Boole. %rightN». WORKS OF HALBERT P. GILLETTE AND RICHARD T. DANA Handbook of Mechanical and Electrical Cost Data. By Ralbnit P. Gillette and Richard T. Dana. 1750 pages, illustrated, 4% x 7 in,, flexible binding. .. .$6.00 Handbook of Cost Data, by Gillette. A reference book, giving methods of construction and actual costs of materials and labor on numerous civil engineering works. 1878 pages, illustrated, flexible binding, 4% x 7 in $5.00 Handbook of Construction Plant. By Richard T. Dana. Gives net prices, shipping weights, capacities, outputs, etc., of all kinds of construction machinery. 700 pages, flexible binding, 4% x 7 in $5.00 Handbook of Rock Excavation; Methods and Cost, by Gillette. 840 pages, 184 illustrations, flexible binding, 4% x7 in.. $5. 00 Handbook of Earth Excavation; Methods and Cost, by Gillette. In preparation, over 800 pages, illustrated, flexible bind- ing, 4%x7 in $5.00 Handbook of Clearing and Grubbing; Methods and Cost, by Gillette. 240 pages, 67 illustrations, 4% x 7 in $2.50 Cost Keeping and Management Engineering. By Ralbert P. Gillette and Richard T. Dana. A treatise for civil engineers and contractors. 360 pages, 184 illustrations, cloth, 6x9 in $3.50 Concrete Construction; Methods and Cost. By Halbert P. Gillette and Charles S. Hill. A treatise on concrete and reinforced concrete structures of every kind. 700 pages, 306 illustrations, cloth, 6x9 in $5.00 Handbook of Road Construction; Methods and Cost. By Halbert P. Gillette, and Charles R. Thomas. In preparation, over 800 pages, illustrated, flexible bind- ing, 4%x7 in $5.00 The Trackman's Helper. By Richard T. Dana and A. F. Trimble. 400 pages, cloth, 4% x 6 % in $2.00 Note: For full descriptions of these books see the advertising pages at the end of this volume. HANDBOOK OF MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL COST DATA Giving Shipping Weights, Capacities, Outputs, and Net Prices of Machines and Apparatus, and Detailed Costs of Installation, Maintenance, Depreciation and Operation, Together with Many Principles and Data Relating to Engineering Economics BY H ALBERT P. GILLETTE Consulting Engineer, Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member American Institute of Mining Engineers, Late Chief * Engineer of the Washington Railroad Commission AND RICHARD T. DANA Consulting Engineer, Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Member American Institute of Mining Engineers, Member Yale Engineering Association, Chief Engineer Construction Service Company FIRST EDITION McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. 239 WEST 39th STREET, NEW YORK LONDON: HILL PUBLISHING CO,, Ltd. 6 AND 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 1918 m5\ Copyright, 1918 BY CLARK BOOK COMPANY, Inc. OCT 14 1918 ©aA506233 -VI t \ PREFACE Our principal reason for thinking that these notes would be use- ful to others, is that we have found them indispensable within our own practice and not available m other form. Although the civil engineering field has long been provided with two cost handbooks, no similar book in the mechanical and electrical field has been obtainable. The main purpose of this book is to place under the hand of the engineer in the most convenient form for reference the largest practicable amount of information bearing upon economic and in- tensive construction production and transportation in the me- chanical and electrical fields. So far as possible, the material has been classified along the lines of the work that one man is likely to be called upon to do at the same time, and this arrangement has been supplemented by a very careful and thorough index, which should be freely used in order to get the maximum benefit from the book. We have borne in mind particularly the practical require- ments of The Designer, The Appraiser, The Chief of Construction, The Superintendent of Operation, The Engineering Student. This Handbook of Mechanical and Electrical Cost Data is designed to be a companion volume to our two civil engineering books, the Handbook of Cost Data by Gillette, and the Hand- book of Construction Plant and Its Cost by Dana. In method of treatment it resembles both of these, but its field, as the title indicates, is mechanical and electrical'. These three handbooks are so written as not to overlap, and can be used to supplement one another. This has enabled the authors to devote almost the entire 1716 pages of this volume to purely electrical and mechanical sub- jects. Thus, there is very little in this book on excavation, con- crete, structural steel work, water pipe and other work classed un- der civil engineering and treated in Gillette's Handbook of Cost Data. Nor does this volume contain many cost data relative to derrick.s, concrete mixers, motor trucks, rock crushers, etc., which are treated in Dana's Handbook of Construction Plant and Its Cost. For more than twenty years we have specialized in cost data, and during that time have conducted detail appraisals aggregat- ing $650,000,000 and embracing every class of plant treated in our handbooks. It is not to be inferred that the authors claim to have personal knowledge of every detail covered by their valuation work, but their staff of engineering assistants has been so or- ganized as to supply all the detail knowledge required for appraisals of every character ; and tO' this staff was intrusted much of the work involved in the preparation of this work. Rewriting a book on cost data is often regarded as being neces- V vi PREFACE sary every time that the levels of wages and prices change sub- stantially. If this were true, a cost book would scarcely be off the press before rewriting would be necessary, for the prices of some things change every month. The authors have gone to con- siderable pains in the Introduction, Chapter I, to show how cost data are usable even where wages and prices have changed since the compilation of the cost data. Those who are inclined to criticise any given cost on the score that it is " not up to date " are re- quested to read the first part of this Introduction with care. Where the methods used are the same methods in use today, the age of cost data has nothing to do with their value provided the original rates of wages, etc., are given. Applying the present rates of wages will then make the cost data absolutely up to date. Why this has not been more thoroughly recognized by critics of cost data we do not know, but it seems to be the fact and we must guard against it as much as we can by this warning. Several professors of engineering have expressed the intention of having their students use this book in making estimates of cost, and for this purpose it has been suggested that all our data should have been reduced to some " standard wage " and " standard price " basis. Admirable as such a standardization might be, it is one of those things that the student fails to find anywhere. Instead of helping him by standardizing the data for him, we conceive that we should be hindering his progress ; for one of his functions as a practicing engineer will be the interpretation of published cost data that conform to no standard whatsoever. One of the greatest difficulties that we have to contend with in the use, as well as the presentation of cost data, is found in the fact that they come to us, whether originally or at second hand, in various kinds of forms. A cost statement on one job will in- clude overhead charges, superintendence, interest, depreciation, etc., and the final unit costs will represent perhaps very nearly the total unit cost to be reckoned with in an estimate. Another state- ment from perhaps a neighboring job, possibly collected by the same man in the field, will give costs which do not include overhead charges, interest or depreciation. In making use of such data it is naturally essential for the reader to appreciate not only what is included but what is omitted, and not allow himself to be mis- led by the incompleteness of the statement at hand. Published costs are frequently incomplete, yet very useful in spite of incompleteness. For example, " overhead costs " may not be stated although all the "direct costs" are given; or, again, operating expenses may not include repair and depreciation costs. Nevertheless, a skilled esti- mator can use such incomplete costs to advantage, for he can him- self estimate the missing elements. To facilitate supplying such omissions and to aid in correcting underestimates of " overhead costs " and " upkeep costs," we have given a good many data in Chapter I, accompanied by a somewhat detailed discussion of these important elements of cost. In general, our plan has been to give capacities, weights and average normal net prices (f. o. b. factory) of machines and equip- ment of different types and sizes, together with labor and other costs of installation. Detail operating expenses, inclusive of repairs and renewals, are given for many plants ; and, wherever possible, these costs have been accompanied by concise descriptions of the plant and its first cost. We have selected for this purpose prices and expenses that existed prior to the world war ; and in most cases the data are presented in such a way that relatively little PREFACE vii work will be involved in applying- them to existing conditions in any part of America, by following the methods outlined in Chapter I. No book on cost data is any more fool proof than any other technical publication. It requires as much judgment to use costs intelligently as to use tables of safe stresses in engineering de- sign. To the man of judgment and experience it is believed that the information contained in this book will prove to be indispen- sable, as we have found it so in our own office. To the technical student of limited experience it should offer an introduction to the economics of engineering. In the compilation of data we have drawn largely from those col- lected by us in the course of our appraisal and rate case work. Valuable unit costs have also been placed at our disposal by Messrs. Henry L. Gray, Arthur R. Kelley and P. S. Burroughs, valuation engineers. We believe that the greatest courtesy we can offer to the writer of a technical masterpiece is to place his material in permanent form where it can be most readily utilized, and we have therefore made the freest use of the data obtainable from all sources. In doing- so we have made it a rule to g-ive credit to its original source throughout the text and we wish to express our obligation and that of the entire engineering community to those men who have contributed by their labors and out of their ripe experience to the periodical literature of our profession. We wish also in par- ticular to acknowledge our indebtedness to those members of our engineering staff and that of the Construction Service Company who have so ably assisted in compiling the data and reading proofs : Messrs. Allan C. Haskell, James M. Kingsley, John C. Black, Arthur P. Ackerman, Charles R. Thomas, Jr., and Walter L. Anderson. The Authors. New York, July 1, 1918. CONTENTS PAGE Chapter I. General Economic Principles 1 Definitions of Economic Terms. — General Discussion of Economics. — Various Sub-divisions of Costs. — Tables of Overhead Costs. — Common Errors in Capitalizing Values. — Alternative Plant Methods of Valuation. — Value of Plant Location, of Right-of-Way and of Water Rights. — Value of Attached Business. — Rate of Fair Return. — Return on Investment in Sundry Manufacturing Corpora- tions Not Under Governmental Control. — Cost of Estab- lishing a Business. — Development Cost. — Separate Plant Theory of Prorating Joint Costs. — When is it Profitable to Retire an Old Plant Unit? — The Calculation of Rates for Electric Current. Chapter II. Depreciation, Repairs and Renewals , . .82 Definitions. Plant Units and Their Relation to Depreciation. — Weighted Average Age of Plant Units. — Analysis of Maintenance Accounts and Upkeep Costs. — Methods of Es- timating Annual Upkeep Cost. — Suggested Improvements in Maintenance Accounting. — Amortization Before or After Depreciation Has Occurred. — Accrued Depreciation and Depreciated Value. — Per Cent. Condition. — Straight Line Depreciation Formula. — The Declining Balance Deprecia- tion Formula. — Defects of Straight Line and Sinking Fund Depreciation Formulas. — Rational or Unit Cost Deprecia- tion Formula. — Criterion for Retiring Obsolete or Inade- quate Plant. — Depreciated Plant Value Only a Part of Total Value. — Life Tables of Plant Units. — Useful Life of Reciprocating Engines, Generators and Turbo-Genera- tors. — An Example of the Determination of Repair and Depreciation Costs of an Electric Company. — Cost of Re- pairs and Life of U. S. River Improvement Plant. — Life of Vessels on the Great Lakes and Tidewater. — Methods of Handling Battery Maintenance Charges for Large Systems. — The Cost of Freight Car Repairs. — Comparative Costs of . Repairing Steel and Wooden Cars. — Life and Mainte- nance of All-Steel Cars. — Cost of Repairs for Polyphase Motors. — Life of Wooden Stave Pipe. — Cost of Maintaining Four Stokers and Furnaces for Six Years. Chapter III. Buildings ... 145 Economic Principles of Building Construction. — Cost of Items of Buildings by Percentages. — Cost of Office Buildings. — Comparative Cost of Wood and Steel Frame Factory Build- ings. — Cubic Foot Costs of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. — Cost of Mill Buildings. — Cost of Buildings of Wood, Concrete and Steel Framing. — Cost of Reproducing Build- ings and Yearly Cost Variation. — Comparative Cost of Slow Burning and Concrete Buildings in Chicago. — Brick per Square Foot of Floor and Approximate Costs of Mill Buildings. — Unit Costs of Reinforced Concrete for In- viii CONTENTS ix PAGE dustrial Buildings. — Cost Chart for a Reinforced Concrete Factory Building. — Cost of Two Story Reinforced Con- crete Factory. — Unit Costs of Forms and Concrete in Building Construction. — Cost of a Concrete Storage Ware- house Using Precast Members. — Cost of a Brick and Steel Factory in Pennsylvania. — Cost of Buildings for Small Pumping Stations. — Construction Camp Building Costs. — Cost of Mill Erection. — Cost of Shop Drawings for Structural Steel. — Estimating Structural Steel. — Cost of Carpenter Work. — Mortar Required' and Cost of Brick ■ Laying. — Cost of Brick-work in Five One-Story Manufac- turing Plants. — Cost of Powerhouse Brickwork in Indiana. — Cost of Laying Common Brick and Fire Brick in a Foun- dry Building. — Cost of a Pump-Pit. — Building Costs for Electric Light and Power Station. — Cost of Buildings for Compound-Condensing Steam Plants without Chimneys. — Cost of Street Car Barns. — Cost of Electric Railway Car Shops. — Cost of Buildings and Equipment for a Smelter in Arizona. — Construction and Cost of a Reservoir and Pump- house. Chapter IV. Chimneys 216 Relative Economy of Various Types of Chimneys. — Sizes of Chimneys for Boilers. — Height and Diameter of Chimney for Plants of Moderate Size. — Cost of Chimneys. — Cost per Horsepower of Various Chimneys. — Design and Quantities for a 220-Ft. Reinforced Concrete Chimney at Penarth, Wales. — Design, Construction and Cost of a Concrete Chimney at Coldwater, Mich. — Cost of a Rein- forced Concrete Chimney. — Cost of Chimney for a Cop- per Smelter. — Cost of Demolishing a Concrete Chimney in Philadelphia. — Cost of Demolishing a Concrete Stack from the Inside. — Dimensions, Lining and Lightning Pro- tection of Radial Brick Chimneys. — Cost of Brick Chim- neys. — Cost of a Very High Brick Chimney. — Chimney for Acid Gases. — Cost of Demolishing a Brick Chimney with Dynamite. — Weight per Foot of Sheet Steel Chimneys. — Cost of Steel Chimneys. — Cost of Steel Stack and Breeching. — Dimensions of Steel Chimney Foundations. — A Self-Supporting Steel Stack. — Cost and Size of Wedge Rope Sockets. — Cost of Removing and Replacing Top of a Steel Stack. — Cost of Erecting a 160-Ft. Steel Stack. Chapter V. Moving and Installing 245 Cost of Loading and Unloading Machinery. — Cost of Haul- ing One-Piece Loads. — Effect of Grades on Cost of Haul- ing. — Truck-Drawn Pole Trailers. — Cost of Hauling Poles and Cross-Arms. — Cost of Mule-Back Transportation of Machinery in Mexico. — Cost of Hauling Machinery for a Pumping Plant. — Cost of Installing Rotating Electrical Machinery. — Cost of Installing Transformers, Rectifiers, etc., of Less Than 75 kw. Capacity. — Cost of Installation of Power Transformers of 75 kw. and Over. — Cost of In- stallation of Electrical Rotating Machinery Up to 10,000 lbs. — Cost of Installing Motor Generator Sets. — Cost of Installing a 500 kw. Motor Generator. — Cost of Installing a 1,000 kw. Turbo-Generator and Auxiliaries. — Cost of Installing 2,000 kw. Turbo-Generator, Boiler, Superheater and Other Auxiliaries. — Cost of Foundations. — Cost of Erecting a 300 kw. Motor Generator. — Labor Cost of In- stalling 850 kw. Generator and Exciter. — Cost of Installing and Testing Meters. — Cost of Underground, Cypress Fuel Oil Tank. — Cost of Installing Tools and Equipment in a Smelter. — Cost of Installing Mining Equipment. — Cost of Preliminary Work in Mill Construction. — Cost of Miscel- X CONTENTS PAGE laneous Foundations. — Cost of Erecting Miscellaneous Machinery. — Installation of Pelton and Doble Wheels. — Weight of Electrical Apparatus and Prime Movers. — Setting Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers. — Floor Space for Reciprocating Engines. — Cost of Space for Different Types of Boilers. — Cost of Erecting Har- rington Automatic Stoker Under a Return Tubular Boiler. — Cost of Setting Two 200 h.p. Boilers. — Cost of Two Engine Foundations. — Cost of Moving and Erecting a 400 h.p. Corliss Engine and 500 kw. Generator. — Cost of Wrecking a Plant after a Fire. — Installation Costs of Miscellaneous Equipment. Chapter Vi. Fuel and Coal Handling 291 Calculation of Steam Coal Required by Power Plants. — Theoretical Mechanical Equivalent in h.p. Hours, of Heat Energy Contained in Common Fuels. — Economy to the Consumer Resulting from the Purchase of Coal Under Specifications. — Economic Points in the Selection and Purchasing of Coal. — Specifications for Purchasing Coal. — Economic Hints on Calorific Tests of Coal. — Methods of Estimating the Heat Value of Fuel. — Relative Value of Anthracite and Semi-Bituminous Coals. — The Cost of Coal Analyses. — Coal Size and B.t.u. per $1 Cost. — Evaporation Tests as a Check upon Coal Analysis. — The Weathering of Coal. — Variation of Car and Mine Samples of Coal. — Calorific Value of Selected Free-Burning and Caking Soft Fuels. — Influence of Ash on Value of Coal. — Cost of Pre- paring Powdered Coal. — Coal Burned per Sq. Ft. of Grate Area. — Cost of Briquetting Coar. — By-Products Coke Ovens. — The Cost of Manufacturing Coke. — Economic Comparison between Beehive and By-Product . Ovens. — Output of Gas from a By-Product Plant. — Cost of Gas from a By-Product Coke Oven Plant. — Cost of Burning Charcoal. — Comparative Costs of Fuel. — Comparative Cost of Power with Coal versus Oil Fuel. — Comparative Cost of Coal and Oil Fuel for Railroads. — Comparative Sizes of Smoke Stacks Necessary with Fuel Oil as Com- pared with Coal. — Comparative Qualities of Oil and Coal Consumed for the Same Quantity of Power Produced. — A Comparison of the Economy of Powdered Coal, Oil and Water Gas for Heating Furnaces. — Oil and Coal Costs Compared. — Fuel Values of Coal, Gas and Oil. — Benzol as a Motor Fuel. — Oil Consumption of a Diesel Engine Ocean Vessel. — Fuel Oil for Steamships. Effect of Diesel En- gines on Fviel Supply and Cost. — Types of Storage Plants for Anthracite Coal, Their Economic Features and Cost of Construction and Operation. — Labor Costs of Han- dling Coal and Ashes at Locomotive Coaling Stations. — An- nual "Operating and Maintenance Cost of Several Loco- motive Coaling Stations. — Comparative Cost of Han- dling Fuel in a Boiler House by Hand and by Telpher. — Cost and Economic Features of Modern Locomotive Coaling Stations. — Cost of Handling Coal and Ashes by Loco- motive Cranes at These Plants. — Cost of Handling Coal by the Mechanical Plant of the Wabash R. R. at Decatur, 111. — Cost of Erecting a Small Bucket Coal Elevator. — Comparative Cost of Handling Locomotive Cinders by a Pneumatic Conveyor and from an Open Side Pit. — Cost of Ash Handling by Vacuum Conveyor, — Cost of Operating a Vacuum Ash-Handling System. Chapter VII. Steam Power 379 Economic Value of Furnace Efficiency. — Relation Between the Cost of Power and Load Factor for Steam Turbine CONTENTS xi PAGE Plants of 25,000 k.w. Capacity and Larger. — Costs of Producing Power, Comparison of Estimated Costs with Those from Actual Tests. — Reduction of Steam Cost in Boiler House by Elimination of Human Labor. — Saving in St^am Costs Due to Superheat. — increasing the Economy and Capacity of Steam Boilers by the Use of Forced Draft. — Relation Between Boiler Output and Steam Consumption of Driven Fan. — Reduction in Coal Costs by the Use of a Balanced Draft System. — Increase in Capacity of Boilers Effected by an Increase in Grate Area Without Increas- ing the Heating Surface. — Annual Saving from the Use of Soft Water in 1,000 h.p. Boiler Plant. — Results from Operation of Water-Treating Plant. — Costs of Cooling Ponds. — Cost of Steam Power. — Coal Consumption of Compound Condensing Steam Plant. — Availability of Ex- haust Heat from Different Types of Engines. — Summary of Operating Results in Steam Turbo-Electric Plants from 200 to 20,000 kw. Capacity. — Floor Space Required by Corliss Engines and Turbines. — Cost of Power for Various Industries Under Ordinary Conditions. — Labor Costs in a Compound Condensing Steam Plant. — Fixed Charges in Compound Condensing Steam Plant. — Fuel and Water Con- sumption for Compound Condensing Steam Engines of 1,000 h.p. Upward. — Choice of Power for Textile Mills. — Power Plants in Textile Mills. — Cost of Steam and Electric Power for Operating Flour Mills Producing 54,000 Bbls. of Flour Per Yr. — Typical Solution of the Power Plant Problem for an Assumed Industrial Plant in Canada. — Heating and Power Costs in New York City Isolated Plants. — Cost of Power in a Large Apartment House. — Cost of Power, Light and Heat from Steam for 19 Build- ings. Operating Records of a Large Loft Building. — Power and Maintenance Costs of 12-Story Loft Building. — Cost of Power for a Large Semi-Public Building at Kan- sas City, Mo., as Compared with Cost if Purchased from the Central Station. — A Comparison of Efficiencies and Costs of Steam, Water, Gas and Oil Power Generation. — Comparative Costs of Power by an Oil Engine and a Steam Engine in Small Units. — Comparative Figures for 500 h.p. Oil Burning Steam Plant Converted to a Diesel Engine Drive. — Comparative Cost of Electricity Generated by Gas and Steam Engines. — Cost of a Gas Engine and of a Combined Steam Plant. — Comparative Costs of Power by Diesel-Engine and Steam Turbine in Plants of 600 k.w. Capacity. — Cost of Power in a 700-kw. Electric Plant and a Comparison Between That and the E.stimated Cost in a Steam Turbine Plant. — Comparative Costs of In- stallation and Operation of Gas, Oil and Steam Engines. — Comparative Costs of Power in Small Units of Gasoline, Gas, Steam and Electricity. — An Arithmetical Study of the of Power. — Comparative Power Station Costs of Steam, Gas and Diesel Engines. — Average Costs of In- stalling and Operating Coal Burning Steam Power Plants. — Boiler Room Equipment Costs per Rated Boiler Horse Power. — Cost of a 10 h.p. Steam Plant. — Cost of a 60 h.p. Steam Plant. — Average Cost of Compound Condensing Steam Plant. — Approximate Cost per h.p. of Steam Power Plants Complete. — Sirnple Condensing. — Cost of a Steam Power Plant for a Textile Mill. — Cost of Steam Boilers of Various Kinds and of Various Sizes and Weights. — Floor Area Occupied by Fire Tube and Water Tube Boilers. — Settings for Fire Tube Boilers. — Cost of Boiler Tubes and Various Boiler Equipment; — The of Fuel Economizers. — The Prices and Cost of Setting Various Steam Engines. — The Prices of Various Steam Engine Auxiliaries. — The Cost of Feed Water Heaters, Injectors, Pipe Covering, xii CONTENTS PAGE Lagging, Piping, etc. — Cost of Water Purification Plants. — Cost of Maintaining Four Stokers and Furnaces for Six Years. — Cost of Stokers. — Dimensions, Weight and Cost of Steam Turbines. Chapter VIII. Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Pro- ducers 616 Principal Economic Factors of Gas Power. — Mechanical and Thermal Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines. — Ef- fect of Elevation upon the Power of a Gas Motor. — Eco- nomic Limits Between Which Prime Movers of the Va- rious Types may be Advantageously Used. — Cost of Power for Pumping with Internal Combustion Engines Using Various Fuels. — Cost of Power Generation in Small Plants. — Fuel Consumption Tests of Small Oil and Gasoline En- gines. — Cost of Producer Gas Power Plants. — Cost of Gas Engines. — Approximate Cost of Gas Power Installa- tion. — Electric Railway Gas Power Plant Costs. — Manu- facturing Plant Gas Engine and Producer Power Costs. — Cost of Generating Current with Producer Gas Engines at Charlotte, N. C. — Costs of Power from Four Producer Gas Plants. — Cost of Power Generated by 50 Brake h.p. Suc- tion Producer Gas Plant. — First Cost and Annual Operat- ing Cost of Four Small Producer Gas Plants. — Annual Costs of Two 400 kw. Producer Gas Plant Units. — Cost of Power by Burning Wood in Gas Producers in Mexico. — Cost of Power in a Small Plant Using Illuminating Gas for Operating Gas Engine. — Amount of Power Available from Furnaces. — Operating Costs of Small Gas Engine Plant for Electric Light Service. — Oil Engine Costs and Operating Expenses for Different Types in Small Plants. — Cost of Diesel Engine Power for a Textile Factory. — Cost of Power by Diesel Engine Using Retort Tar. — Cost of Power for Two American 225 h.p. Diesel Engines. — — Operating Expenses of a Hot-Surface Oil Engine Plant in New Mexico. Chapter IX. Hydro-Electric Plants . . . .' . . . . 684 Unit Basis for First Cost Estimates of Hydro-Electric Plants. — Cost of a Subterranean Hydro-Electric Generat- ing Plant in Sweden. — Relation of K. W. Cost to Size of Plant in Switzerland and Sweden. — Cost of Power in Switzerland. — Cost of Developing a Water Power at Val- lorbe, Switzerland. — Cost of Various Hydro-Electric De- velopments in Ontario. — Yearly Cost of Power, Chicago Sanitary District Section. — Cost of a 1400 kw. Hydro-Elec- tric Plant. — Cost of 36,000 kw. Low Head Plant in Massa- chusetts. — Cost of Hydraulic Power Plants of from 100 to 1,000 h.p. and for 10 to 40 Ft. Heads. — Comparison of K.W. Cost of Steam and Hydro-Electric Power. — Analysis of Efficiencies of Component Parts of a. Hydro-Electric Sys- tem. — Data Necessary in Purchasing Water Wheel. — Cost of Water Wheels and Turbines. — Cost of Steel Pen- stocks. Concrete Penstocks. — Wood-Stave Pipe for Water- Power Penstocks. — Cost of Timber Flume for Water Power in British Columbia. — The Economics of Pipe Line Diam- eters. Chapter X. First Cost and Operating Expenses of Com- plete Electric Light and Power Plants . . . .740 Graphical Analysis of Operating Costs Into Fixed and Va- riable Expenses. — Output of Large Generating Systems. — ^ Relation of Peak Load to Capacity. — Proportions of Steam and Hydro-Electric Equipment to Load. — Analysis CONTENTS xiii PAGE Of K.W. Hour Costs of Combination System. — Operating and Cost Data for Electric Railway Power Stations. — Labor Costs of Operation in Street Railway Power Plants. — Relation of Unit Labor Costs to Size of Plant for Central Station Work. — Cost of Generating Electric Power for Operating the Elevated and Subway Cars in Manhattan, New York City. — Cost of Generating and Distributing Electricity for Lighting and Power. — Cost of Electric Power. — Cost of Power in a Plant with a Relatively Large Railway Load. — Installation and Maintenance of a Small Electric Light Plant. — Design and Operation of Cleveland Municipal Electric Light Plant. — Cost of Operating City Lighting Plant in Detroit. — Cost of Construction and Op- erating Expenses of the Municipal Electric Lighting Plant at Burlington, Vt. — Yearly Operating Costs in Four Typical Central Stations in Massachusetts. — Central Station Gross Receipts and Diversity Factors. — Operating Expenses of Massachusetts Steam Stations. — Generation and Distribu- tion Expenses of a Middle West Company. — Comparison of Costs of Operation of Gas Engine Station and Steam Generating Station. — Central Station Labor Costs. — 2,200 Volts Versus 13,200 Volts for Rural Extensions. — Distri- bution-Line Economics. — Factors that Determine Econom- ical Life of Transformers. — Costs of Steam Turbo-Electric Central Stations. — Construction Costs of Power Houses. — Cost of Constructing Steam-Driven Electric Power Plants. * — Average Construction Costs of Steam Turbo-Electric Power Plants. — Unit Costs of a Large Steam Station in Ohio. — Cost of Elements of Small Steam Electric Power Plants. — Checking Power Plant Construction Cost Esti- mates by Percentages. — Cost of Substations. — Area per h.p. Occupied by Various Power Groups. — Reconstruction Cost of a Storage Battei-y Plant. — Cost of Constructing a Turbo-Generator Power Plant, Transmission Line and Substructures. — Distribution Equipment Cost on a Small System. — Cost of Additions and Improvements for Central Stations. — Central Station Equipment Costs. — Plant Ex- tensions. — Cost of Control Apparatus for 19,000-volt Power Station. — Cost per Pound of Electrical Machinery. — Miscellaneous Central-Station Construction Cost Data. — Storage Batteries for Isolated Lighting Plants. — Prices of Electrical Equipment. Chapter XI. Overhead Electrical Transmission and Dis- tribution • . . 878 Cost of Wooden Poles. — Weights of Poles. — Detail Cost of Preparing and Setting Wooden Poles. — Cost of Digging Holes and Setting Poles; — Improved Method of Stenciling Poles. — Labor Costs of Pole-Line Construction. — Value of Treating Poles and Equipment. — Cost of Concrete Bases for Wood Poles. — Joint Pole Construction at Los An- geles. — Cost of Setting Poles by Block and Tackle. — Detail Cost of Cross-Arms. — Labor of Stringing Guys. — Con- crete Poles. — Cost of Concrete Electric Railway Trolley Poles. — Cost of Concrete Telephone Poles. — The Eco- nomic Design of a Distributing System. — Labor Costs of Building a Transmission Line. — Reducing the Cost of Line Construction. — Itemized Cost of a 28 Mile Telegraph Line. — Relation Between Span and Size of Wire. — Tow- ers for Transmission Lines. — Ratio of Labor to Material Costs in Steel Tower Transmission Line Construction. — Cost per Mile of Pole Lines for 3-Phase 2,300 to 6,000 Volts, — Comparative Costs of Transmission Lines. — Cost of La- bor and Materials of 6,600 Volt Transmission Line 4.6 Miles Long. — Steel Towers vs. Wooden Poles for Elec- xiv CONTENTS PAGE trie Lines. — Cost and Operating Data on 6,600-Volt Lines. — Cost of Constructing a Short 11.000-Volt Transmission Line. — Cost of 19,000 Volt Transmission Lines in New England. — Method and Cost of Erecting 20,000-Volt Trans- mission Line Towers in Assembled Condition by Means of Guy Poles. — Method and Cost of Constructing 22,000 Volt Iron-Wire Steel-Pole Transmission Line. — Cost of Constructing Wooden Towers for a 60,000 Volt Transmis- sion Line 25 Miles Long. — Cost of 66,000 Volt Transmis- sion Line. — Cost of Erecting 110,000 Volt Transmission Lines. — Cost of Various Transmission Line Material. — Comparison of Aluminum and Copper Wires for Equal Resistances per Unit Length. Chapter XII. Underground Electrical Transmission and Distribution 964 Underground Conduit. — Pump Log Conduit. — Cost of Trans- mission Conduit Installed. — Fiber Duct, Advantages and Materials Required for Installing. — Vitrified Clay Con- duits. — Cost of Repairing Openings in Pavement. — Cost of Trench Work Through Brick Pavements for Wire Con- duit. — Armored Cable Versus Conduit Systems. — Compara- tive Costs of Tile and Fiber Conduit. — Vault or Man- hole Construction. — Cost of Brick Manholes. — Main Un- derground Cable. — Lateral Underground Cable. — Rodding Underground Cable. — Removing Underground Cable. — Method and Cost of Cable Splicing. — Cost of Installing Street Lighting Cables in Boston. — Underground Tele- phone Cable. — Pulling Underground Cables in St. Louis. Chapter XIII. Lighting and Wiring 1023 Candle-Power Ranges of Old and New Lamps. — Factory ' Illumination Costs. — Current Requirements for Lighting. — Power Required for Illumination with Tungsten Lamps. — Comparison of the Cost of Lighting by Various Systems. — Cost of Operation of Practical Lighting Systems. — Cost of Street Lighting in Various Cities. — Costs of Gas and Electric Lighting Compared. — Maintenance Costs of Arc Lamps. — Cost of Arc Lighting. — Cost of Installing Lumi- nous Arc Ornamental System. — Efficiency of Arc Lamps. — Economics of Factory Lighting. — Comparison of Arc and Incandescent Lighting in a Shop Building. — Lighting of Railroad Stations with Gas. — The Kauffman Lighting Sys- tem. — Cost of Lamps. — Cost of Wiring a Two-Story House. — Cost of Wiring and Conduit Work for a Power Plant. — Labor Costs in Interior Construction. Chapter XIV. Belts, Shafts and Motor Drives .... 1079 Cost of Split Pulleys. — Cost of Belting. — Cost of Adjustable Shaft Hangers. — Selection of Economical Belts and Pul- leys. — Friction Load of Shaft hearings. — Steel Belts for Power Transmission. — The Cost of Electric Motors, Tables. Etc. — Cost of Individual Electric Drive. — Steam Engine vs. Motor Drive for Small Machine Shops. — Cost of Motor Drive in a Six-Story Factory. — Electrification of Shops of Wabash Railroad. — Power Required to Drive Shafting, B. R. & P. Ry. — Cost of Eleotiic Drive in a Foundry. — Power Required to drive Wood-Working Tools. — .Application of Electric Drive to Paper Calenders. — Electric Motors on a Farm. — A Comparison of Gas and Electric PoAver for Drawbridsre SAvinging — Cost Record of an Electric Power Shovel. — Cost of Operating Mo- CONTENTS XV PAGE tors in Lime Plants and Quarries. — Farm Imple- ment Manufacturing- Power Requirements. — Electric Motors in Harvesting- Machine Works. — Electric Drive in Cotton Gins. — Electric Drive in Sand and Gravel Plants. — Motor Service and Heating Costs in a Jewelry Factory. Chapter XV. Compressed Air 1132 Compressors of Various Kinds. — Turbo-Auxiliary to Piston Compressor in an English Mine. — Economy in Compressed Air Mining Plants. — Air Compressor Economy in New York. — Comparative Costs of Compressing Air by Steam and Electricity. — Efficiency of Compressed Air Transmis- sion. — Methods and Cost of Laying 6-in. and 8-in. Wrought Iron, Screw-Joint Pipe for a Compressed Air Main. — Profit in Reheating. — Air Used per Motor Horsepower. — Air and Power Requirements of Pneumatic Hammers. — Compressed Air and Pneumatic Tools in the Foundry. — Pneumatic Tool Costs in Shipbuilding. — English Costs on Scaling Boilers. — Hydro-Compressor Installation Costs. — Cost of Compress- ing by Water and Electric-Driven Compressors and the Direct Action of Water. Chapter XVL Gas Plants 1182 Percentage of Gas Manufactured on Which There is No Re- turn. — Detailed Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of 90,000. — Detailed Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of 25,000. — Detailed Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of 15,000. — Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of 2,600. — Reproduction Cost of the Properties of the Kings County Lighting Company. — Cost of Service Connections. — Unit Costs of Gas Mains. — Effect of Length on Cost of Laying 2-in. Gas Main. — Cost of Relaying Pavement. — Cost of Buildings and Equipment of a Large Gas Plant. — Miscellaneous Data Pertaining to Various Complete Plants. Chapter XVII. Pumps and Pumping 1241 Various Classifications and Types of Pump. — Pulsometers. — Belt Driven Pumps, etc. — Prices of Pumps of Various Classifications. — Hydraulic Rams. — Pumping Losses. — Operating Costs of Various Pumping Engines. — Actual Cost of Pumping in Various Cities. — Cost of Complete Pumping Stations. — Pumping Engine Economy. — Cost of Pumping by Gas Engines, and by Steam Pumps. — Cost of Pumping Machinery for Water Works. — Comparative Cost of Plant and Operating Expenses for Pumps Driven by Reciprocating Steam Engines, Steam Turbines and Diesel Oil Engines. — Cost of Pumping Oil Long Distances. — Operating Costs of Various Pumping Stations. — Costs of Pumping with Gasoline and Cheaper Fuel Compared. — Concrete Muffler and Operating Clost of a Small Diesel Engine Pumping Plant. — Comparative Cost of Pumping Water by Steam and Producer Gas in a Municipal Pumping Plant. — A Water Pumping Diagram. — Efficiency Test of an Air Lift Pump. — Total Fixed Charges and Operating Costs of Rotary Pumps Compared with Those of High- Duty, Vertical, Triple-Expansion Type. — Cost of Pumping Water for Irrigation. — Cost and Efficiency of Various Units in Irrigation Pumping in California. — Cost of Small Irrigation Pumping Plants. — Cost of Mine Pumping. — Formula for the Most Economic Size of Pipe to Carry Pumped Water. xvi CONTENTS PAGE Chapter XVIII. Conveyors, Hoists, Cranes and Elevators 1340 Belt, Flight and Screw Conveyors. — Cost of Belt Renewals and Power for Driving Beits. — Cost of Loading Bricks into a Box Car Using a Portable Belt Conveyor. — Bucket Elevators and Conveyors. — Economic Speeds for Bucket Elevators for Various Materials. — Bucket Elevator Fac- tors.- — Average Costs of Standard Bucket Conveyors, Etc. — Test of Motor-Driven Coal-Conveyor System. — Suction Conveyors. — Operation of the Automatic or Gravity Rail- way. — Comparative Cost and Value of First Quality and Second Quality Hemp Rope. — The Life of a Wire Rope and the Effect of Oiling Thereon. — Cost of Locomotive Cranes. — Capacity, Cost and Operation of Locomotive Cranes. — Cost of Handling Lumber in a Railway Shop by a Loco- motive Crane Compared with Hand Work. — Mechanical Handling in Storage Yards. — Installation and Operating Costs of Cranes. — Operating Speed, Cost and Capacity of Electric Traveling Cranes. — Cost of Electro-magnets. — Cost of Handling Locomotive Tires and Heavy Castings by a Magnet and Crane. — A Specially Designed Traveling Crane. — Cost of Hoisting Water in Unwatering Mines. — Comparison Between Electric and Steam Hoisting Systems. — Electric Passenger Elevator System. Chapter XIX. Heating, Cooking, Ventilating, Refrigerat- ing AND Ice Making 1421 Cost of Heating Buildings. — Figuring the Coal Consumption for Apartment and Office Buildings. — Cost of Heating and Power Plant Apparatus. — Comparative Cost of Heat When Generated by Coal, Gas and Electricity. — Operating Costs of Steam and Furnace Heating Plants. — Cost of Install- ing Underground Steam Mains. — Efficiency of Under- ground Steam Mains. — Saving in Coal Due to Pipe Covering. — Labor Costs of Applying Magnesia Covering to Pipes and Fittings. — Metered Service vs. Flat-Rates for Steam Heating. — Prices of Heat from Central Heating Plants. — Comparative Cost of Heating a 25-ft. Car, 45 Ft. Over All, by Hot Water and by Electricity, Based on Operating Conditions on a 32-Mile Interurban Railway. — Comparative Costs of Heating Cars. — Comparative Costs of Gas and Electric Cooking. — Heater Capacities of Simple Devices. — Power Required for Electric Thawing of Frozerx Mains. — The Power Consumption of Domestic Heating Devices Electrically Operated. — An Electric Heater for Thawing Explosives. — Cost of Electric Heating in Shoe Factory. — Cost of Various Heating and Ventilating Equip- ment. — Cost of Manufacture in Distilled Water Ice Plants. — Refrigerating Costs in Large and Small Plants. — Cost of Refrigeration for a Skating and Curling Rink. Chapter XX. Electric Railways 1517 Detailed Appraisals of Various Railways. — Cost of One Mile ^ of Single Track. — Special Work. — Cost of Overhead Tro.l- ley Systems. — Overhead Line Construction. — Cost of Track Bonding. Chapter XXI. Miscellaneous 1645 Prices of Various Mechanical and Electric Apparatus. — Cost of Tool Operation in Engine Manufacturing. — Cutting Speeds in Machine Tools. — Cost of Tempering Tools. — Cost of Equipment for a Boiler and Blacksmith Shop. — Cost of Equipment for a Smelter Plant Machine and Blacksmith CONTENTS xvii PAGE Shop. — Cost of Drafting- Equipment. — Painting Materials Required and Surface Covered per Gallon. — Cost of Sand Blast Cleaning- of Structural Steel. — Electric Arc Welding Apparatus. — Cost of Electric Welding. — Speed of Electric Welding. — Thermit Process Welding-. — Method and Cost of Welding Rails by the Thermit Process. — Cost of Cutting Off Steel Sheet Piles with the Electric Arc. — Miscellaneous Oxy- Acetylene Welding and Cutting Costs. — Cost of Vari- ous Acetylene Operations. — Cost of a Davit Collar and Pump Repairs. — Handling- Scrap by Magnets and Locomo- tive Cranes. — Ratio of Average Load to Connected Load. — First Cost and Maintenance of Portable Batteries for Automatic Signals. — Cost of Electric Riveting. — Cost of Thawing Water Pipes by Electricity. — Cost of an Electric Sign. — Power Required for Motor-Driven Farm Machinery. — Comparative Costs of Gas and Fuel Oil in Heating Japanning Ovens. MECHANICAL AND ELECTEICAL COST DATA CHAPTER I GENERAL. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES Engineering is the application of science to the problems of economic production. The engineer's ultimate aim, therefore, is to effect a desired result at a minimum cost. To this end, where it is feasible, the engineer should formulate a unit cost equation in which all the dependent variables and constants are included, and he should then solve for a minimum unit cost. But whether he is able to employ this ideal method or must use cruder methods, he must eventually express all the items in terms of money or its equivalent. Put differently, every economic problem resolves itself into the determination of quantities to which unit costs are applied. No economic problem can be solved merely by the use of qualitative terms ; yet many a poor reasoner attempts to solve the most com- plex of economic problems without the use of a single item to which a definite cost is assignable. Volubility is vainly made to serve instead of valuation. Imperfect Cost Data. The term data is coming more and more to designate statistical facts rather than qualitative facts. Cost data are obviously essential in solving economic problems. Yet there still exists a prejudice against published cost data. If, however, each engineer were to rely solely on cost data gathered by meager pickings from his own little crab-apple tree of ex- perience, economic progress would be decidedly restricted. Accord- ingly each year witnesses more complete and detailed publication of costs in most lines of engineering work. It is true that many of the cost data are incomplete, or insufficiently explained, and therefore apt to be misleading. It is also true that men entirely inexperienced in the use of cost data may misinterpret even the most complete data. But neither the deficiences»in published data nor defective reasoning in their application should serve as an argument for restricting the publication of such information. In spite of the risk of misuse, " a half -loaf is better than none." More- over a half-loaf of knowledge on a given subject is almost uni- versally the precursor of a full loaf. Published cost data are usually defective, but defectiveness is characteristic of nearly all economic data whatsoever. Who, for 1 2 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA example, can accurately forecast the natural life of any generator, or any pump of given size and type under any specified service? Although we still remain ignorant of many economic facts, we shall scarcely become wiser if we fail to make use of such data as we do, possess on the ground that the data are imperfect. Let us have done with fatuous criticisni of published cost data, and bend our efforts to the gathering and publishing of more complete costs of all kinds under varying conditions. How to Use Cost Data. If a unit cost has been so analyzed as to show the quantities of each kind of labor and of each kind of material involved in the production of the given unit, such a unit cost may be quite as serviceable a generation or more after its pub- lication as it was when first published. Thus, the yardage costs of excavating earth with drag-scrapers and horses which Elwood Morris published in 1841 are applicable now, three-quarters of a century later ; for we still use drag-scrapers for earth excavation, and we have merely to substitute present team and man wages for those used in the time of Morris. Curiously enough many men, even engineers, have failed to see that " out of date " cost data can often be thus brought up to date. Rates of wages are frequently omitted in giving unit costs, but, if the date when the cost was incurred is given, it is usually pos- sible to ascertain the wage rates that then prevailed. An expe- rienced engineer often knows offhand the prevailing rates of wages that were paid in any part of the country at any given time. While it is true that wages of individual workmen often differ quite widely even in the same locality and at the same time, it should be re- membered that this difference is usually consequent upon their individual differences in efficiency. Thus, when railway carpenters were paid $2.50 a day and contractors' carpenters were paid $3.00 in the same locality for the same class of work, the carpenters working for a contractor did fully 20% more work daily. Hence the unit cost of carpenter work did not differ materially even where the wage differed 20%. The labor cost of installing a machine is very often estimated as a percentage of the cost of the machine. Supi:)ose, for example, a given machine was installed 20 years ago at a labor cost that was 10% of the cost of the machine. If the general level of wages and machine prices has risen 75% since that time, then the ratio of labor cost of installation to machine cost would still remain 10%; and the labor cost data of 20 years ago would remain applicable today if applied as a percentage to the present cost of the given machine. The labor cost of installing equipment is frequently estimated in dollars per ton of weight. Although the weight of a machine of given size and type is seldom given in an article containing costs of machinery installation, the weight is usually ascertainable from tables such as are given in this book ; and then a published labor cost of installation of a machine may be converted into a cost per ton. Old installation costs per ton may be brought up to date by making proper allowance for the rise in wages. GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 3 In making tables that give the prices of machines and equipment of different types and sizes we have given also the weights. It is therefore possible to deduce from our tables the price per lb. of each size and type of plant-unit. Our prices were normal prices at the factories in 1913 and 1914, prior to the world war. It might seem at first sight that these tabular prices will be valueless at least until the war is ended and normal economic conditions are re- stored. Yet a little consideration of the matter will show that our tables of equipment prices may be used effectively now. To illustrate, suppose it is desired to estimate the present price of electric transformers of different sizes. Secure either the price actu- ally paid recently for a given tran.sformer, or secure a quotation, then divide this price by the price given in our table, and thus establish the factor by which to multiply other prices in the same table to get present prices. This procedure will save time and trouble. Moreover, it will be found much easier to secure a few quotations from manufacturers or their agents than to secure as many as may be needed for an approximate appraisal or a pre- liminary estimate of cost of a proposed plant unit. In this connection it should be noted that manufacturers usually quote higher prices when they think the prices are to be used for preliminary estimating or for appraising than when they regard their prices as actual bids upon equipment to be furnished. As our price tables are based on bids or on plant actually purchased, it is evident that these tables will YvslVq value for many years to come, if intelligently used as suggested. In estimating costs there is always danger of omitting items, either through ignorance or carelessness. If the cost data in this book served no other purpose than to prevent such omissions, the publication of the book would be justified. Danger of omission of cost elements is particularly acute when the estimator is dealing with a class of work with which he is not ttioroughly conversant. Estimates of the cost of plant are usually preliminary to an estimate of the unit cost of the product or service of the plant. When this is the case it is important to realize that probable er- rors in estimating the per cent, of " fixed charges " and the " load factor " are apt to outweigh probable errors in estimating the cost of the plant. Thus the "fixed charges" (interest, depreciation and taxes) may be estimated by A at 10%, whereas B may estimate the same at 15%. If A were to estimate the first cost of the plant at $150,000, B could estimate it as low as $100,000. and the two estimators would arrive at the same annual cost of fixed charges. Comparatively few engineers seem to realize the relatively great importance of accuracy in estimating the percentages allowed for " fixed charges," yet the same engineers will split hairs over esti- mates on the first cost of a plant. This fact is repeatedly made evident in rate cases before public utility commissions where acri- monious debates of considerable length often occur as to the " value " of plants, only to be followed by the most cursory dis- cussion of depreciation annuities and " rates of fair return " on the investment. It is exceedingly important to bear in mind this rule : 4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Each per cent, of difference between two estimates of fixed charges divided by the total percentage allowed for fixed charges in the lower estimate, gives the percentage of increment in plant invest- ment that is at stake. Thus if two estimators agree on a plant value but one estimator, A, allows 10% for fixed charges, whereas the other estimator, B, allows 14%, dividing the difference of 4% by 10% gives 40%, which is the percentage by which A would have to increase the plant value to get annual fixed charges equal to those of estimator B. When estimates of plant are thus viewed in the light of subse- quent calculations of " fixed charges," there is apt to result far greater study of the questions of depreciation, interest and tax rates, to say nothing of insurance and even repair rates which are also commonly applied as percentages of the plant investment. Moreover, it is also perceived that great precision in estimating the cost of a plant, even were it attainable, is a useless refinement where equal precision in estimating " fixed charges " is not at- tainable. By a parity of reasoning it will be seen that unless the load factor, or ratio of actual output to capacity output, of a plant can be estimated with great accuracy, it is fruitless to estimate the cost of the plant with great accuracy. Here, again, engineers have been inclined to give relatively scant consideration to average output factors while splitting hairs over estimates of plant cost. What avails it, for example, to estimate the probable cost of a factory with considerable precision, if there is to be nothing but a crude guess as to the average " load factor " or annual output of the factory? Engineers have often excused themselves for not estimating carefully such things as " fixed charges " and output factors, on the ground that these were matters for the owners or managers of the plants to decide. „ But the day when such an excuse will be acceptable is gone. Even a designing engineer is now presumed to study and apply all the economic factors, for if he does not he can not design the most economic plant for the given purpose. Unfortunately depreciation data and output factors (or load factor data) are not as abundant as could be desired. They are cost factors of great importance, and their usefulness is little im- paired by age. We have made a beginning in recording miscel- laneous data of this character in this book, but we are well aware that it is only a beginning. Definitions of Economic Terms. Few economic terms are used in the same sense by all authorities. There have not been many attemi)ts to standardize econoinic nomenclature, and it is not likely that standard terms will be generally adopted for many years to come. This makes it important that the student of economics shall early form the habit of carefully defining the terms that he himself uses, and critically examining the definitions that others use. Many writers do not define the economic terms that they em- ploy, apparently taking it for granted that any dictionary will GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 5 elucidate their meaning. Not infrequently such writers them- selves have a rather hazy conception of the scope of the several economic words. The definitions that follow in this chapter are those that the authors have adopted or have formulated for their own purposes. They conform fairly well with " general usage," but are not in every instance in general use. Economy is the judicious expenditure of labor, materials and energy in the attainment of a required end. Economics is the science of the general principles applicable in securing maximum economy. Economic Efficiency is the ratio of actual performance to an ideal or standard performance. The single word efficiency is often used, instead of economic efflciency, in this sense. Engineering is the application of science to the problems of economic production Engineering Economics is that part of economics most com- monly applied in the practice of engineering Industrial Economics is that part of economics most commonly applied in financing, organizing, purchasing, producing and selling. Political Economics is that part of economics, most commonly applied in political or social management. General Discussion of Economics. The word economics is de- rived from a Greek word meaning household management. Po- litical economists have attempted to restrict its use to their own particular branch of economics ; but this limitation of the word is not approved by those interested in other branches of economics. Engineers in particular refuse to use the term economics solely in reference to the science of political management. Economics is often defined as being " the science that deals with the production and distribution of wealth," or more briefly as " the science of wealth." But such definitions seem to be too broad. Engineering also deals with the production and distribution of wealth. It seems better to define economics in such manner as to make clear the fact that it deals solely with principles of general application in securing economy The manufacturer, the merchant, the engineer and the politician may all apply the general principles of securing economy, and to this end they should study economics. But each in his own sphere should possess not only a knowledge of certain principles applicable in securing economy of perform- ance, but should have acquaintance with many facts and details not classifiable as parts of the general science of economics. To a merchant the " required end " is a maximum annual profit with the aid of the capital that he commands. Hence for him a maximum annual profit is the " maximum economy." To an engineer the " required end " is usually a minimum unit cost, which is the " maximum economy " that he seeks By every class of designer or manager of productive plants a maximum of economy is the desideratum in the attainment of which the science of economics is immeasurably valuable. Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank 6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of New York, said at a recent convention of a school of finance for business executives : " I believe we are a nation of economic illiterates. There is a science of business. It is something teach- able." Yet a few years ago when engineers began to say that there is a science of management and that it is teachable, the scoffers almost drowned the announcement with laughter " Sci- ence, indeed ! " they exclaimed " You can't teach management. Managers are born, not made." Now it is admitted that man- agers are first born and then made. Value is exchangeable worth, usually expressed in money. Price is the quantity of money exchanged for property or service. Cost is the money outlay and debits incurred in securing prop- erty or service. The price charged by a seller is always part of, and may be all of. the cost to the buyer. " Debits incurred " will be explained later. Profit is the excess of the price secured over the cost incurred by the seller. Unit Price is the price per unit of property or of service ; e. g. $20 per ton, or 10 cts. per kilowatt-hour. Unit Cost is the cost per unit of property or of service U7iit Wage is the wage per unit of employee's time ; e. g. 30 cts. per hour. General Discussion of Value, Price, Cost and Profit. Economics might roughly be defined as the science of value, price, cost and profit, so important and far reaching are these four words. One of the commonest errors is to suppose that the full import of these words is attainable by reading of short definitions such as those above given. Value is exchangeable worth, it is true, but this tells nothing as to how the value of a waterfall, or a mine, or a factory site, or a patent, or the " good will " of a business is ascertainable. Cost is money outlay and debits incurred, but this tells nothing about what the true debits are. Profit is excess of selling price over cost, but since true profit depends on what constitutes true cost, not much is explained by the definition of profit uijtil there is a very thorough understand- ing of what constitutes a true and complete cost. Scores of thousands of men are both deceived and self-deceived every year as to values, cost and profits, because they have never studied economics. The majority of industrial failures is attributed to lack of knowledge of cost keeping and cost estimating, but this, important as it is, is only one phase of the broad subject of economics. Cost has two meanings, one quite elementary and the other more complex. In its elementary sense, the cost of a thing to a given owner is the sum of the prices, or total price, paid or pay- able by that owner at the time the thing was acquired. This may be called elementary cost. a given time is the sum of all net debits chargeable to the thing up to the given time, including the value of the owner's time. GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 1 This cost might be called economic cost, in order to distinguish it from elementary cost. Elementary cost differs from economic cost in that it does not include sacrifice costs. Sacrifice cost is any payment (such as interest, supervisory wages, depreciation annuity and risk insurance) foregone during the period that a business is being developed or built up to a point where it earns a normal return on the investment. Sacrifice cost may therefore include interest during construction as well as its sequel, development cost or accumulated deficit in fair return on the investment. The following are five broad definitions of cost terms : Cost of production includes money outlays, debits incurred, pro- prietary losses of normal income and compensation for risks in- volved in production. Cost may be divided into two classes of business debits : 1. Debits of the business to others than the proprietor. 2. Debits of the business to the proprietor. In well kept ledgers all of the first-named class of costs will be found, either as property costs or as operating expenses, but it frequently happens that not all — and sometimes not any — of the second class of costs are entered in the ledgers. Costs of production may be divided into two parts : 1. Direct costs. 2. Indirect costs. Direct Costs are those costs directly assignable to a group of similar units of product without prorating. Joint or Indirect Costs are costs that cannot be directly assigned to a group of similar units, but must be prorated among different groups of units. Unit Cost is the cost per unit of product, and is determined by dividing the total cost assigned to a group of units of product by the total number of units. A unit cost includes all the direct costs and it may include all or nearly all the indirect costs, depending upon the method of accounting or cost analysis. In appraisal work, as well as in estimating the cost of projected work, it is customary for engineers to use unit co.sts that include only i)art of the indirect cost, the remainder of the indirect cost being called " overhead cost." Overhead Cost is that part of the indirect cost not included in the unit costs. No hard and fast line can be drawn between unit cost and over- head cost. It is entirely a matter of more or less arbitrary defini- tion. If a company does its construction work by contract, the contractor's unit prices are the company's unit costs; but the con- tractor's unit prices include all of his overhead costs. Hence, if a company does its construction with its own forces, its overhead costs will ordinarily be greater than if it does its work by con- tract, due to the differences in accounting. Several recent decisions of public utility commissions serve to 09,11 attention to a rather general lack of knowledge about over- 8 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA head costs. One decision even goes so far as to impute dishonest motives to certain engineers who had estimated overhead costs at what appeared to be a very high percentage. Dishonesty is rarely to be found in appraisals of " overheads," but ignorance is cer- tainly more in evidence. At times this ignorance results in ex- cessive allowances for overhead costs, but quite as often it leads to under-estimates. Why, it may be asked, are engineers ever ignorant in such matters? An answer will be given to this ques- tion first, and then to several other related questions that often bother commissioners as well as company managers. To begin with, the term overhead costs, or its equivalent, has no generally accepted meaning. In its broadest sense any cost is an overhead cost if it cannot be directly assigned to a given class of construction units, and in this sense overhead cost is identical with " indirect cost." A better conception of the difficulty of de- fining overhead cost, except in a general manner, will be evident upon defining " cost " and " unit cost." The impression prevails that all the actual costs of a plant are to be found in the plant account of a well kept set of ledgers. The fact is that some cost items rarely appear in the plant account at all, notably interest during construction. And again, operating expenses are often charged with plant or capital costs, notably managerial costs. Appraisal engineers usually, although by no means universally, limit the items of construction " overhead costs " to the following : 1. Engineering and Inspection. 2. Supervision (other than gang foremen and the profits of con- tractors). 3. Organization (preliminary to construction). 4. Administration, Accounting and Clerical. 5. Legal. 6. Insurance (casualty, fire and title) and Damages. 7. Taxes. 8. Interest. 9. Contingencies, Omissions, Waste and Incidentals. 10. Broker's Fees. 11. Promoter's Profit. Broker's Fee and Promoter's Profit are not infrequently omitted by appraisal engineers, but the remaining nine items usually ap- pear, either separately listed or grouped together. They are com- monly expressed as percentages, either of all the direct charges taken as a whole or of some of the direct charges, or of the direct charges plus some of the overhead charges. This variation in practice is itself confusing, but when we add to it variations caused by the " burying " of some of these eleven " overheads " in the unit prices, the confusion often is so great as to lead to complete misapprehension on the part of those not accustomed to cost analy- sis. Indeed even skilled estimators are frequently found to be using " overhead percentages " erroneously. It will be observed that we have omitted " Going Value " or " Development Cost " from the list of " overheads," and in doing so GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 9 we follow present practice, although " Development Cost " is itself largely interest during construction and its sequel — 'deficit in in- terest during the development period. We are informed by C. M. Larson, chief engineer of the Wiscon- sin Railroad Commission, that his estimated " overhead costs " exclude items 6, 10 and 11 of the above list. Item 6, Insurance, is included in the unit prices that he uses. Item 10, Broker's Fee, is taken into consideration by the Wisconsin Commission (as we interpret their decisions) in arriving at the proper rate of " fair return " on the investment, since brokerage fees commonly con- stitute part of the discount on bonds. Item 11, Promoter's Profit, appears not to receive recognition by the Wisconsin Commission. Mr. Larson informs us that he usually adds to the direct costs 15% for overhead costs on " the larger properties which show a high type of construction," and he intimates that, of this 15% very little constitutes Item 10, or Contingencies, because his " inven- tories are usually made quite complete by means of co-operation of the officers and agents of the companies." For small plants Mr. Larson commonly allows 12% for overheads. These percent- ages — 12 and 15 — seem very low, and we believe they are low where a utility company does mqst of the construction with its own forces. Mr. Larson, however, uses unit prices that are as- sum.ed to be fair contract prices for the plant " in place," which puts a somewhat different light on these low overhead percentages. As to unit prices he says : " These prices cover contractors' profits, liability insurance, and, in a woi'd. every item which is ordinarily included in the same to a general contractor." Since a general contractor is a business manager, and since his sub- contractors are really superintendents, it follows that, when their services are paid for in the form of profits included in their unit prices, Items 2 and 4, Supervision and Administration, are smaller than where a company does the construction with its own forces. This alone explains a considerable part of the diffei'ence between percentages estimated by different appraisers for overheads. Even the same appraiser may use different overhead percentags at dif- ferent times, if for no other reason than to enable him to have an appraisal that can be readily compared with the accounting rec- ords. Thus, in Gillette's appraisal of the steam railways of Wash- ington State, he included the general contractor's 5% profit in the unit price, by adding 5% to ^ the subcontractor's price. Thus a large part of Item 2, Supervision, was automatically " buried " in the unit price, which was in accord with steam railway accounting practice. But in our appraisals of electric railways, electric power and light properties, and telephone plants, knowing that many companies do most of their construction with their own forces, we have used unit prices that often included relatively little or no Supervision (other than gang foremanship). Even in these cases it occasionally happens that a manufacturing company undertakes to do much of the engineering and supervision involved in laying out and installing apparatus, and then a large part of such " over- heads " as engineering and supervision are automatically buried in the prices charged for apparatus installed " in place." 10 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA In the appraisal of land and right of way it often happens that the appraisal engineer has no voice as to " overheads." Then all " overheads " may be lumped in with the price fixed upon the land by real estate experts. This was what was done in the original appraisal of the steam railways of Washington, and it has led not a few writers to misapprehension as to the overhead percentages used in that appraisal. In Item 2, Supervision, we find that some utility companies in- clude " dead time," traveling expense, unapportioned freight and carriage, and the like, under this head. To put the " dead time " (due to bad weather and holidays) of laborers in this account is a mistake, it seems to us. Similarly, traveling expense of laborers and unapportioned freight should not be called Supervision. Never- theless they are sometimes charged to such an account. Even tool expense may be occasionally found there also. Perhaps we have gone far enough in this discussion of details to indicate the danger that lurks in ordinary comparisons of " over- head percentages," particularly when the accounting practice of different companies is not thoroughly understood. But one more instance — -a very striking instance — should be given to empha- size this point. Most large companies build additions to plant at the same time that they make repairs and renewals. Often the same gangs make both renewals and additions simultaneously. The same engineering, managerial, and executive forces are usually engaged in maintenance as well as on new construction. There- fore, it becomes necessary to prorate engineering, supervision, etc., to two or more distinct classes of work. Such prorating may be done according to different theories, the two most common being : (1) In proportion to the cost of direct labor, and (2) in propor- tion to the combined cost of labor and materials. These two meth- ods rarely give the same results ; often the results are widely dif- ferent. Maintenance work generally involves a relatively high proportion of labor to material costs, whereas the converse is often true of new construction. Hence a company whose practice is to allocate engineering and supervision between maintenance and new construction in proportion to the direct labor involved will have a plant account containing lower overhead costs than a com- pany whose practice is to allocate these overheads in proportion to combined costs of material and labor. Evidently the theory of such prorating has an important bearing upon final results. As an illustration we may cite one company whose new construction annually amounts to many millions of dollars and whose main- tenance costs are equally large. Upon analysis of that company's costs, we found that its overhead charges on new construction would have been 3% greater than they appeared in the plant ac- count had they been apportioned according to total costs instead of according to direct labor costs. Some companies charge all general management, auditing, legal expense, etc., to operating expense, and thus reduce the overhead plant chargs. It may be said that overhead percentages should be determined GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 11 solely by analysis of construction costs of companies during con- struction periods and prior to beginning- operation. But to confine analysis to such companies would eliminate most of the new con- struction of public utility companies throughout America. Often it is said that it matters not in the end whether overhead charges are improperly prorated or not, for by as much as the capital account is undercharged, by that much will operating ex- penses be overcharged. The users of this argument lose sight of the fact that an appraisal usually marks the passing from the old regime of laissez faire to the new regime of state regulation. One of the objects of such an appraisal then is to start the new plant account as nearly right as practicable. True plant cost is independent of accounting methods, of whether property has been paid for or out of earnings or by the sale of securities. But accounting records can be used as evidence, from which true plant cost may be inferred, and to that end it is desirable that both the property accounts and the main- tenance accounts be carefully analyzed at least for a number of years back. Upon such analysis adjustments can be made. Then correct unit costs and correct overhead costs can be derived. To this use of accounting records many engineers do not resort ; their failure thus to use accounting records explains most of the ig- norance respecting overhead costs, and makes clear why engineers have so frequently underestimated " overheads" In this connection it may be remarked that while most engineers are fairly familiar with contract prices, and while some engineers are equally familiar with actual unit costs, relatively fevv^ engineers know from personal study of accounts what overhead costs aver- age under given conditions. Until quite recently the accounting records of few utility companies were open to the study of engi- neers. And even when the records were available not many engi- neers analyzed them thoroughly, both as to operating and con- struction charges. The consequence has been that engineers em- ployed by public service commissions have commonly underestimated overhead costs. Engineers employed by companies have ordinarily been closer to the mark, but occasionally have grossly overestimated overhead costs because they were guessing. In a recent commission decision, the overhead costs estimated by a commission's engineers were rejected as being too high, although, in fact, they were much too low. in our judgment. The commission reasoned that because the plant account of the company showed nominal charges for engineering and supervision, and no charges for interest during construction, it could not be possible that the company had spent much for these items. This is an instance of a sort of blind faith in " book values," a faith, by the way, that would quickly have ebbed had the company been found to have " book values " that greatly exceeded the commission's engineer's estimate of reproduction cost. ■ Interest. Very few operating companies charge any " interest during construction " when new construction proceeds pari passu with renewals. In other words, after the original nucleus of a 12 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA plant is built, the " interest during construction " account, if ever there was one, is closed. In the case of railvv'ays, the interest ac- count contains only interest on bonds and notes. Hence it usually does not adequately represent full interest on all the plant even during the original construction period. In our early appraisals we did not recognize this fact and accordingly underestimated " interest during construction." On the other hand there is often a slight duplication of interest charges arising from the practice of making a per diem charge for " train service " which is itself high enough to cover interest on the rolling stock. Analogous to this is the practice of charging for transporting their own freight over their own lines at rates that are high enough to cover part, if not all, the interest on the track and equipment. Interest during construction, as we now view it, should be charged at the full " fair return rate " rather than at the bond interest rate. Otherwise the investor fails to get a " fair return " on his money during the construction period. Brokerage. It has often been claimed that hond discount is a proper " overhead charge," but usually this claim has been rejected by commissions. Commissions have reasoned that bond discount merely reflects the rate paid for the use of money, and is, there- fore, to be considered only as a factor in determining the " rate of fair return " on the investment. This reasoning, however, is not wholly correct. Bond discount is a composite of two entirely dis- tinct things: (1) Brokerage fee and (2) advance payment to the bond purchaser. The broker requires part of the discount to com- pensate him for investigating the property, giving it the endorse- ment of his approval, circularizing his clientele, advertising and selling the bonds. First, in the case of a large issue, there is the wholesale broker, and, second, there are many smaller firms, who retail the bonds that they have bought from the wholesaler. Se- curities are thus sold as if they were merchandise. It costs money to market them. The brokerage fee, therefore, is just as much a part of the cost of the property as is the engineering. Indeed, there is often not a little engineering involved in the study of a property by the representatives of investment brokers. Occasionally a witness who has testified as to brokerage fees is asked such a question as this: "If Jones builds a $10,000 house with his own money, whereas his next door neighbor, Smith, builds a $10,000 house with borrowed money, is Smith's house worth more than Jones'? " The answer is no, and upon receiving such a reply i\. is pre- sumed that the entire argument in favor of brokerage as an over- head cost is overthrown. But let the cross-examiner himself be asked . " If Jones, who is an architect, builds a house, and his neighbor, Smith, who is not an architect, but hires one, builds a duplicate, is Smith's house worth more than Jones'?" Here the negative answer might with equal reason be used to support the contention that architect's fees are not a proper over- head charge. The fallacy in this line of reasoning arises from GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 13 the confusion of cost with value. The " worth " of a thing is its value, which may be quite distinct from its cost. Appraisals of utility properties are cost of reproduction estimates whenever they consist of a summation of priced-out quantities. The commercial value of a utility property is the present worth of its prospective earnings, or its equated annual net earnings capitalized by dividing them by the rate of fair return. While neither interest during construction, nor taxes, nor brokerage fee, nor many another item adds to the commercial value of a property, it does add to its cost. Whatever normally increases cost is an element to be appraised by one who is seeking either true investment or true cost of re- production. Among court decisions on this point of brokerage fee, none is better expressed than the decision (Jan. 13, 1913) of the Royal Courts of Justice relating to the purchase of the National Telephone Co. by Great Britain. The Court said : Next, it is said that the cost of raising the capital necessary to construct the plant is not an item to be taken into account in finding the cost of its construction. . . . The company has given evidence, by way of example, that it cost them 4.41% to raise £5,500,000. No one has given evidence that it would not cost anything, nor has that proposition been put forward even in argument. I know of no commodity and no service that can be procured as of a right for nothing. I am clear that, as a fact, money cannot be procured for nothing. ... It is not true to say that this involves the propo- sition that the value of plant varies with the credit of the con- structor. The cost to be considered is the cost to the hypothetical constructor who is a person in good credit. Accordingly the Court allowed a commission or brokerage fee of about 2% of the construction cost of a telephone plant having a total cost of about $65,000,000. The brokerage fee on small properties is usually a higher per- centage than on large properties, for reasons that are quite ap- parent. Contingencies. Contingencies, as the term is ordinarily used by appraisal engineers, denotes the probable aggregate cost (or value) of items not formally listed in the appraisal inventory. Contingencies may be divided into three classes : 1. Omissions of quantities through carelessness, ignorance or oversight. 2. Omissions of minor quantities, purposely left out of the formal inventory, either because of the difficulty of enumerating them or because of their relatively small value. 3. Underestimates of unit costs or values. Some appraisers include an allowance for contingencies in their unit costs, in which case contingencies may not appear as a sepa- rate item, yet may in fact exist in the appraisal. An allowance for contingencies is usually made by engineers in estimating the probable cost of projected work. Such an allowance is seldom less than 5% of the total of the schedule estimate, more commonly is 10%, and not infrequently reaches a much higher percentage, depending on the carefulness with which the plans 14 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA have been prepared, the degree of certainty as to the conditions that will be encountered, the experience of the engineer, and finally, the optimism of the engineer. A higher allowance for contingencies should ordinarily be used in estimating the probable cost of future works than in estimating the cost of replacing or i-eproducing existing works. It sometimes happens that the engineering records of quantities and the accounting records of costs are so complete and reliable that no allowance at all need be made for contingencies •in an appraisal of existing works. This is particularly true when the works are comparatively new. However, as an engineer gains experience in estimating and particularly after he has had occa- sion to check over the appraisals of other engineers, whether in his own employment or as independents, he is more likely to recog- nize the necessity of some allowance for contingencies in nearly every instance. What this allowance shall be is a matter of judg- ment, but not necessarily a matter of mere guess-work. Perhaps at the basis of the phenomenon of underestimating there is the psychological fact that most men are optimists. The hope that work can be done cheaply is father to the too low estimate. In addition to this well known cause there are many other reasons why estimates of cost tend to be too low. Some of these are not generally recognized even by expert appraisers. For example, in not a few articles, decisions and books on appraisals, there appear diagrams and tables of unit prices of materials — such as copper, steel, water pipe, etc. — accompanied by statements that the aver- age of these prices over a period of years was used as the base price in the appraisal. This seems a philosophical method to use when average prices are sought, but closer investigation discloses the fact that it is not so philosophical as it seems, for sight is lost of the following basic fact in the business world where the law of supply and demand operates : In general, average weighted prices are higher than average un- weighted 2)^^t'es, because more materials are bought during periods of high prices than during periods of low prices — the higher prices being, in fact, the result of the greater deuiand. This generalization is deducible from the law of supply and demand, but it may be arrived at inductively from the actual pur- chase records of large companies that have been in existence many years. As a corollary of this generalization, we can immediately infer that even the " average monthly " or " average yearly " prices of materials as published in the technical journals are often de- ceptively low, for they, too. are unweighted averages. The sale price of 1,000,000 lbs. of copper in the first week of a month is given as much weight as the sale price of 5,000,000 lbs, in the last week of the month, in arriving at the " average monthly " price. The correct method of arriving at a true average, or weighted average price, is this: INIultiply the number of units in each sale by the sale price, total these i)roducts and divide by the total num- ber of units to get the weighted average price. In this excess of weighted average price over unweighted aver- GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 15 age price, we have a good example of the sort of underestimating that justifies a contingency item in many appraisals. Another common cause of underestimates by engineers is trace- able to their lack of familiarity with the detailed records of the accounting department. The engineer may keep quite careful cost records in the field, yet fail to know some of the very important elements of cost that disclose themselves only in the records of the accounting department. This, perhaps, has been one of the greatest sources of underestimates in the past, but is fast becoming less in importance now that engineers are more frequently familiar .with accounting practice and records. In the following list of items will be found some of the things that not infrequently result in underestimates. Of course most of these items will ordinarily be provided for in the unit prices, but the fact remains that unit prices usually do not include sufficient provision for all items of cost. Hence the reason for an allowance for Contingencies and Omissions made up of such elements as the following : ACCIDENTAL OMISSIONS OF QUANTITIES AND COST ITEMS 1. Quantities inventoried in the " field survey " but overlooked in the final summary. 2. Quantities seen but omitted because they were believed not to belong to the company. 3. Quantities not visible : (a) Underground obstructions. (b) Sewer connections. (c) Foundations in quicksand, piling, etc. (d) Rock excavation, hardpan, etc., beneath an earth surface. (e) Clearing, grubbing and trimming. (f) Pole butts treated. (g) Ground braces, bog settings, concrete settings, etc., for poles. (h) "Work abandoned due to changes of plans after Avork was begun. 4. General cost items overlooked : (a) Casualty insurance and contractor's indemnity. (b) Fire insurance. (c) Title insurance. (d) Brokerage fee. (e) Demurrage. (f) Miscellaneous items. (g) Value of leases. (h) Taxes during construction. 5. Damage costs : (a) Changing location of a highway, incident to building the utility plant. (b) Ditto sewers, water pipes, etc. (c) Ditto buildings. (d) Ditto water courses. (e) Severance damages. 16 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ITEMS PROPERLY OMITTED IN THE INVENTORY TO BE COVERED BY A GENERAL PERCENTAGE ALLOWANCE (2 TO 59,) 1. Material vv^asted, stolen, etc. 2. Excess material needed for splicing, joining, trimming, etc. 3. Increased length of wire and cables, due to sags, dips, map shrinkage, inclines and slopes of ground. 4. Small items of hardware, miscellaneous small supplies, etc. 5. Disconnected installations and wiring, available for use. 6. Cost of reels and freight thereon. 7.* Changes made after construction is begun, resulting in prop- erty lost, e. g., pole holes. UNDERESTIMATES OF UNIT COSTS AND OVERHEAD COSTS 1. Use of average prices instead of weighted average prices. 2. Use of wholesale unit costs when, under no rational hypothesis: could v/ork be done entirely wholesale. 3. Use of car-load freight rates throughout, when less than car- load rates would often be incurred. 4. Assumption of good weather conditions throughout, when bad weather, night work, etc., would normally occur for at least part of the v/ork. 5. Assumption of continuous work, when delays due to non-ship- ment of materials and freight congestion on railways, would nor- mally add to some unit costs. Other delays, such as those in- volved in securing right of way, also occur. 6. Assumption that surface conditions are sufficiently indicative of subsurface conditions, or that a few borings are. ample to indi- cate subsurface conditions, resulting in underestimates of unit costs of excavation, hole digging, etc. 7. Assumption that existing plans and specifications were fol- lovv'ed, resulting in underestimating the cost incurred because of change of plans and specifications, which changes were not re- corded. 8. Assumption that all the general and overhead costs of con- struction appear in the construction ledgers. Some items may have been improperly charged to operating expense. Some may have never been charged at all. 9. Insufficient allowance made for higher unit costs occasioned by the existence of other plant units that obstruct work, as Avhen overhead v.'ires make it difficult to raise poles ; or when proximity to underground pipes makes work on conduits difficult. 10. Assumption that unit costs based on work with relatively small and well trained gangs of picked men can be equaled where the work is extensive, and particularly where the work is both extensive and scattered. Since overhead costs are indirect costs and since indirect costs are usually prorated or apportioned to different direct costs, it is inevitable that overhead costs should ordinarily be expressed as percentages. Yet the very fact that they are so expressed has often produced an impression that overhead costs are less real — GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 17 more visionary — than unit costs. This unfortunate misapprehen- sion has received apparent confirmation because of the different overhead percentages used by diiferent appraisers for overhead items bearing the same name. Engineering. We have pointed out the fact that until one knows just what an appraiser has included in his unit prices it is im- practicable to compare most of the overhead costs of two different appraisals. It seems desirable to add that even the same words used to designate overhead items are not always used in the same sense. The term " Engineering " may or may not include inspec- tion, architects' fees, office expenses incident to engineering, etc. In this connection it may be added that " office expenses " may or may not include interest and taxes on the office floor space. These fixed charges on office buildings, etc., are sometimes over- looked entirely. At other times they are cared for under Interest and Taxes. Again at other times they are distributed among other overhead items. Considering all such variations, it is scarcely to be wondered that percentages allowed for Engineering may vary considerably. But, if in addition to these variations we have cases where the engineers are also superintendents of construction, we have a satisfactory explanation of the fact that Engineering ranges from 3 to 10% or more. As indicative of the errors that are being made through rather blindly adopted overhead percentages used by other appraisers without also understanding what their unit costs contain, we quote again from one of Mr, Larson's letters to us : " Some commissions in the Southwest have been known to quote the Wisconsin Commission as putting on only 12 to 15% [for over- head costs], which they declare cover not only the items enumerated, but also promotion, discount on bonds and going value. I wish to mention this only that it may call to your mind the fact that these overhead charges are not intended to cover such items. " It should be noted that when a telephone company purchases a switchboard the cost of a large part of the engineering on that switchboard is included in the price paid the supply company. When a gas company purchases a gas tank the cost of a large part of the engineering is. paid to the supply company. Since we [the engineers of the Wisconsin Railroad Commission! place the price of these items at the amount paid by the local companies to the supply comi)anies, this fact must be taken into account in applying our overhead charges." We have been so frequently asked by public service commis- sions to explain why our percentages for overhead charges exceed those used by the engineers of the Wisconsin Railroad Commission that we found it desirable to secure from Mr. Larson a statement as to what his overhead, costs included and what they excluded. The correspondence between Mr. Larson and us on this subject is quoted in full below. Letter of Gillette to W. Larson, Dec. 8, 1911 In estimates made by your department I have frequently noticed the allowance of 12% for engineering and other overhead charges. Will you be kind enough to let me know what overhead charges are included in this 12%? I infer that it covers engineering, business management, 18 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA clerical expense, plant expense, legal expense, interest during con- struction and contingencies. In the course of our investigations of the actual costs of con- struction for a considerable number of utility companies 1 find that the overhead charges, as I use them, are very much in excess of 12%, without any allowance for contingencies. However, I re- alize that it is the practice of many appraisers to include certain overhead charges in their unit prices. Contingencies, for example, are often, placed there; likewise much of the general superin- tendence is also included in unit prices by some appraisers and I have done this myself in many cases. For instance, in my ap- praisal of the railroads for the Washington Railroad Commission, I allowed 57o for general contractor's charge, which was added to the unit prices. It had been the practice of nearly all the large railways in that State to award their contracts for large work to some general contractor on a percentage basis, the percentage be- ing usually 5%. This contractor, who was in fact the business manager of the construction, then sub-let nearly all the work at unit prices. Now it is evident that this 5% could either be added to the unit prices or treated as an overhead charge, to be subse- quently added to the grand total, and in the case of the Washing- ton railways I chose the former method. It has always been my practice to include in the unit prices all costs of foremen and local superintendents engaged directly on the work, as well as time-keepers, etc. In a recent investigation of a large utility company. I found the following actual percentages for the overhead charges named below : Per cent. Engineering and inspection 5.0 Genei'al supervision 1.3 Clerical expense 2.0 Executive, legal and accounting dept 1.8 Traveling 0.6 Rent and furniture expense 0.6 Stationery, postage, etc 0.4 Miscellaneous 0.3 Total 12.0 This did not include liability insurance, as you will note. May I ask whether it is your practice to include liability insurance in the unit prices? The above 12% did not include the local foremen and time-keepers, whose costs are regarded as direct costs and therefore included in unit prices. Since the above 12% is rather typical of a good many com- panies, you will see that I am at a loss to understand how you can use so low a percentage as 12% to include not only the above items, but to provide for interest during construction, contingen- cies and the preliminary expenses of organization. I would greatly appreciate as detailed a reply as you care to make to these questions, for as you will realize, the precedent established by the Wisconsin Commission is largely followed by GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 19 other commissions, and I am frequently confronted with the state- ment that the Wisconsin Commission never allows more than 12% for overhead charges. Realizing that the practice of engineers differs as to where they place the overhead charges, that is, whether they are included in unit prices or not, I anticipate that you may have distributed your overheads to a large degree in the unit prices. Letter of Larson to Gillette, Dec. lit, 191^. 1 have your letter of the 8th instant concerning overhead charges allowed by us in making valuations of physical property. It is our custom to allow from 12 to 15% for these charges; in general, 15% is allowed on the larger properties which show a high tjq)e of construction. This item is supj)osed to cover engineering and sur)erintendence during construction, general organization and legal expenses during the same period ; also interest during con- struction and omissions, such as items not included in the in- ventory or items of cost which are not discovered at the time of making the valuation. These latter are rather low, as our inven- tories are usually made quite complete by means of co-operation of the officers and agents of the companies. This overhead per cent, is applied to a figure which is supposed to include the total cost of labor and material, including con- tractors' profit, liability insurance, etc. Furthermore, it is not supposed to include any promotional profits nor is it expected to cover the item of discount on bonds ; in other words the overhead charge together with the figure to which it applies will repre.sent the actual value as nearly as may be determined of the physical property, assuming that money shall have been provided for the construction of the property. I realize that there are plants which show higher costs for specific items than may be allowed, and it is entirely possible that in some cases where excessive difficulties are met with that engineering and allied charges may run as high as that cited by you. How- ever, in the absence of specific information on these subjects, the valuation engineer is. expected to report as the value of the prop- erty the most probable value, taking into account conditions as he finds them as compared with conditions under which he obtains his cost data. I have had the accounts of many companies investigated under my direction, and the actual costs of specific items have been ap- plied to the specific costs of construction, and I am led to conclude 4.hat with few exceptions 15% is high enough to cover the items mentioned in the first part of my letter. In a recent valuation of the Milwaukee Gas Light Company, a ?10,000,000 property in Wisconsin, a very careful study of the probable cost of overhead charges was made by the manager of that company and by members of our staff. This was made by several methods, one of which was to make a very liberal estimate of the force necessary to construct the property. The very highest figure to be obtained under this method was 18%, and that was based upon construction of the entire $10,000,000 worth of prop- erty before operation began ; and this, as you know, is not the 20 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA way plants are constructed. We finally iDlaced an overhead al- lowance of 15% in this case. We have in this state a hydro-electric property designed and constructed by an engineer who charged for his services 10% on all items handled by him. After the entire plant was constructed the books were examined and the specific costs of construction found to be something over $1,000,000. As applied to this cost the entire charge was : Per cent. Engineering and superintendence •. . . . 4.51 Legal expense 0.27 Organization and office expense 2.30 Insurance, taxes and damages 1.71 Interest during construction 5.87 Discounts and commissions 0.58 Total 15.24 The period of construction was twp years. It should be said that these overhead expenses include a;lso preliminary expenses incurred some two years before construction began. During our studies we have received statements of extremely high overhead charges and have proceeded to investigate some of them. One case which was cited by a Wisconsin corporation was that of a large power company jn the west. It was reported to us that the cost of specific construction was approximately $5,000,000, while the cost of overhead charges was 49.6% of that — nearly $2,- 500,000. This was given with sufficient detail to appear to be good evidence. However, we inspected the details of the book- keeping accounts and found that in the overhead had been charged such items as camp equipment, repairs and renewals, $131,000; construction equipment investment, $232,000 ; repairs and renev.^als to same, $44,000; auxiliary and operation equipment, $209,000; small tools, $22,000 ; dismantling plant, $4,000 ; boarding house loss, $9,000; suspense credits, $88,000; warehouse operation, $29,- 000 ; undistributed hauling, $41,000 ; employment expense and trans- portation, $45,000; liability insurance, etc., $54,000; watching, light- ing and guarding, $38,000 ; hauling and erecting construction equip- ment, $4,000 ; and a number of other small items which we include in our cost of specific construction. If, now, all these items had been added to specific construction it would have raised the con- struction cost to a considerably higher figure and would have re- duced the overhead charges a corresponding amount ; the per cent, of overhead would then have been reduced to a reasonable fig- ure. I have cited the above simply as instances which illustrate the point I have in mind, and not at all as representing the extent of our investigation. I have had many call;5 for information on the above subject, and would be very glad to have as much detailed information as pos- sible. Some commissions in the <;outhv7eF.t have b3en knov/n to quote the Wisconsin Commission as putting on only 12 or 15'^, which they declare covers not only the items enumerated, but also GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 21 promotion, discount on bonds and going- value. I wish to mention this only that it may call to your mind the fact that these over- head charges are not intended to cover such items. It has not been our practice to distribute the overhead charges to the unit prices except as mentioned above ; that these prices do cover contractors' profits, liability insurance and, in a word, every item which is ordinarily Included In the same to a general con- tractor. It should be noted that when a telephone company purchases a switchboard, the cost of a large part of the engineering on that switchboard is included in the price paid the supply company. When a gas company purchases a gas tank, the cost of a large part of the engineering is paid to the supply company. Since we place the price on these items at the amount paid by the local com- panies to the supply companies, this fact must be taken into ac- count in applying our overhead charges. I shall always be glad to discuss this or related matters with you or "other engineers, and shall be glad to have from you any statement you can make in regard to your own practice. Letter of Gillette to Larson, Dec. 22, IDlli. I have your, letter of Dec. 17, relating to overhead charges. I am interested to note that you are at present allowing about 15% for overhead charges on the larger properties which show a high type of construction. I think that the more we study the accounting records of the large companies the more we shall perceive that most of them make inadequate charges to the construction account for what we term overhead costs. I have just completed the analyses of overhead costs of a large utility company in New England, and find that at least 4% should be added to their book value for overhead costs (exclusive of in- terest). Too large an amount of overhead costs has been charged to operating expense. What may be termed expenses of administration, including legal expense and general accounting, are very frequently charged en- tirely to operating expense, although upon no correct accounting theory can this be justified. This alone may amount to 2% or more of the cost of construction if properly prorated thereto. I am speaking now of companies that do a very large amount of con- struction each year. Another point to be considered is the manner of prorating these overhead charges. The company above referred to has prorated all its engineering, superintendence, etc., in proportion to the direct labor, arid not in proportion to the total cost of work done. Their practice is unquestionably erroneous, at least for certain of the overhead charges, and the tendency of this practice is to reduce the per cent, of overhead charges to the construction account, be- cause the repairs and renewals involve a far larger percentage of labor than is the case with additions to the plant. Let me thank ^ou for your very interesting and instructive letter. 22 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA o '^ o 03 " I— I rC Km > K S P-i ^, -d p O a; >i - gs ^s il II «i. O i fi ^^ .^3-=^.7'.5 "P^g ^oQ E§ .2 S,o o ?^ 22 ;-l a b§ -s o-^ >'0 c l-( Is :i§ 6 i •='2 2 £=.S.^5 H 5 « ^ o GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 23 ■^ ."5 T-|0 C OO OO"* rn'eo MUStH 1-1 INI II II II • • rt • . • N • I.e. . . «s . . . &JD ■ . . i7 . . . O . in . t7 >'; >?S.^ S o ^ o z; . . bfl^^ tico >>o > -j: s<^ o • 3 p . rf 3 c o c ■gt-5 ci;:^ oj 0) o o z s o > ™ Lj CS C^ O+J c3 o >>2 C C 0) c ^x^> - - £ r- So?. a;' Ol^ca O O !? S- ^ gpHa>^cau^ .iL^oo 24 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA o 5^ ^ ^i -* CO 00 00 rt > fl O ;>,a3 O o bfi -i-' OJ 3+-' q a; ^ w bca II 11 II II ^ S (M«5r-iai-^COtD»OCOiM y eo^ceofo-^ooooot- tj 10(0 ' ' C0l0i-(O j_. 0) o c be 9"C ISO '^ - k! b/j C w 9^ N C-- >>/' CJ, SuH:im rt -M il o tM tw O-d O ^ 0) m c^ •5S t-t.X3 o !^ <^ ^ss- $-.7; O) g^osao o tf =«« CQ O gfqu U^ ^^ GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 25 g ^: ^ ir ^ ^ z X bo O o ooo o oo 'III II INI nil iiiMMi iiiiii mill o o S rf 7ra >-« CO . s ? OJ 0) o '^11 > S-. o >^8 111 S|'§ §5-^ H h S 2 4'2 &8 -Ss III i : sia II |l.: s g ^ h M < , o ^ S^o gp:^fi -co^-o cJiS'gi ^^i S^i --Hoi ^ 3^. |5|l 1.3, g||| igg,- |g . If ^y l^t ^3^^ /|l Us %l "S« *:& ^i^i ^e^& :^,s ps" ^^s" >i ||» ^\^ I „.«^| -Ssl-E li-^d ^t:« -Si^s |5«^ §31^^ .g33oj i^5£l >^nl ^§o^ >.§Qo O < J < 3 o § ^ cs a 26 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 3 (1) " ^t> '-I ^ ooo oc:c> ooooi s-i'^ t--^ot^foeo ^ II II II II II II II II II II II II II !l II II II Q < o u u OZicu *-'0 >Sh(:j •^-> . o BZ S -c-c;' h:i 'Sea ^5 ^p ■^•5S ^.3 ^^.2 ^S^i3 3 ^ W 5 H O , K> W sg • ..^ii ^dl^o gio^.^l l^^^s-^ S^ -^OW -b^^ t^UHMM §G>^M<:§ g-CUoOh:] S (^ U M U « guw^ a^^ 'ShS.'^ gu'^ Oca's U tf ^ U Ph IMMI iri ^ GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 27 -SS c o ^ I't mill iiiiii a OS' CO t- ■.-. O O O ^-0.0. a; MHM ^MM -g -2.C K H^ =5 II "II "^'^^^ fe M g MfeM nil II II S m -■ o| |§ >^- >^^,- o g'S-^ < ^ ^ H ^H ;^ O ^■^r'rr'. Ir'r.'^'*^ ^- bUO SgJi .s-^ rl^l go II I'l ^^Sl^lfi.^ 1 fi n^ It ^1 ^fiiifi I iKiiP ifis:- s«:^^ ^i.fs hjsfd s^ir^is"^ |x6£i£ ^-ris,- |55is t^siml iiilil^«^i ^ w ^ K ^ 3 rH ^ 02 c«^' ,_5 S s'-^rt- ffi^a '^ .^5S '^ o ".^c ^ Ah m a tf.2t^ OjO ^-05 _ GtH c S - 5^ =-2S^.2 « :S 5 5 e H 5 Ss ||i>^«° •* 5|^ I, IS. Ill tli^ a© = O cs >'a a. 5 c 0} 3 Iff Is 111 r^ i"%|i i5|f ^\,i II wi5 ^ . >.fl 1^ § - • . ?^ m (U M Q CO ui ^ 00 O W !l II II II Q O 0) '^.ti'^ TO , O — < . J_ r- S^ ™ (l; tj &ald°s .90 2 ^oQ>;a Q Q O rH GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 31 OVERHEAD COSTS Table I gives detailed overhead costs used in various appraisals of public utilities. The different items included under " Detailed overhead percentages " are as follows : A — Engineering. B — Supervision. C — Organization. D — Legal expenses. E — Interest charges. F — Taxes. G — Brokerage and discount. H — Omission and contingency. I — Miscellaneous (stated). Accounting Terms. Every engineer should acquaint himself thoroughly with bookkeeping and accounting. Hatfield's " Modern Accounting " is an excellent work on the theory of accounting and the terms used in accountancy. As engineering has suffered from lack of knov/ledge of account- ing practice, so accountancy has suffered from lack of engineering knowledge of cost analysis. Many terms used in accounting will ultimately be revised and given greater definiteness as a result of engineering analysis. Gross Operating Earnings or Revenues are the total income from the sales of the product of a plant or property. Operating Expenses are the costs of operating and maintaining the plant. Usually operating expense includes taxes, but often taxes are not included in the so-called operating expenses, and are treated as " fixed charges." Current repair expenditures are al- ways included, but depreciation annuities to provide for future renewals are seldom included. Hovv^ever, there is no fixed prac- tice as to the treatment of depreciation charges (see Chapter II). Net Earnings are the balance remaining from gross earnings after deducting operating expenses. Net eai'nings are sometimes crudely designated as profits. Unless taxes and depreciation an- nuities are included in operating expenses, the net earnings should properly be called apj)arent or ledger net earnings. But if taxes and adequate depreciation annuities are deducted, the balance may be called true or actiial net earnings. Very few ledger accounts show true net earnings and are therefore apt to be deceptive. Fixed Charges, as the term is commonly used, includes interest (on funded debt, real estate mortgages, and floating debt), con- tractual sinking fund requirements, and accrued taxes (if taxes are not carried as an operating expense). Also it is occasionally the practice to include depreciation annuities as a part of fixed charges. The term " capital costs " is often used to designate interest, de- preciation and taxes. Dividends are the so-called " profit " distributions to stock- holders. Surplus, as the term is commonly used, is the balance remain- 32 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ing- after deducting fixed charges and dividends from " ledger net earnings." While, as above stated, it is the practice of many companies to provide for bond sinking fund requirements as a part of Fixed Charges, other companies treat the matter differently and deduct the annuities for bond sinking funds from Surplus. Some com- panies also make a similar deduction from Surplus to provide an- nuities for a Replacement Reserve, instead of providing for such a reserve in the form of a depreciation fund considered as part of the operating expense. It is important, therefore, not to assume that all actual renewal expenditures will necessarily be found under the Maintenance Expenses, that is, among operating expenses. Where a Replacement Reserve is provided for out of Surplus, it is a common practice to pay for all heavy renewals out of this Re- serve, in which case such payments never appear as an operating expense. Because this is done it should not be assumed that main- tenance expense does not contain a considerable expenditure for true renewals, for it usually does. In brief, both the maintenance expenses and the credits to the Replacement Reserve should be analyzed to ascertain the total actual expenditures for renewals. In providing a Replacement Reserve it is not uncommon to esti- mate as follows what should be placed annually in the reserve : Take 20 or 25% of gross annual earnings, and deduct therefrom the actual annual maintenance expenses of the previous year ; the balance is the amount to be put into Replacement Reserve. While this forms a good rough and ready rule in many cases, it is apt to lead to serious error in a given case. A much more rational method, where the appraised value of the plant is known In detail, is to estimate the annual depreciation of each class of plant units, take the sum total and deduct therefrom the average annual expenditure for renewals that have been charged to main- tenance during the previous year ; the balance is the sum to set aside in the renewal reserve. (See Chapter II.) Interest is the payment for the use of money. The payment for the use of real estate is rent, but the term rent is often ap- plied also to payment for the use of other sorts of capital except money. Interest includes not only a return for the use of money but insurance against risk and compensation for at least some pro- prietary supervision. Interest may also include compensation for taxes paid on money loaned. Economists assign a single cause for the payment of interest, namely, the preference of present goods to future goods. Although this is the immediate cause of interest, the statement of desire as a cause is merely a platitude that yields no deeper insight into the phenomenon than was already had. We must look back to the mediate or remote causes. There are many motives that lead to borrowing and the consequent payment of interest. The most common motive in the present age is the desire to command labor ?rd through successful command to secure profit. Interest has thus become a device for selecting the highest officers of the in- GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 33 dustrial armies. Interest on invested capital has heretofore proved to be an economic instrument of much greater efficiency than election, appointment, examination or other device used to select leaders. Interest rates in America range from 3 to 12% depending largely on the risk involved, but also depending on the size of the loan and the amount of proprietary supervision on the part of the lender. The general average rate is between 5 and 6%, where risks and proprietary supervision are relatively small. It should be re- membered, however, that there is always danger of error in ap- plying any " general average " factor of this kind in a cost prob- lem. Each case should be studied carefully as a problem in Itself. Profit is the excess of selling price over cost. We have just seen that " cost " is sometimes used in a sense that does not include " sacrifice cost." "When so used " profit " includes " sacrifice costs," such as proprietary supervision and interest on the proprietor's capital. There is no unanimity of practice respecting the use of the word profit, for obviously its significance depends upon the definition of the word cost. The present tendency is to include in cost a charge for the proprietor's time as well as rental on his real estate and interest on his other capital and development cost. Then profit covers only the income that constitutes a reward for superior judgment, management, luck and insurance against risks and depreciation not included in the operating expenses. Where the word profit occurs in a law or in a contract, it is evidently possible for dispute to arise unless the word cost is very fully and carefully defined. Normal Return on capital is the sum of normal Interest and normal profit. Normal interest rate may be designated as a bond or mortgage interest rate on property similar to that in question, Avhere there is a substantial eauity above the bond. Normal profit covers both a normal return for proprietary super- vision and for insurance against all risks not provided for in the operating expenses. Among these risks are loss of income arising from general or local business depressions, loss of income from public enactments, and loss of income from direct and indirect competition. Functional depreciation may also be regarded as one of the forms of risk, and should be provided for in the profit rate if not already provided for as an operating expense. Totaling up we may have some such statement as this : Per cent. Normal interest rate 5 Normal profit rate — Proprietary supervision 2 Functional depreciation 2 Insurance on permanency of income 1 Total normal return rate 10 These percentages are here given merely for illustration. An Interest rate, such as 5%, contains elements of proprietary super- vision and insurance. 34 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Mistakes in the use of rates for capitalizing expenses or incomes are so common as to be almost universal. Let two things be re- membered and many of these mistakes will cease: First, that the normal return rate and not a bare interest rate must be used in cap- italizing. Second, that the normal return rate depends in part upon what exists in the operating expenses in the form of j)roprietary supervision and functional depreciation. A normal return rate is what public service commissions usually aim to allow a comi)any to earn, and they commonly call it a " fair return rate." Although it is customary to estimate a " fair return " as a percentage on an investment, it is perhaps better to proceed as follows : Allow an ordinary interest rate, say 5 or 6% on the investment, and thereto add a percentage (for pro- prietary supervision and risk) of gross annual income, say 8 to 12%; the sum of these two constituting a "fair return" for capital, proprietary supervision and risk. Suppose, for example, the ra- tio of gross income to capital investment is 1 to 5 and that 10% of the gross is allowed for proprietary supervision and risk ; then this is equivalent to 2% on the capital investment, which added to 67r interest on the ca))ital gives a fair return rate of 8%. Capitalized Value. The capitalized or discounted value of a property is the present worth of its prospective net earnings. The word value is commonly used instead of capitalized value when reference is had to the commercial worth of productive property. The process of deriving the present worth, or value, by dividing annual net earnings by an interest rate is called capitalizing the net earnings. If the annual earnings are $12,000, and if the in- terest rate is 6':'f, the capitalized value is $12,000-^0.06 = $200,000. Capitalized Cost. The capitalized cost of a property is the equated or true average annual cost divided by the interest rate. If the true average annual charges, including interest, operating expense, depreciation annuity, etc., are $30,000 and the interest rate is 6%, the capitalized cost is $500,000. The first cost of a plant plus its capitalized annual operating expense, inclusive of depreciation and taxes, obviously amounts to the capitalized cost of the plant. Equated Annual Costs. The annual costs of repairs and re- newals are seldom uniform, but tend to rise in an irregular " curve " as a plant grows older. The pi-ocess of finding a true economic average annual cost is called equating the cost. This can be done correctly only by a sinking- fund method of calculating wherever capital is susceptible of being invested so as to yield interest. Notwithstanding this seemingly obvious fact there are men so little trained to logical reasoning that they deny the neces- sity of using sinking fund formulas or tables in calculating either average annual costs, projierty values or depreciated plant values. Before a rational comparison can be made between alternative plants, it is essential to express all costs either as equated annual costs or as capitalized annual costs that have been equated. To equate, as h^-re used, means to secure a true average by a sinking fund method of calculation. When, for example, the cost of re- GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 35 pairs is irregular, varying from year to year, no rational com- parison of repair costs can be made until they are equated to an average annual amount. This cannot be accurately done by add- ing all the annual repairs together for a term of years and di- viding by the number of years in the term. The correct process is as follows : Calculate the total cost of rei^airs of the first year at com- pound interest up to the end of the last year of economic life of the unit in question. Calculate similarly the cost of repairs of the second, the third, etc., years up to the end of the last year. Add all these compounded costs together and multiply by the an- nual deposit in a sinking fund which started at the begiiming of the life will redeem $1 at the end of the life of the plant unit. The product is the equated aimual cost of repairs. If the annual cost of repairs is actually uniform, year after year, throughout the life, say $100, the above given rule gives $100 as the result, thus checking the correctness of the rule. If the repairs all come at the very end of the life, and thus constitute an entire renewal, obviously the rule gives the correct answer, namely, the sinking annuity required to redeem the in- vestment at the end of the life. Common Errors in Capitalizing Values. The capitalized value method is used not only in estimating the value of land, of water right.s, of franchises, and of all property that has a prospective earning capacity, but it is used by engineers in comparing the relative plant designs and plant locations. In spite of such exten- sive use of this method, it is probably more often used erroneously than correctly. To use it correctly there must be complete under- standing of the interrelation of all the factors, and this is rarely had. To begin with the percentage used in capitalizing should never be an ordinary interest rate, unless the annual costs have been equated (as above described). To capitalize an annual income by dividing by an ordinary interest rate, say 6%, tacitly as.vumes that the income will be perpetual, or if not perpetual that due deduc- tion has been made in foim of a sinking fund annuity. In a recent address to engineering students a professor said that the average engineer is worth $55,000 more to society than if he had no engineering education. It was stated that the average " technically-trained graduate of our engineering colleges earns annually, on the average, at least $3,000." This is stated to be $2,200 in excess of the average earnings of a " trade-trained man." The $2,200 annual gain was capitalized at 4%, giving $55,000 as the " increased potential value to the community " resulting from the engineering training received by each engineering graduate. Not only is this an incorrect appraisal of " increased potential value to the community " but it is not a correct appraisal of the worth of an engineering education to the average engineer. If the duration of the average engineer's earning capacity Is, say, 40 years, the present worth of an average $2,260 gain is not 36 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA $2,200 H- 0.04 = $55,000, but $2,200 -^ (0.04 + 0.01) = $44,000. The 1% is added to the 4% because the 1% gives the amount of the annuity required to amortize the value in 40 years. In another form the error of tacitly assuming a perpetual life vi^hen capitalizing a value occurs whenever any one fails to allow for functional depreciation due to inadequacy or obsolescence. If allowance is not made for this factor by means of an adequate depreciation annuity as a part of the equated annual operating expenses, it should be made by adding the depreciation annuity rate to the interest r.^.te to get the j:)ercentage rate used in cap- italizing the annual cost. Throughout Wellington's admirable treat- ise on '• The Economic Theory of Railway Location " the error is made of ignoring functional depreciation when capitalizing the operating expenses of alternative railways lines. Another common error in capitalizing values is to use bond inter- est rates, say 4 to 5% instead of normal (or "fair") return rates, say 10%. Consideration of the facts previously brought out in our discussion of " fair return rates " will make it clear why such rates should be used in capitalizing net earnings to arrive at commercial values. In this connection it should be observed that it is immaterial whether every item of insurance (commercial risk, fire, bad debts, etc.) be treated as an exT)ense or whether it be converted to a per- centage of the plant value and added to the " fair return rate " to get the capitalization rate, but one or the other of these alter- natives must be adopted. Similarly as to the item of proprietary- supervision, it must either appear in toto in the operating ex- penses, which rarely happens, or it must appear as part of the percentage rate used in capitalizing the net income. Many a plant has been commercially appraised at too high a value because of failure to understand the principles just stated. This is particu- larly the case with small plants where proprietary supervision is usually so large a factor relative to the total annual cost. Alternative Plant Method of Valuation. A criterion of the value of a given thing is the cost of securing the next best air ternative that will perform th^ same function. The only limita- tion in the application of the alternative plant method of valuation may be stated thus : The market price of the product of the plant must be such that its net earnings give a normal rate of return on the cost of the alternative plant. Average prospective net earnings car)italized at the normal rate of return give the value of a productive property. It is conceivable, of course, that an alternative plant might cost so much that its product could not be marketed at a price that would yield a normal return on the cost. Obviously, then, the value of the plant could not equal its cost. But within this limit, the alternative plant method of valuation is strictly applicable. It follows, then, that if the gross earnings are not affected by the substitution of an alternative for any part of a plant, the cor- rect criterion of the value of a part of a plant is found by the rule given below in italics. GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 37 Assuming gross-income to he unchanged by substituting an al- ternative part in a plant, the value of any part is the first cost of its most economic alternative plus the capitalized difference in their respective average annual operating expenses. Expressed algebraically this rule ib : E — e V = C -\- . R This formula also gives the depreciated value of a plant unit (see page 100). The derivation of the formula follows. C - first cost of the most economic alternative plant. c ~ ditto of existing plant. ^ r= average ("equated") annual operating expense inclusive of repairs, natural depreciation and taxes, but exclusive of functional depreciation and interest, for the most economic alternative plant. e — ditto for the existing plant. / = sinking fund rate per cent, of annual functional depreciation. G — average annual gross income with the alternative plant. g = ditto with the existing plant. 12 =: a capitalization rate — r -\- f. r = interest rate — " fair return rate." V — value of most economic alternative plant. V = ditto of existing plant. G—iE + fC) V = (1) r 9—(e + fc) v= (2) r (E — e)+f(.C — c) — (G — g) v-Y- (3) r If the gross income is the same for both plants, then G — g; but in order that either plant shall have any commercial value as a working plant it must ])roduce gross earnings sufficient to pay its operating expenses and fixed charges. Assuming this to be the case, and that all earnings in excess of this requirement are " going concern value," it follows that V = C, or that the value of an alternative plant is its first cost. Then sub.stituting C for V in Equation (3) and remembering that G — g — 0, we have: (E — e) +/(C' — v) v = C + (4) r If the existing plant were sold at its value v, then to the pur- chaser its " firt't co:-t " would be c, or v — c, whence : (E~€) + f(C — c} v = C + (5) 38 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA E — e r-\ t (6) EJquation (6) gives the depreciated value of a plant unit, under the condition that a new plant unit yields the same output as the old plant unit. This same equation is derived in another way in Chapter II. Equation (4) is the equation to use when the value of land, water rights, or the lil •*o«»'-ieoo Q QJ *-< ^-' fO O Oi '^4 I- lA f o:,co > Oj 0) o «5 o -^ a-- 1- o o'^iM-n'irt a h w J< &9- 0) ooooo "§ M :3 ooooo 3 ss ocoiooc-j ci'oo'oc-j t3 loS tHC-ICICOCO § H '^ o Z r '" bo fL bo O ooooo c ^ o ooooo T' 0.2 oo ■*_irti-o_c-i ;3 Ph ^s t-^ C-IMTj^'cD?© 'O o tH ,H T-l rl T-l ^ ««■ H ?^ > » oo OOOOOO S-i OJ oo oooooo c ft ori cg_-^__< o- 03500105 47 48 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA that the Alvord method is wholly consistent with the " cost of reproduction method." An alternative plant spells competition, and therefore a business built up under competition and not under the ideal condition assumed in the Alvord method. Street railways, electric interurbans, steam railways, telephone lines and even water works have been built to compete with ex- isting plants. They have in nearly every case encountered very great development cost, often so great as to make the new projierties dismal failures. This is strikingly seen in the so-called " inde- pendent telephone companies," whose development cost has usually been ruinous to them. Such alternative plants may have been built because their promoters assumed that lower plant costs could be had than were actually incurred by the old Bell plants. But the promoters failed to estimate their probable development or going cost under competitive conditions. Could an assumption of the Alvord method conditions have been realized in practice the con- sequent low development cost might have justified the building of " independent telephone " systems. But practice and theory failed to meet there, as they fail to meet anywhere when it is as- sumed that a new alternative plant can be built to serve a com- munity habituated to use the existing old plant, yet without en- gaging in a competitive flght for business with the existing plant. In other words, while v.-e can conceive the ideal conditions of the Alvord method, and while we grant that those conditions yield a low development or going cost we refuse to admit that the Alvord method is fully concordant with any reproduction method of esti- mating the cost of physical properties. Alvord Method. For a comiilete discussion of this method of estimating development cost the reader is referred to a paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by Metcalf and Alvord entitled " The Going "Value of Water Works." The paper was reprinted in Engineering and Contracting, March 29, 1911. In Table II we give a recent application of this method to a water works that served about 8,000 people in the year 1914. The investment in the plant alone was about $100,000 exclusive of overhead costs. Its gross revenue and operating expense for 1914 are given in the table as $24,000 and $14,000 respectively, and after deducting an estimated depreciation correction for that year the net earnings were $7,800. Construction of the hypothetical new plant was assumed to begin and end in 1914, and result in a $6,000 operating expense (organization of staff, soliciting business, etc.), with no income from, operation. The business of the old plant was assumed to continue its pre- vious rate of growth for five years, and that of the hypothetical plant was assumed to overtake that of the old plant in 1919. The eighth column, " Total Difference," is found by subtracting the net earnings of the new plant from those of the old plant. The items in the eighth column are multiplied by the " present worth factor " in the ninth column to get the " net difference " in the tenth col- umn — that is, the present amount (in 1914) of the difference in GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 49 net earnings betv/een the old and the new plants. The " present worth factor " is taken from a compound interest table, such as that on page 12 of Gillette's "Handbook of Cost Data." The de- velopment cost by the Alvord method is thus calculated to be $26,360 in this case. This $26,360 was added to depreciated value of the old plant. y/isconsin Method. Applying the Wisconsin method to this same water works, as far back as the accounting records were available,, and the result is shown in Table III. The original nucleus of the TABLE III. PLANT INVESTMENT AND EARNINGS Plant, Gross Apparent Apparent Year Jan. 1 earnings expenses net earnings 1900 $ 76,200 $13,000 $9,500 $3,500 1904. 77,200 13.800 10,700 3,100 1902 77,900 13,500 10,000 3,500 1903 79,100 14,200 9,800 4,400 1904 81,500 15,200 10,400 4,800 1905 82,800 15,700 10,000 5.700 1906 85,300 17,600 12,100 5.500 1907 87,200 18.300 15.100 3,200 1908 88,300 18.400 14,400 4.000 1909 91,300 19,900 15.000 4.900 1910 93.500 20,700 13,900 6,800 1911 96,800 21,800 14,900 6,900 1912 98,300 22.400 16.100 6.300 1913 99.000 23.900 14.500 9,400 -1914 100,000 24,000 14,000 10,000 Total $1,314,400 $82,000 'plant was built in 1885, but It had passed through a receivership and no accounting records back of 1900 were available. In such a case it might at first appear impracticable to apply the Wiscon- sin method, but it is possible to approximate quite closely to the development cost incurred during the period for which the annual earnings and operating expenses are available. Thus the repro- duction new cost of the plant, less overhead charges and land values, was about $100,000 as of .Jan. 1, 1914. Overhead charges were eliminated, for those that had been charged did not appear in the ledger plant account, but in operating expense. The second column in Table HI was arrived at by deducting successively the yearly additions to plant, recorded in the ledgers, starting with $100,000 as the base in 1914. Thus it was established that the plant investment was $76,200 as that of Jan. 1. 1900. The gross earnings and operating expenses (in round numbers) were set up in columns 3 and 4, from which the " apparent net earnings " in column 5 were deduced. The " apparent expense " includes taxes and current maintenance but includes no depreciation fund annuity. Table IV starts with the $76,200 property investment derived from Table III and column 4 of Table TV is the same as column 5 of Table ITT. An 8% "fair return rate" was assumed, and $76,200 multiplied by 8% gave $6,100 (in round numbers), which was entered in column 3, Table IV. Since the net earnings were only $3,500, there was a deficit of $2,6(>0 below the fair return of 50 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE IV. DEVELOPMENT COST BY THE WISCONSIN METHOD Property 8% fair Apparent Plant Year Jan. 1 return net earning-s Deficit additions 1900 $ 76,200 $ 6,100 $ 3,500 $2,600 $1,000 1901 79,800 6.400 3,100 3,300 700 1902 83,800 6,700 3,500 3,200 1,200 1903 88,200 7,060 4,400 2,660 2,300 1904 93,160 7,450 4,800 2,650 1,300 1905 97,110 7,770 5,700 2,070 2,500 1906 101,680 8,130 5,500 2,630 1,900 1907 106,210 8,500 3,200 5,300 1,100 1908 112,610 9,010 4,000 5,010 3,000 1909 120,620 9,650 4,900 4,750 2,200 1910 127,570 10,200 6,800 3,400 3,300 1911 134.270 10,750 6,900 3,850 1,500 1912 139,620 11,170 6,300 4,870 700 1913 145,190 11,610 9,400 2,210 1,000 1914 148,400 11,870 10,000 1,870 Development cost including overhead charges on the $23,000 additions to plant from year 1900 to 1914 $50,370 $6,100, so this deficit was entered in column 5. During 1914 plant additions of $1,000 were made, as shown in the sixth column. Hence if we add this $1,000 and the. deficit of $2,600 to the $76,200 we have a total property cost of $79,800 as of Dec. 31, 1900, or as of Jan. 1, 1901. Accordingly this $79,800 is entered in the second column opposite 1901, and the same sort of calculations is made for 1901 as for 1900. Thus the table is built up, result- ing in a development cost of $50,370 for this plant during the 15-year period. How much more it was prior thereto no one knew, ' but it was scarcely worth inquiring into in this case, for here already was a development cost equal to nearly half the physical cost. It is true that this $50,370 includes those overhead costs (on the $23,000 of plant additions) which were improperly charged to operating expense from 1900 to 1914. But this may be readily estimated and deducted. The most important thing to note is that the development cost thus deduced should be added to the cost new of the physical plant and not to its dejrreciated value. The reason for this is that the operating expenses include no depreciation an- nuity, hence no provision for the accrued depreciation existing in the old plant. Were an adequate depreciation annuity included in operating expenses each year from the time the plant was built down to date, it should be at least sufficient to build up a depre- ciation fund equal to the accrued depreciation. And were this done the development cost would be increased by exactly the amount of the depreciation fund. Had that been done, then the resulting development cost would be properly added to the depre- ciated value of the plant to get the total investment in " tangible " and " intangible " property. An article on " Development Cost " in Engineering and Con- tracting, June 26, 1912, gives a long reprint of one of Gillette's appraisal reports on an electric utility in which are outlined many of the details to be considered in applying the Wisconsin method. GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 51 These details were worked out prior to the decision of the Wis- consin Railroad Commission (Hill vs. Antigo Water Co., 3 W. R. C. R. 623), in v/hich they first adopted what is now styled the Wisconsin method of determining " going value." But prior to that other engineers had suggested and applied the same method. In fact this deficit method is prescribed in a contract between the city of New York and the Empire City Subway Company dated May 15, 1891, from which we quote: " The said party of the second part shall, at any time after Jan. 1, 1897, upon demand of the commissioners of the Sinking Fund in the City of New York . . . sell, assign, transfer, convey and set over to the Mayor, Aldermen and commonality of said city the subways, conduits and ducts constructed by it, as aforesaid, . . and other property : . . upon payment of the actual cost thereof; and if the said company shall not have earned 10% per annum on actual cost during the terms of this contract a further payment shall be made in addition to the cost not exceeding 10% on such cost to the extent of such deficiency in annual earnings, or such less sum as may be agreed upon." Doubtless older contracts of this nature exist. Below we quote from a decision of the Federal Court rendered in 1904, in which the Wisconsin method was repudiated by the court five years before it was adopted in Wisconsin. It is inter- esting to note the false reasoning used by the court in repudiating the deficit method. The court says : " The company may have purchased a plant larger and more expensive than necessary ; the current rates of interest may have been abnormally high ; many causes which have absolutely no relation to the value (typographical emphasis ours) of the company's business now as a going concern may have Increased or diminished the deficiency in revenue. [165 Fed, 657 (C. C. W. D., Cal., 1904).]" Note how the court slips from a discussion of cost into a dis- cussion of value. A deficit in fair return is a cost, and it not only may not but actually does not have any necessary relation to the value, for the latter depends entirely on capitalized prospective not earnings. The court falsely sets up a criterion of value as a way of discrediting an actual cost, yet the court does not thereupon con- clude to adopt value (capitalized net earnings) as the appraisal base. This sort of sophistry is met on every hand. Attorneys frequently attempt to discredit a given cost by showing that it has no commensurate value. Yet they repudiate entirely the use of value (capitalized net earnings) as a rate-making base. In such cases if the appraiser has a clear conception of the distinction be- tween cost and value, no great difficulty is found in making the distinction clear to the commission or court. Both " going cost " and " franchise value " should be presented for consideration, but they should be kept entirely distinct. Separate Plant Theory of Prorating Joint Costs. Where a plant is used to produce only one class and size of units no question arises as to prorating joint costs, for then the total cost during a 52 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA given period of time divided by the total number of units produced in that time gives the true and full unit cost, assuming that the depreciation costs, lost time, etc., have been properly equated. But where a plant produces units of different classes or sizes the ques- tions of prorating the joint costs often becomes vitally important. The history of industry furnishes many examples of crippled business, attributable largely to improper methods of prorating joint costs. If one of the joint products is priced at less than is equitable, while another product is priced at more than is equitable, the resulting large demand for the underpriced product may speed- ily pile up losses, while at the same time the decreased demand for the overpriced product may cut down the profitable sales to a vanishing point. Another source of loss from inequitable prorating of joint costs is to be found where a " side line " of products is improperly loaded with cost charges and made to appear to be unprofitable. Thus many a " side line " is stifled before it has had a chance to become more than a " side line." Before a rational theory of prorating joint costs can be de- veloped, the prime objects of cost keeping and cost analysis must be considered. Correct unit costs are desirable for two purposes : (1) To furnish a basis for fixing equitable and profitable unit prices ; and (2) to provide acurate criteria by which to judge the economic efhciency of men, machines and methods. Both these objects are attained when joint costs are so prorated that the resulting unit costs may be compared with similar unit costs incurred where no prorating is necessary. Thus a merchant who deals in many kinds of goods should so prorate the joint costs — rent, insurance, deliv- ery, clerical, management, etc. — that he may compare the unit cost of any class of goods with the unit price charged by a competitor who specializes in that particular class of goods. For example, the unit cost of candy sold by a department store should be com- parable with the unit price of candy charged by a candy store, or, better still, with the unit cost of candy in a candy store. If a prorating theory is such as to prevent equitable comparison of unit costs of joint production with unit costs of separate pro- duction, then the economic efhciency of joint production can not be gaged by comparison with separate production. Furthermore, equitable unit prices that will attract business and secure adeqviate profit can not readily be made unless the unit costs of joint pro- duction are strictly comparable with those of separate production. If this is a sound economic premise, it follows that a rational method of prorating joint costs must be one that is based on costs incurred under the most economic production of each class of units by a separate plant for each class. In this connection it is well to note the significance of the fact that joint costs can not be prorated at all where separate produc- tion of each of the units is not possible. Thus, the total joint cost of all the parts of a beef may be known, but the unit cost of each of its various rnarketable parts — sirlbin, chuck, liver, etc. — ^ can not GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 53 be determined. If under such a condition joint costs can not be prorated, it follows that the one condition precedent to prorating joint costs is the ability to secure unit costs of each class of units where no other class of units is produced. We thus come to this important generalization as to prorating joint costs : Where several classes of units are produced jointly, the total costs of joint production must he prorated among the several classes in proportion to the cost of producing each class (or its equivalent) hy a separate plant designed solely for the economic production of the given number of units of that class. For convenience of reference let us term this rule the separate plant theory of prorating joint costs, or, briefly, the separate plant theory. When the by-product cost theory — which will be con- sidered later — is not involved, this separate plant theory is ap- plicable under all conditions, and the application of it will disclose both the true economic efficiency of production and the equitable unit price of each class of products jointly produced. Joint production of different classes of products is an economic mistake unless the total resulting cost is less than the sum of the costs of producing the products separately or in joint groups of fewer different classes. The saving effected by joint production is to be allocated to the different classes of products. The sepa- rate plant theory allocates this saving in proportion to the costs of separate productions. Were two independent manufacturers of different products intending to join forces, and were these manu- facturers making the same percentage of profit on the cost of their products, it is evident that each would regard it as fair to accept his share of the increased profit resulting from the consolidation in proportion to his total original cost of production. Similarly if a company whose sole business was furnishing elec- tric power to a street railway were to consolidate with a company whose sole business was furnishing electricity for street lighting, the resulting saving in the cost of generating current in a joint power plant would be equitably allotted to each company in pro- portion to its independent cost of generating current, the only pro- viso being that each company had an economic generating plant, ^ince, under such conditions, the investment in each of the two separate generating plants would be roughly proportional to their respective peak loads, it follows that an approximation to the separate plant theory is had when the first cost of a joint generat- ing plant is prorated to the different classes of electric service in proportion to the separate peak load of each class. The peak load theory of prorating investment is therefore justifiable only when it conforms in its results rather closely to the results obtained by ap- plication of the separate plant theory. While generating plant investment is a function of peak loads, fuel expense is a function of the amount of current generated, as well as of certain other factors such as the shape of the load curve. But all these varying factors are given their proper recognition 54 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in prorating joint fuel expense when the separate plant theory is applied. Likewise every other operating expense is properly pro- rated on the separate plant theory. When this fact is clearly per- ceived, a key is had to the solution of all the troublesome prorating problems that confront the person who is trying to ascertain what are equitable rates of charge for electricity or other public utility service furnished to different classes of customers. Indeed the separate plant theory, when fullj^ understood, leads to a pi'oper recognition of the various competitive conditions that are so apt to break down any system of rates of charge based on the ordinary methods of cost analysis. Turning back to the rule for prorating, above given, it will ba seen that the separate plant need not produce precisely tlie same sort and number of units, provided it produces their equivalent. By this we mean the competitive equivalent or substitute service. To illustrate, assume the existence of a steam railway paralleling a navigable river and handling a heavy freight traffic, but a light passenger traffic. If it were not for the freight traffic an electric trolley line would handle the passenger traffic most economically. Were it not for the passenger traffic, the freight would be most economically hauled in barges. But, by virtue of the combined traffic, the steam railway is more economic than a separate trolley line and a separate barge line. The total annual joint costs of the steam railway are properly prorated to the two classes of traffic — freight and passenger — in proportion to the annual costs by the most economic separate plants, namely, a barge line and a trolley line. The barge line would not give precisely tlie same sort of service as the steam rail service, but it would give its equivalent — an economic substitute service. One paragraph of digression may perhaps be pardoned. The ef- forts of railways to eliminate water competition have caused many unfavorable comments, re.sulting finally in legislation to prohibit .such " iniquitous throttling of free competition." Yet a better understanding of the principles of economies may fully justify the elimination of water borne traffic in many places. Certainly if one railway line can handle the combined traffic at a lovv-er cost than the sum of the costs with separate railway and boat lines, it is economic to eliminate water traffic. But when such elimination is effected, equitable rates of charge are to be determined by ap- plication of the separate plant theory. Averal?int unit should contain the same number and kinds of terms as for a new plant unit. Here it is that the reasoning process must be carefully scrutinized. Why does the term (c — s)F vanish in Equation 13? Because c — s. Why so? Because the condition that is tacitly assumed when K -: Ic is that the old plant unit has depreciated and can therefore be purchased at a dejireciated value (c). which value (o) can be no greater than its salvage value (s) if the time to retire the old plant unit has arrived. A more elegant, but more elaborate, process of reaching the same conclusion is given in Chapter IT. There are several other ways of indicating the correctness of the above reasoning as to Equa- tion 13. Suppose, for example, the choice between a new and an old second-hand machine were in question, and that each could be bought in a market. Suppose the market price of the old machine were little above its scrap value. Then it would be perfectly clear that Equation 13 would give the annual cost of production with the old machine. Suppose, as another example, that an old machine is owned but that it had been purchased several years ago as a small part of a large second-hand plant, and that the price paid for it is un- known. Would it be rational to insert in Equation 13 a factor c representing its cost to the original owner, even if it were ascer- tainable? Assuredly not. for that would not be the cost to the present owner, nor would it be any more helpful to attempt to es- timate (by prorating) its cost to the present owner when the rnachine was newer than it now is; particularly if the present owner had paid altogether too much for the entire plant. Suppose, as a third example, that the present owner of a plant has received it as a gift or as an inheritance, and that therefore the cost of the old plant unit to him has been nil. Should c then be made of Clearly not. for the owner is not concerned with the original cost to him. which is in this case nothing, but with its present cost of replacement, or its true market value. This, under the assumed condition of expired economic life of the old machine, is its salvage value (s). GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 61 Since K — fc, we have : S + (O — S) F -\- r C = e + r s (14) This is the equation of condition by which to judge whether an old plant unit has just reached the age of retirement, assuming the gross-income from both new and old plant units to be identical. When the gross-incomes are not identical, the method to be pur- sued is now self-evident. When the new plant unit is economically superior to the old. there results an inequality : E + {C — S)F + rC(^(^h load of the period. Unless otherwise stated, the period is a year of 8760 hrs. Stated otherwise, the Station Load Factor is the average kw. station load divided by the peak load. (See Capacity Load Factor.) Rates based on full cost. It is assumed that every rate of charge for electric current is based on the full cost plus a fair profit. Classification of Cost Items. For rate jnaking purposes, the cost of electric current can best be distributed under three heads : 1. Production Cost. 2. Distribution Cost. 3. Service Cost. As stated under the definition of Production Cost, this part of the cost corresponds rather closely to what the Wisconsin Railroad Commission calls Output Cost. However, the methods used by the Wisconsin Commission in prorating General Expense and Fixed Charges among Demand, Output and Customer Expenses, do not seem logical. Accounting authorities are cited by the Wisconsin Commission in support of prorating "indirect expenses" (General Expense and Fixed Charges) according to the distribution of " Direct Expenses," but a careful study of the writings of those accounting authorities will show that their experience has been limited to mercantile and manufacturing pursuits, where interest, depreciation and taxes were a relatively small part of the total cost. When we come to consider public service companies in gen- eral, and hydro-electric companies in particular, we find that fixed charges assume large proportions. This difference between mercantile and utility companies is con- GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 67 ceded. At once we are struck by the incongruity of prorating the fixed charges of a hydro-electric plant according to the dis- trilDUtlon of the direct operating expense. To do so is to make the tail wag the dog ; we might almost say, to make the hair on the end of the tail wag the dog. Interest and depreciation are not direct functions of direct operating expense, as assumed by the old accounting authorities. In fact, interest and depreciation are more apt to be inverse or reciprocal functions of direct operat- ing expenses. Thus, in a steam plant, the direct operating expense is large in proportion to the fixed charges, whereas in a hydro plant the reverse is true. The absurdity of many a general rule is best disclosed by applying it to extreme cases, and nowhere does the prorating of interest and depreciation according to direct operating expense show forth with greater absurdity than in the case of a large hydro-electric plant. For these reasons, and because the wholesale price of current at the substation must so frequently be determined, the cost of current has been classified as above shown. Production Cost then becomes the full cost of current at the substation, and it includes all oper- ating expense and fixed charges incident to generating, transmitting and transforming the current at the substation. Prodxiction Cost. Production Cost of a given plant may be re- garded as being composed of two classes of cost items: (1) Fixed Cost, and (2) Variable Cost. Fixed Cost includes all fixed charges (interest, depreciation and taxes) and all operating expenses that are not affected by increase or decrease in kw.-hr. output. Variable Cost includes only the costs that vary with the output. In the case of a hydro plant the variable costs are almost infinitesimal compared with the fixed costs, unless a value is assigned to the water used. In the case of a steam plant, the variable cost consists almost entirely of the fuel cost. Therefore, the Production Cost per kw.-hr. of a hydro plant varies inversely as the station load factor. With a steam plant the same holds true of practically all costs except fuel. The fuel cost would be a constant cost per kw.-hr. were it not for the lower efi^iciency of the generating plant at lower loads. Having calculated the total annual Production Cost for a hydro plant determine the kw.-hr. cost of a 100% station load factor. For other station load factors of a hydro plant the kw.-hr. pro- duction cost will be inversely as the station load factor. The Station Load Factor assignable to any class of customers is estimated by multiplying the True Diversity Factor (assignable to that class) by their Connected Load Factor. Thus, if residence lighting customers have a true diversity factor of 5 and a con- nected load factor of 4, their station load is 20%. In the case of a hydro plant whose Production Costs are as tabulated below, the production cost at 20% Station Load Factor would be 1.25 cts. per kw.-hr. if there were no line losses, or 1.67 cts. per kw.-hr. if losses were 25%. 68 MECHANICAL ANP ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE V. PRODUCTION OHAIUJE PlOIl KW .-HK IN CENTS Station load factoi Tra ru^foraier a nd line losses per cent. ]So loss JO'.'r 1 5',); 20% 25% 30% 3 00 0.25 c •ts. 0.28 ct.« ;. 0.2!)c'ts. 31 cts. 0.33 cts. 36 eta. iM) 0.28 0.31 0.3 3 35 0.37 0.40 80 31 0.3 4 36 0.39 0.41 0.4 4 70 36 0.10 0,42 0.4 5 0.48 0.51 60 0.-I2 ^7 0,4<« 52 0,56 0,60 50 0,50 0.56 0.59 62 0,67 0.71 40 63 0,70 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.90 35 0,71 7 It 0,81 0.84 0.9 5 1.01 30 83 0.1)2 0.H8 1,04 1.11 1.19 25 1 00 1,11 118 1.25 1 33 1.43 20 1.25 1 39 1.47 1.56 1.67 1.79 15 1 67 1 S5 1 96 2 09 2 23 2 39 12 2 (IS 2 31 2,^5 2.60 2', 7 7 2.97 10 2 50 2.78 2.9 4 3.12 3.33 3.57 'Checkinct Estiyiialed Appftrcnl D'.vcrsi'u Factors. From the :abcw« given defuiit ions of Diver.^ity Factors it is evident that ap- par.e-jart: diversity factor may be expressed by the formula d - d, X (h X (h X (li X E (16) That is, apiiarent diversity factor is the iiroduct of successive 'True Diversity Factors and I^ine Efficiency. Line Efficiency is itself ,a product of successive efTiciencies, including an average all day ^efTiciency factor. (See Live Efficiency.) Station Load Factor assignable to any class of customers may ^e expressed by the formula df E (17) / being connected load factor. E " line efliciency. It should be remembered that, in equity, each class of customers is entitled to benefit from the general diversity of use of the cur- rent by different kinds of customers at different times of the day or year. Thus if the peak of a railway load is 1,200 kws. ontho railway circuit, while the peak of the lightin,^: load is 1,800 kws. on the lighting circuit, and. if the two peal;s are not simultaneous, it may happen that the station peak is only 2,500 kws. This would give a Station Diversity Factor Uli) of 3000^ 2500 - 1.2 Both classes of customers are equally entitled to the benefit of this diversity factor, if a full cost rate is to apiily. Likewise, if a class of irrigating customers use current only 6 summer months during the year, at full load, while a class of lighting customers use current only during the remaining 6 months at their full load, there is a resulting Station Diversitj' Factor (fZi) of 2 from this cause alone, assuming that there are no other circuits. Great care must be exercised in allowing for class diversity of GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES GO the sorts just indicated, for they frequently cause a very high Sta- tion Diversity Factor, or Class Diversity Factor. The Apparent Diversity Factor assigned to any class of customers must be based on the record of loads for the entire year, and must be ;the product of the four classes of successive diversity factors, i.e. Meter, Transformer, Substation, and Station Diversity Factors. We may now develop two important rules for checking any estimates as to diversity factors for different classes of customers of a given plant, and a rule for calculating Station Load Factor. Rule I. Divide the Total Connected Load of each class of cus- tomers by its Apparent Diversity Factor, and the quotient will be its prorata of the kw. station peak load. The sum of these quo- tients for all classes of customers is the station peak load during the year. Rule. II. Multiply the Connected Load of each class of custom- ers by its. Connected Load Factor, and- the product will be the kw.-hrs. sold annually to that class of customers. The sum of these products for all classes of customers is the total kw.-hrs. sold annually. Rule III. Multiply the True Diversity Factor of each class of customers by its Connected Load Factor and the product is the Station Load Factor assignable to that class. It will be found that if Rule 1 is applied to the electric rate cases that have been handled by public service commissions, some surprising errors as to assumed diversity factors will often be dis- closed. Also it is noteworthy that the existence of successive di- versity factors, whose product is the total diversity factor of a, given class, has not usually been recognized. Finally, it has seldom; been perceived that there is such a thing as an Apparent Diversity^ Factor as distinguished from a True Diversity Factor. In other words, the effect of Line Efficiency has been lost sight of. Distrihutioyi Cost. To the Production Cost must be added a Distribution Cost chargeable to all customers who do not buy their current at the substation. The Distribution Cost includes all operating expenses and fixed charges that pertain to the distribu- tion system. The distribution system includes poles, wire, line transformers, etc., between the substation and the customer's " service." Any part of the General Expense that would be in- curred if the distribution system Avere operated independently of the rest of the plant, should be allotted to the Distribution Cost. Parts of the distribution system can be charged directly against certain classes of customers : thus, street lighting circuits are chargeable to the municipality. Other parts of the distribution system are used in common by two or more classes of customers, and must be prorated. Perhaps the best theory of prorating is the Separate Plant Theory. According to this theory, the cost of the separate plant for each class of customers is calculated, and the existing plant is prorated according to the respective costs of the separate plants that would be required if the classes of customers were served entirely independently of one another. A close approximation to this theory is obtained by applying 70 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CO^T DATA what may be called the Peak Load or Demand Theory. According to this theory, the cost of a plant, or part of a plant, that is used in common by several classes of customers is prorated among them according to their peak demands. This is the theory most com- monly used by rate making engineers for prorating costs of plant ; but in prorating operating expenses it is often best to go back to the Sei)arate Plant Theory to get a clear idea of the most rational distribution of expenses that are common to two or more classes served. Having prorated the cost of the distribution sj'Stem to the dif- ferent classes of customers, it is usually fair to charge to each customer his prorata according to his connected load, for it is highly probable that at some time or another he will use his entire connected load to its full capacity. Active load might be used as a basis of such prorating, in special cases, but there is usually little known as to active load, and where it is known, it is usually found to be a fairly uniform percentage of connected load for any given class of customers. Hence it seems to us not only confusing, but of doubtful value to split hairs by trying to introduce an individual Active Load element in a rate case. Service Cost. This includes the operating expenses and fixed charges that pertain to the service connections and customers' meters, plus the clerical and other general expense involved in caring for customers' accounts, collecting bills, advertising for and soliciting new customers, and the like, Reading, inspecting, and maintaining customers' meters comes under this cost heading. So do customers' repairs and renewals, as well as renewals of incandescent lamps, where such renewals are paid for by the Company. Office rent is to be prorated to Pro- duction Cost, Distribution Cost, and Service Cost, on the separate plant theory. And the same holds true of the salaries of general officers, insurance, and other general expenses. Formulas for Calculating Costs and Rates. The above enumer- ated costs of electric current can be concisely expressed in formulas that cleaiiy show the relation of the different constants and vari- ables. The formulas will serve not only as a basis for equitable rate making, but for a study of the economics of generating, transmitting and distributing current. The following formulas give the costs, but to use them for de- termining rates it is merely necessary to make the Fixed Charges include the Profit as well as the Interest on the investment. Symbols C — total annual Service Cost for all customers. c = annual Service Cost per customer. D — total Apparent Diversity Factor for the plant. d — Apparent Diversity Factor for a given class. di = True JMeter Diversity Factor for a given class. di ■= True Transformer Diversity Factor for a given class. ds = True Substation Diversity Factor for a given class. di = True Station Diversity Factor for a given class. E — total line Efficiency. ei = Customers' meter efficiency. GENERAL ECONOMIC FRINCIFLES 71 €2 = Customei's' transformer efficiency. €3 = Feeder line efficiency. €4, = Substation efficiency (step down). 65 = transmission line efficiency. Ca = step up transformer efficiency. e =: ratio of all day effici'ency to the peak load efficiency. F = total Connected Load Factor (annual). / = Connected Load Factor (annual) of given class. G- = total annual Distribution Cost. g = annual Distribution Cost per k.w of Connected Load of a given class. Ji = Fixed Annual Cost per kw. of Connected Load of a given class. K = kw.-hr. average cost for all classes. Jc = k.w.-hr. cost for a given class. L = total Station Load Factor. { = Station Load Factor of a given class. m = Annual Fixed Distribution and Service Cost per cus- tomer of a given class. n = number of kw. connected load of given customer or of a typical customer of a given class. p = Production Cost per k.w-hr. B = Total annual Fixed Production Cost when the Station Load Factor is 100'/^. r = ditto per kw. of Station Peak Load. s = Variable Production Cost per kw.-hr. (i.e. cost of fuel) which constitutes nearly all the Variable Production Cost.) T = total yearly cost for entire plant. (r s \ g c ■ + - + + (18) SIQOIE EJ SlGOf 87G0/U h = g + — (19) n \ 8760?^ E I (20) m = gn-\- c ( 21 ) rf = Uhdidsdi) E ( 22 ) i<7 = ei 62 63 64 65 e (23) df 1 = (24) E For rate making purposes it is usually sufficiently exact to assign roughly approximate value of E3 to all residence and business light- ing customers : but in the case of large power customers more pre- cision should be used. Formula for k.w.-hr. costs : (r s \ g c ■ + — I +■ + (25) STGOIE E I 8760/ 8760 //i The three terms in the right hand member of the equation are respectively the kw.-hr. Production Cost, the kw.-hr. Distribution Cost, and the kw.-hr. Service Cost. The values of 7c may be plotted in a curve for any assumed values 72 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of d and n, the abscissas of the curve being / (the connected load factor), and the ordinates being k (the correspondence kw.-hr. coot). Since for diffierent classes of customers there are different values of d (d being- a function of I as in Equation 24) and n, it is necessary to plot different cost curves for the different classes. As above stated, the Variable Production Cost (s) consists al- most entirely of the fuel cost. In a hydro plant, s may be re- garded as having- no appreciable existence, unless a value is as- signed to the water itself. Fuel cost per kw.-hr. is commonly regarded as being constant for any given plant, and for any given price of fuel. It is, how- ever, constant only where the load is constant, A variable load causes variation in generating and transforming efficiency, which often causes wide fluctuation in the cost per kw.-hr, for fuel. Due allowance should be made for this when estimating s. Formulas for Tivo Payment Rates. It is frequently desirable to charge a fixed annual (or monthly) rate (h) per kw. of connected load plus a kw.-hr. rate (p) on the total kw-hr. used. To do this it seems best to determine the fixed annual kw. rate by adding the Distribution Cost to the Service Cost. Then the Production Cost is used as the basis for the kw.-hr, rate. Then we have 7j :-- j (7-1 I for the connected kw. rate (26) P - ( • H I for the k\v,-hr. rate (27) \87Q0 1E E J It might be argued that in the case of a hydro-electric plant nearly all the costs are fixed, and that the logical rate would there- fore consist almost entirely of a large fixed kw, connected load rate plus a very small k\v,-hr, rate. This, however, would lead to the use of small installations which would be run almost continuously, whether the current was really needed or not. The great objection to flat rates arises from this very reason. There is, besides, an innate prejudice against rates that do not result in substantial de- creases in monthly charges when current is used sparingly. Formula for Miniunim Rates. Equation (26) gives a rational "minimum annual cost" per kw. of connected load. If it is de- sired to express this as a minimum annual cost per customer, we have m = gn + c (28) It has been argued by some that only c, the Service Cost, should be regarded as the minimum cost, but this ignores the fact that the distribution sj'stem stands ready to serve the customer, and that he should be at least willing to pay his prorata of the fixed charges thereon. Indeed, it may rationally be claimed that the minimum rate should be high enough to include the customers' prorata of the fixed charges on the power plant, transmission line GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 73 and substations, based on the customers' demand thereon. It is good busmess, however, to stop short of this hist claim, and it is evident that this belief is quite general, for the standard $1 per month minimum charge for residence lighting customers is fjir below wliat is necessary to cover a customer's prorata (jf all the fixed charges of the average plant. In applying formula (28), there may be some doubt as to the value of n (the connected kw. load) of a customer of a given class. It seems fair to select on average value of n, found by dividing the total connected load of all the customers of a given class by the number of customers in that class. If we were to go to the extreme of selecting the connected load of the smallest customer, the probable result would be to lead to a still further decrease in the number of lamps installed by the smallest customer, which in turn would result in a decided decrease in the diversity factor of customers of that class, and a consequent rise in the Production ;Cost for customers of that class. In brief, lowering of the mini- mum rate charged to li.^hting customers, if based on a very smali connected load, -would result in a lowering of the diversity factor, and a rise in the Production Cost. Hence, the minimum rate can- not usually be lowered without making it necessary to raise the kw.-hr. rate. Finally, it Is impracticable to ]ieep a careful check on the con- nected loads of the smallest customers, for they can. readily sub- stitute larger lamps for smaller and change their loads. For these reasons, it seems fair to assume an average value for n, in any given community. Cost of Oro Electric Corporation Poiver Plant, Transinissio^h Lines and Substations. Having discussed the general methods tc be used in analyzing the kw.-hr. of current, we come to an application of the principles to the City of Stockton, California. The first step in the analysis is to estimate the cost of the pro- posed hydro-electric plant to be built on Yellow Creek and the cost of the transmission lines and substations necessary to convey and transform the full amount of current that will be generated The following Is the itemized estimate of this cost : TABLE VT. ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCT INCx YELLOW CREEK POWER PLANT AND TRANSMISSION LINES. (38,000 kw.) Voltage on main conductors, 130,000. ROADS, RAILWAYS AND CONSTRUCTION PLANT 1. Roads $ 30,000 2. Railway spur .50,000 3. Railway to quarry for dam 20,000 4. Incline 20,000 5. Power line (less salvage) , . . . . 30.000 6. Tools, constr., equip., camps, etc '100.000 7. Railway along flow line (pays for itself by timber hauled out and sold) ..... Total — Roads, rys., etc $ 250,000 74 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA DAMS AND HEADWOUKS Huinhuu Da III: 8. Excavation, 23.000 cu. yds. at $1 ,..$ 23,000 9. liock Fill, 110,000 cu. yds. measured in the dam at $1.50 210.000 10. ('oncrete toe. 2,600 cu. yds. at $10 2(),000 11. Timber face, 4'60 M at 25 12,000 12. Spillway 30,000 13. Gate house, gates, etc 20,000 Total — Humbug Dam $ 321,000 14. Other headworks , 12,000 Total for dams and headworks $ 333,000 CANALS AND CONDUITS Forest Conduit: 15. Tunnel (5 by 7 >/j) 5,200 ft. at $12 $ 62,400 16. Adit. 100 ft, at $10 1.000 17. Ditch, 84,000 cu. yds. at $0.50 42,000 18. Culverts, waste gates, etc 6,000 Total for Forest Conduit , $ 111,400 Cataract Conduit: 19. Wood stave pipe (7 ft., 9 4 ft., b.m. per lin. ft., 183 lbs. bands and 48 lbs. shoes, nuts, etc., per lin. ft. 19,560 lin. ft. at $15 $ 293.400 20. Steel Pipe at bends. 236,000 lbs. at,$0. 08 18,800 21. Excavation (mostly along present ditch), 26,000 cu. yds. at $0.75 19.500 22. Back fill. 12,000 cu. yds. at $0.50 6.000 23. Trestle, 1,100 ft. at $8 8.800 24. Manholes. 8 at $200 1,600 25. Tunnel (7 ft., 2.7 cu. yds. excav. and 1.0 cu. yd. con- crete per lin. ft.) 12,900 lin. ft. at $30 387,000 26. Tunnel adits. 4.000 cu. yds. at $6 24.000 27. Pipe at adits, 86,000 lbs. at $0.07 6 000 28. Manholes and bulkheads 5.000 Total for Cataract Conduit $ 770,100 Butt Creek Conduit: 29. Ditch trimmed, 3,200 lin. ft $ 3,200 Surge Pipe, etc.: 30. Surge pine or shaft $ 20.000 31. Pipe through dam. 170,000 lbs. at $.07 11,900 Total for Surge pipe, etc $ 31 ,900 Total for Canals and Conduits $ 916.600 PRESSURE PIPES 32. Tunnel (12 ft.) 6.^00 cu. yds. at $6 $ 38.400 33. Excavation, 30,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 75 000 34. Concrete (anchors, etc.) 1.000 cu. yds. at $0.12 12,000 35. Steel pipe — 6.S0,000 lbs. (riveted) in tunnel at $.07 47 600 630.000 " " at $0,065 40,950 4,550.000 " lap welded at $0,075 341.250 36. Manholes, etc 10,000 Total for Pressure Pipe $ 565,200 GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 75 POWER STATION Per k.w. 37. Power house 4.47 % 170.000 38. Excavation, 10,000 cu. yds. at $2.00 0.53 20,000 5.00 39. Water wheels, gates and governors 4.35 165,000 40. Generators, exciters, etc 4.20 160.000 41. Switchboard and wiring 2.63 100.000 42. Step up transformers 2.36 90,000 43. Crane, etc. (50 ton) 0.26 lO.OUU 44. Heating and miscel 0.26 10,000 Total for Power Station 19.06 $ 725,000 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS 45. Operator's quarters, etc $ 30,000 46. Machine shop, equip., etc 20,000 Total — Miscel. Bldgs $ 50,000 Total power plant (Items 1 to 46) $2,839,800 47. Contingencies and overhead charges, 30% of items 1 to 46 851,940 Total power plant $3,691,740 TRANSMISSION LINES 48. steel towers (660 ft. apart), 190 miles at $2,300 .... $ 437,000 49. Copper for 190 miJes of tower line (6 wires), 3,250,- 000 lbs. at $0.19 617,500 50. Labor string, wire on towers: 1,030 miles at $40. . . . 41,200 51. Insulators (9.100) on towers, 56,000 elements (10 lb.) at $1.25 70.000 52. Hardware for above 10,000 53. Grounding wire 10,000 54. Telephone 1 90 miles at $125 23,750 55. Fencing and misc 25,000 56. High towers, etc 25,000 57. Switching stations 14,000 58. Pole transmission lines: 100 miles at 1.600 160,000 100 miles at 1,000 100.000 Total for items 48^0 58 $1,333,450 59. Contingencies and overhead charges 25% of items 48 to 58 333,360 Total for Transmission Lines $1,666,810 WATER RIGHTS, LAND, ETC. 60. Water rights, land and right-of-way $ 600,000 SUBSTATIONS 61. Sectionalising Stations $ 50,000 62. Sub.stations for 38,000 kw. at $.8 304,000 63. Tie line transformers 60,000 64. Regulating apparatus 25,000 Total for Substations, etc $ 439,000 65. Contingencies and overhead charges, 25% of items 61 to 64 $ 109,750 Total for Substations, etc $ 548,750 Grand Total for (38,000) kw. plant complete $6,507,300 76 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA SUMMARY Roads, rys. and const, plant $ 250,000 Dams and headwoiks 333,000 Canals and conduits 916,600 Pressure pipes 565,200 Power station 725,000 Misc. bldgs., etc 50,000 Total $2,839,800 Contingencies and overhead charges, 30% of above items. 851,940 Total power plant. 38,000 kw. at $97 $3,691,740 Transmission lines $1,333,450 Contingencies and overhead charges on same, 25%; 333.360 Total transmission lines $1,666,810 Water rights, land and right-of-way $ 600.000 Substations, etc $ 439,000 Contingencies and overhead charges 25% on same 109,750 Total substations, etc $ 548,750 Grand Total, 38,000 kw. at $171 $6,507,300 Cost of ElecMc Cxcrrent at the Substalion. Careful gaugings that have extended over nearly 8 years show that there will be sufficient water to develop at least 19,000 continuous kws. or 38,000 kws. on a 50% load factor. This can be done with a flow of 165 sec.-ft. ; but. as a matter of fact, there has been no time in the last 8 years when 179 sec.-ft. could not have been averaged had there been a storage reservoir of the size planned. The 165 sec.- ft. has been assumed in order to provide for the possibility of two very dry years in sequence. It will be pointed out later that the full 179 sec.-ft. and even more, can be i)rofitably utilized if a steam auxiliary plant of about 4.000 kws. is provided. Assuming for the present only 38,000 at a 50% load factor we have 164,600,000 kw.-hrs. generated annually. The production cost of this current at the substations will be shown to be 0.5 ct. per kw.-hr. on the assumption that none of the current is lost in trans- mission and transforamtion (step up and step down). And with a 10% loss the cost at the substation will be 0.56 ct. per kw.-hr. The deduction of this cost follows. Annual Operating Cost. We shall now consider only the cost of operating the plant down to and including substations, reserving for later discussion the of distribution and service cost. The following will be the annual operating expense of the power plant, transmission lines and substations, exclusive of repairs and de- preciation : Poiver Plant Expense: Wages and supplies $ 32,000 TransHiission Line Expense: Wages, supplies, etc . 8.000 Substation Expense: Wages, supplies, etc 26,000 GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 77 General Expense: Salaries 28,000 Rentaly 4,000 Insurance, legal and damages ., 15,000 Miscellaneuus 10,000 Total general expense % 57,000 Total operating expense, exclusive of maintenance $123,000 Annual Cicrrent Repairs on a plant of as permanent a character as this will not exceed 1% of the total plant cost. For many years to come the repairs will be less than V/t. _In addition to Current Repairs, a depreciation annuity of 2% of the plant investment should be earned. This 2% set aside annually and compounded at 5% interest will amortize the entire investment in 25 years. It is expected that capital can be secured by the sale of bonds, etc, at such rates that the interest charge will be 1% on the cost of the plant. Hence the annual repairs, depreciation and interest total 10%, distributed thus: Per cent. Current repairs 1 Depreciation annuity 2 Interest 7 Total 10 Since the investment in the plant, up to and including substa- tions, v/ill be $6,500,000, we have the following annual cost: Interest, repairs and depreciation (10% of $6 500,000) $650,000 Operating expense, exclusive of maintenance and taxes.... 123,000 Taxes on the above 52,000 Total annual production cost $825,000 As above stated, 164.600.000 kw.-hrs. will be generated annually. Hence, the Production Cost is $825,000^164,600,000"= 0.50 ct. (half a cent) per kw.-hr. generated. If we assume a transformer and transmission line loss of 10%. the cost of current distributed at the substations will be 90% -=- 0.50 :- 0.555 ct. per kw.-hr. when the station load factor is 50%. Table V gives the Production Cost per kw.-hr. for any given Station Load Factor assignable to any given class of customers, and for any given losses of current involved in the step up and step down transformers, transmission, distribution and metering. Cost of Current for Residence Customers. Having calculated the production cost for various Station Load Factors we can determine the total cost of current per kw.-hr. sold to residence customers. At the low price proposed by the Oro Electric Corporation, the average residence customer can be counted upon to create a Sta- tion Load Factor of at least 20%. This is equivalent to a con- nected load factor of 4.57t. and k True Diversity Factor of 4.5, the product of these being 207f. or the Station Load Factor. In other words, the average resid'^nce customer with a connected load of 0.75 kw, will use 300 kw.-hrs. per annum. 78 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Referring to Table V, we see that for a Station Load Factor of 20% and a Line and Transformer Loss of 25%, the Production Cost is 1.67 cts. per kw.-hr., to which must be added the Stockton (Cal.) local tax of 2%, making a total production cost of 1.71 cts. To this must be added the Distribution and Service Costs, which are as follows : For the average residence customer there will be the following investment in Distribution System : Poles, etc. : Per customer 0.5 pole at $13 in place $ 6.50 1.2 cross arm and hardware at $1.25 1.50 Total poles, etc $ 8.00 Wire, etc. : 35 lbs. at 0.21 (including labor, pins, insulators, etc.) in place $ 7.35 Transformers : 0.5 kw. at $12 in place 6.00 Miscellaneous : Telephone, tools, stores, etc 2.65 Total $24.00 Contingencies and overhead charges, 25% 6.00 Total per residence customer $30.00 (Note. Service connection and meter are given later.) The interest, depreciation and repairs on this investment of $30. per residence customer are : Per cent. Interest '. 7 Depreciation and repairs 6 Total 13 The annual distribution charge per residence customer is : Per customer Interest, depreciation and repairs 13% of $30 $3.90 Salaries, insurance, etc 0.40 Taxes 0.30 Total, 300 kw-hrs. at 1.53 cts $4.60 Hence the distribution cost is 1.53 cts. per kw.-hr. The investment in service connection and meter is as follows per residence customer : Per customer Service connection $ 4.00 Meter 12.00 Total $16.00 Contingencies and overhead charges, 25% 4.00 Total per residence customer $20.00 The interest, depreciation and repairs on the service and meter are as follows : GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 79 Per cent. Interest 7 Depreciation and repairs 8 Total 15 In addition to this annual cost of 15% on the $20. investment (or $3 per year) per residence customer for service connection and meter, there is a service expense of $4 per annum, which is itemized as follows : Salaries of officers $0.30 Accounting- 1.00 Billing and collecting 0.60 Rate clerk, etc 0.30 Stationery and printing 0.20 Bad accounts and cut outs 0.10 Meter reading and transfer 0.40 Soliciting and advertising 0.20 Telei)hone, telegrai)h, etc 0.20 Rent 0.20 Miscellaneous (legal, insurance, etc.) 0.50 Total service expense per customer $4.00 (Note. Part of the salaries of officers is to be found under Production Cost and part under Distribution Cost, and the same holds true of certain other items.) Summing up the Service Cost per residence customer per annum, we have: Per customer Interest, depreciation and repairs, 15% of $20 $ 3.00 Service expense 4.00 Taxes 0.50 Total, 300 kw.-hrs. at 2.50 cts $ 7.50 Summing up the average kw.-hr. cost for residence customers, we have : Cts. per kw.-nr. Production 1.71 Distribution cost • 1.53 Service cost , 2.50 Total cost per residence 5.74 The base rate proposed for residence customers is 6.5 cts. and the average residence customer will fall within this rate, for the rate does not begin to decrease until a customer uses more than 100 kw.-hrs. per month. In considering the Connected Load Factor, it should be remembered that a lower price for current causes a greater consumption, and consequently a greater Connected Load Factor. A customer having a net rate of 6 cts. per kw.-hr. uses much more current than a customer having an 8-ct. rate. Cost of Current f6r Business Lir/hting Customers. Following the same method of cost analysis above applied to residence customer rates, we shall consider the three items of cost per kw.-hr. for busi- ness customers: (1) Production Cost; (2) Distribution Cost, and (3) Service Cost. 80 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The average business lighting customer will create a Station Load Factor of at least 25%, and, referring to Table V, we see that the Production Cost is 1.33 cts. per kw.-hr. when the Station Load Factor is 25% and the line losses are 257c, adding 2% for local tax we have 1.36 cts. per kw.-hr. as the production cost. The Distribution Cost is derived as follows: The average business customer with 1.6 kw. connected load will reciuire an investment of less than $208 in underground conduits, underground service, cables, transformers, etc. (exclusive of meters and outside service connections, which are a part of the service cost). This distribution system cost is estimated liberally as fol- lows per kw. of connected load : Ducts:' Perkw. 100 ft. vitrified ducts at 35 cts 35.00 Manholes : .03 manholes at $175 $5.25] .08 manholes at $90 7.20 f 12.45 Switches, etc. in Manholes: Junction boxes, switches and miscellaneous 4.00 Laterals and Risers : 0.2 Lateral (3 in. pipe, 60 ft.) at $75 15.00 Cable: 30 ft. lead covered cable in ducts at $0.70 $21] 20 ft. cable in laterals at $0,20 $4 1 25.00 Transformers : 0.8 k.w. at $10.00 8.00 Miscellaneous : Stores, etc. . .- 5.00 Total $104.45 Contingencies and overhead charges, 25% 26.10 Total underground system $130.55 The annual interest depreciation and repairs on the underground distribution system will be : Per cent. Interest 7 Depreciation and repairs 5 Total 12 The annual Distribution (~'ost per Ivw. of connected load will be: Interest, depreciation and repairs 12% of $130.55 .... $15.67 Operation expense 1.50 Taxes 1.43 Total annual distribution cost per k.w $18.60 Hence a business lighting customer averaging 1.6 kws. of con- nected load should be charged with an annual Distribution Cost of 1.6 X $18.60 - $29.76. The average business lighting customer has a Connected Load Factor exceeding 11%, and a True Diversity Factor exceeding 2.5, GENERAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES 81 making a Station Load Factor exceeding 11% X 2.5 = 27.5%. The annual consumption of current by the average business customer having 1.6 kw. connected load exceeds 1,500 kw.-hrs. Hence di- viding the $29.76 by 1,500 kws. we have 2.00 cts. per kw.-hr,, which is a liberal estimate of the Distribution Cost for business customers in the " underground district." The investment in meters and in the individual services (not included in the underground system above given) will be as follows, per business customer : Per customer Service (in addition to underground service) $10.00 Meter 15.00 Total $25.00 Contingencies and overhead charges, 25% 6.25 Total individual service and meter $31.25 The annual interest depreciation and repairs will be : Per cent. Interest 7 Depreciation and repairs 7 Total 14 Hence, the annual Service Cost per business customer will be: Per customer 1. Interest, depreciation and repairs 14% of 31.25 4.37 2. Service expense (previously estimated) 4.00 3. Taxes 0.63 Total service cost $9.00 Since the average business customer uses at least 1,500 kw.-hrs. per annum, the Service Cost will be less than $9 -^ 1,500 = 0.60 ct. per kw.-hr. Summing up we have the following kw.-hr. cost of current sold to the average business lighting customer: Cts. per kw.-hr. Production cost 1.36 Distribution cost 2.00 Service cost 0.60 Total 3.96 The base rate for business lighting customers is 6 cts. per kw.-hr. up to 95 kw.-hrs. used in a month. Then the rate drops to 5.8 cts. for current used up to 125 kw.-hrs. per month. Then the next drop is to 5.6 cts. per current used up to 160 kw.-hrs. It is evident, then, that the average business customer who used 1,500 kw.-hrs. per year, or 125 kw.-hrs. per month, will enjoy a rate 5.6 cts. per kw.-hr., less the discount for prompt payment. CHAPTER II DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS Depreciation. Depreciation is loss of value. It may occur as a result of the loss of useful life of a plant-unit or its parts or be- cause of the invention or design of a more efficient plant unit, or be- cause a larger plant unit is more economic, or in consequence of a drop in the prices of equivalent plant units, or because of accidental Injury, or in consequence of any change that makes it more eco- nomic to render an equivalent service with another plant-unit. The cost of renewing an entire plant-unit is properly called a depreciation cost or charge. The cost of renewing a part of a plant unit is properly called a repair expense. But, as is stated below in the discussion of the term Plant Unit, there has been no very clear recognition of this important distinction by ac- countants and engineers. Careless writers of recent years and almost all writers ten or more years ago, usually have made no distinction between the annual cost of repairs and the annual charge for depreciation or depreciation annuity. Consequently many estimates of operating costs are deceptive. Two other causes of error as to '■ upkeep costs " (i.e. combined repair and depreciation costs) are common: (1) Failure to distinguish between natural and functional depreciation; (2) Failure to equate rei)air costs of the entire life of the plant unit. Both of these factors will be discussed later. For ordinary purposes it is well to classify depreciation under two general heads: (1) Natural Depreciation and (2) Functional Depreciation. Natural Depreciation is loss of value due to physical or chemical changes in plant units, e.g., rot, rust, electrolysis, " wear and tear." Loss of value due to an accident, such as the burning out of a generator, may also be classed as natural depi-eciation. Functional Depreciation is loss of value due to (a) obsolescence, (b) inadequacy, or (c) drop in prices. Obsolescence arises wholly from " imjjrovements in the art " — inventions. Inadequacy arises from, increased demands upon plant-units rendering them economi- cally too small or too light for the increased service required. Drop in prices occurs as a result of any combination of causes that increases the supply relative to the demand. Natural deiireciation is attributable to the forces of nature, whereas functional deprecia- tion is attributable to the foices of society. The forces that commonly cause Natural Depreciation are: (1) Chemical action. (2) electrical action, (3) mechanical action, and (4) vital action. Rust is an example of chemical action; electro- lysis is an example of electrical a^tion ; abrasion or wear is an example of mechanical action ; totting of wood is an example of 82 DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 83 vital action, as is also the progress of senility of animals resulting finally in death. The forces that commonly cause Functional Depreciation are : (1) Invention, (2) growth of business that renders a plant unit inadequate economically, (3) public enactment that causes either loss of part or all of the economic use of a plant unit, (4) competi- tion that results in a reduction in unit prices. It needs but to make these classifications of the causes of de- preciation to give us pause when we undertake to say that any single simple method of estiinating accrued depreciation can be ap- plicable to all these sorts of depreciation. Inspection, for example, may disclose approximately the amount of v/ear that has occurred in the piston and cylinder of an old pump, but mere inspection may not disclose whether an old pump is as economic in the use of fuel as a new one. Testing alone will demonstrate the fuel efficiency of pumps. Testing alone, however, will not show the depreciated value of a pump or of any other apparatus that is to be compared with some apparatus of standard value. To make such a com- parison accurately we must apply mathematics, even though it be of a very simple sort, as will be shown later. Plant Units and Their Relation to Depreciation. Before any clear cut distinction can be drawn between terms such as " cost of re- pairs," " cost of renewals," " maintenance expense," and " depre- ciation annuity," it is essential to define what a ])lant unit is. No book on accounting or ratemaking gives a definition of plant unit, consequently there is endless debate as to the " true meaning " of all terms relating to " upkeep costs." Plant Unit is any unit to which a unit cost is assigned. Since the cost of a machine may be split up into many units to each of w^hich a unit cost may be assigned, it follows that appraisers may differ greatly as to what they call a plant unit. We prefer to call a whole machine — such as a generator or a boiler — a plant unit, and to treat the depreciation of the machine as a whole. The expense due to loss of life of the parts of the machine, we prefer to classify under the term Repairs. Plant units such as the fol- lowing have been used : A pole, a square yard of pavement, an engine, a building, a pound of copper wire, etc. Obviously it is possible to group the elements of a plant into " units " of any desired size and class. Thus an entire transmis- sion line may be called a "plant unit." If that is done, then the renewal of separate poles would" be a repair expense, and only the renewal of the entire transmission line would be a depreciation charge. A single pole with its cross-arms, guys, insulators, etc., but not including the transmission wires, may be regarded as a plant unit. In that case the renewal of a cross-arm would be a repair expense. But even a may be regarded as a plant unit, in which case its renewal would be a depreciation charge. Although no attempt has ever been made to define every plant unit of a given plant — except in ratemaking case.'^ — still it has \isually been the practice in accounting to treat all short lived 84 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA small priced elements as chargeable to repairs when renewed, while renewals of long--lived, high-priced elements have been charged to depreciation. Railway ties, and even rails are commonly charged to " current maintenance," or " repairs," when renewed ; whereas locomotives, bridges, and buildings would be charged to a deprecia- tion fund if such a fund existed. In the absence of depreciation funds built up from depreciation annuities and interest thereon, rail- ways and other corporations have charged renewals of every sort to " current maintenance." It is important to know how to avoid the endless confusion that still exists in accounting and cost estimating, because of lack of definitions of what are to be regarded as plant units. It is equally important to know that this confusion is so universal as to make much of the published matter on repair expense and depreciation costs of doubtful value. With this warning, the authors must leave the reader to his own interpretation of many " upkeep costs " given in this book. Weighted Average Age of Plant Units. The average age of any group of plant units of equal value is calculated thus : Multiply the total number of plant units of the same age by the number of years that they have been in use ; add together all such products for the given class of units, and divide the sum by the total number of plant units. The quotient is the average age of the given class of plant units. If the plant units of a given class vary in first cost, then the weighted average age is found thus : Multiply the money expended each year in the construction of the plant units now in existence by the age in years ; add those prod- ucts together and divide by the total cost. The quotient is the weighted average age of the given class of plant units. In applying this last rule, care must be taken to make adjust- ments needed to provide for fluctuations in unit prices, so that standard unit prices may be applied to all. Care must also be taken to ascertain whether any plant units as originally built have been renewed ; and to this end both the original construction ac- counts and the maintenance and renewal reserve accounts should be investigated. If practically all the structures shown in the accounting records al-e still in existence, and the money expended each year for each class of structure is known, it is a very simple matter to figure the average age of the money invested in such structure, which, after all, is what is needed in estimating present value. To illus- trate, suppose there are a number of station buildings in existence, whose age is not known. Suppose, however, that $10,500 was spent for such buildings in 1896, $20,000 in 1900. and $5,000 in 1902. Then, in 1906, the average age of the money invested in these buildings is ascertained thus : $10,500 X 10 yrs. equals $105,000 one year $20,000 X 6 yrs. equals $120,000 one year $5,000 X 4 yrs. equals $20,000 one year $35,500 X 7 yrs. equals $248,500 one year DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 85 This g-ives a total of $35,500 invested 7 yrs. ; for $35,500X7 yrs. equals $248,500 one year. The rule to be followed in all such cases is to multiply the money expended each year for structures of a given class by the age in years, add all these products together, and divide by the total cost of all the structures under consideration. The quotient is the average age of all the structures, or, more strictly speaking, the average age of the money invested in the structures. If some of the structures are no longer in existence, this method can still be applied. Take railway cross-ties, for example. Ascertain the total value of cross-ties in the track, then go back through the records of cost and tie renewals, by years, until the total cost of the renewals adds up to the total value of ties now in the track. Then compute the average age as above shown. If the price of ties has fluctuated, ascertain the actual price paid, and reduce all yearly expenditures of renewals to the present price. Analysis of Maintenance Accounts and Upkeep Costs. Before the true net earnings of a plant can be accurately ascertained, it is necessary to analyze the maintenance accounts, for it will usually be found that the actual expenditures for upkeep in any given year are less than the average expenditures for upkeep will be in the years to come. Simply because a plant is old it must not be assumed that its upkeep expenditures have reached a normal or average condition. Yet this erroneous assumption has been made in many rate making cases. Upkeep Cost is the actual expenditure for current repairs and current renewals (maintenance) plus the depreciation annuity not provided for in the actual expenditure for renewals. Current Maintenance, or maintenance as the term is commonly used by accountants, is the actual expenditure for current repairs and current renewals. Repair Expense is the current expenditure for keeping the parts of plant units in serviceable condition. Renewal Expense is the current expenditure for the renewal of whole plant units, and does not include a depreciation annuity. Annual Depreciation, as used here, is the estimated annual loss of value from all causes, including natural and functional. Annual depreciation usually exceeds annual Renewals in plants that are not very old. Hence the extreme importance of not assuming that annual renewals are probably sufficient to cover annual deprecia- tion. Annual renewals are usually only a part of annual deprecia- tion, and annual depreciation is, in turn, only a part of annual upkeep cost, for annual depreciation does not include annual re- pairs. Great confusion still exists in the minds of many people as to these terms, partly because they are not used in the same sense by all engineers. Serious errors have occurred, both on the part of public service companies and public service commissions, in estimating the probable annual upkeep cost. Sometimes in such estimates, annual repairs have been omitted, but more often the error has arisen because actual annual renewals of the previous year were assumed to cover all probable annual depreciation. 86 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It has been proposed to use the term " maintenance " in place of " upkeep cost," and to segi-egate it into " ordinary maintenance " and " deferred maintenance." Then " ordinary maintenance " would cover repairs and renewals " which are made each year as needed " ; while " deferred maintenance " would cover repairs and renewals " which cannot economically be made each year but which are made at frequent intervals." Engineers who propose such a classi- fication have evidently never kept corporation books. Many careless estimators have not used the term " annual de- preciation " to cover renewals of parts (or repairs) as well as renewals of entire plant units, but have actually forgotten to include an allowance for repairs. When it is considered that the repairs of steam locomotives annually average 18% of their first cost, whereas the renewals of entire locomotives are about 4%. it will be appreciated that an engineer who estimated only 4% for depre- ciation of locomotives and allowed nothing additional for repairs would fall into serious error. Yet precisely this sort of blundering occurs with considerable frequency, and largely because of failure to understand the meaning of the' term " annual depreciation." Method of Estimating Annual Upkeep Cost. Having defined terms as we shall use them and having briefly explained accounting practice as to certain important features, we may pass to a sum- mary of the proper method of estimating the annual upkeep cost of a public utility plant. As at present conducted, no public utility company keeps its accounts in such a manner as to segregate Maintenance Expenses into Repairs and Renewals, using these terms as above defined. Yet, if we are to make proper estimates for depreciation funds. or if we are to ascertain the " true operating expense," it becomes essential to analyze Maintenance into Repairs and Renewals. If the weighted age of any given set of plant units is less than half the total life of units of that class, the expenditures for Renewals of the plant units are below what they must ultimately be. Thus, if the life of interurban railway cross-ties is 10 years, and if the weighted age of a given lot of ties is 3 years, it is evi- dent that tie renewals are still below normal. "When, however, the weighted age becomes 5 years (i.e., half the life), it is evident that tie renewals have reached a normal stage, for there will then be ties of all gradations of age, from those just put in the track to those just ready to be taken out. If the weighted age of few classes of plant units in a plant has yet reached half the total life, it becomes exceedingly important to anal.vze the maintenance accounts. Otherwise, if the present maintenance expenditures were regarded as being normal, no ade- quate allowance would be made for depreciation that is now going- on but is not yet being paid for. In the same manner current repairs increase with increasing age of the plant units. Hence neither Repairs nor Renewals can be properly judged until an analysis is made of the maintenance ac- counts and until the weighted age of each class of. plant units is determined. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 87 Maintenance, as before t;aid, is the cost of Repairs plus the cost of Renewals of such plant units as have been charged to the op- erating- account. When a plant is young, repairs are usually inex- pensive and there may be a few or no renewals of plant units at all. Hence, unless a renewal reserve account is provided, there may be little or no charge for annual plant depreciation shown on the book.s, although depreciation is actually occurring. When a large plant is old, there are heavy repair expenses v/hich are quite uni- form but the actual renewals of many classes of plant units fluctuate from year to year. In other words, the annual expenditures to re- place plant units are apt to fluctuate, and the fewer the number of plant units the greater the fluctuation. Having analyzed the annual maintenance expenses of a plant .so as to show what has been expended for Renewals and what for Repairs, the next step is to compare the actual expenditure for Renewals with the estimated annual Depreciation. In the case of most plants it almost invariably happens that the actual Re- newal expenditures fall below the estimated annual Deprecia- tion. The true total upkeep is the sum of two items: (1) Re- pairs and (2) Depreciation. While the actual maintenance expense is the .sum of two items: (1) Repairs and (2) Renewals. Since Depreciation usually exceeds Renewals and always exceeds it in the case of a new plant, it is of the utmost importance that the excess be accurately ascertained before passing upon the question of rates charged for service. Suppose, for example, that the estimated depreciation of cross- ties is 8% per annum, and that the total cost of the ties is $20,000, then the annual depreciation is $1,600. If the actual tie renewals for a given year show a cost of $600, it is evident that tie renewal costs for that year are $1,000 below normal. Where the number of plant units of any given class is large, and where they are of varying ages, a normal condition of renewals is not reached until the weighted age of all the plant units of that class is half the total life of a plant unit of that class. Keeping this fact in mind, it is possible to tell roughly whether or not the renewals of a given class of plant units have been normal during a given year, provided only that we know the weighted age of the plant unit.s. But the more precise method to use is the one above outlined, which may be summed up thus : Segregate the actual annual maintenance expenses into Repairs and Renewals. Deduct all the Renewals and add the estimated annual Depreciation. The resulting sum will he the total true annual upkeep cost. When nothing but the ordinary accounting records are available, the segregating of Renewals from Repairs often seems like an impossible task in the case of certain classes of expense items, but usually a way can be found that will enable a sufliciently close approximation to be made. A study of the " stock slips," for ex- ample, will the purposes for which given amounts of ma- terials were used. Having ascertained the amount of materials 88 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA (copper wire, for example) used for renewals, the labor required to put the given length of wire in place may be estimated. Some maintenance accounts, lil ' k e + (c-s) / + r v u = — = (4) y y The old plant must have a depreciated value, Vj such that the unit cost, u, of its product must equal the unit cost, U, of the product of the ncic plant. Were u more than TJ, it would he more profitable to buy the new plant. Were u less than U, it would be more profitable to buy the old plant. But a condition of equity exists only when it is as profitable to buy the old plant at the value, V, as to buy the new plant at the cost C. This condition of equity is satisfied when w = U. Then — E -{- (C — S)F + rr f + C — s)f + rv y y r E + {C ~S) F -\- rC c — fs l r + fl T y J (5) (6) Equation (.6) is the most general expression of the economic de- preciation formula, but it may be reduced to much simpler terms for ordinary use. Usually Y = y, and S =s, or if these are not exactly equal the quality is so close that v is not appreciably affected by assuming perfect equality. Also it often happens that F and / ai-e equal or nearly so. Assuming these equalities, we have : E — e c — E v = c + = r (7) r + f E Equation (7) is the economic depreciation formula in a simplified but still very general form. Expressed verbally. Equation (7) is: Assuming equal gross income, equal annual output, equal salvage value and equal prospective functional life for new and old plant units, the depreciated value of an old plant unit is equal to the cost of a new plant unit of most econoniic design minus the capi- talized difference in their equated annual operating crpenses duy^ing the prospective economic life. It will be noted that the rate of capitalization (R) is the sum of the interest rate (r) and the functional depreciation rate (f) when the operating expenses (e and E ) do not include functional depre- ciation annuities. This is an important point, and one that is frequently overlooked in capitalizing incomes and expenses. Formula for Accrued Xatural Depreciation: When functional depreciation is non-existent, we have f — o, and then the depre- ciation formula, equation (7). becomes: e — E v = C-^ (8) DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 101 In this case C is the cost new of a plant unit of the same size and class as the old unit whose depreciated value is v. E is the equated annual operating- expense, including- the depreciation an- nuity required for a sinking fund to redeem the full wearing value (C — S), during N years total natural life of the unit ; and e is the equated annual operating expense, including the depreciation an- nuity required for a sinking fund to redeem the remaining wearing value (v — s) during the retnaining natural life of n years. If annual operating expenses other than depreciation are M, and are the same for a new as for an old plant unit, we have : E -D (C — S) -\- M (9) e-d(v — s) + M (10) Substituting in equation (8), and remembering that s = 8j we have : rC d (V — aS') +D (C — S) (11) D + r V = S -] (C — S). d + r (12) Equation (12) gives identically the same results as the ordinary sinking fund formula for depreciation, which is: [(l+r)a — 1 1 1 (1 + r)H _i J (C — S) (13) That Equations (12) and (13) give identical results may be shown by the use of sinking fund tables in the solution of specific numerical examples. In view of the importance of the subject, a strict mathematical proof may be demanded by some engineers. Accordingly it is given herewith. Proof of Identity of Equations (12) and (13 J: N- (/ + r)« —1 r (7 -(- r)!* — 1 (/ + r) N-a — t Substitute these values of D and d in Equation (12). r (14) (15) (16) v-B^- (1+^)" — 1 (1 + r)»-a— 1 (C — >Sf). 102 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA C- (1 + r)« [(1 +r)''-» — 1] ^ -S+J -V iC — S) ..(17) I (1 +r)''-*l (1 +r)« —11 J Multiplying- both numerator and denominator by (1 + r>"~* we have : [d +r)s— (1 -f r)a"| I iC~S) (l + r)« — 1) J [(l + r)a — 1 1 1 —I iC — S) (18) (1 + r)H — 1 J Since Equation (18) is the same as Equation (13), it follows that Equation (12) g-ives the same value for v as does Equation (13), which was to be proved. Hence the special case, Equation (12), of the rational depreciation formula, Equation (8), is seen to be another form of the sinking- fund formula for depreciation. Hence the sinking fund formula is correctly applicable only where natu7-al depreciation is involved and only where current repairs are uni- form or absent. Inspections and Tests. In order to apply the '* rational depre- ciation formula," it is usually necessary to inspect the plant units and it is often necessary to test some classes of them. These steps are taken in order to estimate the prospective operating- expenses. Studies of the accounting- records may be of considerable aid in determining- what the prospective costs of repairs Mill be by show- ing- the amount, character, expense and dates of past repairs. Thus, a boiler whose flues have been recently renewed will obviously cause less prospective operating expense than one whose flues are old ; therefore it will have a higher depreciated value. Tests of the efficiency of a pump will indicate its fuel consump- tion as contrasted with a new pump. Inspection of the pump will disclose what parts are woi'n, and what the probable date of their renewal Avill be. With these factors known, and with a knowledge of efficiency and maintenance costs of modern pumps, the " rational depreciation formula " can be applied with considerable accuracy. Whereas merely to guess at the depreciated value after an inspec- tion is likely to yield results far from the truth. To apply an " age-life formula " is likely to result in even greater error. This is notably so in the case of buildings, reservoirs and other struc- tures that are practically everlasting if properly maintained. Criterion for Retiring Obsolete or Inadequate Plant. The general formula for depreciated value. Equation (5), may be used as a criterion for determining whether a plant unit has ceased to be economic and should be retired. The condition for such retirement is that the depreciated value, %\ shall be equal to or less than the salvage value, s; for if the depreciated value, v, has reached so low an amount that the plant has no greater value as an economic producing instrument than its salvage value, then it is worth more to its owner as merchandise than as a productive instrument. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 103 Hence if we let v ~ s and y — Y, equation ( 5 ) becomes : S + (C — /S) F + rC = e + rs (19) When the equality of (19) is destroyed because the left hand member of (19) is less than the right hand member, the old plant should be retired in favor of the new plant. Depreciated Plant Value Only a Part of Total Value. Plant value is a function of the net earnings derivable from the operation of the plant. By assuming the gross earnings to be constant (that is, not affected by changing the plant), we have deduced a rational formula for ascertaining the depreciated value of a given plant unit. Observe, then, the absurdity of reducing rates of charge so as to yield only normal interest on depreciated value. A company de- vises a new plant unit of a given class for the purpose of reducing operating expenses. It thereby destroys most of the value of its old plant units of that class. But it does so because of the enhanced value given to its entire property by virtue of increased nej: earnings. Then comes a rate regulating commission and cuts rates so as to confiscate these increased profits, upon the theory that the commission is concerned with present conditions and present values of plant only! It is asserted that to capitalize profits involves circular reasoning in fixing a rate making value. B\it it is entirely overlooked that depreciation due to invention and inadequacy is itself a function of profits. If there were to be no increased profits as a result of in- vention and better engineering design of plant, then economic prog- ress would halt and functional depreciation would cease. Functional depreciation caused by a company itself is irrevocably tied to appreciation of its prospective profits. Those who contend that profits cannot affect rate making value do not understand the full significance of the term value. That this ignorance exists may be shown in many ways. Thus, commissions have used " depre- ciated values " as a base for rates, although most of the deprecia- tion is functional and caused by the company's own efforts ; and functional depreciation is dependent on profits. Most appraisers assert that they do not re-engineer the plant they are appraising. They estimate the cost of reproducing the " identi- cal plant " and therefrom deduct accrued depreciation. But when they deduct depreciation, most of it is functional depreciation, and they seemingly fail to realize that they are thus re-engineering the plant. From the foregoing discussion it should be evident that only natural depreciation should be deducted if the " identical plant " theory of appraisal is adopted. If functional depreciation is de- ducted, then assuredly functional appreciation should be given due consideration. If, for example, a railway has built a cut-off line and abandoned an old line, it has done so because the functional appreciation due to the cut-off is greater than the functional depre- ciation due to abandoning the old line. Hence, if the cost of the old line is to be deducted from the total property value, an even greater sum should be added to cover the appreciation in value 104 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA consequent upon the building: of a cut-off line that reduces operating expenses. In short, commercial values cannot be disregarded in an appraisal if there is to be a rational result. Identical Plant Theory. Most engineers seem to think that "cost of reproduction " implies the reproduction of an identical plant, but then Avhen they come to consideration of depreciated value they " cross their wires," for they deduct therefrom estimated accrued depreciation due to " inadequacy," *' obsolescence resulting from invention," etc. When they do that they fail to see that no longer are they sticking to their " identical plant " theory, but are actually setting up as a criterion another plant — the most economic sub- stitute plant. There is no method of rationally estimated accrued depreciation of all kinds save by comparison with the most eco- nomic substitute. But in appraising an entire property this method carries us logically into a consideration of the cost of building up the attached business in the face of competition with the existing plant, and not upon the hypothesis that the existing plant does not exist. Life Tables of Plant Units. For years many engineers and others have been accustomed to use age-life formulas ("straight line" and "sinking fvmd") for calculating accrued depreciation, and have published plant life tables, sometimes called mortality tables. These life tables are commonly said to give " average lives." but the authors have yet to see accompanying explanations of how " averages " were determined. Usually such tables do not even indicate whether the life is natural or functional or composite, to say nothing of whether the functional life is brought to a close because of economic inadequacy of size of plant unit or because of the invention of a more efficient type of plant unit. Hence it is not putting the matter too strongly to say that practically all published data as to " average lives " of plant units are no bet- ter than rough approximations which are often exceedingly decep- tive. In Table I, we have prepared from original and published data a table of estimated lives, in years, of plant units, giving the different units alphabetically arranged, the estimated life in years and the authority quoted. As noted above, most of these lives are func- tional or composite and therefore cannot be used in figuring depre- ciated values by the straight line or sinking fund methods. As a basis for calculating depreciation aimuities, however, this table will bfe found veiT valuable. KEY TO AUTHORITIES IN TABLE I A — Wisconsin R. R. Commission. B — St. Louis Public Service Commission, Union Electric Light «& Power Co. C — Traction Valuation Commission, Chicago Consolidated Trac- tion Co. D — B. J. Arnold — Appraisal of the" Coney Island «& Brooklyn Rail- road, Feb. 1, 1909; DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 105 E — Leonard Metcalf, Transactions American Society Civil En- gineers, 1909, p. 24 Vol. LXIV. F — Henry L. Gi*ay. G — Arbitrators, Street Lighting Controversy, Atlanta, Ga., 1899. H — Nathan Hayward, The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, Aug. 31, 1912. I — H. P. Gillette, Everett Railway & Water Co., Jan. 29, 1912. J — H. P. Gillette, Washington Ry. Appraisal. K — Henry Floy, 3rd Ave. Case N. Y. City. L — Prof. M. E. Cooley, Milwaukee 3c case. M — Beegs, Milwaukee 3c case. N — M. G. Starret, Milwaukee 3c case. O — W. D. Pence, Milwaukee 3c case. P — Union Traction Co., Case Chicago and Union Traction Co., Stone & Webster. Q — B. J. Arnold, Chicago Appraisals 4 cases. R — Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Appraisal of a large street railway system, Foster, p. 199. S — Chicago Traction Commission. T — Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. U — George W. Cravens, Industrial Power Plants. V — Gillette's Handbook of Cost Data. TABLE I. ESTIMATED LIVES IN YEARS OF PLANT UNITS Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority Aerial lines 20 B Arc lamps 6.7 G 12.5 B 15 A Batteries, storage 10 T 10-20 U 15 A 15-20 P 20 B 20 K 33.3 R Belting 20 A Benches (gas plant) 25 A Bins, storage 10-33.3 Q Boilers 10 D 10-28.6 S 11.75-15 O 12-16 E 13.3 T 15-20 P 22.2 R 25-28.6 C 28.6 Q 30-40 U Boilers, fire tube 10 G Boilers, fire tube 15 B Boilers, fire tube, elect, light plants. , 15-30 A Boilers, fire tube, waterworks 20-25 A Boilers, water tube 20 K Boilers, water tube, elect, light plant 20 A Boilers, water tube, waterworks 20-25 A Brakes, air 20 A Bridges 40 R 106 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority Bridges, Howe truss 16.7 J Breecliings, steel 10 Q Breeching- & connections 10-28.6 C Blowers, centrifugal (gas plant) .... 15 A Buildings 33.3 T 40 R 50-100 U Buildings, brick 25-50 A Buildings, brick 66.6 C Buildings, carhouses 33.3 1 Buildings, car barns 50 A Buildings, coal sheds & stables, frame 20-25 A Buildings, dwellings, frame 35 A Buildings, frame 20-50 E Buildings, frame 50 G Buildings, gas retort houses, brick. , . 30 A Buildings, grain elevators 33.3 J Buildings, masonry 40-50 E Buildings, misc 33.3 I, J Buildings, office 1st class stone and brick 75 A Buildings, power plant 33.3 I Buildings, power stations 50 A Buildings, railroad transportation dept 33.3 J Buildings, roundhouses 33.3 J Buildings, shops 33.3 I, J Buildings, shops, 2nd class 50 A Buildings, snow sheds 25 J Buildings, stations, fuel and water. . . 33.3 J Buildings, stations and waiting rooms 33.3 I Buildings, sub-station 33.3 I Buildings, telephone 24 H Bulkheading 10 J Cables 15-25 U Cables 20 T Cables 50 S Cable, aerial exchange 12 H Cable, aerial exchange loading coils. 20 H Cable, aerial exchange terminal .... 10 H Cable, aerial lead covered 12 A Cable, aerial lead covered 15 A Cable, aerial toll 12 H Cable, feeders 25 O Cable, feeders 66.6 Q Cables, feeders overhead 33.3 R Cables, feeder, underground 25 R Cable, house 13 H Cable, house terminals 10 H Cable, submarine 9 H Cable, underground (u. g.) 16.6 I Cable, u. g. exchange main 20 H Cable, u. g. exchange, subsidiary .... 13 H Cable, u. g. exchange loading coils. . . 20 H Cable, u. g. exchange terminals 10 H Cables, u. g. high tension 20 K Cable, u. g., lead covered 20 A Cables, u. g., lead covered 20 B Cables, u. g., lead covered 25 A Cable, u. g. toll 25 H Cable, u. g. toll loading coils 20 H Cable, u. g. terminals 10 H Cars, see Rolling Stock. Chimney 33.3 C Chimney, steel 10 D DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 107 Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority Chimney, steel 14.3 Q Chimney, brick 33.3 Q Coal & ash handling machinery, see Machinery. Compressors, air 20-25 C Concentrators ammonia (gas plant) .15 A Condensers 10 G 15 B 20 A, D, K 25 C Condensers (gas plant) 30 A Conduits 50 A, B Conduits 100 K Conduits (includes manholes) 50 R Conduit, u. g 16.6 I Conduit, u. g., exchange, main 50 H Conduit, u. g. exchange, subsidiary.. 15 H Conduit, u. g. toll 50 H Conveyors 22.2 B, Cranes 50 Q Cribbing 10 J Cross-Arms 8-12 A Crossings, R. R 12.5 I Culverts, log or timber 16.7 J Dams 33.3 & 50 I Distribution system, elec. ry 11.75 M " " 12.5 L. " " 14.25 N " " 33.3 I Docks 33.3 J Drains, box 16.7 J Economizers ] 0-20 Q Engines 22.2 R Engines, gas 15 A Engines, steam 10-33.3 S 13.3-20 D 15-20 O, P 15-25 E 20 K, T 20-33.3 B, Q 20-40 U Engines, steam, high speed 15 A, B Engines, steam, high speed 20 G Engines, steam, slow speed 20 A Equipment 8 I Equipment, electrical 11.75 M Equipment, shop 10 I 10-25 U 10-32.3 S 13.3 T Equipment, power plant 20 I Exhausters (gas plant) 25 A Extractors, tar, P. & A. (gas plant) . . 40 A Feeders, see Cable. Fences 14.3 J Fences 20 R Fences, snow 10 R Foundations, machinery, same as life of apparatus supported C, K Foundations, machinery 16.6 Q Furniture 7 A Furniture and fixtures v '. . . . 12.5 L Furniture and fixtures 20 I,N. R Gas connections, c.i. (within the plant) 50 A Gas (water) machines complete .... 30 A 108 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority Gas mains, cast iron 3 ins. and 4 ins. 50 A Gas mains, c.i., 6 ins. and larger. ... 75 A Gas mains, wrought iron and steel under 3 ins 20 A Gas mains, w.i. and steel over 3 ins. 30 A Gas services 20 A Generators 12.5-33.3 C 15-20 P 20 D. K. O, Q Generator, belted 10-20 S 13.3 T 15 U Generators, direct connected 13.3 - T 20 S 25 U Generators, modern type 20 A Generators, obsolete type 15 A Generators, steam-turbo 15 B " " 20 A 10 G Governors, gas (consumer's) 25 A Governors (gas plant) 5 A Heaters 16.7-25 C Heaters 22.2 R Heaters 33.3 Q Heaters, feed water, closed 30 A Heaters, feed water, open -.30 A Holders (gas plant) 50 A Horses and wagons, see teams and vehicles. Hydrants 40-50 E Hydrants, connections 6.6 I Locomotives 28-31 V Machinery, coal & ash handling. ... 5 O " " " " 10 A " " " " .... 14.3 Q, C " " " " 15-20 ■■ P " " " " 20 K Machinery, electrical 20-30 E Machinery, fuel oil handling 25 C Machinery, shop 10 J " 10-30 O " 12.5 L. " 14.25 N " 20 R " 20-50 P Meters, electric service 12.5 B Meters, electric service 15 I, A Meters, electric switchboard 20 A Meters, gas (consumers) 25 A Meter cases, station (gas plant) 50 A Meter drums, station (gas plant) ... 20 A Meters, water 20 I Meters, water . 20-30 E Motors 10-20 S 15-25 , U 20 T Motors, railway 10 G 20 A, K 30 C " " See rolling stock, elect, equip. Overhead equip, (elect, ry.) 5 Q Overhead spans, complete 20 R Overhead, special work 12.5 R DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 109 Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority- Overhead, systems 10-20 U Overhead, systems 13.3 T Paving- 2 K 10 L, 10-25 P 11.7 M 12.5 N 20 I Paving 20 K Paving, block 40 R Paving, brick 22.2 R Paving, tracks in car houses 28.6 R Pipe, black iron 10 I Pipe, cast iron small diam 20-40 E Pipe, c. i. large diam 50-75 E Pipe, galv. iron « 10 I Pipe, Matheson 30 I Pipe, screw flange 20 I Pipe-steel 25-50 E Pipe, wood stave 20-30 E Pipe, wood 25 I Pipe, also see gas mains. Pipe, fittings 20 I Piping and covering 5 K 15 B 15-20 P 16.6 D 20 A, O 22.2-25 C 28.6 Q Piping, steam 13.3 T 28.6 . S 30-40 U Poles, iron 20 P 40 A, O, Q 50 R Poles, steel 50 K Poles, telephone 12-15 A Poles, wood 12-15 O 14.3 R Poles, wood in concrete 20 A Poles, wood in earth 12-18.2 A Poles, wooden 10 G Pole lines, exchange (telephone) . . . 10.5 H Pole lines, tool (telephone) 16 H Power plant 12.5 L - " " 20 N 50 Q Power plant and wire telephone .... 8 A Pumps 20 C, D, K, Q 20-25 I Pumps, small steam -. 15 A, B " 20 G Pumps and auxiliary machinery. . . . 20-30 E Pumps and auxiliaries 22.2 R Purifiers, modern (gas plant) 50 A Rental equipment, elec 15 I Reservoirs 33.3-50 I Reservoirs (except where subject to heavy deposit of silt) 50-100 E Rolling stock, cars electric 13.3-16.7 T Rolling stock, cars (including all equipment) 20 R Rolling stock, bodies closed cars. ... 20 C Rolling stock, cars, bodies open cars. .25 C no MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority- Rolling- stock, bodies open trailer..,. 25 C Rolling stock, cars, bodies, trucks. . . 12.5 L " =" " .. '. "... 15 M "... 15-20 O "... 16.7 N "... 20 P Rollng stock, car bodies and equip.. .15 A Rolling- stock, elect, equip 3.3-4-8.5 Q Rolling- stock, equip, electrical 11.75-15 P Rolling: stock, trucks 20 K Rolling stock, trucks 30 C Rolling stock, utility equipment , , , , 20 R Rolling stock, cars, wooden freight. , 27.5 V Rotary converters 20 • T Rotary converters 20-25 U Rotaries 22.2 R Service connection, elect 28.5 I Service connections, water 20 I Scrubbers (gas plant) 30 A Signal apparatus 10 R Signal apparatus, interlocking 20 I Stacks, see chimneys, Standpipe 10 I Standpipes 25-40 E Stokers 4 Q Stokers, moving parts 5 C Stokers, fixed parts 20 C Switchboards 15-20 P 20 T 20-50 U 22.2 R 50 O, Q, S Switchboard and wiring 33.3 C 16.7 D 20 K Switchboard and Aviring, modern type 20 A Switchboard and wiring, obsolete type 15 A Tanks storage ammonia, wrought iron or steel 15 A Teams and vehicles 5-8 I 10 L, R 20 N Telegraph (signal) 10 R Telephone equipment, central office, , 8.25 H Telephone equipment, sub-station (except installations but includ- ing sub-station, central office equip., public brand exchanges booths and special fittings, sub- license station apparatus) 9 H Telephone central office eqUii)ment including distributing frame,,.. 10 A Telephone and telegraph lines . 20 I Telephone, subscribers sets 10 - A Tools 5 I 7 A Tools, roadway 5 I Tools, shop 10 J, R 12.5 L 14.25 N 10-30 O 20-50 P Track-ballast ^ 33,3 I Track, bonds 20 A, C Track, fastenings and joints ." 33.3 I DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS m Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority- Track fastenings -40 J Track, main 11.7 • M 12.5 L, N 12.9-13.9 P 13.3 T Track, straight 18.2 A Track-rails 33.3 I Track-rails 40 J Track-rails in city streets 22.2 R Track-rails in country roads 28.6 R Track-rails in private r. of w 28.6 R Track, rail joints 20 C Track, special work 8.5 T " 8-14-25 O " ..10 Q " 11.1 R " 11.75 A " 12.9-13-9 P " 25 I Track, substructure : City streets 22.2 R Country roads 14.3 R Private right of way 10 R Track, ties 8 J Track, ties 13.3 I Track, ties 20 C Transformers 20 T 20-33.3 U 22.2 R Transformers, station service 15 B 15-20 A 20 I Transmission line material 33.3 I 50 R Turbo-generators 16.7 R Turbines, steam 20 A 15 B 20 T 20-40 U Turbines, water 30 A Valves 16.6 I Valves, gate (water) 40-50 E Washers, cast iron (gas plant) .... 40 A Water supply lines 25-33.3 I Wells, tar and ammonia (gas plant) 50 A Wharves 33.3 J Wires 15-25 U 20 T 50 S Wiring 7.1-10 P Wire, copper 20 A Wire, guard 10 R Wire, guard 8-15 A Wire, telephone aerial exchange bare copper 14 H Wire, telephone aerial exchange bare iron 8.5 H Wire, telephone aerial exchange in- sulated (including drop wires) . . 6.5 H Wire, telephone aerial toll, copper. . . 30 H Wire, telephone aerial toll, iron 15 H Wires, telephone interior block ...... 8 H Wire, trolley #0 — 1 min. headway 2 A Wire, trolley #00 — 1 min. headway 2.5 A Wire, trolley #000 — 1 min. headway 3 A 112 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Estimated life Kind of plant years Authority Wire, trolley 20 R Wire, weatherproof 13.3 G Wire, weatherproof 16 A Wire, weatherproof iron 15 A There are many published tables of the average prospective lives of different kinds of plant units. Engineers have almost universally misused these tables, for they have considered that an average 'prospective life could be used in calculating the individual accrued loss of value of a given plant unit. Under but one condition, or rather set of conditions, is it correct to use life tables in estimating accrued depreciation, namely: (1) The life of the particular plant unit under investigation must correspond to the life of the average life given in the table. This is never true, save by chance, where functional depreciation is involved. (2) There must be no appre- ciable difference in the lives of the parts that go to make up the whole of each plant unit. This is seldom true save where there are no parts that are renewed before the renewal of the whole plant unit. To put these statements in concrete form, it may be approxi- mately correct to say that a given wooden pole, or a railway tie, or a horse will have a life the same as that given in a table of average lives of such things. But it may be, and usually is, wholly erroneous to assume that a given pump or a given water main will have a life the same as that given in an average prospective life table. The natural life of a wooden i)ole, or cross-tie, or horse, ordinarily does not differ very materially even in different parts of the country ; whereas the functional life of an individual pump or a given water pipe may, and usually does, depart greatly from the averages given in life tables. In this connection attention should be called to the fact that the lives of water works units, as given in published life tables, are nearly all functional lives. Thus, reservoirs are assigned a life of 50 to 100 years. What does this mean? That a reservoir will be rusted, decayed or abraded to such an extent at the end of 50 to 100 years that it will be no longer serviceable? Not at all. It means that some engineer has come to the conclusion that the average reservoir has been outgrown and abandoned at the end of 50 to 100 years, and that he infers that the average existing reser- voirs will, in the future, be replaced in 50 to 100 years. Now he may be entirely right, and, if so, the owner of every resei'voir may wisely provide enough out of earnings to amortize the investment in his reservoir within 50 to 100 years. But this is not tantamount to saying that a given 25-year-old reservoir has lost one-half to one-quarter its life, as many engineers have erroneously inferred. In logic one of the fundamental principles is this : Conclusions of fact respecting averages of many individual cases are cori'ectly applicable only where many cases of the same sort are involved. Thus, it may be a fact that the average child has an expectancy DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 113 of 35 years' life at birth. It may also be a fact that the average man 35 years old has an expectancy of 25 years' remaining life. But neither of these facts may be at all applicable in a given individual case, unless that individual is to be treated as one of a large group of similar individuals, as is done by insurance companies. There are reservoirs hundreds of years old and in service. The same is true of aqueducts, pipes, buildings, etc. The natural life of such things is often so great as to be beyond determination. Even machinery of the heavier sorts often has a natural life much greater than is given in life tables relating to machinery. Thus, pumps are commonly assigned a life of 20 to 30 years, but that this is assumed to be an average functional life and not a natural life is evidenced by such facts as the existence of pumps 50 years old and still in active service. Stevenson's second locomotive is still in use in an English colliery after a century of service. In the recent case of the Denver Union Water Co. versus City of Denver, an eminent engineer testified that the pumps in use by the company have an average age of 27 years, and he assigned a total probable life of 41 years to the pumps in spite of the fact that no published life table gives more than 30 years' life for pumps. In the same case he assigned a probable life of 41 to 47 years to the wooden pipe in Denver, although the actual age of some of the pipe was nearly as old as the 30 years' extreme life given in published life tables. To this we may add our own obser- vation in two water works appraisal cases where much of the wooden stave pipe was nearly a quarter of a century old. Prac- tically all of it was still in perfect condition as to the wood and the bands were but slightly rusted. In the Denver case a life of 23 years was assigned to boilers by an engineer representing the company, and it was stated that many of the boilers were more than 16 years old, doing good service and approved by boiler insurance companies. The same engineer in the Denver case assigned to cast iron pipe the following lives : 16-in. and larger 94 years 10 to 15-in 72 years 6 to 8-in 56 years 3 to 4-in 41 years In this connection it is of interest to cite the fact that 6-in. cast iron pipe laid on Locust from 7th to 8th streets, Philadelphia, was i-ecently removed after having been in service 88 years. The pipe had been cast on its side, for it varied from .5 to .3125 in, thick. Its interior was tuberculated, but the iron showed no de- terioration. The pipe might have remained in use indefinitely had it not been necessary to make way for a sewer. This and other examples show that the natural life of cast iron pipe is so great as never to have been recorded. Since most plant lives depend largely upon the rate of growth of the towns or cities, it follows that an average life for England 114 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA would not be an average life for America. An average for Maine would not be an average for California. An average for villages would not be an average for cities. And so on indefinitely. A halt should be called on the indiscriminate use of " average lives," gathered nobody says how and often by whom nobody says, nor where nor M-hen. Such data have been passed from author to author, until frequently their age seems to entitle them to the veneration that naturally associates itself with antiquity. But, when we question most of these ancient data on their reason for existence, their only answer is : " We are." Nearly all property that has been appraised for public utility commissions has been assigned a depreciated value far below its true depreciated value. As an illustration, let us take bare copper wire, which is commonly assigned a "life" of 15 to 20 years in telephone or electric transmission service. The fact Is that the natural life of such wire is so great that no man has ever recorded it. The "life" of 15 to 20 years, therefore, is purely a functional life, dependent upon economic inadequacy and the like. If, there- fore, a given lot of old copper wire is serving a purpose as economi- cally as if it were new, it cannot be said to have depreciated func- tionally. And as the natural life of copper wire may be hundreds of years, the old wire has not depreciated to any measurable degree naturally. In brief, under these conditions, it has not depreciated at all unless the price of copper has dropped. Yet, it is a common thing to see an estimate of depreciated value of copper wire put at 65 to 75 per cent its cost new simply because it is a few years old. The same error is to be seen in the case of depreciated values assigned to buildings, to rolling stock, to machinery, and, indeed, to nearly every class of plant units. An average functional life is not only treated precisely as if it were a natural life, tut is applied to particular cases where no average is applicable at all. The life of water works pumps is said to average 20 years. Many engineers and nearly all laymen think that this means that the average pump xoears out in 20 years, but even where they know better they make the mistake of substituting the 20-year functional life in a sinking-fund formula that is not applicable except where natural life is involved. Where an average life given in a life table is clearly a natural life, .such, for example, as a 10-year life of a railway tie, no error should arise from its in any correct formula, provided the con- ditions in the case in hand correspond to those stated or Implied in the life table. Where the given average life is functional, great care must be exercised in its use ; a functional life can not be u.sed at all in a straight line or sinking fund formula for estimated accrued depreciation, for reasons above given ; but a functional life can be used in estimating a depreciation annuity to provide a depreciation fund, provided the best evidence points toward a probably equal life for the given plant unit. Looking into the future, we must obviously be guided by data gathered in the past. If, for example, the history of telephone de- velopment has shown that during the past 30 years, the average DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 115 functional life of a switch board has been 10 years, and if there are no signs of decreased activity in both the growth of telephone business and of improvements in switch board design, then we are justified in using the 10 year life in providing a depreciation annuity for switch boards. We may therefore properly use this 10-year life in the unit cost depreciation formula, in calculating the de- preciated value of a particular switchboard in a city where the telephone business is growing at the general average rate. But it would be illogical to use this 10-year life in a " straight line depreciation formula," for the fact that a given switchboard is 6 years old does not necessarily signify that 60 per cent, of its economic life has departed. What part of its economic life has departed is ascertainable only by the application of the unit cost depreciation formula, using perhaps its simplest form (page 100). In the life tables, Table 1, most of these lives are very unsatis- factory because the data upon which they rest were not published. For the most part it is evident that the lives are functional lives, and are presumed to be " averages " for American localities ; but we seriously question whether, in many cases, they are ordinarily applicable outside the locality to which they refer. Indeed we go further and question the applicability of some of these data even in the locality in w^hich they refer. General experience, up to the present, indicates that few heavy machines of any kind have remained in use longer than 20 to 30 years. American locomotives, for example, have had an average life of about 25 years, but that this short life is due wholly to functional depreciation is proved by such facts as that the second locomotive built by Stevenson is still in use in England, although it is about 100 years old. The functional depreciation of American locomotives has been mainly due to inadequacy. Growth of traffic has made heavier locomotives more economic. But with the grow- ing weight of locomotives, and rolling stock generally, has come the necessity of using heavier rails and heavier steel bridges, so that rails and steel bridges have depreciated functionally at about the same rate as the functional depreciation of locomotives. It is always necessary, therefore, to consider the effect of functional de- preciation of one class of plant units upon other classes of plant units. If rails of a street railway depreciate functionally because heavier cars have become economically necessary, pavement between the rails will also have depreciated functionally. In this way there is often a long chain of functional depreciation of different plant units that are inter-dependent. Composite Life. We have already discussed the calculation of the " weighted average age " of plant units of a given class. The " weighted average " or composite life of all classes of plant units in a given plant may be calculated as in Table II from a paper by Halford Erickson, late chairman of the Wisconsin Railroad Com- mission. This table gives an average composite life of 17.15 years for the plant units of an electric plant, but without knowing what were defined as plant units this average life lacks definiteness. It is to 116 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE 11. COMPOSITE LIFE OP ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND POWER PLANT Anmifll Annual Class Life gss'sS petSentof ^^focXr'"^ less fecrap HorirooiQtir,r, ^ to cover depreciation depreciation A '. 5 $ 210 20.00 $ 42 B 8 7,110 12.50 889 C 10 17,208 10.00 1,721 D 12 26,272 8.33 2,188 E 15 131,550 6.67 8,774 F 16 32,258 6.25 2,016 G 20 104,097 5.00 5,205 H ... .. 25 36,116 4.00 1,445 I 50 14,337 2.00 287 J 60 1,165 1.67 19 K 75 21,920 1.33 292 $392,243 $22,878 392,243 Average life = =: 17.15 years. 22,878 be presumed that each pole, each wire, each transformer, each building, each generator, each boiler, each steam pipe, etc., was regarded as a plant unit ; and that each part of a transformer, building, generator, boiler, etc., was not regarded as a plant unit. This average life of 17.15 years would give an average renewal of nearly 6 per cent, year, according to the straight line formulas, which would not include repairs to parts of plant units. It should be noted that a composite life of this kind can not be accurately used in a sinking fund formula. The authors have found that in a large number of electric light and power plants, the upkeep cost (repairs and depreciation) has averaged about 8% per annum over long periods of years, using the straight line formula with the plant investment as the base. Of this 8%, about one-quarter was classified as renewals of parts of plant units or repairs, the rest being renewals of entire plant units (poles, wires, etc.). Where a large part of the distribution system is underground, the composite life is longer than otherwise. Similarly steel towers lengthen the life of the transmission system. For telephone plants the average annual repairs and renewals have been about 11 per cent, of the investment, according to the records analyzed by the authors; and of this 11% nearly one-half was classified as annual repairs and the remainder as annual depreciation. But it is obvi- ous that without a detailed statement of what were regarded as plant units, this statement of the segregation between repairs (or renewals of parts) and depreciation (or renewals of entire plant units) has little significance. Useful Life of Reciprocating Engines, Generators and Turbo-Gen- erators. Tables III and IV submitted as evidence in a recent " rate case," indicate clearly the great weight of functional depre- ciation in determining the length of useful life. In a majority of cases the " useful life " given is the result of obsolescence or in- DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 117 adequacy rather than the result of mechanical wear or depreciation. natural TABLE III. USEFUL LIFE OF RECIPROCATING ENGINES AND GENERATORS t ■ — Type of equipment ^ ; Time of service ^ Reciprocating engines Generators Useful Com- Size in Size in life pany No. h.p. No. kw. Started Closed years 1. 1 Corliss 1906 1911 41/2 2. 1 150 2 45 1891 1907 16 2 200 4 65 1891 1907 16 1 150 2 50 1893 1909 16 3 225 6 75 1893 1909 16 1 1250 2 400 1894 1915 21 4 600 8 200 1894 1915 21 5 1200 10 400 1895 1915 20 1 3500 1 2500 1901 1915 14 1 Corliss 2 1000 1902 1915 13 1 5000 1 3500 1902 1915 13 1 2500 1 1800 1903 1915 12 4 200 8 80 1888 1894 6 3. High speed Edison d. c. 1887 1893 6 Compound a. c. single phase 1893 1905 12 4. a. c. 1890 1907 16 5 Allis Chalmers 5. Cross Comp. Average life, 34 reciprocating engines, Average life, 50 generators, 16 years. 1904 1915 11 1891 1905 14 14 years. TABLE IV. USEFUL LIFE OP TURBO-GENERATORS Capacity of equip- '' -i iiiic yjL OCX vii Useful life Company ment in kws. Started Closed years 6. 1-4,000 1904 1912 8 1-4,000 1904 1912 8 1-4,000 1905 1911 6 1-4,000 1905 1911 6 1-4,000 1906 1912 6 7. 2-5,000 1903 1909 6 1-5,000 1904 1909 5 1-7,500 1904 1909 5 8. 1-1,500 1905 1914 9 9. 2-2,000 1905 1910 5 4-5,000 1906 1911 4 Average life, 16 turbines, 6 years. Following is the key to names of companies given in tables III and IV, also the reasons for retiring the various units. Company No. Name. Remarks 1. Nevada California Power Co Equipment replaced by turbine plant, larger unit. 2. Commonwealth Edison Co Entire plants abandoned. 27th Street, North Clark Street, Harrison St., Adams St. stations. 3. Consumers Power Co Replaced by a. c. single Jackson station phase Curtis turbine. 118 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Company- No. Name. Remarks. 4. Union Electric Light & Power Co. . . Entire plants abandoned, 10th, 19th and 20th St. stations. obsolete. 5. Indianapolis Light & Heat Co Obsolete, but used for Kentucky Ave. station. steam heating. 6. Detroit Edison Co., Delroy station.. Entire plant abandoned. 7. Commonwealth Edison Co Replaced by large unit of Fish Street station. same type. 8. Consumers Power Co Replaced by 7,500 kw. Jackson station. turbine. 9. Union Electric Light & Power Co. . . . Replaced by larger units, Ashley Street station. An Example of the Determination of Repair and Depreciation Costs of an Electric Company. The following is an abstract of a report by Halbert P. Gillette to the Southern California Edison Co., which report was one of the exhibits in a condemnation case insti- tuted by Los Angeles, and heard by the California Railroad Com- mission in 1915-16. Before entering upon the discussion and analysis of what the up-keep expenditures of this property (electric dept., So. Cal. Edison Co.) have been during the 19 years' history of the Company, it may be well to state that any thorough study of the reasonableness of a given depreciation annuity necessarily involves a study of the current maintenance expenses. So far as I know, there is in existence no accounting system in which thoroughly exact defini- tions have been given as to the meaning of the terms " repairs," " renewals " and " depreciation." Hence it follows that account- ants using their own judgment as to these terms may at one time charge to current repairs items that at another time they might charge to depreciation. Repairs, or current maintenance, may be said to provide for renewals of parts of a "plant unit," • whereas the depreciation annuity provides for the renewals of entire plant units. The dis- tinction rests upon the definition of what constitutes a plant unit. To illustrate : One person may regard a bare pole as being a plant unit ; another person may regard a pole with its crossarms and all other attachments as being a plant unit ; still another person may regard the entire pole line, including wires, as being a plant unit. Obviously what one of these persons would call repairs, another might call a charge to depreciation reserve. Since it is impracticable to ascertain now exactly what was in the minds of the accountants who made the distinction between rei:)airs and renewals in the past years, we are forced to combine all up-keep expenditures for each year in the past, and we may call this combination of repairs and renewals " up-keep expendi- ture." We may then ascertain what this total up-keep expenditure has averaged annually and what percentage that average has been of the average investment in depreciable plant. To this should be added, of course, the accrued depreciation in the plant for which money has not yet been paid out, although it may be in a depreciation fund. DEPRECIATION. REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 119 In a very thorough study of up-keep expenditures of the past, it is desirable to investigate charges to capital account that should have been made to maintenance. Also it is desirable to examine the surplus, and the profit and loss accounts to ascertain whether any depreciation charges have been made through these accounts. Likewise, any property sold by the Company at a loss should be regarded as depreciation. Any property abandoned and not charged off the capital account, together with any special fire or storm losses not similarly charged off, should be ascertained, for they are strictly speaking depreciation charges and may not appear either in the operating expenses or in the depreciation reserve accounts. Similarly suspense accounts and all special accounts in which " up-keep " may be found, should be investigated. Column C of Table V shows what has been charged to main- tenance and repairs annually for each year since the Company began operation. Column D shows what has been paid out for renewals inclusive of moneys paid from the depreciation reserve fund. Column E shows the total of these two columns by years. The grand total for the 19 years is $3,295,087, or an average of $173,425 per year for the 19 years. This is the actual 'expenditure TABLE V Maintenance, Repairs, Renewals and Depreciation by Years, and Average for Straight Line Formula, Local and General Prop- erty, Electrical Department of Southern California Edison Company. ABC "^ • Year Average Maintenance D nanSe'^enafe ending depreciable and Renewals "n?i rin^wl,!-. Dec. 31 property repairs C plus D 1896 $ 31,733 1897 ■ 98,228 $ 128 128 1898 244,037 1,562 1,562 1899 671.785 2,209 2,209 1900 1,310,681 10,830 10,830 1901 1,463,940 12,698 $ 29,707 42,405 1902 1,849,552 30,672 30,672 1903 2,719,740 78,883 78,883 1904 4,273,220 70,489 70,489 1905 5,544,388 76,586 231,131 307,717 1906 6.702,214 78,325 145,589 223,914 1907 9,697,771 73,573 89,694 163,267 1908 12.166.861 77,984 7,197 85,181 1909 12,507,528 90,449 191,272 281,721 1910 13,120,211 235,105 38,778 278,883 1911 14,273,440 204,259 112,972 317.231 1912 16.339,749 293,950 121,508 415,458 1913 18.548,775 281,737 147,526 429,263 1914 21.182,310 280,112 280,152 560,264 Total $142,776,163 $1,899,551 $1,395,526 $3,295,067 $7,514,535 — Average for 19 years $173,425 Average percentage of repairs and renewals to plant is $173,425 -H $7,514,535 ^ 2.307% 120 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Adding- accrued depreciation $3,843,000* (=17.244% of $22,286,000 as of Dec. 31, 1914) which divided by 19 years = 202,263 Total average annual repairs, renewals and accrued de- preciation $375,688 Average percentage of maintenance, repairs, renewals, and accrued depreciation is $375,688 -.- $7,514,535 = 5.00% per year, by straight lirie formula. * 3,843,000 = 17,244% based on 20% of $10,001,265 local property and 15% of $12,284,993, general property. lor up-keep, exclusive of any unexpended amounts remaining in the depreciation reserve fund. The average investment in the depreciable plant during these 19 years was $7,514,535, as deduced from Table V. Hence the average expenditure for up-keep has been 2,307% per annum. But in addition the plant has suffered accrued depreciation, which is estimated to have been $3,843,000,1 as of June 30th, 1915, or an average of $202,263 for 19 years, which, divided by the average investment in that period of $7,514,535 is 2.7% per annum. Adding this 2.7% to the 2.3% expended for up- keep, we have a total of 5% per annum as the average for these 19 years for the entire plant (Local and General combined) based upon the so-called " straight line formula." This, it should be noted, is based upon the history of this company and the only possibility of material error would lie in the estimated accrued depreciation of the plant, which depreciation is 17.24% of the de- preciable property as of June 30th, 1914, an amount that seems to be as close to the truth as can be arrived at. Tables VI and VII give corresponding calculations of the actual up-keep expenditures and accrued depreciation for the Local Prop- erty and for the General Property respectively. By the term " General Property " I mean the generating and transmission sys- tem, the " Local Property " being the distribution and service sys- tems. It will be noted that in Table VI we find that the average annual cost of up-keep and accrued depreciation has been 6.213% upon the depreciable "Local Property" throughout the 19 years, based upon the straight line formula. It will be noted that in Table VI the corresponding percentage for the " General Property " is 3.746%. In none of these Tales V, VI and VII is it assumed that a sink- ing fund was established to care for depreciation. If, however, a 4% compoimd interest sinking fund had been established in 1896, and if that fund had been built up until June 30, 1915, so that at that time it had equalled the then accrued depreciation of $3,843,- 000, it would have required a depreciation annuity of 2.258%, of the depreciable plant. This fact is deduced in Table VIII which re- lates to the total plant or Local and General property combined. The method of deduction in that Table is as follows: 1 The unexpended balance in the deijfeciation reserve account was $3,675,792, as of June 30th, 1915. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 121 TABLE VI Maintenance, Repairs, Renewals, and Depreciation by Years, and Average for Straight Line Formula, Local Property. Electrical Department of Southern California Edison Company. ^A B C D E Year Average Maintenance „ ^ , ending depreciable and Renewals n J.?^^ Dec. 31 property repairs ^ P^^^ ^ 1896 $ 31,733 ... 1897 98,228 $ 128 ....'.'. $ " *i28 1898 244,036 1,562 * 1,562 1899 474,221 1,263 1263 1900 718,235 4,630 4 630 1901 829,310 7,341 $ 29,707 87,048 1902 1,084,337 14 965 .....I 14 965 1903 1,604,985 48,011 - 48 011 1904 2,484,120 50,709 50 709 1905 3,035,768 48,6^8 186,450 235,138 1906 3,719,531 55,838 122,484 178,322 1907 4,444,197 48,712 74,300 123,012 1908 4.825,894 38.388 221 38,609 1909 4,970,742 45,485 47,088 92,573 1910 5.372,463 136,666 9,464 146.130 1911 5,988.599 13^,992 56,609 190,601 1912 6,764,983 185.139 84,150 269,289 1913 8.020,859 162,623 90,149 252,772 1914 9,308.714 166,839 124,765 291,604 Total $64,020,955 $1,150,979 $825,387 $1,976,366 $3,369,524 — Average for 19 years $104,019 Average, percent of property $104,019 -^ $3,369,524 = . . . 3.087% Adding accrued depreciation on basis of 20% of $10,001,- 265, depreciating property as of December 31, 1914, divided by 10 to obtain average, we have 105.296 Average annual repairs, renewals and depreciation $209,315 Average percentage of property is $209,315 -^ $3,369,524 = 6.213% by straight line formula. Column B shows the average depreciable property by years. Assuming that 1% depreciation annuity should be set aside an- nually, we would have the annual amounts shown in Column C. Then compounding these annual amounts at 4%, using the com- pound interest factor in Column D, we would have the depreciation fund accumulation as shown in Column E, total $1,701,816. But, since the accrued depreciation is $3,843,000, we must divide that by $1,701,816, which gives 2.258% as the proper depreciation annuity. Column F shows the application of this depreciation annuity and Column G shows the final depreciation that would exist in the fund using that annuity and since that calculation totals $3,.842,707 we have an almost exact check upon our calculation. Since it has been shown in Table V that the actual up-keep ex- penditure has averaged 2.307%, and since we have now shown that a sinking fund annuity of 2.258% would be needed to build a fund equal to the accrued depreciation, the sum of these two, or $4,565%, is the average annual percentage for maintenance, repairs, renewals 122 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and accrued depreciation of the total depreciable electrical property of this Company during the past 19 years. A similar calculation for the Local Property alone results in 5.668% as the averag-e annual percentage for all up-keep expendi- tures and accrued depreciation. The corresponding percentage for the General Property alone is 3.399%. First, let us consider the Local and General Property combined. As ^shown in Tabl^ VIII, the investment in depreciable property averaged $21,182,310 for the year 1914, so if we take 4.565% thereof, we have $971,072 as the sum that up-keep and accrued depreciation would amount to in 1914 based on the experience of the 19 years of this Company's life. Table "V shows that, as a matter of fact, the Company spent in 1914, for maintenance and repairs a sum of $280,.112 and $280,152 for renewals, or a total expenditure of $560,264, but in that year the Company set aside a depreciation annuity of $700,000, of which $43,000 was for the gas department. Out of this $653,000 was spent the $280,152 for renewals as shown in Table V, leaving a balance of $373,848 that went into the depreciation fund for that year. Hence, if we add together $280,- TABLE VII Maintenance, Repairs, Renewals, and Depreciation by Years, and Average for Straight Line Formula. General Property Electrical Department of Southern California Edison Company. A - B C D E Year .Average Maintenance Total ending depreciable and Renewals p, i,V„^ V^ Dec. 31 property repairs ^-.piubu 1899 $ 197,563 $ 946 $ 946 1900 622,446 6,200 6,200 1901 631.629 5,357 5,357 1902 765,215 15,707 15,707 1903 1,114,754 30,872 ...... 30,872 1904 1,789,100 19,781 19,781 1905 2,508,619 27,898 $ 44,681 72,579 .1906 2,982,682 22,487 9,248 31.735 1907 5,253.573 24.861 922 25,783 1908 7,340,967 39,596 39,596 1909 7,536.785 44,964 97,110 142,074 1910 7,747,747 98,439 17.517 115,956 1911 8,284,841 70,267 602 70,869 1912 9,574,765 108,811 26,887 135.698 1913 10,527,915 119,114 23,521 142.635 1914 11,873,596 113,273 154,923 268,196 'Total $78,755,197 $748,573 $375,411 $1,123,984 $4,922,200 — Average for 16 years $ 70,249 Average percentage of property $70,249 H- $4,922,200 -. . 1.42% Adding accrued depreciation on basis of 15% of $12,284.- 993, depreciating property as of December 31st, 1914, equals $1,842,749, which divided by 16 to obtain average gives 115,184 Average annual repairs, renewals and depreciation... $185,433 Average percentage of property is $185.433 -^ $4,922, - 200 = 3.746% by the straight line formula. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 123 TABLE VIII Depreciation Fund Annuity for Local and General Property, Com- bined Electrical Department of the Southern California Edison Company. bfi 0) o c o 1£Q 1.^^ •-^« %^h S 9i u PI 2 5- m 111 1896 $ 31,733 $ 317 2.03 $ 644 $ 717 $ 1,456 1897 98,228 982 1.95 1,915 2,218 4,325 1898 244.037 2,440 1.87 4,563 5,510 10,304 1899 671,785 6,718 1.80 12,092 15,169 27,304 1900 1.340.681 13,407 1.73 23,194 30,273 52,372 1901 1.463,940 14.639 1.67 24,447 33,056 55,204 1902 1,849,552 18,49 6 1.60 29,594 41,763 66,821 1903 2,719,740 27,197 1.54 41,883 61,412 94,574 1904 4,273,220 42,732 1.48 63,243 96,489 142,804 1905 5,544,388 55,444 1.42 78,730 125,192 177,773 1906 6,702,214 67,022 1.37 • 91,820 151,336 207,330 1907 9,697,771 96,978 1.32 128,011 218,976 289,048 1908 12,166,861 121,669 1.27 154,520 274,728 348,905 1909 12.507,528 125,075 1.22 152,592 282.420 344,552 1910 13,120,211 131,202 1.17 153,506 296,254 346,617 1911 14.273,440 142,734 1.12 159,862 322,294 360,969 1912 16.339.749 163,397 1.08 176,469 368,952 398,468 1913 18,548,775 185.488 1.04 192,908 418,831 435,584 1914 21,182,310 $142,776,163 211,823 1.00 211,823 $1,701,816 478,297 .478,297 $3,223,887 $3,842,707 Accrued depreciation of $22,286,258 as of December 31. 1914, is $3,843,000 (or 17.244% based on 20% of Local and 15% of General Plant), which, divided by $1,701,816, equals 2.258% which is the depreciation annuity percentage required to build up a fund on a 4% sinking fund basis, equal to the estimated accrued depreciation of the property. The final column in this Table shows the correct- ness of this calculation. Table V shows that maintenance, repairs and renewals have averaged 2.307%, which added to 2.258% (above deduced) is 4.565% (by sinking fund formula) for maintenance,, repairs, renewals and accrued depreciation. lisf for maintenance and repairs, $280,152 for renewals and $373V- 848 for accrued depreciation, we have a total of $933,112 as this amount that the Company actually spent and set aside for the year 1914. We have already shown that, based on its history of 19 years, it would have been justified in spending and setting aside $971,072, or about $38,000 more than it did spend and set aside for up-keep and accrued depreciation in 1914. The European war, which began the first of August, 1914, caused a falling off in growth of net income and it caused the Company to curtail its maintenance expenses somewhat below the normal. 124 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA A glance at the third column in Table V -will indicate this fact. It follows, therefore, that the Company's practice as to expenditures for repairs and amouiits set aside for depreciation reserve is sub- stantially justified by its experience during its entire life of 19 years. Let us now consider the Local and General property separately, for we have thus, far considered them as combined. Table VI shows that the average percentage of expenditures for repairs and. renewals has been 3.087% for the Local Property, and calculation shQws that a depi-eciation annuity of 2.581% would have provided for the accrued depreciation upon a sinking fund basis, the sum of the t'wo percentages being 5.6G8%. Table VI, column C, shows that, as charged on the Company's books, $1,150,979 has been spent during the 19 years for what has been termed inaintenance and repairs. This is almost exactly 1.8% of the total in Column B, or in other words, the so-called " maintenance and repairs " has averaged 1.8% throughout this period. If Ave deduct this from the 5.668% we have 3.8G8% as the proper amount for annual depre- ciation chai-ge of the Local property. As a matter of fact, the Qompany has been setting aside 3.3G% for this item, from which it would appear that they have not been setting aside quite enough. However, as stated in the earlier part of this report, the only correct way to look upon the problem before us is to combine all charges for maintenance, repairs, renewals, and depreciation fund, since distinctions between maintenance, repaii-s, etc., have not been very carefully drawn in the past. Table VII shows that for the General Property the total up-keep and depreciation has averaged 3.74G% per annum. Table VII, third column, shows that the maintenance and repairs expendi- tures, as charged on the books of the Company, have totaled $748,573 in the 19 years. This is almost exactly 0.95% of the total depreciable property given in the second column. Hence, if we deduct this 0.95% from the total of 3.746% w© have left 2.796% as the proper amount for depreciation reserve charge. As a matter of fact the Company has been setting aside in its depreciation re- serve for General Property 2.42% from which it appears that it has not been setting aside quite enough, if Ave assume that its charges to maintenance and repairs have been precisely in accord- ance with modern definitions of these expenditui'es. But, as pre- viously stated, the proper way is to look at the grand total up-keep and depreciation chai-ges, and, as has been shown in the earlier part of this report, this grand total has been almost precisely in accord- ance with actual experience of the Company during the past 19 years. From this it may be inferred .that the Company may have legitimately charged under maintenance and repairs slightly more than has appeared there in the past, but this would I'esult in de- creasing correspondingly the charges to renewals. It cannot be too often repeated, perhaps, that the sum total of all up-keep charges, maintenance, repairs, renewals and deprecia- tion constitutes the only i^liable criterion by which to judge the equitableness of any up-keep charges made by a company of this DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 125 character. I think that the foregoing study establishes beyond doubt that the Company's allowances for depreciation reserve have been below rather than above what it might reasonably claim as sufficient. Repair and Depreciation Costs of Electric Connpany. In another of our appraisals of an electric lighting property in a city of some 22,000 population w^e found by the foregoing method that, for a period of 24 years, the average cost of repairs and renewals was 5.03% of the average plant value and that, including depreciation, (on the straight line basis) the total for repairs, renewals and depreciation was 8.6% of the average plant value. Repair and Depreciation Costs of Telephone Confipany. Using a method similar to the foregoing, in the Hearing of the Bell Tele- phone Company of Pennsylvania, Gillette showed that the average current maintenance and depreciation was 9.46% of the average book valuation of the physical property for a period of 29 years. Cost of Repairs and Life of U. S. River Improvement Plant. C. W. Durham (Engineering and Contracting, Jan. 24, 1912) states that one of the tow boats used by the U. S. Engineer Corps on river improvement work on the Mississippi is 148 ft. long over all and 129 ft. on deck; width of hull 25 ft. 4 ins.; over guards 28 ft. 2 ins. ; 5 ft. deep in the dead flat, and draws light 2 ft. 6 ins. Her wheel is 14 ft. wide, 18 ft. 3 ins. in diameter, and has 24-in. buckets. She has two propelling engines, 15.5 ins. diameter by 5 ft. stroke, and 3 boilers, 24 ft. long by 36 ins. diameter, with six 13-in. return flues in each. Complete detailed costs of keeping wooden hull towboats in re- pair, for 3 boats of nearly the same size and power, built or pur- chased in 1881 show that while the repairs in 30 years amount to about three times the original cost of each boat, yet the cost per annum for a serviceable towboat is only about $1,400, and the sal- vage on each today would be about $5,000. These boats have all had new boilers and have been practically rebuilt as to their hulls two or three times. Repairs to cabins and machinery have been nominal. TABLE IX. COST AND REPAIRS OF SMALL TOWBOATS "Lucia," "Louise," "Elsie,'' "Emily," "Ada," built 1885. built 1884. buil't 1889. built 1889. built 1889, Oak hull Oak hull Steel hull Oak hull Oak hull Original cost... $ 4.000 $3,538 $5,114) $4,034 $4,000 Repair.s to Dec. 31,1910 12,575 11,495 7,450 10,442 8,251 Total $16,575 $15,033 $12,560 $14,476 $12,251 The "Lucia" had new hulls in 1895 and 1910. The "Louise" had new hulls in 1894 and 1905, the latter steel. The " Elsie " has required no additional hull. The "Emily" had new hulls in 1902 and 1910. The "Ada" had a new hull in 1904. A sample of the small auxiliary towboats attached to the U. S. plants is the " Grace," which is 9 2 ft. 6 ins. long over all and 78 ft. on deck ; width of hull 17 ft. and depth 3 ft. 11 ins. She has a 126 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA wheel 10 ft, long and 12 ft. In diameter with 18-in. buckets; 2 cyl- inders 7.5 X 49 Ins., and 2 boilers 10 ft. long and 30 ins. in diameter with 44 3-in. flues. The cost of this boat, which was built by the United States in 189 4, at Keokuk, was $8,616. The costs of other small auxiliary towboats are shown in Table IX. These boats have cost the government about $500 a year each, and the salvage on each would be about $3,000. A typical office-boat and quarter-boat used with the government plants is 50 ft. by 18 ft. in hull dimensions, and has a single-story cabin, nicely fitted with staterooms, bunks and office furniture. It was built in 1893, at a cost of about $1,800, including outfit. The repairs to .1907, during which year the hull was rebuilt, were small. Repairs to Dec. 31, 1910, were about $2,500, including maintenance of outfit. On Dec. 31, 1911, this boat was in fine condition. Life of Scow Barges. Table X gives the life of scow barges on Mississippi River improvement work. Life of Vessels on the Great Lakes and Tidewater. W. J. Wil- gus in an appraisal of the Lehigh Valley railroad published in part 5o/vaqe yj 20 P5 Life inYeors 50 5a J J 40 Fig. 1. Depreciation of marine equipment. A — Steel steam vessels on Great Lakes. ♦B — Steel steam vessels on tidewater. C — Steel barges, floats, etc., on tidewater. D — Wood tugs, barges, etc., on tidewater. in Engineering Record, May 30, 1914, states that floating equipment of roads connecting the Great Lakes and tidewater may be divided into the following types: (a) Steel steam vessels on the Great Lakes, (b) steel steam vessels for tidewater service, (c) steel barges, car floats, etc., for tidewater service and (d) wood tugs, barges and miscellaneous, for tidewater service. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 127 ■ IMOOCOtMOl-OOCOOl <; '•^.'■ loa r-l rH ij -"tl cvji-l tH T-( CO ,-H 00 O t^ 2 iiaooix^'OMooirtooo ^ rri r.- OG CO lo CO oo a> t- o J -H- W ^ tH j,js ^-^ "^ ini-irHt^t-^coco-^eo t-It-1<■ H g ij Q PQ tj t r-; ii ^ .2 aa . . ."2, . . ^ iig ^4 ^o^:':ihh'^hh 03 i^^^^^^^^^j. ^ ^^. ^ s g q3 c-i l^^ i>j oj c^i oj c-j (M <^^ w S OOOOOOOOOo •-H OOOOOOOtHtHiJv] P rHiHr-lT-liHTHT-lr-tTHT-t 128 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Prog^ressive percentages of depreciation are proper, as shown in Fig. 1, all on the basis of regular cmnual expenditures for proper upkeep, but not. embrvicing' extraordinary expenditures for new boilei-s, new houses or new equipment like electric-light plants or steam steering gear. Methods of Handling Battery Maintenance Charges for a Large System. We have abstracted the following from Electrical World, Dec. 16, 1916. In outlining the handling of storage-battery maintenance funds on the Boston IGdison Company's system at a recent hearing before the Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Connnission, L. L. Elden stated that the company oi)erates about fifteen storage batteries representing an investment in the vicinity of $800,000, and that dui-ing the last year maintenance requirements amoiuited to about $30,000. In the purchase of a battery it is customary for the manufacturer to give the company a seven-year guarantee, during which the manufacturer keeps the battery in proper physical condition and maintains its stated capacity. Dur- ing the guarantee period the manufacturer replaces any defective plates or boxes that are cleai^ly due to manufacturing defects. If the coillpany damages a cell in handling, the expense of repairs is assumed by it. At the end of the guarantee period an amount of money is set aside for each battery, depending upon its age and upon what has already been expended upon it. The Edison company estimates what the probable life of the battery plate is expected to be, with the cost of renewing the plates, and according to such figures a sum of money representing the estimated future repair charge is pi'o-rated into a monthly charge credited to the use of the battery. Unlike many other pieces of apparatus, a battery may in some unusual occurrence go to pieces in a day. and the amount of depreciation or wear and tear upon the plates fe not readily ascertainable at any particular period ; hence it is deemed best by the company to pro-rate the renewal charge on these plates over a fixed period rather than to have an abnormal and unequal distribution of expenses due to the com- pany's having to spend say $2,500 on one battery in one month for a complete renewal. The batteri^es are of various? ages and the prospective repair account cannot be taken care of at any one time until the condition of a battery permits it. Mr. Elden said that the number of kilowatt-houis delivered by a battery in a year affords no criterion of the severitj'- of use made of it, since excessive discharges due to accidents, short-circuits or operating conditions may depreciate the plates far more than liberal use within the proper range of discharge. In a single year there may be twenty occasions when battery discharge* will be utilized temporarily to overcome adverse operating conditions and maintain the normal standard of service. Cost of Repairs of Buildings. Data, April, 1912, has the fol- lowing cost of labor and material for estimating repairs to buildings, from the Chicago Building-- and Construction Co. DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 129 Carpenti-y : Carpenter labor costs 60 cts. per hour, plus contractor's profit. Eisht hours coustitute one clay. 13/16 by 5 14 -in. Common Yellow Pine flooring costs $25.00 per M. 13/16 by 314— $23.00 per M. & * ic 1 by 4 or 1 by 6-in. White Norway C. Pine flooring costs $40.00 per M. Labor for laying S'/i-in. Pine flooring $2.00 per square; 3iA-in, $2.50 per square. 13/16 by 2 14, -in. face clear Maple flooring costs $42.00 per M. Labor for laying 2i/4-in. face Maple flooring, smooth for oil finish. $3.50 to $4.50 per square. 13/16 by 2 14 -in. faced plain White Oak flooring costs $56.00 per 13/16 by 2^4 -in. faced quarter sawed White Oak flooring costs $88.00 per M. Labor for laying and scraping oak floor 2^4 -in. face, for wax or varnish, $5.00 to $6.00 per square. Smoothing and scraping oak floors alone costs $2.50 to $3.50 per square. Base, Pine, 2 member moulded, put down, 8 cts. per running foot. 4 and 6-in. clear Northern Pine beveled siding costs $32.00 per M. 4 and 6-in. clear Washington Red Wood bevel siding costs $33.00 per M. 4 and 6-in. clear Washington Spruce bevel siding costs $26.00 per M. Labor for putting on siding $2.75 per square, for 4 to 6-in. sid- ing; for narrow mitered siding $3.75 per square. Labor for putting on shingles, $2.50 to $3.00 per thousand shingles. Best grade of clear Red Cedar .shingles cost $4.50 per thousand. Common No. 2 Pine doors, complete with frames, placed in po- sition, with hardware, not painted, $8.00 to $12.00 each. Fancy Oak front doons, complete, placed in position, with hard- ware, cost $15.00 to $25.00 each, according to style. Oak veneered door.s, 1%-in. Pine core, complete with frame, placed in position, with hardware, $12.00 to $15.00 each. Mantels — Hardwood, artistic design, complete with mirror and grate, set $45.00 to $65.00 each. Grilles. Fancy Oak, $1.25 to $1.75 per lineal foot set. Windows, with sash, frame, casing, cords, weights complete, put in, $9.00 to $12.00 each. If hardwood frame and trim, with sash, $12.00 to $14.00. Stairs. Common Oak, without rail, $2.50 per riser, labor included. Stair rail. Oak, moulded design, 30 cts. to 35 cts. per running foot, labor included. Stair rail. Pine, moulded design, 15 cts. to 25 cts. per running foot, labor included. Balusters. Pine, fancy turned, 12 cts. to 15 cts. each; Oak 15 cts. to ."^O cts. each, labor included Newels. I-in. quarter sawed Oak, moulded cap, $6.00 to $9.00 ; Plain Oak, $5.00 to $7.00 ; Pine, $4.00 to $6.00 each, labor included. Porches. Front, frame, ordinary construction, 6 to 7 feet wide, .shingle roof, ceiled, square or turned columns, frieze and cornice, balusters at floor, complete, $8.00 to $10.00 i)er front foot measure; 12 by 12-in, stone pillars under porche.s, $1.00 per lineal foot. Painting and Glazing : Painting, two-coat work, costs 20 cts. per square yard. Painting, three-coat work, costs 25 cts. ])er square yard. Painters' labor costs 55 cts. per hour, plus contractor's profit. Calcimining costs .$3.00 to $5.00 per room for small rooms, and 60 cts. per square for large rooms. Note. — To ascertain the number of square yards of painted sur- face, multiply the length by the width, in feet, and divided by 9, and the result will be the number of yards. Lattice work and stair balusters are counted double. For reglazing old work, add 20 to 50% to cost of glass, according to quantity set. 130 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Wall Paper: Cost of hanging, 15 cts. to 30 cts. per single roll for ordinary work, according to quality of paper. Three and one-half rolls will cover one square. Plastering : Two coats of plastering repair work cost 40 cts. per sq. yd. Three-coat work costs 50 cts. per sq. yd. For cement plaster add 10 cts. per sq. yd. extra. Plaster labor costs 68^4 cts. per hour, plus contractor's profit. Plasters' helper costs 40 cts. per hour. Lathers' labor, $5.00 per day of eight hours. Note. — To ascertain the number of yards of plaster, multiply the length of the ceiling by the width. Do the same with each side wall and add all together, divide by 9 and the result will be the number of yards. Make no deductions for openings unless very large. Plumbing : 30 gal. iron boiler, connected $15.00 each Enameled sinks, 18 by 24 ins., connected 10.00 each 5-foot enameled bath tub, connected 35.00 each Porcelain washout-closet with tank, connected 25.00 each Hopper closet, connected 20.00 each Laundry tubs, 2 divisions, cement, connected 20.00 each Wash bowls, plain marble slabs, connected 25.00 each Brass faucets, put on 2.00 each Plated faucets, put on 2.25 each 6-inch iron soil pipe, put in, $1.00 per running foot. 4-inch iron soil pipe, put in, 60 cts. per running foot. Plumbing labor costs $5.50 per day of eight hours, plus con- tractor's profit. Sewers : 6-in. sewer, ordinary digging, laid with proper drain, well ce- mented, 50 cts. per lineal foot. Traps, $1.50 each. Elbows, $1.25 each. Catch basins, 5 by 6, stone cover, $15.00. Electric Wiring : To estimate the cost of electric wiring in ordinary buildings, as- certain the number of lights and multiply same by $3.00. Gas Piping : To estimate cost of gas piping in ordinary buildings, ascertain the number of lights and multiply by $2.50. Gas Pipe put in, connected, 20 cts. per running foot. Gas Fitters' labor costs $5.50 per day of eight hours. Roofing : Gravel Roof, 3-ply, $3.50 per square. Gravel Roof, 4-ply, $4.00 per square. Gravel Roof, 5-ply, $4.i;5 per square. Slate roof, ordinary black slate, $10 to $12 per square. Slate roof, fancy green and red, $15 to $30 per square. Best galvanized iron roofing, standing seams, $9.00 to $12.00 per square, painted. Best tin roofing, standing seams, $8.00 to $11.00 per square, painted. Tile roofing, $12.00 to $15.00 per square, according to design. Metal Ceilings : Fancy metal ceilings with cornice cost $8.00 to $12.00 per square. Corrugated Iron Ceiling, $6.00 to $7.00 per square. DEPRECIATION. REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 131 stone Work : Common rubble stone, 100 cu. ft. to the cord, costs, laid in wall, $20 to $25 per cord, according to location and necessary hauling. Rock face, 4-in. Bedford stone for facing, furnished and set in wall, costs $1.75 to $2.25 ])er square foot face measui'ement. Mason labor costs &IV2 cts. per hour, plus contractor's profit. Mason helper costs 37 V2 cts. per hour, plus contractor's profit. Brick Work: Common brick, furnished and laid in 12-in. wall, costs $15.00 per M, wall count. Pressed brick, for facing, laid in wall, colored mortar, rodded joints, add to cost or brick $10.00 to $20.00 per thousand for lay- ing, according to character and design of front. Cement Work : 12-in. block walls cost about the same as 12-in. common brick wall, laid, less 25% of the cost of brick for a similar wall. Concrete basement walls cost 28 cts. per cubic foot, wall measure- ment. Cement sidewalk costs 12 cts. to 15 cts. per square foot. Cement basement floors cost 10 cts. per square foot. Chimneys : Ordinary single flue chimneys cost $1.00 per lineal foot. For dou- ble flue $1.75 per lineal foot. Interior Marble Work : (For Wainscoting and Floors in Apartment houses and Office Buildings.) Wainscoting, Italian, White, $1.00 per sq. ft. set. Wainscoting, Vein Italian, White, $1.05 per sq. foot, set. Wain.scoting, Tennessee Marble, 80 cts. per sq. ft., set. Wainscoting, Vermont White Marble, 95 cts. per sq. ft., set. Wainscoting, Vermont Green Marble, $1.60 per sq. ft., set. Floors. Marble and Mosaic. Marble Tile, 80 cts. per sq. foot, laid; Mosaic, 75 cts. per square foot, laid. To Estimate Cost of Radiation per Cubic Foot : (Direct Radiation.) Steam Heat — Allow 1 foot radiation for each 50 cu. ft. of space. Figure radiation at 72 cts. per radiation foot. Hot Water Heat — 'Allow 1 foot radiation for each 30 cu. ft. of space. Figure radiation at 75 cts. per radiation foot. The above is for average rooms. If rooms have extraordinarily large window exposure, increase radiation. If smaller window space than average, decrease radiation. Be careful in the distribution of radiation, as the success of a heating plant depends largely upon arrangement and location of radiators. The Cost of Freight Car Repairs. The following is taken from the Railway Age Gazette, June 14, 1907: One Western Road has compiled figures for the fiscal year 1906 which distribute the repairs to freight cars somewhat roughly under a few heads as follows: Items Material % Labor % Total % Wheels and axles 15.0 1.6 16.6 Remainder of trucks 9.2 3.3 12.5 Draft gear 12.2 7.2 19.4 Sills and under-framing .... 6.1 3.4 9.5 Super-structure 15.9 9.8 25.7 8.1 2.5 10.6 132 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Items Material % Labor % Total % Doors, side and end 1.6 1.0 2.6 Doors, grained 0.6 0.6 1.2 Roof 1.2 0.7 1.9 Total 69.9% 30.1% 100.00% The average number of times each car was repaired was 5.5. Comparative Costs of Repairing Steel and Wooden Cars on a Harriman Line. The following is from the Railway Age Gazette, June 14, 1907: A record of comparative costs of repairs to steel and wooden cars on the Harriman line to February, 1907. was given through the courtesy of Mr. Kruttschnitt, and represents a period of 2.5 yrs. A statement gives the average number of cars of each plant for the period, total cost of repairs for same, and the average cost per car per month. Average Average cost number Total cost of repairs per Kind of car of cars of repairs car per month Steel cars, ballast 460 $71,291.81 $5.17 Box 2,304 108,323.29 1.57 Coal 1,594 165,959.57 3.47 Dump 300 39,322.92 4.37 Flat 2,289 72,024.30 1.05 Furniture 297 32,198.04 3.61 Gondola or ore 1,419 134,019.10 3.16 Oil 871 261,613.43 10.01 Stock 1,693 55,908.34 1.10 Total 11,227 $940,660.90 $2.79 Wooden cars, ballast 457 $65,560.89 $4.78 Box 6,247 735,405.53 3.92 Coal 127 14,329.81 3.76 Flat 514 15,699.75 1.02 Furniture 278 61,999.51 7.44 Oil 247 96,910.90 13.05 Stock 2,700 291,940.19 3.61 Total '. 10,568 $1,281,846.58 $4.04 The unusually high cost of repairs to the oil cars was due to the fact that these cars were new equipment, upon which it was deemed advisable to make a number of alterations wjhich were charged in the repairs accounts. Current repairs on these cars are not ex- pected to average any higher than on other equipment. The gradual increase in the figures for average cost of repairs per car per month in comparison with the past year's record is to be noted. The average cost of repairs per car per month for the steel cars has increased from $2.42 to $2.79, and for the wooden cars, from $3.74 to $4.04, the percentages being respectively 15 and 8%. Life and Maintenance of All-Steel Cars. The following article by M. K. Barnum, Supt. of Motive Power, B. & O. R. R., is from the Railway Age Gazette, March 3, 1916 : When the first steel cars were built, the advocates of this form of construction claimed that these cars would be practically indestructible, and their life so DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 133 much greater than that of wooden cars that it was very difRcult to esthiiate it. A few years later, when steel cars came into general use on the larger railroads, the estimates of their life were placed at from 25 to 35 years, and in calculating the rate of depreciation, many roads adopted three per cent, per year, whereas for wooden cars, it had for a long time been calculated at six per cent. It is now nearly 30 years since the first steel cars were built, and there has been a considerable difference in their durability. This has been found to vary according to the manner in which they have been maintained, the part of the country in which they have been mostly used, and somewhat with the character of the lading. However, on the whole, the life of steel freight cars is found to be much less than that originally expected. So far as the writer has been able to learn, the oldest steel freight car now in service belongs to the Bessemer & Lake Erie. It was built in 189 6, twenty years ago. The frame of this car was made of structural steel shapes, and it weighed nearly 42,000 lbs., about 4,000 or 5,000 lbs. more than many cars of the same capacity which were built later. A photograph taken in 1915, shows that the design of this car compares very favorably with the latest methods of construction, and also indicates that it has been very well main- tained. The record of repairs shows that it has been kept well painted, this being the usual practice of the Bessemer & Lake Erie. Some of the doors and hoppers required new sheets after about nine years and at 14 or 15 years of age the floor sheets required extensive renewals and the side sheets and stakes had some repairs. At 18 yars it received a new floor, two new corner side sheets, eight new hopper sheets and other repairs, and its appearance Indicates that it may be good for at least 10 years more. This car is apparently an exceptional case, for we find many thousands of steel gondola and hopper cars only U and 16 years old which have the sheets and underframes so weakened by cor- rosion and service that they do not justify the application of new material for general repairs, and many of these cars are now being destroyed on account of the bodies having reached their limit of life. This is about one-half the life which was originally ex- pected from steel cars, and it is disappointing. It naturally follows that those roads which have calculated the depreciation of steel freight cars at three per cent., and now find many of them worn out at the age of 14 to 16 years, must charge quite a large amount to operating expenses when they have to be scrapped. If we assume the average life of a steel gondola car which cost $1,000, as 16 years, and the scrap value of the car to be $200, five per cent, per year would be about the proper rate to be used in figuring de- preciation. Life of Wooden Coal Cars. The records of a number of roads owning large numbers of wooden coal cars show that their life has varied between 16 and 20 years, and the average life has been about 17 years. This class of equipment has usually been con- demned and dismantled on account of the underframes and draft attachments becoming worn out and too weak for the heavy modern 134 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA trains of coal cars. But for this reason, the life of these cars undoubtedly would have been about 20 years, which is the average life of a box car. However, in comparing: the life of wooden coal cars with that of steel, we should bear in mind the fact that most of the wooden cars are of 20 and 30 tons' capacity and few, if any, are over 40 tons, whereas few steel coal cars have been built of less than 40 tons' capacity and the majority of them carry 50 tons, while some are now being: built to carry 75 and 90 tons. Life of Iron and Steel Bi'idges. The writer has obtained the views of a number of bridge engineers and engineers of maintenance of way, and most of them say that the life of iron and steel bridges varies indefinitely, so far as actual durability is concerned, provided they are kept well painted, as they usually are, and the ordinary repairs are maintained. In some cases iron bridges 30 and 40 years old have been perfectly good so far as deterioration is con- cerned and have only been removed on account of the locomotives and cars becoming too heavy for their construction. Bridges which are exposed to salt air and water corrode rapidly and their life is comparatively short, and salt water drippings from refrigerator cars used for shipping fresh meat tend to corrode the girders quite rapidly where the amount of this class of business is large. In comparing the life of iron and steel bridges with that of steel freight cars, we find the principal differences to be that the bridges are kept well painted and their life is not shortened as much by corrosion as is that of freight cars which are not kept painted on the inside. Manj- cars are not kept painted on the outside, and they are subject to more severe and frequent shocks in service. Life of Locomotive Tenders. The locomotive tender more closely approaches the steel coal car in the service to which it is subjected and will afford a fairer comparison on this account. Locomotive tenders are usually kept well painted on the outside, and whenever the locomotive receives general repairs, ordinarily once in about two years, it is thoroughly cleaned and painted outside, and often a coat of paint is applied to the coal space and to the top an(f bottom sheets. Many locomotives, tliirty or more j'ears old, still have the original tender in fairly good condition. On some of these the inside sheets have been renewed, but in many the original out- side sheets are still in a fair state of preservation. Principal Causes of Short Life of Steel Cars. There are many causes which tend to shorten the life of steel cars and the most active of these- is corrosion. New steel cars are painted inside and out, but very few, if any, railroads attempt to keep the inside painted after the cars have gone into service, as it is thought that the effect of loading and unloading coal, ore, etc., is to wear the point off so quickly that it would not last long enough to pay for the cost of the application. Therefore, the corrosion of the inside of such cars generally starts within a few months after they go into service. The paint on the outside varies in durability accord- ing to quality, the number of coats applied, and the manner of application, but it is nothing unusual to see cars only two or three years old the sides of which have begun to rust quite badly and DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 135 cars only five years old with but little paint left on them. It is pretty certain that if these cars had been repainted when two or three years old, before the rust had become so general, the corro- sion on the outside would have been stopped and the life of the side sheets prolonged. Some of the earlier steel cars were built so light, that they have become weakened by corrosion sooner than those of heavier con- struction, and such cars occasionally buckle up in trains. In design- ing steel cars, it has been a nice problem to determine just how far to go in putting in metal to increase the strength, and at the same time to cut out metal where it is not essential so as to keep the dead weight down to a minimum consistent with good service. In this respect, the practice of different roads varies so that we still see steel gondola cars of 100,000 lbs. capacity weighing only about .38,000 Ib.s., while others of the same capacity weigh 7,000 or 8,000 lbs. more. This matter of keeping down the dead weight has always been a hobby of such prominent railroad builders as E. H. Harriman and J. J. Hill, and little argument is needed to prove the desirability of keeping the dead weight as low as may be consistent with satisfactory service. The tendency during the past four or five years has been to increase, somewhat, the weight of cars, but this has generally been done, not by using thicker sheets for the sides and bottoms, but by strengthening the sills and reinforc- ing the top edges of the sides and ends, and also by adding more substantial draft gear. These Improvements should increase some- what the life of these cars over of earlier design, but in view of the heavier trains in which they are used it remains to be seen how far this will prove true. These problems of keeping down the dead weight of cars and eliminating those of weak design are not new, for. in the proceedings of one of the earliest meetings of the Master Car Builders' Association, held nearly 40 years ago, we find a lengthy discussion about these same questions and at that- time it was the con.sensus of opinion that in the 15-ton car the maximum capacity had finally been reached. Other causes of the short life of steel cars are the strains to which they are subjected in unloading machines and aLso the use of sledges and bars in pounding the sides and hoppers when the coal freezes or clogs and requires loosening. Some of the later designs of cars are provided with holes framed into the sides and hoppers, through which bars can be introduced to loosen the coal when it lodges. Another cause of shortening their life is the heavier trains in which they are u.sed, resulting in greater shocks than those for which they were originally designed. The effect of climate has quite an imijortant bearing on the life of steel cars as there is a noticeable difference in the rapidity of corrosion of cars used mostly in proximity to salt water and to rivers where fogs are prevalent, and those which are kept principally in service in the dry climate west of the Missouri river. The writer's observations lead him to believe that corrosion is probably 25 per cent, more rapid in the vicinity of the salt water than in the drier climate of the interior. The nature of the loading also affects the deterioration. One road 136 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA which uses steel hopper cars almost entirely in iron ore service reports that, " as yet none of them show any effects of deterioration due to rust," although they are about 16 years old. Coal having much sulphur and other impurities is more injurious to steel sheets than the better grades of coal, and wet ashes from cinder pits are especially active in hastening corrosion. Difficult Problems. For the first five or six years of the life of a steel car the repairs are light and it is easy to decide just what work should be done, but after eight or ten years the floor and hopper sheets of many cars have become so corroded that they must be renewed, and in some cases the sides also rust through at the ends and bottom while the rest of the sheets are worth preserving. After a few years more many cars become so generally corroded that it is doubtful whether the side sheets are strong enough to make it advisable to rivet new bottom and hoppers to them. Then the problem is whether to apply new side sheets, if the car has already had a new bottom and hoppers ; or, in cases where these have again become weakened, to give the car general repairs using such of the original parts as may yet be serviceable ; or to build an entire new body using the same trucks ; or to dismantle the car entirely and eliminate it from the equipment list. Under these con- ditions the program will be more or less affected by the capacity of the car and the desirability of improvements in the design and the operating mechanism. When steel cars become damaged in wrecks, the question of re- pairs is quite a different one from that of repairing wooden cars, as in the latter case the damaged parts are removed and replaced with new sills, siding, flooring, etc., at a considerable expense for ma- terial. On the other hand, unless a steel car is damaged almost beyond recognition, the various parts can generally be straightened out and replaced on the car, if they were previously in good con- dition. One road, owning over 100,000 steel coal cars, has lost only about 20 of them on account of being damaged beyond repair, but if these had been wooden cars, probably many hundreds of them would have been destroyed within the same period. On another road which has over 50,000 hopper and gondola cars, only about two per cent, of the all-steel cars were damaged beyond repair during the flrst 12 or 13 years of their life, but of the com- posite cars having steel frames and wood sides and bottoms, about 11 per cent, were destroyed. This large difference was probably affected to some extent by the fact that the composite cars were not originally as well designed as the steel cars, but after making due allowance for this, the all-steel cars seem to have the advantage over the composite cars in the matter of durability. Rebuilding Steel Cars. On a road which owns a large number of steel gondola and hopper cars, the latter have been found to reach the limit of the profitable life of the body in about 13 or 14 years. When the cars were from eight to ten years old, it became necessary to renew the floor and hoppers, and in about four or five years more, the sides and other parts had become practically worn out, so that it was very doubtful whether the bodies were DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 137 worth the application of more new material for repairs. A study of the subject indicated that an entire new body w^ould cost only about $25 more than general repairs to the old body, retaining- such parts as might be fit for further service. The trucks were in good general condition so that with the renewal of some \vorn parts, they could be made practically equal to new. The body after receiving general repairs was estimated as worth only about 65 per cent, of the value, new, of a gondola and 75 per cent, of a new hopper car, whereas the general repairs would probably not extend the life of the car more than six or eight years. The repaired car, if destroyed on a foreign line, would have its depreciation calculated from the date of its original construction, whereas the new body would have its depreciation calculated from the time when the body was built, which made a good argument in favor of a new body. Other points in favor of the new body were that with the experi- ence obtained from the maintenance of the old bodies, some im- provements in the design Avere possible which would make the new body more satisfactory in service and better able to with- stand the effects of heavy trains, dumping machines, etc. It would also have the further advantage of not being on the repair tracks as often as the repaired car. It was, therefore, decided to buy new bodies to replace the old hopper bodies of 100,000 lbs. capacity and use the air brakes, couplers, draft gear and trucks of the old cars under the new bodies. In the case of the 80,000 lb. gondolas it was not thought profitable to perpetuate a steel car of this capacity, and therefore it was decided to use the trucks and other serviceable parts under new box and stock car bodies of 80,000 lbs. capacity. In cars which had reached the limit of their life on account of the sheets being so generally weakened by corrosion there was not enough good material left in the bodies to justify general repairs. The bodies of these old steel cars were cut down by using a heavy broad-axe to cut the thinner sheets. The oxy-acetylene blow-pipe process is used to cut the angles, sills and heavier sheets. By these methods, the total cost of cutting down a condemned steel hopper car body to sizes suitable for sale, w^as less than $6, including both labor and oxy-acetylene gas. Some of the end sills, gussets, side stakes and other parts of the condemned cars were considered worth saving for repairs to other cars which are to be maintained for a time. Painting Steel Freight Cars. There has been a good deal of dis- cussion as to whether or not it pays to keep steel coal and ore cars well painted and the majority of superintendents of motive power believe that it would pay to do so, but many of the higher officers who are responsible for the entire cost of operation seem to have concluded that it does not pay to paint them except when they receive new sheets or the letters and numbers need to be brightened up so that their ownership and identity can be distinguished. A committee of the Master Car Builders' Association investigated this subject several years ago and their conclusions as presented at the 1908 convention were as follows; 138 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA " We cannot be too emphatic as to the necessity of taking the proper care of the exterior, and regret that we are not able to give the interior the same care. " The painting of the inside of steel cars has been thought by- some to be beneficial, but your committee can see no lasting results in this, and do not recommend it, but is of the opinion that coating the interior of the cars about once every six months with black oil would act as a preservative." During the following year a number of cars were painted with different mixtures for test purposes and special attention was given to painting the insides of the cars. At the 1909 convention the committee reported upon the painting of the inside of cars as fol- lows : '* One car bearing mixture No. 4 was examined after being in service 4 months and 17 days and shows the inside well preserved, but considerable of the paint gone from the bottom, yet there seemed to be retardation of the rusting and no accumulation of scale. This mixture shows better results than mixtures Nos. 1, 2, and 3." (Mixture No. 4 consisted of 30 lbs. of tar, 40 lbs. of aniline oil and 170 lbs. of corn oil.) However, the committee's conclusions were, " It will be a very hard matter to find a preservative that will take care of the in- terior. The best preservative is to keep the cars in active service. Some steel cars that have been in active service for 10 years have the plates in excellent condition and from appearances, they are good for 10 years more. It is a pretty well known fact that where cars stand idle for a couple of months, the deterioration of plates on the inside is equal to two or three years' service." Similar opinions were expressed by several of the members of the Association who took part in the discussion. So far as the exterior of the car was concerned, practically all those discussing the report gave it as their opinion that they should be kept well painted. Nevertheless, this practice has not been generally followed. As to the frequency with which steel cars should be painted, there is quite a difference in opinion. Some roads paint them once in every three years, others once in four or five years and others only when they receive new sheets in the course of repairs. Esti- mates of the cost of painting also vary widely, and as might be ex- pected, those roads which paint their cars most infrequently are the ones on which the cost of painting is high, varying from $5 to $10 for each painting, while those roads which keep their cars well painted report the cost as varying from $6 to $1 for each painting. There would naturally be a considerable variation in the cost per painting according to the kind of material, the class of labor used and the condition of the car when painted, but a comparison of the figures indicates that it cost but little more during the life of the car to keep it well painted than it does to paint it only when the car becomes badly corroded and requires more thorough treatment. The difference in the average age and condition of such cars as have been kept well painted and those which have not been so DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 139 well maintained, makes it seem fair to conclude that thorough painting- will probably prolong the life of steel freight cars between 25 and 50 per cent. Assuming that the average life of a car is 16, years, and that the cost per painting would be $5, it seems very probable that an expenditure of $25 or $30 additional for painting would prolong its life one third, or about five years. This is a con- servative estimate and it would certainly be a good investment when applied to cars costing $1,000 apiece. Some other arguments in favor of keeping steel cars well painted are, that it will help to prevent their becoming weakened by corrosion so that they are liable to buckle up in hea\'y trains, also that the appearance of cars will be much better and although this may have no commer- cial value, yet it tends to create a favorable impression about the owning road. The arguments which are often advanced against keeping steel coal and coke cars thoroughly painted, seem fre- quently to be applied to steel underframes and other parts of cars which do not come in contact with the lading, and these are often found to be so corroded that their life is much shortened. Steel Passenger Cars. The estimated life of steel passenger cars has been placed by various authorities at from 30 to 50 years, but as none of them are yet half that age there are no data at hand on which to base any definite conclusions. The elements affecting the deterioration of steel passenger cars are different from those which apply to freight cars, but several years' experience with such cars shows conclusively that they must be kept well painted or they will deteriorate more rapidly than wooden cars. Cases have been noticed where the doors and window frames which were made of pressed steel .shapes, have begun to rust badly within two or three years and for this reason the Pullman Company and some railroads have returned to the use of wooden window sash in their more recent equipment. Also some of the railroads that used metal doors on their first steel passenger train cars found so many objections to them that they have been discarded and wooden doors used in the later cars. The parts of steel passenger cars which start first to rust are the roofs and the moldings or joints between the sheets at the clerestories and eaves, and there can be no doubt about the importance of keeping these parts well painted. Conchisions. 1. The average life of steel gondola and hopper cars will probably be about 16 years, judging by the records of those cars which have already reached their limit of life. 2. The depreciation of steel gondola and hopper cars should be calculated at about five per cent. 3. It will pay to keep steel cars well painted on account of pre- serving their strength and improving their appearance and extend- ing their life. Since the notes used for this article were made, there was pre- sented at the December meeting of the Pittsburg Railway Club a paper on " The Life of a Steel Freight Car," by S. Lynn, master car builder of the Pitt.sburg & Lake Erie, and it is interesting to note that the points mentioned in his paper as well as those brought out in the discussion, agree in most of the essential facts with the 140 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA observations and conclusions contained in this article. Two state- ments made in the discussion are especially worth quoting, namely : *' If the steel car was given reasonable treatment and repairs made when needed, and repainted when the steel became exposed to the weather, the renewing of some of the parts would not become necessary for a longer period than is now the case." " One of the most important things determining the life of a steel car is the question of maintenance. If you spend the right amount of money at the right time, you can get prolonged life and service." Cost of Locomotive Repairs. Engineering and Contracting, Dec. 7, 1910, has the following: The costs of maintaining locomotives as submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, are interesting. In the following table of costs. Table XI, for which we are indebted to the American En- gineer, the unit employed corresponds closely to the one recom- mended by the committee. This is the " work unit," which is equal to traction effort in pounds multiplied by locomotive miles and divided by 1,000,000, the latter figure being an arbitrary one used for reducing results to a convenient size for comparison. The wide variation in costs is due to differences in operating conditions — mainly, differences in grades and curvature — prevailing on the dif- ferent roads. No division is made between running and shop repairs. TABLE XI. COSTS OF MAINTAINING LOCOMOTIVES PER WORK UNIT New England : New York, New Haven & Hartford $3.30 Boston & Maine 2.75 Average 3.03 Eastern District ; Pennsylvania R. R 3.50 Pennsylvania Co 2.80 New York Central 2.25 Baltimore «& Ohio 2.35 Erie 4.80 Lake Shore &. Michigan Southern 1.95 Philadelphia &, Reading 3.65 Lehigh Valley 3.65 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western 2.45 Average 3.04 Central and Southern District : P., C, C. & St. L 2.90 Southern Ry 2.45 Louisville & Nashville 3.00 Illinois Central 3.80 Average 3.04 Middle Western District : Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 3.20 Chicago & Northwestern 2.70 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 3.30 Missouri Pacific 3. JO Union Pacific ^4^ St. Louis «& San Francisco ^'^ Average 3.30 DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 141 Southwestern District: Southern Pacific 4.35 Atchison, Topeka «& Santa Fe 3.30 Average 3.83 Northwestern District : Northern Pacific 2.40 Chicago, Milwauliee & St, Paul 2.70 Great Northern 2.15 Canadian Pacific 3.90 Average 2.42 Cost of Repairs for Polyphase Motors. The following, Table XII, is part of a table, from the Journal of Electricity, May 1, 1917, showing the approximate cost of repairs for polyphase motors used originally in connection with an article which appeared in the January 1, 1916, issue of the Electrican Review and Western Elec- trician. This table has been revised to take into account the increased cost of the materials entering into such repairs and therefore bring the estimates more in line with the present cost of this work. The subject matter of the original article is given in the following paragraphs in a condensed and slightly changed form. The table is suitable for 60-cycle two or three-phase squirrel- cage motors wound for any of the standard voltages from 110 to 550 inclusive. For most of the sizes listed the costs were arrived at by taking the average cost of repairs for a given frame and then applying this cost to the various ratings built in that frame. This will be ap- parent by comparing the costs for the different ratings. Take for example, frame G. The cost of rewinding the stator is $34.75, This figure has been applied to the following ratings all of which are built in that frame: 1 horsepower, 900 revolutions per minute; 1.5 horsepower, 1200 revolutions per minute, and 3 horsepower, 1800 revolutions per minute. The frame sizes specified do not apply to any particular line of motors, but were arbitrarily chosen for the purpose of this article. However, the relative output of a given frame at the different speeds will be found to agree quite closely with several lines of induction motors on the market. These estimates may also be used equally well for motors of other frequencies by taking the figures applying to a 60-cycle rating built in the same frame. This comparison can be easily made by referring to the manufacturer's rating and dimension sheets for that particular line of motors. The tables may be further applied to slip-ring or phase-wound motors, since the cost of rewinding the rotor of such a machine will not differ materially from the cost of rewinding its stator. On this basis the cost of completely rewinding a 10 horsepower, 1800 revolutions per minute slip-ring motor built in frame J will be $119, or $59.50 for the rotor or stator separately. The estimates for rewinding the stator or resoldering the rotor do not include any preliminary work required to put the stator structure in fit condition to receive the new winding or work re- quired on the rotor before the actual resoldering can be started. Jn other words, the ^gures cover only the actual rewinding or 142 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XII. COST OF REPAIRS FOR 60-CYCLE POLYPHASE MOTORS f=5 MfL," n b. ^11 '3 faJD 1 i .2 t 1 m 'C if -^ o byn-i-) CD bo C C bo C t .5 1200 c 26.25 2.50 1.35 1.00 1.00 .5 1800 A 24.25 2.25 1.35 1.00 1.00 .75 1200 E 28.00 3.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 .75 1800 B 24.25 2.25 1.35 1.00 1.00 1 900 G 34.75 4.00 3.10 1.50 1.50 1 1200 F 28.50 3.00 1.85 1.25 1.00 1 1800 C 26.25 2.50 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.5 1200 G 34.75 4.00 3.10 1.50 1.50 1.5 1800 E 28.00 3.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 2 1200 G 34.75 4.00 3.10 1.50 1.50 2 1800 F 28.50 3.00 1.85 1.25 1.00 3 900 I 53.50 6.50 5.25 1.50 1.50 3 1200 H 48.50 4.75 3.55 1.50 1.50 3 1800 G 34.75 4.00 3.10 1.50 1.50 5 900 K 73.75 8.75 8.05 1.75 2.00 5 1200 I 53.50 6.50 5.25 1.50 1.50 5 1800 H 48.50 4.75 3.55 1.50 1.50 7.5 900 L 70.75 12.00 7.85 2.00 2.50 7.5 1200 J 5f).50 7.00 6.60 1.75 2.00 7.5 1800 I 53 50 6.50 5.25 1.50 1.50 10 . 900 M 75.00 13.25 7.85 2.00 2.50 10 1200 L 70.75 12.00 7.85 2.00 2.50 10 1800 J 59.50 7.00 6.60 1.75 2.00 15 720 P 93.75 15.50 10.25 3.00 4.00 15 900 N 71.25 14.25 10.25 3.00 4.00 15 1200 M 75.00 13.25 7.85 2.00 2.50 15 1800 K 73.75 8.75 8.05 1.75 2.00 20 600 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 20 900 P 93.75 15.50 10.25 3.00 4.00 20 1200 N 71.25 14.25 10.25 3.00 4.00 20 1800 M 75.00 13.25 7.85 2.00 2.50 25 600 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 25 720 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 25 900 R 143.75 17.75 12.00 3.25 6.00 25 1200 P 93.75 15.50 10.25 3.00 4.00 35 600 T 187.50 20.50 19.05 3.50 6.25 35 720 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 •35 900 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 35 1200 R 143 75 17.75 12.00 3.25 6.00 50 600 V 218.75 21.75 30.85 3.50 6.25 50 720 V 218.75 21.75 30.85 3.50 6.25 50 900 T 187 50 20.50 19.95 3.50 6.25 50 1200 S 156.25 19.00 12.10 3.25 6.00 resoldering', as the case may be. However, this preliminary work is frequently necessary and must always be considered in making up estimates. It. is due to a number of causes. For example, the motor bearing linings may have worn down sufficiently to allow the rotor to rub against the stator. If the motor has operated very long in this condition the laminations of either or both stator and rotor will, probably be damaged, which may require considerable work to put them into their original DEPRECIATION, REPAIRS AND RENEWALS 143 condition. Again, a defective or broken bearing- may injure the shaft. Sometimes this damage will be serious enough to require a new shaft. New bearing linings will probably be required in either case. Burned-out windings may also be accompanied by fusing of parts of the stator laminations. These fused portions must necessarily be removed before actual replacement of the coils can be commenced. In a rotor which has been badly overheated, allowing the melted solder to be thrown out, arcing is frequently set up between the rotor bars and end rings, causing serious burning. When this occurs, new end rings are often needed, either for one or both ends of the rotor, or perhaps part of the bars will need to be re- placed. With bolted end-ring construction there is also liability of trouble. The expansion of the end rings, caused by the excessive heat, tends to snap the bolts between the rotor bars and rings, producing the most favorable conditions for arcing. Burnouts of this kind, for either soldered or bolted construction, are quite common in connection with motors which have been started from time to time under loads requiring heavy starting torque with long periods of acceleration. Two or three-phase motors allowed to operate single-phase for any considerable length of time may also develop troubles of this nature. Very often the rotor will be badly damaged, while the stator has been only slightly overheated. Con- versely, in some instances, the stator will be burned out, while the rotor is uninjured. From these points it will be clear that estimates should not be made until after the motor has been given a careful inspection, otherwise there is likely to be a large discrepancy between the esti- mated and actual cost of the work. If an inquiry of this kind must be handled by letter it is not possible to make an inspection, but the dealer can at least detail clearly just what his estimate covers and point out the possibility of additional work that may be needed. Our readers will appreciate that estimates of this kind can be only approximately correct at the best. However, the table has been carefully compiled from data based upon a large number of actual repair jobs and it is believed these estimates will be found quite conservative. Life of Wooden Stave Pipe. Data, August, 191.5, says: The tabulation gives general data on the life of fir and redwood pipe under continuous water pressure. These data are summarized from statistics on 79 wooden pipe lines compiled by D. C. Henny, Con- sulting Engineer, United States Reclamation Service. Continuous stave and machine banded pipe are both considered. Wood Condition Life, years Fir Uncoated, buried in tight soil 20 Fir Uncoated, buried in loose soil 4-7 Fir Uncoated, in air 12-20 Redwood Uncoated, buried in tight soil, loam or sand, and gravel Over 25 Fir Well coated, buried in tight soil 25 Fir Well coated, buried in loose soil 15-20 144 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Maintaining Four Stokers and Furnaces for Six Years. The data in the accompanying table XIII taken from Elec- trical World, Dec. 16, 1916, show what it has cost a Middle West central station exclusive of labor charges to maintain four 10-ft. by 10-ft. chain-grate stokers and their furnaces during tlie six years they have been in service. It will be noted that the total expense for material has been $2,735.75 or an average of $114.99 per stoker per year. Of this amount $2,354.87 has been spent for tile and fireclay, while $400.88 has been spent for stoker parts, TABLE XIII. COST OF STOKER AND FURNACE REPAIRS FOR SIX YEARS , Cost of repairs > For stoker parts and iron parts . For tile or arch and and feed gate fireclay Total 1910 $60.00 $60.00 1911 14.00 $142.25 156.25 1912 61.12 823.17 884.29 1913 40.50 67.50 101.00 1914 3.00 217.00 220.00 1915 33.25 190.25 223.50 1916 189.01 894.70 1,083.71 $400.88 $2,334.87 $2,735.75 Total per stoker per year $16.70 $97.29 $114.99 and steel and iron parts of arches and feed gates. The cost per stoker per year for tile and fireclay was $97.29, and the cost per stoker per year for all castings and steel parts was $16.70. In other words, the cost of the tile and fireclay represented 85 per cent, of the total material maintenance cost. A more detailed analysis of the cost of maintaining metal parts shows that the cost of replacing operating parts of the four stokers was but $8.77 per stoker per year, which is a very small percentage of -$1,800, the present cost of such a unit without firebrick. Further study of data concerning the cost of the tile also shows that in 1912, when the maintenance cost was high, one complete 9. 5 -ft. by 6.5-ft. arch, and fifty large 4-in. by 12-in. by 24-in. bridge wall tile were purchased at a total cost of $498.22, which, helped appreciably to increase the total for the year. W. M. Duncan, vice-president of the Illinois Stoker Company, which supplied these units, in commenting on the data said that since the maintenance cost on the stokers has been so low — $8.77 per stoker per year — operating companies should not consider it a hardship if the concerns manufacturing such apparatus required the purchaser to keep rep.air parts in stock. Cross References and References. Depreciation and repair data appear throughout this book, and can be found by of the in- dex under the name of each clas.s of plant unit. Gillette's " Hand- book of Cost Data," his " Rock Excavation " and his " Earth Excavation," contain dej^reciation and repair data relating to con- struction machinery. Consult also Dana's " Handbook of Con- struction Plant." CHAPTER III BUILDINGS The cost of a building is most easily estimated by the cubic foot of contents and the square foot of area, and such unit costs are frequently used and are of great value for preliminary estimates. For this reason the cost data in this chapter are for the most part based on these units, although the various functional costs such as bricklaying, concrete forms, carpentry, etc., are also discussed. The comparative costs and economy of various types of buildings are treated as well as complete costs of typical buildings. For fur- ther data on this subject the reader is referred to the following books: Cost Data, Earth. Excavation and Rock Excavation by Hal- bert P. Gillette, Concrete Construction, Methods and Costs by Gillette and Hill and Construction Plant by R. T. Dana. Economic Principles of Building Construction. The three princi- pal elements that are essential to an economic investigation of a building problem are : (1) The total cost of the structure, including the cost of the land that is necessary for it, or gross investment. (2; The amount that can be borrowed on reasonable terms upon the completed structure, or the lien. (3) The net periodic receipts that can reasonably be counted on. In any discussion of this kind, abnormal and accidental considera- tions must be eliminated from the problem. The owner is sup- posed to protect himself from loss by fire through fire insurance, and he must assume the risk from such accidents as he cannot pro- tect himself against, such as earthquake, riots, wars, etc. The return that he receives upon his investment should be greater than the return that he can receive by investing his money in other ways free from those risks by an amount sufficiently greater to compensate him for the risk which he runs. If he can invest his money at 5% without risk it would be unwise for him to invest it at 59c in a building subject to uncompensated dangers. The so- called unearned increment upon his land, its conservative prospec- tive increase in value from year to year, or from decade to decade, may be considered as offsetting to some degree various risks of loss. The depreciation in the value of the structure by age is some- thing which can be computed and should be provided for in the computations by an estimated addition to the operating expense, this addition to be set aside in the form of an annuity toward a depreciation reserve. The above mentioned three economic elements may each be sub- 145 146 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA divided into various factors, each of which is susceptible of indi- vidual investig-ation, and the combination for any particular case may be expressed for precision and convenience in an algebraic formula or by a combination of diagrams in such a manner that the bearing and influence of each factor or variations in any factor or combination of factors may be observed almost at a glance, to the end that we can solve a multitude of problems that are ordinarily complicated and complex, with surprising rapidity and without many of the uncertainties that invariably attend the study of such a problem when it is not divided into .its principal factors. In grouping the various elements of a problem of this kind so as to make them most amenable to study there are two principal methods, the first being to collect the several factors in groups of algebraic equations and the other by expressing them in diagrams. While it is often very helpful to say that one factor in a design is more important than another, the most desirable solution of such a problem requires one to be able to say how much more important it is. The solution, if possible, must be quantitative instead of qualitative; and this is the excuse, if one be needed, for intro- ducing a considerable amount of algebra into the present subject. We have first to make a general solution containing what appear to be nearly all the principal factors involved and then by sub- stituting in the equations the factors that belong to a large class of structures in a city such as New, York to secure certain sub- general formulas in convenient form for use. Where an architect has a problem which meets the conditions and in which the fac- tors have the values which have been assumed for these sub- general equations, he can use them directly; otherwise, he can substitute the factors that he finds common to his practice, and prepare sub-general equations and diagrams for himself. • * * Let L — The area of the lot occupied by the building in square feet. 4. * S r= , " area of the building, in squai'e feet. * I = " ratio of building area to lot area. * b = " ratio of rentable building area to total building area. « 22=:" tax rate on full value. * m—" ratio of the amount borrowed on mortgage to the total value. * If =: " rate of interest on the mortgage. * -y = " ratio of rented space to total rentable space. * g =: " ratio of overhead charges, commissions, etc., to gross receipts. * f :=z " ratio of annual charges, superintendence, repairs, painting, general labor, insurance, fuel, lights, depreciation, etc., to total cost of the building. * X = " ratio of net receipts to equity. ° C — " cost of the land per square foot in dollars. ° B = " cost of the building per square foot of floor area, in dollars. ° A = " annual gross rental per square foot of rented floor area, average in dollars. " Y — " annual net receipts, in dollars. 71 = " number of rentable stories in the building. ° F z= " cost of the building per cubic foot. BUILDINGS 147 h = " average height of one story. S- LI B — Fh Units marked * * are areas. Units marked * are ratios. Units marked " are in dollars. Now, the capital investment will be CL for land, and SnB for the building. The total investment in dollars — CL -f kinB The amount placed on mortgage — ( CL -\- 871B ) m The " Equity " or cost less the amount of the mortgage = (CL + IS71B) (1 — m) Per year in dollars The gross receipts will be AnSbv The operating expenses will be AnSbvg + SnBf The interest on the mortgage will be Mm (CL + »S'wB) The taxes will be (CL + HnB ) R Therefore, assuming that the total number of rentable stories equals the total number of stories, (1) Yz=:Bn lAbv (1 — g) — Bf] — (CL -^ SnB) {R -j-Mm) Y (2) and :? = (CL + SnB) (1 — m) 8 Now, LI — S, and L = — I Y 1 Y . X — = — ■ (C \-SnB) (1 — m) S( \-nB) (1 — m) I I Y may be written = C ' Sn lAbv (1 — fif)— B/]— S ( [-uB) (^R + Mm) i c n lAhv il — g)—Bn— (, [-uB) {R + Mm) . X -■ C ( [-nB) (1 — m) _ n S.Ahv {l — g)—Bn {Mm + R) _ __ ( \-nB) (1 — m) (1 — m) Finally, Ahv (1 — g) — Bf {Mm-\-R) (3) ^ = -^^ ( ^ B) (l — w). (1 — w) nl All but four of the factors in this last equation represent ratios, and these four represent: 148 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA A — The rental per square foot of rented space, which depends upon the kind of building- and the locality where it is erected. B — The cost of the building per square foot of floor area, which depends upon the kind of building. C — The cost of the land per square foot, which depends upon the locality. n — The number of stories in the building. The first three are functions of the locality and kind of build- ing. y is a function of the times being 100 ^r in periods of great pros- perity and averaging in normal times 90%, more or less, depending upon the skill of the renting agent, the genei'al desirability of the building, etc. t\, b and I are functions of the architect's design, together with B. M and «i are practically fixed functions, and g and / depend upon the kind of building and the purposes for which it is used. . Classification of Factors. — We may then say that the kind of building controls factors A, B, g, f. The architect's design controls factors n, 1), I, together with B. The locality controls factor C. And there are independent factors : v, vi, M, R. R in New York City is supposed to be about 1.8%. The city au- thorities try to assess property a little under its true value, but of late 3'ears the assessments in many sections have been over rather than under, the true amount. On a rising real estate market the assessments are generally too low. while on a falling one, the assessments are generallj' too high. For average conditions a fair value for R would be 1.75% m — The percentage of the true value that can be borrowed on mortgage at 5% is generally nearly 6673%, so that tn may be taken for average conditions at. two-thirds, when M equals 5%. I — The percentage of the total land area occupied by the building varies with the size of the building, the general plan of the archi- tect's design, and the local conditions as to neighboring buildings, etc. The ruling conditions are light, air and architectural sym- metry, and buildings on street corners are at a considerable advan- tage in this regard. Tall structures, with low adjoining buildings of a permanent nature are likewise at an advantage if it is reason- ably certain that the adjoining property will not be built up. A 20-story building alongside of a 10-story one which is substantially built but with footings and columns designed for only ten stories is likely to enjoy an outlook over the roof of the ten-story one so long as the latter pays a fair return on its cost. At the best, however, there is a decided risk in counting upon such conditions for as many years as will represent the life of the modern steel or concrete building. V — The percentage of efficiency in renting will very naturally vary with the times and conditions. It will never remain 100% for any great length of time, because when a section is fully rented at fair rates new construction and consequent competition is stimu- lated. Most real estate men consider that 10% for vacancies is a BUILDINGS 149 fair value for a term of years. Therefore, we may take v as equal to 90%, or 0.9. & — The percentage of the whole building space that brings a gross return, depends upon the space necessary for halls, stairways and elevatgrs. A — The rate per sq. ft. for ground floor rentals and that for upper floors varies in different sections of the city and also with the purposes for which the floors are used. Avenues generally rent higher than side streets, and retail buildings at higher rates than wholesale ones. In Kew York, and probably the same is true for most other large cities, the unit rentals on space for the most ex- pensive luxuries are the highest, as, for example, jewelry and art showrooms, bric-a-brac shops of the most " exclusive " kind, mil- linery stores and haberdasheries. Space for banking and trust company buildings also comes high, and the rates for this purpose are very stable in comparison with those for mercantile purposes. g — The percentage of gross rentals charged by agents for han- dling the property, negotiating leases, etc., ranges from 3% to 5%, with a general average of 4%. h — • The height of the average story in the commercial buildings that are built today varies a little, but will average from ten to twelve feet. F — The cost of the building per cu. ft. will vary a ^ood deal, depending upon the quality of the workmanship, the kind of con- struction, whether fireproof or not, the skill of the architect, the nature of the terms on which the building is erected and the credit of the builder. It depends also very largely on the skill of the engineer who supervises the layout of columns, etc., and upon the character of the ground underlying the foundations. A building in which the columns are uniformly spaced in one or both directions is very considerably less expensive than with irregular column spacing, owing to the lower cost of fabricating steel on a standardized design than on one of dissimilar sections. Moreover, with uniformity in the design the actual amount of steel in the frame is likely to be decidedly less than when irregular panels are employed. The same is largely true of reinforced concrete and composite structures. The building's height likewise affects the unit cost, because the taller it is the greater the column and footing loads, so that the cost of columns and footings is about proportional to the square of the number of .stories to be carried, other conditions being equal. Since, however, the cost for beams, girders, floors, walls, ceiling, windows and door openings, etc., will be proportional to the cubic contents of the building, and these items in the aggregate are far in excess of the columns, footings and cellar excavation, it may be assumed for preliminary calculations that the cost of the building is nearly proportional to its volume. The location of the building be carefully considered in' the preliminary calculations, how- ever. The " political " conditions, municipal regulations and street traffic all have much to do with the cost of erection. / — The percentage of the original cost of the building consumed in annual charges will depend on the character of the service ren- 150 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA dered to tenants. This is high in office buildings and low in com- mercial ones and warehouses. The element of annual depreciation is one that depends on the life of the building and the rate at which a sinking fund can conveniently be invested. Buildings-Factor Costs. Harold Green (Engineering and Con- tracting, Feb. 3, 1915) states that there is no fixed set of elements making up a land-and-buildings factor. In the majority of cases, however, the elements discussed below will include all the costs making up a complete factor for the purpose of a square foot distribution to departments or production centers as the cost- accounting practice may require. Thus the elements which have been selected are almost universal, while those particular to special industries are not considered. A classification of these elements together with an explanation of how the cost of each was deter- mined follows : (1) Fixed charges on land. (2) Fixed charges on buildings. (3) Fixed charges on building fixtures. (4) Power and light. (5) Heat. (6) Building expense. Costs of Elements. Fixed charges consist of interest, taxes, insur- ance, depreciation, and repairs, and these are calculated as a per- centage of the appraisal value of the land, buildings, and fixtures. The interest rate was taken at 5 per cent, in all cases. Tax and insurance rates were determined for each particular case. These rates were quite uniform, however, and 1 per cent, for taxes and 0.5 per cent, for insurance would be fair averages. On buildings the rates for depreciation and repairs averaged 2 per cent, and 3 per cent, respectively, while for buildings fixtures, which consist of steam and water piping, electric light wiring, elevators, sprinkler systems, etc., rates of 5 per cent, for depreciation and 5 per cent, for repairs were used. For convenience these rates are summarized in the following table : Ijand, Buildings, Fixtures, per cent. per cent. per cent. Interest 5 5 5 Taxes 1 1 1 Insurance 0.5 0.5 Depreciation 2 5 Repairs 3 5 Total ~6 IlF 16.5 It is evident that correct interest, tax, and insurance rates can be determined. Correct reserves for depreciation and repairs are open to considerable discussion, however, and the correct reserves will vary with the type of buildings under consideration. As a basis about 25 mill-construction buildings used for paper, textile, and machine-building industries, and costing from $1.25 to $1.50 per square foot, have been selected. The rates given above for BUILDINGS 151 depreciation and repairs were used in these mills, and appear to be correct, judging from accumulated cost-accounting records. The cost of the first three elements — fixed charges on land, build- ings, and fixtures — was determined ; then, by calculating proper annual interest, tax, insurance, depreciation, and repair charges as a percentage of the appraisal value of the land, buildings, and fix- tures, the costs of these subdivisions were obtained. The next two elements — power and light, and heat — include the cost of power used for lighting buildings and operating elevators, and the cost of steam used for heating. These costs are, of course, based on a determination of how much power and heat is used for these purposes, and how much it costs to make the power and steam in the particular plant. The amount of steam used for heating was estimated theoretically by the same methods which would be used in designing a heating system for a mill building, and these theoretical results were checked with the known difference in coal consumption between winter and summer months due to heating. Power used for lighting was frequently developed by a separate generator, which enabled a log of switchboard readings to be used in making this determination. In a few cases power for lighting was purchased. Power used by elevators is, in most cases, a relatively small item and depends on the size of the elevators and the frequency with which they are used. In determining the cost of the steam and power used, fixed charges on land, buildings, fixtures, and equipment, as well as operating charges for fuel, labor, supplies, etc., are included. In the several plants under discussion the average cost of steam was 30 cts. per 1,000 pounds, and of power 2 cts. per kilowatt hour. The cost of power, heat, and light was determined then by estimating the power, heat, and light used, and by calculating the cost, taking into consideration the cost of power at the plant in question. The last element, buildings expense, is made up of expense items attendant upon the operation of practically all factory buildings. Under this head there has been included labor, such as watchmen, elevator operators, janitors, etc., and the cost of supplies used for cleaning buildings, the cost of water for general factory use, and other similar items. Division of Costs. An attempt has been made in the preceding paragraphs to describe definitely how the total land-and-buildings factor has been determined. If this has been done, the data fol- lowing should have a practical value for comparative purposes, and this discussion should serve as a basis for a study of buildings- factor costs with the object in view of approaching a maximum efficiency. The average cost per square foot of floor space, in the buildings described above, and determined as explained in the previous para- graphs of this article, was 22 cts. As an illustration of the meaning of this cost, take the case of a boring mill in a machine shop which may occupy a space 20 ft. by 20 ft. when allowance is made for the machine, the operator, and the necessary movement of work at the machine, A square foot factor or buildings factor of, say 25 cts. 152 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA would mean that it costs 20X20X25 cents, or $100 a year to house this machine. Assuming a working time of 2,500 hrs. a year, it would mean that this cost accumulates at a rate of 4 cts. an hr. This buildings-factor charge is an appreciable percentage of the wages paid the machine operator, and is but one of several equally important factors making up the total burden of the industry. Relatively, the buildings-factor charge was found to be divided between the elements as follows : Costs, cts. Item. Per cent. per sq. ft. Fixed charges on land 10 2.2 Fixed charges on buildings 56 12.3 Fixed charges on buildings fixtures. 9 2.0 Power and light 4 .9 Heat 14 3.1 Buildings expense 7 1.5 Total 100 22.0 Cost of Items of Buildings by Percentages. In any locality, if we select buildings of any given class and estimate the percentage of the total cost chargeable to each item, we find a remarkably small si ;.| li ^S ^1 l| •° !h Wee ^ ^^ Excavation, brick and cut stone 16% 36% 38% 48% 50% 15% Plaster 8 6 6 1,^ 6 Skylights and glass ". 10 Blillwork and glass.... 21 20 17 lOV' 7 6 Lumber 19 12 lli^^ liy> 18i^ 6% Carpenter labor 18 10 10 10 9 V' 4 Hardware 3 V^ 3 2^-, 2^2 • • • " Tin, galv. iron and slate 2V> 4I/2 5 31/. .... 1V> Gravel roofing 1 % . . .'. 2 1 Va Structural steel 51/2 45^^ Steel lintels and hard- ware 81^ 6 Plumbing and gas fitt'g 7 3 4 4 2 Piping for steam, water and power 2 Paint 5 5 V2 4 % 4 2 U 2 Total 100% 100%, 100% 100% 100% 100% Note. — Heating is not included. variation. For example, the hardware item in brick residences averages about 3% of the total cost of the building whether the building costs $10,000 or $50,000. For a $10,000 building the hardware costs $10,000 X 3%, or $300. For a $50,000 building, the hardware costs $50,000 X 3%, or $1,500. In making preliminary estimates of cost it is often sufficiently close to estimate one or two of the large items and calculate the rest by percentages. Every builder and architect, therefore, should analyze the actual cost ot BUILDINGS 153 each item of a number of typical buildings, and reduce the analysis to percentages. Where foundation work is difficult and variable, it is well to exclude the foundations in forming a table of percentages, such as the one on this page. It is also well to carry the sub- divisions of cost still farther ; but for the purpose of example, the foregoing table serves to illustrate. Cost of Miscellaneous Buildings. In the following tables by Leon- ard C. Wason of the Aberthaw Construction Co. given in Engineer- ing Record, Feb. 27, 1909, in each case the total cost includes masonry and carpentry work without interior finish or decorating, plumbing and heating. The effort has been made to put the build- ings upon a comparative basis as regards the amount of work done on each. The first table consists of the total cost of actual contracts exe- cuted. The second table consists of bona fide bids on complete TABLE I. COST OP FIREPROOF COMPLETED BUILDINGS Kind of Volume building. in cu. ft. Offices and stores 1,365.830 Offices and stores 496,780 Factory 112,440 Factory 746,674 Factory 312,000 Garage 156,198 Filter 149,250 Fire station 44,265 Observatory 9,734 Filter 59,991 Highest .... Lowest .... Average .... buildings on which Mr. "Wason's company were not the lowest bid- ders but where the difference was not as a rule very great. The third and fourth tables are bona fide bids on work by another contractor whose experience was similar to that of Mr. Wason's. As a rule, cubic foot measurements are given in cents only, seldom being carried to any closer sub-division. In the table on second class buildings, it will be noted that for the largest building a variation of 1 cent per cubic foot amounts to over $28,000, while the smallest one in the list amounts to only a little over $5,400. Again, on the last three items, the cubic foot price is practically identical, while the square foot measurements corresponding vary by more than 100 per cent, with no easily apparent reason in the design. In the table on fireproof buildings another discrepancy is noticed. In the and last items, the highest and the lowest per cubic foot as well as per square foot are on office buildings of similar type which were within one mile of each other where there is no apparent reason for such discrepancy in the design or difficulty of access in the erection of the building. It is recommended by Mr. Wason that very little reliance be placed upon this class of esti- mates. Floor ^Unit cost^ area in Per Per sq. ft. cu. ft. sq. ft. 90,474 $0,133 $2.00 39,840 .124 1.545 7,519 .114 1.70 49,546 .060 .902 24,960 .127 1.60 10,806 .085 1.23 19,208 .134 1.04 2,982 .153 2.26 657 .373 5.45 5,243 .333 3.82 .333 3.82 .06 .90 .138 1.72 154 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE II. COST OF FIREPROOF COMPLETE BUILDINGS Kind of Volume building. in cu. ft. Storehouse 1,714.448 Hospital 703,692 Office building- 496,780 Cold storage 1,535,000 Factory 212,400 Factory 1,327,868 Storehouse 1,140,000 Mfg. building 1,380,500 Office 693,840 Factory 105,600 Factory 1,211,364 Factory 180,000 Highest .... Lowest .... Averag-e .... Kind of Volume building. in cu. ft. Office building 441,000 Cold storage 1,016,400 Hospital 348,320 Hospital 414,732 Bank 533,750 Masonic 1,479,456 Warehouse 259,700 Garage 497,420 Warehouse 2,597,000 Hotel 2,116,106 Hospital 485,789 Office 264,687 Cold storage . 909,240 Club 513,808 Office 501,575 Highest .... Lowest .... Average .... Variation, high and low .... Floor r-Unit cost-^ area m Per Per sq. ft. cu. ft. sq. ft. 168,696 $0.0827 $0.84 57,654 .0865 1.05 39,840 .124 1.545 154,000 .13 1.30 15,000 .091 1.28 106,022 .107 1.335 146,000 .0685 .575 90,240 .067 1.01 56,552 .197 2.42 8,800 .124 1.485 74,604 .0625 1.01 16,394 .129 1.42 .... .197 2.42 .0625 .575 .1088 1.27 ]PROOF BUILDINGS Floor r-Unit C0St--^ area in Per Per sq. ft. cu. ft. sq. ft. 35,854 $0,159 $1.97 101,640 .13 1.30 34,832 .127 1.27 29,838 .124 .123 .122 1.73 .... .... 24,500 .120 .118 1.28 212,000 .106 1.30 .104 38,247 .100 .095 1.30 66,745 .091 .085 1.24 67,400 .084 1.12 .159 1.97 .... .084 1.12 .... .113 1.39 53.8% 57.0% TABLE IV. COST OF MILL CONSTRUCTION OR SECOND- CLASS BUILDING Kind of Volu building. in cu. Mill 544, Warehouse 2,808, Mill 1,271, Storehouse 1,714, Mill 1,622, Mill 1,331, Mill 1,752, Mill 2,641, Mill 2,036, Mill 2,867, Highest Lowest Average Floor ^Unit cost--, ;me area in Per Per .ft. sq. ft. cu. ft. sq. ft. ,788 44,172 $0,122 $1.51 ,850 .12 ,300 129,920 .0891 .875 ,448 168,696 .059 .60 ,128 152,200 .056 .60 ,200 83,200 .054 .865 ,609 81.500 .048 1.05 ,000 98,059 .046 1.25 ,731 174,000 .046 .542 ,535 157,730 .045 .82 .... .122 1.51 .045 .542 .069 .90 BUILDINGS 155 Table V was condensed from data given by F. E. Kidder in Building Construction. TABLE V. COST PER CUBIC FOOT FOR VARIOUS HEIGHTS Type of bldg. and No. ,• — No. of stories — ^ , Cost per cu. ft. ^ construction. Incl. Max. Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg. Office buildings : Fireproof 21 20 2 9.35 63c 25c 41.5c * Non-fireproof . 3 12 3 7.66 36.4 19 27.13 "Warehouses : Fireproof 2 7 5 6 25.17 17.12 21.14 Non-fireproof .1 7 7 7 9.08 9.08 9.08 Stores : Fireproof 2 6 4 5 31 29 30 Non-fireproof .1 8 8 8 19.75 19.75 19.75 Hotels and apart- ment houses : Fireproof 4 14 7 9.5 44 30 38.8 Non-fireproof .1,5 5 5 18.5 18.5 18.5 F. J. T. Stewart states that in 1906 the average cost of three fireproof oflSce buildings in Chicago was 33 cts. per cu. ft., while that of four fireproof oflace buildings in Boston was 40 cts. per cu. ft. Cost of Office Buildings. Building Management gives the follow- ing table of approximate average cost, in cents, per cubic foot of content of buildings, for the principal items of a first-class office building, as compiled from costs of numerous buildings. Cost, per cu. ft., Item. in cts. Foundation 1.75 Steel framing 2.50 Granite and all masonry 11.17 Cornice, roof and skylights 0.67 Fireproof floors 0.67 Partition.s, tile 0.40 All plastering and stucco 1.25 Ornamental metal work 2.00 Marble work 3.17 Hardware 0.13 Joiner work 1.17 Glass 0.42 Painting and varnish 0.23 Electric wiring 0.66 Heating 1.12 Plumbing 0.50 Elevators 1.00 Stairs, scenic structural framing, lamp fixtures, etc., " contingencies," including lesser items not mentioned above 4.19 Architect's fee 2.60 Total cost per cu. ft 34.42 Comparative Cost of Wood- and Steel Frame Factory Buildings. H. G. Tyrrell gives the following, based on prices existing in Ohio in the forepart of 1905. Slow Burning Wood Construction. The building is 60 x 100 ft., six stories high, containing 6 floors, a roof and a cellar. The floors 156 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA are designed for a load of 100 lbs. per sq. ft. The building has windows on all four sides. The walls (brick) carry the ends of the floor beams. The basement walls are 24 ins, thick. "Walls of first four stories are 17 ins. thick; top two stories, 13 ins. thick. Eight tiers of columns, spaced 20 ft. apart in both direc- tions, carry the floors and roof. The columns of the upper four stories are yellow pine, the size being 14 x 14 ins. for the lowest of these four stories. Below this, round cast iron columns are u^ed, 11 X 1^/i ins. in the first story, and 12 x li/^ ins. in the basement. All columns have cast iron bases 3 ft. square and 16 ins. high. Length- wise through the building in the floors, run two lines of 12 x 20-in. yellow pine header beams resting on the brackets of the cast iron column caps. The cross floor beams are 8 x 16-in. yellow pine, spaced 5 ft. apart. At the columns they rest on column caps, and at intermediate points they hang from the header beams by wrought iron stirrups. In the walls the cross beams rest on cast iron wall plates, 9 X 20 X % in. The floor is of %-in. matched maple, laid on 1%-in. yellow pine. The roof is similar in construction and has a tar and graA^el covering. The following estimates are for the structural part of the building only, including walls, columns, floors, roof, excavation, foundation, doors and windows, but not including partitions, stairs, elevators, plumbing, heating, lighting or wiring. 1. Excavation (cu. yds.) 1,800 2. Cellar cement floor (sq. ft.) 6,000 3. Foundation concrete (cu. yds.) . 150 4. Brick (cu. ft.) 39.000 5. Windows, 4x7 ft 238 6. Roofing ( sq. ft. ) 6,000 7. Yellow pine timber (M.) 116 8. Yellow pine flooring (M.) 73 9. Matched flooring (M.) 46 10. Iron work (tons) 46 The estimated cost of this design is $35,000, which is equivalent to 6.1 cts. per cu. ft., or 83 cts. per sq. ft. of entire floor area. The interior framing of floors and columns (including wall plates, columns, caps and bases and stirrup irons), is 27 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area. Fireproof Steel Constricction. This is similar in design to the above, as regards arrangemerft of beams and columns. Riveted steel columns are used, and the floors are framed with steel beams. The flooring between the beams is reinforced concrete. The quantities are as before for items (1) to (6) inclusive. The remaining items are : 7. Steel columns (tons) ' 105 8. Steel beams and wall plate (tons) 252 9. Concrete floor and roof (sq. ft.) 42,000 The estimated cost is $57,000, which is equivalent to 10.2 cts. per cu. ft., or $1.36 per sq. ft. of total flbor area. Floors and columns cost 75 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area, as compared with 27 cts. for the slow burning mill construction. BUILDINGS 157 Cubic Foot Costs of Reinforced Concrete Buildings.* — The follow- ing costs are for buildings actually erected and they are given by Emlle G. Perrot, M. Am. Soc. C. E. : Cents per cu. ft. Warehouses and manufactures 8 to 10 Stores and loft buildings 11 to 17 Miscellaneous, such as schools and hospitals. . 15 to 20 These costs include the building complete, omitting power, heat, light, elevators and decorations or furnishings. Length in Feet 1 i \ \ \ \ i '^ 1 \ — IN S\ V ^^ \^ s — S ^ ^ — = — - ^^ = -!— — Length in Feet Fig. Fig. 1. Diagram showing estimated cost per sq. ft. of floor area for one story brick buildings for textile manufacturing. 2. Diagram .showing estimated cost per sq. ft. of floor area for two-story brick buildings for textile manufacturing. Cost of iVlili Buildings. (Engineering and Contracting, Jan. 27, 1909.) Charles F. Main is authority for the following data, based upon eastern prices in 1910. It is not an uncommon thing to hear the cost of mill buildings placed from 70 cts. to $1 per sq. ft. of floor space, regardless of the size or number of .^stories. There i.s, however, a wide range of cost per square foot of floor space, depending upon the width, length, height of .stories and number of stories. Some time ago, I placed a valuation upon a portion of the prop- erty of a corporation, including some 400 or 500 buildings. In order to have a standard of cost from which to start in each case. I pre- pared a series of diagrams showing the approximate costs of build- ings varying in length and width and from one story to six stories in height. The height of stories also was varied for different widths, being assumed 13 ft. high if 25 ft. wide, 14 ft. if 50 ft. wide, 15 ft. for 75 ft., 16 ft. for 100 ft. and over. * Engineering and Contracting, Jan. 27, 1909, 158 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The costs used in making up the diagrams are based largely upon the actual cost of work done under average conditions of cost of materials and labor and with average soil for foundations. The costs given include plumbing, but no heating, sprinklers, or lighting. These three latter items would add roughly 10 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area. Estimates. The accompanying diagrams, Figs. 1 to 6, can be used to determine the probable approximate cost of proposed brick buildings, of the type known as " slow-burning " to be used for manufacturing purposes, with a total floor load of about 75 lbs. per sq. ft. and these can be taken from the diagrams readily. The curves were derived primarily to show the estimated cost per square foot of gross floor area of brick buildings for textile mills, and to include ordinary foundations and plumbing. For example, if it is Length in Feet ~ \ \ \ \ X s^ y "~" ' — ■— — SN w \ vs \ ^ ^ V ^ - -^ — — ■^ — — ^S \ \ 3 C n \ § .1 \ % ? i 1 % ^§ Length in Feet Fig. 3. Diagram showing estimated cost per sq. foot of floor area for three-story brick buildings for textile manufacturing. Fig. 4. Diagram showing estimated cost per sq. ft. of floor area for four-story brick buildings for textile inanufacturing. desired to know the probable cost of a mill 400 ft. long by 100 ft. wide, three stories high, refer to the curves showing the cost of three-story buildings. On the curve for buildings 100 ft. wide, find the point where the vertical line of 400 ft. in length cuts the curve, then move horizontally along this line to the left-hand vertical line, on which will be found the cost of 81 cts. The cost given is for brick manufacturing buildings under average conditions and can be modified if necessary for the following con- ditions : (a) If the soil is poor or the conditions of the site are such as to require more than the ordinary amount of foundations, the cost will be increased. BUILDINGS 159 (h) If the end or a side of the building is formed by another building, the cost of one or the other will be reduced slightly. (c) If the building is to be used for ordinary storage purposes with low stories and no top floors, the cost will be decreased from about 10% for large low buildings, to 25% for small high ones, about 20% usually being a fair allowance. (d) If the buildings are to be used for manufacturing purposes and are to be substantially built of wood, the cost will be decreased from about 6% for large one-story buildings, to 33% for high small buildings; 15% would usually be a fair allowance. (e) If the buildings are to be used for storage with low stories and built substantially of wood, the cost will be decreased from 13% 2.10 2.00 l.£ l.S £1.70 £1.50 o. 2 1.10 5 1.3 o 01.2 .Si.iO 1 1.00 .70 2,10 2.00 1 "» a .1.80 ^ ^ 1.70 ^ o'l.eo |l.50 25 2 1.40 il.30 Ol.20 50 Jl.OO 75 .90 100 .80 ^-^ ,70 \ \ \ ^ s \ \ X ^ ^ — ' \ A V^ \ \ \ \ ^ \ — — ^ ^ '•^ ^ ^ .^ ^ -^ — X < i:;;;^ -- ~^ _ — _ _ — Length in Feet 5 lo o '^ S (3 111 Length in Feet 6 Fig. Fig. 5. Diagram showing estimated cost per sq, ft. of floor area for five-story brick buildings for textile manufacturing. 6. Diagram showing estimated cost per sq. ft. of floor area for six-story brick buildings for textile manufacturing. for large one-story buildings, to 50% for small high buildings ; 30% would usually be a fair allowance. (f) If the total floor loads are more than 75 lbs. per sq. ft. the cost is increased. (g) For oflSce buildings, the cost must be increased to cover architectural features on the outside and interior finish. The cost of very light wooden structures is much less than the above figures would give. Table VI shows the approximate ratio of the costs of different kinds of buildings to the cost of those shown by the curves. Evaluations. The diagrams can be used as a basis of valuation of different buildings. A building, no matter how built nor how expensive it was to build, cannot be of any more yalue for the purpose to which it is 160 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA u s w o H W O I' E o O u .^1^ ,x 00 tH CO CC ffj i-l(M CO -* U5 «0 •mci p iHCOmosr-iroiO^of-t-OJ *^+0 a lO Ui lO U5 ?D «5 «0 <£> CC'X' «o •ma fr comt>jH-*cot~oooiOrH "+0 K IC Ifl K5 «Ci(X> «0 ?C CO CO t- t- coooo^t-OTOrHC^jcqec 'O^S 8 lO lO t- •<-^T ot rr THooOCOlftt-OMOOTt-lClCOt- '-'+& us in CO CO CD CO t- c- c- 1- c- 1- 1- •m Q T OlO'<#t-OOr-ICMSO-^m«DCOI>» "+0 I- t~. t- C- t- t- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 lOCDCOOOOiOiHT-KMOieO *O^S 9 t- ^- 1> t> t- 00 00 00 00 00 00 .^-,r>. « cDcor-oooTHrHMeoeceo 04S 2 t-t>i>t-oooooooooooooo cotr-ooaiOiM(MeO'*-*Tf< *O^S 1^ C- t- C~ t- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .^-ir~. n OOOOa5THWM-*Ttt~-oooooooooooooooooooooo OlflCOint-OlOT-liHiMMlMIM "O^S X 00 00 00 00 00 00 a> oi OS Oi Oi OS oj t- 05 O (M Tt< CD t- 00 05 Oi o O+S 9 CO CO t^ t- 1> t- 1- 1- 1- 1- 00 "+b a c- 1^ t- c- c- 1- 00 00 oo 00 oo CO-*lflt^050r-liMCOevSTti •Qlg ^ t- t- t- t- l> 00 00 00 00 00 00 mt-ooo5r-i(Ni^-*micco 'O^S 8 t- C~- t^ C- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ^ t-Mooo>ocMooir5cot:-t-i>oo O + S 6 COt-t-t-000000000000000000 '-' + b L 00 00 00 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 ooooooooooooo 'A'\s X ui aoog; jo moooooooooooo T ir I . ij- ►J r-l<>Jlflt>Ol«OlOOlrtOU50 T-lrHC^C.>>>.>. >i >i >i >>>. >>, O ™ '*-' 00 CO O M ^ ta o o t- 1- c^j 00 eo o 00 oi o ; ; !^X2 'O'O' c3 cei^i^ 05 rt o - - «2 02 +J . . ifl t- lo lo c-i o c J -lOin -ift J^KC'tH T-li-Hi-ICOiH •,H(M -tM O Wo •* S<> Tf Irt iM irt • •<*< cl>lOfOOLftO 'O iH • iM iH T-1 • iH a '• • • • • a • • • ' o . .-^ . . o • • • ' /::=: -^-^ •'OX! CQ-- .^g •2^020)0)0)0) -^ ° ■ US ij 5 ::^ -^ '^ 1* 1^ "^ 164. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 300 ft. long-. In buildings over two stories, allow three stairways and three elevator towers for buildings over 300 ft. long. In buildings over two stories, plumbing $75 for each fixture in- cluding piping and partitions. Allow two fixtures on each fioor up to 5.000 sq. ft. of floor space and add one fixture for each additional 5,000 sq. ft. of floor or fraction thereof. (Note. From the above data the approximate cost of any size and shape of building can be estimated in a few minutes. After the cost of the items given is determined about 10% should be added for incidentals.) Reinforced Concrete Buildings. From such estimates and pro- posals as I have been able to get and from work done it appears that the cost of reinforced concrete buildings designed to carry floor loads of 100 lbs. per sq. ft. or less would be about 25% more than the slow-burning type of mill construction. Alternate Method of Estimating Cost. Floors. 38 cts. per sq. ft. of gross floor space. This price will include column piers, column castings and wrought iron. Roof. 30 cts. per sq. ft., including projections, say 18 ins., in- cluding columns, etc. Stairways and Elevator Towers. Allow two stairways and one elevator tower in buildings over two stories high up to 150 ft. long. Allow two stairways and two elevator towers up to 300 ft. long. Allow three stairways and three elevator towers over 300 ft. long. Brick Walls. Enclosing stairs and elevators, estimated as inside walls. Stairs. $100 per flight, per story. Plumbing. Allow two fixtures on each floor up to 5,000 sq. ft. of floor space, and add one fixture for each additional 5,000 sq ft. or fraction thereof. Allow $75 per fixture. Incidentals. Add about 10% for incidentals. Cost of Buildings of Wood, Concrete, and Steel Framing. H. G. Tj^rrell (Engineering Magazine, June, 1912), gives the following data, Table IX, presented at the convention of the National Asso- ciation of Cement Users in 1912: From this table it appears that the average cost of single-story buildings with saw-tooth roof is $1.77 per sq. ft. of fioor and 8^/^ cts. per cu. ft. of contents, while the average cost of buildings with more than one story is $1.12 per sq. ft. of fioor and 8.7 cts. per cu. ft. of contents. These figures are on the complete building with plumbing, but they do not include heating, lighting, sprinkler system, elevators, or power equipment. The square-foot prices were obtained by divid- ing the total cost of the building by the aggregate floor area including the basement, but not including the roof. Another report on the cost of reinforced-concrete buildings read in 1909 before the National Association of Cement Users gives the specific costs of 21 buildings, showing an average cost of $1.72 per sq. ft. of floor area and 13.8 cts. per cu. ft. of contents, as given in Table X. It appears therefore that the average cost of forms per square foot is for columns 13 cts., beam floors 11.6 cts., slab floors 11.1 cts., BUILDINGS 165 TABLE X. COST OF CONCRETE BUILDINGS Volume Floor area, Costs. Type. incu. ft. sq.ft. cu. ft. sq.ft. Store 1,714,400 168,696 $.0827 $.84 l^ospital 703,692 57,654 .0865 1 05 Office 496,780 39,840 .124 1545 Cold storage 1,535,000 154,000 13 130 Factory 212,400 15,000 091 l'?8 Factory 1,329,868 106,000 .107 1335 Storehouse 1,140,000 146,000 .0685 '575 Factory 1,380,500 90,240 .067 l"oi Office 693,840 56,552 .197 2'42 Factory 105,600 8,800 .124 l'485 Factory 1,211,364 75,604 .0625 I'oi Factory 180,000 16,394 .129 142 Office 1,365,800 90,474 .133 2*00 Factory 112,440 7,519 .114 170 Factory 746,674 49,546 .060 .902 Factory 312,000 24,960 .127 160 Garage 156,198 10,806 .085 1.23 Filter 149,250 19,208 .134 1.04 Fire station 44,265 2,982 .153 2 26 Observatory .... 9,734 657 .373 5 45 Filter 59,991 5,243 .333 3!82 Average ... $ .138 $1.72 slabs only between steel beams 9.5 cts., walls above ground 12.8 cts., foundations 10.3 cts. and footings 9.3 cts. A subdivision giving the percentage cost of concrete, steel, labor and forms is as follows : Per cent, of total. Concrete 19 Steel 17 Labor 31 Forms 33 Total 100% This analysis assumes that materials can be delivered at the site on cars, and that form lumber can be used twice. As two-thirds of the total cost is for labor and forms, and one-third for the forms alone, it is economical, where time will permit, to use forms more than twice, or as often as the lumber will last. Repetition and duplication of forms are in fact the greatest factors in cost reduc- tion, and the design should be so made that this is possible. The average cost of forms obtained from a different set of records from those given above, is, for floors with beams, girders and slabs, 10 cts. per square foot, and for slab floor without beams 7 cts. per square foot. The corresponding cost of column forms is 13 cts. per square foot. The cost of bending and placing reinforcing steel, in- cluding wire mesh in slabs, varies from $5 to $17 per ton, the average being about $10 per ton. A reinforced-concrete building -designed by the writer, 55 ft. wide and 88 ft. long, with seven stories and basement and 500,000 cu. ft. of contents, cost $1.15 per square foot of floor, or 9.1 cts. per cu. ft. of contents. The floors were proportioned for a total load of 200 lbs. per sq. ft. and the prices given above include excavation, foun- 166 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ^6 11340 Jj O 10 T-l U5 O ?0 M c<5 CO CO ] ^ (M eg ,H o OOoOOOO _ „„ oi CO o 00 «ci CO l>- CO t> OOoOOOO in to CO 00 CO o tH •iueui9' ) 00 a> •innr>rT 00 c- c- co 00 co l3 joq'BT: OOOOOOO 5:? w >> m O o c C« o o d bo o a;i^i^^ o o BUILDINGS 167 dations, walls, columns, floors, framing, roofing, windows, doors and stairs, but do not include plumbing, elevators, heating, lighting or partitions. Concrete factory buildings from one to five stories in height and about 50 ft. wide will have minimum costs about as follows: Cost per sq. Costs in cents ft. of floor per cu. ft. of area. contents. 3, 4 and 5 stories $1.00 to $1.10 7.5 to 8.5 2 stories : . 1.05 to 1.15 8.0 to 9.0 1 story 1.10 to 1.20 8.5 to 10.0 These prices do not include partitions, plumbing, heating, lighting or elevators. In the Southern States or in country districts where labor is cheaper, the unit costs may occasionally be 10 to 15 per cent. less. But when buildings are erected by contractors who are only occasionally employed on such work, the cost is likely to exceed the minimum prices given above, and amount to $1.30 per sq. ft. for buildings of three stories or more, to $1.60 per sq. ft. for those with only single stories. Concrete framing, including slabs, beams and columns only, without walls, costs from 45 to 65 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area. The cost of reinforced-concrete buildings from numerous designs varies from 6 to 12 cts. per cu. ft. for factories and warehouses, and from 10 to 16 cts. per cu. ft. for stores and loft buildings. These are based upon the use of complete concrete frames and exterior curtain walls, without power, heat, light, elevators or interior finish. Buildings with concrete slabs and 2-inch cement finish, costing $1.25 per square foot, would with cement finish on 2 -in. cinder concrete cost about $1.30 per square foot with %-in. maple on 2-in. cinder concrete, with a concrete floor slab in each case. A two-story reinforced-concrete factory building 100 ft. square, at Walkerville, Ontario, with 6-in. curtain walls, and columns 16-ft. apart in both directions, cost complete, including concrete, rods, and forms, $19.88 per cubic yard of concrete in place. Some contractors used the following method of estimating the cost per cubic yard of all the material in place. First find the cost delivered at the site, of the cement, sand and stone required for a cubic yard of concrete, and to this add $5 per yard for the reinforc- ing metal. The sum of these two costs is assumed to represent one- half of the total cost per cubic yard of the materials in place. The labor of mixing and placing the concrete and of placing the steel will add one-third to the above sum, and the material and labor on forms will be two-thirds more. The resulting cost does not include contractors' profit or plant depreciation. General expense and cleaning up after completion may be $1 to $2 per cu. yd. addi- tional. A considerable saving in the cost of reinforced-concrete buildings can be effected by omitting the floor slabs, and using a frame of columns and girders only, with a double course of boards sup- ported on reinforced-concrete beams. For specific example, a four- 168 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA story office building of this kind at Fore River, Mass., a large part of the curtain walls being glass, cost with the foundations, walls, roof, and floors, only 63 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area, or 4l^ cts. per cu. ft. of contents. Including lighting, heating, toilets, and par- titions, the cost was $1.30 per sq. ft. of floor, or 9.2 cts. per cu. ft. Another similar five-story building in the same state, 50 by 300, cost only 7.6 cts. per cu. ft. Economy often results, also, from the use of separately moulded floor members, a good example being the cold-storage warehouse at Syracuse, recently constructed. The building was six stories high and 78 ft. square, and concrete floors of the Watson system were supported by a frame of steel beams and columns. The floors alone cost 20.5 cts. per sq. ft., and the steel frame and fireprooflng 21.5 cts. additional, or a total of 42 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area, or 4 cts. per cu. ft. of volume for both floor and frame. Including the gravel roof, curtain walls, and stairs, the cost was 61 cts. per sq. ft, or 5.7 cts. per cu. ft., the granolithic floor finish, and wall plastering not being included. In determining these unit prices, the area of six floors and basement was taken inside of the exterior walls. Much of the published information in reference to the cost of con- crete work is based upon the records of well organized building companies who are equipped to do such work in the most economical manner. Other buildei's with less facilities should therefore be liberal in their estimates. Some contractors when estimating use a cost unit for reinforced concrete of $1 per cu. ft., or $27 per cu. yd., for all material in place, which is no doubt large enough for even inexperienced builders. "Where wooden buildings are referred to in the following com- parisons, only mill construction of the slow-burning type is con- sidered, for nearly all modern industrial enterprises are housed in buildings that are to some extent fireproof. The question may reasonably be asked here, what constitutes a fireproof building? Nothing is more fireproof than a furnace, and yet the decomposition of its contents by fire is its chief use. These buildings must there- fore not only be made of non-inflammable material but they must be so arranged that fire when started can be confined to one room or to the smallest possible space. With this object in view, they should be equipped with self-closing metal doors, and windows with wire glass or metal shutters. They should have automatic fire alarms, and above all an adequate sprinkler system. Steel framing must be enclosed and protected with some material such as brick, tile, terra cotta or concrete. Under these conditions, with insur- ance on the contents, a manufacturing enterprise is reasonably safe. Building types arranged in order of their relative first cost are as follows : A. Complete steel frame, fireproofed, with curtain walls and plank floor. B. Interior steel frame, fireproofed, with solid brick walls and plank floor. C. Complete steel frame fireproofed, with curtain walls and re- Inforced-concrete fioors. BUILDINGS 169 O Z o o p U O fa g ^>; Eh . o O Mm Op > < fa O o Sl*!-.^^© OqOOO^, OOOOwOO O ,'"';;; lO rn ^ ^^ t- co co ro t- o co ci c^i OL-- r^ r-i (^ 1-1 O I- CO OV CO o -i^ c-i trJ la 73 iHM tH tH O ,1, Oo"^000000 ^, , ^- OoOOOOOOO (J CJ ^ CI u^ 00 OO L-- Oi -+ ?0 CO «M Oo'^'OOOOOO CC • oooocoooo ooo ooo OOOO oo oo coc^ oi Oi Ol Oi 7i 3 3 13 3 OOOO J; 0/ 0/ Oi rt c: rt a; d,'-' o o faP3cC7i 170 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA D. Interior steel frame fire-proofed, with solid brick walls and re- inforced-concrete floors, E. Entire reinforced-concrete building. F. Part interior steel frame not fireproofed, with solid brick walls and wood mill floors. G. Entire wood mill construction. The first cost, however, is not always the governing considera- tion, for in these times of large enterprises, any reasonable invest- ment is permissible which will result in ultimate economy, when the expense of maintenance, depreciation, interest and insurance is considered. The selection of a building type is, indeed, a choice of the most profitable investment. In comparing the first cost of buildings in wood mill construction and in reinforced concrete, it will be found that their relative cost varies with the location, size of building, and the floor loads to be sustained. In the Southern States, or other regions where timber is abundant and cheap, wood construction will often cost 25 to 30% less than reinforced concrete, while in districts where wood is scarce, the two types may be nearly equal. The comparison depends also on the size of the building, for large ones have often been found to cost about the same In either material, and small ones are sometimes more expensive by 30 to 40 or 50% in reinforced concrete than in wood. The required floor capacity also affects the comparison. Light loads with long spans are cheaper in wood mill construction than in reinforced concrete, the cost of the two types being nearly equal In large buildings with 200 lbs. imposed loads per square ft., and column spacing of 18 to 20 ft. With loads of 300 to 500 lbs. per sq. ft., concrete becomes the cheaper, and the saving increases rapidly with greater loads of 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. per sq. ft. A concrete building designed by the writer and containing about 500,000 cu. ft. was found to cost 11% more than one in wood mill construction, and about the same as a building with complete interior fireproofed steel frame, solid walls, and wood floors. It was in Ohio. As a general rule, therefore, it will be found that reinforced con- crete in the Northern States costs about the same as wood for large buildings with heavy loads, worth $250,000 or more. Those worth $25,000 to $100,000 will usually cost 10 to 20% more in concrete than in wood, and small structures, especially for light loads, may be cheaper in wood by 30 to 40 or even 50%. Table Xll gives a miscellaneous lot of bids and estimates on manufacturing buildings, with comparative costs in Avood mill construction and in reinforced concrete. It will be seen that the costs in most cases are from 1 to 27% higher in concrete than in wood. Comparing now the ultiviate cost of the two types. For con- venience, a wooden building will be assumed at $100,000, and a con- crete building 10 per cent, more, or $110,000, and the contents in each case will be assumed of equal value to the building. The yearly maintenance costs will be : BUILDINGS 171 Wood. Reinforced concrete. Depreciation at 11/2% $1,500 at 1/2% $ 500 Insurance on building at 80 cts. 800 at 20 cts. 220 Insurance on contents at 110 cts. 1,100 at 80 cts. 880 Interest and taxes at 7% 7,000 7,700 Oscillation, vibration at 1% 1,000 0000 Total $11,400 $9,300 The reinforced-concrete building costing $110 000 will then have a maintenance cost of $2,100 per year, or 2.1 per cent, less than the wooden one at $100,000, and this difference of $2,100 at &%, is interest on $35,000. It will therefore be permissible to invest an additional $35,000 on a concrete building, to make the two types of equal ultimate cost. A concrete building costing $145,000, or 45 per cent, more, has therefore no greater ultimate cost than a wooden one at $100,000. In comparing the cost of fireproofed-steel construction with rein- forced-concrete, complete framing and exterior curtain walls being considered in both cases, it will be found that for imposed floor loads of 150 lbs. per sq. ft. or more, concrete will be cheaper than steel by 5 to 20%, depending on conditions. For light loads, the cost of the two types will be nearly equal, and in some cases with very light load and long spans, steel framing will be slightly cheaper. One-story buildings over large areas are best when framed in steel. A comparison on a building costing about $50,000 for total floor loads of 200 lbs. per square foot, showed that one with fireproofed- steel framing and heavy wooden floor cost 12% more than one of reinforced concrete with granolithic floor surface. It appears, there- fore, that factory buildings of reinforced concrete have the lowest cost of all fireproof construction yet available. Table XIII gives the comparative cost of a variety of buildings of different kinds, in both reinforced concrete and in steel. It shows that the former type is cheaper than the latter by 3 to 13%. From comparative estimates for a building of 500,000 cu. ft., to determine the comparative cost of fireproofed-steel construction and wood mill framing, it appears that one with complete fireproofed- steel frame, side curtain walls and wood floors, costs 30% more than wood mill con.struction, while the same building with only interior flreproofed-steel frame and solid bearing walls costs 19% more than wood. If the first building mentioned above had a rein- forced-concrete floor, its cost would be 37% more than wood mill construction, while the corresponding cost of the second one with reinforced concrete floor would be 26% more. Cost of Reproducing Buildings and Yearly Cost Variation. The table in Fig. 7 shows the per cent, of increased cost to be applied to cost of buildings as of year built to obtain cost of reproduction in a recent appraisal by the authors. Comparative Cost of Slow Burning and Concrete Buildings in Chi- cago. F. E. Davidson and T. L. Condron (Engineering News, Nov. 9, 1916), give the following comparison of work in Chicago: 172 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA OOOo 10 laof) a^oo<=>^ oooooo+-'o OOOOOo ceo TfiCOOOOo CfcO «o'r-'«5 eo -a-'Tfii o* oooooicaooo (m Oi OOrHffO CO Pi op Oh Oh r-I(M (M *S9KIO)S «0 00 O 00 t- ec Ift «0 -J t>» ^ >> 2 o '*' 5 c .« cc rt 13 :3 .q:3 •pui^l 55 oj o) 0) 5 o o o rt fefe^ooS mtn^ffiffifej BUILDINGS 173 The Olson building is 55 ft. 11/2 ins. by 124 ft. 7i^ ins. in area, with six stories and basement, and contains 598,477 cu. ft. The story heights are in general 13 ft. 6 ins. floor to floor. The typical bays of the building are 18 ft. by 17 ft. 10 ins. The structure was designed for a live -load of 150 lbs. per sq. ft, in accordance with the requirements of the Chicago building code, which limits the stresses in long-leaf Southern pine to 1.300 lbs. per sq. in. in bending and 1,100 lbs. per sq. in. in direct compression with the grain. The floor girders are composed of two 10 x 18-in. timbers bolted together, and the floor joists or beams are 8x16 in., located 4 ft. 6 ins. c. to c. The girders are carried on steel post caps of the writer's own design. The floor construction is a 3-in. tongued and grooved flooring finished with a %-in. maple wearing surface. This building is an addition to an existing factory, and it was necessary to use cantilever foundations for the entire structure. This, of course, is true for either design. Fig. 7. Diagram showing per cent, of increased cost to be ap- plied to cost of building as of year built to obtain reproduction cost in 1915. The timber specified in the contract was to be of the select structural grade as per the new grading rules of the Southern Pine Association. The cost to the contractor in this particular building at the site was as follows: Approximately $34.50 per M. for the 18-in. stock and $33 per M. for the 16-in. stock. The Imperial Brass Co. building is 85x125 ft. in area, six stories and basement, and has 74,000 sq. ft. of floor surface. Tlie cubical contents measured in the same manner as adopted for the Olson building are 972,000 cu. ft. for the standard mill construction and 99 3,400 cu. ft. for the reinforced-concrete construction, the difference in cubical contents being due to the greater depth of foundations for the concrete construction. The typical bays of the standard mill construction are 18 ft. by 16 ft. 6 ins. and for the reinforced-concrete construction 18 ft. by 21 ft. 6 ins. The structures were designed for a live -load of 175 lbs. per sq. ft. in accordance with the require- ments of the Chicago building code. In the standard mill construction the floor girders are compo-sed of two 8 X 18-in. timbers, bolted together, and the floor joists or beams are 8x16 ins. spaced 4 ft. 6 ins. c. to c. The girders are 174 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA carried on steel post caps built up of plates and angles. The floor construction is 3 in. tongued and grooved yellow-pine flooring with %-in. maple wearing surface. The timber specified was select structural-grade Southern pine, according to the specifications for dense Southern pine given in the Southern Pine Association Density- Rule Book of March 15, 1916 No. 1 Douglas fir was permitted as an alternate for the above yellow pine. The reinforced-concrete design called for an 8-in. reinforced- concrete slab supported by flaring column heads, and reinforced- concrete round columns. The foundations for the mill-construction building are the usual spread type, except that cantilever foundations are required on the side adjacent to the old building. TABLE XIV. COMPARISON OF COSTS OF MILL AND CON- CRETE CONSTRUCTION Comparison of bids for a factory building of standard mill and reinforced concrete. Olson bldg. Imperial bldg. Type of construction Mill. Concrete. Mill. Concrete Masonry (brick, stone and con- crete) $20,256 $56,766 $31,097] Ornamental and miscellaneous \ $80,000 iron, etc 11,989 4,839 13,250j Carpentry 14,374 23,500 Steel sash, glazing, painting, roofing, etc. . . .a? 3,804 4,479 6,069 6,883 Plumbing (drainage) 615 725 1,536 1,669 Wiring* 1,100 1,250 1,830 2,060 Total bids received $52,138 $68,059 $77,282 $90,479 Per sq. ft. of floor areas $1.17 $1.51 $1.04 $1.22 Relative costs per sq. ft.. ..... 100% 129% 89% 104% Relative costs per sq. ft 100% 117% Adding 28 cts. per sq. ft. of floor area to cover cost of sprinkler, heating and elevator equipment and plumbing fixtures $1.45 $1.79 $1.32 $1.50 Relative costs per sq. ft 100% 124% 91% 103% Relative costs per sq. ft 100% 114% Per cu. ft. of building 8y2C. lli/4c. 8c. 9i/sc. Relative costs per cu. ft 100% 132% 94% 107% Relative costs per cu. ft 100% 114% Adding 2 cts. per cu. ft. of build- ing to cover cost of sprinkler, heating and elevator equipment and plumbing fixtures 10%c. 13%c. 10c. ll%c. Relative costs per cu. ft 100% 126% 95% 106% Relative costs per cu. ft 100% 1121/^% The column spacing was modified in making up the mill design, changing the spans from 21 ft. in. (concrete design) to 17 ft. 10 in. (mill design). Brick per Square Foot of Floor and Approximate Costs of Mill Buildings. C. F. Dingman (Engineering and Contracting. Sept. 8, 1915), states that the size and shape of buildings should be taken into account when estimating costs on a square foot basis. For * Estimates of wiring only. BUILDINGS 175 example, a 25 by 25-ft. building will require more brick per square foot of floor area than a building 100 by 100 ft. The former would require 100 lin. ft. of wall to enclose an area of 625 sq. ft., or 1 lin. ft. of wall for each 6^4 sq. ft., of floor area; while the latter would require only 400 lin. ft. of wall to enclose an area of 10,000 sq. ft., or 1 lin. ft. of wall for each 25 sq. ft. of floor. The same condition applies to footings, copings, wall flashings, etc. Such items as floor construction and roofing are almost directly proportional to the floor area, but the items included in the wall construction affect the total cost to such an extent as to make it unwise to attempt to give an approximate estimate of the cost per square foot without care- fully considering the effect of size and shape. To show the effect of changes in size and shape on the number of bricks required per square foot of structure, the data following are taken from estimates on actual buildings. NUMBER OF BRICKS PER SQ. FT. OF FLOOR Number of Height, Size of brick.s per stories. building, ft. sq. ft. of floor. 1 32x 85 35 1 35 X 89 25.4 1 36 X 100 23.2 1 50 X 106 17.7 1 67 X 97 15.4 1 69 X 92 8.3 1 53 X 181 8.8 1 75x120 16.5 1 80 X 100 8.7 1 82x253 6.6 1 60 X 218 12 1 140x180 6.3 2 : 42 x 82 14.1 2 94 X 126 6.7 3 40 X 146 10.6 3 50 X 96 13.4 4 50x100 16.2 4 Ill X 201 9.4 5 72x102 10.9 5 72x157 17.5 The buildings are of the ordinary standard mill building type, that class being selected because it is in mill construction that we find the greatest uniformity and standardization of design ; the values can therefore be considered fairly representative. It is evident from the above that if a sufficient number of observa- tions was made a series of curves could be prepared which would show approximately the number of bricks which would be required to construct a standard mill building of any size. It is evident, also, that these curves would show a diminishing quantity per square foot as the size of the building increased so long as its shape or plan remained square, but that it requires a greater quantity of material to enclose the same area in an oblong building than In a square building, and that this quantity increases as the ratio be- tween the length and width increases. The costs in Table XV may be taken as a guide by an engineer 176 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA or architect who desires to determine the approximate cost of a projected mill building having brick walls and located in the vicinity of — but not within — New York City. The costs are based on buildings in which the story heights are not over 12 ft. In New York City the costs may run from 5 to 10 per cent, higher, on account of the high cost of transporting materials, etc. TABLE XV. COST OP ORDINARY BRICK MILL BUILDINGS Size, ft. 1-story. 2 -story. 3 -story. 4-story. 25 X 25 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 $ 3,750 $ 5,000 50 2,400 4,800 7,200 9,600 75 3,440 6,700 9,600 13,100 100 4,200 8,100 11,850 16,200 50 X 50 3,800 7,500 11,200 13,800 75 5,100 9,750 14,100 18,750 100 6,450 12,100 17,400 23,600 125 7,750 14,500 20,600 27,000 150 9,175 16,950 24,100 31,800 75 X 75 7,050 11,900 19,500 25,600 100 8,925 16,200 23,900 31,800 125 10,680 20,250 28,125 37,500 150 12,500 23,000 32,700 43,600 100x100 11,400 21,600 28,200 37,200 125 13,500 24,500 33,200 44,000 150 15,900 28,500 38,700 51,000 Unit Costs of Reinforced Concrete for Industrial Buildings. C. S. Allen of Lockwood, Greene and Company, mill architects, in Engi- neering Record, April 6, 1912, says that concrete is especially adapted to heavy construction, and for heavy loads of 200 lbs. per sq. ft. and over, where the spans are 18 to 20 ft. Table XVI gives ithe unit costs, on both the square-foot and the cubic-foot basis, together with a general description of a number of reinforced con- crete industrial buildings of different types. The average cost per sq. ft. of these buildings, excluding the one-story structures, was $1.12, while the average cost per cu. ft. was 8.7 cts. The one-story structures had reinforced concrete saw-tooth roofs and the average cost per sq. ft. was $1.77, while 8.5 cts. was the average cost per cu. ft. These costs are for the finished buildings, including plumb- ing, but do not include heating, lighting, elevators, sprinklers and power equipment. The cost per sq. ft. of floor area was obtained by dividing the cost of the building by the total number of sq. ft. of floor area exclusive of roof area, but including basement floors, and the cost per cubic foot by dividing the cubical contents into the cost of the structure. While no coal pockets are included in the table, it has been the ex- perience of this company that above 3,000 tons' capacity, reinforced concrete elevator coal pockets cost from $5.50 to $7.50 per ton of capacity. Standpipes, exclusive of the foundations, average from 2^2 to 3 cts. per gal. of capacity. The average unit cost of the 1:2:4 concrete in the floors, including the beams, girders and slabs, was $6.10 per cu. yd. and for the columns $6.70 per cu. yd. Where k 1:1% :3 mixture was used for the columns, the average cost was $7.60 per cu. yd. This cost was made up of the items of cement, sand, stone or gravel, labor and BUILDINGS m H I ^^ i« 8^ qS O M H fa O 03 O u Oi o- r^ c^ i>^ «"i 00 >^ ^ 1^ >< ooo <^ M m+j 'CO cj ct3 03 03 ^2 . 0«)«000 o bjoij im" «o d e^ "^ **' q C 005 OUSCO ,HOCO Q Ift-M 500U3 COOUi '^'w oo OOCO k! X X iHO— I •* (M IM CO M x 3 and 2,%. 69.4 24.9 22.7 25,000 No. 3 Key 8 Vfx 21/rx 21/2 and 4 . . 63.8 27.1 24.5 1,700 No. 4. Key 8 1/. x 2 i/j x 2 and 4 . . . Total 641,400 Unloading brick from box cars and carefully piling took 5 hours at $1,121/; jjer 1,000 brick. The wages for an 8 hour day were as fol- lows: Masons, $7; helpers, $2.50, and foreman, $3.75. The exterior foundations of two blast furnaces was massive work. The form and dimensions of the work were such as to be exceed- ingly favorable to low costs. The brick were taken from cars on tracks immediately adjacent and- parallel to the work. The mortar was 1 :1 mixture of Portland cement and sand, and was mixed into a thin grout. This was poured over the brick from one quart dip- pers and the brick was laid with joints varying from nothing to % in. in thickness. About 5 per cent, of the brick laid in the gas flues 200 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA were laid as headers to project 4 ins. irtto the concrete which was afterwards built up around it. Including unloading brick, mortar men, tenders, carpenters, or forms, and other laborers, there were ten men per bricklayer. The average 9-in. straight fire-brick is 9x4i/^x2^/^ containing 101.25 cu. ins., with rubbed joints; this will take 17 brick per cu. ft, of masonry. Cost of a Pump-Pit. Mr. P. E. Harroun (Transactions of Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers, January, 1905) gives the following data on excavating a circular pump-pit 26 ft. deep and 22 ft. in diameter. The work was done in Porterville, Cal., in 1904, by company labor which was not efficient, and was high priced. In sinking the pit, the upper 8 ft. were river silt, then came 5 ft. of coarse gravel carrying a large volume of water, and the remaining 13 ft. were in clay. The clay was very hard to pick, and contained many seams carrying water. The sides of the pit were covered with spouting streams and the bottom of the pit was a series of small geysers. On account of the sloughing of the sides, it was necessary to timber the pit from top to bottom. The timbering consisted of 4xl2-in. rangers or wales, and braces, sheeted with 2-in. plank driven vertically, as in sewer work. The earth was loaded with shovels into dump boxes, holding %-cu. yd. each, and raised with a derrick, the hoi.sting power being a pair of mules. One box was loaded while the other was being dumped into a wagon. The follow- ing costs do not include the hauling away in wagons or the cosl of dumping the pit: Per cu. yd. Laborers, at 20 cts. per hr $0.58 Team of mules, at 20 cts. per hr 0.06 Foreman of laborers (130 hrs.), at 30 cts 0.08 Tools and blacksmithing 0.14 Lumber (714 M, at $22) 0.36 Miscellaneous material 0.04 Carpenter (160 hrs.), at 35 cts 0.11 Carpenter's helper (154 hrs.), at 20 cts 0.07 Foreman of timbering (130 hrs.), at 30 cts 0.08 Total per cu. yd., for 454 cu. yds $1.52 It will be noted that the carpenter work, including helper, cost $11.50 per M of timber. There were 10 laborers, 1 team of mules, and 1 foreman, at work about 13 days (10-hr.), doing the exca- vating. A circular reservoir 4 ft. deep and 52 ft. in diameter was excavated in stif£ adobe (clay), and about 300 cu. yds. were loaded with pick and shovel into wagons and hauled away. The cost of this pick and shovel work alone was 59 cts. per cu. yd., wages being 20 cts. per hour. Building Costs for Electric Light and Power Station. W. H. Weston (Engineering Magazine, Jan., 1912) states that electric light and power stations usually average $2.75 to $3 per sq. ft. of floor area. For water-power plant buildings, not counting any ex- pense of foundations that may or may not be necessary, amount to BUILDINGS '201 $2.75 per sq. ft. of floor area. Water-works pumping stations vary from $3 per sq. ft. for the plain buildings to $6 for the ornamental ones, and more than this with elaborate architectural features. Car barns with steel columns and roof cost from $0.08 to $0.10 per cu. ft., making the height from basement floor to average roof and all measurements to the outside of walls. Boiler shops with struc- tural steel columns and framing and steel roof trusses, galleries with heating and ventilating equipment cost from $2 to $2.25 per sq. ft. of the area of the flrst floor. Cost of Buildings for Compound-Condensing Steam Plants with- out Chimneys. W. H. Weston also gives the following table- Foundations for engines, H.p. Engine and boiler. condensers and pumps. 400 $ 7,000 $ 1,400 500 7,500 1,800 600 7,800 2,200 800 8,500 2,800 1,000 9,500 3,400 1,500 13,500 4,800 • 2,000 17,000 6,000 4,000 30,000 10,00.0 Cost of Street Car Barns. H. T. Campion and William McClellan in a paper on " The Design of Railway Structures," read before the American Street and Interurban Railway Association, give the fol- lowing approximate costs of different types of car barns and shops : Cost per sq. ft. Timber barn, 2-track bays, sides covered with corru- gated iron $0.55 to $0.70 Timber barn, 3-track bays, brick or stone walls 1.10 to 1.30 Fireproof concrete barn, 3-track bays, concrete or brick walls 1.25 to 1.50 Clear span steel roof, 8 to 10 tracks, brick walls 1.40 to 2.00 Cost of Electric Railway Car Shops. W. L. Fulton (Engineering and Contracting, October 6, 19 15-) describes an addition to the shops of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co., Omaha, Neb., comprises a one-story section 134 ft. 8 ins. wide and 144 ft. 8 ins. long, and an adjoining two-story section 80 ft. wide and 112 ft. 8 ins. long. The building was built by the company to provide facilities for the construction of street cars, and it houses the wood-working department, or mill room, and the car-erecting and car-painting departments. The wall footings and the walls up to the first floor level are concrete ; above this level the walls are brick. The steel roof trusses are of the saw-tooth type ; they are supported on interior steel columns and on the brick walls. Loads and Allowable Stresses. In designing the structure the fol- lowing loads were used : On roof, On second lbs. ])er floor, lbs. Loading. sq. ft. per sq. in. Dead load 10 15 Snow load 15 ... Live load 25 100 202 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The allowable pressure on the clay and loam soil was 2,000 lbs. per sa- ft. General Design Features. It will be noted that the central por- tion of the two-story section, embracing an area 32 x 80 ft., is open from the first floor level to the roof ; the remaining area is provided w^ith a second floor consisting of a 2 x 6 -in. matched yellow pine flooring laid on 3 x 12-in. wooden joists, the joists resting on 18-in. 5 5 -lb. I-beams. The roof sheathing is also 2 x 6 -in. matched yellow pine, and is spiked to 3 x 10-in. and 2 x 10-in. yellow pine purlins bolted to clip angles. The skylight windows in the vertical (north) sides 'of the saw-tooth roof provide excellent lighting facilities. To provide for ventilation some of these skylight windows are arranged to open by means of sash-operating devices manipulated from the floor level. Wopaen Purlins j^!' Sheathing Ski^lighT- Fig. 9. Cross-section of addition to Lake St. shops of O. & C. B. St. Ry. Co., Omaha, Neb. Excavation. The ground surface at the site sloped gently from northwest to southeast, the building facing the east. The site was excavated to a level 8 ins. below the first floor, with an elevating grader, the average cut being about 2 ft. 9 ins. The excavated ma- terial, consisting of clay and loam, was hauled away in dump wagons, the average length of haul being 1,140 ft. The total exca- vation was 2,852 cu. yds. TABLE XX. COST OF EXCAVATING BUILDING SITE Rate Cost per Item. per hour. cu. yd. Foreman $0,325 $0.0045 Elevating grader : Driver 0.225 0.0032 Operator 0.225 0.0032 Driver 0.20 0.0028 Teams 0.1 5 0.0147 Wagons : Drivers 0.20 0.0228 Teams 0.15 0.0171 On the dump : Scraper team 0.15 0.0021 Dumpman 0.225 0.0032 Leveling site after excavation : Driver 0.225 0.0020 Teams 0.15 0.0024 Total cost $0.0780 BUILDINGS 203 The trenches for the wall footings were excavated by hand. These trenches varied from 2 to 4 ft. in width and from 4 to 7 ft. in depth. A total of 416 cu. yds. was excavaled, of which 312 cu. yds. were loaded into dump wagons and hauled to a dump 400 ft. distant. In loading the earth into the wagons it was thrown onto the bank by the digger and was shoveled into the wagon by a second man. The team and driver were idle while the wagon was being loaded. The cost of excavating 416 cu. yds., including the loading of 312 cu. yds. into wagons, is given in Table XXI. TABLE XXI. COST OF EXCAVATING FOR WALL. FOOTINGS Rate Cost per Item. per hour. cu. yd. Foreman $0.25 $0,032 Labor 0.20 0.251 Total $0,283 The cost of hauling "312 cu. yds. to the dump, a distance of 400 ft., was $34, or 10.9 cts. per cubic yard. This includes the cost of the teams and drivers, but does not include any charge for the fore- man. The rates of pay for teams and drivers were respectively 15 cts. and 20 cts. per hour. Mixing and Placing Concrete. The concrete in the wall footings and in the walls below the first floor level was mixed in a i/4-cu. yd. mixer driyen by a gasoline engine and equipped with a charging hopper. The concrete was mixed in the proportions of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, and 5 parts broken stone. The stone and sand were wheeled to the mixer from stock piles. The concrete was wheeled from the mixer to the forms in barrows of 3 cu. ft. capacity, the average distance wheeled being 105 ft. The cost of mixing and placing 315 cu. yds. of concrete is given in Table XXII. TABLE XXII. COST OF MIXING AND PLACING CONCRETE IN FOOTINGS AND IN WALLS BELOW GRADE Rate Cost per Item. per hour. cu. yd. Foremen $0.30 $0,033 Wheelers : Stone 0.20 0.106 Sand 0.20 0.065 Cement 0.20 0.179 Placing concrete 0.20 0.036 Handling cement 0.20 0.034 Charging mixer 0.20 0.036 Discharging mixer 0.20 0.036 Total cost $0,525 Concrete Wall Fortns. The concrete walls below grade are 171^ ins. thick and have an average height of 3 ft. 8 ins. The total area of forms was 6,450 sq. ft. The forms were used twice and con- tained 8,500 ft. ; they were built of 2-in. plank, cleated together, and were handled in sections. The forms were built in place in 204 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA their first location, and after a section of wall was completed they were removed by the men and immediately set up in their second location. The costs of building, setting and removing the forms therefore were not separated, the combined cost being as given in Table XXIII. TABLE XXIII. COST OF BUILDING. SETTING AND REMOV- ING WALL FORMS ^■■^ ft — +-> Foreman $0.55 $1.02 $0,076 Carpenters 0.45 6.25 0.468 Helpers 0.295 2.44 0.183 Total $9.71 $0,727 Brick Laying. Common bricks only were used, and these were laid in 1 : 2 Portland ceinent mortar, with just enough lime added to make the mortar work easily. The mortar was hand mixed. The brick and mortar in the first-story walls were conveyed in wheel-barrows, inclined runways having been built from the ground to the scaffold level. Except in the two-story section the first-story walls have a uniform thickness of 17 ins. In that section the flrst- story walls are reinforced on the inside with pilasters 8 ins. thick and 17 ins. wide, these pilasters being spaced 16 ft. on centers. The second-story walls are 13 ins. thick and are reinforced at the trusses with 8 x 17-in. pilasters on the inside and 4 x 17-in. pilasters on the outside of the walls. The brick and mortar for the second- TABLE XXIV. UNIT AND TOTAL COSTS OF LAYING BRICK WALLS First-story walls. Second-story walls. •r' ■*-> C 53 ^^ o ^^ ft ^o o ^o '-' rt "^ • Foreman $0.55 $ 1.156 $ 41.80 $ 1.520 Carpenters 0.45 6.542 273.60 9.949 Helpers 0.295 2.434 97.94 3.561 Total $10,132 $413.34 $15,030 The higher unit costs for the roof over the two-story section were due to several factors, among which are : the trusses have a shorter span ; they have a steeper slope ; and the material had to be ele- vated a greater distance. General Costs. The cost of this building equipped, per square foot of floor area, was $1.28, divided as follows: Building proper, 86.3 cts. ; heating, 5.1 cts. ; lighting, 1.1 cts. ; sprinkler system, 27.6 cts. ; tracks and trolleys, 8.3 cts. The cost given for heating covers that of an indirect system, including fan, heating coils, galvanized iron air distributing ducts, and supply and return mains (each 440 ft. long) ; it does not include the cost of the boilers. The cost given for the sprinkler system does not include that of the tank.s, but does include all other parts necessary to a dry pipe sprinkler system. The cost per sprinkler head was $6, each head covering an area of 21.7 sq. ft. The tracks consist of 70-lb. A. S. C. E. rails laid on 6 x 8-in. x 7 ft. cross-ties spaced 2 ft. on centers. BUILDINGS 207 Cost of Buildings and Equipment for a Smelter in Arizona. E. H. Jones (Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, July, 1914) gives the following costs for the Arizona Copper Co. plant at Clifton, Ariz. TABLE XXVIII. COST OF SMELTER BUILDINGS PER SQUARE FOOT Floor Cost Cost per space, per sq. ft.. Name of building. sq. ft. sq. ft. equipped. Crushing plant 1,650 $3.62 $ 5.62 Sampling plant 6,140 2.65 5.56 Roasting plant 28,740 1.51 4.76 Reverberatory plant 20,370 2.49 8.45 Reverberatory boiler building. . . 14,310 2.58 11.16 Converter building 26,084 3.34 8.28 Boiler and blacksmith shop 4,424 2.56 4.85 Machine and carpenter shop.... 5,144 2.90 5.32 Warehouse 5,040 2.28 2.70 Laboratory 1,492 2.92 4.12 Sample room 600 1.65 4.71 Power plant 32,096 2.'il 11.20 TABLE XXIX. COST OF SMELTER BUILDING PER CUBIC FOOT Cost Cost per Volume, per cu. ft. Name of building. cu. ft. cu. ft. equipped. Crushing plant 27,040 $0.22 $0.34 Sampling plant 80,547 0.20 0.42 Roasting plant 410,140 0.11 0.33 Reverberatory plant 474,350 0.11 0.36 Reverberatory boiler building., 500,850 0.07 0.32 Converter building 1,529,636 0.06 0.14 Boiler and blacksmith shop 86,268 0.15 0.24 Machine and carpenter shop 100,308 0.15 0.27 Warehouse 83,160 0.14 0.16 Laboratory 16,140 0.27 0.38 Sample room 6,000 0.16 0.47 Power house 784,000 0.10 0.46 Miscellaneous Costs. The cost of the cooling tower per 1,000 gal. per min. (capacity 12,000 gals, per min.) was $2,189.42, its total cost being $26,273.01. The cost of the power plant, including boiler plant, per indicated h. p. (capacity 10,660 i. h. p.) was $55.32, its total cost being $589,717.16. The capacity, indicated h. p., of the three turbines was 9,460 ; that of the two Nordberg blowers, 1,000 ; and that of the single air compressor, 200. The cost of the power plant, exclusive of boiler plant, per indi- cated h. p., was $37.40, its total cost being $398,631.17. The cost of the boiler plant per boiler h. p. (capacity 6.143 h. p.) was $31.11, its total cost being • $191,085.99. The total capacity is given by seven waste heat units at 713 h. p. each and three oil-fired units at 384 h. p. each. Labor Costs of an Underground Pumping Plant. H. B. Ferriss, in Engineering and Contracting, Dec. 13, 1916, gives the following segregated items of cost connected with the construction of an un- 208 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXX. TOTAL COSTS OF LABOR AND MATERIALS, QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS AND UNIT COSTS OF POWER HOUSE AND EQUIPMENT O --3 Account. u 'u-^ o <» S t r Building. Excavation . $7,727.56 % 69.09 Building foundation piers 1,699.92 1,460.02 Building foundation walls 3,735.78 3,628.81 North tunnel 1,350.79 1,1^30.37 Concrete drain 205.68 227.37 Basement floor, concrete. 916.41 1,347.78 Basement painting 81.45 48.81 Preparation of concrete for painting 891.73 42.69 Painting concrete 195.84 301.61 Steel structure Tile walls 3,856.83 4,510.20 Unloading tile 332.40 0.17 Wall coping 372.69 107.05 Doors, windows and frames 974.38 3,319.93 Concrete sills 596.33 120.96 Ventilators 125.60 439.76 Main floor columns 236.93 626.44 Main floor slab concrete. 1,267.91 3,341.61 Painting underside of main floor 181.88 147.58 Painting top of main floor 95.56 199.32 Roof, Berger multiplex plate 420.83 3,063.18 Roof concrete 1,723.10 958.51 Roof tar 172.70 127.73 Roof, downspouts and tile drain 286.17 240.44 Roof painting, underside 692.84 324.55 Roof, P. & B. roofing 577.68 1,317.08 Painting sash 290.09 16.72 Painting woodwork 29.50 4.06 Equipment. Crane 131.89 1,723.27 Well grading 1,558.07 517.68 Shaft sinking 765.62 612.10 Timbering 57.61 Aldrich pump installation 74.56 16.62 Nordberg blowers, foun- dation 774.06 .3,020.83 Nordberg blowers, cost and installation 1,641.62 32,514.02 Nordberg blowers, paint- ing 327.57 57.65 Turbines, foundation . . . 959.08 1,432.70 Turbines, cost and instal- lation 2,297.70 79,586.49 Turbines, painting 286.15 41.02 Turbines, air pipe mak- ing 547.68 200.75 Turbines, air pipe erec- tion 232.57 64.24 Transformer trucks and transfer table 121.63 538.08 m § . -)-> -M Crf |8 ^a a H 7,313 cu. yds. % 1.07 231.7 cu. yds. 13.64 508.5 cu. yds. 14.48 180.3 cu. yds. 14.32 34.6 cu. yds. 12.52 12,130 sq. ft. 0.19 830 sq. yds. 0.16 2,459 sq. yds. 0.38 2,459 sq. yds. 0.20 254.29 tons 93.49 14,343 cu. ft. 0.58 522.70 tons 0.64 732 lin. ft. 0.66 4,044 sq. ft. opening 1.06 964 lin. ft. 0.74 6 ventilators 94.23 68 columns 12.70 10,210 sq. ft. 0.45 2,679 sq. yds. 0.12 1,134 sq. yds. 0.26 214.83 squares 16.22 214.83 squares 12.48 214.83 squares 1.40 905 ft. 0.58 6,813 sq. yds. • 0.15 214.83 squares 8.82 299 sash 1.04 89 sq. yds. 0.38 1 crane 1,855.16 2,600 cu. yds. 0.80 45 ft. 30.61 45 ft. 1.28 686.3 cu. yds. 5.53 2 Nordbergs 17,077.82 2 Nordbergs 19 6.5 cu. yds. 192.61 12.16 3 turbines 3 turbines 27,294 73 109.06 103 ft. 6.27 103 ft. 2.88 15 trucks 43.98 BUILDINGS 209 m °ri -M Account. u rt 'C-^ 'S P3^ o O M c'S "::; ^ ^ is d o ^ § a E-i Building. Auto transformers 735.60 12,044.91 10 trans- formers 1,278.05 Condenser foundations. . 291.08 285.18 50.3 cu. yds. 11.45 Condensers, cost and in- - stallation 415.31 19,563.55 3 condensers 6,659.62 11.95 Condensers, painting- . . . 30.00 5.86 3 condensers Jet condenser hot well, excavation 28.82 0.90 46 cu. yds. 0.65 Jet condenser hot well. foundation 66.27 69.99 16.5 cu. yds. 8.26 Jet condenser hot well, supporting- structure and tank 5.76 tons 164.18 Jet condenser hot well. cost and erection 128.97 494.68 1 condenser 1,078.65 Jet condenser hot well. dry vacuum pumps . . . 285.51 2,860.01 2 pumps 1,572.76 Jet condenser hot well. pumps, painting- 30.00 5.86 2 pumps 17.93 Circulating- pumps, foun- dation 560.04 708.93 210 cu. yds. 6.04 Circulating pumps, cost and erection 366.90 3,535.68 2 pumps 1,951.29 Circulating pumps, paint- ing 30.00 5.86 2 pumps 17.93 Air compressor founda- tion 840.98 1,246.54 238.3 cu. yds. 8.76 Air compressor, erection 642.90 10.58 148.67 24.49 Air compressor, painting Air compressor, all pip- ing except steam 298.46 160.65 Air compressor, wrecking and transportation . . . 457.77 136.06 Air compressor, installa- tion of air receivers . . 49.47 1.43 2 exciters, 2 air pumps. 2 circulating pumps. foundation 1,439.67 1,875.43 373 cu. yds. 8.89 2 exciters, cost and in- stallation 491.01 6,118.26 2 exciters 3,304.64 3 dry vacuum pumps, cost and installation.. 147.26 3,190.10 3 pumps 1,112.45 3 cir. pumps and engines. cost and installation.. 389.32 8,729.37 3 pumps 3,309.56 2 exciters, painting 86.01 14.65 2 exciters 50.33 3 air pumps, painting . . . 50.00 8.79 3 pumps 19.59 3 cir. pumps, painting. . 81.69 14.65 3 pumps 32.11 2 motor gen., 1 air pump, 1 cir. pump, foundation 269.52 658.91 107 cu. yds. 8.93 2 motor generators, cost and installation 319.06 6,830.33 2 generators 3,574.69 2 motor generators. « painting 30.00 5.86 2 generators 17.93 Transfer table pit, con- crete 24.13 58.23 12 cu. yds. 6.86 Switchboard, concrete compartments 1,472.21 510.48 1,469 sq. ft. 1.35 Switchboard, cost and erection 2,730.53 15,520.57 Steam piping north and south mains, excava- tion 249.65 279 cu. yds. 0.89 210 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA " ^"^ .t! Account. " -t*^ '-S-S !=>-• g So ^^ 73o 1 |S |a |8 Building-. Steam piping, foundation 578.24 945.97 194.5 cu. yds. 7.84 Steam piping, steel sup- porting structure 86.81 tons 88.64 Steam piping) hangers and anchors 1,030.68 337.26 153 rods 8.94 Steam piping, cost and erection 2,286.3118,622.25 3,401ft. 6.15 Steam piping, covering and erection 266.71 5,813.23 3,401ft. 1.79 Exhaust pipe, cost and erection 1,745.71 8,715.66 1,541ft. 6.79 Exhaust pipe, painting. . 85.05 51.19 1,541ft. . 0.09 Exhaust pipe, covering and erection 318.25 830.56 746 ft. 1.54 Air piping, cost and erec- tion 363.19 554.16 Air piping, painting 31.56 18.66 Exhaust pipe, foundation 63.09 102.81 18.3 cu. yds. 9.07 Exhaust pipe, supporting structure 197.27 57.93 Exhaust pipe, excavation 20.82 29 cu. yds, 0.72 Water pipe, excavation and backfill 1,485.10 0.24 2,406 cu. yds: 0.62 Water pipe, cost and erection 3,747.79 16,437.88 Water pipe, painting 230.59 25.54 derground pumping plant. In order to understand the records a brief description of the plant is perhaps necessary. The company owns a subdivision for which it purchases water in bulk. The normal pressure as supplied to the company is satis- factory up to elevation 140 only. A considerable portion of the subdivision lies above this elevation, and in order to give adequate pressure to the purchasers within this high level district the pump- ing plant was constructed. The engineer's original scheme consisted of the usual elevated tanks, etc., but was changed owing to the owner's set policy of placing all utilities underground. The plant, as finally approved by the directors, consists essentially of two electrically driven pumps connected to 2 large tanks ; 2 motors operating the pumps ; an auto- matic sump-pump and an air compressor with self-contained motors ; all housed within an underground concrete vault. Th( sump-pump is mounted on an iron bracket fastened to the walls ol the vault. The rest of the equipment is placed on raised concrete foundations, with the exception of the tanks, which rest on the fioor, part of which was strengthened for this purpose. The plant is connected to large municipal mains and is entirely automatic in its operation. The vault housing the machinery' and tanks is built of 1:2:4 concrete with a percentage of hydrated lime. The work was done very carefully in order to make the vault as nearly watertight as possible. The roof is 5 in. thick of reinforced concrete, supported on " I " beams. The floors are 6 ins. thick, surfaced with 1 in. of BUILDINGS 211 1 : 2 mortar, except under the tanks, where the floor is 12 ins. thick. All openings for pipes, etc., were carefully caulked and the vault is considered practically watertight. The excavation for the vault was in stiff Avhite clay, and no tim- bering was required, nor was there any difficulty with water. The [7^ ^p ' vv : »- iZ-4 Con ere fe Tank Capacify 4126 Imp Oaf. r--; f'toai- Tank Capacify 4156 Imp 6al t^S ■Air Pipe |B» Discharge ^ Moior - Gate ^Check' cCompres Dischar ft^^ T-oundahon: valve I Check Valve Ini-ake Fig. 10. Underground pumping plant. dimensions of the excavation were 18x38 ft. x 11 ft. deep, or 281 cu. yds., including the sump-hole. Of the total earth removed, 200 cu. yds. were back-filled, 150 cU. yds. were hauled to a dump 1 mile away, and 111 cu. yds. to a dump half a mile away, both hauls over good pavements. Two large boulders were removed during the work. . The wagons were loaded as the earth was removed. Weather was good and the work very well handled. 212 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The materials for concrete were delivered conveniently near the work, mixed on top at one end, and handled in wheelbarrows. After the forms and reinforcement were placed the walls were brought up in one continuous operation. The floor was laid first and special precautions taken to secure a good bond with the walls, which were built two or three days later. The workmanship was excellent. A good foreman and well organized crew were employed from the first and it is believed that the costs on excavation and concrete are close, considering the character of the work. The cost of installing the machinery, electrical equipment, etc., however, is regarded as high, as the men employed for this work were slow, although thoroughly competent and conscientious. Also there was considerable delay over the delivery of some special castings and other parts of the equipment. The company, however, was not affected, as the work was done under contract. It should, therefore, be mentioned that in the following costs the rates for this part of the work are a^umed. The hours are correct. LABOR COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING UNDERGROUND PUMPING PLANT. (Excavation (281 cu. yds.). Per cu. yd. Foreman, 80 hrs. at $0.50 $ 40.00 $0.14 Labor, 570 hrs. at $0.25 ■' 142.50 .50 Teams, 120 hrs. at $0.70 84.00 .30 Black.'^mith, 20 hrs. at $0.30... 6.00 .02 Backfill and clean-up, 55 hrs. at $0.25 13.75 .05 Total $286.25 $1.01 Note : Two extra dump wagons were included in the above rate of 70 cts. for teams, which were loaded while the teams were trav- eling. The unit cost for backfill only was about 40 cts. per cu. yd. Concreting, including foundations — 57 cu. yds. Forms and Reinforcement. Per cu. yd. concrete. Carpenter, 35 hrs. at $0.40 $ 14.00 $0.25 Helpers, 100 hrs. at $0.35 35.00 .61 Common labor, 44 hrs. at $0.25 11.00 .19 Total $ 60.00 $1.05 Foundations for Pumps and Motors — Concrete. 43 hrs. at $0.30 $ 12.90 $0.23 Walls, Floors, and Roofs. Foreman, 12 hrs. at $0.50 $ 6.00 $0.10 Mixing, etc., 300 hrs. at $0.30 90.00 1.58 Tamping, 53 hr.s. at $0.30 15.90 .28 Miscellaneous labor, 20 hrs. at $0.30 6.00 .11 Mix boards, etc., 10 hrs. at $0.35 3.50 .06 Total $121.40 $2.13 Installation of Equipment. Tanks (set in place by contract) $ 25.00 Erecting all machinery, including water con- nections, etc. : Skilled labor, 200 hrs. at $0.50 $100.00 Helpers, 240 hrs. at $0.40 96.00 196.00 BUILDINGS 213 Painting fittings and general clean up : Helpers, 22 hrs. at $0.40 8.80 8.80 Erecting switchboard, wiring, etc., etc. : Skilled labor, 192 hrs. at $0.50 96.00 Helpers, 36 hrs. at $0.30 10.80 106.80 Testing equipment : Skilled labor, 22 hrs. at $0.50 11.00 Helpers, 22 hrs. at $0.40 8.80 19.80 Total $356.40 General Miscellaneous Labor. Haul machinery and supplies (other than concrete mate- rials and tanks) $37.50 Seeding ground over roof of plant 3.50 Removal of tools, etc., and general clean up 11.50 Water connections for mixing concrete 5.50 Miscellaneous labor 15.60 Total $73.60 The foregoing are all net labor costs only. Overhead inspection, etc., etc., are not included. Construction and Cost of a Reservoir and Pumphouse. G. F. Alderson in Coal Age, Sept. 23, 1!)16, describes a reservoir and pumping equipment installed as a means of raising the pressure in a system which under normal conditions, was 20 lbs., to a pressure of 80 lbs. for fire protection purposes. By referring to Fig. 11 the scheme of the new system may be seen at a glance. The reservoir is filled from the source of supply through the inlet pipe A. The floor of the reservoir drains toward a sump B, in which is placed the foot valve and strainer on the suction end of the pump. Normally, the valves at C and E are closed and the valve at D is open. Thus the reservoir is shut off from its supply, except in case of fire, when the valve at D is closed and valves C and E are opened. These valves are controlled by a single handwheel within the pumphouse. Should a fire alarm be turned in, the pump is started by throwing the switch at the board F. The valves C and E are opened, and the valve at D is closed. In starting the motor, the pump is primed automatically by means of a priming tank placed above it in the pump house. Immediately the pump begins to draw the water from the reservoir and pump it to the discharge / into the main leading to the plant, which action at once increases the pressure in the main ui^ to that necessary for producing the desired result through the firehouse. When starting the operation, the valve at C is opened and the water at ordinary pressure flows into the reservoir, thus virtually increasing its capacity, for perhaps 30,000 gals, has flowed into the reservoir while the pump is drawing out 100,000 gals., and so the water is drawn out much faster than it enters. The dimensions of the reservoir are 40 x 60 ft. with an average depth of 61/2 ft. It was constructed of concrete reinforced with 1/2 -in. square twisted steel rods. The floor of the reservoir is 6 ins. thick and the side walls are 12 ins. thick. Both the walls and the 214 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA floor were poured in one continuous operation, thus securing a proper bond. The sump is 3 ft. square and 3 ft. deep. It gives ample room for the foot valve and strainer on the suction pipe and also provides space in the bottom for the collection of sediment. From the bottom of this sump a 4 -in. pipe drains into the sewer system. At one side of the reservoir an overflow box is provided from which an 8 -in. terra-cotta pipe connects with the nearest sewer. Overflovf to Nearest Sewer deanou-f al- Priming Bo-H-om of Tank Sump Hole ',^ Overhead Overflow , __ ^a p— — rjrp rooiVafve---^', andStrainf^r i.B Sump Hole, 3 Deep'- PUMP HOUSE c/ireci- connecfecf Cenirifugaheleciric Fire Pump Fig. 11. Piping arrangement for reservoir. A fireproof pumphouse, 12x18 ft., was constructed at one end of the reservoir. This building has a cement floor, brick walls, con- crete slab roof supported by an 8 -in. I-beam, reinforced with Hy- Rib, and is to house an Allis-Chalmers high-duty, 1,000-gal. electric fire pump, together with all necessary fittings and appliances for its proper operation. The motor was connected to a 2,200-volt service line. The pump running at 1,750 r.p.m. operated under a head of 260 ft. This tank was supported above the pump by brackets on the wall, to provide a means of priming the pump. An automatic ball float valve keeps the tank properly filled. COST OF ERECTING THE PUMPHOUSE. Labor, 68% $536.07 Masonry (masons at $0.70 per hr., helpers at $0.24 per hr..$176.04 Forms for roof (carpenters at $0.53 per hr. ) 40.78 Carpenter work, setting window and door frames 31.80 Installing pump (plumbers $0.45 per hr., helpers $0.35 per hr. ) 129.75 Installing motor (electrician $0.45 per hr., helper $0.35 per hr.) 130.00 Lining tank (coppersmith $0.45 per hr.) 8.50 Painting (painter $0,371/2 per hr.) 11.25 Labor at $0.24 per hr , 7.95 Material (32%) 252.16 Brick (9,000 at $8.50 per M) 76.50 Concrete work, foundation, roof, floor and mortar 53.80 BUILDINGS 215 22 bbls. cement $1.30 per bbl., 7 cu. yds. sand $1 per ton, 14 cu. yds. gravel $1.30 per ton. Four window frames at $1.75 each 7.00 Paneled door and door frame 3.50 3-in. I-beam 11 ft. 6 in. long 4.00 Lumber forms for roof $20 per M ft. b. m 20.00 Hy-Rib (270 sq. ft., at $0.022) 6.00 Paint (3 gals., at $1.75) 5.25 Pipe and fittings for connecting pump 71.61 Material for priming tank , . 4.50 Total cost of pumphouse — Labor 536.07 Material 252.1 6 $788.23 To prevent dust and scum from accumulating on the water and to make freezing in winter more difficult, an ordinary sloping roof was built over the reservoir. This roof is supported by nine 8x8 in. timbers resting on the floor of the reservoir. For a roof cover- ing, a good quality of 2-ply prepared roofing was used. The concrete used was a 1 :2 :4 mixture of Portland cement, clean, sharp, bar sand and clear pit gravel. The concrete was hand-mixed, four boards working continuously until the floors and walls were flnished. COST OF BUILDING THE RESERVOIR. Labor, 60% $1,672.23 Excavation, 804 cu. yds. (labor at $0.24 per hr.) $ 868.32 Forms for concrete (carpenters at $0.53 per hr. ) 230.55 Laying outside piping (plumber at $0.45 per hr., helper at $0.35 per hr.) 71.82 Pouring concrete, 136 cu. yds. (labor at $0.24 per hr.)..., 422.04 Roof (carpenters at $0.53 per hr.) 79.50 Material, W/o $1,066.40 Lumber (average $20 per M ft. b. m.) 248.64 Nails (average $0,017 per lb.) 4.64 Concrete, 1:2:4 mixture 437.22 Cement, 181.25 bbls. at $1.30 per bbl. Sand, 56 yds. at $1 per ton. Gravel, 112 yds. at $1.30 per ton. Reinforcing rods, 9,000 ft. (108 ft. per 100 lbs. at $4 per lb.) 333.00 Wire, No. 12 (200 lbs. at $0,112 per lb.) 22.50 Roofing paper (34 squares at- $0.60) 20.40 Total cost of reservoir — Labor 1,672.23 Material 1,066.40 $2,738.63 CHAPTER IV CHIMNEYS Relative Economy of Various Types of Clnimneys. There are four types of chimneys in common use : the guyed steel chimney, the self-supporting- steel chimney, the radial brick chimney, and the reinf orced-concrete chimney. The. guyed steel chimney is very commonly used in boiler plants of comparatively^ small power. It is the cheapest of all types and it has also the most rapid de- preciation, as it is generally constructed of light material. Steel chimneys have a shorter life than the brick or reinforced-concrete chimneys, and in some localities, as along the sea coasts or vhere acid fumes are present in the atmosphere, the depreciation may be very rapid. A maintenance charge exists for steel that is not necessary for brick or concrete chimneys, as they require painting at least once a year if they are to be properly cared for. A brick chimney would naturally be more in harmony with a power house built of brick than any other, and a concrete-steel chimney for a building of reinforced concrete. As the temperature and friction losses are nearly the same for chimneys of the same height and diameter, irrespective of the material of which they are constructed, the ecionornj'^ of operation of such chimneys is the same, and a selection, on the basis of economy, depends upon their first cost, repair cost, and useful life. T. J. Maguire in an article in Engineering Magazine, March, 1912, from which the following is condensed gives as an example the case of a power installation M'here it has been found that a chimney 175 ft. in height and 8 ft. in diameter will be required, and where a careful investigation leads to the conclusion that this chimney will be required for 35 years. A well -designed radial- brick chimney of the above height and diameter would cost about $7,600, and it would readily last the above estimated number of years. The repair item per year for this chimney would be neg- ligible, and the annual cost of the chimney would consist simply of an interest charge on the first cost and the annual sum set aside for depreciation. On the basis of an interest charge of 5 per cent, the annual cost of the radiai-brick chimney Avould be $464. A reinforced-concrete chimney 175 ft. in height and 8 ft. in diameter would cost about $5,700, if properly designed and in- stalled. Now assume that local conditions are such as to warrant a life of only 25 years, as compared to 35 years for the radial- brick chimney. Evidently the conorete chimney will have to be replaced at the end of 25 years, and as the chimney is required for a total of 35 years, the actual useful life of the second rein- 216 CHIMNEYS 217 forced-concrete chimney will be only 10 years. Assuming again that the repair item per year for the two reinforced-concrete chimneys would be negligible, the annual cost for 25 years, for the first concrete chimney, would be equal to $405, and for the second concrete chimney $738, for 10 years. The average annual cost, for the entire 35 years, for the reinforced type of chimney, on the above assumption, would be $500, and the radial-brick chimney would be the more economical type to install even if its first cost exceeds by one-third the first cost of the reinforced-concrete type. Take, as a third type for this proposed plant, a self-supporting steel chimney, and assume that it will have a life of 20 years, thus necessitating rebuilding once in order to obtain the desired useful life of 35 years. It will be necessary to paint once a year at a cost of about $80 for a chimney 8 ft. in diameter and 175 ft. in height. Assume that the annual cost of the steel chimneys on the aveiage for the entire 35 years is not to exceed the annual cost of the radial-brick chimney, or $464. On this basis, then, the first cost or cost of installing each steel chimney would be equal to $4,410. If the two steel chimneys could each be installed at a cost less than $4,410, then the self-supporting type would be more economical than the radial-brick A proper selection demands not only a careful comparison of first costs, but also of repair costs, actual useful life of chimneys, and the length of time for which the chimney is desired. Care should be taken in determining the diameter and height. A chimney larger than the requirements call for is evidently a waste of money, and too small a chimney is likely to prove a very costly investment on account of the deficient draft produced by it and the resulting incomplete combustion of the fuel. The height depends upon the available intensity of draft required of it, and this latter must equal the sum of the draft loss in the breeching connection from boilers to chimney, the draft loss in the boiler setting, and the intensity of draft required in the furnace to burn the fuel properly. The design of the furnace and the grade of fuel that is ever likely to be used during the life of the plant are features that must be carefully considered if the height is to be correctly determined. A well designed chimney of any type will consume 20% of the theoretical draft intensity produced by it, and on this basis the chimney diameter is determined by the maximum boiler horse power which the chimney will have to take care of and the evaporative ability of the fuel used. The production of draft by a chimney is due to the temperature of the gases in the chimney, and it is therefore evident that a chimney consumes a certain amount of the heat energy of the fuel. A temperature of 475 degs. F. at the breeching connection to the boilers represents good operating economy with the boilers developing their rated capacity, and at 50% overload on the boilers this temperature will rise to' 550 degs. F. or higher. In any boiler equipment, whatever may be the design of the boiler and furnace, it is not feasible to lower the breeching temperature to any appre- ciable extent below the temperatures noted above. It is possible, 218 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA however, to abstract further heat from the gases leaving the boilers, by conveying them through an economizer before they reach the chimney. It Is not customary, however, to use natural draft in conjunction with an economizer on account of the low temperature of the gases available for chimney purposes. As an illustration take the case of a plant where 0.9 in. of draft at the point where the breeching connects to the stack Is required to burn the fuel properly, and assume that the average temperature of the gases entering the chimney is 450 degs. F. If the chimney is at sea level, its height would be 184 ft. in order to satisfy the above conditions. If, now, a suitable economizer were placed between chimney and boilers, with enough heating surface to reduce the temperature of the gases to 250 degs. P.. then the chimney would have to create a draft intensity of about 1.1 ins., as the additional draft lost in breeching connections to economizers and in economizer would probably amount to 0.2 in. A chimney 380 ft. in height would be required to produce 1.1 ins. of draft with a gas temi)erature of only 250 degs. F. Chimneys that are not commercially practicable would be required for use with most economizer equipments, and hence it is customary to employ me- chanical draft rather than natural draft for plants using econo- mizers. Natural draft is very often undesirable for certain coals that are of low heating value, have a high flxed-carbon value, are high in ash, or have a tendency to form objectionable clinkers. For instance, take the case of a boiler plant of 2,000 h.-p. rating, where TABLE T. CHIMNEY DIMENSIONS FOR VARIOUS HEIGHTS Jl Height of Chimney. 50 ft. 70 ft 100 ft. 150 ft. 200 ft. l! 2 0) •- & Commercial horse-power of boilers. a! 3 m c a < StJ 73 F K 16 X 16 . . 18 1.77 .97 20 30 19 X 19 . . 21 2.41 1.47 35 40 22 x22 . . 24 3.14 2.08 50 60 24 X 24 . . . 27 3.98 2.78 65 80 27 x27 . . . 30 4.91 3.58 85 100 30 x 30 . . . 33 5.94 4.48 25 32 X 32 . . . 36 7.07 5.47 150 180 35 X 35 . .. 39 8.30 6.57 180 220 38 X 38 . . . 42 9.62 7,76 220 260 43 x43 . . . 48 12.57 10.44 . . 350 48 X 48 . . . 54 15.90 13.51 . 4 50 55( 54 x54 . .. 60 19.64 16.98 . . 565 69 59 X 59 . . . 66 23.76 20.83 700 85 3 980 64 X 64 . . . 72 28.27 25.08 . . 835 1.02 ) 1.180 70 X 70 . . . 78 33.18 29.73 . . 1.21 ) 1.400 75 X 75 . . . 84 38.48 34.76 . . . 1.42( ) 1,630 80 X 80 . .. 90 44.18 40.19 1.64 ) 1.900 86 x86 . .. 96 50.27 46.01 1 ,88( ) 2,200 CHIMNEYS 219 draft conditions must be such as to enable the boilers to develop an overload of 33i/2%' Boilers are of the vertical-pass water- tube type, with grate areas equal to 1,32 of the heating surface. The coal that is to be used, to be what is known as anthracite buckwheat No. 3. This coal would have a calorific value of about 11.000 B.t.u. per pound dry, and would run as high possibly as 25% ash. To develop 33i/3% overload, the boiler output would be equal to 2,670 boiler horse power and about 13,500 lbs. of dry anthracite coal would be burned per hour. This would call for a consumption of 22 lbs. of dry coal per square foot of grate per hour, and such a rate of combustion would require a furnace draft of not less than 1.6 ins. With 0.4 in. lost in the boiler and (say) 0.2 in. lost in the breeching, the available draft required would have to equal 2.2 ins. A chimney 96 ins. in diameter and 400 ft. in height would be required. Such a chimney is obviously not practicable on account of its excessive height. Sizes of Chimneys for Boilers. Table I condensed from one by J. H. Boughton gives the diameters, heights, and effective areas of chimneys, etc., for various commercial h. p. of boilers. Height and Diameter of Chimney for Plants of Moderate Size (500 h. p. or less) according to C. £>. Wesselhoeft (Data, 1914), should be as follows : Height, ft. Free burning bituminous coal 75 Anthracite of medium and large size 100 Slow-burning bituminous 120 Anthracite pea 130 Anthracite buckwheat 150 Anthracite slack 175 For plant of 700 or 800 h. p., the chimney should not be less than 150 ft. high regardless of the kind of coal used. Internal cross-sectional area of chimney " E " may be obtained from the following formula : 3RP in which R = maximum rate of coal consumption in 50\/H pounds per hr. per rated boiler h. p. ; P = total rated boiler h. p. ; H = height of chimney in ft. R is commonly taken as 5 lbs., which is high for modern plants. Cost of Chimneys. W. H. Weston in Engineering Magazine, Jan., 1912, gives the following table figured on a compound con- densing basis plus 30% for overload. H. p. Cost 400 $2,700 500 3,200 600 3,700 800 4,300 1000 5,100 1500 6,700 2000 8,200 4000 15,000 220 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost per Horsepower of Various Chimneys. W. W. Christie (Railroad Gazette, Oct. 19, 1900) gives tlie following list, Table II, from actual costs. TABLE II. COST OF CHIMNEYS FOR VARIOUS HP. RATINGS Cost, dollars. H.-p. Per rated Remarks. Description. rating.* Total h.-p. Radial brick, ci^c 13.484 40,000 3.00 Foreign. Red brick, circ 4,040 16.000 4.00 " 6,000 18,500 3.00 rect 450 2,192 4.87 hex 12,211 55.000 4.50 circ 4,859 10,000 2.06 Single shell, firebrick lining half height. " 2,925 15,000 5.13 " 5,772 40 000 6.93 " 6,300 18.500 3.00 " 6,000 25.000 4.25 " 1,100 4.950 4.50 rect 517 1.900 3.80 Steel, self-supporting. 2,400 10.000 4.15 Lined throughout. 2,350 8,000 3.40 Half-lined, price with- out foundation, 240 700 2.91 Unlined. guyed 240 400 1.66 * Chimney Design and Tlieory, by W. W. Christie. Based upon figures given in the table, chimneys of 2,000 h. p. each, if built of red brick, would cost about $8,500 each; of steel, self-supporting, full lined, about $8,300 each; of steel, self-support- ing, half lined, about $7,800 each; of steel, self-supporting, unlined, about $5,820 each, 12, $69,840; of steel, guyed, about $4,000 each. To substitute forced draft apparatus for the large chimney, or chimneys in multiple, there could be used forced or induced draft, or steam blowers. In this connection an 80-in. centrifugal blower, 48 in. wheel, 4 x 3 in. double engine, blower and engine on beam platform, was erected in New England in 1899, connected with a 48-in. diam. chimney of No. 12 steel, 22 ft. high, 10 ft. of it above the roof, 1 in. thick cast base plate. The total cost for apparatus, frame work, and mason work was $856. The boilers used in the plant, in connection with the blower, were horizontal tubular, one 80 in. diam. by 171/2 ft. ; two 72 in. diam. by 17 1/2 ft. In the same year a self-supporting steel chimney, outlined, 3 1^ ft. diam. X 105 ft. high, was erected, with foundations and flue connections, at a cost of $1,013. The chimney was made of •yio, Vi and %-in. steel. The blower outfit works satisfactorily in the part having two boilers with a total of 75 sq. ft. of grate. The chimney gives a very satisfactory draught for 93 sq. ft. of grate surface, and if it had been made 48 in. diam., as in the blower outfit mentioned, and been guyed with wire rope, with a light foundation, $800 would easily have met the expense. The cost of a double fan outfit, with a short chimney for 1,600 boiler h.p. is given as $3,500, or $2.19 per h.p. Cost of Mechanical Draft. W. W. Christie (Railroad Gazette, CHIMNEYS 221 Oct. 19, 1900) gives the cost of mechanical draft in the table below. For a good steam plant it is fair to assume the following as average fixed charges for mechanical draft apparatus : Per cent. Interest 5 Depreciation 4 % Insurance and taxes . 1 ^ 11 For a chimney : Interest 5 Depreciation and repairs 1 1/^ Insurance and taxes 1 1/^ Then the operating expenses for a mechanical draft apparatus for the plant are, say, $12,000, to which must be added the fixed charges, 117c of cost of outfit, or $5,781, making a total of $17,781, which must be compared with 8% of chimney cost, or $9,600. Should a cheaper grade of fuel be used there may be an ad- vantage in using mechanical draft. A reduction of over $6,500 per year has been made -in actual practice in the case of a boiler plant of 1,000 h.p.. by the introduction of mechanical draft, and the burning of buckwheat and yard screenings with a slight mix- ture of Cumberland coal. From published tests of steam blowers it is learned that they use from 7.4 to 8.78% of the steam made by the boilers. Eight per cent, of the value of coal used for 24,000 h.p., or $44,474, should be placed in comparison with the operating expenses, $12,000 for mechanical draft, and nothing for the brick chimney, to show the expensiveness of this method. Design and Quantities for a 220-Ft. Reinforced Concrete Chim- ney at Penarth, Wales. An unusual type of reinforced concrete chimney has .recently been built at Penarth, near Cardiff, "Wales, for the new rotary cement plant of the South Wales Portland Cement and Lime Co., Ltd. The following data, descriptive of this chimney, were taken from an article by John W. Rodger, in Concrete and Constructional Engineering in 1914, and is of value for design purposes. The chimney is 14-sided externally, and is 220 ft. high. It is formed in two parts, the outer shell consisting of concrete bloclvs, and the inner one being built of brick. The outer and inner shells are not connected at any point throughout the full height of the chimney. The outside and inside diameters of the top of the outer shell are 10 ft. 4 ins. and 9 ft. 6 ins., respectively; the corresponding diameters at the base of the chimney are 20 ft. 6 ins. and 17 ft. 6 ins. Thus the outer shell has a thickness at the top of 5 ins. and at the bottom of 18 ins. The inner shell has an inside diameter at the top of 8 ft. 6 ins. and at the bottom of 9 ft. 2 ins. The thickness for the upper 24.5 ft. of this shell is 41/^ ins., and for the lower 183.5 ft. its thickness is 9 ins. The 222 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA brick lining is strengthened laterally by brick buttresses which increase in width with the height of the chimney (see Figs. 1, a and 1, b). The minimum clearance between the brickwork of the lining and the concrete shell is 6 ins. This clearance is sufficient to provide for the swaying action of the chimney in a high wind. The estimated maximum deflection of the chimney in an 80-mile- per-hour gale is 3.2 ins. It was realized that the chimney would be subjected at times to exceptionally high temperature, which made it desirable to extend the brick lining to within 12 ft. of the top, and to provide a substantial air space between the con- crete and the brickwork as a special protection to the brickwork. Figure 1 (c) shows a detail of one of the reinforced concrete blocks used in the construction of the outer shell; Fig. 1 (d) shows a detail of the top part of the chimney; and (e) shows a detail at M, near the base. The concrete of which the blocks of the outer shell are made is composed of materials in the following proportions : 9 cu. ft. of crushed granite, of a fineness sufficient to pass a %-in. sieve, with all dust removed ; 5 cu. ft. of clean coarse sand ; and 3 cu. ft. of Portland cement. The concrete was mixed by hand, and was molded in cast-iron molds of varying shapes and sizes, care being taken to obtain a wet plastic mixture of such a consistency as could be efficiently worked into the forms to insure a dense concrete. Each block is reinforced Vv^ith steel rods of varying diameters embedded in the concrete during the process of mold- ing. The blocks are set in a 1 :2 cement mortar with a steel ring, or joint rod, embedded in each horizontal joint and extending around the entire circumference of the chimney. The vertical reinforcement consists of steel rods fixed in the end joints of the bloclV2 ft. at all splices, the spacing varying from 3 ins. at the base to more than 3 ft. at the top. These rods were wrapped from top to bottom of the chimney with a single layer of American Steel & Wire Company's 23-mesh wire. The concrete was broken up with sledges and permitted to fall betvv'een the inside of the stack and the tower, the sides of the tower being provided with vertical 1 X 6-in. guard strips to pro- tect the braces, ladders and landings from injury. At all times the scaffold was inclosed with tarpaulin to prevent any injury to the men working balow. One man gave his entire time to cutting the wire mesh with a bolt cutter and to tying the ends of the 26-ft. vertical reinforcing rods, so as to prevent their falling when loosened. The rods, which were all saved for use in other work, were lowered to the ground from the outside of the stack. The only accident on the job was occasioned by one of the long rods getting away and falling across the stack, inflicting a slight scalp wound on a workman on the scaffold. The rods were found to be bright and clean, entirely free from rust. The stack was built in sections about 8 ft. deep, and it was noticed in wrecking that all the joints between sections pre- sented a horizontal plane of cleavage across which the concrete separated with a clean, sharp break. The only cracks found In the entire structure were confined to the 8-ft. bell at the very top. The two largest of the six found showed an opening of nearly % in., disappearing entirely within the depth of the bell. All cracks were vertical. Every 48 ft. the outriggers were lowered and the upper portion of the tower torn down. This operation required about one day each time and necessitated suspending cutting for part of the day on the upper half, and on the lower half the number of men was reduced, but cutting was not stopped. Broken concrete and other debris, wheeled in barrows to the fill for a switch track 100 ft. away, was handled by two laborers nights and Sundays. The radial tiles of the lining were saved except for a small breakage and will be used in the lining of the new stack. On the lower 65 ft. of stack it was necessary to use bull points in addition to the sledges in breaking up the concrete, the method being to chisel off 4 to 5 ins. of concrete from the outside into the bars, then to batter off the ledge on the inside of the bars with sledges. Landings were placed every 48 ft., as it was thought that fatigue of the workmen in climbing to the top of the chimney would interfere with their efficiency. No trouble was experienced, however. The foreman went up in four minutes without stop- ping, but the laborers were ten minutes in making the ascent, CHIMNEYS 229 taking- time for rests at the landings. The tarpaulin at the top was partly to prevent the workmen from seeing- out and partly for the protection of the men on the ground. Within a very few days these precautions were entirely unnecessary, as the men became accustomed to their dizzy working quarters. Cost. Laborers were paid 30 cts. an hour and carpenters 40 cts. an hour. The total cost of wrecking 207 ft. of stack and 75 ft. of lining was apportioned as shown in the table. Omitting the cost of cleaning- out the soot and crediting- the salvage, the total cost of wrecking the stack amounts to $5.20 per foot of height. Per cubic yard of concrete and tile removed the cost amounts to $4.50. The salvage amounted to more than 8 tons of reinforcing steel valued at $220, 3000 ft. of lumber, $30, and about 1200 cu. ft. of radial tile blocks, $60 — a total of $310. Liability insurance of $6.48 per hundred was carried in addition to the foregoing costs. The cost was as follows : Cleaning out soot below breaching $ 21.30 Lumber for tower and scaffold. 8,700 ft. B.M 130.00 Erecting tower 222 ft. high inside stack, building ladders, g-uard sheeting, platforms, outrigging and scaffold. . 211.27 Rental on bricklayers scaffold hangers 100.00 Cutting concrete and wire netting, saving reinforcing rods and radial tile lining 649.45 Removing debris, 100 ft. haul, and stacking tile and rods 68.25 Lowering outrigging and tearing down tower 202.26 Total cost of wrecking stack $1,382.53 The tower was completed in 9 working days and the work of demolishing completed 22 days later. Dimensions, Lining and Liglntning Protection of Radial Brick Chimneys. M. W. Kellog Co. of New York City gives in Engineer- ing Xews, July 8, 1915, the following data concerning perforated radial brick chimneys : Lining for Brick Chimneys. The height of the lining for chim- neys is found in the following manner : For ordinary conditions, where the temperature does not exceed 800 deg. F., the lining should be approximately one-fifth the height of the chimney ; above 800 degs. and below 1200 degs., one-half the total height; above 1200 degs. and below 2000 degs., full height. Protection against Lightning. For lightning protection two points are the minimum for any chimney of diameter up to 5 ft. Above this, one point should be added for every 2 ft. in diameter or fraction thereof. The points of the conductor should be of copper % in. in diameter by 8 ft. long, with a li/^-in. platinum- covered tip. They should be anchored at the top of the column and extend from the bottom of the corbeling upward. The lower ends of the points are connected by a copper cable which encircles the chimney. From this loop a 1%-in. 7-strand No. 10 Stubs' gage copper cable is carried down the side of the chimney and .connected to a copper ground plate of the three-winged type. On 230 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the way up, the cable is anchored every 7 ft. with brass anchors, which support the weight of the cable. The ground plate is buried by the foundation contractor at the time' the foundation is built. Tower Elevation Scaffold in Highest Fbsition at Ptatform Fig. 2. Outrigging and scaffold for wrecking old concrete stack. Dimensions. Wall thicknesses of chimneys are obtained from Fig, 3. Table V gives the maximum outside diameter of the chimney at the base, for various heights and inside diameters. Lengths ond Thicknesses of Walls of T?ocl!ciI Brick Column 'A A aA Aa - A a a 7i — '-k — K Fig. 3. Dimensions of radial brick chimneys. TABLE V. DIAMETERS OF RADIAL-BRICK CHIMNEYS Height of chimney in ft. 75 80 85 - 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140.... Internal diameter at top ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. Diameters in feet at bottom of column 7.96 8.27 8.58 8.88 9.19 9.50 9.85 10.20 10.55 10.90 11.25 11.65 12.05 12.45 8.96 9.13 9.31 9.48 9.66 9.83 10.21 10.60 10.98 11.37 11.75 12.10 12.45 12.80 9.96 10.02 10.08 10.13 10.19 10.25 10.55 10.85 11.15 11.45 11.75 12.13 12.51 12.90 11.2 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 12.80 13.10 13.40 12.25 12.40 12.55 12.70 12.85 13.00 13.37 13.73 14.10 9 ft. 10 ft. 14.00 14.22 14.43 14.65 -15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 CHIMNEYS 231 Height of chimney in ft. 145. 150. 155. 160. 165. 170. 175. 180. 185. 190. 195. 200. 205. 210. 215. 220. 225. Internal diameter at top ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. & ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. Diameters in feet at bottom of column 9 ft. 10 ft. 12.85 13.25 13.58 13.92 14.25 14.59 14.92 13.15 13.50 13.87 14.23 14.60 14.96 15.33 13.26 13.66 14.06 14.46 14.86 15.26 15.66 13.70 14.00 14.30 14.60 14.90 15.20 15.50 15.80 16.10 16.40 16.70 17.00 14.46 14.83 15.06 15.30 15.53 15.77 16.00 16.30 16.60 16.90 17.20 17.50 14.86 15.08 15.31 15.55 15.78 16.02 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 17.50 17.80 18.10 18.40 18.70 19.00 15.60 15.75 15.91 16.07 16.22 16.38 16.54 16.80 17.06 17.31 17.57 17.83 18.16 18.50 18.83 19.17 19.50 Cost of Brick Chimneys. J. H. Boughton gives the following table Approx. h.-p. 85 135 200 300 450 750 1,000 1,650 2,500 Diameter Height, flue, in ft. 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Outside dimensions, side ins, square base Ft. Ins. 25 30 35 43 51 61 75 88 110 17 10 , Outside No. of brick 32,000 40,000 65,000 75,000 87,000 131,000 151,000 200,000 275,000 Wall ^ Cost at $14 per M. $448 560 910 1050 1218 1834 2114 2800 3850 Approx. 85 135 200 300 450 750 1,000 1,650 2,500 h.-p. Cost of fire brick Cost of concrete lining, 1/2 height $60 82 118 190 261 334 432 482 ■ • 720 foundation $90 144 198 252 306 360 414 468 525 Total cost of chimney $598 786 1,226 1,492 1,785 2,528 3,060 3,750 5,095 A Brick Chimney described by I. W. Hubbard in the Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, 1901, was built in 1909 at Camden, N. J., for Mellar & Rittenhouse Co. The chimney is 212 ft. high above the level of its concrete base, which is 7 ft. thick, making a total height of 219 ft. The bottom of the con- crete is 19 ft. below the ground level. The concrete base is 34 ft. square and weighs 526 tons. The lower 11 ft. of the chimney is of common brick, stepped up in* 2 ft. steps, being 28.5 ft. square at the bottom and 18.5 ft. square at the ground level. This brickwork below the ground level weighs 360 tons. Above the ground level, to a height of 22 ft., red brick were used. Above this the chimney takes its circular form and is made of perforated 232 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA radial bricks manufactured by the Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co., of New York City. The inside diameter of the chimney is 11 ft. at the bottom and 8.5 ft. at the top. The thick- ness of the shell of perforated radial brick decreases from 26 ins. to 7 ins. The materials for construction were raised in buckets by a hoisting-engine. The work was done from the inside from plat- forms erected as the work progressed, the platform also support- ing the tripod holding the pulley-wheel through which the hoisting cable ran. The total weight of the stack is 1.640 tons (including the 360 tons of concrete) on a ground area of 1,156 sq. ft., or 1.42 tons per sq. ft. The cost was $12,250 and the chimney was designed for 2,000 h.i).. making a unit cost of $6.12 per horsepower. One of the Highest Chimneys in the world, described in Engi- neering News, Sept. 1, 1898, was built in 1892 for the Omaha and Grand Smelter, Denver, Colo., at a cost of $53,000. Its di- mensions are : Height above stone table at ground, ft 352.5 Size at base, which is square, ft 33 by 33 " " throat, diameter, ft 20 Thickness of outer shell at base, ins 48.5 " " " " " top, ins. 13 " inner " " base, ins 26 " " " " '* top, ins 9 Diameter of flue, ft 16 Foundation, square, ft 56 by 56 The foundation is 16 ft. thick, the lower 8 ft. being concrete, and the upper 8 ft. being brick. The outer part of the chimney is rectangular up to 64 ft. in height, above which it is octagonal. The weight of the stack above the foundation is 12,376,500 lbs. The materials in the chimney are as follows : Brick 1,943,000 Lime, bushels 8,480 Cement in brickwork, bbls 707 ** concrete " 775 " stone work " 26 Sand. cu. yds 2,331 Railroad iron in concrete base, lbs 48,960 Steel beams under openings, lbs 2.574 Wrought-iron bands and rollers, lbs 23,180 Cast-iron cap. lbs 22.000 Cast-iron plates, lbs 36,474 The chimney was built in 120 days. In 1905 a chimney 350 ft. high above the ground was built by the same company for Heller & Merz Co., Newark, N. J. The chimney is designed to handle acid gases having a temperature of 1.500 degs. F., and is lined with fire and acid proof brick 4 ins. thick. The shell of the chimney is made of perforated radial bricks. The foundation consists of 324 piles supporting a con- CHIMNEYS 233 Crete base 45 ft. square at the bottom. 30 ft. across at the top (the top being hexagonal) and 14 ft. thick. The brick sihaft of the chimney rises 340 ft. above the top of this concrete base. The concrete base contains 766 cu. yds., which required 800 cu. yds. of stone, 400 cu. yds. of sand and 1,000 bbls. of Atlas cement. The stack required 2,000 tons of brick, 500 bbls. cement, 800 bbls. lime, 600 cu. yds. sand. The inside diameter is 8 ft. at the top, and the shell is 11.13 ins. thick (including the 4-in. lining) at the top. The outside diameter is 27.5 ft. at the bottom, and the shell is 42 ins. thick (including the 4-in. lining) at the bottom. The acid proof lining is suj^ported on corbels projecting from the main shell, at 20-ft. intervals. The contract price for the stack and foundations was $32,000 and the time required for the work was 7 months. Chimneys for Acid Gases. In 1901 a very high chimney described in Engineering News, Nov. 21. 1901, was built by the Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co., of New York, for the (^rford Copper Co., Bayonne, N. J. The chimney is designed to carry acid gases. The height of the stack is 365 ft. above the ground level. Below the ground level is a concrete foundation 15 ft. thick, 45 ft. square at the base and 34 ft. square at the top, con- taining 1.980 tons of concrete. This base rests on 360 piles, the ground being marshy. The weight of the brick stack is 2,528 tons, making a total of 4,508 tons on the pile foundation. Ex- cepting the lower 30 ft. of the stack, which is common red brick, the .shell of the stack is of perforated radial brick. The stack has an inside diameter of 10 ft. at the top and 20 ft. at the bottom. The shell is 10.5 ins. thick at the top and 46 ins. at the bottom. The lower 64 ft. are lined with acid proof brick. This chimney and its foundation cost $50,000. Cost of Demolishing a Brick Chimney with Dynamite. W. J. Douglas (Engineering News, Dec. 4, 1902) gives the following cost of demolishing a brick chimney : The chimney was built of hard burnt red brick laid in natural cement mortar, in the proportion of about one cement to three sand, and was lined with fire brick also laid in natural cement mortar. An air space separated the chimney pioper from the lining. Portland cement mortar was used for a few feet above the foundation, and spasmodically throughout the stack, but was used too infrequently to be of value. The height of the chimney above the foundation was 150 ft. The diameter of the opening at the base was 7 ft., that at the top was also 7 ft. The bottom of the stack was 15 ft. square, up to a point 33 ft. above the foundation, where it changed to an octagon. The thickness of the outer wall at the base was 34 ins. ; the thickness of the outer wall at the top, 13 ins. ; and the thickness of the inner circular lining wall at the base, 13 ins. The inside lining stopped at a point 100 ft. above the foundation terminating in a 4.5-in. wall. Fifty feet of the chimney were removed by pick and bar before resorting to dynamite, thus reducing the height of the stack to 100 ft. This was done on account of t3*e feeling prevalent among 234 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the surrounding property-owners that their buildings would be endangered by throwing down the stack in its entirety. After the stack had been reduced to 100 ft. a test blast hole was drilled into the northwest corner of the stack about 3 ft. above the foundation, on a level, and on an angle of about 4 5 degs. with the north face. This hole was loaded with one dyna- mite cartridge (all dynamite was 40% Star brand), and fired without even cracking the wall. A second hole similarly located, and just 1 ft. above the first one, was then drilled and loaded with five sticks or cartridges and fired, loosening about one-third of a cubic yard of brick, which was et^sily barred out. Then shots of two and three sticks were made until all of the north wall for a height of 3 ft. had been removed excepting about 5 ft. at the east end. In the east wall of the stack there was a furnace opening 6 ft. wide, so that by the excavation of the north wall just described there now remained only a pillar 5 ft. long and 34 ins. thick carrying a large portion of the weight of the east Furnace] Opening 50 >> Fig. 4. Diagrams showing arrangement of dynamite blasts for demolition of 150-ft. chimney. and north walls. Then about 5 ft. of the fire brick lining was barred out for a height of 1 ft. The chimney was now in shape to be blasted down. Two holes were drilled into the 5-ft. pillar from the back on a dip of 45 degs., with the horizontal, and each hole was loaded with six sticks of dynamite. Then a hole was drilled into the west face at B, on a dip of 10 degs. and on an angle of 45 degs. with the west face and about 5 ft. from its end. Five sticks of dynamite were I)laced at X and five sticks at Y, in order to tear out the lining. This was not thought essential, but its use probably allowed the stack to fall further from the base, giving the contractor a better chance to handle the material in the demolished structure. These sticks at X and Y were laid between the outer and inner walls and covered with clay. Two exploders were placed in each hole in order to make sure of the blast and the 25 sticks located as described were fired at one time by a battery. Before blasting the chimney was carefully planked on the east, north and west faces; 2-in. and 3-in. by 12-in. by 16-ft. planks were used. Single planking was used on the west face, and double planking was used on the north and east sides. At the northeast corner and CHIMNEYS 235 for 5 ft. on either side 6-in. by 12-in. by 12-ft. timbers were used instead of one of the thicknesses of planking. Wlaen tlie charge was fired tlie planking was found sufficient to keep the debris, resulting directly from the blast, from flying over 100 ft. from the chimney. After the blast the stack imnrediately toppled over toward the north. The motion was slow and steady until a point about 20 degs. from the vertical was reached, in which position it sheared into three sections and fell rapidly to the ground. About 60.000 bricks were completely separated from each other by the jar; these bricks were almost free of mortar. The mortar was not much stronger than first-class lime mortar. The area which f U St. ^1 ~~" <2(h 241 V f0'fo2o'\^m ]■ /34'6"- yj ^ ,.-> m x-,^ ^ \n <-35-' St. Fig. 5. Sketch plan showing areas covered by debris and scattered bricks. was covered by the stack after the fall is shown by the irregular heavy full-lines. The outside dotted irregular line shows the limit outside of which no bricks were thrown. The area between the full line and the dotted one, aforementioned, was partially covered with scattered brick. All brick excepting those incliaded within the cross-hatched area were loose and practically free of mortar. The bricks in this area were in masonry blocks varying in size between 2 by 2 by 2 ft. and 3 by 6 by 12 ft., and averaging 3 by 3 by 6 ft. The bricks in these blocks were separated from each other by means of wedges and picks. The use of dynamite for this work was thought both dangerous and uneconomical on account of the damage to the individual bricks. The bricks were readily removed 236 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA by means of wedgea. Old whole bricks are at present worth, exclusive of haul, about $4.50 per thousand, and bats are worth about 40 cts. i)er cu. yd. It is thought that the stack was de- molished with a profit to the contractor. The following is an approximate cost of the work : Removing first 50 ft. with pick and bar $150.00 Dynamiting stack 60.00 Cleaning new brick, 116,000 at 60 cts 69.60 $279.60 Incidentals, 25% 69.90 Total $349.50 On the credit side we have : 118,000 whole brick removed, estimated to be worth when cleaned $531 About 24 cu. yds, old brick sold, worth it is thought at about 40 cts. per cu. yd. .■ 96 Total $627 The estimated number of bricks In the stack was 14 0,000 red brick and 14,000 fire brick. These are accounted for, as follows: 116,000 whole red bricks removed; 2,000 whole fire brick removed; 24,000 bats removed; 12.000 bricks not of any use; total, 154,000. Weight per Foot of Sheet Steel Chimneys. C, D. We.sselhoeff (Data. May. 1915) states that the cost of sheet steel chimneys varies from 3.5 to 6.5 cts. per lb., the higher value being for the shorter chimneys. TABLE VI. WEIGHTS OF SHEET STEEL CHIMNEYS Thick- Thick- Thick- Diam., ness, Lbs., Diam., ness. Lbs., Diam., ness. Lbs., in. w. g. per ft. in. w. g. per ft. in. w. g. per ft. 10 No. 16 7.20 26 No. 16 17.50 20 No. 14 18.33 12 No. 16 8.66 28 No. 16 18.75 22 No. 14 20.00 14 No 16 9.58 30 No. 16 20.00 24 No. 14 21.66 16 No. 16 11,68 10 No. 14 9.40 26 No. 14 23.33 20 No. 16 13.75 12 No. 14 11.11 28 No. 14 25.00 22 No. 16 15 00 14 No. 14 13.69 30 No. 14 26.66 24 No. 16 16.25 16 No. 14 15.00 Cost of Steel Chimneys. J. H. Boughton gives the cost of steel chimneys shown in Table VII. TABLE VII. COST OF STEEL CHIMNEYS Height, Diameter, No, of Price of chimney H.-p. ft. ins. , iron complete 25 40 16 12 and 14 $60 40 18 12 and 14 70 50 18 12 and 14 85 75 50 20 12 and 14 90 50 26 12 and 14 105 60 22 12 and 14 110 100 60 24 12 and 14 125 60 26 12 and 14 135 60 28 12 and 14 150 CHIMNEYS 237 Height, Diameter, No. of Price of Lhimney H.-p. ft. ins. iron c-otniil* le 125 fiO 28 10 and 12 jyo 60 32 10 and 12 2U5 150 60 34 12 and 14 165 200 60 36 10 and 12 215 225 60 38 10 and 12 230 250 CO 42 10 and 12 260 300 CO 46 10 and 12 290 400 60 52 10 and 12 340 Dimensions of Steel Chimney Foundations. Table VIII was com- piled by Kidder from data t^upplied by the Philadeli)hia Engineer- ing Works. TABLE VIII. SIZES OF FOUNDATIONS FOR SELF-SUSTAIN- ING STEEL CHIMNEYS, HA LP" LINED Clear dian}eter, in ft. 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 Height in ft 100 100 150 150 150 175 225 Least diameter of foundation in ft 15.75 15.25 20.33 21.83 22.58 25.75 29.92 Least depth of foundation in ft 6.5 7 9 8 9.0 10 13.0 Height in ft. ... .... 125 200 200 250 275 300 Least diameter of foundation in ft 17.5 23.66 25.0 29 66 33.5 36.0 Least depth of foundation in ft 7.5 10.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 14.0 Cost of Steel Stack and Breeching. Following was the cost of a stack and breeching, 80 ft. high, 5 ft. diumetei- of N(j. 8 steel. The breeching was 14 ft. by 4 ins. by 5 ft. of No. 10 steel. Cost installed $74168 Cost per foot height 9.27 A Self-Supporting Steel Stack described in Engineering News, Jan. 28, 1897, was built in 1896 for the Ridgewood pumi)ing station of the Brooklyn Water Works, by the PhiladeHi hia Engi- neering Works, for $10,000. It is 217 ft. high above the founda- tion and 8 ft. inside diameter at the top. The thickness of the steel plates is as follows : Height, ft. Thickness, ins. to 4 1/2 4 to 80 Vi6 80 to 120 % 120 to 1 CO ■ 5/jg 160 to 217 1/4 At a height of 40 ft. the outside diameter is 11 ft., and 15 ft. lower down the stack starts to flare out, its outside diameter being 24 ft. at the base. It is lined with red brick to a height of 95 ft., the thickness of the lining being 13 ins. for the If)wer 25 ft. and 9 ins. above that. Below the ground level, the chimney 238 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA is entirely of brick for a depth of 18.5 ft., resting on a concrete base 4.5 ft. thicli and 30 ft. in diameter, octagonal in shape. Cost and Size of Wedge Rope Sockets are particularly useful in connection with guy ropes of all types and safety cables where small adjustments in length are desirable. These sockets can be used either with U-bolts or eye-bolts, as illustrated in Fig. 6, and a considerable range of adjustment can be secured. Size of rope, ins % 1 1 ^4 1 Mj-1 % 2 Rough dia. of holes. R. ins 1% 1% 2 21/2 3 List price socket and wedge only $3.95 $6.10 $7.85 $14.30 $25.70 Diameter A, ins 1 Vs 1 % 1 % 2 14 2% Distance threaded. C. ins 914 IIM. I414 171/2 21 Length U-bolt. D. ins 15 181/2 221/2 27 35 List price U-bolt and 2 nuts... $2. 30 $3.45 $5.85 $11.75 $21.50 Length eye bolt. E. ins 211/2 26 1/2 32 39 V2 51 Opening, G. ins 1 1/. 2 21/2 3 3i/a Size hole, J. ins 1% 21/3 2% 31/8 4% List price 1 eye bolt and nut.. $4. 30 $6.10 $7.85 $19.30 $27.90 Fig. 6. Wedge rope sockets. Cost of Removing and Replacing Top of a Steel Stack. A steel smoke stack described by C. J. Carew (Engineering and Con- tracting, May 1, 1907), which was 100 ft. high, had become so corroded that it was necessary to replace the top 56 ft. with new steel. Owing to the location a new stack could not be built on the ground and up-ended in the usual manner. Moreover, the old stack had to be taken down piecemeal and the work had to be done, if possible, without shutting down the plant. A Sunday was selected for the work, which was conducted as follows, the plan being to cut away and lower the old stack in sections and to hoist and bolt up the new stack in similar sections : A timber tower was built enclosing the stack, as shown in the accompanying sketch. This tower had four legs or corner struts of triangular trough sections made up of two 2 by 8-in. planks, while the bracing was 1 by 6-in. boards. It was 11.5 by 23 ft. in plan at the bottom and 1.5 by 15 ft. at the top. The mode of guying is indicated in the drawing. As will be seen, the old stack occupied one-half the interior space of the tower, the other half being used for hoisting and lowering the steel sections. The hoisting apparatus consisted of a trolley running on an I-beam CHIMNEYS 239 laid across the top of the tower. This trolley was operated by a rope passing down the stack and to a drum operated by a pneu- matic motor. To remove the old stack three holes were first punched through the shell near the top to receive the hooks on three short chains hung from a ring suspended from the hoisting tackle. Then a section about 14 ft. long was cut off with cold chisels and lowered. The cutting was quickly done, owing to the corroded condition of the steel. Once free a section could be lowered in about three minutes. Then a second section was removed in the same way, and so on until the portion of the old stack to be left standing was reached. The manufacturers of the new stack then riveted an angle iron ring to the top edge and the job was ready for the work of erecting the sections of new stack. The length of new stack added was 56 ft., in five sections, four 12 ft. long each, and one 8 ft. long; the lower 30 ft. was %6-in. steel and the upper 26 ft. was %-in. steel. The heaviest sections weighed 1,880 lbs., and the total weight of new steel was 7,500 lbs. This included the rings of 2 by 2-in. angle at the ends to form flanges for bolting the sections together. The sections were hoisted and bolted up one at a time. So much for the method. The time occupied and the labor costs were as follows : The whole work of erecting the tower, taking down the old stack, erecting the new stack and taking down the tower was done by four men, one of whom had taken the job on contract for $110. The usual wages of these men were: For the contractor, $2.75 per day; for one man, $2.50 per day, and for the other two men, $2 per day each. On this basis of wages we can figure the cost as follows : Erecting tower, adjusting tackle, putting up I-beams and trol- leys and connecting air motor to windlass : Contractor, 26 hours at 27.5 cts $ 7.15 1 man 26 hours at 25 cts 6.50 2 men 26 hours at 20 cts 10.40 Total labor $24.05 There were 3,000 ft. b. m. of timber, making the labor cost of erection practically $8 per M. ft. b. m. It was really somewhat less than this, as the total of $24.05 given above includes some other work, as indicated. Taking down old stack: Contractor, 3% hours at 27.5 cts $0,926 1 man 3 i/^ hours at 25 cts 0.875 2 men 31/2 hours at 20 cts 0.700 Total labor ; $2,537 The weight of steel removed is not obtainable, but assuming that it was half the weight of the nejv steel which took its place, we have 3,750 lbs.= 1.875 tons of steel removed at a of $1.41 per ton. 240 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Laying out, punching and bolting first angle iron to old portion of stack: 2 men 21,4 hours at 50 cts $2.50 This work was done by the manufacturer of the new stack and its cost was included in his contract. The item is actual, but the rate of wages has been assumed. Erecting new stack : Contractor. 4 hours at 27.5 cts $1.10 1 man 4 hours at 25 cts 1.00 2 men 4 hours at 20 cts 1.60 Total labor $3.70 The weight of the new steel stack was 7,500 lbs. or 3.75 tons, so that the cost of erection was just short of $1 per ton of steel. Removing tower, adjusting guys, painting stack and cleaning up : Contractor, 19 hours at 27.5 cts $5.22 1 man 19 hours at 25 cts 4.75 2 men 19 hours at 20 cts 7.60 Total labor $17.57 Charging this whole amount to the work of removing the tower we have a cost of $5.86 per M. ft. b. m. We can now summarize the labor cost of the work as follows : Erecting tower and hoisting plant $24.05 Taking down old stack 2.54 Building angle to old stack 2.50 Erecting new stack - 3.70 Removing tower, etc 17.57 Total cost $50.36 The 3,000 ft. b. m. of lumber in the tower was made up as follows : 1.400 ft. B. M. chestnut at $20 for legs $28.00 1.600 ft. B. M. hemlock at $19 for bracing 30.40 Total lumber $58.40 Not more than 5 per cent, of the lumber was destroyed and the remaining 95 per cent, was finally used for other purpose.s for which it had been originally purchased. The Tallest Steel Chimney. Fig. 8 shows a steel chimney erected at the United Verde Copper Works in Arizona, described in En- gineering and Contracting. June 27, 1916. and named by A. G. McGregor in Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers in, 1916, the steel chimney ever built. Specifically this chimney is 30 ft. 9.5 ins. in diam. and 400 ft. 1 in. high. The drawings present all the essential structural features and may be read for details". CHIMNEYS 241 Cost of Erecting a 160- Ft. Steel Stack. An exceedingly inter- esting job of hoisting engineering is described in Engineering and Contracting, Nov. 10, 1909. The job consisted in erecting a steel stack 66 ins. by 160 ft. in size in one piece, after it had been assembled on the ground, with an erecting plant consisting of a J- Beam -.^ Trolley • "//w/fw///////;//////, //WW////>JJW/y//////////M'///W^A 72-ft. mast and a 7 by 10-in. Lidgerwood hoisting engine with the necessary tackle. The stack was built of 1/4 -iri. steel for 85 ft. from the base and of i/s-in. steel for the top 75 ft.; s/g-in. rivets were used. The stack came to the ground in four 40 -ft. sections. These were laid in line, with the base of the bottom section as close as prac- ticable to the foundation, and riveted together on the ground. 242 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA After being riveted and lined out the stack was braced or rein- forced inside to prevent buckling' and crushing of the plates at the slings. The bracing consisted of cross frames of 4 by 6-in. timbers placed inside the shell and spaced every 5 ft., beginning Fig. De+all of Lining ort Base Details of tallest steel chimney. through at a point 20 ft. from the top. These frames were wedged into the shell tight enough to hold firmly and yet not bulge the plates or seams. The next step was to place the hoisting plant. A 72-ft. mast was erected on top of the boiler house 20 ft. above ground, so CHIMNEYS 243 that its total height was 92 ft. The mast guys consisted of five 1%-in. galvanized wire ropes radiating from the spider casting at the top of the mast. In addition a sixth guy was attached to the 20 ft. below the top and carried back directly in line with the stack. This guy was designed to prevent the mast from buckling under the pull, which failure, if it occurred at all, was figured would occur at the point mentioned ; that is, about 20 ft. below the top. The mast was a 12 by 12 -in. timber. At the top of the mast there was fastened a triple block shackled to the top casting and also lashed by a wire cable passing four times around the mast and securely clamped. The hoisting engine, a 7 by 10-in. Lidgerwood, was set 25 ft. to one side of the stack and 125 ft. from the base. The line used was 1,400 ft. of %-in. crucible steel rope spliced at one point with an 18 -ft. splice. This line was rigidly inspected before it was run through the blocks. It was carried from the engine to and through the foot block casting sheave ; thence up the mast to the top sheave ; thence down to a single block lashed to the stack 30 ft. from its top ; thence up to the middle sheave in the triple block lashed to the mast head ; thence down to a second single block lashed to the stack 55 ft. from the top ; thence up to the right-hand outside sheave of the triple block ; thence down to a third single block lashed to the stack 80 ft. from the top ; thence up to the left-hand outside sheave of the triple block, and the free end, thence to another in the ground about 60 or 65 ft. from the base of the stack. The single blocks were lashed to the stack by several turns of wire rope passing around the shell and 6 by 6-in. timbers laid along it on the under side. These timbers acted both as longi- tudinal stifEeners and as spacers to keep the lashings from sliding up or down the shell. To prevent possible cutting of the line the thimbles were all removed from the shell of the triple block and the lines were kept clear by running them through the middle sheave, then to the right and to the left as described above. With everything ready as described hoisting was begun at 1 :30 p. m. and at 5 p. m. the stack was in place with all guys fastened. The first lift made was 75 ft. Then hoisting was stopped until the permanent guys, 24 in all, each a %-in. wire cable, were fastened to the stack attachments. Lifting was then resumed and continued until the stack stood only about 15 degs. out of plumb. Hoisting was then stopped and the guys secured to their ground anchors. The stack was then raised plumb, jacked over the stud bolts on the foundation and the guys permanently clamped. The cost of the work described was not kept in such a way that it can be itemized, but the total cost including riveting, erecting on the boiler house, raising, buying 4 pairs of cone clamps for the guys and 4 sets of %-in. blocks for hauling in guys, and bracing the stack in.side was $250. A gang of 8 men at .$1.30 per day and one top man at $2.25 per day were employed, with some extra men for about 2 hours. The erection as described was planned and carried out by 244 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA George B. Nicholson, a hoisting engineer. Incidentally it may be stated that Mr. Nicholson undertook the job after it had been rejected as impossible by expert riggers. We consider this a rather remarkable job of hoisting engineering. Only one man, Mr. Nicholson, was a skilled man, all the others being ordinary la- borers with no experience in hoisting and rigging. In addition the method of rigging the tackle, using only one line to run through three sets of blocks on the stack and one block on the mast, is notable. We are indebted for the information from which this description has been pi'epared to F. W. Raymond. CHAPTER V MOVING AND INSTALLING To aid in estimating- the cost of hauling and installing- machinery many specific data have been collected and grouped in this chapter. Where costs of moving and installing were combined with other functional costs in such manner that they could not be separated without injuring the value of the data they have been included in other chapters. The index and list of chapters will aid the reader in locating other costs of moving and installing. Cost of Loading and Unloading Machinery. Table I is from a recent appraisal (prior to the war). TABLE I. COST OP LOADING AND UNLOADING MACHINERY Cost with Cost with Cost with Weight Cost with- crane at ry. crane at crane at of piece, out crane, station only, power station both ends, tons per ton per ton only, per ton per ton 1 $11.50 $8.12 $3.45 $0.80 2 7.50 5.03 2.25 .53 3 6.33 4.50 1.90 .44 4 5.70 4.12 1.77 .44 5 5.90 4.15 1.75 .41 6 6.01 4.32 1.85 .48 7 6.45 4.50 1.93 / .45 8 7.00 4.93 2.10 .49 9 7.45 5.17 2.23 .52 10 8.00 5.60 2.40 .56 11 8.45 5.95 2.57 .58 12 8.75 6.25 2.75 .6$ For large generators and motors assume total shipping weight, divided as follows: Revolving part, 51'/^ ; upper part, 24%; lower part, 25%. For motor generator sets assume total shipping weights divided equally between motor and generator, and apply same ratio for parts. Cost of Hauling One Piece Loads. The data in Table II are from a recent appraisal (prior to the war). Where the haul is over 20 miles on mountain roads, use average condition cost. For large generators and motors assume total shipping weights divided as follows: Revolving part, 51%; upper part, 24%; lower part, 25%. For motor generator sets assume total shipping weights divided equally between motor and generator, and apply same ratio for parts. 246 246 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE II. COST OF HAULING ONE Weight of pieces, in tons Flat country- good roads, cost per ton-mile Average con- ditions, roll- ing country, cost per ton-mile 1. . , . . . $0.-10 $0.45 .37 40 2 3 35 35 4 5 36 38 .47 .55 6 40 62 7 . 8. . . 42 .44 .68 74 9 10 46 48 .80 .86 11 12 13 14 15 49 50 52 54 55 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 16 17 18 19 56 58 60 61 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.07 20 64 1.09 PIECE LOADS Mountain roads, cost per ton-mile $0.50 .40 .46 .57 .70 .62 .93 1.04 1.13 1.24 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.42 1.54 1.47 1.50 1.52 1.53 1.55 Hauling small miscellaneous material, including loading and un- loading per ton-mile. Cost as follows : Per ton-mile Flat country good roads $0.60 Rolling country average conditions 90 Mountain roads 1.20 Effect of Grades on Cost of Hauling. H. T. Curran (Engineering and Contracting. Oct. 6. 1915) states that unloading and hauling depend upon local conditions. There will be a fixed average charge of from 30 to 40 cts. per ton. Small pieces should be handled for less, but large, unyielding pieces, such as a tube mill, can easily cost up to $1 per ton. Probably 75 cts. per ton-mile would be a good average for hauling on any kind of a decent road and grade. By consulting local freighters these things can be definitely settled. The curve. Fig. 1. shows the variable cost of hauling on different grades. Truck- Drawn Pole Trailers. In comparing the expenses of using horse and auto trucks to transport poles Electrical World, May 26, 1917, states that the Springfield district of the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company found that the truck-drawn trailer will do the same work as a horse-drawn trailer in about one-sixth of the time. During 115 hrs. of pole hauling in 12 days the truck traveled 441 miles at a cost of little more than 25 cts. per mile. Using horses for the same work would have required 71 days at a rate of 97 cts. per mile. "An additional point in favor of such trucks is the fact that the hired teams are slow in de- livering poles, causing a great deal of lost time and often neces- ' MOVING AND INSTALLING 247 sitating an additional light team to transport the men and tools. When using a truck and trailer, the men, poles and tools will arrive on the job at the same time, so the work can proceed with- out delay. ^liO Traction Engine WorK — ■r ~ "■ -^^ ~ ~ ~T — "~ "~ ^ "" ~ ~ " ■^ r - '~ "~ ~ "§M0 c-eioocenti 1 • 30 Minutes W'bOO, - X, b-U£Peri^n If II i-09> ' / / ' ij. / 1 ^ A 1 %m i* .' \l. / "" X- , 7 y . ^'1 e Hone wagon worh ■i' ,' ^ y -' u / « y •' / / ■' ,^ i-iib Minutei 5-eeo n Minufer, J-.09I 8 \^ V J r ,^ , / , ^ '1 .0 -^ - ^. ^ ^ ^ ' ^ r .' ' y f^: f- ,> ^ 7f , Uo ^-J- K '^ / / -^ ^ /''i^ ^ g 60 ^' / ^ - 1 -^ -" ^ . ' , -' 5- OS I* 1" JO > ,/ '' yr. ' J 1/ ' ■ , ' ■r-^ ^' := ^.0 ) ? ^ -' 1 < ^ — ■ y ' ^^ _,J ' .-^ /^v3C0i^ '' kjo ^ '' ^- -J " ^ — --^ -ttt .;^^ _^ __ — A y '~ > ' ,^ -^ _^ ^ vv." ^ = "^ 1 - = S to ■^ 1 r <: L^' — —J 1 "^ -^ Ki' e ^ :;^ - _- ' — " ^ — ' T 1 k'c s ^ s ^ — iroctioh Cnqine5 i3rd tvogon-^ k£ -f- '' ^.0 _ u LU 1 1 _ _ _ _ L U _ _ _ _ i" _ __ _ J Length of Hci:<' in ^"Rl Fig. 1. Cost per ton comparison curves between train- and team- drawn dump wagons. Cost of Hauling Poles and Cross-Arms. The following are the costs of hauling material for a light and power plant. Poles Cross-arms Character of country per ton-mile per ton-mile Mountain roads $1.00 $1.20 Rolling or swampy .7.5 .00 Flat, good roads 50 .60 Cost of Mule-Back Transportation of Machinery In Mexico. F. C. Roberts and W. C. Bradley (Engineering News, Aug. 12, 1912) give the following cost of transporting sectional ized machinery for a smelter in Mexico. The loads carried varied from 350 lbs. to 680 lbs. per mule. The freight rate for an ordinary carga of two pieces, weighing 304 lbs., from Durango to Ventanas, a distance of 105 miles, fluc- tuates between $4.25 and $6 per carga, or between $29.25 or $42 per metric ton, an approximate average cost of $32.80 per short ton ; while, for individual pieces weighing up to 425 lbs., that is, cuarteos, a special charge of from $10 to $100 is made. The railroad rate from any center in the United States to Durango is 248 MECHAXICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA $1.60 per 100 lbs., or $32 per short ton. Add to this the local expenses for discharging, transferring, re-packing, etc. (another $2 per ton), and the total of $66 per ton is reached, besides the duties. About 2.500 tons of material (1.500 tons of machinery, and 1,000 tons of supplies and stores) were transported during a period of 16 months. It made 17.500 mule-loads, or 262,500 mule- load days, taking 15 days for the round trip. Cost of Hauling Machinery for a Pumping Plant. W. L. De- Moulin (Proceedings American Society of Civil Engineers. June, 1915) gives the cost of hauling machinery over a rough mountain wagon road, more than 6 miles long, extending from Morenci to the pumping plant on the Eagle River. A great part of the road is blasted along the rocky hillsides. Out of Morenci. the road runs up a hill requiring a climb 3.400 ft. in length, with grades varying from 17 to more than SO';,. Near the plant, there is a continual down grade along very rocky hillsides, with grades of 25 to 40%. On steep grades, snubbing posts were placed at regular intervals, during the construction period, for the purpose of letting the heavy loads down hill gradually. All material was hauled from Morenci to the plant on wagons. The average loads are about 3,000 lbs. A load of this size requires 10 horses to make the hill out of Morenci. During the construction period, the heavy pieces of machinery were taken out on a wagon built for heavy hauling, with 4-in. iron axles. Extra rear and front wheels were carried along to replace immediately any that broke down. Some of the pieces of machinery weighed from 15.000 to more than 24.000 lbs. each. Twenty horses could make the hill out of camp with a load of 4 tons, and 24 horses could manage a load of 5 or 6 tons. It was necessary to use a number of triple blocks, with from 6 to 8 horses pulling down hill, in order to work slowly a load heavier than 6 tons up the hill. At the plant, it was necessary to pack material and supplies around by Mexicans and burros, as in many cases the work was prosecuted at points inac- cessible by any other method of transferring material. The cost of transferring machinery from the flat cars at Morenci to the plant, placed ready for the erector, averaged about $52.45 per ton. which is about twice what the freight per ton amounted to from Milwaukee to Morenci. The 40-lb. and the 54.74-lb.. 10-in. pipes were transferred through a tunnel and distributed by wagon to stock piles. In this way, the haul over the steep hill out of town was avoided. From the stock pil^s, the pipe was " snaked " by horses to the place where it was being laid. The tunnel was too small to permit passing heavy material through it. The. cost of delivering the pipe from the cars to the location of the proposed line was $6. SO per ton. The average cost for each 10-in. pipe line laid comi)lete. was $2.20 per ft. The average labor charge, for laying the lines by contract, was 28 cts. per ft. for each 10-in. pipe line. Costs of Installing Electrical Apparatus and Methods of Com- puting Profits in Contracting. The following data are taken from MOVING AND INSTALLING 249 an article by Mr. Louis W. Moxey, Jr., Electrical World, Oct. 16, 1915: There are two ilems which combined compose the cost of con- ducting an electrical contracting business. The first item includes the cost of materials and labor actually used on jobs, such as en- gines, dynamos, panelboards, conduit, wire, etc., together with the salaries of the foreman, journeyman, helpers and apprentices. This item may be called, for convenience, shop or raw cost. The second item includes the cost of materials and labor ex- pended in securing a contract and in the execution of the job. It embraces the salaries of the officers, bookkeeper, stenographer, bill clerk, draftsman, superintendent, etc.. and the cost of rent, heat, light, taxes, insurance, stationery, postage, telephone and the like. This item is called manufacturer's expense or overhead charge. The writer has found it more conv-enient and logical to compute the manufacturer's or overhead expense as a percentage of the shop cost, instead of as a percentage of the selling price. An estimate of overhead expense should be made at least once or twice a year and the percentages thus obtained added to the shop cost in all estimates made in the succeeding period to obtain the real cost ; e. g. Shop Cost: Pay of foremen, journeymen, helpers and apprentices. . . .% 80,000 Cost or material, engines, generators, conduit, wire, etc. 200.000 Total shop cost $280,000 Overhead Expense: Salaries of employers, co-partners or officers | 30,000 Salaries of office employees — bookkeepers, clerks, etc.... 8,000 Salaries of superintendent, draftsman and engineer 10,000 Stationery, telephones, taxes, insurance, rent, etc 8,000 Total manufacturer's expense % 56,000 Manufacturer's or overhead expense as a percentage of shop equals $56,000 -=- $280,000, or 20%. The real cost, therefore, of the year's business would be the shop cost, $280,000. plus the overhead expense of $56,000, or $336,000. Should the selling value of this work be $369,600. the contractor has made a profit of 10% on the investment made. Should the selling value, however, be only $334,992, he has lost 3% on his investment. A true estimate should, therefore, be made for any job as follows : vShop cost $10 000 Overhead expense at 20% 2 000 Real cost $12 000 Profit at 10 per cent 1.200 Amount of proposal $13,200 Some contractors figure their overhead expense as a percentage of the selling price. If a contractor's overhead expense is 20% 250 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cf his selling' price d erected ready for the wiring connections of the electrical contractor, and hence 252 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE III. ENGINES AND FOUNDATIONS * -^ , Cost per horsepower ^ Horsepower Tandem- Rating Single compound Four-valve 50 — 100 $16 100 — 200 15 $26 $25 300 and above 14 24 23 * Installed ready for steam-pipe connections under ordinary con- ditions. The figures given are based on data from the Ames Iron Works, Oswego, N. Y. TABLE IV. DIRECTLY CONNECTED D.C. & A.C. •' GENERATORS * Rating, kw. d. c. Cost per kw. Rating, kva, a. c. Cost per kva. 25 $25 50 $16 35 23 75 14 50 20 125 13 75 , 16 135 12 100 15 185 10 125 14 250 9 150 13 312 9 200 12 350 8 250 12 375 and above 8 300 and above 12 * These prices are based on engine-driven generators installed under ordinary conditions, the sub-bases for the erection of the generators being furnished by the engine contractor. The values are based on data from the G. E. Co. TABLE V. COST OF SWITCHBOARDS. INCLUDING DYNAMO AND FEEDER PANELS, 220 VOLTS OR LESS * Rating, kw. d. c. Cost per kw. Rating, kva. a. c. Cost per kva. 25 — 50 $5 — $10 50 — 125 $4 — $6 50 — 100 4— 8 125 — 350 3— 4 100 and above 3 — 6 350 and above 2— 3 * The range of prices is due to variations in the grade of ma- terials and workmanship, the number of instruments, switches, etc. These figures include the switchboards erected complete and ready for the connection of generator cables, power and light feeders, etc. The prices are based on data obtained from the Walker Electric Company, Philadelphia. TABLE VI. COSTS PER HORSEPOWER OF MOTORS AND NECESSARY RHEOSTATS AND CONTROLLERS ERECTED * r Direct-current- ,- Alternating-current-^ Horsepower Cost Horsepower Cost 1 — 3 $50 1 — 11/2 $60 5 — 71/2 40 1 1/2 — 2 50 7 1/1, — 10 30 2—3 40 10 -^ 15 25 3 — 71/2 30 15 -^ 25 20 7i,^_10 25 25 — 50 18 10 — 20 20 50 ^100 15 20 —35 18 100 — 250 13 35 —75 15 250 and above 12 100 and above 13 * Motors are assumed to be of standard speeds, voltage, etc.. and to l)e erected on floor, cost of foundations not being included. The costs include delivery and erection ready for wiring connec- tions and are based on data obtained from the General Electric Company, MOVING AND INSTALLING 253 are practically the figures the electrical contractor would secure from his sub-contractors. Tables VII to XII are the complete costs of electrical construe- T ABLE VIL ( COST OF DYNAMO CONNECTIONS * • Direct-current • Llternating-ci J. Lead Rubber- Lead Rubber- sheathed covered sheathed covered Rating rubber cable in Rating rubber cable in kw. insulation conduit kva. insulation conduit 25- 50 $50-$150 $25-$125 50-125 $100-$300 $ 75-$27o 50-100 75- 250 50- 225 125-350 200- 400 175- 375 100 and 100- 350 75- 325 350 and 300- 500 275- 475 above above *The average flat distance between dynamo and switchboard has been assumed as 25 ft. TABLE VITL COSTS OF WIRING AND CONNECTING MOTORS, INCLUDING ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL • Horsepovv^er Porcelain Molding Conduit 1— 5 $7.50— 75 $10 — 100 $15 — 150 5 — 10 30 —120 40 — 170 60 — 240 15 — 25 75 — 250 90 — 300 150 — 300 25 — 50 100 — 400 125 — 500 200 — 500 50 and over 150 —500 200 — 600 300 — 600 * The range of figures is due first to structural difficulties, second to the type of motor panel desired, third to the voltage, and fourth to the circuit distance. The lower figures represent the minimum structural difficulties, with fused switches in an iron box and with starting device mounted exposed on wall to side of motor, 220 volt service and 50-ft. to 100-ft. circuit distance. The higher figures represent the maximum structural difficulties, motor panels with circuit breakers, 110 volt service and 1 50-ft. to 300-ft. circuit dis- tance. The figures do not include the cost of motors, rheostats and regulators. TABLE IX. AVERAGE COST PER OUTLET FOR WIRING FOR LAMPS IN NEW BUILDINGS * Concealed Exposed Concealed Outlets porcelain Wood mldg. Metal mldg. conduit Light $4 — $8 $5 — 10 $8 — 16 $7 — 14 Switch 5 — 10 6 — 12 9 — 18 8 — 16 Wall receptacle 5 — 10 6 — 12 9 — 18 8 — 16 Floor receptacle 7 — 14 8 — 16 11 — 22 10 — 20 Fan 6 — 12 7 — 14 10 — 20 9 — 18 Iron 9 — 18 10 — 20 13 — 26 12 — 24 Electric Heater 7 — 14 8 — 16 11 — 22 10 — 20 Vacuum Control Switcht 12 — 24 13 — 26 16 — 32 15 — 30 * For use where the total cost of the work is about $2,000, For residences the lower figures should be used. For public build- ings, such as banks, office buildings, churches and the like, a figure midway between the range of figures given should be used. Where best grade of material and workmanship is required the higher figures should be used. Prices do not include costs of fixtures or appliances, but do include switches and receptacles. For wiring old buildings where porcelain work and conduit work is concealed the figures given should at least be doubled. If porcelain or con- duit work is to be installed exposed in either old or new buildings, the figures should be increased at least 25%, the difference of cost depending upon the purpose for which the building is or was de- signed. t Includes automatic starter at motor. 254 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA tion work, and include all labor and material, and also overhead and profit. A wage rate of 55 cts. per hr. for foremen, 45 cts. per hr. for wiremen, and 25 cts. per hr. for helpers is assumed. TABLE X. AVERAGE COSTS FOR SIGNAL SYSTEMS RUN CONCEALED IN NEW BUILDINGS * Costs per outlet (connected as one outlet) Bell wiring Porcelain Conduit Per push-button and bell $6 $12 Per drop on annunciator 4 8 * For work on old buildings the figures given above should be doubled. The cost of push-buttons, bells and annunciators is in- cluded. TABLE XL AVERAGE COSTS OP PRIVATE TELEPHONES Porcelain Conduit Per desk telephone $30 — $50 $40 — $60 Per wall telephone 25 — 45 35 — 55 The average cost per outlet of public telephones in new buildings (concealed work) ranges from $5 to $15 with conduit construction, C^ost of wire is not included since the electrical contractor very sel- dom does the wiring. The range of the figures is due to variations in the distances between outlets. Instruments are assumed to be furnished and installed by the telephone company, TABLE XIL COST OP MISCELLANEOUS WORK * Apparatus Porcelain Conduit Time Clocks $30 — $45 $35 — $50 per clock Time stamps 65 — 85 70 — 90 per stamp Fire alarms 20 • — 30 25 ■ — 35 per alarm Watchmen's stations 25 — 35 30 — 40 per station * The range of the figures given above is due to differences in the grades of workmanship and materials. For old buildings the figures given .should be increased from 25 to 50%. These figures include the cost of apparatus as well as the cost of all conductors, conduits and labor. TABLE XIIL COST OF INSTALLING ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Weight, lbs. Cost per piece Weight, lbs. Cost per piece Weight, lbs. Cost per piece Ito 500 , 550 . 600 . 650 , 700 . . ..$1 to$5 ... 5.45 5.95 6.35 6.85 1,350 1,400 1,450 1.500 1,600 $10.35 10.40 10.45 10.50 10.70 2,900 3.000 3.500 4.000 4,500 $12.45 12.50 12.60 12.70 12.80 750 . 800 . 850 . 900 . 950 . 7.20 7.60 8.00 8.30 8.65 1,700 1,800 1,900 2.000 2,100 10.90 11.15 11.40 11.50 11.55 5,000 6,000 7.000 8,000 9.000 12.90 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 1,000 . 1,050 . 1,100 . 1.150 . 1,200 . 9.00 9.25 9.45 9.65 9.85 2,200 2.300 2,400 2.500 2,600 11.65 11.75 12.00 12.10 12.20 10,000 16.25 1.250 . 1.300 . ... 10.10 ,,. 10.30 2.700 2,800 12.30 12.35 .... .... MOVING AND INSTALLING 255 Cost of Installation of Rotating Electrical Machinery. Table XIII i« from a recent appraisal (prior to the war). All rotating^ machinery weighing over 10,000 lbs. is estimated at $0.1625 per 100 lbs. The cost includes the of setting, grout- ing or securing, drying and connecting. Unloading costs included with hauling charges, allow for placing apparatus approximately In position. Costs of Installing Transformers, Rectifiers, etc., of Less Than 75 kw. Capacity as taken from a recent appraisal were the same as for rotating electrical machinery given above and include setting, securing, drying and connecting. The cost of setting the apparatus approximately in position is included in hauling cost, a separate item. Cost of Installation and Factory Inspection of Power Trans- formers, — 75 k. w. and Over. The following installation cost from a recent appraisal includes assembling, drying, filling, connecting and starting. TABLE XTV. COST OF INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF TRANSFORMERS OF OVER 75 K. W. CAPACITY Labor Material 11.000 volts Over 11,000 Factory K. w. or less volts inspection 75 $13.85 $17.85 $10 100 15.35 19.75 10 150 16.60 21.50 10 200 17.85 23.25 10 250 19.10 25.05 10 300 20.35 26.75 10 333 21.60 28.45 10 500 22.85 30.20 10 666 24.10 31.90 10 750 25.10 33.40 10 1.000 26.35 35.10 12 50 1,250 27.60 36.80 12.50 1.500 28.85 38.40 15 1.600 30.10 40.10 15 2,000 31.35 41.75 Cost of Installation of Power Transformers, 75 kw. and Over. The following is from a recent appraisal.' TABLE XV. COST OF INSTALLATION OF TRANSFORMERS OF OVER 75 K. W. CAPACITY , 11,000 volts or less , r-Over 11,000 volts-^ K. w. Cost A Cost B Total Add Cost C Total 75 $ 9.00 $4.85 $13.85 $4.00 $17.85 100 10.50 4.85 15.35 4.40 19.75 150 11.75 4.85 16.60 4.90 21.50 200 13.00 4.85 17.85 5.40 23.25 250 14.25 4.85 19.10 5.95 25.05 300 15.50 '4.85 20.35 6.40 26.75 333 16.75 4.85 21.60 6.85 28.45 500 18.00 4.85 22.85 7.35 30.20 666 19.25 4.85 24.10 7.80 31.90 750 20.25 4.85 25.10 8.30 33.40 256 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA , 11,000 volts or less , ^Over 11,000 volts-^ K. w. Cost. A Cost B Total Add Cost C Total 1,000 21.50 4.85 26.35 8.75 35.10 1,250 22.75 4.85 27.60 9.20 36.80 1,500 24.00 4.85 28.85 9.60 38.45 1,600 25.25 4.85 30.10 10.00 40.10 2,000 26.50 4.85 31.35 10.40 41.75 Cost A: Includes inspection, cleaning, assembling and filling. 2 men at $4-25, and 6 men at $3 for 1 day — $26.50 for 2,000 k. w. transformer. 1 man at $4.25, and 3 men at $3 for 1 day — $13.25 for 100 k. w, transformer. Cost B: Includes testing and connecting high and low voltage terminals. 2 men at $4.25, and 2 men at $3 for 1 day on 3 trans- formers. Cost each transformer (Vs of $14.50) $4.85 all cHDacities. Cost C: Includes additional labor for assembling and for drying core and oil. Drying 3 — 2.000 k. w. transformers. 37,000 volts. 1 man at $4.25, and 3 men at $3, 1 day, preparation. 1 man at $3 per day for 6 days, attending. Cost each transformer (Vs of $31.25) $10.42. Drying 3 — 100 k. w. transformers, 11,000 volts. 1 man at $4.25, and 1 man at $3 1 day, preparation. 1 man at $3 per day for 2 days, attending. Cost each transformer (% of $13.25) $4.42. Cost of Installation of Electrical Rotating Machinery Up to 10,000 lbs., Transformers, Rectifiers and Regulators Less than 75 k. w. Table XVI gives costs for miscellaneous electrical machinery taken from appraisals by the authors. Cost of Labor Installing Line Transformers. The following data are from an appraisal by the authors : Size, k. w. Cost of labor 0.6 $3.00 1 3.10 1.5 3.30 2. 3.50 2.5 3.70 3 4.10 4 4.70 5 5.30 7.5 6.50 10 7.75 15 9.70 20 11.30 25 12.80 30 14.25 40. 16.75 50 19.00 100 28.00 150 33.50 200 37.50 The above costs Include inspection, cleaning, assembling and fill together with the cost of distributing, cross-arming, hanging and connecting the transformers. Cost of Setting and Moving Meters and Transformers. The fol- lowing distribution and service ex]:)enses are shown in a recent ajialysis by the Pacific Power & Light Company given in Elea- a o in t--r-lT-IOt-t^t-OlMkr5 C-l iM fO M CO CO c-l C-l C<1 (M to in ■ ^ r-i r-i rH M M C-i W Cvi C^ COm?CiOOa500i-l(MTHC-Ir-'iMC^I>t^t- MMMCOCOiMfOeCOOCOMiMCOfCOOMCOeO ^ m LO lo lo o 05 05 00 o o o o o ominin'*ic--iiH fOrHcoOi-iooiHocoTfcoTfcoTt<-*ininin Q^ ■ 'e>-if3c^«^iT(<'*^''^inin ininin«J«cJinco«o«ococdcocD«o^t-t-t-^ r; O i-f-^CvUMMrHiHiHOOin'M t-«-e0rHt-00t»00t-0i0iOr-'O ^ 60-^ rHinininina>o5«soooo oooc ry^ _3 r/) ■"' _j rr, .*^ _i ,<-. -rfi _i _. rr, —a m • Oi o •So ^o C a; HC5 o^3 o So NO oi "i > c3 m^ o3 Q i^ O % 10 $ 157 ? 3 50 115 1,250 32 17 4,042 110 13,420 201 212 7.606 787 Total $24,100 $1,212 $180 $35 $600 $27,377 ♦Auxiliaries consisted of one surface condenser of 2,9 00 sq. ft. cooling surface, one 7 by 14 by 14 in. rotary dry vacuum pump, one 2 in. centrifugal hotwell pump, and one 10 in. centrifugal pump. Cost of Installing 2,000 k. w. Turbo-Generator, Boiler, Super- heater and Other Auxiliaries. The data in Table XXI are for an installation in the Southern States in 1914-15 and are from a recent appraisal by the authors. The costs are taken from ac- counting records. Cost of Foundations for Two 500 k. w. Generators. The cost of foundations for two 500 k. w. direct connected, engine driven generator units built by contract for a power house in Washington in 1906 was $2,480. There were 320 cu. yds. of granite masonry placed at $7 per cu. yd. Cost of Foundations for a Turbo-Generator. The cost of founda- tions for a 750 k. w. turbo-generator built by contract in Wash- ington in 1906 was $313.05, divided as follows: Unit cost 12.8 cu. yds. concrete, per cu. yd $10.00 1,638 brick, per M in place 33.85 ,8—15 in. I beams 10 ft, long weighing 3,360 lbs., per lb. in place 045 The foundation consisted of one concrete slab and four brick columns. Cost of Foundations for a Rotary Converter. The cost of foun- dations for a 250 k. w. altei-nating current rotary converter built MOVING AND INSTALLING 261 by contract in 1906 in a power house in Washington was $113.76, divided as follows : 340 lbs. cast iron, per lb. in place $.035 2,268 lbs. steel, per lb. in place 045 TABLE XXI. INSTALLATION OF 2,000 K. W. TURBO-GEN- ERATOR, BOILER, SUPER HEATER AND OTHER AUX- ILIARIES \ o <^ Item. -^ - S, "C j_ fi, K,VA. Fig. 3. Cost of directly connected engine (#iven D C and A C generators installed under ordinary conditions, bases being fin-- ni.shed by engme contractor. »jciiis lui ~7\ / y ' J / / / / \ / ^/ w ^ // t ^'> X '^ ^ / ,*./! f / / /■ / / y X /•' x- y /^ J / / / '/ / C( n ■■ using the curves it should be noted that for transformers the upper scale is to be used. For the machines "pounds" means weight of active material plus weight of shaft, spider, bearings, etc. ; in other words, the total weight of the machine. In the case of alternators the abscissas are (kva.) -- (r.p.m.) ; for induction mo- tors (kw. output) -f- (r.p.m.). Any of these curves for electrical apparatus can be expressed in the form of an equation, for example : Weight in pounds of a transformer, including case and oil - 1800 / kva. \ \ frequency / MOVING AND INSTALLING 273 Setting Horizontal Return Tubular Boilers. The following data are abstracted from a publication of The Big-elow Company, New Haven, Conn. The first thing- necessary to secure a setting that will remain tight and free from cracking is a good foundation. This should be prepared before the arrival of the boiler. When a boiler arrives it should be carefully unloaded and transported to the site of erection. One should remember that it is made up of a number of plates riveted together, and that the tightness of each tube depends upon two expanded joints ; therefore a boiler should be handled with care. Pipes or bars should never be stuck in the tubes to aid in moving the boiler. 100.000 10.000 100,000 1000 Iba Pounds 1.0 Multiple Logarithmic ^ KW " exm: 100 £l«etrUal World Fig. 4. Curves for obtaining approximate weight of prime movers. Place the boiler in the correct position with the front properly set up before commencing the brickwork. When a boiler is to be supported on lugs resting on the brickwork, place it y^ in. higher than the desired final position, to allow for lowering on the brick- work when the supports are removed. If a boiler is to be hung from beams it can be placed in the correct position at once. No weight should be carried by the boiler front. To insure against this leave % to % in. clearance between the bottom of the shell and the front. This is especially important in the lug-supported type in order to allow for settling. The front end of a boiler should be set 1 in. higher than the rear to aid in draining through the blow-off pipe when washing out. This also allows an extra inch depth of water over the rear tube ends, a precaution against damage from low water. In leveling a boiler cros.swise consider two points, the top line of tubes and the face of the steam nozzle. 274 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Barrels are preferable to blocking for supporting a boiler while the setting walls are being built, for they are less in the way of the masons. Two heavy oil barrels will support a 66-in. by IC-ft. boiler, if the blocking below them and on top is arranged so that the load is distributed evenly over all the staves. Use more barrels for larger boilers and arrang*} the blocking on top so that the load will be distributed evenly between the barrels. If good barrels are not available, a cribwork of blocks placed under the front and rear of the sheU will serve the purpose. Care should be used in the arrangement of the blocking so that it will not interfere with the building of the setting walls. 0.01 (O.Ol-For use— 0,001) with dotted lines Fig. 5. Curves for obtaining approximate weight of electrical apparatus. Some masons use common lime mortar in building boiler set- tings, but a much better and more lasting job can be obtained by adding cement to the bonding mixture. First mix regular lime mortar, using % cu. yd. of good, sharp sand to 1 bbl. of lime. Then make a mixture of sand and cement, using 2 bbls. of sand to 1 bbl. or 4 bags of cement ; add this to the lime mortar and then it is ready for use. and this quantity should be enough to lay about 1.000 bricks. If all the mortar cannot be u-^ed at once, the sand and cement mixture should be added only to such portion of the lime mortar as will be reciuired for immediate use. It is difTicult to keep it in proi)er condition for use overnight after the cement has been added. Fire-cl;iy only should be used for bond- ing, in laying fire-brick. For this purpose mix it with water to about the consistency of buttermilk, so that the bricks may be MOVING AND INSTALLING 275 dipped in it and rubbed together when laying them. About 2 bbls. of fire-clay are required to lay 1,000 bricks. To estimate the amount of common bricks required for a boiler setting, figure the number of cu. ft. of wall to be laid with this kind of brick, and multii)ly Ijy 23 ; the result will be the numbi^r of bricks required. In making calculations no deductions should be made for openings in the setting walls for cleaning doors, etc. ; the waste from breakage and cutting will require the extra brick figured in this way. Where fire lining is laid iV^ ins. thick and with every sixth course a header, figure 8 fire-bricks for each square foot of wall surface lined in this manner. If the lining is to be 9 ins. thick and with every sixth course tied to the common brick with a header, figure in 15 bricks for every square foot of wall surface lined. Return tubular boilers are set with an air-spaced wall. This lessens the radiation losses by keeping down the temperature of the exposed wall surface. The chief advantage of the air-space construction, however, is that when properly built it tends to pre- vent the cracking of the outer wall surface and therefore makes a better-looking setting. An important point in the designing of setting walls, to prevent cracking, is the method u.sed to join the ends of the bridge wall with the side walls. Usually a mason will build the two at the same time and tie the bridge wall rigidly to the side walls. This will result in cracked side walls, because the bridge wall expands when heated and pushes out the side walls. "With the wall having an air space this does not necessarily show on the outer wall unless the two are tied together at this point. There are two ways of preventing trouble from expansion of the bridge wall, one by leaving the ends of the bridge wall about an inch away from the side walls, packing the space with asbestos or mineral wool. The elasticity of the packing allows for the ex- pansion of the bridge wall and it prevents the space from becom- ing clogged with ashes and cinders. The other way is to build a recess about 4^^ ins. deep in the side walls having the same .shape as a vertical section of the bridge wall, and build the ends of the bridge wall into this recess, leaving 1 1^ ins. of clearance at each end for expansion. The chief function of a bridge wall is to limit the length of grate surface by presenting a barrier beyond which the spreading of the fuel is prevented ; it also aids in mingling the unburned gases and air, so as to cause complete combustion before reaching the tubes. Where girth seams are located in the vicinity of the bridge wall, the top of the wall .should be so shaped and of such a distance below the shell that the products of combustion will not strilve directly against the seam. Leave at least 10 or 14 ins. be- tween the top of the bridge wall and the shell to prevent over- heating of the .sheets, even in the absence of seams. The top of the bridge wall should be built straight across, and not follow the contour of the shell as is sometimes done. The combu.stion chamber at the rear of the bridge wall is a very important feature. It aids complete combustion, especially if 276 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA bituminous coal is used. The rear edge of the bridge wall should be built vertically, and the space behind it down to about the level of the floor should be left open. The deep combustion chamber at the rear of the bridge wall causes a whirl in the air and gases coming over it and greatly aids in their proper mixture. It also increases storage capacity for the fine ash and cinder that is car- ried beyond the bridge wall. The practice of filling the space behind the bridge wall cannot be too strongly condemned, for it seriously interferes with the accessibility for inspection of the most important surfaces of the boiler, and is certain to prevent complete combustion, especially if bituminous coal is used. It is easier to clean out the combus- tion chamber by arranging the bottom of it so that the blow-off pipe passes out below the paving. The cleanout door, which is usually located in the rear wall, should be placed on a level with the paving so that no obstacle is offered to raking out the ashes. Place the blow-off pipe in a brick trough, the bricks on top being arranged so that they may be readily removed for inspection. This arrangement admits the blow-off pipe being placed" above the boiler-room floor without interfering with free access to the cleanout door. The vertical section of the blow-off pipe should be protected from the direct impingement of the flames by use of a pipe sleeve over it. Some engineers prefer to line all the inner surfaces that are swept by flame and heated gases with fire-brick, and while this makes a good and lasting setting it adds considerably to the cost. If the front wall and the side walls as far as the bridge wall are lined, together with the face of bridge wall, and the balance of the setting is laid with good, hard-burned red brick, a satisfac- tory and very durable job will result. Every fifth or sixth course of fire-brick should be a header course to properly bind the lining to the main wall. When laying the fire-brick care should be taken to use only the minimurn amount of fire-clay for bonding. When a boiler is set with a Dutch oven, there is absolute need of binder bars or their equivalent to carry the thrust of the arch, but no such need exists with the ordinary return tubular setting where the boiler is hung, and probably not where the boiler is supported by lugs resting on the setting walls. Proper provision to allow freedom for expansion of the shell must be made if the cracking of the setting walls is to be pre- vented. The walls should be left about 1 in. from the shell of the boiler at all points, and this space can be closed with asbestos rope or plastic asbestos to prevent air leakage into the setting. Pockets should be left in the brickwork around the rear supporting lugs so that there will be no chance for the lugs to push against the walls. A point where clearance is of vital importance is- around the pipe connection to the water column and blow-off. Unless there is proper freedom allowed at these points there is danger of the piping being broken off. Where boilers are hung from beams and supported on columns and more than one boiler is used, a column is often placed in the o N S« K^ 0^ Sffi H H H?^ «^:/).2? FOR ILER . (F O^ WfQ^ h°^ ^ <^ %ip tf PQ 2 'P'^i*^ MEAS URN T CHAN . h -a XJ • 1^ w ^ J CQ <1 en ■ WL">a J" J3»»M »l»uraoislclv i 1 1 \ i. § 1 1 1 1 1 1. ti 222;:S;;SSS?|| w.g )0 jqFraM Ituontppv 1 ' 1 S i S S i g i 5.111 1 j>«ajoiii»BM'>«'n™''j<»'iv : I 5 11 ill 11 Hill «»jq«'">qviJns)"ii»PH 1 i s 3 sssgss^gs fisjnilx^'^ixns JO iwm.ia 1 i 2 g ?!gS3SgS55 jsiion 1 1 3 «r>,,015^0,22 i s i s i S S § 1 § 1 «) ,oua uom-iioo 10 i*4u/nN | 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 qjus-i js|io3 1 JO looj W ),oua uom -moo ;o jsqoinN [mionrppv | 1 1 S g 1 i g i 1 § JO JiTO,"o*jit.n Mirajnj 1 g i 1 1 i i, g i i 1 j=poa >|3>ns ioj son Joou »Aoq» r»jml»i VWa oomraoo JO jjqiunN | 1 s « 1 i i S i i 1 i s 2 - .2 ;: S S S 8 3 ■ 1 I soil joou 1 " n.M ■>«>^-0 JO 1'P!M 1 a s 3 SggSSSS^SS xjKwa oi «Jsnoa jo jsio^ | Ol mmo mojj aooviBiQ | i «, »noa <1M«1^ jrau m 03<:ds- i ^ s. 8 3 S35gggg?S > o aojog JO s ^oua JO q'pm ' ^ 3 2 Z son»8 vug » .^i jpitTij JO eiairiSfqX - ^ 2 2 S28SS8S-i;g -1 »!»ojnj JO - = 3 S 3 5 3 S g f.' 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Relation of cost per sq. ft. of floor space, to cost per boiler hp. of various types of boilers. cities. "We must also consider isolated plants in cities and shall assume the following limits for the value of real estate : Real estate, 25 cts. to $10 per sq. ft. In a paper on " Steam Power Plants," by O. S. Lyford and R. W. Stovel, in the January, 1911, Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, it is pointed out that foundation costs range from $1.25 to $4 per sq. ft. of building plan area, depending upon the character of the soil. The lower figure covers simple concrete footings for. good bearing soil, while the higher figure covers locations where piling or rock excavation is required. We shall assume the same figures, viz. : Foundations, $1.25 to $4 per sq. ft. The same paper states that power plant buildings cost $4 to 282 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA q ui w Co^ ^-2 CD oxi <1 aj ft o U pi o p Ocousco p^ €«■ p H < H Ai <^ <1 O u !> X H (U 0) OJ OJ ^ Gftftft eqocooo th focotn <0 O^ 4J o . oS ft' ft '. zl ^ T3 ft <1 . O C.< ^Sft o ft ft^.^^ d o m O r-i CO (TOio 00 Ol S0 10 03 t-CX)THTHfO ) U5 <0 > O o co'co 1-1 iHOOOO ^t^ i^ ® hrs. at $0.25. 55 hrs. at $0.21 52.93-- Erecting iron work. 59 hrs. at $0.25. % hr. at $0.30 14.90- Steam piping to stoker engine, 21 hrs. at $0.25 5.25 Sorting and handling old firebrick, 25 hrs. at $0.25 6.25' ('oncrete work, 15 hrs. at $0.25 3.75 Total cost of labor $112.58 The above costs do not include superintendence and material. In another case the work included erecting stokers, rebuilding the bridge wall and relining the furnace from the bridge wall to the front. The floor of the old furnaces was so low as to neces- sitate cutting out the floor and excavating a pit ; the floor being concrete and the excavation being rock and the work being done with sledge and wedges. The cost of installing the first stoker as Itemized in article mentioned above was $12 58. The same gang put in the remaining three stokers. It will be noted that the cost gradually decreased with the successive installations. The follow- ing were the costs of labor for stokers 2, 3 and 4 : • Second Stoker Excavation. 82 hrs. at 25 cts $ 20.50 Tearing out old fronts, 10 hrs. at 25 cts 2.50" MOVING AND INSTALLING * 285 Forms for concrete, 7V:? hrs. at 25 cts $ 1.'88 1 4 28 Forms for concrete, 2 hrs, at 30 cts 2.40 j Centering for arches. 2 Mj hrs. at 30 cts 75 ^ ^ a-, renteriijg for arches, 1 1 V2 hrs. at 25 cts 2.88 j "^"'^ Concrete work. 32 V-, his. at 25 cts 8.13 Unloading- stoker. 4V2 hrs. at 25 cts 1.13 Unloading sand, 2 hrs. at 25 cts , .50 Unloading firebrick. 152^.^ hrs. at 25 cts 3.92 Brickwork, 36 hrs. at 22 cts 7.92 1 07^7 Brickwork. 119 hrs. at 25 cts 29.75 f- •^'•°' Erecting iron woj k, 44 hrs. at 25 cts. ..,< 11.00 ( 1010 Erecting iron work. 27 hrs. at 30 cts 8.10 j Teaming 2.50 Shafting. 12 hrs. at 30 cts 3.60 J . qo Shafting. 5 Ms hrs. at 25 cts 1.38 J ^-^^ Total labor $108.84 Third Stoker Excavation. 89 hrs. at 25 cts .....* $ 22.25 Tearing out old front. 10 hrs. at 25 cts 2.50 Forms for concrete, 16 hrs. at 30 cts. $ 4.80 | f- ,,, Forms for concrete, 2 hrs. at 25 cts 50 J ^ Centering for arches. 7 hrs. at 25 cts 1.75 Concrete work, 20 hrs. at 25 cts 5,00 ) ^ 04 Concrete work. 4 hrs. at 21 cts 84 j "'^^ Unloading stoker, 4 V> hrs. at 25 cts 1,13 Unloading sand. 2 hrs. at 25 cts .50. Unloading firebrick, 152/;j hrs, at 25 cts 3.92. Brickwork. 98 hrs. at 25 cts 24.50 1 00 r-j Brickwork. 43 hrs. at 21 cts 9.03 | ^'^^"^ Erecting iron work. 77 hrs. at 25 cts 19.25 j 91 ou Erecting iron work, 13 hrs. at 21 cts. . 2,73 \ "^'^^ Shafting. 4 hr.s. at 30 cts 1 20 Teaming -, 2 50 Total labor \ $102.40 Fourth Stoker Excavation, 101 1^ hrs. at 25 cts $25.38 \ ».,(. ^. Excavation, 7 hrs. at 21 cts 1,47 ( if-"^^ Tearing out old front, 12 hrs. at 25 cts 3 00 Forms for concrete, 2 hrs. at 30 cts 60 | ., ^ ,. Forms for concrete, 6 hrs. at 25 cts 1.50 \ " (Centering for arches. 5 hrs. at 21 cts 1.05' Concrete work. 26 V2 hrs. at 25 cts 6.62 Unloading stoker. 41/2 hrs. at 25 cts 1.13 Unloading sand. 2 hrs. at 25 cts 50 Unloading firebrick, 15% hrs. at 25 cts 3.92 Brickwork, 98 hrs. at 25 cts 14,50 f 91 ■$ . . Brickwork. 32V2 hrs. at 21 cts 6,84 ( "^'^^ Erecting iron work, 1 hr. at 30 cts 30 ( 1.1 55- Erecting iron work. 57 hrs. at 25 cts 14,25 j Shafting. 3 hrs. at 30 cts 90 [ , r.^ Shafting. 3 hrs. at 25 cts 75 J ^ ""^ Teaming 2.50 Platform for ash pit. 3 hrs. at 25 cts .75 Cleaning up boiler room, 5 hrs. at 25 cts 1.25 Total ' , $87.21 Cost of Setting Two 200 h. p. Boilers at the Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y. The work was accomplished in bad weather. Labor $ 449.83 286 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Material : 38.360 red brick at $12 per M $ 400.00 4,500 fire brick at $32 per M I i ai aa 75 Bull nose fire brick at $32 per M j ^^^-^^ 36 bbls. of lime at $1 36.00 12 lbs. of Rosendale cement at $2 24.00 29 yds. sand at $1.25 34.25 11 bbls. fire clay at $3 33.00 $ 670.65 Total cost of setting boiler $1,219.83 Cost of Two Engine Foundations at the Corliss Surprise Store, 8th Avenue, New York. A 1 :4 ;6 mixture of concrete was used. Labor : 271/2 days at $2 ...$ 55.00 Material Used : 21 bbls. cement at $2 42.00 8 yds. sand at $1.75 14.00 13 yds. stone at $3 39.00 Material Hauled Away: 18 yds. earth at $1.25 22.50 Total cost of foundations $172.50 Excavation, cu. yds 17 Concrete, cu. yds 17 Cost of foundation per cu. yd $10.10 Cost of Moving and Erecting a 400 h. p. Corliss Engine and 500 k. w. Generator. In describing the moving and erection of a Cor- liss engine and generator C. L. Samson (Engineering and (Con- tracting. Aug. 16, 1911) states that the engine and generator came knocked down on flat bars and were hauled 1 y-y miles over paved streets on a heavy truck, especially designed for hauling heavy loads. The heaviest piece weighed 15 tons. It so chanced that the streets were slightly down grade for the entire distance, so that four horses were sufficient to draw the heaviest parts. The most of the parts, however, were drawn by a 2-horse team. The installation was in an old building and the floor was not strong enough to support the weight of the heavier parts. Shores were accordingly set under floor sills and joists at about 36-in. centers to strengthen the floor. A gin pole with a 4-sheave rope block and a hand power double- geared winch was used in taking off the top half of the generator field ring and for lowering the bottom half of the flywheel into the wheelpit. All other parts were placed on skids, rolled into position and lowered with jacks. A house mover furnished his services with the truck, one team, blocking and the necessary jacks and rigging for $10 per day. The man sent by the engine company supei'vised the erection of the engine and the company furnishing the generator sent a man to supervise the erection of the electrical ecjuipment. Charges for moving the generator are high, due to a truck break- ing down under load with considerable delay in transferring the load. MOVING AND INSTALLING 287 The charges for erection on both engine and generator are high, due to delay in arrival of certain parts that failed to come with the rest of the machinery. The charges for installation and cov- ering of steam and exhaust piping are high due to the fact that they were laid under the lloor where only about 18 ins. woiking space was available. Further, two concrete foundation walls had to be pierced. The steam line was about 18 ft. long -and the ex- haust line was about 45 ft. long. Both steam and exhaust lines were 8 ins. and flanged pipe and fittings were used. Aside from pipe and fittings, little material was used and the charges below given are for labor only. The weight of the engine was 41 tons and the weight of the generator was 20 tons. The switchboard, transformers and fittings weighed about 5 tons. The itemized costs of labor were as follows : Cost of shoring up engine room floor, 43 1/^ hrs. at $0.30 $ 13 05 Cutting walls for steam piping. 591/2 hrs. at $0.25.. 14.88 covering steam piping : 20 hrs, at $0.30 6 00 91 hrs. at $0.25 22.75 Total , $28.75 Piping for oiling system : 8 hrs. at $0.30 $ 2.40 118 hrs. at $0.25 , 29.50 Total $ 31.90 Moving engine : 23 hrs. at $0.30 $ 6.90 1361/2 hrs, at $0.25 ,. 34.12 House mover 34.50 Extra men 6.00 Total $ 81.52 Setting up engine : 137 hrs. at $0.30 $ 41.10 343 hrs, at $0.25 85.75 House mover , 5600 Erector 286.15 Total $469.00 Moving generator : 431/2 hrs. at $0.30 $ 13.05 581/. hrs. at $0.25 14.62 House mover 42.50 Extra team 4.00 Total $ 74.17 Setting up generator: 4 hrs. at $0.30 ■ $ 1.20 102 hrs. at $0.25 ' 25.50 House mover 38.00 Erector 190.00 Total $254.70 Total cost of labor for moving and erecting engine and generator $967.97 288 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Wrecking a Plant after a Fire. Wilfred Twinch (Power, Oct., 1907) gives the following account of wrecking the Minnesota Sugar Company's plant, at St. Louis Park, Minn., after it was burned down. The plant cost $400,000. The main building and warehouses were of enamel brick, one end of the plant being of mill construction, two stories high, and the other end part steel and three stories high. Some of the heaviest machinery was sup- ported by iron columns. The floors were wood. After the insur- ance was adjusted the plant was turned over to the engineer to wreck. He was instructed to save everything worth saving, to sell the scrap, and to clear the ground. There were four cast-iron evaporators, built-up structures, 20 ft. long, 8 ft. wide and 8 ft. high, with their backs broken. There were eight wrought-iron crystallizers weighing 20 tons each, and there were steel storage tanks and pipe lines galore. Altogether there was sufficient salvage to preclude the use of dynamite. The engineer had had no previous experience in wrecking, so he concluded that scrapmen could do it more cheai)ly. These gentle- men were found to be banded together and very difficult to deal with. At first the best proposition they would offer was to pay us $2.40 a ton for the wreck, they to clear the ground, leaving us everything we wished to retain. Finally competition got pretty sharp, and we closed a contract with one fellow to clear the ground and pay $6.75 a ton for all wrought- and cast-iron scrap, 12i^ cts. per pound for copper scrap, 4 cts. for brass, and $3 per thousand for whole brick. Fortunately we had a lawyer to draw up a contract which contained a penalty clause for not finishing the job within 60 days. These wreckers were specialists, competent to handle such a proposition. Incidentally we learned that it is best to consider all machinery that has been in the heat of a fire as scrap, only scrap, and that cast-iron columns go through fire better than builtup columns, because they are capable of withstanding more heat. The wreckers first extended the railroad track into the wreck and procured two gondola cars, then removing by hand and team such as they could, they put the cast-iron scrap into one car and the wrought-iron into the other. Next they installed a guy derrick with a 60-ft. mast, with 18 X 18-in. base and a 70-ft. boom; a double-cylinder. 7 X 10-in. hoisting engine. Care was taken in lo- cating the derrick so it would need shifting only three times, as each move cost $50 to $60 in labor. The big cast-iron evaporators, condensers, vacuum pans, etc., were broken up by dropping a big ball upon them from the top of the derrick. All wrought-iron work and the steel structures were cut up with cold chisels and sledge hammers, piece by piece. To show that the workmen were not amateurs, the pipe work was unscrewed where necessary, or the flanges were broken with sledge hammers. Cost of Wrecking the Plant.' The market price for wrought- and cast-iron scrap, mixed, was $10 per ton. f.o.b. cars; the con- tract price was $6,75 per ton on the ground, so the contractor MOVING AND INSTALLING 289 evidently allowed $3.25 a ^n for wrecking and loading. Follow- ing is the actual cost as checked up daily by the company's en- gineer : Labor (excluding derrick gang) 4500 hours at 22i/^ cents... $1,012 Supervision, 2 men for two months, at $75 300 Team, 10 days at $4 40 Setting derrick 60 Derrick, 60 days at $12 a day (4 men) 720 Derrick repair 50 Loading derrick 50 Tools (say) 30 $2,262 There was 990 tons of scrap iron shipped, so the actual cost of wrecking and loading was $2.28 per ton. Installation Costs of Miscellaneous Equipment. Table XXVIII gives actual costs of installing power plant equipment and is largely taken from accounting records, in connection with recent appraisals (prior to the war). TABLE XXVIII. INSTALLATION COSTS Weight, Description lb. 2-18,000 hp. turbines 611,400 ■ 1-10,000 hp. turbine 169,000 2- 500 hp. impulse wheels.. 19,200 1— 5,000 hp. turbine and gov- ernor 143,900 1- 1,000 hp. turbine 148,000 2-10,000 kw. generators 470,000 2- 225 kw. exciters 48,000 1- 7,000 kw. generator 199,100 2- 1,500 kw. motor generators 309,700 1— 500 kw. motor generator. 41,115 1-1,250 kw. generator 32.500 1-3,750 kw. generator...... 107,360 1-1,400 kw. generator 66,700 7-3.333 kw. transformers.... 245,000 4-1,000 kw. transformers 78,000 1-1,000 kw. transformer 33,000 3- 200 kw. transformers 28,500 3-1,500 kw. transformers 55,500 3-1,000 kw. transformers 57,600 3- 200 kw. transformers 28,300 1-2,200 kw. transformers 66,200 1-60 ton crane 114,000 1-50 ton crane 77,000 1-25 ton crane 24,000 1-30 ton crane 42,000 1-10 ton crane 11,500 Misc. Cost mate- per Labor rial Total ton $9,848 $2,440 $12,288 $40.20 3,973 924 4,897 57.90 1,357 1,051 2,408 25.10 1,288 209 1,497 20.80 825 36 851 11.50 3,719 1,332 5,051 21.50 590 362 952 39.50 2,285 1,190 3,475 35.00 1,566 372 1,938 12.50 347 7 354 17.30 235 62 297 18.30 392 17 409 7.80 401 21 422 12.60 1,573 340 1,913 15.60 507 13.00 110 33 143 8.70 262 10 272 19.20 1,138 152 1,290 46.50 752 237 989 34.30 765 22 787 55.80 771 23.30 1,708 140 1,848 32.40 1,004 136 1,140 29.60 290 290 24.20 417 19.80 140 24 30 How a IVIachine Foundation in a Substation Was Removed by Dynamite. (Electrical World, March 11, 1916.) A booster set in the Kolmar Avenue (Chicago) substation of the Commonwealth Edison Company has been removed to make room for a new 290 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 2000-kw. synchronous converter. A part of the reconstruction work incident to the change consisted in removing the booster foundation, which was built in a solid concrete block 12 ft. wide by 15 ft. long- by 5 ft. high. To remove this monolithic block by manual labor would have taken 8 men a week working 8 hrs. a day with points and sledges. A quicker and more efficacious method, however, was adopted. Working with air hammer and drills, a workman made 25 1.5-in. holes varying in deptli from 12 ins. to 30 ins. in the concrete. Two licensed dynamiters, whose seiwices had been secured from the Chi- cago surface Lines, then set and ignited 14 dynamite blasts, which completely removed the old foundation. The man who drilled the holes worked from 2 to 11 p. m on his part of the job. The dyna- miters worked from 1.30 A. M. till 4.30 a. m. the following morning, firing the first blast at 1.30 a. m. and the last at 4.21 a. m. While the dynamiters were at work the two converters at the substation were shut down. This experience with dynamiting has led the company's engineers to believe that machine foundations inside of buildings can be more safelj*. speedily and economically removed by men who thoroughly understand dynamiting than by laborers with sledges and points. CHAPTER VI FUEL AND COAL HANDLING Easy Calculation of Steam Coal Required by Power Plants. R. E. Horton in Engineering-- News, March 11, 1915. gives the data in Table I for use in calculating the cost of coal required by actual or hypothetical steam plants under comparison with proposed hydraulic stations. Computations were carried through and tabulated for the yearly coal consumption in tons at a rate of 1 lb. per h.p.-hr. under vari- ous conditions. Now it is only necessary to ascertain or estimate and combine (1) the simplest unit coal consumption (per h.p.-hr., including allowance for shrinkage and waste if any) ; (2) the average h.p. in use when running; (3) the allowance for banking; (4) the hrs, use per day, and days per year. TABLE I. FACTORS FOR CALCULATING AMOUNT OF STEAM COAL REQUIRED PER HORSEPOWER-YEAR Gross tons. Net tons, 2,240 Ib.^. 2.000 Ib.s. 310 365 310 365 Method of operation days days days days 10 hrs. per day, no banking 1.38 J. 63 1.55 1.83 10 hrs. per day, plus % for banking. 1.8 4 2.17 2.07 2.43 12 hrs. per day, no banking 1.65 1.96 1.86 2.19 12 hrs. per day, plus i/^ for banking 2.21 2.61 2.48 2.92 24 hrs. per day, no banking 3.32 3.91 3.72 4.38 For example: A plant runs 10 hrs. per day and 310 days per year, produces 500 h.p. average, useg 2i^ lbs. per h.p.-hr. of steam coal, has % allowance for banking; coal co.'^ts $3.50 per gross ton. From the table, the proper unit consumption per h.p.- year is 1.84 gross tons. Then, 2.5 X 1.84 X 500 X$3. 50 = $7,735 annual Sometimes it is necessary to know the tons of ash that will have to be disposed of each year ; then it is necessary only to substitute the decimal percentage of ash in the coal for the price per ton. For 15% ash the foregoing case shows 2.5 X 1.84 X 500 X 0.15 — 345 gross tons. Theoretical Mechanical Equivalent, in H. P. Hours, of Heat Energy Contained in Common Fuels. Fig. 1 shows the equivalent theoretical energy contained in the ordinary units of measure of 291 292 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA common fuels. The chart has been prepared by taking accepted standards for the heat content per pound of fuels such as wood, coal anthracite and bituminous, alcohol, petroleum, etc., taking 1 B. t. u. equal to 778 ft. -lbs. and 1 hp. .equal to 2,545 B. t. u. per hour. Knowing tJie thermodynamic efficiency of any combination of boiler and engine and tlie heating value of any fuel in B. t. u.'s the amount of fuel required to operate the plant can readily be Eiiuivalent Theoretical Energy in Horse Power. 1 Lb. of Fuel Fig. 1. Theoretical energy contained in lbs. of fuel for heating values up to 24,000 B.t.u. per lb., a B.t.u. being equal to 778 ft.- Ibs. estimated from the chart. Or, knowing the heating value of a fuel, and the amount of fuel required to produce a mechanical h.p., the thermodynamic efficiency of the plant can be determined. Thus, a plant operating with an average boiler efficiency of 70%, a heat loss from radiation of 5% and an efficiency of engine and auxiliaries of 20% has a total net operating efficiency of 70 X 95 X 20 = 13.3%, If the plant uses coal with a heating value FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 203 of 14,000 B. t. u. per lb. 1 ton of fuel would produce 11,000 X 0.1 33 - 1,463 h.p.-hns. If the jjlant is required to develop 100 h.p., 8 hrs. per day for 300 days or 240,000 h.p.-hrs. per year there will be required 240,000 — 1.463 = 164 tons of fuel. The Economy to the Consumer Resulting from the Purchase of Coal Under Specifications. The advantage to the consumer aris- ing from the purchase of coal according to specifications was shown clearly by W. O. Collins, vice-president of the Gullocl< Hen- derson Co. of Chicago, in a paper before the Illinois Water Supply Association, printed in Engineering and Contracting. March 27, 1912. The adoption of this phase of the economic operation of pumping and power plants merits the careful consideration of the superintendents of such ])lants. The heat value and buining qualities have always been the underlying basis of consideration wherever it has been possible to choose between one or more grades or sizes of coal. We find all sorts of crude methods used in making these decisions and too often we find that a consumer simply knows that one kind of coal seems to burn better than another without really knowing whether or not it is cheai)er for him than some other available fuel. Up until a few years ago the larger consumers emi)lf>yed the boiler test to determine whether or not coal was efficient or up to contract requirements. Selections of coal for contracts were fre- (luently made by this method. Coal contractors were requested to make a .shiiiment of coal representative of the fuel which they proposed to furnish if awarded the contract. Several shipments so received were subjected to burning tests under the boiler and the evaporation per pound of coal and the cost to evaporate 1,000 lbs. of -water were dc^termined with more or less accuracy depend- ing on the care with which the tests were made. If coal con- tractors were, as they usually were, extra good coal was often supplied for the test and, generally, extraordinarily high results were recorded. However, in individual cases this method has been satisfactorily handled and the system is often us(^ful in determining the gen- eral grade of fuel best suited for any particular boiler equip- ment. On public and political contracts the eva|)oration method has caused no end of criticism as there are many conditions under the control of the testing engineer and firemen by means of v\hi(!h ihe results can be controlled at will. Furthermore, even if the tests are honestly and efficiently made, they are u.'^eless in the case of a legal fight as it is always possible to show th^it the con- paratus and the most careful and straightforward work are required. Needless to say the tester must have no af- filiations or connections with the coal trade and his efforts must be to maintain the absolute confidence of the coal trade as well as that of the consumer. In several cases the contractors have continually earned a bonus due to their care in the selection of good coal. There are other cases where they always run behind, due to overbidding. We believe that the bonus should be paid where it is earned and like- wise believe in making deductions where the coal is below the guarantee. Economic Points in the Selection and Purchasing of Coal. An analysis of the coal bids made for a large manufacturer in 1915, made by H. R. Callaway and described in Engineering Magazine, Sept.. 1915, is given in the following table, the names of the coals and of the dealers being indicated by index numbers. Volatile Fusing Index matter Sulphur Ash B.t.u. point, number per cent, per cent, per cent. dry Price deg. P. 1 27.53 1.93 8.32 14,314 $2.80 2 23.17 1.70 11.93 13,713 2.85 2,189 3 16.22 1.39 7.52 14,532 2.80 2,774 4 23.20 1.20 10.00 14,135 2.85 2,580 5 16.10 1.69 8.73 14.350 2.90 2.662 6 22.35 .83 9.44 14,178 2.95 7 22.75 1.03 8.06 14,307 2.95 2,734 8 17.59 1.81 11.75 13.736 3.00 2,560 9 21.41 1.61 7.42 14,535 2.95 2.938 10 17.28 2.04 10.04 14,160 3.00 2,444 11 22.12 1.49 10.10 14,100 3.00 2,780 12 21.18 .86 7.06 14,587 3.05 2,780 13 18.77 1.34 7.38 14,500 3.05 14 20.36 1.33 9.42 14,228 3.05 .... 15 17.47 1.56 11.90 13,961 3.10 2.586 16 21.96 2.10 9.36 14,237 3.00 2,460 17 17.65 1.30 7.60 14,565 3.10 2,800 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 297 The data as to the character and quality of these coals repre- sented the average of several tests made in connection with inde- pendent investigations of the same coal delivered to other plants. The plant in question needed coal running over 20% volatile mat- ter under 1.5% sulphur, under 8.57c ash and at least 2,700 degs. F. for the fusing point of ash. Inspection of the table shows that only Nos. 7 and 12 met these requirements, prices shown in the 6th column. The advantage in favor of No. 7 over No. 12 figured out about $0.04 per ton, No. 12 being of somewhat higher quality on the basis of the ash and the B. t. u. quality. Mr. Callaway cites a case of a manufacturer who adopted a certain coal seven years ago at $1.60 at the mines and although normally he was running his business in an efficient manner he was continuing to pay $1.60 for this coal in spite of a considerable reduction in the general soft coal market and at that he was not getting the best coal that he could for $1.60 in any market, thus throwing away over $1,000 a year because of a lack of basis of comparison between the coal that he was buying and other coals that he could get. Specifications for Purchasing Coal. Leo Loeb in Engineering Magazine, March, 1911, quotes the follov/ing forms of coal speci- fications covering large deliveries. The Interborough Rapid Transit Company purchased 360,000 tons of run-of-mine bituminous and dry coal analysis as follows: Carbon, 71%; volatile, 20^6;, 97o ; B. t. u. 14,100 per lb. and sulphur, not over 1.5%. Premiums or deductions on heat value are based on a rate of 17c for each 50 B. t. u. per lb. of coal for each V-^% of volatile matter in excess of 217o, 2 cts. per ton was deducted and also 2 cts for each i^% of ash in excess of 9% and a 6-ct. deduction for each V4% of sulphur in excess of lMs7,. Mr. Loeb criticises certain features of this contract as inequitable ; first excessive penalties in the case of sulphur and volatile matter, and deductions without corresponding premiums in the case of volatile matter, ash and sulphur, and he objects to the omission of incentive to the dealer to deliver coal low in moisture. The coal is not actually delivered dry but always contains a certain amount of moisture and the B. t. u. in the coal as delivered form the only true basis for potential heat. The Panama Canal coal for vessels, locomotive, and fuel for dredges and steam shovels, aggregating 650,000 tons per annum, is purcha.sed on a desired quality of 14,600 B. t. u. as received, with acceptance down to 14.350 B. t. u. on deduction of 14 7o per 25 B. t. u. or fraction thereof. Coal that analysed below 14,350 B. t. u. and on a dry basis less than 14,750 was penalized 1 cent for each 25 B. t. u. below 15,000 in addition to the above noted penalty. This, in effect, being an ash adjustment, since the coal actually had a value dry of 14,900 B, t. u. Mr. Loeb criticises this as a severe contract, but is justified because although the prices f. o. b. vessels at Norfolk were $2.72 y^ per long ton in 1908. $2.44 in 1909, and $2.60 in' 1910, the total cost distributed to shovels and dredges amounted to $6.50 per ton. He states that the result of this contract was an average delivery for 1908 of 14,547 B. t. u., 298 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA for 1909 there were 14,528 B. t. u. The banner cargo for that year consisted of 5,021 tons containing 2.06% moisture, 3.69% ash, yielding 14,888 B.t.u. The U. S. Ckwernment pays a premium for all coal showing more than 15,000 B. t. u. dry, allowing an ash variation of 2% and penalizing at rates increasing from 2 cts. to 35 cts. per ton from 3% to 9% ash above guarantee. The ash penalties do not change with the price. Economic Hints on Calorific Tests of Coal. Whereas, the calorific qualities of coal can be determined by laboratory te.sts in a very convenient and inexpensive manner, the physical properties of the coal, which involve clinkering, packing down on the grates, or adaptability to the mechanical features of automatic stokers, must be determined by actual tests on firing, and these tests depend upon the skill of the fireman, the conscientiousness with which he does his work, and the ability with which he is supervised while the tests are being made. They should be tests under regular running conditions for a considerable period, possibly a week. iVIethods of Estimating the Heat Value of Fuel. There are two generally used methods : Calculations. The formula frequently used is as follows: B, t. u. O per lb. of fuel -CX 14,600 + (H ) 62,000. Where 8 C — Decimal part by weight of carbon in the fuel ; H— Decimal part by weight of hydrogen in the fuel; O -- Decimal part by weight of oxygen in the fuel. Tn using this formula in determining the value of gas fuels care shf)uld be taken not to confuse the weight of gas with its volume and temperature and pressures of gas be specified. The temperatures most frequently taken are 32 and 60 degs. F., and the pressure. 14.7 lbs., absolute. rroxiniate Ayialysis. The proximate analysis of coal does not give the percentage of total carbon nor the percentage of gases, but it does give the percentage of fixed carbon. The accompanying diagram. Fig. 2, appeared in Power, June 10. 1913, and w-as con- .structed from over 300 analyses made by the U. S. Government, representing coal found in 27 different states and territories. It is almost exactly correct for a limited number of cases, reasonably near correct (ju-obably within 3'/') ioi- a large number of cases and quite far from correct in a few cases. The curve is most uniformly accurate for coals having combustible matter that con- tains from 64 to 90% fixed carbon. Where the fixed carbon runs less than 6 1%. the curve may. in a few cases, err as much as 7%. Application of the Chart. "To estimate the heat value of a coal with a given proximate analysi.s, add together the percentage of fixed carbon and the percentage of volatile matter in the coal ; divide this sum into the percentage of fixed carbon and multiply by 100. This gives the percentage of fixed carbon in the com- bustible matter. Locate this percentage at the foot of the chart, FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 299 extend your pencil straight up until you strike the curve, then extend it to the nearest (left or right) margin in a straight hori- zontal line and read off the B. t. u. per pound of combustible. Multii)ly the B. t. u. thus found by the sum of the percentage of fixed carbon and volatile matter in the coal as shown by the proxi- mate anlysis, and the answer, divided by 100, gives the B. t. u. per pound of coal. "To illustrate with an actual example, assume a coal with this proximate analysis: Moisture. 5 127f ; volatile matter, 27.25%; fixed T rn r— r— — — — -^ - - - — - 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 ' i 1 I ; 1 1 ■ i 1 1: ■ i 1 1 1 " ... ■■ "■ 1 i^^---' ■: iT-<: i ' ' M ' ' ' ^ 1 1 .X 1 1 1 1 ^ ; 1 i ., . - -^1 ^ , . , 1 1 ; ; 1 1 -f , -I- ■ • • - / 1 i 1 / ■ 1 ; 1 M i 1 1 1 ; f 1 i : t ,\ . . i 1 1 j : 1 i\ r i • i 1 1 ' ' 1 . 1 i i ' i\ i M '' ■ 1 ' ; 1 i !\' ' i 1 / 1 ' ' 1 J ! . _Nl 1 1 ' 5.1 00 J ■ i \ 1 > ■ N 1 1 5.0 1 / i I i 1 s 1 1 s / 1 1 , / 1 i ' i \ ! 71 i 1 ! i !M 1 ; 1 i i 1 : ' i 1 i 1 1 i 1 i i 1 i i s ; ' 71 J Ll : \ \ \ 1 1 4,700 1 Vi M Ji 1- 1 1 1 1 i 1 • 4.6 1 i / 1 ; ! ■ 1 i '■ i ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 y 1 ■ "r ' *.=oo '' / i 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 i i 1 1 ' /i 1 ' M t 1 . 1 • 1 • _yi M M 1 1 . i i 1 1 i ' / I 1 1 i ! 1 ■ i 1 1 i 1 r 1 / ■ 1 1 M 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 ' ; ! . . . . : . , 1 , . . i i ]| • ' /I 1 \ 1 1 1 i ; , ' ' , : ; , • 1 1 i 1 1 1 5 5 i 6 6 i '5 8 r> 3 > 35 100 Fig. 2. Diagram for e.stimating heat value of coal fi'om proximate analysis. carbon. .53.38'7r ; ash. 14.25%. Adding together the percentage of fixed carbon and the percentage of volatile matter, 53.38 + 27,25 - 80.63. Dividing this into the fixed carbon, we have 53.38-^80.63 — 0.662, which, multiplied by 100, gives 66.27c fixed carbon in the com- bu.stible. Referring to the base line of the chart, find the 66% line and judge a point 0.2. or Vi. of the distance to the next line beyond. Trace an imaginary vertical line (this line is shown dotted on the chart) up from this point to the curve and then hori- zontally to the left margin. It strikes exactly the 15,400 B. t. u. line. Then, 15,400 B. t. u. may be taken as the heat value of a pound of the combustible matter found. " Now, if the coal were all combu.'-tible and had no moisture nor, the heat value per pound of coal would be identical with the heat value per pound of combustible. But only 80.63% of the 300 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA coal is combustible, and hence the heat value of a pound of coal is equal to only 8 0.6 3% of the heat value of a pound of combustible. Thus, the heat value of the coal is 15.100 X 80.63 -^ 100 = 12.417 B. t. u." Relative Value of Anthracite and Semi-Bituminous Coals. The comparison of the relative fuel value of the steam sizes of anthra- cite semi-bituminous coals shown in Fig. 3 was made by G. B. Gould, vice-president of the Fuel Engineering- Company of New York, and was printed in Cost of Power by that company. The average coal quality upon which the chart is based was determined from 8.195 tests of semi-bituminous and 9,885 tests of steam sizes of anthracite niade by that company. The Cost of Coal Analyses. The analysis of coal to determine the calorific value of the fuel costs from a maximum of 2 cts. per ton when the work is done on a small scale to % ct. per ton when the analyses of large shipments are made regularly. The cost of a calorimeter is from $100 to $150, and the cost for. a complete proximate analysis calorific determination in the U. S. Inspection Laboratory is $1.95 per sample in 1911 (Fng. Magazine, March, 1911). Coal Size and B. t. u. per $1 Cost. The data in Table II given in Isolated Plant, Sept., 1913, .^how the relative value of various size coals when properly burned, TABLE II. RELATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS SIZE COAL Kind Broken . . Egg Stove .... Chestnut . Pea Buckwheat No. 1 . . No. 2 . . No. 3 . . Pass square hole . 4V4 . 3 . . 21/2 . . 1V:> ■ . % ■ . V2 . . /A • • 4l6 Not pass 2% 2 IM % V2 Vi %2 -Specification- Ash, pr. ct. 11 11 12 12 18 19 19 19 B.t.u. 13.200 13:200 13,000 13,000 12,200 12,000 11.900 11,900 Approx. price $6.00 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.25 3.50 3.15 2.75 Evaporation Tests as a Check upon Coal Analysis. Loeb, Engineering Magazine, March, 1911.) No. of B.t.u. for $1.00 4,400,000 4,220,000 4,000.000 4,000,000 5,740,000 6,860,000 7.510,000 8,600,000 (After Leo EVAPORATION TESTS OF TWO COMPETING COALS Name of coal Duration of test, hours. Analysis : Moisture Ash Fixed carbon Volatile matter B.t.u. as received Elk Licl 1.80 9.10 68.60 20.50 14.050 B.t.u. dry coal 14,310 Refuse : Combustible matter 22.75 Non-combustible 77.25 Orenda. Orenda. Elk Lick, 2.10 8.20 73.70 16.00 14,070 14,370 30.10 69.90 2.70 9.30 71.50 16.50 13,770 14.150 20.80 79.20 5.80 8.30 65.90 20.00 13,565 14,400 21.00 79.00 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 301 Name of coal Elk Lick. Orenda. Orenda. Elk Lick. Duration of test hours. .9 9 9 9 12.86 9.73 9.74 10.46 Boiler horse power 42G.5 421.8 426.8 455.2 Equivalent evai)oration per lb. coal as receivod 10.25 10.51 9.97 9.92 Equivalenl evaporation per lb. dry coal 10.44 10.74 10.25 10.52 Equivalent evaporation per lb. combustible 11.98 11.90 11.35 11.75 Efficiency of boiler and grate, per cent 70. }5 72.18 69.95 70.55 Contract price, per ton,. $3.01 $3.15 $3.15 $3.01 in dry coal, per cent. 7 6 6 7 B.t.u. Hs received 14,000 14,300 14,300 14,000 Smoke, per cent, black. . . 15.2 1.7 3.62 13.8 Cost of evaporating 1,000 lbs. of steam under ob- served conditions, cts. 13.08 13.09 13.69 13.12 The two bids considered gave respectively 9.84 and 9.66 cts. per million B. t. u., showing a ratio of 1.018. The first bidder had sup- plied satisfactory coal for a year; and the second one was known to be slightly inferior from records in the Bureau of Mines. But since there was a possible saving of 1.8'/<. it was decided to leave the results to evaporation tests on two Babcock & Wilcox boilers of 206 boiler h.p.. fitted with mechanical stokers, the results being given in the above table. The result being that the average coat of producing steam with the Elk Lick coal was 13.10 cts. per thousand lbs. and with Orenda 13.39 giving a ratio of 1.021, show- ing a saving in favor of the first of 2.1% as compared with an expected saving by calculation of 1.8%. The Weathering of Coal. As the result of some experiments on the weathering of coal conducted at the engineering experiment station of the University of Illinois the following conclusions were reached: (1) Sul)merged coal does not lose appreciably in heat value. (2) Outdoor exposure results in a loss of heating value varying from 2 to i^)%. (3) Dry storage has no advantage over storage in the open except with high suljihur coals, where the distintegrating effect of sulphur in the process of oxidation facili- tates the e.scape of hydiocarbons or the oxidation of the same. (4) In most cases the losses in storage appear to be practically complete at the end of 5 months. From the seventh to the ninth month, the loss is inapi)reciHl:»le. Variation of Car and Mine Samples of Coal. The following data are from Bulletin 85 of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Method of Mine ^am2)ling Follovjed by Bureau of Mines. The method of collecting mine samples that is practiced by the Bureau of Mines has been described in detail in a previous publication. It involves selecting a repre.septative face of the bed to be sampled; cleaning the face ; making a cut across it from roof to floor, and rejecting or including imi)Uiities in this cut according to a definite plan as they are included or nxcludi^d in mining operations; re- ducing this gross sample, by crushing and quartering, to about 302 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL^COST DATA 3 lbs. ; and immediately sealing the 3-lb. sample in an airtight container for shipment to the laboratory. Collection of Car Samples. The carload lots of coal shipped to Pittsburgh for test were sampled by taking definite quantities of coal at regular intervals from a car as it was unloaded, and by reducing to convenient size (about 50 lbs.) the gross sample thus obtained. Method of Sampling Folloioed by the United States Geological Survey. In collecting mine samples the Geological Survey follows essentially the same method of sampling as that used by the Bureau of Mines. However, in sampling outcrops and prospect holes or country banks when mining is not in progress, the geologist can not imitate the miner in rejecting or including impurities in the sample, and hence the sample from the cut across the bed includes all part- ings or binders less than % in. thick and every concretion or " sul- phur ball " having a maximum diameter of less than 2 ins. and a thickness of less than y^ in. All other impurities in the bed are excluded from the sample. Obviou.sly an arbitrary and uni- form system of rejecting impurities is necessary for sampling out- crops, prospects, and undeveloped mines. Relation of Mine Satnples to Co)n)nercial Shipments. In making statements, on the basis of the analyses of mine samples, in re- gard to the quality of coal shipped from a mine due allowance must be made for the larger proportion of impurities that may be included in the commercial operation of the mine. It is difficult to take a mine sampl.e in which impurities are rejected in exactly the same manner as is done by the miner. The practice of different miners will vary, especially if rigid inspection at the tipple is not enforced. In some mines, for instance, where the coal bed has friable partings or has a soft, flaky roof or floor, the inclusion of some foreign matter is unavoidable. Hence the analysis of the mine sample usually indicates a better grade of coal, as regards ash content and heating value, than the actual commercial ship- ments, and for this reason the mine sample should be considered as representing the coal that can only be produced under the most favorable conditions of mining and preparation. In commercial shipments that are sampled at their destination the moisture content may be either more or less than that in the mine samples, the relative proportions depending on the amount of bed moisture, the size of the coal, and the weather conditions during transit. Coals containing 5% or more of moisture tend to lose moisture while in transit. Slack coal usually contains more moisture than the mine sample. Low-moisture coals shipped in open cars may gain or lose moisture, depending on weather conditions. The calorific value, referred to moisture-free and ash-free coal, of samples taken from shipments at destination, tends to be slightly lower than that of the fresh mine samples from the same mine. The deterioration is caused mainly by the freshly exposed surfaces of coal absorbing oxygen from the air. The rate of deterioration varies with the different types of coal and depends on a number of FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 303 factors, chief of which are: (1) Size of coal, (2) proportion of surface exposed to circulating air, (3) duration of exposure, (4) temperature and humidity. It is therefore difficult to assign any definite values for deteriora- tion of coal while in transit. A number of mine and car samples tested by the United States Geological Survi'y and the Bureau of Mines showed ihe following average losses in moisture-free and ash-free calorific value of car sample as compared with that of mine sample. Kind of coal. Per cent. Semibituminous, New River and Pocahontas 0.1 Bituminous, Appalachian field 3 Bituminous, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri 8 Subbituminous and lignite 1-3 TABLE 111. CALORIFIC VALUE OF COALS FROM VARIOUS STATES State Kind of fuel County perVb. Alabama Soft — Caking Bibb 13,671 Alabama Soft — Free-Burning Jefferson 14.447 Arliansas Soft — Caking Sebastian 13,705 Arkansas Semi-Anthracite — Caking Johnson 14.125 Arkansas Lignite Ouachita 9,5 19 Georgia Soft — Free-Burning Chattooga 12.865 Illinois Soft — Free-Burning Williamson 12,920 Illinois Soft Briquets St. Clair 13,271 Illinois Soft — Caking Saline 13,621 Indiana Soft — Free-Burning Greene 13,099 Indiana Soft — Caking Pike 13.545 Indiana Soft Briquets Parke 11.930 Indian Territory Soft — Free-Burning 13,932 Indian Territory Semi-Anthracite 14,682 Kansas Soft — Free-Burning Linn 12,343 Kentucky Soft — Free-Burning Union 14,026 Maryland Soft — Free-Burning Allegany 14,515 Maryland Soft Briquets Allegany 14,717 Missouri Soft — Caking Randolph 11,747 Montana Lignite — Free-Burning Carbon 11,628 New Mexico Soft — Caking Colfax 13,059 New Mexico Soft — F'ree-Burning Colfax 12,721 Ohio Soft — Free-Burning Belmont 13,381 Pennsylvania Soft — Caking Indiana 14,240 Pennsylvania Soft — Free-Burning Cambria 14,119 Pennsylvania Soft Briquets Westmoreland 14,382 Tennessee Soft Briquets Claiborne 14,092 Tennessee Soft — Free-Burning Campbell 14,008 Tennessee Soft — Caking Grundy 13,257 Texas Lignite — Free-Burning Wood 11,131 Utah Soft — Free-Burning Summit 12,586 Virginia Anthracite — Free-Burning Montgomery 12,679 Virginia Soft — Caking Tazewell 14,177 Wa.^hington Sub-bit. — Free-Burning King 11,772 Washington Soft — Free-Burning Kittitas 12,996 West Virginia Soft — Free-Burning Marion 13,964 West Virginia Soft — Caking Kanawha 13,995 Wyoming Soft — Free-Burning Carbon 12,222 Wyoming Sub-bit. — Free-Burning Uinta 12,488 The valuations in Table III were obtained at St. Louis testing' plant from 139 samples of coal. The heating values of the various coals were established by " actually burning one grain of the air- dried coal in oxygen in a Mahler bomb calorimeter." 304 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Calorific Value of Selected Free-Burning and Caking Soft Fuels. The data in Table HI are from U. S. rjeological Survey Bulletin No. 332 and U. S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 23. See Fig. 3. TABI^E IV. COMPOSITION AND HEAT ANTHRACITE COALS Fixed Locality car- Vola- Mois- bon tile ture Anthracite Penna 78. GO Buckwheat 81.32 3.84 3.88 Wilkesbarre ... 76.94 6.42 1.34 Scranton 79.23 3.73 3.33 84.46 5.37 0.97 Cross Creek 89.19 1.96 3.62 Lehigh Valley 75.20 7.36 1.44 Lykens Valley 76.94 6.21 .... 81.00 5.00 Wharton 86.40 3.08 3.71 Buck Mt 82.66 3.95 3.04 Beaver Meadow . . . 88.94 2.38 1.50 Lackawanna 87.74 3.91 2.12 Rhode Lsland 85.00 Arkansas 74.49 14.73 1.52 Semi- Anthracite Penna., Loyalsock 83.34 8.10 1.30 Bernice 82.52 3.56 0.96 89.39 8.56 0.97 Wilkesbarre 88.90 7.68 Lycoming Creek... 71.53 13.84 0.67 Virginia, natural coke .... 75.08 12.44 1.12 Arkansas 74.06 14.93 1.35 Indian Territory 73.21 13.65 5.11 Maryland, Basby . 83.60 16.40 . . . VALUES OF Sul- B.t.U. Ash phur per lb. 14.80 0.40 10.96 0.67 12,200 15.30 11.801 13.70 12,149 9.20 12,294 5.23 . . . 13.723 16.00 12 123 15,300 15,300 6.22 0.58 15,000 9.88 0.46 15,070 7.11 0.01 6.35 0.12 7.00 0.90 9.26 13,217 6.23 1.03 15,400 3.27 0.24 15,050 9.34 1.04 15,475 3.49 14,199 13.96 0.03 11.38 0.47 9.66 . . . 8.03 1.18 13,662 11,207 TABLE V. HEAT VALUE AND COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS FUELS , Composition ^ Vola- Calo- tile rifle Name of combustible C H mat- Ash power ter B.t.U. Carbon 1.00 ... 14,400 Anthracite coal 0.90 0.03 0.03 0.01 13.500 Bituminous Coal 85 0.05 0.06 0.06 14,400 Lignite 0.70 0.05 0.20 0.05 11.700 Peat 0.55 0.05 0.30 0.10 9.000 Peat 0.30 water 0.39 0.04 0.50 0.07 7.200 CoUe 0.85 0.05 ... 0.10 12.600 Peat — charcoal 0.82 ... ... 0.18 9.000 Dry wood 0.48 0.06 0.05 0.01 7.200 Wood 0.20 water 0.40 0.05 0.25 0.01 5.400 Wood charcoal 0.80 ... 0.04 0.07 10,800 Hydrogen 1.00 ... ... 62.000 Carbonic oxide 0.43 ... 0.57 ... 4.320 Illuminating gas 0.62 0.21 0.17 ... 18,000 Gas from blast-furnace ... 0.06 0.02 0.92 ... 1.620 Note. Above information is quoted from standard authorities. Not guaranteed. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING SOS Influence of Ash on Value of Coal. All motive power officers, locomotive engineers and firemen are familiar with the trouble occasioned by what is designated as " bad coal," which makes clinkers as well as fills the firebox with ashes, so that the capacity of the locomotive is very materially reduced, resulting In delays and various other troubles, due not to inferiority in the coal itself, 4.80 4.60 4.40 4.20 H 4.00 3.80 3.G0 3.40 3.20 3.00 7 / / / / / / / — — r~ -- -- -- -- -- -- / / 1 / 1 ) / .^ / [ / 1 / / 1 / / 1 / 1 ' / UL J § 2.80 S 2.60 S 2.40 ^ 2.20 « 2.00 W 1.^0 l^CO 1.40 oooocaooooooogooo ANTHRACITE VALUE Fig. 3. Relative Value of Semi-Bituminous and Anthracite but to the fact that the ash in or associated with the fuel is ex- cessive. In Railroad Age Gazette, July 30, 1909, there are given two diagrams, Figs, 4 and 5, the first illustrating value of coal fuel with varying percentages of ash, and the second, showing the results of experiments from which Fig. 5 is derived. These experiments were made with a Babcock & Wilcox boiler served with a chain grate' stoker. A .special lot of four cars of what is Itnown as No. 4 washed coal from Williamson county, Illinois, were provided to insure that no effect produced would be due to irregularity in size. In preparation it was passed over a screen having round perforations i/4 in. in diam. and through a screen having round perforations % in. in diam. The coal as re- ceived contained approximately 8% ash. The first experiment was run with this coal in condition as received. In the test of the fol- lowing day a small quantity of ash-pit refuse was mixed with it, and on each succeeding day a gradually increasing quantity of ash-pit refuse was added to the coal and thoroughly mixed. This process was continued until the efficiency and capacity dropped 306 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA * to zero, or in other words, until there was no water evaporated from the coal burned, notwithstanding the fact that 60% of the fuel composition was pure coal. The above mentioned experiments were conducted for the Com- monwealth Edison Co., Chicago, and they refer to conditions of stationary boiler service rather than of locomotive. Some re- sults plotted from tests made by the United States Geological Survey using coal containing ash ranging from 5 to 15% on hand- 100 i 80 o u u 60 40 7. 20 8 _=i.,^__ ^: . — ^^^^^^^ " : -± " ~ ::: li -^i"*w N : •^. V ■^ V ^ ^^ ^■ X ^^^»; ^ ~ " " s s ^ !5i, S J 5* S !^ !^. ^ ^r- \^^S - - -- - _ _ ^^s\ : : :_ -- - - - s_L^ _. . :::_ _ _- _ - - - ^:,L, :_ _ .: : _ - _ -^s^ _ __: : - _- -- _ -S-^ _ ::: : -- - __ - -L^^ __ . _ v^ 5 k N> . - * 1 1 .1 :rK Y Mf :::?':!i::::: = :: ::-::H:::::::: in 10 20 30 40 PER CENT or ASH IN DRY COAL Fig. 4. fired grates, conform very closely to the corresponding portion of the curve shown in Fig. 5. The matter of ash in locomotive fuel may be considered from two standpoints ; one, the desirability of employing fuel which is low in ash, the other, the removal of the ash as rapidly as it accumulates, each tending to the same result. It has been the author's experience that by frequently shaking the grate, the ash accumulation could be so disposed of that an engine would come in at the end of a division with the fire in apparently as good condition as when leaving. This, however, added very materially to the labor required on an engine, but more recently, grate-shaking apparatus, which is operated by steam, has been proposed and also employed to a limited extent. The whole matter of the ash in locomotive fuel is one of the very first importance, probably much greater than has been re- alized. The characteristic of smallness in size, which cuts a con- siderable figure in stationary practice, is largely absent in the case of locomotives, for the reason that the fine coal is carried out of FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 307 the stack by the intense draft and does not clog the fuel to such harmful extent, leaving the ash as the greatest cause of trouble with the railway fuel, which results in many so-called engine failures. 600 700 600 SCO 400 •^ 300 200 100 ErrKtcHor ^^ ^. 70 60 H Z lU 50 O (t u 40 0- >- 30 ^ LJ 20 y Lu to UJ 10 20 30 40 PER CENT OF ASH IN DRY COAU Fig. 5. Cost of Preparing Powdered Coal. W. L. Robinson states that a general average from available data, covering a period of the past 5 or 10 years of cement and metallurgical plants, will justify the following conservative estimates for plants of different sizes, as- suming the cost of the raw coal at from $1 to $2 per short ton. The material will require crushing and have a moisture content of from 5 to 10% when placed in the dryer. Capacity of plant in short tons per hr. 2 Average total cost for prepara- tion per short ton, cts. 25 to 50 20 to 45 16 to 40 14 to 35 12 to 30 10 to 20 The fuel required for drying the coal will average from 1 to 2% of the coal dried, and the distribution of the total cost is approxi- mately as follows : Per cent. Fuel for drying 10 Power for operation ^0 Labor 30 Maintenance and supplies ^o Interest, taxes, insurance and depreciation 5 Total 100 308 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Coal Burned per Sq. Ft. of Grate Area. Fig. 6 gives the results of tests on briquettes and run-of-mine coal noted by W. F. M. Goss in Bui. No. 363, U. S. Geological Survey. The experiments were made on the U. S. torpedo boat Biddle by Kenneth McAlpin of the U. S. Navy Department and W. T. Ray and H. Kreisinger of the U. S. Geological Survey. The run- of-mine coal from the New River district of West Virginia was low-volatile, bituminous or semi-bituminous in character and very friable. It was tested after an exposure of 23 days. The bricjuettes were made on Johnson and Renfrow machines using 6% of water- gas pitch binder. Cost of Briquetting Coal. From a paper on " Coal-Briquetting in the United States." by K. W. Parker, appearing in the Transac- tions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and published by them with the permission of the director of the U. S. Geological Survey we abstract the author's description of a plant in New York City and the costs of its operation. °OUN03 0( COAl. «S riREO euXNEO PER HOUR PER SQUARE rOOT OC CRATE AREA Fig. G. lOvaporative elhciency of briquettes and coal. The Mashek press in this iilant has a capacity of about 14 tons per hr. of 2-oz. briquettes, but because of unfav(»rable conditions its capacity is about 10 tons per hr. The briquettes in de- mand were found to be the 2-oz. size, which corresi)onds with the stove-coal size of anthracite. The weight varies with the nature of the dust from which the briquette is made, and it has been found that in using coke-breeze a 2.5-oz. briquette is desirable, and about a 3-oz. if made of soft coal and lignite. The press is de- signed so that a charge of the mould shells can be made in about 2 hrs. The arrangement of the plant is such that the anthracite-dust is elevated to a dust bin. from which it is drawn by a feed-conveyor so arranged that the feed is constant and can be regulated as de- sired. This conveyor discharges into a chain elevator, which in turn discharges into a battery of five 18-in. rotary diiers and heateis. These are sui)erimposed ,one above the other and all bricked in. The mateiial is conveyed through these driers by means of screw-mixers until it passes into the following elevator. On the side of these driers is constructed a furnace, the products of combustion from which are distributed into the driers through FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 309 openings into different units, so that no unit gets heat sufficient either to char the dust or to burn out the iron-work of the paddle- conveyor. An exhaust-fan draws off the products of combustion and the moisture. The temperature of the discharge-gases and moisture from the drier rarely exceeds 212 degs. F. After the material passes out of the drier into the elevator it is elevated and dropped into a 36-in. Williams pulverizer, where the larger pieces are crushed, so that everything passes through about a 12-mesh screen. From the pulverizer the material is again ele- vated to another series of mixers and coolers similar in construc- tion to the driers. The anthracite dust at this point has a tem- perature of about 300 degs. F. The coal-tar pitch is here intro- duced by means of a pitch-pump so arranged as to deliver a definite quantity of i)itch. as desired. Alongside of this last battery of mixers is a small furnace which heats the two upper mixers, main- taining an even temperature of the mixture and not allowing it to stiffen or set. From the last mixer the mateiial drops to an elevator which takes it up to the second floor and discharges it on to an 18-in. belt conveyor, which delivers the material over the press and into the hopper. The press is continually discharg- ing the briquettes into a perforated-pan conveyor, which conveys them to the briquette bin. While on this conveyor the briquettes are subjected to a heavy spray of water in order to cool and clean them. The coal-tar pitch used in this plant is of the ordinary roofing- hardness; it is delivered by lighter on an adjacent dock and carted to the pitch melting house. The plant requires about 125 h.p. to turn out 10 tons per hr. The cost of manufacture is as follows : Pitch: Using 676 of pitch at $10 per ton $0.60 DedU(;tirig increased weight of product due to 6% of pitch and calculating product at $5 per ton 0.30 Net cost of pitch $0.30 Fuel: For boilers, broler day of 10 hrs., at $2.50 per ton $10.00 Per ton of hi itjueLtes 0.10 For healiMs, diiers and pitch-melting, 3 tons at $2.50 per ton of briquettes 0.075 Labor : Per day 1 foreman $ 5.00 2 pitch-melteis 3.50 1 dust-bin man 1.75 1 engineer 3.50 1 man on .second floor . . . ., 1.75 1 man on giound floor 175 1 night watchman 1 75 1 oiler 175 $20.75 Per ton of briquettes $0.21 310 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Miscellaneous: Wear and tear, per ton of briquettes $0.10 Lubricating oil, per ton of briquettes 0.01 Insurance 005 Interest on capital invested $40,000 at Q% 0.10 Office expense, telephone, stenographer and stationery, $2,000 per annum 0.09 $0.99 Anthracite (dust at $1.40 per long ton) per net ton of bri- quettes 125 Total cost of briquetting $2.24 Re-briquetting 3% of breakage and abrasion, charging it back to plant as dust, per ton of briquettes 0.06 Net cost per ton of briquettes $2.30 Wholesale selling-price in bin 4.80 Net profit per short ton ' $2.50 Cost of Briquetting Coal. M, H. Blauvelt in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, March, 1910. described the fuel briquetting plant of the Solvay Co., at Detroit, Mich., and gave the following figures for the plant, the capacity of which has been brought up to 9 tons per hr. and may reach 10 tons: Power consumed in motor driving in different parts of the plant was as follows : Brake h.p. Breeze conveyor to drier 1.50 Breeze drier and ventilating fan 2 85 Pulverizing mill 22 00 Elevator shafting and rotary mixer , . 10.00 Briquetting press 25.00 Total 61.35 Tests extending over a number of days showed a consumption of 206 lbs. of steam per ton of ' riquettes produced, and the writer says that the above steam consumi)tion per ton of product would undoubtedly be decreased by a larger output. Labor cost of briquetting was as follows : Cost per hr. 1 foreman $0.50 1 pressman 0.26 1 oiler, breeze-drier and conveyor man 0.18 1 pitch man 0.18 1 briquette loader 19 2 laborers, at 17 cts 0.34 Total $1.65 This labor cost amounts to 18.3 cts. per ton, when producing 9 tons of briquettes per hr. Two presses would double the output, but would only require two more men at 18 cts., and a second pressman at 26 cts. per hr., which would reduce the labor cost to 12.6 cts. per ton. Cost of briquetting per ton of product with and without coke- FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 311 breeze, and a plant similar to that dencribed, producing 9 tons of briquettes per hr., was as follows : U.sing Using 507c of breeze 100% of coal Labor $0.].83 $0,183 Power, at 1.25 ots. per kw. -hr 0.072 0.072 Steam, 206 lbs., at 0.5-ct. per hp.-hr 0.034 0.034 Breeze-drier and superheater fuel 0.03 0.011 Miscellaneous supplies, oil, waste, lights and water 0.03 0.03 Repairs on rolls 0.191 0.035 Other repairs 0.06 0.035 Total $0.60 $0.40 The cost of the pitch for binder and of the coal, coke-breeze, or other fuel used, must be added to these figures to obtain the total operating cost of such a plant. And the following estimate is given, as.suming the suitable slack coal can be obtained at $2, coke-breeze at $1, and pitch at $8 per ton, delivered at the plant, and assuming the use of 7.5% of binder with the coal and 9% with the mixture of coal and breeze. Estimated cost of one ton of briquettes on above bases was as follows : Equal parts of coal and breeze All coal 0.455 ton coal, at $2 $0.91 0.925 ton coal, at $2 $1.85 0.455 ton breeze, at $1 0.455 9% of pitch, at $8 0.72 ... 7.576 of pitch, at .l;8 ... 0.60 Cost of briquetting, as above 0.60 0.40 Total $2,685 $2^85 These results were obtained with the simplest form of apparatus for preheating the air. All the steam required for operating the plant, handling and storing coal, distilling ammonia, etc.. being produced in the waste heat assisted by the breeze that the plant produced. Cost of Coal Briquetting in the West. The following costs are given in the Proceedings of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1905 : ESTIMATED COST PER TON OF BRIQUETTES IN WESTERN AMERICA Labor $0 16 Oil and grease 006 Sundrv stores 01 Steam -fuel ; 04 Depreciation 3.05 $0 266 S% of pitch at $1 2 ton 96 1,840 lbs. of coal-slack at $1 94 $2,166 Cost of plant was $10,500 to $14,000. Sales price of brifiuettes is 66-80% price of best lump-coal. In Germany the sale price is $2 to $3 per metric ton. 312 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA In East America coal-slack is almost worthless and cost of briquettes will be less than $2.17 per ton. By-Products Coke Ovens (after W. H. Blauvelt) give results per ton of coal coked : Fuel eras Surplus gas Steam pro- Type of oven per cent. per cent. duced, lbs. No air preheating- 70 30 1,050 Partial air preheating .... 60 40 800 Maximum air preheating . . 40 60 Distribution and Consvynplion of Pmver in a By-Product Coke Oven Plant having Capctcily of IJOO Tons of Coal per Day. (After W. H. Blauvelt.) Daily power consumption in kw.-hrs. for various operations was as follows : Ijighting 599 Pum])s handling ammonia lifpior .390 Scrubbers and pumi)s in by-product recovery-plant... 1.283 Coal-charging and coke-pushing 192 Coal-conveyors 393 Coal-unloading 282 Coal-storage 102 Crushing and pulverizing 287 Coke-handling 686 Pumping water 1,800 Total power consumption and distribution — 6,014 For 1,300 tons of coal coked — 1.63 kw. per ton F. E. Lucas in a paper before the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1912 stated that a modern by-product oven, run at a reasonable capacity will give 50% or more of surplus gas from a coal of about 28% volatile-content. The .surplus gas is the gas over and above the quantity needed to keep the oven up to the required temperature. This surplus gas should run from 450 to 500 B. t. u. per cu. ft. The quantity of surplus gas is approximately 5,000 cu. ft.; hence, 5,000x450-2,250,000 B. t. u. per ton of coal carbonized is available for the production of power,.— 93,750 B. t. u. per hr. The builders of gas-engines tell us we can get 1 h.p. on a heat-consumption of 11,000 B. t. u. On that basis, we find 8.5 h.p. per hr. from the surplus gas from 1 ton of coal. The Cost of iVIanufacturing Coke. In the older so-called bee- hive type of oven nothing is recovered except the coke, in the so- palled by-product type of oven, in addition to the coke itself various kinds of by-products are recovered, consisting mainly of tar, am- monia, and gas, varying greatly in quantity and quality with the composition of the coal. In America, coals similar to those of the Pocahontas region, containing as low as 16%, or less of volatile matter, stand at one end of the classification, while in Europe, some coals are coked which contain not more than 13% of volatile matter. These produce the maximum yield of coke and the mini- mum yield of by-products. At the other end of the list are the gas-coals, containing as much as 38 or 40% of volatile matter, and yielding correspondingly small amounts of coke. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 313 The economic advantages of the bee-hive oven are that it is quickly built, has relatively low first cost, and can be operated by low grade labor. It can be put out of run at relatively small cost, and can easily be started up again after a shut-down. Since the organization of the United States Steel Corporation the conditions in the steel business in America have been much more stable and uniform and the relative advantages of the beehive type of oven have decreased in proportion as the stability of the steel industry has increased. In addition to this the coals which are best adapted to the beehive are becoming less plentiful. The beehive process consists essentially in heating the coal with controlled admission of air to the coke in the chamber, to the end that the heat necessary for the distillation of the volatile matter is j)roduced by combustion within the oven chamber ; whereas in the by-product oven the process is a true dry distillation, in which no air is admitted to the chamber and the heat necessary for the distillation is supplied through the chamber walls. The by-product oven is generally located at the point of con- sumption of the coke or at some center of distribution. The dis- advantage of fi'eight charges thus entailed, on from 1.2 to 1.4 tons of coal for every ton of coke produced, is partially offset by the fact that the coal usually carries a lower freight-rate than coke, is more easily tran.sported, and is not so likely to be injured by handling. Thus a blast-furnace plant, having its own coke ovens at the furnace may possess an assured supply of coke inde- pendent of weather or shipping conditions, and it is quite common for such a plant to accumulate a stock of from one to eight months' supply of coal, the cost of the coal stock pile with the cost of the facilities for handling coal being a charge upon the coke plant. Another advantage of this arrangement is that the by-products so produced are much nearer to their market and the gas is often available for industrial uses or for municipal lighting. Such loca- tions are likely to be well adapted to the securing of diversified labor and the various processes of the by-products of this type ot oven. Still another important advantage in locating the oven- plant at the ])oint of consumption is, that it permits a convenient assembling of several kinds of coal at the ovens, this mixture per- mitting the best quality of coke to be produced, while the coke made from any one of the coals alone might be of inferior quality or possibly not well adapted to the particular requirements of the market at the time of manufacture. W. H. Blauvelt of Syracuse, N. Y., to whose paper at the Cleve- land meetings of the A. I. M. E., October, 1912, we are indebted for the above facts, says that a complete beehive oven plant com- jilete in every respect and constructed in the best manner to in- clude all the equipment besides the ovens and their immediate ap- purtenances such as electric power-plant, water-supply, railroad- approaches and sidings, coal-handling equipment, etc., would cost about .$950 per oven; 675 to 700 tons per annum representing the av- erage output per oven of such a plant, this giving a plant-cost of $1.38 per ton of coke produced per year, whereas a by-product oven- 314 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA plant of 80 ovens, complete in every respect, and built in the best manner, and costing $1,100,000 would produce 425,000 tons of coke per annum from average coal, this amounting to $2.58 per ton of coke per year. Thus, on the basis of the same output of coke alone the by-product plant costs 1.86 times the beehive type. Economi- cally speaking, this is hardly a fair basis for a comparison, because the dollar output of the by-product plant would be considerably higher than unity as compared with that of the other. Moreover, the higher price plant is usually built for more than twice as long a life as that of the beehive plant. In 1912 the by-product coke ovens in America had often a capacity for as much as 20 tons of coal per oven per day, and in the rate of coking, American practice was well ahead of Europe. Several types of ovens coking regularly at the rate of from 50 to 55 min. per in. of oven width, this high rate being made possible partly by better control of the heating-systems, and partly by the adoption of silica brick, which for many years has been used generally in bee-hive oven construction. Economic Comparison between Beehive and By-Product Ovens. Mr. Lucas in Proc. Am. Inst. Mining Engrs,, 1905, gives the fol- lowing : Bee-Hive. Ordinary type, 12.5 ft. in diam. Cost from $700 to $1,200 per oven. Produces 4 net tons of coke in 48 hrs. = 2 net tons in 24 hrs. Yield of coke from coal, 60%. By-products and surplus gas = none. By-Product Ovens. Oven charge. 9 tons. Coking-time^ 24 hrs. (Ovens may be larger or smaller than this, but 9 tons would probably be about the average charge for the modern type of oven. ) Coke produced on 70% yield = 6.3 tons of coke per oven in 24 hrs. By-Products. Ammonium sulphate, 22 lbs. per net ton of coal = 31 lbs. per net ton of coke. Value, 2.25 cts. per lb. above cost of manu- facture :- 70 cts. per ton of coke made. Tar. 8.5 gaLs. per ton of coal =: 10.7 gals, per ton of coke, at 2 cts. per gal. =21 cts. per ton of coke. Surplus gas. 5.000 cu. ft. per ton of coal = 7,143 cu. ft. per ton of coke, at 10 cts. per 1,000 cu. ft. = 71 cts. per ton of coke. Total value of by-products as above was as follows : Ammonium sulphate $0.70 Tar 0.21 Gas 0.71 Value per ton of coke $1.62 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 315 Add to the above the difference between 60% yield in bee-hive ovens and 70% in by-product ovens on the same coal. Taking coal at $1.50 per ton: Coal per ton of coke produced in bee-hive oven $2.50 Coal per ton of coke produced in by-product oven 2.14 Balance in favor of by-product oven $0.36 So that the total saving in coal and by-products equals $1.62 plus $0.36 = $1.98 per ton of coke made. — $12.45 per oven in 24 hrs. — $4,551.55 per oven per year. Or for by-products alone, without saving in coal, $3,723 per oven per year. For a plant of 100 ovens, saving = $455,155 per year. Cost of 100-oven plant complete, approximately $1,000,000. A 100-oven plant of above capacity will produce 630 tons of coke per day =r 229,950 tons per year, working on 24 hrs. coking time. If benzol is recovered it will further add to the income from by-products. Output of Gas from a By- Product Plant. Mr. Blauvelt states that from two plants within his knowledge, using coal containing less than 27% volatile matter, the year's average of gas per ton of coal coked was over 4,200 cu. ft., heat units from the two plants averaging over 2,600,000 B. t. u. per net ton of coal coked. Cost of Gas from a By- Product Coke Oven Plant. For the gas actually distributed and sold, it is found by the Citizens Gas Co. of Indianapolis, Ind., that the cost of distribution and management (not including taxes and insurance) was 13.1 cts. per 1,000 cu, ft. The accompanying figures show the expenditures and receipts per ton of coal carbonized (1) as actually occurring for the first six months of operation, using 260- tons per day, and (2) as estimated for regular working at 375 tons per day: Actual Esti- results mated Coal per day 260 tons 375 tons Expenditures per ton : Cost of coal $2,494 $2,750 Labor, supplies and repairs .334 .686 Distrib. and management .349 .736 Taxes and insurance .099 .149 Total $3,276 $4,321 Receipts per ton : Coke •. $2,336 $2,450 Ammonia .447 .405 Tar 242 .180 Gas 1.542 2.280 Total $4,568 $5,315 There are 50 by-product ovens, and operation was begun in No- vember, 1909 : part of the time only 25 ovens were in use, and when all were in use (for four months) they were operated on thQ 316 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA slowent i.)os!sible s^chedule. The plant its det^igned for charging 60 ovens per day. but during the four months only 36 were charged daily. Even on this slow t^chedule the ga.s production was 50.000,000 cu. ft. in excess of the demand. (Engmeering News. Sept. 22. lit 10.) Cost of Burning Charcoal. The charcoal plant at Gorgona. I'an- ama. has discontinued oijerations, with a stock on hand stifficient for a year's supply. Since April, 1911. 30 kilns have been burned, producing 350.229 lbs. The cost of this, including the erection of the kilns, was $1,592.76. The average cost of producing charcoal was 45 V^ cts. per 100 lbs. ; the two last kilns cost 29 cts. per 100 lbs. The price of charcoal a year ago was $1.10 per hundred- weight, at which the amount produced in the year past would have cost $3,852.52, so that the saving effected by the operations of the plant amounted to $2,259.76. The principal use of charcoal in the canal and railroad work is in starting fires in locomotives and steam shovels. Comparative Costs of Fuel. We are indebted to the Automatic Gas Producer Company, New York, and to Power, where they were published in 1906, for the accompanying figures showing the comparative costs of fuel per h. p. -year for steam and gas engines under various conditions of operation and cost per unit of fuel. The figures are based on 10 working hours per day and 300 work- ing days per year, and the range of prices and consumption rates are such as to enable one to make very satisfactory comparisons. STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER Coal per , Cost per hp.-year ^ h.p-hr. 3 lbs. 4 lbs. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 7 lbs, 8 lbs. Coal at $2.00 a ton $9 $12 $15 $18 $21 $24 2.50 " 11 15 19 22 26 30 3.00 " 13 18 ,22 27 31 36 3.50 " 16 21 25 31 37 42 4.00 " 18 24 30 36 42 48 4.50 " 20 27 34 40 47 54 5.00 " 22 • 30 37 45 52 60 GAS ENGINE Using 20 cu. ft. of illuminating gas per horsepower hour: Cost per 1.000 cu. ft $0 75 $0.80 $0.85 $0.90 $0.95 $1.00 Cost per h.p.-year 45. 48. 51. 54. 57. 60. Using 15 cu. ft. of natural gas per h.p.-hr. : Cost per 1.000 cu. ft $0.16 $0.18 $0.20 $0.22 $0.24 $0.25 Cost per h.p.-year 7.20 8.10 9.00 9.90 10.80 11.25 Using producer gas: l\i lbs. of coal per h. p. -hour: Cost of coal per ton $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 Cost per h.p.-year. . 3.34 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50 8.33 GASOLENE ENGINE Using one pint of gasolene i^er h.p.-hr. ; Cost per gal $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 $0.13 $0.15 Cost per h.p.-year. . 30.00 33.75 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 56.25 Comparative Cost of Power with Coal versus Oil Fuel. Reginald Trautschold published Tables VI and VII, giving the method of FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 317 calculating the fixed charges on two 500 h.p. plants, one burning coal and the other oil, in Power. Mar. 4, 1913. TABLE Vr. AVERAGE FUEL COST PER H.P.-YR. WITH VARIOUS PRICES OF COAL AND OIL FUEL COSTS Fuel oil Fuel oil per Coal per Coal per h.p. per gal. h.p. yr. ton yr. $0.01 $9.00 - $1.00 $7.20 0.015 13.50 1.50 10.80 0.02 18.00 2.00 14.40 0.025 22.50 2.50 18.00 0.03 27.00 -3.00 21.60 0.035 31.50 3.50 25.20 0.04 36.00 4.00 28.80 0.045 40.50 4.50 32.40 0.05' 45.00 5.00 36.00 0.055 49.50 5.50 39.60 0.06 54.00 6.00 43.20 AVERAGE FIXED CHARGES OF POWER HOUSE Oil Biirnmg Plant Engine room : Building, etc $10 Engine, accesHorieH. piping, etc 30 Foundations, installation, etc 5 Total per h.p ! $45 Depreciation, total cost 5% Repairs 2% Interest 6% Insurance 1% Taxes, % cost , 2% Total per h.p $22.00 Boiler room : Building, foundations, etc $4.50 Chimneys, Hues, etc 7.00 Boilers, etc 7.50 Oil burning systems (complete) 3.00 Total per h.p.-yr $22.00 Depreciation, total cost 5% Repairs 2% Interest 6% Insurance 2% Taxes, % cost ,. 2% Total per h.p.-yr $3.63 Cost of operation : Engine room — Attendance $180 Supplies 0.80 Total per h.p.-yr. $2.60 Boiler room — Attendance $1.10 Supplies 0.47 Total per h.p.-yr $1-57 Total fixed charges, per h.p. year $15.00 318 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Coal Burning Plant Engine room $ 7.20 Boiler room : Building, foundationis. etc $ 5 Chimneys, fines, etc 8 Boilers, feed pumps, etc 12 Total per li.p $25 Depreciation, total cost 5% Repairs 2% Interest 6% Insurance 1% Taxes, % cost 27c Total per h.p.-yr $3. 87 Cost or operation: Engine room $2.60 Boiler room — Attendance $1 90 Supplies 0.90 Total per h.p.-yr $2.80 Total fixed charges, per lip. per yr $16.47 TABLE VII. AVERAGE FUEE COSTS PER H.P.-YR. WITH VARIOUS PRUNES OF COAL AND OIL Oil Burning Plant. Cost of oil Steam power per per gal. h.p. year $0.01 $21.00 0.015 28,50 0.02 33. SO 0.025 37.50 0.03 42.00 9.035 46.50 0.01 51.00 0.0 15 55.50 0.05 60.00 0.055 61.50 0.06 69.00 Coal-Burning Plant. Cost of coal Steam power per per ton h.p. year $100 $23.67 1.50 • 27.27 2.00 30.87 2 50 34.47 3.00 38.07 3.50 41,67 4.00 45.27 4.50 48.87 5.00 52.47 5.50 56.07 6.00 . 59.67 These figures are based on those obtained for various plants for about 500 h.p. and the results are applicable to both smaller and larger plants of reasonable limits, if only a relative comparison between oil and coal be desired, this relation holding true principally FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 319 because the efficiency of the plant is increased with an increase in size, while the fixed charges per h.p. are correspondingly reduced, all in the same proportion. Comparative Cost of Coal and Oil Fuel for Railroads. The fol- lowing figures relating to the relative cost and efficiency of coal and of oil are current in California: Two and one-half barrels of oil are the equal of one ton of coal in thermal units. In other words, the same amount of heat can be obtained from 2^2 bbls. of oil as can be obtained from one ton of coal. But the difference in price is very great. Coal, producing the same amount of heat per ton as 2 Vi bbls. of oil, costs in California anywhere from $6 to $8 per ton wholesale. Two and one-half bbls. of oil, figured at the market delivery price of $1 per bbl., costs $2.50 — a saving of from $3.50 to $5.50 on every ton of coal displaced by oil. Comparative Sizes of Smoke Stacks Necessary with Fuel Oil as Compared with Coal. K. G. Dunn of San Francisco in the Journal of the American Society of Mechanical I<]ngineers for 1911, has called attention to the fact that the amount of draft necessary to overcome the friction of the fuel bed in a coal furnace may vary between 35 to 70% of the total draft head, whereas when fuel oil is u.sed there is no draft friction through the fuel and a smaller and shorter stack will give the necessary draft for proper circu- lation of the hot gases through the furnace. Ordinarily for oil burning, a stack of 50% draft capacity is not required, but for a coal furnace may safely be designed. Comparative Quantities of Oil and Coal Consumed for the Same Quantity of Power Produced. Howard Stillman gives the figures in Table VIII of comparative tests on the Southern Pacific Rail- road, the comparison being with ordinary bituminous coal of about 13,350 B. t. u. and also Table IX for steam.ships. TABLE VIII. LOCOMOTIVE TESTS ON OIL AND COAL Evaporation, 2000 lbs. coal equiva- Number in lent to fuel oil. Type of locomotive service gals. Eight-wheel 18-24 50 144 Ten-wheel 294 151 Mogul 176 146 Twelve-wheel 67 158 Consolidation 139 162 Atlantic 19 144 Mallet consolidated 17 No coal record Mean of results — 152 gaLs. = 3.6 bbls. = 2,000 lbs. coal. This is the record of coal burned during the last 6 months of 1901 and oil burned during the last 6 months of 1908 on the steam- ers of the Southern Pacific Company. These figures are not from evaporated tests, but cover the .service of 11 steam boats and are from the official accounting records. Comparative Coal and Oil Consumption of the " Nevadan " of the Hawaiian American Steamship Company was as follows: 320 MECHAXICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Voyage No. 1 . Voyage No. 2 . Total Total consumption Coal Oil i. h.p. Fuel of fuel per i. h.p. per i. h.p. 1.833 coal 2.269 tons 2 lbs. 2,196 oil 9.l:i6bbls. 1.1 lbs. Voyage No. 1 with coal was from San Diego to Ne-vv York and No. 2 with oil was from New York to San Diego. The figures are from the report of the Naval Liquid Fuel Board published in 1904 and quoted in the Journal of the American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers for Aug.. 1911. Part of the coal burnt was Eurela and part Coronel. The heat value of the coal was not given. The ship was new and fitted with triple-expansion engines using the Howden system of forced draft, and the Lassoe-Lovekin oil-burn- TABLE IX. STEAMSHIP TESTS OF OIL AND COAL S-.S t2 'S'^ S^' ^-2 "S ^^o ^ = 5 8^ cB o- og ^^ '^'^^:=i steamer o"i u^ o3 «„_ s-^ ^E o^o rt X ?3 ;=; So c-S ■-- a; c acity and resultant greater earning power. Comparing " Wellington Screenings," a type of coal generally used for steamship worii on the coast, and fuel oil at frpm 14 to 17 Baume, oil for equal heating value occupies about one-half the space taken by the coal and has less than one-half the weight. Oil may be carried in parts of the ship not otherwise useful. c. Saving in time. The time consumed in coaling and expense of moving to bunkers is saved, as fuel oil can be pumped into the ship when at the dock and while the cargo is being taken on or discharged. d. Uniform steaming. The rate of steaming can be kept uniform, there being no loss due to cleaning fires, etc. e. Cleanliness, due to the absence of coal dust and dirt when coaling and to the absence of ashes in the fireroom, /. Reduced cost of maintenance. Fewer repairs on boilers due to uniform temperature in furnace and combustion chamber. No corrosion of floor plates, fire fronts, or bunkers. No grate bars to burn out, fire doors or ash-handling machinery to re- new or repair. A Comparison of the Economy of Powdered Coal, Oil and Water Gas for Heating Furnaces. C. F. Herington (Engineering News, Dec. 10. 1914) gives the following: 0(7. Of the 3 fuels, powdered coat, oil and water gas, fuel oil has come into use far more than any other. The U. S. Navy yards have been consistent in their adoption of it. All now use fuel oil for heating operations, many to the complete exclusion of coal. Without a doubt, fuel oil is one of the easiest of fuels to handle; it can be carried in pijjes anywhere so long as there is air pres- sure or pump pressure behind it. It requires only a comparatively small outlay for equipment — all that is necessary is a couple of storage tanks, ^ pump to fill the storage tanks from the cars, a piping system to the furnaces, and means to secure the necessary pressure. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 323 But fuel oil has one disadvantage — and this is conceded by many to be a big one ; the price is constantly going up. Ten years ago, fuel oil could be bought for 2^^ cts. a gal., and one could contract for any quantity at that price; now it is 4Mj. 5 and 51/2 cts. a gal., and one has to take what quantities he can get at that price. Present conditions indicate that this advance in cost will continue beyond the limits of economy. Powdered Coal. Steady increase in the price of oil has led, quite recently, to extensive experiments in the use of powdered coal and of water gas and producer gas as substitutes. As a fuel for burning under boilers, powdered coal may some time be a success. The use of i)owdered coal in portland-cement manufac- ture has proven very economical and here it has come to stay. But when it is claimed that it is equally good for various heating operations, such as welding, shingling, annealing, riveting and forging, there is likely to be a difference of opinion. In a recent article in an engineering paper, the following ad- vantages were claimed for powdered coal : (1) "Complete combustion, doing away with losses due to the carbon contained in the ash and in the escaping volatile mat- ter." This is not correct, for if one stands for an hour watching one of these furnaces working, as the writer did, he will be com- pletely covered with fine, unburned powdered coal which has es- caped through the furnace doors. This has become such a nui- sance to the surrounding machinery and workmen that attempts are now being made to relieve these conditions by placing a hood over the furnace door and connecting it into the furnace stack. This has not proven successful as yet, and probably will not until an exhaust fan is provided to discharge this unburned coal through the roof. (2) "Total absence of smoke." Certainly this is not true inside of the shop, for powdered-coal furnaces, due to their ununiform feed, smolie worse than oil. Powdered coal, as is well known, must be very dry to be pulverized and, when pulverized and al- lowed to remain quiet for 48 hours, it cakes and requires that a man knock on the bins to loosen it. This leads to uneven com- bustion in the furnace with large quantities of smoke when there is a large amount of coal coming through the burner and no smoke when the coal is sticking back in the bins. No doubt this is largely due to inefficient handling of the feeder and burner; even so, a total absence of smoke cannot be claimed when such conditions are met. (3) "A cheaper grade of coal may be used." The best coal for powdered fuel has a volatile content of not less than 30%, not more than 8% ash. and l^^% sulphur. I think the readers will agree that coal meeting these specifications is of no very cheap grade. Pulverized coal must be handled with great care, for if it is mixed with any quantity of air, it is highly explosive, as the records of accidents in cement plants will prove. In the January 324 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA issue of the Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, the following appeared regarding the hazards of drying pulverized coal : " Under no circum.stanees iy it recommended that the products of combustion be allowed to come in contact with the coal to be dried. . . . Already there have been quite a number of accidents from this cause in which lives were lost. "A characteristic coal mill explosion (March 2. 1903), in New Village, N. J., at the Edison plant, killed six men and burned five others, i)erhaps fatally, besides injuring a score of others and destroying the coal building. It is supposed that the pulveiized coal in bin fired spontaneously and some of the burning- fuel was carried by the automatic conveyor into the blower house. The atmosphere of the blower house being charged with coal dust, an explosion was the result. "On August 19, 1900. an explosion in the plant of the Nazareth Cement Co., Nazareth, Penn.. caused a loss of $16,000, while on November 26 of the same year $40,000 damage was done to the Martin's Creek Portland Cement Co. (then known as William Krause Sons), Martin's Creek, Penn. The Dexter Cement Co., Nazareth. Penn., and the Alpha Portland Cement Mill No. 1, Alpha, N. J., had similar experiences the same j'ear." Another very serious objection to powdered coal, due to the in- complete combustion of all the coal ejected into the furnace, is that this coal lies on the work, and when the work is taken out of the furnace, if not cleaned off, it is apt to be hammered into the work and make flaws which later are likely to be more or less serious according to the nature of the work. This is a fact seen from personal observation and cannot be denied. Powdered coal is not good for small furnaces, as it requires too large a chamber of combustion, and from the experience of the users of ])owdered coal it is not desirable to have a combustion chamber se])arated by a bridge-wall from the working cliainber. It is found that the lesser of two evils is to remove the bridge- wall and blow the powdered coal directly upon the work, which aggravates the condition mentioned above. If the large furnaces are changed from fuel oil to powdered coal, there still remain the small furnaces, and especially the portable ones, which will have to work on fuel oil. Then there would be the expense of handling two kinds of fuel where before there was but one. Gas. Greater familiarity and extended experience with natural gas for power and metallurgical purposes have led to better ap- preciation of the many advantages of gaseous fuel. It has em- phasized the value of the gas producer for converting solid into gaseous fuels. But such conversion always involves a loss of a part of the energy of the coal ; it is only because the gas can be utilized more efRciently that the duty obtained from it is greater than that given by the direct bui'ning*of the coal from which it is generated. Hence, any process which claims to deliver In the gas an amount of energy greater or even equal to that in the orig- inal fuel is a delusion or worse. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 325 There are at present two kinds of made gases used for heating furnaces — producer and water gas. Industrially, producer gas is the combustible product of rather a complex series of physical and chemical changes induced in the fuel by the heat arising from its incomplete combustion in the producer. The combustion is termed incomiJJete not in the sense of leaving an uribui-nt-d residue of carbon or coke, but because the combustible while comiiletely gasified gives up only about 307c of its heat in primary coHibustion in the producer. The remaining 70% is develoijed when the gases are burned after leaving. Water gas is made by an intermittent process — first using an air blast to bring the fuel to high incan- de.scence, then shutting off the air and forcing steam through the fire. During the air blow, a lean producer gas is made whit.h may be enriched by the addition of water gas of a higher calorific value and used in the low-temperature furnaces or to diive gas engines. The true water gas is made during the steam blow, the steam being decomposed by the incandescent carbon so that its hydrogen is freed and its oxygen united \Aith the caibon to form carbon monoxide. The water gas can be used for all purr)Oses where high tempera- tures must be secured without regeneration, as in factories carry- ing on a large variety of brazing, small forge work, etc., Avhere the furnaces are small and distributed over a large area. Tem- peratures ranging from 2,500 degs. F. to 2.900 degs. P. are easily obtainable with this gas, and with properly constructed furnaces it is possible to gain an added efficiency in operation so that the total B. t. u. in the gas used need be only 66 to 807^, of the B. t. u. required in oil as used in approved oil furnaces for the same pur- poses. Water gas does not cause the metal forged to scale as does oil, and with gas it is possible to get a closer regulation of furnace temperatures. Comparative Efficiencies. Now comes the debatable point of what is the efficiency of the fuinace when using the different fuels. The powdered coal advocates will claim that the efficiency should be figured on the B t. u. basis. That is, if a furnace burns say 22 gals, of oil to do a certain piece of work and each gallon von- tains 140.000 B. t. u.. 3,000,000 B. t. u. in all, it will take 3,000,000 B. t. u. in coal to do the same work, but the coal is cheaper. If oil were 5 cts a gal., it would take coal at $10 a ton to equal the cost ; so the reader will perhaps agree that this is i\oi the proper method of comparing efficiencies, any more than saying that the cost of gasoline pei- gallon is the operating cost of running an automobile. The true way is to measure the efficiency of the furnace by the cotnparison of the input and. output, and below are given results of .some efficiency tests, made by the writer for a well known con- cern contemplating a revision of its furnace practice. Poioder-fid Coal. (Furnace using preheated air for combustion.) Furnace cold at CO degs. F. Steel and furnace heated to 2 200 degs. F. Rise in temperature, 2,140 degs. F. 326 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA By test, 6.29 lbs. of steel heated per lb. of coal burned. Specific heat of steel, 0.117. 0.117 X 2,140 = 250 B.t.u. per lb. of steel. 250 B.t.u. X 6.29 — 1,572 B.t.u. output. 1 lb. of coal = 14,000 B.t.u., input. 1,572 X 100 Efficiency = =11.3%. 14,000 Fuel Oil. Same furnace with same rise in temperature and the same charge of work. Heated 8.68 lbs. of steel per pound of oil. 1 lb. of oil = 19.400 B.t.u.. input. 250 B.t.u. X 8.68 = 2.170 B.t.u., output. 2.170 X 100 Efficiency = ■ = 11.3%. 19,400 Water Gas — (Furnace using preheated air for combustion). 1 cu. ft. of gas = 300 B.t.u. Specific heat of wrought iron = 0.113 (Kent). Temperature rise from 1,400 to 2,500 degs. r: 1,100 degs. F. Furnace charged with 3.800 lbs. iron. To raise this iron to that temperature required 14,000 cu. ft. of gas. .113 X 1.100 := 124 B.tu. 3,800 X 124 := 471.200 B.t.u. 14,000 X 300 = 4,200,000 B.t.u., input. 471,200 X 100 Efficiency — =11.2%. 4,200.000 Another furnace using fuel oil (not using preheated air). Temperature rise from 1,200 degs. to 2,200 degs. = 1,000 degs. F. Charge of wrought iron, 2,150 lbs. . Oil required, 22 gals. 2,150 lbs. X 113 B.t.u. = 242,950 B.t.u. output. 1 gal oil = 140,000 B.t.u. 140,000 B.t.u. X 22 = 3.080,000 B.t.u. input. 242.950 X 100 Efficiency = = 7.88%. 3,080,000 First Costs. In making comparison as to the relative first costs and operating costs with the three kinds of fuel, let us assume a plant now using fuel oil with a consumption of 50,000 gals, of oil per month at a cost of 5 cts. per gal., delivered at the shop. (These estimates were made for the company already mentioned.) FUEL OIL Cost of equipment (storage tanks in place, auxiliary pressure tanks in place, piping and fittings in place, steam connec- tions, furnace connections, tank-car connections, tank pumps and air-blast outfit) $21,100 Contractors' profit (157t) 3,165 $24,265 Engineering and contingencies (10%) 2,435 $26,700 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 327 POWDERED COAL Pulverizing- machinery, house, foundations, trestle and track, electric wiring, conveyors, walkways, motors, burners and controllers (30), furnace bins (30), furnace changes, hoods and connections, etc - $68,100 Contractor's profit (15%) 9.900 $78,000 Engineering and contingencies (10%) 1,^0^ $85,800 FUEL OIL FOR SMALL FURNACES Tank in place, auxiliary tank in place, piping and fittings, furnce connections, tank-cars connections, pumps, air blast, etc ^?'oAn Contractor's profit ( 15%) l''^^^ $10,100 Engineering and contingencies (10%,) ^'Q^Q $11,100 WATER AND PRODUCER GAS PLANT Gas-making machinery, building, trestle and siding, piping, furnace changes • *i ?' aaa Contractor's profit (15%) ^-^^'^"^ $87,000 8,700 $95,700 K„e. on '""."^''.^. J27.000 Powdered coal with fuel oil al'SSn Gas plant 96,000 Engineering and contingencies (10%) FIXEDCHAR6K FUEL OIL 10 70 Dollars.thous 30 40 so 60 and 70 5 80 m 100 no ■77) .48^0 1 PWOiREDCOAL Zj Jl. v-\ s,szo GAS J^ f /s.M > ^^g^ES 3/, ^■/ki ^c n GAS c-h fOO'^ M, '■^'^ ..J r 50l p "T^rT .-^ f,i I2t OAS JXU:^ c7 ^,' f>(. FUEL OIL ■■ "~ r ~ Ic m t^ 27 c 7, \ot '•• fmDEREDCOAL OAS tN».Hcv<» " "" liH "" " r~ ■! "* "" ■ " "t" • -J "r ^ '£i Fig. 7. Diagrammatic comparison of estimated first cost and annual charges of coal, oil and gas plants to supply fuel for dO furnaces. 328 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Fuel Consumption of Plants. For the fuel-oil plant, at 50,000 gals, of oil per month and 140,000 B. t. u. per gal., 7,000,000 B. t. u. are consumed per month. If we allow 10 lbs. of coal at 14,000 B. t. u., equal to 1 gal. of oil. we have 500,000 lbs. or 250 tons of coal used per month, for the powdered-coal plant. In addition, this plant consumes about 8,000 gals, of oil, the difference being compensated for by coal required in drying the main fuel supply. For the gas plant, we require about 60.000 cu. ft. of water-gas per hr., at 20 cu. ft. per lb. we require 3,000 lbs. of coal per hr. or 375 tons per month. Now the total charges can be assembled. FUEL OIL PLANT (estimated cost, $27,000). Fixed charges : Interest (5%) $ 1,350 Depreciation (12%) 3,240 Taxes and insurance (1%) 270 $ 4,860 Operation : Oil (50,000 X 0.05 X-12) $30,000 Labor, 1 man 1,000 Electrical current, steam, air 500 Miscellaneous supplies 200 $31,700 Total yearly charge $36,560 POWDERED COAL PLANT (estimated cost, $97,000). Fixed charges : Interest (5%) $ 4,850 Depreciation (10%) '. 9,700 Taxes and insurance (1%) 970 ^ ^. $15,520 Operation •. Coal (250 X 2.50 X 12) '.$7,500 Oil (8,000X0.05X12) 4,800 Labor CI operator, 2 assts. ) 2,000 Electricity for motors 5,000 $19,300 Total yearly charge $34,820 GAS PLANT (estimated cost, $96,000). Fixed charges : Interest (5%) $ 4,800 Depreciation (10%) 9,600 Taxes and insurance (1%) 960 $15,360 Operation : Coal (375X2.50X12) $11,250 Labor ( 1 operator, 2 assts. ) 2,000 Water 744 $14,000 Total yearly charge $29,360 These several figures are plotted on the accompanying diagram for easy comparison. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 329 Oil and Coal Costs Compared. One ton (2000 lbs.) of coal is equivalent in practical heating value to 3.34 bbls. of oil at 325 lbs. The table below compares the prices of coal and oil for equivalent cost as fuel in a boiler furnace : Coal, per ton Coal, per ton (2,000 lbs.) Oil, per bbl. (2,000 lbs.) Oil, per bbl. $5.00 $1.50 $1.66t $3.25 $0.98 $1.01 4.75 1.43 1.60 ' ' 3.00 .90 1.00 4.50 1.35 1.50 2.75 .83 <92 4.25 1.28 1.42 2.50 .75 .83 4.00 1.20 1.33 2.25 .68 .75 3.75 1.13 1.25 2.00 .60 .66 3.50 1.05 1.02 * Not allowing for labor saving, t Assuming 10% of cost of fuel in labor of firing and handling ashes saved by using oil, a conser- vative estimate for plant of over 300 horsepower. An interesting point to notice is that the heat value of an oil usually given is the high heat value, or heat value determined in a bomb calorimeter. The actual heat value available in a boiler furnace is less, because all fuel oil contains a considerable per- centage of hydrogen, and the latent heat of the steam formed by the combustion of this hydrogen passes up the stack as waste her.t. In all the heavier grades of fuel, particularly the Mexican oils, water mixed with the oil is in the form of an emulsion and will not settle out in a tank, as it will with the lighter American crudes. This is not so much a disadvantage as it would seem other than causing a lowering of the heat value. With an oil light enough for the water to settle out of its own accord, this water will frequently accumulate in the tank and piping and go over into the burners in a slug, putting the burners out ; but with heavy oil a very considerable amount of water can go through the burner with no bad effect. A small quantity of water in heavy oil is probably an advantage in that these oils are usually heated above the boiling point of water to effect atomization, and the vaporizing of the moisture in the oil as it leaves the burner tip probably helps to atomize the oil more thoroughly. (B. S. Nelson, Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, June, 1917.) Fuel Values of Coal, Gas -and Oil. E. H. Hunter and L. G. Purtee, operating engineers in Oklahoma, state in Electrical World, June 5, 1915, that about 10.5 cu. ft. of air is required for the combus- tion of 1 cu. ft. of gas. There are several good makes of gas burn- ers on the market, but the secret of using most of them is in proper manipulation to get the right mixture of gas and air. To burn natural gas properly requires a furnace of somewhat different design from that used in burning oil. In some furnaces checker walls are used, while in others these walls are omitted entirely. There is con- siderable vibration in burning gas, as in oil, but this may be con- trolled to a considerable extent. Comparing the 3 fuels as to value, said Mr. Hunter: At 212 degs. F., and atmospheric pressure, 1 lb. of coal will evaporate 9 lbs. of water; 1 lb. of oil will evaporate 15 lbs. of water, and 1 lb. of natural gas will evaporate 20 lbs. of water. Approxi- 330 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA mately 4,800 cu. ft. of gas equals a bbl. of oil. and 4.125 bbls. of oil equals a ton of good coal. L. G. Purtee stated that gas as a fuel for the pro^duction of elec- tric power is only a makeshift and a very expensive one. The only thing in its favor is the fact that it may be installed quickly and cheaply, used with a minimum amount of help, and has the advantage of cleanliness. But by the time the cost of a complete auxiliary oil-burning system and reserve supply of oil is taken into consideration the first cost is no small item and in the ag- gregate reaches a sum which would go a long way toward the installation of a mechanical coal handling and burning system, which would be permanent and by the use of which at least 25% better results may be obtained than is possible with gas. Summing it up, Mr. Purtee offered the following estimates : $2.50 will buy 1 ton of coal containing 27.000,000 lbs. F. heat units; $2.50 will buy 4.5 bbls. of oil. containing 24.367,500 lbs. F. heat units; $2.50 will buy 25,000 ft. of gas, containing 22,500,000 lbs. F. heat units. In other words, coal at $2.50 is 167-3% cheaper than 10 -ct. gas and 9.8% cheaper than 55-ct. oil, Fifty-five-ct. oil is 7.7% cheaper than 10-ct. gas, although operating conditions will usually make the final results of 55-ct. oil and 10-ct. gas practically the same. Benzol as a Motor Fuel. The Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung (Germany, 1915) quotes some particulars of substitutes for gaso- line which, it states, have acquired importance as fuels for motor vehicles because of the scarcity of petrol in Germany, The con- sumption per horse power developed is approximately proportional to the calorific power of the fuels. The net calorific power in B. t. u. per lb. is given by Mohr for various fuels as follows: Petroleum spirit, 18,000 to 18,900 ; pure benzene, 17,208 ; com- mercial 90% benzol, 17,100 to 17,280; pure alcohol, 11,452; 95% alcohol, 10,575 ; pure naphthalene, 16,722. The following specifi- cations for substitutes for benzol are given : Benzol-Spirit, (a) 95% methylated s])irit, 70 parts; benzol, 30 parts. The benzol is poured slowly into the spirit while stirring — not the spirit into the benzol. (&) 90%, or ordinary methylated spirits, 50 parts ; commercial acetone or acetic alcohol, 20 parts ; benzol, 30 parts. The spirit and acetone are first mixed, and the benzol gradually added. Benzoline -Spirit, (a) 95% methylated spirit, 70 parts; ben- zoline, 30 parts. The benzoline is poured slowly into the spirit, stirring. (&) 90% or ordinary methylated spirit, 50 parts; com- mercial acetone or acetic alcohol, 20 parts ; bezoline, 30 parts. The spirit and acetone are first mixed, and the benzoline added gradually. Spirit-Ether, (o) 95% methylated spirit, 90 parts; sulphuric ether, 10 parts. (&) 95% methylated spirit, 90 parts; sulphuric ether, 10 parts, naphthalene, 1 part. Acetone-Spirit. (a) 95% methylated spirit, 70 parts; commer- cial acetone, 30 parts, (&) 90% or ordinary methylated spirit, 50 parts ; commercial acetone, 50 parts. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 331 Petroleum Mixtures, (a) Petroleum and benzoline (petroleum spirit) mixed in proportion of 2 to 1. (&) Petroleum 3 parts, acetone 1 part, (c) Petroleum 90 parts, ether 10 parts, and 1 part naphthalene. Oil Consumption of a Diesel Engine Ocean Vessel. The oil-en- gine cargo ship Christian X of the Hamburg-American Line is 370 ft. long, 53-ft. beam, 30 ft. deep, with a loaded draft of 23 ft. 6 ins. and a deadweight capacity of 7,400 tons. The twin screws are driven by a pair of 8-cylinder 4-cycle Diesel engines, aggregating 2,500 i.h.p. at 140 r.p.n>. and there are two similar auxiliary engines of 200 h.p. at 225 r.p.m. The deck machinery, winches, windlass and steering gear are "electrically driven. The ship was launched in March, 1912. The following account of its sea service is abstracted from a report published in The Engineer (London), July 18, 1913: After loading in Hamburg for Havana, she commenced her first voyage on July 23, 1912, and until the vessel ran into Havana on Aug. 9, the engines ran at full power without any stoppage. The weather was very good, except for a couple of days when a fresh westerly wind raised a very rough sea, so that the pro- pellers now and then came partly out of the water, causing the governors to come into action. The fuel used was Roumanian oil. Its effective heat value w^as 17,800 B. t. u. The total consumption of fuel in 24 hrs.' trial was 8.545 tons (metric) for the main engines and 0.84 ton for the auxiliary engine. Thus the consumption per i.h.p.-hr. was: Main engines, including the oil used for the auxiliary machinery, 0.361 lb. ; main engines, excluding the oil used for the auxiliary ma- chinery, 0.328 lb. ; the auxiliary engine, 0.357 lb. At Havana, the machinery was overhauled and found to be in perfect order, though the exhaust valves were changed and the oil valves were ground in. The ship then proceeded to Vera Cruz. In August an easterly trade wind blows at about the same rate as the vessel's speed, and tnis portion of the voyage was hottest of the whole trip in the engine room, since the ventilators did not carry much air to the engineers' platform. The highest temperature was on Aug. 15. The temperature on deck in the shade was 89.6 degs. F., and that in the engine room 107.6 degs. P., or considerably less than the temperature in the engine room and the stokehold of a steamer under similar conditions. From Vera Cruz the ship proceeded to Tampico, and took 100 tons of oil fuel, which was said to contain 1.72% of sulphur. The engines worked excellently with this oil, although the exhaust gases smelt very strongly of sulphur. On this account, in order to run no risk of damaging the machinery by the action of the sulphur, it was decided to continue the voyage on the Roumanian oil which was .still left in the bottom tanks, until the other oil could be analyzed in order to make sure that the proportion of sulphur did not exceed 1.72%. which, of course, would be harmless. The vessel left Coatzacoalcos Aug. 31 for New Orleans with 332 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA her holds empty. There it took a full cargo and left on Sept, 15, arriving at New York Sept. 19. After filling the bottom tanks with fuel oil the ship left New York on Sept. 20 for the return to Hamburg. The next day there was a very strong head wind, the sea was very rough and the ship pitched and plunged heavily. The Aspinall governors worked without interruption as the propellers were thrown right out of the water. On Sept. 23 and 24 the starboard engine was put " half speed " to enable the ship to steer better against the high sea. On those two days the. speed was only 6.26 and 8.41 knots respectively. On the 30ch a storm commenced again from the northeast, and the engines had to be stopped for eight minutes to clean out the oil filters which were not then provided with by- passes. The constant rolling of the vessel set the oil in the tanks in such violent movement that the sludge or sediment had got down into the piping and had stopped up the filter entirely. On Oct. 2 the very high sea smashed the railing on the prome- nade deck and bent all the awning posts on the port side. The starboard engine was afterward put to half speed so as to enable the ship to hold on her course, and the speed dropped to 5.9 knots. The vessel reached Hamburg on Oct. 6. The mean speed for the home voyage was 9.58 knots, a good result if bad weather and the head wind the whole way are taken into account. A sum- mary of the voyage is shown in the accompanying table. PERFORMANCE OF THE OIL-ENGINE SHIP ' X" ON A VOYAGE OF 11,894 MILES Dis- tance Speed Voyage naut. knots Total days hrs. miles per hr. I. h.p. tons At Hamburg 14.02 To Havana 17 12 4,627 11.01 2,390 179.80 To Vera Cruz 2 19 810 12.11 38.75 ToTampico 17 210 12.54 10.28 To Coatzacoalcos. , 1 3 311 11.38 13.28 To New Orleans.. 2 10 698 12.10 33.68 To New York ... 5 5 1.613 12.92 58.60 To Hamburg 15 18 3.625 9.58 2,415 157 00 Total and average 45 12 11.894 10.89 2.440 505.41 CHRISTIAN Oil consumed Kilos Per 24 per hrs. i.h.p. tons per hr. 9.732 0'.i69 10 9'.56 '.'.'.'. 9.80 9.90 9.713 0.168 9.75 0.169 On arrival, the engines were inspected and everything was found in order. Of the escape valves, which had been working since the departure from New Orleans, only two were attacked to such an extent that it was necessary to turn the valve seats. Not- withstanding the bad weather on the home run, the mean speed over the whole trip, outward and homeward, was 10.89 knots. On the second voyage of the Christian X, which was made to New York and Philadelphia, things went well, and, notwith- standing very severe weather in the Atlantic on the outward trip, the average speed was 10.56 knots, while on the home run the rate was 11.41 knots. Oil the third voyage, from the departure, on Jan. 6,- a westerly FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 333 hurricane and wild sea had to be fought up to Jan. 15, and ac- cording to the engineer's log books, the Aspinall governors were working uninterruptedly. One of the life-boats, the after wheel- house and various fittings on deck were washed overboard, and it became necessary to slow down the engines in order to prevent everything being swept away by the heavy seas that constantly washed over the vessel. In New York a new sort of oil fuel was taken on board which caused too early ignition with the engines going slow and the Aspinall governors at work, so that the valves hung open and some of them were spoiled. As there were only a few spare fuel valves, and as the captain did not think that he could hold the ship against the strong sea with a single engine in case of need, he preferred to turn and put into Queenstown, Ireland, rather than expose the vessel to further damage. On arrival in port the ignition was retarded by a simple operation, and the ship then went out on a trial trip which showed that all was in order. Spare valves were put on board and the vessel then continued her voyage toward Boston, where she arrived Feb. 15 without trouble, but again after experiencing very severe weather. Fuel Oil for Steamships. The use of fuel oil for steamships has been constantly on the increase on the Pacific Coast, according to a recent Canadian Government report, largely because it is considered that 2 tons of oil will do the work of 3 tons of the best coal. The advantages in favor of oil are counted as having five main points : Great saving of time and labor in loading fuel ; fewer men required for handling fuel on board ship ; reduced cost of boiler and other repairs; increased cleanliness; and more com- plete combustion, and therefore greater efficiency of oil fuel. Re- cently many vessels have been altered so as to use either coal or oil fuel. Comparative costs of coal and oil on the Princess Vic- toria, operating daily between Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, are given as follows ; COAL Per day 100 tons at $4.50 $450.00 9 firemen at $55 per month each 16.50 9 trimmers at $45 a month each 13,50 Food for 18 men 7.50 Total $487.56 OIL 344.17 bbls. at 90 cts $314.25 6 firemen 11.10 Food for 6 men 2.53 Total , $327.87 Effect of Diesel Engines on Fuel Supply and Cost. S A. Hadley of Kansas City, Mo, before the annual convention of Kansas En- gineering Society, abstracted in Engineering and Contracting. Feb. 16. 1916, stated that tlie Diesel engine has not been introduced into this country long enough for the effect of its remarkable economj' 334 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA to be perceived, though this economy has been proved and ad- mitted. The cost of fuel, like everything else, is governed by the Taw of supply and demand, and Diesel engines will affect both. The fuel supply of this country consists chiefly of petroleum and bituminous coal ; natural gas and anthracite being sold now almost exclu.sively for house use are not affected much by the economy of the Diesel engines and will not be considered here. The price of coal has increased about 1 ct. per ton at the mines each year in spite of increased production from 270,000.000 tons in 1900 to nearly 600,000,000 tons in 1915 on account Of a de- mand which increased faster than improved methods of mining have cheapened the cost of production. Within the last 6 months the combination of an active demand, a threatened shortage and sympathy with the rise in oil prices has made a sudden increase of 15 cts. per ton. nearly 11% of the cost at the mine. It is be- lieved that the cost of mining coal can not be further reduced, as increasing difficulties will more than offset improved methods. There is no large margin of profit to be absorbed and so the in- dustrial growth of the country means constantly increasing prices for coal. The Diesel engine which uses oil fuel will produce a brake horse power on 7.500 heat units in the fuel. Steam plants which now use coal almost exclusively for fuel require an average of 50,000 heat units per horse power ranging from 75,000 for the common factory or central station plant of less than 100 h.p. to about 20,000 for the best and most expensive large central station plants. Now much of the country is supplied with power by these smaller, less efficient steam plants where poor water supi)ly or varying or in- sufficient load has prevented the installation of large steam plants of the better type. Here the Diesel engine can step in and make an immediate saving of about 80% of the fuel, for it is nearly as effi- cient in small sizes or at half load as in large sizes or at full load and is not affected by a poor or deficient water supply. Several instances in Kansas can be shown where small central station plants have reduced their annual fuel bill from more than $2,500 to less than $500. The Diesel engine is limited in size to units of about 100 b.-h.p. and this might be thought to prevent it from competing with the large central station. To some extent this is true, but only in congested districts where power can be sold in large quantities with small distributing cost. There the coal fired steam plant of the latest design can produce the electrical energy at nearly as low fuel cost as with Diesel engine, because of the difference in the cost of heat units in coal and in oil. The invevStment in such a plant is nearly or quite as much as in the Diesel plant, being from $75 to $110 per k.w. exclusive of land or transmission lines. The convenience of having prime movers equal to the largest in- dividual loads may warrant the use of steam, but where users of power are .'scattered over wider territory and no one unit requires several thousand as may be the case in rolling mill work or electric smelting, electro-chemical processes such as obtaining nitro- FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 335 gen from the air by electrical discharges, etc., the Diesel engine can compete easily with the coal fired steam plant. Instead of central stations of from 5,000 to 50,000 capacity with step up transformers, high tension transmission lines, step down trans- formers and in the case of electric railways, rotary converter sub-stations, there may be a number of Diesel plants of 500 to 2.000 h.p. capacity each, equal to the sub-stations of the other system with generators producing current at moderate voltage, say, 2.300 to 3,300 in a.c. practice or 2,500 volts in the case of d.c. railway systems, and all these stations tied into one another in parallel operation. The investment would be less, the attendance no more, the plants could assist each other in emergencies by raising the voltage enough for two adjoining stations to carry the load of one temporarily disabled or cut down for any reason, the whole system would be more flexible and the economy of the Diesel engine could be realized at all loads. This method is possible because the Diesel engine is more efl[icient in units of 1,000 h.p. or smaller than the steam turbine plant in units of 25,000 h.p. and because power is finally used in relatively small amounts over a wide area and by producing it closer to where it is used the cost and loss of distribution is reduced. With high tension electrical transmission from large central plants, it must be transmitted twice, once at high tension to the sub-station and again at lower voltages back over practically the same ground to the user. The cost of distributing oil fuel to .scattered Diesel plants is slight be- cause of the small quantity and the fact that it can be piped or shipped in tank cars. Electric traction has other advantages besides the saving of fuel and is being adopted on a large scale now, by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad to its mountain divisions where water power is available. The reduction in demand for coal caused by increasing use of Diesel engines may not result in decreased cost, but will at least check the increasing price and will allow more coal to be used for coke making, smelting ore, and for in- dustrial processes that will benefit by a continued supply at a moderate price. Powdered coal is now being generally adopted for burning clinker in cement kilns, for brick and tile kilns, open hearth furnaces, etc. Increased prices for coal would be felt by these products and by all iron and steel makers, which take nearly as much coal to make the coke smelting ore as do the rail- roads. The production of coke furnishes a source of fuel for the Diesel engines in the oil that can be distilled from coal tar. In Ger- many this fuel is used in preference to petroleum fuel oil, which is imported duty free. In this country it has not yet become a commercial reality as so much tar is used in the crude state for roofing, road building, paving, etc., but when we begin to refine the tar to obtain aniline dyes, fertilizers and other valuable by- products this tar oil will be produced in quantities sufTicient to have a regular market and being a by-product will be sold at low price. 336 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The increased demand for oil fuel can not raise the; price much, for the engine uses the cheap heavy grades of crude oil which have little value for refining, and uses the residue after the gaso- lene and more valuable constituents have been removed. It is true that this by-product has risen in price lately almost 50% more than its low price of a year ago and there has been more than a doubling of price of crude oil. but a little consideration will show that further increases will affect the price of gasolene and the lighter products only as they have no substitute. The production of crude oil for 1914 was 290.312.535 bbls. and for 1915 about 2,000.000 bbls. more. There was a decline in the last half of 1915 of almost 100.000 bbls. per day in the largest field, the Cushing. a decrease from the 1914 rate of 18.000.000 bbls. i. e., had Cushing kept its past rate the 1915 production would have been over 310.000.000 bbls. But this was the only field that decreased and many new wells were brought in and extensive new fields developed in (Central Kansas and in Montana ai»d it is expected these new fields will hold up production. The increasing: demand which is raising prices is for gasolene and the heavy residue will remain a drug on the market except at prices which will compete with coal for boiler use in down town power plants and heating plants where its cleanliness and easy handling will allow it to be used at prices of frbm $1.25 to $1.50 per bbl. and probably a little higher. At these prices the Diesel engine can produce power to compete with coal in the waj'^s mentioned before. It remains to be seen how much of this comparatively cheap liquid fuel is available. Without taking into consideration the fuel oil that can, and undoubtedly will, be produced from coal tar, the supply is very large. P^ormerly over 50% and now about 20% of the crude oil. from the mid -continent field is marketed as fuel oil. though there is a wide variation with different oils and differ- ent refining companies. A much larger percentage of California .and Mexican oil is fit only for fuel. In 1915 the production of the mid-continent field was 152.869.680 bbls.. which by modern methods of refining yielded about 30.000.000 bbls. of fuel oil. Cali- fornia in 1915 produced 112,89 2,855 bbls. yielding over 50% of fuel oil or about 60,000,000 bbls. The total fuel oil supply for .1915 was 90,000.000 bbls. The above figures take account of mod- ern methods of refining and by the older methods there will be much more fuel oil. There will probably be further changes in refining as the demand for gasolene grows. To offset this is the supply of Mexico which has just been tapi)ed and is not now being imported at ^11 in any considerable quantities. It is fair to as- sume that aiexico will at least supply enough to make up for a decrease in the production of fuel oil by improved methods of refining now unknown. It is a fact that the production of rrude oil in the United States has increased steadily each year and that proved oil territory has widened. Some fields, notably the Cush- ing field, have fallen off in production, but none, not even those, are exhausted. It may be taken as an indication of the steadiness FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 337 of the supply that the Standard Oil Co. now have under con- struction 180 new stills in 7 different refineries. Any builder of Diesel engines, of whom there are now a con- siderable number of good repute, will guarantee a brake h.p. on less than Vi lb of fuel oil. The annual production of 90,000,000 bbls. means 60 billion h.p.-hrs. or 20,000,000 h.p.-yrs. of 300 10 hr. days each. This is the amount of power now produced at an average of over 5 lbs. of coal per h.p.-hr., which can be had from Diesel engines, not taking into account the fuel oil from coal tar. It represents a yearly decrease in the demand for coal of 150.000.000 tons, one-fourth the present production, which will be ihat much added to our coal supply and will serve to prevent a rise in price. Our conclusion must be that the Diesel engine by its use of a by-product as fuel will defer the exhaustion of our coal supply and tend to maintain present prices and that with- out it there must be a considerable increase in fuel prices. Types of Storage Plants for Anthracite Coal, Their Economic Features and Cost of Construction and Operation. R. V. Norris, in the Journal of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1911, by E^ngineering and Contracting. July 12, 1911, states that storage-plants vary much in detail of design, but may be gen- erally divided into two classes — non-mechanical and mechanical storage — with the following types: NGN -MECHANICAL (a) Level. Stocking on the surface. (b) Level. Stocking from tres- tles. (c) Level. Stocking from tres- tles. (d) Level. Stocking in bins. (e) Level. Stocking by cable- railwayand dump-cars (f) Hillside. Stocking from tres- tles Reloading shovel. Reloading .shovel. Reloading by hand or steam- by hand or steam- or by tunnel with without dock-scrapers. Reloading by tunnels. Reloading by hand or from bins, Reloading by hand, scrapers, or hydraulicking. MECHANICAL (g) Hill.side. (h) Level. (i) Level. (j) Level, (k) Level. Stocking by travel- ing-cantilever trimmer. Traveling or fixed tramways. Dodge system. Stocking by truss- trimraers in con- ical piles. Stocking by travel- ing trimmer. Covered plants. Stocking by fixed, trimmers. Reloading by hydraulicking. Stocking and reloading by trav- eling buckets. Reloading by swinging convey- ors. Reloading by tunnel and travers- ing-conveyors. Reloading by traversing-convey- ors or by tunnel and dock- scrapers. The line between the non-mechanical and the mechanical types is hard to draw, so many plants being combinations of both types. We have taken as mechanical storage, all plants using machinery 338 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in storing coal, and as non-mechanical those storing by dumping, without regard to the occasional incidental use of machinery for reloading in some of the non-mechanical plants above described. Dump-Storage (Non-Mechanical) . The simplest method of stock- ing large volumes of coal consists in forming a dump on a fairly- level surface, laying temporary tracks on the accumulating stock, and raising and shifting these as the storage grows in extent and height Reloading is accomplished either by steam-shovels or grab- bucket cranes, operated from the edges of the pile from tracks which are shifted as reloading progresses. This plan is only suit- able for temporary storage of steam sizes. Only one size can be stored, the breakage is excessive in any event, and prohibitory with prepared sizes, no rescreening is possible, and the cost of operation, not including waste, approximates 20 to 25 cts. per ton handled. Trestle-Storage (Non-Mechanical) . A method of storage now in general use in retail yards, and also attempted on a larger scale, consists of a trestle of the height of the proposed top of the pile, over which the loaded cars are dumped, forming a long pile of usually only moderate height, sizes being separated by partitions. Reloading is accomplished usually by hand. Trestle storage is small in capacity for the cost, expensive in operation, high in breakage, and is generally costly and inefficient ; it does, however, permit the storage of various sizes. Its use should be confined to small retail yards, used for transport to proper screens for final reloading. Trestle and Tunnel Storage (Non-Mechanical). A more efficient type of trestle-storage unites, with the trestle-stocking, the provision of a tunnel under the trestle for reloading. The coal is fed into cars in this tunnel through gates, and the cars may be either regular rail- road equipment or narrow-gage dump-cars. Breakage is excessive, including not only that incident to the trestle-storage, but to draw- ing at least a portion of the coal from the center of the pile under pressure. Except with the use of separate screening-plant, no re- screening is possible ; and further, less than 60% of the coal is tribu- tary to the tunnel by gravity, and the two outlying wedge-shaped piles must be transported to the tunnel by hand, or better, by the use of dock-scrapers, which are also occasionally used for ex- tending the storage beyond the gravity-range of the trestle. Bin-Stocking (Non-Mechanical) . In general, the construction consists of wooden bins traversed by railroad tracks from which the various sizes and types of coal are dumped, each in its appropri- ate bin. Reloading is usually accomplished by cars passing under the bins, either on the surface or more frequently in tunnels. To reduce the danger from fire, the movement of the reloading-cars is usually by gravity or by rope-haulage. The individual bins are necessarily limited in capacity to from 50 to 100 tons each, and an extensive plant covers a very large area. One such plant at the seaboard has 384 bins, reloading into cars in 9 tunnels, and covers approximately 9 acres. Such a plant costs in excess of $3 per ton of capacity to erect, requires an enormous amount of FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 339 timber, with resulting large fire-hazard and high maintenance charges, and the operating expenses approach 10 cts. per ton. A great advantage is the practicability of storing many sizes and kinds of coal, and keeping separate many small consignments. The breakage in this type of plant is very serious. The loss at seaboard on 1,000,000 tons of prepared and pea coal in about the usual proportions, would amount to $545,000, or 54 ^/^ cts. per ton, in addition to the cost of storage. Cahle-Raib'oad Storage (N on- Mechanical). A modification of the bin and tunnel type involves the use of cable or gravity return cars, running out on trestles over bins or surface storage, and dumping their contents at the desired points. This type is used at many retail yards and at transfer points, especially where water-borne coal is transferred to yards or cars The plant is moderate in first cost, economical in operation, but high in break- age ; does not permit rescreening except as a separate operation, and, being of timber, is subject to destructive fires. It does, how- ever, lend itself readily to covering for weather protection. Hillside Storage (N on- Mechanical) . Given a not impracticable hill, a plant consists essentially of one or more dumping tracks at the top, which in the older forms of plant are necessarily on rather high trestles. The coal is dropped from these trestles (the fall being broken as much as possible by chutes) and spreads down the hillside until arrested by walls, barriers, or by a level space at the bottom. But little coal can be reloaded directly by gravity except the layer which may be held by a retaining wall at the bottom, so it is usual to reload by hand, or better, by the use of dock scrapers or swinging conveyors along the level space at the bottom of the plant. In one large plant almost all the coal is put into a conveyor at the foot of the hill and scraped to a central screen house, where it is thoroughly rescreened and all the sizes recovered. In other cases reloading is done over fixed or shaking screejis placed at intervals above the tracks, and the screenings fiom these are taken by cars or conveyors to a small screen house for separation. In many cases the difficulty of handling at the foot of the hill is solved by the use of hydraulicking water, best heated in winter, which is used under considerable pressure to carry the coal to the conveyors or cars for reloading. This solves the problem of frozen coal as far as the storage plant is concerned ; but ar- rangements must be made for the disposal of the water, and in winter shipments the coal reaches its destination frozen. Where various sizes are stored it is necessary to provide par- titions between the sections. These usually take the form of fences of heavy planking supported by large vertical posts, and braced by a forest of props. The downward motion of the coal has a strong tendency to dislodge these supports, with resultant heavy maintenance cost. Moreover, to avoid admixture of dirt with the coal, it has been found necessary to protect the entire hillside, either by paving, planking, or concrete. This is particu- larly necessary where water is used in reloading. 340 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The cost of installing a hillside storage plant of this type is about $1.60 per ton of capacity complete, including railroads, trestle, partitions, water supply, conveyors, screen house and plank- ing. With concreted or paved hillside the cost would probably be a little higher. The operating cost, exclusive of fixed charges and deterioration of coal, but including labor, repairs, power, and shifting cars, will approximate 10 cts. per ton for the coal passed through storage, dependent, as in all cases of storage operating cost, on the activity of the plant. The breakage of coal is some- what large. From the above it appears that the non-mechanical plants are generally expensive, both to erect and to operate, do not generally lend themselves to the necessary screening, and involve a serious breakage of coal. On the other hand, they are suitable to small quantities of storage, lend themselves to separation of sizes and qualities, and are in general suitable rather to retail yards or the smaller type of wholesale piers than to extensive storage. Mechanical Storage Plants Hillside with Mechanical Stocking (Mechanical). The most not- able plant of this type was constructed during 1905-6, for the Le- high Valley Coal Co., at Hudsondale, Pa. Owing to the high breakage loss in prepared sizes in hillside storage the plant was designed and is operated exclusively for the storage of small sizes. The hillside selected was fairly straight and true in grades, but required heavy earthwork for the reloading tracks, and the stock- ing track at the head of the hill was inaccessible at reasonable grades with prohibitory cost, and is reached by an engine plant. The plant (Fig. 8) differs from all previous hillside plants in many particulars. Owing to the configuration of the ground the loaded cars are hoisted up a plane 500 ft. long on a 30% grade, by a pair of 18-30-in. hoisting engines, double geared 16 to 1 to a 10-ft. drum. The cars are pushed up by a steel barney, which returns into a pit at the foot of the plane. From the head of the plane the cars run over a double track trestle just high enough to permit dumping the coal into a traveling cantilever trimmer, by which it is elevated and discharged on to the concrete floored hillside, making a pile more than 55 ft. deep at its maximum, tailing down against a concrete retaining wall extending 7 ft. above the storage floor. This wall has a total height of 24 ft. above the reloading tracks, and is provided with openings on 20-ft. centers discharging the coal over screens directly into railroad cars for shipment. The screenings are washed in a trough to a small screen house at the lower end of the plant, where they are re- screened for .shipment As but a small portion of the coal is ac- cessible by gravity, the main reloading is done by the use of water pumped from a nearby creek to a storage tank on the hill above the plant, and used with hose streams to wash the coal to the gates and over the screens liaijroad cars 9,re Jiandled by gravity on both reloading and 1 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 341 stocking' tracks, and the empty cars from the latter are lowered on a plane, operated by a drum with powerful air brakes, to the level of the railroad. Except the hoisting engines for the loaded car plane, the entire plant is electrically operated and lighted from a station included in the equipment. The two tracks on the dumping trestles are at different eleva- tions, to minimize the drop at this point, and the chutes under 342 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA these form a shallow pocket controlled by numerous gates. This pocket, while not of a depth to increase the drop from the hop- pers of the cars, has sufhcient capacity to give the trimmers a continuous supply, regardless of the variations in discharge in unloading and moving the cars. The cantilever trimmer consists of a platform traveling parallel to the dumping trestle on a 16-ft. gage track and carrying a cantilever truss equipped with a scraper conveyor. Except the drop from the cars to the chute immediately below and just clearing the hoppers, the only other drop involved in storing coal is in making the first small pile behind the bulk- head. After this reaches the line of trimmer the pile is filled by moving the discharge outward, and the coal from the end of the trimmer reaches the growing pile without appreciable drop, and extends the pile by avalanching, as previously described. The storage floor averages 200 X 1,000 ft. on the hillside. This was first traced to squares 25 ft. on a side, so designated to give the best slopes without re-entrant angles, attainable without too serious grading. The floor thus prepared was covered with from 2 to 3 ft. of cinders, placed by the use of a temporary cable way, and then with 6 ins. of cinder-concrete with a wearing surface of 1 in. of cement and .sand. The entire preparation of the floor cost a little less than 26 cts. per sq. ft., of which nearly 14 cts. was for the concrete. The lowest 30 ft. of the floor is on a much flatter grade than the rest, and with a view to a better conduction of the water and coal over this section the floor is made with 20-ft. corrugations, the bottom of each leading to a gate. Experi- ence has proved the advantage of this arrangement, and further, that it would have been very advantageous to carry these corruga- tions the entire width of the floor, as considerable ditficulty is encountered in washing down the fine coal by reason of the spread- ing of, the water. In inany cases in reloading the coal temporary iron chutes are laid to prevent this spread. The retaining wall was built of concrete reinforced with old wire rope, with an aggregate of crushed mine refuse ; this, by reason of its character, has somewhat deteriorated the concrete, and the wall, while designed amply against overturning, and an- chored back by numerous tie-rods, has been forced forward to some extent in places, probably by the freezing of water in the fill behind it. The problem of letting down the loaded cars was solved by the use of a second plane, single track, with a barney ahead of the cars disappearing at the bottom into a pit. The controlling drum lowers by means of a band-brake on an asbestos-lined brake- wheel, operated by a standard Westinghouse air-brake equipment, supplied with air by an automatic electrically driven air pump. The barney is hoisted by a small motor, clutch connected to a train of gearing operating the drum, and runaways ai-e guarded against by a governor, which sets the brake in case a safe speed in lowering is exceeded. The brake is also arranged for hand- operation in emergency. Different sizes when stored are either separated by temporary FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 343 bulkheads or the edges of the piles are allowed to mix, the sizes being separated by the shipping screen. As this plant is used (and is suitable) only for the small sizes of coal, the question of breakage is not of supreme importance, and no accurate figures are available as to its amount. From observation I would consider it small, probably not much exceed- ing that in a standard Dodge plant. The entire cost including all charges approximated $1.50 per ton of capacity, and when in active operation the handling cost has reached the record figure of 1.25 cts. per ton handled through the plant. Traveling or Fixed Traviway Storage (Mechanical). The tram- way type of storage, stocking and reloading by traveling buckets, while in very general use for ore-storage, has been but little used for stocking anthracite on an extensive scale, largely on account of excessive breakage, the impracticability of rescreening before reshipment, and small handling capacity. The largest plant of this type for anthracite storage was built for Coxe Bros. & Co., at Roan Junction, Pa., with a capacity of 100,000 tons in a continuous pile, since increased to more than 150,000 tons. This plant consists essentially of a traveling truss, 225 ft. span, with 100-ft. cantilever-extension and 40-ft. back-projection. The truss is 55 ft. high above the rail at the traveler, and the bot- tom memteer has an elevation of 40 ft. above the storage ground. The truss is supported by a tower, spanning the reloading tracks and containing the engines and boiler for operation. The outboard end, supported by an A-frame, travels on a single rail, outside of which the stocking track is elevated to such a height that cars can be dumped into small hoppers, 50-ft. centers, from which the coal is drawn into 5-ton buckets, supported on traversing truck. One bucket is hoisted, carried along the truss, lowered, and dumped on the stock pile while its companion is being filed ; these buckets dump automatically only when resting on the stockpile. Reload- ing is accomplished by the use of a 3-ton " shovel bucket," which is filled by pulling it over the surface of the coal, and dumped by hand into cars at the reloading tower. While a large storage at low cost per ton is attained, the hand- ling capacity of the plant is small, the average rate of stocking is but 83 and of reloading 70 tons per hour, woefully insufficient for a plant of this capacity. This condition could, of course, be remedied by the use of several trusses, which, however, would greatly increase the cost of installation. The breakage, particu- larly in reloading, is heavy, and on this account the plant is chiefly used for the smaller sizes. The original cost of construc- tion is said to have been but $60,000, or 60 cts. per ton of rated capacity. The present cost would be at least 50% greater. The cost of operation averages slightly over 5.5 cts. per ton for stock- ing and about the same amount for reloading on a total exceed- ing 150,000 tons handled, including all labor, repairs, and train service, but not interest charges or depreciation of plant. An interesting plant of this type is situated at Fall River, Mass. The plant consists (Fig. 9) of a traveling tramway, with cantilever 344 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA extension over the pockets and hinged bridge extension to extend over the barges. The tramway is hung from its supports by a number of thin eye-bars, giving flexibility sufficient to permit of swinging 11.5 degs. either side of the center line, allowing a variation of 50 ft. each way over the pockets, which is necessary to permit of the selection of pockets for various sizes of coal. Unloading, both from the barges and from stock, is done by means of a 2-ton clam-shell bucket, in which coal is carried to the desired point, lowered, and let out either on the storage pile or in the pockets, which are large enough to receive it. The plant handles Fig. 9. Travelling tramway storage and handling plant, Staples Coal Co., Fall River, Mass. Plan and elevation. both anthracite and bituminous coal, as may be required and in reloading from stock the tramway is assisted by a locomotive crane with clam-shell bucket of 0.5 ton capacity. The cost of operation in the plant has been reduced to about one-third of its previous cost. The total cost of the plant was about $50,000, and the saving by its use exceeded 10 cts. per ton on 150,000 tons handled per year, besides reducing the screen- ings from 7 to less than 4%. The guaranteed speed of operation is 100 tons per hour, which rate in practice has been nearly doubled in emergency. In general the tramway system, within its limitations, is prob- ably the lowest in first cost of all the storage systems, while the operating cost is between that of the non-mechanical and the FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 345 large mechanically operated plants. The principal advantages of this type are low first cost, flexibility, moderate labor cost and repairs ; the disadvantages, large space occupied by reason of relatively low piles, danger from wind, excessive breakage (from the tendency of the operators to dump the buckets without low- ering to the stock pile), and lack of facilities for rescreening in loading out from stock. Dodge Storage System (Mechanical). The Dodge system fills more nearly than any other the conditions of an ideal plant. In its standard form, Fig. 10, anthracite is stored in conical piles by means of a trimmer truss carrying a flight conveyor, with a movable bottom, which discharges at the apex of the growing Fig. 10. TRACK HOPPERS AND TRIMMER TRUSSES Standard type of Dodge storage plant. conical pile, and reloading is accomplished by a horizontal swing- ing truss, placed between two conical piles, carrying on its edge a flight conveyor. This conveyor takes the coal from the edge of the conical pile, draws it to a cential point, and by a change in direction carries the coal up an incline to a tower, in which it is thoroughly screened on its way to the car. The trimming conveyor is supported by a light hinged arch truss of span suited to the size of the pile, with a pitch equal to the angle of repose of the coal, carrying in its bottom memj)er the trough-and-chain conveyor, which returns over the top. The bot- tom of the trough is a single movable strip of sheet steel wound on a drum at the foot of the truss and pulled by power up the truss, advancing as the pile grows, leaving an open bottom above the point of discharge, thus minimizing the breakage at this point, as the coal is merely shoved out on to the point of the conical pile and builds the pile by avalanching rather than by rolling. The thrust of the arch-truss is taken up by tie-rods extending 346 MECHAXICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA under the storage floor, and wind-pressure is provided for by guy- ropes extending above the surface of the coal to anchorages out- side the piles. The trimming conveyor extends from the foot of the truss on a catenary curve to an extension under the dumping tracks, \\-here hoppers are provided, feeding the conveyor to ca- pacity by adjustable gates. Two trimming trusses with respective track hoppers and a cen- tral reloader form a unit of construction. The reloader is pivoted between the two piles, and swings on curved supporting tracks, just clearing the outer ends of the trusses, and covers both floors, leaving only a small crescent- shaped pile outside its reach on each floor. These piles are handled either by hand or by dock scrapers to within reach of the end of the reloader. The reloader-truss. carrying the moving conveyor on its faces, is fed by power against the bottom of ths pile, being operated from a station on the pivot, from which a full view of the operation is assured. As the piles cone down by avalanching, and not by continuous rolling, it is often necessary to back out the reloader in a hurry to avoid having it buried. The movement is accomplished by wire cables which lie along one of the circular tracks under the coal, and the ends of which coil on reversing drums in the engine house, controlled by clutches from the operator's platform. At the pivot-end of the reloader the chain carrying the conveyor- flights is deflected up an incline to the reloading tower. In the case of the largest piles, the strain from this extension has proved too great for the Dodge chain necessarily employed in making this turn, and separate conveyors are installed on the reloader and tower. The reloader-conveyor in this case transfers to the tower-conveyor. The reloading tower contains shaking screens of ample capacity to fully rescreen the coal, and after passing over these the coal goes by a chute to the cai's for reshipment. These loading chutes are long and originally caused considerable breakage, but the later ones ai'e covered and provided v.ith an end-gate, by means of which the chutes can be kept full and the coal poured from the end without the velocity which would be acquired in a free slide for the length of the chute. The screenings are collected in hoppers in the towers, and in modern plants they are taken to a separate screen house for repreparation into marketable sizes, either by long conveyors or by cars, with rope or locomotive hauhige. Power is provided for the operation of each unit from engines or motors in a house adjoining the reloading tower. The trimmer conveyors, while occasionally driven by motors at the top of the trusses, are usually operated by rope-drives from the engine house to the head sheaves on the trusses, with the object of minimizing the weight on the truss. It is evident that but one size and kind of coal should be stored in any one pile, and this limitation, involving the installation of numerous piles, is the most serious objection to the system. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 347 The approximate cost of the machinery and trusses, per ton of capacity, varies g-reatly with the size of unit-piles. The following is a table of approximate costs : Capacity tons Diam., ft. Height,, ft. Cost per ton 120,000 333 85 $0.6625 100,000 313 80 0.72 80,000 293 74 0.8125 60,000 263 67 0.995 50,000 248 63 1.08 40,000 230 581/2 1.265 30,000 208 53 1.54 This is for plants of 2 units. To this amount must be added the cost of foundations, track-hopper pits, pieparation of floors, central power plant (steam or electricity) and power-distribution, drainage, screen-house for screenings, and railroad tracks, scales and yards. The most modern plants have been built of great capacity, with large unit-piles of from 50,000 to 60,000 tons' capacity, with the result of reducing the first cost of a complete plant from $1.50 per ton of capacity for a 300,000-ton plant, with 25,000-ton units, to $1.06 per ton for a 480,000-ton plant, with 60,000-ton units. Depending upon the size of units, the handling capacity varies from 50 to 150 tons per hour for stocking or reloading, which speed is attained easily in actual work, including the time lost in spotting and opening the hopper-bottom steel cars. Owing to the thorough rescreening in use, the breakage in hand- ling by this type of plant is quite accurately known. In the oper- ation of a typical modern plant the following breakage calculation from cleaned-up piles has been recorded. The amount screened out as smaller sizes is as follows : Rice, Buck- barley Stove, Nut, Pea, wheat, and dirt. Size stocked % % % % % Egg 8.9 2.4 0.58 0.50 1.82 Stove 3.9 0.93 0.65 0.37 Nut ., 1.40 1.10 0.36 Pea . ..* . . ... 1.01 0.37 Buckwheat . . ... . . . ' 0.56 This loss, figured on 1,000,000 tons of assumed quantities of each size passing through storage, is $53,561.25, or 5.36 cts. per ton. The cost of operation, fairly averaged at 5 cts. per ton handled each way, is extremely variable, dependent upon the activity of the plant. For a large tonnage it has been as low as 2.4 cts. per ton, and for three consecutive months it averaged 4.6 cts. per ton, including all labor, repairs, and supplies, but not interest, taxes; or depreciation, with occasional jumps to 35 cts. or 40 cts. per ton during inactive times v/hen but little coal was handled and the fixed charges for attendance dominated the cost. An essential feature of this type of plant is ample railroad trackage. A plant of 500,000 tons' capacity will be nearly 1.5 miles long, and will contain jn the aggregate about 10 miles of tracks. 348 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The power required to operate a plant of this type was deter- mined for a 60,000-ton unit, two 30,000-ton piles, at the McClellan plant of the Susquehanna Coal Co., to be : I. h.p. ' Engine and attached machinery, light 15.5 No. 1 trimmer-conveyor, empty 37.0 No. 1 trimmer-conveyor, loaded 53.5 No. 2 trimmer-conveyor, empty 36.7 No. 2 trimmer-conveyor, loaded 53.3 Reloader-conveyor, empty 38.7 In the screen house and on the tovvers, each shaking screen, 6 X 12 ft. in size, required 2.62 h.p. for operation. At the time when this test was made reloading was not in progress, so no test could be made on the reloader actually in service. The m.ost recent plant of the standard Dodge type was erected in 1907-08, for the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., at Hauto, Pa. The detailed costs of this plant are available through the cour- tesy of W. A. Lathrop, president, and Baird Snyder, Jr., general superintendent of the company. The plant consists at present of four 30-000-ton and two 60,- 000-ton piles, total capacity 240,000 tons, arranged in line on one side of the tracks, the other side being reserved for extensions. At the present time two more 60,000-ton piles are being erected, increasing the capacity to 360,000 tons, which should be available early in the summer. Special features of the plant are electrical driving from the central station of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., at Lans- ford. Each unit, two piles with pivoted reloader, is driven from its own power house ; the transmission to the trimmers, reloader, and loading-tower of each is by rope-drives. Each loading-tower is equi^oped with a shaking-screen. 5X12 ft. screening surface, provided with a full set of perforated plates for any size of coal. The screenings are washed in troughs to a very complete screen house at the lower end of the plant. Sufficient grade for this washing is obtained by the use of 2 elevator towers in the line of troughs, which by raising the screenings avoid undue elevation of the troughs. The screen house is provided with breaking-down rolls and a full set of screens for separating the screenings into sizes, which are shipped directly from the screen house pockets. The site selected is a favorable one for this type of storage. No excessive grading was required, and drainage is available, so that it is the practice to use water for reloading frozen coal. As in all plants of this type, the capacity of the piles is rated on the assumption of strictly conical structure, built directly by the trimming conveyors, while in case of necessity the piles can be ma- terially extended by the use of sheet-irbn chutes from the head of the trimmer. In this plant such extension has been carried to the limit by the further use of plank bulkheads between the piles, so that a rated 30,000-ton pile of egg coal actually contained 70,600 tons, more than 135% above its rated capacity. The bulk- FUEL AND COAL HANDLING . 349 heads are built with a face of 2-in. plank, retained by cleats of plank extending- into the body of coal and held against spreading by the friction of the coal itself. The cost of the present 240,000-ton plant complete was $415,- 771.70, or $1,732 per ton of rated capacity, made up of items as follows : Per ton of rated capacity Grading and masonry $ 94,996.49 $0,395 — Railroads 32,656.84 0.136 Buildings 26,070.5.4 0.108 + Machinez^y 215,766.73 0.900 — Electric installation 15,829.81 0.066 Screen-house 28,415.37 0.119 -{- Electric power-transmission 2,035.92 0,008 $415,771.70 $1,732 The two 60,000-ton piles now under contract are estimated to cost $120,000, which will make the entire cost of the 360,000-ton plant $536,000, or $1.49 per ton of rated capacity. The cost of operation for the first year only is available, amount- ing to 209,690 tons handled to $9,263.59, or $0.0442 per ton, as follows : Amount Cost per ton Superintendence $ 584.62 $0.00279 Labor 3.541.48 0.0169 Supplies 1,536.39 0.00732 Repairs 80.68 0.0003 Electric power 1,133.67 0.0054 Cost $6,876.84 $0.0328' Transportation 2,386.75 0.01143 Total cost $9,263.59 $0.0442 In general this type of plant combines most of the qualifica- tions of an ideal plant; its main disadvantages are: (1) the ■large individual units, with consequent tying up of capacity when but a small amount of coal of a particular size or kind is to be stored; (2) expensive operation in the case of frozen coal, with liability to this difficulty from the method of making the piles. The coal can be handled with hot water if a supply is available, but this requires extensive drainage. This type is suited either to very extensive storage of hundreds of thousands of tons, or for the storage of moderate quantities of a single size, as for large steam plants. The Ransom Storage System {Mechanical). A notable varia- tion from the Dodge type was built for the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., at Ransom, Pa. The' type of plant erected. Fig. 11, varies from the standard Dodge type in the use of a traveling trimmer- truss, building a wedge-shaped pile of coal with rounded ends, and reloading by conveyors in tunnels, with the assistance of traveling reloaders, to a central loading tower and screen house. The cost of the plant complete, including machinery, power 350 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 351 equipment, grading, tracks, reloading and transfer tower, screen house, dam, and a 0.5-miIe pipe line for water supply, trestles, rope haulage, and lighting, was very close to $1.15 per ton of capacity, and the operating expense, excluding interest, taxes and depreciation, is reported as low as 1.75 cts. per ton handled during months of active operation. No reliable data from a full clean-up are available as to breakage, but this appears to be somewhat greater than in a standard Dodge plant. The plant as a whole has the advantages of low first cost, cheap handling, large storage for the area occupied, ease and cheapness of extension, exceptionally thorough rescreening and ease of preparation of the screenings, low repairs, moderate main- tenance, and very rapid handling. The disadvantages are in- herent to the type : impossibility of handling more than one size at a time, in either stocking or reloading; partial mixing of sizes, except at a great sacrifice of capacity ; limitation of number of sizes to not exceeding four ; some fire danger ; and high depre- ciation on the wooden trestle. Bf loading Tower Fig. 12. Erie Railroad covered storage and transfer plant, Hammond, Ind. Cross section. Covered Storage Plants {Mechanical). The difficulties from frozen and snow-covered coal, which are annoying in the latitude of New York, become so serious in more northern regions as to warrant expensive arrangements for their avoidance. As mere cold involves no difficulty in reloading, trouble from freezing is cured by the use of covered plants. The Hammond, Ind., plant of the Erie R. R. (Fig. 12) of 60,000 tons' capacity, a building 840 ft. long by 90 ft. wide, stores coal by a conveyor system, with cross conveyor in the roof. The sizes are separated by A-partitions and the walls sustained by anchor- bands in the coal itself. Reloading is accomplished by running the forward coal by gravity into a longitudinal conveyor in front of the building, whence it is transferred to the return-buckets of the storing-conveyor, elevated to the loading tower, screened and shipped. The screenings are prepared in a separate building. The balance of the coal in each pocket is delivered to the front 352 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA conveyor by traversing Dodge reloaders, one serving each two bins. These are sheltered under the A~partitions when the bins are full. This plant, which also is used as a transfer plant, has the advantage of covered storage, moderate cost under the con- ditions, good handling capacity and rescreening, with, as its most serious objections, fire risk and excessive breakage from trans- fers between conveyors, and drop from the roof of the building in storing coal. A bettor type, also designed by the Dodge Co., and erected for the Lehigh Valley Coal Co. at West Superior, Wis., to store coal from lake vessels, is practically a 50.000-ton trimmer-truss in- closed in a circular dome-shaped building. Fig. 13. The roof is supported by steel-dome construction and the low vertical sides by retaining bands buried in the coal. Storing is accomplished by the use of the usual trimmer-conveyor with movable bottom, the only drop being for the first coal deposited until this makes Fig. 13. Covered storage plant. a pile reaching to the point of trimmer entrance into the build- ing. Reloading is accomplished by the use of a tunnel-conveyor extending to the center of the building, into which the coal tribu- tary by gravity is admitted by valves in the roof of the tunnel. When all the coal thus available has been removed, a reloader, pivoted at the center of the building, has been uncovered and this delivers the balance of the contents to the tunnel conveyor. All the coal is elevated by this to a loading tower, where rescreen- ing can be properly accomplished. The cost of this plant, which comprises two such buildings, was about $3 per ton of capacity. Except for the breakage in un- loading Vessels the stocking breakage .should but little exceed that of a standard Dodge plant, while the reloading breakage would be somewhat greater by reason of the drop into the tunnel con- veyor, the necessity of drawing the first of the coal under pressure, and the double handling by reloader and tunnel of part of the coal. The plant, being all of metal, js practically fireproof, the main disadvantage being the lack of flexibility. Only one size of coal can of course be .stored in each building, and any size stored must be entirely reloaded before the building is available for a different size. A covered plant of 100,000 tons' capacity, built at Wende, near Buffalo, by the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., in 1906, Fig. 14, has also some unique features. The building is 480 ft. long by 250 ft. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 353 wide. The front and rear walls, 20 ft. high, are braced by a retaining band, and the end walls and two partitions are secured by tie-rods from double lines of piles. The curved roof is sup- ported by steel trusses, the lower members of which are on the angle of repose of piled coal. Each of the three pockets is provided with a central trimmer conveyor for stocking, and a central tunnel conveyor with valves on 14-ft. centers for reloading. The tunnel conveyors carry the coal each to its own reloading tower provided with proper screen- ing facilities, and the coal which is not tributary by gravity to the tunnels is brought to them by dock-scrapers. The driving is done by rope from a centr-ally-located engine. Sbkufet ConTeror' Beloadiog Conveyor i ELEVATION Fig. 14. ' Wende storage plant, Lehigh Valley Coal Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Plan and cross section. The cost of the plant approximated $2.25 per ton of capacity, and the operating expense is said to be moderate. Breakage should approximate that of the plant previously described, over which this plant appears to have the advantages of lower first cost, greater handling capacity, less area occupied, and provision for three sizes of coal. In general, it appears that mechanical storage has distinct ad- vantages over non-mechanical, and the Dodge type with its modi- fications is best suited to extensive storage plants, and the travel- ing tramway to smaller plants and to secondary wholesalers' in- stallations. All the non-mechanical plants involve such serious breakage in stocking as to warrant the greater first cost of the mechanical types. 354 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Labor Costs of Handling Coal and Ashes at Locomotive Coal- ing Stations. According to H. J. Edsall, who gives Tables XI and XII in Engineering News, Sept. 8, 1910, labor costs from 2 cts. TABLE XI. LABOR COSTS FOR HANDLING COAL AT LOCO- MOTIVE COALING STATIONS Station No. 1. Av. No. locomotives per day, 120 Men employed Cost per day 1 foreman, $55 per month $1.80 5 men to unload cars 10 hrs. per day 7.00 2 coal dumpers, 12 hrs. per day 2.80 Total $11.60 Tons per day 550 Cost per ton $0,021 No. 2. 120 locomotives per day. 1 machinery man 10 hrs. per day $1.50 5 men to unload cars 12 hrs. per day 6.50 2 coal dumpers, 12 hrs. per day 2.60 Tatal $10.60 Tons per day 550 Cost per ton $0,019 No. 3, 76 locomotives per day. % foreman's time at $66 per month $1.10 1 machinery man at $55 per month 1.80 3 men to unload cars 10 hrs. per day 4.50 2 coal dumpers, 11 hrs. per day 3.30 Total $10.70 Tons per day '. 500 Cost per ton $0,021 No. 4 * % foreman's time at $66 per month $1.10 1 engineer at $55 per month 1.80 % fireman's tnne, 11 hrs. per day 0,83 2 machinery men, 11 hrs. per day 3.30 3 men to unload cars 4.95 2 coal dumpers 3.30 Total $15.28 Tons per day 625 Cost per ton $0,024 ♦ Wages estimated from those paid at previous stations. TABLE XII. LABOR COSTS FOR HANDLING ASHES AT LOCOMOTIVE COALING STATIONS No. 1 :* Cost Amt. ashes assumed at 40 cu. Men employed per day ft. per loco. Wages assumed. 5 day and 5 night men to Av. No. locomotives per day, 60. operate mach'y, feed ashes to same and clean fire boxes $15.00 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 355 No. 2 :t % of foreman's time at Assumed that three 25-ton coal $66 per month 1.10 cars = 120 cu. yds. Locomo- 1 day and 1 night man tives per day, 75. to operate gates of ash hoppers 3.30 $4.40 6 day and 6 night fire box cleaners, 11 hrs. per day $19.80 $24.20 No. 3 :t Average cu. yds. per day 120 Assumed that six 25-ton coal Cost pits to pockets per cars = 240 cu. yds. cu. yd $0,037 Cost per cu. yd. includ- ing cleaning fire boxes $0,202 y. of foreman's time at $66 per month $1.10 1 day and 1 night ma- chinery man 3.30 1 day and 1 night man to operate gates of hoppers 3.30 $7.70 10 day and 10 night fire box cleaners 33.00 $40.70 Average cu. yds. per day 240 ♦ Cost pits to pockets, per cu. yd $0,032 Cost per cu. yd. includ- ing cleaning fire boxes $0,169 ♦ At Station No. 1, ashes are deposited in pits about 50 ft. long and scraped to either of two conveyors. Machinery operated 1^/^ to 3 hrs. per day, usually only morning and evening. Average cu. yds. per day 88. t At Stations No. 2 and No. 3, ashes are deposited in hopper and fed directly to conveyors, which have to be operated each time the hoppers become filled up. to 2Y2 cts. per ton for coal, and from 1% cts. to 2 cts. per cu. yd. for ashes. Cost of operation and maintenance of gravity-discharge ele- vators handling coal at locomotive coaling stations : Operation, cost per Station. No. tons handled ton No. 1. 16,704 tons per mo. (av. of 12 mos.) $0.0206 No. 2. 27.313 tons in one year, end- ing Sept. 30, 1908 No. 3. 37.102 tons, 1906 0367 46,283 tons, 1907 0319 49,325 tons, 1908 0367 No. 4. 12.711 tons, 1906 0299 13,934 tons, 1907 0323 11,542 tons, 1908 0352 No. 5. 10.910 tons. 1906 0260 13,970 tons, 1907 0241 9,416 tons, 1908 0246 Mainte- Opera- nance, tion and cost per maint.. cost ton per ton $0.0080 $0.0286 .0005 .0048 .0415 .0010 .0329 .00006 .03676 .0002 .0301 .0017 .0340 .0009 .0361 .0000 .0260 .0003 .0244 .0005 .0251 356 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Estimated operating costs for a large locomotive coaling station for handling 750 tons of coal per day by means of two gravity discharge elevator conveyors are as follows : Cost per day % of foreman's time, at $66 per mo $1.10 4 men to unload cars, 15c. per hr. 10 hrs. per day 6.00 1 day and 1 night coal dumper (to tenders) 15 cts. per hr., 11 hrs. per day 3.30 $10.40 Cost per ton, cts $0^15 Items pertaining directly to this system: 1 man to run coal conveyors, $55 per month each 1.80 15 h.p. for 10 hrs. at 2 cts. per h.p.-hr 3.00 Supplies 50 $15.70 Cost per ton, cts $0,025 For handling 250 cu. yds. of ashes per day by means of two pivoted bucket carriers the costs are as follows : Cost per day % of foreman's time at $66 per mo $1.10 6 men to scrape and feed ashes to conveyors, 15 cts. per hr., 10 hrs. per day 9.00 $10.10 Cost per ton, cts $0.04 Items pertaining directly to this system : 1 day and 1 night man to run ashes to conveyors, $55 per month each $3.60 Cost of 2 h.p. for 10 hrs. at 2 cts. per h.p.-hr 40 Cost of supplies • ,60 $14.70 Cost per ton, cts $0,059 TABT.-R XTII. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS OP SEVERAL LOCOMOTIVE COALING STATIONS FOR ONE YEAR Type H Bucket elevator 130,850 Inclined belt conveyor. . 62,899 Bucket elevator 43,321 Bucket elevator 183,410 Inclined belt conveyor. , 47,109 •Trestle 110,138 • Trestle 276,397 * Trestle 61,570 * Locomotive places cars, t No record kept of repairs. "« ^ 'd g| c c w c ciO , "* o 1-1 o cU5cn >, IrtOt-T-HOO 2 "5 oTo^WS o IrtOlftOCO OC'OM (MU5 oo 00 o t-00 •oo t-i-i OS rH €«- T-l 00 00 (M 1-1 e«o- T-i ot-«o T-l CO o IT] .^m- t- irt -<*' o as o a> iH -M M O -* 7-1 ^ t- 1~« oco rq o TfcSoooo tHtHt-IOO wow 00 0-* oo-*oo LOOOOO «omoo j5 M 01 tSBo OJ > -^ oS o' o c c c c o o o o 2.215 !:: 5 .5 t- -M M C5 01 (MW CiOO oS.S.q5ia a-c i2XJ,Q oS- rt d aS o ? C m O) O) o o ^ to ceo i^ !^ 358 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA >> eo^in as cd li4 111!' M rH 00 eoeco d ^ cq 1 r-l NCOCO co-^d 00 ^ s-i r-t-irt 03 b O -^ O 00 r-icdd ■^ 0) •»-> IM ,C C ^j "S , OO^IO t- *| eo Ift r-lfod \a ra ^AI:^ouIo^o'l >. T-l t- o dcod tp ^ '3 pq ;—

X u §c^^^^ •J- tH tH r-idc> CO * i-i» tH OS Q, -0 o Sft ^ CO 00COU5 CO 6-0 « ■S :S : 2 ■ i : -.5 c o Sh • O • ft • 'p, '^ . . . 17.78 1 A ssi^-'tant chief (night) 89 hrs. at 0.22 V>. . . 20.03 12 Firemen (dav) 79 hrs. at 0.18 14.22 12 Firemen (night) 89 hrs. at 0.18 16.02 $617.89 Weekly cost of power for telpher 5.11 Weekly cost of sup- plies for telpher. . . , 2.00 Total per week BOILER HOUSE B Overhead Bin and Conveyor Equipment Sixteen 260 h.p. boilers, 12 in sei-vice ; weekly coal consump- tion, 1,260 long tons. No. of Performance men of men 1 Conveyor operator (day) 76 hrs. at 0.30. $22.80 1 Conveyor operator (night) 85 hrs. at 0.30 25.00 2 Feeding ashes to con- veyor (day) 76 hrs. at 0.16ii. 25.08 2 Feeding a.shes to con- veyor (night) 85 hrs. at O.ieyo 28.06 3 Unloading coal from cars (day) 72 hrs. at 0.15 32.40 1 Chief (day) 79 hrs. at 0.25 19.75 1 Chief (night) 89 hrs. at 0.25 22.25 1 Assistant (day) 79 hrs. at 0.22y> 1 Assistant (night) 89 hrs. at 0.221/, 6 Firemen (day)"79 hrs. at 0.18 6 Firemen (night) 89 hrs. at 0.18 17.78 20.03 85.32 5.12 Weekly cost of power for conveyor system (1,500 hp.-hrs. at 3 cts. per. hr. ) Weekly cost of con- veyor system sup- plies $395 09 45.00 4.91 Total per week. . $625.00 Total per week. . $445.00 ors have reached a point of perfection in design and construction where they will stand up wonderfully well under very severe service, and the handling of both coal and ashes in one carrier is now good engineering practice. In fact, a well designed carrier embodying first-class construe- FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 365 tion throughout should, when handling both coal and ashes, re- quire little or no repairs in the first 4 or 5 years, and after this 3% per year would probably cover them, unless the amount handled is unusually large, in which case the cost per ton of material would shov/ to even better advantage. Cost of Economic Features of Modern Locomotive Coaling Sta- tions. A committee of the International Railway Fuel Association made a report at an annual convention of that organization on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of modern loco- motive coaling stations, which was abstracted in Engineering and Contracting, 1913. The report is based on a set of questions which it prepared and the answers to the questions as received from members of the association. The committee recognize the following seven types of locomotive coaling stations: (1) Gravity chute, self-clearing cars, handled up incline by locomotives or gasoline or electric hoist. (2) Balanced buckets, using gasoline, steam or electric power, self-clearing cars, coal dumped into pit and elevated by one to four balanced buckets, holding one to three tons each. (3) Bucket conveyor, type .using gasoline, steam or electric power, self-clearing cars, coal dumped into pit and hoisted to main bin by small buckets on chain or link-belt. (4) Inclined conveyor, rubber or canvas belt; gasoline, steam or electric power, self-clearing cars, coal dumped into pit and conveyed to main hopper on the inclined belt. (5) Locomo- tive crane and clam-shell, gondola flat-bottom cars used, coal handled direct from cars to locomotive tenders. (6) Hydraulic power-hoist loaded railroad cars and dump into main hopper by inverting the cars. (7) Inclined trestle with pockets, shovel coal from cars to pockets, served by locomotive. Having in mind the cost of installation, operation, maintenance and depreciation the following recommendations were made by certain members as to the foregoing general types : Type 1 is generally favored where there is sufficient room for the construction of the incline approach, but naturally the cost of property in the larger terminals would materially offset any ad- vantage that might be claimed. Eight members favor this type for large stations, handling 10,000 tons or more per month, and where not more than two tracks are to be served. One member recommends that road cars be handled by locomotives. One mem- ber calls particular attention to the advisability of raising the cars high enough that the road cars may be dumped direct into the serving pockets, saving expense of shoveling and breaking of coal. It must not be forgotten that the railroads still retain a large percentage of flat-bottom non-dumping gondolas, from which the coal will continue to be shoveled. Storage of coal v/ith Type 1, except such as may be provided through the medium of the pockets and the road cars, is practically prohibitory, due to the additional initial cost. Type 2 is recommended by twelve members for locations w)iere the space is restricted and where two or more tracks are to bQ 366 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA served. This type is particularly favored for large stations serv- ing 50 or more locomotives, and, in fact, for any service calling for an issue of 100 or more tons of coal daily. As this type calls for the installation of considerably machinery, due care should be given its permanent location where it will not be disturbed by future improvements. Type 3 has been endorsed by 3 members for use at the larger stations where 2 or more tracks are to be used. It is particularly recommended that wherever Types 2 or 3 are used that the plant be provided with a duplicate hoisting arrangement. Type 4 has not been mentioned in any of the replies received. Type 5 — Seven members have recommended the locomotive crane and clam-shell for the smaller stations, and for temporary use where the larger plant cannot be permanently located. This type is favored as being very flexible in its use in any class of road cars, and its adaptability to many purposes at any point on the railroad. Type 6 — No mention was made. Type 7 — for smaller stations handling less than 50 tons per day, where the physical conditions would prohibit the use of the more expensive plant, this type has been recommended by three of the members. Frame construction is favored for small plants and where they are isolated from other buildings and where first cost is an im- portant element. One reply recommends the use of concrete founda- tions, and another recommends the use of creosoted timbers. Wherever frame is used, ample precautions, such as stand-pipes with hose connections, hand-grenades and fire extinguishers, should be generously provided, and it is thought that possibly the addi- tional expense for fire protection inay, at times, more than offset the increased cost of steel or concrete construction. Steel is recommended in preference to frame or concrete where fireproof construction is desirable, and where there is any pos- sibility that the tracks may be altei-ed at some future time, re- quiring the moving of the plant. All steel that comes in contact with the coal should be protected by concrete. Concrete is favored where the cost is not prohibitory for use in all mechanical plants that are permanently located. A combination of frame, steel and reinforced concrete would appear to be economical and safe for Type 1. Trestle approach to be of creosoted timbers on concrete piers. Framing of supports TABLE XIX. COST OF OPERATION Type. 1. 2. 4. 7. Average tons handled in 24 hrs. summer 130 120 320 110 Average tons handled in 24 hrs. winter. 170 180 390 145 Average tons used in 24 hrs. summer. 130 120 320 110 Average tons used in 24 hrs. winter .''. 170 180 390 145 Cost of labor per ton, cts 3.4 2.5 3.5 7.79 Cost of power per ton. cts 0.19 0.28 0.38 Cost of supplies per ton, cts 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 Total per ton, cts 3.6 2.8 3.9 7.8 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 367 under bins, hoppers and general structure to be of steel. Bins and any other parts coming in contact with the coal to be reinforced concrete slabs. The same general method of construction could be used for the other types, omitting the frame approaches. As a general rule the storage of surplus coal is not recom- mended, except to overcome temporarily local or general failures of transportation, or mining, or on account of possible car short- age. The general objection being the deterioration of the heat values. One member recommends storing two weeks' supply in winter months and another suggests that there might be condi- tions where it would not be objectionable to store thirty days' supply. Another member recommends keeping a storage supply with the necessary facilities to unload, store and reload on every Division. One reply received is so strongly in favor of storing a supply that it is quoted as follows : Coal should be stored in summer for winter use for the fol- lowing reasons: (a) To have the equipment which would other- wise be in use in company coal service available for revenue coal service, (b) As the cost of haulage of company coal, as well as all freight, is higher in cold weather than in warm, it is econom- ical to haul as much as possible in warm weather, (c) To give the mine operators every opportunity to sell all commercial coal possible at the period when the highest prices are obtainable, (d) To increase the operator's summer orders with the result that they can hold their miners through the summer, and be ready to put out a large winter tonnage, (e) For economy of purchase, as summer storage coal could usually be purchased at a lower price than coal purchased under a contract with a maxi- mum twice the minimum, and orders even running below the mini- mum in summer. It is the general opinion that it is good practice to unload stor- age coal, particularly to relieve cars earning per diem or losing revenue. All parties agree that when coal is stored on the ground, it should be piled on plank-car-siding-ties or other similar material. COST DATA Believing that the question of cost is the most Important con- sideration in determining the proper type of a modern locomo- tive coaling plant the committee presented in full all the cost data received from members who gave the type of chute used in connection with the costs. Six replies of this character were received and are here quoted : A — Two 'balanced tuckets, 350 tons capacity. First cost. $22,000. Cost of operation, 2 to 8 cts. per ton; average cost 3% cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance. 2 cts. per ton. Fixed charges, interest 5% and depreciation 5% per annum, 2 cts. per ton. Link belt, bucket conveyor, 'WO tons capacity. First cost, $37,000. 368 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of operation, 1.7 cts, per ton. Cost of maintenance, 1.4 cts. per ton. Fixed charges, interest 5% and depreciation per annum 5%, 1.5 cts. per ton. Link belt, bucket conveyor^ 150 tons capacity. First cost, $9,000. Cost of operation, 5.6 cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance, 3.0 cts. per ton. Fixed charges, interest 5% and depreciation 5% per annum, from 1 ct. to 2 cts. per ton. Inclined conveyor, belt, 150 and 350 tons capacity. First cost, 110.400 and from $13,000 to $23,000. Cost of operation, from 1.5 cts. to 8.8 cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance, from 0.1 ct. to 0.7 ct. per ton. Fixed charges, interest 5% and depreciation 5% per annum, from 1.4 cts. to 3.6 cts. per ton. Locomotive crane. Average total cost, 20 cts. per ton. Inclined trestles with pockets. First cost, $4,000 to $12,000. Cost of operation, from 1 ct. to 5 cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance, average 2 cts. per ton. Fixed charges, interest, 5% and depreciation 10% per annum, from 1 ct. to 2 cts. per ton. Large balanced buckets, 15 tons capacity, running up vertically and over horizontal track, capacity, 1,500 tons. First cost. $64,000. Cost of operation. 2 cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance, 3 cts. per ton. Cost of maintenance, 3 cts. per ton. Fixed charges, interest 5% and depreciation 10% per annum, 1.6 cts. per ton. B. — Bucket conveyor. Average tons handled and used July 257 tons Average tons handled and used December 542 tons Cost of labor, July 2.3 cts. per ton Cost of labor, December 2.4 cts. per ton Cost of power, July 1.0 cts. per ton Cost of power, December 0.9 cts. per ton Cost of supplies, July 0.59 cts. per ton Cost of supplies December 0.6 cts. per ton Total cost, July 3.89 cts. per ton Total cost, December 3.90 cts. per ton Locomotive crane and clam shell. Average tons handled and used, July 247 tons Average tons handled and used, December 356 tons Cost of labor, July 4.4 cts. per ton Cost of labor, December 3.0 cts. per ton Cost of power, July 0.19 cts. per ton Cost of power, December r 0.15 cts. per ton Cost of supplies, July 0.25 cts. per ton Cost of supplies, December 0.28 cts. per ton Total cost July 4.84 cts. per ton Total cost December 3.43 cts per ton C — The data given in reply C are shown in Table XIX. D — Figures submitted in Table XX, reply D, are for the month of November, 1912. E — Type, 300 to 500 tons' capacity. Hoists by means of cable running side dump cars up incline at the rate of 45 tons every 15 minutes. Total cost on locomotive — 1.5 cts. to 2 cts. per ton. F — Inclined gravity chute type. Capacity — Summer, 520 tons; winter. 730 tons. Cost, not including power for elevation by locomotives nor for supplies — Summer, 1 ct. per ton; winter, 0.9 ct. per ton. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 369 '% % CO 00 O0iX> lO c oo OO •00 ■^rJ T-{ CO 1-1 .\a o OO •o o :? C ^ t-«£> 00 (M o ,_! «5a> ooo ,_4 wo o-* E^ ?o o OO OO < ^ *- H \a Ph CO IrtCO 1-1 CO C o to 00 tHCD 1-1 iHO oco O irt o OO OO H m (£> \aa> T-liH o ^ (SiOi CIO '.2^ r-t 1—1 CO 0«5 o OO OO o X' ■(-> -* cot- OS ^00 X ^ 'i* OO o • o C^IO oco O OO OO < «> 5O00 (rq(M c^ CO 05U5 oos o OO OtH Ti'^ "o OO OO CO C^l l« 00 OO Bt si w ■^' • o (D _^ "O (P 370 MECH4NICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Balanced bucket type. Capacity — Summer, 558 tons; winter, 652 tons. Cost, not including- power nor supplies — Summer, 2.6 cts. per ton; winter, l.y cts. per ton. Cost of Handling Coal and Ashes by Locomotive Cranes at Eight' Plants. In a paper before the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers in 1908 C. F. Whitton presented a compilation of data regarding the cost of handling locomotive coal and ashes, as developed in the use of various appliances. The fixed charges, which comprise interest, depreciation, in- surance, and taxes, have been taken as 10% of the total initial cost of the plant. Maintenance and operating charges vary so widely with local and climatic conditions, that, considering also the short time over which the costs obtained extend, they can hardly be considered exact, and certainly not applicable, except as an indication of general results. Pro I'ata charges are esti- mated as follows : The proportion of the time of yardmaster, clerks, etc., is distributed to the different departments on a labor output basis, and the per cent, added to the cost of handling coal and ashes is the proportion of the above wages based on the ratio which the labor charges for each of these departments bears to the total labor charges of all the departments fit the yard. By sev- eral railroads, this amounts to about 20% of the labor charge for the coal and ash handling plants. The cost of coal handling with a locomotive crane was based upon that obtained at the Cleveland yards of the Erie Railroad, and is as follows : a. Average number of locomotives fueled per day.. 25 b. Average tonnage per 12 hrs 168 c. Maximum actual tonnage per 12 hrs 180 d. Total tonnage for year 1906 60,500 The initial cost of the crane was $7,400, and the cost of bucket, pits. etc.. is estimated at $4,600. The handling costs per ton are made up as follows :■ Average tons handled per day 166 Fixed charges, per ton 2 cents Operating charges, labor •. 2 Operating charges, power and supplies 3.5 " Maintenance charges 0.3 " Pro rata charges 0.4 " Total cost per ton 8.2 " Other locomotive crane plants show the following costs (p. 371) : The cost of handling ashes does not include any proportion of the fixed charges. The actual cost per ton is not so important as a comparison of costs between old and new methods of doing the work. In the case of the Erie plant, at Cleveland, the reduction per ton due to the installation of a locomotive crane was about 12 cts. At this plant there is another crane not in service at present. FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 371 COAL HANDLING Location Year . . 1905 Average tons per day 176 Fixed cliarges 1.9 Operating charges . . 4.7 Maintenance ciiarges 0.5 Pro rata charges . . 0.4 h:i 1905 116 1.7 6.1 0.2 0.4 W 1905 230 1.8 3.6 0.7 0.4 1905 153 1.8 5 1 0.5 0.4 c c o O 1905 106 3.7 3.0 0.4 0.4 >> 2, o xn 1905 45 7.9 5.5 0.2 0.4 O 1906 166 2.0 5.5 0.3 0.4 ASH HANDLING No. of locomotives cleaned per day . . Cost per locomotive cleaned 4 20 13 26 17 12 22.4 3.3 5 4.7 s 1906 218 1.5 3.5 0.1 0.4 Total charge per ton 7.5 8.4 6.5 7.8 7.5 14.0 8.2 5.5 19 25 cts. The belt conveyor, as operated in the Cleveland yards of the Pennsylvania Lines West, gave the following results : Average number of locomotives fueled per day. . . .50 to 75 Average tons handled per day (1906) 260 Maximum tons handled per day on a monthly basis 570 The original cost of this plant was $13,000, and it is in opera- tion for 10 hours per day. The labor connected with this plant includes one engineer In charge of the machinery, and two laborers. The handling costs for 1906 are made up as follows: Average tons handled per day 258 Fixed charges 1.4 cts. Operating charges 2.8 " Maintenance charges (belt renewal) 0.2 " Pro rata charges 0.2 " Total cost per ton 4.6 " In these same yards the ashes are handled by an overhead trolley. The first cost of the pits and the mechanism was about $5,000. During 1906, the number of locomotives handled was upward of 18,000, and the cost per locomotive was as follows: Fixed charges 2.4 cts. Labor of operating plant 27.5 " Cost of power and supplies 1.1 " Maintenance . 0.2 " Pro rata charges 5.6 " Total cost per locomotive cleaned 36.8 " For the bucket conveyor the plant of the Lake Shore & Michi- gan Southern at Elyria, Ohio, served as an example. The ca- pacity of the wharf is about 500 tons, and there are four 125-ton pockets. 372 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Power is supplied to one conveyor by a 32-h.p. gasolene engine making 200 revolutions per minute. For the other system power is derived from a 60-h.p. gasolene engine making 160 revolutions per minute. Rope transmission is used throughout. The plant is operated by an engineer, a fireman, and two laborers. The following figures represent the operation of this plant : a. Average No. of locomotives fueled per day. . . .60 to 70 b. Average daily tonnage — summer 300 c. Total tonnage for year 1906 88,250 This plant, as originally installed, consisted of the main struc- ture and one conve5^or system, and oost $34,000. Later the second conveyor was installed at an estimated cost of about $15,000, but as one conveyor only is in continuous operation at present, the fixed charges have been estimated for the original cost of $34,000. Average No. of tons handled per day 242 Fixed charges 3.9 cts. Operation charges 2.8 " Maintenance charges 2.1 " Pro rata charges 0.4 " Total cost per ton 9.3 " The figures obtained from the trestle plant of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern at Collinv/ood, Ohio, show that it handles from 550 tons per day in summer to 900 tons per day in winter, and that the delivery ranges from 5 to 15 tons per engine, with an aver- age of 10. The labor force consists of three laborers and a foreman, who also has charge of the ash-pit gang. The original cost is estimated at $15,000, and the handling costs for 1906 were as follows: Tons per day 635 Fixed charges 6.7 cts. Operating charges 4.1 Maintenance charges 0.1 " Pro rata charges 0.4 " Total cost per ton 5.3 " In the case of the ashpits at the same locality, their capacity is as follows : Average number of locomotives having fires cleaned per day 58 Total number of locomotives having fires cleaned per year. 21,000 The cost of handling ashes is estimated as follows: Fixed charge 4.8 cts. Labor 26.1 " Power, supplies, etc 1.2 Pro rata charge 4.8 Total cost per Ipcomotive cleaned 35.7 " FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 373 The locomotive crane has offered a very successful and moder- ately cheap method of handling coal and ashes in locations where the demands are not excessive. Its practical limit is said to be about 70 locomotives a day, as the capacity of the bucket is necessarily below 5 tons, and the number of trips per hour is restricted to about 50. It is not as rapid as plants having gravity discharge from storage, but, as the engine is necessarily held over the ashpit for about 40 minutes, this feature is hardly objectionable, as de- lays to engines can be obviated by providing pockets. The system proves a very flexible one on account of the di- versity of arrangements possible. One disadvantage of open-air storage in pockets or pits, however, is the liability of the coal and gates to be frozen up in cold weather. With the necessary tracks, pits, and pockets, it will be found that this sort of plant has a considerable first cost. Its operating cost depends upon the work which can be provided at spare times. Its value is great in emergency situations, and at points where, because of impend- ing changes, the construction of a permanent plant is unwise. With a large terminal where a conveyor plant is used, a locomo- tive crane can be very valuable to handle cinders and sand, and also coal ■ during a possible breakdown of the conveyor. Then again not only can it unload direct from flat-bottom cars, handle ashes as well as coal, move to any spot desirable to stop the locomotive, but if superseded by a different system, can be easily moved to another point. These are a few of the points of interest concerning the locomotive crane, but within its proper sphere of capacity, it seems to prove one of the very best now in use. Cost of Handling Coal by the Mechanical Plant of the Wabash R. R. at Decatur, III. The following, relating to improvements made by the Wabash R. R. appeared in Engineering Record, Feb- ruary 20, 1909. Mr. Cunningham, chief engineer, gives this cost: The cost of labor, supervision, etc., for operating for a period of 10 hours is $7. To this should be added depreciation charges, interest on the investment and cost of maintenance. The cost of the foundation and concrete receiving hopper was $1..225, and for the superstructure above foundation, $7,550, including the motive power and machinery, making the total $8,775. The interest charge of this investment at 5% would be $438.75. The deprecia- tion should vary according to the length of time the plant is in service, so nothing should be charged for this for the flrst five years, but thereafter a charge of 5% per annum should be made. This means that the life of the plant is assumed to be 25 years. Maintenance charges will vary greatly and will increase as the plant grows older ; 1% per annum should take care of this. As- suming these figures correct, then the cost of operating the plant will be $3,432.50 per year. As they are, on an average, 333 tons of coal per day handled by the plant, the cost for handling coal will be slightly less than 2.9 cts. per ton. No charge has been made for switch engine service for trans- ferring coal cars from the storage track to the depressed hopper. 374 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The coaling chute, constructed of timber on concrete foundations, was designed with an elevated pocket that would hold 200 tons of coal, from which the engines could be coaled from ordinary- movable aprons, and was constructed by the Fairbanks-Morse Co. Coal is brought to the chute in bottom-dump cars and is dumped into a concrete hopper beneath the track. From this hopper it is emptied under control of the operator by gravity into hoisting buckets through an orifice in each of the 2 side walls of the concrete hopper. There are 2 of these buckets, each with sufficient capacity for holding a ton of coal, and as 1 bucket is hoisted the other is lowered. The full bucket, on reaching the top, dumps automatically into the receiving bin. The whole plant is operated by an electric motor, controlled by 1 man, but 2 men in addition are necessary to empty the coal from the bottom- dump cars. It requires about 2^^ firs, to fill the bin provided no engines are taking coal during that time. But since engines are continually being coaled, it is necessary to operate the plant about 10 hrs., the capacity of the bin being sufficient to take care of the coal required during the other 14 hrs. Cost of Erecting a Small Bucket Coal Elevator. The elevator, described by C. L. Samson in Engineering and Contracting, Aug. 30, 1911, was furnished and erected by contract for $1,280., The cost of fabrication in shop was about $750. The elevator casing came in 10 ft. lengths and weighed about 900 lbs. per section. It was erected section by section by means of gin pole erected on top of coal bunkers. Hoisting was done with double rope block to which was hitched a i/^-ton Yale and Towne triplex chain block operated by hand. Naturally hoisting was intermittent, but con- sidering the shortness of time actually consumed in hoisting, this loss of time did not amount to much. As might be expected on a job of this size, the concrete work was quite high. The elevator belt was punched and buckets were attached on the job. There were 87 buckets and three bolts to each bucket. The charge in detailed cost statement " Cutting batter off build- ing wall " applies to the wall footing which projected out, pre- venting the elevator casing fitting up to wall. The superintendent spent 15 days on the job, but actual work only lasted about 11 days, since there was a 4-days' delay waiting for material. One carpenter and four laborers did the work. The detailed costs were as follows : Labor : Excavation at 25 cts. per hr $ 4.38 Making 2 stone drills .50 Drilling holes for anchors 3.00 Cutting batter off of wall 4.00 Forms for concrete at 30 cts 6.60 Shed for motor, at 30 cts 2.70 Platform and railing, at 30 cts 2.70 Concrete work at 25 cts., 7 yds 14.50 Brickwork, at 25 cts 3.88 Erection of steelwork 38.12 Belting and attaching buckets 5.00 FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 375 Wiring and switchboard 6.60 Cleaning- up debris 2.00 Total labor $113.98 Materials : 9 bbls. Portland cement $ 14.85 2% cu. yds. sand 4.00 h\'z cu. yds. crushed stone 10.66 450 brick * 1.80 Total cost of material $ 31.31 Total cost of erection — superintendence excluded. $145.29 Comparative Cost of Handling Locomotive Cinders by a Pneu- matic Conveyor and from an Open Side Pit. Engineering and Contracting, Nov. 3, 1909, published data as determined by a 14-day test reported to the American Railway Bridge and Build- ing Association, as follows : The track on which the cars were placed for receiving the cinders was on the same level with the engine track, and the cinders were dumped into the iron car below the track as shown in Fig. 17. Fig. 17. Pneumatic cinder conveyor. This car was then hauled up the incline by compressed air and automatically dumped the cinders into a gondola or a cinder dump. The incline was made of ordinary T-rails, and the char- acter of the whole construction was such that the maintenance cost was very low. The drainage problem was simple because of the shallowness of the pit under the engine track. Results of 14-day tests of this apparatus compared with an open side pit were as follows: Pneumatic Open conveyor side pit Switch engines 3 424 8 wheel simple engines 357 85 10 wheel simple and larger 716 56 Total 1,076 565 376 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Average per day, 14 days 76.9 40.4 Number of men employed 12 4 Wages per day $22.27 $7.44 Cost per engine (wages) $0.29 $0,184 Number of cars of cinders loaded 30.75 13.75 Cu. yds. of cinders handled 1,417.6 207 Cost per cu. yd. of cinder.s han(Ved $0.22 $0.35 For each man employed, per day 8.4 5 3 The engines handled over the pneumatic conveyor were of heavy type, while those handled over the open side pit were largely switch engines and the others of lighter weight. Cost of Ash Handling by Vacuum Conveyor in the Turkey Creek pumping station in Kansas City for $6 40 per day was less than by the former hand system, according to the last annual report of the Water Department, according to some notes in the Electrical World. Oct. 31, 1914. which also gives the following particulars-: The plant installed removes ashes from the ash pits in the base- ment to a tank from which they feed by gravity into railway cars. The railroad pays $6 per car for the ashes. The guaran- teed capacity of 250 lbs. per min. was exceeded in test by 20 lbs. Two men remove all ashes, load cars, clean the machine and take general care of the boiler-room basement. Costs of opera- tion during 178 days were $712 for labor and $37.19 for repairs. Against this are receipts for $186 for 31 cars sold, a figure bal- anced by the estimated cost of power for running the machinery 3% lirs, per day. By the old method 5 men and a mule would have cost $1,886.80. Cost of Operating a Vacuum Ash-Kandling System. C. O. Sandstrom in Power. .July 7. 1914, gives the following: Let us assume a plant of four 400 -h p. boilers, three of which are in constant operation at their rated capacities. With a boiler horsepower on 5 lbs. of coal and the ash content of the coal 12%, we would have 1200 X 5 X 0.12 = 720 lbs. of ashes per hour. Assuming the plant has ash hoppers with capacity sufficient for a day's operation, we would have 720 X 24 nr 8.64 tons of ashes per day 2,000 According to the reported test, seven tons of ashes were handled in an hour. This would require the services of two men to feed the ashes into the pipe — rapid work being necessary to prevent a waste of steam. With two men at 20 cts. an hour and work- ing at the above rate, the labor charge per ton of ashes is 2 X 20 — 5.71 cents FUEL AND COAL HANDLING 377 For a plant of this .size, the apparatus completely installed would probably cost $1,800, say, $1,000 for the tank and $800 for the piping. With 6% interest on an investment of $1,800, this charge against a ton of ashes is 1,800 X 0.06 X 100 ' - 3.42 cents ,365 X 8.64 The depreciation of the tank is at least 8%. On an unlined tank it would be more, because of the corrosive action of the wet ashes. In either case, the bafile-plate would require frequent re- newal. The depreciation of the pipe is high — fully 40%. The effect of a.shes striking a bend in the piping while traveling at a high velocity can be appreciated only by those who have had experience with such things. At the above rates the depre- ciation charge per ton of ashes is 1,000 X 0.08 + 800 X 0.40 $0,1268 or 12.68 cents 305 X 8.64 Adding the foregoing, we have 5.29 -h 5.71 + 3.42 + 12.68 = 27.10 cents as the cost of handling a ton of ashes. To dispel any suspicion that the assumptions made are unwar- ranted, I will say that I had some experience with a vacuum ash-handling system in which the vacuum was maintained by a so called " positive blower " which was driven by a back-geared 50-h.p. motor. The average life of the manganese-steel wearing backs (2V2 ins. thick) at the bends was 11 days. These wearing backs were replaced by plugged tees, but the power required to operate was such that the 50- was replaced by a 75-h.p. motor. The cost of handling a ton of ashes at this plant was 26 cts., exclusive of fixed charges. The system was abandoned for a mine car and skip hoist. Gebhardt's " Steam Power-Plant Engineering " def-;cribes a vac- uum ash-handling system like the one just referred to. It winds up with the statement that " the cost of handling the ashes in this installation is approximately 7 cts. per ton." Now, anyone working up the data given will find that the 7 cts. would no more than cover the cost of power, and does not include labor, main- tenance or fixed charges. W. W. Ricker in Power, Sept. 15, 1914, states that a conveyor having 7 tons' capacity per hr. would require a motor of from 15 to 30 h.p., never exceeding the latter unless of great length or having an unusual number of turns. The cost of electrical power varies with the locality and the conditions, but 5 cts. per ton is a fair average figure. One man can easily feed 7 tons of ashes an hour to a conveyor under ordinary conditions. In many cases, the hoppers are under 378 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the stoker hoppers, thus minimizing this labor. In most plants as small as the one under consideration, no extra labor is required as the regular fireman feeds the ashes to the conveyor, working a few minutes at a time at intervals during the day. One-half of Mr. Sandstrom's figure, or 2.8 cts. per ton, is ample. In estimating the cost of complete installation, Mr. Sandstrom omits the motor and exhauster, which is more than fair to the conveyor manufacturer. A conveyor for such a plant as he de- scribes would cost not less than $3,500, and with a large tank, under some conditions, might reach $4,500, including trenches, floor, plates, etc. Assuming as an average $4,000, the interest amounts to 7.6 cts. per ton. Depreciation is the cost item which depends most largely upon the proper design, care and operation of a conveyor. Mr. Sand- strom's figure shows a depreciation of $400 per annum in the plant. I am familiar with a conveyor, built about eight years ago. where the repairs cost less than $15 per year. The motor is 25 h.p. and the amount of ashes handled considerably exceeds 8. 64 tons per day. The tank, although unlined, has never been re- paired, but is painted occasionally. Another conveyor, in operation over four years, removes the ashes from ten 500-h.p. boilers ; it has a 30-h.p. motor. The re- pairs, according to the user, have cost considerably less than $25 per annum. The conveyor has never been out of commission, and the engineer has since specified another conveyor which has been installed and is operating successfully. A large conveyor, of 18 tons' capacity per hr., has been in operation for more than four years, handling from 40 to 50 tons per day at an annual cost for repairs of less than $50. This shows a cost under ^^ ct. per ton of ashes handled. A study of the records of a large number of plants shows that repairs vary from $10 to $300 per annum; cost of plants, from $3,500 to $10,000; ashes handled per year, from 3,000 to 20.000 tons. It is interesting to note that the highest repairs cost is frequently in smaller plants, probably because, where the amount of ashes is large, the removal is of sufficient importance to secure super- vision of the conveyor. In arriving at the cost of repairs, records from many plants show that $150 per annum is more than liberal for a plant of the size and capacity mentioned by Mr. Sandstrom. This amounts to 4.7 cts. per ton handled. The total cost as taken from the rec- ords of many plants, is as follows: Power, 5 cts.; interest, 76 cts.; labor, 2.8 cts.; depreciation, 4.7 cts.; cost per ton, 20.1 cts. It is not my purpose to establish a fixed price per ton for ashes handled, as this will vary through wide limits with varying con- ditions?. A cost of 25 cts. per ton for taking a.shes hot from the pits and placing them quenched in cars or carts outside the boiler room is not excessive where the total amount is small. CHAPTER VII STEAM POWER Definitions and Principles. The reader who is not familiar with the technical terms relating- to power will do well to read pages 62 to 70 and pages 486 to 488. Economic Value of Furnace Efficiency. Joseph Harrington gave Table I and Figs. 1-5 in a paper read before the Western Society of Engineers in Chicago. The true boiler efficiency is not greatly affected by difference in the rate of heat absorption, but is controlled by ability to absorb heat, while furnace efficiency is affected by considerations of cleanli- ness. Under standard conditions of cleanliness the ability of a tube to transmit heat is practically invariable. Table I shows a number of heat balances which indicate a fairly constant boiler efficiency at a fair range of rating, the grate and furnace ^^/^ ^.700 •^600 J 500 S O400 ^ 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 lOOONHOO 1200 Capacity of Boiler in Honsepower Fig. 1. Relation between boiler capacity and flue gas temperature. efficiency being subject to an appreciable variation. For correct figures the analysis mu.^it be on the basis of heat contained in the fuel as fired, rather than upon either dry coal or combustible, an3 since the moisture contained in the coal has an influence on the efficiency of the entire process it must be taken into consideration. The Middle Western coals may contain as high as 15% of moisture, lignites from 25 to 40% in which case an appreciable por- tion of the total heat value of the coal is used in evaporating this moisture. While Eastern coals show a closer relation between the actual and dry analyses, boiler tests with these coals must be analyzed on a basis of coal as fired. Fig. 2 is plotted on the assumption that the net amount of heat in a pound of fuel is the difference between the percentage of moisture and 100, disregarding the ash for the time being, or con- 379 380 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA o m !:) H 1 1 W Pi h m m hJ O <5 (0 n O ^ O be «1 Q k; o 1:3 n 0. 3 « W fr H U . ^x^ Aouoioiiyi lOoc a. ' C-l O Ci • t> «0 t~ t^ t- t- I- t£> t~ t^ ^OUaiOiye f^ cr^ «^i ^l ^i cr. t- o^ eg (^q oj Oi **^U'-'a. 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 OO OO OO 00 8S'B>|'Bai lOOT-lOit-Tj^r-KrHCg-^OCO rtj; 8AOqH fo^ocDoo-:t. "^ "^ Tt* CO aiaiaiooa-^ajOicsasooasOi eoc^coooccoi 00O'*'00Tf(j5 J8IlOq (Mr^COOOOOi aoj aiqBn^Av s^'rH'r-Tor-To- ; saapuio OoOOOOOOU5«Dt-f-t- 050i^<^CTi'350'*iOi— It— li— I C^4 ,_, (M (M C-?O^t-U5-*M CT5U5(MI>-O5-^O5Cr>LO«D00U5 T-iocoinc-oscoofOi-iini-* 00 -rt" 00 U5 ■* Lffl 'cgooNrreo ?O0O00 00 00tH r-H£i OO IC US 00 :>iun joi 00 -:*< Tt^ oi t- aiqeiiBA'vrf^-Srr:L". •duia; o; dn lo «. oo t- ^ t- S9SBS^apAaSS;^SS? pUB 8Jn;siOJ\l en lo -tt^ CM r- 00 00 -^ Tj< -^ ■* TtH 00 C- 00 00 t^ c- ^OOOi t^ tHCC ip>TP AA ootoooinr^o OS 00 a> 00 00 00 t- (M 00 Oi O Cv) niinnrl <^30i0ooc-^c pUllUU OOrHCOCOSO '^ 1- 3 rj^oo'V 00*00 oo' ^S8J^ rHCvqo5'!* "l ^ i.|iqooo ^ ll 8,000 "*^ v.. ■^ >N^^^ ^1 6,000 Fig. 2. 5 10 15 20 25 ZO 35 40 45 50 Por Cent. Morsfure in Coaf Effect of moisture in coal on available heat. commercial service. In excess of this lignites require a specially designed furnace. For Western coal a gas analysis of 13% of CO2 is about the limit of economic operation, because when it is carried much beyond this point, CO will develop and furnace efRciency on this account \yjK) '^ ~ ~" 1 — — ~~" — 1 — — 1 - — ._. — 1 ^ • •>«, 01 G95 "s^ *- *>N UJ '^ ^ «> 90 ■ "V. " •v. 3 «», c "V, V. ■ P85 ^ ^ +• ^ c *«, ,^80 - u (D ... n -TC _ _ _ 50 100 150 200 250 ZOO Per Cent. Excess Air Fig. 3. Relation between furnace efRciency and excess air. will not increase, the loss due to imperfect combustion being greater than the gain effected by reducing the excess air. A study of these effects is given in Figs. 3 and 4. Fig. 3 has been carried to the ordinary extent of dilution, and illustrates the result of a leaky fuel bed or porous setting. Mr, Harrington says that from his experience it is most im- 382 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA portant to keep the CO in furnace gases down to a minimum and when this gas appears he stops the reduction of air supply even though the mixing ability of the furnace is deficient. The deductions from Mr. Harrington's mathematics showing the >.I00 o c ^90 !§ 80 u 70 2 60 o c 50 V. 1^40 Ol ^ k 1 N ^ ■^ ^c 1 ^ % ">^-'c ' ■ % "^ ^^^ ?-. -«, ^^ 1 ^ . 1RS, VATE R.OiU.SUF pi i ETC . , — — ^i ABOBU._^= FUEL • ce i ^ pROt — hr" _PRO )UCT ON REPAI R§— d 7 OCT ON P 1— =^ "" r<^ s=^ ^ ^ ' 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Fig. 6. Diagram showing the cost of power in its relation to load factor for steam turbine plants of 25,000 kw. capacity and larger. (14,000 B.t.u. per lb. of coal costing $3.00 per ton. In the diagram the full line curves are, for a steam plant operat- ing at normal rating. The cost of equipment and building is taken at $75 and land at $6 per kw. economical rating. The dotted lines show the charges for a plant operating at the maximum 2-hour overload rating of the prime mover. Here the cost of equipment 384 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and building is reduced to $G0 and the land to $4.80 per kw. In each case the following allowances are made : Taxes 1% ; interest, 5%; insurance 1%; amortization fund 3.5%; total investment charge of 10.5%. The lower dotted curve shows the cost of production plus produc- tion repairs during the maximum hour periods when operating at maximum overload rating of 25% above economical rating. This is about 2.25% higher than the cost of economic operation. Attention is called to the fact that if the two ordlnates at any load factor are added, the toal cost of power appears less when operating at overload rating in spite of the increase in cost due to poor economy and overload, thus showing the marked influence of the investment costs on the total cost of power. The investment cost curve which is an equilateral hyperbola, referred to its asymptotes as coordinates, (which are at right angles), is, Yi = , in which X Yi represents the investment cost in mills per kw-hr. net output, X the corresponding load factor of load expressed in %, xyj the constants for any given curve, where x and yj are the co-ordmates of any point on the curve. To compute these investment costs of any plant for any load factor it will be necessary first to determine the value of xyj in which X represents the present load factor and y-^ the corresponding investment cost. The curve showing the cost of production plus production re- pairs per kilowatt net output is an inverse fourth root curve and is represented by the equations, ,, _ ypVH in which Y^ represents the cost in mills per kw.-hr. net output, X the corresponding load factor of load in^ % and p^ ^^ a con- stant for any given curve, where x and y are the co-ordinates of any point on the curve. To compute the production plus the pro- duction costs of any station for any load factor, first determine the value of y p \/x~^> where x is the present load factor and y^ the corresponding cost. Illustration: If a plant is operating at 30% load factor with a cost of 4.4 mills for production plus production repairs and 3.1 mills for investment, making a total cost of 7.5 mills per kw. net output, what will be the cost if the plant were operated at 50% load factor? Investment Cost 30X3.1 Yi = = 1.86 mills 50 STEAM POWER 385 Production plus Production Repairs Costs 4. 4 1^30 3.87 mills Total cost of power per kw. net output . . . 5.73 mills Ratio of Boiler Horse Power to Station Capacity. In a paper for the 25th Convention of the A. I. E. E., J. R. Bibbins gives Fig. 7, showing the modern practice of proportioning boiler installation to Fig. 7. Plot representing modern practice in boiler plant equipment. station capacity and Fig. 8 the maximum battery capacity for various frontage widths. Costs of Producing Power, Comparison of Estimated Costs with Those from Actual Tests. The following data for estimating the cost of power production, although based on the heating value of coal from a single state are from their nature of considerably more than just state-wide applicability. We therefore give them in much detail from a bulletin of the Iowa State College, where they were originally presented by H. W. Wagner, Assistant Engineer in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering : In working up figures on the generation of steam power with Iowa coals no special attempt has been made to point out the most economical methods of operation. The object has been mainly to analyze the details and to show what the power costs per brake h.p. hr., delivered at the belt ; and per kw.-hr., delivered at the switchboard, under the various common conditions of operation. 386 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA All assumptions are made to represent as nearly as possible the average practice in Iowa. The conditions assumed as variable are the load factor, the num- ber of hours the plant operates during the year, and the cost of coal. Depending upon these, variations then occur in nearly all items of expense which go to make up the cost of the brake h.p. and the kw.-hr. The types of equipments for the different sized plants on Table II are chosen to represent not so much the more economical types for each size plant as the most practicable of those now in common 1200 2400 / / / c kPACI c lES O IF VAR = BOIl OUS V ER BATTER VIDTHS ES / / / / 1000 2000 A / / / 1 1 800'f / / / 1600 j^' f. s/ / 4 Oj c y ■?'-i Y 600 b P5 1200 ■/ / / S 4^ (/ / / 400^ Q 800 // '/ / I S, /; '/ /^ 400 // y ^ ' 1 1 Jattei 1 yFn 5 utag 2 J -Feet 1 2 ' 3 3 5 Fig. 8. Maximum battery capacity for various widths of frontage. use in the state. The type for each case considered is listed in the schedule of equipment of plants on Table II. Table IV and attached notes give the sizes and types actually found operating in the state. No attempt has been made to estimate or calculate the cost of electric power delivered to customers. That would involve the cost and upkeep of transmission lines, meters, etc. The initial cost as given includes nothing outside the power plant, proper. The text and data in this bulletin have been worked out under the direction of W. H. Meeker, Mechanical Engineer, and F. A. Fish, Electrical Engineer, both of the Engineering Experiment Station. Indicated horsepower is the mechanical power developed in the STEAM POWER 387 engine cylinder by the steam working- against the piston. It is measured from indicator cards taken from the engine cylinders. Brake horsepower is the actual mechanical power delivered by the flywheel or pulley to the belt. It is measured by a Prony brake or by an absorption dynamometer and is always less than the indicated horsepower. Kilowatt is a unit of electrical power equal to 1,000 watts. 1 h.p. equals 746 watts, or 0.746 kws. Conversely, 1 kw. equals 1.34 h.p. Horse-power-hour and kilowatt-hour are units of energy or work done by the respective power units in one hour's time. Table II gives the estimated costs of producing mechanical and electrical power in Iowa with Iowa coals. A thesis by "W. M. Wilson was used as a basis of these figures. This thesis was pre- pared from a large amount of data on costs and test runs collected by Mr. Wilson and presented by him for the professional degree of Mechanical Engineer at Sibley College of Cornell University, in 1904. The figures worked out in this thesis were compared with cost data from other authorities and wherever a fair comparison could be made, were found to check fairly well. The* general dif- ference seemed to be that the other authorities gave somewhat lower costs. The estimates in the original thesis were based upon the follow- ing conditions : Fuel: Heating value of 14,0t)0 B. t. u. per lb., moist coal; 60% of heat in fuel absorbed by water in boiler. Condensing Water: 30 lbs. water required to condense 1 lb. steam. Cost: 1 ct. per 10,000 lbs. condensing water. Fixed charges as a per cent, of the initial cost of plant : Interest, 5%; depreciation, 5%; repairs, 2.5%; insurance, 0.5%; taxes, 1.0%; total, 14%. Methods of operation : First: 10 hrs. X 310 days = 3,100 hrs. per yr. Second: 24 hrs. X 365 days = 8,760 hrs. per yr. Only the second method has been given in Table II as reprinted here. Initial costs include duplicate feed pumps, one reserve engine and one reserve boiler, in addition to those required for rated load. The cost of building for the horizontal engines and turbines was taken at $1.50 per sq. ft. This is approximately the cost of a steel frame building having brick walls and a fireproof roof. The price of land was taken at $0.50 per sq. ft. Where condensers are not used it is assumed that feed water is taken from the heater at a temperature of 190 deg. ; in the case of condensing engines it is taken at 160 deg., and where economizers are used, it is fed into the boiler at 280 deg. When the plant is used only 10 hrs. per day, 310 days per yr., coal is required for banking fires and getting up steam before the 388 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 10-hr. period that the plant is in operation. An allowance of 5 lbs. of coal per boiler h.p. per day should be allowed for this purpose. The load factor was taken at 100%, i. e., the plants are assumed to run at full load during the time of operation. In the original thesis from 3 to 6 types of engines were given for each size of plant. In the following but one type was chosen for each plant of a given rated capacity ; a different type was chosen for each different size of station, while at the same time an effort was made to choose that one which was the most typical of those producing power most cheaply. In order to fit Iowa conditions the following additions and modi- fications were made before arriving at the final figures : Cost and Heating Value of Fuels: First case: $3 per 2,000 lbs., delivered, for coal with a heat value of 11,000 B. t. u., per lb., moist. Second case: $2 per 2,000 lbs., delivered, for coal with a heat value of 9,000 B. t. u., per lb., moist. Boiler Efficiency at 100% Load Factor: 60% of heat in 11,000 B. t. u. coal absorbed by water in boiler. 55% of heat in 9,000 B. t. u. coal absorbed by water in boiler. With the above values the fuel cost of evaporating 1,000 lbs. of water from and at 212 deg. with the $3 coal is 22 cts. ; with the $2 coal it is 19.6 cts. Initial cost of boilers and settings is increased 20% because of the greater boiler and furnace areas required to get sufficient heat out of the lower grades of Iowa coal. This increase in cost of 20% is arrived at as follows : The efficiency of boilers is assumed as 60% in the original calcu- lations. Under Iowa conditions an average of 57.5% is assumed for the two low grades of coal. 60% -^ 57.5% = 104%, the ratio of efficiencies. The heat value of coal in the original data is taken at 14,000 B. t. u. per lb. Under Iowa conditions the average of 9,000 and 11,000 is 10,000 B. t. u. per lb. 14,000 H- 10,000 = 140%, the ratio of heat value in the coal. 104% X 140% =: 146%, the ratio of weights of coal required to supply sufficient steam. In other words, 46% rnore Iowa coal under Iowa conditions must be burned than is estimated in the original data. Assuming, roughly, that half of this increase in coal consumed is taken care of by a fast fire, the capacity of boilers and grates must be increased by 23%. This would then make an increased cost of the boilers and settings of about 20%. Mechanical Efficiencies of Engines at 100% Load Factor: Per cent. 100 and 200 hp.. reciprocating units 85.0 600 h]). reciprocating units 87.5 Turbines 90.0 STEAM POWER 389 Percentages of Exjjenses at Various Load Factors: Load factor, per cent 100 75 50 25 Coal req., lecip. engines 100 87.5 75 62.5 Coal req., turbines 100 85 70 57.5 Condensing water 100 100 90 80 Attendance 100 100 100 100 Oil and waste 100 100 100 100 The above percentages represent the relative costs per rated indicated h.p. of plant and not per h.p. actually developed. For instance, the cost of coal for reciprocating engines per rated indi- cated h.p. is taken at 100% when the plant is running at 100% load factor or at full rated capacity. At 75% load factor when the average load is only 75% of the rated capacity, the coal required per rated indicated horsepower is 87.5% of that required at 100% load factor. In other words, the whole plant takes .875 as much coal to develop 75% of the rated load as it takes to develop full load. The term " load factor " as used above, is the ratio between the average load and the capacity of the plant when both terms of the ratio refer only to the time operated. The same kind of load factor is used throughout on all data and curve sheets showing estimated power costs. The above paragraph leads to the fact that more coal is required per h.p.-hr. at the lower load factors. This is true because of lower boiler and engine efficiencies when working at lower load factors or when the plant is under loaded. Oil and waste and attendance costs are assumed to be the same for the whole plant at all load factors. Reciprocating engines are assumed to take a greater percentage of coal at the low load factors than the tur- bines because their efficiency droits more rapidly. The above fig- ures referring to the various expenses at different load factors were derived from a study of the tests and data from different authorities. The figures given above as well as those on Table II describing the conditions considered are to represent first-class operation. Local conditions vary a great deal. By comparing actual local conditions with those used above a closer estimate can usually be made for any specific case. For instance, in some plants the exhaust from non-condensing engines may be used for steam heating, the revenue from which will effect a lower cost of power. In other cases where the load factor is low, the cost of attendance may be cut down if the firemen can be used for other work during the period of low power demand. The price of coal delivered in the furnace room depends largely upon railroad facilities and varies much at different points. Poor firing or de- fective equipment adds greatly to the cost of producing power. This matter is discussed further. The costs per kw.-hr. were figured from the costs per brake h.p. by adding to the total yearly expense on account of the added electrical machinery and by taking into account the different effi- ciencies of the electrical generation at the different load factors. 390 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA From Mr. Wilson's table initial costs of electrical generators were obtained and in the average case the fixed charges on these figure out to add about 8% to the total yearly expense. The following table of electric generator efficiencies was made up from a study of tests and from data of different authorities, , % ^ Load factor 100 75 50 25 Operated by 100 and 200 hp. engines. 85 80 75 70 Op. by 400 and 600 hp. engines 87.5 83 79 75 Operated by 1,200 and 2,000 hp. engines.. 90 87 84 80 The figures at various load factors assume that the plant be operated so as to produce rated load at any time. The load factor is taken as the ratio of the average load to the full rated capacity of the plant, when both terms of the ratio refer only to the time during which the plant operates. All figures dealing with fuel refer to moist coal. Moist coal with a heating value of 11,000 B. t. u. per pound corresponds to coal having 8.3% moisture and giving 12,000 B. t. u. per dry pound. Moist coal with a heating value of 9,000 B. t. u. per pound corre- sponds to coal having 10% moisture and giving 10,000 B. t. u. per dry pound. Calculations of Power Costs for any Particular Plant. The expense items have been separated somewhat to show how the final results have been reached. The separation of expenses is of value when the reader wishes to calculate costs where certain conditions are far from the ordinary. It is not supposed that any one plant will closely approach the " average " conditions as as- sumed in working out the figures on Table II. Large variations may occur in the initial cost of the plant, price of coal, or efficiency of machinery. TABLE II. ESTIMATED COSTS OF PRODUCING POWER WITH IOWA COALS Per ^^^'^ . ^lo^d 24 hoursperday— 365 days per year factor 1. Rated i. hp. of 100 200 400 600 1,200 2,000 plant 100 2. Number of units. 100 23 3 4 3 3 3. Size of each unit, i. hp 100 100 100 200 200 600 1 000 4. Number of boilers 100 2 3 4 4 3 4 5. Size of each 92 74 88 113 230 256 boiler, hp 100 6. Brake hp. of plant 100 85 170 340 540 1,050 1,800 7. Cost of engines, room and equip- ment 100 51.72 52.20 50.05 45.06 43.60 31.55] 8. Cost of boilers. . . 100 22.85 14.76 11.00 9.04 12.70 11.04 | 9. Cost of boilers, } a room and equip- ment 100 58.65 38.92 28.70 22.22 20.61 18.29 1 10. Total initial cost. 100 110.37 91.12 78.75 67.28 64.21 49.84J 15.40 12.75 11.03 9.42 9.00 6.98 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 43.80 30.66 21.37 17.96 13.14 10.51 5.48 4.65 3.55 3.55 STEAM POWER 391 Per ^^^ ^fj^^ 2 4 hours perday — 365 days per year factor 11. Fi X e d charges, \ 14% oij initial cost 100 12. Oil and waste. . . 100 13. Attendance 100 14. Condensing water 100 15. Boiler pressure, lbs. per sq. in. . . 100 16. Lbs. of steam per i. hp.-hr 100 17. Lbs. water evapo- rated per lb. coal 100 18. Lbs. coal per i. hp.-hr 100 19. Lbs. water evapo- rated per lb. coal 100 20. Lbs. coal per i. hp.-hr 100 21. Cost of coal per i. hp.-yr. , 100 22. Cost of coal per i. hp.-yr 100 23. Total cost per 1. hp.-yr 100 123.39 95.60 84.87 72.12 53.98 49.33 24. do 75 115.71 89.44- 79.35 66.44 50.80 45.52 25. do 50 108.07 83.27 73.28 60.51 47.28 41.36 26. do 25 100.37 77.16 67.31 55.37 43.73 37.82 27. Total cost per b. hp.-yr 100 145.00 112.50 99.70 80.10 61.60 54.70 28. do 75 136.00 105.10 93.30 73.70 58.00 50.60 29. do 50 127.00 97.80 86.10 67.20 54.00 46.00 30. do 25 117.50 90.70 79.10 61.50 50.00 42.00 31. Cost per b. hp.- yr 100 1.65 1.28 1.14 0.91 0.70 0.63 32. do 75 2.07 1.60 1.42 1.12 0.89 0.77 33. do 50 2.89 2.23 1.96 1.53 1.23 1.05 34. do 25 5.37 4.15 3.62 2.81 2.29 1.92 35. Total cost per 1. hp-yr 100 116.39 90.00 79.77 67.80 51.08 46.43] 36. do 75 109.61 84.54 74.85 62.74 48.30 43.02 | 37. do 50 102.87 79.07 69.48 57.51 45.08 39.36 1 38. do 25 96.00 73.66 64.1152.87 42.00 36.12] 39. Total cost per b. I hp.-yr 100 137.90 106.80 94.75 75.80 58.64 51.75 | 40. do 75 129.80 100.13 88.90 70.05 55.45 48.15 | 41. do 50 121.75 93.61 82.36 64.20 51.80 43.95 | 42. do 25 113.06 87.20 75.55 59.04 48.20 40.30 1 100 120 120 120 150 150 30 24 20 17 13 13 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.0 6.0 6.8 " c 4.65 3.74 3.34 2.83 1.92 1.92. 4.8 6.20 4.8 4.98 4.5 4.45 4.5 3.76 5.1 2.55 2.55J d 61.30 49.30 44.10 37.20 25.40 25.40 c 54.30 43.70 39.00 32.90 22.50 22.50 d 43. Cost per b. hp.-hr. 100 1.57 1.21 1.08 0.87 0.67 0.59 44. do 75 1.96 1.52 1.36 1.07 0.85 0.74 45. do 50 2.77 2.13 1.88 1.46 1.18 1.00 46. do 25 5.16 3.98 3.47 2.70 2.16 1.85 392 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Per Item cent. No. load factor 47. Cost per kw.-hr. . 100 48. do 75 49. do 50 50. do 25 51. Cost per kw.-hr. 100 52. do 75 53. do 50 54. do 25 24 hours per day — 365 days per year 2.80 3.73 5.55 11.00 2.18 2.88 4.28 8.51 1.87 2.46 3.57 6.95 1.49 1.94 2.78 5.40 1.12 1.47 2.11 4.13 1.011 1.27 1.80 3.45J 2.67 3.53 5.32 10.55 2.06 2.74 4.08 8.15 1.77 2.36 3.42 6.66 1.43 1.85 2.66 5.18 1.07 1.40 2.02 3.89 0.95 1 1.22 1.71 3.33. year. cCoal at $3. d Coal at $2. a Per i. hp. b Per i. hp. EXPLANATIONS OF ITEMS ON TABLE The left-hand margin of Table II shows which general items are figured at 100% load factor. The right-hand margin shows on what basis the general costs are figured and with what price of coal each particular cost is figured. All costs are given in dollars except those. for brake hp. -hours and kw.-hrs., which are given in cents. Item 1 gives the rated indicated hp. of the plant, upon which the yearly expenses are calculated. Items 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the actual number and rated capacity of engines and boilers, including one reserve engine and boiler in each plant. It may be noted that for the larger plants the rated hp. of boilers is low when compared with the engine hp. This is explained by the fact that the larger engines require less steam per hp. hour. Item 6 gives the estimated brake hp. of the plant, which repre- sents the actual mechanical horsepower delivered by the flywheel to engine belt at full rated capacity. Item 7 includes the cost of engine room and everything in it except the electrical machinery. Items 7-10 give the costs per rated indicated hp. Item 9 includes the cost of stack, boiler room and everything in the boiler room. Items 11-14 give the yearly expenses per rated indicated hp. Item 10 includes the entire cost of plant per rated indicated hp., exclusive of the electrical machnery. The electrical machinery is not considered before item 47 because the object is first to arrive at a cost of purely mechanical power. Item 17 gives the lbs. of water evaporated per lb. of moist fuel. These amounts vary with constant boiler efficiency because of the different temperatures at which the water is fed to the boiler. The costs per indicated hp. year and per brake hp. year are based upon the rated indicated hp. and brake hp. respectively, and not upon the power actually developed at the various load factors below 100%. The costs per brake hp.-hr. and per kw.-hr. are based upon the power actually delivered to the belt and to the switchboard re- spectively. 100 i. hp. plant: Simple, non-condensing, high-speed engines. Fire-tube boilers. 200 i. hp^ plant : Compound, non-condensing, high-speed engines. Fire-tube boilers. 400 i. hp. plant: Compound, condensing, high-speed engines. Fire-tube boilers. 600 i. hp. plant: De Laval turbines. Fire-tube boilers. 1,200 i. hp. plant: Horizontal, condensing, low-speed Corliss en- gines. Water-tube boilers. 2,000 i. hp. plant: Parson's turbines. Water-tube boilers. STEAM POWER 393 By comparing- the items of expense in an actual case with those g-iven for the corresponding " estimated " case, a net difference of costs will be obtained. Then by adding or subtracting (as the case may call for) this net difference from the " estimated " cost per rated indicated h.p. year a new cost per rated indicated h.p. year for the " actual case " will be obtained. This " actual " total cost, divided by the " estimated " total cost, will then form a ratio of total costs. This ratio multiplied by the '" estimated " costs per brake h.p.-hr. or per kw.-hr. given for the corresponding case, will give the calculated costs for producing these units of energy under the " actual " conditions. CURVE SHEETS Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12 are curve sheets showing graphically the estimated costs per brake h.p.-hr. for 10 and 24-hr. operation, with 9,000 B. t. u. coal at $2 and with 11,000 B. t. u. coal at $3, all with 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%, load factors. Curves on Figs. 9 and 10 are plotted from items 31 to 34 of Table II. Curves on Figs. 11 and 12 are plotted from items 43 to 46 of Table II. Fig-s. 13 to 28 constitute a second set of curve sheets showing estimated costs per brake horsepower with coals costing from fl to $6 per 2,000 lbs. These curves show also the cost of coal per brake h.p.-hr. as separated from all other costs. The curve border- ing- the upper side of the shaded portion represents the total of all expenses except that of coal. Each of the upper curves repre- sents the total cost with coal at the particular price with which the curve is marked. For example, suppose one wishes to find the total cost and the fuel cost per brake h.p. in a 1,200 h.p. plant operating 10 hrs. per day, 310 days per yr., at 250 load factor, with 9,000 B. t. u. coal costing $3 per 2,000 lbs. Turning to Fig. 20 which corresponds to the conditions given, it is seen that the " $3.00 " curve indicates 3.5 cts. as the total cost per brake h.p.-hr. Dropping down to the curve bordering the shaded portion, it is seen that 2.15 cts. is the total cost per brake h.p. exclusive of coal. Subtracting 2.15 cts. from 3.5 cts. leaves 1.35 cts. per brake h.p.-hr. due to coal. Table III g-ives the figures from which these curves were plotted. The costs to be added for each dollar that the coal cost per 2,000 lbs. are given to be used in calculations where the cost per 2,000 lbs. is not in even dollars. It will be noticed that Table III has the same arrangement of conditions as has Table II. Table III also has an index of figure numbers referring to curve sheets corresponding to each particular conditiou. 394 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 3 o o o o C o o ^ m OiHCOiH-^tHIOMiH rH CO r-l ■* IM LO fO iH o_: ; • • 1> XO tH t-I C O rH t- CO 054> CO 00 O US t- 00 05 (M fo *« «D ^ O iH CO rH ■<* tH tXM •>* ,h CO iH ""^i (M t- CO ■* O Ph >>ai «D-:j ■* CO tH tH ?o t- CO 00 M X"^ g C^ Ift(M C- CO O ^ tH W U5 CO t- Tf o «o iH C MW^' Ttoaoococciio-* ooeocoooTtCO!MiHlrtU5COrH t"!-; OCvJOOCOrH-^CDtOCO CO00-rtiiHtf5«OasCO ^ ?^ '~^o''th''th'cO '''ih'ih'cO •_ g - go H .... \ : \ \ ^'^ tub 6*^ rJiUSCO t^OOOiO '^m g El?- -^- ^^^^ o^ ^ _(Mr-CO0

  • .Oq00CO «5t-00ClCO <^J Oi CO 00 ^g u ^-o ^ ^ >^'^ • 00 «© O 00 lO tH O tH CO CO t> 00 CO tH U5 rH -^ ^ M Oq_, 2 rH «0 C<1 OO (M 00 -?f CO C C^ 00 CO CO U5 (X> (j^ -M S r:^ O COo ' ' ' 'iH ■ca5COl^5«>rH- OC^OcO«OlOC^ COOOCOO^COtXM ^ - cooicocq-^_oooot> _C5 Md ' 'tH 'rH 'co" ■ ■ 'rH 'rH 'eo ^ ''-' <_,rHrHC£>CJCOCOt-U5 rHiHOOC^lC-ICOCOlrt ? "2 ^CO00 TtCC>rt-00 CJOrHiM S f^ -J rH rH ft! STEAM POWER 395 Fig. 9. -^O — oo laoo eooo TotQ/lrrPorPtint Fig. 12. Twenty-four hours per day. 365 days per year, 9,000 B.t.u coal at $2, STEAM POWER 397 13. boo ooo /coo eoo moo /e>oo eoo eooo Total IfiP of Plant. Ten hours per day, 310 days per year, 11,000 B.t.u. 100 per cent, load factor. coal, eoo 100 boo BOO /ooo /eoo Mxto /eoo' ^o&Q/ I/iP or PJbnt Ten hours per day, 310 days per year, 11,000 B.t.u., coal, 75 per cent, load factor. 398 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cfoo jsoo eooo TbboHMPoTPJbnt Ten hours per day, 310 days per year, 11,000 B.t.u,, coal 25 per cent, load factor. STEAM POWER 399 —" -— ~" " ~" ■^ ■"" -1 "~ - "• ^r. % ^ £> ^ 2-- ^ tL s^^ -^ :rr: _ __ i ^ 1 /« — ^; is ^3 = = = = o*l — %'//a i Wi m. i 1 1 i i ^ i 1 1 X aoo <}oo 600 aoo /ooo eoo moo /boo moo eooo ^ibba/ I/iP ofP/onb Fig. 17. Ten hours per day, 310 days per year, 9,000 B.t.u., coal, 100 per cent, load factor. ^ •^ " ■" ) 7oo ooo moo eoo taoo /boo eoo eooo Toto/I/iPofPhnt Fig. 20. Ten hours per day, 310 days per year, 9,000 B.t.u., coal, 25 per cent, load factor. STEAM POWER 401 Fig. 21. rrm — 1 %3a 0. < i£ ^ Z^ ~\ -\ L*^V^ r 55^ ^ ^^$$=»< 5 ^5iS^- ^^ L<**'i^:^^3 ^ — ~^^~~ — = is eoo /f \ s s s \ \ s ^ #/ \ V V ' ^"1 ' — V V. k ■~-. — ■ Ji; ^ -i- n — ^ ^-.1 — ^ ^ ^ ^ = ^ ^ — t= :: r- •^ f3 — ^ ■^ -^ — — ~ = = ^ %/ y ,-, f,; ,: ;', 1 eoo foo eoo boo /ooo iroo /aoo /t>oo 7bdo/I.hP ofP/bnt Fig. 24. Twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year, 11,000 B.t.u., coal, 25 per cent, load factor. STEAM POWER 403 w„t 4: "^ ^60^^K % Ai^ ^5* C^S |^**^5S^S |«i.SS^s5^ ? \^,S^^^^^^ ^ ^x, s'^^"^--"^""- — ii^ii: ~- ~ ^ *^Ms ^ ..pp^^^^^^^- =::;z~ = :^ ^^ ~§¥^$§¥§$^^¥f¥^^¥~r cf.\. Mm/MUmmMt€mi eoo too 600 eoo looo eoo fKo /boo /eoo eooo Toto/ I.MP or Phnb Fig. 25. Twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year, 9,000 B.t.u. coal, 100 per cent, load factor. IJ ^ 1 ^ 1 i i ^ 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 ^M/. J*l »3 €•o eoo iooo eoo /'^oo /coo /aoo eooo Toto/ ZnP or Plant Fig. 27. Twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year, 9,000 B.t.u. coal, 50 per cent, load factor. »aoo /eoo /aoo eooo roto/ I/iP oT Pfant Fig. 28 Twenty-four hours per day, %^^ day.s per year, 9,000 B.t.u, coal, 25 per cent, load factor. STEAM POWER 405 ■t--oirt'*comQocOLfsoc-. lo-^r OS 00 eo (Mooooomo«o '=^2 e O iM o ' '"' r-i e^i r-i CO c^l w o ■* <* o O c-O00OOOOOOr-rt< OM t-H **'C^u^oo-r?ooou:ir-t-cOTH " 00 iH-^lO ooo ioo«o ^ ^, eo CO lo t^ \a Cs) Oi ■ ooci >. ■ > l-S OJ i^ < :g^ ^:i ^ft.^a.„oo. tcrt mil 5 :i M ^.':: ™ a, t, o o o c ■Sog I'D 0^ ^ pi Oh ^ o o Irt CO c ^ ^ ^ < .§1 -b. 7, 'I' (/. 3^ m o > c > o i-Ic^: at full load. The load factors for this same plant were figured from the kws. EQUIPMENT OF PLANTS TESTED Plant No. 1. 1 simple engine, 80 h.p. 2 boilers, 100 h.p. each. Feed water heater. No reserve units. Plant No. 2. 1 high speed engine, simple, 100 h.p. 1 boiler, 100 h.p. Feed water heater. 1 reserve boiler, 100 h.p. Plant No. 3. 1 simple engine, 70 h.p. 1 simple engine, 45 h.p. 2 boilers. 70 h.p. each. No reserve units. Plant No. 4. 1 Corliss engine, 100 h.p., run 5 hrs. per day. 1 Corliss engine. 20 h.p., run 13 hrs. per day. STEAM POWER 407 1 boiler, 60 h.p. 1 boiler, 20 h.p. Feed water heater. No reserve units. Plant No. 5, 1 compound engine, 150 h.p., run from 3 p. M to 12 midnight, and from 5a. m. to 10 a. m., making 14 hrs. of service per day for engine. 1 boiler, 200 h.p., fire kept banked while engine was not running. 1 reserve engine, 75 h.p. Storage battery used as auxiliary to provide 24-hr. service. With the same boiler efficiency a lower priced steam coal would have reduced the kw.-hr. cost from 6.15 to 5.2 cts. Plant No. 6. 1 simple Corliss engine, 165 h.p. 2 boilers, 100 h.p. each. Feed water heater. No reserve units. 1 Corliss engine, 120 h.p. 1 Corliss engine, 80 h.p. 1 boiler, 120 h.p. 1 boiler, 80 h.p. No reserve units. 1 Corliss engine, 350 h.p. 1 boiler, 150 h.p. Feed water heater. 1 reserve engine, 75 h.p. 1 reserve boiler, 125 h.p. Plant No. 7. Plant No. 8. Plant No. 9. 1 tandem compound engine, 225 h.p. 1 simple engine, 150 h.p. 2 boilers, 200 h.p. each. Feed M^ater heater. 1 reserve engine, simple, 120 h.p. Plant No. 10. 1 Curtis vertical condensing steam turbine, 500 kw. 2 boilers, 500 h.p. each. No reserve units. The indicated horse power of the steam turbine is used as 750 on the data .sheet. This figure is obtained by assuming a conver- sion efficiency of about 90% at full load. POWER PLANT TESTS IN IOWA Table IV gives results of tests on Iowa power plants and supplies approximate figures on the cost of generating power in Iowa with Iowa coals in electric power plants of the capacities noted on data sheet. All figures are based upon a one day's test of each respective plant and upon the assumption that the plant is operated the same each day of the year. These tests were practically all run during the winter months and under the ordinary load conditions. The readings were taken and the results calculated by students of the Iowa State College under the direction of instructors in the Me- chanical and Electrical Engineering departments of the college. These figures were arranged and reduced to a comparative basis by the Engineering Experiment Station. 408 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The costs arrived at are not claimed to be entirely accurate. The greatest discrepancy would perhaps be in the valuation of the pow^er plant or in fixing the operating expenses. It will be noted that the estimated value per rate indicated horsepower ranges from $50.00 to $133.00 for plants of 200 i.h.p. or under. Only the engines and boilers actually used in the tests are given In the table. Any reserve units are mentioned in the notes on equipment. The total cost of plants, however, includes the reserve units. The pounds of steam per i.h.p. -hr. represent dry stestm and include that used for auxiliaries in practically all cases. Efficiency of conversion is the combined mechanical efficiency of the engine and the efficiency of the electric generator. All costs are based upon 365 days of operation per year. The cost per b.h.p.-hr. is calculated from the cost per i.h.p.-hr. by assuming approximately equal losses of conversion in the engine and generator. The cost per b.h.p.-hr. includes fixed charges on the electrical equipment of the station, while on Table II it does not. The differ- ence amounts to about 8 or 10%. COMPARISON OP DATA ON TABLES II AND IV The results of actual tests are given to show how the estimated efficiencies and costs check with those found in actual practice. A very direct comparison is difficult to make because of the irregu- larities in cost of plants, hours of operation, load factors and types of equipment. Also most of the tests were made on plants of small capacities. The point of load factors should receive special attention. There is some disagreement among engineers as to the correct definition of load factor. To avoid misunderstanding on this point, load factors based upon different standards are given together with a definition of each. On Table II (estimated costs) the different percentages of load factor are based upon a peak load which is assumed to equal the full rated capacity of plant. On Table IV (actual costs) the peak load was found to be below the rated capacity in all cases. If the load factor based upon the rated capacity in the actual tests is used as a basis for comparison, the cost per unit of energy is found to be considerably below the estimated costs. But if the factor based upon the actual peak load is used, the actual check quite closely with the estimated costs. On Table II the operating expenses are put at a price which assumes the ability to produce a peak load of rated capacity at any time. On Table IV the operat- ing costs are at a price which insures the ability of the plant to produce not rated load but the actual peak load at any time. From this then, it appears that the most logical load factor to use is the one based on the actual peak load of the day. The following comparisons are made upon this principle. The estimated costs assume two methods of operation as regards hours operated per year. The first assumes 10 hrs. per day, 310 STEAM POWER 409 days per yr. The second assumes 24 hrs. per day, 365 days per yr. The first is of value in getting at the cost of power for fac- tories operating only 10 hrs. per day and 6 days per week. The second is of value in getting at the cost of all classes of power supplied every hr. of the year. Most electric central stations operate every day of the year, although many run less than 24 hrs. per day. Referring to Table IV it will be noticed that for the plants as tested the average number of hrs. operated per day is 18. The following is a comparison between the averages of the actual tests and the figures of the nearest corresponding estimated case. Actual. Estimated Hrs. per year 6,570 8,760 I.h.p. of plant 230.5 200 Total cost per i.h.p $75.50 $91.12 Fixed charges per i.h.p. -yr $10.35 $12.75 Operating cost per i.h.p.-yr $28.50 $66.32 Total cost per i.h.p.-yr $38.85 $79.07 Cost of coal per 2,000 lbs 2.36 $2.00 B.t.u. per lb. moist coal 10,150 9,000 Load factor .489 .50 Average brake h.p. developed 61.8 85.0 Cost per brake h.p.-hr., cts 2.58 2.13 Average kws. developed 37. 47.5 Cost per kw.-hr., cts 4.62 4.08 The greatest difference in the above comparison is with the operating expenses per rated horse power year. It is much lower in the " actual " column than in the " estimated " column because in the first case the plant is so operated as to produce a maximum load of only about two-thirds the rated load, while in the second case the plant is so operated as to produce the full rated load at any time. Also in the first column, the time operated is but 75% of that in the second. The costs per unit of energy are slightly higher in the " actual " column than in the " estimated " column, but the average hrs. operated is only 75% of the time operated in the " estimated " column, which would naturally tend to make an even greater dif- ference than that shown. By a general comparison of all figures, the estimated costs seem to be higher than those figured from the actual tests in Iowa power plants ; this is especially true as the load factor decreases. It is possible, however, that in the case of the tests certain operating expenses were omitted, such as management and bookkeeping. Following is the relationship between some additional correspond- ing items on Tables II and IV. Table II — Steam consumption ranges from 13 to 30 lbs. per i.h.p.-hr. Table IV — Same ranges from 23 to 46.4. Table II — Boiler pressure ranges from 100 to 150 lbs. per sq. in. by gage. Table IV — Same ranges from 57 to 125. Table II — Efficiency of boiler and grate ranges from 55 to 60%. Table IV — Same ranges from 44 to 657c. Table II — Water evaporated per pound moist coal ranges from 5.3 to 6.8 lbs. 410 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Table IV — Same ranges from 4.1 to 7.87. Table II — Pounds of coal per indicated h.p.-hr. ranges from 1.92 to 7.0. Table IV — Same ranges from 4.2 to 9.9. Table II — JEfficiency of conversion ranges from 49 to 81%. Table IV — Same ranges from 50 to 81%. Table II — Cost of coal per million B.t.u. ranges from 11.1 to 13.6 cts. Table IV — Same ranges from 8.1 to 15.3 cts. Note. — In all the above comparisons, except efficiency of con- version, the figures are taken from Table II at 100% load factor, and from Table IV at whatever load factor occurred in each case. Efficiency of conversion was taken from the extreme limits in both cases. 1 Mark =24 Cents Human Drive 54 Helpers 2 Skilled Laborers Chain Grate & Conveyer 20 Helpers 4 Skilled Laborers Fig. 29. Reduction of steam cost in boiler house by elimination of human labor. Reduction of Steam Cost in Boiler House by Elimination of Human Labor. Fig. 29 shows graphically the economic results of the adoption of coal conveyors and automatic stokers, and was STEAM POWER 411 included in a paper communicated to the Society of German En- gineers by Professor Kammerer, and reprinted in Power and the Engineer. November 8, 1910. Before the introduction of mechanical means, there were required ^22 V 'J ^^' --v lft _ """-^v^ V^ ^ S "" -4 S." ^ v^ 20 E J. ^^ 30 ZS, 50 75 100 IZ5 150 Hb ZOO Fig. 30. Per cent, of saving due to superheat. in the plant under investigation, 54 firemen and 2 overseers, neces- sitating an outlay in wages of 3.9 cts. per ton of steam. After- ward, only 20 firemen, 2 overseers and 2 machinists were needed. ] V \, ^t s, " ^^^^^il^.. EAM ^^.^^---^ \. "^ Si^^RHEATH — -^ .-«_ 1 I Fig. 31. Curve of steam consumption for 240 h.p. Ideal Corliss Engine. (Amount of superheat varies from 75° F. at ^4 load to 133'^ F. at 11^ load.) must be added the cost of upkeep, interest and amortization for The number of high class workmen was doubled, while the num- ber of unskilled laborers was reduced to a proportion of 2.5 to 1. The wages paid decreased to 1.45 cts. per ton of steam to which 412 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA chain grates and conveyer, amounting to 0.85 ct., so that the total cost was reduced to 2.3 cts., which is almost % of the original amount. This saving was effected by employing automatic ma- chinery and high class labor in the place of unskilled labor. Saving in Steam Due to Superheat. The following data were obtained from the Power Specialty Co. Results of tests by Belliss & Morcom, Ltd., of Birming-ham, on one of their high-speed triple- expansion engines, are shown in Fig. 30. A 330 h.p. Lenz cross compound engine having 37.5 in. and 63 in. diam, cylinders and 55 in. stroke, at the Municipal Electricity Works of Charlottenburg, Germany, with 192 lbs. gauge pressure, 26 in. vacuum, 107 rev. per min., gave the following steam con- sumption per indicated h.p. STEAM CONSUMPTION PER I.H.P., LBS. Load. 'A V2 % Vl % Superheat 185 deg-. P. . . . . . . 11.1 10.1 9.5 9.2 9.7 Superheat 275 deg. P. . . . ... 10.6 9.7 9.0 8.8 9.2 Saving: due to superheat on a 240 h.p. Ideal Corliss Engine is shown in Pig-. 31. The saving in steam consumption by superheating 100 deg. P. is from 18% to 20% for simple engines to 10% for steam turbines. Superheaters, Advantages. Efficiencies and Costs. Fig. 32. show- ing the heat necessary to superheat steam above saturated steam, also the heat required to dry steam with from 1 to 5% of moisture was prepared by the Power Specialty Co. of Dansville, N. Y., who have kindly furnished us with a copy through the courtesy of R. H. Wyld. Advantages. With a dry g-as the friction in pipe lines is much less than with wet steam, or even v/ith saturated steam (v/hich is a vapor that is becoming- wetter each moment). Therefore a superheated steam line can be smaller in diam. for the same efficiency than when wet steam is employed. A corollary to thi.s is that with the same boiler pressure the installation of a super- heater will not only reduce the fuel consumption but will increase the end steam pressure on a long line. Increase in Capacity. The average increase in boiler capacity that can be added by installing superheaters is about 15%. Superheat in Reciprocating Engines. In the averag-e triple ex- pansion engine, with 100 deg. of superheat, 12% of steam will be saved by superheaters in averag-e compounds 1 4 to 15%, and the average simple engines, 18 to 20%. With small direct acting steam pumps and auxiliaries, the saving- may be as high as 25 to 40%. Superheat in Turbines. 10 degs. of superheat in a steam turbine are good for about 17o saving in steam. This will hold true up to 100 degs. and possibly to 150 degs., above which there is a tendency to fall off. The early stages of superheat are of particular value on account Of the collateral saving of moisture. 1% of moisture in steam is believed to decrease turbine economy by about 2%. STEAM POWER 413 All turbine guarantees are based on dry steam, which is a prac- tical rarity. Cost of Installation. For 100 degs. of superheat, on ordinary plants working at 150 lbs. per sq. in. pressure, the cost of super- heaters delivered and installed averages about $3 per h.p., maxi- mum $3.50, minimum $2.50. (Also see page 592.) Time to Install. On ordinary boilers the equipment will be out of service a minimum of about 4 days^ while the superheaters are being installed. J , ' ( 1 < • 1 1 ^123W] 1 "/ , r30o §• 1 ^ 1 ^ s =/ J 1 ii- ir lii eS. ^ -ei a^se-i] o St— of^r I 1 1 h <1 '25( / -^/ o 4 i J E1233-5J / / i / " B I § a -20C / / j / h V [1230-1] / / / / / 1 1 S "150 / 1 i 1 ''/ tl22o-5 ' / 1 / / i "100 / / / 1 / / / Ph £1218- ] 1 / / / 1 1 / 1 "50 / / / / / [1205-6] / / / / 1 / 1 1 'III II 1 LiXLU. 1 -LLU. / / iji.i. MM 1 11 1 1 / 1111. JUL 1 JJJJ. ml 1 JJJX MU. 000000'=''' B.T.U.per Lb. Steam for Moisture Quantities in brackets [ ] are total beats of Saturated Steam above Zero mtot^oooo^Mr) B.T.U.per Lb.Steam for Superheat Fig. 32. Diagram of the amount of heat necessary to superheat steam above saturated steam. Conditions Governing the Use of Super-Heat. O. S. Lyford. Jr., and R. W. Stovel, in the Electric Journal, April, 1912, state that the over-all efficiency of a lai'ge boiler plant will be increased from 5 to 7% by the use of superheat ranging from 100 to 150 degs. F., and that, generally speaking, superheat is economical even wiih coaJ as low as $1.50 per ton. Since the general effect of superheaters is to raise the average temperature of the steam and its corresponding pressure, thus giv- ing greater velocity to the sujiply pipes, these latter need not be so large as where no superheater is used. Increasing the Economy and Capacity of Steam Boilers by the Use of Forced Draft. The following data were given by Henry Kreisinger and Walter T. Ray in U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 412. ^ Large_Br^q m 'A tl. M 7- t- 2? ..Horsepower Developed by Boiler Fig. 33. Data of tests of locomotive boiler. (Showing how "square" law of the pressure agrees with actual results.) the 414 STEAM POWER 415 The total pressure drop between ash pan and smoke box for different outputs is plotted from 14 tests, 4 of which were made with small round briquets, 4 with large square briquets and 6 with run-of-mine coal, which contained a large quantity of slack that was carried out of the furnace before it had time to burn, thus resulting in a loss of the potential heat of the fine coal. Hence, briquet curves are more reliable than that of the coal. Note on the small briquet curve that when the total pressure drop was 2 ins. of water, the boiler developed 365 h.p. to double which, the pressure drop must be increased to about 8.5 ins. of water. Likewise with a pressure drop of 3 ins. and 435 h.p., the capacity curve follows the " square " law. Further proof of this law Is obtained in the U, S. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 367. The product of the pressure drop and the volume of gases dis- placed is equal, or proportional to the work done by the fan, and since the former increases according to the " square law " and the .second directly as the capacity of the boiler, the work of the fan increases about as the cube of the capacity. Table V gives the fan work required for the multiple capacities and other related items calculated from the above mentioned " cube " law. TABLE V o oh 100 1,000 1 200 300 3,000 27 400 4,000 64 500 5,000 125 600 6,000 216 700 7,000 340 800 8,000 512 100 9,000 819 1.000 10,000 1,000 Note that if the steam consumption of the fan were 2% when the boilers are run at their normal rate their capacity could not be raised more than 7 times the normal rating, on which basis it would seem that it is not practicable to increase the rate of working of ordinary steam boilers more than three-fold, nor that of boilers of approved efficiency more' than four-fold. The writers of the paper state that the mechanical efficiencies of most fans used at present for draft purposes range from 10 to 50%, and with many closer to the lower than the higher limits. Fig. 34 gives the data and results of a series of 21 tests made of a Normand water-tube boiler on the U. S. Torpedo Boat Biddle, -Co <& A^^ "^-0^ -Si-^ It > 1,000 2.000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 tf >. >''^ ■^ . u ^<^ . 1^1 onsu: ine i iteam rated 'o5| o bc"^ 5 i^i - c^ S a> 03 <* "J^ iJ'-a m M<2 10 1 80 4 270 9 640 16 1,250 25 2.160 36 3,400 49 5,120 64 8,190 81 L0,000 100 13|||||||| III III III II II III 11111111171 12 :::::::::::::::::::::::::±:::::/: ^ :---::::---:-::::::: J: 1 11 : : :: : :::"::"": : / : 11 - - -- -t: _|_ + .... - ..-.__._-- -i . » 10 ---J ^--■ m O ^>" Q "" " - - - 2© :::::::::: :": : : i'^. " : ^cq g T — ?-- o-S ::::::::::::::::::::::::::3:2::: •S S ^rt 7 :._::: cii: •gg J 1 ^- .iia :::::::::": ' ' it ' - '- 5 fl 6 r - - 3 3( «^ 5 :::::::::::::::::::::::±:::::: + : « bp 9^-^ %% 4 ::::--: : :^±:±-±::: %xi : : : : : " : ::::;^: ±: ~ : 01 +3 ' 2 1 g 3 _ ^..._q:j__.3:__. « - X Z" " ■ " ^ . -. --/;--- - -.-j^ :S. it : : : : : " : " : : . jk. • : ~ : " : 1 X ,^ ^ :::::.:,; ?i . : :: : Q? i :: : : i,;-?: _ : 21J- :t:!:::::::::::::::::::::::::J:: .. >! • > •-"o ^^ 4 T "L y * P -2 tJ "" ^ 1 " ^-cw^ ::::::::::::::::±:::::::^::3::^: «< oS 3 ^ 1 ^-il4-Lkttti"mi=R ^ c 0.^ - = :r =C f>r =F-- ^f,'S,ed. ( Innnediately after starting the softener, sev- eral leaks oijened up in the tubes and shells of one boiler. This was caused by a fireman permitting low water, al- though the elimination of scale from the tubes and shells probably aggravated the conditions. After calking and rolling, no leaks have reappeared.) 9. No deposits on or eating out of valves. 10. Heater now washed out every 2 or 3 weeks (previously it was cleaned weekly). Very little deposit found. What little is found probably caused by overtreating the water slightly. 11. No turbining required. It is anticipated that once a year will" be sufficient 12. Turbine glands remain clear. No cleaning required. 13. Less loss fiom blowing down. 14. No loss of vacuum from scale on atmospheric relief valves and other trouble caused by scale. The results in Table X have been shown by the use of the water softener two months and indicate that the external treatment of feed water at this plant returns a very handsome profit on the in- vestment required. The apparatus cost about $3,000 installed. This installation, in addition to furnishing treated water for the boilers of the central station, pi'ovides soft water for the Mineral Point & Northern Railroad Company for use in its locomotives. It is reported tnat a saving in coal similar to that of the operating company has been made, and, further, that fewer leaks are en- countered. One of the engineers has stated that previous to using soft water he did not get out of the yards in the morning before his flues started leaking. Since using soft water he has had no more leaks. This also results in a saving of water, as a large amount leaked out on each trij). It is anticipated by the manage- ment of the railroad, based on the saving so far, that the saving in maintenance cost will be at least as great as the saving in fuel. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company has also contracted for a supi^ly of this water and is now using it. The Mineral Point Public Service Company serves a group of cities in southwestern Wisconsin, as well as several zinc mines, with light and power. The station equipment consists of 4 250-hp. and 2 500 h[). Heine boilers, 1 1200-kw. Allis-Chalmers turbine, 1 1200-kw. Westinghouse turbine, and 1 275-kw. directly connected Nordbeig engine-generator set. The condensing water is cooled by a Stocker cooling tower and by a cooling pond recently con- structed. Make-up water is pumped .sometimes from a creek run- ning past the power house and sometimes from wells. The softener is made by the Northern Water Softener Company of Madison, Wis. Costs of Cooling Ponds. From Electrical World, Oct. 9, 1915. Tables XI and XII give data on the operation and cost of construct- ing cooling i)onds equipped with spray nozzles for cooling the circu- lating water of condensers used with steam engines and turbines. In order to make a proper comparison of the costs of cooling ar- rangements for prime movers varying in rating from 500 lews, to 428 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA i w^^i . o*^ o ooo >i O :«-< 3 CQ o O "3 d w c^r^ o o o too rt-0» 00 O Oi 00 t-o o o CO > o o co 00 o o K o eo o>fl O o .^ oio o > o o o ot- M o t- o o w o Irt r-l o oo_ o •* 00 o o tf o on a> iM ^ ooo OS '-',— eo o • 5-JTO Oi 00 t- «co 00 r— . in . Oi^r-I o oc a> eg • t^ eo o o l-H ^ la • oo iM O 1- oo o (M~ ^ CI o o-* 00 o t- l-O 00 0^ CM o iH irt o ^ o o OO U3 ov c i -l-O CI tH -"• o o o 'Xl-M 00 t- oco r- 0/ t— 1 o '£> iH 00 t? o CI -rO I- OCO o '-i O w'- M O •Si O rl 2.01. HO' t.W ^r.:9. rt^ " o PC W).. :5 a: rt C rt c w l' t- C oi-O a; ir .- . • - H H -^ « Oh 3 .a;-© a>> STEAM POWER 429 2000 kws. it is necessarj' to assume a steam consumption that is faijly consistent with plant practice in each case. Foi- tlie 500 kw. turbo generator a steam consumption of 22 lbs. per k\v.-hr., when oi^^rating at a 17.5 in. vacuum letened to a oU in. baromelei, is taken as an average water rate for summer weathei in the Middle and Southern states, or a total steam consumption of 11,000 lbs. per hr. for the unit. In order to obtain the vacuum mentioned, it is necessary to have a ratio of circulating water to -steam of 60 to 1, therefore 1320 gals, per min. of water will be circulated and sprayed at the cooling pond. This will require about 35 nozzles of a size to discharge approximately 4 gals, per min. at 7 lbs. pressure at the nozzle. The cost of such an equipment of nozzles, spray heads, si)ray arms, drip sprays and pii)ing, including eccentric spray, tees, valves when required, suction-weil wall piece and flange-by-bell elbow, is about $825 as shown in Table XII. TABLE XJI COST OF CONSTRUCTING COOLING PONDS WITH SPRAY NOZZLE EQUIPMENT Size of steam unit, kws 500 1,000 2,000 Assumed steam consumption, lbs. per kw.-hr 22 20 18 Total steam condensed per hr., lbs. . 11,000 20,000 36,000 Circulating water required, 60 to 1 ratio, gals, per min 1,320 2,400 4.320 Number of nozzles required 35 60 110 Cost of nozzles, equipment and pip- ing complete $825 $1,585 $2,310 Size of cooling pond required, ft. ... 50 by 128 90 by 90 112 by 120 Approximate cost concrt-te basin comi)lete $2,560 $3,240 $5,400 Approximate cost puddled clay basin complete $1,280 $1,620 $2,700 Approximate cost concrete basin, equiiiment and piping complete . . $3,385 $4,825 $7,710 Ai)proxiniate co.^t [juddied clay basin, equipment and piping complete . . $2,105 $3,205 $5,010 The size of the pond required for a 500 kw= installation should be abcjut 50 by 128 ft. with the sjjrays arranged in 7 groujis of 5 nozzles each, t-onneeled to a pi|)e line down the center of the pond If a concrete basin; is required, it should have a 5 in. reinforced concrete bottom and side walls, the side walls having a slope of 2 to 1 to avoid the cost of forms In this case the pond should have a suitable suctitm well with double screens to prevent the nozzles from clogging and also piers carrying i)lates and rolls oh which the piping can rest The total construction cost for such a pond, including the excavation, will be about 40 cts. per sq. ft. under average conditions with no hazards, or a total of $2,560 for the concrete basin complete. This amount added to the cost of the special equipment and r>iping makes the total ar)proximate cost for the 500 kw. installation $3,385. If the conditions are such that a pond can be constructed with a 6-in. puddled clay bottom and the bank lined with puddled clay of the same thickness, the cost would be about 20 cts. per sq. ft, or 430 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA C-OOMO-^COOOO t^OOOOCgi-ir-ii-l €«-T-l W rH as 00 I-- o t~- CO '-' O M CJ <0 o O Ol (M CO 00'^i-lt>'Ma5(M00 c- t> «> tOWOOrH^COO o \a CT5(M-^cr5«e^lO«0 \a rt* ©^Ift lO CO irt (M Oi 1-t NNtH t-05''-'OrfO Ol ee^ 1-1 (Mt-Ht-i a (U 'O o c \a \a o lO«5U5o't^rHeo'oO O Tjj CO CJr-fOOO-^TfCOlO «D ICt tH-S-rHOM oOCOTf 1 ««■ T-l r-lT-ii- G O O Cvj oS o CO 03 t-^ O O iH 00 O O i-i •* 0) CV) USCOCOCOCOcMCOO t- «o rHCOOOCO -^C^JiH 60- rHT-lr-l *5fl O ^ .gag 0) o^^ a ^ liia .ft aaa rt (rf Q 0) rt d oj •^ c o o r 0,0 o o a ft^^ '^^ p< +j +j +j C; 7J t/i K L^ .-^oooa ^ fcc-i g >. t>, ^4j c« sh 5 H ; ft • o • o H h o M o rt 00 00 t^ OJ C^J t- kO (M T-ICOCDr-l iHOOS t-'^lftOM'COCOOO a5U5000(NCDCC>CO i-KMcCt-1 oojoo •OOOCOiMVOOO c iH CO rH t^ CO CO ■T' ■^ < CO COUJT-I O500C^ • • o o o a : : fc, t, ;-"5 : :aaa_^ • • in -"fco rt • m CO rt ra o *S rt cc cti , • ao o o • • ao o o a • 3 ...-•= a tJ -rri O O O > >> ij-'-tJ 0.5 ot-s o o o a* h H STEAM POWER 431 ceo.-iooo'j'i'oo O 00 03 W I- ri Ol O U5 laeocoioouioicji-io t>. Oi o T-( eo 00 en «5 o «e-t- OS lO CJ Oi «D r-l eC«^JlM •*0000l0'*o>00 o oi r^ o «o (M c~ j-i T}> Tj. iftiMO o tOOt-C0OOO rt -^ O iM t^ >0 CO looooooocgooo > to O K5 CO CO 00 ■* 00 I iH CO l> W CO IM O " OOOt-rlC^liHOeO ■* to ca lo u3 CM CD OS o o eq rH 0505CgOC^l-<* o C^j Tj< --r eg " (M(MIOt-I OO300 tr-OMoooCM cooo CM o oj-q.Qot^'Mcgooco OS rH CMcM-TjH OiOOC- o .-Him • .o 2 : :gac.^ .£ o aiS ^ tc^^ aft Safest o o Op o«:= o o o^ rt rt 05 5 , CD O •« TO CS TO 18S8| 3 • * • M Oi Oj Uj U o o o (u "c o o o a CD . Ui o . o iM h ttr-n a o ^^ o^ 60^ ScD 432 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ICO Mr-7HOoooooot-TfOOo"u5r-IooOI>-eO, 40^ CO r~- r^ c^i 1-H o t^ e<9«Oi-i (^^ T-i OS rr^-icoooousoooorHOow S inoOOOOOi-HOOCJr-liH S e/&06(M«^«0O00O r "^ tH-<*<10 lNt>CO lH C^ ^i^ CO CO Oi-l"*OoOOOOOCOOt- la LOOoOOOOOiM Wr-f 0500 ■* tft rH t- rH COCOOJ ^(MiOOoOOuiOO-^C^Oiin ^ lOCOoOOOiOOMiMrH 2 €^ rH irt rr •*■ u3 ) Cv^ (M 6O-0O rH '5^ IM ^ IC lO ofMosoooifl-^ooiniiMas Oi lOrHoCO-* -*OOlMCgrH"* €«-J5C0 05"*'^ iMCOOOOlOOOOOWrHt^, , OlCOt— O^O'^'OOCOCOC^ (MCOi-H «DWio Ol^^lcooocooooo<^^c^co O OCOrHOO'^OiOOO'^COeO ^ H to S=^ fl b£ C C fl c c d o o o o o o-^-*-'-^ •*-' -^ *" l^ u u •„ '„ %, 0, 4J O) GGft aa^W^co Irt rf* CO €^««-S«- J? *e m («- oi *^ 0) 03 03 ;::; o o coo o o 5 03 c« cc cc rt o o o CJ o o O i-' t- " O O) 0) O) u S, t/. », K C 03 O p p 13 0)000 **' >> >. >. A .555 rt 03 03 JO o o a> 1) 4) ■T) CM !M o O O ^ O O «© CO O , ; ?0 Oi O O (M t-- O O u^rH IflCvjC^ rH as t^ l^(MOOlrtOOOt--*TH ?CilOOlOOOlOOOCg(MiM. »=> 05 O CO CO O iM IM ■a Baa O S ^ X 03 33 "-^ fl bfi- > F-H 03 S '^'^ O o - &Ou_, O C C fi coo 0/ Oj OJ ^^^ Oi 03 03 OS 03' 0) 'I' o3 03 o: ;i: o o o SZ.O o o a . . . o o c -a o o o rt 03 rt O O O fl o o o S ^ 2 ^ ii CC « C3 o o o.^ oti^o op (1; a> a; ^ or! !/^ a. S O O O 3 O O Oj^ TITO'S o3 03 «3 dJ ^ \'^: ^ bort :^ 1 30- 20- 10- X- X 1 ^ ^ ^ APPROXIMATE YEARLY COSTS OF STEAM POWER 150 DAYS - 10 HOURS PER DAY SIMPLE CONDENSING Plotted from data compUed by Wm.j:.Snow /' ^ -^ - / ^^^ ^ \ ^< ^ ^ ^ Z^ \ A ^ - "~" ^ \ -?- 1 Total C oaljjerf I. p. per Hou 1-, L )S. / ^ yot. LC^ P r ~ ' ^ ^ h^i 'fp anf /■ ? - - L^-'pe Pre 02l_ )U^ V/aa e,.S Su r\ie e — — ^'"''"T?^ tmt j , — - — ^ =r I ±. ^ 10 20 30 40 50 CO 70 80 90 100 Horse Power Fig. 37, Approximate yearly cost of steam power, 150 days at 10 hr. per day. the height to which the spray rises ; the humidity of the atmosphere is also a governing factor. The cost of the plant was as follows (estimated): Ground, $400; excavating (800 yds.), $250; concrete and labor, $1,250 ; iron pipes and nozzles, $550 ; total, $2,450 The cost of a cooling tower with fan to perform the same amount of work was estimated at $5,000. The brass nozzles are of special make and cost $500 for the 20 used. The bottom of the pond is lined with 5 ins. of concrete and the depth of water is about 3 ft. The concrete columns supporting the pipes are 12 ins. square in cross-section, and they are spaced 12 ft. 6 ins. apart on straight runs. The cooling pond has been in service about a year. Cost of Steam Power. After Wm. E. Snow, Engineering Maga- STEAM POWER 435 zine, May, 1908. These figures were compiled from a large amount of data obtained in many small power stations at various places, and are believed to be sufficiently accurate for any purpose of ordinary estimating. They are naturally general averages or ap- proximations thereto. Approximate Yearly Cost of Steam Power. The curves in Fig. 37 were plotted from data compiled by Wm. E. Snow and represent the approximate yearly costs of steam power, 150 days, 10 hrs. per day, for simple condensing engines. The Cost of Steam Power for Small Engines. Tables XVI-XVIII are quoted from W. O. Webber's figures on the cost of one steam horse power per brake h.p. per year for simple engines as given in Engineering Magazine, July, 1908. TABLE XVI. COST OF ONE STEAM H.P. PER BRAKE H.P. PER YEAR, SIMPLE ENGINES Size of plant, h.p 10 20 40 60 80 Cost of plant per h.p $230. $200. $190. $180. $175. Fixed charges, 14% 32.20 28. 26.60 25.20 24.50 Coal per h.p. per hr 15. 12. 10. 9. 8. Cost of coal, $4.00 per ton . 82.50 66. 55. 49.50 34. Attendance 3,080 hrs 50. 30. 20. 15. 13. Oil, waste and supplies per yr 10. 6. 4. 3. 2.60 Total 174.70 130. 105.60 92.70 84.10 Without coal 92.20 64. 50.60 43.20 40.10 Coal, at $5.00 195. 146.50 119.35 105.07 95.10 " 4.50 185.01 138.25 112.47 98.80 89.60 " 4.00 174.70 130.00 105.60 92.70 84.10 " 3.50 164.38 121.75 98.72 86.51 78.60 " 3.00 154.06 113.50 91.85 80.32 73.10 " 2.50 143.74 105.25 84.97 74.13 67.60 " 2.00 133.42 97.00 78.10 67.95 62.10 Coal Consumption of Compound Condensing Steam Plant. W. H. Weston, Engineering Magazine, January, 1912, has given the follow- ing figures, for running 9 hours a day and 305 days per year, in tons of coal per year. H.p. Tons in round numbers 400 1,500 500 1,800 600 2,100 800 2,600 1.000 3,100 1,500 4,400 2,000 5,500 4,000 10,200 PLANTS WITH 2 ENGINES 500 . 3,600 750 5,000 1,000 6,200 2,000 11,000 PLANTS WITH 4 ENGINES 500 7,200 1,000 12.400 436 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA s O fa < 4 m 12; «9 f,0 o fa o y m O U OOOOU3 ooiooi^usooot- ^ o oc s^i M CO " CO a> 00 CO -^ c-i T-I oj rH >» tH (M 50o ecoo co _ot2io'M T^ooooi>|^^ooT^or-"^-■l O J^ m fO 05 OOCO tH ' M C5 O CO 1-J oi t--^ Tf* 00 CO CO CO CO IM cvi iri o . . . . Ho ,o-*i«t- '■-^ O CO t^ 00 . a 0) a 7i i. r^ OJ <}>, t mufauo<«J o o •C0CO(M(M STEAM POWER 437 o . o o c^ < . t- o -* c^ . in <=> eo <35 «> -*' c^ tf ^ C^ O C-. Ci lA OO i-< • -:t< CO l« ■ «J CO ,-! d gSss"- -— O^viirtfJ ^.H ^ ^-r 1 «/j. . t^ o o «£> o 00 «o «^^ .fibo^-^OTj-cot- MN o (^ c^i ■ !>.■ iri rr CO ■^ 1—1 r-ij^ i-ii-iiHi-l H^ W^ OOOlOO C« -* H pq S|1,^HL-2: = : <3l ^ MO''-'&Hfefc<;oh 438 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Labor Costs in a Compound-Condensing Steam Plant. W. H. Weston. Eng-ineering Magazine, January, 1912, gives the following figures based on 10 hours per day with wages as in 1911. H.p. Cost per year 400 $2,400 500 3,000 600 3,400 800 4,000 1,000 4,500 1,500 4,600 2,000 5,600 4,000 9,000 Fixed Charges in Compound Condensing Steam Plant. The fol- lowing figures are taken from an article by W. H. Weston, Engin- eering JNJagazine, January, 1912. Interest, insurance, and taxes j 10 to 11% Average depreciation on engine plants 4% Average depreciation on boiler plants 5% Average cost of repairs, depending upon age of the plant, intensity of the load and how it was handled, and whether or not repairs were promptly made 2 to 3% Fuel and Water Consumption for Compound-Condensing Steam Engines of 1000 h.p. Upward. W. H. Weston, Engineering Maga- zine, January, 1912, states that engines of this class, of 1000 h.p. will ordinarily use 17 lbs. of water per h.p.-hr. with pressures of 125 to 135 lbs. ; 2000-h.p. engines will use 15 lbs. and 4000-h.p. will use about 14 lbs. He has compiled the following figures from a large quantity of data where soft coals were used. Working to a fair maximum performance, without overcrowding and with average chimney draft of 0.43 in., the average coal per sq. ft. of grate per hr. is 19 lbs. ; average water evaporation per lb. of coal, 8.65 lbs. .Under ordinary running conditions, feed-water at an average tem- perature of 190 degs. F, flue gases 450 degs. to 550 degs. 17 -^ 8.65 = 1.96 lbs. coal per h.p.-hr. 19 -^ 1.96 = 9.7 h.p. per sq. ft. of grate. 15 -f- 8.65 = 1.73 lbs. coal per h.p.-hr. 19 H- 1.73 = 11 h.p. per sq. ft. of grate. 14 -^ 8.65 = 1.62 lbs. coal per h.p.-hr. 19-^-1.62 = 11.7 h.p. per sq. ft. of grate. In using these figures it is worthy of note that four 1000 h.p. engines will not run on as small an amount of water as one 4000 h.p. engine. The amount of coal burned per sq. ft. of heating surface will average 0.4 to 0.45 lb. per hr., or not over 0.5 lb. as a maximum. He considers that the amount for the best all- round efficiency is about 0.42 lb. The average amount of water evaporated per sq. ft. of heating surface per hr. in water-tube boilers is about 4.2 lbs. ; in tubular boilers, about 3.5 lbs. To calculate the total amount of coal required for a plant, the figures given, 1.96, 1.73 and 1.62 respectively per h.p.-hr., must be STEAM POWER 439 increased about 15% to allow for keeping fires over night, steam for auxiliary, condensation in pipes, radiation, etc., which will make them respectively 2.25, 2.00 and 1.86 lbs. Steam used for heating or other purposes will be in addition to this. Compound-condensing engines of 800 h.p. will consume about 18 lbs. of water per h.p.-hr., and 2.08 lbs. of coal, 15% added for miscellaneous making 2.39 lbs. of coal per h.p. hr. Similar engines of 600 h.p. use 19 lbs. of steam, and 400 h.p. equipment uses 20 lbs. of steam per h.p.-hr. The average cost of oil, waste and small supplies for such a plant will amount in dollars to about 12 times the square root of the h.p. per yr. The cost of water in a steam plant is a very uncertain quantity, depending upon local conditions ; such as the success in eliminating oil, quality of the condensing water, whether jet condensers or the mixing type are used, the distance which the water must be piped or the height to which it must be pumped, etc., the average figures are not trustworthy. This item should be figured out for every special case. Availability of Exhaust Heat from Different Types of Engines. The exhaust, be it steam or gas, contains heat, sometimes reach- ing 70 or 75%, and may be available for warming buildings, etc. The more efficient the engine, the smaller the amount of the exhaust heat available for this purpose. Table XIX indicates what may be expected and was published by Edwin D. Dreyfus in Power, January 31, 1911. TABLE XIX. STEAM PER BRAKE H.P. AVAILABLE IN THE EXHAUST FOR HEATING, LBS. Type of engine Simple automatic engine 40 Small steam turbine 30 Single cylinder Corliss engine 28 Corliss non-condensing compound engine 22 Automatic bleeder turbine 20 Complete expansion turbine (bleeding 25% from receiver) 6 Gas engine (waste jacket and exhaust heat used in hot water system) 5 Gas engine only, exhaust applied to steaming 2 Summary of Operating Results in Steam Turbo-Electric Plants from 200 to 20,000 kw. Capacity. O. S. Lyford, Jr., and R. W. Stovel have given Table XX, Electric Journal, April, 1912. This table gives the maximum results that may generally be expected with bituminous coal of 14,000 B.t.u. per lb. The annual average boiler and furnace efficiency ranges from 50- to 70%. In the 2 sets of assumed conditions, the additional heat necessary to bring the temperature of the feed-water of the one case up to that of the other is sufficient to raise the steam pressure of the second case to 65 lbs. more than the first and to superheat the steam 125 degs., the steam in the second case doing 10% more useful work 440 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XX. SUMMARY OF OPERATING RESULTS Range of common practice B.t.u. per lb. of fuel (assumed) 14,000 14,000 Average yearly overall boiler and furnace effi- ciency, % 50 70 Effective B.t.u. per lb. of fuel 7,000 9,800 Boiler pressure, lbs. per sq. in., gauge 125 190 Superheat, degs. P 125 Average feed-water temperature, degs. P 120 200 B.t.u. per lb. of steam (approximate) 1,100 1,100 Lbs. of water evaporated per lb. of fuel, actual . 6.36 8.91 Lbs. of fuel per standard boiler h.p. (33,305 B.t.u.) 4.76 3.40 Average overall station water rate per kw 30 20 B.t.u. in coal per kw. generated . 66,000 31,500 Thermal efficiency of station, % 5.2 10.8 than that in the first case, which emphasizes the importance of proper feed-water heating. The water consumption for the main units and all auxiliaries will vary over a year between 30 and 20 lbs. per kw.-hour, which figures, divided by the rate of evaporation, will give the lbs. of coal per kw. generated between the limits of 2.25 and 4.72 respect- ively. These figures multiplied by 14,000 give, for the average over the entire year, the B.t.u. in the fuel per kw.-hr. generated. Since the kw.-hr. is theoretically equivalent to 3,420 B.t.u. the re- sultant annual thermal efficiency of the station will appear as the last two figures in the table, namely — 5.2 and 10.8%. A few sta- tions to-day give better results than the best here indicated and a good many plants are worse than the 5.2% shown in the lower limit of this table, but a standard plant to-day ought to come lower than these two limits and if large enough ought ta be very close to the better one. Floor Space Required by Corliss Engines and Turbines. J. R. Bibbins gives the following information in a paper for the 25th Convention of the A. I. E. E. Por several years there has been a continual reduction in the bulk and cost of the turbine unit. To what extent, can best be appreciated by comparison with Corliss practice. Over-all floor Type of prime mover and size space, sq. ft. in electric horsepower per electric h.p. Horizontal Corliss, 500 to 1,500 0.7 to 1 Vertical Corliss, 1,000 to 3,500 0.35 to 0.4 Horizontal vertical comi)Ound Corliss, 7,000 0.46 Vertical 3-cyl. Corliss, 5,000 0.2 Single-flow turbine, 1,000 to 5,000 f 0.17 to 0.75 Double-flow turbine, 15,000 0.05 In large sizes, the turbine has reduced floor areas to about 20% of that required by the modern vertical Corliss engine, and to about 10% of the horizontal vertical type. A detailed comparison between single-flow and double-flow types follows : STEAM POWER 441 TURBINES Unit size, Floor space required per sq. ft. kws. Type per kw. per e.h.p. 1,000 Single-now ^ 0.200 0.149 1,500 " 0.165 0.123 2,000 " 0.141 0.105 3,000 " 0.101 0.075 5,000 Double-flow 0.092 0.068 10,000 " 0.063 0.047 Similarly in weight per kw. capacity. Data are not at hand for comparison with complete reciprocating- units, but without gener- ators, large vertical Corliss engines, including flywheel, weigh from 320 to 500 lbs. per kw., the weight increasing with the size, whereas the large turbine unit complete weighs but a fraction, 15 to 20% of the above, and, moreover, the weight decreases with the size. In addition the horizontal turbine permits the installation of aux- iliaries beneath. Cost of Power for Various Industries Under Ordinary Conditions. Engineering and Contracting, May 4, 1910. Twenty-five years ago the expression " cost of power " was fairly well defined as meaning the yearly cost per indicated h.p.if produced by steam ; or power on the wheel shaft if produced by water for 10 hrs. a day and about 308 days a yr., or for 24 hrs. for the same number of days. Since that time, when mechanical transmission of power by shafting, belting, ropes, etc., were about the only methods in use, there has been developed the electrical transmission of power now so commonly in use, with new units of power, as electrical horse- power and kilowatts. Also there has now come into common use the steam turbine, for which there is no indicated h.p., the measurements of power from which must be brake horsepower, electrical horsepower or kilowatts. There is the power produced by water wheels, which is gross h.p., net h.p. at the wheel shaft and, when transformed into electric power, it is measured in electrical h.p. and kws. New industries lilie public lighting and street railway companies have also come into existence. In these plants, the cost of power is affected very greatly by factors which were unknown to the type of plant which was common to industrial concerns of the past. It is the object of this paper to explain briefly some of the rea- sons for the very great differences in the cost of power under various circumstances, and to treat the factors affecting the net costs to various industries of both steam and water power, and to give a few examples of these which have come up during the course of our own engineering practice. Items in Cost of Power. Generally, the cost of producing power may be divided into 2 parts : (1) Independent charges, or the part which is independent of the output, embracing fixed charges on the plant, as interest, deprecia- tion, insurance and taxes, and, to a certain extent, repairs. (2) Proportional charges, or the part which is proportional to the output, including such charges as coal, labor, supplies, etc. 442 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Steam plants in general may be said to have low independent charges and high proportional or operating costs. Water power plants are usually the reverse, with high fixed charge accounts and low operating costs. Another item which should be mentioned as affecting the cost of power is what Dr. Steinmetz calls " reliability factor," which takes into consideration the spare machinery needed to insure continuous service. The charges on this spare equipment are apt to have quite a bearing on the cost of power in a central station supplying power for public uses, where reliability must be one of the chief con- siderations and more spare or duplicate plant is usually maintained than in a private plant. This same factor, too, may have quite an important bearing on the value of a water power privilege. Factors Affecting the Cost of Poiver. The chief conditions which affect the cost of steam power are : (1) Cost of fuel delivered to the furnaces. (2) Amount of power produced. (3) The load factor in its relation to fixed charges, whether the power is continuous and uniform, or intermittent and variable. (4) The net cost of power is reduced considerably in some con- cerns where the waste heat of the power plant can be used in the manufacturing processes in the form of low pressure steam or warm water. The chief conditions which affect the cost of water power are as follows : (1) Fixed charges on the development. (2) Amount of power i)roduced in its relation to fixed charges. (3) The load factor in its relation to efficiency of wheels, pondage and reservoir capacity. (4) The cost of supplementary power necessary to make up for the fluctuations of the water power, if required. Variatioji in Cost of Steam Power, Steam power costs the most per unit of power when produced in small amounts, and the cost is increased for fluctuating loads and when used for purposes where the load factor is small. By " load factor " we mean the average output in per cent, of the full cajiacity of the plant. The cost of power in very small amounts has been eliminated from this paper, and it has been assumed that the plants discussed for different uses are fairly large and of about the same capacity. Steam power costs the least per unit of power for comparatively steady continuous loads, as for paper mills and other similar in- dustries, and the cost may be still further reduced where there is use for exhaust steam or other by-products from the plant. Such conditions as the last are found in colored textile mills. Power costs the in plants having a low load factor with a variable load and where there is no use for the by-products of the plant, as in a lighting or street railway pfant. Between these extremes are various industries for which the cost of power will vary greatly. Industries running 10 hours a day have a low load factor com- paratively, but the load while on is often fairly steady, particularly in textile mills. Public service plants usually have a load factor STEAM POWER 443 somewhat lower than textile mills, but the load is extremely variable, which is not nearly so favorable to economical operation as the textile load would be. An example of the reverse of the procedure in a colored textile mill might be cited in the case of a steel mill, where the waste gases from the furnaces might be used in a steam or gas engine plant, thus making the net cost of power very low. Power for Various Ind^istHes. So far as we know, the net cost of steam power is the least and the net value of water power (but not of water) also the least for colored textile mills of all of the important industries. This is due to the usually steady load and to the fact that the waste products from the steam plant are most valuable for manufacuring purposes to those industries. If the heat required is not obtained from the waste products, it must be obtained direct from a separate boiler-plant. The net cost of steam power for textile mills gradually increases from the cost to the mill which can use all of the waste products, which will have the lowest cost, to the case of mill making white goods, where only exhaust steam for warming the building and drying the yarn on the slashers can be used. Next to this latter case in favor of net low cost are the industries of any nature where exhaust steam can be used only for heating. In order to give a general idea of the usual costs of power under ordinary con- ditions in this section of the country, an analysis of the cost of power for a station of 2,000 kws. capacity is given below. This station is similar to some which have been constructed within the last few years. Later on will be given some of the effects of by- products from the plant for manufacturing purposes. Cost of Power for Textile and Similar Industries. Let us first consider the cost of power under the various conditions for textile mills, and from these cases an idea of the cost to various other industries can be derived. As electric driving is becoming so common in textile mills, we will assume for the basis of these costs that the stations considered below will be electric and of 2,000 kws. capacity, composed of 2 1000-kw. units. The costs of power from this station will usually be given as so much per kw. In case it is desired to reduce this cost per e.h.p., divide by 1.34. To get its cost per i.h.p., multiply the cost per electrical horse power by about 87%, or the cost per kw. by about 65%. It must be remembered also that there is no spare apparatus in these plants. This may be considered as fair average practice at present for manufacturing plants, but of course would not be tolerated for public service plants where reliability is so necessary. In making up the cost of power here, all charges have been con- sidered except the interest charges on the cost of land. These charges would be very variable, depending on the location of the plant. The cost of land for the station has also been omitted from the cost per kw. of the station. There are many opinions as to the proper percentage to charge to depreciation, interest, etc. In mak- ing up these costs, interest has been taken at 5% ; depreciation, 444 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA repairs on the apparatus, at 5%, and on the building at 2.5%; in- surance and taxes at 1%, making a total of 11% on the apparatus and 8.5% on the buildings. This was for 10-hr. power. For 24-hr. power the depreciation and repairs on apparatus were taken at 13%, instead of 11%. A small amount is added in both cases for incidentals. These figures, of course, would not do for a station where the manufacture of current was the main pi'oduct, as for public service plant, because heie, during a period covered by 4% depreciation newer and more efficient types of apparatus might make it necessary to discard ai)paratus which was mechanically good. This course would not be so necessary in a manufacturing plant, where the saving of a .small percentage of tlie cost of power is not of suchi vital itnpoftance as are some other considerations. You will note that we say " cost of power as a straight power proposition." The reason for this is that the net cost of this power can be materially reduced by using the by-products from the plant for manufacturing purposes, as will be explained later. Ten-Hour I'oiver. With a steam engine plant with direct con- nected generators the cost of the plant per kw. of capacity is about $125. The cost of i)ower from this station with coal at about $4.25 a long ton in the pocket or $4.75 on the grates, would be about $33 per kw. per yr. of 3,000 hrs., as for a textile mill, as a straight power proposition. This is equivalent to about $24.60 per e.h.p. per yr. and about $21.50 per i.h.p. per yr. This is equivalent to a cost of 1.10 cts. per kw.-hr. If steain turbines are used instead of steam engines, the cost of the station will be reduced to about $105 per kw, capacity. The cost of power produced on steam turbines would also be reduced to about $29.50 per kw. yr., against $33 for the engine plant. A part of this difference is made up from the reduced cost of the station and apparatus and a part from the better economy of the turbines, which we have assumed are using sui)erheated steam and high vacuum, which is common practice. The use of suiterheated steam is not common practice in engine plants, and the engine plant con- sidered was assumed as not equipped with superheaters. 2Ji Hour Poiver. If steam power were to be generated for 24 hrs. a day for 6 days in a week or say 300 days a yr., as for a paper mill or other similar industries, the cost of power would be about $57.50 per kw. per yr. for the engine plant and about $53 per kw. per yr. for the turbine plant. These costs reduce to 0.8 cts. per kw.-hr. and 0.74 cts. per kw.-hr.. respectively. These figures should be compared with 1.10 cts. per kw.-hr. for the engine plant and 0.1*83 cts. for the turbine plant when producing 10 hr. a day power. The difference in the cost for the two ltion is hardly true, especially at present, when the use of electric trans- mission makes it easy to provide spare units. The term " load factor" as used here means the ratio of the actual kilowatt hours generated in a year to the number which would have been generated had the plant run at full load every hour in the year. It must be remembered also that for the industrial plants under consideration the load is nearly constant throughout the operating time, which means good operating conditions. Public Service Plants. In a lighting plant for a city, even with the same load factor as for the 10-hr. textile mill, which would be high for most of these plants, the operating conditions would not be nearly so favorable as in a textile mill, as about the same amount of banking would have to be done, and the prime movers would have to operate at variable loads. This latter undesirable feature would not be so serious in a large station as in a smaller one, so far as the efficiency is concerned, as the variation could be more nearly cared for by varying the number of units and thus operating all of them at advantageous points. The cost of power for this type of plant is more, other things being equal, than for a plant of the same size for a textile mill hav- ing the same load factor. This is due to the effect of variable load towards a reduction in efficiency, and because of the greater cost of plant and consequently greater fixed charges per unit of output. It should be borne in mind, however, that these public service plants are usually of a very large size and that their output delivered has to compfjte in price with the cost of power from very small stations. This would give the advantage all to the central station as far as the actual cost of making power is concerned. To the cost of mak- ing the power, the central station must add the cost of transmitting, distributing and selling it. Effect of Use of Waste Products from Power Plant for Manu- facturing Purposes. For many years it has been common practice to use the by-pioducts, such as exhaust steam and wai-m watei" from the steam plant, for manufacturing purposes and for heating build- ings, etc. It has been also common practice to take steam out of the receiver between the cylinders of a compound engine for these purposes. The saving fiom using the exhaust of a non-condensing engine, which would otherwise go to w^aste, is large, because there is no additional steam required for the engine unless the back pressure is increased. Any use of the steam is nearly all clear profit, and if all of it is used, the only part left to charge to power is the difference in B.t.u. due to the difference in pressure and the condensation in the engine cylinder, jackets, etc. The use of large noncondensing engines for producing power, excei)t in si>ecia] cases, is becoming comparatively rare, but the use of steam from the receiver of a cross-compound condensing engine for manufacturing purposes and for heating, etc., is a common practice. Receioer Steam. Table XXI shows the amount of coal charge- 446 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA able to power when certain percentages of the steam entering the high pressure cylinder are taken out of the receiver. This table takes into consideration the effects on the economy of the engine of not passing all of the steam into the low pressure cylinder, cylin- der condensation, etc. The percentages in the first column are the percentages of the steam passing the high i)ressure cylinder which is taken out of the receiver for manufacturing purposes. The sec- ond column is the total coal burned, and the third is the coal chargeable to power after deducting the coal chargeable to manu- facturing : if nt !ii I- 1 :^ M O M ^ 3 ^ 1.75 1.75 25 2.06 1.50 50 2.38 1.25 75 2.69 1.00 100 3.00 0.75 If the mill did not obtain its power from steam, so that it could use the low pressure steam of the i)Iant for manufacturing, it would have to maintain a boiler plant of suflicient size to produce an amount of steam equivalent to that bled out of the receiver. The amount of B.t.u. or its equivalent in coal chargeable to power is represented by the amount of work done by the engine, and the losses due to the i)resence of the engine. The cost of generating the rest of the steam is chargeable to the manufacturing processes. By cost of generating steam is meant the total cost, including coal, labor, fixed charges and supplies of all kinds for the boiler i)lant. The cost in the engine room does not vary with the bleeding of steam, except possibly in some very unusual cases. Exa})njlcs of Manufacturiny Plants. A few examples of the re- duction in cost of power due to the uses of the by-products from a steam engine plant and the bleeding of steam from the receiver may be of interest. These are all given for textile mills as a basis. The corresponding costs for other industries can be calculated from the ta'ble and curves when the amount of steam I'equired is known. In one colored cotton and silk mill the power to run the mill was about 1,800 i.h.p. and for manufacturing purposes about 25^ of the steam for this was required in the form of steam from the receiver. This did not include the steam for heating the building, but the cylinder ratio was such that it was deemed unwise to bleed a greater amount of steam from the receiver. Assuming the cost of power $33 per kw. with no bleeding, we get cost chargeable to STEAM POWER 447 power .with 25% bled continuousiy $12.75 + $17 -- $29.75- The sav- ing then would be $33 — $29.75 :- $3.25 per kw.-yr. ; $12.75 i« the entjine room chnige. This was for the use of low pressure steam alone. Probably another material saving eould be made by using the overflow from the condenser for water for dyeing purposes, etc. In another iviill where much moje dyeing was done, requiring a large quantity of hot water, also a large amount of exhaust steam for maimfacturing and heating, the cost of jjower, if no steam and waste products had been used, would have been about $34 per kw.- yr. ; but when the proper credits had been allowed for items charge- able to manufacturing purposes, the cost was reduced to about $26 per kw.-yr., or a reduction of about $8 per kw.-yr. In a plain or white goods mill where ho steam would be required for manufacturing other than warming the building and slashing, the saving to be effected by using receiver steam for these pur- poses would be about $2 per kw. About .6 of this, or $1.20, is for heating and the rest for slashing, so about $1.20 per kw. is the amount of the reduction which could be made in heating the build- ings of an industry similar to a textile mill. The above examples represent fairly average conditions. Several years ago in one mill there was an 800 hp. simple, non- condensing engine exhaustmg into the dyehouse. If the dyehouse was running full, the firemen in the boiler room could not tell whether this engine was running or not. In paper mills the usual custom is to drive the paper machines with simple, noncondensing engines, the exhaust from which is used in the drying cans. The net of this power for coal is very small. In some mills some steam is also taken from the receiver of compound engines for other low pressure work. The Cost of Water Power. The cost of water power depends upon a great variety of factor.^ but the essential feature is usually the fact as to whether the combined result of all these factors is such as to make the cost of the development per horse power de- livered a reasonably small amount so that the fixed charges shall not be excessive. In other words, the allowable cost of water power cannot be materially more than the net cost of producing the same amount of power for the same purpose in some other satis- factory manner, usually by steam. There is an idea fairly common among laymen that water power is free or at least that after the development has been completed the cost of operation is practically nothing. This is not true be- cause the fixed charges go on whether power is generated and sold or not. The item in the cost of water power is usually fixed charges. For in.stance, if a development should cost $125 per kw., the fixed charges alone would amount to about $12.50 per kw. per yr. whether the plant was operated or not. Another idea is that if a development which is to produce 10-hr. power costs about $100 per h.p. if carried to its most economical point, it will be a safe investment, but that if the cost reaches $200 per h.p. it will be well to proceed cautiously before investing in it. In general this idea is well grounded, but it should not be 448 MECHANJCAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA applied to all cases, as there are many factors affecting the cost of power and such great differences in the market that each case requires very careful study and general rules are not to be relied upon. The cost of maintaining and operating a supplementary steam plant to make up for the shortage of power during low water and floods, the effects of droughts, transmission problems in the case of electric plants, etc., must all be carefully considered as factors properly affecting the actual cost of power delivered from the hydraulic plant. For the reason that water powers usually have high independent charges they are more valuable for use on loads with high load factors than with low load factors and are hence more valuable for 24-hr. power than for 10-hr. power. Their value increases as the price of coal rises. Many of the modern developments are of very large size and the cost per h.p. of the plant is in some cases small. In the deter- mination of the cost of power, the cost per h.p. of development should not be allowed to confuse or cause misrepresentation of the actual cost of p^ower delivered. Usually the larger the develop- ment installed, the smaller is the cost per h.p. of development, but it does not follow in all cases that the cost of delivered power will be smaller per h.p. After the engineers have made their estimates of the cost of physical structures for these developments, there must usually be added generous items for interest during construction, Interest on cost befoi-e there is any return, rights of way, inciden- tals, promoting, etc. The neglect of considering items like these has caused several of the recent developments to get into disrepute. There aie usually more elements of chance and more unknown factors in a hydraulic development than in a stetim i)lant, and these facts should be taken into consideration and properly cared for. On the other hand, a development properly made and at a rea- sonable cost is a valuable asset and one which bids fair to increase in value if the price of coal increases in the future as in the past. The prices of power where the development cost $100 and $200 per h.p. mentioned above do very well for the ordinary case in the eastern states. There are, however, some particular uses, like min- ing, for instance, where there is no supply of wood, and coal is expensive, where a high cost of development is warranted and a high price can be obtained for the power. For example, there is one development where the cost of power at some mines was from $150 to $200 a yr. A hydro-electric development was made and power delivered at about $100 a h.p., thus making a great reduction in cost to the mine owners and yielding a substantial profit to the electric company. There, is a development which cost about $400 a h.p. to develop. A small portion of this power could be disposed of at the mines for $75 a horse power with comparatively short transmission lines, but the remainder had to be carried a long distance and sold in compe- tition with other power. The fixed charges alone on this develop- ment were about $30 to $35 a yr. a h.p., and the running expenses STEAM POIVER 449 were also high. It was impossible to produce power cheai)ly enough in this case to compete with other sources of powers and pay the fixed charges on the investment. The following example is typical of many developments in New England str<^ams with mechanical transmission of power. Compare the cost of producing 1,000 h.p. by steam and water power on an average stream at a fixed locality, where coal is $4.50 a ton de- livered to boiler house, and the production of 1,000 h.p. by steam power alone at a chosen locality, where coal is $4 and ?.j 50 per ton delivered to boiler house. The assumed power of the river varies in an average year so that for the driest month 490 h.p. will be produced by water, leaving 510 h.p. to be produced by steam ; and for the other months in the year the water power varies so that for four months in an average year no steam power will be required at all. The average of this steam power will be about 238 h.p. for 8 months per yr. In a dry year the minimum water power will be 250 h.p. It will be necessary to run the supplementary plant for about 8 months, supplying in an average year from nothing to 510 h.p. and in a dry year up to 750 h.p. In order to have such a plant run any- where near efficiently and cost a reasonable sum, it should be of such a size as to be overloaded for a portion of the time and under- loaded for the rest of the time. In this case a plant rated at 500 h.p. capable of 50% overloading would answer. The water power plant will cost about $75 per h.p. of develop- ment, or $75,000. The cost of the water power will be as follows : Fixed charges on cost of plant, interest, depreciation, in.'^ur- ance, taxes and repairs, say 9%, $75,000 by 0.09 $6,750 Attendance and .supplies 500 Cost of water power if no charge is made for water $7,250 The cost of supplementary power is as follows : E.stimated cost of plant, 500 h.p. at $60 $.30,000 Fixed charges at 11% 3,300 Average deficiency of water power. 338 h.p. for 8 months. Coal 338 h.p. by 2.10 lbs. by 205 days by 10 hr. = 650 tons at $ 1.50 2.925 Attendance 1.700 Oil, waste and supplies 200 Cost of supplementary steam power $ 8,125 $7,250 + $8,125 = $15,375, total yearly of water power and supplementary steam power. $15,375 -=- 1,000 = $15.38 per h.p. Compare this with the cost of 1,000 h.p. produced by steam alone where coal is $4 per ton. This power should easily be made for $20 a yr. a h.p., thus leaving a margin in favor of water power of 450 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA $20 — $15.38:= $4.62 a h.p. With coal at $3.50 a ton, the cost of steam power alone should be not over $18.50, with a margin in favor of water power of about $3 a h.p. Yariation in Value of Water Power. The value of a hydro- electric power to various industries will vary in approximately the same ratio as the cost of producing power in some other way, if considered as power pure and simple, without taking into considera- tion other important items affecting the business, which are some- times more vital than the cost of power itself. To illustrate the value and cost of power under different condi- tions it may be well to mention the two following cases: A price for hydro-electric power was submitted to a colored textile mill, of 1.2 cts. per kw.-hr. After due consideration, it was decided that the mill could not afford to accept the offer, the principal reasons being : (1) On account of the use of steam for manufacturing purposes and of the water of condensation for dyeing, the net cost of steam power would be less than the price of hydro-electric power. (2) It was better for the textile company to own and control its own plant, if it had the capital to build it, which it had, than to purchase current brought over many miles of pole line, and be tied up to some foreign company. The cost of power per kilowatt at the switchboard from the hydro-electric company for the operating time of the mill was about $36 per kw. per yr., and for the steam plant which the mill was proposing to install this cost was estimated at about $34 per kw.-yr. ; but if the power had been bought from the hydro-electric company, the mill would have had to install and operate a boiler plant nearly as large as the one required for both power and manufacturing steam. It was estimated that the use of the waste products from the steam plant would reduce the net cost of the power at least $8 per kw. In another case offers from two hydro-electric companies were made to furnish power. One offer was promptly turned down as being too high a charge. A second offer was to furnish current at 1.2 cts. per kw.-hr., which is the same price which was refused for the colored mill. For a plain cotton mill, however, it was decided to be proper to accept the offer of 1.2 cts. per kw.-hr. The principal reasons for accepting this offer were: (1) 1.2 cts per kw.-hr. equals about $36 a kw. per year, or $27 an e.h.p. delivered. This reduced back to i.h.p. equals about $23.50 per yr., which was very near the estimated cost of steam power for the quantity required and at the price of coal for this particu- lar industry. (2) The mill desired to postpone the expenditure necessary for a steam plant if it could be done without serious loss. Relative Importance of Cheap Power. It is evident that where power is the chief product of a plant, and is sold as energy in the form of electric lighting or electric power, it is important to produce the output at the minimum price. STEAM POWER 451 In most industrial plants power is a means used to produce other product, which is sold, and it is apparent that, other things being equal, the necessity for cheap power is more important where the cost of power is a large proportion of the cost of the product, as in electro-chemical works, and the least important where the cost of power is a small per cent, of the total value of the product. Textile mills require considerable power to run them, and the method and cost of production of this power must be kept in mind in selecting a location for a new mill and in estimating the value of an old mill already located, but it should not be allowed to play too important a pait in the decision. The chief items of cost entering into the product of a mill are materials and labor. The cost of power in a fair sized mill should not be over 5 to 6% of the total value of the product. It is, there- fore, far more important to locate in some place where operatives skilled in the particular kind of business to be carried on or who can be trained to this work can be obtained at reasonable wages, and where the cost of transportation of raw material and finished product is a relatively small amount, than it is to seek a location where cheap power can be obtained, but where the other items are lacking. A saving of 10% in cost of power would represent a saving of about 0.5% of the value of the product. The relative importance of locating a plant with reference to cheap power increases as the ratio of the cost of power to the value of the product increases. The relative importance of locating a plant with reference to the supply of help decreases as the amount of help required decreases. These factors tend to make textile mills locate with reference to good help and the paper mills with reference to cheap power. The latter use less help per horse power than the former, and usually use the power for 24 hrs. per day. This causes water power to be more valuable to paper mills than to textile mills. Standard Prices for Hydro-Electric Power. Sometimes this ques- tion is asked, " Is there any standard price for electric power de- livered?" There does not appear to be any standard, the prices varying largely according to the amount taken. For small amounts large prices can be obtained. The price, of course, must have a close relation to that at which power from a steam station would be sold. The prices for power in large amounts, as for textile mills for permanent power, seem to vary between $20 and $25 per h.p. delivered for 10-hr. power, and for 24 -hr. power $30 to $40 i)er h.p. For surplus or secondary power which can be furnished for more than 6 months but less than 12 months a year, the charges cannot usually be more than at a rate of $10 to $15 a yr. a h.p. in large amounts for 10 -hr. power, or say about $1 a month a h.p. for such time as it is furnished, for about all that is usually saved is coal, as the fixed charges are going on all the time in the steam i)lant, and often a portion of the steam plant is run all the time. In a recent case it was estimated that some colored mills could afford 452 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ^1- M > o o 5 a — • •o • o OO O «D •a> • o o<=:^o^ ^ ■^ ;m 'd ■t-'utio -wo H '"* (M c^co Tf OOOOO OO o foair^co«C"'^cr the new plant would be 18,740 tons of soft coal or 22,600 tons of No. 3 buckwheat coal, as against 27.200 tons of soft coal for the present plant. Table XXX gives the oper- ating costs of the new ])lant under several conditions. In the cost of labor for the new plant the engineers are figured at a higher rate of pay than they are receiving in the present plant, but no higher efficiency has been counted ui)on. TABLE XXX. ANNUAL OPERATING CHARGES OP NEW PLANT Coal used, grade Soft No. 3 Buck. No. 3 Buck. Coal cost, per ton $4 $2.70 $2.70 Coal, tons 18,740 22,600 22.600 Firing Hand Hand Stokers Labor $10,250 $12,475 $5,980 Removing ashes 610 1,415 1,415 Total annual cost 85,860 74,890 68,395 The operating costs of the present plant are given, about $150,000 per year, not including repairs, superintendence, oil or supj)lies. In the operation of the mill large quantities of hot water are discharged to the sewer, at temperatures ranging from 100 degs. to 200 degs. from dye kettles, scouring, etc. It is assumed that 20% of this waste heat can be recovered. The installation of the neces- sary ai)paratus to recover this heat might raise the cost of the plant to $200,000. If this 20% of the heat discharged to the sewers is recovered and at the same time the efficiency of operation of the plant be raised to the maximum possible, by means of bonus pay- ments to the men for excellence of operation, the operating costs would become, with the i)lant oi^erated on the No. 3 buckwheat coal at $2.70 per ton and the use of stokers: 19,150 tons coal, $51,700; labor, $5,980; removing ashes, $1,190; bonus paid men for high efficiency, $1,200; total, $60,070. It is now possible to figure the costs per unit for the new plant, to compare the economic value of its design with that of the three STEAM POIVER 465 existing power plants at the mill, which were given in Table XXIX. They are given below : Operating of proposed power plant, wMth soft coal at $4, hand-fired, or No. 3 buckwheat coal at $2.70. stoker fired: Coal used Soft Buck. Coal as burned, including labor $4.42 $2.85 Steam generated per 1,000 lb 19.7 ct. 15 5 ct. Steam, available for mill 20.8 ct. 16.35 ct. Power, per 1,000 b. hp 1.98 $1.60 It should be particularly noted that the reductions in costs for the new plant are due entirely to the design of the plant, and are not based on any expectations of improved operation or of cheaper coal, in so far as the comparison of the plants when using soft coal is concerned. If we take the cost of the new plant as $150,000 and the saving in operating costs as that shown by operating with soft coal, hand fired, viz., $59,696 per year, we have: Depreciation, 10%, $15,000; interest 6% on average outstanding investment, $4,500; net saving due to new plant, $31,196; net return on investment. 20.8%. The mill possesses a record system that is about the same as to be found in most mills. It .'^hows the coal and water used each week and the power generated. It showed nothing at all of the various defects in the power plant nor gave any means of detecting them, yet that is the only reason for having a record system. If the recoi'ds had been of any value they would have called the atten- tion of the owners to every one of the $26,000 of losses going on in the power plant, including the high price being paid for coal. Mr. Sanders strongly believes in the use of recording instruments throughout the power plant, as it can then be run on a continuous test basis. If the records are not properly analyzed and if every defect of apparatus or of operation that they detect is not imme- diately remedied, the use of the recording instruments or a record system is a waste of money. If the results are utilized, the money invested in recording instruments will prove a paying investment. Cost of Steam and Electric Power for Operating Flour Mills Producing 54,000 Bbls. of Flour Per Yr. Charles A. Stanley gives the following notes for the plant using oil and coal, according as the prices thereof vary, in Oct., 1912, Proceedings of Kansas Gas, Water, Elec. Lt., & St. Ry. Ass'n. Investment — Fixed charges: Power plant buildings $2,000 Engine ^ 900 Boilers 1,200 Miscellaneous ; 800 $4,900 Depreciation, 6% $294.00 Interest, 5% , . 245 00 Taxe.s 1% 49.00 Insurance, 1 V^7o 73.50 $661.50 4G6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Fuel: Coal and oil, including handling $2,500.00 Labor : Engineer 1,300.00 Water : Pumped from well. Softener included in repairs. Superintendence : Time of miller and office help. V. hr. per day at 50 cts. per hr 75.00 Loss of Production : % hr. per week ; time of 5 men at 25 ct 65.00 Repairs and Supplies: Oil, waste, etc 100.00 Total $4,701.50 Cost per bbl of flour, 8.7 ct. The above mill is using a non-condensing engine, simple Corliss type, belt-driven to line shaft. The engine indication shows 85 hp. on full load. This results in 2,040 hp.-hr. per .day for 250 bbl. output, or 6.1 kw.-hr. per bbl. Losses in present plant : Steam driven. 15% 11.75 h.p. Belt drive, 87o 6.80 h.p. Total 18.55 h.p. If this plant is equipped with a 100 h.p. motor, the power re- quired for operation will be about as follows ; Motor power 85 h.p. Less present losses 18.55 h.p. 66.15 h.p. Plus motor loss, 10% 6.65 Plus wiring loss, 2% 1.3 Plus drive, loss, 3% 1.9 9.85 h.p. Electrical power required 76.3 h.p. The above 76.3 h.p. equals 57 kws., which operated for 24 hrs. producing 250 bbl. of flour, results in 5Vij kw.-hr. per bbl. The cost of operating this mill from central station service per year will be about as follows : Investment : Motor building $ 250 Boiler room 250 Boiler for heating 280 Motors .-. 1,200 Installation 300 Drive 285 $2,565 STEAM POWER 467 Depreciation, 6% $153.90 Interest, 5% 128.25 Taxes, 1% 25.65 Insurance, 1^^% 38.48 $346.28 Fuel: For heating and tempering 300.00 Labor : Fireman and motor care 100.00 Water : Pumped from well. Superintendence 25.00 Loss of production : None. Repairs and supplies 100.00 Electric energy: 297,000 kw.-hrs. at 1.2 cts $3,564.00 Total - $4,435.28 The following data show several mills now operating from cen- tral station service — the cost of operation with their isolated plant, as previously equipped, also the cost at present, using central sta- tion service. Central station Isolated plant service Mill Capacity Cost per ct. Cost per bbl. ct ct No. 1 350 9 8 No. 2 600 7.2 6.1 No. 3 900 6.8 5.9 No. 4 1,000 6.5 5.3 BELT DRIVE Motor, 200 hp., slip ring, 600 rev. per min $1,700 Belt drive 300 Installation " 250 Investment $2,250 Motor house or space 750 Total investment $3,000 Interest, depreciation, taxes and insurance, 13^^% 405 Motor efficiency, 92% =12 kw. loss Belt drive, 87% = 19% kw. loss Total loss 21 1/^ kw. loss = 1,260 Total fixed charges and losses $1,665 Power factor — 88%. ROPE DRIVE Motor, 200 hp., slip ring, 600 rev. per min $1,700 Rope drive 600 Installation 250 Drive Investment $2,550 468 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Motor house or space , 1 ,000 Total investment $3,550 Interest, depreciation, taxes and insurance, 13i^% 479.25 Motor etticiency, 9 27o rr 12 kw. loss Hope drive !)07o = 13 1^ kw. loss Total loss 25 1/2 kw. loss = 1,080.00 Total fixed charges and losses $1,559.25 Power factor — 887o. DIRECT CONNECTED Motor 200 hp. slip ring-, 180 rev per min $3,000 Installation 250 Drive investment 3,250 Motor house or space 300 Total investment $3,550 Interest, depreciation, taxes and insurance, \ZV2% 479.25 Motor efficiency, 867o, 21 kw. loss 840.00 Total fixed charges and losses $1,319.25 Power factor — 887o. DIRECT CONNECTED Motor 200 hp. slip ring, 180 rev. per min $3,000 Installation 250 Drive investment 3,250 Motor house or space 300 Total investment $3,550 Interest, depreciation, taxes and insurance, 13i/ortionately more efficient than the steam. In addition, cheap grades of fuel can be 482 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA efficiently used in a gas producer wliich could not be burned with any degree of economy under a boiler, and the higher grades of fuel can be more efflciently used in a producer than in a boiler. What has been said in regard to the producer gas plant applies generally to the efficiency of oil engines, .with the exception that such To Mochins Pulley J^com Engine J n Fuel froir. Engine from Dir Con Oen from Wiring 'from Motor To Machine RjUeu W>a^WM ' ' '~ ir JflV. ~"l"/_l~_~_V-"j l-o^ to Machine PuHeii ^Ml^Sm~~ZZT.:"JilZ:ZZ'.~'.''S:Z Lo^toEngmedhaft '£r^i^/WFM':&M!^MM^&oD im^mmmmmrWA in Fuel •mi^&W^ 7lj ~— —yjl-.":] Lo^ioEngmeShan "iy!ibiWM''^ ~ns ]~~"_~-~-"] LoiitoGen TermnoH W?-'b^FJS^A ~744.:7"7""rr"J Lo^s to Motor 'Mo^MZ ZZZS-ZSrZtSlIl ZlZ'JSZIZZj Loss to Motor Belt 'ZIIZZZ ZZZMlZZZZZZIZIZZ^ Loss to Macfime FUtie(j c^§ oJ Fig. Percent Efficiency 40. Power efficiencies — oil. an equipment is still more efficient than the gas, as is shown on Fig. 40. Figure 41, illustrating the efficiency of hydraulic or hydro-electric power plants, is self explanatory. It shows more stages than the foMacti/nePut/ey From Eur bines To Turbines In Wafer To Turbines From Turbines From Dir Con Cen. From Wiring From Motor To Machine Pulleij From Dir Con Cen From Step Up Trans. Sta From Transmission Line From 3tep Dov\/n Trans^tt^M. From Local Wiring From Motor To Machine Pulley^ 'J, LosstoMachinePulley L055 to Euroine Shaft Loss In Waterwoij In Water L OSS In Waterway Loss to Turbine Shaft Loss toOenJermmals Loss to Motor Loss to Motor Belt Jii I 'MZZZZZ2 Loss to Mach. Pulley, n 163 ~1 LosstoCen.Terminah .Z^IZZZJ Loss to Trans Line '_16J_Z^ZZ1 Loss to Step Down , Trans Sta -■^5.? -> L OSS To Local Wiring 'mZZZZl Loss to Motor , JO 60 ZL^I. Zl Lossto Motor Belt TQZZZZZZl LosstoMach.Pulley ■ ■ ■ I C fc 1^ 'Ber Cent Efficiency Fig. 41. Power efficiencies' water. foregoing plates, because it includes long distance electrical trans- mission, as given on the lower sections of the diagram. If desired, this diagram can be used to obtain the losses or the net efficiency for long distance transmission in connection with any of the previ- ously described diagrams. STEAM POWER 483 Figure 42 forcibly depicts the superior efficiency of water power, indicating- tliat it is 604% more efficient than steam power at its best, 209% more efficient than producer gas power and 178% more efficient than oil power. In addition, nature continually replenishes the " white coal " for the water power, while man constantly de- pletes nature's storehouses to supply the fuel for the other classes. Although the comparisons indicated by this last diagram are startling and would make it appear that water power had an almost immeasurable value, it must be remembered that the cost of installa- tion is in most instances large and that the water supply must be utilized as it is afforded by nature, unless storage reservoirs are provided of ample capacity to impound the freshets at situations on the stream or river where a maximum amount of the runofC from a given watershed can be retained, with ample pondage facili- ffifater Mechanical Tram mterLoco^ fleet Trons mterionq DisT HighTenEI Irons Oil Mechanical Tran^ Oil Local Elect Tram Cos MechanicolTran^ 6as Local EiedTram Steam Mechanical Trcf)3i Steam Local Elect Tnaru Fig. 42. ^o 30 Per Cent Efficiency Comparative efficiencies of various sources of power. ties at the plant to regulate daily fluctuations. All these facts tend to increase the cost of hydraulic power and decrease the value of power sites, except in sections especially favored by nature, remote from a fuel supply, where a demand exists for a volume of high grade power within reasonable transmission range. Investment Efficiency. All of the diagrams previously described show only what may be termed the " physical efficiency " of the several plants ; but there is another factor of greater importance, as indicated by the above statement in regard to the cost of water power, this has been called " investment efficiency." Physical effi- ciency applies only to the utilization of the elemental factors, in- vestment efficiency considers the cost necessary to control and apply these elements ; and the ideal power to be selected for a given situa- tion will be that which shows the greatest economy when both the " physical " and " investment " efficiencies are maximum. The " investment efficiency " has no definite base for unity, such as the heat value of a fuel or the potential energy of water, but is obtained by determining the ratio between one or more known capitalized costs ; the " capitalized cost " being the capital invested in the project plus the sum obtained by capitalizing the total annual expenditures at the rate of interest allowed on the capital invested. 484 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA To illustrate: A steam power plant costs $100,000 and the rate of intei-est is ^%. The annual expendituie l(» oiieiate this plant is $50,000; then the "capitalized cost" will be $100,000+ ($50,000-^ 0.05), or $100,000 -+- $1,000,000 - $1,100,000. A iiydraulic plant to sujtply the same service costs $150,000 and the annual operating exi)ense is $20,000. At the same rate of interest previously allowed, the '"capitalized cost" will be $150,000 X ($20,000 V 0.05) -$550,- 000. The "capitalized cost" of the steam plant is $550,000 more than that for the hydraulic installation, and calling the hydraulic plant capitalization unity the steam plant has a 507f, " investment efficiency." The above method is the simi)lest way to determine the best in- vestment, and it can be ])roved to be accurate by making a more detailed analysis. For example : liach of the above plants has a rated capacity of 1,800 h.jx and delivers annually 6.000,000 h.]i. hrs. ; then the expenditure per h.j). hr. for the steam i)lant will be $50,000 -^ 6,000,000 = $0.00833. or S'.fj mills, and the interest charges, $100,- 000 X (0.05- 6.000,000) = $0.0008, making the total cost per h.p. hr. $0.00913. For the hydraulic plant the expenditure per h.p. hr. will be $20,000-=- 6.000,000 - $0 00333. or 3i/j milLs, and the interest charges. $1 50.000 X (0.05 ~ 6,000,000) - $.0012 1, making the total cost per h.p. hr. $0.00333 + $0.00124 -$0.00457. From the above it will be seen that the steam power costs twice as much as the hydraulic, and, accordingly, it has an ''investment elficiency " of only 50%. The manufacturer of power equipment usually presents to the pros]>ective purchaser the economies of his apparatus viewed from the standpoint of " physical efficiency," claiming that this is the most important factor to consider in securing low cost power. The central station managers purport to fix their charges for ])ower below the apparent cost of other forms of power, and they are dis- posed to exaggerate the cost of such power, placing particular em- phasis on the " investment efficiency," in order that they may secure a maximum return for their commodity. The consulting engineer is constantly confronted with inaccurate statements in regard to the cost of power that are devised to convey erroneous impressions, either through intent or otherwise, with every advan- tage taken of bookkeeping ambiguities. In this manner reports are circulated that are incomplete or coini)iled with the specific purpose of misleading, and it is almost impossible to dispel these influences and convince a client that the advanced claims cannot be substan- tiated in actual i)ractice. The greatest discrepancies are encoun- tered in the figures given for the cost of steam power, and within certain limits this is to be anticipated, on account of the many contro'lling factors later enumerated ; but with a fair comprehen- sion of the premises any competent engineer should be able to analyze given conditions and compile an estimate which will be sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. Should two reliable engineers report on the same project, it is likely that their figures for the cost of power would not vary more than 5% and probably less, if the general conditions governing the layout were sufficiently STEAM POWER 485 well defined by the local surroundings to occasion the presentation of two similar designs. We do not mean by the above statement that the estimated cost of the installations would necessarily be within 5%. but that the cost for a unit of power for a given iJeriod of time would be within these limits. An engine salesman blandly informs the prospective purchaser that he can furnish an engine which will generate 1 h.p., meaning indicated h.p., using only 16 lbs. of steam per hi., and that with reasonably efficient boilers this would mean about 1.75 lbs. of coal per hr. per h.p. The central station rei>resentative disjjutes this claim, stating that it will require at least 23 lbs. of steam, or 2.5 lbs. 7000 10 40 50 60 ro Percent of time- 100% of ^irnc irear of 6760 Hours Fig. 43. Effect of storage and auxiliary power. of coal, per hr. per h.p. The latter had considered the mechanical losses in the engine, the losses in the auxiliarie.s, the generator losses, the wiring losses and the motor losses, figuring on the power delivered to the line shafting or machines where it was to be utilized. Somev.hat disturbed, the victim seeks the advice of a specialist, only to learn that both statements are correct. Then confusion becomes chaos and a task is set for the counselor if he tries to convince his client that each advi.^er has told him noihing but the truth, although both have deceived him. The prospective purchaser of power or power equipment will naturally question the reliability of information received from either 486 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA equipment manufacturers or the central station agents, as he ap- preciates that the opinions advanced may be biased; accordingly, the influence of inaccurate statements from these sources is some- what restricted ; but when a company, generating power for its own use, becomes imbued with the idea that it has succeeded, by some special dispensation, in overthrowing the laws which regulate costs and thus has accomplished results that have not and cannot be attained, it is almost impossible to refute such statements or to convince the self-deceived party as to the error of its ways, and prevent the conversion of others into an acceptance of the false theories. Admitting the difficulties encountered in endeavoring to secure records and accurate information in regard to the cost of power, due to the many variables that affect such costs, it is absurd to assume that it is impossible to compute or predetermine with reasonable accuracy the cost of power for a given service or to claim that the secret of efficient and economical power generation is the special knowledge of an esoteric few. What has been once accomplished can be repeated; yet from the evidence which has been placed before us purporting to be accurate records of power costs, this logic seems to be refuted. Much of the difficulty encountered in refuting inaccurate costs can be attributed to a confusion of the technical terms used in con- nection with power measurement and a lack of understanding in regard to the units of power measurement. In most instances the difficulty of comparison would be removed if the point of power measurement was clearly defined. It has been an almost universal custom to compute and compare power costs on the basis of 1 h.p. per yr., using the term " cost per horsepower year," an absolutely meaningless expression having no significance unless it be specifi- cally defined by the number of hours' operation per year, the point of measuring the power and Avhether or not it be indicated, brake or electric horsepower, and if transmitted electric power whether it as metered on the high or low tension side of the consumers' trans- formers. The only true unit for the measurement of power or for comparison of cost is the kilo\vatt or horse-power hour, then it does not matter what the hours of the sei'vice may be, for at the same point of delivery any class of power can be compared without con- fusion or conveying false impressions. In view of the above noted conditions, the following definitions are inserted : Indicated Horsepower; Notation : i.h.p. — This is the power gen- erated in the cylinder, or cylinders, of a reciprocating or rotating engine and is the measure of the energy exerted by the steam or gas as determined by an indicating mechanism which does not record the mechanical or friction loss in the engine itself. Brake Horsepower; Notation : b.h.p. — This is the mechanical energy delivered by an engine, waterwheel, motor or at any other mechanical appliance, as determined by applying a friction brake or electrical resistance, thus weighing the power. For an engine the b.h.p. will be the i.h.p. minus the losses in the engine itself, and the h.h.p. is usually from 90 to 95% of the i.h.p. STEAM POWER 487 Electrical Horsepower ; Notation : e.h.p. — This is the power in the electric current which is delivered at the terminals of the electric generator, at the switchboard or at the motors, and is the b.h.p, minus the mechanical and electrical losses in the generator ; or, if delivered to the motors, the above losses plus the losses in the wiring. For electric generators the efficiencies will be from 90 to 96% of the b.h.p. of the driving element, if the generator is directly connected to the prime mover without intervening belts or gearing. Horsepower Hours; Notation: h.p.-hrs. — This is the number of horsepowers utilized in one hour, or the numbers of hours during which one hor.sepower is utilized. To illustrate : — A plant operates for 300 days of 10 hours each, or for a total of 3,000 hours, and generates continuously during this period 10 horsepower. This is equal to 10 X 3,000, or 30,000 h.p.-hrs. Another plant operates for 1 day of 10 hours, or a total of 10 hours, and generates continuously during this period 3.000 h.p. ; then 3,000 X 10 = 30,000 h.p.-hrs. Kilowatt Hours; Notation: kw.-hrs. — Same as above, multiplied by the decimal 0.746. In other words, .75 of 1 kw. is approxi- mately equal to 1 h.p. or 1 kw. equals l^/f^ h.p. Rated Capacity; Notation; r. c. — The term rated capacity as herein used is the maximum normal capacity of the plant equip- ment, expressed as horsepower for the size of the plant, or as h.p.-hrs. for the load it will carry during a given period of time. Nominal Capacity ; Notation: n. c. — The nominal capacity of a plant is the output from the equipment when operating at its maxi- mum efficiency, or with the load for which it was designed. Capacity Factor ; Notation : c. f. — This is the ratio between the total output of the plant if run at its "rated capacity" for 365 days of 24 hrs., or for 8,760 hrs. per yr., and the actual output of the plant) in the same period. For example: — A i^lant with equii)ment to generate 100 h.p. "rated capacity" has sufficient capacity to deliver 8,760 X 100 = 876,000 h.p.-hrs. per' yr., but it is in operation 300 days of 10 hrs. each per yr. with an average load of 80 h.p. ; thus its total annual output is 300 XI X 80 - 240,000 h.p.-hrs., and the "capacity factor" will be (240,000-^876,000) X 100 = 27.4%. Load Factor ; Notation : 1. f. — This is the ratio between the aver- age output of the station and the maximum, or " peak " load which is imposed upon it. For example : — In the foregoing plant men- tioned under " Capacity Factor " there was an average load of 80 h.p., but it was designed to carry continuously a load of 100 h.p.; therefore, the 1. f. is (80^100) x 100 = 80%. The 1. f. for central stations varies from 30 to 50%, seldom exceeding the latter figure in the best managed plants. For industrial plants the 1. f. will rary from 60 to 90%, averaging at least 75% and seldom falling below 60%. Power Factor; Notation: p. f. — This factor has no direct relation to the cost of power, except as it is an element which must be con- sidered in selecting the generator and motor equipment for a given service. It is a condition peculiar to alternating current apparatus, very difficult to define intelligibly except to familiar with the theory of alternating currents. The current in an alternating cir- 488 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cuit may or may not be in phase (in step) with the electro-motive force, or the pressure wliich forces tlie current through the circuit. The volt is the unit of measure for the electro-motive force, and the ampere for the current. The amperage may either lead or fall behind the voltage. This condition is due to the magnetizing watt- less (that is powerless) current required by alternating apparatus. It will be noted that this magnetizing current is powerless, and it, accordingly, does not appreciably affect the capacity of the prime mover ; but it does have material effect upon the size of generator that is driven by the prime nriover, as the wattless current causes heating in the generator, and therefore the greater this wattless current the larger will be the generator required. The power factor is the ratio of the useful power in watts, as recorded by the wattmeter, to the apparent power in volt-amperes, determined by readings fi'om the volt and ammeters. (Hence if the kilovolt ampere, kva., capacity of generator is multi- plied by the power factor, the product is the kilowatt, kw., capac- ity). The power factor of a plant depends largely on the character of the motor installation, and to maintain a high p. f. it is important that the motors operate continuously at or near their full load capa- city. If the average " load factor " of a mill is 60% of the maxi- mum load, the motors should be installed with " nominal capacities " to carry this 60% load ; but they should have *' rated capacities " sufficient to temporarily withstand the overload which will be im- posed when the 1. f. becomes unity, or 100%; that is, motors had better be too small rather than too large. Conversely, the gener- ator must have ample surplus capacity, in order to avoid overheat- ing when delivering current to a system with a low average p. f. The p. f. can never be more than 100%, but with an incandescent lamp, or non-inductive load, it can attain this figure. A good average p. f. for a motor instalhttion is 80%; many plants do not exceed 75%, and 60% is considered a low p. f. (An ordinary power factor for electric generators is 85 to 90%.) Cost Factors. The general factors which control the cost of power are the investment required, the fixed charges necessary to main- tain the investment, the operating charges, the load factor and the capacity factor. These are sub-divided as follows : rCost of equipment. i C Capacity factor. Investment . . . .< Cost of buildings Lvalue of land. Fixed J^"axef* charges -^ In.surance, [Renewals — (Sinking fund.) TRepairs. 1 Operating Labor. charges -^^ Supplies. J-Load Fuel. » factor. Iwater. J Both the capacity and the load factors have important influence on the cost of power, as will be noted by referring to the definitions STEAM POWER 489 previously given for these terms. The c. f, affects more specifically the investment and fixed charges, while the 1. f. has more effect upon the operating charges. In addition to the above, there are specific factors which affect water power and power transmitted electrically from central sta- tions or water powers remote from the place of usage. These are as follows : Water power: Water rental. Storage charges. Transmitted power: Transmission charges : Patrol of lines. Repairs of lines. Distribution charges : Sub-station operation, including labor, repairs and supplies. Local Ime patrol and repairs. Overhead charges : Management. Clerical or office. General Consideration. The prospective power user may have three means of securing the desired power. First, by purchasing power from a public service or other distributing company ; second, if water power is available, by thus generating his own power ; or third, by installing a fuel operated plant. Ofttimes he must select fjom two only of^the above, and in many instances from the latter class only. It is obviously impossible to give any general rules or even ap- proximate average figures which will apply to the cost of a hydrau- lic installation, and, hence, the cost of the power generated thereby, as each project present.^ pioblems occasioned by the natural condi- tions which require special engineering study. The costs of hydraulic and hydro-electric developments constructed in the past have varied from ?30 to $300 per h.p. of rated capacity, a range of 1,00T)%, and the cost per h.p.-hr. varies accordingly. In a few instances con-- tracts have been made for the delivery of hydro-electric power at the switchboards in the generating stations for $9 per h.p.-yr. of 8,760 hrs., or for slightly more than one mill per h.p.-hr. ; and a cost of 5 mills per h.p.-hr. for 8.760 hrs. can be considered a reasonable figure. Fortunately the other commercial systems of power generation are not surrounded by any such uncertainties as exist in connection with h-ydraulic plants. Local conditions will have some effect on the cost of installation, such as unstable foundation materials, re- moteness from ba.'^e of supplies with insufficient transportation facili- ties, dearth or imi)urity of water for boiler feed, etc., and scarcity of competent labor ; but such obstructions will occur only in isolated instances. The cost of fuel, water and labor for a given location is usually readily predetermined, and the cost of installation under 490 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ordinary circumstances will very closely approach an average for a plant of given size. The scope of this paper is limited to those power users who have the alternative of purchasing power from some commercial plant, or of generating their own power from fuel, and as an aid in determining which type of apparatus to adopt when fuel is to be employed. It is impossible in this article to enter into the technical details of analysis whereby the accompanying data are secured ; but the de- ductions herein recorded are all derived from the results of actual practice and not by theoretical computations. While this paper is abbreviated and does not include all of the data which it is pro- posed ultimately to issue in connection with this subject, it does contain the information that a mill owner or manufacturer might desire if he wished to determine with a reasonable degree of accuracy the approximate cost for a given class of power, in order to compare the same with any other class on which the price per h.p.-hr. is established. It appears advisable to touch upon a few of the salient features pertaining to the design of power plants in general and particularly to mention the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of installations herein discussed. There is a prevailing tendency towards the almost universal adoption of the electric drive by all industries of any magnitude ; accordingly, all of the accompanying diagrams for cost of installa- tion and labor are compiled on this basis. The convenience, cleanli- ness, flexibility and reliability of the electric drive, combined with its high efficiency, as noted on Figs. 38-41, fully justify its use. While the efficiencies given on the diagrams indicate that mechani- cal transmission is somewhat more efficient than electrical, it must be remembered that intermittent service, occasioning low load fac- tor, the segregation of equipment and other practical conditions may be such that the electric drive may equal the mechanical drive, or perhaps excel it in efficiency. The aim to be sought in designing any type of power plant is to secure as simple an arrangement of equipment and structures as can be obtained to produce the desired results without sacrificing efficiency, flexibility and reliability. To attain simplicity and economy of operation the equipment should consist of a few large units, the total power being so sub-divided by the apparatus em- ployed that a maximum of working efficiency can be obtained under the conditions imposed by the load factor. The units should be selected with the intention of operating them continuously at their "normal capacity," so far as practicable with a "rated capacity" sufficient to accommodate the " peak " load without excessive over- loading or falling off in efficiency. The merits of water power are almost self-evident, the principal expense of operation being confined to the investment and fixed charges, as the labor cost is very small and there is no fuel bill. The disadvantages of water power are the high cost of develop- ment ; restriction of application, due to limited radius of distribu- STEAM POWER 491 tion ; and last, but not least, the intermittent stream flow which exists on most rivers, causing fluctuations in the available power. In many instances the last condition can be ameliorated to a large extent for a comparatively small expenditure, if the magnitude of the river is sufficient to warrant the construction of storage reser- voirs and the users on the stream are broad enough to combine forces for the attainment of a mutual benefit. The value of storage is not well understood ; if it were, much more active steps would be taken to derive the benefits which it affords. Properly controlled storage is utilized to augment the stream flow at periods of low water, and in most cases it keeps in operation equipment which would otherwise lie idle, or be partially operated only ; therefore, the only cost required to utilize storage water is the reservoir charges. One million cu. ft. of water falling 1 ft. will theoretically develop 62,500.000 ft.-lbs., or 1,894 h.p. for one minute, which is equivalent to 31.56 h.p.-hrs. If this water is used in a hydro-electric installa- tion having eflSciencies, as shown by Fig. 41, there would be de- livered to the generator terminals, or the station switchboard, 31.56 X (73.7^ 100) = 23.26 h.p.-hrs. On the basis of 1 mill per h.p.-hr. (the lowest price for power within the writer's knowledge, as pre- viously quoted), this amount of water would be worth 2\^ cts. if used with a fall of 1 ft. It can be proven easily that developed Maine water power is worth not less than 2 mills per e.h.p.-hr., or $17.52 per yr. of 8,760 hrs., and in most instances it is worth more than 3 mills, or $26.28 per yr. With the value of power at the latter figure and with storage basins costing not in excess of $125 per 1,000,000 cu. ft. of capacity, it will only be necessary to utilize the water on a head of 160 ft. to show a net return of at least 6% on the investment, in addition to an allowance of 3% for the cost of maintenance and operation ; and in many cases it will be found commercially profitable to develop extensive storage on streams where the total utilized fall does not exceed 100 ft. Next to storage in importance, if not of equal importance, is the securing of ample pondage at or near the hydraulic power station to compensate for the daily fluctuations of stream flow, in order that the full quantity of water which passes the plant during a given period may be used in varying quantities through the wheels to satisfy the irregular load factor, which is bound to exist, without permitting any of the water to be wasted over the dam, except in case of freshets. Certain industries, such as ground wood pulp- mills and electrochemical works, are not dependent to any extent upon pondage, as the output can be varied to suit the water con- ditions; but all industries are directly benefited by storage, because the stored water is that which would have been wasted during the high water seasons. The value of water power has been often overestimated, resulting in the consummation of developments that never could show a proper return on the investment. It has been, however, more often under- valued and unwisely abandoned or disregarded, particularly in 492 MliCllAXlCAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA connet tion with those milln that require steam for the partial l)iei)Hia.tion of their jiroduer. Probably the realization of the full benefits to be derived from water i)Ower is best secured when it is operated in conjunction with auxiliary power in soniw form , with steam power if there is a use for the exhaust, or when cheap fuel is available, and with gas or oil engines where fuel is high. Auxiliary power bears a relation to water power similar to that occupied by the storage reservoir, for it not only provides power during the periods of low water, but it increases the average amount of water poioer that can be economically utilized continuously. This latter feature was not mentioned in cannection with the fore- going comments on storage reservoirs, as at that time we were endeavoring to show only the value of the storage to existing or contemplated installations, without incurring any additional expense for increased i)lant capacity; but there is afforded by the creation of storage a still further power increase which is best illustrated by the diagram Fig. 4 3. This diagram shows the amount of h.p. that can be obtained from a typical river, with the natural stream flow arranged in order of its magnitude and not according to sea- sonal fluctuations. The vertical lines represent time, the total 100% being equal to the 8,760 hrs. in one yr. Any volume of power, as indicated by the figures on the lefthand margin of the diagram and the corresponding horizontal line, can be obtained for a period of time equivalent to that designated by the figures on the lower margin for all amounts below and to the left of the curve marked " natural stream flow." For example: Following up the line 10 from the lower margin until it intersects the upper solid line curve, then reading the figures horizontally opposite on the left margin, shows that 5,000 h.p. can be secured for 10% of one yr., or during 0.10X8,760=^876 hrs.; that is, there can be obtained a total of 876 X 5,000 = 4,380,000 h.p.- hrs. The total area of the diagram below the " stream flow " curve represents the total quantity of power which the water could de- velop in the year of 8,760 hrs. The horizontal line marked "average available power, complete storage." cuts the above " stream flow " curve at the point where the area of the enclosed space above the horizontal line between the left margin and the full line curve is equal to the area of the space below the horizontal line confined between the "stream flow" curve and the right margin of the diagram, and. therefore, shows the average amount of power in the water if it could be distributed uniformly throughout the year, or for the 100% time period. This shows that the average power is 2,600 h.p., or 43.5% of the maxi- mum 6,000 h.p. The whole rectangle below the horizontal line at 600 h.i)., which is the intersection of the flow curve with the 100% time factor line, shows the quantity of power that can be utilized continuously with- out the aid of storage or auxiliary power, and this is equal to only 23% of the average power available and but 10% of the maximum power. The area of the above rectangle represents graphically the STEAM POWER 493 h.p.-hrs., amounting in total to 600 X 8,760 - 5,256.000 h p.-hrs. per yr. Assume tliat a storage reservoir be constructed of sufficient capacity to impound the equivalent of 700,000 h. p.-hrs. ; this amount, if uniformly distributed thioughout the year, would make the total yield 5,956,000 h. p.-hrs., or would increase the available power 13.3%, making a total of 680 h.p. ; but this is not the actual increase. The storage volume in terms of h. p.-hrs. can be represented on the diagram in two ways, either by placing a rectangular area equiv- alent to the quantity of h. p.-hrs. above the rectangle which indi- cates the constant power available or by plotting an irregular figure of the same area to the right and above the "stream flow" curve, the end on the 100% time line with the top a horizontal line meeting the " stream flow " curve. It will be noted that the horizontal boundary line of the storage area terminates on the " stream flow " curve at the point of intersection between it and the 70% time factor vertical, and that for the balance or for 70% of the time that the vertical distance from the base or zero power line to the power curve is always greater than that at the above point of intersec- tion ; hence, there will always be a sufficient volume of water from the natural stream flow to develop continuously in conjunction with the storage or auxiliary power the amount determined by the alti- tude of the power scale at the previously described point of inter- section, or for 1,000 h.p., as shown on the diagram. If the hori- zontal boundary of the storage area be projected aci'oss the diagram, the area of that portion of the diagram below this line will repre- sent the total number of h.p.-hrs. available. This area is 1,000 X 8,760 = 8.760,000 h.p.-hrs. ; therefore, the reservoir actually has in- creased the available power from 5,256,000 to the above amount, or by 66.5% instead of 13.5%, as was shown by the uniform distribu- tion of the conserved water employed for the previously given storage values. The existence of storage will alter the profile of the " stream flow " curve, increasing it at the minimum flow and decreasing it at the maximum, making it conform to the lower dotted curve shown on the diagram, the area between the two curves being equal to the area of the storage. As previously stated, auxiliary power in any form has the same effect as storage on the available power, and by considering the 700,000 h.p.-hrs. on the diagram as derived from steam or other sovirce, the annual output will be the same. The capacity of the auxiliary plant can be determined readily from the diagram, for the maximum altitude of the storage area as measured by the power scale indicates the greatest amount of power that will be required, and by flnding the mean altitude of the storage area the average power is obtained ; these are for the case under discussion, respec- tively 400 h.p. and 266 X h.p. STEAM BOILERS AND ENGINES No attempt will be made to compare the relative merits of steam apparatus other than to state what modern engineering practice would indicate to be the best equijiment to select for a given service. Both water tube and fire tube boilers have practically the same 494 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA efficiency when properly designed. Water tube boilers can be eco- nomically built for much larger unit capacities than the fire tube ; hence, they occupy less space and afford a simplicity in general design which is desirable for large installations. They are also more immune from the danger of explosion than other types. As a unit the water tube boiler and setting is more complicated than the horizontal return tubular or vertical "Manning" type of boiler; accordingly, for a small plant the latter types are generally more economical, both to install and operate. In most cases reciprocating steam engines will prove the most economical for small plants having from 1 to 3 units of not more than 500 h.p. each. For installations requiring units of from 500 to 2,000 h.p. capacity, it is debatable whether or not the reciprocating engine or steam turbine should be adopted. In case the electric drive is not readily applicable, it is safe to assume that the re- ciprocating engine is the best ; but if the electric drive is applicable and particularly if the 1. f. is such that the equipment cannot be consistently operated at or near its " nominal capacity," then the steam turbine is the natural selection, on account of its ability to operate on fractional or overloads without sustaining the efficiency losses incident to operating steam engines under similar conditions. In addition to the advantage of working range afforded by the steam turbine, it occupies much less space than the reciprocating engine and with the present state of perfection it is a simpler ma- chine. On the other hand, the condensing equipment for the turbine must be more refined than that provided for an engine, on account of the high vacuum which must be maintained if the turbine is operated efficiently. This condition incurs additional upkeep and operation expenses, as well as first cost. For units of more than 2,000 h.p, capacity, the steam turbine will usually prove to be the most economical. The cost per h.p. for turbine and engine equipments with gener- ators will be approximately the same for the smaller sizes up to units of about 800 h.p. capacity; above this size the turbine will cost somewhat less than the engine, and as the unit size still further increases the proportionate cost will constantly change in favor of the turbine outfit. GAS ENGINES The gas engine has by no means received the recognition in this country which it deserves, while in Europe it has been accepted and utilized most successfully. The abundance of cheap high grade fuels available in what appeared until recently to be unlimited quantities has caused the consumer to be lethargic toward any at- tempt at economizing in its use. Further than this, to speak plainly, the American manufacturer, in spite of his boasted acumen, canny business deals and claims to progressiveness, is most loathe to adopt many of the so-called " new ideas " that have long since become ancient history to our more scientific competitors in both England and continental Europe. STEAM POWER 495 Producers and gas engines are more efficient under working con- ditions ttian ttie corresponding steam equipment. Gas power plants require no high pressure piping and suffer no leak or condensation losses. As an auxiliary, the gas plant has no superior, for large quantities of gas can be stored in holders and be ready for service with the fires dead — the standby losses are less than for the steam plant and the smoke nuisance is eliminated ; no small factor when one considers the pall which now hangs over most of our cities. The waste heat from the gas engine exhaust can be utilized for heating purposes and from 2 to 3 lbs. of steam can be generated with any desired pressure up to 50 lbs. per each b.h.p.-hr. The disadvantages of the gas plant are its high cost of installa- tion and the fact that the engines must be operated at practically their " nominal capacity " with a " rated," or overload, capacity about 10% in excess of the " nominal." Reliability of service was at one time a formidable stumblmg block which checked the progress of gas power plants, but this obstacle has now become a myth that need not be seriously regarded. The producer gas plant should appeal particularly to all Maine power users, for many sections of the state are provided with an abundant sui)ply of peat in accessible bogs, and this low grade fuel can be utilized most efficiently in a properly designed producer. For a treatise on this subject see Bulletin 376, U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, Peat Deposits of Maine, by E. S. Bastin & C. A. Davis. The word " peat " undoubtedly has a discordant sound to some owing to the many fake schemes which have been exploited having the ostensible purpose of drying, preparing and distributing peat for commercial uses. But this impression we trust will be dispelled by stating that instead of transporting the peat the gas plant should be located at the bog or mine, and the power generated should be transmitted electrically to its destination, following the same prin- ciple applied when a water power station is constructed on a river at some favorable site. The peat for a producer requires no artificial preparation or manipulation other than that necessary to excavate, air dry and deliver to the furnace, because it can be fired when containing from 30 to 50% of moisture, a feat now being successfully accomplished in Europe on a commercial scale. The cost for mining peat should not exceed $1 per ton, including delivering to the plant, and this cost can be entirely obliterated by the return from the by-products which can be derived if the installa- tion is of sufficient size to warrant the cost of constructing a re- covery plant for extracting the procurable sulphate of ammonia. There is from 2 to 3% of nitrogen in American peats ; as sulphate of aininonia, this material has a market price of 3 cts. per lb., cost- ing about 1 ct. per lb. for reclamation. In each short ton of peat there are from 180 to 280 lbs. of sulj^hate of ammonia, and not less than 90 lbs. per ton can be produced commercially, having a value of $2 70 and costing about $0.90, showing a gross profit of $1.80 per ton of peat used as fuel. It is safe to state that the cost for 496 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA fuel in a peat gas plant would be nothing if it has 4,000 h.p. or more capacity, which is an amount sufficient to insure the economical production of ammonium sulphate. The ordinary grades of bituminous coals contain about 80 lbs. of available sulphate of ammonia per short ton, and its recovery shows a corresponding return. The writer feels certain that gas engine, peat or coal fired, aux- iliary power plants will be extensively utilized locally in connection with hydro-electric installations at no remote future date. OIL. ENGINES From a theoretical standpoint there is no fuel power so attractive as that afforded by the oil engine, and the ideal is now partially realized in actual practice, although the application of the oil engine has been much restricted on account of the exorbitant costs which have been maintained by the manufacturers holding the patent rights on the most successful types of oil engine equipment. Following the policy usually applied for determining the value of power, the cost of steam generated power has been taken as the base from which the sale price of oil engines was determined, estab- lishing the cost for the oil apparatus at a figure just low enough to show a small margin of saving by its adoption, but in reality absurdly high when compared with the true cost of the equipment required. Such a procedure is shortsighted in the writer's opinion and this conclusion is apparently sustained by the purchasing public if we take the slow growth of the oil engine field in this country as a criterion upon which to base our decision. The oil engine plant is very simple, comprising the engine proper, an air compressor and a fuel storage tank. It is ready for instant service without standby losses ; there is no smoke nuisance ; there is no dirt or dust such as accompanies the generating equipment of the steam and gas plants with their incumbent coal storage, and a minimum amount of operating labor is required. As against these advantages there exists the high cost of installation, with corre- spondingly excessive cost for repairs, and large single units have not yet been perfected in America. In all probability these two con- siderations will not long continue to offer obstructions against the more general application of this excellent prime mover, for the expiration of the " Diesel " patents already has created an under- current of activity on the part of the heavy machinery and engine builders which bids fair to cause brisk competition in the manufac- ture and sale of oil engine equipment, a condition that will of neces- sity incite perfection in design and reduce the initial cost. It has been claimed that the future of the oil engine was threat- ened by the uncertainty regarding the ultimate cost of its fuel, on the ground that its extensive introduction would so increase the demand for oil that the supply would prove inadequate. At this time no one can foretell how much oil is available, but it is certain that there exist vast oil beds still undiscovered and that with a perceptible increase in consumption there will be an incentive to locate " strikes " which will substantially augment the present STEAM POWER 497 supply, and no reason can be seen for anticipating any material increase in the cost of fuel oil. Cost of Installations. The average cost for complete electric power plants of known " rated " horsepower capacity are given on Fig. 44. To obtain the co^t for a contemplated plant it is necessary to determine the "load factor" which will establish the "nominal" and the " rated," or full, capacity required. To secure a uniformity of comparison in illustrating the applica- tion of the diagram.s which follow, 3 hypothetical operating con- ditions will ba assumed for a proposed installation having a "rated capacity" of 4,000 e.h.p. and a "load factor" of 80%, making the "nominal" or "working capacity" 3,200 e.h.p. In the first case, .' ^ J 4 i 6 r d 9 10 II /i 13 14 15 IS 17 li Rarea Copacity of Pionr m huncirec] H P Fig. 44. Cost of complete electric power plants. the plant operates for 300 days of 10 hrs. per day, or for a total of 3,000 hrs., and produces 3,200X3,000 = 9,600,000 h.p.-hrs. per yr. The total full capacity of the plant is 4,000 X 8,760 = 35,040,000 h.p.-hrs. per yr. ; hence the "capacity factor" is (9,600,000 -=- 35,040,- 000) X 100 = 27.4%. In the second case the plant operates for 865 days of 18 hrs., or for a total of 6,570 hrs., producing 6.570 X 3,200 = 21,024,000 h.p -hrs. per annum, making the "capacity factor" 607o. In the third case the plant operates at its full " nominal capacity for 365 days of 24 hrs., producing 28,032,000 h.p.-hrs. per annum and having a "capacity factor" of practically 80%; all of the foregoing powers being measured at the station switchboard. The " capacity factor " can never be maintained continuously at 498 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 100% in any installation, because it would be impossible to design a plant which could be practically oper-ated at its full " rated " capacity. To obtain the costs of installation from Fig-. 44, select the rated h.p. capacity of the plant as designed on the right-hand vertical margin and trace the horizontal line opposite the desired capacity to the intersection of the curves, then follow down the vertical line at these intersections to the cost per h.p., which is given on the lower margin. For example: The 1,500 h.p. horizontal intersects the "steam electric" curve at $56, the "producer gas" at $70 and the " oil electric " at $100, while for a 500 h.p. plant the intersec- tions are at $63, $80 and $108, respectively. It will be noted that for " rated " capacities in excess of 1,500 h.p., the cost is practically constant, and, therefore, the cost for the 4,000 h.p. plant will be 4,000 X $56 ^ $224,000 for steam; 4,000 X $70 = $280,000 for gas, and 4,000 X $100 = $400,000 for oil. Fuels. Fuel has a most important influence in affecting the cost of power and every effort should be made to reduce its consump- tion to the minimum amount consistent with the practical econom- ical operation of the given system ; but the necessity of utilizing fuel with a maximum economy has often been advocated when the ex- pense of so doing would increase the cost per h.p. hr. for the power, owing to the refined apparatus required, with the greater interest and repair charges thus incurred, in addition to an increased labor cost due to the skillful mechanics required to properly operate the more complicated equipment. It is lamentable to observe the painstaking efforts made by coal users to reduce the inroads into the coal pile by improving the mechanical conditions at their power stations, at the same time permitting the most slipshod methods to prevail when purchasing the commodity they so cherish. To purchase coal, or any form of fuel, by securing bids from reputable dealers for a certain trade grade shows an ignorance not encountered in the valuation of any other material. No buyer would pay for an ore except on the show- ing of its assay, which would be determined and certified by an expert. The merchant selects and pays for his cotton on the basis of its staple, not because it was grown in Alabama or Mississippi, but the manufacturer ordinarily makes his coal selection on name and price only, utterly disregarding the fact that he should en- deavor to obtain a heat value return for his expenditure, and that no specific name, such as "New River, West Virginia, coal," or a dealer's business integrity will be a guarantee that he is getting his money's worth. The measure of any fuel depends entirely on the number of avail- able heat units which it contains, and it should be ])aid for on this basis. A unit of heat value is the thermal unit (notation B.t.u.) and it is an inexpensive process to determine the quality of a fuel by making a " proximate analysis " that will show its B.t.u. content. Consumers receiving their coal in consignments of 300 tons or over should always purchase under contract specifications that state STEAM POWER 499 the price to be paid for the B.t.u. content of the coal ; the actual price paid ter ton for the coal supplied to be established pro rata by test. It might be assumed that a single careful test of the coal for a given mine would be sufficient to insure a uniform quality, if it could be definitely proved that each shipment was made from the same mine ; but this is not true, because the method of handling coal at the mines, in addition to the variation of the physical and chemical properties of the coal strata from the same mine, will occasion variation in quality which can only be determined by indej)endent tests. The quality of the marketed coal depends in a large measure on the care taken in the preparation at the mines. Carelessness in picking slate or other impurities, or in jigging, or washing will produce a coal of inferior quality when compared with that secured from the same mine but carefully prepared ; also bi- tuminous coal, exposed to the atmosphere gradually depreciates in value and its moisture content has important bearing upon its available B.t.u. content. Buying coal by the ton in the ordinary manner often necessitates the purchasing of a large percentage of water and other impurities which are paid for and transported as coal, but which in reality have no fuel value. The accompanying Table XXXVIII gives the average composition and heat value of several general classifications of fuels, also the producer gas that can be obtained from certain fuels on which reliable tests have been made. The cost of coal has been constantly on the increase and it is most important tliat we consider its probable future cost by making a brief study of past conditions, for such study may occasion the selection of a power plant equipment that would otherwise be dis- regarded, if the present conditions alone are used in deducting the probable investment efficiency. From 1870 to 1910 the population of this country increased from 38,000,000 to 92,000,000, or more than 142%, and the coal consump- tion increased per capita from 0.85 tons to 5.5 tons, or almpst 550%; hence, in 40 years the coal consumption has increased about 4 times as fast as the population. During this interval the average value of coal property has increased from $100 to $2,000 per acre, or 1,900%, which is nearly 4 times the rate of consumption in- crease. When it is remembered that this phenomenal change in volume and value has been accompanied by a corresponding wage increase and more difficult engineering work in connection with the greater depth of the mines, it is a tribute to our application of scientific management in both mine working and transportation that we are not paying several hundred per cent, more for coal at this date than we are ; but " coming events cast their shadows before " and the abnormal rise in mine values, together with the continual labor agitation, makes it almost certain that within a short period the cost of coal at the mines will be increased from 25 to 50% and that a greater proportionate increment of cost will be added as the coal passes the several go-betweens in its transition from the mine to the ultimate consumer. Bituminous coal containing about 14,400 B.t.u. per lb. of fuel can 500 MECHAXICAL AXD ELECTRICAL COST DATA •IBS J8Ci -n-^a C C OC: ^ ?i I- c: • t* ^' S ■ •XiiA^aS outDads ••• '.''•'•'•;'• lA-^^ — x^ e^ui^^ '. *• ^' '^ . . . ; . -ocococococt-: •t~'C:«; • ■ • * CO ■ ' O ■ • M • . . . -O •&bs io 11 00 00 ; «oc»c^ !2 "."j I ] 1 ! ; ^ ; ! ! iS OOr-< c^c:r^3cc;c;On7io.-M'-<=ir. C-. etc CO 'MIC c-lOC TO MC4CC 1—^f^ rr CI C: t-^L-aC CC m'^t't" ifi re .— "occ-rcTf^'oc'ococ c. t-'oc ' H pe.iy SB pnj qi .lacl sbS jo ij no fe c JO pajij SB lenj ■qi jaci nia CO CO < JO aiqusnquioo •qi jaci nva < — aiqusnqiuoD uoqjBO paxij s % — 9iqu -snqiuoo % — jnqflTTis % — qsv % — ajmsioK > < *% — uoq,iBo r-. O C: O t> — — O cot-cCLi«c — SSO t^ r; -r- ?] r- re Lt Ci LsT -r re re fe — — * d" IftMOC Ci C^ t:^ o ~- la oo o t- c-1 « o 3C 4; ce oc i^. p^XK>I % — aiTlBiOA : t^- L.e — u- C-. ^ >- ■ ' X XV. xzr.x -/. r. ■ r. i'. = - ^^5 = ~ • - . X > = X: - - = E ^ -■t%->'H^ i= s-~^2 c . - - . P>.-i : > . ^^;lC^. ;: ^ ^ ^ ;: ■£ X ^ ci .^ s ^ o .r ^ ."T rt STBAM POWER 501 now be purchased at the Maine coast for $3 per long ton and it can be delivered to the station bunkers in most of our inland cities for a total of about |4.60 per long ton. If this fuel is used under boilers of 78% efficiency, the lbs. of water evaporated, or the lbs. of steam generated, can be determined from the " boiler efficiency chart," Fig. 45, as follows: Locate on the lower margin of the diagram the vertical over the 14,400 B.t.u. and follow up on this 7 d 9 W II 12 13 14 15 Id 17 Id 19 Heat Value In B.tu Per Unit of Fuel Conturj^ible Fig. 45. Boiler efficiency chart. line to the intersection of the diagonal line representing 78% boiler efficiency and read on the left. margin the water evaporated, which is in this instance 11.5 lbs. Any reputable boiler manufacturer can guarantee the efficiency of a boiler if he knows the quality of cual that will be used for with this information the proper ratio of grate and heating surface area can be provided. The selection of a boiler, including its setting, must be made 502. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA with the same care and application of the specialist's knowledge as is devoted to any other accessory in a power plant. In many in- stances it can be shown, upon making a careful study of a problem, that a cheap grade of fuel with a low boiler efficiency is more eco- nomical than an expensive fuel yielding a high boiler efficiency. To prove this we will take a semi-bituminous fuel containing 11,100 B.t.u. per lb., costing $4.60 per ton at the bunkers, and a low grade bituminous, such as Western, containing 11,230 B.t.u. per lb. and costing $2.50 per ton delivered, using both in the same boiler fur- nace. The higher grade of coal will permit the practical operation of the boilers at an efficiency of 75% and the cheap grade with an ethciency of 60%. Referring to the diagram Pig. 45, it will be found that 11.2 lbs, of water can be evaporated with the good coal and 6.9 lbs. with the poor. This shows that the relative fuel value is as 6.9-4- 11.2 — 0.616, and it will be necessary to use 1.00 -f- 0.616 -- 1,623 tons of the cheap fuel to generate the steam that can be produced with 1 ton of the higher grade: therefore. 1.623 X $2.50 = $4.06 will be the cost of an equivalent amount of the lower grade coal. This shows that the supposedly poor fuel will yield l($4.60 — $4.06) ^ $4.06] X 100 - 13.3% better return for the same expenditure than the good. With the cheaper fuel more coal and ashes must be handled, increasing the labor expense proportionately, but this will not ordinarily be a sufficient amount to off-set a sav- ing so great as that indicated above. Holding to the example cited under " Cost of InstallatioUvS," and the efficiencies given on the "Power Efficiency Diagram, Fig. 38," the cost for fuel can be derived from the diagram Fig. 46 as fol- lows : One B.t.u, is equivalent to 778 foot pounds of energy, and one theoretical h.p. requires 33,000 foot pounds of energy per minute, and 33,000 ^ 778 - 42.416 X B.t.u., or.2,545 B.t.u. per hour. From Fig. 38 the total efficiency at the generator terminals, which will be practically the same as that at the switchboard, is shown on the fourth reading from the bottom to be 10,4%; hence the heat re- quired to generate one e.h.p. at the switchboard will be (2.545 -f- 10.4) X 100 = 24,471 B.t.u., which will necessitate the consumption of 24.471-4-14.400 = 1.7 lbs. of coal per e.h.p. -hr. It has already been found from Fig. 45 that 11.5 lbs. of steam can be derived from 1 lb. of the above coal, and with this data from Fig, 46 can be de- termined the cost for fuel per e.h.p. -hr. and the pounds of steam generated per e.h.p.-hr. Locating on the lower margin the 1.7 lbs. of fuel per h.p.-hr. and following up this line until it meets the diagonal or the interpolated diagonal representing 11.5 lbs. evapora- tion, the steam consumption is found by following the horizontal lines to the left margin, reading in this instance 19.5 lbs. of steam per e.h.p. To obtain the cost of fuel per h.p.-hr., follow up the vertical corresponding to the required coal consumption until it meets the horizontal line corresponding to the cost per long ton of coal as given on the right-hand margin, reading on the curved lines, or interpolating between them if necessary, the cost per h.p.-hr. in cents and mills. With coal at $4.60 per ton the cost will be $0.0035 per e.h.p.-hr. STEAM POWER 503 If the manufacturers of the boilers and engines state definite guarantee in specifications covering the operating conditions for their equi])raent, then Fig. 46 can be used directly for determining the cost of fuel. For example: The boilers are guaranteed to evaporate, with a given coal containing 14,400 B.t.u. and costing $4.60 per ton, 10 lbs. of water per lb. of fuel. The boiler efficiency- can be obtained from Fig. 45 by reading the nearest diagonal to the intersection of the vertical line corresponding to the 14,400 B.t.u. and the horizontal line reading 10 lbs. on the left margin, which will be 67.5%, The engine manufacturer guarantees that the engine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, Lbs fuel Per HP Hour Fig. 46. Steam power — cost of fuel per horsepower hour. alone will require 16 lbs. of steam per i.h.p.-hr., that the engine will have a mechanical efficiency of 95%, or that the steam per b.h.p.- hr. will be 16.84 lbs., and with a generator of 95% efficiency the steam consumption per e.h.p.-hr. will be 16.84 h- 0.95 = 17.73 lbs. To this steam must be added the amount lost in radiation, pipe fric- tion and auxiliaries, including the condenser, exciter, feed-water pumps, etc. ; an amount varying from 5 to 15% of the steam required for the engines, depending upon the size of plant and the character of the auxiliaries ; a fair average figure being about 9% ; hence the total steam consumption per e.h.p.-hr. will be 17.73 X 1.09 =: 19.33 lbs. On Fig. 46, tracing horizontally from 19.33 lbs. reading on the 504 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA left margin to the intersection of the diagonal corresponding to 10 lbs. evaporation the coal consumption per e.h.p.-hr, is read from the lower margin and is 1.93 lbs. Following up vertically opposite the same point of intersection to the line corresponding to $4.60 on the right margin and reading the nearest curve cutting this last intersection, we find that the cost for fuel per e h r) -hr will be $0,004. It will be noted that in almost all cases it will be necessary to interpolate the readings between the verticals representing the pounds of fuel per h.p.-hr. which are sub-divided in divisions of 0.25 lbs. each; and also the curves giving the cost for fuel per Cubic Ft of das Per Lb. Fuel 90 50 40 30 25 20 15 H mi iii'i\ i\i\A\ W ^ 7 / \V\k\\i\\\rJvVv\ \l 1 1 nll'VWiviA \ \r / / / '\l\A)iiAl\)\\\ Va ' / III 1 1 r\! \l\)'l\ \ V\i\ 1 / / • 1 1 n A \(\' \l\\ V\\\a. " / / I hAA n v\l\iY\ \iV\\ ' ' jli 1 1 V s \A \i\ Y\'\ IN \ / / / In 'Ail \ AlW ) \\aI\ A\ / ■ / lliv! WWiY MK \ A V ' / a!IA/ \t\K_ i\i\Aj \ t ij \. ' ''' 1 1 /V V ] \ m A\v\\v' / iii hh 1 \ K/i \ \ \ \ \ \X/ / 1 A/WV A MW W\ v \. i ^\ / il/lll A K A wN \\\\\)^\\\ ' i(/rAJw\ I \a \) \ "i > \ \ \N. \ / lifi ^ /\ \ ' \ A \ A \j\iXj\ \ \\ \t>0\& fill \\ i , / V K is/ \. ^ \ \ \ >O^Si\ jif/j] \ Yy\A \x^ V ^ J^^'^^N '^ ^ llil f\ \ rw / , \ b^ \ \ c^^^N ^ ^ "^ \ iiiiu f IN \ 'v \ "" i>^Spv \ ^ ^ " \ "~^ >r^ vi^ 1 nil / ¥ \l\'\ K \ r^£^^^p\i^ "\^ ^^^""^vT^ ^^s^ V, 1 iW/ A ; AJ /\ ,^ \ k'^^ Y-v *^ ^\'^ ^^^s!!~^^ ~-i^ "^ will /I I / V 1 N ><^\^ "^ s^x"^ -N,"^^^^ --^^ -^ Mlhxi / I X^ ^ "^-v "^ ^-^"^-v"^^"""-^ "~t-- ^ /tKj^ 1 X!^"^ rPtrhtf K: "mTffiS / X ' )^ J^-v '^--- ~~~- ~""~— ^~~--^ — ~ -^^=:^^~]^^^^^ :-= = = — ; 17 16 15 13 ^ '^1 Fig. 47. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 d 9 10 II 12 13 14 Lbi Fuel Per H P Hour Producer gas — cost of fuel per horsepower hour. h.p.-hr. which are subdivided into one-half mill divisions, and this condition holds for all of the fuel Diagrams, Figs. 46, 47 and 48. With a little care in reading the results should be accurate within 0.5%. The total annual cost for coal in the 3 hypothetical operating conditions for the 4,000 e.h.p. capacity steam plant previously de- scribed will be as follows: Case I — 9,600,000 e.h.p.-hrs X $0.0035 =r $33,600 ; Case .11—21,024,000 e.h.p.-hr.s. X $0.0035 =r $73,584; and Case III — 28,032,000 e.h.p.-hrs. X $0.0035 =r $98,112. The fuel required in a gas plant of corresponding rated capacity STEAM POWER 505 can be determined from Fig-s. 39 and 47. From Fig. 39 the net efficiency of the gas electric plant at the generator terminals, or the switchboards is 23.6%. Using the same grade of bituminous coal, as that employed in the steam plants, having 14,400 B.t.u. per lb. of fuel, the amount of coal required per e.h.p.-hr. will be (2,515-^0.236) H- 14,400 = .75 lbs. For one theoretical horse power requires 2,545 B.t.u. per hr., and with 23.6% efficiency, 2,545 -f- 0.236 =r 10,783 B.t.u. will be required per e.h.p.-hr., or 10,783 ^ 14,400 ~ 0.75 lbs. of coal per e.h.p. With coal costing $4.60 per ton, the cost per e.h.p.-hr. from Fig. 47 can be obtained as follow^s : Locate on the lower margin the pounds of fuel per h.p.-hr. and trace ver- tically to the intersection of the horizontal line corresponding to the price of $4.60 on the right margin. The point of intersection in this instance falls about midway between the curves $0,001 and $0,002, hence the cost for fuel per e.h.p.-hr. is $0.0015, or per year for Case r — 9,600,000 e.h.p. -hrs.X $0 0015 - $14,400; for Case II — 21.024,- 000 X $0.0015 - $31,536, and for Case III — 28,032,000 X$0. 0015 = $42,048. • The producer manufacturer can give definite guarantees for the efficiency of his equipment with a stipulated quantity of fuel. This efficiency will range from 60 to 80% depending upon the grade of fuel. From coal containing 14,400 B.t.u. with a producer efficiency of 80% — 11,520 B.t.u. will be delivered in the gas. The volumetric quality of the gas must be determined by test, and with the high grade fuel under consideration, approximately 80 cu. ft. of gas can be generated from one lb. of coal and one cu. ft. of gas will contain 11.520 ^80 = 144 B.t.u. It is customary to guarantee gas engines on the basis of the gas consumption per b.h.p.-hr. On Fig. 39 the efficiency at the engine shaft is given as 24.8%, hence the efficiency of the engine is (24.8 -f- 80) X 100 = 31% and 2,545 -^ O.Sl B.t.u. will be required per b.h.p.- hr., or 8,210 -^ 144 — 57 -f- cu. ft. of gas containing 144 B.t.u. per lb. With electric generators of 95% efficiency the cu. ft. of gas per e.h.p. hour will be 57 -f- 0.95 — 60. This figure can be checked from Fig. 39 as follows : 23.6 ^ 0.80 = 29.5 and 2545 ^ 29.5 ^ 8627 B.t.u. required per e.h.p.-hr., or 8627 -=- 144 = 59.91- cu. ft. of gas which is practically 60 cu. ft. as previously determined. It must be remembered that the efficiencies given on Fig. 39 are for a gas electric power plant in perfect physical condition and skilfully operated. In ordinary practice it is to be expected that the figures would not obtain, particularly the engine efficiencies, as the manufacturers would be inclined to offer as a maximum guar- antee the equivalent of 10 cu. ft. of gas containing 1000 B.t.u. which is equivalent to an efficiency of 2545 -^ (10 X 1000) X 100 ::= 25.45%, making the total efficiency to the switchboard 25.45 X .8 (the producer efficiency) X .95 fthe gen. efficiency) — 19.25% instead of 23.6% as given on Fig. 39 and the coal consumption (2545-^0.1925) -^ 14,400 - 0.92 lbs. per e.h.p.-hr. instead of the 0.75 Ib.s. previously given. To apply the diagram Fig. 47 with a known engine guar- antee and quality of fuel the following example is cited : Given, a peat fuel from which 30.3 cu. ft. of gas containing 175.2 B.t.u. can 506 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA be generated per pound of fuel (see Table XL), costing %2 per long ton; an engine which is guaranteed to develop 1 b.h.p-hr. with 12,264 B.t.u. or with 12,264 -;- 175.2 =: 70 cu ft. of gas and an electric generator efficiency of 91% making the cubic feet of gas per e.h.p.- hr. 70^0.91 =: 77. Locate on the left hand margin the 77 cu ft. per h.p.. follow horizontally to the right hand until the line inter- sects the diagonal representing 30 3 cu. ft. of gas per lb. of fuel, as noted at the top of the diagram; from this point of intersection drop vertically to the horizontal line corresponding to the price for ,0Z M £b 05 ID 12 14 IS Id 20 .22 24 .26 28 eaUonsOilPdrHPHour Fig. 48. Oil — cost of fuel per horsepower hour. the fuel, as noted on the left margin, i.e. $2, and read from the curve the cost of fuel per h.p.-hr. which is in this case $0,002. Fuel oil can be purchased locally for somewhat less than 3 cts. per gal. and the oil engine manufacturers will guarantee a con- sumption of 0.0755 gals, per e.h.p.-hr., including the auxiliaries, when the engine is direct connected to a generator of 95% efficiency. Knowing the cost of oil and the engine economy the cost per e.h.p.- hr. for fuel can be obtained from Fig. 48 as follows: Locate the gallons of fuel per h.p.-hr. on the bottom of the diagram and trace up vertically to the intersection of the horizontal corresponding to the price per gal. for oil as given on the left hand margin, reading the cost per h.p.-hr. from the curved line at the above intersection STEAM POWER 507 which is with the foreg-oing conditions $0.0023. Then the fuel cost per year for a plant of 4,000 e.h.p. rated capacity will be: Case I _ 9.600,000 X $0.0023 = $22,080; Case II — $48,355, and Case III — $01,474. Labor. The operators, including all of the laborers employed in connection, with the operation of a plant, exclusive of those engaged on its repairs, are the sole influence which can make it produce power with efficiency and economy. No matter how carefully the Number of Men Required Per Shiff 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 3 10 II 12 13 H Fig. 20 49 60 do m no m m, i60 zoo 220 i4o 260 m Cost of Laboc Per Hour 49. Cost of labor; steam electric plants. designing engineer selects the equipment and arranges the layout ; no matter how finely balanced and adjustable the entire scheme may be, to meet the requirements of a particular service, unless the controlling labor organization is trained to realize to the best ad- vantage all of the facilities afforded, no amount of perfected appli- ances can compensate for unskillful manipulation ! This statement does not mean that a power station must be manned by a crew of skilled mechanics, or power experts, or that it must be operated by a set of theoretical rules, that would, undoubtedly, defeat the very purpose for which they were created ; but it does mean that each department must be under the control of men who know what the 508 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA apparatus la supposed to accomplish and who are fully conversant with the various combinations and adjustments that will yield the desired result. It is not even necessary and often inadvisable for the attendants to know v)ky certain conditions obtain with a given combination provided they are certain that they do accomplish certain results. It js imjiortant that one man should be thoroughly familiar with each and every detail of a given plant, and that he have full charge Number of Men required Per Shift 4500 'l S 3 4 5 & 7 a 9 10 V Id 13 . , I 4 -4 t t 1 + t 1-c r>. ac/i/i / l_ %. ^ L-x / ? "%/ j t 4- ^ 4/ ^ ■^mo -^ ?l^^ t~ i c v^y~r^^>< § ^>/ ' V q: '^, f/ •*- ?';/?/7 <^ / ^' / ^00 -4- -W ^^/ :^ ?"/ V^> § ~" z|7_ ^/t ■ ';1 '" i?/r<-^/:± ! ^ ^r_ t 1 : 1 . / . ,-^ \J500 ph -^ % w V f / ki t^ / c: ^:}ooo \ 1 1 Is ^ 1 f? 1 ^y V Sf 1 1 1 '!■ ' >« 1 ] 4 k \ \ \ 1 >^ 1 1 1 1 k) "i'L- 1 1 s» - j:l^.^ i ^ '-y \ 1 1 t c^' \ F^ 7 \ 1 ^^^ ^7 #. 1 1 .^ 1 I haoo 7 1/ / \ -1 - "/ / § , / » 5 1 1 1000 t 1 1 — - - 1 1 I 1 1 ^ 7 1 ]a 1 500 \ i 1 i ' } Jt; - - 1 V i 1 .6 ' 1 ! A i ^ 1 i> j ^ ^ 1 ! ZQ .40 60 dO ,00 l£0 140 i60 160 iOO iiO £40 m C05t of Labor Per Hour Fig. 51. Cost of labor; oil electric plants. and oil electric power plants. These diagrams do not include the repair crew, which may or may not part of the station organization depending on whether or not the plant is co-related to some industry, or is an isolated proposition. From. Fig. 4 9 the cost for labor per eh.p.-hr. in a steam electric plant of 3.200-h.p working capacity is found by locating on the left margin 3,200 h.p.. and following this line horizontally to the right to the inter- section of the curve marked " Wages per hour for whole plant " and reading from the vertical at this intersection, on the lower 510 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA margin the amount, which is $2.02. Then the cost per year for labor will be in Case I — 3,000 hrs. X $2.02 -. $6,060 ; Case II — 6,570 hrs. X $2.02 - $13,271, and Case 111 — 8,760 hrs. X $2.02 ^ $17,695. The wages for gas and oil plant operation are similarly determined from Figs. 50 and 51, and are as follows: For gas, Case 1 — 3,000 X $1.41 ::^ $4,230; Case II — 6,420 X $1.41 = $9,264, and Case 111 — 8J60 X $1.41 = $12,352, and for oil, Case I — 3,000 X $1.12 = $3,360; II — 6,570 X $1.12 =; $7,358, and Case III — 8,760 X $1.12 = $9,811. When the oil engine is constructed in larger units than the pres- ent standard, the operating labor cost will be reduced. Depreciation, Repairs and Improvements. There is a wide di- vergence of opinion as to the method of computing or allowing for depreciation in connection with power plants, and, in fact, as to the true meaning of the term " depreciation." Its literal definition is " the act of lessening the worth of " ; hence all factors which lessen the value of a plant be taken into consideration, including wear, inadequacy, age and obsolescence. It is claimed by many managers that the repairs and improvements made in the ordinary course of operation cover all that it is necessary to allow for de- preciation, reasoning on the theory that if a plant is kept in prime physical condition it appreciates. This logic may at first sound reasonable and it is practically true .so far as the immediate physical condition is concerned, but in time if this policy was pursued to its ultimate limit, it will be found that repairs will not longer keep the equipment in working order and renewals become imperative, hence age occasions an expenditure which is chargeable to the past operation. Should the growth of a power service be rapid, the demands upon the equipment and buildings may soon exceed their capacity, then the value Of a plant in perfect condition may be suddenly reduced, due to its inadequacy, and its compulsory abandonment incurs an expense which is chargeable to past operation. If improvements in apparatus are devised which make the equip- ment of a plant inefficient when comr)ared with the more recent developments, economy demands that the inferior outfit should be sui)i)lanted, and the discarding of apparatus mechanically in excel- lent preservation, occasions a depreciation in its value, due to obsoie.scence which is chargeable only to past operation. A depreciation allowance does not mean expenditure, but the setting aside of certain sums in anticipation of future losses from any or all of the above causes, thus making the project self-sus- taining from its inception. There is no definite basis or established standard for determining the amount of depreciation to be allowed per annum for the several component parts of a power plant, this condition is largely due to the contradictory decisions that have been rendered by the courts in relation to this subject, combined with the entirely different view-points which must be assumed when placing the depreciation STEAM POWER 511 on a projected plant on a "going" proposition. In the first instance it becorneK necessary to assume a reasonable period of normal life, and to distribute the depreciation reservations in some equitable manner over this peiiod, so that at the end of the predetermined lime there will be available a sum sufficient to replace the property. In the case of a " going " proposition the theoretical de])reciation as previously outlined cannot be justly ajjplied, for a plant may have nearly reached its theoretical limit of life yet still be in such ex- cellent physical condition that it fully meets the requirements of the imposed service, and to deduct from its cost the theoretical de- preciation would make its present worth only the scrap value of the equipment, an appraisal which the actual conditions controverts. For buildings of a permanent character from 1 to 1.5% of the cost per annum has been found to be a sufficient allowance for depreciation ; for steam engines and turbines from 3 to 6% ; for electric generators, from 3 to 7% ; for boilers, from 5 to 10% , for steam pumps, from 5 to 7%; for switchboards, from 3 to 5%; for condensers, from 4 to 10%; for gas producers, from 3 to 8%; for gas and oil engines, from 4 to 1%, and for machinery foundations, the same as that allowed for the apparatus which they support. The average depreciation per annum for a comi)lete steam electric power plant will be about 4% of its total cost for a gas electric plant, 5%, and for an oil electric plant 5.5%; provided the property is kept in good physical condition by proper maintenance and rei^airs. On the basis of the above percentages, the annual depreciation for the hypothetical plants cited, will be as follows : for steam, $224,000 X 0.04 - $8,960 ; for gas, $280,000 X 0.05 - $14,000, and for oil, $400,000 X 0.055 = $22,000. The hours of operation have but slight bearing on the deprecia- tion of equipment, for if kept in proper repair, continuous operation does not cause much greater depreciation than that occasioned by intermittent service, in fact, power equipment operating for only a portion of the time is subjected to temperature strains that are more conducive to its destruction than the mechanical wear that is imposed upon it by continuous operation ; but the cost of main- tenance, repairs and supplies varies proportionally with the " capa- city " factor. The repairs and supplies, including labor and materials, for steam plants having from 80 to 100% "capacity" factor, will be about 2% of the first cost; for from 50 to 8^% cap factor, 1.75% of cost, and for from 20 to 50% cap. factor, 15% of cost; and for oil and gas plants, with 80 to 100% cap. factor, 2 5%, from 50 to 80% cap. factor, 2%, and from 20 to 50% cap. factor, 1.75%. Then for the hypothetical plants, the annual repairs and supply cost will be : Case I — Steam $224,000X0 015 =$3,360 Gas 280,000X0.0175= 4,900 Oil 400,000X0.0175= 7,000 512 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Case II — Steam $224,000 X 0.0175 = $3,920 Gas 280,000X0.02 =r 5,600 Oil 400,000X0.02 = 8,000 Case III — Steam $224,000X0.02 =$4,480 Gas 280,000X0.025 = 7,000 Oil 400,000X0.025 r= 10,000 Taxes, Insurance and Interest. The taxation charges depend en- tirely upon local conditions, but it is safe to assume that the valua- tion placed upon power plant property will not exceed 60% of its first cost, or the replacement cost, and that a fair average rate of taxation in Maine will be 2%. Insurance rates also depend upon local conditions, but 0.5% on 60% of the property cost is about a fair average allowance. Estimating on 2.5% of 60% of the cost for the plants under discussion, the annual charges for taxes and insurance will be as follows : Steam 0.60 X $224,000 X 0.025 - $3,360 Gas 0.60 X 280,000X0 025= 4,200 Oil 0.60 X 400,000X0.025= 6,000 The interest charges are readily obtained for an independent power plant depending for its solvency on an income from the sale of power, as the capitalization and the accounting are not involved with other branches of industry ; but a power plant built and oper- ated in conjunction wath a mill offers a more difficult problem, as the separation of accounts will usually demand some abstruse dis- bursements of costs which may either favor or handicap its show- ing. The thoughtful business man will concede that the power plant should pay for itself, and that the power to adopt will be that which yields a maximum return on the total investment for the entire mill property. A shoe manufacturer would not entertain a proposition for the preparation of his own leather if by so doing he reduced the net per cent, of profit on the whole plant investment, even though the annual expenditure for leather was materially reduced, and the same process of reasoning should be applied to the generation of power. To illustrate this point more clearly ; we will take the specific case of an industry which has a total capitalization of $500,000 and yields a net profit of 15% on the investment, when run with purchased power. By making an additional investment of $100,000 the power can be produced on the mill premises for a cost sufficiently less than that paid for the purchased power to yield a return of 6% on the power plant investment. The total capitalization for the industry now becomes $600,000 and the net profit ($500,000 X 0.15) -f- ($100,000 XO. 06) = $81,000, or a return on the total investment of 13.5 per cent., and the relative earning power of the property has been reduced (15 — 13.5 -r- 15) X 100 = 1 0%. It follows that while it is justifiable to use a uniform rate of STEAM POWER 513 interest when comparing tlie cost for several different classes of power, in adopting a power to be used in connection with any industry-, it is important that it be selected on the basis of its intrinsic value to the entire project, and not on its relative power value. For the purposes of comparison, we have assumed an interest of 5% on the cost of the projects, as follows : Steam $224,000.00 X 0.05 - $11,200.00 Gas 280.000.00x0.05-- 14.000.00 Oil 400,000.00 X 0.05 - 20,000.00 Water, Land Rental and General Expenses. In the estimates for cost, no allowance has been made for water charges, land rental or general expense. These items will vary for each locality and are readily ascertained, with the exception of general expenses which will be regulated by the policy of the managers. Tf large quantities of fuel and supplies are con.^tantly maintained, the inter- est on the money thus invested should be charged to the plant operation ; and if a large volume of coal is stored for a considerable period, a deterioration of about 5% for each 6 months in storage should be added to the power cost ; as should also be the costs for clerical work devoted to the ordering and disbursing of supplies and materials, and employed in compiling the records of the plant operation. In most sections of Maine, water for boiler feed, condensing and cooling purposes can be secured without other cost than that re- quired to provide proper facilities for delivering it to the desired point of use. If the water must be purchased, or if it becomes an item of considerable expense, provision should be made for its economical utilization, and cooling towers, or pools, should be in- stalled to conserve the condensing water for steam plants and the cooling water for gas plants. The use of surface condensers will permit the return of all the condensed steam to the boiler with the exception of about 5% which will be lost mechanically while pass- ing through the system. Provision should be made for supplying the condensers with about 50 times the amount of water required for steam, and for supplying gas plants about 200 lbs. of water per e.h.p.-hr. The land rental is not ordinarily an important factor in local power costs except in congested cities where real estate is high ; and the proper amount to be added for this item is readily obtained for any specific case. Conclusions. Table XLI gives a resume and summation of the figures relating to the hypothetical plants, which are distributed through the preceding text, and it shows the lowest costs that can be realized when generating power in plants of the several types outlined, and operating under the most favorable conditions. The only items that can be reduced are the fuel charges. The writer wishes to place particular emphasis on the foregoing .statement and to impress upon the readers' attention the fact that the final figures, under items Nos. 35 and 36, for the cost per h.p. and kw.-hr., are 514 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA so d O O ooo O CO 00 ooo 050 00 ooo O O 00 CO 00 ooo -; Oc-00 JCe O OOO -< O O t- 00 ^ < ■tIh" Co"«0 ^ oo<=> Ot-00 - r - ... i 1 4C0.J 500.1 I.M 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.C0 3.60 t.tiO Pouoda o£ Coal yei Kilowaimour. Fig. 52. Cost of coal for the plants. pressure range may be expected to give good economy and the allow- ance of 1-lb. drop betvy^een engine and turbine obviates the injurious effects upon the engine of a variable back piessure due to the turbine. In plotting the curve of coal consumption for the gas plant, it has been assumed that the load carried is of a violently varying nature, with severe peaks, such as are met with in electric railway work or in rolling mills ; hence 2 units must be kept in use for the greater part of the time. Where the low load-factor is cau.'-ed by a steady light load, with a heavy peak of short duration, the coal consumption shown by this curve can be decreased by running one unit only when the load falls off. In large stations with a number of individual units, light loads would not cause the great increase in fuel per kw.-hr. indicated by these curves, as the load could be divided between a few machines and these driven at full load, so that the loss in economy would be small, being principally due to the banking of the extra, boilers or producers. The cost per kw.-hr., exclusive of the fuel charge, may be deter- mined for any particular load-factor by dividing the plant charges $2,725 and $3,273 by the load carried in kws. This quotient of plant charge divided by load, added to the cost of coal per kw.-hr. at the load-factor investigated gives the total expense of generating STEAM POWER 625 one kw.-hr., and a curve may be drawn showing- the relation of this total cost to the load-factor. In Fig-. 53 curves have been plotted for the two plants, showing the increase of cost per kw.-hr. with loads ranging from 1000 to 200 kws. The pounds of coal per kw.-hr. used in determining the fuel cost at various loads are those shown by the curves in Fig. 52. Coal is assumed to be "w^orth $3 per ton of 2000 lbs. ; plant charges to be $2,725 and $3,273 an hr. A glance at these two curves shows that with |3 coal the steam plant is the more economical at every stag-e of load above and including 200 20.0 17.5 w 15.0 ^ 12.5 w I 10.0 7.5 o 5 5.0 2.5 0.0 w %. i\\i> ^v "'^S;?---..; ^=:== Fig. 53. 20 40 60 80 100 Load Factor. Per Cent Increase in cost with different load factors. kws., the lowest load considered, and that the difference in cost per kw.-hour increases as the load-factor grows smaller. The curves of Fig. 54 illustrate the effect of the price of coal on the cost per kw.-hr., the load-factor being assumed to be con- stant for each pair of curves drawn. These curves are all straight lines and they show that the greatesi: difference in cost exists at the lowest price of coal, the steam plant curve approaching that Of the gas plant as this price increases. At the coal cost per ton corresponding to the intersection of these curves, both stations are of equal economy. At any price of coal greater than this "critical " price, the gas plant is the more economical ; at any price less, the steam plant. The cost of the foundations for the turbine and engines of the steam plant will be much less than the cost of those upon which 526 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the 3 gas-engine units are erected, and will offset to some extent the increase in cost of the boiler foundations, settings, chimney, and such equipment, over that of the foundations required by the pro- ducers, scrubbers, and auxiliaries, of the gas-driven station. The total floor space occupied by the 2 Corliss engines, at 2.3 sq. ft. per k\v., will be about 2800 sq. ft., and, allowing 2.6 sq. ft. per b.h.p., the station area exclusive of turbine wall be about 5100 sq. ft. Assuming that the turbo-generator and electrical equipment do not require more than 900 sq. ft.*, the total area of the plant, without office or shop, will be in the neighborhood of 6000 sq. ft. The area of the engine-room of the gas plant, at 3 sq. ft. per kw., will be £2.5 ^ ^ 80.0 V,Jb />^ y nf ^x ^ n 15 .^ U^ & ,-, ^ « <:^<^ f' ^ ^ "^ ^^ i □ 10 ■■■ ^ 1^ ^ ,-f »^ < ^ I joj" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \^ ^^ :^- ^ ^^i^^ \ ':^-^^ .-< =**'CU^ ^i^ ^^': ^ i^c!^ ^ .00.1 j "^ ^^ :>■ Z.'< ao il 00 iz. JO ii 00 Si. 00 86. » 50 00 »; 00 Cost ot CoQl per Ton Fig. 54. Effect of cost of coal on power cost. 4500 sq. ft. and that of the producer, at 1.5, 2250, making the total plant area, exclusive of office or shop, approximately 6750 sq. ft. In Fig. 55 a layout of each plant is shown, planned without provi- sion for high-tension apparatus. The producer room of the gas plant contains a compressor and starting tanks, and a small fan for blowing up the producers when cold ; both auxiliaries are driven by a small oil engine. Steam is supplied to the jet blowers of the producers by a waste-heat boiler utilizing ' the engine exhaust. Duplicate exciters, driven by separate engines, are provided, one being held as a reserve. The engine-room of the steam plant is also equipped with exciters in duplicate, one being direct-connected STEAM POWER 527 to the turbine and used to excite both generator fields when the turbine is in use, and the other being engine-driven and used when the turbine is closed down. As there is little waste steam available for heating the feed-water, the condenser auxiliaries being elec- trically di'iven, tlie boilers are equipped with economizers. 1 OVCdnCkD eUMK£fl TncT ' \ r^ L^ rj - ^ft -S ft i:J"'Ut:^i=U' .... - "■ ■ Im 1 — j i J 1 L 1 Uii s s i .."■;ii i i 1 5 ' — , *'•■"■" 80AH 1 :ii .... ^.^B,ar* STEAM PLANT ' ' '"..i' ™ " GAS PLANT Fig. 55. Proposed arrangement of steam and gas plants. In Table XLVIII the total costs per yr. of 8760 hrs. have been computed for each plant, the price of coal being assumed to be $3 a ton and fixed charges, insurance and taxes on buildings and land not considered. Although the difference in cost per kw.-hr. is greatest at 20% load-factor, it will be seen from this table that the greatest saving per year is at a factor of 40%. TABLE XLVTTT. TOTAL COSTS PER YEAR, EXCLUSIVE OF FIXED CHARGES, INSURANCE AND TAXES I^ond- factor Steam plant Oas plant Difference 100% .$49,756.80 $51,009.48 $1,252 68 80'7o 44>893.25 46.750.37 2.057.12 60% 40.429.15 43.020.36 2.591.21 40%o 36,749.95 39,497.09 2.747.14 20% 33,412.39 35,504.28 2,091.89 If cheap condensing water is not plentiful and cooling towers are employed, an increase of about $4,000 must be charged against the first cost of the .steam plant. The difference in the cost of buildings, foundations, and other structural features will not exceed $6,000, and this, with the cost of the cooling towers, will make a debit of $1.0,000 against the steam plant on which about 10%, or 528 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA $1,000 a year, must be charg-ed. Thus, under unfavorable con- densing conditions, the steam plant still shows a saving- of $252.68 at 100% load-factor, the most advantageous factor at which the gas plant can operate. It may be argued that the gas producer will show better relative economy compared to the steam boiler, when low-grade fuels are used, than the curves in Fig. 52, which were plotted for good steam coal, would indicate. At the Government fuel testing station in St. Louis it was found that the fuel consumption of a compara- tively small producer plant increased from 2 to 4.5 lbs. pei*kw.-hr. when the heat value of the fuel decreased from 14,000 B.t.u. to 6500 B.t.u. It may reasonably be claimed that no coal-flred boiler plant could give such efficiency on fuels that are so low in thermal units; but if the boilers be fired with i)roducer gas this objection is no longer valid, as they will then deliver practically the same efficiency with fuels varying widely in thermal value. As Mr. Ernst Schmattolla observes in an article on Gas-Producers and Gas-Firing, in The Mining Journal, London, Feb. 6, 1909, a far more complete combustion may be attained with gas-firing than by either hand or automatic stoking, the smoke nuisance eliminated and an excess of air in the furnace avoided. A small thermal loss must inevitably occur when producer-gas is passed through scrub- bers for purification and cooling, preparatory to its use in an engine cylinder, for it is virtually impossible to utilize all of the sensible heat of the gas in superheaters or boilers, and that ab- stracted by the scrubbing apparatus is thrown away. This loss does not occur in the gas-fired boiler, since the gases are delivered directly to the combustion chamber through a short flue and in a highly heated state. Practically all the heat radiated from the combustion chamber is taken up by the incoming air, which forms an air-jacket about it. The cost of such a producer, having no scrubbers or tar extractors, would be largely offset by the cost of the automatic stoking apparatus required for firing the ordinary boiler furnace. No discussion of this subject would be complete without reference to the comprehensive paper of Mr, H. G. Stott, Notes on the Cost of Power (given later in this chapter), printed in the • April, 1909, Proceedings of the A. I. E. E. It is illustrated by more than 20 cost and load curves of representative power plants of various types. From these data it would seem that, aside from hy- draulic installations, the most economic type for ordinary load- factors is one in which gas engines are used to take the low load T)ortion of the curve, assisted by steam turbines in carrying the peak. It should be remembered, however, that Mr Stott deals with station capacities of not less than 30,000 kws. and the inferences drawn from plants of this size may not entirely be applicable to small installations consisting of a few relatively large units, for the latter must run at low load when the load-factor drops, with correspondingly high fuel consumption. Of course, it is obvious that in a majority of reciprocating engine plants running on bi- tuminous coal, the addition of exhaust turbines may be a better STEAM POWER 529 method of improvang the station economy than the abandonment of steam and the installation of a producer-gas plant. Cost of Power in Gas Producer Plants versus Steam. Julius I. Wile gave Tables XLIX-LIII in a paper read before the Technology- Club of Syracuse, N. Y., which were afterward published in Power, April, 1906. The figures from Tables XLIX and L are from actual tests, with the exceptions that where these units in a pound of coal were not given in the reports they have been assumed, 12,500 and 13,600 B.t.u, per pound respectively. The mam characteristic difference between the pressure producer and those of the suction type is that in the former the complete system is under pressure, supplied by a steam jet blower or a power driven fan, a gas holder being necessary for storing the gas and also an independent boiler necessary to raise the steam for satura- tion and for the blower. In the suction type the gas is pulled by the suction of the engine, both holder and independent steam boiler being eliminated, steam and atmospheric pressure necessary for saturation in the generator being raised by the passage to the cleaning apparatus of the hot gases from the generator. The space occupied by the suction type is less than the other and is also less than that required by a return tubular boiler of the same power. Advantage is also added by the fact that the attention required by the station force Is also considerably less than in the case of the pressure type. Pressure producers must be fed once every half hour unless automatic feeds are installed, since the level of the fuel must be fixed to obtain constant resistance, this being only necessary once in 3 hours at full load and once every 5 hours at half load in suc- tion producers which are fitted with large fuel reservoirs. For this latter type, Mr. Wile says that, the total attention otherwise re- quired for starting up in the morning is 15 mins. and 20 mins. at night. In the Dowson type of pressure plant, the best known example of which is the one at Walthanstow, London, England, an independent boiler supplies the pressure by a steam blast. The 3000-h.p. plant of this type, quoted in Table XLIX, comprised 8 Dowson gener- ators and 13 direct-coupled vertical engines. The generating costs given in Table LI include fuel, supplies, labor and repairs, in com- parison with an average of 11 steam plant.s, having about 3 times the output of the Dowson plant. Under the high costs of coal and water in the London district this Walthanstow plant shows a saving of 38% in fuel and 21% in operating cost. If the fuel costs for the compared plants were the same the Dowson type would show a, fuel saving of 51% and operating saving of 29%. In Table LII figures are somewhat bettered, for compara- tive plants in Guernsey, England, where the gas is 58% in fuel and 48% in operating cost. The Taylor producer on which the U. S. Geological Survey tests at St. Louis were made in 1905 are mentioned in Table XLIX is here compared with the Wilson producer, which is of the Dowson 530 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Q < m H g H Zm H g^ rn- ^ rH 13 cr. M CO CO o (U Sl^S-S o "3 ?5 as F Colo Bitu iturr u -^^pq -< <1 0^ o o K -05t-05 t- 9 X o ^ 5 i-i ■''^ t, 4) m a ■Is 1— 1 . o o m (o ^ o fafl'faiiii o .21 11 lO Irt 00 oooo (M OS LOO CM CO < o Ph t (^ p Ul O w EH m H H P5 % O o -coos aTf o oo a i"oo^ "^ ai-ieo o ^<6<6 (UOiCO o+j i>io a^ ^.«L 3 3 oo,-i 050 (M, Z ^ ^ y 4 <: ^ ^ X^ ^^ $ 7 a -fn \oS. ■-^ — - ^ J^ ^ ^ Vc nsi rm, ofn m-^ .... ^ -^ 65 GO- BS \- 3 50 O •V. 45 ^ 40 l2 35 ^ ^ ^ s w 4on 5 r-.« ,^ r ?0 a a. ^ f^ 300 s , ^VoM C^Tft ..e^ _ 5 -3.-5 3 5 \ ^ s^* Vetvc^ ^ -' 3 ?nn 3 ^^v ^ 25 ,<» '^^, •<^ t^c 'oa/ ?0 100 ^^ /'*' ^^>v ^.^. i^^^ p^ -0-. 1 «> / if.fl •j:A^ -<^. _J 10 / 1( K) Load-Kw 200 1 bull Lioaa | Fig. 58. Gas power plant economy at various loads. Coal at TABLE LVI. UNIT COST PER KW. AND H.P.-YR., FOR THE GAS PLANT Full load Half load Cts. per kw.-hr. 0.081 0.109 0.162 0.217 0.324 0.434 0.486 0.651 0.121 0.242 0.076 0.143 0.242 0.484 $1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 Wages per year, $6,160 Supplies " 3,850 Fixed charges " 12,200 Total costs — coal at Richmond coal .... $1.00, 2.00, .2.70, 4.00, 6.00, 0.520 0.978 0.601 1.086 0.658 1.163 0.763 1.303 0.925 1.520 Equivalent power rate: 300-day year, coal at Dols. per electric h.p.-year $1.00 $27.90 $52.40 2.00 32.30 58.20 2.70 35.60 62.40 4.00 41.00 69.90 6.00 49.60 81.50 Charges for auxiliaries if motor-driven 2.7% 7.4% Saving gas over steam, % : Coal at .1.00 — 3 loss —8.5 2.00 +8 gain +0.9 2.70 12.9 " 4.7 4.00 19.6 " 12.4 6.00 33.7 " 19.0 gam STEAM POWER 537 This is based on 300-day operation, 7200 hrs. per yr., the fixed costs being- distributed over the operating- period, and unit prices being- figured for various prices for coal, which prices are based upon a net ton. The price of fuel at Richmond was $2.70, at which basis the power could be delivered at the switchboard of or % ct. per kw.-hr. at full / METf 1O0 OF DETE OF RMINir PRODU \G. OVERALL CER PLANT EFFICIE NCY / 100 'irtO ^ / nn o yy Qn^? I- -IflO r ? ^ a -70-e -60. ^i^ y / ^ roduc T / ^ auu p xt 4a y 8 -40| / / sP '200 ,^^ ^x' y 1 i, ^y^ y -20- 10 J y y 100 3.1 A M 1 1 H 1 Ft 11 'f^ / / 1 y. 100 ) Elec 1 trical )0 Outp 2C ut.K V. 3( K) « K) Fig. 59. Graphical method of determining over-all efficiency producer plant. of load operating 7200 hrs. per yr., or about 1.25 cts. at half load, taking into account fixed charges which amount to about 40% of the total cost. Relative Cost of Gas and Steam Power. This is shown by Fig. 60 showing the comparative cost for Richmond conditions. At the price of coal in Richmond, the gas plant showed 13% gain over steam at full load and 5% at half load. Thus with steam coal at $2.70, cost by steam power would be about the same as if bought by the gas plant if the gas plant paid $4.00 for gas coal. The gas plant is at a disadvantage, however, for light loads or fluctuating loads averaging a small fraction of the generating capacity. Comparative Costs of Installation and Operation of Gas, Oil and Steam Engines. R. E. Mathot gave the following data in I'ower, 538 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA March 5, 1912, based on normal figures for labor, fuel consump- tion, etc., for Belgium in 1912. Fig. 60. Graphical method of determining comparative cost ef- ficiency, producer gas versus steam turbine plant for Richmond conditions. TABLE LVII. COMPARATIVE INSTALLATION COSTS FOR A POWER PLANT OF 3000 H.P. FOR A FACTORY UTILIZING AN AVERAGE OF 2000 H.P. AND A MINIMUM OF 800 H.P. DURING 300 DAYS PER YR., 24 HRS. PER DAY Diesel-type Engines 4 800-h.p. engines at $29,000 $116,000 Foundations, pipings and connections 4,000 $120,000 Suction Producers and Engines 5 600-h.p. engines at $13,200 and 10 300-h.p. producers at $2,000 $86,000 2 spare producers 4,000 Foundations, pipings and connections 6,000 $96,000 Semi-portable Steam Engines 5 600-h.p. engines at $17,000 $85,000 Masonry, connections and stacks 3,000 Turbo-alternators 3 750-kw. units at $16,600 Foundations and piping . . 8 Lancashire boilers, 1300 sq. ft. of heating surface each Masonry for boilers Flues and stacks Automatic stokers Superheaters $88,000 $49,800 3,000 16,000 2,800 1,400 2,400 3,200 $78,600 STEAM POWER 539 Piston Steam Engines 2 1,500-h.p. engines $30,000 Foundations and connections 5,000 7 boilers of 1,300 sq. ft. heating surface each 14,000 Masonry for boilers 2,400 Flues and stacks . '. 1,200 Automatic stokers and heaters 4,800 $57,400 COMPARATIVE ANNUAL LABOR COSTS Crude-oil Engines Four engines require 2 engineers at 13 cts. per hr $0.26 3 laborers at 6 cts. per hr 0.18 Total $0.44 Per yr. : 300 days X 24 hrs. X $0.44 $3,168 Fuel-gas Engines Five engines require 3 engineers at 13 cts. per hr $0.39 5 stokers at 9 cts. per hr 0.45 5 laborers at 6 cts. per hr 0.24 Total $1.08 Per yr. : 7,200 X $1.08 $7,776 Semi-port able Engines Five engines require 3 engineers at 13 cts. per hr $0.39 5 stokers at 10 cts. per hr 0.50 5 laborers at 6 cts. per hr 0.30 Total $1.19 Per yr. : 7,200 X $1.19 $8,568 Turho-Generators Three engines require 2 engineers at 15 cts. per hr $0.30 2 stokers at 10 cts. per hr, (the boilers are provided with automatic stokers) 0.20 3 laborers at 6 cts. per hr 0.18 Total $0.68 Per yr. : 7,200 X $0.68 $4,896 Piston Steam Engines Two engines require 2 engineers at 13 cts. per hr $0.26 2 stokers at 15 cts. per hr. (automatic coal feeders) 0.20 3 laborers at 6 cts. per hr 0.18 Total $0.64 Per yr. : 7,200 X $0.64 $4,608 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE FOR FUEL AVERAGE LOAD, 2,000 H.P. DURING 300 DAYS OP 24 HRS. EACH, GIVING 2,000 X 24 X 300 = 14,400,000 brake horse- power-hours PER ANNUM Per Year Diesel-type Engines Consuming about 200 gr. of crude oil per brake horse- power-hour. Russian or Texas oil costs $1.40 per 100 kg., giving a cost of $.28 ct. per b.h.p.-hr. or $0.0028 X 14,400,000 = $40,493 640 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Producer Gas Engines Consuming at variable load per b.h.p.-hr. 400 gr. of lean coal, which costs $3 a ton, or 12 cts. per b.hp.-hr.; ^ „ „„„ $0,012X14,400,000= $17,280 Turbines At variable load consuming about 6 kg. of steam per b h p.-hr., which gives a consumption per b.h.p.-hr. of 7.5 kg. of steam =: 1 kg. of coal at $3.20 a ton, or 0.32 ct. per b.h.p.-hr. ; $0.0032 X 14,400,000 = $46,080 iie mi-portable Steam Engines ('on.suming per b.h.p.-hr. 520 grs. of semi-bituminous coal at $3.20 a ton or 16.64 cts. per b.h.p.-hr. ; $0.1664 X 14,400,000 = $23,962 Pislon Steam Engines (\)nsuming 4.5 kg. of steam per i.h. p.-hr. or 5 kg. steam per b.h.p.-hr. With a normal evaporation of 7.5 kg. of steam per kg. of semi-bituminous coal, one b.h.p.-hr. requires 0.665 kg. of coal, at $3.20 a ton, giving 21.28 cts. per b.h.p.-hr. ; $0.2128 X 14,400,000 = $30,643 COMPARISON OF THE PRINCIPAL ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS c O 4> — O Type of equipment .2 „ m ci ^ &C C 3, Diesel engines 15.5 $18,600 $40,493 $3,168 $62,261 Producer gas 15.5 14,880 17,280 7,776 39.936 Semi-portable steam 12.9 ^1,352 23,962 8,568 43,882 Turbines, etc 12.9 10,139 46,080 4,896 61,115 I'iston engines, etc 11.2 6,486 30,643 4,608 41,737 1 Depreciation plus 5% interest on investment. Mr. Mathot took into account various factors derived from prac- tice, determining the number of units necessary for realizing the :3000-h.p. maximum under consideration. These factors include reliability, margin of power, load variations upon the fuel con- sumption, facility of attendance, etc. He considered 4 Diesel en- gines, 3 of which would be running while, owing to the facility of starting, the fourth engine would be at standstill but ready for service. The producer-engine plant allows 5 units of 600 h.p. each, the power being easily realized from single-acting, twin two-cylinder engines connected by couplings, with the flywheel in the middle, this engine being cheaper to build, economical in up-keep and the attendance simpler than the double-acting type. The figures were for suction producers rather than pressure ones, and Mr. Mathot allows 10 i)roducers of 300 h.p. each, plus 2 gen- erators which would constitute the spare apparatus. The engines were calculated for a margin in power of 10 to 20%, and should develop the estimated 600 h.p. with a mean effective pressure on pistons of 65 lbs. per sq. in. STEAM POWER 541 The figures on German semi-portable steam engines of the self- contained boiler and engine type, having a fuel consumption of less than 1 lb. of gross coal per b.h.p.-hr., with large power margin and without spare units. For the other steam plants he assumes the installation of 1 or 2 additional boilers of the Lancashire type with 2 or 3 corrugated internal furnace tubes, and with evaporation rate of 3 to 3.5 lbs. of water evaporated per hr. per sq. ft. of heating surface or 8.5 lbs. of steam per lb. of good coal. In considering depreciation, the Diesel engine may be considered on the same basis as fuel-gas engines of good construction, allow- ing 10 yrs. for amortization, while 15 yrs. is allowable for semi- portable steam engines and 20 yrs. for stationary steam engines of the Corliss, Sulzer and piston-valve types. Repair costs are not considered. Comparative Cost of Power in Small Units of Gasoline, Gas, Steam and Electricity. William O. "^^eber published the following data in Engineering News, Aug. 15, 1907. COST OF GASOLINE POWER Size of plant, h.p 2 6 10 20 Price of engine in place $150.00 $325.00 $500.00 $750.00 Gasoline per b.h.p. per hr. ... \^ gal. i^ gal. % gal. % gal. Cost per gal $0.22 $0.20 $0.19 $018 =r cost per 3,080 hrs $451.53 $924,00 $975.13 $1,386.00 Attendance at $1 per day . . 308.00 308.00 308.00 308 00 Interest, 57c 7.50 16.25 25.00 37.50 Depreciation, 5% 7.50 16.25 25.00 37.50 Repairs, 10% 15.00 32.50 50.00 75.00 Supplies, 20% 30.00 65.00 100.00 150.00 Insurance, 2% 3.00 6.50 10.00 15.00 Taxes, 1% 1.50 3.25 5.00 7 50 Pov.'er cost $824.03 $1,371.75 $1,498.13 $2,016.50 To these figures should be added charges on space occupied, as follows : Value of space occupied .... $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $300.00 Interest, 5% $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 Repairs, 2% 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 Insurance, 1% 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 Taxes, 1% 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 Total annual charge for space $9.00 $13.50 $18 00 $27.00 Total cost per annum $833.03 $1,385.25 $1,516.13 $2,043.50 Cost of 1 h.p. per annum 10-hr. basis 416.51 239.87 151.61 102.17 Cost of 1 h.p. per hr ' $0.1352 $0.0780 $0.0492 $0.0331 542 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA COST OF ELECTRIC POWER Size of plant, h.p 2 6 10 20 Cost of motor in place $83.00 $118.00 $216.00 $270.00 With wiring, etc 100.00 130.00 240.00 300.00 Cost of electricity 3,080 hrs. $529.56 $976.00 $1,425.00 $2,450.00 Attendance 20.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 Interest, 5% 5.00 6.50 12.00 15.00 Depreciation 10% 10.00 13.00 24.00 30.00 Repairs, 5% 5.00 6.50 12.00 15.00 Supplies, 1% 1.00 1.30 2.40 3.00 Insurance, 2% 2.00 2.60 4.80 6.00 Taxes, 1% 1.00 1.30 2.40 3.00 Total cost per annum $573.56 $1,037.20 $1,532.00 $2,572.00 Cost of 1 h.p. per annum, 10-hr. basis 286.78 172.86 153.20 128.60 Cost of 1 h.p. per hr $0.0928 $0.0558 $0.0497 $0.0417 COST OP GAS POWER $1.50 per 1,000 cu. ft. of gas less 20% if paid in 10 days = $1.20 net, gas 760 B.t.u. Size of plant in h.p 2 6 10 20 Engine cost if in place $200.00 $375.00 $550.00 $1,050.00 Gas per h.p.-hr. in ft 30 25 22 20 Value of gas consumed, 3,080 hrs Attendance, $1 per day .. Interest, 5% Depreciation, 5% Repairs, 10% Supplies, 20% Insurance, 2% Taxes, 1% , 221.76 $554.40 $843.12 $1,478.00 308.00 308.00 308.00 308.00 10.00 18.75 27.50 52.50 10.00 18.75 27.50 52.50 20.00 37.50 55.00 105.00 40.00 75.00 110.00 210.00 4.00 7.50 11.00 21.00 2.00 3.75 5.50 10.50 Power cost $615.76 $1,023.65 $1,387.62 $2,237.50 Annual charge for space . . . 9.00 13.50 18.00 27.00 Total cost per annum $624.76 $1,037.15 $1,405.62 $2,264.50 Cost of 1 h.p. per annum, 10-hr. basis 312.38 172.86 140.56 113.22 Cost of 1 h.p. per hr $0.1014 $0.0561 $0.0456 $0.0367 COST OF STEAM POWER Size of plant, h.p 6 10 20 Cost of plant per h.p $250.00 $220.00 $200.00 Fixed charge, 14% $35.00 $30.80 $28.00 Coal per h.p.-hr., in lbs 20 15 12 Cost of coal at $5 per ton $154.00 $103.00 $82.50 Attendance, 3,080 hrs 75.00 50.00 30.00 Oil, waste and supplies 15.00 10.00 6.00 Cost 1 h.p. per ann., 10-hr. basis = $279.00 $194.80 $146.50 Cost of 1 h.p. per hr $0.0906 $0.0832 $0.0475 STEAM POWER 543 ANNUAL COST OF POWER PER BRAKE-HORSE-POWER B.h.p. of unit Steam Electricity Gas Gasoline 1 $600.00 $312.50 $380.00 $487.50 2 500.00 282.00 312.50 416.00 3 437.50 252.00 260.00 350.00 4 375.00 227.50 220.00 300.00 5 320.00 207.50 192.50 262.50 6 280.00 192.00 172.50 240.00 7 250.00 179.00 160.00 210.00 8 . 230.00 168.00 152.50 182.50 9 210.00 158.00 145.00 165.00 10 195.00 152.00 140.00 152.00 12 175.00 140.00 132.50 137.50 14 165.00 133.00 126.00 122.00 16 157.50 128.00 120.00 112.50 18 • 150.00 126.00 116.50 107.50 20 146.00 123.00 113.00, 102.00 22 140.00 121.50 ' 110.00 98.00 24 137.50 119.50 107.50 95.00 26 133.00 117.50 105.00 92.50 28 130.00 116.50 102.50 90.00 30 127.50 115.00 102.00 87.50 35 124.00 113.50 100.00 85.00 40 120.00 112.00 98.00 82.50 50 112.50 110.00 96.00 80.00 60 105.00 108.00 94.00 78.00 70 100.00 106.00 92.00 76.00 80 95.00 104.00 90.00 74.00 90 90.50 102.00 88.00 72.00 100 86.40 100.00 86.00 70.00 Unit costs = Coal, $5 per ton; electricity, $0,135 per kw.-hour; gas, $1.20 per 1,000 ft., at 760 B.t.u. ; gasoline, $0.20 per gal. The curves in Fig. 61 are averages for the 4 different kinds of power reported for the figures given in the table accompanying this paper. Comparative Fuel Costs for Steam, Gasoline and Gas Engines. Table LVIII was published by the Otto Gas Engine Works, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Cost of Power. The following is abstracted from a paper by H. G. Stott, presented at a meeting of the Toronto Section of the A. I. E. E.. Dec. 18, 1908. In engineering estimates there is probably no item which contains so many variables as that representing the cost of power. Conse- quently we frequently find a wide divergence of opinion as to the results which may be expected under different conditions. In all types of plants the influence of investment upon the cost of power is one which is apt to be slighted in the estimates, and if not slighted it seems to be subject to more errors than any other factor which enters into this cost. This is particularly the case with hydraulic plants, as of necessity water storage, flumes, racks, tail- race, etc., enter into the estirpate, with the result that the actual cost has sometimes been found to be 100% greater than the esti- mated cost. In the same way indeterminate items of cost, such as foundations, cost of labor, etc., enter into practically all the calculations, so that 544 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA when we take into consideration the influence of location upon the cost of coal, labor and water, as well as upon the investment, it is readily seen that the actual cost of power is of necessity so variable as to make impossible anything like a standard cost per kw.-hr. With the above limitations in mind, the following notes on the cost of power have been compiled with the idea that they might form a guide to show at least the fundamental relations between 500 475 450 ,425 ;400 375 ;350 I 325 ^590 u275 I 250 a. 200 D- 175 150 S.125 ^ 100 I 75 o O 50 25 " — — — — \ \ \ \ .\ \ \\ \ y \\ \ \ ^ y \ \ ^ <\ |\ ■ % \ ?v \ \ 4 > \, ^z <^ ^ *N^ ^ ' ^* ^ c-/'/-/ ^ "^ ^ __ ;^ •-13 .-. ^. — - — — " -^ ' . ENC .NE \fS>. f^ 4 6 8 K) 12 14 le Brake Horse 18 20 22 24 26-28 30 Power Fig. 61. Diagram showing comparative costs per brake, horse- power of steam, electricity, gas and gasoline in small powers. the various items going to make up the cost of power, and at the same time show what is actually being done to-day in large plants having a maximum load of over 30,000 kws. Table LIX, taken from a paper contributed to the A. I. E. E. in 1906, has been expanded and revised so as to bring it up to the results obtained in practice in 1909. The principal changes made have been due to the better economy obtained in the steam turbine, and in the reduction of the total fixed charges from 12% to 11% ; fixed charges composed of 5% interest, 1% taxes and STEAM POWER 545 O a "^^ ft • s 3 3o« +j 4S ^ 2^ • be j3 +^" jd jd jfi ..a :S o • U5 • •OOOOO •OOOOO Ui • • aiiooiftiH o to wi se- iw XJ XJ XJ xi -* . •0000(M CO • •UiCOrHr-lo pilrtlOlO o --^ OO • •W0U50CD OMC-M o O -US TJH . •<^^^eo<^qr^ «H ^ i-iO ^ 9. ^ ti ^1 ^ Ut 'ii > 2 • bo :.S . OJ • G ■ O . o . I . a . o . c hi" S Sh rj 3 C bxiG ?§! o o (X) '-I S (1) 0) bi3 - o « c c t;^ C r, m M - « TO 00 bcbnbiD be CCS C ID O) OJ O) Ofo; 0) (D S O O O aipp3 „ 'd'O'O w o o o CC Jh Sh Si 0(1^(1^A^ ™ o jX5 MiM tH • •ooo-*'-*«o . O -^O «£i • -lOOCOCOo UjO -^^ CO . •■rHWWiHrH P,C<1 ««■ s^^ G 00 X3 o o2 iOOOtJ< ■ 00 -ti t- 1- eo •C-C0rH«Du3 'CO • rHT •00 • lo o T-i t^ 00 eo w • <» Tt^ TT' «c> i« eo IM • 0) o boc S cS§ Sci 03 /ATE \ -_. ^ ^--" ^^ 'to rALC OST DF ERA] ION — — ^ i » ■4 fa 8 1 W) li » 1^ 10 I PER CENT LOAD Fig. 63. Cost of power. Steam turbine plant. Plant cost = $93.75 per kw. — A. Plant cost = $75.00 per kw. — B. Interest, taxes, depreciation, etc.= 11%. Solid lines = coal at $3.00 — 14,500 B.t.u. per lb. Dotted lines = coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. the day. As an illustration, refer to Fig. 72, which shows the cost of power on a summer lighting load. During the greater part of the day, No. 4, or the gas-engine plant, is the most expensive, owing to the necessarily high fixed STEAM POWER 549 charges. For the same reason, the reciprocating- steam-engine plant is also high. During: the light morning load the hydraulic plant is also handi- 12 10 . ^ \ 8 I- \ - \ > v - \ . \ Q. 2 (O -J \- ^^ ., *^ ^ -^ -^ [0_( 2AR( ES , « -'" CO/ L- AN D W/ TER _ 4 ^^ — — TOT AL C( &" F OP 1 .1 :rat O-N- ^ ~ ^ ,-' ^ ■ 6 / . PER CENT LOAD 120 Fig. 64. Cost of power. Reciprocating engine and low-pressure turbine plant. Plant cost = $100 per kw. Interest, taxes, depreciation, etc.= 11%. Solid lines = coal at .$3.00 — 14.500 B.t.u. per lb. Dotted lines = coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. capped by the fixed charges, but the low operating costs render it the more efficient upon the whole. Fig. 66, representing the plant in which .5 the installed capacity 550 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA consists of gas engines and .5 of steam turbines, makes so excel- lent a showing on all the load-diagrams that we may expect to hear more of this type of plant in the future. In all these comparisons it must be remembered that the costs 14 • 10 tc \ \ 3 O T « \ 1^ \ < ge 2 \ • \ u 0. I s \, ^ V \. ^'■i?-^ 2 <^ ^ ki CO/ L AN ) WA TER r— - 2 '~~tI ital" OPER ATIN( , CH/ RGES 4 ■ ' 2 » 4 01 e 8( ) IC lor 12 •0 14 PETTGENT LOAD Fig. 65. Cost of power. Gas-engine plant. Plant cost = $137.50 per kw. Interest, taxes, depreciation, etc. = 12%. Solid lines := coal at $3.00 — 14,500 B t.u. per lb. Dotted lines = coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. are worked out to the generating plant bus-bars -only. In prac- tically all cases, therefore, the costs discriminate in favor of the hydraulic plant, which almost invariably has to assume as a part of its expenses, the fixed charges and operating expenses of the transmission lines. Obviously, it was inadvisable to bring such an STEAM POWER 551 unknown quantity into this comparison, but the fixed charges and operating expenses of a long-distance transmission line connecting to an hydraulic plant may be sufficient in many cases to decide u 12 ccio O \ % \ ) \ I' \ \ \ (0 -J 1 \ -J ^ \ ^ HlTf 0-c, Ji >— -i ^H£E S c 3AL AND V^ATEF 2 ^-^ ,'— TOT Ix. OP ERATING CHARGES ^ 100 14^ PER CENT LOAD Fig. 66. Cost of power. Gas-engine and steam-turbine plant. Plant cost — $120 per kw. Interest, taxes, depreciation, etc. = 11.5%. Solid lines = coal at $3.00 — 14,500 B.t.u. per lb. Dotted lines — coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. the question of local steam or gas plant versus long-distance trans- mission from an hydraulic plant. Figs. 76 to 81 are calculated from Figs. 62 to 67 and show the 552 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA power-plant costs per kw, per annum for various load-factors for each of the 6 types of plants. Attention is called to the fact that the result shown in Fig. 81 is for power at the bus-bars only, and that this must of necessity be increased by the fixed charges and maintenance costs of the transmission lines and transformers. 16 ■^ 14 12 0,0 \ 3 I 5' \ \ V \ \ 2 ^ ^*^ po ■--iif .iits_ ^- — TCI AL =e:ra riNG DHAR 3ES .« 20 40 60 80 100 WO PER CENT LOAD' Fig. 67. Cost of power. Hydraulic plant. Plant cost = $125 per kw. Interest, taxes, depreciation, etc.rr 11%. Comparative Power Station Costs for Steam, Gas and Diesel Engines. The following is from a paper by Charles Day, in Power, Oct. 3, 1911. The great difficulty most buyers of power-plant ma- chinery find is in securing reliable figures of power costs from people engaged in trade, except in the case of electric-supply STEAM POWER 553 stations. The figures published in the Electrical Times cover prac- tically almost all the supply stations in Great Britain, and this information combined with information obtained direct from sta- tion engineers has enabled the author to determine the average i GA^ PLANT ^APAC TY 70 000 CAPACITY OF ALL OTHE 5^»>PLANTS ,^ / ^ \ X. 60000 / " \ \ / r N ^--. y gsoooo 1 ^40000 ' 30000 20000 10000 MID DAY 1 Z i 4 e t 1 [1 1 I i i i i 1 12 TIME-HOURS Fig. 68. Typical industrial load. results obtained in such stations. With different types of plant these averages for stations having a plant capacity not exceeding 1000 horsepower, are as stated in Table LX. The limit of 1000 h.p. was fixed owing to there being as yet no 554 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE LX. PENCE PER KW.-HR. SOLD Type of engine Steam Gas . , Diesel Fuel 0.45 0.43 0.23 Lubricat- ing oil, waste, stores, and water 0.06 0.09 0.04 Wages 0.25 0.28 0.19 Repairs and mainte- nance 0.26 0.24 0.07 Total operating costs, pence 1.02 1.04 0.53 Load factor 14.7 15.3 14.3 large electricity-supply stations equipped solely with Diesel engine or gas engines. Of course, better results are obtained when driving machinery which gives a better load factor, but the causes which produce loss are, as a rule, the same, though modified in extent. The general conclusion formed from a study of electricity stations holds good for the great majority of power users, though perhaps not applicable to some special trades, where engines can be run continuously on almost uniform loads. It is also necessary to point out that the figures include some items which should not strictly tr ?.n i; =r=^ ' """^ 1 a 5 =$^ -Tzr. — - 3rrr — rzir: :::. '4 ^-- « 1 1 MID DAY 1 2 4 % 1 1 2 \ 1 I t TlME-HOURS^ Fig. 69. Typical industrial load. Cost of power throughout the day. 1 = Reciprocating steam plant. 2 = Steam-turbine plant. 3 = Reciprocating engine and low pressure turbine plant. 4 = Gas-engine plant. 5 = Gas engine and steam-turbine plant. 6 = Hydraulic plant. be charged against the power plant. For instance, the wages items include figures for men working on cables, street lamps, and in sub- stations, and the repairs items include repairs to such parts. Also it is necessary to mention that the figures give the costs per unit of energy sold, not per unit generated. From the averages it is clear that a substantial gain is obtained by the adoption of Diesel engines as against either gas or steam engines, the figures being beyond doubt substantially accurate. It is also noticeable that the gain is not only on fuel consumption, STEAM POWER 555 but is practically in the same proportion on the other items of expenditure. The great saving- shown by these average figures is confirmed by repeated experiences of the author. In many cases, although the figures guaranteed with Diesel engines have been no better than figures previously guaranteed and obtained on tests, with existing steam and gas engines, the Diesel engines have shown over ' / / A / / °> lU / / y 5. / / X ^B / X / y X a 3 / / y / y 'y^ y 'ix CO z Z / ^ y cc UJ a. ^ on /- / ^ ^ ^ < -1 -J O y ^ ^ (y" ^ ^ ^ Q / A ^ ^ 4 y\ ■^ # '^ Fig. 40 60 so PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR 70. Typical lighting load. extended periods a saving of 50 and 60%, and in some cases an even greater percentage, the result being due to the fact that the Diesel engine's average working results were very much nearer to the guaranteed figures than with gas or steam engines, combined with the fact that the relatively high cost of working at light loads with gas or steam had not been sufficiently taken into account when considering the guaranteed figures. 556 MECHANICAL ASD ELECTRICAL COST DATA ! 10 13 2 4 TIME-HOURS Fig 71 Typical winter lighting load. Cost of power throughout the day. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 same as in Fig. 69. TABLE LXl OPERATING COST. PENCE PER KW-HR. SOLD, FOR STEAM STATIONS OF DIFFERENT SIZES Lubricat- Station capacity not exceed- ing, kw. Fuel ing oil, waste, water and stores Wages Repairs and main- tenance Total, pence Load factor 250 0.63 0.09 0.35 0.36 1.43 13.2 500 0.56 0.06 0.27 0.29 1.18 13.3 750 0.43 0.05 0.23 0.24 0.95 15.4 1,000 0.40 0.05 0.23 0.21 0.89 16.8 1,500 0.42 0.04 0.17 0.18 0.81 16.9 2 000 0.37 0.04 0.16 0.21 0.78 17.7 3,000 4,000 5,000 0.33 0.04 0.15 0.17 0.69 17.4 0.40 0.03 0.14 0.20 0.77 18.8 0.34 0.03 0.11 0.16 0.64 18.7 7,000 10,000 0.36 0.26 0.04 0.03 0.13 0.09 0.20 0.13 0.73 0.51 17.9 22.6 20,000 0.30 0.03 0.11 0.16 0.60 19.6 50,000 0.23 0.02 0.10 0.11 0.46 20.56 STEAM POWER 557 When going through cost records to prepare the average figures previously given, the author noticed very wide differences of cost per unit, particularly in the case of the steam plant. He therefore had the average cost calculated for steam stations of different capa- city, and as the results are interesting, they are given separately In Table LXI. It is to be noted that, even with the largest steam stations, the ;?6 84 A 1 \ / \ / 20 3 O IB / \ / / f\ \ 1 1 I 1.. / /A /a' A '/A W 1 // A 1 W )\'\\ /\ / . ^ \ 1 1/ K // \N b J-N .-.=. ^^ / kS \^ / \ VJ ^brr: ^ ' ^ \ V-- K- V 5' -'' v^' /' MID OAV 2 . I \ 5 8 1 1 2, 1 i } 1 12 TIME-HOURS Fig. 72. Typical summer lighting load. Cost of power throughout the day. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 same as Fig. 69. costs per unit generated are no better than for quite small stations using Diesel engines, and this in face of the improved load factor. This is a most important point, and shows that small Diesel stations can profitably supply current at prices hitherto thought to be ob- tainable only in densely populated centers having large power stations. In all cases the figures which have been given are operating costs and do not include anything for interest on capital or de- preciation. It is hardly possible to give a definite statement show- 558 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ing the cost of constructing and equipping power houses of differ- ent types, as there are so many variable factors. However, the author's experiences of a considerable number of estimates indi- cates that up to a capacity of, say, 1000 kws. there is generally little difference between fhe gross capital expenditure required, whether steam, gas, or Diesel engines be adopted. 10 12 TIME-HOURS Fig. 73. Typical railway load. The heat efficiency of the Diesel engine, though far from perfect, is still much better than any other heat engine, as is readily seen from the fuel consumption, which is 0.44 pound of fuel oil per brake horsepower per hour. The fuel consumption is also low at partial loads; being 0.45 pound at three-quarters load, 0.47 pound at half load and 0.62 pound at quarter load. These are not " records " but everyday figures, and for engines STEAM POWER 559 of moderate size. With larger engines the fuel consumption is rather lower, but increase of size does not give anything like the improvement in fuel consumption that occurs with steam engines. Owing to the high economy at light loads it is often found dis- tinctly advantageous to run a Diesel engine in preference to using a storage battery. The oil generally used is residual petroleum; that is, the re- 26 22 1 t n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 320 I / / / 3 / 1 /r ^>\ 1 1 1 i 1 / 1 / f uA 1 / /'f f / / CO -1 D // I .^ y^ i \\ ^ % y ^ ^ kv & 2^ ^^ fi '^^ ^/^/ n ^ . l\3 b ,'''' •- \.,^^ Z^'" v_. MID DAY 1 S i I i 1 1 •i ■ \ 1 J u TIME-HOURS Fig. 74. Typical summer load. Cost of power throughout the day. Curves 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 same as in Fig. 69. siduum left from petroleum after the lighter oils have been distilled ofE. The increased demand for gasolene will certainly tend to increase the further supply of residuum, while the opening up of new oilwells in various parts of the world is steadily increasing the oil supply. The fuel oil used can be almost any of the fuel oils which are used for boiler firing, and a wide variety of oils can be used with no alteration of the engine, this being probably explained by the 560 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA fact that an atomizer which will sufficiently atomize a thick viscous oil can easily atomize the thinner oils. The use of oil fuel carries with it obvious advantages in the way of ease of handling and of cleanliness. The question may naturally be asked whether Diesel engines are suitable for long periods of continuous running. In reply to this the following instance may be quoted : 10 12 TIME-HOURS Fig 75 Typical winter railway load. Cost of power throughout the day. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 same as in Fig. 69. At the Birkdale Electricity Works a Mirrlees-Diesel was installed a little over four years ago. The station engineer recently made a report which showed that the engine had, on the average, worked 23.75 hours out of every 24 hours throughout the four years, or an average stoppage of about 1.75 hours each Sunday. Average Costs of Installing and Operating Coal-Burning Steam Power Plants. Reginald Trautschold gives the following in Lefax. The differentiated costs which together ordinarily make up the total cost of a steam power plant are : STEAM POWER 661 Land for engine and boiler rooms Engine and boiler room building Chimneys Boilers Feed pumps, boiler Engines brake h.p. capacity of plant Cost of plant per brake h.p. = Accessories Foundations Piping Installation Freight and cartage total cost of plant := Item A. / / A oc / / o> oc UJ Q. / / / / c^ ^,0 / — ^ y L/ ^B S 5<: / / / y / '/ ^ o i 30 / / / . / y ^ 'iA CO z z / ^ y oc UJ 0. /y / / / A ^ ^ Av -1 -i o /^ y / €^ ^ y ^ -^ o / ^ r A 'y ^ # '" . PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Fig. 76. Cost of power per kw. per year. Reciprocating steam- plant. Plant cost $125 per kw. Fixed charges — 11%. A. B, C, D = coal at $3.00 — 14,500 B.t.u. per lb. A'. B'. C, D'.= coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. A = Coal and water. B = A + Mechanical maintenance and operation. C = B + Electrical maintenance and operation. D = C -f Fixed charges. 562 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 5& < / > tc K X r^ /^ ^ Xd ^ -1 ^ 30 .^^ V ^ ^0-^ ^ ^ x^ I y /;x ^ 3 y 5* oj^ / /^ ^ ^ oa ^ <^ ^ y^ ^ A> ^ in ^ ^ y ^ 'y^ ^ ^ /V^ > ^ <^s^ Fig. 77. PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Cost of power per kw. per year. Steam-turbine plant. Plant cost $93.75 and $75 per kw. Fixed charges, 11%. A, B, C. and D same as in Fig. 76 = coal at, $3.00 per lb. A'. B', C and D' same as in Fig. 76 = coal at $1.50 per lb. 14,000 B.tu. 11,000 B.tu, Fixed charges per year (yearly burden) : Depreciation Repairs Interest Insurance Taxes, 2% or .75 cost = Total Fixed charges per brake h.p.-yr. 5 % of total cost. 2 % " " " 6 % " " 1 % " " 1.5% " " 15.5% " " 15.5% of Item A. STEAM POWER 563 TABLE LXII A. COST OF PLANT PER BRAKE H.P. B. FIXED CHARGES PER BRAKE H.P. YEAR, TAKEN AS 15.5% OF COST PER BRAKE H.P. Size h.p. Cost Size h.p. Cost 100 1172 100 $ 26.66 200 146 200 22.63 300 126 300 19.53 400 110 400 17.05 500 96 500 14.88 600 84 600 13.02 700 76 700 11.78 800 68 800 10.54 900 64 900 9.92 1000 60 1000 9.30 1500 58 1500 8.99 2000 56.50 2000 8.76 2500 55 2500 8.53 3000 54 3000 8.37 4000 52 4000 8.06 5000 50 5000 7.75 C. COST OF ATTENDANCE PER BRAKE H.P. YEAR (308 DAYS) Size Operative hours of plant per day h.p. 10 24 100 $12.00 $24.00 200 10.00 20.00 300 8.60 17.20 400 7.25 14.50 500 6.20 12.40 600 5.40 10.80 700 4.70 9.40 800 4.15 8.30 900 3.75 7.50 1000 3.50 7.00 1500 3.25 6.50 2000 3.15 6.30 2500 3.05 6.10 3000 2.75 5.50 4000 2.50 5.00 5000 2.25 4.50 D. COST OF OIL, WASTE AND SUPPLIES PER BRAKE H.P. YEAR (308 DAYS) Size Operative ! hours of plant per day h.p. 10 24 100 $ 2.40 % 5.76 200 2.00 4.80 300 1.72 4.13 400 1.45 3.48 500 1.24 2.88 600 1.08 2.60 700 .94 2.26 800 .83 1.99 900 .75 1.80 1000 .70 1.68 1500 .65 1.56 2000 .60 1.44 2500 .55 1.32 3000 .50 1.20 4000 .40 .96 5000 .35 .84 TABLE LXIII. COAL CONSUMPTION PER BRAKE H.P. (308 DAYS) YEAR Size Operative hours Size Operative hours of plant per day of plant per day h.p. 10 24 h.p. 10 24 100 lO.OOtons 20.00 tons 900 4.15 tons 8.30 tons 200 9.00 18.00 1000 3.45 6.90 300 8.25 16.50 1500 2.80 5.60 400 8.00 16.00 2000 2.40 4.80 500 7.10 14.20 2500 2.10 4.20 600 6.20 12.40 3000 1.85 3.70 700 5.50 11.00 4000 1.72 3.44 800 4.80 9.60 5000 1.55 3.10 564 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE LXIV. TOTAL COST OF POWER PER BRAKE HP YEAR (308 DAYS) Cost of coal per ton Size $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 plant Service Service Service Ser\ ice h.p. 10 hr. 24 hr. 10 hr. 24 hr. 10 hr. 24 hr. 10 hr. 24 hr. 100 $61.06 $96.42 $71.06 $116.42 $81.06 $136.42 $91.06 $156.42 200 52.63 83.43 61.63 101.43 70.63 119.43 79.63 137.43 300 46.35 73.86 54.60 90.36 62.85 106.86 71.10 123.36 400 41.75 67.03 49.75 83.03 57.75 99.03 65.75 115.03 500 36.52 58.56 43.62 72.76 50.72 86.98 57.82 101.16 600 31.90 51.22 38.10 63.62 44.30 76.02 50.50 88.42 700 28.42 45.44 33.92 56.44 39.42 67.44 44.92 78.44 800 25.22 40.03 30.02 49.63 34.82 59.23 39.62 68.83 900 22.72 35.82 26.87 44.12 31.02 52.43 35.17 60.72 1000 20.40 31.78 23.85 38.68 27.30 45.58 30.75 52.48 1500 18.49 28.25 21.29 33.85 24.09 39.45 26.89 45.05 2000 17.31 26.10 19.71 30.90 22.11 35.70 24.51 40.50 2500 16.33 24.35 18.43 28.55 20.53 32.75 22.63 36.95 3000 15.32 "22.47 17.17 26.17 19.02 29.87 20.87 33.57 4000 14.40 20.90 16.12 24.34 17.84 27.78 19.56 31.22 5000 13.45 19.29 15.00 22.39 16.55 25.49 18.10 28.59 Cost of power is at engine ; no transmission or conversion losses considered. EXAMPLE 2500-brake h.p. plant, operated 10 hrs. per day, 308 days per yr., coal $4.00 per ton. Cost of plant (Table LXII-A) $137,500 Yearly fixed charges (Table LXII-B) $ 21,325 Yearly cost of attendance (Table LXII-C) 7,625 Yearly cost of sujipHes (Table LXII-D) 1,375 Yearly coal. 5.250 tons (Table LXIII) 21,000 Total cost of power per year (Table LXIV) $ 51,325 Total cost of power per brake h.p.-hr. (Table LXV) $.00667 or % ct. Steam Power Plant Costs. The following estimated costs were given in a report of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province of Ontario, reprinted in Engineering News, Dec. 1907. CAPITAL COSTS OF STEAM POWER PLANTS AND ANNUAL COSTS OF POWER PER B.H.P. Capital cost of plant per h.p. i n st a 1 led '■ Total Size of Engines plant, boilers, etc., Buildings h.p. installed Engines. Simple, slide valve, non-condensing Boilers ; Return tubular. 10 $66.00 $40,00 20 56.00 37.00 30 48.70 35.00 40 44.75 33.50 6Q 43.00 31.00 Annual Annual cost of 10- cost of 24- hr. power hr. power per b. h.p. perb.h.p. $106.00 $91.16 $180.76 93.00 76.31 151.48 83.70 66.46 131.68 78.25 59.49 117.74 74.00 53.95 106.46 STEAM POWER 565 40 60 fiO PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Fig. 78. Cost of power per kw. per year. Reciprocating-engine and low-pressure turbine plant. Plant cost $100 per kw. Fixed charges 11%. Engines : Boilers : 30 40 50 60 80 100 Engines Boilers : 100 150 200 300 Simple, Corliss, non-condensing. Return tubular. 70.70 62.85 59.00 56.00 50.00 44.60 35.00 33.50 31.00 30.00 27.50 25.00 105.70 96.35 90.00 86.70 77.50 69.60 61.14 55.50 50.70 47.42 43.86 40.55 Compound, Corliss, condensing. Return tubular, with reserve capacity. 63.40 28.00 91.40 33.18 53.70 24.00 77.70 29.83 50.10 20.00 70.10 28.14 45.90 18.00 63.90 26.27 117.70 107.10 97.73 91.34 85.41 79.19 60.05 54.63 51.72 48.83 566 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 400 500 750 1,000 43.55 41.25 40.50 39.00 16.00 59.55 14.00 55.25 13.00 53.50 12.00 51.00 24.84 23.73 23.56 23.26 46.12 44.21 44.02 43.71 Engines : Boilers : Compound, Water-tube, Corliss, condensing, with reserve capacity. 300 400 500 750 1,000 55.20 51.50 49.40 46.80 44.30 18.00 73.20 16.00 67.50 14.00 63.40 13.00 59.70 12.00 56.80 25.77 24.18 23.19 22.88 22.47 46.32 43.61 42.03 41.56 41.11 a. < VI > ir UJ a. 5* s ^ .?>" ■^ z .— -^ ■'" UJ a ''" ^ < ^^^ ^ ^ ^ 10 _,^^' ^ .'''' ^.i- P^--' ^ '■^ ^^ ,.^- .^^'' _^— - ^^— V^.^. — ^ "' " - -i u 4 D G « [) 1 PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Fig. 79. Cost of power per kw. per year. Gas-engine plant. Plant cost = $137.50 per kw. Fixed charges 12%. Solid lines 1 Dotted lines \ same as Fig. 76. A, B, C, D J STEAM POWER 567 §» > t 0^ Y ^ .?>" 3„ <; ^.^ ''" <00 1 ^ ^-' ^\^ Ofl) ^ ^llT^"' ^^"^ ^ -:^ ^80 .J ^ ^ ^ '"-B A^ s u^ ^ ;;;-' A- ^ ^^ <:^ <^'-'" V^^-- ^ ..-- '' "^' u ^ J K 1 ( ) ■' ' — J • ( 1 g PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Fig, 80. Cost of power per kw. per year, turbine plant. Plant cost = $120 per kw. Fixed charges 11.5% per annum. Solid lines 1 Dotted lines \ same as in Fig. 76. A, B, C, D J Gas-engine and steam- Boiler Room Equipment Costs Per Rated Boiler Horse-Power. The following, by O. S. Lyford, Jr., and R. W. Stovel for plants using coal for fuel, was taken from Electric Journal, April, 1912. Dols per h.p. High Low Boilers exclusive of masonry setting $11.00 $ 8.00 Superheaters 3.00 Stokers 5 50 3 00 Masonry settings for boilers • . 3.50 2 00 Flues 1.50 0.75 5C8 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Dols. per h.p. High Low Stacks .,.. 4.00 2.00 Economizers 4.00 Mechanical Draft 3.00 Feed-Pumps 1.50 0.50 All Piping and Pipe Covering 10.00 6.00 Feed-Heaters 1.00 0.40 Coal Chutes and Ash Hoppers 1.25 Various, such as Indicating and Recording Devices. Damr)er Regulator, Ladders and Runwaj-^s, Painting, etc 1.00 0.50 Totals $50.25 $23.15 Cost of a 10 h.p. Steam Plant as given by W. O. Webber, Engineering Magazine, Feb., 1907. 10 h.p. boiler $ 300 Boiler foundation and setting 160 Blow-ofC tank 31 Damper and regulator 75 Injector tank 10 Water meter 40 Piping for same 20 Pump and vacuum 122 Feed-water heater 40 Pipe covering 50 $789 Engine, 7 by 10 $ 184 Foundation for same 60 Steam separator 35 Oil separator 25 Piping 95 Freight and cartage 30 $429 Land for engine and boiler room, 300 sq. ft. at $1.00 $ 300 Boiler and engine-room bidg., 300 sq. ft. at $1.50 450 Chimney, 18-in. by 40-ft 400 $1,150 Total $2,368 Note. These figures of Mr. Webber's evidently include labor in each item. His allowance of $1.00 per sq. ft. for land would be high in some places because it amounts to over $43,000 per acre. Cost of a 60- h.p. Steam Plant. Mr. Webber is authority for the following, also. Land for engine and boiler room $ 2,500.00 Buildings for engine and boiler room 2.500.00 Chimney 1,200.00 80-h.p. boiler 790.00 Ash pan for boiler (below high-tide level) 120.00 Boiler and engine settings 1,282.00 Blow-off tank 31.00 Damper regulator 75.00 Injector tank 10.00 Water meter 60.00 i| STEAM POWER 669 ^50 a r J 00 CO 20 3 c^ 10 ^ B^ 40 60 PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR 100 Fig. 81. Cost of power per kw. per year. Hydraulic plant. Plant cost = $125 per kw. Fixed charges, 11% per annum. A = Mechanical maintenance and operation. B = A + Electrical maintenance and operation. C = B + Fixed charges. Piping for same i f r in Pump and receiver 7n 4 Feed-water heater ; 707^ Pipe covering $ 2,677.78 Engine, 12 by 30 5 J.%«5.00 Pan for engine fly wheel '^xy. Steam .separator ""•"" 570 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ■ \ \ \ i. \ \\\l , r \v \ \ 1. V \ \, > * S \ ^ s ^ V ^ ^ ^ *<5a ^ i ^ Z ■""— ~~~- — — — >— — 6' 6^' -:•-'-'■ z^- rrr; 1— " ~^~ : ZZZl _^ y .6 y ^ 'r'' ' ^ :n" — zirz — -*— '~~" ^3 ^ ■ca-jfs y ^ 5= == ;=s = ^^ // f ___ ^' — . / /-^ / 40 • 60 80 too PER CENT LOAD Fig. 82. SummaiT of Figs. 1 to 4 inclusive. Curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 same as Fig. 69. STEAM POWER 571 Oil separator 41.00 Piping, freig-ht and cartage 1,026.41 $ 2,265.21 Shafting in place $ 550.00 Belting in place 285.00 $ 835.00 Total $11,977.99 ^/ • / / Kn /^ / < / / 3 .^^^ llJ > DC / / y 4>^ Q.4U 1- < y / y y) ^ ^^ O -J / / ^ ^ ^ ai Q. / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U-0 ^ ^ '^ /« n 2 ) ^ ) — ' fi 8 ' ' i( PER CENT LOAD-FACTOR Fig. 83. Summary of Figs. 76 to 81 inclusive. Curves 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 same as Fig. 69, Coal at $3.00 — 14.500 B.t.u. per lb. 572 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA P^ O.H < \^ i;^'^^ tf o o W fU xn ^ <^ P 00 o fl CO o ■w tf O a; O o P Tt^"^ o ffi ^■^M C O Ph iio K a; H a M 03 <5j O tf Hi Oo.^ M > Ph ^0) M ^m ^ t o O Ck fe o H w o C ( ) o a o ^ -tJ 0) c«W _ > 03 X! r^. hJ H 1-1 M ---*l -^OOCOOOOOOi-ICOt-IOOCO ;h' CO 'M O'OO CD-^C^T-HOOOt-t^CDCDlrtUS ^ !^q(^^(^^T-^,HlHr^TH^-lOOOOooo _ oooooooooooooooo > o oooooooooooooooo o • lO tH i-< t> Cq O CO -r-l CD CO 00 CO CO ■* 05 CO 2 t^-C-MC^IOOCDCDt^Ol'MiftrHOOlOC^lO -C U5COKliHOi00t^COLOlft-*''*C0C0COCO ^ iH r-l T-l i-HO'O OO O OOO OOOO ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o'oooooooo'ooooooo . lO O CO us iH 00 lO CO -* CO CO tH OJ 00 -* 00 U Ifl O C- tH C^ CO iH OO C- t- as -"^i a; lO C<] 00 rj CO O I>- CO CO M iH Oi 00 t^ CD CD Irt U5 Irt ■<* (^qrMT^r^,-lT-^THOoooooooo o oooooooooooooooo oooo'o'oooooo'ooooo' 00 00 OS OO CO -^ ITS CO CO O CO Tt< O to CO iH • CO C<1 Ol O OS 05 tH -^ 00 CO 00 LQ CO O 00 CO 02 P C0i-lO5O5C~-CDCDm-^-*C0c0eOC0C^]CM '"^ •^ tH i-lOoOOOOOOO OO OO O s_^ ^ oooooooooooooooo (u o'ooooooooo'oooo'oo ^ &9- ooomTf000^01rtOu:>000 Wafl rH rH Oa e^ CO tMO STEAM POWER 573 y > /I ►- ill r q y iM -1 y / ^ ^^ < y y ^ '^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ -^ ■ :^ ^ '^2 y^ ■ 20 40 60 80 PER CENT LOAD-FACTOa Fig-. 84. Summary of Figs. 76 to 81 inclusive. Curves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6 same as Fig. 69. Coal at $1.50 — 11,000 B.t.u. per lb. Note. These costs include labor and incidentals. The item for land is very hig-h except in cities of the first or second class. Average Cost of Compound Condensing Steam Plants. W. H. Weston has given the following-, Eng-ineering- Mag-azine, January, 1912: H.P. Cost 100 Without Economizers % 10,000 200 " " 19,000 300 " " 25,500 400 " " 31,000 500 With " 28,000 600 " " 38,000 800 " " 56,500 1,000 " " 66,500 574 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA H.P. Cost 1,500 With Economizers 95,000 2.000 " " 121,000 4,000 " " 225,000 The above figures do not include mechanical stokers or ash- or coal-handling equipments, but do include engine and boiler houses, engine foundations, condenser and pump foundations, chimney, boilers (including settings and fittings), economizers (except where noted), all piping, valves, feed pumps, heaters and separators; en- gines, condensers, air and circulating pumps, and also allowing $1 or $2 per h.p. for miscellaneous costs. Mr. Weston says that for 1000 h.p. or more, ash -handling plants cost $0.50 to $3 per h.p., and coal-handling plants from $1 to $6 per h.p. ; these being so dependent upon special conditions that they OMtofBoilw SSI^SS IpoludlDg Sotting S Simple Nop-coodeosias: Total Coat I>»B.P. J.) Boiler St Eoi-loe Combined M M I I I ITTTT APPROXIMATE COSTS PER HORSE POWER OF STEAM POWER PLANTS COMPLETE SIMPLE CONDENSING Plotted .from DaU ocmpiled bf Wm.G.Saow ——Indloatee simple Noo.oondeMing : Eofloe , I and Boiler Combined Total Coat per H.p. 10 20 ssSSs 30 3 40 50 3 CO Horse Power ( Simple ConJon^ing) Fig. 85. Approximate cost per h.p. of steam power plants complete. should be calculated for each plant independently, rather than trusting to average figures which vary very widely between these limits and even exceed them. Approximate Cost Per h.p. of Steam Power Plants Complete. Simple Condensing. Fig. S5 was plotted from data compiled by Wm. E. Snow, as given in Tables LXVI-LXIX. The Estimated Cost per h.p. of Steam Power Plant Complete. After Wm. E. Snow, Engineering Magazine, May, 1908. Tables LXVI-LXIX were compiled from a large amount of data, obtained in many small power stations at various places, and are believed to be sufficiently accurate for any purpose of ordinary estimating. They are naturally general averages or approximations thereto. STEAM POWER 676 ^r-ocooooo • -o OOOOOOOOlftOOO Irt • ■COOCCr-ilft«.(3VOiOr->000 \af£> ' ■ r-^ c^i lo iM lo '* CO t-H CO c 1 1-^ ?o cj t-CO rH i-t rH OO Qooooo W T-l 03 iH CO 06 CO Z ifiT-t 00 M o U 00000 CO CO 0.1 CO 00 05 «OiH 00 , t- -* -* o o 00000 OOUSlrtO , Irt t>^ -rJH* im' CO ,0OOil»COCeOT-ilOU5(MOC«^10030 «C>'MOOCOOOU5lOl^^< (M r-irrco (IrtrflrtCDCqTfCO-i-COtD rHC^-*L0CDl000e^JCC-*C3 0CO 10 rH CO CO r-ii-'O •ooooooo«cooooo • OMOt-iftC-coo;iftocooo ■ «D 'M" «5 Ift «d U5 06 C^i C-^ -4' t-^ O 00 U5 tH CO CO cqc-],-! c "S c fc-^ bo Oi 0) 1, C^ C O j- » .^ 5 -i c^ ii oi o 'O "! ft 0) 0/ hr, ;- , o -lOU5i-ioS'oooooT-i r-ascoo: ect~ • »-< M ec •* r-V< ^ «j oc eo [■^lOi-llOIO 'co iH N rH r-O |»o■^JOo• e<3 r-i o fo ^; o T-i OS OS M r-i in i-H CO (M >-i c- ■* "^ c-^ M Vj t> o «^ o '-H ui «j T-J lA «d c^i lo ■c^lcc^~ IC0OT-HU5t>T-HW00Ci -M c- T o) t. c 1^ 2 fa '-'— '-rr'^' CC^foil-C'^^ i WTT-^fiftio'MooiOi-it^ascgi-occc'^-co •«*< ^CM«CC^1C-. 0C«O ?^ '"' c^ irj «c 00 e^' C5 in 00 00 o t> lA «o w t~- 1- eo t- 1- ic ec «> hJ '"' oo' ift CO a> c^i OS lo o 00 o c^j c> i-i «c t> e^i eu rf CJ U5 tH CMr^i— r-a> 6^ iH W9- ICOOOOO 00 IftOCCO w J,, i-ia5i>i-icgt-t- eo t-«c«ca:«D *— ■ m" « t-" ift c^a cvj u5 1-^ oc T-M c oj c-^ o lys irj "^ U5 ^ w H 13 Cs3(Ma5K500t-TtlOlOU5U5 OSMOSES tn ^' 00 iH o" oo' O -*' OJ lO OS O rt tf S2 c^^<^qc^^c?(M<^^<^:^<^^■ac «r> 00 00 O ct-t-a505 ^ f^ Sfe faO b.C Am S^ ' <5H ^"^ up:; S p^O. gg ^ *{ g3 5« q8 H^ w O o •S-S s- kj .2-^3 X J u pp o w p h A t-- Irt Irt 00 W CO OS OS c^-* t-* co' oi d d d d d i?5 o d o ■"3 t- t> 00 irt OS ■* 00 eg H tH tH eg eg c ■* 00 lO •" ?e 1-1 00 CO eg eg , lO irt ■* -* Tt< ^ g oooooo P^ d> G -*■ OS OS T-i O e^i eg CO "* in t- >:j eoeoiHOoo«C) A 10 Ti< CO CO eg «o olli U ri OM o o U5 i>-«r>0 irq o tft 1— I "t^ t- so CO OS CO U5 CO CO 00 c- o ^^ (P (Mcococo-^-^tococot-ooas lOus-^ coooeo Lot-c^eo P.COOOOO ««eu5 ,c3 cooa50ooooce«0'#ooo5 ;^ eO CO C^ CO CQ IM C<1 N (M Svj C<1 iH . a> oooooooooooo ■<-> CD 00 o s^ c~j lo t-^'cOOOOo5iH,-HT)^OOOC^_^ E-l iHiHr-TrHC^MM ^01005 -OiOOUS-^S^ • -US "^COCOC^l -COCOCOCOM • -iM ^^ ooo CDOO 05 OOOOO ooooo ,H "* U5 C~ CO r-Tc'l'cOCO'oo ^ Tfl -^ti CO ■* CD 00 CD CD 00 00 00 O "Wfl^ rH tH tH iH rH tH ,H ,H ,H rH iH C^ rTiX^S oo-*-*ooococ^^(^qoooooo W -*ilfllflCDcDCOCDC-t-C-t-C- ^ . OOO10OOOU5OU5U5O r;:^ a u5CDC-t-00 05oct>o ID H c o fa WW o(^ MO «^ O fa o1 <1 Q H CO O O a irtiMeoos t-t-coio S3 oooo PL) o' ooo ^ . "O 2* Tt< t- O CO M CO CO iH lO 00 ■«* rg'^ cgc'*oo - Qj 00 •^' 1-i o' oi oi OS as oo' 00 00 O •—I -^osocaoocsioooo rt 05 -* 00 OO U5 05 O CO O T-l o •^ 00 rH CO CD -^ ooo CO kftCCN ■-H^CSCDC^ 00 ^+j fan oscdcoai" ! i ! ! ; ! ! 0)2 & U5CO 00 fin coooooco S^ MrHrHrH "^ ^^S^ dooo +j a3«wCL, rt oi . o c^it>cD(M ! ; i I ; I I r^ C<)C<] COTt< ac-ait--^ ^ ^c^joo co_ai m T)H''a5t>-"'i<'' a; N c H . o Tt ^OMIOCO •(£> -US 530000 -O -O P^ o o' o o' ■ o ■ o' 00 00' 00 do" iz: aoo 0^00 O ojoo ■I-'IOO Oosco Eh ?£)iftu5ec«DiNOOe<5iflt- (Moocvaus-rfooiootcm ■*' d ■<*< cq M d th ,_; th c^,*^ THdoiddodddNo6t>o*di>"dododood-iHodi>t> lOOOOlOOOooinoOOOOOOOOOOOOOeqOOoOoOOOlftlOlO ^CllGlu^u3(^aokfi)ot~>i5'^■5»^ai•*ooe>^ooou3U5looo•i!tlcoO,-lTHool-HOUJc O (M e tH M ->«< ■r^ 1-H tHiH iH iH tH rH rn'rH rH rH rHiHW r-T t-^'c^Tn m'm C^ffO i^j'cO M CO M laU) •^■^•^ 00 pqO I M ^^. <^ ^^ ^^ «C -COiXi -US •!« lCI>«5t-00 p^;5 o p3 rCO'^egoo Jw o iw' c~ d iH O pLrHrHrHS^ US 00 • uiooo . (M 5 . rH tH cg esq rH ,-< 05 rH M • • rH rH rH ''^'^ ' d d> d ci <^ S ci> d '^ OoO ©00 a«D -^ -H.-H'^ 'cqPh Oo 050 "OOOlOOOOosOOOOOO -M Ol ci cJ'-joo -ui • 0) rt ™0 -rH • 000 • • •O -00 •00 «DO • OOOOOOOrHOoOOOOOO rHoO • • • cc -c- • 10 0OK5 • '*' 00 00 Oi t> rH CO w Tf Tf eo OOS • . •(M •-* •U5 r^ OiooOrH«cas H ■ ' tH 'rH 'i-i rH T-i rHC^J eg e * , ^ t^COOiC-OO Ift 00 'coco oiOi 00 t- +j- OJ cc rH M rH M rH ■ ■ "rHiM cq rH 'rHrH rH 0) >,-joooo |> rfooco d • • -OO c-> • -OO .<-) • • • -OO • -OO ^t^_io^_o t>- . • .\aio i> . -CIO rH rH rH 00 doo' eg .d * ' iM r-f ■ 'CVJOO -«*< 00 ' • U5u5 . -lO • • -laia • -lii • • -xa • •Ui .10 COCO co' CO CO CO CO CO ' CO •OC- • • ocg • •rHrH • • .00OMO(?q«£>^00-* . • -cooieoMSot-usow • • • rH rH rH rH eg rH eg eg C<1 • •CO •CA'SiftOOo'*'oooot^rHOmcooO'^'<*'CO ^ o,^ iJ3t-^t-i>OoiOocgc^iic^u:)icc^c- 00000^0 a; «OicciOirtOOO,-^?co5 O^ rH rHrHrHrHr-lrHrHrHrHrH €«■ '««■ ' ft +J S-l OOlOO U50W*i ini r-\ C in C<£> T-Hioooeo t> W (M IM ■*< 1-1 C^l 05 (M ev ji -^«5"^ CSrH CO -*t-lrH iH c S>. ««• i-T ,0 ee- ' V o C m C"5 OU5 1J30 0000 Ift rH «: O--^ >*i(MOeo O^T-liM 00 (M !> K ^S^" OlT-ICO •n^i-ii-i tH oc Olr-iH CO rH c C-rHC> so- i-T fe ^ 6«- ffl o ^ H ss lo lOOlC lOOOTt< 10 00 (N 0>C5Tt r-l cq O ">>> e«- ««■ 1- u ^ M > X "1 inoiflio lOlftlO-** U5 -* 00 OWOOi-l COlfllOi-l C- i-A ty «o 00 a -^s. €«• so- «« 5 '. c * cS :^:c . H : : : : :8 • ^ • J w •. h • * > >>> >>>>> > > h < < <:<: "^.S- > >^ 2« ^ t^ _^ . . «M o f " a If. 3 -fl- ^ O ^C ^4 o c o- C J-. a u 1 i-i o !-i Oi+J ^g. ^: > o o- O 0)- O ^o be a "3 1^ 4) ^^1 = <1^ m ® -^s. ^ ^o- ^•;::- ^ it >?3 ^S >> Eh fel>iHO aaaa ."t! oooo O coc>oo CCl CO !>"] «CHD a ^ ^ ^ ^ aaaa 03 c^-C So O 1* P >, o oj bo W few o 'O ftftftft g XXXX rj o6(m'oi> o '■''"' 3 D* OiOlflO H Iftr-iOSiH ftaaa .ti oooo J/5 O O-tOO g rt ""frieous O aaaa H Eh O) > ^ (Do to ;z;;ii o o o be bcbc a a; 9,03 fe fefe STEAM POWER 589 suouoauuoo ooooooooooooooooooi«iaus»ous a suo^oauuoo « r : miM '9oiJd: H a ^ V. H S 9UOIB 5 ^ 4 duincl 'aoiJti H Pi L H ^ saqn; Q g ss^jq'aDiJd zx 1-1 suiSue JO U •dq xojddv H i r IBiOJ, 1— ( w w M 01 Suidjd o o fe O j 5 Supoaaa h L ) w o u X' uoH'Bpuno^ X X J H 9uiSua hJ ^ m <: H 9510J1S g^- "qi 08CIH ■*e»500«c>«D«De<3COe<5coe»soooo 60- r-(i-lTHr-lTH(MC^iMC^10-3-<*< lairtooooooooooooooo r-lr-lrHr-tlMCOIMCqcvieOCOCOlftOOavOTH laOOlrtOOOOUSOlftlflOOlftOO c-Oi-iMTru5«>t-t-0'Mt-'*ot-oo lOOlrtOlflOlOOlftOOOOOOOO t>.OMU5t^O(MOiMU5OOOOl0OO ooooooooooooooooo c-»aiOTHM«50occ;coc:«eT-HCccxJO OOU3OU5U5OOOOOOO10OOO 0>-iC rHlHrHl-liHT-IC^lMCMC'JiMCOCOTl-Tj-Tt'lO jepuiiXD JO 9ZIS >. >. >. >. >. >: >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. 20% above and below the average. 590 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA rH OOOOOOlO o ,^ oooinooco US !2 OUiOOOlrt^ O 0> tH5 >,0 ■*! 05 00 rH C- IM lO^^ i-H (M lO iH rH OinOOUSOt- O t> ?0 t- 05 t- iH ^ iHC^llM T-l OOU500010 ti, O Oi 00 us 00 t- »H ? rHCqO :^ ^ iH 0000U50US K, OOOSlOt-t-rH •J iHfOOO '"• OOUSU5USOO OS HC0 50 ^ 7 " OO00O ■^ ustHcvj a> ■«j<'us'"i>oo''a5 IMCQOOOOOO USOOOO CCOOOOO us C- CO -rt* 1-1 -*usi>ooo C^ coco Tt" aanssaad qSiH ^^xj^^s M<00O«-t-t-t- •dq ooooo OOOOO oo o S' : oso o >>.>.>.>> O -4 . » t-US ^^^^^ '^e^icsitoc^ «ecgoo-* g Jlco^e/3- C>>.>.>>>. o ;QX!,Q,Q^ o e^ S-o o o O 0) as c^ c^ ho t H "^ i^ Sh rt c o) fl q o STEAM POWER 609 have great forcing capacity ; 300% of rating- can be maintained con- tinuously at 60 to 65 lbs. of coal per sq. ft. of grate. The efficiencies of modern stoker installations are shown by the curves in Fig. 86. These indicate boiler efficiency alone and do not allow for steam consumed by auxiliaries such as blowers, stokers and boiler-feed pumps. In general the best efficiency is shown when the boiler is operated at less than 100% rating. Curves A and B indicate an exception to this statement. As the net output of steam for a given coal input is affected relatively more at low loads than at high loads by the steam consumed by the auxiliaries, it is advisable to operate the boilers at about 25% higher than their most efficient rating as shown by the curves to obtain the best plant efficiency. The principal factor influencing the load to be carried by a boiler is the relation between fixed and operating costs. m COmiNE[> EFFIQEHCY. BOilZB AtiO FURNACE 'A -ZJeSKP Boikr, Taylor Stoker D. f. Sfirliry B-23CSH.P Boiler, Raney Stoker D.L Stirling C' S20H.P. Boiler. Taylor Stoker B.SW. D- 75dH.R Boiler. Taylor Stoker B.OW.ffbrt e'Tvbe^ t-fOO MR Boiler. Qreen Chain Crore. B.8M so 'F' S?0 H.P Boiler Weitinghouse-fbney Stt^ter 6' 1000 tip Boiler, Tq/hr Stoker BSW B.Oi V. ^t •^-,- 5* P -<< A ~2^^ ^ a ^ ^--^ ^ :::: ^ -^ ^ . iw - '^B <=: b ^ "^^ i^ T" ■^ ^ F ^ < '^ < r* V' i V < 9 6 6 a V n OJTP (f M J7 P 16 iRCBt^ to IT Cf io RAl Zi INC 24 ^ *- Tt* ■* U5 l_q"W rH eg rH (M M iH M N CO CO •* ^ " be- 3 oo o oo o oo o U5U5 lo" «ooi 00 o CO oo be C . a>+-| u5 CO coo irt (M ,_5^ iH iH iHCvl (M CO ^■*^ f^ C^ »»-' »— ' <^ ^^ (^ G; *»' w5 *»-' WJ N !> toCOU5ir50oOOoC:0 w 1-' T-i e it is stated whether it is based on the work developed in the cylinder, or on that delivered at the brake. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 619 In this investigation all thermal efficiencies have been referred to the brake h.p. per cylinder per end, so that a builder or purchaser may know just what per cent of the total heat units put into an engine is obtained at the brake as useful work. To obtain data for determining the average thermal efficiencies of American engines, letters were sent to about 90 of the largest manufacturers in the United States, requesting guarantees on the brake horsepower, thermal efficiency on this basis, kind and calorific value of fuel upon which the guarantee was based, and variation of guarantee, if any, with the size of engine. The thermal efficiencies were mostly calculated from the guaran- teed fuel consumption at full load, by the formula. 2545 Thermal efficiency = B.t.u. per brake h.p. the numerator being the B.t.u. equivalent of one h.p.-hr. The curves, Figs. 4 to 11, show the results as obtained in most cases from actual guarantees given by the manufacturers, and since the tendency seems to be to under-rate the engines, or place the guarantee on the safe side, it would seem that these average curves represent good practice and are too low rather than too high. Fig. 4 shows the average thermal efficiency curve for engines using kerosene. Where possible, Guldner's values for German practice, have been plotted on the same sheet with those represent- ing American practice. For kerosene, Guldner's curve is found to be below the average for American practice. This discrepancy is probably due to the fact that when Guldner wrote, some 10 years ago, very few*oil engines had been developed, and the thermal efficiency was consequently low. The thermal efficiency is seen to increase with an increasing brake-h.p., approaching 18.4% above 40 brake h.p. Fig. 5 shows the average thermal efficiencies for gasoline, which is lower than Guldner's curve for German practice. This would indicate either a higher development of the German gasoline engine, or a too con- servative guarantee by the American builder. The efficiency is low for small horsepowers, but increases until above 23 brake h.p. where it reaches a maximum value of 20.4%. Guldner's value at 25 brake h.p. is 23%. Fig. 6 also shows that for illuminating gas, Guldner's curve lies above that for American engines. At 100 brake h.p., American prac- tice shows 25%, while German practice shows 27%. For producer gas, American practice in general gives results higher than the German, as will be seen from Fig. 7. As may be expected, due to the great variation in the anlysis of natural gas, there is a wide range in the thermal efficiencies of engines using this fuel. (Fig. 8.) Therefore the average maxi- mum and minimum curves are given. German practice does not include this gas. The average curve reaches a maximum of 27.3% 620 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA at about 120 brake h.p. Very few values were obtainable for blast-furnace gas, but the curve, Fig. 9, is what might be expected from good practice, showing a maximum of about 26% above 400 brake h.p. Special efforts were made to obtain values for the Diesel engine, and the result (Pig, 10) shows the German values of thermal effi- g iQi r I I I. I I I I I J,, I I D IP I 5 10 15 20 25 10 55 40 45 5Q.55feO § ^ b.hp per Cylinder per End ^ '0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32' b.hp per C/tinder per End 1^22 :q20 E 10 20 50 40 50 60 70 80 ^0 lOOl ^ b.hp per (Cylinder per End ■ ^ ' - ■^ .. L.-. "(Vo, _ _ ' / / ILLU jA= l' . — ■~ ' 1 ~ " ^ "" A- n'ei " / b L/IU - r AAS .. _ L_ L_ L_ 10 20 50 40 50 feO 70 80 30 HO 130 b.hp. per Cylinder per End 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 30 lOO 120 bhp per Cylinder per End ^28 £24 .^22 £20 5 18 £ 100 200 500 400 *~ b.hp per Cylinder per End ■ I lli 1 1 1 -41 ^ ■ t ^ M ,ii B LAST .. fU RNACE i 1! 1 1 iHII ~ — 1 1 1 ,'J^ .^ — ■■■" ■" lloyj--' <3. r 1 , — 1 ij _H -^ tf'^iw, ^ — — _ _ _ _ A — b ^ F=F= - — - H — - 1 DIESEL J 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 30 100 120 140 b hp per Cylinder per End 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 lOO 110 140 160 b hp per Cylinder per End . v;,,!" Figs. 4-11. ciency to be highest, the English somewhat lower and the Ameri- can still lower. This may be accounted for both by the longer period of development of this engine abroad and the higher quality of workmanship in Germany than in other countries. Fig. 11 shows all the preceding average curves, for American practice only, reduced to the same scale for comparison. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 621 Cost Formula for Internal Combustion Engines. A. A. Potter in Power, Dec. 30, 1913, gives the following formulae: Type Capacity Equation of cost in dollars Gas engines Up to 300 h.p. 33.6 X h.p. — 115 Gasoline engines, hit-and-miss gov- 63.8 X h.p. — 316 nor Up to 100 h.p. Gasoline engines, throttling gov- 141 -{- 24.8 X h.p. ernor Up to 75 h.p. Oil engines Up to 400 h.p. 309 -|- 36.1 X h.p. Producer gas engines, American mfg Up to 300 h.p. 400 + 33.5 X h.p. Effect of Elevation upon the Power of a Gas Motor. R. E. Mathot in Engineering Magazine, Feb., 1907, states that each 100 meters (328.1 ft.) of additional elevation causes a loss of I'/c. in the power output of the gas motor. Economic Limits Between which Prime IVlovers of the Various Types may be Advantageously Used. We quote Table I after R. E. Mathot in Engineering Magazine, 1907. TABLE I. ECONOMIC LIMITS FOR- PRIME MOVERS * Power limits Normal consump- withfn which tion per horse- Type of engine or motor. the type may power hour at be practically full load, employed, h.p. Steam, Fuel, lbs. lbs. Stationary steam engines Slide-valve non-condensing 15 to 50 37.5 5.5 Slide-valve, coudc-n.smg 30 to 100 22 3.3 Corliss or Sulzer, simple con- densing 50 to 200 17.5 2.5 Idem, compound 80 to 1000 and upwards 13 1.85 Sena-portable steam engines Simple, non-condensing 20 to 50 16.5 2.4 Simple, cond ;nsing 40 to 80 13. 1.9 Compound, condensing 60 to 300 9.5 1.35 Triple-expansion, condensing with superheat 300 to 500 7.6 1.1 Steatn turbines Condeiwing 500 to 1000 and upwards Internal-co)nbustion motors Illuminating gas 1 to 30 17.50 cu. ft. of gas Oil 1 to 20 0.75 lbs. oil Producer gas, suction 15 to 30U 0.88 •• coal Producer gas, pressure 100 to 1000 1.00 " coal (and over). Diesel 50 to 500 0.42 " oil The limits indicated above of course are not absolute. Many small steam engines with vertical boilers are in use, for example, in units of very few horse-power each. Prime Movers for Central Stations. Edwin E. Dreyfus read the following notes in a paper before the annual convention of the 622 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers in New York, Sept. 28, 1911. The curves, Figs. 12 and 13, were presented to show the superior efficiency of the internal combustion engine within certain ranges, and also the increased uniformity in efficiency above other types. Oil engines led with an efficiency of 30% to 33%, referred to the shaft h.p., whereas gas engines ordinarily showed about 23% to 2G%, on ,c. _ _o. ,*t .0— ,- / r" ^?^^ / '/ y 1 'V ^ ^ h // ^..''^'* .-^^z \^ — ;^ -^ --._ / jf- / .J u^ ^ 1 // / ■^ > ^ 500 c«Si« „Tu^ ,c / /, ." L ■/ /' \A / s '. V 1/ w~ 10 20 3 1 ) /,u _ so ^0 70 80 90 1 Lojd Factor -Percent 1 1 Fig. 12. heat Ordinary thermal efficiencies of main units based on total value per brake h.p., with no allowance for auxiliaries. the same basis. Steam piston engines and turbines had a wide range of thermal efficiency between less than 5% and 21% on brake h.p. tests. Mr. Dreyfus pointed out as a characteristic feature of the gas plant that the cost steadily decreased until two or more 2,000 k,w. units are run, whereupon the investment begins to increase directly with the installed capacity. Conversely the k.w. cost on the steam turbine station constantly diminishes with increase in INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 623 size. Therefore the ratio cost of steam and gas stations must constantly grow in favor of the former. Cost of Power for Pumping with Internal Combustion Engines Using Various Fuels. The report of committee on Water Supply of American Railway Bridge and Building Association, abstracted in Engineering and Contracting, Nov. 26, 1913, states that a series of tests were made pumping from an 8-in. well, 190 ft. deep, lift- ing water against 15 ins. of vacuum, with a total head of 61ft. An 8 by 10-in. single cylinder double acting pump was used, direct — no r TO ^' Entin: PUoli V \, .od«cr \ \ •^- . BUii •iiS?. lePlant *\ ^ \ <^^ — 1 6C ^^ N "^^ — -^ .^ N-hiM] G«E„, ntPUn ^^. ^». .^ "" — — -— h S in ^^ ■^ ■--2: SLi^fc ■«««, 52 "^~~- -^ .^ FWrfF Vka\ i 40 1 i; % oe* — »■ -Kwr ?ls!W T ■-28 00 Fig. 13. Plant instalment costs of normal rated units, including buildings and foundations. connected to a 6 h. p. four cylinder horizontal gasoline engine equipped to run on kerosene and distillate as well as gasoline, controlled by a throttling governor. The fuels used and the results of the fuel tests are given in Table lA. Comparative Costs with Various Fuels. The following tables were rearranged from data given in Isolated Plant, May and June, 1913: Internal combustion engines are naturally divided into two gen- eral groups: (1) those that depend upon instantaneous combustion of the charge, or explosive engines, and (2) those in which the combustion is more gradual and in which the burning of the fuel occurs during a considerable portion of the expansion stroke. It is to the first group that internal combustion engines operating 624 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 3 3 •^?r> a •aa •SS iHt-t-OrH (Ooeo«nino It-OiOT-l IOOt>«COO d) CO CO SS 33 MM dj D 03 a> 41 cs 0) a -u c "^ W •4:; ,G O O O tr ifl o CO in c^i T-5 o o «e 10 ws o O) ho 5*0 iS3-5 ill! Ji ii a • aa . S, •"^ aa W M S S X2 O 3 -- I !-; I-; t. "tM^W C oajcj ____^ :=:= ^ ^ nuci ^ P' ^ ,«£ ^—* -^ , 5ut PfTf Ei ■ 0" ^^_ w 003 ■J «. iJ t> a O I Z 3 ff 5- (, f 3 Con OF Fue L. Coal DoLLAti I'en Tom Oil C£f\ITS ptn Gali-oh Fig. 14. Cost of power from steam, oil, and producer-gas engines in 20 kilowatt units. The fuel for the 20-kw. low-pressure engine is based on 1 lb. per h.p.-hr. at 75% rating. The water was based on 5V^ gals, per h.p.-hr. 100-KW. STEAM PLANT. Output in kw., 100. Indicated h.p. of engine, 160. Cost Engine and foundation $3,000 Boiler and pump (erected) and piping 4,400 Generator and switchboard 1,600 Steel stack and foundation 500 Total $9,500 Cost per year Coal, 800 tons at $4 $3,200 Labor 1,650 Fixed charges. 14% of cost 1,330 Oil, waste and supplies 175 Water 150 Total • $6,505 At 75 kw. or 75% load, the kw-hr. cost is 2.89 cts. For this plant a high-speed non-condensing engine was assumed, 630 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA as it would hardly be practical to put in a condensing engine of that size. The reason is that the condensing plant would cost much more. The fixed charges on this cost, together with the cost of steam for auxiliaries and the cost of condensing water, would outweigh the saving in coal. The boiler in this case was assumed to be a standard water- tube. The -coal and water cost were based on boiler efficiency of 60%, engine to take 30 lbs. steam per indicated h.p.-hr. at 75% load factor, allowing 15% for standby losses. 100-KW. SUCTION-PRODUCER PLANT. Brake h.p. of engine, 150. Cost Engine and foundation and air compressor ....$5,700 Producer and piping 2,200 Generator and switchboard 1,600 Total $9,500 Cost per year Coal, 275 tons at $4 $1,100 Attendance 750 Fixed charges at 14% 1,330 Oil, waste and supplies 175 Water 500 Total $3,855 At 75 kw. or 75% load, the cost per kw.-hr. is 1.71 cts. For this plant, a suction producer operating on anthracite coal was assumed, as the most convenient and the cheapest. A bituminous producer of this size would cost about $3,000 to install, compared with $2,200 for the anthracite producer. The type of engine assumed for this installation is the three- cylinder vertical. The coal for the engine was based on 1 1/> lbs. per brake h.p. hr. at 75% load factor, 10% being added for standby losses. The water was based on 15 gals, per h.p. hr., 5 for engine and 10 for producer and scrubber, using the water only once. 100-KW. HIGH PRESSURE OIL ENGINE. Brake h.p., 150. Cost Engine and foundation $11,500 Generator and switchboard 1,600 Total $13,100 Cost per year Fuel oil, 25,000 gals, at .03 $ 750 Labor 750 Fixed charges at 15% 1,965 Oil, waste and supplies 175 Water 170 Total $3,810 Kw.-hrs. per year, 225.000. Cost per kw.-hr.. oil at .03 per gal., 1.69 cts. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 631 The term " high-pressure oil engine," in the discussion, has been applied to the type of engine in which air alone is compressed during the second stroke of the cycle and the liquid fuel is sprayed into the cylinder with the help of highly compressed air during the first part of the expanaion stroke. The item of engine cost includes all auxiliaries, tanks, oil pump, air compressor, etc. The fuel cost is based on .55 lbs. per brake h.p. hr. If a low-pressure oil engine had been assumed instead of a high-pressure, the first cost would have been about $4,000 less for the entire plant. In that case the fixed charges per year would have been 14% of $9,1*00, about $1,275. The saving on this item would thus be $685 per year. The oil consumption for the low- pressure engine would be about 46,000 gals, per year, cost $1,380, against $750 for the high-pressure. Hence, the net cost per year for the low-pressure engine would be about $55 less than for the high-pressure engine if the above assumptions of fixed cost and fuel consumption are correct. If the fuel costs 3^ cts. per gal., the difference in yearly cost of the two engines would be $75 in favor of the high-pressure engine. 250-KW. STEAM PLANT. Indicated h.p., 385. Cost Engine and foundation % 5,850 Boilers, pumps and piping 5,600 Steel stack and flues 600 Generator, switchboard and wiring 4,000 Total $15,650 Cost per year Coal, 1,500 tons at $4 $ 6,000 Labor 2,000 Fixed charges at 14% 2,240 Oil waste and supplies 225 Water 335 Total $10,800 At 75% load, 187.5 kw., the cost per kw. hr. at the conditions assumed above would be 1.92 cts. For this size steam plant a non-condensing tandem-compound Corliss engine was assumed. The steam consumption of the engine would be about 22 lbs. per 6 h.p. hr. This figure was used to get the size of the boilers and the coal consumption. In working out the coal consumption 10% was allowed for auxiliaries and 10% for standby losses. 250-KW. ANTHRACITE SUCTION-PRODUCER PLANT — ONE UNIT. Brake h. p. 365. Cost Engine and foundation, and air compressor. .. .$13,000 Producer and piping .■ 5,125 Generator, switchboard and wiring 4,000 Total 5-^2,125 632 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC AL COST DATA « « . .^ ^ ?, ^ ^ n »- ^K ' z:^ ^ • :f :>" ^ =» ^ ^ ^ ^ == j^ ■^^ ft!. , P- rrjj_ -■'"' = »> u 5 .cr. ~ r roc £ 3 "I ^ 3 » # ■ 9 Fig. 15. Comparative g'enernting costs, steam, oil and gas engines. 100-l\ilo\vatt units. c !!■ ^ ^ '^ i.^1 ;^. ^ fii^f' FMi ■p=a <»/^. ■ ""^ , ^^ ■^ 77Z ^ j*Vl r* > o L C"«* r o^ ^ut^ t-r^ itm •Ui.t.ew Fig. 16. Comparative generating costs, steam, oil, and producer gas engines, 250 kilowatt units. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 633 Cost pel- year Coal. 625 tons at $4 $2,500 Labor 1,500 Fixed charges at 14';^; 3,100 Oil. waste and supplies 225 Water 600 Total ?T,925 Kw. hrs, per year at 75Tt per load factor, 562,000. Cost per k\v. hr., 1.40 cts. The engine assumed for^this plant is a 4-cylinder vertical, gas furnished by one anthracite producer. The coal cost was based on 1.5 lbs, per brake h.p. hr.. including standby losses, at 73^0 load. The water is based on 7 1^ gals, per brake h.p. hr., using the scrubbing water over and over. 250-K-W. OIL-ENGINE PLANT Brake h.p. 365. Cost Engine foundation and piping, oil tanks, pump, etc $26,700 Generator, wiring and switchboard 4,000 Total $30,700 Cost per year Fuel oil 57,000 gals., at ,03 $1,710 Labor 900 Fixed charges at 15% 4,600 Oil, waste and supplies 225 Water , 400 Total $7,S35 Kw.-hrs. per year at 75% load factor, 562,000. Cost per kw.-hr., 1.4 cts. The cost of fuel for this plant is based on one-half lb. of oil per brake-h.p.-hr. at 75% load. 500-KW. STEAM UNIT, COMPOUND-CONDENSING ENGINE Brake h.p., 750. Cost Engine and foundation $ 9,300 Boilers and pumps 10,000 Stacks and tiues 1,200 Condenser 2.000 Generator, switchboard and wiring 9.500 Total $32,000 Cost per year Coal, 2.500 tons at $4 $10,000 Labor — 3 men : 2 days, 1 night 2,600 Fixed charges at 14% 4,4S0 Oil, waste and supplies 400 Water 420 Total $17,900 Cost per kw, hr. at 75% rating = 1.59 cts. 634 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA For the 500-kw. steam plant a compound-condensing Corliss engine was assumed. The steam consumption was figured on 18 ibs. per 1 h.p.-hr. for the main engine at 75% load, with 20% added for auxiliaries and stand-by losses. It was also assumed that condensing water could be had for no cost except pumping, which is allowed for in the cost of the plant and steam for auxiliaries. * 1 - 3 J 5r£ «'" ' 1.'"'^ ^ „ /=« ,1 P, aOOC :^^4rr=r: - i) -^ == ^ ^ = "^ TTT r* '=.A/v' K^^ h o c . t t. - »■ a 9 J3oLL»ns fen Tor ra rtft Fig. 17. Comparative costs of power generations, steam, oil, and producer-gas engines, in 500-kw. units. Includes all costs except land or buildings. PRESSURE-PRODUCER PLANT. Brake h.p., 725 Cost Engine, piping, foundation and air compressor. $25,000 Producers and auxiliaries 13,000 Generator, switchboard and wiring 9,500 Total $47,500 Cost per year Coal, 1,020 tons at $4 $4,080 Labor 2,600 Fixed charges at 14% 6.640 Oil, waste and supplies 400 Water \M^ Total $14,720 Cost per kw.-hr. at 75% rating = 1.31 cts. For this producer plant a bituminous producer was assumed for several reasons, one of which is that the size is large for one suc- tion producer, and in this discussion we are limited to one unit in each case for sake of uniformity. The bituminous producer is well adapted to this size of unit and it is well to know the pos- sibilities of such an installation. The cost is more than for a plain suction producer, but efficiency is probably higher; certainly this type of producer is more flexible. The coal cost is based on 1.25 lbs. per h.p. hr. at 75% load, in- cluding all stand-by losses. The water is based on ly-i gals, for INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 635 the engine, producer and scrubber. In this case the water for the scrubber will have to be used over and over. If this is not done the water consumption will be doubled. In order to make it pos- sible to use this water continuously it should be cooled by spray nozzles after being run into a settling tank where the dust from the scrubber is deposited. This cost of the tank, nozzles, etc., has been taken care of in the cost of producers and auxiliaries. HIGH-PRESSURE OIL ENGINE. ONE UNIT. Brake h.p., 725. Cost Engine, foundation and piping, oil tanks, pumps, etc 150,500 Generator and switchboard 9,500 Total $60,000 Cost per year Fuel oil, 112,000 gals, at .03 $ 3,360 Labor 1,200 Fixed charges at 15% 9,000 Oil, waste and supplies 400 Water 840 Total $14,800 Cost per kw. hr. at above conditions, 1.32 cts. The cost of fuel oil for this engine is based on % lb. per brake h. p. hr., the water on 5 gals, per h.p. hr. at 75% load. In the foregoing tables the cost of power per kw. hr. given in each case is based on coal at $4 per ton, or oil at 3 cts. per gal. To show the variation in the cost of power for different costs of fuels, the diagrams shown in Figs. 14 to 17 have been worked out for plants of 20-, 100-, 250-, and 500-kw. capacity respectively. The cost of power as shown by the diagrams represents the same conditions as given in the text except for the costs of fuel. Land and building are not included in any case. While the foregoing tables and diagrams cover the cost of power generated by engines burning the fuels that are generally found in use, in some cases other fuels may be used for special reasons. Among these fuels are natural gas, illuminating gas and gasoline. It w'Ould make this discussion too long to take up these fuels in the same way that the steam, producer and oil-engine plants were treated, but in order to give some idea of the cost of power as generated from these fuels, a specific plant, 100-kws., will be taken up for each one. NATURAL-GAS PLANT Brake h.p. of engine, 150 Cost Engine, foundation and piping $6,000 Generator and switchboard 1,600 Total $7,600 636 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost per year Gas, 3,810,000 cu. ft. at 20 cts $762 Labor 750 Fixed (3harges at 14% 1,064 Oil, waste and supplies , 175 Water 170 Total . . $2,921 At 75% load factor the cost per kw. hr. would be 1.30 cts. ILLUMlNATING-GAS PLANT Brake h.p. of engine, 150 Cost Engine, foundation and piping $6,000 Generator and switchboard 1.600 Total $7,600 Cost per year Ga.s, 5,740,000 cu. ft. at 60 cts $3,444 Labor 750 Fixed charges at 14% 1,064 Oil, waste and supplies 175 Water 170 Total $5,603 At 75% load factor the cost per kw. hr. would be 2.49 cts. The cost of gas for the two preceding plants was based on an efficiency of 25% at 75% load. For the natural-gas plant this means a consumption of 11.3 cu. ft. per brake h.p. hr. with gas having a heating value of 900 B. t. u. per cu. ft. For the illuminat- ing gas the figures are 17 cu. ft. per brake h.p. hr. when the gas has a heating value of 600 B. t. u. per cu. ft. The diagrams shown in Figs. 18 and 19 represent the cost of power generated! by the above plants with varying prices of fuel. The conditions assumed here are the same as for the previous diagrams ; that is, the cost includes everything except land and building. Comparison of Fuel Cost. The following tables showing (1) the cost per h.p. of oil engines with the fuel consumption for various load factors as guaranteed by the maker of one of the latest and most improved oil engines on the market; and (2), a comparison of fuel cost for different types of power plants based on a size of 80 h.p. and a load factor of three-quarters full load, were ab- stracted from The Isolated Plant, June, 1909. Load factor Oil per brake, h.p. hr. Brake, h.p. hrs. per gal. Fuel cost per brake, h.p. hr. Oil at 2.8 cts. per gal., cts. Full load % ■" , , , , , 0.6 0.6 0.65 1.05 12.5 12.5 11.5 7.1 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.39 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 637 4- < "~~ « ^ ^ ^ 1 5"* ^ -^ 20K ,LO^ — — ' . ■ — ■ ^^ -- -^ /OOrt ,lO*"* ■rfs__ " ' ZIZ- ;^ — H, ■ "' _^ -— ' zso^ ill!. Too ;^^ *" ^ i zJ ^ ^1^^ ' . '—~ — ; Q 1 a 1 o *o so 60 70 e« •a Co»T Of 6e» Cen-rtrtH 1000 Cuaic Ftci> Fig. 18. Cost of power generation, natural-gas engines in 20-, 100- 250- and 500-kw. units. Cost of land and buildings not included. Cost of land and building not included « j' A /^ s y y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ / /^ ^ ^ ,.-"' ^ ^ ^ ^ 7° .;^ '> .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y > ^> >^ ^ ^ z y |0 ^; .'^ ^ ^ y ^ ^ /'"■" ^ ^ ^ 1^ >- c i a * < o o 1 o /j o 13 o ■^ II Cost of ^c/£. u CtN-rj fcK 1000 C uaic FkcT Fig. 19. Cost of power generation from illuminating-gas engines in 20-, 100-, 250- and 500-kw. units. Cost of land and building not included. 638 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost per Type of engine s Fuel. Consumption per brake, brake h.p. hr. h.p. hr. * Simple slide Bituminous coal, 6 lbs. $8.25 valve steam $2.75 per ton. engine. Gasoline en- Gasoline, 12 cts. Vio gal. 12.00 gine. per gal. Gas engine. Illuminating gas, At 12,000 B.t.u.— N. 80 cts. per 1,000 Y. gas about 565 cu. ft. effective B.t.u.=: 21 cu. ft. 16.80 Electric mo- Current, 5 cts. 0.85 k.w.-hr. 42.50 tor. per kw. hr. * Producer Pea, antliracite, 1.4 lbs. 2.45 gas engine. $3.50 per ton. Most im- Fuel oil, 2.8 cts. 0.6 lb. (71/2 lbs. per proved oil per gal. tank gal.) 2.24 engine. car lots. * standby losses of 108 hrs. per week. There were no standby losses for the other engines. An interesting fact is that the consumption is nearly the same whether kei'osene, fuel oil or crude oil be used. Fuel Consumption Tests of Small Oil and Gasoline Engines. W. E. Donner obtained the following figures at the tests conducted at Clarks, Nebr., which were published in the Electrical World for April 12, 1913. An effort was made to determine the output for a consumption of 1 gal. of fuel at various loadings of the engine and generator. Tests were made on an Alamo 35-h.p. en- gine using 39 deg. B. distillate for fuel (which cost 10 cts. per gal.), and a Fairbanks-Morse commercial gasoline engine set. The oil engine carried an overload of 220 amperes at 120 volts for an hour, the gasoline unit refused to carry any oveiload. In making the calculations 5% was allowed for belt loss^ and 85% for gen- erator efficiency. TABLE IV. TESTS OP SMALL ALAMO AND FAIRBANKS- MORSE ENGINES AT CLARKS, NEB. (One gal. of fuel oil used on each ) Kw.-hr. Cost per Oil consumed H.p. delivered delivered at switchboard kw.-hr. at switchboard per kw.-hr. of engine, pints by engine, allowing for losses Alamo Sr, h.p. Engine 21.6 21.6 20.87 10.37 5.12 5.25 $0.0214 0.0214 0.0192 0.0386 0.0404 0.0347 1.28 1.28 1.237 1.5 2.615 2.237 35.84 35.84 34.62 17.20 8.49 8.71 Fairbanks-Morse 25 h.p. Engine 12.00 $0.0313 1.405 19.91 Fuel Economy of Small Gasoline Engines. The figures in Table V were derived under the direction of A. A. Potter, from tests of INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 639 ad-; Gal. 0.327 0.342 0.242. 0.264 6 ■y . ajoot>i-i • u A . r (M-*COt- p. 1 ^ co i Gal 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.13 o F— 1 u :zj H 3 OuSt^iUSt-I ^ ^1-1 T-idddd 1^ H P fe ft 'OA la P^ ^ oj «^'=;oo pjX i-1-ri^ddd H PhsS ^-i J -Q ^ S oowoo H X oioc^oio "-r i« CO CO CO c<> 100 100 77 20 97 150 76 19 95 200 74 17 91 300 73 16 89 400 71 14 85 500 70 12 82 750 67 10 77 1,000 65 8 73 Annual of 10- hr. power per brake h.p. $53.48 44.47 38.73 35.05 32.27 30:49 28.70 27.05 25.87 24.95 24.24 23.41 22.54 21.55 20.46 Annual cost of 24- hr. power per brake h.p. $90.02 75.22 65.99 59.85 55.22 52.03 48.95 45.40 43.17 41.78 40.40 39.03 37.54 35.99 34.66 I ='Ga9 Engine PrcxU. rGas. 111= Simple High Speed. Nqu - Condensing. IV= Curtis Steam Turbine 500 K W. J \.\ __^ "^ > > X ! , ^ / / X / / . — — ' / Y .- — f V ^ ^ / " iT 10 r / ^ ^ / ^^ -^ / ^ / ^ y ^__ . n\ « y ^ / ^ / /v / A / tft / ■ L . 40 so 60 70 Percent o* Rat43d Load B.H.P Fig. 20. Curves showing efficiency at full load and at less than full load. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 645 plants, suction and pressure of capacities ranging from 50 to 1,500 brake h.p. for suction plants and from 100 to 3,000 brake h.p. for pressure plants. An extra unit is provided in each case, which allows for cleaning and repairs without interruption in the service. Each estimate includes gas producers, engines, direct-current en- gine-type generators, all necessary piping, air compressor, build- ings and land, but does not include the station heating system. The waste heat from the engine could be utilized at a small outlay of capital for heating a large part of the building during working hours. sow /_ 1 /_ ^14- s^* ^ ^^ Vyi^ ^^■^ / / y ^ V. / / ^ / ^ 1 / / / / 3 1 / / / A J o / / / / / / ^/ / / t / / / / / / / / -AC / / / / ^ / ^ ^ / J / V - A ^ y / /' ■^ / A= So. Fl. Floor Space First Unit B = •• •• •< •• Each Extra Unit 0= Cu. Ft. First Uult D Eacl. Extra Unit -» b ^ ^ ^ - - _ ... 200 Br.iliL' Horse Power Fig. 25. Space required for suction gas producers. In Tables XII to XV may be found the number of units chosen for each size of plant and the total cost of both suction and pressure plants complete and ready to run. The total cost in- cludes everything found in the plant as well as the cost of the land and buildings. The number of units given in the tables for each size of plant is the number that was found to be most eco- nomical to install. Electric Railway Gas Power Plant Costs. R. S. Manning in Power, Dec. 16, 1910, describes a large gas-driven station sup- plying power for an electric-railway on the Wisconsin shore of Lake Michigan. The line supplied is about 112 miles long and the service is chiefly interurban. 648 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XII. CHOK Size of plant, brake h.p. No. of units 50 100 200 400 600 750 1.000 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 CHOICE OF UNITS FOR SUCTION-GAS POWER PLANTS Cost Size of Complete initial per rated units cost of plant brake h.p. 50 $12,468 $249 100 18,225 182 100 27.082 135 200 44.154 110 300 56.587 94 250 67.270 89 350 82.204 82 1 Mil U^ 1 UM) - Wt^'- ' ^' 5^^^5 T ** y^ 1 no ?^ i T1 "^ J "■-^=*^'" T ; •W - / >^ i 1 *.«> '" A -^ i 1 ' gUlo - '-ry 1 §^ /M- i= t^ esoo ~ji7^ ^ i vV'rr\ "" "It «»-;// . ± *») -y - 1 ' 1 ^ Si: ::~ ^ . ^ ±_ 200 300 400 B.H.P. Capacity Fig. Fig. 2\ Fig. 26. >6. Space for pressure producers, without tank or boiler. Floor space required for vertical gas engines direct con- nected to generator. TABLE XIII. CHOICE OF PRESSURE PRODUCERS COMPLETE Size of plant brake h.p. 100 200 400 750 1,000 1.500 2,000 3,000 WITH AUXILIARIES No. of units 2 3 5 4 4 4 5 Cost Size of Initial cost per rated units of producers brake h.p 100 $8,505 $85.00 100 12.179 60.90 100 18.597 46.50 250 28.067 37.40 330 33.325 33.30 500 48.217 500 59.566 29.70 1,500 89,210 29.70 TABLE XIV. Size of plant. brake h.p. 100 200 400 750 1000 1500 CHOICE OF ENGINE GENERATOR UNITS FOR PRESSURE-PRODUCER PLANTS \t:rtical engines No. of units 2 3 3 4 4 6 Size of units 100 100 200 250 350 300 Initial . cost $13,690 20.370 32,211 49.061 60,427 82.265 Cost per brake h.p. rating of plant $136.90 101.80 80.50 65.40 60.40 54.80 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 649 HORIZONTAL ENGINES Size of plant, rake h.p. No. of units Size of units Initial cost 1000 1500 2000 3000 3 4 5 5 500 500 500 750 $96,385 129,040 146,195 242,147 Cost per brake h.p, rating- of plant $96.40 86.00 82.10 80.70 1 ' -U M- - i ^^^ 1 .''^ moo 1 -^ =.- = m> ^ ^^ It -=^ ^-' .-^" - '^^ ^'^ o »00 -.- .^ ^3f 1*^ _^ ^ ^' ^■^ 1 =" v^' IL 1 T ^^"^ ^^^ it X iaooo - X^ltl- i2^ > ^ it i ? 1 ^^M^ r^ e 1 1 . 1 . ■ M\ \ X^P ' i f. II ^' li^< "aoo 1 1 M XI ^>' 1 1 : g 5500 1 1 1 ^^ 1 > 1 1 1 l>^l 1 1.^ i 1 -,jJ^'^ J^ -L ' 1 r^\ !>■ 1 ^ :>^rW 1 >'' ^>^f 1 <^ ^^^ ,j«, X^ 1 IHB ^ 1 1 1 ./«, . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 500 1000 ItCO B.H.P. CnpBClt? Fig. 28. Floor space required for horizontal double-acting \ engines, twin tandem type, direct-connected to generators. TABLE XV. COSTS OF COMPLETE PRODUCERS VERTICAL ENGINES PLANTS, PRESSURE Size Cost per of plant Initial cost Initial cost Total rated brake, h.p engine room producer cost brake h.p. 100 $13,690 $8,505 $22,195 $221.90 200 20.370 12,179 32,549 162.70 400 32.211 18,597 50,808 127.00 750 49,061 28,067 77,128 102.80 1,000 60,427 33,325 93,752 93,70 1,500 82,265 48,217 130,482 87.00 HORIZONTAL ENGINES 1,000 $96,385 $33,325 $129,710 $129.00 1,500 129,040 48,217 177,257 118.00 2,000 164,195 59,566 223,761 111.80 3,000 242,147 89,210 331,357 110.40 The station equipment consists of two twin-tandem, double- acting, horizontal Allis-Chalmers gas engines supplied from Loomis- Pettibone bituminous producers and direct connected to Allis- Chalmers alternators rated at 1.000 kw. each. 650 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Both the engines and the alternators were designed to carry large overloads and have actually carried in service 1,650 kv/, for a considerable length of time. The alternators generate three-phase currents at 25 cycles and 405 volts pressure, which is stepped up to 22,000 volts by a bank of seven 500-kw. transformers. Fo^ supplying nearby sections of the line, two 300-kw. rotary converters are used. Exciting cur- rent is furnished by two 50-kw. dynamos direct connected to three- cylinder vertical gas engines with cylinders 11 ins. in diameter and a stroke of 11 ins. The usual switchboard equipment is provided. Two double-generator sets of down-draft producers make the gas from bituminous coal. The generators are 11 ft. in diameter and 18 ft. high, the economizer boilers are 6 ft. 6 ins. in diameter, the wet scrubbers are 9 ft. in diameter and the dry scrubbers are 12 ft. in diameter and 12 ft. high. Each double-generator set is rated at 2,000 h.p., but is capable of considerable overload. Outside the building is a gas holder having a maximum capacity of 30,000 cu. ft., and this is provided with a 20-in. bypass pipe, with suitable valves. The entire plant was erected by a firm of engineers whose fee was 10% of the aggregate cost of machinery, materials and con- struction, so that the final costs given in the accompanying table are 110% of the net co.sts of the installed plant The plant was arranged for the installation of a third engine unit of the same capacity and it was estimated that the cost of this unit, including foundation, piping and electric generator, de- livered and erected, will not exceed $75,000. The whole station will then have cost $396, 673.89 and have a rated capacity of 3,000 kws. The cost per kw. on rated capacity will therefore be about $132, but the cost per kw. on the maximum capacity of at least 1,650 kws. per unit or 4,950 kws. total will be about $80. INSTALLATION COSTS Buildings, both producer and engine: Material $ 24,415.64 Labor 12,353.15 Superintendence 370.00 $37,138.79 Engineering fee '. 3.713.88 Total $40,852.67 Machinery in engine house : Apparatus and material $195,421.01 Labor 2,133.45 $197,554.46 Engineering fee 19,755.44 Total $217,309.90 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 651 Machinery in producer house : Apparatus and material $ 65,993.07 Labor 352.24 $66,345.31 Engineering fee 6,634.53 Total % 72,979.84 Machinery foundations : Material $ 4,680.43 Labor 3,890.16 $8,570.59 Engineering fee 857.06 Total $ 9,427.65 Piping complete, by contract, including labor... $ 15,654.76 Engineering fee 1,565.47 Total $ 17,220.23 Contingent costs 5,666.91 Engineering fee 566.69 Total $ 6.233.60 Grand total $364,023.89 Of the above, the rotary converters, substation switchboard, substation cables, substation step- down transformers mainline step-up transform- ers, material and labor cost $ 38,500.00 Engineering fee 3,850.00 Total $ 42.350.00 Total cost of generating plant $321,673.89 Manufacturing Plant Gas Engine and Producer Power Costs. P. R. Moses in Engineering Magazine, Dec. 1909, states that to obtain a definite idea as to comparative cost, an establishment is assumed consisting of buildings spread over several acres of ground, located close to water available for condensing purposes or other purposes. It is assumed that the heating requirements and the other uses of low-temperature heat will not amount to more than 15% of the power required for manufacturing purposes. All the machinery is electrically driven, either by group drive or Individual drive. The character of the work is similar to that of a large foundry or machine shop — i. e., a heavy, more or less fluctuating, load. The plant operates 10 hrs. a day steadily throughout the year, with the exception of Sundays and holidays, and it is necessary to provide for night work, but for only a small portion of the plant. The number of kw.-hrs, delivered per year is 1,000,000. Motors of 750 h.p. are installed and the lighting, using tungsten and other efficiency lights, amounts to 50 kws. in addition to the power load. The maximum load is .figured at 400 kws. and the average load, for a 10-hr. period, at 300 kws. 652 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The cost of the several types of plants would be, exclusive of the power house : Cost per k.w. Steam equipment , $100 Gas engine and producer equipment 115 Oil engine equipment 132 The cost is subdivided as follows : Steam: Cost per k.w. Compound condensing steam engine $25 Boilers . 20 Steam piping and condensers 20 Smoke stack and breeching $4.00 to 5 Auxiliary apparatus (feed-water heater, grease ex- tractor, steam separator) 3 If an economizer were to be installed $6.00 per kw. should be added. This would depend, of course, upon the cost of coal and the extent to which economizing might be resorted to. Gas: Cost per k.w. Gas engine $70 Producer equipment, including scrubber, etc 15 Gas piping, exhaust heater, engine conns. . .$10.00 to 15 Oil: Oil engine $100 Exhaust heater piping, etc $7 to 10 Electric (to be added to separate items in each type of plant) : Dynamos $15 to $20 Switchboard 5 to 10 Wiring connections 5 to 10 Power House: The cost of the power house would vary from $10 to $20 per k.w. The prices are given per kw. of dynamo capacity, because the ratings of gas engines and turbines or steam engines are not on the same basis. The steam engine and steam turbine have over- load capacities of 50% above their rated capacity, while the gas engine is rated at within 10% of full capacity, and the same is true of the oil engine. Hence, a 300-h.p. steam engine will be able to generate the full capacity of a 200-kw. dynamo, but a gas engine of the same maximum output for peak-load period should be rated at at least 400 h.p. The plant under considera- tion, allowing for one spare unit, for maximum load of 400 kws., could be made up of either four 135-kw. sets or three 200-kw. sets. For gas-engine or oil-engine plants, four sets would prove most economical, as the cost per kw. does not decrease as the sizes grow larger. For a steam plant, division into three or even two units would be more advisable. The total cost of the plant would be about as follows, the steam plant being figured without superheaters or economizers : INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 653 Gas engine and producer $70,000 Oil engine 78,000 Steam engine 60,000 The cost of operation of the three different types — 1. e., the cost of fuel, labor, oil and repairs — would be : Gas-Engine and Gas-Producer Plant: Annual cost. Coal, including stand-by charges, 1,000 tons at $2.50. . . . $2,500 Labor, one machinist, one helper and one producer man 2,500 Oil 400 Repairs, averaged for a number of years 750 Total $6,150 Fixed charges, 10% of installation cost 7,000 Total annual cost $13,150 Oil-Engine Equipment: Oil at 3 cents per gal. (for fuel), 7 kw.-hr. per gal $4,300 Labor, one machinist, one helper 1,800 Oil (for lubrication) 600 Repairs, averaged through a number of years 900 Total $7,600 Fixed charges, 10% of installation cost 7,800 Total annual $15,400 Stearn-Enyine Plant: Coal, 5 lbs. per kw.-hr. plus 20% for stand-by losses 3,000 tons at $2.00 $6,000 Labor, engineer, assistant and fireman 2,670 Oil 300 Repairs, averaged through a number of years 1,000 Total $9,970 Fixed charges, 10% of installation cost . . . ; 6,000 Total annual cost . $15,970 None of these figures includes any coal required for other pur- poses, and in making comparison this need not be considered unless the comparison is between a non-condensing engine and any other type of plant. The comparative cost per kw. would be as follows: Cost per k.w., cts. Gas engine and gas producer 1.31 Oil engine plant 1.54 Steam engine plant 1.59 It is evident from these figures that the gas producer and gas engine plant is about 18% more efficient than the other plants. Given equal reliability and perfection of operating results, this type of plant should have the preference, because, coincident with the reduction in cost of operation go reduction in the quantity of material to be handled, such as fuel and ashes, the absolute doing away with smoke, greater cleanliness around the plant, no steam 654 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA gaskets to blow out or packing to leak, no boiler linings to be re- paired — as the producer lining lasts indefinitely, with proper care — etc. Cost of Generating Current with Producer Gas Engines at Charlotte, N. C. Abstracted from a paper read before the Amer- ican Institute of Electrical Engineers by E. D. Latta, Jr., March 30, 1910. The engine room equipment consists of two 810-brake-h.p. hori- zontal twin-tandem, double-acting four-stroke cycle gas engines and one 60-h.p. single tandem exciter engine, in general similar to the large engines. The 540-kw., three-phase, 60-cycle, 2300-volt al- ternators, are direct and rigidly connected to the crank shafts of the main engines, and a 40-kw, direct-current generator is di- rect connected to the exciter engine. In addition to this appa- ratus there is an induction motor-driven exciter set of the same capacity as the engine exciter, a 300-kw. and a 500-kw. rotary converter, and the usual switchboard equipment. The producer apparatus is contained in a building about one hundred feet from the power house, and consists of two 1000-h.p. units of twin generator down-draught producers, having a con- tinuous overload capacity of 50%. Each unit consists of two 9 -ft. generators, 16 ft. high, having a fuel space 7 ft. in diameter by 8 ft. high above the grate bars, which are of arched fire-clay tile. The generators are connected at the bottom by openings, lined with fire brick, containing water-cooled gate valves, to an economizer or vertical boiler of 100 h.p. rating. From the top of the boilers a 16-in. pipe leads to the bottom of the wet scrub- ber and from the top of the wet scrubber to the exhauster, or through a by-pass around the exhauster to the dry scrubber. A 60,000-cu. ft. holder receives the gas from the producers and delivers it to the engines. OPERATING FIGURES FOR ONE YEAR Engine hours • 12.403 Kw. hours 3,355.907 Coal, lbs 6,444.281 Coal per kw.-hr 1.97 Average engine hours 34.0 Load factor 0.45 Output Load factor = ■■ Engine hours X capacity of one engine In addition to the coal, 260,292 lbs. of coke were used in starting producers, of which amount 122,371 lbs. were reclaimed, leaving the total net amount used 137,921 lbs., equal in cost to 192,000 lbs., of coal. We have, therefore, for the total coal consumption 6,444,281 lbs. -f- 192,000 = 6,636,281 lbs. 6,636,281 = 1.97 = lbs. of coal per. kw.-hr. 3,355,907 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 655 Assuming 85% efRciency for alternators at 45% load we have 197 X 85 = 1.275 lbs. of coal per brake h.p.-hr, 133 Cost of Current: Cost per kw.-hr., cts. Coal per kw.-hr 0.349 Power house labor per kw.-hr 0.170 Producer labor per kw.-hr 0.131 Oil for power house 0.065 Oil for producer 0.005 Waste and sundries, power house 0.012 Waste and sundries, producer house 0.003 Repair parts for engines 0.046 Repair parts for producers 0.007 Machine shop work, engines 0.016 Machine shop work, producers 0.007 Excelsior for producers 0.003 Water, both departments 0.071 Total cost of current at switch board per kw.-hr 0.885 Power Coyisumed hy Auxiliaries: Cooling water pump, kilowatts per kw.-hr 0.0095 Station lighting " •' " 0.0116 Motor driven exciter " " " . . . . 0.0688 Total kilowatts per kw.-hr 0.0909 The items of interest, depreciation, taxes, etc., are not included, for the reason that they would be quite unfair to the plant, on account of the fact that it was designed for three 810 h.p. units, while only two have been installed. Buildings, producers, gas holders, piping, etc., are all installed complete for the full ultimate capacity. Therefore a relatively small additional expenditure for one engine generator and founda- tion would increase the capacity of the plant by 50%, while the foregoing items of interest, depreciation, etc., would be increased but 18% per unit of capacity installed. Costs of Power from Four Producer Gas Plants. The following data, published in The Isolated Plant Oct., 1911, were abstracted from the Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers : The plants on which the Plant Operations Committee is able to make a report are described in some detail in the following pages and following each description is a summation of their operating costs. In some instances, these cost records cover a few months and, in one instance, a considerably longer period of operation. For the purpose of identification, but without disclosing the name or location, the plants are designed by letters. It should be distinctly understood that the cost figures are pre- sented as they are furnished by the operators. Costs for Plant "A." The following are the costs and details of the plant. 656 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Producers. There are two 250-h.p. pressure producers, 7 ft. in. inside diam., with water seal bottoms and 9 in. fire-brick linings, also 2 wet scrubbers, 7 ft. 6 ins. in diam. by 18 ft. in. high, filled with wooden lattice work. There are 2 dry scrubbers, 7 ft. in. square by 3 ft. 6 ins. high filled with coarse .shavings. Gas Engines. There is one 500-h.p. horizontal, double-acting, 4-stroke-cycle engine with two cylinders, 23*4 ins. by 33 ins,, arranged tandem. The engine has three bearings rigidly in line. It runs at 150 r. p. m. and is direct connected to an electric gen- erator. It is started by compressed air at 100 lbs. pressure and has an electric ignition of the make-and-break type, the source of supply being a 110-volt, direct-current lighting circuit and a motor generator set. Auxiliaries. There are two tar extractors and one blower. Details of Operation. The data received covered 2 complete months. The plant is run 24 hrs. per day from 6 a. m. Monday until 12 p. m. Saturday night, and current generated is utilized for light and power. During the 2 months, a total of 308,410 kw.-hrs. was generated and 35,190 kw.-hrs. was used in the plant, leaving a net output of 273,220 kw.-hrs. The fuel used is bituminous coal. The cooling water from the engine is utilized for other purposes and is not, therefore, charged to the plant. The cooling and cleaning water for the scrubbers is not given. The following was the cost of operation: Cost per kw.-hr. Fuel $0.002576 Water 0.000000 Supplies: Oil 0.000141 Waste, etc 0.000024 Total $0.000165 Superintendence $0.000000 Lahor: Producer room 0.001585 Engine room 0.000555 Electrical 0.000000 Total $0.002140 Repairs: • Producer :. $0.000127 Engines 0.000040 Electrical 0.000000 Total $0.000167 Total cost $0.005048 Cost of Plant " B." The following are the costs and details for the plant. Producers. There is one set of producers of the Loomis-Petti- bone type. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 657 Gas Engines. There is one 500 h.p. horizontal, double-acting, 4-stroke-cycle engine with two cylinders, 23 1/^ by 33 ins., arranged tandem. The engine has two bearings rigidly in line. It runs at 150 r. p. m. and is direct connected to an electric generator. It is started by compressed air at 240 lbs. pressure, and has an electric ignition of the make-and-break type, the source of supply being a 110 volt lighting circuit. Details of Operation. The data received are for 15 complete months. The plant is run 10 hrs. per day. The following is the cost of operation : COST OF OPERATION PER KW.-HR. Fuel $0.004460 Water 0.000879 Siipplies: Oil ■ 0.000465 Waste, etc 0.000335 Total $0.000800 Superintendence $0.000000 Labor: Producer room 0.001603 Engine room 0.002050 Electrical 0.000000 Total 0.003653 Repairs: Producer $0.000243 Engines 0.002375 Electrical 0.000000 Total $0.002618 Total cost $0.012410 Cost of Plant "C." The following are the costs and details for the plant. Producers. There are two sets of producers of the Loomis- Pettibone type and of 2000 h.p. capacity each. Gas Engines. There are two 1500 h.p. horizontal, double acting, 4-stroke-cycle engines each with four cylinders, 32 by 42 ins., arranged two in tandem. Each engine has two bearings rigidly in line. They run at 107 r.p.m. and are direct connected to electric generators. They are started by compressed air and have an electric ignition of the make-and-break type, the source of supply being a motor generator set supplying current at 60 volts. The following is the cost of operation : COST OF OPERATION PER KW.-HR. FOR 2 TEARS 1909 1910 Fuel $0.00439 $0.00422 Water 0.00000 0.00003 658 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Supplies: Oil and waste 0.00029 0.00024 Miscellaneous 0.00016 0.00015 Total $0.00045 $0.00039 Superintendence 0.00023 0.00026 Labor: Producer room 0.00109 0.00102 Engine room 0.00066 0.00063 Electrical 0.00000 0.00000 Total $0.00175 $0.00165 Repairs: Producer $0.00020 $0.00024 Engine 0.00006 0.00004 Electrical 0.00002 0.00005 Total $0.00028 $0.00033 Total cost $0.00710 $0.00688 Cost of Plant " D." The following are the costs and details for the plant. Producers. There are two 400 h.p. pressure producers, 8 ft. in. inside diameter with water seal bottoms and with 9 in. flre-brick linings, and two wet scrubbers, 8 ft. in. in diameter by 20 ft. in. high, filled with coke. There are two dry scrub- bers, 6 ft. in. square by 3 ft. 6 ins. high. Gas Engines. There are three 250 h.p. vertical, single-acting, 4-stroke-cycle engines each with three cylinders, 20 by 19 Ins., arranged side by side. Each engine has five bearings rigidly in line. They run at 230 r.p.m. and are direct connected to electric generators. They are started by compres.sed air at 200 lbs. pres- sure and have an electric ignition of the make-and-break type, the sources of supply being a primary battery and a direct-driven magneto. Details of Operation. The data received are for three complete months. The plant was in operation 1,4 39 hrs. during the 3 months and generated a total of 309,300 kw.-hrs. The fuel used was No. 1 anthracite buckwheat. The following is the cost of operation : Cost of operation per kw. hr. Fuel $0 002828 Water 0.000000 Supi)lies, oil. waste, etc 0.000572 Superintendence 0,000000 Labor: Producer room 0.001135 Engine room 0.002640 Electrical * 000000 Total $0.003775 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 659 Cost of operation per kw. hr. Repairs, producer $0.00249 Repairs, engines, electrical 0.001745 Total cost $0.008920 Cost of Coal at the plant given was $2.55 per ton at Plant "A"; $4.53 per ton at Plant "B"; unknown at Plant "C"; and $2.33 per ton at Plant " D." Reducing the cost of coal at Plant " B " to $2.50 per ton, the costs of operation compare as follows: Cost per kw.-hr. Plant "A" $0.00505 Plant "B" 0.01041 Plant "C" 0.00745 Plant "D" , '. .. 0.00892 Average $0.00796 Cost of Power Generated by 50 Brake h. p. Suction Producer- Gas Plant. J. C. Miller has given in Power, May 26, 1908, the results of the year's operation in a suction gas-power plant. The engine was of the single-cylinder horizontal hit-and-miss type, belted to a line shaft and a 50 brake h.p., drawing gas from a suction producer in which pea anthracite was used. The plant was of English manufacture, well designed, and built with ample weight to withstand all stresses. The producer was equipped with the usual vaporizing apparatus for supplying steam to the blast and the usual coke scrubber and expansion box. Cost of plant installed $3300 Fixed charges: Interest at 6% $ 198 Depreciation, repairs, taxes, insurance, 12%. . 396 $594 Operating charges: Engineer at $2 daily, 300 days $ 600 67% tons coal at $4,50 304 Oil and waste 48 Scrubber water 12 $964 Total yearly charge $1558 Cost per h.p. -year of 3000 hours, assuming an average rate of 50 h.p. , $31.16 The repairs consisted of new grate-bars in the producer, new coke in the scrubber, and small repairs in the connecting-rod and ignition equipment ; the total being less than ten dollars for the year. For repairs, depreciation, insurance and taxes 12% was allowed. The cooling water was re-used so no charge was made for this item. The entire salary of the engineer was charged up to at- tendance although he had time for other work, not much of it being needed for the producer and engine after the plant was in 660 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA operation. The coal came from the Scranton district and cost $4.50 per ton in the bin. Brake tests of the engine were made showing over 50 h.p. and it" is believed that the engine was ahvays overloaded while worlcing. The coal consumption averaged 441 lbs. per working day, including stand-by losses, which were low, so Mr. Miller puts the coal consumption at one lb. of coal per brake h.p. Fuel Consumption of 75 h. p. Gas Engine and Producer. A re- port quoted by Professor Fernald, Bulletin 416 of U. S. Geo- logical Survey, gave 1.05 lbs. of coal per hr. for a 10 days' test of a plant of this kind in 1909, the owner of which states that he found the operation entirely reliable. He believes that an aver- aged practise of the fuel would be slightly higher, but not in excess of 1.15 lbs. per h.p. hr. Operating Costs for a Producer Gas Plant. The following costs were given in a letter to Prof. R. H. Fernald and used by him in Bulletin 55 of the Bureau of Mines: " In January, 1907. Co. installed for us a pro- ducer-gas-power plant consisting of three 50 h.p. horizontal gas engines, two of which are direct connected, making a unit of 100 h.p., and attached direct to a generator. The other engine is a separate unit with its own generator attached. We have two gas producers, one of 100-h.p. capacity and the other of 50-h.p. capacity. " We have used this plant continuously since its installation and with satisfaction, furnishing to our plant current which is distributed throughout the works to many motors, besides fur- ni.'Jhing light and power for one large freight and one passenger elevator. " We do not use the full capacity of the plant, holding at all times the separate unit of 50 h.p. in reserve. "The cost for the calendar year 1908 was as follows: Coal $ 538.25 Oil 49 20 Waste 11.52 Removal of ashes 18.00 Water 168.00 Gas 50 06 Attendance 5S1.92 Maintenance repairs 492.78 Insurance 148.68 Lamp renewals 66.70 $2,125.11 "Our kw.-hrs. used during the entire period amounted to 134.063, making net cost to us 1.585 cts. per kw -hr. " Previous to the installation of the plant we employed a fire- man to take care of the steam-heating plant, and oui- charge for attendance in the foregoing statement is the amount paid in ex- cess of what we had previouslj' paid for attendance on our steam- heating plant. We are obliged to keep steam up the year around, as we use it for several purposes in our factory, and the charge INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 661 under attendance, therefore, is proper but less than would follow under other conditions." Operating Cost of a Small Producer Gas Power Plant. A. W. Honywill, Jr., gave the following data at the meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for November, 1911. This plant drove the machinery for a wood-working shop in New Haven and the first cost of the plant, including producer, engine, blower and motor to drive it, was, in round figures, $3,5U0. The operating expenses per day were as follows : Coal. 467 lbs. at $5 per ton $1.05 Labor 2.50 Repairs and depreciation 1.16 Interest and taxes 0.70 Oil and waste 0.14 Total daily expense $5.55 Oil engine, of the 4-cycle, hit-and-miss type, with poppet valves and jump-spark ignition, was rated at 45 h.p. and the producer was of the ordinary suction type with stationary grates, and the quantity of gas delivered to the engine being varied by a hand- adjusted throttle valve in the delivery pipe. The load was variable and the plant was in operation 9 hrs. per day, the engine being kept running during the noon hr. The average coal consumption was approximately 467 lbs. of pea anthracite per day, or 46.7 lbs. per hr., which is equivalent to 21/^ lbs. of coal per h.p.-hr., assuming an average load factor for the shop of about 40%. The cost of coal delivered was $4.50 per ton, giving an average cost per brake h.p. per hr. of 0.56 cts. No account was taken of the cost of water. The ashes from the producer were screened and the coal secured in this manner was valued at $2 per ton, reducing the actual operating expenses to $5.08 per day instead of the $5.55 in the above table. First Cost and Annual Operating Cost of Four Small Producer Gas Power Plants. Extract from a paper by Godfrey M. S. Tait, before the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers, April 12-13, 1911. The following are actual records of operation of small producer gas power plants : Plant No. J: . 35 h.p. anthracite producer, 28 h.p. two cylinder engine, 18 kw. electric generator (belted). Cost installed $ 3,000 Interest and depreciation at 10% 300 Supplies and repairs 150 Labor per year 500 Total $ 950 Fuel charge per kw. with coal at $4 0.30 cts. Operating charges per kw 0.61 cts. Total cost per kw.-hr 0.91 cts. 062 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Plant No. 2 (24 hours a day service) : 150 h.p. lignite producer, 150 li.p. gas engine, 100 kvv. electric generator (d. c. ), Cost installed $ 960 Interest and depreciation 960 Supplies and repairs 480 Labor per year 1,700 $ 3.140 Cost of fuel per kw.-hr 0.17 cts. Cost of operation per kw.-hr 0.43 cts. Total cost per kw.-hr 0.60 cts. Plant No. 3 (24 hour a day service) : 300 h.p. anthracite producer, Two 150 h.p. gas engines. Two 100 kw. a. c. generators operating in parallel. Cost installed $22,000 Interest and depreciation 2,200 Supplies and repairs 1,100 Labor per year 2,400 $ 5 700 Cost of fuel per kw.-hr 0.30 cts. Cost of operation per kw.-hr 0.40 cts. Total cost per kw.-hr 0.70 cts. Plant No. 1,: 400 h.p. bituminous producer (suction type, 24 hour day). 400 h.p. tandem double-acting engine, 200 ton ammonia compressor (direct connected), Cost installed (without compressor) $ 4,400 Interest and depreciation 4,400 Sui)plies and repairs 2.200 Labor (three .'shifts) 6,353 Fuel at Wi lbs. per h.p 2.916 $15,869 Total cost .459 cts. per hp.-hr. This last plant was operating on Illinois slack of 10,300 B. t. u. per lb. and containing 4% sulphur and 38% volatile matter. Annual Costs of Two 400-k. w. Producer Gas Plant Units. F. J. Rode in Mining and Engineering World, Feb. 21, 1914, states that two 400 kw. units driven by 24 by 36 in. gas engines were in- stalled, one in 1910 and the other in 1911. The gas plant includes two producers made by R. D. Wood & Company, each of 400 h.p. rating and two producers made by the Smith Gas Power Com- pany, rated at 350 h.p. The coal used was Hocking Valley Nut, the heat value of the gas averaging 160 B. t. u. per cu. ft. Originally (in 1912) the plant was operated on hard coal of both buckwheat and pea sizes. By changing from anthracite to soft coal a saving in cost of operation of 0.3 ct. per kw.-hr. was ef- fected. To change from hard to soft coal envolved installing Smith static tar extractors. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 663 ANNUAL. COST OF OPERATION Best Poorest Average month month month Hours of plant running 568 205 333.3 Tons of coal consumed 267.7 110 187 Cost of coal consumed $930.00 $396.00 $669.33 Cost of attendance $767.75 $396.25 $500.54 Cost of supplies $109.75 $26.10 $53.73 Output kw.-hr 325,400 98,200 191,480 Cost of operation per kw.-hr 0.556 0.836 0.634 Cost of fixed charges per kw.-hr... 0.279 0.916 0.470 Total costs cents per kw-hr 0.835 1.752 1.104 Cost of operating including fixed charges , $2,707.50 $1,718.35 $2,122.00 Load factor during time of opera- tion : 0.715 0.60 0.71 The table gives the annual cost of operation at the plant of A. O. Smith Co., Milwaukee, Wis. The tar is burned under steam boilers, which are used for drop forging and heating puri»oses, and no credit was allowed to the gas plant, although Mr. Rode explains that 914 lbs. of water were evaporated per pound of tar burned at the boilers. The accumu- lation of tar varies somewhat with the volatile matter in the fuel. The coal now being used runs from 80 to 100 lbs. per ton in the femith producers. Waste water is used for scrubbing and no charge is made in the record for the water. The waste heat of the gas engine exhaust is utilized, the boiler plant being supplied with the jacket water, which is pumped through gas engine exhaust heaters, and all the excess water is sprayed and cooled for re- use. Repair costs are included in the items of the cost of oper- ating attendance and the cost of supplies. Mr. Rode feels that the only drawback to an otherwise eminently satisfactory equip- ment is the load factor, which varied to such an extent that probably better results could have obtained had it remained nearer 0.80 instead of 0.71 average. Cost of Power by Burning Wood In Gas Producers In Mexico. E. B. Rothwell gives the following figures in Power, Nov. 9, *1909, of his exi)eriences while in charge of gas and power plants at the Montezuma Copper Company, at Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico, in 1908. FUEL PER H.P.-HR, AT SWITCHBOARD July Aug. Sept. Fuel per h.p.-hr., lbs 1.9137 1.893 2 178 Coke, lbs 0.044 0.0356 0358 Oil cost per h.p.-hr $0.00087 0.001047 0.00085 Waste cost per h.p.-hr $0.000019 0.0000143 0.0000103 HORSEPOWER DEVELOPED AND GAS CONSUMPTION July Sept. Electrical h.p 593.9 590.8 573 No. of days fires run Mostly 4 One 6-day Five 5-day days each and five 5- and one 4- day runs day runs Approximate average gas per min., cu. ft. 1,300 1,294 1,275 664 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Gas Engine Costs in Electric Railway Service in England. J. R. Bibbins in Electrical Journal, Nov., 1905, states that one of the finest gas power central stations now in service in England contains 13 direct connected Westinghouse engines and eight Dow- son anthracite producers, totaling 2,000 kw. capacity. It supplies light and power to the London borough district of Walthamstow and power for the borough tramways. Data from this plant cov- ering 12 days' continuous operation show that with an average load factor of 35% the plant consumed less than 1.8 lbs. of coal per kw. hr., including fuel for all purposes. Throughout the year the coal consumption averages about 2 lbs. per kw. hr. Table XVI shows the results of two years' operation of this plant and compares these costs with costs of similarly situated steam plants. TABLE XVL OPERATING COSTS — GAS POWER STATION 1904 1903 Kw.-hrs. generated 1,019,326 659,796 Kw.-hrs. sold 814,187 542,423 Gross efficiency of system, per cent 80 82.25 Load factor 15.45 15.25 Operating costs Cents per kw.-hr. generated Coal* and other fuel, delivered 0.745 89 Oil, waste, water** and general supplies 0.306 0.37 Wages of workmen 0.590 0.67 Repairs and maintenances^t total 0.065 0.19 Total operating cost 1,706 1.925 • Cost of coal averaged $6.50 per ton in 1902-3 ; $6.75 in 1903-4. ** Artesian well not yet in service; water purchased, t Including buildings, mechanical and electrical equipments, storage batteries and distribution system. TABLE XVII. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS, LONDON METROPOLITAN BOROUGHS (1904) Average of 1 1 Gas Savings % steam plants plants favor gas Plant capacity, kw 2.799 810 Output sold 2,997,500 1,019,326 Ratio sold to generated, % 83.9 80 Load factor, % 17.25 15.45 Fuel cost cts. per kw.-hr 1.19 0.74 +38.4 Supplies cts. per kw.-hr 0.12 0.30 Labor, cts. per kw.-h. .r 0.43 0.48 —13.5 Repairs, cts. per kw.-hr 0.4 1 0.10 +78.0 Operating costs, total cts. per kw.-hr 2.18 1.71 +21.5 It will be noted that Walthamstow gas plant shows a saving of 38% in fuel and 22% in operating costs. Its working costs aver- aged about 40% of the revenue from current. Maintenance of Gas Engines. A 500 kw. belted gas engine plant at Bradford, Pa., gives a striking illustration of the efficiency INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 665 of gas engines when the equipment is properly operated and taken care of. The plant is in its seventh year of service ; yet the repairs and cost of maintenance during the last two years have only been $92.70 per year, or 11.6 cts. per h.p. year. Table XVIII shows the complete operating cost of this plant for the last two years, averaging eight and one-half mills per kw.-hr. on a load factor of less than 2i)%, and this with antiquated electrical appa- ratus. TABLE XVIII. OPERATING COSTS 500 H.P. GAS POWER STATION, BRADFORD, PA. 1904 1903 Annual output, kw.-hr 804,092 780,300* Station load factor, % 19.54 Gas consumption, cu. ft 20,056,000 18,162.000 Plant duty (including heating) cu. ft., per kw.-hr 24.9 22.4 Average price of gas, cts. per 1000 cu. ft. 12.32 16.5 Operating costs Cents per kw.-hr. generated Fuel (including heating) 0.307 0.384 Labor, power station only 0.380 0.392 Supplies , 0.059 0.072 Repairs, engine and electrical equipment 0.079 0.050 Repairs, gas engines only 0.010 0.013 Total works or operating costs 0.825 0.898 * Estimated from 9 months' metered output. Cost of Power in a Small Plant Using Illuminating Gas for Operating Gas Engine. This plant carries a motor load of about 40 h.p., and about 200 incandescent lamps for lighting, the motors driving various lathes, drill presses, buffing wheels, etc., for the manufacturing of band instruments. The outfit consists of a Crocker-Wheeler 220 volt d.-c. dynamo of 25 kw. rated capacity driven by a 40 hp. Nash gas engine. FUEL CONSUMPTION AND ELECTRICAL OUTPUT FOR NOVEMBER, 1911 Gas consumed, cu. ft 121,100 Output, kw.-hr 4,542 Fuel cost per kw.-hr., cts 2.13 The engine is of the 2-cylinder, 4-stroke type, equipped with a throttling governor, and running at 275 r.p.m., ignition current being supplied from a small storage battery charged by a special igniter generator, mounted on the frame of the engine and driven by a belt from the main shaft. Fuel is illuminating gas. The engine starts by compressed air at 180 lbs. pressure, stored in two small steel tanks, by a small motor single-cylinder vertical compressor. Cooling water,' after passing through the cylinder jackets, is run through a transverse-current water heater, which utilizes the heat of the engine exhaust to raise the temperature 666 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of some 200 gals, of water per hour from about 140 to 180 degs. F. Besides looking after the generating equipment, the engineer runs the heating plant and takes care of all the motors, shafting, wiring, piping, plumbing, etc.. throughout the building. In esti- mating the cost of power, 25% of his salary of $100 per month is prorated of this item. The cost of water is not charged against the engine as all of it is used throughout the factory. The aver- age consumption of lubricating oil is 0.9 gal. per day at 36 cts. per gal. There were no charges against the power equipment for one year after installation. Cost of Plant and Power. The cost of the plant with all ac- cessories and complete was as follows : 25 kw, unit (installed 1911) $3250, equals $130 per kw. 15 kw. unit (installed 1907). $1775, or $118 per kw, A. R. Maujer published the above figures in Power, July 2, 1912, and states that the following is a fairly accurate estimate for the cost of power for November, 1911. Fuel (121,100 cu. ft. of gas at 80 cts. per 1000 cu ft.) $96.88 Labor (25% of engineer's time) 25.00 Oil 8.10 Interest, depreciation, etc. (12% per annum on $5025). 50.25 $180.23 $180.23 Cost per kw.-hr.— ::: 3.97 cts. 4542 Amount of Power Available from Furnaces. A rule for esti- mating the amount of power available for external use from gases generated at blast furnaces and by-product coke ovens is gven by L. Greiner in 1907: With blast furnaces, the continuous available h.p. is equal to the number of tons of iron made per month. With by-product recovery ovens, the continuously available h.p. is equal to the number of tons of colve made per week. Operating Costs of Small Gas Engine Plant for Electric Light Service at Minster, Ohio. The following data are from the records of the Municipal Electric Light Plant reported by M. W. Utz in Power, Feb. 18, 1913. The plant comprises two 3-cylinder vertical 4-stroke-cycle gas engines of 12 by 12 ins. and 11 by 12 ins. respectivelj% direct con- nected with 62.5 and 50 kw.. 250 volt d. c. generators. Both engines have make-and-break ignition, the first being supplied by a magneto bolted to the engine frame and driven by a friction pulley from the flywheel ; the other is supplied by a % kw. gen- erator belted to the engine shaft. Both are equipped with bat- teries for starting or for use in case of a breakdown of the mag- neto or generator. On a typical day the gas consumption was 10,725 cu. ft. per hr. and the output was 723 kw.-hrs. The average gas consump- INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 667 tion per kw.-hr. was therefore 14.8 cu. ft. The average amount of oil consumed was 4 gals, per kw.-hr. In a typical month (April, 1912) the gas consumption was 283,250 cu. ft. and the output was 17,608 kw.-hrs. The average fuel cost for the month was 0.048 cts. per kw.-hr. In this month the total operating and overhead costs were as follows : 283,250 cu. ft. of gas at 30 cts. per 1,000 cu. ft $84.97 2 engineers at $55 each 110.00 120 gal. at 19 cts. per gal 22.80 Interest, depreciation, etc., 15% per annum on .$9,000 112.50 $330.27 The total cost per kw.-hr. was therefore 1.87 cts. Cost of Diesel Engine Operation in England. Chas. Day in Power, Oct. 3, 1911, gives figures published in the Electrical Times covering practically almost all the supply stations in Great Britain, and from this information combined with information ob- tained direct from station engineers the author determined the aver- age results obtained in such stations. TABLE XIX. COST PER KW.-HR. SOLD Type of engine Steam Oas Diesel . . . . Repairs Lubricating and Total oil, waste, mainte- oper- Fuel, stores, and Wages, nance, costs. Load cts. water, cts. cts. cts. cts. factor 0.90 0.12 0.50 0.52 2.04 14.7 .86 .18 .56 .48 2.08 15.3 .46 .08 .38 .14 1.06 14.3 The limit of 1000 h.p. was fixed owing to there being as yet no large electricity-supply stations equipped solely with Diesel engine or gas engines. Of course, better results are obtained with driving machinery which gives a better load factor, but the causes which produce loss are, as a rule, the same, though modified in extent The general conclusion formed from a study of electricity stations holds good for the great majority of power users, though perhaps not applicable to some special trades, where engines can be run continuously on almost uniform loads. It Is also neces- sary to point out that the figures include some items which should not strictly be charged against the power plant. For instance, the wages items include figures for men working on cables, street lamps, and in substations, and the repair items include repairs to such parts. Also it is necessary to mention that the figures give the costs per unit of energy sold, not per unit generated. From the averages it is clear that a substantial gain is ob- tained by the adoption of Diesel engines as against either gas or steam engines, the figures being beyond doubt substantially accurate. It is also noticeable that the gain is not only on fuel consumption, but is practically in the same proportion on the other items of expenditure. C6S MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The great saving shown by these average figures is confirmed by repeated experiences of the author. In many cases, although the figures guaranteed with Diesel engines have been no better than figures previously guaranteed and obtained on tests, with existing steam and gas engines, the Diesel engines have shown over extended periods a saving of 50 and 60%, and in some cases an even greater percentage, the result being due to the fact that the Diesel engine's average working results were very much nearer to the guaranteed figures than with gas or steam engines, com- bined with the fact that the relatively high cost of working at light loads with gas or steam had not been sufficiently taken into account when considering the guaranteed figures. When going through cost records to prepare the average figures previously given, the author noticed very wide differences of cost per unit, particularly in the case of the steam plant. He there- fore had the average cost calculated for steam stations of differ- ent capacity, and as the results are interesting, they are given separately in Table XX. TABLE XX. OPERATING COST PER KW.-HR. SOLD, FOR STEAM STATIONS OF DIFFERENT SIZES Station oil, waste. and main- capacity, Fuel, water and Wages, tenance. Total Load kw. cts. stores, cts. cts. cts. cts. factor 250 1.26 0.18 0.70 0.72 2.86 13.2 500 1.12 .12 .54 .58 2.36 13.3 750 .86 .10 .46 .48 1.90 15.4 1.000 .80 .10 .46 .42 1.78 16.8 1.500 .84 .08 .34 .36 1:6 2 16.9 2.000 .74 .08 .32 .42 1.56 17.7 3,000 .66 .08 .30 .34 1.38 17.4 4.000 .80 .06 .28 .40 1.54 18.8 5,000 .68 .06 .22 .32 1.38 18.7 7.000 79 .08 .26 .40 1.46 17.9 10.000 .52 .06 .18 .26 1.12 22.6 20,000 .60 .06 99 .32 1.20 19.6 50,000 .46 .04 iio .22 0.92 20.56 It is to be noted that, even with the largest steam stations, the costs per unit generated are no better than for quite small stations using Diesel engines, and this in face of the improved load factor. This is a most important point, and shows that small Diesel stations can profitably supply current at prices hitherto thought to be obtainable only in densely populated centers having large power stations. In all cases the figures which have been given are operating costs and do not include anything for interest on capital or de- preciation. It is hardly possible to give a definite statement show- ing the cost of constructing and equipping power* houses of dif- ferent types, as there are so many variable factors. However, the author's experience of a considerable number of estimates indicates that up to a capacity of, say, 1000 kws., there is gen- INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 669 erally little difference between the gross capital expenditure re- quired, whether steam, gas, or Diesel engines be adopted. Oil-Engine Costs and Operating Expenses for Different Types in Small Plants. A. H. Goldingham and W. H. Adams presented the following table and diagrams at the Panama Pacific Expo- sition meeting of the A. S. M. E. and Electrical World, Oct. 9, 1915, gives a reprint of their article. TABLE XXI. APPROXIMATE COST OF OIL ENGINES PER BRAKE H.P, AND FUEL, DATA Type of engine Specific Approxi- gravity of oil (deg. Baume) Distillates 48-51 Tops-distillates 38-42 Semi-Diesel .. . 24-28 Hot -surface high efficiency ... 16 Die.sel 18 mate Thermal Brake Approximate cost price of efficiency hp.-hr. of engines per oil per at full per gal. brake-h.p. gal., load of fuel Horsepower cts, 50 100 150 250 5 2.75 2.14 2.14 2.14 20 20 18 27 28.4 10 $25 $30 $30 $30 10 25 30 30 30 10 60 55 50 50 75 65 70 60 65 The curves are based on interest at 6%, taxes and insurance 1%, repairs 3%, depreciation 10% and fuels and cost of engines at prices given in Table No. XXI, allowance being made for labor. The horizontal lines have been added to each set of curves to facilitate estimating the total operating cost when the average load on a machine is less than the rated full load. To make such an estimate the procedure is as follows : Measure the or- dinate corresponding to the hours the machine is operated between the inclined and horizontal line for the particular engine and by laying off an equal distance on the scale at the left obtain the number of dollars representing the cost fuel which would be re- quired with the engine operating at full load. Then multiply this amount by the average i)ercentage of rated load carried and also by the ratio of the fuel economy at the particular load to the economy at full load. By adding the result so obtained to the ordinate of the fixed-charge line the approximate yearly operat- ing cost at that average load will be obtained. This arrangement of curves also permits a comparison of fuel costs for different engines' and periods of operation It is inter- esting to note that 50-h.p. tops distillates engines are cheaper to operate than any of the other types of the same rating up to 670 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 7200 hrs. a year. In 100 h.p, sizes hot-surface, high economy- engines are cheapest to operate when used more than 5000 hrs. a year. Below this tops-distillates engines show an advantage. With higher rated engines tops-distillates and hot surface, high- economy engines remain the least expensive to operate, the point / 7 z C oeraf/'nat Dafa z .7 :: ~:: .so-Mpr. : '>C\f\(\ ■ - / "7 / ■ i -.^ " 171:0 -_ -- / ? i ^,e,.l. _ _!_ w!. _ _ : YJ-- I _ '^°° . x\\ / e.' : : ^v&y - - - ^i'_ - - 'vy ^/ -r- "y - ^p|g5^^ __;-^'. 5s^'fl ^^"^ ■ ■ /' ■ * < '' I-** "" "^ '<"'' -••^ -^ - ^Vu inAA /' -^'' iMlQ. ?^/- ;:rr^- 2^ JU'rW- _ _ '1 ■"f^^"' II ^^\9 ^ - ' " ' ^ ■^ ' 1< j^iL. - 1 '^■::^~ ,.'!l1^ 1- t.)} ,^/ |- /irUisse/ ' "j" " '^ , ■■ ■^ ^ *' ..''. ^.-"^ " -^Semi-Diese/ _ ~^~-.. '' .Tops an ; ' D/sfZ/hTiss . ?f;o :--+— -'^--t-H-K- iiiiiinv 1200 2400 3600 4800 CjQOO Hours Operated perYecjr 7200 84.«0 Fig. 29. Annual cost of operating 50-h.p. oil engine at full load. Horizontal lines indicate the fixed charges. at which it is best to change from one to another changing with the rating needed. In practically all cases it can be seen that distillates engines are practically out of the question because of their high cost of operation. Cost of Diesel Engine Power for a Textile Factory. R. S. Streeter in Engineering Magazine describes a Diesel engine at the MacLaren Knitting Company's mill at West Sand Lake, New INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 671 in April, 1910, and used to run knitting ma- York, installed chinery. The air compressor is belted to the main shaft of the engine and is placed so that the same belt can be used to drive the compressor from the line shaft and in this way pump up the air pressure with the water wheel when it is necessary. ^ _ 1"::^ : ::: ± ._ _ : 2 ■4^i;UU _ Oneraf/nc7 Dafcf - - ' ^-~ ^/00-Np - ' ' '^'^ ^ r 7 /trstiCs I _____Z_ 4000 _ . ^ ^ ~~ " :._ : ^_ : y ^ c - ^ 7 S. 3500 -- -- --/" c / <^ - 7 4- " :: " " ir'2' : : : «o 'ijr\r\r\ .. . . r , , . ..^t* . . o 3000 .^^2 - ^ I %0 - -- - __| U -- _ __,«'' ^ :_ ;: :. :'^\'^z : : --<": 4- frnn '^ ni(?^?iy^3^ --■''' ^ Z500 ^^ -^-i,! 'jpfX^ Jr'" §_ '^ «. ^ ' ^ n L -^ T/ S''' -^ / ^-""X--^ l'>r^rf(T^e- i^'J ^ ,onr>A - 7 .^^^^ ~i^.^''Ho-^'^'^.,t jj cOOO nVniV^uX'^xa^T Hr^n^^'V t. t).pyi-A^^ ..^ ^^'"PrHW ect S .^-> L-.s--" >,pi^^, ■ ^2 f^ .1^ "^-OP^ I • -A-'^V o »i»wr>^ ■■ ^.-' ■ L ; J u'. , 4: j7 ^ ^ -not-surfac ?}tiejh-a:c not 7 / .o ? ""^ TrriT Tfrrr'"" *~ - -^ -- ■ , ,, , 1 ' ■ - " ~t- -y. --.^, . -- ■0 --_- .. L. iZOa 2400 3600 4800 ecoo Hours Operated per Year 7200 mo Fig. 30. Annual cost of operating 100 h.p. oil engines at full load Horizontal lines indicate the fixed charges. The fuel used in this engine is a heavy fuel oil and is trans- ported by horse and wagoh from Albany, N. Y., a distance of 9 miles. The oil costs about 5 cts. a gal. delivered at the engine room, but if it were possible to get it in tank cars it could be had for 3 cts. a gal. 672 MECHAmCAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA This engine on the 8-hr. acceptance test at full load or at an average h.p. of 75.8, showed an oil consumption of .512 lb. per brake h.p.-hr. The 2-hr. acceptance test at three-quarter load showed a consumption of .515 lbs. per brake h.p., the one-half- load consumption was .612 lbs. and the one-quarter-load .890 lbs. per brake h.p.-hr. There is a central station at Westerly, R. I., which contains four Diesel three-cylinder 16 by 24-in. engines running at 164 r.p.m. This station supplies electricity for lighting and for small motors for Westerly, Richmond, Ashaway, Watch Hill, Stoning- ton, Pawcatuck, Mystic, and Noank, which towns have a popu- lation of about 25,000. The maximum load on the station is 640 ^ws. For a period of eight months ending August 31, 1909, the operating expenses of the plant were as shown in- Table XXII. TABLE XXII. OPERATING COSTS, DIESEL-ENGINE DRIVEN CENTRAL STATION Total kw.-hrs 1,233,590 Energy for compressors, pumps and exciters 312,880 Total energy for distribution 920,710 Gals, fuel oil 115,708 " per available kw.-hr 0.12 Cost fuel oil, lubricating oil and water $3,632.22 Cost fuel oil, per kw.-hr. available $0.0039 Cost of generating energy per available kw.-hr $.009 The above figures include fuel oil, lubricating oil, water, labor and maintenance but do not include interest, taxes or deprecia- tion. The analysis of the cost is as follows : Fuel oil $3,356.10 Lubricating oil 236.75 Water ; . . 39.37 Labor 3,685.43 Miscellaneous 68.52 Maintenance : Engines and compressors $ 905.34* Electrical equipment 58.96 Miscellaneous 25.15 • Includes general yearly overhauling. In the Bellefontaine, Ohio, municipal electric plant there are two 225 h.p. Diesel engines, each direct connected to a 150-kw. 2,300-volt 60-cycle generator. It has been the experience there that these engines work well in parallel operation. At three- quarters load these engines use 9.75 gals, of crude oil per 100 kw. hr. generated. For the three years from May, 1906, to May, 1909, the average load factor on this plant was 46.7%. The cost per kw.-hr. was, for that time, $0.0062. This included fuel, lubri- cating oil, repairs and attendance. Cost of Power by Diesel Engine, Using Retort Tar as Fuel, was described by W. Allner, Jour, ftir Gashel, Apr. 8, 1911, and re- printed by Progressive Age, June 1, 1911. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 673 Tests on a 100 h.p. Diesel engine made by Korting Co., were made using an auxiliary fuel in the shape of paraffin oil. Tar and paraffin oil are conveyed to the nozzle by 2 separate small pumps, which are driven by the engine. The engine is direct coupled with a direct current dynamo and works in parallel with """m 2400 3600 4600 6000 . 7200 moa Hours Operated per Hour Fig. 31. Annual cost of operating oil engines of 150 h.p. at full load. Horizontal lines indicate fixed charges. a number of suction gas engines on the power and lighting supply of the factory. The tests were made at full, % and % load. The fuel supply was weighed and tested. The engine is arranged so that the supply of ignition oil varies with the load. The rela- tion between paraffin oil and tar can also be varied. The engine 674 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA has also a chang-e gear, which permits changing the tar pump to paraffin oil, so that in starting, the engine can work with paraffin oil till the engine is in a satisfactory, warm condition for the tar fuel. The tests prove that the total consumption of heat of the engine when fed with tar and ignition oil is with all loads as great T c 4- e^ooo u «) Ci_ O :t^ 5,000 «- o ^ 4.000 r> 4- ^ 3,000 ^ 2,000 . _^ ' 7 4 Opera f/no udfei / ± '250-ttp. ^ ^^l \ \ ' ^ _ _, 1 .... / i _i_ -,'■'. _4 / 1 / . / Z' ~ — / i ^/^r ~ I _ . \\;>|\"' "^^^••^ "' yjS^A- ' , ^-^r^-'ii^^^of- -q: .>./'/^5^/_ _ _ ? ,<'' 1 1 T ^ "^ " ■ Ho7-.iurfc'ce n/gn-en/c/e/7cy ' ' | " ~Semi- uicssf— iTops anc/PisH/fafes ■^— ■ ~^ i 1 1 1 • ' III 1 Fig. 3: 1,000 1200 2400 3600 4&00 &^Q0 7200 6400i Hours- Operci+ed per Year Annual cost of operating oil engines of 250 h.p. at full load. as when driven with pure paraffin oil. The consumption of igni- tion oil, moreover, is very small. On the average it is : With full load, 2%. With % load, 7.5%. With 1/2 load, 13%. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 675 With full load the ignition oil could have been omitted with safety, although it is advisable to allow this pump to work con- stantly so as to have it always in working order. The following results were obtained in regard to fuel consumption, with a 100 h.p. Diesel engine, requiring about 1,850 cal. (4,306 B. t. u.) per Fig. 33. 0.30 Q40 0.50 0.60 0.70 O80 090 LOO 1.10 L50 1.60 1.70 l£0 L90 Cost of Oil per Barrel, Dollars . Comparison of operating expenses of 600-kw. steam tur- bine and Diesel-Engine plants. h.p.-hr. With full load per h.p.-hr., 63 ozs. tar and 0.1 oz. paraffin oil. With % load per h.p.-hr., 60 ozs. tar and 0.5 oz. paraffin oil. With l^ load per h.p.-hr., 57 ozs. tar and 0.7 oz. paraffin oil. The net calorific power of the paraffin oil is taken as 10,000 cals. (39,683 B. t. u.) ; that of tar as 8,500 cals. (33,730 B. t. u.) per 2.2 lbs. The engine was fed with vertical re- 67G MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA tort tar from more than six gas plants, so that the matter of tar composition in the fuel is out of the question. After the 66-hr.-test the engine was stopped, and valves, combustion chamber and all inner parts thoroughly examined. It was found that the engine had no residues, that no deposit had formed, and that the entire operation had been almost smokeless. The engine was also subjected to severe conditions, as, for ex- ample, changing suddenly from full load to half load. Here also c I ex: CO a- ^» ■S-o io. .4 .3 .2 1 w Di< ;sel En gine /^ f^ \ Cyl. l6in.xZ4'\n. Stroke. A^- Mexican Cruc/e,/Zdeg.B.m£OBIU. B-'TexiJS » I5i " -'/mS •> C= - " /S " "18252 " D^ Eastern Refined Disfillah, \ 59deciJ9jl5 BIU.DRrlh / 1 7 /^ // V D / K/ / / .0 9 8 7 6 y. / / .■ ^ / / W (4'^- % / ^ \ \ ,^1 ^ K / \ ^ N. /', S ^ ^^ y 4 ^i < ^ ^ ^ s? ^ % ■i'n V^l '^ ?^ 5^ r—~ ^ .3 1 h< 1>^ >; ^ Cc nsL rm^ 7f/i 7/7> ^ 70 65 60 55 3 50 \. 45 o. 40 3 35 'S «o«o ■SUBJl UA\.Op-(l81g T-|COCCClW CCI r-\ 0504 i-*(M-<*e>5ifl ecift thc^ho tH tH (mu» UOISSTlUSU-BJJj ^f5■r^moo,H•*■^'*|l^)^Hml^3^-«Ol^cl^ IU5 O N rHiH OC^"5<>l(M03COOU300t^CO< uon-Bjauan ««3 <» ^ "^ -; « oo as as i>- ui o. th ^ lo ^i • M -M CO fO -n" «0 «D M eg (M (M iH IM - 010 OiMC^I rH iH cr>t^ wui 060006 «o irt aiaj s9nui 'UOTSSliUSU^ai. oooino-*iaia5 0ieoir-t-uieoioif5eo laec tocio i« w «ci«? ' id aDUBlSin; O*'^'^^ (MOOlOi-HMi-l'Xlt-COW MiM iHi-I'M 'M C- (MtH rl'iT r>aTT>riin«a OOlOinoqeo«ci(M(Musc0 t^c> ai CO Oi > « (P •i-< P.-t-' Wd P5^ >ai o oo o «r> u5 iM OOCO ^-^ s o 1^ OJ-^S'^o W -do !-. O C«m5 O w 694 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Hydro- Electric Power Development for a Large Area in Ontario. As a basis for estimates in demand for power made by a power commission of the Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1910, a full canvass was made by expert assistants in each town and city. Great care was taken to determine whether or not the con- sumer would be likely to adopt electric power if it were available, and a distinction was made in the case of power users who re- quired steam for other puurposes or who had refuse material available as fuel and who consequently would not be apt to make a change in their source of power. In estimating the total power to be distributed in each munici- pality it has been arbitrarily assumed that by the time transmis- sion lines could be completed and with power for sale at reasonable figures the total demand which should be provided for would be 25% greater than present estimates. On this basis weight of copper was calculated. Having determined the cost of 24-hr. power to various munici- palities, its distribution was to be considered separately for cus- tomers in each town or city. Owing to the great amount of labor involved in working out the costs of a system for each small place it was considered sufficient to take typical cases and apply the results more widely. Little variation was found in the cost of distribution in places of moderate size where underground dis- tribution was not necessary. In the estimates on which the cost data table has been compiled, depreciation and replacement charges have been figured so as to replace the different classes of equipment in periods ranging from 15 to 40 years. The depreciation charges are held as sufficient to serve as a sinking fund. However, in the case of the generating station estimates, the depreciation figures do not include enough to replace the so-called permanent portions of the development such as dams, head works and power-house. If a 40-year sinking fund large enough to cover these items is considered necessary a charge on some $45 to $65 per h.p. of capacity would need to be made. At 3 or 4% a charge of 60 to 80 cts. per annum per h.p. would meet the requirements. The given annual charges include TABLE V. CAPITAL COSTS AND ANNUAL CHARGES ON MOTOR INSTALLATIONS, POLYPHASE, 60-CYCLE INDUC- TION MOTORS. Capac- ity. H.p. 5 10 15 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 Capital cost per h.p. installed $39.00 36.00 30.00 Z5 00 22.00 20.00 19.00 17.00 15.00 14.00 Inter- est 5% $3.95 1.80 1.50. 1.25 1.10 1.00 .95 .85 .75 .70 Annual charge; Deprecia- Oil, care tion and repairs 6< $2 34 2.16 1.80 1.50 1.32 1.20 1.14 1.02^ .90 .84 and op- eration $4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 .80 .70 Total per hi), per annum $8.29 6.96 5.80 4.75 4.17 3.70 3.34 2.87 2.45 2.24 HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS 695 depreciation, repairs and interest during construction. The trans- formation charges include municipal taxes on building, insurance, depreciation and 20% for engineering contingencies and interest during construction. By combining the above costs with those given in Table V the total charge per h.p.-yr. is obtained. Cost of Hydro- Electric Plants at Niagara Falls. Table VI is from the 1910 report 6f the Ontario Hydro-electric Commission and is based on engineers' estimates. TABLE VI. COST OF HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS AT NIAGARA FALLS 2 4 -hour power capacity 50,000 h.p. 75,000 h.p. 100,000 h.p. develop- develop- develop- ment ment ment Tunnel tail races $1,250,000 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 Headworks and canal 450,000 450,000 450.000 Wheel pit 500.000 700.000 700.000 Power 300,000 450.000 600.000 Hydraulic equipment 1,080,000 144,000 1,980,000 Electrical equipment 760,000 910,000 1,400,000 Transformer station and equip- ment 350.000 525,000 700,000 Office building and machine shop 100,000 100,000 100,000 Miscellaneous 75,000 75,000 75,000 $4,865,000 $5,900,000 $7,255,000 Engineering and contingencies.. 485.000 590,000 725.000 $5,350,000 $6,490,000 $7,980,000 Interest, 2 years at 4% 436,580 529,584 651.168 Total capital $5,786,560 $7,019,584 $8,631,168 Per horse power $114 $94 $86 Yearly Cost of Power, Chicago Sanitary District System. (After Frank Koester in Engineering Magazine.) The following table gives the distribution of yearly cost in 1910. Capacity of plant, horsepower 15,500 Total cost of development and transmission $3,500,000 FIXED CHARGES Interest on investment at 4% $140,000.00 Taxes on real estate, buildings, etc 7,200.00 Depreciation of buildings at 1% 3,650.00 Depreciation on water wheels at 2% 2,027.32 Depreciation on generators at 2% 1,824.60 Depreciation on pole lines at 3% 2,020.50 Depreciation on other electrical appliances at 3%. ... 3,995 52 Total fixed charge $161,137.94 OPERATING EXPENSES Power and substation labor' $ 63,'240.00 Repairs to machinery and buildings 3,700.00 Incidental expenses 1,200.00 Operating Lawrence Avenue pumping station 43,960.00 696 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Operating 39th Avenue pumping station 120,380.00 Interest on investment 39th St. pumping station 15,599.76 Total operating expense $248,079.76 Total cost to sanitary district $409,217.70 Cost per h.p. per annum $26.40 Cost of a 1,400 Kilowatt Hydro- Electric Plant. The data from which the following summary of costs of a small plant at Eugene, Ore., were prepared appeared in Electrical World, May 17, 1913, and Dec. 10, 1912. Total Per k.w. 1. Intake $ 3,971 $ 2.84 2. Canal 90.171 64.40 3. Headgates 4,514 3.22 4. Flume, forebay and wasteway 10.604 7.57 5. Water wheels and pressure pipe lines 25.656 183 5 6. Electric apparatus 22,097 15.78 7. Station buildings and grounds 9,299 6.64 Total of items 1 to 7 $166,312 $118.80 8. Transmission line 12.164 8.69 9. Substation apparatus 5,631 4.02 10. Substation building and grounds 813 .58 11. Real estate and right of way 12,164 8.69 12. Miscellaneous 112 .08 Total of items 1 to 12 $197,196 $140.86 13. Di.stribution lines and transformers 22,419 16.01 14. Meters 9,724 6.94 15. Series street lighting 17.676 12.63 16. Ornamental posts 7,324 5.23 Total of items 1 to 16 ...$254,339 $181.67 17. Supervision 4,755 3.40 18. General office 4.417 3.16 19. Interest during construction, and bond ex- pense 20,755 14.82 Grand total $284,266 $203.05 Note: Item 2 includes excessive charges of $26,257, due to fail- ure of contractor and court costs. Water from the McKenzie River is diverted through a canal 19.400 ft. long and wooden flume 650 ft. long, designed to carry 500 second-ft. The canal headgates are of concrete, located in the canal 350 ft. below the intake. There are two wood stave pressure pipes, 8 ft. diam., each 100 ft. long, bedded on timber cradles 12 ft. apart. Just before enter- ing the power station the stave pipe connects to a 96-in. riveted steel Y which carries the water to the turbine of each unit. There are two turbines, each 1,200 h.p., Pelton Francis type, direct connected to Fort Wayne generators. Each generator is rated at 705 kw. or 945 h.p. This difference between turbine and generator rating indicates that the generators are designed to carry "a 25% overload for a short time (probably two hours) with- out excessive heating. The generators are 2.300-volt, 60-cycle, 3-phase, 300 r.p.m. HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS 697 The hydraulic head on the shaft centers of the wheels is 28 ft. and the draft head is 15 ft., giving a total head of 43 ft. The power plant building has a concrete foundation and floor, and corrugated iron walls on a wooden frame. The current is stepped up to 23,000 volts, by means of one bank of three kws. "Westinghouse oil-insulated, water-cooled units, delta connected, which have a 50% overload capacity for an hour with- out undue heating. A fourth spare unit is provided. The transmission line to Eugene is 15.5 miles long, and its cost was not quite $800 per mile, including a telephone line. Cedar poles are spaced 40 to the mile. Three wires of No. 4 copper are mounted on Pittsburgh single-petticoat porcelain insulators, 8 ins., 40,000 volts. There is one river crossing of 670 ft. span. The substation transformers are installed in a part of the city water-filtration plant building, which accounts for the low cost of " substation buildings." The current is stepped down to 2,300 volts, and carried in three-phase circuits. Line transformers de- liver the current at 230 and 115 volts. Thirty miles of streets are lighted with incandescents. On Dec. 1, 1911, only two customers were being served; but 1,001 custom- ers were served Dec. 1, 1912. Cost of a 36,000 K.W. Low Head Plant in Massachusetts. In the plant of the Turners Falls Power and Electric Co., at Montague City, Mass., described in Electrical World, Apr. 21, 1917, owing to the low head, normally 55 ft., and the size of the units, low-speed machinery was adopted. The wheels are a little out of the ordinary, being of a single-runner type with vertical shafts bearing the usual ■" ." 'Wasfeyyau t^---.,) r Fig. 3. Canal and pond for Turners Falls hydro-electric plant. umbrella type generator adopted for such construction. The gen- erating units, despite their low speed, were of moderate cost, figur- ing only $6.31 per kw, on full rating, while the total development cost only $65 per h.p., an unusually low figure for this part of the country. The hydroelectric development was decided on after a thorough examination of the possibilities of the situation, ending in the present scheme of enlarging and extending an earlier canal from the old site, utilizing the water at one point as far as possible and thereby avoiding a second dam across the river. Canal, Fig. 3, is about 2i/4 miles long from the mouth of the canal to the power plant. Through the town of Turners Falls it runs through rock, but beyond this town the canal broadens out 698 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA into a rock-lined earth cut. At the lower end the canal widens still further into a forebay pond about 600 ft. wide on the average and 3,000 ft. long. For the last one-fifth of a mile to the gen- erating station the canal narrows doAvn to 150 ft. wide by 25 ft. deep. A 5-ft. drainage conduit extends from the head of the pond to the river. Because of the size of the pond sudden increases in load can be handled without drawing down the head to a trouble- some degree before the headgates can be opened. On the river side of the canal just above the power house is a wasteway, with a concrete spillway and ten 12-ft. by 10-ft. wooden gates mounted between piers. The gates are operated by hoists mounted on a concrete platform extending across the piers, the hoists being gear-driven through a common shaft by a 50-h.p. motor controlled from the generating station switchboard. The wasteway has sufficient capacity to handle the full canal flow. In addition it can be used for the removal of ice from the canal, in unwatering the latter, and in case of a sudden dropping of the load can be used as a spillway. The discharge of the wasteway follows a gentle slope to the river, a part of the incline containing a rocky bed which breaks up the rush of water. The Power House is 235 ft. long and 85 ft. wide, the long axis being parallel to the river and making an angle of 20 degs. with the center line of the canal. The head wall of the station contains racks and headgates, the latter being raised by an electric gantry crane running on the head wall. The crane is equipped with a mechanical trash collect :>r by which the racks can be cleared, the trash then being dumped into a special sluice behind the racks and discharged into the river by flushing parallel to the canal and thence into a canal drain at the lower end of the power house. Behind the racks are concrete piers separating the intake into three penstock chambers per generating unit. The headgates are made of steel and operate on a chain of rulers which enables them to close by force of gravity. Strictly speaking, there pen- stocks in the plant, there being instead merely passages in the con- crete foundation of the building leading to the various wheels. These passages curve downward from the headgates to the scroll cases of the wheels, the latter being set 18 ft. above low water. At the scroll cases the 3 passages from each group of 3 gates merge into one. Water enters each wheel through 20 openings around the circumference, each opening having a wicket gate con- trolled by the governing mechanism. The head on the wheels is normally 55 ft. The penstocks, scroll cases and draft tubes are faced with smooth concrete 12 ins. thick of a slightly different mixture from that used for the station foundations. Foundations are new completed for all six units. The Wheels are of the veitical, single-runner type, rated at 9,700 h.p. each, built by the I. P. Morris Company of Philadelphia, which also furnished the governors. Kingsbury thrust bearings are provided for these units. Each wheel drives a 7.500-kv.a. 6,600-volt, three-phase, revolving-field alternating at a normal speed of 97.3 r.p.m., the system frequency being 60 cycles. On top of HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANTS 699 the main shaft of each unit is mounted a 95-kw. exciter, designed for 250-volt service to save copper. The governors are connected with the shafts by flexible gear drive, which is said to eliminate the troubles sometimes arising from belting. A spare motor- driven exciter rated at 100 kws. is installed in a fireproof com- partment off the operating room for emergency service. Each gen- erating unit has a lignum-vitae guide bearing lubricated by water received from the scroll case through a Terry cloth filter. The Fig. 4. Cross section of Turners Falls hydro-electric plant. total area of the water passages leading from each set of gates to each unit is about 15 ft. by 27 ft. Single-runner vertical units were selected because they offer no obstruction to the flow of water out of the wheel and because they are reliable and simple. The tailwater is discharged into the river 22 ft. below the sur- face. The ultimate rated capacity of the plant (36,000 kw.) is based on a river flow of 10,000 second-feet. A water-cooling coil is installed in each thrust bearing, consisting of 145 ft. of 1%-in. copper tubing per unit. Fifteen gallons of oil per min. is required to carry off the heat developed in each thrust bearing. The water for the auxiliary cooling service can be taken either from the canal or from the municipal supply. In the center of the station over the tail-race is a pump pit containing motor- 700 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA driven oil and water pumps for lubricating and governor-operating service. The governor pumps are horizontal centrifugal units rated at 325 gals, per min. each against a 525-ft. head, and are directly driven by 100-h.p. induction motors, which are auto- matically started and stopped from a.c. motor control panels. Two sump tanks are installed in the pump pit and are cross-con- nected by a suction main from which the pump suctions are taken. The pumps discharge into a pressure main, to which is connected a pair of accumulator tanks mounted on the operating-room floor, the governor-operating cylinders being fed from the pressure mains and discharging into a receiving main leading back to the sump tanks. Each accumulator tank is divided into two sections by a dia- phragm, the upper section being open to the air and connected with the discharge main by a relief pipe. Once a week compressed air is forced into the governor-operating system to provide an air system at the top of the lower section of each accumulator tank. The air is furnished by a compressor driven by a 5-h.p. motor, a 0.5-in. supply pipe being run to each accumulator tank. A hand- operated pump is installed on the operating-room floor to enable the gates to be closed if the water supply is interrupted. Five sets of wooden block brakes actuated by compressed air are pro- vided on each generator as they may be forced against the rotor- rim flange when it is desired to bring a machine to a standstill promptly. Waterwheels were furnished with a rating of 9,700 h.p. in order to insure the driving of the generators at full load even under back-water conditions. The stream flow past the plant is extremely variable, ranging from about 1,800 second-ft. minimum to 100,000 second-ft. maximum during a year. At times the head is cut down from 5 ft. to 15 ft. below normal. As shown by tests these generators will readily deliver 7.000 kw. e^ch at 80% power factor. According to a statement made by President Philip Cabott of the Turners Falls company before the Massachusetts Gas & Electric Light Commission, the unit cost of the total development figures $65 per h.p. Estimated Cost per Kilowatt for two new plants of the Mt. Whitney Power Co. in California are given in Table VII. TABLE VII. COST PER KILLOWATT FOR MT. WHITNEY PLANTS Plant Plant A Plant B Capacity in kilowatts 3,500 6,000 Construction equipment, etc $10.00 $ 5.00 Power house and miscellaneous buildings. 7.10 4.00 Electrical equipment . 11.40 10 80 Water-wheels, governors, etc 8.55 6.65 pressure pipe line 9.15 13.35 Regulating reservoir 12.90 7.50 Flow lines 45.50 38.90 Diverting dams 1.85 1.50 Total cost per kilowatt $105.45 $87.70 HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS 701 Plant A Power house : Reinforced concrete, fireproof. Electrical equipment : 2-1,750 k.w. generators 4-1,250 k,w. transformers 2-55 k.w. exciters. 3-switchboard equipment, aluminum cell arresters. Water-wheel equipment : Pelton wheels and governor, impulse type wheels. Head: 776 ft. Pressure pipes : 2',680 ft. of 36 in. to 42 in. steel pipe. 5/8 in. to 3/16 in. thick. Regulating reservoir : Excavated solid rock 60,000 cu. yds. Flow line conduits : 3,300 ft. concrete flume 6x3 ft., 6,008 ft. 6 X 4 ft. concrete lined ditch ; 1,085 ft. 48 in. X 14 in. steel pipe siphon prac- tically complete. Plant B Same as A. 2-3,000 k.w. generators. 4-2,000 k.w. transformers. Same as A. Same as A. 1,325 ft. 3,300 ft. long about same size as A. No plans. 2 miles to carry 100 sec- f t ; 6y. miles to carry 50 sec. -ft. ; 700 ft. of tunnel. Plans not complete. Cost of Hydraulic Power Plants of from 100 to 1,000 H.P., and for 10 to 40 Ft. Heads. We have prepared the following formulae for determining the approximate cost of hydro-electric power plants based upon a table of estimated costs given by Charles T. Main in a paper on the " Values of Water Powers " (A. S. M. E., Dec, 1904). By using the formulae the approximate cost of hydraulic operated plants, having horizontal turbines, steel penstocks and walled tail- races (the cost of dam and buildings are not included) may be obtained. In the formulae, P = horse power of installation ; H =: head in feet ; L — distance from feeder head to end of tail-race. p Where — gives a value of from 10 to 100; cost in dollars = H Where H gives a 625 (0.9 + 0.001 L) — H value of from 2 to 10. P 700 (0.9 + 0.001 L) — H For example, consider a plant where, P H- 30. P 500 — - = 16.66. H 30 Cost - 625 (0.9 + 0.4) 16.66 = $13,550. cost in dollars =: 500 h.p. L - 400 ft. 702 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Take another case where, P = 200 h.p. ; L. = 200 ft. ; H =: 40 ft. P 200 H ~ 40 ~ Cost = 700 (0.9 + 0.2) 5 = $3,850. Cost of 38,000 Kilowatt Development of Yellow Creek, Cal. See the report to the Oro Electric Corporation in Chapter I, under the subject headed " The Calculation of Rates for Electric Current." Costs pep Kilowatt of Installed Capacity, with no " overhead charges," for the Nevada-California Power Co., are given in Table VIII, as determined by the authors in 1913. Costs per Kilowatt of Four Hydro-Electric Plants. Table IX gives costs per kw. for various plants on the Pacific Coast appraised by the authors in 1911 and 1912. "Physical costs" only are given, the table including no charges for engineering, business management, legal and general expense and interest during con- struction or brokerage fees. Comparison of Kilowatt Cost of Steam and Hydro-Electric Power. M. D. Pratt (Engineering News, June 10, 1909) gives the following comparison of operating costs taken from his experience with the plant. COST OF STEAM PLANT Per kw. Permanent : Ground foundations, buildings, wiring, water supply, coal bunkers, incidentals, engineering and super- intendence $ 35 Boilers, boiler setting, piping, pumps, condensers, heaters, coal and ash handling apparatus, smoke stack and flues, economizers 55 Engines, cranes 30 Generators, switchboard and other elec. app. , 30 Total cost per kw. installed $150 COST OF OPERATtON FN ELEC. RY. STEAM PLANT These are actual figures made by a plant built by the v/riter and are the t-esults from a full year's operation as shown by the books of the owner : Cts. per kw.-hr. on switch-board Wages 0.1610 Fuel 0.3080 Water 0.0197 Oil and waste 0.0141 Maintenance of boiler plant 0.0210 Maintenance of electric plant .\ . 0.0065 Sundry sui)plies 0.0117 Total cost 0.5420 Interest and Depreciation Charges : 5% interest on total cost of plant 150 X .05 = $7.50 3% Depreciation on Item (a) 35 X .03 = 1.05 10% Depreciation on Item (b) 55 X .10 =:: 5.50 7.5% Depreciation on Items (c) and (d) 60 X .075 - 4.50 $18.55 HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS 703 P4 O h < < < > H H O H O < «5 ^^ COM"* ■^ rHOo OiO «D d' CO e ►i w m ^ I? ^ ^ w m -^ 2P fl ri «S C ji; ^ "^•,::j O) O) fi2 > i=! 03^ a; fc. s EhM 704 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA C ■» o c^j th 00 1^ aic o o O iD ■ ■ O) ■ • O • • c ; ^;o • p ^ • o . ■■•^'^ ^3 m be tuDC aw be d 3J g>,!l5: ?„.-:; 0) ? OI o c •" o bflC C . ^•3 ai ^ "" 'j' (U OJ 0) \ u °2 ' X> s. N '">. ' '^^^ ^ \ '°\ ^^ r ^^v '^. .% \ ..^. > 5^ V ft ^ \ \ "^ ^ ^^^-. iui ,\ J \ "■"s >^ .i..i. U 5 ^ k L L lOOJ U3d XS03 1 1 1 ^ 1^ * " ;5 " ^s^ / , V °K o °°V s^ -t >\ ogz N. "'^^ Q Ss. s 1^ v. V \ ^ \ \ V V » \ ,\ , h.ii h ^ = , I , ? i-ss R 8 8 i ' 3 ^ 4.00 J USd XS03 731 732 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The exponent for wood pipe also changes with variation of head on the pipe. For example : Cost of pipes under very low head increases almost directly in proportion to the diameter, which means that the exponent is but slightly above 1. On the other hand, for very high heads, the cost increases almost as the square of the diameter placing the other limit of the exponent at 2. Between these two values, the variation is shown to be as represented by Fig. 10. These results were obtained by plotting actual cost of pipe as in Fig. 8 and are sufficiently accurate for application to practical cases. In computing the economical diameter by use of these exponents, the diameter is not sensitive to small variations in exponent. In view of this fact and also anticipating the fact that the diameter of any one pipe line should not vary throughout its length except- ing for moderately high heads, we are justified in using a single value of 1.5 for all heads between 50 ft. and the greatest head found practical for stave pipe. It is the writer's belief that an investigation involving these exponents is justified in the large majority of cases. This simple check will then eliminate the possibility of a false minimum being found graphically or algebraically by reason of local variation of points not located near the minimum. Much time may also be saved, providing the computor is familiar with his logarithmic sheet. For example, Fig. 11 shows the simple method of deter- mining the proper diameter when the law of variation is known. This plate is constructed for high head steel pipe carrying 100 cu. ft. per second and subjected to the following heads: 125 ft., 250 ft., 500 ft., 1,000 ft. and 2,000 ft. One point was computed for actual annual cost at ten per cent, interest and depreciation, with steel at seven cents. The line was drawn with the proper slope (2 because HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANTS n'i the pipe is steel) and the other four lines drawn with the same slope through points which increased in proportion to the head. Another point was computed for a check and the whole work was complete. This set of lines represents the actual cost of pipe for various diameters for all the foregoing heads. Another line is now drawn which represents two and one-half times the power lost by friction at $25 per h.p. The intersections indicate the correct diameter for their respective heads. Fig. 11. Even this operation is longer than necessary. We might compute the proper diameter for one head and knowing the law of variation of diameter with respect to head, construct the line which will give us the proper economical diameter for any head (same pipe or same quantity). For determining the law of variation of diameter with respect to head for the economical adjustment of steel pipe, we refer back to the expression for cost. Annual cost of pipe for constant head — kcP. Annual cost of pipe for constant diameter = k'h. Annual cost of pipe for varying head = k"hd'\ Value of power lost — kd-^. Therefore, k"hd^ = ckd-'^. Where c is a constant 5/2 for the particular case at hand. Therefore, h — kd^ where k is still another constant. From which d = kh-1/7. 734 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA This means that the diameter of steel penstock for high heads (of varying thickness) varies inversely as the 7th root of the head. To show that this is correct, we will take the data from Fig 11 and construct Fig. 12, with diameters as ordinates and heads as abscissae. The resulting line checks the above conclusion. It slopes downward to the right indicating inversely, and the slope is 1 to 7 indicating the 7th root. The line might, therefore, have been just as easily drawn after computing one point. fOO 90 60 ^0 ©0 50 40 z I 20 10 ^'C-; o '^'Pe r.„.. ^-^^^^^^-iii^^p^ 5ec f^.,,,, *--- ^^■^ua s,n.., p P (d-i.^.i) '"^ ■ IB ^^1 P,pf, p "" ' '_ '3_I0 C,. r^ — ^ — t^^;— ;5£j^.M,tj — ' =»* - ■ VARIATION OF Diameter _ ■■^^^ 100 125 250 500 HEAD Fig. 12. lOOO 200Q* Even this operation need not be confined to the theoretical or the special case. The law of variation of cost when both head and diameter are considered may be expressed Cost of pipe = Kh^d^. The value of n has already been determined for a wood-stave pipe, m can be determined in a similar manner by plotting on logarithmic sheet. This logarithmic sheet is not shown, but the results of m for various heads (a mean of several diameters varia- tion being small) are .shown on Fig. 13. results combined with those on Fig. 3 give all the in- formation necessary to determine the proper relation between diam- eter and head for wood-stave pipe. If. , Tch^'dr^ = Ck'd-^ ( 21 ) fe« = Ted' d = kh- .d =z kh- (22) (23) (24) HYDRO-ELECTRIC PLANTS 735 where fc is an unknown constant and x is the exponent of h repre- senting the law of variation of d. Fig. 14 shows values of x for various values of h. It will be seen that large values of x indicate small changes in diameter of pipe and vice versa, and when x is equal to infinity the diameter is constant for all heads (note that this comes from value of n = 1, the case for cost of pipe varying directly as diameter as in the case of steel pipe with constant thickness). The diameter not being sensitive to small changes in x, we may safely say that for heads under 100 ft. the pipe should remain 600 r 300 f .' •S 1 ,i' J 100 J / / Expo ■>er,t (r r^J 0? 04 06 Fig. 13. 0.8 1.0 constant diameter its entire length regardless of head. And we can as safely say that for heads above 100 ft. and within the range of application of wood pipes, a constant value of x may be taken. The mean value 9 from Fig. 14 is correct for all practical purposes. Therefore, for wood pipes 100 ft. head or more, the diameter should vary inversely as the 9th root of the head. The operation of Fig. 11 was repeated for wood pipes on the assumption that all wood-stave pipes under pressure increase in cost (and therefore have their yearly cost increased) as expressed by the following Annual cost of pipe = fcd' ^ The diameters for various heads were then plotted and the slope found to be 1/9, thus verifying the previous conclusion. This law of variation for diameters with respect to head is now applicable to any pipe line under varying head regardless of value of water right and regardless of what use is made of the water. 736 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It means that for a given quantity of water and total loss of head, this particular variation of diameter will give the cheapest pipe. To show that this investigation is justifiable and not a mere theoretical hair splitting, take the following illustration. Let it be required to conduct 100 cu. ft. per second economically through 10,000 ft. of wood-stave pipe. Suppose the first half of the pipe is subjected to 100 ft. head and the remaining half to 300 ft. 600 ^00 ^00 300 200 too <0 ^ 1 \ V \ Vcf/u&, 5 Of A O 5 10 \5 20 Fig. 14. 25 head. If after sufficient study it is found that 60 ft. is a per- missible loss, a too common practice would be to use a 42-in. pipe throughout the entire length. This pipe would cost the following amount : 5,000 ft. of 42-in. pipe for 100-ft. head at $2.95 $14,750 5,000 ft. of 42-in. pipe for 300-ft. head at $6.09 30,450 Total $45,200 But our rule says that the second half of this pipe should be smaller because it is under greater head an^ that the ratio of the two diameters (for wood pipe) should be 1:31/9. This ratio is 1/1.13, which is the ratio of a 40-in. to a 45-in. pipe, and this combination of pipes gives practically the same friction loss. But the cost now is : 5,000 ft. of 45-in. pipe for 100-ft. head at $3.20 $16,000 5,000 ft. of 40-in. pipe for 300-ft. head at $5.60 28,000 Total $44,000 Thus it is shown that there is a saving of $1,200, which is 2^^ per cent, of the total cost of the pipe. HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANTS 737 To show this is not a mere local variation let us take other com- binations, 66-in. and 37-in., for example, which makes the total cost $52,250, or even 54 and 38, which costs $46,600, or the reversing of the correct combination making 45 and 40, which require a cost of $47,250. These results plotted to scale with ratio of diameters abscissae (see Fig. 15) show minimum cost to be plainly for the ratio 1.13 which was originally chosen. In conclusion the following points may be summarized : (1) It is allowable to use the smallest possible pipe line for power when the water consumed has no value. This smallest pipe is the one which with a friction loss of one-third of the total head will deliver a quantity of water sufficient to produce the required power with the other two-thirds of the total head. 52P00 60.000 •»8P00 -^- ^6.000 -S- rt4,00C -rw-hr- W.^, /^^ . ^ ' ' 1 \ V v njiZ/C^^-ii- rT""^ J^mTiX ^ ' ' ' 1 1 V "T ■ ^i ^ ..s^ V _l i9ie ■ ^S)^obl3^f^'''l- 15 ^0 25 30 35 Plont "ac^or Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Figs. 1-2. Cost of energy delivered to the switchboard at different plant factors. The 12 months of the year were divided into 2 groups, one group consisting of the 6 months having the lowest unit production costs, and the other group including the 6 months of highest similar costs. For each group the number of hours, kilowatt-hours generated and operating expense in dollars were totalized. From these the aver- age unit cost and corresponding plant capacity factor in per cent, were obtained for each group. These values determined the loca- tion of two points on the mean unit cost curve xy, and thus per- mitted calculation of the constants a and h in equation (1), after which the curve was plotted as shown. The corresponding curves 742 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in Figs. 2 and 3 were determined in a similar manner. Equation (2) was then used to determine the average monthly variation in operating expense for corresponding plant factors within the range of the station output in kilowatt-hours. These expenses are repre- sented in the chart by means of straight lines. Space does not permit a very thorough discussion of these curves. They indicate a relatively larger component of fixed operating ex- pense than would be expected, even for the cost of fuel. It may be pointed out that the total expense in dollars does not include such fixed charges as interest on the investment, depreciation, in- 05 0^ 400 % 0.^ t 300 S.. ^ 0.2 200 o 0. ^ lOO , ~ "IT n r 1 1 ■ \, / Cents per Krt-hr' 3.^ 1-0.193 y ^ \<3 \ s^ 0^ N 'n , :? - N k k i<^i( , ^ r-' r ^ ,-■ "" r« '< ^ - 1 L> /^/« .^ U^ T9 b ■ — - — \^' -.\f D u^ ^^' _^ ■OC ll(Jf .- (^ )i glto •'^ '' \9l^ ^ .' ^B) 1916 --^ =^ (a) Fiveri r.hnrr ~^P^ r^ ^-- .~" ■ ~ J>T _l :. \^ 1^ ^.- "■' ^ FT- -' " 1 » — to 15 30 20 25 Plant Factor Fig. 3. Cost of fuel with different plant factors. 35 surance, etc. The excessive fixed operating expense during the first ten months of the year 1916 may be attributed partly to the higher wages paid both for operation and maintenance and in part to a larger expenditure than is necessary under ordinary conditions for replacements. Output of Large Generating Systems. Table I from Electrical World, April 7, 1917, shows the peak load, date of same, yearly output in kw.-hrs. and yearly load factors of the largest generating systems of the country. Relation of Peak Load to Capacity. The following figures re- late to steam-electric plants and were compiled from the reports of officials of the companies. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 743 Edison Electric Illuminating Co., of Boston. From 1905 to 1914 the rated plant capacity increased from 35,400 kw. to 116,400 kw. with the average 74,255 kw. The peak load increased from 26,311 kw. to 65,092 kw., average 45,852 kw. The ratio of peak to capacity ranged from a minimum of 54.8% in 1909 to a maximum of 74.4% in 1905. the average being 63.3%. Mobile Electric Co., Mobile, Ala. From 1909 to 1912 the rated plant capacity was 3,595 kw. and the peak load increased from 2900 to 3190 kw., the average ratio of peak to capacity being 85%. In 1913 and 1914 the rated plant capacity was increased to 6,595 kw., the peak load being 3150 and 3081 kw. for the 2 yrs., thus bringing the average ratio down to 47% for that period. Muskogee Gas & Electric Co., Muskogee, Okla. The rated plant capacity was 4,600 kw. from 1912 to 1914. The peak load was 3,000, 2.300, and 2,200 kw. during that time, thus making the ratio of peak to capacity 65, 50 and 48%. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co., Oklahovia City. In 1912, 1913 and 1914 the rated plant capacity was 5,650 kw. ; the peak load 3,864, 3,467, and 3,480 kw. ; the ratio 68, 61 and 627^. Ottumwa Railway and Light Co., Ottumwa, la. From 1908 to 1914 the rated plant capacity was 1600 kw. ; the peak load aver- aged 1380 kw. with a minimum of 1175 kw. in 1909 and a maxi- mum of 1720 kw. in 1913; the ratio averaged 86, minimum 73, maximum 107. San Diego Consolidated Gas <& Electric Co., San Diego, Cal. The average rated plant capacity was 4,720 kw, from 1906 to 1914, it being 1,220 kw. in 1906 and 12,470 kw. in 1914; the average peak load was 3,195 kw., increasing from 918 kw. in 1906 to 7,075 kw. in 1914. The average ratio, peak to capacity, was 68, the minimum being 57 in 1914 and the maximum 116 in 1D08. The Edison Illuminating Company of Detroit. From 1905 to 1914 the rated plant capacity increased from! 13,200 kw. to 90,500 kw. ; the peak load from 10,300 kw. to .83,300 kw. The ratio aver- aged 81%, being 62% in 1908 and 100% in 190.6. Union Gas and Electric Co., Fargo, S. D. The rated plant capa- city was 1,860 kw. from 1911 to 1914. The peak load averaged 1551 kw. and the ratio 84%. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. The rated plant capacity was 65,748 kw. in the winter of 1905-6 and 364.250 kw. in 1914-15, averaging 210,244 kw. ; the peak load was 53,810 kw. in 1905-6 and 306,200 kw. in 1914-15; the ratio averaged 79%, being 66% in 1907-8 and 86% in 1911-12 and 1913-14. Eastern Pennsylvania Lt., Heat, <& Pwr. Co., Pottsville, Pa. From 1910 to 1915 the rated plant capacity was 4,130 kw. ; the peak load increased from 3,010 kw. to 4,620 kw., averaging 4. ,000 kv/. ; the ratio was 73% in 1910 and 112% in 1914 and 1915, averaging 97%. Maximum load given for period of about 5 minutes. Proportions of Steam and Hydro-Electric Equipment to Load. The following data were compiled from reports from officials of the companies, and are for the year 1915. Great Western Power Co., San Francisco. Rated capacity, steam, 744 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA CO H m >^ m M < O ^ H O %o OH P s H CM H t» O o >>S' . . . ooo _ oooo .'1' 3 ^ rHin eg >^ C0004 (cgo )Tt<0 I05C0 icot- ccot lOO' >o«oe io«oc Oi M 00 Irt ■* o t- t^ r- th iM lo -*■ c ooeo« t-OOl 3eooot-o 00 «o eo 00 eo f t>- « <00t-«©-^r-lr-IOa5 tocoo t3 +J ci o d c5 cj d d cj d d d .' 6 6> 6> d (uOo (ua)(i)a»(U(i)(i)a)(uo00500CD030S rt< 00t-O(MOO(M«0OOMO00rH'*t-Oai \a ;j^ 05C0C0 ■* a>' ^■2*^ft nS ri '^•;:^ S-- i^''3 .Jl Pplplii^ipllllll ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 746 t-eooo-^o y-\ irtooooooooooo la ooeco eoiH^O'*io iH irj o 50 o « «5 lO th cv] to o cc th«do rjJ'o CO o't- CsT iH «D O U5 O lM"t-^lf5 00 oTm W -^ 00 OO touiooirsm (M •^ti'M'^ob-ocjiMo-^t^ oo looo-* as'^Toous-t* -^ iH^■r^eO'>^lAta•^l>^ r-T MOSIO iHOlaS'^OSOO iH O5(3500t^t^«OtOWl'«l D (U CJ (D (Jj 07-1000 P- os+j ft ooooso o in COOOCOO t>- CO osinousM th CO =«P >.§» Mcq o o o 4-jr) 03 i'(3S^^'-^ ^f^ Ic5|^^c^=« oooiooooo o ooo f o -"f t^ irt c^j o o ooo ;oiMTjT<*< < m H Ph H y % ^ .S H ^ s % LSirao OtOT-i woboQ ICBOiM ^o t> <^^ ?6 o o M* o | in rHt- ® . o6 <±i(M e»3 '^^ ■* M iM o o cc«3'£>'HOovacoiH tHtHO O OOO OSOO «ooc- uaoo coiooo ^UStHooOOJCOOOOO CO «> CO i-llflTj OOiH I cot •X^ '^'-Ho> eocoo Ttc-< .oo< woo a5_oo_ CO us us CO cot- do r4 11°. S5?S "=^.0 CO MO ^USrHrHi-tTHOOOOt— rt<0000 iHwOO-^OSOOUSC^iHCOOOOO o OOCO«>-*OOtHOO © r-l 00 0€«- O K 72 S t- . . O ? 0; » o.. cctr:© 3 5^ c '3 t^ ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 749 K ooo -^ oco • ,£SS ooin o ^ o oi - COOt- CO C-J CO CO • fe3SEi iHCOt-T oco'coc^]" * 3iig t^T-llH r-l^ . t- 3^ 30 p.-^ c w «s OiolO CO rH U5 t- t- s Oirsoq t-<»?£>coai«o irt^^ CO -r U5 -M^CD ^• 03 5h ■^I'lHr-T C O M CO ttToO iM «» < co" CO ■^Mt^-iM^COCOO* C005 M- -^ o- oT' " o o "^' kn . rf< t- eo ■*_ T-^ 00 00 t> «> CD o O ci OS O CD rH rH O OOoO CDCDOCOOOO 25 00 ^^ ooeocioot- '#in)U5C--*t~-irt 3 2:§ 2-? O O aS i;"iy OS c'^'C C ,03-2 o o >-5 "So. ' 0) 2 &C 3 3 CD CD 0)' '-^ J-c > 5r' t, 1^ ^77 3 o3-M , a 750 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ment. The range of usefulness of this type of plant was limited to a radius of less than 15,000 ft., making- it impossible to serve the average railway system from a single plant. The rating of such plants was confined to about 1200 kw. The addition of low- pressure turbines coupled to direct-current generators has in a few cases prolonged somewhat the effective life of such plants, but taken as a whole, the continued expansion and growth of electric rail- way systems has outdistanced this type of station because of its inflexibility. Labor Costs of Operation in Street Railway Power Plants. The following costs were taken from tables in Data, November, 1913, and February, 1914, by C. C. Moore & Co. ALTERNATING CURRENT PLANTS No. of men and rate per month Size of plant, kw. 2,000 2,500 3,000 4,000 Chief engineer 1-$125 1-$125 1-$125 1-$125 Ass't engineer Watch engineer 2- 100 2- 100 2- 100 2- 100 Boiler room engineer Oilers 3- 60 4- 60 4- 60 4- 65 Fireman j ^- |^ | ^3 ^^ 3- 70 3- 75 Boiler cleaners 1- 65 1- 70 U" JJ U~ \\ Wipers 2- 60 2- 60 2- 60 2- 60 Generator men 2-60 2-70 2-70 2-70 Total cost of labor per year $12,180 $13,200 $14,940 $15,240 Cost of labor per kw. per yr. $6.09 $5.28 $4.98 $3.81 Cost of labor inr?0.25(a) .00278 .00241 .00227 .00174 l^ii?r« ^^r vi, -SSi/^ .00209 .00181 .00171 .00130 ^^^t li^^ f^^'i -50 .00139 .00121 .00114 .00087 fn^Q Tinta^ -75 .00093 .00090 .00076 .00058 tors noiea . . . . . [^ -^ qq .00070 .00060 .00057 .00043 Sizeof plant, kw.-hr. 5,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 Chief engineer 1-$135 1-$135 1-$150 l-$200 l-$250 Ass't engineer 1-120 1-125 2-125 Watch engineer 3-100 3- 110 2- 120 5- 110 5- 110 Boiler room engineer 1- 90 1- 90 1- 100 1- 100 Oilers 5- 65 8- 65 10- 65 15- 65 20- 65 Firemen 3- 75 5- 75 6- 75 10- 75 12- 75 Boiler cleaners [3- 65 6- 65 7- 65 10- 65 | 2- 70 U- 70 UO- 65 Wipers 3- 60 3- 60 4- 60 6- 60 8- 60 Water tenders 3- 75 3- 75 6- 75 Electricians 1- 90 1- 90 Switchboard men 1- 75 2- 80 {i~ H ^~ ^^ ^~ ^^ Generator men f 1- 65 3- 65 2- 65 3- 65 5- 65 12- 70 ^, , 1 7n il- 65 fl- 65 (2- 65 ^^^rks 1- 70 {i_ 70 {i_ 70 ^i_ 70 Total labor cost, year. .. $20,520 $29,340 $37,560 $55,320 $71,280 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 751 Labor cost, per kw. per yr. $4-10 0.25(a) .00187 .331/3 .00141 .50 .00094 .75 .00062 1.00 .00047 Cost of labor in dollars per kw.-hr. at load factors noted $3.91 $3.76 $3.69 $3.56 .00179 .00172 .00168 .00163 .00134 .00129 .00126 .00122 .00089 .00086 .00084 .00081 .00060 .00057 .00056 .00054 .00045 .00043 .00042 .00041 (a) Yearly plant load factor based on 365 days, 24 hours per day, 8760 hours per year. All plant under 4000 k.w. capacity are operated continuously for 20 hours per day, two 10-hour shifts. DIRECT CURRENT PLANTS No. of men and rate per month Size of plant, kw. 100 Chief engineer l-$85 Watch engineers 1-80 Oilers Firemen 1-60 Boiler cleaners Wipers Generator men Total cost of labor per yr $2,700 Cost of labor per kw.. per yr. . . $27.00 r 0.25(a) .01233 Cost of Ikbor in dol- .33V^ .00925 lars per kw-hr. at^ .50 .00616 load factors noted .75 .00410 [ 1.00 .00308 200 250 300 .-$85 .- 80 l-$85 1- 80 l-$90 1- 80 60 1- 60 1- 60 $2,700 $2,700 $2,760 $13.70 .00616 .00462 .00308 .00205 .00154 750 l-$90 1- 85 1- 60 2- 70 Size of plant, kw. 400 500 Chief engineer l-$90 l-$90 Watch engineers 1-80 1-85 Oilers 1-60 Firemen 1-60 1-60 Boiler cleaners Wipers 1-60 1-60 Generator men Total cost of labor per yr $3,480 Cost of labor per kw. per yr $8.70 $8.52 $6.96 0.25(a) .00397 .00389 .00318 .331,^ .00289 .00292 .00238 .50 .00199 .00195 .00159 .75 .00132 .00130 .00106 1.00 .00099 .00097 .00079 $10.80 .00493 .00370 .00247 .00164 .00123 1,000 1-$110 1- 90 2- 60 2- 70 1- 60 2- 60 $9.20 .00420 .00315 .00210 .00140 .00105 1,500 1-$120 1- 90 2- 60 2- 70 1- 65 2- 60 2- 60 Cost of labor in dollars per kw-hr. at load factors noted $4,260 $5,220 $6,960 $6.96 .00318 .00238 .00159 .00106 .00079 $9,300 $6.20 .00283 .00212 .00142 .00094 .00071 (a) — Yearly plant load factor based on 365 days, 24 hours per day = 8,760 hours per year. Note: All the above plants are operated continuously for 20 houns, two 10 -hour shifts. Relation of Unit Labor Costs to Size of Plant for Central Station Work. Howard S. Knowlton published in the Engineering Maga- zine, Sept., 1909, the following table. The force at Plant A consisted of 6 engineers, 8 firemen, and 8 engineroom and switchboard attendants in the total 24 hours. The generating equipment included 6 125-h.p., 2 350-h.p., and 4 400-h.p. 752 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE OF LABOR COSTS IN SELECTED CENTRAL STATIONS Plant Appx. kw. rating A 6,000 B 5,000 C 4,000 D 2,000 E 2,000 F 1,250 G 950 H 700 I 630 Total station wages $25,937 20,920 19,429 9,954 9,663 6,844 8,771 6,669 5,017 Kw.-hrs. manuf d. 8,776,165 6,043,204 5,400,192 3,288,623 4,305,003 1,470,066 1,479,898 889,760 730,458 Total mfg. Labor cost per cost per 0.296 0.346 0.36 0.302 0.224 0.465 0.595 0.750 0.685 cts. 1.21 1.23 1.24- 1.42 1.27 1.56 2.05 2.34 1.80 22 20 28 11 13 8 7 8 boilers; 1 1,000-h.p. and 3 900-h.p. engines, horizontal compound condensing type; and 2 1500-kw. vertical steam turbines. A con- siderable proportion of the 15 generators in the station were belt- driven. The station design when the figures were taken was un- favorable to labor economy. Plant B was a modern station with economical direct-connected machinery, and had 6 400-h.p. boilers, 1 300-h.p., 1 2250-h.p., and 2 750 h.p. engines, all of the vertical cross-condensing type. The force consisted of 4 engineers, 3 oilers, 1 wiper, 4 switchboard men, 6 firemen and 2 coal passers. Probably this plant was somewhat over-manned. Plant C was a process of evolution from the belt-connected to the direct-coupled stage, much of the transformation having been ac- complished. The equipment consisted of 12 250-h.p. boilers, hand- fired. 1 1500-kw. vertical turbo-alternator, 1 30u-h.p., 1 600-h.p., 1 1200-h.p. and 1 1800-h.p. cross-compound condensing engines. The electric generators were 11 in number, 4 being used tem- porarily for arc service. The force consisted of 4 engineers, 5 firemen, 16 engine-room and electrical operating men, and 3 ma- chinists. The size of the force is undoubtedly due to the design of the station. The plant covered a large floor space and is elec- trically sub-divided so that not all the switchboard apparatus can be covered from any one point. Plant D is of almost the same ^iesign as Plant B, but of much smaller capacity. Here the labor requirements have been care- fully worked out with consequent results. The force consisted of 4 engineers, 3 oilers, 3 firemen, and 1 helper. The plant had 5 boilers of 258 h.p. each, and the following generating units, all direct connected: 1 600-h.p. engine, 1 900-h.p. engine, and 1 1500-h.p, engine, all vertical cross-compound condensing units. The switch- board was a compact hand-operated structure, centrally located on the engine-room floor. The boilers were hand-fired. Plant E got its principal load from an adjacent street-railway system. The force consisted of 3 engineens, 3 firemen. 2 coal pass- ers and 5 helpers. The boilers were 1 125-h.p., and 9 150-h.p. units, and engine sizes were 2 400-h.p, simple engines, and 1 100-h.p., 1 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 753 1250-h.p., and 1 200-h.p., and 1 800-h.p. compound condensing units, with 15 generators. Plant F had 4 boilers aggregating 1000 h.p. and 3 horizontal cross-compound condensing direct-connected engines rated respect- ively at 240, 450 and 1000 h.p. The force consisted of 4 engineers ■cooo 5700 5400 GlOO 1800 4500 I • B ■ \ 3900 3600 3300 3000 2700 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 ^ •c a CU \ 5 1 \ ' .1 \ 1 \ ■A \ • E D \ \ r \ \ \. G ^ H I Labo Cost Per K ilowa iHou Gene afcd 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 *5 60 55 CO £5 TO 1 Hun(>edths of a Cent The Engineering ilaaazine \ Fig. 3A. Curve of approximate relation between station capacity and cost of wages. and 4 firemen, and the conditions generally were favorable to the economy of labor, but the plant was handicapped by a small yearly output, being located in suburban town with little opportunity to develop a substantial motor load. Station G was of combined eng^ine and steam turbine equipment. 754 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA well maintained, with moderate sized units of both belted and direct-connected type. 4 boilers of 678 total rated h.p., with 2 horizontal cross-compound condensing- engines of 175 and 350 h.p. and a 500-kw. vertical steam-turbo alternator. The operating force consisted of 3 engineers, 2 firemen, and 2 electrical attendants. Station H included 3 horizontal cross-compound condensing en- gines, rated at 250 h.p. and a 211-h.p. simple engine, fed by 4 boilers aggregating 600 h.p. in capacity. The force consisted of 3 engineers, 2 oilers and 3 firemen. Plant I was equipped with 3 engines and 6 generators, with a liberal proportion of belted units, 3 boilers aggregating 550 h.p., and all the engines were of the cross-compound condensing type, 2 being rated at 250 h.p., and one at 125 h.p. 3 engineers and 3 firemen did the work. Fig. 3a shows the relation between station capacity and the cost of wages. Plants D and E are doing much better than the average and show what can be accomplished with even a medium capacity in- stallation. The following table from the above figures gives the plant capa- city and labor cost per kw. unit. TABLE OF PLANT CAPACITY AND LABOR COST Approx. kw. per Station wages per Plant station employee kw. station capacity A 272 $4.31 B 250 4.18 C 136 5.10 D 182 4.97 E 154 4.83 F 157 5.45 G 136 9.25 H 87.5 9.52 I 105 7.95 Cost of Generating Electric Power for Operating tine Elevated and Subway Cars in Manhattan, New York City. The Interborough Rapid Transit Co. operates both the subway and the Manhattan elevated, and generates some 400,000,000 kw.-hrs. of electricity annually. The following data as to the cost of producing this power were deduced from their annual report for 1908 and published in En- gineering and Contracting, Apr. 27, 1910. There are 2 power plants, and the following is their total equipment and rated ca- pacity : Station equipment: Boilers, 130 units 72,880 hp. Superheaters, 1 2 units 9,744 hp. Economizers, 36 units 261,040 hp. Steam engines, 17 units 131,500 hp. Turbo-generators. 4 units 10.250 kw. Generators (direct A. C), 17 units 85,000 kw. Station tran.sformers, 12 units 2,625 kw. Storage battery cells, 240 units 2,000 amphr. Rotaries, 3 units 2,400 kw. Exciters, 9 units 2,250 kw. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 755 Substation equipment: Rotary converters, 84 units 126,000 kw. Transformers, 252 units 138,600 kw. Miscellaneous, 39 units 2,109 kw. There were 402,084,635 kw.-hrs. produced, of which all was used to operate the subway and elevated railways except 10.181,000 kw.-hrs. which were sold. The selling price ranged from 1.25 to 3.5 cts. per kw.-hr., depending on the amount consumed. " Shop Expense," and " Undistributed Expense," are charged to maintenance of rolling stock as well as power plant, so we have roughly prorated these items to the power plant maintenance, although it is by no means certain exactly how they should be charged. " Buildings and Fixtures," probably includes a considerable sum spent on buildings other than power plant buildings, and this should be borne in mind when considering the following unit costs : Cts. per Maintenance : kw-hr. Electric line 0.037 Buildings and fixtures 0.048 Steam plant 0.050 Electric plant 0.013 Shop expense 0.019 Undistributed expense 0.004 Total maintenance 0.171 Operation of power plant : Wages 0.105 Fuel. 2,835 lb. at $2.95 per ton 0.353 Water 0.032 Lubricants and waste 0.009 Miscel. supplies and expenses 0.020 Undistributed expense 0.021 Total operation of power plant 0.540 Total maintenance and operation 0.7 11 General expense (514%) : 0.039 Grand total 0.750 Although the item of " General Expense " amounted to 10.7% of the total operating expenses of the Interborough Rapid Transit Co., nearly half this general expense was due to damages and legal expenses. Eliminating these, the general expense would not amount to more than 5.5%, so we have estimated it on that basis. The cost of the power plant (55,000 kw.) and transmission line of the subway is reported to have as follows : Electric transmission lines % 83 Buildings and fixtures 83 Power plant equipment 112 Real estate 25 Total $303 This is a high unit cost for the transmission lines and the build- ings. Since the 95,000 kw. plant (subway and elevated) produced 402,084,000 kw.-hrs., each kw. produced 4,243 kw.-hrs, during the 756 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ■ year. Since there are 8,760 hrs. in a year, the plant operated under an average load factor of 4,243 ^ 8,760 = 48.5%. Assuming', for illustration, that the first cost of each kw. of plant was $300, and that interest was 6%, we should have $18 in- terest. This divided by 4,243 kw.-hrs. gives 0.42 cts. per kw.-hr. to be charged to interest on investment, which, added to the 0.75 cts. maintenance and plant operation, gives a grand total of 1.17 cts. per kw.-hr. The maintenance of plant and transmission line cost 0.17 ct. per kw.-hr., which is equivalent to only 2.5% on a plant whose first cost is $300 per kw. If we consider only the power plant equipment ($112 per kw.), the maintenance was 0.086 ct. per kw.-hr. Since each kw. produced 4,240 kw.-hrs., this is equivalent to 4,240 X 0.086 ct. = $3.65 per kw. for power ])lant equipment maintenance. Since this is less than 3.3% of $112, the first cost, it is evident that these maintenance costs are far below what they will be a few years hence, when the plant is older. The elevated railway power plant was put in operation in 1904, and the subway in 1905. There were 2,385 lbs. of bituminous coal used per kw.-hr., and the price was $2.95 per ton of 2,000 lbs. The Interborough Rapid Transit Co. had the following number of employes operating both the subway and the elevated during the year ending June 30, 1908: General office staff: 467 employes general office staff $657,024 Transportation : 106 Train clerks and dispatchers. 21 Starters. 11 Depot masters. 686 Ticket agents. 740 Gatemen and platform men. 2,173 Guards. 530 Conductors. 595 Motormen. 358 vSwitchmen, flagmen and yardmen. 1,198 Road and track men. 302 Station porters and watchmen. 2 Other employes. 6,722 Total transportation , $4,517,304 Power : 32 Engineers. 104 Oilers. 19 Wipers. 122 Firemen (stoker operators). 22 Coal passers. 30 Water tenders. 23 Ashmen. 32 Boiler cleaners. 89 Dynarno and switchboard men. 30 Electricians. 23 I.,inemen. 246 Other power plant employes. 722 Total power , 578,493 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 757 Car houses and shops : 189 Car cleaners. 22 Lamp trimmers. 169 Car house men. 48 Other car house employes. 210 Carpenters. 38 Blacksmiths. 94 Machinists. 114 Machinists' helpers. 3 Brass moulders. 208 Electrical helpers, -- 155 Painters. 310 Other shop employes. 1,560 Total car house and shops $ 857,900 9,521 Grand total 6,610,722 This is equivalent to an average wag-e of $13.40 per employe per week. Car miles Rapid Transit Subway 44.005.213 Manhattan Ry. Co. (Elevated) 64,584,609 Total, Interborough Rapid Tr. Co 108,589,822 Since 391,900,000 kw.-hrs. were generated for 108.589,822 car miles, it required 3.6 kw.-hrs. per car mile, at an average speed of 16.08 miles per hr. (including stops). There were 4.45 passengers per car mile, or 71.57 passengers per car hour. Cost of Generating and Distributing Electricity for Lighting and Power. The following data are based upon the report of the New York Edison Co., for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, as pub- lished in Engineering and Contracting, May 11, 1910. Plant. — There are 8 generating stations having a total rated capacity of 108,300 kws., but 2 of these stations .supply nearly 80% of the current. There are 23 substations of 93,750 kws. capacity. The details of the plant equipment are as follows : Station equipment: 144 boilers, water tube 76,382 hp. 45 superheaters 29,250 hp. 30 steam engines, direct connected 82,900 hp. 5 steam engines, belted 1,725 hp. 9 turbo-units, a.c 53,500 kw. 21 generators, direct connected, a.c 93,000 kw. 34 generators, direct connected, d.c 14,100 kw. 3 generators, belt connected, a.c 900 kw. 2 generators, belt connected, d.c 300 kw. 10 excitens, motor driven 1,400 kw. 3 exciters, steam driven 225 kw. 2 X 140 storage battery cells 12,000 ah. 2 station transformers 2,500 kw. 1 frequency changer 1,000 kw. Substation equipment : 100 rotary converters, etc 93,750 kw. 276 transformers for rot'aries 108,735 kw. 32 by 150 storage battery cells, 3 hr. rate 192,000 ah. The company had 70,533 meters and 34,531 arc lamps in service, of which lamps it owned about half, and 2,655,085 incandescent 758 MECHMICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA lamps. In round numbers there were the following amounts of circuits : Million Ft. of mil. ft. circuit of wire Direct current (imderground) 10,183,000 4,619,000 Alternating- current (underground) 1,000,000 179,000 Alternating current (overhead) 1,096,000 794,000 Total 12,279,000 5,592,000 There were 639,735 lin. ft. of streets occupied by pole lines. The underground wires occupied conduits rented from other companies, a rental of $1,000 per mile of single 3-in. duct per year being paid; aggregating a total of $845,000. This is an enormous rental, but it should be remembered that the Edison Co. controls the companies from which it rents the conduits. The company owned 74,169 meters, the first cost of which is not reported. The Edison Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn owned 18,088 meters whose first cost averaged $18.40 each. The company owned the following lamps : 1,957 arc — a.c. inclosed. 13,806 arc — d.c, inclosed. 1,813 Nernst. 6,522 Glowers. The total number of arc lamps on its circuits Dec. 31, 1907, was 34,547, and the total number of incandescents was 3,056,777. There were 299,172,431 kw.-hrs. produced (at the switchboard) and 209,024,002 kw.-hrs. sold (at the meters), showing a distribution loss of 30%. Since the plant capacity was 108,300 kws. and since there are 8,760 hrs. in a year, the total capacity was 950,708,000 kw.-hrs. Therefore the plant factor was 299,172,431 -h 950,708,000 = 31.5%. Each kw. produced 2.760 kw.-hrs. at the switchboard during the year, of which 70%., or 1,932 kw.-hrs., was sold. The operating expenses per kw.-hr. produced (at the switch- board) were as follows: Cents per Production expense : kw-hr. Salaries 0.012 Labor 0.171 Fuel 0.406 Oil, waste and sundries 0.018 Water 0.045 Repairs, buildings and structures 0.012 Repairs, motive power 0.070 Repairs, electric apparatus 0.007 Station 0.008 Purchased power 0.025 Total production expense 0.774 Distribution expense : ' Salaries 0.021 Substation labor and expense 0.050 Rental of conduits, etc 0.339 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 759 Cents per kw-hr. Incandescent lamp renewals 0.147 Wiring and jobbing . 0.047 Repairing and maintaining str. lamps 0.023 Repairs, substation buildings and apparatus 0.068 Repairs, poles and lines 0.007 Repairs, subways and cables 0.01.9 Repairs, meters 0.074 Repairs and expense commercial lamps 0.004 Total distribution expense . . . . 0.799 General expense : Salaries of officers 0.017 Office salaries 0.113 Office expenses 0.098 Legal expenses 0.039 Advertising and soliciting 0.073 Insurance 0.040 Engineering and testing 0.026 Leaseholds, rentals, etc 0.016 Total general expense 0.422 Taxes 0.235 Uncollectible bills 0.011 Depreciation and contingent expense 0.575 Grand total 2.816 The cost of operation was as follows per kw.-hr. produced (at the switchboard) and per kw.-hr. sold: Cents per kw-hr. Produced Sold Production expense 0.78 1.11 Distribution expense 0.80 1.14 General expense 0.42 0.61 Taxes , , 0.24 0.34 Uncollectible bills 0.01 0.02 Depreciation, contingency and renewal 0.57 0.82 Total 2.82 4.04 In considering these costs, it should be remembered that 35% of the " Distribution Expense " is due to the rental paid for conduits at an exceedingly high rate. The item of " Depreciation and Contingencies " is worthy of special note, as it aggregates the large sum of $1,721,413. Of this sum $594,735 was actually charged off for depreciation, the balance going to a " contingency and renewal fund," which, so far as can be ascertained from the report, is but another name for a depre- ciation fund. The report does not show what the plant actually cost, but it does show that $43,417,883 bonds have been issued, which doubt- less represents approximately the actual cost, or about $400 per kw. capacity. Possibly additions, paid for out of earnings, have increased the cost to $500 per kw. As throwing light on what such a plant may actually cost in New York City, the following data relative to the United Electric Total efficiency 56 760 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Light and Power Co. will serve. This company was Incorporated in 1887, and on June 30, 1907, it was operating 4 generating sta- tions of a combined capacity of 10,200 kws. Its cost of construc- tion and equipment was as follows : Per kw. Land for generating stations $ 22 Land for substations 3 Buildings for generating stations 23 Buildings for substations 5 Electrical and steam apparatus (generating) 92 Substation apparatus 31 Construction cables 165 Subsidiaries 20 Tools and implements 2 Stable equipment 4 Office furniture and fixtures 1 Installation: Includes line transformers, meters, arc lamps, motors, etc 142 Maps and instruments 3 Total $523 The United Electric Light and Power Co. rented its conduits of which it occupied about 300 miles of ducts, and it had 820,000 million mil. ft. of wire. In our issue of April 6 we showed that the first cost of the plant of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn was $437 per kw. Let us express the cost of repairs on the New York Edison plant in terms of kws. of rated capacity : Repairs : Per kw. Station buildings and structures $0.35 Motive power 1.95 Electric generating apjjaratus 0.21 Substation buildings and apparatus 1.87 Poles and lines 0.20 Subways and cables . 0.52 Meters 2.54 Street arc lamps 0.63 Commercial arc lamps 0.12 Total $8.37 Incandescent lamp renewals 4.46 Grand total $12.83 If these repair costs are expressed in percentages of the probable first costs of tlje various items, it will be seen that they are all very low. It would .seem, therefore, that the apparently large amount ($1,721,413) charged off for depreciation and renewals is none too high. We have seen that the actual cost, as reported, was 4.04 cts. per kw.-hr. sold. The average income was 6.49 cts. per kw.-hr. sold. The plant represents a first cost of $500 per kw. — the interest charge at 6% would be $30 per kw. We have seen that each kw, produced 1,932 kw.-hrs. sold. Hence $30-^1,932-1.56 cts. This is the interest charge, which added to 4.04 gives a total cost of 5.60 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 761 cts. per kw.-hr. sold. This would leave a profit of nearly 0.9 ct, per kw.-hr. It should be remembered, however, that we have as- sumed a high finst cost, and that a high price was paid for rental of conduits. However, no exorbitant profit has been made al- though the profit has unquestionably been liberal. The payroll was approximately as follows for the year ending June 30, 1907, based upon the payroll for the week ending June 29, 1907: Employes : Total 881 General $ 672.678 519 Technical . 447,283 857 Generating plants 756,050 122 Sub.station plants 110,113 972 Distribution department 727,677 565 Construction department 450,69 4 98 Monthly salaries 256,306 4,014 Total $3,420,801 This is equivalent to an average of nearly $16.40 per man per week. That this payroll is higher than normal is quite evident from the following tabulation of wage earners on the payroll June 30 and Dec. 31, 1907. The average wage is that paid by the Edison Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn, which presumably differed little from the New York Edison Co. June 30 Dec. 31 Foremen at $3.80 103 103 Assistant foremen at $4.03 43 44 Inspectors at $3.09 40 48 Engineers at $3.95 52 51 Firemen at $2.85 130 148 Coal passers at $2.22 31 47 Oilers and water tenders at $2.49 201 202 Electricians at $2.67 109 39 Electricians helpers at $1.84 24 Dynamo attendants at $2.33 47 40 Switchboard attendants at $3.13 97 100 Machinists at $2.77 56 ♦ 48 Machinists helpers at $2.13 56 53 Blacksmiths at $2.43 9 8 Linemen at $2.44 14 13 Lamp trimmers at $1.66 37 30 Wiremen and helpers at $2.59 186 131 Meter readers at $2.96 36 37 Teamsters and stablemen at $2.40 9 6 72 Electric wage earners not elsewhere specified at $1.76 1172 782 Total wage earners 2,515 2,020 The number of salaried employes and their weekly wages for the same time were as follows : Canvassers at $25.48 71 55 Cashiers and bookkeepers, men, at $20.69 93 98 Cashiers and bookkeepers, women 25 26 Clerks (men) and salesmen at $15.93 395 343 Clerks and saleswomen at $8.71 36 40 Collectors at $23.36 29 34 Demonstrators at $14.46 1 762 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA June 30 Dec. 31 Messengers, telephone operators, etc.. at $6.87.. 55 47 Stenographers, men, at $10 58 „ 39 36 Stenographers, women, at $13.01 65 57 Superintendents 17 17 Watchmen, elevator men. etc 132 110 All other salaried employes , . 533 429 Total salaried employes 1,49 1 1,282 Grand total employes 4,006 3,302 The average weekly salaries are based on those paid by the Edison Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn. For the half year, July 1 to Dec. 31, 1907, the total payroll was: Officers ( 5 ) $ 25,000 Salaried employes . 626,955 Wage earners 988,320 Total $1,640,275 During- this same half year, 166,731,594 kw.-hrs. were generated, and it required 4.11 lbs. of coal per kw.-hr. generated. The coal was nearly all anthracite, less than 20% being bituminous, and the average price was $1.96 per ton of 2,000 lbs. The high coal con- sumption and the low price indicate a very poor quality. Cost of Producing Electric Power. PJngineering and Contracting, July 31, 1907, gives the of producing electric power at the sta- tion of the Cincinnati, Milford & Loveland Tracton Co., operating 36 miles of interurban electric railway. The plant is briefly described as follows: The boilers are 4 400-h p. Sterling, operating under nat- ural draft 8 (small) furnished by 2 54-in. by 100 ft. steel stacks, 4 6 by 4 by 6 in. Dean pumps in duplicate handle the feed water, 1 pump running water to an 800-h.p. Cochrane open type heater where the temperature is raised to 210 deg. F. and the other pump running the water from the heater to the boilers. Condensing water is supplied to a 750-h.p. Tomlinson condenser by 2 single stage centri- fugal pumps direct operated by 7 by 7-in. marine engines. pumps o])erate at 300 rev. per min. and deliver 1,200 gals, per min. The circulating pumps are set in a 12 -ft. pit in the boiler room and have a minimum life of 50 ft. The engines are 16 by 34 by 42-in. Allis-Chalmers cross-compound condensing. In order to give a high output for their size the engines are operated at 125 rev. per min. The generators are 500-kw. Bullock revolving field machines. They generate 3 phase 25 cycle current at 4 00 volts pressure and have an output of 721 amperes. Current for distribution of fields and for station lighting is furnished by 22.5-kw. 125 volt generators belted to an extra wheel bolted to the spokes of the flywheel. The following is the statement of the output and operating cost of this station for one month : Labor : 2 engineers $150 2 oilers 100 2 firemen 100 1 general help 45 Total $395 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 763 Fuel and supplies : 342 tons coal at $2.10 $718.20 . Oil and waste 37.10 General supplies 33.25 Total $788.55 The output in kw.-hrs. was 168,000, so that the cost per kw.-hr. at the switchboard was as follows : Item Total Per kw.-hr. Labor - $ 395.00 $0.00235 Fuel and supplies 788.55 0.0047 ^ Total $1,183.50 $0.00705 The total amount of coal burned during the month was 684,000 lbs., or 4.07 lbs. per kw.-hr. Cost of Power. The followin.g is abstracted from a paper by Frederick Darling-ton presented before the A. I. E. E., Pittsfleld, Mass., Jan. 18, 1912. The flg-ures given below are for the cost of producing electric power in steam plants carrying railroad loads under conditions that are widely prevailing in the United States, These figures are not exact costs taken from any particular power plant, but are average costs worked out from actual results in several steam plants on heavy railroad and other work, so shown as to permit easy analysis for varying conditions of load and for differ- ent fuel costs, etc. Cost per yr. per kw. Total cost of plant Per per yr. capacity kw-hr. Operating labor $52,500 $2.10 0.100 Operating materials (exclusive of fuel) 15,000 0.60 0.025 Labor for maintenance of plant 15,000 0.60 0.025 Material per maintenance of plant.... 17,500 0.70 0.030 Total cost of power plant, operation and maintenance, exclusive of coal per year $100,000 $4.00 0.180 Add the cost of coal at $1 per ton for coal of 13.500 B.t.u. per lb 82,500 3.30 0.15 Note : — The fuel cost will increase as the cost per ton increases or the quality falls off Other expenses pertaining to power plant operation, such as adminis- tration, legal and general expenses 10,500 0.42 0.02 193,000 7.72 0.35 Add for fixed charges on the cost of power plant 225.00 9.00 0.41 Total cost of power per yr. with coal at $1 per ton and a load factor 25% $418,000 $16.72 0.76 The figures given are the cost, including fixed charges, of producing power in a 25,000-kw. steam turbine plant, containing 764 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ' 5 main units of 5000-kw. nominal capacity each, but capable of carrying- 50% overload or more in emergencies. The yearly production of power is assumed at 55,000,000 kw.-hrs. or a load factor of 25% on a maximum load of 25,000 kws, which is the total nominal capacity of the 5 g-enerators. It is equivalent to an average operation of all of the generators for 2200 hours per yr. at their rated capacity. Such is the cost of electric power g-eneration by steam for heavy railroad operation and general central station service. There are 2 factors in the foregoing costs which are liable to maximum variations, viz., the cost of fuel alid the- average load on the plant, or as it is called, the load factor. Tla^e assumed maximum load of 25,000 kws. could easily be carried on 4 ordinar^ 5000-kw. nOrminal capacity steam turbine generators, and leave one spare unit in a 5 -unit station. At 25% load factor as assumed above (25,000 kws. maximum load and 55,000,000 kw-hrs. per year), the result in thermal efHciency would be about 8.4%. It is difficult to determine from actual results just what the thermal efficiency would be at other load factors, but as it is sometimes necessary to know this as a basis for arriving at the fuel costs under varying load conditions, the following approximate figures are given for these variations. The coal is assumed to contain 13,500 B.t.u. per lb. Yearly load factor (ratio Average Thermal of maximum operation efficiency load to aver- peryr., hrs. of plant age output) 10%) 876 6.5% 20 " 1752 7.8 " 25 " 2190 8.4" 30 " 2628 9 " 40 " 3500 9.8 " 45" 3940 10.1 " Cost of coal per kw-hr. at $1.00 per short ton 0.20 cent 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.125 It would be difficult to demonstrate in detail the economies that can be derived from combinations of mixed power service from the above plant compared with power for only one industry like rail- roads, but analysis of the schedules of costs and thermal efficiencies for a 25,000-kw. plant, working at 25 per cent, load factor, proves the broad assertion that in power generation large stations carrying mixed loads afford the maximum economies. Take for example, the cost of general expenses and of fixed charges and of power station labor and material, exclusive of coal. These things are little af- fected by the load factor, but even in so large a station as 25,000 kws. they amount to $13.42 per kilowatt per year, out of a total cost of power of $16.72 per kilowatt per year, with good coal at $1.00 per ton, or $20.02 with coal at $2.00 per ton, etc. Further- more, even the fuel cost per unit of power generated will ordinarily be less in mixed service plants than on i)lants for railroad work only, since the former generally work at better load factors than the latter. The better load factor comes for serving a diversity of operations. Also with more operations the plant will be larger ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 765 and for this reason as well it naturally has a better load factor and all unit costs are correspondingly less. There are other important advantages from centralization of power in large power plants, which will have important bearing on the future of central station business, for industrial and for rail- road power. One of these has to do with obsolescence and its im- portance in this connection does not always receive the attention that it deserves. Another is the utilization of ofC-pealc or secondary power, which so far has been very little realized but which will increase in importanee. Cost of Power in a Plant with a Relatively Large Railway Load. Electric Railway Journal, October 9, 1909. The return of the Hyde Park (Mass.) Electric Light Company to the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1909, illustrates the cost of generating electrical energy in a station of moderate size having a large railway load. Although the Hyde Park Company handles an electric lighting and power business in the suburb of Boston where its plant is established, by far the greater portion of its output is utilized in the operation of trolley lines at the south of Boston. The total normal capacity of the station is 1965 kws. and in the year covered by the return the company generated and delivered at its switchboard 3,990,634 kw.-hrs. Its total sales were 3,661,372 kw.-hrs., and of this amount of energy 3,314,076 kw.-hrs. were sold to electric railway lines at a price of practically 2 cts. per kw.-hr., the exact figure being 1.98 cts., as deduced from the return. Practically 92% of the total generated energy was thus sold — a much higher proportion than is usually encountered in central station work, and due without question in this case to the purchase of the railway power at the direct-current switchboard of the station, with the avoidance by the central sta- tion of the usual 15 to 30% distribution losses. The equipment of the Hyde Park plant, as reported in the return, consists of 9 150-h.p. Cunningham boilers with Hartford setting, each having a 72-in. shell and 92 3.25-in. tubes; also 1 125-h.p. Dobbins boiler with a Jarvis setting, 72-in. shell and 140 3-in. tubes built for 110-Ib. steam pressure. The total rating of the boiler plant is 1475-h.p. The engine equipment consists of the following units : 1 Corliss compound, 24 by 48 by 48 ins., 80 rev. per min., 1250 hp. 1 Green compound, 24 by 38 by 48 ins., 100 rev. per min., 800 hp. 1 Mclntosh-Seymour compound, 13 by 23 by 17 ins., 200 rev. per min., 200 hp. Direct connected, respectively to 850, 525 and 100-kw., General Electric, 500-volt, d.c, generators. 2 Armington & Sims 181^1, by 18 ins., 200 rev. per min., 200 hp. belted and one Armington & Sims compound lOVo by 16 1/^ by 12 ins., 285 rev. per min., 100 hp., belted, driving 6-arc light dynamos, four alternators of a total capacity of 330 kw. and two 500-volt, d.c. generators of 100 kw. rating each. The station was operated by a total force of 3 engineers, 3 fire- men and 2 coal -passers. The company burned a mixture of soft coal costing about $4.21 per ton and buckwheat at $3.26, the total 706 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA fuel cost for the year being stated as $34,471.24. The station wages cost for the year was $9,621.86. These were the two principal items of cost at the switchboard, the total expense of manufacture being about $50,000. The principal repairs tabulated were those of the steam equipment, which came to $2,741.45. The electrical re- pairs at the station were barely $1,100. The power production cost was as follows in detail : Cost of manufacture at switchboard as follows: Kw.-hr. delivered at switchboard 3,990,634 Cost of manufacture at switchboard as follows : Fuel $34,471.24 Oil and waste 778.22 Water 273.06 Wages at station . 9,621.86 Repairs, station building 90.59 Repairs, steam equipment 2,741.45 •Repairs, electrical equipment 1,101.33 Tools and appliances 698.05 Total $49,775.80 The cost per kw-hr. manufactured in cents was : Fuel 0.86 Labor 0.24 Miscellaneous 0.15 Total 1.25 Installation and Maintenance of a Small Electric Light Plant. The following is abstracted from an article in the May, 1906, issue of Power. In Jordan, Minn., a town of 1200 inhabitants, was organ- ized the Jordan Electric Light and Heating Company. Adjoining a side track, and near the central portion of the town a substantial building of brick, with cement tile floors, brick parti- tions and a gravel roof was erected. It is 20 ft. in width and 54 in length inside. The source of water supply is a 3-in. tubular well bored just far enough outside the building to allow the working of a well-drilling machine. At a depth of 62 ft. a plentiful supply of water was secured, coming to within 16 ft. of the surface. The well is located opposite the pump section of the boiler-room, the pit extending inside of the building and being open through the floor on the inside, the outside being arched over with brick and covered with dirt, making it frost-proof. An arch in the foundation of the building carries the wall over the pit. Suction is depended on entirely for drawing water. The top of the well casing is fltted with a tee, the run being extended to form a vacuum chamber and the branch leading inside to the pumps. A check is inserted near the well to facilitate priming. The pumping outfit consists of a Fairbanks, Morse & Company's brass-fitted duplex steam pump 3 by 2 by 4, and a duplex power pump 2.5 by 6, each set on a cement foundation. The stroke of the plungers of the power pump is adjustable from 4 to 6 ins. The pumps are cross-connected so that either can draw from the well or tank and deliver to the boiler, tank or hose. In practice one ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 767 cylinder of the power puinp draws from the well and delivers to the tank, and the other cylinder draws hot water from the tank and feeds the boiler, the stroke of the plunger being set so that it loses a little during the peak load, and gains on the light loads. A tight-and-loose pulley allows the pump to be stopped when . de- sired, or the water can be by-passed. During the two years of operation of the plant the steam pump has been required but a few hours. An iron tank which is 6 ft. in diam. and 8 ft. high, with a 5 -in. hole in the cover, is placed on the roof, and used as a combined tank and heater. It holds enough water to fill the boiler one and a half times. The 5 -in. exhaust pipe is led into it, besides the water inlet and outlet pipes. The heating of the feed-water is accom- plished by allowing it to drip over a series of shelves. These become coated with a considerable thickness of scale in a short time which is knocked off and shoveled out through a manhole in the side of the tank. Under running conditions about 3 ft. of water is carried in the tank. The delivery to the pump is taken from a point 8 in. from the bottom through a frost-proof connection. The temperature of the feed-water ranges from 160 to 190 deg. F. On all feed-piping which is of 1.5-in. extra heavy pipe, tees and crosses are used instead of ells, so that the inside of the pipe can be inspected and cleaned without taking it all down, but this oper- ation has as yet not been necessary. Both cylinders of the power pump are provided with relief valves to guard against breakage In the event of the belt being thrown on when the outlet valves are closed. The feed is carried through the front head of the boiler and discharged about two-thirds of the way back. The boiler, which is 54 ins. in diam. and 14 ft. long, is of the standard high-pressure, double-butt-strap triple-riveted, horizontal, tubular type, with 44 3. 5 -in. tubes, and set in a regular air-space brick setting, with stationary grates 4.5 by 5 ft., affording ample grate area for burning low-grade fuel. This grate area has since been reduced to 18 sq. ft. by placing a 12-in. dead-plate across the back ends of the grates, which has improved the firing and economy somewhat, besides affording a good place for banking fires. The 2. 5 -in. blow-off is protected by brickwork and provided with a Jenkins special blow-off valve. The 4,5-in. main pipe leads from the top of the boiler to a tee, into which is screwed a 3-in. pop safety-valve set at 125 lbs., thence to an angle valve, thence to a tee with a plugged opening to receive steam from a future boiler, and thence to a tee in the engine room, where a 4-in. pipe leads to the engine, a plugged opening being left for future connections. A 2.5-in. auxiliary pipe, also provided with a valve and a plugged opening for future connections, supplies the tube-blower, pump, engine-room gage and city fire whistle. The water column is con- nected up with extra heavy tees and crosses and provided with blow- offs leading to the ash pit. All live steam piping is covered with .5 in. of felt over .625 in. of asbestos. The stack, which is supported by the boiler setting in the usual manner, is 30 ins. in diam. and 60 ft. high from the grates. Where 768 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA it passes through the roof the woodwork is amply protected by an iron ventilator, having 8 sq. ft. of opening, which can be opened and closed at pleasure. A water-table above the roof effectively prevents water from flowing down the stack into the boiler room. The plates of the stack are inverted with the seams open- ing upward. After the stack was erected these seams were filled with a good machinery filler and then painted with graphite mixed with linseed oil, which gives the stack a lasting dull black color. No water enters the stack or boiler room, even during the heaviest rains. The coal room, located between the boiler room and the track, is 11 by 36 ft. inside, and holds about 120 tons of coal. The coal room has two doors for wheeling in coal, also an unloading device which consists of a hay carrier and track, attached to the trussed framework of the roof, and two automatic dumping boxes, dis- charging through a hatch in the roof. At present this rig is operated with a team of horses, and it requires about 3.5 hrs. to unload a 30-ton car, costing about 8.5 cts. per ton, compared with 10 cts. a ton for unloading with wheelbarrows when the bin is empty and 20 cts. when partly full. The rig has now unloaded upwards of 500 tons and shows no perceptible wear except the rope, which will soon have to be replaced. The engine room is 15 by 26 ft. inside and contains a Russell 11.5 by 12 single-valve automatic engine running at 300 rev. per min. direct connected to a Westinghouse 45 kw. generator, together with switchboard, desk, show-case, bench, supplies and merchandise stores. The engine is nominally rated at 80 h.p. and is provided with the usual sight-feed oiling devices for continuous running, and a complete set of oil shields, allowing the oil to be fed liberally without waste, insuring against stoppages from insufficient oiling. The oil is then filtered and used over again, about 36 gals, of fresh oil a year being required. An independent sight-feed was attached to the oil chamber of the lubricator, delivering oil through two ,125-in. pipes tapped into the top of the steam-chest casting and connected by .0625-in. holes drilled into the face of the valve seat. Since installing this device, less oil is used with better results. An extension of the engine shaft carries a 10-in. pulley for driving the countershaft which drives the pump in the boiler room adjoining. A 5-in. exhaust pipe is laid under the floor to the boiler room where there is a .5-in. drip leading to a drain for keeping the pipe clear of water. It then extends up through the roof to the tank. The generator is a Westinghouse three-wire engine-type machine delivering direct current at 115 and 230 volts. The leads and balancing v/ires are carried through a glazed tile conduit, laid under the floor of the switchboard. On the switchboard are mounted one voltmeter, two ammeters, a field rheostat, and gener- ator, arc and commercial switches. The station lights are wired on a single two-wire circuit and a double-throw switch on the back of the board enables the operator to throw them on either side of the neutral, thus assisting to balance up any unevenness ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 769 in the load that may occur from time to time. The usual fuses and lightning arresters are provided. The distribution is mainly from a complete loop two blocks long and 1.5 blocks wide, the power house being in the center of one side of the loop. This loop is composed of 5 wires, one neutral common to both arc and incandescent lighting, a pair of 00 com- mercial feeders and a pair of No. 1 arc feeders. Branches are run from this loop to out-lying districts, extending as far as 6 blocks ; 100- and 105-volt lamps are used on the longer extensions. This system has given entire satisfaction. There are now connected 18 arc lamps for the city, run on a moonlight, 1 o'clock schedule, at $60.00 each per year, and about 700 incandescent lamps, three arcs and three motors aggregating 2.5 h.p., on the commercial lines. About 75% of the service is on meters; the base rate of 12.5 cts. per is discounted, in pro- portion to the amount used, to 10 cts. The plant is operated from the usual dusk starting time to 1 A. M. and for 4.5 months of the winter season from 6 a. m. to daylight. The plant has now been in operation 2 years, but records of operation were not commenced till 5 months after starting, at which time the plant was considered to be in normal condition, and the load was sufficient to make a showing. The total cost of the plant and incidentals as inventoried at that time was, in round numbers, $7300. During the year ending Nov. 1, 1904, 361.5 tons of central Illinois coal were consumed, costing $1070.24. The total output for the year was, as nearly as can be estimated from the volt and ammeter readings, 50,370 kw.-hrs., which gives approxi- mately 14.5 lbs. of load per kw.-hr., or $0.02175 for fuel. It requires about 180 lbs. of coal an hr. to run one lamp ; this rate of fuel consumption remains about constant until about 175 to 200 lamps are reached, then it increases with the increase of load to about 250 lbs. for a 34-kw. load. The load is very regular, gradually coming to a peak which holds on for about two hrs.. then gradually falls off to 10 or 15 amperes at shutting down time. The mason work of the building was let on a contract which covered brick and stone for both building and foundation, lime, cement, sand, excavating and all labor connected with the mason work for $847.50 (Brick was selling in home market at $5.50 per M.) Lumber bill, purchased as needed 184.07 Hardware bill, purchased on bids 30.73 Roof, purchased on bids 43.75 Additional hardware 4.00 Cement tile floors, laid complete 64.10 Carpenter work 15.98 Anchors, bolts and rods . . . '. 3,75 2 screen doors, 2 windowvS, and transom 5.50 Paint and painting 16.40 Supt, time charged to building ....,,....,,,,,,.,., 90.00 $1,305.78 770 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The well was drilled for $1.00 per foot including 3-in. casing to the rock, and the pit, costing complete $ 62.00 The foundation for the boiler and engine were laid at the same time, by the day, the company furnishing the material, therefore it is not practicable to itemize the cost of each, but it is safe to charge 70% to the engine foundation. 4 % Cd. stone, 1000 brick $ 25.65 Cement 18.00 Sand 2.1 Labor 22.75 $ 68.50 For the boiler setting 12 M. brick were used $ 66.00 600 fire brick, delivered 23.00 Bbl, fire clay 2 50 Lime 14 bbl 10.50 Cement 3.25 Sand 2.70 Labor 31.30 Superintendence 20.00 $159.25 Cost of boiler with water-column, safety valve, blowoff, front and castings, and stack 713.00 Tank 6 ft. diam. by 8 ft. high, No. 12 steel 66.00 6 sets of shelves fitted to same 23.00 $89.00 Freight on boiler and tank 20.70 Cost of engine with sub-base complete, freight allow- ance to St. Paul 915.00 Erecting and setting on foundation 24.12 Superintendence 12.00 $951.12 Freight on engine 22.90 Cost of dynamo delivered 1031.05 Setting up and starting 12.00 Switchboard complete 96.00 Station lightning arresters 23.00 Misc. items 18.35 Superintendence 45.00 $1225.40 The main steam and exhaust pipes were cut to diagrams, and cost, including 4-in. valve on the boiler and all fittings 68.84 Labor of erecting 26.00 $94.84 The auxiliary piping and valves, fittings, 50 ft. hose, flue blower and scraper, iron wheel-barrow, waste, enough packing to start with, in all making a list about 2 ft. long, cost on bids 176.50 Additional 8.30 $184.80 Lump price on the power pump, 15 ft. of shafting, self-oil- ing hangers, and pulley was .* 56.65 Steam pump 35.35 Freights 2.60 Foundations about 6.40 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 771 Labor and superintendence on setting up pumps and fit- tings, piping in running oi'der 67.50 $168.50 The line, poles and arc lamps were purchased second-hand and erected at a cost of 950.00 The estimate on new equipment was $1450.00. In addition to the above the legal expenses on incorporat- ing 91.50 Labor not charged to any item in particular 97.00 Superintendence not charged to anything in particular. . . . 149.64 Wiring power house 1 3.50 Coal hoist 61.50 Show case (without stock) 9.50 Value of lot occupied 450.00 Pine covering, put on one year after starting 19.50 Radiators 15.62 Office equipment, small additions, tools, service wires, ex- tensions, the wiring equipment in an amusement hall and park, etc. ; a long list of small items growing daily 475.00 Total $7270.55 OPERATING EXPENSP:S FOR THE YEAR ENDING NOV. IST, 1904 10 gals, cylinder oil $ 6.00 Insurance 18.78 Floor brush and broom 1.80 Stationery 1.70 10 gals, cylinder oil • 7.50 Packing 12.75 10 gals, cylinder oil 6.65 Extra labor 1.60 Repairs .40 Extra labor 1.60 Stamps and freight 1.25 Taxes 51.00 Expense account 1.53 31 gals, cylinder oil 19.35 Expense account 5.62 Arc globes 1.90 Stationery 2-25 Repairs, power pump 3.25 Repairs .60 Expense account .55 531/2 gals, cylinder oil 32.10 53 gals, engine oil 13.25 Freight and dray 2.50 Stationery .60 Repairs .65 Expense account 5.26 Telephone rent for the year 14.05 Arc globes 1.44 Cross arms and insulators for repairs 4.68 Boiler compound ^ 5.30 Carbons used, about 12.00 $ 227.91 361 1/2 tons coal $1070.24 Superintendent's salary, covering all labor expenses con- nected with operating plant 1100.00 Secretary's salary : 25.00 Total without interest or depreciation $2423.15 Add 10% for interest and depreciation, part of the deprecia- tion was kept up in the shape of repairs 730.00 Grand total of operating expenses for one year $3153.15 772 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Design and Operation of Cleveland Municipal Electric Ligiit Plant. Lefax, May, 1915 ; an abstract of an article by F. W. Ballard in the Journal of the A. S. M. E.. Feb.. 1915, The new niiinicipal lighting station on East Fifty-third street, Cleveland, Ohio, went into operation July 20, 1914. The decision to build this plant was the result of experience with a small station of 1,500-kws. capacity, known as the Brooklyn Station which has been in opera- tion by the city since 1906. PLANT VALUE OF BROOKLYN STATION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Bond issue 1902 ; $30,000.00 From taxes and general fund $320,796.24 Value of street lighting 109,147.02 Added from taxes and general fund 1906-1909 211,649.22 Added from earnings 306,533.21 Investment in plant, Dec. 31, 1913 548,182.43 Depreciation written oft Dec. 31, ^913 113,244.19 Depreciated value of station Dec. 31 $434,938.24 REVENUE AND E.KPBNSES FOR YEAR 1913 Total revenue from sale of current $185,698.81 Kw-hr. generated ..7,797,661 Ave. sale price. . $0.0238 Kw-hr. sold 5,656,668 Ave. sale price . . 0.0328 Total operation and maintenance expense 116,719.55 Kw-hr. generated ..7,797,661 Ave. cost price. .$0.0149 Kw-hr. sold 5,656,668 Ave. cost price . . 0.0206 Net earnings $68,979.26 Fixed charges — Depreciation and interest 19,079.50 Kw.-hr. generated ..7,797,661 Ave. cost price. . $0.0024 Kw-hr. sold 5,656,668 Ave. cost price . . 0.0033 Profit for year of 1913 $49,899.76 POWER STATION REPORT FOR YEAR 1913 Operation Unit cost Labor $23,050.25 $0.0029 Oil, packing and waste 1,538.52 Water 3,110.00 Sunday expense 743.32 0.0007 Coal 39,275.42 0.005 Maintenance Buildings $105.85 Boilers . 3,515.98 Engines and generators 3,449.72 Condansors and piping 606.91 Switchboard 153.48 Tools 223.81 Arc light equipment ; 661.88 Sundry repairs 246.21 0.0011 Total operation and maintenance $76,681.35 0.0097 Total kw-hr. generated 7,797,661 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ■ — ■ OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR YEARS 1912-1913 Poles and lines $ 7,342.53 $8,203.32 Arc lamps 2,241.68 4,485.53 ELECTRIC 'LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 773 Meters 334.12 486.38 Tools 197.25 213,69 Wagons, harness, etc. 582.16 730.28 Stable expense, feed, etc 1,134.86 1,935.57 Carbons and globes 2,219.08 2,735.80 Trimming labor .' 2,811.25 2,437.48 Services, transformers, etc 3,224.87 6,166.62 Miscellaneous expense 573.40 1,084.94 Auto truck , ■ 923,61 Substation maintenance 2,054.98 $20,661.20 $31,846.50 Kw-hr. generated 4,611,853 7,797,661 Cost per kw-hr. generated ■ $0.00448 $0.00408 The new station equipment Qonsists of 3 turbine units of 5,000- kw. each, 1,800 rev. per min 11,000 volts A. C. supplied with steam at 225 lbs. and 125 deg. F. superheat. The boilers are installed with 10,000 sq. ft. of heating surface. They are equipped with Taylor underfed stokers and are intended to be capable of operat- ing to 300% of rating. The operation of the boilers at a high percentage of rating means a higher temperature of flue gases. This, with the low temperature of feed water, gives a temperature head between flue gases and feedwater which will be practically double that ordinarily obtained in economizer practice. This alone would be sufficient to warrant the installation of a larger amount of economizer heat- ing surface. Another factor, however, is the low interest rate of 4.5% on the investment to be balanced against the saving produced in the economizers. These were installed by the Green Fuel Econo- mizer Company and have a heating surface of 27,000 sq. ft. The use of both forced and induced draught contributes greatly to the flexibility of the installation, and makes it possible to carry practically a balanced pressure in the combustion chamber, thus avoiding one of the greatest sources of loss in boiler practice, namely, the leakage of air through the boiler settings. Coal is delivered overhead by railway cars, and discharged by gravity into bunkers which have a capacity of 3,400 tons. From these bunkers it is drawn through gates under pneumatic control into an electric telpher, which moves back and forth from under the bunkers on the track leading out over the stoker hoppers. The coal hopper on this telpher is carried on scale beams, and the weight of the coal and the time of delivery are carefully recorded. The power for the motor driven auxiliaries is taken from a 1,000-kw. turbine formerly in operation at the Brooklyn station, and will be operated in connection with a Le Blanc condenser, the cooling water for which will be drawn from a cistern used for the storage of the boiler feed water and which takes also the condensate from the three main turbines. The water in the cistern passes through the jet condenser several times before it goes as feedwater to the boilers and the connections are so arranged that the coldest water is supplied to the condenser and the hottest to the boiler feed system. The auxiliary motors in the station are connected through a double bus systeni so tha^ each e^n be operated by current either 774 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA from the auxiliary turbine or the main turbine. In this way the load on the auxiliary turbine can be adjusted so that the temper- ature of the feed water will be that best suited for delivery to the economizers. Tests showed that the 3 turbines were each capable of 7,500 kws. continuous capacity and the auxiliary machine, of 1,500 kws., making a total of 24,000 kws. maximum continuous capacity. The station, however, is rated at 25,000 kws. All current supplied is alternating-, even in the congested districts. The results secured in the way of operation and maintenance costs in the new power station itself for the months of August and September are shown below. Operation August Unit cost September Unit cost Labor Switchboard attendance . , Oil, packing and waste . . . Sundry expense , . .$1,498.48 , .. 352.80 $0.0018 0.0004 $1,573.00 380.00 66.89 1 10.465 $0.0017 0.00042 0.00008 Coal 2,686.50 0.0033 2,415.69 0.0026 Maintenance Condensers, piping, etc 5.48 Total operation and main- tenance $4,543.26 Total kw-hr. generated 809,120 $0.0055 $4,446.04 914,850 $0.0048 The station during these 2 months has been operating at less than .2 of its total capacity. The figures representing unit costs for the various items of labor, maintenance, fuel, etc., are, of course, considerably higher than can be obtained when the station is run- ning up to its capacity, when it will be operating at a much higher efficiency in regard to coal consumption per, and also the labor and other charges will be less per unit cost by reason of the larger output. Cost of Operating City Lighting Plant in Detroit. Electrical World, April 29, 1916. The energy for the municipal lighting sys- tem in the city of Detroit is generated at a steam station which contains 1 5000-kw. and 2 2000-kw., 60-cycle, 2300-volt, two-phase Westinghouse turbo-generators with steam-driven auxiliaries, A triple expansion 800-h.p. Williams steam engine also operates a 600-kw. two-phase, 2300-volt Stanley alternator. The boiler plant contains 4 300-h.p. double-deck tubular boilers with Hawley down- draft furnaces, 1 300-h.p. Wickes vertical water-tube boiler with Detroit stoker, 3 400-h.p. Wickes vertical water-tube boilers with Taylor stokers and Foster superheaters, and 2 Sterling water-tube boilers with Taylor stokers. The coal used is Meadowbrook lump at $2.50 per ton, and nut, pea and slack at $2.25 per ton. The city's lighting system load consists of 8193 4-amp. and 6.6-amp. series arc lamps for street lighting, and 1210 kw. of carbon incandescent lamps, 4350 kw. of tungsten incandescent lamps and 1840 h.p. in small motors and fans in public buildings. To the main station 2554 arc lamps are connegted, with the re- ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 775 TABLE III. COST OF OPERATING PLANT FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1915 Cost per Maintenance : Total kw-hr. Buildings, track, dock, etc $2,397.82 Steam plant 7,541.22 Electric plant 3,860.33 Miscellaneous tools and machinery 4,131.05 Conduits 1,196.30 Towers and lamp posts 1,787.06 Arc lamps and switches 6,868.32 Lines and cables 29,138.08 $56,920.18 $0.00329 Executive : Salary secretary and city electrician $8,000.00 Printing and stationery 848.88 Store room 4,395.73 Office expense 8,695.28 Superintendence and drafting 6,881.33 $28,821.22 0.00166 Station : Oils $481.28 0.00003 Waste 30.97 0.00000 Coal 64,375.32 0.00372 Miscellaneous supplies 1,433.08 0.00008 Wages 38,523.88 0.0022.2 $104,844.53 0.00605 Lighting : Trimming and patrolling $19,063.10 Electrodes 8,618.15 Rectifier tubes 1,721.00 Incandescent lamp renewals 4,801.61 Incandescent lighting expense 1,225.72 Globes 2,471.47 Miscellaneous supplies 49.75 Belle I.sle Park 933.85 Palmer Park 79.20 $38,963.85 0.00225 Shop supplies $40.65 Surgeon and hospital 2,130.10 Relief fund 4.115.61 Total operating cost $235,836.14 $0.01361 Total kw-hr. output at switchboard 17,327,785 mainder connected to the distributing circuits from 5 substations. The total operating expenses for the system, according to the twentieth annual report of the Public Lighting Commission, just published, are given in table III. The load represented by the arc and the incandescent lamps, the total lamp-hours scheduled, the station operating costs and the coal burned per kw.-hr. for the 12 months covered by the report, are shown in Fig. 4. Cost of Construction and Operating Expenses of the Municipal Electric Lighting Plant at Burlington, Vt. Engineering News, May 30, 1907. The municipal electric lighting plant, of Burlington, Vt., was authorized by the City Council, in 1904, and Prof. W. H. Freedman was retained as Consulting Engineer. The building con- 776 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA tract was let to a local builder on a cost-plus-10% basis. The contract for the entire steam and electric equipment was awarded to Bellman & Sanford, of 149 Broadway, New York City. At the outset, the important question arose, whether the city could exercise the right of " eminent domain " to secure the use of existing poles in the corporate limits. The clause in franchises providing for free attachments of all municipal signal wires, was claimed as establishing precedent for free attachment of all muni- 1500 Pig. 4. Jan. Feb. Mar Apr MayJune July Xu^.Sept Oct. Nov. Dec |< .-.,9,5 ^. , 1914.. .^ Lighting load and station operating costs for Detroit City light plant. cipal wires. However, instead of taking the question into the courts, a compromise was effected whereby the city pays a rental of 20 cts. per attachment per year. The first equipment of the plant was in brief: 2 Atlas 150-h.p. water tube boilers ; Sturtevant induced draft and economizer plant ; 2 Crocker-Wheeler 125kva., 2 3 00- volt, alternators direct connected to Watertown, 200 h.p., 257 rev. per min., compound, slide-valve engines ; 1 Wheeler jet condenser ; 3 Westinghouse constant current transformers, of 100 arc capacity each; 218 Westinghouse enclosed arc lamps. The cost of this installation is segregated in Table IV. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 777 TABLE IV. COST OF FIRST INSTALLATION Building $8,899.75 Machinery 20,929.12 Line and lamps . 21,073.39 Consulting engineering- 2,972.94 Total $53,875.20 The service was entirely satisfactory after the plant assumed normal running condition. The lights are operated from dusk to dawn with no "moonlight schedule." Altogether 16 street and 13 commercial arcs have been added since the original ijlant wa.s started, making a present total of 247 lamps on 6 circuits. There was from the first some demand for incandescent lighting service, for city buildings and by persons dissatisfied with the private service in the city; $5,000 was appropriated by the City Council and a few constant potential lines were strung, until the combined load of arc and incandescent service was such that it seemed best to install additional generating equipment to insure continuous service. In April, 1906, the contracts were let to the manufacturers, for the installation of machinery for this, at the prices shown in table V. No intermediate contractors were concerned in the work. A large amount of construction was done by the superintendent of the plant under minor contracts, and by his own force. The entire cost of the plant to Jan. 1, 1907, is given in Tables V and VI. TABLE V. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AND COSTS 1 300 hp. Atlas water tube boiler $4,125.00 Sturtevant induced draft and economizer plant 2,200.00 1 Westinghouse 300-kw. turbine generating unit 12,369.00 1 Wheeler jet condenser for turbine 2,119.00 1 35-kw. Westinghouse rotary converter 1,114.00 Switchboard 510.00 Piping, wiring transformers and small machinery by su- perintendent or minor contracts 21,990.14 Total $44,427.16 TABLE VL SEGREGATION OF STATION COST TO JAN. 1, 1907 Buildings $ 13,482.60 Steam equipment 29,081.01 Electrical equipment 17,081.79 Street lighting system 21,572.27 Commercial system 16,796.79 Tools and office fixtures 289.88 Total $98,302.34 Appropriation.s, bond issues and premiums $108,592.53 Unexpended balance $10,290.19 The liabilities incurred by the city in building the plant were : Bonds due 1934 • $58,000.00 Bonds due 1936 39,000.00 Council appropriation 5,000.00 Total $102,000.00 778 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Of this sum $3,697.66 has never been expended and with $6,592.53, premiums on the sale of bond issues, lies at the credit of the electric light department, making- a reserve capital of $10,290.19. The operating cost of the plant for the year 1906 is given by- Table VII, and the operating income, in Table VIII. A net gain of $3,931.97 over expenditures is shown, which would be 4% interest on the cost of the plant, $98,302.34. This is claimed by the Elec- tric Light Commissioners as the profit which the plant earned, but it cannot justly be that amount. These figures follow the system of city accounting of Burlington, except that fuel on hand Jan. 1, TABLE VIL OPERATING EXPENSES AND INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1906 Expense generating plant : Fuel $7,642.41 Labor 3,467.23 Supplies 584.39 Repairs 310.48 Total $12,004.51 Expense distribution system : Supplies $116.67 Repairs 1,797.88 Labor 1,000.69 Total $2,915.24 Administration expense : Office supplies,- | Telephone, etc. J $612.20 Salaries 1,533.33 Advertising 89.15 Interest on bonds 3,100.00 Total $5,334.68 Grand total $20,254.43 Operating income : Street lights $16,103.33 Commercial lights 7,612.76 Accounts receivable 420.09 Supplies and labor sold 50.22 Total $24,186.40 Net gain of income over expense $3,931.97 TABLE VIII. COMPARISON OF INCOME AND COST FOR THE YEAR 1906 Operating income I $24,186.40 4% interest on reserve 411.61 Total income $24,598.01 Operating cost $20,254.43 For depreciation fund 1,981.19 Total operating expenses .' $22,235.62 Balance as profit $2,362.39 Profit in % of liabilities 2.15 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 779 1907, appearing- on the city accounts as operating income is h«re deducted and does not appear in either expense or income tables. The city system does not include any depreciation in value of the machinery. A charge has here been figured as that sum, which annually placed on interest at 4% will amount to $58,000.00 in 27 yrs., and to $44,000 00 additional at the end of 29 yrs. Such a sum is $1,981.19 for 27 yns.. and $798.78 for the 2 yrs. addi- tional. At the end of these terms, the bond issues will have been met from receipts, and the plant will be entirely solvent, whatever value the machinery may have at the end of these terms. This method of figuring the profit earned by the plant seems more ac- curate than that of the Board of Commissioners. The earning by this is then 2.15% of the entire liability, $102,000.00. The Board of Electric Light Commissioners is conducting an ad- vertising campaign for its commercial service in an endeavor to place the plant on a still better paying basi.s. When this service was first installed the receijits were very small, but the increase has been considerable as Table IX shows. TABLE IX. INCREASE IN COMMERCIAL SERVICE Receipts, month of January, 1906 $.377.60 Receipts, month of February, 1906 $474.53 One month's increase in per cent, of Jan- uary receipts 25.5 Receipts, month of January, 1907 , $1,225.10 Per cent, increase over January, 1906 223.5 Yearly Operating Costs in Four Typical Central Stations in Massachusetts. The following operating costs, from Data, Novem- ber 1910, were for the year ending June 30, 1909 : eISSc ^ Ga.^&''^ Haverhill Maiden GBNERAi. ^Light" E^STtrlc Electric Electric Co. Co. ^^- ^'^• 2 turbines 1 turbine Type of prime mover. ... 6 engines 3 engines 1 engine 3 engines Rated station capacity, kw. 2,500 2,000 2,300 Output, millions of kw-hr. 3.106 4.006 3.721 4,715 Yearly load factor, % 14.2 . 22.9 18.5 Total station operating force 14 12 13 14 of fuel, dol. per ton. 4.51 4.52 3.97 3.78 Coal per kw-hr., lb 3.3 3.28 3.27 3.02 OPERATING COSTS. CTS. PER KW-HR, Coal 0.740 0.740 0.650 0.565 Oil and waste 0.025 0.015 0.190 0.020 Water 0.027 0.025 0.003 0.045 Wages 0.410 0.308 0.285 0.320 Station building repairs . . Q.034 0.017 0.063 0.023 Steam equipment repairs. 0.158 0.041 0.073 0.072 Electrical equipment re- pairs 0.011 0.072 0.019 0.14 Miscellaneous 0.024 0.040 0.21 Total 1.412 1.242 1.152 1.08 780 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA steam- Electric Central Stations in the State of Massachusetts. Data, September, 1910, gave the following operating costs for the year ending June 30, 1908: OPERATING COSTS. CT. PER KW-HR. > bo ■ a o "o S c 1 o t rf § O 1 Fuel .462 .008 .703 .027 .710 .009 .880 .032 .635 .017 .690 .019 .618 Oil and waste .012 Water .024 .192 .03 4 .360 .008 .262 .012 .538 .032 .342 .055 .347 .040 Wages .296 Station repairs .015 .012 .020 .012 .035 .021 .052 Steam repairs .... .042 .055 .020 .037 .072 .059 .147 Electrical repairs. . .056 .055 .009 .029 .014 .046 .045 Miscellaneous .023 .822 .000 .022 .080 .033 .000 .000 Total 1.246 1.060 1.620 1.180 1.237 1.210 Cost of fuel per ton $3.99 4.79 4.75 4.68 4.49 4.40 3.60 Output millions kw.- hr. per yr 88.5 5.4 9.4 4.0 4.6 6.0 8.7 Capacity of stations, thousands of hp. . 73.5 5.90 7.39 4.43 4.87 6.75 8.2 Central Station, Operating Costs. These data are from the annual report, of the Fitchburg Gas & Electric Light Co. Gross receipts : Commercial lights $ 60,230 Motors 55,291 Street lighting 35.205 Miscellaneous 2,644 Total $153,370 Operating expenses : Station operation $ 47,711 Distribution 15,791 Office 19,066 Taxes 10,399 General 7,623 Total $100,595 Net receipt of operation $ 52,775 General statistics : Station capacity in kw 2,000 Gross income per kw. station cap $76.68 Connected load per kw. station cap 1.337 Connected motor load per kw. sta. cap .765 Population served 37.826 Number of residences, Oct. 1, 1910 4,528 Residence consumers, Oct. 1, 1910 890 Consumers per 100 population 2.56 Residence consumers per 100 population..... 2.35 Average income per consumer $158 Gross income per capita -. 4.05 Electric plant investment per capita 15.20 Watts station capacity per capita 53 Total investment $574,926 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 781 Yearly operating- expense per $100 invested.. 17.50 Kw-hr. generated 4,461,580 Kw-hr. accounted for per 100 kw-hr. generated 89 Year load factor 30.8% Central Station Gross Receipts. These figures for typical small stations are given by the National Electric Light Association, 1909: LOCATION Popu- lation New Jersey. .4,000 Illinois 1,000 Kentucky ...1,800 New York 1,300 Ohio 1,800 Illinois 2,000 Illinois 2.700 Indiana . Ohio . . . . Kentucky 860 1,900 1,900 Capital $30,000* $12,000 S 5,500t; \ 7,500*1 12,000* 20,000* 10,000 j 25,000* I ( 12.500t j 10.000 40.000 40,000 Iowa 4,000 * Stocks, t Bonds, Ice $4,945.52 Water Electricity Total and per supplies capita $10,909.42 $2.60 - 2,900.00 6,145.72 5.504.16 8,300.00 7,563.98 $720.00 8.353.8'0 320.00 3,745.00 1,270.00 3,952.00 7,235.20 7,933.00 2.90 3.41 4.25 4.60- 3.78 3.36 5.00 6.10 7.85 12,000.00 [I'^^^'J^^^.^g. I 38,300.00 14.00 Central Station Diversity Factors and Investments. Data, Janu- ary, 1911, gives the following": TABLE X. DIVERSITY FACTOR OF THE SYSTEM Resi- Com- dence mercial Motor Large light light service users Between consumers 3.35 1.46 1.44 Between transformers 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.15 Between feeders 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 Between substations 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Consumer to transformer 3.35 1.46 1.44 Consumer to feeder 4.36 1.90 1.95 1.15 Consumer to substation 5.02 2.19 2.24 1.32 Consumer to g-enerator 5.52 2.41 2.46 1.45 Consumer to generator corrected for losses 4.13 1.81 1.84 1.09 INVESTMENT IN DOLLARS PER KILOWATT FOR VARIOUS CONSUMERS Meters 124 38 15 Neglig-ible Transformers 12 12 12 8 Distributing lines 146 146 145 49 Substations and transmission 58 58 58 58 Generating equipment 100 100 100 1 00 Total investment 440 354 330 215 Operating Costs and Income. The tabulation from Bulletin 38, Iowa State College Engineering Experiment Station, gives some average figures dealing with 6osts and incomes per kilowatt hour for commercial electric central stations. The group numbers are based on population as follows: Group I, 500-2,000 ; IT, 2,000-3,000 ; HI, 3,000-10,000; IV, 10,200-20,000; V, 20,000-117,000. 782 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XI O .ft 1 §2o 1" 1^2 I 18 1,290 86 78,000 7.8 II 7 2,640 154 230,000 4.9 Ill ...... 11 5.680 489 540,000 4.8 IV 4 12,690 1,225 1,820,000 2.5 V 6 46,830 4,130 7,700,000 1.8 All groups. 46 9,470 819 940,000 5.2 P fc, o .s£ >S.S 10.3 75.8 6.8 72.6 7.2 66.1 4.6 54.6 3.9 47.1 7.6 67.8 Operating Expenses of Massachusetts Steam Stations. The data given in Table XII and taken from Electrical World, August 7, 1915, represent an analysis of the officially reported operating expenses of steam-electric stations in the State of Massachusetts that gen- erated or purchased more than 5,000,000 kw-hrs. of electrical energy during 1914. The figures are based upon the returns of companies made to the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. On account of the fact that a number of the companies purchase and distributed energy in addition to the output of their stations, the operating expenses are divided into those due to station operation and those due to distribution. All expenses are given in cents per kw.-hr. so that the relationship of the various items in any one plant can be easily found. When comparing the same items of different stations, such as wages, ofHce management, taxes and the like, it must be remembered that the relative magnitude of the station outputs must be considered in order to make a fair com- parison. Of the 20 stations for which data are given, 12 are in cities of from 40,000 to 100,000 people and have a station output varying for the most part between 5,000,000 kw.-hrs. and 15,000,000 kw.-hrs. per annum. It is interesting to note that the total output for the stations reported excluding Boston in 18 cities of a total population of 1,194,870 is 209,250,000 kw.-hrs., which is only 20,530,000 kw.-hrs., or 10%, more than the reported annual output of the Boston com- pany in a city of 670,585 people. The averages given in next to the last column for the operating costs of the preceding 19 sta- tions are interesting when compared with the costs for the Boston company. The figures in the average column represent in a gen- eral way the average of conditions as regards operating costs for stations similar in size and yearly output when varying conditions as regards plant-factor and load-factor are ignored. The cost data for the Boston company, on the other hand, represent results of a highly specialized system operating under conditions which favor reduced costs per kilowatt-hour. This is particularly noticeable in the cost of fuel, wages and station repairs, these values being lower than the average of the values for the other stations of the State. < fa o 02 o • •gjj OT OS «0 o 00 S O''c0^cy5'«5 ^ LOOOOU5CO g -}< 05 ITS 00 •* C^l CO c^J ■*' C-T-( O p. Eh oj .S o ,:, .2 5 s o o o mOOOOi IrtM •eqMOOOOOO irt,-l -OT-llflOTH «CO '(MOOOO OO 'ooooo oooocoM t-,Hi-<t-OOTH«0 Or-ICOcOTHTHO'iH t-OC>(MOOOO o'ddo'dddd iH iX> eo U5 00 '^ U5 Tt( 't' O iH CO iH T-l -e< rH -^OOtHOOOO> do'dododd COOOcOC-lliSrHiH 4DOO(MO><000> C^l«Oir >-' a> c "^ 5 eo CO to CO CO t- «> tH O 1-i - 00 o eocot>iHT}' • -d OT 13 . 01 a?? be- -P o o « C ryj =^§ ?< C ^^ m CD S 783 ^§ C m o ft W 4J ^ 03 c^ _, m 01 fl oiH-S ?. O iM 00 tH O o O d O O rH 01 02 WW",—, ^ OOOojt-OT-OrH ooocoooeoidc-qiH iooo-^oooo •^T-Hn>00OU5'r-(-rH COOOtHOOOO d d d o d d d d '^ T-l xH U5 «D T-l t 't^ eg fO Cq CO -<*< c o d d d d d 1 '-O t- eg c<3 «D CO !>• ■^ CO 00 uj 00 -^ 00 'i; o eg -* U5 rj< 00 m o> rH "^ fl ^ ■ "^ ^ lOOcO^oCO ' tOOt^nnOO J ^ 01 ^e;Icocg"oi ^cooooo-^cgcgoo t^ iH CO ai-m '^ iH o -^OOr-JOtHOO • ajoo«ooi-i • eg tH e-i U5 eg s g o ooooot^oj '*it>ifl<->e^ 1 3 r" tH iO 1 [z. tH 1. •j^ to 1— 1 o P ■*i !/■ ,« 2 o C Q-^os eo O t^CO'* c- tn co^ ^ fit: .2^ i fl a o o fr! ^ o> he. X4 Oi ft 0) 3 w Hi^ai «:8 o w t^c 2 0) ^ B f- fi ::: •- 5 0) o o .-^ O) £ uipm milli al, d w-hr in ^^dS-^g bjorf ?OtHIO egoooirHtoe^irH CDOOrHOOOO eg o o o o ddddd ':3 » TO O) ftS-i i o> fl;i3 sag G t^^ c3 ai rf 0) 0) 2 784 05 urj ^ CO -* o c- oi CO tH tH eg o 00 o o cvo eg la U5 CO d d d d d d r-5 ^ U5 00 eg Tj< o U3 O -rti -* O} 00 CO c^ ^^ 7-1 iH T-J ^ Irt Oi tH ooeooo Tt< •iHt-Ol ,H . rH O O d -ddd ao) Ol'O ^H fi K o a ^•2 0) ^g 0) w C CQ O 01 (X) ax+j CC (1) o o c o <^ d >i c*<00 C-C-iHUSOeOCOr-i eoooi-ioooo oooooooo lO O lO t- tH (M ^^ tH C « -t'O-f iO o tHCO rj< ^ H 1-1 r3 w "C a; 2 OOOC0O7HO -^OOiHOOOO ooooo 'o'o COtH^COO tHOOOO ooooo T-it-tr-«c>aiTt<4Doo rHOi-l«>OlOOO lOOOi-IOOOO o'oo'o'o'ooo tocoioc^it- T-(iHI>00 TfOOOO ooooo o U5 00 1- M< ■* eg t~- lO Ci -^ ■>ti T-l CD r-l O T-l T-t CO 00 -^ OOOOOOiH «o o eg th o as 00 t^ eg irt (N ff; lo T-i 05 o o' o o" o o' o 00 «o eg ci oi oo c^ m th 00 c^ -^ c; OS iHOOO COr-IUS O o' O* o' o' o' r-I OS ea «D t- T-i eg Tt< t- eg o i>- eg th to O O CI O so CO «D o' o o' O o' O 1-1 eoTHOioiot-ecj T-H eo lO iH o 00 rH iHOi-ieg Tficg eg o' o o* o' d o 1-1 00 1> 05 00 OHO oo e<5 cq Tj- c- 00 o "* 1-1 eg lo iH CO eo 00 d d o' d d o* i-i ^ '^ ^ ;5 ■>-> ss c 3 « .5 y j_^ o o 3 o a. a «^.2 -^ " =* o o o mOOODh •■§aS2-^ c^ O S sS u a O 785 o OO a-- o* o ? .2 S -M w , =^ =^^^ii o II 0) a Q 41! O Oj ii (D 3 '^ V ^ ^ ~ ^> -^^ i^^^ M%i^ Sx. ISn 'n'^^t*\ ■ NO e 3te^ ■ '-r->%\ i\ ^ € A\\ %\ ^^ : \ . p^ vK n^ \. I^ \, 1^VP v'^ \X -:u - ^^^ ypJy^ ^ » ^ ^ s- -<-J» ^ ^ ''^Iv ^"^ ^^ ^ ^ ' ■^^ "^ %. ^ '"^ ' "^^ - - \ \ \ ^ >Jv V ,. ^_ VjyK!is IM \ "v \; "VaKJ i ^^ i H^i ^ ^^^ ^S: -:3\lt >i '^ ^\ ^^■'■>:^^y c iL^ \ •\ %-\ -^^ ^S. ^\Z N ^ "S %i %:°c %\ V \\ 54s «0 " ^^N --W^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ jS^ ^V^II ^^ i^lSS "-^. ^^„ ^v.^,s^rt: , ^ ""'"^riOT :^ %5: ^irs^^Os T- ^s, uir -, -^'.,-N %^ S^2s^i \Y^ . "^. "?rv r^'^-/ \ wr :.v "*^2- ^*; v ^\\\ c* ^*^ , ^>i T " ^, ■& "- J' ■^s>K-v. \ S^\ -5.AI_ ^^tK: _fc . ^^"' i.tit ^ ^ ^ ' i-:2:>7^ ^, ts A ^±,x, ,:^s; :^ "^SL L ^ 1 ^^<^ S \ 'aS^^ \i_ ^ °'-&Sr ^i_ ^^ ^ , - S -,-^K- '^^..- •%\. |''A '^Ji '^ -^s, 1 §^. %s^ 1 - ^%. ^ ~ V^ 4^WI ^ ^ ■ 3 414: IT i^ 5r^r \" ^ ^ ^v N JV_ ^^^^ 4: ^^-:>= ^^^ilA ■^^^^^^^ S^E^^J^ 3j I ^^^ ■ en u o 9^ \o ^ SS - CM fv CVJ S « >o e+fOM ^\ seoy.' 799 800 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA station; (10) power factor of feeder load; (11) profit that can be realized by central station by change; (12) service characteristics; (13) better regulation given to secondary distribution system. Data included under the first item were readily obtained from the company's operating accounts, while information on items 2 and 3 was secured by making tests in typical districts and by comparing the ratings of transformers in service with statistics secured from the commercial department. Tests on thirty-odd transformers rated at 0.6 to 5 kva., and which had been in service for different periods up to 17 years, were made to secure data for items 4 and 5. these being facilitated by the replacement of the units shortly before the tests by transformers of large rating. These tests as well as all subsequent ones were conducted to show the losses under operating conditions, voltage being applied to the low-tension coils of the transformer at the rating given by the manufacturer. No attempt was made to insure pure sinusoidal waves. On the other hand, it was most desirable to have the wave formation identical with that supi)lied to the system under operating conditions, otherwise the tests would have been value- less or would have given erroneous results when applied to dis- tribution problems later on. Preliminary tests were made to determine what apparent changes might be expected under varying conditions. When generators producing diffei-ent wave forms were paralleled on the system the difference in loss was apparent, but to such a small degree that it was not appreciable. Operation of generators on two other sys- tems caused a greater variance, but at no time greater than 2%. Other tests made to determine the variation in loss when the rated voltage was impressed upon the transformers with and with- out additional external variable resistances indicated that when a lamp bank or meter-testing rheostat was used the error introduced by the change of voltage wave was not sufficient to be more than discernible by the tester. When the iron and copper loss data had been tabulated, however, the results for transformers of the same rating .varied so greatly that it was hopeless to attempt any conclusions without securing information that would permit classification of the data." Conse- quently, manufacturers were asked for the history of transformer design and for such data as would be used to classify the trans- formers into groups, each group to represent a distinct departure from the preceding group as regards iron and copper losses. Lists of these losses were also secured. From this information all of the 900 transformers tested to date and having ratings from 0.6 kva. to 600 kva. were classified as shown in Table XVIII: With this classification as a guide, cards were selected from the transformer files for 4 transformers of each size in each class. By routing a regular testing crew according to these cards it was possible to make a large number of tests with the least amount of travel, 118 tests being made in one district. The exciting cur- rents were determined at the same time for item 6. Since some of the transformers of each class were miles apart, or could not be ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 801 TABLE XVIII. CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSFORMERS • Class X — Designed for 133-cycle, 1040/2080-volt primary, 54/108- volt secondary, about 19 years old. Class A — Designed for 60-cycle, 1040/2080 volt primary, 54/108 or 108/21 6-volt secondary, 19 to 11 years old. Class B — Designed for 60-cycle, 1040/2080-volt primary, 54/108 or 108/216-volt secondary, 11 to 9 years old. Class C — Designed for 60-cycle, 1 100/2200-volt primary, 110/220- volt secondary, 9 to 6 years old. Class D — Designed for 60-cycle, 1100/2200-volt primary, 110/220- volt secondary. 6 to 5 years old. Class E — Designed for 60-cycle 2200-volt primary, 110/220-volt secondary, 5 to 4 years old. Class F — Designed for 60-cycle, 2200-volt primary, 110/220-volt secondary, 4 to 1 years old. Class H — Designed for 60-cycle, 220-volt primary, 110/220-volt secondary, less than 1 year old. ♦ All transformers operating on 60-cycle, 2200-volt, with 110 and 220-volt, two and three-wire secondaries. disconnected for testing, and as certain sizes of some classes were rare or were not in use at all, it was impracticable to carry out the initial intention of testing four transformers of each size. How- ever, enough tests were made so that data were secured for about 23% of the total number of units installed, the smallest percentage of any class being about 18% for Class E. Where data could not be secured for certain sizes of any class, where the data were 4nsufRcient for making satisfactory averages, or where the tests were not as accurately conducted as desired the losses were estimated. While test data were secured under operating conditions for transformers rated as high as 600 kva., only that for sizes (up to 20 kva.) which are most common on all systems have been plotted, since it is by the proper selection of these units that the largest saving can be made. The curves are based on the average losses as found by over 500 tests made during a period of four years, and are shown in Fig. 6, with curves plotted from the data furnished by manufacturers on losses at the time of manufacture. The manu- facturers also gave data on what the losses should be at the time of test, but the values were much below those actually measured, due probably to differences which exist between theoretical and actual conditions. For instance, wave form in commercial may not and is usually not sinusoidal, the transformer may be over- loaded in kilovolt-amperes but not in kilowatts, and the oil used for heat radiating purposes may be lacking or not in the proper operating conditions, thus permitting the iron cores to age. While Class X and some of Class A transformers were operated for a time without oil as a heat-radiating medium, this condition was corrected in 1902-1903. The oil in many of the older types had reduced from one-third to two-thirds of its original bulk, thereby becoming thick and sluggish. Several cases were found where the oil and insulating compound had combined into a thick, sticky mass covering part of the laminations and coils. These 802 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA conditions were talien into consideration after making the tests on the transformers, it being decided that the iron loss had not been affected except where excessive load in comparison to the radiating capacity had been carried. The averages of test results can therefore be used only as a guide for transformers of the class tested, as the losses of each individual transformer are liable to change. For estimating purposes, however, the curves will be found fiiirly accurate. It may be pointed out that for the period of transformer development represented, the iron losses of similar size units have been gradually reduced and the ratio of copper no 100 ^ 90 ^ 70 .41^ ^ m ^ ^ =S ^ m - ~ n f ^-s, ^ - CfaisQan^^ ^Tp ■ 4 6 & 10 12 14 16 15 f^a+ing of TransforTTiers in KVA. Fig. 7 loss to iron loss gradually increased from 1 :1 to about 2 :1, thus permitting a higher all -day elliciency when the load factor is low. Figs. 7 and 8 compare the iron and copper losses of modern trans- formers with those of older types in percentages. From the manufacturers' list prices and discounts for different size units figures (Table XJX) were obtained on which to base the cost of replacing transformers. The cost to set transformers on lines includes freight, cartage, etc., and is an average for" re- moving and setting a number of transformers when arrangements have been made to carry on the work systematically. The junk values are based on prices that have been paid in the past for good transformers with high iron loss. These figures are necessarily ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 803 TABLE XTX. ULTIMATE COST OP NEW TRANSFORMERS ASSUMED FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES Size of Cost at transformers f^ptorv in kva. raciory 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 7.5 10 15 20 23.00 27.00 32.00 36.00 40 00 47.00 56.00 73.00 89.00 118.00 115.00 Cost set on lines 26.00 30.00 35.00 39.00 43.00 50.XI0 59.00 76.00 92.00 121 00 148.00 Junk value of old transformers 3.00 4 00 5 00 6.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 25. UO 30.00 Ultimate cost of new transformers on lines 23.00 26.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 41.00 49.00 62.00 74.00 96.00 118.00 I& ZO Ro+ing of Transformers, in K.V.A. Fig. Comparisons of the iron and copper losses of transformers All of the curves are plotted with the assumption that the losses of class H transformers are 100 per cent. The curves of Fig. 7 are based on the average losses at time of manufacture while those of Fig. 8 are based an actual test data. The upper curve of Fig. 7 represents copper losses and lower one iron losses. Fig. 8 also represents iron losses. arbitrary, as it is impossible to arrive at true costs for a great number of points where freight, cartage and labor conditions differ from those assumed. From these data and the assumption that 804 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA energy at the switchboard cost 1 ct. per kw.-h., curves slant- ingr upward to the right in Pig. 9 were plotted. On account of the different methods used in computing depreciation and the fact that many companies set aside a reserve fund rather than figure J ^0 li \ 16 14 12 10 ( } 6 1. J c inn s S N ^ 9ftn. k s s \ A > / 260 S \ / s» ^ N \. ^ ^ / 246 ?40 \ - ' / N • \ \ / / 220 N ., \ s f (? y > / N \, V 0? (^ / k ^ \ \ ■ \ 1 0/ V / / y t X \ * ^ f'^ r / s s \ \y S i> , 150 c , M \ N > \ \ X V 2. ,rn. .0 ^ t '* \ / >< V ^ \ , 1^ -J s y 140 o N k / y > < A v^ ^ «» A '- / ^ \, \ \0 > x 120 V / ^ ^ \ , ^ ^ \ X / / N y' N y m / i) r/ y y^ S y^ iK s Y^ y ^ ^ l^ ^ V N V \ V V Z' y rf y ^ r y \ ^ u^\ AA r ' \ H\^ ^ r 7 N K^\^ ^ \ Ki^ 9ri Y ^ 20 t\ 2 4 6 8 10 12 K 16 16 20" Rating erf Transformers in K.VA Fig. 9. Return on investment which can be realized by substituting new transformer for one having certain iron loss The curves sloping upward to the right are based on the values given in the right-hand column of Table II, while those sloping to the left are based on the figures in the second column of the table. An energy cost of 1 cent per kilowatt-hour is assumed. depreciation on small items, depreciation is not considered, although it may readily be introduced and results worked up for individual cases with the figures and curves given. A comparison of the curves of Pig. 9 with those of Pig. 6 shows that the substitution of a modern type transformer for a class X transformer will pay 20% ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 805 on the investment, while the replacement of Classes A, B, C, etc., will permit gradually smaller returns. The curves in Fig. 9 which slope upward to the left show smaller returns from the substitution of modern transformers, since they are based only on the cost of the new transformers and not on the replacement cost. Additional advantages are often secured by changing trans- formers, such as increasing the feeder rating, improving power factor and regulation, since two or more transformers can often be replaced by one and the conductor combined to serve as one circuit. When the iron loss of transformers is relatively high and the consumer's consumption small the cost of energizing the units will sometimes exceed the actual income received. Such a case was found where a 5-kva. tran.sformer of the X class was serving a single customer whose bill never exceeded the minimum charge of 50 cents per month except one month of the year. The income was $9 a year while the cost of service, including $7 interest and fixed charges and $17.50 for energy consumed by the transformer, made a total yearly cost of $24.50 without charges for consumer's energy, bookkeeping, meter reading, billing and the like. With an ircm loss of 180 watts the power factor was 20% at no load. Since 900 kva. was supplied to the transformer the greater part of each TABLE XX. COST OF SETTING TRANSFORMERS AND VALUE OF THOSE REMOVED FROM CONNECTICUT SYSTEM tim ill $138.00 5 276.00 10 243.00 5 160.00 5 216.00 3 280.00 4 188.00 4 392.00 3 730.00 2 89.00 590.00 ■3 435.00 3 576.00 3 $115.00 12 276.00 10 230.00 9 243.00 5 135.00 5 160.00 5 160 00 6 216.00 3 108.00 7 280.00 4 160.00 4 188.00 4 188.00 7 392.00 3 16800 10 730.00 2 146.00 1 5 590.00 3 348.00 3 435.00 3 435.00 3 576.00 3 576.00 78 $4313 00 50 $2769.00 806 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA day the line loss was way out of proportion to the energy sold and the rating of a 9-mile section feeder was considerably reduced. While all central stations endeavor to keep their distribution systems from becoming loaded with networks of wire or over-rated transformers, points can invariably be found where there is too much wire and too little transformer capacity or too much capacity for the size of the installation. Such conditions cause a loss to the Fig. 10 Fig Figs. 10 and 11. Portion of distribution system before and after rearrangement operating company, and unless careful super^nsion is maintained in making extensions or installing transformers, thousands of dollars may be uneconomically strung in the air instead of being used to better advantage elsewhere. In working on secondary distribution systems, it has been found that iron losses are often rated far below the actual figures. For ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 807 instance, an excitation current of 0.5% to 10% of the unaccounted for current, as sometimes claimed, is entirely too low. Tests show that a system furnishing 24-hour service must be in perfect con- dition to show a loss as low as 20%, while for sparsely populated residential districts the loss is seldom as low as 40%. Analyzation of the unaccounted-for current in a number of systems indicates that the distribution transformers take up anywhere from 38 to 60%, estimators usually overlooking the fact that iron loss is con- tinuous for the 24 hours in the day and for 365 days in the year. Another item which is usually overlooked is that old transformers have the greater losses and should be considered separate from the more modern types, which have very low losses by comparison. As an example of a case where the foregoing considerations were taken into account in rearranging a distribution system the ac- companying maps and data of Table XX are presented. The map in Fig 10 shows distribution conditions in a section of a Connecticut town before changes were made and where the system had grown with the demand for service. In rearranging the system 78 of 141 transformers were removed and 30 hung on the lines, making 93 transformers with a total rating of 1487 kva. instead of 141 with a total rating of 1709 kva. About the only transformers purchased for the change were a 30- kva. unit and a 40-kva. unit, since a sufficient number of various sizes were secured by rearranging to fit in places where transform- ers were needed. In general the secondaries were not run more than 9 sections from their corresponding transformer. When it was pos- sible to form loops, however, 20 to 25 section secondaries could be employed on fairly heavily loaded circuits. TABLE XXI. SAVING DUE TO REMODELING OF CONNECTICUT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Transformers removed from lines 78 Kva. capacity 421.1 Value if purchased new = 14,313.00 Transformers set on lines 30 Kva. capacity 199.1 Value if purchased new ?2,027.00 Saving in kw-hr. per year in reduced iron loss 36,667 Valued at 1 ct. per kw-hr $366.67 * Added rating of 11,000-volt feeder in kva 20.50 Pounds of base wire removed, 2313 (junk), valued at. . . . $578.25 Pounds of weather-proof wire run, 2150, valued at $602.00 * Due to increasing power factor of exciting current. In addition to other wire removed and run as noted elsewhere about 6000 ft. of No. 6 new weatherproof wire, which cost 30 cts. a pound, was removed and substituted by copper-clad wire equivalent to No. 10 copper that cost 15 cts. a pound two years before. This substitution was permitted by making one long run with a 1-kva. transformer at the end, the copper-clad wire being obtained from a suburban line where the increased load had demanded a change to a larger size of conductor. 808 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA For the benefit of companies contemplating changes similar to those outlined, attention is called to a few of the many difficulties encountered. For instance, after the primary and secondary sys- tem have been mapped and comprehensive tests made on the feed- ers, transformers and secondary system, the value of the results may be entirely lost because infrequent loads have not been taken into consideration. If some evasive load of this nature crops up it may be necessary to change conductors and transformers, making the expense about double the initial or estimated expense. Such occurrences can often be avoided, however, by conferences with the line superintendents and foremen, who are usually acquainted with the characters of the loads. Better teamwork will usually be ob- tained, too, if their confidence is secured, since they do not generally take kindly to reconstruction of work which they have spent time and money to perfect. Another point to recognize is that the good will or enmity of the community will be secured depending on whether the rehabilitation is attended with improved or unsatis- factory results. Under no consideration should anyone undertake extensive readjustments unless he has a knowledge of local con- ditions, good engineering training, practical experience, and testing and mapping facilities. Costs per Kilowatt of Steam Power Electric Plants. The costs in Table XXII are from appraisals by the authors made in 1911 and 1912 on the Pacific Coast. "Base costs" only are given, the table including no charges for engineering, business manage- ment, legal and general expense, interest during construction or brokerage. Electric Power Plant Cost. (Condensed by Lefax from an article by M. C. McNeil in Electric Journal, March, 1914.) The cost of construction or installation of steam turbine driven electric power plants, complete from real estate up to and including all auxiliary apparatus, for a given size of plant, is fairly constant throughout the country. Local conditions may, however, cause an appreciable variation from the average case. The size of plant affects the cost very materially, and the unit cost tends to increase rapidly for small plants, and decrease less rapidly for large plants. The installation cost of plant affects the cost of power produced in that the fixed charges are a part of the operation cost, say 10.5% for turbine plants, made up of interest 5%, taxes and insurance 2%, and amortization fund 3.5%, the latter being sufficient at 4% com- pound interest to replace the plant in 20 years. The total cost of power, consisting of operating costs and fixed charges, is a fluctuat- ing quantity, depending upon size of plant and load-factor. The principal variation however is due to operating expense, which con- stitutes about 80% of the total power cost, and is made up of the following items : Fuel. Coal is rarely less than 50%, and sometimes as high as 80% of the total operating expense. The larger the plant and the greater the load-factor, the better the fuel economy. Load-factor equals ratio of average load during any period, as 24 hrs., to the average maximum load for one hour during that period. As the ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLAN'TS 809 1^ S 5S '^ c J w oq 00 1> r-i !o "WtH c ,-1 ^ e«- Sll' (Mlrtl-rHOt-OOt-inO *5 +^ S us (m" rH l> T-i ' «0 «0 eO rH - f 1 ^f^ rK o, .• OCOOO 00t-O:*< -o li^a* Ooococot-oiooo Q^ ^ M U5 U5 Oi «0 M T-| O OCQJ^ oc<3C ■ ■ •^n coin • • (M .. o' .. ;5 t^ ^ l> ->*i «C OJ CO I Cud .2s bo r; M K 2 be' o on line " fronteras " 62.50 Total, " transmission line " $112,134.99 'UNABLE XXXII. DOUGLAS SUB-STATION Excavation, grading, and disposition of excavated material? 257.38 Foundations of sub-station building (substructure) 142.77 Machinery foundations 191.74 Building (superstructure) 2,398.66 Brickwork $ 1,400.00 Labor £.:nd material (miscellaneous) 998.66 Switchboard and wiring (thereof, thereto, therefrom) .... 1,903.05 Switchboard $ 1,300.00 Freight 49.14 Nyelec panel and switches 47.00 Insulators, fittings, clamps, wire, etc 365.26 Labor , , 141,65 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 839 Underground cable between switchboard and step-up sub- station 1,583,55 Cable $ 1,270.01 Cable terminals and jointing compound 28.41 Miscellaneous material and cartage 132.99 Labor 152.14 Sub-station step-up transformers 8,401.64 Four 400-kva. step-up transformers 6,207.34 Freight 1,185.30 Drying transformers 266.00 Miscellaneous material 21.00 Labor 722.00 Painting and finishing of machinery 10.02 Plumbing, lockers, and other sub-station furnishing 35.99 Contractors' equipment and tool account 153.84 Traveling expenses and board of general engineers and contractors 20.80 Transportation and expenses incident to placing any labor on job, and housing of same 93.50 Tests of equipment 948.49 Steam and electric power 745.00 Miscellaneous material , 203.49 Total Douglas sub-station $16,141.'^ 3 TABLE XXXIIL EL TIGRE SUB-STATION Sub-station proper $ 5,294.55 Switchboard and wiring (thereof, thereto, therefrom) .... 5,362.26 Switchboard 3,780.00 Freight, customs charges, and duties 769.47 Nyelec panel and switches 106.00 Insulators, fittings, clamps, wire, etc 594.94 Labor 111.85 Sub-station step-down transformers 8,899.26 Four 320-kva step-down transformers 4,989.09 Freight, customs charges, and duties 1,964.24 Miscellaneous material 531.98 Labor 1,413.95 Traveling expenses and board of general engineers and contractors 32.70 Transportation and expenses incident to placing any labor , on job, and housing of same . 70.00 Tests of equipment 173.58 Total El Tigre sub-station ?1 9,832.35 TABLE XXXIV. RECAPITULATION OF COSTS Transmission line $112,134.99 Douglas sub-station 16,141.43 El Tigre sub-station 19,832.35 Total $148,108.77 Fees paid Sanderson & Porter 13,000.00 $151,108.77 (The total shown above, amounting to $161,108.77. includes dis- bursements made by Sanderson & Porter amounting to $132,743.48, and as reported by the Tigre Mining Co. amounting to $28,365.29.) The plant in Douglas consists of 2 750-kw. exhaust steam turbo- generators which will work with a 50% underload or overload 840 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA without any very serious loss of efficiency. The Tigre Mining company receives power at the bus bars at a tension of 2,200 volts. This is stepped up to 44,000 volts by means of 3 General Electric transformers. At the mine the current is stepped down to 440 volts and distributed to the various circuits in the plant. The transmission is unusual on account of the small quantity of power being transmitted such a long distance. The current is 44,000 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase, transmitted over a single line of wooden poles carrying 3 conductors of No. 4 B. & S. gage, medium, hard drawn copper wire with telephone wires below. The poles are 200 ft. apart; at the crossing of the Bavispe River the span is 1,600 ft. The cost of the line from the low tension side of its step- up transformer station at Douglas to the low tension side of its step- down transformer station at El Tigre was $161,121. Not including the transformer stations at each end, their cost was very closely equal to $2,000 per mile. The line, including the transformer sta- tions, was built by Sanderson & Porter of New York. The total cost of the exhaust steam turbo-generator plant including the steam piping, etc., was $71,S94, the machinery being installed by the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. During the past year, 6,000 tons of ore have been concentrated monthly and 7,500 tons, cyanided at the Tigre mill; an average of 616 h.p. is distributed at El Tigre switchboard. The delivered cost is $86 per h.p. per year; the cost at Douglas being 0.95 per kw.-hr. Distribution Equipment Cost on a Small System. Electrical World, February 21, 1914, makes the following abstract from a report to the lighting committee of the town of South Hadley, Mass., by Mr. William Plattner, manager of the North Attleboro (Mass.) electric lighting department, in which a thorough study was made of the cost of the local distribution system. The value of the equipment in use was based upon the market price of its replacement, as of August, 1913, and transportation charges, freight and express and the labor cost of installation were included. ESTIMATED COST OF REPLACING VARIOUS EQUIPMENT t Poles in place » Expected Number and kind Cost Length, ft. life, yr. 315 first class, at $3.75 $1,181.25 25 15 63 first class, at $4.50 283.50 30 15 132 second class, at $4.00 528.00 25 10 28 second class, at $4.50 126.00 30 10 94 third class, at $4.00 376.00 25 5 18 third class, at $4.50 81.50 ' 30 5 11 fourth class, at $4.00 44.00 25 Need 1 fourth class, at $4.50 4.50 30 replacement Painting 1 29 poles at $0.50 $64.50 Setting 71 poles in concrete, at 0.50 35.50 Setting 4 poles in curb, at 0.50 2.00 Fourteen guys. — 80 ft. No. 4 copper wire, 299 ft No. 6 copper wire, and 444 ft. No. 6 galvanized steel wire, all in place 85.75 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 841 ELECTRIC METERS (G. E. TWO-WIRE) Trans- Labor, Total Size, Unit Total porta- erec- per No. amp. cost cost tion tion Total meter 40 5 $10.00 $400.00 $13.00 $20.00 $433.00 $10.82 267 10 11.20 2990.48 81.25 135.00 3206.73 12.00 17 15 12.80 217.60 5.00 10.00 232.60 13.65 31 25 16.00 496.00 9.50 16.00 521.50 16.80 11 50 21.40 235.40 3.67 8.00 247.07 22.36 2 100 26.70 53.40 1.00 5.00 59.40 29.70 TRANSFORMERS (G. B. AND STANLEY, VOLTAGE 1100-2200; 110-220) Total Labor, per Size, Unit Total Freight erec- trans- No. kw. cost cost charges tion Total former 65 1 $21.80 $1417.00 $23.90 $96.00 $1536.90 $23.60 16 1.5 26.00 416.00 4.00 24.00 444.00 27.80 21 2 30.40 638.00 10.40 30.00 678.40 32.20 9 2.5 34.00 306.00 5.00 18.00 329.00 36.60 10 3 38.00 380.00 5.00 19.00 404.00 40.40 2 4 45.60 91.20 2.90 5.00 99.10 49.55 9 5 53.20 478.80 9.20 18.00 506.00 56.22 2 7.5 70.40 140.80 2.68 10.00 153.48 76.74 3 10 87.20 261.60 3.80 20.00 285.40 95.13 1 20 146.80 146.80 2.74 18.00 167.54 167.54 1 25 172.80 172.80 4.00 18.00 194.80 194.80 1 30 197.20 197.20 5.50 22.00 224.70 224.70 The transformer costs include fuses, cut-outs, hangers and oil. TRANSFORMER HOUSE, SOUTH HADLET One house, matched boards, 7 ft. 3 in. by 7 ft. 3 in. by 9 ft. 9 in. high in front, 8 ft. 6 in. high in rear, tar-paper roof, paneled window, wire screen door, painted $ 75.00 One G. E. regulator, type I.R.S., 8.75 kva., 2300 volts, 2'5 amp., complete with panel and transformers 468.40 One G. E. constant-current transformer, 10 kw., 5.5 amp., form G, complete 304.50 One G. E. transformer, 1 kw., oil type, 2200 volts to 110-220 volts 16.73 One Campbell time switch, series street lighting, 2500 volts, two-pole, 25 amp., eight-day clock 25.00 Two G. E. 2300-3000-volt horn-gap lightning arresters 9.50 Inside wiring, material, labor, etc 35.50 Outside wiring including 300 ft. service for lighting 21.75 Total $956.38 Cost of Additions and Improvements to Central Stations. The following data were given in Electrical World, Aug. 16, 1913. A 2000-kw. Curtis steam turbine costing about $30,000 has been installed in the main steam plant by the Greenfield (Mass.) Electric Light & Power Co.. with two Porcupine boilers, rated at 500 h.p. each, at a cost of $11,500. The condensing-water supply formerly pumped into the station has been rearranged to permit its intro- duction by gravity. New equipment of the Gardners Falls station of the New Eng- land Power Co. includes two 1,450-h.p. turbines designed to oper- ate at 150 rev. per min. under 37 ft. working head and an exciter turbine of S. Morgan Smith make, rated at 135-h.p., the cost of 842 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA these erected being $11,500, or $3.85 per h.p. The electrical ap- paratus consists of 2 generators of 1170 kva. rating, a 60-kw. exciter and three 1200-kva., 3-phase transformers for delivering energy at 13,200 volts to the Greenfield company's transmission feeders, the price of this equipment f.o.b. factor being $29,500. The estimated cost of switchboard additions for this installation is about $15,000, including incidentals, and the contract for excavation, extending the station and installing foundations is figured at $4,250. Central Station Equipment Costs. Electrical World, April 28, 1917. Improvements on the system ot the Fitchburg (Mass.) Gas & Electric Light Company (1916) included the installation of a 2500-kw. high-pressure Westinghouse turbine with LeBlanc con- denser and foundations, centrifugal feed pump, piping, superheat- ers, 2 500-h.p. Bigelow-Hornsby water-tube boilers, 2 Taylor stokers, feed-water meter, air compressor, pipe covering, coal- handling equipment, economizers, mechanical draft apparatus and a 1,000-h.p. feed-water heater. To house the additional equipment the plant was extended about 36 ft. From the cost sheets of the company the following items are printed to give engineers a gen- eral idea of the relative unit costs of equipment in a plant of this size: 2500-kw. Westinghouse double-flow turbine (not including generator), with No. 14 LeBlanc condenser, complete with pumps $19,779.40 Turbine foundations 2,221.76 300-gal.-per-min. Westinghouse centrifugal boiler-feed pump 1,545.00 Connecting turbine and condenser 472.86 Galvanized-iron air duct for turbine 236.00 Type C duplex piston automatic pump and receiver ....... 125.40 Miscellaneous items, completed December, 1914 973.43 1 5-in. and 2 6-in. Edwards check valves 318.68 Installation of above 114.30 New superheater for 240-hp. Stirling boiler 675.00 Piping, covering and brickwork for above 228.69 Freight, teaming, insurance and miscellaneous 111.94 2 500-hp. Bigelow-Hornsby water-tube boilers 9,000.00 Masonry in connection with above 1,316.94 Foundations 4,206.67 2 Foster superheaters 2,900.00 2 feed-water controllers 160.00 Labor Fitchburg company's force 418,19 Pipe covering 167.95 Miscellaneous 1,073.59 Labor and material installing floor grates 57.57 (Note. — Total additions to boilers, $20,782.34). 2 Taylor stokers, grates, fans, engine and driving mechan- ism 9,785.00 Foundations for above (paid contractor) 704.13 Crushed stone, sand, etc., for foundation 165.00 Steel for coal hoppers 329.41 Labor for coal hoppers 157.20 Shafting, hangers, chains, etc 301.00 5-in. by 5-in. vertical stoker engine 248.00 Labor, Fitchburg company's force 592.49 Other items 711.87 4 sheet-steel boxes for stokers in ash pit 48.00 Labor and material installing above boxes 30.33 (Note. — Total additions on account of stoker cost, $13,072.43) ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 843 4-in. type M. Venturi registering and indicating feed-water meter 465.00 Freight, teanriing and installation of above. , 46.02 Piping installation, in connection with station increase. . . 16,028.66 Coal-handling apparatus , 4,967.10 1000-hp Whitlock feed-water heater 575.00 Sturtevant economizer installation for additional capacity of plant 12,423.14 5-hp. motor and wiring for above 73.75 3125-kva. 60-cycle, 3-phase, 2300 -volt generator 9.879.60 Other labor and material 571.92 3 sheet-steel guards for generator flywheels (old units) . 60.00 75-kw. motor-generator exciter set, 115-hp. 220-volt mo- tor 1.758.00 2 2500-volt aluminum lightning arresters 234.00 6 300-amp. 250-volt single-pole switches 29.70 The total cost of the complete improvements outlined is not ob- tainable by adding items segregated herewith, since the data pre- sented includes merely items of broad interest. Plant Extensions at Amesbury, Mass. The following is taken from Electrical World, Sept. 13, 1913. The Amesbury Electric Light Company in increasing the capacity of its generating plant by the addition of a 1000-kw. steam-turbine unit with the necessary boiler capacity, condensing equipment and auxiliary apparatus, estimated the cost of the new work, based on bids received and previous experience in the enlargement of the plant, as follows : ESTIMATED COST OF ENLARGING STATION AT AMESBURY, MASS., 1913, BY 1000 KW. Extension of power plant building % 9,122 Kellogg radial brick stack; height, 150 ft. ; diam. at top, 6 ft. 3,585 Stack foundation 840 Piling, excavation, etc 400 Turbine foundation, 10 ft. by 20 ft. by 14 ft 1.200 Boiler foundation. 19 ft. by 26 ft. by 11 ft 1,300 Excavation for .suction piping, 2000 cu. yds. at 50 cts. ...... 1.000 2 400-hp. water-tube boilers, Babcock & Wilcox 9.781 Brickwork . 1,500 2 superheaters 2,214 2 Taylor stokers 6,150 Boiler flue , 800 Coal-handling cars and track 1,200 1000-kw. horizontal Curtis turbine, 60 cycles, 2300 volts. ... 13,200 Westinghouse Le Blanc No. 8 condenser, capacity 20,500 lbs. steam per hr. 28 in. vacuum turbo pumps, 70 degs. water 3,225 Piping 3,000 Feed pumps, heater, etc. 800 Pipe covering 1,000 Turbo-alternator switchboard 500 Erecting and wiring board and turbine 500 Incidentals, 10% 6.132 Total $67,449 Cost of Control Apparatus for 19,000-voit Power Station. Elec- trical World, July 17, 1915, gives the following cost of switches, lightning arresters and other apparatus in the Vernon power- station end of the "Vernon Station-Massachusetts line as follWs: 844 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 2 150 -amp.. 70,000-volt, triple-pole, single-lhrow, sole-noid- operated oil Kwiiches. complete $ 2,093.00 12 100-amp. disconnecting switches, complete 408.30 6 300-amp., 70,000-volt disconnecting switches, at $27.90. 167.40 2 70,000-volt aluminum lightning- arresters, complete with supports, tanks, fittings,* etc.. at $765 1.530.00 1 20,000-volt aluminum cell lightning arrester 360.00 3 single-pole, time-limit series relays, with switches, op- erating rods, bases and insulators, at $60 180.00 6 single-pole, time-limit 100-amp.. 22.000-volt disconnect- ing switches with 10 -in, base 81.00 Steel frame for extending monitor, 48 ft and one 24 ft 440.00 Structural steel for 2 roof frames, 4 stubs and 6 brackets 222.00 3 300-amp., 70,000-volt disconnecting switches, at $34.20. 102.60 2 600-volt, dc. aluminum lightning arresters for tele- phone system, at $9 . 18.00 3 type H 60-oycle, 5000 -watt, 2400/240-volt secondary transformers, form K , 195.52 Set cores and coils , 27.00 3 single-pole, single- throw, 100-amp., 22,000-volt discon- necting switches . 18.00 15 knife switches, 3% ins. wide 40.30 Insulators, pins and supports 463.29 Pipe and pipe fittings 619.50 Miscellaneous switching apparatus 162.00 Tools, etc 389.60 Hardware 188.48 Miscellaneous materials, oil drums, etc 201.30" Transportation of material 370.72 Labor and expenses 3,229.09 Total $11,507.10 Cost per Pound of Electrical Machinery. lieonard A. Doggett in Electrical World, Oct. 2, 1915. gives the figures below based upon data collected from various sources. It is a well-known fact that a 1-h.p. motor having a rated speed of 2000 rev. per min. is much cheaper than, and about .5 as heavy as, a 1-h.p. motor having a rated speed of 1000 rev. per min. Therefore, the rational way to tabulate either cost or weight data is in terms, not of dollars or lbs per kw., but of dollars or pounds versus kilowatts divided by speed. The term (kw.-^rev. per min.) is really torque, and of any machine it can be said that the greater the torque the greater the necessary size, weight and cost. There- fore, in this paper the independent variable is taken as (kw. -^ rev. per min. ) . In Figs. 13 and 14 the accumulated data are plotted, TABLE XXXV. COSTS AND WEIGHTS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Kw. -7- rev. per min. 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 85 280 1,150 5.500 100 260 850 3,500 1,200 4,600 16,000 37,000 136,000 Compound .... 6,000 17,700 Compound 1,600 4,900 Simple 3.200 13,500 Simple 680 2,530 Name of machine Direct-current gener- ators and motors.. Induction motors Alternators New or second- hand New New New Turbo-alternators . . . Low-speed engines... High-speed engines. . . Low;-speed engines... High-speed engines... New New New New New ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 845 Name of machine COSTS IN DOLLARS New or second- Kw. -f hand 0.001 0.01 Direct-current gener- ators and motors. . Second hand Induction motors. . . . Second-hand Alternators Second-hand Engine-driven direct current and alternat- ing-current gener- ators Second-hand 40 45 120 170 140 rev. per min. 0.1 1.0 450 550 450 1,600 2,500 2,200 10.0 8,000 200 700 3,000 13,000 WEIGHT IN POUNDS Direct-current gener- ators and motors 130 810 4,200 22,000 110,000 Induction motors 80 510 2,800 15,000 81,000 Alternators 130 810 4,200 20.000 90.000 Turbo-alternators 170,000 640,000 Low-.speed engines 2,400 19.000 140,000 High-speed engines 4,500 31,000 Engine-driven direct current and alternat- ing-current gener- ators 1,400 8,000 50,000 250,000 CENTS PER POUND Direct-current gener- ators and motors.. New 65 35 27 25 Induction motors.... New 125 51 30 23 Alternators New 29 23 18 Turbo-alternators . . . New 22 21 Low-speed engines... New Compound ... 28 11 Ifigh-si)eed engines... New Compound 36 15 Low-speed engines.... New Simple ... 17 9 High-peed engines.... New Simple 15 8 Direct-current gener- ators and motors. . Second-hand 31 15 11 7 Induction motors Second-hand 56 33 20 17 Alternators Second-hand . . 17 11 11 9 Engine -driven direct- current and alter- nating-current gen- erators Second-hand . . 14 9 6 5 In using Pigs, 13 and 14 it should be remembered in the case of new machinery that these figures represent standard or stock ma- chines, and that machines with unusual specifications will lie above any data there plotted. In gathering and plotting the information interesting facts de- veloped, many of which could be explained. For example, cost figures on Edison bipolars, Stanley inductor alternators and 133- cycle alternators, if they had been plotted, would always have fallen below the general trend of the plotted points. That is, obso- lete types of machines lie between the curve for second-hand ma- chines and the scrap value of the machine. In Fig. 13 are plotted some data on new 1-hr. rating series motors, these points being represented by #. As would be expected, these i>oints lie between the points for new and those for second-hand direct-current machines. 846 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It is interesting' to note that the average cost of all the new machinery tabulated is 32 cts. per lb., and of the second-hand ma- chinery 17 cts. per lb. iVliscellaneous Central-Station Construction-Cost Data. Electri- cal World. Sept. 27, 1913. In connection with the completion of R.PH R.PI1 R.pri qOOl 0.00? Q0Q3 O.005 0007 0.01 0.0^ a03 0.05 QQ7 0.!' 0.2 Q3 0.5 0.7 1.0. .10,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 III I,O0Q B 700' .o 500 o 300 200 100 'to 5Cb 30 20 10 \o^ ^^ [^^-.frt .. . [ te^V^ •^ «v V'' . 1 ! > < ,o o zz n '-' "" L * o 1 !> ^ (I Q xyl/£ lY '^ Second fiand 'aOI 0.02 0.03 Kw RP.M 0.01 0.2 03 Kw Rf.M 07 |.( 10,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 jO 2,000 % 1,000 700 500 2 3 5 7 10.0 Krf R.P.I1. Fig. 14. Charts plotting- cost data for electrical machinery. Sea Wall for Haverhill Station, on Merrimac River. Granite wall, rough cut stone, backfilled with earth filling; length, 410 ft; width, 14 ft to 18 ft; height, 25 ft; area, 6329 sq ft. Cost of material and labor, $17,500; miscellaneous, $1,215; total $18,715.00 Stock House Vaults Haverhill. Built of brick, two stories, 8 ft by 10 ft inside dimen- sions, 8-in outer wall, 2-in air space and 8-in inner wall. Cost, $580 ; doors, wiring, shelves, etc., $350.- 08 ; total 930.08 New Generating Unit, Haverhill. One 25-kw steam turbine arranged for direct connec- tion and mounted on common bedplate, including one No. 16 "Westinghouse LeBlanc condenser and elec- tric generator ; erected complete, Westinghouse Machine Company 31,639.00 848 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Miscellaneous Steam and Electric Plant Equipment, Hav- erhill. One 9-in. by 12-in. by 10-in. duplex piston-pattern pump, brass-lined pump cylinders, Tobin bronze piston rods, composition pump pistons, brass valve seats, medium-hard rubber valves for cold water and high lift c P'oundation, pipe connections, etc = One Sarco (X)^ recorder One 6'ft. by 2iy2-ft. Scannell return tubular boiler re- moved from service; first cost complete, erected.,.. Ont! ;U25-kva., 60-cycle, 3-phase, 2300-volt Westing- house turbo-generator Switchboard apparatus Cable Air duct 4 60-lamp, 60-cycle, 220-volt, 2.75-amp. air-cooled, constant-current transformers 4 series arc oil switches, 9E, type F, form 2, 2.10 amp., 1 200 volts 10 25 ft. ornamental arc-lamp poles ($38 each) 68 30 -ft. chestnut poles, painted and shaved, at $5.56 140 35 ft. chestnut poles, painted and shaved at $7.55 19 40-ft. chestnut poles, painted and shaved at $8.75. 1 50-ft. chestnut pole, painted and shaved 1 60-ft. chestnut pole, painted and shaved 15,820 ft. (6252 lb.) No. 0, triple-braided, weather- proof, solid wire, at 14.2 cts. per lb 1 30-in. Lumsden & Van Stone steam-exhaust head.. 1 16-in. Standard twin strainer. No. 684 Transformers, All 60-Cycle Equipment. 19 1-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 220-nO-volt second- ary, single phase, each 8 IVa-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 220-llO-volt second- ary, single-phase, each 27 2y2-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary. 220-110-volt second- ary, single-phase, each 30 5-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 220-110-volt second- ary, single-phase, each 6 7V2-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 220-volt secondary, single-phase, each 6 10-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 575-volt secondary, single-phase, each 3 15-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 575-volt secondary, single-phase, each 1 20-kw., 2200-1100-volt primary, 575-volt secondary, single-phase, each , 3 25-kw. 2200-kw.-1100-volt primary, 575-volt second- ary, single-phase, each 6 30-kw., 2200-1100 volt primary, 575-volt secondary, single-phase, each , 3 50-kw. 2200-1100-volt primary, 575-volt secondary, single -ijhase, each 1 50-kw.. 2200-1100-volt primary. 220-volt secondary, single-phase, subway type, each Meters. 67 5-amp., 110-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each... 546 10-amp,. 110-volt F^ort Wayne type " K3." each.. 5 15-amp., 110-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each... 33, 25 -amp., 110-volt P^ort Wayne type " K3," each... 21 50-amp., 110-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each... 1 300 -amp.. 110-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each... 2 400-amp., 110-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each. . . 405.00 401.39 326.80 2,607.30 9,227.87 955.38 248.52 408.80 1,040.00 224.00 380.00 377.86 1,054.14 166.80 10.50 18.75 889.22 189.00 428.63 17.06 23.13 30 68 49.43 65.17 80.95 110.67 137.14 $172.86 183,82 252.70 310.88 $9.28 10.06 13.00 13.00 18 68 27.00 27.40 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 849 20 5-amp., 550-volt, Fort Wayne type " K3," each 27.40 16 10-amp., 550-voIt P'ort Wayne type " K3," each 33.83 3 15-amp, 550-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each 34.80 13 25-amp., 550-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each 35.84 6 50-amp., 550-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each.... 39.60 1 150-amp., 550-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each.... 66.26 1 200-amp., 550-volt Fort Wayne type " K3," each 51.60 9 15-atnp., Wright demand meters, each 5.78 6 75-amp., Wright demand meters, each 7.80 Power-Plant Equipment, Fitchhurg. 5 6-in. G. E. steam-flow meters, type " Ts 2," 200 lbs., at $48 each $240.00 Labor of installing above 24.19 Pipe, fittings and material 31 77 Total ($59.19 per meter) $295.96 3 2-ln. Squires feed water regulators, at $90 each.... $270.00 Labor of installation 44.38 Miscellaneous material, gate valves, pipe, etc 38.37 Total ($117.58 per regulator) $352.75 2 Murphy automatic smokeless furnaces $2,86800 Installation of above 212.21 1 5-hp. 50-volt motor ; 190.25 Miscellaneous material and labor, oil pan, steel spur, etc 52.28 Total ($1,661.37 per stoker) $3,322.74 1 13-ft. by 5-ft. straight-blade Sturtevant exhaust fan with engine $7,220.00 Piping for above 664.74 Labor and material 1.782.83 Total cost of fan installed $9,667.57 1 Sturtevant economizer, 360 tubes, 10 ft. long. Total heating surface, 4903 sq. ft $5,240.00 Foundation 4 50.00 1 5-hp. motor, including labor '262.00 Miscellaneous material, including pipe, fittings, etc.... 1,418.94 Total ($1.50 per sq. ft. heating space) $7,370.94 Ornamental Street-Lighting Fixtures, Fitchhurg. 93 fixtures, each equipped with 4 60-cp, 6:6-amp series incandescent lamps, connected to under- ground arc system through 1-to-l transformers and mounted on local street-railway feeder poles $1,860.00 Labor of installation 1,088.67 Cable and wire 1,838.61 Miscellaneous material, cross-arms, cut-outs, pipes, etc. 1,419.58 Total ($66.50 per fixture) $6,206.86 Maiden Plant Equipment. 1 steel structure, forced -draft cooling tower, 2000-kw. capacity, complete with foundations $14,531.47 1 Parsons ash ejector, installed, with 16-ton ash tank 2,173.22 4 Kibbs safety feed-water regulators with 2V2-in. valve 340.00 Cost of installing above regulators 103.95 1 5-amp., 3-phase. 115-volt , wattmeter 56.60 1 3-phase G. E. electrostatic ground detector 115.51 3 500-kw., indoor-type, oil-cooled 13,200-volt trans- formers 4,325.00 1 15,000-volt aluminum lightning arrester 477.75 400-ft. 400,000-cir. mil. flame-proof cable for 5000 volts 158.70 850 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Maiden Underground Construction Costs, 27,395 ft. 2y2-in. fiber conduit $923.67 100,830 ft. 3y2-in. fiber conduit 4,394.21 Cost of installing- above by contract 48,297.06 Total cost of conduit $53,614.94 Line to Revere. 26,896 ft. No. 00, 3-conductor cable for 17,000 volts $28,040.80 Installation, contract at 4.5 cts, per ft 1,210.32 Total cost to Revere line $29,241.12 Cable Installation in Maiden. 22,721.5 ft. No. 00 cable $12,240.31 31,497.5 ft. No. cable 16,294.42 93,519 ft. No. 6 cable 17,095.27 Cost of drawing in above 147.768 ft. cable 3,859.44 25 G. & W. potheads 709.82 Labor, company's employees 519.20 Miscellaneous items, freight, tape, asbestos cloth, etc.. 5,283.46 Total $56,001.92 Liability insurance, miscellaneous materials, labor of employees, etc., on general work 3,865.30 Total additions to underground system 142,723.28 Miscellaneous Items, Maiden System. Driving- 106 ft. 2.5-in. galvanized-iron pipe for cable grounding, at contract rate of $1.75 per ft $189.14 Company labor and material, including cost of pipe.. 85.12 Total $274.26 Revere, Miscellaneous Costs. One 6 8 -ft. by 5 8 -ft. one-story cement and brick, steel- trussed garage: building, $5,300; trusses, $566; mis- cellaneous, $1,413.03 (including labor, $348.91) $7,279.03 (Included in above one 40-gal. chemical extinguisher on wheels, $144). 40,000 ft. duct; 3yo-in-lVi> in. socket joint conduit.... 1,895.25 Thirty manholes 572.50 Nineteen 500 watt sign-lighting transformers, at $10.67 each 202.67 TABLE XXXVI. ARRESTERS, LIGHTNING DIRECT CURRENT STATION TYPE Voltage Weight, lb. 0-350 2% 350- 750 4y2 750-1300 11% 1300-1500 Iiy2 1500-1800 Iiy2 0-4000 a 6% 4000-6000 a 20 : arc. circuits, ALTERNATING CURRENT STATION TYPE Voltage Weight, lb. 0- 350 2% 350- 1200 4% 1200- 2500 6% Price $3.20 3.50 7.00 8.00 8.50 4.40 11.00 Price $3.20 3.50 4.40 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 851 "Voltage Weight, lb. 2500- 3500 11 y> 3500- 5000 26 Vo 5000- r,600 41 ■ 6600- 7500 46 7500- 8500 58 8500-10000 71 12500-15000 106 15000-17500 123 17500-20000 ^ 140 FOR THREE-PHASE CIRCUITS Voltages Weight, lb. 5700- 7600 353 7600-11250 465 11250-13500 , 550 13500-17000 650 17000-22000 805 22000-27000 980 27000-32000 1245 32000-37000 1430 FOR SINGLE-PHASE CIRCUITS Voltages Weight, lb. 5700- 7600 265 7600-11250 350 11250-13500 415 13500-17000 490 Price 5.00 11.00 11.50 18.20 19.55 24.30 36.95 44.50 50.00 Price $85.00 137.00 172.50 210.00 250.00 330.00 420.00 500.00 Price $60.00 92.50 115.00 147.50 TABLE XXXVTI. DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS AND PERFORMANCE OF EDISON CELLS RATED Over-all di- Weight Rated 0) mensions of in lb. i-'' capacity ho cell, in. b '^ rt A 1 Sh © -m B^'a ' '' -^Vn^ A ^ I % o o A u m rt c ^ 41s l«« 1- r- $a& < B- 2 1.5 5.1 8.8 4.6 5.5 8 40 48 10.4 9.6 _ 4 2.6 5.1 8.8 7.4 8.7 16 80 96 13.0 19.2 — 6 3.8 5.1 8.8 11.0 12.0 22.5 112.5 135 13.7 27 A- 4 2.7 5.1 13.4 13.3 14.5 30 150 180 13.3 36 _ 5 3.2 5.1 13.4 16.8 18.5 37.5 1S7.5 225 13.4 45 _ 6 3.8 5.1 13.4 19.0 21.0 45 225 270 14.1 54 _ 8 5.0 5.3 14.0 27.0 30.0 60 300 360 13.1 72 -10 6.2 5.5 14.0 34.0 37.5 75 375 450 13.2 90 12 7.4 5.5 14.6 41.0 45.0 90 450 540 13.2 108 Table XXXVII is from the American Handbook for Electrical Engineers. The Edison Storage battery, best-known of the alkaline types, was first used commercially in 1904. The elements of nickel hydroxide for the active material of the positive plate and iron for the active material of the negative plate. Dilute potas- sium hydrate solution is used as the electrolyte. 852 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Edison cells complete including- trays, etc., is approxi- mately $1.00 per pound. Storage Batteries For Isolated Lighting Plants. For 110 volt lamps, 62 cells will usually be found satisfactory if the battery is not too far from the center of distribution of the lights. With this number of cells, the voltage may fall one or two volts below 110 at the end of a complete discharge at the normal (8 hr.) rate, or a little lower at higher rates of discharge ; but on the few occasions when a complete discharge is required, this final drop of pressure will not, ordinarily, be objectionable. If the requirements are still less exacting, 60 cells might prove satisfactory. If no drop in voltage is permissible, 64 cells would be necessary for 110 volt lamps, or even a greater number if the drop in voltage in the wiring is appreciable. The amp.-hr. capacity of a battery decreases as the rate of discharge increases. The " normal " rate of discharge is the 8 hr. rate ; the " normal " capacity is the amp. hrs. obtained at the " normal " or 8 hr. rate of discharge. At rates of discharge greater than the normal or 8 hr. rate, the capacity of a battery in amp. -hrs. is, therefore, somewhat less than the normal capacity, this reduc- tion in capacity being practically the same, whether the entire discharge has been effected at the higher rate or the rate is in- creased after a partial discharge at lower rate. Thus, if a battery has a capacity of 5 amps, for 8 hrs., or 40 amp. -hrs., it can dis- charge at the rate of 10 amps, for only 3 hrs., or 30 amp. -hrs. ; and if, after full charge it be discharged at the rate of 5 amps, for 4 hrs., or 20 amp. -hrs., and the rate of discharge be then increased to 10 amps., it will give this output for 1 hr. longer, thus giving a total of only 30 amp. -hrs., whereas, if the rate had not been in- creased, the discharge could have been continued at 5 amps, for 4 hrs. longer. The final voltage at the end of discharge at the 8 hr. rate is about 1.75 volts per cell. At the 3 hr. discharge rate, the voltage will fall to about 1.7 per cell, while during charge the voltage rises from about 2.15 per cell at the beginning to about 2.6 at the end. TABLE XXXVIII. COST OF STORAGE BATTERIES (60 cells, 110 volts, parallel charge, series discharge and resistance regulation for 8-hr. discharge) Capacity, amp. Shipping weight, lb. Price complete • 2.5 2,100 $ 175 5.8 3,300 265 7.5 4,300 345 10 5,300 416 12.5 6,200 480 15 6,200 500 20 7,700 600 25 9,800 760 30 ,.., 10,800 900 35 12,500 1,100 40 ■ 18,700 1,280 50 20,200 1,560 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 853 Capacity, amp. Shipping weight, lb. Price complete * 60 24,000 1,800 70 27,300 2,100 80 34,000 2,400 90 39,000 2,750 100 41,000 3,000 * The above prices include the following material to make up bat- tery complete. 60 elements. 62 glass jars. 60 sand trays. 70 bolt connectors. 245 glass insulators. 62 glass covers. Necessary electrolyte. 3 Hydrometers. 1 set cell numbers. 1 pair socket wrenches. 1 low-reading voltmeter. 18 terminal lugs. 1 set stringers. Bus Bar Copper can be obtained in a great variety of sections to fulfill the requirements of the station. Varying from a strap, .05 by .5 in., which on a basis of 1,000 amps, per sq. in. cross section would have a capacity of about 25 amps., to large bars 1 by 3 ins, or larger. In ordering bus bar copper, 6 ft. is considered the standard length for strips thinner than .09375 in. ; 12 ft. for all other. The following prices are based on such standards, and the price of 15 cts. per lb. for bar copper base. For orders of less than 10 lbs. the price for bus bars is 33 cts. per lb., with a differential for finished bus bars of 2.5 cts. per lb. for each cent increase or decrease, above or below the 15 ct. base price. In orders of from 10 to 50. lbs. the price of bus bar is 27.5 cts. per lb. with a 2.25 ct, differential for each cent variation in price of base copper. Bus Bar Aluminum. The average price of stranded aluminum wire f. o. b. factory for the three years ending June 30, 1915, was 25.7 cents, to which should be added 5 cents for installing, giving a price in place of 30.8 cents. Aluminum Wire. Average price per pound of bare aluminum cable f. o. b. factor for 3 year period immediately preceding the war was 26 cents per pound. The price for weatherproof cable was 20 cents. Average Price of Ingot Copper. These prices of Lake copper from 1885 to 1898 inclusive and electrolytic copper from 1899 to 1914 inclusive, are quoted from Mineral Industry. TABLE XXXIX. AVERAGE PRICE OF INGOT COPPER One-year 8-yr. 16-yr. Year average average average 1885 11.12 1886 11.00 1887 11.25 1888 16.66 13.00 8-yr. 16-yr. average average 12.94 12.76 .... 12.70 11.87 12.63 11.67 12.84 11.20 12.98 11.58 13.10 12.26 12.86 12.93 12.98 13.19 13.20 13.50 13.65 13.75 13.75 14.28 13.89 15.19 14.09 15.61 14.18 15.23 14.54 14.84 14.78 14.98 14.88 14.87 15.32 15.28 14.57 .... 854 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA One-year Year average 1889 13.75 1890 15.75 1891 12.87 1892 11.30 1893 10.78 1894 9.56 1895 10.76 1896 10.88 1897 11.29 1898 12.03 1899 16.67 1900 16.18 1901 16.11 1902 11.63 1903 13.24 1904 12.82 1905 15.59 1906 19.28 1907 » 20.00 1908 13.21 1909 12.88 1910 12.74 1911 12.38 1912 15.34 1913 15.27 1914 13.60 TABLE XL. COST OF CHOKE COILS FOR CIRCUITS Capacity, amp. "Weight, lb. Price 10 4 $ 1.80 20 4 2.40 30 4 2.88 40 4 3.35 50 9.25 4.00 100 9.25 4.25 125 9.25 4.50 175 16.25 5.00 225 , 16.25 5.25 260 , 16.25 5.50 50 8.5 4.95 125 8.5 5.50 160 11.0 5.75 200 11.5 5.95 250 , 12.25 6.05 325 15.5 6.60 400 18,75 9.35 500 21.25 13.25 600 33.75 14.85 800 37.75 17.60 1000 48.75 24.75 1200 65.5 27.50 1500 72. 33.55 1600 89.75 37.40 2000 102. 52.80 TABLE XLI. COST OF MOTOR-DRIVEN EXCITERS Price Size, kw. Weight, lb. f.o.b. factory 1800 REV. PER MIN. 2.5 630 $ 220 5 1,130 365 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 855 Size, kw. 7 5 Weight, lb. 1,480 Price f.o.b. factory 460 10 1,800 535 15 . , 2 350 675 20 2,850 800 25 3,300 900 50 , 6 950 1,650 2.5 1200 REV. PER MIN. 930 $ 310 460 5 1 480 7 5 1,940 575 10 2,350 675 15 3 050 850 20 3.700 990 25 4,300 1,120 50 6 850 1,650 % 900 1,120 10 720 REV. PER MIN. 3,300 15 4,300 20 5,200 1,325 25 6,000 1,500 50 . . 9,600 2 100 75 100 12,300 15,000 2,450 2,700 TABLE XLII. COST OF MOTOR-GENERATOR SETS 1200 REV. PER MIN. Price Size, kw. Weig-ht, lb. f.o.b. factory 100 11,000 $2,000 125 13,000 2,300 150 14.500 2.550 200 17,500 3,050 720 REV. PER MIN. 200 25,000 $4,200 250 29,500 4,900 300 33,400 5,500 350 37,000 6,000 400 40,800 6,500 450 44,200 7,000 500 47,500 7,400 500 REV. PER MIN. 200 32,500 $5,300 250 38,000 6,100 300 43,000 6,800 350 48,000 7,500 400 52.500 . 8,200 450 57,000 8.800 500 61,500 9,400 600 69,500 10,500 700 77,500 11,500 800 85,000 12.500 900 92,000 13,500 1,000 100,000 14,400 360 REV. PER MIN. 1,000 125,000 $17,800 1,250 145,000 20,400 1,500 163,000 22,800 856 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Weights and Costs of Generators and Turbo-Generators. Tables XLIII and XLIV give weights and prices averaged from a mass of data which we have accumulated in our appraisal work. The prices and weights include the cost and weight of the necessary- exciter. There is a variation of about 25% both greater and less than the average in weights and prices of machines of intermediate sizes and a variation of about 35% both greater and less for ma- chines of the smaller and larger sizes listed. In general, belt-driven machines weigh and cost more than the direct-connected engine, or water-wheel-driven type. We have given the prices and weights for different sizes of alter- nators for various revolutions per minute without specifying the electrical characteristics, as it appears that the latter are of minor importance in determining the cost as compared with the speed. TABLE XLIII. COST OF DIRECT CURRENT GENERATORS Price Size, kw. Weight, lb. f.o.b. factory 100 REV. PER MIN. 300 74,000 $8,900 350 80,000 9,700 400 84,000 10,300 450 89,000 11,000 500 91,000 11,500 750 98,000 13,300 1,000 111,000 14,500 300 REV. PER MIN. 5 1,830 $350 7.5 2,450 445 10 3,000 520 15 4,050 660 20 5,000 785 25 5,850 900 50 9,700 1,400 75 13,000 1,840 100 . . . 16,000 2,200 150 21,500 2,875 -- 200 28,300 3,450 250 31,000 4,000 300 35,500 4,500 350 40,000 5,000 400 44,000 5,450 450 48,000 5,850 500 51,500 6,250 500 REV. PER MIN. 1 400 115 2 650 160 3 860 195 4 1,060 230 5 1,250 260 7.5 1.700 325 10 2,100 390 15 2,800 495 20 3,450 580 25 4,050 750 50 6,600 1,000 75 9,000 1,310 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 857 ize, kw. Weight, lb. Price f.o.b. factory 100 150 200 250 11,000 15,000 18,300 21,500 1,600 2,100 2,500 - 2,860 3,250 3,600 3,900 4,200 4.500 300 350 400 24,500 - , 27,400 , 30,300 450 500 33,000 35,500 1200 REV. PER MIN. 1 2 3 4 5 7 5... 245 360 470 570 670 . . . . 890 $76 105 128 145 162 200 10 15 20 1,100 1,480 , 1,820 235 295 350 25 50 75 100 2,140 3,540 4,750 5,850 1800 REV. PER MIN. 400 600 760 900 1 2 3 4 5 7 5 210 285 360 435 500 635 $65 90 105 120 135 160 10 15 20 820 1,100 1,350 190 235 275 25 50 1,580 2,640 315 470 75 3,500 600 100 4,400 710 TABLE XLIV. COST OF AI^TERNATING CURRENT GENERATORS Price Size, kw. Weight, lb. f.o.b. factory- ISO REV. PER MIN. 500 54,500 $8,500 750 72,000 10,400 1,000 87,000 14,000 1,500 124,000 18,600 2,000 140,000 23,000 2.500 163,000 26,800 3,000 182,000 30,500 3,500 203,000 34,000 4,000 222,000 37,500 4.500 240,000 41,000 5,000 260,000 44,000 360 REV. PER MIN. 500 30,000 $4,600 750 40,000 6,200 1,000 48,000 7,500 1,500 63,000 10.000 858 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Size, kw. Weight, lb. 2,000 77,000 2,500 89,000 3,000 102,000 4,000 122,000 5,000 143,000 6,000 162,000 7,000 180,000 8,000 198,000 9,000 212,000 10,000 230,000 12,500 265,000 500 REV. PER MIN. 100 13,000 250 18,500 500 25,000 750 32,000 1,000 38,500 1.500 51.000 2,000 62,000 2,500 72.000 3,000 81.000 4,000 99.000 5,000 114.000 6,000 130,000 7.000 144,000 8,000 158,000 9.000 170.000 10,000 182,500 800 REV. PER MIN. 100 10,800 150 12,600 200 14.000 250 15.300 300 16,400 400 18,300 500 20,500 750 24,300 1,000 28,300 1250 REV. PER MIN. 100 9,200 150 10,400 200 11,900 250 13,000 300 13,900 400 15,400 500 16,900 750 20,000 1,000 22,500 Price f.o.b. factory 12,300 14,400 16,300 20.100 23.500 26,600 30.000 33,000 36.000 38.500 45,000 $2,230 2,900 3,800 4,850 6,000 8,000 9,800 11,500 13,000 16,000 18,700 21,200 23,700 26.000 28,300 30,500 $2,000 2,200 2.360 2,510 2,650 2,900 3,110 3.680 4,300 $1,800 1,940 2.110 2,220 2,340 2,520 2,700 3,100 3.440 TABLE XLV. COST OF CONDENSING STEAM TURBO- GENERATORS OPERATING AT 750 REV. PER MIN. Size, kw. lb. (approx. ) 5,000 355,000 7.500 450,000 10.000 530,000 12,500 600.000 15,000 675,000 * Price f.o.b. factory $84,000 109,000 130,000 150,000 168,000 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 859 OPERATING AT 1000' REV. PER MIN. Shipping- weight Size, kw. lb. ( approx. ) 17,500 740,000 20,000 800,000 1,000 118,000 1,500 150,000 2,000 175,000 2,500 200,000 3,000 222,000 3,500 244,000 4,000 263,000 4,500 282,000 5,000 300,000 7,500 380,000 10,000 450,000 12,500 510,000 15,000 570,000 OPERATING AT 1500 REV. PER MIN. 250 49,000 500 64,000 750 79,000 1,000 92,000 1,500 118,000 2,000 139,000 2,500 158,000 3,000 175,000 3,500 194,000 4,000 208,000 4,500 222,000 5,000 236,000 7,500 300,000 10,000 355,000 12,500 405,000 15,000 450,000 OPERATING AT 2400 REV. PER MIN. 1,000 72,000 1,500 89,000 2,000 105,000 2,500 120,000 3,000 134,000 3,500 145,000 4,000 157,000 4,500 168,000 5,000 179,000 OPERATING AT 3600 REV. PER MIN. 250 36,000 500 48,000 750 52,500 1,000 59,000 1,500 72,000 2,000 84,000 2,500 95,000 3,000 105,000 Price does not include condenser. * Price f.o.b. factory 185,000 200,000 $25,700 33,000 40,000 46.000 51,000 56,500 61,000 66,000 70,000 91,000 109,000 125,000 140,000 $11,400 14,000 17,100 20,100 25,700 30.800 35,000 40,000 43,500 47,500 51,000 55,000 70,000 84,000 97,000 109.000 $15,500 19,500 23,000 26,400 29,500 32,500 35,000 38,000 40,800 $8,900 10,800 12,000 13,000 15,500 18,200 20,600 23,000 Cost of Generators. The following unit costs are from Bulletin 5, Office of the State Engineer, Salem, Oregon, and are based upon estimates of several manufacturers of electrical machinery. 860 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA COST OF 3-PHASE, 2300 VOLT, 60-CYCLE, HYDRAULlCALLr-DRl VEN GENERATORS Cost, per kw. Head, ft. output Under 40 $8.00 40 to 80 7.00 80 to 120 6.00 120 . 5.00 Exciter turbines and exciters will cost about $0.80 per kw. output of whole plant. Switchboard and accessories, cables, etc., per kw. output of the whole plant will cost about $2.25, Transformers, oil insulated and water cooled, 2,300 to 60,000 volts will cost about $4 per kw. output, whole plant. Turbo -Generators. The following was abstracted from The Iso- lated Plant, October, 1909. APPROXIMATE] COSTS OF TURBINE SETS, INCLUDING DYNAMOS NON -CONDENSING kw. Speed Price, f.o.b shop 50 2500-3000 $1900 to $2000 75 1650-2500 2600— 2800 100 „ 1650-2500 3300— 3400 150 1650-2000 4500— 4700 300 1250-1800 9000 CONDENSING 75 $3000 300 9500 Generators, Electric. A. A. Potter (Power. December 30, 1913) gives the following formulae of costs in dollars. Direct current (voltage 110-250), belted, up to 7 kw. (1400 to 2300 rev. per min.) 21.1 + 28.5 x (kw.) Direct current (voltage 110-250), belted, 10 kw. to 300 kw. (600 to 1400 rev. per min.) 10 X (kw.) — 9. Direct-connected up to 300 kw. (100 to 350 rev. per min.). 313.3 -f- 10 93 X (kw.) Direct-connected 300 to 1000 kw. (moderate speed 12.08 X (kw.) — 383. Alternating-current, belted, up to 300 k.v.a. (600 to 1800 rev. per min.) 81 -+- 9.723 x (k.v.a.) Direct -connected, up to 300 k.v.a. (200 to 300 rev. per min.) 375 + 7.477 X (k.v.a.) Direct -connected, 250 to 2500 k.v.a. (100 to 250 rev. per min.) 2413 -f 469 X (k.v.a) Instruments. The following prices of instruments are net. f.o.b. factory, prior to the war. AMMETERS Round Pattern Switchboard Type Ammeter, for direct current, especially designed for .switchboards on which an illuminated dial type is not desired. These instruments weigh about 15 Ib.s. apiece, with shipping weight of 22 lbs. and may be obtained in sizes rang- ing from to 1 amperes to 0-2500 amperes, with scale values of ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 861 0.01 for the smallest size to 20 for the largest. The cost of these Instruments varies from $25.00 for the smallest instrument to $45.00 for the 2500 ampere size, there being an increase of from $.50 to $3.00 for each 100 ampere increase in range of instrument. Note. Ammeters are also made in considerably cheaper types to meet a demand for thoroughly serviceable and durable switch- board instruments, but where accuracy is not essential, and a low- price is of great importance. Such instruments cost from $12.00 to $18.00 for sizes ranging from 1 to 500 amperes. Extra Large Illuminated Dial Instruments for Direct Current, for indicating the total output of large central stations, and for use on switchboards, controlling unusually large currents. Model A — Length of scale, 28 in.; length of pointer, 12 in. Model B — Length of scale, 38 in.; length of pointer, 18 in. These models are often found very desirable in connection with electro-chemical work, as their indications can be read with ease and accuracy at a considerable distance. Range in amperes Price, Model A Price, Model B 1,000 $135 $165 1.500 140 170 2,000 143 174 2.500 145 176 3,000 146 178 3.500 150 181 4,000 155 190 4,500 160 192 5.000 167 200 6,000 175 205 7,000 180 212 8,000 195 225 10,000 207 238 Illuminated Dial Station Ammeters, with shunts for direct current. Value of Price of Range in scale division instrument Price of amperes in amperes with shunt shunt alone 200- 300 2 $72 $3 400- 750 5 73- 75 3- 6 1000- 1.500 10 76- 82 7-13 2000- 3,500 20 85- 9 2 17-23 4000 30 96 27 4500 40 103 33 5000-- 7.000 50 110-123 40-54 8000-10,000 100 136-150 68-81 VOLTMETERS Round Pattern Switchboard Tyj)e D. C. Voltmeters, designed for switchboards on which an illuminated dial type is not desired, in capacities ranging from 0-3 to 0-750 volts with value of each scale division varying from 0.02 to 5 volts, cost from $25.00 for the smaller sizes to $35 00 for the larger sizes, with a variation in price of about $1.00 to $2.00 for each 100 volt increase in size of voltmeter. 862 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The weight of these instruments is 15 lbs. witli a shipping weight of 22 lbs. Note. Voltmeters are also made in considerably cheaper types to meet a demand for serviceable and durable switchboard instru- ments, but where extreme accui^acy is not essential, and a low price is of great importance. Such instruments cost from $12.00 to $18.00 for sizes ranging from 75 to 750 volts. Extra Large Illuminated Dial Voltmeters for Direct Current. For description see similar type under ammeters. Range in volts Price, Model A Price, Model B 125 $120 $158 150 125 158 250 130 162 300 130 162 600 135 167 750 140 171 Illuminated Dial Station Voltmeters, for direct current. Value of each scale Volts division in volts Price 125- 150 1 $68 180- 300 2 69- 71 600- 750 5 72- 73 1000- 1.500 10 90-100 2000- 2,500 20 108-117 3000- 3,500 25 121-135 4000- 5,000 50 144-162 6000- 6,500 50 175-185 7000- 7,500 50 190-198 8000-10,000 100 210-250 Recording Milli-voltmeters and Voltmeters for d.c. circuits are regularly made in two styles ; one using a frictionless ink recording device and the other a patented smoked chart upon which a record is made by a needle coming in contact with the surface. By the use of these instruments a continuous record is obtained, but due to the delicacy of the instruments and the extremely small potentials at which the millivoltmeters operate it is necessary to eliminate all friction between the tip of the pointer or recording arm and the surface of the chart to obtain an accurate record. In these instruments this is accomplished by bringing the recording arm into contact with the moving surface of the chart only periodi- cally, and between contacts it is left free to take its new position without friction. Standard instruments, except those in which the revolution of the chart is made in one hour's time, are equipped with 10-second vibrators ; special vibrators may be obtained, how- ever, recording every half second if required. The price of these instruments varies from $99 to $108 for in- struments using the smoked chart; $99 being the price for standard instruments making 12 and 24 hr. records; $108 is the price for standard instruments making 1 hr. record. These instruments may regularly be obtained for recording from -4-0-4 millivolts in 24 hours up to capacities of 495-770 volts, and from -5-0-5 millivolts in 1 hour up to 375-675 volts. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 863 Instruments using the frictionless recording device cost about $9 more each than those using the smoked charts. SYNCHROSCOPES Synchroscopes for determining whether a.c. generators are run- ning with the same frequency and are in phase, made for 100 to 125 volts and any commercial frequency up to 150 cycles, cost about $60 each. WATTMETERS Polyphase Wattmeters, with characteristics similar to the single phase type for 100 to 150 volts and from 5 to 50 amperes with a scale reading from 1 kw. to 15 kws. cost $65 ; for 100 amperes, from 20 kws. to 30 kws. the cost is $70. For 200 to 300 volts and from 5 to 50 amperes, with a scale reading from 2 kws. to 30 kws., the price Is $75 each ; for 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 80 kws. to 120 kws. the price is $75 each. For 400 to 600 volts and from 5 to 50 amperes, with a scale read- ing from 4 kws. to 60 kws., the price is $75 each ; for 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 80 kws. to 120 kws. the price is $80 each. For 600 to 750 volts and from 5 to 50 ampere.s, with a scale read- ing from 5 kws. to 75 kws., the price is $80 each; and for 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 100 kws. to 150 kws. the price is $85 each. Wattmeters for Single Phase A.C. or D.C. Circuits are back connected and designed for mounting upon switchboards. Meters for a voltage over 300 have external resistance boxes ; for ranges above 750 volts potential transformers are used ; for current ranges above 100 amperes, current transformers must be used. For use with current transformers the 5 -ampere range instrument is recom- mended. This type of wattmeter for voltages of from 100 to 150, and for an amperage of from 1 to 50, with the scale recording from 150 watts to 7.5 kws. cost $45 each; for 100 to 150 volts at 100 amperes, with scale reading from 10 to 15 kws.^ — $50 each. For 200 to 300 volts and from 1 to 50 amperes, with a scale reading from 300 watts to 15 kws. the cost is $50 each. For 200 to 300 volts at 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 20 to 30 kws. the cost is $55 each. For 400 to 600 volts and from 1 to 50 amperes, with a scale read- ing from 600 watts to 30 kws. these wattmeters cost $55 each. For 4 00 to 600 volts and 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 40 to 60 kws., the cost is $60 each. For 600 to 750 volts and from 1 to 50 amperes, with a scale reading from 750 watts to 40 kws., the price is $60 each. For 600 to 750 volts and- 100 amperes, with a scale reading from 50 to 75 kws., the price is $70 each. Recording Wattmeters may be obtained for either d.c. or a.c. circuits: 12, 8 and 6-in. charts for a.c, and 12 and 8-in. charts for d.c. 864 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA These are designed to record electrical energy consumed during periods of from 1 hour to 7 days, and in quantities from a fraction of a kilowatt to many thousand kilowatts. D.C. Recording Wattmeters, 12~Inch Charts are made in sizes to record from to 90 kws. in 24 hrs. up to to 2500 kws. in 12 hrs. Volts 600 to 750 500 to 750 240 to 750 120 to 750 250 to 500 250 to 750 500 250 -Capacity- Amperes 120 to 150 180 to 300 400 to 600 800 to 1200 2.000 to 2400 2,000 to 4000 5.000 10.000 Price $87 96 105 114 123 132 240 330 Prices of DC. recording wattmeters, 8-inch charts, follow : Volts 5--750 5-500 125-750 125-750 125-750 125-750 110-250 250-500 -Capacity- Amperes 8- 80 75- 150 200- 400 600 800-1200 2000-2500 3.000-4.000 5.000 125-250 10,000 Range of chart 0-2.5 to 0- 50 0- 15 to 0- 90 0- 25 to 0- 300 0- 75 to 0- 450 0-100 toO- 900 0-200 to 0-1500 0- 350 to 0-1000 0-1250 to 0-2500 0-1250 to 2500 Price $69 78 87 95 105 114 $123 230 320 Recording Wattmeters with 8-in. charts for 3-wire, d c. system. The following instruments have chart ranges of from 0-200 to 0-300 kws. , Capacity- Volts Amperes 650- 750 120- 150 250 ■500 200-- 400 250 600 125 800- 1200 Price $155 173 190 210 Recording Wattmeters for Alternating Current are normally wound for 125 volts and 5 amperes. However, by using a proper combination of series and potential transformers, these meters can be used on cunents of practically every amperage and voltage and will record from 0-0 5 to 0-30.000 kw.s. For a.c. single phase and 2-phase, meters for 12-in. charts cost $88; for 8-in. charts $79; for 6-in. charts $61. Balanced 3-phase meters for 12-in. charts cost $102; for 8-in. charts $92. and for 6-in. charts $74. With unbalanced 3-phase circuits a special instrument has been developed which sells for $126. WATTHOTTR METERS Watthonr Meters for Alternating Current, 2- 40 and 60 cycle. and 3-phase, 25, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 8G5 Size in Net price Net price Net price amperes 100 to 100 200 to 220 400 to 440 volts volts volts 3 : $19.00 $21.00 $30 00 . 5 21.00 23.00 31.50 10 24.00 26.00 34.50 15 26.00 28.00 36.00 20 27.00 29.25 37.00 25 28.00 30.50 38.00 30 29.00 31.50 39.00 40 31.00 33.00 40.50 50 32.00 35.00 41.50 75 34.00 37.00 44.00 100 36.00 39 00 45.00 150 39.00 42.00 48.00 200 41.00 45.00 50.00 Watthour Meiers for Alternating Current, Single Pliase 40 to 133 Cycle. Net price Net price Net price Size, 100 to 110 200 to 220 400 to 440 amperes volts volts volts 5 $6.50 $7.25 $7.75 10 7.50 8.25 8.75 15 8.75 9.50 10.00 20 10.00 10.50 11.50 25 ... 11.00 11.50 12.75 30 11.75 12.50 13,50 40 13.00 14.00 15.00 50 . = 14.50 15.00 16.50 75 16.50 17.50 19.00 100 18.00 19.00 21.00 150 20.00 21.50 23.00 200 21.00 22.50 24.00 300 21.00 23.00 25 00 PANELS Panels for large size installations are usually made to order. The following costs of standard switchboard material may be found useful in estimating the cost of special panels. Angle Iron Frames made of 2 by 1.5 by .1875 in angle iron, given one coat of black paint and provided with angle iron support or cross connecting piece so that switchboard does not have to depend on bolts for support, cost about as follows. Size of panels Length of legs, in. 18 by 48 24 18 by 54 , 24 18 by 60 18 18 by 66 18 18 by 72 12 24 by 48 24 24 by 54 24 24 by 60 18 24 by 66 18 24 by 72 •. . 12 36 by 48 24 36 by 5 4 24 36 by 60 18 36 by 66 18 36 by 72 12 42 by 48 24 Price $3.50 3.80 3.80 3.95 3.95 3.70 3.90 3.90 4.05 4.10 3.90 4 05 4 10 4.1.0 4 10 4 00 866 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Size of panels Length of legs, in. Price 42 by 54 24 4.15 42 by 60 „ 18 4.00 42 by 66 ... 18 4.15 42 by 72 12 4.15 Channel Iron Base for these frames, 4 in., price per ft $0 50 " *' " " " " 6 in., price per ft 1.10 Wall Braces for supporting and stiffening panels. These are of two types. One made of .5 in. pipe with flange ; and the other is made of .5 in pipe with adjustable turn buckle. Prices are as follows: Iron pipe braces Adjustable braces (with flange) (with turn buckles) 12 in $ .40 18 in 60 $1.60 24 in 75 1.80 36 in 1.10 ^ 2.00 48 in 1.45 2 25 60 in 2.95 Switchboard Bolts for holding marble or slate to frame. These bolts are complete with washers, bolts and polished copper capnut. Thickness of panel, in. Size, in. Price 11/4 V2by2 $0.30 11/2 1/2 by 2 14 0.35 2 ¥2 by 2% 0.35 Pilot Brackets including base sockets, 2.25 in. shade holders, wired and ready for mounting on switchboard. (Price does not include the shade.) One light $1 25 Two light 2.20 % pear porcelain green shade 0.50 ^2 pear tin shade 0.25 Slate for Electrical Use. Black slate, oil finish. Thickness, in. 1 to 3 sq. ft. 3 to 8 sq. ft. 8 to 1 2 sq. ft. 12 to 15 sq. ft. 15 to 20 sq. ft. 20 to 25 sq. ft. 1 or less 1 to 1 V4 incl. . . 1 V4 to 1 1/2 incl, IVa to 2 incl.. . $.60 .62 .68 .79 $.64 .67 .71 .84 $.77 .79 .85 .99 $ 80 85 .89 1.01 $.88 .92 .97 1.06 $.93 .98 1 04 1.10 The cost of beveling the edges is : % in beveled, 1 ct. per lin, ft.; % in. beveled, 2 ct. per lin. ft. ; V2 in. beveled, 3 ct. per lin. ft. Marble for Electrical Use. Prices per sq. ft. Pink or gray Blue White Thickness, in. Tennessee Vermont Italian Vs or less $113 $1.35 $1.45 1 or less 1.24 1.45 1.55 1^ or less 1.45 1.75 1.85 11/2 or less 1.75 2.05 2.28 2 or less 2.38 2.48 3.00 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS Prices for drilling holes and counter-sinking. 867 Diam., in. Per hole 14 $0.10 1/2 0.14 % to 1 0.20 1 14 to 1 1/2 0.25 2 0.30 Slate Panels. Size , Net price per sq. ft. v in. Black width Thickness Bevel Black marine Black enamel oil finish 16 1 14 $0.95-1.00 $1.70-1.80 $1.20-1.35 12-32 1% % 1.00-1.10 1.80-1.90 1.55-1.80 12-32 IV2. % 1.10-1.15 1.85-2.05 1.80-2.05 16-48 2 ^2 1.25-1.75 2.00-2.60 2.15-3.20 Marhle Panels Black marine Veined marble White Italian 16 1 % $1.30-1.50 $1.80-2.10 $2.45-2.85 12-32 1% % 1.35-1.45 1.85-2.20 2.60-3.00 12-32 1% % 1.65-1.70 2.15-2.40 • 3.20-3.55 16-48 2 % 1.80-2,15 2.40-2.75 4.30-4.95 Both slate and marbU panels are made in sizes varying from 1 to 5 ft. in length ; in general the larger slabs costing more per sq. ft. The weight of marble panels is 13.7 lbs. per sq. ft. per inch of thickness and the weight of slate panels is 14.6 lbs. per sq. ft. per inch of thickness. Alternating-Current Switchboard Costs. Mr. J Wilmore in the Electrical World, August 21, 1915, gives the following data. TYPES OP ALTERNATING CURRENT SWITCHBOARD PANELS Switchboard Panels with the numbers designating Instruments and other equipment. 1 — Alter, current ammeter. 2 — Indicating wattmeter. 3 — Field ammeter. 4 — Alter, current voltmeter. 5 — Power-factor meter. 6 — Synchronizing Lamp. 7 — Voltmeter receptacle. 8 — Synchronizing receptacle. 9 — Rheostat. 10 — Field discharge switch. 11 — Ground detector lamp. 12 — Ground detector receptacle. 13 — Ground detector push. 14 — Single-phase relay. 15 — Recording watt -hour meter 16 — Non-automatic oil switch. 17 — Auto, oil circuit breaker. 18 — Card holder. 19 — Ammeter receptacle. 20 — -Graphic record, wattmeter. 21 — Direct-current ammeter, 22 — Knife Switch. 23 — Direct-current voltmeter. 24 — Carbon bieaker (.shunt trip and reverse current relay.) The self-contained switchboard, as distinguished from the re- mote-control and electric operated types, has been found in prac- tice to be the most desirable for three phase alternating-current plants of a rating up to and not exceeding 3000 kva. and a poten- 868 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA tial of 2500 volts or less. Modern power-station practice has prac- tically standardized the switchboard equipment, and the large nianufacturers now carry a line of various panels which are known as " standard units." By choosing- from these stock units, a com- plete switchboard for any installation may be easily made up. Panel C P'anel J. — ®0 ^r 7..O0O* 8 "^MoGoie r- k— 3'Phaie J 6e/7. Panek CD B 14 14 DD ©0(2) ®(D EO = 18 Qn ' \ • I to f 8- I 12 \0 Ot 19 ^® 5 : o-U Q- t i H O 23 9 22 Fig. 15. -•• 3'PhQSC ••—>!< ••• Peeder Panels ^ O 19 O -'5v ®®® ®®o. 10 3- /%a5c 6ey7. Panels I J o o ® ® ^4 Exciter H Panels Types of alternating-current switchboard panels. These panels are usually made of black marine or natural black slate, mounted on angle iron or pipe frames, being 90 in. high with two or three sections of slate covering the entire frame from top to floor, or 76 ins, high for the .smaller and lighter panels, with one section of slate 48 ins. high and the exposed frame extend- ing to the floor. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 869 The 90-in. panels in 2 sections are made up of .either a 65-in. top section and 25-in. lower section or 62-in. and 28-in. sections respectively. A 90-in. panel in 3 sections has a 20-in. upper sec- tion, 45-in. middle and 25-in. lower section, or 28-in., 31-in. and 31-in. sections respectively. These sections are 24 ins., 20 ins, or 16 ins. wide. The thickness of slate is usually 1.5 ins. The cost data in Table XL.VI, which may be used for estimating or for purposes of power comparison, are based on figures recently published in a series of papers by C. H. Sanderson and H. A. Travers. The values given are for three-phase, 2200-volt panels completely wired, corresponding to the ratings listed in the tabula- tions covering the various switchboard panels shown in the illustra- tions. These panels represent a form of standard units and are typical of self-contained switchboards. TABLE XLVI. RATINGS AND COST OP SWITCHBOARD PANELS Type Panel (Fig. 15) Generator A Generator B Generator C Generator D Generator E Feeder F Feeder G Exciter H Exciter I Exciter J Approximate Rating, kva. cost per panel 100- 200 $34 250- 800 44 1000-1200 52 10- 200 63 25- 500 122 600-1200 139 1400-2250 213 25- 500 175 600- 800 180 1000-1200 192 1400-2250 265 25- 500 210 600- 800 215 1000-1200 228 1400-2250 300 25-1200 170 1400-2250 215 25-1200 400 1400-2000 445 4- 25 75 35- 45 81 55- 75 90 150- 200 129 4- 25 116 35- 45 125 55- 75 139 150- 200 195 4- 25 110 35- 45 121 55- 75 135 150- 200 210 FEEDER REGULATORS Automatic, 2300 V. 10% B. of B. Net price Shipping f.o.b. Cost of Total Amperes Kva. weight, lbs. factory installing cost 50 11.50 1,600 $519 $20 $539 75 17.25 1,800 585 20 605 100 23.00 2,025 632 22 654 150 34.50 3,0C0 756 31 787. 870 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Net price Shipping f.o.b. Cost of Total Amperes Kva. weight, lbs. factory installing cost 200 46.00 3.600 940 36 976. 250 57.50 4,250 1,068 43 1,111 300 69.00 5.000 1,282 50 1,332 500 345.00* 3,400 200 3,600 500.00 18.000 4,850 250 5,100 25 5.75 785 $216 $10 $226 50 11.50 897 247 10 257 75 17.25 910 270 10 280 100 23.00 1,150 296 12 308 150 34.25 1,510 384 16 400 200 46.00 1,760 476 18 494 Automatic, oil cooled, single phase 2200 v. 10% B. of B. 100 22.0 2,500 $538 $25 $563 200 44.0 3,500 800 35 835 Automatic, water cooled, two phase, 2300 v. 15% B. of B, 500 16.640 $6,400 $160 $6,560 Motor operated, 2300 V. 10% B. of B. 1 300 $144 $10 $154 . . . 3 52J0 185 10 195 6 900 302 12 314 *157o B. of B. hand operated 2300 V., 10% B. of B. SHUNTS Standard Switch Board Shunts, for all types of switchboard am- meters. Capacity, amperes, fordo. Weight, lb. Price 25- 200 0.75- 1 $3 300- 500 1.25 3- 4 600- 800 1.5- 2 5-7 1,000-1,200 . 6.0- 6.75 7- 8 1,500 8.5 13 2,000 12 5 17 2,500 20.0 19 3,000-3,500 28.0-30 20-23 4.000 36.0 27 4.500 44.0 34 5,000 45.0 41 6,000 55.0 48 7,000 , 65.0 44 8,000 70.0 68 9,000 80.0 75 10,000 95.0 81 12,000 105.0 108 15,000 . 140.0 150 18,000 155.0 190 20,000 175.0 220 SWITCHES Motor Starting Switches, plain finished ; front connection ; mounted on oil slate bases. Switches of this type are used with alternating current motors, having excessive starting current and therefore requiring fuses on switch to be temporarily cut out of circuit. The knife blades in ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS 871 starting are held against a spring pressure bar which is powerful enough to prevent the switch being left in the starting position. After the motor has come up to speed the blades are reversed and thrown to the fused end of the switch, in which position the fuses are in circuit to protect the motor. DOUBLE POLE High Grade Capacity, amperes Price, each Shipping weight, lb. 30 $2.00 6 60 2.75 11 100 5.25 21 Punched Clip 30 1.85 5 60 2.40 11 100 .' 5.00 19 THREE POLE 30 2.75 8 60 3.65 16 100 7.00 23 Punched Clip 30 2.50 7 60 3.30 15 100 6.60 21 FOUR POLE 30 3.65 10 60 4.90 20 100 9.90 28 Punched Clip 30 3.35 * 9 60 4.20 18 100 8.80 26 Note. The above prices and weights are for switches for not over 250 volts. Switches for 500 volts, high grade type cost about 30% more for the 30 ampere size, 20% more for the 60 ampere and about 10% more for the 100 ampere size; and weigh about 2 lbs. per switch more than for 250 volts. Switches of the punched clip type for 500 volts cost about 20% more in the 30 and 60 ampere sizes; and about 10% more in the 100 ampere sizes. These switches also weigh about 2 lbs. more per switch than those listed. Disconnecting switches and thin installation front connected, sin- gle pole, single throw : Net price. Type Volts Amperes f.o.b. factory M.B 2,500 300 $4.95 M.B 2,500 600 7.65 M.B 2,500 800 10.35 M.B 2,500 1,200 13.50 872 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ^ z row rice fffr-l •«CO5 00 OS CM CO t-C5 -C-O^o .-ICO •,-.eou5 1— C^ •rHCClO eottoo < *^ • T-t i-» 6» 6«^ 1 ^ Oo -ooo oo •OOo CO • ooo OOO ^ tH • (M o s^ ■*C5i •^«r-C UiO •C-IOtH '~- t-io«o O i "•"fi •M-<»«-^ TJC0U5«O t-oseoc^ooo fr- oeorf OOOi'-l O c-1 CO «©• «©■ rl iH 1 6^rHT- H 1-1 iHrlTH M 2 d 4) X jj Sooooo i oooooo ooocoo COO W^M JTiotcoousw -l-> O CM CO «C CI CO .-1 CO •*■ r~ CO Tf c CM 00 OS «^ N (M tH(M iM c I>»OiH «Ot- -lot-oo Q o,-i • o>.-^co O CCM •OCMCO 2^ CM-<*<«C> €«• iHrH r-i.rl •iHrirW t. iHrHrH -o .««■ ««• 3 6«- J ^ c o H 2L^^ rt V < i X! C > OO -ooo ■—1 oo •ooo w CO OCO 0) OOO 00 ,H • t^ ^ CI o o a 00 1-1 •«Cr-ie-J rs as CM r- 5-1 CO u e-1 1- 00 eoc<3> o c- a: ci^ 11- oooooo 1 oooooo ,c cccoco OOo u £ c I>«50«>C^0 Ift t^ 00 CO t^ 00 1 rf oc as 'C OSCO.^ E^ 1-1 -H C^J T-i r-- g 6^ r-00 r-00 a?- •t-ooos 02 . . £ . • . d c 1.^ O c 1 4) ^ i ■ . . e . * J^ 1 c3 -o t ^ oo .ooo o oo • ooo c3 . • • • . 5-1 CM . o o CO 00 o t--^ir5t"*o ■M CO lo M eo ■* 6«- o ,HC5i- ■-T-IO0<» o 1 A ; . . . ? o t d lO Irt CXj iij Hi >^ T3 . . . be e ^ £ €/^ £ 03 c ^ 0) o aJ > o oooooo p s oooooo 3 3 1 s <; to ' f

    . ? o 3 ^ oooooo OOOOOO coo coo CCo o J : «o W O U-i u-s Irt ipt£:(c,iaiaui ?c « Total Ht. of Number Cost Number Cost labor cost pole, ft. per day per hole per day per pole per pole in place 20 45 $0.59 38 $0.80 $1.39 25 45 0.59 31 0.98 1.57 30 36 0.74 26 1.17 1.91 35 36 0.74 23 1.32 2.06 40 32 0.83 29 1.05 1.88 45 29 0.92 25 1.22 2.14 50 25 1.07 22 1.38 2.45 55 21 1.27 19 1.60 2.87 60 18 1.48 14 2.18 3.66 65 14 1.91 9 3.38 5.29 70 11 2.43 8 3.81 6.24 75 9 2.97 7 4.35 7.32 80 8 3.34 6 5.08 8.42 85 7 3.82 5 6.09 9.91 90 6 4.45 4 7.62 12.07 OTHER SOILS Additional cost digging holes and setting poles over dry earth: iM-Qfor-ioi Maximum Minimum Average i!a.d.\.*irid.i percent. percent. percent. Hardpan 44.3 36. 40.0 Roc'r^^"^ ^^^^^1 } 116.5 104. 110. Wet earth 72.5 68. 70. Note. The above costs do not include any allowance for teaming. Improved iVlethod of Stenciling Poles. The Telephone Review, Dec, 1914, describes a method and equipment for stenciling poles by which 200 poles may be shaved and stenciled per day. The stenciling outfit consists of a short canvas apron equipped with 5 hooks and 2 pockets. Each hook carries 2 numerals and the OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 883 pockets carry a can of stencil paint, an extra can of paint and a rag- Tlie method of holding the stencil has been simplified by placing a hook on one end and a handle on the other. The old and slower method was to strap or tack the stencil to the pole. As the stencil marking is placed at a height of about 5 ft, and and the usual method is to carry the paint, brush, and stencil plates in a basket which is set at the butt of the pole, it requires for every pole stenciled 10 separate movements of 10 ft. each. For an average day's work using a basket, these long moves introduce about one mile of unnecessary motion. Labor Costs of Pole- Line Construction. T^ouis W. Moxey, Jr., in Electrical World. Dec. 18. 1915, gives the following data (Table VI) showing the general range of labor costs for ordinary transmission lines. The labor items vary considerably according to the number of poles to be erected and the amount of wire to be strung. TABLE VI. LABOR COST OF POLE-LINE CONSTRUCTION Description Cost SHAVING POLES 25-ft. pole $0.60 — $1.20 .30-ft. pole 0.80— 1.60 3 5 -ft. pole 1.00— 2.00 40-ft. pole 1.20— 2.40 50-ft. pole .1.40— 2.80 ERECTING WOOD POLES 25-ft. pole 0.90— 2.70 30-ft. pole 1.20— 3.60 35-ft. pole 1.80— 5.40 40-ft. pole 2.70— 8.10 50-ft. pole 3.90 — 11.70 ERECTING IRON POLES 25-ft. pole 2.00— 8.00 30-ft. pole 3.00 — 12.00 35-ft. pole 5.00 — 20.00 40-ft. pole 8.00 — 32.00 50-ft. pole 12.00 — 48.00 DIGGING HOLES 25-ft. pole 0.60— 3.00 30-ft. pole 0.75— 3.75 35-ft. pole 0.90— 4.50 40-ft. pole 1.05— 5.25 50-ft. pole 1.20— 6.00 STEPPING POLES 25-ft. pole 0.50— 1.00 30-ft. pole 0.75— 1.50 Description 35-ft, pole 40-ft. pole 50-ft. pole Cost 1.00— 2.00 1.25— 2.50 1.50— 3.00 GUYING POLES 25-ft. pole 3.00— 9.00 30-ft. pole 4.00 — 12.00 35-ft. pole 5.00 — 15.00 40-ft. pole 6.00 — 18.00 50-ft. pole 7.00 — 21.00 ERECTING CROSS-ARMS, BRACES, PINS AND INSULATORS $0.50 — $1.00 Z-pm cross-arm 3-pin cross-arm 4-pin cross-arm 6-pin cross-arm 8-pin cross-arm STRINGING WIRE, WEATHERPROOF, No. 8 0.60— 1.20 0.70— 1.40 0.90— 1.80 1.10— 2.20 TRIPLE-BRAID, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 000 No. 0000 ■ER 1000 $2.50 — 2.60 — 2.80 — 3.10 — 3.50 — 4.00 — 4.60 — 5.20 — 6.00 — 12.00 6 90 — 13.80 7.90 — 15.80 FT. $5.00 5.20 5.60 6.20 7.00 8.00 9.20 10.40 Cost of Butt Treatment. The following prices from a bulletin prepared by Page and Hill Co. were current in the .spring of 1916. The height of treatment is about 1.5 ft. above the ground line of poles set at the average depth. The different types of treatment all require a seasoning of the 5 $0.35 $0.45 6 0.40 0.55 6 0.70 0.90 7 0,85 1.10 7 1.00 1.25 7.5 1.05 1.35 7.5 1.20 1.50 RED CEDAR POLES 7.5 1.20 1.50 7.5 1.35 1.75 8 1.60 2.00 8 1.85 2.50 8 2.00 3.00 8.5 2.50 3.50 884 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE VII. COST OF BUTT TREATMENT Height of Length of Diam. of of treat- Cost of treatment pole, ft. top, ins. ment, ft. AA A B WHITE CEDAR POLES 20 5 25 5 6 6 0.70 0.90 $1 30 30 6 7 0,85 1.10 1.85 1.95 35 6 7.5 1.05 1.35 2.05 2.35 35 8 7.5 1.20 1.50 2.25 40 y 7.5 1.35 1.75 2.50 45 8 8 1.60 2.00 2.75 50 8 8 1.85 2.50 3.00 55 8 8 2.00 3.00 3.75 60 8 8.5 2.50 3.50 4.50 poles for a period of four months. In arriving at a seasoned month, the calendar months are rated as follows : Equivalent in Equivalent in seasoning months seasoning months January % July 1 February % August 1 March i/4 September 1 April Vz October % May % November % June 1 December % " AA " and " A " treatments are identical except that in the " AA " treatment creosote is used while in the " A " treatment carbolineum is used. Both treatments are made in open tanks and are for a period of 15 mins. if the temperature is below 70 degs. F. or more. If the temperature is below 70 deg. F. the time of treatment is increased proportionally. During the treatment the bath must be maintained at a temperature of not less than 180 deg. F. nor more than 230 deg. F. and must be heated to a temperature of 215 deg. F. at least once in 4 hrs. The " B " treatment is done in open tanks using an alternate hot and cold bath of creosote. The hot bath, having a max. temper- ature of 230 deg. F. and a min. temperature of 180 deg. F., must be heated to 212 deg. F. at least once in every 4 hrs., is for a period of 4 hrs. The cold bath, which must be below 112 deg. P., is then used for a period of 2 hrs. Cost of Creosoting Poles. R. A. Lundquist in Western Engineer- ing. Jan., 1913, gives following table of costs and quantities of creosote required for butt treatment of various kinds of poles. Value of Treating Poles and Equipment. In a paper read before the Minnesota Electrical Association, abstracted in Electrical World, May 26. 1916. S. B. Hood of the Minneapolis General Electric Com- pany said, that the average life of a pole which has had a good OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 885 Size of pole Amt. cresote Cost of Top applied. treatment c diani., Length, lbs. per Preserva- Total Species ins. ft. pole tive cost Chestnut 7 30 25 $0.30 $0.75 Northern white cedar 7 30 50 0.60 1.05 Western yellow pine a 8 40 37.5 0.90 1.35 Western yellow pine b 8 40 62.5 1.45 1.90 Western red cedar a . 8 40 39 0.90 1.35 Lodge pole pine ...... 7 35 35 0.80 1.25 a — 6 lbs. per cu. ft. b — 10 lbs. per cu= ft. c — Cost of operation $0.45 per pole. . open-tank treatment with a high -distillate creosote oil will be 20 years, as compared with 8 to 10 years for untreated poles. As an example of the economy of pole treatment, take a 35 ft. pole costing when it is set in position untreated $10 and having a life of 8 years. Compare this with a treated pole costing in position about $11.50 and having at least 20 years of useful life. With interest at 6%, the annual cost for the untreated pole is $1.85 and for the treated pole $1.26, a decrease of nearly one-third in the annual fixed charges. If the life of the poles is increased, it is necessary to get an equal life from the various pole fittings. In the case of hardware this has been accomplished by using a zinc coating, the hot galvanizing process having been proved the best. For cross-arms an equal life can be obtained by open-tank impregnation similar to that used for the pole butts. The life of the arm as well as its strength can also be increased considerably by using one of the several forms of metal pin which clamp around the arm. Where the cost of these is not warranted metal pins with a small shank may be used. The old-style wood pin, requiring the removal of a large part of the arm to provide a sufficiently large hole, should have no place in modern overhead construction. For low-tension circuits, principally secondary work, where the maximum voltage does not exceed 750 volts between wires, cross- arm construction .should be abandoned entirely for galvanized-steel racks or brackets. These less than good cross-arms with their fittings, and there is practically no limit to the useful life that can be had from them. In addition, they make it possible to support the wires in a vertical plane on short centers. In this position there is no tendency for the wires to swing together, and if the circuit carries alternating current the inductive drop is materially reduced by the close spacing. This method of construction permits taking off service drops without using an unsightly buck-arm. The general appearance of a line constructed with these brackets or racks is all that can be desired and .should reduce the growing demand for underground construction in congested districts. Cost of Concrete Bases for Wood Poles. Engineering and Con- tracting, Aug. 28, 1908, give's the following: Fig. 2 shows a con- crete base for transmission line poles invented by M. H. Murray of Bakersfield. Cal., and used by the Power Transit & Light Co, 886 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of that city. These bases are molded and shipped to the work ready for placing. They weigh about 420 lbs. each. One base requires 37.5 lbs. of 2 x 0.25 in. steel bar, 40 lbs. of Portland cement, 3 cu. ft. of broken stone or gravel and enough sand to fill the form or mold, which is 10 x 10 ins. by 4.5 ft. Unskilled labor is em- ployed in the molding and two men can mold ten bases per 8 hr. day. The cost of molding is as follows per base : 2 men at $2 per day $0.40 Brace irons per set 2.50 1/9 cu. yd. stone at $4.05 0.45 40 lbs. cement at 1.5' cts 60 Sand 0.15 Total cost $4.10 In the work for the company named above two men at $2 per day each set 5 bases in 8 hrs., making the cost of setting 80 cts. per base. The bases were sunk to a depth of 3 ft. 3 ins. In many k'BolfsJ Bo/f3; W-/0 -J Fig. 2. Concrete base for wooden poles. cases they were placed under poles without interrupting service by sawing off the pole, dropping it into the ground, placing the new base and setting the sawed-off pole on it and bolting up the straps. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 887 Cost of Reinforcing Wood Poles with Concrete. Red-Cedar poles which had been in service for nearly 17 years were recently rein- forced with concrete by the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Company. The line is 7 miles long and is a main power line serv- ing the American Smelting & Refining Company's plant at Tacoma, Wash. The following costs are given in Electrical World, May 19, 1917. First the earth around the ground line was removed. Then iron rods with the ends bent at right angles were driven into the poles around the weakened section and expanded-metal strips wrapped around the rods. After a piece of sheet metal had been placed inside the hole around the pole butt to serve as a form the concrete was poured. About 7 rods were used on each pole. The cost of reinforcing the 259 poles on this line cost was $2,355.14, making the total cost per pole $9.10 and the material cost per pole $3.59. The following table gives the unit amount of each kind of material used, and the cost thereof as well as the labor cost. Material : Cost per pole 6.1 No. 1 iron rods $1.40 1.7 No. 2 iron rods 0.49 1.16 expanded metal 0.246 0.21 cu. yds. sand 0.304 0.38 cu. yds. pea gravel 0.612 1.83 sacks cement 0.933 Tools, etc 0.633 Labor : Hauling (including rent of wagon) 0.71 Reinforcing 3.59 Moving poles 0.05 Guying 0.042 Cleaning up 0.05 Miscellaneous 0.043 Total $9.10 Concrete Settings for Wooden Poles. We quote the following communication from Page & Hill Co. in regard to concrete settings for wooden poles. "A careful examination following the storms (Autumn of 1915) at Houston showed that most of the poles that went down were set in concrete. The same condition was observed a few years ago after a severe storm at Fargo. N. D. " This would tend to show that a concrete setting adds nothing to the strength of a wooden pole. •' There is no preserving value in a concrete setting. In fact, the concrete may hasten decay by retaining the moisture in the wood, thereby creating the most favorable conditions for the growth of the wood-destroying fungi." Joint Pole Construction at Los Angeles, Calif. J. E. MacDonald in the Transactions of the A. I. E. E., April, 1912. gives a series of curves. Fig. 3, showing the market prices of poles at tidewater points, from which points distribution is made loca,lly. Supple- menting this, is the curve showing the valuations according to the 888 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA joint schedule for new poles set, painted and stepped. It will be noted that this gives a valuation of 35 cts. per pole foot for poles 30 to 60 ft. in length. Poles which have been set less than 3 years are assumed to be of the same value as new poles. Poles set from 3 to 6 years are assumed to be of the same value as new poles, but no value is given to that portion of the pole which is in the ground. &} ) / / / / ao ^ / ./ .4 .-J> ^ / 'r «?< ^ y/ / J 1^ O O ,0^^''^ 7^ M'^ ^ y 10 ..,oX E^ ^ ^'^ p\ X 5 <\r^-^-* ^V^ , p.. f^ ;i5' 30 3J CO' 65' Fig. 3. 40 45 50 i LENGTH. IN FEET Joint pole charges and market prices of round cedar poles. Poles set over 6 years are assumed to depreciate at the rate of 3.5 cts. per ft. per annum, but no value is given to that portion of pole which is in the ground. During 5 years' operation under this schedule, it has been found that the valuations are approximately coi-rect. The values given for 50 ft., 55 ft. and 60 ft. poles are lower than they should be, but inasmuch as such poles are usually set by the party desiring the top position and the added length is OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 88d often solely for this party's benefit, it has not been found that the charges prove inequitable. During the 5 years under discussion no individual, save a newsi» paper reporter, has precipitated the query "Does it pay?" It should not be necessary to furnish exact data on this point. The reduction in investment, that is, the difference between the purchase and installation cost of over 50,000 poles independently and oper- ated, as against 21,270 combination poles, is subject to exact deduc- tion. The difference in the maintenance and depreciation charges on them represents a quantity which may also be arrived at very closely. The saving in the maintenance and depreciation charges, at joint expense, of the combination poles for one year exceeds the cost of maintaining the office of the committee for the entire period of 5 years. In addition to this there are the intangible quantities, such as the saving which results from such a project as a matter of public policy ; also the saving due to the entire absence of acci- dents on joint poles, on account of superior construction. Some of us might even figure on the conservation possibilities, taking the entire United States as a basis of action. Cost of Setting Wood Poles. Tables VIII and IX give the esti- mated cost of setting poles, taken from " Data." TABLE : VIII. COST OP s !ETTIN( ^ WOOL ) POLES. AVERAGE CHICAGO CONDITIONS (1900-1910) Length. Top, Cost in Shaving, Haul- Paint- Total ft. ins. rough etc. ing Setting ing Paint costt 10 8 $0.75 $0.40 $0.30 $2.50 $0.20 $0.08 $4.23 15 8 1.00 .50 .30 2.50 .20 .08 4.58 20 8 1.25 .60 .35 3.00 .24 .10 5.54 25 6 1.98 .90 .395 3.24 .31 .16 6.99 25 2.72 .90 .395 3.24 .31 .16 7.73 25 4.00 .90 .395 3.24 .31 .16 9.01 30 3.06 1.10 .450 3.50 .35 .16 8.62 30 5.00 1.10 .450 3.50 .35 .20 10.60 30 6.25 1.10 .450 3.50 .35 .20 11.85 35 8.00 1.30 .481 3.75 .42 .20 14.15 35 8.10 1.30 .481 3.80 .42 .24 14.34 40 9.10 1.55 .600 4.25 .50 .24 16.24 40 10.05 1.55 .600 4.38 .50 .28 17.36 45 11.81 1.80 .640 5.10 .58 .28 20.21 45 14.00 1.80 .640 5.25 .58 .28 22.55 50 13.43 2.10 .750 6.50 .64 .33 23.75 50 15.57 2.10 .750 6.70 .64 .33 26.09 55 16.00 2.30 .869 8.62 .72 .38 28.89 55 21.00 2.30 .869 8.90 .72 .38 34.17 60 22.00 2.75 .948 9.41 .80 .44 36.35 65 27.07 3.10 .980 10.19 .88 .52 42.74 70 35.00 3.40 1.050 10.97 .96 .60 51.98 Foreman's wages included, charges included. No supervision or other overhead Table IX is from the Valuation Report of the Calumet Electric Street Ry. Co. and South Chicago Ry. Co. as prepared by the Traction Valuation Commission, Chicago. 890 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE IX. COST OF SETTING WOOD POLES, CHICAGO TRACTION VALUATION COMMISSION (1911) Diam. Price Cost Total cost in place for different settings Length top of of Heeled and Set in Set in In 1 cu. yd. ft. ms. pole labor breasted barrels rock concrete 30 7 $5.20 $2:80 $8.75 $9.50 $10.00 $11.50 35 7 8.10 2.90 11.75 12.00 13.00 14.50 40 8 11.45 3.05 15.20 15.50 16.50 18.00 45 8 15.10 3.25 19.10 19.35 20.35 21.85 50 8 15.40 3.60 19.75 20.00 21.00 22.50 55 8 17.60 4.00 22.35 22.60 23.60 25.10 Cost of Setting Chestnut Poles. As an example of the basis for computing the costs of pole setting, a member of the Ohio Electric Light Association furnished the following data given in Electrical World, Feb. 24. 1917. The costs given are for 2 lines built through a hilly country. The poles used are chestnut and vary in length from 45 ft. to 60 ft. The average length of the poles was 48 ft. Number of poles 328 485 Labor per pole (hauling, trimming, setting and cross- arming) $18.78 $15.88 Extra teaming (hauling men and material) 2.59 2.86 Miscellaneous 1.10 4.43 Insurance 95 .78 " It will be noted that the miscellaneous charges in the second column of the table are rather high. This is due to the many incidentals that happen in the building of any transmission line occasioned by unforeseen difficulties, of damages and other diffi- culties that impede construction work. These figures are mean- ingless to anyone not familiar with the type of construction. Chestnut poles of class ' A ' specifications were used, which are nearer sawlogs than they are poles. Each pole was equipped with an angle-iron bayonet and with 2 wood crossarms 4 in. by 5 in. by 8 ft. These in turn were equipped with three strings of suspension insulators 5 units per string." Rapid Erection of 50-Ft. ^Cedar Poles. Electrical World, April 7, 1917, gives the following data on setting poles by the use of a Matthews pole erector. The San Diego, Cal., Consolidated Gas and Electric Company has been able to raise poles on 3 transmission lines in an average time of 12 mins. per pole. One line consisted of an 18-mile stretch of 66,000 volt circuit, and the other two were 11,000 volt circuits. 12 miles and 16 miles long respectively. Most of the poles were 50 ft. Western red cedar, with not less than 9 in. tops and an average weight of 1600 lbs. each. In some places 55 ft. and 60 ft. poles were used. All of the lines stretch across rough, brush-covered country. The equipment which was used consisted of a Matthews pole erector with an extension built on the peak of the gin. It was found necessary to increase the effective height of the gin because of the 55 ft. and 60 ft. poles, which had to be raised occasionally, and because, in rough country, it is not always possible to place OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 891 the bed of the pole-erector wagon on a level site and thus obtain the advantage of the full normal height of the gin. At first the increased height was obtained by putting a channel-iron extension on the peak of the gin. Later, when this extension was bent, it was replaced by another made from two pieces of Douglas fir measuring 3.75 ins. by 5.75 ins. by 10 ft. Experience with this outfit has shown that it is advisable to haul the pole-erector wagon with a team and to use an automobile truck for pulling the rope. Where the earth is soft the wagon has to be blocked up so that the feet of the erector will have a solid bearing. In speaking of the use of this apparatus under severe conditions in rough country, L. M. Klauber, superintendent of the electrical department for the San Diego company, pointed out that even on the first day this outfit was used the line crew required an average of only 13 mins. from pole to pole, including the time consumed in setting the erector and in traveling from hole to hole. The pole spacing was 350 ft. The pole erector was made by W. N. Matthews & Bro., of St. Louis. Cost of Setting Poles by Block and Tackle. E. B. Hook, super- intendent of construction, Georgia Railway & Power Co., gives the following data in Electrical World, Feb. 24, 1917. We have set quite a number of poles in north Georgia during the past few years, and by using a block and tackle method of our own design have been able to set a large number of 50 ft. creosoted poles in a day's time with a minimum number of men at a cost of 60 cts. to 75 cts. per pole. This figure, of course, does not include anything but actually setting and tamping in the poles. The cost of compiling the figures is negligible, as it required merely the scanning of a few daily field reports selected at random. We have used the block and tackle method for a couple of years and employed a pair of mules and 9 or 10 men to set poles. Recently a 1.5 ton truck has been substituted for the mules and the services of 6 or 7 men dispensed with. In other words, we are now setting from 25 to forty 50 ft. and 60 ft. creosoted poles, weighing ap- proximately 2 tons each, in a day with 3 men and the truck at a cost which is approximately 33 cts. per pole. Cost of Chestnut Poles and Pole Line. The report of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners of New Jersey on the application / of the Jersey Power Company to issue capital stock, abstracted in Electrical World, Aug. 8, 1914, states that, the contract with the Hopatcong Mountain Lake Land Development Company for 516 poles showed the following prices: Six 70 ft. long at $18.50 each; ten of 65 ft. at $15 each; fifty of 60 ft. at $11.50; eighty of 55 ft. at $8.75 ; 120 of 50 ft. at $8 : 250 of 45 ft. at $5.50. The average price was $7.50; the average height was 49 ft. The cost of poles from Boonton to Millbrook, N. J., is figured by the commission at $2,660. This allows for 406 poles with a total of 19,250 ft., or an average of 47.3 ft. and an average price of $6.55 per pole. This estimate is based on an average number of 45 poles per mile. The commission's engineer, H. E. Carver, testi- 892 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA fied that in his judgment $4.10 was an adequate price for setting a pole. Tlie engineer for the company, Mr. Lowe, testified that the cost of stringing wire would average about $25 per mile of wire. The commission allowed $45 per mile for stringing wire from Mill- brook to Dover owing to the conditions under which this wire must be strung. In general, on the figures of the company the commission esti- mated the average price of poles delivered on the cars at $7.50 each. It allowed on the basis of the evidence $7.50 as the average cost for unloading, teaming, hauling, digging, locating, framing, setting and tree-trimming, including necessary guys and anchors for poles. The commission allowed for wire 5% more than the estimate of the company inasmuch as the estimate allowed nothing for sag. For braces, insulators and cross-arms on poles the commission allowed only $7 between Boonton and Millbrook. To the total net cost of physical construction, as estimated, the commission added 13% for engineering and contingencies. The testimony as to the cost of right-of-way showed an outlay of roughly $8,000 therefor. Detail Cost of Cross-Arms. The following is taken from cost data compiled by Mr, Burroughs, engineer of Washington State Commission. Placing Arms. One line man at $3.75 per day will tack on from 20 to 30 6-pin arms in one day. Considering 25 as an average, the cost would be 11 cts. each. An average of fifteen 10- and 16-pin arms can be placed at a cost of 25 cts. each. Fitting up Arms. One man at 35 cts. per hr. can fit up 10 10-pin arms per hr.. a cost of 3.5 cts, each. On this basis a 6-pin would TABLE X. SINGLE CROSS ARM PRICES 6 10 16 10 20 Back Extra Material pin pin pin knob knob brace brace Cross arm $0.30 $0.43 $0.44 $0.30 $0.30 2 30-in. braces 18 .18 .18 .18 .18 $0.18 1 machine bolt, % ins. by 12 ins 05 .05 .05 .05 .05 2 car bolts % ins. by 4 ins. .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 02 1 lag screw i^-in. by iVo ins 01 .01 .01 .01 .02 Locust pins 1 % ins. by 8 ins 09 .14 .23 No. 4 knobs 05 .10 3-in. No, 15 screws 03 .06 .... 1 angle iron back brace $0.09 .... 4 machine bolts Vi-in. by 4 V2 ins .' 09 .... $0.65 $0.83 $0.93 $0.64 $0.73 $0.99 $0.20 Labor Fitting up arms $0.03 $0.04 $0.05 $0.08 $0.10 .... Distributing arms 03 ,03 .03 .03 .03 Placing arms 11 .25 .25 .25 .25 $0.35 $0.15 $0.17 $0.32 $0.33 $0.36 $0.38 $0.35 $0.15 Total cost $0.82 $1.15 $1.26 $1.00 $1.11 $1.34 $0.35 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 893 TABLE XI. DOUBLE CROSS ARM PRICES 6 10 16 10 20 Material pin pin pin knob knob 2 cross arms $0.60 $0.86 $0.88 $0.60 $0.60 4 30-in. braces 36 .36 .36 .36 .36 1%-in. by 18-in. machine bolt 08 .08 .08 .08 .08 4%-in. by 4-in. car bolts 04 .04 .04 .04 .04 4%-in. by 18-in. double arm bolt.. .24 .48 .48 .48 .48 2 1/2 -in. by 41/2 -in. lag .screws 03 .03 .03 .03 .03 1 M by 8-in. locust pins 17 .28 .45 Knobs 10 .20 Screws 06 .12 $1.52 $2.13 $2.32 $1.75 $1.91 Labor Fitting up arms $0.08 $0.12 $0.14 $0.20 $0.25 Distributing arms 04 .04 .04 .04 .04 Placing arms 37 .65 .65 .65 .65 $0.49 $0.81 $0.83 $0.89 $0.94 Total cost $2.01 $2.94 $3.15 $2.64 $2.85 cost 2.5 cts. and a 16-pin 4.5 cts. Placing knobs will cost at least 7.5 cts. lor a 10-knob and 10 cts. for a 20-knob. Distribution. A team at $6 and a ground man at $2.50 (a total charge of $8.50 per day) will distribute all the arms that an ordinary gang can use. Hence the cost of distributing will depend entirely upon the number used. Considering a 10-man gang as placing 200 arms per day, and this team and ground man requiring one-half day to load and distribute them, the cost will be 2.1 cts. Creosoted. Creosoting will cost 13 cts. for a 10-pin and 14 cts. for a 16-pin arm. These prices are based on a cost of $15 per M. ft. b. m. for creosoting lumber. Brackets. Cost of oak bracket 1.5 cts. ; cost of spikes, 1 ct. ; labor, considering 15 brackets placed per hour, 3 cts. ; making a total 5.5 cts. Labor Cost of Stringing Guys. The data given in the following table were obtained in connection with an appraisal on the Pacific Coast. LABOR COST OF STRINGING GUTS Guys Cost Average Cost Class Size per day per guy length, ft. per ft. Head or stub #8 galv. iron 9 $1.11 163 $0.0068 14 -in. g. i. Head or stub %-in. g. i. 6 1.66 160 0.0104 Anchor #8 g. i. 8 1.25 39 0.0321 1/4 -in. g. i. Anchor %-in. g. i. 5 2.00 58 0.0345 Bridle Guy %-in. g. i. 4 2.50 75 0.0333 In the above table the cost per guy is based upon the average number of guys placed per day by the following gang: 2 linemen at $3.75 per day $7.50 1 groundman at $2.50 per day 2.50 Total labor per day $10.00 894 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Detail Cost of Single Anchor Guys. The following costs are taken from a recent Pacific Coast appraisal. Digging holes at $1.98 each: 6 laborers. 8 hrs. at 30 cts. dig 8 holes at a cost of. .$14.40 Add 107o for foreman's wages = 1.44 Cost of 8 holes « $15.84 Placing and refilling at $1.11 each: 1 man, 8 hrs. at 50 cts $ 4.00 3 laborers, 8 hrs. at 30 cts 7.20 Place and refill 11 holes at a cost of $11.20 Add 10% for foreman's wages 1.12 Cost for 11 holes $12.32 Placing strand at $0.93 each: 4 linemen, 8 hrs. at 50 cts $16.00 2 helpers, 8 hrs. at 30 cts 4.80 - Place 24 guy strands at a cost of $20.80 Add 10% for foreman's wages 2.08 Cost for 24 guy strands $22.88 The average cost for teaming is approximately $0.25 per guy. The average cost of tying in an insulator is $0.07. Cost of Anchor Logs and Guys. The following data are from a recent Pacific Coast appraisal. Anchor logs are frequently made from old poles cut in 6 to 8 ft. lengths. Two men will cut, dig holes for and place one such anchor log in about 5 hrs. Two linemen will place a single guy in 1 hr. and a double guy in 2 hrs. An iron wire guy takes 2 men about .5 hr. to complete. Comparative costs are as follows: COST OF ANCHOR LOGS AND GUYS Single Double Wire guy guy guy Cutting anchor log, 6 ft. at 7 cts $0.42 $0.42 Digging holes and placing log, 10 hrs. at 25 cts. 2.50 2.50 .... Teaming 25 .25 $0.10 Placing strand 1.00 2.00 .50 Cost complete $4.17 $5.17 $0.60 Detail Cost of a 50 Ft. Single Anchor Guy. The following is from a recent Pacific Coast ai)praisal. Cost 50 ft. of 5/ir,-in. strand, at $0.14 $0.57 2 guy hooks, at $0.06 12 1 bolt % ins. by 12 ins 05 1 thimble 02 2-3 bolt clamps at $0,123 25 2 strain plates. 4 by 8 ins. at $0.042 08 Nails 01 Total cost of ^16-in. guy complete $1,10 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 895 For %-in. strand add $0.55 Total cost of %-in. guy complete $1.65 For Vi6-in, strand add $0.60 Total cost of viG-in. guy complete $2.25 For a double guy, add another clamp and an extra thimble, a total of $0.14 And in addition, for strand : %6-in. : 45 ft' X $0.0114 = $0.51 9i6-in. : 45 ft. x $0.0223 rr $1.00 7^6-in. : 45 ft. X $0.0342 -. $1.54 TABLE XII. COST OF SINGLE HEAD GUYS 145 FT. LONG %6-in. %-in. %6-in. strand strand strand Strand, 145 ft. long 1.65 3.23 4.96 Guy hooks $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 Machine bolts 05 .05 .05 Guy clamps 25 .25 .25 Strain plates .IT .17 .17 Nails 01 .01 .01 $2.25 $3.83 $5.56 Iron wire 145 ft. long co.sts for No. 6, $0.57 and for No. 9, $0.30. Cost of Head Guys. The following is from a recent Pacific Coast appraisal. Two men and a helper will place 3 head guys in 2 hrs. The following are costs for insulated and uninsulated head guys. Insulated Uninsulated guy guy 72 ft. of %-in. strand at $0.012 $0.86 $0.86 1 wood insulator 23 .... Placing strand 95 .95 Distributing : 10 .10 Tying in insulator, each 07 .... Cost, complete $2.21 $1.91 Concrete Poles. The principal advantages of concrete poles are greater strength and length of life. The principal disadvantages are difficulty in setting due to weight, greater first cost, although in many cases the annual cost of concrete poles is less than for wood, and in some cases the cost is even lower than for wood poles of equal strength. Another disadvantage claimed by ex- ponents of the wooden pole is that a lineman working on the wires on a concrete pole is grounded, which is not the case on a wood pole. However, due to the greater durability of the concrete pole, its greater reliability in times of severe stress and the constantly increasing cost of wood pales, the concrete pole is often to be preferred. Cost of 30 Ft. Concrete Poles. The following is abstracted from a letter by F. S. Hunt to Engineering & Contracting, Feb. 26, 1908. 896 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The prime factors in the construction of concrete poles are the materials forming the grout. Unless the best quality of crushed stone and sand is used, desired results cannot be obtained. The steel reinforcing rods are placed 1 in. from the surface of the pole in 3 sets : 4 rods extend to the top of the pole, 4 rods two- thirds of the length of the pole and 4 rods one-third of the length. In testing the finished pole to destruction this distribution of the steel was found to be practical, giving a uniform stress from top to ground line. A 30 ft. pole with 6 in. top and 9 in. base deflected 3 ft. at the top from a plumb line, and straightened when the load was removed without any apparent damage to the pole. A 30 ft. pole must stand a strain of 2,500 ft. lbs. at the groundline. The feature to be reckoned with in the building of a line of concrete poles is the transportation and erection. A 30 ft. pole, with a 6 in. top, will weigh 2,000 lbs. It is a practical proposition to build this length pole in a yard, in forms on the ground. A pole of any greater length should be built in place, fi-om the ground up, although there have been erected 4.5 ft. poles that weighed 5,600 lbs. The .30 ft. reinforced concrete pole can be built in Chicago for $7.50 and erected with proper equipment for $1 each. The reinforced 30 ft. concrete pole with 6 in. top and 10 in. base, and corners chamfered to 1 in. radii contains .5 cu. yd. of concrete and 200 lbs. of steel, the cost being as follows: 200 lbs. of steel at $1.85 per 100 lbs $3.70 Yz cu. yd. concrete at $7.50 per yd 3.75 Total $7.45 The estimate of the cost of the finished pole is based on the following prices: Crushed stone $1.25 per cu. yd., sand $1.10 per cu. yd., cement $1.75 per bbl., and labor 20 cts. per hr. Reinforced-Concrete Poles. J. G. Jackson in Electrical World, Jan. 17, 1914, gives the following. ' Perhaps the largest installation of concrete poles is that of 25,000 poles installed in connection with the municipal street lighting and general light and power distribu- tion system of the Toronto Hydro-Electric System in Toronto, Canada. In the design and construction of the poles employed in this in- stallation an effort was made to eliminate unnecessary details and to render the manufacture as simple as possible in order that poles might be turned out rapidly and at low cost. A pole of solid square cross-section with beveled edges was adopted. As the ma- jority of these poles were intended to carry an ornamental lighting bracket and tungsten lamp, they were provided with a .5 in. iron pipe cast in the pole with lower outlet at the lamp and upper outlet under the line wires. The earlier poles of the installation were provided with three galvanized -steel cross-arms cast to the pole and having a hole at each end for a steel core pin. This arrangement of cross-arms was not found sufficiently flexible in obtaining clearances of the lines and was later discarded. Holes were provided through the pole OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AE TRANSMISSION 897 with a slot on either face so that brackets of any desired length could be bolted to the pole. The poles ranged from 24 ft. to 35 ft. in length, the majority- being 24 ft. long. Standard poles were made with 8-in. by 8-in. base and 5 -in. by 5 -in. top, for 24 ft. poles, with 9 -in. by 9 -in. base and 6-in. by 6-in. top for 30 ft. poles, and with 10-in. by 10-in. base and 6-in. by 6.5-in. top for 35 ft. poles. The longitudinal rein- forcement consisted of four deformed or square twisted steel bars of high elastic limit set at the corners of the pole and 0.5 in. from the surface. Three-eighth-in. bars were used in the 2 4 -ft. poles and 0.5 in. bars in the longer ones. The plant employed in the manufacture of these poles consisted in the main of parallel horizontal forms arranged in rows with a runway at one end of the forms for the delivery of concrete, to- gether with concrete mixer and special wagons for placing the con- crete in the poles. All forms were constructed of finished Southern pine, as more satisfactory results were obtained with this wood than with the less dense and resinous Northern variety. Bases of forms were spaced 2 ft. apart with wooden rails between, one pair of sides being provided for each three bases. A very wet mixture of concrete in the proportions of one part cement to two parts of sharp sand and four parts of crushed limestone of less than 0.5-in. size was used. The quality of sand used was found to have an appreciable effect on the characteristics of the pole, a sharp sand, as would be expected, tending to produce the more elastic concrete. Gravel instead of crushed stone was found to give satisfactory results. In casting the poles, sides were set up and forms poured on every third base during the first day. On the following day the side walls were removed from the first poles and advanced to the second base, and the operation was repeated. On the fourth day the first poles cast were removed from the forms and the cycle of operations was started again. The removal of poles from the forms was accomplished by sliding the pole endwise from the form in stages a distance slightly greater than its length every third day, until sufflciently set for handling. Vertical reinforcement was placed by laying it in the form on wire hangers suitably spaced and with open hooked portions to carry the reinforcing bars. The lateral reinforcerrient intended to take up the vertical shear and to prevent failure by buckling con- sisted of a series of short bars with hooked ends dropped diagonally across the longitudinal members at intervals and for a distance above and below the ground line proportioned to the strain to be provided for. No effort was made to bind the longitudinal rein- forcement in a cage by means of the suspension wires or together by means of the cross-reinforcing bars except by hooking together as noted and depending on the setting of the concrete to complete the bond, and lock the reinforcement in place. Cost of Concrete Electric Railway Trolley Poles. The Fort Wayne & Wabash Valley Traction Co., operating some 150 miles of street and interurban trolley line, proposes to make its renewals 898 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE Xlll. COST OF STREET-LIGHTING POLES DESIGNED TO CARRY SIX WIRES AND ORNAMENTAL TUNGSTEN- LAMP BRACKET WITH CONDUIT CONNECTION 24-ft. pole, 8-in. by 8-in. base, 5-in. by 5-in. top ; volume of concrete, 7 cu. ft. Cement, at 40 cents per bag $0.70 Stone, at $1.33 per ton 0.40 Sand, at $1.15 per cu. yd 0.15 %-in. steel reinforcing bars, at $1.95 0.89 Suspensions for reinforcing bars 0.06 Lateral reinforcing bars 0.10 V, -inch pipe and fittings 0.27 Three galvanized-steel cross-arms 0.26 Miscellaneous material 05 Depreciation of forms 0.40 Mixer and other plant 0.12 Preparing yard 0.08 Total $3.48 Labor 1.05 Total labor and material, etc $4.53 Adding for engineering supervision, office expenses, 10% 0.45 Total $4.98* 30-ft. pole, 9 -in. by 9-in. base, 6-in. by 6-in. top; volume of con- crete 12 cu., ft. Cement $1.20 Stone 0.71 Sand 0.26 V-i-in. steel bars, at $1.85 1.89 Suspensions 0.07 Lateral reinforcing bars 0.14 i/^-inch pipe and fittings 0.43 Galvanized cross-arms 0.26 Miscellaneous 0.06 Forms 0.50 Mixer and other plant 0.12 Yard 0.08 Total $5.72 Labor 1.31 Plus 1076 0.70 Total cost $7.73* * This includes the iron conduit pipe and galvanized steel cross- arms, so that the cost of a plain 24-ft. pole would be $4.39 and that of a plain 30^ft. pole would be $6.97. with concrete poles of the construction shown by Figs. 4 to 7. The weight and dimensions of the pole and the bill of material required are given for each size. Regarding the construction of these poles H. L. Weber, chief engineer of the road, writes : " The cost of constructing concrete poles depends so much upon the location of the materials with respect to the points where the poles are to be erected that general figures are difficult to state. Having several good gravel banks at convenient points along our right of way. which is 120 miles in length, and having our road already built and the equipment ayailable for handling materials ■rr "^ r ^ 1 ^ i J 1 J^ CO t^ Tt< 3o' iH us m' to Co' OS fn e«- rHiHiMcgcoeo 2 1 5- OOOOOOOO "Or^ ^ rH S^i im' CO U5 «D 00 O ^1 < XJW OUSUSOOOOIO Q >» J ■■^ «3 r| l>. I^TM 00 !>. 3 ^ s-i«ooo" Q ^ O 2 OOI-OOOOOOOOOO <5 . Eh-- ^ •:3^^ ^ y CC 03 -^ CO lO U5 00 O M o H qO t>;«^^ot^irtOi«o Ch '^ «s od ^ t> -^ us ,-i ?o »3- rH tH 5^1 n eo eo o o fci 000000U50 O r- 'M t-- C3 r- iM 05 1>. Q o (^ OP- OOOOOOOO ^_) 7 (M - 1 (M U5 lO 00 00 oo g-g ^•^^•^•^•^^•^ H O.S ^ « ^ o +j C aJ '^^TfHM< 00 F< 0«HO.^ M o 3 g 'g a; lo e-i oj CO in Lo CO us an CQ rnVicocoooaico'-*' ^ Ph fl 3^- fl «5TH«o;OCOO § ,— ' O |l^";^S^;$;;^j^t^ Mm"^ iHt-i 1— 1 *j P M Oi-ic-iuiixir^ooo> X H ft m 55 t-i.« 904 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA section, with 45-deg'. corners to prevent cracliing, and measure 15 in. at the base and 7 in. at the top. They are set at 260-ft. Intervals, The solid concrete is reinforced by four .75-in. steel rods. Four-by-four-inch galvanized .1875-in. angle-arms are used, carry- ing cast-iron pins through-bolted in place. The braces are formed of single, specially bent angles of smaller section. Built in a cen- tral yard after some experimentation, these 120 poles cost $22 each. They were hauled to their sites and erected with gin poles at a cost of $5 additional per pole, considerable unforeseen difficulty having been experienced in transporting the heavy structures through the soft marsh -» land which the line traverses. After 3 years' service the line gives every evidence of complete durability and satisfaction. Cost of Manufacturing Reinforced Concrete Trolley Poles. During the season of 1910 the Syracuse Rapid Transit Railway Company manufactured 100 reinforced concrete poles. An analysis of the cost of construction of this class of pole was given in Engineering Record, June 24, 1911, as follows: The standard 30-ft. concrete pole is reinforced with four .625-in. twisted steel rods 29 ft. 6 in. long, one placed near each corner; four .5 -in. twisted rods 29 ft. 6 in. long, one placed in each side of the pole and four .5-in. twisted rods 18 ft. long extending from the butt upward, one on each side of the pole between the other rods. The butt of the pole measures 11 in. square and the top 6 in. square, a .625-in. hole being cast in the pole 3 ft. below the top for the span-wire eye-bolt and a cross-arm gain 12 in. below the top for a feeder-cable cross-arm. The corners of the pole are given a 2-in. bevel extending from the top of the pole to within 6 ft. of the butt. The concrete mixture is formed from one part Portland cement and two parts sand and two parts ,375 to .75-in. broken stone. The unit cost for one pole, taken from the total cost for a lot of fifty, including all labor and material except cost of forms and installation of plant, was: Labor, $2.81; material, $7.04; total, $9.85. The forms built were of hard pine 2 in. thick and cost $19.16 each. The cost of installing the plant, including derrick, concrete casting sills and cement shed with pump, etc., was $401.96. It is expected that the forms will suffice for the casting of 50 poles each, without much repair. Depreciating the plant at 20 per cent, per annum and assuming 500 poles built per year, the total cost per pole would be : Initial cost of pole $9.85 Forms $19.16 for 50 poles 0.38 Depreciation of plant per pole 0.16 Total cost per pole $10.39 The quantities used in the construction of one pole are : Cement, 4.5 bags; sand, \'z cu. yd.; stone, \'z cu. yd.; steel, .625 in.; 118 ft. or 156.7 lbs., and .5 in.. 190 ft. or 161.5 lbs. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 905 These poles are intended to be used instead of 7-in., 6-in. and 5-in. wrough iron tubular poles computed for a safe load of 985 lbs. and costing about $35 each, or instead of wooden poles costing $7.50 each. The weight of these poles complete is 2,550 lbs. and their erec- tion is accomplished, as illustrated, with a steel derrick wagon which was constructed by the company, using the frame of an old road scraper and a wooden boom made from a wooden trolley pole. Cost of Hollow Concrete Poles. Hexagonal shaped poles, hollow through the center, used by the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Com- pany are described in Engineering Record, Oct. 30, 1909, as follows: A 3 5 -ft. pole measures 7 in. across at the top and 16 in. across at the butt. They are molded in forms made up of 5 -ft. sections so that it is possible to cast a pole of practically any length. Steel rods are placed symmetrically about the central axis and at the top and bottom project through holes in steel plates. The rods are bent over at each end and securely fastened. The core, which is wrapped with one thickness of building paper, is suspended within the form by wires at intervals along its length. The concrete used consists of a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts, sand and 3 parts chats or zinc tailings, which can be obtained in large quantities from the zinc mines of southwestern Missouri. With cement costing $1.50 per barrel, sand at $2 per cubic yard, chats at $2 per cubic yard and labor at $2 per day of eight hours, the cost of manu- facturing a 35-ft. pole 7 in, across at the top averages $10. Three men can make three poles per day. according to J. M. Brown, superintendent for the company. A 35-ft. pole molded, hauled to place and set, with steel cross-arms and pins mounted ready for stringing wires, costs $18. It is claimed that concrete poles are more rigid than wooden poles, their maintenance cost is small, and, being hollow, wires can be run inside of them. Cost of Concrete Electric- Lamp Poles for St. Mary's Falls Canal. L. C. Sabin gives the following costs in Engineering News, March 2, 1911. The poles are 11 ins. square at the base, and 6 ins. at the top, with the corners chamfered by inserting in the corners of the mold triangular strips 1 in. on a side. The reinforcement consists of one .625-in. square, twisted bar, 35 ft. long, in each corner, extending from about a foot above the base to the top, and two similar bars .5-in. square, 25 ft. long, in each side, extending to within 9 ft. of the top, so that the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement for the bottom part of the pole is 3.56 sq. ins., but for the top 9 ft. of the pole it is but 1.56 sq. ins. The bars were tied together at intervals of 4 ft., with two turns of No. 6 soft-steel wire, bent to a square, within which the rods are placed and secured at proper spacing by winding with stove wire. (Fig. 8.) In the center of each pole is placed a standard black gas pipe, 1.25 ins. diameter, in two lengths of 15 ft., to lead the wires from the cutout box, near the base, to the top crook or goose neck. At the upper end of this pipe is placed a 2xl.25-in. reducer to con- nect with the 2-in. pipe forming the goose neck, and at the bottom it terminates In a 1.25-in. bend leading through the concrete to the 906 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cutout box The top of the pole is finished with a special top casting, inclosing the upper end of the gas pipe, the reducer and the lower end of the goose neck. Fitted above this is a special conical watershed casting so made that an annular space between the latter and the lower part of the goose neck may be calked with lead or asphalt insulating compound. The cast-iron cutout box, of special design, covers the series cutout and the outlets of both ducts. The pole steps are of .625-in. round galvanized iron, 10 ins. long, projecting 5 ins., and are bent near the end in order to clear the central pipe. The poles were molded in a horizontal position and the forms for the concrete are shown in Fig. 8. In order to support the pole uniformly without an excessive amount of blocking, the foundation timbers were of 12 by 12 in. fir, 36 ft. long, which were on hand. Six of these were planed on one side, and framed, and the remainder of the mold was made in duplicate. This permitted one pole to be made each day, and provided for removing the sides 24 hrs. after being made and leaving the pole on its firm support for about a week. The forms for the sides, secured by cleats bolted to the 12 by 12 in. timber, were so prepared as to be readily removed and placed on another timber. The method of supporting the pole steps shown was a little device that saved much time, and permitted the side pieces of the mold to be removed without disturbing the steps. The concrete aggregate was of limestone screenings passing a screen having 1-in. square openings. The proportions used were 1.125 bbls. of cement, 7 cu. ft. of river sand and 14 cu. ft. of screenings. This batch made about 15 cu. ft. of concrete, or suffi- cient for one pole. It was mixed by hand, quite wet, and well puddled about the reinforcement. The top surface, forming one side of the pole, was finished as soon as ready. The following day the sides of the mold were removed and the two sides of the pole finished. After about a week, the pole was carefully tipped over on another 12 by 12 in. timber so that the remaining side could be finished, and when this was completed the pole was moved to storage. For finishing the sides the film of neat cement was re- moved by rubbing with a flat piece of sandstone and water, leaving a " sand " finish. Later, carborundum blocks were found well adapted to this purpose. When not governed by some special conditions, the poles are set 31.5 ft. back from the face of the canal wall, in a block of mass concrete 3 ft. square by about 4 ft. deep. The method of setting was as follows : After digging the hole for the base, a flat stone was placed in the bottom, at the desired elevation, to receive the bottom of the pole. The pole was then laid at right angles to the canal wall, with the butt over the hole and the top extending away from the canal. Along the lower side of the pole was secured an 8 by 8 in. timber, in which was cut. transversely, a semi-circular groove to fit over a timber roller about 6 ins. in diameter. This roller rested in two similar grooves, cut in 12 by 12 in. blocks staked to the ground, and formed a hinge about which the pole OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 907 could revolve in a vertical plane at right angles to the canal wall. This hinge was so set that when the pole touched the stone at the bottom of the excavation it would be at an angle of about 45 deg. A floating derrick, with 45-ft. boom, lying in the canal opposite the pole, was used to hoist it into position, the pole first turning about the hinge and later about the lower corner resting on the stone. Some poles, set nearer the canal wall than the above, were hoisted into position with the derrick without using the hinge. After the pole was in place and secured by guy lines, the concrete was mixed by hand and filled around it. Where the sides of the excavation stood up well no forms were used below the ground surface, but in case much caving had taken place, a rough mold was used for the lower part of the base. A plank form was used ■JISps.@.3'S3 —"•'■ 36' ""- ^V" —.-4.4 No6mrv i°Rods.34 ■long - 9,i"'Rods.Z5'hrg .-■ ,V>{«//'.J4 ^4i^^.>....:^....^>^ B|^":::i::rrr.- =3 1 ■ y. t:=*-i Fig. 9. Forms and reinforcement for reinforced concrete electric- lamp poles, St. Marys Falls Canal, Michigan. for the upper part above the ground surface, and this part was finished as usual after the removal of the form. After the concrete in the base had set the guys were removed and the pole wired for service. This consisted in laying, in a shallow trench, 2 in. gal- vanized duct from the manhole of the main conduits opposite the light to the 2 in. bend or crook imbedded in the base, and leading the necessary wires from this manhole to the outlet bell at the extreme end of the goose neck. The material and labor required in the construction of one pole, and the cost, are given in Table XV. The wages paid for eight hours' work were as follows: Foreman, $3; carpenters, $2.25 to $2.75 ; cement finisher, $2.25 ; common labor, $2 per day. The en- tire cost of forms is included in the cost of 42 poles, although much of the material is good for further use. For comparison with these reinforced-concrete poles, an estimate may be made of the cost of a wooden pole, with a pipe leading up 908 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the outside, with a goose neck at the top, and set in a concrete base, as follows : 1-12 by 12-in. 36-ft. stick of fir at $30 per M. ft. b.m.. .$12.96 Pipe, .steps and top casting- . 3.37 4 man-days labor trimming pole at $2.25 9.00 Cost of pole in yard $25.33 Transportation of pole to site 3.00 Erection, including concrete base 22.00 Wiring, etc., same as for concrete pole 25.67 Total cost of wooden pole in place and wired $76.00 TABLE XV. COST OP RETNFORCED-CONCRETE ELECTRIC- LAMP POLES FOR ST. MARY'S FALLS CANAL CONSTRUCTION (Based on 40 poles.) Materials — Reinforcement. 350 lbs, cold twisted steel at 2.7 cts $9.45 4 lbs, wire .10 $9.55 Pipe, etc., built into the pole. 26 ft. 11/4 -in. steel gas pipe at 4.2 cts $1.09 1 2 X 1^4 -in. reducer (at top to attach crook) ..... .10 1 1 V4-in. bend (at bottom of pipe in pole) .32 22 10-in. galv, pile .steps at 3 cts 66 1 top casting 1.20 $3.37 Concrete, 1 Vs bbhs. cement at $1.44 $1.62 0.26 cu. yd. sand at 55 cts 14 0.52 ou. yd. screenings at $1.10 .57 $2.33 Forms (for 42 poles). Lumber $75.12 Bolts, pail and iron 10.45 Labor, building 189.67 Total $275.24 Labor and Transporting Materials. Superintendence $1.42 Hauling material, labor and tug service 2.85 Assembling forms 1.55 Assembling reinforcement 1.53 Concreting, stripping and dressing 4.18 Miscellaneous, blacksmith and contingencies 3.14 Total labor and tug service $14.67 Total cost of pole in yard $36.47 TR AN SPORTATION Labor $0.63 Tug (estimated) 3.00 Total $3.63 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 909 ERECTION (Based on 15 poles and including concrete base.) Materials. 1% bbls. cement at $1.44 $1.99 0.46 cu. yd. sand at 55 cts .25 0.46 cu. yd. screening at $1.10 .50 1.15 cu. yds. broken stone at $1.10 1.26 Transporting, 3 tons, at 50 cts 1.50 $5.50 2-in. bend and coupling $ .92 Labor. Superintendence $2.81 Excavation and backfill 2.54 EJrection with derrick ' 5.97 Mixing and placing concrete, including forms 4.17 Miscellaneous and contingencies 2.20 $17.69 Total, base and erection $24.11 WIRING AND FITTING (Based on nine poles.) Materials. 1 watershed $0.12 1 2-in. crook or goose neck 1.25 1 outlet bell 0.20 1 cutout box 1.25 1 pothead and cutout 4.40 80 ft. No. 6 rubber covered wire, with weatherproof braid at 16 1/4 cts 13.00 Miscellaneous supplies 0.30 Total, material $20.52 Labor, etc. Labor of wiring and fitting $3.63 Transportation of materials and contingencies. ... 1.52 $5.15 Total, wiring and fitting $25.67 SUMMARIZED COSTS Pole as molded, including materials used $36.47 Transportation of pole to site 3.63 Erection, including concrete base 24.11 Wire, cutout, and other accessories through base and pole to lamp 20.52 Wiring and fitting up pole 5.15 Total cost in place and wired $89.88 Tubular Iron Poles. Figs. 10 and 11 give the weight of standard and extra heavy poles for various safe loads, applied as a maximum side strain near the top without causing permanent deflection with the poles set 6 ft. in the ground. The weights are for poles with- out sleeves. With protecting sleeves the weight is increased from 6 to 10%. In general the poles are made up of 3 sections of standard or extra heavy tubing as indicated in Fig. 11. The cost varies from about 2.75 cts. to 3.5 cts per lb. 010 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Unit Costs of Tubular Iron Poles in Place. We have taken the following from the report of the Traction Valuation Commission, 1.200 -^1.000 '%800 %i?00 % 400 200 1 1 1 1 ^ — n ^ .— 35 ft pole '•V ^- '^ "V w ^ -" 32ff. pole ••- ^r ^^ ^ ^ -- -- ' y y ^ ^ y ^ y < ^ ^ ^ „^ y ^• 30 ft po/e ./ '.<.'- >, / >1 \<^ ^*=- ._- ■ZSrf pole /^ f5 ^- ^S"^ ?§ '^^ ^ ... 400 m m m 1200 m m im 2jm 2:200 zm 3a fe load in Lbs Fig. 10. Standard tubular iron poles (without sleeve). 2.000 iSoo l.bOO r\lfiOO ^1.000 ^ eoo boo 400 • ~^ ^ y ft. DO f . / ^ ' V y' / — - '■ - ^ ft p^ o/e "■? / M ^ y r' ^ ^ / y / y / / n / y 0^ / < yy - ' 7 ^ / / A '3bf} p ok / ^ -,/ 1 / V / i c dftpoje /', /^ -^ / / [^9 / ^1 / '' / h V * / / ZOO bOO 1.000 I.400 (600 ZOOO 2,600 4000 ^200 3ofe load in Lbs. Fig. 11. Extra heavy tubular iron poles (v/ithout sleeve). consi.sting of Bion J. Arnold, Mortimer E. Cooley and A. B. du Pont, Chicago, 1906: 30 ft. poles, average weight 913 lbs. each, at 2% ct.s $25 10 Labor and concrete, etc., erecting 5.50 Total per pole in place $30.60 From report of Traction Valuation Commission, consisting of Bion J. Arnold and Geo. Weston, Chicago, 1908 : OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 911 Length, Weight, Cost Labor and Total in ft. lbs. pole concrete place 35 35 30 30 30 25 1479 1220 1322 1100 525 450 $51.76 42.70 46.27 38.50 18.37 15.75 $9.24 8.55 8.73 8.25 6.81 6.62 $61.00 51.25 55.00 46.75 25.18 22.37 t-Z^-.-ZLuZi. -^ t5L ~ ^^Tee ve — 1 i \ j> 1 1 <- p --,... -j^. . , — L: — __!_ IS -L-J_ r ^ rj—^- --^ Fig, 12. Construction of a tubular iron pole. From report of Traction Valuation Commission, consisting of Bion J. Arnold. Geo. Weston and Glenn E. Plumb, Chicago, 1908 : Length, Weight, Cost Labor and Total in ft. lbs. pole concrete place 30 1000 $30.00 $9 $39.00 28 690 20.20 9 29.20 From appraisal in Detroit in 1909, by F. T. Barcroft: 30 ft. poles, average weight 586 lbs. each, at 2% cts $16.12 Labor erecting 9.78 Total average in place $26.90 Cost of Stringing Bare Wire. Table XVT is based upon labor con- ditions on the Pacific Coast, using different sized gangs in wire stringing in flat country. The Economic Design of a Distributing System. M. D. Cooper in Electrical World, March 7, 1914, gives the following. The deter- mination of the amount of money which can profitably be invested in a new electrical distribution system or in the reconstruction of an old one is a problem which can often be solved in very definite terms. Its solution is dependent upon the considerations which govern all commercial and engineering problems : " How can the most be got out of a dollar?" or "Will it pay?" These questions can be answered only when it is known how much income can be derived from the investment and how much the charges against the investment and the operating expenses will be. It is not proposed to treat quantitatively the fixed charges and expenses of a distribution system, for they depend largely upon local conditions. The point it is desired to emphasize is that often- times a much greater investment in lines can be justified on an economic and commercial basis than could be justified by the method of analysis heretofore largely used. Kelvin's Law of Investment and Losses. This analysis is based on Kelvin's laws, which may be stated as follows : " An electric line is built and operated at the least total expense when the fixed expenses on the investment in copper are equal to the cost of the line losses." 912 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XVI. COST OF STRINGING WIRE r" GANG A , , GANG B > Copper Aluminum Copper Aluminum Size Miles Cost Miles Cost Miles Cost Miles Cost B. & S 1-wire per 1-wire per 1-wire per 1-wire per Gauge line mile line mile line mile line mile orcir. per 1-wr. per 1-wr, per 1-wr. per 1-wr. mils. day line day line day line day line 12 2.95 $9.49 2.95 $9.49 5.14 $7.26 5.14 $7.26 10 2.87 9 76 2.87 9.76 4.98 7.49 4.98 7.49 9 2.83 9.89 2.83 9.89 4.90 7.61 4.90 7.61 8 2.77 10.11 2.77 10.11 4.86 7.67 4.86 7.67 7 2.68 10.45 2.68 10.45 4.74 7.87 4.74 7.87 6 2.60 10.77 2.60 10.77 4.61 8.09 4.61 8.09 5 2.50 11.20 2.50 11.20 4.43 8.42 4.43 • 8.42 4 2.33 12.02 2.33 12.02 4.24 8.80 4.24 8.80 3 2.23 12.56 2.23 12.56 3.98 9.37 3.98 9.37 2 2.04 13.72 2.04 13.72 3.71 10.05 3.71 10.05 1 1.87 14.97 1.87 14.97 3.40 10.97 3.40 10.97 1/0 1.70 16.47 1.70 16.47 3.06 12.19 3.06 12.19 2/0 1.49 18.79 1.49 18.79 2.68 13.92 2.68 13.92 3/0 1.30 21.54 1.33 21.05 2.27 16.43 2.32 16.08 4/0 1.12 25.00 1.14 24.58 1.91 19.53 1.95 19.13 250000 0.965 29.02 1.00 28.00 1.63 22.88 1.69 22.07 275000 0.892 31.39 0.932 30.04 1.49 25.04 1.56 23.91 300000 0.830 33.73 0.880 31.82 1.37 27.23 1.45 25.73 325000 0.773 36.22 0.820 34.15 1.27 29.37 1.35 27.63 350000 0.725 38.62 0.775 36.13 1.18 31.61 1.26 29.61 400000 0.639 43.82 0.676 41.42 1.05 35.53 1.11 33.61 450000 0.571 49.04 0.620 45.16 0.93 40.11 1.10 36.94 500000 0.506 55.33 0.555 50.45 0.84 44.41 0.92 40.55 Gang- A consisted of: 1 foreman at $4 per day $ 4 4 linemen at $3.75 per day 15 4 groundmen at $2,25 per day 9 Total, Gang A $28 Gang B consisted of: 1 foreman at $5.80 per day $ 5.80 6 linemen at $3.75 per day 22.50 4 groundmen at $2.25 per day 9.00 Total, Gang B $37.30 The following example illustrates the truth of this law. Suppose that with an investment in copper of $100,000, the cost of energy consumed in the line amounts to $20,000 per year. If the fixed charges — interest, depreciation, taxes, etc. — are 20% of the invest- ment, these fixed charges amount to $20,000 per year, an amount equal to the cost of the line losses. If the copper were increased twofold the line losses would be cut in half, and conditions would be as follows : Investment in copper $200,000 Fixed charges on copper (20%) 40,000 Cost of line losses 10,000 Total annual expenses $50,000 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 913 This amount is seen to be more than in the former case, when the fixed charges were equal to the cost of the line losses. Table XVII shows what conditions would prevail with various changes in the copper investment. It is seen that the most economical operation of the line is secured when the copper investment is such that the fixed costs and the cost of the line losses are equal. This analysis is based on the primary assumption that a given amount of energy is to be transmitted from one place to another. TABLE XVII. LOSSES AND CHARGES WITH VARIOUS COPPER INVESTMENT Investment in copper $50,000 75,000 100,000 150.000 200.000 Annual Relative fixed investment charges, 20 per cent. 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 $10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Relative line losses 2.00 1.33 1.00 0.66 0.50 Cost of line losses $40.G00 26,666 20,000 13.333 10,000 Total annual expense $50,000 41,666 40,000 43.333 50,000 and therefore that any decrease of line losses wnll decrease the coal con.sumption correspondingly. Such a method of analysis can be applied only to problems in transmission. When we come to consider distribution, there enter other factors which modify the application of the analysis. As applied to the distribution system as a whole, Kelvin's law can still be applied to give approximate results, for an increase in the copper inve.stment would decrease the line losses and allow the maintenance of the same average delivered pressure with a reduction in the station voltage. The intangible but positive value of good regulation as an asset in favor of greater line investment makes it impossible, even in this case, to make strict application of Kelvin's law. As applied to a single feeder (without a regulator) or to a limited district, an increase in copper investment will de- crease the line losses by some certain amount, but if the same total amount of energy is delivered to the feeder or district, the energy sales must be increased by the amount of the decrease in losses. Decrease of Wattage with Terminal Pressure. Direct-current motors, incandescent lamps, flatirons and all energy-consuming devices of the resistor class decrease in wattage consumption as the applied voltage is decreased. For this kind of load, therefore, the effect of line loss between the station or the center of distribu- tion and the load is to cause not only a loss of energy in the line but also a decrease in the energy con.sumed by the load. Moreover, an increase of voltage means a more than proportionately increased energy consumption by the load itself; hence in this case the in- crease in copper investment results not only in a saving of line loss or a transfer of part of the loss to the energy sold, but also in the sale of additional energy over and above the transfer of line loss. 914 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The question of how much the total increase in energy sale will amount to depends upon the characteristics of the load. If the load is a constant resistance, for which the wattage varies- as the square of the voltage, the total increase in energy consumption will be twice as great as the decrease in the line losses. If the wattage varies directly with the voltage, the transfer from line loss will constitute the whole of the increased energy consumption. o r 5 4 3 :z 13 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 Fig. 13. Curve showing most economical copper investment 17 TABLE XVIII. RELATION BETWEEN WATTAGE AND VOLTAGE Load Exponent n Direct-current motor (constant torque load) 0.8 to 1.0 Direct-current motor (generator load) About 1.0 Alternating-current motor About 1.0 Fiatiron 1.9 Toaster 2.0 Arc lamp 2.0 to 2.2 Incandescent lamp, carbon 1.9 Incandescent lamp, metallized filament 1.8 Incandescent lamp, tungsten filament 1.6 Table XVIII gives data showing the relation between wattage and voltage for various classes of load. The second column, giving empirical exponents in the assumed relation wattage, varies as (voltage)'^. This table establishes the fact that about 1.5 is a conservative figure for the average exponent in the assumed rela- tion of wattage to voltage. In general it can therefore be said that a line reconstruction which decreases the energy loss in the lines by a certain amount in k.w.-hrs. will increase the energy sales by about one and one- half times that amount. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 915 The effect of this reconstruction is, therefore, not only to de- crease the losses but to increase the sale of energy. In applying Kelvin's law the decreased loss is taken into account but no con- sideration is given to the increased energy sale. Since the sale price of energy is often many times the direct or increment cost of generation, it is evident that a most important item has thus been neglected, TABLE XIX. RELATION BETWEEN COPPER INVESTMENT AND COSTS Relative copper investment 1.00 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 (1) copper investment. $100,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 (2) Fixed charges 20,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 (3) Cost of line losses.* 20,000 11,430 10,000 8,888 8,000 (4) Total expense ... 40,000 46,430 50,000 53,888 58,000 (5) Transfer from losses to energy sales, $20,000 minus (3) 8,570 10,000 11,111 12,000 (6) Extra energy gen- erated and sold, half of (5) 4,285 5,000 5,555 6,000 (7) Total increase in energy sales (5) plus (6) 12,855 15,000 16,666 18,000 (8) Gross profit on same, two times (7) 25,710 30,000 33,333 36,000 (9) Net expense, (4) minus (8) 40,000 20,720 20,000 20,555 22,000 * The values given neglect the extra line loss due to the increase in line current. This affects the final result less than 1 per cent. Returning to the previous example, Table XIX is given to de- termine the most economical copper investment, assuming that the selling price of energy is three times the direct or increment cost of generation. This table shows that when the sale price of energy is three times the direct or increment cost of generation the most economical copper investment is twice as much as the amount that would be indicated by applying Kelvin's law. It can be shown that if the ratio of sale price of energy to the direct cost of generation is p, then, considering this fact, the ratio / of the actual economical copper investment to the apparent eco- nomical copper investment as derived by Kelvin's law is given by the relation V- 3p The accompanying curve shows this relation in a graphical form. The advisability of investing more money in copper in the I'e- construction of old lines and the determination of the amount of copper to use in new lines are problems which require study from several standpoints, one or more of which may govern the final 916 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA solution. As has been brought out in this article, ordinary con- ditions of operation will almost always commercially justify a much greater investment in copper than could be justified on the basis of Kelvin's law. Cost of Constructing Pole Lines. J. M. Drabelle in a paper on factors determining rural line extensions states that the cost of constructing pole lines and stringing wires for 2,300-volt to 6,600- volt systems is from $325 to $425 per mile. H. W. Garner states that the style and cost of construction of small lines should to a certain extent depend on the probable amount of revenue obtainable from the localities supplied and advises the use of wooden-pole single phase lines costing from $500 to $1,200 per mile complete for lines radiating from one small locality to other small towns. Cost of 2,300- Volt Line. Rufus E. Lee gives the cost of con- structing a 2,300-volt line on steel tripartite poles set in concrete as $600 per mile on the first 15 miles and $800 per mile on the last 17 miles of a 32 mile line. Long haulage of poles and con- struction supplies is said to account for the increased cost on the latter part of the work. Labor Cost of Building a Transmission Line. A power transmis- sion line described in Engineering and Contracting, Feb. 5, 1908, was to be run about 20 miles. ' For all but 9,500 ft. of this distance poles were up and being used for other purposes. For the distance named an entirely new line had to be built along a public road. The poles and cross arms were delivered at one end of the line by railroad, so the average haul on material was about one mile. The poles were from 30 to 33 ft. long, measuring from 5 to 9 ins. at the top and from 12 to 18 ins. at the butt. The wages paid for a 10-hr. day on the work were as follows: Foreman $3.00 Laborers 1.50 Lineman 2.50 Team 2 horses and driver 4.50 Hauling. The poles were hauled on a two-horse wagon, one man assisting the driver in loading and unloading them. Naturally a large per cent, of the cost of hauling was in taking the poles from the cars and unloading them from the wagon. The poles were of chestnut, fairly light, and 8 to 10 poles could be hauled at a trip. The cost of hauling the poles was : Team $22.50 Laborers 7.50 Total $30.00 Digging Holes. In digging the holes for the poles, one man worked on a hole. He used a digging bar, a shovel with extra long handle and a spoon with same length handle. The holes were dug 5 ft. deep and were 30 ins. in diam. at the top and about 18 ins, at the bottom, making an average diameter of 3 ft. From each OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 917 <0 '6 - 5? "2 ^ p OJ o o3 =a=a V,^ mc^ «3C > as o d M o . :3 o o o o c5 d d CO "Sec O d d d d d o d -jjij §• d d ;2 '"^ '^' d d d •qia^sip JO :>soo ^-^^^t^oo'^-ui 00"^ t-OOc— O-rH lO 00 iM t~ (M M CO T^ im' US iri oi '*cococ- 05CO u50t-0o C-00U5COU5 cnco «7iTt^COt>^o6 e«- T-t tH -M O-J U5 Q-iIAi^-docdoVodo" (MCO COOCOCOtH ;h eo'cd T-i 1-5 CC' ci rH tH t-(t-IiH OS T-iCO W CO tH tH cq e/5- C-OoiOlOOlOO THUS OlftC^COCO S8TO(T ^"5 ^. «> L- cr> ci co 00" «o 00 [ .^ . . jatunsnoo aad :^ '. Ic^iSS ^ coia COOiCCl .2fH iMi-H cot- CO -* CO t- Oi • C^ C- (M •* CO •d'BO -jajsu-BJi •••••••• '•i-J 1: •jsu-Bj; :^, : :^^2 : (MCO c- 1 CO t^ ■j-".S IMOO i>ot-t-'*' "t:^ Jh j^.d'BO l^^OJ, .^ ! .oicoc- . c-co CO C-, rH C U5^ •■-? t-HU5»-HtHt-H ^S •suoD s^s?s;^§s 00 mOTHOlrt So 0-* t- ~f IC CI JO •O^Nj; -* "» 00 CO rH t- -^_^-t< iMlfl 00 '^^ CI CI tH T-i" c» ^ &0 iJiD rt C i^ rHT-HUOlCUS^OCOO <1 tHiHiHi-H tH r-l 5^1 > S"g . c-5 S' ^ 3 ^^ . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 StJ bX)>-^ M E- OJ H z fltH "^ ^J nj fQ t 1 u 000000000 2 000000 00 000000 00 ;^^3 m upq o'o'mm'^^ ;^ 1° 000000 o 1 roco««3 iz2 ce M . ^ o i-, a O COCOSCCCCOCOCOCOIXI 03 J: " w '^^ -M CO -^ BS ^ ■— - ^^ ^Jl-lJ^q^^J-^^J^ 8^5 930 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and No. 2 cable the cost of the line is $318 less than with No. 4 cable and 300 ft. span. It is allowable to assume that the same towers can be used in the second case as in the first since the lightest tower which it is practicable to build would be sufficiently- strong- for the second case. However, it would be possible to put $20 more into the cost of each tower and still have the cost of the second line a trifle less than that of the first and the gain would accrue from the electrical advantages of the larger size of conductor. A span of 360 ft. is not necessarily the most economical span for the No. 2 conductor. Further calculation indicates that a 500-ft. span could be used with only a very slight increase in the cost of the towers. This limit cannot be extended beyond 500-ft. even though the line with greater spans would have a less cost. Here again the limit depends on mechanical considerations rather than on costs and is governed by the danger of lashing together of the wires in gusty winds. Tower Line Cost in Calif. In Chap. I, last part, will be found a detail estimate of the cost of a high voltage tower line, made by H. P. Gillette, based on actual costs. Ratio of Labor to Material Costs in Steel-Tower Transmission- Line Construction. A. B. Cudebec in Electrical World, July 17, 1915, states that the cost of a heavy tower line may vary from $4,000 to $12,000 per mile of which the materials pt construction alone aggregate between 70 and 80%. Towers for Transmission Lines. Data on dimensions and weights for a number of towers are given in Table XXV. Gal- vanized towers cost from 2.5 to 4 cts. per lb., f. o. b. factory. Galvanizing costs from 0.5 to 1 ct. per lb., this cost being included in the figures given. TABLE XX VT. DATA ON TYPICAL TOWER FOUNDATIONS (Used in connection with the first four towers listed in Table XXV.) Height, ins.. Base, Lb. of Cu. yd. of Type (over-all) ins. steel concrete Reinf. cone 78 60 by 60 500 4.4 Reinf. cone 96 96 by 96 1,584 14.4 Steel 90 44 by 45 1,285 Steel 88 52 by 52 1,865 There are 4 foundation blocks per tower designed to project 6 ins. above the ground surface. Cost per IVlile of Pole Lines, for 3-Phase 2,300 to 6,000 Volts. The data in Table XXVI I, from six north-central and south-western states. 1909, are from Data. It will be noted that certain items under minimum costs are higher than the average and others under maximum are less than average. These are not errors, but are due to local conditions of each installation. " Installation of Mini- mum Cost " gives itemized costs of that one of the six installations referred to, the total cost of which was the least ; " Maximum " that OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 931 one, the total cost of which was greatest of equipment for all six installations. " Average," average cost TABLE XXVII. COST OF POLE LINES PER MILE Installation of Installation of minimum maximum cost cost Average 50 30-ft. poles $171 $200 $219 50 sets pole hardware .... 8 16 10 50 2-pin cross arms 17 11 14 150 insulators 7 11 9 Labor setting 55 200 109 Labor stringing wire 30 40 35 Incidentals 10 50 30 $298 $528 $426 Above figures are exclusive of painting, copper, engineering and general expense. Comparative Cost of Transmission Lines. C. D. Gray in En- gineering News, July 20, 1911, gives the cost per mile of several different types of construction for a three phase, 60,000-volt line, 60 cycle circuit, with No. 1 copper wire and suspension insulators, using four 10-inch discs, together with a suitable grounded con- ductor carried above the circuit. These figures do not include the cost of right of way, surveys, engineering or contractors' fees. 8-phase overhead, 2300 volts at sending end» lOO) Curves showing distance that power can be transmittpd uith 5% tine loss; 100% power factor is assumed Transmission distance for (a) other power fac- tors: Multiply value from curve bv power factor expressed as a percentage- (b) Other percentage drop: Multiply value from curve by percentage factor in table below: Per cent. drop. Percentage factor. 5 100. % 4 80.3% 3 6! .4% 2 41 .8% 1 21 .3% 900 \ ^\ \ V \, 1 » aon \ \ \ i \ \ 700 i N \ \ 600 \ \ \\ \ \ k \ t 500 A [\ \ \;^ S \ 100 1- \ x^ ^ok^ ^ k MO '^1 '^ \ ^ *^ ^ ^ ^ ""^'^ n ~1 i ! EOO \ \. ^ ■^ ^ :: "^ ■- 4 100 ^ ■-- -. r:: — =] =i 1 • : — \~ ■EET 50 00 10 000 15 000 1^ 000 7l — ^ ooo| MiLJ • "m 2' vJ 'Ml. i'M 5 it.' Fig. 15. The estimated costs are based on the use of 40 ft. 8 in. top chest- nut poles, spaced 175 ft. apart, the grounded wire consisting of No. 8 copper clad wire with the main wires supported on steel cross arms and the grounded wire on the top of the pole. The single circuit steel towers have bases about 14 ft. square and the lower 932 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA wires 50 ft. from the ground, spaced 500 ft. apart with No. 4 copper clad grounded wire. The double circuit steel towers have the same characterisiios as the single circuit. Cost per mile One single circuit, wood pole line $2,550 Two siiittle circruit wood pole lines 5,100 One single circuit steel tower line 2,950 Two .-^insle cun-uit steel tower lines 5,900 One double circuit steel tower line 4,600 One dtnible circuit (witli one circuit installed) . . 3,700 3-PHASE OVERHEAD. 13.000 VOLTS AT ■ SENDING END Curves showing di.>itanre that power can be Jransimtu-d with 10% liuc loss; 100% power factor 13 .issunied. Transmi.-vsion distance for (a) Other power fapto>>: Multiply value fronv curve by power factor expressed as a iirrcentaRe. (h) Other per- ccutaKo drop: Multiply value from curve by porcentape factor in table below: % Drop Factor 10 100 O'";, 7 74 4>;, Cur\-es showing distance that power can b« transmitted with 10% line loas, 100% power factor 13 assumed. Transmission distance for: (a) Other power factors; multiply value from curve by nower (actor exprcssi-d as a percentage. (b) Other percentage drop, multiply value from curve by percentage factor in table below: % Drop Factor 10 100.0% 7 5 MJLES. Fig. 17. Cost of 3-Phase, Single Circuit. High Tension Transmission Lines. Table XXVIII is from Burch's Electric Traction for Rail- way Trains. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 933 TABLE XXVIIL COST PER MILE TRANSMISSION LINE Type of construction Voltage Support, 50 poles or 12 towers. . Cross arm Telephone line material....',*.'.*.* Oround wire material Insulator pins Insulators * ' .' Three No. wires, erected .....'. Installation of wires, guys and insulators , — Wooden poles — ^ Steel towers 13,000 60,000 60,000 $350 $650 $1,800 100 380 Included above 50 50 75 35 40 100 35 130 30 550 155 1,000 1,000 1,000 200 200 270 Total $2,000 $3,000 $3,400 Towers for a 6-wire transmission line cost about $2,400. Estimate omits cost of right-of-way. 15% for contractor's profits, 57o for engineering and 5% for contingencies. Change for actual size of wire to be used. 3-pha;;e ovcrhi'ail, 33,000 volls at <:pn(iine rnd — r 14000 I \ \ \ r ^ \ \ /\ Curvc-i ^h.M V with IJ'7, ing distance t ha hue loss, 1G0% puaer cmhc tratirrrnlttd power factor is assumed. lecoo ' \ \ \ K^ 1 \ \ Iran.'misnon distance for (ai other power fac- tors; ^lllltlplv value from eurvc by power factor . expressed as a prrcentage <\>i other per- 10000 \ \ " ■e \ ^ " by per - "rop: -mtage Hiiiupiy value Irom ciirvu actor in table below : %Drop Fart..r 8000 \ 'ij \ \" <^ :^ V. 7 5 L_L fS r/4) 54. G% 35 2% 6000 \ \ \ f^ X \ "^ "^^ -^ dOOO >< X ^ -^ - aooo / ^ c; ~---~.^ — > ^^ - dO 000^- m) 000 leo 000 >. lt,0 000 c^OO 000 ^J( 000 '~5 2 &> TAIUCe IN <(j -rp r AI WlLCb "H Fig. 18. Curves showing distance that power cum bo trarismiited with 10% line loss; 100% power factor is assumed. TrausmiKsioii distance for (a) other power factors, multiply value from curve by power factor expressed as a percentage. (Ij)Other per ceht drop: multiply valuefrom curve by percentage factor III table below; % Drop Factor 10 100.0^ Ml t-H 7 73.3^ LE5 Fig. 19. 934 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA steel Towers vs. Wooden Poles for Electric Lines. G. Nagele gives the following in Lefax : The time is drawing near, when wooden poles will be very expensive. A curve recently published by the United States Government showing the amount of lumber used in the last ten years has no depression showing a temporary decrease of consumption and every year denotes a marked increase in consumption. Semi-flexible steel structures have many advantages over the wooden pole, and will soon become a standard construction for transmission lines. Some of the advantages of semi-flexible steel poles are : Long life ; Ability to stand heavy strains ; Will not snap off, but bend to meet the different strains ; Best in swampy grounds ; Less poles to the mile, which means a great reduction in the cost of right-of-way ; . Offers protection to the public and property owners. Herewith is a comparison of the cost per mile of both types of construction of two lines recently constructed in the Middle West. Cost of Transmission Line per Mile, Wooden Poles. 33,000 volts w^orking pressure, No. 2 B. & S. copper wire; 120-ft. pole spacing, one pole line; 44 poles per mile; pin type insulators; "Bo-Arrow" cross-arms; 35-ft. poles, 7-in. top diam. ; .375-in. ground wire (for standard galvanized wire). Material, labor, etc. 44 Poles, 35-ft., 7-in. top diam, at $8 f.o.b. Ohio $ 252.00 44 Cross-arms " Bo-Arrow" galvanized complete at $3.79 166.76 44 Telephone brackets at 10 cts 4.40 Bog shoes at 15 cts. per pole, average 6.60 Guying m.aterial at 50 cts. per pole 22.00 Pole steps and hardware at 75 cts 33.00 Framing and trimming of poles at 50 cts 22.00 Creosoting of poles at 20 cts 8.80 Cartage at 70 cts. per pole 29-?2 Hauling (railway) at $1.20 per pole 52.80 Digging of holes at $1.20 per pole %^„7i Setting of poles at $1.80 per pole 79.20 3 Miles hard drawn copper strand No. 2 B. & S. at $181.20 per mile • • • •. ^|?nS 1 Mile %-in. Siemans-Martin steel strand wire 54.00 2 Miles Tel. wire No. 10 B. & S. copper clad 307r at $25.00 per mile • ^O.UU 44 Ground ware connections at 35 cts. per pole 15.4U 132 Porcelain pettycoat insulators at 50 cts ^.cn Tie wire '*-^" 88 Telephone insulators at 2 cts. v • • •;;; .HS Stringing 3 miles No. 2 B. & S. strand at $15 ...... 45.00 Stringing 2 miles No. 10 copper clad wire at $10.. 20.00 Stringing ground wire t'lm Soldering materials »•"" Miscellaneous material c'nn Damage, expense to property of owners o"" Clearing of branches and trees ff^ Tools ,|"J Camp expenses xo.uu OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 935 Materials deposited along the lines for repairs $ 19.20 Wasted materials 18.00 Contingencies and incidentals, 7% 121.25 Supervision and inspection, 5% 92.67 Total construction cost per mile with wooden poles ex- clusive of right of way $1946.04 Right of way at $8 per pole 352.00 Total cost including right of way $2298.04 Cost of transmission line per mile, semi-flexible steel structures ; 33000 volts working pressure, No. 2 B. & S. copper wire; 400-ft. pole spacing, one pole line; 13 poles per mile; 3-disc suspension type insulators; Vie-in, ground wire (standard galvanized wire). Material, Labor, etc. 13 Towers (steel frames) 43-ft. high with cross arms, telephone clips and pole steps, complete, f.o.b. cen- tral Ohio at $53.00 per tower $ 689.00 Cartage at 80 cts. per frame 10.40 Hauling (railway) at $1.25 per frame 16.25 Digging of holes at $1.50 per frame 19.50 Erecting of frames at $2.00 26.00 Concrete foundations for curve frames and frames in swampy ground 40.00 Guying of pules 30.00 Crushed stone for regular foundations 6.00 3 Miles No. 2 B. & S. copper wire at $181.20 543'.60 2 Miles No. 10 B. & S. copper clad at $25.00 50.00 1 Mile 7/i6-in. S.-M. steel strand wire 75.00 39 Suspension insulator.s, porcelain 3-disc unit sets in- cluding suspension hooks and wire clamps at $3.50 136.50 26 Telephone insulators and pins at 20 cts 5.20 Stringing 3 miles No. 2 B. & S. at $18 54.00 Stringing 2 miles No. 10 B. & S. at $12 . . . 24.00 Stringing ground wire 20.00 Miscellaneous material 10.00 Painting of structures at $1.60 each 20.80 Soldering material 5.00 Clearing and trimming of trees 4.50 Damage, expense to property owners 20.00 Camp expenses 16.00 Wasted materials 5.00 Contingencies and incidentals, 6% 109.61 Supervision and inspection, 5% 96.82 Total con.struction cost per mile with steel towers exclu- sive of right of way ^^^'^'rAn Right of way at $15 per frame 19500 Total cost including right of way $2228.18 Cost of Labor and Materials of 6,600 Volt Transmission Line 4.6 Miles Long.* Item Material Labor Poles, crossarms, pins, etc. 196 poles $1,673 202 cross arms 125 .... 202 sets hardware ' 53 1,030 pins (locust paraffined) 43 Labor distributing $140 Labor digging holes 293 * These data are for construction done during 1913. 036 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Item Material Labor Labor setting and tamping $293 Labor gaining and roofing 72 Labor erecting ci-oysai-niK 62 Guying and bracing 4.6 miles $275 27 Engineering 4.6 miles 92 Wire, labor, etc. 27,075 lbs. #6 ins. two-braid wire 4,642 1,850 insulators 186 Solder, tape, etc 14 4 lightning arresters 22 Miscellaneous 64 Labor stringing Labor tieing in 55 Total $7,097 $1,753 The total cost for labor and material but not including overheads was $8850, or $1924 per mile. Cost of Material for 6,600- Volt Line Construction. Electrical World, May 17, 1913, gives the following data bearing upon the cost of line-construction material taken from a tabulation of ex- penses prepared by the Harvard, Mass., Gas & Electric Company in connection with the erection last year of 6 miles of 6,600-volt line and 12 miles of 2,300-volt distributing system, carrying about 75 miles of copper wire on 628 chestnut poles of from 30-ft. to 45-ft. length. The total cost of material for the work was $13,128.03, and of labor $5,925.69. Including the use of a motor truck for 3713.4 miles at a charge of 20 cents per mile and the time and expenses of engineers making plans and surveys and obtaining public and private rights-of-way, the total cost of the work, with a 15 per cent, commission to the interests in charge of the con- struction, was $23,542.48. The detailed items given herewith were selected as of practical value to small companies facing the need of making estimates of line-construction costs elsewhere. The 6,600-volt line was built for the double purpose of enabling the central stations of the Massachusetts lighting companies at Ayer, Leominster and Clinton to interchange energy and to supply local service in Harvard. The above total costs include the construction of a transformer and meter house in Harvard for a small local business. Cost and Operating Data on 6,600-Volt Lines. Electrical World, July 3, 1915, gives the following data from a paper on distribu- tion conditions presented at the recent convention of the National Electric Light Association by J. C. Martin and relate to two 6,600- volt rural-service lines now in operation in the State of Washing- ton. The first case is that of a line about 17.5 miles long, on which there are thirty-two telephone and railway crossings, and the second case is that of a line about 14.5 miles long on which there are nine telephone and railway crossings. These lines were built with the expectation of developing new business in the future and with the knowledge that the return in the first few years of their life would perhaps not be sufficient to pay all charges. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 937 TABLE XXIX. REPRESENTATIVE LINE-CONSTRUCTION COST ITEMS, HARVARD, MASS., CONDITIONS, 1912 3 13,000-volt disconnecting- switches $17.60 1 5-amp. 2300-volt single-pole line switch complete with eig-ht day clock .... 23.35 1 double-pole horn-gap arrester 4.56 2 single-pole, single-throw knife switches IA'2. 2 eight-point receptacles and four-point plugs ; one am- meter plug 11.10 1 9.95-kva automatic induction regulator 670 85 3 15-kva. transformers, 13,200 to 2,200 volts, 60 cycles 435.00 16 %-in. by 5-in. machine bolts 0.83 16 i/^-in. by 3-in. lag bolts 0.30 100 IV2 B. & D. single-wire cleats 3.00 500 ft. No. 14 single-braid, rubber-covered wire 4.13 90 lb. No. 00 weatherproof wire 12.68 4 2300-volt primary cut-outs with plugs 2.71 523 six-pin cross-arms 351.61 98 eight-pin cross-arms 81.95 254 four-pin cross-arms 111.84 72 %-in., 6-ft. guy anchor rods 21.25 5000 ft. i>ic-in. seven-strand guy wire 32.65 1200 ft. 1/4 -in. seven-strand guy wire 6.36 228 guy thimbles 5.92 36 two-bolt guy clamps 2.31 196 three-bolt guy clamps 10.34 12 tree blocks 0.72 390 %-in. by 12-in. machine bolts 20.16 102 %-in. by 14-in. machine bolts 6.00 22 %-in. by 8-in. eye-bolts 2.28 261 %-in. by 16-in. spacing bolts 22.96 12 %-inch. by 22-in. spacing bolts 1.74 8 1-in. by 14-in. galvanized rock eye-bolts - 3.28 2830 21/4 -in. by 214 -in. by i/4-in. square-cut washers 28.08 1494 %-in. round-cut washers 2.71 130 7-ft. alley-arm braces 97.50 744 pairs cross-arm braces 90.76 960 13,000-volt No. 2 Crown insulators 131.52 55 No. 14 Electrose strain insulators 36.03 6 No. 270 Victor insulators 5.86 5068 locust cross-arm pins 73.33 42 No. 14 Pierce steel-clamp pins 4.54 42 galvanized-iron insulated clamps 29.57 259 30-ft. poles 906.50 338 35-ft. poles 1,859.00 23 40-ft. poles 172.50 8 45-ft. poles 72 00 35 street series brackets 187.70 1 pole-line switch 51.00 26 compression-type multigap arresters 77.45 22,840 lbs. No 6 triple-braid weatherproof wire 3,982.28 463 lbs. No. 8 triple-braid weatherproof wire 87.55 7380 lbs. No. 8 duplex metal wire 55.65 6980 lbs. No. 6 medium copper wire 1,169.15 160 lbs. No. 6 soft-base wire 28.32 175 ft. two-conductor cable. No. 10 27.81 248 lbs. No. 4 bare copper wire 50.34 3 No. 61 Beardsley break arms 1.02 43 No. 220 Pierce brackets 12.47 12 copper sleeves for No. 6 to No. 4 v,^ire 4.42 27 copper sleeves for No. 6 to No. 6 wire 2.97 Services of construction foreman, 74 days at $4.17 308.58 Services of superintendent, 10 days at $5.77 57.70 Labor cost 5,429.58 1)38 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The figures shown do not take into account the cost of energy lost between power house and customer and, therefore, show a loss that is less than the actual. The losses shown in these cases, it is stated, are typical of those that are likely to be sustained in the early life of very many similar lines in the rural territory of Western States. TABLE XXX. COST OF 17.5-MILE, 6,600-VOLT LINE — THIRTY-TWO CROSSINGS Actual cost of line $26,463.00 Additional cost for crossing construction, 1911 N.E.L.A. specifications , 2,553.28 Total $29,016.28 Actual annual revenue $4,350.35 Operation and fixed charges : (a) Line as built : Depreciation (average 5.2%) $1,378.15 Operating 948.86 Maintenance 194.94 Taxes 105.63 Interest, 8% 2,117.04 Total operating cost for year $4,744.62 LO.SS per year $394.27 Loss in per cent, of actual cost of line 1.49 Loss in per cent, of annual revenue 9.10 (b) With crossing construction included: Depreciation $1,531.35 Operating 948.86 Maintenance . . . , 19 4.9 4 Taxes 105.63 Interest, 8 per cent 2,321.30 Total operating cost for year $5,102.08 Loss per year $751.73 Loss in per cent, of actual cost of line, plus crossing con- struction costs 2.6 Loss in per cent, of annual revenue 17.3 Number of crossings 32 Total estimated cost of crossing construction $2,533.28 Average cost i)er crossing $79.79 TABLE XXXI. COST OF 14.5-MILE, 6,600-VOLT LINE — NINE CROSSINGS Actual cost of line $18,829.00 Additional cost for crossing construction, 1911 N.E.L.A. Specifications 886.86 Total $19,715 86 Actual annual revenue $3,727.45 Operation and fixed charges: (a) Line as built : ' Depreciiition (average 5.35%) 1,006.31 Operating 1,006.95 Maintenance 245.20 Taxes ^ 90.77 Interest 1,506.32 Total operating cost per year $3,855.55 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 939 Loss per year $128.10 Loss in per cent, of actual cost of line 0.68 Loss in per cent, of annual revenue 3.44 (b) With crossing construction included: Depreciation $1,069.48 Operating- 1,066.95 Maintenance 245.20 Taxes 90.77 Interest 1,577.27 Total operating cost • $4,049.67 Loss per year $322.22 Loss in per cent, of actual cost of line, plus crossing con- struction costs 1.63 Loss in per cent, of annual revenue 8.65 Number of crossings 9 Total estimated cost of crossing construction $886.86 Average cost per crossing $98.54 Cost of Construction a Short 11,000-Volt Transmission Line. With the extension of central -station service into rural territory the construction expense of moderate voltage transmission lines becomes of interest. The accompanying cost data given in Electri- cal World, May 15, 1915, are from the construction sheets of a Massachusetts central station which recently built an 11,000-volt single-r)hase transmission line across a portion of Cape Cod 8.1 miles long, pole location rights being secured from real-estate owners en route : 539 35-ft. poles, at $6 $3,234.00 1204 Victor insulators, at 20 cts 240.80 539 pair brace.s, at 26 cents each 140.14 11,843 Ib.s. bare copper wire. No. 4, at 16.75 cts 1,983.70 Carting poles 650.00 130 guys, at $1.14 148.20 424 lb. No. 6 bare wire, at 18 cts 76.32 1095 two-r)in cross-arms, at 40 cts 438.00 2190 ly^-in. by 12-in. locust pins, at 4 cts 87.60 2 transformer towers 348.00 5 11,000-volt lightning arresters, at $43.50 217.50 2 11,000-volt air-break switches, at $100 200.00 1 2,300-voU oil switch 89.20 Right-of-way 345 00 Freight 183.00 Labor 4,800.00 Total $13,181.46 Per mile of line $1,620 The company obtained the permits for running the wires and for the pole locations, the erection work being by contract. The contractor trimmed all poles, which averaged 125 ft. in spacing. Poles were head-guyed every half-mile, all guys being provided with porcelain insulators, and every twelfth pole was double-armed. Tree trimming was done by the contractor. Cost of 11,000-Volt 3-Phase Transmission Line. H. W. Garner gives the cost of constructing a 11,000-volt 3-phase line, 16 miles long, on steel tripartite poles, as $982 per mile. Cost of 19,000 Volt Transmission Lines in New England. The 940 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA following costs cover the recent construction of transmission lines by the Connecticut River Power Company in New Hampshire and Vermont, as given in Electrical World. July 17. 1915. One line was built from Brattleboro to Bellows Falls, Vt. Tlie poles used were standard class B chestnut, with wish-bone arms and 10-in. disc insulators carrying three No. 2 three-strand copper wires for operation at 19,000 volts. A No. 6 copper telephone circuit was installed on steel cross-arms, with a special side bracket on alter- nate poles for transi)ositions. Each pole was provided with a metal cap. from which the ground wire runs to the bottom of the pole. Construction costs for 21 miles of the line are as follows: Rights-of-way. surveys, etc. $23,181.32 Clearing right-of-wav 7,281.72 Tools ■ 657.72 Hauling and delivering 2,977.94 Excavation 2,556.43 Setting and guying, fiaming and treating 4,796.98 IMacing iiiyulatoi's and stiinging wires 1,955.31 Poles " 4.926.90 Wire 14,881.49 Insulators. pin.s, arms and hardware 6,872.73 Engineering, supervision, and general charges 4,890.00 Tran.sformers and switch equipment 5,415.98 Interest during construction 2,400 00 Total $82,794.52 Another line of the same construction known as the Vernon Sta- tion-Massachusetts line, 8.5 miles long, has also been built recently and the following costs cover its construction details : Lands and rights-of-way $17,387.50 Tower-line construction 28,038.92 Switches and special construction at power house 11,507.10 Engineers' and contractors' fees * 5,931.90 Legal, office expeiuses, taxes and miscellaneous.. 1,784.58 Interest during construction 3.000.00 $67,650.00 * Represents the overhead expense of the contractor. The line was built on a flat-fee basis, by the Power Construction Company. Method and Cost of Erecting 20,000-Volt Transmission Line Tow- ers in Assembled Condition by Means of Gin Poles. The follow- ing is condensed from an article by W. R. Strickland in Electrical World, June 13, 1908. The towers were built to carry two three- phase 20,000-volt circuits of No. 4 hard-drawn copper wire, the insulators being triple petticoated and tested to 60,000 volts. A ground wire is placed in the center on the upright pipe for light- ning protection, and two telephone wires are carried on insulators mounted within the steel pole structure. They are of structural steel heavily galvanized, and were shipped in bundles, most of which could be handled by four men. There were four similar pieces for one tower, the large cross arm and the pipe for ground wire, being very heavy, were shipped separately. The towers were assembled OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 941 in the field with bolts and nuts heavily galvanized over the threads. The net weight of each standard tower is 2,200 lbs. Several methods of erection were considered, the most popular suggestion being the movable A-frame. This method, as w^ell as others, could not be used for several reasons. The center of gravity of the towers is very high, and the steep slopes upon which they had to be erected would have made it necessary for the A-frame to work at right angles to the line, in which case the tower would have had to be turned after erecting owing to the necessity of assembling it with the cross arm lying flat upon the ground. Some of the hills were so steep that the towers had to be cut away to fit before erection, and separate concrete anchorages were used for laterals and horizontal braces. There were few level spots. The weight of an A-frame would have been too great In one piece, as it had to be carried by hand from tower to tower, because of the broI-in. 7-strand guy wire 7 5,250 ft. 5/^G-in. 7-strand guy v^ire »9 850 ft. Vio-in. 7-strand guy wire 15 50 No. 58,160 line wire protectors ^10 100 No. 2 copper splicing sleeves 32 950 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Quantity Items Cost 90 6-ft anchor rods $53 19 Anchor planks 7 356 ft. 12-in. by 2-in. spruce planking 15 10 gals. Creosote 6 4 600-kw., 13, 200/2200-volt transformers 7,550 6 300-amp., 13, 200-volt choke coils 229 2 3-phase, 13,200-volt lightning arresters 752 6 300-amp. 13,200-volt disconnecting switches,... 60 Setting 200 poles (by contract) 3,770 TABLE XXXV. ANCHOR OR GUY RODS Diam., ins. V' Length, ft. Weight, lbs. per 100 Price per 100 8 10 10 12 295 340 395 415 500 590 680 770 595 730 840 950 1,080 1,210 2.350 2,900 4,650 7,950 $16.50 18.35 21.00 21.00 23.00 25.50 29.25 33.00 27.35 32.25 36.75 42.00 47.25 52.50 90.75 108.00 181.50 305.25 Prices do not include washers. Galvanized anchors cost 30 to 35% more and on lots of 500 to 1,000 is a discount of 10%. TABLE XXXVL MATTHEW'S SPECIAL GUY ANCHORS Diam. rich or, ins. Weight, Ib.s. per 100 Price per 100 5 250 $42 6 450 75 5 650 69 6 1,000 135 7 1.500 270 8 3,800 450 10 5,000 675 12 8,000 900 Diameter of rods for above anchors are as follows: 5 in. anchor has .5 in. rod, 6 in. a .625 in. rod. 7 in. a .75 in. rod, 8 in. a 1.125 in. rod, 10 in. a 1.25 in. rod, and 12 in. a 1.5 in. rod. Galvanized anchors cost 20 to 30% more than those given. TABLE XXXVIL BOLTS FOR DOUBLE CROSS ARMS Diam. ins. Length, ins. Weight, lbs. per 100 Price per 100 % 12 86 $5.60 i/„ 14 93 6.15 V2 16 100 6.65 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 951 Diam., ins. Length, ft. Weight, lbs. per 100 Price per 100 V2 18 107 $7.10 % 20 115 7.50 V2 22 123 7.90 % 12 129 8.55 % 14 143 9.15 16 157 9.75 % 18 171 10.35 % 20 186 10.95 % 22 201 11.55 % 24 216 12.15 1 26 231 12.75 14 198 12.00 16 219 12.75 % 18 240 13.50 % 20 261 14.25 % 22 282 15.00 % 24 324 15.75 Prices Include 4 nuts, but no washers. Galvanized bolts cost 30 to 35% more. Lots of 500 to 1,000 have discount of 10%. TABLE XXXVIIL BOLTS AND LAG SCREWS t Price per 100 Length, ins. y4-in. %-in. 1-in. 31/2 $1.17 $2.40 $5.00 4 1.25 2.55 5.25 4y2 1.33 2.70 5.50 5 1.10 2.85 5.80 6 1.58 3.20 6.40 7 1.73 3.50 7.00 8 1.82 3.85 7.60 9 2.05 4.10 8.20 10 2.25 4.45 8.75 11 2.40 4.70 9.30 12 2.60 5.00 9.90 , Price per 100 Length, ins. %-in. 1/2 -in. %-in. 4 $0.74 $1.22 $2.86 5 83 1.36 3.15 6 0.92 1.52 3.50 7 1.22 1.65 3.75 8 1.34 1.80 4.25 9 1.45 1.95 4.50 10 1.55 2.20 4.75 12 1.75 2.40 5.25 14 1.90 2.70 5.90 15 2.05 2.85 6.25 18 2.40 3.25 7.20 20 2.60 3.50 7.75 Cost of Lead Covered Telephone Cable. Prices of 19 and 22 gauge lead covered cables based upon the 10 year average cost of materials immediately preceding the Great War were as follows : Copper 15.4 cents per pound Lead 4.6 Tin 36.5 952 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXXIX. WEIGHTS AND PRICES — SINGLE. FLAT DUPLEX AND TRIPLEX LEAD COVERED, INSULATED CABLES O m ^ fl Ol C 0) m Price per ft., cents. (Lead taken at 5 f '^.^ q_, O oo^ -' S u Ct£ !. per lb.) ^1 u 3 m g5 ii ft . Base price of Copper -o^l 1" ^It |i 14c. 16c. 18c. |cq^ Is 2 m O l« t- > '^^ M z H B ^ ^ #4s. 2 %2 V. C. 1 2,300 1.87 16.2 16.8 17.3 #6s. 1 %2 V. C. 2,300 0.89 7.68 7.86 8.03 250,000 2 %2 V. C. 2,300 4.78 30.7 40.8 54.2 500,000 2 %2 V. C. Vs 2,300 7.20 78.5 85.1 91.8 500,000 1 %2 V. C. %4 600 3.59 39.0 42.4 45.7 1,000.000 1 %4 V. C. 600 6.26 71.0 77.7 84.4 1,500.000 1 ''/32 V. C. Vs 250 8.48 100.8 110.8 : 120 9 1,000,000 1 %4 V. C. %2 P. % 250 6.26 71.0 77.7 84.4 1,000,000 1 Vs 250 6.15 65.4 72.1 78.7 750,000 1 %2 P. %4 250 4.71 49.9 54.9 59.9 500,000 1 %2 P. %4 250 3.59 36.2 39.5 42.9 300,000 1 %2P. 250 2.62 24.7 26.7 28.7 500,000 1 %4 P. %4 600 3.68 36.7 40.0 43.4 1,000,000 1 ',k P. 600 6.26 65.9 72.6 79.2 500,000 2 %2 P. % 2,300 7.86 76.0 82.6 89.3 250,000 2 %2 P. Vs 2,300 5.08 44.7 48.0 51.3 #4s. 2 %2 P- %4 2,300 2.11 15.7 16.2 16.7 #6s. 1 5/^2 P. 3/b 2,300 1.00 7.60 7.78 7.95 250,000 3 ^%4 P. lA 13,800 9.92 83.0 87.9 92.8 500,000 1 N.E.C.R., T. %4 250 3.68 42.2 45.6 49.0 350,000 1 N.E.C.R., T. %4 250 2.96 32.5 34 9 37.2 300,000 1 N.E.C.R., T. %4 250 2.71 29.1 31.1 33.2 250,000 1 N.E.C.R., T. %4 250 2.44 25.8 27.4 29.1 # 1 N.E.C.R., T. 250 1.37 13.8 14.5 15.3 # 1 1 N.E.C.R., T. .H^2 250 1.24 12.2 12.8 13.3 # 6 3 N.E.C.R., T. %4 250 1.93 18.44 18.96 19.49 #12s. 3 N.E.C.R., T. %2 250 0.98 8.98 9.12 9.25 500,000 1 NE.C.R.,T. %4 600 3.68 42.2 45.6 49.0 250,000 1 N.E.C.R., T. %1 600 2.44 25.8 27.4 29.1 #1 1 N.E.C.R., T. %2 600 1.24 12.2 12.8 13.3 #4/0 2 %4 R-, T. 14 2,300 4.35 45.4 48.2 51.0 #18s. 3 %4B.,T. %2 2,300 1.42 11.79 11.84 11.93 1 All conductors are stranded except ^ where indicated as being solid by the letter S. 2 V.C.- -Varnished cloth, , P. = paper; R. T.- -New code rubber, taped. TABLE XL. COST OF LEAD COVERED CABLE Number of pairs Weig-ht per of conductors ft., lbs Price per ] ft. 22 B. and [ S. Gauge ^ 0.49 0.745 1.02 1.45 2.12 2.48 3.10 4.06 6.21 8.31 $0,046 0.071 0.101 0.157 0.236 0.273 0.368 0.455 0.768 1.049 15 . . 30 60 * '. 100 . . 120 . . '.,.*,. 180 . . 200 . . 400 600 . . .'.!!.! OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 953 Number of pairs Weight per of conductors ft. lbs. 19 B. and S. Gauge 15 0.970 30 1.39 60 2.22 90 2.81 120 4.21 180 5.44 300 7.59 ■ice per ft. $0,097 0.146 0.180 0.350 0.475 0.644 0.966 TABLE XLI. CROSS ARMS Weight per lin. ft., lbs. Cross-section, ins. Fir Yellow pine 2%x3% 2.50 3.25 3x3% 2.70 3.60 3 X 4 3.00 3.90 3 x4^ 3.20 4.10 3y4x4% 3.40 4.40 3^x41/2 3.75 4.70 31/.J XIV2 4.00 5.00 3% X 4% 4.20 5.30 3 1/> X 5 4.40 5.57 3%x4% 4.-50 5.67 3% x5 4.70 5.95 3%x5% 5.40 6.80 4 x5 500 6.33 4%x5i4 5.-55 7.00 4y2 xSVa 6.15 7.63 4 x6 6.00 7.52 4%x53^ 6.70 8.50 5 X 6 7.30 9.29 Cents per lin, ft. 10.00 10.83 11.51 12.18 13.12 13.85 14.84 15.62 16.40 16.66 17.50 20.00 18.59 20.62 22.76 22.13 25,00 27.34 The following discounts are applicable to the above price to obtain net prices for lots of from 1.000 to 3,000 lin. ft. Yellow pine — Location Fir 75% heart Pacific mills 70% .... Mi.ssi.ssippi mills 65% Chicago warehouse 50% 55% New York warehouse 40% 45% On large orders these prices may be bettered by from 10 to 20%. Prices include boring holes for bolts and pin-s. Thus the price of a 6 ft. 6 pin fir with a cross-section of 3.25 X 4.25 ins., f. o. b. Chicago would be — 13.12 X 6 =r 79 cents less 50% =: 39.5 cents, neL And the weight would be 3.4 X 6 -: 20.4 lbs per cross-arm. An 8 ft. 8 pin — 3.25 x 4.25 ins. fir cross-arm, f. o. b. New York Warehouse would cost 13.12 X 8 - $105 less 40% --- 63 cents, net. and the weight would be 3.4 X 8 :~ 27.2 lbs. per cross-arm. Rules for Figuring Prices on Special Sized Arms. Add '/4-in. to depth and width of finished size required to get " rough size." If length required runs into ins., take next higher ft. length. This gives the " rough " size and length of the block from which the arm Is made. 954 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Multiply depth by width (rough size) in ins., divide by 12, and multiply by length in ft. This gives number ft. b. m. in block. Multiply ft. b. m. by 10 to get base price at mill in cts. To get weight, find ft. b. m. as above, except use actual length required and multiply by 2.7 for fir and 3.4 for yellow pine. For carbolineating, or immersion for 5 mins. in carbolineum oil, heated to 200 deg. Fahr., add 20% to list prices. For painting two coats red paint, add 20% to list prices. For creosoting full vacuum treatment, 12 lbs. per cu. ft., add 50% to list price. 10 lbs. per cu. ft., add 45% to list price. 8 lbs, per cu. ft., add 40% to list price. For example, to find cost of special size 7x6 ins. (7 + % X 6 -I- 1/4 ) -- 45.31 sq. ins. 10(45.31 -T- 12) X =: base price at mill in cents, where X = number of feet in length. Cost of Malleable Iron Feeder Arms. Malleable iron feeder arms have one to six pins complete with bolts and for 3, 4, 4.5, 5,. 6, and 7 in. poles cost per lb. of iron from 7 to 10 cts. Malleable iron triangle, three pin high tension pole arms for high tension light and power wires and having 30 ins. between pins, cost approximately 10 cts. per lb. and weigh 33 lbs. each without pins. TABLE XLir. CROSS ARM PINS American Telegraph and Telephone Co., " standard." Steel pin with wood head. Size, ins. Weight per 100 lbs. Price Plain per 100 lbs. Galv'd. % x54 % X 1 ij 62 82 57 77 $5.00 5.80 4.80 5.60 $7.40 8.50 7.20 8.00 The above size is the diameter and length of bolt. First two are for wood cross arms. The last are for steel channels or angle iron cross-arms and are without washers. High Tension Insulator Pins. Malleable iron head and pin on piece with steel bolt with short stud for use on channel and angle iron cross-arm. , Price per 100 , Size, ins. Weight per 100, lbs. Jap'd Galv'd 4% 170 $20.80 $26.50 51/2 190 21.60 28.00 6 190 22.40 29.00 71/2 215 24.00 31.25 9 300 30.00 39.00 10 340 32.00 45.00 18 600 48.00 68.00 The above size is the length of pin plus height of head. Head diameter is 1 in. for the first four sizes and 1.375 ins. for last three. OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 955 WOOD PINS, PAINTED OAK Size, ins. Weight, lbs. Price per 1,000 1^ x8 11/^ X 9 300 400 $12.50 15.00 The above prices are for lots of less than 250. For lots of 250 to 1,000 a discount of 30% is given and 40% on lots of 1,000 to 2,500 on those given above. TABLE XLIII. CROSS-ARM BRACES C Length, ins. Weight, lbs. per 1,000 Size of steel, 1 x %6 ins. 20 22 1,000 1,100 Size of steel, 17^2 x l'z2 ins. 20 22 24 26 28 30 1,420 1,560 1.700 1.840 1,980 2,120 Size of steel, 11/4x^4 ins. 20 22 24 26 28 30 1,670 1,835 2,000 2.165 2,335 2,500 Price per 1,000 $33.75 37.12 42.48 46.65 50.85 55.10 59.20 63.30 49.95 54.93 59.85 64.69 69.90 74.80 Guy Clamp. The following are costs of guy clamps. Matthews Boltless Guy Clamp Size of guy strand, ins. Weight, lbs. per 100 1/4 -yi6 50 %-7i6 130 Price, each $0.10 .15 Prices are on lots of less than 500, 15 to 20% off on 1,000 lots and over. Galvanized Rolled Steel Guy Clamp Size, ins. No. of bolts Weight, lbs. per 100 Price per 100 3 2 110 $12.00 150 210 17.00 19 50 * A. T. & T, standard. Prices are on lots of 50 to 100 ; discount of 9% on lots from 100 to 250 and special prices on lots over 250. Universal guy clamp, galvanized malleable iron No. of bolts Weight, lbs. per 100 Price per 100 2 100 $12.00 3 100 17.50 Prices are on lots of 100 to 300; discount of 9% on lots from 300 to 500 and special prices on lots Over 500. 956 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XLIV. PIN TYPE INSULATORS (WESSELHOEFT) Operating Test Voltage Diam,Height, ^?- ins. ins. p^;^^ Weigh , lbs. it ^ Material voltage, volts Wet volts Dry volts •8 Glass 110-2,200 Porcelain 13,200 Porcelain 22,000 Porcelain 33,000 Porcelain 44,000 Porcelain 50,000 Porcelain 60,000 40,000 •45,000 60,000 80,000 95,000 115,000 ■80,000 72,000 90,000 110,000 120,000 150,000 314 4 1 6y2 3% 2 7 5 2 9 8 2 or 3 101/2 10 3 12 11 3 14 13 4 ' Vi 8 13 18 27 $0.03 0.18 0.50 0.75 1.20 1.50 2.00 TABLE XLV. SUSPENSION TYPE INSULATORS (WESSELHOEFT) ^"^- parts ins. Test Voltage Ul timate Working™-^, _v, ^ strength, stress, ^flg^^ lbs. lbs. ^*^»- Wet volts Dry volts • Cost 10 1 51^2 12 1 6i/o 14 2 9 50,000 50,000 65,000 75,000 75,000 90,000 8,000 4,000 9,000 4,500 12,000 6,000 11 13 20 $1.00 1.40 2.00 TABLE XLVL HIGH VOLTAGE PORCELAIN INSULATORS lane voltage Weight, lbs. Price 6,600 1.0 $0.10 7,500 1.125 .12 8,000 1.2 .13 10,000 1.6 .18 11,000 1.8 .20 13,000 2.3 .26 15,000 2.6 .31 18,000 3.3 .40 20,000 3.8 .46 23,000 4.5 .55 25,000 5.0 .64 27,000 5.5 .70 30,000 6.1 .82 33,000 7.0 .95 36,000 7.8 1.10 40,000 9.0 1.20 45,000 10.5 1.45 50,000 ■ 20,0 2.80 TABLE XLVII. WOOD STRAIN INSULATORS WITH GALVANIZED ENDS ?th, ins. Diameter, ins. Price per 100 5 $21.00 9 25.00 12 30.00 15 32.25 5 m 27.35 9 30.00 12 1% 35.00 15 lU 39.35 24 114 ^ 52.50 36 1^ 65.00 48 '1% 77.50 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 957 The average breaking strain for the 1 in, diam. is 2500 lbs. and for 1.25 in. diam. 10.000 lbs. The above length is the length of wood insulaton and the diam. is that of the wood at the ends. The distance between centers of eyes is 4 to 5 ins. greater than that of the wood insulation. For insulators having clevis at one end there is an increase of 10% and for those having tapped boss at one end ther« is an increase of 157o to 20% on the above prices. TABLE XLVIII. GLASS INSULATORS Weight, lbs. Size, ins. per 1,000 Price per 1,000 Pony 2^x314 700 $28.80 Pony double petticoat . . 2% x 314 950 33.60 Pony double groove 2 x 3^^ 760 28.80 Regular insulator 2%x4 1,100 36.00 Std. Western Union dou- ble petticoat 314x4% 1,700 52.80 Long distance pattern . . 27/i6x3% 1,000 43.20 Western Union single petticoat 2%x4 1,450 60.00 Deep groove pattern ... 3 x 4 1,275 52.00 Large double groove ... 3 x4^ 1,700 60.00 Deep groove double pet- ticoat 3% X 4 1,475 52.80 Extra deep groove double petticoat 31/3 x 3% 1,375 52.80 The sizes given are the maximum diam. and heights. TABLE XLIX. PORCELAIN STRAIN INSULATORS Size Dimensions, ins. Weight per 100 lbs. Price per 100 1 314x414 162.5 $12.00 2 3%x5i^ 275.0 16.00 3 278x3% 137.5 10.00 4 2% X 3 87.5 8.00 5 11/2x2% 25.0 4.50 No. pieces Size Test voltage Line voltage Tensile strength per package 1 24,000 8,000 15,000 125 2 21,000 8,000 20,000 100 3 24,000 7,000 15,000 250 4 20,000 5,000 12,000 350 5 telephone work low voltage 1,000 GIANT STRAIN INSULATORS Diam. of body, ins. Length Breaking strength lbs. Price per 100 1% 3% 3,500 $24.85 2 47/16 5,000 27.00 2% 4i%6 7,000 31.50 2% 6 10,000 42.75 For clevis at one end there will be an increase of $5.50 for the 1.75 and 2 in. sizes and $8.25 increase on 2.25 and 2.5 in. sizes. For insulators with clevis at both ends, the increase will be twice as much as for one clevis. 958 MPXIJANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The length given above is distance between centers of eyes ; there is a slight increase in length in the case of clevis and eye or two clevises. Comparison of Aluminum and Copper Wire. We have taken the following information frotn American Handbook for Electrical En- gineers: The following table compares the various Items for wires having the same length and same resistance and is based on the following assumptions : Copper Aluminum Per cent, conductivity 98 61 Tensile strength, lbs. per sq. in 55,000 25,000 Density 8.89 2.70 Price per pound P P COMPAPJS(^N OF COPPER AND AT.ITMINUM WIRES FOR EQUAL RESISTANCES PER UNIT LENGTH Item Copper Aluminum P Cost 1 0.488 X — P Cross-section 1 1.G.3 Diameter 1 1.28 Weight 1 488 Breaking str-erigth 1 0,7;a Carrying capacity 1 1.13 Disadvantdf/e of Low Tensile Strength. The lower tensile strength of aluminum for ernjal length and conductance as compared with copper affects the cost of an aerial line in two ways; 1st. by making it necessary to erect the s])ans with a greater sag or less length in order to reduce the stresses, thereby either increasing the height or the nujnber of poles, and 2nd. by making it necessary to increase the distance between wires on account of the increased sag. The increase in the height of poles for the same si)acing amounts to about 10%. (C. L. Johnson.) Example of Relative Cost. According to the official publications of the Ontario Jlydro-Electric Commission on a line consisting of two three-!)haHe circuits, each comprising three 4/0 American wire gage cables, the six cables cost $1,450 per mile as comijared with .$2,050 p(^r mile for co))per cables (copper being at 16 cts. per lb. and aluminum at 23.5 cts. per lb.) showing a saving of nearly 30% on the cables alone. This saving was reduced to 5.6% only on the total cost of the line, partly because the actual towers weighed 1.72 tons against 1.57 tons for towers for an equivalent copi)er line, and partly because the cost of cables was only 30% of the total cost of the line, including erection but excluding rights-of-way. (C. L. Johnson.) Owing to a tariff of 3.5 cts. per lb. the price of aluminum is higher in the U. S. than in Canada and Europe, so that the saving would have been considerably less at U. S. prices. Weatherproof Copper Wire. The cost of triple braid wire solid conductor is " Base " * for B. & S. gHge sizes 4/0 to 8/0 inclu- * " Base " cost on copper wire is usually about 1 ct. per lb. higher than the market price of ingot copper or " wire-bar." OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 959. sive with an increase of 1 ct. for each size smaller than the No. 8. Double braid wire costs .5 ct. more per lb. than triple braid, as does also triple braid fire and weatherproof and Underwriter's slow burning wires. Twisted conductors cost about 1 ct. per lb. more than for single conductor. Stranded conductors cost .25 ct. more than the above, for sizes 1,000,000 circular mils, to No. 2 B. & S. gauge inclusive; .5 ct. more for No. 3 ; 1 ct. more for Nos. 4 to 6 inclusive ; and 1.5 cts. for No. 8 ; 2 cts. for No. 10 and 5 cts. for No. 12. Thus with a base price of 16.5 cts. per lb., No. 10 wire, solid conductor, triple braid would cost 17.5 cts. ; No. 10 wire, solid con- ductor, double braid would cost 18 cts. per lb. ; if the latter were stranded it would cost 20 cts. per lb. This would make No. 10 wire, solid conductor, triple braid, cost $9.28 per 1000 ft. In figuring prices of wire it must be remembered that a charge of from $5 to $10 is made for the reels on which the wire is de- livered. This amount is rebatable, however, upon the return of the reels in good condition. Weights of Copper Wire. In Tables L to LV are given the weight per mile of base, double braid weatherproof and triple braid weatherproof wire, both for solid and stranded conductors, and with allowances of 0%, 2.5% and 5% for sag and waste. TABLE L. WEIGHT PER MILE OP BARE SOLID CONDUCTOR 2%>%forsag 5% for sag No sag or waste and waste and waste Size B. & S. gauge Weight, lbs. Weight, lbs. Weight, lbs. 0,000 3,382 3,467 3,551 000 2,682 2,749 2,816 00 2,127 2,180 2,233 1,687 1,729 1,771 1 1,337 1,370 1,404 2 1,061 1,088 1,114 3 841 862 883 4 667 684 700 6 420 431 441 8 263 270 276 10 166 170 174 12 104 107 109 14 66 68 69 TABLE LL WEIGHT PER MILE OF BARE CONCEI STRANDED CONDUCTOR Circ. mils. and B. &S. No sag or 2%% sag 5% sag and waste and waste waste Weight in lbs. Weight, lbs. Weight, lbs. 2,000,000 32,757 33,576 34,395 1,750,000 28,665 29,382 30,098 1,500,000 24,568 • 25,182 25,796 1,250,000 20,475 20,987 21,499 1,000,000 16,378 16,787 17,197 750,000 12,276 12,583 12,890 600,000 9,821 10,067 10,312 500.000 8,173 8,377 8.582 960 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Circ. mils. and B. &S. 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 0,000 000 00 1 2 3 4 6 No sag or 2V27c sag 5% sag and waste and waste waste Weight Weight, Weight, in lbs. lbs. lbs. 7,355 7.539 7,723 6,536 6.699 6,863 5,718 5,861 6,004 4,905 5,028 5,150 4.087 4,189 4,291 3,448 3.534 3,620 2,729 2,797 2,865 2,164 2,218 2,272 1,721 1,764 1,807 1,361 1,395 1,429 1,072 1,099 1,126 848 869 890 672 689 706 423 434 444 No sag or 214% sag 5% sag and waste and waste waste Weight Weight, Weight, in lbs. lbs. lbs. 3,817 3.912 4,008 3,098 3,175 3,253 2,467 2.529 2.590 1,989 2,039 2.088 1,553 1,592 1,631 1,264 1,296 1,327 977 1,001 1,026 795 815 835 529 542 555 349 358 366 241 247 253 158 162 166 107 110 112 TABLE LIT. WEIGHT PER MILE OP DOUBLE BRAID WEATHERPROOF SOLID CONDUCTOR Size B. &S. Gauge 0,000 000 00 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 TABLE LTIL ^V^ETGHT PER MILE OF DOUBLE BRAID WEATHERPROOF STRANDED CONDUCTOR 2 % % sag and 5% sag and waste waste Weight, Weight, lbs. lbs. 36.206 37.089 31.897 32,675 27.588 28,261 23.079 23,642 18.702 19,158 14,261 14.609 11,328 .11,605 9,551 9,784 8,663 8,875 7,774 7,963 6,754 6,918 5,864 6,007 4,908 5,027 4,033 4,132 3.270 3.350 2,608 2,671 2,102 2,154 1,639 1,679 Circ. mils. and B. & S, Nos. No sag or waste Weight, lbs. 2.000.000 35,323 1,750.000 31,119 1,500.000 26,9J5 1,250.000 22,516 1,000.000 18.246 750.000 13,913 600,000 11,052 500,000 9,318 450,000 8,452 400,000 7,584 350,000 6,589 300,000 5,721 250.000 4,788 0,000 3,935 000 3.190 00 2,544 2,051 1 1,599 OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 961 Pirp TYin«! No sag or 2%% sag and 5% sag and *» *^irc. mufa. waste waste waste J WdJSCC WcXiSUC WO.OLC ^ «? Tsjn«5 Weight, Weight, Weight. 2 1,301 1,333 1,366 3 1,004 1,029 1,054 4 820 841 861 6 544 558 571 TABLE LIV. WEIGHT PER MILE OP TRIPLE BRAID WEATHERPROOF SOLID CONDUCTOR q:„„ No sag or 21/2% sag 5% sag ■D o a waste and waste and waste n^^^^ Weight, Weight, Weight, Lrauge j^jg j^jg j^g^ 0,000 4,050 4,151 4,253 000 3,320 3,403 3,486 00 2,650 2,716 2,783 2,150 2,204 2,258 1 1,670 1,712 1,754 2 1,370 1,404 1,439 3 1,050 1,076 1,103 4 865 887 908 6 590 605 620 8 395 405 415 10 280 287 294 12 185 190 194 14 130 133 137 16 105 108 110 18 ^ 85 87 89 20 65 67 68 TABLE LV. WEIGHT PER MILE OF TRIPLE BRAID WEATHERPROOF STRANDED CONDUCTOR No sag or 21/2% sag 5% sag and Circ. mils, and waste and waste waste B. & S. Nos. Weight, Weight, Weight, lbs. lbs. lbs. 2,000,000 37,000 37,925 38,850 1,750,000 32,700 33,518 34,335 1,500,000 28,400 29,110 29,820 1,250,000 23,800 24,395 24,990 1,000,000 19,400 19,885 20,370 750,000 14,900 15,273 15,645 600,000 11,800 12,095 12,390 500,000 10.000 10,250 10,500 450.000 9,100 9,328 9,555 • 400,000 8,200 8,405 8,610 350,000 7,100 7,276 7,455 300,000 6,200 6,355 6,510 250,000 5,200 5,330 5,460 0,000 4,220 4,326 4,431 000 3,450 3,536 3,623 00 2.760 2,829 2,898 2,240 ■ 2,296 2,352 1 1,735 1,778 1,822 2 1,425 1,461 1,496 3 1,090 1,117 1,145 4 900 923 945 6 610 625 641 52 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE LVI. COST PER CABLE FOOT OF ERECTING AB CABLE, CHICAGO C«st of Cost Size, pairs Gauge cable material Labor Total 5 22 $0.0489 $0.0133 $0.0400 $0.1022 10 22 .0597 .0133 .0400 .1130 15 22 .0707 .0134 .0353 .1194 20 22 .0812 .0155 .0358 .1325 25 22 .0917 .0166 .0292 .1375 50 22 .1377 .0179 .0331 .1887 100 22 .2374 .0272 .0434 .3080 150 22 .3140 .0278 .0510 .3928 200 22 ♦ .4401 .0283 .0540 .5224 15 19 .0900 .0135 ,0292 .1327 25 19 .1250 .0181 .0330 .1761 50 19 .2125 .0190 .0421 .2736 100 19 .4926 .0277 .0510 .5713 150 19 .6000 .0281 .0530 ,6811 200 19 .7478 .0292 .0560 .8330 5 18 .0700 .0135 .0400 .1235 10 18 .0950 .0135 .0280 .1365 15 18 .1200 .0167 .0290 .1657 20 18 .1400 .0175 .0312 ,1887 25 18 .1620 .0184 .0405 .2209 50 18 .4250 .0277 .0501 .5028 100 18 .6450 .0297 .0530 .7277 Supervision and other overhead costs not included. Labor costs on small sized cables are high because they involve short lengths. TABLE LVII. WEIGHT AND COST OF STANDARD PLAIN GALVANIZED STEEL STRAND CONDUCTORS (For guys, signal strand, trolley line span wire and other pur- poses. Composed of 7 wires twisted together) Diameter, ins. %2 Wt. per 1,000 Approx. break ft., lbs. strain, lbs. 510 8,500 415 6,500 295 5,000 210 3,800 125 2,300 95 1,800 75 1,400 55 900 32 500 20 400 Price per 100 ft. $2.20 1.80 1.40 0.90 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.46 0.40 0.32 The prices given are for single galvanized and are approximately average for lengths of from 1,000 to 2,500 ft. ; with large orders more favorable prices can be obtained under normal conditions. For double galvanized wire the prices will be about 10% more than those given. The weight of Siemens-Martin strand is approximately the same as for the standard galvanized strand. Prices given are for orders of from 1,000 to 3,000 ft. The following notes on the uses of " Strand " wires are taken from the 1915 Year Book of the Western Electric Company. Guy Strand. Extra galvanized Siemens-Martin strand is fre- OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 963 TABLE LVIII. COST AND STRENGTH OF EXTRA GAL- VANIZED SIEMENS-MARTIN STRAND CONDUCTORS Diameter, Tensile strength Net price ins. lbs. per 100 ft. % 19,000 $3.90 1^ 11,000 2.50 7/i6 9,000 . 2.05 % 6,800 1.60 5/i6 4,860 1.30 %2 4,380 1.00 14 3,050 0.90 %6 2.000 0.75 % 900 0.50 quently employed to guy electric railway, telegraph and telephone poles. Messenger Strand. For .3125 in. diam. extra galvanized Siemens- Martin strand, .375 in. or .4375 in. diara. extra galvanized high strength strand is stretched from pole to pole, and from this mes- senger strand, so called, the heavy lead-encased telephone cable is suspended by means of clips, wire or cord at short intervals. A messenger strand thus sustains the stress due to weight of cable, wind or ice load. Comm.on galvanized strand should never be used for this purpose, as it does not possess the requisite strength. Catenary Method of Supporting Trolley Wires. One or more mes- senger strands are stretched from the center of the tracks. Every few feet along this messenger strand are pendent hangers that clamp on to the trollej' wire, detaining it in a rigid, straight, hori- zontal line. For a single messenger strand carrying 4/0 copper trolley wire, in spans of 125 to 150 ft., .375-in. or Vie-in. diam., extra galvanized Siemens-Martin strand is frequently used. For longer spans, up to 225 ft. the .376-in. or .4375-in. extra galvanized high strength strand is preferable. Lightning Arrester for Transmission Lines. To protect high-ten- sion current transmission lines from destructive lightning a .375-in. diam. extra galvanized Siemens-Martin strand, known as an " over- head ground strand," is strung at the highest point on the sup- porting towers, this " overhead ground strand " being connected at frequent intervals with the ground. The extra galvanized Siemens- Martin strand, because of its great conductivity, is employed almost exclusively for the " overhead ground strand." CHAPTER XII UNDERGROUND ELECTRECAL TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Many of the data which follow have been abstracted from Clar- ence Mayer's Telephone Construction — Methods and Cost, and the reo.der who desires a much more detailed analysis of this subject than can be giv'^en here, is referred to Mr. Mayer's book. For very complete detail costs of concrete, of paving and re- moving pavements, and of trench excavating, see Gillette's Hand- book of Cost Data. Underground Conduit. The following labor costs of construct- ing conduit are from Maj'er's Telephone Construction. McRoy tile, cement, vault frames and cover, creosoted plank and pump log were shipped in cars and unloaded and distributed by the conduit gang. All other material was bought delivered on the job. The method of installing McRoy tile, Class " A " construction, shall" be as follows : The trench shall first be prepared with a foun- dation of 3 ins. of concrete, leveled and tamped. Upon this the tile shall be laid. Insert the necessary dowel pins and place the next tile in line, centering the tile by means of the dowel pins. Cover the top and sides of each joint with a strip of burlap 6 ins. wide to prevent the entrance of concrete into the duct. The successive length of tile shall then be laid in similar man- ner. When two or more sections are laid side by side all joints shall be staggered. In joining 2, 3 or 6-duct sections at least one dowel pin shall be used, or if the duct is designed for more than one. two shall be used. When the tile is laid it is enclosed at the sides and top with a wall of concrete 3 ins. thick and well tamped. If the conduit has a lai'ge cross section it will be built up in tiers. When the first tier is laid and lined up the sides of the trench shall be filled in with well tamped concrete to a thickness of 3 ins. and to a height flush with the top of the tile. The upper tiers shall then be laid successively, one upon the other, in a man- ner similar to the first tier. The complete section shall be covered with 3 ins. of well-tamped concrete, after which the trench shall be refilled. In dumping concrete into the trench and in laying tile care should be taken not to knock off earth into the trench. Any dirt falling onto the work shall be carefully removed before pro- ceeding with the construction. In refilling the trench the better part of the material excavated shall be used. It must be well tamped into place and the trench covered with a crown of 3 or 4 ins. If the street is paved, all 9G4 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 965 surplus must be gathered up and carried away, and the displaced paving material shall be replaced temporarily. After conduit runs are completed all ducts shall be closed with wooden plugs. Concrete may be mixed by hand or by machine. If mixed by hand it shall be done on a timber platform to prevent waste of water and material, except where the following pavements are en- countered : (1) asphalt; (2) brick; (3) macadam; (4) creosoted wood block. When mixing concrete on any of these pavements the street shall be swept clean for a place sufficient to allow for mixing the concrete. The stone or gravel shall first be placed in a layer about 4 ins. thick ; sand or screenings added and .spread out evenly, and the cement added and evenly distributed. The dry mixture shall be turned over by shovels at least three times so that it is thoroughly mixed. Sufficient water shall be used so that when placed in a wheel-barrow the concrete shall be very moist and in a semi-fluid condition. All concrete shall be free from dirt or any foreign material. Concrete shall be used within 2 hours of the time it is mixed. Fig. Fig. 1. McRoy tile, 4-duct conduit, class 2. McRoy tile, 4-duct conduit, class " A " construction. " B " construction. The proportions of materials to be used in mixing, concrete for conduit construction shall be as follows : If crushed stone con- crete is used. 1 part of American Portland cement, 4 parts V4-in. screenings and 8 parts No. 3 (%-in. ) stone. If gravel concrete is used, 1 part American Portland cement, 4 parts sand and 8 parts gravel ; 1 bag of cement shall be considered 1 cu. ft. The method of installing class " B " construction shall be the same as described for class " A," except in the following particulars ; The tile shall be laid on a 3-in. bed of concrete. Upon the top of the tile there .shall be placed 2 in.s. of earth, which shall be free from large stone. Upon this layer of earth a 1.5-in. creosoted plank shall be laid of the same width as the conduit formation. The tile joints shall be closed by means of strips of burlap which shall be placed around the tile, so as to cover the top and sides. The burlap shall be saturated with a thin, neat cement mortar, and shall be plastered on the sides and top with %-in. of cement mortar mixed in the proportion of 1-2. The burlap shall be 6 ins. wide and of sufllcj^nt length to overlap the width of the tile. 9G6 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA t— t^t-in-^oo^iHoo COrHt-r-IOininOCCT) ocoT-^r^oct-t-in«3 tHtHtHOOOOOO Tf Cl t - 00 «D I- Cl <3V0Oint~- OOt^CDC-t- oooO ooooo a H o M o H lis u '^^'^ ■S>.ftos o 05 a. " ^, -P C ft o rt (Dt! +j > ft^ O.S.S o &9- •^ -f ^ lo Cl Cl <:o M"+' t-coin-*--*'Oi OCOCOrH-rClClt-O Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl tH Cl 2237 2025 2654 3315 3969 3313 2386 .2890 3491 2922 3330 3890 3610 o <«■ ocii-iint^-^oooiX" l-HCOt— t-IWt-IO-jOOO co-tt-I00tH CO in CO t' oooo 0574 0457 0417 0481 0449 U 8 O O O 1 o ooot-coinin':t*<-Tt-tocii-i«Dmt>ciCT> OJ CO -* '^^ CO C 1 o t - oo cicoco-rin-r-fr-j,-j ooooooooo cocooio cot^cio-.- T-HT-Hinrt< oooo 0560 0526 0294 0282 rHOSOsOin o in -f Cl CO CICICDCOCO ooooo O 8 o e^ Oiint—oocoo'i'ooci cio*,H 00 t- 05 t-CDOJCJ OOOtH ■^■^iHOl in Cl O. r-l tHtHOtH 1601 1237 1121 1507 1314 o r-oocio-^cocDt-co cDcoincoocnoococD Cl-rCO,-J^Cl,-',-MTH ooooooooo 00 CD 00 tH O-Jt— 05 00 r-H^ClCO OOOO .0259 .0313 .0253 .0276 iHt-OrHCD 01-005 01 CO Cl CO Cl Cl ooooo U^ft M t*' 5 '^ rt t» 5 ^ w i» ^ - n. i.- ^ •- s;onp ojsi Cl pq UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 967 05» (Mcsricc T^">^'x>•^ e^ic-ioiO t- ic C» CO 00 CO Oi OC t^ Oi O CJ OO OOOO OOOOO OOoO OOOOOOO rHO •»• 00(M OeOeCO eo Oi i-l Cl «C t>Mt-'M CO t-I ec r-l t- w oo t^N 13 s^ii-i coM-^te iHcc^-oto ciPScoo Mt^-oiooie^iov tHjH ^ OO OOOO OOOOO OOOO ooooooo o© p^ T-io Mcoc-jLO ocooiooo oiic-tc-i aic-icoi-coocc-i tcoi J 5*«> lOlrtCJC-l C1CI«C. ■ '. ^ '. Si: "^ ^ > Si: - rt >• « 5i2 - « >• SiS '^ rt > ^iS > ii2 ^ ^ > t-00 oj 1-1 w MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA o u O M Q H S B a H O W^ ^5 ^' gS ^3 o w o u Q Z < m m CO in M 00 «o M Oioa • • m Tf 00 -^ OJ • • <^^OOOOOiH 0(nOO • • ^ ^. ^ ' CD 00 CD T-( t- in lO c~-00xN^ mto^O'^^^oo cOTHa500 OOOOOO OOdOrHrHO 64- ® e«- * t- 1-1 eo u5 o CO m t-oo • ■^t-^u3C~«D M moo • M Tt-0»'<*< L3CO->S<00O5t-U5t-IM«D COCOCO-rHTfOOeOi-HUSC^I OOOOOOC*C<1CD 00 t>rH COCOtH (MOO e£)->*it~-omooeO(3jeo(M oot-eoo5mo5t-u5eoTH r-(«o-*rHcoeoet~■^ 07-|0000(M0Uir-l t^7-ieou3oco o> CO-* • • ■* c- ■* in t>- CO o -^loo • • ■* <3 iH iH CO in 00 -^ tH tH CO o m • • iHOOOOrH OCOOrH • • CO 00 CD tH c~- m c- (ioco^o- intoeO(M'^oo iH -:t-T-NcJ5 «opqTt«o«ocoineooooot^ T-iTti«0ic0 00(M(MrHCoco rHOOOOi-t OC0O(M €4- 'R ae- 00 «0 rH Tl< 05 CO m COOO • t^cot-coocQ c<> ooco oo<3in'M'*'t>>inocococoo7H iHOooo?q ocooco ^ o ^ ■ •OO tH t^ CO CO eo t> ■* Ol Tf< rH 'OOOO r-l(X300(Mcv]COa>-*(Mr-l •iH<0 CO (M m CO C^ CO 00 CO CQ CO •OO OrHi^OOOCOOOOrH oCQfcH l-Co . 1-H C doc • coco •co(MO>ncococo co-*«c>cot-t^c-iinoo(M OrHOOOO-*005r-l B^ ^a o > o o o o — v^ '^ -C OJ O W fl M X M -^ dl o ° o o ^ 3 c^3 o ii ^ t3 l-l f) 3 1 <1) !^ 73 Ph« o f^2 O H bD . pj (U ^ o rf f^ >>— ' a s- i-( ^ ^ O X q;J3 oS:;: :3 C> 2 cij d J JJEhH "'fc. tH ;- "^ PH OJ 0) (D t< §afta« UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 969 The rates of wages on which the data given in Tables I-V are based are as follows : Per day of 9 hrs. Foreman $3.50 to $4.00 Assistant foreman 2.50 to 3.00 Timekeeper 2.00 to 2.50 Watchman 2.00 Waterboy 1.00 Laborers 2.00 Teams 5.00 Per hr. Bricklayers $0.65 to $0.75 The regular hourly rate was paid for overtime. These tables comprise data on the labor cost of constructing over 250,000 ft. of conduit and lateral. McRoy tile, used in building main conduits, is made of vitrified clay in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6-duct sizes. The 1, 2 and 3-duct are 2 ft. long and the 4 and 6-duct 6 ft. long. The approximate weight is 8% lbs. per duct foot. Methods of Laying. Mayer says that two 4-ducts are laid with greater facility, form a more stable construction and cost less for material and labor than a 6-duct and a 2-duct formation, and in deciding whether to lay two 4-ducts side by side or one on top of the other, the preference should be given to the former, because work is easier in a wide trench; and, as a rule, it is cheaper to dig wide than deep even if the street is paved — repairing contractors charge for a yard although the trench may be 15 ins. wide. Underground Toll Conduit. The following data .from Mayer's Telephone Construction give the costs of one of the largest multi- ple duct conduits ever installed. It comprises 824,862 duct feet of conduit and 318 vaults. In securing these data special attention was paid to accuracy and uniformity. A competent cost man was assigned to each gang, and in some cases, where gangs were large, two men were engaged in keeping costs. Reports were made daily to the cost statistician who had an office on the ground and who personally supervised the taking of the costs. The work was di- vided into three divisions, each division being subdivided into two or three sections with a separate gang for each section. The work commenced in June, and with the exception of a small part, delayed on account of right of way trouble, was completed by November 1st. Table III is a summary of the entire work, showing in detail average costs of each of the three divisions of the job. The un- loading and distributing cost on Divisions 1 and 3 were higher than Division 2 on account of having been further away from the freight depat. The freight on material for Division 1 was high on account of being further away from* the shipping point than either Divisions 2 or 3, and also on account of t]cie quantity of creosote plank used, on which freight rates are high. The supervision, traveling and livery under the heading of expense were incurred by right of way men, superintendent of construction and assistant superinten- dents. 970 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE III. COST OF TOLL CONDUIT (MCROY TILE) (Divisions 1, 2 and 3.) Cost of Constructing Conduit and Vaults Cost of handling, mixing and Cost of dumping Average No. of Division cross lin. number section trench ft. 1 3.31 76,262 excavating concrete per per per per Cost of teaming No. of per per duct ft. lin. duct lin. duct lin. duct laid ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. $ $

    be c bo C o Id "d s c c "rt C «S o % i ^ 3 o — o-^ ^ ^ H J fa m ^ H 1 Sand and water. $0.0304 $0.0612 $0.0177 $0.0314 $0.0240 $0.1647 $0 1647 Clay . . . 0.0281 0.0574 0.0189 0.0247 0.0262 0.1553 0.1553 Clay and water . .0331 .0818 .0213 .0386 .0341 .2089 .2089 Av .0305 .0668 .0193 .0316 .0281 .1763 .1763 2 Sand and water. .0334 .0843 .0278 .0397 .0299 .2151 .1076 Clay and water. .0317 .1054 .0262 .0411 .0352 .2396 .1198 Av .0325 .0949 .0270 .0404 .0326 .2274 .1137 4 Sand and water. .0412 .1401 .0411 .0519 .0496 .3239 .0810 Clay . . . .0487 .1482 .0490 .0537 .0512 .3508 .0877 Av .0449 .1442 .0451 .0528 .0504 .3374 .0844 TABLE V. AVERAGE COST OF SEWER TILE LATERAL CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES tuD cS'O c ^ .^J g sc» o ^^%^ ^'^ 2 bfl ^-> "^ ^ oJ c w §c 1" 3 6 11 a ><1 Hi 1 || !5 55 M h a H^ § w H h^ 1 Sand . . . $0.0099 $0.0364 $0.0201 $0.0219 $0.0291 $0.1174 $0.1174 1 Clay . . . .0167 .0467 .0156 .0260 .0327 .1377 .1377 1 Hard clay. . . .0234 .0581 .0198 .0293 .0302 .1608 .1608 1 Very hard clay. . . .0408 .0720 .0178 .0311 .0414 .2031 .2031 1 Av , .0227 .0533 .0183 .0271 .0333 .1547 .1547 2 Clay . . . .0201 .0709 .0223 .0502 .0390 .2025 .1013 without care being u.sed in alignment the armor of the cable would probably be cut or caught on the ends of the ducts when pulling in the cable. Underground Construction. The following is abstracted from an article by L. W. Moxey, Jr., in Electrical World. Dec. 18, 1915. The first item to be considered in underground construction is the cost of excavating, which should be figured per cubic yard. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 973 Every contractor should know what these costs are under various conditions, such as a sand or clay soil, rotten or solid rock, etc. The average laborer is capable of excavating about 180 cu. ft. of clay soil per ten-hour day. Brief specifications follow : Laterals when laid in the main trench, or in a separate trench, shall be single duct, 3-in. sewer tile. Connections between lateral laid in the main trench and lateral laid in a separate trench shall be made with standard bends of sewer tile. Where lateral is laid in the main conduit trench it shall be located at the top of the conduit formation and shall be included in the enclosing concrete. Where lateral is laid in separate trench the trench shall be wide enough to permit convenient laying and of sufficient depth to make the completed lateral with its protecting plank at least 18 ins. below the grade of the street. Joints of lateral shall be well protected with cement mortar or concrete. Over the lateral, when laid in separate trench, shall be placed about 3 ins. of earth, which shall be free from large stones. This earth shall be well tamped, and on top of this shall be placed a creosoted plank, 1.5 ins. x 9 ins., to prevent injury in subsequent excavations. Fig. 4. The dimensions are usually as follows : inside diam. 3 ins. ; shell 0.5 in. : length 2 ft. Manholes must also be taken into consideration. If the man- holes are to be brick-lined, the cost will vary from 40 cents to $1 per cubic foot of brickwork. Such miscellaneous items as the cost of labor for manhole drains, etc., must be figured for each job, since it seems impossible to obtain any fair average of costs on these items. Only average figures for labor cost are given, and the range of variation in many cases will be found to be greater than that presented in the table. TABLE VI. OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS OF VITRIFIED DUCTS Bore, round Outside Type or square dimensions, ins. Single-way 3 % -ins. 5 by 5 by 1 8 Two-way ..." 3 1/2 -ins. 4 by 9 by 24 Three-way 3 ^ -ins. 5 by 13 by 24 Four-way 3i^-ins. 9 by 9 by 24 Six-way 3y2-ins. 9 by 13 by 36 Nine-way 3%-ins. 13 by 13 by 36 Nine-way 2 -ins. 9 by 9 by 36 974 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE VII. LABOR COSTS PER FOOT FOR LAYING DUCTS Item Cost Laying duct and cementing joint : Single-way $0.03 -$0.06 Two-way 0.05 - 0.10 Three-way 0.08 - 0.16 Four-way 0.10 - 0.20 Six-way 0.14 - 0.28 Nine-way 0.20 - Q.40 Laying conduit or pipe : 1/2 -in. conduit : $0.03 -$0.05 %-in. conduit 0.04 - 0.06 1 -in. conduit 0.05 - 0.07 IVt-in. conduit 0.06 - 0.08 1%-in. conduit 0.065- 0.09 2 -in. conduit 0.07 - 0.10 2i/>-in. conduit 0.075- 0.11 21/3-in. conduit 0.08 - 0.12 3 -in. conduit 0.09 - 0.14 4 -in. conduit 0.12 - 0.18 Cost of Transmission Conduit Installed. The following data, presented in the Boston Edison street-lighting case by the company for the consideration of the Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission, were published in Electrical World March 31, 1917. In the compilation. Table VIII, the significant data are the types of construction and the unit costs, which are given in the first and last columns. In presenting the data to the commission the unit costs given, which are the result of the company's extended experience, were applied to the quantities in the second and third columns, and later the prorated cost of conduit for street-lighting service only was deduced. The quantities are printed in connec- tion with the unit costs in the third column to show the relative importance of the various types of duct construction for under- ground transmission work in Boston proper. The prices include engineering, incidentals and contractor's profit. Fiber Duct, Advantages and Materials Required for Installing. The following has been abstracted from an article in Electrical World, March 10, 1917. Fiber duct consists of wet wood pulp or fiber which is wrapped about a mandrel in a thin film while under pressure. When built up to the proper thickness it is dried and then saturated with a bituminous compound. The conduit is manu- factured with four general types of joints, the use and nature of which is implied in the name. These are the socket, the drive, the screw and the sleeve. The socket type is generally used with the concrete envelope, while the other types have no form of pro- tection, being laid directly in the earth. The advantage of light weight stands out primarily for fiber duct, and due to this the freight and cartage rates per foot are much lower than for other types of materials. Approximately three times as many duct feet of fiber duct may be carried in the same car as of tile duct. Likewise in handling the duct, one man can carry UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 975 TABLE VIII. COST OF INSTALLING DIFFERENT KINDS OF DUCT Under the heading " Material," F. stands for fiber, V.C. for vitri- fied clay, C-L.I.P. for cement-lined iron pipe, and I. for iron. ] Ducts Diam- Average per eter of Material Conduit Duct cost per con- ducts feet feet duct ft. duit (ins.) (cts.) Under dirt side- walk 6 31/2 F. 9312.0 55,872.0 45 Under dirt 8 3^2 F. 4502.1 36,016.8 30 10 3y2 F. 16.3 163.0 30 12 F. 402.2 4,826.4 30 16 3% V.C. 58.5 936.0 25 Under granite blocks with ce- ment grout and concrete base. 8 3 C.-L.LP. 1705.8 13,646.4 60 12 3 C.-L.I.P. 25.0 300.0 45 20 3 C.-L.LP. 245.0 4,900.0 35 30 3% V.C. 584.0 17,520.0 30 Under wooden blocks with concrete base. 4 3 C.-L.LP. 1319.6 5,278.4 80 6 3% V.C. 141.7 850.2 75 8 SVa F. 7702.3 61,618.4 60 12 31/2 F. 953.5 11,342.0 45 14 3% V.C. 929.1 13,004.6 40 24 3% V.C. 802.9 19,269.6 30 Under bitulithic cement 4 3 C.-L.LP. 1365.3 5,461.2 80 6 3% V.C. 1467.3 8,803.8 75 8 3 % V.C. 1467.3 8,803.8 75 8 3% V.C. 90.6 724.8 60 9 3% V.C. 3899.0 35,091.0 45 10 3 C.-L.LP. 400.1 4,001.0 45 12 3y2 F. 171.8 2.061.6 45 12 3% V.C. 153.1 1,837.2 45 15 3% V.C. 280.7 4,210.5 40 18 3 % V.C. 77.3 1,391.4 35 Under macadam 2 3% V.C. 319.9 639.8 60 4 31/2 F. 394.5 1,578.0 50 4 3 C.-L.LP. 829.1 3,316.4 50 4 3% V.C. 160.0 640.0 50 6 zv, F. 8812.2 52.909.2 45 8 3% V.C. 3579.1 30,632.8 30 8 31/2 F. 9634.0 77,072.0 30 10 31/2 F. 3306.6 33,066.0 30 12 31/2 F. 8171.9 98,062.2 30 12 3 C.-L.LP. 846.8 10,161.6 30 12 3% V.C. 56.7 680.4 30 14 31/2 F. 2096.9 29,356.6 25 14 3 % F. 182.1 2.549.4 25 . 16 31/2 F. 727.4 11,638.4 25 20 3% V.C. 9.1 182.0 25 24 31/2 F. 239.8 5.755.2 25 .30 31/2 3% V.C. 196.4 5,892.0 25 67 V.C. 6.0 402.0 25 Under asphalt . . 6 3% V.C. 28.0 168.0 75 6 31/2 F. • 330.2 1,981.2 75 7 31/2 F. 87.5 612.5 60 8 31/2 F. 230.5 1.844.0 60 10 31/2 F. 1534.2 15,342.0 45 12 3% V.C. 591.7 7,100.4 45 15 3% V.C. 11.2 168.0 40 18 3y2 F. 14.4 259.2 35 976 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Ducts Diam- per eter of con- ducts duit (ins.) Under granite blocks Under granite blocks with p i t c h-joints and concrete 30 32 3 4 4 6 6 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 12 12 14 15 15 18 18 24 24 30 8 10 11 12 12 18 24 30 3% 3% 3 31/2 3% 3 3y2 3% 3 3% 3 31/2 3% 3 31/2 V2 3% 3% 31/2 3% 31/2 3 31/2 3% 3 3 3% 3% 3 3% 3 31/2 3 3y2 3% Material V.C. V.C. C.-L.I.P. F. V.C. C.-L.I.P. F. V.C. C.-L.I.P. V.C. C.-L.I.P. F. V.C. C.-L.I.P. F. F. V.C. V.C. F. V.C. F. C.-L.I.P. F. V.C, C.-L.LP. I. V.C. V.C. I. V.C. C.-L.I.P. F. C.-L.LP. F. V.C. C.-L.I.P. C.-L.I.P. C.-L.I.P. V.C. Conduit feet 126.0 16.0 68.4 10.3 1509.7 715.3 270.3 7212.2 7059.4 2417.2 71.5 1396.4 2189.5 7882.7 4904.8 4904.8 20.3 6753.7 154.1 193.5 344.5 249.3 223.5 586.4 4960.3 19.6 216.6 216.6 147.6 1092.8 9673.9 8089.8 120.7 346.6 5165.8 208.1 205.0 101.4 237.0 Average Duct cost per feet duct ft. (cts.) 3,780.0 30 512.0 30 205.2 41.2 6,038.8 4,291.8 1,621.8 57,697.6 56,475.2 21,754.8 715.0 13,964.0 26,274.0 94,592.4 58,857.6 58,857.6 284.2 101,305.5 2,311.5 3,483.0 6,201.0 5,983.2 5,364.0 17,592.0 19,841.2 117.6 1,299.6 1,299.6 1,180.8 8,742.4 77,391.2 80,898.0 1,327.7 4,159.2 61,989.6 3,745.8 4,920.0 3,042.0 7,110.0 50 50 50 45 45 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 80 75 75 75 65 65 65 45 45 45 45 35 30 .30 30 several lengths of fiber duct aggregating manj'- lineal feet as opposed to one section of multiple tile duct. In installing the duct one man can remain in the trench and another hands him the duct, while with other materials it usually takes more than one man to handle the material at the top of the trench. The breakage and waste is almost negligible with fiber duct, a distinct advantage being that broken pieces may be sawed off as if of wood and the good section trimmed up and used in piecing out the line. If a multiple tile is broken it means a loss of several duct feet and little use can be made of the remainder. As the sections are long a very good alignment can be secured with fiber duct without the use of mandrels. The length also means fewer joints and eliminates greatly the danger of particles of concrete UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 977 sifting through and damag-ing- the cable sheaths at some future time. Obstructions can be easily by-passed when in the path of the conduit line and when fiber duct is used. In constructing conduit lines with fiber duct the construction is similar to that shown in the cross-section of Fig. 5. The ducts are separated by an inch of concrete and surrounded on the out- side by an envelope 3 ins. thick. The trench is dug with sufficient width to allow the proper spacing and a 3-in. base of concrete is poured. The first tier of ducts is laid and held in place by a wooden rake designed to maintain the spacing. More concrete is Fig. 5. Section of concrete conduit line using fiber duct. poured and tamped into place and the second tier laid, and so forth, until the line is constructed. Between the tiers the joints are staggered, which tends to increase the strength of the finished line. The trench is dug according to the width of the line, so that no wooden forms are used and the concrete is poured and confined by the sides of the trench. The arrangement of the ducts in the line and the outside dimensions for 3.5 in. ducts are shown in the accompanying table. TABLE IX. DIMENSIONS OF DUCT LINES USING 3.5 IN. FIBER DUCTS ARRANGED AS SHOWN IN FIG. 5. 'umber of Number of ducts Outside dimension, ins ducts wide high width height 4 4 1 25 10 6 3 2 20 15 9 3 3 20 20 12 4 3 25 20 16 4 4 25 25 20 4 5 25 30 24 4 6 25 35 30 6 5 35 30 36 6 6 35 35 The set of curves. Fig. 6. based on a 1 :3 :6 mixture for both 3-in. and 3.5-in. fiber ducts constructed as illustrated in Fig. 5 has been worked up by an Eastern central station company, and is used 978 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA r1 tiS • Ifl 00 U5 00 lO (M t- (M -* t> ■* ^ m/tiajodvoodcot-^ooco-ttlco ^ _^r^ >:! * •* W -2^^ ^ o ^^ (^ rhtiO U5lrtrhicC f^ O K3U5lrtU5 P^ OJ 1 1^^^^^-- || 'm a; "^ o'35=^oo"^i^t^t~-oc J2:;oooo«co«ooo!^oioin m T Cri r°i'= ^ oodrH"r-ir4r4r-ir^r-irH' V^ O .2 a;S ^ '^d>.^0 >>>->^>>>^^-!>.>->^>.>■■ ;z o o c 3 ii-iTHMMc rt CD 1 1 t^ •^ f- O " :^ .. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 079 ^ ?,'^i:! OS CO «5 fo o o t-^ r>^ «j in '*' CO c^i c^Vi r-I i-J o o o ^ ft ft -o ^ Jk -^ cicncoCOU5C10«OOOOOCi-l«Or-lr-(Ci-*eO H *^ ^ H U H H ^ M O ^'-' S C ^ '^^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO m ■rJ^'^OOOO'MlOOOC-lMIMIMOllrtlfliaOOOOOOOOO fL| .Xr!'^C«5CO'*"tilOU3U3lOlflU5U3U5lOIOlOlf5iaiO«0 Q'ocS'^ ooooooooooooooo'oooo K, 02-^ «^ H .HS^ « >i:^o ::::::::::::::::::: ^^ QJ^ O o •-Iq > M XJ QO '■'io^^LftomocousOi-ieococcooooo^aieocooj t-H[i. 3^|t,':2 --H-^fCi OO'iOi-I'MlrtOOCOOCO-^J-CCCSTHTHfOi ^^ X ^/2 jt O O O r-J T-J rH rH r-i r-i ffi C^' M C-i Cq C-i M CO CO eO 3 :S^->^ 12; ^ y'-'''5XC^00C0r0'tcOT-ti-iooeoT-icc,-io«ffcc5r>«c«o , . >,>^ >.>.>,>.>.>. >,>.>. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >J KC.~^> oiftooooc-iooooococoLacoLSiac; eves H; ii-- CO'MCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO'*i-^-^rt*< rj O 1-1 &!(-( o '-< ^ *^ M «<*■*'*"* »0 •* lO •* lO Ui la U5 lO lO CO S.'^A'-' ^«iooocg-*«oooow ■*«ooooc.oc-a3t^c^LO«ct^ioooi>ocaii35 r-rHt-,HOt~-'Mirtt-0'M«oooioa^c;T-iocio?£>cj U Z ^t ^< ^Z « OQ i goo 222 i_j '-s ~^ < B CC >-< i-l ivj (M (M <; ^ ,H "5 t~- (TQ C<1 ffO O 00 C- O CO «C to CD «C> ix> ?D «0 «C ■* «0 a> lO «£> t-H CO ■* 00 O Oi W C<1 CS «> CD (Dec CO «D CD CO rH CO ^^ CO ^ "M* ■m' as CO* fM* o" r-^ t^ t^ co' co' CO CO eo" CO eo CO rH CO (McOi-lrH!MOlTHr-l! ^ Irt 1-J t- tH -^ t- O 00 t- CO 00 CTj CTj o 5 ti Cj CO us 35 CD C^ -^ r-j T-I OC Lti 00 T-l t-^ CO -^ -3 lOt^o^sfooor^aioc^cTsooi-iaiaiasocoTf rwS^l COcOr-lT-liHrH THiHiHC^)C^]ocD'MLOU5c-i-icoai I C<_| CO'M'^t-ai'MlMCOtiCOCDT-lt-COlOt-COCOOJ'^W O ID cvicooa5THCOcocoasT-iiat~-^(MirtT-Hco-^f-coco r J J-1 'jq CO iH C^ iH C^J iM iH ,-1 M C^ (M -^<'odoirtodod«vit-!r-!i--lcDCOOC.]'oOCOU5U500t--^0 rt lO iHf-lftiH'MTH iH-MlftCOTfiTtiTtiCOCMi-ICl O CO 3 Cy coooc^MOiaiaiaiosajcocDCDCDCDcococDCD-^'*' OJ u3 0CDioooTHoomM o> ■* CO Oi U5 •<* CO CO lo iri as -5COCOCOCO 1-1 (M ooOO,Hin)cooa5'*'eot-ooooooooc- rj C>1 iM d Ol CI CI Ol r-l c-1 iH iHrH iHrH rH i-l rH iH ,-( rH iH r-l ,-i rH CO CI CO fte- to o -d o H < UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 981 00 OS WfO 1-1 t- ^ •rj' -rJH _„ -^ ■* ■* ■* _^ OS O^.S o = oooooooooooo^ooooog g. ^-^s"" ^ • • ^S s tn ^ oooooooooooooo^ooooog 5 ft j €«■ • 'O C3 M-<*ooooooooooooii^oooooS «D loa^^ - • • s ' iftt-oot^ooc-iocov-t "l^ TOr^ ••••.•..••••• CV a . • • . CM »-H • §^ "" ■ ■ :: ■M.-5 OOOt-iM«>-CO U5L5„r3 ,rt2:i'A!!iOCO«>'M'MC-]'-l'-" • • •0rHC*="=> *="^ O «^ OS-, ^ '*»2I'<=c^«<»'*r-l05iH(MCO«C«D«5-; 1-^ ^ <^. ^'t ^ ■=; <=J ■=: '^ ■=; "R o o o o o o ^ H O ^ eo '^' ^' *^' *^ ^" *"' ^ ^' ^ '^' f^' ^' ** CO *o CO CO CO CO j^ •l~ C+J oo'~~^'^'*''^'^o^ooi-ii-OT-iLnOt^ccc-i'^ccoc, „^ "^tH jyjCO'^J'^'^COCOrJHCMCO'MCOege^CgT-liMiCaCOC-) a5o ^ ' H*^ e^cieoooeo-^osko-^ioiHint-ineDr-irHr-it-eo, sJ" - .u5ifflt~05-*eoO' tH rt .COOS iM 1-1 CI OS - . •Tti §i < — — 1 „ — / X ^ / "^ ^ S^ — — . • >— -- — >- _- — ■/ R, "^ X, / i i ^ ^ s / 1 Num >er of 1 Ducts \ / i 1 M IZ lO iR \b 14 l|? 10 ft 6 4 I ^ yZ 4 6 & , 10 1? 14 16 i& 20 J Cul MC Yar ds o-f Stone / X z 3 1. 5 6 7 8 eflireisi of Cement ! / \ 1 /. -=<-■ ■a .5 \ 1 / '\ ^ S, tiahnal ffequirsd Ihsed on 1:3-6- ffirfure ___ /^ / s s. / \ / \, / ..... k Figr. 6. Diagi-am for dotermininp: material required lor installation of conduit using- 1 :3 :t> mixture. Cost of Underground Conduit Construction. 'I'lie following data, from Klectrical World, Dec. 14, 1912, bearing- upon the cost of underground conduit construction in a New Kngland city of 40.000 inhabitants are of interest, as the work was done with careful engineering and completed within the past three years. The total cost Avas $141,800. consisting of conduits, manholes and service duct."^. $85,000; cables, $48,000. and miscellaneous, $8,854. The items in detail were as follows: CONOITITS. IMANHOLES AND SRRVIOK DUCTS 2.S.393 ft. of conduits, containing 257,300 duct-ft. . . $63,940 141 manholes • • • • 16,600 8927 ft. of service duct in 270 connections to build- ing.s. poles, etc ' '''"^^^ jsH.OOO CABLES Street lighting : 104.900 ft. of No. 6 cable $14,400 Secondary light and motor service: ^ 18.000 ft. of No. 4-0 cable, 30.000 ft. of No. 1-0 cable. 8000 ft. of No. 2 cable. 12,000 ft. of No. 6 cable 13,o00 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 983 7000 ft. of No. 1 bare wire, 15,000 ft. of No. 2 bare wire, 4000 ft. of No. 5 bare wire, 6000 ft. of No. 8 bare wire $1,100 Installation of above cables and wires, including materials, apparatus and supervision 0,200 Primary lighting circuits: 18,530 ft. of No. 2-0 cable, 12,450 ft. of No. 1-0 cable. 97S0 ft. f»f No. 4 cable |8,100 Installati«m of the.'^e materials and supervision in- cluded 1 .f>00 $38,000 10,000 Miscellaneous expense on service connections to 73 poles and lamps and rewiring 197 buildings 8,854 Total $141,854 The average cost i>f cf)nduit was about 25 cents per duct -foot, including excavation, back-filling and conduit complete ready for cables, with maintenance of the street above the conduit for one year. The manhole walls were of brick, laid In cement, 8 in, to 12 in. in thickness, varying in dei)th from 3 ft. to 12 ft. Primary cables are installed in the same conduits as other service mains but in different ducts. Services averaged about 50 ft. in length, the individual costs running from 20 to 30 cents per foot. Cost of Underground Conduits and Conduit Lines. Tables X and XI from I>ata, July, 1915, were contributed by G, D. Wessel- hoeft. Tabulations give costs per trench foot of conduit lines under city streets, based on costs in New York City. Vitrified Clay Conduits. Tables XTT and XITI are from Data, September, 1911, contributed by The Clay Products Co. TABLE Xin. CONSTRFTCTION COSTS PAFtTIAL CONCUKTE ENVELOPK Specifications: Top of construction 2 ft. below under surface of paving. Trench dug 5 ins. wider than conduit lied of concrete 2 ins. thick in bottom of trench. .Joints made by linking with two dowel pins, .Joint completely wrar»ped with perforated metal wrajj- per, cinched over tf)p, sides and top of joint covered 2 ins. thick with cement mortar band 8 ins. wide. Lines built up as follows, with C. P. C. conduit : 2 ducts — 1 piece 2-way conduit. 4 ducts — 1 piece 4-way conduit. 3 ducts — 1 |)iece triangle 3-way C ducts — 1 piece 6-way conduit. conduit. 8 ducts — 2 pieces 4-way conduit COSTS i'KR TUENCH AND DUCT KOOT 2 ducts 3 ducts 4 ducts 6 ducts 8 ducts Excavating and refilling... .07540 .08801 .08944 .10036 .11362 Disposal of extra soil 00551 .00475 .01064 .01539 .02147 Cost of joint and laying con- duit 06990 .04490 .05310 .02867 .03329 Cost of concrete bed 2 ins. thick 02682 .02682 .02682 .02682 .02682 Cost per trench foot 17763 .16448 .20000 ,17124 .18943 Cost per duct foot 08881 .05482 .05000 .02854 .02368 984 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA COMPLETE CONCRETE ENVELOPE Specifications : Top of construction 2 ft. below under surface of paving. Trench dug 6 ins. wider tlian conduit. Concrete envelope, 3 ins., entirely surrounding conduit. Two dowel pins to each of multiple. Joints of multiple wrapped with burlap saturated in creosote. Where line is built up % in. of concrete between pieces. Concrete mixture 1, 3, 5. Lines built up as follows, with C. P. C. conduit: 1 duct — 1 square or round-duct 5 ducts — 1 piece 2-way conduit single conduit. below and one piece triangle 2 ducts — 1 piece 2-way conduit. 3-way conduit above. 3 ducts — 1 piece triangle 3-way 6 ducts — 1 piece 6-way conduit. conduit. 8 ducts — 2 pieces 4-way con- 4 ducts — 1 piece 4-way conduit. duit. COSTS PER TRENCH AND DUCT FOOT 1 2 3 4 6 8 duct ducts ducts ducts ducts ducts Excavating and refilling. . .05330 .07540 .08801 .08944 .10036 .11362 Disposal of extra soil 00266 .00551 .00475 .01064 .01539 .02147 Laying of conduit in con- crete 14125 .18188 .16500 .22100 .25535 .31382 Total cost per trench foot .19721 .26279 .25776 .32108 .37110 .44891 Total cost per duct foot. .19721 .13139 .08592 .10703 .06185 .05611 Vitrified Clay Conduit. Mr. C. H. Judson gives comparative cost, maintenance and depreciation on one mile of 400 pair telephone cable, underground construction vs. aerial construction. Construction Cost : Four-duct conduit with manholes and distribut- ing poles, with total capacity of 2,000 pairs. .$5,300.00 Forty-five-foot pole line with V^-in. messengers and distributing poles, with capacity 800 pairs 2,200.00 Extra cost of underground over aerial $3,100.00 One four-hundred-pair cable installed in duct . $6,000.00 Two two-hundred-pair cable installed on mes- senger 6,000.00 Maintenance, Depreciation and Interest (Annual). 2% depreciation, l^ of 1% maintenance on con- duit line 120.00 10% depreciation, 1% maintenance on poles and messengers 242.00 Extra cost of maintenance of aerial over con- duit line 122.00 Depreciation of aerial cable at 5% more than underground 300.00 Annual extra maintenance cost of aerial over underground $422.00 If the added construction cost for underground was borrowed at 6%, or 186.00 The conduit line would show an annual net sav- ing of $236.00 The conduit line will be ready to receive 1,600 pairs more at a slight cost any time in the next hundred years, and the aerial line will need rebuilding at least twice, UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 985 Vitrified Clay Conduit. Data gives the following compara- tive costs of 3 -duct line showing economy of triangle 3 -way. Flat Flat 3- Tri- Single 3-way way laid angle duct laid flat on edge 3-way Excavating and refilling $0.16822 $0.18698 $0.18720 $0.15080 Disposal of extra soil 02223 .03097 .02907 .01558 Cartage of conduit to trench.. .01800 .01500 .01500 .01200 Cost of laying in concrete 15607 .26454 .25319 .10959 Cost joint material per trench foot 00000 .00750 .00750 .00500 Cost per trench foot $0.36452 $0.50499 $0.49196 $0.29297 Cost per duct foot 12151 .16833 .16399 .09766 Underground Conduit. Mr. Edward N. Lake gives the following comparative costs of using single duct vitrified clay tile, in the Journal of Western Society of Civil Engineers, June, 1910. ^nnr fcliCj^^iili-l Fig. 7 Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Comparative estimates of cost per duct foot in cents, conditions. Chicago Conduit Section 4 Std. single duct (Fig. 7).. 27.6 Single duct in multii^le (Fig. 8) 27.6 Single duct in tiers (Fig. 9) 28.1 6 8 9 iO 22.0 19.3 18.3 18.0 22.1 23.0 19.7 20.4 19.3 19.6 19.2 12 16.4 17.7 17.5 15 15.0 16.3 Conduit Section Std. Single duct (Fig. 7) Single duct in multiple (Fig. 8) Single duct in tiers (Fig. 9). 16 14.9 15.6 16.0 18 14.6 15. 20 14.2 15.1 15.3 24 13.3 Average 17.60 14.3 14.5 18.96 18.68 Cost of Electric Conduits for Various Conditions. Mr. L. A. Ferguson in Proceedings National Electric Light Association, 1911, has given the following costs. Table XIV, for several types of conduit laid under different kinds of pavement and in various groups. Underground Conduit: Electric Costs — 1913 — Panama Pacific Exposition. The following unit costs are the actual contract prices quoted and accepted, and were compiled from Electrical Record by Krehbiel Co., Chicago, 986 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XIV. COST PER DUCT FOOT IN DIFFERENT GROUPS NATIONAL. CONDUIT Groups Groups of Groups of of 12, Kind of pavement 2 or 4, 6 or 9, 16 or 20, cents cents cents No pavement 16.74 16.74 16.74 Cedar 22.81 19.27 18.07 Cedar, cone, base 26.86 20.95 18.94 Granite 26,86 20.95 18.94 Granite, cone. base... 36.99 25.17 21.14 Macadam 21.46 18.70 17.77 Asphalt 57.24 33.61 25.55 FRANCIS CONDUIT No pavement 14.66 14.66 14.66 Cedar 20.73 17.19 15.99 Cedar, cone, base 24.78 18.87 16.86 Granite 24.78 18.87 16.86 Granite, cone, base 34.91 23.09 19.06 Macadam 19.38 16.62 15.69 Asphalt 56.16 31.53 23.47 CAMP TILE No pavement 14.14 14.14 14.14 Cedar 20.21 16.67 16.47 Cedar, cone, base 24.26 18.35 16.34 Granite 24.26 18.35 -16.34 Granite, cone. base. .. . 34.39 22.57 16.54 Macadam 18.66 16.10 16.17 Asphalt 54.64 31.01 22.95 LITHOCITE CONDUIT No pavement 15.18 16.16 15.18 Cedar 21.25 17.71 16.51 Cedar, cone, base .... 25.30 19.39 17.38 Granite 25.30 19.39 17.38 Granite, cone. base.. 35.43 23.61 19.58 Macadam 19.90 17.14 16.21 Asphalt 55.68 32.05 23.99 THREE-INCH IRON PIPE No pavement 25.5 25.5 25.5 Cedar 31.57 28.03 26.83 Cedar, cone. base.... 35.62 29.71 27.70 Granite 35.62 29.71 27.70 Granite, cone. base... 45.75 33.93 29.90 Macadam 30.22 27.46 26 53 Asphalt 66.00 42.37 34.31 Groups Groups of of 40, 25 or 30, 50 or 60, cents cents 16.74 16.74 17.56 17.31 18.11 17.69 18.11 17 69 19.49 18.64 17.28 17.18 22.24 20.66 14.66 14.66 15.48 15.23 16.03 15.61 16.03 15.61 17.41 16.56 15.30 15.10 20.16 16.48 14.14 14.14 14.96 14.71 15.51 15.09 15.51 15.09 16.89 16.04 14.78 14.68 19.64 17.96 16.18 15.18 16.00 15.75 16.55 16.13 16.55 16.13 17.93 17.08 16.82 16.62 20.68 19.00 25.5 25.5 26.32 26.07 26.87 26.45 26.87 26.45 28.25 27.40 26.14 25.94 31.00 29.32 EXHIBITS BUILDING SECTION Installing 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre direct in standard concrete construction, conduit section 12 to 24 ducts, at 11 cts. per duct foot. Installing 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in adopted wood box construction: conduit section 18 to 21 ducts, at 8.65 cts. per duct foot. Installing 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in adopted wood UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 087 box construction; conduit section 10 to 15 ducts, at 9.91 cts. per duct foot. Installing- 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in adopted wood box construction; conduit section 4 to 8 ducts, at 12.33 cts. per duct foot. The average cost of installing 3-in. wood fibre duct in wood box construction is 10.3 cts. per duct foot. The above prices are based on approximately 25,000 trench feet of conduit consisting of 281,000 duct feet of 3-in. wood fibre duct and 1,700 ft. of 3-in. black iron pipe. Of this amount of conduit, 2,700 conduit feet, or 59,300 duct feet, will be laid in standaid concrete construction, the remainder excepting the iron pipe will be installed in the adopted box construction. Average depth of concrete construction will be 4 ft. 3 ins. to center of lowest duct ; cross section will run from 4 wide and 3 high to 4 wide and 6 high in concrete; and from 2 wide and 2 high to 7 wide and 3 high in wood construction. In the wood box construction adopted, the duct will be aligned by filling the box with sand, except for a distance of 4 ft. at man- holes where concrete will be used. Box will be covered with plank- ing-, well nailed and running across the short dimension of the box. The bottom boards will be reinforced by means of splice plates and tied together with corner straps of sheet metal. STATES AND FOREIGN SITES SECTION Installing twelve 2-in. and six 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in wood box construction at $1.47 per conduit foot. Installing six 2-in. and three 3-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in wood box construction at 76.5 cents per conduit foot. Installing three 4-in. and three 2-in. inside diameter wood fibre duct in wood box construction at 76.5 cents per conduit foot. The average cost, in place, for installing 3-in. wood fibre duct ranging in sections as given above, is 13 cents per duct foot. The above costs are based on 10,000 trench feet of conduit com- posed of 2-in. and 3-in. wood fibre duct with .125-in. walls and slip sleeves. It will require approximately 41,000 duct feet of 2-in. and 31,000 duct feet of 3-in. duct. The average section will be three ducts wide and two ducts high. EXHIBITS BUILDING SECTION Manholes of timber construction ranging in size from 5 by 6 ft. and 5 ft. deep at $36.00 each to 7 by 8 ft. and 6 ft. deep at $65.00 each. Average $49.30 each in place. Manholes of concrete construction ranging- in size from 7 by 7 ft. and 7 ft. deep to 8 by 8 ft, and 7 ft. deep, average $129.30 each in place, exclusive of cast iron cover which is furnished by the Expo- sition Company. STATES AND FOREIGN SITES SECTION The actual prices of the shallow type of wooden manholes used D88 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in this section range from $20.00 to $27.00 each, and average $25.00 each in place. In the general system for the exposition there will be approxi- mately 150 manholes. Thirteen of this number will be of standard concrete construction with cast iron covers. The remainder will be of wood construction. Maximum duct in any conduit run to manholes — 24. Cost of Repairing Openings in Pavements, are from a report on Pavements of Akron, Municipal University of Akron and were published in Engineering and Contracting, Oct. 7, 1914. The following data Ohio, made by the TABLE XV. COST OP REPAIRING OPENINGS MADE IN CINCINNATI PAVEMENTS, ACCORDING TO SIZE OF OPENING AND TYPE OF PAVEMENT o o o o go c3 P -ij rj h a ^ S Oh 50 50 304.8 502.4 805.9 354.5 732.1 3,784.1 6,483.8 33.5 80.6 123.1 77.1 219.1 1,419.0 1,952.4 54.0 106.7 209.0 73.5 207.1 140.2 790.5 683.0 1,071.1 1,832.8 1,189.7 3,193.3 29,202.4 37,172.3 t>^ ^ O H 63.95 $928.51 116.69 1,396.22 176.74 1,530.07 67,83 623.90 65.50 885.72 131.15 3,385.88 621.86 $8,750.30 8.21 $92.57 13.18 223.18 24.93 317.20 16.79 137.34 22.09 377.24 1,632.88 85.20 $2,780.42 $88.96 133.22 237.39 77.23 ...... 214.28 111.72 $893.80 55.67 $1,236.13 146.03 2,120.21 238.13 3,352.84 135.82 1,947.15 208.56 3,839.75 727.53 20,547.63 1,511.74 $32,953.71 (A >» ^ CD lied on the job, as .shown by the foremen's reports, which are made daily to office. During 1913 all new material was used in mixing concrete, no old material being used. The price of concrete varied from $7 in the small cuts to $6 per cu. yd. in the larger size. The prices given arrived at by deducting cost of con- crete at above mentioned prices from total cost, which remainder represented actual direct cost of restoring pavement surface. (3) The same as preceding column, with addition of 25 per cent, over- head, which represents difference between the total expenditures of depa.rtment and amount expended directly for labor and material, as shown by reports of foremen doing work. Cost of Trench Work Through Brick Pavement for Wire Conduit. An article in Engineering and C:;ontracting, June 2, 1915. by Mr. F. L. Shidler, says : The trench was as near as possible to the curb and crossed under two sets of street car tracks and two street intersections. The costs given are for tearing up brick pavement down to grout base, trenching sand cu.shion and replacing same, relaying brick pavement and slushing with cement filler for laying a wire conduit for ornamental street lights. They also include the of sixteen 1 ft. 4 in. square holes about 16 ins. deep, cut through cement and stone sidewalks, filling these holes with con- 900 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Crete and setting four base bolts in each hole. The cost for the post holes, etc., was as follows : Item Total Labor cutting:, 25 hrs. at 50 cts $12.50 Labor concreting 5.00 Per hole $0.78 0.31 Total labor $17.50 $1.09 12 wood templets for base bolts 3.00 0.19 2 cu. yds. concrete at $3.60 7.20 0.45 Miscellaneous 1.12 0.07 Total materials, etc $11.32 $0.71 Grand total $28.82 $1.80 ft. wide and 1,130 ft. long was as The cost of the trench li^ follows : Item Total Tearing up and cleaning brick $21.37 Relaying brick 27.95 Teaming 4.00 Total labor $53.32 2 cu. yds. cushion sand 3.00 4 bbls. cement 6.00 300 new brick 4.00 Miscellaneous 5.00 Lin. ft. $0,019 0.025 0.004 $0,048 Total materials $18.00 Grand total $71.3: $0,016 $0,064 Armored Cable Versus Conduit Systems. Electrical World, Jan. 11, 1913, saj^s : Conduit systems have long occupied an almost exclusive field whenever overhead lines were to be placed under- ground, no other underground method being available. Armored cable, however, is beginning to get a foothold, not as a dix'ect sub- stitute for the conduit system but rather in a field of its own which covers one particular phase of underground systems. This field includes the smaller cities, suburban districts, parks, private resi- dences and manufacturing plants where the buildings are spread over a considerable area. The tungsten lamps in the New York City parks, for instance, are fed with energy through armored cable laid in the ground. Installations of this sort where the service rendered is comparatively small do not warrant a large expenditure to increase the fixed charges. The following figures recently submitted by the Simplex Electrical Company of Boston show the cost of the lead-covered cable in ducts and also of the armored cable laid directly in the ground : COST OF LEAD-COVERED CABLE LAID IN DUCTS 1000 ft. No. 6 three-conductor, rubber insulated, lead-covered c:>.ble (600-volt service) $175 1000 ft. conduit 55 Cost of laying, including cost of two ^anholes and drawing in and splicing cable 450 $680 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 991 COST OB" STEEL-TAPED CABLE LAID IN GROUND 1000 ft. No. 6 three-conductor, rubber-insulated, lead-covered steel-taped cable (600-volt service) $240 Cost of laying 50 $290 The figures do not include the cost of relaying the pavement. This, while approximately the same in either case, will be somewhat more for the conduit installation than for the armor cable, because the trench for the ducts would need to be wider and deeper in order to have the ducts far enough underground. As noted in the table, the difference in cost is mainly due to the much larger expenditure needed for the installation of the duct system. The armored cable itself costs only a nominal sum more than the regular lead-covered cable and its installation is very simple, consisting merely of laying this ready-made conduit system directly in a shallow trench and replacing the earth over the cable. The construction of conduit system with its necessary manholes requires plans from which to work and expert superintendence during its construction. In addition to this the cost which is in- volved by drawing the lead cable into the ducts must be taken into consideration. Comparative Costs of Tile and Fiber Conduit. From Electric Railway Journal, Dec. 16, 1911, we take the following: William D. Ligon has prepared the comparison of costs of tile and fiber con- duits presented in Tables XVI to XVIII. These figures are based upon actual conditions in St. LouivS, Chicago and other cities of the Central West. As shown in the Tables the cost of con- structing multiple duct tile is less than that of constructing single duct tile, owing principally to the less amount of excavating, re- filling, paving, dirt disposal and concreting. This saving ranges from $0,031 to $0,285 and even more per trench foot, according to the number of ducts. Table XVIII, however, shows that much greater economy is possible by using fiber conduit, the cost per trench foot of one pipe to sixteen-pipe installations ranging from $0.44 to $2,422, as compared with $0,483 to $2,723 for the multiple duct tile. This saving is due to the lower cost of the fiber conduit as delivered, to its greater ease in installation, to the elimination of breakage losses and to the simpler connections. Cost of Manholes. The following is taken from cost data com- piled by Mr. Borroughs, Engineer of the Washington Commis- sion. Cubical contents Cu. yards, concrete Ratio, concrete to contents 47 1.0 .021 84 2.0 .024 104 2.5 .024 144 .4.6 .032 182 5.0 .027 Say, 0.025 cu. yd. of concrete or brick masonry per cubic foot of inside measurement. For this purpose all masonry will be con- 992 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Q H h3 Ho Km M SO qH OID Ho eH 'pa H^ H^ ^^ ^d ^^ B3 So; ^o o . OH ^^ OO o OJ^MOOOOtO COOOt-OOMCOCOCC a5CC(Mrt ft be -Co. ^ ci_i • T! -^ &D S -I? ^ S ci g o : §- O t^ ^ L3 lO cvj IX> CD CO 0>0> OlOCCt>,HOOO CQN T-H &9- eo ^ «>9- "^ o-oooooooo COC05000U5WCO OOCCO^tHOOO OliH p H o CO-=hOOOOOO Ol t~- 00 O O lO U5 CO 05 TJH o CO r-( O O O coco useo wco 6^ CO rH CO tHMOOOOOO-* t^COOOCOOOOO t-co CO oooq^oooo-^ miHCOOOOO^-^tM oo-*oo-*oooo ooo rHO C-JO €«■ (M HO ^^ Ig i H^ &^ CO t-ai«ooooooo COCOfO^COCOfCTH CO M ?c c ^ c(MOOIOU5U3 C-7 00 CO Tf ^ M M rH t-(rq^(MOOoo coc^ rH05 Oi CO iH 00 !M ,H iH rH ooiHoqooooo 69- o«^coooc^00 OO €«• 60- rH corqosousooo Tt^USmCOi-liHTHiH UiiHiHOOOOO t-eo OO CO ^lOc^lOUSOOO as 00 CO Oi rH rH rH rH ■^rHrHOOOOO eooi t-Tt< OO €«■ tH 6^ rH r-lT-ICOOOt-OO CO CO O ■* tH O rH tH COtHtHOOOOO (Mt- OI>- c^ fOWiOOOOt-OO lO '^ O CO r-< O r-l rH COrHrHOOOOO coco €«■ m- O^fOOlOUiOO ro O ic CO o o 1-1 iH (MtHOOOOOO coco cooo o^ iH oiio^tiousinoo lO O lO CO O O r-i rH C m a> H 0UH:i0t^^ c > be ft wM E-i UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 993 (W> M U5 O IM C05«3iHOOOO iHOi rHCOOOOOUSUSUS o -*«OOCvJOOl-lrH TfC- COiHiHOOOOO OCO OOtHOCOUSOO tHO CO Oi us iH O O iH T-l CO-* C-3 0000000 0-* fl ■ o 3 oi o ?^. s M . ft . .Sg :- oS : -rg a ."2 • o • • '3 .rr) m . a 1 s cj 994 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA sidered as concrete. Considering concrete proportions as 1-2.5-5 one yard of concrete will call for, — 1.13 barrels of cement @ $2.85 $ 3.22 0.40 yards of .sand " 1.25 50 0.80 yards of gravel " 1.50 1.20 Incidentals, such as lumber, etc 3 00 Labor 2.08 $10.00 0.025 yards at $10.00 gives $.25 per cubic foot of contents as the cost of concrete. Excavation in gravel will be taken out one foot larger all around than the outside measurements, and two feet more in depth than the minimum inside depth. For the manhole whose contents = 104 cu. ft. the excavation will be : — 9 ft. 2 ins, X 6 ft. 8 ins. equals 13.5 cubic yards. It will be necessary to shore the excavation with 3 in. x 12 in. planks, 8 ft. long. Thirty-six planks will be needed and the sal- vage will be 50%. Hence the expense will be, — 18 ft. 3 ins. X 12 ins. x 8 ft. equals 432 F. B. M. The total expense will be, — Excavating and removing 13.5 cu. yds. of gravel @ $1.50 $20.25 Shoring in place, 432 ft. B. M. . ., @ 25.00 10.80 $31.05 Plus 10% for teaming, etc 3.10 $34.15 $34.15 divided by 104 equals .328 per cu. ft., say 35 cents. This, added to the cost of masonry, gives a total of 60 cents. The rule used will be: The cost of manholes in gravel will be 60 cents per cubic foot of the contents, using minimuin inside dimensions. To this must be added $15.10 for cover and casting. In rock excavation it will be impossible to take out the material to neat lines, hence, two feet over the outside measurements will be used, with 2.5 feet more depth than the minimum inside depth. The excavation will be, in this case, 11 ft. 2 ins. X 8 ft. 8 ins. equals 23.1 cu. yds. No shoring will be necessary, so the cost will be : Excavating and removing 23.1 yds. of rock (a) $3.00 $69.30 Plus 10% for teaming, etc 6.93 $76.23 $76.23 divided by 104 equals $.733 per cu. ft. of contents. Calling this 75 cents and adding 25 cents for masonry, gives a cost of $1.00. The rule used will be : — ■ UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 995 The cost of manholes in rock will be $1.00 per cubic foot of contents, using minimum inside dimensions. To this must be added $15.10 for cover and casting-. Vault or Manhole Construction. Telephone Construction, by G. Mayer, has the following: The location of a vault shall be barri- caded and excavation then made to such a depth as to bring the bottom of the concrete top 17.5 ins. below street grade. If the vault is built in advance of street improvements, the necessary information as to grade shall be obtained from the city engineer. The excavation for brick vaults shall be sufficiently wide and long '^^^.^,','1 J 10 11 Fig. 10. Vault size 1 to be used on runs of 1 to 3. Ducts of conduit when not intersected. Fig. 11. Vault size 2 to be used on run.s of 1 to 3 ducts of conduit when intersected. enough to leave a space of 6 ins. around the outside of the wall of the manhole when finished. In stiff clay, the excavation may be made of the outside dimen- sions of the vault. The standard manhole or vault shall be of either brick with a concrete bottom, concrete top and cast iron frame and cover, or of concrete throughout, with cast iron frame and cover. In size it shall be approximately of the inner dimen- sions specified on the plan of the work. For straight runs the long dimensions of the vault shall be in the line of conduit. For intersections the long dimension of the vault shall be in the line of the heavier run. Fw different cross sections of conduit the desirable forms and dimensions for vaults are shown by Figs. 10 to 20 inclusive. 990 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA In constructing- n vault the bottom of the excavation shall fii'st be tamped and a layer of concrete of the depth shown on vault drawing, and of sufficient width and lengtli to project 2 ins. beyond the foundation courses of brick, or the bottom of the concrete wall shall be placed, tamped and graded for drainage. A sewer con- nection or other means of drainage shall be provided wherever possible. If the vault is located on high, well-drained, sandy soil, drainage may be secured by placing one or two lengths of 6-in. sewer tile perpendicularly into the ground from the bottom of the vault. Where possible the vault shall be drained by a 6-in. sewer Fig. 12. Vault size 3 to be used on runs of 4 to 8. Ducts of con- duit when not intersected. Fig. 13. Vault size 4 to be used on runs of 4 to 8 duets of conduit when intersected. " P " trap in the bottom of the vault with 6-in. sewer tile connection to the sewer. If the water level of the sewer is higher than the bottom of the vault, sewer connections may be made through the wall of the vault using a running sewer trap. A back water trap shall be installed in all cases where the bottom of the vault is less than 3 ft. above the top of the sewer, by which the vault is to be drained. All drainage oiienings shall be provided "with cast iron strainers set flush with the floor or wall of the vault. Where the vault is drained through the floor, the floor shall be laid so as to drain to the trap with a fall of nAt less than 1 in. in 10 ft. Tn the case of brick vaults, the wall of the vault shall be built up of hard burned sewer brick laid in cement mortar. In dry UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 997 weather brick shall be well moistened before using-. Walls shall be 9 ins. thick. The wall shall be built up, every sixth course being laid as headers, to the height required. The top course shall be laid as stretchers. The horizontal mortar joints shall not exceed .5 in. and the vertical joints .375 in. in thickness. The brick work shall be racked away around the entrance of the ducts to afford room for turning: cables when installed. As the walls are built up cable support nipples of approved type shall be installed in all vaults. No less than two supports shall be set in the walls parallel to the conduit run on a level with each layer of ^o|| ' / I — i— Fig. 14. Vault size 5 to be used on runs of 9 conduit when not intersected. Fig. 15. Vault size 6 to be used on runs of 9 to 12 duit when intersected. to 12. Ducts of Ducts of con- ducts in non-intersected vaults. The supports shall not be nearer than 1 ft. from the end of the conduit and shall be placed sym- metrically. All pipes entering the vaults shall be well cemented into the brick work and the inside of the vault walls well pointed up. When vaults are intersected at least one support nipple shall be set in each wall between conduit runs on a level with each layer of ducts and set as nearly as practicable at the central point. The walls of all concrete vaults .shall be 6 ins. thick. The con- crete in the roof and floor .shall be thoroughly tamped. The con- crete in the walls .shall be uniformly and equally distributed within the forms, in layers not exceeding 6 ins. in thickness, each layer being thoroughly tamped in place. After this the succeeding layer 998 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ^JT Fig. 16. Vault size 8 to be used on runs of 13 to 24 ducts of conduit when intersected. I6"l'l0v", ^ '" |1'iOm'i6i-' Fig. 17. Vault size 9, to be used on conduit runs — ? Fig. 18. Vault size 10, used for installing 6 loading pots on con- duit runs when not intersected. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 990 shall be at once applied, and the operation continued until the walls have reached the required height When the walls of the vault are finished and filled in and around the outside, the wood form for the concrete top shall be placed. The form shall be placed so as to make the center of the manhole opening as nearly as possible over the center line of the ducts, going both ways, and midway between the ends of the vault ; the long edge of the opening being parallel to the main line of conduit. In case a vault top is 7 ft. or more in length it shall be ,. ...-..,.- ,.! I* J I 3z3x% T.SSlb.T'B" 1 r~T S.\, 'VX ' ' "' ' 19 20 Fig. 19. Vault size 11, used for installing 8 loading pots on conduit runs when not intersected. Fig. 20. Vault size 12, used for installing 6 to 8 loading pots on conduit runs when intersected. strengthened by .375-in. x 3 x 3-in. T-iron or other equivalent rein- forcing irons, placed approximately 2 ft. apart and parallel to the short side of the vault top. Where T-irons are used they shall be imbedded in the concrete with the stem of the T up and the bottom of the bar within 1 in. of the lower side of the concrete. An alterna- tive method for reinforcing concrete roofs of vaults shall be as follows: .5-messenger strand shall be cut to the outside width and length of the vault roof and shall be set in the concrete on 4-in. centers about 1 in. from the bottom of the concrete roof, both across the length and width of the roof. Immediately under the center of the bearing surface of the vault frame shall be placed 1000 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA two pieces of .5-in. strand side by side both lengthwise and across the width of the vault roof. The forms used for building vault tops are shown by Fig. 21. In the case of concrete vaults openings for the entrance of the ducts shall be made with the forms shown by Fig. 22. These forms are made in two styles, collar and block. The collar form shall be used where the ducts are already installed, and the block form, where it is desired to leave an opening for the entrance of future ducts. The collar form shall be placed just over the ducts and against the vault form as shown on Fig. 21, and shall be removed after the vault form has been removed. The forms shown by Fig. 23 shall be used to form openings for the entrance of sewer tile where it is desirable to have a beveled r — ^] n/ttefwifJtemerefe .^ , Fig. 21. Forms for building vault tops. opening as in some cases where large cable is to be installed in the sewer tile. These forms are also used to form openings for the entrance of circular ducts. The method of mixing concrete shall be the same as described for conduit. The proportions of concrete mixtures for vaults shall be as follows : If crushed stone concrete is used : For floors of vaults, 1 part American Portland cement, 4 parts .25-in. screenings and 8 parts No. 3 (.75-in) stone; for roofs and sides of vaults, 1 part American Portland cement, 3 parts .25-in. screenings, and 5 parts No. 3 (.75-in.) stone. If gravel concrete is used: For floors of vaults, 1 part American Portland cement, 4 parts sand and 8 parts of gravel ; for roofs and sides of vaults, 1 part American Portland cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts gravel. Cement mortar shall be mixed on a closely laid timber platform UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1001 or in a wood box. The sand shall be spread on the mixing plat- form to a thickness of 2 ins., the cement added and evenly dis- tributed and the materials turned over 3 times with hoes. Sufficient water to make the mortar into a stiff paste shall then be carefully Al 'K \ < / o'. I V . — 9*4-. y. / 5^ • \ .^s^V Section C'C Section 1>D Fig. 22. Forms for constructing openings for the entrance of ducts into concrete vaults. added and the mixture turned over 3 times with hoes to thoroughly mix the material and dampen every particle of cement. Mortar shall be used within 30 mins. of the time of adding the water. Cement mortar shall be mixed in the proportion of 1 part American Portland cement to 3 parts sand. 5ecf(on F-F. Fig. 23. Forms for constructing openings for the entrance of cir- cular ducts into concrete vaults. The wages per hour were: Bricklayers, 70 cts.; common labor- ers, 22 cts. ; team and driver. 56 cts. Cost of foreman and time- keeper is included. TABLE XIX. AVERAGE COST OF BRICK VAULT CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES Kind of soil q^ ^^ xn Sand 1 Clay 1 Hard clay. . 1 Average . . 1 bo o a c bo fi °s = « <=o O C 1.^ 6« It 2 2.97 3.81 1.15 10.71 2 3.47 4.48 0.92 11.22 2 3.49 5.52 1.14 11.46 2 3.31 4,60 1.07 11.13 3 2.62 3.85 1.12 12.63 3 3.64 4.52 1.26 11.47 3 3.01 5,71 1.34 13.89 3 3.09 4,69 1.24 12.66 4 3.62 4,54 1.82 14.41 4 4.06 5.78 1.76 14.28 4 4.85 7.51 2.23 14.12 4 4.17 5.94 1.94 14.27 5 3.48 4.69 2.04 14.47 5 4.17 5.54 1.93 14.32 5 3.83 5.12 1.98 14.39 6 4.01 4.76 2.33 14.35 6 3.90 5.71 2.04 14.57 6 4.46 7.42 2.11 13.86 6 4.12 5.96 2.16 14.26 8 6.27 6,27 3.06 18.27 8 6.90 8.04 2.87 18.94 8 6.59 7.15 2.97 18.60 9* 2,49 4.01 1.19 11,63 9* 3.57 4.72 1.21 11,22 9* 3.68 5.43 1.07 11,56 9* 3.40 4.72 1.16 11.47 9t 3.19 4.27 1.26 12,04 9- 3.39 4,63 1.19 12.83 9t 3.29 4.45 1.23 12.43 10 7.94 16.43 3.96 26.14 10 9.12 18.74 4.67 24.82 10 9.53 22.04 4.09 25.32 10 8.86 19.07 4.24 25.4 3 11 10.52 26.02 5 34 30.9 6 12 9.93 25.64 5.83 32.11 12 10.14 28.89 5.15 31.07 12 10,03 27.27 5.49 31.59 Op. o 3,34 3.48 3.67 3.50 2.55 3.76 3.58 3.30 4.07 5.83 32 74 16 94 05 34 66 5.81 5.27 5.98 6.40 6.19 3.43 3.59 3.86 3,62 4.01 4.32 4.17 7,27 8,02 7,73 7,67 8 62 8.36 8.84 8.60 6" 3,01 3.41 3.28 3.23 3.10 3.56 2.93 3.20 4.12 4.57 4.98 4.56 4.21 4.86 4.54 4.51 4.22 4.91 4.55 5.64 6.87 6.25 3.12 3,44 3.52 3.36 3.61 3.97 3.79 10.74 12.02 13.81 12.19 15,11 14.04 14.41 14.23 1° 24.99 26.98 28.56 26.84 25.87 28.31. 30.46 28.18 32.58 36.28 38.01 35,62 33,05 36 76 34.91 34.30 36.10 38.57 36.32 45,49 50.02 47.75 26.32 27.75 29.12 27. 73 28,38 30.33 29.36 72.48 77.39 82,52 77,46 96,47 95 91 98,50 97.21 * For 8 ducts or less, t For 9 ducts to 12 ducts. TABLE XIXA. AVERAGE COST OF CONCRETE VAULT CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES bD o ^ B m C (C "w 3 c Kind of soil ll Is > he o '^ t ■ M M t- 00 U5 t- •* -^ Oi Oi c^ , -^o-rq CO irt T-i c» 00 «Ot-i lOLfl ^^ oj lo*^ rH 00-* t-fc> «D e«-TH ="1 tH ^' r-( 1-1 U5 »3- t-Tj'MaSOrHlj3COTHOi050000'i<00«USt-COT^«0r-l^*-*C0-^t^O 0500^00 •-•aseooo;©. 1- ^'i'^i^.S^iH iHo^^rt^^ ««. OiC-C-OMTj-THfOOOOO^Cq^MO'MO^eO CO fO IfS rH 00 CO 00 Tf Oi -^ 00 CO Tti OJ ^*i Oi C»5 ro o ■*■ t~ t^ rt< C35 -* -X) • • 00 T-l «0 -M • ^T _J _; "* f i,H „cq Tt<'Hoo^u5oait-ooooro«ooo=£>oiCT-(Tft- y, ._ ;:^0 OMOOrHMCOt-OirHiHOOC^CO'^'fOCTlC-t-O t-^a5rOt-OC»50ecoi>'LOirtt^,-iirt'^rotocDisicoooaii^i-ii>.o M la oi CO ^i'^ cq Tf 00 CO V? 2 ^ ;S.'-< J I^ rS U5i-lt^KOCOlrtli5t-THU3rHOCOlOCOOCOr-'+--*T-!'+irOt'-t--COC^rti M CO OS CO :i • ^ CO -*- OS CO -12 '^ _: _; ^'H I^ l"^ ^ ,fM'<*lT-l-+iO]0?MCO'MOCOCJ5CO-*iOOm-^'M-*a5 O5 : oi -^.^ 00 o • ^^ • ^ «i -r*: =■ ocj ^' oo 'i . .Tee- e^-^s/^rHoi ooa5-*lr5t-(^^^^t- cot>e<]oocococ-iH CO co'MOOoild-^tho C- 00 tH 05 CO O U5 a> t- eO lij 1-i ^ U5 ■*' 'rt* iH ■M cot- _.'^3 -t< CJcoco^ — . ri -* -M 00 " Csl '^^ t- •* ■no CO Oi L--C0 ^ ^00 ©>« p vi>' p a; ^ o-i:i c be. <^ O _j -^ rr-COCOCOt-r-IOO'*C lO "M CO CO S^ 00 O "-0 ^ oiooo -^ ■ -oo. • (M CO O 04J a ^ o . o dj o 'fl ^^ 4) o P o '^ ^5v,-|2:a-35 do .. 90 o o d rt o d rt • he • &fl "3 facS ^ -y. 00 -Q u-c 2S c •' !!!= = °^z=^ "So it *-> 5 K ofJ ~ w J^ X • '/; r. *-i O -2 73 .•- -tv ? -- r, M k ^25 o ;DU S :^ : : ii . cS . . o -^ • • ■t) ■ ■ ^ :c : ■ .S • «^ • ^ o • ^ oi";: 1^ • S* '-^ 2 —' . O C '^ a .-^ S > 0000 ^r;;i^^ 7; M K V. ^ a-u-u 0000 't:^ 300 1004 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXI. QUANTITIES AND COST OF MATERIALS AND LABOR REQUIRED IN CONCRETE VAULT CONSTRUCTION Size No. of vault 1 3 Bags cement for bottom (g) .4325 1% li^ Yds. sand for bottom @ 1.90 2222 .2222 Yds. gravel for bottom® 1.90 4444 .4444 Total cement, sand, gravel for bottom 7221 .7221 Yds. concrete for bottom 4814 .4814 Cost concrete for bottom © $3.98 $1.92 $1.92 Bags cement for sides and top @ .4325 7.60 8.02 Yds. sand for sides and top @ 1.90 8368 .8820 Yds. gravel for sides and top @ 1.90 1.3908 1.4670 Total cement, sand, gravel for sides and top 2.5091 2.6460 Yds. concrete for sides and top 1.7556 1.8518 Cost concrete for sides and top $7.55 $7.94 Cost frame and cover 11.74 11.74 Total cost material per vault 21.21 21.60 Cost unloading and distributing cement 0.21 0.22 Cost unloading and distributing frame and cover. . . 38 0.38 Total cost unloading and distributing material.... 0.59 0.60 Cost of teaming 2.80 3.18 Cost of excavating 4.08 4.78 Cost of mixing and placing bottom 0.95 1.18 Cost of mixing and placing sides 4.50 5.64 Cost of mixing and placing top and frame 2.63 3.05 Supervision and exnense 2.29 2.73 Total labor cost per vault 17.25 20.56 Total cost per vault 39.05 42.76 Construction Costs of Telephone Cable Manholes. 1911, gives the following: Data, July, BRICK MANHOLE Concrete Top and Bottom Size te ft. ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. 6 ins. t4 ft. ins. by 7 ft. ins. by 5 ft. ins. $4 ft. ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. t3 ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. t3 ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. $3 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. $2 ft. 6 ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 2 ft. 6 ins. m, Barrel Shape Ducts Not Brick inter- inter- Am't sected sected No. Cost over 18 over 30 1807 $16.26 18 30 1674 1507 10 20 1261 11.35 8 12 1171 10.54 4 8 805 7.25 2 4 700 6.30 Handhole 530 4.77 t6 ft. fi ft. t4 ft. BRICK MANHOLE Concrete Top and Bottom, Barrel Shape Size Cement Am't Cost bbls. Sand Am't ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. 6 ins. 7.1 $16.69 ins. by 7 ft. ins. by 5 ft. ins. 5.4 12.60 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. 3.9 9.16 13 ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 3.0 7.05 is ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 2.2 5.17 t3 ft ins. by 4 ft. ins. bv 4 ft. ins. 2.0 4.70 $2 ft. 6 ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 2 ft. 6 ins. 1.6 3.76 cu. yds. 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 Cost $2.25 1.62 1.17 .90 .72 .63 .45 Gravel Am't cu. Cost yds. 2.3 $2.05 1.7 1.53 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 .90 .72 .54 .45 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1005 BRICK MANHOLE Concrete Top and Bottom, Barrel Shape Size Miscel. Labor t6 ft. ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. 6 ins. $28.60 $61.50 t4 ft. ins. by 7 ft. ins. by 5 ft in.s. 27.75 46.00 J4 ft. ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. 26 75 35.00 :|:3 ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 26.75 34.00 $3 ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 26.75 24.50 $3 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. 26.50 20.00 $2 ft. 6 ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 2 ft, 6 ins. 25.75. 18.00 * Inter-Mountain Data t Bottom 6 ins. thick, top 8 ins. thick. % Bottom 4 ins. thick, top 6 ins. thick Gen'l exp's Total 10%. cost $12.74 $140.09 10.47 115.13 8.43 92.76 8.00 6.50 5.87 5.32 87.96 71.52 64.54 58.50 CONCRETE MANHOLE Size Barrel Shape ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. ins. ins. by 7 ft. ins. by 5 ft. ins. ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 6 ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. Ducts inter- sected over 18 18 10 Not inter- sected over 30 30 20 12 4 2 Handole Cement Amt Cost bbls. 9.6 7.2 4.7 3.3 2.4 2.8 1.6 $22.80 16.90 9.05 7.75 5.65 6.60 3.76 CONCRETE MANHOLE Barrel Shape Sand Gravel Am't Am't Size cu. yds. Cost cu. yds. Cost t6 ft. ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. 6 ins. .. 4.0 $3.60 6.7 $6.03 ••4 ft. Oins. by 7 ft. ins. by 5 ft. ins. .. 3.1 2.80 5.1 4.50 |4 ft. ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. .. 2.0 1.80 3.4 3.05 13 ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. .. 1.5 1.35 2.3 2.05 §3 ft. 6ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. . . 1.0 .90 1.7 1.55 §3 ft. Oins. by 4 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. .. 1.2 1.08 2.0 1.80 §2 ft. 6ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 2 ft. 6 ins. CONCRETE MA Barrel Sha . . 0.7 NHOLE pe .63 1.1 1.00 Size Gen'l Total Miscel. Labor expen's cost t6 ft. ins. by 8 ft. ins. by 6 ft. 6 ins. $29.70 $63.00 $12,35 $135.85 •4 ft. Oins. by 7 ft ins. by 5 ft. ins. 28.30 41.00 9.35 102.85 ::4ft. in.s. by 6 ft. ins. by 4 ft. 9 ins. 27.19 31.00 7.21 79.30 tZ ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft. ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 27.15 24.00 6,23 68.53 §3 ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft. ins. by 3 ft 6, ins. 27.05 19.00 5,42 59,57 §3 ft. Oins. by 4 ft. ins. by 4 ft. ins. 26.95 20,00 5.64 62,07 §2 ft. 6 ins. by 4 ft. ins. by 2 ft. 6 ins. 26.20 14.00 4.56 50.15 Miscellaneous, includes all the reinforcing wire and steel, the frame and cover, lumber, and other small items. 1006 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Labor, based on $2.25 per day for laborers and $3.00 per day for foremen. ^ Concrete, mixture : 1:3:5: Brick, $9.00 per thousand. Cement, $2.25 per barrel. Sand and Gravel, $.9 per cubic yard. Labor for laying brick, $12.00 per thousand. * Inter-Mountain Data, t 6 in. Bottom, 8 in. ' Top. 8 in. Walls. % 4 in. Bottorti,. 6 in. Top, 6 in. Walls. § 4 in. Bo^ttom, 6 in. Top, 5 in. Walls. Cost of Brick Manholes for Electric Conduit. The following, taken from Data, April, 1913, was compiled from data collected by a large central station located in the Middle West. Ced. on Gran. Street Cedar 6-in. Granite on Maca- As- Size. ft. ^mmp. pavmg cone. pavmg paving dam phalt 2 by 3 by 3 '$31.04 $32.18 $32.94 $32.94 $34.83 $31.92 $38.63 3 by 3 by 4 41.12 42.52 43.46 43.46 45.80 42.21 50.48 3 by 4 by 4 47.54 49.21 50 32 50.32 53.10 48.84 58.67 4 by 4 by 4 53.47 55.45 56.78 56.78 60.08 55.01 66.70 4 by 5 by 5 64.75 67.05 68.58 68.58 72.44 66.54 80.08 5 by 5 by 5 109.06 111.67 113.50 113.50 117.94 111.13 126.82 6 bv 6 by 6 133.13 136.57 138.87 138.87 144.60 135.81 156.08 6 by 7 by 6 142.76 146.62 149.19 149.16 155 63 145 76 168.50 7 by 7 by 7 160.06 ,164.38 167.27 167.27 174.47 163.42 188.89 8 by 8 by 8 189.16 194.65 198.19 198.19 207.03 193.48 224.72 Cost of Brick Manhole for Telephone Cables, Chicago. The costs given below, published in Data, June, 1911, do not include super- vision or other overhead expenses. Dimensions: 3 ft. by 5 ft. by 4 ft. 6 ins. high. Brick walls, concrete top and floor Materials : 1100 brick at $8.00 per M $ 8.80 14 bags of cement at 41c. per bag 5.75 1% cu. yds. sand at $1.75 per cu. yd 2.19 11^4 cu. yds. gravel at $1.65 per cu. yd 2.06 110 ft. hemlock lumber at $22.50 per M. ft 2.48 1 frame and cover 12.00 2 lbs. nails at 2 Vz cts. per lb 05 6 nipples at 4^2 cts. each 27 Wooden form for concrete top 1.50 Total material $35.10 Labor and Teaming : Excavating 4.00 Backfilling 75 Bricklaying — 1100 brick at $10.00 per M 11.00 Labor mixing and placing concrete 2.50 Hauling away earth 3.50 Total labor and teaming 21.75 Total cost of manhole $56 85 Cost of sewer connection where required 20.00 Cost of Constructing 15 Brick Vaults for Underground Conduit. Mr. Clarence Mayer in Engineering and Contracting, Oct. 28, 1908, UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1007 gives in somewhat more detail the labor costs on brick vaults. (Fig. 12.) The costs show separately the costs of placing floors and tops and also the cost of board and car fare. They also show work done in paved streets. The paving was cedar blocks in clay and the costs given include the cost of replacing same. TABLE XXII. LABOR COST OP (CONSTRUCTING 15 BRICK VAULTS 3 FT. 6 INS. x 4 FT. 6 INS. x 4 FT. ,6 INS. FOR UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ..1 60 1 bo o B bD o 'm o g P 5' ^1 5^ f'3 6" 1 ^1 Min. $2.85 $4.05 $0.65 $11.50 $4.60 $2.65 $0.15-, $0.03 $27.80 Av. 3.04 4.33 0.79 12.35 5.16 2.89 0.24 0.05 28.85 Max. 3.30 5.00 0.90 15.00 5.80 3.10 0.35 0.08 30.41 Main Underground CabJe. Mayer's Telephone Construction says: Underground cable is of the following kinds : 50 pr., 22 ga. and 19 ga. ; 100 pr., 22 ga. and 19 ga. ; 200 pr., 22 ga. and 19 ga. ; 300 pr., 22 ga. and 19 ga. ; 400 pr., 22 ga. ; 600 pr., 22 ga. ; 150 pr., 16 ga. ; toll cable, and 120 pr., .5-14 ga. and .5-16 ga. toll cable. The specifications for underground cable work are as follows : Fig. 24. Diagrams showing method of passing cable through vaults. The cable may be pulled by capstan, by winch, by horse power or by hand, at a speed not to exceed 50 ft. per minute. In setting up, the reel should be as nearly in line with the diict as possible and ahead of the vault rather than back of it, so that the cable will feed from the top of the reel. To the end of the No. 12 steel wire which is pulled in when rodding the duct, shall be fastened a steel rope which in turn shall be fastened to the cable by means of a cable clamp, wire hitch or other approved method. Skids and 1008 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA sheaves shall be set up as nearly as possible in a straight line from the mouth of the duct. The cable should be fed in at a uniform speed and the armof carefully inspected. Where the cable is 2 ins. or more in diameter, the ducts should be swabbed with soapstone, mica or graphite, except in the case of short straight runs. Cable in passing through vaults shall be divided so that cable entering the vault on either side of the center of the vault shall be carried around that side .of the ' vault to the duct where it leaves vaults again, as shown in Fig. 24. The rates of wages on which the following costs of underground cable work are based are as follows : Station gangs : Foremen, per month $90.00 to $100.00 Timekeeper, per 8-hour day 2.25 to 2.50 Linemen, per 8-hour day 2.95 to 3.25 Combination men, per 8-hour day 2.25 to 2.50 Groundmen, per 8-hour day 2.00 to 2.15 Teams, per 8-hour day 4.00 to 4.50 Floating gangs : Foremen, per month and board 65.00 to 75.00 Timekeeper, per 8-hour day and board 1.25 to 1.40 Linemen, per 8-hour day and board 1.80 to 2.00 Combination men, per 8-hour day and board 1.25 to 1.40 Groundmen, per 8-hour day and board 1.00 Teams, per 8-hour day and board 3.00 to 4.00 From 50 to 75 cts. per day are allowed for board of team and $1 per day, including Sundays, is allowed for board of each man. In the cost data given, the rate for men in floating gangs is found by dividing the board per month, $30 or $31, by the number of working days, 26 or 27, and adding the aiuount to their rate per day. Mis- takes in construction such as digging a hole in the wrong location are not included in these averages. TABLE XXIIL COST OF UNDERGROUND CABLE (MAIN) Average cost per foot $0.0161 0.0162 0.0172 0.0175 0.0184 0.0217 0.0220 0.0349 0.0396 Note: The weight of a reel of 120 Pr. — 1/1.-14 Ga. and %-16 Ga. averages between 3 % and 5 tons. The cable grip shown in Fig. 26 was used on some jobs in pulling in the cable. It reduces the cost, as it may be connected and removed instantly, whereas a wire hitch takes some time to attach and remove. It also is su- perior to a wire hitch because it does not injure the cable and will not pull off. Teaming Supervi- and labor Rodding Pulling sion and in haulmg expense 50 Pr.—19 Ga... $0.0048 $0.0034 $0.0061 $0.0017 100 Pr.— 22 Ga... 0.0042 0.0037 0.0065 0.0018 100 Pr.— 19 Ga... 0.0051 0.0039 0.0062 0.0019 200 Pr.— 22 Ga... 0.0057 0.0036 0.0067 0.0015 200 Pr.— 19 Ga... 0.0061 0.0031 0.0071 0.0021 300 Pr.— 22 Ga... 0.0066 0.0036 0.0097 0.0018 300 Pr.— 19 Ga... 0.0073 0.0030 0.0093 0.0024 150 Pr.— 16 Ga. Toll Cable 0.0101 0.0058 0.0147 0.0043 120 Pr.— 1/2-14 Ga. and i/,-16 Ga. Toll Cable . . 0.0122 0.0068 0.0158 0.0048 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1009 TABLE XXIV. COST OF UNDERGROUND CABLE (LATERAL) 25 Pr.- 50 Pr.- 22 Ga. 22 Ga. 50 Pr.— 19 Ga. 100 Pr. — 22 Ga. 100 Pr.— 19 Ga. 200 Pr.— 22 Ga. 200 Pr. — 19 Ga. fi rt o Eh-""" ,$0.0044 , 0.0063 0.0071 0.0068 0.0111 0.0109 0.01.38 ^ u $0.0112 0.0198 0.0226 0.0220 0.0316 0.0310 0.0354 as ^ ^g I I I "^1 ;^ US S-g ^^ 2- 50 Pr $0.42 $0.49 $0.51 $0.98 $0.78 $0.42 $0.64 $4.24 2-100 Pr 0.56 0.54 0.62 1.58 1.37 0.51 1.11 6.29 2-200 Pr 0.59 0.58 0.85 2.80^.78 0.60 1.72 9.92 2-300 Pr 0.60 0.57 0.89 4.06-^.69 0.62 2.06 12.49 2-150 Pr. 16 Gauge Toll Cable 0.96 0.61 0.92 1.56 2.37 0.63 3.17 10.22 2-120 Pr. 1/2-14 and y2-16Ga. Toll Cable 0.94 0.60 0.91 1.39 1.96 0.66 2.89 9.35 1-50 Pr. into 1-100 Pr., 50 Prs. Left Dead 0.49 0.50 0.54 1.07 0.84 0.59 0.71 4.74 2-50 Pr. into 1-100 Pr 0.57 0.54 0.83 1.62 1.44 0.67 1.16 6.83 Note : Toll cable is always tested for crosses, grounds and in- sulation, but not tagged. Teaming and supervision and expense are higher for toll cable than for other cable on account of the work being done in the country. TABLE XXXII. COST OP BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, NOT TAGGED c-^ '^ ow B -S .S S^iS S & S 5.2a c3 s rt ^^^ ^ ^ ^ Ai H PL| fe 3- 50 Pr $0.44 $0.50 $0.61 3-100 Pr 0.53 0.47 0.76 3-200 Pr 0.58 0.53 0.91 a m $1.56 2.78 5.37 $0.65 0.72 0.89 $0.78 1.18 1.74 > o a $4.54 6.44 10.02 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1015 TABLE XXXIII. COST OF BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, TAGGED g-O -'I C S i (UD C ft bo c S t fa ^&0 biDfl S'Si bo ^1 ■il bflft c3 m S 3 |! a P P 3- 50 Pr. . ..$0.46 $0.48 $0.62 $1.52 $1.53 $0.66 $1.27 $6.54 3-100 Pr. . .. 0.42 0.52 0.74 2.39 2.52 0.70 1.58 8.87 3-200 Pr. . .. 0.63 0.52 0.87 3.72 4.89 0.82 2.02 13.47 TABLE XXXIV. COST OF BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, ONTO WORKING CABLE fi o Number and size ^ c ^ S,^ bo ,„ 'S of cables spliced | "I % ^S c ^i2 t Eh Pk fa H M l> w 1-50 Pr. Bridged onto a Splice of 2-50 Pr $0.69 $0.53 $0.68 $2.26 $0.97 $0.76 $1. 1-100 Pr. Bridged onto a Splice of 2-100 Pr 0.75 0.49 0.73 3.79 1.82 0.82 1. 1-200 Pr. Bridged onto a Splice of 2-200 Pr 0.69 0.61 0.86 5.82 3.68 0.81 2. ® _^ c 8?^ 4 0) •d P rt ,27 $7.16 83 10.23 26 14.73 TABLE XXXV. COST OF STRAIGHT -BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, NOT TAGGED c z "^ a> d !::; ft^ ;! '^ -^ 25 Pr. - 25 Pr. 1 1- 25 Pr. 50 Pr. 1- 1- 1- 1-100 1-100 Pr. 1-200 Pr. 50 Pr. 50 Pr. Pr. ^ B bo 1 bp„ m a 8S boa •^ p, o i Eh t fa C+J U ^ ri M |"sl S a m p 2-50 Pr. $0.38 $0.46 $0.56 $1.24 $0.62 $0.74 $4.00 2-100 Pr. 0.52 0.51 0.70 1.83 0.71 1.06 5.33 2-200 Pr. 0.46 0.47 0.78 3.32 0.78 1.48 7.29 2-100 Pr. 0.54 0.54. 0.71 2.10 0.72 1.14 5.75 2-200 Pr. 0.47 0.59 0.82 3.58 0.84 1.60 7.90 2-300 Pr. 0.60 0.52 0.91 5.95 0.88 1.68 10.54 2-200 Pr. 0.64 0.57 0.84 4.03 0.82 1.61 8.51 2-300 Pr. 0.57 0.55 0.98 6.21 0.91 1.74 10.96 2-300 Pr. 0.59 0.61 1.06 6.86 0.84 2.05 12.01 1016 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXXVI. COST OP STRAIGHT-BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, TAGGED No. and size of branch cables spliced into mail cables ll 2 S I' bts 1 1 m §8 P 1- 25 Pr. 2-50 Pr. $0.41 $0.49 $0.59 $1.13 $1.03 $0.56 $1.02 $5.23 1- 25 Pr. 2-100 Pr. 0.47 0.53 0.68 2.01 1.69 0.64 1.30 7.32 1-25 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.51 0.51 0.79 3.16 2.89 0.67 1.71 10.24 1- 50 Pr. 2-100 Pr. 0.50 0.47 0.73 2.18 1.82 0.62 1.36 7.68 1- 50 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.60 0.54 0.84 3.37 3.16 0.69 1.79 10 99 1-50 Pr. 2-300 Pr. ' 0.5,7 0.62 0.94 4.18 4.99 0.78 2.28 14.36 1-100 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.54 0.56 0.83 3.67 3.61 72 1.84 11 77 1-100 Pr. 2-300 Pr. 0.62 0.61 1.01 4.49 5.48 0.66 2,41 15.28 1-200 Pr. 2-300 Pr. 0.59 0.64 0.99 4.87 6.49 0.71 2.63 16.92 1- 25 Pr. 1 1- 50 Pr. f 2-100 Pr. 0.53 0.59 0.82 2.39 2.16 0.83 1.50 8.82 1- 25 Pr.) 1- 50 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.56 0.59 1.03 3.48 3.47 0.91 1.87 11.91 2-25 Pr. 2-100 Pr. 0.49 0.56 0.75 2.26 1.96 0.87 1.41 8.30 2- 50 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.53 0,61 0.97 3.62 3.76 0.91 1.92 12.32 1- 50 Pr. 1 1-100 Pr. 2-200 Pr. 0.61 0.66 1.14 4.04 4.54 0.89 2.20 14.08 1- 50 Pr. ] 1-100 Pr. ( 2-300 Pr. 0.64 0.64 1.16 4.68 5.88 0.94 2.68 16.62 1- 50 Pr. ) 2-100 Pr. : 2-300 Pr. 0.69 0.68 1.37 5.15 6.86 1.17 2.91 18.83 1- 25 Pr. 1- 50 Pr. y 2-200 Pr. 0.62 0.73 1.26 3.90 4.07 1.10 2.18 13.86 1-100 Pr. J TABLE XXXVII. COST OF STRAIGHT-BRIDGE SPLICES, UNDERGROUND, ONTO WORKING CABLES bo &D bfi (D o g •Sft .2 No. and branch spliced cable c 1 •1 s -M fan bo o ft m 5^ So, 1-25 Pr. 50 Pr. $0.46 $0.52 $0.53 $1.36 $0.72 $0.64 $1.08 $5.31 1- 25 Pr. 100 Pr. 0.51 0.47 0.57 2.74 0.80 0.63 1.29 7.01 1- 25 Pr. 200 Pr. 0.47 0.50 0.64 3.74 0.87 0.71 1.44 8.37 1-50 Pr. 100 Pr. 0.44 0.53 0.55 3.06 1.18 0.61 1.39 7.76 1-50 Pr. 200 Pr. 0.52 0.49 0.67 4.19 1.23 0.68 1.57 9.35 1- 50 Pr. 300 Pr. 0.54 0.61 0.69 5.30 1.31 0.79 1.80 11.04 1-100 Pr. 200 Pr. 0.51 0.58 0.74 4.70 2.06 0.80 1.76 11.15 1-100 Pr. 300 Pr. 0.62 0.51 0.72 5.82 2.14 0.74 1.99 12.54 1-200 Pr. 300 Pr. 0.57 0.67 0.68 7.06 3.70 0.82 2.52 16.02 1- 25 Pr.l 1- 50 Pr.I 200 Pr. 0.54 0.62 0.89 4.33 1.84 0.96 1.63 10.81 2-50 Pr. 1- 25 Pr. 1 1- 50 Pr. 200 Pr. 0.63 0.53 1.01 4.17 2.16 1.01 1.91 11.42 300 Pr. 0.58 0.59 0.96 5.51 1.97 0.97 2.02 12.60 Note : All the data on straig rht-bri dge s] plices, both aerial and UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1017 r4 S g ac, oc © t-i M t^ od 3; > W **^ t-< tH iH f-l m 5-^1 Si---'-- t>rj< ■ 'TT T-i ^ CC O '0000 .2 bo •>* ec Oi 00 iH e<3 '^ as tH ci us tH rH d -S <£ £ O a> w oc^"i«cooiaot-ooo OlCO-^it^T-llOOiTHt- oi T-i c-i CO 00 o; -5 Cud oj C rH-*'<* 10 C- 1-^ C-. C- 5^ '^ rH M ec e<3 10 la oc cc us O bE he 'S ^ ^ (MOMCOO-^ClO)-* .?? .rl-C.S OOOirHOOCOOOCOt- g •g C be (m" CO ers ^ ^' us us '*' - c3 be €«. ^ I SClt-OlTHC^eOiH-^OO t^ be CO CO us t- to O; CO tH c- JZ} 2.S i-ir-ii-iiHWCQCo'lM'w "3 •^ a; c: ' Ol a^ T-H-rt-t-C-lOOtCOi-^eO M p be us us TT- ts CO us u: us eo 5 .S d d <6 d. d"-) d. <6 <6 m f^ ■* : SbO «oo(Me-Joci-i.eo^co ^ eij g «o t- «D t- c- «> t> ce 00 ^ ^•-^ ddddddddd t^ ^ ^ be 0) ^";;;'0 ususooooooo Xt y^)i-r cicgususooouso o d rt ;i: S I ! ; I I I I ; : Jg ^=^1 s +-'0: y "J^ E £ 2i 1-, 'S t-" C C u fc.' u fc-" fcl fcl ri f^xto^o fc^M^C,(X(LPkPU f ga.-c?i= oooooocco ^^ •rTS ^ ? ^ 9- '=^ •=■"='="== <='<=<=<= «H ^v^ J: » THC-jt-ic-icoeoe^acgw q o-.i^g puc- II, dp. 0,0- cue ° goi'^c'i' 000000000 ^ .Ss^rtT' 000000000 3 lf2^^^ , ?^ rH 0)^ 1^ 5 S No. of pairs spliced stra No. of pairs bridged ■ bD a S s S Oh bo a S B o ft m faD a m 1-25 Pr.* 100 Pr. 25 .. $0.59 $0.43 $1.11 $1.03 $0.58 $0.96 $4.70 1-25 Pr. 200 Pr. .. 25 0.53 0.52 1.22 1.28 0.67 1.07 5.29 1-50 Pr. 200 Pr. . . 50 0.67 0.49 1.62 1.91 0.69 1.30 6.68 t These splices were made onto pairs left dead. * The main cable ended at the splice. In making a change of count or a cut it is often necessary to lengthen the conductors by splicing on a piece of wire of the same gage. This adds considerably to the cost of splicing conductors together. Pulling and Splicing Cables. The following data are from an article by L. W. Moxey, Jr., in Electrical World, Dec. 18, 1915. TABLE XLL LABOR COSTS FOR PULLING IN AND SPLICING CABLES Pulling cable. Splicing cables, Size, B. & S. or Circ. Mil. cost per ft. cost per splice Single-conduit : No. 14 $0.02 $1.10 12 0.025 1.20 10 0.03 1.38 8 0.035 1.40 6 0.04 1.55 5 0.045 1.70 4 0.05 1.85 3 0.055 2.00 2 0.06 2.20 1 0.0625 2.40 0.065 2.60 00 0.0675 2.80 000 . 0.07 3.05 0000 0.0725 3.30 250,000 0.075 3.55 300,000 0.0775 3.80 350,000 0.08 4.10 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1019 Size, B. & S. or Circ. Mil. Pulling cable, cost per ft. Splicing cables, cost per splice Single-conduit : 400,000 , . . . . 0.085 4.40 450 000 , 09 4 70 500,000 0.095 5.00 550,000 . . . . 10 5.30 600,000 . . . . 0.105 5.60 650,000 , . . . 11 5.90 700,000 ... 0.115 6.20 750,000 , ... 0.12 ^.50 800,000 . . . . 125 6.80 850,000 , ... 0.13 7.10 900,000 0.14 7.40 950,000 •. . ... 15 7.70 1,000,000 ... 0.16 8.00 Duplex : No. 14 12 10 8 . . . $0.03 ... 0.04 ... 0.045 . . . 0.05 $1.55 1.80 1.95 2.10 6 ... 0.06 2.30 5 4 3 2 1 ... 0.07 ... 0.08 . . . 0.09 ... 0.09 ... 0.095 2.55 2.80 3.00 3.30 3.60 00 000 0000 250,000 ... 0.10 . . . 0.105 ... 0.11 ... 0.115 . . . 0.12 3.90 4.20 4.65 5.00 5.40 300,000 ... 125 5 80 350,000 . . . 0.13 6 20 400 000 ... 135 6 60 450,000 . . . 0.14 7 10 500 000 ... 15 8 00 Triplex : No. 14 12 10 8 ... $0.04 ... 0.045 ... 0.05 . . . 0.055 $2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 6 065 3 10 5 4 3 2 1 . . . 0.075 ... 0.09 . . . 0.10 ... 0.11 . . . 0.12 3.40 3.70 4.00 4.40 4.80 00 000 0000 ... 0.13 . . .. 0.14 ... 0.15 . . . 0.16 5.20 5.60 6.10 6.60 The figures given for pulling cable do not include rodding or fish- ing of ducts, which varies from $0,005 to $0.03 per duct foot. 1020 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Installing Street Lighting Cables in Boston. Electrical World, May 20, 1916, has the following: The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston, Mass., has installed 2,644,518 ft. of No. 6, lead-covered underground cable in a recent five-year period at a total cost of $0.2524 per foot. The cable was insulated with %2-in. 30 per cent. Para rubber compound, covered with a %2-in. lead sheath without tin, and guaranteed at a working pres- sure of 10,000 volts. The cost of installation was made up as follows : Cost per ft. Average cost of cable — 2.442,628 ft. 'purchased. $0.1817 Installation cost, drawing in (by contract) .... 0.0110 Miscellaneous construction costs : Total cost 11.526 bonding connections at $0.63 $7,261 12,794 cable splices at $2.60 33,264 102,044 cable protectors at * $0.49 50,001 350 Rtandpipe collars at $1.61 563 250 cable .splices at potheads, at $2.60.. 650 $91,749 0;0347 Freight, teaming, stockroom expense, inspection at factory and after installation, testing, duct protectors, racking (with extra hang- ers), waste cable, installation under frost conditions 0.0250 Total cost per foot $0.2524 Telephone Cable. Data, April, 1911, gives the following for average Chicago conditions during the 10 years previous. TABLE XLTI. ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT OF UNDER- GROUND TELEPHONE CABLE IN PLACE 100 Pr. 150 Pr. 200 Pr. 300 Pr. 400 Pr. 600 Pr. 19 Ga. 16 Ga. 19 Ga. 19 Ga. 22 Ga. 22 Ga. Cost of cable only. $0.4926 $0.9685 $0.7478 $1.0389 $0.7524 $1.1190 Miscellaneous mate- rial 0046 .0118 .0115 .0138 .0142 .0156 Rodding 0086 .0086 .0086 .0086 .0086 .0086 Pull in 0130 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 Splicing labor 0131 .0144 .0184 .0211 .0214 .0229 Total $0.5319 $1.0183 $0.8013 $1.0974 $0.8116 $1.1811 Market price of copper 18 cents. Average distance between vaults, 300 feet. No allowance made for freight, cartage, supervision or other overhead charges. Cost of Underground Telephone Cable, installed. The following diagram Pig. 27. reproduced from Data, May, 1911, is based on a copper price of 18 cts. Cost of Jointing Underground Electric Cables. H. Almert is au- thority for the following data collected by a large central station in the Middle West, UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION 1021 Size Material No. 6 — 1/c Straight $0.70 No. 5 — 1 /c Y 1.20 No. 2 — 1/c Straight 90 No. 2 — lie Y 1.30 1/0 — 1 c Straight 1.15 1/0 — 1/c Y 1.50 1/0 — 4 /c Straight 4.15 2/0 — 3/c (20,000 V.) 5.30 4/0 — 3/c Straight 4.05 250 — 3/c Straight 4.25 4/0 or 250 — 3/c Y 14.20 Labor Total $0.90 $1.60 1.35 2.55 1.05 1.95 1.50 2.80 1.35 2.50 1.80 3.30 2.75 6.90 5.30 10.60 2.75 6.80 2.75 • 7.00 8.00 22.20 WkfUrl+fifl] 30 to 00 120 150 i&O ZlO 2*0 2?D XA 1:3 360 330 420 450 -WO 510 S40 570 NO. OF PAIRS. Fig. 27. Cost of underground telephone cable, installed. Pulling Underground Cables in St. Louis. The following article was taken from Electrical World, August 22, 1914. Supplying St. Louis with energy from the hydro-electric generat- ing station at Keokuk necessitated tying the existing feeders of the Union Electric Light & Power Company to the 60,000-kw. sub- station which distributes the energy at St. Louis. The point at which the two systems are tied together is on the opposite side of the city from the main distributing substations, and the most modern methods were used to pull the underground cable through the conduits between these points. The Union Electric Light & Power Company arranged the motors on its electric trucks so that they could be utilized in pulling the cables through the conduits. The adaptation of truck motors to this work, while not entirely new, is interesting in this case because of the ease with which the drive can be transposed from the truck wheels to the cable-pulling drum. The drum is supported above the motor on two rocker arms the common axis of which is not concentric with the axis of the drum. The drum is connected to the motor by a chain drive.' When it is desired to convert the truck into a cable-pulling machine pins in the driving chains con- necting the motor with the truck wheels are taken out and the chains taken off. The chain which is used to drive the cable drum 1022 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA hangs on the drum sprocket, as shown in the diagram, Fig. 28, when the car is in motion, and by turning the ecceptric which sup- ports the drum the chain is made to engage with the motor pinion. Bloclis are placed under the rear wheels of the truck to assist the brakes in preventing motion of the truck when the cable is being pulled. After the drag line is threaded through the conduits in which the cable is to be placed, the men prepare the cable for pulling. This operation consists of slipping a special lubricating funnel over Mii ofCaUe-puiling Drum PMg. 28. Diagram of truck arrangement. the end of the cable and fastening the drawing-in wire grip to the cable end. As the cable is being pulled through the conduits, oil is poured into the funnel. This lubrication serves to reduce the tension on the drawing-in wire and reduces the chances of the cable being bruised while it is being pulled through the conduit. The cables are all treated with a special flre-proofing material after they are installed and are tested for grounds to cable sheath for crosses and for continuity. From 4000 ft. to 7000 ft. of cable a day can be pulled in by this method, depending on the frequency of the manholes. This amount of cable represents a maximum of about fifteen reels a day. It is asserted that none of the cable which has been put in has been found faulty on account of the method of installing. CHAPTER XIII LIGHTING AND WIRING Illumination in the past has been looked upon largely as an accessory. Modern illuminating engineering, according to C. E. Clewell on Industrial Illumination, June, 1912, is concerned with the adaptation of the available types of lamps to certain supply circuits, to various classes of service, and to given conditions of building construction. A few years ago the older type of arc lamp and the carbon filament lamp, typifying a large and a small unit, covered the range of types of lamps available for illumination work in the OlDTYfti EL- "~" ^ — f NClOSrO CABBON J ^^' mi OPEW C»BBOM ABC F Wa'^^ NEW TYPES TUNGSrCN f^.i 1 M ^ ^EBCUB» VABOa w m m 1 MEBCUBv VAPOB m, m^ M^ ^r=«f ^? ■m? w? 1 S£M m 3848? HAMeJABBON vm — — m ^^a mil am ihi,«, ^u^ 2 00 4 00 61 MEA no N3F 8 -HEP no ICAL RAN K CAS GES m OLE 12 •POV no VER d 00 {f m Fig. 1. Average candle-power ranges of old and new lamps. industries. This limitation in candle-power has gone through an evolution by the introduction in more recent years of the enclosed arc, the open flame-carbon arc, the metallic flame arc and the long burning flame carbon arc lamp, as improvements on the original arc lamp ; and the metallized filament, the tantalum and the tungsten lamps, as improvements on the original filament lamp. The Moore tube, the Nernst and the mercury vapor lamp are also available as new types. The candle-power values of these various lamps are shown in Fig. 1 where, in an approximate manner, the average mean spherical 1023 t/1 'I 1 J Tl'T 7~\ / '~~ ■""" ^^ 8 - 9 uj ENERGY AT I CEN PER klUOWATT-HO J 1 1 t T //', / y ^ x^ ^^„ UR .^ #„.>i^ *• y .y ^s^m:: r^^l ^ ^ 1 MEN 9{?,n MM^ C^.ki £>* TunOSTEn'uGhTinG 1 1 . WATTS PER so n ASSUMtol ■8" mf b^ '^ r H" Z y ^^ ^ 1 "^ 1 ^ ^ ALLLAMPS|BO«N.N&^ MOORS PER OAV 5" -J «I A ' ' —^, ^ — — ' HOURS PER DAV //y ^ ALL LAMPS BURNING &2 ^ ^ _J 1 1 "°T'T°^' °*^ —a '- — — — — ' HOUR PER. DAY ^' III II ( ) 1 2 3 4 ^ 6 7 8 9 WORKING'PERIODS IN MINUTES ^ I 1 1 1 -/ ./ ^ .-^«^ ■' ^ a z 1 1 1 1 ENERGY AT 2 CEN "'PER'klLOWATT-HO I 1 1 1 TS ra^^ ,^ J^ JH '(S\ '^ \'V^ .4^ .^ r -X A ^ 1 ^s^ 1 1 1 ALLLAMP^^BORN.NG6H0V«SPE, ^£Ar O ^ 10 'M [^ > ^ >^'l 1 1 1 1 DAY y z / ^ / y MM r'l ALL laImPS burning < HOURS PER DAY^ 7 y 7- :?^ 1 1 1 OAY-- 13 I '- / / ^ ^ /I LL LJiMPS BURNING 3 HOURS PEP o^ ^ ''-^ 7^ 1 1 1 1 1 5" // .«^ ALL LAMPS BURNING 2 HOURS PER OAY 1 5 H '// y ^ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 1 III ALL LJVMPS BURNING 1 HOUR PER DAY J | :^ ^ ( 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WORKING PERIODS IN MINUTES <0 \ 1/ w\ -y \ \s^y -^ ^ §. r> AMP^ ByR MING H90 .,„.JA^K y /^ P'^ m4-\^ r' I.^ r f RNING 4 HOURS PER DAY Vtf 1 ^,-Z '.a/ .'^^ L^^ c W ENERGY AT 3 CENT P^R KILOWATT-HOL E? \f V *^ ^ ^'^LL LAVIPS HOUR 5PE1 i§'" r^ f'^ '/ / x' / y 1 }H^ ^ r^ ^ <^ ^Pp // 7^ 7^ ^ 1 ^ >^ y ^ kIPS E NC 2 HOURS PER k^ ^ ^ -z^ (/^^ ^1 IS? 1^ 1 K / « ) \f\ /ORK ING PER CDS IN r I ^INU TE& J Fig. 2. Curves showing relation of average wages to lighting costs. 1024 LIGHTmC AND WIRING 1025 c.p. values of all types, both old and new are indicated. Fig. 2 shows the over-all dimensions of the various lamps from which it is apparent that the dimensions for given c.p. values have been modified by changes in design. Re-directing the light where most useful should be included in development of high efficiency lamps as additional to the matter of total light flux per watt. The growing tendency to rate electric lamps according to the effective illumination produced on the work rather than in terms of the watts per mean spherical c.p. is evidence that this item will probably be included in the con- siderations of lamp efficiency more in the future than in the past. Quantity of light is not the sole criterion of excellence ; uni- formity over the work, diffusion, adequate intensities on the sides of the work, absence of glare, color values and similar items are given an importance almost if not quite equal to vertically down- ward intensities. ? ",r, i„ ! 1 it ii Fig. 3. Chart showing relative average overall dimensions of various lamps. One Candle Power. The recognized unit of lighting measure- ment is a candle-power per hour. This is an arbitrary unit, orig- inally the light emitted by a spermaceti candle burning 120 grains per hour, known as the British standard candle, but later modi- fied to the " International Candle," which emits slightly less light than the British candle. Factory Illumination Costs. Factory work generally speaking may be grouped into, (1) work on a horizontal plane, as bench work of some kinds which, in the main, requires only downward illumination; and (2) other work such as that included under ma- chine tool operations, foundry moulds, rolling mills, assembly, and the like, where, in addition to vertically downward light, side com- ponents effective on vertical pl-anes, as well as shadow elimination, play an important part in the excellence of results. The height of ceiling, roof or trusses limits in a very large meas- ure the size and type of lamp to be employed. Experiment and usage demonstrate the disadvantage of using very large lamps 1026 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA for low ceilings, while lack of economy prohibits the use of small lamps for high areas. In former years arc lamps were used for low factory bays, while in some extremes no appreciable general illumination was possible, due to the absence of sufficient clearance between cranes and ceiling for an arc lamp. In like manner very high bays have been inadequately lighted, due to the lack of lamps possessing sufficient c.p. and suitable distribution char- acteristics. To-day, however, lamps of enormously greater c.p. and more suitable distribution are available for the higher area, while lamps with corresponding advantages are available for low areas. Open spaces simplify the problem by permitting the use of lamps spaced comparatively far apart, while the interference of belting 5.6 "^ "^ — / / II" 1 / y J 1 / / / / 2S 3.2 / / y f / AVERflGt COST or CI / J 1/ / &/i / ^^ 21 M / t~ <* W ' / Q 3 v-> i'" rS y Si . «o 1.6 >i \^f f^ V .f /^ o.R / / y ^ / ^ Ut^ y' ^ "l 1 I 3 / J 5 1 1 1 1 3 -i 9 ■J ) ■--J 7 ELAPSED TIME IN DAYS Fig 4. Summary of curves of deterioration costs from Figs. 10, 11. 12, 13 and 14. calls for a type and arrangement of lamps which will provide diffusion so as to reduce the shadows ordinarily produced by belts. In an atmosphere filled with dust and dirt a penetrating light should be employed, and in spaces of the latter class the main- tenance is apt to be greatly increased with the rapid accumulation of dirt on the lamps and reflectors. The arrangement of lamps should not be influenced primarily by the ceiling construction. Plans made up without regard to the ease of installation may sometimes be modified so as to yield equally satisfactory results, however, with a considerable reduc- tion in first cost for installing, by taking into account certain features of the beams or girders. The Spacing Distance of lamps is a first consideration. Ex- LIGHTING AND WIRING 1027 periments have shown, for example, that in certain office locations with moderate ceiling heights, a spacing distance not exceeding 7 ft. 6 ins. is most advantageous. This results in a uniform illum- ination on the desks if the proper reflectors are used, and the light from a sufficient number of sources thus secured insures a diffusion of the resulting illumination. The direcrtional features of the light are furthermore far superior to those cases where larger spacing distances are employed. The spacing also governs the size of lamp to be used. As an illustration, whether one 250-watt or four 60-watt tungsten lamps are to be installed for a given area will be determined largely by the desired directional features of the light. The Mounting Height should be determined on a basis of the avoidance of glare and of the ease in getting at the lamps for maintenance. The lamps should be mounted high enough to be out of the line of vision, and where the ceilings are too low to admit this, lamps of small size should be selected to reduce the quantity of light flux which enters the eye or is effective thereon when looking into any lamp. Current Requirements for Lighting. A. L. Cook in Power, May 4, 1915, states that the usual votages employed for lighting are about 120 or 240 with a two-wire system and 120 for each side with a three-wire system. Either direct or alternating current may be used. Occasionally, three-phase or two-phase alternating current is employed for lighting, because of peculiarities in the conditions of supply. For alternating-current lighting 60 cycles is generally used, since 25 cycles is not as satisfactory owing to a flickering of the lights in some cases. It has been found, how- ever, that tungsten lamps having a rating of 60 watts or more can be employed satisfactorily on 25 cycles. With ordinary in- closed arc lamps, 25 cycles is not satisfactory, although flame- carbon arc lamps can be used on this frequency. For direct- current motors, the standard voltages are 115, 230 or 550, and for alternating-current motors, 110, 220, 440 and 550 volts are com- monly employed, although in some cases, for very large motors, 2,200 volts is used. The frequency may be either 60 or 25 cycles, and occasionally 40. The voltages given for lighting and power service are the values at the lamps or motors. The standard generator voltages for direct current are 125, 250 and 600, and for alternating current, 120, 240, 480 and 600, which allows a reasonable drop between the generator and the load. In some cases a multivolt- age system is used for motors, in order to give a ready means of varying the speed. This is not generally necessary, however, since modern direct-current motors permit wide speed variation by a change in the field strength. The choice of a particular .sy.stem for lighting or power service is affected by a number of factors, such as the character of the existing system or the central-station source of supply, and the relative sizes of the power and lighting loads. When an extension is to be made to an existing installation, the same system must 1028 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA be used for the extension, unless the addition is so large or the requirements differ so widely that a change in the system or the addition of a different kind of supply can be seriously considered. For a new plant more freedom of choice exists, and the relative merits of the various systems will therefore be considered. Direct vs. Alternating Current. For lighting, either alternating or direct current would, in general, be satisfactory, and the ad- vantage of easy change of voltage in the case of the former makes it preferable in supplying buildings covering large areas. How- ever, the lighting load is usually small, 'compared with the power load ; hence the choice is fixed by the power requirements. The important advantages and disadvantages of alternating and direct current for power supply may be summarized as follows: DIRECT CURRENT ALTERNATING CURRENT It is not generally feasible The voltage can be easily to use more than 2 40 volts for transformed. using voltages lighting. Therefore this limits • suitable for lights and motors, the voltage of the system if supplied from the same gen- erator as the motors. 2. Maintenance is higher, ow- 2. There is no commutator ; ing to commutators. hence the motor is more rug- ged. Tt will stand larger mo- mentary overloads, there is no danger of fire from sparks at the commutator and it is more reliable. 3. Wide speed variation of 3. Speed variation is difficult motor by simple means, with and the motor is less efficient high efficiency. at reduced speeds. 4. Motors have better start- 4. Operation is not satisfac- ing characteristics for cranes tory on high-speed elevators and elevators. and large cranes. Starting cur- rent is greater. 5. Starting current is lower 5. Starting current for or- for usual types of constant- dinary type is large. Special speed motors. arrangements are necessary to reduce it. 6. A .somewhat larger gener- ator is required for a given mo- tor load. The relative sizes of the power and lighting loads will have an important bearing upon the selection of the system. In some cases of light manufacturing, particularly if all the work is in one building, where the feeders would be short, direct current might well be used, employing 120 volts two-wire for small .systems, and 240 volts three-wire, or possibly two-wire, for larger systems. If a two-wire system be used, the feeders would be about one- fourth as large for the 240 volts as for 120 volts: but. on the other hand, the lighting would have to be supplied at 240, which would entail somewhat greater cost for lamps and maintenance. It is better to operate the motors at 240 volts and supply the lights on a 120-240-volt three-wire fjj'stem. By this means, the saving in size of feeders is nearly as great as if the entire load were supplied at 240 volts and the advantage of the lower-voltage LIGHTING AND WIRING 1029 lamps is secured. The additional power-house equipment is of small cost. For most industrial uses, the alternating-current motor is satis- factory, and in some cases almost necessary, either .because of the great distances from the power house or the severe operating conditions due to dust, moisture, etc. Its principal disadvantage is the difficulty in adjusting the speed. With a direct-current system it is possible to obtain motors which will allow a speed change of three to one. When the speed is adju.sted to a given value between these limits, it will reinain practically constant regardless of the load. Such motors are extensively used for driving lathes and similar machine tools. It is possible to pro- vide means by which the speed of an alternating-current motor can be adjusted to as wide a range as the direct-current motor, but usually at a sacrifice in efficiency ; whereas, the direct-current motor has nearly the same efficiency at all speeds. Moreover, the variable-speed alternating-current motor, having been adjusted to a particular speed, will not maintain this as the load changes ; instead, the speed will increase as the load decreases. This wide speed variation is objectionable where constant speed with varying load is necessary, as in machine-tool driving ; but for some pur- poses, such as ventilating fans, centrifugal pumps, paper machines, and the like, where the load does not vary suddenly, the use of an alternating-current adjustable-speed motor is satisfactory. Alternating-current motors are not as satisfactory for cranes and elevators, owing principally to the difficulty of control, particularly when making stops. For this reason direct-current motors are to be preferred for high-speed elevators and large cranes. There- fore, in an office building where the elevator load is usually greater than the other motor load and the length of the feeders is not great, the direct-current system is preferable. For large buildings the three-wire, 2 40-volt system should be used, the motors operating at 240 volts and the lights at 120. Only in small buildings should the 120-volt 2-wire system be used. If the building is not supplied from a power plant on the prem- ises, but obtains its supply from a central station, the type of service will depend upon the system of the supply company. If only alternating current is available it will be best to use alter- nating-current elevators unless the speed is high (above 300 ft. per min.) rather than provide the necessary transforming ap- paratus. For industrial establishments in general, the alternating current is to be preferred unless the cranes and variable-speed tools form a large proportion of the total load. If it is absolutely necessary to use direct current for some of the motors, it is better to provide alternating-current service for general uses, with a direct-current supply for cranes and special work. When installing any wiring it is desirable to conform in all re- spects to the local rules governing such installations. The rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, called the " National Electric Code," form the basis of most of the regulations which have been issued by various cities and other parties interested, 1030 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and must be followed in order to obtain fire insurance on prop- erty. These rules may be obtained gratis from the National Board of Fire Underwriters by applying to its New York, Boston or Chi- cago offices. The Inspection Department of the Associated Fac- tory Mutua'l Fire Insurance Companies, with an office in Boston, has issued the " National Electric Code " with explanatory notes, thus giving in many cases more specific directions for the proper installation of electrical apparatus than isi contained in the " Code." In many cases there are rules issued by the city inspection de- partments, which are substantially the same as the " National Electric Code," but care should be taken to see that the work not only meets the code requirements but also conforms to the local rules. In the following discussion the rules of the '^National Electric Code " are followed. Choice and Distrihution of Lamps. The subject of the proper illumination of industrial establishments has in the past few years been given considerable attention on the part of factory super- intendents and managers, who have begun to realize that it pays to provide sufficient illumination. Investigations have shown that an efficient lighting system increases the output from 2 to 10%, and it has also been found that the number of accidents is ma- terially reduced when adequate lighting is provided. For interior illumination of buildings, there are available the following types of lamps : Lamp Service 1. Carbon-filament a.c. or d.c. 2. Gem- or metalized-filament a.c. or d.c. 3. Tantalum a.c. or d.c. 4. Tungsten, including "nitrogen" filled lamps a.c. or d.c. 5. Inclosed-carbon arc a.c. or d.c. 6. Metallic-flame or magnetite arc d.c. 7. Flame-carbon arc a.c. or d.c. 8. Nernst a.c. or d.c. 9. Cooper-Hewitt mercury arc a.c. or d.c. While all of the foregoing types have been used for interior illumination, the practice has now become so standardized as to make the tungsten lamp by far the most common for ordinary heights of ceilings. The metallic-flame arc and flame-carbon arc are used for lighting large floor areas with high ceilings, particu- larly where there is more or less smoke and gas. The so-called nitrogen-filled lamp, which is a special form of tungsten lamp with the bulb filled with nitrogen or a similar gas, is very useful where large lighting units can be employed, and the tendency is to use this in place of the metallic-flame or flame-carbon arc, owing to the reduced cost of maintenance. The mercury arc has also been used extensively, principally because of its small power con- sumption, but it produces such an objectionable color that it is unsuitable for many uses and can better be replaced by the nitro- gen-filled lamp. This gives a light even whiter than the ordinary tungsten lamp with a power consumption not much greater than that of the mercury arc. Present practice, therefore, for rooms LIGHTING AND WIRING 1031 of ordinary height, has narrowed down to the use of tungsten lamps with glass or steel reflectors, mounted near the ceiling and arranged to give sufficient illumination to the entire room. In general, drop cords with individual lights have been eliminated as far as possible and are used only for special work which cannot be lighted from the overhead lamps. Where it is necessary to use individual lights, a 16-c.p. carbon-filament or a 40-watt gem lamp is used. The latter is preferable as it gives the same candlepower as the carbon and requires about 20% less power. The following gives data on the various sizes of tungsten lamps : DATA ON TUNGSTEN LAMPS * Size Watts per Approximate current, rated Candle- candle- Life, amperes watts power power hours 120 volts 240 volts 25 24 1.05 1000 0.21 0.11 40 39 1.03 1000 0.33 0.17 60 60 1.00 1000 0.50 0.25 100 105 0.95 1000 0.83 0.42 150 167 0.90 1000 1.25 0.62 250 278 0.90 1000 2.08 1.04 400 445 0.90 1000 3.33 1.67 500 555 0.90 1000 4.16 2.08 t200 222 0.90 1000 1.67 fSOO 353 0.85 1000 2.50 • . • t400 534 0.75 1000 3.33 ! ! ! t500 714 0.70 1000 4.16 '. '. . t750 1150 0.65 1000 6.25 '. '. '. tiooo 1665 0.60 1000 8.33 ♦From figures supplied by the National Lamp Works of the Gen- eral Electric Co. The above applies to 120-volt lamps; for 240- volt lamps the watts per c.p. are about \()% higher. fNitrogen-filled lamps of 120 volts only. Power Required for Illumination with Tungsten Lamps. The power required to light a given floor area as given by A. L. Cook in Power, May 4, 1915, varies with the amount of light necessary, which in turn will vary with the character of the work carried on. Table I gives the number of watts required per sq. ft. of floor area for different cla,sses of work, with various arrangements of tungsten lamps. These values are based on good practice and will give first-class illumination under average conditions. The principal item which would affect these values is the color of the ceilings and walls. For offices, stores, corridors and drafting rooms it is assumed that both the ceilings and the walls are fairly light in color, while for factories, warehouses and power houses they would be darker and less light would be reflected. The figures given for general office illumination are sufficient for usyal office work, while those for special illumination should be used where bookkeeping or work of a similar nature is carried on. The amount of power allowed for a drafting room is sufficient to pro- vide suitable illumination without the use of individual lamps. For rooms where rough manufacturing is carried on and where close application to the work is not required, the figures for gen- eral factory illumination should be sufficient ; for fine machine 1032 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA work, toolmaking and bench work, those for special factory illum- ination should be used. The lamps should be provided with suit- able reflectors, in order to direct as much of the light as possible on the work. There is a great variety of these reflectors, but they can all be grouped in a few general classes, each of which is best adapted for particular conditions. There are on the market several types of glass reflectors which direct most of the light in a down- ward direction, but allow a certain amount, to pass through to the ceiling. The best example of this type is the prismatic " Holo- phane." In order to have a good distribution of light, it is neces- sary to employ the proper style of reflector ; hence a different size is manufactured for each size of tungsten lamp. It is necessary also to use the right type of shade holder in order that the lamp may be correctly located in the reflector. Since modern systems of illumination are usually laid out to give practically uniform lighting over the entire floor area, it is necessary to use different types of reflectors for different heights of ceilings and spacings between lamps. The Holophane prismatic glass reflectors are made in three styles : " Extensive," for low ceilings ; " intensive," for medium ceilings ; and " focusing," for high ceilings. Glass reflectors are best adapted for oflflces, stores, drafting rooms and similar places, where it is desirable to light the walls and ceilings, as well as the work. They have also been used quite extensively for factory lighting, but are not suitable for use where there is danger of breakage. Steel reflectors are made in a number of styles, with white porce- lain-enamel surfaces, white painted surfaces, or aluminum painted surfaces. In general, the porcelain-enameled reflector is better than the others, owing to a great reflecting power, and the ease with which it can be kept clean. There are two general types of steel reflectors — the bowl, shown in Fig. 5-a, and the dome, in Fig. 5-&. These reflectors are made in various sizes to suit particular tungsten lamps, and in various shapes for different heights of ceiling. The dome type (&) should be used generally; the bowl type (a), which incloses the lamp more than the dome, being used only when the lamps are mounted so low that they would be in the line of sight of the workmen. When steel re- flectors are used, the ceilings are not illuminated, except by a LIGHTING AND WIRING 1033 small amount due to reflection from the benches or tables ; but for many industrial applications this is not objectionable. In offices the steel reflectors do not give a pleasing effect. Values for either glass or steel reflectors are given in column A of Table I, since they are both classed as direct illuminants. For the same character of walls and ceilings there would be only a slight dif- ference in the amount of illumination produced by the two types. TABLE I. POWER REQUIRED FOR ILLUMINATION. TUNGSTEN LAMPS* Watts per square foot Direct Indirect CJass of work A B Office — general 1.00 1.60 Office — special 1.25 2.00 Drafting room 2.00 3.20 Corridors and halls 0.50 0.80 Factories — general 0.80 Factories — special 1.50 Warehouses 0.50 Stores 1.25 2.00 Power house 0.80 Storage 0.30 *If nitrogen-filled lamps are used, multiply the watts per square foot as given above by 0.75. Height and Approximate Spacing of Lighting Units. Sizes of lighting units for various mounting heights are as follows : Height of Unit above Floor Size of Unit, Watts Up to 9 ft 40 or 60 9 to 11 ft 60 or 100 11 to 16 ft 100 or 150 16 to 20 ft 150 or 250 20 ft. and above 250, 400, 500 and nitrogen-filled lamps or flame arcs Table II gives the approximate spacing distances for lighting units. Comparison of the Cost of Lighting by Various Systems. R. Trautschold in the Scientific American Supplement, March 27, 1915, states that 5 gals, of kerosene oil is capable of giving out 4,500 c.p. if all waste is eliminated. With care the waste for 5 gals, of oil burned should not exceed 5 qts. The cost of lighting a small cottage or flat for a year forms a very understandable comparison. Taking the average year in and year out, such an establishment — if the hall light is turned down low, the kitchen light extinguished when the last dish of the day has been washed and put away and all the other little economies that are insisted upon by the careful housekeeper — would burn an equivalent of about 100 c.i). 3 hrs. each day, or 110,000 c.p. during the year, illumination that would not be very excessive for one fairly large room. In the days of the kerosene lamp, the 5-gal. oil can would have 1034 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE II. . A.PPJ Elo: Kl. MATE i gPACING } DISTA NCE S FOR LIGHTING UNITS Watts Watts Size of per Size of per units, sq. ft. Spacing units. sq. ft, Spacing watts direct * distance watts direct * distance 40 0.3 11 ft. 6 in. 150 , 1.5 10 ft. 8 in. 40 0.5 9 ft. 150 2.0 8 ft. 8 in. 40 0.8 7 ft. 250 0.3 29 ft. 60 0.3 14 ft. 2 in. 250 0.5 22 ft. 5 in. 60 0.5 11 ft. 250 0.8 17 ft. 8 in. 60 0.8 8 ft. 8 in. 250 1.0 15 ft. 10 in. 60 1.0 7 ft. 9 in. 250 1.25 14 ft. 1 in. 60 1.25 7 ft. 250 1.5 12 ft. 11 in. 60 1.5 6 ft. 4 in. 250 2.0 11 ft. 2 in. 100 0.5 14 ft. 400 0.8 22 ft. 5 in. 100 0.8 11 ft. 2 in. 400 1.0 20 ft. 100 1.0 10 ft. 400 1.25 17 ft. 11 in. 100 1.25 9 ft. 400 1.50 16 ft. 4 in. 100 1.5 8 ft. 2 in. ' 400 2.0 14 ft. 1 in. 100 2.0 7 ft. 500 0.8 25 ft. 150 0.5 17 ft. 4 in. 500 1.0 22 ft. 5 in. 150 0.8 13 ft. 8 in. 500 1.25 20 ft. 150 1.0 12 ft. 3 in. 500 1.50 18 ft. 3 in. 150 1.25 11 ft. 500 2.0 15 ft. 10 in. * The figures given apply to ordinary tungst lamps. In general the spacing of lamps should be about 50% greater than their height above the work illuminated. to be replenished every 2 weeks or so, in such an establishment, for about 125 gals, of kerosene would be consumed during the year. Ever since " city gas " first came into general use for lighting, the type of burner most commonly employed has been the or- dinary open tip ("fish tail") burner, emitting a fan-like flame. Such a burner has a lighting capacity of about 20 c.p., and to obtain 110,000 c.p. about 27,000 cu. ft. of gas would have to be burned, or at least paid for, as there is bound to be a certain unavoidable leakage. This quantity would demand the use of un- shaded lights only, for shades would, as in the case of oil lamps, lead to extra expense. The upright Welsbach burner is very much more economical in the consumption of gas than the open tip burner for the same illumination, consuming only about one-third as much gas. The inverted Welsbach mantle is even more economical, due to the more efficient mixing of gas and air before it is ignited. This type of burner consumes but about one-fifth as much gas as does the open tip burner. For domestic purposes the incandescent electric bulb is almost universally used, and, until recent years, this meant the common carbon filament lamp — the Edison lamp. These lamps are made in various sizes, capable of emitting a definite amount of light — the usual rated candle-power being 16 and multiples of 16. The average consumption of electrical en- LIGHTING AND WIRING 1035 ergy by such lamps, with clear glass bulbs, is very close to four and one-third watts for each actual candle-power, so that for 110,000 c.p. about 475 k.w. (1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts) would be required. As some shades or frosted bulbs would very probably be used in any private apartment or house, a more conservative figure would be 500 k.w. Cost of 110.000 canSTf-pourer- Obiiari. 4 J 1 Kerosene Oil Lamp ■Cify Gc i'. Open Tip ■Cit^G. (Fiah Tail) Burn a: \ Upnokt Welsbalch. Burnt "Ct/'yffQs", IiurerCed WeLkach Burner. Incandescent EleotncLiiht, Carbon Filament 'Edi36n) Butb. iQanacscem Electric Light "Tuaostaa', 'Malda' tte. Bid6. Coit of 110,000 candle -pourtr-doUai^a. Costs based on: — ^Kerosene at 12 cts. per gallon; "City Gas" at $1.00 per thousand cubic feet; and electricity at 10 cts. per kilowatt. Fig. 6. Comparison of cost of lighting by various systems. Bulbs in which the carbon filament is replaced by fine wires of a metal that becomes incandescent more easily than the carbon filament, known under various trade names, such as " Tungsten " and " Mazda," consume but about IVz watts for each actual c.p., instead of nearly ^'z watts as do the carbon filament bulbs. 1036 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Operation of Practical Lighting Systems.- Ward Har- rison (Electrical World, November 15, 1913) states that in de- termining the total operating cost of any system of lighting, three items must be considered : 1. Fixed charges, which include interest on the investment, depreciation of permanent parts and other ^ expenses which are independent of the number of hours of use. Frequently this item forms the greater part of the total operating expense, yet it is only too often omitted from cost tables. 2. Maintenance charges, which include renewal of parts, repairs, labor and all costs, except the cost of energy, which depends upon the hours of burning, 3. The cost of energy, which depends upon the hours of burning and the rate per k.w.-hr. The life of a lighting system depends not only upon the wearing out of parts, but also upon obsolescence. There are no installa- tions in this country which have been in use for a period of seven or eight years which are not already obsolete. Although the lamps may be in good operating condition, economy demands that they be replaced by more efficient illuminants. There is every indica- tion that the next few years will see even greater progress in the development of lamps and the use of light. The rate of deprecia- tion on all permanent parts is equal to at least 12.5%. The in- vestment required in the tungsten system of lighting is relatively very low. A table which would show the total operating expense of tung- sten lamps for all sizes, with every discount from the list prices, for all possible periods of burning per year, and under all cost of energy, would be so large as to be entirely impracticable. From Table III, however, the operating expense of units under any set of conditions may be found with little calculation. The total investment includes the cost of lamps, reflectors, hold- ers and sockets. The investment in permanent parts is the total investment minus the price of lamps. No depreciation is charged against the lamps inasmuch as they are regularly renewed. The labor item under fixed charges provides for the cleaning of all units once each month. For the smaller units with steel reflectors the cost of cleaning is taken as $0.02 per unit for each cleaning. Data obtained from installations where accurate cost records are kept show that this figure is conservative for labor at $0.20 per hr. The cost of cleaning other reflectors is taken in prbportion to the amount of labor required. Some illuminants require attendance at regular intervals. The cleaning is done at the same time and is, therefore, included under the maintenance charge. For units which require no regular attendance the cleaning expense be- comes a separate charge. It will be noted that the fixed charges form only a small part of the total operating cost for a lighting system. The maintenance charge is given for a 1,000-hour period of burning. To find the annual charge in any case it is necessary to multiply by the ratio of the total hours of burning to 1,000 hours. LIGHTING AND WIRING 1037 TABLE III. TOTAL, ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS — 100-VOLT TO 130-VOLT TUNGSTEN UNITS 1,000 hours' operation per year. Lamp.s bought on $150 contract Energy- cost, cents 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Size of lamp, 40 $1.16 1.56 1.96 2.36 2.76 3.16 3.96 4.76 100 $2.24 3.24 4.24 5.24 6.24 7.24 9.24 11.24 rated watts 250 $4.93 7.43 9.93 12.43 14.93 17.43 22.43 27.43 500 $9.50 14.50 19.50 24.50 29.50 34.50 44.50 54.50 1,000 hours' operation per year. Lamps bought on $1,200 contract 1.13 1.53 1.93 2.33 2.7J 3.13 3.93 4.73 2.16 3.16 4.16 5.16 6.16 7.16 9.16 11.16 4.73 7.23 9.73 12.23 14.73 17.23 22.23 27.23 9.10 14.10 19.10 24.10 29.10 34.10 44.10 54.10 4,000 hours' operation per year. Lamps bought on $150 contract 1 iy2 2 3 4 3.24 4.04 4.84 6.44 8.04 7.23 9.23 11.23 15.23 19.23 17.41 22.41 27.41 37.41 47.41 34.46 44.46 54.46 74.46 94.46 4,000 hours' operation per year. Lamps bought on $1,200 contract 1 1% 2 3 4 3.10 3.90 4.70 6.30 7.90 6.91 8.91 10.91 14.91 18.91 16.61 21.61 26.61 36.61 46.61 32.86 42.86 52.86 72.86 92.86 TABLE IV. ANALYSIS OF OPERATING COSTS — 100-VOLT TO 130-VOLT TUNGSTEN UNITS Size of lamp, rated watts 40 100 250 500 Cost of lamp, list $0,350 $0,800 $2,000 $4,000 Cost of lamp, standard-package discount 0.315 0.720 1.800 3.600 Cost of reflector, standard-pack- age discount 1.155 1.566 1.653 2.617 Cost of unit, standard-package discount 1.470 2.286 3.453 6.217 Annual fixed charges : Interest on total investment, 67c $0,088 $0,137 $0,207 Depreciation on reflector, 12i/>% 0.144 0.196 0.207 Labor, monthly cleaning 0.240 0.240 0.360 Total $0,472 $0,573 $0,774 $1,180 Maintenance cost per 1,000 hours : Lamp renewals at standard- package discount $0,315 $0,720 $1,800 $3,600 Lamp renewals at $150-con- trac-t discount 0.291 0.664 1.660 3.320 Lamp renewals at $l,200-con- tract discount 0.256 0.584 1.460 2.920 Energy cost per 3,000 hours at 1 cent per kw.-hr $0,400 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 $0,373 0.327 0.480 1038 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Where lamps are sold at other than the prices given, the proper correction should be applied. The renewal of lamps is the only maintenance expense. ■ , The energy cost is given for a 1,000-hr. period with energy at $0.01 per k.w.-hr. An example will illustrate the use of Table IV. It is required to find the total operating expense per unit per year for lighting a mill with 250-watt tungsten-filament lamps. The lamps are burned a total of 4,000 hrs. and are purchased at the discount obtained on a $150 contract. The cost of energy is $0.20 per k.w.-hr. From the table we obtain the following: (1) Fixed charges $0.77 (2) Maintenance. 4.000 X $1,800 7.20 (3) Energy, 4.000 X 2 X $2.50 20.00 Total $27.97 In Table III are included annual operating costs which have been calculated for a number of cases frequently met in industrial plants. Cost of Street Lighting in Cliicago. Ray Palmer (Electrical World, Aug. 9, 1913) states that to light one mile of street, using 23 flame-arc lamps, with underground wires, costs about $9,000, while if the wires are placed overhead the cost is only about $4,000. These figures include substation and feeder distribution costs. On some of the older residence streets, where the trees are well-grown and act as an obstruction to the light from arc lamps, a system of underground cables and tungsten lamps mounted in opalescent globes on the old gas posts has been installed. This type of con- struction costs about $8,000 per mile of street lighted, using 75 of the tungsten lamps staggered on both sides of the street and about 150 ft. apart, measuring on one side of the street. Flame-arc lamps on underground circuits cost in 1912 $39.91 a year to maintain. To this should be added an interest charge on investment of $19.16 and a depreciation charge of $13.67, making the total yearly cost, according to Mr. Palmer's figures, $72.74 per lamp. While the lamps on overhead circuits cost as much to main- tain the interest and depreciation costs are lower, bringing the total yearly cost down to $54.57. The underground-cable tungsten-lamp street lighting is the most expensive form of public street lighting used in Chicago except gasoline lighting. The cost per unit is only $13.36 for cash main- tenance of this type of lamp, but the interest and depreciation bring the total amount to $24.27 per lamp per year. As there are 75 lamps to a street mile, this means $1,820 a year to light one mile of street with series tungsten lamps as against $1,673 for flame-arc lamps on underground circuits and $1,255 for flames arcs on over- head circuits. The corresponding flgure for gasoline lighting is $2,343.75. Mr. Palmer made an interesting comparison between street- lighting conditions in Philadelphia and Chicago. Philadelphia has a population of 1,549,000 (1910), an area of 129 square miles with LIGHTING AND WIRING ' 1039 1,752 miles of streets and alleys. Chicago has a population of 2,185,000, an area of 194 square miles with 4,400 miles of streets and alleys. The annual cost of street lighting in Philadelphia is put at $2,472,000, or $1,412 per mile of streets and alleys. The corresponding figure for Chicago is $1,038,700, or $234 per mile of streets and alleys for public lighting. According to these figures, Chicago spends less than 20% (per year i^er mile of street and alley lighting) of the similar expenditure in Philadelphia. Attention has been given recently to the lighting of street cross- ings under the elevated-railroad tracks, or subway crossings, as they are called. There are about 625 of these subways in Chicago. The railroad companies will be forced to install and maintain lamps in 275 of these subways, the city being required to light the remaining 350. After an investigation a standard of one 16-c.p. lamp for each 400 sq. ft. of inclosed subway area was decided upon as sufficient. Chicago was operating on Dec. 31, 1912, 13,830 arc lamps and 862 series tungsten lamps. The city also rented 920 arc lamps and 63 tungsten lamps from the Commonwealth Edison Company. The average number of arc lamps owned and operated wholly by the city during the year was 12,735. The average cash cost of the operation and #iaintenance of these 12,735 lamps is given as $34.26 per lamp per year. This sum does not include interest, depreciation, lost taxes, rent of offices in the City Hall, rental of poles belonging to other companies, nor the cost of work done for the Department of Electricity by other branches of the city gov- ernment. Adding these to the " cash cost," the total cost per lamp per year is placed at $60.32. Of this $13.52 is credited to depre- ciation and $7.65 to interest. The contract price of rented arc lamps is $75 a year. Analyzing the $34.26 given as the cash cost for operation and maintenance, the largest item is $10.60 paid for electrical energy to the Sanitary District. The next largest item of cost is $9.39. for lamp trimming, while repairs to circuits, conduits and posts cost $6.59, and carbons $2.84. The total cost of maintaining the municipal electric street-lighting system of the city in 1912 was $432,335. Depreciation is figured at the following rates applied to original cost: Buildings, 1.08%; steam equipment, 4.1%; electrical equip- ment, 4.7%; repair-shop equipment, 10%; lamps, 6.66%; circuits, 4%; conduits, 3%; posts, 3.5%. The general interest charge is figured at 4% on the value of the electric-light system less the amount payable to the Sanitary District. The number of gas lamps in use for street lighting on Dec. 31, 1912, was 15.740 and the number of gasoline lamps 8,678. The total number of municipal street lamps of all kinds in service in Chicago on Dec. 31. 1912, was 40.259. Cost of Street Lighting in New York City. In his annual report for 1914 William Williams, commissioner of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity of the city of New York, shows the saving effected in the lighting of streets, parks and public 1040 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA buildings by the substitution of incandescent for arc lamps. At the beginning of 1914 there were 2,643 miles of street and 19 square miles of parks to be lighted. There were over 40,000 electric lamps and 45,000 gas lamps. In round numbers, the cost of light- ing the streets and parks of Greater New York was $3,382,000 in 1913. The city has contracts for street and park lighting with the various companies. The term of the contract is limited by statute to one year. The rates for nitrogen-filled tungsten lamps in Manhattan during 1915 are $70 a year for the 300-watt lamps and $77 a year for the 400-watt lamps. The cost of arc lamps was reduced from $90 to $85. Rates equally favorable were obtained in the other boroughs. At the time of the report over 13,000 gas- filled incandescent lamps were burning on the streets of the city, including all its boroughs. Cost of Installing and Operation of Gas Filled Street Lights at Titusville, Pa. Electrical World, November 23, 1916, states that very favorable impressions have been received from the installation of series gas-filled lamps for street lighting service at Titusville, Pa. The old system consisted of Wood double-carbon open-arc lamps and some series incandescent and gas-filled lamps supplied with energy from a Brush arc machine. The present system, which includes the equipment given in Table III, was adopted after a study of the results obtained with series and multiple units. In this investigation 9.6-amp. nitrogen-filled units were connected in series with some of the old open-arc lamps. With this ar- rangement, the incandescent lamps were subjected to very un- favorable conditions due to the arc lamps sticking and producing current surges. Despite this severe test, some of the gas-filled lamps operated for eight months without attention or renewal. Al- though very satisfactory results were also obtained with multiple gas-filled units, the series system was adopted because it did not require radical changes in the existing distribution system and for other reasons. In the new system, which includes 150 400-cp. lamps and 28 600-cp. units, the larger lamps are placed at points where the traflfilc is dense and the shade deep, 112 units being supported on mast arms and the remainder on center suspensions. Formerly, cables were used to support each lamp, but this has gradually been replaced by No. 3 Oneida chain, until now all are so equipped. Some of the chain has been in service 7 years without showing break or deterioration. The use of reels for raising lamps has also been discontinued. As a substitute, galvanized iron half cleats have been attached to each pole, with the points downward, so galvanized-iron rings linked to the lamp chains can be hooked thereto. The weight of the fixture is sufficient to secure the ring in place against any or- dinary effort to unhook it. To minimize the unauthorized handling of the hoisting equipment, the cleats are placed as high on the pole as can be conveniently reached, and a window cord with a snap hook is used to lower the fixture. With this arrangement only about one-half of the amount of chain formerly used is re- LIGHTING AND WIRING 1041 quired, resulting in a much safer support and a neater appearance. Since the new fixtures are somewhat lighter than the old ones, and do not have to be lowered usually more than five or six times annually, the strain on the supporting equipment is considerably decreased. To make the entire overhead equipment more substantial and sightly, . and at the same time facilitate raising and lowering of the lamps, the old wooden and pipe mast-arm sets have been replaced by " Pierce " galvanized-iron arms 8 ft. in length. All lamps burnt out are replaced at once if reported prior to 9 p. M. The reporting of lamp outrages has been greatly facilitated by instructing policemen and firemen and all city employees to give the exact location of burned-out lamps as soon as discovered. Citizens are requested to do the same. Data regarding the lamps are kept in card index files. From a study of past records kept on these cards, made after the system had been in operation 252 nights or 2,520 burning hours, it was found that 21% of the lamps originally installed were still in service, and showed no marked depreciation in efficiency, despite their having been guar- anteed for only 1,350 burning hours. The majority of these lamps were 600-c.p. units, indicating that the larger units have the long- est life. Ninety-one lamps exceeded the guaranteed life by a tq^al of 64,890 hrs., or an average of 713 hrs. each. Eighty-seven lamps fell short of the guaranteed life by a total of 20,680 hrs., an average of 237 hrs. each. This analysis covers all short-hour lamps, de- fective or otherwise. Since the new fixtures are somewhat shorter than the old arc- lamp fixtures, they hang closer to the pulley, thereby raising the source of light somewhat. The average elevation is 25 ft., although this figure has been exceeded or decreased at a few points. At this height the refractor shades project the light practically to the center of the blocks, which are slightly more than 400 ft. long. In the alleys the lamps are hung midway between the blocks. Owing to the double loop suspension afforded by the use of the absolute cutouts in connection with the fixtures, they always hang plumb. In addition to installing the regular street lamps an attempt was made to encourage the use of ornamental post fixtures in the busi- ness district by installing three single-lamp posts with diffusion globes in front of the city hall and one in front of the public library. The use of natural gas for illuminating the waterworks plant has been discontinued and electric service substituted. An- other improvement made about the same time was the provision of a chemical rectifier for charging storage batteries on the fire alarm system. This apparatus, which has been in operation sev- eral months, eliminates the necessity of a motor-generator set, re- quires very little attention and has been furnishing excellent service. The saving in energy alone has been said to be $8 a month. While the fixed expenses of the new system, such as salaries, maintenance and operation, average about the same with the old system, the wear on lamp suspensions has been considerably re- duced and there is a perceptible reduction in the quantity of coal consumed during the operation of the lamps. With the old system. 1042 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA two men at $2 a day each were required^ to trim the arc lamps. Including occasional extra help, the labor therefor amounted to about $1,500 a year. The supply of carbons, globes, repair parts, brush copper, and the constant overhauling and adjustment of the fixtures cost $1,500, as near as can be estimated. These items have been eliminated, however, with the new system, since the annual supply of lamps has been cared for by the contract which calls for TABLE V. COST OF EQUIPMENT AT TITUSVILLE, PA. Generators and exciters $2,050.00 Two 900-r.p.m., 3-phase, 60-cycle, 2400-volt revolving field, belted type Westinghouse alternators ; and two 1000-r.p.m., 125-volt, compound wound, multipolar belted-type exciters having 25% higher rating than re- quired by the alternators. Constant current regulators and transformers 1,200.85 Three 30-35-kva., single-phase, 60-cycle, constant-cur- rent regulating transformers, with 2400-volt primaries and 6.6-amp., air-cooled secondaries. Switchboards and equipment 1,100.00 Complete station and substation switchboards equipped with all necessary instruments, switches, etc. (West- inghouse.) Street fixtures and cutouts 1,870.00 180 series incandescent street fixtures (Adams Bagnall Abolites) equipped with General Electric absolute cut- outs. 20-in. concentric-ring reflectors, and 8.5 in. double-prismatic refractors. Fixtures and cutouts both wired with 18 ins. of No. 8 high-tension stranded wire, and furnished with four brass-wire connectors having brass screws. Lightning arresters and posts 447.28 Lightning arresters for station and substation com- plete, and four cast-iron ornamental single-lamp posts. (Westinghouse and Cutter posts.) Lamps 1,107.98 Two complete installations of 6.6-amp., 400 and 600-cp. nitrogen-filled lamps, and 200-watt multiple lamps for post fixtures. (Colonial.) Installation, including inspection, supplies, readjustment of these circuits to balance the phases, labor, building out for new lights and the removal of old system 1,214.27 Total $8,990.38 their replacement. So far the records indicate that the replace- ment of lamps will not exceed $1,600 a year. The city electrician now attends to the entire system, excepting the station, additional help being employed only for heavy repairs and building lines for new lamps. These arrangements have permitted an annual saving of $1,4 00 a year aside from that represented by the improved fuel economy, the more efficient method of charging storage batteries, and lighting of the waterworks, which can be estimated at a total of $2,000 annually. Between the award of the contract and the arrival of the new equipment a new brick and concrete substation was erected in the center of the city large enough to accommodate the street lighting switching and voltage control equipment, and also an office for the LIGHTING AND WIRING 1043 city electrician. The building of the substation was more than paid for by the sale of old equipment removed from the street lighting system and sold for scrap. The generating equipment was installed in the city waterworks building, where a 175-hp. Russell steam engine was used to drive the generators. Cost of Gas and Electric Lighting Compared. In a large Ameri- can city where the price of gas is 80 cts. net and the price of electricity 10, 5 and 3 cts. net employees of the electric-service company have made up interesting tables to show the comparative costs of gas and electric lighting on the basis of equivalent illumina- tion. These data, given in Electrical World, Aug. 8, 1914, are shown in Tables V and VI. TABLE VI. COST OF GAS LIGHTING (Gas at 80 cts. per 1000 cu. ft. Does not include mantles) Hours' use Single reflex Four mantle inverted arc Standard welsbach Four mantle upright arc 1 2 3 4 $0.0059 .0089 .0119 .0149 $0.0178 .0298 .0418 .0538 $0.0073 .0117 .0161 .0205 $0.0234 .0410 .0586 .0762 5 6 7 8 .0179 .0209 .0239 .0269 .0658 .0778 .0898 .1018 .0249 .0293 .0337 .0381 • .0938 .1114 .1290 .1466 9 10 11 12 .0299 .0329 .0359 .0389 • .1138 .1258 .1378 .1498 .0425 .0469 .0513 .0557 .1642 .1818 .1994 .2170 TABLE VII. COST OF ELECTRIC LIGHT FOR EQUIVALENT ILLUMINATION GIVEN IN TABLE VI (At rate of 10 5 and 3 cts. per kw-hr. net, including lamp renewals) One One One One Hours' use 40-watt 100-watt 150-watt 250-watt 1 $0.0040 $0.0100 $0.0150 $0.0250 2 .0060 .0150 .0225 .0375 3 .0072 .0180 .0270 .0450 4 .0084 .0210 .0315 .0525 5 .0096 .0240 .0360 .0600 6 .0108 .0270 .0405 .0657 7 .0120 .0300 .0450 .0750 8 .0132 .0330 .0495 .0825 9 .0144 .0360 .0540 .0900 10 .0156 .0390 .0585 .0975 11 .0168 .0420 .0630 .1050 12 .0180 .0450 .0675 .1125 Comparative Costs of Gas and Electricity for Illuminating Pur- poses. B. K. Cash before the Indiana Gas Association in 1915 states that among the vast number of conditions that have a bear- ing on artificial illumination are : The different classes and scales 1044 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of rates, the innumerable types and sizes of units using either gas or electricity, and above all the local and specific conditions under which artificial light is obtained and operatM, as, the space to be lighted, height and color of the walls and ceilings, the nature and requirements of the business using the light, quality of light de- sired, and the taste and fancies of the consumer ; these all have to be determined locally. The usual information needed on costs are only those of installation, maintenance and operation. The rates here used are those in force in Indiana. The average electric rate for commercial and domestic lighting in all cities of over 10,000 population — including municipal owned plants — is 7.9 cts. per kw.-hr. The average maximum rate charged for artificial gas in 18 cities of over 10,000 population, or all those using straight artificial gas, is $0.97 per 1,000 ft. Taking these figures as a basis it would be fair to use $0.08 per k.w.-hr. as the average electric rate, and $1 per 1,000 cu. ft. as the average gas rate. TABLE VIII. AVERAGE COST PER C.P. OF ELECTRICITY AND GAS ELECTRIC RATE $0.08 PER K.W.-HR. Hourly Estimate con- ' Cost Cost per Lamp candle sumption, per candle power power watts hour hour 46 Watt Tungsten . 34 40 .0032 .000094 150 Watt Tungsten 134 150 .012 .000089 200 Watt Nitrogen 240 200 .016 .000066 740 Watt Nitrogen 1150 750 .06 .000052 Average cost per c. p. $0.000075. GAS RATE $1 PER M. CU. FT. Hourly Estimate con- Cost Cost per Lamp candle sumption, per candle power power cu. ft. hour hour No. 3 Reflex 85 3.6 .0036 .000042 No. 10 Indoor Lamp 228 9.0 .009 .000039 3 Mantle Invert. Arc... 439 15.0 .015 .000036 5 Mantle Invert. Arc. . 632 25.0 .025 .000039 Average cost per c.p. $0.000039. Table VIII has been compiled to show the average cost per candle power of electricity and gas. The figures shown are gen- eral, such as are used and accepted as applying to ordinary work- ing conditions. Data are given on four of the most efficient lamps, from smaller units to the larger; their estimated c.p. and approxi- mate hourly consumption, and from this the average cost per c.p. per hr. is determined. Thus it is shown that it is possible at present day rates and with modern equipment to produce an equal amount of light with gas at about one-half the cost of electricity. The field of out-door lighting is no.t entered on a large scale by LIGHTING AND WIRING 1045 gas companies owing to the low electric rate made for this class of business. Quite an amount of outside store lighting is obtainable by means of the gas arc, and some companies are considering the advisability of installing such lamps in commercial districts on a revised flat rate basis as a profitable means of increasing their output. The plan is to figure the monthly consumption of the lamp, using the number of hours it would be lighted, and from this find the cost of gas consumed. To this add a reasonable amount for cleaning, lighting, extinguishing, repairing and de- preciation, and overhead expense. Then from this total determine the net amount to be charged the consumer each month. The cost of installation is handled the same as any other construction ac- count, mains, service or meter work, for the piping and lamps remain the property of the company and furnish service whenever required. An idea of the revenue to be gained along these lines is shown by the fact that a 3-mantle inverted out-door arc operated from dusk until 10 p. m. will consume in a year 22,380 cu. ft., and if burned until midnight, 33,330 cu. ft. In residence lighting one of the strongest points in favor of gas is the increased amount of light obtainable for the money expended. Charges for installing gas and electricity in residences depend en- tirely on the grade of work desired and the scheduled prices in force. The average prices for piping and wiring are about equal. While a stated length of wiring can be run somewhat cheaper than same amount of pipe, the difference in this cost about equals the charge for accessories and extra runs for switches. In other words, the cost per outlet for either gas or electricity is practically the same. The fact that it is important to have all new buildings piped throughout for gas needs great emphasis. This really forms the keynote in securing additional home lighting. No matter whether the system used in a residence is gas or electricity, it is hard to induce the owner to undergo the tearing up required to change that system. So it is imperative that the established sys- tem be gas. "While some lighting is secured by placing outlets in kitchens from fuel lines, and on first floors for portable lamps and bracket lights, yet to get the bulk of this business each room t'hould be fitted with properly placed outlets to meet all require- ments. The cost of maintaining gas lighting in residences is a nominal one, and controlled largely by the installation. In a properly in- stalled system of modern equipment, the cost of upkeep is greatly reduced over the old style burners. Breakage of mantles and glassware has been lessened in the newer lamps, which with the late reduction in the purchase price of mantles assists in mini- mizing the cost of maintenance. Where glassware is used with electric lamps the maintenance cost runs about the same as that of gas. The difference in favor of electricity in maintaining the lamps, about takes care of the repair charges on switches and the mechanical parts. To aid the lighting service, some companies have established a free house maintenance and_ inspection at stated intervals. They find it gives better satisfaction to both the com- 1046 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA pany and consumer. Such a service can be made self-sustaining by the profit made in the sale of material ; and at the same time helping to introduce modern equipment and stimulating the con- sumption of the lamps by keeping them in condition. Electricity versus Gas for Street Lighting. T. Osborne in Elec- trical World, Dec. 14, 1912, gives the results of English tests by H. T. Harrison and J. A. Body as follows : Two important streets were selected in the heart of the city, one lighted by electricity and the other by gas, and four lamps on each were subjected to close examination. The arc lamps are suspended along the center of the street, at a clear height of 27 ft. 6 ins. and at the following distances apart, 114 ft. 7 ins., 116 ft. and 132 ft. Tests were made from three sets of positions at a height of 15 ins. from the ground, (1) directly below each lamp, (2) at the center of the street half way between each lamp, (3) on the curbstones of the footpath half way between each of the lamps. These tests were for horizontal illumination. Direct-illumination, or candle-power, tests were made 4 ft. from the ground at the positions mentioned above and, in addition; at positions 6 ft. 6 ins. from a perpendicular from each lamp. The gas lamps were placed closer together, the distances ranging from 98 ft. 6 ins. to 118 ft. 6 ins. The lamps tested are of the " Metroplane " magazine flame- arc pattern, with clear inner globes and opalescent outer globes. The electric lamps are connected eight in series on a. 400-volt circuit, obtained from the ordinary distributing network supplied by the municipal plant. Each lamp takes an average of 583 watts, and the circuits are so arranged that every alternate lamp can be switched off when desired. The cost of the electric lamps is con- siderably less than that of gas lamps. The cost for electrical energy, depending as it does on the load factor, varies for the half-night lamps, which burn only 2,000 hrs. per annum, and the all-night lamps, which burn 4,000 hrs., being 2.14 cts. per k.w.-hr. for the former and 1.31 cts. per k.w.-hr. for the latter. Thus for one hour the cost for electrical energy would be (a) Half-night lamps, 583 watts, at 2.14 cts. per k.w.-hr.. 1.248 cts. ; (b) all-night lamps, 583 watts, at 0.655 ct. per kw.-hr., 0.764 ct. To this must be added the cost of carbon electrodes and labor. Each lamp contains fourteen pairs of carbon electrodes, which during the tests exceeded five burning hours per pair. These elec- trodes as used at present cost $18.24 per 1,000 pairs; it follows that one hour costs 0.36 ct. It takes two men 15 mins. to trim and clean each lamp. A trimmer and an assistant are employed, earning respectively 14 cts. and 12 cts. per hr. Thus the trimming and cleaning, should the lamps be cleaned once in 50 hrs., would be 12 cts. per hr. Together with an allowance for repairs and for maintenance, this makes the total cost per hr. for the electric flame-arc lamp as shown in Table IX. As lighting and extinguishing are automatically carried out by time switches, no charge has been allotted for this service. The relative capital cost of the plant and apparatus is as follows : The four arc lamps tested are a portion of sixteen along the same LIGHTING AND WIRING 1047 TABLE IX. TOTAL COST PER HOUR FOR FLAME-ARC LAMP Half-night lamps, cts. per hr. Electrical energy 1.250 Electrodes 0.360 Labor 0.120 Sundries 0.070 Total 1.800 1.400 street, which, including all accessories, are stated to have cost erected $2,707, equal to $170 per lamp. The high-pressure gas lamps compare very unfavorably, as the total cost of the lamps, lanterns, poles, suspension and all ac- cessories erected amounted to $933, equal to $233 per lamp. These figures do not include any amount for series street-lighting mains in the case of the arc lamps, or any for high-pressure gas mains or compressor plant. This obvious flaw is due to the peculiar system of accounts kept by the public authorities. The experts who tested the lamps commented on the absence of these items. The capital cost per mile of street would be as follows : For the arc lamps, 43.6 to the mile, $7,532.08 ; for the high-pressure gas lamps, 49.34 to the mile, $11,841.60. The relative constancy and reliability of the light sources were the next points to be con- sidered. During the two months in which the four electric and four gas lamps were under inspection the maximum variations, exclusive of extinctions, were as follows: (a) Any one of the electric lamps, from 4,400 cp. to 2,420 cp. ; all the arc lamps, from 4,400 cp. to 2,400 cp. ; (b) any one of the gas lamps, from 2,058 cp. to 686 cp. ; all the gas lamps, from 2,475 cp. to 686 cp. It is essential to point out that these variations frequently continued over only a short period and that they are not often noticeable, thus showing that the variation in illuminating power of the gas lamps is more than that of the electric lamps. The total number of complete extinctions noted by the experts during the two months' period was as follows : Arc lamps, June 14, one lamp out for 8 mins. ; July 19, one lamp out for 20 mins. Gas lamps, June 16, one lamp out for 20 mins. ; June 18, one lamp out for 60 mins. ; June 23, one lamp out all night; July 21, one lamp out all night. The electric lamps thus worked in a more reliable manner. In comparing these results and failures it is essential to add that half the arc lamps burn all through the night ; that is, twice the number of hours of the gas lamps. It follows, therefore, that the electric lamps are considerably more than twice as serviceable for street lighting, from this point of view, as the gas lamps. The difference in the degree of illumination throughout the streets, irre- spective of the variations in the candle-power of the light source, was 4.5% for the arc lamps and 4.8% for the gas lamps. It will be noted, therefore, that there is little to choose between the gas lamps and the electric arc lamps in this respect. It may be interesting to work out the reduction of costs to a 1048 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA common basis of candle-power and illumination. The comparison on an equal basis of cost may be made as follows : From the details given it will be noted that for a cost of 1.4 cts. per hr. the arc lamps give an illuminating value averaging 2,970 cp. — that is, at the important angles, namely, 20 degs. to 25 degs. from the horizontal ; while the gas lamps give under similar conditions only 1,750 cp., at the cost of 3 cts. per hr. Thus the candle-power at a cost of 3 cts. would work out as follows : Electricity at a cost of 3 cts. per hr. gives 6,364 cp. ; gas at a cost of 3 cts. per hr. gives 1,750 cp., or electric lainps giving 2,970 cp. cost 1.4 cts. per hr. and gas lamps giving 2,970 cp. cost 5.08 cts. per hr. From a comparison on an equal basis of illumination the arc lamps also have an advantage. Dealt with from this point of view the distances at which the lamps are spaced comes into the calculation, and as this varies owing to local conditions it will be desirable to take a unit length of street, say 1 mile, and to ascer- tain the number of lamps of either type which would be necessary to give the same illumination. As the arc lamps when spaced at an average distance of 121 ft., or 43.6 to the' mile, produce a mini- mum illumination of 0.5 foot-candle when giving an average of 2,970 cp. at a cost of $1,220 per annum while burning for 2,000 hrs., it will be found by a simple calculation that 54 gas lamps giving an average of 1,750 cp. will be required to produce the same result, placing them in an inferior position as compared with the electric lamps. Further, as the gas lamps cost 3 cts. per hr. — equal to $60 per lamp per annum — when burning 2,000 hrs., the comparison works out as follows : Cost per mile minimum illumina- tion, 0.5 foot-candle; for four arc lamps, $1,220; for four gas lamps, $3,240. TABLE X. COMPARATIVE COST OF ARC LAMPS AND GAS LAMPS Arc lamps Gas lamps Candle-power of lamps . 2970 1750 Number of lamps to the mile 43.6 49.34 Running costs per lamp per hour up to 11 :30 p. m 1.4 cents 3 cents Capital cost per mile of streets $7,531 $12,177 Running cost 1,000 cp.-hours 0.475 cents 1.714 cents Cost per annum per mile equal illumi- nation $1,220 $3,240 Minimum illumination basis of com- parison 0.5 ft.-candle 0.39 ft.-candle Cost per mile of street per annum up to 11 :30 p. m. at above illumination. . $1,220 $2,960 In the figures given above the cost of energy in the electric lamps is taken at the all-night rate. "When they are taken at the half -night rate the cost would amount to $1,508. A general comparison of the two systems of lighting after 11 :30 p. m. is interesting. The figures given above apply only up to the time when the gas lamps are turned out and every alternate arc lamp is shut off. When the gas lamps are put out the ordinary gas lamps of the old system, which is being gradually superseded, are LIGHTING AND WIRING 1049 relied upon. After 11 .-30 p. M. the comparisons of cost for equal illumination are still more diverse, as in the case of the gas-lighted street in which the tests were made the low-pressure gas lamps, of which there would be eighty to the mile, and the cost of which cannot be taken at less than $9.60 per lamp per annum, give a minimum illumination of only 0.004 foot-candle for a cost of $768 per annum ; whereas the alternate arc lamps give a minimum of 0.08 foot-candle, 20 times as much, at about the same cost. Maintenance Costs of Arc Lamps for Street Lighting. L. L. Elden of the Boston Edison company before the Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission in 1916 stated that for an average of 4,489 6.6-amp. magnetite arc lamps in service the yearly cost of trimming per Imp was $9.94. The number of lower elec- trodes required was 277,726 and the average number of trims per year per lamp was 61.2. There were 3,828 hrs. of burning. The average service life per low electrode was 62.5 hrs., 70 hrs. being: the maximum observed. No salvage is realized on the electrode stubs. The longest trim period, occurring in July, was about nine days. The route schedules for the various trimmers from week to week are made out by the head of the trimming department, who delivers the schedules to the stockroom at the headquarters of the work for the entire system of about 700 sq. miles. Requisi- tions for electrodes are signed by a representative of the installa- tion or trimming department, who is in charge of the trimmers, after which the electrodes are taken from the stockroom to the loading platform, sorted and delivered by stock boys according to cabinets assigned to each trimmer. The stock boys apportion the electrodes according to routes, number of lamps per route and trimming period, and when the trimmers arrive at the plant before beginning a day's work no time is lost in waiting for electrodes. An average yearly consumption of globes for the above number of lamps is 11,752, or 2.6 globes per lamp-year. Frequent changes are required by heavy slagging and pitting of globes, due to the mineralized material of the electrodes being thrown against the side of the globe. This is a cumulative process, and finally results in a bad appearance from the street. One standard size and shape of globes is used for magnetite lamps of the standard type through- out the system. Eighty-five per cent, of the globes are destroyed after being removed from the lamps, the remainder being cleaned of slag and soot and discoloration and used again. The yearly maintenance cost of the above lamps also includes an outlay of $445 for lamp parts, such as burned electrode holders, screws, globe- holder rings, etc. The transportation cost incurred in trimming lamps in Boston was $7,298. The total pro-rated labor cost in trimming in Bos- ton proper was $11,108 for 15 trimmers and $2,250 for part time of clerks, stockmen and trouble, men, or a total of $13,358. Eleven trimmers are engaged in regular service on regular routes ; 1 trim- mer does nothing but change upper electrodes, and 2 spare men are carried on the payroll. The copper electrodes are changed about once a year, the estimated life being 4,000 hrs. Trimmers 1050 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA average 95 pole-type lamps per day each on regular routes. Twenty-four bracket-type lamps represents a day's work for a trimmer on account of their scattered location and the necessity for using an extension ladder in most cases. A 6-day trim period exists during most, of December and Janu- ary. An automobile is of little use on trimming in congested districts compared with a horse and wagon. Trimmers report at 7 A. M. and report back at headquarters at 4 p. M^ no circuit being operated until the afternoon repart comes in. The total trimming labor was 4,490 days, for which the men were paid on an average $2.22 a day. Additional labor charges at a different rate were as follows : New trimmers were employed, requiring breaking in, aggregating 126 days at $2 each. There were also three men em- ployed during the year to make a general overhaul of the mag- netite lamps on the system, the charge for their time in Boston proper being $1,071. The grand total trimming charge for labor was $12,401. The number of upper electrodes changed was 3,893. During the year the company repaired 5,516 magnetite lamps. The average price paid for lower electrodes was 5 cts. Experience with Thoran Arcs. Referring to the 1.60 0-cp. direct- current Thoran arc lamps of 500-watt rating used in the illumina- tion of various public squares, Mr. Elden said that the cost of trimming, patrolling and labor per lamp is about $242 per year, the trimming costing $142. The income per lamp is only $148. The company did not anticipate a loss on these lamps when they were first placed in service. They were installed on account of the desire of the city to light large areas more economically than was feasible by the standard magnetite lamp. The performance was erratic, two trims a night being necessary at times. One such lamp usually replaced three or four magnetites. Owing to the high cost of operation the company has lately discouraged their extension, and at present but 24 are in service out of a maximum of about 40. The chief element of cost is the labor required to maintain continuous service. The lamps are widely scattered, and this increases the cost of patrolling and trimming. The lamps have to be changed frequently, brought into the shop for overhauling and repairs, and trimmed nightly. Mr. Elden esti- mated a fair price for these lamps under present conditions at about $325 per year each. This figure is based upon an investment average of $625 (the unit cost which the Boston Edison company figures for its entire street lighting system per arc lamp), with a fixed cost of $82.55. Cost of Arc Lighting in Lynn, iViass. In Lynn, Mass., according to Electrical World, Sept. 6. 1913, the arc is carried 14.5 ft. above the sidewalk, the post being of the Lundin combination wooden and iron type as required by the Massachusetts laws, with fluted wooden column. There are in the complete installation 150 6.6-amp. ornamental luminous-arc lamps, two ornamental bracket lamps, one combination trolley and twin bracket pole with two lamps of the same type carried at a height of 27.5 ft., ten 4-amp. orna- mental luminous-arc lamps of the parkway type carried at a height LIGHTING AND WIRING 1051 of 18 ft., and one 4-amp. ornamental luminous-arc lamp of the residential type with the arc 12 ft. above the sidewalk. Of these, thirty-five 6.6-amp. lamps and all of the 4-amp. lamps burn all nig-ht. The cost to the city is $8,260 for the 6.6-amp. lamps burned until midnight and $2,884 for those burning all night, the parkway lamp service costing $906.40 a year, making a total cost for the entire service of $12,050.40 for the year. The standard pole is mounted on a concrete foundation 2 ft. square at the top, 3 ft. square at the bottom and 3 ft. deep, and each pole is provided with TABLE XL DATA ON LYNN (MASS.) ORNAMENTAL LUMINOUS-ARC LAMPS "^ C . -^ Trt - % % ° ^ d +- .s"" o-^ cii ^ ^ S 5^ ^ m ^ "AS, oo ^o ;h oj oj > ft ft 3.5^ c.5a; aj.5 -2 ti s^ g ^ S ^ 111 .sis g5S ss-s gS-s ^S-d Andrew Street 9 576 34 60.7 4,788 0.24 4.16 1.110 0.260 0.73 Munroe Street 14 828 32 60.1 7,448 0.28 4.50 1.000 0.275 0.68 Oxford Street. 11 665 36 55.1 5,852 0.24 4.40 0.990 0.290 0.62 Market Street before mid- night 38 1686 60 45.2 20,216 0.20 5.60 0.751 0.113 0.42 Market Street after mid- night 7 1686 60 278.7 3,724 0.037 1.10 0.459 0.0125 0.13 Market Street from City Hall Square to railroad viaduct ... 33 1260 57 38.9 17,556 0.24 6.97 0.751 0.115 0.47 Market Street from rail- road via- d u c t to Broad St... 5 426 72 67.0 2,660 0.087 3.12 0.196 0.113 0.15 an absolute cut-out for lamp disconnection. At present there are 165 lamps in actual service, all being operated from mercury-arc rectifiers. The city of Lynn pays for the maintenance of the lamps, the prices being $70 per lamp a year for service until midnight and $82.40 for all-night service. The cost of installation per pole was as follows : Pole, including- wiring and cut-out $36.00 Twin cable wiring and absolute cut-out 6.40 Casing to cover lamp mechanism 4.00 Excavation and forms for concrete 2.00 Concrete foundation 7.00 Replacing broken sidewalks of concrete 2.00 Painting 1.14 1052 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Teaming 0.50 Foundation bolts 0.40 Protective casings on pole 1.64 Total cost of pole $61.08 In the previous installation the district was lighted by 45 4-amp. pendent-type luminous-arc lamps burning all night at a yearly cost of $82.40 per lamp, and these were removed in making the "'white way" installation, the city being credited with $3,708. making .the actual increased cost to the city for each year $8,342.40. In general the lamps are staggered both on main and cross streets. The quantity and quality of light on the streets is at present probably unequaled, and notwithstanding the great amount of light coming from sources only 14.5 ft. from the ground, there is no glare and persons and objects can readily be distinguished Fig. 300 400 500 D>stc>»nce, Feet 600 7. Horizontal illumination curves for Andrew and Munroe Streets, Lynn. from one end of the street to the other. On Market Street, the prin- cipal business thoroughfare of the city, 38 lamps are spaced an average of 38.9 ft. apart. After midnight there are 7 lamps burn- ing the rest of the night. Illumination tests have been made on the principal streets with a Sharp-Millar photometer, readings be- ing made opposite and half way between each lamp down the center line of the street. Readings made on Munroe and Andrew Streets, and the results are shown in Fig. 4. Cost of Installing Luminous-Arc Ornamental System. A "white way " lighting ! X\\ il! tf> Xu fo •3 5 1 4 ■I K " " L ■ T A / ^ tN ^ .^- -- -^^ \^ z\ _] V- "V ■^ ■ / TestSUtions " Ti's ;n ti'o t'^ +s :l Fig. 8. Comparison of arc and tungsten lighting. into account, came to barely 2 cts. per workman, the wage being $3.50. Under such conditions it is nothing less than absui'd for a factory owner to spend, as was done in a particular case, $18,000 for a machine to be run by a high-priced operator of long ex- perience, and then to refuse to spend $19 for lighting equipment in order that the work in process need not b^ taken to a window 20 ft. distant for calipering. The Cooper Hewitt Light. This lamp differs from other com- mercial lights in that it produces its effect from a bar of luminous LIGHTING AND WIRING 1057 vapor instead of from an incandescent solid. Because this method converts less of the energy into heat and more into visible radia- tions or light waves, it has decided elements of economy that are superior to the other types. The light is blueish green in color, giving surrounding objects rather a strange and ghastly light at first. It is easy on the eyes and enables close work to be done with sometimes less fatigue than daylight. The diffusion of the light is from a large tube instead of from a small point. It does not produce sharply defined shadows and makes less glare than most other illuminants and the cost of maintenance is supposed to be about half that of other commer- cial lamps. For those to whom the blueish green color is objectionable the lights may be transformed by a parabolic rhodomain reflector which takes the place of the standard white glazed reflector and is based on the phenomenon of fluorescence. It transforms the light to an agreeable white color with a slight rosy tint. The complete lamp outfit consists of tube, refiector-holder and auxiliary. The tube is made of clear glass with electrodes at each end and contains a small quantity of metallic mercury and causing the mercury vapor to glow. The reflector holder supports the tube in two clamps and is attached to the auxiliary by pivot screws. The reflecting surface is finished in smooth white glazed enamel. The auxiliary is enclosed in a sheet metal casing which is re- movable and which contains two inductance coils and an adjustor resistance by means of which the current must be regulated to the supply voltage. The auxiliaries for series lamps have a shunt resistance and a cut-out. The direct current lamps cannot be used on alternating current without the intervening of rectifiers. These lamps are made in a variety of sizes and styles, the price here net f. o. b., Hoboken, New York. For 100 to 124 volts at 3.5 amps., delivering 700 c.p. (mean hemispherical basis), with refiector ; commercial efficiency, 0.55 watts per candle. (100-124 volts, one lamp is installed singly, on 200-248 volts two lamps are installed in series) on one lamp, tube reflector-holder and auxiliary for 100 to 124 volts cost $33. One lamp to be installed in series on 200 to 248 volts costs |34. The approximate shipping weight of a single lamp outfit is 110 lbs., 6 lamps 400 lbs., and 12 lamps 650 lbs. A tilting type is made and listed at $40 for the 124 volt double type. These lamps shipped weigh 725 lbs. The standard length over all is 51.75 ins., length of tube 43.75 ins. The tilting lamp has an over all dimension of 27.75 ins., length of tube 19.75 ins. The quartz lamp for outdoor use has the following specifications: Voltage 100 to 125; average current 4 amp.; total watts 440; candle power 1,000; weight complete 27 lbs., packed for domestic shipment 110 lbs. The 220 volts type carries an average amount of 3.3 amps. ; 1058 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA delivers 2,400 c.p. at a commercial efficiency of 0.31; weighs com- plete 33 lbs. net, and 115 lbs. packed for domestic shipment; prices $65 and $70 each respectively, covering complete outfit including burner, reflector-holder, auxiliary and globe. Lighting of Railroad Stations witii Gas. The following abstract of a paper by G. Hammel was taken from Progressive Age, Jan. 1, 1911. Gas is used quite extensively for lighting railroad termin- als, stations and yards. One of the important points to be con- sidered is the height of hanging the lamps on the poles in order to give the best light. Originally, before compressed gas was used, a height of 23 to 26 ft. had to be used for the gas light. At this height an area of 155 to 170 ft. was sufficiently lighted to read faint chalk marks on baggage. Four burners, each of 125 c.p., making a total of 500 c.p. light, were sufficient. This power is equal to electric lights of 700 to 800 c.p., and has, moreover, greater radiation and better penetration of air in case of a fog. Since compressed air has been placed on the market, conditions are even more in favor of gas lights. The lights can be raised to poles 39 to 46 ft. high with 232 to 265 ft. distance between poles, giving greater horizontal light radiation and better illumination than electric lights. Usually 500 c.p. lights are placed at a height of 25 ft., with the distance between poles 160 to- 180 ft., giving efficient light for any railroad station. Connection of gas supply to lamps is best made by automatic connections, as they are easier to attend to and maintain, even though more expensive at first. Now we come to the principal points in this discussion — namely, the first installation costs, the operating costs and the question of service. We are speaking of lights on high poles only. Electric Light. On 30 poles for a terminal, each lamp using 8 amperes, 600 c.p., at $175 per pole -= $5,250. Gas Light. For 30 poles with four burners, inverted gas mantles, using 13 cu. ft. of gas and 500 c.p. (equal to light of electric lights), each $200 — $6,000. In case poles of cheaper construction are used, each costing $150, the cost is only $4,500. This comparative statement shows that the initial expenses for both systems of light are about the same. Operating Costs. Electric Light for railroad station with 30 pole lights and 200 electric lamps burning four hours a day. 30 poles for electric arc lights at 8 amps, and 60u c.p. using 500 watts an hr., 6 cts. per kw.-hr. . ,$0.03 Carbons per hour 0.003 $0,033 Daily burning four hours equal to 4 X $0,033 = $0,132, or per year equal to 30 X 365 X 0.132 = $1,445.40 200 wire lamps using an hr. 50 watts at 50 c.p. each, 6 cts. per kw.-hr $0,003 Lamp renewal per hour 0.002 $0,005 Daily four hours equal to 4 X 0.005 — $0.02, or per year 200 X 365 X .02 = $1,460.00 A total of $2,905.40 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1059 Gas Light. The cost of gas is 0.112 cts. per cu. ft., or $1.12 per 1,000 cu. ft. of gas. 30 pole gas lights with normal pressure gas, four inverted burners, each using 3.6 cu. ft. gas, or a total of 14.4 cu. ft. gas, at 0.112 cents per cu. foot, equal to $0,017 Mantles and chimneys 0.001 $0,018 Burning 4 hrs. a day $0,072" Per year 30 X 365 X 0.07 $766.50 200 inverted gas lights, inverted mantles, 80 c.p. using 2.4 cu. ft. gas $0,003 Mantles and chimneys 0.0004 $0.0034 Daily 4 hrs. 4 X 0.0034 $0.0136 Per year 200 X 365 X 0.0136 992.80 Total of $1,759.30 Pole lights for 30 pole electric lights $1,445.40 Pole lights for 30 pole gas lights 766.50 Gain of 45% $678.90 Metallic electric lamps $1,460.00 Gas light, mantles 992.80 Gain of 30% $467.20 As regards tending to the lamps, the electric lights up to a short time ago had the advantage, as they could be turned on and off from the central station. But the long-distance lighters now used even up matters in this direction. The drawback to electric lights is that they are wired in series, and when the circuit is broken, all lights are extinguished, whereas in the case of the gas light, half of the lights can be extinguished, leaving the rest burning, giving sufficient light. Carbons of electric lights must be exchanged daily, while gas lamps need only be cleaned once every two or three weeks. The Kaufman Lighting System. A system of lighting by means of lamps which vaporize kerosene oil was described in Iron Age, Jan. 23, 1913. The method of operation is by pumping the oil into a steel tank made to withstand 10 times the pressure required. The air pres- sure forces the oil from the tank through a small bronze tube, which is very flexible and can be fastened on the ceiling or walls, run underground or strung on poles, and if necessary carried for long distances. A number of lamps located at various points can be supplied from one tank. The tank is provided with an auto- matic check and safety valve which in case of fire in the building releases the pressure and all the oil in the tubing is then drawn back into the tank. Should the tank be directly exposed to the fire the oil will burn out in a vertical flame, and it is claimed that explosion is absolutely impossible. The air pressure from the tank forces the oil through the tubing into the vaporizer at the bottom of the lamp. A little time is 1060 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA required, possibly two minutes, to start tlie lamp. This is done by pouring a small quantity of denaturized alcohol in the vaporizer and lighting it, so as to secure the necessary heat to gasify the kerosene. Considerable less time is required in this operation if a plumber's torch is used for heating the vaporizer. The gas thus formed is burned under a strong mantle, creating a light of in- tense purity and brilliancy. The light does not flicker, but ■ burns with a steady flame, and is unaffected by wind or a draft which would be liable to extin- guish gas or ordinary vapor lamps. Its great brilliancy enables it to penetrate dust and fumes, such as are encountered in foundries, especially while pouring metal into molds. It is thus especially well adapted for general factory use. It has also been found very effective in outdoor lighting. Based on the current price of kerosene oil, a Kaufman lamp producing 1,200 c.p. is stated to cost about 1/^ ct. per hour, which is below the cost of maintenance of usual lighting systems. The vaporizer used in this lamp is made of tungsten steel, nickel, silver and bronze, and while guaranteed for 10 years is almost indestructible. It can be removed from the lamp and cleaned in less than 2 mins. A gallon of kerosene will burn 14 hrs., giving 1,200 c.p. and 18 hrs. giving 1,000 c.p. The light can be regulated like city gas. It is made in a -variety of styles for indoor and outdoor use. A contractor's lamp for outdoor use is an independent lighting plant in itself, having a stand made of tubing with a pressure tank at the foot and the light suspended from a hook at the top of the tubing. One form of lamp designed for portable purposes has a small annular tank above the reflector, the whole outfit in this form weighing about 22 lbs., and being easily de- tached from one location and carried to another as required. Cost of Lamps. The following lamp costs are based discounts dated Sept., 1915, offered by the National Lamp Works of the Gen- eral Electric Co. Discount standard package quantities, 10% without contract. Per cent. 10 17 21 24 27 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 Net value of contract Less than $150 $ 150 300 600 1,200 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 225.000 300,000 40 Discount broken package quantities. Nothing without contract. Per cent. 7 11 14 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Note : Standard package discounts on all large style Mazda lamps can be given only on orders for exact standard package LIGHTING AND WIRING 1061 quantities or multiples thereof. It is allowable, however, to com- bine in one standard package, all sizes of large style Mazda lamps having the same standard package quantity. Such lamps may be of different voltages and finish of bulb. Mazda Class — Large style — Straight side — Ampere shape type, for 105 to 125 volts, Table XIII. TABLE XIII. COST OF 105 TO 125 VOLT LIGHTS. {MI Efficiency Standard Size of lamp watts package List price in watts per candle quantity Straight Side Clear Frosty 10 1.25 100 $0.27 $0.30 15 1.10 100 0.27 0.30 20 1.07 100 0.27 0.30 25 1.05 100 0.27 0.30 40 1.03 100 0.27 0.30 60 1.00 100 0.36 0.40 100 0.95 24 Pear-Shape 0.65 0.72 100 1.00 24 1.00 1.05 200 0.90 24 2.00 2.02 300 0.82 24 3.00 3.10 400 0.82 12 4.00 4.15 500 0.78 12 4.50 4.65 750 0.74 8 6.00 6.25 1,000 0.70 8 7.00 7.25 TABLE XIV. COST OF 220 TO 250 VOLT LIGHTS (Mi Efficiency Stan.lard Size of lamp watts package List price in watts per candle quantity Straight Side Clear Frosty 25 1.20 100 $0.33 $0.36 40 1.12 100 0.33 0.36 60 1.10 100 0.45 0.49 100 1.00 24 0.80 0.87 150 1.00 24 1.20 1.30 250 0.95 12 Pear-Shape 2.00 2.15 200 1.00 24 2.20 2.27 300 0.92 24 3.60 3.70 400 0.90 12 4.80 4.95 500 0.85 12 5.40 5.55 750 0.82 8 7.20 7.45 1.000 0.78 8 8.40 8.65 Mazda Class — Large style — Straight side — Empere shape type, for 220 to 250 volts. Table XIV. The efficiency watt per candle for the pear shape type is given in watts per spherical c.p. Pear shape lamps are not recommended " all frosted." If frosting is necessary, bowl frosting is preferred 1062 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and is particularly recommended for lamps of 300 watts or less which are to be used in interior lighting where the glare would otherwise be objectionable. Orders should specially state if lamps are to be burned in other than pendant positions, Mazda Class — Large style — Straight side type for electric street railway service. The lamps listed are selected for amperes and are labeled for use, five in series, on 525, 550, 575, 600. 625 and 650 volts. They are rated in voltage groups, Table XV. TABLE XV. COST OF ELECTRIC. RAILWAY LIGHTS (MAZl Number in series Lamp voltage Line voltage 5 , 5 5 5 5 6 105 110 115 120 125 130 525 550 575 600 625 650 Nominal watts Efficiency watts per c.p. Standard package quantity List Clear price Frosted 23 36 56 94 1.11 1.09 1.02 0.97 100 100 100 50 $0.27 0.27 0.36 0.65 $0.30 0.30 0.40 0.72 Gem or Carbon Class — Large style — Straight side and round types. Lamps of this type come in standard package quantities of from 200 to 250 with a straight side and in packages of 100 with a round type, Table XVI. TABLE XVI. COST OF CARBON LIGHTS (GEM Size of lamp in watts Efficiency watts per c.p. List price Clear Frosted 20 30 40 60 4 3 2.56 2.50 $0.20 $0,225 0.20 0.225 0.20 0.225 0.20 0.225 50 2.50 Round Type 0.25 0.280 Cost of Electric Conduit. The following costs are given by the General Electric Co., 1914: ENAMELED CONDUIT Size, ins. Weight, lbs. per 100 ft. Net price per 100 ft, ¥2 85 $54 % IUV2 72 1 1681/3 106 ly* 128 144 iy2 273 172 2 369 231 2% 582 367 3 762 480 3% 920 580 4 1,089 685 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1063 Galvanized and sherardized conduits will cost above 5% more than enameled. The above prices are net for amounts up to $50. An additional discount of 5% is given on orders of from $50 to $250 and above $250 a 10% discount is given. Cost of Wiring. We have taken the following data from Elec- trical World, March 9, 1912: Job 1. Sixteen outlets and twenty-two sockets. 22 X 50 watts = 1,100 watts total. 1,100 watts -^ 16 (number of outlets) gives average of 69 watts per outlet. Under Class B the price for a job averaging 69 watts per outlet is $0,068 per watt. 1,100 X $0,068 = $62.70. socket wiring cost of job. (Switch wiring and switches to be added.) Job 2. Seventeen outlets and twenty-two lamps. 1,100 watts -r- 17 = 65 watts per outlet. Under Class B the price is $0,061 per watt. 1,100 X $0,061 = $67.10, socket-wiring cost of job. TABLE XVII. BALTIMORE UNIT PRICE BASED ON WATTS WIRED Class of building Average watts per outlet ABC 50 to 55 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 56 or more Less 0.6 cent per watt for each watt over 55 Over 75 0.04 Over 80 0.046 0.055 For convenience, use the following figures : 50 to 56 0.060 0.070 0.008 57 0.059 0.069 0.079 58 0.058 0.068 0.078 59 0.057 0.067 0.077 60 0.056 0.066 0.076 61 0.055 0.065 0.075 62 0.054 0.064 0,074 63 0.053 0.063 0.073 64 0.052 0.062 0.072 65 0.051 0.061 0.071 66 0.050 0.060 0.070 67 0.049 0.059 0.069 68 0.048 0.058 0.068 69 0.047 0.057 0.067 70 0.046 0.056 0.066 71 0.045 0.055 0.065 72 0.044 0.054 0.064 73 0.043 0.053 0.063 74 0.042 0.052 0.062 75 0.041 0.051 0.061 76 0.041 0.051 0.061 77 0.040 0.050 0.060 78 0.040 0.048 0.058 79 0.040 0.047 0.057 80 0.040 0.046 0.056 81 and over 0.040 0.045 0.056 Wiring for Lamps, Outlets Only. — Obtain price as follows : Multi- ply number of lamps or sockets by 50 watts to get total watts wired for. Divide total watts by the number of outlets to obtain average 1064 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA watts per outlet. On corresponding line in table find price (cents per watt) under class of building being estimated. Multiply the total watts wired for by this price per watt found in table. These prices are for wiring only — hardware extra, TABLE XVIII. MULTIPLIERS FOR CONCEALED EXTRA WORK For porcelain concealed work in Class A house multiply by 0.00 For porcelain concealed work in Class B house multiply by 1.05 For porcelain concealed work in Class C house multiply by. . . .1.16 For flexible-conduit concealed work in Class A house multiply by. 1.60 For flexible-conduit concealed work in Class B house multiply by. 1.68 For flexible-conduit concealed work in Class C house multiply by. 1.80 For wood molding, exposed work in Class A house multiply by. .0.77 Table XVIII gives multipliers for concealed work for the different classes of buildings in Table XVII. Wiring for Switches Only. For each kind of switch to be wired for, find price per switch outlet under class of building being esti- mated. Per single pole $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 Per set of two three-ways (one set used) 6.00 6.00 7.00 Per set of two three- ways (two sets used at same outlets) 5.00 5.00 6.00 Per set of two three- ways with one four-way. . 2.50 3.50 3.25 Two-point electrolier 2.50 3.50 3.25 Three-point electrolier -3.00 3.00 4.00 Job S. Seventeen outlets and twenty-four lamps. 24 X 50 watts = 1.200 watts. 1,200 watts -r- 17 = 70 watts per outlet. Under Class B the price is $0,065 per watt. 1,200 X $0,056 = $67.20, 80 . ■ c $60 ^ ^ ^ r" ^ y ,^ ^ ^ IJ "" " 10 4) u ^ -1 _P ^^ ^ 1=^ r n (i 8 lU 13 U 16. 18 aj- 22 24 26 28 Outlets CExcluii;ve of Switches > 34 36 Fig. 11. Curves showing relation between numbers of outlets and rockets. Note that the difference between Jobs 1 and 2 is one outlet, the addition of which adds $4.40, which is about right for the work done. Again the difference between Jobs 2 and 3 requires no addi- tional work, two circuits being required in both cases, and the resulting price is only 10 cents higher for adding two lamps. Using LIGHTING AND WIRING 1065 this scheme several men with only sales experience and no previous electrical knowledge were employed by the Baltimore company, and in less than a week were able to estimate wiring in completed resi- dences and to close orders for it — which is the end desired. Several points in the preceding schedule are, however, incon- sistent. In some places, with certain combinations of outlets and lamps, the addition of an outlet does not increase the price to the customer, and in others the addition of a few lamps not requiring an additional circuit raises the cost. If the reader will not lose sight of the practical relation of outlets and lamps, as illustrated in Fig. 10, these circumstances will not be found serious, as they are negligible within the bounds of practical installations, and be- come harmful only where two or more customers compare the prices paid for work. TABLE XIX. PRICE PER OUTLET WITH BASE CHARGE Number Price for total Number Price for total of lamps lamp outlets of lamps lamp outlets 1 $3.50 16 $47.85 2 6.90 17 50.50 3 10.20 18 53.10 4 13.80 19 55.65 * 5 16.90 20 58.15 6 19.90 21 61.60 • 7 21.90 22 64.00 8 24.90 23 66.35 9 27.90 24 68.65 10 30.90 25 71.90 11 33.85 26 74.15 12 36.75 27 76.40 13 39.60 28 78.65 14 42.40 29 80.90 15 45^15 30 83.15 To the above add base price for service entrances as follows : Under- Overhead meter ground meter location location Basement First floor Basement For 1 to 12 lamps (one circuit) $4.00 $3.00 $2.25 For 13 to 24 lamps (two circuits) .. . 4.75 3.75 3.00 For 25 to 36 lamps (three circuits) . . 6.00 5.00 4.25 For 37 to 48 lamps (four circuits) . . 7.25 6.00 5.25 For 49 to 60 lamps (five circuits) . . . 8.75 7.00 6.50 For wiring to each switch outlet, add as follows : One single-pole switch outlet controlling one-lamp outlet $1.85 One set of two three-way switch outlets controlling one-lamp outlet 4.00 One set of two three-way switch outlets controlling two or three-lamp outlets 5.00 One set of two three-way and one four-way switch outlet con- trolling two or three-lamp outlets 6.50 One two-point electrolier switch controlling one-lamp outlet. . . . 2.25 One three-point electrolier switch controlling one-lamp outlet. 3.00 Schedule of Contractors' Wiring Prices at Emporia, Kan. The schedule of wiring prices used by the representatives of the central lOGG MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA station in Emporia, Kan., described in Electrical World, Jan. 23, 1915, and the contractors is given in Table XX. Lamps are not included in the prices given. TABLE XX. WIRING PRICES FOR FRAME HOUSES IN KANSAS 5 rooms with drop-cords $1 3. 00 5 rooms with drop-cords and porch lamp and switch 17.00 5 rooms with 3 drop-cords, two 2-lamp fixtures with shades, and porch lamp and switch 21.80 6 rooms with drop-cords .• 15.85 6 rooms with drop-cords, porch lamp and switch 19.85 6 rooms with 4 drop-cords and two 2-lamp fixtures and shades . 20.65 6 rooms as above with porch lamp and switch 24.65 8 rooms (2-story) with drop-cords 20.55 8 rooms (2-story) with drop-cords and two 2-lamp fixtures and shades 25.35 8 rooms (2-story) as above with 3-way switch 32.35 8 rooms (2-story) as above with porch lamp and switch.... 36.35 Cost of Wiring Two-Story House. The following has been taken from the Electrical Age, July, 1917: As an illustration of how the wiring of an . average two-story house is figured, we give herewith, the wiring specifications and figures for such a house — the figures complete wiring for light and appliances. These data appeared in the pamphlet entitled " Wiring Your Share of Fifteen Million Homes." These specifica- tions may be used as a model, for they represent standard practice in the wiring of already-built houses : Cost of Cost of wiring fixtures Cellar — One ceiling outlet and one snap switch.. $4.74 No fixture necessary. Laundry — One ceiling outlet 2.00 No fixture necessary. Baseboard outlet for electric iron, electric washing machine, etc 3.70 .... Porch — Ceiling outlet and single control push button switch 5.24 $2.90 Kitchen — Ceiling outlet 2.00 3.50 Dining room — (^eiling outlet and single control push button switch 5.24 .... Baseboard outlet for toaster, percolator, chafing- dish, fan, etc : . 3.70 13.50 Living room — Ceiling outlet and single control push button switch 5.24 10.20 Upper hall — Coiling outlet and single control push button switch 5.24 2.50 Bathroom — Ceiling outlet 2.00 2.50 Upstairs sitting room — Ceiling outlet and single control push button switch 5.24 10.50 Two b.Mlrooms — Two ceiling outlets 4.00 13.70 Switch and mains 15.00 .... $63.34 $59.30 Total cost of wiring and fixtures $122.64 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1067 The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Brooklyn, N. Y., gives the prices for 1914, Table XXI. TABLE XXI. PLAT-RATE WIRING PRICES AND DEDUCTIONS IN BROOKLYN KITCHEN No. 1 — Outlet consisting of a baseboard or wall flush re- ceptacle, installed in kitchen on first floor, and one ceiling outlet with one-lamp fixture And pull- chain socket $19.45 CELLAR No. 2 — Ceiling receptacle in cellar at heating apparatus with flush switch at head of cellar stairs 7.75 HALL No. 3 — Ceiling outlet in hall with one-lamp chain fixture and pull-chain socket Cif wall bracket fixture is de- sired instead deduct 85 cents) 8.10 DINING-ROOM No. 4 — Dining-room outlet with three-lamp shower fixture, pull-chain sockets (if amber glass dome is desired instead add $1.50) 11.75 PIAZZA No. 5 — Outlet on piazza with ceiling fixture and globe with switch in hall 10.00 BEDROOM No. 6 — Bedroom outlet with two-lamp shower fixture, pull- chain sockets 8.00 PARLOR No. 7 — Parlor outlet with four-lamp shower fixture, pull- chain sockets 10.50 CHINA CLOSET No. 8 — China-closet outlet and bracket fixture with pull- chain socket 6.20 BACK PORCH No. 9 — Back-porch outlet and bracket fixture with switch.. 10.35 PANTRY Nx>. 10 — Pantry outlet and one-lamp bracket fixture with pull- chain socket 6.20 BATHROOM No. 11 — Bathroom outlet and one-lamp nickel-plated fixture, pull-chain socket 6.20 ALL OTHER OUTLETS No. 12 — All other lighting outlets with one-lamp bracket fixture pull-chain socket 6.20 No. 13 — Two three-way switches for controlling hall lamp from upper or lower floor 9.90 No. 14 — Floor, baseboard, wall, or ceiling receptacles 4.95 No. 15 — Bell-ringing transformers for alternating current only 4.95 No. 15 — Bell-ringing transformers for alternating current only 4.95 No. 16 — Flush wall switches 3.85 1068 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA INSTALLING RISERS / No. 17 — For each additional floor above first floor add 5.50 DEDUCTIONS FOR FIXTURES IV I'ERSONAL SELECTION IS DESIRED No. 1 $1.30 No. 6 $3.05 No. 3 2.10 No. 7 5.50 No. 4 4.65 Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, each. . 1.25 No. 5 70 Boston Edison House-Wiring Campaign gives the schedule of wiring prices during 1913, shown in Table XXII. TABLE XXII. SCHEDULE OF WIRING PRICES IN BOSTON No. 1 — Outlet consisting of a flush plug receptacle located in anv room on the first floor anywhere excepting ceiling $14.35 No. 2 — No. 1 and outlet in cellar at heating apparatus with switch 19.00 No. 3 — No. 1 and 1 outlet on piazza with switch in hall and fixture 22.00 No. 4 — No. 1 and 1 outlet in hall with switch and fixture (three-way switches $6 additional) 23.00 No. 5 — No. 1 and 1 outlet in parlor with switch and fixture 25.50 No. 6 ~ No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 3 27.00 No. 7 — No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 4 28.00 No. 8 — No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 5 ." 30.50 No. 9 — No. 1 ; No. 3; No. 4 31.00 No. 10 — No. 1 ; No. 3 ; No. 5 33.50 No. 11 — No. 1; No. 4; No. 5 34.50 No. 12 — No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 3 ; No. 4 36.00 No. 13 — No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 3 ; No. 5 38.50 No. 14 — No. 1; No. 2; No. 4 ; No. 5 39.50 No. 15 — No. 1; No. 3; No. 4 ; No. 5 42.00 No. 16 — No. 1; No. 2; No. 3; No. 4; No. 5 47.50 Addition (to apply only after No. 3) : No. 17 — Dining-room outlet with switch and fixture 12 00 No. 18 — Kitchen outlet with switch and fixture 8.25 No. 19 — Pantry outlet and fixture 4.25 No. 20 — China-closet outlet and fixture 4.25 No. 21 — Back porch outlet with switch and fixture 8.00 No. 22 — Second-story hall outlet with two three-way switches and fixture 11.25 No. 23 — Bathroom outlet with switch and fixture 8.25 No. 24 — All other lighting outlets with fixtures, each 4.25 No. 25 — All other switches, each 4.00 No. 26 — Floor or baseboard receptacles, each 4.00 No. 27 — Bell-ringing transformer 4.00 For each additional floor above the first floor : No. 28 — Add $5 for Item No. 1 (extra charge is to provide for running risers through additional floors). No. 29 — Add $10 for Items No. 1 and No. 2 (extra charge is to provide for controlling cellar lighting from the floor occupied by the user.) Deduction if not wanted : Switches (exclusive of cellar switch), each 3.00 For fixtures if personal selection is desired : Nos. 3 and 6. each 100 Nos. 18, 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24. each 1.25 Nos. 4 and 6. each 2.00 Nos. 5 and 8, each 4.50 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1069 Nos. 9 and 12, each $3.00 Nos. 10 and 13, each 5.50 Nos. 11 and 14, each 6.50 Nos. 15 and 16, each 7.50 No. 17 5.00 Cost of Wiring and Conduit Work for a Power Plant. The fol- lowing power-plant cost figures from Electrical World, Mar. 27, 1915, were made up after many cases were tried out in various, parts of the country. In using Table XXIII all expensive fixtures, apparatus, etc., are not included. The per cent, is based on the actual wiring materials, including switches, fuses and cutout boxes. The same figures apply to lead-incased wire, No. 6 and smaller. TABLE XX 111. ELECTRICAL LABOR COSTS FOR STATION WIRING WITH RUBBER-COVERED COPPER WIRE Cost of labor ; per cent, of cost of Size of wire material No. 14 100 No. 12 100 No. 10 80 No. 8 60 No. 6 , 40 No. 4 30 No. 2 25 No. 1, 1/0. 2/0. .3/0 20 No. 4/0 and cables 18 Table XXIV gives the cost to install wire and cable in conduit. This price, one that would be used for such purpose as appraisal, includes : material, labor, a contractor's profit and overhead ex- pense. It will cover feeders, and branches in the usual building work. This should not be used for short lines having numerous outlets. TABLE XXIV. COST FOR PULLING WIRE IN CONDUIT Description Dollars per foot 500,000-C.M. cable in 3-inch conduit 1.820 Two 300,000-C.M. cables in 2.5-inch conduit 1.210 Two No. 2/0 wires in 2-inch conduit 0.820 Two No. 1/0 wires in 2-inch conduit 0.620 Two No. 1 wire.s in 1.5-inch conduit 0.510 Two No. 5 wires in 1-inch conduit 0.250 Two No. 6 wires in 1-inch conduit 0.210 The average cost of all conduit bends in general wiring practice shows that from 20 to 50-deg. bends covst very closely the same and that above 50 up to 90-deg. bends cost a larger amount. It has been found that the cost of bending is a function of the diameter and in the usual lengths independent of the length of conduit being bent. The following table gives the labor charges to be added to the cost of the conduit. These costs are for field bending and are quite high when the diameter exceeds about two inches. In figuring 90-degTee Bends from bends 22.5to45deg. 1.000 0.900 0.750 0.600 0.350 0.250 0.250 0.150 0.250 0.150 0.150 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.100 0.050 1070 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA conduit bending to be done on the job, list all bends to be made under two heads, 90 degs. and 22.5-45 degs. Neglect all bends of less than 22.5 degs. and use about twice the 90-deg. price for bends greater than 90 degs. TABLE XXV. COST OF BENDING CONDUIT Size of conduit in inches 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 Where a conduit is to be bent in a large radius, involving long lengths of pipe and several fittings, the cost of bending, exclusive of cost of assembling parts, is about two cts. per lin. ft. of bend as a maximum and an average of 1.2 cts. per lin; ft. for 1.2 5 -in. conduit or smaller. It is sometimes desirable to run a conduit between buildings underground. If the conduit is given a good wrapping with tarred canvas this will more than double its life. The cost for wrapping, including material and labor but no pipe or conduit, averages as shown in Table XXVI. TABLE XXVL COST OF WRAPPED CONDUIT Size of conduit in inches Dollars per foot 0.5 to 1.0 0.015 1.25 0.019 1.5 0.022 2.0 0.027 2.5 0.032 3.0 0.040 Labor Costs in Interior Construction. Louis W. Moxey in Elec- trical World, Oct. 23, 1915, gives Tables XXVII to XLV of labor costs for installing various kinds of apparatus. The data given, however, cannot be considered general in their applications, for conditions vary widely in the electrical contracting field. Every contractor should make his own tables and curves, utilizing his records for the purpose. In all the tables it is assumed that the rates for labor are 55 cts. per hr. for foremen, 45 cts. per hr. for wiremen, and 25 cts. per hr. for helpers. All figures given include an allowance for what has been found to be necessary supervision by the foreman in the class of work under consideration. If the items entering into architects' and engineers' specifications were always given in succession from point of supply to the outlets, the chances of the electrical contractor omitting items in his esti- LIGHTING AND WIRING 1071 mate would be considerably reduced. Whether or not the archi- tects or engineers write their specification in that form, the con- tractor should prepare his estimate so. If an engine is to be installed in the plant, the contractor's first items should be for engines, foundations, painting, etc. Next should come the item for generators. If these be belted machines, the belts could be included under this item. Then should come the dynamo cables installed and connected to the lugs of the dynamos and switchboard. This should be followed by the item of switch- Page 2 Estimate isTo. 10,176 Item Labor and materials Unit price Light mains, three-wire 200 ft. 2-in. conduit, loricated. .$0.20 $40.00 3 2-in. L's, loricated 0.30 0.90 3 2-in. coupling, loricated.... 0.10 0.30 1 2-in. condulet (three-wire) . . . 2.00 600 ft. No, D. B., N. E. C. S. . 0.15 91.50 Labor, conduit 0.25 50.00 Labor, wire 0.05 30.50 Supports, junction box, etc 7.00 $222.20 Example 1. Applying the detailed method to mains. Page 3 Estimate No. 10,576 Item Labor and materials Unit price Light branches 400 ft. %-in. conduit, loricated. . $0.06 $24.00 200 ft. %-in. conduit, loricated.. 0.07 14.00 600 ft. No. 12 duplex. N.E.C.S... 0.03 18.00 200 ft. No. 12 single. N.E.C.S... 0.15 3.00 Labor. Va-in. conduit 0.08 32.00 Labor, %-in. conduit 0.09 18.00 Labor, No. 12 duplex 0.01 6.00 Labor. No. 12 single 0.08 1.60 ■Supports, etc 3.40 $120.00 Outlets 20 light outlet boxes, T. & B. . . 0.20 4.00 Labor 0.30 6.00 20 studs on supports, T. & B 0.15 3.00 Labor 0.20 4.00 5 switch boxes 0.25 1.25 Labor 0.30 1.50 5 switches, D. P., Cutter 0.80 4.00 Labor 0.20 1.50 Bushings, etc 5.00 30.25 Example 2. Applying the detail method to branch circuits. boards installed complete with instruments, circuit-breakers, etc. This would practically complete the plant unless a storage battery was to be installed. A miscellaneous item could be inserted either at this point or under the general expense item at the end of the estimate covering the tests and if necessary the water rheostat. The estimate should then include the following items in the succession here given, the costs of both material and labor being entered : Connection of power and light feeders to switchboard. Flexible tubing, junction boxes, conduits, etc. Power feeders, mains and sub-mains. Power panels, boxes, doors, trim and fuses. 1072 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Power branches. Power outlets, such as switches, starters and the like, erected and connected, wiring between switches, starters, etc., and motors. Motors and foundations, delivered, erected and connected. This would complete the power portion of the estimate, and the lighting portion should follow, the items being taken in the order given below : Light feeders, mains and sub-mains. Panel boards, panel boxes, doors, trim and fuses. Branches. Outlets. Expenses, cartage, freight, car fare, railroad fare, loss of time, inspection fees, shanty, telephone, bond, insurance and miscel- laneous. The same method should be followed in making an estimate for telephone, telegraph, fire-alarm, watchman's-clock, time-clock, an- nunciation and similar systems. An estimate for light branches according to this detail method would appear as shown in Example 2. TABLE XXVIII. COST PER KILOWATT FOR ERECTING BELTED GENERATORS Size in Normal Cost of kw. condition Easy Difficult painting 1-5 $1.00 $0.75 $1.50 $0.60 5 -12i/> 1.00 0.75 1.50 0.60 12V,-25 1.00 0.75 1.50 0.50 25 "-50 1.00 0.75 1.50 0.40 75 0.80 0.60 1.25 0.30 100 0.75 0.60 1.20 0.25 150 0.60 0.50 0.90 0.20 200 0.50 0.40 0.80 0.18 300 0.40 0.30 0.60 0.15 500 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.12 TABLE XXIX. COST PER KILOWATT OF FOUNDATIONS FOR BELTED GENERATORS * Size in k^^. condition Easy Difficult 1 - 5 $2.00 $1.50 $3.00 to $4.00 5 -121/2 2.50 2.00 3.75 to 5.00 12y.-25 200 1.50 3.00 to 4.00 25 -50 1.50 1.00 2.25 to 3.25 75 1.20 0.85 1.80 to 2.80 100 1.00 0.75 1.50 to 2.50 150 0.85 0.60 1.25 to 2.25 200 0.75 0.60 1.00 to 2.00 300 0.60 0.50 0.90 to 1.80 500 0.50 0.40 0.75 to 1.50 * The items under this heading include the cost of labor and mate- rials, which is the usual method of estimating this class of work. The figures are based on the average cubical contents of founda- tions specified by generator makers. If the electrical contractor is to furnish the belt or belts, the labor for putting them in place should be included. LIGHTING AND WIRING 1073 TABLE XXX. LABOR FOR ERECTING SWITCHBOARD PANELS Dynamo Dynamo Feeder Feeder panel panel panel panel without with without with sub-base sub-base sub-base sub-base Cost per panel $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $15.00 TABLE XXXI. LABOR PER LEAD FOR CONNECTING SWITCHBOARD AND DYNAMO LEADS * Rubber or Paper Rubber slow-burning Size, B. & S. and lead and lead Insulation 14-8 $0.33 $0.30 $0.21 6 0.45 0.41 0.28 5 0.55 0.50 0.33 4 0.66 0.60 0.40 3 0.80 9.72 0.49 2 0.87 0.79 0.53 1 0.92 0.84 0.56 1.00 0.90 0.60 00 1.04 0.94 0.63 000 1.08 0.98 0.65 0000 1.14 1.03 0.69 Circ. mils 250,000 1.18' 1.08 0.72 300,000-350,000 1.34 1.22 0.78 400,000-450,000 1.43 1.30 0.84 500,000-550,000 1.60 1.44 0.90 600.000-650,000 2.10 1.90 1.00 700,000-750,000 2.50 2.25 1.25 800,000-850,000 2.95 2.65 1.50 900,000-950,000 3.30 3.00 1.75 1,000,000 3.75 3.40 2.00 * These figures are the labor costs for soldering cables into lugs at the switchboard and generators, also for soldering light and power cables into lugs of switches on the switchboard. They include the cost of arranging the cables in a neat and workmanlike manner at these locations. What might be called the semi-detail method can generally be used for quick estimating with fairly accurate results. It con- sists of a combination of the labor and material costs. Take, for example, the item of mains in an estimate. If made in detail, it would be as shown in Example 1. It will be noted that the total cost for running 200 ft. of main consisting of three No. wires is $222.20, or $1.10 per foot. The contractor could prepare tables of unit prices for all items in an estimate, such as for two-wire ,to nine-wire service connections, two-wire to five-wire mains, two-wire and three-wire branches, etc., showing their cost for buildings of various types of construc- tion. The disadvantage of this method, however, is that a change in price of materials diminishes the accuracy of the tables. 1074 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXXII. LABOR COSTS (IN CENTS) PER FOOT OF CONDUIT WORK * Steel-terra-cotta Concrete Slow-burning construction construction construction Exposed Concealed Exposed Concealed Exposed Concealed 3 . ^ -w 4J -M „+J •M . ^ ^ ■M m-^ S8 11 ^1 11 ^1 w M J m ^ m a w H^ w h^ M h^l 1/2 7 6 6 4 8 7 7 5 6 5 6 4 % 8 7 7 5 9 8 8 6 7 6 7 5 1 9 8 8 6 10 9 9 7 8 7 8 6 IVt 10 9 9 7 11 10 10 8 9 8 9 7 1% 11 10 10 8 12 11 11 9 10 9 10 8 2 12 11 11 9 15 12 12 10 12 10 11 9 21/2 15 12 12 10 20 15 15 12 15 12 12 10 3 20 15 15 12 25 20 20 15 20 15 15 12 3y2 25 20 20 15 30 25 25 20 25 20 20 15 4 30 25 30 20 40 30 30 25 30 25 30 20 * The figures given in the table of costs for conduit work are for work in new buildings and include the labor cost of preparing for and running rigid conduit per foot, as well as the labor on junction boxes. If conduits are to be installed in old buildings, the cost figures would be considerably greater than those given in the table, the percentage of increase depending on the conditions. However, for concealed work in existing buildings flexible conduit (see Table XVII) is generally used in order to do as little tearing out as pos- sible. TABLE XXXIII. FLEXIBLE-CONDUIT LABOR COSTS PER FOOT FOR CONCEALED WORK IN EXISTING BUILDINGS* Size, inches Slow-burning construction Fireproof construction Va $0.08 $0.10 % 0.09 0.11 1 0.10 0.12 1% 0.12 0.15 1% 0.15 20 2 0.20 0.30 2% 0.30 0.40 3 0.40 0.50 • The figures include cost of preparing for and running. There is little difference in cost whether the amount is large or small. TABLE XXXIV. COST PER FOOT OF FISHING CONDUITS AND PULLING WIRES * Size, One wire Two or more B. & S. per conduit wires per conduit 14 $0,005 $0,004 12 0.006 0.004 10 0.0065 0.005 8 0.0075 0.006 6 ^0.0085 0.0065 5 0.01 0.007 4 0.013 0.0075 3 0.016 0.008 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1075 One wire per conduit Two or more wires per conduit 0.023 0.025 0.013 0.016 0.03 U.04 0.045 0.05 0.02 0.023 0.025 0.03 0.055 0.065 0.075 0.08 0.09 0.04 0.045 0.055 0.065 0.075 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.085 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 Size 2 1 00 000 oooo Circ. mil. 250,000 300,000-3.50.000 400,000-450,000 500,000-550.000 600,000-650,000 700,000-750,000 800,000-850,000 900,000-950,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 2,000,000 * These figures are for large amounts of rigid or flexible conduit in either new or existing buildings. For small amounts the figures should be increased from 10 to 30%. TABLE XL. LABOR COST OF INSTALLING AND BOXES PANELBOARDS Number of circuits Boxes , New buildings , , Old buildings , Exposed Concealed Exposed Concealed Panels installed and con- nected Doors and trim 1- 6 8-10 10-14 16-20 24-30 $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 $2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 4.00 $1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 $0.4# 0.50 0.60 0.75 1.00 TABLE XLI. LABOR COST OF INSTALLING AND CONNECTING MOTORS * H.p. of motor Floor Mounting Ceiling Wall 1-2 2 - 5 7y2-10 15 $1.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 $1.50 4.50 . 9.00 15.00 $1.50 3.50 7.50 12.00 20 25 35 50 15.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 22.00 30.00 37.00 51.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 42.00 75 100 150 200 50.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 75.00 110.00 150.00 225.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 180.00 * Includes labor on supports. 1076 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XLII. COST OF LABOR FOR INSTALLING AND CONNECTING SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES Single-pole switches $0.20 Door switches $0.20 Double-pole switches 0.25 Wall receptacles 0.20 Three-way switches 0.30 Floor receptacles 0.30 Four-way switches 0.25 QUICK ESTIMATING It is impossible to give an accurate method for quick estimating, as the accuracy of the results obtained is entirely dependent upon the experience of the estimator and his knowledge of the building to be wired. Some contractors base quick estimates upon the cubical contents of buildings, while others estimate the material required and assume the labor item to be a certain percentage of this. The writer has found that the only quick method that is satisfactory is one basing the estimate on the number of outlets and utilizing data obtained. from previous installations of a similar nature. Take the following example, which is the cost for wiring a new residence of brick and joist construction by the concealed-conduit method. The service cables were run down the outside wall, the meter being installed in the basement. The system was three-wire, TABLE XLIII. LABOR COST OF INSTALLING OUTLET BOXES AND SUPPORTS , Old buildings ^ , New buildings » Steel and Slow- Steel and Slow- Type of outlet terra-cotta burning Concrete terra-cotta burning Light outlets $0.35 $0.30 $0.30 $0.25 $0.20 Fixture supports.. 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 10 Switch boxes 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.20 Wall-receptacle boxes 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.20 Floor-receptacle boxes 0.50 0.45 0.60 0.40 0.30 TABLE XLIV. LABOR COSTS FOR INSTALLING MOTOR- CONTROL APPARATUS Hp. of Motor S^\ 1-2 3-5 71/a-lO 15 20 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 and rheostat Controlling panel com- plete, switch, rheostat, etc. $0.75 1.00 2.00 2.50 $2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 3.50 4.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 20.00 LIGHTING AND WIRING 1077 TABLE XLV. LABOR PER FOOT OF WIRE FOR INSTALLING CONCEALED KNOB-AND-TUBE WORK Size of wire, B. & S. New buildings Old buildings 14 $0.01 $0.03 12 0.01 0.03 10 0.01 0.03 8 0.012 0.035 6 0.015 0.045 5 0.018 0.055 4 0.02 0.06 3 0.023 0.07 2 0.025 0.075 1 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.09 00 0.035 0.11 000 0.035 0.11 0000 0.04 0.12 110-220-volt, single-phase. The panelboards were of slate with 30-amp. type B switches, mounted in iron boxes, with wooden doors and trim. The switches were of Cutter manufacture and the receptacle of the flush wall type and of Pringle manufacture. The wire was rubber-covered and of the National Electrical Code standard. The shop cost as shown by the contract ledger was $400.75, the cost items being as follows : Materials $254.36 Labor 136.74 Car fare, etc 9.65 Shop cost $400.75 TABLE XLIII. LABOR PER FOOT OF WIRE FOR INSTALLING EXPOSED KNOB-AND-TUBE WORK * Running wire after Size of wires, B. & S. backboard or buttons Erecting backboard are erected or buttons 14 $0,015 $0.02 12 0.015 0.02 10 0.015 0.02 8 0.017 0.025 6 0.02 0.03 5 0.02 0.035 4 0.023 0.04 3 0.025 0.045 2 0.03 0.05 1 0.035 0.06 0.035 0.07 00 0.04 0.08 000 0.045 0.09 0000 0.045 0.10 * When good knob-and-tube work is installed in new and old buildings the labor at outlets will be practically the same as given in Table XXII under the several headings, and the labor for switches and receptacles should be exactly the same as in Table XXL 1078 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The residence had thirty-two light outlets, twenty-eight switch outlets and twenty receptacle outlets. The cost of a switch plus the labor of installing it was $1 and the cost of a receptacle plus the labor of installing it was $1.10. If all outlets were light outlets, the shop cost would have been approximately $400.75 — [(28 X $1) + (20 X $1.10)] or $350.75. Dividing $350.75 by the total number of outlets, which is 80, $4.38 is obtained. Hence $4,38 is the cost of wiring per light outlet. The cost of wiring a switch outlet is $4.38 + $1, or $5.38, and the cost of wiring a receptacle outlet is $4,38 + $1.10, or $5.48. This method is fairly accurate for small-residence work, and any number of costs per outlet may be compiled to cover the various types of wiring construction, wiring systems, etc. TABLE XLIV. LABOR COST PER FOOT FOR INSTALLING MOLDING t Wires , Number Size, B. & S. "Wood molding Metal molding 2 14 $0,04 $0.08 2 12 0.05 0.08 2 10 0.06 0.08 2 8 0.07 2 6 0.08 * Metal molding is not made in sizes larger than for No. 10 wires, and wood molding is seldom used for wires larger than No, 6. The labor at outlets with molding is practically the same in the case of both wood and metal-molding construction. Tables similar to Tables XLII and XLIII can hence be made. CHAPTER XIV BELTS, SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES Cost of Split Pulleys. The costs of standard pulleys that can be used upon shafts of different sizes by the aid of interchangeable bushings are given in Table I. One pair of bushings is furnished with each pulley. TABLE I. STANDARD IRON SPLIT PULLEYS Diam., ins. f 4 6 Face 8 in ins. 10 12 14 6 $1.95 $2.15 $2.60 8 2.10 2.35 2.60 2.80 3.10 $3.45 ... 10 2.25 12 2.70 3.00 3.70 4.10 14 2.90 3.30 4.00 4.50 $5.60 16 3.10 3.55 4.35 4.85 6.00 $6.90 18 3.35 3.85 4.70 5.30 6.55 7.60 20 3.80 4.80 5.80 6.45 8.00 9.00 22 4.10 5.15 6.20 7.00 8.65 9.80 24 4.85 6.00 7.35 8.25 10.20 11.45 28 5.65 6.95 8.55 9.75 12.05 13.40 32 6.95 8.60 10.60 12.10 15.15 16.75 36 7.95 9.85 12.05 13.80 17.15 13.95 Cost of Belting for Power Purposes. The following are costs of various types of belting : Leather. Price per 1-in. width per running foot in cts. : Single, 91/^ cts.; Double, 19 cts.; Triple, 28 cts. Weight, 16 ozs. to 1 sq. ft. in single ply. Round Leather. Price per %-in. width per running foot in cts.: Solid,- 114 cts.; Twist. 2 cts. Cut Lacings, bundles. Price per %-in. width per 100 ft., 60 cts. Rubber. Price per 1-in. width per running ft. in cts. 2-ply 31/2 to 4l^ cts. 6-ply 71410 gVa cts. 3-ply 4 V, to 5 cts. 7-ply 9 to 11 Va cts. 4-ply 51/2 to 6 cts. 8-ply 10% to 13 cts. 5-ply 61^, to 8 cts. The price increases as the width. Stitched Canvas. Price per l-i_n. width per running ft. 4-ply 3 cts. 8-ply 6 cts. 5-ply 4 cts. 10-ply 7^^ cts. 6-ply 4 1^ cts. Detachable Link Belts. We give below a table of various sizes of detachable link belt with prices, etc. Figure the working strain 1079 1080 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA at one-tenth the ultimate strength for speeds of from 200 to 400 ft. per min. For lower speeds increase this by two-thirds. When a number of attachment links for fastening on buckets, etc., are used, add about 15% to cost of chain. TABLE II. CO! 3T AND STRE: NGTH OP : BELTS Number of Ultimate Width, ins. links in 10 ft. strength % 133 • 700 \WtQ 104 1,100 15/16 86 1,190 IVlf. 86 1,300 74 1,200 1%6 88 1,500 1% 74 1,600 1% 104 1,900 17/16 80 2.300 l?1?e 74 2,200 52 2.800 1»/16 73 3,100 60 2,600 52 3,300 2 46 4.000 2% 52 3,600 21/2 21^,6 46 4,900 30 4,950 31^16 30 7,600 2V2 46 5,750 2% 30 7,500 30 8,700 3 Vie 39 9,600 4Vi6 20 6,900 251/2 9,900 5'/l6 251/2 12,700 3-yi6 37 11.000 5»/2 20 15,000 3% 30 12,700 5^4 20 14,000 Price per ft. $0.04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .04 .07 .07 .06 .07 .09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .14 .14 .18 .17 .20 .21 .27 .20 .26 .30 .34 .45 .42 .41 TABLE III. COST OP STEEL SHAFTING Diam., ins. Weight per ft, lbs. Price per ft. 1 2.66 $.073 11^ 3.36 .0925 11/4 4,16 .114 1% 5.05 .139 li/a 6.00 .15 1% 7.04 .176 1% • 8.16 .204 lyg 9.39 .235 2 10.65 .265 2% 12.07 .302 214 13.49 .337 2% 15.07 .377 21/5 16.68 .417 2% 18.32 .457 2% 20.18 .505 2% 22.09 .55 3 24.06 .625 31^ 26.09 .668 314 28.24 .742 BELTS, SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES 1081 Biam., ins. Weight per ft., lbs. Price per ft. 3% 30.43 .797 31/i 32.64 .897 3% 35.20 .967 3% 37.45 1.03 4 42.50 .• 1.28 4% 48.26 1.44 4V2 54.11 1.76 4% 60.88 1.98 5 67.50 2.36 5M 73.58 2.58 5% 80.72 3.02 5% 88.24 3.68 6 96.25 3.85 Cost of Adjustable Shaft Hangers. Adjustable shaft hangers come in several standard sizes or drags: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24. 30 and 36 ins., each having about 2 ins. adjusting distance. The drag is the distance between base and the center of bearing. TABLE IV. STANDARD BEARINGS Approx. additional iam. shaft, Standard ! sizes, Cost of 8- cost for each in- ins. ins. in. hangers crease in size 1^16 8-14 $1.90 $0.10 i-yi6 .... 1.95 .10 lVl6 8-20 2.45 .12 iiyi6 2,50 .15 11%6 8-24 3.40 .15 2^16 8-36 4.35 .20 27/16 8-36 4.65 .20 2"/l6 8-36 5.40 .35 Selection of Economical Belts and Pulleys. (W. R. Schaphorst in Power, April 28, 1914.) In a prominent factory in the city of New York there is an engine that runs 75 r.p.m., transmitting 100 h.p. from a 5-ft. pulley to a 4-ft. pulley. The distance between centers is 25 ft. Because of the slow engine speed and the relatively small driving pulley the belt has caused considerable trouble by slipping. Its velocity is less than 1,200 ft. per min., but a velocity of 3,000 ft. per min. would not be too high. A 10-ft. driving pulley and an 8-ft. driven pulley would give the same final speed, and there would be less tendency of the belt slipping, because of the greater belt contact. The cost of the larger pulleys plus the cost of the correspondingly smaller belt required would be about $270. Large pulleys should always be used, wherever possible, and espe- cially if they can be i)roved most economical by the method cited. In the factory mentioned a 40-in. belt is used. By doubling the diameters of the pulleys the belt speed is doubled and its trans- mission capacity is increased two-fold. A belt only one-half as wide, or 20 ins., would, therefore, suffice and its cost would be but one-half as great. The cost of the pulleys would be greater than in the present plant, but that increased cost would be more than 1082 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA counterbalanced by the decreased cost of the belt; $270 could be saved, and the transmission defects would be eliminated. TABLE V. ECONOMICAL BELT WIDTHS AND PULLEY SIZES Diam. Diam. small large Width Length Cost Cost of Cost of pulley, pulley, of belt, of belt. of small large Total ins. ins. ins. ft. belt pulley pulley cost 48 60 40 64 $1023 $179 $253 $1455 60 76 32 67.7 867 187 . 288 1342 72 iiO 27 71.2 769 239 346 1354 84 106 23 74.7 687 211 299 1197 96 120 20 Y8.25 627 234 324 1185 HU w \ \ \ \ \ \ £ \ C \ fe. - ^ 'j,- ^30 k fc -r> H- > fr •H ^ 'e-^ TJ s ^ I— c ^of/yJ.. \ r^ rr^ '^rs,p .^/■.■^ ^ r r^ P^ = ^ V, 20. X S V *• t > ( > T 8 0.1 5 S 0.14-5 0.1 2 o O.JO o Diame+er of Small Pulley, Fee+ »owt.j Fig. 1. Developing 100 h.p., speed of driving pulley 75 r.p.m. In belt computations the rules that are most widely used are as follows : Rule 1. A sing-le-ply belt 1 in. wide, running 800 ft. per min. will transmit 1 h.p. Rule 2. A double-ply belt 1 in. wide, running 500 ft. per min. will transmit 1 h.p. To convert rule No. 1 into a formula applicable to most ordinary conditions, let Wi — Width of single-ply belt in ins. W2 — Width of double-thickness belt in ins. H =: Horsepower to be transmitted ; BELTS, SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES 1083 D — Diam. of driving pulley in ft. ; A'' = Revolutions per min. of driving pulley; trDN — Speed of belt in ft. per min. ; TvDN — Horfc-epower a single thickness belt 1 in. wide will trans- 800 mit. Therefore, 7r2>iV 800 if 254 fT Wi = if ^ - — - = = (I) 800 7r/)iV DN By the same process rule No. 2 becomes 159 H W-2 = (II) BN Adhering to the speed conditions laid down by the factory men- tioned, a small pulley 5 ft. in diam. and a 6.25-ft. driving pulley would effect practically the same final speed. Applying formula (II) it is found that a 32-in. belt would be needed. Next, 6-ft, and 7.5-ft. pulleys with a 27-in. belt could be used. It is most convenient to tabulate these figures in Table V with the length of the belt, the cost of the belt, and the costs of the pulleys. The total costs are then readily determined and com- pared. Plotting the total costs and belt widths, as in Fig. 1, the decreases in both are plainly shown. The costs of pulleys and belting used in all of these tables are taken from the catalog of a manufacturer of transmission ma- chinery and may be considered reliable for the problems solved here. Although, in this factory problem, the constant decrease in cost with increase in pulley diameters indicates that even larger pulleys might be still more economical, the curve could not be continued in this case because the limiting diameter of standard iron pulleys made by the manufacturers is 10 ft. Special pulleys would undoubtedly cost too much to be considered. TABLE VI. ECONOMICAL BELT WIDTHS AND PULLEY SIZES. (Fig. 2) Diam. Width of Length of Cost of Cost of Total pulley, ins. belt, ins. belt. ft. belt pulleys cost 8 10 42 $109 $10 $119 12 61/2 '1 3 67 12 79 16 5 441/6 53 12 65 20 4 451/6 43 13 56 24 31A 461/4 36 15 51 28 2% 471,^ 31 18 49 32 21/2 48V^ 29 21 50 36 2Vi 491/2 27 24 51 40 2 501/2 24 37 61 44 2 511/2 25 42 67 Table VI and curves in Fig. 2 show that where 10 h.p. is to be transmitted from a shaft making 400 r.p.m. to a second shaft 20 ft. away, making 400 r.p.m. also, 28-in. pulleys and a 2% -in. single belt would be most economical. The cost curve in this case is almost flat from the 20-in. pulley size to the 36th-in. pulley size 1084 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and the designer is allowed a wide range of choice, but it should be remembered that large pulleys generally give least trouble from slipping. The belt speed of 3,000 ft. per min. with 28-in. pulleys 8 10 12 !4 1& i6 20 22 24 26 26 30 52 34 56 3d 40 42 44 rewKf^ Diameter of Pulley, Inches Fig. 2. Ten h.p., speed of driving and driven pulleys 400 r.p.m. is not excessive and may be allowed without question. Formula I was used in computing the belt width in this and the other curves and tables. TABLE VII. ECONOMICAL BELT WIDTHS AND PULLEY SIZES. (Fig. 3) Cost of Cost of Total cost 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 2& Diameter of Small Po\ley, Inches is>.fti\ Fig. 3. Ten h.p., large pulley 300 r.p.m;, small pulley 1200 r.p.m. BELTS, SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES 1085 Fig. 3 shows the least expensive combination where 10 h.p. is to be delivered from a pulley making 300 r.p.m. to a smaller pulley making 1,200 r.p.m. Distance center to center is 30 ft. A small pulley 9 ins. in diameter, a 36-in. driving pulley, and a 2% -in. belt will do very well. The computed results from which these curves were plotted are given in Table VII. Table VIII and Fig. 4 (upper curve) and Table IX and Fig. 4 (lower curve) ^ow that the best sizes are not always dependent TABLE VIII. ECONOMICAL BELT WIDTHS AND PULLEY SIZES. (Fig. 4, Upper curve) Diam. Width of Length of Cost of Cost of Total pulley, ins. belt, ins. belt. ft. belt pulleys cost 16 19 641/6 $293 $31 $324 20 16 65iij 250 33 283 24 13 661/4 204 37 243 28 11 671/4 177 41 218 32 10 681/^ 164 41 205 36 9 691/^ 150 48 198 40 8 701,^ 135 46 181 44 7 71% 120 53 173 48 eVi 721/, 113 60 173 52 6 731/2 106 54 160 56 5% 741/2 99 62 161 60 5'/. 752/. 100 70 170 72 4 IX. 781/0 85 100 185 ^ 1 ~i '~ ~ s ^ 2$ i \ ^ v^ ?s v^-^ H ■>r\ "^ N. '0 - J 1^ - - « 20 %' ^ >>7 , J J u ^ v^ L^"*^- r^ r ^^^"^^ c \ ^ L^ Z_P^^Ors, 50 T7;^^j " . \, — ' —. — -7 — -^ •*■ in vl5j ^ \AJi in s ^ '.,.+eP-M>-r 1 **- --S c< ^Sf 0^'^ _.-. ' n. I, " 1 7^ ■|o- JZ '^'^ ^ k-i 4--Lj__i A 1 f 1 -LJ-^ ^'0 ^ ^^ S^^ = ^ --C ^H ^ n " "~" H >-., , ^.c/ es • *■ r5-^^a4_ ~- — — 5 _ _ _ _^ 250 200 )50o I 100^. 50 le 20 24 28 52 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Diameier of Pulley, Inches '^"» Fig. 4. Twenty h.p., speed of driving and driven pulleys 200 r.p.m. 1086 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA upon the distance between shaft centers. The upper cost curve shows that where driving and driven pulleys are the same size, where the speed is 200 r.p.m., where 20 h.p. is to be transmitted and where the distance between centers is 30 ft. 52-in. pulleys and a 6-in. belt would be most economical. The lower cost curve is based upon the same conditions with the exception that the distance between centers is shortened to 10 ft. Although this shortens the belt considerably the plotted point on the curve nevertheless indi- cates that 52-in. pulleys and a 6-in. belt are again most desirable as regards first cost. TABLE IX. "ECONOMICAL BELT WIDTHS AND PULLEY SIZES. (Fig. 4 — Lower curve) Diam. Width of Length of Cost of of Total pulley, ins. belt, ins. belt. ft. belt pulleys cost 16 19 241/6 $110 20 16 25Vb 97 24 13 261/4 82 28 11 2714 72 32 10 281/j 68 36 9 29'/^ 63 40 8 301/-5 58 44 7 311/2 53 48 61/, 321/2 51 52 6 " 331,^ 48 56 51/. 341/, 46 60 51/, 35% 47 72 4 1/2 381/6 42 It is therefore evident that the determination of pulley sizes need not be guesswork. After plotting curves similar to these the designer can exercise his judgment to the best advantage. This method is simple, requires little time, and is sure. Friction Load of Shaft Bearings. From tests by Prof. C. C. Thomas made at the University of Wisconsin and given in Elec- trical World. Oct. 9, 1915, sonie data on performances of different kinds of bearings were formulated, as .shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The data in the accompanying table show the friction load due to shaft bearings and belt drives in the punch-press, screw-machine, drilling and tapping, milling and profiling, rough-store, tool-room, polishing and buffing, and initial-assembly departments of a new manufacturing plant in Indiana. The machines driven handle a ))roduct which weighs less than 10 lbs., so that the friction losses are an important consideration in the total energy demand. The shafting is supported in ball-and-socket, two-point, double-arm, ring-oiled, 24-in. drop hangers. The data given in Table X were obtained from readings of a recording watt-hour meter, with all of the belts up to idle pulleys left running during the test. The results indicate that belting back from a main-line shaft to a sub-shaft increases friction losses and that it is better to install separate motors to drive such sub- shafts. It is also apparent that the number of bearings and the speed of the shaft have but little effect on the friction losses. $31 $141 33 130 37 119 41 113 41 109 48 111 46 104 53 106 60 111 54 102 62 108 70 117 100 142 BELTS, SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES 1087 Liquid grease costing 10 cts. per lb. or $40 per bbl. was found satisfactory for all line-shaft and counter-shaft bearings and loose pulleys except those running at very high speeds. Determination of Possible Saving. The curves of Fig. 6 have 157 R.P. M. 314 100 Speed.Ft.perMln, 200 470 300 Fig. 5. Power consumed by friction of bearings with different loads and speeds. Temperature 77 degs. F. been plotted to show the reduction of power consumed by ball bearings over ordinary bearings of the sleeve type. The data from which the curves were plotted were secured by using a motor under the same conditions to drive a long shaft equipped first with ring oiled babbitt bearings and second with ball bearings. Read- 157 R.P.M. 314 100 Speed, Ft. per Min. 200 470 300 Fig. 6. Power consumed by friction of bearingrs at different loads and speed. Temperature 100 degs. F, 1088 BELTS. SHAFTS AND MOTOR DRIVES 1089 H m H H l>^ m t» t- 1- t~ t- ec CO 00 CO 00 (M M <^^ c^ !M c c^ u rt P. "^ 1 ;3 Oh ra be IS - n; '^ L> . 3 1^ ^ 01 i^ ^ ?5 ^ m !j cQ • o ■'■^ 5S2^.2o ftS tc 2 f3 ?? ac le / / A / / / } / y ^ X 8. / / / / / /' / / y / / / / / / / / / / a / . / } / / / / / / y y / / / / / / / / ^ y ■Sr / / / / / / / /' /- r / / / / / / / / / / i. _j_ / / z y / / / / ^ y 50 150 200 Dollars £50 300 Fig. 1. Cost of fuel when using gas. Steam Driven Air Compressor Economies. B. C, Sickles in Power, Nov. 28, 1911, states that during the past it has been the practice to give but little attention to the cost of operation in the medium-sized compressed-air plants, and in some cases this holds true for the larger plants. First cost has been the main con- sideration. Single-stage machines compressing to 90 or 100 lbs. have been purchased with simple steam cylinders, operating at 125 lbs. steam pressure at the throttle. These have operated for* years in lo- calities where the fuel cost is high, and where difficulties were en- COMPRESSED AIR 1147 countered, due to dust and carbonizing- effects, with consequent losses in economy and explosions due to extremely high tempera- ture conditions and troubles in lubrication. Improvements have taken place more readily in the air end by the adoption of the 2-stag-e compressors, with consequent economy, due to intercooling, and ease of lubrication because of lower tem- perature. In the steam end, however, the most economical ar- rangement of cylinders and valves has not been followed generally, and there has been considerable loss in fuel economy and through investment for increased boiler plant. Among steam-driven compressors which have been used to a large extent may be mentioned those employing the Meyer valve on the steam end. This type of valve is customarily used in con» junction with a throttling governor, controlled by air pressure. As the valves are hand set. under varying conditions of load with- 06llar$ 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 per Ton 1.10 i.?o m 1 1 1 1 \/\y\HAV\y\/\A\A\\\ , \^v\Yy/v[ru^\^y\^ j j i;;?»ife,i ,11/1/ /y/y / / / / 8 Pounds of %feam,WO Cubic /\ A/'///// / Feet ot Free Air Compres-1 \/\ / / /\/ ^ / y / ui/i^z/y/z lUFV//// J 'jjj'y//}.// / t/A/AZ/y I / ^VV-.vy / W77// JZ n z7/7 _ _ 50 150 200 250 500 Fig. 2. Cost of fuel when using coal. out constant attendance it becomes necessary to arrange the valves to cut off at a fixed point, necessarily so late as practically to eliminate all the economies which might be expected if the com- pressor were driven under fixed conditions and constant output. If the Meyer valves are set at an economical cutoff, and a heavy load comes upon the machine, it will stop, and the air supply may be cut off at considerable inconvenience. This type of valve, there- fore, involves, under varying compressed-air demands, either a loss in economy or constant attendance. The well known throttling type of governor, which is the usual adjunct to this type of com- pressor, does not permit the highest steam economy. It therefore becomes necessary, even where the fuel-supply cost per unit is low, if the most economical commercial results are to be obtained, to consider carefully not only the design of the com- pressor in detail, but also all the factors entering into the cost of the compressed air plant. In the cost of a new plant this would involve comparison of the cost of the necessary boiler capacity 1148 MECHANICAL AND ELECT^RICAL COST DATA installed, the cost of the compressor foundations, building anJ all other factors involved in the complete installation. The annual charges based upon the total cost of the compressor installed for the same capacity of output, added to the cost of fuel operation and maintenance cost, will give the proper basis for comparison and decision in the purchase of the most economical compressor. Since an air compressor is to deliver a certain amount of free air, compressed to a certain pressure, it is desirable in securing bids that the steam consumption be obtained, based upon 100 cu. ft. of air compressed to the desired gage pressure. In Figs. 1 and 2 are represented the annual fuel costs of com- pressed air based on 10 hrs. for 365 days when delivering 100 cu. ft. of free air compressed to 110 lbs. gage. Fig. 7 repi'esents the cost when gas is used for fuel under the steam boilers, and Fig. 8 when using coal. The price of gas is taken as varying from 5 cts. to 12 cts. a thousand cu. ft., and the price of coal from 70 cts. a ton to $1.50 per ton. As a sample of what may be expected from a compressor of approximately 1,200 cu. ft. capacity, of com- pound noncondensing steam end with an economical valve gear and two-stage air end, it might be stated that the steam consump- tion per 100 cu. ft., compressed to 110 lbs. gage, is approximately 6.1 lbs of steam. Comparative Costs of Compressing Air by Steam and Electricity. The following data were given by "William Thompson before the Canadian Mining Institute. The steam and electrically operated compressed air plants, from which the information was gathered, were located at Rossland, B. C, the power being used to operate mines. Steam Plant. The steam plant consisted of two 250 h.p. Heine safety water tube boilers supplying steam at 150 lbs. pressure to 2 compound condensing Corliss 2-stage air compressors of the follow- ing dimensions : Diameter Inches High press, steam cylinder 22 Low press, steam cylinder 36 High press, air cylinder 22 Low press, air cylinder, one compressor 36 Low press, air cylinder, other compressor 38 Length of stroke 48 In addition there were nine 125-h.p. steel shell tubular boilers, designed to operate the hoisting and surface plants, which could be connected if desirable. EleotricaJli/ Driven Air Compressmg Plant was erected by the Rossland Great Western Mines, Limited, and was originally in- tended to be operated in connection with the steam plant previously described, the intention being to supply power from a central sta- tion to four mmes, owned by different companies. The arrange- ment would have given each mine power at the lowest possible cost, and have ensured continuous operations by reason of the com- pressing plant being arranged in separate units. Each company COMPRESSED AIR 1149 would pay its share of operation maintenance of plant, pro rata to its consumption of air. When it was found necessary to erect the third unit to the com- pressing plant, unforeseen difficulties presented themselves in the shape of shortage of water for condensing and cooling purposes. On examination it was found that a satisfactory supply could not be secured without heavy capital expenditures for erection of flumes, etc., to convey the water to where it was required for use. It was, however, found that a supply of water, barely sufficient for the intercoolers and waterjackets, was available about % mile from the steam plant. By conserving this water supply, cooling and re-using, it was decided a sufficient supply of water for the air cylinder jackets arid intercoolers could be secured. Electrical Equipment. Three-phase, S.K.C., synchronous motor, designed for 2,200 volts, with rated capacity of 660 kws., equiva- lent to about 825 h.p. The motor is provided with a separate starting motor, mounted on the main frame, exciter and Italian marble switch-board, on which all operating switches and instru- ments are mounted. There is a 50-in. Frisbee clutch set intermediate between the driving pulley and the motor. The motor is of a four bearing type, fitted with self-aligning and self-oiling sleeves. The entire machine is mounted upon a solid cast iron base set upon massive concrete foundations. The driving pulley is 60 ins. in diameter, grooved for 22V^-in. ropes, and runs at 270 r.p.m. All tests were conducted under the personal supervision of the writer, and extreme care was taken to arrive at actual facts. Indicator diagrams were taken off both the steam and air cylinders every half-hour, and the results tabulated. Coal consumed was weighed, and all other supplies, such as waste, oil, etc., charged as used. Readings were also taken and recorded by means of a delicately adjusted kw. meter, connected to the primary mains, of the amount of electric power used. The test extended over a period of 30 days, without interruption, both plants being run under exactly similar conditions as to air pressure. Each of the plants tested being modern and representative of their respective types, gave an opportunity for a comparative test that rarely falls to the lot of an individual engineer under such favorable conditions, as to work being performed, and for this rea- son is the more valuable as data for basing calculations as to problems of power. The average results of the 30 days' test are recorded in Tables XIV and XV. The saving shown in Table XV would be affected adversely if the electric plant was operated singly and the entire air com- pressed was not used, for the reason that electrically driven compres.sors must be operated at constant speed, and loss of air at safety valve would be considerably increased over the same loss at steam plant, which could be run at the speed required to com- press the amount of air actually required. This loss would, how- 1150 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XIV. OPERATING COSTS OF STEAM AND ELECTRIC PLANTS Work performed by steam plant : Average indicated h.p. at steam cylinders of the combined machines 730 Free air compressed per minute from atmospheric pressure to 95 lbs. per sq. in., cu. ft 5,432 Free air compressed per hr 325,920 Average h.p. required at steam cylinders to com- press 100 cu. ft. of air per min. to gauge pressure 13.4 Pounds of coal consumed during test, lbs 1,038,000 Pounds of coal consumed per day of 24 hours, lbs. . . 36,400 Average pounds of coal consumed per h.p. per hr. during test 1.9 Work performed by electric plant : Average h.p. registered at switchboard 540 Free air compressed per min. from atmospheric pressure to 95 lbs. gauge pressure, cu. ft 3,319 Free air compressed per hour 199,140 Average h.p. required at motor to compress 100 cu. ft. of free air per min. to 95 lbs. gauge pressure. . 16.3 Cost of operating steam plant: Total cost of fuel consumed during test $2,880.45 Total cost of wages for employees 710.00 Total cost of oils, waste, etc 147.30 Total cost for 30 days, exclusive of maintenance and depreciation $3,737.75 Cost per h.p. per month for fuel 3.96 Cost per h.p. per month for oil, etc 0.20 Cost per h.p. per month for wages 0.97 $5.13 Cost per h.p. per annum ) $61.56 Cost for each 100,000 cu. ft. of free air compressed 1-59 Cost per drill shift 1.27 Note: 80,000 cu. ft. taken as the average consumption per shift of one 3% in. drill. Cost of operating electric plant : Cost of current for thirty days $1,744.26 Cost of employees' wages 270.00 Cost of oils, waste, etc 73.00 Total cost for 30 days, exclusive of maintenance and depreciation $2,087.86 Average cost per h.p. per month 3.87 Average cost per h.p.. per annum 46.44 Cost for each 100 000 cu. ft. of air compressed. . . . 1.46 Cost per drill shift 1.17 Note — 80,000 cu. ft. taken as the average consumption per shift of one 3% -in. drill. TABLE XV. COMPARATIVE RESULTS BETWEEN THE TWO TYPES OF COMPRESSORS (Each 100,000 cu. ft. of air compressed from atmospheric pressure to 95 lbs. receiver pressure.) Cost for each 100,000 cubic ft. of free air compressed by steam plant (Table XTV) » $1.56 Cost for each 100.000 cubic ft. of free air compressed by elec- tric plant (Table XIV) 1.46 Result, saving by electricity over steam 6.4 per cent. COMPRESSED AIR 1151 ever, be slightly offset by the Increased cost per h.p. by working the steam compressors on underload. Results obtained from the system of intercooling used on the compressors tested are noteworthy. In Table XIV it is shown that the steam plant required 13.4 h.p. to compress 100 cu. ft. of air to 95 lbs. gauge pressure per min. The best power factor recorded that has come under the writer's notice, for doing the same amount of work by a two-stage compressor, is 14.5 h.p., which shows a saving of 8% resulting from the use of specially designated intercoolers, for which the manu- facturers are entitled to receive the credit. How this result is obtained can be best understood by repro- ducing the average of a number of tests made on the efficiency of the intercooler during the progress of the power test. The results of the tests are as follows : Degs. P. Temperature of cooling water at inlet of intercooler 42 Temperature of cooling water at outlet of intercooler 50 Rise in temperature of cooling water while passing through intercooler 8 Temperature of air at outlet of low pressure cylinder and before passing through intercooler 196 Temperature of air at inlet of high pressure cylinder after passing through intercooler . 54 Reduction in temperature of air after passing through inter- cooler 142 Cost of Compressing Air at a Large Plant in Utah. The fol- lowing data on the cost of operating a large cross compound, 2-stage compressor plant in Utah is given in a letter to the authors by F. Charles Merry. Approximately one hundred million cu. ft. of free air were compressed per month. Power house labor: Per 1000 cu. ft. At average Utah rates for 1914 $0.0052 Repair and maintenance labor 0.0012 Fuel (slack coal at average Utah prices) 0.0192 Other supplies 0.0019 Total operating cost $0.0275 Lbs. coal per 1000 cu. ft 9.33 The above is the average of 6 months' operation and represents the work done with the plant up to that time. Panama Air Compressor Lubrication. The following report of the use of lubricating oils in the three air-compressor plants of the I.sthmian Canal Commission for the month of February, 1911, is from a letter by D. E. Irwin published in Power. It shows the number of revolutions, sq. ft. covered per pint of oil, output in cu. ft. of air and the cost per million sq. ft. covered. In the air-compressor plants at Empire, Las Cascadas and Rio Grande were 14 compressors, each of 425 h.p. and all operating at a steam pressure of 125 lbs. The engines were simple twin cylinder ; the compressors were of the double-cylinder cross-com- pound type. The area of the two steam cylinders was 9.42 sq. ft.; 1152 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XIV. COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION AT PANAMA Las Cay- Rio Empire air cadas air Grande air Oils used : compressor compressor compressor Valve oil. gal 87 % 22 38 StatioiKiiy engine oil, gal.. 157% 35 60 Air oompiessor cylinder oil. gal '. . . 8<% 23 45 Revolutions per gal. of valve oil: 236,458 295,655 217,650 Revolution per gal. of sta- tionary-engine oil 131,532 185,840 137,845 Revolutions per gal. of air- compressor cylinder oil. 236,458 282.800 183,682 Sq. ft. covered per pint of valve oil 1,041,107 1,392,597 1,025.122 Sq. ft. lovtred per pint of air-compressor cylinder oil 1.354,971 1.837.513 1.028,152 Cost per million sq.-ft. cov- ered (surface) . Valve oil $0.0234 $0 0175 $0,023? Air-comi.ressor cylinder. . $0 0134 $0.0098 $0 0176 Output of free air, cu.-ft.. . 378,879,661 118,770,526 151,205,582 the area of the low-pressure air cylinders, 15.17 ; the area of the high-pressure cylinders, ,9 42 sq. ft. The speed of these compressors was from 127 to 137 r.p.m. Efficiency of Compressed Air Transmission. Snowden B. Red- field in American Machinist states that in nearly all cases com- pressed air is used in some form of reciprocating cylinder without expansion ; indeed if expansion were allowed (unless reheating is resorted to) while the air could then give up more work, the mois- ture always present in the air would quickly freeze, choking the exhaust ports and passages of the machine with ice. Efficiency Per Cent. s^ ssr^^isssss^ / g»o 4- / / »< / ) is / f J f /. / i. i f h ^f /i- / s / / h Fig. 3. Probable efficiency referred to air end of compressor. COMPRESSED AIR 1153 As examples of machines using air with little or no expansion, rock drills and pneumatic tools may be cited, and some interesting figures as to the efficiency of the power transformation are given by the accompanying diagrams. Indicator diagrams of such machines would theoretically be rec- tangles, but wire drawing and cushioning effects of the valve mechanism would considerably modify this. It may be assumed then, reasoning from such a thing as a steam pump cylinder, with- out cutoff, that the diagram factor will be about 80%. In other words the actual mean effective pressure will be about 80% of what the theoretic rectangular diagram would give. On this basis it is determined that a standard rock drill having a 3-in. diameter cylinder will develop about 6.2 indicated h.p. with 28 27 1 26 .|24 1 23 22 21 • X ^o. hi f S r \, <; N, ^S V % ~^ ^\ ^s^ \^- ■?n ^i^ -?o^ 'ib>. 1.41 : 5 .81 6 .32 .43 .56 7 .14 .2 .25 .4 .57 8 .07 .1 .13 .2 .29 .39 .51 10 .02 .03 .04 .06 .09 .13 .16 .21 .26 12 .01 .01 .02 .02 .04 .05 .06 .08 .1 COMPRESSED AlR 1157 the probable efRciencies shown by the chart. These efficiencies are referred to both the air and steam cylinders of the compressor, so as to give a basis for calculations for various methods of driving the compressor. They include 10 lbs. pressure drop in the pipe line. Referred to the air end of the compressor, it is thus seen that with single stage compression and 100 lbs. pressure, about 23.57o efficiency is obtained, increasing to about 29% with the low pres- sure of 60 lbs. Compound air connpression brings these figures up to 27.8% with 100 lbs. and 31% with 70 lbs. Referred to the steam end, allowing 88% mechanical efficiency between the steam and air ends of the compressor, single-stage compression gives a little less than 21% efficiency with 100 lbs. and about 25.5% with 60 lbs. air pressure. Compounding the air cylinders of the compressor increases these figures to about 24.5% with 100 lbs. and almost 21%% with 70 lbs. air pressure. While these figures for efficiency have been determined for rock drills in particular, they apply equally well to almost any machine using compressed air without expansion. It must, however, be remembered that the figures are based upon i.h.p. only, both in the drill and the compressor. This is because of the impracticability of measuring the brake h.p. of the drill. If, however, brake h.p. efficiency is required, these figures for efficiencies of i.h.p. can be multiplied by the mechanical efficiency of the device using the air, say 90% or 809c, as the case may be. This, of course, gives a still smaller result. It is to be noted that the higher efficiencies are obtained with the lower pressures. This is because there is less loss by heating the air during compression, and therefore it is advisable to use pressures as low as is consistent with the size and weight of the machine required to do a given amount of work. Methods and Cost of Laying 6-in. and 8-in. Wrought-lron, Screw- Joint Pipe for a Compressed Air iVIain. E. E. Harper in Engineer- ing News, Feb. 27, 1908, states that the work consisted of laying 7.000 ft. of 8-in. and 4,000 ft. of 6-in. wrought-iron, screw-joint pipe for a compressed air line carrying 80 to 90 lbs. pressure. The w^ork was all performed by common labor, none of the men being experienced in pipe laying. The greatest cause of delay in laying screwed pipe is the diffi- culty in getting each successive length of pipe into line and keep- ing it there until the first threads take hold and the pipe begins to screw together. To overcome this difficulty a cradle for supporting the pipe at the joint, a jack for adjusting and supporting the outer end of the pipe and a straight-edge for lining the pipe were devised. The cradle holds the threaded end of the pipe in position to enter the sleeve coupling on the last joint laid ; the jack allows both v€«rtical and horizontal adjustment of the joint of pipe; and the straight-edge shows when the pipe is in line ready to screw together. The cradle was simJDly a wood block, 8 by 8 ins. by 24 ins. in length, with a groove having a 4-in. radius cut in its top. The jack is shown by Fig. 5 and the straight-edge by Fig. 6. The movable block on the straight-edge is necessary because 1158 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA it is almost impossible to make a 12-ft. straight-edge that will remain true for more than a day. These devices saved fully 50% over the crude and unsatisfactory method of using blocks to hold the pipe in line. There was no straining and lifting to hold the pipe in place, and as the pipes were started together straight there were no stripped threads and bad joints, and the pipe made up so easily that one man with a pair of 3-ft. tongs often screwed an 8-in. pipe half way up;^it was then completed by four men using two pairs of tongs with 8-ft. handles. The threads, both male and female, were cleaned with wire brushes. Dixon's pipe joint compound was used on all screwed joints. Ring gaskets of Vie-in. Rainbow packing were used on flange joints, the gasket being pasted to one flange with coal-tar roofing paint, which held it in position while the joint was being made. /fad lined ^Ki'O" z'^'^f'Pi'^ Ha/rcf/e Fig. 5. Jack for holding end of pipe. Six-Inch Pipe Line. The total length of 6-in. pipe was 4,118 ft. The pipe was 6-in. lap welded casing weighing 15 lbs. per lin. ft. It was laid with sleeve couplings, 11 1/^ threads per in., with a flange union every 150 ft. and U-bends for expansion every 500 ft. The average length of joints was 20.1 ft. : an average of 588.2 ft. of pipe or of 29.3 joints, was laid per 10-hr. day. The best day's work was 1,065 ft., or 53 joints, with 6 men working 9 hrs., making 177.5 ft. per man; the poorest day's work was 120 ft., or 6 joints, by 6 men working ^V-^ hrs. The work was done from Aug. 15 to 24, 1907, in fair weather except for one day when the men worked 4 hrs. in rain and laid 22 joints. The men walked 21/^ to 3 miles to and from work. The average gang was: 4.85 men at 20 cts. per hr., 1 foreman at 30 cts. per hr., and 1 waterboy at 10 cts. per hr. The cost of pipelaying was as follows per 100 ft. : Items. Per 100 ft. Clearing right of way $0,327 Hauling and distributing 1 578 Bloclcing to grade 0.116 Constructing bents 0.450 Anchors for U-bends 2.290 COMPRESSED AIR 1159 Items. Per 100 ft. Painting- 0.900 Tools 0.100 Testing 0.300 Laying 3.137 Surveying and superintendence 0.700 Total $9,898 The total cost per ft. exclusive of cost of pipe was 9.89 8 cts., or, say, 10 cts. The following notes explain the work included in the various items : £:nqf.-Confr Fig. 6. Straight edge used in cementing the pipe. Clearing. Removing small brush for a width of 10 ft. Hauling. The average hauls was 3,000 ft. over bad roads, steep and rough. This item includes loading pipe on cars and unloading, hauling and distributing, including seven U-bends. Teams and drivers got $3 per day. Blocking. Includes temporary blocking and bending pipe in five places by building fires on it. Anchors for U-Bends. Includes 8 piers at $12 each, including bolts and clamps. Bent Construction. Includes carpenter work only on about 20 bents, averaging 3 ft. in height and made of 4 by 6-in. stuff. Painting. Includes cost of painting and cleaning pipe with wire brushes with paint costing $1 per gal. and labor at 20 cts. per hr. The pipe was painted one coat Tools. Includes shopwork and depreciation. Eight-Inch Pipe Line. The total length of 8-in. pipe was 7,101 ft. The pipe was 8-in. O. D., lap-welded casing weighing 20 lbs. per ft., laid with sleeve couplings, 11 1^ threads per in. The average length of joints was 19.15 ft. There was a flange union every 150 ft. and U-bends for expansion every 600 ft. An aver- age of 503.6 ft. was laid per day, of 10 hrs., or 26.3 joints. The best day's work was 613 ft., or 32 joints, by 6 men, including foreman; the poorest day's work was 380 ft., or 1100 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 20 joints, by 7 men, including foreman. The work was done from July 2 to Aug-. 5, 1907, the weather being hot and sultry, the thermometer ranging from 85 degs. to 100 degs. and averaging 90 degs. in the shade. The average gang was: 5.9 men at 20 cts. per hr., 1 foreman at 30 cts. per hr, and 1 waterboy at 10 cts. per hr. The cost was as follows per 100 f t. : Items. Per 100 ft Surveying and superintendence $1,000 Laying 3.580 Clearing 0.187 Hauling and distributing 1.032 Blocking to grade 1.110 Constructing bents 1.069 Anchors for U-bends 2.535 Painting 1.200 Tools 0.102 Testing 0.388 Total cost of laying $12,203 Cost of pipe 76.400 Grand total cost $88,603 The total cost per ft., exclusive cost of pipe, was thus 12.2 cts., and including cost of pipe 88.6 cts. The following notes explain the work included in the various items : Clearing. Removing small brush for a width of 10 ft. Hauling. Includes 12 U-bends, which cost $1 each to haul; teams and drivers 30 cts. per hr., laborers 20 cts. per hr., and foreman 30 cts. per hr. Bent Construction. Includes carpenter work only on about 80 bents of 4 by 6-in. stuff, spaced 30 ft. apart and ranging In height from 1 ft. to 16 ft., averaging 6 ft. high. Anchors for U-Bends. Includes 12 piers at $15 each, including bolts and clamps. Painting. Same as for 6-in. pipe. Testing. Includes laying and connecting 200 ft. of 4-in. pipe to pump line. Tested to 110 lbs. hydraulic pressure. Leaks developed. in two tees in line and these were repaired, line tested again and found tight. Cost of Pipe. Cost f. o. b. McKeesport, Pa., $76 per 100 ft. (ton) ; freight from McKeesport to Flat River 40 cts. per ton (100 ft). Profit in Reheating. The following data from Compressed Air give the results of a test made in the shops of the Hansell Elcock Co., Chicago, in driving 1.608 %-in. rivets. Half of these rivets were driven using an ordinary air line, and half were driven using heated air from a Sterling Heater. A plain toggle portable yoke riveter was used. The compressor cylinder was 10 ins. in diameter and 9% in. stroke. An Excelsior Airometer was put in the line, at which point line pressures and line temperatures were read. Twenty ft. of 1-in. rubber hose was used between the airometer and the Sterling heater. On the discharge side of the heater a gage and ther- COMPRESSED AIR 1161 mometer were inserted for reading the temprature and pressure of the heated air. Between the heater and the riveter 2714 ft. of 1-in. insulated flexible hose was used. The following shows the results : Without With heater heater Number of rivets 804 804 Ave. temp, of line air 57.5 deg. 60.0 deg. Average pressui'e, lbs .*. . 85 85 Total cu. ft. air used 14,874 8,513 Ave. temi). of heated air 39 6 deg. Cu. ft. air used per rivet 18.5 10.58 This difference in air used per rivet equals 7.92 cu. ft. or an increase in volume of 74.7%. This increase equals an actual saving in air used of 42.7%, Assuming 1,500 rivets per day, the actual air saving equals 11,880 cu. ft. At 8 cts. per 1,000 cu. ft. this saving equals 95 cts., the cost of operating the heater equals 1 gal. oil at 10 cts. plus 8 cts. for ignition current equals 18 cts., total, a net saving of 77 cts. per day. This saving 6 days per week would pay for the heater in one year and leave a profit of $156. The cu. ft. of air given were actual airometer readings. On ac- count of the intermittent service the heated air temperatures are not quite high enough. The actual temperature of the air supplied to the riveter was about 15% in excess to the heated air tempera- tures shown in the table. TABLE XVIII. AIR USED IN CUBIC FEET FREE AIR PER MINUTE PER INDICATED HORSE-POWER IN MOTORS WITHOUT REHEATING (From Hiscox's Compressed Air) Point of Gauge pressures in pounds cut-off 40 1 21.3 % 171 % 16.2 V2 14 5 Vs 15.2 V4. 15.6 Air Used pep Motor Horsepower. As will be seen from Table XVIII, the only data required are the gauge pressure and point of cut-off ; given those two items, we find from the table the free air required per i.h.p., and it will only be necessary to multiply this amount by the total i.h.p. of the motor to determine the total quan- tity of free air required, and consequently the necessary size of an air compressor to furnish the required amount of air. These figures do not take account of clearance, but it will be an easy matter to add the per cent, of clearance after having deter- mined the total amount of free air required. It will also be notice that the free air consumption is based upon the use of cold air, i. e., initial temperature of air at 60 degs. F. 60 80 100 125 150 19.4 18.42 17.8 17.40 17 05 15.47 14.6 14.15 13.78 13.50 14.50 13.75 13.28 12.90 12.60 128 11.93 11.48 11.10 10.85 11.85 10.8 10.21 9.78 9.50 13.3 10.72 10.0 9.42 9.10 1162 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA In case reheating is resorted to there will be a corresponding de- crease in the amount used, dependent upon the temperature of air on admission to motor, and will be proportional to the ratio ^ To where T2= 460 + 60 = 520 degs. F. absolute temperature and Ts Ts = 460 plus temperature of air at admission to motor. Thus, if the air is reheated to 300 degs. F., the quantity in the table will have to be multiplied by 460 + 60 520 460 + 300 ~ 760 .684 A further use of this table is to find the most economical point of cut-off for gauge pressures from 30 lbs. to 150 lbs. per sq. in. This fact is apparent from a study of each vertical column ; thus, at 60 lbs. pressure the lowest consumption of free air per i.h.p. is at Vs cut-off, while at 40 lbs. pressure the most economical cut-off will be 1/^. To find the quantity of free air required per min., in a direct acting steam pump, to raise a given number of gals, of water through a given head, divide the diameter of the air cylinder by the diameter of the water cylinder, and under the heading of this ratio in above table, and to the right of the given head or lift, find TABLE XIX. VOLUME OF AIR AND PRESSURE REQUIRED TO DRIVE DIRECT ACTING STEAM PUMPS. (From His- cox's Compressed Air) Gauge pressure in pounds per square inch Ratio of cylinder diameters Head of 1 IVa 2 21/2 3 water to to to to to in feet 11111 Cubic feet of free air per minute to lift one gallon of water Ratio of cylinder diameters 1 iy2 2 21/2 3 to to to to ■ to 11111 10 6 .22 20 11 .28 SO 16 7 .33 .53 40 21 9 .38 .58 50 26 12 7 .44 .65 .94 60 31 14 8 .49 .70 .99 70 36 16 9 .54 .75 1.03 80 42 18 11 .61 .79 1.11 90 47 21 12 .66 .87 1.15 100 52 23 13 .72 .91 1.20 125 65 29 16 10 .86 1.06 1.33 1.67 150 78 35 20 13 9 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.88 2.31 175 90 40 23 15 10 1.12 1.32 1.63 2.00 2.40 200 105 46 26 17 12 1.28 1.47 1.75 2.14 2.60 250 58 33 21 15 1.75 2.06 2.41 2.89 300 68 39 25 17 2.00 2.31 2.68 3.08 350 80 45 29 20 2.28 2.57 2.95 3.37 400 92 52 33 23 2.57 2.87 3.22 3.66 450 '.'.'. 105 58 37 26 2.88 3.13 3.48 3.95 500 65 42 29 3.42 3.82 4.24 600 78 50 35 4.00 4.35 4.80 700 92 60 42 4.58 5.00 5.50 800 105 67 47 5.15 5.50 5.96 900 LOCO 75 85 52 58 6.00 6.70 6.45 7.00 COMPRESSED AIR 1163 the cu, ft. of free air per gal. required per min. ; this constant, multiplied by the total number of gals, to be lifted, will give the quantity of free air required. The gauge pressure for the corre- sponding conditions may be found in a similar manner under the heading of gauge pressures. In the foregoing table of pressures an allowance of 15% has been made for pump friction, and in the table of volumes 15% has also been allowed for clearance losses and leakage. If the air is reheated before admission to air cylinder, the quantity may be reduced in proportion to the ratio of absolute temperatures. For TABLE XX. AIR CONSUMPTION OP VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL TOOLS AND MACHINES Tools Size Pressure in lbs. Air cont^umeu, free air per per sq. in. min. (cu. ft.) Aerons Small hand. (paint sprays) lbs. 90 2-3 5 90 6 7 90 10 8 90 12 Chipping 9 90 13 hammers 10 90 15 classed 11 90 17 by weight 12 90 18 13 90 20 14 90 20 18 90 22 Foundry Air per ton jolting Platform lifting capacity machines type 80 30-40 Grinders (hand) 20 lbs. 80 20 (Cylinder (Air in cu. ft. Hoists diam. inch) per ft. lift) direct lift 6 80 .79 (2 to 1 lift) 8 80 1.45 10 80 2.15 12 80 3.31 14 80 4.65 17 80 6.6 « 19 80 8.1 6 80 .39 Hoists 8 80 .72 (4 to 1 lift) 10 80 1.52 12 80 1.65 14 80 2.37 17 80 3.30 19 80 4.05 Geared (Tons) hoists 1 80 3 capacity iy2 80 5 in tons 2 80 6 3 80 8 4 80 10 5 80 15 6 80 20 8 80 25 10 80 30 121/2 80 40 Air consumption is shown in terms of " Free Air,' 1164 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA compound pumps the consumption may be assumed at 75% of the best results of the above table. Air and Power Requirements of Pneumatic Hammers. In Ta- bles XXI and XXII are given the actual cu. ft. of free air required per min. and the power to operate from one to fifty pneumatic hammers of the cylinder diameters and strokes shown. The quan- tities of free air for one tool have been obtained by careful ex- perimenters with special water-displacement apparatus, and being the averages of a great many readings, may be taken as accurate and fairly representative for most tools of similar dimensions. The figures for more than one tool were obtained by deducting 2% for every five tools ; that is, five chipping hammers are assumed to require 4.8 times as much air as one chipping hammer of equal size. Ten hammers are assumed to require 9.6 times as much as one hammer, and so on. This is to allow for the intermittent action of different tools in a shop, and this basis of calculation agrees very nicely with observed shop practice. Figures for air are for 80 lbs. pressure at sea level, and are based on ordinary intermittent service as is usual in any shop. Ratings for one hammer are actual readings from water displace- ment tests, being averages of many trials. Horsepower figures assume compound air compression to 85 lbs. pressure and include friction. For single stage compression to 85 lbs. add 15'7c to power figures. Compressor displacement re- quired should include volumetric loss as figures are for actual air delivered. The quantities of air, as shown by the larger figures in the table, are actual cu. ft. of free air required at atmospherice pres- sure at sea level, this air being delivered to the tool at 80 lbs. pressure. The figures for h.p., which are the smaller figures in the table, assume compound -compression to 85 lbs. pressure; that is, allowing 5 lbs. drop in the pipe line. The figures for power also include reasonable friction of the compressor and the usual losses of power in the air cylinder of an air compressor of rea- sonably good design. They would represent just about the brake h.p. required from an electric motor to drive a compressor ac- tually delivering the quantity of air given by the large figures above them. This brings up the point of the volumetric efficiency of the com- pressor. As the quantities shown were obtained by actual meas- urement of air used, it is imperative that the output of the com- pressor shall be equal to this. To allow for volumetric efficiency loss, this necessitates that the piston displacement of the com- pressor shall be greater than these figures by from 8 to 12%, de- pending upon its design. The figures for power required include this loss, as they represent the power necessary to actually deliver the quantities of air shown as the actual output of the compressor. In cases where single-stage compression is used the power re- quired may be obtained by adding about 15% to the power figures given. This, of course, has no effect upon the air quantity. It has been stated that these figures are for sea-level operation. COMPRESSED AIR 1165 ooooo 000 a; bfl U5 rt y C^ t- OO 'M CO OOOO-M U3 COt^t-T-l(M t>C-lH U5 l-H r-l CO T-l 'M 1-4 MO •* (35l-(COU5C- Mr*- CO •* lOCOC-OOOS eq srt< T-lrHiHrH (MCCKM . 3 1-liHrH c 2 O-C ■pi m Oi-H 5^050 OiOt- oo«r>irtooco CO 10 00 o C-t-t-CO^ Oi-IC- T}< 00 -M CO in ooico rt» "^lococ-t- i-CMCq s ^ .HiHiHt-1 (MCslIM ,-1 c^i eg M CO iHt-|i-H CO-^'** S !h U3 OsWfMCOO \aoioo-t< — ■ m CO t^ 05 1-1 M -*i (X)Ot-I CO Tt•- «3g H > — ' 1^ <3i ■*eo o 5 'A CO (M t- iH t- iHC-r-j rt t, rH rH ?>] CO 5> -►, ^ -'< >J CO 00 OS .^>> I'i s c c S C S ,S s s s 3 k5 .Is 2^;:^;^;^;^ 73- 0) cuo 5 S S 2 C£ 2 CO-?:'- CO" 0, (D t< iio 1 e ^^iHi-li-liH t 0) > 's, 2 iH iH T-l r-4 r-l > 7-1 T-l iH 1166 MECHANICAL AXD ELECTRICAL COST DATA This will be satisfactory for most localities, but at 5,000 ft. eleva- tion 17% more free air capacity will be required and about 7% more h.p. for the same size and number of tools. These increases are practically proportional to the altitude. (S. B. R., in American Machinist. ) Compressed Air and Pneumatic Tools in the Foundry. W. H. Armstrong in Compressed Air iNIagazine, June, 1913, says that of the various pneumatic apparatus in the foundry it may perhaps be proper to speak first of the air hoist, as that is used in so many places and for such a variety of service throughout the works. The most common types of air hoists are simple cylinders lifting direct or horizontal cylinders with or without multiplying shieves to reduce the length. The motor geared type of hoist is being largely adopted for much of the service where the single cylinders have been used, and especially for heavy traveling on jib cranes. Hoists of either type may often be applied to hand power cranes already in use without in the least interfering with the existing gearing, and at small expense. In the air hoist the power is ap- plied to the load in the most direct and simplest manner. With this aid a boy can lift a given load a dozen times while a gang of men would be operating a chain block or a windlass. There is no noise, no jar and the load is always sustained. In foundries where an overhead traveler cannot be installed, air hoists suspended from trolleys running on a track are very satisfactory. TABLE XXIII. COST OF PNEUMATIC HOISTING Effective Maximum Cu. ft. of Cost of Diam. of area of weight free air per air per of cyl. piston lifted 4 -ft. lift 100 lifts 2 3.05 274 ■ 0.74 $0.0037 3 6.87 618 1.67 .0084 4 19 '>2 1099 2.97 .0149 5 19109 1718 4.64 .0232 6 27.49 2444 6.68 .0334 7 37.42 3367 9.09 .0455 8 48.87 4398 11.88 .0594 9 61.85 5566 15.03 .0752 10 76.36 6872 18.56 .0928 11 92.39 8315 22.46 .1123 12 109.96 9896 26.73 .1337 Cost of Air Hoisting. Few realize how cheaply an air hoist is operated, besides its convenience and speed in handling loads. Table XXIII. compiled by Frank Richards, managing editor of Compressed Air Magazine, requires no explanation. He estimates as the basis of the table that compressed air can be furnished for industrial purposes at 100 lbs. pressure at a cost of 5 cts. per 1,000 cu. ft. of free air. It appears from this table that a hoist with a cylinder 6 in. diameter, with a piston rod 1 in. diameter and a lift of 4 ft., using air at 90 lb. pressure and allowing 30% additional to cover all contingencies, including the taking up of the slack of the hoisting chain, will lift more than a ton to a COMPRESSED AIR 1167 height of 4 ft. at a cost of $0.00035. A hundred of such lifts will thus be made, of course, for $0,035. Molding Machines. The molding machine now holds a promi- nent and most important position among labor saving devices in the foundry, increasing the output and improving the grade of the products. The degree of efficiency and the speed of operation depend upon the selection of the proper machine, and then upon the personality of the operator. Molding machines are so designed as to be oper- ated with air at a pressure of 60 to 80 lbs. The Sand Rammer. The sand rammer seems to come next in the order of consideration among the pneumatic tools of the foundry. Due to the marked improvements that have been made in the con- struction of this device, which tend to lessen the shock on the operator, and the education of the operators in the proper way to handle them, it has made a permanent place for itself, even a'gainst strong opposition, on the grounds of economy, lower production cost, larger output and improved quality of product which follow its use, and the adoption has become more general. The pneumatic rammer does much more than merely to supply the power for the work. It also changes the character of the ramming and gives the operator a variety of execution in the ramming which his muscles, at the best, could not command. The force, the direction, and especially the rapidity of the blows are so completely under the control of the operator that we might compare the manipulation of the rammer to the playing of a musical instrument. It relieves the molder of the most fatiguing detail of his work. The pneumatic bench rammer is a very handy tool as an auxiliary to the larger rammer. This rammer is very satisfactory for ram- ming a shelving pattern where the construction is such that it is difficult to ram under it with the larger tool. The bench rammer has been found practically indispensable for work of this nature. TIME IN PEINING AND RAMMING Size of cope Hand 12 ft. by 18 ins. by 4 ins. 12 ft. by 18 ins. by 10 ins. 6 ft. by 6 ft. by 6 ins. 6 ft. by 6 ft. by 8 ins. 8 ft. by 6 ins. by 6 ins. 7 ft. by 3 ft. by 12 ins. 1 " 30 min. 15 ft. by 30 ins. bv 16 ins. 12 ft. by 7 ft. by 16 ins. 2 " 12 min. 87 ins. by 159 ins. by 10 ins. 19 ft. by 90 ins. by 15 ins. Pneumatic Hammers, Drills, Etc. The value of the pneumatic chipping hammer in a foundr-y, as a saver of time and labor, is so universally conceded that the time has passed when it is deemed necessary to submit comparative figures, e.specially as much de- pends upon the conditions of operation and efficiency of the air 5 min. 10 " 20 " 35 " 1 hr. 1 2 hrs. 2 " 4 " Time Sand saved, rammer per cent. 1 min. 80 IV2 " 85 3 85 8 " 77 10 " 83 16 " 82 27 77 34 " 74 40 83 1 hr. 30 min. 81 1168 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA plant. Suffice it to say that for all classes of chipping in foundry work, such as chipping fins off castings, cutting gates, risers, but- tons oft anchors, and general trimming, one man with one hammer of the proper size will do as much work as three or four men chipping by hand. These tools are made in different sizes, with piston strokes of 1 to 5 ins., to meet different conditions. It is important that the proper size tool should be selected for the work, to insure the best results, the short stroke tools begin in- tended for the lighter work, requiring a light and very rapid blow, the longer stroke tools for the heavier work, requiring a heavy and slower blow. The medium sizes, with 2 and 3-in, piston stroke, are the sizes most generally used for foundry work. The rotating air drill is another very familiar labor-saving device, though its field of usefulness in a foundry is somewhat limited. It is more particularly a general shop tool, possessing a very wide range for drilling, reaming, tapping, flue rolling, run- ning in stay bolts, studs, and other applications seemingly limit- less. It has established itself next to the pneumatic hammer as a most generally used air tool. Like the other pneumatic devices for foundry use the sand sifter also proves to be a time and labor and cost saver. The saving ef- fected has been figured out as follows : Including the cost of air, based on an efficient compressor in- stallation, and figuring generally at 3 cts. per hr. for maintenance of sifter, compressor, pipe line, hose couplings, etc., and also including labor at 15 cts. per hr., the cost would be 27 cts. per hr. "When you consider that one man with one machine will screen in one hour as much sand as a man would riddle by hand in one day, and basing his time at $1.50 per day, you will see Lhat you effect by the use of the machine a saving of $1.23 in one hr. The air torch has been found a great time and labor saver, being used for skin-drying copes, molds, etc., for heating ladles, lighting cupolas and in casting repairing processes. The air nozzle for blowing blacking on molds, cores, etc., is also a universal favorite. This device is in the shape of a T, made of about 14 in. pipe with the discharge end bushed to about % in. The air is connected so as to cross the top of the T. A short sec- tion of hose which goes to the receptacle holding the blacking is connected to the stem of the T, and as the air is blown through the top of the T it siphons the blacking and blows it in a spray over the work, reaching and covering every corner and crevice. Cleaning Castings — The Sand Blast. There is hardly any opera- tion of the foundry of greater importance, and which contributes more to a satisfactory factory product, than the proper and thor- ough cleaning of castings. It has been an operation requiring time and patience, and involving heavy expense. The cleaning of cast- ings is a subject that has been given unusual attention, being fol- lo\Ved by experiments with various and sundry methods and devices for the successful and economical accomplishment of the desired results, including brushing, tumbling, pickling, blowing, etc. These COMPRESSED AIR 1169 methods have each shown marked advantages as applied to par- ticular classes of work, but as a commercial proposition for all classes of castings, large, medium and small, steel, iron, aluminum and brass, the solution has been found in the sand blast, and here again, compressed air plays a most important part and shows its superiority over other actuating powers for general foundry work. There are many makes, styles and kinds of sand blast apparatus on the market, and superior points are claimed by the manufac- turers for each, some advocating the use of air under high pres- sure, and others under low pressure. The proper air pressure for sand blasting as applied to particular classes of work, has been the subject of much discussion among foundrymen and also sand blast manufacturers, and numerous theories have been expressed through the trade journals. There have also been a number of tests conducted on different classes of work, with varying air pressures, and the consensus of opinion as expressed in the reports of these various tests, at least so many of them as it has been the writer's privilege to read, seems to favor the high pressure blast for all classes of work. It is conceded that the volume of air required is governed by the size of the opening in the sand blast nozzle, and the pressure maintained, based on the standard flow of air at a given pressure through a given size orifice. Therefore, the higher the pressure, the greater the volume of air used, but the amount and quality of work done increases correspondingly without added labor costs. It has been proven in these tests that twice as much work can be done at 50 lbs. pressure as at 20 lbs., at 64 lbs. as at 30 lbs., and at 72 lbs. as at 40 lbs. It has also been shown that for gray iron and malleable castings they can be cleaned best and quickest with an air pressure of 80 lbs. — brass and aluminum castings at not lower than 60 lbs., while for steel castings, the hardest to clean, not less than 90 lbs. The character of the material and its ability to withstand the impact of the sand will determine the pressure adaptable. As a result of a very thorough test of the economy of sand blast cleaning, conducted by one of our leading technical schools, in collaboration with one of our largest steel foundries, I am able to give in tabulated form data showing that the total cost per ton for cleaning castings, with a modern high pressure sand blast, is less than $0.80. This is figured on a basis of an equipment valued at $4,000 and including interest at 6%, and depreciation 10%; also power for exhaust system. Air pressure generated 97.5 Air pressure at blast, lbs 80 H.p. for air 53 Interest and depreciation $.0307 Maintenance, air $.105 Maintenance, sand $.279 Power for exhaust fan .0577 Nozzle 0104 Total 4828 Labor 316 Total 7988 1170 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Compressed Air in General Machinery Work. The reader is referred to Compressed Air for the Metal Worker, by C. A. Hirschberg, published by the McGraw-Hill Book Co. of New York, N. Y.. for a very detailed discussion of this subject. Pneumatic Tool Costs in Sliipbuiiding. (Chas. Schofleld in Com- pressed Air, Nov., 1906.) It was some time before the men using pneumatic tools could be prevailed up to admit that there was sufficient benefit derived from their use to warrant a reduction from the hand piece-work rate, and it was only by diplomacy that a reduction of 40% on all chipping and cutting was achieved. At this time, the men experienced great difficulty in chipping a plate edge to a bevel, or when dressing a shell butt, on account of the hammers having round bushings to take the shank of the chisel, whereby the man operating the tool had to twist the chisel as best he could without any resistance from the hammer. But all the up-to-date hammers of to-day have hexagon bushings, and the chisels have hexagon sha"nks to suit, so that the operator can twist the chisel to any desired angle by twisting the hammer, while a calking iron with a round shank can be used in the same manner without the bushing being changed. The current piece-work rate for pneumatic chipping solid cutting and calking in the United States is about 50% less than the piece-work hand rates of Great Britain ; that is, taking the day-work rates of both countries as a basis. Another feature of the pneumatic calking hammer is that it calks the toe of the gunwale, waterway, tank margin and bulk- head bounding bars without their having been either planed or chipped. This allows the builder to order the said angles the same size as he would if they were not to be calked. Pneumatic hammers are used extensively by engineers for dress- ing propeller blades, the palms of structs for vessels with twin screws, bed plates, cutting key ways, cleaning castings, etc., in fact, there is very little hand chipping done in the fitting shops of the American engine builders. Pneumatic Drills. When pneumatic drills were first introduced to .shipbuilders they had to compete with electric drills of all sizes and weights ; and during a four weeks' test at the works of William Cramp & Sons, of Philadelphia, the pneumatic drills proved their superiority. At the time of the test we were building three cruisers and two battleships, which had protective decks made up of two plates, each li/^ ins. thick, connected by l^/j-in. rivets. It was on these plates we made the test, the average for the twenty-four days being as follows : Holes drilled Air pressure Pneumatic Electric On 12 days, being 90 lbs 248 100 On 9 days, being 84 lbs 232 100 On 3 days, being 76 lbs 208 100 The result was that we dispensed with twenty-six electric drills, and took 60% off the piece-work rate of drilling on this class of work; we also made a reduction of 60% on the price of holes drilled COMPRESSED AIR 1171 in the deck plating for deck planking, and took 50% off all other drilling on the ship, except odd work. Pneumatic drills are now used for every conceivable purpose by American shipbuilders, among others, cutting out side-light holes, ventilator and coal port-holes in the deck, boring stern-post gud- geons, wood backing for armor-plate bolts, tube cutting, tube ex- panding, tapping for stay bolts, screwing in stay bolts, and by using a speed reducing gear attached to the drill it is possible to tap up to 4 ins. diameter, and to operate this combined machine only one man and a boy are required. In fact, the pneumatic drill is an indispensable factor in connection with speedy and economical ship construction in its various branches. There was in use at that time, a stationary riveter of the or- dinary type, driving rivets in such portions of the ship as could be assembled and handled as a whole, namely, frames, water-tight doors, etc., such as are usual in ordinary merchant vessels. A very short experience with compression riveters .showed that their great weight — reaching over 2,500 lbs. for a 6-ft. gap — interfered too much with the facility of handling to make them either useful or economical. We then turned our attention to the pneumatic hammer, which delivers an almost continuous series of blows against the end of the chisel, calking tool, or rivet die. The hammer is light, powerful, short enough to go in between frame spacings, and small enoiigh in diameter to get at rivets in corner angles. For rivets up to % in. diameter it can be held in the hand, but for rivets of a larger diameter the hammer should be held in a device suitable to the location of the work on the vessel, for instance, shell device and deck device. It is, however, almost impossible to hold on to the rivet by hand unless a spring dolly bar is used instead of the heavy holding-on hammer used in hand riveting, the heavy hold- ing-on hammer being fairly jarred off the head of the rivet by the rapidity of the blows from the pneumatic hammer, giving the holder-on no opportunity to bring his tool back into position be- tween blows as in hand riveting. Portable Pneumatic Yoke Riveter Corm)lete. In connection with the above-mentioned pneumatic hammer there is used a simple pneumatic hold-on consisting only of a cylinder carrying a piston, behind which air is admitted, the rod extending through the front head and being cupped out to go over the head of the rivet. Combining these two machines with a yoke, the hammer being mounted on one arm and the holder-on on the other, makes a self- contained machine in which the yoke can be made very light, as it has to resist only the pressure of the air against the end of the holder-on cylinder, and the reaction of the hammer blows. Various sizes of these yoke riveters are used for riveting the center keelsons, longitudinals, side keelsons, etc. They are also extensively used for riveting certain parts of turrets, gun-carriages, etc., where first-class riveting is absolutely necessary. For driving rivets in frames and brackets, intercostals and beam knees, etc., we use a jam riveter and pneumatic holder-on. 1172 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The above descriptions give the methods for driving all rivets that can be reached on both sides by a yoke or jam riveter. There remain three classes of rivets in a ship, as follows: (1) Those through decks and tank tops, mostly countersunk, and all driven downward from above ; ( 2 ) bulkhead rivets, nearly all with full heads; (3) those in the outside of the vessel and all countersunk. These three classes must be reached by riveters on one side and holders-on on the other, without any connection whatever between them. The first class are most easily driven, and for them the hammer is attached to a universal swivel head, mounted on a pipe or T-bar. The operator raises the hammer to bring the flat die on to the rivet, and the pipe or T-bar being secured at the center, holds the hammer in position while the rivet is being driven. A second man, with a pneumatic chipping hammer cuts off the sur- plus metal, and the riveting hammer being brought back on the rivet, a few seconds complete the operation. In this case the pneu- matic holder-on is operated from below by a third man, be- ing braced against the bottom of the ship or the next deck below. For the second class, the hammer is simply held in the hands of the operator, said hammer having about a 4Vj-in. piston stroke, and as the die is cui)ped out to form the snap point, there is no tendency to slip off the point. The holding-on is done by a spring dolly bar, which' I will explain later. We now come to the third class, or shell rivets, which, in many respects, are the most important rivets in the ship, requiring the most careful workmanship and the best finish. Therefore it is a serious mistake for shipbuilders to attempt to drive shell rivets by pneumatic power until they have established pneumatic rivet- ing on all inside work, because the men operating the tools should be accustomed to handling the hammers before being put on this important part of the work. It is evident at the start that the varying thickness of plates, frame flanges and liners, and espe- cially the depths of countersink render it impracticable to so gauge the length of rivet used that there will always be just enough metal to properly fill the countersink and finish the point, and that, therefore, as in hand riveting, a longer rivet must be used. After the point is beaten down and the surplus metal crowded off to one side, this surplus must be chipped off, and the point be finished up, rounded slightly, and any seams between the rivet and the plate driven together and closed. To do this a certain amount of freedom of motion must be allowed in the hammer, so that its axis may be inclined at a slight angle in any direction with the axis of the rivet itself. This result is attained by mounting a pneumatic hammer in a device having a universal movement attached to the end of a T-bar, instead of its being immovably fastened to it. For bottom riveting there is a flat bar adapted so as to be mounted on the shell of a ship in any desired position. This bar carries an ad- justable support, connected by means of a swivel joint, with a holder in which is mounted a« adjustable frame bar, pivotally sup- COMPRESSED AIR 1173 porting at one end a pneumatic hammer, and at the other an adjustable distance piece. At one setting a space of 14 ft. to 16 ft. sq. can be reached with the above device, and when it is necessary to move the device to another position the change can be effected in about ten min- utes. A spring dolly bar is used for holding-on, thus dispensing with the costly method of a wood backing, necessary when a pneu- matic holder-on was u.sed, as was the case a few years ago, and an ordinary pneumatic chipping hammer is used to cut off the surplus metal before finally finishing. It is evident that the free- dom of movement of the hammer can be secured in other ways, such as a ball and socket joint of large radius, but we have found the above device more satisfactory and all that can be desired. TABLE XXIV. COST OF PNEUMATIC RIVETING FOR SHIP CONSTRUCTION No. of Distribution rivets Keel (flat) 6.217 Shell 21,628 Shell margin (bilge single line) 1,122 Longitudinals, open 24.632 C. V. K. brackets 3,197 Longitudinals under tank .... 664 Longitudinals, bars 2,989 Tank top stiffeners 1.129 Tank top margin 4,033 Tank top rider 3.209 Tank top lugs 1,520 Tank top 4.467 C. V. K. cross vertical keelson . 12,723 Hold stringer 1,184 Floors 123 Floors (odd ) 5 C. V. K. (odd) 38 Bulkheads 1.318 3,051 231 Total 93,480 Holes drilled Pneumatic Electric Air pressure on 12 days, being 90 lbs 248 100 Air pressure on 9 days, being 84 lbs 232 100 Air pressure on 3 days, being 76 lbs 208 100 Ma- Diam- chine Hand eter of rate rate rivets, each, each. in. cts. cts. 1 2% . 41/2 % 1% 31/2 % 3 4% % iy4 2% % 1 31/2 1V4 31/2 1V2 31/2 % 1% 2 3/4 1 1V4 2% 2V2 31/2 % 1V2 2% % 2% % 1 % 31/2 94 1 ^ 2% % 1 3 % 1V2 3 % iy4 3 % 2 6 1 2 1V4 6 5 iy4 31/4 % 11/2 21/2 For riveting the side shell plating the same device is used, with one exception, and this is as follows : there is a holder provided with a T-shaped slot, the sides of which form a bearing for the T-shaped frame bar, while allowing said bar to be moved from one position to another in said slot ; and a friction spring and set screw, respectively adapted to bear against the bottom of said frame bar when the latter is in position in said slot and to lock the frame bar in any desired position in said holder. 1174 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The spring- dolly bar now used is made of a piece of 3-in. pipe about 12 ins. long, having at one end an ordinary cast-steel handle, while at the other there is a bushing, through which a set screw holds the cup or snap. Inside the pipe is a piece of round iron, about 6 ins. long, backed up by a spiral spring. The quality of the work done by all these machines, both inside and outside the shell, is first-class In every respect, and far superior to hand work, seeing that a rivet driven by a pneumatic hammer has to be about 12% longer than a rivet driven by hand, which goes to prove that the hole is better filled when the work is done by pneumatic tools, and such is the unanimous opinion of the inspectors who have been and are on duty in the American shipyards. That this is natural appears from several considerations. The rivets are closed down more rapidly and at a much higher tem- perature, and. as it is always easy to bring the axis of the hammer in line with the axis of the rivet, and, in fact, natural for the men to do so, the rivet is plugged at once by the first blows of the ham- mer, thoroughly filling the hole throughout before the point begins to form. The tendency of hand riveters to save labor, to form the point without thorough plugging, leaving a rivet which, though looking all right and passing the tester, is liable to loosen after- wards in service from the constant jar and vibration of the hull, is, therefore, avoided. In many confined places, also, where only one man can strike, and the space for the swing of the hammer is confined to the frame spacing or less, hand rivets are very apt to be poorly driven, but it is evident that such considerations do not affect the machine, and that, if the pneumatic hammer can get to the rivet at all, it is as well put in as in the most open parts of the work. As to the cost of pneumatic riveting, I submit the figures of Table XXIV, which are piece work rates current in the States, also figures comparing them with the British piece-work hand rates. In making this comparison. I must call your attention to the fact that both day-work and piece-work rates in America are about 35% higher than in Great Britain. This is due chiefly to the cost of living being- higher. So that the piece-work prices for pneu- matic riveting in Great Britain should be one-third less than the prices paid in America. Table XXIV was compiled from a'n actual test covering a period of 3 weeks at the Chicago plant of the American Shipbuilding Company. Total cost of job by hand would have been $2,986.87 Total cost of job by. machine was 1,403.31 Saving of machine over hand work $1,583.56 Average cost per rivet of hand work 3.19 cts. Average cost per rivet of machine work 1.50 " Average saving per rivet of machine hand work 1.69 Average cost of machine riveting was 47% of hand cost. COMPRESSED AIR 1175 The amount that should be added to machine cost to cover in- terest, maintenance of plant, and operation of compressor, is about 15% of the gross earnings of the tools. It is only fair to mention that, at the time the above test took place, about 7 years ago, pneumatic tools were not so perfect as they are to-day, and their application to ship construction has been very much simplified. For instance, when driving bulkheads and .vhell it was customary to use a pneumatic holder-on, which ne- cessitated something to act as a backing for the tool, said backing having to be built up, which added considerably to the total cost of riveting, whereas now a spring dolly bar is used, which the holder on holds in his hands ; again, the shell device for holding the riveting hammer while driving the rivet has been very considerably improved, and can be removed from one position to another on the ship in less than one-flfth the time required to remove the old device. TABLE XXV. BRITISH COSTS OF PNEUMATIC RIVETING pneumatic British hand No. of Price Total Piece- Total Distribution rivets per 100 cost work cost s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. Keel (flat) 6.217 7 21 15 2 1110 36 15 8 Shell 21,628 5 54 1 5 8 8 93 14 5 Tank margin 1,122 8 4 4 13 6 10 5 12 2 Longitudinals, open 24,632 3 6 43 2 1 8 6 104 13 9 C. V. K. brackets 3,197 3 6 5 11 10 8 6 13 11 9 Longitudinals under tank. 644 50 113 2 96 331 Longitudinals, bars .... 2,989 36 547 96 14 3 11 Tank top stiffeners 1,129 7 3 19 10 5 12 11 Tank top margin 4,033 42 880 10 6 21 36 Tank top lugs 1,520 5 3 16 10 7 12 Tank top rider 3.209 3 6 5 12 4 10 6 16 16 11 Tank top 4,467 3 6 7 16 4 10 6 23 8 C.V.K. vertical keelson . 12,723 2 10 18 6 8 6 54 1 5 Hold stringer 1,184 42 294 86 508 Floors 123 3 6 4 4 8 6 10 5 Floors Codd) 5 59 004 11 6 007 C. V. K. (odd) 38 59 022 11 6 044 Bulkheads 3,051 42 671 70 10 13 7 £192 17 2 £416 19 1 192 17 2 Amount saved by machine over hand (British rates) . . £224 1 11 Pneumatic Log Sawing Machine. A pneumatic log sawing ma- chine consists of a saw and frame weighing 85 lbs. and an engine of brass tubing weighing 65 lbs. The frame is manufactured in 2 sizes to cut in 16 and 24-in. lengths. The capacity of the saw in logs is given as 500 per 10-hr. day or 20 cords of 4-ft. wood. The ordinary working pressure required is 75 lbs., the free air consumption at 65 strokes, per min., being 33 cu. ft. Air Consumption of Pumps. Andre Formis, June 14, 1913, in 1176 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Engineering and Mining Journal, describes the use of a recording air meter for taking time studies of rocl< drills on air lines. The air meter was also used to investigate the air consumption of a small, single-stroke 7 by ZV^ by 7-in. plunger pump. The water was pumped a height of 250 ft. on an angle of 33 degs., the size of the suction and discharge lines being according to the manufacturers' specifications. The strokes per min. were counted and noted on the chart at the corresponding air-flow line. It was found that at 130 strokes. 85 cu. ft. were used. The h.p. drawn from the boilers to compress this amount of air was 13.1 h.p., ac- cording to the manufacturer's catalog. The theoretical power re- quired to pump the amount of water is 2.56 h.p.. without friction or leakage losses. The electrical power required to pump this amount would be conservatively four boiler h.p. Fig. 7, 280 51260 §240 J! 220 "200 § 180 <£ 160 ^ 140 ^ 120 ins. by 2^^ ins. by 3 ins. Cost $47.50 Installation 7.50 $55.00 1 Ammoniacal liquor concentrator, capacity for concen- trating liquor, resultant from ammoniacal carbon- ization of 20,000 tons of coal. Total charge $2,245.22 1 Oil heater (estimated) installed $110.00 1 No. 5 Buffalo blower driven by 8-h.p. Erie engine. Price $266.00 Installation, etc 1 8.00 $284.00 * These extra charges include cost of improvements to Chollar washer and old purifier, also installation of station meter. The price of the station meter itself f.o.b. plant was $1,400. GAS PLANTS 1197 1 Tar well 10 ft. by 12 ft. by 9 ft., built of 2-in. plank. Excavation 40 cu. yds. at $0.50 $20.00 Material 25.00 Labor 2.00 $47.00 2 Bri.stol recording- gauges $ 80.00 1 Fairbank.s-Morse 6 h.p. gas engines 340.00 1 10 h.p.-G. E. motor. Price motor 170.00 Miscellaneou.s 37.39 $207.39 1 No. 6 Sturtevant gas booster $550.00 Installation 88.92 $638.92 1 Oil tank. 10,000 gals $350.00 3 Bristol pressure gauge, not installed $105.00 Piping and Covering. Pipe line, water gas machine to holder, 71 ft. 6 Ins., 8 in. riveted pipe at 7 lbs. per foot, 500.5 lbs., 501 lbs. at $0.06 ; $30.06 7, 8 in. iron elbows at $5.53 38.71 Labor erection 21.00 $89.77 Pipe line, water gas holder to exhauster. 75 ft. 6 in. wrought iron pipe at $0,611 $45.83 4, 6 in. fittings at $0.85 . , ." .S.40 Labor erection . , 25.00 $74.23 Steam pipe. 165 ft. 1V> in. pipe at $0.765 $12.62 125 ft. 1 in. pipe at $0.0639 7.99 140 ft. 1^/2 in. covering, $0.15 21.00 Fittings r estimated) , , . , 10.00 Labor 35 00 $86.61 Water pipe. 175 ft. 2 in. pipe at $0,118 $20 65 Fittings ("estimated) 1.50 Labor 5 00 $27.15 Railing about condensers. 87 ft. 114 in. pipe at $0.0639 $5 56 20, 1^4 in. railing fittings at $0.14 2.80 Labor 3.00 $11.36 Railing about purifiers. 60 ft. 1 in. pipe at $0.06 $3.60 15, 1 in. fittings at $0.10 1.50 Labor 2.00 $7.10 Pipe from coal shed to oil tank. 145 ft.. 3 in. pipe at $0,245 $.35.53 Miscellaneous material 18.79 Labor 10 86 $65.18 1198 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Ammonia pipe from tank to side track. 150 ft. 2 in. pipe at $0,147 $21.75 Fittings 0.99 Labor 8.30 Steam and water-line to ash pans of benches, total .... Water line. 2 in. pipe from storage tank to works, 170 ft. 2 in. pipe at $0,145 Miscellaneous material Labor Circulating pump to ammonia still. 62 ft. 1 V4. in. pipe Miscellaneous material Labor Water Tank. The old purifiers erected near the Sub-Station and connected to the works by a 1-in. pipe. Tanks measure 7 ft by 7 ft. by 1 ft. 5 ins., built of 14 -in. metal. Total weight 2,730 lbs., at $0.03 Erection and pipe line installation $31,04 11.49 $24.65 4.11 11.55 $40.31 $4.50 0.71 5.94 $11.15 $81.90 35.55 $117.45 Miscellaneous small piping not detailed (estimated) . . ,$100.00 Main from station meter to large holder. 230 ft. 10-in. pipe at $1.22 $270.60 1 10-in. by 6 in. reducer 5.40 1 10-in. Ell double hub 9.00 1 10-in. drip 5.00 2 10-in. 45 degree bends 12.06 Labor 90.00 $392.06 Main from Governor to Elk Street. 105 ft. 12-in. pipe at $1.56 $163.80 1 12-in. tee at $8.88 8.88 2 12-in. to 8-in. reducers, at $8.00 16.00 2 8-in. valves at $20,69 41.38 Labor 30.00 $260.06 Main from Booster to Elk Street. 50 ft., 8-in. pipe at $0.87 $43.50 217 ft, 6-in. pipe at $0,60 130.20 1 8-in. by 6-in. by 6-in. tee 3.45 2 6-in. valves at $11.29 22.58 Labor 35.00 $234.73 12-in. Connolly governor, price f.o.b. plant $480.00 Installation (estimated) 50.00 $530.00 %-in. oil meter, price f.o.b. plant $90.00 Installation (estimated) . 10.00 $100.00 #5 blower for water gas set, price f.o.b. plant, not in- stalled $98.00 Pumps : 1 Wagner 3 in. by 2 in. by 3 in. ; 1 Snow 3 in. by 2 in. by 3 in., estimated $50.00 GAS PLANTS 1199 Ammonia liquor well, 4 ft. by 12 ft. by 9 ins., built of 3 in. lumber Excavation 16 cu. yds. at $1.00 $16.00 Lumber 1,158 ft. b.m. at $25.00 per M 30.00 $46.00 Pressure gauge board (estimated) $12.00 Oxide in purifiers, estimated 4,160 bushels at $0.45 $1,872.00 Total gas making machinery $85,611.63 2. DISTRIBUTING MAINS 1-in. Wrought Iron Pipe. Material. 3998 lin. ft. pipe at $0.0639 $255.47 Fittings, 3998 lin. ft., at $0,003 11.99 Total material $267.46 Labor, excavation and refill, 3998 lin. ft. trench (1 ft. by 2.5 ft.), 370 cu. yds. at $0.75 $277.50 Drayage, 4 tons at 1.5 miles, 6 ton-miles, 6 ton miles at $0.40 2.40 Laying pipe, 3998 lin. ft. at $0.03 119.94 Painting pipe, 3998 lin. ft. at $0.00112 4.48 Total labor $404.32 Total 1 in. pipe $671.78 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft .' $0,067 Labor, cost per ft 0.101 Total $0,168 2-in. Wrought Iron Pipe. Material, 106.861 lin. ft. pipe at $0.118 $12,609.60 Fittings, 106,861 lin. ft. at $0.0048 512.93 Total material $13,122.53 Labor, excavation and refill, 106,861 lin. ft. trench (1 ft. by 2.5 ft.). 9895 cu. yds. at $0.75 $7,421.25 Drayage, 214 tons at 1.5 miles — 321 ton miles. 321 ton miles at $0.40 128.40 Laying pipe, 106,861 lin. ft. at $0.03 3,205.83 Painting pipe, 106,861 lin. ft. at $0.00142 151.74 Total labor . , $10,907.22 Total 2-in. pipe $24,029.75 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0,123 Labor, cost per ft 0.102 Total $0,225 3-in. Wrought Iron Pipe. Material, 54,999 lin. ft. pipe at $0.2673 $14,701.23 Fittings, 54,999 lin. ft. at $0.0047 258.50 Total material $14,959.73 Labor, excavation and refill, 54,999 lin. ft. trench (1 ft. by 2.5 ft.), 5093 cu. yds. at $0.75 $3,819.75 Drayage, 220 tons at 1.5 miles — 330 ton mile.s, 330 ton miles at $0.40 132.00 1200 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Laying pipe, 54.999 lin. ft. at $0,065 3,574.94 Painting pipe, 54,999 lin. ft, at $0.00172 94.20 Total labor $7,620. Total 3-in. pipe $22,580.62 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0,272 Labor, cost per ft 0.139 Total $0,411 4-in. Wrought Iron Pipe. Material, 45,445 lin. ft. pipe at $0.3355 $15,246.80 Fittings 45,445 lin. ft. at $0.0067 304.49 Total material $15,551.29 Labor, excavation and refill, 45,445 lin. ft. trench (1 ft. by 2.5 ft.), 4208 cu. yds. at $0.75 $3,156.00 Drayage, 250 tons at 1.5 miles, 375 ton miles, 375 ton miles at $0.40 150.00 Laying pipe, 45.445 lin. ff at $0.08 3,635.60 Painting pipe, 45,445 lin. ft. at $0.00191 86.80 Total labor $7,028.40 Total 4-in. pipe $22,579.69 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0,342 Labor, cost per ft 0.154 Total $0,496 6-in. Cast Iron Pipe. Material, 6305 lin. ft. pipe at 30 lbs. per ft., 189,150 lbs. at $40.00 per ton . $3,783.00 Lead, 526 joint at 8 lbs. per joint, 4208 lbs., at $0.0525 per lb 220.92 Oakum. 526 joints at 9/16 lbs. per joint, 300 lbs. at $0.09 27.00 Total material $4,030.92 Labor, excavation and refill, 6,305 lin. ft. trench (2 ft. by 2.5 ft.), 1,168 cu. yds. at $0.75 $876.00 Bell holes, 526 at $0.08 42.08 Drayage, 189,150 lbs. pipe 4,208 " lead 300 " oakum 193,658 " 97 tons at 1.5 miles — 146 ton miles, 146 ton miles at $0.40.. 58.40 Laying pipe, 6305 lin ft. at $0.03 189.15 Painting pipe, 6305 lin. ft. at $0.00231 14.56 Total labor $1,180.19 Total 6-in. C. L pipe $5,211.11 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0.64 Labor, cost per ft 0.186 Total $0,826 GAS PLANTS 1201 6-in. Wrought Iron Pipe. Material, 6000 lin. ft. pipe at $0,611 $3,666.00 Fittings for 6000 lin. ft. at $0.0712 427.20 Total material $4,093.20 Labor, excavation and refill, 6000 lin. ft. trench (1.5 ft., by 2.5 ft.), 944 cu. yds. at $0.75 $708.00 Dray age, 57 tons at 1.5 miles — 86 ton miles, 86 ton miles at $0.40 34.40 Laying pipe, 6000 lin. ft. at $0.06 360.00 Painting pipe, 6000 lin. ft. at $0.00231 1'3.86 Total labor $1,116.26 Total 6-in. W. L pipe $5,209.46 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0,682 Labor, cost per ft 0.186 Total $0,868 8-in. Cast Iron Pipe. Material, 5353 lin. ft. pipe at $0.40 lbs. per ft., 214,120 lbs. at $40.00 per ton $4,282.40 Lead, 447 joints at 11 lbs. per joint, 4917 lbs. at $0.0525 per lb 258.14 Oakum, 447 joints at 11/16 lbs. per joint 307 lbs. at $0.09 per lb 27.63 Total material $4,568.17 Labor, excavation and refill, 5353 lin. ft. trench (2 ft. by 3 ft.), 1227 cu. yds. at $0.75 $920.25 Drayage, 214,120 lbs. pipe 4,917 " lead 307 " oakum 219,344 " 110 tons at 1.5 miles — 165 ton miles, 165 ton miles at $0.40. . 66.00 Bell holes, 447 at $0.08 35.76 Laying pipe. 5353 lin. ft. at $0.03 160.59 Painting pipe, 5353 lin. ft. at $0.00269 14.40 Total labor $1,197.00 Total 8-in. C. L pipe $5,765.17 Unit Costs. Materia], cost per ft $0,853 Labor, cost per ft 0.224 Total $1,077 Note : Fittings are listed separately. 8-in. Converse Lock Joint Pipe. Material, 8784 lin. ft. pipe at $0,675 $5,929.20 Lead, 550 joints at 8 lbs. per joint, 4400 lbs. at $0.0525 per lb 231.00 Oakum, 550 joints at % lbs. per joint, 357 lbs., at $0.09 32.13 Total material $6,192.33 Labor, excavation and refill, 8784 lin. ft. trench (2 ft. by 3 ft), 1952 cu. yds. at $0.75 $1,464.00 1202 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Dray age, 125,699 lbs. pipe 4,400 " lead 357 " oakum 130,456 " — 65 tons at 1.5 mile — 98 ton miles, 98 ton miles at $0.40. $39.20 Bell holes, 550 9,t $0.08 45.00 Laying pipe, 8784 lin. ft. at $0.03 263.52 Painting pipe, 8784 lin. ft. at $0.00269 23.63 Total labor $1,835.00 Total C. L. J. pipe $8,027.68 Unit Costs. Material, cost per ft $0,716 Labor, cost per ft 0.198 Total $0,914 Note : Fittings are listed separately. "Valves. 3 6-in. valves at $16.29 $48.87 3 4-in. valves at 10.53 31.59 4 3-in. valves at $6.00 24.00 3 2-in. valves at 3.00 9.00 Total $113.46 Fittings. 32 8-in. crosses at $5.80 $185.60 20 6-in. crosses at 4.00 80.00 8 8-in. plugs at 1.50 12.00 5 6-in. plugs at 1.00 5.0a 2048 lbs. lead at $0,525 107.62 133 lbs. oakum at $0.09 . ." 11.97 Drayage 10.00 Labor 35.00 Total $447.19 Total valves and fittings $560.65 3. SERVICE CONNECTIONS. 8,584 lin. ft. %-in. 198,209 lin. ft. 1-in. 17,280 lin. ft. 1%-in. 3,628 lin. ft. iy2-in. 3029 Connections, 227,761 lin. ft. 227,761 lin. ft. at $0.16 $36,441.76 Painting 227,761 lin. .ft. at $0.00112 225.09 $36,696.85 42 Connections. 2688 lin. ft., 2-in. 2688 lin. ft. at $0.23 $618.24 Painting 2688 lin. ft. at $0.00142 3.82 $622.06 1 Connections, 135 lin. ft. 4 ins. 135 lin. ft. at $0.51 $68.85 Painting 135 lin. ft. at $0,00191 0.26 $69.11 Total service connections $37,388.02 GAS PLANTS 1203 880 42 426 140 4 7 433 123 461 42 31 6 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. METERS. 3 Lt. Prepayment at $10.45 $9,196.00 3 " " " 8.70 365.40 5 " " " 12.22 5,265.72 5 " " " 10.4? 1,088.80 10 " " " 14.05 56.20 10 " '• " 12.05 84.35 3 Lt. Plain at $6.87 $2,974.71 3 " " " 5.12 629.76 5 " " " 8.25 3,803.25 f " " " 6.50 273.00 10 " " " 10 53 326.43 10 " " " 8.53 51.18 20 " " " 15.00 180.00 20 " " " 12.00 ■ 24.00 60 '• " 55.00 60 " " 50.00 100 " " 63.95 150 " " . 95.00 200 " " 117.00 200 " ". 112 00 300 " " "205.00 410.00 Total meters $25,161.75 5. BUILDINGS. Coal Shed. This is a one-story frame building measuring about 70 ft. by 25 ft. by 25 ft high. There is also an ad- dition about 70 ft. by 17 ft. These buildings are frame, covered with corrugated iron. Clearing site, grading, etc $300.00 8,000 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 per square . . 536.00 14,000 ft. b. m. lumber at $25.00 per M 350.00 Incidentals 100.00 Total $1,286.00 Old Retort House. This is a brick building with iron truss roof which is covered with corrugated iron. The general dimen- sions are 40 ft. by 40 ft. by 25 ft. The walls are 12 ins. thick. Grading, clearing, etc $50.00 60,000 brick at $12.00 per M 720.00 1400 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 per sq 94.00 Pipe trusses 60.00 Incidentals 50.00 Total $974.00 New Retort House. This is a frame building covered with cori-ugated iron. The East wall is of rubble masonry, while the South wall is formed by the old retort house. The gen- eral dimensions are 50 ft. by 30 ft. by 26 ft. Grading, etc $200.00 Rubble wall, 56 cu. yds. at $5.00 280.00 4,000 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 268.00 10,000 ft. b. m. lumber at $25.00 250.00 Floor, etc 75.00 Incidentals 75.00 Total $1,148.00 1204 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Purifying House. This is a one-story frame building covered with corru- gated iron and measures 65 ft. by 30 ft. Clearing site, grading, etc $250.00 5,000 ft b. m. lumber at $25.00 . . . , 125.00 5,5U0 .sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 369.00 3.800 brick at $12.00 456.00 Meter room 25.00 Incidentals 75.00 Floor 30.00 Total $1,330.00 Oxide Platforms. There are 2 oxide platforms placed one over the other. The uppei one is frame covered with corru- gated iron. The floor of this one partially forming the roof of the lower one, which is about 40 ft. longer than the upper one. General dimensions of upper platform are 45 ft. by 14 ft. 630 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 $42.00 1,500 ft. B. M. lumber at $25.00 38.00 Incidentals 10.00 Lower platform 60.00 Total $150.00 Boiler Room. This measures 12 ft. by 10 ft. by 8 ft. Three sides and the roof are covered with corrugated iron. The other side being formed by the new retort house. 400 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 per sq $27.00 Lumber 5.00 Total $32.00 Coke Shed. This is a frame building open at the sides, the loof being covered with corrugated iron.. The general dimensions being 50 ft. by 33 ft. 2,000 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 per sq $134.00 6,000 ft. b. m. lumber at $25.00 ■. 150.00 Total $284.00 Oil House. This is a frame biulding measuring 6 ft. by 6 ft. Estimated $12.00 Bunk House. This is a frame building measuring 24 ft. by 15 ft. and contains 360 sq. ft. of floor area. Cost at $0.50 sq. ft $180.00 Coal Shed. This measures about 12 ft. by 10 ft. and is open at the front. Cost $10.00 Governor House. This is a frame building covered with corrugated iron and measured 16 6 ft. by 14.6 ft. 700 sq. ft. corrugated iron at $6.70 per sq $47.00 .Lumber 10.00 Total " ;. $57.00 GAS PLANTS 1205 Booster House. This is a frame building covered with corrugated iron, it measures 13 ft. by 20 ft. One side of this is formed by the 150,000 cu. ft. gas holder, the other partially by the governor house. Estimated cost $25.00 Fence. 378 lineal feet of board fence, 6 ft. high at $0.50 per lin. ft $189.00 Total buildings $5,677.00 Detailed Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of 15,000. The following is abstracted from one of our appraisal reports of a western Power, Light and Water Co. and is for the "Gas Department." This de- partment furnishes gas for domestic and lighting use to about 1,300 customers in two adjoining cities, having a combined population of 15,000. The system consists of an oil gas generating plant of 100,000 cu. ft. daily capacity, and 25.6 miles of mains. During 1911 the company distributed 21,898,000 cu. ft. of gas. Process of Manufacturing Oil Gas. The process of making fuel and illuminating gas from crude oil consists in spraying the oil over the highly heated checkerbrick interior of brick-lined steel generators, much resembling those used in the manufacture of water gas. The gas is manufactured from absolutely crude oil from the Baker.sfield, California, district. The oil now used has a specific gravity of 16° to 17° Baume. A distillation test of a 15° oil used in 1908 gave the following results. Below 150° F 6.133% 150' to 300° F 70.111% Re.sidue 23,756% No distillation above 270°. An analysis of a 15.8° Baume oil (similar to that used) at one of the San Francisco plants in 1908 gave the following results. Carbon 85.0% Nitrogen 1.0% Sulphur 0.8% Oxvgen 1.0% Hydrogen 12.2% If the oil contains less than 1% of sulphur, it is very easily purified in oxide purifiers. If above 1%, a large purifying capacity must be provided. Nearly all of the California oils contain a low per- centage of sulphur. The iron oxide used as purifier by the Com- pany is made from copperas and lime. Some iron borings are used, but only when they can be obtained cheaply. In making a run the interior of the generator is heated by an oil flame under a blast to a temperature of 2300° to 2800° F. This takes from 8 to 12 minutes if the generators have not been allowed to cool. The stack valve is then closed, the air cut off and the oil turned onto the hot brick. This part of the operation 1206 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA lasts from 10 to 20 minutes or until the generator becomes too cool for making further gas. Enough steam is admitted to carry- in the oil and to atomize it. Near the end of the run the oil is cut off and steam at boiler pressure admitted for from 1 to 2 minutes to purge the generator. The generators usually consist of cylindrical steel shells 6 ft, to 16 ft. in diameter and 20 ft. to 40 ft. high. In some cases the generators are in two parts, connected at the bottom in the form of a U. One called the primary to which the blast and oil burners are connected at the top is about .5 as high as the other. This does away with the necessity of arches over the combustion cham- bers and thus lengthens the life of the fire brick interior. From the generators the gas is passed through washers, scrubbers and purifiers, much as coal or water gas is handled, except that no condensers are used as the only impurities to be removed are sul- phureted hydrogen and lampblack. The sulphureted hydrogen is taken out by oxide purifiers and the lampblack is washed out in the washers and scrubbers, separated from the water in settling tanks, known as lampblack boxes, and used generally as boiler fuel. In some cases the lamp- black is used as fuel in water-gas generators. The gas produced has the same properties and constituents as good coal-gas. Description of Plant. The gas system consists of an oil generat- ing plant of 100,000 cu. ft. daily capacity, 25.55 miles of high pres- sure mains, and 1,686 service connections, 1,277 of which were in use. The generating plant occupies 26,250 sq. ft. of ground. There are two generators with a combined daily capacity of 500,000 cu, ft. No. 1 is a 300,000 cu, ft. machine, 5 ft. by 8 ft. by 21 Zt., originally of the well known " Lowe " type, but remodeled. No, 2 is a 200,000 cu. ft. cylindrical machine, an old scrubber purchased from the San Francisco Gas and Electric Co. being used as the shell. There is a small wash box for each generator. One scrubber of 200,000 cu. ft. daily capacity serves both generators. A single lift, steel holder, set in a wooden tank, receives the gas from the scrubber. Its capacity is 20,000 cu. ft. There are two purifiers consisting of wooden tanks with steel covers and water seals. Gas is stored under a pressure of about 60 lbs. per sq. in. in four steel tanks, hav- ing a total capacity of 1,831 cu ft. The plant is equipped with two boilers, aggregating 120 h.p,, a 110,000 gal. wooden oil tank, and a lampblack separator. A 12 in. by 12 in. motor driven compressor is used for forcing the gas into the high pressure storage tanks. There is a separate blower for each generator, both of which may be driven from the same engine. A motor is also arranged to be belted to either blower. A spare engine-driven compressor has been installed. Provision is thus made for complete operation, by either electricity or steam. Piping, pumps, meters, etc., are provided for the proper handling of the oil and steam. There is no station gas-meter. GAS PLANTS 1207 The gas mains are laid with an average cover of 2 ft. 9 ins. A 3 ft. by 1 ft.-6 in. trench is excavated for laying mains. The largest main is 3 ins. in diameter, the small size being made possible by the high pressure (5 to 10 lbs. per sq. in.) maintained for distribu- tion. This pressure is controlled by governors at the storage tanks Before being laid, the pipe is carefully cleaned, tested, painted with two coats of red lead, and fitted with recessed couplings. At all times there are a considerable number of services not in use. To reduce the pressure to a proper working value a regulator is installed at each customer's premises. The pressure is varied according to conditions and the appliances used, the range being from 3 to 8 ins. of water — generally about 4 in-is. While most of the meters are of the ordinary plain recording type, there are a large number of prepay meters, these being preferred by many customers on account of the fact that they are conducive to economy in the use of, gas. Plant Capacity. The following tables give in condensed form data as to the extent and capacity of the Gas System. Capacity of Gas Plant Equipment June SO, 1912: Item Total capacity 2 Generators 500,000 cu, ft. daily. 1 Scrubber 200,000 " " 2 Purifiers 100,000 " " 2 Compressers 500,000 " " 1 Holder 20,000 " " 2 Boilers 120 h.p. 2 Engines 55 h.p. 2 Motors 60 h.p. Gas Plant Distribution System Data June SO^ 1912: Item Number Gas mains 25.6 miles Plain gas meters , 1,277 Prepay gas meters 384 Pressure regulators 1,277 Gas services 1,686 Gas customers 1,277 Gas ranges connected 760 Water heaters connected 174 Gas arcs connected 22 Operating Data. The gas companies are required by the State Public Service Commission to provide gas of a calorific power of 550 B.t.u. per cu. ft. Following are the results of tAvo analyses of the gas. CO2 O C:,H, CO CHi H N Analysis #1, Nov. 1911... 3% 2% 7.8% 7.6% 22%. 52.1% 2.9% Analysis #2, Dec. 1911... 3.2% 1.1% 9.7% 7.7% 20.3% 52.4% 4.9% The company attempts to maintain an illuminating quality of 19 candlepower. No tests of this are made as it is of little importance in the use of gas in modern appliances. To show as nearly as possible from data obtainable, details of the operating conditions, use of gas, cost of operating, revenue, and earnings of the gas system as now operated, the following 1208 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA tables have been prepared. The data were taken from the com- pany's monthly operating and financial reports. TABLE VI. OPERATING DATA One year Jan. 1, 1911, to Dec. 31, 1911 Total eas manufactured (not metered) cu. ft , .29,784,900 Total gas consumed, cu. ft 21,898,000 Losses, per cent, of amount manufactured 26.4% Pounds of oil carbonized 2,418,193 Gas manufactured per lb. of oil, cu. ft. . . . ; 12.23 Candle feet per pound of oil 234 B.t.u. per cu. ft. fif gas 562* B.t.u. per lb. of oil 6,873 Pounds of oil per gallon 7.88 Total hours retort operation 3,373 Total hours labor making gas 13,441 Gas made per man per day, cu. ft 26.853 Pounds of lampblack u.sed as fuel 734,625 Pounds of oil used as fuel 104,359 ♦.November, 1911. to May, 1912. TABLE VII. FINANCIAL DATA EXPENSES Cost for one year Jan. 1, 1911, to Dec. 31, 1911 COST OF MANUFACTURE. Operating : Generator fuel $ 2,586 Boiler fuel 412 Oil at $1.33 per bbl. of 42 gals 7,158 Purification supplies 317 Water 420 Expense works , 625 Manufacturing labor 3,547 Purification labor 64 Electric current at %c. per kw.-h 80 $15,210 Maintenance : Gas apparatus $ 1,220 Steam plant 244 Buildings 221 $1,685 COST OF DISTRIBUTION. Operating: Office expense , $ 43 Complaint expense 585 Setting and removing meters 2,177 Electric current 361 $3,166 Maintenance : Mains $ 772 Services 1,607 Meters 766 $3,145 GAS PLANTS 1209 Cost for one year Jan. 1, 1911, to COMMERCIAL EXPENSES. Dec. 31, 1911 Collection $ 506 Office 936 Office salaries 1,502 $2,944 GfiNBRAL EXPENSES. Accidents and damages $ 3 General expense 1,118 Insurance 132 General salaries 1,361 $2,554 NEW BUSINESS. Advertising $ 1,084 Soliciting 880 Gas appliances 900 House fitting 161 $3,025 Total all expenses $31,729 Maintenance. The gas plant has not been in operation long enough to require a very great outlay for maintenance, except the replacing of the burned out fire brick in the generators. It is necessary to do this about once a year and the cost runs from $150 to $250 per generator. The total outlay for maintenance was in 1910 $3,082 and in 1911 $4,830. The entire system is being maintained in good operating condition. Efficiency and Adequacy of Plant. The gas generating plant is quite efficient and is economically handled. During the year 1911 the average production of gas was 12.23 cu. ft. per lb. of oil. The results of several runs made on a San Franci.sco plant with the most modern equipment and under the best conditions give an average of only 15.1 cu. ft. per lb. of oil. Previous to June of 1911 the losses on the gas system were very large as it is difficult to prevent leakage on a high pressure system. At that time a determined effort was made to reduce the losses by making a careful inspection of services, meters,, tank.s, etc., and stopping all leaks di.scovered. The losses at once decreased. Dur- ing the winter of 1911 and 1912 they jumped again. However, when a hot water furnace which was found on the .system without a meter was cut off they dropped back and have averaged 12% since December, 1911. The manufacturing plant is fully adequate to supply the demand for some time, except that it will be necessary to increase the purifier capacity. A much needed improvement is an in the holder capacity. A 50.000 cu. ft. holder has already been pro- posed. This would do away with the necessity of running the generators more than a few hours a day and is expected to reduce the cost of operation of the plant. The company now runs free services to the customer's meter, in cases where large gas ranges are installed. In other cases the 1210 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cost of making the connection is charged. This policy has been varied from time to time. In the beginning services were installed free of charge and as the company now maintains all services, they have been considered as the property of the company in the estimated cost to reproduce the plant. TABLE VIII. GENERAL SUMMARY OF REPRODUCTION COST 1. Gas mains ' $ 50,535 2. Gas services . 24,936 3. Gas meters 19,007 4. Gas plant buildings 9,380 5. Miscellaneous buildings 293 6. Gas making and storage equipment 30,746 7. Shop equipment 783 8. Tools and instruments , , 533 9. Furniture and fixtures 317 $136,530 10. Engineering, 5% items 1 to 9 inclusive 6,827 11. Business management, 5% items 1 to 9 inclusive 6,826 $150,183 12. Legal and general expense and taxes, li/^% items 1 to 11 inclusive 2,253 $152,436 13. Interest during construction, 5% items 1 to 12 inclusive 7,622 $160,058 14. Contingencies, 5% items 1 to 13 inclusive 8,003 $168,061 15. Brokerage fees, 5% items 1 to 14 inclusive 8,4 03 $176,464 16. Stores and supplies 6,536 17. Working cash capital 1,892 18. Real estate 1.650 19. Legal expense, interest and brokerage fees, 12% item 18 198 Grand total as of June 30th, 1912 $186,740 TABLE IX. DETAILED ESTIMATED COST OF REPRODUC- TION OP PROPERTY 1. GAS MAINS Material : Wrought iron pipe, painted, 1 in., 14,625 ft. at $0,069. . .$ 1,009 Wrought iron pipe, painted, l^A in., 36,135 ft. at $0,097 3,505 Wrought iron pipe, painted, 2 in., 79,855 ft. at $0.157.. 12,537 Casing, painted, 3 in., 4,310 ft. at $0.34 1,465 $18,516 Elbows, ties, reducing ties, crosses, reducing crosses, expansion joints, drips, caps, and valves 270 $18,786 Add 2%, omission, waste, etc. 375 Total material $19,161 GAS PLANTS 1211 Labor : Excavation and backfill, 134,925 ft. of trench, 22,555 cu. yds. at $1.25 '. $28,191 Laying 1-in. iron pipe, 14,625 ft. at $0.02 292 Laying 1^4 -in. iron pipe, 36,135 ft. at $0.02 723 Laying 2-in. iron pipe, 79,855 ft. at $0,025 1,996 Laying 3-in. iron pipe, 4,310 cu. yds. at $0.04 172 Total labor $31,374 Total gas mains $50,535 2. GAS SERVICE. Taken as all %-in, services, of itn average length of 80 ft. Total number of services, 1,686. Material : Iron pipe, %-in. painted recessed couplings, 134,800 ft. at $0.05 $6,744 "Phillips" patent connections, 1,686 at $1.70 2,866 Total material $ 9,610 Labor : Excavation and backfill, 117,860 lin. ft. at $0.10 $11,786 Laying and connecting pipe, 134,880 lin. ft. at $0,02 2,697 Making service taps, 1,686 lin. ft. at $0.50 843 Total labor $15,326 Total gas services $24,936 3. GAS METERS. Gas Meters : 3 light plain Standarrd 974 at $ 5.10 $ 4,967 3 " " Maryland 58 " 5.05 293 5 " " Standard 182 " 7.10 1,292 5 " " Maryland 23 " 5.50 127 10 " " Standard 14 " 6.95 97 20 " " " 7 " 12.90 '.. 90 30 " " " 8 " 17.30 138 45 " " '• 2 " 27.00 54 #3 " " Sprague 9 " 10.05 90 3 " prepay Standard 252 " 9.10 2,293 3 " " Maryland 101 " 8.70 879 5 " " Standard 31 " 11.10 344 1661 $11,664 Pressure Regulators : One regulator assumed for each meter in service. All makes and sizes at an average price. Pressure regulators, 1,277 at $4.75 = $ 6,066 Installation meters with regulators, 1,277 at $1.00 .... 1,277 $ 7,343 Total gas meters $19,007 4. GAS PLANT BUILDING. Main Gas Plant Building: Brick, concrete floors, corrugated iron roof, i/^ pitch. 32 ft. 6 ins. by 87 ft. by 18 ft. high. Foundation — concrete, 56' cu. yds. at $8.50 $ 476 Brick rin place), 196,126 (est.) at $24.00/M . . .. 4,708 Concrete floors, 2,752 sq. ft. at $0.15 413 Roof timbers (in place), 1.760 f.b.m., at $30.00/M 53 Roof iron, 650 lbs. at $0.04 26 1212 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Corrugated iron roofing, 3,670 sq. ft. at $0.05 $184 Floor and stair to meter room, 2nd floor, 1,280 f.b.m., at $30.00/M •. 38 Windows, 11 100 Doors, 4 80 Stone window ledges and door sills 65 Addition 12 ft. by 14 ft. by 9 ft. high brick, cor. iron i-oof 231 Purifier House: $6,374. Brick, cor. iron, pitched roof: Plank floor, 32 ft. by 32 ft. by 16 ft. to .eaves. Foundations, 20 cu. yds. at $)f.50 $ 170 Brickwork, 65,184 brick at $24.00/M 1,564 Plank floor, 3,000 PTB.M., at $30.00/M 90 Roof rafters, etc., 680 F.B.M., at $30.00/M 20 Roof corrugated iron, 1,308 sq. ft. at $0.05 65 Door, stairs, etc 30 Lampblack Shed: $1,939 Frame; corrugated iron roof, 24 ft. by 28 ft. Area, 672 sq. ft., at $0.10 $ 67 Lampblack boxes; 1 9^^ ft, by 64 ft. by 30 ins. — 9 com- partments, 1 6 ft. by 11 ft. by 4 ft. Planking, 3010 f.b.m., at $30.00/M 90 Iron, 300 lbs. at $0.04 12 Excavation, 8 ft. by 14 ft. by 5 ft.. 20 cu. yds. at $1.00 20 Purifier Storage Shed: ^^^^ Rough shed, tar paper roof, 18 ft. by 100 ft. by 7 ft $ 441 Concrete floor, 48 ft. by 18 ft., 864 sq. ft. at $0.15 130 Concrete wall, 2 ft. 6 ins. by 62 ft. 32 $603 Hose house ; frame. 8 ft. by 10 ft $ 35 Regulator house ; frame, 8 ft. by 10 ft 35 Small oil tank house ; frame, 20 ft. by 4 ft 30 Gas Shop: ^^^^ Rough frame building, shingle roof, 30 ft. by 20 ft. by 8 ft. high, plank floor, 600 sq. ft., at $0.20 $ 120 Lighting, Wiring, etc., at Plant : 22 lights — (wiring, sockets and lamps in place) $ 40 Lockers 15 $55 Total gas plant buildings $ 9,380 5. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS. Storeroom Building: Single story frame, plank floor, % pitch. Tar paper roof. Decks and shelving inside, 75 ft. by 40 ft. by 12 ft. to eaves. 3,000 sq. ft. at $0.40 $ 1,200 Shed on end of building 40 Lighting, 15 drop lights (open wiring) 23 Water piping, etc 12 Platform 3-in. floor. 12 ft. by 45 ft, 2,700 ft. b.m., at $30.00 81 5 ft. board fence, 550 ft. at $0.20 110 $1,466 GAS PLANTS ^ 1213 Divided on basis of space occupied. 2/5 to water, 2/5 to electrical, 1/5 to gas, 1/5 interest in storeroom buildings $293 Total miscellaneous buildings - $293 6, GAS MAKING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT. 1 Lowe #5 crude oil gas generator (known as #1 generator), 1 Washer, 4 ft. by 5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 ins. 1 Scrubber, 5 ft. by 8 ft. by 18 ft. 6 ins. 1 Gas holder, 40 ft. by 18 ft., 20,000 cu. ft. capacity. 4 Cylindrical boiler iron gas tanks, 29 ft. by 4 ft. 6 ins. diam. 2 Wooden purifier tanks, 10 ft. by 10 ft. by 5 ft. 6 ins., riveted steel covers and seals. 1 Rix compressor, 12 ins. by 12 ins. (belt driven), 1 Boiler in brick setting, 40 h.p., 1 Stack for boiler and generator, 2 (Chaplin Fulton pressure governors, 2 in., 1 Sturtevant #5 blower, 1 Jewell engine, 10 h.p. 1 Boiler feed pump, 1 Oil pump, 8-in. pipe from scrubber to gas holder, 8-in. pipe holder to purifiers, 6-in. main purifiers to compressors, 3-in. piping, compressors to pressure tanks, then to gov- ernors and to line. Oil piping to # 1 generator, meters, etc.. Blast connections blower to gas generator. All of the above apparatus was erected in place ready for operation (in 1905), under contract for the sum of.. $20,400 30 h.p., 220 V. 3 phase, 850 r.p.m. motor * with starter in place and wired $ 440 Additions to and remodeling Lowe gas generator : In 1910, the Lowe generator purchased under the contract in 1905, was completely remodeled. The height of the shell was increased from 13 ft. to 18 ft. A 3-ft. water heating tank was added on top making the final dimen- sions 5 ft. by 8 ft. by 21 ft. All interior brickwork was replaced. All burners, blast connections and gas connections to washer were replaced. The above work was done at a cost of $2,337.55. Estimated addition to cost of generator by above improvements $ 1,800 Foundations for above machinery : Concrete foundations for generator, scrubber, etc., 963 cu. ft $ 259 No. 2 Generator: Old scrubber purchased from the San Francisco Gas and Electric Co. and converted into a generator and wa.'^her. (Generator 24 ft. by 6 ft. diam. Washer 4 ft. by 6 ft. diam $ 400 Labor cutting off scrubber and placing on cars San Francisco 197 Work on gas generator 382 Foundation for generator 218 Brickwork for gas generator, labor and material 902 Freight on generator, San Francisco to plant 80 Labor setting, connecting, etc., by local company (estimated) •.... 400 $2,579 ♦ Motor drives Rix compressor. 1214 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Boiler (80 h.p.) with stack ; f.o.b. San Francisco $ 875 Freight, brickwork and erection, estimated 485 $1,360 Engine: (45 h.p. Atlas high speed) f.o.b. San Francisco. . . .% 440 Freight , 50 Installation 50 $540 Ingersoll Rand compressor: (12^4 in. by 12 ins.) (estimated) — installed $ 950 Belt 60 Belt tightener 25 $1,035 Blower for No. 2 Generator : 30 h.p. 3 place motor with speed control connection. Motor mounted on wooden platform. Pipe to gas gen- erator, estimated cost $545 Piping, Pumps, Oil Equipment, etc., Added to Plant since Original installation: (All estimated). Iron pipe, 8 ins.. 215 ft. at $0.22 $ 47 Ells, 3 ins., 10 ft. at $0.50 5 Gate valves, 3 ins., 4 ft. at $4 50 18 Angle valve, 3 ins., 1 ft. at $8.00 8 Pipe, 4 ins., 134 ft., at $0.35 47 Ells, 4 ins., 3 ft. at $0.60 2 Gate valve, 4 ins., 1 ft. at- $7.80 8 Pipe, 1 1/2 ins., 75 ft. at $0 08 6 Ells, IVa ins., 4 ft., at $0.12 1 Valves, 1 V2 ins., 3 ft. at $1.50 4 Pipe, 1 in., 170 ft. at $0.05 8 Ells, 1 in. 5 ft. at $0.10 1 Labor on above pipe 30% of material 431 Wooden oil storage tank, 30 ft. diam. by 22 ft. high, tar paper roof, cost estimated, com])lete 950 Steel oil tank ^-in., 15 ft. by 4 ft. diam. (complete)., 214 Concrete well, 5 ft. by 6 ft. by 6 ft 35 1 Duplex oil pump 60 1 Lowe oil trap 50 4 Oil meters, at $25.00 100 Covered pipe, 3 ins. in place, 90 ft. at $0 50 45 Pipe, ^ in., in place. 100 ft. at $0.02 2 Pipe. 1/2 in., in place, 50 ft. at $0.04 2 Pipe, % in., in place, 150 ft. at $0.05 7 3 Bristol recording pressure gauges 125 $1,788 Total gas making and .storage equipment $30,746 Detailed Cost of a Gas Plant in a City of of 2,600. The following data is abstracted from our appraisal report of a company which supplies gas for lighting and cooking purposes in a western city of 2,600 population. The plant consists of a 72,000 cu. ft. oil gas generator of the Lowe Type — of the necessary scrubbers, purifiers, piping, oil stor- age tanks, boilers, etc., and of 1 single lift 21,000 cu, ft. gas holder in a brick tank. The company now has in service 7.9 miles of .75 in. to 4 in. wrought iron and cast iron mains, and 212 meters. The processes of manufacture are almost identical with those in use at the plant in the city of 15,000 population, previously de- GAS PLANTS 1215 scribed in this chapter. The oil used for generating- being the same as that used in that plant and costs $1.62 per bbl. in the storage tanks. The company serves from 200 to 225 customers. The principal use of the gas service is for cooking. Practically all lighting is done with electricity. Capacity of Plant. The following table gives in condensed form the extent and capacity of the plant as of June 30, 1912. Oil gas generators 1 72.000 cu. ft. Washers 1 72,000 cu. ft. Scrubbers 3 72,000 cu. ft. Purifiers 2 172,000 cu. ft. Holders 1 18,600 cu. ft. Boilers 1 30 h.p. Mains 7.9 miles Meters in service 212 Following is a table of operating data for the month of June, 1912, which may be taken as a fair average of operating conditions for the year. Gas made 248,900 cu. ft. Gas used at w-orks and office . . . .' 1,300 " " Gas consumed, customers' meters 224,300 " " Gas lost 23,300 " " Gas lost, per cent, of gas made 9.2% Oil, carbonized 14.398 lbs. Oil burned, heating retorts 6,131 " Oil used, total . . : 20,429 " Gas made per lb. of oil 12.1 cu. ft. Oil used as boiler fuel 1,794 lbs. Cost of oil $0.0386 per gallon The follow^ing table is an analysis of Operating Expenses from the Company's financial statement for June, 1912. OPERATING EXPENSES Manufacture. Fuel generating $30.05 " boiler 8.78 " gas making 70.87 Purifying material 12.10 Labor 93 45 Miscellaneous 5.75 $220.70 Maintenance $ 2.03 Distribution 1.67 Commercial expense 53.62 General expense 35.87 New business, expenses . 13.14 Total expense $327.03 TABLE X. GENERAL SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COST OP REPRODUCTION OF PROPERTY- 1. Gas mains $11,945 2. Gas services o'oSn 3. Gas meters „'e 9 4. Gas plant buildings 2,545 1216 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 5. Gas making- and storage equipment $14,485 6. Tools and instruments -. 33 7. Furniture and fixtures 41 137,184 8. Engineering-, 5% of items 1 to 7 inclusive 1,859 9. Business management, 5% items 1 to 7 inclusive 1,859 $40,902 10. Legal and general expense and taxes, 1%% of items 1 9 inclusive 613 $41,515 11. Interest during const I'uction, 5% of items 1 to 10 in- clusive 2,076 $43,591 12. Contingencies, 5% items 1 to 11 inclusive 2.179 $45,770 13. Brokerage fees, 5% items 1 to 12 inclusive 2,288 $48,058 14. Stores and supplies 1,571 15. Working cash capital 767 16. Real estate . 750 17. Legal and general expense and taxes 12% of item 16. . . 90 Grand total as of June 30, 1912 . $51,236 TABLE XI. DETAILED ESTIMATED COST OF REPRODUC- TION OF PROPERTY 1, GAS MAINS Material : Pipe: %-in. wrought iron pipe, 3,265 ft. at $0.052 $ 170 1-in. wrought iron pipe, 13,755 ft. at $0,069 949 114 -in. wrought iron pipe, 16,400 ft. at $0,097 1,591 2-in. wrought iron pipe. 3,010 ft. at $0,157 473 3-in. wrought iron pipe. 600 ft. at $0.27 162 4-in. cast iron pipe, 4,230 ft. at $0.41 1,734 $5,079 Fitting:s 39 Lead joints, c. i. pipe, 5*4 lbs. per joint, 1,750 lbs. at $0.06 105 2% commission, waste, etc 104 $5,327 Labor : Excavation and backfill, 41,260 ft. trench, 7,640 cu. yds. at $0.75 : $ 5,730 Laying pipe, w.i., %-in.. 3,265 ft. at $0.02 65 Laying pipe, w.i., 1-in., 13,755 ft. at $0.02 275 Laying pipe, w.i.. 114-in., 16.400 ft. at $0.02 328 Laying pipe, w.i., 2-ins., 3.010 ft. at $0,025 75 Laying pipe, w.i., 3-ins., 600 ft., at $0.03 18 Laying pipe, c.i., 4-ins., 4,230 ft. at $0.03 127 $ 6.618 Total gas mains $11,945 GAS PLANTS 1217 2. GAS SERVICE. Material : Iron pipe, 1-in., 25.440 ft. at $0,069 $1,757 "Phillips" patent service connections, 318 ft. at $1.80.. 572 $2,329 Labor. Excavating and backfilling trench, 19,080 ft. at $0.10.. 1.908 Laying pipe, 25,440 ft. at $0.02 509 Making ser-vice taps, 318 ft. at $0.50 159 $2,576 Total .service connections $4,905 3. GAS METERS. Material : Gas meters, 268 at $8.10 $2,171 Labor : Installing gas meters, 212 at $0.75 159 Total gas meters $3,230 4. GAS PLANT BUILDING. Main Building: 28 ft. by 95 ft., 16 ft. to eaves. 1 to 2 pitch roof. Frame, corrugated iron roof, 25 ft. 6 ins. by 28 ft. Brick, corrugated iron roof. 30 ft. by 28 ft. Frame, shingle roof, 40 ft. by 28 ft. Foundations, concrete, 30 cu. yds. at $9.00 $ 270 Lumber in frame portion and timber under corrugated iron roofs, 12,649 ft. b.m. at $35.00/M 443 Brick, in walls and partitions. 52,248 at $25.00/M 1,306 Corrugated iron roof. 2,217 sq. ft. at $0,055 122 Shingle roof, 9,000 shingles at $5.00/M 45 Doors, 4 at $16.00 64 Windows. 5 at $10.00 50 Lean-to frame, 12 ft. by 12 ins., 144 sq. ft. at $0.50 ... . 72 Lean-to frame, 12 ft. by 14 ins., 168 sq. ft. at $0.40 68 Lighting , 35 $2,475 Gas Meter House: 5 ft. 7 ft. by 6 ft. high. Frame, walls and roof filled with saw-dust, tar paper roof, 35 sq. ft. at $2.00 70 Total gas plant buildings $2,545 5. GAS MAKING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT. Oil Gas Generator: 72,000 cu. ft. capacity, arranged to be fired from either end of a " U " shaped generating chamber. Lowe type, rebricked to a special design, 6 ft. by 6 ft. by 10 ft. high. 5/16-in. shell, complete in place with quick changing stack valves, double set of oil burners and steam inlets, washer connections and two stacks $1,850 Washer and Scrubbers : 1 Cylindrical wa.sher, 32- ins. by 40 ins. in place.... $ 100 1 Cylindrical scrubber, 4 ft. by 16 ft. high, in place 350 2 Cylindrical scrubbers, 3 ft. by 8 ft. high, in place, at $175.00 350 $ 800 1218 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Gas Piping- : 8-in. cast iron pipe, 10 ft. at $1.40 $ 14 8-in. cast iron crosses, flanged, 6 at $12.00 72 8-in. cast iron tees, 2 at $9,00 18 8-in. Wrought iron pipe, screw, 34 ft. at $0.90 . , 31 6-in. Wrought iron pipe, screw, 170 ft. at $0.65 110 6-Jn. Wrought iron tees, screw, 2 at $2.25 5 6-in. Wrought iron ells, screw, 5 at $2.00 10 6-in. Gate valves, screw, 2 at $24.00 48 4-in. Wrought ii^on pipe. 44 ft. at $0.38 17 4-in. Wrought iron crosses. 8 at $1.60 13 Labor on piping, 25% of material 84 $422 Purifiers : 1 10-ft. by 10 ft. by 2% ft., steel shell, In place $ 800 1 11 ft. by 11 ft. by 6 ft., steel shell, in place. 1,500 $2,300 Station Meter : On 4-in. main, 3 ft. drum $275 Blast Equipment: 1 Sturtevant # 3 blower $ 35 1 Motor 71/2 h.p. with starter 160 1 Engine, 10 h.p 150 3-in belt, 25 ft. at $0.30 8 Connections, blower to generator 20 Platforms, foundations, pulleys, wiring, etc 35 Labor installing blower, motor and engine 40 $448 Boiler : 30 h.p. tubular, set in brick, with 24-inch stack, complete place $450 Water, Steam and Oil Piping ; Oil and Water Pumps, etc. : 1 Compressor, 3 ins. by 5 ins $70 1 Oil pump, single acting, 3 ins. by 6 ins. by 6 ins 60 1 Centrifugal pump, 2 ins 90 2 Motors, G. E., 2 h.p., 3 phase 100 1 Oil tank. 300 gals 90 1 Pressure gauge 10 2 National oil meters, at $35 70 1 Oil filter : 20 Iron pipe, y2-in., 150 ft. at $0.04 6 Iron pipe, %--in., 100 ft, at $0.05 5 Iron pipe, 1-in., 165 ft. at $0.06 10 Iron pipe, 1 i/^-in.. 100 ft. at $0.09 9 Iron pipe, 2-in., 320 ft., at $0.12 38 Valves, %-in., 4 at $0.90 4 Valves, 1-in., 3 at $1.10 3 Valves, IV'-in.. 3 at $1.40 4 Valves, 2-in., 3 at $2.00 6 Labor on piping, pumps, etc 94 $689 Generator and Scrubber Foundations : Concrete. 24 cu. yds. at $10.00 $240 Lampblack Box : Lumber, 1,840 ft. b.m. at $35.00/M $64 Iron, 495 lbs. at $0.05 25 $89 GAS PLANTS 1219 Water Storage Tank and Well : Water tank. Wood stave tank, 20 ft. diam. 10 ft. high, redwood staves and bottom, 3,108 ft. b.m. at $'52.00/M $162 Iron band.s, 1.872 lbs. at $0.05 93 Labor assembling- and placing tank 75 Tower. Timber, 2,675 ft. b.m. at $30.00/M 80 Iron, 190 lbs. at $0.05 9 Well. Excavation, 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 20 ft., 18 cu. yds. at $1.00. . 18 Timbering, 1,200 ft. b.m. at $32.00/M 38 Drilled well, 200 ft. deep at $2.00 400 Oil Tanks. ?875 Wood tank, same as water tank above, except set on sills and lowered into the ground about 2 ft., excavation, 23 cu. yds. at $0.50 $12 Sills, 648 ft. b.m. at $25.00/M 16 Tank in place 290 Shingle roof over tank 33 3 steel tanks, 16 ft. long. 4 ft. 6 ins. diam. at $200.00. . . 600 Excavation and installation 40 Gas Holder: ^^^^ Steel holder in cement lined brick tank, set in ground about 12 ft., 21,500 cu. ft. capacity. Excavation. 873 cu. yds., at $0.75 $ 655 Brick in tank. 47,080 at $25.00/M 1,171 Concrete bottom of tank, 6 ins. thick, 31 cu. yds. at $10.00 310 Cement plaster, lining tank 120 Framework and guides, cast iron, 9,000 lbs. at $0.04.. 360 Steel, 8.688 lbs. at $0.08 695 Steel tank, #12 reinforced, steel, 22,024 $0.08... 1,762 Painting, 8,300 sq. ft. at $0.01 83 $ 5,156 Total gas making and storage equipment $14,485 Cost of Reproduction of the Properties of the Kings County Lighting Company. Table XII, derived from " Exhibit No. 17," Case No. 1273 of the Public Service Commission, 1st District New York, gives the estimated cost of reproduction of the properties of the Kings County Lighting Company, N. Y. Details of certain of the accounts included in this table are given in Table XIII which has been prepared from further material in the above mentioned exhibit. TABLE XII. ESTIMATED COST OF REPRODUCTION OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE KINGS COUNTY LIGHTING COMPANY Account Contract cost General structures $ 20.482 F'urnaces, boilers and accessories 25,221 Water gas sets and accessories 82,353 Misc. power plant equipment 2,041 Works and station structures 201,462 Holders 255,675 1220 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Purification apparatus $27,663 Accessory equipniem at worlis 7U,605 Trunk lines and mains 712,351 Gas services 166,151 Gas meters 127,429 Gas meter Installation 24,539 Municipal gas lighting fixtures 31,892 Gas engines and appliances 1,181 Gas tools and implements Gas laboratory equipment 1,454 Sub-total, construction accts $1,750,660 Land devoted to gas operations 251,281 General equipment 12,036 Total, fixed capital accounts $2,013,977 Floating capital and operating assets 53,885 Engineering administration and incidentals, 15%. 209,855 Total, reproduction cost of the operating property... $2,277,717 TABLE XIII. DETAILS OP ESTIMATED COSTS OF REPRO- DUCTION OF THE KINGS COUNTY LIGHTING COMPANY BOILERS, FURNACES AND ACCESSORIES 1 B. & W. 215 h.p. boiler $ 3,041.80 2 B. & W, 106 h.p. boiler 3,050.73 2 B. & W. 106 h.p. boiler 3,426.73 2 Worthington feed water pumps 250.26 1 Oil tank 3.50 1 Water barrel 1.00 1 Steel .stack 831.88 1 Steel stack 812.00 1 Steel stack 840.00 1 Berryman feed water heater . 392.50 Coal handling machinery-misc 475.68 3 Coal cars 450.00 Coal conveying machinery 320.72 Wooden split pulley 15.00 Solid iron pulley 6.00 Rubber comp. belting 20.00 Coal handling machinery, track, etc 1,757.50 1-3 Ton Hower Ry. platform scale 242.00 Coal hopper 101.59 1 Single vertical engine 240.00 Coal hopper with screen 125.00 1 Mast and gaff 865.81 1 Clam-shell bucket 400.00 1 Rawson & Morrison Mfg. Co. hoist 750.00 Levers, etc., hoisting engine 16.98 1 75 h.p. vertical boiler 824.50 1 50 h.p. vertical boiler 597.90 1 100 h.p. Mason horizontal boiler 1,905.54 1 Cameron feed water pump 230.00 1 Turbo blower std. damper regulator 69.00 25 ft. 11/2-1". steam rubber hose 21.88 10-ft. 1-in. steel jointed wire covered steam hose 11.20 20-ft. 1 % -in. wire bound steam hose 23.20 1 Wooden ladder, 12 ft 2.76 2 Iron wheelbarrows 10.00 2 Water pails , .60 Rack for irons 4.30 4 12-ft. hose 10.00 4 12-ft. slice bars 7.00 GAS PLANTS 1221 4 Schoop shovels $3.44 1 Stack 5 ft. dis., 125 ft. high 750.00 Net cost $22,928.00 Contractors' profit, 107o 2,293.00 Contract cost $25,221.00 WATER GAS SETS AND ACCESSORIES 1 12-ft. William.son vertical single unit generator $24,012.97 1 8-ft. Lowe generating set 8,959.21 2 8-ft. Lower generating sets 19,077.91 2 Condensers 4,752.08 2 Condensers 5,411.08 2 Berryman oil heaters 500.00 2 90-h.p. high speed center crank automatic engines 4,579.63 2 No. 11 blowers 956.12 180 ft. leather belting 234.00 Miscellaneous gauges, etc 58.53 1 2-ton hydraulic elevator 840.00 Blast piping 1,072.41 4 Charging cars 588.00 1 90-h.p. Terry turbine blower 2,790.25 1 Coal spout 2.25 1 2-ton elevator 925.00 2 Coal buggies 120.00 1 Coal car 50.00 1 Coal yoke 10.24 1 Wheelbarrow : 5.00 Miscellaneous gen. tools 121.58 Net cost $74,866.26 Taken as $74,866.00 Contractors' profit, 10% 7,487.00 Contract cost $82,353.00 HOLDERS 1 2,000.000 cu. ft. holder $148,570.85 1 500.000 cu. ft. holder 51,244.60 1 107.000 cu. ft. holder 17,045.46' 1 100,000 cu. ft. holder 15,571.05 Net cost $232,432.06 Taken as $232,432.00 Contractors' profit, 10% 23,243.00 Contract cost $255,675.00 TRUNK LINES AND MAINS Mains : Unit price li/i-in., 264 ft. at $0.1839 $ 48.55 1 i/a-in., 3,706 ft., at $0.2024 750.09 2-in., 2.937 ft., at $0.2246 549.65 3-in., 13,011 ft., at $0.3150 4,098.47 4-in., 359,146 ft., at $0.4150 149,045.59 6-in., 365,208 ft., at $0,600 219,124.80 6-in., 42 ft., W. I., at $0,748 31.42 8-in., 19,108 ft., at $0,876 16,738.61 8-in., Ill ft.. W. T., at $1,176 130.43 12-in., 48,668 ft., at $1,352 65,799.14 10-in., 70 ft., W. I., at $1.666 116.62 16-in., 6,966 ft., at $2,040 14,210.64 20-in.. 9,377 ft., at $2,796 26.21 8.09 24-in., 61 ft., at ?3.694 . , 225.33 $497,197.43 1222 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Fittings : Crosses, at $0,027 per lb $ 4,855.92 Tees, at $0,027 per lb. 1,347.36 Klbows, at $0,027 per lb 438.09 Reducers and increasers at $0,027 per lb. , 903.57 Caps and plugs at $0,027 per lb 718.92 Sleeves, at $0,027 per lb 24.44 $8,288.30 Pavement : Ashphalt, 30,325.51 sq. yds. at $3.00 $ 90,976.53 Asphalt block, 2,727.05 sq. yds., at $3.50 . 9,544.67 Belgian block, 5,524.56 sq. yds. at $.50 2,762.28 Brick, 1,441.58 sq. yds. at $2.50 3,603.95 Granite, 1,444.98 sq. yds., at $.50 722.49 Macadam, 39,308.02 sq. yds., at $.75 29,481.01 $137,090.93 Valves, pits and drips : Drips, at $0,027 per lb $ 3,936.20 Valves (at manufacturers' quoted prices) 889.90 Pits (at estimated prices) 186.93 $5,015.03 Net cost, Acct. No. 231 $647,591.69 Taken as $647,592.00 Contractors' profit, 10% 64,759.00 Contract cost ,.$712,351.00 GAS METERS Goodwin : 3 light, 431 at $5.25 $ 2,262.75 5 light, 156 at $6.30 962.80 10 light, 22 at $8.75 192.50 20 light, 17 at $12.60 214.20 30 light, 2 at $19.25 38.50 45 light, 5 at $29.40 147.00 60 light, 7 at $38.50 296.50 100 light, 3 at $61.25 183.75 A. M. Co.: 3 light, 3,010 at $125.25 15,802.50 5 light, 16,294 at $6.30 102,652.20 10 light, 76 at $8.75 682.50 20 light, 78 at $12.60 982.80 30 light, 39 at $19.25 750.75 45 light, 21 at $29.40 617.40 60 light, 15 at $38.50 577.50 100 light, 13 at $61.25 796.25 200 light, 2 at $125.50 251.00 Reeves, 5 light, 1 at $6.30 6.30 U. S. M. Co., 5 light, 1 at $6.30 6.30 N. Y. Imp. M. Co., 5 light, 2 at $6.30 12.60 Total No., 20,197. Net cost also contract cost. $127,429.10 Taken as $127,429.00 GAS METER INSTALLATION Net cost also contract cost : Installation of 19.631 gas meters at $1.25 $24,538.75 Taken as .,.•..•, $24,539.00 GAS PLANTS 1223 «DOC^100 (MOCOO eoco'oo OOrHO G iHOirtoo '" useco'o U501 t- M 00 O OC O IM Oi cou:i-*co THeo-i-ii-i (MOOSO ooo'o tC Ifl (MOO U5 T-l C o^ia cocMinooot- "J* tOUiTt-OO eCr-lr-lOCO O -*CJOO oooocgo win r-ICOOOi-l 00 M o o o o o o «om cooooo OOUii-lOO iHOOO oooo m «£> M CO i-H ^ (Din cootoo .iJoomrHOO rHOOO 5^ ;^* >. . 1— !•_■ >— 09- • "* N 00 Tt< CCI c oim •*mo50(Moo I osocgoo (Mooocio f2 eoNoo oooo'oo w oo-*coeomm fl- oom oo^oooiMM 'Y t-OC-:00 (MOOOt-O o oocqoo" oo'oo'oo ^ . mme o w 1-1 ^ CL, til ^1 o ^ o2 1224 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XV. COST OF CAST IRON MAINS EXCAVATION FOR MAINS f — Trench — -\ Cu. yds. per Width Depth Cross-sectional lin. ft. Size, ins. ft. -ins. ft. -ins. area in sq. ft. Of trench 3 1 8 3 6 5.83 .216 4 1 8 3 6 5.83 .216 6 1 10 3 8 6:74 .250 8 2 3 10 7.67 .284 10 2 4 4 9.33 .346 12 2 6 4 2 10.40 .385 16 2 10 4 6 12.75 .472 20 3 2 4 10 15.30 .566 24 ^ 3 6 5 2 18.10 .670 WEIGHT OF CAST IRON MAINS Size, Weight per Additional weight per Weight per ft. used, lbs. ins. ] length, lbs. length add 2%. lbs. 3 180 183.6 ■ 15.3 4 228 232.6 19.4 6 360 367.2 30.6 8 504 514.1 42.8 10 670 683.4 56.9 12 870 887.4 74.0 16 1,300 1,326.0 110.5 20 1.800 1,836.0 153.0 24 2.450 2,499.0 208.3 Weight includes bells ; 2 per cent, is added for overweight. Average cover is figured at 3 ft. Excavation, back-filling and hauling excess dirt at $0.75 per cubic yard. Cartage at $2.00 per ton average all kinds of material on as much of material as would be handled twice. For specials add 4 per cent, of cost of pipe, COST OF CAST IRON MAINS o $0.45 0.52 0.75 0.99 1.29 1.62 2.38 3.25 4.43 CAST IRON PIPE PRICES Price f.o.b. cars per ton $27.00 6 per cent, store-room expense 1.62 Total per ton $28.62 ^5s bX) W 0) M 1 • 1^ 5-^ ns^ Art O 3 $0,219 $0,015 $0,020 $0,162 $0,020 $0,009 0.011 4 0.278 0.019 0.020 0.162 0.026 6 0.438 0.031 0.040 0.188 0.035 0.018 8 0.612 0.043 0.050 0.213 0.044 0.024 10 0.814 0.057 0.060 0.260 0.061 0.033 12 1.060 0.074 0.080 0.288 0.074 0.042 16 1.581 0.111 0.160 0.354 0.109 0.063 20 2.189 0.153 0.250 0.425 0.152 0.215 0.083 24 2.981 0.208 0.400 - 0.502 0.119 GAS PLANTS 1225 ■ hn O o O O " - oooo H ^ a' t-H £ -3 W (M IM «D <3^ rt >> OoOO 02 00 ]p ^^ 0000 ^ >>rfn^ . 0501050 m £Jt3+j eoooosw 1226 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Service Connections. The following data were taken from Exhibit No. 17, Case No. 1273, Appraisal of Kings County Lighting Company, N. Y. Based on observation of costs of labor and materials, shown in company's records, the average cost of fittings per service, was found to be $0.35 On the same basis, the average cost of labor, per foot of service, was found to be 0.07640 The cost of hauling was estimated at 0.00178 Making total labor cost, per foot of service $0.07818 Unit Costs of Gas iVIains. In Table XIV is given the derivation of the net unit prices used in Table XIII, Trunk Lines and Mains, as abstracted from Exhibit No. 17, Case No. 1273, Appraisal of Kings County Lighting Co., N. Y. Tables XV and XVI show the development of unit prices of gas mains as introduced by Wm. A. Baehr in Exhibit No. 29 in the above mentioned case. Table XVII gives the development of the cost of Lead Joints as used in Table XV. TABLE XVIL COST OF LEAD JOINTS FOR CAST IRON MAINS Weight, Weight, Cost Cost per Size, ins. lead, lbs. yarn per joint foot of joint 3 4.5 0.25 $0,238 $0,020 4 6 0.25 0.313 0.026 6 8 0.40 0.421 0.035 8 10 0.50 0.526 0.044 10 14 0.60 0.732 0.061 12 17 0.80 0.892 0.742 16 25 1.00 1.203 0.109 20 35 1.30 1.819 0.152 24 50 1.75 2.593 0.215 COST OF MATERIAL Lead 5c at the work Yarn 5.3c, at the work Detailed Cost of Gas Services. Table XVIII gives the detailed cost of services as submitted in evidence by Wm. A. Baehr at the hearing of the Kings County Lighting Co., N. Y, Effect of Length on Cost of Laying 2 in. Gas iVIain. Table XIX prepared from actual costs on some 147 different pipe laying jobs extending over a period from 1903 to 1911, shows a decided tend- ency for lower costs as the length of pipe increases. The apparent in average costs for the 401-500 and 601-700 distances is mainly due to a larger percentage of the more recent jobs with the higher rates of pay. Cost of Relaying Pavement. The following data were abstracted from evidence submitted by Wm. A. Baehr at the hearing of the Kings County Lighting Co., N. Y. The prices are based on a paving contractor furnishing all tools, machinery, labor, and ma- terial necessary for relaying pavement in trenches to be excavated GAS PLANTS 1227 and back-filled by the gas company to the sub-grade of the pave- ment in place. The prices are based on the assumption that men taking up the pavement will not cover concrete, brick, and cushion sand which has been removed from the pavement, with the excavated earth, TABLE XVIII. DETAILED COST OP GAS SERVICES % 1 iy4 11/2 2 3 $1.30 1.90 2.60 3.10 4.15 8.70 MM. 0.16 0.23 0.31 0.37 0.50 1.40 (h ' ^ be m $0.09 0.13 0.17* 0.21 0.28 0.58 O $0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 $1.90 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.30 2.60 '"d rt^ $6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 $2.44 3.16 $2.44 3.40 12.40 1.49 0.83 0.35 3.00 6.94 6.45 o $10.49 11.30 12.22 12.87 20.11 26.57 .40 34.86 The average length of service is taken at 50 ft. and is based on the average length of service, laid from 1906 to 1910. Cartage is taken at $1.00 per ton and excavation and back-filling at $0.75 per cubic yard. The cost of fittings was taken as 12 per cent, of the cost of the pipe. Gas stops, 2 in., iron cock, brass plug. Gas stops, 3 and 4 in., iron cock, brass washers. Average width of trench, 2 ft. Average depth of trench, 2 ft., 6 ins. TABLE XIX. EFFECT OF LENGTH ON COST OF LA 2- ■IN. GAS MAIN Length of Number pipe laid, of jobs. -Labor cost per foot s ft. included Max. Min. Average 1- 50 18 $0.3525 $0.0710 $0.1423 51-100 23 0.1836 0.0420 0.0942 101-200 45 0.1897 0.0462 0.0923 201-300 27 0.2750 0.0480 0.0859 301-400 13 0.0953 0.0602 0.0756 401-500 15 0.1750 0.0643 0.1086 501-600 4 1105 0.0341 0.0696 601-700 2 0.1179 0.0943 0.1017 and will leave them convenient for replacing in the pavement. Also that in removing pavement with sand, pitch or asphalt filler, the men will not destroy rpore than 10 per cent, of the brick. To these figures the cost of cutting through the pavement should be added. In using the above costs the following overcuts in trenches are to be allowed : 1228 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1. Granite block on sand and portion concrete base — warite and laboi , eic. ouiy - $1.00 pel' sq. yd 2. Asphalt on concrete base , 3.00 per sq. yd 3. Vitrified brick on edge 2.60 per sq. yd 4. Ctunmon brick on edge 1.50 per sq. yd 5. Macadam 75 per sq yd 6. Granite bloclc on sand-base, laid 2.50 per sq. yd In using the above costs the following overcuts in trenches are to be allowed. Asphalt o 6 ins. Granite 10 ins. Belgian block 8 ins. Macadam ins. Brick 16 ins. Cost of Buildings and Equipment of a Large Gas Plant. Tables XX and XXT were introduced by Wm. W. Randolph as Kxhibits "A" and "B" in the hearing of the Kings County Lighting Co., N. Y. ' EXHIBIT "A" Cost new Generator House No. 1 $ 16.100 52 ft. 8 ins. by 50 ft. 2 ins. by 33 ft. ins., ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable roof monitor type corrugated iron on steel on steel trusses. Including machinery foundations. Also included with this building is the runway between No. 1 and No. 2 houses. Generator House No. 2 41,000 95 ft. 6 ins. by 53 ft. ins. by 48 ft. 11 Ins., ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable roof monitor type slate on steel on steel trusses. Including machinery foundations. Also included with this building is pit partly under Generator House No. 2, and partly under Wash Room. Boiler House, Engine House, Exhauster House. Tar Tank House and Condenser House 45,900 Boiler House, 53 ft. 1 in. by 42 ft. ins. by 16 ft. 8 ins. ground floor to truss chord, one story building, brick walls, gable roof corrugated iron on steel on steel trusses. Including machinery foundations. Engine and Exhauster House, 50 ft. 4 ins. by 41 ft. ins. by 25 ft. 6 ins. ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable roof slate on wood on wood trusses. Including machinery foundations. Tar Tower, 43 ft. ins. by 26 ft. 4 ins. by 89 ft. in. bottom of settling wall to eaves, three story 4 building, brick walls, peaked roof slate on wood. Iii- cluding machinery foundations. Also included with this building are the tar wells under it. Condenser House, 44 ft. 4 ins. by 41 ft. ins. by 24 ft. 2 ins. ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable roof, slate on wood on wood trusses. Including machinery foundations. Purifier House 14,400 67 ft. 4 in.s. by 49 ft. 4 ins. by 27 ft. ins. ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable roof monitor type slate on wood on steel trusses. Repair Shop and Stable 12,300 67 ft. ins. by 41 ft. ins. by 22 ft. 6 ins. high ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, gable I'oof, slate on wood on wood trusses. Office and Meter 17,900 40 ft. ins. by 44 ft. ins. by 37 ft. 10 ins. ground floor to truss chord, three story building, brick walls, gable roof slate on wood on wood trusses. Including machinery foundations. GAS PLANTS 1229 Coal Shed $62,500 108 ft. 2 ins. by 52 ft. ins. by 52 ft. 7 ins. brick floor to eaves, steel and wood construction, roof moni- tor ty])e tar and gravel on wood. This building in- cludes runways from coal shed to Houses No. 1 and No. 2. Coal Tower House on Dock : Included with coal handling machinery. Artesian Well House : 2,100 14 ft. ins. by 14 ft. ins. by 22 ft. ins. basement floor to eaves, brick walls, roof slate on wood, gable type. Men's Room House (Wash Room) 4,800 30 ft. 8 ins. by 31 ft. 2 ins. by 24 ft. 3 ins. ground floor to truss chord, two story building, brick walls, roof tar and gravel on wood. Valve and Boiler at Holder Station 7,200 65 ft. 2 ins. by 27 ft. ins. by 14 ft. ins. boiler house floor to truss chord ; 23 ft. 4 in. valve house from ba.sement floor to truss chord. Brick walls, roof (large ventilator) part slate on wood, part tin on wood. In- cluding machinery foundations. Dock (Pier) : Frame construction, 582 ft. 6 ins. long 24,800 Fences and paving^ 10,000 $259,000 20 per cent. Overhead Charges 51,800 Total Buildings $310,800 TABLE XXI. COST OF GAS PLANT EQUIPMENT EXHIBIT "B" Cost new Generating Apparatus : 3 8 ft. 6 ins. Lowe water gas sets to the outlet of washer, with 8 ft. 6 ins. diam. Generators and 8 ft. ins. diam., carburetters and superheaters ; 2 located in generator house No. 1, and 1 in generator house No. 2 $ 29,700 1 Williamson set of water gas apparatus. Diam. of generator 12 ft., diam. of superimposed twin car- buretter and superheater 14 ft, total height 46 ft. 4 ins 22,000 Boilers : 4 106 h.p. Babcock & Wilcox boiler.s, water tube, in-1 eluding boiler room piping and 2 steel stacks 39 ins. diam. by 120 ft. high. Located in boiler room. . . , )■ 18,680 1 215 h.p. Bab(;ock & Wilcox water tube boiler, in- cluding boiler room piping and 1 steel stack 39 ins. diam. by 122 ft. 6 ins. high. Located in boiler room 1 90 h.p. vertical tubular boiler including steel stack 2 ft. diam. by 40 ft. high. Located in hopper house on dock. Included with coal handling machinery. . . . 1 50 h.p. vertical tubular boiler including steel "stack 20 ins. diam. by 25 ft. high. Located in valve house at the fi5th Street Holder Station 700 1 100 h.p. horizontal tubular boiler including steel stack 30 ins. diam. by 65 ft. high. Located in valve house at the 65th Street Holder Station 2,090 1230 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Scrubbers : 1 primary scrubber 4 ft. by 7 ft. by 20 ft. high. Located in generator house No. 2 $ 770 1 shaving .scrubber 10 ft. diam. by 27 ft. 9 ins. high, including foundation. Located in yard 3,000 1 shaving scrubber 10 ft. diam. by 25 ft. high, including foundation. Located in yard 2,500 2 scrubbers 7 ft. diam, by 22 ft. 1 in. high, including foundation. Located in yard 4,620 Condensers : 2 condensers 7 ft. diam. by 22 ft, 1 in. high, including foundations. Located in yard 6,820 2 condensers 7 ft. diam. by 22 ft, 1 in. high. Located in condenser room 5.280 Tar and Ammonia Extractors : 1 P. & A. tar extractor with 16 -in. connections. Lo- cated in tar house 2,200 1 standard rotary washer scrubber 7 ft. diam. by 12 ft. Z¥i ins. long. Located in condenser house 4,180 Purifiers : 4 purifiers 16 ft. by 24 ft. by 7 ft. 6 ins. deep. Located in purifier house 20,350 Holders : 1 relief holder in steel tank, capacity 100,000 cu. ft., including foundation. Located in yard 18,600 1 storage holder in steel tank, capacity 100,000 cu. ft., including foundation. Located in yard 19,000 1 storage holder in steel tank, capacity 500,000 cu. ft,, including foundation. Located at 65th Street Holder Station , 53,700 1 storage holder in steel tank, capacity 2,000,000 cu. ft., including foundation. Located at 65th Street Holder Station 175,500 Exhausters and Blowers : 1 No. 10 Roots exhauster and 1 13 in. by 12 in. di- rect connected N. Y. safety vertical engine. Located in condenser room 3,300 1 No. 8 Roots exhauster and 110 in. by 12 in. direct connected N. Y. safety vertical engine. Located in engine room 1,850 2 No. 6 Roots exhausters and 2 7 in. by 9 in. direct con- nected Oil City Boiler Works, vertical engines. Lo- cated in engine room 2,680 2 No. 11 Buffalo Forge blowers and 2 13 in, by 12 in. Sturtevaht engines, double belted. Located in en- gine room 4,840 1 N. Y. blower and 1 90 h,p. Terry turbine direct con- nected, including 6 1/^ in. by 12 in. by 12 in. Smith- Vaile condenser pump. Located in Generator House No. 2 3,020 1 shaving blower and 1 6 in. by 6 in, Sturtevant ver- tical engine (belted). Located in loft over stable. Including piping, etc., to shaving blower 820 1 turbo blower 15 in. diam,. connected to Spencer damper regulator. Installed on boilers Nos. 1 and 2. Included with boilers. Pumps 2 6 in. by 4 in. Worthington duplex pumps. Located in boiler rooni • . ^ 250 GAS PLANTS 1231 1 7 in. by 7 in. by 13 in. Cameron simplex pump. Lo- cated in basement of engine room $350 . 1 6 in. by 5% in. by 6 in. Worthington duplex pump. Located in basement of engine room 160 1 10 in. by lOi/^ in. by 18 in. Cameron simplex pump. Located in Hopper house in dock 690 17'/^ in. by 6 in. by 10 in. Worthington duplex pump. Located in Artesian well house 270 1 5 in. by 4 in. by 8 in. Davidson simplex pump. Lo- cated in basement of the engine room 130 1 6 in. by 3 in. by 7 in. Cameron simplex pump. Lo- cated in basement of the engine room 140 2 41/^ in. by 2% in. by 4 in. Worthington duplex pumps. Located in basement of engine room 165 2 6 in. by 5% in. by 6 in. Worthii^gton duplex pumps. Located in tar house 320 1 6 in. by 3 in. by C^)m«5t^«0 Oi' OS t-' t^ OCOS-. -T'-'SlOCOlC Ci C-. us CO -r o_o -t^!» U5 00 Tf c- eo eo Si CO CO eo t-^ -.^^ -«J^ «© M c-i eg »o 00 t>^ cqi-(cqoooo iH 05 us bo tH 1-1 o o o us eg o i-H 00 «D O o o o o o o o us o eo eo 00 us us o o o o o o o o •>*< M eo o 1-H t>^ rH T-T 00 IM C~ us «5 Oi eg ■* 1 1-H iH tH »H iH rH iH T-l tH O ieo«ot--*o»ooorH«;-^eoe^i«ooiM«C!ai00ooi>-eocgoiOo>«c 'O C n r* r? "^ C I' 'I' c 5° s|l s^ll ^ i.^1 E|.?;§| S2 i § c5 fill o o 5;6 O 4J 'S t'Sri csc5 2 ce a o 0) (u > o-Q o c 3 y£ ' N p ciit^T'XJ 31-" O be ^ II . o £5 ^ CI ^ 1234 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA SJ8^9IVr C-USr-OOiMM'MT-ICDIO WOC-Ir-l CO 00 00 --tH r-<«5 lMK5 05r-l i-MeOia** 2Sio2! C^J [ •t-I •oo •-*«© ^OSOlO oo^S 2«>2 • i-t :no •-^in (D "*,'».0 t-.^,S"l "^.^'St* •S113S 5 : !t^ .05 00 • Ol"-^ M-'os'oJ'tjJ' e .C-t- .-^ «5ect-J5°° 05t- CO .-MO .«DC0 OOOTHia OJt- ooo * •t-T rH iH »«" M «^'*< c 50 05 03 Tt<0 <^ IBOD JO UOl "2^ ■ OOM -Ci «>U3 -r-l oinojw 00 T-I «oco H jadSBajojaa^ :^ tH -<* ! !« ^o I oiH ;o Oi-HrHi-H iHlH tH H tH rHiH iH i-trHiHrH iHiH peziuoqjBD :go •« . .^ •« ITfJODjosuox • c^- •^- • -cq •„- Tfioj'^i'aiusiO'^oooooco cocoJioor-oiaooooot* aad pios av-o ^^-^-u^^^t^^^^ ,i9uinsuo.-) UfBlU JO ^)|UU to CO •* t> Cq «3 05 r-l CO lO 05 .19(1 sM lu nH uoo >« ;:; "^ -** 2 ■=« "=> «"=^ 0° '^ SUIT?llI iMO'*'Ot-C0«CiC T-l"t^Tl^05 1-I1H50N ??'s 14,749 17,528 25.519 23,332 16,536 18.256 25,298 23,918 1-1 «o IHIO tHOJ t-T-I^O T-I rH T-I OOOt-OO -*05^t- r-l -' ih a).-::^.-;^ cS s- rt ro rttC c3 s- rt «« Si +2 C m GAS PLANTS 1235 ssai 'japioq Zi, r-c^iifli-io^Oi-icoooo Cl C5 O T-i O lO i-i C» ci 00 ■l,(irnl)8 pUB ajo!Mooirocr>ai'*ooia '^ ■■ ^ocoocoeoTH«occoTjHO -o , + ■■ ^ ^ (to fO CO r« O Ci 1— I t>- • t~-. mOMOO-*0010U50«>0 sag's /NA +j c- -^ o «> 1- c-i oi Oi o M '-' «d c-^ -^ oo oj oc -*' «5 o -^ 'oooooooooo mcgOOrHiHi-lT-ICOT-IOlM sjauian^ tJoooo-dddood .n-rH'A'fOC-C^.-li-HfOiH s jaqDUua ^ ^- ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ I'BOQ i3c5COMirtoc0 i-iooca-. ccocLOfoooTti M C^ 1-i t-hV tH m' r-i r-i rH t-ot-ec^ooioot- I^^OJL ' C: C «C t- oc CO «Ciu5eoicu:oco;c;o«D (35CCOi-rj t~t-(XlCt-00 c- ift t> oi 00 OC d c; OC t- S9SU9ClX9 ' ' ' ' ^ ' aeHJO ■ "d ■ scIiu-Bi oiiqnd * 'r-i ■ • -T-l -O • • -Ifi -T-l • ' '<6 'd> ' SJ9:^9UJ JO SIBAV9U9a puB sjiBCIayr S90TAJ9S PU'B sill'BUI JO sjiBCIey; S9AO:iS seouBiidd-B Pub'siooj, S93BM „;oovftirt(MooocoooiT}-(MTH«C«O "^ 1-! T-" 1-4 C>3 im' 7-i CO* (m' tH 1-J 'OLOOOO OOCMtH • t- «ci oi t- o t- T-i o -CI ^ o CO u3 Tj< CO -* c- 00 -co t!c^iwTHT-!dddrH *d •T-li-i'S-OOOOOOr-iC;'^ ^^c-'^ coocotiU:«ciMT-i CJ CM TJ-' r-! CO CM -^ Tt-' CM r-i C<1 ;-if5i: rt - ce r atT <;fc|lp,a:c;cfc>^^ 1236 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA UIBIU JO ailUI ^- „• ^; ^ ^; .^; ^ ^- ,^ ^^^^^^^^^ • aaCl la'OI 41 no W r-( r-i -^ C-- O -:r U5 r-- cr. ;C T-! T-i «C '+ UJ OC r-i S5 ' UOI^nqiJtJSip «o o "5 •* OS f rH 05 OS CO »« N ev? t^ a; «c '*' us • UI SBS to SSOI % c 00 •*' 1-h u3 u3 iH t-^ i-i o 00 06 rj^ 00 * * •• •"'rHrHiHiH > 10 sail W o o lo CO t^ o cj 00 CO U5 iw o iri i> ci cc CO. ,-i 06 *■ '■■•*• tH c^i i-H CO CO 't' CO iM T-i ci ^ -* 00 oi «d t- o r-^ -*' rn ^' i-i o> ■* tj-' -^ co' ■* od UOi:iBfnUOa QOI TiH00C0U5 00OC0 00iMrH00e000C0eC .I9fl UOI^flUinS CO co' CO -^ ci «d co' c-i t^ 00" -^* o c:i r- CO 10 iL« T-i 06 ) r+( -^ O -"^i 00 t— O in CO CD C>1 1-1 C-l !M 1-1 '(MCOIOCO r-|S^:>t-IM COOi'timot— -^t^OOOOCOr-lT-IQOt— iM(MTf< TT/-wTT«TTir-T/-w T CTl M OS "M xH OS OS ^M iH CO 00 CO t- CO OS T-I CC O 00 uoi:j^[liaO(j ooooiC'-Hcot-ooocoiniO'Mcoioco-^woco ^2 G r,^ > o 0^ ri, ° -5 o >s g w- a).2 o >, U ■ -p o 1-5 D4' %'^o . o ■CO I— J CD ofj +J O jj ^0 2i^0.o..o.S 0-; . . .=^o^ .a ►r yj cu oj 03 0) rt a; ;" ►-^ •'■' ^ ™ ^ -^ lii JL t-^ s> ^^ >^ ii; £ "^ ^^ s» P GAS PLANTS 1237 •\v3 jad •sib3 'pasn no si^S x^ J8Cl paonpoacl jbj, paonpojcl rt aecl paonpojcl jbj, ^ paonpojcl sb3 ^ •:>j no K Jdd k lanj jot^B-jauaf) paonpojd srt3 ij. no H aad lanj Jtaiiog ■^j no i\r JB(1 p9sn J8HDiaU9 JO SIBf) ■BIUOtUUIB JO Su'inas aSBjaAV paziuoqj^D [BOD uo:^ iad ■btuoluuiy SJfJOM i-B uoi[-bS J8d JBJ aoiJd Suinss aS-eaaAV •sibS 'paziuoq -.iBO iBOD uo:> jad s;onpojd jbj, uo:^ J8d a>i0D aoijd Suiips eSBjaAV rf o paziuoq o -JBO i^oo JO uo; aad 'i^nj qouaq joj pasn a>ioo 'sqi 'paziuoqjBO I'BOD jo'uo) .lad paonpoad a>io3 ■U no 'IT30D JO qi aad ppiA •CO \a o coi-l ■d oo *» oo 00 ■ • O . ■ iM O lO ■ -co . -iH OM ' 'S ' 'd: eo© Ot-i .irtus • • •Tj< -oo ■ oc 00 ' THoi ■ ■ ■ oi ■ CO t- ■*eo ■-*!« ■ ■ " eo "ooeo •o •oo ;o'eo' •oio .'^T-i . • -co -ooo -00 • •oi-T* .cji-! • . -us -t-ia -i-t • ' ■ Tti eo" * Tt< ■<*< ' * ■ eo ■ eo co" ' ■<*< t^ U310 . . . 5 t-s 5 oo d oo rt< OOO cNi <^^■« U5U5 M rH eOOOia i • •■^■^ -oocoeoeoeo • -r-icoc-ico I . -oo -OOOOO • -oooo ' ' 'do ' SoOt-io • -eooust- icicg ■d'^il^^oo^-^ ' "cjeocqc^ suoi 'pazT -uoqjBD iBo'o • cooiooot- • • ooeoeio^ ■ -TttuilO-* ■t-irt -oeo^et^oo • -t^iaoo^a ' ai?D • -inoociH ''^lo 'lOrHeo't^TiC ■ "eoddd Eu_-- =<2 at; 3 5 2ic-£:3'^« 1238 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 00 t- ■* CO CO O 05 «0 00 ff* r-< lO «D ■* OS OS «C •^ C o eo ■* M ■* u3 «D CO oi as t>- tH 0000TH«>US«£>t-r^-*^^c«o^o-^^HeoolTt^t^t-(^^^oooalOl PM tH tH (M iH tH tH C-*iHOO-rtiHi>t>i>^uit>irso'co«OT-it--i>TjH'inoo" ^ • • • ^ rH^ rH ^ Sl'BnpiS9J C5u50eocq«o-^aiOoeckftoo-*aiui05cooo H »<^»T va'Doi T M T(< OS 00 ■* •* lo ci ■* u5 CO iri ui o 00 «c c^i i>^ c&K*i A^ fc"-'''OiHt>-ooOaiMn nn r j m ^J oi oi ^mV^ in «d t- u:3 od «b lo o «d uj ai a; c^ ^ uui+juyuad cDt^t_cot-t-'*n>Oioo«Dt-oo«or--<*' H O fOot~-i^'^oo'*iO'3iaioOi-itDa-oooc(M-*o DIOS «>coooco'*oqi-it-fOcieooo-*«-M(M0Ot— Oa5CDt^^i-lT-H.-<00C:Ct-C:r-l •;j no- IV l0i"*Ci'^"5'5^"*'^05'>''^'^^^'^'~-" 2 (MiH«C-*'COCO'COaiU5 0iC:t-00 t"* 1-1 iH tH M ^ ::::::::::::::::::: X ::::::::::::::::::: H ::::::::::::::::::: J • • • M :■:::::::::::::::•: ^ :.:........ : . H m : V OS i:J -.S 0/ o « rt b m ft ^ c5.ti^^ ^.^ C S ^ C ji;.2i oo S c'C x!>~Za'a;dot3<^'=^>~;ftfc. 00 O O iM O ITS CO CO IM O (^q CT) •C0«DOi • -t-O-* q:^ ■o«c"* ; |0 _'000 •■Ht-(O00 • IC O-j C^l rH 00 -* ■* T-l • (M CO IM O CDt^Ot ■(MCO Hev500«C> ^OOiHr-l • tH 00 •* Ifl ?o kO •THO-rHt-tOO ■ •*" tH O N t-^ «C> t-00eo • -to • -co • -THi-Hto " w o d * ' 'T-it~^<:i<^<:i ' ' ' " co d d r-i co d ui ui d •^ d ' ' •*' ' ' c^" ' ' w d us ' ■ 'i-tr-t ■ "CO tH .... ^^ • t-U5cq0Ot-«DO0iH •oust- • •■* -OOUS • CDcoo-^co^cucw -r-iasco • .th -woo '■^ci<~:d>c^<^-iAxC) ;ust-*d ■ id .'dd •t-cooi ■®xftus' ■n c.':;^ •a; m P oj o :3 i 5- rt 3 O 0) S w !3 r ™ t:^ ti _ • -§■-5.^^ ojO 13 -« 5iO 3 "^ tC 5-. 3 S-< ^ «i " ^ .J- '+^5 . . - . t- S oS rt CO m m Oi o o c 0; ao a.S t'' t3 OS ^ X 'a - fi K o 0) r; ^: rtg O m S?1S iiS- rt !^ C M a a a a m - .. — ? TO rt M M ^ ..c^ J Side suction CentrifugaH Case (Double suction [Arrangement {^^SSSi^ r Water Jet ■{ Steam I Air Impulse (as name implies) — Water-ram, Humphrey gas pump. ( Wheel Bucket (receptacle alternately filled and emptied) |Band PUMPS AND PUMPING 1243 Pump Prices hereinafter given are all net f.o.b. factory. Centrifugal Pumps. The centrifugal pump has been developed and perfected during the past seven years, so that it is now recog- nized as a simple, reliable pump of great range. TABLE I. IRON VERTICAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS OJ^ 0) Shipping wt, •d • ^i ^^ h (lbs.) Price complete ?^ «H_fl 4) W O) t|_( TJ "^ °--5 i| -o 'd 1 3 <3 0*0 §& i?" c ^ g^ m g3 1 5 1! 1« 02 l| 1V2 .058 5x 6 70 2:75 120 135 $20 $30 2 .10 7x 8 120 3:33 198 250 32 50 3 .22 7x 8 260 3:5 235 340 47 73 4 .30 8x10 470 4:0 380 495 55 85 5 .45 10x10 735 4:6 605 785 70 105 6 .59 12x12 1,050 4:6 740 1,050 85 140 10 1.52 20x12 3,000 5:4 1,430 1,925 165 275 12 2.00 24 X 14 4,200 6:0 2,640 3,000 210 350 '12 2.00 20 X 12 4.200 3:75 2,000 2.500 185 325 18 4.50 36x18 10,000 7:0 6,000 7,000 470 790 18 4.50 30x16 10,000 6:5 2,900 3,300 420 710 • Refers to low-lift pumps for elevations up to 25 ft. TABLE II. IRON HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 5fi « H 1-S «»-i;^ ■?>. C Id ^1 u 1 M R';^ a© c3«M 0^ *c 5 3 W 5 = W 5° fc ^ 0. iy2 2 70 .058 6x 6 17x31 175 $22 2 3 120 .10 8x 8 23 X 37 350 37 3 4 260 .22 8x 8 25x39 415 55 4 5 470 .30 10x10 29x41 615 65 5 6 735 .45 12 X 12 34 X 54 940 82 6 8 1,050 .59 15x12 37x55 1,180 100 10 12 3,000 1.52 24 X 22 51 X 69 2,610 197 12 15 4,200 2.00 30x14 63x71 3,615 250 *12 12 4,200 2.00 20x12 51x59 2.800 250 18 20 10,000 4.50 40x16 93x103 9,000 650 *18 20 10,000 4.50 30x16 66x72 5,800 575 *24 24 15.000 6.50 48x20 90x98 10,800 1,075 24 24 15,000 6.50 48x36 94x137 13,000 1,500 * Low-lift pumps for elevations up to 25 ft. The principal trouble with a centrifugal pump, especially when the pump is at a substantial height above the water, is in starting it. When the pump sucks it must be reprimed and started again. Therefore, if the amount of water to be handled is not as great as 1244 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the minimum capacity there will be many stops and knock-offs to prime. Before starting up a steam pump, especially in cold weather, it should be well warmed up by live steam from the end of a hose in order to thaw out any ice that may have formed in the cylinders and to give the iron parts a chance to expand gradually. Iron Vertical Centrifugal Pumps, submerged or suction type, furnished complete with short shaft and coupling, one bearing, pulley for connecting shaft and dischai'ge elbow, are used exten- sively for irrigation purposes, sewage pumping, and for any place where a pump may be placed in a pit. Suitable for elevating water 50 to 60 ft. Iron Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps for belt drive. A pump used extensively for all purposes. The above pump, fitted with a direct connected vertical steam engine costs: 4 in. side suction, 4x4 in. engine, $210; weight, 1,290 lbs. 5 in. side suction, 5x5 in. engine, $224 ; weight 1,440 lbs. 6 in. side suction, 6x6 in. engine, $238 ; weight 1,570 lbs. Double Suction Iron Pumps, built extra heavy for elevating water to great heights. TABLE III. DOUBLE SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS • w^ is (B M .2 u 0^ 4 15 Single 5 5 30 2 1,600 $224 4 20 Single 6 6 30 2 1,800 240 4 25 Double 5 5 30 2 2,000 328 6 15 Single 6 6 60 4 2,500 285 6 20 Single 7 7 60 4 2.700 316 •6 25 Double 6 6 60 4 3,000 415 8 15 Single 9 9 125 6 4,750 501 8 20 Double 7 7 125 6 5,800 567 8 25 Double 8 8 125 6 6,500 723 10 15 Single 10 10 200 8 7,500 645 10 20 Double 9 9 200 8 9,500 822 10 25 Double 10 10 200 8 10,500 1,000 12 15 Single 12 12 300 10 10.000 892 12 20 Double 10 10 300 10 12,800 1,069 12 25 Double 12 12 300 10 16,000 - 1,485 TABLE V. BELT DRIVEN PUMPS is -§f ^1 ^B ^ d- I^iOQffiO mJCU 4 4 30 4 12x12 1,200 2 $108 6 6 60 8 18x12 1,850 41/0 155 8 8 125 15 24x12 3,600 6 245 10 10 200 25 30x14 4,550 8 31Q 12 12 300 30 40x16 8,000 10 435 fected by the peculiar construction of the pump, forms a vacuum in the working chambers, into which atmo.spheric pressure forces a fresh supply of liquid through the suction pipe. This action is maintained quite automatically, and is governed by a self-acting valve ball in the neck of the pump, which obeys the combined in- fluences of steam pressure on one side and vacuum on the other. The valve ball oscillates from its seat in the entrance to one chamber to its seat in the entrance to the other chamber, thereby distributing the .steam. This pump will do all classes of rough service water raising up to 75 ft. elevation. It has no piston, no packing, no oil, and seldom breaks down, but is very uneconomical of steam. Each pump is furnished complete with either basket or mush- room strained steam and release valve connection, and pump hook for suspending when necessary, but no piping. 1246 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Another pump working- on similar principles, but which may be slightly more economical in steam consumption and works ag^ainst greater heads, the main differences are in the steam distribution, which, in this type, is governed by a simple engine, and in the necessity of oil for lubrication. These pumps will work, admit- ting 30% of air or 25% of grit, and a continuous run of four months has been recorded. They are especially valuable in quicksand and wherever the quantity of water is variable. The cost of repairs is nominal. TABLE VI. PULSOMETER PUMPS Size of pipe (ins.) Capacity in gals, per min. at different eleva- tions and boiler h.p. Price, f.o.b. New York % y2 % % 1 2 3 xn 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 5 11 11/2 2 21/2 3 3y2 4 5 «H \a 20 60 100 180 300 425 700 1,000 2,000 17 50 80 160 265 375 625 900 1,800 13 38 65 115 200 275 450 650 1,400 4 5 6 9 12 15 25 35 70 > 'A $68 90 135 158 203 248 360 450 900 >l ^ a PQ $71 95 142 168 217 270 396 495 A ■ .^^ 01 — ^^ 95 140 295 430 570 745 1,375 2.100 3.800 These pumps are made in two types ; the standard consists of two vertical cylinders, each with a discharge and suction valve, topped by one simple, 3 -cylinder horizontal engine, with the neces- sary air cocks, lubricator and condenser piping, but no steam, suc- tion or discharge pipe is supplied. The Junior consists of a single cylinder, a steam piston valve, suction valve, discharge valve, condenser pipe, check valve and stop cock, and is furnished with patented foot valve and quick cleaning strainer. Capacity in gals. ^Greatest->, , — Size of pipes (ins. ) — ^ per dimensions. Weight, Steam. Suction. Dis'ge. minute. Br'dth. H'g'ht. % 3 21/2 100 % 4 3 150 % 5 4 200 Cat. No 141/2 171/2 21 Lbs. 219 290 410 Price. $100 125 175 Capacities stated in table in gallons per minute and per hour are calculated on a head or lift of 20 ft. These capacities diminish at the rate of about 6% for each 10 ft. of additional head up to 100 ft., the highest lift, A Double Acting Force Hand Pump for filling tank wagons from brooks or other water sources has a capacity, with one man pumping, of one to two barrels per minute. Maximum total lift and force, 50 ft. ; maximum lift 25 ft., cylinder diameter 5 ins., PUMPS AND PUMPING 1247 stroke, 5 ins. capacity per stroke 0.85 gal. Suction hose 2 ins., discharge hose 1 in. ; price of pump, with strainer, hose-couplings and clamps, but no hose, $8. Lift and Force Diaphragm Pump, No. 3, one man pumping, ca- pacity, 4,000 gals, per hour; price, with 15 ft. of hose, $42; with 20 ft. of hose, $48. No 4, two men pumping, capacity 6,000 gals, per hour; price, with 15 ft. of hose, $61.50, with 20 ft. of hose, $70. Diaphragm pumps are suited for general construction work, where the pumping is intermittent and the amount of water to be raised is small. The life of the pump depends on the care it is given and the amount of grit the water contains. In very gritty water a diaphragm wears out in two or three weeks. These cost $1.30 each ; extra strainers, which are sometimes broken by careless handling, cost $1.35 each. A set of brass hose-couplings costs $3. Lift and Force Diaphragm Pump, No. 6, capacity 1,000 gals, per hour with one man working; weight 50 lbs.; price, with 10 feet of suction and 25 ft. of connection hose, $54. No. 8, 4,000 gals, per hour with two men pumping; weight 270 lbs.; price $104.50. No. 10, 6,000 gals, per hour with two mem pumping; weight, 395 lbs.; price $139.75. Pumps alone. No. 6, $25; No. 8, $70; No. 10, $90. Pumps, with 20 ft. of suction hose and 200 ft. of connection hose. No. 6, $123.50; No. 8, $200; No. 10, $276. The above pumps are especially suitable in mining prospecting or for any work where the water contains as much as 50 per cent, of solids. These pumps will handle grout and quicksand. A Diaphragm Pump, known as No. 3 Contractors' Mud Pump, with double diaphragms, and a gasoline engine rated at 3 h.p., and having a speed of 500, all mounted on a truck, equipped with 15 ft. of 3 in. spiral wire suction hose and 25 feet of discharge hose, with brass couplings and strainer, tools, etc., costs $300. The ca- pacity of this pump is from 6,000 to 8,000 gals, per hr. of water containing a considerable amount of sand, sewage and gravel. It is guaranteed for one year; weight, 1,000 lbs.; space occupied 2 ft. by 5 ft. Suction or Bilge Pump, consisting of a tin pipe with a plunger worked by hand. Diam. ins. Price per lin. ft. 2 $0.45 21/2 50 3 55 31^ 60 4 65 Pumps less than 5 ft. long charged as 5 ft. Special Pump. In the Marsh steam pump, the steam valve is made of brass, and though nicely fitted, moves freely in the central bore of the steam chest. It has no mechanical connections with other moving parts of the pump, but is actuated to admit, cut off and release the steam by live steam currents, which alternate with the reciprocations of the piston. Each end of the valve is made to fit the enlarged bore of the steam chest, and it is due to those enlarged valve heads, which present differential areas to the action 1248 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of steam, and the perfect freedom of the valve to move without hindrance from other mechanical arrangements or parts, that the flow of steam into the pump is automatically regulated. Because the pump is so regulated it can never run too fast to take suction ; or, should the water supply give out when the throttle valve is wide open, no injury can occur to the moving parts. The steam valve does not require setting. The steam piston is double, and each head is provided with a metal packing ring, the interior space constitut-' ing a reservoir for live steam pressure, supplied by the live steam pipe through a drilled hole. At each end of the steam cylinder are similar holes leading to each end of the steam chest, which, together with the centrally drilled hole and the space between the piston heads, constitute positive means for tripping or reversing the valve with live steam. TABLE VII. COST AND WEIGHT OF MARSH STEAM PUMPS Size B BB C Gallons per hour. 200 400 500 Horse- power. 36 60 75 Floor space, ins. 7x12 8x16 10 X 22 Weight, lbs. 40 75 145 Price $11.50 14.00 25.00 TABLE VIII. SIMPLEX PISTON PUMPS FOR TANK AND LIGHT SERVICE Diam. Diam. steam water nders. cylinders. stroke. Weight, Price, f.o.b. ns. ins. ins. lbs. factory 3 3 3 125 $33 3% 3% 6 260 50 4 4 5 300 56 4 5 5 370 62 4 5 6 420 68 5 4 . 6 420 68 5 5 6 490 74 5% eys 8 780 100 6y2 6y2 8 890 115 . 8 8 10 1,400 168 8 9 10 1,500 180 8 8 12 1.600 190 8 9 12 1,750 200 8 10 12 2,000 230 8 12 12 2,650 300 These pumps are furnished with bed-plate, outboard bearing and gears ready to receive motor, all in accordance with the require- ments for the construction of fire pumps of the Underwriters Asso- ciation. Thirty h.p. for each fire-stream will drive these pumps against 100 lbs. pressure. For elevations of 250 to 2,000 feet — 110 to 865 lbs. pressure long stroke, — single-acting Triplex Plunger Pump for heavy duty. The prices given are for regular construction which provides — iron plungers, cylinders and glands and rubber disc valves reinforced with bronze plates working on bronze guides and seats. Air cham- bers are furnished on sizes 10x14 in. and larger. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1249 TABLE IX. SIMPLEX PISTON PUMPS, BOILER FEED PUMPS OR HEAVY SERVICE Diam. Diam. steam water cylinders, cylinders. Stroke, Weight, Price, f.o.b. ins. ins. ins. lbs. factory 5 3 6 360 $61 7 5 10 930 118 10 6 12 1,650 194 12 7 12 2,150 247 12 7 16 2,650 290 14 8 12 2,650 290 14 8 14 3,000 325 14 9 16 3,500 370 16 9 16 4,000 410 18 12 16 5,100 500 20 14 16 6,000 , 590 20 12 24 7,400 710 TABLE X. DUPLEX PISTON PUMPS FOR TANK OR LIGl SERVICE Diam. Diam. steam water cylinders, cylinders, Stroke. Weight, Price, f.o.b. ins. ins. ins. lbs. factory 3 2% 3 125 $34 41/2 3% 4 310 56 5% 4% 5 650 90 6 5% 6 700 95 6 TY2 6 860 112 6 8% 6 980 125 TV2 7% 6 1,000 125 7% SVa 6 1,100 137 7% 6 10 1,250 155 7% 81/2 10 1,600 195 8 8 10 1,600 195 9 81/2 10 2,200 250 10 12 12 4,400 450 10 14 12 4,700 470 10 16 12 5.000 500 TABLE XI. DJJPLBX PISTON PUMPS, BOILER FEED PUMPS OR HEAVY SERVICE Diam. Diam. steam water cylinders, cylinders. Stroke, Weight, Price, f.o.b., ins. ins. ins. lbs. factory 2 11/4 2% 90 $29 3 2 3 100 30 3y2 2^4 4 165 40 4V» 2% 4 265 50 5y; 3 ¥2 5 410 66 6 4 6 560 78 TV2 5 6 780 100 7V2 4y2 10 1,100 140 8 5 10 1,220 155 8 6 10 . 1,350 162 9 5 10 1,400 168 10 6 10 1,650 195 10 6 12 2,700 300 12 7 12 4,100 420 14 SV2 12 4,600 460 1250 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XII. DUPLEX PLUNGER PUMPS, CENTER PACKED TYPE FOR BOILER FEED AND HEAVY SERVICE Diam. Diam. steam water binders, cylinders, Stroke, Weight, Price, f.o.b. ins. ins. ins. lbs. factory 41/2 2% 4 530 $79 5% 31/2 5 680 95 6 4 6 840 110 5 6 1,100 132 7% 41/2 10 1,600 176 8 5 10 1,750 189 8 6 10 1,950 205 9 5 10 2,100 215 10 6 10 2,600 255 12 7 10 3,800 340 12 SVa 10 4,200 370 14 81/2 10 5,100 440 10 6 12 3,200 300 12 7 12 4,500 390 14 81/2 12 6,200 510 ♦ 14 7% 12 5,700 480 *16 9 12 7,600 610 *18 10 12 9,200 720 *20 12 16 16,000 1,150 Underwriters' fire pumps. TABLE XIII. AUTOMATIC DUPLEX PISTON FEED PUMI AND RECEIVERS Diam. Diam. steam water cylinders. cylinders, Stroke Weight, Price, f.o.b. ins. ins. ins. lbs. factory 3 2 3 400 $84 41/2 2% 4 550 94 5y4 31/2 5 950 118 6 4 6 1,150 138 71/2 5 6 1,250 147 71/2 41/2 10 1,650 194 8 5 10 1,750 210 For 150 lbs. water pressure. TABLE XIV. AUTOMATIC DUPLEX PLUNGER FEED PUMPS AND RECEIVERS* Diam. steam cylinders, ins. Diam. water cylinders, ins. Stroke, ins. . Weight, lbs. Price, f.o.b. factory 2% 31/2 4 5 5 4 5 6 6 10 700 1,200 1,450 1,550 2,150 $125 138 164 178 430 • For 200 lbs. water pressure. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1251 TABLE XV. UNDERWRITERS' ROTARY FIRE PUMP Capacity per min., gals. 500 1,000 Stand. 250 gal. fire str'ms. 2 4 R.p.m, 275 245 Suet, disc, pipe, ins, 6 Disc, hose 2 ¥2 2Y2 Price f.o.b. factory, (30 days; 20% 10 days) $750 $1,450 TABLE XVI. DOUBLE-GEARED TRIPLEX PUMPS Gals, per Diam., ins. revolution stroke 14 ins. of crank shaft 5 3.57 6 5.14 7 7.00 8 9.13 10 14.28 11 17.28 12 20.56 13 24.12 14 27.98 Working pressure, lbs. 865 605 435 345 215 175 150 130 110 Suet, pipe, ins. 7 7 8 12 12 12 12 Disc, pipe, ins. 5 5 10 10 10 10 Gear ratio 5 to 1. Double belt, — pulley 60 by 14 ins. speed 40 r.p.m. of crank shaft. Price f. o. b. factory $2,100 2,025 1,985 1,970 1,910 1,875 1,875 1,910 1,950 Customary Formulae for the Cost of Pumps. In Tables XVII to XIX are given formulae for the cost boiler feed pumps, centrifugal pumps and geared power pumps. These formulae were developed by A. A. Potter in Power, Dec. 30, 1913. TABLE XVII. BOILER FEED PUMPS (After Potter). Cost in $ equals Capacity gals, per hr. Type gals, per hr. multiplied by Single-cylinder, piston pattern. Up to 6.000 (17.8 + 0.2586) Single-cylinder, piston pattern. 6,000 to 27,000 (106.8 -f 0.011045) Duplex, piston pattern Up to 29,000 (585 + 0.0115) Single-cylinder, outside-packed, plunger Up to 24,000 0.034 Duplex outside-packed plunger pattern Up to 49,000 0.042125 TABLE XVIII. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS (After Potter). Cost in $ equals Capacity gals, per min. Type gals, per min. multiplied by Horizontal, low pressure, single- stage Up to 5,000 (52 +0.05525) Horizontal, high pressure, single- stage Up to 5,000 (61 +0.0868) Horizontal, high pressure, single- ^,.„„. stage 5, 000 to 20,000 (210. +0.0567) Horizontal, high pressure, multi- stage .... Up to 2,200 (117. +0.233) Vertical, low pressure, single-stage Up to 20,000 (60. +0.05575) Vertical, high pressure, single-stage Up to 20,000 (50. +0.0865) Vertical, high pressure, multi-stage Up to 1,100 (125.7 + 0.27) 1252 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XIX. GEARED POWER PUMPS, (After Potter.) Cost in $ equals Capacity gals, per hr. Type gals, per hr. multiplied by Single cylinder Up to 20,000 (90 + 0.0316) Single-acting, triplex Up to 83,000 (56 + 0.03867) Double-acting, triplex Up to 89,000 (195 + 0.0148) Rotary force pumps 1,200 to 20,000 (8 + 0.0117) • Wet vacuum pumps Up to 13,000 (18 + 0.01435) Wet vacuum pumps 13,000 to 50,000 (14 + 0.00863) TABLE XX. PUMPS FOR MINING AND HEAVY DUTY (Duplex, com.pound, with semi-rotary steam valves and outside end packed plunger water end). Size of pumps : Diam. high pressure steam cylinder, ins. ... 30 Diam. low pressure steam cylinder, ins. ... 50 Diam. of plungers, ins 14 Length of stroke, ins 48 Theoretical discharge : Gallons per stroke 31 Gallons per minute 2,325 to 3.100 Corresponding to strokes per minute 75 to 100 Floor space required, ft 45 X 16 Shipping weight, lbs 170,000 Cost f. o. b. cars, factory $10,500 Cost of erection on foundation, but not in- cluding foundation $450 to $500 Cost of attendance. — Three men working in 8 hr. shifts at from $1.65 to $2.40 per day each. (Wages would vary with loca- tion.) Average fuel consumption with pump running condensiiig is 35 lbs. of steam per h.p.-hr. Miscellaneous cost, oil, waste, etc., approximately $350 per annum. TABLE XXI. COMPOUND HEAVY DUTY PISTON PUMPS Size of pump : Diam. high press, steam cyl., ins. 14 18 24 Diam. low press, steam cyl., ins. 20 26 36 Diam. water cylinder, ins 10 14 18 Length of stroke, ins 16 20 20 Diam. of pump openings : Steam, ins. 2 2 % 3 Exhaust, ins 31/2^ 5 6 Suction, ins 8 10 12 Discharge, ins 6 8 10 Theoretical discharge in gals. : Displacement per stroke ....... . 5.44 13.324 22.024 Per minute 100 ft. piston speed.. 408 800 1,322 Per hour 100 ft. piston speed 24,480 48,000 79,314 Water pressure against which pump will deliver water ai full speed with 100 lbs. steam pressure at the throttle 150 130 140 Approximate dimensions: x Length, ins 130 155 165 Width, ins 25 32 42 Heie^ht, ins 72 95 105 Cost, net f. o. b. factory $700 $1,100 $1,900 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1253 These pumps are designed for a maximum pressure of 150 lbs. per sq. in. in the water end. TABLE XXII. DOUBLE-ACTING OUTSIDE CENTER PACKED PLUNGER PUMPS Size of pump : Diam. of steam cylinder, ins... 16 20 26 Diam. of water cylinder, ins.... 10 14 18 Length of stroke, ins 16 20 24 Diam. of pump openings: Steam, ins 2 21/2 3, ins 21/2 3 1/2 5 Suction, ins 8 10 12 Discharge, ins 6 8 10 Theoretical discharge in galls. Displacement per stroke 5.44 13.22 22.42 Per minute at 75 ft. piston speed 306 600 991.5 Per hour at 75 ft. piston speed. . 18,360 36,000 59,490 * Horse power of boiler pump will feed at 30 strokes per min 2,200 5,375 10,575 Approximate dimensions : Length, ins 130 160 185 Width, ins 22 30 45 Height, ins 65 80 100 Cost, net f. o. b. factory $575 $1,100 $1,800 ♦ In this computation a slippage of 10% has been allowed. These pumps are designed primarily for boiler feed service but are equally well adapted for general service. The water end is designed for a pressure of 180 lbs. per sq. in. TABLE XXIII. HYDRAULIC RAMS Gallons per min. Size of drive required to Weight, pipe, ins. operate ram lbs. Price* lU 2- 6 150 $35.00 lt/2 6- 12 175 38.50 2 8- 18 , 225 42.00 21/^ 12- 28 250 46.00 3 20- 40 275 52.50 4 30- 75 ■ 600 105.00 6 75-150 1,200 192.50 8 150-300 2,200 350.00 12 375-700 3,000 525.00 * Prices given above are for single-acting rams ; double-acting rams cost from 10-20% more than those listed, the smaller sizes costing proportionally more. The prices given are net prices f. o. b. factory. For a success- ful installation the ram should be supplied with a liberal quantity of water under at least a 3 ft. head. The size of delivery pipe depends upon the installation but in general its diameter would be about one-half as large as the drive pipe. Cost of Pumping in Water Works Steam Pumping Stations. A valuable discussion, with data, ©» the cost of pumping water in steam plants was presented in a paper by Kenneth F. Lees before 1254 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the 1913 annual convention of the Connecticut Society of Civil En- gineers. The cost of pumping water is best considered under the following headings, which will be discussed in the order given: 1, Losses in pumping. 2. Duty of pumping plants, 3. Cost of pumping equip- ment. 4. Cost of pumping, as shown by calculation, for plants of varying capacity and type. 5. Cost of pumping, as shown by results of actual practice. The losses in pumping may be divided into four general head- ings: 1. Losses of generation. 2. Losses of conversion. 3. Losses in transmission. 4. Losses in application. Torai Lnerqij o1 fuel Available in Furnace; uti/izeam Boiler Delivered by Steam Pipe Available in Engine I HP Energy Appliea ^ A H PDeiiverea by Engine >, Energy Deiiverea buRope9i%ofiHl* V, 5Zl05t in pump rnction \K- d% Lost in i^oier Friction T^ Energy Delivered by Pump ^\ 74dloflHP Diagram OF Steam Plant DiACftAMOf Rope Driven Centritugal Pump Pig. 1. Diagram of steam plant. Diagram of rope driven centrif- ugal pump. Each of these general headings may be subdivided as shown. As an illustration of the value these losses assume in practice, Fig. 1 gives the efficiency diagrams as reported by Mr. Meade for the Rockford pumping plant, using a rope-driven centrifugal pump. In the diagram for the steam plant the length of the ordinate rep- resents the total energy of the fuel. Of this 48% was found to be available in the furnace, while of this latter energy only 75% was utilized by the boiler, which is equivalent to about 63% of the total energy of the fuel. There was a drop of 4% in the steam pipe, a further drop of 15% as energy available in the engine, while of the total energy in the fuel only 5% was found to have been utilized as indicated horsepower. In the diagram for the pump this indicated horsepower is laid off on a 100% scale, and the various losses from the engine to the pump are shown, the energy delivered by the pump having been found to be but 74.8% of the i.h.p. of the engine. This is equivalent to about 3.75% of the total energy of the fuel, and illus- trates well the necessity for the reduction of losgeg %q a minimum tliat pumping may be done economically. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1255 Duty represents the ratio of work done to the energy expended in doing it. The terms usually used to express duty of pumping engines are foot pounds duty per 100 lbs. of coal, per 1,000 lbs. of steam, or per 1,000,000 heat units. Generation. rFuel. Generation PUMPING LOSSES (Mead). Losses in Pumping. [ Internal combustion 7 J engine gas, oil j Engine losses ] r Furnace [steam < Boiler LPiping Ram losses Water j Direct [ram] j Velocity losses power. 1 Indirect [wheels] | Wheel losses Conversion fElectric [primary bat-"| teries] | Various mechanical J Wind [mills] L and other losses Minor j Waves [motors] | due to method sources Sun heat [solar en- used ^ gines] ^ Conversion. Losses in Pumping. r Internal combustion engine Included in engine losses J Steam Engine and connection losses I Electrical Dynamo losses Hydraulic Pump losses ^Pneumatic Compressor Transmission. Losses in Pumping. Transmission- Mechanical . Direct connected L^ . shaft belt, rope, J Various losses due chain, gear, com- to method used binations I J Pipe friction Hydraulic ] Motor losses .^- Connections Transformer losses Electrical .-< Wire losses * * * Motor losses ^ Connections I Pipe friction Pneumatic J Air cooling * I Motor losses I Connections Application. Losses in Pumping. Application Pumping ^ , flnflux Inlet pipe ^ Velocity LFriction Pump C Friction in valves J and water I ages I Mechanical friction LDischarge pipe Pipe friction ^a-m Pipe losses fRadiation Steam ^ Condensation iPipe losses ^Air Air pipe losses 1256 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Duty based on coal is very indefinite, since the heat value of coal varies greatly, and should be used only where the entire plant is considered and when the class of coal is also specified. Duty based on steam is more definite, but still not exact. Steam has a greater value at high than at low pressures. Entrained water from the boiler and condensation in the pipes also cause a TABLE XXIV. DUTY, CORRESPONDING COAL PER HORSE POWER HOUR AND COAL REQUIRED TO RAISE 1,000,000 GALS. 100 FT. HIGH Pounds of Duty in coal per million ft. -lbs. h.p. per hr. 1 19.8 10 19.8 20 9.9 30 6.6 40 4.95 50 3.96 60 3.3 70 2.83 80 2.47 90 2.2 100 1.98 110 1.8 120 1.65 130 1.52 140 1.41 150 1.32 160 1.24 Pounds of coal per million gals. 1000 ft. high 83,398 8,340 4,170 2,780 2,085 1,668 1,389 1,191 1,042 926 834 758 695 641 595 556 511 TABLE XXV. 1,000,000 gals, per 24hrs. 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 COMPOUND CONDENSING LOW DUTY PUMP- ING ENGINES Pumping machinery, foundations and piping $ 6,900 9,200 11,500 13,800 16,100 18,400 23,000 27,600 34,500 Boilers, setting, piping and appurtenances. $ 3,000 3,500 4,000 5,000 5,500 6,000 7,500 8,000 10,000 Total cost $ 9,900 12,700 15,500 18.800 21,600 24,400 30,500 35,600 44,500 Triple condensing low duty pumping engines. 3 $ 8,400 $2,000 $10,400 4 11,200 2,400 13,700 5 14,000 3,000 17,000 6 16,800 3,500 20,300 Compound condensing high duty pumping engines. 5 $16,500 $2,000 $18,500 6 19,800 2,500 22,300 7 23,100 3,000 26.100 8 26,400 3,500 29,900 10 33.000 4,000 37,000 12 . 39,600 5,000 44,600 15 49,500 6,000 55,500 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1257 Triple condensing high duty pumping engines. 6 J 28,800 $2,000 $ 30,800 7 33,600 2,500 36,100 8 38,400 2,500 40,900 10 48,000 3,000 51,000 12 57,600 3,500 61,100 15 72,000 4,000 76,000 20 96,000 5,500 101,500 25 120,000 7,000 127,000 30 144,000 8,000 152,000 TABLE XXVI. OPERATING COST OF COMPOUND CON- DENSING LOW DUTY PUMPING ENGINE .s O &D ^t be bo ij ill i C M O § ao .ti-S^M tM dJUS > ti'S-^ s >> M ^'O o'^ ^^u^ ^^^ C^ m BSic +j ^ Itta °ao •;3 C c^ |s iss Q, 3,000,000 % 4,687 $ 897 $3,600 $ 420 $13.15 4,000,000 5,672 1,196 3,600 490 11.26 5,000,000 6,504 1,495 3,600 560 9.99 6,000,000 7,807 1,794 3,600 700 9.52 7,000,000 8,410 2,093 3,600 770 8.93 8,000,000 9,600 2,392 3,600 840 8.44 10,000,000 11,913 2,990 3,600 1,050 8.07 12,000,000 13,320 3,588 4,800 1,120 7.81 15,000,000 16,784 4,485 4,800 1,450 7.75 Operating cost of triple condensing low duty pumping engine. 3,000,000 $3,118 $1,092 $3,600 $280 $11.08 4,000,000 3,907 1,456 3,600 350 9.57 5,000,000 4,590 1,820 3,600 420 8.57 6,000,000 5,203 2,184 3,600 490 7.85 Operating ( 3ost of compound condensing high duty pumping engine. 5,000,000 $3,556 $2,145 $3,600 $280 $7.85 6.000,000 4,161 2,574 3,600 350 7.31 7,000,000 4,800 3,003 3,600 420 6.94 8,000,000 5,379 3.432 3,600 490 6.62 10,000,000 6,550 4,290 3,600 &60 6.19 12,000,000 7,665 5,148 3,600 700 5.86 15,000,000 9,355 6,435 3,600 840 5.75 Operating cost of triple condensing high duty ' piumping engine. 6,000,000 $3,285 $3,168 $3,600 $280 $7.07 7,000,000 3,766 3,696 3,600 350 6.70 8,000,000 4,161 4,224 3,600 350 6.33 10,000,000 5,028 5,280 3,600 420 5.91 12,000,000 6,025 6,336- 3,600 490 5.64 15,000,000 7,096 7,920 3,600 560 5.45 20,000.000 9,180 10,560 4,800 770 5.22 25,000,000 11,1^2 13,200 4,800 980 4.95 30,000,000 12,999 15,840 e,ooo 1,120 4.92 1258 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA variation in results. Hence in considering duty with respect to steam the terms dry steam and a specified pressure should be included. Duty in terms of B. t. u. is absolutely definite. Low duty in a pumping plant means high coal and steam con- sumption for a given output, and thus increased cost for boilers. High duty means lower cost for boilers and fuel and increased cost of machinery. The next table gives the relation between duty, the corresponding coal per horsepower per hour, and the weight of coal required to raise 1,000,000 gals. 100 ft. high. To summarize, then, we have in favor of high duty : 1. Main- tenance account for boilers. 2. Interest on boilers. 3. Sinking fund for boilers. 4. The coal account. Against high duty we have : 1. Maintenance account for ma- chinery. 2. Interest on machinery. 3. Sinking fund for machin- ery. 4. Oil, waste, packing, etc. It is evident, therefore, that in every plant the layout question of duty must be considered in determining probable cost of pumping. The above relations are shown in the following tables by Charles A. Hague, relating to initial and operating costs of plants with various types and classes of pumping engines, adequate boilers and fittings, the data are such as will show the prevailing condi- tions in the average run of plants in waterworks service. While it is, of course, safer to consider each particular case by itself, the tables will indicate closely approximate results. The data for the tables follow : Number of days for year's work 365 Number of hours of pumping per day 16 Number of shifts per day 2 Length of shifts, hours 8 Pay of operating engineers per year $1,200 Pay of firemen per year 600 Pay of extra men per year 600 Maintenance account of engines 3% Sinking fund for vertical triple expansion engines. . . 3% Sinking fund for all other types of engines 5% Maintenance account for boilers 4% Oil, waste, packing and small repairs 1% Coal, per ton of 2.000 lbs $3.00 The calculations for cost are based on a fair average price for machinery, foundations and appurtenances, together with boilers and their appliances. Also upon an actual evaporation in the boilers of 8 lb. of steam produced at working pressure per pound of coal. Price of coal $3 per net ton of 2,000 lb. in the fire room ready for firing, and upon a water load on the plungers "bf 90 lb. per sq, in., which is equivalent to a head of 207 ft., including suction and friction of water. The tables are self-explanatory. In considering the cost of pumping, as shown by results of actual practice, tables compiled by Mr. Sando some years ago (1902) give a fair idea of the expenses involved in large plants throughout the country, and the division of these expenses. The results of tests on more modern plants that have been recently reported, and of PUMPS AND PUMPING 1259 which many have been consulted not only for steam, but also for oil, gas and electric plants, conform fairly well with them. See Tables XXVII and XXVIII. TABLE XXVII. ACTUAL COST OF PUMPING IN VARIOUS CITIES Division of lotai pump- ing expenses. Cost of a 24 hr. m cS 82 5^ c3 q c ill PQ Cost 24h pow ton Philadelphia .320.0 205.0 $3.38 34 66 $100.36 $53.27 $15.77 Baltimore . . . . 24.26 177.3 3.46 64.97 46.75 13.51 Boston .115.07 . 60.4 71.23 256.0 5.07 0.986 44 44 56 56 73.34 49.06 32.26 17.29 6.36 Pittsburgh . . 17.52 Cincinnati . . . . 55.58 248.6 1.39 43 57 139.74 36.10 25.97 Buffalo .114.0 .135.8 147.73 154.2 1.86 1.50 39 40 61 60 76.76 65.71 25.64 25.99 13.82 St. Louis . . , 17.32 Milwaukee . . . 29.76 145.47 3.30 59 41 77.73 25.17 7.62 Cleveland . . . . 73.72 205.1 1.48 48 52 51.40 19.19 12.59 Providence . . . 13.26 171.6 5.18 35 65 86.51 36.84 7.11 Brooklyn Bor ough ".173.4 107.4 3.15 42 58 161.60 52.44 16.65 Manhattan Borough . . . 52.77 111.55 5.25 48 52 128.46 66.63 12.69 Chicago .358.1 102.4 2.85 35 65 101.43 40.17 14.24 Consideration of the foregoing tables, both those with theoretical and actual results, show a great variation in the cost of pumping with location of plant, equipment of plant and with management. It is therefore difRcult to come to any definite conclusion as to the cost of 1,000,000 ft. -gals. However, we may take as an average value, representing general practice, a cost of 414 cts. to pump that quantity of water. Cost of Complete Pumping Engines. Charles A. Hague, in the Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, Dec. 1911, gives the following data :• Cost of pumping engines complete, with foundations, piping and appurtenances, per million gallons per 24 hrs. capacity. 1. Compound-condensing, low-duty engines, horizontal $2,300 2. Low-duty triple, condensing, horizontal 2,800 3. Cross-compound, condensing, , horizontal 3,300 4. High-duty triple, condensing, vertical 4,800 The first and second are non-rotative or " direct acting " ma- chinery, and the third and fourth are of the crank -and-fly-wheel 1260 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA asuadxa t .ti 03 o C c W m w mm '-^ mfe >^ m r-l<35 00 OiOUS toco oa5«> tHU5 ■* r-I -*' CO l> C<| CO «DTt U5CO00 'PB8H OirH 00 0-:H0 eo ot~ t-'OO tH «o COrHO eou5 ■rfOOt- CO 00 ^«5 t-U5 o 00CPrl * -"^? ^^ plant, per water load per mill. gal. load pumped mped against, capac. incl. against, in 11 in lbs. per sq. in. reserve per sq. in. y-vdLci iyja.Kx iJci iiiiLi. ^a.L. 1.JCIU ijuiiii/cu. r>Ti11 era! nor\-An pumped against, capac. incl. against, in lbs. incl reserve 30 $6,750 90 $8,250 40 7.000 100 8.500 50 7.250 110 8.750 60 7.500 120 9.000 70 7.750 130 9,250 80 8,000 ... 1262 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA There are cheaper classes of pumping engines, but they are necessarily of lower economic efficiency, and therefore require more boiler capacity, more coal storage, and other incidentals which, when balanced up, will tend to keep the figures about the same. A cheaper and less durable building may be used, but in the long run this will need more repairs, which when capitalized will bring the account fully up to the figures given and most likely exceed them. It is scarcely possible that the cost of equipping pumping sta- tions for water-works will be increased much on account of a higher type of steam machinery, because it is evident that the top limit has just about been reached, with the record of a little more than 181.000.000 ft. lbs. per 1.000 lbs. of steam. Ten years ago it nearly touched the 180,000,000 mark; and a gain of 0.8 of 1% in ten years, with every nerve strained, is eloquent evidence of the top limit. The Mariotte curve is about the nearest approach to perfection possible for the steam engine to accomplish, in ex- pressing the relation between the work done and the amount of steam used. If the terminal pressure is taken as expressing the steam used, and all the steam is accounted for by the diagram, then 9 6% mechanical efficiency of the machine, will be • the re- sulting figures, with a reasonable amount of steam used in the jackets and reheaters charged against the account. If there were no necessity for the use of steam jackets, or jacket steam, the figures would approach 200,000,000 rather closely, and if superheating can save jacket steam, and vitalize the work- ing steam in the cylinders, the latter figure may be reached in the near future, as far as the official test is concerned. This pleasing result may have te be obtained, however, by the use of a surface condenser with a comparatively small air-pump, and this type of condenser may require more maintenance account than the jet form ; and the superheat may have to be obtained at the cost of coal. Pumping Engine Economy. A critical discussion of the results obtained by the Nordberg and other high-duty engines is printed in Engineering News, Sept. 27, 1900. It is shown that the practical question in most cases is not how great fuel economy can be reached, but how economical an engine it will pay to install, tak- ing into consideration interest, depreciation, repairs, cost of labor and of fuel, etc. The following table is given showing that with low cost of fuel and labor it does not pay to put in a very high duty engine. Accuracy is not claimed for the figures ; they are given only to show the method of computation that should be used, and to show the influence of different factors on the final result. Cost of Electric Current for Punnping 1,000 Gallons per IVIinute 100 ft. High. (Theoretical h. p. with 100% efficiency = 100,000 -f- 3958.9 = 25.259 h.p.) Assume cost of current = 1 ct. per kw. hour delivered to the motor: efficiency of motor— 90%; mechanical efficiency of triplex pumps = 80%; of centrifugal pumps =7 2% j combined efficiency, PUMPS AND PUMPING 1263 TABLE XXIX. ANNUAL COST OF PUMPING WITH AN 800- H.P. ENGINE, AS INFLUENCED BY VARYING DUTY OF ENGINE, VARYING PRICE OP FUEL, AND VARYING TIME OF OPERATION. Duty per million B. t. u. First cost: 50 100 120 150 180 Engine $24,000 $48,000 $68,000 $118,000 $148,000 Engine, per h.p 30.00 60.00 85.00 147.00 185.00 Boilers, economizers 27,000 13,500 11,250 9,000 7,500 Engine and boilers 51,000 61,500 79,250 127,000 155,500 Interest and depreciation: On engine, at 6%.. 1,440 2,880 4,080 7,080 8,880 Boilers, 8% 2,160 1,080 900 720 €00 Total depreciation 3,600 3,960 4,980 7,800 9,480 Labor per annum 6,022 6,022 7,655 9,307 10,220 Fuel cost: 4,000 hrs. per yr. : $3 per ton 17,280 8,640 7,200 5,760 4,800 $4 per ton 23,040 11,520 9,600 7,680 6,400 $5 per ton 28,800 14,400 12,400 9,600 8,000 6,000 hrs. per yr. : $3 per ton 25,920 12,960 10,800 8,640 7,200 $4 per ton 34,560 17,280 14,400 11,520 9,600 $5 per ton 43,200 21,600 18,600 14,400 12,000 Total annual cost: 4,000 hrs. per yr. : Coal, $3 per ton... 26,902 18,622 19,835 22,867 24,500 4 per ton... 32,662 12,502 22.235 24,787 25,100 5 per ton... 38,422 24,382 25,035 26,707 27,700 6,000 hrs. per yd. : Coal, $3 per ton... 35,522 22,942 23,435 25,747 26,900 4 per ton... 44,182 27,262 27,035 28,627 29,300 5 per ton... 52,822 31,582 31,235 31,507 31,700 triplex pumps, 72%; centrifugal, 64.8%. 1 kw.= 1.34 electrical h.p. on wire. Triplex, 1.34 X 0.72 = 0.9648 pump h.p. ; X 33,000 = 31,838 ft. lbs. per min. Centrifugal, 1.34 X 0.648 -= 0.86382 pump h.p. ; X 33,000 — 28,654 ft. -lbs. per min. 1,000 gals. 100 ft. high = 833,400 ft. -lbs. per min. Triplex, 833,400 -i- 31,838 = 26.1763 k.w. X 8,760 hrs. per year X $0.01 = $2,293.04. Centrifugal, 833,400 -=- 28,655 = 29.0840 k.w. X 8,760 hrs. per year X $0.01 = $2,547.76. For 100% efficiency, $2,293.04 X 0.72 = $1,650. For any other efficiency, divide $1,650 by the efficiency. For any other cost per kw.-hr. in cts., multiply by that cost. Cost of Pumping 1,000 Gal. per Min. 100 ft. High by Gas Engines. Assume a gas engine supplied by an anthracite gas producer using 1.5 lbs. of coal per brake h.p.-hr., coal costing $3 per ton of 2,000 lbs. Efficiency of triplex pump 80%, of centrifugal pump, 72%. 1264 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXX. COST OF FUEL. PER YEAR FOR PUMPING 1,000 GAL. PER MIN. 100 FT. HIGH BY STEAM PUMPS (1) (2) Efficiency (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 100% 90% 10. 198. 178.2 142.56 0.5846 0.42090 153.63 460.89 11.88 166.667 150. 120. 0.6945 0.50004 182.51 547.53 14. 141.433 127.87 101.83 0.8184 0.58926 215.08 645.24 14.256 138.889 125. 100. 0.8334 0.60005 219.02 657.06 15. 132. 118.8 95.04 0.8769 0.63125 230.44 691.32 16. 123.75 111.375 89.10 0.9354 0.67344 245.80 737.40 17.82 111.111 100. 80. 1.0417 0.75006 273.77 821.31 20. 99. 89.1 71.28 1.1692 0.84180 307.26 921.78 23.76 83.333 75. 60. 1.3890 1.00008 365.03 1095.09 30. 66. 59.4 47.52 1.7538 1.26270 460.&9 1382.67 35.64 55.556 50. 40. 2.0835 1.50012 547.54 1642.62 40. 49.5 44.5 35.64 2.3384 1.68360 614.52 1843.56 47.52 41.667 37.5 30. 2.7780 2.00016 730.06 2190.18 50. 39.6 35.64 28.51 2.9230 2.10450 768.15 2304.45 a b c d e f g h (1) Lbs. steam per i.h, .p. per hour. (2) Duty mill ion ft.-lbs i. per 1.000 lbs. steam, b, : 100% effy. . c. 90%. (3) Duty per 100 lbs. ( coal. 90% effy., 1 S lbs. stei im per lb, . coal. (4) Lbs. coal p(-r min. for 1.000 gals.. 100 ft. high. (5) Tons, 2.000 lbs., in 24 hrs. (6) Tons per year. 365 days. (7) Cost of fuel ner year at $3.00 per ton. Factors for calculation: b=:1980-^a; c = b X 0.9 ; d = c X 0.8 ; e = 8334 ^ 1000 d ; f = e X 0.72 ; g = f X 365 ; h = g X 3. For any other cost of coal per ton, multiply the figures in the last column by the ratio of that cost to $3.00. 1,000 gals, per min. 100 ft. high = 833,400 ft.-lbs. per min.H- 33,- 000 = 25.2545 h.p. Fuel cost per brake h.p.-hr. 1.5 lbs. X 300 cts. -^ 2.000 — 0.225 ct. X 8,760 hrs. per year =$19.71 per h.p. X 25.2545 = $497,766 for 100% efficiency. For 80% efficiency, $622.21; for 72%, efficiency, $691.34; or the same as the cost with a steam pumping engine of 95,000,000 ft.- lbs. duty per 100 lbs. of coal. Cost of Fuel for Electric Current. Based on 10 lbs. steam per 1 h.p.-hour, 8 lbs. steam per lb. coal, or 1.25 lbs. coal per 1. h.p. per hour. (Electric line loss not included.) Efficiency of engine 0.90, of generator 0.90, combined efficiency 0.81. 1 h.p. = 0.746 kw., 0.746 X 0.81 = 0.6426 kw. on wire for 10 lbs. steam. Reciprocal = 16.5492 lbs. steam per kw. hour. 8 lbs. steam per lb. coal = 2.06865 lbs. coal, at $3.00 per ton of 2,000 lbs. = 0.3103 cent per kw-hour. Lbs. steam per 1. h.p.-hr — 12 14 16 18 20 30 40 Fuel cost, cents per k.w.-hr. — 0.3724 0.4344 0.4965 0.5585 0.6206 0.9309 1.2412 Cost of Pumping Machinery for Water Works. W. H. Weston (Engineering Magazine. Jan., 1912) has published the following notes on the average cost of water works machinery: Average Cost of Pumping Machinery. Vertical triple-expan- sion crank and fly-wheel pumping engines per 1.000 gal. per 24 hrs. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1265 Head pumped against, ft. 250 to 300 16 150 to 200 5 50 to 75 4 Horizontal-compound fly-wheel pumping engines per 1,000 gals. per 24 hrs. Head pumped against ft. 250 to 300 $5.00 150 to 200 4.00 50 to 75 3.50 Duplex compound direct-acting pumps per 1,000 gals, per 24 hrs. Head pumped against, ft. 250 to 300 $3.50 150 to 200 3.00 50 to 75 2.50 Average Cost of Water-Tube Boilers for Pumping Engines. Allowance made for reserve boilers. Allowance for reserve Horsepower per cent, of capacity of plant 400 33 600 33 800 : 25 1,000 20 1,500 15 Vertical triple-ex- Compound condensing Horsepower pansion crank and fly- crank and fly wheel wheel pumping engines pumping engines 400 $4,000 $4,800 600 6,800 6,800 800 7,500 8,500 1,000 9,000 10,500 1,500 12,500 14,500 Cost of Steam and Water Piping, Valves and Separators. (Pump piping not included). Vertical triple-ex- Compound condensing Horsepower pansion crank and fly- crank and fly wheel wheel pumping engines pumping engines 400 $2,000 $2,300 600 2.600 3,100 800 3,200 3,800 1,000 4,000 4,800 1,500 6,200 7,300 Feed Pumps 400 $90 $105 600 110 130 800 135 160 1,000 160 190 • 1,500 220 265 Heaters 400 450 525 600 525 620 800 600 720 1,000 700 850 1.500 950 1,150 1266 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Vertical triple-expansion crank and fly-wheel pumping- engines will use from 10% to 11 1/^ lbs. of steam per indicated h.p. per hr., for capacities between 10 and 35 million gallons per day, pump- ing against heads from 50 to 300 ft. Compound engines of this type will take from 12i^ to 13i^ lbs. of steam per indicated h.p.-hr. To get the total h.p. that the en- gine must develop, Mr. Weston takes the h.p. represented by the amount of water to be pumped to the given height plus 10% for pump engine friction, and 4% for pipe-line friction and slippage of the pump. We have found in many cases that this is a very small percentage for slippage. Cost of a Pumping Plant per Million Gallons Capacity. W. L. Du Moulin, in a paper presented before the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 2, 1915, describes the pumping plant of the Morenci Water Company, and gives the following costs: The cost of pumping engines complete, with foundations, aux- iliaries, condenser, piping, etc., per million gallons capacity per 24 hrs. was : Triple-expansion pumping engines $38,500 Cross-compound " " 29,400 Average of all " " 35,500 The cost of the boiler plant, including piping, foundations, etc., was : Without economizers — per rated boiler h.p $30.50 With economizers " " " ^' . . . . 42.50 The total rated capacity of the boiler plant is 640 b.hp. The cost of the pumping plant, including engines, boilers, econo- mizers, piping, etc., per million gallons capacity per 24 hrs. was $41,500. These figures do not include anything for land, buildings, chimneys, wells, settling system, 10-in. pipe lines, etc., but prac- tically only the items mentioned. Comparison of the Costs of Pumping by Suction-Gas-Producer and Steam Engines was made in a paper by I. E. Gibson and S. H. Wright from an abstract of which in Engineering Digest we have taken the following : The Gas Plant belongs to the Delaware Water Co. and is situ- ated at the head of tide water on Christiana Creek. FIXED CHARGES Gas plant Steam plant Management $ 200 $ 200 Superintendence 920 920 Depreciation 1,694 1,987 Sinking fund 1,043 1,297 Interest 4,095 6,491 Insurance 76 250 Taxes 263 327 Total $8,291 $11,472 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1267 < H 03 «D r-(io 00 o eo oo t- "* us OS t- t- rH CO t- t^ -*< Cvl -*i ?£> T-i CO uticooioco C O CS] r-^ o CO T-H in CO »-( O tH CO i?q C^ O O tH ©9- c -* 00 (M 00 tH o (M CO rt- Irt O tH ^ CO ooooiHirt coot- CO 00 OOCvICDm-IM Lo O 7-5 Csi r-i »^ O O i-idcodd < 'g t- irt o irt o Oi CO O t- KS 'S^ CO O CO ■^ oo o CD eg irt «o oo CO ocoot-00 tH IM lO c^J 00 ITS tH'^ coo 0) T-l OrHTj^C^COOO tH tH M « O -n* O 00 Ui CO IC tH CI CO CO LO Ui iH iH CO CO €«■ CO CD c n w c q; ^H ■>> *- J3 a> fcH 3 > « 1268 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The plant consists of two complete producer units rated at 110 h.p. each and two 13x12 in., single-acting, three-cylinder vertical gas engines of 89 b.h.p., each direct connected to a 13x15 in., single-acting triplex pump. The engines run at 265 r.p.m., and the pumps, through a 5 to 1 reduction gear, at 44 r.p.m., at which speed each has a capacity of 1,640,000 gals, per 24 hrs. The cost of the plant was as follows: Building and property $38,750 Producers and engines complete, including auxiliaries 13,000 Pumps complete 7,250 Piping, air chambers, etc 4,500 Total $63,500 Cost of plant per brake horse-power $392 Cost of plant per million gallons capacity per 24 hr 19,250 A high grade of anthracite pea coal is used, costing $5.10 per long ton delivered into the storage bins. The Steam Pumping Plant belongs to the Octoraro Water Co., and is located on the Octoraro Creek, near Quarryville, Penn, It consists of three 100 h.p. return-tubular boilers supplying steam to two horizontal, cross-compound condensing Corliss pumping engines, having 18 and 32 by 30 in. steam ends and 10x30 in. water ends delivering at a pressure of 150 lbs. These engines ran at 55 to 60 r.p.m. and are rated at three million gallons capacity. The cost of this plant was as follows : COST OF STEAM PLANT Building and land $37,875 Boilers, engines, piping and auxiliaries 39,850 Total ; $77,725 Cost of plant per brake h.p. allowing 109^ for engine friction $190 Cost of plant per million gallons capacity per 24 hrs 12,100 The fuel u.sed is high-grade bituminous, costing $4.40 per long ton delivered at the plant. Comparative Cost of Plant and Operating Expenses for Pumps Driven by Reciprocating Steam Engines, Steam Turbines, and Diesel Oil Engines. The following figures from a paper by Francis Head before the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, compare bids ob- tained by the City of Philadelphia in 1906 on low-lift pumping ma- chinery for the Torresdale filters : Coal Required for the Different Types and the Cost were as shown in Table XXXI. The specifications called for six units of 40,000,000 gals. each. These were to lift the water from a conduit leading from the river and deliver it to pipes 5 ft. in diam., by which it was to be led to the preliminary filters. The maximum lift measured from the .surface of the water to the discharge side of the i)ump was 45 ft., no allowance being made for the velocity head in the water of discharge. Each bidder was required to furnish a complete plant as far as the machinery went, including engines, ping, boil- PUMPS AND PUMPING 1269 ers, etc., and to operate it for six months, and to make tests of 24 hrs. and 30 days, respectively, to determine the duty and capacity. TABLE) XXXII. COMPARATIVE BID PRICES ON STEAM EN- GINES, TURBINES AND DIESEL ENGINES Steam engines 245 Time required in days to furnish plant Duty in million foot-lbs. per 100 lbs. steam Price bid $205,400 Extra for house 52,528 Electric plant and stack.. 20,000 85 and 70 millions. Comparative price based on duty and labor saved . . . Turbines Diesel oil engines 300 250 for half plant. 315 for whole plant. 88 and 83 95 and 90 millions millions. per 5 gals. oil. $178,000 $298,000 60,207 20,000 Cost of plant $277,928 $258,207 Extra for time at $250 per $13,750 Extra cost of coal over oil $12,180 3,068 Extra cost of coal over oil per year. Capitalized at 3.5% 345,100 87,650 Comparative price based on duty $623,028 $359,607 Boiler room, labor and re- pairs $10,150 $10,150 Extra cost of operatmg steam plants per year. . 22,230 13,218 Extra cost of operating steam plants per year. Capitalized at 3.5% 635,100 377,650 $298,000 $17,500 $315,500 $913,028 $649,607 $315,500 TABLE XXXIII. COST OP COAL FOR VARYING PUMPING ENGINE DUTY. Lbs. coal 315.6 hp. per hp. lbs. per coal hour per hour 24 hours Cost per pump per 24 hours 70 million duty . . 83 '• " .. 90 " " . . 2.83 893 2.33 753 21.435 18,072 $31.57 26.63 24.95 The specifications stated that bids were to be made on the fol- lowing basis: The value of money will be taken at 3i^% per an- num. After the bids are scheduled drawings will be prepared giv- ing the necessary dimensions for the engine and boiler rooms to house the different classes of machinery. The cost of the build- ings will be computed at 15 cts. per cu. ft., measuring from the engine and boiler room floors' to midway between the top of the walls and the ridge purlin ; and the amount thus obtained will be used in ascertaining the cost of installation. In comparing the cost of operation coal will be figured at $3.30 per ton of 2,240 lbs. 1270 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA and fuel oil will be figured at 3 cts. per gal. In comparing the bids with reference to the time for starting the machinery in operation, allowance will be made at the rate of $250 per calen- dar day for the bids specifying earlier dates of completion as compared with the bid specifying the longest time. In addition to this, there was a clause providing in case of failure to meet duty guaranteed, that for each million foot-pounds duty the pumping engines fall below the duty specified in the bid there will be de- ducted $1,000 from the contract price for each engine. The duty guaranteed for the 24-hr. run by the steam engines w^as 85,000,000 ft. -lbs. per 100 lbs. of steam; by the turbines 88,000,000, and by the oil engines 95,000,000. For the 30-day test the duty guaranteed by the steam engines was 70,000,000 ; by the turbines 83,000,000, and by the oil engines 90,000,000. Forty million gallons per day against 45-ft. head requires 315.6 h.p. in the water column. The I. P. Morris Co., whose design for the pumps was used by the Diesel Co., guaranteed 70% efficiency under the conditions of the contract, the pump shaft required 450 h.p. With the Diesel engine 5 gals, of oil, fuel oil of commerce being used, per 90,000,000 ft.-lbs. means 34.65 gals, per pump per hr., costing $1.0395, or $24.95 per 24 hrs. per unit. The fuel saving per pump by the oil engine over the steam units, is as follows: Per hour Per j^ear Steam engines $6.62 $12,080 Turbines 1.68 3,080 It should be further noted that each of the steam propo- sitions emphasized the fact that the coal furnished must have 14,500 B.t.u., or if it were less, due allowance must be made, which means that these guarantees were made on a good grade of bituminous coal. For the purpose of comparison, the duty on the 30 -day test alone was used. In comparing the actual cost of the plants to the city, accord- ing to the table, the turbine is the lowest, being $258,000 ; the steam engine comes next, $278,000, the oil engine being the high- est at $298,000. In making this comparison the foundations of the boilers and ash tunnels have not been included. When the extra cost of operating the steam plants over the oil engine is cap- italized at 31/^% in accordance with the specifications, and due allowance has been made for penalizing the oil engine and steam turbine, it will be seen that the cost of the oil engine was ap- proximately $315,500, the turbine engines was $649,600, and the steam engines was $913,000. The bid for steam engines was ac- cepted. Cost of Pumping Oil Long Distances. According to a memo- randum in the Engineering and Mining Journal in 1907, the cost of pumping oil as reported by the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion amounted to about 2 cts. per barrel for a distance of about PUMPS AND PUMPING 1271 100 miles. Therefore the cost to the Standard Oil Company of transporting a barrel from the Kansas oil field to the Atlantic seaboard would not be much, if any, in excess of 30 cts. Cost of Pumping for Municipalities. The data in Table XXXIV from Engineering- News, Aug. 12, 1909, give the cost of pumping in Philadelphia taken from annual reports of the Bureau of Water : TABLE XXXIV. COST OP PUMPING IN PHILADELPHIA BY YEARS Pay of em- Billions Fuel cost per ployees per Total cost per of gals. mil. gals. mil. gals. mil. gals. Year 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. 1894 121.2 $1.87 $0.98 $3.48 1895 132.0 2.08 1.00 3.69 1896 161.8 2.00 0.92 3.43 1897 187.4 1.86 0.84 3.16 1898 210.8 1.77 0.84 2.97 1899 231.8 , 1.77 0.80 2.90 1900 218.1 2.11 1.06 3.71 1901 227.7 2.04 1.31 4.14 1902 239.7 2.55 1.63 4.80 1903 248.8 2.99 1.54 5.20 1904 251.2 2.93 1.49 5.11 1905 261.3 2.55 1.47 4.61 1906 257.3 2.52 1.57 5.06 1907 242.3 2.57 1.82 5.68 Operating Costs of Various Pumping Stations. Dabney H. Mur- ray (Engineering and Contracting, Mar. 6, 1912) gives the oper- ating costs of various reciprocating engine pumping plants in Chicago as follows : Private Plant No. 1. The boiler equipment at this plant is as follows: Four 350 h.p. Babcock and Wilcox boilers, extension front, Hawley down draught, gravity fed, and two 350 h.p. B. & W. boilers, flush front, Hawley, hand fired. The total rated boiler h.p. is 2,100, the average h.p. on day watch is 1,400, and the load factor is 67%. The engine equipment is as follows: Two 65 h.p., two 250 h.p., and one 140 h.p. simple horizontal engines. Two 110 h.p. simple vertical engines, one 220 h.p. simple 2-cylinder vertical engines, one 33 h.p. 25 k.w. electric light engine, and one 30 h.p. 10 in. and 6 in. and 10 in. x 16 in. elevator pump. The total rated en- gine h.p. is 1,283, the average h.p. on day watch 400, and the load factor 28%. The daily payroll for this plant, for 12-hr. shift, is as follows: 2 firemen at $3.10 $ 6.20 4 firemen helpers at $2.68 10.72 1/6 a.shman at $2.50 42 Total for boiler room $17.34 2 chief engineers at $3.48 6.96 2 asst. engineers at $2.68 5.36 2 oilers at $2.41 4.82 1/30 windov/ washer at $2.25 . , > 08 1272 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1/30 machinist, at $3 10 1/30 steamtitter at $3 , 10 $17.42 % janitor (added) at $2.40 1.20 % machinist (added) at $3 1.50 $20.12 1 asst. engr. (deducted) 2.68 Total $17.44 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1%, and the maximum hp. per fireman per watch is 467. By hand firing 2,000 lbs. of Pocahontas coal is fired per hour per fireman on the on the day watch, and 1,800 lbs. of Illinois slack coal. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to average num- ber of units in service is 2, the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch, as corrected is li/^, and per oiler per watch is 2. The ratio of cost of coal to cost of labor, as corrected, $1.48. The actual daily payroll is $57.72, and as corrected $23.64. The average pay per man per day is $2.62 and per hr. is $0.33. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll, as corrected, is 16.9. As engine room and machinery are not well kept, half time for one janitor and half time for one machinist are added. But as the average engine horse power is only 28% of average boiler h.p., the balance being used for other purposes, and as the engi- neers and others have other duties besides the care of the ma- chinery, the total pay roll, for the purpose of figuring the corrected items, is taken at $17.44 plus $6.20 = $23.64. Private Plant No. 2. The boiler equipment at this plant is as follows: Five 375 h.p. Stirling water tube boilers with Greene chain grates, hand fired. The rated boiler horse power is 1,875, the average h. p. on the day watch is 960, and the load factor Is 51%. The engine equipment is as follows: Five 250 h.p. vertical compound, non-condensing engine generators, one 400 h.p. 3-cylin- der, horizontal compound, non-condensing elevator pump, two 200 h.p. 3-cylinder, horizontal compound, non-condensing elevator pump, two 30 h.p. 10 in. and 18 in. x 24 in. horizontal vacuum pumps, one 30 h.p. horizontal compound, duplex house pump, one 25 h.p. horizontal simple, duplex house pump, and three 5 h.p. motor-driven elevator return pumps. The rated hp. of the total engine and motor units is 2,180, the average h.p. on day watch 1,210 and the load factor 55%. The daily payroll for this plant, for an 8-hr. shift, is as follows : 3 firemen at $2.40 $ 7.20 6 coal passers at $2.32 o 13.92 Total for boiler room $21.12 1 chief engineer at $5 5.00 3 asst. engineers at $^.60 10.80 4 oilers at $2 , 8-00 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1273 2 repairmen at $2.20 $ 4.40 1 machinist at $3.60 3.60 1 janitor at $2 2.00 1 steamfltter at $2.80 2.80 $36.60 2 oilers (added) at $2.00 4.00 Total $40.60 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1, and the maximum h.p. of boilers per fireman per watch is 465. On an average 2,000 lbs. of coal is fired by hand per hour per fireman on the day watch. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to averag'e number of units in service is 3, the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch ^s 2^4, the average equiv- alent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is ly^, as corrected. The ratio of cost of coal to cost of labor is 2.96, as corrected. The actual daily payroll is $57.72, and, as corrected, is $61.72. The average pay per man per day is $2.62, and per hr. is 22 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll is 19.6 as corrected. Part of this plant does not run at night. In order to figure the corrected items above, two oilers were added, who would be the only extra men needed for full 24-hr. service. Private Plant No. 3. The boiler engine, and motor equipment of this plant is as follows : Pour 400 h.p. Heine water-tube boil- ers with Murphy stokers, gravity fed. The rated boiler h.p. is 1,600, the average horse power on day watch is 880, and the load factor 55 per cent. There are two 470 h.p. simple horizontal, non-condensing en- gine generators, one 335 h.p. simple horizontal, non-condensing engine generators, and two 10 h.p. motor-driven air compressors. The rated h.p.. of the total engine and motor units is 1,295, the average h.p. on day watch 1,050, and the load factor 81%. The daily payroll for this plant, for an 8-hr. shift, is as follows: 3 firemen at $2.17 $ 6.50 3 coal passers at $1.67 5.00 3 ash wheelers at $1.67 5.00 Vo boiler washer at $2.50 1.25 1 helper at $1.83 1.83 Total for boiler room $19.58 % chief engineer at $4.67 2.33 1 1/> asst. engineer at $2.92 4.38 3 oilers at $1.93 5.80 1 janitor at $1.67 1.67 1 laborer at $1.67 1.67 1 machinist at $3 3.00 $18.85 1/2 chief engineer (added) at $4.67 2.33 1/2 asst. engineer (added) at $2.92 1.46 1 laborer (added) at $1.67 1.67 Total $24.31 1274 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1%, and the maximum h.p. per fireman per watch is 440. There are 5,000 lbs. of coal, gravity fed, per hour per fireman on the aver- age during the day watch. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 1.4; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 2.1, as corrected; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 1.4 as corrected. The ratio of cost of coal to cost of labor is 3.33, as corrected. The actual daily payroll is $38.43, and as corrected is $43.89. The average pay per man per day is $2.08, and per hr. is 26 cts. The actual engine horse power per dollar of daily payroll is 17.1 as corrected. Private Plants Nos. 3 and 4 are near each other and are oper- ated by the same mana,gement, some of the men dividing their time between the two plants. Neither runs full 24 hrs. For the purpose of figuring the corrected items given under plants 3 and 4, enough men were added to the payroll of each plant to run the plants independently of each other, and also to provide for full 24-hr. service. Private Plant No. 4. There are four 450 h.p. Stirling water tube boilers, with chain grates, gravity fed. Their rated h.p. is 1,800, the average h.p. on day watch is 990, and the load factor Is 55%. There is one 140 h.p. horizontal compound pump, handling 2,000,- 000 gals, against 150 lbs., used occasionally for elevator service. The engine and pump equivalent is as follows: Two 140 h.p. vertical compound pumps, each handling 2,000,000 gals, against 150 lbs. ; one 670 h.p. 500 k.w. vertical compound engine generator, two 430 h.p. 320 k.w. vertical compound engine generators; two 268 h.p., 200 k.w., vertical compound engine generators; two 134 h.p., 100 k.w. vertical compound engine generators; one 40 h.p. house pump; one 50 h. p. house pump, and three 10 h.p. elevator return pumps. The total rated h.p. of the engine and pump units is 2,874, the average h.p. on day watch is 1,186, and load factor is 41%. The daily payroll, for 8-hr. shift, is as follows : 3 "firemen at $2.17 $ 6.50 3 coal passers at $1.67 5.00 3 ash wheelers at $1.67 5.00 1/0 boiler washer at $2.50 1.25 l"helper at $1.83 1.83 Total for boiler room $19.58 1/2 chief engineer at $4.67 2.33 li/> asst. engineer at $2.92 4.38 3 oilers at $1.93 5.80 1 janitor at $1.67 1.67 1 laborer at $1.67 1.67 1 machinist at $3 3.00 $18.85 V2 chief engineer (added) at $4.67 2.33 1/2 asst. engineer (added) at $2.92 1.46 1 laborer (added) at $1.67 1.67 Total $24.31 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1275 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1%, and the maximum h.p. per fireman per watch is 495. During the day watch 5,610 lbs. of coal are gravity fed per hour per fireman. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 2.5; the average equivalent num- ber of pumping engines per engineer per watch, as corrected, is 3.8 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch, as corrected, is 2.5. The ratio of cost of coal to cost of labor, as corrected, is 3.84. The actual daily payroll is $38.43, and, as corrected, is $43.89. The average pay per man per day is $2.08 and per hr. is 26 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll, as corrected, is 26.9. Private Plant No. 5. The boiler equipment is as follows : Eight 500 h.p. Aultman-Taylor water tube boilers, with chain grates, gravity fed. The total rated boiler horse power is 4,000, the aver- age h.p. on the day watch is 3.000, and the load factor is 75%. The generating units are as follows: Three 1,200 h.p. horizon- tal compound condensing engines ; one 800 h.p, horizontal com- pound condensing engine ; one 100 h.p. horizontal simple engine ; one 50 h.p. horizontal simple engine ; one 60 h.p. 2-stage compound air compressor; one 80 h.p. 2-stage compound air compressor; two 90 h.p. horizontal compound duplex steam pumps; one 300 h.p. horizontal triple Corliss steam pump; one 300 h.p. compound elevator pump ; one 75 h.p. horizontal compound elevator pump ; three 90 h.p. horizontal duplex fire pumps; one 40 h.p. 30-ton ice machine; two 30 h.p. 10 in. and 18 in. x 20 in. vacuum pumps; and one 50 h.p. motor-driven duplex pump (not counted). The rated h.p. of the total generating units is 5,915, the average h.p. on the day watch is 2,900, and the load factor is 48%. The daily payroll follows, firemen and assistant engineers work- ing 8 hrs, all others 10 hrs. : 3 firemen at $2.14 $ 6.42 1 coal unloader at $2.20 2.20 3 asst. unloaders at $2 6.00 1 boiler wa.sher at $2.70 2.70 2 asst. boiler washers at $2 4.00 Total in boiler room $21.32 1 chief engineer at $5 5.00 3 engineers at $3 9.00 5 oilers at $2 10.00 2 janitors at $2 4.00 1 machinist at $3 3.00 1 machinist helper at $2 2.00 Total $33.00 The maximum number of boilers per firemen per watch is 6, and the maximum h.p. of boilers per fireman per watch is 3,000. On the day watch 15,833 lbs. of coal are gravity fed per hr, per fireman. The number of City pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 5, the average equivalent number of 1276 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA pumping engines per engineer per watch is 3.7, the average equiv- alent number of pumping engines per oiler per Avatch is 3. The ratio of cost of coal to cost of labor is 3. The actual daily payroll is $37.32, the corrected $54.32. The average pay per man per day is $2.49, per hr. 27 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll is 53.4. Plant No. 5 does not run 24 hrs. The repair force is not suf- ficient to keep all the machinery in order. Three oilers, two assist- ant coal unloaders and one assistant boiler washer, amounting to $12 per day, were added to give 24 hr. service; and one machinist and one helper, amounting to $5 per day, were added to keep up re- pairs to machinery. Private Plant No. 6. The boiler equipment is as follows : Ten 500 h.p. Aultman-Taylor. water tube boilers with chain grates, gravity fed and equipped with fuel economizers. Total rated boiler horse power 5,000, average horse power on day watch, 4,000, and load factor of 80%. The engine, motor, pump and compressor units are as follows : One 400 h.p. 300 k.w. horizontal, compound, condensing engine; one 670 h.p. 500 k.w. horizontal, compound, condensing engine; one 1,- 340. h.p. 1,000 k.w, vertical compound condensing engine ; one 1,610 h.p. 1,200 k.w. vertical compound condensing engine; one 670 h.p. 500 k.w. turbine generator (not counter) ; one 165 h.p. compound condensing air compi'essor ; two 30 h.p. horizontal vacuum pumps; one 40 h.p. horizontal elevator pump ; one 40 h.p. horizontal circulat- ing pump; one 20 h.p., 16-ton ice machine; five motor-driven com- pressors or pumps (not counted) ; four 50 condensing sets. Total rated h.p. of engine, motor pump and compressor units is 4,545, average h.p. on daily watch 5,400, and load factor 119%. The daily payroll follows: 3 firemen at $2 $ 6.00 3 asst. firemen, 8 hrs., at $1.92 5.76 2 water. tenders, 10 hrs. at $2.80 5.60 2 ash shovelers, 10. hrs.,. at $2.40 4.80 For boiler room $22.16 1 chief engineer, 10 hrs., at $6 6.00 3 asst. engineers, 8 hrs., at $3.29 9.87 6 oilers, 8 hrs., at $2 12.00 2 janitors, 10 hrs., at $2 4.00 1 machinist, 9 hrs., at $3 3.00 1 helper, 9 hrs., at $2 2.00 Total ....... ... . :...... $36.87 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 5, the maximum h.p. of boiler per fireman per watch is 2,000. On the day watch 8,600 lbs. of coal are gravity fed per fireman, on the average. The number of City pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 8 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 6 ; and the average equivalent number of pumping engines per Qiler per watch- is 4. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1277 The actual daily payroll is $45.43, the corrected $59.03. The average pay per man per day $2.52, per hr. 23 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll is 91.5. Plant No. 6 does not run 24 hrs. One extra assistant shoveler, two janitors and two oilers are added to give 24 hr. service. Kirtland Street Station, Cleveland, Ohio, Municipal Plant. There are eight 272.5 h.p, B. & W. water tube boilers, with superheaters and chain grates, gravity fed. The total rated boiler horsepower is 2,180, the average h.p. on the day watch is 1,140, and the load factor is 52%. There are two 875 h.p. 25,000,000 gal. vertical triplex pumps, and three 585 h.p. 15,000,000 gal. horizontal compound pumps. The total rated h.p. of the engine units is 3,505, the average h.p. on the day watch is 1,820 and the load factor is 52%. One of the 585 h.p. units is located in a separate building, on opposite side of the boiler room from engine room in which the other four units are located. The work is done in 8-hr. shifts, the watchmen working 12 hrs. The daily payroll follows : 4 firemen at $2.32 $ 9.28 6 firemen at $2 12.00 1 boiler cleaner at $2.56 2.56 1 boiler cleaner at $2 2.00 3 feed pump tenders at $2 6,00 Total for boiler room $31.84 1 chief engineer at $6.03 6.03 1 asst. engineer at $4.11 4.11 2 operating engineers at $3.24 6.48 6 operating engineers at $3 18.00 2 clerks at $2.63 5.26 3 oilers at $2.16 6.48 3 oilers at $1.84 5.52 1 repair man at $2 2.00 1 janitor at $2.24 2.24 5 janitors at $1.76 8.80 1 pipe fitter at $3.52 3.52 1 pipe fitter helper at $2.24 2.24 1 machinist at $3.52 3.52 . 1 second machinist at $3.04 3.04 1 blacksmith at $3.04 3.04 2 blacksmith helpers at $2 2.00 2 watchmen at $2.64 5.28 $87.56 The maximum number of boilers per firemen per watch is 2, and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 500. On the day watch there are 1,400 lbs. of coal gravity fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 5. The number of City pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 7 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 2.1 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 3.-5. The ratio of the of coal to cost of labor is 0.90. The daily payroll is $119.42. 127S MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The average pay per man per day is $2.49, per hr. is 31 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll is 15.2._ North Point Station, Milwaukee, Wis., Municipal Plant. There are six 125 h.p. horizontal tubular boilers with Hawley down draught furnaces, flush front, hand fired, and three 150 h.p. hori- zontal tubular boilers, with Hawley down draft furnaces, extension front, hand fired. The total rated boiler h.p. is 1,200, the average boiler h.p. on the day watch is 470, and the load factor is 39.1%. The engine units are as follows: two 218 h.p, 8,000,000 gal., vertical compound, condensing beam engines; one 327 h.p. 12,000,- 000 gal. Vertical Steeple compound, condensing engine, one 490 h.p., 18,000,000 gal. vertical triplex condensing engines; two 545 h.p. 20,000,000 ga,l. vertical triplex condensing engines, and one 561 h.p. 12,000,000 gal. vertical triplex condensing engine. The rated h.p. of the total of the engine units is 2,904, the average h.p. on the day watch is 994, and the load factor is 34.2%. There are two separate boiler rooms, one on each side of the engine room. The work is done in 8-hour shifts. The daily payroll follows : 6 firemen at $2.33 $14.00 3 coal passers at $2 : 6,00 1/2 coal weigher at $1.83 9 2 % coal trimmer at $1.67 83 $21.75 1 engineer in charge at $4.17 4.17 3 asst. engineers at $3.50 10.50 6 oilers at $2.33 14.00 1/2 machinist at $2.78 1.39 1/2 blacksmith at $2.50 1.25 1^ blacksmith helper at $2 1.00 1/2 carpenter at $2.33 1.67 2 janitors at $2 4.00 5 helpers, etc., at $2 10.00 $47.98 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 3, and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 300. On the day watch there are 855 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 7. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 4 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per month is 3 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 2. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.96. The daily payroll is $69.73. The average pay per man per day is $2.40, per hr. is 30 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily payroll is 14.3. Peoria, Illinois, Pumping Station. Private Plant. There are six 150 h.p. Heine water tube boilers, with plain grates, hand fired, and three 400 h.p., 7,000,000 gal., vertical compound condensing pumping engines. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 900 and of the engines 1,200. The average h.p. on the day watch is 300 for the boilers and 400 for the engines, the load factor being 33% for both. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1279 The firemen work 9 hrs. and the assistant firemen 8 % hrs. ; all others work 10 hrs. 3 firemen at $2 $ 6.00 1 asst. fireman (who washes boilers, cleans filters, wheels ashes, etc.) at $1.83 1.83 1 coal passer at $1.75 1.75 $9.58 1 chief engineer at $3.89 3.89 2 asst. engineers at $2.50 , 5.00 1 machinist at $2.50 2.50 • 1 oiler and wiper at $1.83 1.83 I laborer at $1.75 1.75 $14.97 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 2 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 300. On the day watch there are 1,833 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is ly^ ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is l\'z ; the average equiv- alent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 4. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 1.08. The daily pay roll is $24.55. The average pay per man per day is $2.23, per hour is 25 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 16.3. Chicago City Pumping Station. Statistics of the eight major pumping stations of Chicago are given below. In all cases the men at the stations work 8 hrs. a day. Chicago Avenue Pumping Station. There are six 250 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, gravity fed, erected 1900 to 1904. There are two 235 h.p., 12,000,000 gals., horizontal compound, Gaskill engines, piston speed 116 ft., 17.3 r.p.m., erected 1887; and three 4498 h.p., 25,000,000 gals., vertical triple, Allis engines, speed of piston 488 ft., 61 r.p.m., erected 1904 to 1906. The total rated boiler h.p. is 1,500, and the engine h.p. 1,964. The average boiler h.p. under service is 1,000 and the engine h.p, 1,380. The boiler load factor is 67%, and the engine load factor 70%. The daily pay roll follows : II firemen at $2.96 $ 32.56 5 coal passers at $2.74 13.70 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 1 conveyor engineer at. $3. 29 3.29 $ 52.97 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 6 asst. engineers at $5.48 32.88 12 oilers at $2.96 35.52 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 1 well tender at $2.74 2.74 5 laborers at $2.50 12.50 6/7 steamfitter at $5.50 ' 4.70 6/7 steamfitter helper at $3.50 3.00 12/7 machinist at $5 * 8.55 $109.21 1280 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1.1 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 273. On the day watch there are 1,130 lbs. of coal gravity fired per hr. per fireman. The total number of engine units is 5. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 3.6 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 1.5 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 0.9. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.83, The daily pay roll is $162.18. The average pay per man per day is $3.40, per hr. is 42.5 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 8.5. Fourteenth Street Pumping Station. There are six 250 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, gravity fed, erected in 1904, and three 200 h.p. B. & W. water tube boilers, with Roney stokers, erected in 1898, but not now in use. There are three 296 h.p., 15,000,000 gal. vertical, triple, Allis engines, 159 ft. piston speed, 15.9 r.p.m., erected in 1891-92, and one 592 h.p., 30,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, Lake Erie engine, 123 ft. piston speed, 19.3 r.p.m., erected in 1898. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 1,500 and of the engines is 1,480. The average h.p. developed by the boilers is 1,000 and by the engines is 1,406, the load factors being 67% for the boilers and 95% for the engines. The daily pay roll is as follows : 4 coal passers at $2.96 $29.60 10 firemen at $2.74 10.96 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 1 conveyor engineer at $3.29 3.29 $47.27 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 3 asst, engineers at $5.48 16.44 13 oilers at $2.96 38.48 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 2 laborers at $2.50 5.00 6/7 steamfitter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfitter helper at $3.50 3.00 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 $81.22 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1.2, and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 300. On the day watch there are 1,370 lbs. of coal gravity fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 4. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 4.4; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 3.3 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 1.0. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 1.15. The daily pay roll is $128.49. The average pay per man per day is $3.36. per hr. is 42 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 10.9. Sixty -eighth Street Pumping Station. There are four 100 h.p, and four 129 h.p. horizontal, tubular boilers with common grates, PUMPS AND PUMPING 1281 hand flred, the former erected in 1898 and the latter in 1890 ; and four 3 40 h.p. B. & W. water tube boilers with chain grates, gravity fed. erected in 1906. There are four 263 h.p., 12,000,000 gal. horizontal, compound, Gaskill engines, 108 ft. piston speed, 16.2 r.p.m., erected 1886 to 1898, and one 263 h.p. 12.000,000 gal. horizontal compound, Wor- thington engine, 96 ft. piston speed, 12 r.p.m., erected in 1890, and one 308 h.p., 14,000,000 gal., horizontal, compound, Holly engine, 120 ft. piston speed, 18 r.p.m., erected 1898, and one 438 h.p., 20,- 000,000 gal., horizontal, compound. Snow engine, 305 ft. piston speed, 43.5 r.p.m., erected 1906. The total rated h.p. of the bolters is 2,276 and of the engines is 2,061. The average h.p. developed by the boilers is 1,196 and by the engines is 1,700, the load factor being 53% and 82% respectively. The daily pay roll is as follows : 10 firemen at $2.96 $ 29.60 8 coal passers at .$2.74 21.92 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 6/7 crane engineer at $5.60 4.80 $ 59.74 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 3 asst. engineers at $5.48 16.44 21 oilers at $2.96 62.16 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 1 well tender at $2.74 2.74 5 laborers at $2.50 12.50 1 rigger at $2.63 2.63 6/7 steamfitter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfitter helper at $3.50 3.00 12/7 machinists at $5 8.55 6/7 machinist helper at $3.20 2.74 $124.78 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1.8 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 362. On the day watch there are 590 lbs. of coal hand fired and 6,650 lbs. gravity fed per hr. per fireman. The total number of units is 7. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 5.6 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 4.2 ; the average equivalent number of pumping en- gines per oiler per watch is 0.6. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.82. The daily pay roll is $184.52. The average pay per man per day is $3.23. per hour is 40.4 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 9.2. Twenty-second Street Pumping Station. There are six 161 h.p., horizontal, tubular boilers with Hawley down draught furnaces, hand fired, erected 1884, and six 137 h.p., horizontal, tubular boilers with Hawley down draft furnaces, hand fired, erected 189 4. There are two 267 h.p., 15,000,000 gal., vertical, compound. Beam Quintard, Corliss engines. 196 ft. piston speed, 9.8 r.p.m., erected 1876, and two 267 h.p., 15,000,000 gal., vertical, compound. Beam 1282 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Quintard, Corliss engines, 187 ft. piston speed, 9.4 r.p.m., erected 1884. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 1,788 and of the. engines is 1,068. The average h.p. developed by the boilers is 1,100 and by the engines is 965, the load factor being 62% for the boilers and 90% for the engines. The daily pay roll is as follows: 15 firemen at $2.96 $44.40 8 coal passers at $2.74 21.92 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 $69.74 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 3 asst. engineers at $5.48 16.44 9 oilers at 2.96 26.64 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 1 laborer at $2.50 2.50 6/7 steamfltter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfltter helper at $3.50 3.00 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 $66.88 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1.2 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 220. On the day watch there are 870 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 4. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 3.5 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 2.6; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 0.9. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 1.04. The daily pay roll is $136.62. The average pay per man per day is $3.28, per hour is 41 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 7.1. Lake View Pumping Station. There are two 210 h.p. Scotch marine boilers erected in 1897, but not now in use. and four 250 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, hand fired, erected in 1906. There is one 90 h.p., 5,000,000 gal., horizontal, compound, Wor- thington engine, 89.4 ft. piston speed, 14.9 r.p.m., erected in 1885, and one 215 h.p., 12,000,000 gal., horizontal, compound, Gaskill en- gine, 105 ft. piston speed, 17.3 r.p.m., erected in 1888, and one 234 h.p., 13,000,000 gal. horizontal compound Gaskill engine, 105 ft. pis- ton speed, 17.3 r.p.m., erected 1891, and one 251 h.p., 14,000,000 gal. horizontal, compound, Holly engine, 119 ft. piston speed, 17.8 r.p.m., erected 1898, and one 450 h.p., 25,000.000 gal., vertical, triple, Allis engine, 170 ft. piston speed, 25 r.p.m., erected 1909. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 1.000 and of the engines is 1,240. The average h.p. developed by the boilers is 750 and by the engines is 790, the load factors being 75% and 64% respectively. The daily pay roll is as follows : 9 firemen at $2.96 $26.64 3 coal passers at $2.74 8.22 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 $38.28 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1283 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 3 asst. engineers at $5.48 16.44 12 oilers at $2.96 35.52 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 I well tender at $2.74 2.74 1 laborer at $2.50 2.50 6/7 steamfitter at $5 4.70 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 6/7 machinist helper at $3.20 2.74 $78.24 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 250. On the day watch there are 1,140 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 5. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 2.8 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 2.1 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 0.7. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.77. The daily pay roll is $116.52. The average pay per man per day is $3.37, per hr. is 42 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 6.8. Sprint) field Avenue Pumping Station. There are six 200 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, hand fired, erected in 1900, and two 250 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, hand fired, erected in 1907. There are three 420 h.p., 20,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, direct acting, Worthington engines, 144 ft. piston speed, 17.6 r.p.m., erected in 1900, and one 840 h.p., 40,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, direct acting, Worthington engine, 170 ft. piston speed, 16.7 r.p.m., erected in 1906. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 1,700 and of the engines is 2,100. The average h.p. developed by the boilers is 900 and by the engines is 1,442, the load factors being 53% and 69% re- spectively. The daily pay roll is as follows : 12 firemen at $2.96 $35.52 7 coal passers at $2.74 19.18 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 6/7 hoist engineer at $5.60 4.80 $62.92 1 chief engineer at $6.85 6.85 3 asst. engineers at $5.48 16.44 13 oilers at $2.96 38.48 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 3 laborers at $2.50 7.50 6/7 .steamfitter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfitter heli)er at $3.50 3.00 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 $83.72 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 225. On the day watch there are 1,190 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. 1284 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The total number of engine units is 4. The number of city pumping engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 5.2 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines _ per engineer per watch is 3.9 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per oiler per watch is 1.2 The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.9. The daily pay roll is $146.64 The average pay per man per day is $3.30, per hour is 41 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 9.8. Central Park Avenue Pumping Station. There are six- 200 h.p. and two 250 h.p. Scotch marine boilers, with Hawley down draught furnaces, hand fired, the former erected in 1899 and the latter in 1907. There are three 405 h.p., 20,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, direct acting, Worthington engines, 144 ft. piston speed, 17.6 r.p.m., erected in 1900-01, and one 810 h.p., 40,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, direct acting, Worthington engine, 170 ft. piston speed, 16.7 r.p.m., erected in 1906. The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 1,700 and of the engines is 2,025. The average h.p. develot)ed by the boilers is 1,100 and by the engines 1,380, the load factors being 65% and 68% respectively. The daily pay roll is as follows : 13 firemen at $2.96 $38.48 4 coal passers at $2.74 10.96 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 1 conveyor engineer at $3.29 3.29 $56.15 1 chief engineer at $6.85 $ 6.85 3 assistant engineers at $5.48 16.44 12 oilers at $2.96 35.52 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 3 laborers at $2.50 7.50 6/7 steamfitter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfitter helper at $3.50 3.00 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 $80.76 The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1.2, and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 254. On the day watch there are 1,062 lbs. of coal hand fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 4. The number of city pump- ing engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 5.2 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per en- gineer per watch is 3.9 ; the average equivalent number of pump- ing engines per oiler per watch is 1.3 The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.92. The daily pay roll is $136.91. The average pay per man per day is $3.29, per hour is 41 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 10.1. Harrison Street Puynpiny Station. There are two 340 h.p. B. & W. water tube boilers, with chain grates, hand fed to hopper, erected in 1906. There are tv/o 282 h.p., 15,000,000 gal., vertical, triple, Allis engines, 159 ft. piston speed, 15.9 r.p.m., erected in 1889. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1285 The total rated h.p. of the boilers is 680 and of the engines is 564, The average h.p. developed by the boilers Is 340 and by the engines is 628, the load factors being 50% and 111% respectively. The daily pay roll is as follows : / 3 firemen at $2.96 $ 8.88 3 coal passers at $2,74 8.22 1 boiler washer at $3.42 3.42 $20.52 1 chief engineer at $6.85 $ 6.85 3 assistant engineers at $5.48 16.44 6 oilers at $2.96 17.76 1 janitor at $2.47 2.47 1 well tender at $2.74 2.74 6/7 steainfitter at $5.50 4.70 6/7 steamfitter helper at $3.50 3.00 6/7 machinist at $5 4.28 $58.24 . The maximum number of boilers per fireman per watch is 1 and the maximum h.p. corresponding is 340. On the day watch there are 2,160 lbs. of coal gravity fired per hour per fireman. The total number of engine units is 2. The number of city pump- ing engines equivalent to the average number of units in service is 2.3 ; the average equivalent number of pumping engines per engineer per watch is 1.7; the average equivalent number of pump- ing engines per oiler per watch is 1.15. The ratio of the cost of coal to cost of labor is 0.73. The daily pay roll is $78.76. The average pay per man per day is $3.65, per hr. is 4 6 cts. The actual engine h.p. per dollar of daily pay roll is 8. Tests and Operating Costs of Two Oil-Fuel Pumping Plants. These notes were published in Engineering News, Aug. 20, 1908, and are from plants at Wrentham and Wareham, Mass. The Wrentham plant includes 5.64 miles of 6, 8 and 10-in. cast- iron mains and 0.32 miles of 2-ln. with steel standpipe, 30 ft. in diam. by 50 ft. high with adjacent oil-fuel pumping plant. The entire works cost about $50,000. The supply is from 2.5-in. tubular wells tapping a sandy, waterbearing, gravel stratum. The flow is such that the whole group of wells flows naturally when un- capped 1 ft. above the ground. The pumping station contains one room 25 by 36 ft. Inside. The elevation of the floor being 5 ft. below ground level, the well water nearly floods the suction chamber of the pump. The equipment consisted of a 25 h.p., 12 by 12 in., two stroke cycle, horizontal, crude-oil engine (Mietz & Weiss), with a fuel oil tank and air compressor for starting. To this was geared an 8 by 10 in. Smith-Vaile pump, with actual ordinary use capacity of 250 U. S. gals, per min. at 90 r.p.m., against 130 lb. per sq. in. pressure. The test,- of which the summary was given above, was made on Wednesday, March 4, 1908, under normal daily conditions of pumr)ing, using ordinary fuel weighing 7.5 lbs. per gal. and costing about 5.75 cts. per gal. delivered at the pumping station, 1,5 miles from the freight station. 1286 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The works at Wareham include 5.4 miles of 6, 8 and 10-in. cast- iron mains, 34 fire hydrants, a steel stand-pipe 20 ft, by 100 ft. high and a double unit oil-fuel-engine pumping plant in the village of Tihonet. The supply is from 2.5 in. tubular wells, the combined yield of six of which during a steam-pumping test covering 85.5 continuous hrs, was at the rate of 315,000 gals, per day. The pumping station building is almost exactly like that at Wrentham. TABLE3 XXXV. SUMMARY OF TEST ON OIL FUEL PUMPING PLANTS. WRENTHAM AND WAREHAM, MASS. *Wrentham , fWareham ^ Single unit North unit South unit Length test hours 6 3.5 3.5 Total No. revolutions.. 14,616 8,460 8,063 Average r.p.m 40.6 40.3 38.4 Average capacity pump gals, per min 262.28 260.34 248.06 Total gals, pumped 94,419.36 54,651.6 52,087.0 Lbs. per cu. ft. at 48 and 49 deg. F 62.41 62.40 62.40 Average pressure, lbs. per sq. in., pumped against 77.625 102.0 102.0 Average vacuum, ins... 13.2 10.9 10.5 Total equivalent height, corrected 197.88 249.86 249.33 Equivalent pressure for total height, lbs. per sq. in 85.88 108.44 108.21 Total work ; pump ; ft.- Ibs 155,888,912 133,915,544 108,339,314 Average pump, h.p 13.122 16.44 15.63 Hp.-hrs. developed at pump 78.732 57.54 54.71 Total lbs. fuel oil 153.25 98.0 92.0 Lbs. fuel oil per h.p.-hr., based on h.p. at pump end 1.95 1.70 1.70 Cost pumping 1,000 gals., cents 2.06 1.67 1.65 Cost raising 1,000,000 gals. 1 ft., cents 10.4 6.7 6.6 * Wrentham test made under normal conditions. t Wareljam test made with force-main stop gate throttled to in- crease work done by engine. TABLE XXXVI. RECORD OF PERFORMANCE. WAREHAM AND WRENTHAM, OIL-FUEL, PUMPING PLANTS. (May, 1908.) * Wrentham * Wareham plant plant Days operated 20 27 Days idle 11 4 Average pumping period 3 hrs., 34 mins. 2 hrs., 38 mins. Total gals, pumped; basis of 1% slip. 1,132,968 1,106,268 Population supplied , 900 1,000 Average daily consumption, gals, per capita 41 36 ♦ Both plants operating under normal daily conditions, PUMPS AND PUMPING , 1287 Average per cent, of superintendent's and engineer's time at pumping sta., on basis of 9 hr. day, including Sun- days 30.9 43.1 Gals, fuel for pumping 258 269 Gals, fuel for warming up 26 33 Gals, fuel chargeable to month 284 302 Cost of fuel oil $17.04 $21.14 Gals, lubricating oil 3.0 4.3 Gals, cylinder oil 2.5 0.5 Average pressure, lbs. per sq. in., pumped against 88.7 64.5 Average ins. vacuum, suction main.. ;■ 12.6 10.2 Total equivalent height of lift, includ- ing correction for gage heights 221.76 162.52 Average gals, pumped per gal. fuel used in pumping alone 4,400 4,110 Average gals, pumped per gal. fuel, all uses 4,000 3,660 Average duty per 100 lbs. fuel for pumping alone 72,000,000 66,000,000 Average duty per 100 lbs. fuel, all uses 65,000,000 59,000,000 Average pump, h.p 9.55 9.2 The pumping outfit consists of duplicate 25 h.p., 12 by 12 in. two-stroke cycle, horizontal crude-oil (Mietz & Weiss) engines, connected to two 8 by 10 in. vertical, triplex pumps (Sraith-Vaile), A test on both units was made on April 21, 1908, using ordinary fuel oil weighing 7.5 lbs. per gal. and costing about 7 cts. per gal. delivered at the station. Cost of a 64-h. p. Gasoline Pumping Plant and Pumping. P. E. Harroun in the Transactions of the American Society of Civil En- gineers, March, 1905, gives the following on the cost of a gasoline pumping plant for the water-works of Porterville, Cal., a city of 2,000 population: Two gasoline engines : Two gasoline engines, each 32 h.p $2,860 Hauling and placing on foundations 90 Two belt tighteners 76 Framing and placing same 22 Fittings, foundation bolts, tubes, etc 48 Labor, lining up, adjusting, etc., 30 cts. per hr. . . 38 Belting 141 Miscellaneous 11 Cost of two engines in place $3,286 Two pumps : Two 9 X 12-in. single acting triijlex pumps. ... $2,816 Hauling and placing on foundations 170 Foundation bolts, tubes and setting same 42 Special castings 372 Pipe, flanges and bolts 248 Valves 160 Fittings, gaskets, miscellaneous and blacksmithing 134 Labor connecting up 100- Ejector, pipe fittings and connecting up 38 Cost of two pumps $4,080 1288 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA This makes the combined cost of engines and pumi3S, exclusive of concrete foundations, $7,366. The cost of pumping with this plant into a stand-pipe was as follows, in the month of May, 1904: 1,700 gals, crude Coalinga oil, at 4 cts $68.00 22 gals, engine oil, at 50 cts 11.00 5 gals, engine gasoline, at 30 cts 1.50 25 gals, pump oil, at 50 cts 12.50 8 lbs. pump gear compounds, at 25 cts 2.00 20 lbs. waste, at 10 cts 2.00 % time of superintendent 50.00 Full time of assistant superintendent 65.00 Total per month $212.00 During this month the pumps raised 12,678,000 gals, a height of 164 ft. ; the pumps actually pumped 458 hrs. This makes the cost a trifle more than 10 cts. per million gallons raised 1 ft. high. There were 1,200 consumers who used 340 gals, per capita. The crude oil weighs 7.25 lbs. per gal., and develops 19,600 B.t.u. per gal. The best performance of the plant, extending over several days, has been 1.43 pints of crude oil per horse-power-hour. The combined efficiency of the pump and belting was 70%, so that 1 pint of crude oil developed about 1 b.h.p. per hr. Half of the superintendent's time is charged to the plant and half to the office expense of the water-works system. Cost of Pumping with Gasoline and Cheaper Fuels Compared. C. R. Knowles (Engineering and Contracting, Mai'ch 1, 1916), states that on the Illinois Central railroad in order to utilize the existing equipment many of the gasoline engines now in service have been converted to kerosene and distillate engines by the addition of attachments for pre-heating the oil to or near the flashing point before the oil enters the cylinder. These attachments consist of generators or mixing chambers wherein the oil is heated by the exhaust of the engine. They are made in various sizes and types, both for throttling and for hit and miss governors. With these attachments the engine is generally started on gasoline and is allowed to run on this fuel until the cylinder and generator are heated, when the oil is cut in. On other types a retort is pro- vided where the oil is converted into a vapor or gas by heating the retort with a blow torch. Either method requires from flve to ten minutes to start an engine running on oil. Electric ignition is used, as with gasoline engines. Very little carbon trouble is ex- perienced with the use of these attachments and the lubrication required is about the same as with a gasoline engine. A series of tests as recorded in the table of various fuels was made, pumping a total head of 61 ft., with an 8xl0-in. single cylinder double acting pump direct connected to a 6-h.p. four-cycle horizontal gasoline engine equipped to run on kerosene and distil- lates as well as gasoline, controlled by a throttling governor. This engine was one of the first gasoline engines ever equipped to operate on low grade oils and has been continually operated on distillates from 36 degs. to 42 degs. Baume for the past six years. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1289 t> t- 1— ,H T-i o o o hCtoioo ri oj rt !-i Sh ;^ 0) a; ft aa a as Ul (D Q> dJ a H KiSdSa Id t? O^ o fe -^£^S2 g S^g^^ ^ ■- ^ ri C! 3 S3 ^ XJ ^X2 g ^XJJIJ'X^ 13 03 72 M W K sJ :^ 03 03 rt [iH^^P^^ «ll ^a) 'UJ ^0 ^ s /' ^-55 ^, y^ X \ N .^ ^^0^ ,' ^ n -- N ^^ fi^^ r^ ^^45- K LlH ■«-3 40 \ n ^-> F "•^ -^ % f V -30 ' \ ^^ no 290 310 330 350 370 390 Gallons Per Minute Fig. 3. Diagram of air lift pump efficiency. o J .s 0) p. 1^ tJ ^ "^ as < 63 42.8 3.22 5.40 59.6 62 43.9 3.56 6.54 54.-2 1296 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA General Electric air flow meter, and the water was measured by pumping- into a 1,000-gal, tank for an interval of time measured with stop wa'tches. The accompanying curves were plotted from the table. The normal output of the well was about 300 gals, per minute and the efficiency at this point was very nearly 60%. This efRciency is over all from the steam end of the compressor. Fif- teen per cent, was added to the theoretical air horsepower to allow for friction. The curves show that when the well is forced beyond the normal output, the efficiency falls off rapidly. This is due to the increase of water friction with the higher velocity and to the decreased submergence. The following data relate to the well and the test : Depth of well, 120 ft. ; diameter, 8 ins. ; surface to foot-piece, 106 ft. ; foot- piece to point of discharge, 115.5 ft. ; eductilon pipe, 5 ins. ; air pipe, 1.25 ins. oj fl « ^ ^ .5- ^B ^ ^ ^ . ^. O O M Ph O 50 300 31.5 35.3 .166 60 322 31.0 35.5 .186 100 392 27.5 37.5 .255 55 52.0 4.55 11.30 40.2 Cost of Pumping Machinery and Reservoirs for Small Water Works. W. S. Johnson (Engineering and Contracting, Sept. 30, 1914), gives the cost of several small pumping plants of municipally owned water works in Massachusetts. The cost of buildings for this machinery is given in the chapter on Buildings. The costs of distributing reservoirs for these plants are given in Table XLI. Cost of Pumping at Scranton, Pa. The total pumpage of the Maiden Creek pumping station of Scranton, Pa., for one year was 2,259,191,840 gals., without allowance for slip. The station is equipped with Worthington and Allis-Chalmers pumping machinery. Bituminous coal costing $2.65 per gross ton delivered was used and 6,022,100 lbs. were consumed during the year. The wood used cost ?3.50 per cord, and an amount equivalent to 1,800 lbs. of coal was used. The average static head against which the pumps worked was 212.6 ft., and the average dynamic head was 291.8 ft. The number of gals, pumped per pound of equivalent coal was 375. The total cost of maintaining the pumping station was $13,301.91, or $5.89 per million gals, pumped, or 2 cts. per million gals, raised 1 ft. (dynamic). The principal items in the station expenses were Coal, $7,129.83; oiling and packing, $1,010.73; firing boilers, $967 running engines, $907.54 ; unloading and stacking coal, $601.76 superintendence and general work, $528.43 ; oil and grease, $603.86 tools and supplies, $354.70; watching, $300.74. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1297 m ^ OOOW50U50 OOOO0U5OOOO Q^Q C'OCOt-IOOiH U5lJaOOOC3 0CCOOO mO^ (MOOtDOOioos'^ti wusot-cvioji-iT-ii-ioo 0?^i-l tH r-lT-lrHTHrHr-lT-l _, ooOincooO'LO •"^ot^ooiapicor-i-* "^ ifloc-ooooin r-i eo irt o o r~ ■* «o . OOCOC- O t-^'^,^'-! 00 O O in SUipntOUl :jSOO io«oMO(M-;j-<*l •UIBip '9ZIg o "MO COt-I oo oin o .tooooT-HOOoaooir-ooooo "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5i5-So-55 o o > > ^ a ft a a ft a a a a a a d a a a a'a a a a aa a +j O C)^_>^_)4J+J^_l+J^_)^_J^_>+J^_) mUijxnmmuimmmuimmm O ? ,. o! O 3 c U o o ;c o % -^ oSS 'r d d rv o 7j iO r-T '^ ^ o e>- "^ /15 CO C/3 C/D 2 ^ ^a O ^S 00 •'-' iS 5l««OrH t ^ 4S oo o 5: lO j-t-Olt- 3 o ss O'S'+JrC cr c kH '"' h5 05 050 Cooo «5 iri d t- d d d M L^ U5 ... (M iH a)6e-e«-€«- I 'cS is, ,i4 J2 a-^'*<-*o.^>fl 0*^ T-leo-* S3 1^53 ^ ^Ss £J^ •U5 THr-IIM •1-1 OOO ^1 ^-6 OQ^ . 3 rHO^ "d ddd rH^ .so Nr- '€«- €«-eo^e«- «3 Ho 1-1 lO«DrH Eh r" != o. d-i tHSDOO g C g P • CO T-i-Moq •CO OOO "d ddd ■6*3- €«-««-6e- is eo -0 ^^ . • s (U . . ^ d (X) 1 01 y a -d o OOO thOO o l-H c 1 3 - g t- a+j rt o^'-ii-t • sis O O tW H o ^ J . fC m c 1 rc ■3^ tt3 Ol r c s2 ;: o c o ^ s W W M a 5 Q ffiffih ^ OP. OOH 1302 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Discharge, vertical distance and size : Gasoline, discharge 6 Ins., distance 35 ft. Steam, discharge 6 ins., distance 36 ft. The difference in cost of labor per thousand gallons of water between coal and gasoline is explained as lying in salary of pumper, the man using coal receiving $33 per month and the man using gasoline receiving $5 per month. Lake Superior & Ishpeming Ry. The following data are given by A. Anderson: Total cost of pumping for 1907 : Whiteflsh Blapneck tank tank Labor, pumping $117.08 $187.91 Keeping fire under tank 49.26 57.00 Coal for fire under tank 19.37 19.37 Gasoline 53.61 45.93 Oil and waste 4.62 6.26 Repairs to engine 48.59 72.59 Repairs, buildings or tanks . 36.67 169.39 Cost of all labor and material $329.20 $558.45 No. gals, water pumped during year 2,176,000 3,208,500 In explanation of these figures Mr. Anderson says the above statement is a record kept of pumping and repair costs at two of our principal water stations for the year 1907, and represents a year's maintenance and operation.- The gasoline cost per 1,000 gals, of water is about $0.0187. A 3.5 h.p. gasoline engine was used at Whiteflsh and a 2.5 h.p. at Slapneck. The pumps and engines are located beneath tank. Fire is kept from about Nov. 1 to April to keep engines, pumps and water from freezing, using ordinary soft coal with station stoves, for this purpose. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. J. F. Parker gives the following statement : We do not use on this division either gasoline, kerosene or coal. We have three plants where distillate is used and at the balance of. our pumping plants we use oil for fuel. I have given you the cost for one gas engine plant, also for one plant where crude oil is used for fuel. The deep well pump and power head used at the distillate plants is, I believe, machinery that is used only on the Paciflc coast. The cost at the station using distillate is given by Mr. Parker as follows : Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., distillate. ... $.039 Cost of pumping water, per 1,000 gals., labor 015 Cost of distillate per gal 08 Kind of pump, size and horse power : Pomona deep well double- plunger pump, with No. 18 power head, operated by 10 -h.p. West Coast gasoline engine. Suction, size and lift : 6-in. suction, 80-ft. lift. Discharge, horizontal distance and size : 4-in. discharge, distance 600 ft. Discharge, vertical distance and size : 4-in. discharge, distance 27 ft. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1303 TABLE XLIV. AVERAGE COST OF PUMPING WATER PER 100 GALLONS BY GASOLINE ENGINE POWER FOR SIX MONTHS. AUG., 1902. TO JAN., 1903, INCLUSIVE (NOT INCLUDING REPAIRS) Consumption Consumption C & N W under 500,000 gals. over 500,000 gals. Ry. per month per month Gals, per Cost per Gals per Cost per Divisions month 1,000 gals. month 1,000 gals. Galena 334.000 $.0760 1,532.000 $.0413 s;^r"^'" »«■»»» ■»=»» i5ji» s Average $0.0824 $0.0323 Regarding the use of crude oil, Mr. Parker states: Our pumping is done principally by steam pumps, using crude oil for fuel at 25 cts. per barrel of 42 gals. With this oil we are enabled to raise water 80 ft., including suction and discharge, at a cost of $.0015 for the oil per 1,000 gals, of water pumped and $.015 for labor, or a total of $.0165. At this crude oil plant, Victorville, we produced for the month 3,507,000 gals, of water at a cost of $77.50 for fuel, labor and maintenance, or an average of $.022 per 1,000 gals, of water. Northern Pacific Ry. F. Ingalls furnishes the following data, where the cost of pumping with gasoline and coal are very nearly equal : Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., gasoline ..$0.0333 Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., coal 0.02 .Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., labor, gas 0.0225 Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., labor, coal 0.039 COvSt of ga.soline per gal 0.15 Cost of coal per ton (lignite coal used) 1.25 Kind of pump, size and horse power: 5 x 12-in. pump in steam plant. 20 h.p. gasoline engine, with Smith- Vaile deep well pump, in gasoline plant. Suction, size and lift: 6-in. suction, 800 ft. long, with 12-ft. lift, in steam plant; 8-in. suction, 18-ft. lift, in gasoline plant. Discharge, horizontal distance and size: 6-in. discharge, 100 ft. long, in steam plant; 6-in. discharge, 125 ft. long, in gasoline plant. Discharge, vertical distance and size: 6-in. discharge, 32 ft. to bottom of tank in both plants. Lake Erie & Western R. R. Penwell gives the following data : " We have but few gasoline pumping stations. We have two small plants that are not considered in this report that are very expensive. My experience has -been that if a small supply is re- quired there is but little economy in gasoline outfits, but where a large supply is required we have found the gasoline economical. We have but four gasoline pumping stations and no kerosene plants." 1304 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The following table gives results of Mr. Penwell's tests : Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., gasoline ..,.$0,032 Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., coal 0.057 Cost of pumping water per 1,000 gals., labor 0.012 Cost of gasoline per gal 0.11 Cost of coal per ton 2.50 Kind of pump, size and horse power : Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Duplex, 10x7x12 in., steam plant. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 8 x 12 in., in gasoline plant. Suction, size and lift: 6-in. suction, 15-ft. lift. Discharge, horizontal distance and size: 6-in. discharge, 3,600 ft. long. Discharge, vertical distance and size : 6-in. discharge, 50 ft. long. Total Fixed Charges and Operating Costs of Rotatory Pumps Compared with Those of High-Duty, Vertical, Triple-Expansion Type. The following figures based on estimates were prepared by "Walter O. Beyer, and published in Engineering Record, June 15, 1912. CAPACITY 8,000,000 GAL. DALLY 'c Vf-w ^t?ipfe-'- 491 w.h.p. steam- . Item. exp^lsI-o'oToOO ^"5^Xy%hrle'??f ' duty, three 125- ^^jj^' ^fi^jl^Jj^- h.p. boilers. ^-P- toilers. Cost pump, unit $72,000 $16,000 Int. and depr., 10% 7,200 1,600 Cost boilers 11,250 15,750 Int. and depr., 17% 1,915 2.680 Labor, 3 shifts, engines 2,700 2,700 Labor, 3 shifts, boilers 1,800 1,800 Total int., depr. and labor 13,615 8,780 Fuel cost, $2 per ton 7,467 10,700 Fuel cost, $3 per ton 11,129 16,100 Fuel cost, $4 per ton 14,934 21,400 Total annual cost, coal, at $2. . 21,082 19,480 Total annual cost, coal, at $3.. 24,744 24,880 Total annual cost, coal, at $4. . 28,549 30,180 CAPACITY 20,000,000 GAL, DAILY 280 ft. head vert. 981 w.h.p. steam- c. & f-w., trip.- turbine centrifugal Item. exp. 165,000.000 120,000.000 duty, duty, three 225- three 300-h.p. h.p. boilers. boilers. Cost pump, unit $120,000 $26,000 Int. and depr., 10% 12,000 2 600 Cost boilers 20,250 27!000 Int. and depr., 17% 3,440 4,590 Labor, 3 shifts, engines 2,700 2,700 Labor, 3 shifts, boilers 1,800 1,800 Total int., depr. and labor .... 19,940 11,690 Fuel cost, $2 per ton 13,570 18,630 Fuel cost, $3 per ton 20.335 27,945 Fuel cost, $4 per ton 27,140 37.260 Total annual cost, coal, at $2. . 33,510 30,320 Total annual cost, coal, at $3. . 40,275 39,635 Total annual cost, coal at $4. . 47,080 48,950 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1305 CAPACITY 40,000,000 GAL. DAILY 300 ft. head 275 deg. 2120 w.h.p., 28.5- superheat vert. in. vac. steam 200-Ib. steam pressure. c. & f-w., trip.- turbine, centrifu- Item. exp. 223,000,000 gal, 193,000,000 duty, three 350- duty, three 400- h.p. boilers. h.p. boilers. Cost pump $210,000 $55,000 Int. and depr., 10% 21,000 5,500 Cost, boilers 31,500 36,000 Int. and depr., 17% 5,360 6,100 Labor, 3 shifts, engines 7,200 7,200 Labor, 3 shifts, boilers 5,320 5,320 Total int., depr. and labor 39,480 24,120 Fuel cost, coal, at $2 23,265 26,800 Fuel cost, coal, at $3 34,897 40.200 Fuel cost, coal, at $4 46,330 53,600 Total annual costs, coal, at $2. 62,475 50,920 Total annual costs, coal, at $3. 74,377 64.320 Total annual costs, coal, at $4. 85,810 77,720 The prices for pumping units are believed to be accurate and include condensers, piping and foundations complete. No account has been taken of the greater volume required in the buildings for reciprocating units. However, the difference in cost of foundations has been taken into account, because this is an addition in existing buildings and can be computed easily. In a comparison of this kind certain assumptions must necessarily be made. All figures of first cost of apparatus have been taken from or estimated from recent (1912) bids on the two types of machinery under consideration. The first cost per boiler h.p. we have taken to be $30 complete with piping, chimney, stokers, etc. The use of a lower figure would favor the turbine-driven pump as compared with the high-duty engine, but we believe with everything taken into consideration this will prove to be an average figure. We have assumed the following annual charges against pumping machinery: Interest 5%; depreciation, 3%; repairs and supplies, 2%; total, 10%. We have also assumed the following annual charges against the boiler equipment : Interest, 5% ; depreciation, 5% ; repairs and sup- plies, 5%; labor on maintenance, 2%; total, 17%. It will be noted in the above that an annual depreciation of 3% has been taken on the first cost of both the crank-and-flywheel and turbine-driven unit, equivalent to a life of ZZ\'z years. We have chosen this method rather than one in which the capital charges are figured on a constantly decreasing book value for the pumping machinery and boilers, in order to avoid a complicated method of accounting. For the reason that less data are available on the life of turbine-driven units than on crank-and-flywheel units, it is pos- sible that some objection may be made to this assumption of a life of 331/^ years for each machine. However, as in neither case the question of obsolescence has been taken into account, we believe the assumption a fair one. It appears that the steam turbine has reached a stage of de- velopment such that improvements will appear only as refinements of type, and possibly steam economies can be reduced only suffl- 1306 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ciently to render obsolete the present good designs by better theo- retical design and by better steam conditions. The use of high steam pressures and superheat may be expected to gradually obtain further favor in this country as in European practice, where 250 degs. Fahr. superheat and 200 lbs. steam pressure are not unusual. This, however, entails practically no change in turbines as con- structed for present steam conditions. Fuel costs are based on a boiler efficiency of 65% heat content of 13,000 B.t.u. per pound of coal and 24 hrs. per day operation. The duties given are on a basis of 150 lbs. steam pressure with no superheat. Three examples are taken based on coal at $2, $3 and $4 per ton. Where coal can be obtained cheaper than $2 per ton the advantages of the turbine-driven pump are more clearly marked. It will be noted that the point at which the total annual costs are equal for the 8,000,00 0-gal. crank-and-fly wheel vertical unit, and the 8,000,000 gals, turbine, centrifugal unit is when coal costs $2.91 per ton. Also for the 20,000,000 gal. vertical crank-and-flywheel unit, and the 20,000,000 gal. turbine centrifugal unit, the total annual costs will be equal when coal costs $3.25 per ton. Above these points the reciprocating unit has the advantage and below these points the rotatory unit has the advantage on the basis of these calculations. We believe that it can be assumed safely that the development of pumping machinery in the future will be along somewhat the same lines as the development of power producing machinery. At the present time one of the most noticeable features in the development of power machinery is the increasing favor with which larger units are being adopted. In large central station work five years ago the ordinary size of unit was from 1,000 to 15,000 kws. Now, not only in European practice, but also in American practice, 25,000 kw. units are being installed in the large stations. There are two rea- sons for this development, the first being the continual endeavor to obtain better economy, not only in actual steam consumption, but in capital charges, including first cost, buildings, real estate, etc. The second reason for the development along this line comes from the fact that engineers of to-day seem to have more initiative than formerly and where before the development of a 15,000-kw. turbine would have seemed an impossible task, now the installation of 25,000-kw. turbines is becoming a matter of course. We have assumed that there will be progress along this line in water-works pumping machinery and that installations of very large units will be made in the future. We have evolved a com- parison between two units of the types under consideration, each having a capacity of 40,000,000 gals, per 24 hrs., against a total head of 300 ft. This comparison is based on utilizing the greatest range of steam temperature which the best modern practice has established as commercially practicable, and which at the same time is not too intensely theoretical. We refer here to European prac- tice in which steam pressures of 200 lbs., 275 degs. Fahr. super- heat, and 28.5-in. vacuum are successfully and commercially util- ized. Especially important in this connection is the item of high PUMPS AND PUMPING 1307 vacuum, since in the case of waterworks large quantities of water are always available for condensing purposes. There is practically no development necessary on the turbine to take advantage of these conditior>6, as the turbine of almost exactly the same characteristics that would be necessary for this installa- tion is now in successful operation in hundreds of power-producing plants to-day. We have had to assume no steam consumption, as this is a matter of test, and practically have had to assume no pump efficiencies, as we have taken the minimum, which we know can be obtained on this size pump. It is apparent from these tables that the point at which the two curves of overall economy of the two units cross is at a cost of approximately $8.80 per ton for coal. Cost of Operating a Small Municipal Pumping Plant. S. Scarth (Power, May 2, 1911), states that Newark, N. Y., a small town of about 6,000 inhabitants, has a direct-pressure system with a stand- pipe located at the highest point in the village. Water is pumped from a receiving basin fed by gravity from springs. The average suction lift is 20 ft. and the discharge head averages 160 ft. The pumping station contains two horizontal return tubular boil- ers, 60 ins. by 16 ft. These are used alternately and are in fairly good condition considering their age, 24 years, and are allowed 85 lbs. pressure by one of the leading boiler insurance companies. The pumps are Worthington direct acting, one a compound 12 and 18% by 10^4 by 10 ins. in size and the other a simple 16 and 10^4 by 10 ins. (the latter is held in reserve for emergencies). There is one boiler-feed pump 5% and 3i^ by 5 ins., delivering water through a Baragwanath heater to the boilers at a tempera- ture of 210 degs. Operating an average of 10 hrs. out of the 24 and, being subject to a fire call at any time, the plant has steam up with banked fires during the other 14 hrs. The night engineer reads the service meters monthly. Run-of-mine coal is used, which costs $2.95 per ton delivered in the coal bin. The cost of operating the station for the year ending Feb. 28, 1911, was as follows (not including interest and depreciation) : 310 tons coal at $2.95 $ 914.50 Oil and waste 11.50 Packing 13.25 Repairs 43.50 Engineer and assistant 1,083.50 $2,066.25 In the year 86,836,900 gals, of water against an average total head of 180 ft. were delivered to the mains using 310 tons of coal. This shows the duty of the plant to be slightly over 21,000,000 ft. -lbs. of work per 100 lbs. of coal. The cost of pumping was, then, 2.379 cents per 1000 gals, delivered. The water end of the pump showed an efficiency of 90%. Cost of Oil Pumping in California. The following figures are taken from Technical Paper No, 70, Bureau of Mines, entitled 1308 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA " Methods of Oil Recovery in California," to which the reader is re- ferred for more complete information on the methods pursued. VOLUMES OF NATURAL GAS REQUIRED TO OPERATE A GAS ENGINE OR TO SUPPLY A STEAM ENGINE PLANT USING GAS AS FUEL UNDER BOILERS. (After H. F. Oliphant.) Cubic feet per indicated h.p.-hr. Large gas engine, highest type 9 Ordinary gas engine 13 Triple-expansion condensing steam engine 16 Double-expansion condensing steam engine 20 Single-cylinder steam engine with cut-ff 40 Ordinary high -pressure steam engine without cut-off. ... 80 SteaiH engine ordinarily used for pumping oil wells 130 Methods of Generating and Distrihvting Power for Pumping Oil in the California Oil Fields in 1913. The following data are given : No. of wells 6,223 Flowing 217 Compressed air 247 Gas engines : Beams 1,217 Jacks 1,042 Electricity : Beams 559 Jacks 310 Steam : Beams 2,095 Jacks 536 Data Relative to Cost of Well-Pumping Equipment. The follow- ing data are given : DEPTH OF WELLS 800 -FT. GRAVITY OF OIL -|- 0.875 ( -j- 15 DEGS. B). Santa Clara Valley District. (Data by W. R. Hamilton.) Initial Cost of Installation. Pumping power — Station driving 17 wells, including cost of building, 20-h.p. gas engine, simplex power, belt, piping, jerker lines, labor — everything up to the derricks at the wells, but not including pumping jacks at wells, tubing or rods. .$3,068.36 Cost per well 180.49 Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Pumping. Cost, including wages of pumpers, all repairs and replacements for power plants and jack lines, lubricating oils, etc., but not including repairs to wells, depreciation of plants, or interest on investment, varied from 30 to 55 cts. a day per well, depending on the extent of the replacements necessary. An average for a long period would be about 43 cts. PUMPS AND PUMPING 1309 DEPTH OF WELLS 1,000 ± FT. GRAVITY OF OIL ± 0.965 (± 15° B. ) . Kern River Field. Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines. 50.8 cts. per barrel. Air compressor. 2.4 cts. per barrel. Remarks. The difference in cost is due to the increased produc- tion when compressed air is used. DEPTH OF WELLS 1,000 ± FT. GRAVITY OF OIL ± 0.9 65 (± 15° B. ) . Kern River Field. Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines. 20.24 cts. per barrel. Pumping power. (Driven by electric motor) 18.28 cts. per barrel. Remarks. The daily production per well was about 20 bbls. DEPTH OF WELLS 1,000 ± FT. GRAVITY OF OIL ± 0.965 (±15° B. ) . (Kern River Field. Data by C. T. Hutchinson.) Initial Cost and Cost of Installation. Air compressors. Three plants, one with a capacity of 4,000 cu. ft. of free air and two with a capacity of 2,000 cu. ft. of air, $200,000. Remarks. The first plant comprised two compressors each with a capacity of 2,000 cu. ft. of free air. Each compressor had a Corliss steam cylinder and twin-tandem air cylinders, and each machine required 650 h.p. when developing a pressure of about 150 lbs. per sq. in. There were five .207-h.p. water-tube boilers, one 75-kwt. electric-light plant, and two condensers. Depth of Wells 1,000 ± Ft. Gravity of Oil 0.9722 (U° B.) (Kern River Field, Data by Kern River Oil Fields.) Cost of Operation and Maintenance for 48 Wells. Steam engines : Labor $0.36 Repairs '..'.'.'' 07 General expense '.......'...'....... 03 Fuel oil (assuming price of 30 cts. per baVrei) .* .' ." .* .' '. '. '. '. '. ,90 Water 50 Electric motors : Labor $0.29 Repairs 07 General expense '........'..'.'........'... .03 Electric current !56 Daily cost per well $0.95 Depth of Wells 600 to 1,200 Ft. Gravity of Oil 0.9790 (13° B.). (Midway Field. Data by R. S. Hazeltine for 12 wells in group.) Initial Cost ayid Cost of Installation. Electric motors : New roof on engine houses $240.00 Eleven 15 to 5 horsepower motors,! One 20 to 6 horsepower motor, V 6 670 00 Three 25-kilowatt transformers. 1310 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ■ Installation $3,500.00 Counterbalance for beams 300.00 Discarded steam engines 1,000.00 Total $11,710.00 Cost per well $975.83 Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines : Labor $409.50 Fuel oil 523.20 Water 697.00 Repairs to boilers and engines 88.44 Oil waste and packing 97.42 Total $1,815.56 Average daily cost per well $5.09 Electric motors : Labor $432.70 Electric equipment 390.27 Fuel oil 156.20 Water 349.89 Repairs to boilers and engines 22.30 Oil waste and packing 62.54 Total $1,413.90 Average daily cost per well $3.85 Remarks. Boiler water was purchased at 5 cts. per barrel and oil produced was contracted at 50 cts. per barrel. DEPTH OF WELLS 900 TO 1,200 FT. GRAVITY OF OIL 0.9655 (15° B. ) . (Kern River Field. Data by A. G. Crites.) Initial Cost and Cost of Installation. Steam engines : Corliss condensing engines, 320 and 420 h.p $69,050.93 Myers noncondensing cut-off engines 41,430.59 Electric motors : Electric driven plant, 420-h.p 27,620.37 Gas engines : Included under air compressors. Air compressors : One 320-h.p., driven by Buckeye gas engine pipe lines, etc., complete 39,344.19 One 420-h.p., driven by Buckeye gas engine, complete 22,781.79 Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines : Corliss — Interest for 1 year at 6% $ 4,143.05 Depreciation for 1 year at 10% 6,905.09 Labor, 4 men at $100 per month 4,800.00 Repairs and incidentals (estimated) 1,800.00 Fuel oil. 23,005 bbls. at 35 cts. per barrel 8,051.75 Total for 1 year $25,699.89 Myers — Interest for 1 year at 6% " $ 2,485.83 Depreciation for 1 year at 10% 4,143.05 Labor, 4 men at $90 per month 4,320.00 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1311 Repairs and incidentals (estimated) $1,000.00 Fuel oil, 51,500 bbls. at 35 cts. per barrel 18,025.00 Total for 1 year $29,973.88 Gas engines : Included under air compressors. Electric motors : Interest at 6% $ 1,657.22 Depreciation at 10% 2,762.03 Labor, 2 engines at $135 per month 3,240.00 Repairs and incidentals (estimated) 500.00 Power. 4,326,406 kw. at 1 ct. per kw , 43,264.06 Total for 1 year $51,423.31 Air compressors : One 320 h.p. — Interest for 10 months at 6% $1,967.21 Depreciation for 10 months at 10% 3,278.68 Labor — One engineer, $150 per month 1,500.00 One engineer, $4.50 a day 1,363.50 Extra labor, repairs 82.00 Extra material for repairs 249.44 Oil, water, and incidentals 710.20 Total for 10 months 9,151.03 Remarks. Natural gas is recovered by the vacuum made by the gas engines, its value not being considered therefore. Cost of power per h.p.-hr. was 0.00478 in 1910, 0.00488 in 1911, and 0.00260 in 1912. DEPTH OF WELLS 1.850 TO 2,000 FT. GRAVITY OF OIL ± 0.952 (±17° B. ) . (Coalinga Field. Data by Thomas Cox.) Initial Cost and Cost of Installation. Gas engines : Installation, ^as mains, traps, tail pumps, foundations, engines proper, belting, and engine houses $1,260 Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines : Average total cost per well per month $270 Average total cost per well per day 9 Gas engines : Three men per tour (12 hours) to 19 wells 33 Two repair men 21 Lubricating oil per well per month 6 Repairs, power, and attendance per well per month 60 Repairs, power, and attendance per well per day 2 Remarks. Thirty and 45 h.p. engines. Five-inch water pressure. Magneto ignition. DEPTH OF WELLS 1,600 TO 2,500 FT. GRAVITY OF OIL 0.9589 (16° B. ) . (Coalinga Field. Data by Thomas Crumpton.) Initial Cost and Cost of Installation. Steam engines : One 23-h.p. engine complete $ 296.69 One 40-h.p. boiler 473.00 1312 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Boiler connections $ 116.15 Engine house, 12 by 14 ft., bloclis, lumber, labor, etc.. . 66.80 Total % 952.64 Gas engines : One 30-h.p. engine and connections $1,027.04 Engine house, 16 by 14 ft., cement foundation, including labor 250.13 Total $1,277.17 Cost of Operation and Maintenance, Steam engines : Operation — 2 pumpers, at $105 a month, for five engines $ 42.00 10 gals, of steam-engine oil, at 19 cts 1.90 14 gals, of cylinder oil, at 30 cts 4.20 180 bbls. of fuel oil for boiler for well 90.00 Haulage of lubricating oil (labor and horse) 1.00 Maintenance — Labor and horse per month per well 3.10 Repairs of boilers per month per well 19.30 Average per well per month $161.50 Average per well per day $53.83 Gas engines : Operation — 2 pumpers, at $105 per month, for 11 engines $19.09 13 gals, of engine oil, at 44 cents 5.72 4 gals, of engine oil, at 23 cents .92 Haulage of oil (labor and horse) 1.50 Maintenance : Labor and horses, at $275 per month, for 50 engines 5.50 Repairs and renewals, at $88.95, for 50 engines, per month 1.78 Average per well per month $34.51 Average per well per day $1.15 DEPTH OF WELLS, 2.745 FEET. GRAVITY OF OIL ±0.952 (±17°B.). (Coalinga Field. Data by Thomas Cox.) Initial Cost and Cost of Installation. Steam engines : Per cent. A. Individual steam plant for each two wells, using oil for fuel 100 Gas engines : B. Individual 30-h.p. gas engines 4-cycle type, magneto igni- tion ; including gas mains and accessories 195 Electric motors : C. Motor at each well, necessary transmission lines, trans- formers, and receiving station; power purchased.... 100 D. Central plant with steam turbines, fired with fuel oil, motor at each well 196 E. Central plant with steam turbines, fired with natural gas, motor at each well 227 F. Central plant. Engine-type generators, driven directly by gas engine. Electric motor at each well 264 PUMPS AND PUMPING 1313 Air compressors : G. Central plant. Air compressors directly connected to gas engines, using natural gas. Air distributed to each well for operating steam engines 388 H. Central plant. Steam-driven air compressors, boilers fired by natural gas. Air distributed to each well for operating steam engines 393 I. Central plant. Steam-driven air compressors, boilers fired with fuel oil. No gas lines. Air distributed to each well for operating steam engines 337 Cost of Operation and Maintenance. Steam engines : Per cent Comparative working cost of operation equipment A. . . . 100 Cost of operating steam plants, based on 100-month wells, per well per month, one pumper per well : Labor attendance $104.88 Fuel oil '. 105.47 Labor, scaling boilers 15.62 Repairs, material 9.57 Engine repairs 5.56 Lubricating oils 7.73 Boiler flues 4.00 Water 17.17 Per well per month $270.00 Per well per day , . . $9.00 Gas engines : Comparative working cost of operating equipment B. . . 34 Pumping cost for 8 wells with two men in attendance per month : Labor, 2 men, at $3.50 per day $210 Lubricating oils, $7.50 per well 60 One-quarter of 2 repairmen, at $8.50 a day 66 Repairs and renewals 120 8 wells, per month $456 Per well per month 57 Per well per day 1.90 Electric motors : Comparative working cost of operation : Equipment C 80 Equipment D 61 Equipment E 50 Equipment P 44 Air compressors : ' Comparative working cost of operation : Equipment G 46 Equipment H 56 Equipment I 73 Remarks, Percentage costs are based on investment for equip- ment necessary to operate 50 wells, pumping 100 bbls. a day per well. Steam plants using fuel oil, and placed between each of two wells, with 2-pump attendants to each two wells, are considered as unity for basis of comparison. The Thermal Efficiency of Enc/ines of the Size and Charac- ter Available for Use of the Oil Field averages between 20 to 30%, such engines require from 8.5 to 13 cu. ft. of natural gas per h.p.-hr. At certain wells 2,700 ft. deep with 30 h.p. four-cycle 1314 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA type engines the hourly consumption of natural gas is about 4,000 cu. ft. when pumping at about 160 r.p.m. With oil producer gas from 40 to 60 cu. ft. per h.p.-hr. are necessary and the yeld of gas per lb. of oil will usually range from 50 to 70 cu. ft. Cost of Pumping by Electric Power. The actual expenditure of electric energy for pumping varies widely. The average used in 71 wells, each about 1,600 ft. deep, over a period of time for which records were kept, was 70.6 kw.-hrs. a day, which, at 1.5 ct. a kw.-hr.. made the daily cost for pumping per well a trifle over $1.05. The deepest well, 2,692 ft, used about 90 kw.-hrs. daily. In another instance the average for 2 months for 8 wells vary- ing in depth from 1,000 to 2,800 ft. was 93 kw.-hrs. a day. In another instance the average for 12 wells averaging 1,100 ft. in depth, with oil of a specific gravity of 0.9622 (15.5 degs. B), was 71.5 kw.-hrs a day. The average for another group of 107 wells, averaging 800 ft. in depth, with oil of 'a specific gravity of 0.9756 (13.5 degs. B.), was 57 kw.-hrs. a day. In another instance, with 58 wells pumped by three motor-driven jacks, the average per well a day was 26.2 kw.-hrs. For another group of some 220 wells operated by jacks, the cost of electric energy per well per month varied from $6 to $14.40. Electric power in the field is sold at varying prices, the common figure being about 1.5 cts. per kw.-hr. Cost of Pumping Water tor Irrigation Purposes. The following data on pumping water have been taken fi'om Water Supply Paper 222, U. S. Geological Survey. In the district about Bakersfield, Cal., 50 pumping plants are in use to develop irrigation water. Half of these are electrically operated and belong to the Kern County Land Co. E3ach of these plants is equipped with 30 or 40 h.p. motors direct connected with No. 8, 10 or 12 centrifugal pumps. Each pump is connected with from three to five 13 -in. wells, the number being determined by the yield of each well. Prom the data collected on these wells, the following cost averages were computed, on the basis of the quoted charge of 15 cts. per h.p. per 24 hrs., for the electric power used: Average depth to the water from the surface, ft. . . . 10 Average suction 20 ft. Average total lift, ft 30 Total yield of 25 plants, in se05Tt^«D^«D«Cfo o O ^-l r ux • •'O i - P= H :^UBI{I JO iHoooooooooo^ m,-f^ ^ COOOOCOOOoOOlO o C '-' Z J lOOOO't'OOoOOUSfi-j. g :^U'BI(J JO :jSOO IB^^OJ^ OT)^_TiH TjT,-! iH IM -"^i tjTn iH ra M Q t^uTsid sanoq jo aaquinjsi: co «o co -*. ^ti oo oo o oi t- m ;: c • c5 t>j STBS '1S91 Suuno t-a5 0oooe -* r> twt-j^ < ^ ^ ^^„ ^^_-g S "^^-^ S • • •a9AYOd9SJOq pg^BOipUT '^-^^'^^^'^'^^'^^ £S§ T-ieOMCOiMM'^CCirHTH «(-if-(0 O dm- J j9Aiod9saoq j9:^bav jnjgsfl '^ "^^ "^ ^ '^ '^ "^ '^ '^ '^ "^ id's 1-1 . ^-^ '■ fq ^ '#ajffou5a50U5coou3M jl'-ii W -<*< lO CC! T-1 tH PUMPS AND PUMPING 1319 I- aB.JA UriU +SOJ IB+OJj oOlflOO . <3i tH M o -*< c- •«o ti P-tJ ■j • rHrneO «0 rHT-l > +J +J tf fe fq «w PL, *^ rH §5 --b di TtJaX- t-'^'oo -oot-OO^ — •' •■' P - -^ ' ^^: ft Q t^UBld co»aoo .ooirtooo -o Sth § ' JO Ys-\o^ uo •:ju8o j8cI qt t-t--^u5 •r:^^?:v-t;?;if2 "~i orng^ < u -'^ ■O oooo'"^ooooo'O.Gt<^ Ph :juBi(J JO :}soD i-b^oj, '-!'-''. «^.o •'^j=='y^yi,'^j=', "R, ^ 0,0 1-5 . ftc S OOOo -OOOOOO oo .ooooooo -o ° > W -CO (1| -< • g s:):j'BAVOIIX oo '*. '^ im oo «o r-i eo s^i t> c-i s^i us iJ^^ r ■> O <'^ «£> rH CO CO eO UJ «d ai 00 o tH g"o •> o o ►h • ■ • • j8A\.ocIasaoi[ lB^Ta:^o^I[g; ia^<=>.<^.«'^.'^.'-;^'^.'-;'>:'^ t: (V* ' Tt< 5^ C~j US rH 1-1 r-i l> 00 CO ,-H Co' US ^ rH rH 1-1 2^ Ifl CO 00 1- rHiHrHiH 4i;o' ^ TH^ic^iJti eooo«ot^u5K««-^ «2 irjU5ooa5':*<^ciiHC0'*ai«>C-00Oipj^" > CO = . T „ o^«ocoo'*t'T-H'*t-oeou5 ^^ iic"*oo(MiHCOcocoeo Q. • a^ 1320 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA XB^S. aad :jsoo xe^o;^ • ooioin . M lO O (M •U5CO 05Cq ,• a; b '-' '. rt ft '. jBa^ jad no pnj jo ;soo J J'B8^ J8d SJIBCI8J pLj pUB 80U'BpU8;:^B Jo' ^SOO o M I H C M w H H H :^ o u o g • .o • -o o • .in • -co o • .«D • -(30 rH •oooin ■iNOOC- •ecusooin oi C,««- ;U13l(J JO ;SOO IB^OJ, siqq 'JBa^ aad paiunsuoo no pnj i^^oj, jBa^C aad sunj :>UBid sjnoq jo jaquinjsE ' "rH ■ 'tH c •- . .(£, . as o • •OOCOO . .t> • \a <» • • <» O W rt^^ u o Q ' "CO • 00 M ' TjTcg rn'ircr ^^•^ 6I9- +->!«_ So:;: S^- o . .o • "* O •00U50 oo . .o • o Tj< .0»rtC^W5 . .W . eo o . CD 00 IM C ■ «D rH U5 03- S2"2^" . .O • tH o • •OOOO d --ft 0) . .o • o • •OOOO . .o • CO o •OOIOO ;inu5t>iA "r-l CO \a Iffl CO ^ „-^ a; g oj . .o . U3 o •OOOO .—1 c^ . .CO . t> '^^ c-a . .o • o Ttn" * •OOOO •CO • mu5l^5l^l „ „ OOOT -* Ift Coc^ iHTH-*OOt-»«Oa500iO MC<1 00 <55 05 10 ■<:*< O 00 '*' -^ CO UO 00 t- •»*i *^J Wn '^ Th 00' co' CO co'ai as j> t- -ot-^M to a> iH tH rH T-t - <^ 3 -ri«H OJ PUMPS AND PUMPING 1321 The amount of crude oil consumed varies from over 0.8 gal. per indicated h.p.-hr. for the smallest plant to a little over 0.2 gal. for the largest plants. For those using centrifugal pumps the amount of crude oil used per useful water h.p.-hr. varies from 2.5 gals, for the smallest plant to "about 0.5 gal. for the most economical plants. A comparison with gasoline engines of corre- sponding size shows that at least four times as much crude oil is required when burned under a steam boiler as is needed of gasoline when used in an internal combustion engine. When steam plants run intermittently, considerable fuel is required in getting up steam preparatory to starting the plant, so it is probable that in such cases the actual performance of the plants required more fuel in proportion to the work done than is shown in the tests. Conclusions. A comparison of the results obtained with centri- fugal pumps using gasoline, electricity, and steam as motive power shows that, at the prevailing prices, to raise 1 acre-foot of water 1 ft. the cost of gasoline varies from 1% to 5 cts., the cost of elec- tricity varies from 4i/^ to 10 cts., and the cost of crude oil for generating steam varies from IV^ cts. upward. The total cost, according to the rates used for fixed charges and the figures ob- tained for attendance and maintenance, of raising 1 acre-foot of water 1 ft. for gasoline plants varies from 4 cts. upward, for electric plants it varies from 7 to 16 cts., and for steam plants it varies from 4 cts. upward. In a direct comparison of the use of gasoline and electricity figures show the cost of gasoline to raise 1 acre-foot of water 1 ft. high to be 3.7 cts. and the cost of electricity to be 6.9 cts., while the total cost for the gasoline plant is 6.9 cts. and for the electric plant 8.8 cts. per foot-acre-foot. In a direct comparison of the use of electricity and steam two tests were made in succession on the same plant under identical conditions. The results show the cost of electricity per foot-acre- foot of water pumped to be 5.2 cts. and the cost of crude oil for producing steam to be 3.6 cts. In another test the pump was sucking air on account of a deficient supply of water. The results show that in this case having the pump too large for the water supply increases by about 10% the charge for electricity per acre-foot of water lifted. Cost of Repairs on Well Pumping Plants. Few figures are avail- able of the cost of maintaining well pumping plants for irrigation, and the following, though for the most part quite old, are therefore of interest. These costs were secured by the Government engi- neers in their studies of irrigation pumping in California: Plant 1. This plant comprised a 30-h.p. induction motor oper- ating an 8 X 24-in. deep well pump ; pumping was done from a 12-in. well 300 ft. deep supplying 240 gals, per min. under 175-ft. head. The repair costs for this outfit for one year, 19 05, were $257.70. Plant 2. This plant comprised a 23-h.p. gasoline engine oper- ating a 7 X 24-in. deep well pump; pumping was done from a 1322 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA lO-in. well 320 ft. deep supplying 143 gals, per min. under a 193-ft. lift. The repair costs for four years, 1902-5, were as follows: Year Cost of rei3airs 1902 $56.48 1903 82.75 1904 83.55 1905 34.19 Average cost for four years $64.24 Plant S. This plant comprised a 23-h.p. -gasoline engine oper- ating a No. 5 single centrifugal pump ; pumping was done from a 10-in. well 385 ft. deep, supplying 458 gals, per min. under 5 8 -ft. head. The cost of repairs for five years, 1900-4, were as follows: Year Cost of repairs 1900 $36.15 1901 13.50 1902 23.30 1903 54.78 1904 , 24.65 Cost of a Small Irrigation Pumping Plant. R. Sibley (Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas) gives the following cost of a small pumping plant supplying 1,600 gals, per Tnin, near Acampo, Calif. The pumps were installed 12 ft. below the surface of the ground and connected to twin wells sunk 22 ft. between centers, the suc- tion pipes from each well being joined at the center by a tee con- nection with the pump. When pumping the water stood at 7 ft, below the pumps in the morning, 14 ft. below the pump at noon and 16 ft. below the pump at night. The contract accepted provided for 1 8-in. (Byron Jackson or Dow) centrifugal pump; 1 20-h.p. (Westinghouse or General Elec- tric) motor complete with automatic starter, low voltage release switch, wiring, etc., complete, 1-Type H overload relay circuit breaker to be installed complete and ready for operation, includ- ing belting, check valve, suction 8-in., with 12-in. discharge, for the sum of $699.28 ; the owner to dig pit, bore well and lay founda- tion for motor. The subdivided costs were as follows: Equipntent: Pump and 25 h.p. motor as per bid $ 699.28 1-35 ft. piece, 8 in. O. D. casing 26.95 2-9 ft. 5 in. pieces O. D. casing , . 16.94 2-8 in. flanged elbows „ 12.80 2-8 in. casing flanges 23.93 5-sets bolts and gaskets 3.55 1-8 in. tee 20.63 Extra labor 10.00 ? 814.08 Concrete Work: This consisted of concreting the entire in- terior 4 in. thick, reinforced, with 5 pieces tapering from 12 in. to in. No cost is made for the sand, as this was taken from the well-boring sand, being found PUMPS AND PUMPING 1323 of excellent quality. The gravel was hauled 15 miles and no actual cost was made for the gravel itself. Gravel. 4 horses, 4 days at $1 per day $ 16.00 Labor : 1 man. 4 days at $2.25 per day 9.00 Cement : 61 sacks at 65c per sack 39.65 Cartage on cement — 2 horses and 1 man % day.... 3.25 Labor on setting concrete 21.00 Concrete forms 2 men 2i/2 days at $2.25 per day.... 13.00 Lumber for concrete forms and for pump house, 1,000 ft. at $25 25.00 $ 126.90 Pump House (lumber used fiom concrete forms) : 3,500 .shingles at $2.50 per M % 8.75 Sheeting 5.00 Labor on building 13.25 Nails 1.00 $ 28J}0 Main Excavation: Pit 10 ft. deep. 10 ft. wide. 6 ft. to runaway $ 24.75 Cost of second pit and leveling off first pit 25.25 i 50.00 Well Sinking: Boring two wells 12 in. diameter — 150 ft. and the other 350 ft. deep over .surface of the ground $ 63.25 (Usual charge is for Vq, pit depth, but in this case, charges were made for 40 and 43 ft., respectively). Cost of pumping quicksand encountered, 6^/^ days at $14 per day 91.00 Express charges 9.00 $ 163.25 Priming Pump: Priming pump : . . $ 5.00 Iron ladder consisting of 9 pieces 2 ft. 6 in. x % in 1.50 $ 6.50 Total cost of plant $1,888.73 Cost of Drainage Pumping in Louisiana. C. W. Okey (Engi- neering News, Oct. 14, 1915) gives the results of investigations of drainage pumping costs in Louisiana made by the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. The results are given in Table XLIIIA. Cost of Pumping Plant and of Pumping Water for Irrigation, Minidoka Project, U. S. Reclamation Service. The following costs from Engineering and Contracting, Jan. 24, 1912, were abstracted from a paper by Barry Dibble : The Poiver House is a reinforced-concrete structure with steel roof trusses and purlins, covered by matched lumber and galvan- ized corrugated iron. It measures 149 ft. long by 50 ft. wide and 90 ft. high from the bottom of the tail-race to the peak of the roof. It contains five main generator units of the vertical type, each of 2,000-h.p. rated capacity, and operating under heads of 46 ft. from forebay to tail-race. There are also two 180-h.p. tur- bine-driven exciters. Each main unit consists of a single Francis 1324 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA O ui w ' m H X H < H Hh O HIT ^^ fig ^g 3^ h^ W<1 Q^ H^ go Pkj B a J - s I f I li J I ji "e-S Jill ^ 1 lit " s f II .p 1 I; i| I :i= I- I ■It -il i -if It! PI ill \ 't '^l |i fl 1^1 I |tli|ill i 1 III-, lilfl I I I I |si I ^ I lllf " 4 4. Til =11 1^ 2i II ill II IliSi ^mi 3 3 3 3 2 1 ;3 5 3 is 5 S a 3 A u 00-'0«<«90000 '3 SMifr*t>OOOOMIdU mill 4 p ^i^ii 4 II || 11 ii nil T !i . li l^li p Is ^i ol |i£i lilll =i|ifJ,. f, I, L I, if, "■"l li m^ ^ P P |i H|i •iy : - ; > : S g 3 , ?3 8 3 jj. . s . .:s : g S g § ill j} iltitltiiHniinni iiWi |il# illriilii^ llllNlil IIP III «r.oo8 8SSggSS8« 22?gg .^SSSSSSSS • 11? SRS g;s33g!;«i;g§gi:SSSSSSSSgSg2S ^HeS" ^--H- ^ III SsS 5S§2§5=Sf:sggg| ||S55g||gsss O z y ^ 000 00000C300CC0000 oocooo -oSS ^«3^» •■■■■ ■ -S-- ih ^§i §S|iSSi§ll|!iiiSiiisiiS?S3 iS ^ 3 ■ ■ - II lip" g e "-3 I is= §issi§ipg5i§ss,iii>:si,-^i§ ""I ""!« • ^ M. mil 111 |?i iss 2=SSR£SS£sSgSS§S"§'-2e52gSg ^^. .333 SS^f!S!SS-^gSS5g^=2g?S§gSSSg2- ^ 2- , 3 •? e -a <= .. iiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :*4 ^ " I . I|z O J, I'". PUMPS AND PUMPING 1325 runner, 54 ins. in diameter, operating at 200 r.p.m., direct-con- nected to a 3-phase, 2,200-volt generator. The costs of the power house are given in Table XLVIII. Transmission Line. — There are 38.4 miles of transmission line of 33,000-volt capacity. Copper transmission cable is strung on wood poles spaced 250 ft. apart, except at certain river crossings with spans from 700 ft. to 1,100 ft, where steel towers are em- ployed. The costs of this transmission line is given in Table XLV. Puminng Stations are three, the first located at the end of the gravity canal and lifting the water to the first level, the second about 1.75 miles distant, lifting a portion to the second level, and the third, another 0.75 mile distant, raising a final portion to the third level. The first station has a maximum capacity of 600 cu. ft. i)er second at normal speed. The lift at this station and at each of the others varies from 30 ft. to 31 ft. TABLE XLV. COST OF TRANSMISSION LINE, MINIDOKA IRRIGATION PROJECT Power line cost Pole line cost Per mile Per mile Total of line Total of line Surveys and location $ 18 $ 36 $ 175 $ 17 Clearing 100-ft. right-of-way 356 34 Pole and tower line complete, except conductors: Material 1,035 2,070 2,129 203 Freight and hauling 255 510 1,333 127 Labor 803 1,606 1,685 161 Conductors (transmission and tele- phone) : Material 610 1,220 2,655 253 Freight and hauling 83 167 557 53 Labor 75 150 670 64 Superintendence and clerical 18 36 200 19 Miscellaneous 40 80 397 38 Engineering 23 46 220 21 Total $2,960 $5,920 $10,377 $990 The buildings are reinforced concrete, 140 ft. long, 18 and. 30 ft. wide and 45 ft. high. The first station contains four 125 cu. ft., and one 75 cu. ft. pumps; the second contains four 125 cu. ft. pumps, and the second contains two 125 cu. ft. and one 75 cu. ft, pumps. The pumps are installed in separate compartments and are direct connected and operated by 600-h.p. synchronous motors located directly above them. The costs of the pumping stations are given in Table XLVT. Costs of Operating. The costs of operating the pumping system are given in Table XLVII. Referring to this table a rate of depre- ciation of 5% per annum has been applied to the stations and 10% to the transmission lines. No interest is included, as the money for the work comes from the reclamation fund, which is prac- 1326 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XLVI. COST OF PUMPING STATIONS AND EQUIP- MENT, MINIDOKA IRRIGATION PROJECT Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Excavation % 2,100 $ 5,300 $ 2,000 Buildmg 35,000 40,000 19,500 Hydraulic machinery 27,200 23,000 16,200 Electrical machinery 44,700 42,800 17 300 Freight and hauling 10,300 9,600 5'500 Erection , 15,800 14,600 9,300 Camp and permanent quarters 4,000 11,000 500 Engineering and incidentals 5,000 3,000 2 000 Administration charges, etc 8,500 7,000 5,500 Total $152,600 $156,300 $77,800 Capacity — cubic feet per second... 575 500 325 Cost per second-foot capacity $265.40 $312.60 $239.40 Pressure pipes, including adminis- tration charges $21,400 $16,500 $20,200 Total length of pressure pipes — feet 849 540 825 Cost per foot $23.90 $30.30 $24.50 Cost per second-foot of capacity, in- cluding pressure pipes * $303.00 $346.00 $301.00 * Average $318.00. TABLE XLVII. COST OF OPERATING AND MAINTAINING PUMPING SYSTEM, MINIDOKA IRRIGATION PROJECT Trans- Power mission ^-Pumping Stations— ^ house line No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Total Operation Labor $ 5.700 $ 700 $ 2,100 $ 2,100 $2,100 Supplies 950 100 200 200 150 Repairs : Labor Supplies and mate- rial Superintendence, cler- ical, camp, etc. . . . General expense and administration 900 600 600 600 400 300 100 100 100 80 1,700 200 700 700 500 450 50 150 150 100 Total operating expense $10,000 $1,750 $3,850 $3,850 $3,280 $22,730 Depreciation 21,700 3,400 7,600 7,800 3,900 44,400 Total $31,700 $5,150 $11,450 $11,650 $7,180 $67,130 Annual cost per acre, including depreciation $0,660 $0,108 $0,239 $0,243 $0,150 $1.40 Operating expense per acre (48,000 acres). $0,208 $0,037 $0,081 $0,081 $0,068 $0,475 tically loaned to the settlers without interest. In the table al- lowances for repairs, etc., has been increased over that so far needed, as this item will undoubtedly increase with time. It is not intended to include the item of depreciation in the annual charge made against the settlers. However, this item will have to be met as time goes on and the machinery wears out. This can be done by paying for replacements as they are needed, and in the meantime the settlers will have the use of their money, which PUMPS AND PUMPING 1327 ia worth 10 to 12% interest, whereas if the government collected a depreciation fund it would have to hold it without interest. During- the season of 1911, 114,000 acre-feet of water were pumped to the average height of 66 ft., equivalent to 7,560.000 acre-feet lifted through 1 ft. The operating cost for this pumping was about $0,003 per acre-foot lifted through 1 ft., and the depre- ciation amounted to $0,006. Next year more water will be pumped at practically the same total cost, and therefore the unit cost will be reduced. Summary of Installation Costs : Power house and accessories $433,300 Transmission line 34.000 Pumping stations with pressure pipes 444.800 Total investment on power system $912,100 Investment per acre (48.000 acres) $19.00 Summary of Annual Charges : Operation $ 22.730 Depreciation . . . . , 44.400 Total $ 67.130 Per acre (48,000 acres) , $1.40 A total of 14,000,000 kw.-hrs. was delivered to the pumping stations during the year at a cost of $37,000, including deprecia- tion, or $0.0026 per kw.-hr. If, as would be necessary in the case of a commercial company, interest, taxes, etc., amounting to, say, 10% on the investment in the power house and transmission line, were added, the cost would have been $0,006 per kw.-hr. TABLE XLVIIl. COST OP 7.100-K.W. POWER HOUSE FOR PUMPING PLANTS, MINIDOKA IRRIGATION PROJECT Total Per cost kilowatt Building $ 82,000 $11.70 Hydraulic machinery 73,000 10.40 Electric machinery 83.000 11.80 Freight and hauling 26.200 3.75 Erection 55,500 7.90 Tailrace 60.000 8.50 Roads and telephone lines 7,300 1.40 Camp and permanent quarters 23,200 3.30 Engineering and incidentals 11,100 1.55 Administration charges, etc 15.000 2.10 Total $433,300 $62.40 Rule for Converting Volumes of Water. In pumping costs, rela- tive to irrigation, it .should be remembered that an acre-foot amounts to 43.560 cu. ft. or very nearly 326.000 gals. (325,830); to change acre-foot to millions' of gallons multiply by 3.07, Thus when the cost per acre-foot lifted 1 ft. is $0,003, the cost per million gals, lifted 1 ft. is $0.00921. Cost of Mine Pumping. R. V. Norris in the Transactions of the 1328 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1904, gives the following information on the cost of pumping at the Short Mountain Mine of the Lykens Valley Coal Co. : A strike, which confined the work at these mines almost exclu- sively to pumping, gave an opportunity to determine with con- siderable accuracy the cost. The mines are deep, the present workings are 711 ft. below the sea-level, and about 1,600 ft. below the lowest surface-opening. The pumping plant is divided into four lifts, shown in Table XLIX, which gives also all the other pump data. The greater part of the water is caught at No. 3 level and pumped from there to the surface. The pumps on No. 4 level handle only about one- third of the total pumped to the surface. Except the bottom lift, the pumps are all simple and direct acting, and many of them are old. The records of the actual water pumped (plunger displacement) were accurately kept by counters on each pump ; the labor costs, and repair and supply costs were known. At the boiler plants the labor, repair and supply accounts and the total coal used for steam at the colliery are accurate. During June, July and August, 1902, practically all the steam generated at the colliery was used in pumping. During the time 7,692 tons of coal were used for firing, of which it is estimated that 232 tons were used in supplying steam for accommodation hoisting, ventilation and in condensation in unused steam lines, leaving 7,360 tons for generating steam for pumping. During these months 207,034,324 gals, were pumped from an average depth of 1,152 ft., making an average of 0.035 tons of coal per 1,000 gals. (0.277 tons per 1,000 cu. ft.). On this basis, correcting for average depth and for use of different proportions of cylinder and Babcock & Wilcox boilers, we find for the years 1901 and 1902 as follows: 1901 1902 Total water pumped (plunger dis- placement), gals 567,113,616 1,116,320,253 Average depth pumped, ft 1,141 1,093 Total estimated coal used, tons 21,200 37,963 Coal per M. ft. lb. in water, lbs 8.87 8.51 Coal per h.p.-hr. in water, lbs 17.56 16.85 As the average evaporation of the plant, with the proportion of cylinder and water-tube boilers in use June, July and August, 1902, was 6.64 lbs. of water per lb. of fuel, the total steam made during these months was about 109,470,000 lbs. The ft.-lbs. of work used in pumping were 1,987,529,500,000; the duty of the pumps was about 18,156,000 ft.-lbs. per 1.000 lbs. of steam made by the boilers, which should be increased by 15% for steam used in Argand blowers and condensation, giving as the approximate duty of the pumping plant 20,880,000 ft.-lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of dry steam. Dividing the total cost of making steam between the colliery and the pump-plant in proportion to the coal used, namely, 51% in PUMPS AND PUMPING 1329 bo in us S5l. >O00OiMO«^(»01Ci0O COOTji GCCCCCCCCCCCCC oooct-t^oootoinooo-^'M'X'oo CO M c-1 (M CO CO ec 5^1 CO e<3 ■* c-J erhr V, K= Constant- !^l tolbb (AveraqelS) % n = W/dtti ofconveyor(betf)in mctm v5 "i ^ y = Speed of conveyonn ft per ■(3 ■% W'= Weight of material convei^ed "%. in pounds per cu ft Fig. 1. Capacities of standard belt conveyors, economically loaded and operated. The economy of belt conveyors in the consideration of power consumption is quite evident from a glance at Figs. 1 and 2, From the former it is seen that a 30-in. belt conveyor can handle about 270 tons of fine coal per hr. when operated at its economic speed for that material. Such a conveyor, elevating the coal 20 ft. and distributing it by means of an automatic traveling tripper over a storage bunker 50 ft. long, would require a supply of 13.5 h.p. — 5.5 h.p. for the horizontal travel. 5.5 for elevating the load, and about 2.5 for the tripper — if equipped with grease lubricated '1342 'MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA idlers (see Fig. 2). Similar service by a conveyor with ball- bearing idlers would consume about 11.75 h.p. In taking up the cost of belt conveyors, the questions of deteriora- tion and amortization must be duly considered. In the handling of certain materials, lighter and cheaper belts — and the belt is the WIDTH Of BELT IN INCHES 12 14 16 18 ZO 22 24 26. Z8 50 32 Horsepower required for Horizontal Conveyors WIDTH Of BEIT ININCHES 12 M 16 18 70 2? ?4 26 28 30 32 Sandi^raYtl ^Crushed5tont "^SrokenSone (Coarse) te. Ore(Av.) § FtneCoal z s LimetCement g Ashes Q Lump Coal RJH y til ^ W^ 5 11 ^ 11^ BrvkertSlone § 5and&0raKl § Cnished Stone >-> Additional Horsepower required for inclined conveyors to be added to horsepower required for tiori70ntol Conveyors WIDTH OF BEIT ININCHES 12 14 16 18 20 2? ?4 26 28 JO. 32 , M Horsepower required for each pipper or fixed dump in length of conveyor to be added to horsepower required for conveyor GeHEifAL Formula m0003iv'Vf0i)IWLiWH HP' WOO w lYidth of Conveyor(belt)ininchei 'V' Speed of " infipermin VlHE/tc. Yt^ Load handled in tons per houi L = L ength of conveyor in feet. H= ITise in length of convey onn ft Fig. 2. Horsepower requirements of belt conveyors. most expensive item entering into the equipment of a belt con- veyor — may sometimes be recommended than that required for more severe service ; but ordinarily the best grade of belt is none too good, no matter what service it may be subjected to. The CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1343 large capacity of the equipment makes the question of initial cost of secondary importance. The general formula given in Fig. 3 and the costs graphically depicted thereon are those for the average high grade belt conveyor with suitable rubber belting and well designed grease lubricated idlers. Cheaper conveyors may be pur- chased by sacrificing the quality of the belt, and more expensive ones by substituting idlers equipped with ball bearing. The cost of the belt is included in the first term of the second member of the formula, so that the cost of a conveyor with a cheaper belt is readily obtainable from the same formula simply by reducing the coefficient of the length by the difference in the cost of two ft. of high grade rubber belting and that of two ft. of the cheaper belt. Conveyors equipped with ball-bearing idlers, etc., cost about 5% more than the figures indicated by Fig. 3, but this difference in cost is frequently offset on shipments to distant points by the decrease in freight rates, ball-bearing idlers weighing less than grease or oil lubricated idlers. Fig. 3. 75 lis 175 22S Z75 3Z5 J75 4?S 475 5Z5 57S LENGTH OF CONVEYOR IN FEEIT Average cost of standard troughed rubber belt conveyors with grease lubrication. Fig. 4 shows the average cost of the various discharging devices required for the belt conveyor. The prices indicated by the vari- ous curves and also those derived from the general formula are those commanded by high grade equipment. The values given on both Figs. 3 and 4 are conservative and may be taken as ac- curate during normal market conditions. More expensive equip- ment may prove economical, but cheaper equipment is not to be recommended. The attention required, once a belt conveyor has been started up, is very slight, so that the labor charge for operating is extremely light, and in many plants could be overlooked entirely in an economic consideration. Belt conveyors do require periodic in- spection and some attention if they are to be maintained in good operating condition, so they should rightfully be charged with some labor expense. An arbitrary charge which covers most simple installations of belt conveyors of ordinary length is about 1.5 cts. per hr. per in. width of conveyor for installations with greasy 1344 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA lubricated idlers, or a charge of 1 ct. per in. width for conveyors equipped with ball-bearing idlers. The expense entailed for grease or oil and the other incidental supplies required to keep the equipment in good operating condi- tions is, in a conveyor in frequent use, very nearly directly pro- portional to the h.p. consumed in operating the conveyor, and ZO JO 40 50 60 70 80 30 TRAVEL OrTRIPPrR(LEMGTHOFTRACK) IN FEET Average Cost ofAutomatfcTraveJmq Tripper's 100 20 30 40 iO GO 70 60 90 TRAVEL OF TRIPPERaEMGTH OF TRACK) IN FEET Average Cost of Hand propelled Trippfers Average Cost of Fixed Dumps 100 ^|70 #.40 < IZ 14 16 16 ?0 21 24 Z6 ?8 50 32 34 36 WIDTH OF BELT IN INCHES C' Average cos) in dollars w ■ tVidflj of bell m inches Lt-L enqth of tripper irack m feet Fig. 4. Average cost of discharging devices for belt conveyors. averages about 0.625 et. per hr. per h.p. Of this charge about 0.5 ct. per hr. is the cost of the grease required, so that the aver- age supplies charge for roller-bearing conveyors is but about 0.125 ct. per hr. per h.p. consumed. Deterioration and amortization of belt conveyors constitute an exceedingly complicated subject and one that here must, perforce. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1345 be treated in a very general manner. Depreciation is due not only to wear but to constant and quite apparent continuous deteriora- tion of the belts, whether they are in use or not, so that the de- preciation charge is little affected by careful use, provided, of course, that the equipment is operated a reasonable amount of the time. This deterioration is largely due to the hardening of the rubber cover and the loss of resiliency, and is more apt to be ac- centuated by idleness than by sane and careful use. The rest of the mechanism is not more greatly affected than other mechan- ical equipment, if well cared for and not abused. Ordinarily a depreciation charge of about 25% on the belt and about 10% on the balance of the equipment covers all reasonable wear and tear ; the general formula on Fig. 5 is based on such apportionment. The curves shown are plotted from data compiled in a more in- tricate and exacting manner, but the discrepancy between the •5000 o 8000 3 7000 o -6000 ^ 5000 8 4000 o 3000 § 2000 "* 1000 OcNCfiAL Formula Wnt/IE. C- Averoge cost in dollars Width of Comeyorininches L ^ inclination of conveyorin inches- inclined conveyor. Note: Inclining the conveyor reduces its- capacity by /-§.to 2 percent per degree angularity with the horizontal. ^^ ^ '^ ' > -5 5"! Fig. 6. Capacities of standard flight conveyors economically loaded and operated. per foot, notwithstanding the comparatively low speeds at which they have to be run. As in the case of belt conveyors, the economic speeds for various materials vary considerably, and the economic value of a flight conveyor depends upon its operation at the highest speed suitable for the load. Good practice is listed in Table II. These speeds are employed in figuring the capacities of various standard sizes of flight conveyors* depicted on Fig. 6, and are to be recommended, although considerable variation is allowable in specific installations. Fig. 6 is of particular interest in showing the great variety of CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1347 TABLE 11. ECONOMIC SPEEDS FOR PLIGHT CONVEYORS FOR VARIOUS MATERIALS Advisable speed in Material ft. per min. Coke 100 Broken stone (coarse) 125 Lump coal — run of mine 125 Ashes 150 Lime and cement 150 Ore (averag-e) 175 Crushed stone 175 Sand and gravel 175 Fine coal 200 M II _ y 1.3 1.2 General I "ORMULA : WH / — Where, C-Cor 1.000 / / / $ in sfai if= 0780 fcr roller fli _ O.Sii " shoe ■jndled'm tons per h 'or? in lenath of com jhfs: / / / § - W=Loadh H=Elevat our. \/ 'eijor / J 4 o in feet e i 0-^ UJ ^ 0.6 s ^ 0.5 ^y ^ ^\ tX »>^ 'f ^^ >^^ 0' / A /^^ i °-^ 0.2 0.1 ^\ f A V / ^ ^ J 100 200 300 3.00. 700 900 1100 1100 1500 CAPACITY m TOMS (2000LB.)PER HOUR Horsepower required for horizontal conveyors. |.W ■ ' — — — — ,*.■* 1.2 . , -'-' - ■— ^ 0.4 0,2 _^ ---■ ^^ . — ' -^ ■ zlj 1 , JOO 300 .500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 CAPACITY IN TONS (2000 LB) PER HOUR / ddi tonal horsepower Required forincliried conveyors. Fig. 7. Horsepower requirements of flight conveyors. standard sizes of conveyors that are readily procurable. In many instances, there are several conveyors of different sizes and spacing of flights which have the same, or about the same, capacity at the same speed. These cannot be equally economical, so that even greater care should be exercised in the choice of equipment. The selection is further complicated by the fact that the flights may be mounted on sliding wearing shoes or on rollers. The latter 1348 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA construction adds to the cost of the conveyor, but reduces its power consumption. A general formula for calculating the power re- quirements of flight conveyors with double strands of chain, the usual type found in the manufacturing plant, and a graphic presentation of calculated results are given in Fig. 7. The reduc- tion in power consumption carried by equipping the flights with rollers or wheels is not as great as is generally claimed, for the a '900 1 1700 'C 1500 § I SOD 31 900 §8 700 -^ertERAL Foffmu ■ 1 ■ A .^ J ^A y '^^ J C' Average cosf in dollars. y ^ ^ A . Area of flightsin sq.'in -widthtlenath yy L • t fnalh of ConveijorJn ff ^ -^1.-^ ^ ■^^ "^ _^ ^ ^ y^ J-^!J '''^ y .,<^ y ■^^ t*^ -<> i**^ ^^^-^ '^^ >^ ^r??3 >^ ^ S^^^^ ^^ jg^^j -'' VT^^ ' '^ '' 1 75 125 175 225 LENGTH OFCONVLYOR IN FEET 175 W K Fig. 8. Average cost of conveyors with sliding shoe flights. main consumption of power in any flight conveyor is in dragging along the load, the power consumed in dragging forward the chains and flights being appreciably secondary. Sliding-shoe flight conveyors, when fully loaded, consume but about 10% more power than similar flight conveyors in which the flights are mounted on rollers. Equipping the flights with rollers adds to their cost 10 30 SO 75 125 (75 225 LENGTH OF CONVEYOR IN FEET Fig. 9. Average cost of conveyors with roller flights. to some extent, but reduces the rate of depreciation, and is in reality an economic gain. The multiplicity of standards for flight conveyors and the dif- fering spacing of flights make the derivation of an accurate formula for ascertaining the cost of the equipment an intricate and involved matter. Simple formulae which closely approximate average costs may be evolved, however, which serve for all practical purposes. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1349 and such are given as the general formulae in Figs. 8 and 9. The data from Avhich the graphic depiction of average costs on these figures are plotted are from averages of the estimated costs of a number of installations, which will be found to agree closely with results obtained from the respective formulae. It will be noted that in both the formulae and on the two figures no ap- parent consideration is given to the question of flight spacing, and that apparently the costs of conveyors of certain width and length of flights are the same, irrespective of the spacing of the flights. This is not quite true, but the variation in spacing of flights in standard flight conveyors of deflnite width is not sufficiently great to make any very appreciable difference in their cost — the expense entailed by a few additional flights constituting but a small pro- portion of the total cost of equipment, that is, in the average con- veyor of reasonable length. The depreciation of flight conveyors is naturally rapid, for the load exerts a very destructive scouring or abrasion on both the 6-.I6- y 5x15; X 4;ir 15^ fxio- §2 Y/HtPt. F' DeffjsciafiQn Factor. 'A •Ammfnig/ L • Length ofCvmeyerin ft. I 75 100 125 150 Ub 200 225 250 275 500 LENGTH OF CONVEYOR IN FEFT Fig. 10. ZOiOWiO Depreciation factors for standard flight conveyors. flights and the trough. This deterioration is naturally much more pronounced when handling certain materials than it is when less destructive materials are dragged through the trough. The de- terioration due to the handling of certain materials is so very much more marked, in fact, that the character of the load must be taken into consideration in any reliable investigation of the average depreciation charge. Arbitrarily assuming a convenient basis of comparison, an average depreciation factor is arrived at in the general formula on Fig. 10, which, when multiplied by the " depreciation factor coefficient " given on the same chart, gives the average annual depreciation in dollars. The depreciation amounts to about the same in similar conveyors whether they are equipped with sliding-shoe flights or with roller flights, although the rate of depreciation is slightly lesri for the more eflicient type. Flight conveyors are usually shorter than belt conveyors, and in addition they require more attention in the way of opening gates, etc., so that the labor charge per ft. of conveyor is higher than in the case of belt conveyors, and averages between 2 and 3 cts. per in. width of conveyor. It is not correspondingly higher per ton- 1350 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA nage handled, however, because of the large capacity of a flight conveyor of the same width and length of flight. The charge for incidental supplies, as in the case of belt con- veyors, is almost directly proportional to the power requirements ; and as a number of incidental repairs can logically be charged to the same expense, safe figures for this item are 2 cts. per hr. per h.p. for conveyors with sliding-shoe flights and about 10% less, or 1.8 cts. per hr. per h.p. consumed, for conveyors in which the flights are furnished with rollers. The incidental repairs on the latter type of conveyor, chargeable to the item of " supplies," are Fig. 11. G£fi£RAL Formula '■ ^, O.lUid^W'R Where, W ^Capacity in tons {2000 Lb.) per hour. cl= Di'amefer of screw in inches Y/'= Weight of mafericil handled in Ib.percuSt R= Revolution of screws per minute. Capacities of standard screv/ conveyors, economically loaded and operated. less costly than those on flights with sliding shoes, but the lubri- cation charge is higher, so that the saving of the more efllcient construction is only about 10%. The burden of interest on investment, insurance, and taxes is proportionally no higher than in the case of other conveying equip- ment, and on the average amounts to about 8%% per year of the initial cost of the installation, in addition to which there is usually an annual renewal charge of about 20%, which is in excess of the depreciation usual to other conveyors, CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1351 Screw Conveyors. Notwithstanding its comparatively limited capacity and relatively hig-h consumption of power, the screw con- veyor possesses considerable economic value and finds many uses about certain manufacturing plants — particularly in cement mills. Unlike the types of conveyors already analyzed, the economic speed of the screw conveyor is governed by its size (diameter of screw) rather than by the character of the material handled. Fig. 11 shows not only the capacity of the common sizes of screw conveyors handling the materials usually entrusted to them, but MATERIALS HANDLED AT STANDARD SPEEDS V C5 "SI fiote:5crewC(mveijorsrrKi(jbemhlledafasliahhndmatiol^ of<^nv7or: ^"^ led per hour for each foot rise, n length 6CHERAL Formula: ftp. • ^^ WH£R£. W^ Load handled in tons per hour L- Length of conyeyor /ff feet. H~ Eleration in length of convey onn feet Fig. 12. Horsepower requirements of screw conveyors. also gives the advisable speeds at which to run the various sizes. These speeds may be varied to a considei^able extent when condi- tions make such departure advisable, but a lov/er speed is apt to sacrifice efficiency, and higher speed is apt to lead to trouble. In the consumption of power, screw conveyors are even less sparing than are flight conveyors, but as they are usually of com- paratively short length — a series of screw conveyors discharging into one another being employed if they have to carry the load any appreciable distance — and have a quite limited capacity, their 1352 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA relative extravagance in the use of power is no serious handi- cap. Fig. 12 gives the horsepower required for standard sizes of screw conveyors per ft. when handling certain materials at their eco- nomic speeds. The general formula given for calculating horse- power requirements takes into consideration the elevation of load in inclined conveyors, but ordinarily screw conveyors are installed as nearly horizontal as possible ; any inclination not only increases their consumption of power, but tends to reduce their capacity, unless some positive mechanical feeding device is installed. Though there are many special types of screw conveyors on the market of differing design, the cost of the ordinary standard type folio w^s a fairly well defined relationship, which is expressed by the general formula given on Fig. 13. The curves of the chart plotted from this formula for-cibly indicate the low initial cost of this type of equipment — a few hundred dollars for any reasonable length and average capacity. 350 .300 ;Z50 z20O 8150 GcnERALFoRHUU: C'Q/%dLf2.3ldt0.07d^ ~ Where. C= Average cost in dollars! d-Size oT conveyor in inches^ DIamefer of screw. L = Length of Conveyor. in ft 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 40 LENGTH OFCONVEYORIM FEET Fig. 13. Average cost of screw conveyors. Though cheap in first cost, the depreciation of screw conveyors is more rapid than that of almost any other type of conveyor — the propelling screw revolving in the midst of the load is sub- jected to a very destructive abrasive action. As in the case of flight conveyors, different materials affect differently the life of the propelling mechanism and the trough carrying the load. For instance, cement and lime have a much more destructive action on screw conveyors than has coke. Based on a convenient unit of depreciation, coefficients are tabulated on Fig. 14, which, when multiplied by the depreciation factor obtained from the plotted curves, or calculated from the general formula given on the chart, give the average yearly depreciation of standard screw conveyors in dollars. This depreciation factor is based on the continual operation of the conveyor, so that in charging depreciation against a conveyor not in continual use only that proportion of deteriora- tion which would be contracted in the actual working time should CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1353 be charged against the installation, provided, of course, the con- veyor is in operation a reasonable number of hours per year. Once the ordinary screw conveyor is started, it requires little attention, unless something goes wrong. The legitimate labor charge, therefore, is low. In order that there may be no inter- ruption of service due to neglect, however, the conveyor should be frequently inspected, and if such inspection is charged to labor it will raise it to about 0.5 ct. per in. diameter of screw per hr., chargeable only during actual operating hrs. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 LENGTH OF CONVEYOR IN FEET Fig. 14. Depreciation factors for standard screw conveyors. The charge for individual supplies though averaging nearly di- rectly proportionally to the power consumption of the conveyor, is much more serious than in almost any other type of conveyor ; for unless the various bearings are kept well lubricated the ma- terial being conveyed works between the shaft and bearing and is very destructive. A charge of 1 ct. per hr. per h.p. is not an excessive amount for the supplies, and may be taken as a con- servative average. Cost of Belt Renewals and Power for Driving Belts. Edwin H. Messiter, in Engineering and Mining Journal, has stated that in good practice the life of belts will be such that the cost of belt renewals should amount to 0.1 ct. per ton of ore delivered to the belt, and the h.p. required for driving it will average 0.00015 h.p.-hr. per ton for each ft. of horizontal distance through which the material is carried, plus 0.001 h.p.-hr. per ft. of height elevated. The Cost of Loading Bricks Into a Box Car Using a Portable Belt Conveyor. The following observations were made by A. C. Haskell (given in Engineering and Contracting, Sept. 15, 1915) at a large brick manufactory in New Jersey where common bricks were being loaded into a box car by means of a portable belt conveyor. The car was on a siding and the bricks were (a) in piles about 30 ft. away; and (b) brought in on small flat cars on an industrial track parallel to and 40 ft. from the siding. The conveyor was mounted on two wheels of about 4 ft. diameter and was driven by a small motor supported on the frame work, 1354 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The belt was 20 ins. wide, 20 ft. long and had a speed of 240 ft. per min. The lower end was 1.5 ft. above the ground and the upper end 2 ft. above the car floor and extending about a ft. within the car. One man (1) (Fig. 15) stood at the foot of the conveyor and received bricks, four at a time, passed to him by two others (2) and (3) alternately, from the piles. (1) placed them on the conveyor and (4) and (5), standing in the car at the door, one on either side of the belt, took them off and passed them to (6) and (7) and to (8) and (9) who piled them in the car. Brick Pile Conveyor Fig. 15. Diagram showing positions of laborers loading bricks into a car with a belt conveyor. From the flat Koppel cars which were run in as mentioned above, the bricks were loaded onto wheelbarrows, wheeled to the foot of the conveyor and stacked on four at a time. The work was very and every unit was busy all the time. The only improvement that might have been suggested was that the bricks be placed with more uniformity on the conveyor. Some- times they were put on in batches of four so close to one another that (4) and (5) could not get them ofC and they would pile up on the car floor. The foreman should have seen that the bricks were placed on the belt at equal intervals and with such fre- quency that the men in the car could just handle them. The following time study was made when loading from the piles : 100 bricks were loaded in 1.07 mins. 102 bricks were loaded in 1.13 mins. 103 bricks were loaded in 1.17 mins. 100 bricks were loaded in 1.30 mins. 405 bricks were loaded in 4.67 mins. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1355 405 X 480 On this basis in an 8-hr. day, — 41,600 bricks would 4.67 be loaded, which is between three and four car loads. Allowing 45 mins. for shifting the conveyor, etc., the total would be reduced to 37,700. 9 men at $1.75 $15.75 1 foreman at $3.50 3.50 Conveyor at $0.50 0.50 $19.75 or $19.75 + 37.7 = 52.4 cts. per thousand. Therefore to load a car with 12,000 bricks, which is about the average, would cost $6.30. A time study was made when they were unloading bricks from the flat Koppel cars with wheelbarrows and transporting them to the conveyor. The average number of men loading was two, and the average number of bricks loaded was 73 per min. The distance of travel to the foot of the conveyor was 30 ft. Average speed loaded = 30/0.22 — 136 ft. per min. Average speed empty = 30/0.13 = 230 ft. per min. On the above basis the total number of bricks handled per day by the three wheelbarrows would be : 480 X 3 X 73 = 40,900 2.57 Allowing, as before, for time to shift, the number would be 37,000: 2 men loading at $1.75 $ 3.50 3 men transporting at $1.75 5.25 9 men at conveyor at $1.75 15.75 1- foreman at $3.50 3.50 Conveyor at $0.50 0.50 $28.50 Or at a cost of $28.50/37.00 = 72.2 cts. per thousand, or at the rate of $9.25 per carload. Buckets "Weight, Size Gauge lbs. Price 13 X 10 No. 14 4,650 $490 16 X 11 No. 14 5,835 585 " Back Gear Driving Connection " is an arrangement for driving the elevator and screen, particularly used with the smaller sizes, and takes power from the breaker. The cost of the iron work for a countershaft is about $50. Bucket Elevators and Conveyors. Reginald Trautschold in In- dustrial Management, Nov., 1916, states that for handling the TABLE III . COST OF ith geared ith geared head, head. 50 50 ft. ft. centers. . . . centers. . . . 1356 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA coal supply, etc., in a manufacturing plant, the bucket elevator is the most usually encountered equipment for elevating purposes. Such apparatus requires but limited space and delivers its load in a comparatively uniform stream, which develops good capacity and, at the same time, allows the discharge- of the elevator to be handled easily and rapidly from the point of discharge, the buckets being of relatively small proportions and carrying small individual loads. Formerly the buckets were attached to the chains or belt contiguously in order to secure a continuous load, but this neces- sitated extremely low elevator speeds that the succeeding buckets might pick up suitable loads. Present practice is to space the buckets further apart and run the elevator somewhat faster, the buckets so arranged picking up more uniform loads and filling more satisfactorily. Bucket elevators with their buckets spaced some distance apart will therefore be the type analyzed in this discussion. Table IV gives speeds at which various materials have been found to be most economically handled by standard bucket ele- vators, and these may safely be taken as representing the economic speeds of bucket elevators for the various materials. TABLE IV. ECONOMIC SPEEDS FOR BUCKET ELEVATORS FOR VARIOUS MATERIALS Average Advisable weight in lbs. speed in ft. Material per cu. ft. per min. Coke .' 33.5 100 Broken stone (coarse) 165 125 Lump coal 55 125 Ashes 40-45 150 Lime and cement 65 150 Ore (average) 125 175 Crushed stone 160 175 Sand and gravel 110 175 Fine coal 50-60 ^ 200 The tabulated speeds suppose a certain interval between the buckets in order that each individual bucket may pick up a suit- able load. Usually this means the spacing of the buckets from 12 to 18 ins. apart. Obviously the closer the buckets are arranged the greater the capacity of the elevator, provided that the indi- vidual buckets can pick up equal loads, so that the capacity of a bucket elevator is very nearly directly proportional to the spacing of its buckets, the speed being constant. Fig. 16 depicts the capacity of standard sizes of bucket elevators when continuously and uniformly loaded and operated at the eco- nomic speed for the material handled. This chart illustrates the wide range of capacities of a comparatively few sizes of standard bucket elevators, and emphasizes the necessity of careful selection of equipment if the capacity required is accurately known. An elevator of excessive capacity usually means uneconomic opera- tion — an idle piece of equipment being a costly investment — while an elevator of insufficient capacity is always an inexcusable economic blunder. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1357 Bucket elevators being perfectly balanced when unloaded, the power required is simply that necessary for elevating the load, and for dragging the buckets through the charged elevator boot and overcoming the frictional resistance of the equipment ; so that a simple formula can be derived for ascertaining the horsepower I '"' 90005 S iVhcre, W'Catucitii oFe/evafor tn tons perhr. 1' L enqfh oF buckets in inches. w- Width oF buckets in inches. V - Velocity (Speed) oF buckets in feet _ per minute w'= Weight of material handled in pounds per cu. Ft. ; V, _ 5 ' Spacing oF buckets m inches. The capacities as given are _, ttiose obtained when operat- the elevators at speeds st suited For the respective materials. X^'^ SIZE OF E.LLVATOR- LENGTH ny(lDTH a SPACING Of BUCKETS Fig. 16. Capacities of standard bucket elevators economically loaded and operated. required for any particular installation. This formula might be expressed as : 15WH Hp. 10,000 where W = Load handled in tons per hr., as obtained from Fig. 16, and H = Height to which load is elevated, in ft. In the consumption of power, bucket elevators are not particu- larly economical, on account of the heavy frictional losses, the general inefficiency of the construction, and the resistance to the passage of the buckets through the charged elevator boot ; but this drawback is compensated for in large part by the quite de- cided advantages of compactness of equipment, simplicity of con- struction, and uniformity of discharge. Furthermore, a bucket 1358 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA elevator is a comparatively cheap piece of equipment and does its work well while in good condition, notwithstanding its rapid de- terioration under severe usage. Standardization of the cost of bucket elevator equipment is made difficult by the great variety of buckets which can be employed and the multiplicity of chains or belts which can be used for sup- porting the buckets. In general practice, however, the variations in design of elevator and in the type of equipment employed may be grouped into a few classes which permit conservatively ac- curate analysis of costs. Three general designs of bucket elevators are in common use : First, elevators in which the buckets are attached to a single end- less chain ; second, elevators in which the buckets are attached to HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR (ELEVATION OFLOAD) IN FEET 20 50 40 50 60 . 70 80 90 Fig. 17. Average cost of standard, double strand (steel bucket) bucket elevators. Standard detachable chain — buckets spaced 12 ins. two matched strands of endless chain ; and third, elevators in which the buckets are attached to an endless belt. Elevators employing but a single strand of chain are usually of small size and have to be installed at an inclination, in order that the buckets may satisfactorily discharge their load. These limitations natu- rally detract from the value and popularity of this type of design, and as the single chain has to be as strong as the combined strength of the two chains in double-strand elevators they are in reality little less costly than the more rugged and efficient double- strand elevator. Single-strand bucket elevators are also subject to more rapid depreciation, etc., so that they are no longer com- monly found in the efficient manufacturing plant. Double-strand bucket elevators can be run vertically by in- stalling choke sprockets to divert the direction of the descending buckets, so that they may discharge their load without undue spill, CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1359 etc. This is the type of bucket elevator usually found in the manufacturing- plant and the type to be recommended. Bucket elevators with buckets attached to an endless belt possess the same drawbucks as single-strand elevators, but also they possess the advantage of slightly lower initial cost, even when a high- grade rubber belt is employed. Though the buckets which could be employed are numerous, the standard type of elevator bucket usually meets all requirements and may be of steel or of malleable iron. The more costly buckets are usually employed only for handling materials which are de- structive to steel. The chains customarily employed for bucket elevators are either the ordinary detachable link chain, com- HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR CELEVATION OF LOAD) IN I 30 40 50 60 70 Fig. 18. Average cost of standard, double strand (steel bucket) Bucket elevators. Standard detachable chain — buckets spaced 15 ins. monly known as the engineering chain and the combination chain, a chain with malleable iron links and steel pins. Figs. 17, 18 and 19 give the average cost of standard bucket elevators with steel buckets and two strands of detachable link chain, buckets spaced 12 ins., 15 ins. and 18 ins. apart respectively. Table V gives factors for multiplying the average cost of standard, double-strand bucket elevators with steel buckets when the aver- TABLE V. STANDARD BUCKET ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT FACTORS Equipment Factor Malleable iron buckets and combination chain 1.78 Malleable iron buckets and standard chain 1.57 Malleable iron buckets and high grade rubber belt. ... 1.50 Steel buckets and combination chain 1.20 Steel buckets and standard detachable chain 1.00 Steel buckets and high grade rubber belt 92 1360 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA age cost of some other combination of standard equipment is de- sired. For instance, a 75-ft. bucket elevator with 20-in. by 6-in. steel buckets attached to two strands of detachable link chain at intervals of 18 ins. would cost about $950 (see Fig. 19). A simi- lar bucket elevator equipped with malleable iron buckets and com- bination chain would cost about $1,691 (950X1.78). A bucket elevator which is kept in good condition requires very little attention after it is started up, but care must be taken that the elevator boot does not become clogged, that unwieldy lumps of material do not find their way to the buckets, etc., so that a labor charge of about four cts. per in. width of bucket is not in- HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR CELEVATION OFLOAD) IN 30 40 50 - 60-, 70 Fig. 19. Average cost of standard, double strand (steel bucket) bucket elevators. frequent. Such a charge should cover the periodical inspections and may be taken as a fair amount for the labor expense. The expense for incidental supplies, such as grease or oil for lubrica- tion, is naturally quite high in the case of bucket elevators, owing to the unavoidable dust which is raised and which tends to clog up the oil holes of grease cups unless they are well supplied with lubricant; it will average close to 1.5 cts. per h.p. per hr. Depreciation of bucket elevators is not only comparatively rapid, but varies considerably with the service demanded of the equip- ment and the class of equipment comprising the installation. Standard elevators' with steel buckets and detachable link chains, subject to the service common in a manufacturing plant where the elevator is in fairly constant use, contract an annual depreciation expense approximating 331.^% on the cost of the buckets, 20% on the balance of the equipment. Malleable iron buckets, unless sub- ject to unusually severe service, contract a yearly depreciating ex- of about 20%, while the depreciation chargeable to a well cared for combination chain should not exceed 10% per year. The depreciation on the belt of an elevator employing such equipment CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1361 for holding the buckets, if of high-grade rubber and duck con- struction, should average about 207o in elevators in frequent use. Notwithstanding the quite dissimilar rates of depreciation of different types of bucket elevators, the average net depreciation expense contracted is very nearly the same, quite irrespective of the class of equipment entering into the construction of the ele- vator, high-grade materials of their respective classes being em- ployed in the various types. That is, the yearly depreciation charge contracted by a well cared for bucket elevator with mal- leable iron buckets and combination chain is just about the same as that contracted by a similar elevator with steel buckets and detachable link chain, or by a similar elevator with high-grade HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR (ELEVATION OF LOAD) IN FEET 20 50 40 50 60 70 80 Fig. 20. Average depreciation of standard bucket elevators buckets spaced 12 inches. rubber belting for supporting the buckets, although the respective rates of depreciation of various component parts is quite different. Figs. 20, 21 and 22 graphically depict the annual depreciation charge contracted in the average manufacturing plant in which the bucket elevators are properly selected and economically used. The general formulas given on the respective figures enable the depreciation charge to be rapidly calculated in installations in which the elevators are equipped for handling material other than fine coal or ashes. Bucket elevator installations are subject, naturally, to the usual burden of interest on investment, insurance, taxes, etc., consti- tuting the fixed charges contracted by any investment in mechan- ical equipment. This burden usually amounts to about 814% per year of the initial cost of the equipment (6% for interest, 1% for insurance and u.sually about 2% on the three-quarters of the ini- tial cost for taxes). In charging up the various expenses contracted in operating a 1362 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA bucket elevator it is customary to charge up depreciation in pro- portion to the number of hrs. per year in which the elevator is in actual operation. A year being taken as 2,500 working hrs. This 6 50 ^600 ^550 o z 500 Z450 o §400 U350 CE ^500 Q _.250 i200 z < 150 w 50 < HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR rtLEVATION OF LOAO> IN FEET 20 _.. 50 40 50 60 70 80 90 iOer/s/f^L Formula ■i-O.I5Dwl 10000 '^Where: D'= Avetoge Annual Depreciation indo/lars wl - Size of bucket - width x fengffi in inc/ies. H = Heigtil of eleyatpr in Feer. »v'= Weight of material handled in pounds per - cu. ft 0- Facfofvaruing in verse lu *vifh sne ^ or bucket; varies from 7.1 to U For;^'^ standard buc/rets from 5'k4^ to 24"xS"in size inc/usiv Fig 21. Average depreciation of standard bucket buckets spaced 15 inches. is permissible, as the rate of depreciation during operating hrs. is comparatively high, and though there is a certain degree of de- preciation contracted during hours of idleness, such deterioration HEIGHT OF ELEVATOR (ELEVATION OF LOAD.) IN FEET 30 40 . 50 60. 70 Fig. 55 EEET 22. Average depreciation of standard bucket elevators buckets spaced 18 inches. is negligible compared to that taking place while the elevator is in actual operation — providing the equipment is not to remain idle most of the time. CONVEYORS. HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1363 Bucket Conveyors. The bucket conveyor consisting of a succes- sion of buckets attached to two matched strands of endless chain, which can be run in a horizontal path as well as in a vertical plane, represents a combination of bucket elevator and conveyor which possesses all the advantages of the elevator and performs the functions of a conveyor over horizontal stretches. The buckets for this type of apparatus may be of almost any proportions ; they may be rigidly attached to the chains, or may be of the pivoted construction so that they remain in an upright GENERAL Formula 100000 s Where ; w^ Width of bucket 'in 'inches * < iV\ ' - \ »v\t^/.j\ -. \^54_ Ji°l- •, W -'.-W- Xr 0* ^y ^0//-,^'- c. . \)?^ »/rv^ ;' ^Z^Z^^'i ~t'/'\'^yXi\^^' c^"-L • 3^y\e^/V^o<*(nr' oV ^yy^- ^ 1 jyy ,'y:.Qy 0.1 r hes)j: V^.'%9«V , c^ef 1 lal ^•■--r s.- _ rtV/.:^^,-!,- II- oOT-^'l^-^-r^ke.X ,(,'4V^„.\\>" ' lOn ^'--r-^tafi D irT. 1 "fe^^ /-onv«y"'-2'"-'tr.;,r-.9 f ' 1 1 T^^^r? 1 1 1 ' ^ V-hrT 1 J . J ■— --iT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 _ ZJ 0.05 50 100 150 200 250 300 CAPACITY IN TONS CZOOOLB.) PER HOUR. Fig. 24. Horsepower requirements of bucket conveyors. As in the case of bucket elevators, bucket conveyors are per- fectly balanced so that the power requirements comprise simply that required for the elevating operation, for the conveying opera- tion, and to overcome the frictional resistance of the equipment, etc. In bucket conveyors of the type in which the buckets are CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1365 rigidly attached to the chains, considerable power is consumed in dragging the buckets through the supply of material in the feeding trough, etc. ; and in the type in which the buckets are attached to the chains so as to maintain an upright position while in any plane, power is required for operating the " reciprocating feeder " for loading the buckets. Fig. 24 shows the power requirements for both types of bucket conveyors, those with rigid buckets and those with pivoted buckets. The power required for the elevating operation does not differ so greatly in amount for the two types, but the difference is quite marked in the conveying operations, conveyors with the buckets rigidly attached to the chains being virtually flight conveyors of an inefficient type and therefore extremely lavish in the use of power. Bucket conveyors with pivoted buckets are economical in 2W00 LENGTH OF CONVIVOR- SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEL (H-u iH ONE DIRECTION-INFEET 50 100 150 200 250 300 550 A^x) 450 500 550 600. Fig. 25. Average cost of standard bucket conveyors for handling fine coal in rigid buckets, spaced 18 inches. the use of power and are rapidly displacing the less efficient though very much cheaper conveyor with rigid buckets. The spacing of the buckets not only materially affects the ca- pacity of bucket conveyors but also has a considerable effect upon their cost — the buckets constituting an important item in the cost of the equipment. Figs. 25 to |32 inclusive depict the average cost of standard bucket conveyors ; the first four charts refer to con- veyors with rigid buckets, and the latter four to similar conveyors with pivoted buckets, the bucket spacing being 18 ins., 24 ins., 30 ins. chnd 36 ins. respectively. These charts are derived from cost data from average installations' — as usually encountered. The general formulas given on the various figures permit ready calculations to be made of the average costs in cases where the vertical lift or the horizontal travel are abnormal — that is, where the ratio between the length of the two operations differs con- 1366 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA siderably from the usual run of installations. The formulas also enable the cost of equipment for handling unusually heavy or ex- tremely light materials to be ascertained. In such special cases, LEKGTH OF CONVEYOR- SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTALTRAVEL(H+L) IN ONE DIRECT10M IN FEET 50 too -150 200 250 500 350 400 450 500 550 600 , » Fig. 26. Average cost of standard bucket conveyors for handling fine coal in rigid buckets, spaced 24 inches. LEHCTH OF CONVEYOR- SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEUHtL) IN ONE DIRECTION IN FEET 50 100 150 g :; 20000 > lOOOO ?00 ?50 300 550 400' 450 500 550 600 ■. . Oener/kl Formula: €=0.00167 wl < 5000 'XGenEftAL Formula ■ ' C=O.Q0i8dMHHtUw.tO.0SV^Lt075fm I Where. C= Average cost in dollars. wl ^ Width X length of budget in inches H = Height to which load is elevated in feet L =Mori7ontal travel oFconveuor inone airechon in feet w '^ Weight of mate rial handled in pounds per cuft ^ LENGTH OF CONVEYOR- SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEL(HtL) IN ONE ^ DIRECTION IN FEET - ^° '00 150 700 ?50 500 350 4 00 450 500 55C 600 zieiis"^ I&XI5 12x12 ^ o Fig. 29. Average cost of standard bucket conveyors for handling fine coal, pivoted buckets, spaced 18 inches. tion than do some of the other systems of conveying machinery. In addition to the necessary periodic inspection, bucket conveyors with rigid buckets have the gates in the horizontal troughs opened and closed as required, and conveyors with pivoted buckets 1368 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA necessitate some attention to the reciprocating feeder and for set- ting and shifting the tripping devices. The average expense for the less efficient type of construction will average about 5 cts. per 43000 4000O 35000 : 30000 12 5000 ; 20000 t 15000 ' 10000 5000 LENGTH OFCONVEYOR-SUM OF VERTICALANO HORIZONTAL TRAVEL(H+L) IN ONE DIRECTION IN FEET. 50 100 150 «200 250 300 ^50 400 450 500 550 6 I I I- "1 — r denERAL Fqrhula: C=0.02'32fYl(HtL)w't003/;ru tOlS /Pil Where C- Average cost in dollars v/l' Width* length of^ucl^et in inches H = Height to y/htch load is elevated in feet. 'L = Horizontal travel oFconyeyor in one . ^ direction in feet Vv= neight oFmaterial handled in pounds^ ^^ 24.15^ 1. 20x15'^ 18x15 -i le'xis'^ 9 16x12' 5: I2V12| 225 275 325 FEET Fig. 30. Average cost of standard bucket conveyor for handling fine coal, pivoted buckets, spaced 24 inches. UNSTH Of CONVEVOR • SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEL AL Formula- £ C=O.O02iiwl(HiL)wtO0S/inLfQ.7S/^ Where- C = Average cost in dollars. wl = Widtf! x length of bucket in inches. H = Height to nhich load is elevated m feet Fig. 31. i^.verage cost of standard bucket conveyors for handling' fine coal, pivoted buckets, spaced 24 inches. hr. per in. -width of bucket, and for the conveyors with pivoted buckets in the neighborhood of 4 cts. per hr. per in. -width. Incidental supplies vary closely in cost with the power con- sumption of the apparatus ; in the case of bucket conveyors with CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1369 rigid buckets it averages about 1% cts. per h.p. per hr., and for conveyors with pivoted buckets in the neighborhood of 1 ct. per h.p. Such charges cover not only the expense of the necessary grease or oil, waste, etc., but also the application of the lubricant. The question of lubrication is important in this type of conveyor and should be attended to regularly. The complexity due to the variation in bucket spacing of the two types of conveyors, so apparent in the consideration of average initial costs, is still further accentuated in the matter of depre- ciation, as the component parts of the two types of conveyors de- teriorate at quite different rates. The ordinary yearly deprecia- tion of the buckets for^the conveyors with rigid construction aver- t-ENGTH OF CONVEYOR -SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEL(HtL>INONE DIRECTION IN FEET SO 100 150 ?0O 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600_ • . Fig. 32. Average cost of standard bucket conveyors for handling fine coal, pivoted buckets, spaced 36 inches. ages close to 33i^%, while that of the pivoted types of buckets should not exceed 20%, unless the service to which the conveyor is subjected is unusually severe. The depreciation on the chains does not vary to any great extent, averaging about 15% per year. Chains for rigid buckets must be heavier because of the greater amount of power they have to transmit, and though subject to more of a scouring action than the chains for the pivoted type of conveyor they withstand the abrasive wear better on account of their greater weight. The horizontal troughs of the conveyors with rigid buckets wear out about as rapidly as do the rigid buckets themselves, while the rails, etc., of the more efficient ■ construction do not contract a depreciation of more than 10 or 15% per year — sometimes even less. The balance of equipment for either type of conveyor should not show depreciation at a greater rate than about 10% per year. Figs. 33 to 40 inclusive graphically depict the average annual 1370 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA depreciation contracted by bucket conveyors when handling such material as fine coal in the manufacturing plant; the first four figures showing the average deterioration of conveyors with rigid 5500 IN ONE DIRECTION IN FEET 50 100 ISO 200 250 100 550 400 450 500 S50 600 Fig. 38. Average depreciation of standard bucket conveyors handling fine coal in pivoted buckets, spaced 24 inches. in use a reasonable number of hours each year ; but in the case of conveyors with pivoted buckets, such practice is only legitimate when the plant is in active operation, at least 60% of the work- ing hours of the year — i. e., from 4 to 5 hrs. each working day. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1373 In installations in which the conveyor is not used more than about 1,500 hrs. per year the depreciation charge of bucket conveyors with pivoted buckets should be figured on such usage. LENGTH OF CONVEYOR -SUM OF VERTICALAND HORIZONTAL TRAVEKH+ DIN ONE DIRECTION J N FEET .50 fOO ISO, 200 250 300 350 400 460 SOO 550 Fig. 39. Average depreciation of standard bucket conveyors handling fine coal in pivoted buckets, spaced 30 inches. LENGTH OF CONVEYOR- SUM OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL TRAVEL(H* DTNONE DIRECTIOIi INFEET 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 60q,'.„ » , Fig. 40. Average depreciation of standard bucket conveyors handling fine coal in pivoted buckets, spaced 36 inches. Test of Motor- Driven Coai-Conveyor System. L. A. Quaj'le in Power, March 7. 1916, gives the following test on the coal and ash conveyor installed at the Fairmount pumping station, Cleve- land, Ohio, as made to determine whether the motors and con- veyor conformed with the specifications upon which they were pur- chased. 1374 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The main conveyor was of the traveling-bucket type. The buckets were of compressed steel, counterbalanced to hold them in a horizontal position, and they overlap when traveling longi- tudinally. The cross conveyor is of the endless-belt type and con- veys the coal from the hopper into which the cars dump (in the space to the right) to the main conveyor, a distance of 10 ft. The ashes were dumped from the boiler ash hoppers into small cars, which were elevated to the floor above by a hydraulic elevator and dumped into the ash hopper. From here the ashes were conveyed upward into a large hopper, from which they slide into railroad cars. Conveyor data and the results of the tests on the conveyor run- ning loaded and also running light are given in the following table : Total number of buckets in conveyor 173 Pitch of buckets 2 ft. Total length of conveyor 346 ft. Total height cog,l is elevated 55 ft. Rated capacity of conveyor, tons per hr 40 Speed of conveyor running light- 40 ft. per min. Speed of conveyor running loaded 38.2 ft. per min. Time required for bucket to return to starting point 9 min. 5 sec. Type of main- and cross-belt conveyor motors, d.c, 115 volt compound wound, inclosed. Full-load rating of main-conveyor motor (57% amps.) 7.25 h.p. Full-load speed of main-conveyor motor 775 r.p.m Full-load rating of cross-conveyor motor (19% amps. ) 2.5 h.p. Full-load speed of cross-conveyor motor 1,200 r.p.m. Length of run, running light 27 min. Length of run, unloading coal 2 hr. 28 min. Net weight of coal in car No. 216,435 97,900 lbs. Net weight of coal in car No. 216,082 98,300 lbs. Total coal unloaded 98 tons Rate of unloading, tons per hour 39.78 Input to both motors, conveyor running light. . . 115 v. 19 amp. Input to both motors, conveyor running light... 2.18 kw. Current input to both motors, conveyor run- • ning loaded 113 v., 41 amp. Average input to both motors, conveyor running loa'ded 4.63 kw. Rated continuous input to both motors 8.85 kw. Actual input in per cent, of rated input 52.3 Max. temp, of bearings on main motor 120 deg. F. Max. temp, of bearings on cross-belt motor.... 116 deg. F. Max. temp, rise of main motor windings 25 deg. C. Max. temp, rise of cross-belt motor windings... 20 deg. C. Max. allowable temp, rise of main- and cross- conveyor motor windings 55 deg. C. Theoretical b.hp. required to elevate the coal and give it a velocity of 38.2 ft. per min.. . 2.22 b.hp. Efficiency of the conveyor, assuming an efficiency of 80% for main-conveyor motor and 78% for cross-conveyor motor 45% The conveyor handled slightly less than its rated capacity during the test, owing to the buckets not being completely filled. The ratio of current input running light (2.18 kw.) to current input running loaded (4.63 kw.) is 41%, which represents ap- CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1375 proximately the efficiency of the conveyor and checks within 2% the b.h.p. method, which was used in obtaining the efficiency of 45% shown by the test. A Bucket Conveyor Machine for loading wagons from open piles, consisting of a gasoline engine driven inclined conveyor mounted on a wagon truck, is built by the Link Belt Company of Phila- delphia, and is sold at $850 Engineering News, Feb. 22, 1912, gives the following data on its use : Comparative observations of the machine in use in a coal yard and of hand loading show the following costs per ton: MACHINE LOADING Cost, cts. Interest 2.55 Maintenance 1.25 Depreciation 2.12 Power 0.37 Team and driver 5.00 Yard helper 1.25 Total , . . . 12.54 HAND LOADING Cost, Cts. Team and driver 15 Yard helper 5 Total 20 This is based on loading only 10 tons of coal per day for a year of 200 days; interest is taken at 6%, maintenance and repairs at $25, depreciation at 5%, power at 10 cts. per kw.-hr., team and driver at 45 cts. per hr., yard helper at 15 cts. When desired, the head chute is made, without extra cost, with a screen plate. The extra cost of screening is then nothing com- pared with about 6.6 cts. by hand, making the total saving on a ton of screened coal 14 cts. These figures are for a very small use of the loader — about 10 minutes of actual operation. The ton costs for power, team and men are fixed, but the other costs decrease with increasing use. If 50 minutes' average actual operation for a day can be secured, then the costs per ton for loading and screening drops to 7.8 cts. and the saving per ton amounts to 18.8 cts. The annual saving for the smaller use (unscreened) amounts to $149 ($281 for screened coal) : for the larger use it rises to $1,240 for unscreened and $1,880 for screened coal. It is evident that the machine would pay for itself in a year in a medium-sized yard. The figures quoted are for handling coal, but they should be about the same for handling broken stone, etc. Suction Conveyors. Reginald Trautschold in Industrial Man- agement, Nov., 1916, gives a system of conveying ashes in large power plants, and to a somewhat lesser extent of handling fine coal, which has been developed to a high .state of perfection during the past ten years, using the rush of air to a storage tank in which a partial vacuum is maintained by a high speed exhaust fan. The 1376 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA conveyor proper consists siinply of a section of heavy cast-iron pipe in which small intakes are located before each boiler (in ash conveyors) to which the ashes are simply fed and are sucked in by the inrushing- air through the open intake, the conveyor duct being connected directly to the exhaust storag-e tank. A some- what similar arrangement is also satisfactorily in use for handling fine coal to temporary storage tanks. From these tanks the coal is subsequently distributed to other storage by other systems of conveying machinery. This pneumatic system of handling materials possesses many desirable features. It has also several peculiarities which are of interest from an engineering standpoint. The system is an expensive one to install and requires a considerable supply of power for a relatively small capacity ; but on the other hand, it calls for practically no individual labor expense and is extremely convenient and cleanly, solving the ash problem, which is so often an annoyance in the manufacturing plant. As the material handled by a suction conveyor is carried in a state of suspension, the capacity of the systein is not high. A 4-in. conveyor (diam. of pipe, or conveyor duct) carries only about 2% tons of ashes per hr., while the largest size employed, the 12-in. conveyor, only about 23% tons per hr. The capacities of standard suction conveyors of the different sizes when handling fine coal or ashes are given in Table VII. When handling other material the capacity of the installation can be readily ascertained by the general formula W — 0.0385 k d2. where W = Capacity of the conveyor in tons per hr. d -— Diam. of conveyor duct in ins. k = Weight of material handled in lbs. per cu. ft. In the consumption of power, suction conveyors present one of their distinct peculiarities ; practically, the length of the con- veyor (the conveyor duct) has no appreciable effect upon the con- sumption, other than a slight increase due to greater leakage through the intakes, leakage which can be controlled to a great extent. This peculiarity is due to the fact that after a certain degree of vacuum has been created throughout the system, no more power is required to maintain such a vacuum in a long conveyor than in a considerably shorter one. The leakage through intakes which are not tightly closed tends to destroy the vacuum, but such leakage, even in a long conveyor with a number of in- takes, is slight compared to the inrush of air through the open intakes through which the conveyor is fed. The long conveyor requires a somewhat longer time in which to create the required degree of vacuum than is required by a shorter conveyor, but the volumetric contents of the conveyor duct per unit length is small compared to the contents of the exhausted storage tank. Quite an appreciable increase in the length of the conveyor, therefore, has very little effect upon the time required to secure the state of vacuum necessary for the successful operation of the system. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1377 Another peculiarity of the suction conveyor is that the char- acter of the load has no appreciable effect upon the consumption of power. The degree of vacuum maintained is the important thing : the weight of material handled in no way affects the power consumption. In a 10-in. conveyor it takes just as much power to handle about 17 tons of ashes as it does to .handle about 23 tons of fine coal per hour. TABLE VII. CAPACITIES, POWER REQUIREMENTS, AND COSTS OF STANDARD SUCTION CONVEYORS Capacities Average h.p. Approxi- mate aver- Diameters c — in tons 1 per hr. — ^ required for age cost in in ins. Ashes Fine coal exhaust fan dollars 4 2.5 3.7 9 2,300 6 6.0 8.3 20 5,200 8 10.3 14.8 35 9,300 10 17.0 23.1 55 14,500 12 23.5 32.3 80 21,000 Table VII gives the average power requirements of standard suction conveyors when handling any kind of material such as may be successfully conveyed by such apparatus. A 12 -in. suc- tion conveyor requires a supply of about 80 h.p. to maintain the required degree of vacuum and such a conveyor would have a capacity when handling ashes of only about 23.5 tons per hr., or require nearly 3.5 h.p. for each tone of ashes carried. By far the most expensive item of equipment for a suction con- veyor is that represented by the powerful exhaust fan required. The storage tank, with its system of water spray for quenching hot ashes, etc., is also an expensive item and just as costly for a short conveyor as it is for a long one. The conveyor duct is comparatively inexpensive, so that the average cost of a complete installation is little affected by the length of the system. Further- more, the system is still relatively new, so that the average costs may be considered as practically independent of the length of the system and as governed almost entirely by the size of the con- veyor (the diam. of the conveyor duct). Table VI t gives the average cost of complete suction conveyor installations of ordinary sizes. The systems are expensive, but their convenience and cleanliness do much to compensate for their high initial cost. Practically no additional labor charge is contracted In the opera- tion of a suction conveyor. In fact, the duties of the boiler men are reduced rather than increased by such a system for handling ashes. No labor charge need therefore be made against the system when employed for handling ashes ; nor, for that matter, when fine coal is handled by the conveyor. In the matter of incidental sup- plies also, little expense is contracted. The bearings of the ex- haust fan, etc., have to be lubricated; there is some expense en- tailed in the supply of quenching water for the hot ashes, and 1378 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA there are the usual incidental supplies required in keeping the fan and other mechanically operated parts in proper condition, but that is about the extent of the legitimate expense for supplies — amounting in all to about 1 ct. per h.p.-hr. Suction conveyors promise to be long lived if properly cared for. The chief item of depreciation is represented by the expense con- tracted for new elbows at points . where the direction of the con- veyor duct changes. Such elbows, or their back wearing blocks, wear out rapidly on account of the destructive abrasive action of the rapidly moving load carried in suspension and forcibly pro- jected against any surface deflecting a direct course. The ex- haust tanks in suction conveyors handling ashes deteriorate through the corrosive action of wet ashes, but except for these localized points of heavy deterioration a suction conveyor well withstands wear and tear. A conservative depreciation charge, one that is perforce arbitrarily chosen on account of the meagreness of re- liable data available, is 10% of the initial cost of the system per year. The system is subject to the usual fixed charges, consisting of interest on investment, insurance, taxes, etc., say 8.5% of the initial cost. Steam Jet Ash Conveyors. A system for handling ashes from the boiler grates that is even of more recent origin than the suc- tion conveyor consists of a conveyor duct, similar to that employed in the suction system of ash handling, leading to an elevated stor- age tank, but utilizing a steam jet taken from the boiler to create the rush of air through the conveyor duct for carrying the ashes, in place of the partial vacuum used in the suction system. The economy of this system is dependent upon the value of the steam utilized by the conveyor — the conveyor duct and the storage tank being comparatively inexpensive and adding no great burden of fixed charges to the installation. Steam Consumption and Capacity. Careful tests conducted in a plant equipped with this system of ash handling showed an aver- age steam consumption of about 265 lbs. per ton of ashes removed. At 20 cts. per 1,000 lbs. of steam, this would place the steam ex- pense of the system at about BVs cts. per ton of ashes handled. Adding a fixed burden of 25%, a conservative rate, would bring the net cost of handling ashes by the steam jet ash conveyor to about 6% cts. per ton — a figure which compares quite favorably with that contracted by the more complicated system. Operation of the Automatic or Gravity Railway consists in re- leasing a car with its load on a down grade on a trestle and stop- ping it by means of a counterweight of the counterbalance, which is so adjusted that it will allow the car to reach its destination over the bin or dump, where it is dumped by means of a tripping block. Then the momentum of the car having been spent, and its weight reduced, the counterweight falls back to its former position. In doing so the car is given suflficient momentum to carry it back to the point for receiving another load. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES. ELEVATORS 1379 The ytandard types of car are built of one and two tons' capacity "With the ridge in the center so that all the material will discharge simultaneously and equally and without danger of overturning. The sides are fastened to each other so that one side cannot open unless the other' side opens equally at the same time. A plant in which an automatic railway effects important econo- mies is that of T. F. Quinlan, New York, described by A. E. Michel in Engineering and Contracting, May 15, 1912. Twenty- five thousand tons of coal are handled annually. The coal is hoisted by means of an electric hoist from the canal boats in i.^-ton tubs, on a mast and gaff, to an automatic railway car by which It is distributed in the yard. With the previous equipment, the coal was hoisted by horse power and trimmed into the stock pile. The old equipment cost $1,750, the new one $2,800. The unloading capacity with the old plant was 120 tons per day ; with the new machinery the capacity is 200 tons per day, an increase of 80 tons. The power is purchased by meter at 5 cts. per h.p.-hr., and costs less than 7 mills for each ton of coal hoisted and delivered to the car. The labor required to operate the new plant in taking the coal from the vessel to the stock pile, is as follows : Three shovelers are employed in the hold of the vessel, one man operates the elec- tric hoist, another dumps the coal into the car, weighs it, and at- tends to the automatic railway. The cost of handling to the stock pile, interest and depreciation included, was, with the old plant, 17% cts. per ton; with the new plant the cost is 7 % cts., the comparative operating costs being analyzed below. NEW PLANT Per Capacity 200 tons. day. 3 shovelers. at $1.50 $ 4.50 1 bolster, at $2 2.00 1 man to dump, weigh and tend automatic car, at $1.50. . . . 1.50 Electric power, oil, waste, etc 2.00 Interest and taxes yearly, 10 per cent 2.24 Depreciation, yearly, 1 per cent 2.24 (Two last items based on a year of 125 days' work.) $14.48 Daily cost per ton in stock pile 7 1^ cts. OLD PLANT Per Capacity 120 tons. day. 2 shovelers, at $1.50 $ 3.00 3 carts, horses and driver, at $3 9 00 1 hoisting horse and driver, at $3 ■ 3.00 2 trimmers, at $1.75 3.50 Interest and taxes yearly, 10% 1-40 Depreciation, yearly, 10% 1.40 (Two last items based on a year of 125 days' work.) $21.30 Daily cost per ton in stock pile 17% cts. 1380 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA This difference of 10 1/^ cts. per ton on 25,000 tons maizes an ac- tual saving of $2,625 each year; thus every 13 months the cost of the new plant is saved in reduced pay roll. Comparative Cost and Value of First Quality and Second Quality Hemp Rope. To determine the relative value of first and second quality of Manila rope the following data were compiled by the Plymouth Cordage Company : 1st quality 2d quality Length of rope in -coil 1,250 ft. 1,070 ft. Wt. of coil with lashings 97 lbs. 97 lbs. Wt. of lashings 1 lb. 3 lb. Assumed price i)er lb 12 cts. 9 cts. Comparative price per 100 ft 9 3 cts. 82 cts. Breaking strength 2,907 lbs. 1,450 lbs. Comparative value (estimated) 12 cts. 5% cts. The coils were accurately weighed and measured and a number of pieces of each were tested for strength upon a reliable testing machine, the above results being obtained from the various weights and measurements. The Life of a Wire Rope and the Effect of Oiling Thereon. Mr. W. D. Hardie in Engineering and Mining Journal, May 31, 1902, says that in some tests of greased and ungreased wire rope by Mr. Biffart two lengths of the same size and manufacture of rope were run over pulleys, the oiled lengths making 38,700 bends, as against 16,000 for the unoiled, before breaking. In other tests unoiled rope passed 74,000 times over a 24-in. pulley as against 386.000 times for the oiled rope. This illustrates the value of lubricants in keeping down costs of rope service. Cost of Locomotive Cranes. 15-ton, 8-wheel type, standard gauge revolving locomotive crane, with 46-ft. steel boom and cables for hoist. Crane shipped on own trucks. Cost of works $6,000 15-ton, 4-wheel type, standard gauge revolving locomotive crane, with 38-ft. steel boom and cables for hoist. Cost_f. o. b. cars at work $4,850 Equipment for above cranes. One 15-ton capacity swivel hook-block >. . . $ 50 One 1 ^2 yd. clam-shell bucked 450 Capacity, Cost, and Operation of Locomotive Cranes. Cranes are built in sizes ranging from 3 to 60 tons capacity ; the lightest ones being used chiefly around industrial plants and the larger bnes for special purposes, such as bridge erection, etc. The best all-around crane for maintenance of way work is the 8-Avheel crane of 20 to 30 tons capacity. Such a crane will cost from $7,000 to $8,000, The cost of operation depends on the number of days worked, the kind of work, etc., it being evident that a crane loading ballast will require more repairs than one doing light work in a CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1381 storage yard. However, the average cost of operation will be about as follows: Interest $ 2.00 Depreciation 2.00 Repairs 2,00 Fuel 2.50 Supplies 0.50 Labor 6.00 Total $15.00 This is somewhat higher than is usually claimed, but it is prob- ably a fair estimate. Where fuel is cheap and wages low, it may be reduced somewhat but it is usual to underestimate such items as depreciation and repairs. Depreciation and repairs have been figured on the basis of a crane being kept in service 20 years, but that in the meantime it will have been completely rebuilt once. The daily rate is based on using the crane 200 full days during the year. What a crane will earn depends upon the class of work it is doing, and the amount saved depends upon the method superseded. For instance, a crane will not switch cheaper than a switch engine, it will not excavate or handle material cheaper than a good stiff- leg derrick, it will not drive piles cheaper than a good piledriyer, or compete with any other good machine designed for special purposes. However, when its adaptability is taken into considera- tion, the fact that it may displace several machines (on account of being able to command a large territory) makes its value evident. It is when the ' use of a crane is compared with manual labor that its great saving is shown. Figures have been obtained from a large number of sources and while they show considerable varia- tion in general it may be claimed that a crane will save, as against hand work, as follows : Saving, per day Handling scrap and other material with a magnet $40 Handling coal and other material with a clam shell bucket.. 40 Handling lumber and timber 30 On general construction wori< including switching 40 From these figures it will appear that a crane may pay for itself in a year's time. A few comparative costs, selected at random, follow: Material handled By hand. With crane, cts. cts. »crap, ton 0.20 to 0.25 0.02 to 0.06 Coal, ton See note 0.05 to 0.10 Timber, M. ft 0.40 to 0.50 0.12 to 0.20 Lumber, M. ft 0.40 to 50 0.25 to 0.35 Piling, lin. ft 0.004 0.002 Cast ir5n pipe (loading), cwt 0.032 0.016 Cast iron pipe (unloading), cwt 0.021 0.012 Note: The cost of handling coal is not given, as coal handled in any great quantity by hand generally has some labor-saving device, such as elevated tracks, etc. 1382 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The saving in money is not the only saving that can be credited to the crane, as the liability of personal injuries is much less where heavy material is handled by mechanical means. A few typical examples of crane work follow : A large locomotive boiler weighing 25 tons has been picked out of a river bed, hoisted 60 ft. and loaded on a car in 25 minutes. By hand it would have taken two or three days and in this case a work train would have been necessary to handle the car. A stilf-leg derrick has been set up alongside a bridge and put into use in three hours. Without a crane it would take all day to unload and place the engine and derrick ready for setting up. A tower 100 ft. high has been set up with a temporary boom extension in less time than would have been required to rig a gin-pole to do the erection. At the Panama-Pacific Exposition there are a large number of statues ornamenting the buildings. These were placed very cheaply with a locomotive crane, the boom of which had been extended to over 100 ft. This enabled the crane to reach prac- tically all locations, and the statues were set up quickly and with- out damage. To have rigged poles to handle each one would have taken a great deal more time and would have cost much more. These examples might be continued indefinitely, but others will readily suggest themselves to the practical man. In general, how- ever, it may be claimed that a crane will do hoisting where tracks are available in less time than it will take to rig up any other device. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. has a number of self- propelled locomotive cranes ranging from 5 to 15 tons capacity, the latter size being generally employed. The first cost of such a crane is from $6,500 to $7,500. The following data give the range of the cost per day : Interest $1.08 to $ 1.37 Depreciation 1.08 to 1.80 Repairs 0.26 to 1.00 Fuel 0.65 to 0.83 Supplies 0.12 to 0.15 Labor 4.40 to 5.85 Total $7.59 to $11.00 These figures are gathered from different localities with varying labor scales and costs of fuel and for cranes employed on different classes of work. The labor item only covers the men actually operating the crane and not the crew needed incidentally in hand- ling material or the cost of a night watchman, which would be necessary in a majority of cases. The general storekeeper in the Milwaukee shops of this com- pany uses a locomotive crane with a magnet almost exclusively for handling scrap, and gives the total cost per day of operating it as $9.10. He states that he is able to accomplish an amount CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1383 of work with the crane equivalent to what would require from $50 to $60 by hand labor. Locomotive cranes are used at the company's two principal bridge yards, which serve as distributing points for bridge ma- terial on the eastern lines and also in handling bridge material on track elevation work in Chicago and Milwaukee. At Tomah, Wis., the cost of operating a locomotive crane unloading and handling piles and bridge timber, including four laborers, which are all that' are required in addition to the men on the crane, is $13.45 per 10-hour day. The cost of an ordinary yard crew is $14.25 per day. and a locomotive crane is able to accomplish the work of two yard crews. The following are some comparisons of the cost of handling by hand and by crane : By locomotive By hand crane Timber $0.42 per M. $0.12 per M. Reinforcing steel 0.24 per ton 0.11 per ton Piling 0.004 per ft. 0.002 per ft. The cost of operating a 10-ton crane, estimated on a basis of 300 working days per year, is itemized as follows: Coal, 875 lbs. at $7 $3.17 Valve oil 0.08 Black oil 0.01 Hard oil 0.01 Crude oil 0.01 Cotton waste 0.01 Boiler washing 0.22 General repairs 0.33 Heating crane shed 0.23 Interest on investment, 5 per cent." 1.01 Depreciation, 7 per cent 1.41 Total $6.49 The above data do not include labor, concerning which the fol- lowing statement was made : A saving of 50% in the cost of labor is made by using a crane for handling heavy timber, piling and other heavy materials. A sav- ing of 50% of switching service is made by using a locomotive crane. By the use of such a crane a saving of approximately $15 per day is made over and above the expenses of upkeep, interest on in- vestment, depreciation, etc. Mr. Eggleston of the Erie R. R. states that one of their ordinary cranes complete cost $13,300. Interest, depreciation, repairs, fuel and supplies cost per year approximately $3,650 (with an average of 300 working days). He also states that a crane with a magnet will handle as much scrap in a day as 50 laborers ; as much timber, piling, etc., as 15 laborers, and as much miscellaneous bridge and building material as 10 laborers. It is invaluable in the placing of structures and structural material. The above machine weighs 170,000 lbs. It has a piledriver at- tachment and can operate a drag scraper or a clam shell. Each 1384 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA movement is independent of all others. In turning the maximum speed is three revolutions per minute, while in propelling on straight and level track the speed is 300 ft. per minute. It is capable of handling, under same conditions, 20 loaded cars. Equipped with a No. 2 " Arnott " steam hammer the crane can drive piles 34 ft. from center of track at the rate of 130 blows per min. Two tons of coal and 2,000 gals, water will operate it con- tinuously for 10 hours. It requires 2 men to operate, and 6 men will change from boom to piledriver in 3 hours, and the reverse in about 4 hours. Cost of Handling Lumber in a Railway Shop by a Locomotive Crane Compared with Hand Work (Engineering and Contract- ing. July 27, 1910) as given by J. F. Slaughter in a paper before the Railway Storekeepers' Association. The following comparisons were presented : First, in unloading and piling lumber from open cars, Mr. Slaughter finds it costs $6 per car to handle back and forth and properly to assort them on ways of their respective lengths. This same work can be done with a crane for $1.40 per car, or a saving of $4.60. Car and engine bolsters cost to handle by hand $5 per carload of seventy-five ; these can be handled by locomotive crane for 75 cts., or a saving of $4.25. One hundred 414 by 8 axles — by hand $5.50, by crane $1.50, saving of $4. Mounted wheels to axles — by hand 75 cts. per car, by crane 17 cts., saving 58 cts. He also found in handling scrap that the cost by hand for an average of 100 cars is $7 per car; with the crane it is $2.83, or a difference of $4.37 in favor of the latter. Mechanical Handling in Storage Yards. There is a general tendency to equip yards with labor-saving devices, chief among which are the various types of cranes in use for piling, hauling and storing bulky materials. There are 4 types of cranes used for this purpose, described by R. C. Cram in Electric Railway Journal, Dec. 23, 1916, viz., stiff-leg derricks, guy derricks, jib cranes and gantry cranes. The stiff-leg type is the one in most general use, and one or more of these will be found almost indispensable in yards of all but the smallest roads, as the operation is simple, the range of use greater and the cost nominal in proportion to its serviceability. A derrick with a capacity of 10 tons can be made and erected complete without motors for about $500. This includes labor and all fittings. This is a stiff-leg derrick located in a moderate- sized yard, the Summerfield yard of the Connecticut Company at Bridgeport, Conn. It is operated by means of a motor car, hence no other hoisting machinery is required with the derrick itself. The use of the motor car obviates the necessity for the purchase and maintenance of hoisting apparatus. A 15-ton. wooden stiff-leg derrick with iron fittings is said to have cost as follows in 1913: Lumber, $256.23; iron, $213.52; paint, $3, and labor $35.25, a total of $508. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1385 For yard use only it is probable that a derrick car of the boom- crane type has the greatest range of use, while for combined yard and road use the jib-crane type will be found best. The one particular advantage of the latter in road work is the non-inter- ference with overhead work. Both types are, of course, designed for electrical operation. These equipments cost from $6,000 to $7,000 complete, ready to run. From Table VIII it is evident that the crane has saved more than $2,200 per year, and therefore paid for itself in a little more than 3 years. A crane of the boom type has been found to save its cost in 1 year as compared with manual labor. TABLE VIII. SAVING EFFECTED IN FOUR YEARS BY USE OF 3-TON PILLAR CRANE CAR ON ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM Cost of handling Without With Total Number of tons handled crane crane saving 4000 tons miscellaneous $1.00 $0.25 $3,000 3324 tons load on cars 75 .20 1.828 3324 tons to yard 1.00 .25 2.493 6340 tons unloaded . . .- 50 .20 1.902 6340 tons to job 75 .25 3.170 $12,393 Cost of crane car, ready to run. . . .$7,000 Depreciation, 5%, 4 years 1,*400 Interest, 5%. 4 years 1,400 Upkeep, 2y2%, 4 years 700 $3,500 Net saving 4 years, 1 car $8,893 In conjunction with the use of cranes in yards there is a device In use for handling ties with the crane at the Sixty-third Street dock of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit system which reduced the cost of handling from 1 ct. to 3 mills per tie, incidentally reducing the handling force from a crew of 9 men and 1 foreman to 2 men and a crane operator. There has been a great reduction in accidents and the ties may be piled much higher, thus saving ground space. The cost of these tie-bales is between $50 and $60 each. Another saving effected through the use of machinery has been made in the handling of granite paving blocks. It was found that handling the blocks entirely by hand cost 22 cts. per ton, which has been reduced to 7 cts. per ton with the aid of machinery. Installation and Operating Costs of Cranes. Coal received in barges is unloaded most economically by a mast-and-gaff rig, or some form of hoisting tower, the former when the capacity re- quired is small and the latter when a heavy tonnage has to be handled. Fig. 41 depicts a typical layout of a mast-and-gaff rig for un- loading coal barges at a plant of moderate size described by MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Reginald Trautschold in Engineering Magazine, July, 1916. The coal is raised from the barge by an ordinary steam-operated mast- and-gaff rig equipped with a clamshell bucket, and is discharged into an elevated hopper which feeds the automatic dump cars of a gravity railway about 500 ft. long. The coal is stored in piles along the path of the railway from which it is reclaimed as re- quired for the power house. Such an installation has a handling capacity of about 50 tons per hr. and if operated a reasonable num- ber of days per year will unload barges and store the coal for a total cost of less than 4 cts. per ton. This cost is calculated as follows: At 50 tons per hr., in an average yearly operating period Aufomafic Railwau SOOFt.Long Mastand'Oaff Riq Elevation ,'j deceiving Hoppei'. /Aufomafic Railway MasfandOaff-'-y Rig n Plan A \ Coat Barge Fig. 41. Mast-and-gaff rig and automatic railway. of six months, equivalent to 160 ten-hour shifts, there will be handled 80,000 tons. The unloading equipment cost $6,000. Fixed charges on this at 10% are $600, equivalent to 0.75 cts. per ton. The operating charges amount to 2.5 cts. per ton. The storing equipment cost $2,000 ; calculated similarly, the fixed charges on this are 0.25 cts. per ton, while the operating charges are 0.42 cts. The total of these four items is 3.92 cts., the total cost per ton of handling. Fig. 42 illustrates an installation of considerably greater capacity, which will unload barges more cheaply and convey the coal nearly three times as far to storage. Three traveling hoisting towers, CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1387 steam operated, are mounted upon an elevated trestle for unloading the barges and transferring the coal to a system of industrial cars, which convey it to the vicinity of the power house. The cars dis- charge to other conveying equipment serving the plant, or the coal may be stored in piles along the elevated trestle upon which the cars run. The average cost of operating this system, based on handling 1,200.000 tons of coal per year, that is 750 tons per hr. for 160 ten-hr. days, is less than 3 cts. per ton. The figures used to derive this result are a first cost for the unloading equipment 2 Traveling Towers. Ca pacify. 2 SO Tons per Hr per Tower /O Tor? Automatic Electric Car • . Traveling RecJaiminq Tower- Capacity. SCO Tons per Hr jffoisting Towers [2S0 Tons per Hr Plan Figs. 42 and 43. Fig. 42. Traveling hoisting towers, steam operated, with car trestle. Fig. 43. Traveling hoisting towers with traveling bridge and reclaiming tower. of $160,000, and an unloading operating charge of 0,7 cts. per ton; a first cost for the conveying .equipment of $85,000 and a con- veying operating charge of 0.25 cts. per ton, the total handling cost per ton being 2.91 cts. A more elaborate arrangement of equipment of somewhat less capacity is shown in Fig. 43. Two hoisting towers mounted on an elevated trestle unload the barges and load 10-ton automatic HIOH MEDIUM COMPARATIVE HOISTING SPEEDS LOW Fig". 44. Lifting capacity of standard overhead electric cranes, at high, medium, and low speeds. 1388 CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1389 electric cars ; the cars discharge their load along a traveling stocking bridge or directly to other cars at the further end of the bridge. These cars convey the coal to the power house. The coal distributed to storage by the traveling bridge is reclaimed by a hoisting tower mounted on the bridge and traveling over it. The capacity of this latter tower is sufficient to handle all the coal that can be unloaded by the two towers on the water front, the capacity of the system, both for storing and reclaiming the coal, being 500 tons per hr. The average net cost of handling coal to and from storage is about 6^^ cts. per ton, a part of which can be saved by purchasing coal during depressed markets, since the storage capacity of the plant is large. The first cost of this installation is $100,000 for the unloading equipment. $105,000 for the conveying equipment and $160,000 for the reclaiming equip- ment. The operating charges for unloading, conveying, and re- claiming are respectively, 0.7 ct., 0.25 ct. and 1.10 cts. The sub- aqueous storage virtually doubles the storage capacity without detriment to the coal ; in fact, under-water storage is frequently to be recommended for soft coals. Overhead cranes are customarily rated according to their lifting capacity, their chief task, but this is sometimes misleading, since the question of speed of hoist bears as much relation to the ca- pacity of a crane as does the weight it is capable of lifting. The lifting capacity is at the maximum, at the minimum hoisting speed and decreases directly as the hoisting speed increases. This fre- quently governs the selection of a crane, for it is seldom that a crane is called upon to handle its capacity each trip. Most trips are made without a full load, permitting, or rather necessitating, a corresponding increase in speed in order to realize the true economic value of the crane. Customarily an electric crane is equipped with three fixed .speeds, low, medium, and high. At low speed, the crane is capable of handling its rated load, while at higher speeds the normal load of the crane is reduced. Fig, 4 shows the relationship between the lifting capacity of usual standard sizes of overhead cranes and their three respective .speeds. An ordinary 30-ton crane at low .si)eed. for instance, can handle within 5 tons of the capacity of an ordinary 60-ton crane when o])erated on middle speed. The price of a particular crane built by a certain manufacturer may be taken as unity and the price of his other cranes expres.sed in proportional amounts. The prices of all manufacturers do not, of course, agree, nor are all cranes of the same capacity and span built by any one manufacturer equally costly, but the comparative costs for similar cranes for similar .service should not differ to any great extent. Presented in graphic form such a comparative cost price list is given in Fig. 45. the basis of comparison being the cost of a medium-speed, 5'-ton crane of 25-ft. span, arbitrarily taken as unity. At the present time, owing to the high price of materials and of labor, a 5-ton, medium-speed, overhead electric crane of 25-ft. span would cost in the neighborhood of $4,250, so that (from 1390 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Fig-. 45) a 30-ton crane of the type considered in the example in the selection of motors would cost 2.56 X $4,250 = $11,000. Should the cost of the 5 -ton crane be but $3,500, a fair figure during normal 5 10 15 20 25 75 40 50 60 SPAN- FEET Fig 45 Comparative prices of standard overhead electric cranes based on the cost of a 5-ton medium speed crane as the unit. times, the average cost of the 30-ton crane would be about $9,350. Depreciation of overhead electric cranes is usually figured at 5%, a safe figure, since there are many, installations of well cared CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1391 for cranes which have been in more or less constant operation for 15 or 20 years, and which are apparently in as good shape as the day they were installed. Repairs should not average more than 2% per year at the outside ; interest on investment, insurance and taxes at the customary rates would bring the total charge to 15.5% and the fixed charges per day on a 30 -ton crane costing $11,000 would be $5.68, figuring 300 working days per year. Almost any overhead electric crane found in a manufacturing plant can be operated by one man with some occasional slight service from the regular working force of the plant. The crane- man would command a wage of about 35 cts. per hr., and in the efficiently managed plant his time would be chargeable against the crane while it was in actual operation only. The assistance rendered by other workmen would not entail an expense of more than 15 cts. per hr, on the average, so that a very generous labor charge for the crane would be 50 cts. per hr., this charge applying with equal fairness to almost any overhead electric crane found in a manufacturing plant. The expense for oil, waste and other incidental supplies, together with the expense of occasional careful overhauling and cleaning, may be taken as varying directly with the total power requirements of the crane. A conservative rate would be 0.1 ct. per motor h.p.-hr. The average consumption of electricity including that required for running the crane without load as well as when productively operated is, in kw. per hr., usually about one-half the total power requirements of the crane expressed in horsepower. The average net cost per day for operating a 30 -ton, 60 -ft, span, medium-speed, overhead electric crane, assuming an average daily operation of 5 hrs. on 300 days per year, would be about $13.92, current being valued at 2.5 cts. per kw. This is arrived at as follows : Cost of crane. $11,000. (Fig. 46, $4,250 base.) Motor horsepowers: Hoisting 35] Trolley 10 [^ (previously derived) Bridge 40 J Total 85 h.p. I Fixed charges per day : Operating charges per day : 11,000 X 0.155 = $ 5.68 300 Labor, 0.50 X 5 = 2.50 Supplies, 0.001 X 85 X 5 = .43 Current, 0.5 X 85 X 0.025 X 5 = 5.31 Net cost per day $13.92 An average of ten trips per hour with a mean load of 20 tons, 1,000 tons handled per day, would place the net cost of employing the crane for the work at less than 1.5 cts. per ton handled. Overhead electric cranes are frequently employed for outdoor service, such as unloading coal cars and carrying the coal to ele- 1392 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA vated hoppers feeding boilers or coal bunkers. A typical installa- tion of this character would be one employing a 5 -ton crane of 50-ft. span mounted on trestles which would necessitate a 50 -ft. lift of loaded bucket and a mean bridge travel of 200 ft. between the coal car and the receiving hopper. The bucket employed would probably be of the clamshell type, of 1^ cu. yds. capacity, capable of picking up an average load of about a ton. The bucket and its contents would place a load on the crane of somewhat more than three tons, so that the hoisting speed of the crane could be higher than if it were called upon to handle its full load of five tons. For a medium-speed standard crane, the economic speed would be about 58 feet per minute. Elevating the bucket with its load of coal to a position in which it could discharge to the receiving hopper would consume nearly a minute, during which time the bridge travel and any necessary trolley travel could take place, and although the empty bucket could be dropped more rapidly, the coal handling capacity of the installation would not average more than 40 tons per hr. Em- ploying the crane to handle coal 200 eight-hour days per year, equivalent to 64,000 tons of coal per year, would result in a net cost of operation per ton handled of less than 4 cts., the supply of electricity being valued at 2.5 cts. per kw. This is worked out as follows : Cost of crane $5,100 (Fig. 46, $4,250 base.) Cost of bucket 500 Total equipment. . .$5,600 Hoisting speed, 58 ft. per min. Hoisting speed at full load, 45 ft. per min. Trolley .speed, 150 ft. per min. (arbitrary) Bridge speed, 400 ft. per min. (arbitrary) Coal handled per year; 40 X 8 X 200 = 64,000 tons. Motor horsepowers : 5X 45 Hoisting = 14.0 ; say 15 h.p. 16 5X 150 Trolley = 1.88 ; say 2 h.p. 400 (5 + 0.03 X 50) 400 Bridge = 11.06 h.p. ; say 15 h.p. 235 Total , 32 h.p. Fixed charges per year: $5,600X0.155= $ 868.00 Operating charges per year : Labor : 0.50 X 8 X 200 = $800.00 Supplies : 0.001X32X8X200= 51.20 Current : 0.5X32X0.025X8X200= 640.00 Total $1,491.20 Total net operating cost per year $2,359.20 (Net operating cost per ton) $ 0.0369 CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1393 Similar analyses of the net operating costs of overhead electric cranes can easily be made for any installation in which the average amount of work to be performed by the crane and the cost of power are known. Failure to know the exact cost of the crane itself does not prevent a conservatively accurate estimate of the net cost of its operation on known work, for quite an appreciable difference in price has really little effect upon the net cost of operation provided that the crane is in fairly frequent use, that it has been economically selected for the work required, and that the expense for power is not unusually low. Operating Speed, Cost and Capacity of Electric Traveling Cranes. In sleeting the equipment for crane service, the user should con- sider other things besides the mechanical construction, cost, speed, etc. One important consideration which should not be neglected is the amount of material which will have to be handled, the weight of which is considerably below the capacity of the crane. Thurston Kent in Industrial Engineering, April, 1914, states that time studies of machinery operations In a large shop have indi- cated that on a majority of the work done, approximately 15 mins. was lost on each large machine operation while waiting for the crane. The prospective user of a crane has a wide range of selection before him, both as regards size and construction of his equipment. The standards of the various makers are such as to permit him to choose a crane of almost any capacity he desires, from 1 ton up to 150 tons. For instance one crane builder writes the author as follows : " The standard capacities of cranes built by us range from 1 ton to 100 tons in single trolley designs, and up to 150 tons in double trolley designs. Their ratings are stepped up about as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, TVs, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 tons. Above 30 tons the steps are about 10 tons apart." Another maker offers cranes varying by 5 tons up to 25 tons, and then by 10 ton steps up to 100 tons. Almost any maker will build a special crane, to fit the conditions peculiar to a given installation if desired. Table IX, prepared by the Alliance Machine Co., Alliance, Ohio, is presented as a general guide to the dimensions of standard cranes. It must be borne in mind, however, that the figures in the table are not to be regarded as final, as local conditions will modify them considerably. For instance, a long-span crane of a given capacity will of necessity weigh more than a crane of the same capacity but of shorter span. This would make a dif- ference in the wheel loads, which in extreme cases, might neces- sitate a revision of the design of the trucks. The electrical equip- ment provided for the crane also will have more or less influence on its con.struction. Speed of Cranes. The speed of the crane is another point which deserves consideration. It has already been pointed out that the time lost by productive machines while waiting for the crane may be the cause of serious losses to the mill. In a letter to the author, the Northern Engineering Works, Detroit, gives the fol- lowing notes on crane speeds : A good average speed for moderate 1394 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE IX. GENERAL DATA FOR STANDARD ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES. BASED ON 60 FT. SPAN, 25 FT. LIFT, WIRE ROPE HOIST Be, O 8 'K it cn'3 o ©•^ 1° ceo Q^^ g.o ^ '^ 5 5 ft. 8 ins. 7 9 ft. ins. 20,000 40,000 $3,600 10 6 ft. 6 ins. 8 10 ft. ins. 28,000 53,000 4,400 15 6 ft. 7 ins. 8 10 ft. 6 ins. 34,000 56,000 4,800 20 6 ft. 8 ins. 8 11 ft. ins. 41,000 65,000 5,400 25 7 ft. 5 ins. 10 11 ft. 6 ins. 51,000 77,000 6,500 40 8 ft. 1 ins. 11 12 ft. ins. 82.000 95,000 8,200 50 9 ft. 4 ins. 12 12 ft. ins. 47,500* 107,500 10,500 * Has eight track wheels, standard work for the main hoist is 10 ft, per min. full load. For some very rapid work, this is doubled. When direct current is used, this speed on light loads can be automatically speeded up 2 to 2^^ times greater, but this is not done with alternating cur- rent. The average bridge speed for cab controlled cranes is 250 to 300 ft. per min. full load, to 300 to 400 ft. light. The usual trolley speed is about 100 ft. per min. with full load on cab con- trolled cranes. If a crane is floor controlled, it is advisable to reduce the travel speeds to about half the above figures. The writer, in' 1909, compiled a series of notes on cranes. These notes included the following data on speeds, and also Table X herewith. The figures there given appear at this date to still hold true. The usual range of motor sizes is as follows : Hoist. 15-50 h.p. ; trolley, 3-15 h.p. ; bridge, 15-50 h.p. The speeds at which the various motions are made range as follows, the figures TABLE X. STANDARD HOISTING AND TRAVELING SPEEDS OF ELECTRIC CRANES (Pawling & Harnischf eger. ) Capacity, tons Hoisting Bridge travel Capacity Speed aux. (2000 1b.) speed, ft. speed, ft. aux. hoist hoist, ft. per min. per min. tons per min. 5 25-100 300-450 10 20-75 300-450 3 30-75 10-40 250-350 3 50-125 25 10 5 25-60 40-100 40 9-30 250-350 10 5 26-60 40-100 50 8-30 200-300 10 25-60 75 6-25 200-250 15 20-50 125 5-15 200-250 25 20-50 150 5-15 200-250 25 20-50 Trolley travel speed from 100-150 ft. per min. in all cases. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1395 being ft. per min. : Hoist, 8-60 ; trolley traverse, 75-200 ; bridge travel, 200-600. These speeds are varied in the same capacity of crane to suit each particular installation. In general, the speed of the bridge in ft. per min. should not exceed (length of runway + 100). If the runway is long and covered by more than one crane, the speed may be made equal to the average distance be- tween cranes + 100. Usually 300 ft. per min. is a good speed. For small cranes in special cases, the speeds may be increased, but for cranes of over 50 tons capacity the speed should be below 300 ft. per min. unless the building is made especially strong to stand the strains incident to starting and stopping heavy cranes geared for high speeds. For purposes of comparison. Table XI. compiled by the Al- liance Machine Co., is also given. TABLE XI. STANDARD FULL LOAD SPEEDS OF STANDARD TRAVELING CRANES. (Alliance Machine Co.) Capacity tons 2000 1b. 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 Hoist speed ft. per min. 50 25 17 * 12 Va 10 10 Bridge speed ft. per min. 400 350 350 350 300 250 250 Trolley speed ft. per min. 150 125 125 125 125 100 100 TABLE XII , 1^ ^^ Relay : D.c... A.c. . . Lifting D.c. . D.c. . A.c. . A.c. . Brake : D.c. . D.c. . Clutch : D.c . . D.c . . 3Vt 31/1 5 11 14 51/4 61/2 7 21/8 21/8 81/2 15 «t-l 5X5 rt-w ft 2.9 2.9 72 320 82 210 o 1-1 8 1 80 3 10 Vs 90 2V2 be .S 0.15 0.10 20 7 50 160 1260 60 400 110-500 " -550 -220 <^?^ 1^1 1^ 15 0.39 50 210 52 115 u $5.10 6.95 50 ... 6.40 -500 210 ... 33.00 -550 30 0.30 8.15 - " 400 0.31 32.00 21.00 39.00 19.00 35.00 1396 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Costs of Electromagnets. Due to the great variety in the de- signs, it is not possible to give unit costs of electromagnets. The subject of the most economical magnet design has been dis- cussed by Wikander (Trans. A. I. E. E., 1911, Vol. 30, p. 2019), but unfortunately the most economical design will usually be found not to be suitable for practical purposes, because it results in a magnet which is too long compared to its diameter, and which usually cannot be incorporated in the machine with which it is to be used. Therefore, magnets as they are found in practical application deviate greatly from the most economical design. Also for the same energy output (usually expressed as inch -pounds or foot-pounds) there is as much as a 1 to 3 variation, depending upon the service conditions as to speed of operation, stroke, etc., which they have to meet. Table XII, of costs, weights and dimensions of some typical electromagnets, is given merely as a range guide. Cost of Handling Locomotive Tires and Heavy Castings by a IVlagnet and Crane in a Locomotive Shop according to Mr. Mears in a paper before the Railway Storekeepers' Association printed in Engineering and Contracting, June 27, 1910, is represented by the following figures : Loading locomotive tires : . Per ton By hand $0.17 By crane 08 By crane and magnet 04 Loading heavy castings : Per ton By hand Almost impossible By crane 20 By crane and magnet . . .03 The principal reason for the efficient work of the magnet in handling heavy materials is on account of the difficulty of ob- taining a good hold upon the heavy castings when they are handled by chains or hooks. A Specially Designed Traveling Crane for laying a 48-in. gas main on a trestle is described and illustrated in Engineering News, Jan. 22. 1914. Two 4 5 -lb. raijroad rails were laid across the caps of the trestle throughout its length on a 5-ft. 4-in. gauge. The pipe was hauled to one end of the trestle with teams and rolled by hand to the other end. where it was lifted and set in place with a traveling crane astride of the last set pipe. On the average, 29 pipe-lengths a day were laid with this device, using a force of 6 men and a foreman. The calking was done by the gas company with a calking machine, recently come into use. The joints are calked with lead wool, and no special expansion joints in the pipe line are provided. None of the lengths of pipe are set absolutely home in the bells, there being at least i/s-in. space 'left for expansion, which the nature of the lead-wool calking permits. An Electric Motor Truck Crane made by the General Electric CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1397 Co. for use in shops and warehouses is described in Engineering News, Dec. 7, 1911, and the following data given: Five hundred castings aggregating 65,000 lbs. were unloaded from a gondola car in 5 hrs., giving an average of 1.2 lifts per min. A box car was loaded with 64 800-lb. bbls. of plumbago in 25 mins., and 4 cars were loaded in 2i/^ hrs., the latter work in- cluding spotting the cars. This, averages 2 bbls. per min. hoisted nearly 5 ft. and swung well inside the car. Sixty 800-lb. bbls. of plumbago were moved 300 ft. in 1 hr., 1 helper only being required. One hundred and fifty 300-lb. boxes of rubber were conveyed 75 ft. and loaded into a box car in 50 mins., 3 boxes being slung together and a round trip made every min. In a store room, boxes of angle and flat iron weighing about 1,000 lbs. each were carried 30 ft. and stacked in sorted and orderly piles at the rate of 40 boxes an hr. One-ton rocks were Fig. 46. Details of a specially designed travelling crane for placing 4 8 -in. gas main on a narrow pile trestle over a swamp. loaded onto trailers from a scattering pile at the rate of 24 an hr., being hoisted 2 ft. and carried about 20 ft. in the operation. Two 1,200-lb. water meters were lifted from a hole 6 ft. deep and carried to the shop bench 1,000 ft. away in 30 mins. The truck is not arranged to carry heavy loads itself, but is intended for use in towing trailers whenever the distance to be trav- eled is such that this method is preferable to that of transferring the material in small lots suspended from the crane hook. The limiting distance for economical work without trailers is put at about 400 ft., that is, where large quantities of freight are in- volved. The truck is designed for a high drawbar pull (2,000 lbs. maximum), to suit it for trailer towing. This pull is about equal to that of a five-ton locomotive on rails, and is sufficient, it is claimed, to handle loads of from five to eight tons on trailers. On account of this high tractive force, the truck can be used for 1398 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA spotting cars and may prove useful for giving assistance to over- loaded wagons or automobiles, A special form of trailer has been designed for use with this truck, having a capacity of 3 tons. The deck, 12 ft. by 4 ft.,* is at a height of 29 ins. above the ground. The wheels are 24 ins. in diam., with a 5-in. face and are mounted on roller bearings. A heavy towing tongue is provided with arrangements for easy coupling to the motor truck or to another trailer. It is claimed that the trailers follow truly in the track of the truck, so that no difRculy is found in towing a number of them even around ob- structions. Four trailers is the usual number in a train for long hauls, but this can be varied to suit the conditions. When there is a suffi- cient amount of work to be done to make it pay, time can be saved by using 3 trains of 1 to 4 cars each. One train is then being loaded and another unloaded, while the third, either empty or loaded, as the case may be, is on the way between. In this way, a maximum of 600 sq. ft. of loading deck can be kept working to its full capacity. Data of the truck's work with trailers are given as follows : Six hundred thousand pounds of cotton have been moved one-~ half mile in a day (10 hrs. ), taking 24 bales per load and making a round trip every twelve mins. This gives an average of two bales (600 lbs. each) per min. moved a distance of one-half mile. On a hurry order for cotton, 48 bales (12 tons) were delivered alongside the lighter within 25 mins. after the order was given. One truck using 3 trailer trains of 2 cars each has moved 1,000,000 lbs. of small package freight (canned salmon) 600 ft. in 9 hrs. The following represents an average week's work at towing trailers in the Bush Terminal, New York, deduced from the logs of a number of these machines operating over a long period : Number of packages handled 7,570 Average weight per package 230 lbs. Total weight handled (900 tons) . 1,720,000 lbs. Average distance packages were moved 900 ft. Per cent, of total time machine was working 80% Pacliages delivered per working minute 3 Number of different jobs worked on 30 Heaviest single load drawn 12 1/^ tons Cost of operator, interest, depreciation, power $24.00 Cost of moving one package 900 ft % cts. Cost of moving one ton (9 packages) 900 ft 3 cts. Cost of Hoisting Water in Unwatering IViines. The removal of water from mines by hoisting in tanks is in the nature of a reversion to the methods of the ancients, but with the plants as now oper- ated, with the improvements and changes which experience has shown necessary, the method may be efficient and less costly than pumping. R. V. Norris in a paper before the Institute of Mining Engineers In 1904 describes fully all details of apparatus and their arrange- ment, including the following costs : The costs of the construction of two plants are given in Table CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1399 XIII. The plants are at the William Penn Mine of the Susquehanna Coal Co. and Lytle Coal Co's shaft. The costs of the water hoist- ing plants are charged with their proper proportion of the total cost of the shaft-sinking, head frames, steam lines and boiler plant. The cost of the steam plant is omitted from the lower set of figures because it was available in one case only, and in that was based upon a division of cost among three other hoists. TABLE XIII. COST OF UNWATERING BY HOISTING William Penn Lytle water-hoist water-hoist Depth of shaft, ft 953 1,500 Capacity of tanks, gals 1,400 2,600 Size of engines, ins 32 by 48 30 by 60 Diam. of drums, ft Straight 12 Cone 10 to 16 Capacity of hoist, gal. per 24 hrs.. 2.100,000 3.750.000 (280.000 cu. ft.) (500,000 cu. ft.) Best record, gals, per 24 hrs 2.291.040 3,772,600 (307,000 cu. ft.) (505,500 cu. ft.) Cost : Sinking and timbering $20,673.81 $22,641.63 Head frame 4,224.13 3,540.58 Water-hoist engines, foundations and house 15,583.64 29,653.17 Tanks and ropes 2,393.23 3,899.65 Steam line 3,726.12 4,951.17 Boiler plant 16,091.76 $46,600.93 $80,777.96 Cost, excluding shaft sinking and steam plant $22,201.00 $37,093.40 Cost per J, 000 gal. daily capacity, excluding shaft and steam plant 10.57 9.87 Cost per 1.000 cu. ft. daily capacity. excluding shaft and steam plant 88.08 82.25 The rate at which the plants work is shown in Table XIV. The Lytle shaft during a strike was filled to a depth of 860 ft., the water, amounting to 274,083,500 gals., was hoisted out in 37 days and 4 hrs. Besides the regular water hoist, tanks were used in all of four coal compartments ; the plant then consisting of two pairs of 2,600-gal. tanks and one pair of 1,500-gal. tanks; the water hoisted by each was : TABLE XIV. RATE OF UNWATERING Average per day. gals. Water-hoist 2,977,753 Large coal-hoist 2.803.142 Small coal-hoist 1,431.819 7,212,724 During one month, 236,906,000 gals, were hoisted an average of 740.6 ft., the boiler plant (12-150 h.p. return tubular boilers and one 500 h.p. Babcock and Wilcox boiler) w^as devoted exclusively to this work, it burned 4,122 tons of coal and used 6,206,100 gals. 1400 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of water, which indicates an average evaporation of 5.55 lbs. per lb. of coal, and about 44,004,000 lbs. of steam at the engines. This gives a duty of 33,260,000 ft. -lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of dry steam; or, 59.5 lbs. of steam for actual h.p.-hr. in water lifted, and 251 lbs. of steam for 1,000 gals, lifted 1,000 ft. The cost of steam during this month was : Labor % 934.62 Water 496.49 4,122 tons coal at $0.50 per ton 2,061.00 $3,492.11 Thus 44,004,000 lbs. of dry steam delivered at the engines cost $0.0794 per 1,000 lbs.; equivalent to $0.0198 per 1,000 gals, hoisted 1,000 ft. vertically; or $0.00238 per 1,000,000 ft.-lbs. in water; $0.00472 per h.p.-hr. in water; cost steam only, per year, per boiler h.p. 24 hrs. per day for labor, supplies and repairs $8.57 ; fuel, $12.30; total, $20.87. From Oct. 30 to Dec. 5, 1902, the plant of the William Penn No. 2 shaft, which was flooded to a depth of 250 ft., hoisted 112,468,080 gals., using a pair of regular water hoist 32 by 48 in. engines, and a pair of 28 by 48 in. coal engines with 1,440 gal. and 1,320 gal. tanks, the record being given in Table XV. Total cost, exclusive of steam, was $987.83, or $0.0088 per 1,000 gals, hoisted. The record for 3 years at the Luke Fiddler shaft is given in Table XV — engines 32 by 48 ins. with 1,450-gal. tanks. The plant was operated at only i/^ of its capacity ; at full capacity the cost is estimated to average about 2.5 cts. per 1,000 gals, for 9 60 ft. vertical. TABLE XV. COST OF HOISTING AT THREE SHAFTS Fiddler Wm. Penn Lytle Plant 3 years 37 days 1 month Depth of shaft 960 ft. 953 ft. 1,500 ft. Quantity hoisted, gals. . .918,501.200 112.468,080 236.906,000 Quantity hoisted, cu. ft. . 123,079.160 15,070,730 31,745,300 Average height hoisted. . 960 ft. 727.8 ft. 740.6 ft. Cost of labor repairs and ' supplies per 1.000 gals. $0.0114 $0.0088 $0.0071 Cost of steam per 1,000 gals 0.0192 0.0146 0.0148 Total cost per 1.000 gals. $0.0306 $0.0234 $0.0219 Total cost per 1,000 cu. ft. 0.2295 0.1755 0.1643 Estimated cost per 1,000 gals, and 1,000 cu. ft., 1,000 ft. vertical 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 gals. cu. ft. gals. cu. ft. gals. cu. ft. Labor supplies and re- pairs for hoisting $0,012 $0,090 $0,009 $0,068 $0,008 $0.06 Steam 0.020 0.150 0.020 0.150 0.020 0.15 Total $0,032 $0,240 $0,029 $0,218 $0,028 $0.21 Total cost per 1,000.000 ft.-lbs. in water. .... . $0.0038 $0.0035 $0.0034 Total cost per h.p. -year, 24 hrs. per day in water $65.91 $60.71 $58.97 CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS UOl Table XV also shows a summary of the operating costs of the three plants. This is about 69% of the average cost of pumping at the collieries of the Lykens Valley Coal Co., where it was $0.37 and $0.29 pei* 1,000 cu. ft. 1,000 ft. vertical, and $98.11 and $81.47 per h.p.-year in water for 1901 and 1902. The Cost of Hoisting in Small Zinc Mines. George S^ Brooks in the Engineering and Mining Journal gives the following cost of plant and operation of 2 zinc mines in Wisconsin. Mine A waS equipped with cars and a cage, and Mine B had the 1,000'lb. tubs customary in that district. Equipment: ^^^^^ ^> Derrick and foundations, including cable and sheave. $ 400 Engine housing 50 7 X 10 Duplex geared hoisting engine 700 5 mine cars 125 1 cage 60 Total $1,335 Interest and depreciation : Interest on $1,335, 6% $ 80 Depreciation on $1,335, 18% 240 Total for 300 working days $ 320 Equipment: (Mine B) Derrick inclosed, including cable and sheave $ 480 7x7 Duplex geared hoisting engine 470 5 tubs and trucks 110 Total $1,060 Interest and depreciation : Interest on $1,-060, 6% . $ 63 Depreciation on $1,060, 18% 190 Total for 300 working days $ 254 At A the h£)ist is set up on the ground about 40 ft. back from the shaft, and the engine is of the horizontal type. At B the up- right 7 X 7-in. engine is stationed near the derrick top about 10 ft. below the sheave, and located so that the engineer may handle the throttle with one hand, while with the other he can attend to the dumping of the tubs. Operating Costs : The following operating co.sts are the result of monthly averages. In both cases, for the sake of comparison, the same charge is made per h.p. per hr., although in reality there was some 20% difference owing to the excessive line condensation at the B shaft. Neither schedule includes cost of administration. The approximate h.p. is computed from the following formula, to which an additional 0.25 h.p. is added for friction and inertia : gross weight in lb. H.p. = X speed in feet per min. 33,000 1402 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It is given as follows: A — Mine run, 1,870 lbs.; cage, 400 lbs.; cable, 108 lbs. ; car, 300 lbs. ; total, 2,678 lbs. The hoisting speed per min. is 360 ft. Then 2,678 H.p. rr X 360 + 0.25 h.p. = 36 h.p. 33,000 The same calculation applied to the case at mine B gives mine run, 980 lbs.; tubs, 175 lbs.; cable, 102 lbs.; total, 1,257 lbs.; hoist- ing speed per min., 295 ft. 1,257 H.p. = X 295 + 0.25 h.p. = 14 h.p. 33,000 The actual hoisting performance per day of 9 hrs. at A is 120 tons and at B 100 tons. With forcing, A has handled 600 cu. ft. per hr.. while at B 450 cu. ft. is about the best that can be done. Hoisting Expense, 9-hr. Shift: Mine A. One hoisting engineer $2.50 One lander 2.25 36 h.p. for 5 hr. at 1 ct. per h.p. per hr 1.80 Interest and depreciation 1.06 Repairs 0.70 Total $8.31 Ore hoisted 2590 cu. ft. Cost per cu. ft : $0.0032 Cost per ton approximately = 0.06 Mine B. One hoisting engineer $2.50 14 h.p. for 5 hr. at 1 ct. per h.p. per hr 0.70 Interest and depreciation 0.85 Repairs 0.70 Total $4.75 Ore hoisted 2140 cu. ft. Cost per cu. ft $0.0022 Cost per ton approximately 0.044 Both of these cost accounts show what is possible when a steady output is made for a month. The average hoisting expense, month in and month out, has been a few cents above this. It appears from the comparative figures that the tub is con- siderably the better on hoisting alone, and until the workings be- come extended to such a distance from the shaft as to materially increase the tramming costs, it will show a smaller operating ex- pense in working flats. The initial investments in reality show only a difference of $275, which amount deserves little consideration in the matter of a suitable hoisting and tramming equipment. Cost of Operating a Mine Hoisting Plant. A hoisting plant in operation at the shaft of the Hecla mine had reached its capacity hoisting ore from the 300-ft. and the 600-ft. level. When, there- CONVE YORS, . HOISTS, . CRANES, . ELEVA TORS 1403 fore, the 900-ft. level was opened it was necessary to install a new hoist or to remodel the old one. Electricity from a new plant at Spokane, Wash., made power available at $50 per h.p.-year as against $109 per h.p.-year for steam. It was decided to substitute for the engines a motor drive of sufficient capacity to operate from the 900-ft. level and ultimately to install an entirely new hoist. The description of this plant and the permanent plant which fol- lowed it 4 years later and the results of power consumption and cost are given by E. M. Murphy in a paper before the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers and abstracted in Engineering and Contracting, Oct., 1910. The motor-generator set of the permanent plant is self-contained, having a cast iron sub-base, four bearings and shaft ; the driving element consists of a 450-h.p., three-phase, 60-cycle wound secondary motor to operate between 2,000 and 2,300 volts. The generator is a 450-kw., 525-volt machine with commutation poles to permit its handling full load current at any voltage below maximum. A fly- wheel is mounted on the shaft. It is 7 ft. 9 ins. in diameter and weighs 29,000 lbs. The hoist motor is rated at 375 h.p. at 500 volts, 60 revolutions per min., and weighs 51 tons. It is directly con- nected by a flange coupling to the reel-shaft which carries 1,600 ft. of % in. X 4^^ in. flat rope. The skips are 50 cu. ft capacity, weigh 3.500 lbs. The double-decked cages hang beneath the skips at all times and each cage weighs 2.400 lbs. Before entering into the cost of operation of the hoist, an ex- planation of the contract will show on what basis a settlement is made for power consumed by it. The contract runs for a period of five years and is based on a maximum demand as well as a kw.-hr. consumption. It will be noted that it penalizes a better combined power and load-factor than 61%. A power-factor of 10©% and a constant voltage of 2,300 volts is assumed in all the calcula- tions of maximum demand. In a contract calling for a maximum demand of 100 kws., a minimum sum of $335 ($3.35 per kw.) is paid each month ; this sum entitles the consumer to 43,550 kw.-hrs. (130 for each dollar). At the same time, the maximum of 100 kws. must not be exceeded a.t any time during the month. In case more than 100 kws. is the maximum, the minimum bill is increased by $3.35 for each kw. in excess. For each dollar of this increase, the consumer is entitled to use 130 kw.-hrs. If the kw.-hrs. used exceed 43.550, the excess is paid for at the rate of $0.0112 per kw.-hr. On the basis of 43,550 kw.-hrs. per month at $335 each kw.-hr. costs $0.00769. This amounts to $50 per h.p. per year. The peak on the hoist never lasts 5 mins., so the power never costs more than $50 per h.p. As the Hecla mine has but one hoist, the handling of all timbers, waste, etc., as well as the shifts, be performed by it, in addition to the ore-hoisting. To give an idea of the work the hoist does. Table XVI was compiled for the period of time from Aug. 1, 1911, to Jan. 1, 1912: In order to determine the cost per ton for power used during actual hoisting, a series of tests was taken, with the following 1404 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XVI. HOISTING PERFORMANCE ORB HOISTED 600-ft. level 900-ft. level 1,200-ft. level Skips 2,241.0 9,968.0 9,961.0 Tons 5.840.0 25,824.0 26,028,0 Monthly average — Skips 448.2 1,993.6 1,992.2 Tons 1,168.0 5,164.8 5,202.6 CARS OF WASTE HANDLED 1,200 to 600 Top to 600 Top to 300 Cars 3,946.0 7,416.0 826.0 Average 789.2 1,483.2 165.2 Timbers, lagging Stulls Wedges and chute 321,677 ft. b.m. 79 cars 475,140 ft. b.m. Average 64,335.4 15.8 95,028.0 Power Consumed: 234,760 kw.-hra, average equals 46,952 kw.- hrs., equals $361 per month. Total cost for power for each ton of output equals $0.0313. results: From the 1,200-ft. level 32 skips (83 tons) were hoisted in 33 mins., with a kw.-hr. consumption of 142, On the basis of $0.00769 per kw.-hr., the cost of hoisting the 83 tons was $1,092, or $0.0131 per ton. From the 900-ft. level 14 skips (36.4 tons) were hoisted in 11 mins., with a kw.-hr. consumption of 50, and a cost of $0.3854, or $0.0l1fe per ton. From the 600-ft. level 14 skips (36.4 tons) were hoisted in 10 mins., with a kw.-hr. consumption of 40, and a cost of $0.3076, or $0.00845 per ton. To run the set light for 1 hr. requires 48 kw.-hrs. at a cost of $0.'S68. In service the set runs continuously during the 24 hrs., with the exception of a period of about 4 hrs. after midnight. After the power is cut off, the set will run for 1.25 hrs., unless it is slowed down by hoisting, or the band-brake on the flywheel is ap- plied. The hoist was guaranteed to maintain one-quarter output of the mine working unbalanced from the 2,400-ft. level (its ulti- mate depth). In order to test this feature, a load of 1,773 lbs. was added to compensate for the extra weight of cable to 2,400 ft. This weight was obtained by placing a car with the required amount of ore in it on a cage deck. The car was allowed to remain on the cage during the entire time of hoisting. Unbalanced hoisting was maintained at the rate of 11 trips an hr. fi'om 900 ft. for 3 hrs. All temperatures at the end of this time were well within the guarantees. In May, 1911, one of the clutch-arms broke, and the hoist operated unbalanced with entire satisfaction for a period of 20 hrs., part of the hoisting being from the i,200-ft. level. The upkeep of the equipment for the 3 years and 8 months it has been in service has been extremely low. The hoist-motor has needed no repairs, while the exciter has had but one new set of brushes. The generator requires about one new set of brushes a year. The motor has been the only source of expense, and like trouble could occur to any motor. Three times it has CONVEYORS. HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1405 suffered a grounded coil during a lightning storm. The winding is a 3-bank concentric winding, and replacement of coils is a tedi- ous affair. A new set of collector-rings was also put on this ma- chine. The hoist requires but 1 man per shift to operate it. Another advantage of the. hoist is its ability to operate for a short time, even though the power be accidentally interrupted. The running- lights in the hoist-room are all lighted from the exciter, which enables the oijerator to see avS long as hoisting can be continued. Without ore, as in handling men, the hoist is capable of making several trips after the jiower is shut off. This installation has the disadvantage of consuming power, even though the hoist motor is not in actual oiieration. This is more apparent than it would be if the hoist were' operating from greater depths, or handling greater tonnage. The effect greater depth has on the efficiency is shown from the tests. From the 600-ft, level, the cost per 1,000 ft.-tons is $0,014, from 900 ft. it is $0.0116, and from 1,200 ft. it is $0.0109. The effect greater tonnage would have on the cost per ton of output is shown by the following : Assuming that the mine double its output, the kw.-hr. consumption per month would be in- creased by 17,231, at a cost of $132.59. The total cost for power for each ton of output would be lowered from $0.0313 to $0.0213. Comparison Between Electr'c and Steam Hoisting Systems and Between Dir6ct-Current and 3-Phase Systems for Hoisting in South African Mines. H. W. Clayden and S. E. T. Ewing in the Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, Dec, 1916, also printed in Electrical World, April, 1917, compare the Ward-Leonard system and the 3-phase hoisting system with respect to the different requirements of mine hoisting, and reach the following conclusions : For shaft sinking both systems are equally effective on all points at approximately equal capital cost. For rock hoisting from one level with tail ropes the relative economy of the two systems depends on the frequency of hoisting ; the lower the frequency of hoisting the greater the gain to the alternating-current system, and conversely the higher the frequency the greater the gain to the Ward-Leonard system. The alternating- current system has the lower capital cost. The systems are of equal safety and of handling. For rock hoisting from one level without tail ropes the alter- nating-current system has lower capital cost, while the Ward- Leonard system has superior over-all economy and is easier to handle. For rock hoisting from several levels, for raising and lowering men, for lowering supplies, and for dead-slow hoisting the alter- nating-current system has lower capital cost, while the Ward- Leonard system has the superior over-all economy and is easier to handle. Comparative efficiency and cost figures are given from practice for three hoisting plants — a 5-ton Ward-Leonard hoist, a 5-ton 3-phase, and a 4-ton steam hoist at 3 different mines. The 1406 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA h.p. is 500 for the Ward-Leonard hoist, 550 for the 3 -phase hoist and 800 for the steam hoist; the size of drums is 10 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in., 10 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in., 9 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in. ; the maximum rope speed 2,000 ft., 1,500 ft, 1.500 ft. ; the capacity of the skip, 5, 5, 4 tons; the maximum vertical depth of shaft 2,060 ft., 1,583 ft., 1.323 ft.; the maximum length of shaft 3,902 ft.,. 2,420 ft, 2,072 ft These figures are near enough to give a fair comparison. It appears that the Ward-Leonard hoist has a 6.7% higher over-all efficiency than the 3 -phase winder ; but in the case of the former only 2 shifts are worked and the converter set is shut down for 7 hrs. each day. This set requires 20 kw.-hr. per hour running light, so that comparing the two winders on a 24-hr. service the Ward- Leonard efficiency will be only 3.5% better than the 3 -phase hoist. For the steam hoist only 3 months' accurate figures as to steam consumption are available. For 3 months this hoist required 99 lbs. of steam per shaft h.p.-hr., but this must not be taken as a representative figure for steam hoisting, as owing to the small amount of work done by this hoist the standby losses are exception- ally high. Only a very rough efficiency comparison can be made, and therefore the comparative figures of cost are more important. The average monthly cost of each of the three hoists over the 3 months April, May and June. 1916. is given in the table, and it is stated that the figures for the next 3 months are practically the same, there being only a difference in the third-place decimal. TABLE XVIL AVERAGE MONTHLY COST OF HOISTS (1916) Ward- Three- Leonard phase Steam Average shaft, h.p.-hrs 25.436 26.124 20,425 Attendance, oil and engine-room stores, per useful shaft h.p.. cts. . . 0.316 0.322 0.352 Repairs, wages and stores per h.p., cts. 0.194 0.584 0.070 Power, electric and air or steam per h.p., cts 1,786 2,076 3,492 Total cost per h.p., cts 2.296 2.982 3.914 The first item, attendance and engine-room stores, includes all engine-room wages and stores except hoist-engine drivers' wages, which are charged direct to hauling and do not come into the power account The second item, " repairs," includes all electrical and mechan- ical supervision, inspection and repairs. The third item " power," for the electric hoists, includes the cost of electricity and air power. The power required for the brake engines is taken from the general mine air supply, the small com- pressor in the winding-engine room coming into operation only when the mine pressure drops below 60 lbs. per sq. in. " Power " for the steam hoist includes coal, oil, water, wages and main- tenance of the boiler-house plant and is the cost of steam power delivered to the engine house. Electric Passenger Elevator Systems. William Ehrlich in Elec- CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1407 trical Engineering, April, May and June, 1914, gives the following: To indicate fully -the extensive use to which the elevator has been adopted for passenger traffic in large cities, the instance of the Borough of Manhattan in Greater New York is given. There are about 10,000 machines in service, being twice the number that were in operation- ten years ago, and these are divided among the different classes of buildings approximately as follows : 5000 elevators in office buildings over 10 stories high. 1500 " " office buildings under 10 stories high. 500 " " loft buildings. 700 " " residences. 800 " " apartment houses. 500 " " department and other stores. 1000 " " hotels, clubs, institutions, etc. Besides these passenger cars, the building systems requiring freight service involve an additional 10,000 machines. In modern elevator practice William Ehrlich in Electrical Engi- neering, April to June, 1^14, states there are but 2 common types of successful machines in use — namely, the hydraulic and electric elevators. These may both be classified as to the mode of drive or operation and the transmission of power, thereby show- ing an apparent variety of elevators. The hydraulic type machine may be of the vertical cylinder pattern and also of the plunger type, while the electrical apparatus is either of the drum, worm- gear or gearless traction type, as illustrated in Fig. 47. In summarizing, it might be well to mention that the commercial or useful life of an elevator and its combined mechanisms seldom exceeds 15 years, and that where remodeling has been resorted to, the electric drum and worm-gear traction has usually been sub- stituted for the hydraulic type in buildings not exceeding 12 to 16 stories, and in higher structures the gearless traction or its modifi- cation in the form of an electric " two-to-one " traction elevator has been resorted to. In narrowing down the que.stion as to the merits of the electric traction elevator and the hydraulic plunger elevator for passenger service in tall office buildings of today, it might be well to note that the new elevator installations, almost without exception, have favored the electric. Not only is the cost of installing the trac- tion 25% to 35% less than the plunger type, but the room occupied by the driving machinery is reduced to a minimum, and, as a mat- ter of fact, may be placed at the head and directly over the ele- vator shaft. If no local supply of electricity is available on the premises, the public source may be resorted to. The difficulty with the plunger elevator for high-rise high-speed work lies in the requirement for moving the mass of water and the massive plunger proper, and as this immense weight cannot be readily and smoothly stopped, the result is a sluggishness in start- ing and stopping. At any rate, it remains an open question as to whether the economic values attached to modern buildings would 1408 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA favor the installation of the plunger elevator, with its accompany- ing pumping plant, which necessarily occupies considerable floor space. The only open choice, therefore, would tend to favor the high-rise high-speed electric traction elevator for passenger service. The figures given in Table XVIII may prove of interest in point- ing out the relatively higher operating costs of the different elec- CeuntXf •ftear^css Etectrte Traction' -Worm-Gear Elcctrte- -Vortlca) Cy)»*iae»-Hy Fig, •Direct- Acting F*)un9e>^ Types of elevators. trie types over the Vertical cylinder hydraulic and plunger elevators. The values given represent only the cost of labor, power, repairs and supplies. By a close perusal of the amounts listed, it will be confirmed that the economies of the plunger cannot be utilized beneficially in tall office buildings on account of the mechanical difficulties, and in other types of smaller buildings allowing for a CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1409 low rise the installation cost becomes exorbitant. If the rela- tively high first cost of this type of machine were taken into con- sideration, with an addition for ,the extra cost in building con- struction necessary for the space occupied by the pump and tank equipment, the total expenditure on the whole would show no great favor either way. TABLE XVIII. RELATIVE OPERATING COST OF ELEVATORS Costs 2-2 ■-2 u Per cent, of rentals 8.5 Cents per car mile 25 Dollars per car per annum 2,100 Per cent, of all operating costs.... 14.1 Costs Per cent, of rentals 8.0 Cents per car mile 23.8 Dollars per car per annum 1075 Per cent, of all operating costs. ... 18.0 Office building (^ o o^o ,^3 u o'q; 7.2 6.8 6.5 22 20 19 1,850 1,680 1,600 12.0 11.3 11.0 Loft building o bn 3 u £ t & u "O o >> 3 ^ K Ph 6.8 6.5 6.2 20 19 18 900 860 810 15.4 14.8 14.0 Apartment house Costs -^ o Per cent, of rentals 6.8 Cents per car mile 20 Dollars per car per annum 560 Per cent, of all operating costs.... 13.6 a C3 bx) 1 6.0 5.5 5.3 18 17 16 510 480 450 12.0 11.0 10. In explaining the values given in Table XVIIT, it should be under.stood that the figures are computed on a basis of actual rec- ords of several buildings that have come to the writer's notice. The general method of comparing records in business buildings is to relate the costs to the total annual income or rental. The total operating costs include the expense in the mechanical, electrical and building departments, covering all costs of labor and material for the maintenance of the different divisions of service. There- fore the annual cost of operating an elevator system is given as a percentage of the gross rentals received, and is further stated as a percentage of the total operating expenditure of the buildings 1410 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ^OST DATA under consideration. The average cost in cents per car-mile traversed is also given, together with the average annual cost in dollars to pay for the labor in operating and repairing, the neces- sary power, and the material and supplies required per single elevator. The efficient operation of an elevator system does not rest alto- gether on the ,econoinic division and disposition of the cars, as the human element becomes one of the main factors. It is self-evident, therefore, that the service of an elevator is limited not only by the different clas.'^es of passengers entering, riding and leaving the conveyance, but by the experience of the hall man or " starter " and his ability to understand the demands of the traffic and the personal peculiarities of the elevator operators. It is now common practice to dispatch the various machines of an elevator system on a predetermined time schedule, thus avoid- ing to a great extent any confusion or overcrowding that would otherwise arise. It has been well established that the consecu- tive travel of elevators under schedule operation allows for a highly efficient service, not only in the handling of the traffic, but in the demand for power, which is thereby reduced to a minimum. i ^m 3? Fig. 49. Motor sizes for electric elevators. speed of 400 ft. the point of intersection is then at 2,500 lbs. From this point follow the line as indicated to the scale of motor sizes, and the result is above 40 h.p. Table XXI gives the current consumption of motor sizes 1414 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXI. CURRENT CONSUMPTION Motor size Starting current Running current 20 h.p. 102 Amp. 74 Amp. 4 h.p. 202 Amp. 148 Amp. 60 h.p. 292 Amp. 213 Amp. common in elevator practice. The figures are for d.c. motors operating at 230 volts, and are based on the results of tests. To aid in the selection of well proportioned electric feeders for elevator motors. Table XXII is given. The figures are for 230 volt, d.c. machines. TABLE XXIL WIRE AND CONDUIT SIZES FOR ELECTRIC ELEVATORS, 2 WIRE, 230 VOLT, D. C. SYSTEMS Wire Max- Conduit Under- imum Out- -lyr^ _ • writers run or Trade Inside side Y^\. Size of amp. distance size for diam- diam- *^' each wire -carrying in ft. 2 wires, eter, eter, capacity for 2% ins. ins. ins. drop 15 No. 3 80 154 li^ 1.38 1.66 20 No. 1 100 174 11/. 1.61 1.90 25 No. 125 186 li^ 1.61 1.90 30 No. 00 150 198 2 2.06 2.37 35 No. 000 175 212 2 2.06 2.37 40 No. 0000 225 226 2 2.06 2.37 45 No. 0000 225 226 2 2.06 2.37 50 300,000 cir. mils. 275 248 2i^ 2.46 2.87 50 300,000 cir. mils. 275 248 21/2 2.46 2.87 60 400,000 cir. mils. 325 272 3 3.06 3.50 Power Consumption of Electric Elevators. C. D. Wesselhoeff is authority for the data in Table XXIII, giving the power con- sumption of electric elevators at various loads and stops. Type of machine, one to one electric traction. Total weight of car, 3,956 lbs. Overbalance, 1,060 lbs. Capacity, 2,500 lbs. at a speed of 500 ft. per niin. Operating Costs of Electric Elevators. Table XXIV was pre- pared from a circular of the Cincinnati (Ohio) Gas and Elec- tric Co. Operating Costs of Electric Elevators. The following is from an article by C. W. Naylor, Power, Feb. 5, 1918. The electric passen- ger elevator has now been in service for a period long enough to enable the engineer to report intelligently on its of operation, maintenance and repair. Hitherto, reports on electric-elevator costs have been in a great measure based on tests made at the time of. or very soon after, installation, and the real cost, such as could be shown only by records of years of operation, has in the main been a matter of conjecture. The repair or maintenance side of the ledger, in which cost records are tabulated, shows a marked increase as the machine becomes older, after making due allow- ance for the advance in the cost price of repairs, which is now so noticeable. CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1415 05tH 03 03 0)0 C^ iftioio "5 . . 00^«D (>i - - cot- ;h . . t— . _' J" oj oi f5«5 ^lOU5 ^^.^'^ THCOt-" ^^7-1 iHoT lO Oco Tt< Lj CD • o .2'ft'^ O >> I o3 c ^ ' Ccc O o cr c c at or 2.345 2 Up. Down. 101 f Operat c o . Pk t^5 hH Q 1^ I "^ • H 0) * •rJ ^ s u 03 o per top: ors per .MO a)X2 ftM U- sj tc o - . "Hi c >_: ti C J [^ 1416 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XXIV. COST OF ELECTRIC ELEVATOR OPERATION (Six months' average) Freight elevato rs * Passenger elevators f Averag-e Average sTo. H.p. monthly cost No. H.p. monthly- cost 1 10 $11.92 1 15 $39.54 1 10 10.00 2 201/2 19.05 5 20 33.01 1 18 65.83 1 5 5.00 2 171/2 17.30 1 5 4.00 1 221/2 23.57 1 5 5.00 1 15 14.22 1 5 4.00 5 73 59.40 1 5 7.37 2 32 38.16 1 5 4.00 3 381/2 34.55 1 5 11.86 2 101/2 19.80 1 10 9.50 1 8 9.73 1 10 9.50 1 8 14.87 1 81/2 9-49 1 11 18.42 2 25 23.75 1 15 9.15 1 5 3.50 1 15 22.01 1 10 9.50 1 15 4.75 1 5 4.75 2 16 1/2 17.62 1 10 11.30 1 121/2 14.66 1 8 7.60 2 121/2 12.33 1 20 28.06 2 11 17.74 1 7% 7.12 3 41 37.95 1 5 4.75 1 10 23.49 1 5 4.60 1 16 18.24 1 5 5.25 1 10 19.05 1 71/2 7.12 1 10 19.50 .... 1 13 13.30 . . . . . • 1 10 18.98 • 1 26 35.31 2211/2 --.,, $241.95 45 523 $658.58 * Average cost per elevator per month, $8. Average cost per month per h.p., $1.09. t Average cost per elevator per month, $14.64. Average cost per month per h.p., $1,26. This article is based on the records for 10 years, ended Dec. 31, 1916, for 50 worm-gear, drum-type elevators having a 150- to 230-ft. lift and running in passenger service at a maximum speed, loaded, of 350 ft. per min. The elevators cited are all in one building, operated in a similar manner, doing exactly the same kind of work for equal numbers of hours per day, and cared for by the same set of mechanics, using the same oils, grease, cables, ropes, brushes, etc. They are all of the overhead drum type, as shown in Fig. 50, overbalanced as to counterweight and equipped with all the standard accessories that go with this make of elevator. They are operated on direct current at about 226 to 230 volts, with magnet control of the usual construction and steel guide rails for cars and counterweights. There are two sets of counterweights, one for the drum and one for the car. All cables are standard, % in. diam., running over idler sheaves and drums of approximately 46 ins. diam. The car-counterweight cables, two in number, pass directly over the vibrating or idler sheave A, while the car-hoisting -^1 CAR COUNTER II WEIGHTS Fig. 50. Overhead type elevator machine. 1417 1418 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cables wind on the drum B as the drum-counterweight cables un- wind, and vice versa. There are no equalizing or compensating cables or chains. The cars, or cages, of a rather heavy pattern, weigh approximately 4,000 lbs. each, and the double counterweights about 5,000 lbs. The drums are driven by double, or fore-and-aft, bronze worm gears meshing with steel worms on an extension of the armature shaft, with the magnet brake installed on this shaft between the armature and the worm. The armature revolves at 850 r.p.m. when on high speed, and the drums make about 30 revolutions during the same period. Of the cars listed, 5 have a travel, or rise, of 150 ft. 40 have 200 ft. and 5 220 to 230 ft. In addition to the overhead type of passenger cars, there are 5 machines of the '^asement type, the driving mechanism being at the lower landing, with traveling idler sheaves over the drum. The lift is about 40 ft. For the various items shown in the table the operating costs are about the same. The extra cable wear is in a measure compensated for by the shorter length, the cables wear- ing out in 2 or 3 yrs. as against 6 to 10 yrs. for the longer lifts. There are also 11 freight elevators of overhead type, 220 ft. travel, with a somewhat slower speed and smaller motors. These machines cost 10% less for all items shown in the table, except for cables, and 50% less for these. Their speed is 250 ft. per min., and they. travel about 6 to 8 miles per day as against 12 to 15 miles each per day for the passenger cars. The labor shown is for the wages of the maintenance and repair mechanics. Each man cares for 12 cars, oiling, cleaning, adjust- ing and ordinary repairs. 2 extra men care for the heavy and extraordinary repairs such as installing armatures, greasing guides and putting on cables. The increase from year to year is occa- sioned by some additional help and wages advanced for the old employees. The item miscellaneous includes leather for brakes, copper rivets, babbitt, bolts, screws, etc. The armature expense is mostly for rewinding and includes a few field-coil renewals. The repair item includes brushes, controller disks, contact lugs, carbons and such material as would naturally be purchased from the manufacturer of the machine, used mostly in keeping up the controller boards. Oil includes engine oil for bearings and guides and castor or castor- machine oil for the worm cases. Cables include the %-in. main cables and the l^-in. wire and %-in. manila rope for the governors. Each passenger car travels about 13 miles per day, and for the year of 310 days, totals 4,030 miles. Dividing the average annual cost per car by this mileage gives a maintenance cost of $0.0387 per car mile, of which about 75% is for labor and 25% for ma- terials and supplies. In the same plant are 11 worm-gear one-to-one traction ma- chines having 230 ft. rise in the hatchway, with compensating chains. The cars travel 375 ft. per min., or 1 4 to 16 miles per day. Maintenance costs at present are about the same as for the old drum types, except for cables, which wear out about twice as CONVEYORS, HOISTS, CRANES, ELEVATORS 1419 TABLE XXV. MAINTENANCE COSTS OVER 10 TEARS FOR 50 ELECTRIC ELEVATORS * Oil 1907 93 1908 93 16 1,105 1,160 467 5,000 59 7,900 158 1914 78 29 40 580 316 6,450 84 7,577 151 1909 93 16 618 461 188 5,525 307 7,208 145 1915 92 31 39 660 360 6,450 270 7,902 158 1910 68 25 465 1,148 323 5,525 238 7,792 156 1916 52 9 96 362 1,012 7,650 92 9,273 185 1911 68 26 467 935 140 5,525 344 7,505 150 Total 857 222 3,977 7,824 3,193 59,875 1,943 1912 110 8 34 Repairs 425 603 Armatures . . . . Cables . ... 1,060 540 174 5,000 6,375 ]y[isc 110 170 Total 6,696 8,006 Per car . . . Oil 134 1913 110 28 160 Aver- age 86 22 Repairs 119 398 Armatures Cables 918 213 782 319 Labor IMisc 6,375 269 5,988 194 8,032 161 Total Per car . . . 77,891 1,558 7,789 156 * For simplicity all amounts given to the nearest dollar. fast as they do on the drum machines. These elevators are now only 3 yrs. old, and it is too early to pass upon their real cost of operation. There are also 5 basement worm-gear one-to-one traction ma- chines with compensating cables, having 140 ft. lift and a speed of 300 ft. per min. The ropes on these machines wear out very rapidly. In addition to the foregoing there are 8 one-to-one overhead traction machines having 280 ft. lift, 450 ft. speed and equipped with compensating cables and weights. The cars travel about 20 miles per day each, and the cables are wearing out three times as rapidly as those on the old drum machines. These cars having been in use only 3 years, it is wisdom to defer decision on their operating cost to a later date. In the plant there are 77 passenger and 14 freight elevators traveling about 1,500 miles and carrying from 150,000 to 325,000 passengers per day. The cost per car-mile for current is practically the same for all types. Economy of the Electric Motor Drive for Contractor's Hoists. W. H. Easton in Engineering and Contracting, Jan. 21, 1914, compares the costs of hoist operation with coal and electricity as follows : With a coal hoist in Pittsburg, where a motor was directly substituted for a steam engine, all other factors remaining the same, the following results were obtained : Cost of coal per month $ 60 Cost of water 15 "Wages of engineer 125 Total $200 1420 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of electric power per month $ 77 Wages of motor operator 75 Total . $152 Thus the electric hoist showed a saving of $48 per month. But it also proved itself able to handle more coal. With the steam hoist, a bucket containing 42 bushels was lifted every 60 seconds, whereas the electric hoist required only 50 seconds for the trip, because it could be accelerated more rapidly. Hence in a 10-hour day the electric hoist can perform 120 more trips, or handle over 5,000 bushels more than the steam hoist. CHAPTER XIX HEATING, COOKING, VENTILATING, REFRIGERATING AND ICE MAKING Cost of Heating Buildings as given by George W. Martin in a paper before the American Society of Heating and Ventilating En- gineers is printed in Power, Feb. 15, 1916. In the Tweedy formula, W tons of coal per year = rrr-i' 2G, where W is the net wall surface 4.0 and G is the glass surface in units of 100 sq. ft. Mr. Boyden's formula is somewhat complicated, but in the writer's opinion it has the advantage that it takes into consideration a difference in the operating conditions in the different buildings. Ex- perience is necessary in the use of this formula, however, as serious errors are likely to affect the variable to such an extent that the calculated result will be far from correct. The formula follows : Tons of coal per year = VXa 1- (Ci X G) + (Co X W) 60 34 X LX d Xh X CsX (130 — T) ex 2,000 in which V = Gross volume of the building, including basement, if heated ; G = Sq. ft. of glass surface, 10% being added for north and west exposures ; W = Sq. ft. of wall surface, 10% being added for north and west exposures ; a = Average air changes per hour during heating period ; Ci = Constant for glass — 1 for single glass. C2 = Constant for wall — usually 0.2 for brick and 0.3 for stone; C3 = Constant for local conditions — 5.4 for Boston, 5.7 for New York ; T = Factor dependent upon the relation the heating plant bears to the premises heated ; L rr Factor for portion of building not heated or for building heated to 70 deg. F. ; e = Average evaporation in lb. of steam per lb. of coal ; d = Number of heating days during season ; h = Average number of hrs. of heating per day. Under normal operating conditions, when steam is on the heating system for from 3,200 to 3,500 hrs. during the heating season. of 1421 1422 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA seven months, the two formulas agree fairly well with the actual results, as shown in the case of three buildings, as follows : I Building ^ No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Actual coal, net tons 655 486 1,572 Tweedy formula 625 380 1,500 Boyden formula 650 469 1,545 While the three amounts agree closely in the case of buildings Nos. 1 and 3, for building No. 2 the result by the Tweedy formula is much below the actual, probably owing to the fact that much heat was wasted through leaky windows, increasing the amount of air change per hr. Among those in charge of building operation for the United States Government, the practice is followed of assuming the condensation of 500 lbs. of steam per sq. ft. of radiating surface per season. The writer believes this to be a safe figure, as in the case of the three buildings cited, the condensation approximated 400 lbs., 430 lbs., and 420 lbs., per sq. ft. per season respectively, assuming an evaporation of 7 lb. in each case. ^2- 1''-' \ ■ ^ \. '-— , ^ — -^ " ' ^ t £ y 1 9 / ; / as 3o COST IN CENTS PCff WOO LBS. Pig. 2. Cost of steam generation for various amounts of steam generated. the basis of the readings of a meter in the building. The full line in Fig. 2 shows the cost based on meter readings in the power plant. The difference represents the loss due to condensation in the line. The plant is operated only when heating is required and is equipped with three boilers each operating at 100 lbs. pressure. The boiler- feed water comes from a heater at a temperature well above 200 deg. F. Other operating data follow : Coal: No. 3 Buckwheat ($2.50 per ton delivered) burned with balanced draft. Number of days 227 Aver, outside temp. ... 40.9 deg. Steam generated, lbs. . ^7,401,000 Cost per 1,000 lb. of steam : Coal $0,193 Tons of coal, gross 3337 Rate of evaporation.... 6.34 Labor . 063 008 Make-up water 001 Elec. current, blower $0,006 Supplies 006 Repairs and misc 002 Fixed charges on invt 033 Total cost per 1,000 lb. of steam $0,312 Coal Required per Season for Steam and Hot Water Heating. Fig. 3, taken from the Heating and Ventilation Magazine, Sept., 1916, readily shows the approximate amount of coal required per season for steam and hot water heating. To use chart, select point on left-hand vertical line indicating square feet of radiation and piping. Connect this point with point on right-hand vertical line indicating duration of heating season. The point where the line crosses the middle vertical line indicates , C MONTHS v»^S«lHaTOI*. D ETC.) Fig. 3. Chart for figuring amount of coal required per season for steam and hot water heating. 1424 HEATING. COOKING AND VENTILATING 1425 the approximate amount in tons of anthracite coal required per season. Figuring the Coal Consumption for Apartment and Office Build- ings. H. M. Hart, in Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter, April 14, 1916. Apartment House Heating. To find the theoretical coal consump- tion, assume a Chicago apartment building which is heated by steam to 70 deg. The average outside temperature for the heating season of seven months, from Oct. 1 to April 31, is approximately 35 deg., and the minimum is 10 deg. below zero. The average difference in temperature between the outside and inside is 35 to 70 rr 35 deg. and the maximum difference is —10 to 70 = 80 deg. Therefore, to maintain an average temperature in the building of 70 deg. the radiators would have to be hot 35/80ths of the time, and this represents the average steam demand. Then during the heating season of seven months, or 5040 hrs., the radiators would be hot 35/80ths of 5040 = 2205 hrs. The amount of heat given off by the average standard height steam radiator in a room temperature of 70 deg. is approximately 225 B.t.u. per square foot of surface per hour. On a basis of 100 sq. ft. of radia- tion, the heat given off per heating season would be as follows : 100 X 225 X 2205 = 49,612,500 B.t.u. It has been found by numerous tests that a good grade of semi- bituminous or Pocahontas coal in the average heating boiler will give off about 8000 available B.t.u. per pound of coal. Therefore, the theoretical coal consumption per 100 sq. ft. of radiation surface 49,612,500 per heating season would be ~ 6201, or 3.1 tons. 8000 To check this with operating conditions, figures of actual fuel consumption in seven modern apartment buildings were obtained. These are heated by single-pipe steam systems using Pocahontas coal in firebox of return tubular boilers, with the following results ; Tons of coal per season Sq. ft. _ Per 100 sq. Bldg. No. radiation 1 3,435 2 6,000 3 900 4 7,076 5 3,900 6 7,341 7 2,559 Buildings Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 were erected by speculative builders and consequently not much attention was given to the efficiency of the heating systems. The result is that the present owners are burning about twice the amount of fuel that they should. Buildings 3, 6 and 7 were erected as permanent investments and the heating system in each building was installed by a reputable heating contractor. The systems were properly designed and are ample in capacity. The owners might be well satisfied with their investment, although they undoubtedly paid more per square foot Total used ft. radiation 219 6.40 334 5.56 36 4.00 465 6.60 190 4.88 215 2.93 170 3.23 1426 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of radiation for their heating systems than did the owners of build- ings 1. 2, 4 and 5. The yearly loss to the owners of these four buildings is as follows : 3435 Bldg. No. 1 (6.4 — 3.1) X X $4.50 = $510.10 100 6000 Bldg. No. 2 (5.56 — 3.1) X X $4.50 = $664.20 100 7076 Bldg. No. 4 (6.6 — 3.1) X X $4.50 = $1,114,47 100 7341 Bldg. No. 5 (4.88 — 3.1) X X $4.50 = $588.00 100 A first-class single-pipe steam heating system can be installed for about $1 per square foot of surface, but the builders probably paid no more than 75 cents per square foot for these four jobs. Therefore, the saving on cost of installation was about as follows : Building No. 1 3435 X $0.25 = $ 858.75 Building No. 2 6000 X 0.25 = 1,500.00 Building No. 4 7076 X 0.25= 1,769.00 Building No. 5 7341 X 0.25= 1,835.00 This appears to be a very extravagant saving. The investment of this additional amount in the heating systems would have netted the owner from 32 per cent, to 63 per cent, profit. The above simply illustrates how true that old saying is, that one gets about what one pays for no matter how rigid the specifi- cations or the contract may be. The Office Building Problem. A slightly different problem is pre- sented in considering the cost of operation of the heating and me- chanical plants in office buildings. The following interesting com- parison is drawn between two modern office buildings — one equipped with a heating apparatus only and the other equipped with its own power plant. In the first building, which has a simple heating apparatus of the vacuum type, temperature control, low pressure boilers and smoke- less furnaces, the theoretical fuel consumption is as follows : Direct radiation, 60,850 sq. ft. The average outside temperature for the seven heating months of 1911 and 1912 was 33.6 deg. ; therefore, the theoretical number of 36.4 hours that radiators would be turned on would be 70 — 33.6 = -^77- oO or 45.5 per cent, of 310 days X 24 hrs., which would be 2293 hrs. Therefore, the steam required for heating would be 60,850X225X2293 • =32,668,091 961 pounds. To this should be added the loss through the covered piping, estimated at 3 per cent, of the total, which would make the total loss by radiation, 33,648,133 lbs. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1.427 For ventilation there are the following- units: 1 unit delivering 32,420 c.f.m. at an average rise of 26.4 deg. for 20 hrs. per day; 1 unit delivering 18,400 c.f.m. at an average rise of 28.4 deg. for 20 hrs. per day; 1 unit delivering 33,860 c.f.m. at an average rise of 51.4 deg. for 10 hrs. per day; 1 unit delivering 19,500 c.f.m. at an average rise of 76.4 deg. for 10 hrs. per day. Cost of Generating Steam. The steam required for above service would be as follows : R. M. Hrs. Da. 32,420 X 26.4 X 60 X 20 X 180 ■ — = 3,497,717 . 55 X 9 61 lb. of steam 18,400 X 26.4 X 60 X 20 X 180 ■ . ^ 2 135 521 55X9 61 lb. of steam 33.860 X 51.4 X 60 X 10 X 180 • = 3.556,212 55X9 61 lb. of steam 19,500 X 76.4 X 60 X 10 X 180 = 3,044,147 55 X 9 61 lb. of steam making a total of 12,233,597 lbs. of steam for ventilation, which, added to that required for heating, makes a total of 45,881,730 lbs. of steam, which, when burning screenings and evaporating 6 lbs. of water per pound of coal, would take 45,881,730 -H (6 X 2000) = 3823 tons. The actual fuel consumption per month was as shown in the ac- companying table. Outside Average Theoretical Actual temperature wind tons tons degrees velocity, miles October 248 301 53.3 12.8 November 542 573 35.4 16.9 December 547 468 35.0 14.4 January . 783 913 11.9 14.2 February 759 656 21.8 14.4 March 640 661 28.8 13.5 April 338 286 48.8 16.5 It will be noticed from this table that during the months of November and December the temperature was about the same, but the wind velocity decreased about 15 per cent, and the fuel consumption about 18 per cent. The difference between the months of April and October, of course, is not consistent, but as the engineer had no means of weighing the coal as it was put into the boilers the figures given per month might not be absolutely correct. The actual cost of operation of this heating plant is as follows : Coal, 3,858 tons at $2.37 $ 9,143.46 Removing ashes 554.00 Oil, waste and packing 160.00 Repairs 100.00 Labor 4,500.00 Electric current for vacuum and boiler feed pumps 429.00 Water, approximately 200.00 Interest and depreciation, 10 per cent 2,892.00 117,978.46 1428 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1000 X $17,978.46 Then the actual cost of producing steam is = 38.8 3858 X 6 X 2000 cts. per 1000 lbs., and if the fuel for water heating- were added in, there would be an additional expense of $2,883 for coal and $174 for removing ashes, making the total expense per year $21,035.46. This would bring the cost of steam per 1000 lbs. down to 1000 X 21,035.46 = 34.6 cts. 5074 X 6 X 2000 In another building, almost a duplicate, having its own electric generating plant and hydraulic elevators, the heating load would be about as follows : 68,000 sq. ft. direct radiation, at 68,000 X 225 X 2293 =r 36,506,660 lb. of steam 961 The pipes were covered with molded asbestos, so loss through same may be estimated at 4 per cent., which would bring this load up to 37,946,926 lbs. For heating water the load is about the same as in the previous building, which required 14,600,000 lbs. of steam, making a total of 52,546,926 lbs. The cost of operation is as follows : 6,275 tons No. 4 washed nut at $3.00 $18,825.00 Removing ashes 890.00 Oil, waste, and packing 470.00 Water 2,407.00 Lamp renewals 486.00 Labor 9,320.00 Interest and depreciation, 10 per cent 7,000.00 $39,398.00 To obtain cost of steam for heating, the following deductions must be made : For 644,742 kw. generated : Fuel (at 49 lb. steam per kw.) $6,551 Water 249 Lamps 486 Ashes 310 Oil, waste and packing 100 Labor 1,884 Interest and depreciation 3,000 $12,580 $12,580 For elevators : Coal $7,712 Water . 257 Ashes 364 Oil, waste, etc 300 Labor 2,700 Interest, etc 1,000 $12,333 $24,913 Then $14,485 is the additional cost for heating. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1429 If this were taken at the same cost rate as the previous building, the cost of heating would be 52,566,926 lbs. of steam at 34.4 cts. per 1000 lbs., or $18,083. Therefore, the saving on cost for heating is $18,083 — $14,485 = $3,598. However, this does not represent the actual saving showing the operation of this plant. The saving would be as follows : Cost of heating without plant $18,083 Revenue for kw. sold 25,855 Revenue for kw. for public lighting 9,928 Cost of elevator service 12,333 $66,199 Less cost of operation 39,398 Annual saving $26,801 Figuring Ventilation. The cost of operation of a ventilating ap- paratus varies greatly with the installation ; but under normal conditions where the system is designed to deliver air at a temper- ature of 75 deg., taking outside air at an average of 35 deg., the steam required will be 1000 X 40 = 0.75 lb. 55 X 961 per 1000 cu. ft. The power will be C.F.M. X 9 X pressure in oz, 33,000 X 50 which for 1 oz. pres. — 0.5454 hp. per 1000 cu. ft. The horsepower required varies directly with the pressure. For estimating the volume of air required the following formula is found to be quite accurate : H = total B.t.u to be supplied per hour. D = difference in temperature between room and incoming air. F = cubic feet of air per pound at the temperature leaving coils. V = cubic feet per minute required. FH FH V = or 0.2375 DX 60 14.25 D Cost of Heating and Power Plant Apparatus. The following figures are given by W. J. Downing in Power, Nov. 18, 1913. Prices are based on actual installations, most of them in the New England States, and allowance should be made for other localities, based on the difference in cost of labor and material. Radiation. Radiation will be classified under five headings : 1. Cast-iron direct radiators cost 19 to 27 cts. per sq. ft. of sur- face, depending on the height of the radiator. The labor cost will be nearly the same for casting and finishing a section containing 1 sq. ft. of surface as for a section containing 5 sq. ft. 2. Cast-iron indirect radiators of the pin type for gravity work cost 16 to 18 cts. per sq. ft. 3. Cast-iron radiators for fan systems cost 25 cts. per sq. ft. 1430 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 4. Pipe coils for direct radiation cost 30 cts. per sq. ft. 5. Pipe heaters consisting of 1 in, pipes with cast-iron bases for fan systems cost 45 to 50 cts. per sq. ft. of surface. For cast-iron bases with a damper for direct indirect radiators add $1.25 for each 10 in. length of base. The labor cost for installing direct radiators on a one-pipe system can be obtained by allowing one day's time for a steam fitter and his helper for each radiator. This covers the time required to run the vertical risers and connect and set the radiators. It does not include the time required to place the horizontal mains in the base- ment and connect up the boilers. This item will be covered unde*r another heading. For a two-pipe system allow 1.5 days' time for a fitter and helper per radiator. Indirect radiators for gravity and fan-blast systems cost about 0.5 ct. per lb. for the former and 1 ct. per lb. for the latter for erection together with the labor cost of a fitter and helper for one day for each four connections made to the heater sections. Allow 2.5 to 3 cts. per sq. ft. of surface of pipes and radiators for bronzing. Automatic air valves cost 75 cts. to $1 each in place. For temporary setting of direct radiators used to furnish heat in the building while under construction, allow $2.25 for each radiator. Figures based on a large number of installations show that an allowance of $50 per thermostat should be made for automatic con- trol. This includes the air piping, compressor dampers and ther- mostats, set in place and connected. Boilers and Auxiliaries. Small cast-iron fire-pot boilers for house heating cost $30 to $35 per sq. ft. of grate area. Cast-iron sectional boilers for house and public-building heating cost $21 to $25 per sq. ft. of grate area. Horizontal fire-tube boilers set in place complete with trimmings ready for steam and water connections cost $12 per h.p. The Manning type of vertical boiler for power-plant work will cost $10 per h.p. erected. Water-tube boilers set in place with trimmings cost $14 to $16 per h.p. Internally fired boilers of the Morrison type cost $16 to $18 per h.p., including trimmings. Dutch or extended ovens are often used in power plants for burn- ing a low grade of fuel, or utilizing the waste material from manu- factured products. These ovens will cost $250 for a 300 h.p. unit. Superheaters cost $2.25 to $3 per h.p., depending on the size and type. Special boiler settings designed to economize heat, similar to the Smith setting cost about $150 per boiler. All of the above prices are based on boilers with plain grates. Shaking grates should be figured at from $5 to $6 per sq. ft. of surface. Feed-water heaters of the closed type cost from 75 cts. to $1 per h.p., depending on the size of the unit. Feed-water heaters and HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1431 purifiers of the open type cost |2.20 per h.p. for a 100 h.p. unit and $1 per h.p. for a 1000 h.p. unit. Intermediate sizes cost a propor- tional amount. A good damper regulator for controlling the draft in boilers can be obtained for $50. Boiler-feed pumps cost 50 cts. per h.p. capacity of units of 150 to 200 h.p. Blowoff and return tanks suitable for 100 lbs. pressure cost about 8 cts. per lb. in weight. Copper hot-water tanks good for 100 lbs. pressure complete with steam coil cost about $1 per gal. capacity. Add $50 if the tank has automatic control. Steam traps take a discount of 40% from list prices. Pipe Fittings and Valves. While there are several large manu- facturers of these products it is usually safe to figure the following discounts: Steam pipe, 75%; valves, 50 to 60%; cast-iron fittings, 70%; spiral-riveted pipe, 70%. An accurate list should be made of the actual material required for any particular installation, as there are too many variables to use a unit price per h.p. capacity of the plant. The labor cost will average $1.50 per h.p. for connecting the boilers and installing the basement mains in plants of 200 to 400 h.p. The special valves necessary for a first-class vacuum system cost $6 to $8 per radiator. Another method of figuring vacuum systems is to allow 10 cts. per sq. ft. of radiation for the special apparatus required. Covering. An asbestos covering 4 ins. thick for boilers and heat- ers will cost in place 50 to 60 cts. per sq. ft. of surface. Air-cell covering 1 in. thick will cost 22 cts. per sq. ft. Eighty-five per cent, magnesia 1 in. thick will cost 30 cts. per sq. ft. These prices in- clude the labor required to apply and are useful in calculating the cost of covering heating ducts and smoke flues. Steam-pipe covering made of 85% magnesia will cost one-half of the list price, including the labor of applying. If desired the dis- counts applying to the various types of covering can be obtained and the labor cost based on the fact that one man will cover 100 ft. of straight pipe per day up to 4 in. diameter or wall cover 40 fittings per day up to 4 in. size. The above amounts will be more for larger sizes due to the increased labor of handling. Ventilating A2)parat\is. Centrifugal steel-plate fans for ordinary systems in which the total pressure does not exceed .75 oz. will cost $10 to $13 per 1000 cu. ft. of air per min. capacity, depending on the size. Direct-current motors for driving fans will cost $18 to $25 per h.p. Regulating rheostats cost 60% of the list prices. High-pressure engines for fan driving cost $10 to $16 per h.p. Low-pressure engines for fan driving cost $18 to $22 per h.p. Air washers are usually based on a velocity of 500 ft. per min, and on that basis cost $18 to $26 per 1000 cu. ft. of air per min. capacity. Erection of fans, motors and air washers will cost about 1 ct. per lb. in weight. 1432 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Galvanized-Iron and Steel-Plate Work. Piping- arrangements em- ploying galvanized-iron distributing ducts cost about 15 cts. per lb. in place. The ratio of weight of iron to the cubic contents of the building varies widely with different types of building. In factory work where heating is the primary object the galvanized-iron ducts for an overhead system will average 1 lb. of iron to 100 to 125 cu. ft. of contents. In buildings where ventilation is the main object no standard values can be given as the amount of metal will depend on the standard of ventilation maintained. In each case the actual weight of metal must be calculated from the plans. Steel-plate work for smoke flues costs from 6 to 8 cts. per lb. Registers and Screens. Cast-iron registers for floors and side walls cost one-fourth the list price. Bronze registers cost one-half the list price. Plain wire screens with angle- or channel-iron bor- ders cost 15 to 25 cts. per sq. ft. Allow 3 cts. per sq. ft. for bronzing. Filter screens of cheese cloth for removing dust from the air are based on a velocity of 30 to 50 ft. per min. through the net area. Their cost will be from 50 to 70 cts. per sq. ft., depending on the quality of material. Mushroom ventilators cost 65 to 75 cts. each. Foundations. Allow 75 cts. per cu. yd. for excavation in ordinary soil and $4 per cu. yd. for rock. Brick foundation walls cost 40 to 50 cts. per cu. ft. in place. Concrete foundations cost $6 to $7 per cu. yd. for the concrete and 15 cts. per sq. ft. of surface for the forms. Water-prooflng will cost 40 cts. per sq. ft. Sprinkler Systems. Sprinkler systems cost from $3 to $3.25 per head, including pipe, sprinkler heads and erection. Hose racks for fire protection in public buildings cost $50 each, including piping and erection. Gas Piping. In fireproof buildings gas-pipe systems cost $5 to $6 per outlet for labor and material. For residences of the usual frame construction allow $2.50 to $3 per outlet. Unit Costs. While the conditions of various installations make it impossible to give a unit price for a system that will apply in all cases the average of a large number of jobs shows some interesting results. The average cost of a heating system for dwelling houses, using direct-steam radiation is 80 cts. per sq. ft. of radiation. For office and factory work allow $1 per sq. ft. of radiation. For hot- water direct radiation allow $1.25 per sq. ft. for radiation. To these prices should be added that of the boilers to obtain the cost of the entire system. Although the size of direct-steam radiators varies over a wide range the cost of complete systems, exclusive of boilers, averages $37 per radiator. All prices stated in this article are the costs to the contractor. An allowance for contractors' profit should be added to the total cost of the system. Profit is usually figured as a percentage of the total cost and will vary from 10 to 15%. It will be noticed that the prices stated above give a considerable range and the question may arise as to the exact value to be used. It may be helpful to not^ that in any case a price should be selected depending on tlj^ HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1433 size of the apparatus. For instance, a boiler with 5 sq. ft. of grate area will cost more per sq. ft. than one with 20 sq. ft. By paying attention to the relative size of the unit in question a fair estimate can be made of the cost from the values given. Mr. Downing's Costs are criticized by A. Robertson, writing from Syracuse, N. Y., to Power, Dec. 16, 1913, as follows. "Under the heading ' Radiation,' pipe-coil heaters for fan systems are estimated at 45 to 50 cts. per .sq. ft. of surface. In my experience this should be from 24 to 45 cts. per sq. ft. of surface. This price includes the complete casing and fan connections, the low price being for coils about 7 by 10 ft. and the higher prices of coils down to 3 by 6 ft. Now the designer using Mr. Downing's figures would be justified in using cast-iron heaters exclusively at 25 cts per ft., although as a matter of fact under certain conditions pipe coils are a better proposition. " Shaking grates instead of costing $5 to $6 per sq. ft. of surface, can be installed for from $3.75 to $4.75 per sq. ft. Open feed-water heaters, good for 10-lb. pressure, complete with oil separator and grease trap, can be bought for about $1 per h.p. as low as the 400 h.p. size, and for 75 cts. per h.p. in the 1000 h.p. size. " Under the heading ' Ventilating Apparatus,' steel-plate fans are estimated at $10 to $13 per 100 cu. ft. at .75 oz. pressure. This again is far too liberal, $7 to $10 being quite safe. " Galvanized-iron work is estimated at 15 cts. per lb., which is excessive for average factory work, as 10 cts. per lb. in place will cover a first-class job where local help can be used. Only recently we let a 5-ton job at about 6 cts. per lb., but we realize that this is an exceptionally low figure." Comparative Cost of Heat When Generated by Coal, Gas and Electricity. H. O. Swoboda in Electric Journal, July, 1913, says: Coal. Develops at an average a heat of 12,000 B.t.u. per lb. The efficiency of coal burning heating apparatus averages about 10%. Effective heat obtained from 1 lb. of coal = 1,200 B.t.u., from 1 short ton of coal — 2,400,000 B.t.u, TABLE I. PRICES AT WHICH ELECTRICITY WOULD HAVE TO BE SOLD, TO COMPETE WITH COAL AND GAS, IF THERE WERE NO OTHER ADVANTAGE IN USING ELECTRICALLY GENERATED HEAT Coal — Electricity Gas — Electricity Cts. per Gas per Cts. per Coal per ton kw.-hr. 1000 cu. ft. kw.-hr, $1.50 0.17 $0.10 0.2 2.00 0.23 0.20 0.4 2.50 0.28 0.30 0.6 3.00 0.34 0.40 0.8 3.50 0.39 0.50 1.0 4.00 0.45 . 0.60 1.2 4.50 0.51 0.70 1.4 5.00 0.57 0.80 1.6 5.50 0.62 0.90 1.8 6.00 0.68 1.00 2.0 1.25 2.5 1.50 3.1 1.75 3.6 1434 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Gas. Develops at an average a heat of 660 B.t.u. per cu. ft. The efficiency of gas burning heating apparatus averages about 20%. Effective heat obtained from 1 cu. ft. of gas = 132 B.t.u. ; from 1,000 cu. ft. gas = 132,000 B.t.u. Electricity. Develops a heat of 3,413 B.t.u. per kw.-hr. The effi- ciency of electrically heated apparatus averages about 80%. Effec- tive heat obtained from 1 kw.-hr. = 2,730 B.t.u. Based on these figures, the same amount of useful or effective heat is generated by 1 kw.-hr. or 20 cu. ft. of gas or 2.25 lbs. of coal. Operating Costs of Steam and Furnace Heating Plants. Figures by R. O. Stoops (Joliet, 111.), in the Heating and Ventilating Maga- zine, Jan., 1916, show that taking three modern steam plants and a like number of furnace blast systems, the comparison favors the furnace blast plants. In both cases the humidity control is taken care of. The essential difference is that in the case of the furnace system, the moisture is introduced into the hot air and the mixed product is conducted throughout the building. In the case of the steam plant, the air to be heated, is drawn through coils, entailing more power and incidentally more coal, at $2.67 per ton. The report shows that the board installed the new type of plant, more than a year ago, with heat regulation and humidity control, and that the plant has now been in operation for a year, making comparisons possible. Furnace Blast Heating Cost. Moran Street, power and fuel per 1,000 cu. ft., $1,563; Broadway, $1,836; Woodland, $1,868. Average cost, $1,755. Steam Blasts Heating Cost. - Sheridan school, per 1,000 cu. ft., $2,343; Eliza Kelly, $1,733; Henderson, $3,266. Average cost per 1,000 cu. ft, $2,447. The report continues : " This shows that the best steam plant costs only $0,135 less to operate than the poorest furnace plant. Local conditions show that this furnace plant (Woodland school) is not doing its best. The above shows that steam costs 39.5% more to operate than furnace." Interest centers in the report in that Plainfleld and Aurora have adopted the Joliet system, which, when first installed in Joliet, was untried in this section. Cost of Steam Heating Plants. Sheridan, $5,700 ; Henderson, $5,- 560 ; Eliza Kelly, $6,565. Average per school, $5,941. This does not include all the items of installation. Cost of Furnace Blast Heating Plants. Woodland, Moran and Broadway, $14,725, including heat regulation and humidity con- trol. Average per school, $4,925. When this contract was let the job was lumped to one concern. Cost of Installing Underground Steam Mains. The following in Engineering Record, Sept. 14, 1912, by Donald M.. Belcher, gives the construction and installing costs of heat-insulated underground mains of the Wilkes-Barre (Pa) district heating system. The new underground installation comprised the construction of 10,791 ft. of mains, varying in size from 6 to 24 ins. ; 9982 ft. of HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1435 this replaced old .mains and 809 ft. consisted of mains into new territory. Prevention of Heat Loss. The installation, employed to protect the steam mains and prevent loss of heat, was the type which has given the best results, and is now in general use all over the coun- try in district steam heating systems. Tests have shown that the loss from condensation in such lines amounts to less than 5% of the season's steam output. In this construction only the best quality of strictly wrought-iron line pipe was used and all joints, not adjacent to special fittings, Fig. 4, Cross section of steam mains. were made with heavy long pattern couplings. The iron pipe was wrapped with a double spiral winding of asbestos paper, secured in position with copper wire. The pipe thus covered was encased in wood stave casing, the inside diameter of which was from 2 to 3 ins. greater than the outside diameter of the covered iron pipe, thus leaving an annular air space of about 1 in. between the pipe and the casing. Guides and rollers, spaced about 8 ft. apart, center the pipe in the casing and provide for the movement of the pipe in expansion and contraction. The wood casing was made from thor- oughly kiln-dried white pine' lumber, cut into radial staves, each stave having a tongue and groove running lengthwise. The staves were firmly banded with .1875-in. galvanized steel wire, spirally wound under heavy tension and embedded into the wood. The casing was qoate^ With asphaltum-pitch. 1436 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE 11. COST OF MAINS TO WILKES-BARRE, PA., COMPANY Size, ins. Pavement 10. 10. 12. 14, 16. 20. 24. 18 Brick Asphalt . .• Asphalt Asphalt Brick , Asphalt , Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt Brick Brick 24 brick in station Length, ft. 294 1,585 489 361 1,053 851 585 2,109 2,607 552 275 Per lin. ft. $6.03 6.35 8.01 9.28 9.19 9.36 11.75 12.33 16.35 22.89 28.39 4 6 8 10 12 14 Hundredths of a Pound of Steam J)}fference in Line Loss per Square Foof of Underground Main Surface per Hour Fig. 5. Value of efficient insulation. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1437 The costs g-iven in Table II were subdivided as follows : Length of main, ft 10,761 Repaving $16,789.51 Trenching- 8,406.74 Laying pipe 108,061.92 Incidentals . 402.87 Total $133,661.04 Reconnecting house services 3,067.27 Engineering 1.17% 1,600.64 Total cost of work $138,328.95 Cost of Underground Steam Heat Mains. Table III gives the cost of steam heat mains exclusive of paving, per 100 ft. of main. These are estimated costs based upon the experience of a large central station on the Pacific Coast. Efficiency of Underground Steam IVlains. (Power, June 17, 1913.) In a paper read before the annual meeting of the Engineering Society of the American District Steam Co., Byron T. Gifford defined the efficiency of a pipe covering as the percentage of heat saved by using the covering. For example, 90% efficiency would mean that the covering saved 90% of the heat lost by the bare pipe. The line loss in underground steam mains varies from .04 lb. or less of steam per sq. ft. of pipe surface per hr. in the most efficient construction to 0.14 lb. or more per sq. ft. of surface with insulation of inferior quality. Saving in Coal Due to Pipe Covering. In Domestic Engineering, $ 120 110 «100 ^ E ;z f 90 Jso 1 = 1 - = = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 t5 1 '* ^ ^ ;2 z E z: E 1 iz z z 2f 5 ^ 70 1 60 Lo H = E = = E E = = E 1 ~h i 3 ? 1 i 2 ,6< 2^ z: 1 i z: E z 2^ Z z z z z z z z — E z i 3 i z - z :2 z 1 30 •S = E E -^ E 1 i^ 2^ ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E i ~ § 2 S ^ = s 2 ^ s i s ^ ^ < 20 •z^ g ^ ^^ S :f 1 1 i ^ i i ? - i = E ~ d i — = n = = 10 Zl 1 g - 1 ^ S - = g ^ s . 60. 80. 100. 150. 200. 250. 300. 350. Annual Expenditure for Coal (Pipes Covered) Fig". 6. Annual expenditure for covered pipes. 1438 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA u^ 1— 1 H % ^1 ^ § w x+" > W ■^MOOOOl^OOOJCOOOOO OOOOoOOOO< r-i ^ 'T _( m i-J i—"—"— ' c> i—; i—^ '_' 1— ' • • 'm g;" 5 '3 to t>^ o lo o s^i lo irj u5 ■ r-.'^iAcL^ t> t> -^ lO CO O C^' 00 CO ^efie^- 3 oooooiicoo 01 O e/=H m 3 hn a S o; bc-S d>^oou5ooooooo HH .rt ft isS O —I ^ "^ T^ TiJ Ici «5 t-." I>: 00 d r-1 CO «0 ^- ^ C-ii a r* O 4< ^-2 dc« ^-O ft ^ (U Sc o rt ft g^S. OOOOoOOOOOO OOOOoOOOOOO cofofocoeococococoooc li5C]00-+iOO-*OCOiHOO ■*L0t>-OOC0CDiHl«05krt d d d i-i 5-cJ0OTti«Ci00O0CJ<£it-iH ee- tH iH (M ■^ C050to^*> "»§-° C ^ s-i m It-. o rt ^< 1-1 ^c tnrrj . ^ 3 Crtftoi! ^fC Orrt 2 'cs J go C" O) O w CQ ffi oj >■ m «t-l ctO rt C C cS C u +^ O • -^ O tij 4.228 308 7,161 543 13,332 13.210,000 1 to 70 13,977 990 * Mean temperature during heating season 39.30 deg. F, 1446 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA . flat-rate, one pipe customers regulate their room temperatures by opening or closing windows, while those with atmospheric systems use the radiator valves to regulate the flow of steam to their radiators. The one-pipe customers and those designated as having " other systems " are not receiving the best of service in spite of the fact that 2 lbs. to 4 lbs. pressure is being maintained at the services. The customers with atmospheric systems require but from 3 oz. to 6 oz. pressure to ^receive good service. The atmospheric system employs no cooling coil, yet the condensate going to the sewer varies in temperature between 90 deg. F. and 110 deg. F. Other sys- tems with cooling coils deliver the condensate to the services at tem- peratures ranging between 160 deg. and 200 deg. F. TABLE XIII. COST OF STEAM IN HEATING PLANTS No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Number of days 15 4 5 4 46 151 Steam gen., 1,000 lbs 1611 362 485 124 10,310 36,890 Tons of coal, gross 117 27.6 30.3 11.3 783 2540 Rate of evaporation 6.15 5.84 7.13 4.94 5.89 6.31 Av. outside temp 30.7 34.2 39.6 37.0 34.8 40.9 Boiler capacity h.p 384 600 600 800 1200 900 Max. boiler h.p. delivered. 280 300 330 150 600 850 Av. boiler h.p. delivered.. 100 80 150 50 235 350 COST PER 1,000 LBS. OF STEAM Coal $0,191 $0,201 $0,165 $0,238 $0,203 $0,187 Labor 049 .085 .079 .251 .052 .056 Ash removal 010 .011 .009 .021 .008 .007 Water (makeup) 007 .001 El. cur. (forced dr.) 014 .005 .007 .021 .008 .006 El. cur. (b.f. pump) 007 Supplies 004 .011 .006 .002 .004 .006 Repairs and misc. 004 .004 .002 .001 .003 .002 Total $0,272 $0,317 $0,275 $0,535 $0,285 $0,265 Fixed charge on investment .029 .051 .054 .084 .044 .033 Total cost per 1,000 lb.$0. 301 $0,368 $0,329 $0,619 $0,329 $0,298 New York City Heating Costs. A report of the Station Operating Committee, National District Heating Association (1915) shows operating costs for heating 6 New York City buildings given in Table XIII, As all are largely heating plants, the load is subject to all the vagaries of the weather. The extremely variable loads of the early spring and fall, with the excessive standby losses and transient labor force, are in part responsible for the low evapora- tion. The high cost of steam per 1000 lbs. does not mean a high total cost for the season. Out of the 5040 hrs. (Oct. 1 to Apr. 30) making up the nominal New York heating season, steam is actually needed from 3,000 to 3,500 hrs., in buildings occupied from 12 to 18 hrs. daily. This small total consumption results in a low total cost for the season in spite of the unit cost. In several instances where the results cover a short period, the apparatus for weighing coal and water had but recently been HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1447 installed. Such tests do not, of course, represent the performance throughout the year, but do convey an idea of the possible economy. In all the plants No. 3 buckwheat coal delivered at $2.50 a ton is burned with a balance draft. No. 1 is a 25-story office building, covering a plot about 9000 sq. ft. The boiler plant, consisting of two Heine water-tube boilers operated at 70 lbs. pressure, supplies steam for cooking, heating and hot-water service. The plant is shut down during the summer and the steam for cooking purchased. No. 2 is a large, 12-story loft building containing about 4,000,000 cu. ft. Steam is used for manufacturing in large amounts through- out the year, 24 hrs. a day. The boiler plant is made up of three fire-tube units. No. S is a new office building 25 stories high, with a volume of about 6,500,000 cu. ft. The equipment for heating and hot-water service consists of two Erie City water-tube boilers, operated at 30 lbs. pressure. The boiler-feed, vacuum and sump pumps are operated by electric motors. The boilers are shut down during the nonheating season and hot water is supplied by a small heater. No. 4 is a loft building in the old commercial section of New York. This building has only recently had supervisory service. The figures show extravagance in the labor costs and the use of forced draft in burning the coal. This case illustrates the too. frequent condition where continuity of service is the only consid- eration given the power plant. No. 5 is a large department store of about 15,000,000 cu. ft. con- tents. Four B. & W. water-tube boilers supply steam for cooking, refrigeration, operation of a cash-tube system, hot water and heating. No. 6 receives steam from a boiler plant 750 ft. distant. The load is fairly constant day and night during the heating season. The plant is operated (only when heating is required) by three B. & W. units at 100 lbs. pressure. The boiler-feed water comes from a heater at a temperature well over 200 deg. F. The load conditions and the general design for this plant permit fairly satisfactory operation, as may be seen from the costs. Cost of Making Steam for Building Heat. Some comparative data on the cost of operating heating plants taken from the oper- ating records of a number of installations in New York City were presented by George W. Martin in a paper before the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers and printed in Elec- trical "World, Feb. 26, 1916. A summary of the results of tests made during the past summer on a 150 h.p. return-tubular boiler using different grades of anthracite coal available in New York City is given in Table XIV. These results show the lowest cost for generating 1000 lbs. of steam when using No. 3 buckwheat coal. All the plants are largely for heating, hence the load is subject to the vagaries of the weather. In most of the cases discussed the boiler grate?? were originally installed for burning No. 1 buckwheat with natural draft. The change in the setting for burning No. 3 buckwheat involved the 1448 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XIV, RESULTS OF COMPARATIVE COAL TESTS Soft and No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 3 buck- buck- buck- Pea buck- wheat wheat wheat coal wheat Moisture in coal as received. . 6.9 8.0 4.8 3.4 8.3 Volatile per lb. dry coal 7.9 9.3 7.2 7.1 12.6 Fixed carbon 76.9 75.3 75.9 74.2 75.4 Ash 15.4 15.4 16.9 18.7 12.0 B.t.u 12,423 12,080 12,140 11,961 12,944 Length of tests, hours 24 24 24 24 24 Total dry coal consumed, lbs. 4,800 5,514 5,171 5,531 4,400 Per cent, ash and refuse 18.6 17.1 17.0 16.8 14.3 Total water fed to boilers, lbs.42,988 46,275 46,335 51,395 45,045 Factor of evaporation 1.08 1.074 1.077 1.083 1.076 Equivalent water from and at 212 deg 46.427 49,699 49,903 55,712 48,468 H.p. developed 56.1 60.0 60.3 67 58.5 Builders' rating 150 150 150 150 150 Per cent, of builders' rating developed 37.4 40 40 44.8 39 Efficiency of boiler and grate 75.6 72.3 77.1 84.8 82.5 Cost of coal per net ton $2.22 $3.15 $3.65 $4.40 $3.15 Fuel cost of 1000 lbs. steam, cts 13.25 20.4 21.4 23.5 16.8 Fuel cost from and at 212 deg. 12.26 19.0 19.8 21.7 15.6 building of a hollow bridge wall with a cast-iron air box and damper set in the front of the wall at the back of the ash pit. A motor-driven blower was set outside the boiler at one end of the bridge wall, a hand-controlled rheostat being used to vary the speed of the blower-motor. The grates installed were of the dumping type and contain about 10 per cent, of air space. The cost of the installation of grates, motor-driven blower, rheostat and rebuilding the bridge wall averaged $3 per boiler h.p. No. 3 buckwheat coal, bought in wholesale quantities, costs, delivered in the bunker, between $2.35 and $2.50 a net ton. The coal is from the Scranton district of the Pennsylvania anthracite region and runs from 12,300 to 12,900 B.t.u. and from 16 to 13% ash. A poor grade of No. 3 buckwheat, it is stated, has no advantage over a better grade of No. 1 or No. 2 buckwheat, so that unless a good quality of coal can be assured it is useless to attempt economies by burning the smallest size of anthracite, even when it is mixed with soft coal. Rates for Central-Station Hot-Water Heating Allowed by the Public Service Commission of Ohio. The following rates were ordered into effect as of Sept. 15, 1913. For indirect radiation 40% of these rates are to be added. Amount of radiation Cost of radiation per Installed season, per sq. ft. to 500 $0.20 500 to 2000 0.1888 2000 to 5000 0.1777 5000 or over 0.1666 Rule of the Commission for Determining the Sq. Ft. Radiation Required to Heat a Building: Determine the area of the exposed HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1449 walls of the building and from this subtract the area of windows and door openings (frame measurements). Divide this remainder by the wall constant given in Table XV and to the quotient add the area of window and door openings (frame measurements). Multi- ply this sum by 75 and to the product add the cubic contents of the room. Multiply the sum last obtained by the temperature constant In Table XV. The result will be the sq. ft. of cast-iron radiation required to heat a building of good construction. Any room or space having an opening which may communicate with the rooms to be heated must be included in the measurement for space heated, whether radiation be installed or not. TABLE XV. WALL AND TEMPERATURE CONSTANTS For % -in. wall 1 For 2-in. wall 2 For 4-in. wall 3 For 6- to 9-in. wall 5 For 9- to 10-in. wall 7 For 13- to 27-in. wall 8 For 65 deg. F 0.0075 For 70 deg. F 0.0082 For 75 deg. F 0.009 The rule is for ideal conditions and to the radiation requirement determined by its use, there must be added a percentage to provide for exposed locations, bad construction, insufficient or improper repairs and other conditions which would make the minimum radiation requirement inadequate to keep the building comfortably warm. For these conditions which cannot be ascertained by gen- eral rule add from 5 to 25% to the minimum for ideal conditions. It is specified that the heating company must furnish hot water in sufficient quantity to heat the building to a temperature of 70 deg. F. in the coldest weather, provided that sufficient radiation be installed by the consumer to maintain the desired temperature. Evidence of the sufficiency of the quantity of water shall be that the temperature of the hot water has not dropped more than 30 deg. F. while passing through the consumer's heating system, as shown by not less than four tests taken 15 mins. apart in suc- cession, the tests to be made at the point of entrance of service to the building. Surface area of all hot-water pipes installed in the basement or elsewhere not included in the measurement for radiation will be charged for as radiation, unless covered with at least 1-in. covering. This decision prescribing the rules given above was handed down in the case with the Toledo Railway and Light Co., and quoted in Power, June 17, 1913. Comparative Cost of Heating a 25-ft. Car, 45 Ft. Over Ail, by Hot Water and by Electricity, Based on Operating Conditions on a 32- Mile Interurban Railway. The following figures were con- tained in a letter of Daniel W. Smith, president of The Peter Smith Heater Co., addressed to the Electric Railway Journal, May 15. 1909. 1450 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XVI. COMPARATIVE COST OF HEATING CAR Hot Elec- Conditions water tricity Weight of car with load, tons 28 28 Schedule speed, miles per hr 20 20 Car-miles per day per car 240 240 Cost of heating equipment installed $175 $75 Weights of heating equipment, installed, lbs 1400 225 Cost of electric power (at power station) per kw. $.0135 $.0135 Watt-hours at power station, per ton-mile 125 125 Heating season, days 180 180 Hours per day heating 18 18 Moving car equipment per ton-mile (at power station) $0.0017 $0.0017 Moving heating equipment during heating sea- son, per day $0,306 $0.0459 Weight of heating equipment during summer, lbs. 840 225 Moving heating equipment during summer day, per day $0.18 $0.0459 Heater coal consumed per day, lbs 55 Cost heater coal per day at $7.50 per ton $0,206 Attendance for the season $9 $2.70 Interest and depreciation at 10% heating equip- ment $17.50 $7.50 Repairs figured at, per cent 3 2 Cost of repairs $5.25 $1.50 Increased feeders required 2.70 20 Yearly cost feeders, interest and depreciation, at 71/2% $6.06 $37.50 Maximum current capacity of electric heater, amp 18 Average k.w. at station, electric heater 5 Cost electricity per day, electric heater $1.21 Summary : Interest and depreciation on heater equipment $17. 5u $7.50 Repairs of heater equipment 5.25 1.50 Attendance 9.00 2.70 Interest and depreciation on extra feeders. . . . 6.06 37.50 Elec. hauling heating equipment for one year 88.70 16.75 Cost of coal consumed in one year 37.08 .... Cost of electricity used in heater for one year 217.80 Yearly cost $163.59 $283.75 Difference in favor of hot-water heaters $120.16 These tests were made by the Green Bay Traction Company, Green Bay, Wis., and are based on a small interurban car running at a schedule speed of 20 miles per hr. Comparative Costs of Car Heating. The following by Messrs. Thorn, Benedict, and Clark was published in Electric Railway Journal, Oct. 14, 1911. To bring out clearly the comparison In costs of heating a car by the 3 modern systems, the accompanying estimate may be of Interest. The figures in each case are based, in general, on results obtained in practice and are considered fair and reliable. Assumptions. 32-ft. ear body; heating season, 145 days; lowest temperature, about zero ; municipal requirements, 50 deg. F. ; cost of power, 1.4 cts. per kw.-hr. at the trolley; cost of coal, $7.75 per ton. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1451 Under the conditions assumed, the relative total economy of the 3 principal heating systems is as follows : Hot air system, first ; hot water, second ; and electric, third. In figuring the power consumption of electric heaters the fol- lowing method will probably give the most accurate results. Ob- tain from the weather bureau temperature readings for each winter for several years. Plot a curve showing variation of temperature for each day of heating season. Find what point of heat is carried for the different temperatures and then a power curve can be plotted from which the average k.w. per day can be readily obtained. In the use of hot-water or hot-air heaters there is a tendency on the part of the car crew to use less coal than would have to be used if the cars were kept at a uniform temperature during the time they are in service, where with electric heaters the tendency is to put on 3 points Vv^hen 2 points would suffice. This gives rise to false ideas of the relative costs of the various heating systems. In the installation of electric heaters it is preferable to have a comparatively large number of heaters rather than a few, even though the power consumption is on the same basis, on account of the better distribution of the heat. For localities where the temperature reaches zero or lower it is well to have about 4.5 watts per cu. ft. of car body, otherwise it may be difficult to keep the cars comfortable when low temperatures prevail. When a practical, low-cost heater regulator is brought out and comes into general use the cost of electric heating will be very largely reduced. Tests have been made which indicate that the saving in power by the use of thermostat regulators will be in excess of 50%. The cost of car heating would be somewhat reduced and the comfort of passengers considerably increased if storm sashes were more generally used. The difference in temperature on some cars in the Middle West with the same heating equipment — one with storm sashes, one without, and running together on the street — w^as about 9 deg. F. The maintenance of heating systems would be greatly reduced if more care were given to the installation of new equipment. This is particularly true of electric heaters. TABL»E XVII. TOTAL COST FOR ONE YEAR CHARGEABLE TO CAR HEATING Electric Hot water Hot air heater heater heater Cost of power $137.03 $8.22 Repairs and maintenance 1.09 $4.35 2.90 Interest and depreciation 8.80 18.75 18.60 Coal 47.76 47.76 Labor of attendance , . . 8.70 8.70 Hauling (4 cts. per lb. per year).. 20.00 60.00 20.00 Insurance charge 12.00 12.00 Total cost per car $166.92 $151.56 $118.18 The above figures are based on the following data and assump- tions : Hot water heater Hot air heater $125 $155 5% and 10% 1500 lbs. 5% and 7% 500 lbs. 85 lbs. 85 lbs. 0.3 kw. 3c. per day $6,000 2c. per day $6,000 $1,500 $1,500 13 Va 13 Va 6c, per day 145 days 6c. per day 145 days 10c. per $100 10c. per $100 1452 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Electric heater First cost, installed $80 Interest and depre- ciation 5% and 6% Weight installed... 500 lbs. Coal consumption per day Power consumption 5.0 kw. aver- age for heat- ing- season ♦Repairs and main- tenance %c. per day Cost of car $6,000 Investment in barns per car $1,500 Hours per day per car 13% * Labor of attend- ance Heating season. ... 145 days Extra insurance over electric heat- ers on barns Extra insurance over electric heat- ers on cars 17%c. per$100 17%c. per$100 * Per day of heating season. Cost of Heating Cars by Electric Heaters Compared with Coa!, as determined by tests made by the Cleveland JRailway and the City Street Railroad Commission printed in Electric Railway Jour- nal, June 8, 1912. TABLE XVIII. ESTIMATED COST OF POWER FOR ELECTRIC HEATER FOR TRAIL CARS ON BASIS OF ONE CAR PER YEAR Maximum demand at car from test (500 volts) 11.00 kw. Maximum demand at d. c. bus substation (90% efficiency of distribution) 12.23 kw. Maximum demand at generator bus (89% efficiency of transmission and conversion) 13.76 kw. " 12.23 kw. for 2^^ hrs. requires 8.16 kw. of substation capacity, 50% overload allowed. Investment in substation, 8.16 X $25 — $204.00. ($25 per kw. of capacity installed.) Fixed charges on substation equipment, $204 X 10% = $20.40". (Includes 5% interest, 2.52% amortization, 1.36% taxes — 9.88% or 10%) used.) Investment in distributing system is $41.70 per kw. of maximum demand. Investment in distributing system per car, $41.70 X 12.23. . . .$510 Fixed charges per car year, $510 X 10% 51 Maintenance of distributing system per kw. of maximum de- mand per year 2 Maintenance of distributing system per car 24.46 Consolidated car heaters require 4661 kw.-hr. at car or at generator bus. 4661 ^ .80 =: 5830 at $0.0038 22.15 Substation operation and maintenance, 5190 X $0.0003 1.56 Peter Smith forced draft heater required 4172 kw.-hr. at car. or 4172 — .80 — 5220 kw.-hr. at generator bus, 5220 X $0.0038 19.80 Substation operations and maintenance, 4640 X $0.0003 1.39 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1453 Consoli- Peter dated Smith electric electric heater heater Summary of power cost. Demand charge for power, 13.76 kw. for 6 months $82.50 $82.50 Energy charge 22.15 19.80 Substation operation and maintenance 1.56 1.39 Fixed charge on substation 20.40 20.40 Fixed charge on distributing system 51.00 51.00 Maintenance of distributing system 24.46 24.46 $202.07 $199.55 Peter Smith coal heater : Fixed charge, 182 kw. at $16.22 $2.95 Substation operation and maintenance, 148-kw.-hr. at $0.0003. .04 Energy charge, 166 kw.-hr. at $0.0038 63 Total $3.62 " Three types of heaters were tested, namely, straight electric heaters, the forced ventilation electric heater and the forced ven- tilation coal heater. " The tests were made upon 3 of the railway company's 900-type cars, having an over-all length of 52 ft., the front vestibule being inclosed and the rear vestibule open. Each type of heater was installed in a separate car. The tests were made with the cars end to end on a track in the shops of the railway company. Two side ventilator sashes in the front of the car and two in the rear were open during the entire test. The straight electric heater sys- tem manufactured by the Consolidated Car Heating Company was installed on car No. 909 and consisted of 26 heaters, installed underneath car seats, 1 main switch cabinet, 1 magnetic .switch, 1 thermostat and 1 snap switch. The forced ventilation electric heater, manufactured by the Peter Smith Heater Company, in- stalled on one car, consisted of a compact electric heating unit in a sheet steel housing, equipped with a Sturtevant multivane blower, size C, direct-connected to a 220 volt, 8 amp. series-wound, ball- bearing motor. The cold air taken from underneath the car is blown over the heating coils and distributed from a hot-air duct extending the length of the car body. This heater in service would be installed with an interrupter and thermostat to regulate the temperature of the car automatically. The forced ventilation coal heater installed on another car was also manufactured by the Peter Smith Heater Company and is similar to the heater described above, except that the heat is generated by the direct combustion of coal, the cold air being blown over the combustion chamber. " The tests run on the 2 electric heaters .show that in order to maintain a temperature within the car 41.9 deg. F. above the sur- rounding air it is necessary to. expend about 10,900 watts, or 267 watts for each degree rise of temperature. "The mean temperature of Cleveland for 40 years for each of the winter months was obtained from the L^nited States Weather Bureau, and the number of degrees of heating required to main- tain a temperature of 55 deg. F. inside the car was determined. 1454 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It was also assumed that the current must be turned on the heaters a sufficient length of time to raise the temperature to 45 deg, F. before the car goes into service, also that the car remains in service 2 hrs. in the morning and 2 hrs. in the evening." In the comparison of costs of electric and coal heaters, the con- tract under which the Cleveland Railway purchases energy was used for determining the cost of the electric heaters. In building the fire in the coal heater, the following material was used: Kindling, 1.76 lbs.; ash wood, 4.25 lbs.; kerosene oil, 0.312 lbs. ; shavings, 0.004 lbs. ; coal, 35.29 lbs. In the general summary, each heater was charged with interest at 5%, taxes at 1.36%, and repairs and maintenance at 1 ct. a day. Depreciation was charged at 7% in the case of electric heaters and 10% in the case of coal heater. The latter was also charged with the following special costs per year : Coal $21.00 Fuel and labor of kindling fire thirty times 4.09 Labor of attendance 8.76 Removing and reinstalling heater each season 1.00 Transportation and stoi'age in summer 50 Value of space occupied by heater 11.16 The final figures showed the Peter Smith coal heater to be far more economical than either electric heater. In regard to weight and space occupied and a general summary the report says : " The weights of the various heaters installed complete are as follows: Consolidated, 457 lbs.; Peter Smith electric, 350 lbs.; Peter Smith coal heater, 544 lbs. " The cost of power for handling the equipment for this trailer service amounts to 2.18 cts. per lb. per year. The Consolidated electric heating equipment is carried throughout the year, while with the Peter Smith forced ventilation heating equipments the heating duct alone is carried throughout the year, the heater being removed and stored during the summer season. " Either of the electric heaters installed in a car would be placed under the seats, while the coal heater during 6 months of the year occupies the space of one seat in the car ; the value of this space is chargeable against this heater. In order to obtain this value it was assumed that the standing capacity of the car is one-half as valuable as the seating capacity. Thus in this car, seating 60 passengers and providing standing room for 60 more, the value of one seat space is one-ninetieth of the value of the car space. On a basis of 38 miles per day for a trailer 156 days per year, the mileage per heating season is 5920, which at 17 cts. per car mile operating cost amounts to $1006.40. Therefore $11.16 is the value of the space occupied by the coal heater during the winter season. Summary. " Each of the 3 types of heaters has its individual advantages. The electric heaters afford the advantage of cleanli- ness, convenience and ready means of obtaining automatic regula- tion of the car temperature, The Peter Smith electrjc heater hag HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1455 the important additional advantage of providing a forced ventila- tion of about 12,000 cu. ft. of fresh warm air per hour. On the Peter Smith electric heater, however, no means were provided for automatically cutting of£ the current of the heating unit in case of failure of the blower motor, which would probably mean a burn-out of the heating unit. Both of the electric heaters have the disadvantage of being unable to heat the car properly in extreme weather. The curves show that in zero weather it would be im- possible to maintain a temperature of more than 40 deg. F. inside the car. With the coal heater a rise of over 48 deg. was obtained easily without any attempt at crowding the heater. The excep- tionally high cost of power for heating the tripper cars electrically at rush-hour periods of the day for the climatic conditions existing in Cleveland renders the operation of electrical heaters extremely uneconomical if not prohibitive." Cost of Car Heating by Electricity and by Hot Water in the Standard Cars of the Chicago City Railway Company. In a book- let issued by the Chicago City Railway Company descriptive of its new standard car, the following data concerning the cost of hot- water and electric heating of cars are given. These figures were used in deciding upon the method of heating to be employed in the new cars. The results show 7 cts. per day per car in favor of electric heating, and this method was adopted : Average hours per car per day, 9. Average current per car, 12 amps. Weight of electric heaters, 360 lbs. Weight of hot-water heaters, 1454 lbs. Coal consumed by hot-water heaters, 80 lbs. Price of coal, $8 per ton. Price of electric heaters, $80 per car. Price of hot-water heaters, $140 per car. Repairs on electric heaters, 5 cts. per car per day. Repairs on hot-water heaters, 10 cts. per car per day. Attendance on hot-water heaters, 10 cts. per car per day. Average miles per car per day, 100 miles. Average heating season, 150 days. Upon this assumption, without going .through the calculations in detail, the result may be summarized as follows : Electric Heaters. Cost per day of heating season using electric heaters : Cents 12 amps., 9 hours = 54 kw.-hrs. per day, at .992 cts 53.6 Interest at 57., plus depreciation at 7%. on $80, cost price of heaters 365 days, divided by 150 days heating season.... 6.4 Hauling dead weight, 360 lbs., 100 miles per day, 365 days per year, at 0.95 cts. per day of heating season 4.2 Repairs at 5 cts. per car per day 5.0 Interest 57^, plus depreciation Z% on additional copper re- quired for electric heaters per day of heating season 3.8 Total cost per car per day 73.0 Hot-Water Heaters. Cost per day of heating season using hot- water heaters : 1456 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cents 80 lbs. coal at $8 per ton 32.0 Interest at 5%, plus depreciation at 7%, $140 11.2 Hauling dead weight, 1454 lbs., 100 miles per day, 365 days in year, per day of heating season 16.8 Repairs 10.0 Attendance , 10.0 Total cost per car day 80.0 Cost of Car Heating. Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book, Table XIX, compiled by Mr. McElroy from data of the Albany Railway Company. Average fuel cost on Albany Railway, per amp. hr. = .241 cts. Average total cost for fuel, labor, oils, waste, and packings per amp.-hr. = .423 cts. TABLE -XIX. COST OF FUEL PER HOUR FOR HEATING A CAR WITH ELECTRIC HEATERS WITH COAL AT $2 PER 2,000 LBS. Position of switch 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th Amperes equal 2.14 2.88 6.88 8.09 12.0 cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. Simple, high speed condensing 0.43 0.58 1.40 1.62 2.41 Simple, low speed condensing 40 .54 1.30 1.51 2.24 Compound, high speed condensing. .39 .52 1.27 1.47 2.20 Compound, low speed condensing. .36 .48 1.17 1.36 2.03 AVERAGE COST PER DAY FOR STOVES Cents 33 lbs. coal at $4.55 per ton $0,075 Repairs 005 Dumping and removing coal and ashes, coaling up and kin- dling fire, including cost of kindling and part of clean- ing car 100 Removing stoves for summer, installing for winter, repairing head linings, repainting, etc., av. per day 0125 Total $0.1925 Cost of House Heating by Electricity. Frederick A. Osborn in Electrical World, Dec. 23, 1916, states: The house was ordinarily heated by an 024 Standard hot-air furnace. For the past 3 years a high grade of lump coal had been used, costing for the present year $7.75 per ton in the basement bin. The average cost of heating the house, including the wood used in the fireplace, had been about $75 a year for the last three years. All the rooms heated were equipped with the wire-resistance convector type of electric heater. There were five American heat- ers and two Hot Point heaters. In the dining room a hot-water radiator to which was attached an induction-type electric heater, was used during a part of the time. The living room, with a volume of 2.400 cu. ft., 'had two 3,000- watt heaters, with three heat controls. The maximum wattage was 2.5 watts per cu. ft. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1457 The study, a room of 1,300 cu. ft., had one 600-watt heater. The power taken per cu. ft. was 0.46 watt. The temperature of the study seldom was above 64 deg., and this was by choice. The dining- room has a volume of 1410 cu. ft. It was supplied with one 2000-watt heater, and for a part of the time a 2500-watt water radiator was used. The maximuni demand was 1.4 watts per cu. ft. The kitchen and pantry, with a volume of 500 cu. ft., had a 1000-watt heater. This heater was for most of the time on the low heat, taking about 300 watts, the gas range when the oven was in use furnishing the necessary heat. The south bedroom, volume 1320 cu. ft, had one 2000-watt heater. This room is used also as a sewing room, and is warmed nearly every afternoon. The bathroom on the north, with a volume of 350 cu. ft., was supplied with one 1000-watt heater, kept on the low heat most of the time. As the entire test was carried out with one type of heater, the question will naturally rise, may not some other type of electric heater be more efficient than the type used?. Electric heating differs from all other systems of heating in that all electric heaters of the same wattage are equally efficient. They will all deliver the same number of heat units to the room. In furnace heating the amount of heat escaping up the chimney depends upon the furnace, the method of firing it and other factors not constant. The heat given to the room is that which is not lost in the furnace, the flues and the transmitting pipes from furnace to the room. Coal furnaces deliver from 40% to 60% of the heat in the coal to the rooms. Electric heaters, on the other hand, deliver practically 100% of the heat to the rooms. For each kw.-hr. of electrical energy put into any type of electric heater, the same amount of heat is fur- nished. There may be some minor advantages in using one type of electric heater in preference to another type, but this advantage never consists in getting more or less heat units from a kw.-hr. of electrical energy. This fact needs to be kept constantly in mind when discussing the advantages of electric heaters. Throughout the entire test a recording thermometer giving con- tinuous readings of the temperature was kept in the same position in the living room. The outside temperature was taken from the recording ther- mometers at the university after a recording thermometer at the house gave evidence that the outside temperature at the house and the university did not differ by more than a degree. The dining room thermometer as well as the one in the study were used in each part of the test to determine the similar heating conditions under the two systems, and when this was established they were read only occasionally. « This test was begun Dec. 1 and continued until Jan. 19. During this period Seattle had the coldest weather of the season. The coal used was carefully weighed, part of the time daily, and later 1458 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XX. TEST WITH HOT-AIR FURNACE Average outside "Week of tempera- ture, deg. F. December 1-8 49.2 December 8-15 43.5 December 15-22 44.0 December 22-29 39.5 December 29-January 5 29.4 January 5-12 33.0 January 12-19 29.0 Average living room Coal temperature con- 8 a.m to 10 10 p.m. to 8 sump- p.m., deg. a.m., deg. tion, lbs. 67.7 62.8 631 65.7 60.0 667 65.8 61.1 560 65.8 61.0 660 66.0 59.0 780 65.0 58.0 755 67.0 58.0 837 the coal for two or three days' burning was weighed at one time. In Table XX is found the record of the test. The average outside temperature for the seven weeks was 38.2 deg. F., the day room temperature was 66.1 deg. F. and the night room temperature was 59.9 deg. F. During the day the room was maintained at an average temperature of 27.9 deg. i-. above the average outside temperature. The total coal consumption was 4890 lbs., or an average of 698 lbs. per week. The total cost of the coal at $7.75 a ton was $18.95, or an average of $2.42 per week. This part of the test began on P^'eb. 1 and continued until March 14. The detailed record appears in Table XXI. TABLE XXI. TEST WITH ELECTRIC HEATING "Jinfl^^^ Average living room Kilo- Week of temnerl- temperature watt- ^^^^ ^^ }fi^ H^% 8 a.m. to 10 10 p.m. to 8 hours lur^aeg. ^^^ ^^^ p, ^^^ ^^^ p ^^^^ February 1-8 36.3 67.0 57.5 1039 February 8-15 46.7 67.3 60.0 741 February 15-22 41.9 66.0 58.4 575 February 22-29 40.5 66.5 56.4 573 February 29-March 7.. 36.0 64.0 - 56.0 794 March 7-14 47.6 66.5 57.6 522 The average outside temperature for the six weeks was 41.5 deg. F., the day room temperature 66.2 deg. F, the night room tem- perature 57.6 deg. F. The living room was maintained at an average temperature of 24.7 deg. F. above the outside temperature. The total number of kw.-hrs. used was 4274, or an average of 712.3 per week. The cost for the six weeks at 1 ct. a kw.-hr. was $42.74, or an average cost of $7.12 per week. To this cost should be added $2.50 for heating by gas the water used for domestic purposes. The furnace having a water coil in it furnished the hot water in the first test. If we assume that the loss of heat from a room is proportional to the difference in temperature between the outside and the inside, then the fuEinace furnished to the rooms 27^47 = 1.12 or 12% more heat, and the consumption of electric energy for the same amount of heat would have been 4787 kw.-hr. Taking into con- sideration then the cost for water heating and for furnishing the HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1459 same amount of heat, the cost for electric heating under the same conditions as obtained during the furnace heating would have been $50.37, or $8.39 per weeli. This makes electric heating cost 3.46 times that for coal under like conditions. From this test, electricity selling at 0.29 cts. per kw.-hr. would furnish heat for the same cost as coal at $7.75 a ton. To many the advantages of electric heating are worth a 50^7^ increase in the cost of heating, and electricity at about one-half a cent per kw.-hr. would make this possible. A lower rate is usually given by electric companies for " off- peak " loads. In the winter the peak load comes on about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and lasts for four or five holers. If the cus- tomer using electricity for heating is to receive this low off-peak rate, some means must be provided for storing up a surplus amount of heat to be drawn on during the time the current is cut off from the heating system. Storage tanks using water are in use, but as far as the writer is informed no entirely satisfactory storage system has as yet appeared. The off-peak service compels the use of liquid-filled radiators, and makes electric heat- ing no more flexible than the hot-water or steam systems. Comparative Operating Costs of Gas and Electric Cooking. (Re- port of Heating Committee, Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, September, 1905, from Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book) The comjjarative operating cost of electric and gas cooking de- pends upon two (luestions — the relative rates for gas and electric heat units, and the relative heat efficiencies of gas and electric apparatus. A third quantity — the effect produced by the different rates and modes of heat applications in the two classes of utensils — may affect the efficiency slightly, but the existence of this effect is not yet verified. Starting with the heat of coal, which may be fairly estimated as 12,000 B.t.u. per pound, we compute the relative efficiency of the heat conversion as follows : Gas Electricity 1 lb. coal produces 5 cu. ft. gas 1 lb. coal produces 0.25 k.w. 5 cu. ft. gas contain 3000 B.t.u. 0.25 k.w. contains 853 B.t.u. Efficiency heat conversion is Efficiency heat conversion Is ^0^12000 = 257o =7.1% Efficiency electrical heat conversion = 28.4% Efficiency gas heat conversion With manufacturing processes of equal per pound of coal converted, it is appaient, then, that an electric heat unit must cost nearly four times as much as a gas heat unit, but with pres- ent processes the relative rates are : Gas Electricity $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. $0.10 per k.w.-h. 1 B.t.u. .000167 cents 1 B.t.u. 0.00293 cents Electric B.t.u. 0.00293 Gas B.t.u. 0.000167 = 17.5 1460 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA It is known that the efficiency of electrical apparatus is about four times that of gas, and, consequently, as the gas utensil requires four times as many B.t.u. the above figure of 17.5 is reduced to 4.4. If, then, the rate for electricity is reduced to one quarter of that assumed, or 2.5 cts. per kw.-hr., this figure of 4.4 is changed to 1.1, and we have practically identical operating costs. Comparison Between Gas and Electric Rates. According to James I, Ayes (report for National Electric Light Association, May, 1904) electric heat at an average efficiency of 70% equals 0.4197 kw.-hrs. per 1000 effective heat units, and for 105,000 ef- fective heat units there would be required 44.065 kw.-hrs. to give the same results. To compete with gas at equal rates, electricity will have to be sold at 5.67 at per kw.-hr. where gas is at $2.50 per 1,000 cu. ft. at 4.54 at per kw.-hr. where gas is at 2.00 per 1,000 cu. ft. at 3.40 at per kw.-hr. where gas is at 1.50 per 1,000 cu. ft.* at 2.83 at per kw.-hr. where gas is at 1.25 per 1,000 cu. ft. at 2.27 at per kw.-hr. where gas is at 1.00 per 1,000 cu. ft. The above is as fair a comparison as can be made where exact figures cannot be secured. The results above quoted have been checked by records made in the same family alternately using gas and electricity each week for considerable periods in a number of cases, and from a variety of records obtained otherwise. It is assumed that suitable equipments both of electric and gas appli- ances are used. Cost of Electrical Cooking for an Average Family. (From Fos- ter's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book.) Cost of Electric Cooking. The American Handbook for Electrical Engineers gives the following: The average consumption per per- son per meal ranges from about 0.2 to 0.8 kw.-hr., which at 3 cts. per kw.-hr., corresponds to a cost per person per meal of from 0.6 to 2.4 cts. The actual cost in any particular case of course depends upon the number of persons served, the food cooked and the kw.-hr. cost. The Cost of Cooking by Electricity. The National Electric Light Association, June, 1912, gives the following: In connection with the installation of the electric range in the residence of Mr. Charles H. Williams, General Manager Northern Colorado Power Company, Denver, the owner recently made a thorough study of the cost of electric cooking for a family of six persons for a period of ten days. Energy was supplied from the commercial circuits of the Denver Gas & Electric Light Company. The range is wound for 220 volt service and has two 10 amp. and three 20 amp. switches controlling corresponding baking and stove circuits. In the table are given the character of meal, materials cooked, maximum de- manded in kilowatts, consumption of energy in kw.-hrs. and cost per meal, the data commencing with the installation of the electric range. The cost of electrical energy is figured at 5 cts. per kw.-hr. No previous exi)erience has been had with electric cooking. Rec- ords were taken by a pen-recording wattmeter which was care- HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1461 Suiuoji J8UUIQ paAaas suosjaj qouni TIj o £ 0) paAjos' suoyj9(j L^ 4SBJ A Oi 00 ->liB8aa r«' r-i M il! o1 3 § H (U ft,-? 72 O o 1^ o CO O C; O ^ ' CC ^^ .0; +J C - K O c3 P-3 o g3 O "^ O -^ -^ W CO OS ft TT PI be -u OJ ma • ■•-' o 5 Co • O 0) o o 4) be 0^ be c3 0) ^ 2 ^ C K g •2gft^§-2 Ho o j^ a;fc O o t. o at-, t>0" lOOOO .§ o be bTJ c 3bf)C Go ^ 2^ o 1462 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA fully calibrated with an instrument of precision. Much care was taken to keep the rangre absolutely free from dirt during the prog- ress of the cooking tests. TABLE XXIII. COST OF ELECTRIC COOKING, FAMILY OF SIX. AT 5 CENTS PER K.W.-HOUR Meal and materials cooked by electric range S (ss ^ Dinner : 4.5 lbs. roast lamb, baked white and sweet po- tatoes, baked rice pudding 2.4 Breakfast : Oatmeal, baked apples, 8 ; coffee. , ■. . . 2.24 Lunch : Stewed prunes, tea and potatoes 0.6 Dinner Breakfast : Oatmeal, coffee . 2.46 Lunch : Warming potatoes, flnnin haddie warmed, tea 2.2 Dinner : 3.5 lbs. veal roast, baked sweet potatoes, 10 baked apples, baked Irish potatoes 2.8 Evening : Cooking oatmeal , . 1.0 Breakfast : Warming oatmeal, coffee 0.68 Testing oven, raising temperature from cold to hot 1.4 Dinner : Stewing 4.5 lbs. chicken, boiled potatoes, toast 2.08 Breakfast : Baked apples, 8 ; oatmeal, coffee, baking bread, stewing prunes 2.6 Lunch : Boiled potatoes, coffee, 3 lbs. pot roast Warming coffee, laundress 2 p. m 0.05 Dinner : Boiled sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, baked cornbi'ead 2.4 Breakfast : Baked apples, oatmeal 1.0 Dinner : Beef stew, carrots, potatoes, prune stew. 2.0 : Baked apples, oatmeal 2.48 Lunch : Warming meat and coffee 1.4 Baking 3 loaves graham bread 1.28 Dinner : Chicken stew, 4.5 lbs. ; cranberries, 1 qt. ; potatoes boiled (6 large) 1.00 O !h 6- 2.7 13.50 2.5 12.50 0.87 4.35 1.4 7.00 0.65 3.25 4.35 21.75 0.47 2.35 0.55 2.75 0.7 3.50 2.0 10.00 3.20 16.00 3.15 0.1 15.75 0.50 2.75 13.75 0.55 2.75 2.5 12.50 2.55 12.75 0.7 1.35 3.50 6.75 2.15 10.75 3.25 16.25 0.35 1.75 3.5 17.50 0.6 3.00 0.6 3.00 2.5 12.50 3.25 16.25 49.24 $2.46 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1463 Breakfast : Baked apples, oatmeal, coffee 2.5 Lunch : Warming meat and coffee 1.6 Dinner : Baked finnin haddie, boiled potatoes, baked apple sauce 2.60 Breakfast : Oatmeal, coffee 0.6 Lunch : Warming meat, potatoes for yeast 0.90 Dinner : Meat pie, potatoes boiled 2.2 Breakfast : Baked apple, oatmeal, coffee 2.5 Total Experience showed that some energy was lost by changing from one heat to another in order to regulate the temperature properly. It was found that after the oven was once heated baking could be done at small cost. Roughly the cost of electric cooking varied from 3 to 10 cts. per day per person upon the basis of the above rate per kw.-hr. Heater Capacities of Simple Devices. (H. O. Swoboda in Electric Journal, July, 1913.) The heater capacities, given below, are used by the leading American and European manufacturers and represent a fair aver- age of standard practice. The figures indicate the maximum amount of energy required to raise the temperature to the desired point, less energy, of course, being required to maintain this tem- perature. When two figures are given, both are used, one for slow and one for quick action. Air Heaters : Convectors, smallest size, three heats 600 Watts Convectors, largest standard size, three heats .... 18,000 Luminous radiators, smallest size, one bulb, single heat 250 Luminous radiators, largest standard size, four bulbs, two heats 2,000 Quartzalite radiators, smallest size, two heats. . . . 600 " Quartzalite radiators, largest standard size, two heats 1,600 Show window convectors, capacity per running yard, single heat 300 " Street car heaters, smallest unit, three heats 250 " Street car heaters, largest standard unit, three heats 450 Air humidifiers (bronchitis kettles) 600 " Back rounders, for books, three heats 300 " Beer vat driers, three heats 3,000 " Boilers, double (cereal cookers), small size 3 pints, three heats ' 440 " Boilers, double, largest standard size 6 quarts, three heats ■ 1,300 Boilers, hot water, heaters inside, smallest size 3 gal- lons, three heats 500 " Boilers, hot water, heaters inside, largest standard size 100 gals., three heats 14,000 14G4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Branding- irons, single heat 150 to 660 Watts Broilers, in open stiape, smallest size 16 in, by 14 in., two heats 2,500 Broilers, largest standard size. 32 in. by 30 in., two heats 10,000 Broilers, open plates, smallest size 8 in. by 7% ins., single heat 660 Broilers, open plates, largest standard size 30 ins. by 19 ins. two heats 6,400 Cauterizing instruments, without loss in controller 30 to 75 Celluloid heaters, three heats 900 " Chafing dishes, smallest size 2 pints, three heats.... 250 " Chafing dishes, largest standard size 3 pints, three heats 500 Chocolate warmers, for maintaining chocolate in a fluid state for dipping, smallest size 12 ins. by 6 1/2 ins. by 5 ins., three heats 220 Chocolate warmers, largest standard size, 14^4 ins. by 7% ins. by 6 ins., three heats 264 " Cigar lighters, continuous service, single heat 25 " Cigar lighters, intermittent service, single heat.. 75 to 200 " Circulation water heaters, used in connection with boilers, smallest size, two heats 1,800 " Circulation water heaters, largest standard size, two heats 3,600 Coffee percolators, smallest size 1 pint, single heat 250 to 400 Coffee percolators, largest standard size 4 pints, three heats 350 to 500 " Coffee percolators, restaurant size, 12 quarts, single heat 750 " Coffee roasters, smallest size 2 to 3 lbs., three heats. . 800 " Coffee roasters, largest standard size 8 to 10 lbs., three heats 3,600 Coffee urns, smallest size 2 gals., three heats 1,400 " Coffee urns, largest standard size 5 gals., three heats 2,500 Combs, heated, single heat 50 " Corn poppers, 1 quart, single heat 300 " Cooking vessels with covers, smallest size 2 pints, three heats 600 "Cooking vessels, largest standard size, 26 gals., three heats 7,500 Corset irons, 8^^ lbs., two heats 500 " Cosmetic heaters, single heat 25 " Curling irons, self-containing, single heat 20 " Curling irons, heater in separate tubing, single heat 60 to 400 Dentist's tools, such as root canal driers, guttapercha instruments, bleacher i)oints, wax spatulas, hot air syringes, without loss in controller 6 to 30 " Disc Stoves, smallest diameter 3 ins., single heat 100 to 400 Disc stoves, largest standard diameter 20 Ins., three heats 2,700 " Distilling apparatus for ether, three heats 300 " Distilling apparatus for water, smallest size 1 quart per hr., single heat 1,000 " Distilling apparatus, largest standard size 8 quarts per hr., single heat 6,000 " Domestic flat irons, smallest size 3 lbs., single heat 200 to 250 Domestic flat irons, largest standard size 9 lbs., sin- gle heat 400 to 675 " Drag irons, smallest size 30 lbs., single heat 1,400 " Drag irons, largest standard size 50 lbs., single heat 1,600 " Egg boilers, smallest size 1 QS^, single beat , 200 " HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1465 Eg-g boilers, largest standard size 6, eggs, three heats 360 to 600 Watts Finishing (polishing) irons, smallest size 4 lbs., two heats 250 to 380 Finishing (polishing) irons, largest standard size 5V^ lbs., two heats 450 " ^Fireless cookers 150 to 660 " Flask heaters, 8i/^ ins. diameter, three heats 500 " Flat plates, rectangular or oval, used as food warm- ers, griddle plates, laboratory plates, glue plates, smallest size 4 by 4 ins., three heats 60 '' Flat plates, largest standard size 80 by 40 ins., three heats , 4,500 " Foot warmers, smallest size 9 ins. by 10 Ins., single heat 50 " Foot warmers, largest standard size 10 by 12 ins., three heats 400 " Frying pans, round, smallest diameter 4 ins., single heat 300 Frying pans, largest standard diameter, 12. ins., three heats 1,800 to 2,000 Frying pans, rectangular, with cover, smallest size 10 by 61/2 by 5 ins., three heats 1,000 Frying pans, rectangular, with cover, largest stand- ard size 24 by 12 by 5 ins., three heats 3,300 " Furnaces for dentists, with controller 500 '" Furnaces for heat treatment of tool steels and other metallurgical work : 1 ^0° F. maximum, smallest size 450 " largest standard size 4,150 " 2 000° F. maximujn, smallest size 650 " largest standard size 15,000 " 3 6-00° F. maximum, smallest size 10,000 largest standani size 75,000 " Furnace, Heroult 15-ton steel, with controller. . . . 1,500 Kw. Furnaces, vacuum type, for laboratory," research work — 5 cu. in. capacity, 5 600° F. maximum 15 Kw. 125 cu. in. capacity, 3 100° F. maximum 60 Kw. Glove form heaters, single heat 50 Watts Glue cookers with circulation water heaters, smallest size 3 gals., three heats 1,800 " Glue cookers, largest standard size 25 gals., three heats 7,200 Glue pots with immersed heaters — smallest size % pint, three heats.. 150 to 330 '.' largest standard size 5 gals., three heats 2,500 '* Gold annealers for dentists with controller 400 " Goose irons for tailors, smallest size 12 lbs. ...600 to 770 " Goose irons, largest -standard size 25 lbs 825 " Hat brim irons, single heat ,^ 50 " Hat form heaters, three heats i 500 " Hatters' irons, 9 to 15 lbs., two heats 450 " Heating pads, smallest size 11 by 15 ins., three heats 50 " Heating pads, largest standard size 24 by 60 ins., three heats 400 Hot air blowers, smallei^t size, two heats 500 " Hot air blowers, largest standard size, two heats. . 1,400 " Hot water cups, smallest svze i/i. pint, single heat. . 150 " Hot water cups, largest standard size 2 pints, single heat 500 Hot water (tea kettles), smallest size 1 pint, sin- gle heat 250 to 300 Hot water (tea kettles), largest standard size 2 quarts, three heats 750 " Hot water pitchers, smallest size 1 quart, single heat 600 " Hot water jntchers, largest standard size 3 quarts, single heat 660 to 10,000 146G MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Hot water tanks for manufacturing purposes, small- est size 26 gals., two heats 4,500 Watts Hot water tanks, largest standard size 52 gals., two heats 10,000 Immersion coils, small size Qy^ ins. diameter, three heats 440 " Immersion coils, largest standard size 11 ins. dia- meter, three heats 2,500 " Immersion heaters, cylindrical type, smallest size 2% ins. diameter, three heats 300 " Immersion heaters, cylindrical type, largest standard size 20 ins. diameter, three heats 10,000 " Immersion disc heaters, smallest size 3 ins. diameter, two heats 150 " Immersion disc heaters, largest standard size 8 ins. diameter, two heats 660 " Immersion tube heaters, smallest size, single heat... 170 " Immersion tube heaters, largest standard size, single heat 660 Inhaling apparatus, smallest size V2 pint, single heat 100 " Inhaling apparatus, largest standard size 2Y2 pints, three heats 800 Instantaneous hot water heaters, smallest size % pint per min., temperature increase 68'^ F 600 " . Instantaneous hot water heaters, largest standard size 10 quarts per minute, temperature increase 136° F 24,000 Ironing machine (mangles), smallest size 40 ins. long, three heats . 2,400 " Ironing machine, largest standard size 80 ins. long, three heats 6,400 Lace iron, single heat 70 " Machine irons for tailors, with controllers, smallest size 12 lbs 770 Machine irons for tailors, with controllers, largest standard size 18 lbs 770 " Melting pots for pitch, smallest size 12 ins. diameter, 2% ins. deep, three heats 1,300 " Melting pots for pitch, largest standard size 15. ins. diameter, 21/- ins. dee]), three heats 1,600 " Melting pots for sealing wax, paraffine, smallest size 14 pint, single heat 80 " Melting pots for sealing wax, parafflne, largest standard size 5 quarts, three heats 550 " Melting pots for soft metal (lead alloys)., smallest size 4 lbs., three heats ." 200 " Melting pots for soft metal (lead alloys), largest standard size 50 lbs., three heats 1,500 " Milk sterilizers for 8 bottles, three heats 700 " Milk testing sets, single heat •. 600 " Milk warmers for 8 ounce bottles 400 to 500 " Oil tempering baths, smallest size 9 gals., with con- troller 600° F. max. temp 6,000 Oil tempering baths, largest standard size 37 gals. with controller 600° F. max. temp 20,000 " Ovens for baking, roasting, drying, warming, enamel- ing, smallest size 14 by 14 by 18 ins., three heats 200 " Ovens for baking, roasting, drying, warming, enamel- ing, largest standard size, 42 by 30 by 67 ins., three heats 10,000 Potato cookers, smallest size 5 quarts, three heats.. 750 " Potato cookers, largest standard size 10 quarts, three heats 1,000 Potato steamers for hotels, smallest aize 20 quarts, six heats 3,000 Potato steamers for hotels, largest standard size 50 quarts, six heats 4,500 " Puff irons, smallest size 3 by Yi ins., three heats. .. . 155 " HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1467 Puff irons, largest standard size 6 by 3i/^ ins., three heats 400 Watts Ranges for domestic and restaurant use, 2 to 6 per- sons 4,000 Ranges for domestic and restaurant use, 6 to 12 per- sons 5,500 Ranges for domestic and restaurant use, 12 to 20 persons 7,500 Sand box lieaters for trolley cars, single heat 100 Sealing wax heaters, hand tool style, single heat.... 75 Shoe irons, portable, single handle, six heats 100 " Shoe irons, portable, double handle, six heats 210 "^ Shoe relasting irons, portable, single heat 50 Shoe warmers, smallest size 4 ins. by 1% ins. by % ins. swingle heat 20 " Shoe warmers, largest standard size 8 ins. by 3 ins. by 1 in., single heat .30 Sleeve irons, 3i/^ lbs., two heats 300 " Soldering irons, smallest size 10 ounces, single heat 75 " Soldering irons, largest standard size 414 lbs., single heat 450 Steam sterilizers, small size 5 quarts, three heats... 3,500 " Steam sterilizers, large size 6 quarts, three heats. . . . 4,000 " Sterilizers for surgical and dental instruments, small- est size 8 ins. by ZV2 ins. by 2 ins., three heats. . 350 " Sterilizers for surgical and dental instruments, larg- est standard size, 24 ins. by 6 ins. by 4 ins., three heats 1 400 to 1,800 Sweating blankets, 60 ins. by 18 ins., with controller 800 " Toaster stoves domestic, portable type, single heat 400 to 600 Toaster stoves, restaurant type, single heat.l 500 to 3,000 " Towel dryers, three heats 600 " Waffle irons, each section, single heat 385 " Welding machines, smallest sizes 1,000 " Welding machines, largest sizes 150,000 " Electric Current Required for Heating Water: (Engineering Magazine, August, 1914.) Radiation losses are based on 2 ins. of asbestos or magnesia lag- ging. No radiation losses from the pipes of the connecting system have been included in these calculation.s. Computations are made at 100 per cent, efficiency, so that due al- lowance should be made to suit the conditions present in each ap- plication. Electrically Heated Devices in the Printing Shop of P. F. Col- lier & Son, New York. From Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book.) ' Max. Min. Apparatus Type and size amp. amp. Volts Watts 2 glue pots Simplex, 20 gals 100 22 110 22,000 23 " '• Hadaway, 1 qt 2 .5 " 5.060 1 " " Simplex, 1 qt 2.5 " 275 8 " " Hadaway, 2 qts 10 2.5 " 8,800 2 " " Hadaway. 2 gals 22.8 220 12,672 2 wax heaters 100 40 110 22.000 5 press heads 22 ins. by 24 ins. by 3 78 ins. 35 2.8 ^^-^^X -I ^ .< " " '< " '« " " " " 36 4 " 3,960 t « '< " " " " " " " " 36 3.6 " 3,960 -I .« <. " " ". " " , " " " 36 3.5 " 3,960 1 .. «. '< " " " M .< " " 36 4.5 " 3,960 1468 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Apparatus 1 " 1 Type and size 19 " " 12 " " 12 " " " " " Max. Min. amp. amp. Volts Watts 30 2.5 " 3,300 25 2.5 " 2,750 111,947 49 Laboratory Use of Electric Heating Devices. The milk supply of New York City is governed by tests made in the Laboratory of the Board of Health, by means of electric stoves. Twenty-five 4 -in. disc stoves, of 60 watts capacity, are used to boil the ether used in the tests. Fourteen times per hour these little stoves cause. the ether to vaporize. The germ producer, measuring 22 by 22 by 22 ins., is heated to 130° C, by means of electricity, a maximum cur- rent of 16 amp. being employed for 15 rhins. every hour, while 3 TABLE XXV. ELECTRIC CURRENT REQUIRED FOR HEAT- ING WATER be 01 B i^ ^ 0) Jo ^ <0 ^ to xB P c fl Pi^ •g^ 12 3 10 17 2.8 12 18 3 12 21 3.5 12 24 4 12 28 3.5 14 30 3 16 32 4 14 35 5 13 36 4.5 14 40 5 14 42 4 16 4'8 6 14 53 4 18 63 6 15 66 5 18 79 6 18 82 5 20 85 5 20 100 5 22 120 5 24 140 6 24 150 4 30 168 7 24 180 5 30 192 8 24 220 6 30 250 7 30 295 8 30 315 6 36 §-2 O fn QT-i;3 to supply radiation losses m 11- *"X^ '^-' .2 and raise temperatures of jQ m ^^ tank and water from 60 5 I^S • ng^ deg. to : 160 deg. in u (bt3 "2 rt"^ •Ih ^ w ft ^^"^ ^a ij m c ■*^ m &0 1 2 3 5 ni S OJ hour J hours hours hours 100 125. 158. 2,920. 3.14 1.60 1.08 .678 142 154. 193. 4--, 140. 4.41 2.24 1.52 .944 150 161. 201. 4,380. 4.66 2.37 1.61 .996 175 183. 229. 5,120. 5.44 2.77 1.87 1.162 200 205. 253. 5,840. 6.20 3.15 2.13 1.321 233 220. 285. 6,820. 7.22 3.66 2.48 1.531 250 227. 317. 7,310. 7.74 3.93 2.66 1.638 267 249. 324. 7,790. 8.24 4.18 2.83 1.748 292 278. 348. 8.520. 9.00 4.57 3.10 1.913 300 271. 359. 8,770. 9.26 4.70 3.18 1.961 333 300. 377. 9,730. 10.26 5.21 3.52 2.17 350 286. 412. 10,220. 10.77 5.46 3.69 2.27 400 352. 465. 11,680. 12.32 6.25 4.23 2.61 442 330. 522. 12,900. 13.59 6.88 4.64 2.85 525 411. 705. 15.330. 16.24 8.22 5.55 3.41 550 39 6. • 880. 16,050. 17.13 8.66 5.84 3.58 658 468. 915. 19,210. 20.36 10.36 6.94 4.26 684 447. 968. 19.940. 21.13 10.65 7.19 4.41 708 447. 1,020. 20,680. 21.92 11.07 7.46 4.56 834 498. 1,056. 24,330. 25.64 12.94 8.71 5.33 1,000 557. 1,232. 29,200. 30.71 15.49 10.42 6.36 1,168 645. 1,408. 34,300. 36.03 18.18 12.22 7.46 1,250 608. 1,480. 36,510. 38.39 19.30 12.97 7.90 1,100 740. 1,654. 40,880. 42.90 21.64 14.55 8.88 1,500 712. 1,690. 43,800. 45.85 23.10 15.52 9.45 1,600 828. 1,900. 46,720. 49.16 24.79 16.66 10.26 1,835 835. 2,025. 53,290. 55.61 28.01 18.81 11.46 2,082 953. 2,110. 60,830. 63.42 31.95 21.46 13.06 2,460 1,062. 2,325. 71,780. 74.64 37.58 25.23 15.35 2,626 1,033. 3,415. 76,650. 80.58 40.55 27.20 16.43 a65 7 36 3,044 1,172. 3,800. 88,8?0. 93.21 46.90 31.46 19.11 420 8 36 3,500 1,312. 3,170. 102,200. 106.00 52.85 35.12 20.93 430 6 42 3,588 1,246. 3,134. 105,200. 108.96 54.79 36.74 22.30 500 7 42 4,172 1,415. 3.520. 122,300. 126.53 62.62 42.65 25.87 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1469 amps, keep up the desired temperature. The cocoa and coffee trade has applied electric heat to its small desiccating or drying cabinets. A dryer 3.5 by 5 ft., requiring a temperature of 150 degrees, requires about 74 watts per cu. ft. when properly jacketed. The beans are particularly susceptible to the odors arising from combustion, hence the advantage of electric heat. For drying kilns 40 watts per cu. ft. are recommended. Candy Manufacture. "Warming tables and chocolate dipping- pots have proved successful. 50 watts produce sufficient heat to keep the chocolate in working condition. A 30-gal. tank holding caramel paste is supplied with 10 kw.-hrs. to keep the paste at 285° G., and each melting costs about 65 cts. The service is inter- mittent, hence the adaptability of electric heat. Soldering and Branding Ir6ns. The canning industry, as well as the makers of switchboards, and others, find the electric solder- ing iron a useful and economical tool. It has been found more economical to operate electric- soldering irons heated by current costing 5 cts. per kw.-hr. thdn irons heated in gas furnaces, with gas at $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. Heaters of 110-watt capacity are madB, into which a soldering iron is thrust, thereby doing away with the connecting handle cord. One thousand hogs per hour are stamped " Inspected " by the government meat inspectors in Chi- cago, by means of a 400-watt branding tool, which is an electric soldering iron with a die inserted instead of the copper tip. Thawing Water Pipes. The following figures show the details of operation of a 44-cell storage battery outfit, mounted on an automobile truck, in comparison with those obtained by the use of a rheostat in series with a d.c. 3 wire Edison system with the neutral wire grounded. The figures represent the average amounts in each case. Cost Am- K.w, Time, Pipe. Volt- per Revenue peres hours mins. inch, age case per case Storage battery .. 513 1.39 5.44 %. 31.5 $10.85 $16.40 Street supply 275 10.4 19.0 % 120.0 14.43 16.93 The street supply is used until the season has so far advanced that the number of cases will warrant the exclusive service of an automobile truck. Power Required for Electric Thawing of Frozen Mains: TABLE XXVI. DATA ON THE AMOUNT OF CURRENT AND THE LENGTH OF TIME REQUIRED TO THAW FROZEN WATER PIPES BY ELECTRICITY Size pipe Ti ime required (iron) * Length to thaw, inches feet Volts Amperes min. Kw.-hr. % 40 50 300 8 2 % 100 5.5 135 10 1.24 % 250 50 400 20 6.67 1 250 50 500 20 Hours 8.33 1 700 55 175 5 48.1 4 1,300 55 260 3 42.9 10 800 62 400 2 49.6 Add 50% to amperage for thawing lead pipe 1470 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Cost of Operating Electrically Heated Utensiis. (Prom Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book.) Average Period ^ost to- watt of ..^".?..^5^l Article hour opera- .^^f J^^^ a^. eonsump- tion, "^ll^^?®^ tion .'min, cts Chafing dish 400 20 1.33 Pint baby milk warmer and food heater 250 ' 6 1.25 Quart food heater 500 6 0.50 Coffee percolator 300 20 1.00 Stove, 6 ins 500 15 1.25 Stove, 8 ins 800 15 2.00 Boiler 9 by 12 ins 1200 15 3.00 Curling ii'on heater 60 15 0.15 Iron, 3 1/2 lbs 250 30 1.25 Iron, 6 lbs 500 30 2.50 Frying pan (7 ins. diameter) 500 30 2.50 Waffle iron 500 12 1.00 Teakettle 300 20 1.00 Glue pot, 1 qt 300 20 1.00 Soldering iron, 2 lb. . 200 30 1.00 Doctor's sterilizer 1000 30 5.00 Bate's room radiator 1000 30 5.00 Heating pad 50 per hr. 0.50 The Power Consumption of Domestic Heating Devices Electrically Operated and their Cost of Operation per Hour on a Basis of 10c. per kw.-hr. for Electricity: Watts Cents Broilers, 3 ht 300 to 1200 3 to 12 Chafing dishes, 3 ht 200 to 500 2 to 5 Cigar lighters 75 0.75 Coffee percolators for 6 in. stove 100 to 440 1 to 4.4 Coil heaters 110 to 440 1.1 to 4.4 Corn popper 300 3 Curling-iron heaters 60 0.6 Double boilers, 6 in., 3 ht. stove 100 to 440 1 to 4.4 Flatiron (domestic size) 3 lbs 275 2.75 Flatiron (domestic size) 4 lbs 350 3.5 Flatiron (domestic size) 5 lbs 400 4 Flatiron (domestic size) 6 lbs 475 4.75 Flatiron (domestic size) 7.5 lbs 540 5.4 Flatiron (domestic size) 9 lbs 610 6.1 Foot warmers 50 to 400 0.5 to 4 Frying kettles, 8 in. diameter 825 8.25 Griddle cake cookers, 9 by 12 ins., 3 ht. . 330 to 880 3.3 to 8.8 Griddle-cake cookers, 12 by 18 ins., 3 ht. . 500 to 1500 5 to 15 Heating pads 50 0.5 Instantaneous flow water heaters 2000 20 Kitchenettes (complete), average 1500 15 Nursery milk warmers 450 4.5 Ornamental stoves 250 to 500 2.5 to 5 Ovens 1200 to 1500 12 to 15 Plate warmers 300 3 Radiators 700 to 6000 7 to 60 Ranges : 3 heats, 4 to 6 people 1000 to 4515 10 to 44 Ranges: 3 heats, 6 to 1 2 people 1100 to 5250 11 to 52 Ranges : 3 heats, 12 to 20 people 2000 to 7200 20 to 72 Shaving mugs 150 to 1.5 Stoves (plain), 4.5 in., 3 ht 50 to 220 0.5 to 2.2 Stoves (plain), 6 in., 3 ht 100 to 440 4.4 Stoves (plain), 7 in., 3 ht 120 to 600 1.2 to 6 HEATING. COOKING AND VENTILATING 1471 Watts ' Cents Stove (plain), 8 in., 3 ht 165 to 825 1.5 to 8.25 Stoves (plain), 10 in., 3 ht 275 to 1100 2.6 to 11 Stoves (plain), 12 in., 3 ht 325 to 1300 3.2 to 13 Stove, traveler's 200 2 Toasters, 9 in. by 12 in., 3 ht 330 to 880 3.2 to 8.8 Toasters, 12 in. by 18 in, 3 ht 500 to 1500 5 to 15 Urns, 1-gal., 3 ht 110 to 440 1 to 4.4 Urns, 2-gal., 3 ht 220 to 660 2.2 to 6.6 Urns, 3-gal., 3 ht. . . . k 330 to 1320 2.6 to 13.2 Urns, 5-gal., 3 ht ^ 400 to 1700 4 to 17 Waffle irons, 2 waffles 770 7.5 Waffle" irons, 3 waffles 1150 11.5 An Electrie Heater for Thawing Eplosives was used at the Roose- velt drainage ftinnel in Cripple Creek, Colo., says the Engineering Record, May 15, 1909, It consists "of two 12 in. by 24 in. rec- tangular frames made of 1.5 in. by .25 in. iron, held apart 3 ins. vertically and sui)ported on legs above the floor. Telephone insu- lators spaced on 1.5 in. centers are placed around the sides of each frame, and between each corresponding pair of insulators ordinary coils of galvanized telephone wire are strung, all the sets of wires being connected in series. The coils are heated by the electric lighting current, and in about 30 minutes warm the small powder house, 4 ft. by 5 ft. in ground plan and 6 ft. high, to a temperature of 80 deg. F. The cost of this method of heating is about 10 cts. per 24 hrs. and is said to be far more economical than if coal were used for fuel. Cost of Electric Heating in Shoe Factory. (Electrical World, March 31, 1917.) In this establishment thirteen machines are provided with electric heat, and in the eight months ended Feb. 28, 1917, the total energy consumption for this service was 19,600 kw.-hrs., the number of pairs of shoes manufactured being 118,359. The average energy required per 100 pairs of shoes was about 16.55 kw.-hrs. The energy consumption of the several machines for heat- ing service was as follows in the months of maximum and mini- mum shoe production : August, 1916 November, 1916 16,998 iiw.-hr. 12,490 kw.-hr. Number pairs manufactured Per 100 Per 100 Total pairs Total pairs Two Goodyear stitchers 369 2.2 348 2.8 Two Goodyear welters 232 1.4 192 1.5 Two pulling-over machines ... 616 3.6 83 0./ Four box toe machines 724 4.3 700 5.b One bottom drior 741 4.4 638 &.i One bottom filler 211 1.2 178 1.4 One Gem insole machine .... 72 0.4 43 0-^ 2965 iTs 2182 17.5 It will be noticed that while the energy per 100 pairs of shoes is apparently a constant, except for the pulling-over machines, the energy consumed is much less for quantity production. For manu- facturing or other reasons the energy consumption of the pulling- over machines was much greater in August than in the following November. 1472 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Proving the Economy of Electric Cootcing. (Electrical World, Aug. 19, 1916.) Figures recently secured on the cost of operating twenty-nine electric ranges in the Boulevard Court Apartments, Detroit, Mich., give 2 kw.-hrs. per day as the average consumption for cooking for families of two and three persons. In the same apartments the use of electrical energy for purposes other than cooking averaged a trifle above 5 kw.-hr. per day during the period of observation. In only one instance was it apparent that the electric range was not being used regularly, the consumption in the other tvcenty-eight cases varying from a minimum daily con- sumption of 0.44 kw.-hr. to a maximum of 4.4 kw.-hrs. per day. TABLE XXVII. FIGUREIS ON CONSUMPTION AND COST OF ELECTRIC COOKING BY TWENTY-NINE ELECTRIC RANGE USERS, BOULEVARD APARTMENTS, DETROIT ■K-«r ViT- Monthly Apartment No. of n^ZW^^^ cost for First floor: 1 63 167 ^ ii3.18 2 5^2 23 A .54 3 59 55 ig^v 1.12 4 48 107 m 2.86 5 63 160 '^- 3.05 8 35 137 4.71 Second floor : 1 62 77 1.50 2 50 108 2.59 3 62 98 1.90 4 60 117 2.34 5 63 119 2.27 6 30 90 3.60 7 37 26 .76 8 62 159 3.08 Third floor: 1 59 63 1.28 3 fiO 265 5.30 4 5 45 80 2.27 6 60 57 1.19 7 48 44 1.11 8 ". 45 112 2.99 Fourth floor: 1 59 98 2.14 4 63 ITl 3.26 5 62 201 3.90 6 62 168 3.25 7 63 99 1.89 8 62 196 3.79 Bksement : 5 35 53 1.80 7 35 2 .06 Front 50 . 69 1,96 29 1554 days 3121 $2.40 Average 53.6 days 2 per day 60 per month HEATING, COOKING AND I'ENTILATING 1473 The ranges installed are a recent model, the feature of which is the compartment (or fireless) cooker. This cooker is set into the body of the stove so that its cover when closed is flush with the cooking surface and is flanked on either side by a hot plate. The oven is of the elevated type with a glass door. An automatic clock mechanism operates a master switch and pilot lamp, this feature being designed to prevent the circuit being left "on" through for- getful ness upon the part of the o])erator. A study of the subjoined data will reveal several interesting facts. It is not apparent, for example, that more than one of the active users of the cooking service was extravagant in that service alone. In all cases but one where the total monthly bills were above $5, the energy used otherwise than in the range amounts to approximately 30% of the total, whereas the average of the entire twenty-nine apartments shows that about 25%, in round figures, was used for light and purposes other than cooking. Another interesting fact is that in 1554 range-days, the consump- tion averaged only 2 kw.-hrs. per day, although this record, was for the experimental period when it is commonly exT)ected that the consumption will be high owing to the housewives' unfamiliarity with the electric stoves. Power Cost of Ironing in a Domestic Laundry. We have taken the following from Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book. An average family of five persons, where the collars and cuffs are sent out to be ironed, consumes about 13.2 kw.-hrs per month for ironing, which at 10 cts. per kw.-hr. amounts to $1.32 per month, which is about the same as if gas were used, costing $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. The cost of operation varies with size of iron. For ordinary domestic requirements, without a current regulator, the iron most commonly used weighs about 6 lbs. and consumes about 500 watts per hr. The regulators, whether of the switch in the handle or resistance in the stand type, effect a saving of from 15 to 20%. The power consumption of the various types of irons follows : Watts 4 ibs. Troy polishing, diamond face 330 SVa " small seaming (can be connected to lamp socket)..., 20i» 4 " gentleman's small hat iron 'ZOO 5 Yq " light domestic 500 5y2 " light domestic, round wire 500 7 " domestic 600 5 1/^ " Morocco bottom 500 Morocco bottom, round wire 500 Flatirons. The American Handbook for Electrical Engineers gives the following: An internally heated gas flatiron of house- hold size burns about 5 cu. ft. of gas per hr. For continuous sei'vice with an externally-heated iron three irons are required, two heating while one is being used; for such service about 16 cu. ft. of gas are used per hr. by the burner. An electric flatiron of household size takes about 550 watts. Hence, assuming gas to cost $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. and electricity to cost 10 cts. per kw.-hr. the energy cost per hr. for each of the three types would be ; 1474 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Internally-heated gas flatiron 0.5 Externally-heated gas flatiron 1.6 Electric flatiron 5.5 However, the evident advantages of cleanliness, convenience, safety and comfort bring about a very extensive use of the electric flatiron, even though the actual cost is greater than for coal or gas heating. In figuring the cost of operation of the electric iron, in the above abstract, no allowance has been made for the fact that the better grades of irons will hold their heat a remarkably long time. It is not necessary to have the current turned on continuously but once the iron is hot the current may be turned off and on and a considerable saving be effected. Cost of Disc and Propeller Fans. Disc Fans are extensively used wherever large volumes of air are to be moved at low velocity, and where the resistance to be overcome is slight. This type Is not suitable for forcing air against pressure, a condition which requires a cased fan. The efficiency of the disc type decreases rapidly as the resistance increases, but when the removal of air from rooms does not require conducting pipes, the low first cost, the smooth-running qualities, and the durability of this type of fan are readily appreciated. Disc fans are especially adapted to the ventilation of kitchens, restaurants, engine rooms, work shops, and offices, and the removal of vapors in industrial establishments, and in laundries, dye houses, drying rooms, etc. In case of wear or accident any part may be immediately re- placed, for they are made on the interchangeable plan. The Disc Fan consists of a substantial hub, into which are cast radial steel arms having steel-plate blades attached thereto. These blades, placed at an angle to the direction of flow, force the air in lines parallel to the shaft. To obtain movement of air in the opposite direction it is only necessary to reverse the angle of the blades TABLE XXVIII. DISC AND PROPELLOR FANS Diam. of fan Minimum , Weight in lbs., , Net price in ins. r.r.m. propeller fan disc fan * propeller fan 18 550 60 100 $24.00 24 400 125 130 30.00 30 325 160 165 39.00 36 275 225 190 48.00 42 235 400 290 60.00 48 200 465 350 72.00 54 175 600 425 90.00 60 165 675 535 110.00 66 150 720 685 132.00 72 135 950 875 150.00 78 127 1050 1000 165.00 84 120 1125 1025 180.00 96 100 1375 1175 210.00 108 90 1700 1470 240.00 120 80 2000 1800 300.00 * The above net prices are for propeller fans ; for the disc fans subtract 20% from same. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1475 or change the direction of rotation. The wheel revolves within a substantial circular frame, carrying two self-oiling bearings, and having a pulley on the shaft. TABLE XXIX. STEEL PRESSURE BLOWERS FOR FOUNDRY WORK Diam. of Number of outlet R.p.m. for Weight blower in ins. 1/^ lb. pressure in lbs. Net price 4/0 2% 7,782 17 $13.50 2/0 31/2 6,023 35 18.00 4 5,112 55 23.40 1 4 78 4,486 85 32.40 2 5% 3,774 110 39.60 3 6% 3,233 155 49.50 4 7% 2,818 315 63.00 5 sys 2,416 375 81.00 6 10 V4 2,198 475 103.50 7 12 1,773 840 162.00 8 13% 1,548 1125 202.50 9 16 1,332 1650 292.50 10 181/2 1,169 2650 405.00 TABLE XXX. BLOWERS AND EXHACTSTERS Outside Number of diam. of Outside diam. of outlet in ins. Weight in lbs. blower or inlet of Net price exh'ter exh'ter Blower Exh'ter in ins. 4/0 3% 2% 15 20 $10.80 2/0 ^% 41/s 30 40 13.50 5% 4% 52 58 18.00 1 61/2 5% 80 90 23.40 2 71/2 71/2 120 123 29.70 3 9 9 190 200 39.60 4 101/2 10% 265 300 49.50 5 12% 1214 380 400 63.00 6 15 14% 525 590 81.00 7 16% 16% 925 1030 135.00 8 18% 18 3/^ 1340 1555 180.00 9 211/^ 21% 1975 2100 225.00 10 241/2 24% 2550 2700 292.00 The above blowers and exhausters are regularly built with bottom horizontal discharge in all sizes, and with up blast discharge in sizes 3 to 10, inclusive. Either blowers or exhausters can be made down blast or top horizontal discharge when so ordered. The weights given do not include packing and are for bottom horizontal discharge. TABLE XXXI. FOUNDRY TABLE FOR STEEL PRESSURE BLOWERS Pressure Number of Cu. ft. of in wind box blower air per min. ozs. per sq. in. 2 500 7 4 1,000 7 5 1,500 8 6 2,000 9 1476 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Pressure Number of Cu. ft. of in wind box blower air per min. ozs. per sq. in. 7 2,500 9 7 3,000 10 7 3,500 10 8 4,000 11 8 4,500 11 8 5,000 12 9 5,500 12 9 6,000 13 9 6,500 12 9 7,000 13 9 7,500 14 10 8,000 12 10 8,500 13 10 9,000 14 10 9,500 12 10 10.000 13 10 . 10,500 14 10 11,000 13 10 11,500 14 10 12,000 15 10 12,500 16 To find number or size of blower to supply air for the required capacity of a cupola, take 500 cu. ft. of air per minute at the given pressure to melt one ton of iron per hour. Table XXXII gives the number of revolutions necessary to produce the given pressure at the fan outlet when its area is within the capacity of the blower. Owing to losses due to transmission, this pressure cannot be maintained at any more or less distant point, such as the wind box of a cupola or the tuyere pipe of a forge, unless the speed of the fan is increased sufficiently to pro- duce an excess of pressure equal to the transmission loss. Cost of Heating and Ventilating Systems. (D. D. Kimball in the School Board Journal, abstracted in the Heating and Ventilating Magazine, March, 1915.) A study of the cost of installation of heating and ventilating plants, made in a number of schools, showed that the prevailing custom of apportioning a certain per- centage of the total cost of the building for the installation of the heating and ventilating plant is of no value, as these percentage ratios vary more than 100%, even with similar classes of installa- tions. For a given size of building, the cost of the heating and ventilating systems will be approximately the same whether the building is a monumental stone structure or a plain wooden struc- ture, but the percentage of cost of the system will be very different. Classification of Systems. As a result of this study, the follow- ing scheme of classification has been arrived at : Class A. Plants providing for fire-tube boilers, double fan sys- tems, air washers and humidifiers, individual or double duct sys- tems and modulating control of direct radiators and mixing dampers. * Class B. Same as Class A, but using automatic stokers and water-tube boilers instead of fire-tube boilers. Class C. Same as Class A, but eliminating the modulation con- trol of radiators and dampers and using the single trunk ducts. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1477 <5< rH - <: " cc a; Oj oi rgr-l "^ Ol OC OV C- M C^lC]l-ll-l OH ^ti t- «£> <» CO 1-1 00 >^ ■* lOiXii— C-I^iM t>j*-^ iH l-HOCCOOt^lO ^^ «C,^acarH^ MK5!Mc-. ooooo^or-M §2 »o lOOCiOlOCnCOOi'^t-C-lOOO coi>-cosi!MiOT-'«>^a: c-^co M '"' 00i;OUirf-t~OiOOO •^05 eoi>T-i^Oi'M00iflC>Jt-eo,-Heo Km «»K5Tj.cOCOCa-^T-<(M,-(<3i«C> c- Oi-*OioWcO"*«0«5cCl«Tf01 cgcor-cv]ioo<«iMC:co^c^jo t~iOT*-Oir50lfllMCir--t<'M005 «OTt v,'^ r o ^ d o OOOrH'MCO-*lO00<3lO 1478 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Class D. Same as Class C. except that it eliminates the use of air washers and humidification systems. Class E3. All other systems. Manifestly there are many combinations of equipment which render an exact determination of classification difficult, but in general this classification has proven satisfactory. After a careful study of this method of classification and the figures on costs as thus obtained, it was found that the only satisfactory basis of determining the cost of the installation of the heating and ventilating plant was on the basis of the cubic feet of space in the building. The variation in costs within the differ- ent classes of systems is rarely over 10% from the average, the greatest variation occurring in Class A. The resulting costs are as follows : Class A, cost of plant per cu. ft., 2.7 cts. to 3.3 cts. — average 3.1 cts. Class B, cost of plant per cu. ft. 3.3 cts. to 3.8 cts. — average 3.4 cts. Class C, cost of plant per cu. ft. 2.2 cts. to 2.5 cts. — average 2.4 cts. Class D, cost of plant per cu. ft. 2.2 cts. to 2.3 cts. — average 2.25 cts. Class E, cost of plant per cu. ft. 1.9 cts. to 2.3 cts. — average 2.1 cts. If classes D and E were but abandoned and a proper amount of skill were used in the design, installation and operation of the remaining classes, a sufficient appropriation being provided for the installation and operation of the ventilating plant, it is believed that little basis would be left for complaint as to the success of the artificial ventilating system. As a matter of information it is interesting to note that the cost of plumbing equipment for school buildings ranges from three- quarters of a cent to one and one-half cents per cubic foot, the average being one and one-tenths cents. The cost of electrical equipment, exclusive of electric power plants, ranges from one-half to one ct. per cu. ft., the average being seven-tenths per cu. ft. In the case of the heating and ventilating, plumbing and elec- trical work, the costs seem to be approximately the same in grade schools and high schools. Operating Cost Heating and Ventilating Plants. (H. M. Hart in Domestic Engineering, Nov. 1, 1913.) Residence Heating. Method of computing cost of operation. For this example we will take a room requiring 100 sq. ft. of direct steam radiation to maintain a temperature of 70 deg. when the outside temperature is 10 deg, below zero. The maximum difference in temperature is — 10 deg. to 70 deg. = 80 deg. The average difference in temperature is 35 deg. to 70 deg = 35 deg., which, theoretically, would mean that the radiator would be in use 35/80 or 43,75 per cent, of the time. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1479 Taking the heating- season as seven months, or 5,040 hours. 43.75 per cent, of this time would be 2,205 hours, the theoretical number of hours that radiation would be in use. The average radiator gives off approximately 225 B.t.u. per sq. ft. per hr. Therefore, the total B.t.u. per season would be estimated as follows: 225 X 100 X 2,205 = 49,612,500. The average B.t.u. available per pound of anthracite coal is estimated at 8,000; therefore, 49,612,500-^-8,000 = 6,201 lbs. of coal, or 3.1 tons per sq. ft. of radiation. The average indirect steam radiator gives off approximately 450 B.t.u. per square foot per hour. As it requires approximately 50% more radiation for indirect heating than direct heating, this would 450 X 150 mean that it would take X 2,205 = 9.3 tons, to heat 8,000 X 2,000 the same room with indirect radiation. In order to see how this checked up in actual practice, the actual fuel consumption in 10 residences was obtained from the owners, and the results given in table XXXIII. TABLE XXXIII. FUEL, CONSUMPTION IN TEN RESIDENCES 10 ;g 1^ Auto- ^^"i" matic ^l^^ control "i^^t boners Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes System Steam Water Water Water Water Water Water Steam Steam Water Sq. ft. direct steam equiv- alent 666 1,350 1,720 1,535 1,340 1,050 1,215 1,296 878 1,335 Sq. ft. indirect steam equiv- alent 1,080 1,800 730 384 312 384 2,100 240 Esti- mated con- sump- tion in tons 88 148 531/2 53 86 56 57 64 157 5.6 Actual con- sump- tion in tons 55 60 40 35 45 30 40 45 70 . School Buildings. The difRculty of securing any exact figures is apparent when we take into consideration the hours which these plants operate. Again, there are vacations cutting into the period of operation. If we assume 172 days of 8 hours each with an average temperature of 38 deg. and a temperature of heated air in the chambers at 120 deg. the figures agree fairly with actual coal burned. The figures given are for an entirely different class of buildings, yet it will be seen that the quantity of coal per cu. ft. of air heated per season was close. What it would do in a large number of buildings we are not prepared to say. Spalding School : Air per hr., 1,147,440 cu. ft. ; blower, 72 by 42 in. ; boiler, firebox, 720 sq. ft. ; amount small egg average 106 tons, at $7 per ton, per season, 0.18 lb. coal per season per ft. of air warmed. 1480 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Twenty-eight room buildings, 4,162,729 cu. ft. per hr. ; bituminous coal, 400 tons at $2.95 per ton; 0.19 lb. coal per season per ft. of air warmed. Rosehill School — Air per hour, 800,000 cu. ft.; horse-power motor, 5; amount small egs, 73 tons at $7 per ton; 0.18 lb. coal per season per ft. of air warmed. Cost of Manufacture in Distilled-Water Ice Plants. (Peter NefC in Power, Nov. 25, 1913.) In general the manufacturing cost of ice per ton in any plant is the total amount expended during the year in its production divided by the number of tons of ice sold. Ideas as to what items are a legitimate charge will vary somewhat, but to my mind they are : Depreciation, repairs, insurance and taxes, labor, fuel and sundries (oil, waste, ammonia, salt, etc.). The first three of these items may be termed the fixed charge. They are not dependent on the output, run over the entire year, and may even be greater when the plant is not producing. They are a large factor in the cost of production, and are often par- tially or totally omitted when thinking of the cost. The last three have a direct relationship to the output, and are the ones usually taken into account. For the sake of convenience the output for 330 days was taken as a year's production, as all plants should have a period of shut- down for overhauling. Then three periods, varying by 50 days, viz., 280, 230 and 180, were taken as representing productive periods. This division is purely arbitrary, and has been used simply for convenience, but serves to cover the various productive periods as found in ice plants. While the computations herewith are based on ammonia-compression plants, in view of the fact that all the distilled water comes from the boilers they will apply equally well to absorption and to plants where other than ammonia is used for the refrigerant. The value of the land on which the plant is located is not taken into account, but must be considered and added to the figures here given to arrive at the total investment. It is further assumed that there is no charge for water, but that it is pumped by steam power, and this steam is part of that taken from the boilers for distilled water. Fixed Charges. To obtain the cost of the buildings, dimensions as given by two of the manufacturing companies were taken, and the cost based on 8 cts. per cu. ft. of space inclosed. Nothing has been provided but the necessary equipment, and there will be variations in this item, but not sufficient to seriously affect the results. These two items give what is termed the investment. Depreciation is that ordinarily adopted, viz., 6 per cent., which will return the cost of the investment in practically 17 years. This has been used both for the buildings and the equipment. For repairs the 5% employed has been arrived at from the ex- perience of others in various lines of manufacturing, and form a study of widely scattered ice plants. The 4% for taxes and in- surance seemed to be a fair average. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1481 OOQO ooouj o oooco O O O O oeooosooo-* O O «> O -^ O -<*; O CO 5 00 o CO o ooo co'o OOOkO OOOiM OOOio OOOt- OOOUS OOOifS O O O c> 1 o in" irt la OOOifl OOOc^l OOOO OOOO CO OOOO coco OOOirt OOOO t-Ot-Tf OOOO OOOifl ooooo tOfOOiiM* OOOO OOOO iH USrHCOcvf o li = 25" OOOo +-> OOOo C o *~i^."R.'^ '^ tH -^'oo'c^rrH '-' MHmPh OOO t-OOiOC OOcoO«OOSiO OOOOIOOCOOl- O O'^UilOOTflrtCO "^ C5 o" i-To -* o «oo c-oosOiHoeoo COOOOOOSOt M U50«>0000050 OOOO OCOWOlOaSlArH lO irt t> t- ifl o -* ct~«o?ooirt?e'^ ■^ co'o 'S^o irt o' too OSsUJOOt— 1003 jQ t-oo'^'t^iMinai'+i tH c-j'o' CO o' ■^'"o TtTo oooooo-*ous 00 O W t- OO «0 CO Irt 1-5" T-i c^o «(M'!»< ■«< CO •<*" C-i ■ rH l> r-! OJ O ■OUSlOO •iOCOOOlO ■ co" 1-i -^ O ooo OlftO o d>T-t^ o CTSOiOOO iHOtHOO 0000-rH< rHO^t HO^«5 o o o o ?00000-rJ IMOOOO (MOc^-jO 0;C,0-*C~a50q iMLDOOiM .C-T^t-lM Mrf^o'M oooOr-ii> i-ioi-Jar thotHt-T iHO^eo 1-1 lH o o o o ooa5ioooo coojiMio coooiHo eor-^^in "5(;00'*t~a>CO (MIOOOO> CI-rft-00 IM-*5Ci'^ OOOOrHCcT iHOi-iOO t-IO^HOj" tHO^t-T o o o ooooMeoo _, -*i>-T-io Tt-T-io ^ -^ascco o«>ou5C-oi-* gMioooos GiM'TOO Ccgoocoos '^ OOOOr-ilO — . rHO,-i?0 .2 i-i o" iH "^ •— iH O i-J oT 00 CD OOO CO O O US CD O CO [>• T-l ITS (M oooocqs o CDOOCOOJOiO CO O CD 00 !M t- 5 =* ^o CO'NIOOO ^ COiHI • =s.2o o Co p-r ; 0) rt g i.a o o ■ HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1483 The three foregoing- items constitute what is termed the fixed charge. Table XXXV shows how this affects the cost of the ice under the different periods of production, and is obtained by divid- ing 15 per cent, of the investment by the tonnage for the period indicated, the result being the charge per ton for that period. . Operating Cost. 10 per cent, is added to cover nonproductive time due to stopping and starting and incidental shutdowns. To-lal Tonnage Jn }\\jnind» 3 S • 180 Days Operation K - 280 Days Operation Operaiion • ~ 330 Days Ooera+ion Fig. 7. Manufacturing cost per ton in standard distilled-water ice plants. The fuel was difficult to decide upon, but here as elsewhere, average conditions are taken. The boiler evaporation was taken at 6 to 1 and the losses between the boilers and the ice cans as 207c. For nonproductive periods 10% was also added. The price of coal is taken at $3 per ton of 2000 lbs. A change of 50 cts. per ton in the cost of fuel makes 11 cts. difference in the cost of the ice per ton. Sundries is also an uncertain item, but the 8 cts. per ton has been found to check with practical results. 1484 MECHANICAL 'AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Total Cost per Ton of Ice. In Fig. 7 some interesting things are to be noticed. In the matter of fixed charges there is a group from the 20 to the 50 tons that shows a wide variation. This condition is also shown in the grouping of the plant productions as brought out at the top of the chart, and clearly indicates that there are too many different sizes of plants to cover the range of production. If, now the' 25-, 35- and 40-ton plants are eliminated, it is seen that the diagram would be more regular, and that the 20-. 30- and 50 -ton plants cover the range even better than the intermediate sizes named. In the labor curve there is a pro- nounced rise at the 20-ton plant, but this is due more than any- thing else to the drop from the 10- to the 15-ton plant. If the 15-, 25- and 40-ton plants are omitted, the labor curve from the 20-ton on is decreasing, until the 80-ton is reached, where it is at a minimum, rising again toward the 100-ton plant. The total cost 122.60 |Z.B0 2.40 J2.50 \^2.20 S.2,!0 l;;2.oo '% 1.70 1 1.60 3 1. BO V ._.. - "3 Ss' :: 4 V L " N^\ ^§^S ^^u^ __. ^^^ \ ^s"" s - . . . ' s, "■ ; , ' ^r 1'". ::::--:•■ no Dciys Operirtlon ■530 [fays Operation .100 Days Output Stored Ice Pntidoction in Tons per Year, Hundreds. Fig. 8. Total cost of ice per ton. curves show that when all is considered the 80-ton plant is the most economical. In the standard distilled-water plants under consideration, it is fair to assume that there is sufficient refrigerating capacity to care for an ice-storage house, and that the steam used for this purpose will not increase the boiler load. In the event that the house is located away from the plant, or has an individual refrigerating equipment, it will practically double the cost of storage as here given. A properly built ice storage will be a substantial affair, and the depreciation will not be as heavy as on a manufacturing plant ; 5% will cover this as well as the repairs. The initial cost may be taken at $5 per ton of storage capacity, and the size will be determined by allowing 50 cu. ft. per ton of ice stored. Where possible the dimensions sh@uld be such as to give a maximum con- tent with a minimum of wall surface. For handling the ice an allowance of 15 cts. per ton is made and to cover incidentals an- other 10 cts. per ton is added. Table XXXVIII has been derived HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1485 g 2 O < < O H O <^ O m HQ s h9 Qo ^« Ho OH ^8 O Eh H Ah Eh P O »0(M rHrH do OOOO OOoOO OOOoOO ya\a lO CO T-H Ol t^ lO -+' r-j 1-1 tH O o '^ O o d d d o d d U5 I Iftlrt o o d d d d d d t-Ht-ItHOO'OOOO d d o o" d d d d d '^■' tH oi r^ CO lo Tp -f eo M '"Ji-HOOoOOOOO ® d d o o d d d d d ^ lOr-, it I tK I Irt <— , rHrH ^oOOOOOCO '"' "^ '^ d d d d d o d d d OlflouSOlrtoOOOO suoj, ur ;uBtd: JO Ji\ioTS(Xvi^ ^I!^a 1486 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA from the foregoing data in this way : The number of tons stored is taken at 50 cts. per ton, and this amount divided by the total tonnage for a 330-day period, as shown in Table XXXVII, gives the amount that is to be added. It will be noticed that -this has been carried only to the point where the amount to be added in all cases is substantially 15 cts., which represents a storage period of 100 days' output. From the cost of production, shown in Table XXXVII, it is evident that anyone operating a plant full capacity for 230 days can, if they have sale for the ice, increase the capacity 43.5% with practically no change in the cost per ton, by using storage for 100 days' output and operating 330 days. This statement, however, may be misleading, for this increased tonnage could be got with a larger plant in the 230-day period for less per ton. This is brought out in Figs. 8 and 9. This exempli- g2.60 §2.50 *|2.40 |2 2.30 »2.20 ^2.10 J 2.00 •gl.80 ^1.70 .gl.60 gl.50 ^^V - ^^ s> S N S ~ ^^^ " " -X^s :: " ^^^ ^!^^r " ^^N ■ ,^5s 5*1 " - " *--. I"" 250 Dc^s Operation -550 Days Opera+ion 100 Days Output StoreJ Ice Produciion in Tons per Year, Hundreds 3J0 Days Operation Fig. 9. Approximate cost of ice per ton deduced from Fig. 8. fies what has already been stated that conditions must be studied and given due consideration in determining what is best in a particular case. Often there are considerations such as varying demands at particular times of the year that will more than compensate for the extra charge of storing. These figures show, however, that the storage can be used to advantage in increasing the output where the plant is ordinarily shut down part of the time, and that there is not a great deal of difference in cost whether storage is used with the plant operating longer or a larger plant for a shorter period of time. On the other hand, the having of a supply of ice on hand may be the means of largely increasing the revenue and is therefore desirable. Initial and Operating Costs of Refrigeration Plants. (Robert P. Kehoe in Power, May 25 and Oct. 19, 1915.) The following tables will be found useful by operators and owners interested in refrigerating and ice-making plants of com- HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1487 < H Pu Si IS So 1^ HH zi §^ So ^^ oW > •r-r" o O ^ Co ^ m ^ o COO) 25 2 &o M C G oj o; 3 M OJ 72 2, s_ (U <1> 00 = =^ -•^•sia oo MO t-'rH U5C- eo'o « £ 1^ ^ 02 t< M a> 0,0 'Xt ^ S o^ 00 iHO 00 oeo 00s cg'o o3=£> -a ^0) . a "I rt > |8 •- rt >> -3 Ol o 100 00 00 00 CO U5 00€/S- 60- K50 >io S 00 00 o o Eh Eh 1488 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA (m'i-J o o OO OO o o tHSO o tA (SO &9- o oo o o OOO «D COCO o «50 eoGO- O OO O la OO o (M* o' «0 O tH Otr- (M ?• OOtO -<*< (MCO 00 \a OO CO OO co' Tj^d T-l oo«o €«- ooco (M Ui OO o I>- OO o d (m' T}< d iH WO O €«• com 00 (M • 3 . o >^, ^s a; rt ^^ CO o a; ^ o o HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1489 paratively small capacity. No particular application has been considered and the data may be used for any of the branches of refrigeration, such as general cold storage, markets, hotels, apartment houses, water-cooling plants, fur storage, drygoods stores, and hospitals. The estimated first costs are necessarily approximate. A re- frigerating equipment for a hotel will cost more than a refrigerat- ing plant used solely for cooling water. Again, the same size plant in one hotel may cost more than in another. The figures are a good average and the comparison between the costs of plants with different drive is quite correct. Those who now operate plants and know what their equipment cost can use the table to advantage in adding or deducting to the same extent as indicated in the table to determine the difference in cost of other methods of drive. Then by applying the actual costs of labor and fuel, which are known, in the same manner, it may be ascertained how economically each plant is performing and if improvement is possible. Refrigerating plants of from ten to twenty-five tons' daily capacity are seldom operated by men engaged to do nothing else, but usually by men required for operating other machinery. This has been considered in the table. The figures may be easily cor- rected to suit local conditions, and the price of fuel also regulated to correspond. The table represents a fair average. The 60% yearly load factor assumed should be close to actual conditions in the majority of plants. It will be noted that the labor charge has been carried through the whole year. The 10% added for depreciation and repairs can be divided about half and half. A 5% yearly depreciation means complete renewal in fifteen years if the 5% is calculated as a sinking fund ; 5% yearly for repairs and incidentals should be ample. No building has been taken into consideration because small refrigerating plants are usually located in some part of an existing building. The advantage of making calculations of operating costs on a yearly basis cannot be doubted. In fact, the daily operating ex- pense alone is misleading, particularly when the yearly load factor is low and a comparatively short period of operation must bear the depreciation and upkeep expense for the year. The total cost per ton of refrigeration per day is interesting when compared to the cost of using ice for the same purpose. Ice is seldom delivered for less than $2.50 to $3 per ton, even- in large quantities, and often the price is $3 to $4. The table proves that much saving can be accomplished by the refrigerating plant, with- out considering greater convenience, elimination of slop from melting ice and better preservation of perishable goods under lower temperatures. The economy of oil engines as compared with ordinary steam plants and electric motors using central-station current at average rates is quite evident. In the smaller sizes of refrigerating and ice-making plants considered in the tables, the cheaper cost of operation is even more pronounced because small steam plants are 1490 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1 '-S|3 1-1 H s-g| « H Ph O .2^- ^ o - r» wpq 8^ .'« ^2 1 («o ^r s^ ■3 = 1- ^M do 32; 2 - .L. J^J^ C^ C3 l§ sis "K Z 3 ■1 JR : 3 ^M 5 1 M . ^ ^W ^ ] Sh «^- ^ 6,5 ; 5 : 1 1 P^ ^^^ i ^ ^ 1°^ ■ 1 h 7 I M ^ u c c ! . t ^ ^^ c >H &-§ OOOOHfe HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1491 'C 5; fe <» m t-. oo o o oooo lOOOO Oil engin( Raw Wate oo oo oo iH o o o r-T d o CO CO (m' c OO a5+j 53 oo •^ .2 fk '^ ^''- ^5 c^us" .. 03 oooo lomoo co' o-i c^i e-* CD 00 Oi^Ol «OtH c t>^ _o ««■ ^ OO oo oo oo a U510 dus O 1-1 M lOOJ t-TH t-iH OOKJ ffq C^lO 0.1A OOt>- lO OOOi -* o'dr-i crco" • "^ C ^, (i> o ^ f- a-- c a r;i3 1^;=: W (D o tUD >*• 1492 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA not usually economical, while small oil engines pei'form almost as well as large units. It may not always be advisable to install an oil engine, on account of local conditions which may favor a steam engine or electric motor. Steam may be required for other purposes. Some- times the power iJlant may have to be located in such close quar- ters that only an electric motor can be used to preserve sanital-y conditions. Sometimes it would be inadvisable to place an oil engine or a steam unit in the crowded basement of a hotel, restau- rant or hospital where other work is going on and perhaps where foodstuffs are handled. But if the location and requirements do not favor other power, the oil engine will afford a marked saving in the yearly expense. The table which refers to ice plants is arranged on a basis similar to the table for refrigerating plants. The cost of a special building is included, and the labor is calculated to be used for the ice plant alone. Only half the labor is included during the balance of each year when the plant is shut down or not operated at full capacity. Moreover, special tabulations are given for different yearly load factors. The importance of this factor is indicated by the wide difference in cost of production. For example the 25-ton oil-engine-driven plant shows a total producing cost of $3.27 per ton when the yearly output is equivalent to three months' full operation while the same plants producing the equivalent of seven months' full operation reduce the cost per ton to $1.82. Large Ice Plants. Table XLI offers an opportunity to study the relations between the three principal types of plants in five sizes, ranging from 100 to 500 tons' capacity per day of 24 hrs. The steam engines are compound condensing. No consideration is given to cost of property, which of course will vary with the location. If desirable, an amount to cover this item may be added to the investment in each case in order to figure the percentage of possible profit. This will have no effect on the operating cost unless interest is added in the estimate of yearly expense. In this event the interest on the total amount of borrowed money may be figured in. At any rate the comparisons are true, and if the cost of labor and that of fuel are adjusted to suit a particular locality, the table will be a correct guide in the determination of the advantageous kind of plant to install. The usual refinements advisable for large distilled-water plants have been covered in the first costs of the steam-driven plants. These refinements include evaporators and automatic stokers. An average economy of nine tons of ice per ton of coal has been assumed. This may be increased to ten or more tons per ton of coal under ideal conditions, but the usual working basis will prob- ably not average more than nine to one. In the raw-water plants the standard drop-tube system is the basis. This may be either the multiple or double drop-tube type according to the latest practice in uptodate successful installations. If a fine quality of ice is required, the Beals system may be added, in which case the first cost and the depreciation will increase, but HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1493 (D OO ;St £ OO Oi ^ -e oi'o' ls|ii m oo CJ OO ~_C OO . Om o'lrt ^j Of «^ q _< Sh OO 11 O cftn cu ?H o) OO — ::: fi o o • -^ C h-( ^ C CU -w ■!> J c rt > - y. -? ^ ?? 1 pe o live Chan ^ tS >>0 ~"i) H o e§ § ::: i^ri-o ooo -Soo Soo .Ooo . -+1 ^ -f «0 -* -Ti iH (M -M OO CI IM ooo OlCO .OO . .Oo . OO OO >OM-* •C.l,:t( • OO i ^ C ho .£ o "^^ bo ^ .^ S G ■ 0/ o . a- o rt S '- cs 3 O ^ So ^ o a o 00 m+-i 00 C5 00 Oi 0__T--_ oco iHco xa |-3 ci '-■•' 0000 o Tf Tj< O 00o6oo 60- ■ cd 00 5^' 1-1 l-i "O ra oo 0^ c aj oo w oo (D oo ^ fl oo U4 a =?°° Ph O+J i-HOO 0) O -*oo •3 II g- 00 00 00 «o 00 00 «o (TCI ■* (M ■<*< -^ CO OOO -ooo oo lo o o -ooo o o r-^ i> 00 ■ o -*■ irj lo U5 •ooo oo •Ooo oo ■ O ^' (m" O U5 CO ooc-t-'odinO'^?o irjio (M -t< M O (M CO S "5 ^.5 .o G- .us ai -:;? ^ ^S S M (u r -i^c •ti o rt . I (DO ooi u5 eo «oo c •(-> . o .^J 0) ~. VO oose- 00 00 «DOO iHOCO " .~~.o oot- ^OtH t>oo_; CO ;3 w 0) ^ t-i o HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1495 O &B c las 2 TO . c • o jj ■'-' S35 .s Hi >> ^a ■l-> ft e? >>o o H§ oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo « €^ )O00 .0000-*! OOOOOOO O O O O O O O Oi O 00 t^ M 00 00 €«-,H CO ,-( I"l s^ ■* «<1 bo 0) a .5 ^iH COtjT O 5§ O 0) a .5 o ac^ 03 o 0) si H a! O o o l§ . 03":; j o -^ o -^ A'-A ^'=> >5 oooooo bflO^^H O -iH CO CO 00 C^ tH •eqo^a .'-jLooirtinooooiooious J3 (u c^ a ^ 0) ^ S oj c^ a=^ S-g 3 57 '^►S H o 1500 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Depreciation, etc. 5% depreciation on machinery ($54,000) $2,700.00 2% depreciation on building-, etc. ($30.000) 600.00 Repairs, taxes, water and incidentals (57o) 4.200.00 Summary $7,500.00 180 days' full operation at $98.50 $17,730.00 Labor for balance of year, leaving out only two laborers - 180 days at $28.50 4,845.00 Depreciation, etc 7,500.00 $30,075.00 Income from sale of 18,000 tons of ice at $2.50 45,000.00 Profit $45,000 — $30,075 = $14,925 - 17.8% 60-TON PLANT WITH 5,000 TONS STORAGE, REFRIGERATED Complete mechanical equipment $40,000 Building and foundations , 35.000 Total investment $75,000 Daily Operating Expense (For 60 tons ice production) 10 tons of coal at $3.50 $35.00 One chief engineer 5.00 One night engineer 3.50 Two firemen at $2 4.00 Two tankmen at $2 4.00 Two laborers or storehousemen at $2 4.00 Ammonia, oil, waste and supplies, etc 7.50 Office man 4.00 Ice Storage $67.00 Entire rsfrigerating Work = 40 tons, requiring 3 tons of coal at $3.50 $10 50 Depreciation, etc. 6% depreciation on machinery ($40,000) $2,400.00 2% depreciation on building, etc. ($35,000) 700.00 Repairs, taxes, water and incidentals (6%) 4.500.00 $7,600.00 Summary 10 months' full operation, 300 days at $67.00 $20,100.00 Carrying full ice storage for about 6 months, 180 days at $10.50 1,890.00 All labor during two months' shutdown. 60 days at $24.50 1.470 00 Depreciation, etc 7.600 00 $31,060 00 Income from sale of 18,000 tons of ice at $2.50 45,000.00 Profit $45,000 — $31,060 = $13,940 - 18.6?;, 60-TON ICE-MAKING PLANT — PLATE SYSTEM (Compound condensing steam engine, 5000 tons ice storage) Co7nplete mechanical equipment $60,0 00.00 Building and foundations 40.000.00 $100,000.00 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1501 Daily operating expense (For 60 tons ice production) 5 tons of coal at $3.50 $17.50 One chief engineer 5.00 One night engineer 3.50 Two firemen at $2 4.00 Two harvesters at $2 4.00 Ammonia, oil, waste, supplies, etc 7.50 $41.50 Depreciation, etc. 6% depreciation on machinery ($60,000) $3,600.00 2% depreciation on building ($40,000) 800.00 Repairs, taxes, water and incidentals (6%) 6,000.00 $10,400.00 Summary 10 months' full operation, 300 days at $41.50 $12,450.00 All labor during two months' shutdown, 60 days at $16.50 990.00 Depreciation 10,400.00 $23,840.00 Income froin sale of 17,000 tons of ice (assuming loss of 1000 tons through meltage) at $2.50 42,500.00 Profit $42,500 — $23,840 = $18,660 = 18.66% The calculations are based on a wooden structure for storage with the inexpensive insulation and a 50% yearly load-factor, allowing space enough for 5000 tons of ice and room for handling which he estimates is taken care of by a building 200 ft. long, 100 ft. wide and 12.5 ft. high; the total wall, floor and ceiling sur- faces aggregating 47.500 sq. ft. He allows a heat leakage of 5 B.t.u. per sq. ft. per degree difference in temperature every 24 hrs. The average temperature difference between the outside and the interior of the storage has been estimated as 50° P. Calculating that each sq. ft. of pipe surface will absorb 50 B.t.u. per degree difference in temperature every 24 hours, and assuming a back pres.sure of 15 lbs. equivalent to an ammonia temperature of 0° F. equals a temperature difference of about 30° P. The refriger- 47,000 X 5 X 50 ating work would be = 40 tons, and the amount of 288,000 2 in. piping required for the storage would be 47,500 times 5 times 50 times 1.6 over 30 times 50 equals 12,667 ft. The approximate cost of this piping would be $5000 erected in place. Mr. Kehoe has figured 6% for depreciation, repairs, etc., in the 60-ton plant and 5% in the 100-ton plant, considering that the smaller plant will have to run 67% more of the time each year. He considers that he has favored the 60-ton plant as much as possible in his figures. The yearly profit is $1000 less and the per- centage of earnings is very little more. The original investment of the 60 ton can plant is less than that of the 100 ton can plant, and that of the 60-ton plate plant is 3,3 more than that of the 60 ton can plate. Hence he concludes that in the three propositions, as an investment, there is little to choose. 1502 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the whole question depending upon the local facts and figures given in the detailed cost of construction, that must be estimated with great care independently of any particular set of cases. Cost of Ice Houses. For detail costs of ice houses see Gillette's Handbook of Cost Data. Cost of Equipment for 10-Ton Refrigerating Plant Using iVIa- chines of Different Sizes. (Power, Sept. 19, 1910.) Capacity of compressor, gas at 0°F 10 tons 15 tons 20 tons Operating temp., gas at 0°F. 12°F. CF. Brake h.p. with 185 lb. condenser pressure, incl. 25% increase over the compressor h.p 21.3 32.4 42.5 Brake h.p. gas engine bought 25 35 45 Cost installed, with countershaft and belting, dollars 1100 1500 1850 Cost of horiz. bait-driven ammonia compres- sor, with high pressure side, erected, dollars 2300 2900 3500 2-in. wrought iron expansion piping required, lineal ft 2332 7212 4663 Cost of piping, including liquid and suction connections, cts. per ft 57 54 55 Total cost of piping, dollars 1329 3890 2565 Prime charge of anhydrous ammonia, lb 750 2000 1400 Cost at 26 cts. per lb 195 520 364 Total first cost of each plant, dollars $4924 $8810 $8279 Comparative Data on Three Machines and Cost Figures. Sum- Au- Win- Total for mer tumn ter Spring year Tons refrigeration required per season 905.45 656.11 241.15 453.18 2,255.89 10 ton machine : Hours running daily 45 17.3 6.36 11.95 Hours running per season. . . 2,184 1,574 579 1,088 5,425 Per cent, of possible running time, 364 days x 24 equals 8,736 hours 62.1 Brake h.p. hours, 5425x21.3 equals .... 115,553 "Water, M. gal. (same for all machines) 3,255 Tons refrigeration required per season 905.45 656.11 241.15 453.18 2,255.89 15 ton machine : Hours running, daily 12.4 9 3.3 6.2 Hours running per season. 1,128 819 300 564 2,811 Per cent, of possible running time 32.2 Brake h.p. hrs 91,076 20 ton machine : Hours running, daily 12 8.65 3.18 5.! Hours running per season.. 1,092 787 290 544 2,713 Per cent, of possible running time 31 Brake h.p. hrs 115,301 Costs per Year. Size of machine used 10 tons 15 tons 20 tons Gas bill $2,888.83 $2,276.90 $2,882.53 Lubricating oil 69.33 54.65 69.18 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1503 Water bill $162.75' $162.75 $162.75 Ammonia loss, 10, 6 and 7%, respec- tively 19.50 31.20 25.48 Wages 1,627.50 843.30 813.60 Total net operating expenses $4,767.91 $3,368.80 $3,953.54 Fixed charges 738.60 1,321.50 1,241.85 31.20 843.30 $3,368.80 1,321.50 Total yearly cost $5,506.51 $4,690.30 $5,195.39 Total net operating expenses per ton refrigeration 2.12 1.50 1.75 Total yearly cost per ton refrigeration ' 2.44 2.08 2.30 Total yearly cost per cu. ft. storage space * 9.18c 7.82c 8.66c Total yearly cost saved over 10 ton machine 816.21 311.12 Years required to recover excess first cost over 10 ton machine 4.76 10.8 * These costs are about one-third of the rental charged per cu. ft. per yr. Power Consumption for One Year in Electrically Operated 100 Ton Ice Plant. (Journal Western Society of Engineers, September, 1911.) , Tons of ice v Max. H.p. Average Max. h.p. Total h.p. hrs. 1910 Per month daily required h.p. -hrs. per ton per ton Jan 1768 57.0 123 87,070 2.16 49.24 Feb 1549 55.3 137 79,450 2.48 51.29 March 1903 61.4 221 93.760 3.60 49.27 April 2732 91.1 232 164,558 2.55 60.23 May 2651 85.5 257 165,488 3.01 62.42 June 3024 100.8 300 188,666 2.98 62.39 July 3442 111.0 314 219,265 2.83 63.70 Aug 3503 113.0 300 208.123 2.65 59.40 Sept 3514 117.1 291 209,027 2.49 59.48 Oct 3379 109.0 283 185,177 2.60 54.80 Nov 982 32.7 137 88,070 4.19 89.68 Dec 1853 59.8 129 93,914 2.16 50.68 Total 30300 1,772,568 58.50 Coal nt $2.50 per ton, consumption was 85.47 lbs. per ton ice for evaporation and distillation. Cost electric power 23.36 cts. Cost fuel 10.68 cts. Cost engine and boiler labor 15.51 cts. Cost tank and ice labor 12.55 cts. Total 62.10 cts. NON-DISTILLED WATER. PLATE SYSTEM , Tons of ice ^ Average Max. h.p. Total 1910 Per month daily required h.p.-hrs. Jan 10,314 Feb 1420 50.7 145 ^8,214 March 1400 45.2 153 105,845 April 1168 38.9 139 78,933 May 1786 57.6 138 101,798 June 1037 34.6 278 120.720 Max. H.p. h.p. hrs. per ton per ton 2.86 69.2 3.38 75.6 3.58 67.6 2.40 57.0 8.00 116.4 1504 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA , Tons of ice , Max. H.p. Average Max. h.p. Total h.p. hrs. 1910 Per month daily required h.p. -hrs. per ton per ton July 2294 74.0 280 201,791 3.78 88.0 Aug 1800 58.1 290 209,200 4.98 116.2 Sept 2244 74.8 283 198,157 3.78 88.3 Oct 1115 36.0 149 117.363 4.13 105.3 Nov 1019 34.0 141 98.320 4.14 96.5 Dec 1356 43.7 139 104,398 3.19 77.0 Total 16639 1,145,053 86.8 Total cost electric power per ton ice 35.56 cts. Total cost of labor per ton ice. .. 36.00 cts. 71.56cts. including- Ltg. and Aux. Electric power rate $36.00 h.p. year when month demand was 100 h.p. Electric power rate $32.50 h.p. year when month demand was 200 h.p. Electric power rate $30.00 h.p. year when month demand was 300 h.p. At similar steam plant cost per ton ice was 58.06 cts. ; power was a by-product. Data from Several Small Ice-Making Plants. (From data in Isolated Plant and Electrical World in 1913.) A 4-Ton Plant in Conihination with an Electric Light Plant, in a Texas town of 1200 population, manufactured 700 tons of ice for the local population pei- year while the ice equipment repre- sents an investment of about $5,000. There is also a small vault about 6 ton capacity for storage. The monthly operating ex- penses for Fuel $300.00 Labor (including office help) 100.00 Supplies and miscellaneous 2.5.00 Delivery 30.00 Nothing seems to be allowed for depreciation and repairs in this statement. The total plant cost to produce one ton of ice on the station platform is estimated at $3.50 and the product is sold wholesale for $8.00 per ton. The local domestic price for deliv- ered ice being $.50 per 100 lbs. The annual gross income from the ice business was $5400.00, annual expenses, including depre- ciation, interest, etc., $2520.00, leaving net income on the invest- ment of $5,000.00, $2,880.00. A Q-Ton By-Product Ice Plant in Combination with a Small Electric Central Station in Georgia Marketing 1500 Tons of Ice per Year in a Town of 1000 Inhabitants. Steam compression ap- paratus was used for handling the ammonia. The total invest- ment, including the buildings and refrigeration plant, was about $10,000.00. The year's operating expense being as follows: — Fuel $750.00 Labor, including office 400.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Delivery 280.00 HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1505 Total $1,480.00, not including interest, depreciation and repairs. The estimated cost of producing 1 ton of ice at the platform was $3.60, and the receipts wholesale on the platform were $4.30 per ton. Deliveries at retail were made to small customers at $8.00 per ton, one wagon being found adequate to supply the retail trade. The annual receipts and disbursements from the ice busi- ness were as follows : — The annual gross income from ice business $2250.00 Annual expenses (including depreciation, int., etc.) 1730.00 Balance $ 520.00 A 10-Ton Plant Operated in Conjunction with the Electrical Equipment of an Electric Company in Omaha with a population of 3500 representing an investment of about $10,000.00 and producing 1200 tons annually at a net cost of $1.28 per ton under full-load operating conditions, where the ice-making season lasted four months. The plant account was as follows : — Compressor plant, freezing tank, etc $9,000.00 Teams and wagons 500.00 Miscellaneous equipment 500.00 The domestic price for ice delivered was $.45 per 100 lbs., while, at wholesale, on the platform, the price was $4.00 per ton. The plant includes a cold storage room for holding 75 tons of ice under artificial refrigeration. The plant expenses chargeable to ice mak- ing in 1912 were $1550.00, including depreciation, interest, etc., and the gross income from the ice business was $7500.00. A lO-Tou Ice Plant Operated hy an Electric-light Company in a town in Northern Texas with 2000 population manufactured 2000 tons of ice per season and the plant costs as a going concern $16,- 000.00 including a well furnishing cooling water. Distilled water was used for making the ice, and the daily operating costs amounted to $30.42, including $12.50 for fuel, $13.42 for labor, including office help; $3.50 for delivery and $1.00 for miscellaneous expenses. The cost per ton of ice to the company was figured at $2.74 on the station platform. The wholesale receipts were $4.00 per ton and on a retail basis, delivered, the price was $9.50 per ton. The total gross revenue was $12,000.00 per year, the total operating expenses were $9800, leaving a balance of $2200.00 or 13.75 per cent, on the investment. It does not appear whether or not the depreciation and repairs were included in the above state- ment, but even if they were not, the figures indicated the cost of the business when the ice plant is used in connection with an electric light business. A Id-Ton Combination Ice Electric Plant in Florida sells 1700 tons of ice per year in the community of 1700 population. This station utilizes the exhaust-steam from its electric-plant engines to operate a 10 ton absorption-type " generator," and the distilled water from the steam engine is reclaimed for freezing into ice. The ice plant, including building, equipment, can tank, two de- 1506 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA livery wagons, etc., represents an investment of $12,000. The wholesale price of ice is from $5.00 to $7.00 per ton and the retail domestic i)rice is $.50 per 100 lbs. delivered. The 1912 gross busi- ness was $12,000, and the expenses including depreciation, interest and all other charges were $7000.00, leaving net profits of $5000.00 or 42% on the original investment, which is suspiciously high. A 15-ron Ice Plant Operated 'by an Electric Compariy in Ken- tucky, serving a population of 3000, representing an investment of $9500.00 for the local ice business, the equipment comprising steam-driven ammonia-compression apparatus, with 36 tons' stor- age capacity. The actual plant cost of freezing a ton of ice in- cluding fuel, labor, etc., averages about $2.00 and the product is sold at wholesale on the platform for $5.00 per ton. The retail rate was $8.00 per ton delivered. The gross income from the ice business during 1912 was $6100.00. The expenses including fuel, labor, depreciation, etc., amounted to '$2500.00, leaving $3600.00 net or about 40% on the ice plant investment. A 12.5-Ton Ice Plant in Combination With an Electric Plant in Central Nebraska involved an investment of about $13,200.00 and produced for a local population of 3200, 1250 tons of ice in 1911 and 775 tons in 1912. The ammonia compressor is motor- driven, and distilled water is obtained from the electric generating department by condensation. To freeze 1 ton of ice at this plant 58.5 kw.-hr. of energy is required, the ice department being charged for this at the rate of 3.5 cts. per kw.-hr., this making the actuaJ cost of producing a ton of ice at the station platform about $2.50. The cost to deliver locally to retail customers was about $1.20 per ton in addition. The retail rate for ice was from $.25 to $.50 per 100 lbs. and the wholesale price for ice sold locally was $3.00 to $4.00 per ton. The company's statement of its earnings was for annual income from the ice business $7825.00 and the expenses, depreciation, interest, etc., $6262.00, net returns $1563.00. The plant here included a 30-ton cold-storage house, which, according to the statement of company was not sufficient for the best results. A 15-Ton Steam-Driven Ice Plant. In a Kansas town of 2300 inhabitants manufactured 2800 tons of ice per year from dis- tilled water obtained by the condensation of the various plant en- gines, including the ammonia compressor. The investment in the ice business is represented by the following figures : Ice-plant addition to building $ 2,000.00 15-ton steam-driven compressor 13,000.00 Freezing-tank equipment 1,200.00 Wagons 500.00 Total ice-making investment $16,700.00 In addition to the refrigerating equipment proper, cold-storage capacity for 1000 tons of ice was installed, an additional amount of $6000.00 making the total outlay for the ice department $22.- 700.00. The factory cost of making a ton of ice at the station platform was $1.35 estimated as follows: — HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1507 Fuel $0.75 Labor, including office salaries 0.30 Water 0.10 Supplies and miscellaneous 0.15 Total $1.35 The wholesale price was $2.75 per ton. The local retail price delivered is $.35 per 100 lbs. The cost of delivery averages about $1.30 per ton. Yearly gross income from ice bu.«iness $12,000.00 Expenses for year, including depreciation, etc... 9,420.00 Net earnings from ice business $ 2,580.00 An IS-Ton Ice Plant in Iowa in a town of 4500 inhabitants manufactured 3500 tons of ice during seven months of 1912 with the following operating expenses : Fuel $1,690.77 Labor and office help 2.000.00 Water 200.00 Supplies, miscellaneous 150.00 Cost of delivery 1,803.87 Total (not" including depreciation, int., etc.) . $5,844.64 The actual plant cost of producing a ton of ice at the platform was estimated at $1.32 and the retail rates are on a sliding scale. Deliveries are made to groceries, hotels, restaurants and^ similar customers who from 1 to 5 tons of ice during the season at the rate of $8.00 per ton; between 5 and 20 tons, the rate is $5.00 per ton and between 20 and 50 tons, the rate is $4.00 per ton, all deliverci. Larger customers and those using 50 tons per year have special contracts. There is a flat rate of $8.00 per ton for ice d'elivered to all residences. The annual receipts were $13,039.74 and the annual expense, including interest, depreciation, etc., was $6,826.68, leaving net income from ice business of $6,213.06, which on a total plant investment, inclusive of delivery wagons and stor- age facilities is $12,200.00, just over 50%. A 20-Ton By-Product Ice Plant in Kansas. Cost as follows for the ice department : Plant addition to building $10,000.00 Steam compressor outfit, tank, etc 17,000.00 Wagons and teams 2,000.00 Total investment $29,000.00 Operating expenses were as follows, omitting interest, taxes, de- preciation, etc. : Fuel $2,500.00 Labor, including office help 1,200.00 Water 300.00 Supplies 500.00 Delivery 1,300.00 Total $5,800.00 1508 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The cost of manufacture Avas figured at $1.50 per ton and the average wholesale price was $3.65 per ton, the retail price being $.35 per 100 lbs. The yearly income from the ice department was $12,860.00, and expenses, including interest and depreciation, were $9,400.00, leaving net return of $3460.00, 12% on the investment A 20-TO71 By-Product Ice Plant in Tennessee with 5000 popula- tion made 3000 tons of ice in 1912. The investment being as fol- lows for the ice plant : Ice machine; freezing tank, etc $15,000.00 Addition to building 3,000.00 Delivery wagons 2,000.00 200-ton ice storage room 1,000.00 Total $21,000.00 191^ was a poor year for the ice business from that location owing to a cool summer, but the annual gross income from ice making was $15,000.00 and the annual expense, including interest, depre- ciation, etc., $13,000.00, giving net returns of $2000.00, or nearly 10% on the investment. A 21-Ton By-Product Ice Plant near Omaha produces 2700 tons of ice per year for a community of 8000, The profitable part of the business was seven months in the year, but it is operated for the remaining five months for the convenience of some of the customers. The total ice-plant investment was about $25,000.00 and the gross income in 1912 from the ice business was $8200.00, and the expenses, including interest, etc., were $5200.00, leaving net return of $3000.00 or about 12% on the investment. The aver- age cost of producing a ton of ice was $2.00 and the wholesale rate to a local dealer was $3.00 per ton. The local dealer retailed and delivered it at $.40 per 100 lbs. A 10-Ton By-Product Plant in a Small Western Town with 'Less Than 3000 Inhabitants had an ice-making investment of $11,000.00 and earned $1,238.00 net, or a little over 11% in 1912. The follow- ing tables give the percentage of sales for the different classes of customers in quantity of ice and the percentage of gross income obtained from these customers : % of total % of gross Class of customer deliveries income Railroad company 62 36 Wagon and ice book sales 28 48 Butcher shops 5 7 Lobby sales 3 6 Out-of-town customers 2 3 Total 100 100 The total output for a season of eight and a half months was 1967 tons of ice sold in wholesale lots at a figure of between $3.00 and $4.00 per ton, the retailed price being from $8.00 to $10.00 a ton delivered. The cost of producing and delivering one ton of ice was as follows : — HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1509 Fuel 9-^ 270 Labor, including clerical work 860 Water ". ; o'.OSO Oil 0.050 Ammonia 0.060 Light 0.150 Supplies 0.190 Insurance on plant 0.025 Interest on investment , ' 320 Depreciation " ' o 400 Delivery , 0.525 Total $3,930 A ZO-Ton Plant in Missouri Connected with an Electric Light- ing Plant. In a commmunity of 5000 manufactured 8000 tons of ice per year costing about $1.15 per ton for manufacturing about the same amount for delivery. A 100-Ton Ice-Making Plant, described by Mr. C. E. Rose in Electrical World, was operated by the Arkansas Cold Storage Com- pany at Little Rock. It produced a refrigeration for a cold-storage warehouse of 100,000 cu. ft. capacity, a street pipe-line of 42,000 cu. ft. capacity and two freezing tanks, an output of 40 tons of raw-water ice per day each. The refrigerating machinery included two vertical duplex Frick gas pumps rated at 50 tons per day each when running at 77 r.p.m. with standard refrigerator and condenser pressures. In addition to this, 100 h.p. was installed in various motor units of from 2 to 25 h.p., used to drive the circulating-water, brine pumps, air compressors, agitators, etc. For the year ended October 1, 1912, there were the following operating figures: Tons of refrigeration manufactured . 13,123 Kilowatt-hours produced 497,608 Kilowatt-hours per ton of refrigeration 37.9 Fuel oil for power, per ton of refrigeration $0,124 Wages for power per ton of refrigeration 0.170 Lubricating oil and waste per ton of refrigeration 0.074 Water per ton of refrigeration 0.030 Electricity purchased per ton of refrigeration 0.012 Maintenance of oil engines per ton of refrigeration 0.013 Maintenance of refrigeration plant per ton of refrigeration 0.008 Maintenance of electric equipment per ton of refrigeration. . 0.013 Maintenance of auxiliary equipment (pumps, air compres- sors, etc.) per ton of refrigeration 0.007 Total engine-room expense per ton of refrigeration. $0,451 The above figures were obtained by the use of oil engine drives implying two 120 h.p. vertical, three-cylinder Diesel oil engines. The following "year, ending Oct. 1, 1913, electric current was pur- chased from an electric light company on the basis of the regular primary rate of $1.00 per kw. maximum demand plus an energy charge of 1 cent net per kw.-hr. for the electricity consumed by the motors, with the understanding that the refrigerating plant would not run during the electric light company's peakload period. The conditions of the following costs were obtained : — 1510 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Tons of refrigeration manufactured 19.899 Kilowatt hours 750,401 Kilowatt-hours per ton of refrigeration 38 Wages for power per ton of refrigeration $0,106 Lubricating oil and waste per ton of refrigeration 0.030 Electricity purchased ijer ton of refrigeration 0.235 Water per ton of refrigeration 0.005 Maintenance of electric plant per ton of refrigeration 0.010 Maintenance of refrigerating plant per ton of refrigeration. . 0.035 Maintenance of auxiliary equipment per ton of refrigera- tion 0.024 Total engine-room expense per ton of refrigeration $0,445 On this second year of operation on account of the larger amount of ice sold the total costs were figured at $.96 per ton, whereas for the previous year with oil-engine drive, the costs were figured at $1.22 per ton of refrigeration. The increase in refrigeration capacity was obtained by speeding up the ice machines from 77 r.p.m. to 116 r.p.m. The indicator cards showing that while at the high speed the area of the card was slightly reduced, the re- duction was trivial in comparison with the larger injcrease in the volumetric displacement of the machine per unit of time ; the net gain in refrigerating capacity being 24 tons per day, rating the plant at 148 tons instead of 100 tons as was the case with the oil- lengine equipment. Cost of Refrigeration for a Skating and Curling Rink. There were two public ice surfaces, one of 22,000 sq. ft. for skat- ing, and the other of 5700 sq. ft. for curling. The rink floors being covered with 1.25 in. iron pipe laid 4.75 ins. apart, center to center, and embedded in gravel to the tops of the pipes, connected to headers running along each side of the rink. These pipes are divided into sections of eight each for easy connection and repairs. They include 55,860 linear ft. of pipe in the larger rink and 13,707 ft. in the curling rink. The ice surface is built up by spraying the pipes with water, the ice being kept at a thickness of from 1.5 in. to 2 ins. above the pipe. The refrigerating plant, of the compres- sion type, consists of one 400 h.p. boiler with feed pump and auxiliaries, two 16 in. by 30 in. by 24 in. single-acting York com- pressors driven by Corliss cross-compound steam engines, an am- monia condenser, a brine cooler, pumps and tanks. The feed water passes through an exhaust-steam heater of 500 h.p. capacity. The compressor engines operate at 125 lbs. boiler pressure, exhausting into a 22 in. vacuum. The ammonia condenser consists of eighteen coils of 1.25 in. and 2 in. pipe, twelve pipes high and 19 ft. long, and is supplied from the city mains in* conjunction with the water from the surface wells on the premises. This water after leaving the condenser passes through the steam condenser and thence to the sewer, as no cooling tower is provided. The brine cooler is equipped with ten coils of 2 in. and 3 in. pipe 18 ft. long and fourteen pipes high, arranged in two banks, the brine being stored in a 24 ft. by 10 ft. by 8 ft. tank. It is forced through the cooler and floor piping by two Gould triplex double-acting 8.5 in. by 10 in. pumps driven through gearing from a line shaft run by an 8 in. HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1511 by 10 in. horizontal engine. The brine for the curling rink is supplied by a duplex double-acting pump having a capacity of 150 gal. per min. The steam for heating the building is taken from the boiler through a reducing valve, the indirect system being used, in which air is drawn in over steam coils by a fan run by a 15 h.p. motor. A similar motor and fan are used to exhaust the vitiated air from the building. The brine in this plant is com- posed of a solution of calcium chloride and water, having a specific gravity of 1.185. It passes through the floor piping of the rink at a temperature of about 14 deg. F., returning to the tank at about 16 deg. F., after which it is forced by the pumps into the cooler. The cost per day of operating the plant by steam power was as follows: Electricity for light and ventilation service, $11.55; water, $23.85; coal, $24.54; oil and waste, $.15; attendance, $16.00; insurance, $.75; depreciation, $9.05; taxes, $2.47; interest, $6.03; total $94.39. The lighting service required 135 kw.-hr. per day with 27.3 kw.-hr. motors driving fans, the cost of electricity for lighting and ventilation averaging 6.8 cents per kw.-hr. The coal consumption was 12,270 lbs. of coal per day, costing $4.00 per ton. The water consumption was 18,377 cu. ft. i)er day, 608 cu. ft. per hour being used for condensing purposes and wasted into the sewer. The investment cost of the plant w^as $55,000.00, the load-factor on a twenty-four hour run being 50%, the average peak for one hour being 110.8 kw. maximum. Considerable savings could be made by converting this plant to electric. Electrical Refrigeration at 11.7 Cents a Day. ("Electrical World, May 8, 1915.) In the month of July last year R. W. Brown con- ducted tests on an electrical refrigerator to obtain authoritative data on the average daily energy consumption of the device. The refrigerator used for the tests was of the type made by the Me- chanical Refrigerator Company of Chicago. It was 16 ins. by 36 ins. by 50 ins. inside. During the tests the automatic thermostat was disconnected and the control was effected by hand so that accurate observations of time and temperatures could be made. The temperature of the kitchen in which the machine was operat- ing was read five times a day, and the coil temperature was read each time the room temperature was taken and again each time the motor was started or stopped. The temperature maintained throughout the test in the warmest part of the refrigerator ranged between 40 deg. and 45 deg. F., and in the compartment containing the cooling coils the temperature was considerably lower. One day during the test ice for table use was made in the refrigerator. At a 10 cent rate for electrical energy, such as is in force at Spring Valley, its average daily cost amounted to 11.7 cents. The data observed by Mr. Brown are given in Table XLVI. Comparative Installation and Operating Co^ts of a Combined Ice- Manufacturing and Cold-storage Plant. (R. H. Tait and L. C Nordmeyer in Power, Oct. 28, 1913.) The basis of this comparison is a plant having a capacity of 60 tons of ice per day of 24 hrs., and a cold-storage capacity of 100,- 000 cu. ft. The cost of building and machinery equipment is 1512 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XLVI. OPERATING DATA ON A MOTOR DRIVEN REFRIGERATOR Average temperature of room 83 deg. Average temperature of coils 92 deg. Average pressure in Its. per sq. in 57 deg. Average time of operation daily 5 hrs., 16 min. Average daily consumption, kw.-hrs 1,17 figured thr^ ways : First, with a simple steam plant ; second, with a compound condensing plant ; and, third, with the Diesel engine. The cold-storage space will require a refrigerating capa- city of 20 tons, which is equivalent to 12 toils of ice-making capa- city. The' refrigerating machines and equipment must, therefore, be capable of developing the equivalent of 72 tons of ice-making capacity for 24 hrs. daily. In the latitude of St. Louis it has been found that if the output of the month of July is figured at full capacity, then the output in July is approximately 15 per cent, of the annual output. In the case under consideration, the yearly work is, therefore, Equivalent to 72 X 31 X 100 = 14,880 tons of ice 15 It is assumed that the plant would be erected in the Southwest, and fuel oil is figured at 95 cts. per bbl. of 42 gals. Artesian water is available at 87 deg. F, and city water at 90 deg. F. Buildings. The cost of the buildings, including boiler and en- gine room, freezing-tank room, cold-storage house and all insula- tion will be approximately $60,000. The necessary building space will be practically the same for all three types of plant. The fixed charges against the building are for interest, 6 per cent. ; insur- ance and taxes, 1.5 per cent. ; depreciation, 5 per cent., making a total of 12.5 per cent, of $60,000, or $7500 per year. Inasmuch as 14,880 tons of ice represent the year's work, the building charge will be 50.4 cts. per ton of ice. Simple Steam Plant. In this plant it is contemplated to use air lifts to pump the water from the artesian wells to furnish the necessary water for the plant in connection with a water-cooling tower. The mechanical equipment will include water-tube boilers, boiler-feed pumps, feed-water heater, smoke-stack, two 60-ton re- frigerating capacity machines, ammonia-compression system, dis- tilling system, freezing system, steam and exhaust connections, air lifts and air compressor, circulating-water pumps, cooling tower, piping for cold-storage rooms, brine pumps, brine cooler, all steam, brine and ammonia pipe covering, 60-kw. generator and engine, ammonia, calcium and foundations for machinery. It is estimated that the complete equipment, delivered and erected, in- cluding engineer.?' fees, will be $65,000. The total cost of the plant, including building and machinery, will, therefore, be $125,000. The auxiliary pumps about the plant will consist of duplicate units, one steam-driven and one electrically driven. It is estimated that there will be burnt 3.08 bbls. of oil per hour HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1513 under the boilers when operating at full capacity. With oil cost- ing 95 cts. per bbl. and the capacity being 72 tons ice making, the fuel cost per ton of ice will be 3.08 X 95 X 24 — 97.6 cts. 72 The operating cost is estimated as follows : Two firemen at $720 per year $1440 Two engineers at $1230 per year 2460 Two oilers at $720 per year 1440 One handy man 900 Oil waste, etc 300 Total $6540 $6540 = $0,439 per ton of Ice 14,880 Ice handling 0.14 per ton of ice Total operating expenses $0,579 per ton of ice Fixed charges on the mechanical equipment are for interest on machinery investment, 6 per cent. ; insurance and taxes, 1.5 per cent. ; depreciation and obsolescence, 5 per cent., making a total of 12.5 per cent, on $65,000 or $8125. Fixed charges per ton of ice are then $8125-M4,880 = $0.546. The total cost per ton of ice is given in the following : Fixed charges . . .\ $0,546 Fuel 0.976 Operating expenses 0.579 Total $2,101 Fixed charges on building 0.504 Total cost $2,605 Attention is called to the fact that the total cost of ice, as given above and in the later deductions, is higher than the actual cost of ice at the platform, owing to the fact that the fixed charges on the machinery and building include the fixed charges on the brine cooler, brine pumps, cold-storage piping, cold-storage house building and insulation which should be properly charged against the cold-storage house only. As these are the same in each case considered, the costs given in each case will not affect the comparison. As the ammonia cost will depend on the care given the plant, and .should be the same for each, it has not been used in the estimated cost per ton in making the comparison. Compound Condensing Steam Plant. In this plant the water will be pumped from the artesian wells in the same manner as in the simple steam plant. The engines on both of the refrigerating ma- chines and on the generator will be compound condensing. The boilers will be equipped with economizers, so that the best efficiency may be obtained in the complete plant. The complete cost of the mechanical equipment including engineers' commission, is esti- mated at $76,400. 1514 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA When operating under full load there will be consumed 2.38 bbls. of oil per hour, making the fuel cost $2.26 per hour, or $0,753 per ton of ice. The operating expenses for labor, oil, waste, etc., will be $0,579 per ton of ice, the same as for the simple steam plant. The fixed charges against the investment will be 0.125 X $76,400 — $9550 = $0,642 per ton of ice. The total cost per ton of ice is, therefore, given in the following: Fixed charges $0,642 Fuel 0.753 Operating cost 0.579 Total without building charge $1,974 Building charge 0.504 Total cost $2,478 The complete cost of plant is as follows: Cost of machinery $76,400 Cost of building 60,000 Total cost $136,400 Diesel Engine Plant. In this plant city water will be used for the making of raw-water ice and for the cooling-tower make-up. All auxiliaries around the plant will be driven by electric current. Power will consist of two 225-b.h.p. Diesel engines, to each of which will be belted one 60-ton refrigerating capacity machine and one 40-kw. generator. The complete mechanical equipment will consist of two 225-h.p. Diesel engines, two 40-kw. belted gener- ators, switchboard, two 60 -ton refrigerating capacity belt-driven refrigerating machines, compression system, raw-water ice-freezing system, cooling tower, two centrifugal water-circulating pumps, cold-storage piping, two triplex brine pumps, brine cooler, brine and ammonia pipe covering, ammonia, calcium chloride, two oil tanks, foundations for refrigerating machines, Diesel engines, etc. It is estimated the complete equipment will cost $83,923, including en- gineer's commission. The fixed charges against the mechanical equipment will be as follows : Interest on investment 6 per cent. Insurance and taxes 1 1/^ per cent. 1^2 percent, of $83,923 — $6294 Depreciation and obsolescence on oil engines 10 per cent, of $34,440 =r $3444 Depreciation and obsolescence on remainder of machinery 5 percent, of $49,483 = $2474 Total $12,212 The fixed charges per ton of ice equal $12,212 4- 14,880 = $0,821. When operating at full capacity the poM^er required by the re- frigerating machine is estimated to be 282 b.h.p, at the Diesel engine and for the electric units 97 b.h.p., making a total of 379 b.h.p. at the engine. Assuming an oil consumptioi^ '^f 8 gal. per HEATING, COOKING AND VENTILATING 1515 100 b.h.p.-hr. there would be consumed 30 gals, of oil per hour, making the fuel cost $16.30 per day, or 22.6 cts. per ton ice-making capacity. The operating expenses will be as follows : Two engineers at $1230 per year $2460 Two oiJers at $720 per year 1440 One handy man 900 Oil, waste, etc 800 Total $5600 $5600 = $0,376 per ton ice 14,880 Ice handling 0.14 per ton ice Total operating cost $0,516 per ton ice City water must be supplied for making 60 tons of ice and for supplying the losses of the cooling tower. For this purpose there will be used 263,500 cu. ft. of water per month. 70,000 cu. ft. of water costs $64.15 193,500 cu. ft. of water at 7c. per 100 135.45 Total water cost per month $199.60 Water costs per ton of ice $0.09 From the above the total cost per ton of ice is as follows : Fixed charges $0,821 Fuel 0.226 Operating expense 0.516 Water 0.090 Total without building charge $1,653 Building charge 0.504 Total cost per ton of ice $2,157 The total cost of the plant will be as follows : Cost of machinery $83,923 of buildings 60,000 Total cost $143,923 Resume. The comparative cost of installation and operation of the three types of plant is given in the accompanying table. From the table the following comparisons can be deduced : Simple vs. Compound Steam, Plant: The compound condensing steam plant costs $11,400 more than the simple steam plant, but a saving of 12.7 cts. per ton of ice is accomplished, which for 14,880 tons of ice-making capacity per year amounts to $1889.76 per year. On this basis the compound condensing steam plant will pay for the difference in cost between it and the simple plant in approxi- mately six years. Simple Steam Plant vs. Diesel Engine Plant: The Diesel engine plant will cost $18,923 more than the simple steam plant, but a saving is accomplished of 44.8 cts. per ton of ice, or $6666.24 per year. On this basis the Diesel engine plant will pay for the dif- ference in cost between it and the simple steam plant in less than three years. 1516 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA COMPARATIVE INSTALLATION AND OPERATING COSTS Simple Compound Diesel steam condensing engine plant steam plant plant Cost building $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Cost machinery 65,000 76,400 83,923 Total cost $125,000 $136,400 $143,923 Cost water per ton ice $0.09 Cost fuel per ton ice $0,976 $0,753 0.226 Fixed charges machinery . . . 0.546 0.642 0.821 Operating cost 0.579 0.579 0.516 Cost per ton ice without build- ing charge $2,101 $1,974 $1,653 Building charge per ton ice.. $0,504 $0,504 $0,504 Compound Condensing Plant vs. Diesel Plant: The Diesel engine plant costs $7523 more than the compound condensing steam plant, but a saving of 32.1 cts. per ton of ice is accomplished, which amounts to $4776.50 per year. From this the Diesel engine plant will pay for the difference in cost between it and the compound condensing steam plant in less than two years' time. From the comparison given above, it seems apparent that the oil-engine plant would be an exceedingly good investment. This should especially be apparent on account of the manner in which the deductions were made. The steam-driven plants were given the benefit of the best efficiency that could be obtained ; namely, a boiler efficiency in the case of the simple plant of 65 per cent. ; and in the case of the compound condensing steam plant, with the use of an economizer, of 71.5 per cent. The steam consumption of the simple engine of the refrigerating machine was assumed to be 27 lbs. per i.h.p.-hr., while that of the electrical generators was assumed to be 30 lbs. of steam per i.h.p.-hr. In the case of the compound condensing steam plant, a steam consumption of 18 lbs. per i.h.p.-hr. was assumed for the steam engines of the refrigerating machine, and 20 lbs. per i.h.p.-hr. for the generator engines, including steam for vacuum pumps and other auxiliaries. In the oil-engine plant,, the engines were credited with a low efficiency of 8 gals, per 100 b.h.p.-hr., while it has been found that the fuel consumption of engines installed in the Southwest by the Busch-Sulzer Bros. -Diesel Engine Co. was approximately 6.5 gals, per 100 b.h.p.-hr. under normal working conditions. In addition to this, the oil-engine plant is charged with water brought from the city, as against artesian-well water used in the steam plant. A further advantage is given the steam installations by charging them with a depreciation and obsolescence of only 5 per cent, as against 10 per cent, charged to the Diesel oil-engine installation. The present prices of fuel oil will somewhat change the figures, as shown, but cannot help but prove the oil engine a good in- vestment. CHAPTER XX ELECTRIC RAILWAYS Electric railway construction has much in common with steam railway construction. The detail cost of steam railroads, including grading, ballast, bridges, etc., is very fully covered in the Gillette's Handbook of Cost Data ; hence, in order to avoid repetition, this chapter on electric railway costs is confined to such data as are not given in the book just named. The engineer who is going very deeply into the subject of electric railway costs, both of construction and operation, will find a mass of valuable data in the reports and files of state railway and public service commissions. A study of such data discloses the somewhat astonishing fact that few interurban electric lines yield even a 6 per cent, return on their cost. If an adequate depreciation annuity were provided, it is probable that not one electric interurban in ten would yield more than 5 per cent, on the actual cost of the physical plant. Perhaps this note of warning is not so greatly needed to-day as it was needed 10 or 15 years ago ; but under- estimates of first cost, as well as operating expenses and depre- ciation, are still so common that it seems advisable to caution engineers in the employ of promoters of electric traction lines. Appraisal of the Spokane and inland Empire Electric Railroad. The following is condensed from an article by H. L. Gray, Engi- neering and Contracting, Dec. 27, 1911. The appraisal was made in connection with a rate case. The railway is interstate, but as the mileage in the State of Idaho is comparatively small, it was decided to establish a precedent and appraise the property lying in Idaho, as well as that within the State of Washington, and to show a separate estimate for each state. Mileage. — This system has a total main track mileage of 234.86 miles, of which 204.52 miles are within the State of Washington, while 30.25 miles are within the state of Idaho. The trackage within the State of Washington includes 47.34 miles of street rail- way in the City of Spokane. In addition to the above mileage, there is a total of 44.83 miles of other tracks, of which 34.25 miles are in the State of Washington and 10.58 miles within the State of Idaho, making a total track mileage of 279.60. Construction Features. — The only particularly noteworthy fea- tures of construction found on this system exist on the Inland Division. The location of that portion of the line presented unusual 1517 1518 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA difficulties, owing to the fact that it runs squarely across the drain- age systems of the country, necessitating very expensive grading, excessive curvature and heavy grades. The maximum curvature is 12 degs., the average amount of curvature per mile being 105 degs., or almost four times that usually encountered on steam roads. The maximum grade of 2% is frequently encountered. The single phase, alternating current system of distribution is used on this division, which, although much more expensive as regards first cost, was adopted with the idea that the economy of operation would offset the increased cost of construction. At the time this line was built the .single phase system of distribution was largely an experiment, only a few such systems existing in the world. Even after the line was constructed, continual experiment- ing was necessary in order to perfect the operation. The train records of the company would indicate that so far as concerns the efficiency of operation, this system has been a decided success. On account of the high voltage of the power used, the ordinary motor cars will force their way through the heavy snows of the Palouse country without the aid of a snow plow. The winter of 1910 was undoubtedly one of the most severe ever experienced in this locality, and the first train running over the line in the morning would frequently encounter at least twelve inches of snow on the level, and sometimes as much as seven feet of snow in the cuts. No pro- vision was made to protect the cars, with the exception of an iron sheathing over the pilot, and in spite of such adverse conditions, the longest delay due to snow during the entire winter was twenty minutes. The trolley construction on this division is of the catenary type, the messenger wire and trolley being supported by mast arms, the messenger wire acting as a conductor. A large portion of the power used is supplied by what is known as the Nine Mile Power Plant, built at a cost of one and one-quarter millions of dollars, being strictly modern and up-to-date in every way. The plant is capable of generating 12.000 k.v.a. working under a 58-ft. head. Power is generated by four 3.000 k.v.a. Westinghouse alternating current generators coupled to four 5,500 hp. Holyoke turbines, under control of Lombard governors, with the additional protection of emergency controllers. In addition to the power generated by this plant, a large amount of power is purchased from the Washington Water Power Company. Actual Cost. — An investigation of the records showed the present company to be an amalgamation of a number of companies built during previous years, namely : the Spokane and Coeur d'Alene Railway Company, Ltd. ; the Spokane Traction Company ; the Spokane and Inland Railway Company ; and the Spokane Terminal Company ; all of which were merged into the present company on January 1, 1907. The aggregate cost of the entire property owned and operated was $15,314,357, although the book cost was some- what in excess of this amount, due to the inclusion of discount in the plant account. The amount of actual invested in the property, exclusive of right of way and real estate, was $13,704,960. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1519 The greater portion of the money invested was obtained from the sale of stock, which is rather an unusual condition in the case of railroad construction. Paving Considered as Part of the Property. — As usual in the case of street railways, the franchises granted to the company provided that in case any streets occu])ied by tracks should be subsequently paved, the company would be required to pay for and maintain the paving upon its tracks and for a distance of two feet from the extreme outside of the rail. It has been contended in various appraisals made of street railway properties that such paving should not be considered as an asset of the street railway company, but should rather be regarded in the light of a tax imposed upon the company by the city. In this instance, however, the paving is included as railway property. Unit Prices. — The estimated costs of reproducing this system, which was made as of January 1, 1911, was based upon the actual material known to have been used in its construction, while the prices used for such material, and for labor, were the prices that would prevail during the assumed construction period. It is ex- tremely probable that there would have been but little difference in the estimated cost of reproduction, as shown, had the average price for the five preceding years been used. Quantities. — As no estimate of the cost of reproducing the prop- erty had been prepared by the company officials, it was necessary for the engineers of the Commission to compile a statement of quantities, and to investigate and obtain the prevailing prices. The statement of grading quantities was, in the main, obtained from the final estimates as allowed the different contractors, and such estimates were again checked with vouchers in existence in the Accounting Department. The statement of track material was care- fully checked in the field, certain portions of the track being selected at random and checked by engineers on foot, until it was considered that the correctness of the tabulations was established. All bridges were examined and measured, poles and guys were counted, while structures of all kinds were examined and their dimensions ascertained. All electrical machinery and apparatus was inspected and listed. The only item which was difficult to ascertain was the amount of ballast. Owing to the fact that the line was never completely ballasted, the work having been done piecemeal, it was an extremely hard matter to ascertain the amount of ballast under the ties. Labor Costs. — As is usually the case, obtaining representative labor costs presented the greatest difficulty. Obtaining prices of material involves quite an amount of work, but arriving at proper labor charges calls for a great deal more. Owing to the fact that this road was but recently constructed, it was felt that the cost of reproduction should certainly not depart in any marked degree from the actual cost. It was, therefore, decided to obtain the labor costs altogether from the records of the company, if possible. To this end, hundreds of work records compiled by the Engineering Department, and bearing on work recently done, were examined, in 1520 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA order to ascertain what different classes of work were costing the company , so that in the end practically all of the labor costs used in connection with the overhead construction were obtained from these reports. It should not be inferred that the actual construc- tion costs were taken in all cases. For example, the grading on the Opportunity Line, which was done by company forces, actually cost 50 cts. per cu. yd. for gravel excavation, while for the pur- poses of the estimate, 30 cts. per cu. yd. was deemed a fair price. The average daily wage of laborers engaged in setting poles on the different di\f|^sions during the construction period was $1.75 per day. In the estimate of reproduction the Union scale of $2.50 per day was used. Comparison of Actual Cost With Appraised Value. — The esti- mated cost of reproducing the property (exclusive of real estate and right of way), has almost invariably been less than the actual cost. In this case, an extensive investigation was conducted con- cerning the comparative present and past costs of labor and ma- terial, in order to be properly prepared for cross examination. Among other things it was found that the price of copper at the date of appraisal was much lower than when the road was built. In all probability, the copper used by the company was purchased on an average base price of at least 20 cts. for ingot copper, while the base price used in the estimate of reproduction was only 13 cts. The price of car bodies and trucks was found to have advanced approximately 10% in the last five years. The price of poles had decreased slightly, while there had been no appreciable changes in the cost of electrical machinery or in the price of labor. Overhead or Loading Charges. — The estimated cost of reproduc- tion included an allowance of 10% for Engineering, Supervision and Organization Expense ; 5% interest during the construction period ; 5% for contingencies ; and 3.75% for brokers' fees. In addition to this, there was included the sum of $500,000 to cover the item of Stores and Working Capital. Cars. — It should be noted that the percentage items of En- gineering, Supervision and Organization Expense, Interest During Construction and Contingencies, do not cover expenditures for equip- ment. This was due to the fact that the allowance for Engineering, Supervision and Organization Expense was in a manner based upon percentages obtained by arriving at the actual ratio borne to the cost of construction, exclusive of equipment, by these three items. Further, the equipment would probably not be delivered and paid for until near the close of the construction period ; hence, no in- vestment would be required until that time and the expenditures for interest would not be necessary. The cost of reproducing the equipment was based upon actual contract prices, which are so clean cut and so complete in every detail, that it was considered unnecessary to allow contingencies for this item. Brokers' Fees, however, cover expenditures for every other item included in the estimated cost of reproduction. Summary. — The table shows the cost of reproduction by accounts and by states. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1521 TABLE I. COST BY STATES (Equipment included.) Washington Idaho Total Inland division $ 6,550,350 % 466,572 $ 7,016 922 Coeur d'Alene division 1,278,708 1,094,260 2 372 968 Traction division 2,027,405 2 027,405 Joint tracks and terminals 763,930 '763 930 Nine Mile power plant 1,498,490 1,498*490 Nine Mile tran. lines 65,404 65404 Commercial power lines 116,343 60.498 176*841 $12,300,630 $1,621,330 $13,921,960 COST OF REPRODUCTION, ENTIRE SYSTEM, BY ACCOUNTS Total Grading $ 1,768,578 Ballast 280,475 Ties 291.925 Rails, fast, and joints 1,508,413 Frogs and switches 151,675 Paving 254,475 Track laying and surf 326.241 Roadway tools 6,600 Tunnels 51.626 Bridges, trestles and culverts 670,065 Crossings, etc 117,126 Interlocking, etc 22,111 Tel. and tel. lines 30,344 Poles and fixtures 341,616 Transmission system 179,727 Distribution system 465,557 Dams and power houses 869,500 Substation buildings 161,249 General office buildings 125,400 Shops and car houses 151,472 Stations, etc 149,691 Water stations 4,800 Docks and wharves 32,210 Power plant equipment 270,000 Substation equipment 774,309 Shop equipment 41,000 Park and resort property 83,167 Teams and vehicles 4,215 Eng., supt. and org. exp 913,356 Interest during construction 502,346 Contingencies ^^I'lr a Stores and working capital 500,000 Steam locomotives ^^'nn^ Electric locomotives ^'''^'caa Passenger trnin cars 631,500 Freight train cars Ir^ocA Traction cars ^oJ aaa Work equipment i?'Ann Floating equipment i occn Misc. equipment kao'oaq Brokers' fees bii6,zyi6 Totals $13,921,960 • Valuation of the Puget Sound Electric Railway. The following is abstracted from an article by Henry L. Gray in Engineering and Contracting, May 25, 1910. The Puget Sound Electric owns and operates a line between the 1522 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA cities of Seattle and Tacoma, and in addition, branch lines extend- ing to Renton, a smaller city having extensive coal mining and ceramic industries ; the Orting branch extending to Puyallup, the center of a large berry and fruit district, and a short feeder serving the packing house district of Tacoma, known as the Tide Flats line. The company also owns the East P. Street line in the city of Tacoma, and what is known as the old Puyallup line, but as both of the latter are leased and operated by the Tacoma Railway & Power Co., they are not considered part of the system. The com- pany also owns several lighting franchises in cities along the line, as well as a large tract of timber land, and a saw mill which is operated for commercial purposes. This road, as well as the street, railway systems of Seattle and Tacoma, is owned by Stone, and Webster, with their associates, being managed by the former. The main line extends from the city limits of Seattle to the city limits of Tacoma, a distance of 32.01 miles, entrance to the busi- ness centers of the cities being obtained over the tracks of the Tacoma Railway & Power Co. and the Seattle Electric Co. The track mileage owned and operated was as follows on June 30, 1909 : Main track : Miles First track, main line 32.01 Second track, main line 10.91 Orting branch 6.94 Renton branch 2.96 Tide Flats line 0.58 Total main track 53 40 Sidings, etc. : On main line 8.24 On Orting branch 0.60 On Renton branch 1.38 On Tide Plats line 0.13 Total sidings, etc 10.35 Grand total 63.75 On the main line, between Seattle and Tacoma, consisting of 42.92 miles of first and second track, there are 7.30 miles of curved track. The total ascent is 356 ft., and the total descent is 409 ft. About 7 miles of the line was built on trestles. The main line and Renton branch were built in 1902, the Tide Flats line in 1904, the Orting branch in 1908, and the second track over a period from 1904 to 1909. The population of Seattle is about 250,000, Tacoma, 150,000, while the country tributary to the line contains approximately 15,000 people, many of whom own small tracts adjacent to towns, working in Seattle and Tacoma, going to and from their work each day. All of the larger towns on this road are also served by two steam roads charging 3 cts. per mile, while Seattle and Tacoma have boat service at intervals ©of two hours, the boat fare being 35 cts. one way or 50 cts. for the round trip. The land became quite valuable for small fruit raising, truck ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1523 gardening and dairying, the values ranging from $100 to $1,000 per acre. Real estate firms acquired large tracts and disposed of them in smaller tracts of from one to five acres, selling them on monthly payments to clerks and artisans employed in the terminal cities, whose intention it was to use their spare time building up small vegetable or berry gardens and ultimately devoting their entire time to such work. As in the case of the valuation of the steam roads, finding the actual cost consumed the major portion of the time. It is an aston- ishing fact that, with one exception, there has never been a railroad under investigation by the Railroad Commission of Washington which could readily give the cost of construction, and, in many cases, little or no record of such cost existed. Fortunately, how- ever, there are other records besides books or company records, and this important item has invariably been determined to the satisfaction of all concerned. In the present case the property account represented only the face value of stocks and bonds which had been issued in payment for the construction of the road, the records of the original construction being missing from the general ofiices in Tacoma and there being some doubt as to their exist- ence. Every vault and out of the way place in the Tacoma office was carefully explored. Several old letter files, found in a dark corner of an unused vault, proved to be mines of information, one of them containing a complete itemized statement of the cost of the road at the time it was turned over to the operating de- partment. The rest was easy, and was made even more so by the arrival of a similar statement from the Boston office, checking the statement found in Tacoma. Similar conditions existed in the engineering departnient. Owing to the general scheme of construction, which contemplated payment for work with stocks and bonds, no quantities or final estimates were available. A thorough examination was made of the entire line, cross sections were taken where the profile could not be relied upon to indicate the grading quantities ; material in cuts was classified, buildings and bridges measured up and examined, and in short, all data possble were compiled in the field. The existing office records were compared with the field notes and a fairly close check resulted. The grading quantities were obtained partly from a profile estimate and partly from the cross sections taken in the field. The material in 'the cuts was classified according to the field inspection and the over-haul computed from the profile. The statement of track material was taken from the office records, which checked the field notes closely. The bridge and building lists were compiled from the field notes, as the office records were not comi)lete. Ballast was the subject of much discussion and was a source of disagreement. An itemized statement of the transmission and distribution systems prepared by the Superintendent of Power was of great assistance, checking the field notes closely. The Master Mechanic provided a list of equipment which was of great aid. Except in the case of grading and ballast, no difference existed 1524 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA between the statements of quantities compiled by the engineers of the railway and those of the Commission, while every disposi- tion was shown to aid the latter. Pi'oceeding- upon the theory that what a thing cost is at least good evidence of what it might cost again, the records of the au- ditor's office were closely examined and all improvement requisi- tions scrutinized. The purchasing agent was in great demand, for while the engineers engaged in this work were, from much experi- ence, familiar with the cost of material, yet prices fluctuate and it is frequently the case that a small road is compelled to pay more for its supplies than a larger one, and these things should be taken into consideration, A great deal of information was obtained from the old letter files previously referred to ; for instance, they con- tained an itemized statement of the cost of track laying. Officers of the company were freely consulted, as it' was the desire to com- pile a fair statement of quantities involved, and to show the actual prices which would prevail should the road be reconstructed. The cost of reproducing the right of way and real estate was arrived at in exactly the same manner as in a condemnation suit. Lists were prepared, with the necessary maps, and furnished to real estate experts, who walked over the line valuing each piece of right of way on the basis of the value of the contiguous property, regardless of the fact that the presence of the railroad lent value to such property. These lists, with the allotted value shown thereon, were introduced as evidence. Testimony was then taken as to the value of such property for railroad purposes, which showed clearly that it was necessary to multiply the land value by a factor, in order to arrive at the cost of repurchasing the prop- erty for railroad purposes. This factor ranged from 1 to 5, de- pending altogether upon the location and value, city property re- quiring a factor of about 1%, first-class farm property, about. 21/^, while land which was practically worthless, required a factor nearer 5. The smaller the value of the land, the higher the factor. After considering the testimony of the experts on both sides, and review- ing possible consequential damages, the cost of reproducing the right of way and real estate was fixed. As the road owns very little city property, practically all of the sum shown as the cost of reproduction of right of way and real estate, represents the former, so that the average cost of reproduction per acre v/as about $1,250. As the average value of the contiguous property was about $500, the average factor was approximately 2^2- It is a com- mendable fact that the estimate made by the railroad officials was smaller than that made by the real estate experts employed by the Commission. During the appraisal of the steam roads, of the state, it was established that 3%% of the total cost of construction was an ample allowance for engineering, and that 1 per cent, of such cost was sufficient to cover expenditures for legal and general expense. But as the construction of this road presented no difficult engineer- ing problems, it was considered that, in this case, 3% would be a liberal allowance for engineering, but it developed that in addition ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1525 to the sum expended for local engineering, Stone and Webster had received an additional 10 per cent, as an engineering commission. The matter of an engineering commission had not presented itself before, the steam roads, who were not supposed to over-look any- thing, contending for a total allowance of only 5% for engineering. It was a well known fact, however, that such a charge was by no means unusual, but it was apparent that such a commission was not a strictly " engineering commission," but really covered the cost incident to purchasing supplies and expenses of management dur- ing construction, and was in a way a fee for procuring the funds for the construction, so that the only doubt was under which head to include such commission, which was finally shown under the account "Fiscal and Physical Supervision and Management." In accordance with the usual custom, 1% was allowed for " Legal and General Expense " and 5 per cent, for " Contingencies." The latter item was a source of much contention, the railway claiming that 10% should be allowed. It was held, however, that, as the quan- tities were known, and as prices were very liberal and had been fixed after due consideration of the cost, and that as allowance had been made for extra work, and for other items of expense which could not be estimated, many of the contingencies which might be met with had been taken care of in the estimate, so that 5% was a fair allowance in such a case. The amount of cash and the approximate value of the stores on hand at the time of the inquiry were allowed under the account " Stores and Working Capital," the same being approximately 10% of the estimated cost of reproduction, w^hich was the percentage recommended by the writer. Interest at 5% per annum was allowed, it being considered that 1^/^ yrs. would be required in which to construct the road. This item amounted to 7V1>% on the cost of reproducing the right of way and one-half of this, or 3%% on the remaining construction items, as the sum invested in the> latter would only be required for an average of one-half the time. The lighting system, both physically and financially, was so closely interwoven with the railway, that it was deemed inexpedient to attempt to separate them, so it was allowed as representing part of the cost of reproducing the system. The locomotives and motor car had been purchased second hand, hence the cost of reproducing them second hand was allowed, rather than the of reproducing them new. Probably the most thoroughly contested point was " Discount," the railroad engineers contending that 10%, of the total e.stimated expenditure should be allowed to cover this item, and should be included in the cost of reproduction. It was shown that the bonds had sold at 85 while stock was given with the bonds as a bonu.s, but the Commission held that when a railroad was built entire from the .sale of bonds, it ceased to be an investment, and became a speculation; that in such a case it was doubtful if the stock was entitled to any retturn. Testimony was introduced showing that if 25% of the stock of a legitimate enterprise was paid up; that the bonds would without question .sell at par, while the entire expense 1526 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in connection with the sale of such bonds would not exceed 5% ; hence 5% of 75% of the total estimated expenditures was allowed as " Broker's Fees." The depreciated value was arrived at by the combined use of mortality tables and by field inspection, and represents the cost of reproduction less depreciation. The cost of reproducing the dif- ferent items, for example, pile bridges, was determined, and the average life and age being known, the depreciation in dollars was easily obtained. The possible scrap value of material was taken into account, as in the case of rails, which were assigned a life of 20 yrs., with a scrap value of 40%, or an annual depreciation of 3%. Trolley wire was assigned a life of 10 yrs., during which time it was considered that it would wear 25%, having a scrap value of 60%, hence the actual scrap value would be only 45%, and the an- nual depreciation 5i^%. Substation equipment was carefully in- spected, and found to be practically new after seven years' use, but as obsolescence and inadequacy are forms of depreciation and may be expected to play a part, an annual depreciation of 5% was al- lowed for this item. The actual original cost of the road was found to be $3,647,018, which included $407,234, advanced for working capital and $305,929 of discount, leaving a net cost of $2,933,855. In fixing the cost of reproduction the Railroad Commission re- gards its engineer simply in the light of a witness, and is not bound by his testimohy, hence it is not uncommon for quantities or prices to be increased or decreased after hearing to the tes- timony of the defendant's witnesses. Many questions are simply matter of opinion and depend upon the point of view. The follow- ing table includes all items and shows the total estimated cost of reproduction and depreciated value as made by the engineers and the sum fixed by the Commission in their findings : Engineer Engineer Allowed by of the railroad railroad commission company commission Cost of reproduction $3,943,550 $5,123,173 $4,157,558 Depreciated value 3,352,463 4,424,395 3,598,232 COST OF REPRODUCING NEW THE PUGET SOUND ELECTRIC RY. (June 30, 1909.) 1. Right of way and real estate $917,733 2. Engineering and superintendence : 3% of items 4 to 25 ' 53,336 3. Fiscal and physical supervision : Amount expended ■ 186,955 4. Grading: 610,000 cu. yds. common excava., at $t).25 152,500 47,500 cu. yds. common long haul, at $0.095 4,512 150,000 cu. yds. hard pan, at $0.45 67,500 1,150 cu. yds. solid rock, at $1.10 1,265 700,000 cu. yds. overhaul 100 ft. at $0.01 7,000 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1527 133 acres clearing- at $60.00 $ 7 ggo 580 stations grubbing- at $15.00 *.*.'.'.*.'' 8*700 580 stations g-rubbing at $15.00 ' . ." * 8*700 200 dangerous trees cut at $2.00 . .\ '400 Ditching and miscel . . . 2,000 Total grading .$251,857 5. Ballast: 46.35 miles gravel at $1,100.00 $ 50,985 6. Ties: 157,877 ties (6 by 8 by 8) at $0.35 $ 55 207 16,646 ties (6 by 8 by 9) at $0.40 6,'658 Total ties , $ 61,865 7. Rails, fastenings and joints : 5.292.8 tons 30-ft. steel rails at $39.50 $209,066 1,409.1 tons 60-ft. steel rails at $41.50 58,478 14.584 Weber joints (60 and 70-ib.) at $2.50 36,460 1,327 American continuous joints at $2.15 » 2,853 106,596 lb. angle bars (56 and 60-lb.) at $0.03 3,198 25,240 lb. fish plates (30, 40 and 42-lb.) at $0.025 631 10,304 lb. track bolts (% by 3% ) at $0.0325 85 2,574 lb. track bolts (% by 2 1^ ) at $0.325 85 369,986 lb. spikes (9/16 by 5 1/^ ) at $0.0225 8,325 2,000 braces at $0.10 200 3,010 lin. ft. guard rail at $0.50 1,505 Total rails, fastenings and joints $321,136 8. Frogs and switches : 66 spring frog-s (70-lb.) at $50.00 $ 3,300 22 rigid frogs (70-lb.) at $30.00 660 22 rigid frogs (60-lb.) at $30.00 660 16 rigid frogs (50-lb.) at $25.00 400 13 rigid frogs (40-lb.) at $20.00 260 72 split switches complete (70-lb.) at $40.00 2,880 12 split switches complete (60-lb.) at $35.00 420 1 split switch complete (50-lb.) at $25.00 25 6 split switches complete (40-lb.) at $15.00 ,... 90 8 sets head chairs at $4.00 32 8 sets tie bars at $10.00 80 59 high stands at $25.00 1,475 2 low stands at $18.00 36 30 ground throws at $10.00 300 139 pairs guard rails at $10.00 1,390 47 loose tongue switches at $50.00 2,350 3 derails at $6.00 ". 18 59 switch lamps at $5.00 .' . 295 61 switch locks at $0.50 31 5 crossing frogs at $300.00 1,500 Total frogs and switches $ 16,201 9. Paving : 1,096,630 ft. B. M. fir planking- at $16.00 $ 17,546 140 kegs wire spokes at $3.00 420 40,000 ft. B. M, wood filler at $24.00 960 600 cu. yd. broken stone at $1.50 900 Total paving- $ 19,826 10. Track laying and .surfacing: 63.75 miles track at $700.00 $ 44.625 139 frogs and switches placed at $25.00 3,475 5 crossing frogs placed at $25.00 125 Total track laying and surfacing- % 48,225 1528 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 11. Tunnels: 180 lin. ft. timber lined at $65.00 $ 11,700 12. Bridges, trestles and culverts : 210 lin. ft. span bow steel truss (on cylinder piers) at $100.00 $ 21.000 72 lin. ft. span deck girder (pile abuts.) at $50.00. . . 3,600 60 lin. ft. span I-beam (pile abuts.) at $30.00 1,800 220 lin. ft. span combination (2 spans of 110 ft. cylin- der piers) at $55.00 12,100 150 lin. ft. span combination (pile abuts.) at $45.00. . 6,750 150 lin. ft. span combination (cylinder piers) at $47.00 7,050 200 lin. ft. span Howe truss draw (on pile crib) at $65.00 13,000 190 lin. ft. span Howe truss draw (on pile crib) at $65.00 12,350 100 lin. ft. span Pony Howe truss (pile abuts.) at $30.00 3,000 80 lin. ft. span Pony Howe truss (pile abuts.) at $25.00 2,000 87 lin. ft. span Pony Howe truss (pile abuts.) at $27.00 2,349 60 lin. ft. span Pony Howe truss (pile abuts.) at $20.00 1,200 361,612 lin. ft. piles in place at $0.25 90,403 39,256 lin. ft. piles cut off at $0.10 3,925 4,889,386 ft. B. M. timber in trestles at $28.00 136,903 166,451 lb. wrt. Iron in trestles at $0.035 5,826 121,515 lb. cast iron in trestles at $0.035 3,645 150 lin. ft. of 12-in. vitrified pipe at $1.00 150 272 lin. ft. of 14-in. vitrified pipe at $1.25 340 659 lin. ft. of 15-in. vitrified pipe at $1.35 889 802 lin. ft. of 16-in. vitrified pipe at $1.50 1,203 1,364 lin. ft. of 18-in. vitrified pipe at $1.75 2,387 42 lin. ft. of 24-in. vitrified pipe at $2.90 122 8.382 ft. B. M. timber in wooden boxes at $25.00 210 8,283 lin. ft. logs in culverts at $0.12 994 River bank protection. Black River, cost 4,857 Fill and dam, Puyallup River, cost 4.000 2,000 cu. yd. riprap at $1.25 2,500 Total bridges, trestles and culverts $344,553 13. Crossings, fences, cattle guards and signs: 82,615 ft. B. M. timber in crossings at $20.00 $ 1,652 146,233 ft, B. M. timber in inclines to grade crossings at $27.00 . . . .* 3 948 1,074 lb. wrt. iron,' in inclines, at $0,035 ......[......[. '38 210 lb. cast iron, in inclines, at $0.035 6 30 kegs wire spikes, in inclines, at $3.00 90 9,650 ft. B. M. timber in farm crossing inclines, at $25.00 241 3 kegs wire spikes in ditto at $3.00 9 54 single miles board fence at $450.00 24,300 8 single miles comb, woven and wire fence at $300.00 2,400 1.960 lin. ft. tight board fence at $0.56 1,097 150 board gates at $3.00 450 82 cattle guards, trackman, at $25.00 2,050 207 cattle guards, Bartlett, at $20.00 4,140 13 danger signs at $2.00 26 196 warning signs at $2.00 392 28 railroad crossing signs at $5.00 140 3 station signs, single, at $10.00 30 35 electric rail signs at $3.00 105 38 " stop, look, listen " signs at $1.00 28 4 yard limit signs at $4.00 16 3 city limit signs at $1.00 3 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1529 31 whistle posts at $1.00 $ 31 19 S. posts at $1.00 . 19 Total crossings, fences, etc $ 41,508 14. Interlocking and signal apparatus: 38 platform stop signals at $8.00 $ 304 3 train order signals at $20.00 60 2 block light sets at $275.00 550 Total interlocking and signal $ 914 15. Telegraph and telephone lines: 53 cedar poles, 45-ft., at $4.50 $ 238 66 cedar poles, 40-ft., at $3.80 251 1,675 cross arms (4 pin) v/ith hardware at $0.80 1,340 316 cross arms (6 pin) with hardware at $1.00 316 15,312 lb. telephone wire No. 10 copper at $0.18 2,756 13,300 lb. telegraph wire No. 9 bare iron at $0.06 798 1,750 lb. telegraph wire No. 10 W. P. at $0.07 122 5,886 double petticoat insulators with pins at $0.07 412 11 telegraph keys at $1.05 12 10 telegraph sounders at $5.25 52 14 telegraph relays at $4.20 59 6 telegraph box relays at $4.25 25 12 telegraph cut outs at $1.25 15 Telephone switchboard, cost 275 Telephone storage battery, cost 25 Labor 2,500 Total telegraph and telephone lines $ 9,196 16. Poles and fixtures: 1,544 transmission poles, 50-ft, cedar at $5.50 $ 8,492 28 transmission poles, 70-ft. cedar, at $11.25 315 603 trolley poles, 30-ft., at $2.55 1,538 324 trolley poles, 40-ft., at $3.80 1,231 1,635 transmission cross arms, 2 pin, with hardware, at $0.70 1,144 1,572 feeder cross arms, 4 pin, with hardware, at $0.80.. 1,258 316 feeder cross arms, 6 pin, with hardware, at $1.00.. 316 57 guy wire clamps, galv., 3-bolt, at $0.12 7 14 line anchor clamps, mal. galv., at $0.50 7 82 anchor rods at $0.50 41 Labor 14,979 Total poles and fixtures $ 29,328 17. Transmission System : 25 050 lb. transmission line wire, bore 1-0, at $0.18 $ 4,509 6 516 lb. transmission line wire, bore No. 1, at $0.18.... '^'\1% 54,534 lb. transmission line wire, bore No. 4, at $0.18 ^'„i„ 3,425 insulator pine at $0.40 1,370 1,607 pole brackets at $0.40 „ 643 5.025 insulators at $1.50 ">538 Miscel. material , xIIa Labor 4.000 Total transmission system % 29,548 18. Distribution System- 72 cut out switches, 50 ampere Q. B., at $9.00. .......$ 648 66,598 lb. 3d rail cro.ssing cables W. P. 500 M. C. M. at PA -I Q 11,000 2.353 lb. '3d rail " crossing cables ' W.'P.' 300 M. C. M. at $0.18 424 1530 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 765 lb. 3d rail feed taps W. P. 500 M. C. M. at $0.18. . .$ 138 371 lb. 3d rail feed taps, W. P. 300 M. C. M. at $0.18 67 300 lb. 3d rail feed taps W. P. 100 M. C. M. at $0.18. . . 54 74,470 lb. overhead feeders, bare, 500 M. C. M. at $0.18.. 13,405 137,529 lb. overhead feeders, bare, 300 M. C. M. at $0.18 24,755 9,119 lb. overhead feeders, W. P., 500 M. C. M. at $0.18. . 1,641 4,787 lb. overhead grounds, W. P., 500 M. C. M. at $0.18. . 862 900 lb. overhead grounds, W. P., 300 M. C. M. at $0.18 162 613 lb. cross bars, frogs and switch jumpers, W. P. 500 M. C. M. at $0.18 110 1,142 lb. ditto, W. P., 300 M. C. M. at $0.18 206 335 lb. ditto, W. P.. 4-0 M. C. M. at $0.18 60 16,900 running rail bonds main line at $0.50 8,450 1,200 running rail bonds 212 B. B. at $0.44 528 304 running rail bonds " A " 4-0 at $0.37 112 6,745 third rail bonds at $1.28 8,634 16,863 third rail insulators at $0.88 14,839 2,935 tons third rail (30-ft., 100-lb.) at $39.50 115,933 252 third rail noses at $2.00 504 504 nose fish plates at $0.70 352 12,800 third rail fish plates at $0.24 3,072 32,000 lb. third rail bolts at $0.03 960 55,432 lb. trolley wire 4-0 at $0.18 9,978 11,290 lb. trolley wire 2-0 at $0.18 2,032 4,880 lb. trolley wire 1-0 at 0.18 878 38,000 ft. Siemens-Martens steel cable, yir.-in., at 0.0315 . . 1,197 2,000 ft. Siemens-Martens steel cable, %-in., at 0.027 54 3,000 ft. Siemens-Martens steel cable, 14-in., at 0.025 75 16,000 ft. signal strand, i^-in., at 0.0083 133 32,650 ft. signal strand, s/jo-in., at 0.011 359 1,000 ft. signal strand, %in-., at 0.013 13 1,639 eye bolts at 0.12 197 1,542 wood strain insulators, G. E., at 0.23 355 80 wood strain insulators, home made, at 0.25 20 240 single curve hangers at 0.51 122 180 double curve hangers at 0.57 85 588 straight line hangers at 0.51 300 1,888 cable insulators with pine at 0.23 434 659 ears, 2-0, at 0.30 198 165 ears, single 0, at 0.25 41 171 ears, 4-0, at 0.35 60 35 trolley frogs at 3.50 123 339 T bar pole brackets, at 2.50 848 16 Richmond flexible pole brackets, at 2.50 40 53 steady bar bracket attachments at 3.40 180 3,997 messenger clips, %-in.. mal. galv., at 0.06 240 8,956 Detroit "Form 2 "clamps, %-in., mal. galv., at $0.10 360 46 Detroit "Form 5" clamps, %-in. mal. galv., at 0.20 9 46 strain collars, %-in., at 0.038 2 645 steel hanger rods, galv., % by 131/2 at 0.03 19 18 steel hanger rods, galv., % by 13 1^ at 0.075 .. 1 645 hangers, galv., % byp 4, 120 ft. span, 0.032 21 616 hangers, galv., % by 51/2, 120 ft. span, at 0.038 23 645 hangers, galv., % by 71/2. 120 ft. span, at 0.045 29 645 hangers, galv., % by 9%, 120 ft. span, at 0.053 34 645 hangers, galv., % by 12%, 120 ft. span, at 0.066 ... 43 29 hangers, galv., % by 51/2. 120 ft. span, at 0.047 ... 1 31 hangers, galv., % by 71/', 100 ft. span, at 0.053 2 16 hangers, galv., % by 8%, 100 ft. span, at 0.059 1 16 hangers, galv., % by 10 1/2, 100 ft. span, at 0.065 ... 1 16 hangers, galv., % by IS'A, 100 ft. span, at 0.075 ... 1 18 hangers, galv., % by 11%, 60 ft. span, at 0.07 1 18 hangers, galv., % by 12%, 60 ft. span, at 0.073 1 92 wood brake strain insulators, 1^4 by 14,. at 0.18 17 18 Crosby clips. % in., at 0.08 1 57 Crosby clips, Vie in., at 0.09 5 15 trolley wire connections, brass, 2 by %, 4-0 grvd., at 1.10 17 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1531 339 porcelain messenger insulators, 10,000 v., 1% pin hole, at 0.15 .:.;..$ 54 4 overhead switches at 12.50 50 100,165 ft. B. M. timber, cable boxes, at 10.00 1,002 Miscellaneous materia.! 500 Labor 25,000 Total distribution system $253,065 19. Substation Buildings: 122,708 cu. ft. brick bldg., at Kent, at 0.125 $ 15 338 28,940 cu. ft. frame bldg., at Kent., at 0.10 " 2*894 87,030 cu. ft. brick bldg., at Milton, at 0.125 10*879 28,940 cu. ft. frame bldg., at Milton, at 0.10 ' ' 2*894 84,820 cu. ft. brick bldg., at Puyallop, at 0.125 '. 10^602 Total substation buildings $ 42,607 20. Shops and Car Houses : '8,568 sq. ft. corrugated iron car sheds, at 0.45 % 3,855 19,248 sq. ft. frame car sheds, at 0.50 9,624 2 sets track scales, at 1,300.00 2,600 Total shops and car houses % 16,080 21. Stations and Miscellaneous Buildings : Brick and frame station, Tacoma $ 4,000 2,850 sq. ft. frame station, 2 story, at 2.00 5,700 5,728 sq. ft. frame stations, bungalow type, at 1.25- 7,160 8,318 sq. ft. frame stations, old standard, at 1.00 8,318 108 sq. ft. open sheds, at 0.50 54 2,396 sq. ft. frame freight sheds, at 0.90 2,156 1,060 sq. ft. corrugated iron freight sheds, at 0.50 530 478 sq. ft. miscellaneous frame sheds, at 0.50 239 216 sq. ft. telephone shacks, at 0.50 108 306 sq. ft. tool sheds, at 0.50 153 372 sq. ft. section house, at 0.50 186 64,111 sq. ft. low passenger platforms, at 0.10 6,411 5,875 sq. ft. high passenger platforms, at 0.15 881 4,562 sq. ft. freight platforms, at 0.15 684 3,909 sq. ft. milk platforms, at 0.20 782 8 water closets, at 50.00 400 Total stations and miscel. bldgs % 44,211 22. Substation Equipment : 3 lightning arresters, 50,000 volt, 3 pole, at 621.00 ...$ 1,863 5 oil switches, 50,000 volt, type H, at 1,600.00 8,000 212 Thomas insulators, 50,000 volt, at 1.85 392 36 disconnecting switches, 50,000 volt, at 41.50 1,494 494 lb. bare copper wire, at 0.18 89 7 oil cooled transformers, 200 kw., at 2,300.00 16,100 4 oil cooled transformers, 180 kw., at 1,000.00 4,000 4 current transformers, 50.000 volt, at 150.00 600 3 inducting motor generator sets, 300 kw., with non- automatic, double pole oil switches, 2,300 volts and 600 volt, generator panels (1 slate and 2 marble), at 8,500.00 25,500 2 automatic oil switches, 4 pole st. 300 ampere with slate slabs and 2 current transformers, at 140.00 280 3 H. E. Ind. volt meters, with potential transformers, at 85.00 255 6 railway feeder panels, marble, at 200.00 1,200 1 lightning panel, marble 16 in 100 1 lightning panel, marble 24 in 300 2 C. R. regulators at 315.00 630 2 boo.ster transformers, 3 kw., at 47.50 95 2 booster transformers, 5 kw., at 66.50 133 1532 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1 polyphase recording watt meter, 300 amp,, and two 200 watt potential transformers, and 2 current transformers 300-5 amp $ 200 1 T. R. watt meter, 800 amp., 600 volt 175 1 induction motor panel, 2,300 volts 290 40 ft. lead covered insulated cable, 500 M. C. M., at 0.91 36 400 ft. lead covered insulated cable, No. 2, at 0.90 360 80 ft. lead covered insulated cable. No. 4, at 0.30 24 147 ft. weather proof cable, 800 M. C. M., at 0.60 86 509 ft. weather proof cable, 500 M. C. M., at 0.45 229 540 ft. rubber covered cable, No. 2, at 0.08 40 26 ft. rubber covered cable, 500 M. C. M., at 0.65 17 2 50.000 volt, 150 to 50 current transformers, at 300 . . 600 1 motor panel, 24 in. marble, 2,300 volt, with auto- matic oil switch, 300 amp., 4 pole st 290 1 T. R. watt meter, polyphase, 300 amp., with 2,300 to 5 current transformers 200 1 T. R. watt meter, 800 amp., 600 volt 175 5 oil switches, 3 pole, 30,000 volts, at 400 2,000 9 disconnecting switches, 30,000 volts, at 20 180 30 Westinghouse air brake jacks and slabs, at 8 240 30 marble barriers for same, at 30 900 3 lightning arresters, 3 pole, 30,000 volts, at 100 300 3 generator panels, slate 16 in., at 200.00 600 3 slate slabs and switch handles, at 20.00 60 6 feeder panels, 16 in. plate, at 50 300 1 slate slab with synchronizer 55 2 front connected feeder switches, at 20.00 40 10 current transformers, 30,000 volt, at 125 1,250 8 potential transformers, at 150 1,200 1 compensator for 180 kw. transformers, 17.5 kw 275 318 lb. bare copper wire, at 0.18 57 Miscellaneous equipment 500 3 air compressors and receiving tanks with 4 h.p. motors, at 300 900 Labor of installing transformers and generators in 3 substations 3,400 3 storage battery sets consisting of chloride accumu- lators (288 cells of 15 plates per cell; 288 cells of 17 plates per cell; 288 cells of 17 negative plates per cell) ; 428 ft. lead covered rubber insulated cable, 3 booster sets, 35 kw. ; 6 marble battery panels; including freight and installation 106,149 Total substation equipment $182,159 23. Shop Equipment: 1 sharper, 20 in $ 250 1 radial drill, 24 in 150 1 metal lathe, 20 in. by 12 ft 570 Miscellaneous hand tools 30 Total shop equipment $ 1,000 24. Water Stations : 2 box tanks, 6 by 7 by 16 ft., at 100.00 $ 200 Pumping plant and pipe 200 Total water stations $ 400 25. Engineering Instruments and roadway tools $ 1,500 26. Legal and General Expense: 1% of items 4 to 25 . $ 17,779 27. Interest During Construction : 7.5% of item 1, and 3.75% of items 2 to 26 |145,181 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1533 28. Contingencies: 5% of all above items, exclusive of items 1, 3 and part of 27 (interest on right of way) % 96,266 29. Stores and Working Capital : Cash and stores on hand June 30, 1909 $300,000 Total construction $3,495,154 30. Cars (exclusive of electric equip.) : 9 combination baggage and coach, at 6,206.00 % 55,860 5 passenger cars, at 4,160 20,530 4 motor trailers, at 5,500 21^000 11 trailers, at 5,025.50 55,280 4 observation cars, at 10.290 41,160 4 race track cars, at 2,625 10 500 22 box cars, freight, at 729.50 16,050 25 hopper cars, freight, at 675 16,875 14 gondola cars, freight, at 668 9,350 97 flat cars, freight, at 558 54,126 2 freight motor cars, box type, at 3,000 6,000 3 freight motor cars, cab type, at 2,500 7,500 1 derrick car 1,200 1 pile driver 1,500 1 steam shovel 10,000 Total cars, etc $326,931 31. Locomotives: 1 Baldwin, No. 1 steam, second hand $ 2,500 1 Manchester, No. 2 steam, second hand 2,500 1 Hinkley, No. 3 steam, second hand 2,500 Total locomotives $ 7,500 32. Electric Equipment of Cars: 8 General Electric No. 66, 4 motor equipments, at 7,575 $ 60,600 4 General Electric No. 66, 2 motor equipments, at 4,000 16,000 2 General Electric No. 205, 4 motor equipments, at 7,000 14,000 4 General Electric No. 90, 4 motor equipments, at 3,200 : 12,800 4 Westinghouse Electric No. 49, 2 motor equipments, at 1,200 4,800 5 General Electric No. 66, freight motor equipment, at 7,500 • 37,500 Total electric equipment of cars $145,700 33. Miscellaneous Equipment : 1 Packard touring car, second hand $ 2,000 Total equipment (items 30 to 33) $ 482,131 Total construction and equipment $3,977,285 34. Lighting system $ 30,000 35. Brokerage Fees: 5% to 75% of above .• % 150,273 Grand total $4,157,558 Item 35 was allowed on the assumption that if bankers had to provide only 75% of the cash used in construction and equipment 1534 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA (the balance being- furnished by the promoters), a reasonable brokerage fee would be 5% of the cash thus secured. Item 31, "Locomotives," relates to locomotives worth $8,000 new, but purchased second hand. DEPRECIATED VALUE OF THE PUGET SOUND ELECTRIC RY. (June 30, 1909.) 1. Rig-ht of way and real estate % 917,775 2. PJngineering and superintendence 53,336 3. Fiscal and physical supervision and management 186,955 4. Grading (incl. 10% appreciation of roadbed) 275,135 5. Ballast (15% depreciation) 43,337 6. Ties (70% depreciation) 18,559 7. Rails, fastenings and joints (15% deprec.) 272,966 8. Frogs and switches ( 20% deprec.) 12.961 9. Paving- (50% deprec.) 9,913 10. Track laying and surfacing (30% deprec.) 33,758 11. Tunnels (5% deprec.) 11,115 12. Bridges, trestles and culverts (48%. deprec.) 179,168 13. Crossings, fences, cattle guards and signs (46% de- prec. ) ; 22,414 14. Interlocking and signal apparatus (35% deprec.) ..... 594 15. Telegraph and telephone lines (30%. dejjrec.) 6,437 16. Poles and fixtures (43% deprec.) 16,717 17. Transinission system (no deprec.) 29,548 18. Distribution system (7% deprec.) 235,350 19. Substation buildings (10% deprec.) 38,346 20. Shops and car houses (20% deprec.) 12,864 21. Stations, waiting room.s, etc. (19%; deprec.) 35,811 22. Substation equipment ( 27% deprec. ) 132,976 23. Shop equipment ( 50% deprec. ) 500 24. Water stations ( 60% deprec. ) 160 25. Eng. insts. and tools (50% deprec.) , 750 26. Legal and general expense 17,779 27. Interest during constr 145,181 28. Contingencies 96,266 29. Stores and working capital 300.000 Total construction $3,106,669 30. Cars (35% deprec.) $ 212,505 31. Locomotives (4% deprec.) 7,200 32. Elec. equip, of cars (35% deprec.) 94.705 33. Miscel. equip. (16% deprec.) 1.680 Total equip, (items 30 to 33) $ 316,090 Total construction and equip $3,422,759 34. Lighting system (16% deprec.) 25,200 35. Brokerage fees . 150,273 Grand total $3,598,232 COST OP PRODUCTION NEW PER MILE OP TRACKWAY (53.4 miles of trackway.) 1. Right of way and real e.state $17,182 2. Engineering and superintendence 999 3. Fiscal and physical supervision 3,502 4. Grading 4,717 5. '. 955 6. Ties 1,159 7. Rails, fastenings and joints 6,015 8. Frogs and switches 304 9. Paving 370 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1535 10. Track laying and surfacing $ 903 11. Tunnels 219 12. Bridges, trestles and culverts 6,454 13. Crossings, fences, cattle guards and signs 777 14. Interlocking and signal appar 17 15. Telegraph and telephone lines 171 16. Poles and fixtures 549 17. Ti'ansmission system 554 18. Distribution system 4,741 19. Substation buildings 797 20. Shop and car houses 302 21. Stations and miscel. buildings 828 22. Substation equipment 3,411 23. Shop equipment 19 24. Water stations * 7 25. Eng. msts. and roadway tools 28 26. Legal and general expense 331 27. Interest during construction 2,718 28. Contingencies 1,805 29. Stores and working capital 5,618 Total construction, etc $65,452 30. Cars 6,123 31. Locomotives 140 32. Electric equip, of cars 2,729 33. Miscel. equipment 37 Total equipment % 9,029 Total construction and equipment $74,481 34. Lighting system 562 35. Brokerage fees 2,815 Grand total $77,858 The above costs are per mile of trackway (53.40 miles), but since there are 63.75 miles of all tracks, or 1.194 miles of track per mile of trackway, each of the above items must be divided by 1.194 (nearly 1.2) to ascertain the cost mile of track. An analysis of the findings of Railroad Commission indicates the following actual cost of this railway property, as taken from the accounting records of the company up to June 30, 1909 : 1. Single track interurban line, up to April 1, 1903 $1,942,658 2. Subsequent expenditures on the original contract 11,064 3. Interest during construction 92,289 Total $2,046,011 4. Additions and betterments 1,279,562 5. Working capital 407,489 Total $3,733,062 Total $3,713,374 Deduct construction of " P " street line 19,688 Total $3,713,374 Item 1 includes $186,955 paid Stone and Webster for "the en- gineering and supervising and acting as purchasing agents and managers during construction." , Item 1 embraces the original 32.01 miles of single track line between Seattle and Tacoma, and the 2.96 miles of the Renton branch, a total of 34.97 miles of trackway. The Commission inferred from the evidence presented, that the actual net cost of constructing and equipping the line, up to June 1536 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 30, 1909, had been $2,933,864, for the Commission refused to in- clude Items 2, 3 and 4 of the following- schedule : 1. Construction and equipment $2,933,864 2. Discounts on bonds, etc 305,924 3. Damage due to floods after construction 44,099 4. Working capital 407,234 Total , $3,691,126 The total of this record schedule does not check exactly with the total of the first schedule just given, doubtless due to the elimina- tion of some other items* than those embraced in the " P Street line." It would appear that in the first schedule. Item 4, *• Addi- tions and Betterments," includes Item 2 of the second schedule, namely " Discounts on Bonds." It will be noted that in the first schedule Item 3, " Interest Dur- ing Construction," was not quite 5% of the construction cost. The Commission appraised the right of way and real estate at $917,733, as of June 30, 1909. The Commission states, however, that this is $770,000 in excess of what it actually cost the railway company. It will be observed that no power plant is included in the ap- praisal. The railway company purchases its power, for which It " pays $2.23 per kws. i;er month for the full amount of 4,750 kws. de- livered on the right of way." This, we take it, is based on a 24-hr. service, and is therefore equivalent to 3.05 cts. per kw.-hr. ; for $2.23 X 12 = $26.76 per yr. and $26.76 ^ 8,760 hrs. = 3.05 cts. If the railway operates on a "load factor" of 50% (12 hr.s. out of the 24), it follows that a power plant of 2 X 4,750 — 8.500 kws, would be required. The Commission states that on June 30, 1909, the railway re- ported $103,367 cash on hand, and $171,257 worth of materials and supplies and bond; hence its allowance of $300,000 as a reasonable sum. Cost of Chautauqua Interurban Railway. This interurban line. Lakewood to Mayville. N. Y., was chartered in 1903 and com- pleted in 1904. The tra-ck mileage in 1905 was: Miles Main line, first track 16.940 Branch line, " " 0.428 Total trackway *.'. . . . 17.368 Sidings and turnouts 1.082 Total track "." 18.450 The cost was $494,541, distributed as follows per mile of track- way (17.368 mi.) : Per mile Engineering and superintendence $ 247 Right of way 230 Real estate 3 Track and roadway construction 13,028 Electric line construction 3,428 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1537 Per mile Buildings $1,825 Power plant equipment (?80,000) 4,492 Total construction $23,253 Cars ($38,548) 2,218 Electric equipment of cars ($41,644) 2,395 Miscellaneous equipment 305 Total construction and equipment $28,171 Organization 115 Interest and discount 192 Grand total $28,478 The equipment was : 7 closed motor cars, 27 ton, 48 ft. at $7,500 1 combination passenger and express, 24 ton, at 7,200 2 mail, express and freight motor cars, 20 ton, at 5,800 1 rotary snow plow, 20 ton, at 6,000 1 sweeper, 15 ton, at 1,150 The total annual car mileage was 305,874. Hence the first cost of the equipped cars was 26 cts. per annual car mile, and the first cost of the power plant equipment was 22 cts. per annual car mile. The average speed of cars was 10 miles per hr. Comparative Cost of Various Electrical Railway Constructions and Operation. Table II, abstracted from Electrical Review, Jan. 28, 1911, was compiled by L. H. Parker, and shows the cc):Tii)arative cost of equipment and operation of an interurban road having a practically level track with a few easy curves, with the 6600-volt a.c, system, the 1200-volt d.c. system and the 600-volt d.c. system. TABLE II. COSTS OP CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Cost per mile of road, typical single-track interurban railway. Single 50-ft. cars, hourly headway, normal service, half-hourly head- way, maximum. Catenary trolley, 80-lb. rail ; schedule speed, 30 m.p.h. ; maximum speed, 45 m.p.h. ; stops, one in 2 miles ; seating capacity of car.«, 54 ; no baggage compartment, separate baggage and express cars. 6600-volt 1200-volt 600-volt a.c. d.c. d.c. Temporary construction $250 $250 $250 Power station 2,900 2,700 2,700 Transmission line 1,000 1,000 1,000 Telephone line 100 100 100 Substations 270 1,300 1,800 Catenary trolley 2,800 2,800 2,800 Track and roadbed 17,500 17,500 17,500 Copper feeder 575 l."l 00 Rolling stock 4,300 2,800 2.400 Car house and office 1,000 1.000 1,000 Organization, eng'g., etc 7,530 7,506 7,662 Total .$37,650 $37,531 $38,312 Cost of operation, maintenance, general expense per mile per year; total mileage of all rolling stock, 16,800 ; power cost, 1.5 cents per kw.-hour, including maintenance of power station : 6600-volt 1200-volt 600-volt a.c. d.c. d.c. Wages, trainmen $400 $400 $400 Car house expense 50 50 5U of power 700 620 620 Attendance substations 1^0 ^^^ 1538 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 6600-volt 1200-volt 600-volt a.c. d.c. d.c. Maintenance of cars 335 250 245 Maintenance, substations 5 20 40 Maintenance, track and roadway . . 320 300 300 Maintenance, electric lines . 60 60 60 General expense 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total $2,870 $2,820 $2,955 Per car mile 17c 16.8c 17.6c With 2-car train operation the initial costs were $47,219 for the 6600-volt a.c. system per mile, $46,962 for the 1200-volt d.c. system, and $48,200 for the 600-volt d.c. system. The costs of operation, maintenance and general expense were respectively figured at $3,990, $3,800 and $3,950, or 23.7 cents, 22.6 cents and 23.5 cents per train mile. Valuation of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Co. Condensed from an article by P, J. Kealy, Engineering and Contracting, Sept. 28, 1910. The Traction Valuation Commission of Chicago, B. J. Arnold and G. W. Weston, commissioners, has recently completed an appraisal of the physical property of the above named com- pany. The Consolidated Traction Co. comprises seven underlying com- panies and operates on the north and west sides of the city ; about one-third of its track mileage is outside the city limits, extending- to Evanston on the north and to the various suburbs on the west. This valuation, however, covers only that portion of the system within the city limits. Of the various routes operated, but two enter the loop district, the others serving in most cases as feeder lines to the Chicago Railways Co. The first table, which covers the physical property on 123,302 miles of track, gives the cost new. Prices are f.o.b. Chicago market prices as of Feb. 1. 1910. For the purpose of making inventory " Track " was sub-divided into tangent track, track special work, track on bridges, tangent track in car houses and yards, track special work in car houses and yards ; and similar sub-divisions were made for the other general divisions, or exhibits. APPRAISED COST NEW — GENERAL SUMMARY Track, 124 miles $2,091,214.13 Electric power distribution 855,966.20 Rolling stock 707.170.80 Power plant equipment 703,084.92 Tools, supplies, furniture, etc 88,177.91 Buildings 338,626.20 Real estate 84,228.00 Paving . 1,014.519.24 $5,882,987.40 Legal expenses, carrying charges and contingencies, 5% $ 294,149.37 $6,177,136.77 Conducting work, furnishing equipment and broker- age, 15% $ 926.570.52 Total > . , . $7,103,707.29 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1539 Tangent track. The track in this section was divided into classes, these classes being determined by the varying weights and types of rails, and by the styles of construction. Under each class an estimate was made of the cost of material and labor required to reproduce the track new at the time of this valuation Nov. 1, 1909, under the original specifications ; and to this amount has been added 15% for organization, engineering incidentals, etc., giving the total cost. Data were obtained from detailed examination of the track in the field, in which the length of rail, kind of joint, type of rail and substructure was determined. Additional information was obtained from the track map in the office of the Chicago Consol- idated Co. and from representatives of the Consolidated Company. All distances shown are actual field measurements. The lengths of the various pieces of special work were excluded in determining tangent track distances. Track ISpecial Work. Each piece of special work was meas- ured, listed and sketched. In order to determine the cost new of the special work complete there was added to the cost of the layout the cost of ties, ballast, excavation, labor and miscellaneous items necessary to install same. Tracjp on Bridges. The cost of track on bridges includes the cost of rail laid together with that of miscellaneoiis track material used in bridge construction. Track in Car House and Yards. The track was measured in de- tail, and unit estimates were made of the cost to construct new. Track Special Work in Car Houses and Yards. Each house lay- out was measured and listed and a sketch of the layout was made. Valuation. The total mileage of track appraised was 123,302 miles. The several classes of trade construction found are de- scribed in the following schedule and the valuation of each class is given below : SCHEDULE I.— CLASSES OF TRACK CONSTRUCTION Class De.scripfion A 9-in. 129-lb. Lorain rail, 58-ft. lengths, concrete foundation, welded joints, 10 ft. 2 in. centers, type 2-A. Board of Super- vising Kngineers. A-1 9-in. 129-ib. Lorain rail. 58-ft. lengths, crushed stone, welded jf)ints. 10 ft. 2 in. center.s, type 3. Board of Super- vising Engineers. B 7.1875-in. 85-lb. girder rail, 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 3 ft. tie spacing, tie i)lates on every other tie, bonded joints, 9 ft. 6 in. centers, 7.5 ft. tie rod spacing. B-1 7 3-16-in. 85-lb. girder rail, 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 3-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, 11 ft. 6-in. centers, bond joints, 1 1/2 ft. tie rod spacing. B-2 7 3-16-in. 85-lb. girder rail. 60-ft. lengths, no ballast. 2 1/2 -ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded joints, 7V^-ft. tie rod spacing. B-3 7 3-16-in., 85-lb. girder rail. 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded joints, 7Vi-ft. tie rod .s])acing. B-4 7 3-16-in., 85-lb. girder rail, 60-ft. lengths, cinder ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, no tie plates, welded joints, 7^/4 -ft. tie rod spacing. C 7-in., 96-lb. Trilby (L357). 30-ft'. length.s, no ballast. 2-ft. tie sparing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded joints, 7i^-ft. tie rod spacing. 1540 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Class Description D 6-in., 78-lb. girder (L-225), 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded fish-plate joints, 7 1/2 -ft- tie rod spacing. D-1 6-in.. 78-lb. girder (L-225). 60-ft. lengths, no ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, welded joints, 7^^ ft. tie rod spacing. E 4 ¥2 -in., approx. 70 -lb. girder rail. 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, rail on chairs, 2-ft. tie spacing, 71/2 -ft. tie rod spacing. P 8% -in., 96-lb. girder rail, 30-ft. lengths, cinder ballast, 2i^-ft. tie spacing, braced tie plates on every tie, bonded fish-plate joints, 7V>-ft. tie rod spacing. Total cost per mile $12,153.62 F-1 8 25-32-in. girder rail, 96 lb., 30-ft. lengths, stone ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, braced tie plates on every tie, 7% ft. tie rod spac- ing, bonded fish-plate joints. F-2 8 25-32 in., 96-lb. girder (L-206), 60-ft. lengths, cinder bal- last. 2-ft. tie spacing, braced tie plate on every tie, 7% -ft. tie rod spacing, welded points. Class A. — 9-in. 129-lb. Lorain rail, 58-ft. lengths, concrete foun- dation, welded joints. Type 2A, Board of Supervising Engineers ; 6.209 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. 10-ft. 2-in. centers. UNIT COST ESTIMATE 9-in. 129-lb. Lorain rail, 202.71 ton at $39.00 $ 7,905.69 Tie rods, 910 ton at $0.25 227.50 Joints, 195 ton at $5!00 975.00 Ties, 6-in. by 8-in. by 8 ft., 1.820 ton at $0.70 1,274.00 Tie plates, 3,640 ton at $0.09 327.60 Screw spilies, 7,280 ton at $0,022 156.52 Lag screws (Fetter drive). 7.280 ton at $0.004 29.12 Cement. 2.034 bbl. at $1.60 3.254.40 Sand, torpedo, 969 cu. yds. at $1.00 969.00 Stone, 1.831 cu. yds. at $1.50 2,746.50 Track labor (.see details attached), 5,280 ft. at $0.79. . . . 4,171.20 Teaming (see details attached), 5,280 ft. at $0.99 5.227.20 $27,263.73 Organization, engineering and incidentals. 15% 4,089.56 Total cost per mile $31,353.29 Class A-1. — 9-in. 129-lb. Lorain rail, 58-ft. lengths, cru.shed stone ballast, welded joint§. Type No. 3, Board of Supervising Engineers ; 9.065 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. 10-ft. 2-in. centers. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 202.71 ton at $39.00 $7,905.69 Tie rods, 910 ton at $0.25 227.50 Joints. 195 at $5.00 975.00 Ties. 2.640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie plates. 5,280 at $0.09 il^X^. Screw spikes, 10,560 at $0,022 227.04 Lag screws (fetter drive). 10,560 at $0.004 Sl^i Cement, 1.203 bbl. at $1.60 2.020.80 Sand, torpedo. 600 cu. yds. at $1.00 „ ^*^2 x2 Stone, cru.shed. 2.162 cu. yds. at $1.50 ^-^i^O^ Track labor (see details attached). 5,280 ft. at $0.79 4.171.20 Track teaming (see details attached), 5,280 ft. at $0.99. . 5,227.20 $26,962.87 Organizing, engineering and incidentals, 15% 4.044.43 Total cost per mile $31,007.30 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1541 Class B. — 7 3-16-in. girder rail, 85-Ib. 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 3-ft. tie spacing-, tie plates on every other tie, bonded joints; 1.006 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. 9 -ft. 6-in. centers. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 85 lb. per yd. (delivered), 133.57 ton at $40.00 $5,342.80 Hauling to street, 133.57 ton at $1.00 133.57 Excavation (9 ft. 6-in. centers), 2,410 cu. yds. at $0.50. . 1,205.00 Ties delivered, 1,760 at $0.70 1,232.00 Tie rods, 700, at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates (braced), 1.760, at $0.18 316.80 Rail chair joints, complete, 352 at $1.10 387.20 Spikes, 30 kegs at $4.00 120.00 Labor — Track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $10,468.37 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,570.25 Total cost per mile $12,038.62 Class B-1. — 7 3-16 in. girder rail, 85-lb. 30-ft. lengths, no ballast, 3-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded joints; 6.893 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track, 11-ft. 6-in. centers. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 85 lb. per yd. (delivered), 133.57 ton at $40.00.... $5,342.80 Hauling to street, 133.57 ton at $1.00 133.57 Excavation (11-ft. 6-in. centers), 2,610 cu. yds. at $0.50. 1,305.00 Ties delivered, 1,760 at $0.70 1,232.00 Tie rods, 700, at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates (braced), 1,760 at $0.18 316.80 Rail chair joints, complete, 352 at $1.10 387.20 Spikes, 30 kegs at $4.00 120.00 Labor — Track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $10,568.37 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,585.25 Total cost per mile $12,153.62 Class B-2.— 7-3/16 in. girder rail, 85 lb. 60 ft. lengths, no ballast, 2.5 ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, bonded fish joints; 16.196 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 85 lb. per yd. (delivered), 133.57 ton at $40.00 $5,342.80 Hauling rail to street, 133.57 ton at $1.00 133.57 Excavation, 2.410 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,205.00 Ties delivered, 2,112 at $0.70 1,478.40 Tie rod.s, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates, 2,112 at $0.18 380.16 Spikes, 35 kegs at $4.00 140.00 plates (complete) 176 at 60 lb. each, 4.72 ton at $42 198.24 Labor, track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1.584.00 $10,609.17 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,591.38 Total cost per mile $12,200.55 Class B-3. — 7 3/16 in., girder rail, 85 lb.. 30 ft. lengths, no ballast, 2 ft. tie spacing, tie-plates on every other tie, bonded fish-plate joints, 7 1/2 -ft, tie-rod spacing: 60,667 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track, 1542 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 85 lb. per yd. 133.57 ton at $40.00 $5,342.80 Hauling rail to street, 133.57 ton at $1.00 133.57 Excavation, 2.500 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,250.00 Ties delivered, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Spikes, 40 keg $4.00 160.00 Fish plates (complete) : 352 at 60 lb. each, 9.44 ton at $42 396.48 Labor — track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $11,292.05 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,693.81 Total cost per mile $12,985.86 Class B-4. — 7 3/16 in. girder rail, 85 lb. 60 ft. lengths, cinder bal- last, 2 ft. tie spacing, no tie-plates, welded joints, 7^^ ft. tie-rod spacing; 1.909 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 85 lb. per yd., 133.57 ton at $40.00 $5,342.80 Hauling rail to street, 133.57 ton at $1.00 133.57 Excavation, 2,500 cu. yd.s. at $0.50 1,250.00 Ties delivered, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Ballast, cinder, 1,400 cu. yds. at $0.90 1,260.00 Welded joints (cast), 176 at $4.25 748.00 Labor, track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 Labor, handling ballast, 5,280 ft. at $0.05 . . . : 264.00 $12,737.37 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,910.61 Total cost per mile $14,647.98 Class C. — 7-in. 96 lb. Trilby (L-357) 30 ft. lengths. No ballast; 2 ft. tie spacing ; tie-plates every other tie ; bonded fish-plate joints ; tie-rod spacing 7^ ft.; 1.488 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail. 96 lb. trilby, 150.86 ton at $40.00 $6,034.40 Hauling rail to street. 150.86 ton at $1.00 150.86 Excavation, 2,410 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,205.00 Ties, delivered, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates, 2,640 at $0.18 475.20 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Fish plates, complete, 352 at 60 lb. each, 9.44 tons at $42.00 396.48 Labor at 30 ct. per ft., 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $12,000.94 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,800.14 Total cost per mile $13,801.08 Class D. — 6 in. 78-lb. girder (L-225) 30 ft. length. No ballast; 2 ft. tie spacing ; tie-plates every other tie ; bonded fish-plate joints ; tie-rod spacing 7.5 ft. ; 0.529 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1543 UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 78-lb. girder, 122.57 tons at $40.00 $4,902.80 Hauling to street, 122.57 tons at $1.00 122.57 Excavation, 2,410 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,205.00 Ties, delivered, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates, 2,640 at $0.18 475.20 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Fish plates, complete, 352 at 60 lbs., 9.44 tons at $42.00 . 396.48 Labor, at 30 ct. per ft, 5.280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $10,841.05 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,626.16 Total cost per mile $12,467.21 Class D-1. — 6-in., 78-lb. girder (L-225). 60-ft. lengths, no ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, tie plates on every other tie, welded joints, 7.5 ft. tie rod spacing; 3.448 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail — 78-lb. girder, 122.57 tons at $40.00 $4,902.80 Hauling to street, 122.57 tons at $1.00 . 122.57 Excavation, 2,410 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,205.00 Ties delivered, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Tie plates, 2,640 at $0.18 475.20 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Welded joints — cast, 176 at $4.25 748.00 Labor — track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $11,192.57 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,678.89 Total cost per mile $12,871.46 Class F. — 8.75-in. girder rail, 96-lb., 30-ft. lengths, cinder ballast, 2-ft. 6-in. tie spacing, braced tie plates on every tie, 7.5 ft. tie rod spacing, bonded fish-plate joints; 7.712 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Raii, 8.75-in. 96-lb. girder (L-206), 150.86 tons at $40.00 $6,034.40 Hauling to street, 150.86 tons at $1.00 150.86 Excavation, 2,500 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,250.00 Ties, 2.112 at $0.70 1.478.40 Tie-plates, 4,224 at $0.18 760.32 Tie-rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Cinder ballast, 1,400 cu. yds. at $0.90 1,260.00 Fish-plates complete, 352 at 126 lb., 19.8 tons at $42.00 831.60 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Labor, track laying, 5,280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 $13,656.58 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 2,048.49 Total cost per mile $15,705.07 Class F-1. — 8.78125-in. girder rail, 96-lb. 30-ft. lengths, stone ballast, 2 ft. tie spacing, braced tie-plates on every tie ; 7.5 ft. tie- rod .'jpacing, bonded fish-plate joints; 0.995 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. 1544 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail, 8.78125-in. 96-lb. girder (L-206), 150.86 tons at $40.00 $6,034.40 Hauling to street, 150.86 tons at $1.00 150.86 Excavation, 2,500 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,250.00 Ties, 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie plates, 5,280 at $0.18 950.44 Tie rods. 700 at $0.21 147.00 Fish plates, complete, 356 at 126 lbs. 19.8 tons at $42.00 831.60 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Ballast — stone, 1,400 cu. yds. at $1.50 2,100.00 Labor, track laying and ballasting, 5,280 ft. at $.35 1,848.00 $15,320.30 Organization, engineering and incidentals 15% 2,298.05 Total cost per mile $17,618.35 Class F-2. — 8.78125-in. 96-lb. girder (L-206) 60 -ft. lengths, cinder ballast, 2-ft. tie spacing, braced tie plates on every tie, 7.5 ft. tie rod spacing, welded joints; 0.936 miles. Estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track. UNIT COST ESTIMATE Rail — 8.78125-in. 96-lb. CL-206), 150.86 tons at $40.00 $6,034.40 Hauling to street, 150.86 tons at $1.00 150.86 Excavation, 2,500 cu. yds. at $0.50 1,250.00 Ties delivered. 2,640 at $0.70 1,848.00 Tie plates, 5,280 at $0.18 950.40 Tie rods, 700 at $0.21 147.00 Spikes, 40 kegs at $4.00 160.00 Ballast, cinder, 1.400 cu. yds. at $0.90 1,260.00 Welded joints, cast, 176 at $4.25 748.00 Labor, track laying, 5.280 ft. at $0.30 1,584.00 Labor, handling ballast, 5,280 ft. at $0.05 264.00 $14,396.66 Organization, engineering, incidentals, etc., 15% 2,159.50 Total $16,556.16 CROSS-OVERS (BUILT UP) Cross-over delivered. 1 at $600 $600.00 Excavation (70 ft. by 9 ft. by 1.25 ft.) 30 cu. yds. at $0.50 15.00 Ballast, 25 cu. yds. at $1.65 41.25 Ties, 1,700 b. m. at $30 51.00 Spikes, 1 keg at $4.00 4.00 Labor, 400 hrs. at $0.18 72.00 Total $783.25 CROSS-OVERS: 9 IN. MANGANESE — 10 PT. 2 IN. CENTERS. BOARD OP SUPERVISING ENGINEERS' TYPE Cross-over complete, 1 at $1,100 $1,100.00 Ballast, 17 cu. yds. at $1.50 25.50 Ties (7 in. by 9 in. oak switch ties), 1,700 b. m. at $30 51.00 Spikes, 1 keg at $4.00 4.00 Tie plates, 70 at $0.09 6.30 Stone for concrete, 14 cu. yds. at $1.50 21.00 Sand, Torpedo, 7 cu. yds. at $1 7.00 Cement, 15 bbls. at $1.65 24.75 Total material $1,239.55 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1545 Labor, 600 hrs. at $0.18 , $ 108.00 Teaming, liO hrs. at $0.55 11.00 Total cost $1,358.55 Excavation Included in labor and teaming. DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING: ELECTRIC OVER STEAM Layout, delivered, $200 a crossing, 4 at $200 , $800.00 Excavation. 20 cu. yds. at $0.50 10.00 Ballast, 17 cu. yds. at $1.50 25.50 Ties, delivered. 30 at $0.70 21.00 Spikes, 1 keg at $4.00 4.00 Wire nails, 40 lbs. at $0.03 1.20 Hemlock plank, 960 b. m. at $25 24.00 Labor, 100.00 Total $985.70 SINGLE TRACK BRANCH OFF; 45 TO 90 DEGREES Layout : 1 switch and mate $125 00 1 frog 45.00 Tangent rail included, 50 ft, at $0.75 37 50 Curved track included, 75 ft. at $3.00 225.00 Joints, 16 pair complete at $1.10 17 60 Tie plates, 150 at $0.09 13.50 $463.60 Excavation, 43 cu. yds. at $0.50 21.50 Ballast, 40 cu. yds. at $1.50 60.00 Ties, 1,200 b. m. at $30.00 = 36.00 Spikes, 1 keg at $4.00 4.00 Labor 100.00 Total material and labor $685.10 DOUBLE TRACK BRANCH OFF; 4 5 to 90 DEGREES Layout complete (tie plates and joints Included), 1 at $1,000 $1,000,00 Excavation, 80 cu. yds. at $0.50 40.00 Ballast 72 cu. yds. at $1.50 108.00 Tie.«. 2,500 b. m. at $30 75.00 Spikes, 2 kegs at $4 8.00 Labor 200,00 Total material and labor $1,431.00 DOUBLE TRACK OVER SINGLE TRACK CROSSING. SINGLE CONNECTING CURVE Layout complete (tie plates and joints included) 1 at $1,044.16 $1,044.16 Excavation, 78 cu. yds. at $0,50 39,00 Ballast, 64 cu. yds. at $1.50 96.00 Ties, 2,200 b. m. at $30 66 00 Spikes, 2 kegs at $4 • 8.00 Labor 200,00 Total material and labor $1,453.16 1546 MEtHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. ONE CONNECTING CURVE. 45 DEGREES Layout complete (tie-plates and joints included) 1 at $1,397.00 $1,397.00 Excavation, 90 cu. ydrs at $0.50 45.00 Ballast, 74 cu. yds. at $1.50 111.00 Ties, 2,660 b. m. at $30 ;..... . 79.80 Spikes, 2 kegs at $4 8.00 Labor 250.00 Total material and labor $1,890.80 DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. SINGLE TRACK CURVES IN TWO QUADRANTS Layout complete delivered (tie plates and joints included), 1 at $2,088.32 , $2,088.32 Excavation. 156 cu. yds. at $0.50 78.00 Ballast, 129 cu. yds. at $1.50 193.50 Ties, 4,460 b. m. at $30 133.80 Spikes, 4 kegs at $4 16.00 Labor 350.00 Total material and labor $2,859.62 DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING WITH DOUBLE TRACK CONNECTING CURVES Price of double track crossing with single connecting curve. $1,890.80 Additional : Switch and mate, 2 at $125 250.00 Jump frogs, 1 at 50 ft. curved track at $4.45 222.50 Total cost of crossing $2,363.30 DOUBLE TRACK — THREE PART WYE Curved track 376.4 Straight track included 206.6 Total length 583.0 ft. Rail layout delivered $2,500.00 Excavation. 210 cu. yd.s. at $0.50 105.00 Ballast, 200 cu. yds. at $1.50 300.00 Ties, 2,500 b. m. at $30 75.00 Spikes, 5 kegs at $4 20.00 Labor 583 ft. at $0.75 437.25 Total cost $3,437.25 SINGLE TRACK RAILWAY CROSSING. DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC OVER SINGLE TRACK STEAM. 45 TO 90 DEGREES Layout delivered (tie plates and joints included), 2 at $200 $400.00 Excavation, 11.5 cu. yds. at $0.50 5.75 Ballast, 10 cu. yds. at $1.50 15.00 Ties, delivered, 16 at $0.70 11.20 Spikes, 5 keg at $4 2.00 Hemlock planking — 12 pieces, 3 ins. by 10 ins. by 16 ft., 480 b. m. at $25 12.00 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1547 Nails ; $ .60 Labor 65.00 Total cost $511.55 For cost of jump crossing, deduct $261.00 Net cost of jump crossing $250.55 DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. ELECTRIC OVER STEAM Layout, delivered, $200 a crossing, 4 at $200 $800.00 Excavation, 20 cu. yds. at $0.50 10 00" Ballast, 17 cu. yds at. $1.50 25 50 Ties, delivered. 30 at $0.70 31 00 Spikes, 1 keg at $4.00 4 00 Wire nails, 40 lbs. at $0.03 1.20 Hemlock plank, 960 b. m. at $25 24.00 Labor 100.00 Total , $985.70 PLAIN CURVES. PER FT. OF SINGLE TRACK. 7-IN. RAIL Rail — delivery and shop bending included $3.00 Excavation 0.25 Ballast 0.41 Ties delivered 0.30 Tie plates 0.06 Tie rods 0.03 Fish-plates and bolts 0.08 Spikes 0.02 Labor laying track 0.30 $4.45 Estimated Cost of One Mile of Single Track. The following data are abstracted from " Detailed Exhibits of the Physical Property and Intangible Values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Com- pany and the South Chicago City Railway Company as of Febru- ary 1, 1908, accompanying the valuation report submitted to the committee on local transportation of the Chicago City Council, by B. J. Arnold and George We.ston." An estimate was made of the cost of materials and labor required to reproduce -the property new, to which was added 15% for organization, engineering and incidentals. ESTIMATE OF COST OF 1 MILE OF SINGLE TRACK 6-IN. GIRDER RAIL, 75-LB., 30-FT. LENGTHS, BONDED, ON STONE BALLAST 117.86 tons rail, delivered, at $41.00 $4,832.26 117.86 tons rail, hauling to street, at $1.00 117.86 2,640 cu. yds. excavation, at $0.50 1.320.00 1,500 cu. yds. slag ballast, at $1.65 2,475.00 2,640 ties, delivered, at $0.75 . . . ; 1,980 00 1,056 tie rods, at $0.30 316.80 2,640 tie i)lates, at $0.22 580.80 9.44 tons fish plates and bolts, 60 lbs. each, at $42.25 398.84 30 kegs spikes for rail.s at $4.10 123.00 10 kegs spikes for tie plates, at $4.10 41.00 18 cross bonds, at $2.00 36.00 1548 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 352 bonds at $1.25 ($0.80, material; $0.45, labor) % 440.00 5,280 ft. track laying, at $0.35 1,848.00 , $14,509.56 15%, organization, engineering, incidentals 2,176.43 $16,685.99 If Atlas joints are used the estimate of cost is $17,461.97 per mile of single track, the difference being due to the increased cost of Atlas joints over fish plates, $113.72 per ton as against $42.25 per ton. If the track is on cinder ballast with no excavation the estimated cost per mile is $13,874.23 where fish plates are used and $14,650.21 for track with Atlas joints. Cinder ballast is taken as 1,500 cu. yd. at $0.90. For welded joints on stone ballast the estimated cost is $17,441.72- per mile of single track. There would be 352 welded joints at $4.25 each, but fish plates and bonds are not required. 6-IN. GIRDER RAIL, 78-LB,, 30-FT. LENGTHS, SPLICE PLATES, BONDED ON •SLAG OR STONE BALLAST 122.57 tons rail, delivered, at $41.00 $5,025.37 122.57 tons rail, hauling to street, at $1.00 122.57 All other items same as 75-lb. rail, total 9,559.44 $14,707.38 15%, organization, engineering, incidentals , 2,206.12 $16,913.50 In similar manner the following costs per mile of single track are figured: $17,149.06 for 7-in. girder, 80 lb., 30 ft. lengths, bonded, on stone ballast; $17,046.40 for 7yif5-in. girder, 85 lb., 60-ft. lengths, bonded, on stone ballast ; $23,687.66 for this last if it has a rein- forced concrete base instead of a stone base ; the price of concrete being taken. 1500 cu. yd. at $5.50. 45-LB. T RAIL, SLAG BALLAST, BONDED JOINTS 70.71 tons rail, delivered, at $31.00 $2,192.00 70.71 tons rail, hauling to street, at $1.00 70.71 1760 cu. yds.- slag, at $1.65 2,904.00 2,640 ties, delivered, at $0.75 1,980.00 4 tons splice bars, bolts, nut locks, at $46.50 186.00 30 kegs .'^pikes for rails, at $4.10 123 00 18 cross bonds, at $2.00 36 00 352 bonds, at $1.25 440.00 5,280 ft. track laying, at $0.30 1,584.00 $9,515.71 15% organization, engineering, incidentals 1,4 27.35 $10,943.06 In like manner the estimate of cost to produce one mile of single track is $11,846.54 for 60-lb. trail, slag ballast, bonded joints and $13,117.93 for 80-lb. trail, slag ballast, bonded joints. Straight Track in Car Houses and Yards. The following are the estimated costs of one foot of track of various kinds and weights. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1549 used by B. J. Arnold and George "Weston in their valuation of the South Chicago City Railway. Strap Rail. Steel, $0.02 per lb. delivered; screws, $0.41 per gross; labor. $0.08 per ft. T-Rail, 2% -in., $0.02 per lb., delivered; 56, 60 and 75 lb., $31.00 per long ton; splice bars, $41.00 per long ton; spikes, for 2%-in. rail, $4.10 per keg of 600; for other rail, $4.10 per keg of 375; bolts and nuts, $0.05 per lb.; ties, hemlock, $0.50 each, 2 ft. centers; bonding, $0.75 per joint; excavation, $0.10 per ft. of track; labor, $0.10 per ft. of track. Girder Rail. Steel and fittings, $41.00 per long ton; bonding, $0.75 per joint; ties, hemlock, $0.50 each; spikes, $4.10 per keg. TABLE III. ESTIMATED COST OP ONE FOOT OF TRACK Strap T T T T Girder rail rail rail rail rail rail Height of rail, ins 3.875 5 4.25 4.625 2.75 7 Wt. per yd., lbs 27 75 60 56 25 85 Wt. of 2 splice plates per ft. of track, lbs 2.26 2.13 2.00 0.48 0.60 Wt. of nuts and bolts per ft. of track, lbs 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.524 Cost, per ft. of track : Rails $0.37 $0.69 $0.59 $0.52 $0.34 $1.04 2 splice plates .04 0.03 0.03 0.01) r. c\'7 Nuts and bolts 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 I "•"' Bonding 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Spikes 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 Ties 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Excavation 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Labor 0.08 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Incidentals 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total $0.45 $1.42 $1.30 $1.23 $1.02 $1.78 Track Special Work. These costs are from the Detailed Exhibits of the Physical Property and Intangible Values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Co., and the South Chicago City Railway Co., as of February 1, 1908, accompanying the Valuation Report submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation of the Chicago City Council by B. J. Arnold and George Weston. Each piece of special work was measured and the determination of its cost new was made by adding to the estimated cost of the material required for the special work, the cost of the ties, joints, ballast, excavation and labor required to install the various types of special work. ESTIMATE OF COST TO PRODUCE TRACK SPECIAL WORK SINGLE TRACK CROSSING. ELECTRIC OVER ELECTRIC. 90 DEGREES 1 single crossing complete, with joints $170.00 10 ties, 6 ins. by 8 in.s. by 8 ft., delivered, at $0.75 7.50 10 tie plates, at $0.22 2.20 .25 keg spikes, at $4.10 1.03 5.9 cu. yds. excavation (10 by 10 by 1.6 ft.) at $0.50 2.95 2.7 cu. yd. cru.'=hed rock (10 by 10 by 1.0 ft., minus tie space) at $1.65 4.45 1550 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 8 joints, bonded, at $1.25 $ 10 00 Labor, 20 ft. at $1.25 25'.00 $223.13 15% organization, engineering-, incidentals 33,47 $256.60 For hard center work or for a crossing at 45 degs. add $50.00 to the $223.13. Estimated weight, 3,000 lbs. SINGLE TRACK CROSSING SINGLE TRACK. ELECTRIC OVER STEAM. 90 DEGREES Crossing complete with joints $300.00 11 ties, at $0.75 f 8.25 0.15 keg spikes, at $4.10 0.61 6 joints, bonding, at $1.25 7.50 2 cross bonds, at $2.00 4.00 6.8 cu. yds. crush rock (12 by 12 by 1.5 ft. minus space occupied by 6 in. by 8 in. by 8 ft. ties), at $1.65 11.27 12 pieces oak plank, 2 ins. by 12 ins. by 16 ft. = 384 ft. 12 pieces oak plant, 3 ins. by 12 ins. by 16 ft. = 576 ft. 960 f. b. m. at $30.00 per M 28.80 Wire nails 1.25 Labor 50.00 $411.68 Add for crossing at 45 degs 50.00 $461.68 Estimated weight 5,500 lbs. Adding 15% to the above costs for organization, engineering and incidentals gives $473.43 for the 90 deg. crossing and $530.93 for the 45 degs. SINGLE TRACK CROSSING SINGLE TRACK. ELECTRIC OVER STiilAM. BOTH 80-LB. T-RAIL SECTIONS. 90 DEGREES One track guarded and reinforced ; one track guarded only. Layout complete (Ajax Forge Co.'s quotation) $210.00 12 ties, at $0.75 9.00 All other material, and labor, same as above 103.68 $322.68 Add for crossing, 45 degs 50.00 $372.68 Estimated weight, 6,500 lbs. Adding 15% as above the costs would be $371.08 and $428.58 for the 90 deg. and 45 deg. crossings respectively. SINGLE TRACK BRANCH-OFF CURVES 1 curve, 90 ft. long 90 ft. Straight track included 24 ft. Total 114 ft. Special work, including fish plates $530.00 57 ties, at $0.75 42.75 57 tie plates, at $0.22 12.54 1 keg spikes, at $4.10 4.10 38.5 cu. yd. crushed rock (114 by 10 by 1 ft. minus space occupied by ties, 6 ins. by 8 ins. by 8 ft.) at $.165 63.52 67.6 cu. yds. excavation (114 by 10 by 1.6 ft.), at $0.50 . . . 33.78 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1561 12 joints, bonded, at $1.25 $ 15 00 Labor, 114 ft., at $1.25 142!50 $844.19 Add for hard center work 130.00 $974.19 Adding 15% the above costs are $970.82 and $1,120.32 respectively. DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. 90 DEGREES Special layout, including fish plates $700.00 40 ties, at $0.75 30.00 40 tie plates, at $0.22 8 80 1 keg spikes, at $4.10 .■ 4.10 24 joints, bonded, at $1.25 30.00 23.7 cu. yds. excavation 20 by 20 by 1.6 ft.), at $0.50 11.85 10.9 cu. yds. crushed rock (20 by 20 by 1 ft., minus space occupied by 40 ties, 2.6 cu. ft. per tie), at $1.65 17.98 Labor, 80 ft. at $1.25 100.00 $902.73 Add to this cost $180.00 for hard center work, and $100.00 for a 45 deg. crossing. Estimated weight, 12,000 lbs. With 15% added for organization, engineering and incidentals the costs are $1,038.14 for a 90 deg. crossing; $1,245.14 for same with hard center work; $1,153.14 for a 45 deg. crossing. DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. CURVES IN ONE QUADRANT. 90 DEGREES Single track, 260 ft. : curves. 2 each at 90 ft, 180 ft. ; total 440 ft. Special layout, including fish plates $2,740.00 220 ties, at $0.75 165.00 220 tie plates, at $0.22 48.40 4 kegs spikes, at $4.10 16.40 43 joints, bonded, at $1.25 53.75 234.5 cu. yds. excavation (440 ft. X 0.533 cu. yd. per run- ning ft.), at $0.50 117.25 125.4 cu. yds. crushed rock (440 X 0.285), at $1.65 206.91 Labor, 440 ft., at $1.25 550.00 $3,897.71 Add for 45 deg. angle 100.00 .$3,997.71 Estimated weight, 50,000 lb. Adding 15% as before the cost is $4,482.37 for a 90 deg. and $4,597.37 for a 45 deg. crossing. DOUBLE TRACK CROSSING. CONNECTING CURVES IN TWO QUADRANTS Such a crossing requires 350 ft. of straight track and 360 ft. of curved track. The special work is estimated at $4,700.00 and figuring the other materials and labor as before the total is $6,667.27, and with 15% added, $7,667.36. Add to the former $1,670.00 for hard center work. Estimated weight, 85,000 lbs. DOUBLE TRACK THREE PART " T " Curved track, 360 ft.; straight track included, 170 ft.; total, 530 ft. Special layout complete, including joints ^^•7^2*29 265 ties, at $0.75 '. 198.75 265 tie plates, at $0.22 58.30 5 kegs spikes, at $4.10 ^ 20.50 282.5 cu. yds. excavation (530 X 0.533), at $0.50 141.25 1552 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 151 cu. yds. crushed rock (530X0.285), at $1.65 $ 249.15 100 joints, bonded, at $1.25 125.00 Labor, 530 ft., at $1.25 662.00 $4,235.45 Add for hard center work 1,020.00 $5,255.45 Estimated weight, 50,000 lbs. Adding 15% these costs are $4,870.77 and $6,043.77. DOUBLE TRACK BRANCH-OFF 2 curves at 90 ft.. 180 f t. ; straight track included, 65 ft. ; total, 245 ft. Layout, complete, with fish plates $1,220.00 123 ties, at $0.75 92.25 123 tie plates, at $0.22 27.06 2 kegs spikes, at $4.10 8.20 36 joints, bonded, at $1.25 45.00 130.6 cu. yds. excavation (245 X 0.533) at $0.50 65.30 69.8 cu. yds. crui5hed rock (245 X 0.285), at $1.65 115.17 Labor, 245 ft. at $1.25 306.25 $1,879.23 Add for hard center work 405.00 $2,284.23 Estimated weight, 23,000 lbs. Adding 15% these costs are $2,161.11 and $2,626.86. CROSS-OVER Cross-over, over all, 57 ft., straight track included, 50 ft. ; total, 107 ft. Cross-over, complete $600.00 54 ties, at $0.75 40.50 1 keg spikes, at $4.10 4.10 20 joints, bonded, at $1.25 25.00 6 cross bonds, at 1.00 6.00 57 cu. yds. excavation (107 X 0.533), at $0.50 28.50 30.5 cu. yds. crushed rock (107 X 0.285), at $1.65 50.32 Labor, 107 ft. at $1.25 133.75 $888.17 Add for hard center work 375.00 $1,263.17 Estimated weight, 11,000 lbs. Adding 15% these costs are $1,021.40 and $1,452.65. SINGLE TRACK TURN-OUT Turn-out, over all, 82 ft.; straight track, 25 ft.; total, 107 ft. Point and mate '. $113.00 Curve cross 45.00 60 ft. curved track, at $4.90 294.00 33 ft. straight track 82.00 Turn-out, complete, special work (estimated wt. 8,500 lbs.) 536.00 54 ties, ,at $0.75 ' 40.50 1 keg spikes, at $4.10 -. .* 4.10 15 joints, bonded, at $1.25 18.75 3 cross bonds, at $1.00 3.00 57 cu. yds. excavation (107 X 0.533), at $0.50 28.50 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1553 30.5 cu. yd. crushed rock (107 X 0.285). at $1.65 $ 50 32 Labor, 107 ft., at $1.25 133.75 $814.92 Add for hard center work 250.00 $1,064.92 Adding 15% these costs are $937.16 and $1,224.66. PLAIN CURVE TRACK Cost of curve per ft. of track $3.00 Cost per ft. of substructure and labor 1.90 $4.90 Estimated w^eight, 72 lbs. per ft. of track. CURVED T-RAIL TRACK 4.25 in. T-rail, 60-lb., per ft $2.25 Extra for curving, per ft 0.25 $2.50 2 strap guards, 0.625 by 4 ins., at 8.5 lbs. per ft 17 lbs. 0.5 of separator per ft., at 4 lb. each 2 lbs. 19 lbs. at 5 cts. per ft, extra 0.95 $3.45 Estimated weight, 65 lbs. per ft. 5 in. T-rail, 80-lb., per ft $2.50 Extra for curving 0.25 Extra for strap guards 0.95 $3.70 Estimated weight, 79 lbs. per ft. of track. Value of 665 Miles of Chicago Street Railways. The value of the properties of the street railways of Chicago, which are under the supervision of Boards of Supervising Engineers, is summarized in the statistical report of the Board for the year ending Jan. 31, 1910. Original valuation $55,775,000 Additions to Jan. 31, 1910 42,754,978 Total $98,529,978 The items making up this summary are given in the following table showing the value per mile of track. Organization $5,760 Engineering and superintendence 6,272 Track (exclusive of paving) 35,317 Paving 7,440 Electric line constructing 11,656 Real estate (u.sed in operation) 6,332 Buildings and fixtures 12,898 Investment real estate 1,629 Power plant equipment 7,360 Shop tools and machinery ' 1,177 Car.s, revenue 17,323 Electric equipment of cars 9,165 Miscellaneous equipment 876 Interest and discount 2,553 Miscellaneous 16,993 Tunnels 2,013 1554 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Horses % 87 Materials and supplies 3,246 Fill 152 Subways 7 Renewals 80 Total per mile of track $148,336 Appraised Values of the Street Railways of Detroit, Mich. Engi- neering and Contracting, July 6-13, 1910. The Detroit United Railway controls all the street railways in the city of Detroit. The franchises on many miles of its track will soon expire. This fact led the mayor, Mr. Philip Breitmeyer, to appoint a committee of 50 citizens to make an investigation and report on the street railway question, one of the duties of the com- mittee being to appraise the value of the physical property of the railways. Frederick T. Barcroft was appointed director of ap- praisal. His report of the results of the appraisal was dated Oct. 1, 1909. The first street railway franchise was granted to the Detroit City Ry. Co. in 1862. Since that time 50 corporations have received franchises, but their stock was eventually absorbed by the Detroit United Rys. Co. The appraisal, which includes 170.4 mi. of main track and 1,000 revenue cars, gives not only the cost of reproduction new, but the depreciated, or second-hand value of the property. We shall first give a summary, followed by costs in great detail. The cost of re- production new was as follows : Cost of Reproduction, New. Real estate % 513,548 Buildings, except power houses and battery stations .... 654,884 Power plants, including buildings 1,481,328 Battery stations, including buildings 228,252 Power distribution, including overhead feed wires and telephone system 1,211,897 Track 3,601,336 Rolling stock, including equipments 3,676,098 Shops 390,968 Tools, materials, supplies, furniture, etc 751,016 Overhead charges 1,268,000 Total $13,777,327 The last item was not given in the report, and we have estimated it as explained below. The depreciated or present value was as follows : Depreciated Value Real estate $ 513.548 Buildings 578.763 Power plants 1,219,051 Battery stations 200,488 Power distribution 1,088,063 Track 2,599,222 Rolling stock 2,861,403 Shops 308,719 Tools, supplies, etc 728,158 Overhead charges 1,024,310 Total $11,121,725 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1555 Attention should be called to the fact that the item, Track, in- cludes grading-, as well as rails, ties, etc., and it includes broken stone, gravel and concrete foundations, but does not include wearing coat of the pavement. The report says : " Paving has not been considered an asset of the company in the preparation of this appraisal. * * * Distributing and replacing the pavement adds no value to it. Neither can the company obtain credits, as it requested, for theoretical items. If there is any value to the pavement to which the company is entitled, it must be upon some different theory than that it is an asset, for so far as the company is concerned it is an obligation foreign to its needs as a transportation proposition, and is in lieu of other taxes. When certain taxes and municipal charges are remitted by the authorities, and the company assumes the obligation of paving, there no question that the paving thereby becomes a tax. " The paving can have a value to the company when it was all new and laid at one time, and then only in the sense that they have prepaid their taxes up to the point of the first renewal. Thereafter the repairs and renewal become an annual maintenance charge or tax. " If the company has charged the maintenance of this paving to capital account, it is not justified in so doing, and has done so be- cause it has not provided for the renewal of any physical property by a depreciation reserve, and if it has charged this to operation or maintenance under those circumstances, the result is a tax, by whatever name it has labeled it. " The company should have been compelled to charge the cost of original paving to ' cost of initial paving account,' which would be automatically wiped out in eight years, assuming, for example, that this is the life of the paving, by being credited with one-eighth of the cost of the paving annually. The maintenance and repairs after the above date should be charged to operating ac- count ' paving.' " While there can be no doubt that pavement maintenance should never be charged to capital account, we can not subscribe to the proposition that a street railway company should not charge the entire first cost of a pavement to capital account, unless it is clearly established that city taxes have been remitted to the full extent of the money expended for pavement construction. Nor can we subscribe to the statement that " Disturbing and replacing the pavement adds no value to it," when this viewpoint is used as a rea- son for not charging paving work to the construction account. The same line of reasoning would lead to rejecting also the item of grading, for " disturbing and replacing " the earth can add no value to the earth, yet it is a necessary part of the labor of con- struction. However just may have been the reason for excluding an allowance for paving work from the appraised values, it could be proven just only on the ground that the city of Detroit had it- self paid for the pavement by remitting taxes equal to its first cost. We should explain that Mr. Barcroft's omission to include the cost 1556 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA of paving- rested upon the opinion of the City Corporation Counsel and a majority of the legal committee to the effect that " the legal title to the pavement is in the city of Detroit and not in the com- pany." This reason is fallacious, for " legal title " does not deter- mine costs nor values in the case of a public service corporation. " Legal title " to the earth beneath the pavement also rests in the city of Detroit. Shall the cost of grading be excluded from the appraisal for that reason? Clearly not, and it is equally clear, therefore, that the cost of paving should be viewed in the same light. Aside from this one point, the appraised values appear to have been very liberal, taken as a whole, as will be better appreciated from a study of the cost of reproduction new per mile of trackway, given below. Regarding overhead charges, the report says : " Overhead charges should be depreciated in the same proportion as the present condition of the physical property bears to its cost, and this charge, when added to the physical elements depreciated, represents the net depreciated physical and overhead value of the property. * * * The sum total of this analysis, therefore, leads to the conclusion that $1,024,310 is ample to cover such overhead charges as are necessary to reproduce this property." Deducting this $1,024,310 from the total present value leaves $10,097,415, which is 80.74% of the cost of reproduction new of the total physical property. Hence we have divided the $1,024,310 by" 80.74% to obtain the undepreciated overhead charges, which are $1,268,000 as thus found. If the real estate is not included, the ratio is 79.89%, instead of 80.74%, and we get $1,282,000 as the undepreciated overhead charges. Apparently the undepreciated overhead charges were estimated at a little more than 10% of the cost of the property. The over- head charges include : Organization, finance, interest and taxes during construction, legal expense, insurance, contingencies, tech- nical assistance employed in the various engineering branches, and other miscellaneous expenses. The track mileage was as follows : Miles Single track 170.41 Car stations, yards, etc 12.93 Total 183.34 Dividing each of the ten items of cost of reproduction new by the 170.41 miles of trackway, we have the following cost per mile of trackway : Cost of Reproduction, New. Per mile 1. ' Real estate $ 3,013 2. Buildings (other than power) 3,843 3. Power plants (including buildings) 8,694 4. Battery stations (including buildings) 1,339 5. Power distribution 7,112 6. Track (including grading, but excluding paving) 21,135 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1557 Per mile 7. Rolling stock ( 6 cars per mile) $21,572 8. Shops 2,294 9. Tools, supplies, etc 4,407 10. Overhead charges 7,441 Total $80,850 Since there are 1.076 miles of all track to each mile of trackway, each of these 10 items must be divided by 1.076 to get the cost per mile of track. The annual number of car miles per mile of track is evidently large, for there are 6 revenue cars per mile of trackway. This ac- counts for the high cost of power plants per mile of trackway. Items 8 and 9 are inordinately high, but the shops and tools are used not only for the street railways within the city but for inter- urban lines. We pass now to the detailed estimates of cost of reproduction new and present value. 1. Real Estate. — There are 50.021 acres used for railway pur- poses, valued at $513,548, or an average of $10,265 per acre. In addition there are 18.374 acres valued at $121,772, but not used for railway purposes. The following is a summary of the real estate, not including buildings : Land for : 1. General offices $ 27,750 2. Power houses 185,169 3. Emergency station 9,375 4. Mechanical shops 50,000 5. Track shops 24,832 6. Battery stations (two) 18,514 7. Car stations (ten) 186,664 8. Air changing stations (two) 2,600 8a. Car clearances (two) 1,944 8b. Switching yards (two) 6,200 8c. Loop property 500 9. Freight depot (interurban traffic) 50,000 Total $563,548 2. Buildings. — The following is the estimated cost of reproduction new : 1. General office, 5-story brick, trimmed with cut stone, pile foundation, 37 by 100 ft $ 42,000 2. Power houses (see Power Plants) : Pipe house, 1-story brick, 44 by 142 7,500 Stable, 1-story brick, 52 by 111 3.500 Two frame buildings 600 Miscellaneous : Sheds, paving, walks, etc 10,000 3. Emergencj- station, 2 and 3 stories, 75 by 200 42,459 4. Car repair shops: 2-story brick, 72 by 463 ft 44,000 1 to 3-story brick, 85 by 538 ft 89,000 Sprinkler system in buildings 21,000 Scrap yard buildings 2,600 6. Machine .shops, 1-story frame, 79 by 145 ft 8,500 Stock room ^'aa^ Carpenter shop §'"21! Cement shed 3,000 1558 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA stone crusher building $ 3,300 Miscellaneous 500 6. Battery stations (see Battery Stations). 7. Car stations : 1 and 2-story brick, 41 by 166 ft 10,900 1-story brick, 94 by 215 ft 14,000 1-story frame office, 30 by 39 ft 2,000 1-story brick, 158 by 353 ft 38,000 11/^ -story brick (65 by 254) and 1-story office and barn (69 by 254) 30,000 2-story brick, 43 by 151 and 43 by 35 ft 13,500 Brick storage shed, 80 by 750 40,500 Coal and tool sheds 800 1-story brick, 94 by 228 ft. 15,500 Office and air charging station 2,800 1-story brick, 100 by 243 ft 17,000 1 and 2-story brick, 80 by 389 ft 36,000 1-story brick, 64 by 470 ft 20,000 Frame office, 41 by 52 ft 2,600 1-story brick, 73 by 366 ft 30,500 2-story frame office, 28 by 46 2,500 Shed, 16 by 68 ft 725 Brick, steel trussed roof, 82 by 141 ft 23,500 2-story brick, wood trussed roof, 58 by 150 ft 12,300 1-story frame office 1,650 1-story brick, steel trussed roof, 73 by 158 13,600 8. Air charging stations : Frame, 10 by 40 ft 200 Frame, 32 by 70 ft 2,600 Total $617,884 9. Freight depot : Masonry building, 43 by 200 ft 13,500 Masonry building, 38 by 250 ft 12,600 Milk depot 3,200 Platform, ret wall, paving and grading 7,70tf Grand total .$654,881 Item 9, freight depot, is owned by the Electric Depot Co., and is used in handling interurban freight. These buildings having a cost of reproduction new of $654,884, are given a present value of $578,- 763. In addition there were buildings not used for railway purposes to which were assigned a cost of reproduction of $64,084 and a present value of $20,045. Item 4, car repair shops, is not pro rated to city use only, but in- cludes all the shops. Since these shops are also used for cars on suburban and interurban lines, it is probable that their cost is somewhat greater than necessary for the urban traffic only. Buildings for housing power plants are not given under this heading but under Power Plants. 3. Power Plants. — There are two power plant stations built in 1894-5. The power buildings are of brick and stone with con- crete bases. The combined capacity of the two stations is 13,500 kw., but the railway company secures 3,500 kw. additional by pur- chase from the Edison Co. The cost of reproduction new of Station A, which has 5,500 kw. capacity, is as follows : ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1559 1. Machinery, foundations, stone, brick and concrete $ 26 250 2. Boilers and settings: ' 12 Babcock & Wilcox, 250 hp. each, 4 Sterling boilers, 354 h.p. each. Total 44,384 3. Coal and handling ai)paratus 6!917 4. Coal storage bins and chutes ,', 6!588 5. Grates and stokers : 16 Murphy furnaces and stokers 13,176 6. Breeching connections 2 965 7. Stack: Self-supporting steel, fire brick lined to top. 11 ^^ ft. diam. of flue, 183 ft. high above brick founda- tion, 205 ft. above ground level, rests on 168 piles. . 11,550 8. Feed water heaters : 1 Cochran open heater (2,000 h.p.) 1 Worthington duplex. Total 1,500 9. Purifiers : 6 Hoppe, 750 h.p. each 3,150 10. Intake tunnels 19,050 11. Condensing equipment : 4 Worthington duplex air pumps and condensers. 1 Tomlinson barometric condenser. 1 Lawrence centrifugal (10-in. ) pump and engine. Total 16,500 12. Circulating and boiler feed pumps : 3 Worthington feed pumps. Total 3.294 13. Piping, valves and covering 44,000 14. Engines : 4 Allis-Chalmers, 1,500 h.p. each, tandem compound, condensing. 1 Allis-Chalmers, 2,500 h.p. cross-compound, con- densing. Total 129,977 15. Generators: 2 Genera] Electric, 1,000 kw. each. 2 Westinghouse, 1,000 kw. each. 1 Westinghouse, 1,500 kw. each. Total 87,000 16. Boosters: 1 generator, 250 kw. 1 Westinghouse generator, 350 kw. 1 Westinghouse motor, 272 kw. 1 Cutler-Hammer, 272 kw. 1 Westinghouse motor, 388 kw. 1 Westinghouse starting box, 388 kw. Total 10,617 17. Crane, Brown Hoisting Co., hand operated, 60-ft. span, 25-ton cap 4,400 18. Generator and switchboard cables 9,900 19. Switchboard and accessories 42,380 20. Miscellaneous 13.900 21. Contingencies, incidentals and engineering 20,600 22. Buildings: One brick and stone, 59 by 233 ft. (about). One brick and stone. 75 by 194 ft. (about). Total, about 29,295 sq. ft 108,150 Grand total $626,248 The land on which this power station stands is 200 by 300 ft. = 60,000 sq. ft., or about twice the area actually occupied by the buildings. This land was appraised at $37,500, or about 62 ct. per sq. ft., which is included under Real Estate. Since the capacity of this plant is 5,500 kw., we obtain the cost per kw. by dividing each of the foregoing 26 items by 5,500. 1560 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1. Machinery foundations $ 4.77 2. Boilers and settings 8.07 3. Coal and ash building appar 1.26 4. Coal storage bins and chutes 1.20 5. Grates and stokers 2.40 6. Breeching connections 0.54 7. Stack 2.10 8. Feed water heaters 0.27 9. Purifiers 0.57 10. Intake tunnels 3.46 11. Condensing equipment 3.00 12. Circulating and boiler feed pumps 0.60 13. Piping, valves and covering 8.00 14. Engines 23.64 15. Generators 15.82 16. Boosters 1.93 17. Crane 0.80 18. Generator and switchboard cables 1.82 19. Switchboard and accessories 7.71 20. Miscellaneous 2.53 21. Contingencies and engineering 3.75 22. Building 19.66 Total $113.90 Land 6.82 Total $120.72 If we take % of the foregoing, we have the approximate cost per horsepower. The depreciated or present value assigned to this power plant, Station A, was as follows : 1. Machinery foundation $ 26,250 2. Boilers and settings 30,907 3. Coal and ash appar 3,890 4. Coal storage bins 4,650 5. Grates and stokers 9,345 6. Breeching connections 1,656 7. Stack 8,464 8. Feed water heaters , 941 9. Purifiers 1,170 10. Intake tunnels 19,050 11. Condensing equipment 9,116 12. Circulating and feed pumps 1,971 13; Piping, valves and covering 35,144 14. Engines 94,452 15. Generators 73,871 16. Boosters 7,963 17. Crane 2,370 18. Generator and switchboard cables 8,290 19. Switchboard and accessories 35,634 20. Miscellaneous 6,917 21. Contingencies and engineering 12,480 22. Building 108,150 Total $502,681 The plant was about 14 yr. old, with the exception of the 4 Sterl- ing boilers (total 1,416 hp.), the 2,500 hp. engine, and the 2,000 hp. Cochran heater, which were about 4 yr. old ; also the 3 generators, which were about 6 yr. old. A comparison of the above de- preciated values with the cost of reproduction new will indicate the rates of depreciation allowed. Including buildings and ma- ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1561 chinery foundations (Items 1 and 22), it will be seen that the aver- age depreciated value is 80.3% of the cost of reproduction; but, de- ducting items 1 and 2, the percentage is 74.8%. This last would indicate an average depreciation of nearly 2% per annum. We pass now to the power plant equipment of Station B, having a rated capacity of 8,400 kw. and an estimated cost per kw. slightly less than for Station A. The cost of reproduction new was as fol- lows : 1. Machinery foundations $ 32,619 2. Boilers and settings : 8 Stirling boilers, 250 h.p. each 8 Stirling boilers, 300 h.p. each. 8 Stirling boilers, 350 h.p. each. Total 65,652 3. Coal and ash building apparatus 11,489 4. Coal storage bins and chutes 10,942 5. Grates and stokers : 20 Murphy furnaces and stokers. 4 Detroit furnaces and stokers. Total 21,884 6. Breeching and connections 4,924 7 Stacks : Two brick stacks, 195 ft. above ground, 10 -ft. flue. ... 24,884 8. Feed water heaters : 2 Cochran, each 2,500 h.p 4,500 9. Economizers : Green fuel economizers, connection with 16 Stirling boilers (4,400 h.p.) 22,377 10. Intake tunnels 18,900 11. Condensing equipment : 1 G. F. Blake condenser. 1 Baragwanath condenser. 4 M. T. Davis condensers (style 6). Total 16,200 12. Circulating and boiler feed pumps: 4 Davidson feed pumps, No.7%. 1 Worthington duplex. Total 5,471 13. Piping, valves and covering 43,150 14. Engines : 2 Filer & Stowell, cross compound, condensing, 2,250 h.p. each. 2 E. P. Allis Co., ditto. 1.200 h.p. ea. 2 E. P. Allis Co., ditto, 600 h.p. ea. Total 129,150 15. Generators : 2 Westinghouse, 1,500 kw. each. 2 Walker Mfg. Co., 800 kw. each. 2 Walker Mfg. Co., 400 kw. each. Total 86,050 16. Turbo-generator plant : 1 We.stinghouse. 3,000 kw. generator. 1 Parson's steam turbine, 4,500 h.]). 1 Baragwanath jet condenser (42-in.) 1 Baragwanath centrifugal pump (18-in.) Exciter, induction motor, engine, etc. Total ' 146,500 17. Boosters : 2 General Electric generators. 1 Westinghouse motor, 250 kw. 4 Westinghouse generators, 500 each. 4 Westinghouse motors, 540 each. 1 Westinghouse exciter generator, 12 14 kw. Total 5,784 1562 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 18. Orane: Hand operated, 51-ft. span, 15-ton capacity $ 4,320 19. Generator and switchboard cables 13,542 20. Switchboard and accessories 9,898 21. Miscel. apparatus and tools 17,315 22. Contingencies, incidentals and engineering 21,450 23. Building: About 54,800 sq. ft , 138.080 Grand total $855,080 The land assigned to this power plant covers about 168,000,000 sq. ft. (or about three times the area occupied by the buildings), and its appraised value is $147,669, Dividing each of the above 23 items by 8,400 we have the follow- ing cost of the plant per kw. : Per kw. 1. Machinery foundations $ 3.88 2. Boilers and settings 7.81 3. Coal and ash handling appar 1.37 4. Coal storage bins and chutes 1.30 5. Grates and stokers 2.60 6. Breeching and connections 0!59 7. Stacks (brick) 2.96 8. Feed water heaters 0.54 9. Economizers (for 2-3 of the boilers) 2.66 10. Intake tunnels 2.25 11. Condensing equipment 1.93 12. Circulating and feed pumps 0.60 13. Piping, valves and covering 5.14 14. Engines 15.38 15. Generators 10.25 16. Turbo-generator plant 17.44 17. Boosters 0.69 18. Crane 0.51 19. Generator and switchboard cables 1.61 20. Switchboard and accessories 1.18 21. Miscel. apparatus 2.06 22. Contingencies and engineering 2.55 23. Buildings , 16.44 Total $101 79 Land 1 7.58 Grand total $119.37 The depreciated or present value of this Station B is as follows: 1. Machinery and foundations $ 32,619 2. Boiler.^! and settings , 43.743 3. Coal and handling ai)par 7.003 4. Coal .storage bins and chutes 8,754 5. Grates and stokers 15.098 6. Breeching and connections 3,774 7. Stacks 19.547 8. Feed water heater 3,575 9. Economizers 1 1.750 10. Intake tunnels 18.900 11. Condensing equipment 10.5.'?0 12. Circulating and feed pumps 3,421 13. Piping, valves and covering 32.832 14. Engines 95.720 15. Generators 71 292 16. Turbo -generator plant 146,500 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1563 17. Boosters $ 3,1 45 1 8. Crane 2,350 19. Generator and switchboard cables 11.340 20. Switchboard and accessories 7.563 21. Mi.«ceIlaneous appar 1 4.5S9 22. Conting^encies, incidentals and engrg- 11,2 40 23. Buildings 1 38.080 Total $716,370 This is 83.5% of the cost of reproduction new. But if we deduct items 1, 10 and 23. the corresponding percentage is 79 1%. The equipment of Station B was about 14 yr. old, with the fol- lowing exceptions: 8 Sterling, 350 hp. boilers, about 2 yr. old; 2 Cochran heaters, about Wi yr. old; 2 Filer & Stowell engines, 2,250 hp. ea., about 10 yr. old; 3 condensers, about 3 yr. old; 2 Westing- house generator;?, 1,500 kw. ea., about 10 yr. old; brick stack, about 2 yr. old; turbo-generator plant, about 1^2 yr. old. If we deduct 'the turbo-generator plant (item 16), as well as items 1, 10 and 23, the present value is 73.2% of the cost of reproduction new% which corresponds closely with the per cent, of depreciation assigned to Station A. 4. Battery Stations. — There are 2 battery stations, designated as K and L. Part of the machinery in Station K is owned by the Edison Illuminating Co. and is not included in the following ap- praisal of the cost of reproduction new : Station K. 1 Electric Storage Battery Co.'s storage battery, 2,500 am- pere-hour capacity, 260 cells of 67 plates ("G" type) per cell $ 89,300 1 Western Electric booster, type " P-6," connected to a 300 h.p. motor 11.000 Switchboard and accessories 2,959 Battery and equalization station accessories 3,542 Tools 187 Furniture and fixtures 315 Heating 200 Stock 3.517 Buildings (53 by 113 ft.), lighting, etc • 15,000 Total •n26,021 The depreciated or present value is appraised at $110,575. The cost of reproduction new of Station L is as follows : Station L. 1 Electric Storage Co.'s storage battery, 2,000 ampere-hour, 250 cells of 53 plates ("G" type), per cell $ ^^.250 1 Western Electric booster, type " T-6," and a 200 h.p. motor fi.400 Switchboard connections o'oqi Battery and equalizing sta. accessories 'i.l Tools -^^^ Furniture and fixtures ^^i' Heating . , ^^ ' Stock 'til Stationary testing in.sts _ r^^ Buildings (39 by 158 ft.) and lighting ^'^"" Total $102,231 1564 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The depreciated value is $89,912. 5. Power Distribution. — The cost of reproduction new of the power distribution system is as follows : 1. Iron Poles : 7,498 iron poles, various sizes, 4,395,946 lbs. at $2.75 per C. lbs $120,888.52 Labor erecting at $9.78 73,330.44 Total, iron poles $194,218.96 2. Cedar Poles: 2,198 cedar poles, 30-ft., at $5.50 $12,089.00 201 cedar poles, 35-ft., at $7.25 1,457.25 9 cedar poles, 40-ft., at $10.25 92.25 I cedar pole, 45-ft., at $12.50 12.50 2,409 cedar poles, labor at $4.00 9,636.00 Total, cedar poles $23,287.00 3. Idaho Poles: 92 Idaho poles, 50-ft., at $14.25 $1,311.00 1 Idaho pole, 55-ft., at $16.00 16.00 20 Idaho poles, 60-ft., at $21.00 420.00 113 Idaho poles, labor at $5.35 604.55 Total, Idaho poles $2,351.55 4. Northern Pine Poles : 73 Octagon Northern Pine poles, 28-ft., at $7.50 $ 547.50 112 Octagon Northern Pine poles, 30-ft., at $10.25 1,148.00 16 Octagon Northern Pine poles, 35-ft., at $12.50 200.00 201 poles, labor at $4.00 804.00 Total, Northern Pine poles $2,699.50 5. Pole Tops and Guy Stubs : 2,540 Eye bolts, washers and fittings, various prices . . $ 303.44 76 Eye bolts, various prices 7.59 12,053 Iron and wood pins 373.64 580 (3-pin) iron pole tops, at $3.65 2,117.00 2,804 Wood pole tops, at 50 cts 1,402.00 68 Wood pole tops, with iron caps, at 75 cts 51.00 II Wood pole tops, with iron caps, at 85 cts 9.35 2,437 Wood pole tops, with 1.5-in. iron pins, at 90 cts. . 2,193.30 224 Iron pole tops, at 90 cts 201.60 12 Iron pole tops, at 50 cts 6.00 878 Iron pole tops, at 95 cts 834.10 15 Iron pole tops, at $1.10 16.50 10 pole top extensions, at $2.80 28.00 14 Special insulated lamp pole tops, at $1.50 21.00 21 Cedar guy stubs, at $2.00 42.00 15.605 lbs. iron cut stubs, at $2.75 429.14 1,102 Locust pins, at 2 cts 22.04 75 Maple pins, at 3 cts 2.25 80 Iron pins, at 17 cts 13.60 Total pole tops and stubs $8,073.55 6. Iron Pole Strap Bands : Various sizes and values $6,067.77 7. Iron Crossarms : 342 No. 10 iron crossarms, at $3.50 $1,197.00 234 No. 20 iron crossarms, at $2.75 643.50 549 No. 20 iron crossarms, at $2.75 1,509.75 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1565 119 Ft. Wayne iron crossarms, at $2.20 $ 261.80 Labor erecting 1,244 iron crossarms, at $1.00 1,244.00 Total, iron crossarms $4,856.05 8. Wood Crossarms : 378 2-pin maple crossarms, at 30 cts $ 113.40 1,806 4-pin maple crossarms, at 35 cts 632.10 28 6-pin maple crossarms, at 60 cts 16.80 Labor erecting 2,212 wood crossarms, at 50 cts 1,106.00 Total, wood crossarms $1,868.30 9. Insulators : 2,387 (500,000 cir. mils) shell top feeder insulators, at 70 cts $1,670.90 1.825 (1,000,000) shell top feeder insulators, at 50 cts. . 1,460.00 474 (500,000) shell top corner insulators, at 90 cts. .. 426.60 210 (1,000,000) shell top corner insulators, at $1.00 .. 210.00 1,932 Ohio brass clinch corner insulators, at 40 cts 772.80 5,177 Feeder glass insulators, at 66 cts 341.68 3,734 Wood strain insulators, at 20 cts 746.80 875 Small Brooklyn strain insulators, at 60 cts 525.00 5 Small double Brooklyn strain insulators, at 60 cts. 3.00 507 Large Brooklyn strain insulators, at 90 cts 456.30 10 Large double Brooklyn strain insulators, at $2.00 20.00 214 (2/0) sectional insulators, at $3.75 802.50 97 Clinch top insulator.s, at 40 cts 38.80 190 Ohio brass clinch top insulators, at 40 cts 76.00 242 Top groove glass insulators, at 66 cts 15.97 9 Mica Medbury insulators, at 50 cts 4.50 802 No. 1 Giant strain insulators, at 35 cts 280.70 6,972 No. 2 Giant strain insulators, at 25 cts 1,743.00 2,470 Medbury spool insulators, at 20 cts 494.00 676 Medbury feeder insulators, at 63 cts 425.88 20 Special tower clamp insulators, at $2.20 44.00 Total, insulators $9,758.43 10. Ears: 155 Double ears, 2/0, at 60 cts $ 93.00 4 Feed-in ears, at 60 cts 2.40 297 Strain ears, at 61 cts 181.17 Total, ears $ 276.57 11. Anchor Rods, Turnbuckles : 253 Turnbuckles and rods, various sizes and prices $ 154.90 167 Anchor rods, various sizes and prices 53.70 Total, anchor rods, etc $ 208.60 12. Arresters: 357 Lightning arresters, various prices $2,295.51 48 Lightning arresters, various prices 208.15 Labor ... 680.40 Total, arresters $3,184.06 13. Circuit Breakers: lO* (450-ampere) Westinghouse automatic circuit break- ,' „ ^^ ers. 600-volt, slate base, special box, at $40 .... $ 400.00 1 (800-ampere) Westinghouse automatic circuit or aa breaker, 600-volt, slate, special boxes 85.00 1 (1,200-ampere) hard automatic oil circuit "breaker, -^^aa 600-volt, special box, lamps, etc 115.00 1566 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1 (450-ampere) Westinghouse automatic circuit breaker, slate base, special boxes $ 40.00 Labor on circuit breakers 115.50 Total, circuit breakers $ 755.50 14. Bolts, Screws, Washers, Chairs: 26,196 Machine bolts, various sizes and prices $ 261.96 2,503 Carriage bolts, various sizes and prices 21.28 6,9 75 Lag screws, various sizes and prices 121.37 166 Pounds of washers, various sizes and prices .... 10.00 1,358 Chairs, various sizes and prices 1,874.30 Total, bolts, etc $2,288.91 15. Switches: 14 (400-ampere) 600-volt, G. B. switches, slate base, at $4 $ 56.00 2 (400-ampere) 600-volt switches, G. E., S. P. D. T., at $10 20.00 7 (1,200-ampere) 600-volt switches, G. E., S. P. D. T., at $16.88 118.16 11 (1,200-ampere) 600-volt switches, Anderson, at $16 176.00 21 (600-ampere) 600-volt switches, G. E., at $10 210.00 22 (600-ampere) 600-volt switches, Anderson, at $9.50 . 209.00 1 (600-ampere) 600-volt switch, G. E., S. P. D. T., at $14 14.00 1 Perkins 600-volt switch .90 2 Westinghouse cut-out switches, at $7.50 15.00 16 No. 2 steel motor cut-out switches, at $6.25 100.00 21 cut-out switches, at $7.50 157.50 1 (600-ampere) G. E. switch, at $10.00 10.00 Labor 623.56 Total, switches $1,710.12 16. Switch Boxes and Puses: 14 Pine record boxes, at $1.85 $ 25.90 2 Feeder dividing blocks, at 50 cts 1.00 2 (30-ampere) 600-volt fuse boxes, leather cover, at $2.25 4.50 20 Switch boxes, average $5.50 110.00 16 15-ampere Noark fuses, at 57 cts 9.12 15 Switch boxes, 6 by 6 by 18-ins., at $4.25 63.75 3 Switch boxes, 6 by 6 by 18-ins., at $3.50 10.50 1 Switch box, 8 by 12 by 30-ins 6.65 49 Switch boxes, 9 by 10 by 30-ins., at $5.50 269.50 2 Switch boxes, 40 by 24 by 10-ins., at $5.50 11.00 1 Brass switch lock, at 75 cts .75 Labor 22.10 Total, switch boxes $ 534.77 17. Miscellaneous Iron Fittings: 40 0.5-in. by 7-ft. lightning arrester rods $ 26.00 25 Trolley rods. 0.625-in. by 9-ft. 9 ins 25.00 1 Truss rod, 0.75-in. by 24 ft 6.00 2 Truss rods, 0.5-in. by 1-ft 1.00 188 ft. iron truss rods, 0.75-in 5.65 26 ft. iron truss rods, 0.5-in .35 1 0.5-in. by 5-ft. iron rod 1.07 iS Iron rods and braces, various sizes 13.45 1 0.75-in. by 10-ft. special truss rod 1-80 3 Trolley sign rods, 0.625-in. by 9.75-ins 3.00 Miscellaneous labor /.a"?o 1,002 Crossarm braces ?o H 805 1.25-in. by 24-in. galvanized crossarm braces .... 48.30 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1567 78 Corner iron " U " clamps $ 113.10 6 0.5 by 3 by 8-in. claiaps 6. GO 6 0.5 by 3 by 6-in. clamps li.OO 162 0.5 by 4 by 5-in. '• U " bands 81. lu 52 ft. 0.375 by S-in. band iron 10.61 4 8 by 30-in. " U " bands 14.00 6 0.5 by 3 by S-in. double bands 4.50 6 0.5 by 3 by 6-in. double bands 3.90 45 5-in. iron pole bands 42.75 4 0.375 by 1.75-in. by 3 ft. strap bands 6.00 2 0.5 by 8-in. by 3-ft. strap bands 3.50 2 0.5 by 3 by 24-in. iron plates 4.80 22 0.5 by 4 by 4-in. iron plates 4.40 52 0.375 by 8 by 10-in. iron plates 18.20 214 5625 by f^-in. iron pole steps 6.42 5 0.25 by 4-in. by 3-ft. y-in. iron straps 3.75 2 Wrought iron straps, 0.5 by 0.5-in.s., 15 ins. square 2.50 Total, miscellaneous fittings % 527.87 18. Wood Braces : 154 Pieces wood brace.s, various sizes and prices $ 219 20 101 ft. b. ra. Norway pine, various sizes, at $36 per M. 3 64 Total, wood braces $ 222.84 19. Trolley Signs: 138 Trolley signs. 9 by ]8-in. sheet iron $ 138.00 16 •' F " signs, 0.625 by 8-in. sheet iron 8.00 1 lUuminatmg sign 26.00 Labor 234.05 Total, trolley signs $ 406.05 20. Trolley Brackets : 34 Flexible pole trolley brackets $ 66.30 195 Straight line trolley brackets 487.50 7 Single pin side brackets 1.05 Total, trolley brackets % 554.85 21. Brackets : 7 Single arm trolley brackets I 13.65 5 Tower feeder brackets 25.00 13 Special iron exti'a feeder brackets 45.50 96 Single pin side brackets, at 15 cts 14.40 26 Double pin side brackets, at 75 cts.. 19.50 72 Wooden side brackets 101 449 Lag brackets, at 21 cts 94.29 Total, brackets $ 213.35 22. Hangers : 6,720 Straight line hangers, at 45 cts $3,024.00 1,105 Feed in hangers, at 67 cts l\^.ib Total, hangers $3,764.35 23. Wooden Trolley Troughs: Materials I "^^11^ Labor 1.486.75 Total, wooden trolley troughs $2,240.10 24. Special Feeder and Trestle Constr. : Total at 35 places $6,012.00 Miles Pounds 50.42 978,164 6.09 96,163 10.47 156,000 2.95 34,766 88.35 883,549 7.60 62,342 1.34 9,496 42.98 266,441 0.11 303 3.24 16,875 44.16 178,839 1.68 5.679 4.30 14,292 .99 2,617 1.61 3,427 0.70 1,506 15G8 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 25. Overhead Positive Feeder System: T. B. Cable 1,000,000 800.000 .• 750,000 600,000 500,000 88.35 400.000 350,000 300.000 300,000 — Aluminum 250,000 4/0 T. B. cable 4/0 Bare cable 3/0 T. B. cable 2/0 T, B. cable 2/0 Bare cable 1/0 T. B. cable Total 266.99 ■ 2,710,459 2,710,459 lbs. copper $486,313.62 26. Miscellaneous Articles: 1,101 hexagon head cup screws at $0.51 $ 56.15 5 wood rollers at $0.75 3.75 42 pounds lock washers 5.51 20 span wire take-ups at $0.25 7.50 4 3-in. porcelain knobs at $0.02 .08 136 No. 4 porcelain knobs at $0.01 1.36 154 No. 1 porcelain knobs at $0.015 2.31 15 ft. 1 in. gas pipe at $0.05 .75 30 feet 0.5-in. circular loom at $0.05 1.50 1 16-in. b.v 3-in. C. I. pole guard 7.00 1 25-in. by 2-in. by 3 ft. angle iron, per lb., $0,035 .25 12 Pieces 0. 25-in. by 1.125-in. by 7-in. copper, per lb., $0.35 4.20 27 Pieces C. I. lining blocks, per lb., $0.04 50.63 2,690 ft. 4-ply 10-in. rubber belting at $0.48 1,291.20 154 1-in. by 18-in. wood screws, per gr., $0.31 .33 2 0.5-in. by 6-in. iron devices, at $0.45 .90 109 wooden feed rollers at $0.75 81.75 1 0.5-in. by 4-ft. eye bolt, per C. $9.80 .10 115 assorted eye bolts, 12-ins. to 16-ins. long, per 100 lbs., at $4.41 5.07 1 14-in. insulated eye bolt .37 13 14-in. insulated eye bolts at $0.37 4.81 1,201 assorted eye bolts, 0.625-in. by 16-in., per 100 lbs., at $6.45 79.15 1 special made wall plate, 0.5-in. by 4-in. by 30-in. . 3.50 1 special made wall plate, 1-in. by 6-in. by 36-in. . , . 4.25 63 ft. 4-ply 10-in. rubber belting at $0.59 37.17 Total, miscellaneous $1,649.59 27 Span Wire : 290 ft. double galvanized span wire, 0. 25-in.. at $0.75 per 100 ft % 2.18 240,530 ft. double galvanized span wire, 0.3125-in., at $1.00 per 100 ft. . 2,405.30 915 ft. double galvanized span wire, 0.375-in., at $1.20 per lOO ft 10.98 300 ft. double galvanized span wire, 0.5-in., at $1.80 per 100 ft 5.40 37,287 ft. double galvanized guy wire, 0. 25-in., at $0.75 per 100 ft 279.65 70,790 ft. double galvanized guy wire, 0.3125-in., at $1.00 per 100 ft 707.90 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1569 50,172 ft. double galvanized guy wire, 0.375-in. at $1 20 per 100 ft I 602 06 34,627 ft. double galvanized guy wire, 0.5-in., at $1.80 per 100 ft 623 29 92 ft. double galvanized guy wire, 0.75-in., at $5.66 per 100 ft 4 60 267 ft. wire cable, 1-in., at $0.19 per ft 50'73 625 ft. iron wire. No. 6, at $0.04 per lb 2 39 75 ft. iron wire. No. 10, at $0.04 per lb [' 13 5,068 ft. barbed wire, per roll of 80 rods, at $1.25 . . ' 4*89 Labor erecting 9,010 spans at $1.00 each 9,01 o!oo Total, Span Wire $13,709.41 28. Miscellaneous Copper : 63,620 lbs. (about), at 17 cts. per lb $10,815.40 29. Track and Pipe Negatives : 78,050 lbs. (about) copper for track, at 17 cts $13,266.68 l^abor on same 769.40 66,800 lbs. (about) copper for pipe neg., at 17 cts 11,353.91 Labor on same 823.63 Total, Track and Pipe Negatives $26,173.62 30. Overhead Special Work : 88,990 lin. ft. 0.25-in. galvanized iron span wire at $0.75 per 100 ft - $ 667.43 69,400 lin. ft. 0.3125-in galvanized iron span wire at $1.00 per 100 ft 694.00 1,695 lin. ft. 0.375-in. galvanized iron span wire at $1.20 per 100 ft 20.34 4,151 lin. ft. 2/0 copper wire, 1,673 lbs., at $0.18 per lb. 301.14 467 overhead trolley switches, at $7.50 3,502.50 37 inisulated overhead trolley cross-overs, at $4.38.. 162.06 222 metallic overhead trolley cross-overs, at $4.00 . . . 888.00 1.851 single wire pull-overs, at $0.40 740.40 9 4 single, double wire pull-overs, at $0.58 54.52 1.493 double, .single wire pull-overs, at $0.60 895.80 66 double, double wire pull-overs, at $0.93 61.38 377 hangers at $0.45 169.65 114 No. 1 strain insulators at $0.35 39.90 1,894 No. 2 strain in.'^ulators at $0.25 473.50 34 large Brooklyn strain insulators at $0.90 30.60 317 small Brooklyn strain in.sulators at $0.60 190.20 107 strain ears at $0.61 65.27 697 wood breaks at $0.20 139.40 480 collars at $0.15 72.00 104 Meadbury composition at $0.20 20.80 158 eye bolts at $0.08 12.64 117 iron rings at $0,025 2.92 31 turnbuckles at $0.50 15.50 120 " V " guards at $0.50 60.00 2 double and single trolley metallic crossings at $5.50 ll'^^J 9 double and single trolley in.sulator crossings at $7.27 65.43 Labor erecting 293 layouts 22,277.09 Total, Overhead Special Work $31,633.47 31. Underground Return System: Various negative connections $47,009.11 Positive feeder lines 6,388.30 Total, Underground System $53,397.41 1570 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 32. Underground Pipe Connections: 85 connections $ 7,122.86 33. Trolley Wire (2/0) : 201.91 miles plus 1% for sag- := 1,075,640 lin. ft, at 0.403 lbs. = 433,481 lbs. copper $78,026.58 Labor 7,023.42 Total, Trolley Wire $85,050.00 34. Overhead Line Material in Car Stations, Shops and Yards : Material $ 6,826.78 Labor . . 9,948.00 Total $16,776.78 35. Telephone System : Materials, No. 10 iron wire, 546,023 ft $ 4,231.85 Labor, 51.706 miles circuit (or 103.412 miles single wire) at $15 775.59 Total, Telephone System $ 5,007.44 36. Potential Lines: Potential wires and material from power station " A " to Adams avenue. Total for material and labor . $ 110.06 Total for material and labor from battery 270.48 Total, Potential Lines $ 380.54 37. Cross Bonding-: 347 Sing-le track cross bonds at $4.19 $ 1,453.93 343 Double track cross bonds at $9.06 3,107.58 Total, Cross Bonding $ 4,561.51 38. Straight Track Bonding: 490 lin. ft. 500,000 c. m. T. B. W. P. copper cable ... $ 157.76 31,520 lin. ft. 2/0 copper wire, 12,932 lbs 2,286.15 27,098 42-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds 21,678.40 1,995 36-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds 1,396.50 2,136 31-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds 1,324.32 27,035 10-in. form 8 flexible copper bonds 20,276.25 10,769 " U " copper bonds 7,538.30 110 21-in. 4/0 copper stubs 55.00 75 lbs. No. 14 copper wrapping wire 18.75 62 lbs. solder 11.47 4,302 4/0 solid copper bonds 3,441.60 40 36-in. 4/0 solid copper bonds 28.00 80 36-in. riveted copper bonds 37.60 5,256 42-in. riveted copper bonds 2,890.80 1,028 36-in. 2/0 channel pin copper bonds 246.72 170 miles track, 352 joints per mile (2 rails), 59,840 rail joints 22,405.78 Total, Straight Track Bonding $83,793.40 39. Special Work Bonding: 166,052 lin. ft. 2/0 copper wire, 68,321.4 lbs., at $0.18 . . $12,043.75 13,472 42-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds at $0.80 10,777.60 3,840 36-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds at $0.70 2,688.00 347 32-in. 4/0 flexible copper bonds at $0 62 215.14 352 36-in. 3/0 flexible copper bonds at $0.65 228.80 554 10-in. 4/0 flq-ure " S " copper bonds at $0.37 205.08 3,327 21-in. 4/0 cooper stubs at $0.50 1,663.50 1,047 18-in. 4/0 copper stubs at $0.45 471.15 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1571 70 16-in. 4/0 flexible copper .stubs at $0.40 $ 28.00 1,807 lin. ft. No, 14 copper wrapping- wire, 22.5 lbs., at $0.25 5.63 2,434 lbs. .solder at $0,185 450 29 105 42-in. 4/0 solid copper bonds at $0.80 84.00 220 4 2-in. 2/0 channel pin copper bonds with 2 pins at $0.87 , 191.40 761 36-in. 2/0 channel pin copper bonds with 2 pins at $078 , 593.58 89 30-in. 2/0 channel pin copper bonds with 2 pins at $0.67 59.63 55 24-in. 2/0 channel pin copper bonds with 2 pins at $0 61 , 33.55 63 2/0 channel pin copper plug-.s at $0.10 6.30 58 2/0 copper " U " bonds at $0.70 40.60 30 4/0 flexible copper soldered bonds at $0.52 15.60 258 lin. ft. 1,000,000 c. m. T. B. W. P. copper cable, 948 lbs., at $0.17 161.16 158 lin. ft. 4/0 insulated cable, 126.4 lbs, at $0 17 . . 21.49 Total, special Bonding $29,984.25 40. l<]qua]iz!ng Stations: 11 .stations $ 21,737.0^ Total of Items 1 to 40 $1,154,187.43 41. Contingencies 57,709.37 Grand total '. $1,211,896.80 Dividing each of the above 41 items by 183.34, we have the fol- lowing costs per mile of all track. Per mile of track 1. Tron poles (40 9 poles) $1,059.30 2. Cedar poles (13.1 poles) 127.00 3. Idaho poles (0.6 poles) 12.80 4. Northern jjine poles ( 12 poles) 14,50 5. Pole tops and guy stubs 44.00 6. Tron pole strap bands 33.10 7. Iron cross arms 26.50 8. Wood cross arms 10.20 9. In.sulators 53.20 10. Ears 1.50 11. Anchor rods, turnbuckles 1.10 12. Lightning arresters 17.40 13. Circuit breakers 4.10 14. Bolts, screw.s, washers, chairs 12.50 15. Switches 9-30 16. Switch boxes and fuses 2.90 17. Miscellaneous iron fittings 2.90 18. Wood braces 1-20 19. Trolley .signs 2.20 20. Trolley brackets f 00 21. Brackets , „l-20 22. Hangers , . . • 20.50 23. Wooden trolley troughs , ,oa 24. Special feeder and trestle construction cronn 25. Overhead ixjsitive feeder system . . , , ' a nn 26. Mi.scellaneous n/n^ 27. Span wire • 74.70 28. Miscellaneous copper Tonn 29. Negative tracks and pipe feeders ivocA 30. Overhead si)ecial work oQi'on 31. Underground return system oosn 32. Underground pipe connections .18. »u 1572 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 33. Trolley wire $463.80 34. Overhead material in car station.s, etc. 91.50 35. Telephone lines 27.30 36. Potential lines 2.10 37. Cross bondings 24.90 38. Straight track bonding 457.00 39. Special work bonding 163.50 40. Equalizing stations 118.60 Total $6,295.00 41. Contingencies 314.70 Grand total $6,609.70 The depreciated or present value of the power distribution sys- tem is as follows : 1. Iron poles $ 174,797.06 2. Cedar poles 11,643.50 3. Idaho poles 1,175.78 4. Northern pine poles . 674.88 5. Pole tops and guy stubs 7,260.96 6. Iron pole strap bands 5,764.32 7. Iron cross arms 4,370.45 8. Wood cross arms 1,494.64 9. In.sulators 8,309.01 10. Ears 248.91 11. Anchor rods, turnbuckles 198.17 12. Lightning arresters 2,865.66 13. Circuit breakers 679.95 14. Bolt.s, screws, washers, chairs 2,174.47 15. Switches 1.539.11 16. Switch boxes and fuses . 481.29 17. Miscellaneous iron fittings 482.20 18. Wood braces 189.44 19. Trolley signs 365.45 20. Trolley brackets 499.36 21. Brackets 192.02 22. Hangers 3,387.92 23. Wooden trolley troughs 1,904.08 24. Special feeder and trestle construction 6,012.00 25. Overhead positive feeder system 461,997.93 26. Miscellaneous articles . 1,495.31 27. Span wire 10,973.34 28. Miscellaneous copper 10,274.63 29. Negative tracks and pipe feeders 24,864.94 30. Overhead .special work 26,989.23 31. Underground return .system 53,397.41 32. Underground pipe connections 6,410.57 33. Overhead line material, 2/0 trolley wire 68,040.00 34. Overhead line material in car-.stations, etc 14,260.24 35. Private telephone lines 4.256.32 36. Potential lines 323.46 37. Cross bondings 3,877.28 38. Straight track bonding 71,224.39 39. Special work bonding 25,486,61 40. Equalizing stations 16,696.42 Total of items $1,037,278.71 41. Contingencies . , 50,784.25 Total $1,088,062.96 This is 89.7% of the cost of reproduction new. In determining the depreciation, from 10 to 15 poles per mile were uncovered at the ground line. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1573 Calibrations (horizontal and vertical) were made of the trolley wire, and the feed wire was inspected in different locations. The trolley wire system is as follows : Miles Single trolley span wire constr., double track 117.28 Single trolley span wire constr., single track 43.22 Double trolley span wire constr 26.21 Single trolley span wire constr., three tracks 0.41 Smgle trolley center pole bracket constr., double track 1.29 Single trolley span wire constr. in car yards 13.54 Total 201.95 6. Track. — There are 21 different types of rail and 95 different forms of track construction. The following is a summary of the 21 types of rail used, not including special track work : Miles 278 ins. 25 -lb., T ^-^l^A 4i2ins. 56 -lb.,T 13986 iVi ins. 60 -lb., T 1-5320 41/2 ins. 66i/i,-lb., TG 3831 41/2 ins. 67 -lb., T 0.0437 4% ins. 70 -lb., T 1-36 6 ins. 72 -lb, T ^ ^A^.ll 6 ins. 77 -lb., GG ^i'^AV 6 ins. 78 -lb., TG 0.446 6 ins. 82 -lb.,TG 032 7 ins. 70 -lb.,T 2.893 7 ins. 72 -lb..GG 967 7 ins. 85 -lb., GG V^\^'>K 7 ins. 86 -lb, GG H'll^ 7 ins, 91 -lb.,T 8.63 7 ins. 91 -lb,GG 4.554 7 ins. 95 -lb., GG 1-J,f22 8 ins. 95 -lb., GG 3.048 9 ins. 90 -lb., GG 4.^74 9 ins. 94 -lb.. GG ^^Al^ ins. 98 -lb., GG 58.49 Total 160.8814 T = " T " rail. TG = Tram girder rail. GG - Girder grooved rail. The total mileage of single track is as follows : Miles Single track • • • '^^lill Special Y's, turnouts, etc ^■^■'- Total trackway ■^?S Un Car stations, yards, etc i^.y^y} Total track 183.341 Most of the rails were laid in 1895-1896. Including the dilTerences in paving, there are 204 different types of track construction. A detailed estimate was made for each type, based on the following unit prices : 1574 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Excavation : p^j, ^.^ y^j Earth and sand trench work $0.50 Earth and sand 0.35 Drain tile 0.35 Haul : Earth and sand , $0.80 Grading : Earth and sand on street $0 25 Track Foundation : Earth filling $0.22 Gravel 1.80 Crushed stone 1.95 Concrete 4 50 Cushion : Sand $1.50 Ties : Each White oak 6 ins. by 7 ft $0.75 White oak 5 ins. by 11 ins. by 9 ft. 10 ins 1.44 White oak 6 ins. by 10 ins. by 6 ft. 8 ins 1.18 Cedar and pine 6 ins. by 8 ins. by 8 ft. ins 0.65 Cedar and pine 6 ins. by 8 ins. by 6 ft. 10 ins 0.60 Angle iron %-ins. by 'IV2 ins. by 6 ft. ins 1.09 Channel iron 7 ins. by 7 ft. ins , 2.52 Bar iron Y2 in, by W2 in. by 6 ft. in 0.42 Tie clips . 0.22 Drain : Per lin. ft. Soft tile •. . $0.04y2 Rail : Per ton "T" .. $31.75 " T " 33.75 Girder groove 40.00 Plain girder . 40.00 Tram 40.00 Spikes : Per keg Standard spikes $4.00 Bolts : Per keg Bolts and nuts $4.75 Tie Rods : Each % in. by 5 ft. 2 ins. round $0.25 % in. by 11/2 in. flat 67 Joints : Per pair 4 hole strap plates $0.07^/^ 4 splice plates 20 ins IfiVz 4 hole splice plates 20 ins. , 341,^ 4 hole splice plates 20 ins, 57 4 hole splice plates 20 ins 22% 4 hole splice plates 24 ins .551/^ 4 hole splice plates 27 ins. 68% 4 hole splice plates 44 ins. 1.34 6 hole splice plates 28 ins ■ 1. 07 6 hole splice plates 26 ins 65 10 hole splice plates 36 ins 94 10 hole splice T)lates 86 ins. , ' 907 6 hole .splice plates 36 ins 835 12 hole splice plates 32 ins 1.31 4 hole continuous plates 1-6214 4 hole continuous plates = 1.36% ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1575 4 hole continuous plates 24 ins. $1.71%o 4 hole continuous plates 20 ins 1.42 1/^ 4 hole continuous plates 20 ins, 1.38 4 hole continuous plates 20 ins 1.54 Va 4 hole continuous plates 26 ins 2.53% 6 hole continuous plates 26 ins 2.53% 8 hole continuous plates 30 ins 4.65 8 hole continuous plates 22 ins 4.08 American rail joint 2.50 Cast weld joint, each 3.00 Rail straps 0.51 % Retaining wall : Per cu. yd. Concrete $6.50 The unit prices used for the special track work are as follows : Nine-inch : Cost in place Plain layout (switch, mate and frog) $390.90 Hard center layout (switch, mate and frog) 467.70 Hard center diamond switch ends 807.05 Plain street crossing 243.70 Hard center street crossing 333.30 Plain frog 96.25 Hard center frog 126.33 2-point hard center frog 246.06 3-point hard center frog 307.70 Hard center mate 166.65 Plain tongue switch 160 50 Hard center tongue switch 185.85 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 2.18 Switch lock boxes 32.00 Switch spring boxes 8.96 Seven-inch : Plain layout (switch, mate anod frog) $358.90 Hard center layout (switch, mate and frog) 435.70 Plain diamond switch ends 410.25 Hard center diamond switch ends 551.05 Plain street crossings 224.50 Hard center street crossings 314.10 Plain frog 86.01 Hard center frog 11.55 2-point hard center frog 224.30 3-point hard center frog 281.90 Plam mate 130.81 Hard center mate 156.41 Plain tongue switch 147.45 Hard center tongue switch 173.05 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 2.02 Six-inch : Plain layout (switch, mate and frog) $320 50 Hard center layout (switch, mate and frog) ■^n^-^J! Hard center street crossing ^ lie Plain frog 77.05 Hard center frogs • • • |^f ^| 2-point plain frog . . . oco 7^ 3-point hard center frog one in 2-point hard center frog ^ Vr le Plain mate WlW Hard center mate i oook Plain tongue switch Ha or Hard curved switch ^^o\ Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) ^-^^ 100-lb. "T" Rail: Combined steam and electric railway crossing $499.00 1576 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 80-lb. "T" Rail: Combined steam and electric railway crossing straight $410.60 Combined steam and electric railway crossing curved 442.60 70-lb. "T" Rail: Plain frog $ 57.85 Plain split switch 61.69 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 1.61 60-lb. " T " Rail : Plain layout (switch, mate and frog) $237.30 Plain street crossing 173.30 Plain frog 46.33 2-point frog 102.65 Plain switch 47.61 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 1.45 4% -in. 56-lb. "T" Rail: Combined steam and electric railway crossing, curved $278.50 Plain frog 43.77 Split switch '. 47.61 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 1.45 4-in., 50-lb. " T " Rail : Plain layout (switch, mate and frog) $182.26 2-point plain frog 102.65 Plain mate 64.25 Plain switch 77.05 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 1.42 3% -in., 45-lb. "T" Rail: Plain layout (switch, mate and frog) $182.26 Curved or guard rail (per lin. ft.) 1.42 The following are estimates of a few typical sections of track, per mile of single track : 4 14 -in., 60-lb. "T" Rail on Cedar Ties, Dirt Construction: 1.776 cu. yds. earth excavation $ 621.60 822 cu. yds. earth spread over street 205.50 954 cu. yds. earth replaced for track foundation and filling between ties 209.88 729 (6 ins. by 8 ins. by 7 ft.) white oak ties laid 15 to rail. . 546.75 1,911 (6 ins. by 8 ins. by 8 ins.) cedar ties, 15 to rail 1.242.15 94,286 tons 414 ins. 60-lb. "T" rail in 30-ft. lengths 3,182.15 31Vi kegs 9/16 ins. by 5l^ ins. standard railroad spikes. . . . 125.00 255 pairs 20 ins. 4-hole spliced joint plates, 18 lbs. per pair 87.55 97 pairs 20 ins. 4-hole continuous joint plates 138.23 5% kegs % ins. by 3% ins. joint bolts with nuts 27.91 1 mile track laying 1,375.00 Total $7,761.72 Contingencies 776.17 Cost per mile $8,537.89 6-in., 72-lb. plain girder rail on white oak ties, 6-in. Con- crete Constuction : 977 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation , $ 341.95 977 cu. yds. earth and sand removed from street 781.60 818 cu. yds. broken concrete removed from street 818.08 818 cu. yds. 6-in. concrete for track foundation 3,681.00 38 cu. yds. sand cushion for tamping, lining and surfacing ties 57.00 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1577 2,640 (6 ins. by 8 ins, by 7 ins.) white oal< ties, 15 to rail.S 1,980 00 113,143 tons 6 ins. 72-lb. " T " rails in 30-ft. lengtlis, joints laid even and suspended between ties 4 525 72 ZlVi kegs 9/16 ins. by 5Vi ins. standard railroad spikes. . . '12500 352 pairs 28 ins. 6-hoIe splice joint plates, 56 lbs, per pair 37g 54 1114 kegs % ins. by 31^ ins. joint bolts with nuts 54 63 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $14,141.62 Contingencies 1,414.16 Cost per mile $15,555.78 6-in., 77-lb. Girder Grooved Rail on White Oak Ties, 6-in. Concrete Construction : 1.304 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation $ 456.40 1,304 cu. yds. earth removed from street 1,043.20 1,104 cu. yds. 6 ins. concrete for track foundation 4,968.00 28 cu. yds. sand cushion for tamping, lining and surfacing. 42.00 528 (6 in. by 10 in. by 6 ft. 8 in.) white oak ties, 3 to rail 623.04 1,408 (6 ins. by 8 ins. by 7 ft.) white oak ties, 8 to rail, . . . 1,056.00 121 tons 6 ins. 77-lb. girder grooved rail in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid even and suspended between ties 4,840.00 23 kegs 9/16 ins. by 514 ins. standard railroad spikes. . . . 92.00 1,232 % ins. by 5 ft. 2 ins. round tie rods, 6 to rail, four % -in. nuts per rod 308.00 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 352 cast welded joints 1.056.00 Total $15,884.64 Contingencies 1.588.46 Cost per mile $17,473.10 7-in. 85-lb. Girder Grooved Rails on White Oak Ties, 6-in. Concrete Construction : 1,200 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation $ 427.70 1,222 cu. yds. earth removed from street 977,60 978 cu. yds. 6-in. concrete for track foundation 4,401.00 41 cu. yds. sand cushion for tamping, lining and sur- facing ties 61.50 2,816 (6-in by 8-in. by 7-ft.) white oak ties, 16 to rail .... 2,112.00 133,571 tons 7-in 85-lb. girder grooved rails in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid broken and supported on ties . . . 5,342.84 ZZVz kegs 0.5625-in by 5.5-in. .standard railroad spikes .... 133.33 352 cast welded joints 1,056.00 704 0.75-in. by 5-ft 2-in. tie rods, four 0.75-in nuts per rod 176.00 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $16,087.97 Contingencies 1,608. 79 Cost per mile $17,696.76 7-in.. 85-lb. Girder Grooved Rail on White Oak and Cedar Ties, 6-in. Crushed Stone Construction : 1,338 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation % 468.30 1,338 cu. yds. earth removed frpm street 1,070.40 1,070 cu. yd.s. 6-in. cru.shed stone for track foundation. ., . 2,086.50 880 ( 6-in. by 8-in. by 8-ft) cedar ties laid 5 to rail 572.00 880 (6-in. by 8-in. by 7-ft.) white oak ties, 5 to rail 660.00 133,571 tons 7-in. 85-lb. girder grooved rail in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid broken and suspended between ties 5,342.84 20.875 kegs ().'5625-in.' by 5.'5-"in.' standard railroad spikes , . 83.50 1578 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 352 pairs 36-in 10-hole splice joint plates 54.5 lbs. per pair $ 330.88 25.125 kegs 1-in by 3.5-in. joint bolts with nuts 118.75 1 mile of track laying 1.400.00 Total $12,133,17 Contingencies 1,213.31 Cost per mile , $13,346.48 7-ln. 85-lb. girder grooved rail on angle. Iron Ties, 6-in. Concrete Construction : 318 cu, yd.s. earth and sand excavation $ 111.30 318 cu. yds. earth removed from street 254.40 212 cu. yds. 6-in. concrete for track foundation 954.00 1.232 (0.375-in. by 2.5-in. by 6-in.) angle iron ties, 7 to rail 1,349.04 133,571 tons 7-in. 85-lb. girder grooved" rail in 30-ft. length.s, joints laid broken and suspended between ties 5,342.84 2,464 pairs cast iron tile clips, 2 pair per tie with two 0.75-in. by 2.25-in. bolts, per pair 550.09 352 pairs 36-in 10-hole .splice joint plates, 54 5 lbs. per pair 330.88 25 125 kegs 1-in. by 3.5-in. joint bolts with nuts 129.34 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $10,164.35 Contingencies 1,01 6.44 Cost per mile $11,180.79 8-in. 95-lb. Girder Grooved Rail on Pressed Steel Channel Ties, Concrete Construction : 301 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation % 105.35 301 cu. yds. earth removed from street 240.80 160 cu. yds, 6-in. concrete for track foundation 720.00 1,232 (7-in. by 7-in.) pressed steel channel ties, bracket fastening, 7 to rail 3,113.88 149,286 tons 8-in. 95-lb. girder grooved rail in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid even and suspended between ties 5,971.44 352 pairs 22-in. 8-hole continuous plates 971.52 23 kegs 1-in. by 4%-in. joint bolts with nuts 109.25 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $12 632.24 Contingencies 1,263.22 Cost per mile $13,895.46 9-in., 98-lb Girder Grooved Rail on Oak Ties, 8-in. Crushed Stone Construction : 1,761 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation $ 616.35 82 cu. yds. earth excavation for 4-in. drain tile 28.70 1,8 43 cu. yds. earth removed from street 1,474.40 5.280 lin. ft. 4-in. drain tile 237.60 68 cu. yds. crushed stone for covering 4-in. tile 132.60 1,092 cu. yds. 8-in. crushed stone for track foundation ... 2,129.40 301 cu. yds. concrete for track foundation 1,354.50 1,760 fO-in. by 10-in. by 6-ft. 8-in.) white oak ties, 20 to rail 2,076.80 154 tons 9-in. 98-lb. girder grooved rail in 60-ft. lengths, joints laid broken and suspended between ties 6,160.00 20.875 kegs 5625-in. by 5.5-in. standard railroad spikes . . 83.50 352 0.75-in. by 5-ft. 2-in. tie rods, 4 to rail, four 0.75-in. nuts per rod 88.00 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 176 cast welded joints 528.00 Total $16,309.85 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1579 Contingencies $ 1,630.98 Cost per mile $17,940.83 9-in., 98-lb. Girder Grooved Rail on Pressed Steel Channel Ties, Concrete Construction : 345 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation % 120.75 345 cu. yds. earth removed from street 276.00 223 cu. yds. concrete for track foundation 1,003.50 1,232 (7-in. by 7-ft.) pressed steel channel ties. 7 to rail . . 3,113.88 154 tons 9-in. 98-lb. girder grooved rail in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid even and suspended between ties 6,160.00 352 pairs 32-in. 12-hole splice joint plates, 68.5 lbs. per pair 461.12 30.25 kegs 1-in by 3.5-in. joint bolts with nuts 143.69 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $12,678 94 Contingencies 1,267.89 Cost per mile $13,946.83 9-in., 98-lb. Girder Grooved Rail on Oak Ties, 6-in. Con- crete Construction : 1,401 cu. yds. earth and sand excavation $ 490.35 1,401 cu. yds. earth removed from street 1,120.80 1,119 cu. yds. 6-in. concrete for track foundation 5,035.50 30 cu. yds. sand cushion for tamping, lining and surfacing ties 45.00 1,936 (6-in. by 10-in. by 6-ft. 8-in.) white oak ties, 11 to rail 2,284.48 154 tons 9-in. 98-lb. girder grooved rail in 30-ft. lengths, joints laid even and suspended between ties 6,160.00 22.875 kegs 0.5625-in. by 5.5-in. standard railroad spikes . . 91.50 352 pairs 22-in. 8-hole continuous joint plates 1,436.16 23 kegs 1-in. by 4.375-in. joint bolts with nuts 109.25 1,056 0.75-in. by 5-ft. 2-in. round tie rods, 6 to rail, four 0.75-in. nuts per rod 264.00 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 Total $18,437.04 Contingencies 1,843.70 Cost per mile $20,280.74 The following is a summary of reproduction new of the track : 1. Straight track ( 156 72 miles) $2,534,505 2. Track in car stations and yards (12.93 miles) 11G,68G 3. Special and curved track (13.7 miles) "^8, 894 Total track ^^'^fiMI^, 4. Interlocking i}Aii 5. Catc-hbasins (1,395) 22,725 6. Manholes (568) ^^'Jnn 7. Water hydrants (8) -.on Pec 8. Machinery, tools, track, stock, etc oo occ 9. Division foremen's outfit 6j,6hXi Total track, etc $3,601,336 Item 3 includes curved track and guard rails (for which there were 9 4,000 lin. ft. or 17.8 miles of rail), frogs, switches, crossings, and the necessary excavation, concrete and broken stone founda- tion.s. The unit prices used for curved track (previously given) ap- pear to cover the cost of ties, track fastenings, etc. While, as pre- 1580 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA viously stated, the " Special Y's, turnouts, etc.," occupied 2.922 miles of track, there is no definite statement as to the total mileage of curved and special track; but, if we subtract the 156.72 miles of straight track and the 12.93 miles of track in car stations and yards from the 183.34 miles of all track, we have 13.7 miles, which is probably the entire mileage of curved and special track. Dividing each of the above 9 items by 183.34, we have the follow- ing cost per mile of track: Per mile 1. Straight track, 0.855 mile $13,823 2. Track in car stations and yards, 0.070 mile 636 3. Special and curved, 075 mile 3,866 Total track $18,325 4. Interlocking 171 5. Catchbasins 124 6. Manholes = 90 7. Water hydrants 3 8. Tools, stock, etc 712 9. 'Division foremen's outfits 215 Total $19,640 It will be noticed that the straight track cost $16,170 per mile of straight track, and that the special track cost $51,750 per mile of special track. The amount of track stock, etc. (Item 8), is ob- viously more than normal. The present value of track, etc., is $2,599,222, or 72.2% of the cost of reproduction new $3,601,336). It is stated by Mr. Barcroft that no very accurate determination of the condition of the ties was pos- sible, and that no rail renewal records had been kept by the rail- way company. By consultation with the companies' trackmen an approximation to the condition of invisible parts of the track was arrived at. "The company requested that $12,000 be added for rail inspec- tion at the mills. No inspection of rails has ever been made, al- though contemplated in the future, and consequently the item has not been included." Most of the rails had been laid 14 years prior to the appraisal, " and are generally in a run down condition." 7. Rolling Stock. There are 1,000 passenger cars, of which 250 are open cars and the rest closed. The average cost of reproduction new is : Car body and truck $2,278 Electrical equipment 1,187 Total $3,465 We shall give the cost of several typical cars in detail, which are based upon the following unit prices. Closed double end car bodies for single trucks : f.o.b. factory 16 ft. length of body $1,100 18 ft. length of body 1,200 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1581 f.o.b. factory 20 ft. length of body $1,300 21 ft. length of body " ' 1*350 22 ft. length of body ' ' i'400 23 ft. length of body \ 1*450 24 ft. length of body 1^500 25 ft. length of body l|550 To these prices of car bodies |30 to $32 is added for freight to Detroit. The above prices include the following and all other minor items installed : Monitor Roof Switch Iron Hood Curtains Platform Ceiling Steps Trimming Hangers Headlight Glass Hand Bells Gongs Finishing Bells Cords and hangers Straps Lighting equipment Sanders Register fixtures Signs Closed cars (body only) double truck — f.o.b. factory 28 ft. closed single end $1,910 29 ft. closed single end 2,085 Open cars (body only) single truck, double end, reversible. f.o.b. factory 10 bench, 4 stationary against bulkheads $1,000 9 bench, 2 stationary against bulkheads, all inside 1,000 10 bench, 2 stationary against bulkheads, all inside 1,100 11 bench, 3 stationary against bulkheads, 8 inside 1,150 Open car (body only), double truck, single end. 14 bench, 4 stationary against bulkheads, 10 reversible, f.o.b. factory $1,450 14 bench, 4 stationary against bulkheads, 10 reversible, f.o.b. Detroit 1,490 The above prices include the following and all other minor items installed : Switch iron Bells Veneer ceiling Chipped glass, D. S. A. Push buttons Drop guard on grab handles each side Bulkhead with sashes at each end Folding running board on each side Incandescent headlights Open platforms with dashers Chain guard on each side Lighting equipment Printed duck curtains to floor Cherry and ash seats with slat or spindle backs Gongs Ash finish Bronze trimmings Vestibule signs Bulkhead seats 1582 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Additional equipment — Stove $25.00 Hot air heater 40.00 Electric heater 30.00 Truck, Brill IJl-E 275.00 Truck, JDupont, 7,000 lbs 350.00 Storage air brake trucks, complete $180 to 205.00 Fenders, Detroit 30.00 Fenders, Eclipse 25.00 Track scrapers, per pair 15.00 Platform gates $4 to 5.00 Installation of electrical equipment 40.00 Trolley retrievers 12.00 Push buttons and bells 10.00 Sterling registers, Nos. 1 and 15 23.50 Sterling registers, No. 8 30.00 Motors : Westinghouse 12-A $418 Westinghouse 38 and 38-B . 562 Westinghouse 49 444 Westinghouse 68 and 68-C 483 Westinghouse 56 710 Westinghouse 93, 93-A and 93-A-2 735 Steel D 485 Steel type 29 485 Steel type 34 637 Controllers — Westinghouse K- 6 $155 Westinghouse K-10 95 Westinghouse K-11 . 105 Westinghouse K-12 110 Westinghouse K-14 120 Westinghouse K-28 155 Westinghouse. K-34-B 275 Steel D to replace with K-12 drums 32 Steel 34 to replace with K-12 drums 34 Steel D and steel 34, in first-class condition without replacement 75 Steel D and steel 34 replaced with K-12 drums 85 Automotoneers : Style J and a $ 12 Overhead Switches : Westinghouse $ 6.75 Steel 6.75 Circuit Breakers : Westinghouse 44,884-B, 44,885-B, 44,886-B and 44,887-B $ 25 Westinghouse 11,303-B, 11,304-B 45 General Electric form M. Q. with box 20 Grid Resistances : Two grids, per set $21.00 Three grids, per set 24.50 Four grids, per set 32.50 Five grids, per set 38.00 Two grids, per set strap 21.25 Car Fuses : D. U. R r $ 4.00 D. U. R. group 14 4.50 Lightning Arresters : Average .......$ 2.75 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1583 Choke Coils : 300 ampere , g qq Car Wiring : 1 set cables — 50 ft. No. 1 cable 175 ft. No. 6 cable 200 ft. No. 4 cable 90 ft. of 2-in. cotton hose Total 5 81.00 1 set cables — 50 ft. No. 1 cable 245 ft. No. 6 cable 385 ft. No. 4 cable 100 ft. of 2.5-in. cotton hose Total $ 94 00 1 set cables — 50 ft. No. 1 300 ft. No. 6 185 ft. No. 4 100 ft. of 2-in. cotton hose Total $105.00 1 set cables — 50 ft. No. 1 900 ft. No. 6 120 ft. of 2.5-in. cotton hose Total $128.00 1 set cables — 50 ft. No. 2 450 ft. No. 4 325 ft. No. 6 150 ft. of 3 -in. cotton hose Total $151.00 Trolleys : Harp, wheel, stand and pole $22.50 The following are costs of reproduction new of typical cars : Group A: Jones 16 ft. closed car body, 26 ft. over all (seating capacity 21), single truck, double end, single door, cherry finish, veneer ceiling, carpet seats, Dupont truck. Car body ($1,130 less $35 for carpet seats) $1,095 Fittings and assembling: Double end storage air brake 205 Drop fenders, 2 at $30 60 Track scrapers, 2 at $15 30 Fare registers 20 Stove in box 25 Signs, hangers, racks, etc 37 Handling, assembling, installing, including electrical work ... 152 Total car body $1,624 Trucks, single, Dupont 350 Total car body and truck $1,974 Motors, 2 steel D at $485 970 Controllers, 2 at $85 170 Automotoneers, 2 at $12 24 Overhead switches, 2 at $7 14 Grid resistances, 2 ^1 Car fuse, 1 • * 1584 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Lightning- arrester, 1 $ 3 Choke coil, 1 9 Car wiring and hose 105 Trolley 23 Total $3,277 Group B: Lewis & Fowler 21 ft. closed car body (seating capacity 25), 32 ft. over all, single truck, single end, single door, cherry finish, carpet seats. Car body $1,332 Fittings and assembling 442 Trucks, storage air brake 191 Total body and trucks _. . $1,965 Electrical equip, (as in Group 1, deducting 1 controller, 1 auto and 1 overhead switch) 1,216 Total $3,181 Group C: Cincinnati 23 ft. closed car body (seating capacity 30), 34% ft. over all, single truck, single end, single door, oak finish, hot air heaters, veneer ceiling, one register rod, cross-seats with stationary backs and spring rattan cushions, side aisle, Dupont trucks. Car body $1,442 Air heater 15 Fittings and assembling 442 Truck, single 350 Total body and trucks $2,249 Motors, two 93-A at $735 . 1,470 Controller, 1 steel 85 Auto, 1 12 Westinghouse circuit breaker, 1 25 Grid resistances, 3 25 Car fuse. 1 4 Lightning arrester, 1 3 Choke coil, 1 9 Wiring and hose 105 Trolley 23 Grand total $4,010 Group D: Cincinnati 29 ft. closed car body (seating capacity 40), 41 ft. over all, double truck, single end, double door, oak finish, veneer ceiling, spring rattan seats. Car body $2,125 Fittings and assembling: Single end storage air brake 183 Drop fender 30 Hot air heater 40 Signs 10 Hangers, racks, etc 37 Fare register 29 Rear end snow scraper 18 One track scraper 15 Incandescent headlight 4 Lamps, resistance, switch bars, crushing bars, trolley rope, folder boxes, coal box, etc "IS ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1685 Handling, assembling, installing, incl. electrical work ($40) and material % 173 Total fittings and assembling $ 555 Double trucks, standard 0-50 550 Total body and trucks $3,230 Electrical equipment: Motors, 2 Westinghouse (93-A-2), at $735 $1,470 Controller, one K-12 110 Auto, 1 12 Circuit breaker, 1 Westinghouse 25 Grids, 2 21 Lightning arrester, 1 3 Choke coil. 1 9 Wiring and hose 94 Trolley 23 Total $4,997 Group E: Stephenson 10 bench open car (seating capacity 50), 25 ft. body, 32 1/^ ft. over all, single truck, single end, painted in- terior, painted slat seats with spindle backs, bronze trimmings, duck curtains, Dupont trucks. Car body $1,132 Fittings and assembling: Fender 30 Fare register backs , 7 Signs, hanger and racks 5 Handling, assembling, installing, incl. electrical work.... 109 Total fittings and assembling $ 153 Trucks 350 Total body, fittings and truck $1,635 Electric Equipment : Motors. 2 steel D at $485 970 Controller, 1 steel 75 Auto. 1 12 Overhead switch, 1 . 7 Resistances, 2 strap , 21 Car fuse, 1 4 Lightning arrester, 1 3 Choke coil. 1 9 Wiring and hose , 94 Trolley 23 Grand total $2,853 Group F: Stephenson 14 bench open car (seating capacity 70), 34 ft. body, 42 ft. over all, double truck, single end, St. Louis No. 47 and Brill 27-F truck, 4 Westinghouse 12-A motors. Car body '. $1,490 Fittings and assembling 373 Trucks 558 Total body, fittings and trucks ^o'nc''^ Electrical equipment 2,052 Grand total $4,473 1586 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Summarizing the cost of reproduction new of the revenue cars, we have: Car bodies, fltting-s and trucks : 518 closed single truck cars $1,095,603 230 closed double truck cars 745,705 230 open single truck cars 374,569 20 open double truck cars 48,420 3 miscel, revenue cars 14.046 1,001 car bodies, etc $2,278,343 Electrical equipment for same 1,186,427 Grand total, 1,001 cars complete $3,464,770 The average cost of reproductiong new of each car was: Car body, fittings and truck $2,278 Electrical Equipment : Motors , 977 Controllers 39 Automatoneer 8 Overhead switches 4 Resistance grids 22 Circuit breakers 11 Car fuse boxes 3 Lightning arrester 3 Choke coil 9 Car wiring 90 Trolley stand 21 Total electrical equipment $1,187 Grand total . . $3,465 The depreciated or present value of these revenue cars is : Car bodies, fittings and trucks : 518 closed single truck cars $ 765,768 230 closed double truck cars 662,071 230 open single truck cars 188,800 20 open double truck cars 43,234 3 miscel. revenue cars 13,456 1,001 car bodies, etc $1,673,329 Electric equipment 998,747 Grand total $2,672,076 It will be noted that this depreciated value is 77.1% of the cost of reproduction new. An idea of the age of the cars may be gained from the following tabulation : Closed single truck cars (518) : Year purchased 99 in 1895 339 prior to 1900 12 in 1905 68 in 4 1906 518 Closed double truck cars (230) : 60 in 1903 46 in 1904 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1587 49 in 1905 50 in 1907 25 in 1908 230 Open single truck cars (230) : 230 prior to 1900 There are 104 non-revenue work or service cars and 2 non- revenue special cars whose cost of reproduction new is as follows : Gar bodies, fittings and trucks : 104 work cars $ 97,692 2 special cars 3,703 Total car bodies, etc $101,395 Electrical equipment 95,808 Total $197,203 The depreciated value is : Car bodies, fittings and trucks $100,670 Electrical equipment 74,532 Total $175,202 This is 88.8% of the cost of reproduction new. The work car equipment comprised the following : Cost of each 22 snow plows $2,300 to $5,550 1 sprinkler (3,700 gals.) 2,733 2 wreckers 2,9 25 3 derrick cars 3,028 3 air compressor cars . , 2,000 to 3,224 8 locomotives, electric 2,000 to 2,300 1 concrete breaker (pile driver) 2,091 2 concrete mixer cars 3,755 to 7,596 12 ballast dump cars 900 26 fiat cars, elec. ry 450 to 700 16 flat cars, steam ry 700 to 800 2 dry sand cars 800 to 2,770 1 rail grinder car 3,470 5 miscel. cars. 104 total. The grand total cost of reproduction of the 1,001 revenue cars and the 104 work cars and 2 specials is $3,676,098; and the depre- ciated value is $2,861,403. 8. Shojis — The valuation of the shop buildings has already been given under Buildings. There are two car shops whose cost of reproduction is as follows : Monroe Shops : Machinery and tools $ 93,464 Patterns 4,737 Furniture and fixtures 11,586 Total $109,787 Stock 121,688 Total Monroe Shops $231,475 1588 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Harper Shops: Machinery and tools $ 24,591 Furniture and fixtures 405 Total $ 24,996 Stock 4,189 Total Harper Shops $ 29,185 Grand total both shops $260,660 It should be noted that nearly half this amount is not shop ma- chinery, but stock, and the amount of stock on hand appears to be excessive, A considerable part of the stock is scrap and second- hand material. About $34,000 worth of patterns were not included in the ap- praisal. The report says : " Patterns are not an asset, as their cost is lost in the articles to which they are necessary as a matter of manufacturing. To have given the company the so-called cost of making patterns would have made it necessary to have eliminated the cost from the manufactured articles." In the shops and at the various stations there are 14 air com- pressors having a total cost of reproduction of $18,552. There are 5 air charging plants having a total cost of reproduction of $2,931. The following is a fairly typical cost of reproduction of the air compressor outfits : 1 (9 ins. by 4% ins. by 14 ins.) Hall Steam Pump Com- pany's 2-stage water jacketed air compressor, ca- pacity 125 cu. ft. free air at 125 r.p.m., operated with silent chain, not including Rochester auto- matic oil pump. This includes 50 h.p. Westinghouse motor and starter, automatic .$2,000.00 1 (9 ins. by 4% ins. by 14 ins.) Hall Steam Pump Com- pany's 2-stage water jacketed air compressor, ca- pacity 125 cu. ft. free air at 125 r.p.m. operated with belt 1,050.00 1 75 h.p., type 75, series wound, Walker motor 500.00 2 Steel D controllers for hand starting, at $75 150.00 3 (3-ft. diam. by 15 ft. by 7-16 ins.) steel air storage tanks, lap jointed and double riveted, at $190 570.00 2 air gages, at $3.90 7.80 1 Rochester automatic oil pump, lubricators, tubing, etc.. . . 141. S i Pipe, valves and fittings 118.31 Hose, shafting and charging boxes 152.39 Belting and pulleys 140.06 Lumber 33.79 Foundations 84.00 Chain falls and track 45.46 Electric switch board and wiring 250.79 Tools 50.00 Furniture and fixtures 67.85 Labor 773.60 Total $6,135.87 The cost of a typical air charging plant is as follows : 2 air tanks at $190 $380.00 1 air gage 5.40 Valves, pipe and fittings 46.90 Hose and fittings 30.65 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1589 Charging boxes $ 12.50 Labor 136.70 Total $612.15 The cost of reproduction of car inspectors' stock and outfits at the 11 car stations is: Tools $ 6,168.88 Furniture 2,829.65 Stock 39,826.24 Total $48,824.77 Summarizing, the following is the cost of reproduction and pres- ent value : Cost Present Reprod. Value Monroe Shops $231,475 $174,074 Harper Shops 29,185 24,578 Air compressors, etc 81,483 71,298 Inspectors' outfits 48,425 38,769 Totals $390,968 $308,719 9. Tools, Materials, Sxipplies, Furniture, Etc. — The cost of re- production new is appraised as follows : Emergency station outfit $ 76,144 Car station furniture 30,736 Office furniture, etc 14,137 Total $121,017 Stock for shop 237,541 Stock for track dept 357,9 80 Stationary 34,478 Grand total $751,016 The present value is estimated at $728,158. The items of stock and stationary were inserted as given by the railway company, and the report states that the items were not checked by the appraisers as it was impossible a,t the time to dis- tinguish what part of the stock was needed for the city lines and what for the interurban lines. The sub-committee on appraisal rec- ommends a reduction of about $600,000 in this item. In the fore part of this article it has been shown that this item 9, "Tools, materials, supplies, etc.," amounts to $4,407 per mile of trackway, which clearly shows that it includes a great amount of stock not needed for ordinary operation. Another Appraisal of Detroit Street Railways. The following is abstracted from the Electric Railway Journal, May 17, 1913. In connection with a suit against a 3 ct. fare ordinance, the follow- ing appraisal data were submitted by Robert B. Rifenberick, con- sulting engineer of the Detroit United Railway Co. The costs relate only to the city lines of the company. The cost of repro- duction was estimated to be : 1590 Mechanical and electrical cost data (i) Power department, labor and materials $ 3,257,558 (2) Track department, labor and materials 8.447,980 (3) Mechanical department, labor and materials 5,051,781 (4) General department, labor and materials 1,906,216 (5) Total labor and materials '. $18,663,536 (6) Contingencies, 10% 1,050,294 (7) Contractor's profit, 10% 1,148,777 (8) Liability insurance, 2i/2% of wages 114,264 (9) Builder's risk, ly, to 2% of wages 17,243 (10) Architects' fees, 5% 62,551 (11) Cost of acquiring land, 10% 79,463 (12) Engineering, 4% 720,955 (13) Organization and administration, 5% 1,092,122 (14) Carrying charges (interest), 9% 2.064,111 (15) Financing, 8% 1,999,894 Total $27,013,210 The prices were those of Mar. 1, 1909, excepting for copper and cement which were averages of the preceding five years. The following was a typical estimate of the cost of labor and materials in a mile of straight track. DETAIL. OF TRACK VALUATION, STRAIGHT TRACK CONSTRUCTION Specification for 1 Mile of 7-in. 91-lb. Plain Girder Rail on Oak Ties in Ashphalt-Paved Street ; 8-in. Concrete Construction 47,520 sq. ft. of 3y.-in. asphalt top course and binder re- moved and hauled to dump, at 3 1-6 cts % 1,504.80 829 cu. yd. of paving concrete removed and hauled to dump, at $5.21 4,319.09 1,515 cu. yd. of earth and sand excavation, at 35 ct 530.05 1,515 cu. yd. of excavation removed to dump, at $1.43.. 2,166.45 1,222 cu. yd. of 8-in. concrete for track foundation, at $7.13 8,712.86 29 cu. yd. of sand cushion for tamping, lining and sur- facing ties, at $2.01 14 58.43 1,672 6-in. bv 10-in. by 6-ft. 8-in. white oak ties laid 19 to 60 ft. rail length, at $1.18 1,972.96 143 tons of 7-in. 91-lb. plain girder open-hearth rail, in 60 -ft. lengths, joints laid even and suspended between ties, at $43.44 6,211.92 19% kegs 9/1 6-in. by 5i^-in. standard railroad spikes, at $5,051/0 99.84 880 %-in. by 5-ft. 2-in. round tie rods, ten to rail, with 4% -in. nuts per rod, at 3914 cts 347.60 1 mile of track laying 1,400.00 176 7-in. cast welded joints, at $4.25 748.00 10,560 lin. ft. of rail plastering, at 4 VL> ct 475.20 715 cu. yd. of paving concrete laid, at $7.13 5,097.95 138 cu. yd. of sand cushion for paving, at $2.01% 278.07 4,974 sq. yd. brick paving, at $1.381/2 6,888.99 306 sq. yd. of 31/. -in. asphalt top and binder laid at $1.50 459.00 Total cost per mile $41,271.41 Of this total the labor cost per mile is 20,063.29 Location of this construction, Jefferson Avenue from Bates Street to Mount Elliott Avenue. 20.740 lin. ft.. 3,928 miles. Note. — These are reproduction values as of March 1, 1909, and are based on hand labor and team haul, the average haul being 3 miles, and the assumption being that a team will average 2 tons per load and travel 18 miles per day. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1591 Cost of Overhead -Trolley Systems. A. D. Williams, Jr., Engi- neering News, Dec. 23, 1909, gives the following cost data, ob- tained in the construction of a short interurban line in the north- western portion of Ohio, running along country highways. The work was done in the summer time, and there were very few inter- ruptions from the weather. The data are arranged, in all cases, to show costs per mile of a double-track road. COST PER MILE (DOUBLE TRACK) OF OVERHEAD MATERIALS 4,254 lb. (2 miles) No. 00 trolley wire at $0,175 $754.45 104 trolley ears, No. 00, 15 in. long at 0.23 23.92 104 caj) and cone hanger.s, nut lock at 0.30 31.20 500 ft. 5/16 in. galv. strand wire at 0.012 6.00 500 ft. 14 in. galv. strand wire at 0.009 4.50 10 feeder clips at 0.09 0.90 8 anchor ears at 0.38 3.04 8 Lieb strain insulators, anchor at 0.11 0.88 4 bridle clamps at 0.19 0.76 2 Garton lightning arresters at 3.10 6.20 8 wood screws at 0.005 0.04 1 lb. friction tape at 32 0.32 2 pins, bond of arresters to track at 0.02 0.04 20 lb. ground wire at 0.06 1.20 20 lb. No. copper strand insul. wire at 0.18 3.60 25 galv. iron .staples 0.05 2 trolley wire splicing sleeves at 0.65 1.30 6 lb. solder 1/2 and 1/2 at 0.24 1.44 1 Brooklyn strain insulator at 0.96 0.96 Total cost of overhead material $840.80 BRACKET-ARM CONSTRUCTION With 37-ft. Poles Placed in Center. Material : Total cost overhead line material $840.80 52 pine octagon poles, 12 in. by 8 in. by 37 ft. at $8.75 . 455.00 35 gal. graphite paint at 1.15 40.25 4 cu. yd. concrete (1-3-5) at 7.50 30.00 104 bracket arms complete at 3.60 374.40 52 mach. bolts, 13 by %-in. nut, wa.sher . . . .at 0.06 3.12 104 lag screws, '/s-in. by 4-in at 0.025 2.60 104 lag .screws, %-in. by 3i/>-in at 0.025 2.60 400 ft. 5/16-in. galv. strand wire at 0.012 4.80 10 feeder clamps at 0.18 1.80 5 porcelain feeder insulators at 0.04 0.20 5 galv. lag screws, i/a-in. by 4-in. at 0.02 0.10 12 drop forged eye-bolts, %-in by 16-in at 0.09 1.08 7 gal. black paint at 0.75 5.25 5 guy anchors at 1.30 6.50 Total materials $1,768.50 Labor : 52 poles, hauled and erected at $2.65 $137.80 52 poles, painting ' at 0.30 15.60 Erecting 2 miles of trolley wire at 35.00 70.00 Erecting bracket arms 30.00 Hauling material 18.00 Clearing foreign wires and poles 93.40 Trimming trees 2.75 Total labor $367.55 1592 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Total materials per mile $1,768.50 Total labor per mile 367.55 Total cost per mile of bracket-arm construction (with 37-ft. poles) $2,136.05 WITH 30-FT. POLES PLACED IN CENTER Cost of 37-ft. pole construction $2,136.05 Cost of 37-ft. poles, each $8.75 Cost of 30-ft. poles, each . 5.75 Difference on 52 poles at $3.00 156.00 Total cost per mile of bracket-arm construction (with 30-ft. poles) $1,980.05 CROSS-SPAN CONSTRUCTION With 37 and 30-ft. Poles. Material : Total cost overhead line material $840.80 52 pine octagon poles, 12 in. by 8 in. by 37 ft. at $8.75 455.00 52 pine octagon poles, 10 in. by 8 in. by 30 5.75 299.00 8 cu. yd. concrete (1-3-5) at 7.50 60.00 2,300 ft. 5/16 in. galv. strand wire at 0.012 27.60 116 eye-bolts, %-in. by 16-in at 0.09 10.44 70 gal. graphite paint at 1.15 80.50 14 gal. black paint at 0.75 10.50 5 guy anchors at 1.30 6.50 400 ft. 5/16-in. galv. strand wire 0.012 4.80 Total materials $1,795.14 Labor : 104 poles, hauled and erected at $2.65 $275.60 104 poles, painting 0.30 31.20 52 span wires, erected at 1.50 78.00 Erecting 2 miles of trolley wire at 35.00 70.00 Hauling materials 18.00 Clearing foreign wires and poles 138.40 Trimming trees 14.65 Total labor $625.85 Total materials per mile $1,795.14 Total labor per mile 625.85 Total cost per mile of cross-span construction (with 37 and 30-ft. poles) $2,420.99 WITH ALL 30-FT. POLES Cost of 37 and 30-ft. pole construction $2,420.99 Cost of 37-ft. poles, each $8.75 Cost of 30-ft. poles, each 5.75 Difference on 52 poles at $3.00 156.00 Total cost per mile of cross-span construction (with 30-ft. poles), dbl, track, . , , $2,264.99 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1593 TRANSMISSION LINE Provision was made for two lines of wires, but only one line was fully equipped. Material, per mile : 52 cross arms. 4-in. by 5-in. by 6-ft., for two 2-in. pins at $0.39 $20.28 52 cross arms, 4-in. by 5-in. by 8-ft., for four 2- in. pins at 0.53 27.56 312 2-in. locust pins at 0.025 7.80 52 pairs gal. iron braces, 30-in. \ at 0.038 22.73 52 pairs gal. iron braces, 24-in. J598 lb. 208 carriage bolts, %-in. by 4%-in at 0.014 2.91 104 gal. iron lag screws, 1/2-in. by 4-ft at 0.018 1.87 208 gal. iron lag screws, i^-in. by 7-in at 0.025 5.20 156 6-in. porcelain in.sulators at 0.46 71.76 2,100 lb. No. 4 bare copper wire at 0.175 367.50 52 cable-top glass insulators at 0.06 3.12 52 special locust pins at 0.03 1.56 65 lb. No. 4 copper ground wire at 0.175 11.38 3 No. 4 Mclntire splices at 0.15 0.45 7 gal. carbolized paint at 0.65 4.55 900 lb. barbed wire, galv at 0.038 34.20 220 ft. %-in. galv. strand wire ties at 0.015 3.30 Total material for one mile $586.17 Labor, per mile : 3 miles transmission line erected $103.50 1 mile of ground wire erected 21.45 1 mile of barbed wire erected 21.45 Total materials per mile $586.17 Total labor per mile 146.40 Total cost 1 mile of transmission line $732.57 FEEDJER LINE Material, per mile : 3,500 lb. 0000 feed wire at $0,075 $612.50 52 feeder pins at 0.20 • 10.52 52 cable-top insulators at 0.06 3.12 550 ft. 5/lG-in. galv. strand wire at 0.012 6.60 5 eye-bolts, %-in by 16-in at 0.09 0.45 20 lb. No. 4 copper tie wire at 0.175 3.50 2 lb. 1/2 and 1/2 solder at 0.28 0.56 2 splices, 0000 at 0.22 0.44 Total for material $637.69 Labor, erection of feeder wire $45.00 Total material per mile $637.69 Total labor per mile 45.00 Total feeder line i^er mile $682.69 COMPARISON OF COSTS. PER MILE, DOUBLE TRACK Cross span Cross span Bracket 37 and 30-ft. 30 and 30-ft. arm poles poles Trolley wire and poles $2,136.05 $2,420.99 $2,264.99 Transmission line 732.57 732.57 732.57 Feeder line 682.69 682.69 682.69 Total $3,551.31 $3,836.25 $3,680.25 1594 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Overhead Line Construction. The following data, by E. P. Roberts and J. C. Gillette are from Engineering and Contracting, Dec. 11, 1907, taken from Electric Traction Weekly: The following data on overhead line construction for interurban electric railways are based on actual practice and on the average costs of a large number of lines in different sections of the United States. The elements of interurban electric railway overhead line construction are: (1) A conductor from which the cars take elec- trical energy, and (2) the supporting of this conductor, which may be directly by brackets or by cross pans, which in turn are sup- ported by poles. These two methods of construction are termed respectively bracket suspension and cross-suspension. The trolley wire may be supported either directly from insulators carried by the brackets or spans, or by steel cable, which in turn is supported by the brackets or spans. The former is the old and standard method of trolley construction so long used on direct current lines, while the latter is the new " catenary " type of construction. The work for a 600-volt direct current line will be considered first and then the work for a line for higher voltage alternating or direct current motors. 600-volt Direct Ctirrent Line. The general character of construc- tion will be wooden poles with either bracket or cross suspension, probably the former, the poles being spaced 90 to 100 ft. For most interurban electric railways, even for light traffic, it is advisable to install two trolley wires, each of which is not less than No. 3/0 for heavy service, and in many cases No. 4/0 is preferable. In cases of very light traffic No. 2/0 may be advisable, as the necessity for reliability of service is lessened. In most cases there must be such amount of copper, either as trolley or as trolley and feeder wire, as will equal the cross section and weight of two No. 3/0 wires. It costs about as much to place such copper as feeder and trolley wire as it does if all is in the form of trolley wire, if the saving on siding construction is considered, and it is preferable to place two trolley wires, as this does away with overhead frogs, and in case of the breaking of a, trolley wire avoids a tieup of the road. Trolley wire is hard drawn copper and is generally either figure 8 or grooved. Round wire is somewhat preferable for carshop yards and for sharp curves, such as turning corners on city streets, but the forms above stated are preferable for high speed runs because they give a smoother running surface. The trolley wire is suspended from the bracket, or cross sus- pension, by. means of a hanger, and such hangers are of several types. The hanger ear, or clip, which holds the trolley wire, should be of ample length, and. for figure 8 or grooved wire, usually con- sists of two jaws clamped together by screws. The stud which sup- ports such jaws passes into, and is supported by, the insulating material of the hanger, which insulating material is in turn sup- ported by a cast iron or brass hanger body, which latter is se- cured to the bracket or to the cross suspension cable. In the past, troubles have been caused both by the mechanical weakness ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1595 of the structure, and also by the electrical weakness of the insulat- ing material, especially after exposure to varying temperatures and climatic conditions, but hangers and clips of satisfactory design are now obtainable. The trolley hanger may be supported by a bracket, or by a cross suspension cable. Steel cable should be not only of sufficient initial strength for the purpose, but also the galvanizing should be care- fully inspected in order to assure long life. The bracket consists of steel tubing, angle iron or T-iron, generally painted in order to increase life, as well as to improve the appearance. An over sup- port gives the maximum strength at least cost. In some cases an under support may be preferable, because of allowing less height of pole. A telephone line is usually provided, and a metallic circuit is nec- essary. The wires are placed on cross arms or brackets, and with frequent transpositions. The wire for the telephone line is usually No. 10 B. & S. gage copper, if telephone line is more than 50 to 60 miles in length, but on shorter lines it may be high grade iron wire. The costs submitted are probable costs between limits, but even though a maximum limit is given, the actual cost may sometimes exceed these figures, depending on local conditions. Starting from the standpoint of the cheapest practicable construc- tion, we have 30 ft. poles, 90 to 100 ft. spacing, and bracket sup- ports, and with double overhead No. 000 trolley. The cost of such construction will approximate the figures given by Table IV. TABLE IV. COST PER MILE OF BRACKET CONSTRUCTION SINGLE TRACK 600 VOLT TWO NO. 000 TROLLEY WIRES. POLES SPACED 100 FT. From To 53 30-ft. poles in place and framed, poles de- livered on cars $4.00-$6.00 $ 325 $ 475 53 brackets in place with fittings 180 210 Ears, hangers, etc., in place 50 75 2 miles No. 3/0 trolley with splicers, at 20 ct.-26 ct 1,100 1,400 Erecting same 100 150 Siding construction pro rated 75 100 Curve construction 1,500 ft. additional cost 50 75 5 anchors 8.50 15 200 ft. strand for guys 2.25 2.50 2 half anchorages 5 10 Lags, clamps, etc 5 8 Per cent, on material for handling 75 100 $1,975.75 $2,620.50 Add for lightning arrester 10 20 Add for telephone system pro rated 75 100 $2,060.75 $2,740.50 If all poles are anchored add 160 265 If 35-ft. poles are used add (poles $6.00 to $8.50) 130 160 Total $2,350.75 $3,165.50 1596 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA If for any reason it is decided to use suspension instead of bracket construction with the same pole spacing and size of trolley, then the approximate cost will be as given by Table V. TABLE V. COST PER MILE OF SPAN CONSTRUCTION SINGLE TRACK 600 VOLT TWO NO. 000 TROLLEY WIRES, POLES SPACED 100 FT. From To 106 30-ft. poles in place and framed, poles de- livered on cars $4-$6 $ 650 $ 950 Ears, hangers, etc., in place 50 75 Span wire erected 60 85 2 miles No. 3/0 trolley at 20 ct.-26 ct 1,100 1,400 Erecting same 100 150 Siding construction, pro rated 75 100 Curve construction, additional cost 35 60 5 anchors 8.50 15 200 ft. strand for anchor guys 2.25 2.50 2 half anchorages 5 10 Lags, champs, etc 5 8 Per cent, on material for handling 100 150 $2,190.75 $3,005.50 Lightning arresters 10 20 Telephone system pro rated 75 100 If all 35-ft. poles are used (poles at $6.00 to $8.50) 260 320 If poles are anchored add 320 530 Total ..$2,856.75 $3,975.50 In case transmission wires are required for transmission of elec- tric energy from the power house to substations, such transmission wires may be placed entirely on cross arms, or in the case of three phase transmission, t\vo of such wires may be on one two-pin arm and the third wire on a pin on the top of the pole or on a bracket on the side of the pole. Of course the pole top cannot be used if a ground wire is located at such point. The cost of construction on a three-phase transmission line will approximate the figures given by Table VI. TABLE VI. COST PER MILE OF BRACKET CONSTRUCTION SINGLE TRACK 600 VOLT TWO NO. 000 TROLLEY WIRES, POLES SPACED 100 FT. WITH THREE PHASE 33,000 VOLT TRANSMISSION LINE ON TROLLEY LINE POLES, 2-PIN CROSS-ARM AND POLE TOP PIN CONSTRUCTION, From To 53 35-ft. poles in place and framed, poles de- livered on cars at $6.00-$8.50 $ 455 $ 635 Ears, hangers, etc., in place 50 75 \ 53 brackets in place with fittings . 180 210 2 miles No. 3/0 trolley with splicer at 20 ct.- 26 ct 1,100 1,400 Erecting same 100 150 Siding construction pro rated 75 100 Curve construction 1,500 ft. additional cost 65 100 5 anchors 8.50 15 200 ft. strand for guys 2.25 2.50 2 half anchorages 5 10 Lags, clamps, etc 5 8 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1597 From To 53 4 by 5 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. cross-arms $ 16 $22 159 2 by 13 in. oak pins paraffined 9 11 159 33,000 volt porcelain insulators 90 120 106 20 by 1^4 by ^4 in. cross-arm braces galv. 5 6.50 106 % by 5 cge. bolts 1 1.25 53 1^ by 4 lag bolts 0.60 0.75 53 % by 13 mch. bolts 3 3.75 Erecting arms, pins and insulators 25 35 3 miles No. 2 copper wire with splicers at 20 ct.-26ct 638.40 829.92 Erecting same 125 170 Per cent, on material for handling 140 190 Total $3,098.75 $4,095.67 Add for trolley lightning protection 10 20 Add for transmission lightning protection..,. 50 250 Add for telephone system pro rated 75 100 Total $3,233.75 $4,465.67 If all poles are anchored add 160 265 Total $3,393.75 $4,730.67 From the above the principal unit costs of the cheapest practicable character of line work can be ascertained, and such additions must be made as are necessary for special overhead work around car shops, and in connection with bridges, city work or other special conditions ; also the cost of copper for feeders or for transmission must be added in accordance with the plan decided upon. The next consideration is as to whether or not there should be additional expenditures in order to increase reliability, or possibly to decrease maintenance or depreciation, or both. Some of the mat- ters considered may be as follows: (1) Reduction of pole spacing; (2) increasing size of poles; (3) anchoring all poles. Instead of using wooden poles the substitution for same of iron poles or possibly reinforced concrete poles, or, in extreme cases, which at present are not likely to be considered in connection with interurban electric railways, the use of steel bridges may be con- sidered. The matter of making stronger the supporting structure must necessarily be considered in connection with what it is to support, and frequently, also, in connection with the character of the ground. Relative to the first, it is evident that the heavier the trolley wire the greater will be its strength, and therefore the greater the pos- sible spacing of the supports, and also the greater the strength re- quired at such supports. If catenary construction is used, usually the advisable spacing distance will be materially increased. As to the second proposition, the less the first and maintenance cost per pole, then the nearer together the poles should be placed, but if the ground is rock, marsh, etc., it may be preferable to use structures allowing greater spacing and having increased unit cost, and possibly less cost per mile. For standard trolley construction, the limit is usually 90 to 100 ft. spacing. These distances are determined, first, by the strains 1598 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA in the trolley wire when it is pulled tight enough to give a steady- running trolley wheel, not having too great a kink at the point where the trolley wire is supported from the bracket ; and second, by the mechanical strength of the ear and the trolley wire where it is attached to the ear ; consequently, if it is desired to increase the spacing of the supporting structures in order to reduce first cost and also maintenance charges, some form of support for the trolley wire other than the ordinary ears and hangers must be used. Wooden pole construction for single or double track can be made amply strong up to a spacing of 150 ft. by using poles of com- mercial size, if same are properly set and proper consideration is given to the nature of the ground, the necessity of guying, etc. This refers to pole strength and not to the supporting of the wire. The catenary supported trolley has been developed during the last two or three years. This method of suspension provides a safe means of supporting the trolley wire with spans up to 300 ft. in length. In this class of construction the trolley wire is suspended from a steel messenger wire supported by insulators carried on brackets, cross suspension cables or bridges. The trolley is sup- ported from the messenger wire by hangers spaced from 10 to 50 ft. apart, depending upon the design. The physical limit of span in this class of construction is determined by the strength of the mes- senger cable, and also to a slight extent by the lateral movement of the trolley caused by wind pressure. It is evident that the tighter the messenger wire, the less will be the lateral movement in the trolley, but as the stresses in the messenger on spans of the same length and loading increase approximately inversely as the sag, care must be taken not to run above the safe loading of the messenger, especially under conditions of sleet and high wind. There are two general classes of catenary construction, the sin- gle catenary, and the double catenary. In the single catenary con- struction the trolley wire is supported from a single steel cable car- ried by insulators upon the brackets or spans, while in the double catenary the trolley wire is carried by two steel cables. In either type of construction the messenger cables may be car- ried either by brackets, span wires, or bridges. In ordinary inter- urban trolley construction, we usually find the messenger carried by a bracket, while in city streets we frequently find span wire construction. The bridge construction consisting of towers on each side of the track and a bridge spanning the tracks is seldom used for anything but the heaviest class of work, such as electrified steam railroads. The bracket construction is the cheapest in nearly all cases, and is usually satisfactory for the purposes of the ordinary interurban road. The span wire construction is only used where conditions are such as to require it, as the span construction is rather expensive and not particularly satisfactory. It requires longer poles and pro- duces a more severe loading of the poles than is the case with the bracket construction. The double catenary construction produces a structure which is very rigid as regards wind pressure and yet is flexible as regards ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1599 vertical pressures. This type is the highest development of the art at this time, but because of its great cost is only used in the elec- trification of trunk lines of the heaviest class. It is not proposed in this article to discuss this phase of electric railroading, but to confine it to simpler and less expensive forms that are applicable to ordinary interurban roads. As ordinarily constructed the single catenary trolley has a pole spacing of from 100 to 150 ft. and the trolley is attached to the messenger cable either by means of three hangers placed at inter- vals of 40 to 50 ft., or by means of nine or more hangers placed at intervals of 10 to 17 ft. The spacing referred to is, of course, the normal spacing and a larger or smaller number of hangers with longer or shorter spacing is used where local conditions require. For convenience, we will hereinafter refer to the three hanger type of construction as the long spaced type, and that using nine or more suspension hangers as the short spaced type. Messenger Cable. — In the single catenary construction the mes- senger or cable which supports the trolley consists of a steel cable ranging from perhaps 5-16 in., as a minimum, to ^-in. as a maxi- mum, diameter, and usually made up of a seven wire strand, either of the grade known as " Siemens-Martin " steel or that designated " high strength steel." The cable is supported by porcelain in- sulators, such insulators being usually mounted on iron brackets. The following table gives the ultimate strength of the ordinary sizes of steel strand of the various grades : Siemens- High Extra Diam. in. Reg. Martin Strength H.S. y4 3,050 5,100 7,600 9-32 .... 4.380 7,300 10,900 5-16 4.860 8,100 12,100 % s'.ioo 6,800 11,000 17,250 7-16 7,500 9,000 15,000 22,500 Vz 9,800 11,000 18,000 27,000 % 19,000 25,000 42,000 The prices of cable bear such relation to the strength that the cost of cable necessary to carry the given load is approximately independent of the grade of cable used. However, the lower grades of cable suffer most from corrosion, while the better grades are hardest to manipulate. It is practically impossible to " splice " the high strength or extra high strength steel cable, and all joints in such cables are made by means of clamps. Brackets. — As there is considerable difficulty in keeping insula- tors in an upright position on pipe brackets, brackets are now gen- erally made of 2^4 by 214 by % or 5-16 in. T bar, or 2 by 2% by 14 -in. angle bars supported by a rod or strut. The insulators are attached to a suitable pin casting by means of Portland cement, such pin casting being held tp the brackets by set screws. Insulators. — The insulator is the vital point in high voltage trol- ley line construction, and as this insulator is subject to severe ser- vice, care should be taken in its selection. Insulators for 600 volt- age work are generally 3 by 3i/4 ins., one piece, double petticoat por- 1600 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA celain insulators, and tested for 5,000 volts. Of course with higher voltages, larger insulators are used; for example, with 6,600 volt current, insulators as large as 8 ins. in diam. by 5 ins. high are in use. Hangers. — The hangers used to support the trolley from the mes- senger, in general consists of a mechanical clamp for the trolley, usually consisting of two sections drawn together by screws and re- sembling the so-called " Detroit " type of ear used in direct current practice. The attachment to the messenger is made by means of a clamp or metal loop, bolted around the messenger, or by means of a pair of sister hooks which are slipped over the messenger and driven down so as to tightly grip the wire. The connection be- tween these two clamping ends is made by means of a round or a flat bar, or a pipe, attached to the above-mentioned parts by means of rivets, screws, or pipe threads. All bolts and screws used in hanger construction should be thor- oughly locked, as otherwise the vibration is certain to result in their working loose. The hanger should preferably expose as small an area as possible to wind at right angles to the trolley. Catenary Construction on Curves. — On straight line construction and curve construction up to 5 deg., it is possible to maintain the 150 ft. pole spacing, but at 4 deg. and 5 deg. it is advisable to in- stall a brail guy with two pull-offs per span. In installing pull-offs for catenary work, especially if pantograph trolley is to be used, great care must be taken to see that proper clearances are given for the end of the pantograph trolley, which on curve work will rise higher than the trolley wire itself, owing to the super-eleva- tion of the rail at this point. The pull-ofC hangers, as they are .called, for curve work are similar to the regular hangers except that they have an eye placed about 2 ins. above the trolley wire and another one about 2 ins. below the messenger. A short bridle is attached to these eyes and a strain insulator is cut in on the pull- off wire. On curves up to 3 deg. the curves are held to position by means of steady braces, the brace being an insulated stiff rod attached to each bracket or pole and to the trolley wire in such manner as will resist any movement in a horizontal direction. There are sev- eral types in use at present. The earlier type consisted of a treated hickory rod attached to the pole by means of suitable clamps, and to the trolley wire by means of an ear similar to the regular hanger ear ; this ear in turn being fastened to the rod by a gooseneck by means of a long threaded section for adjusting the position of the trolley wire. The more recent types are attached to the bracket arm, and do not depend upon the wooden rod for insulation but on porcelain insulators of the skirt type, similar in general construc- tion to those supporting the messenger wire. There are two types in use, one having a long arm, which is attached to the bracket close to the pole, and the other having a short arm, which is at- tached to the outer extremity of the bracket ; the arms in both cases being so hinged as to allow vertical but not horizontal mo- tion. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1601 It is advisable to install half anchorages at each end of curves of over 2 deg. in order to take care of the strains resulting from contraction in the line each side of the curve. There is practically no tendency for the trolley to move sidewise, due to the passage of the trolley wheel or pantograph, as the messenger acts in effect like a large spring, and as soon as the trolley wheel or pantograph relieves it of some of the tension due to the weight of the trolley, the messenger will rise and thus keep directly over the trolley wire. Sidings. — On siding construction, if the wheel trolley is used, the construction is similar to that used on high speed d. c. inter- urban roads ; that is, the siding trolley is brought out to the main line at the switch, and then carried down the main line, parallel to and about 12 ins. distant from the main line trolley for a dis- tance of 150 or 200 ft. If the pantograph trolley is used, the deflector set, as it is called, consists of a number of trolley wires or steel rods of similar cross section. These are held to place by ordinary trolley ears, which in turn are bolted to cross bars spaced about 3 ft. apart, these cross bars being supported by the main line and siding trolley wires. The ends of these rods are raised 4 or 5 ins. above the siding and main line trolley so that there is no possible chance for the end of the pantographs to catch them. The siding trolley wire is passed over the top of the main line trolley wire and carried to an anchorage on the farther side. A deflector set should be installed on both sides of the main line trolley to avoid any danger of the pantograph catching trolley or guy wires. Care must be taken in this construction to see that the siding trolley is pulled up so that the raising of the main line trolley, owing to the passage of trolley wheel or pantograph, raises the siding trolley as well. It must also be designed so that the effects of lateral travel in the main line trolley, due to expansion and contraction, will not affect the height of the siding trolley. A number of different types of section insulators are in use for this class of work. It is now recognized that the early forms, which depended on long breaks for insulation, are not practical. While at first they give fairly satisfactory results, climatic condi- tions soon produce leakage and make it unsafe to work on a section protected by such insulators. There are two or three different types of section insulators which have either a long air break or a series of short air breaks in their construction, and these give promise of proving satisfactory. Overhead Crossings. — Probably the points which have given the most trouble to designers of catenary supported trolley work are those points on the line where the line is crossed by overhead bridges, used to eliminate grade crossings, as every foot these bridges are raised means an increased cost for the approaches and the structure, and the same is true if the clearance height between the bridge and track is increased by lowering the track grade. Consequently at these points the trolley is usually depressed to the lowest possible working limits. 1602 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Both the tension of the trolley and messenger and the upward pressure of the collecting device tend to lift these wires into contact with the bridge structure and they must be so secured as to resist these forces. In the case of ordinary d. c. construction, the trolley is rigidly supported by hangers closely spaced under the bridge, and the d. c. type of hanger is well adapted to resist such upward pressure. But with catenary construction the trolley and messen- ger must be flexibly supported and held securely against lateral and vertical motion, and this must be done in extremely limited space, and at the same time maintain clearances suitable for the voltages used. Catenary trolley construction requires approxi- mately 18 ins. more clearance, or head room under bridge crossings than the ordinary d. c. trolley ; this, of course, is based on trolley voltages of from 3,300 to 6,600 volts, where an air space of at least 5 ins. must be maintained between the messenger and trolley and the adjoining frame work of the bridge. Two general types of bridge construction are in use, one known as the sleeve type and the other as the skirt type. The sleeve type consists essentially of a corrugated porcelain tube of proper length and thickness for the voltage used, which is supported on a bracket attached to the bridge ; the messenger is tied to this, and the con- struction in other ways is similar to the ordinary bracket construc- tion excepting that at this point a steady brace is installed which is anchored in such a manner as to prevent the trolley rising. In the skirt type, the construction is similar to the ordinary bracket construction except that the insulator pin, instead of being supported by a bracket arm, is supported by either a wooden or steel bracket bolted to the bridge, and the messenger is suspended from a lien insulator as usual in bracket construction. In addition to this, extra hangers are placed between the two bridge supports in order to prevent the trolley wire rising at the center, because of the upward pressure of the pantograph or trolley wheel. On each side of the bridge at a distance of 20 to 25 ft., is placed what is called a " hold down span " consisting of two heavy poles securely anchored, with a cross span drawn tightly between them, the design of the span being such as to limit any rise of the trolley and messenger either because of contraction in the main line, or from lifting action of the trolley wheel. With either construction the trolley and messenger wires must be protected from bridge drippings by means of a suitable metal shield attached to the bridge structure and thoroughly grounded. At points each side of the bridge where the trolley wire reaches its normal height half anchorages are installed in such manner as to pull slack towards the bridge. Messenger Tension. — In erecting catenary trolley work care must be taken to see that the messenger wire is so pulled up that there will be exactly the same amount of deflection in spans of the same length. If this deflection is secured for the standard length spans, the shortened spans will take care of themselves, and the strains in all spans, due to loading, etc., will be the same. Unless the deflec- tion is the same in spans of the same length the strains arising ELECTRIC RAILWAYS i60S from the loading of the trolley and also the vibration which is met in service will cause the messenger wire to " travel." This travel manifests itself by unequal strains on the messenger insulators and unless the tie is made very securely, the messenger wire will slip through and in this manner tend to equalize the tension, but the hangers will no longer stand vertically but will lay at an angle producing an uneven trolley surface, as well as an unsightly appear- ance of the whole construction. If the messenger wire does not slip through the tie, it will sooner or later twist the bracket around until the tension is equalized. The strains in the messenger for any length of span and loading can be calculated by means of the following formula, which is expressed in simple arithmetic: S W = horizontal strain on wire at center of span. S = strain coefficient. W = weight per foot of span, Y2 X S = + — 2X 6 In which Y =: i^ the span in feet. X = deflection at center of span in feet. For example, with 150-ft. span of % in. messenger, weighing 45 lbs. and a deflection of 1.5 ft. we will have by substituting the values for the symbols : (75)2 1.5 5625 1.5 S = 1 =: 1 = 1875.25. 2 X 1.5 6 6 6 W= 0.3. S W = 0.3 X 1875.25 = 562.575 lb. strain at center of wire. If this wire be used to support a trolley wire and hangers weigh- ing 105 lbs. making the total weight supported by the messenger 150 lbs. or 1 lb. per ft. of span, we will have S W =: 1875.25 lbs. If the strains, due to sleet on the wire, are to be considered, the weight of the sleet is added to the weight per ft. of wire, and such sleet loading is usually taken as a layer of ice % in. thick, on all parts of the structure, the weight of ice being figured at 0.033 lb. per cu. in. In determining the necessary strength of messenger, it is also usual to allow for the loading due to wind pressure, and this is commonly taken on wires or other cylindrical surface as 15 lbs. per sq. ft. of projected area, such area being taken at the increased figure due to % in. thickness of ice, and on flat surfaces at 27 lbs. per sq. ft. In order to obtain the strain on the messenger wire, due to wind pressure, we must calculate the area of the messenger wire, trolley, hangers, etc., which, mliltiplied by the pressure per square foot gives the strain due to wind. The strain due to wind pressure does not add directly to that due to weight, but the total strain in the wire is proportional to the diagonal of a right triangle, of which the load due to weight forms one side, and the load due to wind forms the other side. In deciding on the size of the messenger wire, it is necessary to 1604 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA allow an ample factor of safety under the most severe conditions. The wire selected should be such as to give a factor of safety of not less than three under such conditions. Care must be taken in the erection of the wire to allow for con- traction of the wire in cold weather and the consequent flattening of the catenary which produces additional strains. As a matter of fact the strains actually produced are usually materially less than those calculated because the entire structure is elastic and gives more or less, especially at the curves. Costs. — Tables VII to IX show the average between limits of different types of catenary construction. Table VII shows the cost of single-track catenary 9 point suspension, 150 ft. pole spacing, bracket construction, and designed for 6,600 volt work. Table VIII shows cost of double-track catenary 9 point suspension, center pole construction, 150-ft. pole spacing for 6,600 volts. Table IX shows cost of double-track catenary 9 point double-pole bracket construc- tion, 150-ft. spacing for 6,600 volts. TABLE VII. COST PER MILE SINGLE-TRACK 9 POINT CATENARY 150-FT. POLE SPACING, 6,600 VOLT From To 36 35-ft. poles in place and framed, poles taken at $6 to $8 delivered $ 310 $ 430 36 brackets with fittings, in place 120 150 5,280 ft. No. 4/0 trolley. 3,382 lb. at 20 ct. to 26 ct. per lb 676 879 5,300 ft. %-in. high strength steel messen- ger cable 110 130 36 messenger insulators 15 30 36 spans catenary hangers 40 72 5 anchors 8.50 15 200 ft. %-in. high strength strand for guys. . 2.25 2.50 10 steady braces for curves 30 40 10 strain insulators 11 15 Per cent, on material for handling, etc 100 130 Labor erecting catenary trolley 160 200 Labor erecting curve trolley 1,500 ft. additional 50 75 2 half anchorages 20 30 Siding construction — pro rated 100 150 Lags, clamps, etc 10 15 $1,762.75 $2,363.50 Add for lightning arresters 10 60 Add for gd. wire Itg. protection 150 200 Add for telephone system — pro rated 100 150 $2,022.75 $2,773.50 If all poles are anchored add 108 180 If brackets are insulated 40 60 Total $2,170.75 $3,013.50 TABLE VIII. COST PER MILE OF DOUBLE-TRACK 9 POINT CATENARY, CENTER POLE, 150-FT. POLE SPACING, 6,600 VOLT From To 36 35-ft. poles in place and framed, poles delivered on cars $6 to $8 each $ 310 $ 430 72 brackets with fittings in place 240 300 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1605 From To 10,560 ft. trolley, 6,764 lb. at 20 ct. to 26 ct. per lb $1,352 $1,758 10,800 ft. %-in. high strength steel messenger cable 220 260 72 messenger insulators 30 60 72 spans catenary hangers 80 144 10 anchors 17 30 300 ft. %-in. strand for guy 3.50 4 20 steady braces for curves 60 80 20 strain insulators 22 30 10 30 -ft. pull-oft poles in place and framed 100 130 Per cent, for handling material, etc 110 140 Labor erecting catenary trolley 320 400 Labor erecting curve trolley, 3,000 ft. add.... 100 150 2 half anchorages 40 60 Siding construction — pro rated 200 300 Lags, clamps, etc 10 15 $3,214.50 $4,291 Add for lightning arresters 10 120 Add for gd. wire Igt. protection 150 400 Add for telephone line 100 150 Total $3,374.50 $4,961 TABLE IX. COST PER MILE OF DOUBLE TRACK 9 POINT CATENARY, DOUBLE POLE LINE, 150-FT. SPACING, 6,600 VOLT From To 72 35-ft. poles in place and framed, poles at $6 to $8.50 each delivered on cars. . $ 620 $ 860 72 brackets with fittings in place 240- 300 10,560 ft. No. 4/0 trolley, 6,764 lb. at 20 ct. to 26 ct. per lb 1,352 1,758 10,600 ft. %-in. high strength steel messenger cable 220 260 72 messenger insulators 30 60 72 spans cat. hangers 80 144 10 anchors 17 30 300 ft. %-in. strand for guy 3.50 4 20 steady braces for curves 60 80 20 strain insulators 22 33 Per cent, for handling material 130 160 Labor erecting 2 mi. catenary construction. . . 320 400 Labor erecting 3,000 ft. curve construction add 100 150 2 double track half anchorages 40 60 Siding construction pro rated 200 300 Lags, clamps, etc 10 20 $3,444.50 $4,616 Add for lightning protection 20 240 Add for gd. wire Igt. protection 150 400 Add for telephone line 100 150 $3,714.50 $5,406 If all poles are anchored 216 360 If all brackets are insulated 80 120 Total $4,010.50 $5,886 In deciding whether the pole line for double-track shall be a double-pole line or a center-pole line, the character of the grading on the right-of-way will have to be taken into consideration. If, 1606 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA as in the middle west, the country is practically level and no ex- pensive cuts or fills are required, possibly the single-pole construc- tion will show a saving- over the double-pole ; however, where there are expensive fills and cuts, the double-pole construction will show a saving over the single-pole, not in itself, but in the fact that the roadbed will not have to be as wide as for the single-pole con- struction. Cost of Overhead Construction. The following costs, from Data, April, 1911, are averages on a road built in Illinois in 1909. Cost per mile Poles, 35 ft., 55 at $6.45 each $354.75 Poles, 30 ft., 55 at $4.20 each 231.00 Galv. strand, 5-16-in., 3,000 ft. at $0.87 per 100 ft 26.10 Galv. strand, %-in., 2,000 ft. at $0.68 per 100 ft 13.60 St. line hangers, 55 at $31.50 per 100 ft 17.33 D curve hangers, 10 at $67.00 per 100 ft 6.70 S curve hangers, 12 at $40.00 per 100 ft 4.80 Wood strains, 9-in., 150 at $14.50 per 100 ft 21.75 Strain plates, 2 at $32.00 per 100 ft 0.64 Connectors, 20-in., 2 at $1.25 each 2.50 Ears (clip), 8-in., 55 at $14.00 per 100 7.70 Solder ears, 15-in., 25 at $32.00 per 100 8.00 Insulated crossings, 2 at $9.00 each 18.00 Solder, 25 lb. at $0.23 per lb 5.75 Lightning arresters, 5 at $4.00 each 20.00 Feed-in yokes, 5 at $28.00 per 100 .' 1.40 Section insulators, 1 at $5.60 each 5.60 Pony insulators, 190 at $1.51 per 100 2,87 Transposition insulators. 30 at $6.90 per 100 2.07 Wire, 3-0 trolley, 2700 lb. at $0.16 per lb 432.00 Wire, 4-0 feeder, 3400 lb. at $0.16 per lb 544.00 Wire, No. 10 tel., 2 mi. at $12.00 per mile 24.00 Wire, signal, 2 mi. at $15.30 per mile 30.60 Feeder insulators, 55 at $5.00 per 100 2.75 Pins, malleable iron, 5 at $16.20 per 100 0.81 Cross arms, 4 pin, 110 at $15.14 per 100 16.66 Locust pins, 440 at $13.80 per 1000 6.08 Eye bolts, %- by 12-in., galv., 110 at $8.30 per 100 9.13 Eye bolts, %- by 12-in. galv., 110 at $5.70 per 100 6.27 Lag screws, %-by 4 in., 110 at $1.15 per 100 1.27 Braces, 24-in., galv., 220 at $53.00 per 1000 11.66 Bolts, carriage, %- by 4-in., 220 at $6.50 per 1000 1.43 O washers, 2-in., 220 at $6.00 per 1000 1.32 Cut washers, %-in., 220 at $0.85 per 1000 0.19 Switch pins, 3 at $4.00 each 12.00 Block signal, 1 at $250.00 each 250.00 Tools and incidentals 300.00 Labor, digging holes, 110 at $5.50 each 605.00 Labor, hauling, dressing and framing poles, 110 at $0.50 each 55.00 Labor, setting poles 110.00 Labor, line 300.00 Total $3,470.73 Cost of Overhead Construction. We have taken the following from Pender's American Handbook for Electrical Engineers. The costs given in Tables X to XIII will serve as a guide in making preliminary estimates. Extras for Curves. — Under ordinary conditions curves add about 10% to the cost of direct-suspension construction and about 159^ to the cost of catenary construction. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1607 Extras for 120(i-volt construction. — The following amounts should be added to the total in the following table to give proper values for 1200-volt construction: Direct suspension : Per mile Bracket construction $40 Span construction 40 Catenary suspension: Bracket construction $10 Span construction 10 TABLE X. COST PER MILE OF SPAN-WIRE TROLLEY CONSTRUCTION (600 VOLTS) (EXCLUSIVE OF TRACK WORK AND BONDING) Item U^^^ ^^^^ price Material (incl. 2 double curves) Yellow pine poles, oc- tagon $6.00 Iron poles, No. 2 19.00 Iron poles, No. 4 36.00 Cement 2.35 & 2.15 Broken stone 0.95 Black paint 0.90 Span wire 0.012 Pull-off wire 0.006 No. 000 cu. wire, per lb 0.18 Straight line susp. . . . 0.285 Side feed susp 0.57 Deep groove ears .... 0.235 Frogs 3.25 Diagonals 3.60 Brooklyn strains 0.71 Frog pull-ofCs 0.36 Pole clamps 0.12 Globe strains 0.31 Side-feed wire, No. 0, ins 0.102 Double bodies 0.93 Single " 0.53 Miscellaneous ... Total mat'l Labor (incl. 2 double curves) Setting poles Trucking Painting (1 coat) .... Running trolley wire . Building 2 double curves Putting up span wire . Total labor Grand total per mile Single track Double track Quan- Total Quan- Total tity cost tity cost 88 $528 88 $1672 4 144 22 bbl. 52 33 bbl. 71 14 cu. yd. 13 14 cu. yd. 13 20 gal. 18 11 gal. 10 1250 ft. 15 2500 ft. 30 1250 ft. 8 2500 ft. 15 Imi. 483 2 mi. 966 36 10 72 21 8 5 16 9 56 13 112 26 2 7 4 13 2 7 110 78 6 2 12 4 9 1 18 2 15 5 30 9 120 ft. 12 240 ft. 24 6 6 12 11 6 3 12 6 1 7 $1182 $3138 $156 $138 25 25 9 12 50 75 34 50 20 20 $294 $320 $1476 $3458 Cost of llM^-volt catenary construction. — Under favorable con- ditions, an 11,000-volt catenary construction, such as that of the Denver & Interurban Ry., with sufficient conductors for a half- 1608 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA hourly operation of two-car trains, including track bonding, costs from $3,500 to $5,000 per mile of single track. (O. S. Lyford, Proc. A. S. C. E., Aug., 1908, p. 540.) For heavy catenary construction, such as used on trunk line railways, the cost depends entirely upon the standards selected, which are inclusive of the consideration of importance of track, in turn bringing into consideration the advisability of wood and steel post constructon, cross-catenary and bridge-span construction, single or compound catenaries, etc. The cost of overhead yard construc- tion can vary from $1,500 to $3,000 a mile of single track, depending upon number of tracks spanned and type of construction selected. TABLE XI. COST PER MILE OP SINGLE TRACK DIRECT SUSPENSION AND CATENARY CONSTRUCTION Adapted from (G. E. Review, 1910, Vol. 13, p. 516) 600-VOLT LINE, TANGENT TRACK Direct Catenary, suspension three-point Item Bracket Span Bracket Span Material : Poles, 8 in. by 30 ft $265 $530 $180 $360 Anchor, guy and span cables ... 45 150 21 100 Messenger cable . . . . 92 92 No. 0000 trolley wire 540 540 540 540 Other line mat'l 145 99 144 101 Total 995 1,319 977 1,193 Labor : Erecting poles 185 371 126 252 Mounting brackets 13 .. 9 Installing span wire and guys , . . , 212 . . 144 Stringing and clamping wire .... 75 75 200 200 Installing anchors 75 100 50 60 Total 373 758 385 656 Miscellaneous extras 150 150 150 150 Grand total $1,518 $2,227 $1,512 $1,999 The following figures are representative of modern 11,000-volt trunk-line catenary construction, using steel bents similar to the recent construction on the N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R. Cost of construction per mile Number of tracks Of right of way Of single track 1 $ 4,000- 7,000 $4,000- 7.000 2 8,000-15,000 4,000- 7.500 4 25,000-40,000 6,250-10,000 Sidings, with wooden pole construction, cost from $2,500 to $3,500 per mile, and yard construction from $1,500 to $3,000 per mile of track. Double Track Overhead Trolley Construction. The following is from a Chicago appraisal made in 1902, by. B. J. Arnold. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1609 TABLE XII. ESTIMATED COST OF TRIANGULAR CATENARY CONSTRUCTION FOR 11,000-VOLTS, ORIGINAL N. Y. N. H. & H. TYPE (Elec. Age, Apr., 1908, p. 96) CONTACT LINE & SUPPORTS Ouantitv ^^^ milePer mile Item ^ ,f;^t ^ Price single four """ track tracks Steel bridges, intermediate, every 300 ft., wt. 13,000 lbs. 115 tons $100.00 $11,500 Steel bridges, anchor ; every 2 mi., wt. 23,000 lbs 5% " 100.00 575 Foundations for intermediate bridge, 9 cu. yds. each side, 34 per mile 306 yds. 10.00 3,060 Foundations for anchor bridge, 12 cu. yds., 1 per mile .... 12 " 10.00 120 Foundations, special .... 775 Trolley wire, No. 0000 B. & S., 5280 ft 3,380 lbs. 0.18 $608 Messenger wires, 2-% in. steel, 10,900 ft 9,150 " 0.08 732 Hangers, 10 ft. apart 528 0.75 395 Insulators, two every 300 ft. ... 34 0.50 17 Pins and yokes for above 34 0.75 26 Strain insulator and acces- sories, 16 every two miles . 8 6.00 48 Trolley strain insul. & section breaks, 4 every two miles . 2 16.00 32 Circuit breakers, 8 per section . . 4 500.00 2,000 Linemen's materials 20 Labor on trolley, messenger and supports 1,200 20,308 Total for contact system $5,078 $36,338 TABLE XIIL FEEDER SYSTEM Item C'S a Feeder wires, No. B. & S. (two) 10,900 ft 3,380 lbs. Insulators 35 Pins 35 Circuit breakers 1 Control wire and pipe 500 ft. " transformers, 5 kw., 2 per section 1 Lightning arresters Miscellaneous material Labor on feeders 10,900 ft. Total for feeder system «^ ■fig T, r^-t-> ^ %u f^Fi ; 0.18 $ 608 0.50 18 0.50 17 500.00 500 0.50 250 100.00 100 50 20 0.03 327 $1,890 ESTIMATE OF COST TO PRODUCE ONE MILE OF DOUBLE TRACK OVERHEAD TROLLEY CONSTRUCTION FOR CITY STREETS 100 Iron poles, set in concrete, at $28 $2,800.00 50 4-pin iron cross arms, with pins and ins., at $3.95 . 197.50 100 Small Brooklyn insulators for spans at 50 cts 50.00 100 Globe strain " 22 cts 22.00 1610 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 90 Straight line hangers at 32% ets $ 29.25 10 Feed-in " " 50 cts 5.00 140 Soldered 9-in. ears at 16 cts 22,40 12 Live cross-overs (estimated) at $3 36.00 8 Insulated cross-overs (estimated) at $6 48.00 8 2-way frogs (estimated) at $3 24.00 3,000 ft. 5/i6-in. galv. strand wire for spans at $10 per M 30.00 6 Strain plates (strain layout) at 32 cts 1.92 12 Small Brooklyn ( " " ) " 50 cts 6.00 12 Globe insulators ( " " ) " 22 cts 2.64 1,500 ft. %-in. galv. strand wire (strain layout) at $7.25 per M 10.88 20 Double hangers (2 double curve layouts) at 44 cts. 8.80 20 Single " (" " " " ) " 35 cts. 7.00 1,000 ft. i^-in. strand (" " " " ) " $7.25 per M 7.25 4 Heavy Brooklyn (2 double curve layouts) at 70 cts. 2.80 10,560ft. 2-0 trolley wire, 4,246 lbs. at 13% cts 562.59 2 00 splicing ears at 50 cts 1.00 Labor, placing spans, trolleys, etc 225.00 Total, exclusive of feeder wire $4,100.03 Feeder wire, average per mile 4,000.00 $8,100.03 Cost of Trolley Pole Line in Washington. The following actual costs are from a report by H. P. Gillette on his appraisal of an interurban traction company in Washington in 1912. Poles (cedar) were spaced 120 ft. apart on tangents and closer on curves. They were placed on one side of the track and 10 ft. from center line. They were of such length that the top of the pole was 37.5 ft, above the rail. They were framed for two cross arms, but the lower arm only was put on ; it was a 6-pin arm 4 ins. by 5 ins. by 7 ft. The two pins at end of arm nearest track carry the #10 copper telephone wires. The feeder is carried on the first pin beyond pole from track. There were 637 poles (28,017 lin. ft.). Labor: Total Per mile Pay roll, construction (detail below) $ 5,200.11 $437.02 Pay roll, other than construction crew 920.00 77.32 Total labor $ 6,120.11 $514.34 Material: Poles (637) $ 2,689.66 $226.04 Cross arms (750) 202.50 17.02 Pins (1,150) 65.09 5.47 Eye bolts 43.86 3.69 Cross arm braces 71.06 5.97 Machine bolts 250.60 21.06 Lag screws 38.70 3.25 Cut washers 69.47 5.84 Guy wire 52.39 4.40 Tools 0.85 0.07 Manilla rope 10.04 0.84 Freight and cartage 73.31 6.16 Personal expense 18.07 1.52 Blue prints 1.18 0.10 Temporary construction prorated 338.00 28.40 Total, material '. $ 3,924.78 $329.83 Total, labor and material $10,044.89 $844.17 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1611 Lahor details follow: Total Per pole 670 hrs. foreman at $0.362 $ 240.24 $ 0.377 335 " time-keeper at $0.272 91.16 0.143 904 " framing poles at $0.260 234.75 0.369 5,811 " digging holes at $0,258 1,500.86 2.356 1,802 " putting on X-arms at $0,306 55L.70 0.866 3,328 " setting poles at $0,284 946.51 1.489 2,272 " guying and anchoring at $0.289 655.90 1.030 475 " putting on brackets at $0.305 144.85 0.228 53 " blacksmithing at $0,301 . 15.95 0.025 1,038 " making and hauling some of the poles at $0.292 303.55 0.477 136 " miscellaneous hauling at $0.473 64.35 0.101 1,327 " distributing poles at $0.287 380.34 0.597 254 " " other material at $0,275 69.95 0.110 18,405 " total at $0,232 $5,200.11 $8,168 Pay roll other than construction 920.00 1.444 $ 9.612 637 poles purchased or cut, as below 4.220 $13,832 Pole and fittings details: 545 main line poles 25,111 lin. ft. 24 brace-poles 690 " " 68 bridle poles 2,216 " " 637 poles, average 44 ft 28,017 " " Poles cut on right of way: 4,018 lin. ft. at 1^^ cts $ 50.20 9,070 " " at 14 ct 73.28 11,488 " " credit to r. of way at 7 cts •. 804.16 1,657 " " at 2 % cts 41.42 3,150 " " at Sets.... 94.50 Total right of way poles $1,063.56 Poles purchased: 2,028 lin. ft. at 8 cts $ 162.24 146,386 " " at 10 cts 1,463.86 Grand total poles (637 poles) at $4.22 $2,689.66 Cross Arms: 750 6-pin at $0.27 $202.50 Pins : 300 1 1/2 by 9 in. locust $ 5.39 100 steel 14.70 750 No. 3 pins 45.00 Total pins $ 65.09 Epe Bolts: 42 % in. by 7 ins. with 6 in. thread and nuts $ 43.86 Cross Arm Braces: 560 Vi by IVi by 28 ins. galv $ 51.03 330 ^ by 114 by 20 ins. " 20.03 Total cross arms $ 71.06 Machine Bolts: 3,260 % by 5 ins. galv $ 57.37 400 % by 5 ins. black 5.63 444 % by 16 ins. galv 36.01 1612 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1,250 % by 18 ins. galv $110.88 220 % by 18 ins. black 24.09 100 % by 22 ins. galv 16.62 5,674 Total machine bolts $250^60 Lag Screws: 1,730 1/2 by 4 ins. galv $ 36.11 60 % by 5 ins. " 2.59 Total lag screws $ 38.70 Cut Washers: 3,260 % in., 68 lbs $ 6.12 3,790 % in., 1,050 lbs 63.35 Total cut washers, 1,118 lbs $ 69.47 Guy Wire: 4,000 ft. % in. single galv. strand, 1,195 lbs $ 52.39 Labor Costs on Trolley Line in Washington. The following data were prepared by Henry L. Gray for an appraisal on the Pacific Coast in 1912. An economical method of constructing a trolley system involves the use of one or more gangs made up as follows, per day of 8 hrs. 1 foreman at $5.00 $ 5.00 2 linemen at $4.40 8.80 1 helper at $2.75 2.75 1 auto truck with helper-driver at $1.25 per hr. for 8 hrs. ... 10.00 Total for 8-hr. day $26.55 Average cost of crew per hr $ 3.32 On straight span construction this crew could average 2 spans per hour, at a labor cost of $1.66 per span. This figure covers the placing of pole collars on metal poles and the boring for eye bolts in wooden poles, but does not include the drilling, etc., for building contacts. The locating of the frog and pullovers at the point where two tracks merge into one (end of double track) can be done by the above crew in approximately an hour, a labor cost of $3.35. The adjustment of the 2 frogs, the 2 pullovers and the stringing of the wire at a standard crossover has been found by experience to be about 4 hrs., which gives a labor cost of $13.30. The stringing of the guys and adjusting the alignment of a single track curve of 90 degs., would require approximately 8 hrs., a labor cost of $26.60. The stringing of the guys and adjusting the alignment of a double track curve of 90 degs. would require approximately 12 hrs., a labor cost of $40. The stringing of the guys and adjusting the alignment of a double track of 45 degs. would require approximately 10 hrs., a labor cost of $33.20. The stringing of the guys, location of 3 frogs and alignment of the 2 curves of a single track wye would require approximately 12 hrs., a labor cost of $40. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1613 The stringing- of the guys, location and 3 frogs and 1 crossover, together with the alignment of the 2 curves of a wye located on a double track would require approximately 12 hrs., a labor cost of $40. The stringing of the guys, location of 4 frogs, and a crossover with the adjusting of the alignment of the 3 curves of a double track branchoff from double track with a single track curve forming a wye, would require approximately 12 hrs., a labor cost of $40. The stringing of the guys, location of 2 frogs and adjustment of the alignment of the 2 curves of a simple double track branchoff from the double track would require approximately 8 hrs., a labor cost of $26.60. The stringing of the guys, the location of 12 frogs and 12 cross- overs, and the extensive adjustments to maintain the alignments of all the curves in a layout comprising a double track crossing at 90 degs. with 3 pairs of connecting curves would require approximately 32 hrs.. a labor cost of $106.25. The stringing of the guys, the location of 8 frogs and 8 cross- overs, and the adjustment of the alignment of the curves of a double track crossing at 90 degs. with 2 pairs of connecting curves located diagonally to each other, would require approximately 16 hrs., a labor cost of $53.20. The stringing of the guys, the location of 6 frogs and 3 cross- overs, and the adjustment of the alignment of the curves of a double track with 2 double track curves leading into a double track at 90 degs. would require approximately 16 hrs., a labor cost of $53.10. In stringing trolley wire it would be economical to add an auto truck with driver, a lineman and 2 helpers to the standard crew, at an additional cost of $19.90 per day, based on the same rates. This would make the total crew cost $46.45 per day. It is estimated that this crew can hang up 1^^ miles of trolley per day, the adjust- ment of alignment on curves and special layouts being covered in the cost of the layouts. This would make the average cost of stringing $31 per mile. Overhead Trolley Construction in Chicago. The following data are abstracted from Detailed Exhibits of the Physical Property and Intangible Values of the South Chicago City Railway Co., and the Calumet-Electric Street Railway Co., as of February 1, 1908, ac- companying the Valuation Report by B. J, Arnold and George Wes- ton. TABLE XIV. UNIT POLE COSTS WOOD POLES, CEDAR Length, ft., and diam. top, ^^ ^ ins 30-7 35-7 40-8 45-8 50-8 50-8 Pole ' $5.20 $8.10 $11.45 $15.10 $15.40 $17.60 Labor 2.80 2.90 3.05 3.25 3.60 4.00 Tots.! cost Heeled 'and breasted 8.75 11.75 15.20 19.10 19.75 22.35 Set in barrels 9.50 12.00 15.50 19.35 20.00 22.60 Set in rock 10.00 13.00 16.50 20.35 21.00 23.60 Set in 1 yd. concrete 11.50 14.50 18.00 21.85 22.50 25.10 With S. P. brace 9.00 12.50 16.00 19.85 20.50 22.10 1614 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The scrap value of each of the above was estimated to be $1.00. IRON POLES Length, ft 25 30 30 30 35 35 Size, in 4-5-6 4-5-6 5-6-7 6-7-8 5-6-7 6-7-8 Weight, lb 450 525 1100 1322 1220 1479 Cost, pole only,* dol 15.75 18.37 38.50 46.27 42.70 51.76 Cost, set in 1 yd. concrete. dol. 22.37 25.18 46.75 55.00 51.25 61.00 Scrap value, dol 1.69 1.97 4.15 4.95 4.55 5.55 * Based upon a price of $0,035 per lb. WOOD POLE CROSS SPAN CONSTRUCTION 1 TROLLEY, 1 TRACK 2 %-in. by 12-in. eye bolts $0.24 48 ft. span wire 0.55 2 wood strain insulators 0.40 1 Ohio brass, or equal, hanger 0.45 1 trolley ear, 12-in.* 0.35 Labor 2.00 $3.99 * For 15-in. ears add $0.20 for each ear to prices given. 1 TROLLEY, 1 TRACK, FEED SPAN 2 %-in. by 12-in. eye bolts $0.24 36 ft. No. 1/0 solid copper wire 1.47 19 ft. span wire 0.21 2 wood strain insulators 0.40 2 trolley ears, feeder 0.70 1 stud bolt 0.15 Labor 2.00 $5.17 Scrap value $1.25 2 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS The cost of this will be the same as that of 1 trolley, 1 track, plus 1 hanger, $0.45, and 1 ear, $0.35, a total of $4.79. If no wood strains or only one wood strain is used the costs will be $4.39 and $4.59 respectively. If 2 Anderson solid hangers, $0.76, are used instead of O. B. hangers the cost is $4.65, instead of $4.79. 2 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS, FEED SPAN The cost of this is $5.87, being that of 1 trolley, 1 track, feed span, $5.17, plus 2 trolley ears, $0.70. The scrap value is $1.45. Another type is as follows : 2 %-in. by 12-in. eye bolts $0.24 48 ft. span wire 0.55 51 ft. No. 1/0 solid copper wire 2.65 2 O. B.. or equal, hangers 0.90 2 trolley feed ears 0.70 2 wood strains 0.40 Labor 2.00 $7.44 Scrap value $1.75 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1615 4 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS 2 %-in. by 12-in. eye bolts SO 24 82 ft. span wire '. ] ' q 92 3 wood strains ■ 60 4 O. B., or equal, hangers . . 180 4 ears, 12-in " 1*40 Labor '...'.'. 2^00 $6.96 IRON POLE CROSS SPAN CONSTRUCTION 2 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS 2 pole collars $0.18 2 globe strain insulators '.\ o!60 48 ft. span wire 0.55 2 wood strain insulators \ . 0^40 2 O. B., or equal, hangers 90 2 trolley ears, 12-in 0.70 Labor 2.50 $5.83 3 TROLLEYS, 3 TRACKS 2 pole collars $0.18 6 globe strains 1^80 48 ft. span wire ' 0.55 3 O. B., or equal, hangers 1.35 3 trolley ears, 12-in 1.05 Labor 2.50 $7.43 IRON CENTER POLE CONSTRUCTION 4 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS 1 O. B. bracket for iron poles, type " D " $ 7.92 4 Anderson solid hangers 1.52 4 trolley ears, 12-in 1.40 Labor 4.00 $14.84 4 TROLLEYS, 2 TRACKS, FEED TAP In addition to the above the feeder tap has 18 ft. No. 1/0 copper wire R. C, $1.41, and 5 ft. 1 in. loons, $0.50, making a total of $16.75. The scrap value is $1.00. Labor Cost of Overhead Trolley Work. The unit costs of re- building a trolley line 7.68 miles long in Washington follows: Distributing 401 poles, each $0.70 Digging 401 holes, each 4.00 Shaving 25 poles, each 116 Setting and tamping 401 poles, each 2.70 Framing 401 poles, each ' 0.70 Double arming and bracing, 7.68 miles, per mile 55.04 Guying, 7.68 miles, per mile 21.75 Distributing material, 7.68 miles, per mile 8.35 Putting up 95 spans, each 1-25 Trolley work, 9,5 miles, per mile 91.90 Putting up 115.000 ft. feeders, per ft 0.0057 Taking down old trolleys, 9.5 miles, per mile 8.88 1616 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The wag-es of linemen were 30 cts, per hour ; and of helpers, 25 cts. per hour. The following- actual labor costs are for 4.12 miles of new trolley line work, totaling $3,188 or $775 per mile, including $212 per mi. for trainmen : Dig-ging 215 holes, each $ 1.04 Raising 215 poles, each 1.39 Framing 215 poles, each 0.93 Hauling 215 poles, incl. loading and distributing, each 0.60 Guying and bracing 75 poles, each 3.98 Stringing 4.12 miles of trolley, incl. building curves, per mile 108.00 Putting up 180 brackets, each 0.54 Miscellaneous, 4.12 miles 33.61 Telephone and telegraph, 12.36 miles of wire, per mile 14.20 Stringing feeder, 4.12 miles, per mile 63.50 The cost of setting 57 3 5 -ft. trolley poles, same place, was as follows, per pole : Digging holes $1.49 Raising poles 1.25 Framing poles '. 0.97 Hauling poles 0.49 Miscellaneous labor 0.30 Total per pole $4.50 The cost of putting up 48 trolley wire spans was $1.45 each. Valuation of Distribution System of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Co. From an article by P. J. Kealy, Engineering and Con- tracting, Oct. 5, 1910. The electric power distribution system has been divided into : Overhead Trolley Construction ; Feeder System ; Electrical Track Bonding ; Conduit System. The report on the valuation by B. J. Arnold includes a de- tailed estimate of all poles, cross span construction, fittings, trolley wire, feeder wire (positive and negative), feeder attach- ments and supports, track bonding cable, wire, etc., together with special work construction at the curves and in car houses. In arriving at the cost new of the poles, wire attachments, and all equipment whatsoever, the actual cost of the material and labor was estimated at the present time (Nov. 1, 1909), and to this was added 15% for organization, engineering, and incidentals. The de- tailed inventory of the entire system was made by inspection, and all quantities, kinds, conditions, and character whatsoever were fully noted in detail, from which the cost has been estimated. Overhead Trolleys. — There are 129.623 miles of overhead trolley construction, the valuation of which is summarized as follows : Cost new Owned by companies $207,339 Outside interests '. 8,460 Net total $198,879 Org., eng. and inc., 15% 29,832 Grand total $228,711 Per mile 1,759 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1617 The unit costs used in figuring transmission line values are shown by Tables XV. XVI. XVII and XVIII. TABLE XV. TROLLEY AND FEEDER COST DATA ■^-M Kind Trolley Trolley Trolley Trolley , W. P Scrap , W. P Scrap , W. P Scrap W. P Scrap W. P Bare Scrap Lead Covered .... 5/32 Rubber. 1/8 Lead . . . 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 4/0 4/0 350 350 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 350 500 Size. New (18/64 scrap) New (20/64 scrap) M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils. M. cir. mils, M. cir. mils. 'O —i -MO ^t 01 CD ^a 319.5 239.0 402.8 296.0 522 410 800 653 1,345 1,076 1,894 1,540 3,674 3,100 3,100 3,495 4,254 -M u ga $0,047 0.027 0.059 0.033 0.077 0.045 0.118 0.073 0.202 0.119 0.284 0.171 0.551 0.468 0.344 1^ ^a $0.01 o'.oi o'.oi o'.oi 6.015 o'.6i5 o'.64 0.04 $0,057 0.069 0.087 0".i28 6.217 0.299 0'.59i 0.508 0.506 0.04 0.546 0.63 0.04 0.67 In arriving at the above prices, quotations of November 1, 1909, were used, namely : Bar Copper at mill 0.1325 per lb. Solid Wire (either bare or weather proof) 0.1460 per lb. f.o.b. Chicago Stranded Bare Cable 0.1510 per lb. f.o.b. Chicago Stranded W. P. Cable 0.1485 per lb. f.o.b. Chicago Scrap Value (Copper Wire and bronze parts) 0.11 per lb. f.o.b. Chicago 1% was added for sag. TABLE XVI. POLE COSTS : IRON POLES Size, Length, Weight, Cost pole only Set in street Set inside in. ft. lb. in con- curb in crete concrete 4-5-6 28 503 $14.83 $20.83 $25.45 4-5-6 30 532 15.63 21.63 26.25 5-6 30 546 16.02 22.02 26.64 5-6-7 30 675 19.55 25.55 30.17 5-6-7 311/2 955 • 27.25 33.25 37.87 5-6-7 31 689 19.95 25.95 30.57 5-6-7 33 731 21.11 27.11 31.73 4-5-6-7 33 722 20.86 26.86 31.48 5-6-7 35 778 22.27 28.27 32.89 4-5-6-7 40 852 24.40 30.40 35.02 5-6-7-8 40 1,052 29.95 35.95 40.57 5-6-7 45 950 27.15 33.15 37.77 6-7-8 30 829 23.80 29.80 34.42 6-7-8 31 876 25.10 31.10 35.72 1618 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Size. Length, Weight, Cost pole only Set in street Set inside in. ft. lb. m con- curb in crete concrete 6-7-8 33 916 26.30 32.30 36.92 6-7-8 35 966 27.55 33.55 38.17 6-7-8 40 1,087 30.90 36.90 41.52 6-7-8-9 40 1,273 36.00 42.00 46.62 6-7-8 45 1,273 36.00 42.00 46.62 6-7-8-9 45 1,428 40.30 46.30 50.92 6-7-8-9 50 1,602 45.04 51.04 55.66 (Bracket Type complete.) 3-4-5-6 30 913 31.00 41.62 TABLrE XVII. POLE COSTS ; WOOD POLES Diam. Length, ft. Cost Cost of setting of top, of (labor, material, in. pole cartage) 6 20 $1.00 $2.80 6 25 2.00 3.50 6 Special 30 1.95 3.95 7 30 4.45 4.05 8 30 6.10 4.05 6 35 4.45 4.05 7 35 6.10 4.05 8 35 7.30 4.20 6 40 6.13 4.20 7 40 7.30 4.20 8 Special 40 7.30 4.20 6 45 7.30 4.60 7 45 9.00 4.60 8 45 9.00 4.60 6 50 9.00 5.00 7 50 12.00 5.00 8 50 12.50 5.00 7 60 16.00 5.00 Stub 30 6.10 4.05 Stub 35 7.30 4.20 Total cost $3.80 5.50 5.90 8.50 10.15 8.50 10.15 11.50 10.33 11.50 11.50 11.90 13.60 13.60 14.00 17.00 17.50 21.00 10.15 11.50 TABLE XVIII. UNIT COSTS OP SPAN CONSTRUCTION OP VARIOUS TYPES A. Two Trolleys — Span Construction — Two Iron Poles. Total 2 Pole bands (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $0.50 2 Brooklyns (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 2 Straight line hangers. W. E. Type A or equal, at $0.40.. 0.80 2 Ears, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.50 45 Pt. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 0.36 Labor 2.50 $5.86 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.29 Total $6.15 B. Two Trolleys — Section Insulators — Span Construction — Two Iron Poles. Total 2 Pole bands (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $ 0.50 2 Brooklyns (mediums, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 2 Section insulators (Phila. type), at $4.50 9.00 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1619 45 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 , . . 0.36 Labor 2.50 $13.56 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.68 Total $14.24 C. Two Trolleys — Feeder Span Construction — Two Iron Poles. Total 2 Pole bands (solid 2-bolt) , at $0.25 $0.50 2 Brooklyns (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 2 Wood strains, 1^4 -in. by 9 1/2 -in., at $0.15 0.30 2 Solid feed hanger ears, at $0.45 0.90 30 Ft. 4/0 W. P. wire, at $0,118 3.54 15 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0,008 0.12 Labor 2.50 $9.06 Incidentals and waste at 5% .45 Total $9.51 D. Two Trolleys — Span Construction — One Wood and One Iron Pole. Total 1 Pole band (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $0.25 1 Brooklyn (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 0.60 1 Steel eyebolt, 12-in., at $0.05 0.05 2 Straight line hangers, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40. . . . 0.80 2 Ears, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.50 40 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 0.32 Labor 2.50 $5.02 Incidentals and waste at 5% .25 Total $5.27 E. Two Trolleys — Section Insulators — Span Construction — One Wood and One Iron Pole. Total 1 Pole band (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $ 0.25 1 Brooklyn (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 0.60 1 Insulated eyebolt, at $0.16 0.16 1 Wood strain, 1^4 -in. by 91/,-in., at $0.15 0.15 2 Section insulators (Phila. Type), at $4.50 9.00 35 Ft. 4/0 W. P. wire, at $0,118 4.13 12 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0,008 0.10 Labor 2.50 $16.89 Incidentals and waste at 5% .84 Total $17.73 F. Two Trolleys — Feeder Span Construction — One Wood and One Iron Pole. Total 1 Pole band (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $0.25 2 Brooklyns (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 2 Wood strains, 1 14 -in., 9 Vz -in., at $0.15 0.30 1 Insulated eyebolt, at $0.16 0.16 2 Solid feed hanger ears, at $0.45 0.90 30 Ft. 4/0 W. P. wire, at $0,118 3.54 1620 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 12 Ft. 5/16-m. span wire, at $0.008 0.10 Labor 2,50 $8.95 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.45 Total $9.40 G. Two Trolleys — Span Construction — Two Wood Poles. Total 2 Insulated eyebolts, at $0.16 $0.32 2 Straight line hangers, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40 0.80 2 Ears, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.50 30 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 0.24 Labor 2.50 $4.36 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.22 Total ' $4.58 H. Two Trolleys Feeder Span Construction — Two Wood Poles. Total 2 Insulated eyebolts at $0.16 $0.32 1 Globe strain, 2i^-in. at $0.25 0.25 1 Wood strain, li/4-in. by 91/2-in., at $0.15 0.15 2 Solid feed hanger ears, at $0.45 0.90 30 Ft. 2/0 W. P. wire, at $0.77 2.31 20 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 0.16 Labor 2.50 $6.59 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.33 Total $6.92 I. Two Trolley — Section Insulators — Span Construction — Two Poles. Total 2 Insulated eyebolts at $0.16 $ 0.32 1 Wood strain, li^ by 9i^-in., at $0.15 0.15 2 Section insulators (Phila. type), at $4.50 9.00 45 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0,008 0.36 Labor 2.50 $12.33 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.62 Total $12.95 K. One Trolley — Span Construction — Two Iron Poles. Total 2 Pole bands (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $0.50 2 Brooklyns (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 1 Straight line hanger, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40. . . . 0.40 1 Ear, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.25 40 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0,008 0.32 Labor , 2.00 Labor 2.00 $4.67 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.23 Total $4.90 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1621 N. One Trolley — Span Construction — One Iron and One Wood Pole. 1 Pole band (solid 2-bolt), at $0.25 $ 0.25 1 Brooklyn (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 o!60 1 Insulated eyebolt at $0.16 16 1 Wood strain, 1 % in. by 9 Va in., at $0.15 ! o!l5 1 Straight line hanger, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40 . . . 0.40 1 Ear, 12 in. clinch, at $0.25 25 40 Ft. ^Vie in. span wire, at $0,008 0.32 Labor 2.00 $4.13 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.21 Total $4.34 O. One Trolley — Span Construction — Two Wood Poles. Total 2 Insulated eyebolts, at $0.16 $0.32 1 Straight line hanger, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40 0.40 1 Ear, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.25 1 Wood strain, 1^4 -in. by 9i^-in., at $0.15 0.15 40 Ft. 5/16-in. span wire, at $0.008 0.32 Labor 2.00 $3.44 Incidentals and waste at 5% \ 0.17 Total $3.61 P. Two Trolleys — Center Pole Construction — One Iron Bracket Pole. Total 2 Straight line hangers, W. E. type A or equal, at $0.40 $0.80 2 Ears, 12-in. clinch, at $0.25 0.50 Labor 2.50 $3.80 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.19 Total $3.99 Q. Two Trolleys — Section Insulation — Center Pole Construction — One Iron Bracket Pole. Total 2 Section insulators (Phila. type), at $4.50 $ 9.00 2 Brooklyns (medium, malleable iron), at $0.60 1.20 Labor 2.50 $12.70 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.64 Total $13.34 R. Two Trolleys — Feeder Tap — Center Pole Construction — One Iron Bracket Pole. Total 2 Straight line hangers, W. E. type A or equal at $0.40 $ 0.80 2 Ears, 12 in. feed tap (cast lug), at $0.30 0.60 20 Ft. 4/0 w. p. wire, at $0.18 2.36 Labor 2.50 % 6.26 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.31 Total $ 6.57 1622 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA S. Two Trolleys — Under Elevated Structure, Total 2 Guide troughs, 30 in. by 12 in. by 3 in. wood, at $1.50 ... $ 3.00 2 Barn hangers, at $0.40 0.80 2 Ears, 12 in. clinch, at $0.25 0,50 Labor 1.50 % 5.80 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.29 Total $ 6.09 T. Two Trolleys — Under Elevated Structure. Total 2 Guide troughs, 30 In. by 12 in. by 3 in. wood, at $1.50 ... $ 3.00 2 Barn hangers, at $0.40 0.80 2 Ears, 12 in. feed tap (cast lug), at $0.30 0.60 12 ft. 2/0 w. p. wire, at $0.077 0.93 Labor 1.50 % 6.83 Incidentals and waste at 5% 0.34 Total $ 7.17 In appraising the transmission line the construction was separated into the following types of spans : A, Two trolleys — span construction — two iron poles, B, Two trolleys — section insulators — span construction — two iron poles. C, Two trolleys — feeder span construction — two iron poles. D, Two trolleys — span construction — one iron and one wood pole. E, Two trolleyg — section insulators — span construction — 'One iron and one wood pole. P. Two trolleys — feeder span construction — one iron and one wood pole. G. Two trolleys — span construction — two wood poles. H. Two trolleys — feeder span construction — two wood poles. 1. Two trolleys — section insulators — span construction — two wood poles. K. One trolley — span construction — two iron poles. N. One trolley — span construction — one iron and one wood pole. O. One trolley — span construction — two wood poles. P. One trolley — center pole construction — one iron bracket pole. Q. One trolley — section insulators — center pole construction — one iron bracket pole. R. One trolley — feeder tap — center pole construction — one iron bracket pole. S. Two trolleys — under elevator structure. T. Two trolleys — feeder tap — under elevated structure. In inventorying the line these general types of span were esti- mated and also every variation of type. For example, an estimate was made of general type A and of 24 variations of this type. Usually these variations are in minor details and change the cost per span only a fraction, so that we give here only the itemized costs of the general types as in Table XVIII, In estimating the wearing life of trolley wire, 1/0 was assumed to have a wearing value of SOi/o lbs. per 1,000 ft. and 2/0 of 106.8 lbs. In a few instances the trolley wire was found to have reached ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1623 the estimated wearing value,' and to be in need of removal, but still in service. The report, therefore, indicates it as having " ex- cessive wearing value." Feeder System. — On account of the absence of data on the year of installation or renewals of feeders, and on the interchange of wire from and to the various sections, each section was inspected to determine the present worth. A summary of the valuation of the feeder system is given in Table XX. Bonding. — In estimating the cost of electrical track bonding, the various types of track and special work were inspected, and the quantity, size, and kind of wire, etc., used were noted in detail, and in depreciating the life of 20 years was taken. Table XXI gives the amounts and values for electrical track bonding. Conduit Line. — The small amount of conduit line was estimated as follows : Material Cost new 7,912 ft. of 6-duct conduit and 18 manholes $ 9,494.40 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 1,424.16 $10,918.56 TABLE — FEEDER SYSTEM Material Cost new Feeder, copper, 1,745,559 feet (330.586 miles) $367,942.83 Feeder, labor, 330.586 miles ($72.01 average per mile) . . 23,807.04 Feeder, equipment, part 1 50,599.92 Feeder, equipment, part 2 6,506.27 Feeder, equipment, part 3 4,881.44 Feeder, equipment, part 4 18,715.10 Feeder, equipment, part 5 75.31 Feeder, equipment, part 6 395.22 Feeder, equipment, part 7 614.78 Feeder, equipment (C. & P.) 1,863.73 $475,401.64 Organization, engineering and incidentals, 15% 71,310.25 $546,711.89 Storeroom stock. Center and Racine Aves 2,149.69 Total $548,861.58 Weight of Materials for Span Wires. Data, January, 1914. The following materials usually make up the span on double track construction. 4 — strain insulators. 2 — straight line hangers. 2 — trolley ears. — seven-trand galvanized iron wire. Straight-line hangers ■ 3.25 lb. each Ears 0.8 lb. each ^4 -in. galvanized wire, 7-strand 0.125 lb. per ft. yi6-in. galvanized wire, 7-strand 0.21 lb. per ft. %-in. galvanized wire, 7-strand 0.295 lb. per ft. 7/i6-in. galvanized wire, 7-strand 0.415 lb. per ft. 4/0 trolley wire per ft 0.6393 lb. 1624 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 3/0 trolley wire per ft 0.5073 lb. 2/0 trolley wire per ft - 0.4024 lb. 1/0 trolley wire per ft 0.3194 lb. Strain insulators 2.25 lb. each Unit Costs of Overhead Construction. The following are esti- mated costs of trolley line work on the Pacific Coast prior to the war. Plain Insulated Span Wires. Hauling and distributing: Two helpers at $0.30 per hr., with a team and teamster at $0.75 per hr. can cut and distribute 24 span wires per hr., at a cost of $0,044 per span wire. Use $0.05. Making Up: One lineman at $0.50 per hr., using a helper at $0.30 per hr. one-half of the time, can make up one span, with one eyebolt and two strain insulators, four spans in one hr., at a cost of $0.16 per span. Placing: One lineman at $0.50 per hr., using a helper at $0.30 per hr. half the time can bore the holes and place wire in 30 mins., at a cost of $0.32 per span. Foreman's time: Allow 10% of the above labor cost for foreman's time, amounting to $0.03 per span. Material : 45 ft. of -yie in. galvanized strand at $0.99 per C $0.45 2 % in. by 14 in. eye bolts, at $0.08 . 0.16 2 wood strain insulators, at $0.23 0.46 Total material $1.07 Labor : Hauling and distributing 0.05 Making up 0.16 Placing 0.32 Foreman 0.03 Total labor $0.56 Total material and labor $1.63 Straight Line Hangers: Labor Placing: Two linemen at $0.50 per hr., and a team and teamster at $0.75 per hr., can place 6 straight line hangers, with ears, and line up the trolley in one hour. Labor per hanger $0.29 Foreman's time 10% of above 0.03 Total labor $ 0.32 Material : 1 straight line hanger 0.45 1 suspension ear 0.25 Total material $0.70 Total material and labor $1.02 Single Pull Hangers on Standard Curves: Labor placing: Two linemen at $0.50 per hr., one helper at $0.30 per hr., and a team with teamster at $0.75 per hr. can make strand into ring, place hanger and ear and line up trolley at rate of 2 per hr. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1625 Cost per hang-er $1.02 Foreman's time 10% of above 0.10 Total labor $1.12 Material : 1 single pull hanger 0.45 1 suspension ear 0.25 30 ft. Vi in. galvanized strand at $0.66 per C. ft 0.20 0.6 wood strainer insulator, at $0.23 0.14 1 2 in. galvanized ring 0.08 Total material $1.12 Total material and labor . $2.24 Single Pull Hangers on Old Curves: Labor placing : Same crew as above will place hanger and ear and line up trolley at rate of 3 per hr. Labor per hanger $0.70 Foreman's time. 10% of above 0.07 Total labor $0.77 Material : 1 single pull hanger 0.45 0.6 wood strain insulator at $0.23 0.18 1 suspension ear 0.25 20 ft. 14 in. galvanized strand at $0.66 per C. ft 0.13 Total material $1.01 Total material and labor $1,78 Double Pull Hangers on New Curves: Labor placing : Same crew as above will place hanger and ear, make strand into ring and line up the trolley at the rate of 1 14 per hour. Labor per hanger $1.37 Foreman's time, 10% of above 0.13 Total labor $1.50 Material : 1 double pull hanger 0.51 1 suspension ear 0.25 1 wood strain insulator 0.23 35 ft. 14 in. galvanized strand, at $0.66 per C 0.23 1 2 in. galvanized iron ring 0.08 Total material $1.30 Total material and labor $2.80 Double Pull Hangers on Old Curves: Labor placing : Same crew as above will place hanger and ear and line up the trolley at the rate of 2 per hr. Labor per hanger $1.02 Foreman's time, 10% of above 0.10 Total labor $1.12 Material : 1 double pull hanger 0.51 1 suspension ear 0.25 1626 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1 wood strain insulator $0.23 25 ft. of % in, galvanized strand, at $0.66 per C 0.17 Total material $1.16 Total material and labor $2.28 Bridge Hangers: Labor placing: One lineman at $0.50 per hour and one helper at $0.30 per hour can place hanger and ear and hang up trolley at rate of 5 per hr. Labor per hanger $0.16 Foreman's time, 10% 0.02 Total labor 0.18 Material : 1 bridge hanger 0,42 1 suspension ear 0.25 Total material $0.67 Total material and labor $0.85 Double Pull Hangers in Spans: Labor placing: Two linemen at $0.50 per hr., with a tower wagon and driver at $0.75 per hr.. can set a double pull hanger and ear in a straight span and line trolley in 20 mins. Labor per hanger $0,58 Foreman's time, 10% of above 0,06 Total labor $0.64 Material : 1 double pull hanger 0.51 1 suspension ear 0.25 Total material . . $0.76 Total material and labor $1.40 Trolley Circuit Breakers: Labor placing: The same gang under same conditions will place circuit breaker in 30 mins,, at a cost of $1.13 Material : 1 trolley circuit breaker $3.50 Total material and labor $4.63 Trolley Strain Guys: All guys for holding switch-pans, curves, and trolley, etc, in place are designated as " Strain Guys," Labor placing : The same gang as above under same conditions will make up and place a strain guy in 20 mins. Labor per guy $0.71 Material : 1 wood strain insulator 0.23 60 ft. 5/i6 in. galvanized strand, at $0.99 per C 0.59 Total material $0.82 Total material and labor $1.53 Trolley Strain Plates: Labor Placing: % 1 lineman at $0.50 per hr $0.50. 1 helper at $0.30 per hr 0.30 can place 2 strain plates per hr. for $0.80 averaging, each 0.40 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1627 Material : 1 strain plate . .". 0.45 Total material and labor $0.85 Crossings, Live: Labor placing-: Two linemen at $0.50 per hr., a helper at $0.30 per hr. with a team and teamster at $0.75 per hr. will place crossing- while lining trolley in 30 mins., at a cost of $1.03 Foreman's time. 10% of above 0.10 Total labor $1.13 Material : 1 live trolley crossing 3.25 Total material and labor $4.38 Crossings, Insulated, Adjustable: Labor placing: The same gang- working under same condi- tions will place crossing in 1 hr., at a cost of $2.26 Material : 1 adjustable insulated crossing 4.05 Total material and labor $6.31 Switch Pans: Labor placing: : The same gang working under same condi- tions will place switch pan in 30 mins., at a cost of .... $1.13 Material : 1 trolley switch pan 2.10 Total material and labor $3.23 Trolley Section Switches: Labor : 1 lineman II/2 hrs., at $0.50 $0.75 1 helper li/^ hrs., at $0.30 0.45 $1.20 Foreman's time, 10% 0.12 Total labor $1.32 Material : 1 200-amp. 600-volt switch and box $6.50 25 ft. 2/0 w. p. wire at $0.0779 1.95 6 insulators at $0.17 1.02 6 standard pins at $0.02 0.12 1/2 lb. solder at $0.20 0.10 Miscellaneous material 0.10 Total material o.^^'^^ Total material and labor $11.11 Cost of Signal Apparatus. Stringing Block Wire: The cost of labor and material per loop mile of #10 w. p. iron wire is $83.75. Placing Block Lights and connecting : 1 lineman, 2 hrs., at $0.50 $1-00 2 helpers, 2 hrs., at $0.30 1-20 Total, 2 hrs $2.20 1628 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA In 2 hrs. this gang place and connect two block lights, an average of $1.10 each. This allows for time used in moving from one end of block to the other. Hauling: Block lights are placed after the system is in operation. On the basis of $0.30 per car mile a lineman and helper can dis- tribute 30 block lights per day. The car travels 40 miles in a day. 40 miles at $0.30 $12.00 1 lineman 4.00 1 helper 2.40 Total for 30 block lights $18.40 The aiverage per block is $0,61. Summary: 1 set block lights $230.00 i 120 ft. w. p. iron wire, at $0.006 0.72 2 %-in. machine bolts at $0.05 0.10 4 %-in. round washers 0.01 12 porcelain knobs at $0.01 0.12 4 locust pins at $0.02 0.08 2 2-pin cross arms at $0.35 0.70 10 ft. wood moulding at $0.02 0.20 4 standard glass insulators at $0.04 0.16 Total material $232.09 Labor placing and connecting $ 1.10 Hauling 0.61 Labor on switch 2.00 Total materials and labor $235.15 Hand Operated Semaphores: The approximate cost of labor and material is $10. Placing overhead switches: 1 lineman, 8 hrs., at $0.50 $ 4.00 1 helper, 8 hrs., at $0.30 2.40 12 car miles at $0.30 3.60 Total per day $10.00 This gang can place 5 overhead switches, an average of $2.00 each. This includes time of moving from one end of block to the other. Srimmary: 1 switch $12.50 80 ft. #10 w. p. iron wire at $0.006 0.48 4 std. glass insulators at $0.04 0.16 4 locust pins at $0.02 0.08 Labor 2.00 Total material and labor . $15.22 Overhead Signal Switches: Labor Placing: Signal switches are placed after the switches are in operation and a line car is used in distributing material. Car mileage is figured at $0.30 per mile and the crew will cover about 5 miles per day. 1 This price is for light only. A light and disc semaphore cbst^ 3,bout $25 more. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1629 1 foreman, 8 hrs., at $0.56 . , .<.»...< $ 4 48 2 linemen, 8 hrs., at $0.50 8 00 2 helpers, 8 hrs., at $0.30 4.80 5 car miles, $0.30 1.50 Total labor for 10 switches $18.78 Labor per switch $ 1.88 Material : 1 switch ' $ 2.50 60 ft. 5/i6-in. gal. strand, at $0.99 per C 0.59 2 %-in. by 14-in. eye bolts, at $0.08 0.16 2 insulators, at $0.23 0.46 1 feeder type tap ear 0.25 40 ft. 2 pr. #6 standard r. c. copper, at $0.07 2.80 Solder, tap and misc. material 0.25 Total material $ 7.01 Total material and labor $ 8.89 Cost Knife Switch: 1 600 volt, 600 ampere knife switch $10.50 25 ft. 300 M. cir. mils, cable, at $0.176 4.40 6 insulators, at $0.17 1.02 6 pins, at $0.02 0.12 1/2 lb. solder at $0.20 0.10 Switch box 1.50 Misc. material 0.10 Total material $17.74 1 lineman, 1 1/2 hrs., at $0.50 0.75 1 helper, " " " 0.30 0.45 Foreman's time, 10% 0.12 Total material and labor $19.06 Overhead signs. These will be placed after the system is in operation. On the basis of $0.30 per car-mile one motorman and one lineman can place 65 signs in two days, covering about 75 mis. It will take about 10 hrs. of this time running the car, but this is included in the $0.30 for car mileage. The remaining 6 hrs. are used in placing the 65 signs, 75 mi. at $0.30 $22.50 1 lineman 6 hrs. at $0.50 3.00 1 motorman, " " 0.30 1.80 Total for 65 signs, at $0.42 $27.30 The signs cost about $0.50, hence the total cost is $0.92 in place. Cluster Lights: 1 lineman at $4.00 and one helper at $2.40 can install 4 clusters per 8 hr. day, averaging $1.60 1 bracket and reflector 3.00 5 16-cp. 120-volt lamps, at $0.15 0.75 1 3-ampere 600-volt switch and fuse block 0.4^ 10 ft. wood moulding, at $0.02 0.20 2 lag screws, at $0.017 0.03 10 ft. #10 w. p. iron wire, at $0,006 0.06 1 glass insulator 0.04 Total material and labor $6.11 1630 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Feeder Taps on Single Track: Labor placing: The same gang- as for overhead signal switches will make up, place on poles and tap to trolley and feeder in 1 hr., at a cost of $2.26 Material : 15 ft. of %6-in. galvanized strand, at $0.99 per C 0.15 35 ft. 2/0 double braid w. p. copper, at $16.40 per C 4.11 2 %-in. by 12-in. eye bolts, at $0.08 0.16 2 wood strain insulators, at $0.23 0.46 1 feeder tap hanger and bolt 0.30 1 suspension bar 0.25 Tape, solder, paste, etc 0.05 Total material $5.48 Total material and labor $7.74 Feeder Taps on Double Track: Labor placing: Allow 15 mins. additional time over single track for placing extra hanger and ear, making 1% hours, at a cost of $2.75 $2.75 Material : Same as single track $5.48 plus 1 feeder tap hanger and bolt 0.30 1 suspension ear 0.25 Total material $6.03 Total material and labor $8.78 Feeder Taps on Mast Arm. Construction: Labor Placing : This gang can make up and place and tap to feeder and trolley in 1 hr. 1 lineman, 1 hr., at $0.50 $0.50 1 helper, 1 hr., at $0.30 0.30 $0.80 Add 10% for foreman's wages 0.08 Total labor $0.88 Material : 15 ft. 2/0 w. b. w. p. copper $1.14 1 feeder tap hanger and bolt 0.30 1 suspension ear 0.25 Tape, solder, paste, etc 0.05 Total material $1.74 Total material and labor . $2.62 Mast Ar^ns: Labor Placing: Allow for distributing $0.10 per mast arm. One lineman at $0.50 and a helper at $0.30 per hr. will place mast arm ready for hanger in 30 mins. at a cost of $0.40. Total labor $0.50 Material : 1 mast arm ^«-19 2 i/a-in. by 3y2-in. lag screws, at $0,013 0.03 8 ft. of % in. galvanized strand, at $0.66 per C 0.05 1 %-in. by 14-in. eye bolt 0.08 Total material f o"a^ Total material and labor $3.06 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1631 Mast Arms — Angle Iron : Labor placing : Same as above $050 Material : 1 Mast arm 2 50 Total material and labor "$3^00 Steady Strain Arms: Labor, placing and distributing $0.13 Material : 1 strain arm 090 1 strain ear !!!!!!....!. 0^22 $1.12 Total material and labor $1,25 Messenger Insulators: Labor placing $0.03 Material : 1 insulator and pin ' 0.57 Total material and labor $0.60 Catenary Construction: Lgibor : Labor per mile $113.20 Train rental and power 12.00 Total labor $125.20 Material : 1 mile yi6-in. gal. strand, at $0.01 per ft $ 52.80 1 mile (3,392 lbs.) 4/0 grooved trolley, at $15.90 per lb. 537.74 352 gal. catenary hangers, at $23 per C 88.00 Total material $678.54 Total material and labor $803.74 Trolley wire 1/0 Round: Labor placing : Unloading, per mile $ 0.25 Hauling to job, per mile 2.00 Two linemen at $0.50 per hr, and one helper at $0.30 per hr. and two teams and teamsters at $0.75 per hr. can string, pull up and tie to spans, with iron wire, one mile of trolley Avire in 8 hrs., at a cost of 22.40 Foreman's time, 10% of above 2.50 Total labor $27.15 Material : 1 mile of 1/0 round copper trolley 264.49 Total materials and labor $291.64 Trolley wire 2/0 Round: Labor placing : Same as 1/0, except add $0.50 per mile for hauling. Total labor $27.65 1632 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA . Material : 1 mile 2/0 round copper trolley (2,128 lbs.) 330.03 Total material and labor $357.68 Feeder, 250 M. dr. mil.j Triple Braid, W. P.: 1 team and teamster and 1 helper can haul 1 load for $3.60 as there are two reels of 1,600 ft. each per load, the cost per mile is $ 5.94 Stringing-, tying and splicing 59.14 Total labor per mi $ 65.08 Material : 1 mile cu. mil. stranded copper wire (5,343 lbs.), at $16.15 per C. lbs $852.72 47 tie wires, at $0.05 2.35 47 insulators, at $0.08 3.76 47 locust pins, at $0.02 0.94 Miscellaneous material 0.50 Total material $860.27 Total material and labor $925.35 Feeder, 250 M. air. mil. Bare Stranded: Crew : 1 team and teamster and 1 helper can haul one load for $3.60. As there are two reels of 1,800 ft. each per load, the cost per mile is $ 5.28 Stringing, tying and splicing 59.14 Total labor $ 64.42 Material : 1 mile cir. mil. stranded copper wire, (4,026 lbs.), at $16.15 per C. lbs $650.20 47 tie wires, at $0.05 2.35 47 insulators, at $0.08 3.76 47 locust pins, at $0.02 0.94 Miscellaneous material 0.50 Total material $657.75 Total material and labor $722.17 Feeder, 350 M. cir. mil. — Bare Stranded: Hauling : 1 team and teamster, 1 day $ 6.00 1 helper, 1 day 2.40 21/2 loads per day, at $3.35 $ 8.40 Add $0.25 for unloading equals $3.60 per load. As there are 2 reels of 1.700 ft. each per load, the cost per mile is $ 5.60 Stringing, tying and splicing 55.47 Total labor $ 61.07 Material : 1 mile stranded copper wire (5.636 lbs.), at $16.15 per C. lbs $921.45 47 tie wires, at $0.05 v. 2.35 47 insulators, at $0.08 3.75 47 locust pins, at $0.02 0.94 Miscellaneous material 0.50 Total material $928.99 Total material and labor $990.06 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1633 Grounds^ 500 ilf. Cir. Mils.: Material : 75 ft. of wire, at $0.28 $21 00 35 ft. of 2-in. iron pipe, at $0,108 '.\\ a'go Miscellaneous material 2.OQ Total material $26.80 Labor : Dig-ging- and refilling trench $ 2.50 Placing iron pipe 0.20 Splicing (1 splice) \ 0.25 Bending (6 contacts) 0.50 $ 4.20 Foreman, 10% 0.40 Total labor $ 4. 60 2.75 sq. yds. asphalt pavement, at $3.80 10.45 Total material and labor $41.85 Unit cost per ft 0.56 Grounds, 4/0 and 1/0 : Material: 4/0 1/0 55 ft. of wire $6.45 $3.55 Miscellaneous material 0.35 0.25 Total material $6.80 $3.80 Labor : Digging and refilling $1.75 $1.75 Placing wire 0.25 0.25 Splicing (1 splice) 0.20 0.20 Bending (1 contact) 0.15 0.15 $2.35 $2.35 Foreman, 10% 0.25 0.25 Total labor $2.60 $2.60 Total material and labor $9.40 $6.40 Track Bonding on an Interurban. The following was the cost of bonding an interurban road. The work consisted of removing the continuous rail joints on 60 and 70 lb. rails and Weber joints on other main line rails and angle bars on sidings, chipping rails with cold chisels where bonds were soldered, and putting on one 250,000 cir. mils, or one 4/0 Chase Shawmut soldered bond at each joint, and replacing rail joint. New track bonded 12.792 miles with 2,058 (250,000 cir. mils.) bonds Old " " 10.513 " " 3,430 (mostly 4/0) Total " " 23.305 " " 5,488 Cost of 5.488 Bonds: Labor : 287 hr., foreman, blacksmith, time-keeper, etc., at $0.41 $ 118.34 Miscellaneous labor other than construction crew 84.00 4,696 hr. labor on new line at $0,268 1,231.99 7,105 hr. labor on old line at $0.305 2,169.70 Total labor $3,604.03 1634 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Material : 2,940 bonds 250.000 cir. mils, at $0.50 $1,470.00 2,548 bonds 4/0 cir. mils, at $0,495 1,258.72 $2,728.72 Cable for cross bonds 85.18 Tools 137.00 Solder, 858 lb. at 23 ct 197.52 Zinc, 150 lb. at 12 ct 17.82 Gasolene, 840 gal. at 23 1^ ct 197.50 Muriatic acid (42 g-al. at 69 ct. and 234 lb. at 3.4) .... 39.30 Cotton rope and sash for wipers 3.90 Freight and cartage 39.09 Personal expense account 29.55 Temporary construction prorated 147.00 Superintendence not on pay roll 120.00 Total material $3,742.58 Total material and labor .. $7,346.61 This is equivalent to $0.66 for labor and $0.67 for material, or a total of $1.33 per bond. Cost of Track Bonds, Street Ry. The following were the costs in a Pacific Coast city in 1906 to 1909. Chase Shawmut Bond. 4/0 : Cost of bond $0,294 Material (mis.) 0.030 Labor ... 0.080 Total material and labor $0,404 Stranded Copper Bond, 3/0 : Cost of bond, 36 in. long at 18.03 ct. per lb $0,346 Labor 0.150 Material (misc.) 0.040 Total material and labor $0,536 American Steel and Wire Co. Bond : Cost of bond $0,384 Material (misc.) 0.020 Labor 0.100 Total material and labor $0,504 The detail cost of 120 B. B. bonds was as follows: Material : 120 B. B. bonds at $0.50 $60.00 26 lb. solder at $0.19 4.94 15 gal. gasoline at $0.15 2.25 11^ gal. acid at $0.80 1.20 4 10-in. files at $0.12 0.48 1 White's blast 5.10 40 lb. 4/0 solid copper at $0.04 1/4 1.70 Total 120 bonds at $0.63 $75.67 The labor averaged $0.30 per bond, making a total of $0.93 per bond for material and labor. Cost of Bonding, Chicago. The following costs are taken from tables in Engineering and Contracting, Oct. 5, 1910, and were used ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1635 in making the valuation of the properties of the Chicago Consoli- dated Traction Co., by B. J. Arnold and G. W. Weston. 2-joint bonds made of 2/0 stranded copper, 3 ft. long, cost $0.25 for labor, $1.10 for material, a total of $1.35 each. A scrap value of $0.14 was assigned to these. Cross bonds, of 2/0 stranded copper, 23 ft. long, cost $0.80 each for labor and $1.40 for material, total of $2.20. To these was given a scrap value of $1.04. Ground returns, 500 M cir. mils, stranded copper, length 2,640 ft., were given a labor cost of $17.50; material, $613.80; total, $631.30; and a scrap value of $447.15. Ground returns, 1000 M cir. mils, stranded copper, length, 135 ft., cost $8.00 for labor; $63.20 for materials, a total of $71.20. Scrap value, $46.00. Cost of Bonding. The following were the costs of jobs done on a railway in Washington in 1910. Wages were 30 cts. per hr. TABLE XIX. COST OF BONDING No. of bonds Kind of bonds ' —Unit Misc. cost * Bond mat'l. Labor Total 190 Old 500 M.C.M. cable, 62 lb. at $0.20 $0,065 $0.$38 $0,145 $0,248 120 8-in. 0.230 0.032 0.086 0.348 5 B.B. 0.490 0.052 0.150 0.692 10 Home made 0.097 0.053 0.150 0.300 61 160 Home made 0.290 B.B. 0.490 0.031 0.175 0.688 4 Home made (3.5 lb. at $0.15) 0.525 50 B. B. 0.490 0.134 0.204 0.831 300 Sin. Home made 0.220 0.023 0.184 0.427 30 2/0 cable (1.8 lb. at $0.16i/4) 0.292 0.059 0.210 0.561 142 B.B. 0.490 0.072 0.164 0.726 26 Sin. 0.220 0.047 0.096 0.363 70 B. B. 4/0 0.400 0.029 0.136 0.565 32 Home made small cable 0.162 0.045 0.0S2 0.289 272 Sin. 0.220 0.032 0.106 0.358 150 Channel pin 0.275 0.050 0.325 Cross Bojids. The following costs are the averages from job records : Single track : length 5 ft. 51/4 lb. M.C.M. cable at $0.18 $1.00 Material, solder, gasoline, solder, etc 0.50 Labor 0.50 Double track, 12-ft. centers; length 21 ft. 4/0 35 lb. cable at $0.18 22 " " " " 15 " " " " '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. $2'.76 Misc. material 0.75 Labor 1.00 $4.45 $2.00 300 M.C.M. 500 M.C.M. $6.30 $3.95 1.00 1.00 $5.95 1.50 1.25 $9.05 1636 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XX. COST OF BONDING SWITCHES AND FROGS Am't. and kind of Bonding Misc. Bonding mat'l. used mat'l. mat'l. Labor Total 29 lb. 300 M.C.M. W. P. cable at $0.16% per lb $4.71 $2.33 $1.25 $8.29 42 lb. 500 M.C.M. W. P. cable 6.83 2.44 3.30 12.57 72 lb. 500 M.C.M. W. P. cable at $0.29 20.88 4.35 3.00 28.23 145 lb. 500 M.C.M. W. P. cable at $0.29 21.02 4.26 3.00 28.28 65 lb. 500 M.C.M. W. P. cable at $0.29 1 71/2 lb. 4/0 bare cable at $0.15 | 19.97 4.48 4.00 28.45 13 lb. 4/0 bare cable at $0.15 1 21 lb. 300 M.C.M. bare cable at $0.15. ] 2.80 1.27 3.01 7.08 172 lb. 300 M.C.M. W. P. cable at $0.29 12.47 3.70 4.75 20.92 36 lb. 4/0 bare cable at $0.15. 14 1b. 500 M.C.M. W. P. cable at }- 3.83 2.53 3.75 10.11 0.16% ] Cost of Bonding. C, D, Wesselhoeft, in Data, June, 1915, gave the following, ,. Cost per joint > Labor Material Total 2 — 500,000 cir. mil. bonds soldered to head of third rail $0.66 $1.23 $1.89 2 — 500,000 cir. mil. pin-expanded concealed bonds applied to track rail 0.69 2.05 2.74 2 — 400,000 cir. mil. compressed terminal con- cealed bonds applied to track rail ... 1.90 2 — 0000 bonds compressed terminal con- cealed bonds applied to track rail 0.50 1.00 1.50 Railway Cars. The following costs are from the accounting records of a railway company on the Pacific Coast, which was appraised by H. P. Gillette in 1911. The trucks were standard gage, 4 ft. 8% ins. PASSENGER CARS Exclusive of Electrical Equipment. Bodies: Closed single truck type, length 16 ft., over all 24 ft., width over sills 6 ft., over all 7 ft. by 4% ins. Length of each platform 3 ft. 6 ins. Height to trolley board 11 ft. Trucks: Single, 7 ft., 6 ins. wheel base, Lobdell C-61 wheels, 3 3 -in. diam.. 3-in. tread, 1 in. by 1 in. flange, 4 in, axles. Brakes: Brill lever. Cost, each car $1,850 Bodies: Closed single truck type, length 22 ft., over all 31 ft., each platform 4 ft., width over sills 6 ft. 6 ins., over all 7 ft. 8 ins. Height of trolley board above rail 11 ft. 10 ins. Trucks: Single, 8 ft. 6 ins., wheel base with spoke wheels of 3 3-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in, by %-in, flange, 4-in. axle. Brakes: Vertical wheel and gear. Cost,' each car $2,800 Bodies: Open, single truck type, length 25 ft., over all 27 ft. 6 ins., width over sills 6 ft. 2 ins., over all 7 ft. 10 ins. Height to trolley board, 11 ft. Trucks: Single, 7 ft. wheel base, spoked wheels, 30-in. diam. 3-in. tread, flange 1-in. thick, 3%-in, axles. Brakes: Lever. Cost, each car $1,600 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1637 Bodies: Open, single truck, type, length over all 27 ft., width over sills 6 ft. 2 ins. over all 7 ft. 10 ins., height to trolley board 11 ft. Trucks: Single 6 ft. 10 1/^ Ins., wheel base, spoked wheels, 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 3%-in. axles. Brakes: Old fashioned hand wheel. Cost, each car $1,600 Bodies: Trailer made by railway co. Closed vestibule, single truck type, length 21 ft., over all 31 ft. 10 ins. Length of each platform 4 ft. 3 ins. Width over sills 6 ft. 1 in., over all 7 ft. 7 ins., height to trolley board 10 ft. 10 ins. Trucks: Single. 8 ft. 6-in. wheel base with spoke wheels, 3 ft. 3-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 4-in. axles. Brakes: Lever type. Cost, each car $1,850 Bodies: Combination open and closed single truck type, length 29 ft., over all 30 ft., each platform 10 ft. width over sills, 6 ft. 2 ins., over all 8 ft. 1 1/^ ins. Height of trolley board above rail 11 ft. 3 ins. Trucks: Single 8 ft. wheel base with spoke wheels of 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 4-in. axles. Brakes: Vertical hand wheel. Cost, each car $2,200 Bodies: Closed, single truck type, length 21 ft., over all 31 ft. Length of each platform 4 ft., width over sills, 6 ft. 5 ins., over all 7 ft. 8 ins. Height to trolley board 11 ft. 8 ins. Trucks: Single 8 ft. wheel base, with spoke wheels of 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread. 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 4-in. axles. Brakes: Vertical wheel and gear. Cost, each car $2,200 Bodies: Open double truck type, length over all 44 ft., width over sills, 7 ft. 4% ins., over all 9 ft., 6 ins. Height of trolley board above rail. 10 ft. 9 ins. Trucks: Double. 4 ft. wheel base, with wheels 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread, flange 1-in. by 1-in and 4-in. axles. Cost, each car $2,350 Bodies: Closed, double truck type. Length 32 ft., over all 41 ft. 6 ins., length of each platform 4 ft. 8 ins., width over sills. 7 ft. 2 ins., over all 7 ft. 4 ins. Height of trol- ley board above rail 11 ft. 10 ins. Trucks: Double, 4 ft. wheel base with wheels 33-in. diam., 3- in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 4-in. axles. Brakes: Straight air brakes and hand brakes. Cost, each car $3,150 Bodies: Closed, monitor roof, double truck type. Length 35 ft., over all 47 ft., length of each platform 5 ft. 6 ins., width over sills 8 ft. 3 ins., over all 8 ft. 4% ins. Height of trolley board above rail. 12 ft. Trucks: 2 double, 4-ft. wheel base with wheels 33-in. diam., %-in. by 1-in. flange, 4% -in. axles. Brakes: Straight air brakes. Cost, each car $3,350 Bodies: Closed double truck type, length 35 ft., over all 47 ft., width over sills 8 ft. 2 ins., over all 8 ft. 41/2 ins. Height of trolley board 11 ft. 6 ins. Trucks: Double, wheel base 4 ,ft. 6-in. with cast iron spoke wheels of 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread, % by %-in. flange, 4 14 -in. axles. Brakes: AUis-Chalmers. Cost, each car $4,020 EXPRESS CARS Bodies: Double truck express, length 41 ft., over all 43 ft. 6 ins., width over sills 8 ft. 2 ins., over all 8 ft. 6 ins., height of trolley board above rail 11 ft. 1638 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Trucks: Double 4-ft. wheel base with spoke wheels 33-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 4-in. axles. Brakes: National air brakes and hand wheel. Cost, each car $1,350 FLAT CARS Bodies: Local make, single truck flat, length over all 16 ft. width over all 7 ft. Trucks: Local single pedestal type with 7-ft. wheel base, spoke wheels, 30-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by %-in. flange, 3 %-in. axles. Brakes: Horizontal hand wheels. Cost, each car $ 550 Bodies: Double truck flat, length 40 ft, over all 43% ft., width 7 ft. 10 ins. over all. fitted with pocket couplers. Trucks: Jewett double with Standard (solid) wheels 33-in. diam., 414-in. tread, 1 %-in. flange and 4%-in. axles. Brakes: Air brakes, inside wheels, metal brake beams. Cost, each car $1,050 Bodies: N. P. make, flat, length 30 ft., over all 33 ft., width over sills 7 ft. 7 ins., over all 8 ft., fitted with American pocket couplers. Trucks: Double with staif^ard (solid) wheels 33-in. diam., 4 %-in. tread, 1%-in. by 1%-in. flange, standard axles. Brakes: Air — outside wheels, wood brake beams. Cost, each car $ 700 Bodies: Local make flat, 33 ft. long, over all 35% ft., width over sills 7 % ft., over all 7 ft. 1 in. Trucks: Local make, double, with cast wheels, 2 4-in. diam., 4-in. tread. 1-in. by 1-in. flange, 3 %-in. axles. Brakes: Hand wheel. Cost, each car $ 600 Bodies: Local make flat. 41 ft. long, over all 43 ft. 5 ins., width over sills, 8 ft., over all 9 ft., pocket couplers. Trucks: Double, with cast wheels 33-in. diam., 4%-in. tread, 1%-in. by 1%-in. flange, 5-in. axles. Brakes: Air and wheel hand brakes. Cost, each car $ 700 LINE CARS Bodies : Local made, single truck box car with rising platform, length over all 22 ft., width over all 8 ft. 4 ins., height of trolley board above rail 11 ft. 5 ins. Inside filled with shelves and lockers. Trucks: Single 7-ft. 6-in. wheel base, with spoked wheels 30-in. diam., 3-in. tread, 1-in. by 1-in. flange and 3 %-in. axles. Brakes: Hand wheel. Equipment: 2-25 hp. motors, with inside suspension, pinion 14-T, gear 67-T, furnished with 2 K-10 controllers. Cost, each car $2,300 Dump Cars: 6 yd., two-way dump gravel cars. Cost, each car $ 420 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF CARS. Two-motor equipments 35- or 38-hp. inside suspension, pinion 17-T, gear 67-T, furnished with 2 K-10 controllers, or 2 K-6 controllers. Cost, each equipment $1,500 Four-motor equipments, 38 hp. outside suspension, pinion 17-T, gear 67-T, each equipment provided with 2 K-6 con- trollers. Cost, each equipment $2,800 One-motor equipment, 15 hp., inside suspension, pinion 14-T, gear 67-T. furnished with K-10 controller. Cost, each equipment , $1,100 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1639 One-motor equipment, 25 hp., inside suspension, pinion 14-T, gear 67-T. furnished with 2 K-10 controllers. Cost, each equipment $1,250 Four-motor equipments, 40 hp., outside suspension, pinion 17-T, gear 69-T, each equipment furnished with 2 K-28 controllers. Cost, each equipment $2,375 Cost of Rolling Stock in Cliicago. The following data are from the Chicago valuation report previously referred to, by B. J. Arnold and George Weston, year 1910. CAR BODIES CLOSED CARS Semi-convertible with smoking compartment, Pay-as-you-enter type, price new, for body only, $3,441. These are Kuhlman double truck cars ; length, over bumpers 47 ft. 6 ins. and over body 31 ft. 9 ins. ; width, over all, 8 ft. 9 ins. ; vestibuled platforms ; monitor type roof. Seating capacity, 40 ; seats, 16 fixed cross, 4 longi- tudinal ; 21 electric lights ; 1 Calumet fender ; passengers push buttons ; 1 sand box ; iron rod window guards ; 2 Hunter adjustable illuminated signs in vestibule, 1 in side window ; double end hand brakes, bevel geared hand wheel ; double fare registers ; 1 pair track scrapers. The price new of a car very similar to the above except that it was not a Pay-as-you-enter, was $3,088 for body only. Closed, passenger body, price new for body, $1,504. These are Pullman single truck cars, length, over bumpers, 30 ft. 6 ins., over body, 20 ft. ; width, over all, 7 ft. 6 ins.; vestibuled platforms 50 ins. long; monitor type roof; seating capacity, 26; seats, longitudinal type ; 10 electric lights ; 2 Berg improved fenders ; 2 Ham sand boxes ; signs, end, 2 illuminated, Calumet pattern, side, brackets for 2 wood signs ; hand brakes, double end, hand wheel ; double fare register ; 2 pair track scrapers. The price of a similar car, length 18 ft. 8 ins. over body, and with a seating capacity of 24, was $1,418 for body. OPEN CAR BODIES The price new of an open, 16 bench body car, with 18 in. aisle between the rows of seats, was $1,317. These are St. Louis cars, single truck ; length, over bumpers 27 ft. 2 ins. over corner posts, 17 ft. 9 ins. ; width, over posts, 7 ft. 11 ins. ; open platforms, 51 ins. long, monitor type roof; 4 entrances at platforms, 40 ins. wide; seating capacity, 32; seats, 16 reversible; 20 electric lights; wire screen side guards ; brackets for sheet iron end signs and wood side signs; double end, rachet hand brakes; double fare register. Open, 10 bench body cars, no aisle, were priced at $1,231. The cars were made by the Pullman Co. ; single truck ; length, over bumpers, 30 ft., over comer posts, 20 ft. ; width, over posts, 7 ft.; open platforms, 37 ins. long; monitor type roof; entrances on each side ; seating capacity, 50 ; seats, 4 fixed at bulk-heads, 6 reversible with spindle backs; 10 electric lights; wire screen side 1640 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA guards ; brackets for 2 sheet iron signs on each end, for 2 wood signs on each side ; double end, rachet hand brakes ; fare registers. The price of an open trailer of the same length and general type was $1,193. An open trailer, length, over bumpers, 27 ft. 4 ins., over body, 18 ft. 2 ins., and with a seating capacity of 45, was priced $1,058 ; one with a length of 23 ft. 8 ins. over bumpers and 17 ft. 3 ins. over the body and seating capacity of 40, $908. MOTOR EQUIPMENTS The following prices are for complete motor equipments, f.o.b. factory, for trolley cars. Maker G. E. G. E. G. E. Ray West. G. E. West. West. G. E. Ray Motors per equipment 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 Type 52 or 54 800 W. P. 30 Lorain W. P. 50 Lorain 70 or 80 Hp. per motor 25 27 30 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 Price per equipment $1,874 1,040 1,040 900 770 1,040 1,158 2,168 2,489 900 TRUCKS The following prices are for trolley cpr trucks complete, f.o.b. factory : Price McMcGuire pressed steel sgl. $250 McGuire Al and A2 suspension sgl. 275 Curtis sgl. 275 Peckham, 7BX sgl. 253 Lovejoy sgl. 200 Brill 21E sgl. 280 Taylor sgl. 240 McGuire pedestal sgl. 150 Du Pont sgl. 250 Brill 27G dbl. 625 Calumet MCB dbl. 650 Pressed steel MCB dbl. 700 MISCELLANEOUS CAR EQUIPMENT Price Peter Smith heater No. 2 (installed) $135 Germer heater No. 2 (installed) 125 Calumet stoves 22.50 Consolidated electric heaters 25 National air brakes, AAl compressor 275 D4 " 450 upright " 300 Resistances for Mosher headlights 4.50 Mosher arc headlights 20 New Haven double fare registers 30 Hunter adjustable illuminated signs 20 Calumet pattern " " 5 AVooden deck signs 3 Automotoneers 12.50 25-lb. wrecking frogs 2.50 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1641 Motorman's stools $125 Oil headlights '.'."' 12.50 Summary of Rolling Stock: 119 box motor car bodies $156,000 127 open '" " " 131,600 43 open trailer bodies 39,300 5 box " " 5,500 294 passenger car bodies $332,400 294 single trucks 72,920 199 motor equipments (2 motors each) 107,464 Total passenger cars $512,784 50 miscel. service cars 42,082 Total $554,866 Further details are given in Engineering and Contracting, Sept. 28, 1910. Weight and Price of Trucks. Table XXI was compiled from data gathered by Henry L. Gray in the course of making appraisals in the state of Washington. TABLE XXI. COST OF STANDARD GAUGE TRUCKS FOR CARS tVh leel base Diam. Cost, f.o.b. yt. Ins. wheels, ins. Weight, lbs. Factory 8 6 33 5900 $270 33 5500 260 34 6850 260 6 34&21 5260 246 33 5900 270 6 33 5500 260 6 34 7220 267 33 6790 260 34 6820 263 6 34&21 5200 281 6 34 7000 260 6 41/2 34 7950 294 6 41/2 34 8200 344 4 6 34&21 5500 280 5 10 34 7100 260 The above were prices prior to the world war. Appraisal of tlie Elevated Railways of Chicago. Condensed from Engineering and Contracting, May 15, 1912. These railways are the South Side Elevated, the Metropolitan West Side Railway, the Northwestern Elevated and the Chicago & Oak Park Elevated. A physical valuation of these properties was necessary to further progress of plans to arrive at a satisfactory scheme for the operation and rnaintenance of all the transportation facilities within the city. The City Council, through its committee on local transportation, Mr. Peter Reinberg, chairman, appointed the three tnembers of the present Harbor and Subway Commission to undertake the valuation of the elevated railroad properties. This committee consisted of Messrs. John Erickson, E. C. Shankland and J. J. Reynolds. Mr, George Weston of the Board of Super- 1642 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA vising Engineers was later added to the committee, which was known as the Valuation Committee. The representative of the Chicago elevated railways, who was also appointed as a member of this committee, was Prof. George F. Swain. After several meetings of the Valuation Committee it was found that the members representing the city and the representative of the railways could not agree on all the methods of valuating the various items of physical property. Prof. George F. Swain there- fore withdrew from the committee and presented an independent minority report. We give herewith tabular abstracts of the re- port of the Valuation Committee submitted to the Council com- mittee on May 8, 1912, and the report of Prof. George F. Swain, submitted at the same time. The elevated lines, not including surface tracks, contain the following mileage : 282,000 ft. double track 78,500 ft. third 38,000 ft. fourth " 4,300 ft. single COST OF REPRODUCTION NEW, ESTIMATED BY COMMITTEE Items 1. Real estate and right of way' $16,490,728 2. Foundations and public utilities 2,230,841 3. Structural steel 11,127,025 4. Track work 2,323,946 4A. Pavement 262,200 5. Third rail 318,483 6. Special work 185,957 7. Storage yards, including track, special work and Interlocking C43,831 8. Interlocking plants and block signal 388,399 9. Power stations 3,962,672 10. Sub-stations and batteries 1,652,025 11. Transmission lines, overhead and bonding 1,192,366 12. Rolling stock 9,700,887 13. Stations, buildings and platforms 1,784,887 14. Office fixtures, tools and supplies 359,000 Taxes during construction 150,000 $52,673,247 Add 18% overhead charges 9,481,185 Total $62,154,433 The Committee estimated the depreciated 'value at $53,451,181. COST OF REPRODUCTION NEW, ESTIMATED BY PROF. GEO. F. SWAIN Items 2. Foundations $ 2,600,000 3. Structural steel 12,884,132 4. Track work 2,347,431 4A. Pavement 251,400 5. Third rail 329,700 6 Special work 189,775 7. Storage yards, including track, special work and interlocking 550,270 8. Interlocking plants and block signals 412,000 9. Power stations 4,166,325 10. Sub-stations and batteries 1,753,458 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS 1643 Items 11. Transmission lines, overhead trolley and bonding ... % 1,360,104 12. Rolling- stock 10,098,652 13. Stations, buildings and platforms 2,250,000 14. Office fixtures, tools and supplies 359,000 Total without real estate and rights of way, or overhead charge $39,552,247 Overhead on physical i 11,865,674 Total without real estate and rights of way $51,417,921 Real estate and rights of way (J. Milton Trainer's figures) 44,551,498 Brokerage on real estate and rights of way 5% .... 2,227,575 Total $98,196,994 Prof. Swain estimated the depreciated value at $93,279,143. 1 Percentages for cost of construction, organization, etc., included in item overhead on physical. Cost of Contact- Rail Construction. The following data are quoted from the American Handbook for Electrical Engineers by Harold Pender. The estimates in Table XXII include the cost of (1) handling and distributing the material from the storehouse to the place where it is used; (2) the solder, gasoline, etc., used in bonding contact rail; (3) putting 3 coats of paint on the protec- tion; (4) bending rails on curves; (5) 5% for breakage; (6) foremen's and engineers' salaries. They do not include the cost of tools or of jumpers. These estimates are approximately correct where existing traffic does not materially impede the work. Under less favorable condi- tions the cost may rise 50% or more over the figures given. The estimate on the top-contact type is based upon the Inter- borough Rapid Transit Co.'s construction. New York (Stillwell- Slater patent), the wt. of rail, however, being slightly less than on that railway. The estimate of the under-contact type is based upon construction similar to that used by the New York Central R. R. (Wilgus-Sprague patent). TABLE XXII. COST PER MILE OF CONTACT-RAIL CONSTRUCTION Top contact Under contact Material : « Amount Cost Amount Cost Rail, 70 lb 55 tons $1,815 55 tons $1,815 special ... 1.2 40 Inclines 11 47 11 47 Insulators, std 511 92 1,000 165 special ... 25 13 Brackets or pedestals 515 62 500 250 Brackets, special . . ... 15 7 Bolts 515 10 515 90 Lag screws 1,030 20 1,515 30 Clips 1,030 41 Drive .screws ... 80 gross 24 Soldered bonds 350 168 350 168 Splice plates and bolts ... 350 53 180 31 Protection 793 ... 642 1644 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Top contact Under contact Material : Amount Cost Amount Cost Paint $49 ... $82 Felt separator . ... ... • • • ^ Long ties, excess only i . . 505 ' 177 505 177 Total $3,327 $3,583 Labor : Installing-, bonding and protection of third rail 800 1,000 Installing long ties 101 101 Total $901 . $1,101 Total $4,228 $4,684 1 This item includes only the difference in cost between the long ties which carry the insulators and the cost of the same number of standard ties. Cost of Grinding Rail Corrugations and Joints. The following data are quoted from the Electric Railway Handbook by Albert S. Richey. Mr. C. L. Crabbs gives the following cost data covering 1 year's work on track of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. The average cost per ft. of grinding 21,725 lin. ft. of corrugation of an average depth of 0.01 in. was: labor, $0,112; material, $0.0227; total, $0.1347. During the same period, 1,418 joints and dishes of a depth approximately 0.05 in. were ground, the average cost per joint being: labor, $0.8322; material, $0,193; total, $1.0252. This work was done with a reciprocating grinder, but Mr. Crabbs states that his experience with considerable grinding of joints with wheel machines shows very nearly the same costs. CHAPTER XXI MISCELLANEOUS Asbestos. The following are costs of various asbestos materials. Asbestos building felt and sheathing in less than ton lots costs 3% cts. per lb. for the light material weighing from 6 to 30 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.; 4 cts. per lb. is charged for the heavy asbestos weighing from 45 to 56 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. Mill board is made in standard sheets, 40 X 40 ins., and 41 X 40 ins. It varies in thickness from ys2 to % in. and in weight from 2 to 27 lbs. per sheet. The net price in 100-lb. lots is 5 cts. per lb. Transite, asbestos wood, used for flreproofing, ventilators and smoke jackets, comes in standard sheets, 36 X 48 ins. and 42 X 96 ins. The prices f.o.b. factory are as follows : Thickness, Weight, Price per ins. lbs. sq. ft. Vs 1 $0.08 % 2 .16 % 3 .28 Va 4 .32 % 5 - .40 Vs 7 .48 1 8 .52 11/2 12 .64 2 16 .80 Asbestos cements are used for covering boilers, domes, fittings, etc., and all irregular surfaces, and may be used over asbestos air cell boiler blocks, when it makes an excellent covering. When mixed with water to a consistency of mortar and applied with a trowel, it forms a light porous coating which is the most efficient non-conductor. The cost of this cement is $33 per ton. Chain. Prices per 100 lbs., f. o. b. Pittsburg, are as follows: MACHINE MADE CHAIN Size, ins. Proof 3-16 $8.25 % 5.70 5-16 4.70 % 4.15 7-16 3.85 % and 9-16 3.65 % 3.55 % 3.45 Ys 3.35 1 3.25 ly^ and IVs 3.35 1645 BB BBB $9.50 $10.00 6.95 7.45 5.95 6,45 5.40 5.90 5.10 5.60 4.90 5.40 4.80 5.30 4.70 5.20 4.60 5.10 4 50 5.00 4.60 5.10 1646 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA % % % 1 1^ 1% HAND-MADE CHAIN rrt ci3.a •J ojO^ S --OS to lyg m m PQ $7.95 7.15 6.70 6.15 5.75 5.65 5.55 m $8.20 7.45 6.90 6.40 5.95 5.90 5.75 5 bfi^^ .2.^0 ^^■^•^ ^ c 5 " P. $9.15 8.45 7.95 7.45 6.90 6.85 6.80 Cj C W M o t o o $9.15 8.45 Chain Blocks. Chain blocks kept well oiled and kept under cover where grit and dirt cannot enter the gears should have a life of from 5 to 20 years. On outside work where sand and grit is allowed to enter the gears the life of a block is reduced very much, and repairs may cost as much as 50% of the first cost annually. TRIPLEX BLOCKS Capacity Hoist Weight, lbs. Extra hoist in tons in^eet (net) Price per It. V2 8 53 $ 28 $0.72 1 8 80 36 .76 IVa 8 124 48 .80 2 9 188 56 .84 3 10 200 72 1.20 4 10 290 88 1.28 5 12 380 112 1.72 6 12 390 132 1.72 8 12 470 160 2.16 10 12 570 192 2.60 12 12 800 240 3.44 16 12 1,000 288 4.32 20 12 1,375 315 5.20 Sizes 3 to 20 tons have a lower as well as an upper block. DUPLEX BLOCKS Capacity Hoist Weight, lbs. Extra hoist in tons in feet (net) Price per ft. Vz 8 43 $ 21.25 $1.00 1 8 57 25.50 1.27 IV2 8 76 34.00 1.50 2 9 104 42.50 1.70 3 10 200 63.75 1.85 4 10 225 80.75 2.05 5 12 340 119.00 2.55 6 12 360 153.00 3.20 8 12 390 178.50 3.40 10 12 570 232.75 3.60 MISCELLANEOUS 1647 DIFFERENTIAL BLOCKS Capacity Hoist Weight, lbs. Extra hoist in tons in feet (net) Price per ft, % 5 11 $ 9.00 $1.40 % 6 22 9.00 1.40 % 7 30 10.50 1.40 1 8 51 14.00 1.50 11/2 81^ 81 18.00 1.60 2 9 122 22.50 1.70 3 91/2 180 30.00 2.00 Gages and Cocks. The following tables give prices of typical gages and cocks, AIR COCKS Size, ins. Hexagon Double ends Bibb, nose Vs $0.15 $0.19 $0.25 % .19 .23 .29 % .23 .27 .34 % .30 .38 .42 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS Size, ins. Price 1/4 $0.36 % 41 % 45 % 50 The above cocks are soft seat and plain, for cocks with stuffing boxes 10 cts. is added to the above prices, ASHTON IMPROVED HYDRAULIC GAUGE Size of dial, ins. Iron case and brass ring Brass case 12 $44 $50 10 36 40 8% 28 32 6% 20 24 6 14 16 5 12 14 The above hydraulic gauges are for high pressures above 1,000 lbs. COMBINED PRESSURE AND RECORDING GAUGE Size of dial, ins. Brass case N, p, case G% $28.00 * $29.40 8V2 35.00 36.40 10 45.50 ^ 47.50 12 59.50 62.50 ASHTON IMPROVED PRESSURE GAUGE Size of dial, ins. Iron case, brass ring Brass case 12 $17.50 $26.30 10 11.20 14.00 81/2 7.70 10.50 6% 5.60 7.00 6 . 4.50 5.60 514 3.50 4.20 5 2.80 3.85 Prices include cocks. Prices of vacuum gages in the above sizes are approximately the same as these for pressure gages. 1648 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA ALTITUDE GAUGES Size of dial, ins. Iron case, brass ring Brass case 12 $21.00 $28.00 10 14.00 17.50 81^ 10.50 14.00 6% 7.00 8.75 6 5.60 7.00 5% 4.90 5.60 4y2or5 4.20 4.90 Prices include cocks. WATER GAUGES Finished parts with rough body All finished Glass, Pipe, Two Three Four Two Three Four ins. ins. rod rod rod rod rod rod Va % $1.38 $1.75 % % 1.50 2.00 $2.50 $1.88 $2.50 $3.25 % % 3.00 4.00 4.25 4.00 4.75 5.00 Hose. The following are approximate prices for hose. LINEN FIRE HOSE Size, ins. Net price per foot % $0.11 1 12 1% 14 iy2 15 1% 16 2 17 2% 18 2-V2 20 3 28 The above sizes are for 500 lbs. pressure. For 550 lbs. pressure an increase Of 1 ct. per foot is added on the first five sizes and 5 cts. per foot on the last four. COTTON RUBBER LINED FIRE HOSE Size, ins. Net price per foot 1% $0.32 1% 35 21/8 40 2% 45 Indicators. The following prices are for indicators. Thompson Iviproved Indicator, for obtaining indicator diagrams or cards from steam engines cost with two springs about $50 each f.o.b. shipping point. Thompson Improved Ammonia Indicator, made entirely of steel so that the action of ammonia will not affect the indicator, cost with two cocks, one spring, scales, wrenches, etc., $67.50 each f.o.b, shipping point. Jacks. The following prices are for liydraulic jacks. HYDRAULIC JACKS Plain Jacks: Tons lift 4 7 10 20 Run out, inches 12 18 24 18 MISCELLANEOUS 1649 Height, inches 24 Weight, pounds 50 Price, dollars 48 Broad Base Jacks : Tons lift 4 Run out, inches 12 Height, inches 25 Diam. of base, inches 9% Weight, pounds 65 Price, dollars 50 Screw Jacks: Number 1 Diam. of screw, inches 1% Height when down, in 8 Net rise, inches 4 Whole height, in 12 Est. lift cap., in 5 Weight, pounds 9 ^/^ Price $2 32 39 33 75 110 155 58 88 116 •• •• 7 10 20 30 50 18 18 18 18 12 31 31 321/2 33 28 10 12 13 13^ 15 97 130 206 260 320 60 70 110 150 190 4 8 13 17 IV?. 1% 2 2y2 12 16 20 24 7 10 13 18 19 26 33 42 . . 8 12 15 20 22 33 45 82 $3 $4 $6.40 $10.40 Lubricators. The following are approximate prices of lubrica- tors. GREASE CUPS, COMPRESSED AIR TYPE Capacity, ounces Polished Plain 1/2 $0.60 $0.50 1 .80 .65 3 1.00 .75 6 1.25 .90 AUTOMATIC COMPRESSION TYPE GREASE CUP Shank pipe Finished Nickel Capacity, ounces thread, ins. brass plated ^M Vs $0.45 $0.55 1 % .60 .70 11/2 Vi .75 .85 3 % 1.00 1.10 6 % 1.30 1.50 10 y2 1.80 2.00 SCREW FEED GREASE CUPS Shank pipe Finished Nickel Capacity, ounces thread, ins. brass plated 1/^ % $0.45 $0.55 1 .55 .60 IV2 y. .70 .80 3 % .85 1.00 6 V2 1.20 1.45 10 V2 1.75 2.00 SNAP LEVER OIL CUP WITH SIGHT FEED Shank pipe Finished Nickel Capacity, ounces thread, ins. ' brass plated % % $0.60 $0.70 1 14 .65 .75 IV2 1^ .70 .80 21/2 % .75 .85 4 34 .85 .95 5 % 1.10 1.15 10 % 1.45 1.60 18 1.85 2.00 1650 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA AUTOMATIC LUBRICATORS, ROCHESTER TYPE, SINGLE FEED , Size in pints Net price 1/2 $17.70 1 16.30 3 22.70 8 29.25 LUBRICATORS WITH TWO COMPARTMENTS Size in pints Net price 3 Double feed $36. 8 Double feed 43 8 Triple feed 55 8 Quadruple feed 68 The above lubricators are for air compressors and ice machines, etc., where different kinds of oils are used in different cylinders of the same machines. DUPLEX PISTON METERS FOR OIL Size, ins. % Weight, lbs. 90 Net price $38 1^*:::;:: 1 lA 149 218 230 45 60 66 3 4a 6a 280 590 2,150 5,400 77 165 340 830 The above prices are for meters with standard horizontal counter ; for meters with special vertical counter $10 will be added to the given prices. Lubricating Oils. Quotations continue without change, the fol- lowing figures being named for 5-bbl. lots: Neutral oils, filtered : Cents per gal. * Cylinder, dark 20 @ 27 * Cylinder steam, refined 14@22 Neutral oils, filtered : Stainless white, 32 to 34 gravity 28@29 Lemons, 33 to 34 gravity 17@19 Dark, 32 gravity 15@18 Crank case oil 15 @ 17 * Prices are according to test. Packing. Prices vary within wide limit, according to the brands of various dealers, but in general, packing can be purchased at the following quotations: Asbestos, wick and rope, 13 cts. per lb.; sheet rubber, 11 to 13 cts.; pure gum rubber, 40 to 45 cts.; red sheet packing, 40 to 50 cts. ; cotton packing, 16 to 25 cts. ; jute, 5 to 6 cts. ; Russian packing, 9 to 10 cts. IVIachine Tools. The following prices are for miscellaneous ma- chine tools. Lathes. Engine lathe, 24-in. swing, 12-ft. bed, compound rest, power cross feed, steady rest, two-face plates, friction countershaft, 2-in. hole through spindle and cabinet legs. This machine weighs MISCELLANEOUS 1651 5,500 lbs. A second-hand machine of this kind can be bought for $375. Engine Lathe: 25-in. swing, 12-ft. bed, compound rest, power cross feed, complete with countershaft and full equipment. Price, $375. Engine lathe: 26-in. swing, 10-ft. bed, complete, $500. Patented 2-in-l double spindle lathe : 24-in.-40-in. Bed 12 ft. long, that turns 5 ft. between centers, triple geared, com- plete with countershaft and full regular equipment. This ma- chine has back gears, hand and power feed, automatic stop, quick return, wheel and lever feed. Spindle is counterbalanced. The table has vertical adjustment on column by means of handle oper- ating gear in rack. Shafts are made of steel. Gears are cut two to one and cone has four steps, Si^le ins. to S^ie ins. diameter. Price $970. Quick change gear lathe: 14-in. swing. 6-ft. bed, takes between centers on bed 2 ft. 10 ins. ; diameter of hole in spindle 1 in. and speed of countershaft, 130 r.p.m. ; standard threads from 2 to 128, Including 11 1/^, and feeds from 7 to 450 per inch are obtained with- out the removal of a single gear. Provision is made, however, so that odd threads or feeds can be had with little trouble or expense. This lathe weighs packed for domestic shipment 1,600 lbs. and can be bought for $375. Engine lathe: 18-in, swing, 10-ft. bed, with compound, steady and follow rests. One %6-in. lathe through spindle, counter-shaft, etc. Also independent chuck 4-jaw ; 16-in. reversible jaws to fit spindles of their lathe. Weight, 3,500 lbs. Cost, $643. Hand feed tilted turret lathe : Plain head, oil pump and pan and automatic chuck and with lever or screw feed cut-off. Automatic chuck capacity % ins. 1 in. Swing over bed 11 ins. 13 ins. Maximum distance, end of .spindle to face of turret 12 ins. 14 ins. Counter shaft speed, r.p.m 250 225 Shipping weight, lbs 900 1,200 Net price $300 $400 Drills. A new 20-in. upright drill, with back gears, power feed, quick return and automatic stop. This weighs 700 lbs. and the price net is $90. Improved radial drill: Maximum height of drill when arm is up, 9 ft. ; maximum radial distance. 60 ins. ; vertical adjustment of arm on column, 26 ins. ; receivers under spindle over base, 31/2 ins.; smallest diameter of spindle, IWia ins.; traverse of spindle, lOins. ; floor space for base, 6I/I ft. X 28 ins. ; speed of countershaft, 350 r.p.m.; net weight of machine, 2,850 lbs.; net price, $500. Stationary head vertical drilling machine with geared power feed, automatic stop and back gears. Size, ins Weight, lbs. ' Net price 21 1,300 $135 24 1.550 200 1652 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Sliding head drill press: 18 ins., with countershaft adjustable head and table. Height over all 7 ft. 5 ins., base plate 1 ft. 9 ins. by 4 ft. 6 ins. together with one table vice for this drill press,, jaws open 7 ins., width 8% ins., depth 2% ins. Weight of press 1,600 lbs. ; vice 180 lbs., cost $238. Milling Machines. The following are costs of milling machines: Universal 20 ins. 71/2 ins. 17 ins. 37x 81/^ ins. 16 8 16 1/2 to 404 .006 to .100 ins. 123 to 293 2,500 $750 Heavy plain 24 ins. 10 ins. 19 ins. 48x1114 ins. 16 16 12 to 384 .005 to 268 ins. 107 to 270 3,700 $650 Type Table feed — automatic Cross adjustment Vertical adjustment Working surface of table Number of feed changes Number of spindle speeds Spindle speeds, r.p.m Feed per rev. of spindle. Speed of counter shaft pulleys, r.p.m Domestic shipping weight, lbs Net price Hand milling machine. Adjustment of table outward from column 3% ins. Total length of table feed 11 ins. "Vertical feed of knee 6 ins. Greatest distance from center of spindle to top of table 6 ins. Working surface of table 4x15 ins. Number of grades on cone 3 Speed of countershaft, r.p.m 200 Weight including arm, vise, vertical attachment and countershaft, lbs 600 Net price without vertical attachment $225 Net price with vertical attachment $255 Miscellaneous Tools. A No. 2 standard bolt cutter, to thread bolts or tap nuts %-in. to 1%-in. right or left hand, weighs 1,200 lbs. and can be bought second-hand for $175 net. A single end-punch or shear weighs about 4,500 lbs. and will punch 1-in. hole through %-in. plate or will shear 4-in. X %-in. bars. A second-hand one will cost $300 net, while a new one would cost about $500. A new 4-in. pipe machine for hand or power takes from 1-in. to I'-in. right or left, weighs 525 lbs. net or 650 lbs. gross, and can be bought for $170 net. A new three-geared ball bearing Upright, self-feed blacksmith post drill weighs 240 lbs. and costs $18.50 net. A new circular saw, with wood table, weighs about 300 lbs. and costs $50 net. A new 30 -in. band saw with iron table weighs about 850 lbs. and costs $100 net. Grindstone, machinist's : 30-in., heavy, mounted on an iron frame, with shield and water bucket, weighs about 1,500 lbs. and costs new about $50. Twenty-inch, back geared crank shaper: Automatic cross travel, 24 ins.; vertical adjustment of table, 15 ins.; size of tool, l^^ by % in. ; nuTOber of speeds to ram, 8 ; minimum number of strokes MISCELLANEO US 1653 per minute, 7 ; maximum number of strolces per minute, 105 ; num- ber of feeds, 16 ; r.p.m. of crank shaft, 280 ; net price, $500. Back geared crank shaper : Size 16 ins.; with vise for drill press, table support, telescope screw arranged for key seating, counter-shaft, etc., complete. Floor space, 2 ft. 1 in, by 3 ft. 10 ins. Cost, $300. Pipe machine. Size, 2 ins. by 8 ins. with counter-shaft. Floor space, 2 ft. by 3 ft. Weight, 1,400 lbs. Either hand or power. Cost, $550. Tool grinder with column, complete with counter-shaft and hand rest. Arranged for 2 wheels 12 ins. diam. by 2 ins. wide. Floor space 1 ft. 3 ins. by 1 ft. 10 ins. Cost, $28. Metal power hack saw, with counter-shaft. Cost $126. Power bolt cutter and nut tapper: Size, % in. to li/4 ins., with counter-shaft, dies, etc. ; floor space 2 ft. 5 ins. by 4 ft. 11 ins. ; weight, 915 lbs.; cost, $132. Wood boring machines : Capacity, 2-in. hole, reversible ; size, B. W. ; cost $70. Band saw: Diameter of wheel, 36 ins.; table, 30 ins. by 32 ins.; 1-in. saw; floor space, 3 ft. 2 ins. by 4 ft. 8 ins.; cost, $150. Wood frame, rip saw bench with counter-shaft and pulleys: Table. 3 ft. by 5 ft. ; pulleys 5 ins. by 6 ins. ; for saws 16-in. to 20-in. diameter, 1%-in. bore.; speed, 2.000 r.p.m.; IY2 to 15 h.p. ; weight, 350 lbs. ; equipped with wire hood, saw guard with im- proved knuckle joint to take 23-in. saw — together with 1 — 20-in., 1 — 17-in., 1 — 141/^-in., 1 — 15-in. and 1 — 12-in. saw; cost, $121.50. Steel screw punch: Capacity, i-%6-in. hole in %-in. plate; cen- ter of punch to back of gap, 2i,^ ins. ; cost, $35. Cost of Tool Operation in Engine iVlanufacturing. The following costs of machine-tool operations in steam-engine manufacturing, by Wm. O. Webber, appeared in the Engineering Magazine, Aug., 1910 : " Mr. Webber's cost data are gathered within recent years from his own experience in the management of machinery-building works in the eastern United States. Careful reconsideration of the figures, and comparison with like costs in other .shops, shows that any im- provement in tools since Mr. Webber's tables were compiled is about offset by rise in wages, so the data correctly represent aver- age present performances." Some results obtained experimentally in various classes of metal- cutting work are noted in the accompanying tables. The first of these tables shows machining costs on connecting rods for small, simple horizontal engines, where the work was done in lots of 20 parts each. Some interesting data were obtained as to the rela- tive cost of forging and machining. For instance, these connecting rods were made largely from round iron with ends upset to form the rectangular parts to which the brasses and straps were at- tached, the rods being then turned a double taper from the center, reducing toward each end. Forging at the price given (which in- cluded the straps and keys for each size rod) left a surplus of stock to be turned off in the lathe between the square ends, or 1654 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA -§" 1.. O w > 0000U500 0) a) CO inic Tf< ffs t- o o S (U OO CO ?q (TQ t> CO CO lO ^s dd^^-^duico ^fl c l> O CO lO tH'^ICOcO fl '!> cij usLfflt-c-oeoo ^^oo_^o_co_^ai_c-inco_ dtn-^'ui •ggac^iMcicqfococD irq oq co" co" co" Th"-*' ui" e/s^ tj c^ ^, <6<6<6<6<6<6S s 3 fi 0) €«- 02 g H^a » m — < g'cS r-l tH CO CO t- -* O ^ 1 ^ USOOIOU3 U50 OOOOOlO 3 -ii!'^ NUSUSC-t- NU5 K OCt>t-C- -t-" O m o.t; diHr-icococDood dddd (McococoeococoTfH 60- €/^ O m O w ^ Caoq^ift O 0+3 '^^■^\a\d\a\a\a ^ €(9- !=! ^, G i OS^^H ddddddd .S ouiuioooiffl i 09- ocoooooi-Hint^co K OOr-lrHCO < o § 2i NC0lCiAO OOlftOOOOOC^cOO L3t>t>(T^ o n ^ T-I-*c t-T-IK5aiCO'*t-00 10000lOlOC^lH U30010 P5 Ul 1 j-^ eoc-t-iMiocoN > d d CO CO i-h' d u5 d ■*c-oooocoLaoi^ oc) d d d P W odddddd h^ (M (?Q OJ s d M- th d ui co' c^ '^ d cod 00 o'^^ % M< lO O U5 «M:- OO 05 €«- TO Oi uj ^ E 6«- t o iH ^ § _ ■*ooo]cqoooo'* '^ iH -^ T-i o CO CO cq 1 oooo a50<^a|^- pa p ■i-I d th oo T-! d xj<' 00 ^■^'cq^ 0) GO) 8 cocous-^ujc-usoo &9- M ; • : ; a ^5 \ coooocooooo«£> • • • • W^^-l 5 IO00M^U5C<]0C00tH Tt< d cq' 00 d ^ 00 d : : : k5 C % O 1-1 M CO lA t- CO r-i ' ■ ' 01 WMCO M T— 1 1— 1 T-t CQ X X X < ^ T-( tH iH rH iH ,-1 ^ (?q ^ ^ OJ Csl oq M m U5 «o «£> n'S) X >< X X X !-« M £©• 0) g'bc ooooq^ * I I I I ! * I NNC^iiowtococo 1 E^5 o xxxxxxxx >(D OOOiOOrHC^CO'* Xi MISCELLANEOUS 1655 (in shop parlance) the " stub ends." It was therefore determined to forge the rods more closely to the finished size ; but the saving in turning was more than made up in the extra cost of blacksmithing, lathe work costing only about 19 cts. an hour as against the cost of 45 cts. per hour for blacksmith, helper, and fire. TABLE II. COSTS OF OPERATIONS ON CENTER-CRANK SHAFTS Turning (each) Turning Slotting Key Size 1 Lathe 2 Lathes 3 Lathes discs. discs. seating 8x12 $1.80 $1.15 $1.00 $0.35 $0.31 $0 20 9x12 1.80 1.15 1.00 0.35 0.31 023 10x12 2.00 1.40 1.23 0.40 0.33 24 10x15 2.50 1.65 1.44 0.45 0.40 27 11x15 2.60 1.70 1.49 0.50 0.40 0.30 12x16 3.00 2.20 1.75 0.60 0.45 0.34 14x16 3.15 2.40 2.00 0.70 0.50 0.38 TABLE III. TIMES OF OPERATIONS ON SHAFTS OF VARIOUS SIZES S'S 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3 78 4 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 478 51/8 5% 572 o ^ o +-> be "=>... in. shell. Lengths of pipe from 8 to 16 ft., with not more than 10% less than 10 ft. Inserted joint couplings made of the pipe (slip joint), one end of pipe being trimmed off for 3 ins., forming a tenon, the other end to be reamed to receive tenon. The wire gauge used to be W.-M. Standard, No. 4 being 0.225 and No. 2 being 0.263 ins. in diameter. (B 1) — "Wood sleeve coupling to be of same class of material as the pipe sections, and not less than 6 ins. in length. No sap wood allowed in couplings. Couplings to be spirally wound with wire having a spacing not greater than one-half of spacing of wire on pipe. (B 2) — Individual band coupling to be made of staves and in same manner as wood sleep coupling, except that individual bands of round mild steel of size designated shall be used for the banding. Each band to be headed and threaded and supplied with nut and washer, and a malleable cast iron or drop forged shoe to be used in clinching the bands. The wire used shall be galvanized and have a strength of not less than 60,000 lbs. per sq. in. The prices given are f. o. b. cars, Portland, Ore. C — Fir pipe of li/^ in. staves, with 8 in. sleeve couplings, each with three individual Y2 in. round mild steel bands. D — Similar pipe to C, but with steel adjustable clamp couplings. Weight per foot approximately the same as C. E — Similar to C but with i/^ in. bands (spaced as shown in table) instead of spirally wound wire and shipped "knocked down." The weight of the lumber used would be about 2,200 lbs. per thousand board feet of lumber, and the weight of the bands per thousand lineal feet of pipe as shown in the table. F — Pipe similar to E but with steel couplings similar to those used in D. The prices of pipe under C, D, E and F are given f.o.b. cars, dock, Tacoma. G — Redwood pipe, machine banded, built in sections of random lengths of from 8 to 20 ft. Wire having tensile strength of 60,000 to 65,000 lbs. per sq. in, shall be spaced with a safety factor of 4, 1670 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA O O OS O r-l P -^J Jad 8DUd us «o to oo OS SuiO-BdS ^ ^^ g^ §^ § PU^ aSllBS 9JTM o SI (sqi) W :^J aad eouj eg ;^ ;^ ;^ ;?J t- OS OS P3 M U3 T-i eg eg eg (M s d o s 5 S 6 S 5 s 5 S^ ^^ -^^ ';^ (Mi^ iH(^ tHi<^ tH Ill I— I Oh M Q ( suT ) SuTxdnoo pu^ O 9dTd JO -ui^ip ^pIs:^no I o H O So y SuTOBdS ^ aj -^r,* „• '*'< ("SQT) '11 00rHt-O'*«0«^00CT>U3 w a9dmsx8M ^ 3 S ?5-^' 1^ ^ ^ S ^' o g ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ c^ ci Bj l«r^ wO tnO •^^r/5 .s-« .S<^J ^o S t^o.S ;^,=>' ;:^'A^ ^^M rH^( 0>^0 O^'O O'wO O^'O '^ "SUI 'SU^'BaO SUI t> OS rH M lO H' -pnpui 'Lu-Bip ^pls:^ho '"' ih (m eq m 1-1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lO O U5 O U5 O lO O U5 O »i5 O in O in O krt o vo o *JJ P'B8JJ cgioc-OMusc-ocgmt-oiMint-o«gmt-o •SUI '9ZIS r-l MISCELLANEOUS 1671 (ij -no) s9ATs:>s s:jU9:juoo oiqno (•sqi) j-iaed (•sqi) -j-ijed •^j jad 90ij 00 t> «> •:>j J9d aoud lftOU5o'^®"'<=>lftOlfiiOU50lrtOlrtOlOO •SUI '9ZIS rH 1672 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA The staves shall be beveled and further provided with a small tongue and groove. Price f.o.b., dock, San Francisco. H — Continuous redwood stave pipe, shipped " knocked down." Lengths of staves to be from 10 to 20 ft. with about 30% of 12 ft. stock. Ends of staves to have metallic tongues made from 1% X % in. band iron. Bands spaced with a factor of safety of 4, to be round mild steel with malleable iron shoes. The rods to have a tensile strength of 58,000 to 65,000 lbs. per sq. in. Prices f.o.b. dock, San Francisco, Cal. Cost of Wood Pipe on Pacific Coast. Table VI gives the cost of wood pipe on the Pacific Coast in 1912. TABLE VI. COST OF WOOD PIPE Size, Head Spacing, Wire, Shell, Price ins. in ft. ins. No. ins. per ft. 18 50 3 2 l^^i $0,831^ 100 11%6 1 .97 150 1% 1 " 1.121/2 200 11%6 1 1% 1.32 250 1 1.45 Vo 300 % 1 " 1.59 V2 350 9A6 1 1% 1.71 400 Ya 1 1.81% 16 50 3 2 1% 0.73% 100 1% 2 .83 150 1%6 1 " .92 200 11/46 1 1% 1.13 250 Vs 1 1.23 300 mie 1 " 1.371^ 350 % 1 1% 1.48 400 %6 1 1.57% 14 50 3 4 1% 0.59% 100 1%6 4 .69% 150 1%6 2 " .76% 200 1 2 " .89% 250 % 2 " .97 300 % 2 ll 1.09% 12 50 3 4 0.46% 100 11%6 4 1% .52 150 1%6 4 " .58% 200 1% 2 iy4 .64% 250 • 1 2 .70 Vo 300 1%6 2 " .76% 10 150 17/i6 4 1^^ .046 V2 175 1% 4 .48% 200 liAe 4 " .52% 8 150 11%6 4 " 0.35 175 1%6 4 " .36% 200 WXQ 4 " .38% 6 150 2%6 4 " 0.25 Vo 175 2 4 " .26% 200 11%6 4 " .27% 4 175 2 4 1% .191/^ 150 2% 4 .161/^ 200 1% 4 • .191/2 Approx. wt., per ft. -lbs. 27.2 30.5 35.2 41.6 45.1 49.2 54.2 57.2 24.3 26.5 29.4 35.3 37.8 42 46 50 20.6 22.8 25 28.5 30.1 33.8 16.2 17.5 19.4 22.8 24.5 26.4 15.7 16.25 17.1 12.4 12.8 13.3 9.2 9.5 9.7 6.4 6.0 6.6 The 14-18 in. sizes are banded, the 16-12 in. sizes coupled and the 4 in. size has an inserted jointed wood sleeve. Rope. The following are costs of rope. MISCELLANEOUS 1673 T~>- Approximate Approximate Length in inch6s wt. in lbs. breaking ft. required per 100 ft. strength for splice % 20 4,500 8 7s 26 6,125 8 34 8,000 10 1 % 43 10,125 10 1^/4 53 12,500 10 1% 65 15,125 12 1% 77 18,000 12 1 % 90 21,125 12 1% 104 24,500 12 2 136 32,000 14 MANILA TRANSMISSION ROPE Smallest diam. of sheave 28 32 36 40 46 50 54 60 64 72 Price 11 to 15% cts. per pound. Scales. The following are the costs of various types of scales. Portable Platform Scales adapted to the weighing of all kinds of general merchandise. Capacity, lbs 440 x % 800 x % 1500 x V2 2500 x % Size of platform, ins 16x22 17x26 21x28 26x34 Weight, approx., lbs 125 200 300 400 Price without wheels $13.00 $20.00 $30.00 $48 Price with wheels 15.00 22.00 33.00 51 Wheelbarrow scales, with runs on both sides for wheelbarrows and hand trucks. Capacity, lbs 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Platform, ins 42x30 42x30 44x35 45x36 Price without wheels $42.00 $48.00 $49.00 $69.00 Price with quick weigher. . . . 66.00 .... .... .... Price with wheels 45.00 51.00 60.00 75 Price with quick weigher.... 69.00 .... .... .... A Steel Pitless Wagon Scale which can be easily moved at a cost of $20 to $30, complete with frame and scale costs as follows: 4 ton, weight 1,400 lbs. Price $100.00 5 ton, weight 1,500 lbs. Price 110.00 Standard wagon and stock scales without timber or foundation cost as follows : Capacity, tons 3 Size of platform, ft 14x8 Price $80.00 5 10 15 20 14x8 18x8 22x7 22x7 $100.00 $120.00 $210.00 $250 A Gar Scale of 10 tons capacity, with a platform 4 ft. 6 ins. X 8 ft., costs, without platform, framing, or material for pit, $150. The frames take about 1,000 ft. b. m. of lumber and cost erected about $45. The foundation, including the boxing of the pit, will cost from $75 to $100. A Steelyard or Weighmaster's Beam with a capacity of 2,000 lbs., beam 7 ft. 10 ins. long, weighing 127 lbs., costs $28. A Track Scale for weighing of material in small cars costs as follows ; 1674 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Capacity- tons 2 3 5 6 Size of platform ... 5 ft. x 30 ins. 5 ft. x 30 ins. 5 ft. x 30 ins. 12 ft. x 30 ins. Weight, lbs 750 780 900 1,500 Price $72 $80 $88 $130 Wooden parts for 2 and 3 ton scales $28 extra. For double beam add $5. Cost of Track Scales. On the New York Central a 100-ton track scale, 42 ft. long, cost as follows, in 1902 : Scales and materials $1,760 Labor 640 Total $2,400 8.7 tons rails (relayers), at $20 174 15 ties at $0.60 9 Miscellaneous material 150 Labor laying track, etc 70 Grand total $2,803 No piles were used in foundation. The cost of 50-ton track scales, 42 ft. long, on the Northern Pacific, in 1899, averaged as follows: Scales, delivered $ 580 Other materials 170 Labor ($175 to $300) 250 Total $1,000 The cost of 80-ton track scales, 50 ft. long, in 1905, was as follows : Scales and materials $1,250 Labor ($500 to $700) 650 Total $1,900 Steel. The following costs of steel are subject to considerable variation with the market. Structural ShaiJes. The following prices were abstracted from Engineering and Contracting : Structural shapes f.o.b. Pittsburgh : 1912 1917 Cts. per Cts. per lb. net lb. net I-beams and channels, 3 to 15 ins 1.50 4.50 I-beams over 15 ins 1.65 4.60 Angles, 3 to 6 ins 1.60 4.50 Angles over 6 ins 1.65 4.60 Tees. 3 ins. and up 1.65 4.50 Checkered and corrugated plates 2.80 9.00 Prices at Chicago for shipment from stock are as follows : Angles, 3 to 6 ins 2.0 5.0 Angles over 6 ins. . 2.1 5.1 MISCELLANEOUS 1675 Beams and channels 2.0 5.0 Beams over 15 ins 2.1 5.1 The New York quotations for structural shapes are as follows: Beams and channels, 3 to 15 ins 1.66 @ 1.71 5 25 Aqgles, 3x3 up to 6x6 1. 66 @ 1.71 5.25 Tees 1.81 @ .. . 5.25 Steel bars, full extras 1.71 @ 1.76 5.1 to 5.6 Plates. The corresponding prices for plates f.o.b. Pittsburgh on the basis of net cash in 30 days are as follows: Tank plates, %-in. thick, QV^ ins. up to 100 ins. wide, 1.55 cts. to 1.60 cts. base. 1912 1917 Gages under ^ in. to and including %6 in $0.10 9.0 and over Gages under %« in. to and including No. 8 15 Gages under No. 8 to and including No. 9 25 Gages under No. 9 to and including No. 10 30 Gages under No. 10 to and including No. 18 40 - Sketches, 3 ft. and over in length 10 Complete circles, 3 ft. diameter and over 20 Boiler and flange steel 10 A. B. M. A. and ordinary fire box steel 20 Still bottom steel 30 Marine steel '. 40 Locomotive fire box steel 50 Plates in widths over 100 ins. to 110 ins 05 Plates in widths over 110 ins. to 115 ins 10 Plates in width over 115 ins. to 120 ins 15 Plates in widths over 120 ins. to 125 ins 25 Plates in widths over 125 ins. to 130 ins 50 In widths over 130 ins 1.00 Prices at Chicago for shipment from stock are as follows: 1912 1917 34-in. and heavier, up to 72 ins $2.00 9.0 and over Over 72 ins 2.10 ' %6-in. thick 2.10 No. 8 2.15 " " The following were the New York quotations on plates, the prices being based on carload lots, with 5 cts. extra for less than carload lots. Terms, net cash in 30 days: 1912 1917 Tank plates %-in. thick, 61/, to 100 ins. wide. 1.71 @ 1.76 9.0 and over Flange and boiler steel 1.81 @ 1.86 " " Marine 2.11@2.16 " " Locomotive and fire box 2.21^9)2.26 " " Still bottom 2.01@2.06 " " Plates more than 100 ins. in width, 5 cts. extra per 100 lbs. ; plates 3/,g in. in thickness, 10 cts. extra; gage Nos. 7 and 8, 15 cts. extra; No. 9, 25 cts. extra. Sheets. The corresponding minimum prices for mill shipments from Pittsburgh on sheets in carload and larger lots are as fol- lows: 1912 Galvanized roofing sheets No. 28, 2 1/2 -ins. corrugations, per square $3.00 Painted roofing sheets, No. 28, per square 1.70 1676 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA 1912 Galvanized sheets $2.50 to 3.85 Black annealed sheets Blue annealed sheets 1.70 to 1.90 2.20 to 2.55 1917 $9.0 to 10.25 9.0 to 10.25 7.85 to 8.35 Freight Bates (1917). On finished steel products in the Pitts- burgh district, including plates, structural shapes, merchant steel, bars, pipe fittings, plain and galvanized wire nails, rivets, spikes, bolts, flat sheets (except planished), chains, etc., the following freight rates are effective in cents per 100 lbs. : Baltimore 15.4 Boston 18.9 Buffalo 11.6 Chicago 18.9 Cincinnati 15.8 Cleveland 10.5 Denver 68.6 Kansas City 43.6 Cost of Drafting Equipment. cal drafting equipment : 1 beam compass 1 dotting pen railroad pen set drawing instruments Minneapolis 32.9 New Orleans 30.7 New York 16.9 Pacific Coast (all rail) 75.0 Philadelphia 15.9 St. Louis 23.6 St. Paul 32.9 The following are costs of typi- German silver protractors i 4 in. . I 6in.. . engineers' triangular scales, 12 in. architects' triangular scales, 12 in. 45 deg. triangles j ^g in 30-60 {iglS:::::::::::'::::::::; 1 set railroad curves 1 set French curves f36 in 2 T squares -{ 36 in [30 in. X 42 in 1 blue print frame 1 plan case Thumb tacks Water colors, 20 colors at $0.18 a pan Higgins Inks, 16 colors at $0.25 a bottle 1 current meter 2 leveling rods, Philadelphia 2 Florida rods, 12-ft 3 range poles, 10-ft 3 plumb bobs Stake tacks 2 tape mending tools 2 steel tapes, 100-ft 2 steel tapes, 50-ft 1 cloth tape, 100-ft 1 planimeter 1 pantograph oz. oz. oz. oz. lb. lb. oz. lb. 5 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. %lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. each each each each oz. each oz. each oz. each oz. each each I each I each each r each A 50 lb. each each each each each each each each each each each each each 3.00 $6.00 to $12.20 0.80 to 6.80 2.00 to 6.16 up 1.35 3.15 1.20 each 2.00 " .36 " .76 " .24 " .52 " 6.9? 11.9 9.26 .44 .84 13.05 18.00 1.28 3.60 4,00 45.50 13.50 each 9.00 " 2.25 " 1.80 " 1.35 3.60 10.32 6.00 3.28 25.20 4.50 Cost of Transits. A low priced and yet reliable transit, known as a builder's transit, weighs 6 lbs. and costs $85 ; with compass, 3-in. needle, $100. The tripod weighs 6 lbs. MISCELLANEO US 1677 A light mountain transit with a 7i/2-in. telescope, a 4-in. needle, complete, costs $200. Weight, instrument 51/2 lbs., extension tripod, 7 lbs. Mountain and mining transits with 9i^-in. telescope and 4-in. needle, cost complete $235. Weight, instrument 10 lbs., tripod 9 lbs. Surveyors' transits with a 5-in. needle weigh 16 14 lbs. and cost $160. Engineers' transits complete cost from $175 to $250 and weigh from 9 to 15 lbs. Valves. The following are costs of typical valves. Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price 10 • $45 22 $210 12 64 24 240 14 88 25 260 15 100 26 280 16 110 28 320 18 140 30 360 20 170 Straight-way w^edge gate valves with bolted cap and flanged ends, for working steam pressures up to 125 lbs. STANDARD BRASS Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price 14 $0.55 1 $1.25 % 58 1^ 1.70 y2 68 11/2 2.25 % 95 2 3.50 Straight-way wedge gate valves with screwed cap and ends, for working steam pressures up to 125 lbs. STANDARD IRON BODY AND BRASS TRIMMINGS Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price 2 $4.50 5 $14.50 21/2 5.75 6 18.50 3 7.40 7 22.50 3% 9.00 8 27.00 4 11.00 9 31.00 41^ 12.00 10 35.00 Straight-way wedge gate valves with bolted cap and screwed ends, for working steam pressures up to 125 lbs. STANDARD BRASS GLOBE VALVES Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price i/s $0.40 11/2 $2.10 % 42 2 3.40 % 48 . 2% 5.00 2 55 3 7.25 % 80 31/2 10.00 1 1.10 4 13.50 11,4 1-60 These valves have screwed cap and ends, for working steam pressures up to 125 lbs. 1678 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA STANDARD IRON BODY GLOBE VALVES V^^ITH BRASS TRIMMINGS Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. . Net price 4 $8.00 7 $23.00 41/^ 10.00 8 30.00 5 12.00 9 38.00 6 17.00 10 45.00 Bolted cap and screwed ends, for working steam pressures up to 125 lbs. For flanged end connections there is about 10% increase on the above prices. EXTRA HEAVY IRON BODY • Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. - Net price 4 $22 9 $60 4% 25 10 72 5 28 12 105 35 14 150 43 15 200 54 16 250 Straight-way gate valves with bolted cap and flanged ends, for working steam pressures up to 250 lbs. EXTRA HEAVY BRASS GLOBE VALVES Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price Vi $0.80 114 $3.30 .92 11/2 4.70 1.10 2 8.00 1.60 21^ 11.00 2.30 3 16.00 These valves have screwed cap and ends, for working steam pressures up to 250 lbs. EXTRA HEAVY BRASS GLOBE VALVES Size, ins. * Net price Size, ins. Net price 14 $0.80 1% $3.30 % 92 11/2 4.70 % 1.10 2 8.00 Ji 1.60 2V2 11.00 2.30 3 16.00 These valves have screwed cap and ends, for working steam pressures up to 250 lbs. EXTRA HEAVY BRASS VALVES Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price % $2.20 11/4 $5.00 1/2 2.30 11/2 6.60 % 2.85 2 10.50 1 3.80 2% 15.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1679 These valves are straight-way wedge gate valves with screwed cap and ends for working steam pressures up to 250 lbs. EXTRA HEAVT IROX BODY AND BRASS TRIMMINGS Size, ins. Net price Size, ins. Net price 2 110 5 126 21^ 13 6 32 3 15 7 40 3% 18 8 50 4 20 9 60 4y2 23 10 71 Straight-way wedge gate valves with bolted cap and screwed ends, for working steam pressures up to 250 lbs. Etching Tools for Identification Purposes. J. J. O'Brien (Power and the Engineer, Jan., 1909) states that the best way to mark names or initials on metal tools is to etch them. The mark is ineffaceable and easily done, with a little experience. The first step in the process is to spread a thin layer of soap over the surface intended to be used. Next, with a sharp stick, or scratch awl, cut the name in the layer of soap, exposing the metal. Then drop into the letters enough of the following solution to commence an oxidizing action on the metal exposed : One ounce salt, 2 ounces copper sulphate (bluestone), and 1 quart of vinegar. A few drops will sufRce, and a few trials will teach how long to let the solution work before wiping it off with a cloth. Painting iVlaterials Required and Surface Covered per Gallon. G. B. Barham in the Surveyor, Apr. 25. 1913, gives in Table VII the amount of materials of ordinary kind required to make one gallon of paint mixed in linseed oil and the area covered therewith. TABLE VII. PAINTING MATERIALS REQUIRED AND SURFACE COVERED Pounds Weight and Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Paint of volume of covered covered pigment paint first coat second coat Red lead 22.4 30.4 =1.4 630 375 White lead 25.0 33.0 =: 1.7 CO'O 300 Iron oxide 24.75 32.75 = 2.6 600 350 Graphite 12.5 20.50 = 2.0 630 375 Asphalt 17.5 30.0 =4.0 500 300 Light structural steel work averages about 250 sq. ft. per ton of metal; heavy work about 150 sq. ft. per ton; corrugated steel (No. 20) about 2,400 sq. ft. of surface per ton. Roughly, V2 gal. of paint per ton of structural steel is required for a first coat, and % gal. for second coat, under average conditions. Detail costs of labor and materials for painting are given in Gillette's Handbook of Data. Cost per Sq. Yd. of Cleaning and Painting Draft Tubes. Barry- Dibble (Engineering and Contracting, Sept. 8, 1915) gives the 1680 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA following costs for the Minidoka plant, U. S. Reclamation Serv- ice. In scraping we found an excellent adherence between the metal and the tar paint, which had been on 1^^ years at that time. Where it was scraped down to the metal it left a bright surface. On one patch, of about 1 sq. yd., apparently the iron had not been well cleaned before applying the paint, as it was in a place difficult to reach, and here scale had formed on the iron, but this was the only place the iron had not been protected from the water. There was a marked difference in the ease with which this tar was cleaned off preparatory to repainting as compared with the work involved on surfaces which had been covered with red lead paint, and which had become pitted. There was quite a variation in the consistency of the water-gas tar purchased at different times. As ordinarily obtained, it was necessary, in the cool weather during which we painted, to mix a little gasoline with it. Usually the mixture was about 1 quart of TABLE VII. COST OF CLEANING AND PAINTING FIVE DRAFT TUBES Total Total surface, sq. yds 850 Area cleaned and painted, sq. yds 750 Cost of scaffolding: Labor $52.32 Material 22.74 Cost of cleaning: Sharpening scrapers 52.76 Labor 321.78 Cost of painting, labor : First coat (water-gas tar) 41.62 Second coat (coal-gas tar) 59.96 Third coat (coal-gas tar) 8.50 Total labor, painting only 110.08 Material (all coats) 10.39 Total cost $570.07 Cost per sq. yd. cleaned and painted : Scaffolding, labor and material . . ; $0,100 Cleaning, sharpening scrapers, and labor .499 Painting — Labor „ .147 Material .014 Total per sq. yd $0,760 gasoline to from 3 to 5 gals, of tar. This tar was then spread on carefully with a brush in the same manner as ordinary oil paint, working it carefuly into all pits and around rivets. One gallon of tar covered about 30 sq. yds. with one coat. The cost MISCELLANEOUS 1681 was about 15 cts. per gallon, about one-half of which was freight charge from Chicago to Minidoka. The tar is rather slow in setting even if the weather is warm. It hardens when the thermometer drops, but when the weather warms up will become sticky even after a considerable period. As most of our work was done in cool weather, it was possible to apply the second coat within 10 to 14 days. In only one case were we able to get a third coat on prior to the time when the weather turned so bad that it was impossible to do outside work. It does not appear to affect the tar to put it into the water before it is thoroughly hardened. Cost of Sand Blast Cleaning of Structural Steel. G. W. Lilly (Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers, February, 1903) states that in cleaning several steel viaducts in Columbus, Ohio, in 1902 two Newhouse sand-blast machines, mounted on light trucks, so that they could be moved about and placed where convenient for the work, were used. A wire-bound, l^/^-in., rubber air-hose, 50 ft. in length, connected each machine Avith the 2-in. air pipe. Old rubber hose, which was much cheaper than new, was used for the sand hose, part of it being 2^4 and part 2i/^ ins. in diameter. The nozzles used were %-in., extra heavy, gas pipe, of various lengths, from 12 to 24 ins. A length of at least 12 ins. seems to direct the blast with more effect than a shorter one. This was used instead of tool steel or other hard pipe because it was believed that it would last nearly as long and cost much less. The average length of time one nozzle lasted was about 5 hours, as shown by the length of pipe used and the total hours run. The nozzle was connected to the sand hose by a heavy, special cast reducer, about % in. thick. This reducer was made thick, to sustain the wear caused by the deflection of the sand into the small nozzle pipe. The most severe wear of the nozzles is at a point 3 ins. from the connection with the reducer. It will be noted that the sand, in passing from the large sand hose to the small nozzle, is deflected so as to produce a cross-fire, striking with greatest force against the sides of the small pipe near the reducer end. A like wear upon the rubber sand hose occurs near its connection with the pipe from the machine, which is a 1^4 -ill- pipe, and the spreading out of the sand to form the larger stream causes it to strike against the sides and then deflect to follow the direction of the hose. One foot in length, or some- times a little more, cut from this end of the hose occasionally, fitted it for further use. The length of sand hose used varied from 25 to 65 ft., being regulated by the di.stance of the work from the place where the machine had to be placed. As the ma- chines could not be placed upon scaffolding, in this work, at least 35 ft. of hose were required on nearly all the work, so as to reach from the ground to the floor system, from 16 to 20 ft. above the tracks, and in some places out over the tracks as far as 30 to 40 ft. The nozzlemen should be men of some judgment and intelligence, 1682 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA so that they will understand how to manage the nozzle to make the blast most effective. When ready for work the nozzleman wore a helmet of tin, with cloth curtains hanging to the shoulders to keep out the dust, as far as possible. Instead of using wire gauze in the helmet, two pieces of glass were used for the nozzle- man to see through, because it excluded the dust more effectually. When frosted over by rebounding sand, the glasses were removed and new ones inserted. After a little experience, a good nozzleman will learn how to hold the nozzle in any given case, varying its distance from the working point according to the manner in which he finds it is operating. Heavy scale requires him to hold the nozzle close, and light cleaning can be done more rapidly by holding it farther away and permitting the blast to spread some- what and thus cut a wider swath. On moderately hard places about 5 to 6 ins. is the proper distance. To make it clean most rapidly he must also direct the blast so as to cut a swath clean as he goes, passing first in one direction and then in the other, across the member being cleaned, so as to leave no spots to which he must go back and thus waste the force of the blast on clean metal around them. The nozzle should generally be directed so as to strike the surface at a slight inclination from the normal, say 20 to 30 degs. away from the nozzleman, thus blowing the dust and sand away. The cleaning should be carried forward from the nozzleman, so that the blast will always act upon the exposed edge of scales, rust, or old paint, and, by getting under any loose portions, throw them off without first having to break them up. The compressed air was supplied from a compressor with an air cylinder of 14 ins. diameter and a stroke of 12 ins., compressing the air to a gauge pressure of 50 to 60 lbs. The number of strokes was regulated automatically so as to keep the pressure nearly constant. The air was led from the compressor to a large re- ceiver, and then, by a line of 2-in. steel pipe, to a small receiver at the viaduct where the work was to be done. From this re- ceiver (having a capacity of about 9% cu. ft.) the air was con- ducted to the sand-blast machines. The pressure at the machines was usually from 30 to 40 lbs. The requisite length of 2-in. pipe varied from about 1,250 to 2,200 ft. The small receiver had a pet-cock in the bottom to let out accumulated water, and it re- moved much of the moistui^e from the air used. The compressed air was paid for by the city, at the rate of 40 and 45 cts. per hour for one machine, and 60 cts. per hour for two machines in operation. For 18% of the time only one machine was in operation. This made the work cost more, because two machines could have been operated for about one and one-half times what one would cost. A foreman, 2 nozzlemen and 3 la- borers could operate 2 machines and dry the sand for them. The foreman was paid 35 cts., nozzlemen 25 cts., and laborers 15 cts. during one-half of the time, and after that 17% cts. per hr. The sand used was from Lake Erie. An attempt was made to secure rather coarse, clean and sharp sand ; but it was at times MISCELLANEOUS 1683 impossible to do this without some delay, and some of the sand used was too fine and made much dust on account of the silt it contained. The sand was at first dried in two old locomotive ash pans, with old ties for fuel. This required almost constant attendance by one man, to stir it up and keep it from becoming so hot as to make the grains brittle and ineffective. The dryer was made by fitting a sheet-steel hopper on an old cast-iron stove. The wet sand would not fall through the %-in. holes in the lower part of the hopper, but would as soon as dry. The sand was permitted to cool for a few hours before being used, as hot sand caused steam and was likely to choke the small opening in the bottom of the hopper, around the end of the siphon nozzle. The objection to this kind of a dryer is that the fire-pot, being surrounded by sand in contact with it, burns out in a short time. Two fire pots were required in six months' service. All the viaducts named have buckle-plate floor systems, ex- posing a large amount of steel surface to the action of rust and corrosion. It may be well to state the conditions under which the work of cleaning had to be done, in order to give a better under- standing of the items making up the cost. The data here given may then be better analyzed and applied to any other proposed sand-blast cleaning. The first four viaducts named were erected during 1893 and 1894 and all were repainted during August and September, 1896, and none of them had been repainted since that time. No. 5 was erected in the latter part of 1893, repainted in August, 1896, and again in October, 1899. The cleaning done before repainting, in each of these cases, was only hand-cleaning. All appearances indicate that the steel of No. 4 must have been in better condition than that of any of the other viaducts, and a better quality of paint must have been applied at the time of its erection. This is judged largely from the condition of the portions of the viaducts above the level of the street pavement and pro- tected by it from the direct action of the blast and gases from the locomotives. The portions belovv^ the pavement, on all the others, are subjected to greater wear by the locomotive blast on account of their small clearance above the stacks, their clearness above the level of the railroad tracks being only 16.33 to 16.75 ft., while this viaduct has a clearance of 20.33 ft. Tn cleaning them, therefore, it was impossible to swing any staging below the clearance elevation, in the case of four of them. No. 5 and No. 2 do not afford sufficient space above the lower surface of the plate girders in which a man can work, and it was necessary to work from movable trestles, about 12 ft. high, made as light as possible, so that they could be moved off the tracks whenever a train or an engine was about to pass, and be replaced and the work continued when the track was clear. Under the first three viaducts mentioned there are two main tracks and one side track, with a .spur track from the middle of the first, making four tracks under the east half of it. Movable trestles were also used, part of the time, in cleaning the cover plates on the bottom of the girders and the portion of 1684 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the work along the abutments of No. 3 ; but a large portion of the cleaning was done from staging resting upon the lower cover plates and angles of the plate girders. TABLE IX. COST OF SAND-BLAST CLEANING OP VIADUCTS AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Average pressure at sand- blast, in pounds per square inch 35 37 35 30 33 33 Square Square No. Number of square feet cleaned Cost per square foot feet cleaned with 1 cu. ft. of sand feet cleaned per hour by one sand-blast 1 24.900 $0.0283 17.1 64 2 8.000 0.0362 10.4 49 3 17,000 0.0263 18.2 66 4 63.000 0.0174 25.2 89 5 22.600 0.0688 6.1 23. Totals and average;- 1^5.500 $0.0302 14.8 54 Excluding No. 5 112.900 0.0225 20.0 74 Fig. Newhouse sand blast machine. Electric Arc Welding Apparatus. Standard 300 amp., single unit belted type, with two metallic circuits or one graphite and one metallic, cost $1,325. Standard 300 amp., motor generator set, consisting of a welding generator, and either d.c. or a.c. motor, with two metallic circuits or one graphite and one metallic circuit, cost $1,650, MISCELLANEO US 1685 Cost of Electric Welding in a Pittsburgh Shop. An electric welding outfit used by the Pittsburgh Railway Co. is described in Electric Railway Journal, Nov. 18, 1911, as follows: Current for welding is furnished by an old GE booster set consisting of a 30-h.p. shunt-wound motor and a 60-volt, 300-amp. generator. Nevertheless, the actual output of the generator can be varied from 300 amps, to 700 amps, at 80 volts to 110 volts, ac- cording to the conditions desired. There is enough reactance in the generator to take care of sudden surges when the welding arc is broken. The shunt field of the booster is directly excited from the trolley circuit through a resistance connected in series with it across the line instead of being shunted around the series winding of the generator. The switch controlling this separately excited shunt-field circuit is locked to prevent anyone from breaking this circuit when the set is running free. The grid resistances, which are inserted in the series field in series with the armature, can be varied from 0.02 ohm. to 0.045 ohm., depending upon the am- perage desired. The welding flux consists of . 17 parts borax, 1% parts brown oxide of iron and 1 1^ parts red oxide of iron. The electrodes are usually of carbon, but cold rolled steel is used for such w^ork as welding sheet steel on a gear case, the melting of the electrode itself furnishing the required new metal. The economies of this method of welding may be appreciated from the following typical cases, which give the price of certain parts new, their value as scrap and the cost of rehabilitating them for service. In each case 15% is added to the shop cost to allow for overhead shop charges. Welding labor is figured at 30 cts. an hr. and electrical energy at %ct. per kw.-hr. TABLE X. COST OF ELECTRIC WELDING Article Bemis side frame $26.25 Lord Baltimore side frame.. 28.00 McGuire Columbian side frame 35.00 Westinghouse No. 56 motor ^^^ ^ ^^ frame 0.99 0.17 2.16 0.50 Westinghouse No. 62 motor ^ ^ ^ , ^ gear case lugs 0.22 0.21 0.48 0.14 Cost of Electric Welding in a Railroad Shop, G. W, Cravens (Railway Electrical Engineer, June, 1913) states that electric welding outfits supplied by the best makers consist of the motor- generator, controlling panel, electrode holders, head and hand shields for the operators and a supply of electrodes. The head shields have a window of red and blue glasses to protect the eyes of the operator from the blinding glare of the arc. The combina- tion system outfit includes a patented combination electrode holder uS S-i (J) o ll.O ■^ 0.75 0.5 025 y / •a y y / / / / \ / / y ^ y^ / 2 y y / // y y. "/ i^ •/ 3 i 1^ 3"- — / * WM k^l /dtngfOO g\i / ^ Urn mwai •fical rhea 'dm Weld dwe \^ ted f 10 20 30 40 50 W 70 80 90 100 IK) 120 150 wo Time in Mi notes to We Id One Foot Fig. 3. Speed of electric welding. The following detailed outfit is suitable for repair work on a small railroad or the equipment of a contractor, where the sec- tions of wrought iron or steel do not exceed 4X6 ins. in size. : Item Price 1 automatic crucible No. 6 $ 16.50 1 double burner thermit preheating torch complete 75.00 1 tapping spade .50 300-lb. thermit mixed with 1% manganese and 1% nickel thermit 78.90 10 lbs. yellow wax at $0.35 : '. 3.50 1 bbl. special moulding material for facing 4.00 45 lbs. mild steel punchings at $0.02 y.^ 1.13 1 lb. ignition powder .90 Total cost, f. o. b. Jersey City $180.43 MISCELLANEOUS 1G91 The preheater is a permanent appliance and will last indefinitely, while the crucible will last from 16 to 20 reactions, after which it may be relined with magnesia tar in the feld or at the factory for $11.50. Each crucible requires 135 lbs. tar at 3 cts. per lb., and one magnesia stone. No construction equipment is required except that it will be necessary to make a mold box out of sheet iron. Five extra packages of plugging material and four extra thimbles are supplied with each crucible. Extra packages and thimbles cost 10 cts. each. The prices of other sizes of appliances are as follows : Weight Item (lbs.) Price Preheater torch, single burner 175 $50.00 Preheater torch, double burner 200 75 00 Automatic crucible. No. 1, for 4 lbs. thermit 40 3 50 Automatic crucible, No. 2, for 7 lbs. thermit 60 5.50 Automatic crucible, No. 3, for 16 lbs. thermit 110 6 50 Automatic crucible. No. 4, for 24 lbs. thermit 125 8.00 Automatic crucible, No. 5, for 45 lbs. thermit 150 11.00 Automatic crucible. No. 6, for 75 lbs. thermit 225 16 50 Automatic crucible. No. 7, for 135 lbs. thermit 385 30.00 Automatic crucible, No. 8, for 200 lbs. thermit 480 35.00 Automatic crucible. No. 9. for 260 lbs. thermit 5X0 43.50 Automatic crucible. No. 10, for 400 lbs. thermit. ... 720 55 00 * Tripods, No. 1 11 2.10 * Tripods, Nos. 2-3 19 2.50 * Tripods, Nos. 4-5 24 3.00 * Tripods, Nos. 6-7 65 5 50 Flat bottom crucible, No. 2, for 4 lbs. thermit. ... 18 1.75 Flat bottom crucible. No. 3, for 8 lbs. thermit.... 27 3 00 Flat bottom crucibles. No. 4, for 16 lbs. thermit. ... 65 4.75 Flat bottom crucibles, No. 5, for 40 lbs. thermit. ... 95 7.00 Tongs for flat bottom crucible, No. 2 6i^ 2 00 Tongs for flat bottom crucible. No. 3 171/2 2.50 Tongs for flat bottom crucible, No. 4 25 3.25 Tongs for flat bottom crucible. No. 5 30 14 4.50 Cost of relining flat bottom crucible. No. 2 .75 Cost of relining flat bottom crucible. No. 3 1-25 Cost of relining flat bottom crucible. No. 4 2.50 Cost of relining flat bottom crucible, No. 5 4.00 Thermit (sold only in 50 and 100-lb. drums). 50-lb. drum 55i/. 12.50 100-lb. drum 110 25.00 Thermit with 1% manganese and 1% nickel thermit. , „ . ^ 50-lb. drum 56V2 13.15 100-lb. drum 112 26.30 Ignition powder, i/l>-lb. cans l^ Ignition powder, 2-Ib. cans 1»0 Metallic manganese, per lb -^o Nickel thermit, per ib -^ Yellow wax, per lb • • - j^ Special moulding material, per bbl 375 4.00 * (For welding connecting rods and driving wheel spokes, etc.) The proper quantity of thermit required for the weld may be calculated by multiplying by 32 the weight of the wax necessary to fill all parts of the fracture and reinforcement, or else by calculating the number of cu. in. in the fracture and reinforce- ment, multiplying by 2. To produce 41/2 ozs. or one cu. in of steel requires ? o?s. of thermit, Jf more than 10 lbs. of thermit 1692 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA are to be used it is necessary to mix steel punchings, not exceed- ing % in. in diameter, or particles of steel into the powder. For 10 lbs, or more of thermit 10% of punchings should be added ; for 50 lbs. or more, 15% of small mild steel rivets should be mixed in 1% each of manganese and nickel thermit should be added also. Method and Cost of Welding Rails by the Thermit Process. The following account of the methods and cost of welding a large number of rail joints by the thermit process has been obtained from Mr. M. J. French, engineer maintenance of way of the Utica & Mohawk Valley Electric Railway. Thermit Process. The process of welding consists in pouring molten mild steel from a melting crucible into sand and flour molds placed around the rails at the joint. It is in detail as follows : The rails having first been lined and surfaced, the joint is thor- oughly cleaned with a sand blast or wire brush. Then the rails are heated by a gasoline or oil blow-torch to expel all moisture, and by heating the rails to a dull red better results are secured as the temperature of the molten steel is not reduced as much when coming into contact with the rails. After the joint is cleaned and heated a pair of molds made of an equal mixture of common clay and sand, or, preferably, of sand and 10% of cheap rye flour. is clamped firmly to the rails. The molds are held by a wrought iron framework provided with handles to facilitate carrying. The molds being in place, the rail head is painted with a watery solu- tion of red clay which the heated metal immediately dries up to a thin coating, the purpose of which is to prevent the molten slag or steel from uniting with or burning the rail head. After thor- oughly luting all joints of the molds with clay of the consistency of putty, earth is packed around the outside of the molds. The molds and the rails are then given a final warming with the blow- torch, the flame being directed inside the molds to expel any remaining moisture. The crucible on its tripod is then set over the mold with its pouring hole directly over and about 2 ins. above the gate in the mold. After placing the tapping pin. iron disc, asbestos disc and refractory sand in the bottom of the cru- cible to act as a plug for the opening the thermit compound is poured in and in the center of the top is placed about one-third teaspoonful of ignition powder. A storm match starts the chem- ical process. The thermit compound is composed of aluminum and iron oxide, both in granular or flake form ; the ignition powder is composed of aluminum and barium peroxide in much finer foim. When the match is applied the barium peroxide ignites and its oxygen to the aluminum very quickly. The heat produced is so intense that it causes the iron oxide to release its oxygen, which in tijrn is seized by the aluminum and almost instantly the entire contents of the crucible are a boiling and seething mass. By this reaction the piire steel is liberated and settles immediately to the bottom of the mold. The crucible is then tapped by striking the tapping pin with a special iron spade and the molten steel runs MISCELLANEOUS 1693 into the mold followed by the aluminum oxide and corundum slag. The chemical reaction described is completed in about 30 sees., and in five minutes the molds can be removed. Molds. The molds are made by baking a mixture of sand and rye flour shaped on models. At first a mixture of one part clay and one part sand was used, but it resulted unsatisfactorily. The molds shrunk and checked badly in baking and required a great amount of careful luting to close the joints. Also the clay was baked like a brick by the great heat of the welded joint and was quite difficult to remove, adding somewhat to the expense. At the suggestion of an old foundryman trial was made of a mixture of clean, sharp sand, with 10% of coarse rye flour; the mixture was moistened just enough to retain its form when pressed in the hand. This mixture proved satisfactory. It came away from the model without adhering, baked without shrinking and was hard enough to stand ordinary ha.ndling. By adding a teaspoonful of linseed oil to the mixture for a pair of molds it baked as hard as concrete — unnecessarily hard for ordinary purposes, but most de- sirable for special molds for broken or combination joints. The molds are baked in a brick oven having a flat iron plate above the firebox to baffle the heat and above this two racks capable of holding twelve sets of molds. For baking a moderate heat, about the temperature required for baking bread, has proved the most satisfactory ; a higher temperature burned the rye ffour and destroyed its cementing properties. One man receiving 15 cts. per hour makes and bakes the molds and he can turn out 12 sets every five hours, or 24 sets per day. This gives a cost for labor of about 6 14 cts. per set. The molds actually cost about 10 cts. a set, counting in materials and lost time due to the full output of the oven not being required each day. Criccihles. The crucibles furnished by the Goldschmidt Thermit Co. cost $7.25 each, but since using up the first six bought the railway company has made its own, buying magnesia tar from the Goldschmidt Thermit Co. at 21/2 cts. per lb. The tar is mixed with 25% of old crucible material finely powdered. These crucibles last on an average for about 30 joints. They are baked in the oven previously described with a higher temperature than that required for the molds. The cost of the crucibles is $2.40 each, made up of the following items : 48 lbs. magnesia tin at 2^2 cts $1.20 12 lbs. old crucible powder, labor 0.15 6 hrs.' labor at 15 cts. molding and baking. . . . 0.90 Fuel 0.15 Total ?2.40 Cost of Welding. The welding was done by a gang of 1 fore- man and 3 laborers. This gang has never exceeded 20 welds per 10-hour day. The wages paid were: Foreman, $2.50 per day. and laborers, $1.50 per day. The welding portion consists of 16 lbs. thermit and 2 lbs. iron punchings, or 15 lb.s. thermit and 3 lbs. iron punchings, if a lower temperature seems desirable. The 1694 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA total cost of the welding portion, including igniting powder, tap- ping pin, and plugging materials for crucible, consisting of asbestos washer, iron disc and refractory sand, is $4.25. The cost of weld- ing 100 joints on T-rail 7 ins. high, 6 ins. base and 3 ins. head during 1906 was per joint as follows: Cost of mold $0.10 Cost of crucible 0.10 Cost of casting materials 0.20 Foreman 0.25 Laborers 0.91 Thermit portion 4.25 Total $5.81 To this is to be added $1.63, which is about the average cost of removing and replacing brick pavement at each joint for labor and materials, using old broken stone for concrete and cleaning old paving blocks. This addition brings the total up to $7.44 per joint welded. The cost of welding 600 joints in 1905 on 9-in. tram head rail, including all labor, materials, tools and patterns incident to the work, experimenting with mold materials and cost of oven, was $5.86. The cost of the original outfit for welding was: 1 Automatic crucible $ 7.25 1 Set mold models 12.00 1 Set mold clamps , 6.00 1 Tapping spade 1.00 1 Tripod for crucible 4.00 1 Set mold boxes 2.50 Total $32.75 Precautioyis. Certain precautions are necessary to get the best results by the thermit process, and some of these we quote from Mr. French as follows : " When we began welding this 7-in. rail we found that we could sledge off the welds and that the iron from the thermit compound had not united with the rail ; also that the iron came up to the top of the rail head. We subsequently found that the mold models had become mixed, and we had used one of too small horizontal cross-section, and consequently the rail chilled the small volume of molten iron coming in contact with it. Upon enlarging the mold model so that the thermit portion furnished only enough iron to come up under the rail head, we obtained welds that resisted the most vigorous sledging that could be given with a 10-pound hammer. We were able to batter the weld out of shape, but could not separate it from the rail. This sledging test is now applied to all welds. " We found when welding in the morning with rising tempera- ture that tightly-closed joints often humped up when welded. This proved to be due to the latent compression in the rails that did not manifest itself unil the rail ends became soft. These humped joints were ground down with an emery wheel grinder. We had MISCELLANEOUS 1695 only a few of these joints when we realized the cause, and readily prevented such action by welding on cooler days or when the tem- perature was falling. We obtained the best results with joints open about Vie to y^-i in., the expansion in welding closing tightly such an opening. "We have made excellent combination welds be- tween 80-lb. T-rail, 7-in. 70-lb. and 95-lb. T-rails and 9-in. girder rails. In making combination welds we found that it was essential to a get a good body of metal between the upper side of the base of the deepei rail and the under side of the shallower section in order to secure the strongest type of weld. " Thus far there has been no appreciable excess wear in the head of the rails at the welds and the heated portion seems to take the original temper, as it cools down slowly in about the same way as when coming from the rolls. " A few portions of thermit, not over six, have been lost through failure of the workman to tap the crucible properly, or lack of luting around the joints of the molds. We have had but one explosion during our entire experience. That occurred after using the process 18 months, and was caused through carelessness in welding on a rainy day and in not thoroughly luting the molds near the top. The slag came in contact with the wet earth around the mold, but aside from the scare occasioned by the report and a slight burn on the foreman's arm from flying slag no harm was done, and the weld turned out to be a good one." Cost of Cutting Off Steel Sheet Piles with the Electric Arc. F. C. Perkins (Engineering and Contracting, 1907) describes the use of the electric arc in cutting off steel piles at the New Hoff- man House foundation work in New York city. The steel piles being cut are % in. thick, in the web and 3 ins. at the interlocking points. It is stated that the time required in burning the %-in. steel is four minutes per foot and the time taken at the interlocking points is said to be 8 minutes. The arc light carbon is held in a metal clamp fastened to a metallic rod and socket, which is in turn bolted to a long wooden pole, the cable conducting the current being flexible and con- nected to the metal clamp of the carbon terminal. The steel to be cut is connected to the other conductor from the alternating current circuit. The men are protected from the extreme heat and terrific glare by goggles and asbestos masks as well as gloves, as it has been found that the carbon fumes produced by the high power electric arc. affected the lips and other parts of the face and hands. About 1,200 amperes are utilized at 50 volts pressure, alter- nating current being employed stepped down to the above volt- age from the high pressure service of 2,500 volts. Single phase alternating current is employed, taken from the street service mains, the frequency being 60 cycles per second. The cost of cutting steel piling with current at 10 cts. kw. and the attendant at 50 cts. per hour, is stated to be as follows per foot of piling cut; 1696 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA. Cost of current $2.56 Labor 0.40 Total $2.96 This is rather high, and the hack-saw would probably be cheaper. However, with current at say 3 cts. per kw.-hr. the cost per foot would be but $1.17. Even at this rate, with labor competent to use a hack-saw at 25 cts. per hour, the saw would be the cheaper. Miscellaneous Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Co^ts. The costs in Tables XITI to XV have /been accurately obtained. Davis- Bournonville apparatus was used. TABLE XIII. COSTS OF BUTT WELDING PIPE Labor at 42 cts. per hour. Oxygen and acetylene at 2 cts. per cu. ft. Welding wire at 10 cts. per pound. Gas pressures s . 1 2 o 03 d a cety. otal cost M J o < s H H o < ^ 4-in. 6 min. 2.84 2.49 5 oz. i%4 in. 6 12 1b. 6 1b. $0.18 6-in. 12 min. 5.68 4.98 8 oz. . %2 in. 6 12 1b. 6 1b. .34 8-in. 16 min. 7.58 6.65 12 oz. %6 in. 6 12 1b. 6 1b. .47 10-in. 18 min. 8.53 7.48 16 oz. 5/i6 in. 6 12 1b. 6 1b. .54 12-in. 26 min. 12.32 ' 10.81 20 oz. 21/64 in. 6 12 1b. 6 1b. .77 16-in. 42 min. 33.18 29.40 32 oz. % in. 8 16 1b. 6 lb. 1.75 Average Cost of Cutting Pipe (4 cuts made ( of each size) 4-in. 625 0.781 0.125 i%4 in. 2 20 1b. 31b. $0.02 6-in. 0.87 1.087 .174 %2 in. 2 20 1b. 3 1b. .03 8-in. 1.5 1.775 .3 5/i6 in. 2 20 1b. 3 1b. .05 10-in. 1.77 2.118 .355 •yi6 in. 2 20 1b. 3 1b. .06 12-in. 2.1 2.625 .42 21/64 in. 2 20 1b. 3 1b. .07 16-in. 3.62 4.531 .725 % in. 2 20 1b. 3 lb. .13 TABLE XIV. COST OP BUTT WELDING PIPE C5ir» « «-e Welding Cost of labor Total cost Cost for felZc UJL time placing and of welded dresser pipe min. turning pipe joints couplings 2-in, , I. D. 3 $0.09 $0.18 t$0.53 4-in, . O. D. 6 .165 .34 .69 6-in, , O. D. 10 .245 .52 1.29 8-in. , O. D. 15 .33 .70 1.49 10-in, O. D. 16 .365 .80 2.09 16-in. O. D. 40 .46 * 2.50 3.89 * Two welders employed. t The cost of couplings is shown without the necessary labor to install. The Pacific Gas and Electric Co., with welder at 47 cts. per hr, and gases at 2 cts. per cu. ft., has obtained very low cost in butt welding gas mains of various sizes of pipe, including the labor cost of placing and turning pipe, and makes interesting comparison of the cost of welded joints with the cost of recessed MISCELLANEOUS 1697 coupling-s as formerly employed. The welding was done with portable outfits. See Table XIV. Cost of Various Cxy-Acetylene Cutting Operation. The costs of miscellaneous work in Table XV were obtained under ordinary working conditions in the field, where continuous operation is fre- quently impossible owing to other labor involved, or the necessity for moving from place to place. TABLE XV. < COST OF VARIOUS CUTTING OPERATIONS U, C*^' 5; 5 11 |5 ^ 1^ K ^ J o < S 6-in. I-beams 20 75 min. 28 10 $1.33 ?.0665 8-in. I-beams 4 6 min. 8 2 .25 .0625 12-in. I-beams 4 8 min. 16 4 .47 .1175 15-in. I-beams 10 45 min. 40 10 1.35 .1350 15-in. I-beams 1 1 ft. 23 in. 3 1 .092 .092 5-in. T-rails 20 75 min. 37 12 1.55 .0775 8-in. T-rails 4 10 min. 20 6 .60 .15 9 -in. street car rails 10 45 min. 40 10 1.35 .135 12-in. Lackawanna piling 88 9 % hrs. 350 60 12.57 .143 ?/i6-in. boiler plate 40 ft. 60 min. 20 2 .90 .0225 per ft. ^-in. boiler plate 55 ft. 180 min. 130 40 4.72 .086 per ft 1-in. boiler plate 80 ft. 150 min. 250 56 7.27 .091 per ft. % -in. web of rail .33 ft. 50 min. 90 13 2.45 .074 per ft. Cost of Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Pipe. Under ordinary con- ditions, it is stated in Engineering News, Feb. 4, 1915, a skillful operator can weld in an hour about one joint on 12-in. pipe and from three to five joints on 4-in. pipe. The cost is^ said to be from 25 to 40% less than that of a recessed screw* joint, including the cost of the coupling and its application. With the welded pipe, the branches, laterals, drips and various other fittings are made integral parts of the continuous ^.lain, while with screw-joint pipe they are separate and special parts whose numerous joints are often a source of trouble. Laterals are inserted at any point by cutting a hole in the main (with the cutting blowpipe) and welding in the end of the lateral. The only material required to make up these specials are odd lengths of pipe of the required sizes, which can be cut and connected at any point and in any way. The cost of making the Y, with two 8-in. pipes connecting to an 8-in. main, is about 76 cts., as given in Table XVL A great advantage of such continuou.sly welded mains is that leaks from the joints, always a large source of loss in every gas distribution system, are wholly prevented. Thus these mains are especially advantageous for natural gas and oil pipe lines as well as for city gas distribution. For ammonia, and other re- frigeration system-s, elimination of leakage is important for safety as well as economy. Certain cost figures compiled by the makers of the Oxweld ap- 1698 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA TABLE XVI. COST OF WELDING PIPE JOINTS AND YS 6 -in. pipe 16-in. pipe Labor, 30 cts. per hr 20 min. 10 cts. 90 min. $0.45 Oxygen, 2 cts. per cu. ft 10 ft. 20 cts, 40 ft. 0.80 Acetylene. 2 cts. per cu. ft 9 ft. 18 cts. 36 ft. 0.72 Filling wire, 12 cts. per lb % lb. 9 cts. 2 1b. 0.24 Total 57 cts. $2.21 ,. 8 X 6 -in. Y ^ Cutting Welding Labor, 30 cts. per hr 3 min. 1.5 cts. 22 min. 11 cts. Oxygen, 2 cts. per cu. ft 3 ft. 6.0 cts. 12 ft. 24 cts. Acetylene, 2 cts. per cu. ft 1ft. 2.0 cts. 10 ft. 20 cts. Filling wire, 12 cts. per lb 1 lb. 12 cts. Total 9.5 cts. 67 cts. paratus used in Chicago are as follows : For 4 -in. butt-welded pipe, 43.5 cts. per joint. The segregation was 15 mins. labor, 7.5 cts. ; 8 cu. ft. oxygen, 16 cts. ; 7 cu. ft. acetylene, 14 cts. ; % lb. filling wire, 6 cts. Six-in. pipe welds cost 57 cts. each ; 8-in., $1,055; 12-in.. $1.57, and joints for 16-in. pipe, $2.21. For the last named pipe IV2 hrs. of labor cost 45 cts.; 40 cu. ft. oxygen, 80 cts. ; 36 cu. ft. acetylene, 72 cts., and 2 lbs. filling wire, 24 cts. An 8-in. pipe was welded into an 8-in. main to form a tee at a cost of $3.04. A 6-in. 60-deg. Y required 10 mins. to cut and 45 mins. to weld. The total cost was $2.14. Cost of Oxy-Acetylene Welding in an Electric Railway Shop. L. M. Clark (Electric Railway Journal, Jan. 4, 1913) gives in Table XVII the cost of welding in an electric railway shop in Indianapolis : TABLE XVIL COST OF OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING IN AN ELEC-TRIC RY. SHOP Amount of Material Time, Cost of Name of part Oxy. Acet. Filler hours welding Motor axle cap 5 3 1 1 $0.48 Armature housing 5 3 1 1 0.48 End bearing for mixer 190 104 5 10 9.44 Cutting anti-climber 30 18 . . 2 1.43 1 bumper iron 70 42 IY2 3 3.02 1 journal box, 5x90 90 54 2 5 4.40 1 brake valve body '10 6 i^ 1 0.67 1 scissors 5 3 % 1 0.52 6 motor axle caps 30 18 1 3 1.75 1 motor frame 340 204 5% 20 15.92 1 magnet frame 20 12 1/2 2 1.23 l%x7 journal box 50 30 1 3 2.58 Peck, truck side frame 170 102 2 12 8.40 Peck, truck frame 150 90 1 1/2 10 7.25 6 motor axle caps 30 18 1 3 1.75 5 Lorain compressor shells 100 60 2 7 5.26 15x9 journal box 40 24 1 2 1.95 1 door sheave 20 12 Brass 1 1.04 5 motor caps 35 21 1 3 1.91 1 Peck, truck side frame 190 114 2% 10 8.56 Cam for stoker engine 45 27 5 2 2.43 1 armature shaft 280 178 3 H 11.73 MISCELLANEOUS 1699 Amount of Material Name of part Oxy. Acet. Filler 1 truss rod anchor 15 9 1 Heating 2 tires 15 9 Standard truck frame 220 132 . 3% 1 pipe vise 5 3 ^2 Annealing wheels 30 18 Steam trap 20 12 1 Coal elevator cam 40 24 1 1^ Side frame on truck 215 129 21/2 Cut hole in boiler 30 18 3 coal elevator cams 140 84 ZY2 Cut 6-in. I beam 15 9 Peck, truck side frame 175 105 2 Westinghouse top motor frame.. 400 240 4 I beams cut-off 50 30 Westinghouse pinion axle cap... 100 60 4^4 Peckham truck frame 250 150 4 Peckham truck frame 50 30 % Anti-climber castings cut 50 30 "Westinghouse pinion axle cap.. 100 60 2 Westinghouse top motor frame. 400 240 7 Westinghouse pinion axle cap.. 150 90 3 Peckham truck frame 150 90 3 Loraine bottom inotor frame. . . . 100 60 2 Westinghouse top motor frame. . 400 240 4 Westinghouse top motor frame.. 140 84 3 Westinghouse motor frame 450 270 5% Westinghouse top motor frame. .300 180 4 Anti-climber castings 50 30 4% X 7 Symington fire boxes 350 2.10 5% Westinghouse compressor gear case corer cap 25 15 1 Time, Cost of hours welding 1 0.79 1 0.72 11 9.82 1 0.52 2 2.42 1 1.02 3 2.25 12 9.84 4 2.20 5 6.37 0.72 4 6.56 20 17.16 2 2.00 7 5.25 15 11.39 5 2.72 2 2.00 10 5.74 20 17.36 10 7.10 15 8.23 3 3.91 20 17.16 12 7.24 15 18.48 18 13.61 2 2.00 15 15.38 0.( Speed of Cutting with Oxy-Acetylene Torch. J. M. Morehead in a paper before the New York Railroad Club gives the Table XVIII of cutting speeds attained in ordinary practice. TABLE XVIII. CUTTING SPEEDS Up to 1. U is It c-2 S i .£§ cS •^0 io 1" Fh a ffi u. Qj 1/2 in. . . . 12 151/2 60 14-18 to 11/2 in. 12 151/2 75 14-18 p ■•-> O) o fi 125 125-150 ■A u CiP. 50 30 While very desirable in welding, in cutting it is quite essential that the oxygen be pure. I;f any appreciable amount of nitrogen is present, this nitrogen expands with the heat and prevents ftie acetylene from entering the slot. This results in a wide kerf and unsatisfactory work, while at the same time the amount of oxy- gen necessary for any given work increases enormously. Table XIX sho^^'s how the qu-^ntity of oxygen necessarily varies with its purity. It will be observed that with oxygen containing 1700 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA J^OSM ^ ^ 00 co?o^ lH<^^ "*^ CO ^C35 o a; be o bjos bJ3o o -^o »: 1^ # CO « kH t- (M* T-l r.-- U5 "M' 00 oo _w> Eh oiioto^ oio o -ij lO tH tH ^3 S "siiJ o ;:|?^^ ^ ^ Sl1 CO Irt t~ t- rH '^1 t- '-I Ci C5 1— 1 OiC^^OrH ^» CO CO ^ P^ lO Co'cOf-^'^M-^rS CO a; nJ 05 '-0 -X> ^ «5 CO 00 CO §g rt< 00 ■:^00 r-\ ^ cd' o CO ^ M -t^ r^ CO CO CO 1% ^^' ^^ OH Eh O o I— I U o w ^001- ^ ^ o ;::^'t-ico ^ (M 00 CO t- cri r-I tH !5 CO ^lofo f-^ 5 "5 ^.^'^■^ ft ft I ^ erf o oS '-I MISCELLANEOUS 1701 18% or more of impurities it is practically impossible to do satis- factory cutting- work. Costs of Various Acetylene Operations. E. F. Eg^gert (Auto- genous Welding, July, 1914) gives the cost of cutting out numer- ous small parts used in ship construction. Pieces Nos. 1 and 3, Fig. 4. are examples of the anglesmiths art, only they were made by an acetylene operator; No. 1 is the boxed end of a staple angle, used in making a deck or bulkhead water tight, where a Z-bar passes through it ; and No. 3 is an angle corner with the flange of the angle turned outward, used in bounding decks and bullvheads to form connections and make them water-tight. An 1 — pnti^Mi ' 1 VL^in 7i mm m ^ ^ ^ f -1 MpMEpI ^J^ Fig. 4. Miscellaneous parts made with an oxy-acetylene torch. anglesmith, in making No. 1, has to take a long heat, cut V-shaped sections out of the flange, bend the web twice, as near to the proper point as he can, dress the job to get the dimensions right, and then make two welds in the flanges. The acetylene operator makes one V-shaped cut in the flange, and removes the end of the flange; this with the cutting torch and to exact dimensions. Then he draws his torch along the line on the web Avhere the angle should be bent, gets it hot, and it bends as easily as copper wire • the dimension is correct and the corner square without dress- ing After making the second bend, he makes two straight-line welds in the flange, and the job is done. In a 2 by 3-in angle^ this job costs about 50 cts. ; the welds are sound and will stand 1702 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA any amount of hammering to prove it ; the under surface is smooth, so the flange can be calked water-tight. Piece No. 3 is made in the same way, save that a square insert is welded in the flange, needing two straight-line welds. Cost about 30 cts., including cost of cutting the square insert. Pieces Nos. 2, 5 and 10 go to make hose and nozzle racks for ship-board installation. The hose is hung over No. 2, being held to the bulkhead by No. 5, consisting of two clips, riveted or tap- bolted to the bulkhead ; the strap is hinged to the one on the left, and pinned to the one on the right. By taking out the pin, the strap swings clear and the hose can be removed. The orifice of the brass nozzle slips over the downward projection of No. 10, and its base rests on a simple angle clip. In making No. 2, circular rings are cut on the pantograph ma- chine ; a piece of pipe is cut to length ; the rings are cut in two, the pipe split lengthwise, and a half ring welded to the end of each half pipe. This costs about 80 cts. much less than a cast- ing. The clips of No. 5 are cut from bar steel, and bent as described above ; the strap is cut from the same bar. The hinges are made of %-in. extra-heavy iron pipe, each hinge of three pieces; the strap and clips being laid together lengthwise ; the three pieces of pipe for each hinge, held together by a bolt running through them, are laid in place and tacked there by the welding torch. Then the two bolts are removed, disassembling the clips from the strap, and the welding of the pipe completed. This saves ex- pensive forgings and the machining thereof, and costs only 90 cts. The nozzle keeper, piece No. 10, consists of a short piece of % -in. extra heavy iron pipe, welded to a little angle clip ; it avoids a casting, and costs only 30 cts. Pieces Nos. 4 and 6 are pad eyes ; eyes made parts of pads which are riveted to a deck or a bulkhead for a tackle, or brace, to hook into or secure to. The eyes are not completed in these samples ; they would be formed by punching or drilling. These pad eyes were made by cutting them from scraps of T- or I-bars, finishing by knocking off the rough on a grinder. Thus, forgings are avoided, and pad eyes produced at 10 cts. each. If a thicker eye is wanted, it can be formed by welding two pieces of angle bar back to back. Piece No. 7 is a scupper lip, secured under a pipe discharging over the side to throw the water clear of the side, so as not to streak it. It is formed of two pieces of plate, cut to proper shape; the Ijp is then bent to shape and welded to the flange. This method obviates a casting, and the scupper lip costs 80 cts. Piece No. 8 is a hinge, made of two pieces of plate and a piece of %-in. extra -heavy iron pipe. The pipe is cut in three pieces, the pieces being held together by a bolt slipped through them ; the two pieces of plate are laid edge to edge, the pipe laid length- wise on the crack, and then welded. This saves two forgings, or castings, and the necessary machining, the hinge costing 45 cts. This is, of course, a special, heavy hinge, and is not a commercial MISCELLANEOUS 1703 article ; and usually these special fittings are wanted in a big hurry. No. 9 is a stanchion foot, cut from the end -of a stanchion. It is made of 2-in. pipe, to the end of which is welded a %-in. washer; and on the washer is welded a piece of %-in. extra- heavy pipe. In quantities, this is a forging-machine job, requiring dies, and is by no means cheap ; in small lots it is a hand- forging job. With the torch, it costs 15 cts. Piece No. 12 is another hinge, a very heavy one, made by cut- ting two pieces from the web of a bulb angle or T-bar. Then the pieces are cut to mesh together, and a hole drilled through the bosses thus formed. All the cutting is done with the torch. It makes a very strong hinge, saving forging and machining, and costs but 40 cts. Piece No. 13 is a stanchion or batten clip; riveted to the deck, it receives and holds in position the bottom of a stanchion or batten used in a storeroom, or magazine, to hold stacked packages in place. It is made of a piece of U-bar with a piece of plate welded across the end ; it avoids expensive anglesmithing, or a casting, and costs but 10 cts. Pieces Nos. 14, 15 and 17 are quite similar, being made of i/^-in. round bar, bent in the vise, and welded to li/^-in. punchings. No. 14 is a wing nut, costing 20 cts. ; No. 15 is a dog handle, costing 10 cts., and No. 17 is a grab rod, costing 15 cts. In large lots these are jobs for the drop hammer, or the forging machine ; but in small lots of special sizes the torch price is pretty low. The mast band, piece No. 16, would ordinarily be made by a smith ; he would roll up the ring and " jump on " the three eyes. In this case the acetylene operator rolled up the bar cold, and welded it together; then welded on the eyes. The eyes to the left and right are the heads of two shouldered eyebolts ; but to show that he is independent of the stock of eyebolts, the top eye was formed of a piece of i/^-in. round. This job only 60 cts. Piece No. 18 is a butterfly nut made by welding two thin 1-in. punchings, to an ordinary %-in. nut, smoothing up the job by adding metal. It met a hurry-up requirement, and cost only 15 cts. for the one. The handwheel, piece No. 19, shows how an emergency job can be quickly done; a piece of scrap plate was cut to form the spokes and hub, a 1 1/2 -in. wa.sher welded to the hub to form a boss, and a piece of %-in. round was bent, welded together and welded to the spokes to form the rim. It saved a casting, and cost $1.50, less than the pattern would cost. The 3-in. elbow. Piece No. 20, was a sort of exhibition job; it is made of plate, every section being cut, rolled and welded ; the flanges were also cut with the torch. It cost $2.24, and so is not very economical ; but it is a good-looking job and a strong one, and may be a good thing to know in an emergency. No. 21 is a steel bucket handle, made of 1/2 -in. round and two pieces of plate; and at 15 cts. is pretty cheap. 1704 MECHANICAL AXD ELECTRICAL COST DATA Piece No. 22 is a claw wrench, fitted over the spokes of the handwheel of a valve ; the rod is extended to a remote and usually higher place, universal joints taking- it around corners, and its purpose is to make it possible to operate certain valves from a distance. The claw is made from 3-in. iron pipe; a piece of ^-in. plate cut out round, is welded to the end of the claw, and the whole then welded to a 1-in. rod. It cost |1.35. and is much cheaper than the forging previously used. Cost of a Davit Collar and Pump Repairs. When cutting open- ings in steel plate P. G. Coburn (American Machinist, July 23, r^^ -^ ,:-«<| i 1 '^^^M ^ ■^^iS;^'' M 1 '-. . ^flBi... Fig. 5. A Davit i.iade with an bxy-acetylene torch. 1914) states that some operators first drill around, then the torch operator's job is to cut tiie edges straight. The proper way to do the job is to cut it with the torch in the first place, using a motor-driven torch. The cut will look as if it had been planed. The cut can be made in less than one-tenth the time necessary to drill it. There are some cutting jobs that are so complete that the smith is eliminated altogether. In Fig. 5 is shown the rough forging of a davit collar. It is hardly right to call it a forging, for it was not forged, but the term will answer, as it is in about the same condition as the smith would put it for the machine shop — except that there is slightly less finish to remove — a scant % in. This collar was cut directly from the billet in 15 minutes. MISCELLANEOUS 1705 The excess material is in three large pieces, which can be utilized in the forge shop ; hence, there is no material waste. A smith could not make a good start on this job for what it cost complete by the torch. Cost of Making Ascetylene. The ordinary charge for car- bide in ton lots is $70, or 3 1^ cts. per lb., and 25 cts. per hun- dred would deliver it at most points, but we will add 50 cts., which would make the total cost 4 cts. per lb. A pound of good lump carbide will yield 4 1/(> cu. ft. or more of acetylene. This would make the acetylene cost a little less than 0.9 ct. per ft. Suppose we add the 0.1 ct. for the work of gen- eration and call the cost 1 ct. per ft. Handling Scrap by Magnets and Locomotive Cranes. The fol- lowing from Railway Electrical Engineer, October, 1915, gives' costs with crane magnets : In railroad work, the field of application of crane magnets is rather limited. They are at the present time used principally in scrap yards, around store-room platforms, etc., where it is neces- sary to handle iron and steel rapidly and economically. For this class of work, magnets are generally used in connection with locomotive cranes, making a self-contained, self-propelled unit which may be operated over shop and yard tracks as required. The use of this combination has reduced very greatly the cost of handling both new and scrap material, both by reducing the actual expense of handling and by enabling the material to be handled much more rapidly. In this connection a few examples may be cited. One road has handled with a locomotive crane and magnet 41 tons of old locomotive grates in 40 mins., 56 tons of old track spikes in 33 mins. and 44 tons of miscellaneous scrap in 35 mins. Another road is handling this class of material at a cost of less than $0.02 per ton as compared with $0.25 to $0.35 by hand. A road using four cranes, three equipped with magnets and one with a clam shell bucket, is handling scrap at $0.05 per ton. Specific figures given by one road are as follows : Kind of .scrap. Crane cost Hand cost No. 1 wrought iron $0.04 $0.22 Bushel ing. No. 2 wrought iron, and malleable iron 02 .10 Cast iron and mixed steel .* .02 .09 Sheet steel 20 .30 On some roads where traffic is very dense, a locomotive crane with magnets is used to pick up and load scrap along the line. The scrap, consisting of old rails and other track supplies, is collected and put into small piles along the track by the section gangs ; a locomotive crane with a magnet is then sent over the line in a work train, thus handling the scrap cheaply and rapidly. In shop work, cranes are ' also used to a limited extent, for handling parts such as car-wheels, castings, etc. As can be seen from the foregoing, crane magnets will be used on outdoor work practically altogether. This requires that the construction of the magnet be such as to be unaffected by weather 1706 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA conditions, as reliability is a prime factor in economical operation. The failure of a magnet will, in most cases, seriously cripple the section of the yard where it is in use. All of the manufacturers of magnets now on the market have apparently taken this point into consideration and are using very rugged construction, so that the magnets are practically indestructible. Another very important point in magnet construction is that of insulation ; due to self induction the voltage impressed on the magnet may, at the time the circuit is opened, rise to four or five times normal, thus setting up stresses which may break down the insulation in case it is in any way defective. In some makes of magnets this inductive discharge is shunted through a resistance, by means of suitable contacts in the controller. This is a desirable feature as it eliminates the high voltage and reduces the strain on the coil insulation. Direct current is, of course, essential to the operation of crane magnets. They are usually wound for 220 volts, although 110 volt magnets may be obtained. The operation of magnets from 550 volt circuits is not recommended, due to the high voltage induced at the time the circuit is opened, even when discharge resistance is connected in circuit. The controllers used in connection with crane magnets are of simple construction. They may be either of the magnetic or of the drum type. Three operating points are usually provided, these points being — "lift," "drop" and "off." When the control handle is placed in the lifting position, the magnet is connected across the line, thus energizing it and enabling it to pick up the desired material. When the handle is thrown to the drop position, the current through the magnet is reversed, thus giving an instantane- ous re-release and effecting a slight saving in time by eliminating the sluggishness of release w^hich is sometimes found when hand- ling pieces which completely span the magnetic poles, or parts con- sisting of hard steel which retains a considerable amount of residual magnetism. In the off position, the magnet is dead. The controllers are usually arranged so that the handle will not remain on the " drop " point, a spring being provided which throws the handle to the off position as soon as it is released by the operator. Where magnets are used in connection with traveling or loco- motive cranes operated by direct current, power can, of course, be taken from the crane supply circuit. On steam operated loco- motive cranes, a small engine or turbine driven generator sup- plies the necessary direct current for the magnet, although power may in many cases be taken from a shop circuit through re- ceptacles located at convenient points. Where the area to be covered by the crane is small, the connection to the supply circuit ca'n often be made permanent, a flexible cable of suitable length being used. The life of this cable, as well as of that connecting the magnet to the controller, may be materially increased by the use of some MISCELLANEOUS 1707 automatic device for taking- up slack. One manufacturing com- pany builds a simple motor driven take-up which has proved very satisfactory in operation. In general, the information obtained indicates that the cost of maintenance on crane magnets is practically negligible and con- sists, in most cases, simply in the renewal of cable. Wliere power for operating the magnet is supplied by generating equipment mounted on the crane, there will be also some slight maintenance expense for this apparatus. The simpler construction of the small steam turbines driven set as compared with engine driven equip- ment would seem to make the former somewhat preferable, as requiring less attention. This is especially the case in view of the fluctuating nature of the load on the generator. In addition to the circular type, which is in most general use in railroad work, other forms of magnets are obtainable, arranged for handling special material. Among these types are the flat magnet for handling plates, the bi-polar type for handling rails, rods, pipes, etc., also magnets with specially shaped pole pieces for handling material such as car-wheels. However, the circular magnet will be found the most generally useful and it will take care of practically any class of work. The use of magnets undoubtedly constitutes the simplest and cheapest method of handling iron and steel, and your committee suggests that the members of our association familiarize them- selves with this class of apparatus, with a view to applying it to a greater extent than has been the case up to the present time. Ratio of Average Load to Connected Load. A. M. Dudley (Transactions of American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Mar. 10, 1911) states that users are apt, in flguring their power con- sumption, to take the capacity from the name plate of the driving motor or motors and consider that as the average consumption. If. as is more often the case than not, this unit has been liberally allowed for, the ultimate calculated consumption of power is in error by even more than the ratio of the maximum to the average consumed. When these facts are considered, it is not so hard to understand why the cost of power is sometimes figured in error by 400'%. As an illustration of how serious this error may be, figures are submitted showing the ratio of the average load to the connected load, which are the result of a number of observations and fairly represent the average condition. These figures are as follows : Per cent. Cement mills nrV' qc\ Textile mills, cotton and woolen 75 to 80 Tanneries 55 Ice machines and refrigerating plants 53 Marble works , W Flour mills %^ Carriage and v.'agon works ^» Machine shops ^^ Breweries 33 Boiler shops 28 Sheet metal manufacturing 'i ' 1708 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA Per cent. Soap manufacturing 28 Rubber manufacturing 25 Wood working 10 to 35 General average of all industries (approx.) 33^^ See the latter part of Chap. I where load factors are discussed. First Cost and Maintenance of Portable Batteries for Automatic Signals. A detailed account of the operation of these storage batteries is given in a paper read before the Railway Signal Association March 20, 1911, by A. H. McKeen, signal engineer of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co., and of the Southern Pacific Co. lines in Oregon. The methods of transportation to and from the charging plants vary with local conditions. On portions of the line where local passenger service is available, the batteries are loaded into the baggage car and distributed at each station by the batteryman, who accompanies the batteries. From the stations they are taken to the various battery locations by the maintainer on a velocipede or motor car, the discharge batteries being returned in the same manner to the station, where they are picked up by the batterman and brought back to the charging plant on the return train in the evening. On other sections of the line the batteries are loaded into a specially arranged battery car and handled on local freight trains, stops being made at each battery location, where the bat- teries are changed by the batteryman and the maintainer on that district. The car containing the discharged batteries is sent back to the charging plant on the first freight train. Another arrange- ment consists of a charging plant built in a box car, which car is moved on tUe daily way freight and is set out at each alternate station ; in one end of the l^ar is located the gasoline engine, gen- erator, switchboard, and cooling tank. A large gasoline tank holding sufficient gasoline for one month's supply is suspended under the body of the car. The center part of the car is used as a battery room and is suitably fitted up with a battery bench, lead-lined sink and a large water tank for battery washing pur- poses. The other end of the car is arranged as living quarters for the batteryman. The car is equipped with heavy draught gear in order to avoid any damage due to rough handling while in transit. During the three years that this portable arrange- ment has been in service, it has given the best of results, handling on one district, 832 colls monthly on a territory of 150 miles of single track signals. An important advantage in this method is that on the 150-mile district referred to, only 80 extra cells are required for changing out purposes ; this being only 10% of the total number of cells in service on the district. On the Harriman Lines there are 52 charging plants; each of which (except the portable plants) is located at the headquarters of the assistant supervisor, where a shop building is provided. Since part of this shop building is used to house the charg- ing machinery no special building is necessary. The average territory covered by each plant is 104 miles. Wherever current MISCELLANEOUS 1709 can be obtained from local power companies, a mercury arc rectifier or motor generator set is installed, and at other loca- tions where electric power is not available a gasoline engine and generator charging outfit is used. Each charging plant is in charge of a special batteryman, whose duties consist of charging, inspect- ing and cleaning the batteries and assisting the maintainers in changing out the cells on their districts. All cells are returned to the plant monthly and are thoroughly inspected and cleaned before being put on the charging circuit. A record is kept in a book, provided for the purpose, of the voltage, specific gravity and condition of each cell on arrival at the plant and each cell is examined for short circuits and other faults ; the hard rubber covers and connectors being cleaned and sediment removed if necessary. Once a year the old electrolyte is replaced with new in order to discard all impurities held in solution. In the case of stationary batteries it is the usual practice to give an overcharge several times a month, the overcharge having the effect of driving the sulphate out of the plates and keeping them in a healthy condition. Portable cells which are charged once a month only, are subject to considerable sulphating and therefore require a long charge to bring them up to capacity. It is the practice to continue the charge for two or three hours after the voltage and specific gravity has ceased to rise. The uniform gassing of all cells on charge is a good indication of their con- dition and the failure of any cell to gas is investigated before the charge is continued. During the charge, voltage and specific gravity readings are taken and recorded in the book and any cells not coming up to the proper voltage and gravity are closely watched and given special treatment if necessary. Maintainers are required to make weekly inspection of all cells in service, examining them for loose connections, taking voltage readings and replacing any evaporation of electrolyte that may occur during the time the cells are in service. In replacing the evaporation, only water whose purity has been previously passed on is used. In localities where pure water is not obtainable, distilled water is provided. In charges subsequent to the initial charge the general rule is that the amount of current put into the cell should be twice the amount delivered by the cell during the 30 or less days elapsing since the previous charge. Under normal conditions and service the amount of current required of a cell will vary from 46 to 75 ampere hours per month. The batteries are housed in the lower case of the signal, which makes them easily accessible for inspection. The lower signal case also serves to accommodate the track and line relays. At the end of sidings on single track or other locations where two signals are opposite each other, one set of batteries is used to operate both signals. After the batteries have been in service fifteen days, the maintainer interchanges them with the butteries of the distant signal, this having the effect of equalizing the dis- charge to a considerable extent on all cells in service. It also 1710 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA avoids the necessity of charging cells for different lengths of time on their return to the charging plant and eliminates the pos- sibility of cells being discharged to a point that might result in a signal failure. COST OF STORAGE CELLS 1 cell SS-7 storage battery complete $4.85 2 battery connectors, at 8 cts. each .10 Electrolyte .03 Freight charges .30 Total cost $5.34 Cost of charging machinery and apparatus in 52 plants, at $450.00 each $ 23,400.00 Cost of 48,516 storage cells, complete, including freight charges 259.075.44 Cost of 12,129 carry cases, at $2.60 each 31,535.40 Total cost $314,010.84 COST OF PRIMARY CELLS 1 350-ampere-hour primary cell, complete $2.00 Freight charges .20 Total cost $2.20 Cost of 178,480 primary cells, complete, including freight charges $392,656.00 Cost of 9.026 concrete battery wells, at $25.00 each 225,650.00 Freight charges on 9,026 concrete battery weils, each weighing 1.600 lbs., at $20.00 each. 180,520.00 Charges for work train and locomotive crane or derrick with crew for unloading and placing 9,026 battery wells, 90 days at $50.00 per day (estimated) 4,500.00 Cost of labor for* digging holes and setting 9,026 battery wells at $10.00 per well (estimated) . 90,260.00 Total cost $893,586.00 COST OF MAINTENANCE OP STORAGE CELLS PER FEAR Interest on investment of $314,010.84 at 5 per cent $ 15,700.54 Depreciation on 52 charging plants costing $23,400, at 10 per cent 2,340.00 Depreciation on 48,516 positive groups costing $1.57 each, at 22 per cent 16,757.43 Depreciation on 48,516 negative groups costing $1,835 each, at 25 per cent 22,256.71 Depreciation on 12,129 carrying cases costing $2.60 each, at 10 per cent 3,153.54 Cost of renewals of broken jars, covers and separators on 48,516 cells at 9 cts. per cell per year 4,366.44 Cost of electrolyte renewals on 48,516 cells at 3 cts. per cell, per year 1,455.48 Cost of current, gasoline, oil, etc., at charging plants per year at 18 cts. per cell 8,732.88 Total cost $74,763.02 COST OF MAINTENANCE OF PRIMARY BATTERIES PER YEAR Interest on investment of $893,586, at 5 per cent $ 44,679.30 Cost of renewals for 178,480 cells, per year at $1.00 each 178,480.00 Cost of renewals of broken jars and covers on 178,480 cells per year, at 7 cts. per cell per year 12,493.60 Total cost $235,652.90 MISCELLANEOUS 1711 With reasonable care, the average life of SS-7 portable cells and their component parts are found to be as follows : Positive elements 4% years Negative elements 4 years Rubber jar's 10 years Rubber covers 10 years Rubber separators 10 years Wood separators 2 years Carrying cases 10 years No cSiarges are made for transporting storage batteries either when handled on passenger or freight trains; and even though a nominal charge should be assessed, the amount would not exceed the freight charges over foreign lines for renewals for primaiT batteries. This item is therefore not included in the foregoing cost of maintenance of storage or primary batteries ; neither is the expense for labor for charging, inspecting and changing out stor- age cells or making renewals to primary cells taken into con- sideration, for the reason that so far as it can be ascertained from Western roads using primary battery, the cost for labor for maintaining primary batteries is practically the same as with portable storage battery.. The battery man looks after the charg- ing of the storage batteries on a district averaging 104 miles, the maintainers assisting in distributing the batteries, w^hich re- quires on an average two days time of each maintainer monthly. Maintainers' districts range from 14 to 20 miles according to the number of signals, local conditions, etc. The average district is approximately 16 ' miles with 32 signals. Maintainers have no helpers and are required to look after all work in connection with the maintenance of signals on their Histrict, including the care of signal lamps. The prices as shown for both portable storage batteries and primary batteries are the regular list prices less the usual trade discount. The freight charges are figured on an average basis for the entire system and are reasonably accurate. The cost for current for operating motor-generator or arc-rec- tifier plants varies from % ct. to 5 ct.s. per kvv. and the cost for generating current with gasoline engine-generator sets is about 10 cts. per kw. Taking an average for the entire system the annual cost for charging current is 18 cts. per cell. Cost of Electric Riveting. The cost of riveting with Eveland electric riveters in which alternating-current energy is used only to heat the rivets, the heads being formed by a single manual operation, is given in Electrical World, Mar. 14, 1914. The figures are based on actual tests with rivets of ordinary length and repre- sent only the cost of energy at 10 cts. per k.w.-hr. Rivet diameter, ins. Energy cost per 1,000 0.25 $0.04 to .$0.05 0..31 25 0.08 to 0.10 0..375 0.12 to 0.14 0.5 to 0.625 0.20 to 0.25 1712 MECHANICAL AND EI.ECTRICAL COST DATA Larger sizes can be riveted at a cost practically proportional to their volume. The labor cost is low with the electric riveter, as one man with a helper can do more work than two men and a forge attendant using pneumatic or other power apparatus. Cost of Thawing Water Pipes by Electricity. On the basis of 125 house services thawed by electricity in Rutland, Vt., in Feb- ruary, 1904, the cost of the thawing per service was as follows: Electricity $1.68 Labor 1.85 Teams and drivers 58 Total $4.11 On the average 17 amps, of alternating current at 2,200 volts were required, and at 10 cts. per k.w.-hr. the current cost was $1.68, as shown above. The average time consumed was 27 mins. Cost of an Electric Sign. An electric sign installed over the entrance to the Grays Harbor Railway & Light Company's branch office at Hoquiam, Wash., is described in Electrical World, Oct. 21, 1916, as strictly a home product, the designing, construction, painting, wiring, etc., having been done by local workmen. The sign measures 8 ft. high and 10 ft. long with white letters 16 ins. high on a blue-black background and is very legible during the day as well. The letters are not of rough construction, the sheet metal was cut out according to design, suitable holes were punched to allow the insertion of the sign receptacles, the wiring was then done, and the two sides were Anally bolted onto a wooden frame made of 2- by 4-in. timber and the sign was ready for the painter. It reads as follows : " Electric Power. Light — Electric Power — Electric Light," and then all out and then all on again and starts the cycle over. The cost of this home-made 284-lamp sign was as follows: Sheet-metal work — construction $ 19.05 Wiring receptacles, etc 63.32 Painting 15.00 Hanging, etc 15.14 Lamps 54.18 Flasher 39.99 Transforiner 17.00 $223.68 Power Required for iVIotor- Driven Farm IVIachinery. Since most farm operations are essentially seasonable in character special motors are not usually required to drive each particular machine. Advantage has been taken of this diversity by a number of farm owners who have electrical installations by mounting one or more motors on skids or trucks so that these portable units can be moved about to operate machines in the various barns, stables and fields. The motors are provided with runs of cables ending in plugs which can be attached to fused connection blocks mounted at convenient points about the farm. The University of Illinois Experiment Station, Urbana, 111., made MISCELLANEOUS 1713 tests in 1912 with the assistance of the General Electric Company's staff, to determine the energy consumption required to thresh various grains. The threshing machine used had a 28-in. cylinder and a 42-in. separator and was driven by a 15-h.p. motor. While the energy required to thresh a bushel or volume-measure of grain was found to vary greatly, the consumption in terms of tons handled was fairly constant. The results obtained are reproduced herewith in Table XX. TABLE XX. ENERGY CONSUMPTION TO THRESH GRAINS / Yield per acre ^ Kw. hr. Tons of grain Bushels Kw.-hr. to to thresh Kind of grain and straw of grain thresh 1 ton 1 bushel Oats 1.99 73.6 2.62 070 Barley 2.27 49.9 2.36 0.108 Wheat 1.97 27.9 2.27 0.160 Table XXI lists the sizes of motors recommended for operating standard farm machines. A single-hole sheller with a sacker attachment, driven by a 1-h.p. motor, requires about 0.025 k.w.-hr. to shell a bushel of corn, shelling at the rate of 26 bushels per hr. Test of a 25-bushel grain elevator capable of unloading 25 bushels of corn in 3 mins. has shown that 45 bushels can be elevated 19 ft. at an energy consumption of 0.1 k.w.-hr. TABLE XXI. SIZES OF MOTORS TO DRIVE FARM MACHINES Machines H.p. Machines H.p, Feed grinders (small).... 5 Grain graders 0.25 Feed grinders (large) .... 15 Grain elevators 3 Ensilage cutters 15-20 . Concrete mixers 5 Shredders and buskers. ... 15 Hay hoists 5 Threshers, 19-in. cylinder .15 Root cutters 2 Threshers, 32-in. cylinder. .40 Cord-wood saws 5 Corn shellers, single-hole . 1 Wood splitters 2 Power shellers 15 Hay bailers 7.5 Fanning mills 0.25 Oat crushers 5 Comparative Costs of Gas and Fuel Oil in Heating Japanning Ovens. E. F. Lake in Machinery, Aug., 1916, describes the meth- ods in use for handling and japanning springs in the factory of the Jackson Cushion Spring Co. A method of heating the japan- ning oven with fuel oil is described and its cost is compared to the cost of heating with gas, which had previously been used. Method of Using Fuel Oil. In the construction of the oven, the heat is not applied directly to the work, as in heat-treating fur- naces, but pipe coils are laid in the bottom of the oven and the oil flames are sent through these. In this way the ovens are heated by radiation, much as steam radiators are used for heating. The purpose of this arrangement is to prevent any of the products of combustion from entering the baking compartment to discolor. 1714 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA dull or otherwise ruin the smooth, glossy surface of the japan. Furthermore, the currents qf air are prevented from starting up in the oven and stirring up dust particles that settle on the fresh japan. It is important to prevent this as far as possible, as these dust particles raise small lumps on the smooth japan surface, which are pyramidal in form so that they radiate light from all sides, which makes them appear much larger to the eye than they really are. When the pipe coils are arranged in this way, a dry heat is secured which bakes the japan quicker and harder than when moisture is present, as in the case of an open flame or when using steam heat. The atmosphere in the oven is also kept neutral, because there is no open flame to burn up the oxygen and leave an excess of nitrogen. Owing to these facts, less than 2% of the work requires to be done over, while in the case of gas fires or steam-heated japanning ovens, from 10 to 20% of the work has to be re-japanned and re-baked. Details of Oil Burning Apparatus. Five burners are arranged along each side of the 50 -ft. length of oven and each burner shoots the oil flame into a separate coil of 10-in. wrought iron pipe. A sheet metal pipe is used to convey the spent gases to a central stack that goes to the roof at the point where the coil leaves the oven. The fuel oil is vaporized inside the megaphone and com- bustion first takes place at this point, so that only the clean flame shoots into the pipe coil, as shown. This arrangement allows the operator to see the flame that enters the pipe coil and adjust the burner in such a way that there will be complete combustion of the fuel oil. If there should be an excess of oil, it would drop to the floor at the end of the megaphone. The importance of the megaphone burner should be emphasized in connection with con- struction of this kind, as without its use, the pipe coils will be destroyed in a few weeks, while with the construction advocated they will last several months. Another point of importance is that the pipe coils should be supported on rollers so that the ex- pansion and contraction will not crack the piping. If any of the small details of this system are neglected, the result will be failure, but when all details are perfect the process works success- fully and is b5^ far the cheapest of any in fuel consumption and upkeep of which the writer has knowledge. A special casting is placed in the outlet end of the pipe coil to reduce the 10-in. diam. to 4 ins., which leaves a large enough opening to carry away all the spent gases and holds the heat inside the pipe coil where it will radiate to the japan baking oven. If this were not done, 40% of the heat generated by the oil flame would pass through the pipe coil and out of the stack. In one case known to the writer, a heavy sheet metal stack 3 ft. in diam. was burned through by these gases some 2 ft. above the roof of the building and 50 ft. away from the heating coils, as meas- ured by the piping through which the burning oil gases travel. With a 10-in. pipe left open to the draft from a stack, the burning gases travel fairly quickly through vent pipes like that at C, and their heat will not be effective until they accumulate in MISCELLANEOUS 1715 TABLE XXII. COMPARATIVE COSTS OF GAS AND FUEL OIL IN HEATING JAPANNING OVENS General Information Truck and carrier capacity, cu. ft. . Oven or compartment capacities, cu. ft 630 Cubic-feet of springs baked per 21-hr. day (24 heats day and night). 15,120 Cubic feet of springs baked per day (30 heats in 10 hrs.) Cubic feet of springs baked per month (25 working days) 378,000 GalJons of fuel oil burned per (25 working days) Cost of fuel per month * $225.00 Cost of fuel per cubic foot of springs baked * $0.0006 Cost of fuel per month t Cost of tuel per cubic foot of springs baked t Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 378,000 cu. ft. per month) Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 390,000 cu. ft. per month) * Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 585,000 cu. ft. per month)* Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 378,000 cu. ft. per month) f Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 390,000 cu. ft. per month) t Saving in cost of fuel (spring capac- ity 585,000 cu. ft. per month) f Gas fuel — f^^?!— F}^±«ii " 3 ovens 105 I compart- ments 2 compart- ments 260 780 520 23,400 15,600 585,000 390,000 3,325 $182.88 $0.0003 $116.38 $0.00028 $0,002 $0.00017 $112.50 $124.80 $175.50 $149.40 $167.70 $234.00 • Gas, 70 cts. per thousand feet t Gas, 70 cts. per thousand feet: fuel oil, 514 cts. per gal. fuel oil. 3% cts. per gal. /rT^gT-T-Ton Fig. 6. Sectional view of ovens, showing method of installing pipe coils for fuel oil heating. 1716 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA the larger stacks outside the building. In an oven arranged like this, with ten burners and pipe coils venting into one central stack, it can be readily seen that there would be an intense heat at the point of concentration unless the flames were held back in the pipe coils until they had burned out. The simplest method of doing this is by means of a casting which reduces the outlet end of the pipe coil, thus obviating the necessity for dampers which burn out too easily. Fig. 6 shows a floor plan and elevation which indicates the location of these pipe coils and oil burners. It will be seen that a heat insulated partition F extends clear to the floor and sepa- rates compartments 1 and 2 from compartment 3. This arrange- ment permits compartment 3 to be fired alone. INDEX Accounting, 31, 88 Accrued depreciation, 92 Acre-foot, 1327 Active load, 62 Additional cost rate, 62 Aerial cable, see Cable Aerous, 1163 Age, average weighted, 84 Air compressor, see Compressor Air drill (see also Drill), 1168, 1170 duct, 848 hammer, 1164 to 1167, 1171 lift, efficiency, 1295 motor, 1161 pipe (see also Pipe), 210, 600 pump, 209 receiver, 1136, 1137 reheating, 1160 tools, 1166 washer, 1431 Alternative plant, 36, 46 Alternator, 276, 845 Altitude gage, 1648 Aluminum wire, see Wire aluminum Alvord method, 46, 48' Ammeter, 860, 880 Amortization (see also De- preciation), 89 Ampere. 488 Anchor, 9 43, 9 47 guy, see Guy log, 893 rod. 950 Annual depreciation (see De- preciation) Anthracite (see Coal) Anvil, 1663 Apparent diversity factor, 62 Arc lighting, see Lamp, see Light Arm, see Cross-arm Arrester. see Lightning Ar- rester Asbestos. 1645 Ash (see also Coal ash, see Conveyor) ejector, 849 handling, 354, 360, 363, 370, 372, 375, 376, 464, 474, 546, 574, 792, 818, 1101. pan, 568 Attached business, value of, 40 Automatic stoker, see Stoker Auxiliary power (see also Spare units), 492 Average age, weighted, 84 1717 Average cost fallacies, 54 life, misleading, 112 price, 14 Balance bucket, 367 Baler, hay, 1713 Ballast, see Track ballast. Ball-bearing, 1090 Barge life, 126 Basin, see Pond Battery, see Storage battery Bearing, friction, 1087 Belt, 105, 571, 682, 683, 1079, 1081, 1083, 1090, 1091, 1108, 1218, 1353 Belt conveyor (see also Con- veyor), 356, 368, 369, 371, 467, 1130, 1340 to 1345, 1353. Belt drive. 1085 Benches, see Gas benches Bending roll. 1663 Benzol, 330 Bin, 188, 338, 362 Bituminous coal, see Coal Blacksmith shop, 1663 Blast furnace, 199 ' Bla.-^^t furnace, gas, see Gas. Bleeding of steam, 446, 454 Blocks, chain, 16 46 Blower (see also Fan) 106, 208, 220, 265, 267. 419, 818, 829, 1188, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1214, 1218, 1221, 1230. 1475, 1477 turbo, 1220 Blow-off tank, 568 Boat (see also Ship), 125, 126 Boiler, 201, 219, 261, 282, 317, 390. 419, 420, 421, 493, 532. 538, 564. 565. 567, 568, 574, 575, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584. 627, 629. 631, 633, 652, 702, 770, 777, 809, 810, 813, 815, 818, 822, 823. 826, 841. 842, 843, 1101, 1187, 1196,, 1214, 1218, 1220, 1229, 1256,' 1265. 1304, 1305, 1311, 1430, 1559. 1561 brick required, 283 compound, 421 depreciation, 105,. 113, 421, 438, 511 efficiencv, 379. 388, 440. 461, 501. 1101. 1306, 1448 feed pump, see Pump feed 1718 INDEX Boiler, floor space, 278, 281, 282,' 283. 584 foundation. 58 4, 568 house, 360, 361, 575, 823 installing-. 577 life, see Boiler depreciation making-, 1657 operating (see also Power), 1272 plant building- 279 power, ratio to frontag-e, 386 pump, see Pump feed ratio to station capacity, 385 repairs, 421 scaling, 1176 setting", 261, 273. 274, 277, 285, 567, 568, 582, 583, 585, 770 shop. 1663 tubes, 426, 586 weight. 578, 579, 580, 582 Bolt cutter, 1652, 1664 Bond discount, 12 Bond, see Rail bond Booster. 1559, 1561, 1563 Boring Mill, 1661 Boring- wood, 1653 Box, installing-, 1075 Brace, see Cross-arm brace Bracket, 893, 924, 937, 1567 Brake, horsepower, 387, 486 Brake, air, life, 105 Branch-ofC, see Track, Special work Brass, 1664 Breeching, 106. 237. 823, 1561 Brick work, 131, 175, 194. 195, 196, "204, 283, 828, 1353 Brick building, see Building Bridge, 105, 134, 1528 Briquetting, 308. 310 Brokerage, 12, 1192, 1194, 1210 Bucket Conveyor, 365, 367, 371 Bucket elevator (see also Ele- vator bucket), 356, 374, Buggy, 1191 Building. 145, 317, 387, 420, 574, 575, 584, 644, 760, 769, 777, 809, 810, 812, 813, 817, 821, 827, 828, 831. 838, 841, 847, 850, 1186, 1203, 1204, 1211. 1212. 1217, 1228, 1309, 1312, 1323, 1421, 1512 1531, 1557, 1559, 1562, 1563, 1654 Buildings, annual variation in cost, 173 barns, 201 brick, 176, 1293 camp, 186 concrete, 157, 163 to 171, 176, 179. 181, 201 costs, 128 depreciation. 106, 150, 171, 511, 1039 fireproof, 153 heating, see Heating illumination, 1030 Buildings, life, see Buildings, de- preciation lighting, see Lighting. mill, 154, 157, 162, 170, 174, 177, 186, 188, 263 office, 153 to 155 operating cost, 475 power plant, 281, 283 pumping station. 186 repairs, 128, 150,*" 444, 476 shed, 177 shop, 169 188 steel 170, 205 storehouse. 154, 157, 160, 165, 169, 177, 183, wiring, see Wiring Bulkhead, life, 106 Bunker, see Coal bunker Bus-bar aluminum, 853 copper, 853 system, 816 Business, attached, 40 Butt treatment, see Pole By-product Theory, 53, 57 Cable (see also Wire), 80, 849, 850, 982, 990, 1053, 1530, 1532, 1568 aerial, 962 installing, 9 62, 1020 lead, 1532 lead covered telephone, 951 lead covered, weight, 952 life, 106 messenger, 1599 pulling, 1010, 1018, 1021 removing, 1009 rodding, 1009 splicing, 1011, 1018, 1020 steel-taped, 991 telephone, 1007. 1021 underground, 1007, 1009 Cake ovens, 314 Calender, 1107, 1108, 1109 Calorific value, see Fuol heat value Canal, 696 Candle-power, 1025 Canvas, 1079 Capacity factor, 487, 497, 741 cost, 62 load-factor, 62 nominal, 487 normal, 490 rated, 408 Capitalized cost, 34, 484, 1333 value, 34, 35, 737 Carbon lamp, see Lamp Can^ienter v.^ork, 187, 192 Carrving charge, see Interest Car, 1191, 1537, 1636 to 1641 electric, 1533, 1580 to 1587 freight, 1533 heating. 1449 to 1456 life, 106 life and maintenance, 132 reiDairs, 131, 136 scales, 1673 shops, 201 INDEX 1719 Casting machine, installing, 266, 270 Catenary, 1598, 1604, 1608, 1609 construction, 1600 system, 9 63 Cedar pole, see Pole Ceiling, 19 3 Cell, see Storage Battery Cement work, 131 Central stations, see Power plant, see Power, Elec- tric Central heating plant, see Heating Centrifugal pump, see Purnp, centrifugal Chain, 1645 block, 1646 drive, 468 grate (see Stoker), 607 Charcoal, 304, 316 Charges, see Cost, see Expense, see Fixed charges independent, 441 proportional, 441 Check valve, see Valve Chestnut pole, see Pole Chimney, 131, 216, 219, 317, 319, 532, 538, 568, 574, 575, 583, 629, 631, 633, 652, 767, 809, 818, 823, 843, 1102, 1559, 1563 acid gases, 232, 233 brick, 231, 1561 concrete, 216, 221, 222, 225 demolishing, 226, 233 foundation, 237 life, 106, 110, 216 radial brick, 226, 229, 230 removing, 238 smelter, 232 steel, 236, 240, 241, 1220 weight, 236 Chipping, 1163 air. 1170 hammer (see Air Hammer), 1167 Chisel, 1660 Choke coil. 854, 950 Cinders, see Ashes Circuit breakers, 269, 1565 Circulating pump, see Pump water, 826 Clamps, 9 46 Classifier, installing, 263 Clearing, 838, 934, 940-941. 946, 1527 Clinkering machine, 266, 269 Coal (see also Power), 291, 292, 304, 438, 524, 526, 563, 791, 1433 analysis. 300. 500 briquetting, 308 buggies. 1231 bunker, 810, 823, 1185 chutes, 568 consumption, 499 Coal gas (see Gas) Coal handling, 354, 364, 371, 373, 773, 818, 1385, 1391, 1559 handling plant, 108, 305, 420, 574, 813, 816, 843, 1231 heat value, 299, 303 hoppers, 842 lignite, 292, 304, 500 moisture, 381 pocket repairs, 357, 575 powdered, 222, 307 samples, 301 selection, 29 6 size, 300 specifications, 293, 297 storage plant, 337, 1559 weathering, 301 Coaling station, locomotive, 365 Cocks, 1647 Coke, manufacturing, 312 oven gas, 531 Columns, 190, 191 Composite life, 115 Compressor, 209, 268, 829, 1132 to 1136, 1139, 1140, 1144, 1177, 1188, 1214,, 1218, 1309, 1497, 1588, 1661, 1681 ammonia, 1497, 1502 efficiency, 1157, 1164 hydro, 1177, 1178 installing, 266, 601, 1135 life, 107 lubrication, 1151 operation, 1146, 1150 power needed, 1143 weight, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135 Concentrator, life, 107 Concentrating machinery, in- stalling, 263 Concrete, 203, 828, 1575 bases, pole, 885 buildings, see Buildings chimney, see Chimney mixers. 1713 penstock, 715 pole, see Pole, concrete Concrete work, 187 Condenser (see Pond, cooling), 209, 261, 268, 271, 428, 513, 523, 532, 587, 633, 777, 809, 810, 813, 817, 819, 823, 826, 834, 843, 1187, 1194, 119&, 1221, 1230, 1559 ammonia, 1497 depreciation, 107, 511 installing, 266, 834 jet, 209 tubes, 261 Condensing water, 387, 391, 454 Condition, per cent., 93 Conduit, 80, 850, 964, 966, 970, 974, 975, 979, 980. 982, 983, 985, 986, 992, 1069, 1071, 1074 1720 INDEX Conduit, concrete, 977 bends, 1070 depreciation, 107, 984, 1039 enameled, 1062 fibre, 991, 993, 975, 977, 987 fibre duct, 974 fiexible, 1074 iron pipe, 975, 978, 986 McRoy, 966 pump log, 971 wrapped, 1070 Conductor, see Wire Connected load, see Load load-factor, see Load factor Connections flanged, 592 Consumer cost, 63 Contingencies, 13, 39, 827, 935, 1192, 1194, 1210 Control apparatus, see Switches, Lightning arresters, etc. Controller, 259 Conveyor, 345, 1188, 1340 belt, see Belt conveyor bucket, 1363 to 1375 flight, 1346 to 1350 life, 107 pneumatic, 375 repairs, 378 rubber, 365 screw, 1350 to 1353 steam jet, 1378 suction. 1375 to 1377 system, 361, 363 Cooking, 1421 electric, 1459 to 1469 gas, 1459 Cooler, see Pond cooling Cooling tower, 532, 586, 849 systems, 428 Copper, 75, 853, 912, 951, 1568 ingot, 958 investment, economic, 915 wire depreciation, 114, 798 Corn grinder, 1111 sheller, 1713 Cost (see also Charges, see Ex- pense, see Price), 6, 46, 63 Cost, capacity, 62 capitalized, 34 data, how to use, 2 data, imperfect, 1 demand, 63 development, 40, 45, 46 direct, 7, 56 distribution, 63, 66, 69, 80, 258 equated, 34, 37 estimating, 826 going, 40, 45 intangible, 45 of establishing a business, 45 of production, 7 output, 65, 66 overhead, see Overhead cost production, 65 sacrifice, 7 variable, 67, 740 Cotton gin, 1124 Crane, 75, 208, 269, 270, 271, 809, 810, 812, 820, 821, 1340, 1385, 1559 1562, 1661 car, 1385 electric, 1388, 1390, 1394, 1395 installing, 266, 289 life, 107 locomotive, 1370 magnet, see Electro magnet operating costs, 357 overhead, 1389 repairs 357 traveling, 1393, 1396 Crank shaper, 1652 Creosoting (see also Pole, creo- soting-), 893, 950 Cribbing, life, 107 Crossarms (see also Pole), 836, 883, 892, 919, 923, 924, 926, 933, 937, 939, 946, 949. 953, 1529, 1564, 1597 braces. 939, 955, 1566 life, 107 painting, 923 pin, see Pin Cross bonding, see Track bond- ing Crossing, see Track special work construction, 938 river, 948 Cross-over (see Track, special work), 1544 Crusher, 270, 1115, 1130 installing, 262, 266 Culvert, life, 107, 1528 Customers diversity, 64 Cut-outs, 9 37 Cut stone, 828 Cutter, 1661, 1662 oxy-acetylene, 1697 speeds, 1658 steel, 1695 Dam, 74, 107, 690, 692, 700, 703, 823 Damper regulator, 568 Deferred maintenance, 86 Deficit methods, 46 Demand cost, 63 factor, 63 Depot, see Building Depreciation (see also Life), 82, 87, 118, 171, 311, 317, 328, 358, 377, 378, 420, 443, 459, 465 510, 625, 626, 669, 686, 694, 695, 702, 720, 746, 759, 771, 778, 779, 797, 808, 1039, 1102 annual, 85 annuity, 63, 77 amortized, 89 formula, declining balance, 92, 94 INDEX 1721 Depreciation, formula, economic, 100 sinking- fund, 94 straight line, 94 unit cost, 9 8 function of profits, 103 functional, 33, 59, 61, 64 fund, 92 inspections and tests, 102 natural, 59, 65, 82, 100 table, 105 Depreciated value. 91 Derrick, 1384, 1661 Development cost, 40, 45, 46 expense, 45 Diaphragm pump, see Pump, diaphragm Dies, 1660 Diesel, see Gas engine Direct cost, 7, 56 Distillate. 624. 1289 Distribution charges, 489 Distribution cost, 63, 66, 69, 80, 258 lines, 696 system. 707, 806, 878, 911, 922. 936, 1529 life, 107 per capita cost, 917 underground, 964 Ditch, 74 Diversity factor. 62, 63, 64, 68, 77, 781 Dividends, 31. 44 Docks, life, 107 Dodge storage system, 345 Doors, 192 Draft (.'•ee Chimney, see Fan, see Blower), 415, 419, 777 mechanical, 218, 220, 413, 568, 587 Drafting equipment, 1676 Drains, life, 107 Drav.bridge, power, 1112 Drawings, structural steel, 188 Drill. 1532, 1651. 1652 press. 1661, 1664 rock, 1139, 1150, 1153 Drying, 447 Duct,. see Conduit Dutch oven, 420 Duty, see Pump duty Dyeing, 447 Dynamo, see Generator Earnings. 31 Ears, 1565 Economic efficiency, 4, 5 Economizer, 218, 568, 573. 577, 587, 773. 777, 818, 843, 849, 1561 installing. 843 life, 107 Efficiency, 64, 406. 707, 1336 compara,tive, 483 economic, 4. 5 investment, 483 thermal, 479 Ejector, 595 Electric apparatus, installing, 248 arc, cutting, 169 5 conduit, see Conduit drill, 1170 drive, 443, 459, 490i {lO-g?, 1099, 1106, 1107, 1111, 1120, 1124, 1129 generator, see Generator heating, see Heating lighting, see Lighting machinery, installing, 254, 256 motor, see Motor plant depreciation, 118 labor, 507 maintenance, 118 repairs, 118, 125 power, see Power, electric, and Power, steam railway, see Railway rates, 1124 shovel, see Shovel weight, 271, 276 wiring, see Wiring Electrical machinery, 844 Electricity (see Power, elec- tric), 1434 Electro-magnet, 1396, 1705 Electrostatic ground detector, 849 Elevator, 155, 473, 476, 1188, 1221, 1231, 1340 bucket. 1355 to 1362 freight, 1416 passenger. 1406 to 1419 Emery stand, 1662 Employees, see Labor Energy (see Power), 741 Engine (see also Gas engine, see Oil engine), 201, 317, 390, 453, 494, 516, 520, 538, 539, 564, 565, 568, 569, 574, 575, 577, 587, 588, 589, 591, 622, 627, 629, 631, 633, 638, 644, 652, 770, 777, 809, 811, 815, 819, 825, 826, 831, 842, 845, 1102, 1214, 1218, 1221, 1269. 1310, 1311, 1431, 1559, 1561 building, see Buildings Diesel,- see Gas engine depreciation, 107, 117. 438, 511 efficiency, 292. 388, 1101 floor space, 278, 440 foundation, 252, 264, 286, 568, 575, 590 gas, see Gas engine hoisting, 1401 house, see Building installing, 252, 262, 286, 590 life, see Engine depreciation manufacturing, 1653 moving, 287 oil, see Oil engine weight, 845 1722 INDEX Engine, turbine (see also Turbo- generator), 208, 268, 444. 452, 453, 494, 532, 534, 538, 544, 548, 551 565, 612, 613 614, 617. 622, 623, 644, 675, 747, 748, 795, 811, 812, 841, 842, 843, 847, 1269, 1305 depreciation. 111, 117, 511 floor space, 440 installing, 265 weights, 612 Engineering (see also Overhead cost), 1, 5, 17, 326 Equated, annual cost, 34, 37 repairs, 61 Equipment, see Car, see Power plant electrical, life, 107 installation, 212 shop, life, 107 Erecting, see Installing Etching tools, 1679 Evaluation, see Valuation, see Appraisal Evaporation tests, 300 Excavation, 74, 156, 187, 200, 202, 208, 212, 599, 828, 843 972, 994, 1129, 1177, 1323, 1526, 1541, 1547, 1573, 1590 Exciter, 209, 261, 703, 809, 810, 819, 821, 835, 843, 854, 860, 1096 installing, 262, 266, 289, 835 weight, 854, 1096 Exhaust heads, 59 2 heat, see Heat, exhaust pipe, 210 Exhauster, 107, 1188, 1194, 1195, 1230, 1475 Expense, 64 .» Extractors, life, 107 • Factory, 153, 154, 155, 165, 169 illumination, see Lighting Fair return rate, 34, 41, 64 Fan (see also Ventilation, see Blower), 266. 270, 415, 1431, 1474, 1662 Farm machinery, 1111, 1712 Feed grinder, 1713 heater, see Feed water heater piping, see Piping pump, see Pump, feed Feeder arm, iron, 954 system, see Railway Feed water heater, 107, 108, 568, 574, 575, 583, 589, 592, 593, 810. 823, ll87, 1220, 1232, 1559 meter, see Meter, water pump, see Pump, feed regulator, 849, 869 Fence, 107, 1186, 1204, 1528 Fibre duct, see Conduit Filter, installing, 263 Fire alarm, 254 Firebrick, 198 Fish plate, see Track Fixed charges, 3, 31, 64, 150, 221, 317, 328, 368, 370, 387, 390, 391, 406, 420, 430, 435, 438, 442, 443, 449, 452, 455, 458, 465, 470, 475, 488, 517. 520, 523, 532, 534, 536, 541, 544, 547, 552, 561, 563, 618, 625, 626. 628, 631, 634, 659, 663, 675, 677, 678, 679, 686, 695,. 746, 763, 772, 797, 808, 810, 811, 822, 912, 915, 938, 984, 1102, 1305, 1315, 1361, 1480, 1512, 1513. Fixed cost, 67, 740 Flight conveyor, see Conveyor flight Floor, 193, 206, 279, 831 Floor lines, 700 pipes, 703 Flue, 199, 567, 575, 586 Flume 723 Forced draft, see Draft Forging machine, 1654, 1663 Foundation, 199, 212, 260, 264, 281, 283, 317, 511, 574, 577, 584, 601, 651, 770, 810, 812, 814, 821, 823, 826, 828, 834, 838, 842, 843, 848, 849 machinery, life, 107, 809 removed, 289 Foundry, 1106, 1166 Franchise value, 40, 45, 46 Free air (see also Compressor), 1144 Freight car, see Car rates, 1676 Friction, coefficient, 1336 Frog, see Track Fuel (see also Coal, see Heat- ing, see Gas, see Oil), 291, 498, 524, 539, 543, 545, 624, 636, 742, 786, 788, 808, 1330, 1433 analysis, 500 economizer, see Economizer gasoline, see Gasoline handling (see also Coal handling), 359 heat value, 292, 298, 388, 501. 1192 oil, machinery (see Oil), 108 Full cost rate, 64 Functional depreciation, see De- preciation functional life, 113 Furnace (see also Boiler, see Stoker), 144, 264, 379, 610. 1434 Furniture, life, 107 ^ Fuse, 1566 Gage, 1647 altitude, 1648 INDEX 1723 Gag-e g-1 asses, 591 i-ecording-, 1647 Gains, see Pole Gallons, 1327 Gas, 292, 304, 315, 316, 325, 329, 495, 504, 518 to 537, 652, 1182, 1193, 1222, 1434, 1713 apparatus, 792, 1186 benches, life, 105, 1185, 1186, 1195 blast furnace, 531 cake oven, 531 filled lamp, see Lamp, nitrog^en fuel, 324 generator - (see also Gas pro- ducer), 1186, 1213, 1217, 1221 heat value, 616 valve, 79 3 holder. 1185, 1189, 1194, 1196, 1219, 1221. 1230 holder, life, 108 lighting-, 617, 1034, 1035, 1043, 1045, 1058 mains, see Pipe machinery, 327 machine's life, 107 oil, 1183, 1204 pipe, see Pipe plant, 504, 527, 1182, 1193, 1208, 1214^, 1215, 1219, 1232, 1233, 1234 to 1240 producer, 471, 529, 538, 616, 617, 625, 630, 634, 638, 640, 643, 645, 648 to 655, 826, 1331 depreciation, 511 floor space, 647, 648 power plant (see also Gas en- gine), 481, 535, 542, 616, 617 purifiers, 109, 1187, 1194, 1196, 1218, 1230. 1559, scrubber, 110, 1187, 1194, 1195, 1217, 1230 service, life, 107 sets, 1194. 1195. 1221, 1229 wa.«her, 111, 1194, 1195, 1217 water, 1183 Gas engine (see- also Gasoline engine, see Oil engine), 49t, 518, 519, 521, 530, 566, 617, 620 to 6''5 628, 630, 634 to 636, 641 to 618, 651 to 656, 660, 6.65, 666, 790, 811, 826, 1197, 1263, 1266, J310, 1312, 1502, depreciation, 107, 511 Diesel, 331, 333. 496. 518, 532, 534, 538, 558. .620, 621, 667, 670 to 682 1269, 1290, 1291. 1514 efficiency. 1313. 1331 floor space, 648, 649. 831 operation, 1266, 1308, 1313 plant, 550 Gas eng-ine, repairs, 664 semi-Diesel, 670 Gasoline. 292, 316, 620, 624, 1280 engine, 621, 638, 1287, 1289, 1299, 1318 efficiency, 1316 fuel, 1316 operating, 1287, 1300, 1301, 1316 power, 541 Gate valve, see Valve, gate General expense (see also Over- head cost), 64, 513 Generator, 75, 272, 532, 627 to 636, 652, 696, 702, 703, 770, 809, 813, 819, 825, 826, 842, 845, 847, 856, 859, 860, 1042, 1178, 1559, 1561 depreciation, 117, 511 efficiency, 505, 705, 707 gas, see Gas generator installing, 252, 257, 262, 266, 286, 289, 1072 weight, 276, 845, 856 Gin, cotton, 1124, 1126 Girder, 191 Going cost, 40, 45 concern value, 40, 45 value. 45 Good will, 40, 45 Governor, 591, 1188, 1190, 1194, 1232 gas, life, 108 Grading, see Excavation Grate (see also Boiler, see Stoker), 1433 area, 419 Gravel plant, power, 1129 Grease cups. 1649 Grinder, 1661 Grinding- corn. 1111 Grindstone, 1652, 1663 Grops operating earnings, 31 Ground, see Land Grubbing-, 1527 Guy (see also Pole), 894, 895, 920, 926. 934, 943 anchors, 950 clamp, 937, 955 pole, see Pole rod.s, 950 stringing, 893 thimbles, 9 37 wire, see Wire Hack saw, 1653, 1663 Hammer, see Air hammer belt. 1661 steam, 1661 Hangers (see also Trolley), 1530. 1567 Hardware (see also Pole), J52, 947 Hauling, 245, 880 Hay baler, 1713 1724 INDEX Hazard (see also Insurance), 42 Head g-uys, see Guys Head works, 74 Heat exhaust, 439 radiation, 1449 value, see Fuel Heater, see Feedwater heater Heater, electric, 1455 hot- water, 1455 Heating-, 151, 155, 174, 206, 446, 454, 469, 472, 478, 517, 519, 603, 828, 1421 to 1458, 1476, 1478, 1713 electric, 1450 to 1459, 1463 to 1473 steam, 131, 600 Hoist, 1141, 1163, 1340 electric, 1403, 1405, 1419, 1661, 1663 Hoisting-, 1166 engine, 1141 mine, 1401, 1402 water, 1398 Holder, see Gas holder Hole, see Poles Horses, 1191 life, 108 Horsepower hours, 487 indicated, 386 Hose, 1648 Hot air, see Heating- Hotwater heating, see Heating Hotwater heat, 131 Hot- well, 834 House, see Building- Hydrant, life, 108 Hydraulic jack, 1648 plant, see Water power ram, 1253 Hydro-compressor, 1177, 1178 Hydro-electric (see also Water power), 448, 489, 701, plant, 62, 73, 77, 684 to 688, 692, 695 to 697, 700, 702, 703, 705, 706 power, 455 operating cost, 76 overhead cost, 20 Ice, 1480 to 1516 making-, 1421 storag-e, 1498, 1502 Identical plant theory, 104 Illumination, see Lighting Impulse wheel, see Waterwheel Inadequacy, 82 Indicated horespower, 386, 486 Indicator, 1648 Indirect expense, 66 Induced draft, see Draft Induction regulator, 937 Industrial economics, 5 Ingot copper, 853 Injector, 583, 589, 594, 595, tank; 568 Insulation, see Pipe covering Insulators, 75, 836, 924, 926, 933, 934, 937, 939, 940, 943, 946, 947, 956, 957, 1529, 1530, 1565, 1597, 1599 suspension type, 956 weight, 956, 957 Insurance, 36, 59, 171, 221, 310, 317, 384, 465, 475, 512, 520, 541, 626, 677, 746, o50 liability, 229, 1590 Intangible, 40 cost, 45 value, 45 Interest (see also Overhead cost), 11, 32, 36, 39, 41, 46, 65, 512 Internal combustion engine (see Gas engine, see Gasoline eng-ine, see Oil engine), 616 Interurban railway, see Railway Installing- machinery, 245 Investment, 488 efficiency, 483 Iron pole, see Pole Iron work, 1473 Ironing, 1473 Irrig-ation pumping (see also Pumping-), 1314, 1315 Jack, 1648 Japanning- oven, 1713 Jet condenser, see Condenser Joints, see Track Jolting, 1163 Kauffman, lighting, 1059 Kelvin's law, 911, 915 Kerosene, 620, 624, 1035 Kilo volt ampere, 488 Kilowatt, 65, 387 hour, 65, 487 Labor, see the item in question Lagging, see Pipe covering Lag screws, 950 Lamp (see also Lighting), 1060 arc, 105, 776, 1046 to 1049, 1053, 1054, 1056, 1058 .. candle-power, 1023 carbon, 1062 choice of, 1030 Cooper Hewitt, 1056 depreciation, 1026. 1039, 1041, 1042 dimensions, 1025 flame-arc,' 1047 gas (see also Gas), 1048 incandescent, 776 kerosene, 1035, 1059 luminous-arc, 1050, 1051, 1053 Mazda, 1061 nitrogen, 1031, 1040, 1042 outlet, 1063, 1065 pole, see Poles, lamp Thoran, 1050 INDEX 1725 Lamp,- tung-sten, 1031, 1033, 1038, 1056 Land (see alao Right of way), 387, 548, 568, 647, 760, 771, 816 Lathe, 1532, 1650, 1661, 1662, 1664 Lead, 951, 1666 Life (see also Depreciation), 112 composite, 115 table of plant units, 104 Light, see Lamp, see Lighting Lighting (see also Gas lighting, see Lamp), 206, 520, 776, 1023, 1025, 1036, 1043, 1055, 1629 arc, see Lamp, Arc current requirements, 1027 fixtures, street, 849 gas, see Gas incandescent, see Lamp load, 555, 556 pole, see Pole street (see also Lamp), 774, 1038 to 1040, 1046 various systems, 1033 Lightning arresters, 829, 843, 844, 849, 850, 937, 950, 963, 1042, 1531, 1532, 1565 weight, 850 Lignite, see Coal Lime, 425, 1115 Line losses, 65. 912, 915 shaft (see Shaft), 1089 transformer, see Transformer Link belts, 1080 Load, 62, 73, 553, 1707 Load factor, 4, 55. 62, 65, 67, 76, 77, 80, 382, 388, 389, 408, 442, 444, 487, 497, 524, 525, 527, 555, 556, 562, 636, 663, 672, 678, 742, 744, 748, 758, 779, 781, 786, 792, 793, 808, 811, 1109, 1116, 1119, 1126, 1128, 1129, 1271 to 1273, 1489, 1707 Load, peak, 408 Loading, 245 Loading charges, see Overhead cost Locomotive, 1533 crane. 365, 368, 370, 373, 1370, 1384 coaling station, 354, 356, 358, 359 fuel, 319 l.ife, 108. 115, 134 repairs, 140 Lubricator, 1649 Lubricating oil, 1650 Lumber, handling, 1384 Machine 1163 oT^erations, 1656 shop, 177, 1099 Machine shop tools, 1650, 1658, 1661 works, 1120 Machinery, see the item in ques- tion foundations, see Foundations hauling, 245 installing, 212 shop, life, 108 Magnesia, 1438 Magnet, see Electro-magnet / Mains, see Pipe Maintenance (see also Repairs), 65, 84 to 88 Manhole, 80, 853, 973, 987, 991, 995 brick, 1004, 1006 concrete, 1005 wooden, 987 Manufacturing implements, 1116, 1119 Marble, 866, 867 Marine equipment, life, 126 Masonry, 131, 187, 847 Mazda, see Lamp Mechanical draft, see Draft Messenger strand (see also Wire), 963 Meter, electric. 78, 79, 81, 696, 787, 841, 848, 1065, 1194, 1196. 1532 electric, depreciation, 78, 108 diversity, 64 efficiency. 707 installing, 256, 262, 841, 849 repairs, 258 gas, 1187, 1190, 1203, 1211, 1217, 1218, 1222, 1231, life, 108 oil, 1232, 1650 steam, 460, 849 volt, 861, 862 watt,. 849, 863, 864 water, 108, 568, 843, 1232 Methyl alcohol, 624 Mill, see Building board, 1645 Milling equipment installing, 262 machines, 1652 Minimum rate, 72 Mining plant, 1138 pumps, see Pump Molding machines, 1078, 1167 Motor, 267, 269, 270, 468, 694, 845, 1079. 1093, 1102, 1103, 1106,. 1131, 1197, 1218, 1309, 1310, 1413, 1414, 1588, 1661 to 1663 alternator, 845 drive, see Electric drive installing, 257 life, 108 repairs, 141 rewinding, 624 spirits, 624 weight, 276, 845, 1093, to 1095 wiring, 253 1726 INDEX Motor generator, 209, 259, 261, 271, 821, 855, 1531 efficiency, 707 installing, 214, 252, 257, to 262, 289, 1075, 1103 weight, 855 Motor cycles, 1191 Motor truck, 1396 Mortar, 193, 194 Mortising machine, 1662 Mule-back transportation, 247 Natural depreciation, see De preciation, natural. draft, see Draft. gas, 292, 500, 531, 619 life, 113 net earnings, 31 Nitrogen lamp, see Lamp Non-physical, 40 Normal return, 33 Nut tapper, 1653 Oat Crusher, 1713 Obsolescence (see also Depre- ciation), 82 Office building, see Building Oil, 329, 482, 500, 506, 563, 638, 671, 675, 676 burning system 317 cylinder, 627, 791 engine, 332, 496, 516, 518, 532, 621, 622, 628, 630, 633, 635, 652, 669, 670, 671, 673, 674, 677, 682, 791, 826, 1270, 1285, 1307 fuel, 292, 319, 326, 500, 506, 559, 1713 gas, see Gas heater, 1221 lubricating, 627, 679 production, 336 pump, 1218, 1270 separator, 568, 605 switch, see Switch system, 265, 267 tank, 326, 532 Operating charge, 488 expense, 31, 65, 86 Ordinary maintenance, 86 Oro Electric Co. Power Plant, 73 Outlet (see Lamp outlet), 1071 boxes. 1076 Output cost, 65, 66 Overhead cost (see Fixed charge). 7, 22, 31, 75, 250, 489, 681, 813, 828, 838, 839, 1185, 1192, 1194, 1210, 1216, 1220, 1520, 1538. 1548, 1554, 1556, 1559, 1590, 1616 equipment, life (see Trolley), 108, 109 Overhead line, see Distribution, Pole, Transmission, Wire, etc. Oxy -acetylene, 1696 to 1705 Packing, 1650 Paint, 152, 923 sprays, 1163 Painting, 137, 155. 208, 209, 210, 213, 214, 602, 828, 837, 839, 1160, 1198, 1679 pipe, 1200 to 1202 pole, see Pole Panel, see Switchboard panel Paper Calender, see Calender Pavement. 975, 986, 1006, 1189, 1222, 1228, 1519, 1527, 1555, 1590 excavation (see also Excava- tion), 1590 life, 109 relaying, 1226 repairing openings, 988 Peak load, 65, 408, 490. 744 or demand theory, 70 ratio to capacity (see Load factor), 742 Peat (see Coal), 304, 495 Pelton, see Waterwheel Penstock, 74, 696, 700, 703, 710, 715, 718, 738 economical diameter, 724 efficiency, 707 steel, weight, 713, 714 woodstove, 723 Petroleum, see Oil, see Gasoline Physical, 40 efficiencv, 479 Piles, 179, 1528 steel, cutting, 1695 Pins, 836, 924, 926, 939, 943, 954, 1564 Pipe (see also Piping), 210, 600, 844. 850, 978, 1177, 1185, 1189, 1190, 1198, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1210, 1216, 1218, 1221 to 1227 1431 brass, 1664 cast iron (see also Pipe), 1666 covering. 287, 568, 569, 577, 579, 842, 843, 1431, 1436, 1437. 1438 economics, 724, 1332, 1338 friction heads, 713 gas, 108, 130 laying. 1157 lead, 1666 leakage, 603 life, 109, 722 machine, 1652, 1653, 1664 riveted. 1665 sewer, 603 steam (see also Piping), 1438 steel (see also Penstock), 74, 720, 731 water. 111, 210, 600, 602 welding. 1696, 1697 wood, 74. 718, 719. 731, 736, 1669, 1672 wood, decay, 722 wood, life, 143 INDEX 1727 Pipe, wrought iron (see Pipe), 1664 Piping. 152, 209, 287, 420, 532, 538, 568, 569, 574, 575, 577, 583, 598, 599, 601, 602, 603, 651, 652, 777, 809, 810, 819, 823, 826, 835, 842, 843, 1101, 1185, 1189, 1197, 1214, 1217, 1221, 1265, 1432, 1502, 1559, 1561 labor, 215, 263, 770 life, 109 Piston pump, see Pump Placing, see Installing Planer, 1106, 1662 Plant, alternative. 36, 46 Plant capacity, see Capacity charge (see Fixed charge), 523 factor (see Capacity factor), 742 location, 38 retiring, old, 102 unit. 65, 82, 83, 118 Plastering, 130 Plate. 1675 girder, 191 Plumbing, 134, 152, 155, 164, 174, 1478 Plunger pump,, see Pump Pneumatic tools, see Air tools hammer, see Air hammer conveyor, see Conveyor Pond, 429 cooling, 427, 433, 434 Pondage. 491 Pole, 78. 836, 840, 848, 878, 881, 888, 903, 933, 934, 935, 937. 940, 946, 949. 1529, 1564. 1591, 1595. 1596, 1604, 1606. 1607, 1610, 1613, 1615, 1618 concrete, 887, 895. 896, 898, 902 to 905, 908 concrete, bases, 885 concrete reinforcement, 887 creosoting, 884, 891, 934 dapping, 9 22 depreciation, 109. 885, 888 erecting, see Pole setting erector, 890 gaining, 880, 936 guying (see also Guy). 883, 919, 935. 936 hardware, 9 46 hauling, 247. 889. 916, 922 holes. 881, 882, 883, 916, 922, 9 t6 iron, 883. 909, 910, 942, 943, 1561, 1615. 1617 joint construction. 887 lamp. 848, 905, 907, 1051, 1053. 1058 line, 916, 922, 926, 930, 937 line, telegraph, 9 25 telephone, 924. 926 transmission, 75 Pole, painting, 840, 841, 881, 889 raising, see Pole setting rights, 943 roofing, 880 setting. 881, 882, 883, 889, 890, 891, 918. 922, 924, 926, 934, 942, 950 shaving, 880, 883, 889 stenciling, 882 stepping, 881, 883 steel, see Pole, iron telephone, 900 tops, 1564 treating (see Pole creosot- ing), 884 trolley, 897, 904 weight 879, 880, 891 Political economy, 5 Post lamp, see Pole, Lamp Powdered coal, see Coal powdered Powder, 379, 382, 385, 390, 395, 405, 430, 435, 436, 441, 443, 451, 452, 457, 477, 478, 528, 539, 542, 543, 544. 564, 572, 577, 1101 apartment house, 474 coal mines, 472 efficiencies, 479. 481, 482 electric, 439, 452, 470, 487, 497. 523, 525, 542, 544, 547, 553 632, 637, 651, 653, 654 661, 666, 667, 672, 677, 681, 682, 687, 695, 696, 705, 707, 740, 746, 748, 754, 757, 762, . 763, 765, 771. 772, 774. 775, 779, 780, 781, 782, 786, 787, 788, 808, 811, 1327 factor, 468, 487, 800 gas, see Gas gasoline (see Gasoline), 544 house (see Building), 75, 197, 207, 264, 317, 695 load factor, 383 mill, 465 piping, see Piping Power plant (see also Pump- ing), 200, 207, 383. 405, 408, 444, 514, 527. 547. 560, 563, 564, 573, 574, 627, 702. 740, 766. 772, 812, 813, 814, 815, 817, 820, 821. 823. 825, 826, 834, 1119, 1512. 1558, 1561 depreciation, 459. 511 labor, 507. 750. 751, 756. 761, 76?, 763, 765, 786, 788, 790, 793, 810. 811 life. 109 load, 553 repairs, 438. 511 scraper, see Scraper transformers, see Transform- ers water, see Water power 1728 INDEX Pump, 208, 209, 267, 269, 604, 770, 809, 810, 820, 823, 842, 848, 1130, 1142, 1162, 1175, 1188, 1196, 1198, 1218, 1230, 1231, 1241, 1248, 1249, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1256, 1259, 1264, 1266, 1268, 1293, 1297, 1304, 1305, 1322, 1329, 1559 boiler, see Pump, feed brine, 1498 centrifugal, 604, 1243, 1244, 1251 circulating, 209, 268 depreciation, 109, 113, 114, 511 diaphragm, 1247 dredging, 1244, 1245 duty, 1256. 1258, 1269 efficiency 1254, 1262, 1294, 1331 electric, 1317 feed 261, 267, 604, 568, 574, 575, 577, 583, 589, 819, 842. 1101, 1220, 1249, 1250, 1251 feed, installing, 265 feed, weight, 1249, 1250 foundation, 264 hand, 1246 house (see Building), 214 installing, 214, 262, 265, 266 losses, see Pump efficiency oil, 1218, 1270 operating, see Pumping pit, 200 pulsometer, 1244, 1246 ram, 1253 repairs, 1258 rotary, fire, 1251 sand, 1244 suction, 1247 vacuum, 209, 265, 268 waterworks, 1293, 1296 weight, 1248 Pumping (see also Pump, see Power), 624, 695, 766, 1241, 1253, 1257, 1258, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1264. 1267, 1269, 1271 to 1294 ■ 1296 to 1299, 1300 to 1314, 1316 to 1321, 1324, 1325 to 1327, 1328 to 1331 draining. 1323 electric 1262, 1264, 1314, 1319 engine, see Pump gas-engine, 1263, 1266 gasoline, 1287, 1299, 1318 irrigation, 1322, 1330 ■ mine, 1327 oil, 1270, 1307 oil engine, 1285 plant (see also Pump), 207, 248, 1266, 1268 power required, 1294 stations. 1261. 1271 Press, hydraulic wheel, 1662 Pressure blower, see Blower Pressure gage, see Gage pipe, see Penstock Price, defined, 6 Prime mover (see Engine, see Water wheel, etc.), 819 Prime mover, weight, 273 Producer, see Gas producer Production cost, 65, 66, 67, 77 Profit, 326 defined, 6, 33, 41, 65 normal, 43 Proprietary supervision, 41 Prorating, 55, 57, 66 Pulley, 1079, 1082 Pulsometer, see Pump, pulso- meter Pulverizing Machinery, 327 mill, 310 Punch, 1663 Purifier, see Gas purifier Radiation, 1429 Rail (see also Track), 1527, 1574 bender, 1662 bonds, Track bonding cutter, 1661, 1662 grinding 1644 guard, see Track special joints, see Track welding. 1687, 1692 Railing, 1197 Railway (see also Track), 1517 to 1644 Chicago, 1553 contact-rail, 1643 Detroit, 1554, 1589 elevated, 1641 gravity, 1378 labor, 756 load, 558 Ram, hydraulic, 1253 Rammer, sand, 1167 Ransom e storage system, 349 Rate, 66 electric current, 62 fair return, 34, 41, 64 fuel cost, 64 Rated minimum capacity, 408, 487 Rational depreciation formula, 98 Real diversity, 66 Real estate, see Land Reamers, 1660 Receiver, see Air receiver Reciprocating engine, see Engine Recorder, 848 Recording gage. 1647 Recovery valve, 92 Rectifiers, 255 Reel, 1008, 1010 Reflector, 1032 Refrigeration (see also Ice), 1421, 1486 to 1489, 1496, 1498, 1502 skating rink, 1510 to 1516 Register, 1432 INDEX 1729 Regulator, 257, 849, 1190 pressure, 1211 Regulating apparatus, 75 Reinforced concrete, see Con- crete ; see Building ; see Pole Reliability factor, 442 Renewal (see Repair, see De- preciation), 87, 118 expense, 85 Rent, 148, 513 Repair (see also Depreciation), 35, 66, 82, 85, 87, 118, 311, 317, 358. 363, 364. 368, 369, 370, 373, 378, 438, 444, 466. 475, 511, 519, 520, 534, 541, 625, 626, 655, 664, 668, 669, 678, 682, 683, 686, 694, 695, 720, 746, 748, 755, 758, 760, 763, 771, 772, 775, 778, 779. 780, 783. 786, 787. 788, 789, 791, 792, 797, 810. 811, 1054, 1101, 1119, 1208, 1258, 1290, 1293, 1305, 1322, 1419, 1450, 1451, 1489 Reserve capacity, see Spare units Reservoir (see Pond), 213, 1189 life, 109 Retiring old plant, 58 Return on investment, 33, 34, 41, 44, 64 Right of way, 38. 696, 838, 9397 940. 946, 947, 1536 Riprap, 1528 Risk insurance, 41, 42 Rivet, 191 Riveting, 205. 1171, 1173, 1175, 1657, 1711 Roof, 130. 164, 192, 201, 206, 208, 215, 1675 Roof trusses, 188, 205 Roofing (see Poles), 828 Roll bending, 1663 Rolling stock, see Car Rone. 1380. 1672 drive, 467, 1091 Rotary converter, 777, 829 life, 110 pump, see Pump, rotary Rubber, 1079 Rubble masonry, 187 Sacrifice cost, 7 Sag, see Wire sag Salvage value. 59, 93 Sand blast, 1168, 1169, 1681 sifter, 1168 Sanding machine, 1662 Saw, 1106, 1175, 1652, 1653, 1662. 1663. 1664, 1713 Scnl-s. 1231, 1673 platform. 1673 track. 1673 Scow, life. 126 repairs, 127 Scrap value, 60, 93 Scraper, power, 1130 Scrapping a plant, 58 Screen, 1130, 1168 Screw jack, 1649 Scrubber, see Gas scrubber Secondary power, 455 Second-hand value, 60, 92 Semaphore. 1628 Semi-Diesel, see Gas engine, semi-Diesel Separate plant, theory of pro- rating, 51 Separators (see Oil separator, see Steam separator), 601 Service, 81, 1226 boxes, 978, 979 connection, 78, 983 life. 110 cost, 66. 70 depreciation, 78 entrance, 1065 expense, 79 " , gas, 1190, 1202, 1217, 1227 value, 9 3 Setting up, see Installing Sewer, 130, 972 system, 600 Shaft. 571, 1079, 1080, 1103 friction, 1086, 1089 hangers, 1081 Shaving, see Poles Shears, 1652, 1662, 1663 Sheets, 1675 Ships, life, 125, 126 fuel for, 320. 333 Shipbuilding, 1170 Shoe factory, 4 69 Shop, see Building Shovel, electric, 1114, 1129 Shredding. 1112 Shunt. 870 Sidewalk, 1186 Sign, electric, 1712 Signals, 110, 254, 1627 Sinking fund. 69 4 formula, 92. 101 Slate, 866, 867 Slashing, 447 Sliding scale, dividends, 44 Slugs, see Anchors Smelter chimney, 207, 226 Soda ash, 425 Span wire, see Trolley, overhead Spare units, 406, 522, 540, 565, 697, 810 Special work, see Trolley, over- head Spikes, see Track Splicing, see Cable, splicing chambers, 978, 979 Sprinkler .system, 174, 206, 1432 Stack, see Chimney Stairs, 164, 193 Stamn mill, 262 Stamping machine, 1662 Standby units, see Spare units Standpipe, 110, 1298 1730 INDEX station, see Building diversity, 64 load, 66 load, factor, 66, 67 Steam, see Power, steam Steam boiler, see Boiler blower, 221 cleaners, 586 condenser, see Condenser consumption, 411 eng-ine, see Engine exhaust, 445, 457, 848 fitting", see Piping hammer (see also Hammer), 1663 heating, see Heating injector, see Injector meter, 460, 849 metered, 1443 pipe, see Pipe, see Piping plant, see Power, see Boiler, see Engine power, see Power pump, see Pump separator, 568, 569, 606, 835 superheater, see Superheater trap, 615 turbine, see Engine, turbine underground, 1434 valve, see Valve Steamship, see Ship Steel, see Belt, Building, Chim- ney, Cutting, Piling, Pipe, Pole, Tower structural, 1674 work, 156 Stoker, 410, 420, 538. 567, 606, 607, 608, 610, 611, 773, 815, 823, 842, 843, 849, 1559, 1561 installing, 248, 849 life, 110 repairs, 144, 609 , Stone crushing, see Crusher work, 131 Storage, see Coal, storage battery, 128, 831, 851, 852, 1532, 1563, 1708 life, 105 maintenance, 128 weight, 851, 852 Storage water (see Reservoir), 491 Store house, see Building Straight line formula, 92 Strain clamp, see Clamp Strain insulator, see Insulator Strainer, 848 Strand, see Wire Stream flow curve, 493 Street lighting, see Lighting, street railway, see Railway power, see Power ' Stringing, see Wire Structural estimating, 188 Swage block, 1663 Switch, see also Track Switch, 812, 816, 843, 844, 848, 870, 873, 937, 950, 1527, 1531, 1532, 1566 air-break, 939 boxes, 1566 installing, 844, 1076 knife, 1629 oil, 260, 872, 874, 939 weight, 872 wiring, 1064 Switchboard, 75, 209, 213, 259, 261, 652, 703, 777, 809, 810, 819, 826, 829, 831, 834, 838. 842, 848, 860, 865, 867, 1042, 1559, 1562, 1563 depreciation, 110, 115, 511 installing, 252, 834, 838, 1073, 1075 panels, 868, 869, 1531, 1532 shunts, 870 Substation, 75, 827, 830, 831, 838 diversity, 64 Suction conveyor, see Conveyor, suction pump, see Pump, suction Superheat, 411, 412 Superheater, 412. 538, 567, 611, 612, 820. 842 installing, 413 Supervision, 10 Supplies, 810 Surfacer, 1664 -Surge pipe, 74 Surplus, 31 Suspension eyes, 946 Swingbridge, power, 1112 Synchroscope, 863 ■Tank, 263, 1189, 1198, 1218, 1219, 1232 blow-off, 568 gas (see Gas holder), 1187 gas regulating, 646 ice, 1497 life, 110 oil, 262, 326 steel, installing, 262 Taps, 1660 Taping machine, 1663 Tar, 314", 676 extractor, 1187, 1194, 1196, 1230 Taxes, 79, 221, 317, 328, 384, 444, 512, 541. 626, 677, 746, 780, 783, 808, 1361 Teams, 110, 119 Telegraph line, 925, 1529 life, 110 Telephone, 75, 254, 1529 conduit, see Conduit life, 110 line, 838, 933, 1537 pole, see Pole repair and depreciation, 125 system, 1570 Telpher, 361, 363 INDEX 1731 Tempering, 1659 Tenoning- machine, 1106, 1662 Textile mills, power, 443 Thawing explosives, 1471 water pipes, 1469, 1712 Therm-^l efficiency. 440, 1336 Thermit process, 1689 to 1695 Thresher, 1111, 1713 Ties (see Track), 1527, 1574 life, 111 plates, see Track rods, see Track Tile, see Conduit Timber, 82g Time clock, 254 stamp, 254 Tin, 951 Tipple, 188 Tools, 1661 Tool grinder, 1653 life, 110 Towboat, see Boat Tower, 75, 9 30, 940 erecting, 941 foundation, 930 line, 927, 930 steel, 932 to 935, 947, 949 weight, 9 29, 941 wooden, 9 44 Track (see also Raihvay, Rail, Ties, etc.), 1539 to 1549, 1573, 1576, 1590, 1604, 1614 ballast, 110, 1527 bonds, 110, 1530, 1570, 1623, 1633 to 1636 crossings, life, 107 fastening, life, 110 frogs, 1527 grinder, 1662 joint, 7 laying. 111, 1527, 1576 special work. 111, 1549 to 1552, 1575 Trailer, 1398 Tramway, 343 Transformer. 75, 78. 80, 703, 797, 803, 805, 829, 830, 831, 839, 841, 844, 848, 849. 850, 860, 873, 875, 876, 877, 937. 940, 943, 1178, 1531. 1532 diversity, 64 efficiency, 705, 707 anstalling, 255 to 257. 289, 802, 805, 839, 841, 875 life. 111, 798, 799 losses, 799 rating, 802 tower, 9 39 truck, 208 weight, 276, 877 Transit, 1645, 1676 Transmission charge, 489 economics, 911 efficiency, -i55. 705, 707 line, 76, 697, 836, 878, 916, 931, 934, 935, 939, 940, Transmission 942. 944, 947, 948, 1178, 1325, 1529, 1537, 1593 life, 111 underground, 964 Treatment, see Creosoting, see Water purification, see Pole Trench (see Conduit), 980 Trestle, 1528 with pockets, 368 Trimming conveyor, 345 trees, 922 Trolley (see Railway), 1594, 1604, 1617, 1618 to 1628 hanger, 1600 overhead, 1564 to 1572, 1569, 1591, 1594, 1606, 1608, 1612, 1613, 1615 life, 108 Trolley pole, see Pole Truck, see Car motor, 1397 Trucking, see Hauling True diversity factor, 67 Trusses, 191 Tube scraper, 586 Tubular pole, see Pole, iron Tugs, fuel for, 321 Tungsten, see Lamp Tunnel, 74, 208, 1528 Turbine, see Engine, turbine ; see Waterwheel, turbine Turbo-alternators, 845 Turbo-compressor, 1136 Turbo-generator (see also En- gine, turbine), 260, 261, 523, 613, 777, 809, 810, 815. 819, 825, 833, 848, 858, 860, 1561 installing, 259, 834 life. 111, 117 weight, 85, 613, Turning machine, 1663 Underground, see also Conduit cable, 839 system, 964 Underestimates, 16 Unit, 6, 52 depreciation formula, 98 price, 6 wage, 6 Unwatering, see Pumping, see Water hoisting Upkeep, 82, 85, 118 analysis, 88 Useful life, 116 Vacuum conveyor, 376 Dump, see Pump Value, 6, 13, 37, 46, 59. 60, 92. 93 Valve, 601, 603, 614, 709, 1677 check, 842 life. Ill Variable cost, 67. 740 Vault (see Manhole), 970 brick, 1003. 1006 concrete, 1001, 1004 1732 INDEX Ventilation, 1421, 1429, 1431 "Vessel, see Boat Vise, 1663 Vitrified ducts, see Conduit Volt. 488 Voltmeter, see Meter volt Wagon, 1191 Warehouse, see Building Washer, see Gas washer Watchman station, 254 Water, 627, 634, 655. 791 boiler feed, 513, 52l condensing (see Steam Con- denser), 387 gage, 1648 gas, see Gas heating, see Heating hoisting, 1398 meter, see Meter pipe, see Pipe power (see also Hydro-elec- tric), 447, 449, 453, 454, 455, 482, 485, 490, 516. 546, 552, 569, 685, 701, 706, 1177 value, 38, 75, 450, 491, 690 proofing, 179 purification, 605 softening, 421, 422, 426 storage, 823 * treating (see Water soften- ing), 423 Waterwheel, 75, 695, 696, 700, 703, 706. 709, 710 efficiency, 707 impulse, 271, 289, 709 installing. 271, 289 turbine. 111, 696, 705, 709 weight, 709 Waterwork, see Pump, see Pumping Wattmeter, see Meter Weatherproof wire, see Wire Wearing value. 93 Weighted average, 14 life, 115 prices, 14 Welding, electric. 1684 to 1689 oxy-acetvlene, 1696 thermit, 1689 Well, 770, 1189, 1219, 1292, 1308, 1323 gas, life. 111 pumping, 1308 Welsbach burner, 1034 Wende storage plant, 353 Wharf, life. 111 Wire (see also Cable), 78, 837, 937. 939, 943, 946, 947, 949, 983, 1529, 1530, 1532, 1568 aluminum, 853, 912, 958 changing, 922 copper, 937, 958, 959, 1569 guy, 949 life, 111 pulling, 1069, 1074 rope, life, 1370 goo* 959 strand, 934, 962, 963 stranded, weight, 959 stringing, 75, 883, 911, 912, 921. 926, 934, 936, 943, 946, 949, 1069 telegraph, 925 trolley, 9 63 life. 111 waste, 959 weatherproof, 9 37, 958 stranded weight, 960, 961 weight, 937, 961 Wiring, 130, 155, 174, 259, 261, 262, 652, 771, 834, 841, 1023, 1063, 1065, 1066, 1068, 1069, 1071, 1073, 1077. 1102 lamps, 253 life, 111 Winding machine, 1663 Windows, 19 3 Wisconsin method, 46, 49 Working capital, 1192 cash capital, 119 4 Wood pipe, see Pipe, wood Wood, fuel, 292, 1331 poles, see Poles splitters. 1713 working machinery, 1662 tools. 1106 Worth, 13 Wrecking a plant, 288 CODEX PAPERS Diagrammatic Methods of Computation and Graphic Methods of Presenting Facts have had probably as much influence on the ad- vancement of modern engineering practice as any of the modem de- velopments in the art. A curve is not half so terrifying as a formula to the " practical man," and it is ever so much more convenient to handle for anyone. In the practice of so called " efficiency engineering," it is essential to make so many computations that the cost thereof would be pro- hibitive, and the time necessary for the calculations would be so great as to destroy much of their value were it not for such spe- cial aids to this process as the slide rule, the adding machine and specially ruled plates of paper, of which cross section and profile sheets were the prototype. The Construction Service Company, of New York, conducted ex- tensive investigations with a view to developing standards that v/ould be most useful in the office and field for general engineering work, mechanical and civil, and also for "efficiency" engineering. Most of the plates on the market were found to possess defects that were not very apparent on preliminary inspection but which made them often inconvenient and sometimes impossible to use satisfac- torily in practice. For instance, the logarithmic paper to be had of dealers in drawing instruments lacked the digit numerals, so that before commencing to plot anything the sheets had to be numbered up. Now, a person thoroughly accustomed to use logarithmic paper can number it very readily, but at the best it takes time, while to anyone not familiar with it, or just beginning to use it, the num- bsring requires quite a little thought and time. A great deal of decimal cross section paper is used, principally in the 1/10" and millimeter rulings. The fact developed that for plotting cross sec- tions the 1/20" ruling was sufficiently accurate and much more con- venient, to say nothing of the first cost of the materials, than the ordinary 1/10" paper. The latter as ordinarily obtainable was on large, unwieldy sheets, too large for a correspondence file, and too small to file properly with standard tracings. The pink ink gen^ erally used was found much less satisfactory than an olive green, and it was thought advisable to use a paper that could easily be blue printed, pencil marks on the paper, as well as the rulings, be- ing clearly visible on the blue print. Two standard sizes of sheets, 8i^"xll" for the office, and 4''/4"x7%" for field use were adopted. These may be Inserted in the ordinary loose leaf books, the larger size being that of the usual office letterhead, the otherd the size of an engineer's field book. This paper is made up into pads of 100 sheets each and the de- 1733 17.34 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA mand for it was so great that it has been placed upon the general market and several hundred industrial companies are now using these pads. Besides affording great savings in time and labor, this paper costs less than other papers on the market and much less than tracing cloth. The Construction Service Company, at 15 William Street, New "York, is prepared to fill orders by mail for these pads and will fur- nish samples and a descriptive booklet upon request. Address Supply Department, Construction Service Company, 15 William Street, New York. REGULATION AND POWER LOSS CALCULATOR FOR ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS A Device for This Purpose on the general plan of a circular slide rule but a good deal more complicated in its design has been worked out by Mr. Ralph U. Fitting, and has been employed in a consid- erable number of engineering offices with very satisfactory results. Almost any engineer, when confronted with an electric transmis- sion problem, must go to his text books for the theory and after spending an hour or two in calculation is apt to feel not quite sure of the results. This device enables the computations to be made in a very few moments in the same manner as a circular slide rule and is accurate within 1% for power delivered, to any amount ; voltages, between 90 and 250.000; frequencies, between 16 and 60 cycles; transmitting distances, from a few feet to 250 miles; wire sizes, up to 10,000,000 circular mils ; wire spacing, from 1 to 25 ft. ; conductors, of copper, aluminum or steel center wires ; phases, any number ; all power factors, leading or lagging. The calculator is 6" x 8" in leather covers with complete instruc- tions for use. It will determine the wire size for a given power loss in per cent of delivered power with corrections for electrostatic capacity effect and also easily solves the charging current, the volts drop and regulation. The device is being placed on the market by the Construction Service Company, 15 William Street, New York, and costs $10.00. It will be sent to any member of the leading engineering societies for inspection upon request. Address Supply Department, Construction Service Company, 15 William Street, New York. HANDBOOK OF COST DATA By Halbert P. Gillette, Consulting Engineer, Member A. S. C. E., A. S. M. E., A. I. M E. Flexible binding, 4| x 7 in $5 . 00 1878 pages of costs, not prices. Almost every con- ceivable civil engineering operation, from cement side- walks to railroad systems. Contents. — Principles of Engineering. Economics. Earth Excavation. Rock Excavation. Quarrying and Crushing. Roads, Pavements and Walks. Stone Masonry. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Con- struction. Water Works. Sewers. Timber Work. Buildings. Railways. Bridges and Culverts. Steel and Iron Construction. Engineering and Surveys. Miscellaneous Cost Data. ♦, The value of the book lies in the fact that the condi- tions surrounding each operation on 'which costs are reported are so completely described that the costs may be accurately translated into terms of the same opera- tion under other conditions. Cement Age: "Systems of cost keeping are described in the first part of the book, which contractors will find valuable." The National Builder: "Mr. GUlette does not seem to have overlooked a single item in the contracting world, where costs and time are factors in making up an estimate." Railway Age Gazette: "The author was a practicing engineer and contractor for nearly twenty years before he prepared the first edition, so the reader inay feel that the book is not the work of an office man." Canadian Engineer: "It is safe to say that on any question on which the engineer requires costs, they may be found in this book." HANDBOOK OF CONSTRUCTION PLANT By Richard T. Dana, Consulting Engineer, Member A. S. C E., A. I. M. E. Flexible binding, 4f x 7 in $5.00 700 pages of the net prices, shipping weights and operating costs of all kinds of construction equipment, with an appendix giving the names and addresses of the principal manufacturers. Engineering Record: "Much valuable data are given as to the cost of operation of certain types of machinery — they furnish practically the first published basis for selecting machinery." The American City: "Mr. Dana's volume gives the 1735 HANDBOOK OF CONSTRUCTION PLANT (Continued) information most necessary to engineers in making esti- mates of construction costs and in executing plans," The Excavating Engineer: "Undoubtedly the most complete handbook of construction plant ever published. Every conceivable type of machinery and equipment." Concrete-Cement Age: "The descriptions include prac- tically every type of equipment, as well as cost data." Railway Review: " , . , presenting between two covers that which the engineer often searches through masses of trade catalogue and stacks of card index files to find." The National Builder: "Many machines, appliances, methods and contrivances the ordinary contractor knows but little about are here fully described and illustrated." HANDBOOK Of ROCK EXCAVATION; METHODS AND COST By Halbert P. Gillette 840 pages; 184 illustrations; flexible binding, 4|x7 in.. .$5.00 Best modern practice in drilling and handling rock of all kinds, under all conditions, illustrating latest ma- chines and methods, with costs of actual work done. Contents. — Rocks and Their Properties. Methods and Cost of Hand Drilling. Drill Bits, Shape, Sharpen- ing and Tempering. Machine Drills and Their Use. Cost of Machine Drilling. Steam, Compressed Air and Other Power Plants. Cable Drills, Well Drills, Augers and Cost Data. Core Drills. Explosives. Charging and Firing. Methods of Blasting. Loading and Trans- porting Rock. Quarrying Dimension Stone. Open Cut Excavation in Quarries, Pits and Mines. Railroad Rock Excavation and Boulder Blasting. Canal Excava- tion. Trench Work. Sub-Aqueous Rock Excavation. HANDBOOK OF EARTH EXCAVATION; METHODS AND COST By Halbert P. Gillette Over 800 pages; illustrated; flexible binding, 4| x 7 in. . . .$5.00 A complete history and encyclopedia in modern earth moving methods, with detailed costs for the different methods and equipment used. Chapters. — Properties of Earth, Measurement and Classification, Boring and Sounding, Clearing and Grub- bing, Loosening and Shoveling, Wheelbarrows, Carts, Wagons, etc.. Scrapers and Graders, Cars, Steam Shovel Work, Bucket Excavation, Cableways and Conveyors, Trenching by Hand, by Machinery, Ditches and Canals, Embankments, Earth Dams and Levees, Dredging, Hy- draulic Excavation, Miscellaneous. 1736 HANDBOOK OF CLEARING AND GRUBBING; METHODS AND COST By Halbert P. Gillette 240 pages; 67 illustrations; cloth binding, 4f x 7 in $2.50 The only book at present in print dealing with this important subject. It takes up Cost Estimating and Appraising; Clearing and Grubbing Specifications; Clearing; Grubbing by Hand; Burning; Blasting; Stump Pullers; Heavy Plows. COST KEEPING AND MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING By Halbert P. Gillette and Richard T. Dana 350 pages; illustrated; cloth binding, 6 x 9 in $3.50 This work is to the construction engineer what Tay- lor's "Shop Management" and "Principles of Scientific Management" are to the shop foreman and superintend- ent. The science of engineering management is just be- ginning to be recognized, and Gillette and Dana have done much, in this book, to forward and develop it. Mr. Gillette is the author of the now famous "Handbook of Cost Data," and Mr. Dana is the author of the com- panion work, "Handbook of Construction Plant." To those familiar with these two books this insures the practical nature of "Cost Keeping and Management Engineering." Chapters. — The Ten Laws of Management. Rules for Securing Minimum Cost. Piece Rate, Bonus and Other-Systems of Payment. Measuring the Output of Workmen. Cost Keeping. Office Appliances and Methods. Bookkeeping for Small Contractors. Mis- cellaneous Cost Report Blanks and Systems of Cost Keeping. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION; METHODS AND COST By Halbert P. Gillette and Charles S. Hill 690 pages; illustrated; cloth binding, 6 x 9 in $5.00 Devoted to the economics of concrete for the builder of concrete structures. The authors are constantly in touch with the best and cheapest methods of concrete construction; Mr. Gillette, through his field work, and Mr. Hill, through his editing. Contents. — Methods and Cost of Selecting and Pre- paring Materials for Concrete. Theory and Practice of Proportioning Concrete. Methods and Cost of Making and Placing Concrete by Hand. Methods and Cost of Making and Placing Concrete by Machine. Methods and Cost of Depositing Concrete Under Water and of Subaqueous Grouting. Methods and Cost of Making and Using Rubble and Asphaltic Concrete. Methods 1737 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION; METHODS AND COST (Continued) and Cost of Laying Concrete in Freezing Weather. Methods and Cost of Finishing Concrete Surfaces. Methods and Cost of Form Construction. Methods and Cost of Concrete Pile and Pier Construction. Methods and Cost of Heavy Concrete Work in Forti- fications, Locks, Dams, Breakwaters and Piers. Meth- ods and Cost of Constructing Bridge Piers and Abut- ments. Methods and Cost of Constructing Retaining Walls. Methods and Cost of Constructing Concrete Foundations for Pavement. Methods and Cost of Con- structing Sidewalks, Pavements, and Curb and Gutter. Methods and Cost of Lining Tunnels and Subways. Methods and Cost of Constructing Arch and Girder Bridges. Methods and Cost of Culvert Construction. Methods and Cost of Reinforced Concrete Building Con- struction. Methods and Cost of Building Construction of Separately Molded Members. Methods and Cost of Aqueduct and Sewer Construction. Methods and Cost of Constructing Reservoirs and Tanks. Methods and Cost of Constructing Ornamental Work. Miscel- laneous Methods and Costs. Methods and Cost of Waterproofing Concrete Structures. THE TRACKMAN'S HELPER Revised, enlarged and brought up to date by Richard T. Dana and A. F Trimble, from the original of F. Kindelan 400 pages; 85 illustrations; cloth binding, 4^ x 6j in $2.00 Written to help the man on the track, by giving him the results of observation and study of track work on the railroads of the United States for the last twenty years. Contents. — Construction. Spiking and Gaging. General Spring Work. Drainage. Summer Track Work. Cutting Weeds. Ballasting. Renewal of Rails. Effects of the Wave Motion of Rail on Track Rail Moivements. General Fall Track Work. Fences. General Winter Work. Bucking Snow. Laying Out Curves. Elevation of Curves. Lining Curves. Moun- tain Roads. Frogs and Switches. Use and Care of . Track Tools. Tie Plates. Wrecking. Miscellaneous. HANDBOOK OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA By Halbert P. Gillette and Richard T. Dana Over 1500 pages; illustrated; 4%x'an. ; ilexible keratol. .$6.00 Ever since Mr. Gillette's Handbook of Cost Data for Civil Engineers was first published there have been fre- quent requests for a similar book for Mechanical and Elec- trical Engineers, but heretofore there has never been one. 1738 HANDBOOK OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COST DATA (Continued) This new book by Messrs. Gillette and Dana is a masterpiece as a technical achievement and amply fills the longfelt want noted above. The compilation of the great mass of data in this book has been a stupendous task but the result has warranted the labor. Whether you desire to make an estimate for a new plant or for a single machine, you have the data, which have been carefully arranged, classified and indexed, immediately available in this handbook. The net prices, shipping weights, etc., of machines and appliances of many types, classes and sizes are given, together with costs of installation and operation. The costs are in such detail, with a resume of govern- ing conditions, that they are invaluable aids in making estimates and indispensable as a guide for the econom- ical operation of existing plants. Rates of wages and prices of materials are stated so that a proper substitution may be made for times and communities where different conditions prevail. Chapters. — General Economic Principles; Deprecia- tion, Repairs and Renewals; Buildings; Chimneys; Mov- ing and Installing; Fuel and Coal Handling; Steam Power; Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Pro- ducers; Hydro-Electric Plants; Complete Electric Light and Power Plants; Overhead Electric Transmission; Underground Electric Transmission; Lighting and Wir- ing; Belts, Shafts, Pulleys, Pipe and Miscellaneous Power Transmission; Compressed Air; Gas Plants; Pumps and Pumping; Conveyors and Hoists; Heating, Ventilating and Refrigeration; Electric Railways; Mis- cellaneous. HANDBOOK OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION; METHODS AND COST By Halbert P. Gillette and Charles R. Thomas Over 800 pages; illustrated; flexible binding, 4| x 7 in $5.00 After the style of all the other works of which Mr. Gillette is author and co-author this book presents in great detail the unit amounts and costs of both labor and materials employed in the construction of every kind of road in common use. The methods are carefully de- tailed, thus furnishing invaluable hints for work about to be undertaken and money-saving suggestions for work already under way. Mr. Thomas has made a life-study of road construction and the benefits derived from combining the results of his work with the well-known practical experience and engineering ability of Mr. Gillette, are quite apparent in this new complete handbook. 1739