LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 000003^1034 liiiii;! iiil' iiiiiili !l!ii iiuiiiiiuiiUHiiUiiiiumnumiunumitibuatuitu liiiruiiiiijituiiiiiiMtinniiiiinniHiHiuiniKiitu Class P 5 ^-^3A- Book ik H 13 Copyright]^". COPyRIGHT DEPOSIT. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA AMERICANA GERMANICA New Series monographs devoted to the comparative study of the Literary, Linguistic and Otiier Cultural Relations OF Germany and America EDITOR MARION DEXTER LEARNED University of Pennsylvania NEW YORK D. APPLETON & COMPANY PUBLISHING AGENTS AMERICANA GERMANICA New Series I. Translations of German Poetry in American Magazi7ies 1741-1810. By Edward Ziegler Davis, Ph. D. 234 pp. Price $1-65 3. The Harmony Society. A Chapter in German American Culture History. By John Archibald Bole, Ph. D. 179 pp. 30 Illustrations. Price $i-50 3. Friedrich Schiller in America. A Contribu- tion to the Literature of the Poet's Centenary, 1905. By Ellwood Comly Parry, Ph. D. 117 pp. Price $1-25 4. The Influence of Salom.on Gessner Upon English Literature. By Bertha Reed. 119 pp. Price $1-25 5. The German Settlement Society of Philadel- phia and its Colony, Herm,ann, Missouri. By William G. Bek. 193 pp. Price . . $1.50 6. Philipp Waldeck! s Diary of the American Revolution. With Introduction and Pho- tographic Reproductions. By M. D. Learned. 168 pp. Price $i-50 7. Schwenkfelder Hymnology and the Sources of the First Schwenkfelder Hymn-Book Printed in America. With Photographic Reproductions. By Allen Anders Seipt, Ph.D. 112 pp. Price^ $2.00 8. The Settlement of the ^iQerman Coast of Louisiana and the' ■- Creoles of Germa7i Descent. By J. Hanno Deiler. With Illustrations. 136 pp. Price $1-25 9. Early German Music in Philadelphia. By R. R. Drummond, Ph. D. 112 pp. Price $1.25 10. ^^ Uncle Tom's Cabin'"' in Germany. By Grace Edith MacLean, Ph. D. 102 pp. Price $1-50 TO MY MOTHER "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" IN GERMANY BY GRACE EDITH MACLEAN, Ph. D. AMERICANA GERMANICA VOLUME "X PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA D, APPLETON & COMPANY Publishing Agents NEW YORK 1910 ' "vi '1 r i^ p 'a -?^ ..^^: COPYRIGHTED BY GRACE EDITH MACLEAN 1910 (0;GIA288312 PEEFACE. Among the many ways in which America has influenced the culture of Germany, that of the subject of slavery is shown in the multitude of translations, adaptations and imi- tations of Uncle Tom's Cabin. From the earliest days of the Colonies the Germans in America were strongly opposed to slavery, as were the Quakers. This question was a most important one and was discussed by Pastorius in his *' Protest against Negro Slavery", brought by the Germans before the Friends 'Meet- ing in 1688, and among those who fought in the War for In- dependence there were also Germans who felt the growing earnestness of the slavery question as Philipp Waldeck shows in his ''Tagebuch", 1776-1783. The revolutionists of '48 were heart and soul for freedom, and the many who came to America at that time and later participated in the Civil War were led to do so largely by the strong abolition feeling which prevailed. The influence spread to the homeland, as is proved by letters, newspaper reports and discussions, but most of all by Mrs. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. This was circulated in translation in every town and city of Germany, adapted and presented on the stage, and imitated by well-known and obscure writers and translators, many of whom endeavored to share in the fame and others in the pecuniary benefits of the great wave of excitement which swept around the world. A study of the influence of Uncle Tom reveals the interest in American social life, indignation at the evils of slavery, and close sympathy between Germany and America. (vii) VIU PREFACE This work was begun with the encouragement of Pro- fessor M. D, Learned of the University of Pennsylvania, and was completed during three years of research work in Germany under Professor J. Hoops, of the University of Heidelberg, the inspiration and always kindly advice and help of both of whom I hereby most gratefully acknowledge. G. E. MacLean. CONTENTS. V I. Introduction. 1. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Biographical Sketch. 2. Uncle Tom's Cabin, and its Importance in the Anti- Slavery Movement. II. German Translations. ^ III. Notices and Reviews. 1. Circulating Libraries and Publishers' Notices. 2. Newspaper Comments and Critical Eeviews. ■" IV. Uncle Tom's Cabin in Poetry and Music. V. Uncle Tom's Cabin on the Stage. 1. In German Theatres in America. 2. In Germany. VI. Influence on Literature. 1. Hacklander. 2. Auerbach. 3. Minor Writers. (a) ''Eettcliffe." (b) Gothe. (c) Other Minor Writers. 4. Juvenile Literature. ^'' VII. Conclusion. ^ \y VIII. Appendix. 1. List of Eeviews consulted. (a) Eeviews of Uncle Tom's Cabin. (b) Eeviews of the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. 2. Bibliography. (a) General Eeferences. (b) Mrs. Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin. (c) Translations. 3. Translations and Eeviews of the other works of Mrs. Stowe. (a) Translations. (b) Eeviews. (ix) I. Intkoduction. "It is probable that no novel ever written has had such an immense popularity or has ever exerted so great an in- fluence on human affairs as Uncle Tom's Cabin. In its power of simple pathos, in its passionate humanitarianism, in its instinctive art, it is unique. It has the rare kind of greatness which belongs to a large and simple design faith- fully executed. If it has ceased to be read, it is because the cause it pleaded is won — the highest possible tribute to its influence."^ Such is the criticism of a fair-minded critic of the novel. Europe was a sympathizer with the New World to which it was closely bound by emigration, but before the War for the Union in the United States, little thought was directed to the dark problem of slavery which was growing daily more serious, until Mrs. Stowe so graphically pictured the conditions of society. Then, immediately, an interest was aroused — critical and anxious, because the principle of right and wrong was involved. It is, indeed, a unique experience for an author to find herself so suddenly famous — ''die Lowin des Tages",^ as she was called. "Onkel Tomi's Hiltte, von Beecher-Stowe brachte die ganze Welt in fieberhaf te Auf regung. ' '^ How far did this interest extendi Was it only fostered by revolutionists or by a public sympathetic with the op- pressed and down-trodden, and did this interest manifest it- self as an influence? These questions, it is our purpose to answer, as well as may be, in regard to Germany. The subject may be di- vided into the following parts : ' W. J. Dawson, ' ' The Makers of English Fiction, ' ' Lon. 1905, p. 265-6. '■Auslmd, 1854, II, No. 34, p. 803, Aug. 25. ' Badische Landesseitung, 1854, No. 251, Oct. 27. (11) 12 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEEMANY I. Uncle Tom's Cabin in Translation. II. Uncle Tom's Cabin in Reviews. III. Uncle Tom's Cabin on the Stage. IV. Imitations and Influence on the Novel. V. Influence in general upon the People. 1. Biography. Before entering upon the discussion of the questions above suggested, it will be necessary to sketch the life and works of Mrs. Stowe. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher-Stowe* (1811-1896), the third daughter of the Eev. Lyman Beecher and Roxanna Foote- Beecher, was born June 14, 1811, at Litchfield, Connecticut. Her father was the Congregational minister of the town, and the community in which she spent her childhood was one of the most intellectual in New England. Mrs. Beecher died when Harriet was four years of age, but the memory of her strong sympathetic nature remained with her children throughout their lives. Mrs. Stowe writes : ''Although my mother's bodily presence disappeared from our circle, I think that her memory and example had more influence in moulding her family than the living presence of many mothers. The passage in Uncle Tom, where Augustine St. Clair describes his mother's influence, is a simple reproduction of my own mother's influence as it has always been felt in her family. ' ' After her mother's death, Mrs. Stowe was placed in the care of her grandmother and aunt in Guilford, Conn., and here began her first steps in education. She listened with untiring interest to the ballads of Sir Walter Scott, and of Robert Burns, and searched eagerly for something as interesting among the sermons and pamphlets of the garret. Finally she discovered an old cbpy of Arabian Nights, which was to her "a dream of delight — an enchanted palace, through which her imagination ran wild", and this book and C. E. Stowe, Biography of Mrs. Stowe, Boston & N. Y., 1889. INTKODUCTION 13 Cotton Mather's Magnalia were the greatest treasures of her childhood. After the marriage of her father to Harriet Porter, of Portland, Maine, her schooldays began at the Litchfield Academy, under the charge of Sarah Price and John Brace. The character and methods of instruction of her teachers here always remained pleasant memories with Mrs. Stowe : '*Mr. Brace exceeded all the teachers that I ever knew in the faculty of teaching composition," she writes. ''Much of the inspiration and training of my early days consisted not in the things I was supposed to be studying, but in hearing, while seated unnoticed at my desk, the conversa- tion of Mr. Brace with the older classes. ' ' The influences of her home at this time were likewise stimulating. Dr. Beecher was a strong, sound man in body and mind, and his religious influence was ever healthy and cheerful. His system of theology was broad and compre- hensive—that of a Calvinist. His children grew up in an atmosphere of intellectual and moral enthusiasm, and Mrs. Stowe, at the age of twelve years, was a bright, thoughtful child, who listened with attention to the sermons of her father, delivered in the village church. Dr. Beecher was a friend of the poor and needy, and his sermons and prayers at the time of the Missouri agitation drew tears from the eyes of the hard old farmers who listened; as, earnestly and passionately longing to help the cause of the slave, he appealed for "poor, oppressed, bleeding Africa, that the time of her deliverance might come. ' ' Thus it was natural that from her childhood Mrs. Stowe should become an enemy of slavery. In 1824, she went to Hartford, Conn., to attend the school that had been estab- lished there by her elder sister, Catharine, and the strong character of the latter stamped itself upon the sensitive and imaginative nature of her younger sister. Here she re- mained as pupil and teacher until 1832, when Dr. Beecher accepted a call to become president of the newly founded Lane Theological Seminary, and removed with his family to 14 UNCLE TOM's cabin IN GERMANY Cinciniiati. Catharine Beecher also accompanied them, eager to establish a school, with Harriet as an assistant, which should be one of the pioneer schools for women in the West. Here Harriet took an active part in the school life, com- piled an Elementary Greography, wrote lectures for the classes ; and, as a member of the Semi-Colon Club, a social and literary circle, at the meetings of which the questions of the day were discussed, she contributed humorous sketches and poems. Her first literary work was written for the Western Monthly, and afterwards was republished in The Mayflower. January 6, 1836, she was married to Eev. Calvin Ellis Stowe, one of the professors in the seminary, a man of wide interests, especially in education. It was largely his encouragement that led her to continue in literary work. During her residence of eighteen years in Cincinnati, Mrs. Stowe had frequently visited the slave States, first in 1833 in a trip to Kentucky, where she was a guest at an estate afterwards portrayed as Colonel Shelby's in Uncle •Tom, and acquired the minute knowledge of Southern life, which is so conspicuously displayed in her works. The problem of human slavery was constantly thrust upon her attention, for a river only separated Ohio from a slave- holding community. Slaves were continually escaping from their masters, and were sheltered by the circle in which she lived and assisted on their journey to Canada. During the riots in which James G. Birney's press was destroyed, in 1836, only the distance from the city and the depths of mud saved the Lane Seminary from a like fate, for it was strong in Abolitionists, and the excitement was intense. Mrs. Stowe watched the course of events with keenest interest, and in the great debate, which was political, economical and moral, she took an active part. In June, 1836, Professor Stowe sailed for London to buy books for the seminary, and at home his wife continued to write occasionally for the Western Monthly and for the New York Evangelist. INTEODUCTION 15 The ten years, 1840 to 1850, tell a story of poverty, famine and cholera in Cincinnati; but through it all, Mrs. Stowe kept up her correspondence with Eastern friends, and in 1842 visited Hartford, Conn., to regain her health. It is then that her husband writes to her : "My dear, you must be a literary woman. It is so writ- ten in the Book of Fate. Make all your calculations accord- ingly. Get a good stock of health, and brush up your mind. Drop the E out of your name, it only encumbers it and in- terferes with the flow of euphony. Write yourself, fully and always: Harriet Beecher-Stowe — ^which is a name euphonious, flowing, and full of meaning. Then, my word for it, your husband will lift up his head in the gate, and your children will rise up and call you blessed." In the summer of 1849, during the absence of Professor Stowe, the epidemic of cholera in Cincinnati brought sor- row to the family in the death of the youngest child ; but in September of the same year Professor Stowe was elected to a professorship in Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, and removed with his family thither. It was in the midst of the excitement caused by the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law that Mrs. Stowe arrived in Boston from the West, and she was prepared for the great work which came to her, little by little, as a message which she must deliver; and when she went on to Brunswick, she was kept informed of events in Boston by her friends, among whom were those who were blind and deaf to all arguments against the law which, as Mrs. Stowe thought, all benevolent and tender-hearted Christians should believe unjust. Mrs. Edward Beecher, in a letter to Mrs. Stowe, said after describing the enforcement of the law in Boston: "Now, Hattie, if I could use a pen as you can, I would write something that would make this whole nation feel what an accursed thing slavery is. ' ' Mrs. Stowe read this letter aloud to her family, and when she came to the passage quoted, she rose from her 16 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY chair and exclaimed, ^*I will write something. I will, if I live." And in the quiet of a country town, far away from the actual contact with painful scenes, but on the edge of the whirlwind raised by the Fugitive Slave Bill, memory and imagination had full scope, and she wrote for the National Era, an anti-slavery weekly paper of Washington. D. C, Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly. The story appeared as a serial from June 5, 1851, to April 1, 1852. It was begun as a magazine tale, but the interest excited by the story, and the encouragement which the author re- ceived, compelled her to continue until it had become a volume which has a place among the notable books of the world. In the meantime Professor Stowe was appointed Professor of Biblical Literature in the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., and with his family removed to that place about the time Uncle Tom's Cabin was published. At first Mrs. Stowe was despondent as to the result of her literary effort ; she says : *'It seemed to me that there was no hope; that nobody would hear; that nobody would read, nobody would pity; that this frightful system, which pursued its victims into the free States, might at least threaten them even in Canada." But the publication of the story in book form March 20, 1852, by J. P. Jewett & Co., Boston, was a factor which must be reckoned as one of the moving causes of the War for the Union. In the spring of 1853, Mrs. Stowe 's health made a com- plete rest and change of scene necessary, and she sailed for England, accompanied by Professor Stowe and her brother, Eev. Charles Beecher, by invitation of the Anti-slavery Soci- ety of Glasgow. This journey enabled her to meet the leading writers of the day, and everywhere she was received most cordially and much money was collected to aid the anti- slavery cause. The experiences of this trip were published the following year in the form of a collection of letters of II^TEODTJCTION 17 Mrs. Stowe and her brother during their travels under the title of Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands.^ Three years later, another visit was made to England and the Continent, one of the purposes of which was to arrange for an English edition of Dred, a Tale of the Dismal Sivamp, which had appeared in the spring of 1856. The same book was re- issued in 1866 under the title of Nina Gordon, but has been again published under the original title. During the trip through Germany (1856) Mrs. Stowe visited Heidelberg, leaving August 1, for Frankfurt a/M., where the party made their headquarters at Hotel Eussie, and from there went to Mainz and down the Ehine, visiting Bingen, Cob- lenz, Bonn, Drachenfels. They also visited the famous gal- leries in Diisseldorf, and in Leipzig were entertained by Tauchnitz, the publisher. After spending a few days in Wittenberg and Berlin, they returned to Paris, via Ant- werp, August 20. In December, 1858, the first chapter of the Minister's Wooing appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, and about the same time the Pearl of Orr's Island was published as a serial in the Independent. A third trip to Europe was made in 1859 to aid the anti-slavery cause. The outbreak of the Civil War found Mrs. Stowe in Andover, Mass., working earnestly for freedom both in America and through her influence in Europe. In 1864 Pro- fessor Stowe resigned his professorship at Andover, and they made their home in Hartford, Conn., spending the win- ters in Mandarin, Florida, as long as the health of Professor Stowe allowed him to travel. Mrs. Stowe passed many happy winters in her Southern home until the death of her hus- band in 1886, after which she spent the rest of her life in Hartford, near the homes of ''Mark Twain", Charles D. Warner, and others, who formed the select literary "co- terie" of Asylum Hill. She died July 1, 1896, and was buried in Andover beside her husband. "2 vols. Boston, 1854. 18 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY 2. The Importance of ''Uncle Tom's Cabin'' in the Anti- slavery Movement. In Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs. Stowe draws a picture of slaveliolding in the Southern States as she had witnessed it, putting in a concrete form the actual horrors of slavery. The plot is somewhat rambling, but her characters have a vitality which makes them real. Her description, a back- ground which she had known from personal experience, arouses the sentiment of the reader through its faithful- ness to nature, so that he accepts it as true. The arguments for and against the system are introduced intelligently, and her reasoning is logical and convincing, so that even the Southern reader could not but recognize the evils of the institution which he so strongly upheld. Until the appear- ance of Uncle Tom's Cabin, slavery had been considered by the North as a deplorable abstraction, but wherever the book went it awakened this abstraction to life. ''It was not written for a political purpose, but for moral suasion",® to show that each revolving year in the life of the nation brought nearer the inevitable crisis in which the Elder America would perish and the New America arise. The state of political feeling which prevailed at this time can hardly be appreciated by the present generation ; the sensibilities of the modern readers are blunted to the evil which nearly caused the downfall of the Union. Negro slavery had died out in the Northern States during the first quarter of the 19th century; but the condition of industry in the South had stimulated the institution there, until it had assumed social and economic importance. The Quakers had always opposed slavery, as had the majority of the Germans in America, and the anti-slavery movement went slowly on with men like Garrison, Sumner and Parker, sacri- ficing their social career to the principles in which they •C. E. Stowe, Biog. Mrs. Stowe. * INTRODUCTION 19 believed; but when Mrs. Stowe's book was produced, the movement became popular. The sentiment of Uncle Tom's Cabin endures and will always be as true as when it first stirred the hearts of the many thousands of readers ; for it expresses slave-life itself, not a comparison, — a new field into which no novelist had penetrated — and the vigor of treatment, depth of pathos and independence of style have insured to the author last- ing admiration. When the story appeared in book form, three thousand copies were sold the first day — a second edition was issued the following week, and within a year one hundred and twenty editions had been issued in the United States. Samp- son Low, who afterwards became Mrs. Stowe's English publisher, thus records its success in England :" "From April to December, 1852, twelve different edi- tions (not reissues), at one shilling, were published; and within the twelve months of its first appearance no less than eighteen different houses in London were engaged in sup-' plying the demand that had set in. The total number of editions was forty, varying from the fine illustrated edition of 15s. to the cheap and popular one at Qd. After care- fully analyzing these editions and weighing probabilities with ascertained facts, I am able pretty confidently to say that the aggTcgate number circulated ia Great Britain and her colonies exceeded one million and a half. ' ' "It was read everywhere, by all classes of people; talk of it filled the atmosphere. Heated discussions, occasioned by it, resounded in cottage, farmhouse, business offices and palatial residences all over the land. The pity, distress and soul-felt indignation ia which it had been written, were by it transferred to the minds and consciences of its read- ers, and the antagonism it everywhere engendered, threw the social life of this country and England into angTy effer- vescence through all its strata. ' Old South Leaflets No. 82: ''The Story of TJ. T. C," p. 16. 20 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY '' Echoes of its clarion tones came back to Mrs. Stowe in her quiet home in Brunswick, returning as they had struck the world, with clashing dissonance or low, sweet tones of human feeling. "Letters, letters of all sizes, colors, directions and kinds of chirography astonished the postmaster at Brunswick by their countless numbers, and the author began to feel the nation's pulse. "Friends applauded, remonstrated, or vociferously deprecated her course. Literary associates praised the technique of the story, but thought the subject ill-chosen. Abolitionists wrote with irrepressible enthusiasm. Poli- ticians angrily expressed their amazement that her hus- band should permit her to stir up the people. Slaveholders heaped reproaches upon her and badly spelled productions, which were taken with tongs by her husband and dropped almost unread into the fire."^ William Lloyd Garrison writes to Mrs. Stowe: "Since Uncle Tom's Cabin has been published, all the defenders of slavery have let me alone, and are spending their strength in abusing you. ' ' And Charles Dickens says : ' ' Your book is worthy of any head and any heart that ever inspired a book. ' ' Charles Kingsley gives as his opinion: "Your book will do more to take away the reproach from your great and growing nation than many platform agitations and speechifyings. " One cause of the indisputed popularity of the book was its foundation upon truth. The Southerner called for facts — iproof, claimed that the book made ignorant and mali- cious misrepresentations; and to refute this, Mrs. Stowe published in 1853 the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, "pre- senting original facts and documents upon which the story "Florine Thayer McCray, "The Life WorTc of the Author of 'U. T. C.,' " N. Y., 1889, p. 105ff. INTEODUCTION 21 is founded, together with corroborative statements verify- ing the truth of the work." The Key was sought for almost as much as Uncle Tom, especially at the South, where the sales were remarkable — ninety thousand copies were published in the United States in one month. Mrs. Stowe also arranged the story for youthful readers under the title, A Peep into Uncle Tom's Cahin (1853), and in 1855 wrote an adaptation for the stage, en- titled The Christian Slave. Nor was the influence of Uncle Tom's Cabin con- fined to the United States. It crossed the seas, and within a year was scattered all over the world. It was translated and circulated in unprecedented numbers in every city, country and court of Europe ; and wherever it was read, it excited like abhorrence of the system it so vividly portrayed, kind sympathy with every effort for abolition, and aroused hearty good- will and earnest wishes for the new party of freedom. The number of translations has been variously esti- mated from twenty to forty languages and dialects. We find translations into at least twenty-one different lan- guages, as follows : Arabic; Armenian; Bohemian; Danish, two distinct-versions ; Dutch, three distinct versions and one for children — 14 separate editions; Finnish; Flemish; French,^ eleven distinct versions, two abridgements for children, and two dramatic adaptations; Hungarian, one complete version, one for children, and one versified abridge- ment; Illyrian, two; Italian, twelve versions and one for children (two editions of the Key) — 14 editions ; Portuguese; Polish; Romaic or modern Greek; Russian, two; Spanish, six (Spain, five; Mexico, one); Servian; Swedish, five for children, six distinct versions — at least sixteen editions; Wallachian, two; Welsh, three; Wendish; and in German at least seventy-five separate editions. ' Bullen, 9 versions. Lorenz Cat. 23 editions. 22 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY II. German Translations. "Wir leben sehr rasch und vergessen mit einer wiinder- baren Schnelligkeit ; nur wenig Menschen erinnern sich noch an die grauliche Periode von 1852-9," says Julian Schmidt.^" But the time has come when the German people think with pride and gratitude of the men, who in 1848 strove for unity and democracy. One of the great problems of the nine- teenth century has been that of freedom and truth and their attainment. In the German Empire the period 1830-48 marks the birth of a modern political life. Progress was rapid, as the air grew full of such watchwords as emanci- pation, humanity, public opinion, and the spectre of social revolution appeared on the horizon. '* Battle and storm advanced steadily and the liberal movement merged into an all-absorbing issue — on the one side monarchy, on the other the people ; on the one coercion, on the other freedom; on the one privilege, on the other law; on the one provincialism, and on the other national- ism."^^ But the end was discouragement, failure — not fail- ure from the broad standpoint of social progress, for a per- iod of reaction, stagnation and despair followed, which was only gradually overcome by the hopefulness of the younger generation. The influence of Schopenhauer, the father of pessimism, was heavy upon the minds of the people, and with eagerness and curiosity the book-hungry public sought any disclosure of the shame of social conditions. The news- papers, journals and books of the day were full of merciless criticism and discontent. It was this soured and despairing public that received Uncle Tom's Cabin m 1852, and read it with sympathy and enthusiasm, for it reflected the state of mind and conditions of society existent among the readers themselves. What ^^ Julian Selimidt, ' ' GescMchte der deutschen Literatur v. Leihnis tis auf unsere Zeit," Vol. I, p. 587-8, Berl., 1896. "Kuno Francke, "Social Forces in German Literature," N. Y., 1899. GEEMAN" TKANSLATIONS 23 would have been the result, if the book had reached Gerraany eight or ten years earlier? Who can estimate the flame of feeling that it would have produced? Yet we may believe, from the wide influence which we shall prove, that it helped to keep alive and deepen the desire for freedom and reform, until in the progress of social development, the hope was ful- filled. That the book was generally read in Germany is proved by the comments of the newspapers and literary journals, by the number of translations, and by the state- ments of the many people with whom we have conversed on the subject, especially of those whose relatives were in America. Mrs. Stowe was everywhere known as "die beriihmte Verfasserin von Onkel Tom's Hiitte, or ''die Humanistin", and her book was called the Evangelium der NegersMaven}^ The number of translations and editions is remarkable. We have found at least 75 separate editions in the German language; 41 distinct versions, to 16 of which the names of the translators are given ; 11 abridgements for children ; one dramatic adaptation, and one volume of illustrations. Be- sides these there are three editions in English, one of which is for school use, and one edition in French, also for schools, published in Germany. The description of the translator and his work in Hack- lander's Europdisches Sldavenleben is a fair picture of the demand for the book. The publisher cannot wait for the chapters to be translated, and the old man is obliged to work far into the night to satisfy his employer and to earn the pittance which supports his family. The publisher does not allow him the credit of having translated the story, and it appears only under the firm name. As this was fre- quently the case in publishing houses, we may infer that many of the translations of Uncle Tom, to which the name is lacking, are not simply copies of other translations, but the original work of some obscure translators. " Cf . Preussische Zeiiung, 1853, No. 24, Jan. 29. 24 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN" IN GERMANY Among the translators we meet some well-known names, as Adolf Strodtmann, poet and critic; Dr. Max Schasler, critic and ''aesthetiker"; W. E. Drugulin, bookseller and publisher. Others are not so well-known, as Carl von der Boeck and Marie von Felseneck, juvenile writers, and Mar- garethe Jacobi, translator; and of many we have only the names. The translations are in general well done, and though in most cases no attempt is made to reproduce the negro dialect, the sequence of the story is kept throughout. The illustrations which are introduced are original in some of the editions, and in others are copied from those of the English or American editions. The abridgements for children, like that of Mrs. Stowe and those published in England, recount only those parts of the story which would appeal to a child, in a simple manner intended for entertain- ment and instruction. The list of translations is as follows : (1) 1852. Onhel Tom, oder Negerleben in den Nordameri- kanischen Sklavenstaaten, v. H. B. Stowe, nach der lOten Amerik. Aufl., iibersetzt v. W. E. Drugulin. Amer- iJcanische BiUiothek, Bd. 9-12, 4 Bde., 8° (194 ; 196 ; 206 ; 215^). Leipzig, KoUmann. Wilhelm Edward Drugulin (1822-1879), Buch- u. Kunst- handler in Leipzic.^^ He also translated Hildreth's White Slave. (2) 1852. OnJcel Tom's Eiltte, tibersetzt von F. C. Nord- stern, 8°, 6 Hfte. 1. u. 2. Abdr. 1852-1853. Wien, Wenedikt. Nordstern also translated The White Slave. (3) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten des freien Nprdamerikas ; von H. B. Stowe, nach der lOten engl. original Ausg. freibearbei- tet V. Dr. Ungewitter. 240^. Leipzig, Hartleben. "Broekhaus, Conv. Lexikon. GERMAN" TRANSLATIONS 25 Onkel Tom's Hiitte, etc., in deutscher Auffassungs- weise fiir deutsche Leser bearb, v. Ungewitter; 3. Ausg., 8° m. 6. Illnstr. (Holzschn.), 240^ 1853, Leipzig, Wien (gedr.) ; Hartleben's Verlags-Expedition. Hartleben advertises this edition in the AUgemeine Zeitung, Angsburg (Beil. 331, 26 Nov. 1852) as follows: "Die zweite Anflage von, Onkel Tom's 'Hiitte n. s. w. von Ungewitter iibersetzt. Die Verlagshandlung ging von der Ansicht aus dass dieses wahrhaft epochemachende Werk sich in Deutschland nur dann eines so glanzenden Erfolges wie in Amerika und England erfreuen konne, wenn es in einer dem dentschen Sinne und dem deutschen Geschmacke anpassenden Form; das heisst, ohne Schmalerung seines wahrhaft genialen wesentlichen Inhalts, jedoch mit Beseitigung aller — bios fiir das englische dem Schanplatze der Begebenheiten nahestehende Publikam berechneten — Weitschweifigkeiten — dargeboten wird; ebenso sehr war die Verlagshandlung iiberzeugt dass eine so schwierige die genaueste Vertrautheit mit den Verhaltnissen erfordernde Aufgabe nur von einem Manne der langere Zeit in Amerika gelebt, gliicklich gelost werden konne. Die Folge hat diese Ansicht glanzend gerechtf ertigt ; der rasche Absatz der sehr starken ersten Auflage dieser Bear- beitung binnen kaum mehr als 14 Tagen spricht wohl am unzweideutigsten fiir deren allgemeine Verstandlichkeit und Popularitat. ' ' (4) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, aus dem Engl. Allgemeine deutsche Volkshibliothek. Verlagshandlung des allge- meinen deutschen Volksschriftenvereins ; Bd. 4-6; Jahrg. 5; 3 Bde. 8° (219; 228; 203^). Berlin, Dessau. (5) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder Sklavenleben in der Eepublik Amerika; gr. 8°, 357^. Berlin, Janke. (6) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten Amerikas, aus dem Engl. 3 Aufl. 2 Thle. gr. 8°, 524^ mit 6 Holzschn. Berlin, Albert Sacco. 26 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY (7) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hutte, 3 Bde. 650^ Berlin, Spring- er's Verlag. (8) 1852. Onhel Tom's Hutte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Nordamerika mit 50 lUustr. (Holzsclm.) 1 Aufl. 558^ (m. eingedruckten Holzschn., n. 15 Holzsclm. Taf.), gr. 8°, 1852. 2 Aufl. u. 3 Aufl., gr. 8°, 1853. 4 Aufl. mit Anmerkungen. Vermehrte Aufl., 1854. (XII und 420^) 8°. Leipzig, Weber. (9) 1852 Onkel Tom's HilUe, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Nordam. mit 40 Illus. Karlsruhe, Herder 'scb. Buchh. (10) 1852. Sklaverei in dem Lande der FreiJieit, oder das Leben der Neger in den Sklavenstaaten Nordamerikas ; Nach der 15 Aufl. v. Onkel Tom's Hutte, mit einem Vorworte. 4 Bde. 8°. (XVI 866^) ; dass. 4 Bde. 16°, 508^ 1852; dass. 3 Aufl., 1853. Leipzig, D. Wigand. (11) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hutte, oder die Geschiclite eines christlicben Sklaven v. H. B. Stowe. 11 Bdcbn. 16°, 1852-3. Bde. 1871-1881, das belletristisches Ausland, hg. Karl Spindler. Kabinetsbibliothek der class. Eomane aller Nationen. Stuttgart, Frankh. (12) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, Bde. 7-8, Neuer Haus-u. Familien-S chats; ErzaMungsbibliotliek fiir jedermann. 2 Bde. 650^ Wittenberg, Molir. (13) 1852. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, Mannbeimer Unterhal- tungsblatt, Belletristische Beilage zum Mannbeimer Journal. 1852, Jabrg., 5, II, No. 246, 15 Okt. bis No. 303, 21 Dec. (14) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder die Geschichte eines christlicben Sklaven, aus dem Engl, iibertragen v. L. Du Bois, 3 Thle. (176; 183; 312«). Stuttgart, Frankb. Tbe publisher of this edition advertises in the All- gemeine Zeitung, Augsburg (Ausserord. Beil. No. 351, 16 Dec, 1852), as follows : GEKMAN" TRANSLATIONS 27 " 'OnJcel Tom's Hutte/ u. s. w., aus dem Englischen iibertragen von L. Du Bois — preis 6 Kreuzer. '^Diese Ubersetzimg welche in obiger Ausgabe dem Publikum iibergeben wird, ist nnter alien bisher erscMe- nenen, die geistvollste nnd beste, weil sie aus der Feder eines Mannes stammt, der aufs innigste vertraut mit dem englischen und amerikanischen Volks- nnd Gesellschafts- leben aller Stande, den Beruf hatte di-e zahlreichen tJber- setzungs-Schwierigkeiten dieses bedeutenden Buches namentlich in seinen Volks- und Neger-Dialogen, welche ein grosser Teil der iibrigen Ubersetzer nach gewisser- massen, nicht eimnal richtig verstand, mit Leichtigkeit zu iiberwinden und das reiche Gemalde lebensvoller Charak- teristiken und spannender Situationen aufs treueste wie- derzugeben. ' ' (15) 1853. Oheim Tom's Hutte, oder das Leben bei den Niedrigen iibersetzt von H. R. Hutten, 8°. Boston (Cambridge), U. S. A. (16) 1853. OnJcel Tom's Hutte, oder Schilderungen aus dem Leben in den Sklavenstaaten Nordamerikas, nach der 35ten eng. Aufl. v. J. 8. Lowe. 2 Bde. 8°. (XI u. 264; 224^.) Hamburg, Leipzig, Kittler. (17) 1853. ^ Onkel Tom's Hiltte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten Amerikas, aus dem Engl, mit 6 Holz- schn. 3 Bde. (210; 189; 160^). Berlin, Br audi s (Falken- berg&Co.) (18) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hutte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten Amerikas, aus dem Engl. 3 Bde. 8°, mit 4 Holzschn. (210; 189; 160^). Berlin (Davids Buchh.) (Wesselmann & Co.) (19) 1853. Onhel Tom's Hutte, oder Leiden der Negerskla- ven in Amerika von Mrs. Stowe. Im Auszuge fiir das deutsche Volk bearbeitet. 55^ m. 1 Titelbild (Holzschn.), 16°. Berlin, Lassar. 28 UNCLE tom's cabin in geemany (20) 1853. Onhel Tom's Hiitte, oder Sklavenleben in den Freistaaten Amerikas, aus dem Engl. 3 Thle. 1 u. 2 Anfl., 8° (644«). Berlin, Schnitzer. (21) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hutte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Amerika mit der Biogr. der Ver- fasserin nnd einer Vorrede v. E. Burritt. Vollstandige u. wohlfeilste Steriotypausg. nebst Portrait. 2 Bde. gr. 8°(XVI448«). Leipzig, Friedlein. (22) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hutte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Amerika v. H. Stowe, geb. Beecher, nach 20 amerik. Ausg. aus dem Engl, nebst der neuen von der Verfasserin eigene fiir Europa geschriebenen Vorrede. Vollstandige u. s w. 1-10 Aufl. m. 16 Holzschn. (XVI 326«.) [1-8 Aufl. 10 ngr.; 9 u. 10 Aufl. 15 ngr.] Leipzig, Friedlein. (23) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder Sklaverei im Lande der Freiheit. 3 Aufl. mit einer original Vorrede der Frau Verfasserin, und mit einer Einleitung iiber die Sklaverei. 16°, 4 Bde. (XX 508«). Leipzig, D. Wigand. This may be the same as No. 9 with new title. (24) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, nach dem Engl, fiir die reifere Jugend bearb. v. Mor. Gans mit 11 Abbildungen in Farbendruck. Bd. 3, Neues Lese-Cahinet fiir die reifere Jugend. 8°, 216^. Pesth, Heckemast's Verlag. Moritz Gans von Ludassy (Komorn, 1829-1886 Eeich- enau) was a writer of novels and short stories especially for young people. (25) 1853. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, fiir Kinder nach dem Engl. V. Aug. Hdrtel, 48^ mit eingedr. Holzschn. Kin- der erzdhlung en, — illustrirte fiir Sommertage u. Winter- dbende. Bd. 2. Leipzig, Haendel. GERMAN TRANSLATIONS 29 (26) 1853. Ortkel Tom's Schicksal, Erzahlung fiir die Jugend. Fiir deutsche Jugend bearb. v. Max Schasler. 2 Bdchn. 8° (IV 348«), 6 Colorlith. Hausbibliothek der Jugend, Bd. 1, 2. hg. v. Hasselberg. Berlin, Hassel- berg. Dr. Max Schasler [1819-1901 (?)] was a well-lmown "Aesthetiker" and founder of the Deutsche Kunst-Z eitung . (27) 1853. Onhel Tom's Eiitte, oder das Leben der Sklaven in Amerika, nach Harriet Beecher Stowe, fiir die Jugend bearb. v. Leopold Streich, 8°, 158^. Streich's Lesecahinet fur die Jugend. Berlin, Faudel. (28) 1853. OnJcel Tom's Hutte, Erzahlung fiir Kinder bearb. Neues Bilder- u. Lesebuch. gr. 4° m. 8 lUustr. in Tondr. 20^ (colorirten Lith. m. Titelvignette). Niimberg, Lossbeck. (29) 1853. Illustrationen zu Onkel Tom's Hutte, 16 Blat- ter u. Zeichnungen v. H, Anelay, m. d. Portrait v. H. Stowe, nebst einer Vorrede v. Elihu Burritt, einer Bio- graphie der Verf as serin, und erlaut. Amnerk. zu On- hel Tom's Hutte, 8°, 16^. Leipzig, Friedlein, Zieger. (30) 1853. Onhel Tom, Amerikan. Zeitgemalde mit Oesang u. Tanz in 3 Abthlgn. nebst einem Vorspiel, nach Stowe 's Onkel Tom's Hutte , von Therese v. Megerle. Theater-Repertoire, Ifg. 26. 37^, 10 ngr. Wien, Wallishauser's Druckerei. (31) 1854. Evangeline und Neger Tom — aus Onkel Tom's Hutte, ausgewahlt fiir die liebe Jugend in Haus u. Schule mit Vorwort v. Karl Mann, gr. 8° (VII 270«). Stuttgart, Quack. (32) 1864.1* Onkel Tom's Hiltte, oder Leben unter den Verstossenen, nach dem Engl, frei bearb. v. Adolph Strodtmann, gr. 8°, 271^ Philadelphia, U. S. A., Schaf er u. Koradi. " Heinzius, 1864, Kayser, 1874. 30 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY It is probable that this translation first appeared in 1853, of Mag. filr die Lit. des Auslandes (1853, No. 68, June 7th). Adolf Strodtmann (1829-1879) sailed for America in 1852 and opened a bookstore, publishing house and lending library in Philadelphia. This business he gave up in 1854. He published Die Locomotive, in which work he was aided by Otto V, Corvin. He translated skillfully, and in easy flowing language. He caught the spirit of the language and translated idiomatically. He is known as a poet and critic. (33) 1870. Tom's Hiltte, oder das Sklavenleben in Amer- ika, fiir die Jugend bearb. v. Wilh. Kammerer, mit 4 Stahlst., 8°, 116^. Eegensburg, Manz. (34) 1875. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, frei nach dem Eng. v. A. Eltze, 8°, 296^ Berlin, Janke. (35) 1875-1879. Onhel Tom's Hiitte, oder Negerleben in dem Sklavenstaaten von Amerika aus dem Engl, libersetzt. Umversal Bibliothek, Eeclam jun. No. 961- 965; 550^. Leipzig, Eeclam. (36) 1880. Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Erzahlung aus dem f ernen Westen fiir die Jugend bearb. v. Br. Hoffmann, m. 5 farbendr. Illustr. nach orig. Zeichnungen v. C. Koch. gr. 8°, 218^. Leipzig, Drewitz. (37) 1880. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder das Sklavenleben der Schwarzen in Amerika. Bd. 36 Christliche Volksibliothek Altottling (Bayern). J. Lutzenberger. (38) 1881. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, nach dem Engl. Orig. neu bearbeitet. 8°, 320^ 1885, 8° (IV 320«). Berlin, Janke. (39) 1885. Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Erzahlung aus dem f ernen Westen libersetzt und bearbeitet v. C. v. Boeck mit 1 farbendr. Illustr. nach orig. Aquarelle, v. Marie Koch, 8°, 218^ Berlin, Drewitz. GEEMAN TEANSLATIONS 31 C. V. der Boeck (1832-1893, Berlin) is well known as a writer of stories for the young, especially in "plattdeutsch." It is probable that he translated Uncle Tom's Cabin as early as 1880, as this date is given to the translation m the list of his works. (40) 1886. Onhel Tom's HiiUe, oder Negerleben in der Sklavenstaaten von Nord Amerika, neue Ausg. 336^. Familien Bihliothek Calwer. 3 Aufl., 1899. 320^ Calw. Vereinsbuchh., Stuttgart. (41) 1888. (1) Onkel Tom's Hutte, fur Jugend bearb. v. M. Jacohi. 8°, 172^; mit 4 farbendr. Bildern nach Aquarellen v. G. Grenz. (2) 1891, dass. nach Aquarellen v. G. Franz: 8°, 172^. (3) 1893, dass. mit 4 farbendr. Bildern v. W. Hoff- mann. 3 Aufl., 8°, 172^ (4) 1899. (5) 1901. (6) 1904, same as (3). Stuttgart, Thienemann. Margarethe Jacohi was bom in Konigsberg in Pr., and from 1884 has been a translator from the Italian, French and English. She lives in Cannstadt, where she has a "pension" for girls. The translation 1897 is a new work and not a new edition of the one in 1888. (42) 1894. Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Eine Erzahlung aus dem Negerleben in den Amerikanischen Sklavenstaaten. Nach H. B. Stowe fiir die Jugend geschrieben. tJber- setzt von Heinrich Her old, mit 5 farbendr. Bildern v. W. Schdfer. 12°. 1899, 12° (72^ m. 5 farbendr.). Durns Knahenbibliothek. Wesel, W. Diims. Heinrich Her old (1863- ) is a school inspector and writer of pedagogical works in Westphalia. He also edits the "Boys' Library." 32 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEKMANY (43) 1897. Onhel Tom's Hiitte, neuiiheTsetzty. Margarethe Jacobi mit 112 Illustr. u. 1 farbendr. Bild. gr. 8°, 614^ geb. in Leinw. M. 7 — . Erschien auch in 20 Lfgn., a M. 30—1898; 1899, 3 Aufl. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stutt- gart. (44) 1897. Onkel Tom's Hutte, nach dem Engl. Original bearb. v. H. Trescher. 342% No. 1098-1102 Bihliothek der Gesammtliteratur des In- u. Auslandes. Halle, 0. Hendel. E. Trescher (1849-1891 (?) ) was a journalist and writer of short stories. (45) 1898. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten in Amerika. 8°, 240^. Illustriert v. Pet. Geh. Berlin, Fz. Schulze. 1902, dass. m. 5 (3 farbendr.) Taf. Berlin, E. Gahl. (46) 1898. Onkel Tom's Hutte, fur die Jugend bearb. v. Marie v. Felseneck. 8°, (160% m. 4 farbendr.). Berlin, A. Weichert. Marie v. Felsenek und Wilhelm Forster are the pseudonyms used by Frl. Maria L. Mancke (Leip- zig, 1847 — ) in Berlin. She began her career as a teacher in Leipzic, then wrote sketches for the newspapers, and since 1893 her greater works have appeared, all of which are juvenile literature. (47) 1898. Onkel Tom's Hiitte, nach der original Erzah- lung fiir die Jugend; v. Gustav Heine mit 5 autotyp. nach Originalen von Karl Miiller. gr. 8°, 222^. 1903, neue Ausg. 8°, 208^ Berlin, H. J. Meidinger. (48) 1899. Onked Tom's Hiitte, fiir die Jugend bearb. v. Klaus Bernhard. 8°, 80^, m. 4 Farbendr. Stuttgart, G. "Wiese. GEKMAN TRANSLATIONS 33 (49) 1900. Onkel Tom's Hutte, das weltberiilunte Buch iiber das Elend der Negersklaven (v. H. B. Stowe) ; neu iiber setzt v. Hildwig Andrae Massenausg. 12°, 555^. Verlag der akadem. Buchh. W. Faber & Co. Ber- lin, Westend. (50) 1901. Onkel Tom's Hutte. Eine ErzaMimg fiir die Jugend nach H. B. Stowe, neu bearbeitet mit 4 Voll- bildern n. 18 Federzeichniingen v. Alb. Geyer. 8°, 239^. 1904 neue Ausg. M. 2.50. 1904 neue Ausg. Volksaufl. M. 1.50. Leipzig, Abel u. Miiller. (51) 1903. Onkel Tom's Hutte, unter Mitwirkung v. Munchgesang, neu bearbeitet v. 0. Hoffman. 8°, 124^, m. Abb. u. Farbendr. Stuttgart, W. Nitzsche. (52) 1904. Onkel Tom's Hutte, bearbeitet von G. Rei- chard. 8°, 223^, m. Abb. u. Farbendr. Berlin, Verlag Jugendbort. (53) 1904. Onkel Tom's Hutte, neu bearbeitet v. TJ. Ment- zel. 8°, 96^. Berlin, Verlag Jugendbort. (54) 1905. Onkel Tom's Hutte, frei nach dem Engl, bear- beitet V. E. V. Feilitzsch, 8°, 224^ Volksausg. M. 1.50. Prachtausg. Kunstdr. Beil. M. 2 — . Frl. Emmy v. Feilitzsch is a translator of English and French works in Augsburg. (55) 1906. Onkel Tom's Hutte, nach Harriet Beecher Stowe fiir die Jugend bearb. v. Rud. Reichardt. gr. 8°, 24^, m. 5 farbendr. Berlin, Globus Verlag. (56) 1906. Onkel Tom's HUtte, nach Harriet Beecher Stowe fiir die Jugend bearb. m. 4 Bunt.- u. 32 Text- Bildern v. Willy Planck iiber s. v. Petersen {Geo. Pay- sen). 8° (VII 150^), dass. m. 32 Textbildem v. W. Planck, Volksausg. 8° (VII-150«)^ 2 Aufl. 1906. Stutt- gart, Loewe. 34 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY (57) 1907. Onkel Tom's Hiltte (v. Harriet Beecher Stowe), oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten v. Amerika; bearb. v. Otto Zimmermann. 8°, 298^. Leip- zig, 0. Spamer. (58) 1908. Onkel Tom's Hiltte, v. H. B. Stowe iibersetzt und fiir die Jugend bearbeitet v. Willi. Lehr. Mit Titel- bild V. E. Fiedler, kl. 8°, 96^ In 1001 ErzdMungen fiir Jung unci Alt. Berlin, H. Hilger. Editions in other languages published in Germany: (1) 1852. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher-Stowe, with a new preface expressly written for this edition, authorized for the continent of Europe. 2 vols., No. 243, 244. Collection of British Authors. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz. (2) 1889. Uncle Tom's Cabin, a Tale of Life among the Lowly. 8°, 382^. Leipzig, Gressner u. Schramm. (3) 1895, 1898, 1902. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Modern English for Schools. Biogr. Sketch and Notes, by Heinr. Saure. vocab. (also Little Lord Fauntleroy, by F. H. Burnett). Vol. I of Modern English Autliors, ed. by H. Saure. 8°. Berlin, F. A. Herbig. (4) 1853. Abrege de I'Histoire de I'oncle Tom a 1 'usage de la jeunesse. 212^. Vol. XXIV. Bibliotheque petite francaise au choix des meilleurs ouvrages de la litera^ ture moderne a l' usage de la jeunesse, suivi d'un ques- tionaire par Mme. A. Bree. Leipzig, Baumgartner. Translations of the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin: (1) 1853. Schliissel zu Onkel Tom's Hiltte, enthaltend die Original-Tatsachen und Beweisstiicke, auf welche die Erzahlung gegrundet ist, nebst neuen Darlegungen, welche die Wahrheit des Werkes bekraftigen. Aus dem Engl. 8°, 4 Thle. (XXX, 591^). Berlin, Duncker u. Humblot. NOTICES AND REVIEWS 35 (2) 1853. Schlussel zu Onkel Tom's Hutte, u. s. w. Leip- zig, Fock. (3) 1853. Schlussel zu Onkel Tom's Hutte, u. s. w. Bd. 5. Neue Volksbibliothek, hg. v. Aug. Schrader. 8°. Leip- zig, Friedlein. (4) 1853. Schlussel zu Onkel Tom's Hutte, u. s. w. 8°, 448^. Leipzig, Zieger. 1853. Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Vols. 266-267. Col- lection of British Authors. Leipzig, Tauchnitz. III. Notices and Eeviews. 1. Circulating Libraries' and Publishers' Notices. ^'Wer hatte nicht Stowe's Onkel Tom's Hiltte gelesen! Das Aufsehen welches das Buch gemacht ist einzig!"^^ This seems to be the opinion of the majority of the news- papers and journals of Germany. The lending libraries advertised the book in their latest accession. ''Leihbibliothek von Gustav Oehler, Onkel Tom's Hutte."^^ ''Leihbibliothek von Wilhelm Meek in Konstanz, Onkel Tom's HUtte."^'^ One reader waited impatiently for another to finish, and the volumes soon became so dilapidated that new ones were bought to replace them. Hardly any novel has had so great a popularity as this — surely no American novel — is the testimony of librarians. Booksellers and publishers say that new editions could not be printed rapidly enough to supply the demand. An average of 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 books were produced in Germany in a year says Unterhal- tungen am Hduslichen Herd,^^ and in 20-25,000 copies was Uncle Tom scattered. " Allgem. Zeitung, Augsb., 1852, No. 351, Dec. " Intell. Blatt d. fr. Stadt. FJcft. 2 Beil. No. 237, 6 Oct., 1852. " Konstanzer Zeitung, 1852, Beil. 307. 1" 1854, No. 46, p. 735, 36 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY Hartleben in Leipzig gives to the public the following notice : ' ' Diesen ausserordentlichen Erf olg konnten wir bei der ungeheueren Concnrrenz von deutschen Ausgaben nicht vor- sehen, weshalb mehrere Bestellungen nicht expedirt werden konnten. Aus dieser Verlegenheit hat nns die Sommer 'sche Druckerei in Wien geholfen, welche diese zweite Ausgabe (15 Bogen) binnen 3 Tagen durch Anstellung von 10 Setz- ern in Beihilfe eines Teiles ihrer 8 durch Dampfkraft ge- triebenen Schnellpressen hergestellt hat. Es ist nun wieder ein hinreichender Vorrat auf unserem Leipziger Lager, um jede Bestellung sogleich expediren zu konnen."^^ In "E'wro^a"2o we read that "Onkel Tom's Hiitte wird bald in den Handen aller Menschenfreunde sein"; and We- ber, the publisher, in Leipzig advertises the book as the most famous of the day.^^ A notice of the Tauchnitz edition expresses the usual wonder at the great popularity of the book, and adds : ''Es versichert uns ein glaubwlirdiger Buchhandler aus der zuverlassigsten Quelle, dass in Deutschland einige zwan- zig Ubersetzungen erschienen oder angekiindigt sind. Et- was zu diesem Erfolg tragt freilich die krankhafte Neigung zu graulichen Dingen bei ; im AUgemeinen aber hat er doch eine solide Grundlage; er beruht auf einer gerechten sitt- lichen Entriistung. "^^ Of the two translations into German, which were pub- lished in America, the one by Adolf Strodtmann is the best, from the point of view of language — and naturally so, when we consider that Strodtmann was a critic and poet as well as translator ; but it was not recognized by Mrs. Stowe, be- cause it was made without her permission. Thus it is evi- " Allgem. Zeitung, Augsb. 1852, Beil. 331, 26 Nov. ^» 1852, No. 92, 11 Nov., p. 735. ""■Allgem. Zeitung, 1852, No. 495, Dee. 25, p. 416. =^ Grenzhoten, 1852, IV, p. 317. NOTICES AND KEVIEWS 37 dent that the * ' Schwarmerei fiir Uncle Tom's Cahin^', as Rudolf GottschalP^ calls the popularity of the book, also affected the Germans in America. 2. Newspaper Comments and Critical Reviews. In the perusal of the newspapers of the years 1852 and following, we find a host of short notices of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Nearly every discussion of social conditions, in which a reference is made to slavery, mentions the book. The notices in English papers were translated and copied over and over again. Eeports of the great sale and demand of the book, sketches of the author's life, descriptions of her personal appearance, and notes on her journey to England and the Continent abound. ''Die Verfasserin von Onhel Tom's Hiitte kommt zum Besuch nach England. Wenn sie auch einen Abstecher nach dem Continent macht, wollen ihre sammtliche tJbersetzer als Vorspann fiber den Canal dienen ! "^^ Some of the notices are favorable and appreciative, some sarcastic and ironical, and all recognize the power of the writer and the influence of her work. An example of both favorable and unfavorable criticism will serve to illus- trate this, as follows : ''Vielleichl sind die Grausamkeiten, welche in Onhel Tom's Hiltte berichtet, vereinzelt da und dort vorgekom- men, aber die blind-fantastische Schriftstellerin hat daraus ein literarisches Monstrum geballt, und in eine verhangniss- voUe Frage die giftigste Bitterkeit gebracht."^^ In an entirely different tone is the following short criticism : ''Das Buch ist politisch-geistlicher Tendenz. Die un- geheuere Sensation welche diese Schilderungen der Greuel des Sklaventums in den freien Vereinigten Staaten machen =^ Blatter fur lit. Unterh., 1853, I, No. 2, Jan. 8, p. 35. 2^ Preuss. Zeitung, 1853, No. 10, Jan. 13. =« Mannh. Unterh. Blatt., 1855, II, No. 295, 299, Dec. 12, 17. 38 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEKMANY musste, ist erklarlich und entschuldigt den Mangel an Zu- sammenhang, in dem es fast mehr aneinander gelegte als ineinander verflochtene Scenen bietet. * * * ^^i^ kon- nen es in jedes Haus empfehlen, da es in echt cliristlichem Geist geschrieben ist. Evangeline und ihren Tod kann man ein wirklich cbristliclies Bild nennen, ' ' The Mannheimer Unterhaltungshlatt published the story as a serial from 1852 No. 246 Oct. 15, to No. 303 Dec. 21, with the following announcement : ' ' Wir teilen hiermit un- sern Lesern den beriihmtesten Eoman mit, welcher seit vie- len Jahren erschien. Kein Buch hat in diesem Jahrhunderte solches Aufsehen erregt wie dieser amerikanische Eoman, der an Naturwahrheit alle anderen Eomane libertrifft. ' ' We could continue to quote notices and references to the author and her work, but these examples suffice to show how much the public mind was occupied with the story and how deep an impression it made. Revieivs of Uncle Tom's Cabin appeared in the literary journals and magazines shortly after its appearance in translation, and they present some interesting criticism on the subject, its treatment and the characters. Eudolf Gottschall in Blatter fur literarische Unterhal- tung,^^ criticizes the book fairly from the point of view of literary value : '^ Uncle Tom's Cabin kann wenigstens keinen Anspruch darauf machen ein Kunstwerk zu sein and ein vorwiegend asthetisches Interesse zu beschaftigen und zu befriedigen. * * * Die Handlung hat sogar keine concentrischen Kreise, keinen Mittelpunkt; es sind zwei Handlungen die parallel nebeneinander herlaufen." * * * Whereupon he sketches the story and adds : ''Die Fabel ist spannend. Mrs. Stowe versteht zu er- zahlen und fiir ihre Gestalten zu interessiren. " The treatment of the slave-question he discusses in the following : ' 1852, No. 2, p. 35-6, Jan. 8. NOTICES AND EEVIEWS 39 ''Eine Frau bemachtigt sich dieser Frage, schildert in lebendiger, dramatisclier Wirklichkeit das Leben der Sklaven, riihrt und ergreift durch geschickt angelegte Sce- nen,entwickeltmit einer an Eaffinement grenzenden Scharfe Alles was die Gemiither der Sache der Unterdriickten giinstig stimmen und gegen das harte Gesetz nnd seine oft rolien Vollstrecker emporen kann, * * * Mrs. Stowe hat das Anathem der Humanitat auf die Sklavengesetze geschleudert ; sie hat ihr Werk mit der Begeisterung eines edeln Herzens geschrieben. ' ' In conclusion Gottschall gives as his opinion of the book: "Ein Baustein zu sein am Tempel der Humanitat, das ist das dauernde Verdienst des Uncle Tom's Cabin und in diesem Sinne mag es uns in Deutschland willkommen sein." The Allgemeine Zeitung discusses the subject of slavery in America and speaks with enthusiasm of Uncle Tom. ''Wir haben seit langer Zeit kein Buch gelesen das uns so tief ergriffen, so anhaltend gefesselt hatte wie, Uncle Tom's Cabin von Mrs. H. B. Stowe; wir iibersehen so manche Unebenheiten der Sprache iiber der tiefen Natur- wahrheit, welche in diesem Buche von Anfang bis zu Ende waltet. Die Abolitionisten-Partei in den Vereinigten Staaten kann der Verfasserin eine Biirgerkrone votiren; denn eine machtigere Bundesgenossin als Mrs. H. B. Stowe und ihren Eoman hatte sie nicht bekommen konnen. Dieser Roman verdient die ungeheuere Popularitat die er so rasch in zwei Weltteilen, in Europa wie in seiner Heimat erlangt hat; denn aus dem Leben gegriffen, greift er wieder tief ins Leben hinein. ' ' Of the characters the critic says : ''Welch eine der grossartigsten Dramas wiirdige Hel- dengestalt ist dieser Georg ! " Allgem. Zeitung, Augsb. 1852, Beil. No. 281, 7 Oct., 282, 8 Oct. 40 TJlSrCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY And of St. Claire: "Dieser Character ist ausserordentlicli instructiv; wie uberhaupt die meisterhafte Schilderung des Lebens auf St. Clare's iippigreichen Besitznngen beweist wie die Ver- fasserin mit der feinsten und umfassendsten Kenntniss der Menschen und der Gesellschaft im allgemeinen, zugleich ein Fond von Phantasie und Poesie vereinigt, der sie den bedeutedsten Dichtern der nenern Zeit an die Seite stellt." Of Eva and Topsy : ''Welch' eine reizende Gestalt ist diese kleine 'Evan- gelina', ein wirklicher Evangelist in Kinderkleidchen ! * * * Ein Seitenstiick zn diesem atherischen Kinde, bil- det die gnomenartige Gestalt der kleinen Topsy. Sie ist die umgekehrte Mignon. ' ' Finally the reviewer concludes, after remarks upon the question of slavery, with the words : ''Dieser Eoman kommt nns wie ein Mahnzeichen der neuen an die alte Welt vor. ' ' In Minerva^^ we find a review, over fifty pages in length, which discusses in detail political affairs in Amer- ica and relates the story of the book with some criticism. Of the general impression of the book the writer says : ''Es fehlt dem Bnche der Mrs. Stowe an Einheit * * * aber was kiimmert sie sich um Knnst, Literatur, Einheit der Composition; ihr Buch ist ganz anderer Zwecke wegen geschrieben. ' ' Another critic says :2® ''Mrs. Stowe wird ims fortan schon ein herzgewonnener Name bleiben, weil ihr Buch so ausserordentlich reich ist an den lieblichsten Charakterzugen und den rtihrendsten Situ- ationen. * * * gie hat verstanden der ganzen gesitte- ten Welt, die Leiden der Neger an's Herz zu legen." One critic says Mrs. Stowe does not solve the problem *» Minerva, ein Journal fiir GeschicMe, Politih n. Literatur, v. Dr. Friedrich Bran, Jena, 1852, IV, p. 267-321. ''Unterh. am Edusl. Herd, Gntzkow, 1853, No. 7, p. 1 flf. NOTICES AND EBVIEWS 41 whicli she vividly describes — ^bnt others agree that this was not her purpose.^^ Two reviews consider the book more a hindrance than a help to the cause of anti-slavery; one calls the author a writer of an ' ' empfindsamen Roman" and the whole work * ' empfindendes Stowethum"; the other says she tears open the half -healed wounds of the South instead of pouring oil upon them;^^ yet neither can deny her talent as shown in the work. A writer for the Freiburger Zeitung^^ gives a different opinion of the book : ''Das Buch ist aus einem edlen, frommen Prauen- und Mutterherzen hervorgegangen * * * und es ist eins der erhebendsten Zeichen der Zeit, dass ein solches Buch sich rasch einen so universellen Leserkreis sichern konnte. Nur eine Frau und — abgesehen davon dass es sich zunachst una amerikanische Zustande handelt — vielleicht nur eine Ameri- kanerin, die sich auf einer f esten religiosen Basis mit um so grosser er Sicherheit und Unabhangigkeit bewegen kann, mochte das Buch haben schreiben konnen." The general opinion of all the reviewers and critics is / that the book is unique, and because of that fact and because i ^^ of its political and social ''tendenz" it was bound to be circu- 1 lated and read, and it left behind a picture of the black race, ■ which could not be banished. The negro characters are con- sidered by all well drawn, and to form a ''gallery of black faces ".^^ Those of the slave traders are wondered at and by some thought to be unusual, but their truth to nature is not doubted. Mr. Shelby and Mr. St. Clare are recognized as types of slave owners in the South, who had not the moral courage to free their slaves. Mrs. St. Clare is thought to be a type of woman not restricted to the Southern States of America, but found in every circle of society. Miss «* Morgenhlatt fur geUldete Leser, 1853, No. 19, p. 449-451, Mar. 8. '^ Neue Preuss. Zeitung, 1852, No. 279, Dec. 1. ^"1853, No. 52, 2 Mar., p. 205-6, "Frau B. St. u. ihre Familie." ^ Gottschall, Bl. f. lit. UnterJi., 1853, No. 2, p. 35 ff. 42 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY Ophelia is the Puritan. Uncle Tom is the negro preacher, while little Eva is dwelt upon by all as a poetical figure — a ''Mignon", and Topsy as her opposite. The broadminded and intelligent readers recognized the power of the book in the cause of freedom, while those soured by discouragement and disappointment regarded it jealously as an intruder, and criticised the public taste ; but the public, sympathetic and liberty-loving, felt the deep earnestness of purpose of the writer, which appealed to their best motives. IV. ''Uncle Tom's Cabin'', in Poetry and Music. A novel which has great circulation and popularity, fre- quently has influence which shows itself in further develop- ment in poetry, music or the drama. In the Badische Landeszeitung, 1853, No. 47, February 25, we find the following verses : "Hat es je solche Kinder gegeben, wie Eva? Ja ; doch ihre Namen stehen immer auf Grabmalerei ! " — Onkel Tom's Miltte. 1. Evangeline ! tausend, tausend Grlisse Send' ich Dir nach in Deine Lichtgefilde; Mein Herz, verweilend gern bei Deinem Bilde, Erkennt und liebt in jedem Zug Luise ! 2. Du Wesen eins, der fleckenlosen, reinen, Die eingehiillt in iiberird'sche Schone — So duftig sind und zart dass alle Tone Und Farben dieser Welt nicht wiirdig scheinen ; 3. Sie zu besingen, oder sie zu malen — Erscheinung voller Hohheit, wie voU Siisse, Evangeline Du und Du Luise ! Umgeben nun von ew'ger Glorie Strahlen. 4. Luise, theures Kind Du meiner Seele ! Evangeline, Kind der fernen Zone, Ihr, liebend nun vereint vor Gottes Throne — Zu meinen Engeln ich Euch Beide wahle. ■ UNCLE TOM 's CABIN IN POETKY AND MUSIC 43 5. Luise Du und Du Evangeline, Aus Liclit iind Duft gewobene Gestalten, Die arnie Erde konnte Eucli nicht halten, Sie — aller Sclionheit, alles GMcks Euine! 6. ^ir weinen und wir klagen; denn wir nennen Es sterben, wenn ein Engel zielit von hinnen, Ach ! an der Aussenwelt liang-t unser Sinnen — Wie soUten wir denn Enren Himmel kennen? In the "Fraukfurter Theater Almanacli, herausgegeben von Ernst Gotzler fiir 1854, Frankfurt am Main", we find a humorous poem, by Moritz Gottlieb Sapliir (1795-1858), entitled OnJcel Tom's Hiltte. Heisa, juchheisa ! Heisasasa ! Da sind wir im gottlichen Amerika ! Wandert hin, wandert hiniiber, wandert aus ! Dort lebt man frei, dort lebt man im Saus ! Dort gibt's keine Haslinger, keinen Stock! Dort gibt's keinen Priigel, keinen Block; Dort braucht man keinen Heimatsschein, Dort regiert bios die — die Peitsche all ein! Welch' freies Yolk! "Welcher Schwung! Die Peitsche schwingt dort Alt und Jung! Das ist ein Volk ! so frei und so brav ! Mit Fiissen getreten wird nur — der SMav'! Das ist ein Volk! dort gibt's Menschenrecht! Mit Fiissen getreten wird nur — der Knecht ! Wie schmeckt dem freien Mann' die Zigarre im Mund; Wenn er den Sklaven dabei ziichtigt wie den Hund, Dem Nasenstiiber entflieht einzig der Deutsche; Und findet dort driiben lieblich — die Peitsche! Of the literary quality of these verses we will not speak. They simply show the wide-spread interest in the book and its subject. The following ballad, entitled Elisa, by Georg Linley, may be a translation from Bnglish,^^ but we believe it to be original in this form : ^*mustr. Zeitung, 1852, II, No. 491, p. 349, Nov. 27. t^ 44 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEEMANY 1. Die Mutter, ihr Kind im Arme, Springt verzweifelnd in den Fluss ; Das Knablein ihren Hals umschlingt, Das Eis kracht unterm Fuss ; Die wilden Wogen rauschen schrill, Doeh vom Geschick bedroht Dass man das Kind ihr rauben will, 1st siisser ihr der Tod, 1st siisser ihr der Tod. Refrain : Sie weiss, dass Gott im Himmel thront Und Er sie nicht vergisst, XJnd Mutterlieb' im Herzen wohnt, Wiewol sie Sklavin ist. Und Mutterlieb' im Herzen wohnt, Wiewol sie Sklavin ist. 2. Ohnmachtig, wanken Schritts Erreicht sie das erwiinschte Land ; Ein heisser Thranenstrom bezeigt, Dass sie an sicheren Strand. Sie drtickt ihr Knablein an ihr Herz — Doch wohin kann sie nun? Wo findet sich ein Freund? Schmerz, Wo soil die Arme ruh'n? Wo soil die Arme ruh'n? Refrain — as above. This ballad is given with the music in the lUustrirte Zeitung, and is advertised by Weber in Leipzig as one of the "Gesdnge zu OnJcel Tom's Hutte, Lieder und Balla- den mit Pianofortebegleitung von Georg Linley. Inhalt: 1, Elisa; 2, Georg; 3, Evangeline; 4, Eva. Wie die Bilder zu diesem die ganze civilisirte Welt aufregenden Romane die Gestalten und Scenen desselben illustriren, so diese Lie- der, die Gefuhle. Der Componist hat damit nicht als ge- lehrter Musiker glanzen; er hat die einfachen aber tiefen Empfindungen des Naturmenschen im Volkston ausdriicken woUen, und das ist ihm vortrefflich gelungen. Wer nur etwas Stimme und Musikkenntniss hat, kann die Melodien vom Blatt singen; wer nur etwas Klavier spielt, kann die UNCLE TOM's cabin ON THE STAGE 45 Begleitimg ebenso leicht dazu ausfiiliren. Alle aber, die diese Lieder horen, miissen auf s tiefste davon ergriffen werden. Wie der Eoman in einer bisher beispiellosen Weise sich bereits verbreitet hat, imd die Tausende von Neuer- schienenen Exemplaren im Augenblicke wieder von dem Publikum verscblnngen werden, so werden auch diese Lie- der dazu ihres bedentenden Interesses, ihrer leichten Aus- fiihrlichkeit nnd ihres tiefen, in's Herz dringenden Aus- drucks wegen eine Verbreitung finden, wie wohl anch im Gebiete der Musik noch kein Beispiel vorhanden sein mochte. ' ' These ballads show to what extent the interest of the public was given to Uncle Tom. Not only in ballad form was music used to illustrate Uncle Tom — or perhaps in this case Uncle Tom was an illustration to the music! F. L. Schubert, a writer of popular music, published three ''polkas" entitled, 1, Topsy, I came from Alabama; 2, Elisa, When I libd in Tennessee; 3, Chloe, Now niggers listen to me; and we find them also advertised by "Weber in Leipzig.^^ V. "Uncle Tom^s Cabin", on the Stage. 1. In German Theaters in America. Uncle Tom's Cabin has been frequently dramatized, and has been presented upon the stage in every leading city in America for over fifty years, and by some of the most famous American actors and actresses. Even now some five hundred actors live by this play alone, and nothing in- dicates a cessation of this marvelous popularity, though, perhaps, it does not attract exactly the same class of people that it did in the earlier days.^^ The German dramatization by Megerle was presented ^ Illustr. Zeitung, 1853, II, No. 542, p. 172-3, Sept. 10. ^"^ Fifty Years of 'Uncle Tom,' " b7 F. 0. Arnett, Munsev's Mag., 1902, p. 897-902. 46 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY in German theaters in the United States, as their records show. For example, in Philadelphia the following presenta- tions are recorded :^'^ 1856— May 31. D. N. T. Melodeon, 201 Chestnut Street. Stowe-Birch-Pfeiffer, Onkel Tom's Hutte. 1857— March 23. D. N. T. Stowe-Megerle, Onkel Tom's Hiitte. 1858 — September 15, 16. V olkstheater , 215 Coates Street. Stowe-Megerle, Onkel Tom's Hutte. 1864— April 27, 28. Philadelphia Stadttheater, between Fourth and Fifth Street, on Callowhill Street. Stowe- Megerle, Onkel Tom's Hiitte. 1874— February 23, 25; 1875, March 1. Deutsches Theater in der Turner Halle. Stowe-Megerle, Onkel Tom's Hutte. 1879 — May 8, 9. Germania Theater. Stowe-Megerle, Onkel Tom's Hiitte. 2. In Germany. There are at least five distinct dramatizations of Uncle Tom's Cabin in German, and probably more adaptations. The only one published was the work of Therese von Megerle, which appeared in Wien, 1853. She was the writer of plays and short stories, Therese Megerle von Miihlfeld (Pressburg, 1813-1865, Wien).^^ Notices of this dramatization appear in December, 1852,2^ and it is probable that it was ready for stage use before its publication. The following is a list of the presentations of Uncle Tom's Cabin in Germany, gathered from the study of theater advertisements and almanacs.^*' ^' Lewis, The German Stage in Philadelphia (in mss.), Prof. M, D. Learned, Univ. of Penna. ^Pataky, Lex. deu. Frauen d. Feder, Berlin, 1898. ^^Fkt. Intell. Blatt, 3 Bail. 1852, No. 308, Dec. 29. Grenzioten, 1852, IV, p. 479. ^A. Heinrieh, Deu. Biihnen-Almanach. UNCLE TOM's cabin ON THE STAGE 47 1852-1853. 1. Aachen, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hutte. Novitat. 2. Augsburg, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte^^ 3. Ballenstedt, Herzogliches Hoftheater vereinigt mit dem Stadttheater in Halberstadt. Onkel Tom's Hiltte. Novitat. 4. Berlin, Konigstadtisches Theater, Charlottenstr. 90. Here the dramatization by G. Dankwardt and W. Kahleis — dramatische GemMde mit Gesang in vier Aden, with music by Hauptner, was presented seven times, according to the Neue Preussische Zeitung; and another adaptation en- titled Barbier und Neger, oder Onkel Tom in DeutscJiland, Posse mit Gesang in zwei Acten von Ernst Nonne ; also with music by Hauptner was advertised once. A critic speaks of the former dramatization as follows : ^^ Onkel Tom's Hiltte ist ein sehr schwacher Eoman, aber es ist eine interessante, wenn auch eine unerfreuliche Schrift, und es fragt sich, ob es iiberhaupt wohlgetan, sol- chen Stoff auf die Biihne zu bringen. Da indess die riistige Tatigkeit der Abolitionisten-Partei dem Buch auch in Europa die weiteste Verbreitung verschafft hat, so konnte die Dramatizierung nicht ausbleiben, und wir miissen zu- geben, dass die Arbeit der Herren Danckwardt und Kahleis keine ungeschickte ist. Aus ihren eigenen Mitteln haben die Bearbeiter den Berliner Pelzhandler, Fritz Griibler, hin- zugetan, aber die wirkliche poetische Figur im Roman der Mme. Stowe, Evangeline, fehlt in der dramatischen Bear- beitung. "^^ 5. Berlin, '^^ Vorstadtisches Theater — Onkel Tom's Hutte. Novitat. 6. Bremen, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiltte. Novi- tat. «^1852, No. 300 bis 304, 1852, No. 1-7, 11-12, Dec. 25-Jan. 15. ** Neue Preuss. Zeitung, 1853, No. 5, Jan. 7. "Europa, 1853, No. 5, p. 32. 48 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY 7. Brunn, Konigl. stadtisches Theater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Novitat. 8. Cohlenz, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hutte. 9. Danzig, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Ilutte. Novitat. 10. Elbing, Stadttheater, vereinigt mit dem Stadtthea- ter zu Marienhurg — Onkel Tom's Hutte. Novitat. 11. Frankfurt am Main, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom. Schauspiel in 4 Abteilungen, frei bearbeitet von Olfers.^^ This dramatization seems to have been presented in Frankfurt only once with the result that, in the words of a critic, ''am Schlusse des Stiickes hat sich das Publikum in zwei Lager geteilt und wahrend die eine Partei die Mit- glieder hervorrief , zischte und pfiff die andere. "VVenn iiber- haupt der Roman Onkel Torn sich zu einer Biihnenbearbei- tung eignet, so miissen wir der uns hier gebotenen Bear- beitung jedenfalls hier den Vorzug vor den Anderen geben, da sie biihnengewandt und mit kundiger Hand gearbeitet ist, und die Hauptmomente des Romans in kurzen Skizzen in gedrangter Kiirze uns vorfiihrt. Wir glauben dass trotz der von einigen Wenigen gemachten Demonstrationen On- kel Tom ein fiir die Direction ganz ergiebiges Sonntags- stiick werden diirf te. ' '^*'' 12. Freiburg, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom. Schauspiel von Dr. Olfers.^'^ 13. Funfkirchen, Stadtisches-privilegirtes Theater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Schauspiel. 14. Gorlitz, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Novi- tat. 15. Gross-Beezkerek, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiit- te. Novitat. 16. Hamburg, Vereinigte Theater — Onkel Tom's Hiit- te. Novitat. ^FM. Theater Almanack, hg. v. Ernst Gotzler, 1854; Fkt. Konv.-Blatt, 1853, No. 42, 43, 44, Feb. 17, 19, 21; Fkt. Intell.-Blatt, 1853, 4 Beil., No. 41, 42, 45. *' Fkt. Intell.-Blatt, 1853, 8 Beil., No. 45, Feb. 23. « Freib. Zeitung, 1853, No. 43, Feb. 19. UNCLE TOM's cabin ON THE STAGE 49 The adaptation for the stage used here was by Wall- heim, according to Europa.'^^ 17. Herniannstadt, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom. Melo- dram. 18. Kaschau, Stadttheater — Onkel Toyn. Novitat. 19. Klagenfurt, Standisches Theater — Onhel Tom. Novitat. 20. Komgsherg m Preussen, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom. Novitat. 21. Laibach, Standisches Theater, verbunden mit dem Theater in Triest — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Schauspiel. 22. Leipzig, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Schau- spiel.^^ 23. Lemberg, k. k. priv. graflich Skarbek'sches Thea- ter — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Schauspiel. 24. Lins, Landstandisches Theater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Schauspiel. 25. Lissa in Posen — Eeisende Gesellschaft ; Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Novitat. 26. Magdeburg, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hiitte. Novitat. 27. Mamz — Onliel Tom's Hiitte. Schauspiel bearbeitet von Olfers.^^ 28. Miinchen, Neues Vorstadttheater in der Aue — Onkel Toyn's Hiitte.' For the popularity of the play in Miinchen speaks the fact that it was presented twice daily, thirty times. In the following year (1854) it was given in the Volkstheater in der Miillerstrasse as Onkel Tom. Novitat. 29. Oldenburg, stadtisches Theater — Onkel Tom. Novi- tat. 30. Prag, konigliches standisches Theater — Onkel Tom. Novitat. *^Europa, 1853, No. 11, p. 88, Feb. 3. *»Europa, 1854, No. 14, p. 112, Feb. 10. '»Main£:er Journal, 1853, No. 42, 43, Feb. 18, 19: Bhein. Blatter, 1853, No. 54, 55, Mar. 5, 6. 50 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY 31. Presshurg, konigliches standisches Theater — Onkel Tom. Novitat. 32. Rostock, Stadttheater, vereinigt mit den Aktien- theatern zu Stralsund und Greifswald — Onkel Tom's Hutte. Schauspiel. 33. Troppau, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom's Hutte. Schauspiel. 34. Tyrnau, konigliches stadtisches Theater — Onkel Tom's Hiltte. Novitat. 35. Wien, k. k. priv. Theater in der Josephstadt — Onkel Tom. Novitat. 36. Wiesbaden, Stadt- u. national-Theater — Onkel Tom. Novitat. 1854. 1. Bremerhafen — Onkel Tom's Hiltte. Novitat. 2. Kronstadt, Stadttheater — Onkel Tom. Novitat. 3. Miinchen, Volkstheater, Miillerstrasse — Onkel Tom. Novitat. It is probable that a representation was given in Baden- Baden, according to a notice in the Badische Landeszeitung , 1853, August 13, which says the theater director was wounded in the right arm by a shot during the performance * As a *'Puppen-komodie" — Uncle Tom appeared in Berlin in Hotel de Eussie as ''Onkel Tom, der Berliner Neger- sklave! Posse in drei Acten."^^ It would be interesting to attempt to group these pres- entations according to the dramatization, and it is probable that in those theaters in which the adaptation was called a ''Schauspiel", the dramatization followed was that of Olfers, and in those in which it was called ''Novitat", that published in Wien by Megerle. It is possible that the one best known was that used successfully in Berlin. However, it is a matter of conjecture and cannot be proved ; but it is certain that many theaters from which no detailed reports ^^Neue Preuss. Zeitung, 1852, No. 283-300, Dec. 5-25; 1853, No. 6, 7, Jan. 8,9. UNCLE TOm's cabin ON THE STAGE 51 of performances are to be found in the theater almanacs, also presented the play, following the dramatization best known to them, and adapting it, as it was necessary, to suit the public taste. The popularity of the play in Germany was due to its great vogue as a novel, and also partly to its friendly recep- tion on the stage in Paris and London, which was frequently noted in the papers. "Der Eoman, OnJcel Tom's Hutte, ist nicht nur in die meisten europaischen Sprachen iibersetzt, sondern hat jetzt audi Eingang auf die Pariser Biihne gefunden. Es sind nichts weniger als drei Melodramen, zwei Vaudevilles und selbst eine Oper aus diesem situationsreichen Stoffe schon fertig. Das Libretto fur das theater lyrique ist auch schon unter den Handen des Componisten Adam. — Im konig- stadtischen Theater zu Berlin ist bereits ein Stiick, Onhel Tom's Butte, auf dem Eepertoire."^^ Again we read in the Morgenblatt fur gebildete Leser under heading : ^'Korrespondenz und Nachrichten aus Paris. Onkel Tom's Hutte auf der Buhne. 'La case de Poncle Tom' ! Sech- zig Male hat dieses Stuck das ziemlich grosseHaus uberfullt, ohne dass die Zuschauer miide geworden waren, die Tiraden der Negersklaven zu beklatschen und wahre Strome von Thranen iiber deren ungliickliches Schieksal zu ver- giessen."^^ We see, therefore, that Uncle Tom's Cabin is one of the fortunate, realistic novels which enjoyed a popularity not only between the covers of the book, but in a more life-like form on the stage, both in its own and in foreign lands. •^^ FranTcfurter Intell.-Blatt, 4 Beil., 1853, No. 7, Jan. 9; Beil. Heidelb. Journal, 1853, No. 4, Jan. 9. 6» 1853, No. 19, May 8, p. 449-451. 52 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY VI. Influence on Literature. 1. Hackldnder. The novel in Germany during the period of reaction showed two directions of development under the influence of pessimism ; toward the past, in the historical novel, which described the glories of idealized by-gone days, and to the present and future, in the psychological, '^Tendenz- und Zeit-Roman", the novel with a purpose, which laid bare the evils of all stages and conditions of the present, and prophe- sied a dark and gloomy future. The writers of the latter kind of a novel eagerly accepted any new "motif" which the social life offered at home or abroad. The subject of slavery had not been used as a theme in the German novel, and the natural result of the immense popularity of Uncle Tom's Cabin, together with the peculiar state of the public mind, was imitation and borrowing. "Es sollte einmal Einer eine europaische Onkel Tom's Hutte iiber das weisse Elend schreiben",^* was the wish ex- pressed by several reviewers, and this was the purpose of Hacklander in his Europdisches Sklavenleben.^^ Friedrich Wilhelm Hacklander (1816-1877) experi- enced during his life all stages from poverty to wealth, and thus became intimately acquainted with all classes of society from the poorest to the titled rich. An orphan at twelve years of age, he was first an apprentice, then a soldier, then a clerk, and later a poor, struggling author, until he was noticed and patronized by nobility. In his travels with the Crown Prince of Wiirttemberg, his powers of observation ^ Saga, 1853, No. 5, July 31, p. 37. ^See J. Franck, Allgem. deu. Biogr., Bd. 10, p. 296-7; Aug. Henneberger, Bl. fur lit. TJnterh., 1853, I, 577 ff.; Meyer's Convers. Lex., 3 Aufl., 1876, VIII, 403-4, gives list of works and dates: Rudolph Gottschall — Die deu. Nat. Lit. des 19 Jhts., Breslau, 1872, 3 A,ufl., Bd^ 4, 406-11; Eeferences are made to Europaisches, Slclavenleien, illustr. v. Arthur Langhammer, 3 Bde., Stuttg. Krabbe, 1885. Reviews of Europ. SMavenl.: Litt. Centrll, hrsg. v. Zarnke, Lpz., 1855, Apr. 7 and 14, p. 225; Bl. fiir lit. TJnterh., 1854, p. 258; Allgem. Ztng. Augsh., Beil. No. 56, Feb. 25, 1854; No. 287, Oct. 14, 1854; Neue Preuss. Ztng., Beil., 1854, Apr. 20, No. 92; May 5, No. 105; Sept. 22, No. 222. INFLUENCE ON LITEKATURE 53 developed, which served him well in his later works. After 1849 he wrote for the Allgemeine Zeitung for a time, and from then on his novels appeared in quick succession until his death in 1877. In his earlier writings, Hacklander at- tempts little more than to entertain his readers ; but in his novels his knowledge of life had deepened, and he tries to open the eyes of society blind to the atrocious evils which existed in its circles, and he censures and rebukes in de- scription and discussion. He is the " Tendenz-Schrif t- steller. ' ' Hacklander 's Europdisches Sklavenlehen (Stuttgart, 1854) is one of his more important works, and, as its title signifies, treats of slavery, not of the negroes in America, but in every possible circle of society in Europe. Eich and poor, educated and ignorant, he says, wear the chains of a servitude from which they are powerless to free themselves ; and they bewail their condition as worse than that of the negroes who are cared for by their masters, while they are the white slaves of circumstances. The scenes of the story alternate between the lowest and the highest classes of society with vivid description, but comparatively slow action. Many characters are intro- duced somewhat in the Dickens manner, and the thread of the story is therefore sometimes difficult to follow. The working class and the aristocracy are the two general divi- sions into which the characters may be divided. The former group consists of the translator, Herr Staiger, his daughter, Clara, the ballet dancer and her friends, and the book pub- lisher and his clerks. The aristocracy presents the Duke, Baron Brand, Graf Fohrbach and the artist, Arthur Erick- son, together with others of the court. These and more appear and play a role in the intrigue and conspiracy, the object of which is to show that every life has its dark side and its tragedy. The titles of the chapters are suggestive : Vol. I. 3, Shlavinnen; 7, Sklavenlehen; 33, Shlavenge- schicJiten; 38, Goldene Fesseln; 45, SJclavenhandel; 63, Skla- venloos. 54 UNCLE tom's cabin iisr Germany Hacklander discloses the suffering among the inmates of the ''children's homes", among the struggling authors who have to resort to translating in order to win bread for their families, among the dancers in the theater — ^in fact, he throws light upon every side of poverty with which he was acquainted; and, on the other hand, he shows how the rich suffer through dependence upon others, and through their own dissatisfaction with life. This suffering, he says, is due either to circumstances or the mutual oppression of the classes, and is a kind of slavery just as real and horrible as that of the negroes. The ballet dancers discuss their lot in life and consider themselves slaves :^^ "Es ist ein Leben in vielen Fallen schlimmer als das einer wirklichen Sklavin ; ist diese traurig, ist ihr Herz von Kummer und Schmerz zerrissen, so ist es doch ihrem Herrn gleichgiltig, ob sie die Lippen zusammenbeisst, ob eine Trane iiber ihre Wangen herabtrauf elt ; aber die Tanzerin muss lachen, muss vor den Lampen eine Gliickseligkeit heu- cheln, wenn auch ihr Herz dariiber brechen mochte. — Es ist wahr, eine Sklavin wird wie eine Waare untersucht, ihre Gestalt, ihr Wuchs, ihre Augen, ihre Zahne werden gepriift, aber das geschieht nur einzige Male in ihrem Leben; die Tanzerin dagegen muss sich allabendlich von dem gesamm- ten Publikum untersuchen lassen! Jedes Glas richtet sich scharf auf sie und jedes Auge prlift genau die Formen ihres Korpers, um dem Nachbar sagen zu konnen, 'Sie ist schoner geworden', 'Sie bliiht auf, oder, 'Sie nimmt ab, es geht zu Ende mit ihr. ' " The dancers feel their life more hard and bitter than that of the black race, because they are separated from their own race by birth and circumstances. They discuss Uncle "Freilich habe ich es gelesen, und die Absicht der ' Vol. I, ch. 2, p. 15. ■ Vol. I, ch. 3, p. 31 ff. INFLUENCE ON LITERATUEE 55 Verfasserin ist gewiss lobenswert; aber lacherlicli ist es, wie man bei uns dafiir scbwarmt, wie man sich an fremdem, vielfach eingebildetem und iibertriebenem Elend wollustig erlabt, wahrend man dicht vor der Nase dasselbe in noch viel grosserem Massstabe hat. * * * ich kenne Leute, die nach der Sklaverei so vielen Tausend Meilen von sich ausschauen und die zu Hause dariiber stolpern; die das Elend jener ungliicklichen Menschen taglich und stiindlich beklagen, und die in ihrem Hauswesen und fiir ihre Mit- menschen selbst die scheusslichsten Sklavenhandler sind." The old translator sighs as he bends over his work, when he thinks of the oppression of the negroes, but he sighs deeper when he looks around his bare room, and hears his little motherless children asking for bread :^^ '' 'Mir scheint', sagte der alte Mann an seinem Schreibtisch, indem er seine Feder einen Augenblick an- hielt und durch die Brille nach dem Tisch schaute, 'Wir be- kommen noch ein Nachtessen. Ei, ei ! das ist, obgleich Ver- schwendung doch sehr wohltatig. Auch trifft das prachtig mit meiner Arbeit hier zusammen; ich iibersetze namlich gerade ein Souper in Onkel Tom's Hutte, und es ist sonder- bar, wenn ich von Essen und Trinken schreibe, da bekomme ich einen starken Appetit. * * * Dieses Innere von OnJcel Tom's Hiitte ist als recht komfortabel geschildert und kommt Eiuem gar nicht so unrecht vor; es ist ein anstan- diges, f estes Gebaude, mit einem kleinen Garten davor ; auf dem Herde lodert ein Feuer und verbreitet in dem Zimmer eine behagliche Warme * * * schon die Idee eines Ka- mins hat etwas hochst Behagliches * * * Tante Chloe steht am Kiichenfeuer und aus ihrer Bratpfanne hervor dringt der Greruch von etwas Gutem ; sie hat eben noch ein Stuck Speck hineingetan, und bemerkt dass der Kuchen sich wunderschon farbt * * * jfj^\ es ist etwas sehr Vortreffliches um so einen Kuchen!' " Hacklander expresses his own feeling in regard to ' Vol. I, ch. 6, p. 64. 56 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY slavery and especially the slavery among the readers of Uncle Tom, which they failed to recognize, through his char- acters as we have seen and will further understand in the conversation of Herr Staiger.^^ He bewails the fact that the very readers who waste tears over a book, do all that is in their power to oppress those under them. He says the book is unique and well-fitting to America, where the agita- tion for freedom of the slaves is active, but in the other countries, where the book excited great feeling of sym- pathy, the readers had not the courage to look around them and see a greater misery. He praises Mrs. Stowe's object: ''Die Verfasserin, eine Amerikanerin, Augenzeugin des von ihr geschilderten Sklavenlebens hatte gewiss die schon- ste und lobenswerteste Absicht", but he does not believe that she had any thought of ''das Publikum mit Onkel Tom's Hutten zu uberschwemmen, in Wort und Bild, in Ge- sangen und Theaterstucken. " "Da haben sie aus dem Buche ein Lied gemacht. Es behandelt den Moment, wo die Sklavin, Elise, mit ihrem Kinde uber die auf- und abschwankenden Eisschollen des Ohios flieht — allerdings eine entschlossene und schone Tat. "Dieses Lied ist nun von irgend Einem zierlich in Mu- sik gesetzt und wird jetzt schmachtend gesungen von Tau- senden deutscher Frauen und Jungfrauen zu den Akkorden eines Klaviers oder dem Geklimper einer Guitarre, sich selbst und den Zuhorern unaussprechlichen Verg-niigen ; und es ist eine Heldentat, deren Vorbild man Tausende von Mei- len weit herholen musste, weil nichts Ahnliches aufzuweisen ist im lieben Vaterlande * * * i^b habe eine Mutter gekannt, die hat fiir ihr Kind noch unendlich mehr getan, und man hat sie nicht gepriessen in Biichern und Balladen. Dieses Weib war ein armes ungliickliches Weib, und ob- gleich sie nicht von Sklavenhandlern gejagt wurde, so jag- ten sie doch noch viel grimmigere Feinde, Not und Hunger. * * * J){q Sklavin entging nicht ihren Ver- " Vol. I, ch. 7, p. 76 £e. INFLUENCE ON LITEKATURE 57 folgern, sie wurde jenseits ihres mit schwimmenden Eis- schollen bedeckten Ohio's niclit von freundlicher Hand aufgenommen. Die weisse Sklavin erhielt fiir sich und ihr Kind kein warmes Zimmer, kein gutes Bett; sie fiel der straf enden Gerechtigkeit anheim ; sie ist verschwnnden nnd verschollen; kein Buch beschreibt ihre grossere Tat, keine Ballade besingt ihr Elend und das ihres Kindes." In such burning words does Hacklander show us his sympathy for the poor and suffering and his contempt for those who are only willing to look on them at a distance, and are to a large extent themselves the cause of the dis- tress and poverty which surrounds them in their neighbor- hoods. The author says :^^ ''AUe sing Sklaven, alle haben keinen freien Willen, auch die nicht welche stolz auf uns herabblicken ; und je hoher sie stehen, desto herber fiihlen sie ihre Sklaverei. ' ' The rich are the slaves of their money, and often of ill-health — and in the higher classes of society they are slaves of fashion and custom. There words, pleasant looks and smiling lips are only masks which hide, under gold and flowers, sick heart; "Und so hangen alle Menschen an einer gewaltigen Kette, vom Bottler bis hinauf zum Konige, Ja — alle, alle sind Sklaven!" The book-dealer Blaffer, in conversation with his clerks complain s„ that his best books will not sell, and adds:®^ *' "Wenn Onkel Tom nicht ware, oder ein Paar gangbare Dumas 'schen Eomane, so sollte mich der Teuf el holen, wenn ich nicht langer deutscher Buchhandler bliebe. Da haben wir vierzig anstandige Bestellungen auf die Hiitte. * * * Ich hatte nicht gedacht, dass der Sklavenhandel so ergiebig ware. Es ist doch was Schones darum, wenn man so jeden Posttag seine vierzig Schwarze behandelt.' " He calls his clerks slaves and himself the master, and he acts the part well, although in the scene in which the •»Vol. I, ch. 7, p. 83. « Vol. I, ch. 12, p. 142. 58 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY artist makes arrangements to illustrate the book, while Herr Staiger is discoursing on slavery,^- he becomes uneasy, and winces visibly when the personal side of the subject is shown. He is a fair picture of a slave dealer — indeed, as the artist sat talking, he busied himself with sketching him as such, and afterwards when the chief clerk found the paper, he waved it in the air and said : " 'Sehen Sie, da steht er, wie er leibt und lebt, der Sklavenhandler Blaff er ; und auch wir sind nicht vergessen, mich hat er auf Ehre als Onkel Tom dahin conterf eit. ' ' '^^ The artist considers his own life as a hard one, because he is dependent upon the court for patronage, and says, Uncle Tom ought to be satisfied with him, since he does not return the blows which he receives. He also is a slave of circumstance.^^ His brother, Alfons, feels himself the slave of his wife's whims — ^while she in turn pities herself as an ''elende Sklavin".*^^ She is the Mrs. St. Clare of the book. The author says of Alfons: "Er sah sein Leben dahin- ziehen in einer Abhangigkeit, in einer Sklaverei, arger als die, welche mit hochgeschwungener Peitsche zur ange- strengsten Arbeit treibt. ' ' The Duke sighs over the continual whirl of life at the court :^^ " 'Aber ich! — Dienst! — Dienst! — Dienst! — von Mor- gens Friih, wenn ich meine Augen offne, bis Nachts wenn ich sie wieder schliesse ; und auch dann noch oft keine Euhe, denn ich traume davon. Eine wahre Sklaverei ! ' " Graf Fohrbach also complains :^'^ " 'Freiheit! Freiheit! * * * Ja, Sklaverei ist das rechte Wort ; und wenn die Ketten auch von Gold oder Sil- ber sind, Ketten sind und bleiben sie doch einmal ! ' " *° Vol. I, ch. 13, p. 163 ff. <» Of., also Vol. II, ch. 39, p. 34-5, Vol. Ill, ch. 73, p. 179-180. <"' Cf . Vol. II, ch. 53, p. 256-7. «= Vol. I, ch. 14, p. 187-8. «» Vol. II, ch. 55, p. 281. «' Vol. II, ch. 56, p. 312-3. INFLUElSrCE ON LITERATUEE 59 Baron Brand confesses :^^ *' 'Ich war Herr imd Gebieter iiber Tausende von Sklaven.' " So with bitterness and sarcasm HacMander pictures society and censures not only its follies and weakness, but its deliberate cruelty. In nearly every chapter he mentions Uncle Tom, and in many places Mrs. Stowe also. The con- ditions of society he describes in detail. It needs a second Mrs. Stowe, he says,*^^ to show to the world to what an alarming extent the blind seeking for pleasure is driven — and especially in the cities : ''Es ist das ein Kapitel, welches in keiner Sklavenge- schichte fehlen darf, und das auch in Onkel Tom's Hiitte vorkommen wiirde. ' ^'^^ The negroes know no difference among themselves, he adds, yet are perfectly conscious of the line between them and the white race, though they do not desire to cross this boundary. In European society the lines of division are drawn by birth and circumstances, false lines which ought not to exist. An amusing incident concerning Mrs. Stowe is found in the first volume.'^^ Several of the theater attendants are talking with an old man who describes a pretended journey to America, during which he had seen Mrs. Stowe. He says she lived in a house next to a ^'Wirtshaus zum weissen Eoss", and that he was received in a friendly manner by her when he called. He describes his entertainment at din- ner, at which the dishes, etc., were of amber, d piece of which he convincingly shows as the end of his pipe. Being asked if Mrs. Stowe was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, he answers, "She feeds her hens and geese, and darns her children's stockings, but never thinks of writing a book." To his question, who was the author? he reports the answer : «« Vol. Ill, ch. 64, p. 15. «9 Vol. I, ch. 28, p. 370. ^»Vol. I, ch. 28, p. 377. " Vol. I, p. 240 ff . 60 UNCLE TOM's cabin IN GERMANY ^' 'Icli hab' es niclit geschrieben. Ich kenne aber den Ver- fasser; es ist von einem pietistisclien Pfarrer in Ehein- Preussen!' " The purpose of this scene, aside from that of amuse- ment to the reader, is to show the foolishness and falseness of reports about America, and the gullibility of old travel- ers, who may or may not have been in the New World. Also here is seen, as is true of the whole book, the sarcasm with which Haeklander treated the people who showed enthusi- asm and sympathy for America in her struggle with slavery, when there was a similar condition with them at home. This irony was not directed in particular against Mrs. Stowe or her book, but against the general movement of ' ' Schwarmerei flir das Fremde". Haeklander expresses the purpose of his work as fol- lows :'^2 ''Der geneigte Leser, den wir nun einmal in die Ge- heimnisse eingefiihrt, kann auch von uns verlangen, dass wir ihm ferner mitteilen. * * * y^[y tun dies um so lieber, als wir ihm dadurch der Tendenz unserer wahrhafti- ■gen Geschichten gemass beweisen, dass kein Mensch auf dieser Welt der Sklaverei entgeht und im Stande ist, be- standig seinen Willen durchzusetzen, nicht die Bettler, nicht die Hochsten dieser Erde." The influence of Mrs. Stowe 's Uncle Tom's Cabin upon this novel may be characterized as inspiration and imita- tion of purpose. The subject of slavery had been brought before the' public in a concrete and stirring form in Uncle Tom, and that only about one year before, and the enthu- siasm for the book not only astonished Haeklander, but led him to write his own feelings on the subject. He did not attempt to imitate the characters, unless it may be said that the wife of Alfons represents Mrs. St. Clare, and the old translator, Uncle Tom ; but these characters are types just as those in Uncle Tom. He did not, it is true, offer a means " Vol. II, ch. 38, p. 26. INFLUENCE ON LITEKATUEE 61 to alleviate the suffering which he describes, but neither did Mrs. Stowe, and in this the two works are alike. Both books are a description and representation of social conditions — both plead for their betterment. The book was popular, for the public now demanded ''Sklavengeschichten", and because Uncle Tom's Cabin was at the height of its popularity. The fact that Hacklander had already made a name for himself as a writer was also a factor which made the circle of readers larger. It is plain that Hacklander wished to satisfy the public taste, and at the same time express his opinions of slavery in general, and had Uncle Tom's Cabin not been written, we can safely say that Europdisches Sklavenleben would also not have come into existence. In America the book was adapted for the theater by Germaner and was presented April 4, 1865, at the Stadt- theater, and July 20, 21, and August 2, 1877, in the Turner Halle in Philadelphia. '^^ The influence of Uncle Tom upon Hacklander 's work was at once detected by the readers and critics, as will be seen by a glance at the reviews. In nearly all notices of Europdisches Sklavenleben, Uncle Tom is mentioned, and a comparison drawn. In Bldtter fiir literarische Unterhal- tung,'^'^ the review is entitled, ' ' ein deutsches Seitenstuck zu Onkel Tom". Here the reviewer shows that Hacklander was dependent upon Mrs. Stowe for inspiration and that he tried to fulfill the wish expressed by reviewers of her book for a German Uncle Tom — a description of European slavery. The critic says: ''Wer sucht bei uns Sklaverei und Sklavenhalter, Sklavensignalement und Sklavenhetze, die Sklavenpeitsche und das Sklavenbrandmal ? Doch hat Hacklander die Entdeckung gemacht, dass es mitten unter uns, in unsern so wohl organisirten und beaufsichtigten '^Lems, The German Stage in Philadelphia, in Ms., cf. Prof. M. D. Learned, University of Pennsylvania. '* Bl. f. lit. Vnth., 1854, p. 258. 62 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEBMANY Staaten, Scharen von Sklaven gibt, welche genau beselien noch ungliickliclier daran sind als die scliwarzen Sklaven in Amerika, etc." The reviewers consider the book somewhat overdrawn, yet written by one who has a Hterary reputation, it could not fail to find readers. 2. AuerbachJ^ Another novelist who came into the circle of Mrs. Stowe's influence is Berthold Auerbach (1812-1882), known and loved through his Schwarzivdlder Dorfgescliichten, which aroused a new interest in the life of the common people. Most of his novels have a well-defined political, democratic or social purpose, and this is so in the one which interests us here in connection with Mrs. Stowe, Das Land- haus am Rhein (3 Bde. Stuttg. 1869). The Civil War had been over in America for about four years, and Germany was watching the work of reconstruc- tion of the Union, and how America was trying to solve the problem of what to do with the freedman. It is not to be wondered, therefore, that Auerbach, a strong champion of freedom, as seen even in his early DorfgescMcliten, should be affected by the struggle in the New World, and should discuss the slavery question. The two problems which he tries to solve in this novel are the education of a millionaire's son and daughter, and whether the father, who had been a slave-trader and slave- murderer, should be raised to the nobility. Growing out of the latter are the effect upon the children of the knowledge of their father's past life, and the attitude of society in Germany toward him as a representative of the slave-party in America. The characters of the novel fall into three groups — the Americans, those of higher society, and the philosophical. "Auerbach: AUgem. deu. Biogr. I; Julian Schmidt, CharaMerMlder aus der zeitgenoss. Literatur, Lpz., 1875, p. 37-49; Eudolf Gottschall, D. deu. Nat. Lit. des 19. Jhts., Bd. 4. 3 Aufl., Breslau, 1872, p. 340-352; Brief e an seinen Freund, Jakob Auerbach, hg. v. Spielhagen, Frankfurt, 1884, 2 Bde. INFLUENCE ON LITERATUEE 63 In the centre of the first group stands Herr Sonnenkamp, a German by birth, who had been engaged in the slave-trade in America. He returned to his fatherland after becoming very wealthy, and built a beautiful mansion, Villa Eden, on the banks of the Ehine. He then seeks admission to a higher rank in society through the influence of gold. He is por- trayed as a proud, ambitious and arbitrary man, whose one good quality is love for his children, who, coming to Ger- many as a stranger, is respected and .feared by people in general because of his wealth and generosity, but is some- what avoided by the circle which he wishes to enter, because of the mystery which surrounds him. His wife, Frau Ceres, is a weak, childish woman, the daughter of the steward on a slave-ship, which her husband had formerly owned, and her only important part in the story is, that in a fit of anger she tells her daughter, Manna, something of the past history of her husband, and so embitters the girl's life that she goes to a convent, intending to become a nun. The boy, Roland, does not inherit his father's coarse- ness and egotism, but has a fine, sympathetic nature. His education rests with his tutor, Erich Dournay, who is the centre of the philosophical group. Erich's mother, the wife of a professor, and represented as an ideal woman, before whom all bow, and her son, who is an indefatigable student and teacher, act as ''balance-wheels" in the household at ViUa Eden. The nobility group has for its head Graf Klodwig, who is also philosophical and learned in the classics. It is through his means and those of his wife, Grafin Bella, that Sonnenkamp endeavors to enter the higher circle. Through this desire the past life and true character of the roillionaire is revealed. He wears an iron ring on his right thumb to hide a scar caused by the bite of a slave whom he threw overboard when his ship was pursued, and this scar serves as a part of the evidence against him, for at the critical moment, when he is about to be made Baron, this negro re- 64 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY appears in the service of a Prince, recognizes his former master and is with difficulty restrained from killing him. This scene, of course, removes all possibility of the fulfill- ment of Sonnenkamp's desire, and here is seen the attitude of the people toward slavery. Sonnenkamp is ostracized, avoided by his best friends, servants and even by his own children, and at last is mobbed by the people of his neigh- borhood, until he sees that only one course is left, to flee from his home. One morning he and Grafin Bella, the only person who seems to be influenced by him, and who in turn exercises a strong power over him, are not to be found. They go to America and take part in the Civil War on the Confederate side and thus meet their death. The children. Manna and Eoland, feeling the stain of their father's past upon them, and willing to give up their lives to remove the curse which he had brought upon them all, also go to America with Erich Dournay. The love of the latter for Manna keeps him faithful to them when he recoiled from their father, and he proves himself a true guide and helper. Eoland and Erich enlist in a negro regiment, and live to return to Villa Eden. The influence of Uncle Tom's Cabin upon this novel is seen in the characters and in the discussion of the slave question. Sonnenkamp resembles the slave-dealers Haley and Legree and the thin veneer of refinement and courtesy which partially veils the innate coarseness and savagery of his nature only makes his egotism and cruelty the more hateful and repulsive to the reader. He firmly believes in slavery as an institution, as did the slave-owners of the South, since it had brought him his wealth ; and no argument can shake his conviction that the black man is anything more than an animal and to be treated as such. He may be said to be an example of the '' new-rich" type, gaining money by fraud, extortion and ill-use of his fellowmen and exulting in his gains. He is called by von Pranken, the brother of the INFLUEIsrCE ON LITEEATUEE 65 Grafin Bella — ''Massa Soniieiikainp".'^^ Again, when Eo- land begs to be released from his father's embrace, he re- members how Dr. Fritz, a German who had known him in i\merica, had said,'^'^ "0 you, who root out the love of parents and children among your fellowmen, how can you hope to be loved by your own children?" The words now cut him to the quick, and at this moment the parrot calls out, ''God bless you, Massa!" like the voice of a spirit and sends a shudder over him, just as he. tries to forget the black pages of his life. On every side he is questioned in regard to slavery, be- cause he is known to have been in America."^^ Whether the negroes have souls is discussed, and what the race may become in the future, and always Sonnenkamp takes the view of the Southerner. Graf Klodwig expresses the opinion,^'' "ich glaube, dass Amerika zur Vollendung einer grossen Tat berufen ist : zur Tilgung der Sklaverei von der Erde". And in the discussion after the reading of Othello Sonnenkamp grows more and more excited, and finally sur- prises all by an outburst :^" "Gib' Deine Tochter einem Neger, tu' das! tu' das! Ftirchte jede Stunde dass er Dein Kind zerfleische ! Tu' das ! edler Menschenf reund ! Dann komme wieder und sprich von Gleichheit der weissen und der schwarzen Eacen ! ' ' The character of Eoland is shown in his words to his father :^^ "Vater! Ich habe eine freie Seele! Ich bin Dein Sohn, aber meine Seele ist frei ! " The boy was born in America and has a faint recol- lection of being carried in the arms of a slave, and a song 'Vol. I, bk. I, p. 16. 'Vol. I, bk. IV, p. 216 and 224; Vol. I, bk. II, p. 91. ' Vol. II, bk. VI, p. 29. ' Vol. II, bk. VI, p. 33. > Vol. II, bk. XIII, p. 129 ff. ^ Vol. II, bk. XIII, p. 136. 66 UNCLE tom's cabin in qeemany which he had heard the negroes sing haunts his memory.^^ He reads the books of the day, including works of Theodore Parker and the life of Benjamin Franklin, which prepared his mind for the reading of Uncle Tom, which did not occur until after he had learned the story of his father's past, and the latter had fled from home.^^ "Roland las jetzt zum ersten Male Onkel Tom's Hutte; er weinte Tranen dariiber, aber bald richtete er sich auf und fragte: Was ist das? Den Gepeitschten und Misshan- delten an Vergeltung im Jenseits weisen, wo der Herr des Sklaven geziichtigt und der misshandelte Sklave erhoht wird? Wer gibt die erlittene Qual zuriiek! Wer entscha- dig"t ihn fiir die Gefangenschaft, die er erleiden musste, um dann als unschuldig erkannt zu werden ? ' ' Manna is of the same deep religious nature as Eva. She is represented as older, however, a girl of the same simple, gentle manners, who suffers intensely from the knowledge that her father is not the ideal which she had believed him to be, and because she herself is thought to be a quadroon by her schoolmates, who avoid her companion- ship. She determines not to use her father's money until he declares that the children's share was gained through honest means. The feeling of the people, touching slavery and the cause of the South, is seen throughout the book from the sentiments expressed directly and indirectly, especially when the dramatic story of Sonnenkamp's life is printed in the newspapers and read by all his friends and neighbors. The scene in which Villa Eden is attacked by the mob is a striking illustration :^^ *'Es wurde Nacht; da tonte ein Geheul, ein Gejohte, ein Pfeifen, Rasseln und Klirren, wie wenn die Holle losgelas- sen ware. Sonnenkamp richtete sich auf. Bei Fackelschein sah er wunderliche Gestalten mit schwarzen Gesichten. «^Vol. II, bk. 2, p. 122. "Vol. Ill, bk. XIV, p. 247. " Vol. Ill, bk. XII, p. 135 ff. INFLUENCE ON LITEEATUEE 67 Was ist das? 1st das Einbildung ? Kommen sie heran, die Geschopfe mit Menschengestalt aus der f ernen Welt ? 'Hinaus, aus dem Land' muss er !' rief es von unten. ^Zu seinen Schwarzen soil er!' 'Wir wollen ihn holen und sckwarz anstreichen ! ' 'Wo ist err ' Gebt ilin heraus, oder wir zerschlagen alles ! ' Sonnenkamp eilte auf den offenen Balcon; da horte er die Stimme Erichs, der mit gewaltigem Rufe die Menge ermahnte. '1st Einer unter Euch, der sagen kann, was Ihr wollt, der trete vor. ' Ein Mann mit geschwarztem Antlitz, den Erich nicht sofort erkannte, trat vor. 'Was wollen die Menschen?' ' Sie wollen, dass Herr Sonnenkamp, oder wie er heisst, unsere Gegend verlasse und wieder dahin gehe, von wo er gekommen ist. ' ' Hinaus soil er ! ' 'Und meine Wiese soil er mir wiedergeben ! ' ' Und mir meinen Weinberg ! ' ' Und mir mein Haus ! ' So rief es da und dort aus dem Haufen. 'Ihr Manner, was habe ich Euch denn getanf rief Son- nenkamp. ' Menschenf resser ! ' ' Menschenverkauf er ! ' ' Menschenhandler ! ' schrie es aus der Versammlung. 'Hinaus soUst Du!' 'Hinaus! Hinaus!' " Here we have a picture of the rage of the people against the slave-trader, and in Uncle Tom's Cabin we read of the anger of the slave-owners and traders against the fugitive slaves and all who helped them in any way to escape. The flight and pursuit of Eliza and George might be compared to this scene. 68 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEEMANY It is evident that Auerbach had read and appreciated the book of Mrs. Stowe in the height of its popularity, for he mentions the book. How far he was influenced in the Landhaus am Rhein is difficult to state definitely, for he mentions other contemporary writers on the subject of slavery. For his portrayal of the character of Sonnen- kamp he is undoubtedly indebted to Mrs. Stowe. A slave- trader transplanted to Germany, a Haley or Legree in high society, could scarcely have been so well described without the help of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The character of Manna suggests that of Eva; that of Frau Ceres, Mrs. St. Clare, the idle, the useless, whimsical woman. But aside from the characters, the opinons expressed in regard to slavery in the discussions which arise are identical in sentiment. Both arguments for the North and for the South are introduced, and we believe that in this Auerbach was influenced to some extent by Mrs. Stowe. From the novel we can plainly recognize the attitude of Auerbach 's mind in regard to the political conditions in America, and what his course of reading has been, and his sympathies must have been greatly aroused to lead him to express himself so strongly on the slave question. Das Landhaus am Rhein served as a medium through which he expressed his views in character, dialogue and reflection. 3. Minor Writers. The public mind during the period of the popularity of Uncle Tom demanded stories of America and particularly of slave life. The book dealers and writers saw that their other books would sell slowly as long as this demand lasted, and the result was a great number both of translations of English imitations and or original German stories, which were written by authors little known under the inspiration of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Among these minor writers there are two very distinct imitators which deserve special attention. They are ''Sir INFLUENCE ON LITEKATTJKE 69 Jolm Eettcliffe" — not the original, but an imitator whose real name was Bernhard Hesslein,^^ (Hamburg, 1818-1882, Friedrichshagen bei Berlin), journalist and writer of short stories, and Ludwig Gothe,^-^ (Potsdam, 1835-1881, Moabit bei Berlin), who through the help of Fanny Lewald became a writer of sketches for the newspapers and later of novels. (a) '^ReUcliffe^\ or Hesslein. Two novels, "Abraham Lincoln" and '^Jefferson Davis^\^^ by Hesslein, were influenced by Mrs. Stowe. In the former the influence is not as marked as in the latter, except that the name ''Eva" is used for one of the char- acters. The second may be justly called an imitation. It is divided into three parts: 1, ''Der Teufel von Five Points"; 2, ''Der Negerbaron"; 3, "Das weisse Haus"; and pre- sents a continuation of the life of Uncle Tom. The author attempts to show the social and political conditions in the United States shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War. The portrayal of the life is as the author conceives it from his reading of contemporary books — not from observation. He quotes Cooper's North America and Kapp's History of Slavery, but it is Mrs. Stowe whom he follows in delineation of character and expression of sentiment. The scene is first laid in New York, then in the West and lastly in the Capitol. In the first part, life in New York, particularly in that part known as the "Five Points", is described in detail; together with the work of the aboli- tionists in their cause, and the risks and dangers which they experienced in consequence of efforts to aid fugitive slaves. The principal negro character is that of Uncle Tob, or Mr. Tobias Jonathan, as he humbly requests to be called, point- ing to his certificate of freedom. He is a co-worker of the abolitionists and a strong friend of the slaves, and in his *^Fr. Briimmer, Lex. deu. BicMer u. Prosaisten d. 19. JMs., 2 Bde., Lpz., Eeclam, 1896. ^^J. B. social-polit. Eoman «. d. amerih. BurgerTcrieg, v. Bernliard Hess- lein, Lpz., 1866-7, 70 UNCLE TOM's cabin IN GERMANY role of preacher he finds more than one way to aid them. He lives in a house which has underground passages and rooms, in which he hides his friends, or imprisons the en- emies to the cause of freedom. He is a Christian, but does not hesitate to shoot down his foe when it is necessary to save his own life or that of a friend. He quotes the Bible frequently, and in ordinary circumstances is quiet and thoughtful like Uncle Tom, but when occasion for action comes he shows Uncle Tom's strength and coolness. Uncle Tob's wife is Dinah, not the proud and self- sufficient Dinah of the St. Clare kitchen, but a broken- hearted mulatto woman, who continually grieves for her little Eva, who was torn from her and sold into slavery. Bob, Uncle Tob's youngest child, is still held in slavery. He is the Topsy of the story, and is called a monkey by his master, and he seems one generally, but be- hind the mischief and deviltry is an extreme hatred of the white oppressors, and a feeling of revenge for the suiferings of his race, which he cold-bloodedly puts into action when- ever he has an opportunity. His pranks continually amuse and his mocking laugh follows the reader, but, though he is a much more intelligent character than Topsy, he is a very improbable one. Eliza is here called Ella. She is a mulatto girl who has been stolen from her home by a slave-dealer, and res- cued by Uncle Tob and Bob after the latter killed the son of her master in her protection. For this crime she is ac- cused. The slave-trader and her master are drugged and imprisoned by Uncle Tob, and when the house is searched, she is hidden in a secret underground room, and later res- cued by her father, a white Abolitionist. This search by the police is a counterpart of the attack upon the fugitives in Uncle Tom's Cabin, In both situations the leader of the attacking party is killed, and the fugitives barely escape. In character Ella is represented like Eliza, resolute in face of danger, although somewhat younger. INFLUEITCE ON LITERATURE 71 Bianka, the wife of an abolitionist, reminds us of Mrs. St. Clare. She is impressionable, high-spirited, or fretful and despondent according to mood; and in the wild grief over the loss of her child, Alice, she is particularly like Mrs. Stowe's character. Her husband is not as lighthearted as Mr. St. Clare, but a man of the type of Mr. Shelby, and he is put in the same trying circumstances as Mr. Shelby through the lack of money. In the second and third parts we have new characters added and the scene changes to Kansas. Here we see the influence of Mrs. Stowe in the sad story of Cassy. She is here, as in Uncle Tom's Cabin, the daughter of a slave- owner. She flees from home on account of ill-treatment, but is captured and on the death of her master, is sold. She is again cruelly treated, is imprisoned, but at last escapes. A" third time she is recaptured after a long search and is sold to a lenient mistress, who sets her free. This character is a faithful copy of Mrs. Stowe's Cassy. The name Chloe is also used, but not in an important role. She is the cook in the Western cabin. The slave auction is twice described in the exact man- ner of Mrs. Stowe. The sentiment is the same. Reflections on the conditions of North and South are frequently intro- duced, and the whole 'Hendenz" of the book is that of Mrs. Stowe, although it lacks truth to nature, which can be ac- counted for by the fact that the author wrote from what he had read and from his own imagination. Uncle Tob is Uncle Tom freed and transplanted to New York; Bob is Topsy; Ella is Eliza; and many other comparisons might be drawn. The book was published, con- fessing its dependence upon Mrs. Stowe. We find on the reverse side of the title page this note : ''Die Verfasserin von Onkel Tom gestand, dass ihr be- riihmtes Werk nur eine unvollstdndige Schilderung der Sklaverei enthalte, und zwar deshalb, weil diese in vielen ihrer Wirkungen mit solchen Schrecknissen verhunden sei^ 72 uisrcLE tom's cabin in Germany dass ihre Enthullungen sich fiir die Zwecke der Kunst nicht eignen. — Der Verfasser dieses Werkes aber glaubt jede Rilcksicht, welche das entsetzliche Institut nicht in seiner gansen Schandlichkeit erscheinen lasst, bei Seite legen, ohne deshalb, wie er hofft, das astlietisclie Gefiihl seiner Leser beleidigen zu miissen. ' ' Added at the end of the last volume we find a review reprinted from the Magdeburger Presse, which tries to show that the story is more trne to life than that of Mrs. Stowe. The reviewer can also judge only from a limited knowledge, hence the opinion. The critic concludes : "Zu Frau Stowe 's Buch steht das vorliegende in dem Verhaltniss, wie die vollendete Handlung zu den Zweifeln und Kampfen, aus denen sie hervorgegangen. Jenes Werk wirft seinen Schatten gewissermassen vor sich her, es steht vor dem Abschluss der welthistorischen Katastrophe und schliesst daher mit einem schrillen Missklang. ''Unserm Verfasser haben inzwischen die Ereignisse vorgearbeitet, und wir zweifeln nicht, dass sein Eoman ei- nen Abschluss erhalten wird, der den Leser durch den Hin- weis auf den Umschwung der Gegenwart und die Aussichten der Zukunft mit der Vergangenheit aussohnen wird." (b) Gothe. '^Am Red River oder SMavenlehen in Nord-Amerika,^'^ and Die Maron-Neger,^^ by L. Gothe." In these four volumes we are told the history and ex- periences of a German family who lived in New Orleans, but on the disappearance and reputed death of the father, were sold into slavery as quadroons. The life and suffering of each is told in detail and the evils and injustice of slavery are dwelt upon in description and discussion at every op- portunity. In order to lead the story to a happy conclusion "^m Bed Biver, etc., Ersdhlung aus der Gegenwart nach authent. Mittei- lungen; bearb. v. L. Gothe; 2 tble. Berl. Lindow, 1862-3. ^Die Maron-Neger, oder SMavenemporung am Bed Biver, v. L. Gothe; 2 thle., Berl. Lindow, 1864. INFLUENCE ON" LITEEATUKE 73 the author introduces the father again upon the scene and reunites the family in freedom. The names of the characters are the same as in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Eva is here the daughter of the slave-trader, and is described as the exact opposite of the gentle creature which Mrs. Stowe depicts. She is a child of about the same age, but hard-hearted, exacting, and a severe mistress to her slaves. She aids her father in his business by examining and locking the chains upon the slaves, and he depends upon her judgment in buying and selling. Eliza is in some re- spects similar to the Eliza of Mrs. Stowe 's book. She is a quiet girl of considerable refinement, who suffers much as a slave, but she is not placed in situations which require great decisions and courage. She does not play as important a role as does Harriet de Belleville. The author evidently chose the Christian name of Mrs. Stowe for one of his char- acters with purpose. He knew that her name was widely known and that her life was also familiar to all parts of the* reading world. A slave-mistress of the South so named would be all the more striking in a novel, because of the contrast with Mrs. Stowe. This is the author's purpose. He shows us Harriet de Belleville, instead of the quiet, gentle, earnest Harriet Beecher-Stowe, an unnaturally cruel and revengeful woman— utterly without principle, who makes the lives of her slaves the hardest possible, with severe and continual punishment. Her cruelty is known for miles around, and to be bought by her is considered the greatest misfortune that could come to a slave. The name Eliza is spelled in the English manner, as are Harriet and Eva. These names were known to every reader through Uncle Tom, and we may safely conclude that they were taken from the book with the purpose of making the story more attractive and popular. The character of Arthur, the eldest of the separated family, is somewhat similar to that of Uncle Tom. He is misused, and suffers silently and uncomplainingly, because 74 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY he loves his mistress. Tom is whipped to death, earthly- freedom coming too late; Arthur nearly dies of fever and imprisonment, but is rescued and made free by his con- science-stricken mistress. He is one of the principal char- acters of the sequel, around whom his mistress, Isabella de Zarates, his sisters and brothers are grouped. The slave-trader, compared to Haley and Legree, shows some differences. He is not openly as cruel and hateful to- ward his slaves, for he wishes to be known, for trade's sake, as a very humane and religious man, but in reality his treat- ment is little better than thai: of Legree, except that he un- derstands perfectly well that excessive cruelty diminishes the selling value of ^'feine Waare". The death of little Eva seems to have impressed itself upon the author, for in the last chapter he portrays the death of Maria in a similar manner. One cannot read this scene without seeing clearly the influence of Mrs. Stowe, but the picture is by no means as skillfully drawn. The religious element enters into the story to much the same extent as in Uncle Tom, but in a somewhat differ- ent manner. One of the principal slave-owners is Isabella de Zarates, a young Creole. She falls in love with Arthur, her slave ; and since she dare not marry him, she seeks the advice of an old priest, who tells her to reunite the whole family in gratitude to Arthur, for having saved her life in an insurrection of the ''Maron-Neger", and so win peace for her troubled conscience. Mr. Shelby's mind is not at rest when he sells Tom, and Mr. St. Clare is uneasy regard- ing the future of his slaves. The element of a dissatisfied conscience thus enters into both books. Each of the members of the enslaved family have the religious sentiment deepened through their experiences, and in the last scene they all unite in the hymn ''Nun danket alle Gott!" False religion is shown in the slave-trader who treats his slaves like animals, "common and fine wares", yet sends INFLUENCE ON LITEEATUEE 75 rich presents to the church to ensure future happiness. In other contemporary novels of this character the religious element is not so strong as here ; and since this is one of the distinctive features of Uncle Tom, we may conclude that the author consciously incorporated it into his story. Hand in hand with the religious goes the anti-slavery element, which is shown in the expressions of the slaves and in the general atmosphere of the book. The slaves fre- quently exclaim, "0 diese Tyrannei!" ''Ach, die Sklave- rei!" and descriptions of the sufferings of the slaves show the anti-slavery spirit. The Southern attitude toward Abol- ition is also clearly defined. America is spoken of as ' ' das freie Amerika" in irony, and the slaveship flies the Stars and Stripes, ''the symbol of freedom over chained slaves". The motive of separation of family plays an important part and some of the scenes are equally as jDitiful as in Uncle Tom's Cabin, but always overdrawn. In the negro dialect the author has imitated Mrs. Stowe very well. If translated into English the expressions of the slaves might easily be put into the mouths of the negroes in Uncle Tom. We may conclude, therefore, that the novel was written under the inspiration and influence of Uncle Tom's Cabin, by a writer who hoped to share in the popularity of novels of slave-life, which had been caused by the many translations of Mrs. Stowe 's book; and that he is dependent upon it for some of the characters, for the religious and anti-slavery elements, and for the general description of slave-life.^^ (c) Other Minor Writers. (1) Eine Nichte Uncle Tom's, nach J. Romer's Denk- wilrdigkeiten erzdhlt von Br. Majo (Stuttg., 1854). Al- though the story has no connection with Uncle Tom's Cabin, »» Cf . Eeview in Bl. f. lit. UnterJi., 1863, No. 23, p. 422, June 4. 76 UNCLE TOm's cabin 'in GERMANY yet the name is used for its title. In Grenzhoten^^ we find a notice of the book : ''Warum der Verfasser auf dem Titel eigentlich an den Uncle Tom erinnert ist uns nicht deutlich. Dass eine Negerin die zweite Eolle darin spielt, ist doch wohl kein hin- reichender Grund. ' ' (2) "SMavenleben in Amerika, oder wunderbare Le- hensscMcksale eines auf britiscliem Gebiet entkommenen ehemaligen Negersklaven, namens John Brown, nacJi dessen eigenen Worten deutscli iviedererzdhlt, sowie mit einer Ein- leitung uber den dermaUgen Stand der Sklavenfrage ver- sehen von Dr. Chr. Fr. Grieb (Stuttg., 1855)." This is a strong anti-slavery book. The character of John Brown is treated in somewhat the same manner as Uncle Tom. He is a quiet, inoffensive negro of religious nature, who is sold and ill-treated by several masters and eventually attains freedom. The great excitement which followed in the wake of Uncle Tom accounts for this book. The author wished to show conditions in the United States in all their barbarity, and as he believed Mrs. Sto.we had to some extent refrained from doing. The fact of* her' influence here is proved from the words of the author : *'Frau Stowe hat der Welt die Grauel der Sklaverei einigermassen enthiillt ; ganz aber ist durch sie der Schleier nicht geliiftet worden. Ich meine es muss ihr viel mehr be- kannt sein, als sie gesagt hat. Was mich betrifft, so weiss ich mehr, als ich zu sagen wage."^^ " (3) Mark Sutherland, oder die Wege der Vorsehung. Original-Roman von Aug. Schrader (Leipzig, 1856). ^^ In the introduction to this narrative Schrader tells us : '» 1855, III, p. 173 ; ef . also Bl. f. lit. Unterh., 1854, p. 259. Story pub. in Mannh. Unterh. Bl., 1855, No. 155, July 5, to No. 182, Aug. 2, and reviewed in same 1854, No. 20, Jan. 25. "^P. 63. *^Aug. Schrader, formerly Simmel (Wegeleben bei Halberstadt, 1815- 1878, Leipzig), translator and tutor of modern languages. INFLUENCE ON" LITERATURE 77 "Die Verfasserin von Onkel Tom's Hutte verspracli ein Buch unter dem Titel Mark Sutherland zu liefern, nach dem ihr erstes Werk fast beispiellosen Erfolg gehabt hat. Man harrte jedoch vergebens auf die Erfiillung dieses Verspre- cbens. Ermutigt durch die freundliche Aufnahme meines Werkes, Die Braut von Louisiana, fasste ich den EntscMuss, das von der Amerikanerin angeregte Thema zu bearbeiten, und der Braut von Louisiana einen Nacbf olger zu geben. Es war von Anfang nicht meine Absicht einen Sklavenroman zu schreiben, wie er eine Zeitlang zur Mode geworden, und wie er in mannigfaltigen Nachabmungen von Onkel Tom's HUt'te ersehienen ist, sondern ich wollte ein Werk liefern, das die deutscben Leser mit den Sitten und Gebrauehen der Nationen jenseits des Meeres bekannt macht. Ich erlaube mir daher zu bemerken, dass mein Werk nur eine rein un- terhaltende von jeder Tendenz feme Lectiire liefern soil. Mein Eoman ist also kein Pendant zu Onkel Tom's Hiltte, sondern ein Seitenstiick zu der Braut von Louisiana." It is granted that the book is not a direct imitation of Uncle Tom's Cabin, but was doubtless influenced by it in the character of "Joe", who resembles Uncle Tom. A re- viewer also mentions this fact :^^ "Die schandliche, unmenschliche Behandlung des Skla- ven ^Joe' erinnert uns, wenigstens an einiges was wir in Onkel Tom's Hiitte gelesen, und obwohl es uns unbegreiflich ist wie Mrs. H. B. Stowe mit diesem Werke solch einen Er- folg erzielen konnte, so lassen wir doch der Amerikanerin gern die Gerechtigkeit widerfahren, dass sie sich nur auf Schilderungen einliess, die eine genaue Kenntniss ihres Va- terlandes beweisen, was man jedoch von Schrader nicht sa- gen kann ; er kennt Amerika bios aus Biichern. ' ' (4) Aus Amerika, von Julius Frohel (Leipzig, 1856). Julius Frobel (1805- ?) was a brother of the well-known pedagogue, Friedrich Frobel. He went to America in 1849, ' Bl. f. lit. Vnterh., 1857, No. 27, July 1, Emanuel Eauff. 78 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY and was engaged in business in New York, San Francisco and other cities until 1857, thus experiencing the excitement over the Fugitive Slave Law and the following discussions of slavery, which he reflects in his book. His attitude is the same as that of Mrs. Stowe. (5) Der Amerika-Mude. Amerikanisches KuUurbild von Ferdinmid Kiirnberger (Frankfurt am Main, 1856).* This is a book of sketches of American life, in which the subject of slavery is much discussed. Abolitionists are men- tioned by name and are described, and the Quakers are men- tioned as people who aided fugitive slaves. A drama is described in which slave-traders, abolitionists and slaves figure. One of the principal characters in this play is named Mrs. Drake Harriet Store, which was probably chosen to suggest Mrs. Stowe; and it may be that the play referred to was the dramatization of Uncle Tom's Cabin, as the plot consists of the attempted capture and escape of a mulatto woman. Later in the book a dance is described in which Uncle Tom figures as one of the musicians. An- other character, the negro Scipio, resembles closely St. Clare's valet. These facts show that Kiirnberger knew Uncle Tom's Cabin, and made use of the characters, names, and to some extent, the plot. It is a book of one who had not been in America, but as many others drew for his information upon the sources at hand in the much-read books describing American life. (6) Pilgerfahrt nach den Vereinigten Stouten von Nord-Amerika. Enthaltend Skizzen uber die dortigen soci- alen und politischen Zustdnde wahrend der Jahre 1849-1856 von C. B. A. Warnefried. (Koln, 1857.) Here another writer attempts to describe America and its social life, and gleaned his knowledge from books— among which Uncle Tom appears to be freely used. *Cf., G. A. Mulfinger, Ferd. Kiirnberger 's Eoman, Der Amerikamude {German American Annals, Vol I). INFLUENCE ON LITERATURE 79 (7) Briefe aus und uber die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika an Freunde in der Heimat in geographischer, statistischer , landwirtschaftlicher, indwstrieller , commerciel- ler, poiitischer und socialer Beziehung, von Karl Schmidt (Altenburg, 1857). The author of these letters appears to have been a native of Leipzig, who spent two years (1854-1856) in America in order to write a book. He says that he visited five States of the Union, but two of the five only by riding through them by train — and yet he writes a book on America with the above imposing title ! He speaks of his acquaintance with Mrs. Stowe and of his friends Charles Sumner and Theodore Parker. There is no doubt that this writer wished to write something *' popular", and the book is, strictly speaking, a collection of the opinions of the day gathered from books and news- papers rather than from personal observation and experi- ence. The sentiments in regard to slavery are those ex- pressed by the anti-slavery leaders, and since he avows an acquaintance with Mrs. Stowe, we may be sure that he was influenced by her. (8) Lebende Bilder aus Amerika, etc. (TuUingen, 1858), and Freiheit und Sklaverei unter dem Sternenhanner, oder Land und Leute in Amerika (Stuttg., 1862). Both of these books are by Karl Theodor Griesinger, who went to America in 1852 because politics became un- pleasant for him at home, and five years later returned to Stuttgart and began to write stories derived from his ex- periences. He is an ardent sympathizer with the North, and, therefore, could not escape the wide-spreading influence of Uncle Tom. {§) Sklaverei und Freiheit von Ottilie Ossing (Ham- burg, 1860). This is the work of a German woman in New York, who tried to write a second Uncle Tom's Cabin. She had read the North Star, a paper of which the former slave, Frederick Douglas, was editor, and conceived the idea of 80 UNCLE TOM's cabin IN GEEMANY writing the story of his life to help the anti- slavery cause, as Uncle Tom had done. The treatment of the slavery question and the religious attitude is the same, and the suf- ferings of Douglas are described in a very similar manner. The purpose is the same which inspired Mrs. Stowe, and the story may be called a direct imitation. In UnterhaU'ungen am hdusliclien Herd, Fr. Biedermann says in his criticism: ''Die einfache, schmucklose Darstellung dieses wirklichen Sklavenlebens gibt ein nicht minder ergreifendes, durch je- den Wegfall romantischen Aufputzes, indess noch viel scharferes Bild des amerikanischen Sklaventums als dessen bisherige Schilderungen in Beecher-Stowe's OnJcel Tom's Eutte.''^^ (10) Sklaverei in Amerika, oder scliwarzes Blut, von Armand (1862).^° Strubberg or ''Armand" had travelled in America, especially in the South, and had ample oppor- tunity and ability to write a novel of this kind without help. In this and in his other stories of American life, it may be that he is independent of Mrs. Stowe; but as he borrowed from Cooper we may reasonably suppose that he borrowed also from Mrs. Stowe. (11) Die Hamburger in Amerika. Roma/ntisch-politi- sches Gemdlde aus der Gegenwart und jUngsten Vergangen- heit von Moritz ReicJienhach (Hamburg, 1864). Moritz Eeichenbach (1804-1870) was an actor and writer of popular literature in Hamburg. He shows us here a series of critical situations and narrow escapes, of which one of the most striking is that in which a young mu- latto woman, fleeing with her lover, is pursued by slave- hunters and swims across a river. This is a weird scene and is so similar in general outline and in detail as to remind the reader at once of Eliza crossing the Ohio. The author had never been in America, and we recognize the fact in the ■ 1859, No. 60, p. 771-774. '3 Bde., 1. Quadrone, 2. Mulattin, 3. Negerin. INFLUENCE ON LITEEATURE 81 descriptions of slave-life. The book is essentially that of a sympathizer with the anti-slavery movement as well as of a writer of popular stories, and its dependence upon Uncle Tom's Cabin is clear, although the book is not mentioned. (12) Weiss und Schwarz. Historische Erzahlung aus der ersten Zeit des S onderbundkrieges in Nordameriha, von Friedr. Wilhelm Arming (Leipzig, 2 Bde., 1865). This is the V^ only example of a book written in favor of the South. It is an imitation of those written in opposition to Uncle Tom — such as Aunt Phillis' Cabin, Tit for Tat, etc. (13) AmeriJcanische Lebensbilder, oder Erlebnisse deutscher Awswanderer in Ameri'ka, geschildert von Luise TFei?(Stuttg., 1865). The first story in this collection is entitled the Deut- scher Sklavenhalter. Haller, a Southern slaveholder sells his slave-daughter, Nelly, and separates her from her lover, Harry. She flees with Dinah, an old slave, and is sheltered by Onkel Levi and Tante Katy, Quakers — a situation the same as that of Eliza. The old Quaker publishes the story in a newspaper, but says that the girl sought death in the Eed River rather than be a slave, and thus Harry is able to trace her. The outline of the story and the situations are entirely dependent upon Uncle Tom's Cabin, and the names Harry, Dinah and Nelly are used for George, Chloe and Eliza. (14) Der Sklavenhdndler. Original-Roman aus den Papieren eines Touristen, von Ludwig Heinrich (Breslau, 1867). Slave trade in South America is described in the neigh- borhood of Rio Janeiro. The condition of the negroes is graphically pictured, and the slave-dealer is a man of more repulsive nature than either of the traders in Uncle Tom. A definite influence can hardly be pointed out, but the general wave of interest in slavery, caused by Mrs. Stowe 's book, no doubt was the inspiration of the novel. 82 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY (15) Die Konigm der Flusspiraten, historisch-roman- tische Original-N ovelle von Wilhelm Schroter (Leipzig, 2 Bde., 18— ?). •The beautiful young daughter of a farmer on the banks of the Ked Eiver is captured by pirates on the Mississippi and kept a prisoner. Her name is Eva, a fact which at once suggests dependence upon Mrs. Stowe. The author de- scribes her as similar in character. One of the pirates is named "Tom", and he is a man who is not entirely in sym- pathy with his companions, for he aids the rescue party as much as he dares, and acts as a protector to Eva, when the other pirates threaten her harm. There are many books which appeared in the years 1853 to 1870, which stood under the general wide-spread in- fluence of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and were called forth by the new interest in America ; but the above examples suffice to show that the sudden popularity of the slavery question led many an obscure and unknown writer to venture on the subject, and even those who had no ability and who knew nothing about America, except what they had read, tried to share in the great speculation from which many, espe- cially the booksellers, benefited pecuniarily. 4. Juvenile Literature. The editions for children of Uncle Tom's Cabin were spoken of with little enthusiasm by some of the critics. The Preussische Zeitung, Berlin,^® does not find the book "ein passender Stoff fiir jugendliche Gemuter", but it was never- theless as popular with the young as it was with the old, as the number of abridgements shows.^^ The people who read the book in their youth remember it well and formed their idea of life in the Southern States from the descriptions; and besides this the book exerted so great an influence, in ^ 1852, No. 287, Dec. 10. »' Cf., also Treuss. Ztng., 1853, No. 116, May 22. Beu. Mus., 1853, II, No. 47, p. 772. INFLUENCE OF LITERATUEE 83 some cases, as to lead the readers to go to America. Of this fact we have been assured by Germans in America, as well as by their relatives in the home country. The abridgement by Max Schasler is spoken of as follows :^^ ''Die Einfiihrung einer Erzahlung in der Person der 'Tante Marie', welche ihren Nichten, 'Katchen' und 'Aen- chen', so wie ihrem Neffen, 'Georg', die Geschichte Onkel Tom's vorliest, ware gewiss eine gliickliche, wenn die eng- lisclie Original-Ausgabe diesen Personen einen grosseren Spielraum gegeben hatte. Sie treten aber nur einmal, am Anfange auf, und verschwinden dann ganzlich. Der deut- sche Bearbeiter lasst aber daher in zweckmassiger Art diese Personen bei jeder wichtigen Epoche der Erzahlung wieder auftreten und ihre Ansichten iiber den Inhalt des Gelesenen in einer Weise mit einander austauschen, dass dadurch fiir die Enwickelung der Intelligenz und der Sittlichkeit der jugendlichen Leser ein positives Resultat erzielt werde. Audi hat er Vieles, was iiber den Gesichtskreis der Jugend zu weit hinausging, entweder in verstandlichere Form ge- bracht oder ganz unterdriickt, wie besonders die oft wieder- kehrenden Gesprache iiber Sklaverei mit Eiicksicht auf ihre politischen und anderweitigen Folgen; Fragen die fiir ein Kind, besonders aber fiir ein Kind Deutschlands mindes- tens inhaltsleer und langweilig sein miissen. * * * Es ist auch eine sehr gliickliche Wendung am Schlusse, dass der deutsche Bearbeiter den guten, ehrlichen Tom am Ende fiir seinen christlichen Mut und seine Beharrlichkeit geret- tet werden lasst. Die Bearbeitung ist ersichtlich mit grosser Sorgfalt, der man die tJbersetzung nirgends ausfiihlt, und mit anerkennenswerter Reinheit und Kraft der Sprache durchgef lihrt. ' ' We have seen that Uncle Tom was imitated by the writers of the day, and by those who would gladly be counted among that number, and it is a very natural conclusion to 'Freuss. Zing., 1853, No. 116, May 22. 84 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY reach, that also in the juvenile literature there were imita- tions. We have only to name a few of these to prove this : Der schtvarze Sam, oder MenscJienraub in Amerika, von Jul. Hoffmann. Fine Erzdhhmg fur die Jugend (Breslan, 1854-1855) ; Der Sklave, von C. Hildehrand, fUr die Jugend (Leipzig, 1853) ; Donawe, oder Schicksale eines Negerskla- ven, fiir die Jugend, von Phil. Korher (Niirnberg, 1856) ; Loango, von Fr. Hoffmann (Stuttg., 1853) ; und Ein Kongo Neger, eine Geschichte aus Sanct. Domingo, fiir die Jugend, von W. D. Horn {Fr. W. Ortel, Wiesbaden, 1854). These are only examples of the many stories for children which appeared from 1852 to 1860, and under the influence of this new kind of novel the story of slave-life. VII. Conclusion. The influence of anti-slavery, represented by Uncle Tom's Cabin, which showed" itself strongly in the popular literature of the day, did not pass over the people at large without leaving impressions more or less deep behind. There is no doubt that there existed in Europe as in America those who were almost fanatical enthusiasts over anti- slavery, but the general impression of the more or less edu- cated was that the condition of affairs in the United States was deeply to be deplored, and all efforts at betterment should be aided, but that the moral applied to the situation in the homeland also. This is the tone of the editorials. Heine complained twenty years before the appearance of Uncle Tom's Cabin: "0, Freiheit! Du bist ein boser Traum!" The desire to reveal society in its true light in- spired Hacklander. The opinions of readers are valuable. George Sand published under her own supervision the authorized French version of the book. She was an enthusiast, and her entire circle of friends could not escape the influence of her inter- CONCLUSION 85 est and enthusiasm when it was aroused. She says of Mrs. Stowe:^^ '^Mrs. Stowe is all instinct; it is the very reason that she appears to some not to have talent. Has she not talent? What is talent? Nothing, doubtless compared to genius; but has she genius ? I cannot say that she has talent, as one understands it in the world of letters ; but she has genius, as humanity feels the need of genius— the genius of good- ness, not that of the man of letters, but of the saint. — Pure, penetrating and profound, the spirit which thus fathoms the recesses of the human soul. Noble, generous and great the heart which embraces in her pity, in her love, an entire race, trodden down in the blood and mire under the whip of ruffians and maledictions of the impious. Thus should it be, thus should we value things ourselves. We feel that genius is heart, that power is faith, that talent is sincerity, and finally that success is sympathy, since this book overcomes us, since it penetrates the breast, pervades the spirit, and fills us with a strange sentiment of mingled tenderness and admiration for a poor negro lacerated by blows, prostrate in the dust, there gasping on a miserable pallet his last sigh exhaled toward God." The poet Heine admired the genius of George Sand and counted her among his friends, and it is probable that this authorized French version was the Uncle Tom which he read. From his own words it is clear that his feelings on reading the story were sympathy with the anti-slavery cause, admiration for the author, who had had the courage to attack the great evil which was continually gnawing at the roots of society in America, and recognition of the black man as a human being and a spiritual brother. He says in his Geitdndnisse.'^^^ ''Nachdem ich mein gauzes Leben hindurch mich auf alien Tanzboden der Philosophie herumgetrieben, alien Or- »' Old South Leaflets, No. 82, p. 18. *"» jffemncTi Heine, SammtUche WerTce; hg. v. E. Elster; Bd. 6, p. 54, 56, Bibl. Inst. 86 UNCLE TOM's cabin in GERMANY gien des Geistes micli hingegeben, mit alien moglichen Systemen gebulilt, ohne befriedigt worden zu sein, wie Mes- saline nach einer liederliclien Nacht, jetzt befinde ich mich plotzlich auf demselben Standpunkt, worauf auch der Onkel Tom stelit; auf dem der Bibel, und ich kniee neben dem schwarzen Bruder nieder in derselben Andaclit. ''Welclie Demutigung ! mit all' meiner Wissenschaft habe ich es niclit weiter gebracht, als der arme unwissende Neger, der kauni buchstabieren gelernt! Der arme Tom scheint freilich in dem heiligen Buche noch tiefere Dingen zu sehen, als ich dem besonders die letzte Partie noch nicht ganz klar geworden. '^Tom versteht sie vielleicht besser, weil mehr Priigel darin vorkommen, namlich jene unaufhorlichen Peitschen- hiebe, die mich manchmal bei der Lectiire der Evangelien und der Apostelgeschichte sehr unasthetisch anwiderten — so ein armer Negersklave liest zugleich mit dem Eiicken, und begreift daher viel besser als wir. * * * yLan sieht, ich, der ich ehemals den Homer zu citieren pflegte, ich citiere jetzt die Bibel, wie der Onkel Tom.^^ Emigration to America was influenced not only by the thought of the day, but also by the current literature, both original and translations. The disappointment of '48 led many to seek in the New World the ideal of liberty, which they had failed to realize at home, and the agitation for free- dom continued by the anti-slavery literature, occasioned many a crossing the sea to fight for the cause either in public life or on the battlefield. The names of Carl Schurz and Franz Sigel among many others will always be recorded in the history of America as eminent men, who helped to shape the future of the country. Otto von Corvin, a leader in the Eevolution of '48, was in America during the Civil War and corresponded during that period for the Allgemeine Zei- tung, thus keeping his friends and countrymen in close touch with the struggle which had won their sympathy. Had Uncle Tom's Cabin not been written, this sym- pathy would have remained passive and slow; but as we CON-CLIJSION- 87 have seen, wherever the book was read, it awakened an active interest, and as we have been assured by many whose relatives and friends went to the United States in the crit- ical period before the war, the excitement which followed the reading of Uncle Tom's Cabin was one of the factors which worked in their decision to make the journey. The influence of Mrs. Stowe's book in Germany, as traced through its various forms, arriving opportunely, was a force which could not be restrained. ' It was a force which showed itself in the vast number of translations and edi- tions which overwhelmed the book market, and which were not restricted merely to the period of popularity of the book, but have continued to appear down to the present year. In this surprising number of translations are found the names of well-known authors, and editions published for all prices and all kinds of readers. This is also the case in other languages. In English the editions are almost numberless. In twenty-one diiferent languages Uncle Tom has appeared, and there is every in- dication that this number will increase in years to come, for the sake of the interest in the book itself, although the work for which it was designed has long been accomplished. We have seen the influence of the book expressed in the public indignation and pity at the horrors which it describes, in notice, criticism and review. Some are incredulous that such barbarity really existed, some deplore the ''Schwar- merei fiir das Fremde ' ', but the great majority express sym- pathy for the New World in its struggle with the great problem, and admiration for Mrs. Stowe, who lifted the veil from the situation at the critical moment. Hacklander's book may be called the German Uncle Tom's Cahin, in that his purpose was that of Mrs. Stowe, and he acknowledges his indebtedness to her. Auerbach was influenced in portrayal of character, and in his attitude toward slavery, which he expresses in discussion and situation. The almost countless minor imitations show how deep this interest in America aroused by Mrs. Stowe 0» UNCLE TOM S CABIN IN GERMANY had reached. The public wished details, further knowledge, and these the many minor writers attempted to offer, gener- ally merely working over the material at hand instead of presenting new. By many of these writers Uncle Tom is recognized as their inspiration, but by others it is con- sciously denied in order to escape the accusation. Then, too, the wide-spread presentation of the story in dramatic form shows the intensity of the influence. The fact that it was presented in Munich thirty times, played twice daily, gives a picture of the enthusiasm for the play. In time ''Uncle Tom" was used as a name for anything which the merchant wished to make popular, and even now there is a restaurant in the suburbs of Berlin which bears the name! There were pictures and poems, ballads and dances, by the name and illustrating the book, and satirists called the enthusiasm "Onkel Tommerei"; but this all serves to show how deep was the wave of excitement which came over the Atlantic. The opinions of readers, a glance at the tide of immigration shows this also, and it is safe to as- sert that in Germany no other American novel has been as widely read by all classes of people, and has had so great an influence as Uncle Tom's Cabin. VIII. Appendix. 1. List of Eeviews and Notices consulted, (a) Eeviews and Notices of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Allgemeine Zeitung, Augsburg. Beilage 1852, No. 281, October 7. Long review. Beilage 1852, No. 282, October 8. Long review. Beilage 1852, No. 303, October 29. White Slave com- pared to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Beilage 1852, No. 320, November 15. Biography of Mrs. Stowe. Beilage 1852, No. 321, November 16. Biography of Mrs. Stowe. Beilage 1852, No. 331, November 26. Publisher's no- tice. Ausserordentliche Beilage 1852, No. 351, December 16. Eeview of Du Bois trans. 'beilage 1852, No'. 495, December 25. Pub. adv. Beilage 1853, No. 95 April 5. Theater. Beilage 1853, No. 186, July 5. Mrs. Stowe in Europe. Beilage 1853, No. 233, August 21. Notice. Beilage 1853, No. 250, September 7. Journey. Beilage 1853, No. 260, September- 17. Mentions Mrs. Stowe. Beilage 1854, No. 51, February 20. Notice. Das Ausland. Ein Tageblatt fur Kunde des geistigen und sittlichen Lebens der Volker. 1852, II, No. 237, October 2, p. 948. Notice. 1853, 1, No. 21, May 27, p. 485. Long review. 1853, 1, No. 21, May 27, p. 489. Notice. 1854, 1, No. 8, February 24, p. 180. Notice and discuss, slavery. 1854, 1, No. 26, June 30, p. 622. Notice. 1854, II, No. 29, July 4, p. 695. Notice. (89) 90 UNCLE TOM's cabin IN GERMANY 1854, II, No. 34, August 25, p. 803. Notice. 1855, II, No. 33, August 17, p. 773. Notice and discuss, slavery. Badische Landeszeitung. 1852, No. 307, December 30. Notice. 1853, No. 6, January 8. Notice. 1853, No. 16, January 20. Notice. 1853, No. 31, February 6. Notice. 1853, No. 47, February 25. Verses. 1853, No. 69, March 23. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 83, April 10. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 99, April 29. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 119, May 25. Mrs. St. personal appear. 1853, No. 170, July 24. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 187, August 13. Theater. 1853, No. 240, October 16. Notice, journey. 1854, No. 66, March 18. Notice. 1854, No. 251, October 27. Notice. Blatter filr Literarische Unterhaltung. 1852, II, No. 52, December 25, p. 1239. Notice. 1853, I, No. 2, January 8, p. 35-6. Long review. 1853, 1, No. 24, June 11. Notice. 1854, 1, No. 6, February 2, p. 113. Notice. 1857, 1, No. 27, July 1. Mention. 1869, II, No. 39, September 22, p. 622. Mention. Beilage Blatter zum Eeidelherger Journal. 1852, No. 139, November 14. Notice. 1853, No. 4, January 9. Theater notice. 1853, No. 9, January 21. Notice and mention. 1853, No. 40, April 3. 1853, No. 65, June 5. Mrs. Stowe personal appear. 1853, No. 125, October 23. Adv. Beilage zum Mainzer Journal. 1852, No. 293, December 10. Notice. APPENDIX 91 Bas Pfennig Magazin. 1852, p. 492. Eeview. 1852, p. 400. Notice and critcism. Deutsches Museum. Zeitschrift fiir Lit. Kunst, u. offentl. Leben, hg. v. Eobt. Pruss, Lpz. 1853, 1, No. 5, p. 189. Notice and Criticism. 1853, I, No. 35, p. 330. Mrs. St. personal appear. 1853, II, No. 47, p. 772. Eeview of ed. for children. Europa. Chronik der gebildeten Welt, hg. v. F. Gustav Kiihne. 1852, No. 92, November 11. Notice. 1852, No. 96, November 25. Notice. 1852, No. 101, December 16. Notice. 1852, No. 103. Pub. notice. 1853, No. 2, January 7. Long notice. 1853, No. 5, p. 32. Theater. 1853, No. 11, February 3, p. 88. Theater. 1853, No. 14, February 10, p. 112. Theater. 1853, No. 20, p. 160. Notice. 1853, No. 54, p. 431. Notice. 1853, No. 57, p. 448. Notice. 1854, No. 19, March 2. Notice. Frankfurter Intelligenzhlatt, Frankfurt a/M. 1852, 2 BeiL, No. 237, October 6. Adv. 1852, 4 Beil., No. 261, November 3. Long notice. 1852, 3 Beil., No. 269, November 12. Notice. 1852, 5 Beil., No. 283, November 28. Biography Mrs. Stowe. 1852, 3 Beil., No. 297, December 15. Adv. 1852, No. 302, December 21. Adv. 1852, No. 303, December 22. Adv. and notice. 1852, 3 Beil., No. 308, December 29. Theater. 1853, 4 Beil., No. 7, January 7. Theater. 1853, No. 8, January 11. Editorial mention. 1853, 2 Beil., No. 11, January 14. Notice. 92 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY 1853, 1 BeiL, No. 20, January 25. Adv. 1853, 4 BeiL, No. 21, January 26. Notice, theater. 1853, 3 BeiL, No. 35, February 11. 1853, 4 BeiL, No. 41, February 18. Theater adv. 1853, No. 42, February 19. Theater adv. 1853, 3 BeiL, No. 127, June 1. Notice. Frankfurter Konversationsblatt. Belletristische Beilage zur Postzeitung. 1852, No. 272, November 13, p. 1088. Eeview. 1853, No. 42, February 17. Theater adv. 1853, No. 43, February 19. Theater adv. 1853, No. 44, February 21. Theater adv. Freiburger Zeitung. 1852, No. 281, November 26, p. 1096. Notice. 1853, No. 3, January 4. Notice. 1853, No. 43, February 19, p. 171-2. Notice. 1853, No. 44, February 20, p. 174. Notice. 1853, No. 50, February 27, p. 197. Notice. 1853, No. 52, March 2, p. 205-6. Eeview, biography. 1853, No. 53, March 3. Notice. 1853, No. 56, March 6. Notice. 1853, No. 59, March 10. Notice. 1853, No. 60, March 11. Notice. 1853, No. 115, May 15, p. 476. Notice. Gartenlauhe. 1853, No. 3, p. 32. Short review. 1853, No. 14, p. 154. Mention. 1853, No. 229, p. 319. Notice. Grenzhoten. 1852, IV, p. 479. Theater notice. 1852, IV, p. 189-190. Eeview. 1852, IV, p. 317. Eeview. 1855, 1, p. 411. Notice. APPENDIX 93 Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig. 1852, No. 483, October 2. Adv. 1852, No. 484, October 9. Notice and adv. 1852, No. 486. Notice. 1852, No. 488, November 27. Notice. 1852, No. 491. Poem and adv. 1852, No. 492, December 4. Adv. 1852, No. 495, December 25. Notice. 1853, No. 497, January 8. Notice. 1853, No. 499, January 15. Theater and notice. 1853, No. 500. Adv., illustr. 1853, No. 506. Notice. 1853, No. 509, April 2. Adv. 1853, No. 510, April 9. Adv. 1853, No. 511-520, April 16, June 18. Illustr. adv. 1853, No. 519, June 11. Notice. 1853, No. 528, August 13. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 532, September 10. Music and Notice. 1853, No. 547, December 24. Adv. Konstanzer Zeitung. 1852, Beil., No. 307. December 24. Adv. 1853, Beil., No. 147, June 26. Notice in discussion. Literaturhlatt. Menzel, Stuttg. 1853, No. 2, January 5, p. 5, ff. Eeview. Magazin fur die Literatur des Auslandes. Berl. J. Lebmann. 1852, No. 138, November 16, p. 549-60. Biography and review. 1852, No. 139, November 18, p. 554-5. Biography and review. 1852, No. 144, November 30, p. 576. Notice. 1853, No. 4, January 8. Notice ed. for children. 1853, No. 56, May 10. Theater. 1853, No. 68, June 7. Notice. 1853, No. 70, June 11. Notice. 1853, No. 75, June 23. Mrs. St. personal appear. 94 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEBMANY 1853, No. 87, July 21. Notice. 1853, No. 121. Mentions U. T. C. 1853, No. 135. Mentions U. T. C. Maimer Journal. 1852, No. 283-286. Theater adv. 1852, No. 300. Theater adv. 1853, No. 6, 7. Theater adv. 1853, No. 21, 22. Pub. adv. 1853, No. 42, 43. Theater adv. 1853, No. 112. Notice, journey. MannJieimer Unterhaltungshlatt. Belletristische Beilage zum Mannheimer Journal, hg. v. Dr. E. H. Th. Hahn. 1852, No. 246-303, October 15uDecember 21. Notice and V. T. C. 1852, No. 254, October 25. Notice. 1852, No. 263, November 4. Notice. 1853, No. 13, January 15. Biography. 1853, No. 121, May 23. Note. 1855, No. 295, December 12. Notice. 1855, No. 299, December 17. Notice. Minerva. Ein Journal fiir Geschichte, Politik, u. Literatur V. Dr. Fr. Brau. Jena. 1852, IV, p. 267-321. Long review. Morgenhlatt fiir gehildete Leser. 1853, No. 8, February 20, p. 137. Notice. 1853, No. 19, May 8, p. 449-451. Long review and thea- ter notice. Neue Preussische Zeitung. Berlin. 1852, No. 279, December 1. Eeview. 1852, No. 287, December 10. Notice. 1852, No. 283-286, December 5-13. Theater adv. 1852, No. 300-304, December 25-31. Theater adv. 1853, No. 1-7, January 1-9. Theater adv. 1853, No. 5, January 7. Theater adv. and criticism. APPENDIX 95 1853, No. 10, January 13. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 11-12, January 14-15. Theater adv. 1853, No. 21, January 26. Adv. 1853, No. 24, January 29. Adv. and notice. 1853, No. 31, February 6. Theater adv. 1853, No. 35, February 11. Notice. 1853, No. 98, April 29. Adv. 1853, No. 99, April 30. Adv. 1853, No. 104, May 5. Notice. 1853, No. 110, May 14. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 116, May 22. Review ed. children. 1853, No. 121, May 28. Mrs. Stowe pers. app. 1854, No. 105, May 5. Notice. Rheinische Blatter fur Unterhaltung und gemeinniitziges Leben. Ein Beiblatt zum Mainzer Journal. 1852, No. 290, December 7, p. 1159. Notice. 1853, No. 54, March 5, p. 216. Theater advs. 1853, No. 55, March 6, p. 220. Theater advs. Saga. Stiddeutsche Wochenschrift fur Ernst u. Scherz auf dem Gebiete der Politik, der Literatur u. des offent- lichen Lebens v. K. Schochlin. Karlsruhe. 1853, No. 5, July 31, p. 37. Notice, journey. 1853, No. 9, August 26, p. 69. Notice. 1853, No. 11, September 11, p. 85. Theater. 1853, No. 12, September 18, p. 93; Notice, journey. Unterhaltung en am hduslichen Herd, hg. v. Karl Gutzkow. 1853, 1, No. 7. Long review. 1853, 1, No. 13, p. 208, Notice and criticism. 1853, 1, No. 23. Notice and criticism. 1854, 1, No. 46, p. 735. Notice and criticism. 1864, II, No. 19, p. 375-6. Criticism. Wochenhlatt fiir die grossherzoglichen Bezirke Baden und Buhl. 1852, No. 130, October 28, p. 863. Pub. adv. 1853, No. 5, January 11. Pub. adv. 96 UNCLE TOm's cabin in GERMANY (b) Eeviews of the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. BadiscJie Landeszeitung. 1853, No. 76, April 2. 1853, No. 110, May 13, p. 453. Beilage Blatter zum Heidelberger Journal. 1853, No. 40, April 3. Magazin fur die Literatur des Auslandes. Berl. J. Lehmann. 1853, No. 43, April 9, p. 171-2. Mainzer Journal. 1853, No. 88, April 13. Adv. Rheinische Blatter. Beiblatt zum Mainzer Journal. 1853, No. 109, May 9, p. 435. 2. Bibliography, (a) General References. 1. Otto V. Corvin, 1848-1871. Geschichte der Neuzeit. 2 Bde. 2 Aufl. Lpz. 1887. 2. W. J. Dawson. The Makers of Eng. Fiction. London, 1905. 3. B. Estvdn. Kriegsbilder aus Amerika v. B. Estvan, Oberst der Cavalerie der Confoderirten Armee. Th. 2, s. 211. Lpz. 1864. Brockhaus. 4. E. P. Evans. Beitrage zur amerikanischen Lit.- u. Kul- turgeschichte. Stuttg., 1898. Cotta. 5. Kumo Francke. Social Forces in German Lit. N. Y., 1899. H. Holt & Co. 6. Fr. Kreytzig. Vorlesungen uber den deutschen Eoman der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1871. 7. H. Mielhe. Der deutsche Roman des 19 Jhts. Braun- schweig, 1890 und 1898. 8. Karl Rehorn. Der deutsche Eoman — Geschichtliche EtLckblicke u. kritische Streiflichter. Koln und Lpz., 1890. s.89fe. APPENDIX 97 9. Constantin Sander. GescMchte des vierjalirigen Biir- gerkrieges in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Frankfurt a/M., 1865. 10. Julian Schmidt. Geschiclite der deu. Lit. v. Leibnitz bis auf nnsere Zeit ; Bd. 5, s. 587-8. Berlin, 1896. 11. Walther Schumann. Leitfaden zum Studium der Lit. der Vereinigten Staaten v. Am. Giessen, 1905. E. Eoth. 12. Georg Weber. Weltgescbiclite. 2 Aufl. Bd. 15, Th. 1, s. 549. Lpz., 1889. Engelmann. 13. Barrett Wendell. A Literary History of America. Lon- don, 1901. 14. W. Werenherg. Der deutsclie Tendenz-Eoman. Bl. fiir lit. Unterh. 1853. s. 49-51. 15. Geo. W. Williams. History of Negro Eace in Am., 1619- 1880. 16. Wilson. Eise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. Vol. II, p. 519 ff. 17. W. Wintzler. Die Vereinigten Staaten in Kampfe fiir Freiheit u. Humanitat. Grenzboten 1898. (b) Mrs. H. B. Stoive and Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1. Chas. Ed. Stowe. Life of Harriet Beecber-Stowe. Bos- ton and New York, 1889, 1890. Houghton Mifflin & Co. 2. Mrs. Anne Field. Life and Letters of Mrs. Stowe, 1898. 3. Florine Thayer McCray. The Lifework of the Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1889, 1890; New York. Funk & Wagnalls. Eeviewed in Mag. of Am. Hist., Vol. 23, p. 16. 4. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Eeview — North Am. Rev. by S. G. Fisher. 1853. Oct. Vol. 77, p. 446. 5. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Eeview Fraser's Mag., by Arthur Helps. 1852. Vol. 46, pp. 237-244. 6. Appleton's Encyclopedia of Am. Biogr., pp. 713-14. New York, 1888. 98 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GERMANY 7. Frank S. Arnett. Fifty years of Uncle Tom. Munsey's Mag. 1902, p. 897-902. 8. Henry A. Beers. Lit. and Civil War. Allan. Mon. 1901, Dec. 9. Uncle Tom's Cabin, new ed., 1878 and 1882, with Bibli- ogTaphy, by Geo. Bullen. New York, Houghton Mif- flin & Co. 10. Paul Lester Ford. The Am. Hist. Novel. Atlan. Mon. 1897, Vol. 80. 11. L. V. Krohow. Am. characters in German Novels. Atlan. Mon., 1891, Dec. ; 1892, Jan. (c) Translations. 1. Brinkmann's Catalogns der Boeken, Plaat en Kaarte- verken door E. van der Meulln. Amsterdam, 1850- 1882. 2. British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books. London, Wm. Clowe & Sons. 3. B rummer. Lex. den. Dichter u. Prosaisten d. 19. Jhts., 2Bde. Lpz., 1896. Eeclam. 4. Catalago Generale della Liberia Italiana Milano. 5. Catalogue Generale de la Librarie francaise, Lorenz — Paris Librarie Nilsson. 6. Heinsius. . Biicherlexicon. Lpz., Brockhaus. 7. Hinrichs. Katalog, u. s. w. Lpz., Hinrichs. 8. Kayser. Biicherlexicon. 9. Pataky. Lexicon deutscher Frauen der Feder. Berlin, 1898. 10. Svenskt. Boklexicon. Stockholm, 1884. 3. Translations and Eeviews of the other works of Mrs. Stowe. (a) Translations. 1. 1853 — Die Maihlume. Bilder u. Charaktere, 16° (XVIII, 336^). Berlin, Duncker n. Humblot. APPENDIX 99 2. 1853 — Maibliimchen, oder Am. Skizzen u. Erzahlungen aus d. Engl. 8° (III, 178«). Leipzig, Kittler. 3. 1855 — Das Maibliimchen, oder Skizzen u. Scenen von Charakteren unter den Nachkommen der Pilger v. H. B. Stowe (geb. Beecher), mit einer Vorrede v. Cathe- rine Beecher. Stereotyp ausg. 1. und 2. Aufl. m. d. Portrait der Verfasserin, Bd. 7, neue Volhshibl. hg. v. Aug. Schrader. 8° (IX, 139^). Leipzig, Friedlein. 4. 1853 (?) — Dred. Eine Erzahl. aus d. grossen Sclireck- enssiimpfe, v. H. B. Stowe. Ins Den. iibertragen, v. A. Kretschmar; 7 Bde. (180; 183; 202; 196; 183; 200; 192«) ; Bde. 992-998. Europ. Bibl. d. neuen belletr. Lit. DeutscM. u. Frankreichs, u. s. w. Wurzen, Verlags- comptoir. 5. 1856 — Dred. Eine Erzahl. aus dem grossen Dismal- siimpfe. Bd. 10. NeueVolkshibl. 1859 also? 8° (X, 358^ ) . Leipzig, Friedlein. 6. 1856 — Dred. Eine Erzahl. aus d. grossen Wlisten- moore, aus d. Engl, ubers. v. Marie Heine. 3 Bde., 1856-1857. Leipzig, Kollmann. 7. 1856 — Dred. Eine Erzahl. aus amerik. Sumpfen, v. H. B. Stowe. 2 Bde. (328, 326^), gr. 12. Die Romanzei- tung, Bibl. der vorzuglichen Romane des In- u. Aus- landes; hg. v. Aug. Zang; 2 Jahrg. Wien, Ludwig u. Zang. 8. 1856, lS^W)—Dred. Eine Erzahl. aus d. grossen Dis- malsumpfe. 2 Bde. (in 1 Bd.), gr. 8° (V, 583^). Bos- ton, Philadelphia, U. S. A., Schafer u. Koradi. 9. 1859(!) — Des Predigers Braiitwerbung, v. H. B. Stowe, deu. V. b. Kretschmar. 4 Bde., Europ. Bibl. der neuen belletr. Lit., XI. Serie, 1087-1090 (1851-1856). Wur- zln, Verlags-Comptoir. 10. 1901 — Des Predigers Brautwerbung, aus d. Engl, neu bearb. Ausg. 8°, 479^ Leipzig, F. Jansa. 11. 1S67— Blatter uber Haus u. Heim, aus d. Engl. 8°, 184^ Brandenburg, Wieseke. 100 UNCLE TOM^S CABIN IN GEKMANY 12. 1870 — Die Leute von Oldtown. Eoman aus d. Engl. "iibers. v. J. N. Heynrichs (Jenny Ilirsch). Autorausg. 4 Bde., 8° (255; 249; 233; 227^). Berlin, Janke. 13. 1869 — Kleine Fuchse, oder die kleinen Fehler, welche das hausl. Gliick storen; aus d. Engl. 16°, 143^. 1873— 224^ 16°, m. Goldsclm. 1874— 182^ 8°, m. 4 Bildern u. Lichtdr. 1878—224% 4 Aufl. Cart. m. Goldschn. 1887— 182% 8°, m. 4 Lichtdr. Taf. 1908—192% kl. 8°, 11 Aufl., Kart. m. Goldsclm. Giitersloh, Bertelsmann. 14. 1870 — Hermine Frank. Familien Silhouetten, frei tJbertr. u. Bearb. d. Little Foxes, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe; gr. 16°, 232^ Frankfurt a/M. 15. 1871 — Das Pathchen der Palmweide, aus dem Amerik. 16° (160% m. 1 Holzschn. Taf.) Giitersloh, Bertels- mann. 16. 1876 — Wir u. unsere Nachharn, u. s. w., deu. v. Emil Leh- mann; 2 Bde. (311; 309^). Neue helletr. Lese-'Cahinet der hesten u. interessant. Romane alter Nationen No. 1599-1614. Wien, Hartleben. 17. 1895-6 — Wir u. unsere Nachharn, u. s. w., v. H. B. Stowe. 3 Bde. (160 ; 159 ; 176^). Coll. Hartleben Ausw. d. her- vorrag. Romane alter Nationen. Wien, Hartleben. 18. 1881 — Morgen hommt E. R., v. Mrs. H. Beecher-Stowe, aus d. Engl. 8°, 12^. Barmen, Wiemann. 19. 1892— (7/^as. E. Stowe, H. B. Stowe, Briefe u. Tage- biicher, hg. v. C. E. Stowe ; deu. v. Margarethe Jacohi; gr. 8° (VIII, 311% m. Bildnis). Gotha, F. A. Perthes. Editions in English. 1. 1856 — Dred, a tale of the great Dismal Swamp. 2 Vols., No. 372, 373. 2. 1859— T/ie Minister's Wooing, No. 494. 3. l^m— Oldtown Folks, 2 Vols., No. 1019, 1020 (710«). Collection Brit. Authors. Leipzig; Tauchnitz. APPENDIX 101 4. 1853— Tales from H. B. Stowe. Vol. 8, 9. Little Eng. Library, etc., with questions ^bj James McLean. Leip- zig, Baumgartner. (b) Reviews. 1. Die MaiUume. Allgem. Zeitung, 1853, Beil. No. 63 ; Mar. 4, p. 1107. Freiburger Zeitung, 1853, No. 43; Feb. 19, p. 170. Notice. Freiburger Zeitung, 1853, No. 66; Mar. 18 to Apr. 3, No. 80; Die Maihlume. Neue Preuss. Zeitung, 1853, No. 35 ; Feb. 12. Unterh. am hausl. Herd, 1853, No. 28. 2. Dred. Grenzboten, 1856, IV, p. 197. Blatter fiir lit. Unterb., 1858, 1, No. 5, p. 91-2; Jan. 8. 3. Sonnige Erinnerungen aus fremden Landen. Allgem. Zeitung, Beil., 1854, No. 271; Sept. 28. 4. Des Predigers Brautwerhung. Blatter fiir lit. Unterh., 1860, 1, No. 1; Jan. 1, p. 19-22. 5. Byron Controversy. Blatter fur lit. Unterh. 1869, II, p. 622, No. 39. AMERICANA GERMANICA NEW SERIES MONOGRAPHS DEVOTED TO THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE Literary, Linguistic and Otlier Cuiturai Relations o! Germany and America EDITOR MARION DEXTER LEARNED University of Pennsylvania CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ORIGINAL LIST H. C. G. Brandt Julius Goebel W. H. Carpenter J. T. Hatfield W. H. Carruth W. T. Hewett Hermann Collitz. A. R. Hohlfeld Starr W. Cutting Hugo K. Schilling Daniel K. Dodge H. Schmidt-Wartenberg A. B. Faust Hermann Schoenfeld KuNO Francke Calvin Thomas Adolph Gerber H. S. White Henry Wood NEW YORK D. APPLETON & COMPANY PUBLISHING agents JUL 16 1910 One copy del. to Cat. Div. JUL II Itli IIIIMI llliUI iMiiiir ,!;iii(r.', ';i!! ;!![;if||l|llll!IN lilllllllliiiiitiiniiiii