polly Wife of Jeremy Havens She Died Sep'br 17th 1797, Aged 28 Years 4 Months & 18 Days. Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowis not what a day may bring foarth. Hoffmann. — In memorv of Fredericka Pauline Hoffmann, Born Oct. 10, 1822 Died June 14, 1871. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Homan.— Thomas H. Human. 1828—1889 HOMAN. Hopping. — In memory of Abigail, Wife of Henry Hopping, who died Oct. 15th, 1849. in the 70th year of Her age. Our parents lie beneath the sod, And mingles with the dust ; Their souls have gone to be with God, And dwell among the just. Hopping. — Aseneth wife of Daniel Hopping Died August 13th 1847 Aged 68 Years & 7 Months. Hopping. — Augustus Stiles Hopping. Died Aug 10 1876. Aged 42 Years & 26 days. " The Righteous shall go into Eternal life." Hopping — Betsy Hopping, Died April 16 1844 aged 55 years 2 months & 15 days. Hopping.— Daniel Hopping Died Nov. 15th 1857 aged 87 years &: 10 months "The memory of the just is blessed." Hopping. — In Memory of Edward Hopping who died Oct. 17th. 1836 x^ged 4 Years 1 Month and 11 days. Thus sweetly borne he flies to rest, We know its well, nay more tis best, When we our pilgrims path have trod Oh ! may we find him with our God. Hopping. — Elias A. son of Bonapart & Mary Hopping, Born May 23, 1840, Died Aug. 9, 1840. Hopping. — In Memory of Eliza wife of Samuel L Hopping who died Sept. 7, 1848. aged 38 years, 5 mo's ; & 7 days Beloved, now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that, when he 54 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is: 1. John. 3d Chapt. 2 verse. A. new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another. Hopping. — Eliza P. daughter of Daniel & Martha Hopping, Died Sept. 4th, 1821. Aged 27 Years 10 Months & 19 days. Hopping. Hopping.— Frances C Wife of W. H. Hopping April 9 1838. Nov. 21 1S89. Hopping. — Frank Looker. Son of S L & Margaret Hopping Born Nov 9 1853 Died Jan 28 1855, Hopping. — In Memory of Henry Hopping who departed this life Jan. 11, 1845, in the 67th year of his age. Faith cheers the christian through the tomb. While entering his eternal home ; Lightens the gloom, dispells the fear, And he triumphant enters there. Hopping. — Jennie Genung, wife of La W. Hopping Died Jan. oO 1865 Aged 25 years 7 Mo and 21 days. Darling Jennie slumber well, Angel watchers round thee dwell; Virgin robes thy form doth twine. Angels softest wings be thine. Hopping.— John Y. Hopping Died Sept. 28, 1868, Aged 65 y'rs 1 mo. & 18 days. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors." Hopping. — John Y. son of Bonapart & Mary Hopping Born Mav 3 1842 Died Sept. 15, 1845. Hopping. — To the memory of Margaret G. wife of Thomas Hop- ping who departed this life November the 29, 1825 aged 46 years 10 months and 10 days. Consigned by death to shades of night, She lies conceal'd from mortal sight, Till Jesus from the lofty skies, Shall bid her slumbering dust arise. Hopping. — In memory of Maria wife of Charles Hopping who died Nov. 18, 1823. aged 23 Years & 2 Mo's. Behold the wife in youthful bloom Death's victim to an early tomb. Hopping. — in memoi-y of Martha Sophia, daughter of Sam'l M, Hopping, who died Dec. 8, 1848 Aged 22, years & 24 days Farewell to thee who hast too early left us. In the bright morning of thy youthful bloom Of thy loved form has cruel death bereft us For thou art laid within the lonely tomb The sad farewell, the grief of those who weep Will not disturb thy last and dreamless sleep. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 55 Hopping.— Martha, wife of Daniel Hopping, Died Jan. 10th, 1826. Aged 55 Years 4 Months & 5 days. Hopping.— Mary Thorp, wife of John Y. Hopping, Died Jan. 27 183(5, Aged 22 y'rs 10 mo. & 23 d's. Mary T. Daughter of J. Y. & M Hopping Died April 4, 1836, Aged 3 mo. & 12 d's. Hopping.— Mary wife of Bonapart Hopping Died Feb. 22d, 1850 aged 34 years & 4 days. Hopping. — Nancv Sayre wife of John Y. Hopping, Died Feb. 4, 1832 Aged 22 y'rs 11 mo & 12 d's. Lyman Son of J. Y. & N. Hopping Died Dec. 8, 1833, Aged 3 y'rs 6 mo & 6 d's. Hopping. — Phebe daughter of Wm. E. & Harriet Hopping, died June 11 1864, Aged 6 Months «& 11 Days. Hopping. — In memory of Rachel Lvon, wife of Sam'l M. Hopping, who died Sep. 17, 1840 Aged 42 Years 3 Months & 21 Days. Hopping.— Eobert C. Hopping Died Oct. 19, 1842, In his 28th year " Loved and lamented." Hopping. — Samuel M Hopping Born Oct. 19th 1796 Died March 2d 1866 '' I would not live alway." He pping. — Samuel L Hopping Born Mav 8th 1805 Died Jan. 1st 1878 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. I Cor. 15 C. 23 V. Hopping. — Sarah E. daughter of Bonapart & Mary Hopping Born July 21 1839 Died Aug 8 1839 Hopping. — To the memory of Thomas Hopping who departed this life December the 22", 1825, aged 59 years 5 months and 22 days. Such was the friend whose loss we deplore. The friends whose loss this consolation gives ; That though the much lov'd Father is no more, In every good mans memory he lives Hopping. In Memory of Warren, Son of Sam'l L & Eliza Hop- ping, Died in New York June 29th, 1836, Aged 1 Year 8 Months & 9 days. As the sweet flower that Scents the morn ; But withers in t lie rising day, Thus lovely was this infants dawn Thus swiftly fled its life away. 56 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Howell,— David Howell Died Sept 22d 1847 aged 49 years Howell. — In memory of John D. Howell son of David and Mar- garet Howell who died Sept I3th 1831 aged 5 years and 3 months. Alas how changed that lovely flower, which bloomed and cheered my heart ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part. Howell. — Our Mother, Margaret C. wife of Dwid Howell, Died Feb. 6 1864, Aged 55 years, 8 mo's, & 9 days. " Faithful through life ; peaceful in death.'"' Hoyt. — Sacred to the memory of Maria Hoyt, wife of Charles Hoyt, Third daughter of Ralph Smith, Died May 24th, 1839, In the 28th year of her age. 0, grave where is thy victory. Hunter.— AlizaC hunter Died May 18th 1882 Aged 83 years HUNTER Hunter. — (On Halsey Monument.) Charles H. Hunter M. D. Born Dec 8 1827 Died Aug 11 1887. Hunter. — Annie O. Halsey His wife Born Jan 5 1832 Died Oct 6 1887. Hunter.— Ida Hunter Jan. 15 1873. June 15 1874. Irwin. — In Memory of Jerutisha wife of John Irwin who died, January 26th, 1831, aged 24 years and 4 months. Tis good to think that pain no more, Can e'er disturb her rest ; Her race is run her warfare o'er, Her soul forever blest. Her body too in vernal bloom. Shall live to die no more ; And both receive the glorious boon, God's mercy to adore. Johnson. — Catharine B. consort of Uzal E. Johnson, Died Jan. 7th 1840 Aged 29 years. Green trees shall wave above thee That dread no wintry snow, Meek flowers that learned to love thee. Shall round thy pillow blow ; And faithful hearts, and tender. Full oft shall linger nigh. Thine, tribute tear, to render And learn of thee to die Johnson. — Eleanora, Daughter of John & Rachel Johnson, Died, April 7 1855 Aged 29 Years. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 57 Johnson. — In memory of Elizabeth, Widow uf Benjamin Johnson, who died Nov'r IGth 1833, in the 88th year of her age. Johnson. — Fannie H. daughter of Uzal E. & Caroline Johnson, died April 17, 1857. aged 14 years Fannie, I hear thee not, I see thee not, Thy footsteps are not here. Where once it was my happy lot To meet my Fannie dear. Johnson. — John N. son of John & Rachel Johnson. Died July 12 1848 in his 28th year. Johnson.— In memory of John Johnson who died January 24 1856. Aged 90 years. Johnson. — Joseph, Son of John & Rachel Johnson Died April 7 1852 in his 35th Year. Johnson. — Julia D. Daughter of Uzal E. & Caroline S. Johnson, Died Oct. 10, 1870. Aged 23 years & 10 mo. To die is gain. Johnson. — In Memory of Permslia Ann, who died July 31st 1838 Aged 1 Year 2 Mo's and 26 days. In Memory of Catharine Apphia who died Sep. 19tb 1839 Aged 29 Days. Daughters of Uzal E. & Catharine B. Johnson. Throw thy warm beams, oh glorious sun, Around their lowly bed, Press lightly Earth upon their breast's And stranger softly tread, Johnson. — In memory of Rachel widow of John Johnson Died Oct 16 1870 Aged 88 year *' And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Johnson. — Uzal E. Johnson Died Sept. 22, 1859. Aged 53 years. Caroline His wife Died Sept. 20 1859 Aged 52 y'rs. Kent. — Andrew Augustus, son of Andrew M & Elizabeth Kent, died April 29 1840 aged 3 months & 9 days Life fails as soon — to-day 'tis here To-morrow it may disappear. Kent. — In memory of Elizabeth Wife of Andrew M Kent who died Aug. 30 1841 aged 35 years & 11 months " Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Kent. — In Memory of Harriet Elizabeth Daughter of Andrew M & Catharine Kent who died March 28 1847 Aged 4 Years & 13 days Rest ! sweet Daughter here Till Jesus doth again appear. 58 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Kent. — Livingston, son of William H. & Catharine Kent, Died June 26, 1852, aged 2 years & 7 dajs. This little loved one sweetly sleeps Where pain is felt no more And those who love will meet With him again to part no more. Kent. — Martha, M daughter of Andrew M & Elizabeth Kent, died March 6th 1856 Aged 18 years & 5 months. Farewell dear sister From this world of sin and pain, We'll soon meet again In that bright world above To dwell with christ In perfect love. Kent, — In memory of Mary C, Daughter of Andrew M & Eliza- beth Kent, who died Dec. 18th, 1853. Aged 24 years & 2 months. They who die in Christ are blest, Ours be then, no thought of greeving, Sweetly with their God they rest. All their toils and troubles leaving. So be ours the faith that saveth. Hope that every trial biaveth Love that to the end endureth And through Christ the Crown Secureth. Kent. — Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew M & Elizabeth Kent, died Nov. 17, 1841, aged 3 months. So fades the lovely blooming flower Frail smiling solace of an hour. Kent. — Sarah Jane, daughter of Andrew M & Elizabeth Kent, died Dec. 20th, 1845, aged 8 years & 7 months. Death comes, like a wintry day It cuts the lovely flower away. Ketcham. — Joanna Ketcham Widow of John Ketcham & daughter of William Bunnell. Born at Caldwell N. J. 1792 Died at Hanover neck N. J. April 20 1893 Aged 101 years 4 mo. (This grave not marked. Record furnished by Undertaker Cook of Hanover.) Ketcham. — In memory of John Ketcham, Born April 3, 1786 ; Died Nov. 17, 1858, Aged 72 years 7 mo. & 14 Days. "And he said unto me. It is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." Kitchel. — Sacred To the memory of Aai'on Kitchel Esqr who died June 25th, 1820 : in the 76th year of his age. He was a man of sound vigorous and discriminating mind : HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 59 Of affections warm steady and charitable ; Of genius bright active and penetrating, Of industry vigorous and enterprising Of temper mild and resolute Of manners plain ; Of religion a firm believer in Christ, and died in a full assurance of a happy reward. He was an active faithful and zealous advocate for the freedom of his Country, and for thirty years was a member in the State and National councils Thus sleeps the man whom bounteous Heaven Had all the gifts of nature given ; Sound in judgment with a religious mind, To his Saviour his breath resigned Kitchel. — In memory of Benjamin Kitchel who departed this life July 25th 1825, in the 63d year of his age. Friends all behold as you pass by, As you are now so once was I ; As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. Kitchell. — Sacred to the memory of Eliza Kitchell late Consort of Ambi-ose Kitchell who departed this life August 31st 1830, in the 57th year of her age. Mourn not dear Husband dry your tears Children weep not for me, The Saviour calls, I must obey. Submit to his decree. And when the Resurrection morn Shall burst their bands again, O may we meet in Heaven at last, And there with Christ remain. Kitchel. — In memory of Bethuel Son of Capt. Farrand Kitchel, and Esther Kitchel, who died Oct 11th 1813, aged 10 years 10 months and 6 days. Children and youth you see. The certain fate of all. Be always well prepared For death when God shall call. Kitchell. — In Memory of Esther wife of Capt. Farrand Kitchell who departed this life December 16th A. D. 1842. Aged 78 years 2 months and 16 days. " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of bis saints." My soul, my body I will trust, With him who numbers evr'y dust, My Saviour faithfully will keep His own, their diath is but a sleep. 60 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Kitchell. — In memory of Capt Farrand Kitchell, who departed this life Juue 4th A. D. 1818, in the 50th year of his age. In his death his widow has lost an affectionate and loving Hnsband his children a tender parent and the poor a real friend He was in all his dealings honest npright and gen- erous and for 30 years a member of the Church of Christ. Behold the poor and widows friend, Beneath these clods doth lie, A solemn warning to us all That we must shortly die. Kitchel. — In memory of Hannah Maria daughter of Jason & Abby Kitchel who died August 7, 1846, in her 24th year. Forgive ye blest the tributary tear That mourns your exit from a world like this Forgive the wish that would have kept you here And stayed your progress to the seats of blisa. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Kitchel.— Henry Son of John & Nancy S. Kitchel Pied Nov. 8, 1840 aged 1 year & 3 months Kitchell. — In memory of Jesse Kitchell who died Dec. 23rd 1823, Aged 55 years. " Be ye therefore ready also ; for the Son of man cometh in an hour when ye think not." Kitchel. — In Memory of Joseph Kitchell Esqr who Departed this Life March 22 1779 In the 69 Year of his Age. Here lies a man to Whom Indulgent Heaven Its richest Bounties had Profusely Given Great Power of Soul refin'd by love of truth And piety Sincere from Early Youth True Zeal for God his friends his Country Shone In him who lies Intoomb'd Beneath this Stone Go Passenger like him your utmost try To Live to Some Good End for you must die (Kitchell Monument.) ' John Kitchell Born Aug, 81, 1796. Died Dec. 5, 1880. Sarah Cook wife of John Kitchell Born Nov. 7, 1806, Died Nov. 23, 1843 John Cook Kitchell Born Nov. 24, 1836. Died Feb. 7, 1842, An infant son of John«Sr Sarah Kitchell Born Aug. 28, 1835. i^Sarah A. Kitchell Born Feb. 22, 1838. Died Jan. 21, 1888. Kitchel. — In Memory of John Kitchel who died Jan'ry 9th 1777 Aged 63 Years Kitchell. J, HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 61 S., John V. 28-29 Marvel not at this. The hour is coming in the which all that are in the grave shall hear the voice of the Son of God & shall corae forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation Kitchel. — In Memory of Mercv Wife of John Kitchel who died Dec'br 14th 1789 In the 66 Year of her Age. Job. CXIVth 12th Matthew XXIVth 44th. So man lieth down & riseth not till ye heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of this sleep Therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Kitchell. — In memory of Marv wife of Jesse Kitchell, who died Feb. 1st 1836 Aged 62 Years. ' ' And unto them that look for him shall he ap- pear the second time, without sin, unto Salvation." Kitchell. — Mary wife of William Kitchell Died Sept, 16th 1842, in the 60th, year of her age. Kitchel.— Nancy Kitchel Died Oct. 23, 1873. Aged 79 years 6 mo. & 16 Days. Peacefully sleep, Sleep till that morning, Peacefully sleep. Kitchel. — In Memory of Capt Obadiah Kitchel Who died Oct. 3d A. D. 1798. in the 58th Year of his age. Friends all behold as you pass by. As you ai-e now so once was I. As I am now soon you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. Kitchel. — Saci-ed To the memory of Phebe wife of Aaron Kitchel Esqr. who died March 12th 1807 ; in the 64th year of her age. Leaving a large family of children and connections to mourn her loss. Children behold your parents fate. Remember you must die. Prepare before it is too late. To live with God on high. Kitchel. — In Memory of Rachel Wife of David Kitchel who died Sept 12, 1802, aged 43 Years 2 Months & 6 Days. Kitchel. — In Memory of Rachel Wife of Joseph Kitchel Esqr Who Departed this life Dec'br 24, 1789. In the 75th Year of her Age Useful in life at death resign'd She rests among the blest O may her offsprings left behind Secure that heavenly rest. 6*2 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Kitchell. — In memory of Sarah, wife of Capt. Obadiah Kitchell^ who departed this life Jan. 26th 1822 in the 80th year of her age. In anguish pain and bitter groans My days on earth I end. But what is pain or temporal death If Jesus be my friend. 1bier rubt In Gott HKineicy Xcbmann Geboren &en 10 Sept. IS12 (Best; ben 1 Bpiil ISCH IRube Seiner ascbe. Lehmann.— (Translation-) In Memory of Henrv Lehmann, who died April Jst 1864 Aged 52 Years. Lindsley.— Sarah Lindsley, Died Dec. 25, 1847. In her f9th year. Littell. — In Memory of Andrew, Son of David & Hannah Littell, who Died Aug'st 13th 1795 Aged 28 Years 6 Months & 9 Days. . Littell. — In Memory of Calvin Son of David & Hannah Littell who Died Nov'br 14th 1795 Aged 3 Years 9 Months & 6 Days. Littell. — In memory of Charles, son of Wilham &: Mary Littell who died Oct'r 4th 1818 aged 6 years 11 months & 10 days^ Go our dear child, obey the call of heaven. Thy sins were few, and these we trust forgiven Yet ah ! what pen can paint thy parent's woe, God only gives the balm that struck the blow. Littell. — Sacred To The memory of David Littell Esq. who de- parted this life Dec. 28th 1812, in the 63d year of his age Here lies a friend oh drop a tear, A friend to all Christs followers here. Littell. — In Memory of David, Son of David & Hannah Littell, who Died Feb'ry 10th 1781 Aged 4 Months and 10 Days. Littell. — In memory of Enos Littell who died June i9th, 1848, Aged 74 years. Littell. — Saci'ed to the memory of Hannah, Daughter of Enos and Mary Littell, and wife of Ezra B. Morehouse, she died the 27th day of February. 1823. aged 23 years 4 months and 12 days. " Blessed are the dead that die in the Tiord " Littell. — Sacred to the memory of Hannah, widow of David Littell Esq. who died July 20th 1831 aged 81 years 8 months and 26 days. Death of its sting disarmed she knew no fear, But tasted heaven e'en while she lingered here ; Oh happy saint, may we like thee be blest, In life be faithful and in death find rest. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 63 Littell. — lu Memory of Hannah Dau'r of David & Hannah Littell. who Died April 17th 1791. Aged 18 Months and 9 Days Littell. — In Memory of Josiah, Son of David & Hannah Littell, who Died Feb'ry 20 1777 Aged 11 Months and 6 Days. Littell. — In Memory of Mary wife of Enos Littell who died Oct. 10th 1850. Aged 74 years. Lockwood. — Memorial of Abigail, Consort of James Lockwood who died Feb. 10th 1832, aged 58 years 7 months and 10 days. My weary way of life is o'er, My Sins are gone my woes no more; My consort — children — seek the rest, That's found alone on Jesus' breast. Lockwood. — In memoi-y of Nancy Lockwood daughter of James and Abigail Lockwood who died March 28tb, 1823 aged 18 years 4 months and 26 days. Time was like you I life possest ; The time will be when you will rest. Lyon. — In memory of charles Meredith Son of John S & Hannah Elizabeth Lyon, who died July 28 1846 aged 4 months & 15 days. This tender bud so young and fair. Called home from early doom ; Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise might bloom. Lyon. — In memory of Emma Louisa daughter of John S. & Han- nah Elizabeth Lyon who died March 10 1850, aged 1 year 4 months & 15 days. Alas how changed this lovely flower. Which bloomed and cheer'd our hearts ; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part. Martin. — In Memory of James Anderson Martin who died Oct. 18th 1844 in the 28th year of his age. Like crowded forest trees we stand, And some are marked to fail ; The axe must smite at Gods command. And soon must smite us all. Martin. — In memory of John Martin who died Aug. 20th 1835, in the 56th year of his age " Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the Second death hath no power." Martin. — In memory of Mary daughter of John and^Sarah Martin, who departed this transitory life July 14th, 1826, in the 2l8t 64 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. year of her age. In peace with God and Charity with man- kind. Refin'd from sin she soar'd to realms above, Borne on the wings of all redeeming love Reader prepare know on this transient day Hangs the decision of eternity. Martin. — In memory of Sarah, wife of John Martin, who died Jan- uary 22nd, 1833, in the 51st year of her age. "Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live." Matthews.— Edmond R. Matthews Died May 22, 1847 In the 40th year of his age. This is the last of earth. McFarlan. — The Grave of Abby Cook, wife of Wm Mc.Farlan. who died Apr. 20. 1848. Aged 76 Tears. There is rest in Heaven, Heaven's bliss is pertect, pure, Glory is there ; Heaven's bliss is ever sure. Thou art its heir. What makes its joys complete ? What makes its hymns so sweet ? There we our friends shall meet, Jesus is there. McFarlan. — Sacred to the memory of Frances Henrietta McFar- lan, who died January 10th 1827 in the 16th year of her age ; youngest daughter of William and Abby McFarlan. Alas how changed that lovely flower Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart, Fair fleeting comfort of an hour How soon we're call'd to part O borne to bloom then sink beneath the storm How has death conquer'd nature's fairest form, When those we love do die, we die in part String after string is sever'd from the heart. McFarlan. — The grave of Lucinda Daughter of Wm & Abby Mc- Farlan. Died Dec. 14, 1878, In the 82nd year of her age. McFarlan. — The Grave of Maria McFarlan who died Nov. 2nd 1856. Aged 52 years. There's a clime where the rainbow and star never fade's, Where the dark and the bitter ne'er blend with the sweet. And there in the garlands of glory arrayed, Sister dear ! Sister dear ! will we joyfully meet. Till then fare ye well. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 65 McFarlan.— The Grave of Sarah eldest daughter of Wm. & Abby McFarlan, who died Nov. 6. 1871, in the 76th year of he'r age. "Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow- them." McFarlan.— The grave of William McFfirlan, who died June 22, 1852, ajfed 81 years. Amid earth's conflict, wo, and care, When our dark path appears, Tis sweet to know thou canst not share Our anguish and our tears — For thou hast gained a brighter land, And deaths cold stream is past ; Thine are the joys at God's right hand, That shall forever last. McFarlan. — Sacred to the memory of William Henry McFarlan, wbo died January 20th, 1818, in the 13th year of his age; only son of William and Abby McFarlan. Behold inscribed upon this stone A blooming youth an only son, His fathers groans or mothers cries Could not avail, lo here he lies. Yet nature feels, but ah he's gone, For him our tears have flow'd, It is the Lord, his hand we own He doeth what seems him good. McKendry. — Jane, daughter of Joseph & Nancy McKendry Died Aug. 16 1857 aged 12 years & 27 days. Her mind was tranquil & serene No terror in her looks was seen Her Saviour's smile dispelled the gloom And smoothed her passage to the tomb. McKendry,— Joseph McKendry. Died Feb. 8, 1876 Li his 69th year " So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom " Mead. Mead.— Baby Helen Daughter of H. D. & C, H. Mead. Died August 25, 1886. Aged 5 mo's & 12 days. Merry. — In Memory of Betsy Dau'r of Samuel & Eachel Merrv She Died Sep'br 30th 1797. Aged 30 Years & 22 Days. " The eye which saw her shall see her no more, neither shall her place any more behold her. 66 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. Merry. — In Memory of David G. Merrv Son of Heurv & Mabel Merry. Died"Feb'ry 4, 1797 Aged 2 Years & 21 Days. Merry — Electa Daughter of L. B. & Susan Merry Died April 2nd 1858, Aged 20 years 8 mo. & 15 days. ''Blessed are those who are found watcliing until the last." (Toe figure of a horse is cut on this stone above the inscription.) Merry.— Lindsley B. Merry Died Dec. 13, 1867, aged Tl years 1 mo. & 27 da's Susan Miller wife of Lindsley B. Merry, Died Aug. 18, 1861 In her 63rd year. He loved the horse and sought out many a cure To heal his wounds and make him to endure. Merry. — In Memory of Meriah Dau'r of Henry & Mabel Merry. Who Died Aug'st 14th 1794, Aged 11 Months & 8 Days Sleep on lovely babe And take thy rest God call'd thee home Because he thought it best. Merry. — In memory of Rachel Merry, wife of Samuel Merry, who departed this life March 22nd 1814, in the &Oth year of her age. Her dust and ruins that remain. Are precious in our eyes, Those ruins shall be built again. And all that dust shall rise. Merry. — In Memory of Samuel Merry He Departed this life March 8th 1799, Aged 59 Years 10 Months & 5 Days. JOB. XIX. 25, 26. For I know that my Redeemer liveth & that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. RHerry. — In memory of Samuel Merry Jr. who died Sep'r 29 1821 in the 50th Year of his age. The husband, friend, and parent dear, Demands the tribute of a tear. IVIiller.— Eunice Miller Died Feb. 11, 1851. In her 72d year. Miller.— Josiah Miller Died Oct. 1st 1846, In his 76th year. Morehouse. — Alfred A. son of Alfred & Jane Morehouse. Died December 27th 1848 Aged 16 Years 5 Mouths & 1 day. Weep not for me my parents dear HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 67 • For mourning is in vain Christ IS my life you need not fear We all shall meet again. Morehouse.— In Memory of Emily Frances Daughter of Israel & Kuth Emily Morehouse who died April 13th 1841, aged 1 year 9 mouths and 11 days. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to heaven couvey'd And bade it blossom there. Nlorehous. — Eliza Jane, daughter of Robert C. & Anna Morehous. died June 6, 1856 aged 2 years 6 mo. & 8 days Rest sweet babe in Heaven. Morehouse.— Marv A. daughter of Alfred & Abby A. Morehouse, Died July 18th 1848, Aged 12 Years 5 Months & 17 days. She died — an Angel plucked the flower, Too lovely long on earth to stay ; And bore it to the heavenly bower, To bloom in everlasting day. Morehouse. — In memory of Mary Daughter of David & Nancy Morehouse, who departed this life Aug. 7th 1831 : aged 5 Yeai's and 26 days. Lord what is life t'is like a flow'r, That blossoms and is gone. We see it flourish for an hour, With all its beauty on. But death comes like a wintry day, And cuts the pretty flower away. Morehouse. — In Memory of Deacon Stephen Morehouse died Sep'r 3d 1807 In the 81st Year of his Age, Rest here my mouldering flesh till the day appear of respiration to the just at return of him — my Saviour & my Lord. Moores. — Sacred to the memory of Keziah Moores wife of Robert Moores, who departed this life Nov. 20th 1820 aged 52 years 3 months and 26 days. She was a kind prudent affectionate companion, A tender mother, a benefactor to the poor, and a firm believer in Christ, and died in the full assurance of faith, repeating with her dying breath Jesus is mine & I am his. Moores. — In Memory of Robert Moores, who died Jan. 20, 1834 M. 69 years 10 mo. & 14 days. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. 68 HANOVER GRAVE YARD. S. M. Moores. — In Memory of Sally Dau'r of Robert & Kezia Moores. who died March 19 1804 Aged 5 Years 11 Months & 12 Days. (See Ely Monument.) Nluchmore. — John Muchmore, Died Jan. 5th, 1870. Aged 74 years Lucetta A. Ely wife of John Muchmore. Died Jan. 18th 1882 Aged 82 years Muchmore. — In memory of Mary wife of William Muchmore who departed this life Jan. 5th 1822, in the 69th year of her age Pressed by sickness and with pain Long time she lingered on Till Christ her Saviour and her friend Thought best to call her home. Muchmore. — In Memory of Mary Emily daughter of Joseph E. & Margaret C. Muchmore, who died July 17 184."> Aged 3 Months & 17 days. Muchmore. — In memory of Stephen Newton Son of William and Eliza Muchmore who died December 17, 1831 ; Aged 5 years and 2 months. Muchmore. — In memory of William Muchmore who departed this life Feb. 12th 1822, in the 78th year of his a.^e "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Mulford. — Sacred to the memory of Charles, son of Andrew and Rose Linda Mulford, who departed this life August 22nd 1835, aged 4 months & 23 days. Mulford.— Christopher Mulford Died Oct. 30, 1823, In his 75th year. Mulford. — Sacred to the memory of Edwin, son of Andrew and Rose Linda Mulford, who departed this life August 17th 1834 aged 8 months & 5 days. Mulford.— In Memory of Esther Wife of Timothy Mulford. who departed this life July 21st 1803. Aged 55 Years & 10 Months. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Mulford. — Jane wife of Christopher Mulford Died Oct. 1st 1829, In her 73d year. Mulford. — Jason Mulford Died Aug. 24, 1850 In his 43rd Y'ear. Mulford.— In Memory of Jeremiah Mulford He Died Dec'br ;^0th 1791. in the 78th Year of his Aije. HANOVER GRAVE YARD. 69 This body in the dust we lay, The soul to God has winged lier way ; We hope in Christ they yet will meet, And reign with him in joys complete. Mulford.— John S. Mulford, Born Nov. 2i. 1805 Died Mav 17, 1889. Clarissa Osborn His wife Born April 12. 1816. Died April 6 1855 Mulford.— Lydia Tilton wife of William Mulford, Died June 30, 1883, Aged 90 years 4 mo. & 9 days. Mulford. — Sacred to the memory of Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Rose Linda Mulford, who departed this life Mav 14th 1837 aged 10 months & 15 days. Mulford.— Rodney J. Son of Jason & Phebe C. Mulford. Died July 19, 1872, In the 33, year of his age. Mulford.— Susan wife of Timothy Mulford Died April 28th 1855 Aged 79 years. Mulford. — In Memory of Timothy Mulford who departed this lif« Feb. 15th 1813. Aged 71 Years 11 Months & 13 Days For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow. Mulford.— Timothy Mulford Died Oct 19tli 1823, Aged 51 years. (On stone with Harriet Beach.) Mulford.— Walter L Mulford, Died June 21, 1891, Aged 4 mo's & 21 Days Asleep in Jesus. Mulford.— Wilber H. Son of Jason & Phebe C. Mulford. Died Oct. 1, 1857, In the 22, year of his age. Mulford.— William Mulford Died June 10, 1867, iged85 years, 8 mo. & 9 days. Mulford. — Sacred to the memory of William, son of Andrew and Rose Linda Mulford, who departed this lite July 20th 1838. aged 2 months. Munson. — In Memory of Kezia Munson Relict of Deacon Stephen Munson. She died April 5th 1817 in the 76th year of her age . . Her life was humble, meek, submissive ; yet