TT 825 .07 Copy 1 'W!«t wm .'-'- -""i »'- "^ ^ » r#» Center Pieces and Lunch Se TS n jiiiii CROCHET WORK Price 25 Cents PUBUISHED BV Anne Orr NASHVILLE, ^^ ''•/i^ji.'i" r Ko^i liirri 3ns;tructions^ for ^late Mo, I Illiistraletl on Cover Paj^o MATERIALS— 6 balls Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 10, Steel Crochet Needle No 8. SMALL MEDALLION Ch 6, join, 3 ch, 18 t in ring, join; ch 8, join in 5th t; repeat around until you have 4 loops; 15 d in each loop. MEDIUM MEDALLION Ch 6, join, ch 3, 18 t in ring, join; ch 4, t in first t, ch 1, t in next t, ch 1, repeat around, join; ch 4, dt between first t, ch 8, 2 dt in between second t, repeat around until you have 9 scallops, then d around, making 15 d to each scallop. LARGE MEDALLION First Row — ch 6, fasten. Second Row — Fill in 18 trebles. Third Row — 18 t in every stitch, with 2 stitches between, then fasten. Fourth Row^ trebles in first space, ch 2, 1 t in next space, ch 2, 4 t until all are filled. Fifth Row — ch 6 in every space until filled. Sixth Row — ch 6 in every center of ch 6. Seventh Row — 4 t in every 6 ch and 2 ch, between the 4 t until all are filled. Eighth Row — 4 t, 1 stitch between, 3 ch, take up 2 ch with a short stitch, then ch of 3 again, and 4 double stitches, until all are filled. Ninth Row — 2 dt in every 4, t with 8 ch between. Tenth Row — 15 d stitches in every ch that forms the scallop. ANNE OKK I'lBLICATIONS Cross-stitch Designs, in black and \ hite. Set A. Published 1914. Cross-stitch Designs, in color. Set B. Copyrighted January 1915. Cross-stitch Designs, in color, Set C. Copyrighted June 1910. A Book of Centerpieces and Lunch Set s, Copyright- ed September, 1915. )CU412778 v'/ it Poofe of Center ^iece£i anb ILuncf) ^ets ^rrangeb anb ^ublisijeb t)j> i^nne (0rr INSTRUCTIONS FOR CROCHETINCi STITCHES CHAIN: Make a loop, insert hook, throw thread over hook, and draw a loop through first one made. Each loop is a chain stitch. SINGLE CROCHET: Make chain, insert hook through, second last chain, throw thread over hook, draw through, throw thread over hook, draw through both loops at once. TREBLE CROCHET: Throw thread over hook twice, draw a loop through foundation chain, throw thread over again, draw through the two loops, throw thread over and draw through two, thread over and draw through last two. DOUBLE CROCHET: Throw thread over hook and draw a loop through foundation chain; throw thread over hook and draw through two loops, thread over hook and draw through last two loops. PICOT: Chain 4 and make single crochet in fourth chain from hook. SLIP STITCH: Insert ,hook in foundation chain, draw a loop through it and the loop on hook. ABBREVIATIONS ch — stands for chain sp — stands for space. sc — stands for single crochet. h tr — stands for half treble. dc — stands for double crochet. p — stands for picot. tc — stands for treble crochet. m — stands for mesh. si st — stands for slip stitch. f m — stands for fancy mesh. St — stands for stitch. 1 m — stands for long mesh. Snstructionsi far ^late J^o, 2 SIZE OF CliNTER PIECE, 21 INCHES MATERIALS-6 balls Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 10, Steel Crochet Needle No. 8. Each leaf must be worked separately. First Row — Chain 14, si st back into 7th st of ch, forming ring 7 ch join into last st of ch, forming 2d ring. Second Row — 6 ch, miss 3 st of ring t sc into 7th st of ch, 4 ch, 1 sc, join into connecting of the two rings, 4 ch, I sc, join to top st of small ring, 6 ch, 1 sc, join into same st, 4 ch, I sc, join into connection of two rings opposite other ch 4, 4 ch, 1 sc, join into 4th st of next ring, 6 ch st si at top of leaf. Third Row — SI st 9 times over every ch of 6 and si st 6 times over every ch of 4 around leaf, join. Fourth Ro-w — Sc into top of each si st around leaf, join. Fifth RoM' — 9 sc, join into top of each 9 sc, 6 ch, si st back to 4th st of ch 6, forming a picot, 1 sc, join into top of 2d sc, skipping one sc, repeat until 16 sc are set around leaf, each separated by a picot, 9 sc, join into top of each 9 sc, join, finishes leaf. The second leaf is made same as first leaf until sixth row. Sixth Ro^v — 3 sc, join to each 3 sc, place I st leaf by 2d and si st to 3d, sc from the beginning of leaf, 1 sc back to 2d leaf top of sc, repeat 3 times to join together, 3 sc, join into each 3 sc, making 9 sc on leaf, 6 ch si st back to 4th st of ch, forming picot, I sc, skip 1 sc, join to top of 2d sc, 2 ch join into 2d picot of other leaf, 2 ch, I sc, skip one, 1 sc, join to 2d sc, 2 ch, join to next picot of leaf, joining the two together, 2 ch, I sc, join to 2d sc, 6 ch si st back to 4th st in ch, 1 sc, join into next 2d sc, repeat twice, 7 ch, join to 3d picot on next leaf, turn, fill ch 7 with 12 sc, si st to top of sc, 6 ch, si st back to 4th st in ch, I sc, go into 2d sc, repeat twice, 2 ch, 1 sc, join to 2d sc. 7 ch, join back to 2d sc of 12 in ch 7, turn, fill in with 10 sc, leaving st of ch, 7 ch, join to next 2d sc in ch 7, repeat until 6 spokes are made, leaving sp at top of each, 2 ch, join to 3d picot of other leaf, then fill out around the 6 spokes, making 6 sc in each, join to top of sc, 6 ch, si st back to 4th st in ch for picot until you have 1 6 sc around leaf same as the first leaf, 9 sc join. Make each scallop in same manner, joining each to preceding by 3d and 4th picots at side. For the upper edge 2 sc, join in 1st sp at side of leaf, 5 ch, 3 sc, join into each 3 sc in middle of 9 sc, 5 ch 2 sc, join into 2 sc, join at connection of leaf, 2 sc, join at connection of other leaf, repeat around. Lower Edge — Fasten in 2d picot on side of leaf, 5 ch, si st to 2d picot on the other leaf, 5 ch join into next second picot, 5 ch join to top of 1st spoke, 5 ch join to 2d spoke, repeat around, fill in each ch 5 with 6 sc picot 6 sc to each, repeat around. ■JiBI ■■■ r I ■■■ I 11 I ■■■■■ ■■ I I ■■■■■■ r ■ I ■■■■■ ■■■ I I ■■■■ I I ■■■■■■■■ I I ■■■■■■■■■ ■■ n ■■Taaa ul_aliai ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■OBBBaBBBBBBBI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■DBaBBBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBBaB ■aBaaBBaaaBaBaaBBaaBMBaaaaBBBaBBBaaBBaaaaaaaBBaaaBaaaaBaMBBBaaBaaiaaBaaBaBBBaBaaaBBaBBBBaBBBBBiBi a aa aaaa aa raaaB bbbzbb bbi^ bb a aaaa aaaa aaa aaaaaB aa ^ aaaaa aaa Pa BBaaC-aaB aaaa^aaaa aa aaaa aaaa i ■■ i i i ■■■ raaaaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa i i bbbbbb ■■ n aaaaaaa i i ■ i aaaaa TTaaa aaaanTraBi BBBBBB aBBBBBaBBBaBBBBaBBBB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBB I BaaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBB BBBBnaBBB ■BBBBB iBBBBaaaBaaBaaBBB a aBBBaaaaBBBaBBaflaBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBaBaaaaBaaBaBaBBa aaaaaaaaa BBBBBaa BBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBaBBBBBaaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBaBaBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBaaBBBaBaaBBBaaaaBBB ■BBBaaaBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBa a aaaBBDaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ■aaBaaaaaaBBaaBBaBaaaaaBaaBBBBBB a aaaaBBaaaaaaaaa BaaaaBBaaBBaBBaaBaaaaaaaaBBBaBaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBS _B ■BBBBaaaaaaaa.BBBB aaaa Baa^aBaBiBBBa^aaa _aB_aBBBBBBBB aaaaaBaa bbbb aaaBaa aaaBZBBBaaBBBBBBB BB BZaBBBaaBBBaB^aBBB^aaBBB BB.Baaa^ aB_aBaBaBaB a aaBaaaaa aaa'aBaaaaBallJTBBBBBBSaBaB a aa.BaaaaBaaaaa aaaa aBBaaaaa aaaa aaaa bb^b^b Baaaaaj aBnaaaaaaaa a BaaaaaaaaaB aaa aBaaBaaaa aBaaBBaaBaBaaaBaaaaBaBaaBaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaBaaaBBaaaaaa ■BaaaaaaBB i BBBaBaBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaBBiiaBa QGT -I 1915 ^latc i^o. 2 1 3ns(triictiDng for ^late Mo. 3 SIZE OF CENTER PIECE, 18 INCHES MATERIALS 3 balls of Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 10. Steel Crochet Needle No. 8. Tc around piece, join. First Row— 2 tc into 2 tc. 4 ch. skip 4 dc 2 tc to 2 tc, repeat around, join. Second Rom- 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 4, repeat around. Third Row— 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 5, repeat 5 times, 5 ch, 12 tc into ch of 5. repeat around. Fourth Rom — 5 ch. si st to middle st of ch. repeat 4 times. 5 ch 3 tc between 3d and 4th tc 3tc into same. 1 ch, 3 tc between 6th and 7th tc, 3 tc into same, 1 ch, 3 tc between 9th and 10th tc, 3 tc into same, 5 ch to middle st of ch 5, repeat around. Fifth Ro>v— 5 ch to si st to ch 5, repeat 4 times, 3 sc between 3d and 4th tc. 3 sc into same. 2 ch. 3 sc between 9th and 10th tc. 3 ch, 3 sc between 15th and 16th tc, 3 sc into same, 5 ch to middle st of ch 5, repeat around. Sixth RoM' 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 5. repeat 4 times, 3 sc between 3d and 4th. 1 ch, 3 sc into same, 4 ch 3 sc between 3d and 4th sc, 1 ch. 3 sc into same. 5 ch 3 sc between 3d and 4th sc, 1 ch 3 sc into same, 5 ch to middle st of ch 5, repeat around. Seventh Row— 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 5, repeat 4 times, 3 ch 3 sc into ch 1. I ch 3 sc into same. 5 ch 3 sc into ch 1. 1 ch 3 sc into same, 5 ch 3 sc into ch 1, 1 ch 3 sc into same, 5 ch to middle st of ch 5, repeat around. Eighth RoM'— 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 5, repeat 4 times, 3 tc into ch 1. 1 ch 3 tc into same. 5 ch 3 tc into ch I , 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 5 ch 3 tc into ch 1, 1 ch 3 tc into same. 5 ch si st to ch 5, repeat around. Ninth Rom— 5 ch. si st to middle st of ch 5. repeat 4 times. 3 tc into ch I . ch 1 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into middle st of ch 5, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 1st 1 ch. 1 ch 3 tc into same st. 1 ch 3 tc into 2d ch 1. I ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 3d ch 1 , 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into middle st of ch 5, 1 ch 3 tc into same, I ch 3 tc into ch I , 1 ch 3 tc into same, 5 ch si st to middle st of ch 5, repeat around. Tenth Rom-- 5 ch, si st to middle st of ch 5, repeat 4 times, 5 ch 3 tc into 1st ch 1. 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 2d ch 1, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 3d ch 1, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 4th ch 1, 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 5th ch 1 , 1 ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 6th ch 1 , I ch 3 tc into same, 1 ch 3 tc into 7th ch 1 , 1 ch 3 tc into same, 5 ch si st to middle st of ch 5. repeat around. Eleventh Rom' — 4 ch si st to every 3d st around. TM'elfth RoM' — 4 ch si st to middle st of ch 4, repeat around. n (SnStrUCtionSi for ^latC i^O. 12 ContinucD from page 22) Third Rom- 1 tc, join in ch i between tc 4, 2 ch, 1 tc, join into same ch. 2 ch. I tc. join in next ch 1 . repeat around, join. Fourth Rom- 2 tc, join into ch 2 between tc, 2 ch, 2 tc, join into same ch, 1 ch, 2 tc, join into next ch 2 between tc, repeat 9 times, skip one ch 2, 1 tc, join between tc, skip ch 2, 2 tc. join to next ch 2. repeat as before around and join. Fifth R<»M- — Same as last row on centerpiece. Et)irt) ^i}z ^itct of ILuntf) ^ct MATERIALS— 2 balls Silkine Crochet Cotton No. 30. 1 bolt Novelty Braid. I Steel Crochet Needle No. II. Make 5 roses of one row of petals, tie and fix braid same as in second piece, fill in sp between braid with rose same as in second piece. First Rom- above braid — Same as 1st row above in second piece, making sc st instead of tc. Second Rom-— 3 sc, join into 2d ch 2, 3 ch, si st back to last sc. 3 sc. join to next ch 2. repeat 4 times, 3 sc, skip 2 ch 2. go in 3d ch 2, repeat as before around. Fill rose in center same as in second piece. Same directions for finishing lower edge as in second piece. Jfourtf) ^i}e Piece of Hunct) ^et Piece of braid 8 blocks long, tie, 1 sc. join to 1st loop in braid, 1 ch, 1 sc, join to middle loop, I ch, I sc. join to last loop of block. 1 ch. 1 sc. in sp between blocks, 1 ch, 1 sc, join to next block, 1 st loop, repeat around, join. Second Rom- — 1 sc. join to top of lower sc. 1 ch, 1 sc, join to next sc, repeat around, join. Make rose same directions and fill in sp same as second piece. On lower side of braid use same directions as in second piece. ^late i^o. 3 3ns(tructions( for ^late i^o. 4 SIZE OF CENTER PIECE, 27 INCHES ^Sincapplc anb ^t)amrocU JBcfiigu MATERIALS— 3 balls of Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 15, Steel Crochet Needle No. 9. Make a chain of 64, turn. First Rov — I sc into 5th st of ch. 3 ch si st to 3d st of ch from sc, 3 ch, 1 sc to 3d again in ch, 3 ch si st to 3d st of ch. 3 ch, 1 sc to 3d st of ch, 3 ch, si st to 3d st of ch, 3 ch, 3 sc into each 3d of ch, 8 ch, skip 8 ch, st. 1 sc into 9th st of ch, 2 ch, 1 sc into same st, repeat 4 times, into same st 8 ch. skip 8 st of ch. into 9th st. sc 9 times, 8 ch, skip 8 st of ch, into 9th st, sc i 2 ch sc I same st 4 times, turn. Second Rom' — 5 sc into 1st ch of 2 si st to top of sc, 5 sc into 2d ch 2, si st to sc, 3 sc into 3d ch 2, si st to sc 8 ch, si st to 1st of sc 9, 4 ch, si st to 2d st of sc 9, 4 ch, si st to 3d st of sc, 4 ch, si st to 4th of 9, 4 ch. si st to 5th st of 9 sc. 4 ch si st to 6th st of sc 9, 4 ch si st to 7th st, 4 ch s! st to 8th st, 4 ch si st to 9th st, 8 ch. si st to sc 1 5 sc into ch 2, si st to sc 2, 5 sc into ch 2, si st into sc 3, 5 sc into ch 2, si st to sc 4, 8ch, 2 sc into 1st sc, 1 sc into 2d sc. 2 sc into 3d sc, 6 ch, I sc to 1st sc, 6 ch 1 sc to 2d sc, 6 ch, 1 sc into 3d sc, 1 ch, I sc into 3d st of ch, turn. Third Ro^v — 4 ch I sc to 1st sc, 3 ch si st to 3d st, 3 ch I sc to 2d sc. 3 ch si st to 3d st. 3 ch 1 sc to 3d sc, 3 ch si st to 3d st, 3 ch 2 sc into 1st sc, I sc to 2d sc 1 ch, 1 sc to 4th sc, 2 sc into 5th sc, 8 ch, I sc to middle point of leaf, 2 ch 1 sc to same st, repeat 4 times, 8 ch si st to ch 4, repeat across, 8 ch sc to leaf, repeat as before, turn. Fourth Rom- — Form leaf as in 2d row, 8 ch si st to ch 4, repeat across, 8 ch si st to sc I , repeat leaf, 8 ch 2 sc to 1 st sc, I sc to 2d sc, I ch, 1 sc to ch 1, 1 ch 1 sc to sc 2d, 2 sc to last sc, 6 ch I sc to 1st sc, 6 ch, I sc to 2d sc, ch 6 I sc to 3d sc, I ch I sc to 3d st, turn. Fifth RoM' — Repeat as in 3d row to sc in 1st sc, 1 ch, I sc to 2d sc, repeat, skipping one sc each time. 8 ch to middle leaf, repeat same across as row 4. turn. Sixth RoM' — Same as 4th row, turn. Seventh Rov — Same as 5th row, turn. Eighth Row — Same as 6th row. turn. Ninth RoM' — Same as 7th row, turn. Tenth Row — Form leaf, 8 ch si st to ch 4, 8 ch. repeat same as row 8, turn. Eleventh Ro'w Same as 9th row until point of pineapple, 1 sc 1 ch, repeat 4 times m to si st 8 ch 1 sc to point of leaf, repeat 4 times, turn. Twelfth Row — Form leaf 8 ch to I sc form leaf, 8 ch to 1st sc form leaf, and repeat as in 1 0th row, turn. Thirteenth Rom^ — Same as 1 1 th row to 1 st sc, 2 sc into I st sc, I sc to 2d sc. 8 ch 1 sc to 5th sp. repeat 4 times, 8 ch, 9 sc into last st of sc, 8 ch I sc to point of leaf, repeat 4 times, turn. Makes 1 scallop, repeat until large as desired. — ^IBaaaazaa~aaiaa~aaBiBa aaazaaaaaaniaaaaiaB aaaZBBiaaaaZBaaaBBZgaaa a BBBaa_BBaBBaira_cEBBrri ■ a_BaBBiaa_ai jaa.aaaaZBB ai B_BaB_Baaajia ai gb;;g::.ffl.::i ■aaaaaaaaaaaaateHHB ■aaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaa I CbbbTTi aaaa i i B ■aB_aaaiBa_aa aaa ■BB.Baaaa aaziaa~ ■BBBBBlTl BBariBB' ■aaZBaBlBaBaB_BaB:^ ^ ___^ =-=-^ -^-.=-=- - ■aazjaaBaaaBB a BaB_Ba„Baa_Ba_BaaarBaaaa aaaisaaaai^rBBaaaB a*^^ bbbbb aaa aBBaaaaBBBB ■M^I^I^I>lB^WZrBaaa._B!_BBB_BB BIBBBBBBB ^BBB BBBBanr^BBBBBB.BBBBBBBB BBBBB BBBBBBIBBBB il aaa IT BBaaairB aa raan aaTraBaa TT bbbbb" BBaaaaa aaBBaBaa aBa^aaa raaaa rTaaaB n bbb IB~BB BBa~BB~BBB BBBBBB_BBBBa_B^BBB_aa_aaaa_aBB aB_BBH a~aB~aaB aa'aaa aa, aaa^aaaa aB^aaa.^aa Baaa^Baa aa aaai aaa^BB aaa^aa aaaa_Baaaa aaa aaaB_aaB^aaBBfl_B_Ba bbbbb a aaaaaa aaa aa aaan_L BBBBB BBBBBB_BBBBB^BB~BBBB^BB~BBBB~Bi_B_BB1BBBBB BBBBBBBB B BBB aaalBB.BBBBa aBaaaBaaaBHaBZBaaaBBBBaaaB^riB^aBaaaa a aBaaaaBa_BaaB IBZBBBBBBBBBBBB^BIIB^ laiSaaaaiTiBBaaaB a*^^ aaa aa'aaa aa aaa^aaaa aB^aaa.^aa aaaa^Baa aa Baaaiaaa aaa aa aaa aaa aa aaarai aa n~l aaa n i r aa rTaaaaa raaa raan aa n aaa i aaaa ri a n aaa i laa rTa fTb TJ !!i_] ■ccKpa BBI BBI BB 5l ^latE Mo. 4 Sngtructiong for ^late i^o. 5 SIZE O? CENTER PIEC^E, 27 INCHES MATERIALS— 9 balls of Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 15. Steel Crochet Needle No. 9. Chain 6, join. First Ro>^' — 22 sc. join into ch 6, join. Second Rom' — 5 ch, si st to top st of 2d sc, 5 ch si st to top of 4th sc, repeat around, making 1 1 loops. Third Kom' — Draw thread up loosely and si st into middle of 1st loop of 5 st, 3 ch si st into 2d loop of ch 5, and re- peat around. Fourth Row — si st into ch 3, 4 sc join into same ch 3, si st into ch 3, si st join into 2d ch 3, 4 sc into same ch 3, si st into same ch 3 si st into 3d ch 3, and repeat around. Fifth Ro>v — 15 ch st, throw thread over needle once and join back into 6th st of ch from last end, forming a small ring on end of ch, 1 ch, 1 sc, skip 1 st of ch, go into 2d st from ring, making a sp, 1 ch, 1 sc, skip 1 st, join into 2d st of ch from last sp, making 3 sps, 1 1 sc, joined over rest of ch of 1 5, filling it in, throw thread over needle once and go into top of middle of lower fan, turn, 5 ch, throw thread over needle once, go into top of 9th sc of II th sc, I ch I sc, join to top of 10th sc, I ch, I sc, join to top of I Ith sc, I ch, I sc, join to top of 12th sc, turn, make 5 ch st, throw thread over needle once, join to top of 1st sc, I ch, I sc, join to top of 2d sc, I ch, 12 sc, fill in ch 5, throw thread over needle once and go in between lower fan s turn, repeat the same for each spoke until around and join. Sixth Row — 5 ch, si st into ch 5 on point of spoke, repeat around. Seventh Rom" — 8 sc joined into ch 5, repeat same around and join. Eighth Row — 5 ch, si st to top of middle st of 8 sc in ch 5, 5 ch si st between 8 sc into ch 5, repeat around. Ninth Rom- — 4 ch, si st into middle of loop of ch 5, repeat around. Tenth Row — 1 si st into ch 4, 5 sc into same ch of 4, 1 si st into same ch of 4, I si st into next ch 4, 5 sc join into same ch of 4, si st into same, and repeat around. Eleventh Row — Same as 5th row. Repeat the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th rows over 3 times in rotation, as given, and the last time leave off 8th, 9th and 10th rows, stopping on the one same as 7th row. Start scallop, 8 sc joined to each lower 8 sc, 2 ch 12 sc, skip 2, lower sc, st and join into each, 12 sc 2 ch, skip 2, st of sc 8 sc into each lower 8 sc, repeat around. Second Ro%v — si st into top of 2d sc of the 8 sc, repeat into 6 st of the 8 sc, leaving one, 3 ch, 12 sc join into each of lower 12 sc, 3 ch si st into 2d st of 8 sc for 6 times, leaving one, 3 ch 12 sc join to each lower 12 sc, and repeat same around. Third Ro>v — si st join to 2d si st, repeat 5 times, 4 ch 1 sc join to top of 1 st sc of 1 2, 1 ch 1 sc join to 2d st of sc 12. repeating 12 times, 4 ch si st to 2d lower si st, repeat into each lower si st, and repeat same around. Fourth Row -si st into 2d si st below, si st into each 4, si st 4 ch, 1 sc join to 1st sc 1 ch, 1 sc join to 2d sc, re- peat across the 12 sc, ch 4, and repeat around. Fifth Row si st 3 times into 4 lower si st, 5 ch, 1 sc join to 1st sc of 12, 2 ch, 1 sc join to 2d sc of 12 sc, repeat around. Sixth Row — si st twice into lower si st of 3, 5 ch, 1 sc join to top of 1st sc of 12 sc, 2 ch, 1 sc join to 2d sc of 12 sc, repeat around. Seventh Row — si st once into lower si st of 2, 5 ch, 1 sc join to 1st sc of 12 sc, 3 ch, 1 sc join to 2d sc of 12 sc, repeat across, 5 ch, si st 1 to si st 2, repeat around, 3 ch, 1 sc join to middle st of ch 5, 3 ch join to 1 st sc, 3 ch join to 2d sc, and repeat around. Edge — si st into ch 3, 1 ch si st into same ch, 1 ch si st into same, repeating 5 times into each ch of 3 around. ^latE Ho. 5 SngtructionsJ for ^late Mo. 6 SIZE OF TKNTKR PIECE, 32 INCHES ^fjcll Center ^iecc MATERIALS 6 balls of Silkine Crochet Cotton No. 10. I Steel Needle No. 9. Chain of 12 st, join, hold ch ring around finger, wrap thread around finger with ch 3 times, si st and tie, si st over ch and thread 27 times making a padded ring. First Ro>v — 6 ch, 1 sc, join to 3d si st of rin^, 3 ch, 1 sc, skip 2 si st in ring, join in 3d, repeat 9 times, join. Second Rov — 3 ch, si st to top of sc, repeat around. Third Row — 6 sc. join into ch 3, si st to top of sc 1, repeat around. Fourth Ro-H' — 4 ch, si st to top of sc I, holding petals that are made over with finger so ch 4 will be underneath petals, repeat around. Fifth Row — 8 sc, join into ch 4, si st i, repeat around. Sixth Row — I sc, join to 2d st of sc 8, 2 ch, 1 sc, join to same st, 4 ch, 1 sc, join to 5th st of sc 8, repeat same over 7 petals, 4 ch. 1 sc, join to 2d st of sc 8, 1 ch, 1 sc, join to 5th st of petal, I ch, 1 sc, join to next petal, 2d st, 1 ch, 1 sc join to 5th st of petal, 4 ch, join. Seventh Row — Isc, join in ch 2 between sc, 2 ch, 1 sc, join in same, 4 ch, I sc, join in next ch 2 and repeat same 14 times. 1 ch, I sc. join in lower ch 4, 1 ch, I sc, join in to top of sc, repeat across, join. Eighth RoM- — 2 sc, join into ch 2 between sc, 2 ch, 2 sc, join into same, 4 ch, 2 sc, join to next ch 2, repeat around 14 times. 1 ch, I sc, join into ch I, 1 ch, I sc, join to top of sc, repeat across. Ninth Row — Same as 8th row. Tenth Row — 3 sc, join into ch 2 between sc 2, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into same ch, 4 ch, 3 sc, join into next ch 2 be- tween sc 2, repeat same 14 times, finish across same as last row. Eleventh Row — 3 sc, join into ch 2 between sc 3, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into same ch, 2 ch, si st to middle st of ch 4, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into next ch 2 between sc 3, repeat around 14 times, finish across as before. Twelfth Ro>v — Same as 1 1th row, except ch between fans are 4 ch, si st, to lower si st. 4 ch, back to fan. Thirteenth Row — 3 sc, join into ch 2 between sc 3, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into same ch, 9 ch, si st toch 2 between sc 3, repeat around to last fan, 3 sc. join into ch 2 between sc 3, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into same ch, repeat across as before. Fourteenth Row — 3 sc, join into ch 2 of fan. 2 ch. 3 sc. join into same ch. fill in ch 9 with 14 sc, repeat around to last fan, make fan, and finish across same as before. Fifteenth Rom' — Make fan, 5 sc, join into each first five sc in ch 9, 4 ch, skip 4 sc in ch 9, 5 sc, joined to top of each last 5 sc in ch 9,_4 ch, 4 sc join to top of 4 sc in ch 9. skipping 4 sc each time repeat around and make fan. Make sp across same as before. Sixteenth Row — Make fan the same, 6 ch, 3 sc, join into ch 4, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into same ch, repeat around, make fcin. Sps across the same. Seventeenth Row— Make fan the same, 1 ch, si st to middle st of ch 6, 1 ch, 3 sc, join into ch 2 of fan, 2 ch. 3 sc, join into same ch, repeat around. Make fan, repeat across the same. Eighteenth Row — Make fan the same, ch, si st to middle of lower ch, 3 ch, 3 sc, join into ch 2 of fan, 2 ch, 3 sc join into same, repeat around and across spaces, finishing one Medallion. Repeat same directions for each. ^late Mo. 6 Snstructions^ for ^late Mo. 7 SIZE OF LUNCH PIECE, 15 INCHES ^Eballion Center ^icce MATERIALS— 10 balls of Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 50, Steel Crochet Needle No. 13. Chain of 8 st, join. First RoM' — 32 sc into ch of 8 st, join. Second Rov — 2 sc join between 1st and 2d sc, 2 ch 2 sc join between 2 sc, skipping 2 sc, repeating 12 times, 4 ch si st between 2 sc, skipping 2 sc, repeat 3 times. Third Rov — 4 ch, 3 sc join into 1st ch 2, 2 ch, 3 sc join into same, 4 ch, 3 sc, into 2d ch 2, 2 ch, sc 3, into same, repeating 1 1 times, 4 ch, si st to middle st of ch 4, repeat 4 times. Fourth Row — 4 ch, 3 sc into ch 2 between sc 6, 2 ch, 3 sc into same. 4 ch 3sc into 2d ch 2 between sc 6, repeat same 1 1 times, 4 ch, si st to middle st of ch 4, repeat 5 times. Fifth Ro>v — Same as 4th row. Sixth Ro>v — 4 ch 3 sc into ch 2 of 1st sc 6, 3 sc into same, 5 ch, and repeat as in 5th row. Seventh Rov — 4 ch si st into ch 2 of 1st sc 6, 6 ch, 1 sc, catch all 4 lower ch 4, draw loosely, 6 ch si st into ch 2 of 2d, sc 6, repeating around all the fans, 4 ch, join across as before. Eighth I?ow — 4 ch, 9 sc into ch 6, going into ch 6, 9 times around to ch 4, repeating across as before. Ninth Ro^v — 4 ch, 3 sc join to top st of 4th, 5th and 6th sc of sc 9, 4 ch and repeat around to ch 4, and repeat ch 4 across. Tenth Row — 4 ch, 3 sc into ch 4, 2 ch, 3 sc into same, repeating around to ch 4, repeat across ch 4 as before. Eleventh Row -4 ch, 3 sc into ch 2 of sc 6, 5 ch into 2d ch 2 of sc 6, repeating around to ch 4, repeat across ch 4 as before. Twelfth RoM' — Same ; 1th Thirteenth Row — 4 ch, 1 sc into ch 2 of sc 6, 3 ch, si st back through sc 1 , repeating 6 times, 5 ch 1 sc. catching up all 3 ch of 5, draw loosely, 5 ch 1 sc into ch 2 of 2d sc 6, repeat same as before, around to ch 4, repeat ch 4 across as before. To join Medallions - Catch the point of 3d shell of 2 medallions and si st together, and fill in between each with ch of 4 back and forth to top, then across ch 4 on top and repeat until all are joined. ^latc Mo. 7 Sngtructionsi for ^late Mo. 8 SIZE OF CENTER PIECE, 27 INCHES $3incapplc anb SIcorn Bcsfign MATERIALS^ Four balls of Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 10, Steel Crochet Needle No. 8. First RoM' — tc around center piece. Second Rov' 2 tc into top of 2 lower tc, ch 4, skip 3 lower tc and tc 2 into top of 4th, repeat around, join. Third Rov — 5 ch, si st in middle of ch, ch 4, repeat around. Fourth Rov 2 tc into ch 5, 1 ch, tc 2, to ch 5, 4 ch, 14 tc into ch 3, skip 1 link, repeat around, join. Fifth Row— 2 tc into ch 1, I ch, 2 tc to ch I, 4 ch, si st to 1st, tc of 14. 4 ch, si st to 3d of tc 14, 4 ch, si st to top of 5th tc, 4 ch si st to 7th of tc 14. 4 ch, si st to 9th of tc 14, 4 ch si st to 1 Ith of tc 14, 4 ch si st to 13th of tc 14, 4 ch, 2 tc into th 1, 1 ch, 2 tc to ch 1, 4 ch si st to 1st, tc 14, and repeat around. Sixth Row — 2 tc into ch 1, 1 ch, 2 tc into ch 1, 4 ch si st to middle of ch 4, repeat around. Seventh Ro^v — Same as 6th row. Eighth Row- 2 tc intoch 1,1 ch, 2 tc into ch 1, 1 ch, 2 tc into ch 1, 5 ch, s! st into middle of ch 4, repeat around. Ninth RoM' 2 tc into 1st ch 1. 1 ch. 2 tc into ch 1, 1 ch 2 tc into 2d ch 1, 1 ch 2 tc into ch 1, 5 ch, si st into ch 4, repeat around. Tenth Row— 2 tc into 1st ch 1 , 1 ch, 2 tc in ch 1 . 1 tc into 2d ch 1 , 3 ch. 1 tc into ch 1 , 2 tc into 3d ch 1 , I ch 2 tc into ch I, 5 ch si st to ch 4, repeating around. Eleventh Row 2 tc into 1st ch 1. 1 ch 2 tc into ch 1, 1 ch 12 tc into ch 3, 1 ch, 2 tc into 2nd ch 1, 1 ch. 2 tc into ch i , 5 ch si st to ch 4. repeat around . Twelfth Row — 4 tc into 1st ch 1, 1 ch 1 tc into top of 1st tc of 12, 1 tc into top of 2d tc, 2 tc into top of 3d tc, 1 tc to 4 tc, 1 tc to 5th tc, 2 tc to 6th tc, 1 tc to 7th tc, 1 tc to 8th tc. 2 tc to 9th tc. 1 tc to 10th tc. 2 tc to 1 1th tc. 1 tc to i2th tc, 1 ch, 4 tc into 2d ch 1, 6 ch to middle of ch 4, repeat around. Thirteenth Rom' — 4 ch si st to top of each 3d st around. Fourteenth Rom' — 4 ch into middle st of ch 4 around. Fifteenth Row — Same as 14th row. Sixteenth Rom-- 5 ch si st back into 2d st of ch. 2 ch si st into middle st of ch 4, repeat around. ^(atc i^o. 8 SnsJtructiong for ^late Mo. 9 SIZE OF CENTER PIECE, 36 INCHES MATERIALS— 2 spools of Carpet Warp, Steel Crochet Needle No. 5. First Ro^- — 5 ch, 3 sc join all into 1st st of ch I ch 3 sc join into same st 2 ch, turn, 3 sc join into ch 1 between sc 3, 1 ch, 3 sc join into same st, 2 ch, turn and repeat over until 25 fans are made, 6 ch, join into ch 2 at side of 1st fan, 6 ch, join into ch 2, side of 2d fan, repeat until 9 loops are made, turn. Second Rom' — si st over the 6 ch, st 10 times, in each, until 9th loop si st over 5 times, leaving half the loop, turn. Third Rov — 6 ch si st to middle st of loop 2, repeat across, turn, si st over ch 6, going in each 10 times as before until last loop is reached, si st 5 st over leaving half of loop. turn. Fourth Ro>v' — Repeat same as 3d row. Fifth RoM' — Same as 4th row. Sixth RoM' — Same as 4th row. Seventh Row — Same as 4th row. Eil^hth RoM' —Same as 4th row. Ninth RoM- — Same as 4th row. Tenth Ro>»- — Leaves only one loop, si st over, going in 10 times, si st over the side of loop left going in 5 times, repeat down all loops the same, 2 ch, 3 sc, join into ch 1 in fan. 1 ch, 3 sc join into same st, 2 ch, turn. First Ro-w around point — 3 sc join in ch 1 in fan, 1 ch 3 sc join into same st. 1 ch, 1 sc, join into ch 2, by side of fan, 1 ch, 1 sc to side of fan. 1 ch 1 sc between fan, repeat around, point and join to ch 2 by 1 st fan, turn. Second Row — 4 ch 1 sc, into ch 1, repeat around, 3 sc join in ch 1 of fan, I ch, 3 sc to same, 2 ch, turn. Third Row — 3 sc, join in ch 1 of fan, 1 ch 3 sc into same st, 4 ch, join to ch 4, repeat around, join to ch 2 of fan, turn. Fourth Row — 5 ch, join to ch 4, repeat around making fan as before, turn. Fifth Row — Make fan, repeat ch of 5 around as before, turn. Sixth Rom- — Same as 4th row. Seventh Row — Same as 5th row, join to last of ch 2, turn. Eighth Row — 8 sc, filling in ch 5, si st I into 2d ch 5, 8 sc fill in next ch 5, repeating around and make fan as before, making 25 fans as at first for 2d point and repeat as in first point until 6 points are made and join fan between points, join thread to middle of scallop, 8 ch join to middle scallop on opposite point, turn, si st over 14 times, 1 ch join in point of scallop, 8 ch, si st to middle of loop, 8 ch join to point of fan, turn, si st over 14 times each loop, turn, 2 ch 1 sc join to each 3d st of loop across, turn, 4 ch, si st to ch 2, repeat across, turn. 4 ch, si st ch 4 across, turn, 8 sc fill in ch 4, si st 1 into 2d ch 4, repeat across row across top of fans around piece, 3 sc join in ch 2 on side of fan, 1 ch 3 sc join to next ch 2 by side of fan, repeat around. ^latc J5o. 9 ins(tructians( for ^late i?D. 10 SIZK OF LARtiE CENTER PIECE, 18 INCHES. SIZE OF DOYLIE LAKtiEj 12 INCHES. SIZE OF DOYLIE (SMALL) 6 INCHES. ^tar ILuncfj ^et MATERIALS 10 balls Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 15. Steel Crochet Needle No. 7. Center ^iecc First Ko-w — Chain of 6, join, 3 sc, join in chain, 2 ch 3 sc, join in ch, 2 ch; repeat 8 times same into ch, join. Second Ro>v — 2 sc, join to top of 1st sc, 1 sc join to 2d sc. 2 sc join to 3d sc; 2 ch. 2 sc, join to 1st sc as before, and repeat around, join. Third Rov — 2 sc join to 1st sc, 1 sc to 2d sc, I sc to 3d sc. 1 sc to 4th sc, 2sc to 5 sc, 2 ch 2 sc to Ist'sc, and repeat as before, and around, join. Fourth Ro\v — Same as 3d row; widen with 2 sc in 1st and last st of each sc of diamond, join. Fifth Row — Same as 4th row. Sixth Row — Same as 4th row. Seventh Row — Same as 4th row. Eighth Row — Same as 4th row. Ninth Row — Same as 4th row. Tenth Row — Same as 4th row. Eleventh Row — Same as 4th row. Twelfth Row — Same as 4th row. Thirteenth Row — Same as 4th row. Fourteenth Row — Same as 4th row. Fifteenth Row — Same as 4th row. Sixteenth Row — Same as 4th row. Seventeenth Row — 1 sc, join to 2d sc of diamond and repeat across diamond, leaving one sc out on each side to narrow down; 2 ch. 1 sc, join to top of 1st sc of diamond, 2 ch I sc join to 1st st of next diamond. Repeat around, join. Eighteenth Row — Same as 17th row. making 2 more sp each time between. Nineteenth Row — Same as 18th row. Twentieth Row — Same as 1 8th row. Twenty-first Row — Same as 18th row. Twenty-second Row — Same as 18th row. Twenty-third Row — Same as 18th row. Twenty-fourth Row — Same as 18th row in diamond. 7 sp, 4 sc into 8 sp; 7 sp make diamond, always leaving I sc on each side of diamond. Twenty-fifth Row — Same as 24th row for diamond, 8 sp 2 sc, join to 1st sc, 1 sc to 2d sc, 1 sc to 3d sc, 2 sc join to^4th sc. 8 sp. repeat around. T>venty-sixth Row — Same as 25th row, making one less on each side of diamond, and adding 2 sc on each side of points started. (1) Row — Same as 26th row. (7) Row — Same as 26th row (2) Row — Same as 26th row. (8) Row — Same as 26th row. (3) Ro-w — Same as 26th row. (9) Ro-w — Same as 26th row. (4) Row — Same as 26th row. (10) Row — Same as 26th row. (5) Row — Same as 26th row. (11) Row — Same as 26th row. (6) RoM' — Same as 26th row. (12) Row — 2 ch 1 sc join to 1 sc of sp; repeat across : 2 ch join to 3d sc of point; repeat around. Scallop 1 to join into ch 2. 1 ch 1 tc join into same; repeat 12 times, going to same ch; si st into 3d sp; 1 tc join into 3d sp. 1 ch 1 tc join in same sp; repeat 12 times; repeat same around. 4 ch join to sp between tc. 4 ch, join in sp. repeat around. ^cconb ^i}e S^ietc Made by same directions as Center Piece, until 8 rows are made. Ninth Ro-w — Same as 17th row in directions of Center Piece. Repeat same until 8 rows are made, making 2 sp more each row and 2 sc less on diamond. Add Scallop same as Center Piece directions. ^mall ^icce Same directions as Center Piece for 6 rows. Seventh Ro'w — Same as 17th row. Repeat same directions as Center Piece for 6 rows. Add Scallop, same direc- tions as Center Piece. f late Mo. 10 Snstructiong for ^late Mo. U SIZE OF CENTKR PIECE, 20 INCHES SIZE OF PLATE DOYLIE, 12 INCHES SIZE OF TUMBLER DOYLIE, 6 INCHES ILuncl) ^ct in i^obcltp Mraiti anli Croct)ct MATERIALS— 6 balls Cordonnet Crochet Cotton No. 30. 18 yards Novelty Braid No. 4. Steel Crochet Needle No 10. Center Piece Circular piece of irish linen 28 inches across, turn in narrow hem and sc very closely around over hem and join. First Row — 3 ch, 1 sc. join to top st of sc, 1 ch 1 sc, join to top of next sc. repeating around, join to chain 3 at beginning. Second Row — Same as 1st row. Third Row — Same as 1st row. Fourth Row — 4 ch, 1 sc, join to 1st sc. 2 ch 1 sc, join to 2d sc, repeat around, join to ch 4 at beginning. Fifth Row — Same as 4th row. Sixth Row — 3 ch, si st into ch 2, repeat around. Seventh Row -Same as 6th row. Eij^hth RoM' 4 ch, si st into ch 3, repeat around. Ninth Row — Same as 8th row. Tenth Row — Same as 8th row. Eleventh Ro'w — 2 ch si st into 1 st loop in novelty braid, 2 ch join to ch 4, 2 ch join to I st loop in next block of braid, 2 ch join to ch 4, 4 ch join to last loop of braid, si st into first loop of next block of braid, 4 ch join to lower ch 4, 2 ch join to last loop in braid, 2 ch join to next block of braid 1st loop, 2 ch join to ch 4, 4 ch join to last loop of braid, 1 ch join to 1 st loop on next block of braid, 4 ch join to lower ch 4, repeating around. Twelfth RoM' — 4 ch join in first loop of braid on upper side, 4 ch join to last loop on same block of braid, 2 ch join to 1 st loop on next block of braid, 4 ch join last loop on same block, repeat around. Thirteenth Ro>v — 4 ch, join into ch 2, joining blocks of braid, repeating 4 times into same ch, 6 ch to next ch 2 be- tween blocks 6 ch join to next ch 2, repeat around. Fourteenth Row — 4 ch join to ch 4, 4 ch join to next ch 4, 4 ch join in ch 6, 4 ch join to ch 6, repeat around. Fifteenth Row — Same as 10th row. Sixteenth Row — Same as 10th row. Seventeenth Row — Same as 10th row. Eighteenth Row— Same as 1 1th row. Nineteenth Row — Same as 12th row. Twentieth Row — Same as 13th row. Twenty-first Row — Same as 14th row. Twenty-second Row — Same as 1 5th row. Twenty-third Row — Same as 15th row. Twenty-fourth Row — Same as 15th row. Twenty-fifth Rom' — Same as 15th row. Twenty-si.xth Row — Same as 1 1th row. Twenty-seventh Rom- — Same as 12th row. Twenty-eighth Row — Same as 13th row. Twenty-ninth Row — Same as 14th row. Thirtieth Row — Same as 15th row. Thirty-first Row — Same as 15th row. Thirty-second Rom- — 5 ch, si st back into 2d st of ch 5, 2 ch join into ch 4, 5 ch, si st back to 2d st of ch 5, 2 ch join to ch 4, repeat around. Plate Jioplie Circular piece of Irish linen 12 inches across, turn in small hem, sc over closely around, make by same directions as centerpiece up to 8th row, finish with row 32 of centerpiece. tKumfaler JBopIie Circular piece of Irish linen 5 inches across, turn in small hem, sc over hem closely. First Row — Same as 1st row in centerpiece. Second Row — Same as 2d row in centerpiece. Third Rom' — Same as 8th row in centerpiece. Repeat same directions as centerpiece to 18th row, finish with row 32. plate Ma. 1 1 Sns^tructions; for ^late J^o, 12 l^oae ILuncl) ^et MATERIALS— 5 balls Silkine Crochet Cotton No. 30, 2 bolts of Novelty Braid, 1 Steel Crochet Needle No. 1 1. Center S^itce insertion Make rose in center, 5 ch st and join. First RoM' — 6 ch, 1 sc, join in ch 5, 2 ch, 1 sc. join into ch 5, repeat 7 times, join. Second Rom- — 6 sc, join into ch 2, 1 si st to lower sc 1, repeat 7 times. Third Rom' — 4 ch, si st into lower si st, repeat 7 times. Fourth RoM' — '' sc, join into ch 4, si st to lower si st, repeat 7 times. Make 13 roses. Take Novelty Braid, have two ends, tie with thread, every 3d block in braid cross the braid and tie, repeat 13 times, join to first end and tie, place rose in between tied braid, join thread to middle loop in block of braid, 5 ch st, si st back to 2d st, 2 ch si st to middle st of petal in rose, 5 ch, si st back to 2d st, 2 ch, si st to middle loop in next block of braid, repeat around the rose and repeat same until the 13 roses are in. F"irst Row — Above braid join thread to 1st loop in braid, 6 ch, 1 tc, join in middle loop in block of braid, 3 ch, 1 tc, join to last loop in same block of braid, 3 ch, 1 tc, join in middle of sp between blocks in braid, repeat around, join. Second Rom' — 4 tc, join into ch 3, 1 ch, 4 tc, join into next ch 3, repeat 8 times, 4 tc, skip 2, ch 4, go into 3d ch 4, repeat same around, join. Third Row— 1 tc, join in ch 1 between tc 4, 1 ch, 1 tc, join into same ch 1, tc 1, join into next ch 1 between tc 4, repeat same 7 times, 1 tc, skip 1 sp, go in 2d ch 1 between tc 4, repeat around, join. Fourth RoM'--2 sc, join to ch 1, 3 ch si st back to top of sc, 2 sc, join to next ch 1, 3 ch si st back to top of sc, repeat around, join. First Row — Below -Braid same as 1st row above. Second Row -Same as 2d row. Third Rom'— Same as 3d row. Fourth Row 3 sc, join into ch 1, 3 ch, si st back to top of last sc 3, repeat around, join. Center ^iece Cbging Make 26 roses same as in Insertion. Fix braid the same, making 26 loops same as the 13 in Insertion, join roses in the same. First RoM' above braid — Same as 1st row in Insertion. Second Row — Same as in Insertion. Third Row —1 tc, join in ch 1 between tc 4, 2 ch. 1 tc, join into same ch 1, 2 ch, 1 tc, join to 2d ch 1 between tc 4, repeat 7 times, 1 tc, skip 1 sp, go in 2d ch 1 between tc 4, and repeat around. F"ourth Row Same as 3d row. F'ifth Row 4 sc, join into ch 2, 3 ch, si st back to last sc 4, repeat around. F"irst RoM' below braid — same as 1st row below braid for Insertion. Second Rom' — Same as 2d row for Insertion. Third Row — Same as 3d row above braid. Fourth RoM' 2 tc join into ch 2. between lower tc 2, 2 ch, 2 tc. join into same ch, 2 tc, join into 2nd ch 2, be- tween tc 2, 2 ch, 2 tc, join into same ch, repeat around. F'ifth Row 3 ch, I tc, join into ch 2 between tc 2. 3 ch, si st, back to top of tc, repeat same 4 times into same ch, 3 ch, si st, between tc 2. 3ch, 1 tc, join into next ch 2. between tc 2, repeat same around. ^cconb ^i}t Piece of ILuncl) ^ct MATERIALS -2 balls of Silkine Crochet Cotton No. 30, 1 bolt Novelty Braid. 1 Steel Crochet Needle No. 11. Make 8 roses by same directions as rose in centerpiece, 1 size smaller braid, take 2 ends of braid and tie, skip 3 blocks in braid, cross and tie, repeat until 8 loops are made, join and tie, take the 8 roses and fill in each 8 loops by same direc- tions as for centerpiece. First Row top of braid — 1 tc. join to 1st loop in block of braid. 2 ch. 1 tc. join in middle loop in block of braid, 2 ch. 1 tc, join in last loop of block. 2 ch, I tc, join in sp between block of braid, repeat same around, join. Second Rom- — 3 tc, join into ch 2, repeat 8 times, skip 2 sp, 3 tc, join into ch 2, repeat around, join. Third Rom' — 2 tc. join between 3d and 4th tc. 1 ch, 2 tc, join between next 3d and 4th tc, repeat 7 times, 2 tc, skip, 6 tc, join between 6th and 7th tc. and repeat same around. Fourth Row -2 tc, join between 2d 2 tc, I ch, 2 tc, join between next 2 tc, repeat 5 times, 1 tc between tc 2, repeat same around, join. Fifth Row — Same as 4th row, join. Sixth Row — Same as 4th row, join. Make rose with 3 rows of petals, same directions as for centerpiece, place in center sp, join thread middle of rose petal, 4 ch, si st back to 2d st of ch, 2 ch, join to tc 2, 4 ch, si st back to 2d st of ch. 2 ch, join between petals, repeat around until rose is filled in. First Row below braid — Same as 1st row above. Second Row — 4 tc, join in 2d ch 2. 1 ch, 4 tc, join in next ch 2, repeat 1 2 times, 4 tc. skip 2. ch 2. go in 3d ch 2. re- peat around, join. (Instructions continued on page 4) ^late Mo. 12 :i: agaaa assaas!!' 1 — ■ ■■■■ ' JMBHBBBBBBOL.".:. i ■■■■ . !■■■■■■■■■■■■■ l—OaCMW . m ■■■■■■ UBHBHBiSUBB'L :■■■■■■■■- ]■■■■■■■■■■■■■ liironC IHK .■■^■■■■■■■GGBaaaflBBBKjaHBBaHaBBBBBaBaiBBBal JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :: 1 IBBBBBBBIBBCBBBBBLtnBBBBBBBB !JaaBaBBaflanBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBar«BBBBBBBBUBBBBBH ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■_ laaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBi ' 'BBBBBBBBiBBDaaaBBCnaaBBaaiBBQJBflaBBBBaBBBBaBBBBrnBBBBBaaDBBBBBaBBBUBaBBBBflBBBBBBBBaBBBBBl ■bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ■■■■BBBBBBBUBBBBBUBBBBBBBia^[:]CBBBBBBBCHBBBBBBBBL'BBBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBLJBBaBBBHBBBBBBBBaBBBBBl ■bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' ■BBBBBBBaBaBBBBBL:BBBBBBBBBr"_'GBBBBBBaBBB BBB BBBBGBBBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBMaBaBaBaBaBBBBBl ■BBaBBBBBBBBBBBaB ■■. BBBBBBBB '' 'CjaBBB' !aaBBBBBBr:- ■"" ■ ~ ■a. 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