Pass, Fz-43 Book ,Wfn CxJ. The historic Cdbite Sulphur Springs^/ Greenbrier County, CfQ 3 3 WOo HP B a /-. o-rr!l° I SJ '3? t5 *■ co cs < < 06 o ~ O Z oc Oh OS D I CL IK h Q ID °1 - o ,2- (J) O to 5 S I CL J D CD u «5COOOOOioOOOO C!OM>MOMONOOO *2 12 <5 ^- ^ :-< « cs j> co eo o OOOl0Tflo»C0»10«!> QOO)TfOrtOOTl<«COT-irHlJ) J fe ni J-< rt nj rt h CD rt CJ ^^ C ill to £ £2 2jm S2 M (J 3°~ ■o (u o to 5 C J .i a en >,vo (U Cm™ O •■ S £ 3 ££>c2 C«Ph cs « «T3 tpW£ tf.S d-s u a* 3 «^ M £ O ■S u u < Ph" d 3 >■ >T3 Entire Property Lighted by Acetylene Gas. RatCS at White Sulphlir for 1901 Passenger Elevator in Main Building. The Famous Hot Sulphur and Plunge Baths. WJLL B£ ACCORD | NG TO LOCATION AND Cafe Remains Open until After the Arrival of Evening Trains. STRICTLY ADHERED TO. ACCOMMODATIONS, WITH PRIVATE BATH, $90 TO $100 PER MONTH. per Month of 28 Days, $50, $65 and $75- P*" ^ek, $15, $17.50 and $21. per Day, $3, $3.50 and $4» TO YOUNG MEN A SPECIAL RATE OF $12.50 A WEEK, OR $40 PER MONTH OF 28 DAYS. Children under twelve years, nurses and servants, $32.50 per month of 28 days. Children occupying seats in main Dining-Room will be charged adult rates. The following stores will be located within the grounds for accommodation of guests: Ryland & Rankin, of Lynchburg, Va., Jewelers. H. B. Wills, of Richmond, Va., Photographer. Woodson & Morgan, General Merchandise and Druggists' Sundries. Telegraph Office, Post Office and Express Office on the grounds. Tailors, Confectioners, Florists, Manicures, Hair-Dressers supply their respective needs, Slated Bicycle Paths. Correspondence Solicited. June 1, "THE GRAFTON," Washington, D.C. HARRINGTON MILLS, Manager. =l a 8 m CO o h o Ul - z ?Q a 3U ^ J (X CO z J 5 3 w w X H as D m 2 CD o fc 3 >;ID o 2 O CO £> c* u a! w < fc H a W z u W S K 2 < p (J ^ s W a > £"§ §3 8-3 gjij »WS J,< ?J x -+ -+ c) ( - cs in (> cd cd ici "'^^Tr'ooc-oooioicoin'ido} O-J i- ,-1 »} ,_,,_, rnc/ -i -I : jj cj c io ^ i> 5 w co . :t rr o 6 ^ ■■ ~ i^ -j .~ o y ^Ph ^-^jE- -OS -" - _ o .£• ti £! ti - ">" S — .« ii" l-° m ; 32. E .IS il&i t»« B^ ^ ° ^B(i S 5 g"^ o o, »a| ...Sb .. .. "UjB c o a "u^ 2^'£ ttj " •-' |J!l c P E'G 2 S MX 3 O C" CJ5: <&bite Sulphur Springs : ns ^kJL Wm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 434 094 2 A Ss h*T m