F 68 ill lass f Cj Q S liOOK i'Ri;si:.\Ti:i) m n: Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of t^aine tDitI) ^tmbtt^\^ip moll I tDitl) i i I Chartered September 6, 1901 | i' Organized November 21, 1901 I i ! ^ i I I Portland j I Hcfabor-tEotcer Company I 1908 I Gift 1^ Society f4 N'08 f.3^7^^ Contents Proem The Charter Historical Note Pilgrim Memorial Stone Society of Mayflower Descendants Officers and Committees of Maine Society Officers of General Society By-Laws Membership Requirements Membership Roll with Pilgrim Ancestry Mayflower Passengers, with their Descendants, Members of Maine Society List of all Mayflower Passengers, with brief history of each The Compact In Memoriam ^roem Thou who didst guide beyond the sea A dear and chosen band, We bring our praises now to thee For thy protecting hand. The winds and waves at thy command Their precious charge did keep, And brought the Mayflower safe to land Through perils of the deep. We thank thee for the landing here. Upon this strange, stem shore. Of those who, midst the scenes most drear. Triumphant courage wore. For each heroic soul, O Lord, We bless thy name this day, 'T was theirs to listen for thy word. And then thy word obey ! So they were formed for service great — Those men of noble mould. Within their homes — in Church and State, Mid duties manifold. In all their praises thee we praise ! Thou wert their God and Guide ; Serene, they marched through thorny ways Through hardships multiplied ! God of the Nations ! still befriend The country of their love ; From subtle foes of Sin forefend And guard us from above ; From breaking of thy Holy Day, From thoughts and words profane, From vices luring youth astray. From the wild greed of gain I Thy name, O Lord our God, we bless ; Glory to thee on high ! Thy rule is all in righteousness, in earth and sea and sky. Thy rule is all in righteousness, Through the wide realms of space ; And we thy glorious name confess And seek thy shining face ! Written by Mrs. Caroline F. Dole of Norridgewock. Me., on the Kennebec River, at the age of 90. The wiitei is still living at the age of 91 . 8 Cije Cl)artet The Charter of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Maine, framed, size 29x25 inches, as received from the General Society, contributes to the wall furnishings of the cabinet in the Longfellow Memorial Library Building of the Maine Historical Society, adjoining the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, Portland, Maine. The poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was a descendant of nine Pilgrims of the Mayflower, viz.: Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love- Brewster. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Richard Wanen. Sixth in descent from Henry Samson. Four of these, William Brewster, John Alden, William Mul- lins and Richard Warren were signers of the Pilgrim Compact. This Library, situated on the grounds of his early home, a memorial to the most distinguished native-born descendant of the Mayflower Pilgrims in Maine, is a most desirable home for the Charter of the Maine Society of Mayflower Descendcints, and, by the courtesy of the Maine Historical Society, it has here been placed. A half-tone cut of the Charter appears on the opposite page. T3IL.GRIM history makes clear the fact that when the Pil- ^ grim colonists were on the verge of starvation their lives were saved by supplies from Pemaquid and adjacent islands on the coast of Maine; also when they were in despair and hopelessly discouraged in regard to their finances they were by their fur trade on the Kennebec River enabled to discharge all obligations to the London Company and firmly establish the Colony in the New World. In 1 626 the public debt of the Colony amounted to eighteen hundred pounds sterling with six hundred pounds additional due to other creditors, and in July, 1 627, by special agreement with the Colony, the entire debt was assumed by William Bradford, Myles Standish, Isaac Allerton, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, John Howland, John Alden and Thomas Prince, who undertook the payment of this Colony debt, and which they suc- cessfully accomplished by the fur trade with the Indians on the Kennebec River. These eight associates were known as the "Undertakers." Edward Winslow in his " Good News From New Englsuid," relates that " About the end of May, 1 622, at which time our store of vituals was wholly spent, having lived long before with bare zuid short allowance," it was supplies from the fishermen on the coast of Maine, "Damarin's Cove near Monhegan," that 11 saved them from starvation. Of their great love and sympathy he writes, "I found kind entertainment and good respect with a wdllingness to supply our needs. " This too without recompense, for he gratefully relates that they "would not take any bills for the same, but did what they could freely, wishing their store had been such, as they might in greater measure have expressed their own love, and supplied our necessities, for which they sor- rowed, provoking one another to the utmost of their abilities." He declares that "In the time of these straits, we must have per- ished unless God had raised up some unknown or extraordinary meauis for our preservation;" and Willicim Bradford, in his price- less "History of Plymouth Plantation," referring to Winslow, on this occasion, says, "By which means he gott some good quanti- ties and returned in safty, by which ye plantation had a double benefit, first a present refreshing by ye food brought, and secondly, they knew the way to those parts for their benefit hereafter. " The discoveries thus made were of great and far reaching consequences to the colonist. As early as the autumn of 1625, "Mr. Winslow and some of ye old standards" had pushed up the Kennebec River with a shallop load of corn, which they exchanged for furs that the Indians had trapped. Governor Bradford gives an interesting account of this first adventure of the Pilgrims on the Kennebec, of which there is any record. "After harvest this year they sende out a boats load of come 40. or 50. leagues to ye eastward, up a river called Kenibeck; it being one of those 2 shalops which their carpenter had built them ye year before; for bigger vessel had they none. They 12 had laid a little deck over her midships to keepe ye come drie, but ye men were faine to stand it out all weathers, without shel- ter ; and ye time of ye year begins to growe tempestious. But God preserved them, and gave them good success, for they brought home 700 lbs. of beaver, besides some other furs, hav- ing little or nothing els but this corne, which them-selves had raised out of ye earth." Encouraged by this success the Colony began life with new hopes, and it was determined to develop the trade in the rich furs on the upper Kennebec which commcinded a great price in the London market. The possibilities for trade with the Indians of this river were at once seen, for if a trading-post was estab- lished near the large Indicin village at Koussinoc all the hunters would speedily leam of this market for their peltries. Although it was inlcind far from the sea and would not attract the atten- tion of the fishing and sailing vessels, that were always on the lookout for treiffic wath the Indians on the coast, the colonists first wisely made sure their rights to develop zuid maintain this trade. In 1 620 King James made a gramt of New England to the Council at Devon and from this Council in Jcinuary, 1 628, William Bradford and his associates received a Patent giving special and exclusive rights to the trade on the Kennebec. In 1628, continues Bradford, "Having procured a patente for Kenebec they now erected a house up above in ye river in ye most convenient place for trade (as they conceived) eind fur- nished the same with commodities for that end, both winter & sunmier, not only with corne, but also v^th such other com- modities as ye fishermen had traded with them, as coats, shirts, 13 ruggs & blanketts, biskett, pease, prunes &c.; and what they could not have out of England, they bought of the fishing ships, and so carried on their business as well as they could." This Patent gave Governor Bradford and his associates special and exclusive rights within certain prescribed limits to the trade with the Indians on the Kennebec River. The trading house was erected at Koussinoc, and according to North's "History of Augusta," it was built on a point of land on the east side of the river, where, in 1 754, more than a century later. Fort Western was located and built, and whose massive timbers remmn to this day. The shipments of beaver and other furs from the Kennebec were immense, that for the year 1634, alone, amounting to twenty hogsheads. These cargoes brought large profits to Ply- mouth Colony. It was well that they secured a grant of exclu- sive rights and privileges on the Kennebec River from the authorities in England, for the fur trade attained such proportions that it soon attracted the attention of others, particularly their Puritan rivals at Piscataqua (Portsmouth, N. H.) and other places. John Howleuid, one of the company responsible for the public debt, and especially interested in the success of the enterprise on the Kennebec, was one of the first in command of this Pilgrim Trading Post. He was the right man in the right place. Among all the notable men of Plymouth Colony there was none more loyal, true, and brave, and none that bore a fairer record for efficiency and general usefulness. With his "military tum," calm, considerate judgment and indomitable spirit, he was well 14 fitted for administration of the business of the colony at Kous- sinoc. In May, 1 634, while Howland was in command, John Alden came to Plymouth to bring supplies to the Trading Post. It was the opening of the Spring trade and the Indians were coming down the river in their great canoes laden with furs of the trappers on the lakes and the headwaters of the Kennebec. It was at this time, when the best cind largest quantity of furs were coming down the river, that a desperate attempt was made to wrest this profitable trade from the Pilgrims, by John Hocking of Piscataqua, that cost him his life and the life of one of How- land's faithful men. This was in the words of Bradford, "One of ye sadest things that befell them since they came." Space cannot here be given to the details of this sad affedr, but in the story of this early tragedy on the Kennebec, stands out clearly the noble character of the brave and msmly Howland, at this most trying time, his faithful m£ai who lost his life in obeying orders, and the touching loyalty of the friend "that loved him well." This firm £ind just defence of their rights on the Kennebec against the aggressions of this desperate intruder caused much trouble to the Colony. Alden was soon after arrested in Boston, but was after some delay, released. It was after deliberation and investigation decided that the Plymouth men acted in self defence, and that Hocking alone had been to bleime. The fur trade at Koussinoc, secured as it was by formal pat- ent under seal, was of great value to the Colony, and although attempts were made to take this trade from them, it was firmly defended cind maintziined against all who sought to unlawfully invade their rights. 15 At the time the Pilgrims established their Trading Post at Koussinoc, the shores of the Kennebec were a primeval forest, unbroken save by small clearings where there were Indian villages; smd numerous stone hearths, where the Indians held their council- fires may still be seen up and down the valley of the Kennebec. It is said that the village of the Abenaki Indians at Koussinoc contained about five hundred inhabitants, including the women and children, the largest on the Kennebec River. There were fifteen large lodges on the pleasant intervale by the river side. Koussinoc was the great rallying-place of the Abenakis. It was here the solemn councils were held every Autunm, before going on the great hunt to the Lake of the Moose, and here the feasts were celebrated in the Springtime on the return of the braves w^th their rich trophies. Here was the flourishing Pilgrim Trad- ing Post, and here for thirty-four years, a whole generation, the men of Plymouth frequented the Keimebec, dwelling in peace with the Indians, and engaging in mutual and profitable trade with each other. The Pilgrim Trading Post and the hospitable and friendly relations with the Indians for so many years before the devastations of King Philip's War and the long and cruel French and Indian Wars, is a bright spot in the history of Maine and Plymouth Colony pleasant to contemplate. The Indian word "Koussinoc" became corrupted into "Cushnoc," the word used by several Mcdne historians, but fortunately the word in its original form is preserved in the old French records relating to this important location on the Kenne- bec. "There are many of them there," is the meaning of the word "Koussinoc," and the settlement was so called by the 16 Indians because many of the English were there. In the words of an esteemed member of the Maine Society of Mayflower Descendants, "The word is replete with historic associations cind is in itself a precious legacy. It brings before our minds a series of pictures vivid with life and local color, and in which the elements of adventure, hardship, bravery, and romance are min- gled. And as we repeat this musical old Indian name, we are forced to think of our Pilgrim ancestors at Koussinoc, and to remember that, in those olden days, 'there were many of them there. ' " The cities and towns on the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers, and on the coast of Maine, are replete with early Pilgrim asso- ciations. The men of Plymouth were not only sojourners on the banks of the Kennebec in the days of the Pilgrim Trading Post, but some of them became permanent settlers there, and in other parts of Maine. There was an exodus of the financially ruined patriots of Massachusetts at the close of the Revolution- ary War, to the undeveloped land in Maine and many of the towns in Maine were settled by the Soldiers of the American Revolution, descendants of the Pilgrims in the Old Plymouth Colony, who laid the foundation of the valuable and beautiful homesteads in Maine of to-day, and to-day descendants of the Pilgrims are still to be found in Maine, the Pilgrim's "Eastward" coast-land of relief and hope, at Damariscove, and inland Trad- ing Post at Koussinoc, that was the strength and support of Ply- mouth Colony in its early days. 17 pilgrim ifKemorial ^tone jFrom €f)e SK^ainc J^ocietp of iWapflotoer SDe^ccnDant^ At the Triennial Congress of the General Society of May- flower Descendants held at Plymouth, Mass., in September, 1 906, the President of the Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Asso- ciation gave an interesting account of the work and aims of that Association, and invited the General Society and each State Society of Mayflower Descendants to contribute a memorial stone, appropriately inscribed, to be placed in the Cape Cod Pil- grim Memorial Monument, at Provincetown, Mass. This invitation was endorsed and accepted by the General Society, and the State Societies were invited to furnish such memorial stones. The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Maine immediately responded to this invitation, and furnished a dark Maine granite memorial, thirty-seven inches long, twenty inches wide, and fifteen inches thick, hzindsomely polished, with a tablet inscription as seen in the accompanying portrait of same. The quotation in the inscription on the stone is from Brad- ford's History, relating the first adventure written of the Pilgrims on the Kennebec River. The Cape Cod Pilgrim Monument is to be an obelisk of New England granite, two hundred and fifty feet high, in the 19 form of a tower of the Gothic period in ancient Tuscany, and is to be erected near the extreme point of Cape Cod on the high- est elevation of land in Provincetown, Mass., to commemorate the signing of the Compact, and the first landing of the Pilgrims on Cape Cod. The corner stone of the monument was laid August 20, 1907, by the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Massachusetts, the President of the United States participating. President Roosevelt and Governor Guild of Massachusetts were clothed with the lambskin apron and joined in the Masonic ceremonies. The President and his Cabinet, the Ambassadors of other countries, the Governors of States, and the mighty throng of peo- ple, made it a most notable event in the history of Cape Cod. The multitude of memorial stones that will be placed in this Monument, wall each be a memorial of something in the life of the Pilgrims, or of a deep attachment to them. This granite block from Maine, the land of the Pilgrim Trad- ing Post on the Kennebec River, v^U be a perpetual memorial of the source of strength, in the successful planting of the Pilgrim Colony, worthy to be remembered by their posterity to the latest generations. 20 )Ocietp of iWapflotoer JBescenUants The Society of Mayflower Descendants came into existence in the month of December, 1 894, when a Society was organized in New York. Societies were formed in Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts in March, and in Pennsylvania in July, 1 896. The General Society was organized at a meeting of delegates representing the four State Societies, held at Plymouth, Mass. January 1 2, 1 897. All State Societies organized since the formation of the Gen- eral Society have been Chartered by the General Board of Assistants. There are at the present time fifteen State Societies, viz : New York December, 1894 Connecticut, .... March, 1896 Massachusetts March, 1896 Pennsylvania, .... July. 1896 Illinois June, 1897 District of Columbia, . . . March, 1898 Ohio March, 1898 New Jersey, .... August, 1900 Wisconsin February, 1901 Rhode Island, .... February, 1901 Michigan, ..... February, 1901 Minnesota April, 1901 Maine, ...... September, 1901 Colorado, ..... January, 1906 California January, 1908 21 September 6, 1 90 1 , the General Board took favorable action upon a petition for a Charter for a Society in Maine. Of the twenty signers of the petition, eighteen were members of the Massachusetts Society, one of the New York Society, and one of the District of Columbia Society. The Pilgrim Trading Post and early English settlement at Koussinoc, on the banks of the Kennebec River, was the nucleus of the present City of Augusta, the Capital of Maine. The organization of the Society in the State of Maine was effected at a meeting of the Charter Members held in the Cabi- net of the Kennebec Historical Society in the Lithgow Library, Augusta, Maine, November 21, A. D. 1901, the two hundred and eighty-first anniversary of the signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower, in Provincetown Harbor, Cape Cod. By-Laws were adopted at this meeting and the first board of officers elected, the Governor of Maine being unanimously chosen the first Governor of the Society. For the first five years, the annual meetings of the Society were held in the beautiful Memorial Lithgow Library, the same being very generously tendered for this purpose. 22 35oarlJ of assistants <0mCerjaf, X907:::1908 Governor WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. Foxcroft Deputy Governor FREDERIC ELEAZER BOOTHBY. Portland Captain CHARLES LORING ANDREWS. Augusta Elder REV. JOHN CARROLL PERKINS, D.D.. Portland Secretary ELMER ANSEL DOTEN. Portland Treasurer FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL, Portland Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER, Portland Surgeon ELISHA HOPKINS, M. D.. Searsport Assistants ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS. Lewiston ROSWELL CHILDS BRADFORD, Portland EDWARD ARTHUR SHAW. Portland DAVID SIMMONS WAITE, Lewiston WILLIAM TRUE COUSENS, Portland Past Governors JOHN FREMONT HILL. Augusta ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor 23 Committees §eat entiing 21 i^obember, 1908 Membership ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS. Lewiston DAVID SIMMONS WAITE. Lewiston ARCHIE LEE TALBOT. Lewiston Finance CHARLES LORING ANDREWS. Augusta HIRAM LEANDER PISHON. Augusta WALTER ALBERT NEWCOMB. Augusta Library MRS. HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor MRS. GEORGE HENRY BASS. Wilton MISS JULIA CORNELIA VAILL. Portland Research MRS. EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON. Augusta MISS JANETTE MARIA RICKER, South Poland HILAND LOCKWOOD FAIRBANKS. Bangor Entertainment ELMER ANSEL DOTEN. Portland HIRAM WESTON RICKER, South Poland MISS CHARLOTTA AUGUSTA BALDWIN. Bangor 24 Boarli of assistants Governor JOHN FREMONT HILL, Augusta Deputy Governor ARCHIE LEE TALBOT. Lewiston Captain HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS, Bangor Secretary FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL, Portland Treasurer HIRAM LEANDER PISHON. Augusta Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER. Portland Assistants JOSEPH PARKER BASS. Bangor WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. Foxcroft EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON, Augusta CHARLES LIVINGSTONE CUSHMAN, Auburn ANNABEL STETSON, Brunswick 25 3Boarlr of 9lssij3tants <&mttX^y 1902:^1903 Governor JOHN FREMONT HILL, Augusta Deputy Governor ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston Captain HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS, Bangor Secretary FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL, Portland Treasurer HIRAM LEANDER PISHON, Augusta Historicin PHILIP FOSTER TURNER, Portland Assistants JOSEPH PARKER BASS, Bangor WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS, Foxcroft EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON, Augusta CHARLES UVINGSTONE CUSHMAN, Auburn ANNABEL STETSON, Brunswick 26 35oarlr of assistants #ffiicer^, 1903:^1904 Governor ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston Deputy Governor HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor Captain ELLIOTT WOOD. Winthrop Secretary FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL. PorUand Treasurer HIRAM LEANDER PISHON. Augusta Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER. Portland Surgeon ELISHA HOPKINS. Jr., M. D.. Searsport Assistants WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS, Foxcroft EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON, Augusta CHARLES LIVINGSTONE CUSHMAN. Auburn AUGUSTUS HATCH BABCOCK, Bangor ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS, Lewiston Past Governor JOHN FREMONT HILL, Augusta 27 35oarlr of assistants #fficerj0f, 1904^1905 Governor ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewi«ton Deputy Governor HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor Captain ELLIOTT WOOD. Winthrop Elder REV. JOHN CARROLL PERKINS. D. D.. Portland Seaetary FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL. PorUand Treasurer HIFIAM LEANDER PISHON. Augusta Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER. Portland Surgeon ELISHA HOPKINS. Jr.. M. D.. Sear«port Assistants WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. Foxcroft EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON. Augusta AUGUSTUS HATCH BABCOCK. Bangor ROSCOE CUNTON REYNOLDS. Lewiston ROSWELL FARNUM DOTEN. Portland Past Governor JOHN FREMONT HILL. Augusta 28 35oat:li of assi0tants <&mtetg, 1905*1906 Governor HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS, Bangor Deputy Governor ELLIOTT WOOD. WInthrop Captain GEN. JOHN MARSHALL BROWN. Falmouth Elder REV. JOHN CARROLL PEFIKINS. D.D.. Portland Secretary WALTER BRAY BEALS, Auburn Treasurer HIRAM LEANDER PISHON. Augusta Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER. Portland Surgeon ELISHA HOPKINS. Jr.. M. D.. Searsport Assistants WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. Foxcroft EMMA HUNTINGTON NASON. Augusta ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS. Lewislon CHARLES LORING ANDREWS. Augusta JANETTE MARIA RICKER. South Poland Past Governors JOHN FREMONT HILL. Augusta ARCHIE LEE TALBOT. Lewiston 29 35oari5 of assistants <&mttt0, 1906:^1907 Governor HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor Deputy Governor WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. Foxcroft Captain FREDERIC ELEAZER BOOTHBY. PorUand Elder REV. JOHN CARROLL PERICINS. D.D.. Portland Secretary ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston Treasurer FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL. Portland Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER. Portland Surgeon ELISHA HOPKINS, Jr.. M. D.. Searsport Assistants ELLIOTT WOOD, Winthrop ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS. Lewiston EDWARD ARTHUR SHAW, Portland CHARLES LORING ANDREWS. Augusta DAVID SIMMONS WAITE. Lewiston Past Governors JOHN FREMONT HILL. Augusta ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston 30 (General ©fficers 0f tf)C <^enetal J^ocictp of jHapflotoer SDc^centiantiBt for X 906:; 1 909 Governor-General SAMUEL B. CAPEN. D. D.. Mass. Deputy Governors-General RICHARD HENRY GREENE. New York CHARLES E. GROSS, Connecticut CHARLES A. HOPKINS, Massachusetts J. GRANVILLE LEACH, Pennsylvania FREDERICK MORGAN STEELE, Illinois WILLIAM H. DOANE, Ohio SOLOMON E. FAUNCE, District of Columbia GEORGE CORLIS NIGHTINGALE, Rhode Island CHARLES D. STANDISH, Michigan ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Maine Secretary-General CLARENCE ETTIENNE LEONARD, New York Treasurer-General JAMES MAURAN RHODES. Pennsylvania Historian-General EDWARD HENRY WHORF. Massachusetu 31 Elder-General REV. JOHN LOUIS EWELL. D. D.. District of Columbia Captitin-General MYLES STANDISH, M. D.. Massachusetts Surgeon-General ABIEL WARD NELSON. M. D.. Connecticut Assistants-General HOWLAND DAVIS. New York EDWIN S. CRANDON, Massachusetts HERBERT JENNEY. Ohio GEORGE CHAMPLIN MASON. Pennsylvania REV. ALLEN SHAW BUSH. Colorado WALTER MORTON HOWLAND. IllinoU WILLIAM WALDO HYDE. Connecticut 32 g)Ocietp of M^V^oWx ©escenliants in ti)t ^tate of BY-LAWS 1901 AS AMENDED ^reantljle Our ancestors, passengers on the Mayflower, having landed in December, 1 620, on Plymouth Rock, New England, and having come to settle in a new land and found a new home and govemment, for the benefit of them- selves and their posterity ; and, after struggles and hardships, which, in the first year after their landing carried off one-half of their number, and neces- sitated years of continued bravery and fortitude, against innumerable trials of the severest kind, emd their acts and example having been instrumental in the establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty throughout this land. Therefore, the Society of Mayflower Descendants is founded by lineal descendcints of that band of Pilgrims, to preserve their memory, their records, their history, and all facts relating to them, their ancestry and their posterity. 34 n 1? n L 3 §■ ^ . \ ARTICLE I NAME This Society shall be called the " SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE." ARTICLE II OFFICERS AND BOARD OF ASSISTANTS Section 1 . The officers of this Society shall be a Governor, a Deputy Governor, a Captain, an Elder, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Historian, and a Surgeon. These officers and the Past Governors, who retain their mem- bership in the Society, together with five other members elected for that purpose shall constitute a Board of Assistants. Sec. 2. The Officers and Assistants shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting and a majority of the votes cast shall determine the choice. Their term of office shall be for one year and until their successors shall have been elected. ARTICLE III GOVERNOR The Governor, or in his absence the Deputy Governor or in his absence a Chciirman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Assistants, and perform the usual duties pertaining to his office. ARTICLE IV DEPUTY GOVERNOR The Deputy Governor, in the absence of the Governor, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and Board of Assistants, and in the case of a vacancy in the office of Governor by death or otherwise, shall succeed to that office for the remainder of the year. 35 ARTICLE V CAPTAIN The Captain shall carry out all orders of the Governor or the Society and act as Marshal at all parades and on occasions of ceremony. ARTICLE VI ELDER The Elder shall officiate when called upon at any meeting of the Society. He shall be a regularly ordained Elder, Bishop, Minister or Deacon of a Christian Church. ARTICLE VII SECRETARY The Secretary shall give due notice of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants, and keep an accurate record of the proceedings of such meetings. Shall collect the entrance fees amd dues for the first year required of applicants for membership, and, if elected, pay the same within thirty days to the Treasurer ; if not elected, to immediately return the same. Shall notify new members of their election, and keep a roll of the members of the Society. Shall notify each member filing supplemental lines of their approval, and at the annual meeting shall make a full report of the business of the year, the number of members of the Society at the beginning of the year, the number elected during the year, the number who for any cause have ceased to be members, and the number of members at the close of the fiscal year. As far as possible, the name, place, and date of death of each member who has died shall be reported. Shall conduct the corre- spondence of the Society, have charge of the Seal and all blank application papers ; shall also have charge of all documents belonging to the Society not placed in the custody of the Historian, and shall perform such other duties as the Society or the office may require. ARTICLE VIII TREASURER The Treasurer shall collect all fees and dues, shall attend to all disburse- ments, and shall have charge of all funds of the Society, under the direction of the Board of Assistants. He shall keep the accounts of the Society and 36 shall report, at any meeting of the Board of Assistants to which he shall have been requested so to report, the balance of any moneys on hand and outstanding obligations of the Society as far as practicable, and shall at the annual meeting report in full the receipts and disbursements of the previous year. He shall keep suitable books of account, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of any member of the Board of Assistants and the Fincuice Committee. His accounts shall be audited annually, or as often as the Board of Assistants may direct. The fiscal year of the Society shall end on the thirty-first day of October in each year. ARTICLE IX HISTORIAN The Historian shall examine and approve all pedigree papers of appli- cants before their election to membership and all supplemental lines of members before action thereon. After the election, and approval by the Historian General, shall enter of record in a suitable book, the name, resi- dence, State number, and General number of each member, number of generation in descent and the name of Pilgrim Ancestor, also the number in descent and the name of Pilgrim Ancestor in each supplemental line. The place and date of death of each member who has died, as far as pos- sible, shall be recorded therein, also the way and manner any one ceased to be a member, if other than by death. Shall have the custody of the pedigree papers and the accompanying vouchers, after final action thereon, record the State and General number thereon, and shall keep the same in a Scife or vault protected against loss or damage by fire or water ; shall also have the custody of all historical and genealogical books, magazines, pam- phlets and manuscripts of which the Society may become possessed. Shall keep a record of certificates issued by the General Society to members of the State Society and a record of all celebrations of the Society and aU other facts relating to the Society that may be deemed of historic value. At the annual meeting shall make a full report of the business of the year and the condition and location of the pedigree papers of all the members. ARTICLE X SURGEON The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine. 37 ARTICLE XI BOARD OF ASSISTANTS Section 1 . The management and control of the affairs of the Society, subject in all respects to such instructions and limitations as may from lime to time be prescribed by the Society, shall be in the heuids of the Board of Assistants. Three members of the Board of Assistants shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2. They shall, after each annual meeting, appoint the following Standing Committees : Membership, Finance, Library, Historical Research, and Entertainment, which may be appointed from the Board of Assistants or from the Society at large of not less than three members each and as many more as they shall determine. Sec. 3. They shall elect Representatives and Delegates not otherwise provided for, and shall fill any vacancy occurring in the list of Officers, Assistants or Committees, by the election of a member to hold office until the ensuing annual meeting. ARTICLE XII DUTIES OF COMMITTEES All committees shall report to the Board of Assistants emd act under their direction. ARTICLE XIII MEMBERSHIP Section I . Every direct descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger on the Mayflower on the voyage which ended at Plymouth in December, 1 620, shall be eligible for membership in this Society. Sec. 2. Every applicant for membership shall be nominated and sec- onded by two members of the Society, on the "Preliminary Application" blanks, furnished by the Society. All nominations shall be favorably reported upon by the Membership Committee before "Pedigree" blanks shall be furnished. Sec. 3. Every application shall give in detciil the proof of eligibility with complete references to authorities quoted as required by the Constitution and regulations of the General Society, and shall be accompanied by the entrance fee, and the dues for the current year. After examination by the 38 Historian, it shall be referred to the Board of Assistants, who shall vote upon it by secret ballot. Two negative votes shall act as a rejection of the applicant. If the pedigree papers of an applicant are not filed with the Secretary wathin six months from date of approval of the preliminary appli- cation, such approval shall become void. Sec. 4. The name of any member whose annual dues shall remeun unpaid for one year may after due notice be dropped from the roll of mem- bership at the direction of the Board of Assistants. Sec. 5. Any member, for cause or conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society, may be suspended or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Assistants. But no member shall be suspended or expelled unless written charges against such member have been presented to the Board of Assistants, who shall give such member opportunity to be heard and refute such charges. Sec. 6. No person who may be enrolled as a member of this Society shall be permitted to continue in membership if proof of eligibility shall be found to be defective. The Board of Assistants, after thirty days' notice to such person to substantiate claim, and upon failure so to do may require the Secretary to erase such name from the membership roll. Sec. 7. The Board of Assistants shall have power to make rules gov- erning the admission of members by transfer from a Society of Mayflower Descendants in other States and may in their discretion remit the entrance fee and annual dues for first year of such applicant for membership. ARTICLE XIV ENTRANCE FEES AND DUES The entrance fee shall be Five Dollars. The annual dues shall be Two Dollars, payable on or before the first day of November in each year. The payment of dues by a member elected during the months of August, September and October shall continue membership until the end of the next succeeding fiscal year. The payment of Twenty-five Dollars by an active member at one time shall constitute such person a Life Member and shall exempt such member from annual dues. ARTICLE XV MEETINGS Section 1 . The annual meeting shall be held on the twenty-first day 39 of November, the aoiniversary of the Signing of the Compact on board the Mayflower at Plymouth, New England, at such place and hour as may be determined by the Board of Assistants. When this date shaill fall on a Sunday, the annual meeting shall be held on the following day. At all meetings of the Society, five members shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2. Special meetings of the Society shall be called by the Gov- ernor, when directed so to do by the Board of Assistants, or whenever requested in writing by ten or more members, on giving fifteen days' notice, specifying the time and place of such meeting and the business to be trans- acted. Notice of all meetings of the Society shaU be mailed to each mem- ber at least ten days before the meeting. Sec. 3. The Board of Assistants shall meet once in each month, except the months of June, July and August, at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board. Sec. 4. Special meetings of the Board of Assistants may be called by the Governor at any time, and shall be called on the request of three members of the Board made in writing. Notice of aU meetings of the Board of Assistants shall be mailed at least three days before the meeting. Sec. 5. The foUovsang shall be the order of business at all meetings of the Society : 1 . Reading the Records. 2. Communications and actions thereon. 3. Reports of Officers. 4. Reports of Committees. 5. Unfinished Business. 6. Election of Officers. 7. New Business. ARTICLE XVI AMENDMENTS These By-Laws may be amended or repealed, provided written resolu- tions to that effect are first presented to and approved by a majority of the Board of Assistants present at any meeting of said Board ; provided said amendments are subsequently approved by a majority of the members pres- ent at any meeting of the Society ; and provided, further, that whenever these By-Laws are to be amended, repealed, or in any way changed, notice thereof, specifying said changes in full, shall be sent to each member of the Society at least ten days before such action is to be taken. 40 iWembersliip H^cquiretnents " Preliminary Application " blanks are issued, by the Secretary, only on request of members. Applicants should be instructed to give full neimes in filling the blanks cind not simply initials. Every step in the pedigree must be proved by complete refer- ence to published genealogies, tow^n histories, or other published works recognized by the Society as authentic, giving in each instance the volume and page quoted, or by filing copies, of town, county or church records, tombstone inscriptions or other satisfactory evidence. Copies of records and inscriptions, unless made by an officer, must be sworn to, by the one making the same. Such copies must be made in duplicate as all other written evidence. Copies of written records in Bibles or other books must give a description of the book in general appearance ; and a description of the record therein, as to the probable writer of same. No fact can be accepted which is based solely upon family or local tradition. If the applicant is descended from more than one Mayflower ancestor, one nzime only, and one line only, shall be used in making application. Pedigree blanks for proof of additional lines of eligibility will be forwarded by the Secretary, after elec- 41 tion to membership if desired. The supplemental blanks must be executed in the same msuiner as originals. Engrossed Certificates of Membership, Insignia, Rosette But- tons, and Rosette Pins can be secured by members upon appli- cation to the Secretary. Certificate framed, $6.50; Insignia, $12; Rosette Button or Rosette Pin, 25c. 42 The maiden surname of married women is printed in parenthesis. Generations in descent repeated, indicates separate and distinct lines. State Nos. Names 29 ALDEN. CHARLES HENRY Elected 25 October, 1902. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William MuUins. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Seventh in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 69 ANDREWS. CHARLES LORING Elected 23 September, 1905. Tenth in descent from Richard Wcirren. 86 ARNOLD, JOHN CLYDE Elected 6 April. 1907. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth* Tilley. Charter Member 1 3 BABCOCK. AUGUSTUS HATCH Matsachusetts Society No. 611. Eighth in descent from Degory Priest. Addresses General Nos. WaterviUe 2020 Augusta 2510 Augusta 2710 Bangor 1 640 43 85 BALDWIN, CHARLOTTA AUGUSTA Bangor 2645 Elected 5 November, 1906. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Gyles* Hopkins. Charter Member 14 BASS, JOSEPH PARKER Bangor 1577 Massachusetts Society No. 574. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. 84 BASS. MARY ELLA (COLCORD) (BARRY) Mrs. George Henry Bass Wilton 2620 Elected I September, 1906. Seventh in descent from Myles Standish. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Seventh in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Eighth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Sixth in descent from Henry Samson. 65 BEALS. WALTER BRAY Auburn 2502 Elected 16 September, 1905. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Charter Member 12 BENNETT. NORA LUCY (FAIRBANKS) Mrs. Alfred K. Bennett Merchantville, N.J. 1415 Massachusetts Society No. 508. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Resigned 21 November, 1902. 44 76 BONNEY. PERCIVAL Portland 2583 Elected 5 May. 1906. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Prisciila- Mullins. Died 4 August, 1906, at Denmark, Maine. 83 BONNEY, WILLIAM LOWELL Bowdoinham 2619 Elected I September, 1906. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 74 BOOTHBY. FREDERIC ELEAZER Pordand 2553 Elected 27 January, 1906. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Nmth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Prisciila^ Mullins. 105 BOOTHBY. WILLIAM APPLETON RUST WaterviUe 2862 Elected 15 February. 1908. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Prisciila"^ Mullins. 67 BRADFORD, ROSWELL CHILDS Portland 2504 Elected 16 September. 1905. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 45 14 BRADFORD. ROYAL BIRD Turner 2982 Rear-Admiral U. S. N., Washington, D. C. Elected 10 October, 1908. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 6 1 BROWN, (GENERAL) JOHN MARSHALL Falmouth 2449 Elected 20 May. 1905. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Died 20 July. 1907. at Falmouth. Me. 62 BROWN. PHILIP GREELY Portland 2470 Elected 27 May. 1905. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 47 BUNTING. CARLOTTA MARY (SWETT). M. D. Mrs. Charles Henry Bunting Bangor 2322 P. O., University of Virginia, Va. Elected 16 July. 1904. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 90 BURNHAM. ALICE GREENLEAF (ELLSWORTH) Mrs. George Bumham Portland 2793 Elected 21 September, 1907. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 46 99 CHAMBERLIN. EMMA BARTLETT (WING) Mrs. Eugene Gesley Chamberlin Brunswick 602 Elected 14 December, 1907. New York Society No. 310. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love- Brewster. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla" Mullins. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Tenth in descent from James Chilton. Tenth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Ninth in descent from Mary- Chilton. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. 44 CLARKE. ANNIE AUGUSTA Portland 2196 Elected 27 June. 1903. Tenth in descent from James Chilton. Tenth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Ninth in descent from Mary^ Chilton. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. 52 CLARK, ANTOINETTE LANGDON (PAINE) Mrs. Mervin Washburn Clark Portland 2344 Elected 22 October. 1904. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 47 51 CLARK. MERVIN WASHBURN Elected I October, 1904. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Elighth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Portland 2334 42 COBURN. HELEN SOPHIA (MILLER) Mrs. Stephen Cobum Skowhegan Elected 27 June, 1903. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 2194 43 COBURN, LOUISE HELEN Elected 27 June. 1903. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Skowhegan 2 1 95 91 COUSENS. LYMAN MUNSON Elected 13 November, 1907. Eighth in descent from Isaac AUerton. Eighth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary- Allerton. Portland 2813 92 COUSENS. WILLIAM TRUE Elected 13 November, 1907. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Elighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Portland 2814 27 CURTIS, LOUIS BEERS Elected 25 October, 1902. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Resigned 21 November, 1904. Bridgeport. Conn. 2018 48 Charter Member 5 CUSHMAN, CHARLES LIVINGSTON Auburn 202 Massachusetts Society No. 22. Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary- Allerton. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Elighth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. Charter Member 6 CUSHMAN, LENA (FARRINGTON) Mrs. Charles Livingston Cushman Aubum 201 Massachusetts Society No. 2 1 . Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins, Eighth in descent from Priscilla''^ Mullins. 82 DENNISON, AMI LOUIS Exeter, N. H. 2618 Elected 1 September, 1906. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in dexent from Priscilla- Mullins. 98 DONNELL, MURRAY CUSHING Houlton 2829 Elected 14 December, 1907. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Charter Member 16 DONNELL, WILLIAM CUSHING Houlton 946 Massachusetts Society No. 325. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 49 101 DOTEN, ADELAIDE WARREN (STROUT) Mrs. Elmer Ansel Doten Portland 2831 Elected 14 December, 1907. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from Joseph' Rogers. 50 DOTEN, ANSEL ROBBINS Portland 2336 Elected 1 October, 1904. Sixth in descent from Edward Doty. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Elighth in descent from John Tilley. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Eighth in descent from James Chilton. Eighth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Seventh in descent from Mary^ Chilton. Seventh in descent from Francis Eaton. Seventh in descent from Sarah ( ) Eaton. Sixth in descent from Samuel- Eaton. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Francis Cooke. Seventh in descent from Samuel Fuller. 45 DOTEN, ELMER ANSEL Portland 2217 Elected 6 August, 1903. Seventh in descent from Edward Doty. Eighth in descent from John Howland . Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. Ninth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Eighth in descent from Mary- Chilton. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. Eighth in descent from Sarah ( ) Eaton. Seventh in descent from Samuel- Eaton. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. 50 64 DOTEN, GLADYS Portland 2501 Elected 16 September, 1905. Seventh in descent from Edwcird Doty. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. Ninth in descent from — ■ — — ( ) Chilton. Eighth in descent from Mary"-^ Chilton. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. Eighth in descent from Sarah ( ) Eaton. Seventh in descent from Samuel- Eaton. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Elighth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. 21 DOTEN, ROSWELL FARNUM Portland 1898 Elected 4 January, 1902. Sixth in descent from Edv^fard Doty. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Eighth in descent from James Chilton. Eighth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Seventh in descent from Mary'-^ Chilton. Seventh in descent from Francis Eaton. Seventh in descent from Scu:ah ( ) Eaton. Sixth in descent from Samuel^ Eaton. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Francis Cooke. Seventh in descent from Samuel Fuller. Charter Member 1 1 FAIRBANKS, ABBY ANNAH (WOOD WORTH) Mrs. Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks Bangor 1 388 Massachusetts Society No. 498. Elighth in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Flowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 51 Charter Member 10 FAIRBANKS, HENRY NATHANIEL Bangor 1387 Massachusetts Society No. 497. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent h'om John Tilley. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth'^ Tilley. Eighth in descent from Isaac AUerton. Eighth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary^ Allerton. 46 FAIRBANKS. HILAND LOCKWOOD Bangor 2321 Elected 16 July. 1904. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Hovvland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Maiy"'^ Allerton. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 1 1 1 FAIRBANKS, MITTIE BELCHER Farmington 1675 P. O., 18 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. Elected 13 June, 1908. Massachusetts Society No. 6 1 7. Eighth in descent from John Howrland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth" Tilley. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from Peter Brown. 77 FARRINGTON, ELLA LEONTINE (ADAMS) Mrs. Clayton James Farrington Lewiston 2584 Elected 5 May, 1906. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullms. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) MuUins. Seventh in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 52 54 FELLOWS, LUCIA IDELLE (RUSSELL) Mrs. George Emory Fellows Elected 21 November, 1904. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Orono 2364 37 FOX. JAMES CARTER Elected 29 May, 1903. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren, Portland 2185 115 FULLER, SPENCER HOSFORD Elected 10 October, 1908. Eighth in descent from Edward Fuller. Eighth in descent from ( Lewiston 2983 -) Fuller. Seventh in descent from SamueP Fuller. 31 GANNETT, GRACE BELLE Augusta 2022 Elected 25 October, 1902. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. Ninth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Eighth in descent from Mary- Chilton. Ninth in descent from Peter Brown. 71 GANNETT, WILLIAM HOWARD Augusta 2540 Elected 30 December, 1905. Eighth in descent from James Chilton. Eighth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Seventh in descent from Mary- Chilton. 89 GILKEY, SUSAN BRADFORD (COOK) Mrs. Alphonso Li\'ingston Gilkey Portland Elected 29 June, 1907. Massachusetts Society No. 683. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 1859 53 28 HARDEN. ANNA BELLE (SNOWE) Mrs. Edward Howe Harden South Brewer 2019 Elected 25 October, 1902. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. 32 HARMON. ISABELLE TYLER (CLARK) Mrs. Charles Cobb Harmon Portland 2023 Elected 25 October, 1902. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. Charter Member 2 HILL, JOHN FREMONT Augusta 1 788 Massachusetts Society No. 661. Sixth in descent from Henry Samson. 49 HOPKINS, ELISHA Jr.. M. D. Searsport 2335 Elected 21 September. 1904. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Sixth in descent from Gyles'- Hopkins. 95 HUBBARD, GUY ANDREW Oakland 2821 P. O.. 486 West 1 36 St.. New York City Elected 20 November, 1907. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. Eighth in descent from George Soule. 72 HUNT. ARTHUR KINSMAN Brookline. Mass. 2551 Elected 27 January, 1906. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 75 HUNT, AUGUSTA MERRILL (BARSTOW) Mrs. George Smith Hunt Portland 2582 Elected 5 May, 1906. Eighth in descent from V/illiam Brewster. Ejghth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster 54 102 HUNTER. MABEL ELDORA Farmington 2833 Elected 28 December, 1907. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. Ninth in descent from George Soule. 33 KIMBALL. ABBIE ELLEN (WOOD) Mrs. Clarence A. Kimball Northeast Harbor 2072 Elected 21 November, 1902. Eighth in descent from Peter Brown. 41 KNOWLTON, LYDIA ANNE (HUNTER) Mrs. Clarence Hinckley Knowlton Machias 2 1 89 P. O.. Newcastle Court, Columbus Ave.. Boston. Elected 29 May, 1903. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. 73 LEIGHTON. CORA LEE (HOPKINS) Mrs. Geoge W. Leighton Bangor 2552 Elected 27 January, 1906. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Gyles'- Hopkins. 66 LEONARD, PAMELA LOVEJOY Oakland 2503 P. O., South Poland Elected 16 September, 1905. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 55 108 LEWIS, GEORGE (REV.) South Berwick 2866 Elected 29 February. 1908. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth- Tilley. 94 LEWIS, GEORGE LOTHROP Gorham 2817 Elected 20 November. 1907. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 109 LEWIS. KATHERINE BIGELOW LEWIS (McLELLAN) Mrs. George Lewis South Berwick 2867 Elected 29 February, 1908. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth"^ Tilley. 48 LIBBY, GEORGE DEXTER Gardiner 2323 Elected 16 July, 1904. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth'^ Tilley. 110 MANSUR, CHARLOTTE ELLEN (BROWN) Mrs. Wilfred Everett Mansur Bangor 2896 Elected 2 May. 1908. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent horn Mary ( ) Brewster. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from Joseph^ Rogers. 23 MURRAY, MARIA (WADSWORTH) Mrs. Benjamin Bixby Murray Calais 1 900 Elected 26 March. 1902. Elighth in descent from William Bradford. 56 Charter Member NASON. EMMA (HUNTINGTON) Mrs. Charles H, Nason Augusta 736 Massachusetts Society No, 230. Ninth in descent horn William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 63 NEWCOMB, WALTER ALBERT Augusta 2478 Elected 17 June, 1905. Ninth in descent horn Richard Warren. Eighth in descent horn Myles Standish. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Seventh in descent from Henry Samson. 93 NORTON. EVERETT BLANCHARD Farmington 2815 Elected 13 November, 1907. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 00 NORTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON Portland 2830 Elected 14 December, 1907. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth'^ Tilley. 57 26 PARSONS. CHARLES LATHROP Durham, N. H. 494 Elected 26 March, 1902. Massachusetts Society No. 112. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love^ Brewster. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Charter Member 15 PARSONS, WILLIS ELLIS Foxcroft 1626 District of Columbia Society No. 87. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Ninth in descent from Samuel Fuller. Ninth in descent from Richard Wanen. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. Ninth in descent from Sarah ( ) Eaton. Eighth in descent from Samuel^ Eaton. Ninth in descent from Edwjurd Doty. Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Tenth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. 55 PERKINS, REV. JOHN CARROLL. D. D. Portland 2368 Elected 17 December, 1904. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Ninth in descent from George Soule. 103 PHILOON, EVERETT LORIN Auburn 2834 Elected 28 December. 1907. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. 58 Charter Member 3 PISHON, HIRAM LEANDER Augusta 939 Massachusetts Society No. 318. Ninth in descent from Peter Brown. 39 REYNOLDS, CATHERINE (GILMORE) Mrs. Roscoe Clinton Reynolds Lewiston 2187 Elected 29 May, 1903. Seventh in descent from Myles Standish. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Francis Cooke. Seventh in descent from Isaac Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Sixth in descent from Mary"-^ Allerton. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Seventh in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 40 REYNOLDS. GEORGE FRANKLIN Portland 2188 Elected 29 May, 1903. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. Eighth in descent hom Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary'" Allerton. Eighth in descent fron^ John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 38 REYNOLDS. ROSCOE CLINTON Lewiston 2186 Elected 29 May, 1903. Elighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins, Eighth in descent from Priscilla'^ Mullins. 59 57 RICKER, ALVIN BOLSTER South Poland 2420 Elected 18 February. 1905. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Nonis) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Ninth in descent from Francis Elaton. 56 RICKER, EDWARD PAYSON South Poland 2419 Elected 18 February. 1905. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Elighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. 58 RICKER, HIRAM WESTON South Poland 2421 Elected 18 February. 1905. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninrh in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. 60 RICKER, JANETTE MARIA South Poland 2423 Elected 18 Febuary, 1905. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ AlUerton. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. 59 RICKER. SARAH LITTLE South Poland 2422 Elected 18 February, 1905. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerlon. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. 104 ROBIE, FREDERICK Gorham 2861 Elected 15 February. 1908. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 60 25 ROYCE, ELINOR CAROLINE (LUFKIN) Mrs. Stephen Edmunds Royce St. Albans, Vt. 1017 Elected 26 March. 1902. New York Society No. 440. Seventh in descent from George Soule. Died 23 October. 1905. at St. Albans, Vt. 88 SABINE. MARY ELLEN (WAITE) Mrs. Henry Sabine Lewiston 2719 Elected 22 April. 1907. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 78 SEARS, HERBERT WARREN PortUnd 2614 Elected 1 September, 1906. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster 24 SHAW, EDWARD ARTHUR Portland 1901 Elected 26 March. 1902. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. Eleventh in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Tenth in descent from Priscilla" Mullins. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. 107 SHAW, FRANK KINGSBURY WaterviUe 2864 Elected 15 February. 1908. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from Joseph- Rogers. 87 SHURTLEFF, WILLIAM HARRY Portland 1840 Elected 6 April. 1907. Massachusetts Society No. 676. Elighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. 61 96 SIMMONS, AUGUSTINE North Anson 2822 Elected 21 November, 1907. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Elighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 97 SIMMONS, FRANKLIN Portland 2823 P. O., Rome, Italy Elected 21 November, 1907. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla" Mullins. 35 SMITH, GRACE MAUD (COBURN) Mrs. George Otis Sniith Skowhegan 2 1 84 Elected 29 May, 1903. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Charter Member 18 STETSON, ANNABEL Brunswick 875 Massachusetts Society No. 287. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love- Brewster. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love^ Brewster. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla"^ Mullins. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 62 70 STROUT, ALICE REBECCA Portland 2539 Elected 30 December. 1905. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from Joseph''^ Rogers, 22 STURGES, ALONZO WALTON Lewiston 1899 Elected 22 February, 1902. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth*^ Tilley. Died 12 August, 1907. at Old Orchard, Me. Charter Member Life Member TALBOT. ARCHIE LEE Lewiston 902 Massachusetts Society No. 297. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. Seventh in descent from Elizabeth"^ Tilley. Eighth in descent from John Howlamd. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth'^ Tilley. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from '^eter Brown. Ninth in descent from Degory Priest. Ninth in descent from Degory Priest. Ninth in descent from Degory Priest. 79 THAYER, ANNIE LAURIE (SOULE) Mrs. Augustus Spaulding Thayer Portland 2615 Elected 1 September, 1906. Eighth in descent from George Soule. 63 68 TRUE, CHARLES LATHAM Portland 2505 Elected 16 September, 1905. Tenth in descent from James Chilton. Tenth in descent from ( ) Chilton. Ninth in descent from Mary^ Chilton. 34 TURNER, HARLAN BARZILLAI Portland 2183 Elected 29 May. 1903. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Ninth in descent from Edward Doty. 106 TURNER, NELLIE LORD (FURBUSH) Mrs. Philip Foster Turner Portland 2863 Elected 15 February. 1908. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Charter Member TURNER. PHILIP FOSTER Portland 1570 Massachusetts Society No. 567. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. Charter Member VAILL, CHARLOTTE FFIRTH (STURDIVANT) Mrs. Edward E. Vaill Portland 432 New York Society No. 242. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 64 Charter Member 20 VAILL, EDWARD GRISWOLD Portland 1844 Massachusetts Society No. 680. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) MuUins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from George Soule. Eleventh in descent from James Chilton. Eleventh in descent from ( ) Chilton. Tenth in descent from Mary^ Chilton. Charter Member 8 VAILL. FREDERICK STURDIVANT Portland 827 Massachusetts Society No. 260. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Ninth in descent from George Soule. Eleventh in descent from James Chilton. Eleventh in descent from ( ) Chilton. Tenth in descent from Maiy^ Chilton. Charter Member 19 VAILL, JULIA CORNELIA Portland 1842 Massachusetts Society No. 678. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. 113 VERRILL. LOUISE SHURTLEFF (BROWN) Mrs. Harry Mighels Verrill Portland 2959 Elected 5 September, 1908. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. Eleventh in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Tenth in descent from Priscilla'-^ Mullins. 65 81 WAITE. DAVID SIMMONS Lewiston 2617 Elected 1 September, 1906. Tenth in descent from Willieim Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 112 WHITTIER. ELIZABETH ELLEN (CRAIG) Mrs. Ovando Porter Whittier Farmington 293 1 Elected 27 June. 1908. Tenth in descent from John Howland. Eleventh in descent from John Tilley. Tenth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 30 WOOD, ELLIOTT Winthrop 2021 Elected 25 October. 1902. Seventh in descent from Peter Brown. Died 23 July, 1907, at Winthrop, Me. 80 WOODMAN, ELIZA DOW (KINGSBURY) Mrs. Walter Irving Woodman St. Augustine, Fla. 2616 Elected 1 September, 1906. Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Gyles^ Hopkins. 53 WOODMAN. WALTER IRVING St. Augustine, Fla. 2363 Elected 21 November, 1904. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary^ Allerton. 66 anb tfjeir J^eittrHjmti ;f«rmBer^ of tf^t sr^aine ^ocietp JOHN ALDEN AND WIFE PRISCILLA (MULLINS) Charles Henry Alden, Joseph Parker Bass, Mary Ella (Colcord) (Bany) Bass, Percival Bonney, Frederic Eleazer Boothby, William Appleton Rust Boothby, Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberlin, Antoinette Langdon (Paine) Clark, Lena (Fcirrington) Cushman, Ami Louis Dennison, Ella Leontine (Adams) Farrington, Mabel Eldora Hunter, Lydia Anne (Hunter) Knowlton, Walter Albert Newcomb, Rev. John Carroll Perkins, D. D., Catherine (Gilmore) Reynolds, George Franklin Reynolds, Roscoe Clinton Reynolds, Edward Arthur Shaw, William Harry Shurtleff, Augustine Simmons, . Franklin Simmons, Annabel Stetson, NeUie (Lord) (Furbush) Turner, Edward Griswold Vaill, Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, Julia Cornelia Vaill, Louise Shurtleff (Brown) Verrill, State No*. 29 14 64 76 74 105 99 52 6 82 77 102 41 63 55 39 40 38 24 87 % 97 18 106 20 8 19 113 67 ISAAC ALLERTON and wife MARY (NORRIS) Lyman Munson Cousens, William True Cousens, Charles Livingston Cushman, Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks, Hiland Lockwood Fedrbanks, Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, Catherine (Gilmore) Reynolds, George Franklin Reynolds, Alvin Bolster Ricker, . Edward Payson Ricker, Hiram Weston Ricker, Jemette Maria Ricker, Sarah Little Ricker, . Waller Irving Woodman, State Nos. 91 92 5 10 46 III 39 40 57 56 58 60 59 53 MARY' ALLERTON Lyman Munson Cousens, 91 William True Cousens, 92 Charles Livingston Cushman, 5 Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks, • 10 Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks, 46 Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, in Catherine (Gilmore) Reynold*, 39 George Franklin Reynolds, . 40 Alvin Bolster Ricker. 57 Edward Payson Ricker, 56 Hiram Weston Ricker, 58 Janette Maria Ricker, 60 Sarah Little Ricker, . 59 Walter Irving Woodman, 53 WILLIAM BRADFORD Walter Bray Beals, . Nora Lucy (Fairbanks) Bennett, William Lowell Bonney, Roswell Childs Bradford, 65 12 83 67 68 WILLIAM BRADFORD (Continued) Rear-Admiral Royal Bird Bradford, Alice Greenleaf (Ellsworth) Burnham Louis Beers Curlis, Murray Gushing Donnell, William Gushing Donnell, Abby Annah (Woodworth) Fairbank Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks, Susan Bradford (Gook) Gilkey, Maria (Wadsworth) Murray, Willis Ellis Parsons, State Nos. 114 90 27 98 16 II 46 89 23 15 LOVE=^ BREWSTER Emma Bartlett (Wing) Ghamberlin, Charles Lathrop Parsons, Annabel Stetson, 99 26 18 WILLIAM BREWSTER AND WIFE MARY (- General John Marshall Brown, Philip Greely Brown, Carlotta Mary (Swett) Bunting, Emma Bartlett (Wing) Ghamberlin, Helen Sophia (Miller) Goburn, Louise Helen Goburn, Arthur Kinsman Hunt, Augusta Merrill (Barstow) Hunt, Charlotte Ellen (Brown) Mansur, Emma (Huntington) Nason, Cheules Lathrop Parsons, Mary Ellen (Waite) Sabine, Herbert Wanen Sears, Grace Maud (Goburn) Smith, Annabel Stetson, Harlan Barzillai Turner, Philip Foster Turner, David Simmons Waite, 61 62 47 99 42 43 72 75 no 4 26 88 78 35 18 34 7 81 69 PETER BROWN Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, Grace Belle Gannett, Abbie Ellen (Wood) Kimball, Hiram Leander Pishon, Archie Lee Talbot, . Elliott Wood, State Nos. Ill 31 33 3 I 30 JAMES CHILTON AND WIFE Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberiin, Annie Augusta Clarke, Ansel Robbins Doten, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Farnum Doten, Grace Belle Gannett, William Howard Gannett, Charles Latham True, Edward Griswold Vaill, Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, 99 44 50 45 64 21 31 71 68 20 8 MARY^ CHILTON Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberiin, Annie Augusta CIcirke, Ansel Robbins Doten, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Famum Doten, Grace Belle Gannett, William Howard Gannett, Cheirles Latham True, Edward Griswold Vaill, Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, 99 44 50 45 64 21 31 71 68 20 8 FRANCIS COOKE Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberiin, Annie Augusta Clarke. 99 44 70 FRANCIS COOKE (Continued) Antoinette Langdon (Paine) Ciark, Ansel Robbins Doten, Elmer Ansel Doten, . Gladys Doten, Roswell Farnum Doten, Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, Willis Ellis Parsons, Catherine (Gilmore) Reynolds, George Franklin Reynolds, Archie Lee Talbot. . State Nos. 52 50 45 64 21 111 15 39 40 I EDWARD DOTY Ansel Robbins Doten, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Farnum Doten, Willis Ellis Parsons, Harlam Barzillai Turner, Philip Foster Turner, 50 45 64 21 15 34 7 FRANCIS EATON Charles Livington Cushman, Alvin Bolster Ricker, Edward Payson Ricker, Hiram Weston Ricker, Janette Maria Ricker, Sarah Little Ricker, Edward Arthur Shaw, 5 57 56 58 60 59 24 FRANCIS EATON AND WIFE SARAH (- Ansel Robbins Doten, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Farnum Doten, Willis Ellis Parsons, 50 45 64 21 15 71 SAMUEL^ EATON Ansel Robbins Dolen, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Farnum Doten, Willis Ellis Parsons, State Nos. 50 45 64 21 15 EDWARD FULLER AND wife Spencer Hosford Fuller, .... 15 SAMUEL FULLER. Ansel Robbins Doten, 50 Elmer Ansel Doten, 45 Gladys Doten, .... 64 Roswell Farnum Doten, 21 Willis Ellis Parsons, 15 Everett Lorin Philoon, 103 Spencei Hosford Fuller, SAMUEL' FULLER 115 GYLES' HOPKINS Charlotta Augusta Baldwin, . Elisha Hopkms, Jr., M. D., . Cora Lee (Hopkins) Leighton, Eliza Dow (Kingsbury) Woodman, 85 49 73 80 STEPHEN HOPKINS Charlotta Augusta Baldwin, . Elisha Hopkins, Jr., M. D.. . Cora Lee (Hopkins) Leighton, Eliza Dow (Kingsbury) Woodman, 85 49 73 80 72 STEPHEN HOPKINS AND WIFE ELIZABETH (- Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberlin, Mervin Washburn Clark, Ansel Robbins Dolen, Elmer Ansel Doten, Gladys Doten, Roswell Fcirnum Doten, Willis Ellis Parsons, Catherine (Gilmore) Reynolds, George Franklin Reynolds, . Slate Not- 99 51 50 45 64 21 15 39 40 JOHN HOWLAND AND WIFE ELIZABETH (TILLEY) John Clyde Arnold, ....... 86 Charles Livington Cushman, ...... 5 Adelaide Warren (Strout) Doten, . . . . . . 101 Ansel Robbins Doten, ....... 50 Elmer Ansel Doten, ....... 45 Gladys Doten, ........ 64 Roswell Farnum Doten, . . . . . . . 21 Abby Annah (Woodworth) Fairbanks, . . . . . II Henry Nathaniel Fciirbanks, . . . . . . . ID Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks, ...... 46 Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, . . . . . . . ill Lucia Idelle (Russell) Fellows, ...... 54 Pamela Lovejoy Leonvd, ....... 66 Rev. George Lewis, . . . . . . . .108 George Lothrop Lewis, ....... 94 Katherine Bigelow Lewis (McLellan) Lewis, . . . . .109 George Dexter Libby, ....... 48 Everett Blanchau:d Norton, ....... 93 George Washington Norton, . . . . . . .100 Charles Lathrop Parsons, ....... 26 Alice Rebecca Strout, ....... 70 Alonzo Walton Sturges, ....... 22 Archie Lee Talbot, ........ I Elizabeth Ellen (Craig) Whittier. . . . . . .112 WILLIAM MULLINS AND WIFE ALICE (- Charles Henry Alden, Joseph Parker Bass, 29 14 73 WILLIAM MUl ,1 INS AND WIFE ALICE ( — ) — Continued State No». Mary Ella (Colcord) (Bany) Ba*., 84 Percival Bonney, 76 Frederic Eleazer Boolhby, 74 William Appleton Rust Boolhby, 105 Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberlin, 99 Antoinette Langdon (Paine) Clark, 52 Lena (Farrington) Cushman, 6 Ami Louis Dennison, 82 Ella Leontine (Adams) Farrington, 77 Mabel Eldora Hunter, 102 Lydia Anne (Hunter) Knowlton, 41 Walter Albert Newcomb, 63 Rev. John Carroll Perkins, D. D., 55 Catherine (Glmore) Reynolds, 39 George Franlilin Reynolds, 40 Roscoe Clinton Reynolds, 38 Edward Arthur Shaw, 24 William Harry Shurtleff, 87 Augustine Simmons, . 96 Franklin Simmons, 97 Annabel Stetson, 18 Nellie (Lord) (Furbush) Turner, 106 Edward Griswold Vaill, 20 Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, 8 Julia Cornelia Vaill, . 19 Louise Shurtleff (Brown) Venrill, 113 DEGORY PRIEST Augustus Hatch Babcock, Archie Lee Talbot, . 13 I JOSEPH' ROGERS Adelaide Wanen (Strout) Doten, Charlotte Ellen (Brown) Mansur, Frank Kingsbury Shaw, Alice Rebecca Strout, 10! no 107 70 74 THOMAS ROGERS Mary Ella (Colcord) (Barry) Bass. Adelaide Warren (Strout) Dolen, Charlotte Ellen (Brown) Mansur, Frank Kingsbury Shaw, Alice Rebecca Strout, State Not. 84 101 110 107 70 HENRY SAMSON Mary Ella (Colcord) (Barry) Bass, John Fremont Hill, . Waller Albert Newcomb, 84 2 63 GEORGE SOULE Guy Andrew Hubbard, Mabel Eldora Hunter, Rev. John Canoll Perkins, D. D., Elinor Caroline (Lufkin) Royce, Annie Laurie (Soule) Thayer, Edward Griswold Vaill, Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, 95 102 55 25 79 20 8 MYLES STANDISH Mary Ella (Colcord) (Barry) Bass, Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberlin, Mervin Washburn Clark, Anna Belle (Snowe) Harden, Isabelle Tyler (Clcirk) Harmon, Mabel Eldora Hunter, Walter Albert Newcomb, Rev. John Canoll Perkins, D. D., Catherine (Gilmore) Reynolds, George Franklin Reynolds, Charlotte Ffirth (Sturdivant) Vaill, Edward Griswold Vaill, Frederick Sturdivant Vaill, 84 99 51 28 32 102 63 55 39 40 9 20 8 75 JOHN TILLEY Stale No«. John Clyde Arnold. ....... 86 Charles Livingston Cushman, 5 Adelaide Wanen (Slrout) Doten, 101 Ansel Robbins Doten, 50 Elmer Ansel Doten, .... 45 Gladys Doten, .... 64 Roswell Farnum Doten, . ; . 21 Abby Annah (Woodworth) Fairbanks, 11 Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks, .... . 10 Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks, .... 46 Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, .... III Lucia Idelle (Russell) Fellows, .... 54 Pamela Lovejoy Leonard, . . . 66 Rev. George Lewis, .... 108 George Lothrop Lewis, 94 Katherine Bigelow Lewis (McLellan) Lewis, 109 George Dexter Libby, 48 Everett Blanchard Norton, 93 George Washington Norton, . 100 Charles Lathrop Parsons, 26 Alice Rebecca Strout, 70 Alonzo Walton Sturges, 22 Archie Lee Talbot, .... I Elizabeth Ellen (Craig) Whittier, 112 RICHARD WARREN Charles Loring Andrews, Emma Bartlett (Wing) Chamberlin, Abby Annah (Woodworth) Fairbank Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks, James Carter Fox, Guy Andrew Hubbard, Walter Albert Newcomb, Charles Lathrop Parsons, Willis Ellis Parsons, Frederick Robie, Aimabel Stetson, 69 99 II 46 37 95 63 26 15 104 18 76 %m of ail Witf) ^vitl #i5torj> of dtacf) "The names of those which came over first, in y^ year 1620, and were ( by the blessing of God ) the first beginners, and ( in a sort ) the founda- tion, of all the plantations, and Colonies in New England." The names of the signers of the Compact in capitals. Those from whom descent has been proven, marked * M. D.. VI. 243. Total Compact No. No. 1 7 * JOHN ALDEN.— Born about 1599. Died in Duxbury. Mass., 22 Sep- tember, 1687. He married at Plymouth, Mass., before 1624, Pris- cilla- Mullins (William^), who died after 1 650. He was an Assistant from 1633 to 1641. Deputy to the General Court, 1641 to 1650. Member of the Council 1650 to 1687. 2 5 * ISAAC ALLERTON.— Born about 1586. Died in New Haven. Conn., between 10 and 22 February, 1659. He married first, at Leyden, Holland, 4 November, 1611, Mary Norris, of Newbury, England, who died at Plymouth, Mass., 7 March, 1621. He married second at Plymouth, Mass., between July, 1623, and June 1, 1627, Fear-^ Brewster (William^) who died at Plymouth, Mass.. in 1634. He married third before 1644, Joana , who survived him. He removed to New Amsterdam about 1639, and in 1643 was one of the Eight Men of the New Netherlands. In 1647 he purchased a tract of land, and built a warehouse and residence, where Peck Slip now is. He was also often at New Haven after leaving Plymouth, and became a resident there as early as 1646, although retaining his business and residence at New Amsterdam. He was Deputy Governor 1621 to 1624. Assistant 1624 to 1631, and also in 1633. 77 Total Compact No. No. 3 * Maiy (Norris) AUerton.— Wife of Isaac^ Bartholomew'^ Allerton. — Son of Isaac^ and Mary, born in Leyden, Hol- land. He returned to England, married, and had children there, and was living in 1650. * Remember^ Allerton. — Daughter of Isaac^ and Mary, born at Leyden, Holland. Died at Salem, Mass., between 12 September, 1652, and 22 October, 1656. She married before 6 May, 1635, Moses Mav- erick, who died at Marblehead, Mass., 7 February, 1686. * Mary^ Allerton. — Daughter of Isaac^ and Mary, bom at Leyden, Holland. Died at Plymouth, Mass., 8 December, 1699. She married at Ply- mouth, Mass., about 1636, Thomas Cushman, who was bom in February, 1608, and died at Plymouth, Mass., 21 December, 1691. 7 38 JOHNi ALLERTON.— Not known to be related to Isaac.i Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. John^ Billington. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., in September, 1630. He married before 1605, Eleanor , who died after 12 March, 1643. She married, second, at Plymouth, Mass., in September, 1638, Gregory Armstrong, who died at Plymouth, Mass., 15 Novem- ber. 1650. * Eleanor ( ) Billington. — Wife of John. 10 26 JOHN2 BILLINGTON.— Eldest son of John^ and Eleanor. Born before 1605. Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 June, 1627, and Sep- tember, 1630. 11 * Francis^ Billington. — Son of John^ and Eleanor. Bom about 1606. Died at Middleborough, Mass., 13 December, 1684. He married at Ply- mouth, Mass., in July, 1634, Christian (Penn) Eaton, widow of Fran- cis Eaton, who died at Middleborough, Mass., about 1684. 78 Total Compact No. No. 12 2 * WILLI AMI BRADFORD.— Baptized at Austerfield, England. 19 March. 1590. Died at Plymouth, Mass., 19 May. 1657. He married. /rj/, at Leyden, Holland, in November or December, 1613, Dorothy May. who was born about 1597, and was accidentally drowned at Cape Cod Harbor, Mass.. on 17 December. 1620. He married, second, at Plymouth. Mass., 24 August, 1623, Alice (Carpenter) Southworth (widow of Edward Southworth), who was born about 1590, and died at Plymouth, Mass.. 5 or 6 April, 1670. He was Governor of the Colony for thirty-one years. 13 Dorothy (May) Bradford.— Wife of William.^ 14 4 * WILLIAM! BREWSTER.-Bo:n in 1566 or 1567. Died at Plymouth. Mass., 20 April. 1644. He married before 1593 Mary . who died at Plymouth, Mass., 27 April, 1627. He was the ruling Elder of the Church from 1620 to 1644. 15 * Mary ( ) Brewster.— Wife of William.i 16 * Love" Brewster. — Son of William^ and Mary. Died at Duxbury. Mass., in January or February, 1651. He married at Plymouth. Mass., 25 May, 1634. Sarah2 Collier (Williami). who died after 12 March. 1680. She had married, second, after 1 September, 1656, Richard Parke of Cambridge. Mass.. who died there in 1665. 1 7 Wrestling''^ Brewster. — Son of William^ and Mary. Died unmarried between 1 June. 1627. and August. 1643. 18 34 RICHARD BRITTERIDGE.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., 31 December. 1620. The first death after reaching Plymouth. Mass. 19 33 * PETER BROWN.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 4 April and 10 October. 1633. He married, first, at Plymouth, Mass., in 1624 or 1625. Martha ( ) Ford, who died at Plymouth, Mass., between I June, 1627. and 1631. He married, second, between 1627 and 1631, Mary , who died after 21 November, 1633. 20 William Butten. — Died on the Mayflower, at sea. 16 November, 1620. 21 Robert Carter. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 3 March. 79 Total Compact No. No. 22 I JOHN CARVER.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 12 April and 10 May, 1 62 1 . He manied Katharine , who died at Plymouth, Mass., five or six weeks after her husband. He was the first Governor of Plymouth Colony. 23 Kalherine ( ) Carver. — Wife of John. 24 , maid servant of John Carver. (See Francis Eaton.) 25 24 * JAMESi CHILTON.— Died on the Mayflower at Cape Cod Harbor, Mass., 18 December, 1620. His wife died early in 1621, after 11 Janucury. 26 * Chilton. — Wife of James^ 27 * Mary- Chilton, daughter of James^. — Died at Boston, Mass., shortly before 1 1 May, 1679. She married, at Plymouth, Mass., between July, 1623, and 1 June, 1627, John Winslow, who was born at Droitwich, Eng., land, 26 April, 1 597, and died in Boston, Mass., between 22 March and 31 May, 1674. 28 36 RICHARD CLARKE.—Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. 29 17 * FRANCISi COOKE.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., 17 Apnl. 1663. He mcuried, 30 June, 1603, in Leyden, Holland, Hester Mahieu, who died after 18 June, 1666. 30 * John"- Cooke. — Son of Francis and Hester. Died at Dartmouth, Mass., 3 December, 1695. He married, at Plymouth, Mass., 7 April, 1634, Sarah'^ Warren (Richard^), who died after 25 July, 16%. He was Deputy to the General Court, 1638 to 1659, from Plymouth and from Dartmouth 1666 and 8—1675 and 5—1679 and 1682 and 1686. 31 Humility Cooper. — Died in England between 1627 and 1651. 32 25 JOHNi CRACKSTON.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. 80 Total Compact No. No. 33 John^ Crackston. — Son of John^. Died at Plymouth, Mass., soon after 1 June. 1627. 34 40 * EDWARD DOTY.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., 2 September, 1655. Noth- ing is known of his first wife. He married, second, at Plymouth, Mass., 16 January, 1635, Faith^ Clsirk (Tristram^) who was buried at Marshfield, Mass., 31 December, 1675. She had married, second, John Phillips, who was bom about 1602, and died at Marshfield, Mass., between 30 October, 1691, and 19 May, 1692. 35 23 * FRANCISi EATON.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 4 and 18 November, 1633. He married, first, Sarah , who died at Plymouth, Mass. , early in 1621, but after II January. His second wife, whom he manied at Plymouth, Mass., was probably Governor Carver's maid-servcmt. He married, third, at Plymouth, Mass., in 1624 or 1625, Christian Penn, who died at Middleborough, Mass., about 1 684. She had married, second, Francis^ Billington (John^). 36 * Sarah ( ) Eaton. — First wife of Francis^. 37 * Samuel^ Eaton. — Son of Francis^ and Swah. Bom in 1620. Died at Mid- dleborough, Mass., in 1684, before 8 November. He married, first, before 20 March, 1647, Elizabeth , who died before 1661. He married, second, at Plymouth, Mass., 20 January, 1661, Martha^ Billington (Francis^, John^), who died after 8 November, 1684. 38 Ely. — Returned to England, at the expiration of his contract for one yeat. 39 39 THOMAS ENGLISH.— Died at Plymouth. Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April. 1621. 40 27 MOSES FLETCHER.— Died at Plymouth, Mass.. between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. He married, first, Maria Evans, who died before November, 1613. He married, second, at Leyden, Holland, 21 December. 1613, Sarah ( ) Dingby, widow of William. 41 21 * EDWARDi FULLER.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between II January and 10 April, 1621. His wife died early in 1621, after 1 1 January. Total Compact No. No. 42 * Fuller.— Wife of Edward.^ 43 * Samuel^ Fuller. — Son of Eldward.^ Died at Barnstable, Mass., 10 Novem- ber, 1683. He married at Scituate, Mass., 18 April, 1635, Jane* Lothrop (John^), who died between 1658 and 1683. 44 8 * SAMUELi FULLER (Dr.) Died at Plymouth. Mass., between 9 August and 26 September, 1633. He married, first, Elsie Glascock, who died before 1613. He married, second, at Leyden, Holland, 30 April, 1613, Agnes^ Carpenter (Alexander^), who died before 1617. He married, third, at Leyden, Holland, 27 May, 1617, Bridget Lee, who died after 1 1 March, 1 664. He was the first physician to settle in New England, and a Deacon of the Chiuch at Leyden, and at Plymouth until his death. 45 37 RICHARD GARDINER.— Died in England or at sea, between 1623 and 1651. 46 28 JOHN GOODMAN.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., before 1627. 47 William Holbeck.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, but after 11 January. 48 John Hooke. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, but after 1 1 January. 49 14 * STEPHEN! HOPKINS.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 16 June and 27 July, 1644. Nothing is known of his first wife. He married. second, in 1618 or earlier, Elizabeth , who died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1640 and 1644. He was an Assistant from 1633 to 1636, and Member of the Council of War for the Colony, 1642 to 1644. 50 * Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. — Second wife of Stephen. 51 * Gyles* Hopkins. — Son of Stephen^ by his first wife. Died at Elastham, Mass., in 1690, before 26 April. He married, 19 October, 1639, Katherine Wheldon, who died after 15 March, 1689. 82 Total Compact No. No. 52 * Constance^ Hopkins. — Daughter of Stephen^ by his first wife. Died at East- ham, Mass., in October, 1677. She married at Plymouth, Mass., between 1623 and 1 June, 1627, Nicholas Snow, who died at East- ham, Mass., 25 November, 1676. 53 Damaris^ Hopkins. — Daughter of Stephen^ and Elizabeth. Died young, unmarried. 54 Oceanus^ Hopkins. — Son of Stephen^ and Elizabeth. Bom on the May- floiver, between 16 September and 21 November, 1620. Died before 1 June, 1627. 55 13 * JOHN HOWLAND.— Bom about 1593. Died at Plymouth, Mass., 5 March, 1673. He married, at Plymouth, Mass., before 1624, Elizabeth^ Tilley (John^) who was bom about 1 607, and died at Swansea, Mass., 31 December, 1687. He was Assistant from 1633 to 1635. Deputy, to the General Court from 1641 to 1669. 56 John Langmore. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 11 January. 57 William Latham. — A servant boy, returned to England about 1640, and died at Bahama Islands, West Indies, between 4 November, 1645, and 6 March, 1651. 58 41 EDWARD LEISTER.— Died in Virginia, before 6 March. 1651. 59 32 EDMUND MARGESON.— Died at Plymouth, Mass.. between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. 60 9 CHRISTOPHER MARTIN.— Died at Plymouth, Mass.. 18 January. 1621. His wife died early in 1621, after January 1 1. 61 Martin.— Wife of Christopher. 62 Desire Minter. — A maid, returned to England, and died there before 1651. 63 Jasper More. — "A little boy." Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Har- bor, Mass., 16 December. 1620. 83 Total Compact No. No. 64 Ellen More.— "A little girl." Sister of Jasper. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1 62 1 , after 1 1 January. 65 Richard More. — Brother of Jasper. Bom about 1614. Died after 20 May, 1690. He married 30 October, 1636, Christian Hunt, who died at Salem, Mass., between 1 1 November, 1671, and 20 June, 1675. 66 More. — Brother of Jasper. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 1 1 January. 67 10 * WlLLlAMi MULLINS.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., 3 March, 1621. He married Alice , who died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 2 April. 68 * Alice ( ) Mullins.— Wife of William. 69 Joseph^ Mullins. — Son of William^ and Alice. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 2 April. 70 * Priscilla2 Mullins.— Daughter of William^ and Alice. (See John Alden). 71 29 * DEGORY PRIEST.— Born about 1579. Died at Plymouth. Mass., II January, 1 62 1 . He married at Leyden, Holland, 4 November, 1611, Sarah (Allerton) Vincent (the widow of John Vincent), who died at Plymouth, Mass., in 1633, before 3 November. 72 Solomon Prower. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., 3 January, 1 62 1 . 73 20 JOHN RIGDALE.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. He married Alice , who died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1 62 1 , after 1 1 January. 74 Alice ( ) Rigdale.— Wife of John. 75 18 * THOMASi ROGERS.— Died at Plymouth. Mass,, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. Nothing is known of his wife, 84 Total Compact No. No. 76 * Joseph'^ Rogers. — Son of Thomas.-'^ Died at Eatlham, Mass., between 12 and 25 January, 1678. He married before 1633, but nothing is known of his wife except that she was living 18 August, 1652. 77 * Henry Samson. — Died at Duxbury, Mass., 3 January, 1685. He married at Plymouth, Mass., 16 February, 1636, Ann Plummer, who died between 1650 and 1685. 78 35 * GEORGE SOULE.— Died at Duxbury, Mass.. shortly before 1 February. 1680. He married at Plymouth, Mass., before 1627, Mary . who died at Duxbury, Mass.. in December, 1676. He was Deputy to the General Court from Duxbury. 79 6 * MYLES STANDISH.— Died at Duxbury. Mass., 13 October, 1656. He married, first. Rose , who died at Plymouth, Mass., 8 Febru- ary, 1621. He im.xnt.^, seco7td, at Plymouth, Mass., between July. 1623. and 3 April, 1624, Barbara , who died after 16 October, 1659. He was the Captain and Military Leader of Plymouth Colony from 1621 and Assistant from 1631 to 1650. For six years he was Treasurer of the Colony. 80 Rose ( ) Standish. — First wife of Myles. 81 Elias Story. — Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621. after 1 1 January. 82 Edward Thompson. — Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, Mass.. 1 4 December, 1 620. The first death after reaching Cape Cod, Mass. 83 15 EDWARD^ TILLEY.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. He married Ann , who died at Plymouth, Mass.. early in 1621, after 1 1 January. 84 Ann ( ) Tilley.— Wife of Edward. 85 16 * JOHN' TILLEY.— Died at Plymouth. Mass.. between II January and 10 April. 1621. His wife died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 1 1 January. 86 Tilley.-Wife of John. 85 Total Compact No. No. 87 * Elizabeth^ Tilley.— Daughter of John. (See Johni Howland.) 88 19 THOMASi TINKER.— Died at Plymouth, Mass.. between 1 1 January and 10 April, 1621. His wife died at Plymouth, Mass., eaily in 1621, after 1 1 January. 89 Tinker. — Wife of Thomas. 90 Tinker. — Son of Thomas'. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 1 1 January. 91 William Trevore.— Died after 7 May. 1650. 92 22 JOHNi TURNER.— Died at Plymouth, Mass., between 1 1 January and 10 April. 1621. 93 Turner. — Son of John. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 1 1 January. 94 Turner. — Another son of John. Died at Plymouth, Mass., early in 1621, after 11 January. 93 12 * RlCHARDi WARREN.— Died at Plymouth. Mass.. in 1628. He married. before 161 1, Elizabeth , who was bom about 1583, and died at Plymouth, Mass., 12 October. 1673. 96 11 * WILLI AMI WHITE.— Died at Plymoutli. Mass.. 3 March. 1621. He married at Leyden, Holland. I February. 1612. Susanna Fuller, who married, second, E