iV^sd THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD Historical, Industrial and Descriptive In- formation of the Towns, Cities and Country passed through between New York and Chicago via The New York Central Lines Illustrated Based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica FOREWORD ^ A*$ 2, In furtherance of giving the utmost service to the public, the New York Central Lines asked the editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica to prepare this booklet descriptive of and vivifying the historical develop- ment of what has been termed "The Greatest Highway in the World." It is presented to you in the hope that it may prove a pleasant com- panion on a journey over our Lines. The information will afford a new appreciation of the historical significance and industrial importance of the cities, towns and country which the New York Central Lines serve. The New York Central Lines enter twelve states and serve territory ' containing 51,530,784 inhabitants or 50.3 per cent of the nation's popula- tion. This rich and busy territory produces 64 per cent of the country's manufactured products and mines a similar proportion of its coal. This system does approximately 10 per cent of the railroad .transpor- tation business of the United States, although its main-track mileage is only 6 per cent. In other words the business it handles exceeds that of the average railroad, mile for mile, by nearly 100 per cent. The New York Central carries 52 per cent of all through passengers between New York and Chicago, the remaining 48 per cent being divided among five other lines. The freight traffic of the New York Central Lines in 1920 was greater than that carried by all the railroads of France and England combined. The scenes that stretch before the eyes of passengers on these Lines are rich with historic interest. Few persons know that the second settle- ment in the United States was at Albany and that it antedated Plymouth by several years. Probably fewer persons know that the first United States flag was carried in battle at Fort Stanwix, now the city of Rome, N. Y. We hope that the reader will discover in the following pages more than one historic shrine which he will wish to visit. It has been said that the history of a country's civilization is the his- tory of its highways. Certainly the development of a great system such as the New York Central is an important element in the progress and prosperity of the country which it serves. This railroad is, in fact, a public institution, and it will prosper to the extent that it gives service to the public. The New York Central Lines have the initial advantage that they follow the great natural routes along which the first trails were blazed by the red men, and are almost free from grades, sharp curves and other hindrances to comfortable and efficient transportation. Thus the road owes its superiority primarily to the fact that it lends itself to a maximum de- gree of efficiency. But service as it is conceived by the New York Central, involves many aspects. One is the careful provision for the comfort and convenience of passengers ; another is adequate and efficient facilities for serving the interests of shippers. In other words, New York Central service means not only fast and luxurious passenger trains, but also the rapid handling of freight. To give such service requires the highest class of equipment— the best rails, the finest cars, the most powerful locomotives, etc. — but it also requires an operating force of loyal, highly trained employes. In both respects the New York Central Lines excel. The inspiring record of the system's growth through public approval and patronage is fundamentally a tribute to the service rendered, con- stantly advanced and developed in pace with public requirements. The accompanying booklet is in one sense an expression of past achievement, but it is also an earnest of greater accomplishment to come. §)C!.A622537 Copyright, 1921, by Encyclopedia Britannica, I New York to Albany NEW YORK, Pop. 5, 261,151. Grand Central Terminal. (Train 51 leaves 8:31 ; No. 3, 8 :46 ; No. 41, 1 :01 ; No. 23, 2 :46 ; No. 19, 5:31. Eastbound: train 6 arrives 9:22; No. 26, 9:40; No. 16, 4:00; No. 22, 5:2s. 1 ) Fifty years ago when Commo- dore Vanderbilt began the first Grand Central Station — depot, they called it, in the language of the day — he made one error of judgment. His choice of a site proved to be magnificently right, though he selected a spot that was practically open country, then technically known as 42nd St. The story goes — it is a typically American story — that his friends laughed at him, remarking that a person might as well walk to Uoston or Albany as go away up to 42nd St. to take a train for those cities. But the people did come, and they admired the com- modore's new station, which is perhaps not surprising, since the commodore had set himself to build the greatest terminal in the world. Many Americans considered the new "depot" as only second to the capitol at Washington, and it served as an excellent show place when visitors came to town. Europe might have its cathedrals, but it had no Grand Central Station ! The commodore's one mistake lay in thinking that his fine new station would last a century. Within ten years an addition had to be built; in 1898 it had to be entirely re- modeled and enlarged, and fifteen years later it was entirely demolished to make way for the present building which would be adequate for handling the city's ever-increasing millions. There seems to be little doubt that the city of N. Y. and its en- virons has become within the last decade larger even than London. The population of greater London (including all the separate adminis- 1 Throughout this handbook the time is given at which trains are scheduled to leave or pass through the cities or towns mentioned. From New York to Chicago, Train No. 51 is the Empire State Express; No. 3, the Chicago Express; No. 41. The Number Forty-one; No. 25, the Twentieth Century, and No. 19, the Lake Shore Limited. In the reverse route, irom Chicago to New York, No. 6 is the Fifth Avenue Special; No. 26 is the Twentieth Century; No. 16, the New York and New England Special, and No. 22, the Lake Shore Limited. The time given is Eastern Standard Time at all points east of Toledo, and Central Standard Time, which is one hour slower, at Toledo and all points west. (When Daylight Saving Time is adopted during the summer it is one hour faster than Standard time, but all time given in this booklet is Standard time.) The time between 12.01 o'clock midnight and 12.00 o'clock noon is indicated by light face type; between 12.01 o'clock noon and 12.00 o'clock midnight by dark face type. The use of an asterisk (*) indi- cates places recommended as especially worth visiting. Population figures are those of the 1920 U. S. Census. 4 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD trative entities within the Metropolitan Police District) is estimated at 7,435,379. Jersey City, Hoboken, and the other N. J. cities on the west, as well as Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, etc., on the north, al- though politically detached, are included in the "city" of N. Y. in the larger sense, their political detachment being in a certain sense ac- cidental. Including these, the population of N. Y. area correspond- ing to the Metropolitan London area is 7,583,607. The population of N. Y. City proper is 5,261,151. The London area comparable with this, viz., the part of London governed by the London County Council has a population of 5,028,974. Comparing the areas of the two — N. Y. C. with 327 sq. miles and London with 692 sq. miles, it is hard to understand how the respective populations should approximate each other so nearly until it is remembered that New York grows per- Commodore Vanderbilt Cornelius Vanderbilt (1 794-1 S77) at the age of 16 bought a sailboat in which he carried farm produce and passengers be- tween Staten Island, where he lived, and X. V. He was soon doing so profitable a business that in 1817, realizing the supe- riority of steam over sailing vessels, he was able to sell his sloops and schooners, and became the captain of a steam ferry between N. Y. and Xew Brunswick. His projects grew enormously. lie inaugurated steamship lines between N. Y. and San Francisco, N. Y. and Havre, and other places. In 1857-1862 he sold his steam- ships and turned his attention more and more to the development of railways, with the result that before his death he had built up and was a majority share owner in the N. Y. Central & Hudson River, the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, the Harlem, and the Michigan Central & Canada Southern railways, and had holdings in many others. He died at N. Y. in 1877. pendicularly instead of horizontally, that it usurps more air rather than more land. In some of the downtown business streets, such as Wall or Rector, the buildings tower so high above the narrow thoroughfare that they form a kind of deep canyon along which the wind is drawn as through a tunnel. In the colonial period Philadelphia was the most important city, commercially, politically and socially, while just before the War of Independence, Boston, with a population of 20,000 was the most nourishing town in all the colonies. During the Revolutionary War, N. Y. C. had fallen to a population of 10,000 and in 1790 it had barely gained a position of leadership with 33,131, but by 1840 N. Y. C. had «rown to be a city of 313,000 while Philadelphia had 95,000 and Boston 93,000. Today one of the most remarkable features of New York is the Grand Central Terminal. The exterior finish is granite and Indiana lime-stone; the style somewhat Doric, modified by the French Renaissance. Over the entrance to the main NEW YORK TO ALBANY 5 building- is a great arch surmounted by a statuary group wherein Mercury, symbolizing the glory of commerce, is sup- ported by Minerva and Hercules who represent mental and moral force. Within, the main concourse of the station proper is an immense room with a floor space of 37,625 sq. ft. where the New York City Hall might be set and yet leave room to spare. It is covered with a vaulted ceiling 125 ft. high, painted a soft cloudy blue and starred over with the constellations of heaven. Great dome-shaped windows, three each at the east and west ends, furnish light. The entire site of the Grand Central Terminal comprises 30 blocks and 80 acres which above the surface are covered with a great variety of buildings, making almost a city in itself. Moreover, there is direct subway entrance to three large hotels, capable of housing as many as 10,000 persons, and to all these conveniences is added that of comfortable tempera- ture throughout the terminal, no matter how cold the weather. ,....- -~7CTs=rf«jsr "•it » %? I The Main Concourse, Grand Central Terminal Map of New York City, 1775 This survey, made in the winter of 1775, shows the city proper as it existed during the Revolutionary War. Places indicated by the lettering are described under the original as follows: A, Fort George. B, Batteries [at the two points of the island]. C, Military Hospital [south of Pearl St.]. D, Secretary's Office [near Fort George]. E, [Not shown]. F, Soldiers' Barracks [at extreme right]. G, Ship Yards [lower right-hand corner]. H, City Hall [Broad and Wall streets, site of present Sub-Treasury building]. I, Exchange. J, K, Jail and Workhouse [both situated on the "intended square or common," now City Hall Square]. L, College [Church and Murray streets; this was King's College, now Columbia University]. M, Trinity Church [the present Trinity was built in 1839-46, though it stands on the site of the old church built in 1696]. N, St. George's Chapel. O, St. Paul's Chapel [built in 1756; the oldest church-edifice still standing in N. Y. C.]. P to Z. [various churches]. NEW YORK TO ALBANY 7 As distinctively "New York" as the sky-scrapers, are the hotels and apartment houses. Of the latter, there are more than in any other city in the world, and the number of persons who are giving up their houses and adopting this manner of life is steadily increasing. The first thing, in fact, that impresses a visitor on his arrival is the seem- ingly endless amount of buildings adopted for transients. A few of the largest hotels have space for several thousand persons at one time. The old station in 1903-'12 was torn down, brick by brick, while at the same time the new building- was being erected ■ — and all without disturbing the traffic or hindering the 75,000 to 125,000 people that passed through the station each New Amsterdam (Now New York City) in 1671 The point of land in the foreground is now known as the Battery. The large building inside the stockade is a church. In the middle foreground is a gallows. The hills in the background form the approach to the present Morningside Heights. day. This was an extraordinary engineering feat, for not only were 3,000,000 yards of earth and rock taken out to provide for the underground development, but hundreds of tons of dynamite were used for blasting. Among the im- provements introduced in the new station are ramps instead of stairways, the division of out-going from in-going traffic, 8 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD and the elimination of the cold trainshed. The substitution of electricity for steam as a motive power in the metropolitan area made possible the reclamation of Park Avenue and the cross streets from 45th St. to 46th St. — about 20 blocks in all — by depressing and covering- the tracks. At 56th St. the tracks begin to rise from the long tunnel and pass through the tenement district of the upper East Side. The side streets seem filled with nothing but children and vegetable carts, while along the pavements shrill women with shawls over their heads are bargaining for food with street-vendors. As the railroad tracks rise higher still, we run on the level with the upper-story windows out of which the tenants lean and gossip with one another. The Jumel Mansion, New York City 4 M. HARLEM STATION (125th St.). (Train 5/ passes 8:41; No. 3, 8:57; No. 41, 1:12; No. 25, 2:56; No. 19, 5:41. Eastbound: No. 6 passes 9:11; No. 26, 9:29; No. 16, 3:49; No. 22, 5:25.) Old Harlem was "Nieuw Haerlem," a settle- ment established in 1658 by Gov. Peter Stuyvesant in tin northeastern part of Manhattan Island. It existed for 200 years but is now lust under modern Harlem, which centers about 125th St. In this neighborhood to the west occurred NEW YORK TO ALBANY the battle of Harlem Heights — a lively skirmish fought Sept. 16, 1776, opposite the west front of the present Columbia University, and resulting in a victory for the forces of Gen. Washington, who up to that time had suffered a number of reverses on Long Island and elsewhere. The battle was di- rected by Washington from the Jumel mansion,* 160th St. and Amsterdam Ave., the most famous house, historically, on the island of Manhattan. It is still standing. The house was built in 1763 by Roger Morris for his bride, Mary Thilipse of Yonkers, for whose hand, it is said, Washington had been an unsuccessful suitor. The house was subsequently owned by John Jacob Astor and then passed into the hands of Stephen Jumel, a French merchant, who, with his wife Eliza, added new fame to the old house. They enter- tained here Lafayette, Louis Na- poleon, Joseph Bonaparte and Jerome Bonaparte. Aaron Burr (1756-1836) in his old age, ap- peared at the mansion with a clergyman, and married Mme. Jumel, then a widow. She di- vorced him shortly afterward, and he died in poverty on Staten Island, 1836. Alexander Ham- ilton, whom Burr killed in the famous duel at Weehawken, N. J. (July 11, 1804) owned a country place in the neighbor- hood, "Hamilton Grange," which now stands at 140th St. and Con- vent Ave. Leaving Manhattan, that extraordinary island which Peter Minuit, director-gen- eral of New Netherlands, bought in 1626 from the In- dians for sixty guilders' worth of goods (about $24), we cross the Harlem River to the Borough of the Bronx, named for Jonas Bronck, the first white settler, who made his home in 1639 near the Bronx Kills (where the Har- lem River flows into Long Island Sound). Peter Stuyvesant and the Cobbler Peter Stuyvesant, Dutch Governor of X. V. from 1647 to 1664 and a valiant member of the Reformed Church, had an intense prejudice against all other sects. At Flushing a Baptist cobbler, William Wickendam, ventured to preach "and even went with the people into the river and dipped them." He was fined 12,500 guilders ($5,000) and ordered to be ban- ished. As he was a poor man the debt was remitted, but he was obliged to leave the province. The original price paid for the Bronx — or a large share of it- 10 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD was "2 gunns, 2 kettles, 2 coats, 2 shirts, 2 adzes, 1 barrel of cider, and 6 bitts of money." The assessed value of Manhattan today is $5,116,000,000 and that of the Bronx $732,000,000 (realty). The Hudson River Division of the New York Central turns to the left and follows the course of the Harlem River, 7 M. long, which separates Manhattan Island from the main- land and connects the Hudson with the East River. On the south bank of the Harlem are Washing-ton Heights, with the Speedway on the immediate bank, and Fort George (near 193d Street) named from a Revolutionary redoubt. The Speedway was built at a cost of $3,000,000 for the special use of drivers of fast horses. On the right, after passing the High Bridge, which carries the old Croton aqueduct, one of the feeders of the city water supply, and the Washington Bridge, are University Heights and (farther to the west) the township of Fordham, where the cottage in which Edgar Allen Poe lived from 1844 to 1849 and wrote Ulalume and Annabel Lcc, is still preserved. New York University, on University Heights, was founded in 1832; the principal buildings include Gould Hall, a dormitory; the library, designed by Stanford White, and the Hall of Fame, extending around the library in the form of an open colonnade, 500 ft. long, in which are preserved the names of great Americans. 11 M. SPUYTEN DUYVIL. (Train 51 passes 8:51; No. 3, 9:09; No. 41, 1:23; No. 25, 3:06; No. 29, 5:53. East- bound: No. 6 passes 8:57; No. 26, 9:17; No. 16, 3:37; No. 22, 5:02.) Spuyten Duyvil is situated on Spuyten Duyvil Creek, celebrated by Washington Irving, which connects the Harlem and Hudson Rivers. In recent years the creek has been en- larged into a ship canal. The town and stream receive their curious name from the follow- ing story, according to Irving. In 1664, when the Dutch were being threatened by the British, Anthony van Corlear, Dutch trumpeter to Gov. Stuyvesant, was despatched to sound the alarm. It was a stormy night and the creek was impassable. Anthony "swore most valour- ously that he would swim across it 'in spite of the devil' (en spuyt den duyvil) but unfortunately sank forever to the bottom." The "duyvil" had got him. "His ghost still haunts the neighborhood, and his trumpet has often been heard of a stormy night." Across the Hudson, along which our route now lies for nearly 150 M., can be seen the Palisades, an extraordinary ridge of basaltic rock rising picturesquely to a height of be- tween 300 and 500 ft. and extending along the west bank of the Hudson about 12 M. from a point north of Ft. Lee, N. J., to Palisades, N. Y. The peculiar hexagonal jointing of the rock, which has given rise to the name Palisades, is an unusual geological formation; the only NEW YORK TO ALBANY 11 other important places where it is found are at Fihgal's Cave in Scot- land and the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. The beauty of the Pali- sades was threatened by quarrying and blasting operations until N. Y. and N. J. agreed to the establishment of the Palisades Interstate Park, which comprises 36,000 acres (1,000 acres in New Jersey and 35,000 in New York State). "The spacious and stately characteristics of the Hudson from the Palisades to the Catskills are as epical as the loveliness of the Rhine is lyrical. The Hudson implies a continent beyond. No European river is so lordly in its bearing, none flows in such state to the sea. Of all the rivers that I know, the Hudson, with this grandeur, has the most exquisite episodes." — George William Curtis. The Half Moon at Yonkers In September. 1609, Henry Hudson started up the Hudson in the "Half Moon," which attracted frequent visits from the natives along- the route. To the right, just north of Spuyten Duyvil, is a high promontory, upon which stands a lofty monument to Henry Hudson, who had his first skirmish here with the Indians after entering N. Y. Bay in Sept. 1609. With an excellent harbour at its mouth, and navigable waters leading 150 M. into a fertile interior, the Hudson River began to attract ex- plorers and settlers soon after the discovery of America. Ver- razano, the Florentine navigator, sent out by the French king, Francis I, ventured a short distance up the Hudson in 1524, almost 100 years before the Pilgrim Fathers, and in 1609 Henry Hudson sailing in the "Half Moon" nearly up to the 12 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD site of Albany, demonstrated the extent and importance of the river that bears his name. New York Slave-Market — About 1730 Slaves were introduced into N. Y. as early as 1626 when the West India Co. (a Dutch company), which had large establishments on the coast of Guinea, brought negroes to Manhattan, and practiced the slave trade here "without remorse." It is said that in proportion to population N. Y. imported as many Africans as Vir- ginia. That New York did not become a slave-state like Carolina was, according to Bancroft, "due to climate and not to the superior humanity of its founders. [Gov.] Stuyvesant was instructed to use every exertion to promote the sale of negroes. They were imported sometimes by way of the West Indies, often directly from Guinea, and were sold at auction to the highest bidder. The average price was less than $140." With the extension of English rule to N. Y. in 1664 the slave trade in this colony passed into- the hands of the British. It is estimated that the total import of slaves into all the British colonies of America and the West Indies from 1680 to 1786 was 2,130,000. The traffic was then carried on principally from Liverpool, London and other English ports; the entire number of ships sailing from these ports then engaged in the slave traffic was 192, and in them space was provided for the transport of 47,146 negroes. The native chiefs on the African coasts took up the hunt for human beings and engaged in forays, some- times even on their own subjects, for the purpose of procuring slaves to be exchanged for western commodities. They often set fire to a village by night and captured the inhabitants when trying to escape. Out of every lot of 100 shipped from Africa, about 17 died either during the passage or before the sale at Jamaica, while not more than 50 lived through the "seasoning" process and became effective plantation laborers. Slavery in N. Y. was continued till 1827. It was then abolished by the terms of an act passed by the N. Y. Assembly ten years earlier. NEW YORK TO ALBANY 13 Henry Hudson, English navigator, made four important voyages to find a passage to China by the northeast or northwest route; it was on the third venture undertaken at the instance of the Dutch East India Co., that he found the Hudson, probably a greater discovery than the one he undertook to make. With a mixed crew of 18 or 20 men he started on his voyage in the "Half Moon," April 6, 1609, and soon was among the ice towards the northern part of Barents Sea. His men mutinied and he was forced to seek the passage farther south. Thus eventually he entered the fine bay of what is now N. Y. harbour, Sept. 3, 1609. John Fiske says: "In all that he attempted he failed, and yet he achieved great results that were not contemplated in his schemes. He started two immense industries, the Spitzbergen whale fisheries and the Hudson Bay fur trade; and he brought the Dutch to Manhattan Island. No realization of his dreams could have ap- proached the astonishing reality which would have greeted him could he have looked through the coining centuries and caught a glimpse of what the voyager now beholds in sailing up the bay of New York." The Dutch called the Hudson the North River (a name which is still used) in contra-distinction to the Delaware which they called the South River. The lower Hudson is really a fiord — a river valley into which ocean water has been admitted by the sinking of the land, transforming a large part of the valley into an inlet, and thus opening it to commerce as far as Troy (about 150 M.), up to which point the river is tidal and, therefore, partly salt. The Hudson extends above Troy for 150 M. farther, but navigation is interrupted by shallows and swift currents. Below Troy the fall is only five feet in a distance of 145 M. This lower, navigable portion of the Hudson was the only feasible route through the Atlantic highlands, and in conse- quence it has been one of the most significant factors in the development of the United States. New York City likewise owes its phenomenal development largely to this great high- way of commerce. The invention and successful operation of the steamboat, the first line of which was established on the Hudson by Ful- ton in 1807, gave early impetus to the importance of N. Y. C, and the building of the Hudson River R. R., one of the first successful railways, now a part of the New York Central Lines, and the opening of the Erie Canal (1825) connecting the Hudson with the Great Lakes and the far interior, were among other contributory factors in the city's growth. 15 M. YONKERS, Pop. 100,226. (Train 51 passes 8:56; No. ?, 9:15; No. 41, 1:29; No. 25, 3:11; No. 19, 5:59. East- bound: No. 6 passes 8:52; No. 26, 9:12; No. 16, 3:31, No. 22, 4:56.) When the Dutch founded New Netherlands, the pres- ent site of Yonkers was occupied by an Indian village, known 14 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD as Nappeckamack, or "town of the rapid water," and a great rock near the month of the Nepperhan creek (to the north of the station) was long a place of Indian "worship. In the early days, the Hudson River Valley from Manhattan to Al- bany was occupied by Algonquin tribes, while the central part of the state along the Mohawk Valley had been conquered by the famous Iro- quois Confederation, of which the Mohawks were the most warlike. The Mohawks soon drove out the Mohicans, who claimed as their territory the east bank of the Hudson. On the whole, the Dutch lived peaceably with their Indian neighbors, but an attempt of Gov. Kieft to collect tribute from them led to an Indian war (1641), which resulted in the destruction of most of the outlying settlements. Later a treaty of alliance was made with the Iroquois Confederation, which protected the early settlements in N. Y. from those attacks which occurred so frequently elsewhere in this period. The treaty was renewed when the British took possession of New Netherlands, and lasted until the Revolutionary War. The land where Yonkers now stands was part of an estate granted in 1646 by the Dutch government to Adrian Van Der Donck, the first lawyer and historian of New Netherlands. The settlement was called the "De Jonkheer's land" or "De Yonkeer's" — meaning the estate of the young lord — and after- wards Yonkers. Subsequently the tract passed into the hands of Frederick Philipse, the "Dutch millionaire," as the English called him, some of whom alleged that he owed a large part of his fortune to piratical and contraband ventures. The sus- picion was strong enough to force Philipse out of the gov- erning council of the colony, and he returned to his manor where he died (1702) at the age of 76. It was even charged that he was one of the backers of Capt. William Kidd (1645-1701), for whose buried treasure search has been made along the Hudson, as well as in countless places along the Atlantic Coast. Capt. Kidd began the career which made him no- torious under a commission from the British Government to appre- hend pirates. He sailed from Plymouth, England, in May 1696, filled up his crew in N. Y. in the following year, and then set out for Mada- gascar, the principal rendezvous of the buccaneers. Deserting his ship, he threw in his lot with theirs and captured several rich booties. Re- turning to N. Y., he was arrested, sent to London, found guilty and hanged. Of his "treasure" about £14,000 was recovered from his ship and from Gardner's Island, off the east end of Long Island. The stories of large hoards still undiscovered are probably mythical. The Philipse manor house,* one of the best examples of Dutch colonial architecture in America, erected in 1682 and enlarged in 1745, was the second residence built by the Phil- ipses (the other is at Tarrytown) and is now maintained as a museum for colonial and Revolutionary relics. It was confiscated by the legislature in 1779 in reprisal for the sus- NEW YORK TO ALBANY IS Philipse Manor House, Yonkers, 1682 This famous old house, said to be one of the best examples of Dutch colonial architecture in America, was built by Frederick Philipse, first lord of the manor of Philipsburg-. It was confiscated by the State of New York after the Revolution and for many years served as the City Hall of Yonkers. It is now a museum. pected ''Toryism" of the third Frederick Philipse, the great- grandson of the first lord of the manor and his second suc- cessor. Before being converted into a museum it served for many years as the City Hall of Yonkers. Yonkers has some important manufactures with an an- nual production of $75,000,000 and 15,000 wage earners; its output includes passenger and freight elevators, foundry and machine shop products, refined sugar, carpets, rugs and hats. It has one of the largest carpet factories in the world. The country round Yonkers is dotted with fine estates. Conspicuous to the right, 2 M. north of the station, is the hattlemented tower of "Greystone," once the home of Samuel |. Tilden and now owned by Samuel Untermyer, the N. Y. lawyer. Samuel J. Tilden (1814-1886), a lawyer and reformer, served one term as governor of N. Y., and was later candidate for the presidency against Rutherford B. Hayes. He had become famous for his attacks 16 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD on the notorious Tweed ring of N. Y. C, and later for his exposure of the "Canal ring," a set of plunderers who had been engaged in ex- ploiting the N. Y. canal system. He was given the Democratic nomi- nation for president in recognition of his services as a reformer. The Republicans nominated Hayes, and the result was the disputed election of 1876, when two sets of returns were sent to Washington from the States of Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oregon. As the Federal Constitution contains no provision for settling a dispute of this kind, the two houses of Congress agreed to the appointment of an extra-Constitutional Body, the Electoral Commission, which decided all the contests in favor of the Republican candidates. Tilden's friends charged that they had been made a victim of a political "steam roller," but he advised them to make no protests. Tilden left more than $2,000,000 for a library in N. Y. (now consolidated with the N. Y. Public Library). Across the Hudson River from Hastings (19 M.) can be seen Indian Head, the highest point on the Palisades, near which (about l /y M. farther north) is the boundary between X. J. and N. Y. ; from this point northward both shores be- long to N. Y. 20 M. DOBBS FERRY, Pop. 4,401. (Train 51 passes 8:58; No. 3, 9:23; No. 41, 1:37; No. 25, 3:18; No. 19, 6:07. Eastbound: No. 6 passes 8:45; No. 26, 9:05; No. 16, 3:23; No. 22, 4:48.) About the time of the Revolutionary War, a Swede named Jeremiah Dobbs, established a ferry here con- necting with the northern end of the Palisades (visible on the left across the river). Originally only a dugout or skill, it was the first ferry north of Manhattan, and was kept up by the Dobbs family for a century. In times past the residents have often tried to change the name of the town to something more "distinguished," but the old name could not be displaced. The story goes that 50 years ago a mass meeting was held in the village at which it was proposed to name the town after one of the captors of Maj. Andre — either Paulding or Van Wart. The meeting came to nothing when an old resident suggested Wart-on-Hudson. The strategic position of Dobbs Ferry gave it importance during the War of Independence. It was the rendezvous of the British after the battle of White Plains in Nov. 1775 and a continental division under Gen. Lincoln was stationed here in Jan. 1777. The American army under Washington en- camped near Dobbs Ferry on the 4th of July, 1781, and started in the following month for Yorktown, Va., where the final victory of the war took place. Two years later (May 6, 1783) Washington and Sir Guy Carleton met at Dobbs Ferry to negotiate for the evacuation of all British troops, and to make NEW YORK TO ALBANY 17 terms for the final settlement recognizing American Independ- ence. Their meeting place was the old Van Brugh Livingston house. Peter Van Brugh Livingston (1710-1792), prominent merchant and Whig political leader in N. Y., was one of the founders of the College of X. J. (now Princeton), and was president of the first Provincial Congress of N. Y. (1775). His brother, William, was the first gov- ernor of N. J. 22 M. IRVINGTON, Pop. 2,701. (Train 5/ passes 9:06; No. 3, 9:25; No. 41, 1:39; No. 25, 3:21; No. 19, 6:11. East- bound: No. 6 passes 8:43; No. 26, 9:03; No. 16, 3:21; No. 22, 4:46.) "Sunnyside," a stone building "as full of angles and corners as a cocked hat" and situated behind a screen of trees a little north of the station, was the home of Washington Irving, for whom the town was named. First erected by Reception of President Washington at New York, April 23rd, 1789 After the ratifying of the federal constitution. Washington, in 1788, was unanimously elected president. On April 23', 17S9, he arrived from Virginia at New York, where he was received with a frenzy of gratitude and praise, and was inaugurated at the Senate hall which stood on the site of the present U. S. Sul>- Treasury building. The stone whereon Washington stood when he came out of the house is preserved in the south wall of this building. He is described as wearing a suit of homespun so finely woven that "it was universally mistaken for a foreign manufactured superfine cloth." This, of course, was a high tribute to domestic industrv. Bno "» BwoAirnH* War and Merchant Ships of Revolutionary Days These are authentic pictures, showing actual details, of the ships used by the Americans and British at the time of the Revolutionary War. They were originally engraved for the First Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1768). In the centre is a first rate ship of war, "the noblest machine that ever was invented," to quote the First Edition ; and the illustration below shows the interior construction of the hull. Tt will be noticed that there are three gun decks, below which is the orlop, or storage deck. "A common first rate man of war," says the First Edition, "has its gun deck from 159 to 178 ft. in length, and from 44 to 51 broad. It contains from 1313 to 2000 tons; has from 706 to 1000 men, and carries from 96 to 100 guns. The expense of building a common first rate, with guns, tackling and rigging is computed at 60,000 £ sterling." NEW YORK TO ALBANY 19 Wolfert Acker in 1656, it was considerably enlarged by Irving in 1835. The east end is covered with ivy said to be grown from a slip given to Irving when he visited Scott at Abbotsford. At Irvington we come to Tappan Zee (to be seen on the left), where the Hudson widens into a lake-like expanse, 10 M. "Sunnyside," Irving's Home After 1835 After a long sojourn abroad, Wash- ington Irving returned in 1835 to "Sun- nyside," said to have been built orig- inally in 1656. It was considerably enlarged by Irving, who spent the re- mainder of his life here. "Sunnyside" is now owned by Irving's descendants. ISrfLj**- *#* b*^5?83 ■/ *? T % HI £* Lj#1 ! "jj %"■&*■* a jSj l/ 1 --^ 5s l^tiL 1 Pvilll ; fg§H" ''J i *. Jjpl 1 ;|^pCT long and 3 to 4 M. wide. It is a favorite cruising place for ghosts and goblins, according to popular legend. There is, for example, Rambout van Dam, the roystering youtli from Spuyten Duyvil, who was doomed to journey on the river till Judgment Day — all because he started to row home after midnight from a Saturday night quilting frolic at Kakiat. "Often in the still twi- light the low sound of his oars is heard, though neither he nor his boat is ever seen." Another phantom that haunts the Tappan Zee is the "Storm Ship," a marvellous boat that fled past the astonished burghers at New Amsterdam without stopping — a flagrant violation of the customs regulation, which caused those worthy officials to fire several ineffectual shots at her. Across the river from Irvington is Piermont, and 2 M. to the southwest of Piermont is the village of Tappan, where Maj. Andre was executed Oct. 2, 1780. Lyndehurst, with its lofty tower, the home of Helen Gould Sheppard, the philan- thropist, a daughter of Jay Gould, is passed on the right just before reaching Tarrytown. 24y 2 M. TARRYTOWN, Pop. 5,807. (Train 51 passes 9:08; No. 3, 9:27; No. 41, 1:41; No. 25, 3:23; No. 19, 6:13. Eastbound: No. 6 passes 8:40; No. 26, 9:00; No. 16, 3:18; No. 22, 4:43.) Situated on a sloping hill that rises to a consider- able height above the Tappan Zee, historic Tarrytown stands on the site of an Indian village, Alipoonk (place of elms), burned by the Dutch in 1644. Irving explains that the house- wives of the countrvside gave the town its name because their 20 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD husbands were inclined to linger at the village tavern, but literal minded historians think it was more likely that the name came from Tarwen dorp or Tarwetown, "wheat town." There were perhaps a dozen Dutch families here in 1680 when Frederick Philipse acquired title to Philipse Manor, several thousand acres, in what is now Westchester county. Just Washington Irving Washington Irving (1783-1859) was intended for a legal profession, but although called to the bar preferred to amuse himself with literary ventures. The first of these, with the exception of the satirical miscellany, "Salmagundi," was the de- lightful "Knickerbocker History of New York," wherein the pedantry of loral antiquaries is laughed at, and the solidDutch burgher established as a definite comedy type. When the commercial house established by his father and run by his brother began to ,go under in 1815, Irving went to England to look into the affairs of the Liverpool house, and as it was soon necessary to declare bankn ptcy, his misfortune forced him to write for his living. Returning to America in !832 after 17 years' absence, he found his name a household word. The only interruption to his literary career was the four years (1842-1846) he spent as ambassador to Spain. For the rest, he passed some littletime travelling, but in the main kept re- treat at "Sunnyside," where he died, Nov. 28, 1859. above Tarrytown is the valley of the Pocantico creek, the mouth of which is marked by the projection of Kingsland Point. This is the "Sleepy Hollow" of Irving's legend, where Ichabod Crane, the long, thin school-master, whose conspicuous bones clattered at any mention of ghosts, encountered the Headless Horseman pound- ing by night through the little Dutch village. It was after a quilting bee at Farmer Van Tassel's, where his daughter Katrina and what would come with her in the shape of fat farm-lands and well-stocked barns, aroused Ichabod's affections to the boiling point. He had a NEW YORK TO ALBANY 21 rival, however, "Brom Bones," a young black-headed sprig, who watched Ichabod's advances uneasily. After the party Ichabod mounted his old horse, Gunpowder, as bony as he, but no sooner was he well under way than he heard hoof beats on the road behind him and saw, glimmering in the dark, a white headless figure on horseback, carrying in its arms a round object like a head. . . . Never before or since was there such a chase in Sleepy Hollow. Perhaps the hapless school-teacher might have escaped, had not the Huntsman, just as they reached the Sleepy Hollow bridge, hurled his head square at his victim. The next morning no Ichabod, only a pumpkin lying on the road by the bridge, where the hoofmarks ceased. He had completely disappeared. Some weeks later Brom Bones led Katrina to the altar. Through this valley, we get a glimpse of the site where Philipse erected, partly of brick brought from Holland, a manor house,* a mill,* and a church,* all of which are still standing. "There is probably no other locality in America, taking into ac- count history, tradition, the old church, the manor house, and the mill, which so entirely conserves the form and spirit of Dutch civiliza- tion in the New World. . . . This group of buildings ranks in historic $*®m \- Jy "?> gSm •*3a8 ill*.- Jts- *"C * i ' Ct &/ ^tiftK wmM Kfi 4 (ft* IP4 Pap^^l^lfl Hwl^l Sw*^' SfifeslH HclH "^sasjs Wm sit all > n&o •y / &/M lift ..IjaB '>£& W *^Sfe * $a& ih ^ 3Bfe , -•*i %^if^W from across the river, he jumped from the table, told his wife enough to cause her the greatest consternation, mounted a horse and rode to a barge which took him to the "Vulture." In spite of the protest and entreaties of Sir Henry Clinton and the threats of Arnold, the unfortunate Andre, against whose character no suspicion was ever uttered, was hanged at Tappan, Oct. 2, 1780. Maj. Andre was 29 years old at the time, and his fate aroused universal sympathy. It is said that Washington himself, whom some historians censure because he did not save Andre, wept upon hearing the circumstances of his death, but under military law his execution was inevitable. Arnold, however, escaped the punishment he so richly merited. He was commissioned brigadier-general in the British army and received £6,315 for his property losses. He was employed in several operations during the remaining period of the war, but later when he went to England he met with neglect and scorn that probably hastened his death. In 1821 Andre's remains were taken to England and interred there; at the same time a memorial was erected in Westminster Abbey. Some time later Washing-ton recommended West Point to Congress as a site for a military school, but it was not until 1802 that the academy was established. There are many notable memorials of early days and distinguished soldiers here. By far the greater number of America's distinguished generals and soldiers since the War of Independence have been graduates of NEW YORK TO ALBANY 31 West Point. These include U. S. Grant, Philip Henry Sheridan, William Sherman, George P. McClellan, Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson (Confederate), Robert E. Lee (Confederate) and Richard Henry Anderson (Confederate). Grant was appointed to West Point in 1839; he was a good horseman and good in mathematics, but graduated in 21st place in a class of 39. Sherman, on the other hand, stood near the head of his class when he graduated in 1839. Lee was commissioned in the engineering corps upon his graduation in 1829. The most notable commanding officers in the American army during the World War, including, of course, Gen. Pershing, were West Point graduates; the most conspicuous exception, perhaps, was Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, who began his career as a surgeon. Above the cliff and towards the north and east of the plain is Fort Clinton ; on its east front stands a monument erected in 1828 by the Corps of Cadets to Kosciusko, while West Point and the Highlands, 1868 This picture, published shortly after the Civil War, gives a good idea of the dress and uniform of the period, as well as a typical battery. Note the lady's hoop skirt and the bearded officer to whom she is speaking. The gun is one of the old muzzle-loaders, and there is a mortar in the foreground. "Flirtation Walk," on the river side of the academy, leads to Kosciusko Garden, so named because it was much frequented by the Polish hero. On the parade ground is Victory Monu- ment (78 ft. high), erected in 1874 as a Civil War memorial. The library — one of the finest military libraries in existence — 32 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD contains interesting memorials by Saint Gaudens to J. McNeil Whistler and Edgar Allan Poe, both of whom were cadets at the academy and both of whom were virtually expelled. Poe's neurotic temperament had led him into a number of es- capades, but he gave evidence of improvement after he enlisted in the American Army at Boston in 1827. He served two years, and was promoted sergeant-major. He was then 20 years old, and on the basis of his army record, his uncle, John Allan, obtained for him an appointment to West Point. As a student he showed considerable facility for mathematics, but he incurred the displeasure of his su- periors by neglect of duty, and was expelled in 1830, one year after he had been admitted. His temperament was of course unsuited to West Point discipline. The military discipline of the academy was equally odious to Whistler, the painter (1834-1903), who was dis- missed and transferred to the United States coast survey. In his third year Whistler failed in chemistry. Col. Larned, one of his in- structors, gives the incident thus — "Whistler was called up for ex- amination in the subject of chemistry, which also covered the studies of mineralogy and geology, and given silicon to discuss. He began: T am required to discuss the subject of silicon. Silicon is a gas.' 'That will do, Mr. Whistler,' and he retired quickly to private life. Whistler later said: 'Had silicon been a gas, I would have been a major-general.' " High above the academy on Mount Independence (490 feet) still stands the ruins of old Ft. Putnam,* one of the original fortifications, from which a magnificent view can be obtained of the academy, the river, and the surrounding coun- try. Our route now lies across a peninsula called Constitution Island, which is the site of a preparatory school for West Point. For many years the Island was the home of the Misses Anna and Susan Warner, authors of "The Wide, Wide World," and other stories popular with children. Through the generosity of Miss Susan Warner, who survived her sister, and Mrs. Russell Sage, the island was presented to the government a few years ago, and is now part of West Point. We pass on the west bank Crow's Nest Mt. (1,396 ft.) associated with Joseph Rodman Drake's fanciful poem, The Culprit Fay. Two M. farther we leave the Highlands through the "Golden Gate," where Storm King Mt. rises to a height of 1,340 ft. on the west side of the Hudson, and Breakneck Mt. to a height of 1,365 ft. on the other. Near Storm King the tunnel of the great new Catskill aqueduct, carrying water to N. Y. C, passes under the Hudson at a depth of 1,100 ft.— a depth made necessary to reach solid rock at the bottom. N. Y. City's Catskill Mt. water supply system is the greatest of waterworks, modern or ancient. Three-quarters of the project has been completed. The waters of the Esopus Creek in the Catskills are stored in the Ashokan reservoir, an artificial lake twelve miles NEW YORK TO ALBANY 33 long, situated about 14 miles west of the Hudson River at Kingston. From this reservoir the aqueduct extends 92 M. to the city's northern boundary, and supplies about 375,000,000 gallons daily. From the Croton watershed New York receives a supply almost as large — 336,000,000 gallons daily. Construction on the Catskill supplv system was begun in 1907, and the total cost will be about $177,000,000. The river now widens and turns to the west ; on the further bank is Cornwall, near which is the estate of the late E. P. Roe, the writer, and "Idlewild," the former home of N. P. Willis, likewise a writer of importance in his day. The home of Lyman Abbott, editor of the Outlook is also here. The proprietor of Bannerman's Island, which we now pass, is a dealer in obsolete war material ; he has built on the island a number of castle-like store-houses of old paving stones taken from the streets of New York. 58 M. BEACON, Pop. 10,996 & NEWBURGH, Pop. 30,366. (Train 5/ passes 9 :56 ; No. 3, 10:17; No. 41, 2 :29 ; No. 25, 4:10; No. /p, 7:06. Eastbound : No. 6 passes 7:50; No. 26, 8:09; No. 16, 2:22; No. 22, 3:48.) Beacon was incorporated in May, 1913, by merging- the villages of Matteawan and Fishkill Landing, the latter of which lay closer to the river. The first settlement in the township was made in 1690. Dur- ing the Revolutionary War it was an important military post for the Northern Continental Army. At Fishkill Landing, on May 13, 1783, Gen. Knox organized the Society of the Cin- cinnati. The Society of the Cincinnati was an organization of army officers who had served in the Revolutionary War. Besides the gen- eral society of which Washington was president, another was organ- ized for each state. (The name is in reference to Cincinnatus, the Roman patriot who left the plough to serve his country.) Member- ship was limited to officers, native or foreign, of the Continental army who had either served with honour for three years or had been honorably discharged for disability, and to their descendants. Because it included several European nobles, such as Lafayette and Steuben, and because it was founded on the principle of heredity, the new society was denounced as the beginning of an aristocracy, and therefore a menace, by such Revolutionary leaders as Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson, who were ineligible for membership because they had not been in the army. There was perhaps a real danger that it might become a military hierarchy which would appropriate the important offices of the new republic. At any rate, several states adopted resolutions against it and so great was the antagonism that at the first general meeting in 1784 Washington persuaded the mem- bers to abolish the hereditary feature. In spite of this concession, the excitement did not die, and in 1789 the Tammany Society was founded in N. Y. C. in opposition to the Cincinnati, and as a body 34 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD wherein "true equality" should govern. This was the origin of Tam- many Hall, which became conspicuous in N. Y. politics. Alexander Hamilton succeeded Washington as president, but by 1824 most of the state branches of the Cincinnati and the general so- ciety itself were dead or dying. For a long time little was left but a traditional dinner held each year in N. Y. C. In 1893 the general society made an effort to revive the state organizations, with some little success. The hereditary feature has been restored and the liv- ing members number about 980. The motto is -"Omnia relinquit servare rem publicam." (He abandons everything to serve the re- public.) Back of Matteawan are seen Beacon Mts., their name recalling Revolutionary days when beacon fires were lighted as signals on their summits. The summit of the highest of the group, Beacon Hill* (1,635 ft.) can now be. reached by means of a cable railway, making possible a very pleasant excursion. Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh An early picture showing American soldiers on guard at the headquarters of Gen. Washington at Newburgh. The house itself was built about 1760 and was occupied by Washington from the spring of 1782 to August, 1783. It is now open to the public as a museum. The Matteawan State Hospital for the Insane is at Beacon on the north side of Fishkill Creek. Beacon's products in- clude hats, silks, woolens, rubber goods, engines, brick and tile ; the total annual value of manufactures is about $4,500,000. Four miles to the northwest on Fishkill Creek is the village NEW YORK TO ALBANY 35 of Fishkill, notable for two quaint old churches, both still standing, and interesting enough to repay a visit: the First Dutch Reformed (17.31), in which the New York Provincial Congress met in Aug. and Sept., 1776, and Trinity (1769). After Congress moved elsewhere, Trinity was used as a hospital, and the Dutch church, being constructed of stone, was converted into a prison. Its most famous prisoner was Enoch Crosby (who served as the original for Cooper's hero in The Spy), a patriot who twice escaped with the help of the Committee of Safety, the only persons who knew his true character. Across the river Newburgh is visible rising above the Hudson. From the Spring of 1782 to Aug. 1783 Washington made his headquarters in the Jonathan Hasbrouck house* (to the south of the city), built between 1750 and 1770. The house, a one story stone building with a timber roof, has been purchased by the State of N. Y. and is open to visitors. It contains many interesting Revolutionary weapons, docu- ments and other relics. Here in May, 1782, Washington wrote his famous letter of rebuke to Lewis Nicola, who had written in behalf of a coterie of officers suggesting that he assume the title of king. Washington's reply was peremptory and indignant. They could not have found, he said, "a person to whom their schemes were more disagreeable," and charged them, "if you have any regard for your- self or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of like nature." Here also he made his reply to the so- called Newburgh addresses written by John Armstrong and calling for action on the part of the army to redress its grievances. Newburgh was still his headquarters when Washington by the force of his influence secured the quiet disbandment of the Continental Army at the close of the war. Upon the occasion of the centennial celebration (1883) of this event, a monument called the Tower of Victory, 53 ft. high with a statue of Washington, was erected. Newburgh is the center of a rich agricultural region, but it is a manufacturing center as well; its output comprises machine shop products, plaster, cotton, woolen and silk goods, felt hats, furniture, flour, lumber and cigars. Above New- burgh can be seen the lighthouse (on the west bank) called the Devil's Danskammer, or Devil's Dance Hall, recalling the time when Henry Hudson and his crew landed here to wit- ness an Indian pow-wow. The Dutch, who were considerably startled by the affair, thought that it could be nothing less than a diabolical dance ; hence the name. 73 M. POUGHKEEPSIE, Pop. 35,000. (Train 51 36 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD passes 10:14; No. 3, 10:38; No. 47, 2:48; No. 25, 4:27 ; No. /p, 7:24. Eastbound : No. (5 passes 7:32; No. ^d, 7:51; No. 16, 2:02; No. rive on the north, and by way of Midway Plaisance on the south, connects 126 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD with Chicago's fine park system. The principal parks are joined by beautiful boulevards encircling the entire city, and a delightful two hours' motor trip (45 M.) will enable the tourist to visit Lincoln Park on the north, Humboldt, Gar- field and Douglas parks on the west, and Washington and Jackson parks on the south. For reference a general summary of Chicago's "points of interest" exclusive of those already mentioned is here given: Chicago Fire (1871): Randolph Street Bridge CLEVELAND TO CHICAGO 127 North Side Lincoln Park: Academy of Sciences Museum; botanical conservatories and a zoological garden with a splendid Lion House. Also the fine Saint Gaudens Statue of Lincoln at the entrance and other monuments in the park. Chicago Historical Society Library and Collection, Dear- born Ave. and Ontario St. ; an interesting collection of his- toric relics and documents. The Municipal pier, at the foot of Grand Ave., built by the city at a cost of $4,000,000 ; devoted to recreational activ- ities as well as to commercial purposes. Excursion steamers may be taken here to various points on the lake. The Newberry Librarv, a free reference library, Clark St. and Walton Place. Northwestern University, in Evanston (at the extreme north of the city — actually outside the city limits). North- western University is a Methodist-Episcopal institution of about 5,000 students. Ft. Sheridan. A U. S. military post north of Evanston. Lake Forest, a fashionable suburb north of Ft. Sheridan. South Side Life Saving Station at the mouth of the Chicago River. Tablet marking site of Ft. Dearborn, River St., opposite the old Rush St. Bridge. Crerar Library, East Randolph St., a reference library devoted chiefly to scientific subjects; open to the public. Board of Trade, La Salle and Jackson Sts. ; visitors may obtain admission to gallery overlooking the famous wheat Auditorium hotel and theatre building, Michigan Ave. at Congress St. ; view of city from tower. The Coliseum building, 16th St. and Wabash Ave. ; all the national Republican conventions of recent years have been held here. Field Museum of Natural History (founded by Marshall Field), in Grant Park; a fine anthropological and historical collection. The Museum, originally housed in a temporary building in Jackson Park, was made possible bv the gift of $1,000,000 by Marshall Field, who on his death (1906) be- queathed a further $8,000,000 of which $4,000,000 has been tised for the new building. Ft. Dearborn Massacre Monument, 18th St., near the lake. 128 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD Armour Institute of Technology, founded by the Armour family, 3300 Federal St. Douglas Monument, 35th St. near Lake Michigan. Stephen A. Douglas is buried here. Stephen A. Douglas (1813-1861) was born in Vermont, but in 1833 he went west and settled in Jacksonville, 111., where lie was admitted to the bar in 1834. He identified himself with the Jackson Democrats and his political rise was rapid even for the west. Among other offices, he held those of Judge of the Supreme Court of Illi- nois, representative in Congress and senator from Illinois. Although he did more perhaps than other men, except Henry Clay, to secure the adoption of the Compromise Measures of 1850, he seems never to have had any moral antipathy against slavery. His wife and chil- dren were hy inheritance owners of slaves. In 1858 he engaged in a close and exciting contest for the senatorship with Abraham Lin- coln the Republican Candidate, whom he met in a series of debates over slavery that soon became famous and brought Lincoln promi- nently into public favor, though he was defeated in this particular contest. The Stockyards, Halsted and Root St. In area the yards exceed 400 acres ; they have facilities for taking care of 50,- 000 cattle, 20.000 hogs, 30,000 sheep and 5,000^ horses. The great packing plants are clustered around the stockyards. The University of Chicago, Ellis Ave., south of 51st St. This university was established under Baptist auspices and opened in 1892. The words "founded by John D. Rocke- feller" (whose donations to the institution form the largest part of its endowment) follow the title of the university on all its letter heads and official documents. Mr. Rockefeller's benefactions to the university have been very large. The grounds, however, were given in part by Marshall Field. The buildings are mostly of grey limestone, in Gothic style, and grouped in quadrangles. With the exception of the divinity school, the institution is non-sectarian and has about 8,700 students of both sexes. West Side The "Ghetto" District on South Canal, Jefferson, and Maxwell Sts. ; Fish Market on Jefferson St. from 12th St. to Maxwell. Hull House, 800 South Halsted St. This famous settle- ment house was established in 1899 by Miss Jane Addams, who became head resident, and Miss Ellen Gates Starr. It includes a gymnasium, a creche and a diet kitchen, and sup- ports classes, lectures and concerts. Haymarket Square, Randolph and Des Plaines Sts.; scene of the anarchist riots, CLEVELAND TO CHICAGO 129 Sears, Roebuck & Co., a great mail order house which does a business of over $250,000,000 a year retail. Guides are provided to show visitors around the establishment, which is easily reached on the elevated railway. Western Electric Co., 22nd St. and Forty-eighth Ave. This company supplies the chief part of the equipment of the Bell telephone companies of the U. S. and has about 17,000 employes. McCormick Harvester Works of the International Har- vester Co. This is one of the 23 plants of the greatest manu- facturers of agricultural machinery in the world. Chicago's position at the head of the most southwestern of the Great Lakes was the primary factor in determining its remarkable growth and prosperity. But with the decline of water transportation the city has not suffered, for it stands at one of the natural cross roads of trade and travel. Today it is the chief railroad centre not only in the U. S. but in the world. Not counting subsidiary divisions there are 27 rail- roads entering Chicago, which is the western terminus of the great New York Central System. Chicago is thus the focus of the activities of half a con- tinent. It is the financial centre of the west and the metrop- olis of the richest agricultural section in the country. These circumstances have contributed to make it the greatest grain and live stock market in the world. But its accessibility to the raw materials of industrial development has also made it a great manufacturing city. Chicago has more than 10,000 factories and the output of its manufacturing zone is prob- ably more than $3,000,000,000 annually. The principal indus- tries and manufactures are meat packing, foundry and ma- chine shop products, clothing, cars and railway construction, agricultural implements, furniture, and (formerly) malt liquors. TLIE New York Central Lines comprise 14,242 miles of track. As part of the track equipment, there are 40,- 000,000 wooden ties, worth about $1 each. On these ties are 1,727,000 tons of steel rail, worth $96,000,000. There 130 THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD are 32 tunnels, costing $10,000,000, and 19,000 bridges and culverts, costing $60,000,000. Jn the principal cities the New York Central's terminals cover about 4,800 acres, assessed at more than $100,000,000. The deeds for right-of-way for the section east of Buffalo alone number more than 30,000. FACTS ABOUT THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Passengers carried annually 66,063,488 Freight carried annually (tons ) .- 113,534,845 No. of employes (1919) 95,348 No. of locomotives 3,841 No. of passenger cars 3,500 No. of dining cars 75 No. of freight cars 144,843 Operating Revenues. 1910 $ 153,383,599 Amount paid employes (1919) 148,244,393 Taxes paid 17,376,123 Funded debt (bonds ) 748,354,477 Stock issued 249,849,360 Actual investment 1,134,500,948 Excess of investment over outstanding securities 136,297,111 Operating Revenues, 1880 51,925,374 Operating Revenues, 1890 59,484,872 Operating Revenues, 1900 81,029,465 Operating Revenues, 1910 153,383,599 Operating Revenues, 1920 338,624,456 THIS booklet is based on The Encyclopaedia Britannica. If you have found it interesting and entertaining, you will find the Britannica a source of inexhaustible in- terest and enjoyment. This booklet contains sixty-five thou- sand words ; the Britannica over forty-four million. This booklet is a guide to a single trip ; the Britannica will be your guide to any trip you want to take to any part of the world. And the best part of it is that you don't have to leave your own fireside to go to the four corners of the globe. With the Britannica you may make your tours as exten- sive as you like, without effort and without expense. You may visit the great capitals of Europe — London, Paris, Rome, — or the venerable cities of the east — Bokhara, Calcutta, Pekin, to name a few, — or even such out-of-the-way places as Kam- chatka and Tahiti. But you will also wish to use the Ency- clopaedia Britannica as a guide in your business, your profes- sion, or your hobby. In every activity of life, whether it per- tains to industry, commerce, science, art, sport or recreation, the Encyclopaedia Britannica will furnish you on demand, at the very moment when you want it, the most readable, enter- taining and authoritative information available in English or any other language. "The Encyclopaedia Britannica is as necessary in your home as electric light, and more useful, day in and day out, than an automobile. It is as necessary for your children as for yourself. It will teach them to find their own way in the great realm of knowledge. It will answer their questions, stimulate their interest in everything that goes to make up what we call education, and, not least important, assist them to choose intel- ligently their life work. From childhood to old age, a man's life is a kind of journey, and for this greatest of all journeys there could be no more interesting companion and no more trustworthy guide than the Encyclopaedia Britannica."